
Sample records for ei lubata kirikutes

  1. Võimu ja vaimu oikumeenia, Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu sünnilugu / Riho Saard

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saard, Riho, 1961-


    Idee autorist. Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu asutamisest 1989.a. Kuremäel. Nõukogu loomise motiividest. Eesti Kristliku Liidu rollist Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu loomisel. Organisatsiooni eesmärkide ebamäärasest paljususest. Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu ja riigi koostööst. Nõukogust kui riiklikust kontrollorganist

  2. Eesti kirikute keskaegsete seinamaalingute uurimisest ja restaureerimisest / Hilkka Hiiop, Anneli Randla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiop, Hilkka, 1974-


    Johannes Gahlnbäcki ja Helge Kjellini uuringutest 20. saj. 1. poolel. Restauraator Viktor Filatovi poleemilisest tegevusest Saaremaa kirikute restaureerimisel 1970. aastatel. V. Filatov ja Villem Raam Valjala ja Muhu kiriku maalingutest

  3. Usuteaduse Instituut Eesti ja Soome luterlike kirikute suhetes 1946-1986 / Kristel Engman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Engman, Kristel


    Toimus piiratud ja kontrollitud suhtlus kahe maa kirikute vahel. Akadeemiline koostöö, salajane vaimuliku kirjanduse toimetamine läbi Soome Eestisse ja püüe saata tudengeid õppima Euroopa ülikoolidesse toimus sageli ka tänu headele isiklikele kontaktidele

  4. Constantinople vs. Moscow / Aleksei Gynter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gynter, Aleksei


    Konstantinoopoli patriarhi Bartholomeose visiit Eestisse ei toonud leevendust kahe õigeusu kogukonna vastasseisule, vaid puhus Konstantinoopolile ja Moskvale alluvate kirikute tüli veelgi enam lõkkele

  5. Katoliku kiriku sotsiaalõpetusest ja poliitika eetilisest vastutusest / Philippe Jourdan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jourdan, Philippe, 1960-


    Katoliku kiriku sotsiaaõpetuse eesmärk on määratleda, milline peab olema poliitika ja religiooni õige vahekord. Kui need vahekorrad ei ole ühiskonnas õigesti reguleeritud, võivad autori arvates mõjule pääseda kaks ühiskonda ning kirikut lõhestavat väärtendentsi, ühelt poolt klerikalism ja teiselt poolt sekularism

  6. Global EiBI-monopole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    JIN Xinghua


    Full Text Available A global EiBI-monopole problem is studied under EiBI gravitational theory.The equations of global EiBI-monopole are derived in the curved spacetime and the relation between the spacetime metric and auxiliary metric is found.In the case of a very small parameter,an asymptotic form of equations is given.The series solutions of global EiBI-monopole at infinity are found.

  7. Ameerika ei ole Jaapan / Michael Craig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Craig, Michael


    Kuidas Jaapani ärimees Minoru Isutani 1981. aastal ei arvestnud, et ameeriklased ei osta golfiklubi eluaegset liikmekaarti 750 000 dollari eest, ning kaotas USA kuulsaima Pebble Beachi golfiväljaku. Katkend raamatust "50 parimat ja halvimat tehingut läbi aegade"

  8. 32 CFR 989.20 - Final EIS. (United States)


    ... limited to factual corrections and responses to comments, the proponent and EPF may, with the prior..., the EPF must submit the Draft EIS and all of the above documents, with a new cover sheet indicating... more extensive modifications are required, the EPF must prepare a preliminary final EIS incorporating...

  9. EI competencies as a related but different characteristic than intelligence (United States)

    Boyatzis, Richard E.; Batista-Foguet, Joan M.; Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier; Truninger, Margarida


    Amid the swarm of debate about emotional intelligence (EI) among academics are claims that cognitive intelligence, or general mental ability (g), is a stronger predictor of life and work outcomes as well as the counter claims that EI is their strongest predictor. Nested within the tempest in a teapot are scientific questions as to what the relationship is between g and EI. Using a behavioral approach to EI, we examined the relationship of a parametric measure of g as the person’s GMAT scores and collected observations from others who live and work with the person as to the frequency of his or her EI behavior, as well as the person’s self-assessment. The results show that EI, as seen by others, is slightly related to g, especially for males with assessment from professional relations. Further, we found that cognitive competencies are more strongly related to GMAT than EI competencies. For observations from personal relationships or self-assessment, there is no relationship between EI and GMAT. Observations from professional relations reveal a positive relationship between cognitive competencies and GMAT and EI and GMAT for males, but a negative relationship between EI and GMAT for females. PMID:25713545

  10. Muutuv kommunikatsioon kultuuri ei ohusta / Annika Poldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poldre, Annika


    Tallinna Konverentside poolt Sokos Hotel Virus 28. aprillil 2011 korraldatud kommunikatsiooni aastakonverentsist "Muutuv kommunikatsioon: vana ei taha ja uut ei oska. Kuidas edasi?", kus esinesid Ahto Lobjakas, Priit Põiklik, Piia Tamm ja Marju Lauristin

  11. Mida teha, et kirikukäsiraamat meie kirikut ei lõhuks? / Thomas-Andreas Põder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põder, Thomas-Andreas, 1976-


    Kirikukäsiraamatu esialgse redaktsiooni esitlus oli meie kirikuelus kahemõtteline sündmus: raamatu trükist ilmumine ja asjaosaliste tänamine oli rõõmustav, selle esitlemine lõpuleviidud tööna kurvastav

  12. Iura christianorum - Läti Henriku sõnakõlks või nõks paganate alistamiseks? / Ivar Leimus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leimus, Ivar, 1953-


    Kristlikust õigusest kui paganlike normide ja käitumisviisi asendajast. Korduvalt nimetab oma kroonikas kristlikku õigust Läti Henrik. Tavaliselt käisid ristimine ja kristlik seadus käsikäes. Kümnis oli kristliku õigussüsteemi osa, mis kohati asendati vakamõõduga. Ristimine oli mitte ainult religioosne, vaid poliitiliselt oluline akt. Kristliku õiguse ilmalik osa tähendas kohustust osaleda sakslaste sõjaretkedel, kirikute ehitamisel jne. Kuid kristlaste õiguse omaksvõtt ei tähendanud veel maaomandi kaotamist. Ristisõdijate lepingutest kohalike hõimudega. Mõiste "iura christianorum" omas kindlat sisu, mille ümber vallutajad ehitasid kogu uue sotsiaalse võrgustiku ja läänekristlusel põhineva feodaalsüsteemi

  13. Erapooletuid ei olnud / Reet Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roos, Reet, 1973-


    Menetlusest langes välja eelnõu, mille mõte oli, et riik tagaks elatise lapsele, kelle ühelt vanemalt on elatis kohtulikult välja mõistetud, kuid kes seda ise maksta ei taha või ei saa. Sama ka Koit 23. mai 2006, lk. 6 ; Valgamaalane 23. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Järva Teataja 23. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Elva Postipoiss 20. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 16. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Vali Uudised 17. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Nädaline 16. mai 2006, lk. 2

  14. Prints Charles ja prints Michael külastasid Tallinna kirikuid / Allan Tammiku

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammiku, Allan


    Prints Charles külastas 6. novembril Eesti-visiidi ajal Tallinna toomkirikut ja Pühavaimu kirikut, prints Michael viibis Tallinnas 11. novembril eravisiidil, ta külastas toomkirikut, Niguliste ja Pühavaimu kirikut

  15. EL : Iiri "ei" Lissaboni lepingut ei surmanud / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Iirlased hääletasid Lissaboni lepingu vastu. EL-i välisministrite nõupidamisel Luksemburgis ütles Iiri välisminister, et rahva tahet tuleb austada. Enamik EL-i riike soovib, et lepingu ratifitseeriksid ka need riigid, kes pole veel seda teinud, Tšehhi asepeaministri Alexander Vondra on seisukohal, et riikidele ei tohi survet avaldada. Vt. samas: Pariis süüdistab juba Brüsselit

  16. Piirivalve : radar piiritusevoolikut ei püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Piirivalvet kritiseeriti selle eest, et see ei märganud salapiirituse veoks paigaldatud voolikut Narva veehoidlas. Ida-Viru piirkonnaülema Roland Peetsi sõnul ei ole ükski radar võimeline fikseerima liikumist vee all



    Nicolae CORCEA


    Scopul acestui mesaj ştiinţific constă în rezolvarea controverselor doctrinare în domeniul calificării infracţiunii de violenţă în familie în una din formele ei speciale, cum ar fi violenţa sexuală. Cu toate că violenţa sexuală nu este prevă­zută expres de către legiuitor ca o formă distinctă a violenţei în familie, aceasta devine un fenomen extrem de răspândit. Autorul analizează violenţa împotriva femeilor bazată pe gen, arată caracterul discriminator al violenţei în familie îm­pot­riva fem...

  18. Ei viitsi! / Aado Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Aado, 1937-


    Põhjus-tagajärg diagramm (Ishikawa diagramm) annab piltliku ülevaate põhjustest, miks õpilased ei viitsi õppida. Pareto diagramm kajastab näitlikult erinevate põhjuste osa halva tagajärje kujunemises

  19. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Coping and Mental Health in Adolescence: Divergent Roles for Trait and Ability EI (United States)

    Davis, Sarah K.; Humphrey, Neil


    Theoretically, trait and ability emotional intelligence (EI) should mobilise coping processes to promote adaptation, plausibly operating as personal resources determining choice and/or implementation of coping style. However, there is a dearth of research deconstructing if/how EI impacts mental health via multiple coping strategies in adolescence.…

  20. Euroopa paindumatus Eestile eurot ei luba / Hindrek Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riikoja, Hindrek


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 17. juuli lk. 9. 14. juulil Eesti rahandusministri Aivar Sõerdi ja peaminister Andrus Ansipiga kohtunud Euroopa Komisjoni rahandusvolinik Joaquin Almunia kinnitas, et Eestil ei maksa loota eurokriteeriumide muutmisele, rahandusvoliniku hinnangul Eesti krooni devalveerimine enne eurole üleminekut ei ole vajalik

  1. Rasch Analysis of Lebanese Nurses’ Responses to the EIS Questionnaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Clinton


    Full Text Available This study examined the psychometric characteristics of a 32-item modified version of the Ethical Issues Scale (EIS. Data were collected from 59 registered nurses at the American University of Beirut Medical Centre (AUBMC. Data were analyzed using WINSTEPS Rasch analysis software. The four-category EIS rating scale needs modification for future studies in Lebanon. All EIS scale items need rewording prior to translation into Arabic to avoid confusion among Lebanese nurses. Principal component analysis (PCA of residuals indicated the possible presence of additional dimensions. Additional EIS items are needed to improve targeting.

  2. Kohtunik, ma ei saa teist aru! / Marko Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mägi, Marko


    Kohtuasjast USAs Arizonas kolme inimsmugeldamises kahtlustatava Mehhiko mehe üle, kelle suhtes ei saa kohtuotsust langetada, kuna ei suudeta tuvastada keelt, mida kohtualused on võimelised mõistma süüdistusest aru saamiseks

  3. 33 CFR 230.13 - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Environmental Impact Statement..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING NEPA § 230.13 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS... issues and impacts. The transmittal letter to EPA as well as the cover sheet should clearly identify the...

  4. Biochemical and Structural Analysis of an Eis Family Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Green, Keith D.; Biswas, Tapan; Chang, Changsoo; Wu, Ruiying; Chen, Wenjing; Janes, Brian K.; Chalupska, Dominika; Gornicki, Piotr; Hanna, Philip C.; Tsodikov, Oleg V.; Joachimiak, Andrzej; Garneau-Tsodikova, Sylvie


    Proteins from the enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) family are versatile acetyltransferases that acetylate amines at multiple positions of several aminoglycosides (AGs). Their upregulation confers drug resistance. Homologues of Eis are present in diverse bacteria, including many pathogens. Eis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Eis_Mtb) has been well characterized. In this study, we explored the AG specificity and catalytic efficiency of the Eis family protein from Bacillus anthracis (Eis_Ban). Kinetic analysis of specificity and catalytic efficiency of acetylation of six AGs indicates that Eis_Ban displays significant differences from Eis_Mtb in both substrate binding and catalytic efficiency. The number of acetylated amines was also different for several AGs, indicating a distinct regiospecificity of Eis_Ban. Furthermore, most recently identified inhibitors of Eis_Mtb did not inhibit Eis_Ban, underscoring the differences between these two enzymes. To explain these differences, we determined an Eis_Ban crystal structure. The comparison of the crystal structures of Eis_Ban and Eis_Mtb demonstrates that critical residues lining their respective substrate binding pockets differ substantially, explaining their distinct specificities. Our results suggest that acetyltransferases of the Eis family evolved divergently to garner distinct specificities while conserving catalytic efficiency, possibly to counter distinct chemical challenges. The unique specificity features of these enzymes can be utilized as tools for developing AGs with novel modifications and help guide specific AG treatments to avoid Eis-mediated resistance.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolae CORCEA


    Full Text Available Scopul acestui mesaj ştiinţific constă în rezolvarea controverselor doctrinare în domeniul calificării infracţiunii de violenţă în familie în una din formele ei speciale, cum ar fi violenţa sexuală. Cu toate că violenţa sexuală nu este prevă­zută expres de către legiuitor ca o formă distinctă a violenţei în familie, aceasta devine un fenomen extrem de răspândit. Autorul analizează violenţa împotriva femeilor bazată pe gen, arată caracterul discriminator al violenţei în familie îm­pot­riva femeilor în societăţile contemporane; examinează conceptul şi formele violenţei sexuale; demonstrează că violenţa sexuală în familie constituie o formă specială de subminare a femeilor şi a copiilor; propune calificarea juridico-penală a violenţei sexuale în familie.Qualification in criminal law of the sexual violence against women as a distinct form of the family violenceThe purpose of this scientific research consists in the solving of doctrinaire controversies in the sphere of legal appreciation of the criminal offence of family violence in one of its special forms as sexual violence. Even if sexual violence is not provided expressly in the penal legal norm as the independent form of family violence, this one became extremely spread. The author submits to a profound analysis the gender violence against women and demonstrates the discriminatory character of the family violence against women in the modern society; examines the concept and forms of sexual violence; proves that sexual violence in the family constitutes a special form of the women and children sup­pression; recommends legal appreciation of the criminal offence of the sexual violence in family. 

  6. President ei pruugi uuesti kandideerida

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Proua Ingrid Rüütel viitas Kanal 2 uudistesaates "Reporter" võimalusele, et Arnold Rüütel enam uueks ametiajaks ei kandideeri. Ilmunud ka Eesti Päevaleht, 2006/Mar/1, lk. 5 ; Koit, 2006/Mar/2, lk. 2

  7. 5 head soovi Euroopa tulevikuks / Thomas Wipf, Stephanie Dietrich, Michael Beintker ; tõlk. Kersti Rist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wipf, Thomas


    25. märtsil 1957 alla kirjutatud rahvusvahelistest dokumentidest, mida tuntakse Rooma lepingute nime all. Lepingutel on oluline roll Euroopa poliitilisel ühendamisel. Lisatud: [Euroopa Liit tähistas 25. märtsil Rooma lepingute allkirjastamise 50. aastapäeva] ; [Evangeelsete Kirikute Osadusse Euroopas kuulub 105 kirikut]. Vt. samas: Kilp, Alar. Euroopa ime


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Tongjiang; Brosius, Jeffrey W. [Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences (IACS) in the Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20064 (United States); Thomas, Roger J.; Rabin, Douglas M.; Davila, Joseph M. [NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 671, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Young, Peter R. [College of Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030 (United States); Del Zanna, Giulio, E-mail: [DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA (United Kingdom)


    Flights of Goddard Space Flight Center's Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket in 2006 and 2007 provided updated radiometric calibrations for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (SOHO/CDS) and Hinode/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (Hinode/EIS). EUNIS carried two independent imaging spectrographs covering wavebands of 300-370 A in first order and 170-205 A in second order. After each flight, end-to-end radiometric calibrations of the rocket payload were carried out in the same facility used for pre-launch calibrations of CDS and EIS. During the 2007 flight, EUNIS, SOHO/CDS, and Hinode/EIS observed the same solar locations, allowing the EUNIS calibrations to be directly applied to both CDS and EIS. The measured CDS NIS 1 line intensities calibrated with the standard (version 4) responsivities with the standard long-term corrections are found to be too low by a factor of 1.5 due to the decrease in responsivity. The EIS calibration update is performed in two ways. One uses the direct calibration transfer of the calibrated EUNIS-07 short wavelength (SW) channel. The other uses the insensitive line pairs, in which one member was observed by the EUNIS-07 long wavelength (LW) channel and the other by EIS in either the LW or SW waveband. Measurements from both methods are in good agreement, and confirm (within the measurement uncertainties) the EIS responsivity measured directly before the instrument's launch. The measurements also suggest that the EIS responsivity decreased by a factor of about 1.2 after the first year of operation (although the size of the measurement uncertainties is comparable to this decrease). The shape of the EIS SW response curve obtained by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the one measured in laboratory prior to launch. The absolute value of the quiet-Sun He II 304 A intensity measured by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the radiance measured by CDS NIS in quiet regions

  9. Kui õppimine ei edene / Tiia Lister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lister, Tiia


    Soome Instituudis toimus 27. veebruaril õppepäev "Kui õppimine ei edene", et tutvustada, kuidas Soomes on nii riiklikul kui ka koolisisesel tasandil liigutud õpilasele kõige sobivama ja kasulikuma abistamisvormi otsingul

  10. How to Meet the Last OIE Expert Surveillance Panel Recommendations on Equine Influenza (EI Vaccine Composition: A Review of the Process Required for the Recombinant Canarypox-Based EI Vaccine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romain Paillot


    Full Text Available Vaccination is highly effective to prevent, control, and limit the impact of equine influenza (EI, a major respiratory disease of horses. However, EI vaccines should contain relevant equine influenza virus (EIV strains for optimal protection. The OIE expert surveillance panel annually reviews EIV evolution and, since 2010, the use of Florida clade 1 and 2 sub-lineages representative vaccine strains is recommended. This report summarises the development process of a fully- updated recombinant canarypox-based EI vaccine in order to meet the last OIE recommendations, including the vaccine mode of action, production steps and schedule. The EI vaccine ProteqFlu contains 2 recombinant canarypox viruses expressing the haemagglutinin of the A/equine/Ohio/03 and A/equine/Richmond/1/07 isolates (Florida clade 1 and 2 sub-lineages, respectively. The updated EI vaccine was tested for efficacy against the representative Florida clade 2 EIV strain A/equine/Richmond/1/07 in the Welsh mountain pony model. Protective antibody response, clinical signs of disease and virus shedding were compared with unvaccinated control ponies. Significant protection was measured in vaccinated ponies, which supports the vaccine registration. The recombinant canarypox-based EI vaccine was the first fully updated EI vaccine available in the EU, which will help to minimise the increasing risk of vaccine breakdown due to constant EIV evolution through antigenic drift.

  11. Why does self-reported emotional intelligence predict job performance? A meta-analytic investigation of mixed EI. (United States)

    Joseph, Dana L; Jin, Jing; Newman, Daniel A; O'Boyle, Ernest H


    Recent empirical reviews have claimed a surprisingly strong relationship between job performance and self-reported emotional intelligence (also commonly called trait EI or mixed EI), suggesting self-reported/mixed EI is one of the best known predictors of job performance (e.g., ρ = .47; Joseph & Newman, 2010b). Results further suggest mixed EI can robustly predict job performance beyond cognitive ability and Big Five personality traits (Joseph & Newman, 2010b; O'Boyle, Humphrey, Pollack, Hawver, & Story, 2011). These criterion-related validity results are problematic, given the paucity of evidence and the questionable construct validity of mixed EI measures themselves. In the current research, we update and reevaluate existing evidence for mixed EI, in light of prior work regarding the content of mixed EI measures. Results of the current meta-analysis demonstrate that (a) the content of mixed EI measures strongly overlaps with a set of well-known psychological constructs (i.e., ability EI, self-efficacy, and self-rated performance, in addition to Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and general mental ability; multiple R = .79), (b) an updated estimate of the meta-analytic correlation between mixed EI and supervisor-rated job performance is ρ = .29, and (c) the mixed EI-job performance relationship becomes nil (β = -.02) after controlling for the set of covariates listed above. Findings help to establish the construct validity of mixed EI measures and further support an intuitive theoretical explanation for the uncommonly high association between mixed EI and job performance--mixed EI instruments assess a combination of ability EI and self-perceptions, in addition to personality and cognitive ability. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  12. Loeb või ei loe : mis teeb ITst tarbekauba? / Enrique Dans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dans, Enrique


    Vastukajad ajakirja Think! 2003. aasta 2. numbris avaldatud Nicholas Carr'i artiklile "IT ei loe". Autor ei nõustu enamike N. Carr'i järeldustega IT-st kui tarbekaubast ja esitab IT innovatsiooni kolmetasemelise mudeli

  13. Tallinna Ülikool ei kiida riiki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna Ülikool teatas läbi kõneisiku, et juhtkonna otsusel ei laulda tänasel avaaktusel, kus osalevad keskerakondlased, üliõpilashümni "Gaudeamus" neljandat salmi - "Elagu vabariik ja need, kes teda juhivad"

  14. Engineering Information System (EIS) (United States)


    be availabe and usefu for creating powerful tailored contro and mangeen functions. Mode and Framwork Wirth further elaboration of the EIS portio of...control data and activities of the engineering process. The EIM is a conceptual model of administrative and electroic design information. It records...of the access opeations are derived from the instance variable name and type. An attribute conceptually holds one or more instances of a basic type

  15. Interface design for CMOS-integrated Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) biosensors. (United States)

    Manickam, Arun; Johnson, Christopher Andrew; Kavusi, Sam; Hassibi, Arjang


    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful electrochemical technique to detect biomolecules. EIS has the potential of carrying out label-free and real-time detection, and in addition, can be easily implemented using electronic integrated circuits (ICs) that are built through standard semiconductor fabrication processes. This paper focuses on the various design and optimization aspects of EIS ICs, particularly the bio-to-semiconductor interface design. We discuss, in detail, considerations such as the choice of the electrode surface in view of IC manufacturing, surface linkers, and development of optimal bio-molecular detection protocols. We also report experimental results, using both macro- and micro-electrodes to demonstrate the design trade-offs and ultimately validate our optimization procedures.

  16. Interface Design for CMOS-Integrated Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS Biosensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arjang Hassibi


    Full Text Available Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS is a powerful electrochemical technique to detect biomolecules. EIS has the potential of carrying out label-free and real-time detection, and in addition, can be easily implemented using electronic integrated circuits (ICs that are built through standard semiconductor fabrication processes. This paper focuses on the various design and optimization aspects of EIS ICs, particularly the bio-to-semiconductor interface design. We discuss, in detail, considerations such as the choice of the electrode surface in view of IC manufacturing, surface linkers, and development of optimal bio-molecular detection protocols. We also report experimental results, using both macro- and micro-electrodes to demonstrate the design trade-offs and ultimately validate our optimization procedures.

  17. Piinamise välistanud Rice ei täpsustanud, mis piinamine on / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice ütles Brüsselis, et USA võimud ei rakenda vangide piinamist ei kodu- ega välismaal. Samas ei selgitanud ta, mida USA loeb piinamiseks. NATO peasekretäri Jaap de Hoop Schefferi kommentaare

  18. Uuring : neljandik elanikke ei tea Ilvese tegevusest midagi / Dannar Leitmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leitmaa, Dannar, 1982-


    Uuringufirma Faktum & Ariko korraldatud küsitlusest selgus, et 23 % elanikest ei oska öelda, millega on president Toomas Hendrik Ilves viimase aasta jooksul silma paistnud. Eesti Päevalehe poolt tellitud küsitluse tulemusi kommenteerib politoloog Rein Toomla. Ilmunud ka: Harju Ekspress 16. nov. 2007, lk. 2, pealk.: Presidendi tegevusest ei tea iga neljas eestimaalane midagi (lüh.)

  19. Euroopa põllumehed ei taha muutusi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa põllumajandusühistuid koondava ühenduse COGECA ja Euroopa põllumeeste suurima esindusorganisatsiooni COPA seisukoht on, et praegu ei ole õige aeg võtta Euroopa põllumehelt tootmiseks ette nähtud toetust ning suunata see ümber maaelu arenguks

  20. "Live 8" tähti ei auhinnata

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Briti muusikapreemia Brit Awards žürii ei võtnud parima kontsertesituse auhinnapretendentide nimekirja ansamblit Pink Floyd ja lauljat Robbie Williamsi, kuna nende 20-minutiline esitus polevat auhinna saamiseks veenev

  1. Emotional intelligence (EI) and nursing leadership styles among nurse managers. (United States)

    Tyczkowski, Brenda; Vandenhouten, Christine; Reilly, Janet; Bansal, Gaurav; Kubsch, Sylvia M; Jakkola, Raelynn


    Less than 12.5% of nurses aspire to leadership roles, noting lack of support and stress as major factors in their decision not to pursue this area of practice. Psychological resiliency, described as the ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity, is key to successful nurse managers. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a related concept to resiliency and is another noteworthy predictor of leadership and management success. This study was undertaken to determine the level of and relationship between EI and leadership style of nurse managers employed in Wisconsin and Illinois facilities. A descriptive, exploratory study design was utilized, with a convenience sample of nurse managers working in 6 large Midwestern health systems. Nurse managers were invited to participate in the study by their employer, completing the online consent form and the demographic, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X and the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) surveys. Statistically significant positive relationships were noted between EI and transformational leadership and the outcomes of leadership (extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction). No statistically significant relationships were noted between EI and transactional or laissez-faire leadership styles.

  2. The EIS beamline at the seeded free-electron laser FERMI (United States)

    Simoncig, A.; Mincigrucci, R.; Principi, E.; Bencivenga, F.; Calvi, A.; Foglia, L.; Kurdi, G.; Raimondi, L.; Manfredda, M.; Mahne, N.; Gobessi, R.; Gerusina, S.; Fava, C.; Zangrando, M.; Matruglio, A.; Dal Zilio, S.; Masciotti, V.; Masciovecchio, C.


    Among the fourth-generation light sources, the Italian free-electron laser (FEL) FERMI is the only one operating in the high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) seeding mode. FERMI delivers pulses characterized by a quasi transform limited temporal structure, photon energies lying in the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) region, supreme transversal and longitudinal coherences, high peak brilliance, and full control of the polarization. Such state of the art performances recently opened the doors to a new class of time-resolved spectroscopies, difficult or even impossible to be performed using self-amplified spontaneous sources (SASE) light sources. FERMI is currently equipped with three operating beamlines opened to external users (DiProI, LDM and EIS), while two more are under commissioning (MagneDYN and TeraFERMI). Here, we present the recent highlights of the EIS (Elastic and Inelastic Scattering) beamline, which has been purposely designed to take full advantage from the coherence, the intensity, the harmonics content, and the temporal duration of the pulses. EIS is a flexible experimental facility for time-resolved EUV scattering experiments on condensed matter systems, consisting of two independent end-stations. The first one (EIS-TIMEX) aims to study materials in metastable and warm dense matter (WDM) conditions, while the second end-station (EIS-TIMER) is fully oriented to the extension of four-wave mixing (FWM) spectroscopies towards the EUV spectral regions, trying to reveal the behavior of matter in portions of the mesoscopic regime of exchanged momentum impossible to be probed using conventional light sources.

  3. "Kurgibakter" ei tulnudki importkurgiga? / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Nakkuspuhang Saksamaal ei pruugi olla põhjustatud Hispaaniast toodud kurkidest. Mitmed riigid on peatanud kurkide ja mõnede muude köögiviljade impordi Hispaaniast, Hispaania tahab nõuda Euroopa Komijonilt kompensatsiooni müümata jäänud köögiviljade eest

  4. "Kui Eesti ütleb gaasitorule ei, võib ka Rootsi öelda ei" / Carl B. Hamilton ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hamilton, Carl B.


    Nord Stream on avaldanud soovi gaasijuhtme teenindusplatvormi rajamiseks Gotlandi juurde. Parlamendiliikme hinnangul peaks Rootsi valitsus ütlema ei nii teenindusplatvormile kui ka gaasitorule. Gaasijuhe on tema sõnul Venemaa projekt

  5. Retrospective evaluation of exposure index (EI) values from plain radiographs reveals important considerations for quality improvement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mothiram, Ursula; Brennan, Patrick C; Robinson, John; Lewis, Sarah J [Medical Imaging Optimisation and Perception Group (MIOPeG), Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia); Moran, Bernadette [Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland); Medical Imaging Optimisation and Perception Group (MIOPeG), Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)


    Following X-ray exposure, radiographers receive immediate feedback on detector exposure in the form of the exposure index (EI). To identify whether radiographers are meeting manufacturer-recommended EI (MREI) ranges for routine chest, abdomen and pelvis X-ray examinations under a variety of conditions and to examine factors affecting the EI. Data on 5000 adult X-ray examinations including the following variables were collected: examination parameters, EI values, patient gender, date of birth, date and time of examination, grid usage and the presence of implant or prosthesis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize each data set and the Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine significant differences, with P < 0.05 indicating significance for all tests. Most examinations demonstrated EI values that were outside the MREI ranges, with significantly higher median EI values recorded for female patient radiographs than those for male patients for all manufacturers, indicating higher detector exposures for all units except for Philips digital radiography (DR), where increased EI values indicate lower exposure (P = 0.01). Median EI values for out of hours radiography were also significantly higher compared with normal working hours for all technologies (P ≤ 0.02). Significantly higher median EI values were demonstrated for Philips DR chest X-rays without as compared to those with the employment of a grid (P = 0.03), while significantly lower median EI values were recorded for Carestream Health computed radiography (CR) chest X-rays when an implant or prosthesis was present (P = 0.02). Non-adherence to MREIs has been demonstrated with EI value discrepancies being dependent on patient gender, time/day of exposure, grid usage and the presence of an implant or prosthesis. Retrospective evaluation of EI databases is a valuable tool to assess the need of quality improvement in routine DR.

  6. Retrospective evaluation of exposure index (EI) values from plain radiographs reveals important considerations for quality improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mothiram, Ursula; Brennan, Patrick C; Robinson, John; Lewis, Sarah J; Moran, Bernadette


    Following X-ray exposure, radiographers receive immediate feedback on detector exposure in the form of the exposure index (EI). To identify whether radiographers are meeting manufacturer-recommended EI (MREI) ranges for routine chest, abdomen and pelvis X-ray examinations under a variety of conditions and to examine factors affecting the EI. Data on 5000 adult X-ray examinations including the following variables were collected: examination parameters, EI values, patient gender, date of birth, date and time of examination, grid usage and the presence of implant or prosthesis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize each data set and the Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine significant differences, with P < 0.05 indicating significance for all tests. Most examinations demonstrated EI values that were outside the MREI ranges, with significantly higher median EI values recorded for female patient radiographs than those for male patients for all manufacturers, indicating higher detector exposures for all units except for Philips digital radiography (DR), where increased EI values indicate lower exposure (P = 0.01). Median EI values for out of hours radiography were also significantly higher compared with normal working hours for all technologies (P ≤ 0.02). Significantly higher median EI values were demonstrated for Philips DR chest X-rays without as compared to those with the employment of a grid (P = 0.03), while significantly lower median EI values were recorded for Carestream Health computed radiography (CR) chest X-rays when an implant or prosthesis was present (P = 0.02). Non-adherence to MREIs has been demonstrated with EI value discrepancies being dependent on patient gender, time/day of exposure, grid usage and the presence of an implant or prosthesis. Retrospective evaluation of EI databases is a valuable tool to assess the need of quality improvement in routine DR

  7. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement (United States)

    Zhai, N. S.; Li, M. W.; Wang, W. L.; Zhang, D. L.; Xu, D. G.


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed.

  8. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhai, N S; Li, M W; Wang, W L; Zhang, D L; Xu, D G


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed

  9. Current source enhancements in Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to cancel unwanted capacitive effects (United States)

    Zarafshani, Ali; Bach, Thomas; Chatwin, Chris; Xiang, Liangzhong; Zheng, Bin


    Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has emerged as a non-invasive imaging modality to detect and quantify functional or electrical properties related to the suspicious tumors in cancer screening, diagnosis and prognosis assessment. A constraint on EIS systems is that the current excitation system suffers from the effects of stray capacitance having a major impact on the hardware subsystem as the EIS is an ill-posed inverse problem which depends on the noise level in EIS measured data and regularization parameter in the reconstruction algorithm. There is high complexity in the design of stable current sources, with stray capacitance reducing the output impedance and bandwidth of the system. To confront this, we have designed an EIS current source which eliminates the effect of stray capacitance and other impacts of the capacitance via a variable inductance. In this paper, we present a combination of operational CCII based on a generalized impedance converter (OCCII-GIC) with a current source. The aim of this study is to use the EIS system as a biomedical imaging technique, which is effective in the early detection of breast cancer. This article begins with the theoretical description of the EIS structure, current source topologies and proposes a current conveyor in application of a Gyrator to eliminate the current source limitations and its development followed by simulation and experimental results. We demonstrated that the new design could achieve a high output impedance over a 3MHz frequency bandwidth when compared to other types of GIC circuits combined with an improved Howland topology.

  10. Sulfonamide-Based Inhibitors of Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferase Eis Abolish Resistance to Kanamycin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garzan, Atefeh; Willby, Melisa J.; Green, Keith D.; Gajadeera, Chathurada S.; Hou, Caixia; Tsodikov, Oleg V.; Posey, James E.; Garneau-Tsodikova, Sylvie


    A two-drug combination therapy where one drug targets an offending cell and the other targets a resistance mechanism to the first drug is a time-tested, yet underexploited approach to combat or prevent drug resistance. By high-throughput screening, we identified a sulfonamide scaffold that served as a pharmacophore to generate inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis acetyltransferase Eis, whose upregulation causes resistance to the aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotic kanamycin A (KAN) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Rational systematic derivatization of this scaffold to maximize Eis inhibition and abolish the Eis-mediated KAN resistance of M. tuberculosis yielded several highly potent agents. A crystal structure of Eis in complex with one of the most potent inhibitors revealed that the inhibitor bound Eis in the AG-binding pocket held by a conformationally malleable region of Eis (residues 28–37) bearing key hydrophobic residues. These Eis inhibitors are promising leads for preclinical development of innovative AG combination therapies against resistant TB.

  11. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhai, N S [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Li, M W [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Wang, W L [Shenzhen BPL instrument Ltd., Shenzhen (China); Zhang, D L [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Xu, D G [Electrical Engineering and Automation School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin (China)


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed.

  12. Linnugripp ei ole biorelv / Kevin Probert-Ehaver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Probert-Ehaver, Kevin


    Vastukaja 10. juulil Eesti Ekspressis ilmunud artiklile "Linnugripp - surm katseklaasist", milles väidetakse, et linnugripp ning teised uued nakkushaigused on biorelvad. Kriisireguleerimise konsultant selgitab, et nii Eesti kui ka Ameerika spetsialistide hinnangul ei ole linnugripp kuidagi seotud biorelvade programmiga

  13. A User's Guide to the SNF ampersand INEL EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This User's Guide is intended to help you find information in the SNF and INEL EIS (that's short for US Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement). The first section of this Guide gives you a brief overview of the SNF ampersand INEL EIS., The second section is organized to help you find specific information in the Environmental Impact Statement -- whether you're interested in a management alternative, a particular site (such as Hanford), or a discipline (such as land use or water quality)

  14. Jack Deverell : NATO ei kao kuhugi / Jack Deverell ; interv. Margus Kolga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Deverell, Jack


    NATO põhjapiirkonna vägede endise juhi arvates võiks NATO olla endiselt peamine sõjalise jõu instrument, olgu tegemis siis NATO või EL-i juhitud sõjalise operatsiooniga, ta ei usu, et NATO ja EL muutuvad sõjaliselt ning poliitiliselt omavahel võistlevateks organisatsioonideks. Riigid peaksid tegutsema koos selliste sõjaliste võimete loomisel, milleks nad üksi suutelised ei ole

  15. Sensitivity of GC-EI/MS, GC-EI/MS/MS, LC-ESI/MS/MS, LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS, and GC-ESI/MS/MS for analysis of anabolic steroids in doping control. (United States)

    Cha, Eunju; Kim, Sohee; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ki Hun; Kwon, Oh-Seung; Lee, Jaeick


    This study compared the sensitivity of various separation and ionization methods, including gas chromatography with an electron ionization source (GC-EI), liquid chromatography with an electrospray ionization source (LC-ESI), and liquid chromatography with a silver ion coordination ion spray source (LC-Ag(+) CIS), coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS) for steroid analysis. Chromatographic conditions, mass spectrometric transitions, and ion source parameters were optimized. The majority of steroids in GC-EI/MS/MS and LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS analysis showed higher sensitivities than those obtained with other analytical methods. The limits of detection (LODs) of 65 steroids by GC-EI/MS/MS, 68 steroids by LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS, 56 steroids by GC-EI/MS, 54 steroids by LC-ESI/MS/MS, and 27 steroids by GC-ESI/MS/MS were below cut-off value of 2.0 ng/mL. LODs of steroids that formed protonated ions in LC-ESI/MS/MS analysis were all lower than the cut-off value. Several steroids such as unconjugated C3-hydroxyl with C17-hydroxyl structure showed higher sensitivities in GC-EI/MS/MS analysis relative to those obtained using the LC-based methods. The steroids containing 4, 9, 11-triene structures showed relatively poor sensitivities in GC-EI/MS and GC-ESI/MS/MS analysis. The results of this study provide information that may be useful for selecting suitable analytical methods for confirmatory analysis of steroids. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Challenges and Possibilities of EIS on PEMEC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsøe, Katrine; Kraglund, Mikkel Rykær; Hjelm, Johan


    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been proven a very strong electrochemical characterization tool in electrochemical research in general and in the areas of fuel cell and battery research in particular. However, this is not the case for polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis cells...

  17. E-I 90. Proceedings. V. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The developments and technology trends taking place in the power industry in South Africa were examined at the E-I 90 conference. Some of the developments in local nuclear power technology were also discussed. Separate abstracts were prepared for five of the papers presented at the conference. The remaining papers were considered outside the subject scope of INIS

  18. Expanding entrepreneurial, innovative and sustainable (EIS) ecosystems: A cultural-historical activity theory perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Audhoe, Romano; Thompson, N.A.; Verduyn, Karen; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena; Krueger, Norris; Park, Jacob


    The value of Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable (EIS) ecosystems has seen increasing recognition from policymakers and researchers alike. Like-minded policymakers employing New Public Management (NPM) understand that the intricate links between diverse EIS stakeholders play a vital role in

  19. Hispaania ei usu ETA rahupakkumisse / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Baski terrorirühmitus kutsus uut peaministrit Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapaterot dialoogile, hiljuti valimised võitnud Sotsialistlik Töölispartei teatas vastuseks, et ETA on terroristlik rühmitus ja selle avaldustele tähelepanu ei osutata. Vt. samas: Vaherahule järgnes terrorilaine

  20. Ekskantslerit ei kollita huvide konflikt / Nils Niitra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niitra, Nils, 1975-


    Kaitseministeeriumi vastuse kohaselt vaatasid sealsed audiitorid üle teadus-arendustegevususe uurimistoetuste maksmise ja seni sõlmitud lepingud ning selgus, et kahtlustused, nagu oleks kaitseministeeriumi endine kantsler Lauri Almann oma eraäri juba kantslerina ette valmistanud, ei vasta tõele. Autor vabandab Lauri Almanni ees

  1. Madal palk ei ole konkurentsieelis / Kristo Kiviorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiviorg, Kristo


    Seminaril "Peidetud väärtus: kuidas ettevõtted saavutavad tavaliste inimeste abiga erakordseid tulemusi" ettekannetega esinenud Stanfordi Ülikooli professor Jeffrey Pfeffer ning inimressursside juhtimise konsultant David Russo tõdesid, et madal palk ei taga firmadele konkurentsieelist, kuigi paljud juhid nõnda arvavad

  2. Epilepsy, E/I balance and GABAA receptor plasticity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Marc Fritschy


    Full Text Available GABAA receptors mediate most of the fast inhibitory transmission in the CNS. They form heteromeric complexes assembled from a large family of subunit genes. The existence of multiple GABAA receptor subtypes differing in subunit composition, localization and functional properties underlies their role for fi ne-tuning of neuronal circuits and genesis of network oscillations. The differential regulation of GABAA receptor subtypes represents a major facet of homeostatic synaptic plasticity and contributes to the excitation/inhibition (E/I balance under physiological conditions and upon pathological challenges. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent fi ndings highlighting the signifi cance of GABAA receptor heterogeneity for the concept of E/I balance and its relevance for epilepsy. Specifi cally, we address the following issues: (1 role for tonic inhibition, mediated by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors, for controlling neuronal excitability; (2 signifi cance of chloride ion transport for maintenance of the E/I balance in adult brain; and (3 molecular mechanisms underlying GABAA receptor regulation (traffi cking, posttranslational modifi cation, gene transcription that are important for homoeostatic plasticity. Finally, the relevance of these fi ndings is discussed in light of the involvement of GABAA receptors in epileptic disorders, based on recent experimental studies of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE and absence seizures and on the identifi cation of mutations in GABAA receptor subunit genes underlying familial forms of epilepsy.

  3. Kes ei maga, see vaatab / Jaanus Kulli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kulli, Jaanus, 1955-


    Peale mängufilmi "Täna öösel me ei maga" esilinastust Coca-Cola Plazas : režissöör Ilmar Taska : produtsent ning üks stsenariste Kristian Taska. Lisaks vastavad Signe Kivi ja Urmas Paet küsimusele "Millised on teie esmamuljed filmist?"


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirsa Ita Dewi


    Full Text Available Electrical Insemination Gun (EI-GUN was a tool for Artificial Insemination (AI using fresh semen with an electric control system. The research objective was to produced EI-GUN for AI using fresh semen on small ruminants (goat. The research was conducted from March to June 2015. The process of EI-GUN creation implemented in Design and Prototype Laboratory and Aero Modeling Research Laboratory at Engineering Faculty, University of Brawijaya (UB. Testing tools EI-GUN on goat was conducted in the Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Animal Husbandry Faculty, UB.  The methods of research were literature study, tool specification determination, designing EI-GUN, running test, semen evaluation passed EI-GUN and application on Goat. EI-GUN has seven important parts, which supports each other in this operating system. Those parts consist of stylet, servo, system controlled, insemination pump, connecting rod, battery, and holder. EI-GUN work system sucked the semen into insemination pump as much as 5 ml, and release the semen 0.25 ml appropriate standard of AI. It was applicable for 20 times AI. The results showed that the cell motility of spermatozoa ≥ 70% were still in ranging of Indonesian National Standard (SNI.   Keywords: artificial insemination, EI-GUN, fresh semen.

  5. Keegi ei tea mu nime : [luuletused] / Veiko Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märka, Veiko, 1964-


    Tõlgitud Veiko Märka luulekogust "Tühja aju korinad". Sisu: Keegi ei tea mu nime = Kukaan ei tiedä mun nimee ; "Kui ma kuulen sõnu..." = "Kun kuulen ilmauksen..." ; "Esimese..." = "Ensimmäisenä..." ; "Igal hommikul..." = "Joka aamu..." / tlk. Hannu Oittinen. Väike perenaine = Pikku perheenäiti / tlk. Hannu Oittinen ja Tuglas-seuran kääntäjäpiiri. Progressi triumf : (Poeem) = Kehityksen voitto : (Runoelma) / tlk. Hannu Oittinen. Minimalistlikud muinasjutud = Minimalistisia satuja / tlk. Heli Laaksonen ja Hannu Oittinen. Kõige turvalisem seks = Turvallisinta seksiä ; Abistame Aafrikat! = Autetaan Afrikkaa! ; "Taome..." = "Taotaan..." ; "Edasi..." = "Eteenpäin..." ; "Isegi juhus..." = "Edes sattuma..." ; "Miinus ja miinus..." = "Miinus ja miinus..." / tlk. Hannu Oittinen. Leijonien pakottaja ; Kotka ja Vaasa: Ystävyyskaupunkit

  6. Recommendations for an Executive Information System (EIS) for the NASA Accounting and Financial Information System (NAFIS) (United States)

    Goss, Ernest Preston


    The objectives were to: (1) survey state-of-the-art computing architectures, tools, and technologies for implementing an Executive Information System (EIS); (2) review MSFC capabilities and efforts in developing an EIS for Shuttle Projects Office and the Payloads Project Office; (3) review management reporting requirements for the NASA Accounting and Financial Information System (NAFIS) Project in the areas of cost, schedule, and technical performance, and insure that the EIS fully supports these requirements; and (4) develop and implement a pilot concept for a NAFIS EIS. A summary of the findings of this work is presented.

  7. Robust Synchronization in an E/I Network with Medium Synaptic Delay and High Level of Heterogeneity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Fang; Wang Zhi-Jie; Gong Tao; Fan Hong


    It is known that both excitatory and inhibitory neuronal networks can achieve robust synchronization only under certain conditions, such as long synaptic delay or low level of heterogeneity. In this work, robust synchronization can be found in an excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) neuronal network with medium synaptic delay and high level of heterogeneity, which often occurs in real neuronal networks. Two effects of post-synaptic potentials (PSP) to network synchronization are presented, and the synaptic contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to robust synchronization in this E/I network is investigated. It is found that both excitatory and inhibitory neurons may contribute to robust synchronization in E/I networks, especially the excitatory PSP has a more positive effect on synchronization in E/I networks than that in excitatory networks. This may explain the strong robustness of synchronization in E/I neuronal networks. (paper)

  8. Maestro ei või õnneta elada / Silja Joon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Joon, Silja, 1966-


    Helilooja Veljo Tormise 75. aasta juubelikontserdist "Ei või õnneta elada" 13. aug. Pärnu kontserdimajas (korraldaja Ave Sopp), helilooja palvest õnnitlemiseks mõeldud lillede ja kingituste raha temanimelisse rahvusliku koorimuusika väärtustamiseks loodud fondi kandmisest

  9. Somaalia piraadid ei taha Saksamaale minna / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Saksa kaubalaeva Taipan kaaperdamiselt tabatud somaallased ei taha, et neid antaks välja Saksamaale. Siiani on suurem osa tabatud Somaalia piraatidest saadetud Kenya kohtutesse. Rotterdamis algab järgmisel nädalal üle mitme sajandi esimene Euroopa piraadiprotsess

  10. Bonzo tuuritab kirikutes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Laulja Bonzo ja Ahti Bachblumi kirikukontserdituurist kavaga "Mees ja Jumal" 29. juulil Haljalas, 30. juulil Harjumaal Leesis, 31. juulil Käsmus, 1. aug. Vainupeal, 2. aug. Ida-Virumaal Lüganusel, 3. aug. Hiiumaal Pühalepas, 5. aug. Harjumaal Rannamõisas ja 6. aug. Ida-Virumaal Pühajõel. Bonzol koos ansambliga Jäääär kontsert ka 5. aug. Kohilas

  11. Turundajad ei oska kasutada kogutud kliendiinfot / Eda-Liis Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Eda-Liis, 1979-


    Eesti kaupmehed koguvad kliendiinfot, kuid klientide kasumlikkust ei arvutata. Lisa: Kliendid pole motiveeritud oma ostu registreerima; Tesco põhilised erinevused võrreldes Eesti lojaalsusprogrammidega; Partnerkaart; Säästukaart; Stockmanni püsikliendikaart

  12. Vale, mis ei taha surra / Urmas Kiil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiil, Urmas


    Juuditar Hadassa Ben-Itto raamatu "Vale, mis ei taha surra" (The Lie That Wouldn't Die: the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) sünniloost. Autor, kes oli Iisraelis kõrge kohtunik, loobus oma karjäärist, et tuua avalikkuse ette tõde XX sajandil palju surma külvanud plagiaadist "Siioni tarkade protokollid"


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iulia CAPRIAN


    Full Text Available Auditul performanţei se concentrează pe determinarea faptului dacă activităţile, proiectele / programele / procesele se desfăşoară conform principiilor economicităţii, eficienţei şi eficacităţii şi dacă mai este loc pentru îmbunătăţiri. Acesta se realizează prin compararea performanţei în funcţie de setul de criterii prestabilite, precum şi prin analiza cauzelor ce determină apariţia problemelor sau devierilor de la aceste criterii, scopul principal fiind de a răspunde unor întrebări-cheie ale auditului şi de a furniza recomandări cu privire la îmbunătăţirile care se pot face.CERTAIN ASPECTS OF PERFORMANCE AUDIT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVAPerformance auditing focuses on determining whether the activities, projects / programs / processes are conducted according to the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness and whether there is room for improvement; it is conducted by comparing performance on the basis of set criteria, as well as by analysis of the causes of the emergence of problems or deviations from these criteria, the main purpose being to answer certain key questions relevant for the audit and provide recommendations on improvements that can be made.

  14. IT ei loe / Nicholas G. Carr

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Carr, Nicholas G.


    Harvard Business Review endise toimetaja arvates on infotehnoloogia (IT) strateegiline tähtsus ettevõtetes oluliselt vähenenud ning innovaatilised IT lahendused ei anna enam konkurentsieeliseid, mille tõttu peab muutuma ka juhtide suhtumine IT riskidesse, investeeringutesse ja juhtimisse. Vt. samas: Kuidas vältida üleinvesteerimist IT-sse?; Liiga palju head; Mis saab müüjatest?; Uued reeglid IT juhtimises. Kommenteerivad Henn Sarv, Avo Kokk, Olli Heinonen ja Jüri Kaljundi

  15. Tony Blair ei saanud Balti riikidelt loodetud järeleandmisi / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Balti riigid ei olnud nõus loobuma kümnendikust eurotoetustest. Tallinnas viibinud Suurbritannia peaministri Tony Blairi väitel on EL-i uue finantsperspektiivi vastuvõtmine just uute liikmesriikide huvides. Vt. samas: Tiiu Laks. Riigijuhi visiit põhjustas Tallinnas vaid lühiajalisi liiklusseisakuid; Lisa: Blairi esinemine ei reetnud ebaedu; Kaivo Kopli. Uusliikmed andsid tuld juba enne ettepanekute saamist; Lisa: Toetus vanadelt liikmesmaadelt; Märt Kivine. EL-i eelarve: lahjem kui kunagi varem. Kommenteerib Taavi Veskimägi

  16. Pärt, Arvo: "Beatus". Statuit ei Dominus / Patric Wiklacz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wiklacz, Patric


    Uuest heliplaadist "Pärt, Arvo: "Beatus". Statuit ei Dominus. Missa syllabica. Beatus Petronius. 7 Magnificat-Antiphonen. De profundis. Memento. Cantate Domino. Solfeggio. Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, T. Kaljuste". Virgin Classics 545 276-2 (CD:167F)

  17. Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferroni, Ferruccio; Hopkirk, Robert J.


    Many people believe renewable energy sources to be capable of substituting fossil or nuclear energy. However there exist very few scientifically sound studies, which apply due diligence to substantiating this impression. In the present paper, the case of photovoltaic power sources in regions of moderate insolation is analysed critically by using the concept of Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI, also called EROI). But the methodology for calculating the ERoEI differs greatly from author-to-author. The main differences between solar PV Systems are between the current ERoEI and what is called the extended ERoEI (ERoEI EXT ). The current methodology recommended by the International Energy Agency is not strictly applicable for comparing photovoltaic (PV) power generation with other systems. The main reasons are due to the fact that on one hand, solar electricity is very material-intensive, labour-intensive and capital-intensive and on the other hand the solar radiation exhibits a rather low power density. - Highlights: •Data are available from several years of photovoltaic energy experience in northern Europe. •These are used to show the way to calculate a full, extended ERoEI. •The viability and sustainability in these latitudes of photovoltaic energy is questioned. •Use of photovoltaic technology is shown to result in creation of an energy sink.

  18. Swedbank ei pikenda Rumeenia fondi võlakirju / Piret Reiljan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Piret, 1983-


    Swedbank ei pikendanud IPC Investment Groupi poolt hallatava Rumeenia kinnisvarafondi Nord Hill Land Portfolio tähtaega ning fond peab vara müüki panema. IPC Investment Groupi omanikud on Indrek Elhi ja rumeenlane Ciprian Lopata

  19. Kui parimast ei piisa, siis piisab erinevast / Gustav Hafren

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hafren, Gustav


    Autor leiab, et turul, kus ei võida mitte kvaliteetsemad tooted, vaid tooted, mis omavad kindlat kohta klientide teadvuses, on kõige olulisem eristuda konkurentidest. Lisa: Milline on kliendi teadvus? Kokkuvõte autori ettekandest turunduskonverentsil "Password 2003".

