
Sample records for efficient designs analisis


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    Agcrista Permata Kusuma


    Full Text Available Abstrak Puskesmas Kedungmundu merupakan wilayah endemis DBD dengan kasus yang tinggi. Diperlukan upaya dalam menentukan kebijakan strategi pengendalian vektor secara efektif dan efisien. Analisis spasial dalam SIG dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui pola penyebaran dan daerah potensi penularan DBD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel wilayah memperhatikan proporsi sampel dengan jumlah sampel 146 responden. Pengambilan titik koordinat menggunakan GPS. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis spasial. Hasil perhitungan statistik spasial ANN diperoleh nilai Z-score = -11,054 terdapat pola spasial kasus DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kedungmundu. Nilai ANN = 0,52 < 1, artinya pola penyebaran kejadian DBD yang terjadi adalah berkerumun. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini sebaran kasus DBD memiliki keterkaitan secara spasial dengan kepadatan penduduk. Abstract Kedungmundu PHC is an endemich region with a high case. Be required to determine policy of vector control strategies effectively and efficiently. Spatial analsys in GIS can be used to determine the pattern of distribution and areas of DHF potential transmission. The type this research was analysis descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used a sample area of attention to the proportion of the sample with 146 respondents of total sample. Capturing the coordinates used GPS. Data analisys used univariat and spatial analisys. Result of ANN obtained a Z-score= -11,054, there was a spatial pattern of dengue cases in Kedungmundu PHC. ANN value = 0,52 < 1, it meant that the pattern of DHF distribution was clustered. The conclution of this research was DHF distribution cases has spatial correlation with density population.

  2. Analisis Penerimaan PAD Pada Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Tebo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eko Purnarianto


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aims to analyze potential, efficiency, effectivity and contribution of PAD admission at Department of Fishery and Animal Husbandry in Tebo Regencyincluding the strategy establishment to increase its revenue.The analysis used is a potential formula, efficiency ratio, effectivity ratio, contributions ratio and SWOT analysis.The results shows that the potential revenue of retribution slaughterhouse (RPH, the potential sales of livestock, and potential sales fishery product are beyond the current target. The efficiency level of retribution slaughterhouse (RPH and sales of fishery product is poor, but the sales of livestock is very efficient. Effectivity level of livestock and fishery product sales are low, whileretribution slaughterhouses(RPH is not effective regarded to its potential  but in the contrary for its target. Contribution of PAD admission of Fishery and Animal Husbandry Department is very low regarded Tebo Regency PAD. The result of SWOT analysis of retribution slaughter house (RPH admission using WO (Weakness-Opportunity strategy, livestock sales using SO (Strength-Oppurtunity strategy, and fishery product sales using ST (strength-threat strategy. Keywords: Retribution SlaughterHouse (RPH, Sales of Fishery, Livestock Sales, SWOT Analysis   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi, efisiensi, efektivitas dan kontribusi penerimaan PAD pada Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Teboserta menetapkan strategi untuk peningkatan penerimaan PAD. Analisis yang digunakan adalah rumus potensi, rasio efisiensi, rasio efektivitas, rasio kontribusi dan analisis SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi penerimaan retribusi rumah potong hewan (RPH, potensi penjualan hasil peternakan, potensi  penjualan hasil perikanan lebih besar dari target yang telah ditetapkan. Tingkat efisiensi retribusi RPH dan penjualan hasil perikanan tidak efisien, penjualan hasil peternakan sangat efisien. Tingkat

  3. Analisis Statistika dengan SPSS


    Mustari, Kahar


    Buku ini membahas tentang berbagai model analisis statistika yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang penelitian. Pembahasan buku ini dilengkapi pula dengan penerapan analisis statistika yang menggunakan program SPSS versi 20 sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk menerapkannya. Oleh karena itu, buku ini penting dibaca oleh mahasiswa atau peneliti yang melakukan pengolahan data penelitian.


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    Hardianto -


    Full Text Available Analisis SWOC merupakan salah satu langkah yang bisa diambil dalam membuat sebuah rencana strategis pendidikan. Analisis ini dilakukan untuk melihat secara mendalam situasi internal dan eksternal organisasi. Situasi internal yang dilihat adalah kekuatan (Strenghts dan kelemahan (Weaknesses organisasi pendidikan. Situasi eksternal berupa peluang (Opportinities dan tantangan (Challenges. Untuk membuat sebuah rencana strategis yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis setiap kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan. Teknik kartu salju (snow card bisa digunakan dalam melakukan analisis SWOC. Hasil analisis tersebut nantinya akan melahirkan kombinasi strategi kekuatan-peluang, kekuatan-tantangan, kelemahan-peluang dan kelemahan-tantangan.

  5. Efficient Learning Design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godsk, Mikkel

    This paper presents the current approach to implementing educational technology with learning design at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, by introducing the concept of ‘efficient learning design’. The underlying hypothesis is that implementing learning design is more than...... engaging educators in the design process and developing teaching and learning, it is a shift in educational practice that potentially requires a stakeholder analysis and ultimately a business model for the deployment. What is most important is to balance the institutional, educator, and student...... perspectives and to consider all these in conjunction in order to obtain a sustainable, efficient learning design. The approach to deploying learning design in terms of the concept of efficient learning design, the catalyst for educational development, i.e. the learning design model and how it is being used...

  6. Analisis Portofolio Syariah Optimal Menggunakan Model Mean Variance Efficient Portofolio (MVEP Dengan Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA

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    Laeli Nurani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini membahas analisis portofolio syariah optimum menggunakan model Mean-Variannce Efficient Portofolio (MVEP yang proses pemilihan sahamnya menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA dengan menggunakan kendala input (Standar Deviasi, Debt Earning Ratio, Book Value Share, Price Book Value Ratio dan kendala output (Return, Earning Per Share, Return On Equity, Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin, Price Earning Ratio. Data yang digunakan dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah saham-saham yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII periode 27 Juni 2014 – 18 Februari 2016. Hasil uji efisiensi dengan DEA-CCR dan DEA-BCC diperoleh 14 saham terpilih sebagai kandidat pembentuk portofolio, yaitu: ADRO, ASRI, BSDE INDF, INTP, ITMG, KLBF, LPKR, LSIP, PGAS, SMGR, SMRA, TLKM, dan UNVR. Dari ke-14 saham tersebut diperoleh 4 saham optimal dengan besar dana yang harus diinvestasikan pada masing-masing saham yaitu: TLKM (52%, UNVR (7%, LPKR (17% dan INDF (24% dengan ekspektasi keuntungan sebesar 0,000646 (0,06% resiko sebesar 0,01389 (1,4%.

  7. Analisis Harmonisa Inverter PWM Satu Fasa


    Rejeki Simanjorang


    Pada tesis ini dianalisis harmonisa inverter PWM satu fasa. Inverter PWM satu fasa yang akan ditinjau adalah inverter satu fasa jembatan penuh (konvensional) dan inverter komposit. Analisis difokuskan pada penentuan pola penyaklaran yang optimum agar pembangkitan harmonisa dan switching losses inverter rendah. Untuk menentukan pola penyaklaran optimum maka dilakukan analisis yang berbasis pada rangkaian ekivalen harmonisa inverter satu fasa. Dengan menggunakan pola penyaklaran optimum, kedua ...


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    Teguh Marhendi


    Full Text Available Kali Juana yang berada di Kabupaten Pati dan Kudus serta sebagian kecil di Kabupaten Grobogan dan Blora, merupakan kawasan banjir. Kejadian banjir di Kali Juana, sudah menjadi rutinitas setiap musim hujan.Dari Januari sampai bulan Mei 2016tercatat terjadi 11 kejadian banjir dibeberapa wilayah, seperti Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Undaan dan Mejobo (Kab. Kudus serta Pati, Margorejo dan Juwana (Kab. Pati. Kali Juana merupakan bifurkasi Kali Serang pada Pintu Wilalung, yang berfungsi sebagai pintu pengatur banjir (dibangun pada zaman Belanda tahun 1918, melalui Kali Babalan menuju ke Kali Juana. Tulisan inidimaksudkan untuk menganalisis penyebab kejadian banjir di Kali Juana. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan kajani dan analisis hujan serta mekanisme aliran. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi Kali Juana dari pertemuan Kali Logung di pintu Wilalung sampai hilir telah mengalami pendangkalan akibat kemiringan dasar atau topografi yang landai, dan mengakibatkan mudah terjadi sedimentasi sehingga mengurangi kapasitas pengaliran. Hal ini menyebabkan luapan banjir sering menggenangi wilayah Kabupaten Kudus dan Pati.

  9. Analisi matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un secondo insegnamento di Analisi Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. I concetti e i metodi fondamentali del calcolo differenziale ed integrale in più variabili, le serie di funzioni e le equazioni differenziali ordinarie sono presentati con l'obiettivo primario di addestrare lo studente ad un loro uso operativo, ma critico. L'impostazione didattica dell'opera ricalca quella usata nel testo parallelo di Analisi Matematica I. La modalità di presentazione degli argomenti ne permette un uso flessibile e modulare. Lo stile adottato privilegia la chiarezza e la linearità dell'esposizione. Il testo organizzato su due livelli di lettura. Uno, più essenziale, permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia, di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo e di trovare le giustificazioni dei principali r...

  10. Energy efficient design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Solar Applications and Energy Efficiency in Building Design and Town Planning (RER/87/006) is a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project of the Governments of Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, France, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia. The project began in 1988 and comes to a conclusion at the end of 1991. It is to enhance the professional skills of practicing architects, engineers and town planners in European countries to design energy efficient buildings which reduce energy consumption and make greater use of passive solar heating and natural cooling techniques. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) is the Executing Agency of the project which is implemented under the auspices of the Committee on Energy, General Energy Programme of Work for 1990-1994, sub-programme 5 Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ECE/ENERGY/15). The project has five main outputs or results: an international network of institutions for low energy building design; a state-of-the-art survey of energy use in the built environment of European IPF countries; a simple computer program for energy efficient building design; a design guide and computer program operators' manual; and a series of international training courses in participating European IPF countries. Energy Efficient Design is the fourth output of the project. It comprises the design guide for practicing architects and engineers, for use mainly in mid-career training courses, and the operators' manual for the project's computer program


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    Ogi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau besar dan kecil menjadi sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Salah satu pulau yang juga rentan terhadap perubahan iklim adalah pulau Bali. Dampak potensial adanya perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola hujan, peningkatan suhuudaradankenaikanpermukaanlaut. Sektoryangakanmenerimadampakperubahaniklimdengan serius adalah sektor kehutanan dan pertanian. Untuk mendukung upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi maka diperlukan informasi perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas iklim di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kecenderungan curah hujan, analisis perubahan suhu udara, analisis perubahan tipe iklim dan analisis pergeseran bulan basah, lembab dan kering. Data hujan yang digunakan adalah data hujan dari GPCC (1961-1998 dan BMKG Bali (19992008, sedangkan data suhu berasal dari BMKG Bali (2004-2008. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di pulau Bali secara umum sudah mengalami perubahan iklim. Tipe iklim berdasarkan Schmidt-Ferguson mengalami perubahan dari relatif basah menjadi agak kering. Suhu udara rata-rata bulanan serta curah hujan bulanan dan tahunan memiliki kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat. Bulan basah dan bulan kering telah mengalami pergeseran dan perubahan jumlahnya. Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap ekosistem hutan di Bali belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun terdapat beberapa implikasi perubahan iklim terhadap sektor kehutanan diantaranya kebakaran hutan dan perubahan jadwal penanaman.


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    Osa Omar Sharif


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti positioning restoran cepat saji McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, California Fried Chicken, A&W, dan Texas Chicken. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Bandung dengan mengambil sebanyak 400 responden. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis multidimensional scaling, analisis memberikan gambaran positioning dari restoran cepat saji yang ditampilkan dalam perceptual map. Restoran cepat saji yang memiliki layanan paling baik adalah McD dan yang memiliki layanan paling buruk adalah CFC. Restoran cepat saji yang memiliki rasa makanan paling enak adalah McD dan yang memiliki rasa makanan tidak enak adalah CFC. KFC dinilai paling ideal karena selalu berhasil menduduki peringkat satu dan dua jika dilihat dari sudut pandang restoran cepat saji yang lain. Pesaing terdekat McD adalah KFC. McD mendapatkan ranking pertama dari segi atribut layanan, kebersihan, variasi makanan, dan rasa makanan. Dengan posisi seperti ini McD seharusnya tetap menjaga kualitas layanan, kebersihan, variasi makanan, dan rasa makanan agar konsumen tetap memilih untuk datang ke McD. KFC sebaiknya tetap menjaga suasana yang membuat konsumen nyaman akan suasana di dalam atau diluar restoran


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    Devi Ariandini


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa dengan analisis menggambar. Tiga puluh empat siswa di kelas 8 di sekolah menengah pertama digunakan sebagai subyek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperlukan untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, menggambar analisis rubrik, dan wawancara. Identifikasi Kesalahpahaman ditentukan dengan menggambar siswa berdasarkan menggambar kriteria klasifikasi oleh Kose (2008. Siswa diperintahkan untuk menarik tentang konsep fotosintesis setelah proses pembelajaran. Gambar siswa dianalisis dengan rubrik dan setelah itu mereka diwawancarai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua tingkat kriteria menggambar dari tingkat 1 sampai 5 diidentifikasi. Dari hasil analisa, gambar paling banyak ditemukan adalah pada tingkat 4. Gambar pada tingkat 4 dikategorikan sebagai gambar lengkap konsep fotosintesis dan tidak ada kesalahpahaman ditemukan. Berdasarkan gambar mereka, ada siswa 2,9% diidentifikasi yang diselenggarakan kesalahpahaman. Ada perbedaan jumlah siswa yang diadakan kesalahpahaman antara gambar hasil analisis dan hasil wawancara. Dari hasil wawancara, ada siswa 35,2% dimiliki kesalahpahaman, lebih dari menggambar hasil analisis. Ini berarti bahwa identifikasi kesalahpahaman melalui analisis gambar tidak efektif. Kesalahpahaman siswa yang paling sering terjadi pada konsep fotosintesis adalah tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis. Faktor yang membuat kesalahpahaman siswa yaitu karena siswa itu sendiri dan lingkungannya. Kata Kunci: fotosintesis, kesalahpahaman, konsep, menggambar analisis

  14. Risk analysis in the chemical industry; Analisis de riesgos en la industria quimica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rea Soto, Rogelio; Sandoval Valenzuela, Salvador [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas has a group of risk analysis (GAR), specialized in the most advanced methodologies to apply them in diverse industries of the productive sector, such as the nuclear, the oil and the chemical industries. In this work the integrated methodology that the GAR uses to make risk analysis in the chemical and oil industries is described. These analyses have as an objective to make a meticulous evaluation of the system design, the operation practices, the maintenance and inspection policies and the emergency plans. [Spanish] El Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas cuenta con un grupo de analisis de riesgo (GAR), especializado en las metodologias mas avanzadas para aplicarlas en diversas industrias del sector productivo, como lo son la nuclear, la petrolera y la quimica. En este trabajo se describe la metodologia integrada que el GAR utiliza para realizar analisis de riesgos en las industrias quimica y petrolera. Estos analisis tienen como objetivo realizar una minuciosa evaluacion del diseno del sistema, las practicas de operacion, las politicas de mantenimiento e inspeccion y los planes de emergencia.

  15. Analisis pengaruh capital adequacy ratio (CAR) dan operational efficiency ratio (OER) terhadap return on assets (ROA) (Studi pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia)


    Maryadi, Eldi


    Tujuan dari penelitan ini adalah untuk menganalisis (1) perkembangan ROA, CAR dan OER pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia. (2) CAR dan OER terhadap ROA pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia periode 2009-2014. Data yang digunakan adalah data time series dari Laporan Keuangan tahunan Bank Umum Syariah Devisa di Indonesia periode 2009-2014, yaitu Bank BNI Syariah, Bank Mega Syariah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, dan Bank Mandiri Syariah. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskri...

  16. Analysis of efficiency of a solar dryer tunnel type of mango pulp; Analisis de la eficiencia de un secador solar tipo tunel para pulpa de mango

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chagoyan Serrano, Jose [Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico)


    A new method to assess the performance of a solar dryer is presented. It describes energy efficiency indicators to improve a commercial dryer design. First, a preliminary dryer design procedure is described step by step. Then, two different modes of a tunnel dryer are investigated: Batch and semi-continue operations. The results of the analysis show that, the thermal efficiency is not sufficient to rate de dryer performance. It is necessary to include the productivity of the drying process and the quality of the dried fruit. The drying process and productivity tend to go hand-in-hand but in opposite directions. That is to say, raising the thermal efficiency reduce the process productivity and conversely. The analysis also suggests that an agreement between the efficiency, productivity and the quality must be specified in the drier design. [Spanish] Se presenta un procedimiento nuevo para evaluar la operacion de un secador solar, con el cual se precisan indicadores de la eficiencia que pueden ser utiles para mejorar el diseno del equipo. Se empieza por describir los pasos de un procedimiento de diseno preliminar de un sistema de secado. Despues, se analizan cualitativamente dos secadores: uno que opera por lotes y el otro de modo semicontinuo. Los resultados del analisis muestran que, la eficiencia termica del equipo no es un criterio suficiente para evaluar su operacion; tambien se requiere tomar encuenta la productividad del proceso de secado y la calidad del producto final. Se concluye que la eficiencia termica y la productividad del proceso son conceptos encontrados. Es decir, la eficiencia termica del equipo no es un criterio suficiente para evaluar su operacion; tambien se requiere tomar en cuenta la productividad del proceso de secado y la calidad del producto final. Se concluye que la eficiencia termica y la productividad del proceso son conceptos encontrados. Es decir, la eficiencia termica solo se puede aumentar a costa de la productividad y viceversa

  17. Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan Dan Kinerja Layanan Automated Teller Machine (Atm) Bank Mandiri


    Setiawati, Lenny; Sugiharto, Toto


    Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja layananATM Bank Mandiri. Analisis Servqual yang terdiri atas dimensi tangible, realibility,responsiveness, assurance,dan empathy digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerjalayanan ATM. Sementara itu, Customer Satisfaction Index dan ImportancePerformance Analysis yang terdiri atas analisis kuadran dan analisis kesenjangandigunakan untuk menginvestigasi kepuasan pelanggan dan untuk mengidentifikasikandimensi layanan yang kiner...


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    Azizul Khakim


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KESELAMATAN TERMOHIDROLIK BULK SHIELDING REAKTOR KARTINI. Bulk shielding merupakan fasilitas yang terintegrasi dengan reaktor Kartini yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan sementara bahan bakar bekas. Fasilitas ini merupakan fasilitas yang termasuk dalam struktur, sistem dan komponen (SSK yang penting bagi keselamatan. Salah satu fungsi keselamatan dari sistem penanganan dan penyimpanan bahan bakar adalah mencegah kecelakaan kekritisan yang tak terkendali dan membatasi naiknya temperatur bahan bakar. Analisis keselamatan paling kurang harus mencakup analisis keselamatan dari sisi neutronik dan termo hidrolik Bulk shielding. Analisis termo hidrolik ditujukan untuk memastikan perpindahan panas dan proses pendinginan bahan bakar bekas berjalan baik dan tidak terjadi akumulasi panas yang mengancam integritas bahan bakar. Code tervalidasi PARET/ANL digunakan untuk analisis pendinginan dengan mode konveksi alam. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa mode pendinginan konvekasi alam cukup memadai dalam mendinginkan panas sisa tanpa mengakibatkan kenaikan temperatur bahan bakar yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Bulk shielding, bahan bakar bekas, konveksi alam, PARET.   ABSTRACT THERMAL HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BULK SHIELDING KARTINI REACTOR. Bulk shielding is an integrated facility to Kartini reactor which is used for temporary spent fuels storage. The facility is one of the structures, systems and components (SSCs important to safety. Among the safety functions of fuel handling and storage are to prevent any uncontrolable criticality accidents and to limit the fuel temperature increase. Safety analyses should, at least, cover neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculations of the bulk shielding. Thermal hydraulic analyses were intended to ensure that heat removal and the process of the spent fuels cooling takes place adequately and no heat accumulation that challenges the fuel integrity. Validated code, PARET/ANL was used for analysing the

  19. Analisis Semiotik Sajak Bulang Cahaya

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    Junaidi Junaidi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali makna tanda yang terdapat dalam sajak Bulang Cahaya karya Rida K Liamsi. Untuk menggali makna itu, pendekatan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sajak ini berisi tanda-tanda bersumber dari kosa kata Melayu lama. Sajak ini juga berisi simbol-simbol yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan orang Melayu. Penggunaan kata-kata Melayu lama dan simbol Melayu memperkuat setting Melayu dalam sajak ini. Analisis makna menunjukkan bahwa seseorang merasakan kedukaan sangat mendalam ketika cintanya harus berakhir, tetapi ia terus merasakan kerinduan dengan kekasihnya yang telah pergi. Mitos cinta yang terdapat dalam pusinya adalah orang tahu bahwa putus cinta itu menyakitkan tetapi orang tetap saja jatuh cinta.

  20. Membandingkan Tingkat Kemiripan Rekaman Voice Changer Menggunakan Analisis Pitch, Formant dan Spectogram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Subki


    Full Text Available Audio forensik merupakan salah satu ilmu yang mnyandingkan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan metode ilmiah dalam proses analisis rekaman suara untuk membantu dan mendukung pengungkapan suatu tindak kejahatan yang diperlukan dalam proses persidangan. Undang-undang ITE No.19 Tahun 2016 menyebutkan bahwa rekaman suara merupakan salah satu alat bukti digital yang sah dan dapat digunakan sebagai penguat dakwaan. Rekaman suara yang merupakan barang bukti digital sangatlah mudah dan rentan dimanipulasi, baik secara sengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terkait tingkat kemiripan antara rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli menggunakan analisis pitch, formant dan spectogram, rekaman suara yang dianalisis ada dua jenis rekaman suara yaitu suara laki-laki dan suara perempuan. Rekaman suara voice changer  dan rekaman suara asli, diekstrak menggunakan tools praat kemudian informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogrammenggunakan tools gnumeric. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa analisis rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli dapat menggunakan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogram, rekaman suara voice changer A memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang paling tinggi dengan rekaman suara asli pada posisi low pitch, sedangkan voice changer yang lain lebih sulit untuk diidentifikasi.

  1. Power-Efficient Design Challenges (United States)

    Pangrle, Barry

    Design teams find themselves facing decreasing power budgets while simultaneously the products that they design continue to require the integration of increasingly complex levels of functionality. The market place (driven by consumer preferences) and new regulations and guidelines on energy efficiency and environmental impact are the key drivers. This in turn has generated new approaches in all IC and electronic system design domains from the architecture to the physical layout of ICs, to design-for-test, as well as for design verification to insure that the design implementation actually meets the intended requirements and specifications. This chapter covers key aspects of these forces from a technological and market perspective that are driving designers to produce more energy-efficient products. Observations by significant industry leaders from AMD, ARM, IBM, Intel, nVidia and TSMC are cited, and the emerging techniques and technologies used to address these issues now and into the future are explored. Topic areas include: System level: Architectural analysis and transaction-level modeling. How architectural decisions can dramatically reduce the design power and the importance of modeling hardware and software together. IC (Chip) level: The impact of creating on-chip power domains for selectively turning power off and/or multi-voltage operation on: (1) chip verification, (2) multi-corner multi-mode analysis during placement and routing of logic cells and (3) changes to design-for-test, all in order to accommodate for power-gating and multi-voltage control logic, retention registers, isolation cells and level shifters needed to implement these power saving techniques. Process level: The disappearing impact of body-bias techniques on leakage control and why new approaches like High-K Metal Gate (HKMG) technology help but don't eliminate power issues. Power-efficient design is impacting the way chip designers work today, and this chapter focuses on where the most


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    Luki Eko Cahyono


    Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus. Data yang digunakan adalah data Primer. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data adalah Triangulasi Sumber dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, dan Threats (Analisis SWOT. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah (1 Hasil analisis Strenght (Kekuatan adalah sekolah sudah merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi sebagian besar indikator dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan sehingga meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sekolah. (2 Hasil analisis Weakness (kelemahan adalah keterbatasan anggaran dana dan sumber daya manusia baik peserta didik, pendidik, maupun tenaga kependidikan dalam pemenuhan seluruh unsur Standar Nasional Pendidikan. (3 Hasil analisis Opportunities (peluang adalah Pemberian workshop dan pelatihan kepada pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan sekolah, dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembiayaan serta evaluasi penganggaran yang baik memberikan dampak positif terhadap semua unsur operasional sekolah maupun sarana prasarana sekolah. (4 Hasil analisis Threats (Tantangan adalah perencanaan, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi serta tindak lanjut yang tidak dijalankan dengan manajemen yang baik dalam upaya pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan akan menghambat peningkatan kualitas pendidikan sekolah. (5 Hasil penerapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan pada SMP Negeri 2 Dolopo menggunakan analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa Kekuatan lebih besar daripada Kelemahan dan Peluang lebih besar dari Ancaman, yang berarti Standar Nasional Pendidikan telah terpenuhi dan menghasilkan Akreditasi Sekolah nilai A.

  3. Analysis of the methods for the achievement of comfort conditions of humidity and temperature in energetically efficient designs; Analisis de los mtodos para lograr condiciones de confort higrotermico en disenos energeticamente eficientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesa A., N. A.; Morillon G., D. [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)


    This paper presents the analysis of the tools commonly utilized in Bioclimatic Design, for the achievement of humidity an temperature comfort conditions in architectonic spaces. The analysis was performed by means of field studies and experimentally for different sport activities, carried out in spaces designed for each purpose. In the experimental part, inside ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured in the different spaces where sport activities were conducted, such as calisthenics, dance, judo, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, gymnastics and fencing. At the same time an inquiry was conducted among their occupants in respect to the thermal sensation they experimented while conducting such activities. The results obtained in the inquiry were compared with the results reported by other researchers, by means of tables and psychometric diagrams as optimum values for temperature comfort. As a conclusion it was decided that the graphic and mathematical methods analyzed, are based on a sedentary activity, therefore in using them for the design of spaces for different activities uncomfortable conditions are experimented with the consequential necessity of air conditioning, which implies energy consumption and the corresponding expenditure, lastly it is necessary to adapt these tools, that is, consider the activity that is going to be performed in the buildings. [Espanol] En este documento se presenta el analisis de las herramientas, comunmente utilizadas en Diseo Bioclimatico, para lograr el confort higrotermico de espacios arquitectonicos, el analisis se realizo mediante estudios de campo y experimental, para diversas actividades deportivas, llevadas a cabo en espacios disenados para ello. En la parte experimental, se tomaron mediciones de temperatura y humedad relativa internas, de los distintos espacios en los cuales se desarrollaban las actividades deportivas, tales como calistenia, danza, judo, lucha, trabajo con pesas

  4. Analysis of the methods for the achievement of comfort conditions of humidity and temperature in energetically efficient designs; Analisis de los mtodos para lograr condiciones de confort higrotermico en disenos energeticamente eficientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesa A, N A; Morillon G, D [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)


    This paper presents the analysis of the tools commonly utilized in Bioclimatic Design, for the achievement of humidity an temperature comfort conditions in architectonic spaces. The analysis was performed by means of field studies and experimentally for different sport activities, carried out in spaces designed for each purpose. In the experimental part, inside ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured in the different spaces where sport activities were conducted, such as calisthenics, dance, judo, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, gymnastics and fencing. At the same time an inquiry was conducted among their occupants in respect to the thermal sensation they experimented while conducting such activities. The results obtained in the inquiry were compared with the results reported by other researchers, by means of tables and psychometric diagrams as optimum values for temperature comfort. As a conclusion it was decided that the graphic and mathematical methods analyzed, are based on a sedentary activity, therefore in using them for the design of spaces for different activities uncomfortable conditions are experimented with the consequential necessity of air conditioning, which implies energy consumption and the corresponding expenditure, lastly it is necessary to adapt these tools, that is, consider the activity that is going to be performed in the buildings. [Espanol] En este documento se presenta el analisis de las herramientas, comunmente utilizadas en Diseo Bioclimatico, para lograr el confort higrotermico de espacios arquitectonicos, el analisis se realizo mediante estudios de campo y experimental, para diversas actividades deportivas, llevadas a cabo en espacios disenados para ello. En la parte experimental, se tomaron mediciones de temperatura y humedad relativa internas, de los distintos espacios en los cuales se desarrollaban las actividades deportivas, tales como calistenia, danza, judo, lucha, trabajo con pesas


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    Januar Israhmawan Putra


    Full Text Available Penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang tumbuh dengan pesat diikuti dengan banyak ber - munculan situs e-commerce yang merubah budaya dan gaya berbelanja masyarakat menjadi serba online. Pertumbuhan pasar e-commerce ini harus dibarengi dengan pelayanan yang akan diberikan kepada konsumennya secara baik agar konsumen merasa puas ketika bertran - saksi kepada perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen berbelanja online pada situs jual beli Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall. Variabel independent yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Website Design, Security, Information Quality, Payment Method, E-service Quality, Product Quality, Product Variety, Delivery Service dan variebel dependent adalah Customer Satisfaction. �e- �e- �e - sponden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall yang be - rada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 400 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling yaitu porposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data regresi berganda dan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa website design, information quality, product vaiety, delivery service berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam berbelanja online.


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    Desak Made Citrawathi


    Full Text Available melakukan analisis kebutuhan untuk pengembangan dan penyusunan modul inkuri berbasis pertanyaan (MIBP. MIBP disusun untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran sains agar dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep biologi, keterampilan proses sains, dan kemampuan berpikir siswa SMP. Pengembangan MIBP menggunakan model ADDIE. Prosedur pengembangan terdiri dari 5 tahap, yaitu 1 Menganalisis, 2 Mendisain, 3 Mengembangkan dan produksi, 4 Mengimplementasikan, dan 5 Mengevaluasi. Penelitian dilakukan dalam waktu 3 tahun. Pada tahun pertama ini dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dan mendisain MIBP. Subjek penelitian adalah guru IPA SMP Negeri dan Swasta di Kecamatan Buleleng. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, penyebaran angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan interpretatif. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa kurikulum yang digunakan di SMPN 1,SMPN 2, dan SMPN 4 adalah kurikulum 2013, sedangkan di SMP lainnya masih menggunakan kurikulum 2006. Kemampuan guru bertanya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains, penguasaan konsep, dan kemampuan berpikir belum optimal. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan guru 85,8 persen bersifat konvergen, dan 14,2 persen bersifat divergen. Berdasarkan pertanyaan menurut Taksonomi Bloom, pertanyaan yang diajukan guru 74,4 persen pertanyaan ingatan, 22,6 persen pemahaman, 2,68 persen aplikasi, dan 0,32 persen analisis. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru adalah memfasilitasi pembelajarannya dengan MIBP. Dari karakteristik perkembangan kognitifnya, siswa SMP dapat dibelajarkan dengan strategi inkuiri, dan guru setuju dengan pengembangan MIBP. Kata kunci: Kemampuan berpikir, keterampilan proses sains, Modul Inkuiri Berbasis Pertanyaan, penguasaan konsep Pertanyaan, penguasaan konsep Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for the development and preparation of question-based inquiry module (QBIM. QBIM was designed conceiv to

  7. Analisis Sektor/Sub Sektor Unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo

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    Gafur Gafur


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the leading sectors in Bungo. The method used is Location Quotient (LQ, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ, specialization index, Growth Ratio Model (MRP. Based on analysis of LQ and DLQ, there are only two basis sectors at present and in the future, namely the construction sector and trade, hotels and restaurants. Based on the analysis of Specialization Index, in Bungo Regency has a concentration of the economy in the agricultural sector and the manufacturing sector. Based on MRP analysis also showed that prominent sector growth at the level of Bungo and Jambi Province, namely electricity, gas and water supply; the building sector; and trade, hotels and restaurants. Keywords : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, Specialization Index, Growth Ratio Model   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan (MRP. Berdasarkan analisis LQ dan DLQ,  hanya ada 2 sektor yang menjadi sektor basis pada saat ini dan pada masa yang akan datang yaitu sektor bangunan dan sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Berdasarkan analisis Indeks Spesialisasi, di Kabupaten Bungo telah terjadi konsentrasi ekonomi pada sektor pertanian dan sektor industri pengolahan. Berdasarkan analisis MRP juga dapat diketahui bahwa sektor yang menonjol pertumbuhannya pada tingkat Kabupaten Bungo dan Provinsi Jambi yaitu sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih; sektor bangunan; serta sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Kata Kunci : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan

  8. Analisis dan Desain BI-Dashboard Monitoring Realisasi Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN

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    Ernestina Rahmanasari


    Full Text Available Transaksi keuangan badan pemerintahan tingkat daerah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Kementrian Keuangan melalui Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPNsetiap bulan dalam bentuk Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP. Laporan Keuangan, didukung dengan teknologi Business Intelligence(BI dashboarddapat dimanfaatkan sebagai data-driven decision support system yang mendorong performa kinerja. Analisis dan desainterhadap pembuatan BI dashboard menunjukkanbagaimana Laporan Keuangan dapat digunakan untuk monitoring realisasi penyerapan dana DIPA dan kinerja instansi secara tepat waktu dan interaktif.Analisis terdiri dari analisis Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU dan analisis Laporan Keuangan. IKUpada analisis dan desain ini mencakup ketercapaian estimasi dengan penerimaan, ketercapaian pagu dengan belanja, ketepatan waktu pengiriman rekonsiliasi oleh instansi, validasi, akurasi, dan ketepatan data. Desain terdiri dari katalog dashboard, alur analisis, sumber data, desain User-Interface, dan desain objek dashboard. Sedangkan dashboard yang dirancang menggunakan aplikasi Vera sebagai Enterprise System, mengakses basis data MySQL, dan menampilkan data dengan teknologi data-driven business-intelligence Qlikview. Desain aplikasi yang telah dibuat akan menampilkan 4 (empat Tab yaitu: Dashboard utama, Analisis, Monitoring, dan Laporan

  9. Semiotika Teks: Sebuah Pendekatan Analisis Teks

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    Yasraf Amir Piliang


    tanda-tanda yang membentuk apa yang disebut sebagai ‘teks’. Analisis teks, menurut Roland Barthes, akan menghasilkan makna denotatif, yakni makna tanda yang bersifat eksplisit, dan makna konotatif, yaitu makna tanda lapis kedua yang bersifat implisit.

  10. Microfinanza: analisi d’impatto di un programma in India

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    Tommaso Rondinella


    Full Text Available L’analisi d’impatto dei programmi di microfinanza è uno strumento utile sia per migliorare i servizi offerti sia per garantire ai donatori che il denaro concesso sia utilizzato per programmi efficaci nell’alleviare la povertà. Il presente lavoro è costituito da due parti: la prima è dedicata all’analisi d’impatto, la seconda all’analisi empirica sul campo. L’indagine è stata condotta attraverso l’utilizzo di uno strumento in grado di dare una indicazione chiara dei cambiamenti avvenuti nelle condizioni di vita dei beneficiari e con il pregio di essere applicabile a costi molto ridotti. I risultati ottenuti mostrano in che misura l’accesso al credito cambi le condizioni di vita dei più poveri inducendo consistenti aumenti del reddito familiare, dei risparmi, della diversificazione delle attività produttive e del consumo di cibo. Inoltre si osserva, all’interno dei nuclei familiari, un miglioramento della condizione femminile chiaramente dipendente dalla partecipazione al programma di microcredito

  11. Bioclimatic analysis and its impact within the design methodology; Analisis bioclimatico y su impacto dentro de la metodologia de diseno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuentes Fleixanet, Victor A; Rodriguez Viqueira Manuel [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F(Mexico)


    This paper is a proposal for the systematization of the process of bioclimatic design, particularly in its analytical stage. It is based on the proposals of the classic researchers such as: Olgyay, Givoni and Szokolay, but also in new contributions like those of Yeang. Nevertheless, it is about a methodology adapted to the specific requirements of teaching and research that are carried out in the Bioclimatic Design Laboratory of the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco Unit. What is presented here is a part of a very ample research project that intends to develop or to structure a design methodology that incorporates the environmental variables related to man and architecture: of course, with the objective of facilitating the designer work so that the final architectonic product has a more harmonic response to the environment, offers conditions of integral well- being to its occupants and be is efficient in the handling of the resources. It also looks for the definition of the necessary analysis, design and evaluation tools, necessary in order that the application of the methodology is clear, simple and can be carried out by any designer, even if he does not have a wide knowledge of bioclimatic design. [Spanish] Este trabajo es una propuesta para la sistematizacion del proceso de diseno bioclimatico, particularmente en su etapa analitica. Se basa en las propuestas de los investigadores clasicos como: Olgyay, Givoni y Szokolay, pero tambien en nuevas aportaciones como las de Yeang. Sin embargo se trata de una metodologia adaptada a los requerimientos especificos de docencia e investigacion que se llevan a cabo en el Laboratorio de Diseno Bioclimatico de la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco. Lo que aqui se presenta forma parte de un proyecto de investigacion muy amplio que pretende, desarrollar o estructurar una metodologia de diseno que incorpore las variables ambientales relacionadas con el hombre y la arquitectura: desde luego, con





    ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN PT. ASURANSI JIWASRAYA (PERSERO) CABANG SULAWESI SELATAN COMPANY FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS PT. INSURANCE JIWASRAYA (LIMITED) SOUTH BRANCH SULAWESI Astri Arianty Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Ali, SE., M.S Drs. Armayah Sida, M.Si Analisis terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pencapaian yang telah diperoleh perusahaan sebagaimana tujuan perusahaan dalam menjalankan proses produk...


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KONDISI TERAS REAKTOR DAYA MAJU AP1000 PADA KECELAKAAN SMALL BREAK LOCA. Kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh kehilangan pendingin (loss of coolant accident / LOCA dari sistem reaktor merupakan kejadian dasar desain yang tetap diantisipasi dalam desain reaktor daya yang mengadopsi teknologi Generasi II hingga IV. LOCA ukuran kecil (small break LOCA memiliki dampak yang lebih signifikan terhadap keselamatan dibandingkan LOCA ukuran besar (large break LOCA seperti terlihat pada kejadian Three-Mile Island (TMI. Fokus makalah adalah pada analisis small break LOCA pada reaktor daya maju Generasi III+ yaitu AP1000 dengan mensimulasikan tiga kejadian pemicu yaitu membukanya katup Automatic Depressurization System (ADS secara tak disengaja, putusnya salah satu pipa Direct Vessel Injection (DVI secara double-ended, dan putusnya pipa lengan dingin dengan diameter bocoran 10 inci. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi kejadian pada model AP1000 yang dikembangkan secara mandiri menggunakan program perhitungan RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.4. Dampak yang ingin dilihat adalah kondisi teras selama terjadinya small break LOCA yang terdiri dari pembentukan mixture level dan transien temperatur kelongsong bahan bakar. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa mixture level untuk semua kejadian small break LOCA berada di atas tinggi teras aktif yang menunjukkan tidak terjadinya core uncovery. Adanya mixture level berpengaruh pada transien temperatur kelongsong yang menurun dan menunjukkan pendinginan bahan bakar yang efektif. Hasil di atas juga identik dengan hasil perhitungan program lain yaitu NOTRUMP. Keefektifan pendinginan teras juga disebabkan oleh berfungsinya injeksi pendingin melalui fitur keselamatan pasif yang menjadi ciri reaktor daya AP1000. Secara keseluruhan, hasil analisis menunjukkan model AP1000 yang telah dikembangkan dengan RELAP5 dapat digunakan untuk keperluan analisis kecelakaan dasar desain pada reaktor daya maju AP1000. Kata kunci: analisis

  14. Perumusan Strategi Bersaing pada Perusahaan Ban dengan Metode Analisis Portofolio Produk (Studi Kasus: PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, Tbk

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    Nathanael August Zefanya


    Full Text Available Industri ban di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Namun, terjadinya krisis ekonomi global menjadi penyebab menurunnya pendapatan, salah satunya adalah PT MASA dengan produk utamanya yaitu ban mobil Achilles dan ban motor Corsa yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian ini. Telah diilakukan analisis PESTEL dan Porter’s Five Forces, identifikasi faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal dengan analisis SWOT serta merumuskan alternatif strategi bersaing untuk direkomendasikan kepada PT MASA. Perumusan strategi alternatif didapat dari hasil analisis Matriks BCG dan Matriks IE sebagai analisis portofolio untuk mendapatkan tema strategi alternatif dalam pembuatan Matriks SWOT. Strategi alternatif kemudian diperingkatkan dengan QSPM dan dilanjutkan pembuatan rencana aksi bagi PT MASA dalam waktu 5 tahun ke depan. Setelah dilakukan analisis industri, diketahui bahwa ancaman terbesar datang dari pesaing produsen ban. Dari hasil analisis portofolio, PT MASA berada di kuadran I karena memiliki koordinat IFE serta EFE 3,32 dan 3,26. Dari hasil analisis Matriks IE, PT MASA direkomendasikan untuk melakukan strategi grow and build. Hasil Matriks BCG menunjukkan bahwa Achilles berada di dogs, sementara Corsa berada di question marks. Terdapat 13 strategi alternatif hasil dari formulasi strategi dengan menggunakan matriks TOWS. Dari hasil analisis QSPM, terdapat 7 alternatif strategi terbaik dan rencana aksi..


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    Diana Puspita Sari


    Full Text Available PT Telkom memiliki misi untuk memberikan layanan One Stop Infocom dengan kualitas prima dan harga kompetitif. Kenyataannya, PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang mengalami penurunan pendapatan. Semakin berkembangnya layanan jasa fixed wireless yang lebih mudah dan murah, menyebabkan penurunan pemakaian jasa fixed wireline. Dengan konsumen melakukan pembelian pertama pada suatu produk tertentu dengan harga terjangkau, kualitas terjamin, maka konsumen akan kembali membeli produk tersebut, dan dampaknya dari fenomena ini adalah kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction terhadap produk tertentu karena telah memberikan kepuasan dan terjaminnya kualitas, walaupun banyak pesaing lain.  Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini membahas dan melakukan analisis kepuasan pelanggan fixed wireline PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang, menggunakan variabel kepuasan pelanggan untuk dikelompokkan menjadi tiga tingkatan yaitu pelanggan yang sangat puas, puas, dan tidak puas dengan menggunakan analisis klaster, kemudian dilakukan analisis variabel 4P Customer Relationship Management (CRM menggunakan analisis diskriminan, sehingga diketahui atribut yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan agar PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang dapat terus mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan dengan maksud kepuasan pelanggan tidak menurun agar dapat meningkatkan intensitas pemakaian fixed wireline. Kata kunci : analisis klaster, analisis diskriminan, kepuasan pelanggan, fixed wireline      PT Telkom has a mission to provide a One Stop Infocom services with excellent quality and competitive price. In fact, PT. Telkom Semarang Kandatel income decreased. The growing fixed wireless service is easier and cheaper, causes a decrease in the use of fixed wireline services.With the first consumer purchase a given product at an affordable price, guaranteed quality, then consumers will buy the product again, and the impact of this phenomenon is

  16. Historical-statistical analysis of energy consumption in energy management; Analisis historico-estadistico del consumo energetico en la administracion de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guizar Bejarano, Ruben [IMENOR (Mexico); Oven, Mark [RCG/Hagler, Bailly, Inc., Washington (United States)


    Traditionally the specific consumption of energy has been considered as the most adequate index to evaluate the efficiencies in the productive processes. Nevertheless, this index, in some instances is highly susceptible to suffer significant variations, due to factors such as equipment condition, raw materials quality, operational parameters, climate and production level. This last one definitely is the most important and requires a deeper analysis. In this presentation a methodology is developed to analyze the energy consumption as well as their specific energy consumption with respect to production. Enough historical data are utilized to allow for a statistical analysis. This study is of equal usefulness in an energy diagnosis, as in a management program of energy saving. In presenting the possibility of identifying potential energy saving, stands out the advantages of the analysis and the conclusions that can be derived from it. Through the actual data collected in several industries during the energy diagnosis, various possible results of the analysis are presented. Finally, how this type of analysis can be adapted to a more precise control of the energy consumption is described and be used as a base for establishing goals in energy efficiency in the long term. [Espanol] Tradicionalmente se ha considerado al consumo especifico de energia como el indice energetico mas adecuado para evaluar las eficiencias de los procesos productivos. Sin embargo, este indice es en ocasiones altamente susceptible a sufrir variaciones importantes, debido a factores como el estado de los equipos, la calidad de la materia prima, los parametros operativos, el clima, y el nivel de produccion. Este ultimo es decididamente el mas importante, y requiere un analisis mas profundo. En esta presentacion se desarrolla una metodologia para analizar tanto consumos de energia como consumos especificos de energia con respecto a la produccion. Se utilizan suficientes datos historicos para permitir

  17. Historical-statistical analysis of energy consumption in energy management; Analisis historico-estadistico del consumo energetico en la administracion de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guizar Bejarano, Ruben [IMENOR (Mexico); Oven, Mark [RCG/Hagler, Bailly, Inc., Washington (United States)


    Traditionally the specific consumption of energy has been considered as the most adequate index to evaluate the efficiencies in the productive processes. Nevertheless, this index, in some instances is highly susceptible to suffer significant variations, due to factors such as equipment condition, raw materials quality, operational parameters, climate and production level. This last one definitely is the most important and requires a deeper analysis. In this presentation a methodology is developed to analyze the energy consumption as well as their specific energy consumption with respect to production. Enough historical data are utilized to allow for a statistical analysis. This study is of equal usefulness in an energy diagnosis, as in a management program of energy saving. In presenting the possibility of identifying potential energy saving, stands out the advantages of the analysis and the conclusions that can be derived from it. Through the actual data collected in several industries during the energy diagnosis, various possible results of the analysis are presented. Finally, how this type of analysis can be adapted to a more precise control of the energy consumption is described and be used as a base for establishing goals in energy efficiency in the long term. [Espanol] Tradicionalmente se ha considerado al consumo especifico de energia como el indice energetico mas adecuado para evaluar las eficiencias de los procesos productivos. Sin embargo, este indice es en ocasiones altamente susceptible a sufrir variaciones importantes, debido a factores como el estado de los equipos, la calidad de la materia prima, los parametros operativos, el clima, y el nivel de produccion. Este ultimo es decididamente el mas importante, y requiere un analisis mas profundo. En esta presentacion se desarrolla una metodologia para analizar tanto consumos de energia como consumos especificos de energia con respecto a la produccion. Se utilizan suficientes datos historicos para permitir

  18. Pembuatan Dan Analisis Exciter Generator Rf Untuk Siklotron Proton Decy-13


    Prajitno, Prajitno


    PEMBUATAN DAN ANALISIS EXCITER GENERATOR RF UNTUK SIKLOTRON PROTON DECY-13.Telah dilakukan analisis dan pembuatan exciter generator RF untuk siklotron proton 13MeV. Generator RFakan digunakan sebagai sumber tegangan pemercepat bolak-Balik siklotron DECY-13 rancangan PTAPBBATAN.Berdasarkan dokumen rancangan dasar yang telah dibuat siklotron Decy-13 akan menggunakanmedan magnet 1,275 Tesla, sehingga frekuensi generator RF bila menggunakan harmonik keempat adalah77,667 MHz. Salah satu teknik pem...

  19. Thermodynamic analysis of combined cycle under design/off-design conditions for its efficient design and operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Guoqiang; Zheng, Jiongzhi; Xie, Angjun; Yang, Yongping; Liu, Wenyi


    Highlights: • Based on the PG9351FA gas turbine, two gas-steam combined cycles are redesigned. • Analysis of detailed off-design characteristics of the combined cycle main parts. • Suggestions for improving design and operation performance of the combined cycle. • Higher design efficiency has higher off-design efficiency in general PR range. • High pressure ratio combined cycles possess good off-design performance. - Abstract: To achieve a highly efficient design and operation of combined cycles, this study analyzed in detail the off-design characteristics of the main components of three combined cycles with different compressor pressure ratios (PRs) based on real units. The off-design model of combined cycle was built consisting of a compressor, a combustor, a gas turbine, and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The PG9351FA unit is selected as the benchmark unit, on the basis of which the compressor is redesigned with two different PRs. Then, the design/off-design characteristics of the three units with different design PRs and the interactive relations between topping and bottoming cycles are analyzed with the same turbine inlet temperature (TIT). The results show that the off-design characteristics of the topping cycle affect dramatically the combined cycle performance. The variation range of the exergy efficiency of the topping cycle for the three units is between 11.9% and 12.4% under the design/off-design conditions. This range is larger than that of the bottoming cycle (between 9.2% and 9.5%). The HRSG can effectively recycle the heat/heat exergy of the gas turbine exhaust. Comparison among the three units shows that for a traditional gas-steam combined cycle, a high design efficiency results in a high off-design efficiency in the usual PR range. The combined cycle design efficiency of higher pressure ratio is almost equal to that of the PG9351FA, but its off-design efficiency is higher (maximum 0.42%) and the specific power decreases. As for

  20. Analisis Aliran Daya Berbasis Injeksi Arus dalam Bentuk Vektor

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    Ahmad Wira Satriawan


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini memaparkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membandingkan metode analisis aliran daya berbasis injeksi arus dalam bentuk vektor dengan format polar dan rektangular. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh metode analisa aliran daya dengan perhitungan yang lebih cepat dan akurat, serta iterasi yang lebih sedikit. Metode iterasi Newton Raphson diadopsi dalam penelitian ini dan bahasa pemrograman Python serta library komputasinya digunakan. Analisis terhadap karakteristik konvergensi dari kedua format dilakukan pada IEEE 14-bus Test System. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa format rektangular lebih unggul dibandingkan format polar untuk kasus yang diteliti.


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    B. Poerwanto


    Full Text Available Abstract. Cluster Analysis, K-Means Algorithm, Student Classification. This study aims to classify students based on learning outcomes for subject the basic of statistics (DDS, which is measured based on attendance, task, midterm (UTS, and final exams (UAS to further used to evaluate learning for subjects that require analysis of quantitative . This study uses k-means cluster analysis to classify the students into three groups based on learning outcomes. After grouped, there are 3 people in the low category, 27 in the medium category and over 70% in the high category.Abstrak. Analisis Cluster K-Means dalam Pengelompokan Kemampuan Mahasiswa. Pene-litian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil belajar mata kuliah dasar-dasar statistika (DDS yang diukur berdasarkan variabel nilai kehadiran, tugas, ujian tengah semester (UTS, dan ujian akhir semester (UAS untuk selanjutnya digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran untuk mata kuliah yang membutuhkan kemampuan analisis kuantititatif yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis cluster k-means dalam mengelompokkan mahasiswa ke dalam tiga kelompok berdasarkan hasil belajarnya. Seteleh dikelompokkan, terdapat 3 orang yang masuk pada kategori rendah, 27 orang pada kategori sedang dan lebih dari 70% pada kategori tinggi.Kata Kunci: Cluster Analysis, K-Means Algoritma, Klasifikasi Mahasiswa, Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

  2. Klasifikasi Kecamatan Berdasarkan Nilai Akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Menggunakan Analisis Diskriminan

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    Fitriana A.R.


    Full Text Available Analisis diskriminan merupakan bagian dari analisis peubah ganda. Analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk memodelkan variabel tak bebas yang bersifat kualitatif dengan variabel bebas yang bersifat kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, analisis diskriminan lebih dari dua kelompok diterapkan pada data nilai akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model untuk pengklasifikasian kecamatan. Pengklasifikasian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kualitas siswa SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan berdasarkan data nilai akhir. Variabel tak bebas yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi kecamatan berdasarkan rata-rata jumlah nilai akhir SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan yang dibentuk dengan K-Means Cluster. Sedangkan variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah data rata-rata nilai akhir SMA/MA untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang diujiankan pada masing-masing jurusan setiap kecamatan. Model yang didapatkan adalah dua model diskriminan untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS.

  3. Pembelajaran Biokimia melalui Analisis Kasus-kasus Olahraga untuk Meningkatkan Sport Scientific Literaci Mahasiswa

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    - Erman


    Full Text Available Abstract: Biochemistry Teaching through Sport-case Analyses to Improve Students' Sport Scientific Literacy. This quasi-experimental study focuses on examining the effect of biochemistry teaching on students' sport scientific literacy (SSL. The study involved 107 students of a teacher training institution, selected using a stratified random sampling. The results of t-test utilizing pre-test and post-test control group design show that biochemistry teaching affects students' SSL, as indicated by the scores of the experimental group which were four times higher than those of the control group. The SSL level of the experimental group increased from level 2 (nominal and level 3 (functional to level 3 (functional, level 4 (conceptual, and level 5 (multidimensional. Abstrak: Pembelajaran Biokimia melalui Analisis Kasus-kasus Olahraga untuk Meningkatkan Sport Scientific Literaci Mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran biokimia melalui analisis kasus-kasus olahraga terhadap literasi sport scientific mahasiswa. Sebanyak 107 mahasiswa dari program studi ilmu keolahragaan sebuah LPTK di Surabaya dipilih sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan sampling random berstrata. Desain yang digunakan adalah desain pretest-posttest control group dari desain kuasi eksperimen. Data dianalisis dengan uji-t sampel independen. Hasil peneli­tian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran biokimia melalui analisis kasus-kasus olahraga merupakan suatu metode yang efektif untuk meningkatkan sport Scientific literacy (SSL mahasiswa. Rerata skor perolehan SSL yang diperoleh mahasiswa kelompok eksperimen sekitar 4 kali lebih tinggi daripada yang diperoleh mahasiswa kelompok kontrol. Tingkatan SSL mahasiswa naik dari level 2 (nominal dan level 3 (fungsional menjadi level 3 (fungsional, level 4 (konseptual, dan level 5 (multidimensional.