  20. EIS immunosensor based on magnetic nanoparticles for ochratoxim A determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biraruti, Irina; Tudorache, Madalina; Rotariu, Lucian; Bala, Camelia; Jaffrezic-Renault, Nicole


    Full text: Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium fungi. It occurs in a variety of foodstuff, including cereals, coffee, wine, grape juice and fruits juice. Maximum permitted levels have been established by the EU and several countries. Currently, there are several methods available for OTA monitoring in real samples, e.g. TLC, HPLC, ELISA immunosensors. Liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD), coupled with immunoaffinity column or solid phase extraction as pretreatment method, has been validated and adopted as official standard for OTA determination. Also, an immunosensor based on electrochemical detection has been reported for rapid analysis of OTA in food and beverages. Our work proposes the development of a new sensitive immunosensor combining the use of magnetic nanoparticles and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) detection principle. Anti-OTA antibody immobilised on magnetic nanoparticles were deposited on the EIS electrode surface by applying a magnetic field. Then, OTA sample solutions were added in the detection cell. Quantitative determination of OTA content was performed based on EIS detection. Experimental parameters of the immunosensor were set-up at the optimum values. Based on those values, the immunosensor allows to detect OTA in the range 1-10 ng/mL. The future perspective is to validate this immunochemical method using HPLC-FLD. (authors)

  1. Moskvas hoitav Adolf Hitleri kolbatükk ei kuulu füürerile / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    USA arheoloogi Nick Bellantoni avastus, et Moskvas hoitav Adolf Hitleri kuuliauguga koljutükk ei kuulugi füürerile, annab tõenäoliselt uut hoogu vandenõuteoreetikutele, kes usuvad, et Hitler ei teinud 1945. aastal enesetappu, vaid põgenes välismaale

  2. Natura 2000 ei lõpeta elu maal / Aleksei Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Aleksei, 1960-


    Natura alade kaitsekorralduse alused sätestab loodusdirektiivi paragrahv 6. Selle põhimõte on vältida elupaikade kahjustamist Natura aladel. Mingi ala kandmine Natura 2000 võrgustikku ei tähenda sugugi igasuguse inimtegevuse automaatset keelamist

  3. Arabidopsis thaliana Ei-5: Minor Vein Architecture Adjustment Compensates for Low Vein Density in Support of Photosynthesis. (United States)

    Stewart, Jared J; Polutchko, Stephanie K; Demmig-Adams, Barbara; Adams, William W


    An Arabidopsis thaliana accession with naturally low vein density, Eifel-5 (Ei-5), was compared to Columbia-0 (Col-0) with respect to rosette growth, foliar vein architecture, photosynthesis, and transpiration. In addition to having to a lower vein density, Ei-5 grew more slowly, with significantly lower rates of rosette expansion, but had similar capacities for photosynthetic oxygen evolution on a leaf area basis compared to Col-0. The individual foliar minor veins were larger in Ei-5, with a greater number of vascular cells per vein, compared to Col-0. This compensation for low vein density resulted in similar values for the product of vein density × phloem cell number per minor vein in Ei-5 and Col-0, which suggests a similar capacity for foliar sugar export to support similar photosynthetic capacities per unit leaf area. In contrast, the product of vein density × xylem cell number per minor vein was significantly greater in Ei-5 compared to Col-0, and was associated not only with a higher ratio of water-transporting tracheary elements versus sugar-transporting sieve elements but also significantly higher foliar transpiration rates per leaf area in Ei-5. In contrast, previous studies in other systems had reported higher ratios of tracheary to sieve elements and higher transpiration rate to be associated with higher - rather than lower - vein densities. The Ei-5 accession thus further underscores the plasticity of the foliar vasculature by illustrating an example where a higher ratio of tracheary to sieve elements is associated with a lower vein density. Establishment of the Ei-5 accession, with a low vein density but an apparent overcapacity for water flux through the foliar xylem network, may have been facilitated by a higher level of precipitation in its habitat of origin compared to that of the Col-0 accession.

  4. Design and analysis of EI core structured transverse flux linear reluctance actuator




    In this study, an EI core linear actuator is proposed for horizontal movement systems. It is a transverse flux linear switched reluctance motor designed with an EI core structure geometrically. The actuator is configured into three phases and at a 6/4 pole ratio, and it has a stationary active stator along with a sliding passive translator. The stator consists of E cores and the translator consists of I cores. The actuator has a yokeless design because the stator and translator have no back i...

  5. Balti riikide vabadus ei ohusta Venemaad / Daniel Fried

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fried, Daniel, 1952-


    Ilmunud ka: The Baltic Times, 21. juuni 2007, lk. 15. Ameerika Ühendriikide asevälisminister Euroopa ja Euraasia asjus Daniel Fried Balti riikide tunnustamisest, vabadusest ja suveräänsusest. Venemaa huvides on olla ümbritsetud rahulikest ja jõukatest demokraatiatest, ähvardustele ja sanktsioonidele ei tohi jätta ruumi

  6. Pärnu ATP ei usu streigisse / Tõnu Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Tõnu, 1957-


    Eesti transpordi- ja teetöötajate ametiühing ähvardab uuest aastast üldstreigiga, kui autoettevõtjate liit ei allkirjasta uut üldtöökokkulepet, mis tõstaks tööliste tunnipalga alammäära kuni 150 protsenti. Arvamust avaldab Pärnu bussipargi direktor Andrus Kärpuk

  7. Eesti valitsuse argumendid ei pea vett / Indrek Veiserik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veiserik, Indrek


    Autori väitel püsib Iraak lõhestatuna ja mingit rahvuslikku leppimist ei ole seal toimunud, seetõttu on Eesti valitsuse loodud ettekujutus peatsest rahu saabumisest vale. USA nädalalehe Newsweek kolumnist Fareed Zakaria leiab, et USA jaoks oleks mõistlik strateegia Iraagis luua rahvusvaheliste institutsioonide poolt sanktsioneeritud rahutagamismissioon

  8. 77 FR 26025 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the HOPE SF Development at... (United States)


    ... a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the HOPE SF Development at Potrero Terrace and Potrero... Statement (EIR/EIS) for the HOPE SF Development at the Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex Public Housing Development (Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan Project). The EIR/EIS will be a joint National Environmental Policy...

  9. Four EIS Perspectives: A literature review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pries-Heje, Jan; Svejvig, Per

    A literature review of the Enterprise Information Systems literature reveals a number of recurring issues. We identify and detail four different perspectives that together categorizes the topics found. The first being a technical-rational perspective. The second being a social perspective....... The third being a more political and emergent perspective. Fourth, we identify a design-oriented perspective. We categorize the literature on EIS using these four perspectives, and for each perspective we identify core issues. Finally we discuss how the four perspectives complement each other....

  10. Utilization Status of Electronic Information Sources (EIS) for HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment in Specialized Teaching Hospitals of. Ethiopia, 2016. Senait Samuel Bramo. 1. , Tesfamichael Alaro Agago. 2*. OPEN ACCESS. Citation: Senait Samuel Bramo,. Tesfamichael Alaro Agago. Utilization. Status of Electronic Information Sources. (EIS) for HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment.

  11. Feasibility of an EIS Follow-up Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, I.C.; Jaquish, R.E.; Watson, D.G.


    The proposed level of an EIS Follow-up Program is believed to be feasible and that it can and should be implemented. Guidance to authors should result in fewer, but more important, commitments for mitigating adverse environmental impacts. Selecting the significant commitments from Records of Decisions published since July 1, 1979 for tracking to satisfaction should result in conformance with regulations, orders, and the intent of the NEPA

  12. Maa, mis on ja mida ei ole / Õnne Kepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kepp, Õnne


    Gustav Suitsu 1913. aastal ilmunud luulekogust "Tuulemaa". Tuulemaa kujundit kasutatakse Eestimaa sünonüümina, ühtaegu nii reaalse maana kui ka irreaalse paigana, mida ei eksisteeri, mida pole olemas


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, M.; Ding, M. D.; Chen, P. F.; Fang, C.; Imada, S.


    We investigate the outflows associated with two halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that occurred on 2006 December 13 and 14 in NOAA 10930, using the Hinode/EIS observations. Each CME was accompanied by an EIT wave and coronal dimmings. Dopplergrams in the dimming regions are obtained from the spectra of seven EIS lines. The results show that strong outflows are visible in the dimming regions during the CME eruption at different heights from the lower transition region to the corona. It is found that the velocity is positively correlated with the photospheric magnetic field, as well as the magnitude of the dimming. We estimate the mass loss based on height-dependent EUV dimmings and find it to be smaller than the CME mass derived from white-light observations. The mass difference is attributed partly to the uncertain atmospheric model, and partly to the transition region outflows, which refill the coronal dimmings.

  14. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors (AChEI's for the treatment of visual hallucinations in schizophrenia: A review of the literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patel Sachin S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Visual hallucinations occur in various neurological diseases, but are most prominent in Lewy body dementia, Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. The lifetime prevalence of visual hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia is much more common than conventionally thought and ranges from 24% to 72%. Cortical acetylcholine (ACh depletion has been associated with visual hallucinations; the level of depletion being related directly to the severity of the symptoms. Current understanding of neurobiological visual processing and research in diseases with reduced cholinergic function, suggests that AChEI's may prove beneficial in treating visual hallucinations. This offers the potential for targeted drug therapy of clinically symptomatic visual hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia using acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Methods A systematic review was carried out investigating the evidence for the effects of AChEI's in treating visual hallucinations in Schizophrenia. Results No evidence was found relating to the specific role of AChEI's in treating visual hallucinations in this patient group. Discussion Given the use of AChEI's in targeted, symptom specific treatment in other neuropsychiatric disorders, it is surprising to find no related literature in schizophrenia patients. The use of AChEI's in schizophrenia has investigated effects on cognition primarily with non cognitive effects measured more broadly. Conclusions We would suggest that more focused research into the effects of AChEI's on positive symptoms of schizophrenia, specifically visual hallucinations, is needed.

  15. EI2N 2009 PC Co-chairs' Message (United States)

    Panetto, Hervé; Bernus, Peter; Gonçalves, Ricardo; Goranson, Ted

    After the successful third edition in 2008, the fourth edition of the Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking workshop (EI2N 2009) was organized as part of the OTM 2009 Federated Conferences and was supported by the IFAC Technical Committee 5.3 "Enterprise Integration and Networking" and the IFIP Working Group 5.12 "Architectures for Enterprise Integration."

  16. Aiandusäri jahtumismärke ei ilmuta / Aive Herja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Herja, Aive


    Haljastus- ja aiandusäri praegu veel jahtumismärke ei ilmuta. Arvamust avaldavad aiandusettevõtete juhid. Lk. 28 intervjuu maastikuarhitektuurifirma Artes Terrae OÜ juhatuse liikme Sulev Nurmega "Sulev Nurme: maastikuarhitektuuri turg on kasvutrendis"

  17. Suitsetamisega võitlemisel ei aita inimeste kiusamine / Silver Meikar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meikar, Silver, 1978-


    Suitsetamise vastu võitlemisel ei tohiks kasutada rangelt seadusi vaid võimaldada soodsalt osta suitsetamisvastaseid vahendeid, leiab autor. Vt. ka: Silver Meikar: Olen valmis hoidma Eesti edu; Silver Meikar saatis lugejakirja Saksamaa päevalehtedele; Arvamusi Silver Meikarist; Silver Meikar loobus paberkandjale trükitud seaduseelnõudest

  18. NATO peasekretär : Londoni terror ei peata võitlust terrorismi vastu / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    8. juunil Brüsselis toimunud erakorralisest istungist, kus avaldati toetust Suurbritanniale pärast Londoni terrorirünnakut, toimunu laadsed rünnakud ei suuda väärata NATO võitlust terrorismiga kogu maailmas. Lisa: G8 ei lasknud end terrorist kõigutada. Kommenteerivad USA president Georg W. Bush, Venemaa president Vladimir Putin, Austraalia peaminister John Howard, Pariisi linnapea Bertrand Delanoe ja ROK-i president Jacques Rogge

  19. Iraagi raport ei veennud sõjavastaseid / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke, 12. sept. 2007, lk. 7. USA vägede ülemjuhataja kindral David Petraeus ja USA Iraagi suursaadik Ryuan Crocker kirjeldasid Kongressile Iraagi olukorda, mis ei suutnud sõja suhtes selgelt negatiivsetel positsioonidel rahvaesindajaid veenda, et operatsioonide jätkamine on vajalik. Vt. samas: Ingvar Bärenklau. Riigikogu peab otsustama Eesti missiooni saatuse

  20. CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Deletion of C1EIS Inhibits Chicken Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation Into Male Germ Cells (Gallus gallus). (United States)

    Zuo, Qisheng; Jin, Kai; Wang, Yingjie; Song, Jiuzhou; Zhang, Yani; Li, Bichun


    We previously found that C1EIS is preferentially expressed in Chicken spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), so our current study focused on C1EIS's role in Chicken embryonic stem cells (ESCs) differentiation into male germ cells. We constructed a CRISPR/Cas9 vector targeting C1EIS. T7 endonuclease I (T7EI) digestion method and sequencing of TA cloning were used to detect the knock-out efficiency of the Single guide RNA (sgRNA) after the cas9/gRNA vector transfected into D fibroblasts 1(DF-1), ESCs, and Chicken embryos. The results showed that CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout efficiency is about 40%. Differentiation of the targeted ESCs into SSCs was inhibited at the embryoid body stage due to C1EIS deficiency. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that the mutagenized ESCs (RA (Retinoic Acid) with C1EIS Knock out) expressed lower levels of integrin α6 and integrin β1 compared to wild type cells. Quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) revealed Oct4 and Sox2 expression significantly increased, contrarily integrin β1 and Stra8 expression significantly decreased than RA induced group and RA with C1EIS Overexpression. During retinoic acid-induced differentiation, knockout of C1EIS in ESCs inhibited formation of SSC-like cells, suggesting C1EIS plays a vital role in promoting differentiation of avian ESCs to SSCs by regulating expression of multiple pluripotency-related genes. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 2380-2386, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. 77 FR 5566 - Notice of Availability of the Final EIS for the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project, Eddy County... (United States)


    ...] Notice of Availability of the Final EIS for the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project, Eddy County, New Mexico... Statement (Final EIS) for the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project, and by this notice is announcing its... the Federal Register. ADDRESSES: Copies of the HB In-Situ Solution Mining EIS are available for public...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Y.; Ding, M. D. [School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China); Qiu, J. [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (United States)


    We analyze and model an M1.0 flare observed by SDO/AIA and Hinode/EIS to investigate how flare loops are heated and evolve subsequently. The flare is composed of two distinctive loop systems observed in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images. The UV 1600 A emission at the feet of these loops exhibits a rapid rise, followed by enhanced emission in different EUV channels observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). Such behavior is indicative of impulsive energy deposit and the subsequent response in overlying coronal loops that evolve through different temperatures. Using the method we recently developed, we infer empirical heating functions from the rapid rise of the UV light curves for the two loop systems, respectively, treating them as two big loops with cross-sectional area of 5'' by 5'', and compute the plasma evolution in the loops using the EBTEL model. We compute the synthetic EUV light curves, which, with the limitation of the model, reasonably agree with observed light curves obtained in multiple AIA channels and EIS lines: they show the same evolution trend and their magnitudes are comparable by within a factor of two. Furthermore, we also compare the computed mean enthalpy flow velocity with the Doppler shift measurements by EIS during the decay phase of the two loops. Our results suggest that the two different loops with different heating functions as inferred from their footpoint UV emission, combined with their different lengths as measured from imaging observations, give rise to different coronal plasma evolution patterns captured both in the model and in observations.

  3. Effluent information system (EIS)/onsite discharge information system (ODIS) 1985 executive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, T.


    The Effluent Information System (EIS) and Onsite Discharge Information System (ODIS) are Department of Energy (DOE) data base systems that aid DOE-Headquarters and Field Offices in managing the radioactive air and liquid effluents from DOE facilities. Data on effluents released offsite are entered into EIS and data on effluents discharged onsite and retained onsite are entered into ODIS. This document is a summary of information obtained from the CY 1985 effluent data received from all DOE and DOE contractor facilities and entered in the data bases. Data from previous years are also included. The summary consists of two parts. The first part summarizes information for effluents released offsite, and the second part summarizes information for effluents retained onsite. These summaries are taken from the routine annual reports sent to each DOE Operations Office. Special tabulations or specific data can be supplied upon request. Explanations of the significant changes are included in the EIS and ODIS graphic sections. Only those changes in activity greater than a factor of two and having a magnitude greater than 0.1 Ci are considered significant and are addressed in the explanation

  4. Miks ma end ära ei tapa : [luuletused] / Paul-Eerik Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Paul-Eerik, 1942-


    Tekst eesti ja inglise k. P.-E. Rummo lühibiograafia eesti ja inglise k. lk. 131. Sisu: Miks ma end ära ei tapa = Why I don't kill myself ; "Maailm mu hinge ei tungind, vaid imbus..." = "The world did not invade my soul, it seeped into it..." ; "Taevas on kummargil üle maa..." = "The sky stoops over the earth..." ; "Nüüd anna jumal jaksu joosta juhuste sajus..." = "Now grant me God the strength to run through the rains of chance..." ; Jälle, jälle, jälle, jälle, jälle... = Again again again again again ; "maailm mille lõpp on mõeldav..." = "a world whose end is conceivable..." ; Kinni hoidmas = Clinging ; Poolüminal = Crooning

  5. Maksuamet ei välista Concordia pankrotti / Alo Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Alo


    Maksuamet nendib, et kui Concordia ülikool ei tule toime oma võlgade maksmisega esmaspäevaks, võib kõne alla tulla ka kooli pankroti algatamine. Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit ja Concordia Ülikooli Eesis Üliõpilasesindus korraldavad Concordia probleeme käsitleva konverentsi "Kes vastutab Concordia tudengite eest?"

  6. EIS Response of MIC on Carbon Steel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel; Maahn, Ernst


    Abstract Microbially influenced corrosion of carbon steel under sulphate reducing (sulphide-producing) bacterial activity (SRB) results in the formation of both ferrous sulphides as well as biofilm on the metal surface. The electrochemical characteristics of the ferrous sulphide/steel interface...... as compared to the biofilm/ferrous sulphide/steel interface has been studied with EIS, DC polarisations (Tafel, LPR) and a potentiostatic step technique. The electrochemical response is related to a threshold sulphide concentration above which very characteristic changes such as indications of finite...

  7. 78 FR 54871 - Notice of Amendment to the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS... (United States)


    ... alternatives and a ``no action'' alternative in the EIS. An EIS will be prepared to assess the potential social... archeological resources; air and water quality; noise; recreation; land use; and aesthetics. c. The Corps will...

  8. Euroopa naabruspoliitika ei ole viisakas äraütlemine / Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikko, Marianne, 1961-


    Euroopa Parlamendi liikme sõnul reageeris europarlament Transnistria rahvahääletusele resolutsiooniga, andes märku, et ei tunnusta separatiste, nende korraldatud rahvahääletusi ega hääletustulemusi

  9. Predicting risk of school refusal: Examining the incremental role of trait EI beyond personality and emotion regulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filippello Pina


    Full Text Available Research has not yet been deepened in the link between personality factors and risk of school refusal. Furthermore, previous studies fail to verify the direct relation between trait EI and the risk of school refusal. The present study examined personality traits, emotion regulation and trait EI for the contributory role they may play in predicting the risk of school refusal. The sample consisted of 311 participants, 112 males (36% and 199 females (64% with an average age of 14.19 (SD = .60, from a high school in the city of Messina (Sicily, Italy. Results show that the risk of school refusal is positively related to neuroticism and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, while it is negatively related to the extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness and trait EI. Moreover, trait EI can be considered as a strong incremental negative predictor of risk of school refusal over and above personality traits and emotion regulation.

  10. Reformierakond ei kauple põhimõtetega / Meelis Atonen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Atonen, Meelis, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Hiiu Leht, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Nädaline, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 4; Valgamaalane, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Järva Teataja, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Kesknädal, 19. dets. 2001, lk. 5. Tallinna võimuliidu lagunemise peapõhjus oli Tallinna 2002. aasta eelarvesse kavandatud 900 mln kuni 1,5 mld krooni suurune laen, millega Reformierakond ei ole kunagi nõustnud. Autor: Reformierakond. Parlamendisaadik

  11. Kultuur isiksuse psühholoogiat ei mõjuta / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Psühholoogia uuemate andmete kohaselt ei sõltu indiviidi seadumus kultuurist, soost, vanusest, haridusest. Eesti psühholoogide Jüri Alliku ja Ann Realo osalusel ajakirjas "Journal Personality and Social Psychology" ilmunud artiklist

  12. Kultuur isiksuse psühholoogiat ei mõjuta / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Psühholoogia uuemate andmete kohaselt ei sõltu indiviidi seadumus kultuurist, soost, vanusest, haridusest. Eesti psühholoogide Jüri Alliku ja Anu Realo osalusel ajakirjas "Journal Personality and Social Psychology" ilmunud artiklist

  13. Energy information systems (EIS): Technology costs, benefit, and best practice uses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Granderson, Jessica; Lin, Guanjing; Piette, Mary Ann


    Energy information systems are the web-based software, data acquisition hardware, and communication systems used to store, analyze, and display building energy data. They often include analysis methods such as baselining, benchmarking, load profiling, and energy anomaly detection. This report documents a large-scale assessment of energy information system (EIS) uses, costs, and energy benefits, based on a series of focused case study investigations that are synthesized into generalizable findings. The overall objective is to provide organizational decision makers with the information they need to make informed choices as to whether or not to invest in an EIS--a promising technology that can enable up to 20 percent site energy savings, quick payback, and persistent low-energy performance when implemented as part of best-practice energy management programs.

  14. Turvalisust ei taga vaid sinine vilkur / Ken-Marti Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Ken-Marti, 1974-


    Kuritegevuse vastasest võitlusest. Sama ka Pärnu Postimees 8. juuni 2005, lk. 15 ; Hiiu Leht 10. juuni 2005, lk. 2 ; Vali Uudised 8. juuni 2005, lk. 2 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Turvalisust ei taga ainuüksi sinine vilkur ; Nädaline 14. juuni 2005, lk. 4 ; Koit 14. juuni 2005, lk. 6 ; Valgamaalane 5. juuli 2005, lk. 2

  15. Väljaöeldut tagasi võtta ei saa / Raivo Uukkivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uukkivi, Raivo, 1962-


    Õpetaja suhtumisest õpilasse. Õpetaja professionaalsusest ja tema missioonitundest. Vastukaja artiklile: Krull, Edgar. Kõvad seadused ja politsei ei vabasta kohustusest kasvatada // Õpetajate Leht (2007) 16. veebr., lk. 5. Jüri Gümnaasiumi koolikonfliktist

  16. Endine turujuht end süüdi ei tunnistanud / Hannes Krause

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krause, Hannes


    Vadim Polishtshuk, keda süüdistatakse koos kahe kaaslasega Mait Metsamaa mõrvaprotsessi peamise tunnistaja ähvardamise ja mõjutamise katses, ei tunnistanud end 19. septembril Tallinna linnakohtus alanud protsessil süüdi

  17. HIV-positiivsed ei leia tihti tööd / Kadri Ibrus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ibrus, Kadri


    Enamik Eesti HIV-positiivseid inimesi ei tööta. Eestit nõustanud USA eksperdi David Parkeri väitel tuleks HIV-positiivset aidata sotsiaalselt paremini hakkama saama, tegelema peaks korraga kõigi tema probleemidega

  18. 76 FR 21401 - Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS for the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project, Eddy County, NM (United States)


    ...] Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS for the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project, Eddy County, NM AGENCY... prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the HB In- Situ Solution Mine Project, and by... considered, the BLM must receive written comments on the HB In-Situ Solution Mine Project Draft EIS within 60...

  19. OpenEIS. Developer Guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lutes, Robert G. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Neubauer, Casey C. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Haack, Jereme N. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Carpenter, Brandon J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Monson, Kyle E. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Allwardt, Craig H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Sharma, Poorva [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Akyol, Bora A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Building Technologies Office (BTO) is supporting the development of an open-source software tool for analyzing building energy and operational data: OpenEIS (open energy information system). This tool addresses the problems of both owners of building data and developers of tools to analyze this data. Building owners and managers have data but lack the tools to analyze it while tool developers lack data in a common format to ease development of reusable data analysis tools. This document is intended for developers of applications and explains the mechanisms for building analysis applications, accessing data, and displaying data using a visualization from the included library. A brief introduction to the visualizations can be used as a jumping off point for developers familiar with JavaScript to produce their own. Several example applications are included which can be used along with this document to implement algorithms for performing energy data analysis.

  20. 76 FR 21003 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Possible Land... (United States)


    ... Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Possible Land Use Plan Amendments for... to prepare a Programmatic EIS for Allocation of Oil Shale and Tar Sands Resources on Lands... through local media, newsletters, and the project Web site at: . The minutes and list...

  1. 75 FR 51448 - Withdrawal of Notice for Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Arkansas... (United States)


    ... sustainable solutions for reducing head-cutting and scouring in the Ark-White Cutoff area. The two rivers are... Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Arkansas White River Cutoff Study AGENCY... Impact Statement (EIS) for the Arkansas White River Cutoff Study. The original Notice of Intent (NOI) was...

  2. Poliitikud ei leidnud staadioni planeeringule uusi lahendusi / Eno-Gerrit Link

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Link, Eno-Gerrit


    Riigikogu Pärnumaa saadikuteühenduse ja Pärnu linnavõimu esindajate ning spordiseltsi Kalev juhtide nõupidamine Kalevi staadioni ümberehituse käimalükkamiseks lõppes tulemusteta, sest kõiki osapooli rahuldava tulemuseni ei jõutud. Kommenteerivad Mark Soosaar ja Vello Järvesalu

  3. "Tallinna kirikurenessanss" valis logo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Katrin Terno logo, millel on kujutatud Aleksander Nevski katedraali, Oleviste ja Tallinna toomkiriku torni siluett, valiti Tallinna kirikute restaureerimise projekti "Tallinna kirikurenessanss" sümboliks

  4. Ei Compendex: A new database makes life easier for engineers

    CERN Multimedia


    The Library is expanding its range of databases. The latest arrival, called Ei Compendex, is the world's most comprehensive engineering database, which indexes engineering literature published throughout the world. It also offers bibliographic entries for articles published in scientific journals and for conference proceedings and covers an extensive range of subjects from mechanical engineering to the environment, materials science, solid state physics and superconductivity. Moreover, it is the most relevant quality control and engineering management database. Ei Compendex contains over 4.6 million references from over 2600 journals, conference proceedings and technical reports dating from 1966 to the present. Every year, 220,000 new abstracts are added to the database which is also updated on a weekly basis. In the case of articles published in recent years, it provides an electronic link to the full texts of all major publishers. The database also contains the full texts of Elsevier periodicals (over 250...

  5. Sakslastelt tuumaenergiale selge "ei". Merkel on sunnitud tuumaplaane korrigeerima / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Ligi 60 aastat Daimleri ja Porsche liidumaal valitsenud kristlikud demokraadid said kohalikel valimistel Baden-Württembergis halvima valimisulemuse alates 1952. aastast ja arvatakse, et Saksamaa kantsler Angela Merkel ei käivitagi enamikku ajutiselt suletud vanemaid tuumareaktoreid

  6. CDW-EIS model for single-electron capture in ion-atom collisions involving multielectronic targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abufager, P N; MartInez, A E; Rivarola, R D; Fainstein, P D


    A generalization of the continuum distorted wave eikonal initial state (CDW-EIS) approximation, for the description of single-electron capture in ion-atom collisions involving multielectronic targets is presented. This approximation is developed within the framework of the independent electron model taking particular care of the representation of the bound and continuum target states. Total cross sections for single-electron capture from the K-shell of He, Ne and Ar noble gases by impact of bare ions are calculated. Present results are compared to previous CDW-EIS ones and to experimental data

  7. Eesti ei pea ümberasujatele midagi tagastama / Helle Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalda, Helle, 1950-


    Omandireformi aluste seaduse 7 paragrahvi lõikest 3 ja varade tagastamisest nn. järelümberasunutele. Sama ka Meie Maa 12. jaan. 2006, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 17. jaan. 2006, lk. 2 ; Virumaa Teataja 2. veeb. 2006, lk. 11 ; Pärnu Postimees 9. veeb. 2006, lk. 15 ; Pärnu Postimees 9. veeb. 2006, lk. 15, pealkiri kujul : Ümberasujatele ei pea midagi tagastama

  8. 36 CFR 1010.8 - Actions that normally require an EIS. (United States)


    ... impact on the environment, an EA is not required, and the Trust will prepare or direct the preparation of... or actions may significantly affect the environment and therefore require an EIS are described in 40...(b)(9); (2) Approval, funding, construction, and/or demolition in preparation for construction of any...

  9. Pakistan vajab abi - kas maailma tõesti ei huvita? / Urmas Jaagant

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Pakistan saab igal aastal suurt rahvusvahelist abi. Mitmed riigid on üleujutustes Pakistani toetanud nüüdki kümnete miljonite dollaritega, kuid riikide tahe annetada on erinev, sest mitte iga abidollarit ei suunata Pakistanis sinna, kus seda tegelikult vajatakse

  10. 75 FR 16828 - Notice of Intent To Prepare and Scope an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Outer... (United States)


    ... impacts to tourism and recreation activities, and ecological impacts from potential degradation of marine... Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2012.... The EIS will analyze the potential impacts of the adoption of the proposed 5-year program. Background...

  11. Determined of Rainfall Erosivity Indices (EI30, Lal, Hudson and Onchev for Namak Lake Basin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z.T. Alipour


    Full Text Available In this research the indices EI30, AIm,‎ KE>1‎ as well as P/√t‎ were determined for 16 pluviograph as well as for 3 Namak Lake Basin nearby stations. Regression relationships were established between the dependent variables of EI30, AIm, KE>1‎ as well as P/√t‎ Indices and other easily accessible rainfall indices of: fournier, modified fournier, maximum monthly rainfall, maximum daily rainfall, standard deviation of monthly and annual rainfall as well as pluviometer site elevations. This made the establishment of appropriate relationships between rainfall intensity dependent indices and the dependent variable of rainfall intensity (at stations where intensity was non-existent possible. In the next step, the indices as well as easily accessible rainfall data from pluviograph stations were exploited to find out EI30 ,AIm ,‎ KE>1‎ as well as P/√t‎ indices, while using the previously obtained regression relationships.

  12. Blocking epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in glioblastoma with a sextet of repurposed drugs: the EIS regimen. (United States)

    Kast, Richard E; Skuli, Nicolas; Karpel-Massler, Georg; Frosina, Guido; Ryken, Timothy; Halatsch, Marc-Eric


    This paper outlines a treatment protocol to run alongside of standard current treatment of glioblastoma- resection, temozolomide and radiation. The epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) inhibiting sextet, EIS Regimen, uses the ancillary attributes of six older medicines to impede EMT during glioblastoma. EMT is an actively motile, therapy-resisting, low proliferation, transient state that is an integral feature of cancers' lethality generally and of glioblastoma specifically. It is believed to be during the EMT state that glioblastoma's centrifugal migration occurs. EMT is also a feature of untreated glioblastoma but is enhanced by chemotherapy, by radiation and by surgical trauma. EIS Regimen uses the antifungal drug itraconazole to block Hedgehog signaling, the antidiabetes drug metformin to block AMP kinase (AMPK), the analgesic drug naproxen to block Rac1, the anti-fibrosis drug pirfenidone to block transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), the psychiatric drug quetiapine to block receptor activator NFkB ligand (RANKL) and the antibiotic rifampin to block Wnt- all by their previously established ancillary attributes. All these systems have been identified as triggers of EMT and worthy targets to inhibit. The EIS Regimen drugs have a good safety profile when used individually. They are not expected to have any new side effects when combined. Further studies of the EIS Regimen are needed.

  13. Tartu kirikuid ja kogudusi aegade kestel / Richard Koolmeister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koolmeister, Richard


    Tartu kirikute ehituslugu alates 11. saj. Viiteid kroonikatele (Vene letopissid, Läti Henriku kroonika). Pikemalt juttu 13. saj. ehitatud Toomakirikust, Maria, Peetri, Pauluse ja Jaani kirikust. Ka kloostrikirikutest


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veronig, A. M.; Kienreich, I. W.; Muhr, N.; Temmer, M. [Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitaetsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz (Austria); Goemoery, P. [Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-05960 Tatranska Lomnica (Slovakia); Vrsnak, B. [Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, Kaciceva 26, 1000 Zagreb (Croatia); Warren, H. P., E-mail: [Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States)


    We present plasma diagnostics of an Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) wave observed with high cadence in Hinode/Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) sit-and-stare spectroscopy and Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly imagery obtained during the HOP-180 observing campaign on 2011 February 16. At the propagating EIT wave front, we observe downward plasma flows in the EIS Fe XII, Fe XIII, and Fe XVI spectral lines (log T Almost-Equal-To 6.1-6.4) with line-of-sight (LOS) velocities up to 20 km s{sup -1}. These redshifts are followed by blueshifts with upward velocities up to -5 km s{sup -1} indicating relaxation of the plasma behind the wave front. During the wave evolution, the downward velocity pulse steepens from a few km s{sup -1} up to 20 km s{sup -1} and subsequently decays, correlated with the relative changes of the line intensities. The expected increase of the plasma densities at the EIT wave front estimated from the observed intensity increase lies within the noise level of our density diagnostics from EIS Fe XIII 202/203 A line ratios. No significant LOS plasma motions are observed in the He II line, suggesting that the wave pulse was not strong enough to perturb the underlying chromosphere. This is consistent with the finding that no H{alpha} Moreton wave was associated with the event. The EIT wave propagating along the EIS slit reveals a strong deceleration of a Almost-Equal-To -540 m s{sup -2} and a start velocity of v{sub 0} Almost-Equal-To 590 km s{sup -1}. These findings are consistent with the passage of a coronal fast-mode MHD wave, pushing the plasma downward and compressing it at the coronal base.

  15. Susceptibility of the wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mouse to infection by orthopoxviruses analyzed by live bioluminescence imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Americo, Jeffrey L.; Sood, Cindy L.; Cotter, Catherine A.; Vogel, Jodi L.; Kristie, Thomas M.; Moss, Bernard; Earl, Patricia L.


    Classical inbred mice are extensively used for virus research. However, we recently found that some wild-derived inbred mouse strains are more susceptible than classical strains to monkeypox virus. Experiments described here indicated that the 50% lethal dose of vaccinia virus (VACV) and cowpox virus (CPXV) were two logs lower in wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mice than classical inbred BALB/c mice, whereas there was little difference in the susceptibility of the mouse strains to herpes simplex virus. Live bioluminescence imaging was used to follow spread of pathogenic and attenuated VACV strains and CPXV virus from nasal passages to organs in the chest and abdomen of CAST/Ei mice. Luminescence increased first in the head and then simultaneously in the chest and abdomen in a dose-dependent manner. The spreading kinetics was more rapid with VACV than CPXV although the peak photon flux was similar. These data suggest advantages of CAST/Ei mice for orthopoxvirus studies. - Highlights: • Wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mice are susceptible to vaccinia virus and cowpox virus. • Morbidity and mortality from orthopoxviruses are greater in CAST/Ei than BALB/c mice. • Morbidity and mortality from herpes simplex virus type 1 are similar in both mice. • Imaging shows virus spread from nose to lungs, abdominal organs and brain. • Vaccinia virus spreads more rapidly than cowpox virus

  16. Susceptibility of the wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mouse to infection by orthopoxviruses analyzed by live bioluminescence imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Americo, Jeffrey L.; Sood, Cindy L.; Cotter, Catherine A.; Vogel, Jodi L.; Kristie, Thomas M.; Moss, Bernard, E-mail:; Earl, Patricia L., E-mail:


    Classical inbred mice are extensively used for virus research. However, we recently found that some wild-derived inbred mouse strains are more susceptible than classical strains to monkeypox virus. Experiments described here indicated that the 50% lethal dose of vaccinia virus (VACV) and cowpox virus (CPXV) were two logs lower in wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mice than classical inbred BALB/c mice, whereas there was little difference in the susceptibility of the mouse strains to herpes simplex virus. Live bioluminescence imaging was used to follow spread of pathogenic and attenuated VACV strains and CPXV virus from nasal passages to organs in the chest and abdomen of CAST/Ei mice. Luminescence increased first in the head and then simultaneously in the chest and abdomen in a dose-dependent manner. The spreading kinetics was more rapid with VACV than CPXV although the peak photon flux was similar. These data suggest advantages of CAST/Ei mice for orthopoxvirus studies. - Highlights: • Wild-derived inbred CAST/Ei mice are susceptible to vaccinia virus and cowpox virus. • Morbidity and mortality from orthopoxviruses are greater in CAST/Ei than BALB/c mice. • Morbidity and mortality from herpes simplex virus type 1 are similar in both mice. • Imaging shows virus spread from nose to lungs, abdominal organs and brain. • Vaccinia virus spreads more rapidly than cowpox virus.

  17. Planeeringut ei saadud 8 päevaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu Ringkonnakohtu otsusest Ain Seppiku, Sulev Seppiku ja Siim Seppiku ning ajalehe Äripäev vahel. Äripäev lükkab ümber andmed selle kohta, nagu oleks nn Antennideväljaku krundi detailplaneering kehtestatud 8 päevaga. Vastukaja artiklitele: Soe, Ralf-Martin. Sulev Seppik tegi Viimsis imet. // Äripäev (2007/Mar/1), lk. 4-5 ; Arumäe, Urmas. Viimsi võim ei tegele maaäriga. // Äripäev (2007/Mar/13), lk. 27 ; Soe, Ralf-Martin. Viimsi võtmeisikute tehingutel kahtlane maik. // Äripäev (2007/Mar/23), lk. 12-13

  18. Determined of Rainfall Erosivity Indices (EI30, Lal, Hudson and Onchev) for Namak Lake Basin


    Z.T. Alipour; M.H. Mahdian; S. Hakimkhani; M. Saeedi


    In this research the indices EI30, AIm,‎ KE>1‎ as well as P/√t‎ were determined for 16 pluviograph as well as for 3 Namak Lake Basin nearby stations. Regression relationships were established between the dependent variables of EI30, AIm, KE>1‎ as well as P/√t‎ Indices and other easily accessible rainfall indices of: fournier, modified fournier, maximum monthly rainfall, maximum daily rainfall, standard deviation of monthly and annual rainfall as well as pluviometer site elevations. This made ...

  19. Extensive EIS characterization of commercially available lithium polymer battery cell for performance modelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stanciu, Tiberiu; Stroe, Daniel Loan; Teodorescu, Remus


    or degradation of an electrochemical system. Used for Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, this method allows for a fast and accurate assessment of the battery's impedance at any working point, without modifying the state of the battery. The influence of the operating conditions, state of charge (SOC) and temperature...... on the performance of a commercially available 53 Ah Lithium polymer battery cell, manufactured by Kokam Co. Ltd., is investigated in laboratory experiments, at its beginning of life, by means of EIS. A data fitting algorithm was used to obtain the parameter values for the proposed equivalent electrical circuit......, which was further selected for the development of an accurate EIS based performance model for the chosen Li-ion battery cell....

  20. Fuzzy logic modeling of EIS measurements on lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Pritpal; Vinjamuri, Ramana; Wang, Xiquan; Reisner, David


    A fuzzy logic-based state of health (SOH) meter is being developed for lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries for potential use in portable defibrillators. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements have been made from which input parameters for a fuzzy logic model to estimate the state of charge (SOC) and SOH are derived. The batteries are discharged continuously at a 1.4 A load current to simulate the constant current draw during the monitoring and recording of a patient's EKG, and periodically interrupted by 10 A pulses to simulate the battery discharge to charge up the capacitor that is in turn discharged to supply high voltage to the electrodes for the defibrillation of the patient. The test procedures included both voltage recovery and EIS measurements, and were made as the batteries were being discharged and over 30 charge/discharge cycles. Accurate models have been developed to estimate the number of pulses that the battery pack can deliver at various stages of its cycle life (SOC measure) and the number of charge/discharge cycles (SOH measure) that it had undergone

  1. EMT ja Elioni katkestusi ei põhjustanud sama seade / Urmas Jaagant

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaagant, Urmas


    EMT esindaja väitel ei olnud rikki läinud seade sama, mis tõi kaasa Elioni sidekatkestuse. 1. detsembril toimunud EMT sidekatkestuse põhjus selgub nädala lõpuks, katkestuse kompensatsiooniks on 3. detsembril EMT klientidele võrgusisesed kõned tasuta

  2. Comprehensive Summary and Analysis of Oral and Written Scoping Comments on the Hawaii Geothermal Project EIS (DOE Review Draft)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains summaries of the oral and written comments received during the scoping process for the Hawaii Geothermal Project (HGP) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Oral comments were presented during public scoping meetings; written comments were solicited at the public scoping meetings and in the ''Advance Notice of Intent'' and ''Notice of Intent'' (published in the ''Federal Register'') to prepare the HGP EIS. This comprehensive summary of scoping inputs provides an overview of the issues that have been suggested for inclusion in the HGP EIS.

  3. Eesti ei maksa Natura aladel toetust 7800 krooni hektari kohta / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    EL 2007-2013 eelarve eelnõu kohaselt võib Natura 2000 aladel tegutsevatele põllumajandustootjatele maksta põllumajanduskõlviku hektari kohta igal aastal kuni 7800 krooni. Põllumajandusministeeriumi spetsialistid ei pea nii suurte toetuste maksmist võimalikuks

  4. Üleilmse finantskriisi leevenemist silmapiiril veel ei paista / Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Erik


    Maailma rahaturgudel kestab veel krediidikriis. Mitme vaatleja hinnangul näitab see, et kriis pole lahenenud ka pärast intressimäära langetamist, et tegemist on tõsise probleemiga. Investeerimispanga Goldman Sachs peaökonomist Jan Hatzius soovitab intressi veelgi vähendada. Hinnanguid kahjumi suuruse kohta. Lisad: Pangandus - pidev kriiside allikas; Euroopa keskpankureid inflatsioon ei loksuta

  5. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Framework in the Selection of an Enterprise Integration (EI) Approach That Best Satisfies Organizational Requirements (United States)

    Ngeru, James


    In the past few decades, adoption of Enterprise Integration (EI) through initiatives such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has consistently dominated most of organizations' top strategic priorities. Additionally, the field of EI has generated a vast amount…

  6. 78 FR 18325 - Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Formal Training Unit (FTU) and... (United States)


    ... Statement (EIS) for the Formal Training Unit (FTU) and Main Operating Base 1 (MOB 1) for the Beddown of KC... Statement (EIS) for the Formal Training Unit (FTU) and Main Operating Base 1 (MOB 1) for the Beddown of KC...-46A tanker aircraft, associated infrastructure and manpower of the FTU and MOB 1 at existing active...

  7. Eesti põllumajanduspoliitika ja WTO leping ei vasta Eesti rahvuslikele huvidele / Janno Reiljan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Eesti liitus Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooniga (WTO) endale ebasoodsatel tingimustel, mis ei võimalda meie põllumajandustoodetel välisturul konkureerida. Tabel: Eesti väliskaubandus põllumajandussaadustega. Autor: ERL. Parlamendisaadik

  8. Abort - valik või paratamatus / Naatan Haamer ; interv. Erle Iher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haamer, Naatan, 1965-


    Intervjuu Tartu naistekliiniku ja vaimse tervise hooldekeskuse hingehoidja ning Haiglahingehoiu Keskuse juhatajaga. Lisa : Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu põõrdumine Eesti rahva poole "Kaitsta iga inimese loomupärast õigust elule"

  9. Iraagi päästmiseks poliitikast ei piisa / Henry A. Kissinger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kissinger, Henry, 1923-


    Endine USA riigisekretär arutleb Iraagi-poliitika üle. Autor nendib, et äkiline USA vägede väljaviimine Iraagist ei lõpetaks sõda, vaid muudaks ainult selle olusid, parim strateegia Iraagi kriisi ületamiseks on rahvusvahelise diplomaatia kasutamine. Lisa: USA väed Iraagis

  10. Rõõm muusikast / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Ülestõusmispühade-kontsertidest Tallinna kirikutes: Päästearmee Londoni puhkpilliorkestri Chalk Farm Band kontserdist Kaarli kirikus, Eesti Muusikaakadeemia õpilaste kontserdist Jaani kirikus, Leedsi Filharmoonia Segakoori kontserdist Kaarli kirikus

  11. Peaminister Juhan Parts ei plaani ametit maha panna / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts pooldab paremerakondade ühinemist, ei kavatse ametist lahkuda ning peab valitsuse üheks ülesandeks rahvaarutelu algatamist vabaduse samba üle. Lisa: Ene Ergma kõnest Riigikogus (13.09.2004)

  12. Kohtumine küünlasäras. Dave Benton annab 12 jõulukontserti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tõnu Raadiku ja Aare Jaama kontserdist "Lumevarjude vahel" 11. dets. Pärnu Raekoja saalis. Uue albumi "Generations" üllitanud Dave Bentoni ja gospelkooride kontsertidest Eesti kirikutes (9. dets. Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus)

  13. Deutsche Spuren in Estland / Jochen Hümmrich-Welt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hümmrich-Welt, Jochen


    Tallinna ja Eesti ajaloost alates 1219. a. kuni tänapäevani, pikemalt tutvustatakse keskaega, Eesti mõisaid, Tallinna Niguliste kirikut ja Mustpeade maja. Saksa mõjust Eesti ajaloole ja kultuurile

  14. PV Interneurons: Critical Regulators of E/I Balance for Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brielle R. Ferguson


    Full Text Available Elucidating the prefrontal cortical microcircuit has been challenging, given its role in multiple complex behaviors, including working memory, cognitive flexibility, attention, social interaction and emotional regulation. Additionally, previous methodological limitations made it difficult to parse out the contribution of certain neuronal subpopulations in refining cortical representations. However, growing evidence supports a fundamental role of fast-spiking parvalbumin (PV GABAergic interneurons in regulating pyramidal neuron activity to drive appropriate behavioral responses. Further, their function is heavily diminished in the prefrontal cortex (PFC in numerous psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia and autism. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of the optimal balance of excitation and inhibition (E/I in cortical circuits in maintaining the efficiency of cortical information processing. Although we are still unraveling the mechanisms of information representation in the PFC, the E/I balance seems to be crucial, as pharmacological, chemogenetic and optogenetic approaches for disrupting E/I balance induce impairments in a range of PFC-dependent behaviors. In this review, we will explore two key hypotheses. First, PV interneurons are powerful regulators of E/I balance in the PFC, and help optimize the representation and processing of supramodal information in PFC. Second, diminishing the function of PV interneurons is sufficient to generate an elaborate symptom sequelae corresponding to those observed in a range of psychiatric diseases. Then, using this framework, we will speculate on whether this circuitry could represent a platform for the development of therapeutic interventions in disorders of PFC function.

  15. Uudised : TÜ Kammerkoor laulis Rootsis. Suzuki Nordic String Eestis. Vello Loogna sünnipäevakontsert / Valdur Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liiv, Valdur


    TÜ Kammerkoor esines ülestõusmispühadel Rootsi kirikutes. Põhjamaade laste keelpilliorkester esineb Eestis 1., 2. ja 3. mail. Lühidalt Suzuki pedagoogikast. V. Loogna 60. juubeli kontserdist 30. apr. Estonia kontserdisaalis

  16. Soome kirikudisain, Schjerfbecki autoportreed, Mucha juugend / Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Näitus "Tuvi ja tall - Helsingi kirikute sakraalne disain" Helsingi disainimuuseumis. Helene Schjerfbecki (1862-1946) näitus Didrichseni kunstimuuseumis. Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) ehete ja teatriplakatite näitus Amos Andersoni Taidemuseumis

  17. 77 FR 67345 - Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Clearwater... (United States)


    ...The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in conjunction with the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Sanitation Districts) has completed a Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Clearwater Program. The Clearwater Program is a comprehensive planning effort undertaken by the Sanitation Districts for the Joint Outfall System, a regional wastewater management system serving approximately 4.8 million people in 73 cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County. A major component of the Clearwater Program is the evaluation of alternatives for construction of a new ocean outfall and rehabilitation of the existing ocean outfalls. Both activities would entail discharge of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States, work in navigable waters of the United States, and the transport of dredged material for ocean disposal. These activities would require authorization from the Corps pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, respectively. The Draft EIS/EIR was circulated for a 57-day review period from February 13, 2012 through April 10, 2012. The Corps and the Sanitation Districts reviewed and provided responses to 19 agency comments and 33 public comments in preparing the Final EIS/EIR. The Final EIS/EIR, including a Draft 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis, is available for a 31-day review period from November 9, 2012 through December 10, 2012. The document is accessible via the World- Wide Web at Alternatively, printed copies are available at the following locations: Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, 1955 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California; Carson Regional Library, 151 East Carson Street, Carson, California; Los Angeles Public Library, San Pedro Branch, 931 South Gaffey Street, San Pedro, California; and Los Angeles Public Library, Wilmington

  18. Kirik või muuseum? / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    Vatikani kultuuriministeeriumi juhi ametikohale asunud piiskop Mauro Piacenza mõistis hukka kirikutesse sissepääsu maksustamise. Veneetsia kirikutes piletimüüki korraldava Progetto Choruse presidendi Aldo Marangoni vastus piiskopi avaldusele, piletitulu kasutamisest

  19. 7 CFR 1955.136 - Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 14 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact... Disposal of Inventory Property General § 1955.136 Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). (a) Prior to a final decision on some disposal actions, an environmental assessment must be...

  20. Naftahinna olulist langust lähiajal loota ei maksa / Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Erik


    Analüütikute hinnangul kujuneb tänavu nafta keskmiseks hinnaks 83,87 krooni barrelilt. Energiaanalüütik Julian Lee on seisukohal, et keskpikas perspektiivis peaks naftapuhastustehaste mahu kasv sundima naftahinna langema, Deutsche Banki tooraineanalüüsi juhi Michael Lewise arvates ei saa praegu suuremat hinnalangust tulla. Lisa: OPEC viivitab toodangukärpega. Diagramm

  1. Põhjakeskuse tehingut ei saa tagasi pöörata / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Kobe Investmentsi partnerite Veljo Kuuse ja Kaire Kopli sõnul ei saa endine autoärimees Toomas Rüütmann Põhjakeskuse tehingut tagasi pöörata ning T. Rüütmann on keskuse projektist kätte saanud kordades enam raha, kui on sinna investeerinud. Vt. samas: Rüütmann väidab, et ta lasi varad arestida

  2. The EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) Process in Relation to the Proposed Naval Task Force at Everett, Washington, (United States)


    decision before filing the EA. Also, the transfer of fuel and arms and the change in economic and social enviromental effects warranted an EIS. Facts: The...must deal with many of the same environmental, social , and economic problems that are evident. The basing of a Naval Task Force in Puget Sound stems from...which involves unresolved conflicts e. V.V..4 President OMB Cirua * NEPA of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321) CEQ/EIS Guidelines 40 CFR 1500-1508 . 7 Excuiv Ordc

  3. Chromospheric Evaporation in an M1.8 Flare Observed by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode (United States)

    Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.


    We discuss observations of chromospheric evaporation for a flare that occurred on 9 March 2012 near 03:30 UT obtained from the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft. This was a multiple event with a strong energy input that reached the M1.8 class when observed by EIS. EIS was in raster mode and fortunately the slit reached almost the exact location of a significant energy input. Also, fortunately EIS obtained a full-CCD spectrum of the flare, i.e., the entire CCD was readout so that data were obtained for about the 500 lines identified in the EIS wavelength ranges. Chromospheric evaporation characterized by 150-200 km/s upflows was observed in several locations in multi-million degree spectral lines of flare ions such as Fe XXII, Fe XXIII, Fe XXIV, with simultaneous 20 - 60 km/s upflows in a host of million degree coronal lines from ions such as Fe XI - Fe XVI. The behavior of cooler, transition region ions such as O VI, Fe VIII, He II, and Fe X is more complex. At a point close to strong energy input, the flare ions reveal an isothermal source with a temperature close to 14 MK. At this point there is a strong downflow in cooler active region lines from ions such as Fe XIII and Fe XIV. Electron densities were obtained from density sensitive lines ratios from Fe XIII and Fe XIV. The results to be presented are refined from the preliminary data given above and combined with context AIA observations for a comparison with predictions of models of chromospheric evaporation as envisaged in the Standard Flare Model.

  4. EI: A Program for Ecological Inference

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gary King


    Full Text Available The program EI provides a method of inferring individual behavior from aggregate data. It implements the statistical procedures, diagnostics, and graphics from the book A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem: Reconstructing Individual Behavior from Aggregate Data (King 1997. Ecological inference, as traditionally defined, is the process of using aggregate (i.e., "ecological" data to infer discrete individual-level relationships of interest when individual-level data are not available. Ecological inferences are required in political science research when individual-level surveys are unavailable (e.g., local or comparative electoral politics, unreliable (racial politics, insufficient (political geography, or infeasible (political history. They are also required in numerous areas of ma jor significance in public policy (e.g., for applying the Voting Rights Act and other academic disciplines ranging from epidemiology and marketing to sociology and quantitative history.