  4. Efficient pooling designs for library screening


    Bruno, William J.; Knill, Emanuel; Balding, David J.; Bruce, D. C.; Doggett, N. A.; Sawhill, W. W.; Stallings, R. L.; Whittaker, Craig C.; Torney, David C.


    We describe efficient methods for screening clone libraries, based on pooling schemes which we call ``random $k$-sets designs''. In these designs, the pools in which any clone occurs are equally likely to be any possible selection of $k$ from the $v$ pools. The values of $k$ and $v$ can be chosen to optimize desirable properties. Random $k$-sets designs have substantial advantages over alternative pooling schemes: they are efficient, flexible, easy to specify, require fewer pools, and have er...




    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja Economic Value Added (EVA) yang dicapai oleh perusahaan PT. Hadji Kalla, sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis perkembangan Economic Value Added (EVA), Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) dan The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the Economic Value Added (EVA), which is achieved by the company PT. Hadji Kalla...

  6. Application of the Pinch analysis for the design of a cogeneration system in a paper mill; Aplicacion del analisis Pinch para el diseno de un sistema de cogeneracion en una industria papelera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mani Gonzalez, A. G.; Arriola Medellin, A. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The Pinch Analysis is a set of principles, tools and rules for the design that allow the engineer find the best way to configure the elements of a process. In the last ten years it has been utilized for the design of new processes as well as in the energy optimization of existing processes. In this paper the tools utilized for the integration of a cogeneration system in a process for the production of paper is presented. It is also presented how the combined treatment of the Pinch Analysis and the exergy concept allows to define, before the detailed design, the cogeneration potential, the fuel consumption and the amount of pollutant emissions for different cogeneration schemes. [Espanol] El analisis Pinch es un conjunto de principios, herramientas y reglas de diseno que permiten al ingeniero encontrar la mejor manera de configurar los elementos de un proceso. En los ultimos diez anos se ha utilizado para el diseno de procesos nuevos asi como en la optimacion energetica de procesos existentes. En el presente articulo se presentan las herramientas utilizadas para la integracion de un sistema de cogeneracion en un proceso de produccion de papel. Se muestra tambien como el tratamiento combinado del analisis Pinch y el concepto de energia permite definir, antes del diseno detallado, el potencial de cogeneracion, el consumo de combustible y la cantidad de emisiones contaminantes para diferentes esquemas de cogeneracion.

  7. Application of the Pinch analysis for the design of a cogeneration system in a paper mill; Aplicacion del analisis Pinch para el diseno de un sistema de cogeneracion en una industria papelera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mani Gonzalez, A G; Arriola Medellin, A [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The Pinch Analysis is a set of principles, tools and rules for the design that allow the engineer find the best way to configure the elements of a process. In the last ten years it has been utilized for the design of new processes as well as in the energy optimization of existing processes. In this paper the tools utilized for the integration of a cogeneration system in a process for the production of paper is presented. It is also presented how the combined treatment of the Pinch Analysis and the exergy concept allows to define, before the detailed design, the cogeneration potential, the fuel consumption and the amount of pollutant emissions for different cogeneration schemes. [Espanol] El analisis Pinch es un conjunto de principios, herramientas y reglas de diseno que permiten al ingeniero encontrar la mejor manera de configurar los elementos de un proceso. En los ultimos diez anos se ha utilizado para el diseno de procesos nuevos asi como en la optimacion energetica de procesos existentes. En el presente articulo se presentan las herramientas utilizadas para la integracion de un sistema de cogeneracion en un proceso de produccion de papel. Se muestra tambien como el tratamiento combinado del analisis Pinch y el concepto de energia permite definir, antes del diseno detallado, el potencial de cogeneracion, el consumo de combustible y la cantidad de emisiones contaminantes para diferentes esquemas de cogeneracion.





    ABSTRAK Analisis Harga Pokok Produksi dan Penerapan Target Costing pada UD Wajuku Makassar The Analysis of The Cost of Goods Manufactured and Implementation of Target Costing in UD Wajuku Makassar Chaidir Hafid Asri Usman Syahrir Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhitungan harga pokok produksi baju kaos polos sebelum dan setelah penerapan metode target costing pada UD Wajuku Makassar. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Metode analisis dat...

  9. ANALISIS MANFAAT BIAYA LINGKUNGAN USAHA TERNAK BABI: STUDI KASUS DI DESA AMBARKETAWANG KECAMATAN GAMPING KABUPATEN SLEMAN (Benefit Cost Analysis of Pig Farming Environment: Case Study at Ambarketawang Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, Indonesia

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    Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan peternak dan kelayakan pengembangan usaha ternak babi secara finansial maupun ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Gamping. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dari responden peternak dan data sekunder dari instansi terkait. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan metode R/C Ratio, NPV (Net Present Value, dan IRR (Internal Rate of Return dengan umur ekonomis kandang selama 3 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis pendapatan secara finansial menghasilkan nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan penilaian secara ekonomi. Jenis penggemukan memberikanpendapatan tertinggi secara finansial, sedangkan secaraekonomi, dengan memperhitungkan lingkungan, jenis kombinasi memberikan pendapatan tertinggi. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa penurunan harga babi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan pendapatan peternak dibandingkan peningkatan harga pakan dan peningkatan biaya lingkungan. Jenis pembibitan paling peka terhadap analisis sensitivitas, sedangkan jenis kombinasi penggemukan dan pembibitan tidak begitu terpengaruhi.   ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to assess the farmer’s income and the feasibility of pig farming, financially as well as economically. The data used in this research were primary data from pig farmers and secondary data from relevant institution. Financial and economic analysis of income and feasibility study with NPV (Net Present Value, B/C ratio, IRR (Internal Rate of Return with economic barn value of 3 years, were applied in this research. The results showed that financially the fattening system gave the highest income, but the combination system was more efficient because it provided the highest income, but the combination system was more efficient because it provided the highest income, inspite of taking into consideration the environment effect. Sensitivity analysis showed that the pig price’s decline influenced the farmer

  10. Analisis Komoditi Unggulan Subsektor Tanaman Pangan di Sumatera Utara Tahun 2010 – 2014


    Sinaga, Terry Praganda


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan produksi komoditi tanaman pangan selama periode tersebut sehingga dapat menganalisis komoditi subsektor tanaman pangan yang menjadi unggulan di Sumatera Utara. Komoditi unggulan tersebut juga dijabarkan untuk setiap kabupatem/kota yang ada di Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan yaitu secara Convenience Sampling, dan metode analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan ba...

  11. Improving STEM Undergraduate Education with Efficient Learning Design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godsk, Mikkel


    The project investigates the potential of Learning Design for efficiently improving STEM undergraduate education with technology. In order to investigate this potential, the project consists of two main studies at Aarhus University: a study of the perspectives of the main stakeholders on Learning...... Design uptake. The project concludes that it is possible to improve STEM undergraduate education with Learning Design for technology-enhanced learning efficiently and that Efficient Learning Design provides a useful concept for qualifying educational decisions....... provided by technology-enhanced learning based on Learning Design, and in particular students’ learning was of a high common interest. However, only the educators were directly interested in Learning Design and its support for design, reuse in their practice and to inform pedagogy. A holistic concept...


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    Dewi Rachmatin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Analisis Klaster merupakan analisis pengelompokkan data yang mengelompokkan data berdasarkan informasi yang ditemukan pada data. Tujuan dari analisis klaster adalah agar objek-objek di dalam satu kelompok memiliki kesamaan satu sama lain sedangkan dengan objek-objek yang berbeda kelompok memiliki perbedaan. Analisis klaster dibagi menjadi dua metode yaitu metode hirarki dan metode non-hirarki. Metode hirarki dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu metode agglomerative (pemusatan dan metode divisive (penyebaran. Metode-metode yang termasuk dalam metode agglomerative adalah Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method dan Median Method. Pada artikel ini dibahas metode-metode agglomerative tersebut yang diterapkan pada data tingkat polusi udara. Masing-masing metode tersebut memberikan jumlah klaster yang berbeda.   Kata Kunci : Analisis Klaster, Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method dan Median Method.     ABSTRACT Cluster analysis is an analysis of the data classification based on information found in the data.The objective of cluster analysis is that the objects in the group have in common with each other, while the different objects have different groups. Cluster analysis is divided into two methods : the method of non-hierarchical and hierarchical methods.Hierarchical method is divided into two methods, namely agglomerative methods (concentration and divisive methods (deployment. The methods included in the agglomerative method is Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward 's Method, Method and Median Centroid Method. In this article discussed the agglomerative methods were applied to the data rate of air pollution. Each of these methods provides a different number of clusters.   Keywords: Cluster Analysis , Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward

  13. Risk analysis; Analisis de riesgos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baron, J H; Nunez McLeod, J; Rivera, S S [Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina). Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora (CEDIAC)


    This book contains a selection of research works performed in the CEDIAC Institute (Cuyo National University) in the area of Risk Analysis, with specific orientations to the subjects of uncertainty and sensitivity studies, software reliability, severe accident modeling, etc. This volume presents important material for all those researches who want to have an insight in the risk analysis field, as a tool to solution several problems frequently found in the engineering and applied sciences field, as well as for the academic teachers who want to keep up to date, including the new developments and improvements continuously arising in this field. [Spanish] Este libro contiene una seleccion de trabajos de investigacion realizados dentro del Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de la Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora en el area del analisis de riesgos, con una orientacion hacia el estudio de incertidumbres y sensibilidad, confiabilidad de software, modelacion de accidentes severos, etc. Este volumen recoge un material de indudable importancia e interes para todos aquellos investigadores y profesionales que desean incursionar en este campo del analisis de riesgos como herramienta para la solucion de problemas frecuentemente encontrados en la ingenieria y las ciencias aplicadas, asi como para los academicos que desean mantenerse al dia, conociendo los nuevos desarrollos y tecnicas que constantemente aparecen en su area.


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    Sukirman -


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi, menganalisis praktik pengelolaan lingkungan pada sentra industri kecil dibandingkan best practices dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja lingkungan di Kabupaten Pati. Kajian difokuskan pada pengelolaan lingkungan secara efektif dengan melibatkan variabel inisiatif lingkungan, keterlibatan karyawan, dan integrasi dengan supplier. Populasinya adalah seluruh perusahaan Industri Kecil di Kabupaten Pati. Sampel berjumlah 97 perusahaan. Teknik sampling menggunakan kluster sampling, dengan sampel pada sentra industri kecil di Kabupaten Pati.  Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik pengelolaan lingkungan pada sentra industri kecil di Kabupaten Pati belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Sementara itu, variabel integrasi supplier berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja perusahaan.The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze an environmental management practice which is compared to the best practices in order to improve environmental performance in the industrial centers in Pati District. This study focuses on managing the environment effectively by involving environmental initiative variables, employee involvement, and integration of suppliers. Population in this study was all small industrial enterprises in Pati regency which has 97 companies as data samples. Data were collected by using cluster sampling techniques, and samples were taken from small industrial centers in the District of Pati. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and comparative methods. Results of this study showed that environmental management practices in small industrial centers had not been implemented optimally. Meanwhile, supplier integration variables influenced directly toward corporate performance.

  15. Analisis Korelasi Kanonik Hubungan Perilaku Pemimpin dan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan

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    I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi


    Full Text Available Kualitas pemimpin merupakan penentu keberhasilan organisasi yang dipimpin. Hubungan antara pemimpin dengan karyawannya merupakan hubungan saling ketergantungan yang umumnya tidak seimbang. Dalam proses interaksi yang terjadi antara pemimpin dan karyawan, berlangsung proses saling memengaruhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan perilaku pemimpin terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik. Pengujian dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemimpin dengan motivasi karyawan memiliki keeratan hubungan dengan nilai korelasi kanonik sebesar 0,9058533. Faktor perilaku pemimpin yang paling tinggi berkorelasi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan di McDonald’s Kuta Beach adalah faktor kemampuan mengarahkan dan menghadapi karyawan dengan nilai korelasi yaitu sebesar 0,7619707.

  16. Analisis Korelasi Kanonik Hubungan Perilaku Pemimpin dan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan

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    I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi


    Full Text Available Kualitas pemimpin merupakan penentu keberhasilan organisasi yang dipimpin. Hubungan antara pemimpin dengan karyawannya merupakan hubungan saling ketergantungan yang umumnya tidak seimbang. Dalam proses interaksi yang terjadi antara pemimpin dan karyawan, berlangsung proses saling memengaruhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan perilaku pemimpin terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik. Pengujian dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemimpin dengan motivasi karyawan memiliki keeratan hubungan dengan nilai korelasi kanonik sebesar 0,9058533. Faktor perilaku pemimpin yang paling tinggi berkorelasi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan di McDonald’s Kuta Beach adalah faktor kemampuan mengarahkan dan menghadapi karyawan dengan nilai korelasi yaitu sebesar 0,7619707.


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    Toni MT Munthe


    Full Text Available PT. ABC merupakan salah satu pabrik yang memproduksi botol kemasan kaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak atau tidaknya rencana investasi pada proyek Narrow Neck Press and Blow secara finansial di PT. ABC pada periode bulan April 2014 hingga bulan Juni 2014. Analisis kelayakan finansial proyek Narrow Neck Press and Blow, menggunakan metode analisis Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period dan Sensitivity Analysis. Perbedaan antara nilai sekarang dari semua kas masuk dengan nilai sekarang dari semua kas keluar dari suatu proyek atau suatu investasi diperoleh dengan metode NPV, sedangkan untuk mencari tingkat bunga yang menyamakan nilai sekarang dari aliran kas bersih dan investasi diperoleh dengan metode IRR. Metode analisis yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa lamakah waktu yang diperlukan untuk menutup dana yang dikeluarkan untuk suatu proyek dapat diperoleh dengan metode Payback Period. Setelah itu, dilakukan pengujian menggunakan sensitivitas analisis untuk mengetahui tingkat sensitivitas untuk tiap-tiap parameter terhadap persentase kenaikan dan penurunan. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 1.179.728.649.900,06, nilai IRR sebesar 56,36% dan periode pengembalian terletak pada 2 tahun 2 bulan 9 hari. Dengan menggunakan analisis sensitivitas dapat diketahui bahwa proyek ini sangat sensitif terhadap penurunan volume produksi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, titik impas akan dicapai apabila volume produksi 213.403.267 unit per tahun atau 88,92% dari volume produksi awal. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila volume produksi pada suatu periode mengalami penurunan lebih dari 11,08% dari volume produksi awal, maka investasi tersebut akan merugikan.

  18. Analisis Industri Ritel Di Indonesia


    Soliha, Euis


    This article presents an overview the analisys of retail industry in Indonesia.Retail industry in Indonesia grow rapidly. Industrial presence of modern retailbasically exploits public shopping pattern especially middle-weight and to which donot want to mill around in traditional market. Analysis Five Forces is used toanalysis retail industry. Analysis five force is bargaining power of buyers,bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, threat of new substituteproducts, and rivalry a...


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    Haryo Santoso


    Full Text Available Produk-produk yang menggunakan bahan polystyrene dengan jenis extruded polystyrene (PS merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Salah satu kandungan yang terdapat pada polystyrene adalah karsinogen yang dapat menyebabkan kanker. Kandungan karsinogen akan terurai selama 100 tahun pada tanah dan 7 tahun pada tubuh manusia Penelaahan kembali desain dan melakukan substitusi material menggunakan pendekatan rekayasa nilai (value engineering dan analisis daur hidup dapat menghasilkan produk dengan nilai atau value yang lebih baik. Rekayasa nilai merupakan suatu metoda yang didasarkan pada pemahaman bahwa fungsi yang disandang oleh sebuah produk merupakan kunci untuk mencapai nilai yang lebih baik, sedangkan analisis daur hidup bertujuan mengevaluasi dampak lingkungan dari suatu produk dan menurunkan pertanggungan terhadap lingkungan. Pemanfaatan limbah di CV. Piranti Works pada model alat potong kuku dengan mengintegrasikan rekayasa nilai dan analisis daur hidup bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai atau value yang lebih baik dari segi lingkungan, serta sebagai langkah awal mengurangi penggunaan polystyrene. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menunjukkan bahwa limbah kayu pada CV. Piranti Works dapat dioptimalkan serta memberikan nilai tambah dan layak untuk menggantikan bahan polystyrene secara lingkungan, sekaligus visi perusahaan yang menuju arah sustainabilitas dapat tercapai. Kata Kunci : rekayasa nilai, analisa daur hidup, polystyrene, alat potong kuku. Abstract Products that use materials polystyrene with the type of extruded polystyrene (PS is one source of pollutan to the environment and human health. One of the content contained on polystyrene is a carsinogens that can cause cancer. The content of carsinogens will decompose over 100 years on land and 7 years in human body. Review of re-design and material substitution using value engineering aprroach and life cycle analysis can produce products with a value or a

  20. Design-Efficiency in Security

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yuksel, Ender; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming

    In this document, we present our applied results on balancing security and performance using a running example, which is based on sensor networks. These results are forming a basis for a new approach to balance security and performance, and therefore provide design-­efficiency of key updates. We...

  1. Analisis Value Chain Di Industri Otomotif


    Hendri, Hendri


    Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis industri otomotif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui aktivitas dan kondisi internal proses industri manufaktur dengan menggunakan value chain guna masukan dimasa akan datang bagi industri otomotif secara khusus. Value Chain merupakan rantai nilai yang dapat mengetahui kekuatan Perusahaan, keuntungan dan kesuksesan dari rantai aktivitas dalam Perusahaan atau industri manufaktur.Metode analisis menggunakan Statistika Deskript...

  2. The Analisis Sentimen Sosial Media Twitter Dengan Algoritma Machine Learning Menggunakan Software R

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    Jaka Aulia Pratama


    Full Text Available Media sosial adalah wadah untuk mengungkapkan opini terhadap suatu topik tertentu. Ketersediaan informasi dan opini dari para pengguna media sosial merupakan kumpulan dokumen data berupa teks yang amat sangat besar dan berguna untuk kepentingan penelitian maupun membuat suatu keputusan bagi pihak – pihak tertentu. Text Mining bisa didefinisikan sebagai proses penggalian informasi di mana pengguna berinteraksi dengan kumpulan dokumen dari waktu ke waktu dengan menggunakan suatu alat analisis. Analisis sentimen atau Opinion Mining adalah salah satu studi di bidang komputasi yang berhubungan dengan kasus publik mengenai opini, penilaian, sikap, dan emosi. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode Machine Learning pada analisis sentimen pengguna layanan jejaring sosial Twitter terhadap Donald Trump dan Barack Obama dalam 20000 tweets. Nilai akurasi metode Machine Learning yang diperoleh cukup tinggi yaitu 87.52% untuk Data Training dan 87.4% untuk Data Testing.

  3. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis methodology in a level-I PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment); Analisis de incertidumbres y sensibilidad aen un APS (Analisis Probabilistico de Seguridad) nivel-I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nunez McLeod, J E; Rivera, S S [Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina). Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora (CEDIAC)


    This work presents a methodology for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, applicable to a probabilistic safety assessment level I. The work contents are: correct association of distributions to parameters, importance and qualification of expert opinions, generations of samples according to sample sizes, and study of the relationships among system variables and system response. A series of statistical-mathematical techniques are recommended along the development of the analysis methodology, as well different graphical visualization for the control of the study. (author) [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta una metodologia de analisis de sensibilidad e incertidumbres, aplicable a un analisis probabilistico de seguridad (APS) de nivel I. En el cual se plantea: la adecuada asociacion de distribuciones a variables, la importancia y penalizacion de la opinion de expertos, la generacion de muestras y su tamano, y el estudio de las relaciones entre las variables del sistema y la respuesta de este. Ademas durante el desarrollo de la metodologia de analisis se recomiendan una serie de tecnicas estadistico-matematicas y tipos de visualizacion grafica para el control del estudio. (autor)

  4. Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo - Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food

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    Doriana Dal Palù


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta il complesso tema della progettazione del suono del cibo, ponendo l’aspetto al centro del processo progettuale e considerandolo come un reale requisito di progetto. Sono messe in luce le potenzialità del progettare il suono, ma anche le difficoltà attuali da tenere in considerazione. Si propone l’applicazione di SounBe, una metodologia ed uno strumento brevettati che traggono origine dal mondo della psicoacustica e dell’analisi sensoriale, permettendo di confrontare attraverso una procedura standardizzata suoni di campioni di materiali o di cibi. È riportata una prima applicazione sperimentale e sono discusse le prospettive future nel mondo del cibo. ------ This paper deals with the complex theme of food sound design, focusing this issue at the core of the design process and considering it as a real project requirement. Some opportunities of sound design will be proposed, as well as some criticalities to be always considered. It will propose the application of SounBe, a patented method and tool developed drawing information from psychoacoustics and sensory analysis fields, that allows to compare by a standardized procedure the sounds produced by material samples or foodstuffs. A first experimental application of the method will be presented and, in conclusion, several future perspectives in the world of food will be discussed.


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    D.T. Sony Tjahyani


    Full Text Available Kejadian Fukushima telah menunjukkan bahwa kecelakaan parah dapat terjadi, maka dari itu sangatlah penting untuk menganalisis tingkat keselamatan pada reaktor daya. Berdasarkan rekomendasi expert mission IAEA setelah kejadian Fukushima, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya kecelakaan parah yaitu dengan melakukan proses pendinginan yang maksimal. Dalam konsep keselamatan fasilitas nuklir, khususnya reaktor daya telah diterapkan konsep keselamatan berlapis (Defence in Depth, DiD. Konsep keselamatan tersebut terdiri atas 5 level pertahanan yang bertujuan mencegah dan mengurangi lepasan produk fisi ke masyarakat dan lingkungan pada saat reaktor daya mengalami kecelakaan. Dalam reaktor telah didesain sistem atau tindakan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk mengatasi setiap level tersebut. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah menentukan probabilitas kecelakaan parah dengan melakukan skenario kegagalan sistem dalam proses pendinginan di reaktor. Sebagai obyek analisis adalah reaktor daya AP1000, karena jenis reaktor ini sedang banyak dibangun saat ini. Skenario dilakukan dengan mengasumsikan beberapa kombinasi kegagalan sistem yang termasuk dalam DiD level 2 dan 3. Kegagalan sistem kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis pohon kegagalan berdasarkan perangkat lunak SAPHIRE ver. 6.76. Dari analisis didapatkan probabilitas gagal dari kelompok sistem DiD level 2 dan 3 pada AP1000 masih di bawah batas kriteria dari IAEA yaitu lebih kecil dari 10-2, serta probabilitas kecelakaan parah didapatkan sebesar 6,17 x 10-10. Berdasarkan analisis ini disimpulkan bahwa AP1000 mempunyai tingkat keselamatan yang cukup tinggi, karena melalui skenario kegagalan sistem didapatkan probabilitas kecelakaan parah yang sangat kecil.   ABSTRACT Fukushima accident has shown that severe accident could be occurred, therefore it is important to analyze safety level of nuclear power plants. Based on the recommendations of IAEA expert mission after the Fukushima accident

  6. Analisis Kebijakan dan Efektivitas Organisasi

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    Amir Syarifudin Kiwang


    Full Text Available Penerapan Peraturan Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pada Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur adalah dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kerja organisasi pada UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak kebijakan organisasi terhadap efektivitas organisasi dengan menggunakan enam elemen variabel dari kebijakan dan praktik manajemen. Keenam elemen tersebut adalah penetapan tujuan strategis, pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber daya, lingkungan prestasi, proses komunikasi, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, serta adaptasi dan inovasi organisasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data model Miles dan Huberman, yang terdiri atas reduksi data, display/penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM belum berjalan secara baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal antara lain, belum adanya tenaga spesialisasi pengelola diklat dan tenaga khusus (sarjana di bidang perkoperasian dan kondisi lingkungan kerja (lingkungan prestasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM yang belum efektif. Penempatan pegawai juga belum tepat, mutasi ke UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM tidak memperhatikan latar belakang pendidikan dan spesialisasi/keahlian pegawai sehingga membutuhkan waktu dalam proses penyesuaian serta menurunkan jumlah pelaksanaan diklat dikarenakan keterbatasan alokasi dana.


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    Mohamad Adha Akbar


    Full Text Available Informasi mengenai beberapa aspek perikanan huhate sangat diperlukan sebagai bahan untuk perencanaan pengelolaan perikanan yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Larantuka, Flores Timur pada tahun 2014 dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis perikanan huhate sebagai salah satu tulang punggung perikanan TCT. Kegiatan penelitian diprioritaskan pada analisis unit alat tangkap, daerah penangkapan, komposisi hasil tangkapan dan estimasi Total Faktor Produktivitas (TFP perikanan huhate. Basis data pengukuran adalah himpunan  data pendaratan dan observasi lapang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakteristik armada terdiri dari kapal yang terbuat dari fibreglass dengan kisaran bobot kapal 6 - 30 GT. Daerah penangkapan di sekitar perairan Laut Sawu dan Laut Flores. Hasil tangkapan utama didominansi oleh cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis sebanyak 82%, juwana tuna (Thunnus spp. 17% dan tongkol (Auxis spp. 1% serta hasil tangkapan ikutan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus dan marlin (Makaira spp. < 1%. Hasil analisis tangkapan per unit upaya (CPUE memberikan nilai rata-rata sebesar 1,1 ton/trip (0,4-1,7 ton/trip dengan nilai tertinggi terjadi pada Februari, sedangkan terendah terjadi pada Januari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tren bulanan CPUE dan nilai TFP.


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    Bakhrani Rauf


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengelolaan lingkungan permukiman di Kabupaten Soppeng pada aspek: (1 penyediaan dan penanganan lahan terbuka hijau (open space; (2 penyediaan dan penanganan drainase; (3  penanganan sampah; (4 penyediaan dan penanganan pembuangan veses (septic tank. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei.  Sampel wailayah penelitian ini adalah satu RW di ibu kota kabupaten dan satu RW di desa yang dipilih dengan metode purpossive sampling,  yaitu RW yang sudah maju di ibu kota kabupaten dan RW yang tertinggal di desa. Responden sebanyak 50 kepala keluarga yakni masing-masing 25 kepala keuarga di setiap RW, dipilih dengan  systematic random sampling.  Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah melakukan observasi langsung dan dilengkapi dengan wawancara terhadap responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan permukiman di Kabupaten Soppeng pada aspek: (1 ketersediaan dan penanganan lahan terbuka hijau (open space ditemukan belum memadai; (2 ketersediaan drainase (air kotor dan air hujan ditemukan belum memadai; (3 Penanganan sampahbelum memadai; dan (4 penanganan veses dan penyediaan septic tankbelum memadai.

  9. High-efficiency design optimization of a centrifugal pump

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heo, Man Woong; Ma, Sang Bum; Shim, Hyeon Seok; Kim, Kwang Yong [Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Design optimization of a backward-curved blades centrifugal pump with specific speed of 150 has been performed to improve hydraulic performance of the pump using surrogate modeling and three-dimensional steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes analysis. The shear stress transport model was used for the analysis of turbulence. Four geometric variables defining the blade hub inlet angle, hub contours, blade outlet angle, and blade angle profile of impeller were selected as design variables, and total efficiency of the pump at design flow rate was set as the objective function for the optimization. Thirty-six design points were chosen using the Latin hypercube sampling, and three different surrogate models were constructed using the objective function values calculated at these design points. The optimal point was searched from the constructed surrogate model by using sequential quadratic programming. The optimum designs of the centrifugal pump predicted by the surrogate models show considerable increases in efficiency compared to a reference design. Performance of the best optimum design was validated compared to experimental data for total efficiency and head.

  10. Analisis Perbandingan Material Slab Beton Pada Perkerasan Apron Dengan Menggunakan Program Bantu Elemen Hingga

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    Hendrawan Setyo Warsito


    Full Text Available Kekuatan slab beton sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis material yang dipakai. Jenis material yang dimaksud adalah material beton dengan menggunakan PC (Portland Cement dan penggunaan geopolimer dalam komposisi campuran slab beton. Beton geopolimer merupakan beton yang ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan lain yang timbul adalah letak roda pesawat tidak selalu berada pada titik yang sama disuatu permukaan slab beton apron. Pada tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis suatu slab beton yang dibebani roda pesawat dengan campuran variasi material beton dan variasi letak roda pesawat pada slab beton dengan program bantu metode elemen hingga. Dengan data pergerakan pesawat, spesifikasi apron bandara Juanda kondisi eksisting. Dilakukan perhitungan tebal slab beton menggunakan software FAARFIELD dan diperoleh tebal slab beton sebesar 442,5 mm. Dari analisis program bantu elemen hingga dapat diperoleh tegangan pada slab beton yang ditimbulkan oleh pembebanan roda pesawat. Hasil validasi dari analisis tegangan menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga dengan analisis Westergaard yaitu memiliki nilai tegangan yang hampir sama pada ketebalan slab beton 450mm. Nilai tegangan tiap-tiap material beton menunjukan nilai tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk tipe pesawat tertentu. Dari analisis menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk material slab beton PC yaitu sebesar 425mm. Sedangkan untuk material beton geopolimer yaitu sebesar  415 mm.

  11. Efficiency analysis in the application of indicators LEED-ND, the arid zone of the north of Mexico, case of study: Parajes del Sur, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua; Analisis de la eficiencia en la aplicacion de indicadores LEED-ND, en la zona arida del norte de Mexico, caso de estudio: parajes del sur, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pena Barrera, Leticia [Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)


    This article presents the analysis realized to the urban design of a colony applying the indicators of The Leadership in Energy (LEED-ND). The advantages that represent as far as impact are established and also the limits are pointed out, evaluating their efficiency in the application of indicators to improve performance and energy saving. Based on the analysis applied to the colony under study, some right solutions in the urban design are obtained that should be established as a part of the in force standardization. Nevertheless, the follow up to this same company in other developments, reflects that the proposals are not determined as a strategy of self planning but only to fulfill the asked requirements, obtaining a result with smaller impact and as an index that allows offering residential alternatives in the city tending to the sustained development. [Spanish] Este articulo presenta el analisis realizado al diseno urbano de un fraccionamiento aplicando los indicadores de The Leadership in Energy (LEED-ND). Se establecen las ventajas que presenta en cuanto a impacto y tambien se senalan las limitantes, evaluando su eficiencia en la aplicacion de indicadores para mejorar desempeno y ahorro energetico. Con base en el analisis aplicado al fraccionamiento en estudio, se tienen algunas soluciones acertadas en el diseno urbano que debieran establecerse como parte de la normatividad vigente, sin embargo, el seguimiento a esta misma empresa en otros desarrollos, refleja que las propuestas no estan determinadas como una estrategia de planeacion propia sino unicamente para cumplir con los requerimientos solicitados, obteniendo un resultado con menor impacto y como indice que permitan ofrecer alternativas habitacionales en la ciudad tendientes al desarrollo sostenido.


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    Bambang Susanto


    Full Text Available Abstract. Sumedang regency is one of the 26 regency in West Java. Sumedang is a   district of the capital of West Java, which has a wide range of culture and tourism. Culinary tourism especially know already known nationally. To further develop other tourist tours in Sumedang district   need to do breakthrough one of the breakthrough by exploiting the existing potential. Jatigede reservoir,in addition to its designation for hydroelectric power and irrigation, jatigede reservoir can also be developed towards the tour of water tourism. Development of water tourism area in order to provide benefits for the surrounding community, of course, need to do preliminary studies for the benefits far greater than the cost incurred. Therefore, for scientific purposes, it is necessary to conduct an academic study in the form of Financial Feasibility Analysis. Based on the analysis of financial feasibility, it can be concluded that water tourism in Jatigede Reservoir Sumedang have benefits. It’s   the results of a positive net prese nt value analysis, internal rate of return greater than the interest rate of banks and benefit cost greater than on. Keywords: Financial Feasibility; Water Tour.   Abstrak. Kabupaten Sumedang merupakan salah satu dari 26 Kabupaten Kota yang ada dipropinsi Jawa barat. Sumedang merupakan kabupaten penyangga Ibu kota propinsi Jawa barat , yang memiliki  beraneka  ragam  budaya dan wisata. Wisata kuliner terutama tahu sudah dikenal secara nasional. Untuk lebih mengembangkan wisata wisata lain yang ada di kabupaten Sumedang tentunya perlu dilakukan terobosan  terobosan salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan potensi yang ada. Waduk jatigede salah satunya , selain peruntukannya untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga air dan kepentingan irigasi,  waduk jatigede  juga dapat dikembangkan kearah wisata yaitu  wisata air. Pembangunan  kawasan wisata air agar dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar, tentunya perlu dilakukan studi

  13. Analisis Model Penelusuran Backward Chaining dalam Mendeteksi Tingkat Kecanduan Game pada Anak

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    Anastasya Latubessy


    Full Text Available Game addiction rate can be detected by applying expert system. This study developed a model of game addiction analysis using backward chaining. This model uses six types of game addiction behavior, among others, salience, euphoria, conflict, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse and reinstatement. Someone is said to be addicted to the game if it meets at least three types of game addiction behavior. Testing the validity of the model is done by testing the closeness of the agreement between the model analysis and expert analysis, resulting in a value of 0.78 which means having a strong agreement. Tingkat kecanduan game dapat dideteksi dengan mengaplikasikan sistem pakar. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model analisis tingkat kecanduan game menggunakan backward chaining. Model ini menggunakan enam jenis perilaku kecanduan game antara lain, salience, euphoria, conflict, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse dan reinstatement. Seseorang dikatakan kecanduan game jika memenuhi paling sedikit tiga jenis perilaku kecanduan game. Pengujian validitas model dilakukan dengan menguji keeratan kesepakatan antara analisis model dan analisis pakar, menghasilkan nilai 0,78 yang berarti memiliki keeratan kesepakatan kuat.

  14. Estetika Tari Minang dalam Kesenian Randai Analisis Tekstual-Kontekstual

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    Sri Rustiyanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT   This paper reveals textual and contextual Randai, among other things, an analysis of Gerak Ga­ lombang Randai, an analysis of the character of Anak Randai, and at the end of the study series, to reveal the values contained in Randai as a cultural reality, which in principle is an inseparable part of the existence of Minangkabau community as the cultural support. The variety of motion used in Gerak Galombang Randai is not only a decoration of the motion beauty (tangible, but it also can be translated, as well as a symbol or emblem that has educational meanings (intangible, and can be an example of the daily life of the indigenous Minangkabau society.   Keywords: Minang Dance aesthetic, Randai, textual­contextual analysis     ABSTRAK   Tulisan ini mengungkap teksual dan kontekstual Randai, di antaranya, analisis terhadap gerak galombang Randai, analisis karakter tokoh anak Randai, dan sebagai akhir dari rang- kaian penelitian ini, mengungkapkan nilai-nilai yang terdapat pada Randai sebagai realitas budaya, yang pada prinsipnya merupakan bagian yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari eksistensi masyarakat Minangkabau sebagai penyangga kebudayaan. Ragam gerak yang digunakan dalam gerak galombang Randai itu kiranya tidak hanya sekedar hiasan keindahan gerak be- laka (tangibel, namun ia dapat diterjemahkan, sekaligus merupakan simbol atau lambang yang bermakna  mendidik (intangibel, dan dapat   menjadi teladan dalam kehidupan se- hari-hari dalam masyarakat adat di Minangkabau.   Kata Kunci: estetika Tari Minang, Randai, analisis tekstual-kontekstual

  15. Principle design of an energy efficient transfemoral prosthesis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veltink, P.H.; Ünal, Ramazan; Eberle, W.; Hekman, Edsko E.G.; Carloni, Raffaella; Koopman, Hubertus F.J.M.; Stramigioli, Stefano


    In the pursuit of realizing an energy efficient transfemoral prosthetic, in this paper we present a preliminary study on a principle design. In particular, the design is based on the idea that the efficiency of the system can be realized by energetically coupling the knee and the ankle joints. In


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    Sukmanto Dibyo


    Full Text Available Reaktor Riset Inovatif (RRI merupakan jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor yang dipersiapkan ke depan sebagai desain reaktor baru. Daya RRI telah ditetapkan dari perhitungan neutronik dan termohidrolika teras yaitu 50 MW termal. Reaktor bertekanan 8 kgf/cm2 dan laju aliran massa pendingin primer 900 kg/s. Tantangan yang penting dalam menindak lanjuti desain reaktor ini adalah analisis desain pada sistem pendingin. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain proses sistem pendingin utama reaktor RRI daya 50 MW (RRI-50 dengan menggunakan program Chemcad 6.1.4. Dalam analisis ini dilakukan perhitungan neraca massa dan energi (mass/energy balances pada sistem pendingin primer dan sekunder sebagai pendingin utama. Masing-masing sistem pendingin tersebut terdiri dari 2 jalur beroperasi secara paralel dan 1 jalur redundansi. Disamping itu untuk desain termal unit komponen telah dianalisis dengan program RELAP5, frenchcreek dan Metoda Analitik. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh adalah desain diagram sistem pendingin yang mencakup data parameter entalpi, temperatur, tekanan dan laju aliran massa pendingin untuk masing-masing jalur. Adapun hasil desain unit komponen utama pada RRI-50 adalah tangki tunda dengan volume 51,5 m3, 2 unit pompa sentrifugal dan 1 unit pompa cadangan pada pendingin primer daya 141 kW/pompa dan pendingin sekunder daya 206 kW/pompa, 2 unit penukar panas tipe shell-tube dengan koefisien termal overall 1377 W/m2.oC dan 4 unit menara pendingin yang mampu melepaskan panas ke udara dengan desain temperatur approach 5,0 oC dan temperatur range 9,0 oC. Desain sistem pendingin reaktor RRI-50 ini telah menetapkan parameter operasi sistem pendingin yaitu temperatur, tekanan dan laju aliran massa pendingin dengan mempertimbangkan tuntutan aspek keselamatan teras reaktor sehingga desain temperatur maksimum pendingin masuk ke teras 44,5 oC. Kata kunci : RRI 50 MW, desain sistem pendingin, program Chemcad 6.1.4   Innovative Research Reactor RRI


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    Umar Umar


    Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbaikan sistem pentanahan site Kampung Baru dengan menggunakan konfigurasi single point connection window (SPCW, untuk mengamankan sistem telekomunikasi dari kebocoran arus dan petir serta imbasnya.  Perbaikan sistem pentanahan di site Kampung Baru menggunakan banyak elektroda yang membentuk persegi dikarenakan topografi tempat di sana yang memungkinkan dan efektif adalah menggunakan sistem tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan perhitungan perbaikan sistem di site Kampung Baru, didapatkan nilai perhitungan sistem pentanahan adalah 1.34 Ohm serta pengukurannya 1.21-1.25 Ohm.


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    Sarwono Sarwono


    Full Text Available RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage index of soybean in Indonesia from 1983 up to 2013 is less than one, mostly. It means that the competitiveness of soybean in Indonesia is low. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influence the soybean competitiveness. OLS (Ordinary Least Square was used as the analysis method. Hypotheses test based on that analysis model is not bias, so that, classic divergence test is needed. It is for getting the Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE appraisal. T statistic and F statistic were also applied. The result of this research shows that production and export have positive and significant influence. In addition, exchange rate and government policy do not influence the Indonesia soybean competitiveness.Indeks RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage kedelai Indonesia dari tahun 1983-2013 kecenderungan bernilai kurang dari satu yang berarti daya saing kedelai Indonesia rendah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing kedelai Indonesia.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS.Pengujian hipotesis berdasarkan model analisis tersebut tidak bias maka perlu dilakukan uji penyimpangan klasik yang tujuannya agar diperoleh penaksiran yang bersifat Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE.Pengujian statistik menggunakan uji t statistikdan uji f statistik.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi dan ekspor berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia. Nilai tukar rupiah dan kebijakan pemerintah tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia.

  19. Analisis Pengaruh Display Interior Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Konsumen Indomaret Pontianak

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    Ana Fitriana


    Full Text Available Pembelian impulsif adalah kecenderungan membeli produk atau jasa dengan tidak terencana, selanjutnya ketika pembelian sering tidak terencana, maka umumnya konsumen membeli produk atau jasa yang tidak terdaftar dalam daftar belanja. Sejalan dengan tujuan pemasar, pembelian tidak terencana ini berdampak sangat positif bagi pihak perusahaan. Salah satu perilaku konsumen yang sangat penting adalah perilaku belanja impulsif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh display interior pada Indomaret Pontianak terhadap impulsive buying konsumennya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen Indomaret Pontianak, sebanyak 100 responden dipilih secara accidental sampling sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode pengumpulan data primer dengan teknik pengumpulan data kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas dan reliabilitas, analisis koefisien determinasi, analisis regresi berganda dan uji hipotesis.Hasil perhitungan data menggunakan SPSS for windows ver 16 menunjukan secara simultan pengaruh display interior terhadap impulsive buying diketahui berpengaruh sebesar 61,31%. Sedangkan 38,69% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti didalam penelitian ini. Secara parsial tiga variabel bebas yaitu pengadaan barang, pengelompokan barang, dan penyusunan barang dan pencahayaan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Impulsive buying.   Kata kunci — Pengadaan barang, Pengelompokan barang, Penyusunan barang dan pencahayaan, Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif

  20. Design for energy efficiency: Energy efficient industrialized housing research program. Progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kellett, R.; Berg, R.; Paz, A.; Brown, G.Z.


    Since 1989, the U.S. Department of Energy has sponsored the Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing research program (EEIH) to improve the energy efficiency of industrialized housing. Two research centers share responsibility for this program: The Center for Housing Innovation at the University of Oregon and the Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central Florida. Additional funding is provided through the participation of private industry, state governments and utilities. The program is guided by a steering committee comprised of industry and government representatives. This report summarizes Fiscal Year (FY) 1990 activities and progress, and proposed activities for FY 1991 in Task 2.1 Design for Energy Efficiency. This task establishes a vision of energy conservation opportunities in critical regions, market segments, climate zones and manufacturing strategies significant to industrialized housing in the 21st Century. In early FY 1990, four problem statements were developed to define future housing demand scenarios inclusive of issues of energy efficiency, housing design and manufacturing. Literature surveys were completed to assess seven areas of influence for industrialized housing and energy conservation in the future. Fifty-five future trends were identified in computing and design process; manufacturing process; construction materials, components and systems; energy and environment; demographic context; economic context; and planning policy and regulatory context.

  1. Analisis Reduksi Intensitas Cahaya Pada Smartphones’ Screen Protector Dan Dampaknya Pada Mata

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    Bhekti Kumorowati


    Full Text Available Analisis reduksi intensitas cahaya yang melewati screen protector dan identifikasi kemampuan screen protector sebagai pelindung mata dilakukan dengan mengukur reduksi intensitas cahaya menggunakan luxmeter, kemudian menetapkan fokus bahasan yang mencakup kemampuan cahaya menembus screen protector dan analisis fisis screen protector sebagai pelindung mata. Peran sebagai pelindung mata dikaji melalui pendekatan peristiwa polarisasi yaitu proses terserapnya sebagian arah getar cahaya. Dihasilkan sebagian arah getar cahaya layar smartphone sebelum masuk ke mata akan terserap oleh screen protector sehingga dapat memperlambat terjadinya degenerasi makula. Rekomendasi pemilihan screen protector bergantung pada besarnya koefisien atenuasi (koefisien penyerapan yang dimiliki masing-masing screen protector. Koefisien atenuasi terbesar dimiliki oleh screen protector jenis anti spy.

  2. A design guide for energy-efficient research laboratories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wishner, N.; Chen, A.; Cook, L. [eds.; Bell, G.C.; Mills, E.; Sartor, D.; Avery, D.; Siminovitch, M.; Piette, M.A.


    This document--A Design Guide for Energy-Efficient Research Laboratories--provides a detailed and holistic framework to assist designers and energy managers in identifying and applying advanced energy-efficiency features in laboratory-type environments. The Guide fills an important void in the general literature and compliments existing in-depth technical manuals. Considerable information is available pertaining to overall laboratory design issues, but no single document focuses comprehensively on energy issues in these highly specialized environments. Furthermore, practitioners may utilize many antiquated rules of thumb, which often inadvertently cause energy inefficiency. The Guide helps its user to: introduce energy decision-making into the earliest phases of the design process, access the literature of pertinent issues, and become aware of debates and issues on related topics. The Guide does focus on individual technologies, as well as control systems, and important operational factors such as building commissioning. However, most importantly, the Guide is intended to foster a systems perspective (e.g. right sizing) and to present current leading-edge, energy-efficient design practices and principles.

  3. Keefektifan Konseling Behavioral Teknik Modeling dan Konseling Analisis Transaksional Teknik Role Playing untuk Meminimalkan Kecenderungan Perilaku Agresif Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    I Ketut Gading


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling using modeling technique and counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique to minimize student’s tendency of aggressive behavior. This experimental research with pretest-posttest control group design is taking samples using purposive sampling technique. The sample were 18 tenth grade students from Senior High School Laboratorium Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha who have high aggressive behavior. 18 sample were randomly assigned to three group, that is: (1 experimental group of behavioral counseling using modeling technique; (2 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique group; and (3 control group. Data on aggressive behavior tendency before and after treatment were collected using questionnaire of aggressive behavior, then analyzed by t test. The results show: (1 behavioral counseling using modeling technique were effective to minimize the tendency of aggressive behavior; (2 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique were effective to minimize the aggressive behavior; and (3 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique were more effectively minimizes the tendency of aggressive behavior rather than behavioral counseling using modeling technique. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan konseling behavioral teknik modeling dan konseling analisis transaksional teknik role playing untuk meminimalkan kecenderungan perilaku agresif siswa. Penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design ini mengambil sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel terdiri dari 18 orang siswa kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA Laboratorium Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha yang memiliki perilaku agresif tinggi. 18 sampel dibagi secara acak dan merata pada tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1 kelompok eksperimen yang mendapatkan perlakuan konseling behavioral teknik modeling; (2

  4. Analisis Termal High Pressure Feedwater Heater di PLTU PT. XYZ

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    Maria Ulfa Damayanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak- PT. XYZ mengoperasikan tiga unit Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU unit 3, 7 dan 8 berkapasitas 2.030 MegaWatt. Pada PLTU Paiton unit 7 dan 8 terdapat delapan buah feedwater heater yaitu empat buah Low Pressure Water Heater (LPWH, tiga buah High Pressure Water Heater (HPWH, dan sebuah dearator. Pada PLTU Paiton unit 7 dan 8 terdapat kerusakan pada HPWH 6 yang menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi dari siklus secara keseluruhan. Penurunan efisiensi dapat terjadi karena temperatur feedwater sebelum masuk ke boiler terlalu rendah, sehingga kalor yang dibutuhkan oleh boiler untuk memanaskan feedwater meningkat. Oleh karena itu konsumsi batubara akan meningkat dan menyebabkan terjadi kenaikan biaya operasional harian dalam sistem pembangkit. Dari data Divisi Produksi PT. XYZ Unit 7 dan 8 diperoleh spesifikasi HPWH 6, 7, dan 8 dan propertis fluida dalam HPWH 6, 7, dan 8. Data tersebut digunakan sebagai dasar analisis termal yang meliputi performa masing-masing HPH. Tahap selanjutnya dalam analisis termal adalah memvariasikan beban 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, dan 105%. Tahap terakhir analisis adalah menghitung performa dengan variasi sumbatan (plug 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% sesuai dengan variasi beban. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah nilai effectiveness tertinggi tercapai pada pembebanan 100% serta menghasilkan pressure drop tertinggi pada pembebanan 105%, nilai effectiveness terbesar serta nilai pressure drop terkecil terjadi pada zona Condensing, serta sumbatan (plugging pada HPH akan menyebabkan penurunan nilai effectiveness dan kenaikan pressure drop sisi tube.

  5. Methodology for bioclimatic design; Metodologia para el diseno bioclimatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morillon Galvez, David [Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    A methodology for natural air conditioning of buildings is presented; bioclimatic architecture, in order to contribute to the suitable use of components of the building (walls, ceilings, floors, orientations, etc.) that when interacting with the environment takes advantage of it, without deterioration of the same, obtaining energy efficient designs. As well as an analysis of the elements and factors that the architecture must have to be sustainable; an adequate design to the environment, saving and efficient use of energy, the use of alternating energies by means of ecotechnologies and the self-sufficiency. [Spanish] Se presenta una metodologia para la climatizacion natural de edificios; arquitectura bioclimatica, con el objetivo de aportar al uso adecuado de componentes del edificio (muros, techos, pisos, orientaciones, etc.) que al interactuar con el ambiente tome ventaja de el, sin deterioro del mismo, logrando disenos energeticamente eficientes. Asi como un analisis de los elementos y factores que debe tener la arquitectura para ser sustentable; un diseno adecuado al ambiente, ahorro y uso eficiente de la energia, el uso de energias alternas mediante ecotecnologias y la autosuficiencia.

  6. Efficient logistic regression designs under an imperfect population identifier. (United States)

    Albert, Paul S; Liu, Aiyi; Nansel, Tonja


    Motivated by actual study designs, this article considers efficient logistic regression designs where the population is identified with a binary test that is subject to diagnostic error. We consider the case where the imperfect test is obtained on all participants, while the gold standard test is measured on a small chosen subsample. Under maximum-likelihood estimation, we evaluate the optimal design in terms of sample selection as well as verification. We show that there may be substantial efficiency gains by choosing a small percentage of individuals who test negative on the imperfect test for inclusion in the sample (e.g., verifying 90% test-positive cases). We also show that a two-stage design may be a good practical alternative to a fixed design in some situations. Under optimal and nearly optimal designs, we compare maximum-likelihood and semi-parametric efficient estimators under correct and misspecified models with simulations. The methodology is illustrated with an analysis from a diabetes behavioral intervention trial. © 2013, The International Biometric Society.

  7. Analisis Kinerja Local Area Network Menggunakan Router.


    Hutahaean, Yosua


    Perangkat internetworking menawarkan komunikasi di antara segmen Local Area Network (LAN). Ada empat tipe utama perangkat internetworking ini: repeater, bridge, router, dan gateway. Perangkat ini dibedakan atas dasar system lapisan Open System Interconnection (OSI) yang digunakan, berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi dari LAN ke LAN. Pada Tugas Akhir ini penulis tertarik untuk membahas analisis kinerja Local Area Network (LAN) menggunakan Router yang menggunakan sistem antrian M/M/1 dimana j...

  8. Energy Efficiency and Universal Design in Home Renovations - A Comparative Review. (United States)

    Kapedani, Ermal; Herssens, Jasmien; Verbeeck, Griet


    Policy and societal objectives indicate a large need for housing renovations that both accommodate lifelong living and significantly increase energy efficiency. However, these two areas of research are not yet examined in conjunction and this paper hypothesizes this as a missed opportunity to create better renovation concepts. The paper outlines a comparative review on research in Energy Efficiency and Universal Design in order to find the similarities and differences in both depth and breadth of knowledge. Scientific literature in the two fields reveals a disparate depth of knowledge in areas of theory, research approach, and degree of implementation in society. Universal Design and Energy Efficiency are part of a trajectory of expanding scope towards greater sustainability and, although social urgency has been a driver of the research intensity and approach in both fields, in energy efficiency there is an engineering, problem solving approach while Universal Design has a more sociological, user-focused one. These different approaches are reflected in the way home owners in Energy Efficiency research are viewed as consumers and decision makers whose drivers are studied, while Universal Design treats home owners as informants in the design process and studies their needs. There is an inherent difficulty in directly merging Universal Design and Energy Efficiency at a conceptual level because Energy Efficiency is understood as a set of measures, i.e. a product, while Universal Design is part of a (design) process. The conceptual difference is apparent in their implementation as well. Internationally energy efficiency in housing has been largely imposed through legislation, while legislation directly mandating Universal Design is either non-existent or it has an explicit focus on accessibility. However, Energy Efficiency and Universal Design can be complementary concepts and, even though it is more complex than expected, the combination offers possibilities to advance

  9. Process-based organization design and hospital efficiency. (United States)

    Vera, Antonio; Kuntz, Ludwig


    The central idea of process-based organization design is that organizing a firm around core business processes leads to cost reductions and quality improvements. We investigated theoretically and empirically whether the implementation of a process-based organization design is advisable in hospitals. The data came from a database compiled by the Statistical Office of the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz and from a written questionnaire, which was sent to the chief executive officers (CEOs) of all 92 hospitals in this federal state. We used data envelopment analysis (DEA) to measure hospital efficiency, and factor analysis and regression analysis to test our hypothesis. Our principal finding is that a high degree of process-based organization has a moderate but significant positive effect on the efficiency of hospitals. The main implication is that hospitals should implement a process-based organization to improve their efficiency. However, to actually achieve positive effects on efficiency, it is of paramount importance to observe some implementation rules, in particular to mobilize physician participation and to create an adequate organizational culture.

  10. Air-handling energy efficiency and design practices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nilsson, Lars J.


    With good design practices and life-cycle cost optimization, specific fan power for individual fans will be between 0.5 and 1kW/m{sup 3}/s. Data from nearly 1000 audited fans in Sweden show that the average measured SFPI weighted by drawn motor power is 1.5 kW/m{sup 3}/s and the situation appears to be similar in other countries. Contract forms used by Swedish builders, and consultants` design practices are analyzed here to search for an explanation to the low performance of installed systems. Identified as two major barriers to efficient system design are the lack of performance specifications when procuring systems and the incentive structure in the building sector. As a consequence, duct design methods, rules of thumb, and vendor recommendations are not leading to system optimization. The broad minima in life cycle costs over a range of air-handling unit sizes show that potential economic welfare losses from efficiency standards are likely to be smaller than the losses that result from today`s design practices. 73 refs, 4 figs, 3 tabs

  11. Air-handling energy efficiency and design practices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nilsson, Lars J


    With good design practices and life-cycle cost optimization, specific fan power for individual fans will be between 0.5 and 1kW/m{sup 3}/s. Data from nearly 1000 audited fans in Sweden show that the average measured SFPI weighted by drawn motor power is 1.5 kW/m{sup 3}/s and the situation appears to be similar in other countries. Contract forms used by Swedish builders, and consultants` design practices are analyzed here to search for an explanation to the low performance of installed systems. Identified as two major barriers to efficient system design are the lack of performance specifications when procuring systems and the incentive structure in the building sector. As a consequence, duct design methods, rules of thumb, and vendor recommendations are not leading to system optimization. The broad minima in life cycle costs over a range of air-handling unit sizes show that potential economic welfare losses from efficiency standards are likely to be smaller than the losses that result from today`s design practices. 73 refs, 4 figs, 3 tabs

  12. The Design of High Efficiency Crossflow Hydro Turbines: A Review and Extension

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    Ram Adhikari


    Full Text Available Efficiency is a critical consideration in the design of hydro turbines. The crossflow turbine is the cheapest and easiest hydro turbine to manufacture and so is commonly used in remote power systems for developing countries. A longstanding problem for practical crossflow turbines is their lower maximum efficiency compared to their more advanced counterparts, such as Pelton and Francis turbines. This paper reviews the experimental and computational studies relevant to the design of high efficiency crossflow turbines. We concentrate on the studies that have contributed to designs with efficiencies in the range of 88–90%. Many recent studies have been conducted on turbines of low maximum efficiency, which we believe is due to misunderstanding of design principles for achieving high efficiencies. We synthesize the key results of experimental and computational fluid dynamics studies to highlight the key fundamental design principles for achieving efficiencies of about 90%, as well as future research and development areas to further improve the maximum efficiency. The main finding of this review is that the total conversion of head into kinetic energy in the nozzle and the matching of nozzle and runner designs are the two main design requirements for the design of high efficiency turbines.

  13. Design process of an area-efficient photobioreactor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zijffers, J.F.; Janssen, M.G.J.; Tramper, J.; Wijffels, R.H.


    This article describes the design process of the Green Solar Collector (GSC), an area-efficient photobioreactor for the outdoor cultivation of microalgae. The overall goal has been to design a system in which all incident sunlight on the area covered by the reactor is delivered to the algae at such

  14. Perbandingan Penilaian Saham Dengan Metode Analisis Fundamental Dan Analisis Tehknical, Penggorengan Saham, Serta Keputusan Penilaian Saham Jika Hasil Berlawanan Arah Untuk Kedua Metode Analisis Pada Saham Bakrie Group Untuk Periode 2005- 2009


    Harwaningrum, Miranti


    Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, dunia investasi mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari data rata-rata perdagangan saham yang dimiliki oleh Bapepam. Salah satu jenis instrumen investasi yang sering diminati oleh investor adalah saham. Apabila dibandingkan dengan obligasi, saham memiliki expected return yang lebih tinggi. Namun, saham memiliki resiko yang lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan obligasi. Untuk melakukan penilaian saham ada dua analisis yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu funda...

  15. Performance indices and evaluation of algorithms in building energy efficient design optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Si, Binghui; Tian, Zhichao; Jin, Xing; Zhou, Xin; Tang, Peng; Shi, Xing


    Building energy efficient design optimization is an emerging technique that is increasingly being used to design buildings with better overall performance and a particular emphasis on energy efficiency. To achieve building energy efficient design optimization, algorithms are vital to generate new designs and thus drive the design optimization process. Therefore, the performance of algorithms is crucial to achieving effective energy efficient design techniques. This study evaluates algorithms used for building energy efficient design optimization. A set of performance indices, namely, stability, robustness, validity, speed, coverage, and locality, is proposed to evaluate the overall performance of algorithms. A benchmark building and a design optimization problem are also developed. Hooke–Jeeves algorithm, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm II, and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm are evaluated by using the proposed performance indices and benchmark design problem. Results indicate that no algorithm performs best in all six areas. Therefore, when facing an energy efficient design problem, the algorithm must be carefully selected based on the nature of the problem and the performance indices that matter the most. - Highlights: • Six indices of algorithm performance in building energy optimization are developed. • For each index, its concept is defined and the calculation formulas are proposed. • A benchmark building and benchmark energy efficient design problem are proposed. • The performance of three selected algorithms are evaluated.


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    Alimatul Rahim


    Full Text Available Model prediksi awal musim hujan merupakan salah satu kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi resiko kegagalan panen padi yang disebabkan oleh faktor iklim di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Model prediksi awal musim hujan dibangun  dengan menggunakan data curah hujan observasi Sulawesi Selatan dan anomali suhu muka laut di kawasan Pasifik dan perairan Sulawesi. Pada studi ini dilakukan analisis pemilihan stasiun hujan observasi, penentuan awal musim hujan, analisis komponen utama dan pengelompokan, analisis korelasi awal musim hujan terhadap anomali suhu muka laut, pembangunan model untuk prediksi awal musimhujan dan verifikasi model.Hasil analisis awal musim hujan menunjukkan setiap stasiun hujan mempunyai perbedaan awal musim hujan dengan rata-rata jatuh pada Julian Date (JD ke-348 (14 Desember. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PCA dan cluster, diperoleh bahwa di Sulawesi Selatan terbagi menjadi 3 cluster wilayah. Cluster 1 mempunyai pola hujan lokal, sedangkan cluster 2 dan 3 mempunyai pola hujan monsun. Pada peta korelasi antara awal musim hujan di Sulawesi Selatan dan anomali suhu muka laut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi nyata(r≥0.5 antara kawasan Pasifik dan Laut Sulawesi pada cluster 1 dan 2 pada bulan Juni Juli Agustus September(JJAS. Sedangkan pada cluster 3, korelasi nyata hanya pada bulan Juni di perairan Sulawesi. Model prediksi AMH terbaik, pada cluster 2 terdapat di domain prediktor kawasan pasifik dengan nilai r=0.82, sedangkan pada cluster 1 dan 3, terdapat di domain perairan Sulawesi dengan nilai r=0.78 dan r-0.48. Verifikasi model terpilih pada cluster 3 mempunyai RMSE = 3, sedangkan cluster 1 dan 2, nilai RMSE berturut-turut sebesar 16 dan 29.   Model prediction of rainy season onset is one of the keys to reduce the risk of paddy haverst failure because of climate factor in South Sulawesi province. The model prediction for rainy season onset was build using rainfall data in South Sulawesi and SST anomaly in Pacific Ocean and

  17. Efficient Design of OFDMA-Based Programmable Wireless Radios

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    Shah SFA


    Full Text Available With the increasing demand for efficient spectrum management, programmable wireless radios can potentially play a key role in shaping our future spectrum use. In this paper, we consider the design of low-power programmable wireless radios based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA. To meet the demands of higher data rate communications, we split OFDMA symbols carrying multiuser data across several noncontiguous bands of available spectrum. To relax power consumption in analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, we use a programmable narrowband RF front end comprising of programmable synthesizers and fixed low-pass filters. To perform digital baseband signal processing in an energy efficient manner, we propose efficient designs for the fast Fourier transform (FFT and inverse FFT (IFFT modules. Our designs of the FFT/IFFT modules reduce power consumption and chip area, and are capable of handling the dynamic nature of spectrum in programmable radios. To recover data that falls within the transition band of the filters, we propose a combiner similar to maximal ratio combiner. We also present the complete design of programmable wireless radios in accordance with the IEEE 802.22 (draft standard.

  18. Efficient Design of OFDMA-Based Programmable Wireless Radios

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    A. H. Tewfik


    Full Text Available With the increasing demand for efficient spectrum management, programmable wireless radios can potentially play a key role in shaping our future spectrum use. In this paper, we consider the design of low-power programmable wireless radios based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA. To meet the demands of higher data rate communications, we split OFDMA symbols carrying multiuser data across several noncontiguous bands of available spectrum. To relax power consumption in analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, we use a programmable narrowband RF front end comprising of programmable synthesizers and fixed low-pass filters. To perform digital baseband signal processing in an energy efficient manner, we propose efficient designs for the fast Fourier transform (FFT and inverse FFT (IFFT modules. Our designs of the FFT/IFFT modules reduce power consumption and chip area, and are capable of handling the dynamic nature of spectrum in programmable radios. To recover data that falls within the transition band of the filters, we propose a combiner similar to maximal ratio combiner. We also present the complete design of programmable wireless radios in accordance with the IEEE 802.22 (draft standard.

  19. La financial education nella regione Puglia: analisi e prospettive di intervento


    A. Garzoni; V. Nastasi


    Analisi del contesto e delle principali tematiche di financial education affrontate a livello internazionale e nazionale, valutazione delle opportunità e degli aspetti critici, il progetto pilota nella regione Puglia e le nuove idee di progetto da realizzare

  20. Text Mining Untuk Analisis Sentimen Review Film Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means

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    Setyo Budi


    Full Text Available Kemudahan manusia didalam menggunakan website mengakibatkan bertambahnya dokumen teks yang berupa pendapat dan informasi. Dalam waktu yang lama dokumen teks akan bertambah besar. Text mining merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk menggali kumpulan dokumen text sehingga dapat diambil intisarinya. Ada beberapa algoritma yang di gunakan untuk penggalian dokumen untuk analisis sentimen, salah satunya adalah K-Means. Didalam penelitian ini algoritma yang digunakan adalah K-Means. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akurasi K-Means dengan dataset digunakan 300 positif dan 300 negatif  akurasinya 57.83%,  700 dokumen positif dan 700  negatif akurasinya 56.71%%, 1000 dokumen positif dan 1000  negatif akurasinya 50.40%%. Dari hasil pengujian disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar dataset yang digunakan semakin rendah akurasi K-Means.   Kata Kunci : Text Mining, Analisis Sentimen, K-Means, Review Film 

  1. Analisis Nilai Perusahaan pada Implementasi Program Kepemilikan Saham pada Karyawan/Manajemen

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    Dwitya Aribawa


      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis economic value added (EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/ manajemen dengan objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan publik yang menggunakan kebijakan ESOP/MSOP sebagai sarana benefit/incentive berupa pembagian sebagian saham untuk karyawan/ manajemen. Variabel yang digunakan sebagai indikator nilai perusahaan adalah EVA. Nilai EVA dianggap sebagai indikator yang kompleks dan mempertimbangkan faktor resiko (beta dari perusahaan. Perusahaan yang dianalisis adalah perusahaan yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Terdapat 17 perusahaan yang layak untuk dilakukan analisis berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan peneliti. Pengumpulan dan data dianalisis secara pooling, hal ini melihat dari tidak dibedakannya perusahaan berdasarkan industri (multi industri. Paired sample test digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis pada penelitian dan sebelumnya dilakukan uji normalitas data. Hasil analisis bahwa hasil perbandingan rata-rata EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/manajemen terdapat perbedaan yag signifikan.

  2. Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo - Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food


    Doriana Dal Palù; Beatrice Lerma; Claudia De Giorgi; Eleonora Buiatti; Arianna Astolfi


    L’articolo affronta il complesso tema della progettazione del suono del cibo, ponendo l’aspetto al centro del processo progettuale e considerandolo come un reale requisito di progetto. Sono messe in luce le potenzialità del progettare il suono, ma anche le difficoltà attuali da tenere in considerazione. Si propone l’applicazione di SounBe, una metodologia ed uno strumento brevettati che traggono origine dal mondo della psicoacustica e dell’analisi sensoriale, permettendo di confrontare at...

  3. Prediction and design of efficient exciplex emitters for high-efficiency, thermally activated delayed-fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes. (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-Ke; Chen, Zhan; Zheng, Cai-Jun; Liu, Chuan-Lin; Lee, Chun-Sing; Li, Fan; Ou, Xue-Mei; Zhang, Xiao-Hong


    High-efficiency, thermally activated delayed-fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes based on exciplex emitters are demonstrated. The best device, based on a TAPC:DPTPCz emitter, shows a high external quantum efficiency of 15.4%. Strategies for predicting and designing efficient exciplex emitters are also provided. This approach allow prediction and design of efficient exciplex emitters for achieving high-efficiency organic light-emitting diodes, for future use in displays and lighting applications. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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    Ririn Widiyasari


    Full Text Available Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor apa saja  yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar mahasiswa, apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara cara belajar, fasilitas belajar dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa, serta faktor mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 192 mahasiswa (FIP UMJ angkatan tahun 2013-2015 yang aktif mengikuti perkuliahan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode kuantitatif survey. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan  kuesioner dengan skala likert. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, dan analisis  Structural Equation Modeling (SEM berbantuan program LISREL 8.3. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji Chi-square dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel cara belajar memiliki kontribusi yang paling besar, selanjutnya variabel kedua yang berkontribusi meningkatkan motivasi belajar adalah lingkungan belajar dan terakhir fasilitas belajar memberikan pengaruh yang paling kecil terhadap motivasi belajar. Jadi, variabel laten cara belajar dan lingkungan belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi belajar dan fasilitas belajar berpengaruh negatif terhadap motivasi belajar.

  5. Junction Temperature Aware Energy Efficient Router Design on FPGA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thind, Vandana; Sharma, Shivani; Minwer, M H


    Energy, Power and efficiency are very much related to each other. To make any system efficient, Power consumed by it must be minimized or we can say that power dissipation should be less. In our research we tried to make a energy efficient router design on FPGA by varying junction temperature...

  6. The Efficiency of Split Panel Designs in an Analysis of Variance Model (United States)

    Wang, Wei-Guo; Liu, Hai-Jun


    We consider split panel design efficiency in analysis of variance models, that is, the determination of the cross-sections series optimal proportion in all samples, to minimize parametric best linear unbiased estimators of linear combination variances. An orthogonal matrix is constructed to obtain manageable expression of variances. On this basis, we derive a theorem for analyzing split panel design efficiency irrespective of interest and budget parameters. Additionally, relative estimator efficiency based on the split panel to an estimator based on a pure panel or a pure cross-section is present. The analysis shows that the gains from split panel can be quite substantial. We further consider the efficiency of split panel design, given a budget, and transform it to a constrained nonlinear integer programming. Specifically, an efficient algorithm is designed to solve the constrained nonlinear integer programming. Moreover, we combine one at time designs and factorial designs to illustrate the algorithm’s efficiency with an empirical example concerning monthly consumer expenditure on food in 1985, in the Netherlands, and the efficient ranges of the algorithm parameters are given to ensure a good solution. PMID:27163447

  7. Electro-Optical Design for Efficient Visual Communication (United States)

    Huck, Friedrich O.; Fales, Carl L.; Jobson, Daniel J.; Rahman, Zia-Ur


    Visual communication, in the form of telephotography and television, for example, can be regarded as efficient only if the amount of information that it conveys about the scene to the observer approaches the maximum possible and the associated cost approaches the minimum possible. Elsewhere we have addressed the problem of assessing the end to end performance of visual communication systems in terms of their efficiency in this sense by integrating the critical limiting factors that constrain image gathering into classical communications theory. We use this approach to assess the electro-optical design of image gathering devices as a function of the f number and apodization of the objective lens and the aperture size and sampling geometry of the phot-detection mechanism. Results show that an image gathering device that is designed to optimize information capacity performs similarly to the human eye. For both, the performance approaches the maximum possible, in terms of the efficiency with which the acquired information can be transmitted as decorrelated data, and the fidelity, sharpness, and clearity with which fine detail can be restored.

  8. Electro-optical design for efficient visual communication (United States)

    Huck, Friedrich O.; Fales, Carl L.; Jobson, Daniel J.; Rahman, Zia-ur


    Visual communication, in the form of telephotography and television, for example, can be regarded as efficient only if the amount of information that it conveys about the scene to the observer approaches the maximum possible and the associated cost approaches the minimum possible. Elsewhere we have addressed the problem of assessing the end-to-end performance of visual communication systems in terms of their efficiency in this sense by integrating the critical limiting factors that constrain image gathering into classical communication theory. We use this approach to assess the electro-optical design of image-gathering devices as a function of the f number and apodization of the objective lens and the aperture size and sampling geometry of the photodetection mechanism. Results show that an image-gathering device that is designed to optimize information capacity performs similarly to the human eye. For both, the performance approaches the maximum possible, in terms of the efficiency with which the acquired information can be transmitted as decorrelated data, and the fidelity, sharpness, and clarity with which fine detail can be restored.

  9. Energy efficiency: the challenges of policy design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varone, F. [Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium); Aebischer, B. [Swiss Federal Institute of Technolog, Zurich (Switzerland)


    This article is about the choice of policy instruments to promote electricity-efficient household appliances and office equipment. We analyse the design process of the energy-efficiency policies implemented by Canada, Denmark, the United States, Sweden and Switzerland from 1973 to 1996. The results of this comparative study suggest that a policy instrument is adopted (1) if the degree of coercion involved is compatible with the party ideology of the ruling majority, (2) if a specialized administrative institution already exists, which helps to minimize the costs of implementation, (3) if other political or administrative jurisdictions have already applied it with success and if the transfer of their experiences is desirable or necessary, or (4) if the groups which are targeted are not opposed to it, and (5) its adoption also depends on the structure of the market and the speed of technological developments affecting household appliances and office equipment. In conclusion, we recommend taking account of these considerations in designing new energy-efficiency policies at both national and international levels. (author)


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    Ratih Kumala Sari


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beras yaitu dengan menggenjot produksi beras dalam negeri. Namun dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk akan meningkatkan permintaan terhadap beras dan upaya peningkatan produktivitas dalam negeri tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan beras dalam negeri. Sehingga untuk menutupi kekurangan tersebut pemerintah mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan impor beras dari negara lain. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya impor beras dilakukan ketika data statistik menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami surplus beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi impor beras di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan model Error Correction Model (ECM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama produksi beras, konsumsi beras, harga beras dalam negeri dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap impor beras di Indonesia. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ One of the government’s policy to fulfill the need of rice is to boost the domestic production. However, by increasing the population, the demand of rice will also increase and the effort of increasing the domestic productivity cannot supply domestic rice need. So, to cover the shortage the government make decision to import rice from other countries. Yet, in fact importing rice is occurred when the statistical data showed that the supply of rice in Indonesia is surplus. The purpose of this research is necessary to study the factors which influence the import of rice in Indonesia. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis model with Error Correction Model (ECM. Based on the research proven that partially or jointly the production, the consumption, the


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    Peter Garlans Sina


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of Economic Literacy. The aim of this research is as an effort to increase economic literacy for individuals and households who want to achieve prosperity. Therefore, the obligation of improving the economic literacy needs to be done in a well-planned manner and come from the strong intention to learn in order to improve the economic literacy. It could have an effect on the assets accumulation, a better debt management, as a protection, as well as to increase savings and managing spending intelligently.   Keyword: economic literacy, asset, debt, protection, saving, spending   Abstrak: Analisis Literasi Ekonomi. Tulisan ini bertujuan sebagai upaya meningkatkan literasi ekonomi bagi individu maupun rumah tangga yang menginginkan mencapai kesejahteraan. Oleh karena itu, kewajiban meningkatkan literasi ekonomi perlu dilakukan secara terencana dan diawali dari niat untuk belajar meningkatkan literasi ekonomi karena dapat berefek pada akumulasi aset, pengelolaan utang yang tepat, proteksi, meningkatkan tabungan dan cerdas mengelola pengeluaran.   Kata kunci: literasi ekonomi, aset, utang, proteksi, menabung, pengeluaran

  12. Energy Efficient Design for Two-Way AF Relay Networks

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    Yong Li


    Full Text Available Conventional designs on two-way relay networks mainly focus on the spectral efficiency (SE rather than energy efficiency (EE. In this paper, we consider a system where two source nodes communicate with each other via an amplify-and-forward (AF relay node and study the power allocation schemes to maximize EE while ensuring a certain data rate. We propose an optimal energy-efficient power allocation algorithm based on iterative search technique. In addition, a closed-form suboptimal solution is derived with reduced complexity and negligible performance degradation. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes can achieve considerable EE improvement compared with conventional designs.

  13. Analisis Safety System dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Boiler PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Paiton, PT. YTL

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    Luluk Kristianingsih


    Full Text Available Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU merupakan pembangkit listrik yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Salah satu bagian dari sistem PLTU yang memiliki risiko bahaya tinggi adalah boiler, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya analisis bahaya dan safety system sebagai langkah pencegahan bahaya pada boiler. Analisis bahaya dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode HAZOP. Node yang dipakai adalah economizer, steam drum, superheater, dan reheater yang merupakan komponen utama penyusun boiler. Guide word dan deviasi ditentukan berdasarkan control chart yang dibentuk oleh data proses masing-masing komponen selama bulan Maret 2013. Estimasi likelihood dilakukan berdasarkan data maintenance dari work order PT YTL selama 5 tahun, sedangkan estimasi consequences dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria risiko yang ditimbulkan serta berdasarkan control chart. Hasil perkalian likelihood dan consequences dengan risk matrix menghasilkan kriteria risiko dari komponen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh hasil bahwa komponen yang memiliki risiko bahaya paling besar adalah level transmitter steam drum dengan deviasi berupa less level, yaitu dengan kriteria likelihood adalah A dan consequences 4, sehingga risiko bernilai extreme. Selain itu, risiko extreme juga terdapat pada pressure transmitter outlet superheater, dengan likelihood B dan consequences 4. Untuk menurunkan risiko, maka dilakukan perawatan dan kalibrasi secara rutin, serta penambahan redundant transmitter. Bahaya paling besar pada seluruh node adalah adanya kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan analisis emergency response plan untuk kebakaran yang mencakup peta evakuasi, tugas dan tanggungjawab tiap personel, langkah pencegahan, serta langkah penanganan.

  14. High convergence efficiency design of flat Fresnel lens with large aperture (United States)

    Ke, Jieyao; Zhao, Changming; Guan, Zhe


    This paper designed a circle-shaped Fresnel lens with large aperture as part of the solar pumped laser design project. The Fresnel lens designed in this paper simulate in size 1000mm×1000mm, focus length 1200mm and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) material in order to conduct high convergence efficiency. In the light of design requirement of concentric ring with same width of 0.3mm, this paper proposed an optimized Fresnel lens design based on previous sphere design and conduct light tracing simulation in Matlab. This paper also analyzed the effect of light spot size, light intensity distribution, optical efficiency under four conditions, monochromatic parallel light, parallel spectrum light, divergent monochromatic light and sunlight. Design by 550nm wavelength and under the condition of Fresnel reflection, the results indicated that the designed lens could convergent sunlight in diffraction limit of 11.8mm with a 78.7% optical efficiency, better than the sphere cutting design results of 30.4%.

  15. Design of incentive programs for accelerating penetration of energy-efficient appliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rue du Can de la, Stephane; Leventis, Greg; Phadke, Amol; Gopal, Anand


    Incentives are policy tools that sway purchase, retail stocking, and production decisions toward energy-efficient products. Incentives complement mandatory standards and labeling policies by accelerating market penetration of products that are more energy efficient than required by existing standards and by preparing the market for more stringent future mandatory requirements. Incentives can be directed at different points in the appliance's supply chain; one point may be more effective than another depending on the technology's maturity and market penetration. This paper seeks to inform future policy and program design by categorizing the main elements of incentive programs from around the world. We identify advantages and disadvantages of program designs through a qualitative overview of incentive programs worldwide. We find that financial incentive programs have greater impact when they target highly efficient technologies with a small market share, and that program designs depend on the market barriers addressed, the target equipment, and the local market context. No program design is inherently superior to another. The key to successful program design and implementation is a thorough understanding of the market and identification of the most important local obstacles to the penetration of energy-efficient technologies. - Highlights: • We researched incentive programs design and implementation worldwide. • This paper seeks to inform future policy and program design. • We identify design and identify advantages and disadvantages. • We find that incentive programs have greater impact when they target highly efficient products. • Program designs depend on the market barriers addressed and the local market context

  16. Energy efficient cross layer design for spectrum sharing systems

    KAUST Repository

    Alabbasi, AbdulRahman; Shihada, Basem


    We propose a cross layer design that optimizes the energy efficiency of spectrum sharing systems. The energy per good bit (EPG) is considered as an energy efficiency metric. We optimize the secondary user's transmission power and media access frame

  17. Un approccio innovativo per l’analisi quantitativa delle superfici di frattura a fatica nelle ghise sferoidali mediante elaborazione di immagini

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    O. Di Bartolomeo


    Full Text Available Le osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM delle superfici di frattura ottenute a seguito di rotture per fatica consentono di evidenziare alcuni meccanismi di avanzamento che dipendono dal materiale e dalla modalità di applicazione delle sollecitazioni. L’introduzione di moderne tecniche di analisi di immagine assistite al calcolatore permette di elaborare un numero di informazioni elevato che consente di porre in relazione le caratteristiche morfologiche locali con il comportamento meccanico macroscopico del materiale.In questo lavoro è stata implementata una tecnica innovativa di analisi di immagine basata sull’analisi della tessitura, valutando l’influenza delle condizioni di applicazione della sollecitazione (ΔK applicato sulla evoluzione del clivaggio rilevato sulle superfici di frattura a fatica di una ghisa sferoidale ferrito-perlitica.

  18. Analisis Rugi Daya Pada Penyulang Bangli Dengan Beroperasinya PLTS Kayubihi

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    I GN Dion Adiputra


    Full Text Available Analisis rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbanding an rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi setelah penempatan pembangkit tersebar jenis PLTS berkapasitas 1 MWp. Lokasi penempatan PLTS ditentukan berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas bus. Nilai sensitivitas bus(?didapat dengan cara membandingkan nilai rugi daya pada sistem dengan total beban yang terhubung pada bus. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi aliran daya dengan metode aliran daya Newton-Raphson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bus TK 0041 memiliki sensitivitas terbesar dengan nilai ?= 0,178. Dari hasil simulasi aliran daya, penempatan PLTS 1MWp pada lokasi alternatif 1 menghasilkan rugi daya minimum pada Penyulang Bangli yaitu 103,1 kW atau 3,3% dari total suplai daya 3071 kW. Pemasangan PLTS dapat menurunkan rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli sebesar 57 kW dari total rugi daya pada kondisi tanpa PLTS yaitu 160,1 kW. Bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi eksisting, penem patan PLTS pada lokasi alternatif 1 memiliki selisih rugi daya 7,3 kW lebih kecil dari total rugi daya yang dihasilkan kondisi eksisting sebesar 110,4kW.


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    Ariel Bagus Nugroho


    Full Text Available RSUD Tugurejo Semarang merupakan Rumah Sakit kelas B milik pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menyediakan pelayanan jasa untuk masyarakat. Dalam manajemen pengolahan data, RSUD Tugurejo Semarang telah menggunakan sistem informasi rumah sakit. Untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi telah berjalan seperti yang diharapkan, maka perlu dilakukan analisis tatakelola teknologi informasi. Pada penelitian ini analisis tatakelola teknologi informasi berfokus pada proses pengawasan, evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja, dan kesesuaian kinerja teknologi informasi, yaitu domain MEA01 pada framework COBIT 5.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas dan strategi perbaikan untuk proses pengawasan, evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja dan kesesuaian TI. Metode pengumpulan  data penelitian ini dengan menggunakan studi dokumen, kuesioner dan wawancara kemudian dianalisis tingkat kapabilitas dan kesenjangan. Tingkat kapabilitas yang didapat dari hasil penelitian yaitu berada level 2 (managed. Untuk menaikkan tingkat kapabilitas pada level 3 maka maka perlu dilakukan secara bertahap strategi perbaikan pada PA 2.1, PA2.2, PA 3.1, dan 3.2. Kata kunci: Analisis Tata Kelola TI, COBIT 5, MEA01, Tingkat Kapabilitas, Rumah Sakit.



    Syaifullah, M. Djazim


    IntisariKondisi curah hujan di wilayah Jakarta pada kejadian banjir besar tanggal 17 Januari 2013 telah dianalisis yang dihubungkan dengan kondisi atmosfer pada selang waktu tersebut. Data curah hujan menggunakan data TRMM sedangkan analisis kondisi atmosfer menggunakan data rawinsonde. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa puncak kejadian banjir Jakarta musim hujan tahun 2013 terjadi pada tanggal 17 Januari 2013 disebabkan oleh faktor lokal yang sangat kuat ditambah dengan faktor global yang mend...

  1. Design Strategies for Ultra-high Efficiency Photovoltaics (United States)

    Warmann, Emily Cathryn

    While concentrator photovoltaic cells have shown significant improvements in efficiency in the past ten years, once these cells are integrated into concentrating optics, connected to a power conditioning system and deployed in the field, the overall module efficiency drops to only 34 to 36%. This efficiency is impressive compared to conventional flat plate modules, but it is far short of the theoretical limits for solar energy conversion. Designing a system capable of achieving ultra high efficiency of 50% or greater cannot be achieved by refinement and iteration of current design approaches. This thesis takes a systems approach to designing a photovoltaic system capable of 50% efficient performance using conventional diode-based solar cells. The effort began with an exploration of the limiting efficiency of spectrum splitting ensembles with 2 to 20 sub cells in different electrical configurations. Incorporating realistic non-ideal performance with the computationally simple detailed balance approach resulted in practical limits that are useful to identify specific cell performance requirements. This effort quantified the relative benefit of additional cells and concentration for system efficiency, which will help in designing practical optical systems. Efforts to improve the quality of the solar cells themselves focused on the development of tunable lattice constant epitaxial templates. Initially intended to enable lattice matched multijunction solar cells, these templates would enable increased flexibility in band gap selection for spectrum splitting ensembles and enhanced radiative quality relative to metamorphic growth. The III-V material family is commonly used for multijunction solar cells both for its high radiative quality and for the ease of integrating multiple band gaps into one monolithic growth. The band gap flexibility is limited by the lattice constant of available growth templates. The virtual substrate consists of a thin III-V film with the desired

  2. Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor


    Setiawan, Evelyn


    Abstrak: Analisis Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap konsumen terhadap produk fashion lokal dan impor yang akan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan konsumsi. Sampel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1.000 mahasiswa dari 10 perguruan tinggi swasta terbesar di Surabaya. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner. Hasil pengujian statistik menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa di Surabaya merasa bangga d...

  3. Uso de Analisis de Covarianza (ANCOVA en investigacion cientifica.

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    Badii, M.H.


    Full Text Available The basics of the ANalisis of COVAriance (ANCOVA are given. The objectives and the application of ANCOVA are laid out. Techniques for the estimation of contrasts and for the control and reduction of the degree of error are discussed. The application of a simple ANCOVA using real data is highlighted. The application of this technique in fixing the auxiliary variable in experimentation is emphasized.

  4. The dynamic efficiency of feed-in tariffs: The impact of different design elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Río, Pablo del


    Dynamic efficiency has received much less attention than the effectiveness and static efficiency criteria to assess policies to support electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E). On the other hand, the literature on RES-E support shows that the choice of design elements within RES-E support instruments is at least as important to successfully promote RES-E as the choice of specific instruments. The aim of this paper is to build a theoretical framework for dynamic efficiency analysis and assess the dynamic efficiency properties of the different design elements of feed-in tariffs. It is shown that, in fact, several design elements can have a significant impact on the different dimensions of dynamic efficiency. Particularly relevant design elements in this context are technology-specific fixed-tariffs, floor prices, degression, reductions of support over time for existing plants, long duration of support and support falling on consumers. In addition, it is shown than some design elements would be more appropriate than others to activate specific dimensions. - Highlights: ► A theoretical framework for dynamic efficiency analysis is built. ► The dynamic efficiency properties of feed-in tariffs design elements are assessed. ► Several design elements have a significant impact on the different dimensions of dynamic efficiency.


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    Ali Muhson


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Relevance Analysis of University Graduates with World of Work. Education should be oriented to the competencies required by the workforce as a percentage of unemployment among the educated increase continuously. This study aims to examine the relevance of YSU Economic Education graduates. The study only focuses on the type of work and subjects taught. The subject of this study is the alumni of Economic Education Study Program. Sampling technique used is snowball sampling. Data collection technique using questionnaires and documentation while the technique of data analysis using descriptive analysis. The result suggests that the majority of the graduates find their first job as private a teacher, a private employee and a tutor, while current job of the most graduates are private teacher, private employee, and civil servant (teacher. The data shows that more than 50 percent of the graduates work in the education area. This implies that the relevance level based on the type of work is categorized as sufficient. Majority of the graduates teaches social science, economic, and entrepreneurship, hence it can be concluded that the relevance level based on the subjects taught is highly relevant.   Keyword: relevance of graduates, type of work, unemployment, employment     Abstrak: Analisis Relevansi Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dengan Dunia Kerja. Pendidikan harus berorientasi pada kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja karena persentase penganggur di kalangan terdidik terus meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat relevansi (kesesuaian lulusan Pendidikan Ekonomi UNY. Kajian hanya diarahkan pada jenis pekerjaan dan mata pelajaran yang diampu. Penelitian ini mengambil subjek alumni Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi dari berbagai angkatan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini



    -, MULIATI


    2014 Analisis Kontribusi Pajak Hotel terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Nunukan Analysis of The Contributions Tax on Hotel Againts Regional Renenue Nunukan District Muliati Haerial M. Christian Mangiwa Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi pajak hotel terhadap pendapatan asli daerah, mengetahui sistem pengawasan, dan potensi yang ada untuk meningkatkan pajak hotel, mengetahui sistem dan prosedur...

  7. Efficient Bayesian experimental design for contaminant source identification (United States)

    Zhang, Jiangjiang; Zeng, Lingzao; Chen, Cheng; Chen, Dingjiang; Wu, Laosheng


    In this study, an efficient full Bayesian approach is developed for the optimal sampling well location design and source parameters identification of groundwater contaminants. An information measure, i.e., the relative entropy, is employed to quantify the information gain from concentration measurements in identifying unknown parameters. In this approach, the sampling locations that give the maximum expected relative entropy are selected as the optimal design. After the sampling locations are determined, a Bayesian approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is used to estimate unknown parameters. In both the design and estimation, the contaminant transport equation is required to be solved many times to evaluate the likelihood. To reduce the computational burden, an interpolation method based on the adaptive sparse grid is utilized to construct a surrogate for the contaminant transport equation. The approximated likelihood can be evaluated directly from the surrogate, which greatly accelerates the design and estimation process. The accuracy and efficiency of our approach are demonstrated through numerical case studies. It is shown that the methods can be used to assist in both single sampling location and monitoring network design for contaminant source identifications in groundwater.

  8. Technical-economic study of energy efficiency in offshore industrial electrical systems; Estudio tecnico economico de eficiencia energetica en sistemas electricos industriales costa afuera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiscal Escalante, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this work the methodology of analysis and the results obtained are presented in an technical-economic study for the application of power efficiency measures for a marine platform. The methodology is considered in the following steps: 1) Technical evaluation of the installation 2) Technical analyses of the optimization alternatives 3) Economic evaluation of the selected optimization alternatives graphs of the thermal regime of the variation with respect to the generation, variation of the efficiency with respect to the generation, efficiency curve of the motor and the designed curve of the pump are presented. A table of general reference parameters and another one of particular reference is given. Also a table of the economic evaluation when changing the electrical motor by one more efficient is presented. It is concluded that a potential of energy saving exists in their processes, generating an opportunity to perform a technical-economic feasibility study in these facilities. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta la metodologia de analisis y los resultados obtenidos en un estudio tecnico-economico para la aplicacion de medidas de eficiencia energetica para una plataforma marina. Se plantea la metodologia en los siguientes pasos: 1) Evaluacion tecnica de la instalacion 2) Analisis tecnico de las alternativas de optimizacion 3) Evaluacion economica de las alternativas de optimizacion seleccionadas. Se muestran graficas de la variacion del regimen termico respecto a la generacion, variacion de la eficiencia respecto a la generacion, curva de eficiencia del motor y curva de diseno de la bomba. Se da una tabla de parametros de referencia generales y otra de referencia particulares. Tambien se presenta una tabla de la evaluacion economica al cambiar el motor electrico por uno mas eficiente. Se concluye que existe un potencial de ahorro de energia en sus procesos, generando una oportunidad para realizar estudios de factibilidad tecnica economica en dichas instalaciones.

  9. Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Finite Element Analysis for Optimum Design of Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor

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    Reza Ilka


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: This paper develops a mathematical relationship for the purpose of designing and selecting the optimum dimensions of a brushless permanent magnet motor. The design is optimised by the use of artificial bee colony algorithm with the goal of maximizing the power density and efficiency of the motor. The required dimensions of the brushless motor are calculated based on the optimum power density and efficiency requirements. Finally, the predicted results of the optimisation are validated using a 2-D numerical program based on finite element analysis.ABSTRAK: Kajian ini mencadangkan persamaan yang menghubungkan rekabentuk dan dimensi magnet motor kekal tanpa berus. Rekabentuk optima berdasarkan algorisma koloni lebah tiruan dengan tujuan meningkatkan ketumpatan kuasa dan keberkesanan dibentangkan dalam kajian ini. Dimensi magnet motor kekal tanpa berus dihitung dengan ketumpatan kuasa optima dan keberkesanan. Akhirnya, keputusan telah disahkan dengan menggunakan program berangka 2-D berdasarkan analisis elemen finit.KEYWORDS: brushless; permanent magnet motor; power density; artificial bee colony; algorithm; finite element analysis


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    Evi Fatmawati


    Full Text Available Retribusi pelayanan pasar merupakan jenis retribusi jasa umum yang cukup potensial, dikarenakan Kabupaten Semarang menarik retribusi dari 33 pasar tradisional setiap harinya. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menganalisis potensi penerimaan retribusi pasar di Kabupaten Semarang tahun 2011 – 2015, serta memproyeksi pendapatan retribusi pelayanan pasar tahun 2016 – 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kontribusi, analisis pertumbuhan, analisis potensi, dan analisis ARIMA (2,1,2 (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1 kontribusi retribusi pelayanan pasar terhadap retribusi daerah dan PAD dalam kategori kurang dan sangat kurang, (2 pertumbuhan retribusi pelayanan pasar berfluktuasi, (3 penerimaan retribusi pelayanan pasar belum berdasarkan potensi, (4 target retribusi pelayanan pasar berada dibawah potensi, (5 proyeksi pendapatan retribusi pasar meningkat dalam lima tahun kedepan. Adanya selisih antara potensi dengan realisasi dapat dijadikan peluang oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam memaksimalkan penerimaan retribusi pelayanan pasar. Saran peneliti yaitu penetapan target sesuai dengan potensi, serta peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pasar, hal tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sumbangan retribusi pelayanan pasar terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Semarang. Retribution as a source of local income had a great opportunity to be improve and be develop so. Market retribution service was a kind of public service retribution that potential enough, due to Semarang Regency managed and attracted the retribution of 33 traditional markets every day. The objective of this research was to analyze the potential and contribution of market retribution at Semarang Regency in 2011-2015, also approximate local market retribution service in 2016-2010. This research used contribution analysis, the growth analysis, potential analysis, and analyzed ARIMA (2,1,2 (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average. The results of this research that : (1

  11. Efficient, Multi-Scale Designs Take Flight (United States)


    Engineers can solve aerospace design problems faster and more efficiently with a versatile software product that performs automated structural analysis and sizing optimization. Collier Research Corporation's HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software is a design, analysis, and documentation tool that increases productivity and standardization for a design team. Based on established aerospace structural methods for strength, stability, and stiffness, HyperSizer can be used all the way from the conceptual design to in service support. The software originated from NASA s efforts to automate its capability to perform aircraft strength analyses, structural sizing, and weight prediction and reduction. With a strategy to combine finite element analysis with an automated design procedure, NASA s Langley Research Center led the development of a software code known as ST-SIZE from 1988 to 1995. Collier Research employees were principal developers of the code along with Langley researchers. The code evolved into one that could analyze the strength and stability of stiffened panels constructed of any material, including light-weight, fiber-reinforced composites.

  12. Designing an energy-efficient quick service restaurant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, R.; Spata, A.J.; Turnbull, P.; Allen, T.E.


    Food service operators typically focus on controlling labor and food costs in order to increase profits. Energy, which typically represents 2% to 6% of the total cost to operate, is often a lower priority due to the complexity of food service operations and the lack of practical information. However, in an increasing competitive market, operators are actively seeking opportunities to further reduce overhead, and energy represents a good candidate. This paper presents an overview of the design and application of energy-efficient technologies to a quick service restaurant (QSR) and the resulting energy savings. Included in the discussion are the relevance of energy efficiency in a QSR, the criteria for choosing appropriate energy-efficient technologies, the replication of results to other restaurants, and the performance of the individual energy-saving technologies. Three different techniques were used to estimate energy savings of the energy-efficient technologies, with results in the range of 12% to 18% savings in overall annual restaurant energy costs.


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    Nunung Parlinah


    Full Text Available Industri mebel umumnya termasuk dalam industri kecil dan menengah. Selain berperan dalam penerimaan devisa, bisnis di bidang mebel ini juga menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat terutama di Kabupaten Jepara. Adanya hubungan (pemberi kepercayaan - (penerima kepercayaan yang terjadi antar aktor atau pelaku di dalam rantai berpengaruh terhadap besarnya distribusi nilai tambah yang diperoleh oleh masingmasing pelaku di sepanjang rantai nilai Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kelembagaan (aturan yang terjadi antar pelaku di sepanjang rantai nilai mebel mahoni Jepara dan menentukan skenario kebijakan yang dapat mendukung bagi kelestarian industri mebel Jepara. Data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data meliputi identifikasi aktor dan kelembagaan (aturan yang terjadi antar pelaku serta analisis manfaat biaya yang terdiri dari NVP, BCR dan IRR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 para pengrajin ( memproduksi mebelnya lebih didasarkan pada pesanan pembeli ( . agent principal Asymetic information yang terjadi antara pedagang kayu dan petani juga telah mengakibatkan posisi petani sebagai (2 Nilai NPV, BCRdan IRR untuk tiap pelaku berbeda-beda tetapi nilai-nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa pola kemitraan yang terjadi antar pelaku dalam rantai nilai mebel mahoni saat ini sudah efektif. Skenario kebijakan yang dapat diterapkan adalah kebijakan yang bersifat insentif bagi petani hutan rakyat, peningkatan kemampuan pengrajin di bidang pemasaran; dan membangun aksi kolektif diantara pengrajin. price taker;

  14. Analisis Neraca Air Lahan untuk Tanaman Padi dan Jagung Di Kota Bengkulu

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    Jaka A. I. Paski


    Citation: Paski, J.A.I., Faski, G.I.S.L., Handoyo, M.F. dan Pertiwi, D.A.S. (2017. Analisis Neraca Air Lahan untuk Tanaman Padi dan Jagung di Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 15(2, 83-89, doi:10.14710/jil.15.2.83-89

  15. Pengaruh Advance Organizer Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Kemampuan Analisis – Sintesis Siswa

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    Tasiwan -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pengatur kemajuan (advance organizer berbasis proyek terhadap kemampuan analisis – sintesis siswa pada konsep Energi. Sebelum pembelajaran, diberikan tugas proyek pada siswa untuk merealisasikan bel listrik sederhana, rangkaian arus seri - paralel, dan tuas. Produk proyek digunakan sebagai advance organizer dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Penguatan kognitif dilakukan melalui diskusi kelompok dan pembuatan peta konsep, ekspositori guru di kelas, dan kegiatan eksperimen laboratorium. Data diambil melalui pretest, post test, observasi partisipatif pembelajaran oleh dua orang observer, penilaian produk, peta konsep dan laporan kegiatan eksperimen. Teknik analisis data meliputi uji prasyarat data dan uji hipotesis Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan kemampuan analisis – sintesis dalam aspek menguraikan, mengkategorikan, mengidentifikasi, merumuskan pernyataan, merekonstruksi, menentukan konsep, dan menganalisis konsep dengan rata – rata peningkatan delta skor sebesar 54,46 %, uji t sebesar 6,4, dan skala gain sebesar 0,3. This study was conducted to determine the effect of project-based advance organizer model on student’s analysis - synthesis ability of the energy concept. Students were given an assignment to realize the project on simple electric bell, the series – parallel circuit, and lever, before learning. The products of project were used as an advanced organizer in the learning activity. Cognitive strengthening was done through group discussions and concept mapping, expository learning in the classroom, and laboratory experiments activities. The data were taken through a pretest, post-test, participant observation study by two observers, product assessment, concept maps and report of experiment activities. Results showed that the students’ analysis - synthesis ability increased in the aspect of describing, categorizing, identifying, statement


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    Renty Anugerah Mahaji Puteri


    Full Text Available PT. ABC merupakan perusahaan Jepang yang bergerak di bidang usaha jasa konstruksi mekanikal, elektrikal, dan system komunikasi. Sebagai perusahaan jasa konstruksi, PT. ABC dituntut untuk mencapai tujuan / target perusahaan tiap tahunnya yaitu mendapatkan tender proyek, maka tak jarang karyawannya dituntut untuk lembur. Seringnya karyawan lembur, maka menimbulkan masalah kelelahan terhadap para karyawannya sehingga target tidak tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi beban kerja yang dialami oleh engineer leader pada Departemen DesaindanOperasional di PT. ABC. Beban kerja yang diukur adalah beban kerja fisik dan mental. Beban kerja fisik diukur berdasarkan cardiovascular load (CVL. Beban kerja mental diukur dengan menggunakan metode NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX. Berdasarkan hasil analisis CVL, beban kerja fisik yang diterima engineer proyek memiliki presentase CVL sebesar 31,16%, denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 23,38%. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis NASA-TLX, beban kerja mental yang diterima engineer proyek yaitu dengan skor NASA-TLX 74,2% denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 51,6%, sedangkan skor NASA-TLX engineer head office 61,5% denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 47,66%.

  17. Analisis Struktur Kristal Lifepo4 Olivine Sebagai Bahan Katoda Batere Li-Ion

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    Indra Gunawan


    Full Text Available Sintesis LiFePO4 dilakukan dengan pencampuran LiCl, FeCl2.4H2O dan H3PO4 ekuimolar ke dalam air. Homogenasi larutan dilakukan dengan pengaduk magnetic pada suhu 60o C. Prekursor LiFePO4 diperoleh setelah pemanasan 200o C dengan furnace selama 2 jam. Sintering prekursor LiFePO4 dilakukan pada suhu 700o C dengan furnace selama 4 jam dengan aliran N2 untuk membentuk fasa kristalit LiFePO4. Kemurnian fasa dan struktur kristal dianalisis dengan menggunakan XRD. Analisis struktur kristal dari pola difraksi sinar-X dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak FULLPROF. Pengamatan morfologinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM dengan kombinasi energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS dan pengukuran gugus fungsional dengan FT-IR. Hasil analisis struktur kristal menunjukkan bahwa senyawa LiFePO4 memiliki struktur Kristal orthorhombic, space group 62, simbol Pnma (Hermann-Mauguin dengan parameter kisi a= 6.0019999, b= 10.330000, c= 4.6999998. 

  18. Analisis dan Rencana Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih Unit Cabang Timur PDAM Kabupaten Klaten

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    Ana Tri Lestari


    Full Text Available Unit Cabang Timur Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kabupaten Klaten dibagi menjadi 3 unit pelayanan Ibu Kota Kecamatan (IKK dan mempunyai tingkat pelayanan yang masih rendah pada tahun 2015, yaitu Unit IKK Ceper 17,6%; Unit IKK Pedan 2,43%; dan Unit IKK Cawas 31,26% sehingga peningkatan persen pelayanan menjadi hal yang perlu dilakukan. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya penambahan debit produksi sebesar 50 liter/detik. Selain itu, jaringan distibusi belum dibentuk blok pelayanan sehingga sulit untuk mengontrol kehilangan air. Perencanaan ini dilakukan pembagian blok pelayanan menjadi 26 blok dan 5 tapping. Setelah itu dilakukan analisis kondisi eksiting. Hasil analisis kondisi eksisting menunjukkan kondisi hidrolika perpipaan kecuali kecepatan masih memenuhi kriteria, yaitu tekanan antara (15,43-59,99 m, kecepatan (0-0,91 m/detik, unit headloss (0-3,51 m/km. Kemudian dilakukan pengembangan jaringan yang dibagi menjadi 2 tahap, dimana tahap 1 meningkatkan persen pelayanan, sedangkan tahap 2 menambah daerah pelayanan baru. Blok pelayanan setelah pengembangan menjadi 29 blok dan 5 titik tapping. Kemudian analisis rencana pengembangan dilakukan dan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi hidrolika pipa untuk tekanan di jaringan distribusi IKK Cawas bernilai negatif. Hal ini dikarenakan unit headloss yang terjadi pada pipa dari reservoir menuju titik tapping pertama IKK Cawas sebesar 5,78 m/km dengan panjang pipa 14,35 km sehingga headloss  sebesar 82,94 m menyebabkan tekanan menjadi -2,89 m. Permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan parallel pipa diameter 200 mm sepanjang 9 km. Parallel pipa tersebut mengakibatkan tekanan  pada titik tapping pertama IKK Cawas menjadi 34,65 m dan titik tapping terjauh (blok 19 sebesar 16,34 m.  Hasil analisis hidrolika, seperti unit headloss berada pada rentang (0-5,78 m/km, namun kecepatan masih ada yang di bawah 0,3 m/detik. Rencana anggaran biaya (RAB yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pengembangan jaringan sebesar Rp 2.470.153,051.71.

  19. Analisis Karakteristik Hujan untuk Pendugaan Debit Aliran Rencana Sungai Anafri di Kota Jayapura

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    Nurfaijin Nurfaijin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik hujan wilayah DAS Anafri, menghitung debit aliran rencana, dan mengkaji kapasitas Sungai Anafri dalam merespon pengalihragaman hujan menjadi aliran permukaan. Kajian karakteristik hujan yakni ketebalan, intensitas, dan durasi hujan dilakukan dengan analisis statistik data hujan. Analisis distribusi data hujan diasumsikan sesuai dengan Metode Gumbel, sehingga untuk menentukan hujan periode ulang 2 tahun, 5 tahun, 10 tahun, dan 25 tahun menggunakan persamaan Gumbel. Hujan periode ulang digunakan untuk menghitung debit aliran rencana Metode Rasional. Analisis kapasitas sungai dilakukan dengan membandingkan debit aliran rencana dalam periode ulang T dengan kapasitas sungai. Penghitungan kapasitas sungai dilakukan pada penampang PI (bagian hulu, P2,dan P3 (bagian hilir. Debit aliran rencana yang digunakan dalam analisis kapasitas sungai adalah debit aliran Q25tahun (107,478 m³/detikdan 163,726 m³/detik. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahawa, terjadinya limpasan pada penampang sungai PI dan P2 pada saat menampung debit banjir yang diketahui penyebab utamanya adalah bank full capacity kecil, maka alternat! ( penanganan yang direkomendasikan adalah peninggian tanggul sungai. Analisis kapasitas sungai menggunakan debit banjir periode ulang 25 tahun menunjukan bahwa, terjadi limpasan pada lokasi penampang PI sampai P2 dengan panjang ruas 400 m yang terjadi pada tanggul sisi kanan dan tanggul sisi kiri dengan panjang ruas 40 meter. Limpasan terjadi setinggi 0,1 m hingga 1,6 m pada tanggul sisi kanan dan 0,1 m hingga 0,3 m pada tanggul sisi kiri, sehingga peninggian tanggul yang direkomendasikan adalah setinggi 1,6 mpada sisi kanan dan 0,3 m pada tanggul sisi kiri. ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the characteristics of rainfall watershed of Anafri calculate the flow rate plan, and assess the river capacity to respond diversion of rain to be surface runoff. In this study, the analysis of rainfall

  20. Energy efficiency indicators. Case study, Liguria; Indicatori di efficienza energetica. Il caso Liguria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciarallo, M.A. [ENEA, Divisione Promozione degli Usi Efficienti e Diversificazione dell' Energia, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria Galeria, RM (Italy)


    The report examines the trend in the Liguria Region's energy requirements over the period 1988-1996. The trend was analysed using the regional energy balances and energy efficiency indicators, both in aggregate form and on a single sector basis. The residential sector, in particular, was singled out for an in-depth analysis using publishing and processed data. [Italian] Il presente rapporto esamina l'evoluzione delle caratteristiche energetiche della Regione Liguria attraverso l'analisi degli indicatori di efficienza energetica. Tale analisi e' stata svolta sia a livello aggregato che con riferimento ai singoli settori di attivita'. Particolare attenzione e' stata dedicata al settore residenziale, per il quale e' stato svolto un esame piu' approfondito attraverso un lavoro di raccolta e di elaborazione dati. Il periodo di riferimento va dal 1988 al 1966 dal momento che questo e' l'ultimo anno per il quale sono disponibili i dati economici Istat utilizzati per il calcolo degli indicatori.