  5. Nanostructured gold microelectrodes for SERS and EIS measurements by incorporating ZnO nanorod growth with electroplating (United States)

    Zong, Xianli; Zhu, Rong; Guo, Xiaoliang


    In this paper, a fine gold nanostructure synthesized on selective planar microelectrodes in micro-chip is realized by using an advanced hybrid fabrication approach incorporating growth of nanorods (NRs) with gold electroplating. By this developed nanostructure, integration of in-situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement for label-free, nondestructive, real-time and rapid monitoring on a single cell has been achieved. Moreover, parameters of Au nanostructures such as size of nanoholes/nanogaps can be controllably adjusted in the fabrication. We have demonstrated a SERS enhancement factor of up to ~2.24 × 106 and double-layer impedance decrease ratio of 90% ~ 95% at low frequency range below 200 kHz by using nanostructured microelectrodes. SERS detection and in-situ EIS measurement of a trapped single cell by using planar microelectrodes are realized to demonstrate the compatibility, multi-functions, high-sensitivity and simplicity of the micro-chip system. This dual function platform integrating SERS and EIS is of great significance in biological, biochemical and biomedical applications. PMID:26558325

  6. Parameter changes during gradual flooding of a PEM fuel cell through EIS studies; Cambio en parametros de una celda de combustible PEM durante inundacion gradual mediante estudios de EIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cano Castillo, Ulises; Cruz Manzo, Samuel; Arriaga Hurtado, Gerardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Ortiz, Alondra; Orozco, German [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica S.C. (CIDETEQ) (Mexico)


    The gradual flooding of a single PEM fuel cell was produced and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were realized in order to follow changes of the fuel cell impedance parameters. These changes were followed by using two equivalent circuit models: one simple model of the Randles type accounting for cathode and anode interfaces and a more complex model based on distributed elements, more suitable for porous electrodes in order to include protonic resistance of the catalyst layers. [Spanish] La inundacion gradual de una monocelda de combustible tipo PEM fue estudiada empleando espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS), con el proposito de seguir cambios en los parametros de impedancia de la celda. Estos cambios fueron estudiados utilizando dos circuitos equivalentes: un modelo simple de tipo Randles, el cual considerara las interfaces del catodo y del anodo, y un modelo mas complejo basado en elementos distribuidos, el cual fuera adecuado para electrodos porosos, a fin de incluir la resistencia protonica de las capas catalizadoras.

  7. Dolda bilder i det heligas nähret. Moriv i svenska medeltida ciborier = Hidden images close to the holy : motifs in the Swedish medieval ciboria / Stina Fallberg Sundmark

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fallberg Sundmark, Stina


    Peidetud graveeritud motiividest katoliku kiriku liturgias kasutatava karika - tsibooriumi kaane siseküljel, mis mõeldud pühitsetud armulaualeiva hoidmiseks. Rootsi kirikutes ja muuseumides on säilinud ca 75 sellist kullatud vaskset tsibooriumi

  8. Anneli Remme soovitab : Kuninganna Mary elu ja surm / Anneli Remme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remme, Anneli, 1968-


    Kontserdisarja "Hingemuusika" teist kontserti raamivad Henry Purcelli teosed, millest esimene on loodud kuninganna Mary sünnipäevaks, viimane matusetseremooniaks. Barokkansambli Corelli Consort esituses 26., 27., ja 28. apr. Viljandi, Tartu ja Tallinna kirikutes

  9. Loeb või ei loe : IT on olulisem kui eales varem / James Champy

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Champy, James


    Vastukajad ajakirja Think! 2003. aasta 2. numbris avaldatud Nicholas Carr'i artiklile "IT ei loe". Autori sõnul näitab kogemus, et infotehnoloogia (IT) on oluline, kui seda kasutatakse innovaatiliste lahenduste loomiseks ja ettevõtte konkurentsivõime muutmiseks

  10. Ekspert : Eestis ei vajata linnugripi tõrjeks välisabi / Nataly Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Nataly


    Eesti veterinaar- ja toiduameti arvates saab Eesti haiguse tõkestamisel hakkama omal jõul, sest seadus lubab operatsioonidesse kaasata nii päästeametite töötajaid kui sõjaväelasi, mistõttu välisabi ei vajata. Lisa: Linnugripi tüvi H5N1

  11. Rein Porro : ma ei kavatse lennuametist lahkuda / Rein Porro ; interv. Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Porro, Rein, 1943-


    Lennuameti peadirektori asetäitja vastab küsimustele, kas ta rikkus lennundusseadust, väljastades lennuloa ettevõttele Pakker Avio, kas ta on läinud tülli lennuõnnetustega tuntuks saanud lennufirmaga ning seepärast püütakse temast vabaneda. Lisa: Uurimine rikkumisi ei tuvastanud

  12. Eesti koolid ei jaksa enam Microsoftilt tarkvara osta / Teele Tammeorg ; kommenteerinud Rain Laane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammeorg, Teele


    Eesti koolide arvutid on nii vananenud, et ei saa kasutada uuemaid operatsioonisüsteeme, Windowsi operatsioonisüsteem ja MS Office'i kasutamine aga kallineb vähemalt kümme korda. Arvamust avaldab ka Tallinna ülikooli haridustehnoloogia keskuse juht Mart Laanpere

  13. Iraani filmimeister ei pääse Berliini festivali žüriisse / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    10.-20. veebruarini toimuva 61. Berliini rahvusvahelise filmifestivali žüriis ei saa osaleda iraani filmirežissöör Jafar Panahi, kellel on kohtuasi pooleli. Rahvusvahelist žüriid juhib Isabella Rossellini

  14. Eesti majandust ei saa rajada võõrtööjõule / Piret Pert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pert, Piret


    Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliidu, Teenistujate Ametiliitude Organisatsiooni ja Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna juhtide kohtumisel leiti, et võõrtööjõud ei ole Eestile lahendus. Harri Taliga, Eiki Nestori ja Kadi Pärnitsa seisukohtadest

  15. Aktinäitust 'Kalamees Hemingway' Pärnus ei näe / Grete Naaber

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Naaber, Grete, 1942-


    Mark Soosaare poolt lubatud Hemingwayd kujutavat 20 maalist (autor hollandlane Peter Diem) ja 40 fotost (aastaist 1928-1936, autor Waldo Peirce) koosnevat aktinäitust 'Kalamees Hemingway' ei õnnestu Pärnusse tuua, kuna see läheks Uue kunsti muuseumile maksma 100 000 krooni.

  16. Kui sõnadest enam ei piisa, siis - muusika / Kadri Mälk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mälk, Kadri, 1958-


    Rahvusvahelisest ehtekunstisündmusest "Schmuckszene" (peakorraldaja Wolfgang Lösche) Münchenis, peanäitusest (kuraator Ralph Turner) Müncheni messikeskuses, satelliitnäitustest. Eestist pääses peanäitusele Maarja Niinemägi, peapreemia sai Jantje Fleischhut. Kaasaegse ehtekunsti toetajate ühenduse (Die Fördergesellschaft Neuer Schmuck) aastapreemia sai Peter Chang. Võrdluseks Tanel Veenre näitusest "Kui sõnadest ei piisa" Hop-galeriis

  17. Edgar Savisaar : Mina ei anna mitte mingit hinnangut / Edgar Savisaar ; interv. Dannar Leitmaa, Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Savisaar, Edgar, 1950-


    Tallinna linnapea vastused linnavalitsuse pressikonverentsil küsimustele, mis puudutasid Keskerakonna suurrahastaja Oliver Kruuda omavolilist ehitamist Nõmmel. Vt. samas: Holger Roonemaa. Inspektorid ei pannud Kruuda tegevust tähele

  18. Euroopa Liidus firmasid kahmav Gazprom teisi Venemaa turule ei lase / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    EL tahab, et Venemaa ratifitseeriks energiaharta, mis võimaldaks Euroopa kompaniidel hakata ise Venemaa gaasi eksportima, Venemaa aga välismaist konkurentsi ei soovi. Samas on Gazprom huvitatud Suurbritannia suurima gaasivarustaja Centrica ostust ning tahab sisenenda ise gaasi tootva Hollandi turule. Lisa: Venemaa teine energiahoob: riiklik Rosneft. Vt. samas: Gaasitoodangu kasvatamine pole veel Gazpromi huvides

  19. Miks IMF ei kiirusta riike rahanduskriisist päästma? / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Mitu riiki taotleb IMF-ilt kriisiabi, IMF esitab neile abi andmiseks rangeid nõudeid. Varasemates kriisides on IMF-i rahast piisanud, kuid suuremaid tööstusriike ta välja aidata ei suudaks, selle juhi Dominique Strauss-Kahni prognoosi kohaselt peab IMF seekord välja andma sadu miljardeid dollareid. Lisa: Pangajuhti tabas seksiskandaal

  20. Evaluation of the properties of anodized aluminum 6061 subjected to thermal cycling treatment using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang Yuelong [Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory (CEEL), Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241 (United States); Shih Hong [Lam Research Corporation, 4400 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 (United States)], E-mail:; Daugherty, John [Lam Research Corporation, 4400 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 (United States); Mansfeld, Florian [Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory (CEEL), Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241 (United States)], E-mail:


    The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes was evaluated for 30 days during exposure to 3.5 wt% NaCl using EIS. Thermal cycling treatments at 120, 160 and 200 deg. C have been applied for the two types of samples. The degradation of the properties of the anodized layers has been determined by thorough analysis of the EIS data for control samples and samples that had undergone thermal cycling. Scanning electron microscopy has been used to evaluate the damage to the anodized aluminum layers due to thermal cycling. It was found that the thermal treatment produced considerable damage of both the porous layer and the barrier layer. The EIS data suggest that some cracks extended into the bare metal. The damage of the oxide layers increased with increasing thermal cycling temperature for both types of samples. Self-sealing of the porous layer and the barrier layer occurred during immersion in NaCl.

  1. Narbalek uranium mine: from EIS to decommissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waggitt, P.W.


    The Nabarlek uranium mine operated in Northern Australia from 1979 until 1989 and was the first of the 'new generation' of uranium mines to go through the cycle of EIS, operation and decommissioning. The paper describes the environmental and operational approval processes, the regulatory regime and the decommissioning procedures at the mine. The mine was located on land owned by indigenous Aboriginal people and so there were serious cultural considerations to be taken into account throughout the mine's life. Site work for decommissioning and rehabilitation was completed in 1995 but revegetation assessment has continued until the present time (1999). The paper concludes with the latest assessment and monitoring data and discusses the lessons learned by all parties from the completion of the cycle of mine life 'from cradle to grave'. (author)

  2. Monitoreo mediante EIS del acero embebido en un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente expuesto a carbonatación EIS monitoring of embedded steel in alkali activated concrete exposed to carbonation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willian Aperador


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utilizó la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS para evaluar la acción del dióxido de carbono sobre la corrosión de un acero estructural ASTM A 706 embebido en un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente (AAS, el concreto AAS es una mezcla de escoria molida granulada, agregados finos y gruesos y solución alcalina (silicato de sodio en la cantidad requerida para la mezcla de concreto. El estudio se realizó comparativamente con especímenes expuestos a condiciones naturales con una baja concentración de CO2 (0,03% CO2. La carbonatación del concreto se obtuvo de forma acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (3% CO2, 65% de humedad relativa y 20°C de temperatura. Los datos de Impedancia fueron adquiridos en un rango de 1mHz hasta 100kHz. A las frecuencias altas se encontró la respuesta de la interfase medio de exposición-concreto y a frecuencias bajas la respuesta de la interfase correspondiente al concreto - acero. Mediante EIS se estableció la capacidad de lograr la pasivación del acero embebido en concreto AAS, en condiciones ambientales naturales y aceleradas.In this work the technique of impedance spectroscopy electrochemistry (EIS was used to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide on the corrosion of ASTM A 706 structural steel embedded in concrete with alkali activated slag (AAS, AAS concrete is a mixture of ground granulated slag, fine and coarse aggregates and alkaline solution (sodium silicate in the amount required for the concrete mix. The study was conducted in comparison with specimens exposed to natural conditions with a low concentration of CO2 (0.03% CO2. The carbonation of the concrete was obtained through accelerated carbonation under controlled conditions (3% CO2, 65% of relative humidity and 20°C of temperature. The data of Impedance in the middle frequency region 1mHz - 100KHz. A high frequency response was found using the interface-specific exposure and low frequency

  3. Geothermal Exploration Case Studies on OpenEI (Presentation)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, K.; Bennett, M.; Atkins, D.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) resource assessment (Williams et al., 2008) outlined a mean 30 GWe of undiscovered hydrothermal resource in the western United States. One goal of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Geothermal Technology Office (GTO) is to accelerate the development of this undiscovered resource. DOE has focused efforts on helping industry identify hidden geothermal resources to increase geothermal capacity in the near term. Increased exploration activity will produce more prospects, more discoveries, and more readily developable resources. Detailed exploration case studies akin to those found in oil and gas (e.g. Beaumont and Foster, 1990-1992) will give developers central location for information gives models for identifying new geothermal areas, and guide efficient exploration and development of these areas. To support this effort, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has been working with GTO to develop a template for geothermal case studies on the Geothermal Gateway on OpenEI. In 2012, the template was developed and tested with two case studies: Raft River Geothermal Area ( and Coso Geothermal Area ( In 2013, ten additional case studies were completed, and Semantic MediaWiki features were developed to allow for more data and the direct citations of these data. These case studies are now in the process of external peer review. In 2014, NREL is working with universities and industry partners to populate additional case studies on OpenEI. The goal is to provide a large enough data set to start conducting analyses of exploration programs to identify correlations between successful exploration plans for areas with similar geologic occurrence models.

  4. Dereplication of pentacyclic triterpenoids in plants by GC-EI/MS. (United States)

    Gu, Jian-Qiao; Wang, Yuehong; Franzblau, Scott G; Montenegro, Gloria; Timmermann, Barbara N


    Three common plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenoids, oleanolic acid (1), betulinic acid (2) and ursolic acid (3), have been found to exhibit moderate anti-tubercular activity in a microplate alamar blue assay. In order to facilitate the discovery of novel anti-tubercular leads with diverse chemical structures, a new and rapid GC-EI/MS method was developed simultaneously and unambiguously to dereplicate 1-3 as their methyl esters with limits of detection of 25.6, 26.9 and 26.8 ng, respectively.

  5. 78 FR 17653 - Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0408) (United States)


    ... Wildlife Service Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS... Plains Wind Energy Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft [[Page 17654

  6. 7 CFR 650.20 - Reviewing and commenting on EIS's prepared by other agencies. (United States)


    ... ensure the health and welfare of the agricultural community. Comments are to be based on knowledge...? What benefits are foregone if prime farmland is taken? (8) Impacts on ecosystems. Does the EIS describe impacts on major plant communities, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems? (9) Impacts on NRCS-assisted...

  7. Meie julgeolek ei ole automaatselt kindlustatud / Juhan Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Nädaline, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Harjumaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Järva Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Sakala, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Virumaa Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 7; Pärnu Postimees, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 15; Meie Maa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Vooremaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Koit, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 6; Võrumaa Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Hiiumaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2. Lihula ausambast, selle sobimatusest rahvusvahelisse konteksti, meedia reageeringust. Minevikukäsitluses ei saa toetuda Teise maailmasõja aegsele Saksa armee mundrile, sest demokraatlikus maailmas samastub see natsismiga, tõdeb peaminister.

  8. Heating and dynamics of two flare loop systems observed by AIA and EIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Y.; Ding, M. D. [School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China); Qiu, J., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (United States)


    We investigate heating and evolution of flare loops in a C4.7 two-ribbon flare on 2011 February 13. From Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) imaging observations, we can identify two sets of loops. Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) spectroscopic observations reveal blueshifts at the feet of both sets of loops. The evolution and dynamics of the two sets are quite different. The first set of loops exhibits blueshifts for about 25 minutes followed by redshifts, while the second set shows stronger blueshifts, which are maintained for about one hour. The UV 1600 observation by AIA also shows that the feet of the second set of loops brighten twice. These suggest that continuous heating may be present in the second set of loops. We use spatially resolved UV light curves to infer heating rates in the few tens of individual loops comprising the two loop systems. With these heating rates, we then compute plasma evolution in these loops with the 'enthalpy-based thermal evolution of loops' model. The results show that, for the first set of loops, the synthetic EUV light curves from the model compare favorably with the observed light curves in six AIA channels and eight EIS spectral lines, and the computed mean enthalpy flow velocities also agree with the Doppler shift measurements by EIS. For the second set of loops modeled with twice-heating, there are some discrepancies between modeled and observed EUV light curves in low-temperature bands, and the model does not fully produce the prolonged blueshift signatures as observed. We discuss possible causes for the discrepancies.

  9. Afgaane ei saa aidata vaid läbi soomuki akna / Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sildam, Toomas, 1961-


    Põhja-Afganistani Mazar-e-Sharifi linnas brittide juhtimisel tegutseva provintsi ülesehitusmeeskonna koosseisu kuulub kaks Eesti üksust - vaatlusmeeskond ja Eesti kaitseväe demineerijate rühm. Kaitseministeeriumi plaani kohaselt saadetakse 2006. aastal Lõuna-Afganistani ligi 120 Eesti sõdurit. Kaart. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud kapten Tiit Paljakuga: Kapten Tiit Paljak: me ei tee afgaanide eest kõike ära

  10. Development and Electrochemical Investigations of an EIS- (Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor based Biosensor for Cyanide Detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael J. Schöning


    Full Text Available A cyanide biosensor based on a pH-sensitive p-doped electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS structure with an immobilised enzyme (cyanidase is realised at thelaboratory scale. The immobilisation of the cyanidase is performed in two distinct steps:first, the covalent coupling of cyanidase to an N-hydroxysuccinimide- (NHS activatedSepharoseTM gel and then, the physical entrapment of NHS-activated SepharoseTM with theimmobilised cyanidase in a dialysis membrane onto the EIS structure. The immobilisationof the cyanidase to the NHS-activated SepharoseTM is studied by means of gelelectrophoresis measurements and investigations using an ammonia- (NH3 selectiveelectrode. For the electrochemical characterisation of the cyanide biosensor,capacitance/voltage and constant capacitance measurements, respectively, have beencarried out. A differential measurement procedure is presented to evaluate the cyanideconcentration-dependent biosensor signals.

  11. DOE/EIS-0355 Remediation of the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, Final Environmental Impact Statement (July 2005)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is proposing to clean up surface contamination and implement a ground water compliance strategy to address contamination that resulted from historical uranium-ore processing at the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Site (Moab site), Grand County, Utah. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) (section) 4321 et seq., DOE prepared this environmental impact statement (EIS) to assess the potential environmental impacts of remediating the Moab site and vicinity properties (properties where uranium mill tailings were used as construction or fill material before the potential hazards associated with the tailings were known). DOE analyzed the potential environmental impacts of both on-site and off-site remediation and disposal alternatives involving both surface and ground water contamination. DOE also analyzed the No Action alternative as required by NEPA implementing regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality. DOE has determined that its preferred alternatives are the off-site disposal of the Moab uranium mill tailings pile, combined with active ground water remediation at the Moab site. The preferred off-site disposal location is the Crescent Junction site, and the preferred method of transportation is rail. The basis for this determination is discussed later in this Summary. DOE has entered into agreements with 12 federal, tribal, state, and local agencies to be cooperating agencies in the development and preparation of this EIS. Several of the cooperating agencies have jurisdiction by law and intend to use the EIS to support their own decisionmaking. The others have expertise relevant to potential environmental, social, or economic impacts within their geographic regions. During the preparation of the EIS, DOE met with the cooperating agencies, provided them with opportunities to review preliminary versions of the document, and addressed their comments

  12. Kui ei maksa nüüd, maksad hiljem rohkem / Villu Zirnask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zirnask, Villu, 1966-


    Autor toob kohe maksmise näitena Rootsi pankade päästmise 1990. aastate alguses ning hiljem maksmise näitena Jaapani, kus lasti hädas olevatel pankadel edasi toimetada. IMF-i analüütikute Luc Laeveni ja Fabian Valencia analüüsi põhjal on kohe maksmise variant üldiselt parem. Graafikud: Maailma finantskriisid 1970-2007. Lisa: Ei aastatki ilma kriisita

  13. Explosive Chromospheric Evaporation and Warm Rain in a GOES C3 Flare Observed by IRIS, Hinode/EIS, and RHESSI (United States)

    Brosius, J. W.; Inglis, A. R.


    IRIS and Hinode/EIS observed a C3.1 flare in AR 12002 in stare mode on 2014 March 15.GOES observed the flare to start at 00:21:35 UT and peak at 00:26:30 UT. The IRIS slitwas pointed near the center of the flare while the EIS slit was pointed 35 arcsec westof the IRIS slit. About 4 minutes before the GOES flare start, the C II and Si IV lineintensities observed by IRIS became (and remained) significantly greater than theirpre-flare average values; this indicates that the flare had begun and that thechromosphere and transition region were involved. IRIS first detected significant,blueshifted Fe XXI emission at 00:22:42 UT, by which time the C II and Si IV lineintensities had increased by factors around 100 and their profiles were significantlyredshifted. This combination of simultaneous, cospatial blueshifted Fe XXI emissionwith redshifted C II and Si IV emission indicates explosive chromospheric evaporation.SDO's HMI observed a localized area of enhanced magnetic field strength toward thesouthernmost portion of the EIS slit's position that appears to be connected to theflare site by faint loops evident in AIA 131 A emission. EIS spectra at this locationreveal intensity enhancements by factors up to about 1.7 in the Fe XIV and Fe XVI lineemission, and the emergence of faint Fe XXIII emission that is too weak to measurevelocities. Emission lines from the two coronal ions show redshifts of about 9 km/saround 00:24:00 UT. The density sensitive line intensity ratio of Fe XIV 264.7/274.2observed by EIS reveals an increase of electron density from (1.03+/-0.20)X10^9 /cm^3before the flare to (3.58+/-0.68)X10^9 /cm^3 during the flare. This combination ofredshifted coronal line emission and increased coronal electron density is consistentwith explosively evaporated flare material observed by IRIS falling as warm rain andaccumulating in the remote area observed by EIS. A thermal/nonthermal fit to the hardX-ray spectrum observed by RHESSI yields a nonthermal energy injection


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardiansyah Nur Sahaya


    Full Text Available Indonesia, as a developing country, is currently facing a tremendous challenge. Global era can be an opportunity, a challenge, as well as a threat. In this globalization era, known as economic liberalization or free trade in services in particular labor. Indonesian workers are expected to be able to compete with workers from other countries. To meet the challenges of globalization workforce, the government has prepared MP3EI (Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development which is not based on common business. MP3EI is a government program that is made by considering the various advantages and potential, as well as the development challenges that Indonesia must face. However, in the implementation of the strategic role of MP3EI, there are still problems in terms of human resources, science and technology. Education focuses mainly on Java, less access to education, use of science and technology training, lack of infrastructure investment training. Therefore, we need a concrete solution in optimizing regional autonomy to address the education gap in each corridor, develop the concept of "one corridor, one potential school corridor". This concept is expected to optimize each economic corridor, regeneration and gradual training for cadres training centers, increasing government and private partnership (PPP in infrastructure investment in training through the implementation of regional autonomy.Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang sedang membangun, saat ini sedang menghadapi tantangan yang luar biasa. Era global dapat menjadi peluang, tantangan, sekaligus juga menjadi ancaman. Dalam era globalisasi yang dikenal dengan liberalisasi ekonomi atau perdagangan bebas khususnya bidang jasa tenaga kerja. Tenaga kerja Indonesia dituntut harus mampu bersaing dengan tenaga kerja dari negara lain. Untuk menjawab tantangan globalisasi tenaga kerja yang ada, pemerintah telah menyiapkan MP3EI (Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan

  15. Kas nad tõesti ei tea, mida räägivad? / Jüri Ginter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ginter, Jüri, 1954-


    2009. a. sügisest kehtima hakkava põhikooli- ja gümnaasiumiseaduse § 28 sätestab, et vastuvõtt gümnaasiumi toimub põhikooli lõpetamise tulemuste alusel. Samas seaduses ei ole öeldud, et lähtuma peab keskmisest hindest, aastahinnetest vms

  16. 75 FR 3746 - Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program (United States)


    ... HIV/AIDS Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program AGENCY: Health Resources and Services...: Critical funding for HIV/AIDS care and treatment to the target populations in Orange County, Orlando..., 2010). The Orange County Health Department is known Statewide as an exceptional site for HIV/AIDS care...

  17. Draft Executive Summary Hawaii Geothermal Project - EIS Scoping Meetings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    After introductions by the facilitator and the program director from DOE, process questions were entertained. It was also sometimes necessary to make clarifications as to process throughout the meetings. Topics covered federal involvement in the HGP-EIS; NEPA compliance; public awareness, review, and access to information; Native Hawaiian concerns; the record of decision, responsibility with respect to international issues; the impacts of prior and on-going geothermal development activities; project definition; alternatives to the proposed action; necessary studies; Section 7 consultations; socioeconomic impacts; and risk analysis. Presentations followed, in ten meetings, 163 people presented issues and concerns, 1 additional person raised process questions only.

  18. Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of anodized aluminum 6061 using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Yuelong; Shih Hong; Huang, Huochuan; Daugherty, John; Wu Shun; Ramanathan, Sivakami; Chang, Chris; Mansfeld, Florian


    The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was employed to determine the surface structure and the thickness of the anodized layers. The EIS data revealed that there was very little change of the properties of the anodized layers for samples that were hard anodized in a mixed acid solution and sealed in hot water over a 365 day exposure period in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The specific admittance A s and the breakpoint frequency f b remained constant with exposure time confirming that the hard anodizing process used in this study was very effective in providing excellent corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 over extended exposure periods. Some minor degradation of the protective properties of the anodized layers was observed for samples that were hard anodized in H 2 SO 4 and exposed to the NaCl solution for 14 days

  19. Briti teadlane: kübersõda ei tule / Thomas Rid ; intervjueerinud Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rid, Thomas


    Sõjauuringute õppejõud Thomas Rid leiab, et internetis on palju ohte, kuid kübersõda ei ole üks neist. Ridi arvates on äärmiselt ebatõenäoline, et NATO käivitaks kunagi küberrünnaku tõttu 5. artikli. Interneti kõige suuremaks ohustajaks pole NSA, vaid vabadust piirata soovivad autoritaarsed riigid

  20. Euroopa integratsioon kirikuloolises perspektiivis / Adolf Martin Ritter ; tõlk. Siret Rutiku

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ritter, Adolf Martin


    Järg Nov/10. Ettekanne on peetud Tartu Ülikooli usuteaduskonnas Eesti-Saksa akadeemilise nädala Academica III raames. Käsitluse aluseks on teesid: Ida ja Lääs, ristiusk, misjonilugu, rahvakirik, oikumeenia, kirikute roll uuenevas Euroopas, usupuhastus, kirikuloo tänapäev

  1. Den tjuvmjölkande kvinnan - ett motiv i den teologiska utmarken = The milk-stealing woman : a motif in the margins of theology / Ann-Sofi Forsmark

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Forsmark, Ann-Sofi


    Upplandi kirikutes esinevast paharetiga mestis olevast piima varastava ja võid kloppiva naise motiivist seinamaalidel kui marginaalsest teoloogias. See oli seotud Euroopasse jõudnud "nõiajahiga", kus arvati, et naine on aldis igasugustele pahategudele tänu kuradi mõjuvõimule naise üle

  2. Paavst Johannes Paulus II läkitus kunstirahvale / Hendrik Lindepuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lindepuu, Hendrik


    Johannes Paulus II 1999. a. 4. aprilli kirjast 'Nendele, kes kirglikult ja pühendunult otsivad ilu uusi 'ilmutusi', et kinkida need maailmale kunstilise loomena'. Kunstnik kui sõnumi kuulutaja. Kas kirik vajab kunsti ja kunst kirikut.Czeslaw Milosz, Wojciech Kilar, Stefan Chwin paavsti kirjast

  3. 75 FR 26739 - Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Airfield Operations at... (United States)


    ..., Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast, 904-542-6866. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Navy's... period (ending June 10, 2010) will receive the same attention and consideration during EIS preparation...

  4. A model for determining the scope and level of detail that is appropriate for a programmatic EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eccleston, C.H.


    Since the inception of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), no definitive guidance has been established for determining the scope of topics and issues, or the level of detail suitable for presentation within a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (P-EIS). Lacking such guidance, an inordinate amount of time and resources can be expended in determining the scope that is most appropriately addressed within a P-EIS versus the more detailed scope that is best reserved for lower-tier documents. Faced with this predicament, agencies often err on the side of including too much detail, resulting in P-EISs that are over bloated and unnecessarily complex. Moreover, lack of definitive guidance leads to a great deal of inconsistency in the preparation of P-EISs among federal agency programs. A paradigm for assisting decisionmakers in making such determinations is presented below. This model expedites the preparation of P-EISs by providing a consistent and systematic approach for determining the scope and level of detail that is most appropriately addressed at the programmatic level. In many cases, the model provides agencies with an effective tool for managing and streamlining the NEPA process by de-scoping needless and unnecessary issues from the scope of a P-EIS

  5. Andrzej Wajda : maailm küll teadis, aga ei hoolinud / Eda Post

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Post, Eda, 1983-


    Poola filmi- ja teatrilavastaja Andrzej Wajda, kes pälvis sel aastal president Toomas Hendrik Ilveselt Maarjamaa Risti III klassi teenetemärgi. Tema viimasest mängufilmist "Katõn". Lisatud andmed elu ja töö kohta. Ordenit vastu võtma A. Wajda ei tule, sest 24. veebruaril 2008 läheb ta Los Angeleses Oscarite galale, kus tema film "Katõn" on parima võõrkeelse filmi auhinna nominent

  6. Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Improvements Project and Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project. Final EIR/EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On May 26, 1994, the Lake County Sanitation District and the US Bureau of Land Management released for public review a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) on the proposed Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Improvements Project and Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project. A minimum 45-day review and comment period began on that date and notices were published in the Federal Register. The public review and comment period closed on July 26, 1994. Public hearings on the Draft EIMIS were held in Lakeport, CA, on June 30 and July 14, 1994. The first part of this document contains copies of the written comments submitted on the Draft EIR/EIS. It also contains summary paraphrased comments of the public hearings. The second part of this document contains responses to the comments

  7. 75 FR 76444 - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Construction and Operation of a Panoramic Survey... (United States)


    ... potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the proposed Panoramic Survey... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Construction and Operation of a Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) at the Summit...

  8. Baltic Scandinavian Lines - Tallinki konkurent, kes end konkurendiks ei nimeta / Margo Heinla ; interv. Mart Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinla, Margo


    BSL-i tegevjuht kinnitab, et Tallink ei ole nende jaoks konkurent, kuna tegevusalad on nii erinevad. BSL-i ainus laev Via Mare on orienteeritud kaubavedudele Paldiskist Lõuna-Rootsi Västerviki ja Kapellskäri. Vaba ruumi korral veetakse üle ka sõiduautosid

  9. Solving the Schrödinger equation of helium and its isoelectronic ions with the exponential integral (Ei) function in the free iterative complement interaction method. (United States)

    Kurokawa, Yusaku I; Nakashima, Hiroyuki; Nakatsuji, Hiroshi


    We introduce here the exponential integral (Ei) function for variationally solving the Schrödinger equation of helium and its isoelectronic ions with the free iterative complement interaction (ICI) method. In our previous study [J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 127, 224104], we could calculate very accurate energies of these atoms by using the logarithmic function as the starting function of the free ICI calculation. The Ei function has a weak singularity at the origin, similarly to the logarithmic function, which is important for accurately describing the three-particle coalescence region. The logarithmic function, however, has a node and a maximum along the radial coordinate which may be physically meaningless. In contrast, the Ei function does not have such unphysical behaviors and so would provide an improvement over the logarithmic function. Actually, using the Ei function, instead of the logarithmic function, we obtained the energy, E= -2.903 724 377 034 119 598 311 159 245 194 404 446 696 924 865 a.u. for the helium ground state with 21 035 functions, which is a slight improvement over our previous result (the bold face shows the digits that are believed to have converged). This result supports the suggestion that the Ei function is better than the logarithmic function for describing the three-particle coalescence region.

  10. Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of anodized aluminum 6061 using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang Yuelong [Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory (CEEL), Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241 (United States); Shih Hong [Lam Research Corporation, 4400 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 (United States)], E-mail:; Huang, Huochuan; Daugherty, John; Wu Shun; Ramanathan, Sivakami; Chang, Chris [Lam Research Corporation, 4400 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 (United States); Mansfeld, Florian [Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory (CEEL), Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241 (United States)], E-mail:


    The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was employed to determine the surface structure and the thickness of the anodized layers. The EIS data revealed that there was very little change of the properties of the anodized layers for samples that were hard anodized in a mixed acid solution and sealed in hot water over a 365 day exposure period in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The specific admittance A{sub s} and the breakpoint frequency f{sub b} remained constant with exposure time confirming that the hard anodizing process used in this study was very effective in providing excellent corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 over extended exposure periods. Some minor degradation of the protective properties of the anodized layers was observed for samples that were hard anodized in H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} and exposed to the NaCl solution for 14 days.

  11. EIS study on corrosion and scale processes and their inhibition in cooling system media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin-Cruz, J.; Cabrera-Sierra, R.; Pech-Canul, M.A.; Gonzalez, I.


    A study of the carbon steel/cooling water interface was carried out using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). EIS spectra reveal that a layer of corrosion and scale products forms naturally and evolves with the immersion time modifying the carbon steel/cooling water interface and giving rise to corrosion and scale processes. In addition, the nature of the layer formed on the metal was found to depend on the inhibitor used. It was established that the corrosion inhibitor (hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid (HPA)) chelates with Ca(II) ion generating a layer with resistive properties that provides good protection against corrosion. In contrast, the scale inhibitor (1-hydroxy-ethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP)) is incorporated into the calcium carbonate crystals at the surface, modifying the structure and diminishing scale formation in the surface; this additive additionally inhibited corrosion. These observations were supported by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and corroborate previous studies performed by other techniques on HPA and HEDP. Finally, a synergistic effect was observed between these inhibitors that provides good protection to steel against corrosion and scaling in cooling media

  12. EIS study on corrosion and scale processes and their inhibition in cooling system media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin-Cruz, J. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Quimica, Apdo. Postal 55-534, 09340 Mexico, DF (Mexico) and Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Coordinacion de Ingenieria Molecular, Competencia de Quimica Aplicada, Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas No. 152, CP 07730, DF (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Cabrera-Sierra, R. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Quimica, Apdo. Postal 55-534, 09340 Mexico, DF (Mexico); Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Quimica e Industrias Extractivas (ESIQIE-IPN), Departamento de Metalurgia, UPALM Zacatenco AP 75-874, CP 07338, DF (Mexico); Pech-Canul, M.A. [Departamento de Fisica Aplicada, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios, Avanzados del IPN, AP 73 Cordemex, CP 97310, Merida, Yucatan (Mexico); Gonzalez, I. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Quimica, Apdo. Postal 55-534, 09340 Mexico, DF (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    A study of the carbon steel/cooling water interface was carried out using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). EIS spectra reveal that a layer of corrosion and scale products forms naturally and evolves with the immersion time modifying the carbon steel/cooling water interface and giving rise to corrosion and scale processes. In addition, the nature of the layer formed on the metal was found to depend on the inhibitor used. It was established that the corrosion inhibitor (hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid (HPA)) chelates with Ca(II) ion generating a layer with resistive properties that provides good protection against corrosion. In contrast, the scale inhibitor (1-hydroxy-ethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP)) is incorporated into the calcium carbonate crystals at the surface, modifying the structure and diminishing scale formation in the surface; this additive additionally inhibited corrosion. These observations were supported by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and corroborate previous studies performed by other techniques on HPA and HEDP. Finally, a synergistic effect was observed between these inhibitors that provides good protection to steel against corrosion and scaling in cooling media.

  13. Facts and artefacts regarding correlation between skin electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and blood glucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ollmar, Stig; Nicander, Ingrid; Åberg, Peter; Bolinder, Jan


    Earlier observations on possible co-variation between skin EIS and blood glucose prompted us to map and include other factors at play in the predictive model. Skin pH would be one such factor. A cohort of 20 diabetics was investigated, taking around 30 measurements spread over each of two different days 2–21 days apart. Each measurement comprises skin EIT in the frequency range 1kHz to 2.5MHz, skin pH, and immediately evaluated blood samples. There is a co-variation for some, but not all, test persons. The relationship gets stronger on the group level by adding pH-information, but is still poor or non-existent for some test persons. Non-invasive EIS measurements on skin is influenced by skin hydration, blood glucose, skin pH, body location, season, environmental factors, and variables not yet understood. Since impedance related parameters are used to estimate skin hydration, users of such devices should be aware that skin pH may influence as much as the water content of the stratum corneum.

  14. Facts and artefacts regarding correlation between skin electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and blood glucose (United States)

    Ollmar, Stig; Nicander, Ingrid; Åberg, Peter; Bolinder, Jan


    Earlier observations on possible co-variation between skin EIS and blood glucose prompted us to map and include other factors at play in the predictive model. Skin pH would be one such factor. A cohort of 20 diabetics was investigated, taking around 30 measurements spread over each of two different days 2-21 days apart. Each measurement comprises skin EIT in the frequency range 1kHz to 2.5MHz, skin pH, and immediately evaluated blood samples. There is a co-variation for some, but not all, test persons. The relationship gets stronger on the group level by adding pH-information, but is still poor or non-existent for some test persons. Non-invasive EIS measurements on skin is influenced by skin hydration, blood glucose, skin pH, body location, season, environmental factors, and variables not yet understood. Since impedance related parameters are used to estimate skin hydration, users of such devices should be aware that skin pH may influence as much as the water content of the stratum corneum.

  15. Magnesium and its alloys as degradable biomaterials: corrosion studies using potentiodynamic and EIS electrochemical techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolf Dieter Müller


    Full Text Available Magnesium is potentially useful for orthopaedic and cardiovascular applications. However, the corrosion rate of this metal is so high that its degradation occurs before the end of the healing process. In industrial media the behaviour of several magnesium alloys have been probed to be better than magnesium performance. However, the information related to their corrosion behaviour in biological media is insufficient. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the components of organic fluids on the corrosion behaviour of Mg and AZ31 and LAE442 alloys using potentiodynamic, potentiostatic and EIS techniques. Results showed localized attack in chloride containing media. The breakdown potential decreased when chloride concentration increased. The potential range of the passivation region was extended in the presence of albumin. EIS measurements showed that the corrosion behaviour of the AZ31 was very different from that of LAE442 alloy in chloride solutions.

  16. Miks köögiviljakuningad ei taha ühineda? / Silja Lättemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lättemäe, Silja, 1952-


    Euroopa Liit hüvitab osaliselt ühistegevuse kulud köögiviljasektoris. Eesti köögiviljakasvatajatel ei ole õnnestunud oma tootjaorganisatsiooni luua. Eesti juhtivad köögiviljatootjad on Ants Pak Kadarbiku talust, Kalle Reiter Agro AS-ist ja Johannes Valk Laheotsa talust. Vt. ka: Juur- ja köögiviljade eksport Eestist 2005. a jaanuar-oktoober

  17. The Iterative Use of Single Case Research Designs to Advance the Science of EI/ECSE (United States)

    Barton, Erin E.; Ledford, Jennifer R.; Lane, Justin D.; Decker, Jessica; Germansky, Sara E.; Hemmeter, Mary Louise; Kaiser, Ann


    Research in early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE) is focused on identifying effective practices related to positive outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families. Individual responses to evidence-based practices are often variable, and non-responders are common. Single case research (SCR) might be…

  18. Flawlessi tankeriga sõitnud Küprose firma ei võta merereostuse tekitamist omaks / Martin Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Martin, 1984-


    Flawlessi tankeriga opereerivat Küprose firmat Hanseatic Shipping ei saa reostuses süüdistada, sest nemad vedasid rasket kütteõli, kuid Lääne-Eesti rannikult leiti pooltahke õlimass. Vt. samas: Piret Reiljan. Alambra reostuse puhul jäi Eestil trahv saamata; Prokuratuuril sadu kahtlusaluseid

  19. Animo grato vovit : varauusaegsed epitaafaltarid Eestis / Reet Rast

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rast, Reet, 1964-


    Käsitletakse üleminekuperioodi katoliiklusest luterlusse Eesti kirikukunsti näitel ja maa-aadli osast kirikute sisustamisel ja altarite püstitamisel 16. sajandi lõpust kuni 18. sajandi alguseni. Epitaafi kui inimlikku ja jumalikku vahendava meediumi tähenduse tõusust ja muutumisest reformatsiooni järel

  20. APCI as an innovative ionization mode compared with EI and CI for the analysis of a large range of organophosphate esters using GC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Halloum, Wafaa; Cariou, Ronan; Dervilly-Pinel, Gaud; Jaber, Farouk; Le Bizec, Bruno


    Organophosphate esters (OPEs) are chemical compounds incorporated into materials as flame-proof and/or plasticizing agents. In this work, 13 non-halogenated and 5 halogenated OPEs were studied. Their mass spectra were interpreted and compared in terms of fragmentation patterns and dominant ions via various ionization techniques [electron ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) under vacuum and corona discharge atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)] on gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The novelty of this paper relies on the investigation of APCI technique for the analysis of OPEs via favored protonation mechanism, where the mass spectra were mostly dominated by the quasi-molecular ion [M + H] + . The EI mass spectra were dominated by ions such as [H 4 PO 4 ] + , [M-R] + , [M-Cl] + , and [M-Br] + , and for some non-halogenated aryl OPEs, [M] +● was also observed. The CI mass spectra in positive mode were dominated by [M + H] + and sometimes by [M-R] + , while in negative mode, [M-R] - and more particularly [X] - and [X 2 ] -● were mainly observed for the halogenated OPEs. Both EI and APCI techniques showed promising results for further development of instrumental method operating in selective reaction monitoring mode. Instrumental detection limits by using APCI mode were 2.5 to 25 times lower than using EI mode for the non-brominated OPEs, while they were determined at 50-100 times lower by the APCI mode than by the EI mode, for the two brominated OPEs. The method was applied to fish samples, and monitored transitions by using APCI mode showed higher specificity but lower stability compared with EI mode. The sensitivity in terms of signal-to-noise ratio varying from one compound to another. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Tiigrihüppega ei paranda kingi ega osta leiba / Tarmo Mänd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mänd, Tarmo, 1950-


    Ilmunud ka: Põhjarannik, 24. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Valgamaalane, 25. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Oma Saar, 25. okt. 2007, lk. 5; Vooremaa, 25. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 26. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Harju Ekspress, 26. okt. 2007, lk. 6; Meie Maa, 27. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Koit, 30. okt. 2007, lk. 6. Riigikogus ei leidnud poolehoidu Rahvaliidu ettepanek suurendada uues eelarves valdadele mõeldud tulumaksu osa. Parlamendiliige loodab, et eelseisval eelarvekava menetlemisel riigikogus tõstatatakse see teema uuesti

  2. Neon-like Iron Ion Lines Measured in NIFS/Large Helical Device (LHD) and Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) (United States)

    Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Murakami, Izumi; Kato, Daiji; Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.; Morita, Shigeru; Suzuki, Chihiro; Tamura, Naoki; Yamamoto, Norimasa; Nakamura, Nobuyuki


    Line intensities emerging from the Ne-sequence iron ion (Fe XVII) are measured in the laboratory, by the Large Helical Device at the National Institute for Fusion Science, and in the solar corona by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board the Hinode mission. The intensity ratios of Fe XVII λ 204.6/λ 254.8 are derived in the laboratory by unblending the contributions of the Fe XIII and XII line intensities. They are consistent with theoretical predictions and solar observations, the latter of which endorses the in-flight radiometric calibrations of the EIS instrument. The still remaining temperature-dependent behavior of the line ratio suggests the contamination of lower-temperature iron lines that are blended with the λ 204.6 line.

  3. Neon-like Iron Ion Lines Measured in NIFS/Large Helical Device (LHD) and Hinode /EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa [National Astronomical Observatory, National Institutes of Natural Sciences 2-21-1 Osawa Mitaka Tokyo, 181-8588 (Japan); Murakami, Izumi; Kato, Daiji; Morita, Shigeru [SOKENDAI (Graduate University for Advanced Studies) Hayama, Miura-gun, Kanagawa, 240-0193 (Japan); Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.; Suzuki, Chihiro; Tamura, Naoki [National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences 322-6 Oroshi-cho, Toki Gifu, 509-5292 (Japan); Yamamoto, Norimasa [Chubu University 1200 Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai Aichi, 487-0027 (Japan); Nakamura, Nobuyuki, E-mail: [The University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu Tokyo, 182-8585 (Japan)


    Line intensities emerging from the Ne-sequence iron ion (Fe xvii) are measured in the laboratory, by the Large Helical Device at the National Institute for Fusion Science, and in the solar corona by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board the Hinode mission. The intensity ratios of Fe xvii λ 204.6/ λ 254.8 are derived in the laboratory by unblending the contributions of the Fe xiii and xii line intensities. They are consistent with theoretical predictions and solar observations, the latter of which endorses the in-flight radiometric calibrations of the EIS instrument. The still remaining temperature-dependent behavior of the line ratio suggests the contamination of lower-temperature iron lines that are blended with the λ 204.6 line.

  4. Study of the flooding and dehydration processes of a PEM fuel cell using the EIS technique; Estudio de los procesos de inundacion y deshidratacion en una celda de combustible tipo PEM mediante la tecnica EIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loyola-Morales, F.; Cano-Castillo, U. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    In this work, a study was conducted of the flooding and dehydration processes of a PEM fuel cell using the EIS technique. The experiments were conducted in a 50 cm{sup 2} cell. The gradual flooding of the system was induced by operating the cell at a potential of 0.3 V and maintaining the gas outlet closed (that is, stoichiometry of 1 for the anode (H{sub 2}) and the cathode (O{sub 2})) to enable the water produced by the reaction to accumulate inside. The gradual dehydration was induced by operating the cell at a potential of 0.3V and establishing a oxidized gas flow at a stoichiometry of 4. EIS tests were applied throughout both processes. The results showed that the EIS technique is highly sensitive for the analysis of the different degrees of the flooding processes by monitoring variations in the imaginary components of total impedance (Z{sup )} or the phase angle ({theta}). For low degrees of flooding, the technique had good sensitivity, between 1 and 6 Hz, while at high degrees of flooding the technique's greatest sensitivity was limited to a range between 1 and 2 Hz. In the case of the dehydration process of the system, the results showed that this type of process can be analyzed for variations in the value of the real component (Z{sup '}) as well as for the imaginary component of total impedance and variations in the phase angle. The analysis of dehydration with Z{sup '} was possible at a rather wide range, from 100 to 1000 Hz; with Z{sup }or {theta} it was only possible at a range of 20 to 200 Hz. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo, se llevo a cabo el estudio de los procesos de inundacion y deshidratacion de una celda de combustible tipo PEM mediante la tecnica EIS. Los experimentos fueron realizados en una celda de 50 cm{sup 2}. La inundacion gradual del sistema se indujo operando la celda a un potencial de 0.3 V de celda y manteniendo la salida de gases cerrada (i. e. estequiometria de 1 tanto en anodo (H{sub 2}) como en catodo (O{sub 2

  5. Läti riik ei suuda IMF-i nõuet mingi hinnaga täita / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Isegi ametiasutuste palkade ja kulude vähendamisel 40% võrra ei suudaks Läti järgida viieprotsendise puudujäägi nõuet, mille täitmise korral on IMF valmis andma edasisi laene. Valitsuse siht on jõuda sel aastal seitsmeprotsendise defitsiidini

  6. 78 FR 29124 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Implementation of Energy, Water, and Solid... (United States)


    ... public comment period. Copies of the Draft EIS are available at the following libraries: Alamogordo Public Library, El Paso Main Library, Irving Schwartz Branch Library, New Mexico State University Zuhl Library, Richard Burges Branch Library, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, and University of Texas at El...

  7. Prezident ne provozglasil zakon o tserkvahh i prihodahh... i provozglasil popravki v zakon o teleradioveshtshanii

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Arnold Rüütel jättis välja kuulutamata Kirikute ja koguduste seaduse ja kuulutas välja Ringhäälinguseaduse muutmise seaduse. Pealk. ajalehes Sillamjaeskii Vestnik (2002/Jan/8): "Prezident Estonii Arnold Rüütel reshil ne provozglashat zakon o tserkvahh i prihodahh", lk. 2

  8. Spinario - tornen i foden = Spinario : the thorn in the foot / Lise Gotfredsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gotfredsen, Lise


    Hellenistlikust skulptuurist "Okkatõmbaja" - "Spinario" ja selle hilisematest variantidest, mis sümboliseerivad ilu, edevust, aga ka pattu. Seda motiivi on kasutatud 12. sajandil ka Ojamaa, Taani ja Norra kirikutes ristimisastjatel, kujutades negatiivset, kahtlevat inimest, kes võib pääseda, kui ta valib õige tee ja vabastab end "okkast"

  9. E-I balance emerges naturally from continuous Hebbian learning in autonomous neural networks. (United States)

    Trapp, Philip; Echeveste, Rodrigo; Gros, Claudius


    Spontaneous brain activity is characterized in part by a balanced asynchronous chaotic state. Cortical recordings show that excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) drivings in the E-I balanced state are substantially larger than the overall input. We show that such a state arises naturally in fully adapting networks which are deterministic, autonomously active and not subject to stochastic external or internal drivings. Temporary imbalances between excitatory and inhibitory inputs lead to large but short-lived activity bursts that stabilize irregular dynamics. We simulate autonomous networks of rate-encoding neurons for which all synaptic weights are plastic and subject to a Hebbian plasticity rule, the flux rule, that can be derived from the stationarity principle of statistical learning. Moreover, the average firing rate is regulated individually via a standard homeostatic adaption of the bias of each neuron's input-output non-linear function. Additionally, networks with and without short-term plasticity are considered. E-I balance may arise only when the mean excitatory and inhibitory weights are themselves balanced, modulo the overall activity level. We show that synaptic weight balance, which has been considered hitherto as given, naturally arises in autonomous neural networks when the here considered self-limiting Hebbian synaptic plasticity rule is continuously active.

  10. EI Scale: an environmental impact assessment scale related to the construction materials used in the reinforced concrete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilson Morales


    Full Text Available This study aimed to create EI Scal, an environmental impact assessment scal, related to construction materials used in the reinforced concrete structure production. The main reason for that was based on the need to classify the environmental impact levels through indicators to assess the damage level process. The scale allowed converting information to estimate the environmental impact caused. Indicators were defined trough the requirements and classification criteria of impact aspects considering the eco-design theory. Moreover, the scale allowed classifying the materials and processes environmental impact through four score categories which resulted in a single final impact score. It was concluded that the EI scale could be cheap, accessible, and relevant tool for environmental impact controlling and reduction, allowing the planning and material specification to minimize the construction negative effects caused in the environment.

  11. 75 FR 2138 - Interconnection of the Proposed Hermosa West Wind Farm Project, Wyoming (DOE/EIS-0438) (United States)


    ... in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), U.S. Department of Energy... Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (Tariff). This EIS will address Western's Federal action of..., Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance, GC-54, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW...

  12. Eesmärk ei pühenda iga abinõu. Eetiline investor tunneb vastutust / Kadri Bank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bank, Kadri


    ÜRO vastutustundliku investeerimise programmiga liitunud Limestone Fundsi investeerimispõhimõte on mitte finantseerida ettevõtteid, kelle tegevus on ühiskonna jätkusuutliku arenguga vastuolus. Selle juht Alvar Roosimaa ei näe n.-ö. tavalise ja eetilise investeeringu pikkuse ja kasumlikkuse juures mingit erinevust

  13. CDW-EIS theoretical calculations of projectile deflection for single ionization in highly charged ion-atom collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, V.D.


    We present continuum distorted wave-eikonal initial state (CDW-EIS) theoretical calculations for the projectile deflection in single ionization of helium by heavy-ion impact as a function of ionized electron energies. These calculations account for the helium passive electron shielding in the internuclear interaction improving standard CDW-EIS theory. The results are compared with recent experimental results by impact of 100 MeV/amu C 6+ and 3.6 MeV/amu Au 53+ . For highly charged projectiles there is a poor quantitative agreement between theory and experiment. However, this refined calculation does share some qualitative features with the data. In particular the variation of the effective charge of the residual He + ion from Z eff =1 to Z eff =2 when going from small to large projectile scattering angles is able to represent a shoulder observed in the double differential cross sections. Important qualitative differences are observed at the level of triple differential cross sections

  14. 77 FR 39322 - Notice to Rescind the Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS... (United States)


    ... to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Kootenai County, ID AGENCY: Federal Highway... Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with Idaho Transportation Department (ITD... because congestion and safety concerns were rising within the project corridor and travel times for local...