  1. Energy efficiency indicators. Case study, Liguria; Indicatori di efficienza energetica. Il caso Liguria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciarallo, M A [ENEA, Divisione Promozione degli Usi Efficienti e Diversificazione dell' Energia, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria Galeria, RM (Italy)


    The report examines the trend in the Liguria Region's energy requirements over the period 1988-1996. The trend was analysed using the regional energy balances and energy efficiency indicators, both in aggregate form and on a single sector basis. The residential sector, in particular, was singled out for an in-depth analysis using publishing and processed data. [Italian] Il presente rapporto esamina l'evoluzione delle caratteristiche energetiche della Regione Liguria attraverso l'analisi degli indicatori di efficienza energetica. Tale analisi e' stata svolta sia a livello aggregato che con riferimento ai singoli settori di attivita'. Particolare attenzione e' stata dedicata al settore residenziale, per il quale e' stato svolto un esame piu' approfondito attraverso un lavoro di raccolta e di elaborazione dati. Il periodo di riferimento va dal 1988 al 1966 dal momento che questo e' l'ultimo anno per il quale sono disponibili i dati economici Istat utilizzati per il calcolo degli indicatori.

  2. Study on Design Optimization of Centrifugal Compressors Considering Efficiency and Weight

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Younghwan; Kang, Shinhyoung; Ha, Kyunggu


    Various centrifugal compressors are currently used extensively in industrial fields, where the design requirements are more complicated. This makes it more difficult to determine the optimal design point of a centrifugal compressor. Traditionally, the efficiency is an important factor for optimization. In this study, the weight of the compressor was also considered. The aim of this study was to present the design tendency considering the stage efficiency and weight. In addition, this study suggested possibility of a selection of compressor design objectives at an early design stage based on the optimization results. Only a vaneless diffuser was considered in this case. The Kriging method was used with sample points from 1D design program data. The optimal points were determined in a substitute design space.

  3. Study on Design Optimization of Centrifugal Compressors Considering Efficiency and Weight

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Younghwan; Kang, Shinhyoung [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ha, Kyunggu [Hyundai Motor Group, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Various centrifugal compressors are currently used extensively in industrial fields, where the design requirements are more complicated. This makes it more difficult to determine the optimal design point of a centrifugal compressor. Traditionally, the efficiency is an important factor for optimization. In this study, the weight of the compressor was also considered. The aim of this study was to present the design tendency considering the stage efficiency and weight. In addition, this study suggested possibility of a selection of compressor design objectives at an early design stage based on the optimization results. Only a vaneless diffuser was considered in this case. The Kriging method was used with sample points from 1D design program data. The optimal points were determined in a substitute design space.

  4. Design considerations for energy efficient, resilient, multi-layer networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fagertun, Anna Manolova; Hansen, Line Pyndt; Ruepp, Sarah Renée


    measures. In this complex problem, considerations such as client traffic granularity, applied grooming policies and multi-layer resiliency add even more complexity. A commercially available network planning tool is used to investigate the interplay between different methods for resilient capacity planning......This work investigates different network design considerations with respect to energy-efficiency, under green-field resilient multi-layer network deployment. The problem of energy efficient, reliable multi-layer network design is known to result in different trade-offs between key performance....... Switching off low-utilized transport links has been investigated via a pro-active re-routing applied during the network planning. Our analysis shows that design factors such as the applied survivability strategy and the applied planning method have higher impact on the key performance indicators compared...

  5. CMOS analog integrated circuits high-speed and power-efficient design

    CERN Document Server

    Ndjountche, Tertulien


    High-speed, power-efficient analog integrated circuits can be used as standalone devices or to interface modern digital signal processors and micro-controllers in various applications, including multimedia, communication, instrumentation, and control systems. New architectures and low device geometry of complementary metaloxidesemiconductor (CMOS) technologies have accelerated the movement toward system on a chip design, which merges analog circuits with digital, and radio-frequency components. CMOS: Analog Integrated Circuits: High-Speed and Power-Efficient Design describes the important tren

  6. Analisis “Brand Equity” Siaran Berita Stasiun Televisi Swasta Indonesia


    Arif Sugiono; Prima Mulyasari Agustina


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan berbagai merek siaran berita stasiun televisi swasta berdasarkan dimensi ekuitas mereknya, dengan memfokuskan pada empat dimensi ekuitas merek, yang meliputi loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas, dan asosiasi merek. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisis data menggunakan tabulasi dan teknik skala. Hasil penelitian dari dimensi loyalitas merek tiga besar siaran berita secara berurutan adalah Buser, Patroli dan L...

  7. A Novel Design for Drug-Drug Interaction Alerts Improves Prescribing Efficiency. (United States)

    Russ, Alissa L; Chen, Siying; Melton, Brittany L; Johnson, Elizabette G; Spina, Jeffrey R; Weiner, Michael; Zillich, Alan J


    Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are common in clinical care and pose serious risks for patients. Electronic health records display DDI alerts that can influence prescribers, but the interface design of DDI alerts has largely been unstudied. In this study, the objective was to apply human factors engineering principles to alert design. It was hypothesized that redesigned DDI alerts would significantly improve prescribers' efficiency and reduce prescribing errors. In a counterbalanced, crossover study with prescribers, two DDI alert designs were evaluated. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prescribers were video recorded as they completed fictitious patient scenarios, which included DDI alerts of varying severity. Efficiency was measured from time-stamped recordings. Prescribing errors were evaluated against predefined criteria. Efficiency and prescribing errors were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Other usability data were collected on the adequacy of alert content, prescribers' use of the DDI monograph, and alert navigation. Twenty prescribers completed patient scenarios for both designs. Prescribers resolved redesigned alerts in about half the time (redesign: 52 seconds versus original design: 97 seconds; p<.001). Prescribing errors were not significantly different between the two designs. Usability results indicate that DDI alerts might be enhanced by facilitating easier access to laboratory data and dosing information and by allowing prescribers to cancel either interacting medication directly from the alert. Results also suggest that neither design provided adequate information for decision making via the primary interface. Applying human factors principles to DDI alerts improved overall efficiency. Aspects of DDI alert design that could be further enhanced prior to implementation were also identified.

  8. Passive solar energy-efficient architectural building Design ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper analyses have been done on the climate data for various climatic regions in North Cyprus to obtain physical architectural building design specification with a view to develop passive solar energy-efficient building. It utilizes a computer program, ARCHIPAK, together with climate data (for 25 year period) to get ...

  9. GTHTR300—A nuclear power plant design with 50% generating efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hiroyuki; Yan, Xing L.; Tachibana, Yukio; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko


    Highlights: • GTHTR300 reported 10 years ago is updated. • Cycle and reactor core designs as well as turbine blade material are improved. • The study showed that GTHTR300 is able to yield a net plant efficiency of 50.4%. - Abstract: GTHTR300 is a gas turbine high temperature reactor power generation plant design. The baseline design reported by Japan Atomic Energy Agency a decade ago attained 45.6% net efficiency. Technological improvements have since been made that make further increase in efficiency practical: first, the cycle parameters are upgraded by utilizing the newly acquired design data including those from component tests. Next, the core design is optimized to raise the reactor outlet coolant temperature from the baseline of 850 °C to the level of 950 °C demonstrated on the long-term test reactor operation. Both core physics and thermal hydraulics are investigated to demonstrate the corresponding temperature rise is within the design limit so that the existing fuel design can continue to apply. Finally, an advanced type of turbine blade material that has only recently entered in commercial service in aircraft engine is found to be useable for this design to realize a turbine inlet temperature of 950 °C without requiring blade cooling. As detailed in this paper, these design improvements result in a nearly 5% gain in overall plant efficiency and enable the GTHTR300 to break the 50% efficiency barrier of nuclear plant while using only the existing technologies. This result is expected to contribute to the early market deployment of high temperature gas-cooled reactor

  10. GTHTR300—A nuclear power plant design with 50% generating efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Hiroyuki, E-mail:; Yan, Xing L.; Tachibana, Yukio; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko


    Highlights: • GTHTR300 reported 10 years ago is updated. • Cycle and reactor core designs as well as turbine blade material are improved. • The study showed that GTHTR300 is able to yield a net plant efficiency of 50.4%. - Abstract: GTHTR300 is a gas turbine high temperature reactor power generation plant design. The baseline design reported by Japan Atomic Energy Agency a decade ago attained 45.6% net efficiency. Technological improvements have since been made that make further increase in efficiency practical: first, the cycle parameters are upgraded by utilizing the newly acquired design data including those from component tests. Next, the core design is optimized to raise the reactor outlet coolant temperature from the baseline of 850 °C to the level of 950 °C demonstrated on the long-term test reactor operation. Both core physics and thermal hydraulics are investigated to demonstrate the corresponding temperature rise is within the design limit so that the existing fuel design can continue to apply. Finally, an advanced type of turbine blade material that has only recently entered in commercial service in aircraft engine is found to be useable for this design to realize a turbine inlet temperature of 950 °C without requiring blade cooling. As detailed in this paper, these design improvements result in a nearly 5% gain in overall plant efficiency and enable the GTHTR300 to break the 50% efficiency barrier of nuclear plant while using only the existing technologies. This result is expected to contribute to the early market deployment of high temperature gas-cooled reactor.

  11. Designing efficient photochromic dithienylethene dyads. (United States)

    Fihey, Arnaud; Jacquemin, Denis


    Aiming at designing more efficient multiphotochromes, we investigate with the help of ab initio tools the impact of the substitution on a series of dimers constituted of two dithienylethene (DTE) moieties, strongly coupled to each other through an ethynyl linker. The electronic structure and the optical properties of a large panel of compounds, substituted on different positions by various types of electroactive groups, have been compared with the aim of designing a dyad in which the three possible isomers (open-open, closed-open, closed-closed) can be reached. We show that appending the reactive carbons atoms of the DTE core with electroactive groups on one of the two photochromes allows cyclisation to be induced on a specific moiety, which leads to the formation of the desired closed-open isomer. Substituting the lateral positions of the thiophene rings provides further control of the topology of the frontier molecular orbitals, so that the electronic transition inducing the second ring closure stands out in the spectrum of the intermediate isomer.

  12. Analisis Derau dalam Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi Op-Amp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Sendari


    Full Text Available Perancangan IC Op-Amp, memerlukan spesifikasi-spesifikasi yang meliputi parameter proses dan parameter perancangan. Dalam menentukan parameter perancangan, derau merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena derau dapat menentukan keandalan perancangan. Untuk menganalisis derau pada IC Op-Amp langkah pertama yang harus diketahui adalah sumber-sumber derau, setelah itu dilakukan analisis derau baik secara teoritis maupun secara simulasi untuk mengetahui derau yang mungkin terjadi dalam perancangan IC, apakah sudah sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan atau tidak. Untuk simulasi derau dapat dilakukan dengan program Spice.

  13. Design of a portable artificial heart drive system based on efficiency analysis. (United States)

    Kitamura, T


    This paper discusses a computer simulation of a pneumatic portable piston-type artificial heart drive system with a linear d-c-motor. The purpose of the design is to obtain an artificial heart drive system with high efficiency and small dimensions to enhance portability. The design employs two factors contributing the total efficiency of the drive system. First, the dimensions of the pneumatic actuator were optimized under a cost function of the total efficiency. Second, the motor performance was studied in terms of efficiency. More than 50 percent of the input energy of the actuator with practical loads is consumed in the armature circuit in all linear d-c-motors with brushes. An optimal design is: the piston cross-sectional area of 10.5 cm2 cylinder longitudinal length of 10 cm. The total efficiency could be up to 25 percent by improving the gasket to reduce the frictional force.

  14. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal


    Nurul Dzakiya; MGS. Dwiki Nugraha; Nenden L. Sidik; Trias Galena


    Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m), lempung pasiran (11-30 m) dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m) yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di pe...

  15. Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan


    Fachri, Yusrizal


    130306044 YUSRIZAL FACHRI, 2017. “Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan”. Dibimbing oleh ARMYN HAKIM DAULAY dan NEVY DIANA HANAFI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik lembaga pemasaran, bentuk saluran, fungsi pemasaran, dan menganalisis nilai tambah di lembaga-lembaga pemasaran ayam ras pedaging di pasar tradisional Kota Medan pada April sampai Mei 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang didapatkan dari observasi dan waw...

  16. Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Pallet Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tria Mariz Arief


    Full Text Available Pallet sebagai suatu alat bantu untuk mempermudah proses bongkar-muat logistik. Palletdigunakan hampir dalam berbagai lingkungan transportasi logistik. Pada bahasan berikutdikhususkan dalam lingkup transportasi di dalam pesawat udara khususnya pada pesawatangkut militer. Di lingkungan militer pallet digunakan untuk transport logistik baik secara normalmuat (loading dan bongkar (unloading maupun kondisi bongkar dengan diterjunkan daripesawat udara. Untuk pemenuhan penggunaan tersebut dilakukan perancangan ulang (reverseengineering struktur pallet yang dapat dimanufaktur secara lokal. Hipotesis awal menunjukkanbahwa berdasarkan kondisi pembebanan pada pallet dapat diperkirakan bahwa kondisitegangan dan regangan maksimum akan terjadi pada posisi sudut struktur pallet yang ditransferbebannya ke komponen plat besi penahan siku-siku dan baut. Material yang digunakan padastruktur pallet adalah Allumunium Alloy 7075-T6 dengan kekuatan tarik sebesar 503 MPa.Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan simulasi numerik dengan metoda elemen hingga(FEM. Proses simulasi numerik kekuatan struktur pallet difokuskan pada pembebanan statis(termasuk pengaruh factor G dalam interval beban statis 4 ton sampai 7 ton. Analisis dilakukanpada perubahan variabel tegangan dan regangan terhadap variasi beban yang diberikan untukmendapatkan tingkat keamanan struktur (margin safety. Pemodelan dilakukan denganidealisasi model ¼ bagian menggunakan elemen terstruktur dengan jenis elemen hexahedral(brick dengan jumlah 73803 elemen dan 360323 node. Hasil analisis menunjukkan teganganekuivalen maksimum struktur Pallet adalah 94 MPa yang terjadi di penguat sudut (anglebracket. Sedangkan pada struktur penguat lapis (sandwich structure berbahan thick blockyang mempunyai kekuatan sebesar 20 MPa adalah sebesar 0.84 MPa. Tingkat keamanansecara keseluruhan struktur dengan mempertimbangkan factor G hingga 2 adalah 5.3.Kata kunci: Analisis struktur, pallet, logistik, reverse engineering, FEM

  17. Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 4.1 pada Fakultas Teknik Undip

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arini Arumana


    Full Text Available Peran teknologi informasi dalam suatu instansi sudah tidak dapat dielakkan lagi, mengingat perkembangannya yang begitu pesat seiring berjalannya waktu. Namun masalah yang sering terjadi di instansi adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi yang kadang tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan tata kelola terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi yang biasa disebut dengan IT Governance. Fakultas teknik UNDIP adalah salah satu fakultas yang dalam operasionalnya sangat mengandalkan teknologi informasi, baik dalam aktifitas belajar mengajar maupun dalam menjalankan operasional bisnis. Kondisi sekarang di Fakultas Teknik sendiri tidak terdapat suatu indikator yang dapat menyatakan bahwa kinerja TI yang berjalan telah sesuai dengan visi dan misi Fakultas Teknik, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis tata kelola teknologi informasi, guna mengetahui performa TI sekarang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh managemen atau tidak. Hasil dari analisis ini berupa tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI yang mecerminkan kondisi tata kelola TI di Fakultas Teknik dengan mengacu pada maturity level yang disediakan kerangka kerja COBIT 4.1, yakni dari level 0 (non-existent sampai 5 (optimized. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, secara garis besar kondisi kematangan tata kelola TI Fakultas Teknik berada pada level 2 yakni repeatable but intuitive. Kondisi ini mengacu pada beberapa kelemahan dalam proses-proses TI yang berjalan, diantaranya penetapan dan dokumentasi tindakan, kebijakan dan prosedur yang minim, serta tidak tersedianya service level yang disetujui bersama.

  18. A support approach for the conceptual design of energy-efficient cooker hoods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cicconi, Paolo; Landi, Daniele; Germani, Michele; Russo, Anna Costanza


    Highlights: •An eco-innovation approach to support the design of household appliances. •The research is focused on the energy labelling for kitchen hoods. •A software platform provides tools to configure and optimize new solutions. •A tool can calculate the energy efficiency indexes of a product configuration. -- Abstract: In Europe, kitchen hoods currently come with an energy label showing their energy efficiency class and other information regarding the energy consumption and noise level, as established by the European Energy Labelling Directive. Because of recent regulations, designs of cooker hoods must consider new issues, such as the evaluation of the energy efficiency, analysis of the energy consumption, and product lifecycle impact. Therefore, the development of eco-driven products requires Ecodesign tools to support eco-innovation and related sustainability improvements. The scope of the proposed research is to define a method and an agile and affordable platform tool that can support designers in the early estimation of product energy performance, including the calculation of energy efficiency indexes. The approach also considers the use of genetic algorithm methods to optimize the product configuration in terms of energy efficiency. The research context concerns large and small productions of kitchen hoods. The paper describes the methodological approach within the developed tool. The results show a good correlation between real efficiency values and calculated ones. A validation activity has been described, and a test case shows how to apply the proposed approach for the design of a new efficient product with an A-class Energy Efficiency Index.

  19. Optimization design of power efficiency of exponential impedance transformer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Meng; Zou Wenkang; Chen Lin; Guan Yongchao; Fu Jiabin; Xie Weiping


    The paper investigates the optimization design of power efficiency of exponential impedance transformer with analytic method and numerical method. In numerical calculation, a sine wave Jantage with hypothesis of rising edge equivalence is regarded as the forward-going Jantage at input of transformer, and its dominant angular frequency is determined by typical rise-time of actual Jantage waveforms. At the same time, dissipative loss in water dielectric is neglected. The numerical results of three typical modes of impedance transformation, viz. linear mode, saturation mode and steep mode,are compared. Pivotal factors which affect the power efficiency of exponential impedance transformer are discussed, and a certain extent quantitative range of intermediate variables and accordance coefficients are obtained. Finally, the paper discusses some important issues in actual design, such as insulation safety factor in structure design, effects of coupling capacitance on impedance calculation, and dissipative loss in water dielectric. (authors)

  20. Physical design correlates of efficiency and safety in emergency departments: a qualitative examination. (United States)

    Pati, Debajyoti; Harvey, Thomas E; Pati, Sipra


    The objective of this study was to explore and identify physical design correlates of safety and efficiency in emergency department (ED) operations. This study adopted an exploratory, multimeasure approach to (1) examine the interactions between ED operations and physical design at 4 sites and (2) identify domains of physical design decision-making that potentially influence efficiency and safety. Multidisciplinary gaming and semistructured interviews were conducted with stakeholders at each site. Study data suggest that 16 domains of physical design decisions influence safety, efficiency, or both. These include (1) entrance and patient waiting, (2) traffic management, (3) subwaiting or internal waiting areas, (4) triage, (5) examination/treatment area configuration, (6) examination/treatment area centralization versus decentralization, (7) examination/treatment room standardization, (8) adequate space, (9) nurse work space, (10) physician work space, (11) adjacencies and access, (12) equipment room, (13) psych room, (14) staff de-stressing room, (15) hallway width, and (16) results waiting area. Safety and efficiency from a physical environment perspective in ED design are mutually reinforcing concepts--enhancing efficiency bears positive implications for safety. Furthermore, safety and security emerged as correlated concepts, with security issues bearing implications for safety, thereby suggesting important associations between safety, security, and efficiency.

  1. Energy efficient circuit design using nanoelectromechanical relays (United States)

    Venkatasubramanian, Ramakrishnan

    Nano-electromechanical (NEM) relays are a promising class of emerging devices that offer zero off-state leakage and behave like an ideal switch. Recent advances in planar fabrication technology have demonstrated that microelectromechanical (MEMS) scale miniature relays could be manufactured reliably and could be used to build fully functional, complex integrated circuits. The zero leakage operation of relays has renewed the interest in relay based low power logic design. This dissertation explores circuit architectures using NEM relays and NEMS-CMOS heterogeneous integration. Novel circuit topologies for sequential logic, memory, and power management circuits have been proposed taking into consideration the NEM relay device properties and optimizing for energy efficiency and area. In nanoscale electromechanical devices, dispersion forces like Van der Waals' force (vdW) affect the pull-in stability of the relay devices significantly. Verilog-A electromechanical model of the suspended gate relay operating at 1V with a nominal air gap of 5 - 10nm has been developed taking into account all the electrical, mechanical and dispersion effects. This dissertation explores different relay based latch and flip-flop topologies. It has been shown that as few as 4 relay cells could be used to build flip-flops. An integrated voltage doubler based flip flop that improves the performance by 2X by overdriving Vgb has been proposed. Three NEM relay based parallel readout memory bitcell architectures have been proposed that have faster access time, and remove the reliability issues associated with previously reported serial readout architectures. A paradigm shift in design of power switches using NEM relays is proposed. An interesting property of the relay device is that the ON state resistance (Ron) of the NEM relay switch is constant and is insensitive to the gate slew rate. This coupled with infinite OFF state resistance (Roff ) offers significant area and power advantages over CMOS

  2. Development of a tool for the analysis and diagnosis in real time of centrifugal pumps; Desarrollo en una herramienta para el analisis y diagnostico en tiempo real de bombas centrifugas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacheco, J.J.; Aviles, J.J.; Zaleta, A.; Olivares, A. [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica, Electrica y Electronica (FIMEE), Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)


    In this paper the development of a computer tool for the analysis of centrifugal pumps is presented. This tool allows the user to analyze the performance of the pump by means of the analysis of the behavior curves at its design conditions, reference and operation. In order to realize the analysis it is necessary that the user feeds the tool with the missing and necessary information according to norm ASME PTC 8.2 and under the specified conditions of calibration of the same norm, to eliminate possible errors in the results, a bad qualification or erroneous acquisition of the signals. The system must early be fed with the polynomials of the behavior curves of the pump in its design conditions to later correct the behavior based on a velocity of present operation. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para el analisis de bombas centrifugas. Dicha herramienta permite al usuario analizar el desempeno de la bomba mediante el analisis de las curvas de comportamiento en sus condiciones de diseno, referencia y operacion. Para realizar el analisis es necesario que el usuario alimente la herramienta con la informacion faltante y necesaria de acuerdo a la norma ASME PTC 8.2 y bajo las condiciones de calibracion especificadas en la misma norma, para eliminar posibles errores en los resultados a una mala calificacion o adquisicion erronea de las senales. El sistema tiene que ser anticipadamente alimentado con los polinomios de las curvas de comportamiento de la bomba en sus condiciones de diseno para posteriormente corregir el comportamiento en funcion de una velocidad de operacion actual.


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    Muhammad Zaenuri


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1. Komoditas tanaman bahan makanan unggulan apa saja yang ada di masing-masing kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali, 2 Bagaimana strategi perencanaan pengembangan subsektor tanaman bahan makanan dilihat dari kelengkapan infrastruktur di Kabupaten Boyolali, 3 Bagaimana laju pertumbuhan sektor tanaman bahan makanan yang dimiliki tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Shift Share (SS, Klassen Typologi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ diketahui pengembangan komoditas padi terdapat di Kecamatan Ngemplak, Kecamatan Banyudono, Kecamatan Sawit. Komoditas tanaman jagung terdapat di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Ampel, Kecamatan Cepogo dan Kecamatan Musuk. Komoditas ubi kayu di Kecamatan Klego, kecamatan Simo. Komoditas ubi jalar di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Simo dan Kecamatan Mojosongo. Komoditas kacang tanah ada di Kecamatan Boyolali dan Kecamatan Nogosari. Komoditas kedelai di Kecamatan Juwangi, Kecamatan Sambi, Kecamatn Kemusu dan Kecamatan Wonosegoro. The problems that were in this research is 1 Commodities food plants seed material what it was in each carpel kecamatan in kabupaten boyolali, 2 how strategy sub planning the development of the food crops sector seen from the completeness of the infrastructure in boyolali district, 3 how sector growth rate of plants of food material possessed every sub-district in boyolali district. The data used was secondary data. Data analysis methods using analysis loqation quotient (LQ, shift share (SS, klassen typologi . According to the research using analysis loqation quotient (LQ development rice is in in ngemplak, in banyudono, in palm. Corn is crops in district violoncello, in ampel, in cepogo and in musuk. Commodities cassava in district klego, in simo. Commodities sweet potatoes in in violoncello, in simo and


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    Kartika Kirana


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kecamatan Genuk merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang endemis DBD di Kota Semarang. Secara berturut-turut sejak tahun 2012 hingga 2014, Kecamatan Genuk masuk sebagai tiga besar kasus DBD terbanyak. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian DBD adalah faktor lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran dari hasil analisis spasial faktor lingkungan dengan kejadian DBD di Kecamatan Genuk. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah kondisi SPAL, penumpukan ban bekas dan sumur gali. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Genuk (Kelurahan Genuksari, Karangroto, Bangetayu Kulon dan Banjardowo pada bulan Maret 2016. Instrumen meliputi lembar observasi, peta lokasi, Global Positioning System (GPS, alat fotografi dan AcrGIS. Analisis data menggunakan SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian DBD menggerombol pada beberapa RW yang berdekatan dengan keberadaan penumpukan ban bekas sekitar permukiman dan sumur gali terbuka.   Kata Kunci        : demam berdarah (DBD, lingkungan, analisis spasial     ABSTRACT Genukis one of dengue fever endemic district in Semarang city. Since 2012 until 2014, Genuk involve as the place that has high incidence of Dengue Fever. One of the factors in the incidence Dengue Fever areenvironmental factors.The goals of this research wasto analize spatial environmental factorsin the incidence Dengue Fever in Genukdistrict. This was a quantitative descriptive research with descriptive survey. The unit this research was water puddle on the pilling of the tire, the dug wells, and waste water pipeline that located in Genuk District (Subdistrict of Genuksari, Karangroto, Bangetayu Kulon and Banjardowo at March 2016. The instruments were paper of observation,the  map, GPS, camera and ArcGIS. Data was analyzed with GIS. The study showed that dengue fever transmission was inthe area with pilling of the tire, and the dug wells.   Keywords

  5. Designing environmental performance indicators (EPIs) for eco-efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, B.


    Environmental performance indicators (EPI) were discussed and a method by which companies can design indicators to help measure their progress toward greater eco-efficiency was presented. EPIs are quantitative measures of environmental performance. EPIs can measure one attribute, such as effluent released to water, or they can be a complex index. EPIs track impacts on the environment and provide information for decision making. The need for more eco-efficient companies, i.e. companies that produce useful goods and services while reducing their consumption of resources and while making efforts to reduce pollution, was emphasized

  6. Best Practices Guide for Energy-Efficient Data Center Design: Revised March 2011 (Brochure)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This guide provides an overview of best practices for energy-efficient data center design which spans the categories of Information Technology (IT) systems and their environmental conditions, data center air management, cooling and electrical systems, on-site generation, and heat recovery. IT system energy efficiency and environmental conditions are presented first because measures taken in these areas have a cascading effect of secondary energy savings for the mechanical and electrical systems. This guide concludes with a section on metrics and benchmarking values by which a data center and its systems energy efficiency can be evaluated. No design guide can offer 'the most energy-efficient' data center design but the guidelines that follow offer suggestions that provide efficiency benefits for a wide variety of data center scenarios.

  7. Profiling, analisi delle prestazioni e proposte per l'ottimizzazione del RDBMS MySQL utilizzato dal progetto DIRAC/LHCbDIRAC

    CERN Document Server

    Mesin, Alberto

    Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi riguarda lo studio, l'analisi e la formula- zione di proposte per il miglioramento del database di back-end del progetto DIRAC/LHCbDIRAC. LHCbDIRAC, basato su DIRAC, e il sistema di sot- tomissione per l'accesso all'infrastruttura distribuita Grid per l'esperimento LHCb del CERN. Ad esso e adata la gestione dei job di Produzione, Mer- ge, Ricostruzione degli Eventi e Analisi per i dati sperimentali e simulati. Il sistema utilizza un RDBMS MySQL per la gestione di numerosi databa- se. La volonta di passare ad un motore relazionale e transazionale per la denizione schemi e la possibilita che, in un recente futuro, il DBMS possa rappresentare un serio limite alle prestazioni del sistema stesso hanno reso necessario questo studio. Il lavoro svolto si e concentrato sul proling di un singolo schema relazionale per il quale sono stati utilizzati metodi di analisi e fornite soluzioni ai problemi riscontrati il quanto piu possibile generali e per tanto validi per l'intero sistema. L...

  8. Il difficile cammino dell’analisi musicale in Italia

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    Claudio Annibaldi


    Full Text Available Si immaginino gli atti d’un convegno sull’analisi musicale che abbia avuto luogo in un paese come la Francia, la Germania, l’ Inghilterra o gli Stati Uniti. Potrebbe mai accadere che essi vengano pubblicati sostituendo il discorso ufficiale d’apertura dei lavori con un testo tutto nuovo epperò simulante d’esser quello effettivamente pronunciato dall’autore? E potrebbe mai accadere - essendo costui un noto critico musicale e il direttore della collana editoriale comprendente gli atti in questione - che questo nuovo testo sia da lui dedicato a uno sfoggio della propria competenza analitica capace solo di esibire una visione dilettantesca della tecnica musicale tout court? Penso proprio di no. Eppure questo è accaduto in Italia non molti anni fa, quando le Edizioni Unicopli pubblicarono, nella collana dei "Quaderni di Musica/Realtà", gli atti di un convegno sull’analisi musicale tenuto nel 1989 a Reggio Emilia: il primo del genere negli annali della musicologia italiana. L’episodio rende bene l’idea dei pericoli incombenti sul cammino di quegli studiosi che, a far data dal convegno suddetto, si sono adoperati a che la pratica analitica acquisisse anche da noi la dignità scientifica di cui gode, appunto, in paesi come la Francia, la Germania, l’Inghilterra o gli Stati Uniti. Quei pericoli si chiamano ‘dilettantismo tecnico’, ‘arroganza intellettuale’, ‘ vezzo d’ imporre l’uno e l’altra grazie a un qualche tipo di potere personale’, ‘necessità di subire tale imposizione in cambio di qualche vantaggio pratico’.

  9. Design and optimization of automotive thermoelectric generators for maximum fuel efficiency improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kempf, Nicholas; Zhang, Yanliang


    Highlights: • A three-dimensional automotive thermoelectric generator (TEG) model is developed. • Heat exchanger design and TEG configuration are optimized for maximum fuel efficiency increase. • Heat exchanger conductivity has a strong influence on maximum fuel efficiency increase. • TEG aspect ratio and fin height increase with heat exchanger thermal conductivity. • A 2.5% fuel efficiency increase is attainable with nanostructured half-Heusler modules. - Abstract: Automotive fuel efficiency can be increased by thermoelectric power generation using exhaust waste heat. A high-temperature thermoelectric generator (TEG) that converts engine exhaust waste heat into electricity is simulated based on a light-duty passenger vehicle with a 4-cylinder gasoline engine. Strategies to optimize TEG configuration and heat exchanger design for maximum fuel efficiency improvement are provided. Through comparison of stainless steel and silicon carbide heat exchangers, it is found that both the optimal TEG design and the maximum fuel efficiency increase are highly dependent on the thermal conductivity of the heat exchanger material. Significantly higher fuel efficiency increase can be obtained using silicon carbide heat exchangers at taller fins and a longer TEG along the exhaust flow direction when compared to stainless steel heat exchangers. Accounting for major parasitic losses, a maximum fuel efficiency increase of 2.5% is achievable using newly developed nanostructured bulk half-Heusler thermoelectric modules.

  10. A Fuzzy Logic Model to Classify Design Efficiency of Nursing Unit Floors

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    Full Text Available This study was conducted to determine classifications for the planimetric design efficiency of certain public hospitals by developing a fuzzy logic algorithm. Utilizing primary areas and circulation areas from nursing unit floor plans, the study employed triangular membership functions for the fuzzy subsets. The input variables of primary areas per bed and circulation areas per bed were fuzzified in this model. The relationship between input variables and output variable of design efficiency were displayed as a result of fuzzy rules. To test existing nursing unit floors, efficiency output values were obtained and efficiency classes were constructed by this model in accordance with general norms, guidelines and previous studies. The classification of efficiency resulted from the comparison of hospitals.

  11. Design strategy for improving the energy efficiency in series hydraulic/electric synergy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramakrishnan, R.; Hiremath, Somashekhar S.; Singaperumal, M.


    Battery is a vital subsystem in an electric vehicle with regenerative braking system. The energy efficiency of an electric vehicle is improved by storing the regenerated energy in an electric battery, during braking, and reusing it during subsequent acceleration. Battery possesses a relatively poor power density and slow charging of regenerated energy, when compared to hydro-pneumatic accumulators. A series hydraulic/electric synergy system – an energy efficient mechatronics system is proposed to overcome the drawbacks in the conventional electric vehicle with regenerative braking. Even though, electric battery provides higher energy density than the accumulator system, optimal sizing of the hydro-pneumatic accumulator and other process parameters in the system to provide better energy density and efficiency. However, a trade-off prevails between the system energy delivered and energy consumed. This gives rise to a multiple objective problem. The proposed multi-objective design optimization procedure based on an evolutionary strategy algorithm maximizes the energy efficiency of the system. The system simulation results after optimization show that, the optimal system parameters increase the energy efficiency by 3% and hydraulic regeneration efficiency by 17.3%. The suggested design methodology provides a basis for the design of a series hydraulic/electric synergy system as energy efficient and zero emission system. - Highlights: • Dynamic analysis of SHESS to investigate energy efficiency. • Optimization of system parameters based on multi-objective design strategy. • Evaluation of improvements in system energy efficiency and hydraulic regeneration energy. • Identification of conditions at which hydraulic regenerative efficiency is maximized for minimum energy consumption. • Results confirm advantages of using SHESS

  12. Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Web Server Internet Dengan Simulasi


    Nurwarsito, Heru


    Pertumbuhan jumlah client internet dari waktu ke waktu terus bertambah, maka respon akses internet menjadi semakin lambat. Untuk membantu kecepatan akses tersebut maka diperlukan cache pada Proxy Server. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performansi Proxy Server pada Jaringan Internet terhadap penggunaan algoritma pergantian cache-nya.Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Server didesain dengan metoda pemodelan simulasi jaringan internet yang terdiri dari Web server, Proxy ...


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    Erni Muliana


    Full Text Available Pembelian kebutuhan perjalanan wisata secara online merupakan bagian dari transaksi business to-customer (B2C. Produk yang ditawarkan biasanya terdiri dari: pemesanan paket wisata, penjualan tiket pesawat dan kereta api, kamar hotel dan penyewaan transportasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs serta faktor yang paling banyak berkontribusi dalam menentukan keputusan pembelian tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner online dan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara langsung (offline kepada 250 responden, penentuan responden ditetapaka menggunakn metode purposive sampling, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis faktor. Hasil analisis faktor yang didapatakan menjelaskan 67,066% dari keseluruhan total variance, dan hasil analisis data menunjukkan empat faktor terbentuk yang mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs, yaitu: kemudahan dan sistem informasi website (24,396 %, pelayanan konsumen/customer service (15,211%, citra perusahaan (14,681 %, dan motivasi pembelian (12,779%, adapun faktor yang paling berkontribusi dalam mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs adalah faktor terbentuk yang memiliki faktor laoding tertinggi dari keseluruhan faktor yang terbentuk, yaitu faktor “Kemudahan dan Sistem Informasi Website”, faktor ini terdiri dari 13 variabel yakni: (1 Kemudahan pencarian situs web, (2 kecepatan waktu mengakses (load time, (3 nama domain perusahaan, (4 kemudahan pemesanan, (5 Informasi yang lengkap, (6 Informasi yang akurat, (7 Informasi yang menarik, (8 Pemaparan informasi yang tepat, (9 Ketersediaan dan aksesibilitas, (10 Harga yang kompetitif, (11 Pengalaman secara keseluruhan, (12 Keamanan data


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    Maxsi Ary


    Full Text Available Abstract - Object Clustering is one of the object mining process which aims to partition an existing object into one or more cluster objects based on their characteristics. Private Universities is one of the alternatives for the community colleges to meet increased demand for educational needs. The number of private colleges, especially in Bandung and generally in Indonesia is quite a lot. The number of colleges and universities means used to attract prospective students to be an interesting thing to study. As a reason for the intense competition in the search for new students, no doubt there are some ways that actually do not need to be done. Issues raised, namely classify new students of characteristics in selecting a course using cluster analysis. Data obtained from the questionnaire prospective new students in February 2014 Data processing using SPSS. The results using analysis SPSS aiming easier to describe the characteristics of each group of new students in choosing courses. Keywords: Clustering, characteristics of students, courses, cluster analysis Abstrak - Pengelompokan Objek (object clustering adalah salah satu proses dari objek mining yang bertujuan untuk mempartisi objek yang ada kedalam satu atau lebih cluster objek berdasarkan karakteristiknya. Perguruan tinggi swasta merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk menghadapi peningkatan permintaan terhadap kebutuhan pendidikan. Jumlah perguruan tinggi swasta khususnya di Bandung dan umumnya di Indonesia berjumlah cukup banyak. Jumlah perguruan tinggi dan cara yang digunakan perguruan tinggi untuk menarik minat calon mahasiswa menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dikaji. Sebagai alasan ketatnya persaingan dalam mencari calon mahasiswa baru, tidak dipungkiri terdapat beberapa cara yang dilakukan yang sebetulnya tidak perlu dilakukan. Persoalan yang dikemukakan yaitu mengklasifikasikan karakteristik mahasiawa baru dalam memilih program studi menggunakan analisis

  15. Energy efficient lighting design for Venlo type greenhouses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, E.; Zonneveldt, L.; Sools, F.


    TNO has developed a Radiance software model to calculate the light distribution in the greenhouse using raytracing methods, suitable for daylight and artificial lighting. The model is based on a 3D CAD (Computer aided design) model. The objective is to maximize the efficiency of the artificial

  16. An Integrated Refurbishment Design Process to Energy Efficiency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Konstantinou, T.; Knaack, U.


    Given the very low renewal rate of the building stock, the efforts to reduce energy demand must focus on the existing residential buildings. Even though awareness has been raised, the effect on energy efficiency is often neglected during the design phase of refurbishment projects. This paper

  17. Next Generation Civil Transport Aircraft Design Considerations for Improving Vehicle and System-Level Efficiency (United States)

    Acosta, Diana M.; Guynn, Mark D.; Wahls, Richard A.; DelRosario, Ruben,


    The future of aviation will benefit from research in aircraft design and air transportation management aimed at improving efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. This paper presents civil transport aircraft design trends and opportunities for improving vehicle and system-level efficiency. Aircraft design concepts and the emerging technologies critical to reducing thrust specific fuel consumption, reducing weight, and increasing lift to drag ratio currently being developed by NASA are discussed. Advancements in the air transportation system aimed towards system-level efficiency are discussed as well. Finally, the paper describes the relationship between the air transportation system, aircraft, and efficiency. This relationship is characterized by operational constraints imposed by the air transportation system that influence aircraft design, and operational capabilities inherent to an aircraft design that impact the air transportation system.

  18. Design of Efficient Sound Systems for Low Voltage Battery Driven Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Niels Elkjær; Oortgiesen, Rien; Knott, Arnold


    The efficiency of portable battery driven sound systems is crucial as it relates to both the playback time and cost of the system. This paper presents design considerations when designing such systems. This include loudspeaker and amplifier design. Using a low resistance voice coil realized...


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    Ahmad Faiq Abror


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 menghasilkan aplikasi penilaian e-learning Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK berbasis ISO 19796-1 yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi e-learning SMK di Yogyakarta menggunakan teknik Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP dengan metode agregasi arithmetric mean dan geometric mean, (2 menguji kualitas aplikasi dengan menggunakan strandar ISO 9126. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D. Proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode  Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model Waterfall. Selanjutnya pada proses pengujian kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 yang terdiri atas aspek functionality, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, usability, dan portability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi penilaian e-learning SMK berdasarkan ISO 19796-1 telah berhasil dikembangkan menggunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model waterfall. Selanjutnya hasil dari analisis kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mempunyai hasil rata-rata sangat baik dan layak digunakan untuk penilaian kualitas e-learning SMK.

  20. Designing building energy efficiency programs for greenhouse gas reductions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blackhurst, Michael; Lima Azevedo, Ines; Scott Matthews, H.; Hendrickson, Chris T.


    Costs and benefits of building energy efficiency are estimated as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Pittsburgh, PA and Austin, TX. The analysis includes electricity and natural gas consumption, covering 75% of building energy consumption in Pittsburgh and 85% in Austin. Two policy objectives were evaluated: maximize GHG reductions given initial budget constraints or maximize social savings given target GHG reductions. This approach evaluates the trade-offs between three primary and often conflicting program design parameters: initial capital constraints, social savings, and GHG reductions. Results suggest uncertainty in local stocks, demands, and efficiency significantly impacts anticipated outcomes. Annual GHG reductions of 1 ton CO 2 eq/capita/yr in Pittsburgh could cost near nothing or over $20 per capita annually. Capital-constrained policies generate slightly less social savings (a present value of a few hundred dollars per capita) than policies that maximize social savings. However, sectors and end uses targeted for intervention vary depending on policy objectives and constraints. Optimal efficiency investment strategies for some end uses vary significantly (in excess of 100%) between Pittsburgh and Austin, suggesting that resources and guidance conducted at the national scale may mislead state and local decision-makers. Results are used to provide recommendations for efficiency program administrators. - Highlights: → We use public data to estimate local building energy costs, benefits and greenhouse gas reductions. → We use optimization to evaluate trade-offs between program objectives and capital constraints. → Local energy market conditions significantly influence efficiency expectations. → Different program objectives can lead to different effective investment strategies. → We reflect on the implications of our results for efficiency program design.

  1. Designing building energy efficiency programs for greenhouse gas reductions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blackhurst, Michael, E-mail: [Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station C1752, Austin, TX 78712 (United States); Lima Azevedo, Ines, E-mail: [Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 119 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (United States); Scott Matthews, H., E-mail: [Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 119 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (United States); Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 119 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (United States); Hendrickson, Chris T., E-mail: [Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 119 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (United States)


    Costs and benefits of building energy efficiency are estimated as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Pittsburgh, PA and Austin, TX. The analysis includes electricity and natural gas consumption, covering 75% of building energy consumption in Pittsburgh and 85% in Austin. Two policy objectives were evaluated: maximize GHG reductions given initial budget constraints or maximize social savings given target GHG reductions. This approach evaluates the trade-offs between three primary and often conflicting program design parameters: initial capital constraints, social savings, and GHG reductions. Results suggest uncertainty in local stocks, demands, and efficiency significantly impacts anticipated outcomes. Annual GHG reductions of 1 ton CO{sub 2} eq/capita/yr in Pittsburgh could cost near nothing or over $20 per capita annually. Capital-constrained policies generate slightly less social savings (a present value of a few hundred dollars per capita) than policies that maximize social savings. However, sectors and end uses targeted for intervention vary depending on policy objectives and constraints. Optimal efficiency investment strategies for some end uses vary significantly (in excess of 100%) between Pittsburgh and Austin, suggesting that resources and guidance conducted at the national scale may mislead state and local decision-makers. Results are used to provide recommendations for efficiency program administrators. - Highlights: > We use public data to estimate local building energy costs, benefits and greenhouse gas reductions. > We use optimization to evaluate trade-offs between program objectives and capital constraints. > Local energy market conditions significantly influence efficiency expectations. > Different program objectives can lead to different effective investment strategies. > We reflect on the implications of our results for efficiency program design.

  2. Optimization design of hydroturbine rotors according to the efficiency-strength criteria (United States)

    Bannikov, D. V.; Yesipov, D. V.; Cherny, S. G.; Chirkov, D. V.


    The hydroturbine runner designing [1] is optimized by efficient methods for calculation of head loss in entire flow-through part of the turbine and deformation state of the blade. Energy losses are found at modelling of the spatial turbulent flow and engineering semi-empirical formulae. State of deformation is determined from the solution of the linear problem of elasticity for the isolated blade at hydrodynamic pressure with the method of boundary elements. With the use of the proposed system, the problem of the turbine runner design with the capacity of 640 MW providing the preset dependence of efficiency on the turbine work mode (efficiency criterion) is solved. The arising stresses do not exceed the critical value (strength criterion).

  3. Metode Pengumpulan dan Analisis Data : Lang Kah Vital Proses Penelitian


    Suprapto, Agus .


    The process of data collection and. analysis is one of chains in scientific method that should be done in a research. This part later on will determine the right method in searching and analyzing a way in solving a problem. The data collected should be the ones which are relevant which the essence of research problems, so that the next interpreted data will eventually be concluded as valid. keywords: Pengumpulan data, analisis data,dan metode ilmiah

  4. A Biologically Inspired Energy-Efficient Duty Cycle Design Method for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Jie Zhou


    Full Text Available The recent success of emerging wireless sensor networks technology has encouraged researchers to develop new energy-efficient duty cycle design algorithm in this field. The energy-efficient duty cycle design problem is a typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we investigate an improved elite immune evolutionary algorithm (IEIEA strategy to optimize energy-efficient duty cycle design scheme and monitored area jointly to enhance the network lifetimes. Simulation results show that the network lifetime of the proposed IEIEA method increased compared to the other two methods, which means that the proposed method improves the full coverage constraints.

  5. Ambient Temperature Based Thermal Aware Energy Efficient ROM Design on FPGA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saini, Rishita; Bansal, Neha; Bansal, Meenakshi


    Thermal aware design is currently gaining importance in VLSI research domain. In this work, we are going to design thermal aware energy efficient ROM on Virtex-5 FPGA. Ambient Temperature, airflow, and heat sink profile play a significant role in thermal aware hardware design life cycle. Ambient...


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    Hery Susanto


    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze the regional finance capability in West Nusa Tenggara province. This research uses secondary data of primary source. The data are obtained from the government of West Nusa Tenggara Province in the form of data that has been processed and published and become a legitimate document such as calculation data of APBD in Budgetary Year of 2003-2007. The instruments are used in collecting the data is the analysis of the regional finance capability through Calculation and Work Analysis of PAD, which is the measurement of share and growth, thus classified the result with mapping the financial region capability based on quadrant method. This research draws some conclusions namely: (1 generally, contribution of PAD (share to the total region income of NTB Province TA 2003- 2007 was low, in spite of the growth of PAD was high; (2 based on the measurement of Index Financial Capability (IKK, NTB Province was in the scale index of 0,541. Furthermore, the classification based on the criteria level of regional finance capability, the regional finance capability in NTB Province in 2003 -2007 was a province with high financial capability. There are some suggestions that could be offered to the Government of NTB Province; first, improving PAD share in NTB Province through the excavation of PAD potential sources. Second, concerning with the region cost efficiency, considering that the proportion of PAD achievement was fairly small comparing to the allocation of Region Cost. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan keuangan daerah di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat . Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari sumber utama. Data diperoleh dari pemerintah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara dalam bentuk data yang telah diolah dan dipublikasikan dan menjadi dokumen yang sah seperti data perhitungan APBD Tahun Anggaran 2003-2007. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah analisis kemampuan keuangan daerah melalui Perhitungan dan

  7. Text Mining Untuk Analisis Sentimen Review Film Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means


    Setyo Budi


    Kemudahan manusia didalam menggunakan website mengakibatkan bertambahnya dokumen teks yang berupa pendapat dan informasi. Dalam waktu yang lama dokumen teks akan bertambah besar. Text mining merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk menggali kumpulan dokumen text sehingga dapat diambil intisarinya. Ada beberapa algoritma yang di gunakan untuk penggalian dokumen untuk analisis sentimen, salah satunya adalah K-Means. Didalam penelitian ini algoritma yang digunakan adalah K-Means. Hasil p...


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    Fadhillah Azmi


    Full Text Available Komunikasi adalah proses dasar dari pertukaran informasi. Efektifitas komunikasikomputer secara umum adalah melalui internet atau beberapa saluran komunikasi lainnya.Tujuan utama tulisan ini adalah berdasarkan pada analisis hasil yang diberikan Weinermengatakan bahwa jika private key d digunakan dalam algoritma kriptografi RSA kurang darin292, maka sistem tersebut kurang aman. Di sini penulis menganalisa pada hasil yang diberikanoleh Weiner dan mencoba untuk meningkatkan range dari private key d sampai n0.5. Karena nadalah perkalian p dan q, yang mana bilangan relative prima. Sehingga mempengaruhi kinerjaenkripsi algoritma yang lebih aman.

  9. A reference pelton turbine - design and efficiency measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solemslie, Bjørn W; Dahlhaug, Ole G


    The Pelton turbine has been subject to a varying degree of research interest since the debut of the technology over a century ago. Despite its age there are gaps in the knowledge concerning the flow mechanisms effecting the flow through the turbine. A Pelton turbine has been designed at the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU. This has been done in connection to a Ph.D. project focusing on the flow in Pelton turbine buckets. The design of the turbine has been conducted using in-house knowledge in addition to some comments from a turbine producer. To describe the geometry multiple Bezier curves were used and the design strategy aimed to give a smooth and continuous gradient along the main flow directions in the bucket. The turbine has been designed for the operational conditions of the Pelton test rig installed at the Waterpower Laboratory which is a horizontal single jet test rig with a jet diameter(d s ) of 35 mm. The diameter(D) of the runner was set to 513 mm and the width(W) of a bucket 114 mm, leading to a D/W ratio of 4.5. Manufacturing of the turbine has been carried out in aluminium and the turbine has undergone efficiency testing and visual inspection during operation at a head of 70 m. The turbine did not performed as expected and the maximum efficiency was found to be 77.75%. The low efficiency is mainly caused by a large amount of water leaving the bucket through the lip and hence transferring close to zero of its energy to the shaft. The reason for the large lip loss is discussed and two possible causes are found; the jet is located too close to the lip, and the inner surface of the bucket does not lead the water away from the lip. The turbine geometry and all data from both measurements and simulations will be available upon request in an effort to increase the amount of available data concerning Pelton turbines

  10. A reference pelton turbine - design and efficiency measurements (United States)

    Solemslie, Bjørn W.; Dahlhaug, Ole G.


    The Pelton turbine has been subject to a varying degree of research interest since the debut of the technology over a century ago. Despite its age there are gaps in the knowledge concerning the flow mechanisms effecting the flow through the turbine. A Pelton turbine has been designed at the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU. This has been done in connection to a Ph.D. project focusing on the flow in Pelton turbine buckets. The design of the turbine has been conducted using in-house knowledge in addition to some comments from a turbine producer. To describe the geometry multiple Bezier curves were used and the design strategy aimed to give a smooth and continuous gradient along the main flow directions in the bucket. The turbine has been designed for the operational conditions of the Pelton test rig installed at the Waterpower Laboratory which is a horizontal single jet test rig with a jet diameter(ds) of 35 mm. The diameter(D) of the runner was set to 513 mm and the width(W) of a bucket 114 mm, leading to a D/W ratio of 4.5. Manufacturing of the turbine has been carried out in aluminium and the turbine has undergone efficiency testing and visual inspection during operation at a head of 70 m. The turbine did not performed as expected and the maximum efficiency was found to be 77.75%. The low efficiency is mainly caused by a large amount of water leaving the bucket through the lip and hence transferring close to zero of its energy to the shaft. The reason for the large lip loss is discussed and two possible causes are found; the jet is located too close to the lip, and the inner surface of the bucket does not lead the water away from the lip. The turbine geometry and all data from both measurements and simulations will be available upon request in an effort to increase the amount of available data concerning Pelton turbines.


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    Aa Juhanda


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE Biologi SMA. Subjek penelitian adalah 1.650 soal yang terdapat pada BSE Edisi 2009. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis dokumen yang di dalamnya memuat informasi seperti kode soal, soal, dan jenis tingkatan kognitif taksonomi Bloom Revisi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata persentase kemunculan cukup tinggi diperoleh pada soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah (Lower-Order Thinking Skills yaitu soal C1 (mengingat sebesar 46,60% dan C2 (memahami sebesar 47,99%, meskipun untuk C3 (menerapkan persentasenya masih rendah (0,28%. Rerata persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan tingkat tinggi (Higher-Order Thinking Skills mulai dari soal C4 (menganalisis sampai dengan C6 (mencipta memiliki rerata persentase yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada BSE khususnya yang mengembangkan Higher-Order Thinking Skills masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan.

  12. Deteksi Kerusakan Batang Rotor Pada Motor Induksi Menggunakan Analisis Arus Mula Berbasis Hilbert Transform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isti Qomah


    Full Text Available Kerusakan batang rotor merupakan salah satu jenis kerusakan pada motor induksi yang dapat menyebabkan masalah serius. Kerusakan tersebut dapat mencapai 5% - 10% dari seluruh kasus gangguan motor induksi. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya diagnosis awal yang mendeteksi adanya gangguan pada rotor motor induksi, agar dapat dilakukan perbaikan lebih cepat dan tanggap sebelum terjadi gangguan yang lebih besar. Tugas Akhir ini membahas terkait teknik deteksi kerusakan batang rotor pada motor induksi dengan menggunakan analisis arus mula. Sistem yang digunakan berbasis  decomposition wavelet transform terlebih dahulu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis berbasis hilbert transform sebagai perangkat pengolahan sinyal sehingga mampu mendeteksi motor dalam keadaan sehat atau mengalami kerusakan. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dalam beberapa kondisi, yaitu kondisi tanpa beban dan berbeban. Selain itu, kondisi yang diberikan adalah kecacatan mulai dai 1BRB hingga 3BRB. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa decomposition wavelet transform dan Hilbert transform mampu mendeteksi perbedaan kondisi pada motor induksi normal ataupun rusak pada batang rotor.

  13. Life-cycle cost analysis of energy efficiency design options for residential furnaces and boilers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lutz, James; Lekov, Alex; Chan, Peter; Whitehead, Camilla Dunham; Meyers, Steve; McMahon, James


    In 2001, the US Department of Energy (DOE) initiated a rulemaking process to consider whether to amend the existing energy efficiency standards for furnaces and boilers. A key factor in DOE's consideration of new standards is the economic impacts on consumers of possible revisions to energy-efficiency standards. Determining cost-effectiveness requires an appropriate comparison of the additional first cost of energy efficiency design options with the savings in operating costs. DOE's preferred approach involves comparing the total life-cycle cost (LCC) of owning and operating a more efficient appliance with the LCC for a baseline design. This study describes the method used to conduct the LCC analysis and presents the estimated change in LCC associated with more energy-efficient equipment. The results indicate that efficiency improvement relative to the baseline design can reduce the LCC in each of the product classes considered

  14. D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated choice experimental designs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walker, Joan L.; Wang, Yanqiao; Thorhauge, Mikkel


    -aided surveys that readily allow for large fractions. Further, the results in the literature are abstract in that there is no reference point (i.e., meaningful units) to provide clear insight on the magnitude of any issue. Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated...... of the prior parameters. The simple mode choice setting allows for insightful visualizations of the designs themselves and also an interpretable reference point (VOT) for the range in which each design is robust. Not surprisingly, the D-efficient design is most efficient in the region where the true population......, the random design (which is the easiest to generate) performs as well as any design, and it (as well as any design) will perform even better if data cleaning is done to remove choice tasks where one alternative dominates the other....

  15. Design of a wind turbine rotor for maximum aerodynamic efficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Jeppe; Aagaard Madsen, Helge; Gaunaa, Mac


    The design of a three-bladed wind turbine rotor is described, where the main focus has been highest possible mechanical power coefficient, CP, at a single operational condition. Structural, as well as off-design, issues are not considered, leading to a purely theoretical design for investigating...... maximum aerodynamic efficiency. The rotor is designed assuming constant induction for most of the blade span, but near the tip region, a constant load is assumed instead. The rotor design is obtained using an actuator disc model, and is subsequently verified using both a free-wake lifting line method...

  16. Time efficient method for automated antenna design for wireless energy harvesting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, H.J.; Vullers, R.J.M.


    The rectifier circuit in a rectenna (rectifying antenna) is analyzed employing a fast, efficient time-marching algorithm. The thus found complex input impedance dictates the antenna design. To maximize RF-to-DC conversion efficiency we do not want to employ an impedance matching and filtering

  17. Analisis Arus Kas Terkait Kebijakan Uang Kuliah Tunggal di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Surtiati Surtiati


    Full Text Available The aims of the research were to analyze cash flow and compare tuition income in a State University with Legal Entity of “XYZ” for its first year TPB students (the First Common Year and of the first year until the fourth year before and after implementation of the single tuition fee system and formulate the management policies for the tuition income after the single tuition fee system. Analysis of cash flows consisted of cash ratio, quick ratio and current ratio. Paired t-test was used to analyze differences between single tuition fee income and non single tuition fee income. Based on the cash flow analysis, it is found that the University of “XYZ” has a liquid financial condition. The significant difference is, moreover, detected from the paired t-test analysis between single and non single tuition fee of total income from the first year student tuition. However, there is no difference detected when the analysis was conducted for total income from all four year tuitions. Management policies tuition income after the single tuition fee system payment delays should be minimized so that tuition fee funds can be completely collected. The allocation of fees to the faculty/department was originally based on the BPMP, and BPMK uses a tariff system so that cost per subject does not necessarily correspond with the needs. This is not in accordance with the single tuition fee system that is based on the unit cost. This means that the cost of the course is based on real needs, not based on the rates set.Keywords: cash flow analysis, state university with legal entity, single tuition feeABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis arus kas, mengkaji perbedaan penerimaan SPP S1 Reguler satu tahun pertama bagi mahasiswa TPB dan tahun pertama sampai tahun ke empat sebelum dan sesudah kebijakan UKT di PTN Badan Hukum “XYZ. Selanjutnmya, merumuskan kebijakan pengelolaan SPP S1 reguler sesudah UKT. Analisis arus kas terdiri dari rasio kas, rasio cepat

  18. Strategies of Energy Efficiency Design in Traditional Kangbaiwan Mansion in China

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    Song Xiaoqing


    Full Text Available The building sector is one of the highest energy consuming sectors in the world as well as in China, it is urgent to seek an energy efficiency way of sustainable architecture development. From the perspective of tradition, this paper focus on strategies of energy efficiency design that contained in excellent vernacular dwellings. On the basis of analyzing an example of Kangbaiwan Mansion, it illustrates the advantage of environment ecosystem, and summarizes the physical and cultural characteristic of its buildings, especially the climate-adapting overall arrangement and sustainable strategies of natural ventilation and passive solar gain, which can be a fertile source of modern energy efficiency architecture design as well as a proper way of inheriting the outstanding traditional culture.

  19. Analisis Kualitas Batu-bata Bersumber Bahan Tambahan Sampah Serbuk Gergaji dalam Berbagai Variasi Berat

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    Sri Slamet Mulyati


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Serbuk gergaji kayu merupakan salah satu sumber sampah organik yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Keberadaannya tidak jauh di sekitar kita, relatif murah dan mudah mendapatkannya. Di beberapa negara luar seperti Uganda, Algeria, India dan lain-lain memanfaatkan serbuk gergaji ini untuk berbagai keperluan diantaranya sebagai bahan campuran batu-bata, pembentuk polimer selulosa nitrat, dan bahan adsorben polutan organik phenol. Penelitian sebelumnya memanfaatkan serbuk gergaji sebagai bahan tambahan campuran batu-bata (kaolin, tanah liat, serbuk gergaji dengan rasio 90:70:40. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu. Selanjutnya penulis tertarik untuk mengembangkan penelitian tersebut, untuk serbuk gergaji dibuat variasi berat bahannya, sementara yang lainnya tetap. Ukuran batu-bata dirancang berukuran 10,00 x 5,00 x 2,00 cm. Untuk mengetahui kualitas batu-bata yang dihasilkan, penulis melakukan analisis kualitas terhadap batu-bata yang dihasilkan dengan berbagai variasi berat tersebut. Kualitas yang diuji baru pada tahapan daya serap air dan kandungan garam. Selain uji kualitas batu-bata juga dilakukan analisis valuasi ekonominya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dengan harapan dapat dijadikan bahan acuan apabila akan diaplikasikan di lapangan. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi berat serbuk gergaji antara rasio 20:70:90 dan 40:70:90 menunjukkan ada perbedaan peringkat rata-rata yang bermakna dalam hal daya serap batu-bata terhadap air begitu juga antara rasio 20:70:90 dan 60:70:90. Semua campuran batu-bata berdaya serap > 20%, belum memenuhi standar kualitas berdasarkan SNI 15-2094-2000, namun semua campuran batu-bata mempunyai kadar garam  (NaCl 20%, yet meet the standards of quality based on SNI 15-2094-2000, but all of a mixture of brick had higher levels of salt (NaCl <50%, this means that it meets quality standards based on SNI 15-2094 -2000. Conclusion:Burning of bricks made from sawdust

  20. A new efficient mixture screening design for optimization of media. (United States)

    Rispoli, Fred; Shah, Vishal


    Screening ingredients for the optimization of media is an important first step to reduce the many potential ingredients down to the vital few components. In this study, we propose a new method of screening for mixture experiments called the centroid screening design. Comparison of the proposed design with Plackett-Burman, fractional factorial, simplex lattice design, and modified mixture design shows that the centroid screening design is the most efficient of all the designs in terms of the small number of experimental runs needed and for detecting high-order interaction among ingredients. (c) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009.

  1. 75 FR 34657 - Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design Standards for New Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Efficiency and Sustainable Design Standards for New Federal Buildings AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and....S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Federal Energy Management... June 11, 2010. Cathy Zoi, Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. [FR Doc. 2010...


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    Hedi Indra Januar


    Full Text Available Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa antibakteri pada Axinella sp. yang diambil dari kepulauan Karimunjawa dengan metode dereplikasi menggunakan LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer dan FT-MS (Fourier Transfer Mass Spectrometer. Data pola spektra massa dan LC-MS menunjukkan adanya tiga senyawa terbrominasi yang mungkin memiliki bioakfivitas antibakteri. Analisis massa akurat (limit kesalahan di bawah 20 ppm menggunakan FT-MS menemukan bahwa ketiga senyawa tersebut memliki monosotop negatif (M-H pada m/z 321,9931 [senyawa (a]; m/z 383,9089 [senyawa (b]; dan m/z 385,9249 [senyawa (c]. Analisis komposisi kimia dari besaran massa tersebut yang menggunakan Elemental Composition Calculator menemukan bahwa komposisi kimia dari ketiga senyawa tersebut adalah C11H10N5O2Br (a, C11H9N5Br2 (b dan C11H11Br2N5O (c. Penelusuran struktur kima yang didasarkan pada komposisi tersebut di database MarinLit 2008 (Database struktur kimia senyawa-senyawa dari biota laut menemukan bahwa ketiga senyawa tersebut merupakan hymeniadisine (a, 3-bromohymenialdiside (b, dan dibromophakelin (c.

  3. Analisis interferensi T-DAB dan TV Analog pada pita Very High Frequency (VHF

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    Kasmad Ariansyah


    Full Text Available Kehadiran teknologi digital telah membawa perubahan di dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, tak terkecuali di dunia penyiaran. Digitalisasi dibidang penyiaran diyakini dapat memberikan manfaat dalam hal efisiensi spektrum frekuensi radio. Berkaitan dengan penyiaran radio, Menteri  Komunikasi  dan  Informatika telah menetapkan DAB family sebagai standard penyiaran radio digital di Indonesia. Kajian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan jarak minimum yang diperlukan  antara sistem T-DAB dan TV analog sebagai solusi terhadap kemungkinan interferensi. Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan SEAMCAT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa  kanal  A  T-DAB  merupakan  kanal yang paling rentan terhadap interferensi; Untuk mencapai probabilitas interferensi maksimum 5%, separasi geograpis minimum antara cakupan terluar TV analog kanal n dan transmitter terluar pada jaringan SFN T-DAB untuk kanal (n- 1D, nA, nB, nC berturut-turut adalah 220 Km, 290 Km, 145 Km dan  40  Km.  Sedangkan  untuk  kanal  nD  dan  (n+1A  dapat dioperasikan tanpa separasi geograpis dengan TV analog.


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    Indra Gustari


    Full Text Available Dari data curah hujan di pantai barat Sumatera bagian utara dilakukan analisis spektrum daya untuk mengetahui pola curah hujan di daerah tersebut, selanjut dilihat hubungannya dengan intensitas monsun,  Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM dan El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola curah hujan di pantai barat Sumatera bagian utara memiliki dua puncak dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor cuaca dengan dengan osilasi satu tahunan (annual oscillation, dan setengah tahunan (semi-annual oscillation dan ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara variabilitas monsun dan IODM. Pola hujan didaerah ini tidak memperlihatkan pengaruh ENSO.   The data of Rainfall in the west coast of northern Sumatera were analyzed through power spectrum analyzer to find out the rainfall pattern in that area and to look at the relationship between rainfall pattern and monsoon intensity, Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM and El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO. The result of this analysis shows that the main rainfall pattern in the west coast of northern Sumatera has two peaks and is very much influenced by the factor of weather with annual oscillation and semi-annual oscillation, there is a strong relationship between monsoon variability and IODM, and the influence of ENSO on the rainfall in this region is not significant.


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    Lily Suparlina


    Full Text Available Parameter neutronik dibutuhkan dalam mendesain teras reaktor riset. Reaktor riset jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor sangat diminati karena dapat digunakan baik untuk riset dan juga produksi radio isotop. Reaktor riset yang ada saat ini sudah tua sehingga dibutuhkan desain reaktor yang mempunyai teras kompak. Desain teras reaktor riset yang sudah ada saat ini belum cukup memadai untuk memenuhi persyaratan di dalam UCD yang telah ditetapkan yaitu fluks neutron termal di teras 1x1015 n/cm2s, oleh karena itu perlu dibuat desain teras reaktor baru sebagai alternatif yang kompak dan dapat menghasilkan fluks neutron tinggi. Telah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap manajemen bahan bakar desain teras kompak dengan konfigurasi teras 5x5, berbahan bakar U9Mo-Al dan tinggi teras aktif 70 cm. Tujuan dari riset ini untuk memperoleh fluks neutron di teras memenuhi kebutuhan seperti yang telah ditetapkan di UCD dengan panjang siklus operasi minimum 20 hari pada daya 50 MW. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan paket program komputer WIMSD-5B untuk menggenerasi tampang lintang makroskopik bahan bakar dan Batan-FUEL untuk memperoleh nilai parameter neutronik serta Batan-3DIFF untuk perhitungan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali. Perhitungan parameter neutronik teras reaktor riset ini dilakukan untuk bahan bakar U-9Mo-Al dengan tingkat muat bervariasi dan 2 macam pola pergantian bahan bakar yaitu teras segar dan teras setimbang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada teras segar, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 360 gram, 390 gram dan 450 gram memenuhi kriteria keselamatan dan kriteria penerimaan di UCD dengan nilai fluks neutron termal di teras lebih dari 1x1015 n/cm2s dan panjang siklus >20 hari, sedangkan pada teras setimbang panjang siklus dapat terpenuhi hanya untuk tingkat muat 450 gram. Kata kunci: desain teras reaktor, bahan bakar UMo, pola bahan bakar, WIMS, BATAN-FUEL   Research reactor core design needs neutronics parameter calculation use computer

  6. Life-cycle cost analysis of energy efficiency design options for residential furnaces and boilers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lutz, J.; Lekov, A.; Chan, P.; Dunham Whitehead, C.; Meyers, S.; McMahon, J. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Environmental Energy Technologies Div.


    In 2001, the US Department of Energy (DOE) initiated a rulemaking process to consider whether to amend the existing energy efficiency standards for furnaces and boilers. A key factor in DOE's consideration of new standards is the economic impacts on consumers of possible revisions to energy-efficiency standards. Determining cost-effectiveness requires an appropriate comparison of the additional first cost of energy efficiency design options with the savings in operating costs. DOE's preferred approach involves comparing the total life-cycle cost (LCC) of owning and operating a more efficient appliance with the LCC for a baseline design. This study describes the method used to conduct the LCC analysis and presents the estimated change in LCC associated with more energy-efficient equipment. The results indicate that efficiency improvement relative to the baseline design can reduce the LCC in each of the product classes considered. (author)





    2015 Analisis Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT Telkomsel di Makassar Analysis of Customer Relationship Management Influence to Customer Satisfaction at PT Telkomsel in Makassar Rachma Resky Ananda Muh. Asdar Yansor Djaya Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Customer Relationship (continuity marketing, one to one marketing dan partnering atau co-marketing) terhadap k...

  8. Best Practices Guide for Energy-Efficient Data Center Design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O. VanGeet: NREL


    This guide provides an overview of best practices for energy-efficient data center design which spans the categories of Information Technology (IT) systems and their environmental conditions, data center air management, cooling and electrical systems, on-site generation, and heat recovery.


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    Ruby Vidia Kusumah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap variasi strip hitam dan putih pada dasar badan oranye, jenis warna dianalisis menggunakan ImageJ 1.49s, persentase penutupan warna dilakukan dengan Adobe Photoshop CS5. Pola warna dikarakterisasi oleh strip hitam tebal, tipis, gelap, pudar, terputus, bergabung, serta strip putih normal, pelana, spot, melebar, dan terputus. Warna hitam alam dikarakterisasi oleh hue (H: 300-60º, saturation (S: 8%-56%, brightness (B: 3%-19%, sedangkan budidaya H: 300-23º, S: 9%-71%, B: 4%-20%. Warna oranye alam H: 19-33º, S: 88%-98%, B: 47%-85%, dan budidaya H: 14-29º, S: 86%-99%, B: 38%-82%. Warna putih alam H: 36-270º; S: 1%-13%, B: 66%-88%, dan budidaya H: 0-229º, S: 0%-14%, B: 55%-87%. Persentase penutupan warna badan didominasi warna oranye dengan rata-rata 45% untuk populasi alam dan 57% untuk populasi budidaya. Keragaan warna ikan clown Biak dapat diarahkan pada pembentukan strain misbar, picasso, spot (domino, dan onyx. Metode analisis gambar digital sangat potensial digunakan untuk analisis keragaan warna ikan hias.

  10. Analisis Kelembagaan Rantai Pasok Telur Ayam Ras Peternakan Rakyat Di Jawa Barat


    Sejati, Wahyuning K


    Dalam konteks pengembangan pasar komoditas dan peningkatan kesejahteraan peternak rakyat perlu dipahami secara baik karakteristik dan kelembagaan petani, pemasok, dan pasar. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelembagaan rantai pasok peternak-pemasok-pasar komoditas telur ayam ras yang meliputi: (1) identifikasi kelembagaan peternakan rakyat ayam ras petelur; (2) analisis kelembagaan rantai pasok komoditas telur; dan (3) antisipasi kelembagaan introduksi rantai pasok telur ayam ras pete...

  11. Towards a sustainable architecture: Adequate to the environment and of maximum energy efficiency; Hacia una arquitectura sustentable: adecuada al ambiente y de maxima eficiencia energetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morillon Galvez, David [Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    An analysis of the elements and factors that the architecture of buildings must have to be sustainable, such as: a design adequate to the environment, saving and efficient use of alternate energies, and the auto-supply is presented. In addition a methodology for the natural air conditioning (bioclimatic architecture) of buildings, as well as ideas for the saving and efficient use of energy, with the objective of contributing to the adequate use of components of the building (walls, ceilings, floors etc.), is presented, that when interacting with the environment it takes advantage of it, without deterioration of the same, obtaining energy efficient designs. [Spanish] Se presenta un analisis de los elementos y factores que debe tener la arquitectura de edificios para ser sustentable, como; un diseno adecuado al ambiente, ahorro y uso eficiente de la energia, el uso de energias alternas y el autoabastecimiento. Ademas se propone una metodologia para la climatizacion natural (arquitectura bioclimatica) de edificios, asi como ideas para el ahorro y uso eficiente de energia, con el objetivo de aportar al uso adecuado de componentes del edificio (muros, techos, pisos etc.) que al interactuar con el ambiente tome ventaja de el, sin deterioro del mismo, logrando disenos energeticamente eficientes.


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    Endiah Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available Turbulensi aliran pendingin pada proses perpindahan panas berfungsi untuk meningkatkan nilai koefisien perpindahan panas, tidak terkecuali aliran dalam kanal bahan bakar. Program CFD (CFD=computational fluid dynamics, FLUENT adalah program komputasi berbasis elemen hingga (finite element yang mampu memprediksi dan menganalisis fenomena dinamika aliran fluida secara teliti. Program perhitungan CFD dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena selain akurat juga dapat memberikan visualisasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami karakteristika perpindahan panas, massa dan momentum dari dinding rod bahan bakar ke pendingin secara visual, pada medan temperatur, medan tekanan, dan medan energi kinetika pendingin, sebagai fungsi dinamika aliran di dalam kanal, pada kondisi tunak dan transien. Analisis dinamika aliran pada kanal bahan bakar PWR berbasis CFD dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel data reaktor PWR dengan daya 1000 MWe dengan susunan bahan bakar 17x17. Untuk menguji sensitivitas persamaan aliran yang sesuai dengan model aliran turbulen pada kanal bahan bakar dilakukan pemodelan dengan menggunakan persamaan k-omega (Ƙ-ω, k-epsilon (Ƙ-ε, dan Reynold stress model (RSM. Pada analisis sensitivitas aliran turbulen di dalam kanal digunakan model mesh hexahedral dengan memilih tiga geometri sel yang masing masing berukuran 0,5 mm; 0,2 mm dan 0,15 mm. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada analisis kondisi tunak (steady state, terdapat hasil yang mirip pada model turbulen Ƙ-ε standard dan Ƙ-ω standard. Pengujian terhadap kriteria Dittus Boelter untuk bilangan Nusselt menunjukkan bahwa model Reynold stress model (RSM direkomendasikan. Analisis sensitivitas terhadap geometri mesh antara sel yang berukuran 0,5 mm, 0,2 mm dan 0,15 mm, menunjukkan bahwa geometri sel sebesar 0,5 mm telah mencukupi. Aliran turbulen berkembang penuh telah tercapai pada model LES dan DES, meskipun hanya dalam waktu singkat (3 s, model LES memerlukan waktu komputasi

  13. CFD application to advanced design for high efficiency spacer grid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, Kazuo


    Highlights: • A new LDV was developed to investigate the local velocity in a rod bundle and inside a spacer grid. • The design information that utilizes for high efficiency spacer grid has been obtained. • CFD methodology that predicts flow field in a PWR fuel has been developed. • The high efficiency spacer grid was designed using the CFD methodology. - Abstract: Pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuels have been developed to meet the needs of the market. A spacer grid is a key component to improve thermal hydraulic performance of a PWR fuel assembly. Mixing structures (vanes) of a spacer grid promote coolant mixing and enhance heat removal from fuel rods. A larger mixing vane would improve mixing effect, which would increase the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) benefit for fuel. However, the increased pressure loss at large mixing vanes would reduce the coolant flow at the mixed fuel core, which would reduce the DNB margin. The solution is to develop a spacer grid whose pressure loss is equal to or less than the current spacer grid and that has higher critical heat flux (CHF) performance. For this reason, a requirement of design tool for predicting the pressure loss and CHF performance of spacer grids has been increased. The author and co-workers have been worked for development of high efficiency spacer grid using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for nearly 20 years. A new laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), which is miniaturized with fiber optics embedded in a fuel cladding, was developed to investigate the local velocity profile in a rod bundle and inside a spacer grid. The rod-embedded fiber LDV (rod LDV) can be inserted in an arbitrary grid cell instead of a fuel rod, and has the advantage of not disturbing the flow field since it is the same shape as a fuel rod. The probe volume of the rod LDV is small enough to measure spatial velocity profile in a rod gap and inside a spacer grid. According to benchmark experiments such as flow velocity

  14. CFD application to advanced design for high efficiency spacer grid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikeda, Kazuo, E-mail:


    Highlights: • A new LDV was developed to investigate the local velocity in a rod bundle and inside a spacer grid. • The design information that utilizes for high efficiency spacer grid has been obtained. • CFD methodology that predicts flow field in a PWR fuel has been developed. • The high efficiency spacer grid was designed using the CFD methodology. - Abstract: Pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuels have been developed to meet the needs of the market. A spacer grid is a key component to improve thermal hydraulic performance of a PWR fuel assembly. Mixing structures (vanes) of a spacer grid promote coolant mixing and enhance heat removal from fuel rods. A larger mixing vane would improve mixing effect, which would increase the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) benefit for fuel. However, the increased pressure loss at large mixing vanes would reduce the coolant flow at the mixed fuel core, which would reduce the DNB margin. The solution is to develop a spacer grid whose pressure loss is equal to or less than the current spacer grid and that has higher critical heat flux (CHF) performance. For this reason, a requirement of design tool for predicting the pressure loss and CHF performance of spacer grids has been increased. The author and co-workers have been worked for development of high efficiency spacer grid using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for nearly 20 years. A new laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), which is miniaturized with fiber optics embedded in a fuel cladding, was developed to investigate the local velocity profile in a rod bundle and inside a spacer grid. The rod-embedded fiber LDV (rod LDV) can be inserted in an arbitrary grid cell instead of a fuel rod, and has the advantage of not disturbing the flow field since it is the same shape as a fuel rod. The probe volume of the rod LDV is small enough to measure spatial velocity profile in a rod gap and inside a spacer grid. According to benchmark experiments such as flow velocity


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    Bambang Suroto


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Banyaknya perusahaan atau operator yang melayani jaringan internet secara otomatis akan timbul suatu proses yang dinamakan pemasaran. Di dalam dunia usaha, pemasaran merupakan salah satu fungsi penting didalam suatu perusahaan, karena dalam pemasaran mencakup beberapa hal kegiatan penting yang kita kenal dengan marketing mix yang diantaranya adalah perencanaan produk (product, penetapan harga (price, program promosi (promotion, sangat penting dalam keberhasilan suatu perusahaan namun ada satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan perlu dianalisis apabila perusahaan menginginkan atau mempunyai daur hidup atau life cycle produk yang lebih lama, maka perusahaan harus melakukan analisis perilaku pelanggan. Selain kegiatan pemasaran yang sangat penting perusahaan juga tidak boleh mengabaikan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang konsumen, faktor apa saja yang dapat merangsang pelanggan untuk melakukan pembelian suatu barang, serta mengapa konsumen mempunyai banyak kebutuhan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat dan tentunya hal itu semua menggambarkan arti penting sebuah kegiatan analisis perilaku konsumen. Keluhan yang dirasakan konsumen atau pelanggan adalah promosi yang diberikan atau ditawarkan terkadang sering tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan, seperti akses internet yang lama, dan jaringan yang sering terputus karena adanya gangguan dan sistem perbaikan jaringan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target pemasaran pemasangan jaringan internet speedy pada PT.Kaisar Motorindo Industri Pekanbaru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif serta analisis data dengan menghubungkan antara teori dan permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian diperoleh variabel produk, dalam hal ini merupakan kombinasi barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan kepada pasar sasaran terhadap pemasaran jaringan

  16. An Efficient Experimental Design Strategy for Modelling and Characterization of Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tajsoleiman, Tannaz; Semenova, Daria; Oliveira Fernandes, Ana Carolina


    Designing robust, efficient and economic processes is a main challenge for the biotech industries. To achieve a well-designed bioprocess, understanding the ongoing phenomena and the involved reaction kinetics is crucial. By development of advanced miniaturized reactors, a promising opportunity ar...

  17. Max Tech and Beyond: Maximizing Appliance and Equipment Efficiency by Design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desroches, Louis-Benoit; Garbesi, Karina


    It is well established that energy efficiency is most often the lowest cost approach to reducing national energy use and minimizing carbon emissions. National investments in energy efficiency to date have been highly cost-effective. The cumulative impacts (out to 2050) of residential energy efficiency standards are expected to have a benefit-to-cost ratio of 2.71:1. This project examined energy end-uses in the residential, commercial, and in some cases the industrial sectors. The scope is limited to appliances and equipment, and does not include building materials, building envelopes, and system designs. This scope is consistent with the scope of DOE's appliance standards program, although many products considered here are not currently subject to energy efficiency standards. How much energy could the United States save if the most efficient design options currently feasible were adopted universally? What design features could produce those savings? How would the savings from various technologies compare? With an eye toward identifying promising candidates and strategies for potential energy efficiency standards, the Max Tech and Beyond project aims to answer these questions. The analysis attempts to consolidate, in one document, the energy savings potential and design characteristics of best-on-market products, best-engineered products (i.e., hypothetical products produced using best-on-market components and technologies), and emerging technologies in research & development. As defined here, emerging technologies are fundamentally new and are as yet unproven in the market, although laboratory studies and/or emerging niche applications offer persuasive evidence of major energy-savings potential. The term 'max tech' is used to describe both best-engineered and emerging technologies (whichever appears to offer larger savings). Few best-on-market products currently qualify as max tech, since few apply all available best practices and components. The

  18. Design and analysis of an intelligent public FV lighting system; Diseno y analisis de un alumbrado publico FV inteligente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanessian D, Ana V.; Gordon, Manuel [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In the Mexico's National Energy Balance of 2008, it is considered that of the total of the electrical power consumption in our country, 18% is dedicated to lighting. Conscious of the necessity of saving energy in public lighting in this article is presented the design, construction and analysis of the power consumption of a public light fed with electricity of photovoltaic cells and the control of intensity on the light in inverse way of the natural light. A lamp constructed based in light emitting diodes (LEDs) is used. This has the quality of consuming very little energy that could be provided by the sun and be stored to use it at night. With this system, proven at scale, energy savings are obtained superior to 50% of the conventional one and, in relation to the commercial photovoltaic (FV) luminaries up to 30%. [Spanish] Del Balance Nacional de Energia, de Mexico, de 2008, se considera que del total del consumo de energia electrica en nuestro pais, el 18% esta dedicado a la iluminacion. Conscientes de la necesidad de ahorrar energia en alumbrado publico, en este articulo se presenta el diseno de construccion y analisis del consumo energetico de una luminaria publica alimentada con electricidad de celdas fotovoltaicas y el control de intensidad de la luz de manera inversa a la luz natural. Se utiliza un foco construido a base a los diodos emisores de luz (LEDs, por sus siglas en ingles). Estos tienen la cualidad de consumir muy poca energia que podra ser suministrada por el sol y almacenada para utilizarla en la noche. Con este sistema, probado a escala, se logran ahorros de energia superiores al 50% del convencional y, en relacion a las luminarias fotovoltaicas (FV) comerciales, hasa el 30%.

  19. High Efficiency Large-Angle Pancharatnam Phase Deflector Based on Dual Twist Design (United States)


    construction and characterization of a ±40° beam steering device with 90% diffraction efficiency based on our dual-twist design at 633nm wavelength...N. & Escuti, M. J. Achromatic Wollaston prism beam splitter using polarization gratings. Opt. Lett. 41, 4461–4463 (2016). 13. Slussarenko, S., et...High-efficiency large-angle Pancharatnam phase deflector based on dual-twist design Kun Gao1, Colin McGinty1, Harold Payson2, Shaun Berry2, Joseph

  20. Design of China Leading Energy Efficiency Program (LEP) for equipment and appliances and comparative study of international experience on super-efficient products (United States)

    Liang, Xiuying; Zhu, Chunyan


    With rising global emphasizes on climate change and sustainable development, how to accelerate the transformation of energy efficiency has become an important question. Designing and implementing energy-efficiency policies for super-efficient products represents an important direction to achieve breakthroughs in the field of energy conservation. On December 31, 2014, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) jointly six other ministerial agencies launched China Leading Energy Efficiency Program (LEP), which identifies top efficiency models for selected product categories. LEP sets the highest energy efficiency benchmark. Design of LEP took into consideration of how to best motivate manufacturers to accelerate technical innovation, promote high efficiency products. This paper explains core elements of LEP, such as objectives, selection criteria, implementation method and supportive policies. It also proposes recommendations to further improve LEP through international policy comparison with Japan’s Top Runner Program, U.S. Energy Star Most Efficient, and SEAD Global Efficiency Medal.

  1. FEM Optimal Design of Energy Efficient Induction Machines

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    Full Text Available This paper deals with a comparative numerical analysis of performances of several design solutions of induction machines with improved energy efficiency. Starting from a typical cast aluminum cage induction machine this study highlights the benefit of replacing the classical cast aluminum cage with a cast copper cage in the manufacture of future generation of high efficiency induction machines used as motors or generators. Then the advantage of replacement of standard electrical steel with higher grade steel with smaller losses is pointed out. The numerical analysis carried out in the paper is based on 2D plane-parallel finite element approach of the induction machine, the numerical results being discussed and compared with experimental measurements.

  2. Design of Asymmetrical Relay Resonators for Maximum Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer

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    Bo-Hee Choi


    Full Text Available This paper presents a new design method of asymmetrical relay resonators for maximum wireless power transfer. A new design method for relay resonators is demanded because maximum power transfer efficiency (PTE is not obtained at the resonant frequency of unit resonator. The maximum PTE for relay resonators is obtained at the different resonances of unit resonator. The optimum design of asymmetrical relay is conducted by both the optimum placement and the optimum capacitance of resonators. The optimum placement is found by scanning the positions of the relays and optimum capacitance can be found by using genetic algorithm (GA. The PTEs are enhanced when capacitance is optimally designed by GA according to the position of relays, respectively, and then maximum efficiency is obtained at the optimum placement of relays. The capacitance of the second resonator to nth resonator and the load resistance should be determined for maximum efficiency while the capacitance of the first resonator and the source resistance are obtained for the impedance matching. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement.

  3. State Energy Efficiency Resource Standards: Design, Status, and Impacts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steinberg, D.; Zinaman, O.


    An energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) is a policy that requires utilities or other entities to achieve a specified amount of energy savings through customer energy efficiency programs within a specified timeframe. EERSs may apply to electricity usage, natural gas usage, or both. This paper provides an overview of the key design features of EERSs for electricity, reviews the variation in design of EERSs across states, and provides an estimate of the amount of savings required by currently specified EERSs in each state. As of December, 2013, 23 states have active and binding EERSs for electricity. We estimate that state EERSs will require annual electricity savings of approximately 8-11% of total projected demand by 2020 in states with EERSs, however the level of savings targeted by the policies varies significantly across states. In addition to the variation in targeted savings, the design of EERSs varies significantly across states leading to differences in the suite of incentives created by the policy, the flexibility of compliance with the policy, the balance of benefits and costs of the policy between producers and consumers, and the certainty with which the policy will drive long-term savings.

  4. Design and optimization of resonance-based efficient wireless power delivery systems for biomedical implants. (United States)

    Ramrakhyani, A K; Mirabbasi, S; Mu Chiao


    Resonance-based wireless power delivery is an efficient technique to transfer power over a relatively long distance. This technique typically uses four coils as opposed to two coils used in conventional inductive links. In the four-coil system, the adverse effects of a low coupling coefficient between primary and secondary coils are compensated by using high-quality (Q) factor coils, and the efficiency of the system is improved. Unlike its two-coil counterpart, the efficiency profile of the power transfer is not a monotonically decreasing function of the operating distance and is less sensitive to changes in the distance between the primary and secondary coils. A four-coil energy transfer system can be optimized to provide maximum efficiency at a given operating distance. We have analyzed the four-coil energy transfer systems and outlined the effect of design parameters on power-transfer efficiency. Design steps to obtain the efficient power-transfer system are presented and a design example is provided. A proof-of-concept prototype system is implemented and confirms the validity of the proposed analysis and design techniques. In the prototype system, for a power-link frequency of 700 kHz and a coil distance range of 10 to 20 mm, using a 22-mm diameter implantable coil resonance-based system shows a power-transfer efficiency of more than 80% with an enhanced operating range compared to ~40% efficiency achieved by a conventional two-coil system.

  5. Analisi comparativa della dieta di alcuni carnivori opportunisti (Vulpes vulpes, Martes foina, Meles meles in Europa

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    Anna Maria De Marinis


    Full Text Available L'ecologia alimentare della volpe, del tasso ed in misura minore della faina è stata ampiamente studiata in diverse aree comprese all'interno degli areali di queste 3 specie. La variazione geografica delle abitudini alimentari di questi carnivori definiti opportunisti è al contrario decisamente poco nota. Scopo del presente lavoro è la descrizione della variazione della dieta di faina, tasso e volpe attraverso l'Europa ed in secondo luogo l'analisi comparativa delle strategie alimentari adottate da questi carnivori. Sono stati analizzati 19 studi per la volpe, 11 per la faina e 23 per il tasso. Sono stati presi in considerazione soltanto gli studi della durata di almeno un anno nei quali la composizione della dieta, determinata tramite analisi delle feci, fosse espressa in percentuale di volume o biomassa e le categorie alimentari fossero dettagliatamente descritte. Gli studi sono stati divisi in gruppi in base alla regione climatica di appartenenza (mediterranea, centroeuropea, atlantica e boreale. Le categorie alimentari utilizzate nell'analisi della variabilità geografica sono: mammiferi, uccelli, anfibi, artropodi, lombrichi, altro animale, frutta, cereali, rifiuti. L'analisi delle componenti principali, condotta separatamente sulle 3 specie, ha consentito l'individuazione su di un grafico bidimensionale di due gruppi riferibili all'Europa centro-settentrionale ed alla regione mediterranea, con una percentuale di variabilità spiegata > 76% per ognuna delle 3 specie. La composizione della dieta del primo gruppo risulta caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di mammiferi e secondariamente uccelli per la volpe, uccelli ed altro animale per la faina e lombrichi, cereali ed anfibi per il tasso. La composizione della dieta nella regione mediterranea risulta invece caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di artropodi e frutta per tutte e 3 le specie di carnivori. L'analisi dicriminante ha consentito di differenziare gli studi condotti in ambiente


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    Baqarina Hadori


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Finansial Perusahaan, Kualitas Auditor, Dan Kualitas Perekonomian Terhadap Opini Audit (Going Concern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor keuangan dan faktor non-keuangan terhadap pemberian opini audit going concern oleh auditor. Faktor keuangan yang diuji adalah profitabilitas, likuiditas, solvabilitas, pertumbuhan penjualan tahunan, dan pertumbuhan harga saham. Sedangkan faktor non-keuangan yang diuji adalah kualitas auditor dan kualitas perekonomian. Penelitian ini menggunakan 109 sampel laporan keuangan auditan perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2008-2012 yang dipilih secara acak. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa solvabilitas, pertumbuhan penjualan tahunan, dan pertumbuhan harga saham tahunan berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern. Sedangkan profitabilitas, likuiditas, kualitas auditor, dan kualitas perekonomian tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern.   Kata kunci: kualitas finansial perusahaan; kualitas auditor, kualitas perekonomian, opini audit going concern.   Abstract: Effect of Corporate Financial Analysis Quality, Quality Auditor, and Quality Audit Opinion on Economy (Going Concern. The research described in this paper was designed to empirically examine the effects of financial quality of a company, auditor quality, and quality of the relevant economy on going concern audit opinion. Financial quality is measured by profitability, liquidity, solvability, annual sales growth, and growth in stock market price. Logistic regression was used to test the hypothesis with 109 sample of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2008-2012. The results indicated that solvability, annual sales growth, and growth in stock market price do significantly affect going concern audit opinion. On the other hand, profitability, liquidity, auditor quality, and quality of the economy do not significantly

  7. Modeling, design and optimization of flapping wings for efficient hovering flighth

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, Q.


    Inspired by insect flights, flapping wing micro air vehicles (FWMAVs) keep attracting attention from the scientific community. One of the design objectives is to reproduce the high power efficiency of insect flight. However, there is no clear answer yet to the question of how to design flapping


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    Sumiadji -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel keuangan yang terdiri dari: rasio pro-fitabilitas (return on assets, likuiditas (cash ratio, rasio hutang (debt to equity ratio, market value (earnings per share, dan perputaran total aset (total assets turnover terhadap kebijakan dividen yang diproksikan dengan dividend payout ratio (DPR pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2004-2008. Prosedur pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling sehingga menghasilkan 8 perusahaan yang memenuhi kriteria sampel. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi bersumber dari Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD, laporan keuangan, dan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah secara simultan variabel ROA, CR, DER, EPS dan TATO berpengaruh terhadap DPR. Secara parsial variabel yang mempengaruhi DPR adalah CR, EPS dan TATO. Varabel lainnya, yaitu ROA dan DER ditemukan tidak berpengaruh terhadap DPR. This research was conducted to examine the influence of the financial variables which consists of: return on assets (ROA, cash ratio (CR, debt to equity ratio (DER, earnings per share (EPS, and total asset turnover (TATO to the dividend policy that indicated by the dividend payout ratio (DPR of listed manufacturing company in Indonesia Stock Exchange  2004 to 2008. The sample selection procedure used was a purposive sampling so that it produced eight companies that met the sample criteria. Se-condary data was collected by the documentation technique were obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD, financial statements, and the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis. The research found that five variables of kind of ROA, CR, DER, EPS dan TATO simultaneously influence to dividend

  9. Analisis Pengaruh Monetary Policy Shock Terhadap Jumlah Deposito Perbankan Islam Dalam Sistem Perbankan Ganda: Studi Kasus Indonesia Dan Malaysia

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    Ade Mutiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin menguji secara empiris, apakah perilaku nasabah perbankan Islam di Indonesia dan di Malaysia terpengaruh oleh kebijakan moneter yang dikeluarkan oleh bank sentral pada masingmasing negara. Selain itu, apakah negara dengan karakteristik ekonomi dan kebijakan yang hampir sama – Indonesia dan Malaysia -, akan menghasilkan perilaku nasabah terhadap deposito perbankan Islam yang sama atau tidak. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yang pertama , metode ekonometrika VAR (Vector Auto Regression yang bila terjadi kointegrasi pada data yang stasioner di 1st difference akan dilanjutkan pada VECM (Vector Error Correction Models dan yang kedua, analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam terhadap variabel-variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini pada periode Januari 2005 sampai dengan Desember 2009. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang variabel moneter di Indonesia berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Berbeda dengan di Malaysia di mana variable moneter tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Begitupun hasil analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam di kedua negara. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa deposito perbankan Islam di Indonesia lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter, dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Malaysia.JEL Classifications : E41, E52, G21.Keywords : Kebijakan Moneter; Deposito; Perbankan Islam; VECM; Elastisitas.

  10. Analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada Lahan Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya

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    Akmaluddin Akmaluddin


    Full Text Available Laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingkat perekonomian yang semakin meningkat di  kota-kota besar seperti Surabaya, bertolak belakang dengan  ketersediaan lahan yang terbatas. Selayaknya properti yang akan dibangun di atas suatu lahan dapat memberikan manfaat yang maksimal serta efisien agar hasilnya dapat dirasakan demi pembangunan wilayah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perhitungan  penggunaan yang paling memungkinkan dan diizinkan dari suatu tanah kosong atau tanah yang  sudah dibangun, dimana secara fisik dimungkinkan, didukung atau dibenarkan oleh peraturan, layak secara keuangan dan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada lahan di Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya seluas 1.150 m2 yang direncanakan akan dibangun hotel. Lahan tersebut berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial seperti hotel, apartemen, perkantoran dan pertokoan. Analisis tersebut menggunakan tinjauan terhadap aspek fisik, legal, finansial dan produktivitas maksimumnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan alternatif properti komersial hotel yang memiliki penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik pada pemanfaatan lahan dengan nilai lahan Rp. 67.069.980,31/ m2.


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    Siska Marliana


    Full Text Available Narapidana yang mendapat hukuman seumur hidup akan mengalami perubahan besar dalam kehidupannya, seperti keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas, pekerjaan, kehidupan sosial bahkan dalam tujuan hidup. Kondisi tersebut akan  mengubah pandangannya mengenai makna dari hidupnya ataupun mengalami ketidakbermaknaan hidup. Fokus penelitian ini adalah analisis sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup pada narapidana yang divonis hukuman seumur hidup dengan mengacu pada konsep kebermaknaan hidup Viktor Frankl. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada seorang narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas 1 Sukamiskin Bandung yang sudah menjalani dua tahun masa hukuman dari vonis hukuman seumur hidup atas kasus pembunuhan. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup bagi subjek adalah : 1.  Adanya nilai-nilai kreatif (creative values untuk dapat berkarya, bekerja, mencipta serta melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebaik-baiknya. 2. Adanya nilai-nilai penghayatan (experiential values, yakni dengan cara memperoleh pengalaman tentang sesuatu atau seseorang yang bernilai bagi subjek. 3. Nilai-nilai bersikap (attitudinal values atas hukuman seumur hidup yaitu subjek memilih sikap menerima kondisi tersebut sebagai tanggung jawab yang harus dijalani akibat perbuatannya dan berusaha menikmati kehidupan di penjara dengan menjadikan penjara sebagai tempat untuk belajar menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: hukuman seumur hidup, sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup, creative values, experiential values, attitudinal values

  12. Toward Highly Efficient Nanostructured Solar Cells Using Concurrent Electrical and Optical Design

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Hsin-Ping


    Recent technological advances in conventional planar and microstructured solar cell architectures have significantly boosted the efficiencies of these devices near the corresponding theoretical values. Nanomaterials and nanostructures have promising potential to push the theoretical limits of solar cell efficiency even higher using the intrinsic advantages associated with these materials, including efficient photon management, rapid charge transfer, and short charge collection distances. However, at present the efficiency of nanostructured solar cells remains lower than that of conventional solar devices due to the accompanying losses associated with the employment of nanomaterials. The concurrent design of both optical and electrical components will presumably be an imperative route toward breaking the present-day limit of nanostructured solar cells. This review summarizes the losses in traditional solar cells, and then discusses recent advances in applications of nanotechnology to solar devices from both optical and electrical perspectives. Finally, a rule for nanostructured solar cells by concurrently engineering the optical and electrical design is devised. Following these guidelines should allow for exceeding the theoretical limit of solar cell efficiency soon.

  13. Improving Energy Efficiency of an Autonomous Bicycle with Adaptive Controller Design

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    David Rodriguez-Rosa


    Full Text Available A method is proposed to achieve lateral stability of an autonomous bicycle with only the rotation of the front wheel. This can be achieved with a classic controller. However, if the energy consumption of the bicycle also has to be minimized, this solution is not valid. To solve this problem, an adaptive controller has been designed, which modifies its gains according to the bicycle’s forward velocity, adapting its response with minimum energy consumption and satisfying the design specifications. The study demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed control, achieving an energy saving of 73 . 8 % in trajectory tracking with respect to a conventional proportional-integral ( P I controller. These results show the importance of designing energy-efficient controllers, not only for autonomous vehicles but also for any automatic system where the energy consumption can be minimized.


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    Slamet Budiarto


    Full Text Available The IDEF0 (Integration Definition Language 0 developed by Douglas T.Ross and SoftTech.Inc is a procedure for modeling functionality as part of the Air Force programmed on computer-aided-manufacturing which based on SADT (Structured Analisys and Design Technique. Wang and Smith (1988 suggested that IDEF0 could be combined with SSM. IDEF0 is used to analysis manufacture systems, in this case OHMS. Data from research (Budiarto, 2005 on Division of General Engineering at PT.PAL use OHMS further analyzed in this study. Data analysis shows that IDEF0 can be used to mapping activity system, both at the global as well as detail views, and performance indicators for each detail activities can be developed trough IDEF0. In addition IDEF0 can be used as a tool in providing recommendation of performance improvement of manufacturing systems.


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    Kimberly Febrina Kodrat


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan utama penelitian adalah menganalisis kinerja pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan. Cakupan aspek penelitian disinkronkan dengan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan sekaligus dijadikan sebagai batasan kajian, yakni mempersekutukan aspek ekonomi, ekologi dan sosial. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan pendapat pakar. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan menggunakan perpaduan antara hard system (analisis sistem dinamis dan soft system (analisis prospektif. Dari hasil uji statistik chi square (α = 0,01 diperoleh bahwa kelompok masyarakat yang bekerja di dalam PT. KIM mempunyai hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan kelompok masyarakat yang bekerja di luat PT. KIM terhadap tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan dan faktor usia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitas limbah cair unit IPAL PT. KIM terdapat 5 parameter yang masih berada diatas nilai baku mutu KepMenLHNo.51/1997, yaitu: BOD, COD, TSS, klorida dan amoniak. Tingkat efisiensi pengolahan limbah cair unit IPAL PT. KIM rata-rata 53,07%. Hasil analisis ketergantungan antar faktor dengan menggunakan Analisis Prospektif diperoleh sebanyak 5 faktor strategis masa depan yang mempengaruhi pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan, yaitu: jumlah industri, permintaan lahan, kebijakan pemerintah, model pengembangan, dan iklim investasi yang kondusif. Pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan dapat dilakukan dengan strategi moderat dengan kebijakan mencakup jumlah industri bertambah secara bertahap dengan meningkatnya permintaan lahan serta kebijakan pemerintah yang memfasilitasi peningkatan modal pengembangan dan didukung oleh iklim investasi yang kondusif. ABSTRACT The main purpose of the research is to study environmental aspect of industrial estate development. The scope of the research aspects is synchronized with sustainable development concepts, namely



    Ade Yolanda Latjuba, Dr. M.A


    Berdasarkan hasil analisis, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Roman Voyage au centre de la terre menceritakan tentang Prof. Lidenbrock, Axel, dan Hans Bjelke melakukan perjalanan luar biasa menuju pusat bumi berdasarkan petunjuk dari Ame Saknussemm yang Axel dan si Professor dapatkan secara tidak sengaja terselip di dalam sebuah buku tua karya Snorre Tarlesson. 2. Prof. Lidenbrock, Axel dan Hans Bjelke memulai perjalanan mereka menuju pusat bumi dengan cara menuruni gunung bera...





    2014 v ABSTRAK Andriani. I311 04 049. Analisis Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Perilaku Konsumen pada Hypermart Cabang Panakukang, Makassar. Dibawah Bimbingan Ir. Hastang, M.Si sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Muh. Ridwan, S.Pt, M.Si. sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Perkembangan dan peningkatan bisnis khususnya pada usaha peternakan akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan banyak peningkatan. Salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam menunjang aktivitas pemasaran oleh perusahaan dalam memasarkan pr...





    2014 ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENERAPAN TAX PLANNING ATAS PAJAK PENGHASILAN BADAN PADA PT SEMEN TONASA PANGKEP Implementation Analysis of Tax Planning on Board Incoming Tax of Semen Tonasa Ltd. Pangkep Akbar Wijaya Amiruddin Darmawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tax planning yang dilakukan oleh PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep, dan untuk menganalisis penerapan tax planning yang dilakukan oleh PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep dengan undang-undang perpajakan yang berlaku. Data...

  19. New III-V cell design approaches for very high efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lundstrom, M.S.; Melloch, M.R.; Lush, G.B.; Patkar, M.P.; Young, M.P. (Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN (United States))


    This report describes to examine new solar cell desip approaches for achieving very high conversion efficiencies. The program consists of two elements. The first centers on exploring new thin-film approaches specifically designed for M-III semiconductors. Substantial efficiency gains may be possible by employing light trapping techniques to confine the incident photons, as well as the photons emitted by radiative recombination. The thin-film approach is a promising route for achieving substantial performance improvements in the already high-efficiency, single-junction, III-V cell. The second element of the research involves exploring desip approaches for achieving high conversion efficiencies without requiring extremely high-quality material. This work has applications to multiple-junction cells, for which the selection of a component cell often involves a compromise between optimum band pp and optimum material quality. It could also be a benefit manufacturing environment by making the cell's efficiency less dependent on materialquality.

  20. SSTL based thermal and power efficient RAM design on 28nm FPGA for spacecraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalia, Kartik; Pandey, Bishwajeet; Hussain, D. M.A.


    In this paper, an approach is made to design a Thermal and Power efficient RAM for that reason we have used DDR4L memory and six different members of SSTL I/Os standards on 28nm technology. Every spacecraft requires most energy efficient electronic system and for that very purpose we have designe...

  1. Effective L/D: A Theoretical Approach to the Measurement of Aero-Structural Efficiency in Aircraft Design (United States)

    Guynn, Mark D.


    There are many trade-offs in aircraft design that ultimately impact the overall performance and characteristics of the final design. One well recognized and well understood trade-off is that of wing weight and aerodynamic efficiency. Higher aerodynamic efficiency can be obtained by increasing wing span, usually at the expense of higher wing weight. The proper balance of these two competing factors depends on the objectives of the design. For example, aerodynamic efficiency is preeminent for sailplanes and long slender wings result. Although the wing weight-drag trade is universally recognized, aerodynamic efficiency and structural efficiency are not usually considered in combination. This paper discusses the concept of "aero-structural efficiency," which combines weight and drag characteristics. A metric to quantify aero-structural efficiency, termed effective L/D, is then derived and tested with various scenarios. Effective L/D is found to be a practical and robust means to simultaneously characterize aerodynamic and structural efficiency in the context of aircraft design. The primary value of the effective L/D metric is as a means to better communicate the combined system level impacts of drag and structural weight.