  15. A combined SEM, CV and EIS study of multi-layered porous ceramic reactors for flue gas purification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Zeming; Andersen, Kjeld Bøhm; Nygaard, Frederik Berg


    The effect of sintering temperature of 12-layered porous ceramic reactors (comprising 5 cells) was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The difference in microstructures of the reactors was evaluated by SEM...

  16. Ajude defitsiit : [kraadiõpe ei suuda katta isegi mitte prioriteetsete erialade vajadusi] / Jaan Laas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laas, Jaan, 1938-


    Akadeemilise järelkasvu probleeme Eestis. Magistrite ja doktorite vähene koosseis ei vasta riigi majandusliku ja ühiskonna kultuurilise arengu vajadustele. 6.dets. 2001 Riigikogus heaks kiidetud dokumendis "Teadmistepõhine Eesti. Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse strateegia 2001-2006" prioriteedina märgitud erialad on kraadiõppega sama hästi kui katmata. Joon.: Teaduse finantseerimine 6 teadussuuna ja 59 teadusala lõikes a. 1998-2000

  17. Niguliste Muuseumi kümme aastat ja seitsmeharuline lühter / Kaia Haamer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haamer, Kaia


    Ülevaade Niguliste muuseumi 10-aastasest tegevusest. Pikemalt juudi seitsmeharulise lühtri - menoraa - tekkeloost, selle levikust ja erinevate ajajärkude vormilistest erinevustest Lääne kristlikes kirikutes, gooti stiili silmapaistvamast Kolbergi katedraali kandelaabrist ning Tallinna kaupmehe Hans Bouweri poolt Niguliste kirikule kingitud seitsmeharulisest põrandalühtrist. Illustratsioonid lk. 63-64

  18. 33 CFR 230.7 - Actions normally requiring an Environmental Assessment (EA) but not necessarily an EIS. (United States)


    .... (d) Construction and Operations and Maintenance. Changes in environmental impacts which were not considered in the project EIS or EA. Examples are changes in pool level operations, use of new disposal areas, location of bank protection works, etc. (e) Real Estate Management and Disposal Actions. (1) Disposal of a...

  19. 77 FR 40144 - Adoption of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Participation in the Section 106... (United States)


    ...) obligations related to MTA's request for financing for the East Side Access project through the FRA Railroad... Statement (EIS) and Participation in the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement for the East Side Access Project... adoption and recirculation of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the East Side Access Project and...

  20. Supplement Analysis for the Transmission System Vegetation Management Program FEIS (DOE/EIS-0285/SA-142- KeelerOregon City #2)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barndt, Shawn L. [Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR (United States)


    Supplement Analysis for the Transmission System Vegetation Management Program FEIS (DOE/EIS-0285/SA-142- KeelerOregon #2). Bonneville Power Administration proposes to remove vegetation alongside Transmission Right-of-Ways

  1. Suvetuurid startisid / Mari Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Rockansambli The Sun suvetuurist ja "Võsa tuurist 2007" (esinevad Summer, ansamblid Traffic ja Mees) juunis, Ulthima Thule kahekümnendale juubelile pühendatud tuurist, ansamblite Kosmikud ja Metsatöll ühistuurist ja Jassi Zahharovi ning Koit Toome kontsertidest Eestimaa kirikutes juulis, muusikalisest estraadietendusest "Tähtede sadu" juulis, kontsertprogrammist "A. Le Coq live" augustis

  2. Kunstiga Eestimaad avastamas / Mart Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Mart, 1949-


    Kirjastuselt "Kunst" ilmunud uued raamatud: "Eestimaa. Looduse teejuht", tekst ja fotod Tiit Hunt; "Eestimaa. Linnuste teejuht", tekst Mart Helme; "Eestimaa. Kirikute teejuht", tekst Mart Helme, fotod Peeter Säre; "Eestimaa. Kultuurituristi teejuht", koostaja Tiiu Viirand; "Eestimaa. Ranniku teejuht", tekst Tiiu Viirand; "Eestimaa mõisate teejuht", fotod Peeter Säre, tekst Mart Helme, Alfred Wells

  3. Männen i den Heliga Släkten - i "marginalen" = The men of the Holy Kinship in the "Margin" / Ingalill Pegelow

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pegelow, Ingalill


    Meeste marginaalidena kujutamisest "Püha hõimkonna" maalidel ja altariretaablitel hiliskeskaja Euroopa kirikutes - mehed on tagaplaanil, Joosepit pole kas üldse või on teda kujutatud kui Jeesuse kasuvanemat. Naistel - püha Annal ja tema tütardel seevastu on alati nimbus pead ümbritsemas. Seotud püha Anna kui Jeesuse vanaema kultusega


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landi, E.; Young, P. R.


    In this work, we study joint observations of Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Solar Ultraviolet Measurement of Emitted Radiation of Fe IX lines emitted by the same level of the high energy configuration 3s 2 3p 5 4p. The intensity ratios of these lines are dependent on atomic physics parameters only and not on the physical parameters of the emitting plasma, so that they are excellent tools to verify the relative intensity calibration of high-resolution spectrometers that work in the 170-200 A and 700-850 A wavelength ranges. We carry out extensive atomic physics calculations to improve the accuracy of the predicted intensity ratio, and compare the results with simultaneous EIS-SUMER observations of an off-disk quiet Sun region. We were able to identify two ultraviolet lines in the SUMER spectrum that are emitted by the same level that emits one bright line in the EIS wavelength range. Comparison between predicted and measured intensity ratios, wavelengths and energy separation of Fe IX levels confirms the identifications we make. Blending and calibration uncertainties are discussed. The results of this work are important for cross-calibrating EIS and SUMER, as well as future instrumentation.

  5. 76 FR 2903 - Interconnection of the Proposed Hyde County Wind Energy Center Project (DOE/EIS-0461), and... (United States)


    ... Wind Energy Center Project (DOE/EIS-0461), and Proposed Crowned Ridge Wind Energy Center Project (DOE... to prepare environmental impact statements (EISs) for the Hyde County Wind Energy Center Project and the Crowned Ridge Wind Energy Center Project in the Federal Register on November 30, 2010. Both...

  6. EIS pitting temperature determination of A182 nickel based alloy in simulated BWR environment containing dilute seawater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavigne, Olivier; Shoji, Tetsuo; Takeda, Yoichi


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Stable pitting events in function of the temperature are monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. • The pitting temperature for the nickel based alloy A182 in solution containing 450 ppm Cl − is defined as above 160 °C. • The presented method can be applied for others passive alloys as stainless steel in solution containing aggressive anions. - Abstract: A method based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements to monitor the pitting temperature of passive alloys in a given media is developed in this communication. The pitting corrosion behavior of the nickel based alloy 182 in water containing 450 ppm by weight of chloride is presented in this study. The analysis of the EIS fit parameters from the proposed equivalent electrical circuit allows to determine the temperature from which stable pitting event occurs at open circuit potential. For the A182 sample this temperature is measured above 160 °C

  7. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)-based evaluation of biological tissue phantoms to study multifrequency electrical impedance tomography (Mf-EIT) systems

    KAUST Repository

    Bera, Tushar Kanti; Nagaraju, J.; Lubineau, Gilles


    . In this direction the impedance responses of the saline solution (background) and a number vegetable and fruit tissues (inhomogeneities) are studied with electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the frequency responses of bioelectrical impedance and conductivity

  8. Ehitusmeistrist arhitektiks - G. F. W. Geist Tartu linnaruumi kujundajana 19. sajandi esimesel poolel / Epi Tohvri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tohvri, Epi


    Ehitusmeistri ja arhitektina töötanud Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Geisti tegevusest Tartus 1810-1846, mil ta etendas olulist rolli Tartu linnaruumi väljaehitamisel, olles pea kõikide linna ja kroonu tellitud avalike hoonete (kaubahoov, hobupostijaam, kreiskool, vaestemaja, haigla jne.) ning kirikute plaanide koostaja ja ehitustööde juhataja, arhitektuuriõpetaja ja lõpuks ka arhitekt

  9. Effluent Information System (EIS) / Onsite Discharge Information System (ODIS): 1986 executive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, T.


    Department of Energy (DOE) data base systems aid DOE-Headquarters and Field Offices in managing the radioactive air and liquid effluents from DOE facilities. Data on effluents released offsite are entered into effluent information system (EIS) and data on effluents discharged onsite and retained onsite are entered into Onsite Discharge Information System (ODIS). This document is a summary of information obtained from the CY 1986 effluent data received from all DOE and DOE contractor facilities and entered in the data bases. Data from previous years are also included. The summary consists of information for effluents released offsite, and information for effluents retained onsite

  10. Õiguste kaitse ei tohi sõltuda rahakoti paksusest / Ken-Marti Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Ken-Marti, 1974-


    Riigi õigusabi seadusest, mis rakendub 1. märtsist 2005. Sama ka Pärnu Postimees 1. märts 2005, lk. 15 ; Võrumaa Teataja 1. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Koit 1. märts 2005, lk. 6 ; Põhjarannik 1. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Vali Uudised 4. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 5. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Meie Maa 10. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Järva Teataja 5. märts 2005, lk. 2 artiklis pealkiri kujul: õiguste kaitse ei sõltu rahakotist ; Videvik 10. märts 2005, lk. 5

  11. Erkko Autio : igaühest ei saa hiilgavat ettevõtjat / Erkko Autio ; interv. Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Autio, Erkko


    Londoni Imperial Kolledzhi professor Erkko Autio kommenteerib oma ettekannet Tallinnas toimunud gasellikonverentsil ning usub, et gasell ei ole sektoripõhine fenomen, vaid võimalik peaaegu igas majandusvaldkonnas kui riik loob soodsa ettevõtluskeskkonna. Vt. samas: iPoint haaras härjal sarvist; MySQL - lihtsalt geniaalne!; Värvikas gaselliguru Erkko Autio; Pille-Liis Kello. Kuidas Eestis toetatakse gaselle?

  12. EIS and adjunct electrical modeling for material selection by evaluating two mild steels for use in super-alkaline mineral processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bakhtiyari, Leila; Moghimi, Fereshteh; Mansouri, Seyed Soheil


    The production of metal concentrates during mineral processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals involves a variety of highly corrosive chemicals which deteriorate common mild steel as the material of choice in the construction of such lines, through rapid propagation of localized pitting...... in susceptible parts, often in sensitive areas. This requires unscheduled maintenance and plant shut down. In order to test the corrosion resistance of different available materials as replacement materials, polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were carried out. The EIS numerical...... software-enhanced polarization resistance, and reduced capacitance added to much diminished current densities, verified the acceptable performance of CK45 compared with high priced stainless steel substitutes with comparable operational life. Therefore, CK45 can be a suitable alternative in steel...

  13. Venemaa ei tahtnud G8-le läinud Eesti ajakirjanikke üle piiri lasta / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    Vene piirivalve hoidis Ivangorodis mitu tundi kinni G-8 tippkohtumisele akrediteeringu saanud kolme Eesti ajakirjanikku. Vt. samas: Venemaa WTO-sse veel ei saa, trump on tuumaenergial; Tanel Mazur. Globaliseerumisvastased saadeti pärast vangistust tagasi Eestisse. Lisad: Meelt jõuti avaldada vaid kaks minutit; Lukashenko vastased kiirelt türmi

  14. 77 FR 52108 - Notice of Withdrawal of the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS... (United States)


    ... Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) activities with the Bureau of Land Management as the Lead Agency to secure the... Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Proposed Sheep Mountain Parkway... Multimodal Transportation Project, which includes highway, transit, and non-motorized trail components in...

  15. Autonomic Neuropathy—a Prospective Cohort Study of Symptoms and E/I Ratio in Normal Glucose Tolerance, Impaired Glucose Tolerance, and Type 2 Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malin Zimmerman


    Full Text Available BackgroundAutonomic neuropathy in diabetes, in addition to causing a range of symptoms originating from the autonomic nervous system, may increase cardiovascular morbidity. Our aim was to study the progression of autonomic neuropathy, based on symptom score and evaluation of an autonomic test, in persons with normal and impaired glucose tolerance and in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D.MethodsParticipants were recruited in 2003/2004 with a follow-up in 2014. The participants’ glucose tolerance was categorized using oral glucose tolerance tests. Symptoms were evaluated using an autonomic symptom score (ASS, ECG was used to test cardiac autonomic function based on the expiration/inspiration ratio (E/I ratio, and blood samples were taken on both occasions.ResultsASSs were higher at follow-up in the T2D patients than in the normal glucose tolerance group (mean 1.21 ± 1.30 vs. 0.79 ± 0.7; p < 0.05. E/I ratio did not deteriorate more than could be expected as an aging effect in well-controlled T2D. No relationship was found between E/I ratio and HbA1c or ASS.ConclusionThe presence of autonomic symptoms increased over time in T2D patients, but the symptoms did not correlate with the E/I ratio in this metabolically well-controlled cohort. ASSs can be a useful clinical tool when assessing the progression of autonomic dysfunction in patients with abnormal glucose metabolism.

  16. The Application of EIS and PIV Methods to the Measurement of Aerated Flow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fejfarová M.


    Full Text Available The paper describes measurements in the aerated water medium using modern methods PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry and EIS (Electrical Impedance Spectrometry, which are applied in the Laboratory of Water Management Research (LVV of the Department of Water Structures (UVST at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FAST of Brno University of Technology (VUT. Measurements of the water medium were carried out for three different aeration intensities at special experimental workplaces. The experiment was focused on the capability of the methods to monitor the air content in the water.

  17. An EIS alternative for impedance measurement of a high temperature PEM fuel cell stack based on current pulse injection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Christian; Araya, Samuel Simon; Sahlin, Simon Lennart


    In this paper a method for estimating the fuel cell impedance is presented, namely the current pulse injection (CPI) method, which is well suited for online implementation. This method estimates the fuel cell impedance and unlike electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), it is simple...... to implement at a low cost. This makes it appealing as a characterization method for on-line diagnostic algorithms. In this work a parameter estimation method for estimation of equivalent electrical circuit (EEC) parameters, which is suited for on-line use is proposed. Tests on a 10 cell high temperature PEM...... fuel cell show that the method yields consistent results in estimating EEC parameters for different current pulse at different current loads, with a low variance. A comparison with EIS shows that despite its simplicity the response of CPI can reproduce well the impedance response of the high...

  18. Dive Data from Expedition Information System (EIS) for Islands in the Stream 2002 - Deep Reef Habitat - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Expeditions Information System (EIS) contains information recorded by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during the 2002 "Islands in the Stream...

  19. 76 FR 53705 - Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Ada... (United States)


    ... new concept are not significant and do not warrant an EIS. Recommendations for improvements along this... with several concepts derived from previous planning efforts. Then a wide range of route options were...) technology such as closed caption television cameras, speed detectors, and other hardware and software...

  20. 1992 Columbia River salmon flow measures Options Analysis/EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Options Analysis/Environmental Impact Statement (OA/EIS) identifies, presents effects of, and evaluates the potential options for changing instream flow levels in efforts to increase salmon populations in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers. The potential actions would be implemented during 1992 to benefit juvenile and adult salmon during migration through eight run-of-river reservoirs. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) prepared this document in cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FSWS) is a participating agency. The text and appendices of the document describe the characteristics of 10 Federal projects and one private water development project in the Columbia River drainage basin. Present and potential operation of these projects and their effects on the salmon that spawn and rear in the Columbia and Snake River System are presented. The life history, status, and response of Pacific salmon to current environmental conditions are described

  1. 1992 Columbia River Salmon Flow Measures Options Analysis/EIS.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This Options Analysis/Environmental Impact Statement (OA/EIS) identifies, presents effects of, and evaluates the potential options for changing instream flow levels in efforts to increase salmon populations in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers. The potential actions would be implemented during 1992 to benefit juvenile and adult salmon during migration through eight run-of-river reservoirs. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) prepared this document in cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FSWS) is a participating agency. The text and appendices of the document describe the characteristics of 10 Federal projects and one private water development project in the Columbia River drainage basin. Present and potential operation of these projects and their effects on the salmon that spawn and rear in the Columbia and Snake River System are presented. The life history, status, and response of Pacific salmon to current environmental conditions are described.

  2. Armin Tuulse ja kirikute uurimine / Kersti Markus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Markus, Kersti, 1962-


    Arhitektuuri- ja kunstiajaloolase tegevusest 1930. aastate Eestis ja Teise maailmasõja järgses Rootsis. Saksa ja rootsi teadlaste vahelistest kultuuriregiooni vaidlustest. Eesti kunsti omapära otsingutest. Keskaegse sakraalkunsti uurimise meetoditest

  3. Kuidas saab Tallinna Vee brittidelt tagasi osta, kui nad ei taha müüa? / Andres Reimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reimer, Andres


    Autori sõnul peavad tõsiselt võetavad analüütikud ja arvamusliidrid Tallinna Vee aktsiate linnale ostmist majanduslikult põhjendamata sammuks, mis tooks kaasa suure laenukoorma, mille lõpuks maksavad kinni tallinlased. Asjatundjate hinnangul ei paista Tallinna Vee omanikel olevat ühtegi põhjust, miks nad tahaksid firma aktsiaid müüa

  4. Nädal täis suurepärast ooperimuusikat / Laine Lehto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehto, Laine


    Ülevaade Saaremaa ooperipäevadest: 24. juulil toimunud galakontserdist (dirigendid Modestas Pitrenas ja Eri Klas); Vanemuise teatri "Trubaduuri" etendusest 25. juulil; 26. juulil toimunud Verdi "Reekviemi" ettekandest, kus Läti Rahvusooperi koori ja orkestri juhatas Neeme Järvi; Estonia Poistekoori kirikukontsertidest "Ave Maria" Saaremaa kirikutes Hirvo Surva juhatusel; Eesti Rahvusmeeskoori ja Tallinna Saksofonikvarteti kontserdist Kuressaare kuursaali kõlakojas 25. juulil

  5. Ivar Tallo : presidendi erakorteris käinud peod mainet ei kahjusta / Ivar Tallo ; interv. Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Avaliku halduse spetsialist vastab küsimustele, kuidas jaguneb Kadrioru lossis era- ja avalik ruum, kas on õigustatud presidendi kantselei taotlus registreerida kõik, ka erakülalised ning kas juhtunu võib kahjustada presidendi mainet. Kaart, skeem: Sissepääsud. Kommenteerivad Andrus Ansip, Villu Reiljan, Andrus Saar. Vt. samas: Presidendipaar palus vabandust; Garel Püüa. Kärmas: tegu ei ole vandenõuga

  6. 78 FR 4134 - Notice of Intent To Prepare An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) On the Proposal To Relocate... (United States)


    ... Proposal To Relocate the 18th Aggressor Squadron From Eielson Air Force Base (EAFB), Alaska to Joint Base... Eielson AFB, AK AGENCY: Pacific Air Forces, United States Air Force, DOD. ACTION: Notice of Intent... Statement (EIS) considering a proposal to relocate the 18th Aggressor Squadron from Eielson AFB to Joint...

  7. 77 FR 58531 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Joint Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Gateway Pacific... (United States)


    ... social, economic, and environmental impacts of the projects and is intended to be sufficient in scope to... across streams. The Corps is preparing an EIS to analyze the potential social, economic, and...; land use; and aesthetics. c. The Corps will serve as the lead agency for compliance with NEPA, and...

  8. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a tool for measuring corrosion of polymer-coated fasteners used in treated wood (United States)

    Samuel L. Zelinka; Lorraine Ortiz-Candelaria; Donald S. Stone; Douglas R. Rammer


    Currently, many of the polymer-coated fasteners on the market are designed for improved corrosion performance in treated wood; yet, there is no way to evaluate their corrosion performance. In this study, a common technique for measuring the corrosion performance of polymer-coated metals, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), was used to evaluate commercial...

  9. 75 FR 2133 - Construction and Operation of the Quartzsite Solar Energy Project, La Paz County, AZ (DOE/EIS-0440) (United States)


    ... Quartzsite Solar Energy Project, La Paz County, AZ (DOE/EIS-0440) AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration... proposed Quartzsite Solar Energy Project (Project) in La Paz County, near Quartzsite, Arizona. Quartzsite Solar Energy, LLC (QSE) has applied to Western to interconnect the proposed Project to Western's power...

  10. Corrosion Performance of AISI-309 Exposed to Molten Salts V2O5-Na2SO4 at 700°C Applying EIS and Rp Electrochemical Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. F. Diaz


    Full Text Available The corrosion performance of AISI-309 exposed 5 days to molten salts 50 mol% V2O5-50 mol% Na2SO4 at 700°C is reported in this paper. Such evaluation was made using three electrochemical techniques: potentiodynamic polarization curve (PC, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS, and linear polarization resistance (Rp. From PC, the Tafel slopes, Icorr, and Ecorr were obtained. From Nyquist and Bode plots, it was possible to determine two different stages; the first one showed just one loop, which indicated the initial formation of Cr2O3 layer over the metallic surface; after that, the dissolution of Cr2O3 formed a porous layer, which became part of the corrosion products; at the same time a NiO layer combined with sulfur was forming, which was suggested as the second stage, represented by two capacitive loops. EIS plots were in agreement with the physical characterization made from SEM and EDS analyses. Fitting of EIS experimental data allowed us to propose two electrical circuits, being in concordance with the corrosion stages. Parameters obtained from the simulation of EIS data are also reported. From the results, it was stated that AISI-309 suffered intergranular corrosion due to the presence of sulfur, which diffused to the metallic surface through a porous Cr2O3 layer.

  11. Heating with ice. Efficient heating source for heat pumps. Primary source storage. Alternative to soil sensors and soil collectors; Heizen mit Eis. Effiziente Waermequelle fuer Waermepumpen. Primaerquellenspeicher, Alternative zu Erdsonden und Erdkollektoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tippelt, Egbert [Viessmann, Allendorf (Germany)


    For several years heat pumps have taken up a fixed place in the mix of annually installed thermal generators. Thus, in the year 2010 every tenth newly installed heater was a heat pump. A new concept for the development and utilization of natural heat now makes this technology even more attractive. From this perspective, the author of the contribution under consideration reports on a SolarEis storage. This SolarEis storage consists of a cylindrical concrete tank with two heat exchangers consiting of plastic pipes. The SolarEis storage uses outdoor air, solar radiation and soil as heat sources for brine / water heat pumps simultaneously.

  12. Carla del Ponte : Serbia koostöö ei saa piirduda vaid ühe inimesega / Carla Del Ponte ; interv. Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Del Ponte, Carla


    ÜRO sõjakuritegude tribunali peasüüdistaja Carla del Ponte ei anna Serbia ühinemisele EL-iga oma heakskiitu enne, kui Belgrad hakkab täielikku koostööd tegema. Vt. samas: Del Ponte seisab Serbia teel EL-i


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Y. Pavlova


    Full Text Available The main direction of half a century of scientific activity of Dr. biol. of Sc. E.I. Kolbasina were the introduction of the Central Region of the Russian the Far Eastern and the study of fruit lianas: Actinidia and Schisandrachinensis.

  14. "Ei lähe me jalutama..." : [luuletused] / George Gordon Byron ; tlk. Märt Väljataga ja Paul Bock

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Byron, George Gordon


    Sisu: "Ei lähe me jalutama..." ; Stroofid Po jõele ; Firenze ja Pisa vahel kirjutatud stroofid / tlk. Märt Väljataga ; Su ring on täis / tlk. Paul Bock. Orig.: "So, we'll go no more a-roving..." ; Stanzas to the Po ; Stanzas written on the road between Florence and Pisa ; Thy days are done 1-3

  15. Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Improvements Project and Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project. Draft EIR/EIS, Volume 2 of 2: Appendices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SERWTP) Facilities Improvement Plan and Geysers Effluent Pipeline and Effluent Injection Project are proposed as a plan to provide expanded wastewater treatment capabilities and to dispose of the effluent by injection in The Geysers geothermal field for purposes of power production. The project is located predominantly in the County of Lake, California, and also in part of Sonoma County. The plan includes various conventional facilities improvements in wastewater treatment to a secondary level of treatment at the SWERWTP. The plan includes facilities to convey the treated effluent in a 26-mile, 24-inch inside diameter pipeline to the Southeast Geysers. The wastewater from the SERWTP would be supplemented by raw lake water diverted from nearby Clear Lake. At The Geysers, the effluent would be directed into a system of distribution lines to wells. In the geothermal reservoir, the water will be converted to steam and collected in production wells that will direct the steam to six existing power plants. This document is a summary of a combined full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIR/EIS describes the environmental impacts of the various components of the project. Mitigation measures are suggested for reducing impacts to a less than significant level. This report contains appendices A and B. Appendix A contains notices of preparation/notices of intent and EIR/EIS scoping comments. Appendix B contains GeothermEx, Inc., analysis of Geothermal Reservoir Effects and Induced Seismicity

  16. Dive Data from Expedition Information System (EIS) for Islands in the Stream 2002 - Pharmaceutical Discovery, Vision, and Bioluminescence - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Expeditions Information System (EIS) contains information recorded by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during the 2002 "Islands in the Stream...

  17. Corrosion behavior of boride layers evaluated by the EIS technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos, I. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional. SEPI-ESIME U.P. Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Zacatenco, Mexico D.F. 07738 (Mexico)], E-mail:; Palomar-Pardave, M. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Materials Department, Avenue San Pablo 180 Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, Mexico D.F. 02200 (Mexico); Amador, A. [Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Calle del Puente 222 Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Mexico D.F. 14380 (Mexico); VillaVelazquez, C. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional. SEPI-ESIME U.P. Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Zacatenco, Mexico D.F. 07738 (Mexico); Hadad, J. [Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Calle del Puente 222 Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Mexico D.F. 14380 (Mexico)


    The corrosion behavior of boride layers at the AISI 304 steel surface is evaluated in the present study. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique was used for the evaluation of the polarization resistance at the steel surface, with the aid of AUTOLAB potentiostat. Samples were treated with boron paste thickness of 4 and 5 mm, in the range of temperatures 1123 {<=} T {<=} 1273 K and exposed time of 4 and 6 h. The electrochemical technique employed 10 mV AC with a frequency scan range from 8 kHz to 3 mHz in deaerated 0.1 M NaCl solution. Nyquist diagrams show that the highest values of corrosion resistance are present in the samples borided at the temperature of 1273 K, with treatment time of 4 h and 4 mm of boron paste thickness. The values of corrosion resistance on borided steels are compared with the porosity exhibited in the layers.

  18. 78 FR 32240 - Notice of Inent (NOI) To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oro Verde Solar... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Notice of Inent (NOI) To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oro Verde Solar Project at Edwards Air Force Base and County of Kern, CA AGENCY: Department of the... with the development of the Oro Verde Solar Project (OVSP) on Edwards AFB. The OVSP is a solar...

  19. Ivar Tallo: presidendi erakorteris käinud peod mainet ei kahjusta / Ivar Tallo ; interv. Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Noortepeod Kadrioru presidendilossis. Avaliku halduse spetsialist vastab küsimustele, kuidas jaguneb Kadrioru lossis era- ja avalik ruum, kas on õigustatud presidendi kantselei taotlus registreerida kõik, ka erakülalised ning kas juhtunu võib kahjustada presidendi mainet. Kaart, skeem: sissepääsud. Vt. samas. Presidendipaar palus vabandust ; Politsei kogub Kadrioru lastepidude kohta infot. Tallinna Vanalinna hariduskolleegiumi põhikooli juhataja Alar Saare kommentaar ; Garel Püüa. Kärmas: tegu ei ole poliitilise vandenõuga

  20. EI Scale: an environmental impact assessment scale related to the construction materials used in the reinforced concrete


    Gilson Morales; Antonio Edésio Jungles; Sheila Elisa Scheidemantel Klein; Juliana Guarda


    This study aimed to create EI Scal, an environmental impact assessment scal, related to construction materials used in the reinforced concrete structure production. The main reason for that was based on the need to classify the environmental impact levels through indicators to assess the damage level process. The scale allowed converting information to estimate the environmental impact caused. Indicators were defined trough the requirements and classification criteria of impact aspects consid...

  1. Evaluarea performanţei heterozis la analogii MRf ai liniilor consangvinizate de porumb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PARTAS Eugenia


    Full Text Available The paper presents the multiannual results obtained from the evaluation of heterosis performance of MRf analogs in expression of 16 morphological and agronomic traits. The results revealed that the hybrids with MRf pollinators in comparison with the original version present a richer tassel in lateral branches and significantly lower values for 9 out of 15 evaluated traits, especially in the expression of plant length, length of ear, number of grains per rowand tassel peduncle length. The backcrossed fertile plants in MRf analog contributed to the differentiation of descendants in terms of heterosis performance of grain yield in the evaluated 2-4 consecutive generations, but the selection of MRf descendants with significant higher values did not contribute to the improvement of the analog in this respect. Rezumat. În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele multianuale obţinute la evaluarea performanţei heterozis a analogilor MRf la expresia a 16 indici morfologici şi agronomici. Rezultatele obţinute denotă că hibrizii cu polenizatori MRf se prezintă cu panicul mai bogat în ramificaţii laterale în comparaţie cu varianta originală a hibridului şi cu valori semnificativ mai mici la expresia a 9 din 15 caracteristici evaluate, mai ales la expresia taliei plantelor, lungimea ştiuletelui, numărul de boabe pe rând şi lungimea pedunculului la panicul. Retroîncrucişarea plantelor fertile în analogul MRf a contribuit la diferenţierea descendenţelor din punct de vedere al performanţei heterozis la producţia de boabe în 2-4 generaţii consecutive de evaluare, iar selecţia descendenţelor Rf cu valori superioare originalei nu a contribuit la îmbunătăţirea analogului în acest sens.

  2. Constraint on dark matter central density in the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity with input from Weyl gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potapov, Alexander A.; Mikolaychuk, Olga; Mikolaychuk, Nikolay; Nandi, Kamal K.; Izmailov, Ramil; Ghosh, Mithun


    Recently, Harko et al. (2014) derived an approximate metric of the galactic halo in the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity. In this metric, we show that there is an upper limit ρ  0 upper on the central density ρ  0 of dark matter such that stable circular orbits are possible only when the constraint ρ  0 ≤ ρ  0 upper is satisfied in each galactic sample. To quantify different ρ  0 upper for different samples, we follow the novel approach of Edery and Paranjape (1998), where we use as input the geometric halo radius R WR from Weyl gravity and equate it with the dark matter radius R DM from EiBI gravity for the same halo boundary. This input then shows that the known fitted values of ρ  0 obey the constraint ρ  0 ≤ ρ  0 upper ∝  (R WR ) −2 . Using the mass-to-light ratios giving α , we shall also evaluate ρ  0 lower ∝  (α −1)M lum R WR −3 and the average dark matter density  ( ρ )  lower . Quantitatively, it turns out that the interval ρ  0 lower ≤ ρ  0 ≤  ρ  0 upper verifies reasonably well against many dark matter dominated low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies for which values of ρ  0 are independently known. The interval holds also in the case of Milky Way galaxy. Qualitatively, the existence of a stability induced upper limit  ρ  0 upper is a remarkable prediction of the EiBI theory

  3. Rein Sillar : Kui argumente ei jätku, on hea KGB kaart välja tõmmata / Rein Sillar ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillar, Rein


    Eesti NSV KGB viimane esimees ei usu, et eestlased sooviksid minevikuhaavu lahti rebida. Vare-Shironini kokkuleppest KGB tegevuse lõpemisest Eestis, süümevandest, ENSV Riiklikust Julgeolekukomiteest. Kommenteerivad: Ain Kaalep, Peeter Olesk, Heinz Valk. Parlamendisaadik (P. Olesk)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B Ramesh


    Full Text Available Automatic text classification is a prominent research topic in text mining. The text pre-processing is a major role in text classifier. The efficiency of pre-processing techniques is increasing the performance of text classifier. In this paper, we are implementing ECAS stemmer, Efficient Instance Selection and Pre-computed Kernel Support Vector Machine for text classification using recent research articles. We are using better pre-processing techniques such as ECAS stemmer to find root word, Efficient Instance Selection for dimensionality reduction of text data and Pre-computed Kernel Support Vector Machine for classification of selected instances. In this experiments were performed on 750 research articles with three classes such as engineering article, medical articles and educational articles. The EIS-SVM classifier provides better performance in real-time research articles classification.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brosius, Jeffrey W.; Inglis, Andrew R. [Catholic University of America at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics Laboratory, Code 671, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Daw, Adrian N., E-mail: [NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics Laboratory, Code 671, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States)


    The Hinode /Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) obtained rapid cadence (11.2 s) EUV stare spectra of an M7.3 flare ribbon in AR 12036 on 2014 April 18. Quasi-periodic ( P ≈ 75.6 ± 9.2 s) intensity fluctuations occurred in emission lines of O iv, Mg vi, Mg vii, Si vii, Fe xiv, and Fe xvi during the flare's impulsive rise, and ended when the maximum intensity in Fe xxiii was reached. The profiles of the O iv–Fe xvi lines reveal that they were all redshifted during most of the interval of quasi-periodic intensity fluctuations, while the Fe xxiii profile revealed multiple components including one or two highly blueshifted ones. This indicates that the flare underwent explosive chromospheric evaporation during its impulsive rise. Fluctuations in the relative Doppler velocities were seen, but their amplitudes were too subtle to extract significant quasi-periodicities. RHESSI detected 25–100 keV hard-X-ray sources in the ribbon near the EIS slit's pointing position during the peaks in the EIS intensity fluctuations. The observations are consistent with a series of energy injections into the chromosphere by nonthermal particle beams. Electron densities derived with Fe xiv (4.6 × 10{sup 10} cm{sup −3}) and Mg vii (7.8 × 10{sup 9} cm{sup −3}) average line intensity ratios during the interval of quasi-periodic intensity fluctuations, combined with the radiative loss function of an optically thin plasma, yield radiative cooling times of 32 s at 2.0 × 10{sup 6} K, and 46 s at 6.3 × 10{sup 5} K (about half the quasi-period); assuming Fe xiv's density for Fe xxiii yields a radiative cooling time of 10{sup 3} s (13 times the quasi-period) at 1.4 × 10{sup 7} K.

  6. Corrosion Protection Performance of Polyester-Melamine Coating with Natural Wood Fiber Using EIS Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, PyongHwa; Shon, MinYoung [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Jo, DuHwan [POSCO, Gwangyang (Korea, Republic of)


    In the present study, polyester-melamine coating systems with natural wood fiber (NWF) were prepared and the effects of NWF on the corrosion protectiveness of the polyester-melamine coating were examined using EIS analysis. From the results, higher average surface roughness was observed with increase of NWF content. Water diffusivity and water uptake into the polyester-melamine coatings with NWF were much higher than that into the pure polyester-melamine coating. The decrease in the impedance modulus |Z| was associated with the localized corrosion on carbon steel, confirming that corrosion protection of the polyester-melamine coatings with NWF well agrees with its water transport behavior.

  7. Veneetsia võidufilm ärritab kirikut / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Veneetsia 59. rahvusvahelise filmifestivali peaauhinna võitis Peter Mullan'i mängufilm "Magdaleena õed" ("The Magdalene Sisters"). Žürii grand prix läks Venemaa-Prantsusmaa koostööfilmile - Andrei Kontshalovski "Lollide maja" ("Dom durakov"). Parim naisnäitleja on Julianne Moore ja meesnäitleja Stefano Accorsi. Lisatud auhinnasaajate nimekiri

  8. Algab sari "Kontserdid Kunstihoones". Bachi "Jõuluoratoorium" Jaani kirikutes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soprani Kersti-Ala Murri ja akordionisti Jaak Lutsoja kontserdist Eesti Interpreetide Liidu korraldatava kontserdisarja "Kontserdid Kunstihoones" raames 21. dets. Tallinna Kunstihoone suures saalis. J. S. Bachi "Jõuluoratooriumi" ettekandest 28. dets. Tartu Jaani kirikus ja 29. dets. Tallinna Jaani kirikus (esinevad kammerkoor Voices Musicales solistidega ja Corelli Barokkorkester, dirigent Risto Joost)

  9. Film Jeesusest läheb kirikute juures kaubaks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Mel Gibsoni mängufilm "Kristuse kannatused" ("The Passion of the Christ") : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2004. Filmistuudio 20th Century Fox tegi filmi DVDdele võimsa müügikampaania, mis suunati kristlaste kogukondadele USAs

  10. Constraint on dark matter central density in the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity with input from Weyl gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Potapov, Alexander A.; Mikolaychuk, Olga; Mikolaychuk, Nikolay; Nandi, Kamal K. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bashkir State University, Sterlitamak Campus, Sterlitamak 453103, RB (Russian Federation); Izmailov, Ramil [Zel' dovich International Center for Astrophysics, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa 450000, RB (Russian Federation); Ghosh, Mithun, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics, University of North Bengal, Siliguri 734013, WB (India)


    Recently, Harko et al. (2014) derived an approximate metric of the galactic halo in the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity. In this metric, we show that there is an upper limit ρ {sub 0}{sup upper} on the central density ρ {sub 0} of dark matter such that stable circular orbits are possible only when the constraint ρ {sub 0}≤ ρ {sub 0}{sup upper} is satisfied in each galactic sample. To quantify different ρ {sub 0}{sup upper} for different samples, we follow the novel approach of Edery and Paranjape (1998), where we use as input the geometric halo radius R{sub WR} from Weyl gravity and equate it with the dark matter radius R{sub DM} from EiBI gravity for the same halo boundary. This input then shows that the known fitted values of ρ {sub 0} obey the constraint ρ {sub 0}≤ ρ {sub 0}{sup upper}∝  (R{sub WR}){sup −2}. Using the mass-to-light ratios giving α , we shall also evaluate ρ {sub 0}{sup lower} ∝  (α −1)M{sub lum}R{sub WR}{sup −3} and the average dark matter density  ( ρ ) {sup lower}. Quantitatively, it turns out that the interval ρ {sub 0}{sup lower} ≤ ρ {sub 0}≤  ρ {sub 0}{sup upper} verifies reasonably well against many dark matter dominated low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies for which values of ρ {sub 0} are independently known. The interval holds also in the case of Milky Way galaxy. Qualitatively, the existence of a stability induced upper limit  ρ {sub 0}{sup upper} is a remarkable prediction of the EiBI theory.

  11. The EIS investigation of powder polyester coatings on phosphated low carbon steel: The effect of NaNO2 in the phosphating bath

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jegdic, B.V.; Bajat, J.B.; Popic, J.P.; Stevanovic, S.I.; Miskovic-Stankovic, V.B.


    Highlights: → The effect of NaNO 2 on surface morphology of iron-phosphate coatings were determined. → Better corrosion stability of polyester coating on phosphated steel without NaNO 2 . → EIS results and microscopic examinations correlate well with adhesion measurements. - Abstract: The effect of different type of iron-phosphate coatings on corrosion stability and adhesion characteristic of top powder polyester coating on steel was investigated. Iron-phosphate coatings were deposited on steel in the novel phosphating bath with or without NaNO 2 as an accelerator. The corrosion stability of the powder polyester coating was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), adhesion by pull-off and NMP test, while surface morphology of phosphate coatings were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The adhesion and corrosion stability of powder polyester coatings were improved with pretreatment based on iron-phosphate coating deposited from NaNO 2 -free bath.

  12. Profiling of Fatty Acids Composition in Suet Oil Based on GC–EI-qMS and Chemometrics Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun Jiang


    Full Text Available Fatty acid (FA composition of suet oil (SO was measured by precolumn methylesterification (PME optimized using a Box–Behnken design (BBD and gas chromatography/electron ionization-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC–EI-qMS. A spectral library (NIST 08 and standard compounds were used to identify FAs in SO representing 90.89% of the total peak area. The ten most abundant FAs were derivatized into FA methyl esters (FAMEs and quantified by GC–EI-qMS; the correlation coefficient of each FAME was 0.999 and the lowest concentration quantified was 0.01 μg/mL. The range of recovery of the FAMEs was 82.1%–98.7% (relative standard deviation 2.2%–6.8%. The limits of quantification (LOQ were 1.25–5.95 μg/L. The number of carbon atoms in the FAs identified ranged from 12 to 20; hexadecanoic and octadecanoic acids were the most abundant. Eighteen samples of SO purchased from Qinghai, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces of China were categorized into three groups by principal component analysis (PCA according to the contents of the most abundant FAs. The results showed SOs samples were rich in FAs with significantly different profiles from different origins. The method described here can be used for quality control and SO differentiation on the basis of the FA profile.

  13. Profiling of Fatty Acids Composition in Suet Oil Based on GC–EI-qMS and Chemometrics Analysis (United States)

    Jiang, Jun; Jia, Xiaobin


    Fatty acid (FA) composition of suet oil (SO) was measured by precolumn methylesterification (PME) optimized using a Box–Behnken design (BBD) and gas chromatography/electron ionization-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC–EI-qMS). A spectral library (NIST 08) and standard compounds were used to identify FAs in SO representing 90.89% of the total peak area. The ten most abundant FAs were derivatized into FA methyl esters (FAMEs) and quantified by GC–EI-qMS; the correlation coefficient of each FAME was 0.999 and the lowest concentration quantified was 0.01 μg/mL. The range of recovery of the FAMEs was 82.1%–98.7% (relative standard deviation 2.2%–6.8%). The limits of quantification (LOQ) were 1.25–5.95 μg/L. The number of carbon atoms in the FAs identified ranged from 12 to 20; hexadecanoic and octadecanoic acids were the most abundant. Eighteen samples of SO purchased from Qinghai, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces of China were categorized into three groups by principal component analysis (PCA) according to the contents of the most abundant FAs. The results showed SOs samples were rich in FAs with significantly different profiles from different origins. The method described here can be used for quality control and SO differentiation on the basis of the FA profile. PMID:25636032

  14. Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Improvements Project and Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project. Draft EIR/EIS: Executive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SERWTP) Facilities Improvement Plan and Geysers Effluent Pipeline and Effluent Injection Project are proposed as a plan to provide expanded wastewater treatment capabilities and to dispose of the effluent by injection in The Geysers geothermal field for purposes of power production. The project is located predominantly in the County of Lake, California, and also in part of Sonoma County. The plan includes various conventional facilities improvements in wastewater treatment to a secondary level of treatment at the SWERWTP. The plan includes facilities to convey the treated effluent in a 26-mile, 24-inch inside diameter pipeline to the Southeast Geysers. The wastewater from the SERWTP would be supplemented by raw lake water diverted from nearby Clear Lake. At The Geysers, the effluent would be directed into a system of distribution lines to wells. In the geothermal reservoir, the water will be converted to steam and collected in production wells that will direct the steam to six existing power plants. This document is a summary of a combined full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIR/EIS describes the environmental impacts of the various components of the project. Mitigation measures are suggested for reducing impacts to a less than significant level

  15. Exploring EI in Belgium: a New Theoretical and Empirical Way to Deal with Environmental Conflicts in Urban Areas?


    Lejeune, Zoé


    Environmental Inequalities (EI) –the unequal distribution of environmental goods and ‘bads’ among space and population– are a field of research at the crossroads of political science, socio-legal studies, and urban research. Unlike US Environmental Justice movement, environmental inequalities are not seen by actors, or studied, as a specific frame for action and collective mobilisation in Belgium in environmental matters. Environmental conflicts are however numerous in urban areas in Belgi...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milisavljevic, Dan; Margutti, Raffaella; Soderberg, Alicia M.; Chomiuk, Laura; Sanders, Nathan E.; Pignata, Giuliano; Bufano, Filomena; Fesen, Robert A.; Parrent, Jerod T.; Parker, Stuart; Mazzali, Paolo; Pian, Elena; Pickering, Timothy; Buckley, David A. H.; Crawford, Steven M.; Gulbis, Amanda A. S.; Hettlage, Christian; Hooper, Eric; Nordsieck, Kenneth H.; O'Donoghue, Darragh


    We present X-ray, UV/optical, and radio observations of the stripped-envelope, core-collapse supernova (SN) 2011ei, one of the least luminous SNe IIb or Ib observed to date. Our observations begin with a discovery within ∼1 day of explosion and span several months afterward. Early optical spectra exhibit broad, Type II-like hydrogen Balmer profiles that subside rapidly and are replaced by Type Ib-like He-rich features on a timescale of one week. High-cadence monitoring of this transition suggests absorption attributable to a high-velocity (∼> 12, 000 km s –1 ) H-rich shell, which is likely present in many Type Ib events. Radio observations imply a shock velocity of v ≈ 0.13 c and a progenitor star average mass-loss rate of M-dot ∼1.4×10 -5 M sun yr -1 (assuming wind velocity v w = 10 3 km s –1 ). This is consistent with independent constraints from deep X-ray observations with Swift-XRT and Chandra. Overall, the multi-wavelength properties of SN 2011ei are consistent with the explosion of a lower-mass (3-4 M ☉ ), compact (R * ∼ 11 cm), He-core star. The star retained a thin hydrogen envelope at the time of explosion, and was embedded in an inhomogeneous circumstellar wind suggestive of modest episodic mass loss. We conclude that SN 2011ei's rapid spectral metamorphosis is indicative of time-dependent classifications that bias estimates of the relative explosion rates for Type IIb and Ib objects, and that important information about a progenitor star's evolutionary state and mass loss immediately prior to SN explosion can be inferred from timely multi-wavelength observations.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milisavljevic, Dan; Margutti, Raffaella; Soderberg, Alicia M.; Chomiuk, Laura; Sanders, Nathan E. [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Pignata, Giuliano; Bufano, Filomena [Departamento de Ciencias Fisicas, Universidad Andres Bello, Avda. Republica 252, Santiago (Chile); Fesen, Robert A.; Parrent, Jerod T. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Lab, Hanover, NH 03755 (United States); Parker, Stuart [Parkdale Observatory, 225 Warren Road, RDl Oxford, Canterbury 7495 (New Zealand); Mazzali, Paolo [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 1, D-85748 Garching (Germany); Pian, Elena [Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kohn Hall, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4030 (United States); Pickering, Timothy; Buckley, David A. H.; Crawford, Steven M.; Gulbis, Amanda A. S.; Hettlage, Christian [South African Astronomical Observatory, P.O. Box 9, Observatory 7935, Cape Town (South Africa); Hooper, Eric; Nordsieck, Kenneth H. [Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (United States); O' Donoghue, Darragh, E-mail: [Southern African Large Telescope, P.O. Box 9, Observatory 7935, Cape Town (South Africa); and others


    We present X-ray, UV/optical, and radio observations of the stripped-envelope, core-collapse supernova (SN) 2011ei, one of the least luminous SNe IIb or Ib observed to date. Our observations begin with a discovery within {approx}1 day of explosion and span several months afterward. Early optical spectra exhibit broad, Type II-like hydrogen Balmer profiles that subside rapidly and are replaced by Type Ib-like He-rich features on a timescale of one week. High-cadence monitoring of this transition suggests absorption attributable to a high-velocity ({approx}> 12, 000 km s{sup -1}) H-rich shell, which is likely present in many Type Ib events. Radio observations imply a shock velocity of v Almost-Equal-To 0.13 c and a progenitor star average mass-loss rate of M-dot {approx}1.4 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup -5} M{sub sun} yr{sup -1} (assuming wind velocity v{sub w} = 10{sup 3} km s{sup -1}). This is consistent with independent constraints from deep X-ray observations with Swift-XRT and Chandra. Overall, the multi-wavelength properties of SN 2011ei are consistent with the explosion of a lower-mass (3-4 M{sub Sun }), compact (R{sub *} {approx}< 1 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup 11} cm), He-core star. The star retained a thin hydrogen envelope at the time of explosion, and was embedded in an inhomogeneous circumstellar wind suggestive of modest episodic mass loss. We conclude that SN 2011ei's rapid spectral metamorphosis is indicative of time-dependent classifications that bias estimates of the relative explosion rates for Type IIb and Ib objects, and that important information about a progenitor star's evolutionary state and mass loss immediately prior to SN explosion can be inferred from timely multi-wavelength observations.

  18. Additional materials for welding of the EP99 heat resisting alloy with the EI868 alloy and 12Kh18N9T steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorokin, L.I.; Filippova, S.P.; Petrova, L.A.


    Presented are the results of the studies aimed at selecting an additive material for argon-arc welding process involving heat-resistant nickel EP99 alloy to be welded to the EI868 alloy and 12Kh18N9T steel. As the additive material use was made of wire made of nickel-chromium alloys and covered electrodes made of the EP367 alloy with additions of tungsten. It has been established that in order to improve the resistance of metal to hot-crack formation during argon arc welding of the EP99 alloy with the EI868 alloy, it is advisable to use an additive material of the EP533 alloy, and while welding the same alloy with the 12Kh18N9T steel, filler wire of the EP367 alloy is recommended

  19. 1992 Columbia River Salmon Flow Measures Options Analysis/EIS : Appendices.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This Options Analysis/Environmental Impact Statement (OA/EIS) identifies, presents effects of, and evaluates the potential options for changing instream flow levels in efforts to increase salmon populations in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers. The potential actions would be implemented during 1992 to benefit juvenile and adult salmon during migration through eight run-of-river reservoirs. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) prepared this document in cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is a participating agency. The text and appendices of the document describe the characteristics of 10 Federal projects and one private water development project in the Columbia River drainage basin. Present and potential operation of these projects and their effects on the salmon that spawn and rear in the Columbia and Snake River System are presented. The life history, status, and response of Pacific salmon to current environmental conditions are described. The document concludes with an evaluation of the potential effects that could result from implementing proposed actions. The conclusions are based on evaluation of existing data, utilization of numerical models, and application of logical inference. This volume contains the appendices.

  20. 1992 Columbia River salmon flow measures Options Analysis/EIS: Appendices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Options Analysis/Environmental Impact Statement (OA/EIS) identifies, presents effects of, and evaluates the potential options for changing instream flow levels in efforts to increase salmon populations in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers. The potential actions would be implemented during 1992 to benefit juvenile and adult salmon during migration through eight run-of-river reservoirs. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) prepared this document in cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is a participating agency. The text and appendices of the document describe the characteristics of 10 Federal projects and one private water development project in the Columbia River drainage basin. Present and potential operation of these projects and their effects on the salmon that spawn and rear in the Columbia and Snake River System are presented. The life history, status, and response of Pacific salmon to current environmental conditions are described. The document concludes with an evaluation of the potential effects that could result from implementing proposed actions. The conclusions are based on evaluation of existing data, utilization of numerical models, and application of logical inference. This volume contains the appendices

  1. Kuidas ühiskondlikus leppes lubatud hea tuntavaks tehakse? / Jaak Aaviksoo, Jüri Tamm, Kaul Nurm...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele "missugune oleks nende panus ja plaan esimese aasta jooksul ühiskondlikus leppes fikseeritud eesmärkide saavutamiseks" vastavad Tartu Ülikooli rektor Jaak Aaviksoo, EOK asepresident Jüri Tamm, Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliidu peadirektor Kaul Nurm, Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu täitevsekretär Eerik Jõks, Eesti Ühistegelise Liidu juhatuse esimees Urmas Laht, Eesti Väike- ja Keskettevõtjate Assotsiatsiooni juhataja Riina Danilson ning Reformierakonna pressinõunik Peep Lillemägi. Samas ka karikatuur

  2. Integrating Sustainable Development in Higher Education through Experience-Based Learning: Insights from Experts in Team (EiT) for Developing a Combined Theoretical Framework (United States)

    Otte, Pia Piroschka


    Universities are understood to play an essential role in the promotion of sustainable development. However, the recognition of sustainable development in higher education poses multiple challenges to the traditional higher education system. This article introduces a course concept called "Experts in Teams" (EiT) as a new platform of…

  3. Perturbation method of studying the EI Niño oscillation with two parameters by using the delay sea-air oscillator model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Zeng-Ji; Lin Wan-Tao; Mo Jia-Qi


    The EI Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO) is an interannual phenomenon involved in tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere interactions. In this paper, we develop an asymptotic method of solving the nonlinear equation using the ENSO model. Based on a class of the oscillator of the ENSO model, a approximate solution of the corresponding problem is studied employing the perturbation method


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brooks, David H.; Warren, Harry P.


    One of the most interesting discoveries from Hinode is the presence of persistent high-temperature high-speed outflows from the edges of active regions (ARs). EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) measurements indicate that the outflows reach velocities of 50 km s -1 with spectral line asymmetries approaching 200 km s -1 . It has been suggested that these outflows may lie on open field lines that connect to the heliosphere, and that they could potentially be a significant source of the slow speed solar wind. A direct link has been difficult to establish, however. We use EIS measurements of spectral line intensities that are sensitive to changes in the relative abundance of Si and S as a result of the first ionization potential (FIP) effect, to measure the chemical composition in the outflow regions of AR 10978 over a 5 day period in 2007 December. We find that Si is always enhanced over S by a factor of 3-4. This is generally consistent with the enhancement factor of low FIP elements measured in situ in the slow solar wind by non-spectroscopic methods. Plasma with a slow wind-like composition was therefore flowing from the edge of the AR for at least 5 days. Furthermore, on December 10 and 11, when the outflow from the western side was favorably oriented in the Earth direction, the Si/S ratio was found to match the value measured a few days later by the Advanced Composition Explorer/Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer. These results provide strong observational evidence for a direct connection between the solar wind, and the coronal plasma in the outflow regions.

  5. EI OIKEASSA ELÄMÄSSÄ VOI JUOSTA MIEKKA OJOSSA LOHIKÄÄRMETTÄ KOHTI”: Digipelaajien kokemus omasta hyvinvoinnistaan


    Engström, Paula


    Paula Engström. ”Ei oikeassa elämässä voi juosta miekka ojossa lohikäärmettä kohti”: Digipelaajien kokemus omasta hyvinvoinnistaan. Diak Etelä, Helsinki, syksy 2016, 57s., 1 liite. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK). Opinnäytetyön aihe syntyi Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry:n toiveista saada kooste vuonna 2015 toteutetun Pelaajien hyvinvointikyselyn tuloksista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada selville, miten digitaalisia pelejä harrastavat nuor...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, G. R.; Banerjee, D.; Teriaca, L.; Solanki, S.; Imada, S.


    We present EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO observations of propagating disturbances detected in coronal lines in inter-plume and plume regions of a polar coronal hole. The observation was carried out on 2007 November 13 as part of the JOP196/HOP045 program. The SUMER spectroscopic observation gives information about fluctuations in radiance and on both resolved (Doppler shift) and unresolved (Doppler width) line-of-sight velocities, whereas EIS 40'' wide slot images detect fluctuations only in radiance but maximize the probability of overlapping field of view between the two instruments. From distance-time radiance maps, we detect the presence of propagating waves in a polar inter-plume region with a period of 15-20 minutes and a propagation speed increasing from 130 ± 14 km s -1 just above the limb to 330 ± 140 km s -1 around 160'' above the limb. These waves can be traced to originate from a bright region of the on-disk part of the coronal hole where the propagation speed is in the range of 25 ± 1.3 to 38 ± 4.5 km s -1 , with the same periodicity. These on-disk bright regions can be visualized as the base of the coronal funnels. The adjacent plume region also shows the presence of propagating disturbances with the same range of periodicity but with propagation speeds in the range of 135 ± 18 to 165 ± 43 km s -1 only. A comparison between the distance-time radiance map of the two regions indicates that the waves within the plumes are not observable (may be getting dissipated) far off-limb, whereas this is not the case in the inter-plume region. A correlation analysis was also performed to find out the time delay between the oscillations at several heights in the off-limb region, finding results consistent with those from the analysis of the distance-time maps. To our knowledge, this result provides first spectroscopic evidence of the acceleration of propagating disturbances in the polar region close to the Sun (within 1.2 R/R sun ), which provides clues to the

  7. Kiriku ülestõstmisest / Veronika Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Veronika, 1976-


    Kiriku korrastamiseks ja tööshoidmiseks napib tihti raha. Eesti luteri kogudused vajavad abi. Uutest kirikukelladest Eestis, kellamängudest. Näiteid nüüdiskunstist mahajäetud kirikutes. Melbourne´i festivali raames 2010. a. näitas Bill Viola oma videokunsti Parkville´i St. Carthage´i katoliku kirikus. Londonis 2006. a. Michael Crossi kirikusse loodud teosest "Bridge". Briti kunstnike Heather Ackroydi ja Dan Harvey poolt Dilston Grove'i kirikusse Londonis 2003. a. loodud vertikaalse murukasvatuse projektist

  8. Keegi ei võta meilt unistusi, kui me ise neid endalt ei võta / Toomas Hendrik Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 1953-


    Vabariigi Presidendi kõne Eesti Vabariigi väljakuulutamise 90. aastapäeval 24. veebruaril 2008 Estonia teatris. Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 25. veebr. 2008, lk. 9; Eesti Päevaleht 25. veebr. 2008, lk. 2, pealk.: Ilves: ärme ajame segamini iseseisvust ja vabadust (lüh.); SL Õhtuleht 25. veebr. 2008, lk. 11, pealk.: Eesti on tugevam kui varem (lüh.) SL Õhtulehes vt. ka juhtkiri: Otsene kõne. SL Õhtulehe arvates oli presidendi kõne lihtne ja selge jutt Eesti kodanikule, heale sõbrale. SL Õhtulehes vt. ka Andres Varustini karikatuur; Pärnu Postimees 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 21, pealk.: Vabariigi presidendi Toomas Hendrik Ilvese aastapäevakõne 24. veebruaril Estonia teatris (lüh.); Hiiu Leht 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 2, pealk.: EV 90. aastapäeva peokõne (lüh.); Järva Teataja 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 2, pealk.: Soovid tuleb täita kuldkalakese abita; Virumaa Teataja 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 4, pealk.: Riigi heaolu eest peab seisma iga kodanik (lüh.); Põhjarannik 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 4, pealk.: Keskendugem jäävale! (lüh.); Severnoje Poberežje 26. veebr. 2008, lk. 4; Sakala 26. veebr. 2008, k. 2, pealk.: Mõisa köis ei lohise enam, sest mõis on oma ja köis on oma (lüh.); Maaleht 28. veebr. 2008, lk. 17, pealk.: Miski pole võimatu, kuni pole tõestatud vastupidist (lüh.); Eesti Elu 29. veebr. 2008, lk. 2, 16, pealk.: Vabariigi President Eesti Vabariigi väljakuulutamise 90. aastapäeval 24. veebruaril 2008 Estonia teatris (lüh.); Vaba Eesti Sõna 28. veebr. 2008, lk. 3, 10, pealk.: Vabariigi Presidendi kõne Eesti Vabariigi väljakuulutamise 90. aastapäeva pidulikul kontsertaktusel 24. veebruaril 2008 Estonia teatris; Vaba Eesti Sõna 13. märts 2008, lk. 12, pealk.: "We have assumed respectable responsibility in the family of nations" (lüh.); Läänekaare Postipoiss 2008, nr. 212, lk. 8-11, pealk.: Vabariigi President Eesti Vabariigi väljakuulutamise 90. aastapäeva pidulikul kontsertaktusel 24. veebruaril 2008 Estonia teatris

  9. Neuronal nicotinic receptors are crucial for tuning of E/I balance in prelimbic cortex and for decision-making processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    alexis Faure


    Full Text Available Rationale Decision-making is an essential component of our everyday life commonly disabled in a myriad of psychiatric conditions such as bipolar and impulsive control disorders, addiction and pathological gambling, or schizophrenia. A large cerebral network encompassing the prefrontal cortex -PFC- the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens is activated for efficient decision-making.Methods We developed a Mouse Gambling Task -MGT- well suited to investigate the influence of uncertainty and risk in decision-making and the role of neurobiological circuits and their monoaminergic inputs. Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs of the PFC are important for decision-making processes but their presumed roles in risk-taking and uncertainty management, as well as in cellular balance of excitation and inhibition (E/I need to be investigated. Results Using mice lacking nAChRs - β2-/- mice, we evidence for the first time the crucial role of nAChRs in the fine tuning of prefrontal E/I balance together with the PFC, insular, and hippocampal alterations in gambling behavior likely due to sensitivity to penalties and flexibility alterations. Risky behaviors and perseveration in extinction task were largely increased in β2-/- mice as compared to control mice, suggesting the important role of nAChRs in the ability to make appropriate choices adapted to the outcome.

  10. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)-based evaluation of biological tissue phantoms to study multifrequency electrical impedance tomography (Mf-EIT) systems

    KAUST Repository

    Bera, Tushar Kanti


    Abstract: Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) phantoms are essential for the calibration, comparison and evaluation of the EIT systems. In EIT, the practical phantoms are typically developed based on inhomogeneities surrounded by a homogeneous background to simulate a suitable conductivity contrast. In multifrequency EIT (Mf-EIT) evaluation, the phantoms must be developed with the materials which have recognizable or distinguishable impedance variations over a wide range of frequencies. In this direction the impedance responses of the saline solution (background) and a number vegetable and fruit tissues (inhomogeneities) are studied with electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the frequency responses of bioelectrical impedance and conductivity are analyzed. A number of practical phantoms with different tissue inhomogeneities and different inhomogeneity configurations are developed and the multifrequency impedance imaging is studied with the Mf-EIT system to evaluate the phantoms. The conductivity of the vegetable inhomogeneities reconstructed from the EIT imaging is compared with the conductivity values obtained from the EIS studies. Experimental results obtained from multifrequency EIT reconstruction demonstrate that the electrical impedance of all the biological tissues inhomogenity decreases with frequency. The potato tissue phantom produces better impedance image in high frequency ranges compared to the cucumber phantom, because the cucumber impedance at high frequency becomes lesser than that of the potato at the same frequency range. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2016 The Visualization Society of Japan

  11. The use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the evaluation of the electrochemical properties of a microbial fuel cell. (United States)

    Manohar, Aswin K; Bretschger, Orianna; Nealson, Kenneth H; Mansfeld, Florian


    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been used to determine several electrochemical properties of the anode and cathode of a mediator-less microbial fuel cell (MFC) under different operational conditions. These operational conditions included a system with and without the bacterial catalyst and EIS measurements at the open-circuit potential of the anode and the cathode or at an applied cell voltage. In all cases the impedance spectra followed a simple one-time-constant model (OTCM) in which the solution resistance is in series with a parallel combination of the polarization resistance and the electrode capacitance. Analysis of the impedance spectra showed that addition of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to a solution of buffer and lactate greatly increased the rate of the lactate oxidation at the anode under open-circuit conditions. The large decrease of open-circuit potential of the anode increased the cell voltage of the MFC and its power output. Measurements of impedance spectra for the MFC at different cell voltages resulted in determining the internal resistance (R(int)) of the MFC and it was found that R(int) is a function of cell voltage. Additionally, R(int) was equal to R(ext) at the cell voltage corresponding to maximum power, where R(ext) is the external resistance that must be applied across the circuit to obtain the maximum power output.

  12. Kolmkümmend aastat eestikeelset kirikut Washingtonis / Johannes Pedak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pedak, Johannes, 1908-2003


    USAs, Washingtonis 31. 10. 1949 peetud esimesest eestikeelsest jumalateenistusest. Eripihtkonna kujunemisest ning Baltimore kogudusega liitumisest. EELK Balto-Washingtoni koguduse kujunemisest ning tegevusest 30 aasta jooksul. Kogudusega seotud isikutest

  13. Role of turbulent flow seawater in the corrosion enhancement of an Al–Zn–Mg alloy: an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS analysis of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela C. Quevedo


    Full Text Available The effect of flow on the corrosion of Al–14 wt% Zn–8 wt% Mg alloy in aerated synthetic seawater at ambient temperature was studied using a rotating cylinder electrode (RCE under turbulent regime conditions by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS. The overall electrochemical corrosion process was found to be strongly influenced by the oxygen mass transfer process under turbulent flow conditions on the cathodic kinetics, driving to a significant increase in corrosion rate.At corrosion potential, Ecorr value, contributions from the anodic and cathodic processes involved were observed in the impedance diagrams. Instead, at a cathodic potential of −1.2 V (sce, impedance measurements proved the predominance of the mass-transfer process for oxygen. A primary analysis of the impedance plots allowed to confirm such situation. Keywords: Aluminum alloy, Corrosion, EIS, Flow, Oxygen, Mass transfer, Rotating cylinder electrode, Seawater

  14. Corrosion evaluation of heat recovery steam generator superheater tube in two methods of testing: Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (United States)

    Santoso, Rio Pudjidarma; Riastuti, Rini


    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the corrosion process which occurs on the water side of Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) superheater tube. The tube was 13CrMo44 and divided into 3 types of specimen: new tube, used tube (with oxide layer on surface), cleaned-used tube (without oxide layer on surface). The evaluation of corrosion parameters wasperformed using deaerated ultra-high purity water (boiler feed water) in two methods of testing: Tafel polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Tafel polarization was excellent as its capability to show the value of corrosion current and the corrosion rate explicitly, on the other hand, EIS was excellent as its capability to explain for corrosion mechanism on metal interface in detail. Both methods showed that the increase of electrolyte temperature from 25°C to 55°C would increase the corrosion rate with the mechanism of decreasing polarization resistance due to thinning out the passive film thickness and enlarge the area of reduction reaction of cathode. Magnetite oxide scale which is laid on the surface of used tube specimen shows protective nature to reduce the corrosion rate, and clear up this oxide would increase the corrosion rate back as new tube.

  15. Characterization of the corrosion behavior of different stainless steel alloys exposed to flowing fresh seawater, using E.I.S technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Muhanna, K. [Petroleum Research and Studies Center, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, KISR, P.O.Box 24885, Safat 13109 Kuwait (Kuwait)


    E.I.S technique was used to characterize the corrosion behavior of UNS NO. S 31600 stainless steel, UNS NO. S 30400 stainless steel and UNS NO. S 62800 sanicro 28 exposed to continuous fresh Seawater. The total exposure time of the test was about 180 days. Two types of additives (4 ppm of Cl{sub 2} and 5 ppm of NH{sub 3}) were also added to the seawater to investigate their effect on the surfaces of these alloys. During the tests, no marine - macro fouling was observed on the surfaces of the tested alloys, as the seawater was filtrated at the Doha Desalination Research Center, where the study was carried out, but only a slimy layer spread on the whole surface of the alloys. The corrosion behavior of each alloy was monitored by the open circuit potential measurement, and the E.I.S technique using the EG and G 352 software and hardware instrument, where the resistance of the solution (R{sub sol}), the resistance of the surface of the tested alloy (R{sub p}), and the double layer capacitance (Cdl) was calculated. Under this study's experimental conditions, results indicated that the stainless steel alloys were highly resistant to marine fouling and corrosion in seawater, and were not affected by the aggressive additives, such as NH{sub 3}, and Cl{sub 2} in the seawater. (author)

  16. Synthesis of 2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-α-maltosyl fluoride and its X-ray structure in complex with Streptomyces coelicolor GlgEI-V279S

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thanna, Sandeep; Lindenberger, Jared J.; Gaitonde, Vishwanath V.; Ronning, Donald R.; Sucheck, Steven J. (Toledo)


    Streptomyces coelicolor (Sco) GlgEI is a glycoside hydrolase involved in α-glucan biosynthesis and can be used as a model enzyme for structure-based inhibitor design targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) GlgE. The latter is a genetically validated drug target for the development of anti-Tuberculosis (TB) treatments. Inhibition of Mtb GlgE results in a lethal buildup of the GlgE substrate maltose-1-phosphate (M1P). However, Mtb GlgE is difficult to crystallize and affords lower resolution X-ray structures. Sco GlgEI-V279S on the other hand crystallizes readily, produces high resolution X-ray data, and has active site topology identical to Mtb GlgE. We report the X-ray structure of Sco GlgEI-V279S in complex with 2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-α-maltosyl fluoride (α-MTF, 5) at 2.3 Å resolution. α-MTF was designed as a non-hydrolysable mimic of M1P to probe the active site of GlgE1 prior to covalent bond formation without disruption of catalytic residues. The α-MTF complex revealed hydrogen bonding between Glu423 and the C1F which provides evidence that Glu423 functions as proton donor during catalysis. Further, hydrogen bonding between Arg392 and the axial C2 difluoromethylene moiety of α-MTF was observed suggesting that the C2 position tolerates substitution with hydrogen bond acceptors. The key step in the synthesis of α-MDF was transformation of peracetylated 2-fluoro-maltal 1 into peracetylated 2,2-difluoro-α-maltosyl fluoride 2 in a single step via the use of Selectfluor®

  17. Evaluation of accelerated aging procedures of painted galvanised steels by EIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fedrizzi, L. [Department of Chemical Science and Technology, University of Udine, Via Cotonificio 108, 33100 Udine (Italy)]. E-mail:; Bergo, A. [Department of ICMMPM, University of Rome ' La Sapienza' , Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy); Fanicchia, M. [Department of ICMMPM, University of Rome ' La Sapienza' , Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy)


    Coil-coated sheets are usually cut and shaped or deep drawn to obtain the final profile of the manufacture. Mechanical deformation can affect the barrier properties of an organic coating and the adhesion to the substrate, thus accelerating degradation by natural weathering. UV radiations too can deeply affect the barrier properties of organic coatings and contribute along with rain, snow, thermal and hygrometric cycles and other factors to a fast decaying of the anticorrosive properties of painted systems. In this work some coil coating products for outdoor exposure, were subjected to the combined action of UV irradiation and mechanical deformation in order to simulate some of the stress occurring in their actual use. After mechanical deformation and UV irradiation, samples were exposed to a proper thermal cycle in order to accelerate water uptake and to discriminate in very short time among different formulations. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to monitor the evolution of the systems during the accelerated aging. Qc and Rp (i.e. the constant phase element describing the dielectric properties and the ionic resistance of the coating) were selected to describe the protective system evolution. Adhesive and barrier properties were monitored and discussed during the combined thermal-mechanical and photo-oxidative aging.

  18. Evaluation of accelerated aging procedures of painted galvanised steels by EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedrizzi, L.; Bergo, A.; Fanicchia, M.


    Coil-coated sheets are usually cut and shaped or deep drawn to obtain the final profile of the manufacture. Mechanical deformation can affect the barrier properties of an organic coating and the adhesion to the substrate, thus accelerating degradation by natural weathering. UV radiations too can deeply affect the barrier properties of organic coatings and contribute along with rain, snow, thermal and hygrometric cycles and other factors to a fast decaying of the anticorrosive properties of painted systems. In this work some coil coating products for outdoor exposure, were subjected to the combined action of UV irradiation and mechanical deformation in order to simulate some of the stress occurring in their actual use. After mechanical deformation and UV irradiation, samples were exposed to a proper thermal cycle in order to accelerate water uptake and to discriminate in very short time among different formulations. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to monitor the evolution of the systems during the accelerated aging. Qc and Rp (i.e. the constant phase element describing the dielectric properties and the ionic resistance of the coating) were selected to describe the protective system evolution. Adhesive and barrier properties were monitored and discussed during the combined thermal-mechanical and photo-oxidative aging

  19. DndEi Exhibits Helicase Activity Essential for DNA Phosphorothioate Modification and ATPase Activity Strongly Stimulated by DNA Substrate with a GAAC/GTTC Motif. (United States)

    Zheng, Tao; Jiang, Pan; Cao, Bo; Cheng, Qiuxiang; Kong, Lingxin; Zheng, Xiaoqing; Hu, Qinghai; You, Delin


    Phosphorothioate (PT) modification of DNA, in which the non-bridging oxygen of the backbone phosphate group is replaced by sulfur, is governed by the DndA-E proteins in prokaryotes. To better understand the biochemical mechanism of PT modification, functional analysis of the recently found PT-modifying enzyme DndEi, which has an additional domain compared with canonical DndE, from Riemerella anatipestifer is performed in this study. The additional domain is identified as a DNA helicase, and functional deletion of this domain in vivo leads to PT modification deficiency, indicating an essential role of helicase activity in PT modification. Subsequent analysis reveals that the additional domain has an ATPase activity. Intriguingly, the ATPase activity is strongly stimulated by DNA substrate containing a GAAC/GTTC motif (i.e. the motif at which PT modifications occur in R. anatipestifer) when the additional domain and the other domain (homologous to canonical DndE) are co-expressed as a full-length DndEi. These results reveal that PT modification is a biochemical process with DNA strand separation and intense ATP hydrolysis. © 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  20. Dive Data from Expedition Information System (EIS) for Islands in the Stream 2002 - Exploration of Outer Shelf and Slope Habitats off the Coast of North Carolina - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Expeditions Information System (EIS) contains information recorded by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during the 2002 "Islands in the Stream...

  1. Electrochemical Polishing Applications and EIS of a Vitamin B4-Based Ionic Liquid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wixtrom, Alex I.; Buhler, Jessica E.; Reece, Charles E.; Abdel-Fattah, Tarek M.


    Modern particle accelerators require minimal interior surface roughness for Niobium superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. Polishing of the Nb is currently achieved via electrochemical polishing with concentrated mixtures of sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. This acid-based approach is effective at reducing the surface roughness to acceptable levels for SRF use, but due to acid-related hazards and extra costs (including safe disposal of used polishing solutions), an acid-free method would be preferable. This study focuses on an alternative electrochemical polishing method for Nb, using a novel ionic liquid solution containing choline chloride, also known as Vitamin B 4 (VB 4 ). Potentiostatic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was also performed on the VB4-based system. Nb polished using the VB4-based method was found to have a final surface roughness comparable to that achieved via the acid-based method, as assessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). These findings indicate that acid-free VB 4 -based electrochemical polishing of Nb represents a promising replacement for acid-based methods of SRF cavity preparation

  2. Final environmental impact statement, interim management of nuclear materials, Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina (DOE/EIS-0220)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grainger, A R


    This document evaluates the potential environmental impacts of alternatives for the stabilization of nuclear materials currently stored at various locations on the Savannah River Site (SRS). These materials remain from past defense-related production, testing, and other activities at the SRS and from chemical separations and related activities that DOE suspended in 1992. The EIS analyzes the following alternatives: Continuing Storage (No Action), Processing to Metal, Processing to Oxide, Blending Down to Low Enriched Uranium, Processing and Storage for Vitrification in the Defense Waste Processing Facility, Vitrification (F-Canyon), and Improving Storage. The preferred alternatives cover a combination of these in relation to the different types of material.

  3. NREL Develops, a Public Website Where Energy Data can be Generated, Shared, and Compared (Fact Sheet)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has developed, a public, open, data-sharing platform where consumers, analysts, industry experts, and energy decision makers can go to boost their energy IQs, search for energy data, share data, and get access to energy applications. The free site blends elements of social media, linked open-data practices, and MediaWiki-based technology to build a collaborative environment for creating and sharing energy data with the world. The result is a powerful platform that is helping government and industry leaders around the world define policy options, make informed investment decisions, and create new businesses.

  4. Interaction of cysteine and copper ions on the surface of iron: EIS, polarization and XPS study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Deab, Mohamed S.


    Highlights: → The current study demonstrates a comprehensive study for Cysteine + Cu(II) ions as an efficient inhibitor as demonstrated by EIS, XPS and potentiodynamic polarization measurements, in addition to traditional weight loss measurements. → The novelty of the current work originates from the combined use of an eco-friendly compound (i.e., cysteine) with a minute amount of copper ions (in the micro molar range) as a corrosion inhibitor for low carbon steel in acidic medium. To this end, cysteine shows only moderate inhibition ca. 60% for iron which jumps up to more than 95% in the presence of micro molar range of Cu(II) ions. → Cysteine-Cu(II) blends are found superior to benzotriazole (BTAH)-Cu(II) blends in terms of their long-term stability in addition to the avoidance of the use of the well-reported highly toxic BTAH. - Abstract: This study addresses the enhancing effect of copper ions on the inhibition efficiency (IE) of cysteine (an eco-friendly compound) against the corrosion of iron in 0.5 M sulphuric acid. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data revealed a significant increase in the polarization resistance (R p ) of the iron/solution interface in the presence of cysteine and Cu(II) ions instead of cysteine alone. That is, IE of 95% is obtained in the presence of 5 mM cysteine and 25 μM Cu(II) ions, compared to 66% in absence of Cu(II) ions. Moreover, electrochemical polarization measurements indicate that cysteine and Cu(II) ions blends act as mixed-type inhibitors for the corrosion of iron. The formation of Cu(I)-cysteinate complex and/or cysteine SAM at Cu atop the iron surface (as evident from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)) blocks the underlying iron surface and imparts a pronounced protection against its corrosion. IE of cysteine-Cu(II) blend remains effectively unchanged with immersion time indicating its high stability in the used acidic medium.

  5. EIS and potentiodynamic polarization studies on immiscible monotectic Al–In alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osório, Wislei R.; Freitas, Emmanuelle S.; Garcia, Amauri


    Highlights: • The Al–In alloy microstructure is characterized by In droplets spread in an Al matrix. • The scale of phases forming the microstructure affect the electrochemical behavior. • Larger interphase spacing/droplet diameter is related to higher corrosion resistance. • The deleterious effect in corrosion resistance is due to strains and galvanic cells. -- Abstract: The electrochemical behavior of monotectic Al–In alloys is experimentally investigated. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic anodic polarization techniques and an equivalent circuit analysis were used to evaluate the corrosion response in a stagnant and naturally aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution at 25 °C. It was found that a better galvanic protection can be provided for microstructures having indium droplets of larger diameters and larger interphase spacings. From five samples extracted along the length of a directionally solidified Al–In casting, that having smallest interphase spacing (λ = 18 μm) and droplet diameter (d = 0.7 μm) had its corrosion resistance significantly decreased (about 2 and 3 times in terms of the current density and polarization resistance) when compared with that of the sample having the coarsest microstructure (λ = 60 μm and d = 2.5 μm). Such behavior is attributed to both localized strains between aluminum and indium boundaries and the corrosion potential of the indium particles

  6. CDW-EIS calculations for multiple ionization of Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe by the impact of H{sup +} and He{sup +}, including post-collisional electron emission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montanari, C C; Miraglia, J E [Instituto de AstronomIa y FIsica del Espacio, casilla de correo 67, sucursal 28, C1428EGA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Montenegro, E C, E-mail: mclaudia@iafe.uba.a [Instituto de FIsica, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68528, Rio de Janeiro 21945-970, RJ (Brazil)


    We present theoretical single to quintuple ionization cross sections for Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe bombarded by H{sup +} and He{sup +}. Post-collisional contributions due to Auger-like processes are taken into account using recent photoionization data. The present continuum distorted wave-eikonal initial state (CDW-EIS) and first Born approximation results are compared with the experimental data available in the energy range of 50-10 000 keV amu{sup -1} for H{sup +} on Ne and Ar, and 50-1000 keV amu{sup -1} for the other cases. In general, the combination of the CDW-EIS with the post-collisional branching ratios describes well the multiple ionization data above 300 keV amu{sup -1}, showing a clear tendency to coalesce with the first Born approximation at high energies. The surprising result of this work is the good performance of the first Born approximation which describes rather well the experimental data of double and triple ionization, even in the intermediate energy range (50-300 keV amu{sup -1}), where direct ionization is the dominant contribution.

  7. A novel EIS field effect structures coated with TESUD-PPy-PVC-dibromoaza[7]helicene matrix for potassium ions detection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tounsi, Moncef, E-mail: [Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Université de Monastir (Tunisia); Université de Lyon, Institut de Sciences Analytiques (ISA) – UMR 5280, 5 rue de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne (France); Ben Braiek, Mourad [Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique Asymétrique et Catalyse Homogène, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Monastir, Avenue de l' environnement, 5019, Monastir (Tunisia); Barhoumi, Houcine [Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Université de Monastir (Tunisia); Baraket, Abdoullatif; Lee, Michael; Zine, Nadia [Université de Lyon, Institut de Sciences Analytiques (ISA) – UMR 5280, 5 rue de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne (France); Maaref, Abderrazak [Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Université de Monastir (Tunisia); Errachid, Abdelhamid, E-mail: [Université de Lyon, Institut de Sciences Analytiques (ISA) – UMR 5280, 5 rue de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne (France)


    In this work, we describe the development of new Aza[7]helicene-containing PVC-based membranes for the K{sup +} ions quantification. Here, silicon nitride-based structures (Si-p/SiO{sub 2}/Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}) were developed and the surface was activated, functionalized with an aldehyde–silane (11-(Triethoxysilyl)undecanal (TESUD)), functionalized with polypyrrole (PPy), and coated with the polyvinylchloride (PVC)-membrane containing the Aza[7]helicene as ionophore. All stages of functionalization process have been thoroughly studied by contact angle measurements (CAMs) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The developed ion-selective electrode (ISE) was then applied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the detection of potassium ions. A linear range was observed between 1.0 × 10{sup −8} M to 1.0 × 10{sup −3} M and a detection limit of 1.0 × 10{sup −8} M was observed. The EIS results have showed a good sensitivity to potassium ion using this novel technique. The target helicene exhibited good solubility and excellent thermal stability with a high decomposition temperature (Td > 300 °C) and it indicates that helicene may be a promising material as ionophore for ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) elaboration. - Highlights: • Synthesis and characterization of a new derivatives of Aza[7]helicenes • Manufacture of PPy structures on the SiO{sub 2}/Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} surface using the TESUD as cross linking agent. • The PPy fabricated microstructures can be used as support matrix in biosensing. • Impedimetric K{sup +}-ISEs was developed by using dibromoaza[7]helicene as ionophore for K{sup +} ions determination.

  8. 76 FR 39436 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) and Notice of Scoping... (United States)


    ...The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority (Exchange Contractors) propose to prepare a joint EIS/EIR for a twenty-five year water transfer program (Program). The action would be to execute agreements for water transfers among Reclamation, Mid- Pacific Region; Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP) contractors; and the Exchange Contractors for water service years 2014 to 2038. The Program would consist of the annual development and transfer of up to 150,000 acre-feet of substitute water (maximum of 100,000 acre-feet of conserved water and a maximum of 50,000 acre-feet from land fallowing) from the Exchange Contractors to other CVP contractors, to Reclamation's Refuge Water Supply Program (RWSP) for delivery to the San Joaquin Valley wetland habitat areas (wildlife refuges), and/or State Water Project (SWP) contractors.

  9. Impact reduction of the uncertain geometrical parameters on magnetic material identification of an EI electromagnetic inductor using an adaptive inverse algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdallh, A.; Crevecoeur, G.; Dupré, L.


    The magnetic characteristics of the electromagnetic devices' core materials can be recovered by solving an inverse problem, where sets of measurements need to be properly interpreted using a forward numerical model of the device. However, the uncertainties of the geometrical parameter values in the forward model lead to appreciable recovery errors in the recovered values of the material parameters. In this paper, we propose an effective inverse approach technique, in which the influences of the uncertainties in the geometrical model parameters are minimized. In this proposed approach, the cost function that needs to be minimized is adapted with respect to the uncertain geometrical model parameters. The proposed methodology is applied onto the identification of the magnetizing B–H curve of the magnetic material of an EI core inductor. The numerical results show a significant reduction of the recovery errors in the identified magnetic material parameter values. Moreover, the proposed methodology is validated by solving an inverse problem starting from real magnetic measurements. - Highlights: ► A new method to minimize the influence of the uncertain parameters in inverse problems is proposed. ► The technique is based on adapting iteratively the objective function that needs to be minimized. ► The objective function is adapted by the model response sensitivity to the uncertain parameters. ► The proposed technique is applied for recovering the B–H curve of an EI core inductor material. ► The error in the inverse problem solution is dramatically reduced using the proposed methodology.

  10. Using EIS to analyse samples of Al-Mg alloy AA5083 treated by thermal activation in cerium salt baths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bethencourt, M.; Botana, F.J.; Cano, M.J.; Marcos, M.; Sanchez-Amaya, J.M.; Gonzalez-Rovira, L.


    This paper describes a study undertaken of the morphological and anticorrosive characteristics of surface layers formed on the Al-Mg alloy AA5083 from solutions of Ce(III), by means of various heat treatments while immersed in baths of cerium salts. SEM/EDS studies have demonstrated the existence of a heterogeneous layer formed by a film of aluminium oxide/hydroxide on the matrix and a series of dispersed islands of cerium deposited on the cathodic intermetallics. With the object of evaluating the degree of protection provided by the layers formed and of characterising the particular contribution of the electrochemical response of the system in NaCl, the results obtained by means of EIS are presented and discussed

  11. La espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIS aplicada al estudio del mecanismo de la corrosión en caliente por sales fundidas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Báez P.


    Full Text Available Las técnicas electroquímicas son empleadas para evaluar las reacciones de corrosión en sistemas acuosos, simulando condiciones reales. En la actualidad no existe un monitoreo en tiempo real del desgaste corrosivo por sales fundidas en los componentes de las calderas; por lo que se hace necesario investigar la utilización de la técnica de EIS para evaluar la corrosión por sales fundidas. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se construyó una celda de ensayos electroquímicos para corrosión en caliente y se evaluó la velocidad de corrosión de los aceros AISI-304H y T22 en un electrolito 80%V2O5-20%Na2SO4 entre 550°C y 800°C, y con la adición de inhibidores de corrosión como el MgO y el CaO, por medio de las técnicas Extrapolación de Tafel y EIS. Los resultados mostraron que los aceros, por debajo de 750°C, presentan control por difusión en la película de óxido y sobre 750°C, control por difusión en el fundido.

  12. Study of the variation of the E-I curves in the superconducting to normal transition of Bi-2212 textured ceramics by Pb addition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sotelo, A.


    Full Text Available Vitreous cylinders with compositions Bi2-xPbxSr2CaCu2Oy, (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 were prepared and used as precursors to fabricate textured bars through a laser floating zone melting method (LFZ. The resulting textured cylindrical bars were annealed, followed by their electrical characterization. The microstructure was determined and correlated with the electrical measured properties. The influence of Pb doping on the sharpness of the superconducting to normal transition on the E-I curves has been determined. The sharpest transitions have been obtained for samples doped with 0.4Pb.

    Se han preparado precursores de tipo vítreo en forma de cilindro con composiciones nominales Bi2-xPbxSr2CaCu2Oy, con x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 y 0.6. Estos cilindros se han utilizado como precursores para fabricar barras texturadas por medio de una técnica de fusión zonal inducida por láser (LFZ. Estas barras texturadas se recocieron a diferentes temperaturas y se caracterizaron eléctricamente. Además, se examinó su microestructura para correlacionarla con las propiedades eléctricas medidas. La variación de la transición del estado superconductor al normal se ha relacionado con el dopaje con Pb a través de las curvas E-I. Las mejores transiciones se han obtenido para muestras dopadas con 0.4 Pb.

  13. A combinatorial matrix of rare earth chloride mixtures as corrosion inhibitors of AA2024-T3: Optimisation using potentiodynamic polarisation and EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muster, T.H.; Sullivan, H.; Lau, D.; Alexander, D.L.J.; Sherman, N.; Garcia, S.J.; Harvey, T.G.; Markley, T.A.; Hughes, A.E.; Corrigan, P.A.; Glenn, A.M.; White, P.A.; Hardin, S.G.; Mardel, J.; Mol, J.M.C.


    A combinatorial matrix of four rare earth chlorides has been evaluated for the corrosion inhibition of aluminium alloy AA2024-T3 in aqueous solution. Two electrochemical techniques, potentiodynamic polarisation (PP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), were used to evaluate AA2024-T3 corrosion in 0.1 M NaCl with the addition of 10 −3 M of rare earth chloride mixtures at time periods up to 18 h. PP experiments showed rare earth inhibition of up to 98% within the first hour and thereafter corrosion rates were steadily decreased. The open-circuit potential (OCP) of AA2024-T3 decreased as a function of time for all solutions indicating predominantly cathodic inhibition. However, differing trends in the OCP were observed during PP and EIS experiments and are discussed in terms of likely time-dependent mechanisms. A comparative study of optimisation models indicated the best mixture at 10 −3 M total inhibitor concentration was predicted to be 72% cerium (Ce) and 28% (praseodymium (Pr)/lanthanum (La)) ions. As the amount of Ce is decreased from this level the corrosion inhibition is predicted to decrease also, regardless of what other rare earths (La, Pr and Nd) are added alone or in combination. Individually, La, Pr and Nd show varying levels of corrosion inhibition activity, all of which are inferior to that of Ce. If Ce is absent entirely, then a mixture of approximately 50% Pr and 50% Nd is predicted to be preferred. This is one of the first applications of combinatorial design for the optimisation of corrosion inhibitor mixtures.

  14. Estudio mediante EIS de la respuesta electroquímica de la aleación AA5083 frente a señales DC anódicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aballe, A.


    Full Text Available Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS has been applied to characterise the behaviour of AA5083 alloy samples under anodic polarisation in a 3.5 % NaCl solution. EIS spectra were obtained at different DC potentials falling within the passivity range characteristic of the anodic polarisation branch of this alloy in the cited corrosive environment. Three different types of electrochemical response, with specific features in the corresponding Nyquist diagrams, were observed within the potential range covered in this study. The different type of spectra have been fitted with equivalent circuits. The evolution of the values of the different elements in the circuits as a function of the applied DC polarisation potential has been established. The analysis of these data has allowed us to determine the ranges of polarisation potentials where the passivation layer remains stable, metastable pits are nucleated or where stable pits grow. Finally, the use of a "Bode Surface Plot" has been proposed to get a better visualization of the evolution of the system with the applied DC potential.

    Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio, mediante Espectroscopia de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS, del comportamiento de la aleación AA5083 polarizada anódicamente en disolución de NaCl al 3,5 %. Los espectros de impedancia se registraron a distintos potenciales DC, seleccionados de acuerdo con el intervalo de pasividad que aparece en su curva de polarización anódica. En el rango de potenciales estudiado, se han obtenido tres tipos de respuesta electroquímica, cada una con un diagrama de Nyquist característico. Los diagramas obtenidos se han simulado construyendo los correspondientes circuitos equivalentes. La evolución, con la polarización aplicada, de los valores de los elementos que componen cada circuito ha permitido definir el intervalo de potencial en el que la capa pasiva es estable, se forman picaduras metaestables, o se nuclean y crecen picaduras. Por

  15. Chromospherically active stars. III - HD 26337 = EI Eri: An RS CVn candidate for the Doppler-imaging technique (United States)

    Fekel, Francis C.; Quigley, Robert; Gillies, Kim; Africano, John L.


    Spectroscopic observations of the chromospherically active G5 IV single-lined binary HD 26337 = EI Eri are presented. An orbital period of 1.94722 days is found for the star. It has moderately strong Ca II H and K emission and strong ultraviolet emission features, while H-alpha is a weak absorption feature that is variable in strength. The inclination of the system is 46 + or - 12 deg, and the unseen secondary is probably a late K or early M dwarf. The v sin i of the primary is 50 + or - 3 km/s, resulting in a minimum radius of 1.9 + or - 0.1 solar radius. The star is within the required limits for Doppler imaging. The primary is close to filling its Roche lobe, resulting in a strong constraint that the mass ratio is 2.6 or greater, with a primary mass of at least 1.4 solar mass. The distance to the system is estimated at 75 pc.

  16. Polarization and EIS studies to evaluate the effect of aluminum concentration on the corrosion behavior of SAC105 solder alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liyana N. K.


    Full Text Available This paper presents an investigation on corrosion behavior of Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu-XAl (X = 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 by means of polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS measurements in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. The results show that addition of aluminum into SAC105 shifts the corrosion current density and passivation current density towards more positive values. It is also found that with an increase in aluminum concentration in SAC105 solder alloy, the corrosion current density increases and polarization resistance decreases. This suggests that SAC105 with the highest concentration of Al has the lowest corrosion resistance. In this case, the corrosion behavior seems to be attributed to anodic dissolution of aluminum and Sn-matrix.

  17. Saugus River and Tributaries, Lynn, Malden, Revere and Saugus, Massachusetts. Flood Damage Reduction. Volume 7. Appendix J. Feasibility Study and EIS/EIR Comments and Responses. Section A. (United States)


    project nor affect significantly the projects econmic efficiency. These effects are described in the Feasibility Report, EIS/EIR and suportin...modifications beca necesary. To insure the econmic efficiency of the project using the accelerated rise rate in NRc Case III, the Regional Project a str econmic candidate. 23 Table 14 RICtOALL P3ECr ECONaMEC FEABILIY WI H SEA LEVEL RISE (1988 Price Level) Oticon 3 Historical NRC Project

  18. An assessment of the water management program proposed in the Ranger EIS and its environmental implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davy, D.R.


    An assessment of the water management program proposed in the Ranger EIS has three components: a) a statement of water quality criteria and standards that the program must meet, b) a set of calculations based on the best available estimates, that compares the expected levels of waste with the standards set for the release, c) the plan of the surveillance program aimed at demonstrating compliance with these standards and at revealing deficiencies in the choice of criteria, the derivation of standards from them and unforseen departures from expectation. Standards are suggested for the operation of the Ranger mines based on the most restrictive criterion out of: (i) acute toxicity tests carried out on organisms and water from the Magela Creek combined with application factors recommended by AWRC, (ii) the results on indicator species and biological diversity indices for the Finniss river, (iii) requirements for agricultural and pastoral use, (iv) the requirements for portable water. It is expected that the program proposed by Ranger will meet these standards and it is concluded that planning for a comprehensive environmental program is adequate. (author)


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    Nicolae CORCEA


    Full Text Available Scopul acestui mesaj ştiinţific constă în identificarea necesităţii ocrotirii juridico-penale a victimelor violenţei în familie. Pentru a prezenta victima violenţei în familie şi necesitatea apărării ei, s-a apelat la Directivele Consiliului Europei şi la alte acte normative internaţionale, precum şi la legislaţia internă a Republicii Moldova şi a României. Autorul a demonstrat necesitatea prevenirii riscului ridicat de victimizare secundară şi repetată a victimelor violenţei în familie, precum şi a riscului de intimidare sau de răzbunare asociat unor astfel de violenţe. Pentru a atinge scopul propus spre realizare, unei analize temeinice au fost supuse actele internaţionale în domeniul contracarării şi prevenirii actelor de violenţă în familie; s-a adus claritate în ce priveşte înţelesul noţiunii „membrul familiei”; au fost analizate măsurile de protecţie implementate la nivel european şi problemele conexe ce pot fi întâlnite în procesul implementării acestora la nivel naţional. Totodată, examinând actele normative la nivel naţional, autorul ia în vizor şi experienţa legislativă a României. În scopul îmbunătăţirii cadrului juridico-penal în domeniu, spre implementare sunt propuse noi concepte doctrinare şi înaintate recomandări legislative.VICTIM OF THE FAMILY VIOLENCE IN THE INTERNATIONAL LAW AND SUBSTANTIVE CRIMNAL LAW: INTERPETATIONS AND PROPOSALS DE LEGE FERENDAThe purpose of this scientific research consists in the identification of necessity of the victims of the family violence legal protection in the realm of Criminal law. In order to obtain clear results regarding the victim of the family violence, the author has submitted to a profound analysis the Directives of the Council of Europe and other international normative acts, as well as the internal legislation of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The author has demonstrated the necessity of prevention of the

  20. Washington Windplant No. 1: Botanical resources field survey. Appendix B to Washington Windplant No. 1 EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    KENETECH Windpower, Inc., has applied to Klickitat County for a conditional use permit to construct and operate a 115 Megawatt windfarm on an approximately 5110 hectare (12,630 acre) site in the Columbia Hills near Goldendale, Washington. A transmission services agreement between the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and utilities purchasing the Project's output will also be required. Klickitat County and BPA initiated the preparation of a joint SEPA/NEPA Environmental Impact Statement, under the authority of the Washington State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. The EIS addresses, among other issues, the Project's potential impact on rare, threatened or endangered, and sensitive plant species and communities as well as plant species of potential cultural importance. A field survey along potential impact corridors (turbine strings, roadways, and the transmission line alignment) was conducted between April and June, 1994 in order to identify rare plant species, high-quality native plant communities, and plant species of potential cultural importance present in these corridors. In addition, habitat maps of the entire 5110-ha project area were field verified. This report contains the results of that survey and an assessment of the potential project impacts

  1. Study of caffeine as corrosion inhibitors of carbon steel in chloride solution containing hydrogen sulfide using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (United States)

    Solehudin, Agus; Berman, Ega Taqwali; Nurdin, Isdiriayani


    The corrosion behaviour of steel surface in the absence and presence of caffeine in 3.5% NaCl solution containing dissolved H2S gas is studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The experimental results of carbon steel corrosion in 3.5% NaCl solution containing 500 mg/l H2S at different caffeine concentrations showed that corrosion rate of carbon steel decreases with increasing of caffeine concentrations from 0 to 0,1 mmol/l. Whereas, the corrosion rate increase with increasing of caffeine concentrations from 1 to 10 mmol/l. It is clear that no inhibition efficiency increases with increasing inhibitor concentration. The optimum value of inhibition efficiency was 90% at a caffeine concentration of 0.1 mmol/l. This suggests that caffeine's performance as a corrosion inhibitor is more effective at a concentration of 0.1 mmol/l.

  2. Chromospheric evaporation flows and density changes deduced from Hinode/EIS during an M1.6 flare (United States)

    Gömöry, P.; Veronig, A. M.; Su, Y.; Temmer, M.; Thalmann, J. K.


    Aims: We study the response of the solar atmosphere during a GOES M1.6 flare using spectroscopic and imaging observations. In particular, we examine the evolution of the mass flows and electron density together with the energy input derived from hard X-ray (HXR) in the context of chromospheric evaporation. Methods: We analyzed high-cadence sit-and-stare observations acquired with the Hinode/EIS spectrometer in the Fe xiii 202.044 Å (log T = 6.2) and Fe xvi 262.980 Å (log T = 6.4) spectral lines to derive temporal variations of the line intensity, Doppler shifts, and electron density during the flare. We combined these data with HXR measurements acquired with RHESSI to derive the energy input to the lower atmosphere by flare-accelerated electrons. Results: During the flare impulsive phase, we observe no significant flows in the cooler Fe xiii line but strong upflows, up to 80-150 km s-1, in the hotter Fe xvi line. The largest Doppler shifts observed in the Fe xvi line were co-temporal with the sharp intensity peak. The electron density obtained from a Fe xiii line pair ratio exhibited fast increase (within two minutes) from the pre-flare level of 5.01 × 109 cm-3 to 3.16 × 1010 cm-3 during the flare peak. The nonthermal energy flux density deposited from the coronal acceleration site to the lower atmospheric layers during the flare peak was found to be 1.34 × 1010 erg s-1 cm-2 for a low-energy cut-off that was estimated to be 16 keV. During the decline flare phase, we found a secondary intensity and density peak of lower amplitude that was preceded by upflows of ~15 km s-1 that were detected in both lines. The flare was also accompanied by a filament eruption that was partly captured by the EIS observations. We derived Doppler velocities of 250-300 km s-1 for the upflowing filament material. Conclusions: The spectroscopic results for the flare peak are consistent with the scenario of explosive chromospheric evaporation, although a comparatively low value of the

  3. Altered pancreatic growth and insulin secretion in WSB/EiJ mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maggie M Ho

    Full Text Available These data suggest that insulin secretion in WSB mice is blunted specifically in vivo, either due to a reduced insulin requirement and/or due to factors that are absent or destroyed in vitro. These studies also highlight the role of post-natal growth in determining adult β-cell mass. Mice are important animal models for the study of metabolic physiology and the genetics of complex traits. Wild-derived inbred mouse strains, such as WSB/EiJ (WSB, are unrelated to the commonly studied mouse strains and are valuable tools to identify novel genes that modify disease risk. We have previously shown that in contrast to C57BL/6J (B6 mice, WSB mice fed a high fat diet do not develop hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance, and had nearly undetectable insulin secretion in response to an intraperitoneal glucose challenge. As hyperinsulinemia may drive obesity and insulin resistance, we examined whether defects in β-cell mass or function could contribute to the low insulin levels in WSB mice. In young WSB mice, β-cell mass was similar to B6 mice. However, we found that adult WSB mice had reduced β-cell mass due to reduced pancreatic weights. Pancreatic sizes were similar between the strains when normalized to body weight, suggesting their pancreatic size is appropriate to their body size in adults, but overall post-natal pancreatic growth was reduced in WSB mice compared to B6 mice. Islet architecture was normal in WSB mice. WSB mice had markedly increased insulin secretion from isolated islets in vitro. These data suggest that insulin secretion in WSB mice is blunted specifically in vivo, either due to a reduced insulin requirement and/or due to factors that are absent or destroyed in vitro. These studies suggest that WSB mice may provide novel insight into mechanisms regulating insulin secretion and also highlight the role of post-natal growth in determining adult β-cell mass.

  4. Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Improvements Project and Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project. Draft EIR/EIS, Volume 1 of 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The primary focus of this environmental analysis is on improvements to the Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP) facilities and disposal to the Geysers for injection. This analysis will be incorporated with an earlier EIR which evaluated system improvements to the SRWTP and twelve disposal alternatives. In July 1993, the Lake County Sanitation District Board of Directors (LACOSAN) selected the Geysers Effluent Pipeline as the preferred alternative to be analyzed in this EIR/EIS. This environmental analysis will primarily focus on improvements to the SRWTP facilities and a 24 inch pipeline designed to carry up to 5,400 gallons per minute of secondarily treated wastewater. The wastewater will be transported from the Lake County Sanitation District's Southeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Middletown Wastewater Treatment Plant with additional make-up water from Clear Lake to the Southeast portion of the Geysers Geothermal Field in Lake and Sonoma Counties, California

  5. A novel study of screening and confirmation of modafinil, adrafinil and their metabolite modafinilic acid under EI-GC-MS and ESI-LC-MS-MS ionization. (United States)

    Dubey, S; Ahi, S; Reddy, I M; Kaur, T; Beotra, A; Jain, S


    Adrafinil and modafinil have received wide publicity and have become controversial in the sporting world when several athletes were discovered allegedly using these drugs as doping agents. By acknowledging the facts, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned these drugs in sports since 2004. The present study explores the possibility of differentiating adrafinil and modafinil and their major metabolites under electron impact ionization in gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MSD) and electrospray ionization in liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) by studying the fragmentation pattern of these drugs. Adrafinil, modafinil and their major metabolite, modafinilic acid were analyzed on EI-GC-MSD and ESI-LC-MS/MS using various individual parameters on both the instruments. The analytical technique and equipment used in the analysis were an Agilent 6890N GC with 5973 mass selective detector for the GC-MSD analysis and an Agilent 1100 HPLC with API-3200 Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for the LC-MS/MS analysis. Validation of both methods was performed using six replicates at different concentrations. The results show that adrafinil, modafinil and their major metabolite modafinilic acid could be detected as a single artifact without differentiation under EI-GC-MSD analysis. However, all drugs could be detected and differentiated under ESI-LCMS/MS analysis without any artifaction. The GC-MSD analysis gives a single artifact for both the drugs without differentiation and thus can be used as a marker for screening purposes. Further, the Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) method developed under LC-MS/MS is fit for the purpose for confirmation of suspicious samples in routine sports testing and in forensic and clinical analysis.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, J. T.; Martens, P. C. H.


    The advance in spectral resolution of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging (EIS) spectrometer on board Hinode has allowed for more detailed analysis of coronal spectral lines. Large line broadening and blueshifted velocities have been found in the periphery of active region (AR) cores and near the footpoints of coronal loops. This line broadening is yet to be understood. We study the correlation of intensity and line width for entire ARs and sub-regions selected to include coronal features. The results show that although a slight positive correlation can be found when considering whole images, many sub-regions have a negative correlation between intensity and line width. Sections of a coronal loop display some of the largest anti-correlations found for this study with the increased line broadening occurring directly adjacent to the footpoint section of the loop structure, not at the footpoint itself. The broadened lines may be due to a second Doppler-shifted component that is separate from the main emitting feature such as a coronal loop, but related in their excitation. The small size of these features forces the considerations of investigator and instrumental effects. Preliminary analyses are shown that indicate the possibility of a point-spread function that is not azimuthally symmetric and may affect velocity and line profile measurements.

  7. Review of the draft supplement to the WIPP environmental impact statement DOE/EIS-0026-S-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neill, R.H.; Channell, J.K.; Spiegler, P.; Chaturvedi, L.


    New Mexico Environmental Evaluation Group's (EEG) review of the WIPP Disposal Phase Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS-II) concentrated on the radiological aspects of the Proposed Action, including transportation. The alternatives were reviewed in less detail. Some calculations were checked, mostly for the Proposed Action. Because of time constraints, there was little review of Hazardous Chemicals, Economics, or other Environmental Assessments. SEIS-II was written as a pre-decision document with the Alternatives all plausible and eligible to be selected. Also, the inventory of TRU waste for disposal went well beyond that portion of TRU waste that has been historically considered to be the WIPP inventory. This broadened scope is probably appropriate for an EIS but it is confusing to the reviewer who is aware of the statutory limits of wastes that are allowed to come to WIPP at the present time. EEG has attempted to keep the broadened scope of SEIS-II in mind during their review. The more important issues discussed within are: alternatives; related documents; transportation; questionable assumptions; use of the 75th percentile values; family farm scenario and inhalation doses; modification of BRAGFLO volumes; emplacement of remotely handled TRU wastes; conversion error; and remotely handled TRU casks

  8. EUV lines observed with EIS/Hinode in a solar prominence (United States)

    Labrosse, N.; Schmieder, B.; Heinzel, P.; Watanabe, T.