  2. The effectiveness and efficiency of model driven game design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dormans, Joris


    In order for techniques from Model Driven Engineering to be accepted at large by the game industry, it is critical that the effectiveness and efficiency of these techniques are proven for game development. There is no lack of game design models, but there is no model that has surfaced as an industry

  3. Gas dynamic design of the pipe line compressor with 90% efficiency. Model test approval (United States)

    Galerkin, Y.; Rekstin, A.; Soldatova, K.


    Gas dynamic design of the pipe line compressor 32 MW was made for PAO SMPO (Sumy, Ukraine). The technical specification requires compressor efficiency of 90%. The customer offered favorable scheme - single-stage design with console impeller and axial inlet. The authors used the standard optimization methodology of 2D impellers. The original methodology of internal scroll profiling was used to minimize efficiency losses. Radically improved 5th version of the Universal modeling method computer programs was used for precise calculation of expected performances. The customer fulfilled model tests in a 1:2 scale. Tests confirmed the calculated parameters at the design point (maximum efficiency of 90%) and in the whole range of flow rates. As far as the authors know none of compressors have achieved such efficiency. The principles and methods of gas-dynamic design are presented below. The data of the 32 MW compressor presented by the customer in their report at the 16th International Compressor conference (September 2014, Saint- Petersburg) and later transferred to the authors.

  4. Efficient design of multiplier-less digital channelizers using recombination non-uniform filter banks

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    Shaeen Kalathil


    Full Text Available A novel approach for the efficient realization of digital channelizers in software defined radios using recombination filter banks is proposed in this paper. Digital channelizer is the core of software defined radio. Computationally efficient design supporting multiple channels with different bandwidths and low complexity are inevitable requirements for the digital channelizers. Recombination filter banks method is used to obtain non-uniform filter banks with rational sampling factors, using a two stage structure. It consists of a uniform filter bank and trans-multiplexer. In this work, the uniform filter bank and trans-multiplexer are designed using cosine modulated filter banks. The prototype filter design is made simple, efficient and fast, using window method. The multiplier-less realization of recombination filter banks in the canonic signed digit space using nature inspired optimization algorithms, results in reduced implementation complexity.


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    Rosyafah Febiandani


    Full Text Available Adanya desentralisasi fiskal diharapkan dapat menciptakan kemandirian daerah dan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pemerintah daerah terhadap pemerintah pusat. Kemandirian keuangan daerah dicerminkan dengan perbandingan besarnya PAD terhadap total pendapatan daerah. Sejak 10 tahun dilaksanakannya otonomi daerah sesuai UU No 32 Tahun 2004, kemandirian keuangan daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih berada di level yang kurang baik dibandingkan dengan provinsi lainnya di Pulau Jawa. Jumlah pengangguran dan jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Jawa Tengah juga masih terhitung tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari tingkat kemandirian keuangan daerah dan tingkat ketergantungan daerah terhadap tingkat pengangguran dan tingkat kemiskinan di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi Kanonikal menggunakan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemandirian keuangan daerah mempunyi hubungan yang signifikan, kuat, dan tidak searah dengan pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sedangkan hubungan antara ketergantungan daerah terhadap kemiskinan dan pengangguran mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan, tidak kuat, dan tidak searah. Peningkatan kemandirian keuangan daerah guna mengurangi tingkat ketergantungan terhadap pemerintah pusat dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggali dan mengelola sumber daya atau potensi daerah yang dimilikinya secara efektif dan efisien sebagai sumber utama pendapatan keuangan daerahnya. Fiscal decentralization is expected to create independency regional financial and to reduce the dependence of local governments to the central government. Independency regional financial can be result by the ratio of PAD to total local revenue. Since 10 years the implementation of regional autonomy based on UU No. 32 of 2004, independency regional financial in Central Java is still unwell compared to the other

  6. Modelling and design of high efficiency radiation tolerant indium phosphide space solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goradia, C.; Geier, J.V.; Weinberg, I.


    Using a fairly comprehensive model, the authors did a parametric variation study of the InP shallow homojunction solar cell with a view to determining the maximum realistically achievable efficiency and an optimum design that would yield this efficiency. Their calculations show that with good quality epitaxial material, a BOL efficiency of about 20.3% at 1AMO, 25 0 C may be possible. The design parameters of the near-optimum cell are given. Also presented are the expected radiation damage of the performance parameters by 1MeV electrons and a possible explanation of the high radiation tolerance of InP solar cells

  7. Analisi sui pigmenti di ceramica neolitica tramite tecniche Raman e LIBS

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    Cristina Fabbri


    Full Text Available I dati presentati in questo breve contributo provengono da uno studio condotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici di Fisica molecolare del CNR di Pisa. Le metodologie applicate sono basate sull’analisi integrata delle tecniche spettroscopiche Raman e LIBS già ampiamente utilizzate nel campo dei Beni Culturali; i metodi sono infatti essenzialmente non distruttivi, non richiedono di un pre trattamento del campione e l’acquisizione delle misure è immediata.

  8. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs. Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%. Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya penderita baru,  mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologi yang berkaitan dengan sebaran filarisis di Kabupaten Demak. Matede: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sebanyak 30 kasus filariasis dijadikan indek kasus yang selanjutnya dipilih secara purposif sebanyak 140 yang tinggal di sekitar 30 kasus tersebut untuk dilakukan pengamblan darah jari. Observasi lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan (breeding places dan resting places dari yang diduga sebagai nyamuk vektor filariasis. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan di sekitar rumah penderita filariasis. Pengukuran koordinat kasus filariais dilakukan dengan pesawat Geographic Positioning System (GPS. Pemeriksaan darah jadi jari dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah (LABKESDA Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedang bedah nyamuk dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Vektor Penyakit Banjarnegara. Analisis data dlakukan secara deskriptif, analisis spasial dilakukan dengan software ArcGis 9.3. Hasil: Penelitian ini tidak menemukan penderita baru filarisis (mf rate=0%. Sebanyak 129 ekor nyamuk telah dilakukan pembedahan dengan hasil semuanya negatip cacing filaria. Hasil identifikasi nyamuk menemukan spesies nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan nyamuk yang dominan (72,86% di lokasi penelitian.Terdapat breeding places (40% berupa genangan air terbuka (SPAL dan resting places (83,3% berupa semak-semak di sekitar rumah penderita. Analisis spasial

  9. Low-Energy Building Design Guidelines: Energy-Efficient Design for New Federal Facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zachman, W.; Carlisle, N.


    This guidebook has been prepared primarily for Federal energy managers to provide practical information for applying the principles of low-energy, whole-building design in new Federal buildings. An important objective of this guidebook is to teach energy managers how to be advocates for renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, and how to apply specific strategies during each phase of a given project's time line. These key action items are broken out by phase and appear in abbreviated form in this guidebook

  10. Analisis Biaya, Volume, Laba sebagai Alat Bantu Perencanaan Laba pada Hotel Sedona Manado


    Samahati, Ricky Budiman


    Manado sebagai kota pariwisata menyediakan sarana dan prasarana kepariwisataan termasuk jasa perhotelan. Hotel Sedona merupakan salah satu hotel yang ada di Kota Manado dan merupakan objek yang dipilih penulis dengan menggunakan data operasional penjualan yang terjadi pada tahun 2011 dan 2012. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui titik break even point, jumlah volume penjualan pada tingkat laba yang direncanakan, serta tingkat margin of safety pada Hotel Sedona Manado. Metode analisi...





    Analisis Potensi Pemungutan Pajak Hotel dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Makassar Analysis of Hotels Tax Collection Potency in Makkasar???s Own-Source Revenue Increase Muhammad Try Dharsana Ambo Ala Andi Kusumawati Yulianus Sampe Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar potensi pajak hotel dan seberapa jauh bentuk usaha yang di lakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam menggali potensi pajak hotel di kota Makassar. Untuk menghitung potensi, efektivi...

  12. Analisis Juridis Pelaksanaan Penghapusan Piutang Terhadap Kredit Macet (Studi Pada PT. Bank Sumut)


    Margareth Eka Purba


    Usaha pokok Bank adalah sektor perkreditan dan pendapatan bank yang terbesar adalah berasal dari sektor perkreditan. Kredit, baik konsumtif maupun produktif memang sudah mejadi target utama perbankan dalam meraih pendapatan, selain fee based income tentunya. Dengan demikian, kelebihan dana masyarakat yang bisa membuat bank memiliki dana idle yang akan lebih produktif lagi karena diberikan dalam bentuk kredit.Walaupun sudah dilakukan analisis kredit, dan kredit sudah dinyatakan layak untuk dib...

  13. Perangkat Lunak Untuk Analisis Gaya Gelombang Di Laboratorium Lingkungan Dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Ftk-Its

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fendi Hidayat


    Full Text Available Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK-ITS sering digunakan untuk pengujian. Salah satunya menguji gaya mooring pada floating breakwater. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu alasan untuk membuat suatu perangkat lunak dalam membantu dalam proses analisis gaya mooring tersebut. Perangkat lunak yang dibuat berfungsi untuk membantu proses kalibrasi sensor load cell LUB-B 5 to 50 KB dan melakukan analisis gaya gelombang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan regresi linier, korelasi linier, perhitungan varian, standar deviasi, dan hukum Newton yang kemudian disusun dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Penyusunan perangkat lunak yang bernama FORYS ini memiliki tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah dalam pemakaian. Perangkat lunak yang telah dibuat juga bersifat portable sehingga bisa digunakan di berbagai komputer atau laptop. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan bahwa semakin besar gaya gelombang yang terjadi, maka semakin besar pula tegangan yang terjadi pada tali.  


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    Harry Andheska


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teori kritis sebagai alat pengkajian dalam penelitian ini disebabkan oleh adanya persoalan tentang penumpang kereta rel listrik (KRL yang sering melanggar aturan dengan menaiki atap kereta tersebut. Penelitian ini pada dasarnya lebih menekankan titik perhatiannya pada sosok penumpang KRL sebagai sosok yang senantiasa termajinalkan dalam kehidupan sosial. Kajian ini merupakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Kajian ini juga terbatas hanya pada satu teks berita yang dimuat dalam satu rubrik metropolitan pada haian Kompas. Model analisis wacana yang digunakan adalah model Theo Van Leuween dengan tujuan untuk mendeteksi dan meneliti bagaimana para penumpang yang duduk di atap KRL dimarjinalkan posisinya dalam suatu wacana. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa terdapat dua jenis eksklusi yang dilakukan, yakni pasivasi dan nominalisasi; sedangkan inklusi ada tiga jenis, yakni diferensiasi, abstraksi, dan identifikasi. Keterbatasan dalam kajian ini disebabkan karena faktor kajian yang hanya terfokus pada satu teks berita.

  15. Design of Efficient Mirror Adder in Quantum- Dot Cellular Automata (United States)

    Mishra, Prashant Kumar; Chattopadhyay, Manju K.


    Lower power consumption is an essential demand for portable multimedia system using digital signal processing algorithms and architectures. Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) is a rising nano technology for the development of high performance ultra-dense low power digital circuits. QCA based several efficient binary and decimal arithmetic circuits are implemented, however important improvements are still possible. This paper demonstrate Mirror Adder circuit design in QCA. We present comparative study of mirror adder cells designed using conventional CMOS technique and mirror adder cells designed using quantum-dot cellular automata. QCA based mirror adders are better in terms of area by order of three.

  16. Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Alokasi Belanja Modal di Provinsi Jambi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eko Indra Praza


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research aimed to analyze the financial performance of the District/ Municipality in Jambi Province and to determine the effect of financial performance either simultaneously or partially on capital expenditure. The data used in this research is a panel data comprising time series data is data in 2010 - 2013 and cross section data is data of 9 (nine District and 2 (two Municipality is located in the Province of Jambi. The analytical method used panel data regression analysis. The analysis showed that the financial performance of the District/ Municipality in Jambi Province is still relatively low as the PAD contribution to regional revenue is still small so transfer income still dominate the local revenue to finance most of the regional expenditure. The results of panel data regression using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM showed that the financial performance simultaneously significant effect on capital expenditure allocation of the District/Municipality in Jambi Province from 2010 to 2013 and partially Ratio Degree of Decentralization significant positive effect on the allocation of capital expenditure. Financial dependency ratio, Financial Independence Ratio and the ratio degrees contributions public enterprises significant negative effect on capital expenditure . Effectiveness ratio of PAD does not significantly influence the allocation of capital expenditure. Keyword: Financial Performance, Decentralization, Financial Independence,   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keuangan baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial terhadap alokasi belanja modal. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data panel yang terdiri dari data time series yaitu data tahun 2010 – tahun 2013 dan data cross section yaitu data 9 (sembilan Kabupaten dan 2 (dua Kota yang berada di Provinsi Jambi. Metode analisis yaitu analisis

  17. Analisis Daya Saing untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan terhadap Pelanggan dengan Pendekatan CRM di CV. BLITZSPOT

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    Suryadi Muhammad


    Full Text Available CV. Blitzspot adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyediaan layanan internet (internet service provider, yang berkantor pusat di Komplek Padasuka Indah Ruko Blok A-1, Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan hasil observasi pada data transaksi CV. Blitzspot, konsumen CV. Blitzspot yang melakukan transaksi tiap tahunnya selalu berkurang, hal ini dikarenakan konsumen sering membandingkan layanan-layanan yang ditawarkan oleh para pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Bila permasalahan tersebut belum teratasi, konsumen CV. Blitzspot akan menurun tiap tahunnya dan akan selalu berpindah ke pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Direktur Utama CV. Blitzspot ingin menganalisis daya saing untuk menentukan layanan-layanan yang akan diberikan kepada pelanggan CV. Blitzspot dan penentuan strategi untuk mempertahankan konsumen CV. Blitzspot.  Metode Analisis daya saing yang digunakan adalah Model Analisis Berlian Porter dan Metode Pengelompokkan Pelanggan yang digunakan adalah Metode LRFM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan pembahasan yang telah dibuat, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Direktur Utama dapat menganalisis daya saing CV. Blitzspot dengan menggunakan Berlian Porter untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan terhadap pelanggan CV. Blitzspot.


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    Candri Puspita Marwati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh return on asset (ROA, likuiditas (current ratio, ukuran perusahaan (size, earning per share (EPS terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan non-keuangan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI yang menerbitkan sustainability report sesuai standar GRI pada periode 2009-2013 dan diperoleh 12 perusahaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik: normalitas, multikolinearitas, autokorelasi dan heterokedastisitas. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ROA berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap sustainability report, current ratio tidak mempengaruhi sustainability report, size memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap sustainability report, dan EPS memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap sustainability report.This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of return on assets (ROA, liquidity (current ratio, firm size (size, earnings per share (EPS on the disclosure of sustainability report. Sample are corporate non-financial listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX and publishes a sustainability report according to GRI standard in the period 2009-2013 and obtained sample of 12 companies. Data were analyzed using classic assumption test: normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and heterokedastisitas. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, ROA significant positive effect on sustainability report. current ratio does not affect the sustainability report. size has a negative and significant impact on the sustainability report, and EPS has a negative and significant impact on the sustainability report.

  19. More ethical and more efficient clinical research: multiplex trial design. (United States)

    Keus, Frederik; van der Horst, Iwan C C; Nijsten, Maarten W


    Today's clinical research faces challenges such as a lack of clinical equipoise between treatment arms, reluctance in randomizing for multiple treatments simultaneously, inability to address interactions and increasingly restricted resources. Furthermore, many trials are biased by extensive exclusion criteria, relatively small sample size and less appropriate outcome measures. We propose a 'Multiplex' trial design that preserves clinical equipoise with a continuous and factorial trial design that will also result in more efficient use of resources. This multiplex design accommodates subtrials with appropriate choice of treatment arms within each subtrial. Clinical equipoise should increase consent rates while the factorial design is the best way to identify interactions. The multiplex design may evolve naturally from today's research limitations and challenges, while principal objections seem absent. However this new design poses important infrastructural, organisational and psychological challenges that need in depth consideration.

  20. Review of Design Aspects and Challenges of Efficient and Quiet Amphibious Aircraft (United States)

    D, Rhea P. Liem Ph.


    Apart from the commercial and military aviation sectors, the general aviation (GA) sector is expected to experience a rapid growth, especially in Asia. The increasing economic activities in the region would demand for more efficient and convenient transportation, which would open door to more GA services. This development would require sufficient infrastructure supports, including airports. However, insufficient land area has often imposed limitations in airport development. As such, some areas (e.g., remote islands) are not easily accessible by air. One implication is that travels can only be done via land or water, which might prolong the travel time. This applies to business travels, with the significant increase in business and economic activities, which in turns demands for more efficient and faster mobility. In other cases, this involves some rural areas where the infrastructures are not very well-developed, and where the geographical terrains are too challenging to build a pad for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) air vehicles. Under such circumstances, it would be imperative to enable air travels to carry critical logistics such as medical supplies, food, and even sick patients. In this regard, we propose to develop a low-payload, low-altitude amphibious aircraft, which can takeoff and land on both water and land. Aircraft design process is a complex procedure and multidisciplinary in nature, and for amphibious aircraft design we need to consider the two takeoff and landing modes, which imposes further challenges to the design. In this paper we present two preliminary design projects, for two-seater and ten-seater aircraft. To design an efficient and quiet amphibious aircraft, we conduct some experiments on noise shielding mechanisms to reduce the propeller noise. The challenges and resulting designs are briefly discussed in this paper. Amphibious aircraft development will be very relevant to Indonesia, which is the world’s largest archipelago with

  1. Energy efficiency design strategies for buildings with grid-connected photovoltaic systems (United States)

    Yimprayoon, Chanikarn

    The building sector in the United States represents more than 40% of the nation's energy consumption. Energy efficiency design strategies and renewable energy are keys to reduce building energy demand. Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems installed on buildings have been the fastest growing market in the PV industry. This growth poses challenges for buildings qualified to serve in this market sector. Electricity produced from solar energy is intermittent. Matching building electricity demand with PV output can increase PV system efficiency. Through experimental methods and case studies, computer simulations were used to investigate the priorities of energy efficiency design strategies that decreased electricity demand while producing load profiles matching with unique output profiles from PV. Three building types (residential, commercial, and industrial) of varying sizes and use patterns located in 16 climate zones were modeled according to ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. Buildings were analyzed individually and as a group. Complying with ASHRAE energy standards can reduce annual electricity consumption at least 13%. With energy efficiency design strategies, the reduction could reach up to 65%, making it possible for PV systems to meet reduced demands in residential and industrial buildings. The peak electricity demand reduction could be up to 71% with integration of strategies and PV. Reducing lighting power density was the best single strategy with high overall performances. Combined strategies such as zero energy building are also recommended. Electricity consumption reductions are the sum of the reductions from strategies and PV output. However, peak electricity reductions were less than their sum because they reduced peak at different times. The potential of grid stress reduction is significant. Investment incentives from government and utilities are necessary. The PV system sizes on net metering interconnection should not be limited by legislation existing in

  2. A model for the design and evaluation of energy efficient northern housing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semple, B. [Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., Ottawa, ON (Canada); Dragnea, M. [Nunavut Housing Corp., Iqaluit, NU (Canada)


    The Nunavut Housing Corporation (NHC) is responsible for improving the housing and living conditions in communities throughout Nunavut. In response to the current housing shortage, NHC recently initiated a joint project with Canada Mortgage and Housing (CMHC) to develop a sustainable solution to housing in the Arctic. The result was a new energy efficient row house design called the NHC 5-Plex which has become a model for a culturally responsible housing design that meets the needs of Inuit families. This paper presented the design and development process undertaken for this project. It also described how the integration of new construction materials and products designed for cold climates, strategic project management, and cooperation between the NHC and CMHC were used to address the goals of energy efficiency and affordability for Arctic housing. Energy conservation calculations were presented along with the comparative and cost analysis used for the project. The energy modelling of the building performance was undertaken through a technical and design review of windows and insulating materials for energy efficiency, flame ratings, combustibility, sound transmission and water permeability. The heating and ventilation strategies were also evaluated in an effort to address issues of indoor air quality. It was concluded that in order to address the challenge of rising energy costs, the R value in the NHC 5-plex should be increased and the energy savings should be monitored. 3 refs., 6 figs.

  3. Low-Energy Building Design Guidelines: Energy-Efficient Design for New Federal Facilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zachman, W.; Carlisle, N.


    This guidebook has been prepared primarily for Federal energy managers to provide practical information for applying the principles of low-energy, whole-building design in new Federal buildings. An important objective of this guidebook is to teach energy managers how to be advocates for renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, and how to apply specific strategies during each phase of a given project's time line. These key action items are broken out by phase and appear in abbreviated form in this guidebook.

  4. Development of Energy Efficiency Design Map based on acoustic resonance frequency of suction muffler in compressor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Seungjae; Wang, Semyung; Cho, Sungman


    Highlights: • Development of Energy Efficiency Design Map. • Experimental validation of Energy Efficiency Design Map. • Suggestion regarding the Acoustically Supercharged Energy Efficiency. • Sensitivity analysis of the Energy Efficiency Ratio with respect to acoustic pressure. • Suggestion regarding the hybrid coupling method for acoustic analysis in compressor. - Abstract: The volumetric efficiency of the Internal Combustion (IC) engine and compressor can be increased by properly adjusting the acoustic resonance frequency of the suction muffler or the suction valve timing without any additional equipment or power source. This effect is known as acoustic supercharging. However, the energy efficiency has become more important than the volumetric efficiency because of the energy shortage issue and factors influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions. Therefore, methods for increasing the energy efficiency using the acoustic effect in the suction part of IC engine and compressor should be considered. In this study, a systematic method for improving the energy efficiency using the acoustic effect in the suction part of the compressor used in refrigerators and air conditioners was developed for the first time. This effect is named as the Acoustically Supercharged Energy Efficiency (ASEE). For the ASEE, first, a hybrid coupling method was suggested for the acoustical analysis in the suction part of the compressor. Next, an Energy Efficiency Design Map (EEDM) was proposed. This can serve as a design guide for suction mufflers in terms of the energy efficiency. Finally, sensitivity analyses of the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and total massflow rate with respect to the acoustic pressure were conducted to identify the relationship between the acoustic pressure and the suction valve motion. This provides the physical background for the EEDM

  5. Detection of charged particles through a photodiode: design and analysis; Deteccion de particulas cargadas mediante un fotodiodo: diseno y analisis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angoli, A.; Quirino, L.L.; Hernandez, V.M.; Lopez del R, H.; Mireles, F.; Davila, J.I.; Rios, C.; Pinedo, J.L. [UAEN, UAZ, 98000 Zacatecas (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    This project develops and construct an charge particle detector mean a pin photodiode array, design and analysis using a silicon pin Fotodiodo that generally is used to detect visible light, its good efficiency, size compact and reduced cost specifically allows to its use in the radiation monitoring and alpha particle detection. Here, so much, appears the design of the system of detection like its characterization for alpha particles where one is reported as alpha energy resolution and detection efficiency. The equipment used in the development of work consists of alpha particle a triple source composed of Am-241, Pu-239 and Cm-244 with 5,55 KBq as total activity, Maestro 32 software made by ORTEC, a multi-channel card Triumph from ORTEC and one low activity electroplated uranium sample. (Author)

  6. Optimal Design of a High Efficiency LLC Resonant Converter with a Narrow Frequency Range for Voltage Regulation

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    Junhao Luo


    Full Text Available As a key factor in the design of a voltage-adjustable LLC resonant converter, frequency regulation range is very important to the optimization of magnetic components and efficiency improvement. This paper presents a novel optimal design method for LLC resonant converters, which can narrow the frequency variation range and ensure high efficiency under the premise of a required gain achievement. A simplified gain model was utilized to simplify the calculation and the expected efficiency was initially set as 96.5%. The restricted area of parameter optimization design can be obtained by taking the intersection of the gain requirement, the efficiency requirement, and three restrictions of ZVS (Zero Voltage Switch. The proposed method was verified by simulation and experiments of a 150 W prototype. The results show that the proposed method can achieve ZVS from full-load to no-load conditions and can reach 1.6 times the normalized voltage gain in the frequency variation range of 18 kHz with a peak efficiency of up to 96.3%. Moreover, the expected efficiency is adjustable, which means a converter with a higher efficiency can be designed. The proposed method can also be used for the design of large-power LLC resonant converters to obtain a wide output voltage range and higher efficiency.

  7. Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Budidaya Bambu

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    Husnul Khotimah


    Full Text Available Budidaya bambu diperlukan untuk menambah populasi bambu yang cenderung berkurang yang disebabkan oleh beralihnya fungsi lahan yang digunakan untuk pemukiman atau diganti dengan komoditi tanaman lain yang dianggap lebih menguntungkan. Sementara itu kebutuhan bahan baku bambu terus meningkat sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Budidaya bambu bermanfaat selain untuk menjaga ketersediaan suplai juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas bambu untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Tulisan ini mengkaji analisis finansial dari penanaman bambu. Kajian finansial dibutuhkan untuk menunjukkan bahwa upaya penanaman atau budidaya bambu ini layak atau tidak secara finansial untuk dilakukan. Data yang digunakan adalah data hasil penelitian di perusahaan perkebunan bambu PT XYZ di Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai NPV (Rp 36.644.364,08 lebih besar dari nol, Net B/C (2,56 lebih besar dari satu, IRR (11 % lebih besar dari suku bunga 6 %, serta payback period pada tahun ke-9 umur proyek 15 tahun. Berdasarkan kriteria indikator kelayakan finansial dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha budidaya bambu layak secara finansial untuk diusahakan. Katakunci: Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK, budidaya bambu, studi kelayakan, analisis finansial   Financial analysis and feasibity study of bamboo cultivation  Abstract Bamboo cultivation is necessary to increase the population of bamboo clumps. The bamboo clumps tend to decrease due to the shift of used lands for residential or replaced by other crop comodities, which are considered more profitable. On the other hand, the need of bamboo for raw materials remain increase in line with population growth and the development of science. The important of the bamboo cultivation are to maintain the availability of its supply and to improve the quality of bamboo, which meet the market demands. This paper examined financial analysis of bamboo cultivation. Financial study was necessary to show whether


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    Ardiani Ika S.


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empiris faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi independensi penampilan akuntan publik baik secara parsial dan simultan. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah financial interests, hubungan bisnis dengan klien, pelayanan asuransi dan audit, hubungan antara klien atau yg diaudit dengan auditor, kompetisi antara Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP, ukuran KAP dan audit fee. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para auditor di akuntan publik di Semarang tahun 2009. Metode penyeleksian sampel yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling dan jumlah respondennya 35. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah multiple regression analysis. Dimulai dengan analisis kuantitatif untuk mengetes validitas dan reabilitas. Kemudian dilanjutkan uji asumsi klasik termasuk normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedastisity. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 6 variabel yang sudah dikaji secara simultan dan partial tersebut mempunyai efek yang signifikan terhadap independensi penampilan akuntan publik dengan R square 0.749. The objective of this study is to test empirically the factors that influence the independence of public accountant appearance both partially and simultaneously. The factors cover financial interests, business relationships with clients, assurance services and audit services, the length of relationship between client or auditee and auditor, the competition between Public Accountan Offices (KAPs, the size of KAP, and audit fee. The population in this study was the auditors who worked in the public accountant’s office in Semarang in 2009. The sample selection method is a convenience sampling and the  number of  respondents are 35. The Analysis tools used is multiple regression analysis. It starts by applying quantitative analysis to test the validity and reliability. Then, it is continued by testing the classical assumptions which include normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedastisity. The result shows that the six

  9. An Analysis of BIM Web Service Requirements and Design to Support Energy Efficient Building Lifecycle

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    Yufei Jiang


    Full Text Available Energy Efficient Building (EEB design, construction, and operations require the development and sharing of building information among different individuals, organizations, and computer applications. The Representational State Transfer (RESTful Building Information Modeling (BIM web service is a solution to enable an effective exchange of data. This paper presents an investigation into the core RESTful web service requirements needed to effectively support the EEB project lifecycle. The requirements include information exchange requirements, distributed collaboration requirements, internal data storage requirements, and partial model query requirements. We also propose a RESTful web service design model on different abstraction layers to enhance the BIM lifecycle in energy efficient building design. We have implemented a RESTful Application Program Interface (API prototype on a mock BIMserver to demonstrate our idea. We evaluate our design by conducting a user study based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM. The results show that our design can enhance the efficiency of data exchange in EEB design scenarios.

  10. Digitalization as Driver for Standardized Specification and Design of Buildings: In Search of an Efficient Building Design Management Methodology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Treldal, Niels

    of this research is, therefore, to increase the understanding of the relation between information needs, standardisation and efficient design management. The research draws on findings from previous research on information management, design management and socio-technical science and focuses in particular......-value adding design iterations will occur too frequently if the variability is not carefully managed. Building a strong community within the design team is found to be critical to reduce variability as it allows project managers to entrust the team to find solutions and coordinate activities more efficiently...... standards were developed in the current research. An IDM package framework is proposed to make the current IDM methodology from buildingSMART more modular and easier to reuse and utilize on projects. A generic LOD framework is proposed to make the agreement on geometry information exchange more pragmatic...

  11. Design of High Efficient MPPT Solar Inverter

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    Sunitha K. A.


    Full Text Available This work aims to design a High Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT Solar Inverter. A boost converter is designed in the system to boost the power from the photovoltaic panel. By this experimental setup a room consisting of 500 Watts load (eight fluorescent tubes is completely controlled. It is aimed to decrease the maintenance cost. A microcontroller is introduced for tracking the P&O (Perturb and Observe algorithm used for tracking the maximum power point. The duty cycle for the operation of the boost convertor is optimally adjusted by using MPPT controller. There is a MPPT charge controller to charge the battery as well as fed to inverter which runs the load. Both the P&O scheme with the fixed variation for the reference current and the intelligent MPPT algorithm were able to identify the global Maximum power point, however the performance of the MPPT algorithm was better.

  12. Dove sta andando l'analisi musicale? Riflessioni sul VII EuroMac

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    Mario Baroni


    Full Text Available Come tutti i lettori della Rivista ormai sapranno, si è svolto a Roma dal 29 settembre al 2 ottobre di quest’anno, presso il Conservatorio di S. Cecilia, il settimo convegno europeo di analisi musicale (VII European Music Analysis Conference ossia VII EuroMac. Nel convegno, organizzato dal GATM e diretto da Giorgio Sanguinetti, sono state presentate 197 relazioni e svolti otto laboratori. Tutti i materiali sono stati riassunti in un volume (Programme and Abstract Book, Iter Edizioni di Subiaco curato da Egidio Pozzi e Antonio Cascelli.

  13. Numerical Design of Megawatt Gyrotron with 120 GHz Frequency and 50% Efficiency for Plasma Fusion Application (United States)

    Kumar, Nitin; Singh, Udaybir; Kumar, Anil; Bhattacharya, Ranajoy; Singh, T. P.; Sinha, A. K.


    The design of 120 GHz, 1 MW gyrotron for plasma fusion application is presented in this paper. The mode selection is carried out considering the aim of minimum mode competition, minimum cavity wall heating, etc. On the basis of the selected operating mode, the interaction cavity design and beam-wave interaction computation are carried out by using the PIC code. The design of triode type Magnetron Injection Gun (MIG) is also presented. Trajectory code EGUN, synthesis code MIGSYN and data analysis code MIGANS are used in the MIG designing. Further, the design of MIG is also validated by using the another trajectory code TRAK. The design results of beam dumping system (collector) and RF window are also presented. Depressed collector is designed to enhance the overall tube efficiency. The design study confirms >1 MW output power with tube efficiency around 50% (with collector efficiency).

  14. A preferential design approach for energy-efficient and robust implantable neural signal processing hardware. (United States)

    Narasimhan, Seetharam; Chiel, Hillel J; Bhunia, Swarup


    For implantable neural interface applications, it is important to compress data and analyze spike patterns across multiple channels in real time. Such a computational task for online neural data processing requires an innovative circuit-architecture level design approach for low-power, robust and area-efficient hardware implementation. Conventional microprocessor or Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chips would dissipate too much power and are too large in size for an implantable system. In this paper, we propose a novel hardware design approach, referred to as "Preferential Design" that exploits the nature of the neural signal processing algorithm to achieve a low-voltage, robust and area-efficient implementation using nanoscale process technology. The basic idea is to isolate the critical components with respect to system performance and design them more conservatively compared to the noncritical ones. This allows aggressive voltage scaling for low power operation while ensuring robustness and area efficiency. We have applied the proposed approach to a neural signal processing algorithm using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and observed significant improvement in power and robustness over conventional design.

  15. Fractal-Like Materials Design with Optimized Radiative Properties for High-Efficiency Solar Energy Conversion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ho, Clifford K. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Ortega, Jesus D. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Christian, Joshua Mark [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Yellowhair, Julius E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Ray, Daniel A. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Kelton, John W. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Peacock, Gregory [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Andraka, Charles E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.; Shinde, Subhash [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Concentrating Solar Technologies Dept.


    Novel designs to increase light trapping and thermal efficiency of concentrating solar receivers at multiple length scales have been conceived, designed, and tested. The fractal-like geometries and features are introduced at both macro (meters) and meso (millimeters to centimeters) scales. Advantages include increased solar absorptance, reduced thermal emittance, and increased thermal efficiency. Radial and linear structures at the meso (tube shape and geometry) and macro (total receiver geometry and configuration) scales redirect reflected solar radiation toward the interior of the receiver for increased absorptance. Hotter regions within the interior of the receiver can reduce thermal emittance due to reduced local view factors to the environment, and higher concentration ratios can be employed with similar surface irradiances to reduce the effective optical aperture, footprint, and thermal losses. Coupled optical/fluid/thermal models have been developed to evaluate the performance of these designs relative to conventional designs. Modeling results showed that fractal-like structures and geometries can increase the effective solar absorptance by 5 – 20% and the thermal efficiency by several percentage points at both the meso and macro scales, depending on factors such as intrinsic absorptance. Meso-scale prototypes were fabricated using additive manufacturing techniques, and a macro-scale bladed receiver design was fabricated using Inconel 625 tubes. On-sun tests were performed using the solar furnace and solar tower at the National Solar Thermal Test facility. The test results demonstrated enhanced solar absorptance and thermal efficiency of the fractal-like designs.


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    Ratna Purwaningsih


    Full Text Available Pekerjaan manual masih banyak ditemui  pada berbagai aktivitas kerja. Pekerjaan manual yang dikerjakan secara berulang (repetitive dengan gerakan kerja monoton dan waktu kerja yang lama berpotensi menimbulkan kelelahan kerja. Pada gerak monoton repetitive terjadi pembebanan otot yang terus menerus. Postur kerja yang salah membuat kelelahan menjadi lebih cepat terjadi.  Postur kerja yang  tidak baik ini seringkali diakibatkan oleh desain fasilitas kerja yang kurang memperhatikan kesesuaian dengan penggunanya. Pada pekerja laundry aktivitas menyetrika pakaian merupakan kerja repetitive monoton yang kurang didukung fasilitas yang sesuai. Postur kerja dengan berdiri dan terjadi twist serta seringkali membungkuk. Operator setrika harus melakukan kegiatan setrika selama lebih dari 8 jam. Penelitian bertujuan melakukan redesain pada stasiun kerja setrika agar diperoleh postur kerja yang baik. Perancangan stasiun kerja  menggunakan software Jack 8.2. Stasiun kerja yang terdiri dari meja dan kursi dirancang dengan memperhatikan antropometri dan kebutuhan gerak operator. Evaluasi desain dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi postur kerja dengan menggunakan analisis biomekanik, menggunakan analisis toolkit yang meliputi analisisi SSP, LBA, RULA, dan OWAS. Dari hasil evaluasi, dihasilkan postur usulan yang diberikan adalah, pekerja duduk pada kursi dengan posisi tubuh tegap, arah kepala sejajar dengan arah objek yang dikenai pekerjaan, dan pekerja dihindarkan dari posisi kerja membungkuk dan twist. Abstract (The Design of Working Station and Working Posture Using Biomechanic Analysis to Reduce Static Load and Musculoskeletal Disorder.The work that is done manually is usually done repeatedly with monotonous movements and long working hours. If the muscle’s working too hard, the muscle will be found damage and fatigue. The right working posture can improve the worker’s ability to finish the job. Wrong posture is often caused by the facility design that

  17. Analisis Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gas LPG Menggunakan Sensor TGS 2610 Berbasis Mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535




    Telah dilakukan analisis kuantitatif gas dalam LPG. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG terhadap sensor. Metoda yang digunakan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG yaitu sensor gas semikonduktor jenis TGS 2610 keluaran Figaro yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan gas. Sementara yang menjadi pusat pengendalian dari seluruh alat yang dirancang digunakan mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535. Selain itu sistem yang dirancang dilengkapi LCD sebagai tampilan nilai konsentrasi ga...

  18. Content-based VLE designs improve learning efficiency in constructivist statistics education. (United States)

    Wessa, Patrick; De Rycker, Antoon; Holliday, Ian Edward


    We introduced a series of computer-supported workshops in our undergraduate statistics courses, in the hope that it would help students to gain a deeper understanding of statistical concepts. This raised questions about the appropriate design of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in which such an approach had to be implemented. Therefore, we investigated two competing software design models for VLEs. In the first system, all learning features were a function of the classical VLE. The second system was designed from the perspective that learning features should be a function of the course's core content (statistical analyses), which required us to develop a specific-purpose Statistical Learning Environment (SLE) based on Reproducible Computing and newly developed Peer Review (PR) technology. The main research question is whether the second VLE design improved learning efficiency as compared to the standard type of VLE design that is commonly used in education. As a secondary objective we provide empirical evidence about the usefulness of PR as a constructivist learning activity which supports non-rote learning. Finally, this paper illustrates that it is possible to introduce a constructivist learning approach in large student populations, based on adequately designed educational technology, without subsuming educational content to technological convenience. Both VLE systems were tested within a two-year quasi-experiment based on a Reliable Nonequivalent Group Design. This approach allowed us to draw valid conclusions about the treatment effect of the changed VLE design, even though the systems were implemented in successive years. The methodological aspects about the experiment's internal validity are explained extensively. The effect of the design change is shown to have substantially increased the efficiency of constructivist, computer-assisted learning activities for all cohorts of the student population under investigation. The findings demonstrate that a

  19. Content-based VLE designs improve learning efficiency in constructivist statistics education.

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    Patrick Wessa

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: We introduced a series of computer-supported workshops in our undergraduate statistics courses, in the hope that it would help students to gain a deeper understanding of statistical concepts. This raised questions about the appropriate design of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE in which such an approach had to be implemented. Therefore, we investigated two competing software design models for VLEs. In the first system, all learning features were a function of the classical VLE. The second system was designed from the perspective that learning features should be a function of the course's core content (statistical analyses, which required us to develop a specific-purpose Statistical Learning Environment (SLE based on Reproducible Computing and newly developed Peer Review (PR technology. OBJECTIVES: The main research question is whether the second VLE design improved learning efficiency as compared to the standard type of VLE design that is commonly used in education. As a secondary objective we provide empirical evidence about the usefulness of PR as a constructivist learning activity which supports non-rote learning. Finally, this paper illustrates that it is possible to introduce a constructivist learning approach in large student populations, based on adequately designed educational technology, without subsuming educational content to technological convenience. METHODS: Both VLE systems were tested within a two-year quasi-experiment based on a Reliable Nonequivalent Group Design. This approach allowed us to draw valid conclusions about the treatment effect of the changed VLE design, even though the systems were implemented in successive years. The methodological aspects about the experiment's internal validity are explained extensively. RESULTS: The effect of the design change is shown to have substantially increased the efficiency of constructivist, computer-assisted learning activities for all cohorts of the student

  20. Content-Based VLE Designs Improve Learning Efficiency in Constructivist Statistics Education (United States)

    Wessa, Patrick; De Rycker, Antoon; Holliday, Ian Edward


    Background We introduced a series of computer-supported workshops in our undergraduate statistics courses, in the hope that it would help students to gain a deeper understanding of statistical concepts. This raised questions about the appropriate design of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in which such an approach had to be implemented. Therefore, we investigated two competing software design models for VLEs. In the first system, all learning features were a function of the classical VLE. The second system was designed from the perspective that learning features should be a function of the course's core content (statistical analyses), which required us to develop a specific–purpose Statistical Learning Environment (SLE) based on Reproducible Computing and newly developed Peer Review (PR) technology. Objectives The main research question is whether the second VLE design improved learning efficiency as compared to the standard type of VLE design that is commonly used in education. As a secondary objective we provide empirical evidence about the usefulness of PR as a constructivist learning activity which supports non-rote learning. Finally, this paper illustrates that it is possible to introduce a constructivist learning approach in large student populations, based on adequately designed educational technology, without subsuming educational content to technological convenience. Methods Both VLE systems were tested within a two-year quasi-experiment based on a Reliable Nonequivalent Group Design. This approach allowed us to draw valid conclusions about the treatment effect of the changed VLE design, even though the systems were implemented in successive years. The methodological aspects about the experiment's internal validity are explained extensively. Results The effect of the design change is shown to have substantially increased the efficiency of constructivist, computer-assisted learning activities for all cohorts of the student population under

  1. Analisis komoditas unggulan perikanan budidaya Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

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    Farok Afero


    Full Text Available Abstract. Snapper (Lates calcarifer, grouper (Epinephelus coioides, tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon, vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus are leading commodity worthly cultivated in Pidie Jaya. Bandar Baru and Tringgadeng an appropriate areas for black tiger shrimp while Jangka Buya and Ulim approriate areas for vannamei cultivation. AHP analysis showed black tiger shrimp is top priority based on the economic value while vannamei shrimp is top priority based on enterprise sustainability. Financial analysis of snapper, grouper, black tiger shrimp, vannamei shrimp and tilapia farming generated positive cash flow and NPV, IRR > 100%, the ratio of benefit to cost of production > 1,30 and payback period of investment costs  < 1 year, thus demonstrating the feasibility of cultivation of these leading commodities. Vannamei shrimp cultivation showed positive prospect as long the market offers premium price. Grouper and snapper had a positive outlook because high demand of high-quality fish in the international market. Keywords: Leading commodity; financial analysis; aquaculture; Pidie Jaya Abstrak. Komoditas kakap (Lates calcarifer, kerapu (Epinephelus coioides,udang windu (Penaeus monodon, udang vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei dan nila (Oreochromis niloticus adalah komoditas unggulan yang layak dibudidaya di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Bandar Baru dan Tringgadeng merupakan kawasan yang layak untuk pengembangan komoditas udang windu sedangkan Jangka Buya dan Ulim layak untuk pengembangan komoditas udang vannamei. Analisis AHP menunjukkan komoditas udang windu menjadi prioritas utama untuk dikembangkan berdasarkan nilai ekonomi sedangkan udang vannamei menjadi prioritas utama berdasarkan keberlanjutan usaha. Analisis indikator keuangan budidaya kakap, kerapu, udang windu, vannamei dan nila menunjukkan usaha budidaya komoditas unggulan menghasilkan arus kas kumulatif dan NPV positif, nilai  IRR diatas 100%, rasio keuntungan

  2. Analisis Film Horor Indonesia Produksi Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus: Mall Klender dan Kamar 207

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    Dedi Sukatno Sembiring Meliala


    Full Text Available Abstrak Film horor erat kaitannya dengan tokoh antagonis yang menimbulkan ketakutan pada penonton dalam bentuk makhluk supranatural seperti hantu, roh jahat dan sebagainya. Karakteristik film dengan genre horor membuat penonton terbawa suasana dengan alur ceritanya yang menakutkan. Namun, beberapa dari film horor Indonesia menyajikan adegan-adegan yang kurang sopan bahkan tergolong asusila atau porno. Untuk itu, penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah terdapat konten pornografi pada film Mall Klender dan Kamar 207 yang merupakan film horor Indonesia terlaris di tahun 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan melihat pandangan dan penilaian 30 responden dengan karakteristik yaitu penonton film horor Indonesia yang berusia 20-40 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, tidak didapatkan konten pornografi pada film Mall Klender dan Kamar 207. Adegan-adegan yang terindikasi sebagai konten pornografi ternyata masih dapat diterima oleh penonton sebagai adegan yang berada dalam batas kewajaran dan mendukung pembawaan suasana dan kesan dalam cerita yang disampaikan. Kata Kunci: film horror Indonesia, analisis konten, pornografi Abstract The horror film is closely related to the antagonist that causes fear for audience in the form of supernatural creatures such as ghosts, demons and so on. Characteristic of the horor film is to make the audience carried away with the scary plot. However, some of the existing Indonesian horror film presents scenes that classified as obscene or pornographic. Therefore, this study wanted to see if there are any pornographic content on the film Klender Mall and Room 207 is the best-selling Indonesian horror movie in 2014. The analysis was done by looking at the view and assessment of 30 respondents which are Indonesian horror movie goers aged 20-40 years. Based on the analysis, there is no founding of pornographic content on the film Klender Mall and Room 207. The scenes that indicated as pornographic content was still acceptable by the audience

  3. Design of a high efficiency 30 kW boost composite converter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyeokjin [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States); Chen, Hua [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States); Maksimovic, Dragan [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States); Erickson, Robert W. [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States)


    An experimental 30 kW boost composite converter is described in this paper. The composite converter architecture, which consists of a buck module, a boost module, and a dual active bridge module that operates as a DC transformer (DCX), leads to substantial reductions in losses at partial power points, and to significant improvements in weighted efficiency in applications that require wide variations in power and conversion ratio. A comprehensive loss model is developed, accounting for semiconductor conduction and switching losses, capacitor losses, as well as dc and ac losses in magnetic components. Based on the developed loss model, the module and system designs are optimized to maximize efficiency at a 50% power point. Experimental results for the 30 kW prototype demonstrate 98.5%peak efficiency, very high efficiency over wide ranges of power and voltage conversion ratios, as well as excellent agreements between model predictions and measured efficiency curves.

  4. Super Energy Efficiency Design (S.E.E.D.) Home Evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    German, A.; Dakin, B.; Backman, C.; Weitzel, E.; Springer, D.


    This report describes the results of evaluation by the Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI) Building America team of the 'Super Energy Efficient Design' (S.E.E.D) home, a 1,935 sq. ft., single-story spec home located in Tucson, AZ. This prototype design was developed with the goal of providing an exceptionally energy efficient yet affordable home and includes numerous aggressive energy features intended to significantly reduce heating and cooling loads such as structural insulated panel (SIP) walls and roof, high performance windows, an ERV, an air-to-water heat pump with mixed-mode radiant and forced air delivery, solar water heating, and rooftop PV. Source energy savings are estimated at 45% over the Building America B10 Benchmark. System commissioning, short term testing, long term monitoring and detailed analysis of results was conducted to identify the performance attributes and cost effectiveness of the whole house measure package.

  5. Analysis system and remote monitoring of atmospheric discharges; Sistema de analisis y monitoreo remoto de descargas atmosfericas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabre Borgaro, Eric; Rodriguez Padilla, Ma. Consuelo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A system for analysis and monitoring of atmospheric discharges (SAMDA (Sistema de Analisis y Monitoreo de Descargas Atmosfericas) (lightnings)) in an electronic device that subsequently transmits these data as automatic processing or by request of a user from a computer operating as a remote station, is described. Also, the characteristics of the SAMDA, its evolution, and the challenges encountered along the development of this project and comments on possible improvements to the equipment and data recordings of this nature, are described. [Espanol] Se presenta el sistema de analisis y monitoreo de descargas atmosfericas (SAMDA) utilizado en la deteccion y registro de descargas atmosfericas (rayos) en un equipo electronico que posteriormente transmite estos datos como procesamiento automatico o por peticion de un usuario desde una computadora, operando como estacion remota. Asimismo, se describen las caracteristicas del SAMDA, su evolucion, los retos encontrados a lo largo del desarrollo de este proyecto y comentarios sobre posibles mejoras a equipos y registros de datos de esta naturaleza.

  6. Analysis system and remote monitoring of atmospheric discharges; Sistema de analisis y monitoreo remoto de descargas atmosfericas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabre Borgaro, Eric; Rodriguez Padilla, Ma Consuelo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A system for analysis and monitoring of atmospheric discharges (SAMDA (Sistema de Analisis y Monitoreo de Descargas Atmosfericas) (lightnings)) in an electronic device that subsequently transmits these data as automatic processing or by request of a user from a computer operating as a remote station, is described. Also, the characteristics of the SAMDA, its evolution, and the challenges encountered along the development of this project and comments on possible improvements to the equipment and data recordings of this nature, are described. [Espanol] Se presenta el sistema de analisis y monitoreo de descargas atmosfericas (SAMDA) utilizado en la deteccion y registro de descargas atmosfericas (rayos) en un equipo electronico que posteriormente transmite estos datos como procesamiento automatico o por peticion de un usuario desde una computadora, operando como estacion remota. Asimismo, se describen las caracteristicas del SAMDA, su evolucion, los retos encontrados a lo largo del desarrollo de este proyecto y comentarios sobre posibles mejoras a equipos y registros de datos de esta naturaleza.

  7. Design and management of energy-efficient hybrid electrical energy storage systems

    CERN Document Server

    Kim, Younghyun


    This book covers system-level design optimization and implementation of hybrid energy storage systems. The author introduces various techniques to improve the performance of hybrid energy storage systems, in the context of design optimization and automation. Various energy storage techniques are discussed, each with its own advantages and drawbacks, offering viable, hybrid approaches to building a high performance, low cost energy storage system. Novel design optimization techniques and energy-efficient operation schemes are introduced. The author also describes the technical details of an act


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    Bambang Budi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Grand Design Model of Teacher Professional Education Based on Teacher's Perfor­mace Determinant. One of the crucial factors that determines the quality of education is teachers. Thus, developing teachers' professionalism in carrying out their work is essential. This study aims at developing a grand design model of teacher professional education based on determinant factors of teachers' performance. It is a research and development study (R&D, in which data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correla­tion analysis, and qualitative data analysis. The sample consists of 90 teachers and 28 headmasters selected using quota random sampling. The findings of the study show that the effective model of teacher pro­fessional education is the one conducted through five steps, namely, needs analysis, development of training and supervision programs, implementation of the programs, evaluation of the programs, and follow-ups of the programs. The development of the programs requires coordination among related in­stitutions. The implementation needs to refer to the right principles, approach, and training techniques and be supported by good facilities, media, trainers, and training places. Keywords: training model, teachers' professionalism, teachers' performance Abstrak: Grand Design Model Pembinaan Profesional Guru Berbasis Determinan Kinerja Guru. Salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan mutu pendidikan adalah guru. Untuk itu diperlukan pening­katan profesionalisme guru dalam melaksanakan tugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan grand design model pembinaan profesional guru yang efektif berbasis faktor-faktor determinan kinerja guru. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian pengembangan. Sampel diambil sebesar 90 guru dan 28 kepala sekolah dengan quota random sampling. Data dikumpulan data kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil pengumpulan data dianalisis

  9. SRAM Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Efficient and Variability Resilient Techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Sharma, Vibhu; Dehaene, Wim


    This book features various, ultra low energy, variability resilient SRAM circuit design techniques for wireless sensor network applications. Conventional SRAM design targets area efficiency and high performance at the increased cost of energy consumption, making it unsuitable for computation-intensive sensor node applications.  This book, therefore, guides the reader through different techniques at the circuit level for reducing   energy consumption and increasing the variability resilience. It includes a detailed review of the most efficient circuit design techniques and trade-offs, introduces new memory architecture techniques, sense amplifier circuits and voltage optimization methods for reducing the impact of variability for the advanced technology nodes.    Discusses fundamentals of energy reduction for SRAM circuits and applies them to energy limitation challenges associated with wireless sensor  nodes; Explains impact of variability resilience in reducing the energy consumption; Describes various...


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    Hendrajaya -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang terbentuk dari kendala penerapan Total Quality Management (TQM, sebagai upaya untuk menganalisis masalah-masalah potensial dari penerapan TQM di Hotel Plaza, Semarang. Sampel dari penelitian ini sejumlah 65 karyawan Hotel Plaza, Semarang yang terdiri dari manajer dan staf. Teknik analisis menggunakan Faktor Analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa kendala potensial dari implementasi TQM dapat disimpulkan menjadi lima faktor, yaitu faktor inkonsistensi, visi-misi, transformasi budaya, manajerial dan manajemen kualitas. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi bahwa peningkatan fungsi-fungsi korporat melalui optimalisasi kualitas sebagai strategi bisnis dan orientasi pada kepuasan konsumen dengan melibatkan seluruh anggota organisasi, akan menjadi dasar untuk memaksimalkan daya saing perusahaan dalam hal produk, layanan, SDM, lingkungan dan seluruh proses yang dapat mendukung upaya perbaikan produktivitas. This study aims to determine the constraint factors and to analyze the potential problems of TQM implementation of Plaza Semarang Hotel. The sample of 65 employees of TQM implementation of Plaza Semarang Hotel, consist of managers and staffs. Factor analysis is used to achieve the results of the potential constraint implementation of Total Quality Management which can be summarized into five factors, they are: the factor of inconsistencies, the factor of vision and mission, cultural transformation factors, managerial factors and the factors of quality management. In order to increase the corporate functions through the optimization of quality as a business strategy and to achieve customer satisfaction, this study suggests that all members of the organization should be involved by the company as on-going basis to maximize the competitiveness of the organization on products, services, human resources, environment and all processes that support productivity improvement.