    Context. During a multi-wavelength observation campaign with Hinode and ground-based instruments, a solar prominence was observed for three consecutive days as it crossed the western limb of the Sun in April 2007. Aims: We report on observations obtained on 26 April 2007 using EIS (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer) on Hinode. They are analysed to provide a qualitative diagnostic of the plasma in different parts of the prominence. Methods: After correcting for instrumental effects, the rasters at different wavelengths are presented. Several regions within the same prominence are identified for further analysis. Selected profiles for lines with formation temperatures between log (T) = 4.7 and log (T) = 6.3, as well as their integrated intensities, are given. The profiles of coronal, transition region, and He ii lines are discussed. We pay special attention to the He ii line, which is blended with coronal lines. Results: Some quantitative results are obtained by analysing the line profiles. They confirm that depression in EUV lines can be interpreted in terms of two mechanisms: absorption of coronal radiation by the hydrogen and neutral helium resonance continua, and emissivity blocking. We present estimates of the He ii line integrated intensity in different parts of the prominence according to different scenarios for the relative contribution of absorption and emissivity blocking to the coronal lines blended with the He ii line. We estimate the contribution of the He ii 256.32 Å line to the He ii raster image to vary between ~44% and 70% of the raster's total intensity in the prominence according to the different models used to take into account the blending coronal lines. The inferred integrated intensities of the He ii 256 Å line are consistent with the theoretical intensities obtained with previous 1D non-LTE radiative transfer calculations, yielding a preliminary estimate of the central temperature of 8700 K, a central pressure of 0.33 dyn cm-2, and a

  9. Surmahiirte tants; Pühapäeva hommik; Unistus venna külaskäigust; Kolm päeva voodipuhkust; Veepiir; Ei sugutunnuseid ega muid iseärasusi : [Luuletused] / Wallace Stevens ; inglise k. tlk. ja järelsõna: Andres Ehin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stevens, Wallace


    Autorist lk. 212. Luuletuste 'Unistus venna külaskäigust', 'Kolm päeva voodipuhkust', 'Veepiir' ja 'Ei sugutunnuseid ega muid iseärasusi', mis on samuti ekslikult sealsamas W. Stevensile omistatud, autor on tegelikult Carlos Stewal. Vt. Ehin, Andres. Veavabandus // Looming. 1995. Nr. 5. Lk. 718

  10. Study of benzotriazole as corrosion inhibitors of carbon steel in chloride solution containing hydrogen sulfide using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solehudin, Agus, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Bandung, West Java (Indonesia); Nurdin, Isdiriayani [Department of Chemical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, West Java (Indonesia)


    Corrosion and inhibition studies on API 5LX65 carbon steel in chloride solution containing various concentrations of benzotriazole has been conducted at temperature of 70°C using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Corroded carbon steel surface with and without inhibitor have been observed using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The objectives of this research are to study the performance of benzotriazole as corrosion inhibitors. The experimental results of carbon steel corrosion in 3.5% NaCl solution containing 500 mg/l H{sub 2}S at different BTAH concentrations showed that corrosion rate of carbon steel decreases with increasing of BTAH concentrations from 0 to 10 mmol/l. The inhibition efficiency of BTAH was found to be affected by its concentration. The optimum efficiency obtained of BTAH is 93% at concentration of 5 mmol/l. The result of XRD and EDS analysis reveal the iron sulfide (FeS) formation on corroded carbon steel surface without inhibitor. The EDS spectrum show the Nitrogen (N) bond on carbon steel surface inhibited by BTAH.

  11. Time-dependent pH sensing phenomena using CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in EIS structure. (United States)

    Kumar, Pankaj; Maikap, Siddheswar; Prakash, Amit; Tien, Ta-Chang


    Time-dependent pH sensing phenomena of the core-shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dot (QD) sensors in EIS (electrolyte insulator semiconductor) structure have been investigated for the first time. The quantum dots are immobilized by chaperonin GroEL protein, which are observed by both atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope. The diameter of one QD is approximately 6.5 nm. The QDs are not oxidized over a long time and core-shell CdSe/ZnS are confirmed by X-ray photon spectroscopy. The sensors are studied for sensing of hydrogen ions concentration in different buffer solutions at broad pH range of 2 to 12. The QD sensors show improved sensitivity (38 to 55 mV/pH) as compared to bare SiO2 sensor (36 to 23 mV/pH) with time period of 0 to 24 months, owing to the reduction of defects in the QDs. Therefore, the differential sensitivity of the QD sensors with respect to the bare SiO2 sensors is improved from 2 to 32 mV/pH for the time period of 0 to 24 months. After 24 months, the sensitivity of the QD sensors is close to ideal Nernstian response with good linearity of 99.96%. Stability and repeatability of the QD sensors show low drift (10 mV for 10 cycles) as well as small hysteresis characteristics (sensor is very useful for future human disease diagnostics.

  12. Free fatty acid profiling of marine sentinels by nanoLC-EI-MS for the assessment of environmental pollution effects. (United States)

    Albergamo, Ambrogina; Rigano, Francesca; Purcaro, Giorgia; Mauceri, Angela; Fasulo, Salvatore; Mondello, Luigi


    The present work aims to elucidate the free fatty acid (FFA) profile of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis caged in an anthropogenically impacted area and in a reference site through an innovative and validated analytical approach for the assessment of biological alterations induced by marine pollution. The FFA pattern is involved in the regulation of different cellular pathways and differs with respect to metabolic stimuli. To this purpose, the lipid fraction of mussels coming from both sampling areas was extracted and the FFA fractions were isolated and purified by a solid phase extraction; then, nano-scale liquid chromatography coupled to electron ionization mass spectrometry (nanoLC-EI-MS) was employed for the characterization of the two samples. A total of 19 and 17 FFAs were reliably identified in the mussels coming from the reference and polluted site, respectively. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences found in saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated species may be exploited as typical pollution biomarkers (e.g. alteration of the fatty acid biosynthetic system and lipotoxicity) and explain adverse and compromising effects (e.g. oxidative stress and inflammatory processes) related to environmental pollution. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Study of corrosion behavior on the addition of sodium citrate in nickel electroplating on SPCC steel using EIS (United States)

    Riastuti, R.; Ramadini, C.; Siallagan, S. T.; Rifki, A.; Herdino, F.


    The addition of sodium citrate to nickel electroplating process as additive is useful for refining the grain size of nickel deposit. The refining of grain size in nickel deposit as coating layer can improve surface performance, one of which corrosion resistance. This paper aims to investigate the effect of sodium citrate addition as grain refiner to promote corrosion resistance on SPCC steel. This experiment used Watt’s Bath solution of NiSO4 300 g/L, NiCl4 45 g/L, H3BO3 60 g/L, wetting agent 0.2 cc/L. Sodium citrate was added in composition of 45g/L and 60g/L. Nickel were deposited by direct current using current density on 6 A/dm2 at the acidity level of 5 for 30 minutes by keeping the operating temperature stable at 50°C. The grain size of nickel deposit was observed through Optical Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The corrosion behavior of SPCC was observed by linear polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) methods using 3% NaCl solution. Based on the research, the addition of sodium citrate as grain refiner will increasing corrosion resistance on SPCC steel from 0.35 to 0.05 mm/year.

  14. Combined chemical and EIS study of the reaction of zinc coatings under alkaline conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walkner, Sarah; Hassel, Achim Walter


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • An electrochemical unit for automatic EIS and pH modulation is used. • ZnMg2Al2 and ZnAl53 are studied in alkaline solutions. • Amount of consumed sodium hydroxide allows following hydroxide formation and film thickness. • Cross sections of 13 μm show excellent agreement with consumed hydroxide. • ZnAl53 consumes more hydroxide due to soluble aluminate formation. - Abstract: Two different zinc coatings of composition ZnMg2Al2 (Zn + 2 wt.% Mg + 2 wt.% Al) and ZnAl53 (Zn + 53 wt.% Al) were investigated in aqueous solution at pH 12.0 with a novel setup, the so-called impedance titrator. This device is able to perform electrochemical measurements including, but not limited to, impedance spectroscopy in dependency of different pH-values. The setup allows holding the pH-value with a precision of at least 0.05 by dosing the required amount of titrating agent to the system. If the alkaline pH region is investigated, hydroxide ions are consumed in the course of passive layer formation. The amount of consumed hydroxide allows to quantitatively follow the formation of the hydroxide film and its thickness. Cross section SEM shows an excellent agreement of 13 μm after 7 h for ZnMg2Al2. At a constant pH value, the hydroxide concentration is constant and film formation is well defined and kinetically characterised. The consumption of hydroxide by the ZnAl53 coating is higher resulting from the solubility of the Al as aluminate under alkaline conditions. The composition of the precipitates contains less than 3 wt.% of Al. The observed processes and the formation of corrosion products are recorded and differences in the behaviour of the two coatings are discussed

  15. Estudio mediante EIS de capas lantánidas de conversión desarrolladas mediante activación térmica sobre aleaciones de Al-Mg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bethencourt, M.


    Full Text Available Nowadays, a lot of anticorrosive treatments that can be used as alternative processes to Cr(IV-based treatments are developing. Some of them involve the use of lanthanide compounds. The present work show a morphologic and anticorrosive study of conversion coatings developed on samples of AA5083 alloy from Ce (III solutions, by treatments of immersion to 323K in baths of cerium salts. SEM/EDS analysis of treated sampled shows the existence of an heterogeneous coating composed of an aluminium hydroxide/oxide on the metallic matrix and Ce island over cathodic intermetallic. Protected with conversion coatings, AA5083 samples were immersed in NaCl and EIS tests were registered both to evaluate the protection degree of the developed coatings and to characterize the individual contribution of the electrochemical response of the system.

    En la actualidad, se encuentran en desarrollo una gran variedad de tratamientos anticorrosivos que pueden emplearse como alternativas a los basados en Cr(VI. Algunos conllevan el empleo de lantánidos. En este trabajo, se lleva a cabo un estudio de las características morfológicas y anticorrosivas de capas desarrolladas sobre la aleación AA5083 a partir de disoluciones de Ce(III, mediante tratamientos de inmersión a 323K en baños de sal de cerio. Estudios SEM/EDS sobre la muestras tratadas han puesto de manifiesto la existencia de una capa heterogénea formada por una película de óxido/hidróxido de aluminio sobre la matriz y una serie de islas dispersas de cerio, sobre los intermetálicos catódicos. Para evaluar el grado de protección de las capas de conversión desarrolladas, así como para caracterizar la contribución individual de la respuesta electroquímica del sistema en NaCl, se han llevado a cabo ensayos de EIS.

  16. Estudio de la corrosión en caliente de la aleación aisi-sae 304h, mediante la técnica de espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (eis)




    La corrosión en caliente es uno de los mayores problemas que se presentan en la industria generadora de energía eléctrica, especialmente en los componentes que conforman los equipos generadores de vapor (calderas). El fenómeno corrosivo que presentan las sales fundidas, es por lo menos parcialmente, de naturaleza electroquímica y por lo tanto, puede ser estudiado empleando la técnica de impedancia electroquímica (EIS), adaptada a las condiciones especiales de temperatura y composición del ...

  17. High Endogenous Expression of Chitinase 3-Like 1 and Excessive Epithelial Proliferation with Colonic Tumor Formation in MOLF/EiJ Mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daren Low

    Full Text Available Colorectal cancer (CRC development is mediated by uncontrolled survival and proliferation of tumor progenitor cells. Using animal models to identify and study host-derived factors that underlie this process can aid interventions in preventing tumor expansion and metastasis. In healthy steady states in humans and mice (e.g. C57BL/6 strain, colonic Chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1 gene expression is undetectable. However, this expression can be induced during intestinal inflammation and tumorigenesis where CHI3L1 plays an important role in tissue restitution and cell proliferation. Here, we show that a wild-derived mouse strain MOLF/EiJ expresses high levels of colonic epithelial CHI3L1 at the steady state due to several nucleotide polymorphisms in the proximal promoter regions of the CHI3L1 gene. Interestingly, these mice spontaneously developed polypoid nodules in the colon with signs of immune cell infiltrations at steady state. The CHI3L1 positive colonic epithelial cells were highly proliferative and exhibited malignant transformation and expansion when exposed in vivo to azoxymethane, one of the well-known colonic carcinogens.

  18. CON4EI: EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EpiOcular™ EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. (United States)

    Kandarova, H; Letasiova, S; Adriaens, E; Guest, R; Willoughby, J A; Drzewiecka, A; Gruszka, K; Alépée, Nathalie; Verstraelen, Sandra; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of the acute eye irritation potential is part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals. The objective of the CON4EI project was to develop tiered testing strategies for eye irritation assessment. A set of 80 reference chemicals (38 liquids and 42 solids) was tested with eight different methods. Here, the results obtained with the EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EIT), adopted as OECD TG 492, are shown. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate of the performance of the test method to discriminate between chemicals not requiring classification for serious eye damage/eye irritancy (No Category) and chemicals requiring classification and labelling. In addition, the predictive capacity in terms of in vivo drivers of classification (i.e. corneal opacity, conjunctival redness and persistence at day 21) was investigated. EpiOcular™ EIT achieved a sensitivity of 97%, a specificity of 87% and accuracy of 95% and also confirmed its excellent reproducibility (100%) from the original validation. The assay was applicable to all chemical categories tested in this project and its performance was not limited to the particular driver of the classification. In addition to the existing prediction model for dichotomous categorization, a new prediction model for Cat 1 is suggested. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  19. CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. (United States)

    Verstraelen, Sandra; Maglennon, Gareth; Hollanders, Karen; Boonen, Francis; Adriaens, Els; Alépée, Nathalie; Drzewiecka, Agnieszka; Gruszka, Katarzyna; Kandarova, Helena; Willoughby, Jamin A; Guest, Robert; Schofield, Jane; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of ocular irritation potential is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. None in vitro ocular irritation assays are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as stand-alone. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI consortium assessed the reliability of eight in vitro test methods and computational models as well as established a tiered-testing strategy. One of the selected assays was Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP). In this project, the same corneas were used for measurement of opacity using the OP-KIT, the Laser Light-Based Opacitometer (LLBO) and for histopathological analysis. The results show that the accuracy of the BCOP OP-KIT in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 73.8% while the accuracy was 86.3% for No Cat chemicals. BCOP OP-KIT false negative results were often related to an in vivo classification driven by conjunctival effects only. For the BCOP LLBO, the accuracy in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 74.4% versus 88.8% for No Cat chemicals. The BCOP LLBO seems very promising for the identification of No Cat liquids but less so for the identification of solids. Histopathology as an additional endpoint to the BCOP test method does not reduce the false negative rate substantially for in vivo Cat 1 chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Lähme, naised / Tiina Kuuler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuuler, Tiina, 1969-


    Muusikasündmustest: Koit Toome laulab Jaak Joala lauldud laule 25. juulist 31. juulini Eesti kirikutes, "Smilers ETV Live" (kaastegev Üle-Eestilise Noorte Sümfooniaorkestri oktett) 25. juulil Elva laululaval, 27. juulil Keila laululaval ja 31. juulil Pärnu kõlakojas, rahvalauliku Virve Kösteri suvetuur "Mere pidu!" 30. juulil Sõru rannas, 31. juulil Haapsalu piiskopilinnuses, 1. aug. Pärnu vallikäärus ja 2. aug. Tartu Antoniuse õuel, kontsert "Muusa puudutus" 1. aug. Pärnus Ammende villas, festival "Viljandi Folk" 25.-27. juulini, "Airport Jam" 1. ja 2. aug. Kiltsi lennuväljal, "Klaaspärlimäng" Tartu Jaani kirikus 26. juulil, Mustpeade majas Tallinnas 27. juulil, "James Bondi gala" 1. aug. Põltsamaa lossi hoovis, "Ooper Tallinna raekojas" 25. juulil, Saaremaa ooperipäevad 25. juulil Kuressaare lossi ooperimajas, "Hoffmani lood" 26. juulil Kuressaare lossi ooperimajas, "Hullumisstseene kvaliteetooperitest" 27. juulil ja 3. aug. Pärnu vanalinna õues

  1. Monitoring of some Wild Plant Species Grown on Natural Radioactive Soils, Wadi EI -Gemal Area, Southeastern Desert, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morsy, A.M.A.; Afifi, S.Y.


    Fore long time ago, human kind has relied on natural products of plants as a primary source for medicine. Herbs, flora, molt and even leeches were employed to bring up relief to the sick and infirmly. As a part of ongoing investigations for the effect of natural radionuclide radiations on biochemical constituents of plants, .two native species (Salvadora persica and Balanites aegyptiaca). grown on virgin radionuclide soils along with Wadi EI-Gemal area, Southeastern Desert, Egypt were collected. This study dealt with amounts of radionuclide taken by plants and their effects on their biochemical constituents, beneficiation uses on remedy of contaminated and even polluted soils and sick treatments as well as exploration of radioactive materials. These plant samples were subjected to certain analysis techniques for the amounts of uranium that were followed by determining carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The results indicated that both plants uptake uranium but with different amounts. Uranium has a passive effect on the total soluble suger (T.S.S.) of Balanties aegyptiaca plant, while no clear trend appears on T.S.S. of Snlvndora persica root samples. No clear trend appeared for effect of uranium on both fatty acids and amino acids of the investigated plants. Meanwhile uranium has a passive effect on saponin in both plant species, alkaloid in S. persica root and flavonoids in B. aegyptiaca fruits, while showed a positive effect on alkaloids in B. aegyptiaca and no clear trend appeared for flavonoids in S. persica. As for diosgenin uranium has passive effect on its amount in B. aegyptiaca

  2. YBR/EiJ mice: a new model of glaucoma caused by genes on chromosomes 4 and 17

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Saidas Nair


    Full Text Available A variety of inherited animal models with different genetic causes and distinct genetic backgrounds are needed to help dissect the complex genetic etiology of glaucoma. The scarcity of such animal models has hampered progress in glaucoma research. Here, we introduce a new inherited glaucoma model: the inbred mouse strain YBR/EiJ (YBR. YBR mice develop a form of pigmentary glaucoma. They exhibit a progressive age-related pigment-dispersing iris disease characterized by iris stromal atrophy. Subsequently, these mice develop elevated intraocular pressure (IOP and glaucoma. Genetic mapping studies utilizing YBR as a glaucoma-susceptible strain and C57BL/6J as a glaucoma-resistant strain were performed to identify genetic loci responsible for the iris disease and high IOP. A recessive locus linked to Tyrp1b on chromosome 4 contributes to iris stromal atrophy and high IOP. However, this is not the only important locus. A recessive locus on YBR chromosome 17 causes high IOP independent of the iris stromal atrophy. In specific eyes with high IOP caused by YBR chromosome 17, the drainage angle (through which ocular fluid leaves the eye is largely open. The YBR alleles of genes on chromosomes 4 and 17 underlie the development of high IOP and glaucoma but do so through independent mechanisms. Together, these two loci act in an additive manner to increase the susceptibility of YBR mice to the development of high IOP. The chromosome 17 locus is important not only because it causes IOP elevation in mice with largely open drainage angles but also because it exacerbates IOP elevation and glaucoma induced by pigment dispersion. Therefore, YBR mice are a valuable resource for studying the genetic etiology of IOP elevation and glaucoma, as well as for testing new treatments.

  3. A meta-analysis of emotional intelligence and work attitudes


    Miao, Chao; Humphrey, Ronald; Qian, Shanshan


    Our meta-analysis of emotional intelligence (EI) demonstrates that: First, all three types of EI are significantly related with job satisfaction (ability EI: ρ ̂ = .08; self-report EI: ρ ̂ = .32; and mixed EI: ρ ̂ = .39). Second, both self-report EI and mixed EI exhibit modest yet statistically significant incremental validity (ΔR2 = .03 for self-report EI and ΔR2 = .06 for mixed EI) and large relative importance (31.3% for self-report EI and 42.8% for mixed EI) in the presence of cognitive a...

  4. Reprint of "CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals". (United States)

    Verstraelen, Sandra; Maglennon, Gareth; Hollanders, Karen; Boonen, Francis; Adriaens, Els; Alépée, Nathalie; Drzewiecka, Agnieszka; Gruszka, Katarzyna; Kandarova, Helena; Willoughby, Jamin A; Guest, Robert; Schofield, Jane; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of ocular irritation potential is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. None in vitro ocular irritation assays are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as stand-alone. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI consortium assessed the reliability of eight in vitro test methods and computational models as well as established a tiered-testing strategy. One of the selected assays was Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP). In this project, the same corneas were used for measurement of opacity using the OP-KIT, the Laser Light-Based Opacitometer (LLBO) and for histopathological analysis. The results show that the accuracy of the BCOP OP-KIT in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 73.8% while the accuracy was 86.3% for No Cat chemicals. BCOP OP-KIT false negative results were often related to an in vivo classification driven by conjunctival effects only. For the BCOP LLBO, the accuracy in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 74.4% versus 88.8% for No Cat chemicals. The BCOP LLBO seems very promising for the identification of No Cat liquids but less so for the identification of solids. Histopathology as an additional endpoint to the BCOP test method does not reduce the false negative rate substantially for in vivo Cat 1 chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation: A comprehensive response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raugei, Marco; Sgouridis, Sgouris; Murphy, David; Fthenakis, Vasilis; Frischknecht, Rolf; Breyer, Christian; Bardi, Ugo; Barnhart, Charles; Buckley, Alastair; Carbajales-Dale, Michael; Csala, Denes; Wild-Scholten, Mariska de; Heath, Garvin; Jæger-Waldau, Arnulf; Jones, Christopher; Keller, Arthur; Leccisi, Enrica; Mancarella, Pierluigi


    A recent paper by asserts that the ERoEI (also referred to as EROI) of photovoltaic (PV) systems is so low that they actually act as net energy sinks, rather than delivering energy to society. Such claim, if accurate, would call into question many energy investment decisions. In the same paper, a comparison is also drawn between PV and nuclear electricity. We have carefully analysed this paper, and found methodological inconsistencies and calculation errors that, in combination, render its conclusions not scientifically sound. Ferroni and Hopkirk adopt ‘extended’ boundaries for their analysis of PV without acknowledging that such choice of boundaries makes their results incompatible with those for all other technologies that have been analysed using more conventional boundaries, including nuclear energy with which the authors engage in multiple inconsistent comparisons. In addition, they use out-dated information, make invalid assumptions on PV specifications and other key parameters, and conduct calculation errors, including double counting. We herein provide revised EROI calculations for PV electricity in Switzerland, adopting both conventional and ‘extended’ system boundaries, to contrast with their results, which points to an order-of-magnitude underestimate of the EROI of PV in Switzerland by Ferroni and Hopkirk. - Highlights: • A recent paper by Ferroni and Hopkirk estimated an EROI=0.8 for PV in Switzerland. • We identify several critical methodological and calculation flaws in that paper. • We discuss such flaws in detail and rebut Ferroni and Hopkirk's conclusions. • We provide revised EROI calculations with both conventional and extended boundaries.

  6. EIS study of the redox reaction of Fe(CN)63-/4- at glassy carbon electrode via diazonium reduction in aqueous and acetonitrile solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khoshroo, M.; Rostami, A. [Mazandaran Univ., Babolsar (Iran, Islamic Republic of). Dept. of Physical Chemistry


    This paper reported on a study that characterized soluble electroactive species by cyclic voltammetry to investigate the presence of grafted films and their blocking properties. In particular, the authority of the glassy carbon electrode modification conditions on the cyclic voltammetric response of Fe(CN)63-/4- oxido-reduction was examined for 2 layers grafted by electrochemical reduction of diazonium salts in acetonitrile and aqueous solutions. PAA and Fast Black K modified glassy carbon electrodes exhibited a significant blocking behaviour for oxidation and reduction reactions of the Fe(CN)63-/4- redox system in aqueous and acetonitrile solutions. The study showed that the blocking effect increased which changes in time and concentration of diazonium salts in acetonitrile solution. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements showed that the physical barrier of grafted layers prevent the access of Fe(CN)63-/4- to the underlying glassy carbon electrode. Therefore the RCT resistance increases during the modification treatment. The substituted phenyl layers are much more compact and less permeable in a nonaqueous solvent than with an aqueous solvent. Electrochemical impedance measurements indicate that the kinetics of electron transfer slow down when the time and the concentration used to modify the glassy carbon electrode increase. 4 refs., 1 fig.

  7. Effect of EI-treatment in relation to physiological and biochemical traits in rice: delay in germination and its recovery with provision of glucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, M.; Hasegawa, H.; Hori, S.


    Rice seeds treated with 0.2 to 1.2 v/v % of ethyleneimine (EI) demonstrated increasingly delayed germination concomitant with increasing dose. At the time of germination, the release of storage products was slightly inhibited at lower doses and completely reduced at higher doses. With increasing time after germination the development of shoot length, content of reducing sugar and free amino acid, and synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in treated seeds, showed the same response pattern as the control, although at reduced levels in the treated seeds. Consequently, it is interpreted that the delay of germination is due to physiological dormancy, i.e. impaired release of dormancy which would normally yield active forms of enzymes. When treated seeds were cultured in [ 14 C]-glucose medium, the specific activity of [ 14 C]-glucose was higher in late-germinating seeds than in early-germinating seeds. Furthermore, the provision of glucose prevented the delay of germination, resulting in about a 10% increase in germination rate (survival rate), and yet had no effect on subsequent growth. Finally, it is concluded that the damage resulting in delayed germination and reduction of survival differs from the damage leading to inhibition of subsequent growth in that the former can be compensated for by provision of glucose while the latter cannot. (author)


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    Elena RUSU


    Full Text Available Inteligenţa emoţională este considerată un predictor de încredere al succesului profesional, oferind mai multe opor­tunităţi în adaptarea socială, perceperea corectă a emoţiilor, luarea deciziilor, stabilirea şi menţinerea relaţiilor interper­sonale pozitive, integrarea profesională eficientă. Cadrele didactice cu nivel înalt al inteligenţei emoţionale pot să iden­ti­fice şi să gestioneze corect atât propriile emoţii, cât şi ale celorlalţi. Ele cooperează eficient în cadrul grupurilor de muncă, au o puternică motivaţie intrinsecă, sunt flexibile în comportament, pot evita şi rezolva conflictele ce apar, sunt mai abile şi optimiste. Noutatea şi originalitatea ştiinţifică a investigaţiei rezidă în abordarea fenomenului privind inteligenţa emo­ţională în asigurarea succesului profesional al cadrelor didactice.THE IMPACT, INTERFERENCES AND VALUE OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN GUARANTEEING PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS OF THE TEACHERSEmotional intelligence is considered a trustworthy predictor of the professional success, offering several opportunities in social adaptation, in right perception of the emotions, at taking decisions, in establishing and maintaining positive interpersonal relationships, in efficient professional integration. Teachers with hight level of emotional intelligence can correctly identify and manage their own and others emotions, can cooperate efficiently inside working groups, have a strong inner motivation, are flexible in their behaving, can avoid and solve conflicts, are more skillful and optimistic. The scientifical novelty and originality of the investigation consists in approaching the phenomenon of emotional intelli­gence in guaranteeing professional success of the teachers.


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    Vlad Barbu


    Full Text Available In industrialized countries globalization is considered an important cause of losing jobs because the dimension of the companies decreases when faced with a more and more fierce international competition. It is estimated that in the near future and taking into account the global context, the level and the quality of the workforce worldwide tend to be affected and influenced by five factors: - the stagnation and even the decrease of prices for basic materials; - the real effects induced by inflation upon the work and production force; - the downfall of the economies in certain parts of the world; - the liberalization and the increase of international competition; - the level and the quality of jobs as one of the main problems that is dealt with by the work market.

  10. 76 FR 12108 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    .../2011, Contact: J. Sharon Heywood 530-226- 2520. EIS No. 20110064, Final EIS, FERC, CA, McCloud-Pit... Ends: 04/18/2011, Contact: Dr. William Brostoff 415- 503-6867. EIS No. 20110056, Final EIS, NRC, TX... Period Ends: 04/18/2011, Contact: Gina Paduano Ralph 904-232-2336. EIS No. 20110058, Final EIS, USFS, UT...

  11. Radiological health review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0026-D) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, US Department of Energy. Report EEG-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neill, R.H.; Channell, J.K.; Wofsy, C.; Greenfield, M.A.


    This review of radiological health considerations contains a number of concerns, questions and recommendations that should be addressed by the Department of Energy in the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Using the assumptions contained in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), the Environmental Evaluation Group (EEG) calculated a number of radiation doses and the results were found to be in general agreement with those presented in the DEIS. The doses resulting from the operational and long-range releases from WIPP to the general population are no more than a fraction of existing radiation doses to the public. However, there are a number of technical considerations in the assessment of radiation exposure that were not adequately evaluated in the DEIS. They are discussed in this review. A number of additional dosage estimates have been identified that need to be calculated by both DOE and EEG. As the DEIS did not contain estimates of the amounts of radioactivity to be permanently located in the repository, it was necessary to calculate these amounts. Health effects, transportation, waste acceptance criteria, site evaluation, site selection criteria, operational exposure, the experimental waste program, long term radiation releases, retrievability, and decommissioning are the categories of the DEIS which were evaluated

  12. The Contribution of Emotional Intelligence to Decisional Styles among Italian High School Students (United States)

    Di Fabio, Annamaria; Kenny, Maureen E.


    This study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and styles of decision making. Two hundred and six Italian high school students completed two measures of EI, the Bar-On EI Inventory, based on a mixed model of EI, and the Mayer Salovey Caruso EI Test, based on an ability-based model of EI, in addition to the General…

  13. Estudio de la corrosión en caliente de la aleación aisi-sae 304h, mediante la técnica de espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (eis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La corrosión en caliente es uno de los mayores problemas que se presentan en la industria generadora de energía eléctrica, especialmente en los componentes que conforman los equipos generadores de vapor (calderas. El fenómeno corrosivo que presentan las sales fundidas, es por lo menos parcialmente, de naturaleza electroquímica y por lo tanto, puede ser estudiado empleando la técnica de impedancia electroquímica (EIS, adaptada a las condiciones especiales de temperatura y composición del medio corrosivo. En esta investigación se evalúo el comportamiento del acero AISI304H expuesto a un electrolito compuesto de 80%V2O5 – 20%Na2SO4 fundido, en un intervalo de temperatura comprendido entre 550ºC y 700ºC

  14. Emotional intelligence in sport and exercise: A systematic review. (United States)

    Laborde, S; Dosseville, F; Allen, M S


    This review targets emotional intelligence (EI) in sport and physical activity. We systematically review the available literature and offer a sound theoretical integration of differing EI perspectives (the tripartite model of EI) before considering applied practice in the form of EI training. Our review identified 36 studies assessing EI in an athletic or physical activity context. EI has most often been conceptualized as a trait. In the context of sport performance, we found that EI relates to emotions, physiological stress responses, successful psychological skill usage, and more successful athletic performance. In the context of physical activity, we found that trait EI relates to physical activity levels and positive attitudes toward physical activity. There was a shortage of research into the EI of coaches, officials, and spectators, non-adult samples, and longitudinal and experimental methods. The tripartite model proposes that EI operates on three levels - knowledge, ability, and trait - and predicts an interplay between the different levels of EI. We present this framework as a promising alternative to trait and ability EI conceptualizations that can guide applied research and professional practice. Further research into EI training, measurement validation and cultural diversity is recommended. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Animatsioon ei hammusta

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    IX Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali alafestival "Animated Dreams" ja seal esinevad külalised : tšehhi animaator Michaela Pavlatova, Chris J. Robinson Kanadast, Anna Doyle Suurbritanniast. Lisatud animafestivali ajakava

  16. EIS, Mott Schottky and EFM analysis of the electrochemical stability and dielectric properties of Ca-P-Ag and Ca-P-Si-Ag coatings obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation in Ti6Al4V

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara María Leal-Marin


    Full Text Available El Ti6Al4V ELI (ASTM F136 es una de las aleaciones más empleadas en dispositivos de osteosíntesis y reemplazo articular. Sin embargo, las propiedades de esta aleación pueden ser mejoradas respecto a su biocompatibilidad y osteointegración con el tejido óseo a través de recubrimientos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento electroquímico de un recubrimiento obtenido por oxidación por plasma electrolítico sobre Ti6Al4V ELI empleando soluciones electrolíticas enriquecidas con iones de PO4 2-, Ca+2, Si+4 y varias concentraciones de Ag+1. Los recubrimientos se caracterizaron mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y Mott-Schottky (M-S en una celda de tres electrodos con una solución fisiológica simulada. El comportamiento electroquímico se contrastó con microscopía de fuerza electrostática (EFM, donde se analizó el potencial eléctrico del recubrimiento. Los resultados de EIS mostraron mejores propiedades de estabilidad frente a la corrosión en los sustratos recubiertos con Ca- P-Ag, comparados con los recubiertos con Ca-P-Si-Ag. Los espectros de Nyquist y Bode mostraron relajaciones relacionadas con la transferencia de carga hacia la doble capa electroquímica como reflejo de los cambios microestructurales y de conductividad de los recubrimientos, dada por la presencia particular en cada caso, de los elementos contenidos en estos. De acuerdo con los resultados de M-S, todas las muestras ensayadas presentaron un comportamiento con dopado tipo n, cuya conductividad incrementó con la inclusión de plata. Mediante EFM se observaron mayores contrastes en el potencial, fase y la amplitud de los recubrimientos con mayor cantidad de plata respecto al Ti6Al4V sin recubrir.

  17. Turn exchange rhythm in English dialogues (United States)

    Fon, Janice


    This study looked at the relationship between rhythm and exchange type in British English, a stress-timed language, and Singaporean English, a syllable-timed language, using a spontaneous speech corpus. Exchange intervals (EIs), or the time difference between the end of one speaker and the beginning of another, were measured and exchanges of different types were labeled. Results showed that, in a dialogue, EIs were generally limited to a narrow range. However, within this range, EIs had at least four functions. First, EIs were reflective of the cognitive load and functioned as a way to differentiate various exchange types. Those requiring more cognitive resources, such as question-and-answer pairs, generally needed longer EIs than those not as cognitively loaded, such as backchanneling pairs. Second, EIs were indicative of linguistic rhythm. Singaporean English tended to have shorter EIs than British English. Third, EIs were reflective of politeness. The degree of politeness correlated negatively with EI. Shorter EIs showed a higher degree of respect. Finally, EIs were also indicative of the level of insecurity of a speaker, which was best reflected by gender differences. Females in general had longer EIs than males.

  18. The Effects of Emotional Intelligence (EI Items Education on Job Related Stress in Physicians and Nurses who Work in Intensive Care Units

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    Kh Nooryan


    Full Text Available Background & Aim: Intensive care units (ICUs are recognized as stressful environments. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of emotional intelligence education items on job related stress on physicians and nurses who work in intensive care units at hospitals of Yerevan, Armenia. Methods: A interventional study design was implemented with 106 registered hospital physicians and nurses, who were widely distributed all the way through. Case group was taught about 15 E.I items. For data collection, the 20-question Berger situational (overt anxiety questionnaire, the 20-item personality (covert anxiety questionnaire, and the Bar-on emotional intelligence questionnaire with 133 questions were used. Statistical descriptive methods, chi-square (X2 and t-tests were used to analyze data. Results: The research achievements revealed that the average score of the case group`s situational anxiety was 46.59 before intervention, which decreased to 39.95 after the training of the items of emotional intelligence. The average score of situational anxiety of control group was 44.32 before intervention which increased to 44.76 after examination. There was a meaningful statistical difference between case and control group after education of emotional intelligence`s items (p=0.001. Conclusion: Results of the current study showed that physicians and nurses experience high level of stress. The ability to effectively deal with emotion intelligence and emotional information in the workplace assists employees in coping with occupational stress and should be developed in stress managing trainings.

  19. Environmental change and human occupation in the floodplain area of Balta Ialomiţei. The case study of Bordusani Popinǎ Chalcolithic tell settlement (United States)

    Haita, Constantin; Nicolae Popovici, Dragomir; Panaiotu, Cristian


    The floodplain area of Balta Ialomiței, between Cǎl\\varasi and Giurgeni, delimited by Borcea River and Danube is formed by an anostomosing system, up to 13 km wide and 70 km long; this zone has a particular important evolution in Holocene for the alluvial system and associated environment. The Chalcolithic occupation in southern and eastern Romania is marked by the development of tell type settlements along the Danube and its main tributaries, chronologically attributed to Gumelnița culture, Vth millenium BC, one of the most important civilisation in the Lower Danube zone. In this area, the most representative settlements are: Borduşani Popinǎ, Hârşova tell and Popina Blagodeasca, situated either on erosional remnants from terraces ("popine") or on the edge of the lower terrace. Bordusani Popinǎ is located inside the floodplain zone, on a remnant separated from the lower terrace of Borcea River, in Romanian Plain. On this site, a pluridisciplinary research program allowed the investigation of Chalcolithic occupation in terms of archaeological, geomorphological, archaeozoological, archaeobotanical and petrographical point of view. The Chalcolithic occupation is represented by successive levels of dwellings, destroyed by fire and also unburned; their stratigraphic relationships, together with the presence of passageways and domestic waste areas, revealed an organised internal space. In Balta Ialomiței meadow area, a paleoenvironmental research was iniatiated with a Cobra TT percussion corer in five important locations, on a West-East alignament. The bulk samples were investigated for grainsize, clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility. This study was completed with the micromorphology analysis on undisturbed samples of the sedimentary succession from a tubed core located in the eastern vecinity of the tell. Our results show important environmental changes in the period from Chalcolithic to Iron Age and Middle Ages. The analysed sequence, from the

  20. Emotionele intelligentie gemeten: Pretenties en prestaties. Measuring emotional intelligence: Claims and achievements.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elshout, J.J.


    Presents a critical discussion of the claims and achievements regarding various types of tests of emotional intelligence (EI). The construct of EI, the reception given to EI tests, EI as a new type of intelligence, EI as self-efficacy in the social-emotional sphere, and factors determining

  1. Executive Information Systems and the Top-Officers' Roles: an exploratory study of user-behaviour model and lessons learnt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuel Ikart


    Full Text Available In recent years a number of organisations have implemented executive information systems (EIS in order to improve the performance of their executives’ jobs. Although the use of EIS is important in executives’ work, the majority of executives are unwilling to use EIS applications because of their design flaws. By using social factors, habits and facilitation condition variables from Triandis’ framework, this paper extends the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM to derive useful variables to address the problem of the low usage of EIS by executives. This paper reports on research in progress in Australia on the adoption and usage of EIS by executives. The preliminary results suggest that executives’ experiences in EIS positively relates to their experiences in computer-based information systems. The results also suggest there is a high degree of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use as well as positive attitudes towards using EIS. Further, the results suggest that executives consider social factors in using EIS in their work. Moreover, the results suggest that facilitating conditions such as EIS development process, EIS management process and organisational environment are strongly related to the adoption and usage of EIS by executives. Finally, the results suggest a higher degree of EIS usage by middle managers than top-level managers, which an EIS was meant to support.

  2. Effect of player substitutions on the intensity of second-half soccer match play. DOI:10.5007/1980-0037.2012v14n2p183

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    Daniel Barbosa Coelho


    Full Text Available Most soccer matches are conducted by coaches who usually make all player substitutions allowed. Therefore, it is extremely important to study these substitutions and their effects on the intensity of effort required from players. To date, no published studies have reported on this topic using heart rate (HR as an intensity parameter. The objective of this study was to compare effort intensity (EI of soccer players in the following situations: 1 first half (FH-EI; 2 second half (SH-EI; 3 second half with substitutions(SHS-EI. Forty-five male soccer players (18.5±1.2 years old, 74.25±5.79 kg, 182.6±8.55 cm, 9.56±2.47% body fat, 56.3±4.3 mLO2/kg/min were evaluated during 29 official games. EI was considered as the mean HR, expressed as the percentage of each player’s maximal HR (%HRmax and as the time spent in each intensity zone (Z according to %HRmax (Z1<70%; Z2 70-85%; Z3 85-90%; Z4 90-95%; Z5 95-100%. FH-EI (86.3±3.3%HRmax was higher than SH-EI (80.6±4.4%HRmax and SHS-EI (83.6±2.8%HRmax. SHS-EI was higher than SH-EI (p<0.05. Time spent in high-intensity zones was lower in SH-EI than in FH-EI, buthigher in SHS-EI when compared to SH-EI (p<0.05. It was concluded that the decrease in EI in the second half of soccer matches was attenuated by substitutions made at halftime, as evidenced by a longer time spent in high-intensity zones when compared to SH-EI.

  3. Measurement of ability emotional intelligence: results for two new tests. (United States)

    Austin, Elizabeth J


    Emotional intelligence (EI) has attracted considerable interest amongst both individual differences researchers and those in other areas of psychology who are interested in how EI relates to criteria such as well-being and career success. Both trait (self-report) and ability EI measures have been developed; the focus of this paper is on ability EI. The associations of two new ability EI tests with psychometric intelligence, emotion perception, and the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI test (MSCEIT) were examined. The new EI tests were the Situational Test of Emotion Management (STEM) and the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding (STEU). Only the STEU and the MSCEIT Understanding Emotions branch were significantly correlated with psychometric intelligence, suggesting that only understanding emotions can be regarded as a candidate new intelligence component. These understanding emotions tests were also positively correlated with emotion perception tests, and STEM and STEU scores were positively correlated with MSCEIT total score and most branch scores. Neither the STEM nor the STEU were significantly correlated with trait EI tests, confirming the distinctness of trait and ability EI. Taking the present results as a starting-point, approaches to the development of new ability EI tests and models of EI are suggested.

  4. Management of Enterprise Information Systems: call for a new technology landscape framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles


    Standardised Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) are increasingly setting the agenda and the pace for the development of many organisations. Organisations are required not only to establish effective business processes but also to accommodate for changing business conditions. The vendors...... transformation cases. This paper discusses future challenges for research on EIS, and it concludes that the EIS industry has a significant and increasing impact on enterprises due to the EIS enabled transformation of the business. Consequently, continued management of EIS after going-live is required, but most...... important, EIS research needs to refocus on the EIS technology landscape and embrace this new challenge....

  5. Age and gender differences in ability emotional intelligence in adults: A cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Cabello, Rosario; Sorrel, Miguel A; Fernández-Pinto, Irene; Extremera, Natalio; Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo


    The goal of the current investigation was to analyze ability emotional intelligence (EI) in a large cross-sectional sample of Spanish adults (N = 12,198; males, 56.56%) aged from 17 to 76 years (M = 37.71, SD = 12.66). Using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), which measures ability EI according to the 4 branches of the Mayer and Salovey EI model. The authors examined effects of gender on ability EI, as well as the linear and quadratic effects of age. Results suggest that gender affects the total ability EI score as well as scores on the 4 EI branches. Ability EI was greater in women than men. Ability EI varied with age according to an inverted-U curve: Younger and older adults scored lower on ability EI than middle-aged adults, except for the branch of understanding emotions. These findings strongly support the idea that both gender and age significantly influence ability EI during aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Sillaraamatutest Soome poolt vaadates : ¡ Aino Kallas ja Urho Kekkonen / Sirje Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Sirje, 1954-


    Soome ja Eesti kultuuri- kirjandussuhetest läbi aja. Aino Kallase ja Krohnide kohta ilmunud uurimustest: Kukku Melkas. Historia halu ja Hedon käärme Aino Kallaksen tuotannossa (2006) ; Maarit Leskelä-Kärki. Kirjoittaen maailmassa. Krohnien sisarat ja kirjallinen elämä (2006); Pertti Lassila. Ihanteiden isänmaa. Julius Krohnin romanttinen fennomania ja kirjallisuus (2004). Eesti-Soome ühiste kirjandusseminaride kogumikest: Võimu võrgud ja vaimu kavalus = Vallan verkot ja hengen neurokkuus (1994); Mõtle luulest = Luule runosta (1996); Taasleitud aeg = Kadonneen ajan arvoitus (2000); Kaks teed kaasaega = Kaksi tietä nykyisyyteen (1999); Viron kirjallisuus vuosituhannen vahteessa. Postmodernia ja modernia (2000); Ametlik poliitika, mitteametlik suhtlemine. Soome ja Eesti suhete pöördekohti 1860-1991 = Virallista politiikkaa - epävirallista kanssakäymistä: Suomen ja Viron suhteiden käännekohtia 1860-1991 (1997); Soome ja Eesti. Koos ja eraldi = Suomi ja Viro. Yhdessä ja erikseen (1998); Hingesild = Sielunsilta (1998); Tartu = Tartto. Kirjailijan kaupunki (2003); Eesti. Mõisate, kirikute ja lilleväljade maa = Viro. Kartanoiden, kirkkojen ja kukkaketojen maa (2004)

  7. 78 FR 40474 - Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ...-565-5709 EIS No. 20130190, Final EIS, BLM, NV, Hollister Underground Mine Project, Review Period Ends...-5024 EIS No. 20130192, Final EIS, NOAA, WA, Final Duwamish River NRDA PEIS and Restoration Plan, Review...

  8. 77 FR 29636 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ...: . EIS No. 20120146, Final EIS, USFS, OR, Jackson Vegetation Management Project... Period Ends: 07/02/2012, Contact: Michael Barnette 727-824-5312. EIS No. 20120154, Final EIS, USFWS, MT...

  9. Web-based energy information systems for energy management and demand response in commercial buildings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Motegi, Naoya; Piette, Mary Ann; Kinney, Satkartar; Herter, Karen


    Energy Information Systems (EIS) for buildings are becoming widespread in the U.S., with more companies offering EIS products every year. As a result, customers are often overwhelmed by the quickly expanding portfolio of EIS feature and application options, which have not been clearly identified for consumers. The object of this report is to provide a technical overview of currently available EIS products. In particular, this report focuses on web-based EIS products for large commercial buildings, which allow data access and control capabilities over the Internet. EIS products combine software, data acquisition hardware, and communication systems to collect, analyze and display building information to aid commercial building energy managers, facility managers, financial managers and electric utilities in reducing energy use and costs in buildings. Data types commonly processed by EIS include energy consumption data; building characteristics; building system data, such as heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) and lighting data; weather data; energy price signals; and energy demand-response event information. This project involved an extensive review of research and trade literature to understand the motivation for EIS technology development. This study also gathered information on currently commercialized EIS. This review is not an exhaustive analysis of all EIS products; rather, it is a technical framework and review of current products on the market. This report summarizes key features available in today's EIS, along with a categorization framework to understand the relationship between EIS, Energy Management and Control Systems (EMCSs), and similar technologies. Four EIS types are described: Basic Energy Information Systems (Basic-EIS); Demand Response Systems (DRS); Enterprise Energy Management (EEM); and Web-based Energy Management and Control Systems (Web-EMCS). Within the context of these four categories, the following characteristics of EIS

  10. Validity evidence for the situational judgment test paradigm in emotional intelligence measurement. (United States)

    Libbrecht, Nele; Lievens, Filip


    To date, various measurement approaches have been proposed to assess emotional intelligence (EI). Recently, two new EI tests have been developed based on the situational judgment test (SJT) paradigm: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding (STEU) and the Situational Test of Emotion Management (STEM). Initial attempts have been made to examine the construct-related validity of these new tests; we extend these findings by placing the tests in a broad nomological network. To this end, 850 undergraduate students completed a personality inventory, a cognitive ability test, a self-report EI test, a performance-based EI measure, the STEU, and the STEM. The SJT-based EI tests were not strongly correlated with personality and fluid cognitive ability. Regarding their relation with existing EI measures, the tests did not capture the same construct as self-report EI measures, but corresponded rather to performance-based EI measures. Overall, these results lend support for the SJT paradigm for measuring EI as an ability.

  11. The role of trait and ability emotional intelligence in bulimic symptoms. (United States)

    Gardner, Kathryn Jane; Quinton, Stephanie; Qualter, Pamela


    Bulimia is characterized by poor affect regulation, yet the role of emotional intelligence (EI) is little understood. This study examined associations between EI and bulimic symptoms using 235 women from community and student populations. They completed measures of trait and ability EI, and the Eating Disorders Diagnostic Scale. Results showed that deficiencies in different aspects of trait EI and/or ability EI are a function of symptom type: binge eating, compensatory behaviours or weight and shape concerns. Consistent with affect regulation models, self-regulatory aspects of trait EI were related to two bulimic symptoms: binge eating and weight and shape concerns. Ability-based self-emotion management was not important, and explanatory power of lower-level EI facets (traits or abilities) was not superior to more broadly defined EI factors. Results support the conclusion that trait and ability EI may maintain subclinical levels of bulimic symptoms but have different paths. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Association Between Dental Students' Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance: A Study at Six Dental Colleges in India. (United States)

    Kumar, Amit; Puranik, Manjunath P; Sowmya, K R


    Since the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in achieving academic excellence requires further research, the aims of this cross-sectional study were to assess EI and its associated factors and to determine any association between EI and academic performance among final-year dental students in Bengaluru, India. In 2015, 208 dental students from six dental colleges in Bengaluru were invited to participate in the study. Their demographic and lifestyle data were collected, and EI was assessed with the 30-item Emotional Quotient Self-Assessment Checklist developed by Sterrett. Academic performance was assessed using grades obtained in the final-year undergraduate examination. The response rate was 96% (N=200). Overall, 54.5% of the participants had high EI scores (≥120), although only 51 (25.5%) had a high EI score in all the domains (≥20). EI was significantly greater in females than males. Gender, sleep, meeting friends, physical exercise, recreational activities, and academic performance were significantly associated with EI and accounted for 42% variance in hierarchical regression analysis. EI was also positively associated with academic performance. Gender and healthy lifestyle habits were positively associated with EI, which in turn influenced these students' academic performance. These findings suggest a possible need for attention to developing dental students' EI.

  13. CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J Mice Differ in Their Oral and Postoral Attraction to Glucose and Fructose. (United States)

    Sclafani, Anthony; Vural, Austin S; Ackroff, Karen


    A recent study indicated that CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J mice differ in their taste preferences for maltodextrin but display similar sucrose preferences. The present study revealed strain differences in preferences for the constituent sugars of sucrose. Whereas B6 mice preferred 8% glucose to 8% fructose in 2-day tests, the CAST mice preferred fructose to glucose. These preferences emerged with repeated testing which suggested post-oral influences. In a second experiment, 2-day choice tests were conducted with the sugars versus a sucralose + saccharin (SS) mixture which is highly preferred in brief access tests. B6 mice strongly preferred glucose but not fructose to the non-nutritive SS whereas CAST mice preferred SS to both glucose and fructose even when food restricted. This implied that CAST mice are insensitive to the postoral appetite stimulating actions of the 2 sugars. A third experiment revealed, however, that intragastric glucose and fructose infusions conditioned significant but mild flavor preferences in CAST mice, whereas in B6 mice glucose conditioned a robust preference but fructose was ineffective. Thus, unlike other mouse strains and rats, glucose is not more reinforcing than fructose in CAST mice. Their oral preference for fructose over glucose may be related to a subsensitive maltodextrin receptor or glucose-specific receptor which is stimulated by glucose but not fructose. The failure of CAST mice to prefer glucose to a non-nutritive sweetener distinguishes this strain from other mouse strains and rats. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Self-Reported Interview-Assisted Diet Records Underreport Energy Intake in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients. (United States)

    Shapiro, Bryan B; Bross, Rachelle; Morrison, Gillian; Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar; Kopple, Joel D


    Studies suggest that maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients report dietary energy intakes (EIs) that are lower than what is actually ingested. Data supporting this conclusion have several important limitations. The present study introduces a novel approach of assessing underreporting of EI in MHD patients. Comparisons of EI of free-living MHD patients determined from food records to their measured energy needs. Metabolic research ward. Thirteen clinically stable MHD patients with unchanging weights whose EI was assessed by dietitian interview-assisted 3-day food records. EI was compared with (1) patients' resting energy expenditure (REE), measured by indirect calorimetry, and estimated total energy expenditure (TEE) and (2) patients' dietary energy requirements (DER) measured while patients underwent nitrogen balance studies and consumed a constant energy diet in a research ward for a mean duration of 89.5 days. DER was calculated as the actual EI during the research study corrected for changes in body fat and lean body mass measured by Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry. Underreporting of EI was determined by an EI:REE ratio <1.27 and an EI:TEE ratio or EI:DEE ratio <1.0. Seven of the 13 MHD patients studied were male. Patient's ages were 47.7 ± standard deviation 9.7 years; body mass index averaged 25.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2, and dialysis vintage was 53.3 ± 37.1 months. The EI:REE ratio (1.03 ± 0.23) was significantly less than the cutoff value for underreporting of 1.27 (P = .001); 12 of 13 patients had EI:REE ratios <1.27. The mean EI:TEE ratio was significantly less than the cutoff value of 1.0 (0.73 ± 0.17, P < .0001), and 12 MHD patients had EI:TEE ratios <1.0. The EI:DER ratio was also <1.0 (0.83 ± 0.25, P = .012), and 10 MHD had EI:DER ratios <1.0. Dietitian interview-assisted diet records by MHD patients substantially underestimate the patient's dietary EI. Copyright © 2015 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. 77 FR 31355 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ...: . EIS No. 20120157, Final EIS, FTA, GA, Tier 1--Atlanta Beltline City of Atlanta..., Review Period Ends: 06/ 25/2012, Contact: Brian Smart 404-865-5600. EIS No. 20120158, Draft EIS, USACE...

  16. 78 FR 24743 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    .../2013, Contact: Walt George 307-775-6116. EIS No. 20130103, Final EIS, NMFS, 00, Amendment 5 to the...: 05/28/2013, Contact: Peter Cooper 301-427-8503. EIS No. 20130107, Final EIS, NRCS, WY, Henrys Fork...

  17. Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Job Success

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MA. Dua Dauti-Kadriu


    Full Text Available Until three decades ago the importance of Emotional Intelligence, now on referred as EI, was not very well known. Existing as a concept EI was not unanimously defined, not in its merited place in science and not well known in society opinion. The concept of EI for the first time arose in 1990 by Peter Salovey and John Mayer. It evolved later and achieved its peak with the work of Daniel Goldman in 1995, where his book on EI named: “EI, why it Matters” sold millions of copies. Nowadays after many researches done in EI field, EI with its main components has been rightly acknowledged as an engine of a human body toward achieving one’s self-satisfaction and success. However this still has not happened in Kosova. This is one of the first articles written in Kosova about EI, the new concept of Intelligence. The paper will try to give the contribution on the field of bringing EI in its merited place in Kosova society, and so will positively affect the investment of individuals into their EI, being one of the main factors that bring you towards success and overall wellbeing.

  18. Divine Emotions: On the Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Religious Belief. (United States)

    Łowicki, Paweł; Zajenkowski, Marcin


    There have been only few attempts to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and religiosity. However, none of them included measures of ability EI. In two studies, we investigated the potential associations between various aspects of religious belief and ability and trait EI. In Study 1 (N = 240), we found that ability EI was positively associated with general level of religious belief. Study 2, conducted among Polish Christians (N = 159), replicated the previous result on the connection between ability EI and religion. Moreover, both trait and ability EI were negatively correlated with extrinsic religious orientation and negative religious coping. Additional analysis showed that extrinsic orientation mediated the relationship between ability EI and religiosity.

  19. Including Emotional Intelligence in Pharmacy Curricula to Help Achieve CAPE Outcomes. (United States)

    Nelson, Michael H; Fierke, Kerry K; Sucher, Brandon J; Janke, Kristin K


    The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) for effective teamwork and leadership within the workplace is increasingly apparent. As suggested by the 2013 CAPE Outcomes, we recommend that colleges and schools of pharmacy consider EI-related competencies to build self-awareness and professionalism among students. In this Statement, we provide two examples of the introduction of EI into pharmacy curricula. In addition, we provide a 4-phase process based on recommendations developed by EI experts for structuring and planning EI development. Finally, we make 9 recommendations' to inform the process of including EI in pharmacy curricula.

  20. On China's energy intensity statistics: Toward a comprehensive and transparent indicator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xin


    A transparent and comprehensive statistical system in China would provide an important basis for enabling a better understanding of the country. This paper focuses on energy intensity (EI), which is one of the most important indicators of China. It firstly reviews China's GDP and energy statistics, showing that China has made great improvements in recent years. The means by which EI data are released and adjusted are then explained. It shows that EI data releases do not provide complete data for calculating EI and constant GDP, which may reduce policy transparency and comprehensiveness. This paper then conducts an EI calculation method that is based on official sources and that respects the data availability of different data release times. It finds that, in general, China's EI statistics can be considered as reliable because most of the results generated by author's calculations match the figures in the official releases. However, two data biases were identified, which may necessitate supplementary information on related constant GDP values used in the official calculation of EI data. The paper concludes by proposing short- and long-term measures for improving EI statistics to provide a transparent and comprehensive EI indicator. - Highlights: → This paper examines data release and adjustment process of energy intensity (EI) target of China. → New insights on the comprehensiveness and transparency of EI data. → Potential data bias between author's calculation and official data due to lack of constant GDP data. → Proposition for improving short- and long-term EI statistical works.

  1. 77 FR 40036 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    .... EIS No. 20120216, Draft EIS, NOAA, OR, PROGRAMMATIC--Portland Harbor Restoration Plan, Restoration of... Bain 505-438-5443. EIS No. 20120220, Final EIS, BLM, NV, Hycroft Mine Expansion Project, Proposes to... River Gulf Outlet Ecosystem Restoration, To Develop a Comprehensive Ecosystem Restoration Plan to...

  2. Systematic literature review shows that appetite rating does not predict energy intake. (United States)

    Holt, Guy M; Owen, Lauren J; Till, Sophie; Cheng, Yanying; Grant, Vicky A; Harden, Charlotte J; Corfe, Bernard M


    Ratings of appetite are commonly used to assess appetite modification following an intervention. Subjectively rated appetite is a widely employed proxy measure for energy intake (EI), measurement of which requires greater time and resources. However, the validity of appetite as a reliable predictor of EI has not yet been reviewed systematically. This literature search identified studies that quantified both appetite ratings and EI. Outcomes were predefined as: (1) agreement between self-reported appetite scores and EI; (2) no agreement between self-reported appetitescores and EI. The presence of direct statistical comparison between the endpoints, intervention type and study population were also recorded. 462 papers were included in this review. Appetite scores failed to correspond with EI in 51.3% of the total studies. Only 6% of all studies evaluated here reported a direct statistical comparison between appetite scores and EI. χ 2 analysis demonstrated that any relationship between EI and appetite was independent of study type stratification by age, gender or sample size. The very substantive corpus reviewed allows us to conclude that self-reported appetite ratings of appetite do not reliably predict EI. Caution should be exercised when drawing conclusions based from self-reported appetite scores in relation to prospective EI.

  3. Testing the relationship between personality characteristics, contextual factors and entrepreneurial intentions in a developing country. (United States)

    Karimi, Saeid; Biemans, Harm J A; Naderi Mahdei, Karim; Lans, Thomas; Chizari, Mohammad; Mulder, Martin


    Drawing upon the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), we developed and tested a conceptual model which integrates both internal personality factors and external contextual factors to determine their associations with motivational factors and entrepreneurial intentions (EIs). We then investigated if the model of EI applies in a developing country, namely Iran. We also set out to identify the most relevant factors for EI within this developing country context. Do distal predictors of EI including personality factors (i.e. need for achievement, risk taking and locus of control) and contextual factors (i.e. perceived barriers and support) significantly relate to EI via proximal predictors including motivational factors (i.e. attitudes towards entrepreneurship and perceived behavioural control [PBC])? Data were collected on 331 students from 7 public universities. The findings support the TPB for EI in Iran. All three motivational factors related to EI, but PBC showed the strongest association, which is different than in developed country contexts. Possible explanations for these differences are discussed. All three personality characteristics indirectly related to EI via the proximal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and PBC. Perceived contextual support and barriers indirectly related to EI via proximal PBC while perceived barriers also directly related to EI. © 2015 International Union of Psychological Science.

  4. Diet misreporting can be corrected: confirmation of the association between energy intake and fat-free mass in adolescents. (United States)

    Vainik, Uku; Konstabel, Kenn; Lätt, Evelin; Mäestu, Jarek; Purge, Priit; Jürimäe, Jaak


    Subjective energy intake (sEI) is often misreported, providing unreliable estimates of energy consumed. Therefore, relating sEI data to health outcomes is difficult. Recently, Börnhorst et al. compared various methods to correct sEI-based energy intake estimates. They criticised approaches that categorise participants as under-reporters, plausible reporters and over-reporters based on the sEI:total energy expenditure (TEE) ratio, and thereafter use these categories as statistical covariates or exclusion criteria. Instead, they recommended using external predictors of sEI misreporting as statistical covariates. We sought to confirm and extend these findings. Using a sample of 190 adolescent boys (mean age=14), we demonstrated that dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-measured fat-free mass is strongly associated with objective energy intake data (onsite weighted breakfast), but the association with sEI (previous 3-d dietary interview) is weak. Comparing sEI with TEE revealed that sEI was mostly under-reported (74 %). Interestingly, statistically controlling for dietary reporting groups or restricting samples to plausible reporters created a stronger-than-expected association between fat-free mass and sEI. However, the association was an artifact caused by selection bias - that is, data re-sampling and simulations showed that these methods overestimated the effect size because fat-free mass was related to sEI both directly and indirectly via TEE. A more realistic association between sEI and fat-free mass was obtained when the model included common predictors of misreporting (e.g. BMI, restraint). To conclude, restricting sEI data only to plausible reporters can cause selection bias and inflated associations in later analyses. Therefore, we further support statistically correcting sEI data in nutritional analyses. The script for running simulations is provided.

  5. Does emotional intelligence change during medical school gross anatomy course? Correlations with students' performance and team cohesion. (United States)

    Holman, Michelle A; Porter, Samuel G; Pawlina, Wojciech; Juskewitch, Justin E; Lachman, Nirusha


    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been associated with increased academic achievement, but its impact on medical education is relatively unexplored. This study sought to evaluate change in EI, performance outcomes, and team cohesion within a team-based medical school anatomy course. Forty-two medical students completed a pre-course and post-course Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT). Individual EI scores were then compared with composite course performance grade and team cohesion survey results. Mean pre-course EI score was 140.3 out of a possible 160. During the course, mean individual EI scores did not change significantly (P = 0.17) and no correlation between EI scores and academic performance was noted (P = 0.31). In addition, EI did not correlate with team cohesion (P = 0.16). While business has found significant utility for EI in increasing performance and productivity, its role in medical education is still uncertain. © 2015 American Association of Anatomists.

  6. Digital radiography exposure indices: A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mothiram, Ursula; Brennan, Patrick C; Lewis, Sarah J; Moran, Bernadette; Robinson, John


    Digital radiography (DR) technologies have the advantage of a wide dynamic range compared to their film-screen predecessors, however, this poses a potential for increased patient exposure if left unchecked. Manufacturers have developed the exposure index (EI) to counter this, which provides radiographers with feedback on the exposure reaching the detector. As these EIs were manufacturer-specific, a wide variety of EIs existed. To offset this, the international standardised EI has been developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). The purpose of this article is to explore the current literature relating to EIs, beginning with the historical development of the EI, the development of the standardised EI and an exploration of common themes and studies as evidenced in the research literature. It is anticipated that this review will provide radiographers with a useful guide to understanding EIs, their application in clinical practice, limitations and suggestions for further research

  7. Nutritional compensation to exercise- vs. diet-induced acute energy deficit in adolescents with obesity. (United States)

    Thivel, David; Doucet, Eric; Julian, Valérie; Cardenoux, Charlotte; Boirie, Yves; Duclos, Martine


    To compare the energy and macronutrient intake responses to equivalent energy deficits induced by diet (food restriction) and exercise in adolescents with obesity. Fourteen 12-15years old obese adolescents completed three experimental conditions (08:00am to 07:30pm) in a randomized crossover design: i) control session (CON); ii) diet-induced 25% energy depletion (Def-EI), iii) and an exercise-induced 25% energy depletion (Def-EX). The sessions order was either CON/Def-EI/Def-EX or CON/Def-EX/Def-EI as the deficit corresponded to 25% of the energy ingested at lunch on the control day (CON) and was imposed either by exercise (Def-EX) or diet (Def-EI). Ad libitum EI and macronutrients preferences were assessed at dinner and appetite sensations assessed using visual analogue scales. Mean BMI was 36.6±5.0kg/m 2 (z-BMI: 2.40±0.29). The individually calibrated 25% energy deficit represented 254±92kcal. Ad libitum EI was significantly higher during both Def-EX (971±225kcal) and Def-EI (949±246kcal) compared with CON (742±297) (pexercise and the control session (EI Def-EX - EI CON) (r=-0,643 pexercise- or diet-induced energy deficits could lead to similar EI compensation in obese adolescents but this EI compensation might be influenced by the magnitude of the deficit. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Quality of environmental impact statements and variability of scrutiny by reviewers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, Kaja


    Adequate provision of information is essential for decision making. This paper provides the results of the quality assessment of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), documents prescribed by EIA Directive (337/85/EEC). The assessment was completed by several categories of reviewers in Estonia, which has been an EU member state since 2004. The quality assessment of EIS was based on the EC Guidance on EIS Review (2001). Firstly, the quality assessment of 50 randomly selected EIS was carried out by a single reviewer. Secondly, the individual grading among 24 independent reviewers of a single EIS was tested. Thirdly, a comparison of the results of 15 individual and 5 group assessments of the same EIS was conducted. The results from the quality assessment of the selected EIS demonstrate a satisfactory level of information provided for decision making; 68% of the sample EIS were positively graded. However, more than half of the 50 EIS were graded as 'just satisfactory'. Comparison between the individual and group assessment of the same EIS demonstrates that the group assessment is more critical than the individual assessment. This possibly results from a wider technical expertise and balancing of subjective values and perspectives among group members. Arguably, the current practice of EIA competent authorities assessing the quality of EIS with individuals could be revised. We discuss the effect of the group assessment on expanding the narrow technical expertise and the subjectivity of a single expert.

  9. The early intervention message: perspectives of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Edwards, A; Brebner, C; McCormack, P; MacDougall, C


    There is strong evidence that early intervention (EI) can improve outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and consequently, the importance of EI has been widely promoted to families of children with ASD. However, the perspectives of parents of children with ASD regarding the EI message have not been widely examined. This study used qualitative methods to explore parental perspectives on the EI message. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 14 participants from 12 family units to explore the perspectives of parents of children with ASD on the EI message. Thematic analysis was undertaken on the data. Three central themes were constructed following data analysis: (i) parents' initial perceptions of EI following their child's diagnosis with ASD; (ii) the consequences (both positive and negative) of the EI message; and (iii) parents' perspectives on life after EI. The results of this study indicated that parents were acutely aware of the importance of EI, and although this provided parents with hope immediately post-diagnosis, it also placed pressure on parental decision-making regarding which intervention approaches to access for their children with ASD. The results of this study highlight the importance of carefully considering how health messages, specifically the importance of EI, are communicated to families of children with ASD. Furthermore, the findings of this study also highlight the need for allied health professionals to communicate openly with parents about the anticipated outcomes of EI programmes. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Irradiation Creep of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels EP-450, EP-823 and EI-852 Irradiated in the BN-350 Reactor over Wide Ranges of Irradiation Temperature and Dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porollo, S.I.; Konobeev, Y.V.; Ivanov, A.A.; Shulepin, S.V.; Garner, F.


    Full text of publication follows: Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels appear to be the most promising materials for advanced nuclear systems, especially for fusion reactors. Their main advantages are higher resistance to swelling and lower irradiation creep rate as has been repeatedly demonstrated in examinations of these materials after irradiation. Nevertheless, available experimental data on irradiation resistance of F/M steels are insufficient, with the greatest deficiency of data for high doses and for both low and high irradiation temperatures. From the very beginning of operation the BN-350 fast reactor has been used for irradiation of specimens of structural materials, including F/M steels. The most unique feature of BN-350 was its low inlet sodium temperature, allowing irradiation at temperatures over a very wide range of temperatures compared with the range in other fast reactors. In this paper data are presented on swelling and irradiation creep of three Russian F/M steels EP-450, EP-823 and EI-852, irradiated in experimental assemblies of the BN-350 reactor at temperatures in the range of 305-700 deg. C to doses ranging from 20 to 89 dpa. The investigation was performed using gas-pressurized creep tubes with hoop stresses in the range of 0 - 294 MPa. (authors)

  11. Exploring the relationship of emotional intelligence with mental health status in polish unemployed persons – differences between men and women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Knopp Katarzyna A.


    Full Text Available This study investigates the relationship between EI and the state of mental health of unemployed persons. Gender differences were also identified in terms of mental health and its correlation with EI. A sample of 160 Polish unemployed persons aged 35 to 45 years filled in self-descriptive measures of EI and mental health. Significant gender differences were found - unemployed women were characterised by a greater intensity of mental health disorders than unemployed men. EI was negatively correlated with mental health disorders, but the correlations were few and weaker than expected. However, when unemployed persons with a low, average and high EI were compared, it turned out that participants with a low EI were characterised by a significantly worse condition of mental health than participants with a average or high EI.

  12. An empirical study of accessibility and use of electronic information ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper investigates accessibility and utilization of electronic information sources (EIS)by journalists in Nigeria;identifying the types of EIS that are accessible to journalists;extent of EIS utilization for journalistic tasksand the constraints to EIS utilization.The descriptive research of the survey type was adopted. From 42 ...

  13. 77 FR 26547 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ..., Contact: Peter Godfrey 951-697-5385. EIS No. 20120133, Draft EIS, USFWS, CA, Llano Seco Riparian Sanctuary Unit Restoration and Pumping Plant/Fish Screen Facility Protection Project, Measures to Restore..., Contact: Daniel W. Frisk 530-934- 2801. EIS No. 20120134, Final EIS, NRC, FL, Levy Nuclear Plant Units 1...

  14. Association between Ability Emotional Intelligence and Left Insula during Social Judgment of Facial Emotions. (United States)

    Quarto, Tiziana; Blasi, Giuseppe; Maddalena, Chiara; Viscanti, Giovanna; Lanciano, Tiziana; Soleti, Emanuela; Mangiulli, Ivan; Taurisano, Paolo; Fazio, Leonardo; Bertolino, Alessandro; Curci, Antonietta


    The human ability of identifying, processing and regulating emotions from social stimuli is generally referred as Emotional Intelligence (EI). Within EI, Ability EI identifies a performance measure assessing individual skills at perceiving, using, understanding and managing emotions. Previous models suggest that a brain "somatic marker circuitry" (SMC) sustains emotional sub-processes included in EI. Three primary brain regions are included: the amygdala, the insula and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Here, our aim was to investigate the relationship between Ability EI scores and SMC activity during social judgment of emotional faces. Sixty-three healthy subjects completed a test measuring Ability EI and underwent fMRI during a social decision task (i.e. approach or avoid) about emotional faces with different facial expressions. Imaging data revealed that EI scores are associated with left insula activity during social judgment of emotional faces as a function of facial expression. Specifically, higher EI scores are associated with greater left insula activity during social judgment of fearful faces but also with lower activity of this region during social judgment of angry faces. These findings indicate that the association between Ability EI and the SMC activity during social behavior is region- and emotion-specific.

  15. Implicit theories and ability emotional intelligence (United States)

    Cabello, Rosario; Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo


    Previous research has shown that people differ in their implicit theories about the essential characteristics of intelligence and emotions. Some people believe these characteristics to be predetermined and immutable (entity theorists), whereas others believe that these characteristics can be changed through learning and behavior training (incremental theorists). The present study provides evidence that in healthy adults (N = 688), implicit beliefs about emotions and emotional intelligence (EI) may influence performance on the ability-based Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Adults in our sample with incremental theories about emotions and EI scored higher on the MSCEIT than entity theorists, with implicit theories about EI showing a stronger relationship to scores than theories about emotions. Although our participants perceived both emotion and EI as malleable, they viewed emotions as more malleable than EI. Women and young adults in general were more likely to be incremental theorists than men and older adults. Furthermore, we found that emotion and EI theories mediated the relationship of gender and age with ability EI. Our findings suggest that people’s implicit theories about EI may influence their emotional abilities, which may have important consequences for personal and professional EI training. PMID:26052309

  16. Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Kemampuan Coping Adaptif

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ridwan Saptoto


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to analyze the correlation between adaptive coping and emotional intelligence (EI. The subject of this study (N=69 are high school students in SMU Negeri 8 Yogyakarta, whose age ranged from 15 to 17 years old. Adaptive coping is measured by adaptive coping scale, and EI is measured by EI scale. Researcher developed both scale. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation. Results show that there are: positive correlation between EI and problem focused coping (PFC part I (r=0,302; p=0,006, negative correlation between EI and emotional focused coping (EFC and confrontative coping (CC part I (r=‐0,322; p=0,004, and negative correlation between EI and PFC and CC part II (r=‐0,366; p=0,001. Spearman’s test correlation used to analyze correlation between EI and EPC part II, because this correlation did not meet linearity assumption. Spearman’s test correlation show that there is no correlation between EI and EPC part II (p=0,337. Based on these minor hypothesis, it is concluded that generally there is correlation between EI and adaptive coping ability.

  17. Implicit theories and ability emotional intelligence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that people differ in their implicit theories about the essential characteristics of intelligence and emotions. Some people believe these characteristics to be predetermined and immutable (entity theorists, whereas others believe that these characteristics can be changed through learning and behavior training (incremental theorists. The present study provides evidence that in healthy adults (N = 688, implicit beliefs about emotions and emotional intelligence (EI may influence performance on the ability-based Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT. Adults in our sample with incremental theories about emotions and EI scored higher on the MSCEIT than entity theorists, with implicit theories about EI showing a stronger relationship to scores than theories about emotions. Although our participants perceived both emotion and EI as malleable, they viewed emotions as more malleable than EI. Women and young adults in general were more likely to be incremental theorists than men and older adults. Furthermore, we found that emotion and EI theories mediated the relationship of gender and age with ability EI. Our findings suggest that people’s implicit theories about EI may influence their emotional abilities, which may have important consequences for personal and professional EI training.

  18. Radiation therapy for esophageal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatani, Masashi; Matayoshi, Yoshinobu; Masaki, Norie


    From 1977 through 1989, 149 patients with esophageal carcinoma were treated with external irradiation (EI) with or without high-dose rate intraluminal irradiation (HDRII) using remote afterloading system. Concerning complete response group EI alone showed higher local control rate than EI + HDRII, especially in ulcerative type. Another problem is the EI field. Fourteen of 22 patients who were salvaged by surgery due to local recurrence after EI showed marginal or out-field metastasis of the lymph node. These preliminary results suggest that HDRII is not effective for the local control of the ulcerative lesion as a boost therapy, EI should be given for the entire regional lymph nodes. (author)

  19. 78 FR 64242 - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Gulf of Mexico (GOM), Oil and Gas Lease Sales, Western Planning... (United States)


    ... (NOA) of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Public Meetings. SUMMARY: BOEM... Impact Statement (OCS EIS/EA BOEM 2012-019) (2012- 2017 WPA/CPA Multisale EIS) and in the Gulf of Mexico... Lease Sale 231, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (OCS EIS/EA BOEM 2013-0118) (WPA 233...

  20. Trait Emotional Intelligence of Greek Special Education Teachers in Relation to Burnout and Job Satisfaction (United States)

    Platsidou, Maria


    This study investigates perceived emotional intelligence (EI) in relation to burnout syndrome and job satisfaction in primary special education teachers from Greece. EI was measured by the EIS developed by Schutte et al. (1998). Factor analysis revealed that four factors can be identified in the EIS. Results showed that Greek teachers reported…

  1. Edema index-guided disease management improves 6-month outcomes of patients with acute heart failure. (United States)

    Liu, Min-Hui; Wang, Chao-Hung; Huang, Yu-Yen; Tung, Tao-Hsin; Lee, Chii-Ming; Yang, Ning-I; Wang, Jong-Shyan; Kuo, Li-Tang; Cherng, Wen-Jin


    The efficacy of heart failure (HF) management programs is compromised by the challenge of early identification of patients at imminent risk. Segmental multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis can generate an "edema index" (EI) as a surrogate for the body fluid status. In this study, we tested whether integration of EI-guided management improved the 6-month outcomes of HF patients under multidisciplinary care. In total, 159 patients with acute HF were randomized into control, case management (CM), and EI-guided CM (EI) groups (n = 53 in each group). In the EI group, a management algorithm was designed based on the measured EI. The analyzed endpoints included HF-related and all cause-related events during the 6-month follow-up period. In the 6 months, there were 11 (6.9%) deaths, 19 (11.9%) HF-related rehospitalizations, and 45 (28.3%) all-cause-related rehospitalizations. Compared to the control (26.4%) and CM groups (15.1%), the EI group had a lower rate of HF-related death and rehospitalization (3.8%, P = 0.004). Multivariate analysis revealed that EI-guided management was an independent predictor of a lower HF-related event rate (hazard ratio = 0.15, 95%CI = 0.03~0.66, P = 0.012). Patients with a higher pre-discharge EI were older, had lower blood albumin and hemoglobin levels, and had a higher functional class and incidences of diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. An increase in the pre-discharge EI by 0.001 increased the HF-related event rate by 6% (P = 0.002). Use of EI-guided management lowered this risk (P = 0.03). In conclusion, an EI-based HF management program demonstrated an event-lowering effect superior to traditional nurse-led multidisciplinary care in 6 months after an acute HF episode.

  2. Emotional intelligence increases over time: A longitudinal study of Australian pre-registration nursing students. (United States)

    Foster, Kim; Fethney, Judith; McKenzie, Heather; Fisher, Murray; Harkness, Emily; Kozlowski, Desirée


    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been associated with positive outcomes for nursing students. Higher EI is associated with personal wellbeing and stress management, higher academic performance, stronger nursing leadership and practice performance, and greater patient safety. While there is an increasing body of evidence on nursing students' EI, there is minimal evidence on EI over time during pre-registration programs. To measure EI in pre-registration nursing students from program commencement to conclusion to ascertain EI over time and examine the relationship between EI and academic performance. Longitudinal repeated measures study between March 2010-February 2013 at a metropolitan university in Australia. 111 nursing students (74.8% female) contributed data on at least two occasions. Participants were enrolled in a pre-registration Master of Nursing degree. Half the cohort (55.0%) comprised Graduate Entry students who completed the course in two years full time. The other 45% were enrolled in an undergraduate degree in arts, science or health science, combined with the same pre-registration Master of Nursing Degree. These students completed their Combined Degree program in four years full time. Participants had a mean age of 24.7years (SD=7.36). EI was measured for commencing students (T1) using the Assessing Emotions Scale (AES), then a further three times: end of first year (T2; 9 months follow up); beginning of second year (12 months follow up; T3) and end of the program (T4; 24/36 months follow up). Students' EI was found to increase across the program; one subscale of EI (managing others' emotions) was related to higher academic performance; and there was a significant increase in the Utilising Emotions subscale scores over time. Pre-registration nurse education contributes to strengthening students' EI over time. Specific EI education scaffolded throughout programs is recommended in pre-registration curricula. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Making environmental assessments of biomass production systems comparable worldwide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, Markus A; Seppelt, Ralf; Priess, Joerg A; Witing, Felix


    Global demand for agricultural and forestry products fundamentally affects regional land-use change associated with environmental impacts (EIs) such as erosion. In contrast to aggregated global metrics such as greenhouse gas (GHG) balances, local/regional EIs of different agricultural and forestry production regions need methods which enable worldwide EI comparisons. The key aspect is to control environmental heterogeneity to reveal man-made differences of EIs between production regions. Environmental heterogeneity is the variation in biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. In the present study, we used three approaches to control environmental heterogeneity: (i) environmental stratification, (ii) potential natural vegetation (PNV), and (iii) regional environmental thresholds to compare EIs of solid biomass production. We compared production regions of managed forests and plantation forests in subtropical (Satilla watershed, Southeastern US), tropical (Rufiji basin, Tanzania), and temperate (Mulde watershed, Central Germany) climates. All approaches supported the comparison of the EIs of different land-use classes between and within production regions. They also standardized the different EIs for a comparison between the EI categories. The EIs for different land-use classes within a production region decreased with increasing degree of naturalness (forest, plantation forestry, and cropland). PNV was the most reliable approach, but lacked feasibility and relevance. The PNV approach explicitly included most of the factors that drive environmental heterogeneity in contrast to the stratification and threshold approaches. The stratification approach allows consistent global application due to available data. Regional environmental thresholds only included arbitrarily selected aspects of environmental heterogeneity; they are only available for few EIs. Especially, the PNV and stratification approaches are options to compare regional EIs of biomass or crop production

  4. Sleep and sleepiness in environmental intolerances: a population-based study. (United States)

    Nordin, Maria; Nordin, Steven


    About one fourth of the general population report environmental intolerance (EI) to odorous/pungent chemicals, certain buildings, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and/or sounds. EI sufferers show various clinical features, of which sleep disturbance is one. Sleep disturbance is common also in the general population, but it is not known whether the disturbance is more prominent in EI sufferers than in individuals who do not experience EI. Therefore, EI was compared on various sleep aspects with referents without EI. A population-based sample of 3406 individuals, aged 18-79 years, was recruited from Northern Sweden. Sleep quality, non-restorative sleep, daytime sleepiness, obstructive breathing, and nocturnal insomnia were assessed with the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire. Single questions assessed time slept, amount of hours of needed sleep, and extent of enough time slept. All four EI groups, compared to the referents, reported significantly poorer sleep quality, more non-restorative sleep, more daytime sleepiness, more obstructive breathing and higher prevalence of nocturnal insomnia than the referents. Nocturnal insomnia was an important factor for EI groups attributing their most prevalent symptoms to chemicals and sounds, irrespective of distress and certain syndromes. None of the EI groups differed significantly from the referents on time slept, but reported needing more sleep time (the EMF-intolerance group showing only a tendency), and all four groups reported to perceive enough sleep to a significantly lesser extent. Sleep disturbance and daytime sleepiness are more common in individuals reporting EI compared to normal referents. Moreover, nocturnal insomnia is an important symptom in its own right in various types of EI. This evokes the question of whether or not sleep therapy may attenuate the severity of the EI. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Teachers’ emotional intelligence: The impact of training

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nina Dolev


    Full Text Available A growing number of studies have suggested that teachers' personal competencies, and more specifically Emotional Intelligence (EI, are particularly important for teacher effectiveness. Recently, there has also been a growing recognition of the importance of social-emotional competencies to students' learning and academic achievement. However, there has been a neglect of emotions in the field of teaching, and little is known about the impact of training aimed at developing teachers' EI on their EI levels and their practice. The current study investigates the impact of a teacher- centered EI training on teachers' EI in Israel. The study followed a two-year EI training in one school, employing group workshops and personal coaching. The study used a mixed methodology, making use of pre-post EQ-i assessment and semi-structured interviews. The findings illustrate that the training programme was perceived by the participants to have enhanced their EI competencies, as defined by the Bar-On model. Most participants integrated these competencies into their personal, professional and group identities and modified their EI-related behaviours.





    Emotional Intelligence (EI) also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ) is one of the hot topics among Teachers and learners. Emotional Intelligence (EI) has had a huge impact on management since Daniel Goleman (1995) published his book popular book on EI for a wider audience. From fairly humble beginnings. EI has come into its own as one of the most popular psychological concepts of the last decade. EI has been used by some as an umbrella term that comprises elements such as ‘soft skills’, ‘people...

  7. [Erythropoiesis and functional characteristics in bone marrow erythroblastic islets during stimulated adn inhibited erythropoiesis]. (United States)

    Rassokhin, A G; Kruglov, D G; Zakharov, Iu M


    When erythropiesis is stimulated (acute blood loss) or inhibited (posttransfusion polycythemia), there are early changes in the cytochemical values of erythroblastic islets (EI): in the levels of acid and neutral glucoconjugates and in the activity of nonspecific esterase. A close correlation has been found between the erythropoiesis in EI and its functional characteristics. It is concluded that central macrophages play the key role in the modulation of EI erythropoiesis. It is suggested that EI macrophages are involved in the provision of bioenergetic and reparative processes in EI.

  8. AcEST: DK951335 [AcEST

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  9. Association between Ability Emotional Intelligence and Left Insula during Social Judgment of Facial Emotions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiziana Quarto

    Full Text Available The human ability of identifying, processing and regulating emotions from social stimuli is generally referred as Emotional Intelligence (EI. Within EI, Ability EI identifies a performance measure assessing individual skills at perceiving, using, understanding and managing emotions. Previous models suggest that a brain "somatic marker circuitry" (SMC sustains emotional sub-processes included in EI. Three primary brain regions are included: the amygdala, the insula and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC. Here, our aim was to investigate the relationship between Ability EI scores and SMC activity during social judgment of emotional faces. Sixty-three healthy subjects completed a test measuring Ability EI and underwent fMRI during a social decision task (i.e. approach or avoid about emotional faces with different facial expressions. Imaging data revealed that EI scores are associated with left insula activity during social judgment of emotional faces as a function of facial expression. Specifically, higher EI scores are associated with greater left insula activity during social judgment of fearful faces but also with lower activity of this region during social judgment of angry faces. These findings indicate that the association between Ability EI and the SMC activity during social behavior is region- and emotion-specific.

  10. A docking study of enhanced intracellular survival protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with human DUSP16/MKP-7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Hye-Jin; Kim, Kyoung Hoon; Yang, Jin Kuk; Suh, Se Won; Kim, Hyunsik; Jang, Soonmin


    A docking study of Mtb Eis with its substrate DUSP16/MKP-7 was performed. The docking model suggests dissociation of hexameric Mtb Eis into dimers or monomers. The intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) causes tuberculosis, and one of its secreted effector proteins, called enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) protein, enhances its survival in macrophages. Mtb Eis activates JNK-specific dual-specificity protein phosphatase 16 (DUSP16)/mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-7 (MKP-7) through the acetylation on Lys55, thus inactivating JNK by dephosphorylation. Based on the recently reported crystal structure of Mtb Eis, a docking model for the binding of Mtb Eis to DUSP16/MKP-7 was generated. In the docking model, the substrate helix containing Lys55 of DUSP16/MKP-7 fits nicely into the active-site cleft of Mtb Eis; the twisted β-sheet of Eis domain II embraces the substrate helix from one side. Most importantly, the side-chain of Lys55 is inserted toward acetyl-CoA and the resulting distance is 4.6 Å between the NZ atom of Lys55 and the carbonyl carbon of the acetyl group in acetyl-CoA. The binding of Mtb Eis and DUSP16/MKP-7 is maintained by strong electrostatic interactions. The active-site cleft of Mtb Eis has a negatively charged surface formed by Asp25, Glu138, Asp286, Glu395 and the terminal carboxylic group of Phe396. In contrast, DUSP16/MKP-7 contains five basic residues, Lys52, Lys55, Arg56, Arg57 and Lys62, which point toward the negatively charged surface of the active-site pocket of Mtb Eis. Thus, the current docking model suggests that the binding of DUSP16/MKP-7 to Mtb Eis should be established by charge complementarity in addition to a very favorable geometric arrangement. The suggested mode of binding requires the dissociation of the hexameric Mtb Eis into dimers or monomers. This study may be useful for future studies aiming to develop inhibitors of Mtb Eis as a new anti-tuberculosis drug candidate

  11. A docking study of enhanced intracellular survival protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with human DUSP16/MKP-7

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Hye-Jin, E-mail:; Kim, Kyoung Hoon [Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747 (Korea, Republic of); Yang, Jin Kuk [Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743 (Korea, Republic of); Suh, Se Won [Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747 (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Hyunsik; Jang, Soonmin, E-mail: [Sejong University, Seoul 143-747 (Korea, Republic of)


    A docking study of Mtb Eis with its substrate DUSP16/MKP-7 was performed. The docking model suggests dissociation of hexameric Mtb Eis into dimers or monomers. The intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) causes tuberculosis, and one of its secreted effector proteins, called enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) protein, enhances its survival in macrophages. Mtb Eis activates JNK-specific dual-specificity protein phosphatase 16 (DUSP16)/mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-7 (MKP-7) through the acetylation on Lys55, thus inactivating JNK by dephosphorylation. Based on the recently reported crystal structure of Mtb Eis, a docking model for the binding of Mtb Eis to DUSP16/MKP-7 was generated. In the docking model, the substrate helix containing Lys55 of DUSP16/MKP-7 fits nicely into the active-site cleft of Mtb Eis; the twisted β-sheet of Eis domain II embraces the substrate helix from one side. Most importantly, the side-chain of Lys55 is inserted toward acetyl-CoA and the resulting distance is 4.6 Å between the NZ atom of Lys55 and the carbonyl carbon of the acetyl group in acetyl-CoA. The binding of Mtb Eis and DUSP16/MKP-7 is maintained by strong electrostatic interactions. The active-site cleft of Mtb Eis has a negatively charged surface formed by Asp25, Glu138, Asp286, Glu395 and the terminal carboxylic group of Phe396. In contrast, DUSP16/MKP-7 contains five basic residues, Lys52, Lys55, Arg56, Arg57 and Lys62, which point toward the negatively charged surface of the active-site pocket of Mtb Eis. Thus, the current docking model suggests that the binding of DUSP16/MKP-7 to Mtb Eis should be established by charge complementarity in addition to a very favorable geometric arrangement. The suggested mode of binding requires the dissociation of the hexameric Mtb Eis into dimers or monomers. This study may be useful for future studies aiming to develop inhibitors of Mtb Eis as a new anti-tuberculosis drug candidate.

  12. Emotional intelligence in orthopedic surgery residents. (United States)

    Chan, Kevin; Petrisor, Brad; Bhandari, Mohit


    Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage emotions in oneself and others. It was originally popularized in the business literature as a key attribute for success that was distinct from cognitive intelligence. Increasing focus is being placed on EI in medicine to improve clinical and academic performance. Despite the proposed benefits, to our knowledge, there have been no previous studies on the role of EI in orthopedic surgery. We evaluated baseline data on EI in a cohort of orthopedic surgery residents. We asked all orthopedic surgery residents at a single institution to complete an electronic version of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). We used completed questionnaires to calculate total EI scores and 4 branch scores. Data were analyzed according to a priori cutoff values to determine the proportion of residents who were considered competent on the test. Data were also analyzed for possible associations with age, sex, race and level of training. Thirty-nine residents (100%) completed the MSCEIT. The mean total EI score was 86 (maximum score 145). Only 4 (10%) respondents demonstrated competence in EI. Junior residents (p = 0.026), Caucasian residents (p = 0.009) and those younger than 30 years (p = 0.008) had significantly higher EI scores. Our findings suggest that orthopedic residents score low on EI based on the MSCEIT. Optimizing resident competency in noncognitive skills may be enhanced by dedicated EI education, training and testing.

  13. Vaatajad ei pea pettuma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Oma muljeid K. Rowling'u Harry Potteri lugude teisest filmist "Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber" ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets") avaldavad noorteajakirja Stiina peatoimetaja Kristi Pärn ja Harry Potter lugude tõlkija Krista Kaer

  14. 75 FR 25238 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ... Ends: 06/28/2010, Contact: Thomas H. Stephan, 215-897-4916. EIS No. 20100163, Final EIS, BOP, 00... EIS, BLM, 00, Southern California Edison's Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Line Project, Construction...

  15. Emotional intelligence, trauma severity, and emotional expression. (United States)

    Kao, Min C; Chen, Yung Y


    This study investigated Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a moderator for the association between emotional expression and adaptive trauma processing, as measured by depressive symptoms. Using Pennebaker's written emotional expression paradigm, 105 participants were assigned to either a conventional trauma-writing or religious trauma-writing condition. Depressive symptoms were assessed at baseline and again at one-month post writing. No significant association between EI and religiousness was found at baseline. Results indicated a three-way interaction among EI, trauma severity, and writing condition on depressive symptoms at follow-up. For the religious trauma-writing condition only, there was a significant difference between high- versus low-EI participants who experienced more severe trauma in depressive symptoms at follow-up, such that low-EI participants registered less depressive symptoms than high-EI participants; while there was no significant difference between low versus high EI for participants with less severe trauma. These findings encourage further investigation of the conditions under which religion may be a beneficial factor in trauma adaptation.

  16. Studying the Technology of Creating Cortical Electrode Instruments using the Rapid Prototyping Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ablyaz T. R.


    Full Text Available This paper shows the results of studying the technology of manufacturing cortical electrode-instruments (EI with the use of indirect methods of the Rapid Prototyping technology. Functional EI prototypes were made by layered synthesis of the photopolymer material with the use of the stereolithography technology (SLA - Stereo Lithography Apparatus. The article is focused on two methods of indirect EI manufacturing. One of the EI prototypes was used for making a molded wax model for hot investment casting, followed by applying copper coating. The second prototype was used for applying copper plating to a prepared current-conductive layer. As a result of EDMing a steel workpiece, both EIs reached the desired depth, which is 1 mm. The copper plating applied to the EI preserves its integrity. Through the use of the casting technology, there is a possibility to cut the economic costs by 35%. Using a prototype with preliminarily applied conductive coating makes it possible to make geometrically-complex EIs.

  17. Supplement Analysis for the Watershed Management Program EIS--Tapteal Bend Riparian Corridor Restoration Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Bonneville Power Administration is proposing to fund the restoration of approximately 500 feet of streambank along the Yakima River at river mile 8, upstream of the Van Giesen Bridge on SR 224, in and between Richland and West Richland, Washington. This project will also result in the acquisition of Fox Island, a 12-acre island directly across the river from the restoration area. There is no development planned for the island. The proposed project includes: The installation of a bio-engineered streambank that incorporates barbs to capture silt and deflect flow, roughened rock or log toes, a riparian buffer, soil reinforcement, and bank grading. Long-term photo-point and plot sampling will also be implemented to evaluate the effectiveness and success of the restoration project. The NEPA compliance checklist for this project was completed by Darrel Sunday, a contractor with Sunday and Associates, Inc. (April 4, 2004), and meets the standards and guidelines for the Watershed Management Program Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision (ROD). The Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed species that may occur in the general vicinity of the project area are the pygmy rabbit, bald eagle, bull trout, Ute ladies'-tresses, and mid-Columbia Steelhead. The pygmy rabbit, bald eagle, and Ute ladies'Tresses are not known to occur in the immediate project vicinity, and it was determined that the proposed restoration project would have no effect on these species. It is difficult to determine if bull trout occur within the Tapteal project area and Dave Carl of the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife was contacted and concurred with this assumption. It was determined that the project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect bull trout, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has concurred with that determination (July 28, 2004). For the mid-Columbia Steelhead, an anadromous fish species, BPA has determined that if conducted in accordance with

  18. Comparison of the performance and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) response of an activated PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) under low and high thermal and pressure stresses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhiani, Mohammad; Majidi, Somayeh; Silva, Valter Bruno; Gharibi, Hussein


    In this study, it was demonstrated that membrane electrode assembly (MEA) conditioning at the low stress condition produces a higher performance compared to MEA conditioning under the high stress condition, although it needs more time to accomplish. The maximum power density (MPD) of 1600 mW cm"−"2 was achieved by the MEA activated at low temperature and pressure (MEA-LTP) compared to the MEA activated at high temperature and pressure (MEA-HTP) in the same operating conditions, 1090 mW cm"−"2, whiles the MEA structure of both cells was identical. MEA conditioning at the low stress condition enhances not only the fuel cell power but also its energy efficiency by 25%. Comparison of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) responses of MEA-LTP and MEA-HTP indicated that an extension of the triple phase boundary occurred in MEA-LTP, which was consistent with the results of the MEA performance analysis. - Highlights: • MEA activation at low and high P and T was studied and compared. • High steady state performance achieved by the activated MEA at low P and T. • Low R_c_t and R_m_t obtained by the activated MEA at low P and T. • Low stress condition for MEA activation is more effective than high stress status.

  19. 77 FR 23713 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    .... 20120110, Final EIS, USFWS, CA, Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration Project, To Restore Tidal..., Contact: Ariel Leonard 928-635-8200. EIS No. 20120112, Draft EIS, USFS, AK, Greens Creek Mine Tailings...

  20. Tshto nesjot nam mirnõi atom / Julia Zalutskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zalutskaja, Julia


    Kui Eestisse otsustatakse rajada tuumaelektrijaam, ei lähe see ekspluatatsiooni enne 2025. aastat. Eesti Energia juhi Sandor Liive hinnangul ei asendaks tuumaelektrijaam ei põlevkivienergeetikat, vaid need täiendaksid teineteist

  1. Developing emotional intelligence in student nurse leaders: a mixed methodology study (United States)

    Szeles, Heather M.


    Objective: The purpose of this mixed method, exploratory study was to measure the impact of a peer coaching program on the measured emotional intelligence (EI) of a group of student nurse leaders. Methods Participation in the study was offered to nurses in the Student Ambassador program. Students who consented received instruction on EI and its importance in leadership. Participants then took a preintervention EI test (The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test, version 2 [MSCEIT]) to obtain a baseline EI ability score. Students then participated in a series of peer coaching sessions across a semester. Participants then completed a postintervention MSCEIT test, and also a qualitative survey. Results: The analysis of the paired sample t-test showed that there was not a statistically significant difference in the total group EI scores from pre to posttest, t (8) = 0.036 >0.05; however, 80% of participants reported perceived changes in EI ability due to the intervention and 90% reported that peer coaching was beneficial to their leadership development. Conclusions: This study contributes to the body of EI literature and research on nursing education and leadership development. PMID:27981099

  2. Developing emotional intelligence in student nurse leaders: a mixed methodology study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heather M Szeles


    Full Text Available Objective: The purpose of this mixed method, exploratory study was to measure the impact of a peer coaching program on the measured emotional intelligence (EI of a group of student nurse leaders. Methods Participation in the study was offered to nurses in the Student Ambassador program. Students who consented received instruction on EI and its importance in leadership. Participants then took a preintervention EI test (The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test, version 2 [MSCEIT] to obtain a baseline EI ability score. Students then participated in a series of peer coaching sessions across a semester. Participants then completed a postintervention MSCEIT test, and also a qualitative survey. Results: The analysis of the paired sample t-test showed that there was not a statistically significant difference in the total group EI scores from pre to posttest, t (8 = 0.036 >0.05; however, 80% of participants reported perceived changes in EI ability due to the intervention and 90% reported that peer coaching was beneficial to their leadership development. Conclusions: This study contributes to the body of EI literature and research on nursing education and leadership development.

  3. Ability of university-level education to prevent age-related decline in emotional intelligence (United States)

    Cabello, Rosario; Navarro Bravo, Beatriz; Latorre, José Miguel; Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo


    Numerous studies have suggested that educational history, as a proxy measure of active cognitive reserve, protects against age-related cognitive decline and risk of dementia. Whether educational history also protects against age-related decline in emotional intelligence (EI) is unclear. The present study examined ability EI in 310 healthy adults ranging in age from 18 to 76 years using the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). We found that older people had lower scores than younger people for total EI and for the EI branches of perceiving, facilitating, and understanding emotions, whereas age was not associated with the EI branch of managing emotions. We also found that educational history protects against this age-related EI decline by mediating the relationship between age and EI. In particular, the EI scores of older adults with a university education were higher than those of older adults with primary or secondary education, and similar to those of younger adults of any education level. These findings suggest that the cognitive reserve hypothesis, which states that individual differences in cognitive processes as a function of lifetime intellectual activities explain differential susceptibility to functional impairment in the presence of age-related changes and brain pathology, applies also to EI, and that education can help preserve cognitive-emotional structures during aging. PMID:24653697

  4. Prediction of motivational impairment: 12-month follow-up of the randomized-controlled trial on extended early intervention for first-episode psychosis. (United States)

    Chang, W C; Kwong, V W Y; Chan, G H K; Jim, O T T; Lau, E S K; Hui, C L M; Chan, S K W; Lee, E H M; Chen, E Y H


    Amotivation is prevalent in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients and is a major determinant of functional outcome. Prediction of amotivation in the early stage of psychosis, however, is under-studied. We aimed to prospectively examine predictors of amotivation in FEP patients in a randomized-controlled trial comparing a 1-year extension of early intervention (Extended EI, 3-year EI) with step-down psychiatric care (SC, 2-year EI). One hundred sixty Chinese patents were recruited from a specialized EI program for FEP in Hong Kong after they have completed this 2-year EI service, randomly allocated to Extended EI or SC, and followed up for 12 months. Assessments on premorbid adjustment, onset profiles, baseline symptom severity and treatment characteristics were conducted. Data analysis was based on 156 subjects who completed follow-up assessments. Amotivation at 12-month follow-up was associated with premorbid adjustment, allocated treatment condition, and levels of positive symptoms, disorganization, amotivation, diminished expression (DE) and depression at study intake. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that Extended EI and lower levels of DE independently predicted better outcome on 12-month amotivation. Our findings indicate a potentially critical therapeutic role of an extended specialized EI on alleviating motivational impairment in FEP patients. The longer-term effect of Extended EI on amotivation merits further investigation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Clinical impact of left ventricular eccentricity index using cardiac MRI in assessment of right ventricular hemodynamics and myocardial fibrosis in congenital heart disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamasaki, Yuzo; Kamitani, Takeshi; Yamanouchi, Torahiko; Honda, Hiroshi [Kyushu University, Departments of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan); Nagao, Michinobu; Kawanami, Satoshi [Kyushu University, Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan); Yamamura, Kenichiro [Kyushu University, Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan); Sakamoto, Ichiro [Kyushu University, Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan); Yabuuchi, Hidetake [Kyushu University, Health SciencesGraduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan)


    To investigate the utility of eccentricity index (EI) using cardiac cine MRI for the assessment of right ventricular (RV) hemodynamics in congenital heart disease (CHD). Fifty-five patients with CHD (32 women; mean age, 40.7 ± 20.9 years) underwent both cardiac MRI and right heart catheterization. EI was defined as the ratio of the distance between the anterior-posterior wall and the septal-lateral wall measured in the short-axis of mid-ventricular cine MRI. Correlations between EIs and RV hemodynamic parameters were analyzed. EIs were compared between patients with and without late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). A strong correlation between mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and systolic EI (r = 0.81, p < 0.0001) and a moderate negative correlation between diastolic EI and RV ejection fraction (EF) (r = -0.62, p < 0.0001) were observed. Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed optimal EI thresholds for detecting patients with mean PAP ≥40 mmHg with C-statistics of 0.90 and patients with RVEF <40 % with C-statistics of 0.78. Systolic EIs were significantly greater for patients with LGE (1.45 ± 0.05) than for those without LGE (1.15 ± 0.07; p < 0.001). EI offers a simple, comprehensive index that can predict pulmonary hypertension and RV dysfunction in CHD. (orig.)

  6. Peaminister Parts : "ei" seisukohaga Keskerakonnaga valitsust ei tee / Juhan Parts ; interv. Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts tõdeb, et Keskerakonna juht Edgar Savisaar on selgelt väljendanud oma eitavat seisukohta Eesti EL-iga liitumise suhtes ning sellelt pinnalt on võimu jagamine Keskerakonnaga võimatu

  7. Classical electron ionization mass spectra in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with supersonic molecular beams. (United States)

    Gordin, Alexander; Fialkov, Alexander B; Amirav, Aviv


    A major benefit of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with a supersonic molecular beam (SMB) interface and its fly-through ion source is the ability to obtain electron ionization of vibrationally cold molecules (cold EI), which show enhanced molecular ions. However, GC/MS with an SMB also has the flexibility to perform 'classical EI' mode of operation which provides mass spectra to mimic those in commercial 70 eV electron ionization MS libraries. Classical EI in SMB is obtained through simple reduction of the helium make-up gas flow rate, which reduces the SMB cooling efficiency; hence the vibrational temperatures of the molecules are similar to those in traditional EI ion sources. In classical EI-SMB mode, the relative abundance of the molecular ion can be tuned and, as a result, excellent identification probabilities and very good matching factors to the NIST MS library are obtained. Classical EI-SMB with the fly-through dual cage ion source has analyte sensitivity similar to that of the standard EI ion source of a basic GC/MS system. The fly-through EI ion source in combination with the SMB interface can serve for cold EI, classical EI-SMB, and cluster chemical ionization (CCI) modes of operation, all easily exchangeable through a simple and quick change (not involving hardware). Furthermore, the fly-through ion source eliminates sample scattering from the walls of the ion source, and thus it offers full sample inertness, tailing-free operation, and no ion-molecule reaction interferences. It is also robust and enables increased column flow rate capability without affecting the sensitivity.

  8. Comparison of estimated energy intake from 224-hour recalls and a seven-day food record with objective measurements of energy expenditure in children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothausen, Berit Worm; Matthiessen, Jeppe; Groth, Margit Velsing


    % limits of agreement were 438 and 3.52 MJ/d for the 224-HDRs, and 5.90 and 2.94 MJ/d for the 7-dFR. Pearson correlation coefficients between EI and EE were 0.51 for EI224-HDR and 0.29 for EI7-dFR, respectively. The proportion classified in the same or adjacent quartiles was 76% for EI224-HDR and 73...

  9. 78 FR 13082 - Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement... (United States)


    ...The Bureau of Reclamation has made available for public review and comment the draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS/EIS) for the Upper Truckee River Restoration and Marsh Restoration Project (Project). The California Tahoe Conservancy and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the other lead agencies for the Project, made the EIR/EIS/EIS available to the public on February 8, 2013.

  10. Incorporating a hybrid urease-carbon nanotubes sensitive nanofilm on capacitive field-effect sensors for urea detection. (United States)

    Siqueira, José R; Molinnus, Denise; Beging, Stefan; Schöning, Michael J


    The ideal combination among biomolecules and nanomaterials is the key for reaching biosensing units with high sensitivity. The challenge, however, is to find out a stable and sensitive film architecture that can be incorporated on the sensor's surface. In this paper, we report on the benefits of incorporating a layer-by-layer (LbL) nanofilm of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS) field-effect sensors for detecting urea. Three sensor arrangements were studied in order to investigate the adequate film architecture, involving the LbL film with the enzyme urease: (i) urease immobilized directly onto a bare EIS [EIS-urease] sensor; (ii) urease atop the LbL film over the EIS [EIS-(PAMAM/CNT)-urease] sensor; and (iii) urease sandwiched between the LbL film and another CNT layer [EIS-(PAMAM/CNT)-urease-CNT]. The surface morphology of all three urea-based EIS biosensors was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), while the biosensing abilities were studied by means of capacitance-voltage (C/V) and dynamic constant-capacitance (ConCap) measureaments at urea concentrations ranging from 0.1 mM to 100 mM. The EIS-urease and EIS-(PAMAM/CNT)-urease sensors showed similar sensitivity (~18 mV/decade) and a nonregular signal behavior as the urea concentration increased. On the other hand, the EIS-(PAMAM/CNT)-urease-CNT sensor exhibited a superior output signal performance and higher sensitivity of about 33 mV/decade. The presence of the additional CNT layer was decisive to achieve a urea based EIS sensor with enhanced properties. Such sensitive architecture demonstrates that the incorporation of an adequate hybrid enzyme-nanofilm as sensing unit opens new prospects for biosensing applications using the field-effect sensor platform.