  11. Analisis Zona Permeabel Fluida Sistem Panas Bumi Gunungapi Slamet Berdasarkan Analisis Kerapatan Kelurusan Citra SRTM Dan Struktur Geologi

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    Sachrul Iswahyudi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan manifestasi panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet tidak dapat dipisahkan dari zona-zona permeabilitas yang berkembang. Lokasi-lokasi lulus air tersebut (zona permeabel yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sirkulasi fluida tempat air masuk untuk mengisi reservoir panas bumi dan air keluar ke permukaan bumi sebagai manifesatasi mata air panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet. Publikasi yang berupa hasil penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi zona-zona permeabel tersebut berdasarkan anaslisis kerapatan kelurusan yang terekam dalam citra SRTM. Identifikasi kelurusan-kelurusan pada citra berdasarkan komponen-komponen interpretasi citra, yaitu tona, tekstur, pola, bentuk dan relief. Hasil analisis tersebut dikompilasi dengan data struktur geologi regional yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan data lapangan berupa manifestasi mata air panas. Lokasi-lokasi dengan kerapatan kelurusan yang tinggi pada citra SRTM umumnya bersesuaian dengan zona struktur geologi regional keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas. Daerah tersebut memanjang relatif utara-selatan di bagian barat dan timur-barat di bagian selatan peta. Daerah-daerah inilah yang merupakan daerah lulus air tempat fluida bersirkulasi membentuk sistem panasbumi Gunungapi Slamet.

  12. Design of sample analysis device for iodine adsorption efficiency test in NPPs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Jinnan


    In nuclear power plants, iodine adsorption efficiency test is used to check the iodine adsorption efficiency of the iodine adsorber. The iodine adsorption efficiency can be calculated through the analysis of the test sample, and thus to determine if the performance of the adsorber meets the requirement on the equipment operation and emission. Considering the process of test and actual demand, in this paper, a special device for the analysis of this kind of test sample is designed. The application shows that the device is with convenient operation and high reliability and accurate calculation, and improves the experiment efficiency and reduces the experiment risk. (author)

  13. Analisis Pengaruh Parameter Operasional dan Penggunaan Stabilizer terhadap Perilaku Arah Belok Mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR (AT 4X4

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    Deva Andriansyah


    Full Text Available Salah satu tipe mobil yang diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia yaitu Toyota Fortuner yang termasuk dalam kelas mobil SUV (sport utility vehicle. Dalam pengoperasiannya mobil SUV harus mampu memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi pengendaranya. Salah satu faktor penunjang dari segi keamanan mobil ini yaitu perilaku arah beloknya. Dengan harga jual yang relatif tinggi di Indonesia, diharapkan mobil ini dapat memberikan perilaku arah belok yang baik. Terdapat dua tahapan dalam peneltian ini yaitu tahap analisis dan uji jalan pada radius belok tetap, 10 meter. Pada tahap analisis dilakukan perhitungan berdasarkan analisa slip, skid, dan guling untuk mengetahui perilaku arah belok mobil dengan variasi pada parameter operasionalnya yaitu: jumlah penumpang, kecepatan, sudut belok, kondisi permukaan jalan, dan tekanan ban. Selain itu, analisis pengaruh penggunaaan stabilizer terhadap perilaku arah belok mobil juga dilakukan. Uji jalan dilakukan untuk mengetahui Koefisien Understeer (KUS dari mobil tersebut pada jalan aspal dan tanah dengan kondisi mobil tanpa dan menggunakan stabilizer. Hasil yang didapatkan dari uji jalan akan dibandingkan dengan hasil dari analisis perhitungan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mobil Toyota Fortuner mengalami kondisi belok paling baik ketika dinaiki oleh 2 orang penumpang dengan tekanan ban sebesar 35 Psi dan melintas pada jalan aspal karena kendaraan lebih sedikit mengalami oversteer dan memiliki (KUS positif terkecil serta tidak mudah mengalami skid. Penggunaan stabilizer pada mobil Toyota Fortuner tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku arah beloknya karena KUS yang dihasilkan pada uji jalan nilainya hampir sama yaitu 1,8045 dan 1,8115 pada jalan aspal serta 2,151 dan 2,1641 pada jalan tanah. Namun, penggunaan stabilizer bermanfaat untuk memperkecil sudut guling ketika mobil berbelok.

  14. Energy efficient cross layer design for spectrum sharing systems

    KAUST Repository

    Alabbasi, Abdulrahman


    We propose a cross layer design that optimizes the energy efficiency of spectrum sharing systems. The energy per good bit (EPG) is considered as an energy efficiency metric. We optimize the secondary user\\'s transmission power and media access frame length to minimize the EPG metric. We protect the primary user transmission via an outage probability constraint. The non-convex targeted problem is optimized by utilizing the generalized convexity theory and verifying the strictly pseudo-convex structure of the problem. Analytical results of the optimal power and frame length are derived. We also used these results in proposing an algorithm, which guarantees the existence of a global optimal solution. Selected numerical results show the improvement of the proposed system compared to other systems. © 2016 IEEE.

  15. Toward Improved Rotor-Only Axial Fans—Part II: Design Optimization for Maximum Efficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Dan Nørtoft; Thompson, M. C.; Sørensen, Jens Nørkær


    Numerical design optimization of the aerodynamic performance of axial fans is carried out, maximizing the efficiency in a designinterval of flow rates. Tip radius, number of blades, and angular velocity of the rotor are fixed, whereas the hub radius andspanwise distributions of chord length......, stagger angle, and camber angle are varied to find the optimum rotor geometry.Constraints ensure a pressure rise above a specified target and an angle of attack on the blades below stall. The optimizationscheme is used to investigate the dependence of maximum efficiency on the width of the design interval...

  16. Multiobjective optimal design of runner blade using efficiency and draft tube pulsation criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pilev, I M; Sotnikov, A A; Rigin, V E; Semenova, A V; Cherny, S G; Chirkov, D V; Bannikov, D V; Skorospelov, V A


    In the present work new criteria of optimal design method for turbine runner [1] are proposed. Firstly, based on the efficient method which couples direct simulation of 3D turbulent flow and engineering semi empirical formulas, the combined method is built for hydraulic energy losses estimation in the whole turbine water passage and the efficiency criterion is formulated. Secondly, the criterion of dynamic loads minimization is developed for those caused by vortex rope precession downstream of the runner. This criterion is based on the finding that the monotonic increase of meridional velocity component in the direction to runner hub, downstream of its blades, provides for decreasing the intensity of vortex rope and thereafter, minimization of pressure pulsation amplitude. The developed algorithm was applied to optimal design of 640 MW Francis turbine runner. It can ensure high efficiency at best efficiency operating point as well as diminished pressure pulsations at full load regime.

  17. Analisis Faktor Pembentuk Ekuitas Merek Toyota dan Daihatsu di Indonesia (Studi Komparasi pada Masyarakat Bandung)


    Sigiro, Cristine Afriani; Rachma Putri, Yuliani; Ilfandy Imran, Ayub


    Toyota dan Daihatsu merupakan dua merek otomotif (mobil) yang sangat fenomenal di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Produk dari kedua merek tersebut memiliki persamaan yang identik, namun Toyota memasarkan produknya lebih mahal dibandingkan Daihatsu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan ekuitas merek Toyota dan Daihatsu menurut masyarakat Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma penelitian positivistik dengan metode penelitian studi komparatif melalui teknik analisis data yan...

  18. Geometric Design of Scalable Forward Scatterers for Optimally Efficient Solar Transformers. (United States)

    Kim, Hye-Na; Vahidinia, Sanaz; Holt, Amanda L; Sweeney, Alison M; Yang, Shu


    It will be ideal to deliver equal, optimally efficient "doses" of sunlight to all cells in a photobioreactor system, while simultaneously utilizing the entire solar resource. Backed by the numerical scattering simulation and optimization, here, the design, synthesis, and characterization of the synthetic iridocytes that recapitulated the salient forward-scattering behavior of the Tridacnid clam system are reported, which presents the first geometric solution to allow narrow, precise forward redistribution of flux, utilizing the solar resource at the maximum quantum efficiency possible in living cells. The synthetic iridocytes are composed of silica nanoparticles in microspheres embedded in gelatin, both are low refractive index materials and inexpensive. They show wavelength selectivity, have little loss (the back-scattering intensity is reduced to less than ≈0.01% of the forward-scattered intensity), and narrow forward scattering cone similar to giant clams. Moreover, by comparing experiments and theoretical calculation, it is confirmed that the nonuniformity of the scatter sizes is a "feature not a bug" of the design, allowing for efficient, forward redistribution of solar flux in a micrometer-scaled paradigm. This method is environmentally benign, inexpensive, and scalable to produce optical components that will find uses in efficiency-limited solar conversion technologies, heat sinks, and biofuel production. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal

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    Nurul Dzakiya


    Full Text Available Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m, lempung pasiran (11-30 m dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di permukaan sekitar 225-231 meter berdasarkan penampang peta geologi dengan arah sebaran dari Barat Laut hingga Tenggara. Proses pelapukan dan alterasi di daerah ini intensif (alterasi argilik dengan jenis morfologi perbukitan intrusi terdenudasi dan dataran Alluvial.

  20. Design of Efficient Full Adder in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata

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    Bibhash Sen


    Full Text Available Further downscaling of CMOS technology becomes challenging as it faces limitation of feature size reduction. Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA, a potential alternative to CMOS, promises efficient digital design at nanoscale. Investigations on the reduction of QCA primitives (majority gates and inverters for various adders are limited, and very few designs exist for reference. As a result, design of adders under QCA framework is gaining its importance in recent research. This work targets developing multi-layered full adder architecture in QCA framework based on five-input majority gate proposed here. A minimum clock zone (2 clock with high compaction (0.01 μm2 for a full adder around QCA is achieved. Further, the usefulness of such design is established with the synthesis of high-level logic. Experimental results illustrate the significant improvements in design level in terms of circuit area, cell count, and clock compared to that of conventional design approaches.

  1. Energy efficient engine high pressure turbine test hardware detailed design report (United States)

    Halila, E. E.; Lenahan, D. T.; Thomas, T. T.


    The high pressure turbine configuration for the Energy Efficient Engine is built around a two-stage design system. Moderate aerodynamic loading for both stages is used to achieve the high level of turbine efficiency. Flowpath components are designed for 18,000 hours of life, while the static and rotating structures are designed for 36,000 hours of engine operation. Both stages of turbine blades and vanes are air-cooled incorporating advanced state of the art in cooling technology. Direct solidification (DS) alloys are used for blades and one stage of vanes, and an oxide dispersion system (ODS) alloy is used for the Stage 1 nozzle airfoils. Ceramic shrouds are used as the material composition for the Stage 1 shroud. An active clearance control (ACC) system is used to control the blade tip to shroud clearances for both stages. Fan air is used to impinge on the shroud casing support rings, thereby controlling the growth rate of the shroud. This procedure allows close clearance control while minimizing blade tip to shroud rubs.

  2. Efficient runner safety assessment during early design phase and root cause analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, Q W; Lais, S; Gentner, C; Braun, O


    Fatigue related problems in Francis turbines, especially high head Francis turbines, have been published several times in the last years. During operation the runner is exposed to various steady and unsteady hydraulic loads. Therefore the analysis of forced response of the runner structure requires a combined approach of fluid dynamics and structural dynamics. Due to the high complexity of the phenomena and due to the limitation of computer power, the numerical prediction was in the past too expensive and not feasible for the use as standard design tool. However, due to continuous improvement of the knowledge and the simulation tools such complex analysis has become part of the design procedure in ANDRITZ HYDRO. This article describes the application of most advanced analysis techniques in runner safety check (RSC), including steady state CFD analysis, transient CFD analysis considering rotor stator interaction (RSI), static FE analysis and modal analysis in water considering the added mass effect, in the early design phase. This procedure allows a very efficient interaction between the hydraulic designer and the mechanical designer during the design phase, such that a risk of failure can be detected and avoided in an early design stage.The RSC procedure can also be applied to a root cause analysis (RCA) both to find out the cause of failure and to quickly define a technical solution to meet the safety criteria. An efficient application to a RCA of cracks in a Francis runner is quoted in this article as an example. The results of the RCA are presented together with an efficient and inexpensive solution whose effectiveness could be proven again by applying the described RSC technics. It is shown that, with the RSC procedure developed and applied as standard procedure in ANDRITZ HYDRO such a failure is excluded in an early design phase. Moreover, the RSC procedure is compatible with different commercial and open source codes and can be easily adapted to apply for

  3. Efficient runner safety assessment during early design phase and root cause analysis (United States)

    Liang, Q. W.; Lais, S.; Gentner, C.; Braun, O.


    Fatigue related problems in Francis turbines, especially high head Francis turbines, have been published several times in the last years. During operation the runner is exposed to various steady and unsteady hydraulic loads. Therefore the analysis of forced response of the runner structure requires a combined approach of fluid dynamics and structural dynamics. Due to the high complexity of the phenomena and due to the limitation of computer power, the numerical prediction was in the past too expensive and not feasible for the use as standard design tool. However, due to continuous improvement of the knowledge and the simulation tools such complex analysis has become part of the design procedure in ANDRITZ HYDRO. This article describes the application of most advanced analysis techniques in runner safety check (RSC), including steady state CFD analysis, transient CFD analysis considering rotor stator interaction (RSI), static FE analysis and modal analysis in water considering the added mass effect, in the early design phase. This procedure allows a very efficient interaction between the hydraulic designer and the mechanical designer during the design phase, such that a risk of failure can be detected and avoided in an early design stage.The RSC procedure can also be applied to a root cause analysis (RCA) both to find out the cause of failure and to quickly define a technical solution to meet the safety criteria. An efficient application to a RCA of cracks in a Francis runner is quoted in this article as an example. The results of the RCA are presented together with an efficient and inexpensive solution whose effectiveness could be proven again by applying the described RSC technics. It is shown that, with the RSC procedure developed and applied as standard procedure in ANDRITZ HYDRO such a failure is excluded in an early design phase. Moreover, the RSC procedure is compatible with different commercial and open source codes and can be easily adapted to apply for


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    Luh Gede Sri Artini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan dari penelitian sebelumnya mengenai hubungan antara harga saham dengan kinerja ekonomi makro, dan penelitian mengenai integrasi Pasar Modal internasional.Variabel ekonomi makro dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada pertumbuhan PDB, tingkat suku bunga SBI dan nilai Kurs dolar Amerika terhadap Rupiah dan Indeks saham digunakan adalah Indeks Dow Jones, Indeks Saham Australia, Indeks Shanghai dan Indeks Singapura. Data dikumpulkan dari tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2015 secara bulanan dengan teknik analisis regresi linier dengan bantuan Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS


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    Johari Johari


    Full Text Available Tugas dan wewenang Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK terdapat di dalam Pasal 26 dan Pasal 27 Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Tindak Pencucian Uang. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, tugas dan wewenang PPATK tersebut bertujuan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang, dan membantu penegakan hukum yang berkaitan dengan pencucian uang, termasuk tindak pidana asal yang melahirkannya (predicate offences. Namun, Peranan PPATK akan berjalan secara efektif apabila aparat penegak hukum seperti Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan, Bea dan Cukai, para regulator seperti Bank Indonesia, Departemen Keuangan, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal serta Penyedia Jasa Keuangan, industri perbankan, asuransi, perusahaan pembiayaan, dana pensiun, perusahaan efek, pengelola reksadana, media massa, masyarakat bekerjasama secara terorganisir dan terpadu dalam pemberantasan tindak pencucian uang di Indonesia. Dengan kewenangan yang dimilikinya, PPATK dapat mengejar hasil dari kejahatan, apabila hasil kejahatan tersebut dapat dikejar dan disita maka negara dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi tindak kejahatan itu sendiri. Kata kunci : Pencucian uang, tindak pidana pencucian uang (money laundering, kejahatan terorganisir, dan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK.

  6. Design of An Energy Efficient Hydraulic Regenerative circuit (United States)

    Ramesh, S.; Ashok, S. Denis; Nagaraj, Shanmukha; Adithyakumar, C. R.; Reddy, M. Lohith Kumar; Naulakha, Niranjan Kumar


    Increasing cost and power demand, leads to evaluation of new method to increase through productivity and help to solve the power demands. Many researchers have break through to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic power pack, one of the promising methods is the concept of regenerative. The objective of this research work is to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic circuit by introducing a concept of regenerative circuit. A Regenerative circuit is a system that is used to speed up the extension stroke of the double acting single rod hydraulic cylinder. The output is connected to the input in the directional control value. By this concept, increase in velocity of the piston and decrease the cycle time. For the research, a basic hydraulic circuit and a regenerative circuit are designated and compared both with their results. The analysis was based on their time taken for extension and retraction of the piston. From the detailed analysis of both the hydraulic circuits, it is found that the efficiency by introducing hydraulic regenerative circuit increased by is 5.3%. The obtained results conclude that, implementing hydraulic regenerative circuit in a hydraulic power pack decreases power consumption, reduces cycle time and increases productivity in a longer run.


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    Idiannor Mahyudin


    Full Text Available Salah satu kegiatan ekonomi berbasis sumberdaya hayati pada sektor perikanan adalah kegiatan budidaya ikan.  Tetapi dengan keterbatasan lahan yang dimiliki dan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan supaya bernilai produktif maka masyarakat Banjarbaru banyak mengusahakan budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 menganalisis layak atau tidaknya usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (2 menganalisis pengaruh perubahan harga input terhadap usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (3 mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal di Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Lokasi sampel ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive, yakni Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap petani ikan  yang aktif mengelola kegiatan usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal, yakni sebanyak 200 petani ikan.  Penetapan jumlah sampel dilakukan secara random mengingat populasi yang homogen. Analisis data untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, yakni menganalisis kelayakan investasi usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal , digunakan perhitungan pada kriteria investasi yang meliputi Net Present Value (NPV, Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BCR, Internal Rate of Return (IRR dan Payback Period.   Untuk menjawab tujuan kedua dilakukan pengujian terhadap hasil kelayakan usaha pada metode di atas dengan mempertimbangkan adanya kenaikan harga pakan. Selanjutnya untuk menjawab tujuan ketiga, yakni mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi pelaku usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal, digunakan analisis deskriptif dengan cara mengkaji data-data primer/sekunder dan selanjutnya memaparkannya secara tertulis. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha diperoleh nilai NPV 12% sebesar Rp 96.600,081 > 0, nilai B/C 12% = 2,089 > 1 dan nilai IRR = ~ (tidak terhingga  > dari tingkat bunga berlaku. Dari hasil kelayakan usaha

  8. Analisis Gameplay Game Genre Virtual Pet

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    Abi Senoprabowo


    Full Text Available Game adalah struktur interaktif yang membuat pemain berjuang menuju sebuah tujuan. Game dapat memberikan emosi dan mood, menghubungkan dengan orang latihan, sarana latihan, serta dapat memberikan edukasi. Salah satu game yang berkembang saat ini adalah game bergenre Virtual pet. Game virtual pet merupakan game simulasi memelihara sesuatu. Virtual pet memiliki gameplay yang menarik dan menyenangkan yang membuat pemain seolah-olah benar-benar memiliki binatang peliharaan mereka sendiri. Virtual pet dianggap oleh sebagian besar penggunanya dapat memberikan kegembiraan serta rasa kasih sayang karena tingkat interaksinya yang baik. Banyak pengembang game pemula yang mengembangkan genre ini sebagai game yang mereka buat karena kemudahaan dan tingkat penggunanya yang banyak. Akan tetapi banyak dari pengembang game pemula tidak memperhatikan tingkat keberlanjutan game virtual pet yang mereka buat sehingga membuat pemain cepat bosan. Pada penelitian ini, analisis game bergenre virtual pet yang sudah sukses dibuat seperti Zombigotchi, Tamagotchi Unicorn, dan Bird Land, diharapkan dapat membantu para pengembang game pemula agar mengetahui cara merancang dan mengembangkan game virtual pet dengan baik. Kata Kunci: game, gameplay, virtual pet


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    D. Mutiatikum


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida untuk budidaya komoditi pertanian memungkinkan adanya residu pestisida dalam sayuran sehingga konsumen berisiko tercemar pestisida yang merupakan zat toksik  sehingga diperlukan pemantmwn kadar residu dalam sayuran terutama yang langsung dikonsumsi tanpa dimasak. Penetapan  residu pestisida dilakukan dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas (GC. Hasil analisis residu pestisida golongan peretrin dalam tomat dan selada yang disampling dari pasar induk, pasar tradisional. pasar swalayan dan hipermarket yang berada diwilayah Jakarta menunjukkan hasil yang negatif (tidak terdeteksi.

  10. Tool for assessing eco-efficiency in urban planning and design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lahti, P., Email:


    The goal of this project was to develop a fast, comprehensive and user-friendly eco-efficiency estimation method for urban development. A preliminary study concluded that urban planners, designers and architects lack a practical and comprehensive tool for the overall assessment of community-level ecological performance. The report on the tool itself concluded findings concerning the needs of urban planners and designers in the City of Helsinki, which were transferred to the structure and contents of the assessment tool. The project continues the development efforts during the next couple of years, integrating 14 partners. (orig.)

  11. Fuel efficiency of conventional design tractors diesel engines in relation to new design

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    Jevtić Jeremija


    Full Text Available Total consumption of all types of energies is rather high nowadays with constant tendency of increasing. Transport section is one of the highest consumers of energy obtained from fossil fuels. It is absolutely clear that the reduction of energy consumption and the protection of environment - exhaust emission reduction, i. e. cleaner air, will be one of the main tasks of automotive industry in the first decades of the 21st century. In spite of its superiority over the petrol engine in respect of the fuel consumption, a diesel engine "suffers" from the increased exhaust emission, particles and NOx first of all and also from the noise and vibrations. The paper gives a review of fuel efficiency of conventional design tractors diesel engines in relation to new design. .

  12. Long-duration heat load measurement approach by novel apparatus design and highly efficient algorithm (United States)

    Zhu, Yanwei; Yi, Fajun; Meng, Songhe; Zhuo, Lijun; Pan, Weizhen


    Improving the surface heat load measurement technique for vehicles in aerodynamic heating environments is imperative, regarding aspects of both the apparatus design and identification efficiency. A simple novel apparatus is designed for heat load identification, taking into account the lessons learned from several aerodynamic heating measurement devices. An inverse finite difference scheme (invFDM) for the apparatus is studied to identify its surface heat flux from the interior temperature measurements with high efficiency. A weighted piecewise regression filter is also proposed for temperature measurement prefiltering. Preliminary verification of the invFDM scheme and the filter is accomplished via numerical simulation experiments. Three specific pieces of apparatus have been concretely designed and fabricated using different sensing materials. The aerodynamic heating process is simulated by an inductively coupled plasma wind tunnel facility. The identification of surface temperature and heat flux from the temperature measurements is performed by invFDM. The results validate the high efficiency, reliability and feasibility of heat load measurements with different heat flux levels utilizing the designed apparatus and proposed method.

  13. Long-duration heat load measurement approach by novel apparatus design and highly efficient algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Yanwei; Yi, Fajun; Meng, Songhe; Zhuo, Lijun; Pan, Weizhen


    Improving the surface heat load measurement technique for vehicles in aerodynamic heating environments is imperative, regarding aspects of both the apparatus design and identification efficiency. A simple novel apparatus is designed for heat load identification, taking into account the lessons learned from several aerodynamic heating measurement devices. An inverse finite difference scheme (invFDM) for the apparatus is studied to identify its surface heat flux from the interior temperature measurements with high efficiency. A weighted piecewise regression filter is also proposed for temperature measurement prefiltering. Preliminary verification of the invFDM scheme and the filter is accomplished via numerical simulation experiments. Three specific pieces of apparatus have been concretely designed and fabricated using different sensing materials. The aerodynamic heating process is simulated by an inductively coupled plasma wind tunnel facility. The identification of surface temperature and heat flux from the temperature measurements is performed by invFDM. The results validate the high efficiency, reliability and feasibility of heat load measurements with different heat flux levels utilizing the designed apparatus and proposed method. (paper)

  14. Flexible and efficient genome tiling design with penalized uniqueness score

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    Du Yang


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As a powerful tool in whole genome analysis, tiling array has been widely used in the answering of many genomic questions. Now it could also serve as a capture device for the library preparation in the popular high throughput sequencing experiments. Thus, a flexible and efficient tiling array design approach is still needed and could assist in various types and scales of transcriptomic experiment. Results In this paper, we address issues and challenges in designing probes suitable for tiling array applications and targeted sequencing. In particular, we define the penalized uniqueness score, which serves as a controlling criterion to eliminate potential cross-hybridization, and a flexible tiling array design pipeline. Unlike BLAST or simple suffix array based methods, computing and using our uniqueness measurement can be more efficient for large scale design and require less memory. The parameters provided could assist in various types of genomic tiling task. In addition, using both commercial array data and experiment data we show, unlike previously claimed, that palindromic sequence exhibiting relatively lower uniqueness. Conclusions Our proposed penalized uniqueness score could serve as a better indicator for cross hybridization with higher sensitivity and specificity, giving more control of expected array quality. The flexible tiling design algorithm incorporating the penalized uniqueness score was shown to give higher coverage and resolution. The package to calculate the penalized uniqueness score and the described probe selection algorithm are implemented as a Perl program, which is freely available at

  15. Designing interfaces of hydrogenase-nanomaterial hybrids for efficient solar conversion. (United States)

    King, Paul W


    The direct conversion of sunlight into biofuels is an intriguing alternative to a continued reliance on fossil fuels. Natural photosynthesis has long been investigated both as a potential solution, and as a model for utilizing solar energy to drive a water-to-fuel cycle. The molecules and organizational structure provide a template to inspire the design of efficient molecular systems for photocatalysis. A clear design strategy is the coordination of molecular interactions that match kinetic rates and energetic levels to control the direction and flow of energy from light harvesting to catalysis. Energy transduction and electron-transfer reactions occur through interfaces formed between complexes of donor-acceptor molecules. Although the structures of several of the key biological complexes have been solved, detailed descriptions of many electron-transfer complexes are lacking, which presents a challenge to designing and engineering biomolecular systems for solar conversion. Alternatively, it is possible to couple the catalytic power of biological enzymes to light harvesting by semiconductor nanomaterials. In these molecules, surface chemistry and structure can be designed using ligands. The passivation effect of the ligand can also dramatically affect the photophysical properties of the semiconductor, and energetics of external charge-transfer. The length, degree of bond saturation (aromaticity), and solvent exposed functional groups of ligands can be manipulated to further tune the interface to control molecular assembly, and complex stability in photocatalytic hybrids. The results of this research show how ligand selection is critical to designing molecular interfaces that promote efficient self-assembly, charge-transfer and photocatalysis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Metals in Bioenergetics and Biomimetics Systems. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Analisi dei cicli del mercato immobiliare: un applicazione sui dati italiani

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    Maurizio Festa!


    Full Text Available Utilizzando i dati italiani, sulla base dell'approccio teorico del ciclo "a nido d'ape" proposto da Janssen, Kruijt e Needham nel 1994, questo articolo propone un ulteriore contributo allo studio delle dinamiche del mercato immobiliare italiano. Utilizzando alcuni indicatori del mercato, si presentano i grafici del ciclo a nido d'ape per tutte le regioni e per le principali città. Tecniche di cluster analysis sono utilizzate per raggruppare le regioni che mostrano andamenti simili. L'obiettivo finale dell'analisi è quindi quello di esaminare il territorio nazionale in termini di sviluppo ed evoluzione del mercato delle abitazioni.

  17. Designing an Efficient Retransmission Scheme for Wireless LANs: Theory and Implementation


    Koutsonikolas, Dimitrios; Wang, Chih-Chun; Hu, Y Charlie; Shroff, Ness


    Network coding is known to benefit the downlink retransmissions by the AP in a wireless LAN from exploiriting overhearing at the client nodes. However, designing an efficient and practical retransmission scheme remains a challange. We present an (asymptotically) optimal scheme, ECR, for reduing the downlink retransmissions by the AP in a wireless LAN from exploiting overhearing at the client nodes. The design of ECR, consisting of three components: batch-based operations, a systematic pha...


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    Kurnia Norma Handayani


    Full Text Available atar belakang penelitian ini adalah karena kurangnya kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya pemahaman siswa akan materi dan berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kurang optimal, selain itu karena metode pembelajaran yang digunakan tidak tepat yaitu menggunakan ceramah tanpa variasi sedangkan karakter materinya adalah teoritis dan membutuhkan analisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IIS 3 SMA 1 Bae Kudus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam 2 siklus. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh data kemampuan analisis siswa siklus I nilai rata-rata 73,94 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 52,94%, pada siklus II nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 82,29 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 82,35%, aktivitas siswa pada pembelajaran siklus I cukup dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi sangat baik. The background of this research is the lack of knowledge in economic problems so students learning outcomes less optimal, moreover because the learning method that is used is not appropriate to use the oral speech without variation while the character is doctrinaire and needing analysis. This research aims to know improving the analysis ability on the subject economic problems with problem based learning model and how the use problem based learning can improving the analysis ability on the subject economic problems. The subject of this research is the class X IIS 3 SMA 1 Bae Kudus. This study is an action research conducted in two cycles. The research finding showed that analysis ability in learning cycle I average grade is 73,94 with percentage of classical completeness is 52,94%, in cycle II average grade increase to 82,29 with percentage of


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    Annisa Mulia Rani


    Full Text Available Aspek kualitas pekerjaan berkaitan langsung dengan waktu yang khusus digunakan dosen untuk mengembangkan kemampuan. Maka untuk merealisasikan kualitas dosen yang terbaik , pihak manajemen khusunya dekan membuat peraturan untuk kehadiran dosen adalah minimal 25 jam/minggu. Dengan peraturan ini diharapkan dosen dapat melaksanakan beban kerja dosen sebaik-baiknya. Peraturan ini tertulis dan tertuang pada SK Dekan No 20/2006 pada kampus X. Dengan Menggunakan Analisis faktor mencoba menemukan hubungan atar sejumlah variable-variabel yang awalnya saling independen satu dengan yang lain dimana variable penyebab kekurangan jam dosen datang/minggu adalah keluaraga, manajemen, hubungan social, fasilitas pengajaran, jarak/lokasi, kompensasi transport. Berdasarkan uji Bartley test dan Measure sample of adequate yang pertama maka dengan nilai sig 0.04 dan msa 0.540 . Dengan menggunakan metode principal component analysis maka pembentukan factor hanya ada 1 componen karena nilai eigen value yang mempunyai nilai diatas 1. Faktor pembentuk baru yaitu manajemen, kompensasi dan jarak menjadi satu component.


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    Muhammad Khafid


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting, dan untuk menganalisa dampak  kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting  pada pengoperasian kinerja KPRI di kota Semarang. Populasinya adalah 62 KPRI di kota Semarang, dan sempel yang digunakan adalah 29 KPRI. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Metode analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif  dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa KPRI di kotamadya Semarang dikategorikan cukup dan terbukti bahwa hipotesis menyatakan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan usaha. Abstract The purposes of this research are to analyze the implementation compliance of PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting, and to analyze the effects of implementation compliance of PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting on KPRI performance  in Semarang Municipality. The population are 62 KPRIs in Semarang.However, there are only twenty nine KPRIs become the samples. The methods for collecting the data are documentation and questionairre. Then, for analyzing the data, it requires descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results of study shows that KPRIs in Semarang Municipality are categorized as fair and hypothesis states that the level of implementation compliance of PSAK 27 is influencial to the business has successfully proven.Keywords:  cooperative accounting; compliance


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    Rusno Rusno


    Full Text Available Industri kripik tempe di desa Sanan Malang merupakan bagian dari UMKM mengalami perkembang-an yang cukup baik. Hingga akhir tahun 2013 kemarin berjumlah kurang lebih 65 pengrajin, bahkan saat ini Sanan sudah menjadi sentra industri kecil penghasil kripik tempe dan menjadi salah satu pro-duk unggulan kota Malang. Namun dalam perjalanannya industri ini banyak mengalami masalah diantaranya banyak pesaing yang terus masuk dalam bisnis ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan persaingan yang semakin ketat sehingga para pelaku harus dapat menentukan strategi untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan, maka Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana posisi bersaing dan penetapan strategi pemasaran produsen kripik tempe di kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah confirmatory research. Sebagai populasinya adalah pengusaha kripik tempe yang berlokasi di kecamatan Blimbing kota Malang yang berjumlah 65 pemilik home industri. Sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Simple random sampling berjumlah 33 pengusaha industri kripik tempe. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, dan teknik analisis data dengan teknik deskriptif dan tabulasi silang. Berdasarkan analisis data didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa posisi bersaing industri kripik tempe di Sanan terdapat 4 cluster yang terbagi dalam : Cluster 1 (pemimpin pasar/market leader beranggota-kan 1 perusahaan. Cluster 2(penceruk pasar/market nicher beranggotakan 13 perusahaan, Cluster 3 (penantang pasar/market challenger beranggotakan 8 perusahaan dan cluster 4 (pengikut pasar /market follower beranggotakan 11 perusahaan. 


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    I Gede Adnyana


    Full Text Available Persaingan bisnis yang ketat, mendorong setiap perusahaan menyusun strategi bisnis agar dapat bertahan dari para pesaing. Penyusunan strategi bisnis mutlak memerlukan informasi yang tepat dan akurat, pengolahan hingga analisis data yang menghasilkan informasi yang tepat dan akurat menjadi proses yang sangat penting. Business Intelligence (BI menawarkan solusi bisnis untuk menganalisis data dan memungkinkan suatu perusahaan untuk mengambil keputusan untuk meningkatkan keuntungan dan kinerja bisnis. Namun, BI mahal untuk diimplementasikan, memerlukan biaya pemeliharaan yang tidak sedikit dan infrastruktur yang kuat. Hal ini mendorong perusahaan mengurangi biaya tetapi masih memiliki teknologi yang tepat untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat keputusan, mengidentifikasi peluang dan proaktif mengidentifikasi risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi bisnis. Konsep Software as a Service (SaaS Cloud Computing dapat menjawab tantangan yang dihadapi BI. Sebelum merancang BI berbasis SaaS perlu diketahui parameter-parameter evaluasi hingga kelebihan dan kekurangannya.





    2016 Analisis Perilaku Penyusun Anggaran dalam Perspektif Keagenan pada Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Analysis of Budget Compiler???s Behavior within the Agency Perspective in Regency and City of South Sulawesi Province A. Nurul Ilmi Mediaty Aini Indrijawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perubahan Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan perubahan Dana Perimbangan terhadap perilaku oportunistik penyusun anggaran yang menjelaskan mengenai hubungan k...

  4. Analisis Peranan Franchisor Terhadap Suksesnya Bisnis Franchise Pada Mc. Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan


    Simarmata, Leonardo


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peranan franchisor dalam promotion, support service, training, control system dan communication terhadap suksesnya bisnis franchise pada Mc Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dengan cara memberikan daftar pertanyaan (questionaire) dan melakukan wawancara (interview) secara mendalam (depth interview) kepada pemilik usaha M. Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini ad...

  5. Analisis Sistim Manajemen Dokumentasi Keperawatan pada Poliklinik Gigi Rumah Sakit di Bukittinggi

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    Dewi Rosmalia


    Full Text Available Abstrak Dokumentasi keperawatan merupakan bukti tertulis pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien oleh tenaga keperawatan yang bertujuan untuk menghindari kesalahan, tumpang tindih dan ketidak lengkapan informasi. Dalam asuhan keperawatan agar terbinanya koordinasi yang baik dan dinamis antar tenaga keperawatan serta meningkatkan efisiensi, efektifitas dan menjamin kualitas asuhan keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  menganalisis sistim manajemen dokumentasi keperawatan pada poliklinik gigi rumah sakit berdasarkan standar pelayanan keperawatan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode analisis kualitatif, sumber data berasal dari observasi, dokumen dan wawancaramendalam. Informan penelitian berjumlah 10 (sepuluh orang yang terdiri dari direktur rumah sakit, ketua PPGI Kota Bukittinggi, kepala ruangan poliklinik gigi/ kepala instalasi dan perawat gigi di pol iklinik gigi rumah sakit di Bukittinggi. Validasi data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis data, reduksi data, interpretasi dankomunikasikan makna temuan melalui laporan tertulis. Hasil penelitian didapatkan dokumentasi keperawatan pada poliklinik gigi belum terlaksana dengan optimal, hal ini mempengaruhi proses pendokumentasian, tidak tersedianya kartu khusus pencatatan pemeriksaan dan perawatan gigi juga sangat mempengaruhi sistim dokumentasi keperawatan pada poliklinik gigi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ialahsistim penyelenggaraan dokumentasi keperawatanpada poliklinik gigi belum terlaksana dengan optimal karena belum tersedianya kartu pencatatan pemeriksaan dan perawatan gigi pada poliklinik gigi rumah sakit, belum adanya SOP dokumentasi keperawatan dan jika ada tidak pernah disosialisasikan. Kata kunci: dokumentasi, poliklinik gigi, manajemenAbstract Nursing documentation is written proof of service to patients by nursing staff that aims to avoid errors, and incompleteness of information overlapping in nursing so good and dynamic coordination between nursing staff

  6. Assessment of impact of borehole heat exchanger design on heat extraction/rejection efficiency

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    Gornov V.F.


    Full Text Available The article considers the impact of design of borehole heat exchanger (BHE as one of the main elements of a geothermal heat pump system on its efficiency in the ground heat extraction/rejection. Four BHE modifications are considered: coaxial with metal and polyethylene outside tube as well as single and double U-shaped structures of polyethylene tubes. Numerical modeling resulted to data on the efficiency of these BHE modifications for rejection heat into ground (heat pump system in cooling mode, and ground heat extraction (heat pump system in heating mode. Numerical values were obtained and BHEs were ranked according to their efficiency in both operation modes. Besides, additional calculations were made for the most common modification - double U-shaped design - in the ground heat extraction mode for various tube sizes with various wall thicknesses.


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    Ketut Sudarma


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja dan kinerja terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 76 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi, dan kinerja serta kualitas pelayanan  Analisis data menggunakan regresi dua tahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja dan kinerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Ini berarti semakin meningkat kinerja, maka semakin meningkat juga kualitas pelayanan. Dari hasil analisis deskriptif persentase tampak secara rata-rata  semua variabel penelitian  menunjukkan kategori baik, namun pada aspek-aspek tertentu pada masing-masing variabel masih terdapat kekurangan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pimpinan dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas pelayanan. Upaya perbaikan dimulai dari peningkatan kemampuan melalui pendidikan dan latihan, monitoring pelaksanaan kerja secara rutin, menumbuhkan komitmen kerja dan perbaikan standar operasi prosedur.The aim of the study is toanalyze the influence of individual abilities, job satisfaction, organizational commitment to performanceand performance againstservice quality. This samplingmethod is using 76 samples by the proportionalrandom sampling techniques. Variables consisted of individual ability, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance andservice qualitydata analysisusingtwo-stageregression. The results showedthat theability of individuals, job satisfaction and organizational commitment had asignificant positive effecton performance and the performance ofa significant positive effecton quality of service. It means the higher performance, the higher service

  8. Analisis Spektral Daya dan Koherensi EEG Pada Anak Penderita Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nita Handayani


    Full Text Available Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD adalah kondisi neurodevelopmental yang berkaitan dengan defisit dalam fungsi eksekutif, emosi, bahasa, dan komunikasi sosial. Beberapa teknik neuroimaging dan neurofisiologi digunakan untuk memahami hubungan antara fungsionalitas otak dan perilaku autis. Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG adalah sebuah teknik non-invasif yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran fungsionalitas otak melalui beberapa besaran fisis yang dikaji. Pada paper ini akan dibahas tentang karakteristik sinyal listrik otak pada penderita austis berdasarkan analisis QEEG. Perekaman sinyal otak menggunakan Emotiv Epoc 14 channel (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T7, FC6, F4, F8, AF4 dan 2 channel referensi (CMS dan DRL. Jumlah subjek uji dalam penelitian sebanyak 6 anak penderita autis dan 5 anak sehat sebagai kontrol dengan rentang usia antara 10-15 tahun. Perekaman otak dilakukan pada kondisi rileks dan mata terutup selama 15 menit. Metode analisis data meliputi pre-processing data EEG untuk menghilangkan noise dan artefak, perhitungan spektral daya menggunakan periodogram Welch, dan analisis konektivitas fungsional otak dengan menghitung besarnya koherensi intra-hemisphere dan inter-hemisphere. Dari hasil studi diperoleh bahwa pada anak autis terjadi peningkatan spektral daya pada pita delta dan penurunan spektral daya pada pita alpha dibandingkan dengan subjek kontrol. Analisis konektivitas fungsional otak pada anak autis menunjukkan nilai koherensi intra-hemisphere dan inter-hemisphere yang lebih rendah pada pita delta dan theta, khususnya pada area frontal. QEEG dapat digunakan untuk karakterisasi sinyal otak pada penderita autis dan membedakannya dari subjek normal. Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with deficits in executive function, emotions, language, and social communication. Several neuroimaging and neurophysiology techniques are used to understand the relationship between



    Deepali Panwar; Subhrendu Guha Neogi


    Development of energy efficient Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) routing protocol is nowadays main area of interest amongst researchers. This research is an effort in designing energy efficient Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) routing protocol under certain parameters consideration. Research report discusses various existing WSN routing protocols and propose a new WSN energy efficient routing protocol. Results show a significant improvement in life cycle of the nodes and enhancement ...



    Anita Tri Widiyawati; Supri Wahyudi Utomo; Nik Amah


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio Altman Modifikasi terhadap prediksi kebangkrutan. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di BEI. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sejumlah 32 perusahaan property dan real estate yang menerbitkan laporan keuangannya selama tahun 2011-2013. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi logisti...

  11. Molecular Entropy, Thermal Efficiency, and Designing of Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycles (United States)

    Wang, Jingtao; Zhang, Jin; Chen, Zhiyou


    A shortage of fossil energy sources boosts the utilization of renewable energy. Among numerous novel techniques, recovering energy from low-grade heat sources through power generation via organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) is one of the focuses. Properties of working fluids are crucial for the ORC's performance. Many studies have been done to select proper working fluids or to design new working fluids. However, no researcher has systematically investigated the relationship between molecular structures and thermal efficiencies of various working fluids for an ideal ORC. This paper has investigated the interrelations of molecular structures, molecular entropies, and thermal efficiencies of various working fluids for an ideal ORC. By calculating thermal efficiencies and molecular entropies, we find that the molecular entropy is the most appropriate thermophysical property of a working fluid to determine how much energy can be converted into work and how much cannot in a system. Generally speaking, working fluids with low entropies will generally have high thermal efficiency for an ideal ORC. Based on this understanding, the direct interrelations of molecular structures and entropies provide an explicit interrelation between molecular structures and thermal efficiencies, and thus provide an insightful direction for molecular design of novel working fluids for ORCs.


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    Hutriadi Pratama Siallagan


    Full Text Available Pada proses produksi baja sangat erat kaitannya dengan pendinginan baik untuk proses pendinginan baja maupun pendinginan mesin-mesin produksi supaya terhindar dari over heat sehingga dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Pada PT Krakatau Steel menggunakan beberapa sistem pendingin salah satunya adalah sistem pendingin cooling tower 8330 CT 01. Sistem pendingin tersebut digunakan untuk menunjang proses produksi dan juga pendinginanan mesin produksi khusunya pada Slab Steel Plant (SSP, dengan peran yang sangat besar maka cooling tower 8330 CT 01 harus diketahui bagaimana kinerjanya. Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis kinerja Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 dengan membandingkan data teori dengan data aktual berdasarkan perhitungan-perhitungan sehingga dapat diketahui bagaimana kinerja dari Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 tersebut. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh penurunan efisiensi sebesar 22,353%, kapasitas pendinginan 7.033,35 Kj/s, Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh temperatur air yang masuk Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 tidak terlalu tinggi, karena SSP sedang dalam pengerjaan revitatalisi, agar lebih efektif dan efisien Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 sebaiknya lebih dimamfaatkan lagi untuk pendingin objek lainnya sehingga temperatur air yang masuk tidak terlalu rendah.


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    Subangkit Subangkit


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenyakit Campak disebabkan oleh virus campak yang termasuk genus Morbilivirus dan Family Paramyxoviridae. Penyakit campak masih menjadi masalah kesehatan karena masih ditemukan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya KLB tersebut diduga sebagaiakibat perbedaan antigenesitas antara strain vaksin yang digunakan dengan strain virus campak liar yang beredar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran tentang karakteristik genetik gen Haemagglutinin virus campak liar yang ada di Indonesia. Spesimen yang digunakan sebanyak 27 isolat virus penyebab KLB dari 17 propinsi selama periode tahun 2003-2010. Isolat virus dilakukan pemeriksaan secara RT-PCR dan sekuensing dengan metode Sanger. Hasil sekuensing dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Bioedit 7.0 dan MEGA 4.0. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan 10 asam amino antara virus campak strain vaksin CAM-70 dan virus campak liar pada posisi D416N; K424T; V451M; N455T; V466I; I473T; F476L; Y481S atau Y481N; H495N; G505D. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan karakteristik genetik antara virus campak liar di Indonesia berbeda dengan strain virus vaksin CAM-70.Kata kunci : Campak, Analisis Molekuler, Hemagglutinin, CD46AbstractMeasles is caused by virus belonging to the genus Morbilivirus and Family Paramyxoviridae. Measles is still a public health problem because outbreak of measles still found in Indonesia. Outbreak is suspected as a result of differences in antigenicity between vaccine strains used with wild-type measles virus strains circulating in Indonesia. This study aims to get genetic characteristics of wild-type measles virus haemagglutinin gene in Indonesia. The specimens were used 27 viral isolates from 17 provinces period 2003-2010. Viral isolates examined by RT-PCR and sequencing with Sanger method. Sequencing analysis were conducted using Bioedit 7.0 and MEGA 4.0 software. The results showed 10 amino acid differences

  14. SSTL Based Low Power Thermal Efficient WLAN Specific 32bit ALU Design on 28nm FPGA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalia, Kartik; Pandey, Bishwajeet; Das, Teerath


    at minimum and maximum temperature as compared to all other considered I/O standards. This design has application where 32bit ALU design is considered for designing an electronic device such as WLAN. The design can be implemented on different nano chips for better efficiency depending upon the design...... with consideration of airflow toward hit sink and different frequency on which ALU operate in network processor or any WLAN devices. We have done total power analysis of WLAN operating on different frequencies. We have considered a set of frequencies, which are based on IEEE 802.11 standards. First we did...... efficient IO standard. While analyzing we found out that when WLAN device shift from 343.15K to 283.15K, there is maximum thermal power reduction in SSTL135_R as compared to all considered I/O standards. When we compared same I/Os for different frequencies we observed maximum thermal efficiency in SSTL15...

  15. An Improved Supplier Driven Packaging Design and Development Method for Supply Chain Efficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sohrabpour, Vahid; Oghazi, Pejvak; Olsson, Annika


    and satisfaction in interaction with the product and packaging system. It also proposes a supply chain focused packaging design and development method to better satisfy supply chain needs placed on packaging. An extensive literature review was conducted, and a Tetra Pak derived case study was developed......Packaging and the role it plays in supply chain efficiency are overlooked in most design and development research. An opportunity exists to meet the needs of supply chains to increase efficiency. This research presents three propositions on how to reduce the gap between supply chain needs....... The propositions were formulated and became the basis for improving Tetra Pak's existing packaging design and development method by better integrating supply chain needs. This was accomplished by using an expanded operational life cycle perspective that includes the entire supply chain. The resulting supply chain...

  16. JLab High Efficiency Klystron Baseline Design for 12 GeV Upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hovater, J.; Delayen, Jean; Harwood, Leigh; Nelson, Richard; Wang, Haipeng


    A computer design of a 13.5 kW, 1497 MHz, CW type, 55% efficiency, 0.8 microPv beam perveance, ∼40 dB gain, 5-cavity klystron has been developed for JLab 12 GeV Upgrade project.The design uses TRICOMP codes to simulate the gun, mod-anode section, solenoid focus channel and beam dump. The klystron tube was designed by JPNDISK (1D) code initially and then optimized by MASK (2D) code for the baseline parameters. All of these codes have been bunch marked by JLab 5 kW operational klystrons. The details of design parameters and the simulations by MAFIA (3D) for the cavity couplings tuners, and window are also going to be presented.


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    I Wayan Rinas


    Full Text Available Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah (RSUP memiliki tingkat THD (Total Harmonics Distortion  arus yang tidak sesuai dengan standar IEEE 159-1992. THD arus yang berlebih dapat menyebabkan berbagai kekurangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini digunakan filter aktif shunt berbasis inverter. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi penggunaan filter aktif menggunakan sofware simulink MATLAB 7.0.4 Hasil analisis menunjukan pemasangan filter aktif menyebabkan terjadi penurunan kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan pada feeder yang bermasalah. Kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan telah sesuai dengan IEEE 152-1992. Daya distorsi harmonisa pada sistem mengalami penurunan dan terjadi peningkatan faktor daya mendekati unity power factor pada feeder.

  18. On extracting design principles from biology: II. Case study—the effect of knee direction on bipedal robot running efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haberland, M; Kim, S


    Comparing the leg of an ostrich to that of a human suggests an important question to legged robot designers: should a robot's leg joint bend in the direction of running (‘forwards’) or opposite (‘backwards’)? Biological studies cannot answer this question for engineers due to significant differences between the biological and engineering domains. Instead, we investigated the inherent effect of joint bending direction on bipedal robot running efficiency by comparing energetically optimal gaits of a wide variety of robot designs sampled at random from a design space. We found that the great majority of robot designs have several locally optimal gaits with the knee bending backwards that are more efficient than the most efficient gait with the knee bending forwards. The most efficient backwards gaits do not exhibit lower touchdown losses than the most efficient forward gaits; rather, the improved efficiency of backwards gaits stems from lower torque and reduced motion at the hip. The reduced hip use of backwards gaits is enabled by the ability of the backwards knee, acting alone, to (1) propel the robot upwards and forwards simultaneously and (2) lift and protract the foot simultaneously. In the absence of other information, designers interested in building efficient bipedal robots with two-segment legs driven by electric motors should design the knee to bend backwards rather than forwards. Compared to common practices for choosing robot knee direction, application of this principle would have a strong tendency to improve robot efficiency and save design resources. (paper)

  19. Efficient design of multituned transmission line NMR probes: the electrical engineering approach. (United States)

    Frydel, J A; Krzystyniak, M; Pienkowski, D; Pietrzak, M; de Sousa Amadeu, N; Ratajczyk, T; Idzik, K; Gutmann, T; Tietze, D; Voigt, S; Fenn, A; Limbach, H H; Buntkowsky, G


    Transmission line-based multi-channel solid state NMR probes have many advantages regarding the cost of construction, number of RF-channels, and achievable RF-power levels. Nevertheless, these probes are only rarely employed in solid state-NMR-labs, mainly owing to the difficult experimental determination of the necessary RF-parameters. Here, the efficient design of multi-channel solid state MAS-NMR probes employing transmission line theory and modern techniques of electrical engineering is presented. As technical realization a five-channel ((1)H, (31)P, (13)C, (2)H and (15)N) probe for operation at 7 Tesla is described. This very cost efficient design goal is a multi port single coil transmission line probe based on the design developed by Schaefer and McKay. The electrical performance of the probe is determined by measuring of Scattering matrix parameters (S-parameters) in particular input/output ports. These parameters are compared to the calculated parameters of the design employing the S-matrix formalism. It is shown that the S-matrix formalism provides an excellent tool for examination of transmission line probes and thus the tool for a rational design of these probes. On the other hand, the resulting design provides excellent electrical performance. From a point of view of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), calibration spectra of particular ports (channels) are of great importance. The estimation of the π/2 pulses length for all five NMR channels is presented. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Efficient Direct-Matching Rectenna Design for RF Power Transfer Applications (United States)

    Keyrouz, Shady; Visser, Huib


    This paper presents the design, simulation, fabrication and measurements of a 50 ohm rectenna system. The paper investigates each part (in terms of input impedance) of the rectenna system starting from the antenna, followed by the matching network, to the rectifier. The system consists of an antenna, which captures the transmitted RF signal, connected to a rectifier which converts the AC captured signal into a DC power signal. For maximum power transfer, a matching network is designed between the rectifier and the antenna. At an input power level of -10 dBm, the system is able to achieve an RF/DC power conversion efficiency of 49.7%.