  11. A comparative review of accident studies from recent environmental impact statements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, C.; Folga, S.; Nabelssi, B.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recently prepared or is in the process of preparing a number of programmatic and site-specific environmental impact statements (EISs). This study was conducted for the purpose of reviewing the self-consistency of programmatic alternatives, associated relative impacts, and supporting data, methods, and assumptions in EISs prepared for related activities. The following EISs, which deal with waste management issues, are reviewed in this paper (the parenthetical acronyms are referred to in Table 1): (1) Final Environmental Impact Statement, Savannah River Site Waste Management, DOE/EIS-0217, Vol. II, July 1995. (SRS WM-EIS), (2) Draft Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Treatment, Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive and Hazardous Waste, DOE/EIS-0200-D, Vol. IV, Aug. 1995. (WM PEIS), (3) Final Environmental Impact Statement, Interim Management of Nuclear Materials at the Savannah River Site. DOE/EIS-0220, Oct. 1995. (IMNM EIS), (4) Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/EIS-0203-F, April 1995. (INEL Site-Wide-EIS), (5) Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Disposition of Surplus Highly Enriched Uranium, DOE/EIS-0240-D, Oct. 1995. (HEU Disposition EIS), (6) Final Environmental Impact Statement, Safe Interim Storage of Hanford Tank Wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, DOE/EIS-0212, Oct. 1995. (SIS EIS). This study compares the facility accident analysis approaches used in these EISs vis-a-vis the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidance developed by DOE (Recommendations for the Preparation of Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, Office of NEPA Oversight). The purpose of the comparative review of these approaches with NEPA guidance is to identify potential preferred paths for future EISs

  12. Emotional intelligence in surgery is associated with resident job satisfaction. (United States)

    Hollis, Robert H; Theiss, Lauren M; Gullick, Allison A; Richman, Joshua S; Morris, Melanie S; Grams, Jayleen M; Porterfield, John R; Chu, Daniel I


    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been associated with improved work performance and job satisfaction in several industries. We evaluated whether EI was associated with higher measures of work performance and job satisfaction in surgical residents. We distributed the validated Trait EI Questionnaire and job satisfaction survey to all general surgery residents at a single institution in 2015. EI and job satisfaction scores were compared with resident performance using faculty evaluations of clinical competency-based surgical milestones and standardized test scores including the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE). Statistical comparison was made using Pearson correlation and simple linear regression adjusting for postgraduate year level. The survey response rate was 68.9% with 31 resident participants. Global EI was associated with scores on USMLE Step 2 (r = 0.46, P = 0.01) and Step 3 (r = 0.54, P = 0.01) but not ABSITE percentile scores (r = 0.06, P = 0.77). None of the 16 surgical milestone scores were significantly associated with global EI or EI factors before or after adjustment for postgraduate level. Global EI was associated with overall job satisfaction (r = 0.37, P = 0.04). Of the facets of job satisfaction, global EI was significantly associated with views of supervision (r = 0.42, P = 0.02) and nature of work (r = 0.41, P = 0.02). EI was associated with job satisfaction and USMLE performance but not ACGME competency-based milestones or ABSITE scores. EI may be an important factor for fulfillment in surgical training that is not currently captured with traditional in-training performance measures. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. The relationship between appetite scores and subsequent energy intake: an analysis based on 23 randomized controlled studies. (United States)

    Sadoul, Bastien C; Schuring, Ewoud A H; Mela, David J; Peters, Harry P F


    Several studies have assessed relationships of self-reported appetite (eating motivations, mainly by Visual Analogue Scales, VAS) with subsequent energy intake (EI), though usually in small data sets with limited power and variable designs. The objectives were therefore to better quantify the relationships of self-reports (incorporating subject characteristics) to subsequent EI, and to estimate the quantitative differences in VAS corresponding to consistent, significant differences in EI. Data were derived from an opportunity sample of 23 randomized controlled studies involving 549 subjects, testing the effects of various food ingredients in meal replacers or 100-150 ml mini-drinks. In all studies, scores on several VAS were recorded for 30 min to 5 h post-meal, when EI was assessed by ad libitum meal consumption. The relationships between pre-meal VAS scores and EI were examined using correlation, linear models (including subject characteristics) and a cross-validation procedure. VAS correlations with subsequent EI were statistically significant, but of low magnitude, up to r = 0.26. Hunger, age, gender, body weight and estimated basal metabolic rate explained 25% of the total variance in EI. Without hunger the prediction of EI was modestly but significantly lower (19%, P < 0.001). A change of ≥15-25 mm on a 100 mm VAS was the minimum effect consistently corresponding to a significant change in subsequent EI, depending on the starting VAS level. Eating motivations add in a small but consistently significant way to other known predictors of acute EI. Differences of about 15 mm on a 100 mm VAS appear to be the minimum effect expected to result in consistent, significant differences in subsequent EI. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Emotional Intelligence and Simulation. (United States)

    McKinley, Sophia K; Phitayakorn, Roy


    Emotional intelligence (EI) is an established concept in the business literature with evidence that it is an important factor in determining career achievement. There is increasing interest in the role that EI has in medical training, but it is still a nascent field. This article reviews the EI literature most relevant to surgical training and proposes that simulation offers many benefits to the development of EI. Although there are many unanswered questions, it is expected that future research will demonstrate the effectiveness of using simulation to develop EI within surgery. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. The person who eases your mind "Ibasyo" and emotional intelligence in interpersonal adaptation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hiroshi Toyota


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out to examine the effect of the "Ibasyo" (the person who eases one's mind and emotional intelligence (EI on self-esteem and loneliness. Five hundred and eight Japanese undergraduates were asked to choose one of the alternatives (e. g., myself, mother, friend to answer the question "Who is the person that eases your mind?" Then, they were asked to rate items from scales corresponding to EI, self-esteem and loneliness. Multiple regression analyses indicated that both Ibasyo and EI explained 25% of loneliness, but only EI explained 25% of self-esteem. The analyses also showed differences of sub-abilities in EI that determined the level of loneliness and self-esteem among Ibasyo groups. These results are interpreted as showing the importance of EI in adaptation.

  16. Potential Lipid-Lowering Effects of Eleusine indica (L) Gaertn. Extract on High-Fat-Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats. (United States)

    Ong, Siew Ling; Nalamolu, Koteswara Rao; Lai, How Yee


    To date, anti-obesity agents based on natural products are tested for their potential using lipase inhibition assay through the interference of hydrolysis of fat by lipase resulting in reduced fat absorption without altering the central mechanisms. Previous screening study had indicated strong anti-obesity potential in Eleusine indica ( E. indica ), but to date, no pharmacologic studies have been reported so far. This study was performed to investigate the lipid-lowering effects of E. indica using both in vitro and in vivo models. The crude methanolic extract of E. indica was fractionated using hexane (H-Ei), dichloromethane (DCM-Ei), ethyl acetate (EA-Ei), butanol (B-Ei), and water (W-Ei). All the extracts were tested for antilipase activity using porcine pancreatic lipase. Because H-Ei showed the highest inhibition, it was further subjected to chemical profiling using high-performance liquid chromatography. Subsequently, oral toxicity analysis of H-Ei was performed [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development guidelines using fixed dose procedure (No. 420)]; efficacy analysis was performed using high-fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperlipidemic female Sprague-Dawley rats. According to the toxicity and efficacy analyses, H-Ei did not demonstrate any noticeable biochemical toxicity or physiologic abnormalities and did not cause any tissue damage as per histologic analysis. Furthermore, H-Ei significantly reduced body weight and improved serum profile and did not show hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity based on the serum profile. Moreover, H-Ei alleviated HFD-induced hepatosteatosis and ameliorated induced adiposity in both visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Our results demonstrate that H-Ei effectively improved hyperlipidemia. Further studies to explore its possibility as an alternative pharmacologic agent to treat obesity are warranted. Hexane extract of Eleusine indica (H-Ei) showed strong potential in the inhibition of porcine pancreatic lipase (27.01

  17. 76 FR 51972 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ... Elmer 303-969-2317. EIS No. 20110261, Final EIS, USFS, NV, Mountain City, Ruby Mountains, and Jarbidge... Cordova, Gold River, CA, Review Period Ends: 09/19/2011, Contact: Dave Robinson 916-989-7179. EIS No...

  18. 77 FR 27771 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ... all requirements for EIS filing, eliminating the need to submit paper copies to EPA Headquarters, by..., Contact: Alex Stone 619-545-8128. EIS No. 20120144, Draft EIS, USAF, CA, F-15 Aircraft Conversion, 144th...

  19. 75 FR 78992 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ... No. 20100467, Final EIS, BLM, NV, Emigrant Mine Project, Proposed Open Pit Gold Mine, Plan-of..., CA, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Rain Healer 559-487-5196. EIS No. 20100470, Draft EIS, GSA...

  20. Post-acquisition data processing for the screening of transformation products of different organic contaminants. Two-year monitoring of river water using LC-ESI-QTOF-MS and GCxGC-EI-TOF-MS. (United States)

    López, S Herrera; Ulaszewska, M M; Hernando, M D; Martínez Bueno, M J; Gómez, M J; Fernández-Alba, A R


    This study describes a comprehensive strategy for detecting and elucidating the chemical structures of expected and unexpected transformation products (TPs) from chemicals found in river water and effluent wastewater samples, using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC-ESI-QTOF-MS), with post-acquisition data processing and an automated search using an in-house database. The efficacy of the mass defect filtering (MDF) approach to screen metabolites from common biotransformation pathways was tested, and it was shown to be sufficiently sensitive and applicable for detecting metabolites in environmental samples. Four omeprazole metabolites and two venlafaxine metabolites were identified in river water samples. This paper reports the analytical results obtained during 2 years of monitoring, carried out at eight sampling points along the Henares River (Spain). Multiresidue monitoring, for targeted analysis, includes a group of 122 chemicals, amongst which are pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides and PAHs. For this purpose, two analytical methods were used based on direct injection with a LC-ESI-QTOF-MS system and stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) with bi-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with a time-of-flight spectrometer (GCxGC-EI-TOF-MS).

  1. Explanation of Significant Differences Between Models used to Assess Groundwater Impacts for the Disposal of Greater-Than-Class C Low-Level Radioactive Waste and Greater-Than-Class C-Like Waste Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0375-D) and the

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Annette Schafer; Arthur S. Rood; A. Jeffrey Sondrup


    Models have been used to assess the groundwater impacts to support the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Disposal of Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) Low-Level Radioactive Waste and GTCC-Like Waste (DOE-EIS 2011) for a facility sited at the Idaho National Laboratory and the Environmental Assessment for the INL Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste Disposal Project (INL 2011). Groundwater impacts are primarily a function of (1) location determining the geologic and hydrologic setting, (2) disposal facility configuration, and (3) radionuclide source, including waste form and release from the waste form. In reviewing the assumptions made between the model parameters for the two different groundwater impacts assessments, significant differences were identified. This report presents the two sets of model assumptions and discusses their origins and implications for resulting dose predictions. Given more similar model parameters, predicted doses would be commensurate.

  2. Igavese naeratuse kustumise lugu / Kajar Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Kajar, 1976-


    Rahvaliit juhtis eelmisel aastal mitmel korral tähelepanu sellele, et koostatav 2008. a. riigieelarve on konservatiivsusest kaugel ega arvesta ei Eesti olukorda ega maailmamajanduse suundumusi, kuid seda ei võetud kuulda. Rahvaliidu peasekretäri arvates ei ole praegu õige süüdistada maailmamajandust; tuleb tõdeda, et meie odaval tööjõul põhinev kasvujõud on otsas ja tootlikkus ei ole kasvanud loodetud tempos

  3. Manipulative emotional behaviour and delinquency: sex differences and links to emotional intelligence.


    Bacon, AM; Regan, L


    Trait emotional intelligence (EI) encompasses high levels of emotional understanding and is generally associated with positive outcomes. However research has suggested that high EI might predispose some young females to delinquency. The present study investigated whether this relationship can be accounted for by a tendency towards emotionally manipulative behaviours, facilitated by high EI. Two hundred and fifty two young adults (125 female) completed measures of EI, Machiavellianism, managin...

  4. Kuidas kurat Niguliste kirikut vaatas ehk põnevad leiud Tallinnas Niguliste 6 / Jüri Türkei, Kaarel Truu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Türkei, Jüri


    Niguliste 6 on Tallinna vanalinnale omane mitmes järgus ehitatud kaupmeheelamu. 2015. aasta uuringute käigus avati uuesti kõik huvipakkuvad piikonnad. Taasavastati dornse paarisakna sillust toetanud paesammas, millel on voluutidest välja kasvav kuradinägu

  5. Emotional intelligence levels in baccalaureate-prepared early career registered nurses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glenda S Reemts


    Full Text Available Objective: The increasing complexity of the healthcare environment calls for increasing emotional intelligence (EI competence in nurses. This study assessed the EI competence of 164 baccalaureate nursing alumni who graduated during the years 2007-2010 from three Benedictine institutions located in the Midwestern United States to see if there was growth of EI with experience as a registered nurse (RN, and to determine if age, gender, grade point average (GPA, and years of total healthcare work experience prior to graduation predicted EI. Methods: Participants completed the web-based Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT and a demographic survey. Results: Findings indicated 79.4% of participants were competent or higher on the MSCEIT total EI score. Percentages of nurses scoring in the competent or higher range on each of the four branch scores of perceiving, using, understanding and managing emotions were 80.6%, 72.7%, 84.2%, and 84.9% respectively. There were no significant differences on EI scores between graduates with 1-2 years compared to 3-5 years of experience as a RN. Results of a linear stepwise regression indicated being female was a significant predictor on the MSCEIT total EI score (P = 0.015 and using emotions branch (P = 0.047. Findings also indicated GPA (P < 0.001 and being female (P = 0.023 were significant predictors of EI on the understanding emotions branch. Conclusions: The findings indicate there is work to be done to improve the EI competence of nursing graduates. Continued research on the topic of EI and nursing is needed to build the knowledge base on how to promote positive patient outcomes.

  6. Water uptake in free films and coatings using the Brasher and Kingsbury equation: a possible explanation of the different values obtained by electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy and gravimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vosgien Lacombre, C.; Bouvet, G.; Trinh, D.; Mallarino, S.; Touzain, S.


    For many years, the water uptake in organic coatings was measured by EIS and/or gravimetry but differences in water content values were found in almost all studies. The Brasher-Kingsbury equation used in the electrochemical analysis (EIS) is often criticized because elementary assumptions may be unvalid. The origin of the discrepancy between both methods is still of interest because many questions remain open and this study aims to provide new insights to these questions. In this work, free films and coatings of a model epoxy-amine system were immersed in a 3 wt.% NaCl solution. The water uptake in free films was evaluated using gravimetric measurements and EIS, using the Basher-Kingsbury equation. The mass of free-films used in the EIS tests was measured and compare to gravimetric measurements while the water uptake (EIS) in free films was compared to that obtained with coatings. It was found that the mass increase of free films tested with EIS was in agreement with gravimetric measurements but was always lower than the water uptake obtained by EIS. Moreover, the water uptake in free films (EIS) was different from that obtained with coatings. In all cases, it was found that the Basher-Kingsbury equation overestimated the water uptake. It appears that the differences between EIS and gravimetric measurements can be analyzed in terms of geometrical effects. Indeed, the swelling in free films and coatings can be monitored by DMA and SECM during ageing. Finally, by mixing the experimental swelling data and the Brasher-Kingsbury equation, the same value of water uptake was obtained by EIS and gravimetry for coatings.

  7. AECB staff response to the environmental impact statement on the concept for disposal of Canada`s nuclear fuel waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Concept for Disposal of Canada`s Nuclear Fuel Waste was released in October 1994 (AECL,1994) in response to the guidelines issued in 1992 by a Panel formed to evaluate this concept (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Panel, 1992). This response is primarily a statement of deficiencies and thus focuses on the negative aspects of the EIS. The staff review of the EIS was based on the AECB mandate, which is to protect human health and the environment and as such was focused on technical issues in the EIS. These were performance assessment of the multiple barrier system, environmental impacts, concept feasibility, siting, transport and safety as well as general issues of regulatory policy and criteria. The EIS and its supporting documentation have been the sole basis used to judge whether AECB staff expectations of the EIS have been met. The staff response (Part II) considers whether an issue is addressed appropriately and adequately, while taking account of the generic and preliminary nature of the concept. The overall conclusion that AECB staff have drawn from the technical review of the EIS is that the EIS, by itself, does not adequately demonstrate the case for deep geological disposal for nuclear fuel waste. However, AECB staff believe that the EIS information, in combination with a variety of generic national and international assessments, has provided confidence that the deep geological disposal concept is safe and viable. 74 refs.

  8. AECB staff response to the environmental impact statement on the concept for disposal of Canada's nuclear fuel waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Concept for Disposal of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste was released in October 1994 (AECL,1994) in response to the guidelines issued in 1992 by a Panel formed to evaluate this concept (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Panel, 1992). This response is primarily a statement of deficiencies and thus focuses on the negative aspects of the EIS. The staff review of the EIS was based on the AECB mandate, which is to protect human health and the environment and as such was focused on technical issues in the EIS. These were performance assessment of the multiple barrier system, environmental impacts, concept feasibility, siting, transport and safety as well as general issues of regulatory policy and criteria. The EIS and its supporting documentation have been the sole basis used to judge whether AECB staff expectations of the EIS have been met. The staff response (Part II) considers whether an issue is addressed appropriately and adequately, while taking account of the generic and preliminary nature of the concept. The overall conclusion that AECB staff have drawn from the technical review of the EIS is that the EIS, by itself, does not adequately demonstrate the case for deep geological disposal for nuclear fuel waste. However, AECB staff believe that the EIS information, in combination with a variety of generic national and international assessments, has provided confidence that the deep geological disposal concept is safe and viable. 74 refs

  9. Training emotional intelligence improves both emotional intelligence and depressive symptoms in inpatients with borderline personality disorder and depression. (United States)

    Jahangard, Leila; Haghighi, Mohammad; Bajoghli, Hafez; Ahmadpanah, Mohammad; Ghaleiha, Ali; Zarrabian, Mohammad Kazem; Brand, Serge


    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is defined as a pervasive pattern of instability in emotion, mood and interpersonal relationships, with a comorbidity between PBD and depressive disorders (DD). A key competence for successful management of interpersonal relationships is emotional intelligence (EI). Given the low EI of patients suffering from BPD, the present study aimed at investigating the effect on both emotional intelligence and depression of training emotional intelligence in patients with BPD and DD. A total of 30 inpatients with BPD and DD (53% females; mean age 24.20 years) took part in the study. Patients were randomly assigned either to the treatment or to the control group. Pre- and post-testing 4 weeks later involved experts' rating of depressive disorder and self-reported EI. The treatment group received 12 sessions of training in components of emotional intelligence. Relative to the control group, EI increased significantly in the treatment group over time. Depressive symptoms decreased significantly over time in both groups, though improvement was greater in the treatment than the control group. For inpatients suffering from BPD and DD, regular skill training in EI can be successfully implemented and leads to improvements both in EI and depression. Results suggest an additive effect of EI training on both EI and depressive symptoms.

  10. Does the level of emotional intelligence affect the degree of success in nursing studies? (United States)

    Sharon, Dganit; Grinberg, Keren


    Emotional intelligence (EI) reflects the general capacity to comprehend emotions (in ourselves and in others), to regulate emotions, and to cope effectively with emotional situations. The study program in nursing is varied, and includes theoretical and practical aspects, but teaching EI is not part of the core curriculum. We argue that teaching EI should not only be included in the curriculum, but that EI tests should be included in the admissions process. This study reviews the relationship between EI level and the degree of success in nursing studies, and its importance. A convenience sample of 110 academic nursing students was examined. Three data collection methods were employed: 1) A socio-demographic questionnaire; 2) Schutte Self-Report Inventory (SSRI); 3) Psychometric scores and grade transcripts. A positive correlation between the level of EI and the degree of success in nursing studies among nursing students was found. EI levels improved during the second year of learning. Among nursing students, the annual average grade was related to emotional intelligence rather than psychometric scores at the time of admission. There is a need to increase the importance of EI in the terms of nursing student's admission and basic nursing curriculums. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in autism spectrum disorders: Implications for interventions and therapeutics. (United States)

    Uzunova, Genoveva; Pallanti, Stefano; Hollander, Eric


    Imbalance between excitation and inhibition and increased excitatory-inhibitory (E-I) ratio is a common mechanism in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that is responsible for the learning and memory, cognitive, sensory, motor deficits, and seizures occurring in these disorders. ASD are very heterogeneous and better understanding of E-I imbalance in brain will lead to better diagnosis and treatments. We perform a critical literature review of the causes and presentations of E-I imbalance in ASD. E-I imbalance in ASD is due primarily to abnormal glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in key brain regions such as neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and cerebellum. Other causes are due to dysfunction of neuropeptides (oxytocin), synaptic proteins (neuroligins), and immune system molecules (cytokines). At the neuropathological level E-I imbalance in ASD is presented as a "minicolumnopathy". E-I imbalance alters the manner by which the brain processes information and regulates behaviour. New developments for investigating E-I imbalance such as optogenetics and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are presented. Non-invasive brain stimulation methods such as TMS for treatment of the core symptoms of ASD are discussed. Understanding E-I imbalance has important implications for developing better pharmacological and behavioural treatments for ASD, including TMS, new drugs, biomarkers and patient stratification.

  12. The Chronic Effect of Interval Training on Energy Intake: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenna Taylor


    Full Text Available Single bouts of acute exercise do not appear to increase subsequent energy intake (EI, even when energy deficit is large. However, studies have shown a compensatory effect on EI following chronic exercise, and it remains unclear whether this is affected by exercise intensity. We investigated the chronic effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT and sprint interval training (SIT on EI when compared with moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT or no exercise (CON. Databases were searched until 13 March 2017 for studies measuring EI in response to chronic exercise (≥4 weeks of duration of a high-intensity interval nature. Meta-analysis was conducted for between-group comparisons on EI (kilojoules and bodyweight (kg. Results showed large heterogeneity, and therefore, metaregression analyses were conducted. There were no significant differences in EI between HIIT/SIT versus MICT (P=0.282, HIIT/SIT versus CON (P=0.398, or MICT versus CON (P=0.329. Although bodyweight was significantly reduced after HIIT/SIT versus CON but not HIIT/SIT versus MICT (in studies measuring EI, this was not clinically meaningful (<2% mean difference. In conclusion, there is no compensatory increase in EI following a period of HIIT/SIT compared to MICT or no exercise. However, this review highlights important methodological considerations for future studies.

  13. Emotional Intelligence and resilience in mental health professionals caring for patients with serious mental illness. (United States)

    Frajo-Apor, Beatrice; Pardeller, Silvia; Kemmler, Georg; Hofer, Alex


    Emotional Intelligence (EI) and resilience may be considered as prerequisites for mental health professionals caring for patients with serious mental illness (SMI), since they are often exposed to severe emotional stress during daily work. Accordingly, this cross-sectional study assessed both EI and resilience and their interrelationship in 61 individuals belonging to an assertive outreach team for patients suffering from SMI compared 61 control subjects without healthcare-related working conditions. EI was assessed by means of the German version of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso-Emotional-Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), resilience was assessed using the German version of the Resilience Scale. Both groups showed an average level of EI in all categories of the MSCEIT and indicated high levels of resilience. They did not differ significantly from each other, neither in terms of EI nor resilience. Correlation analysis revealed a positive association between EI and resilience, albeit small in magnitude. Our results suggest that mental health professionals are not more resilient and therefore not more 'protected' from stressors than the general population. Though this finding warrants cautious interpretation, the positive correlation between EI and resilience suggests that EI may be a potential target for education and training in order to strengthen resilience even in healthy individuals and vice versa.

  14. Sügis : [luuletused] / Mihhail Lermontov ; tlk. Marie Under, Villem Daniel, August Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lermontov, Mihhail, 1814-1841


    Sisu: Sügis ; Monoloog ; Sõbrale ; Albumisse ; Eleegia ; Kevad ; Üksindus ; Minu maja ; Lained ja inimesed ; Stantsid ; "Kuigi arm on mind hüljanud ammu..." ; "Kui õhtul kaeblik leinakell..." ; Kuulsus ; "Võib-olla meenutad kord mind..." ; Ingel ; Romanss J...le ; "Kord saabub päev, kui kõigi süüdistatud..." ; "Kus mühavad Dnepri jõe rahutud vood..." ; "Mull̀ armas sinimägi-voor..." ; "Su ees ei saa ma alanduma..." ; Epitaaf ; "Ei, Byron, see ei ole ma..." ; "Aeg on südamele vaga..." ; "Ma õnne taevastelt ei palu..." ; Poeedi surm ; Vang ; Naaber ; "Kui kollendavad põllud lainetavad valla..." ; "Ma leidsin teise kaunitari..." ; "Ei taha, et mu saladust..." ; Poeet ; Ära usu end ; A. J. Odojevski mälestuseks ; Kolm palmi ; Palve ; Testament ; "Nii tihti pidudel, kus kirju hulk on koos..." ; Miks ; On igav ja kurb ; M. A. Shtsherbatovale ; Õhulaev ; Lapsele ; Pilved ; "Poolmaski alt täis saladust ja külma..." ; Kalju ; "Astun üksipäini oma rada..." ; Prohvet ; Leping ; "Ei, mitte sind ei imetle ma nii..." ; Puri. Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 575

  15. Emotional intelligence and non-social cognition in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder. (United States)

    Frajo-Apor, B; Kemmler, G; Pardeller, S; Plass, T; Mühlbacher, M; Welte, A-S; Fleischhacker, W W; Hofer, A


    The different patterns of Emotional Intelligence (EI) deficits in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder are are not yet well understood. This study compares EI levels among these groups and highlights the potential impact of non-social cognition on EI. Fifty-eight schizophrenia and 60 bipolar outpatients were investigated using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) and the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS). Analyses of covariance were performed with adjustment for the BACS composite score. Compared to bipolar subjects, schizophrenia patients showed significantly lower levels in both EI and non-social cognition. After adjustment for the BACS composite score, the difference in EI was lost. The mediation analysis revealed that differences between schizophrenia and bipolar patients in strategic EI are almost fully attributable to the mediating effect of non-social cognition. Our findings suggest that in both schizophrenia and bipolar patients EI is strongly influenced by non-social cognitive functioning. This has to be taken into account when interpreting MSCEIT data in comparative studies in serious mental illness and emphasizes the importance of cognitive remediation.

  16. CON4EI: SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelium Eye Irritation Test (SkinEthic™ HCE EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. (United States)

    Van Rompay, A R; Alépée, N; Nardelli, L; Hollanders, K; Leblanc, V; Drzewiecka, A; Gruszka, K; Guest, R; Kandarova, H; Willoughby, J A; Verstraelen, S; Adriaens, E


    Assessment of ocular irritancy is an international regulatory requirement and a necessary step in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. Although a number of in vitro ocular irritation assays exist, none are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as a stand-alone assay. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project was developed with the goal of assessing the reliability of eight in vitro/alternative test methods as well as establishing an optimal tiered-testing strategy. One of the in vitro assays selected was the validated SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelium Eye Irritation Test method (SkinEthic™ HCE EIT). The SkinEthic™ HCE EIT has already demonstrated its capacity to correctly identify chemicals (both substances and mixtures) not requiring classification and labelling for eye irritation or serious eye damage (No Category). The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT test method in terms of the important in vivo drivers of classification. For the performance with respect to the drivers all in vivo Cat 1 and No Cat chemicals were 100% correctly identified. For Cat 2 chemicals the liquids and the solids had a sensitivity of 100% and 85.7%, respectively. For the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT test method, 100% concordance in predictions (No Cat versus No prediction can be made) between the two participating laboratories was obtained. The accuracy of the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT was 97.5% with 100% sensitivity and 96.9% specificity. The SkinEthic™ HCE EIT confirms its excellent results of the validation studies. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Experts in Teams – An experiential learning method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Steffen Kjær


    T becomes a learning method rather than a teaching method. Besides discussing the pedagogical characteristics of EiT, the study also gives a general introduction to EiT as it was taught at SDU fall 2016 as well as a brief review of the basic theory behind experiential learning. As such this study serves...... courses. Most of the practical courses are group work along the lines of project based learning. EiT is in a way both. It is a practical course in as much as our students get hands-on experience with interdisciplinary team work and innovation processes. EiT is a theoretical course in as much as our...... both as an introduction to e.g. new teachers of EiT but also as a starting point for a clarification of the features that makes EiT an experiential learning endeavor....

  18. Emotional intelligence in nurse management and nurse job satisfaction and retention: a scoping review protocol. (United States)

    Phillips, Jacqueline; Harris, Janet


    The objective of this review is to map what is known about emotional intelligence (EI) in relation to staff job satisfaction and retention in nursing, and the tools that are used to measure EI in this context. The primary question of this review is: What is known about nurse managers' EI as it relates to staff job satisfaction and retention in nursing?Sub-question 1: What tools are being used to measure nurse managers' EI and what theoretical frameworks are they based on?Sub-question 2: What gaps exist in the research related to nurse managers' EI as it relates to staff job satisfaction and retention in nursing?

  19. Including Emotional Intelligence in Pharmacy Curricula to Help Achieve CAPE Outcomes


    Nelson, Michael H.; Fierke, Kerry K.; Sucher, Brandon J.; Janke, Kristin K.


    The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) for effective teamwork and leadership within the workplace is increasingly apparent. As suggested by the 2013 CAPE Outcomes, we recommend that colleges and schools of pharmacy consider EI-related competencies to build self-awareness and professionalism among students. In this Statement, we provide two examples of the introduction of EI into pharmacy curricula. In addition, we provide a 4-phase process based on recommendations developed by EI exper...

  20. Ex-diplomacy captain slags off the government / Povilas Gylys ; interviewed by Linas Jegelevicius

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gylys, Povilas


    Leedu endine välisminister ei taha poliitikasse tagasi tulla, räägib Leedu majandusest ja ei ole rahul sellega, et USA presidendi Barack Obama käest kutse saanud Leedu riigipea Dalia Grybauskaite ei sõitnud Praha kohtumisele

  1. Inconsistency between Self-Reported Energy Intake and Body Mass Index among Urban, African-American Children.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miwa Yamaguchi

    Full Text Available To prevent obesity, it is important to assess dietary habits through self-reported energy intake (EI in children. We investigated how EI is associated with body mass index and which elements of dietary habits and status are associated with EI among African-American (AA children.We assessed and included data from 218 10-14-year-old AA children in Baltimore, MD, USA. EI was calculated using a food frequency questionnaire. The basal metabolic rate (BMR was used as the predicted minimal rate of energy expenditure of children. A fully adjusted multiple logistic regression was used to determine the prevalence of obesity (≥ 95th BMI-for-age percentile among the quartiles of EI/BMR ratio using the third quartile for the reference. The differences in the age-adjusted mean EI/BMR among the categories of dietary habits, social support, and socio economic status were analyzed using a general linear model.Children with the lowest EI/BMR had significantly higher adjusted odds ratio (aOR of obesity as compared to those in the third quartile of EI/BMR (boys aOR 4.3; 95% confidence interval 1.08, 20 and girls aOR 4.1; 1.02, 21. In girls, the adjusted mean EI/BMR in the group that prepared food less than the means (3.8 times/week was significantly lower than the group that prepared food over the means (P = 0.03. Further, the group that reported eating breakfast under 4 times/week indicated an adjusted mean EI/BMR lower than the group that ate breakfast over 5 times/week in both sexes.When EI was under-reported with reference to BMR, we may observe high prevalence of obesity. Further, food preparation by children and frequent consumption of breakfast may instill food cognition with usual dietary habits. Therefore, holistic assessments including dietary habits are required to examine self-reported food intake especially among overweight/obese children.

  2. Inconsistency between Self-Reported Energy Intake and Body Mass Index among Urban, African-American Children. (United States)

    Yamaguchi, Miwa; Steeves, Elizabeth Anderson; Shipley, Cara; Hopkins, Laura C; Cheskin, Lawrence J; Gittelsohn, Joel


    To prevent obesity, it is important to assess dietary habits through self-reported energy intake (EI) in children. We investigated how EI is associated with body mass index and which elements of dietary habits and status are associated with EI among African-American (AA) children. We assessed and included data from 218 10-14-year-old AA children in Baltimore, MD, USA. EI was calculated using a food frequency questionnaire. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) was used as the predicted minimal rate of energy expenditure of children. A fully adjusted multiple logistic regression was used to determine the prevalence of obesity (≥ 95th BMI-for-age percentile) among the quartiles of EI/BMR ratio using the third quartile for the reference. The differences in the age-adjusted mean EI/BMR among the categories of dietary habits, social support, and socio economic status were analyzed using a general linear model. Children with the lowest EI/BMR had significantly higher adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of obesity as compared to those in the third quartile of EI/BMR (boys aOR 4.3; 95% confidence interval 1.08, 20 and girls aOR 4.1; 1.02, 21). In girls, the adjusted mean EI/BMR in the group that prepared food less than the means (3.8 times/week) was significantly lower than the group that prepared food over the means (P = 0.03). Further, the group that reported eating breakfast under 4 times/week indicated an adjusted mean EI/BMR lower than the group that ate breakfast over 5 times/week in both sexes. When EI was under-reported with reference to BMR, we may observe high prevalence of obesity. Further, food preparation by children and frequent consumption of breakfast may instill food cognition with usual dietary habits. Therefore, holistic assessments including dietary habits are required to examine self-reported food intake especially among overweight/obese children.

  3. Emotional intelligence as an aspect of general intelligence: what would David Wechsler say? (United States)

    Kaufman, A S; Kaufman, J C


    R. D. Roberts, M. Zeidner, and G. Matthews (2001) have carefully examined the controversial issue of whether emotional intelligence (EI) should be classified as an intelligence and whether EI's constructs meet the same psychometric standards as general intelligence's constructs. This article casts their efforts into the framework of both historical and modern IQ-testing theory and research. It details David Wechsler's attempts to integrate EI into his tests and how his conception of a good clinician would be that of an emotionally intelligent clinician. Current theories and research on IQ also have a role in EI beyond what Roberts et al. described, including J. L. Horn's (1989) expanded model and A. R. Luria's (1966) neuropsychological research, and better criteria than the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery should be used in future EI studies. The authors look forward to more research being conducted on EI, particularly in future performance-based assessments.

  4. The Positive Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence during a Performance Review Discussion – A Psychophysiological Study (United States)

    Salminen, Mikko; Ravaja, Niklas


    Performance review discussions of real manager–subordinate pairs were examined in two studies to investigate the effects of trait emotional intelligence (EI) on dyad member’s felt and expressed emotions. Altogether there were 84 managers and 122 subordinates in two studies using 360 measured and self-reported trait EI. Facial electromyography, and frontal electroencephalography (EEG) asymmetry were collected continuously. Manager’s high trait EI was related to increased positive valence emotional facial expressions in the dyad during the discussions. The managers also had more EEG frontal asymmetry indicating approach motivation, than the subordinates. In addition, actor and partner effects and actor × partner interactions, and interactions between the role and actor or partner effect of trait EI were observed. Both actor and partner trait EI were related to more positive self-reported emotional valence. The results imply that trait EI has a role in organizational social interaction. PMID:28400747

  5. Discussion of a Possible Corrected Black Hole Entropy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miao He


    Full Text Available Einstein’s equation could be interpreted as the first law of thermodynamics near the spherically symmetric horizon. Through recalling the Einstein gravity with a more general static spherical symmetric metric, we find that the entropy would have a correction in Einstein gravity. By using this method, we investigate the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI gravity. Without matter field, we can also derive the first law in EiBI gravity. With an electromagnetic field, as the field equations have a more general spherically symmetric solution in EiBI gravity, we find that correction of the entropy could be generalized to EiBI gravity. Furthermore, we point out that the Einstein gravity and EiBI gravity might be equivalent on the event horizon. At last, under EiBI gravity with the electromagnetic field, a specific corrected entropy of black hole is given.

  6. Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the stress-burnout relationship: a questionnaire study on nurses. (United States)

    Görgens-Ekermans, Gina; Brand, Tamari


    To investigate inter-relationships between emotional intelligence (EI), work stress and burnout in a group of nurses in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The moderating effect of EI in the stress-burnout relationship and group differences (nurses working in different wards) in burnout were also investigated. Stress and subsequent burnout commonly threaten the occupational health and well-being of nurses in South Africa and elsewhere. Developing EI in nurses may increase individual stress resistance and combat burnout. A cross-sectional research design with anonymous questionnaires was conducted. Self-report data were used. Survey data were collected from 122 nurses working in different wards at four hospitals from a private hospital group. The Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test, Sources of Work Stress Inventory and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to measure EI, stress and burnout, respectively. Consistent inverse relationships between emotional control and management as dimensions of EI, and stress and burnout emerged. A differential effect of high vs. low EI on the stress-burnout relationship was evident. Workload and the work/family interface emerged as significant predictors of burnout. Respondents working in maternity, paediatric and ER wards reported more feelings of personal accomplishment than those working in general wards. Higher EI is significantly related with lower stress and burnout in a sample of South African nurses. The moderator effect of EI in the stress-burnout relationship suggests that enhanced EI may help diminish burnout development when chronic stress is experienced. EI developmental interventions, if introduced in nursing curricula, may increase emotional coping resources and enhanced social skills, which may benefit the long-term occupational health of nurses. This may be relevant in developing countries, where environmental stressors related to the organisational context (budget constraints) and wider social

  7. Are there gender differences in the emotional intelligence of resident physicians? (United States)

    McKinley, Sophia K; Petrusa, Emil R; Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, Carina; Mullen, John T; Smink, Douglas S; Scott-Vernaglia, Shannon E; Kent, Tara S; Black-Schaffer, W Stephen; Phitayakorn, Roy


    Because academic literature indicates that emotional intelligence (EI) is tied to work performance, job satisfaction, burnout, and client satisfaction, there is great interest in understanding physician EI. To determine whether gender differences in resident EI profiles mirror EI gender differences in the general population. A total of 325 residents in 3 types of residency programs (pathology, pediatrics, and general surgery) at 3 large academic institutions were invited electronically to complete the validated Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), a tool consisting of 153 items that cluster to 15 independent facets, 4 composite factors, and 1 global EI score. The response rate was 42.8% (n = 139, women = 84). Global EI was not significantly different between men and women resident physicians (p = 0.74). Women scored higher than men in the TEIQue facets impulse control (p = 0.004) and relationships (p = 0.004). Men scored higher than women in 2 facets, stress management (p = 0.008) and emotion management (p = 0.023). Within surgery (n = 85, women = 46), women scored higher than men in impulse control (p = 0.006), whereas men scored higher in stress management (p = 0.008). Men and women residents across 3 specialties demonstrated near-identical global EI scores. However, gender differences in specific TEIQue facets suggest that similar to the general population, men and women residents may benefit from specific training of different EI domains to enhance well-rounded development. The lack of significant gender differences within surgery may indicate that surgery attracts individuals with particular EI profiles regardless of gender. Future research should focus on the functional relationship between educational interventions that promote targeted EI development and enhanced clinical performance. Copyright © 2014 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Potential effects of fat mass and fat-free mass on energy intake in different states of energy balance. (United States)

    Stubbs, R James; Hopkins, M; Finlayson, G S; Duarte, C; Gibbons, C; Blundell, J E


    Recently models have attempted to integrate the functional relationships of fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) with the control of human energy intake (EI). Cross-sectional evidence suggests that at or close to EB, FFM is positively related to hunger and EI, whereas FM either shows a weak negative or no association with ad libitum EI. Further analysis suggests that the effects of FFM and FM on EI may be mediated by resting metabolic rate (RMR). These studies suggest that energy turnover is associated with EI and the largest determinant of energy requirements in most humans is FFM. During chronic positive EBs both FM and FFM expand (but disproportionately so), increasing energy demands. There is little evidence that an expanding FM exerts strong negative feedback on longer term EI. However, during chronic negative EBs FM, FFM and RMR all decrease but appetite increases. Some studies suggest that proportionate loss of FFM during weight loss predicts subsequent weight regain. Taken together these lines of evidence suggest that changes in the size and functional integrity of FFM may influence appetite and EI. Increases in FFM associated with either weight gain or high levels of exercise may 'pull' EI upwards but energy deficits that decrease FFM may exert a distinct drive on appetite. The current paper discusses how FM and FFM relationships influence appetite regulation, and how size, structure and functional integrity of FFM may drive EI in humans (i) at EB (ii) during positive EB and (iii) during negative EB.

  9. The impact of processing delay on the exposure index value (United States)

    Butler, M. L.; Brennan, P. C.; Last, J.; Rainford, L.


    Digital radiography poses the risk of unnoticed increases in patient dose. Manufacturers responded to this by offering an exposure index (EI) value to clinicians. Use of the EI value in clinical practice is encouraged by the American College of Radiology and American Association of Physicists in Medicine. This study assesses the impact of processing delay on the EI value. An anthropormorphic phantom was used to simulate three radiographic examinations; skull, pelvis and chest. For each examination, the phantom was placed in the optimal position and exposures were chosen in accordance with international guidelines. A Carestream (previously Kodak) computed radiography system was used. The imaging plate was exposed, and processing was delayed in various increments from 30 seconds to 24 hours, representing common delays in clinical practice. The EI value was recorded for each exposure. The EI value decreased considerably with increasing processing delay. The EI value decreased by 100 within 25 minutes delay for the chest, and 20 minutes for the skull and pelvis. Within 1 hour, the EI value had fallen by 180, 160 and 100 for the chest, skull and pelvis respectively. After 24 hours, the value had decreased by 370, 350 and 340 for the chest, skull and pelvis respectively, representing to the clinician more then a halving of exposure to the detector in Carestream systems. The assessment of images using EI values should be approached with caution in clinical practice when delays in processing occur. The use of EI values as a feedback mechanism is questioned.

  10. Trait emotional intelligence influences on academic achievement and school behaviour. (United States)

    Mavroveli, Stella; Sánchez-Ruiz, María José


    BACKGROUND. Trait emotional intelligence (trait EI or trait emotional self-efficacy) refers to individuals' emotion-related self-perceptions (Petrides, Furnham, & Mavroveli, 2007). The children's trait EI sampling domain provides comprehensive coverage of their affective personality. Preliminary evidence shows that the construct has important implications for children's psychological and behavioural adjustment. AIMS. This study investigates the associations between trait EI and school outcomes, such as performance in reading, writing, and maths, peer-rated behaviour and social competence, and self-reported bullying behaviours in a sample of primary school children. It also examines whether trait EI scores differentiate between children with and without special educational needs (SEN). SAMPLE. The sample comprised 565 children (274 boys and 286 girls) between the ages of 7 and 12 (M((age)) = 9.12 years, SD= 1.27 years) attending three English state primary schools. METHOD. Pupils completed the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Child Form (TEIQue-CF), the Guess Who peer assessment, the Peer-Victimization Scale, and the Bullying Behaviour Scale. Additional data on achievement and SEN were collected from the school archives. RESULTS. As predicted by trait EI theory, associations between trait EI and academic achievement were modest and limited to Year 3 children. Higher trait EI scores were related to more nominations from peers for prosocial behaviours and fewer nominations for antisocial behaviour as well as lower scores on self-reported bulling behaviours. Furthermore, SEN students scored lower on trait EI compared to students without SEN. CONCLUSIONS. Trait EI holds important and multifaceted implications for the socialization of primary schoolchildren. ©2010 The British Psychological Society.

  11. Correlation among perceived stress, emotional intelligence, and burnout of resident doctors in a medical college of West Bengal: A mediation analysis. (United States)

    Mitra, Satabdi; Sarkar, Aditya Prasad; Haldar, Dibakar; Saren, Asit Baren; Lo, Sourav; Sarkar, Gautam Narayan


    Perceived stress and burnout are by-products of powerless responsibility imposed on resident doctors. Emotional intelligence (EI) works as an adapting and coping tool. The objective of this study is to find out the role of work-related perceived stress on burnout and influence of EI on it. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from February to April 2016 among 63 resident doctors of different departments of Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospital. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire for background characteristics and work-related variables. Cohen perceived stress scale, Trait EI, and Shirom-Melamed burnout questionnaire were applied for measuring perceived stress, EI, and burnout, respectively. Statistical analysis was done with of SPSS version 22.0, and for mediation analysis, Andrew F. Hyne's SPSS macro was adopted. Nonparametric bootstrapping was done assuming small sample. Out of complete responses, 67%, 22.9%, and 9.8% were from clinical, paraclinical, and preclinical specialties, respectively. Burnout had a significant positive correlation with perceived stress and in negative correlation with EI-well-being and positive correlation with EI-self-control and sociability. Physical fatigue factor of burnout had a significant positive correlation with EI-emotionality. Perceived stress had a negative correlation with EI-well-being. On mediation analysis, assuming EI as a mediator, total, direct, and indirect effects of perceived stress on burnout were significant (burnout by perceived stress among resident doctors. This necessitates more attention by decision-makers toward this burning problem for the sake of care of caregivers.

  12. Physical and chemical trigger factors in environmental intolerance. (United States)

    Claeson, Anna-Sara; Palmquist, Eva; Nordin, Steven


    Individuals with environmental intolerance (EI) react to exposure from different environmental sources at levels tolerated by most people and that are below established toxicological and hazardous thresholds. The main aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of attributing symptoms to chemical and physical sources in the environment among individuals with different forms of self-reported EI and in referents. Cross-sectional data from a population-based study, the Västerbotten Environmental Health Study (n = 3406), were used and individuals with self-reported EI to chemicals, buildings, electromagnetic fields and sounds as well as a group with multiple EIs were identified. The Environmental-Symptom Attribution Scale was used to quantify degree to which health symptoms are attributed to 40 specific environmental exposures and sources, with subscales referring to the four types of EI. All EI groups, except the group with building related intolerance (BRI), reported more symptoms from the expected sources compared to the referents. In addition, individuals with chemical and sound intolerance reported symptoms from building related trigger factors, and individuals with electromagnetic hypersensitivity reported symptoms from chemical trigger factors. The study suggests that individuals with BRI react to fewer and more specific trigger factors than do individuals with other EIs, and that it is important to ask about different sources since three of the EI groups attribute their symptoms to a wide variety of sources in addition to the sources to which their EI implicates. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  13. The relationship between emotional intelligence and job stress in the faculty of medicine in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Introduction: health care professionals especially clinicians, undergo lots of job stress (JS. Emotional intelligence (EI is among the variables that appear to be associated with stress. It is also included among the ways adopted by the individuals in order to resist JS in the workplace. Thus, this study aims to investigate the relationship between EI and JS in the faculty members of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS. Methods: This was a correlational study performed on 202 faculty members of IUMS. The data was gathered through two valid and reliable questionnaires (Bradberry EI questionnaire and JS questionnaire, being analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA and linear regression analysis (α=0.05. Results: 142 individuals (70.30% filled out the questionnaires. 75% of the respondents were male and 98% were married. There was an inverse correlation between the total score of EI and the level of JS (r=-0.235, p=0.005. Moreover, among the factors of EI, self-awareness and self-management scores had significant inverse relationship with the level of JS. Linear regression analysis showed that the EI factors explained approximately 7% of the variance of JS levels of the teachers. Conclusions: Individuals with high EI have less JS. Since the EI can be taught, it can be expected that the JS of faculty members can be reduced through training them on emotional intelligence. Therefore, it is recommended that short-term training courses be scheduled and designed based on the concepts of EI for teachers, particularly clinicians.

  14. A comparative analysis of emotional intelligence in the UK and Australian radiographer workforce

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackay, S.J.; Baker, R.; Collier, D.; Lewis, S.


    Emotional intelligence (EI) in the UK radiographer workforce has been benchmarked using the trait emotional intelligence model and the profile of the profession in the UK has begun to emerge. There are cultural differences between countries that have been shown to have an effect on EI, therefore this paper aims to benchmark the Global and four factor scores of Trait EI in the Australian radiographer population; to explore any differences within the two main professional groupings, diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers, and to compare the Australian radiographer workforce scores with those of the UK previously published. The published and validated trait EI questionnaire of Petrides was used as the survey tool for the Global EI and the four factors of Well-being, Emotionality, Self-control and Sociability. There was only one difference found in the five factors studied between the UK and Australian radiographer workforce, that of Well-being (p ≤ 0.01). No differences emerged between the diagnostic and therapy disciplines nor was a relationship found between EI and the Australian leadership in contrast to the UK workforce findings. Differences were found in the demographic profiles of the two countries and the implications of the above findings are discussed. This paper has benchmarked the EI of the Australian workforce and found a difference in well-being between the UK and Australian radiographer workforce. The Australian diagnostic and therapy disciplines were no different in their EI profiles. No relationship was found between EI and leadership in the Australian radiographer workforce

  15. Prevalence of and risk factors for symptomatic urinary tract infection after endoscopic incision for the treatment of ureterocele in children. (United States)

    Moriya, Kimihiko; Nakamura, Michiko; Nishimura, Yoko; Kanno, Yukiko; Kitta, Takeya; Kon, Masafumi; Shinohara, Nobuo


    To clarify the impact of endoscopic incision (EI) for ureterocele as an initial procedure, by performing a retrospective chart review, focusing on the prevalence of and risk factors for symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) after EI. In the present study we included children with ureterocele, managed between September 1994 and April 2016, who were observed conservatively without additional surgical management after EI. Ureterocele was categorized as intravesical or ectopic. Symptomatic UTI was defined as either recurrent non-febrile or febrile UTI. The prevalence of and risk factors for symptomatic UTI were analysed using Cox proportional hazard models or Kaplan-Meier curves, and the log-rank test. A total of 36 children met the inclusion criteria. The median age of the participants at EI was 8.9 months. Eleven children had symptomatic UTIs (febrile, n = 9; recurrent non-febrile, n = 2) during the median follow-up of 75.5 months. Initial symptomatic UTI in each child occurred UTI-free rate after EI was 65.6%. The risk factors for symptomatic UTI were female gender, duplex system, ectopic ureterocele, and unchanged hydronephrosis after EI. The present study determined the critical period and risk factors for symptomatic UTI after EI for the treatment of ureterocele. The results suggest that when conservative management is indicated after EI, patients, especially those with risk factors, should be followed carefully at least for 25 months after EI for symptomatic UTI. © 2017 The Authors BJU International © 2017 BJU International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Early intervention services in psychosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Csillag, Claudio; Nordentoft, Merete; Mizuno, Masafumi


    AIM: Early intervention (EI) in psychosis is a comprehensive and evidence-based approach aimed at detection and treatment of psychotic symptoms in their early stages. This paper presents core features and noteworthy aspects of the evidence basis and limitations of EI, the importance of programme ....... Wider dissemination of EI services will probably benefit from better integration of potential funders, promotion of joint targets and shared financial or budgetary incentives....... overcome these difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: Funding for mental health in general and for EI services appears low relative to need. One key argument for better funding for EI can be found in its favourable cost-effectiveness, but not all stakeholders beyond mental health administrators are aware of this...

  17. Emotional Intelligence: Popular but Elusive Construct. (United States)

    Pfeiffer, Steven I.


    Important work of Daniel Goleman, Peter Salovey and John Mayer on emotional intelligence (EI) is discussed to illustrate recent theorizing on EI. The article discusses conceptual and measurement problems that presently challenge the usefulness of the EI construct and urges further research. (Author/CR)

  18. 75 FR 19969 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    .... 20100121, Draft EIS, DOI, CA, Stanford University Habitat Conservation Plan, Authorization for Incidental... Corridor, Propose to Construct Roadway Improvements from Farm-to-Market (FM) 2920 to Interstate Highway (IH... Mott, 512- 536-5964. EIS No. 20100124, Final EIS, NPS, CA, Prisoners Harbor Coastal Wetland Restoration...

  19. 78 FR 21969 - Gulf of Mexico (GOM), Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Western Planning Area (WPA) Lease Sale 233... (United States)


    .... ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS... Environmental Impact Statement (OCS EIS/EA BOEM 2012-019) (2012-2017 Multisale EIS), completed in July 2012, in... to the cumulative impacts on environmental and socioeconomic resources. The oil and gas resource...

  20. 78 FR 42544 - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Gulf of Mexico (GOM), Oil and Gas Lease Sale, Western Planning... (United States)


    ... Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) SUMMARY: Consistent with the regulations... 248; Central Planning Area (CPA) Lease Sales 227, 231, 235, 241, and 247, Final Environmental Impact... Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (OCS EIS/EA BOEM 2013-0118) (WPA 233/CPA 231 Supplemental EIS). The...