  1. Efficient Direct-Matching Rectenna Design for RF Power Transfer Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keyrouz, Shady; Visser, Huib


    This paper presents the design, simulation, fabrication and measurements of a 50 ohm rectenna system. The paper investigates each part (in terms of input impedance) of the rectenna system starting from the antenna, followed by the matching network, to the rectifier. The system consists of an antenna, which captures the transmitted RF signal, connected to a rectifier which converts the AC captured signal into a DC power signal. For maximum power transfer, a matching network is designed between the rectifier and the antenna. At an input power level of −10 dBm, the system is able to achieve an RF/DC power conversion efficiency of 49.7%


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    Hadiyati Hadiyati


    Full Text Available Abstrak: PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru merupakan salah satu perusahaan perdagangan yang menjual berbagai macam produk elektronik termasuk  Lemari Es. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1. Mengetahui penjualan yang dilakukan oleh manajemen PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru. (2. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target penjualan Lemari Es Merek LG Pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan dari objek yaitu seluruh konsumen Lemari Es merek LG pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru pada tahun 2013 yaitu sebanyak 8.563 orang. Karena keterbatasan penulis, maka diambil sampel yang dianggap mewakili pelanggan yaitu sebanyak 100 orang dengan rumus slovin. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Deskriptif. Variabel yang digunakan adalah produk, harga, dan promosi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh, tidak tercapainya target penjualan Lemari Es merek LG pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru karena produk yang ditawarkan belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan keinginan dan harapan konsumen, harga yang ditawarkan belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat secara umum, serta promosi yang belum maksimal. Abstract: PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru is one trading company that sells a wide range of electronic products including Refrigerator. This study aims to: (1. Knowing the sales made by the management of PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru. (2. Knowing the factors that leads failure to achieve sales targets Refrigerator Brand LG At PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru. The population in this study is the whole of the object that is the entire consumer Refrigerator LG brand in the PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch in 2013 as many as 8563 people. Because of the limitations of the author, then a swab which is considered to represent the customer

  3. Nonlinear analysis of thermal stresses of a of first stage nozzle of a gas turbine at full load from the results of an analysis of conjugated heat transference; Analisis no lineal de esfuerzos termicos de una tobera de primera etapa de turbina de gas a plena carga a partir de resultados de un analisis de transferencia de calor conjugado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Hernandez, Efrain [Centro Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico (Cenidet), Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Garcia Illescas, R; Hernandez Rossette, Alejandro [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The gas turbines operate at extremely high temperatures, at high thermal and mechanical stresses, causing that the useful life of the involved components be reduced. In the present article the results realized by previous investigations of temperatures obtained from analysis of heat transfer and flow of fluids of the nozzle by means of the Star-CD program based on finite volumes is presented. Later, the NISA program of finite elements was used to realize the analysis of thermal stresses considering the material plasticity. The methodology employed to determine the material properties variable with the temperature of the super-alloy FSX-414 and the plasticity model used in the structural analysis in the finite element program. The result will be later used in the fatigue analysis for the useful life assessment. [Spanish] Las turbinas de gas operan a temperatura extremadamente altas, a elevados esfuerzos termicos y mecanicos, ocasionando que la vida de los componentes involucrados se reduzca. En el presente articulo se presentan los resultados realizados por previas investigaciones de temperaturas obtenidas a partir de analisis de transferencia de calor y flujo de fluidos de la tobera mediante el programa Star-CD basado en volumenes finitos. Posteriormente, se utilizo el programa NISA de elementos finitos para realizar el analisis de esfuerzos termicos considerando plasticidad del material. Se muestra la metodologia empleada para determinar las propiedades del material variables con la temperatura de la superaleacion FSX-414 y el modelo de plasticidad utilizado en el analisis estructural en el programa de elemento finito. Los resultados seran empleados posteriormente en el analisis de fatiga para la estimacion de vida util.

  4. Efficient high-throughput biological process characterization: Definitive screening design with the ambr250 bioreactor system. (United States)

    Tai, Mitchell; Ly, Amanda; Leung, Inne; Nayar, Gautam


    The burgeoning pipeline for new biologic drugs has increased the need for high-throughput process characterization to efficiently use process development resources. Breakthroughs in highly automated and parallelized upstream process development have led to technologies such as the 250-mL automated mini bioreactor (ambr250™) system. Furthermore, developments in modern design of experiments (DoE) have promoted the use of definitive screening design (DSD) as an efficient method to combine factor screening and characterization. Here we utilize the 24-bioreactor ambr250™ system with 10-factor DSD to demonstrate a systematic experimental workflow to efficiently characterize an Escherichia coli (E. coli) fermentation process for recombinant protein production. The generated process model is further validated by laboratory-scale experiments and shows how the strategy is useful for quality by design (QbD) approaches to control strategies for late-stage characterization. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

  5. Prototype design and realization of an innovative energy efficient transfemoral prosthesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ünal, Ramazan; Behrens, Sebastiaan Maria; Behrens, S.M.; Carloni, Raffaella; Hekman, Edsko E.G.; Stramigioli, Stefano; Koopman, Hubertus F.J.M.

    In this paper, we present the prototype realization of the conceptual design of a fully-passive transfemoral prosthesis. The working principle has been inspired by the power flow in human gait so to achieve an energy efficient device. The main goal of this paper is to validate the concept by

  6. Design and in vivo evaluation of more efficient and selective deep brain stimulation electrodes (United States)

    Howell, Bryan; Huynh, Brian; Grill, Warren M.


    Objective. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment for movement disorders and a promising therapy for treating epilepsy and psychiatric disorders. Despite its clinical success, the efficiency and selectivity of DBS can be improved. Our objective was to design electrode geometries that increased the efficiency and selectivity of DBS. Approach. We coupled computational models of electrodes in brain tissue with cable models of axons of passage (AOPs), terminating axons (TAs), and local neurons (LNs); we used engineering optimization to design electrodes for stimulating these neural elements; and the model predictions were tested in vivo. Main results. Compared with the standard electrode used in the Medtronic Model 3387 and 3389 arrays, model-optimized electrodes consumed 45-84% less power. Similar gains in selectivity were evident with the optimized electrodes: 50% of parallel AOPs could be activated while reducing activation of perpendicular AOPs from 44 to 48% with the standard electrode to 0-14% with bipolar designs; 50% of perpendicular AOPs could be activated while reducing activation of parallel AOPs from 53 to 55% with the standard electrode to 1-5% with an array of cathodes; and, 50% of TAs could be activated while reducing activation of AOPs from 43 to 100% with the standard electrode to 2-15% with a distal anode. In vivo, both the geometry and polarity of the electrode had a profound impact on the efficiency and selectivity of stimulation. Significance. Model-based design is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the efficiency and selectivity of DBS electrodes.

  7. Kajian Eksperimental Parameter Modal Bangunan Dua Lantai dengan Metode Modal Analisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Islahuddin Islahuddin


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengukuran getaran merupakan kegiatan yang umum dilakukan dalam perawatan prediktif. Perawatan prediktifbiasanya menggunakan pengukuran sinyal getaran untuk mendeteksi kerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin. Sinyalgetaran yang terukur tersebut, kemudian ditransformasikan dalam bentuk grafik fungsi respon frekuensi (FRF.Selanjutnya FRF diolah sedemikian rupasehingga diperoleh modus getar struktur. Dari modus getar yang diperoleh,maka dapat dianalisa kemungkinan kerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin dengan melihat besarnya amplitudo getarannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik dinamik dari sistem getaran yang terjadi pada model strukturbangunan dua lantai. Pengujian dilakukan denganmemberikan gaya eksitasi menggunakan impact hammer.Akselerometer digunakan mengukur sinyal getaran yang terjadi pada struktur. Posisi penempatan akselerometerdilakukan bervariasi untuk delapan titik pengujian yang berbeda. Sedangkan posisi pemberian gaya eksitasi tetap untuksemua titik pengujian. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode modal analisis eksperimen untuk mengetahuikarakteristik dinamik dari model struktur bangunan dua lantai. Teknik modal analisis ini digunakan untuk mendapatkanparameter modal seperti frekuensi, rasio redaman, dan modus getar. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwafrekuensi pribadipertama pada amplitudo maksimum mempunyai nilai yang sama, yaitu 2,313 Hz.Sedangkan untuk frekuensi pribadi kedua pada amplitudo maksimumnya terdapat perbedaan, yaitu pada titik pengujian3 dan 7. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh pemberian gaya eksitasi yang tidak sama dengan titik-titik pengujian yang lain.Kata kunci: Karakteristik dinamik, analisis modal eksperimen, frekuensi pribadi, FRF Abstract: Measuring vibration is an activity which is generally carried out in a predictive maintenance. In maintaining, vibratesignal measurement is usually used for machine damage detection. The signal measurement is then being

  8. Penggunaan Kontrasepsi pada Remaja Perempuan Kawin di Indonesia (Analisis Riskesdas 2013

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    Anissa Rizkianti


    Full Text Available AbstractAdolescent pregnancy has been highlighted in various parts of the world including access to contraceptive use among married teenagers. This is an advanced analysis of secondary data of Riskesdas 2013 that aims to identify contraceptive use among married adolescents in Indonesia. The data used in multilevel logistic regression analysis consist of demographic characteristics of adolescents, parity, availability of health services and the use of health insurance.. The results showed that 54.2% of married adolescents women or their partners used any method of contraception. Age, education level, socioeconomic status and the use of health insurance have significant relationships to contraceptive use after adjusted by the type of residence, parity and availability of health services. Adolescent aged above 17 years (OR=1.49, 95% CI 1.25 to 1.79 and had higher socio-economic status (OR kuintil 5=1.62, 95% CI 1,19- 2.22 were more likely to use contraception, while young women with higher school education (OR= 0.73; 95% CI .58-.91 as well as used health insurance (OR=0.72; 95 % CI 0.60 to 0.86 had smaller probability in contraceptive use. Fulfillment of adolescent access to contraception is expected to focus not only on increasing of knowledge but also purchasing power, which is through the utilisation of health insurance.Key words: contraception, married adolescents, RiskesdasAbstrakKehamilan remaja telah menjadi sorotan di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk akses terhadap penggunaan kontrasepsi pada remaja kawin. Studi ini merupakan analisis lanjut Riskesdas 2013 untuk mengetahui penggunaan kontrasepsi pada remaja kawin di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam analisis regresi logistik multi level terdiri atas karakteristik demografi remaja, paritas, ketersediaan pelayanan kesehatan serta penggunaan jaminan kesehatan. Subjek adalah seluruh remaja perempuan berusia 15-19 tahun yang berstatus kawin dan aktif secara seksual. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa



    Ruby Vidia Kusumah; Sawung Cindelaras; Anjang Bangun Prasetio


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula) populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap varias...

  10. Efficient method to design RF pulses for parallel excitation MRI using gridding and conjugate gradient. (United States)

    Feng, Shuo; Ji, Jim


    Parallel excitation (pTx) techniques with multiple transmit channels have been widely used in high field MRI imaging to shorten the RF pulse duration and/or reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR). However, the efficiency of pulse design still needs substantial improvement for practical real-time applications. In this paper, we present a detailed description of a fast pulse design method with Fourier domain gridding and a conjugate gradient method. Simulation results of the proposed method show that the proposed method can design pTx pulses at an efficiency 10 times higher than that of the conventional conjugate-gradient based method, without reducing the accuracy of the desirable excitation patterns.


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    meyta pritandhari


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil merupakan salah satu model lembaga keuangan syariah yang saat ini banyak muncul di Indonesia. BMT Amanah Ummah memiliki 9.142 anggota dan 45 % anggotanya tidak loyal kepada BMT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan dan dampaknya terhadap keunggulan bersaing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalan insidental sampling untuk anggota BMT dan purposive sampling  untuk  pimpinan, manajer dan  marketing.  Teknik  pengumpulan  data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan yaitu reputasi merek, kepuasan angggota, kualitas pelayanan, kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan anggota, dan kualitas pelayanan. Dari beberapa faktor tersebut faktor kualitas pelayanan yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi loyalitas anggota.Dampak loyalitas terhadap keunggulan bersaing dapat dilihat dari seberapa banyak anggota BMT yang tidak pindah ke lembaga keuangan lain. Semakin bagus kualitas pelayanan maka semakin tinggi tingkat loyalitas dan keunggulan bersaing antar lembaga keuangan juga semakin tinggi.


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    Husnawati Husnawati


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the systems and procedures that is applied at Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh in knowing of its customers. In specific, it aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of Knowing Your Customer (KYC Principle at BAS. This study employs both primary and secondary data which was obtained through field and library research. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results show that in knowing its customers, BAS Banda Aceh taken several steps of customer identification includes the identity check, occupation, source of funds, and the purpose of the use of funds. The implementation of the KYC principle in BAS Banda Aceh has effectively overcome and prevented the banking crimes such as money laundering. The implementation of the principle is intended to embolden the implementation of prudential principles in order to reduce business risks such as operational risk, legal risk, concentration risk, and reputational risk. =========================================== Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah. Secara khusus, penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah pada BAS. Data untuk penelitian ini bersumber dari data primer melalui kajian lapangan, dan data sekunder melalui kajian kepustakaan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah yaitu identifikasi calon nasabah yang meliputi identitas, pekerjaan, sumber dana dan tujuan penggunaan dana yang dilengkapi dokumen pendukung. Penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah (Know Your Customer Principle pada BAS Banda Aceh efektif dalam mengatasi kejahatan-kejahatan dalam dunia perbankan seperti pencucian uang. Penerapan prinsip tersebut dimaksudkan agar mendorong terselenggaranya prinsip

  13. Layout design in order to improve efficiency in manufacturing (United States)

    Siregar, I.; Tarigan, U.; Nasution, T. H.


    This research was conducted at the company that produces bobbins and ream type cigarette paper. Problems that found on the production process is the back and forth (back tracking) movement. Back and forth (back tracking) movement extending the total distance moved by the material and increase the total moment of transfer materials thus reducing the efficiency of the transfer of materials in the production process. The purpose of this study is to give design for the layout of production facilities in the company, so that the expected production produced by the company can reach the targets set by the management company. The method used in this research is the Graph-Based Construction and Travel Chart Method. The results of the analysis of the proposed layout with Graph-Based Construction was selected with a total value that is equal to the moment of transfer of 780 758 m / year. This result is better than the actual layout in the amount of 1,021,038.12 meters / year and the results of the method Travel Alternative Chart I of 826.236,60 meters/year, Alternative II of 1.004.433,56 meters / year, and Alternative III for 828,467.12 meters/year. The design layout of Graph-Based Construction material increases the transfer efficiency for 23.53%. With this layout proposal, expected production capacity will be increased along with the shortening of the distance of the displacement that must be passed by the material to be processed.

  14. An Accurate and Efficient Design Tool for Large Contoured Beam Reflectarrays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhou, Min; Sørensen, Stig B.; Jørgensen, Erik


    An accurate and efficient tool for the design of contoured beam reflectarrays is presented. It is based on the Spectral Domain Method of Moments, the Local Periodicity approach, and a minimax optimization algorithm. Contrary to the conventional phase-only optimization techniques, the geometrical...... parameters of the array elements are directly optimized to fulfill the far-field requirements. The design tool can be used to optimize reflectarrays based on a regular grid as well as an irregular grid. Both coand cross-polar radiation can be optimized for multiple frequencies, polarizations, and feed...... illuminations. Two offset contoured beam reflectarrays that radiate a highgain beam on an European coverage have been designed, manufactured, and measured at the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility. An excellent agreement is obtained for the simulated and measured patterns. To show the design...





    2014 JAQUILINE MELISSA RENYOET. Pesan Moral Dalam Film To Kill A Mockingbird (Analisis Semiotika Pada Film To Kill A Mockingbird). (Dibimbing oleh Muh. Nadjib dan Alem Febri Sonni). Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi bentuk pesan moral dan memahami makna pesan moral dalam film To Kill A Mockingbird. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama kurang lebih 2 bulan yaitu Maret ??? Mei 2014. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif den...

  16. Analisi Pengaruh Store Name, Brand Name, Dan Price Discounts Terhadap Purchase Intentions Konsumen Infinite Tunjungan Plaza


    Gunawan, Andy


    Andy Gunawan:SkripsiAnalisis pengaruh store name, brand name dan price discounts terhadap purchase intention konsumen infnite tunjungan plaza Di era globalisasi ini, persaingan dagang antara Perusahaan – Perusahaan baik lokal maupun global menjadi semakin ketat, oleh karena itu Perusahaan selalu berusaha untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan minat beli konsumen. Beberapa variabel yang menjadi fokus Perusahaan adalah store name, brand name, dan price discount. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meng...

  17. Design of The High Efficiency Power Factor Correction Circuit for Power Supply

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atiye Hülya OBDAN


    Full Text Available Designing power factor correction circuits for switched power supplies has become important in recent years in terms of efficient use of energy. Power factor correction techniques play a significant role in high power density and energy efficiency. For these purposes, bridgeless PFC topologies and control strategies have been developed alongside basic boost PFC circuits. The power density can be increased using bridgeless structures by means of reducing losses in the circuit. This article examines bridgeless PFC structures and compares their performances in terms of losses and power factor. A semi-bridgeless PFC, which is widely used at high power levels, was analyzed and simulated. The designed circuit simulation using the current mode control method was performed in the PSIM program. A prototype of a 900 W semi-bridgeless PFC circuit was implemented and the results obtained from the circuit are presented

  18. Analisis Migrasi Radio Trunking Analog ke Radio Trunking Digital di Indonesia

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    Riza Azmi


    Full Text Available Dalam Tabel Alokasi Spektrum Frekuensi di Indonesia pada catatan kaki INS9 dan INS13 disebutkan bahwa alokasi pada pita-pita frekuensi yang digunakan untuk teknologi trunking direncanakan dimigrasi ke sistem komunikasi trunking digital pada waktu yang akan ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Terkait dengan hal itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana kelayakan migrasi dari sistem trunking analog ke sistem trunking digital dan hal-hal yang terkait dengannya. Dengan menggunakan analisis biaya dan manfaat (Cost-Benefit Analysis studi ini melihat bahwa migrasi hanya dapat dilakukan jika umur masing-masing lisensi dari operator telah berakhir, atau dengan kata lain pemerintah dapat mendorong transisi ke digital dengan menerbitkan lisensi baru yaitu lisensi trunking digital.

  19. Analisis Pembiayaan Kesehatan Keluarga Penderita Talasemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arif Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Pembiayaan kesehatan sekitar 146 (60% penderita talasemia di Banyumas, tahun 2011 ditanggung rumah tangga dalam bentuk pembayaran langsung (out of pocket payment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ability to pay, willingness to pay, dan need assessment pembiayaan kesehatan penderita talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian 30 responden yang mempunyai anggota keluarga penderita talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keluarga penderita talasemia mempunyai ability to pay rata-rata adalah Rp34.448,8/bulan dan rata-rata willingness to pay pengobatan talasemia adalah Rp133.833,3/ bulan. Pola pembiayaan kesehatan talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas menggunakan 93,3% Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas, 3,3% biaya sendiri, dan 3,3% asuransi kesehatan. Sebelum mendapatkan Jamkesmas, 90,0% responden membayar dengan out of pocket, berhutang, berhemat pada kebutuhan nonkesehatan, dan menjual perhiasan/sawah. Kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan yang diharapkan keluarga penderita talasemia adalah konsultasi talasemia dan desain khusus ruang perawatan anak. Kebutuhan pembiayaan kesehatan keluarga penderita talasemia adalah uang transportasi ke rumah sakit sebagai bentuk biaya tidak langsung. Health financing of majority thalassemia patients, around 146 people (60% in Banyumas year 2011 is assured by Households in direct payments to health care providers (out-of-pocket payment. This study aimed to analyze the ability to pay, willingness to pay, and need assessment of health financing thalassemia in Banyumas. This research an analytic observation- Analisis Pembiayaan Kesehatan Keluarga Penderita Talasemia Health Financing Analysis of Thalassemia Patient Family Arif Kurniawan, Arih Diyaning Intiasari al with case study design

  20. Application of high efficiency and reliable 3D-designed integral shrouded blades to nuclear turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Eiichiro; Ohyama, Hiroharu; Tashiro, Hikaru; Sugitani, Toshiro; Kurosawa, Masaru


    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has recently developed new blades for nuclear turbines, in order to achieve higher efficiency and higher reliability. The 3D aerodynamic design for 41 inch and 46 inch blades, their one piece structural design (integral-shrouded blades: ISB), and the verification test results using a model steam turbine are described in this paper. The predicted efficiency and lower vibratory stress have been verified. Based on these 60Hz ISB, 50Hz ISB series are under development using 'the law of similarity' without changing their thermodynamic performance and mechanical stress levels. Our 3D-designed reaction blades which are used for the high pressure and low pressure upstream stages, are also briefly mentioned. (author)


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    Vallen Nur Rita


    Full Text Available Stereotip merupakan pernyataan negatif dari prasangka. Prasangka inilah yang kemudian dijadikan alasan untuk melakukan diskriminasi terhadap kelompok rasial tertentu. Stereotip dan prasangka kemudian merujuk pada suatu paham yang mempercayai adanya superioritas yang menolak adanya kesetaraan manusia yaitu rasisme. Perilaku maupun tindakan rasisme tersebut banyak muncul dalam beberapa scene film 99 Cahaya Di Langit Eropa Part 1. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana simbol-simbol digunakan untuk menggambarkan rasisme di dalam film 99 Cahaya Di Langit Eropa Part 1. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah semiotika Roland Barthes. Model Roland Barthes terdiri dari tiga tahap analisis yaitu denotasi, konotasi, mitos. Peneliti melakukan analisis menggunakan tanda verbal dan nonverbal yang terdapat dalam film “99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Part 1”. Dalam menganalisis film 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Part 1, dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kategori yang berhubungan dengan perilaku rasisme, antara lain : stereotip, prasangka, diskriminasi

  2. Influence of the radial-inflow turbine efficiency prediction on the design and analysis of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Jian; Gu, Chun-wei; Ren, Xiaodong


    Highlights: • The efficiency prediction is based on the velocity triangle and loss models. • The efficiency selection has a big influence on the working fluid selection. • The efficiency selection has a big influence on system parameter determination. - Abstract: The radial-inflow turbine is a common choice for the power output in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. Its efficiency is related to the working fluid property and the system operating condition. Generally, the radial-inflow turbine efficiency is assumed to be a constant value in the conventional ORC system analysis. Few studies focus on the influence of the radial-inflow turbine efficiency selection on the system design and analysis. Actually, the ORC system design and the radial-inflow turbine design are coupled with each other. Different thermal parameters of the ORC system would lead to different radial-inflow turbine design and then different turbine efficiency, and vice versa. Therefore, considering the radial-inflow turbine efficiency prediction in the ORC system design can enhance its reliability and accuracy. In this paper, a one-dimensional analysis model for the radial-inflow turbine in the ORC system is presented. The radial-inflow turbine efficiency prediction in this model is based on the velocity triangle and loss models, rather than a constant efficiency assumption. The influence of the working fluid property and the system operating condition on the turbine performance is evaluated. The thermodynamic analysis of the ORC system with a model predicted turbine efficiency and a constant turbine efficiency is conducted and the results are compared with each other. It indicates that the turbine efficiency selection has a significant influence on the working fluid selection and the system parameter determination.

  3. Development of an analytic outline for the aflatoxins analysis in grains and flours; Desarrollo de un esquema analitico para el analisis de aflatoxinas en granos y harinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sibaja Adams, Roxana


    The instrumental and analytic conditions were optimized for the aflatoxine determination B1, B2, 1 and G2 in corn and peanut byl iquid chromatography of high discharge following the analyzing method AOAC 994,08. Besides, it was defined a function for evaluating the dependence of the chromatographic discharge with the aflatoxine concentration. The analyzing method was validated, and four calibration curves were obtained for the aflatoxine B1, B2, G1 and G2, which turned to have a heterocedastico behavior. The applicability of this method was demonstrated, obtaining imagines of appropriate merit and comparable with those reported by the AOAC. Additionally, the applicability of the chromatographic method was demonstrated in fine layer for the presumptive analysis of aflatoxine, allowing both methods to propose an outline of reliable analysis of real samples. [Spanish] Se optimizaron las condiciones instrumentales y analiticas para la determinacion de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 y G2 en maiz y mani por Cromatografia liquida de alto desempeno siguiendo el metodo de analisis AOAC 994,08. Ademas, se definio una funcion para evaluar la dependencia del desempeno cromatografico con la concentracion de aflatoxinas.Se valido el metodo de analisis y se obtuvieron las cuatro curvas de calibracion para las aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 y G2, las que resultaron tener un comportamiento heterocedastico. Se demostro la aplicabilidad del metodo, obteniendose figuras de merito adecuadas y comparables con las reportadas por el AOAC.Adicionalmente, se demostro la aplicabilidad del metodo de cromatografia en capa fina para el analisis presuntivo de aflatoxinas, permitiendo ambos metodos proponer un esquema de analisis confiable de muestras reales.

  4. Molecular design toward highly efficient photovoltaic polymers based on two-dimensional conjugated benzodithiophene. (United States)

    Ye, Long; Zhang, Shaoqing; Huo, Lijun; Zhang, Maojie; Hou, Jianhui


    As researchers continue to develop new organic materials for solar cells, benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene (BDT)-based polymers have come to the fore. To improve the photovoltaic properties of BDT-based polymers, researchers have developed and applied various strategies leading to the successful molecular design of highly efficient photovoltaic polymers. Novel polymer materials composed of two-dimensional conjugated BDT (2D-conjugated BDT) have boosted the power conversion efficiency of polymer solar cells (PSCs) to levels that exceed 9%. In this Account, we summarize recent progress related to the design and synthesis of 2D-conjugated BDT-based polymers and discuss their applications in highly efficient photovoltaic devices. We introduce the basic considerations for the construction of 2D-conjugated BDT-based polymers and systematic molecular design guidelines. For example, simply modifying an alkoxyl-substituted BDT to form an alkylthienyl-substituted BDT can improve the polymer hole mobilities substantially with little effect on their molecular energy level. Secondly, the addition of a variety of chemical moieties to the polymer can produce a 2D-conjugated BDT unit with more functions. For example, the introduction of a conjugated side chain with electron deficient groups (such as para-alkyl-phenyl, meta-alkoxyl-phenyl, and 2-alkyl-3-fluoro-thienyl) allowed us to modulate the molecular energy levels of 2D-conjugated BDT-based polymers. Through the rational design of BDT analogues such as dithienobenzodithiophene (DTBDT) or the insertion of larger π bridges, we can tune the backbone conformations of these polymers and modulate their photovoltaic properties. We also discuss the influence of 2D-conjugated BDT on polymer morphology and the blends of these polymers with phenyl-C61 (or C71)-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). Finally, we summarize the various applications of the 2D-conjugated BDT-based polymers in highly efficient PSC devices. Overall, this Account


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    Nisa Sinti Atikah


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis research aimed to analyze food service performance and level of customer satisfaction in Etnic Padang restaurant in Bogor City. Case study design was applied in this study. Sampling method of purposive sampling was carried out and number of subjects used was 99 people. Based on Importance Performance Analysis, results showed that the most important attribute was cleanliness of dining room and the highest performance levels was safety and hygiene products. Based on Customer Satisfaction Index the satisfaction value gained was 79 (satisfied. Spearman’s correlation showed that there was relationship between income with quality of the product (p<0.05.Keywords: customer satisfaction, ethnic padang restaurant, food serviceABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja penyelenggaraan makanan dan tingkat kepuasan konsumen di Restoran khas Padang, Bogor. Penelitian ini bersifat studi kasus. Metode penarikan subjek dilakukan secara purposive sampling dan jumlah subjek yang digunakan sebanyak 99 orang. Hasil analisis berdasarkan Importance Performance Analysis atribut yang dirasakan paling penting adalah kebersihan ruangan dan tempat makan sedangkan atribut tingkat kinerja yang paling tinggi adalah keamanan dan kebersihan produk. Berdasarkan Customer Satisfaction Index diperoleh nilai kepuasan sebesar 79 (puas. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara pendapatan dengan penilaian atribut mutu produk (p<0.05.Kata kunci: kepuasan konsumen, penyelenggaraan makanan, restoran khas padang

  6. Precise Composition Tailoring of Mixed-Cation Hybrid Perovskites for Efficient Solar Cells by Mixture Design Methods. (United States)

    Li, Liang; Liu, Na; Xu, Ziqi; Chen, Qi; Wang, Xindong; Zhou, Huanping


    Mixed anion/cation perovskites absorber has been recently implemented to construct highly efficient single junction solar cells and tandem devices. However, considerable efforts are still required to map the composition-property relationship of the mixed perovskites absorber, which is essential to facilitate device design. Here we report the intensive exploration of mixed-cation perovskites in their compositional space with the assistance of a rational mixture design (MD) methods. Different from the previous linear search of the cation ratios, it is found that by employing the MD methods, the ternary composition can be tuned simultaneously following simplex lattice designs or simplex-centroid designs, which enable significantly reduced experiment/sampling size to unveil the composition-property relationship for mixed perovskite materials and to boost the resultant device efficiency. We illustrated the composition-property relationship of the mixed perovskites in multidimension and achieved an optimized power conversion efficiency of 20.99% in the corresponding device. Moreover, the method is demonstrated to be feasible to help adjust the bandgap through rational materials design, which can be further extended to other materials systems, not limited in polycrystalline perovskites films for photovoltaic applications only.

  7. Flow analysis for efficient design of wavy structured microchannel mixing devices (United States)

    Kanchan, Mithun; Maniyeri, Ranjith


    Microfluidics is a rapidly growing field of applied research which is strongly driven by demands of bio-technology and medical innovation. Lab-on-chip (LOC) is one such application which deals with integrating bio-laboratory on micro-channel based single fluidic chip. Since fluid flow in such devices is restricted to laminar regime, designing an efficient passive modulator to induce chaotic mixing for such diffusion based flow is a major challenge. In the present work two-dimensional numerical simulation of viscous incompressible flow is carried out using immersed boundary method (IBM) to obtain an efficient design for wavy structured micro-channel mixing devices. The continuity and Navier-Stokes equations governing the flow are solved by fractional step based finite volume method on a staggered Cartesian grid system. IBM uses Eulerian co-ordinates to describe fluid flow and Lagrangian co-ordinates to describe solid boundary. Dirac delta function is used to couple both these co-ordinate variables. A tether forcing term is used to impose the no-slip boundary condition on the wavy structure and fluid interface. Fluid flow analysis by varying Reynolds number is carried out for four wavy structure models and one straight line model. By analyzing fluid accumulation zones and flow velocities, it can be concluded that straight line structure performs better mixing for low Reynolds number and Model 2 for higher Reynolds number. Thus wavy structures can be incorporated in micro-channels to improve mixing efficiency.

  8. Analisis Plagiat dalam Penulisan Laporan Ilmiah Kelas XI Smk Sakti Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016


    Sari, Dwi Ratna; Arfa, Mecca


    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Plagiat dalam Penulisan Laporan Ilmiah Kelas XI SMK Sakti Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa mengenai tindakan plagiat, serta menganalisis tipe-tipe plagiat dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tindakan plagiat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling....





    Analisis Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar Implementation of marketing strategy analyze on increasing market share study case PT.Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto in Makassar Pratanti Ayu Astrini Mursalim Nohong Wardhani Hakim Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pemasaran mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar me...

  10. Designing incentive schemes for promoting energy-efficient appliances: A new methodology and a case study for Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galarraga, Ibon; Abadie, Luis M.; Kallbekken, Steffen


    The energy-efficiency gap has been high on research and policy agendas for several decades. Incentive schemes such as subsidies, taxes and bonus-malus schemes are widely used to promote energy-efficient appliances. Most research, however, considers instruments in isolation, and only rarely in the context of political constraints on instrument use, or for alternative policy goals. This paper presents a methodology for the optimal design of incentive schemes based on the minimisation of Dead Weight Loss for different policy goals and policy restrictions. The use of the methodology is illustrated by designing optimal combinations of taxes and subsidies in Spain for three types of appliance: dishwashers, refrigerators and washing machines. The optimal policies are designed subject to different policy goals such as achieving a fixed reduction in emissions or a certain increased market share for efficient appliances, and for policy constraints such as budget neutrality. The methodology developed here can also be used to evaluate past and current incentive schemes. - Highlights: • A new methodology for the optimal design of incentive schemes is presented. • This is done minimising the Dead Weight Loss for different goals and restrictions. • Efficient bonus malus schemes can be designed with this method.

  11. Journal: Efficient Hydrologic Tracer-Test Design for Tracer ... (United States)

    Hydrological tracer testing is the most reliable diagnostic technique available for the determination of basic hydraulic and geometric parameters necessary for establishing operative solute-transport processes. Tracer-test design can be difficult because of a lack of prior knowledge of the basic hydraulic and geometric parameters desired and the appropriate tracer mass to release. A new efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) methodology has been developed to facilitate the design of tracer tests by root determination of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation (ADE) using a preset average tracer concentration which provides a theoretical basis for an estimate of necessary tracer mass. The method uses basic measured field parameters (e.g., discharge, distance, cross-sectional area) that are combined in functional relatipnships that descrive solute-transport processes related to flow velocity and time of travel. These initial estimates for time of travel and velocity are then applied to a hypothetical continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) as an analog for the hydrological-flow system to develop initial estimates for tracer concentration, tracer mass, and axial dispersion. Application of the predicted tracer mass with the hydraulic and geometric parameters in the ADE allows for an approximation of initial sample-collection time and subsequent sample-collection frequency where a maximum of 65 samples were determined to be necessary for descri

  12. Efficiency analysis of the designations of origin in the Spanish wine sector

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    F. Vidal


    Full Text Available The wine Common Market Organisation has established two concepts for recognizing the quality of wines in the European Union (EU. The first corresponds to the so-called Protected Designation of Origin (PDO, and the second to the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI. The set of Spanish PDOs includes the subset of Spanish DOs (Designation of Origin, which have been recognized as quality wines by Spanish authorities since 1932. Spain accounts for 67 DOs but, due to a lack of data, only 34 of them are suitable for carrying out our analysis. We will analyze the efficiency of this subset for the 2008, 2009 and 2010 seasons resorting to Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA and using a new additive based efficiency measure known as BAM (Bounded Adjusted Measure. Since we are using panel data, we will also evaluate the productivity associated with this data set resorting to Malmquist indexes. Our results show that the efficiency behavior of the subset of Spanish DOs is uniform over the time periods analyzed and that productivity experiments only minor and irrelevant changes. They also show that three DOs are in a very good competitive position while another three DOs are in a very bad position. We end up suggesting some economic reasons for explaining these results.


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    I Nengah Sunaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menganalisis koordinasi recloser yang terdapat pada penyulang Sempidi untuk meningkatkan keandalan kinerja dari penyulang tersebut. Keandalan yang diharapkan adalah keandalan dalam penyediaan dan penyaluran dayanya. Untuk mengetahui keandalan dalam penyaluran tenaga listrik kepada konsumen perlu diperhitungkan indeks keandalannya. Indeks keandalan menjadi indikator dinyatakan dalam suatu besaran probabilitas yang bertujuan meminimalkan nilai SAIDI dan SAIFI, yaitu 1,8805505 jam/pelanggan tahun dan 5,8200455 kegagalan/pelanggan tahun, serta nilai fitness sebesar 0,091366843 untuk recloser pada posisi 10. Teknik yang digunakan dalam evaluasi keandalan sistem distribusi yaitu metode analisis dengan formula SAIDI dan SAIFI serta metode simulasi dengan memanfaatkan software ETAP powerstation


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    St. Victor Maruli tua Lumbantobing , S.Pd., M.Pd


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKGajala bahasa ialah segala peristiwa yang berkaitan dengan bentuk-bentukkata beserta proses pembentuknya. Gejala-gejala bahasa seringkali digunakanoleh penutur bahasa baik di dalam film dan masyarakat. Bahasa gaul salah satu gaya bahasa yang sering digunakan anak remaja jaman sekarang. Film Remaja Indonesia yang berjudul “Radio Galau FM” merupakan sebuah karya yangditulis oleh Haqi Achmad. Dalam film ini banyak proses pembentukan kata bahasagaul. Mengingat pentingnya bahasa gaul sebagai wujud produk remaja, makapeneliti tertarik untuk meneliti pembentukan bahasa gaul ini. Sesuai denganrumusan masalah maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikanproses pembentukan bahasa gaul, yang meliputi: 1 proses afiksasi; 2; gejalagejalabahasa dan 3, serta penggunaan jenis-jenis makna dalam bahasagaul. Untuk membahas masalah tersebut, maka dalam menganalisis, penelitimenggunakan teori pembentukan kata ( kajian Morfologi . Penelitian inimenggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sedangkan metode yang digunakanadalah metode dan ekstralingual dan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian iniberupa urai unsure langsung dan teknik ubah ujud. Data penelitian ini adalahdialog dalam film “Radio Galau FM” ( berbentuk proses afiksasi, gejala-gejalabahasa, dan jenis-jenis makna. Sumber data berupa rekaman dialog film yangterjadi dalam film “Radio Galau FM”. Secara garis besar hasil analisis datadalam penelitian bahasa gaul sangat berbeda dengan penggunaannya dalam bahasa baku bahasa Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, bahasa gaul merupakan produk dari remaja, maksudnyaadalah remaja dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari menggunakan bahasa ini disetiap situasi tanpa memperhatikan keadaan dan situasi, jika dibiarkan makasikap kesopanan akan terabaikan.Kata-Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Kata, Bahasa Gaul, Film Remaja Indonesia.Key words : Formation of words , language Gaul , Youth Film Indonesia


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera. Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera.  Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.

  17. Teori Pecking Order dan Trade-Off dalam Analisis Struktur Modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    D Agus Harjito


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to test the pecking order theory and trade-off theory of capital structure in the analysis of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Pecking order theory is represented by the variable profitability and growth, while the variables volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and the size represents a trade-off theory. The company's goal is prosperity of shareholder value. To achieve these objectives the company needs funds from internal sources and external sources. Internal sources in the form of retained earnings, while the external sources of debt and shareholders' approval in the pecking order theory. This study uses the data of financial ratios of the firms during the period 2000-2010. To analyze the data, this study uses a multiple regression with the dependent variable is the debt ratio, while profitability, growth, volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and size as independent variables. The results show that asset structure and company size has a positive and significant impact on capital structure, while profitability has a negative effect on debt ratios. But company's growth rate has not relationship with the debt ratio or capital structure. Simultaneously, the all independent variables affect capital structure significantly.Keywords: pecking order, trade-off, capital structure, debt rasioAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji teori pecking order dan teori trade-off dalam analisis struktur modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teori pecking order diwakili oleh variabel profitability dan growth, sementara variabel-variabel volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets dan size mewakili teori trade-off. Tujuan perusahaan adalah memakmurkan nilai pemegang saham. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut perusahaan membutuhkan dana yang diperoleh dari sumber internal dan sumber eksternal. Sumber internal berupa laba ditahan, sedangkan sumber eksternal berupa hutang dan saham sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam teori pecking order


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    Ary Arvianto


    Full Text Available Industri mebel rotan merupakan salah satu andalan sektor industri di Indonesia dimana sentra pengolahan rotan terbesar adalah di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Namun, terdapat beberapa kendala dalam industri mebel rotan di Cirebon ini diantaranya semakin ketatnya persaingan antar produsen dunia dan kebijakan pemerintah memperbolehkan ekspor rotan yang menyebabkan keuntungan di pihak negara pesaing Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing  produk rotan di pasar dunia. Strategi ini dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan analisis value chain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis rantai nilai produk mebel rotan dan mendapatkan strategi kompetitif yang tepat untuk diterapkan oleh setiap pelaku rantai nilai. Metode yang dilakukan adalah analisis finansial, analisis SWOT, analisis Competitiveness Diamond, dan analisis Critical Success Factor (CSF. Objek penelitian adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang merupakan anggota dari Asosiasi Pengusaha Mebel Indonesia (ASMINDO Cirebon yang memproduksi mebel rotan single chair. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak supplier dalam hal ini pengumpul adalah mendirikan anak perusahaan di tempat tersedia bahan baku dan melakukan merger dengan perusahaan. Strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak perusahaan adalah menerapkan upah tenaga kerja per unit produk yang dihasilkan, pengalokasian dana untuk promosi, memprioritaskan buyer langganan, sharing informasi dan inovasi dengan buyer, memiliki fleksibilitas yang tinggi dalam hal kualitas dan harga, bekerjasama dengan asosiasi dan pemerintah dalam kegiatan pameran, dan melakukan merger dengan perusahaan lain ataupun dengan supplier. Sedangkan strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak buyer dalam hal ini wholeseller adalah menurunkan harga produk, memaksimalkan promosi dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan perusahaan yang sudah menjadi kepercayaan. Kata Kunci: mebel rotan, value

  19. Analisis Potensi Ledakan dan Kebakaran Primary Reformer sebagai Unit Proses Produksi Amonia di PT. X

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    Resti Ayu Lestari


    Full Text Available Peningkatan industri pupuk di dunia berimplikasi pada peningkatan jumlah industri amonia. Amonia memegang peranan penting pada proses produksi pupuk dalam hal penyediaan nitrogen. Proses pembuatan amonia melibatkan bahan baku berupa gas alam yang bersifat flammable dengan temperatur dan tekanan yang tinggi dalam setiap tahapan prosesnya. Primary reformer merupakan salah satu peralatan proses dalam produksi amonia dengan temperatur dan tekanan paling tinggi serta paling berisiko mengalami kegagalan yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kebakaran/ledakan. Primary reformer berperan sebagai salah satu tahapan pemurnian gas alam dengan hasil berupa karbon monoksida. Identifikasi bahaya pada unit primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA. Hasil analisis FTA menghasilkan bahwa sumber bahaya dari ledakan primary reformer dapat ditinjau dari faktor teknis dan faktor non teknis. Faktor non teknis menyumbang 74% dari penyebab terjadinya ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer. Hasil analisis risiko ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan Dow’s Fire & Explosion Index  dengan hasil radius area dampak adalah 51 meter. Nilai kerugian finansial mencapai US$ 23.640.285 dengan kerugian hari kerja minimal adalah 138 hari. Perangkat lunak Arial Location of Hazardous Atmospheres menghasilkan radius ledakan dengan dampak terkecil yaitu dapat memecahkan kaca jendela/pintu (0,5 psi adalah 73 m dari primary reformer. Radius ledakan dengan kekuatan ledakan 1 psi (meruntuhkan rumah/perkantoran adalah 48 m dari primary reformer.


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    Su haryo


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tulisan ini didasari sebuah anggapan bahwa bahasa tidak berada di ruang hampa sosial.Maka, bahasa pada dasarnya bukan hanya untaian kata yang hanya bersifat linguistik, tetapi bersifat sosial. Karenanya, bahasa dipahami sebagai tindakan sosial.Implikasinya, bahasa bukan hanya bermatra linguistik, tetapi juga bermatra sosial. Van Dijk menjadi salah satu model yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis wacana secara kritis. Penelitian analisis wacana kritis model van Dijk mempertimbangkan teks, konteks, kognisi sosial, dan analisis/konteks sosial. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah: mengungkap struktur makro (tematik, suprstruktur (skematik, dan struktur mikro yang terdiri atas semantik, sintaksis, stilitistik, dan retorika. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, di sini digunakan metode simak dan catat dengan menjadikan Suara Merdeka dan Kompassebagai sumber datanya. Hasilnya pertama,SM cenderung berideologi kasar, provokatif, dan konotatif/figuratif. Hal itu, tampak pada pilihan kata/kalimat  kata yang cenderung kasar, seperti mengancam,menyerang, memanggil paksa, menyeret, menembak.Sementara, harian K cenderung berideologi idealisme pers yang objektif, netral, dan berimbang. Kedua, dari dimensi kekuasaan (simbolik, harian SM cenderung menjadi “oposisi”  dan “oposan”sebagai pihak yang di-dominan-kan, sedang pihak pemerintah sebagai pihak yang “dimarginalkan”. Sementara, harian K menempatkan pihak yang dominan/marginal lebih didasarkan pada kondisi objektif di lapangan yang  berbasis data dan keterangan yang dari narasumber yang cenderung netral, seperti pengamat, warga, dan akademisi; tidak didasarkan pada keterangan yang cenderung subjektif, seperti dari para politisi.Ketiga, dari sisi analisis sosial dan kognisi sosial; SM lebih tampak sebagai cerminan tagline-nya yaitu lokal (yaitu “perekat komunitas Jawa Tengah”, sedangkan harian K lebih “mengabdi” pada rakyat seperti tampak pada

  1. De Novo Design of Boron-Based Host Materials for Highly Efficient Blue and White Phosphorescent OLEDs with Low Efficiency Roll-Off. (United States)

    Xue, Miao-Miao; Huang, Chen-Chao; Yuan, Yi; Cui, Lin-Song; Li, Yong-Xi; Wang, Bo; Jiang, Zuo-Quan; Fung, Man-Keung; Liao, Liang-Sheng


    Borane is an excellent electron-accepting species, and its derivatives have been widely used in a variety of fields. However, the use of borane derivatives as host materials in OLEDs has rarely reported because the device performance is generally not satisfactory. In this work, two novel spiro-bipolar hosts with incorporated borane were designed and synthesized. The strategies used in preparing these materials were to increase the spatial separation of the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) in the molecules, tune the connecting positions of functional groups, and incorporate specific functional groups with desirable thermal stability. Based on these designs, phosphorescent OLEDs with borane derivatives as hosts and with outstanding device performances were obtained. In particular, devices based on SAF-3-DMB/FIrpic exhibited an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of >25%. More encouragingly, the device was found to have quite a low efficiency roll-off, giving an efficiency of >20% even at a high brightness of 10000 cd/m(2). Furthermore, the EQE of the three-color-based (R + G + B) white OLED employing SAF-3-DMB as a host was also as high as 22.9% with CIE coordinates of (x, y) = (0.40, 0.48). At a brightness of 5000 cd/m(2), there was only a 3% decrease in EQE from its maximum value, implying a very low efficiency roll-off.

  2. Consequences of co-benefits for the efficient design of carbon sequestration programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, H.; Kling, C.L.


    The social efficiency of private carbon markets that also included trading in agricultural soil carbon sequestration with significant associated co-benefits were considered. Three topics related to the presence of co-benefits that sequester carbon were examined: (1) the consequences of co-benefits from carbon sinks and carbon abatement technology on the efficiency of carbon markets; (2) the efficient supply of carbon sequestration and co-benefits when there is spatial heterogeneity; and (3) the consequences of the presence of a carbon market when there is also a government supported conservation program. Co-benefits from carbon sinks and abatement were considered in relation to the socially efficient level of sequestration. The supply of carbon sequestration and co-benefits were then considered when fields differed in their potential to provide carbon and other environmental benefits. An empirical example of the economic characteristics of carbon sequestration and co-benefits in the Upper Mississippi River Basin was presented, in which the sequestration practice of land retirement with planting of perennial grasses was examined. Two sets of figures were used to illustrate the relationship between the cost of carbon sequestration and its marginal co-benefits: the marginal cost and the marginal co-benefits of carbon sequestration in a carbon market; and the marginal cost of carbon sequestration under a policy designed to maximize a bundle of environmental benefits. It was demonstrated that the relationship between carbon and its associated co-benefits will affect the efficiency of policy instruments designed for carbon sequestration. It was recommended that policy-makers consider that there are already a multitude of existing conservation programmes that result in significant carbon sequestration in many countries, and that nascent carbon markets are emerging in countries that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The efficient level and location of carbon

  3. Bioblendstocks that Enable High Efficiency Engine Designs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCormick, Robert L.; Fioroni, Gina M.; Ratcliff, Matthew A.; Zigler, Bradley T.; Farrell, John


    The past decade has seen a high level of innovation in production of biofuels from sugar, lipid, and lignocellulose feedstocks. As discussed in several talks at this workshop, ethanol blends in the E25 to E50 range could enable more highly efficient spark-ignited (SI) engines. This is because of their knock resistance properties that include not only high research octane number (RON), but also charge cooling from high heat of vaporization, and high flame speed. Emerging alcohol fuels such as isobutanol or mixed alcohols have desirable properties such as reduced gasoline blend vapor pressure, but also have lower RON than ethanol. These fuels may be able to achieve the same knock resistance benefits, but likely will require higher blend levels or higher RON hydrocarbon blendstocks. A group of very high RON (>150) oxygenates such as dimethyl furan, methyl anisole, and related compounds are also produced from biomass. While providing no increase in charge cooling, their very high octane numbers may provide adequate knock resistance for future highly efficient SI engines. Given this range of options for highly knock resistant fuels there appears to be a critical need for a fuel knock resistance metric that includes effects of octane number, heat of vaporization, and potentially flame speed. Emerging diesel fuels include highly branched long-chain alkanes from hydroprocessing of fats and oils, as well as sugar-derived terpenoids. These have relatively high cetane number (CN), which may have some benefits in designing more efficient CI engines. Fast pyrolysis of biomass can produce diesel boiling range streams that are high in aromatic, oxygen and acid contents. Hydroprocessing can be applied to remove oxygen and consequently reduce acidity, however there are strong economic incentives to leave up to 2 wt% oxygen in the product. This oxygen will primarily be present as low CN alkyl phenols and aryl ethers. While these have high heating value, their presence in diesel fuel

  4. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A D; Jauregui, E [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.

  5. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A. D.; Jauregui, E. [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.

  6. Design of an efficient pulsing system for a slow-positron beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oshima, Nagayasu; Suzuki, Takenori [National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Kanazawa, Ikuzo; Ito, Yasuo


    In this paper, a new design of a pulsed slow positron system for PALS measurement is reported. By using this new system, it will be possible to obtain a short-pulsed slow-positron beam with high efficiency ({>=}50%) and a relatively low minimum energy ({approx}200 eV). This system is also easy to construct on the laboratory scale. (J.P.N.)

  7. Application to nuclear turbines of high-efficiency and reliable 3D-designed integral shrouded blades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Eiichiro; Ohyama, Hiroharu; Tashiro, Hikaru; Sugitani, Toshio; Kurosawa, Masaru


    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has recently developed new blades for nuclear turbines, in order to achieve higher efficiency and higher reliability. The three-dimensional aerodynamic design for 41-inch and 46-inch blades, their one piece structural design (integral shrouded blades: ISB), and the verification test results using a model steam turbine are described in this paper. The predicted efficiency and lower vibratory stress have been verified. On the basis of these 60 Hz ISB, 50 Hz ISB series are under development using 'the law of similarity' without changing their thermodynamic performance and mechanical stress levels. Our 3D-designed reaction blades which are used for the high pressure and low pressure upstream stages, are also briefly mentioned. (author)

  8. Research on Power Factor Correction Boost Inductor Design Optimization – Efficiency vs. Power Density

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Qingnan; Andersen, Michael A. E.; Thomsen, Ole Cornelius


    Nowadays, efficiency and power density are the most important issues for Power Factor Correction (PFC) converters development. However, it is a challenge to reach both high efficiency and power density in a system at the same time. In this paper, taking a Bridgeless PFC (BPFC) as an example......, a useful compromise between efficiency and power density of the Boost inductors on 3.2kW is achieved using an optimized design procedure. The experimental verifications based on the optimized inductor are carried out from 300W to 3.2kW at 220Vac input....

  9. An assessment of econometric models applied to fossil fuel power generation; Un'analisi critica dell'applicazione dei modelli econometrici alla generazione termoelettrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gracceva, F.; Quercioli, R. [ENEA, Funzione Centrale Studi, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The main purpose of this report is to provide a general view of those studies, in which the econometric approach is applied to the selection of fuel in fossil fired power generation, focusing the attention to the key role played by the fuel prices. The report consists of a methodological analysis and a survey of the studies available in literature. The methodological analysis allows to assess the adequateness of the econometric approach, in the electrical power utilities policy. With this purpose, the fundamentals of microeconomics, which are the basis of the econometric models, are pointed out and discussed, and then the hypotheses, which are needed to be assumed for complying the economic theory, are verified in their actual implementation in the power generation sector. The survey of the available studies provides a detailed description of the Translog and Logit models, and the results achieved with their application. From these results, the estimated models show to fit the data with good approximation, a certain degree of interfuel substitution and a meaningful reaction to prices on demand side. [Italian] In questo rapporto viene tracciato un quadro generale degli studi che utilizzano modelli econometrici per analizzare la scelta dei combustibili nella termogenerazione, con particoalre attenzione al ruolo svolto dal prezzo dei combustibili. La trattazione si compone di un'analisi di tipo metodologico e di una rassegna della letteratura. L'analisi metodologica consente di valutare l'adeguatezza dell'approccio econometrico nell'analisi del comportamento delle imprese di generazione elettrica. A tal fine vengono esplicitati e discussi i fondamenti microeconomici su cui poggiano i modelli econometrici, e viene verificata la sussistenza, nel settore termoelettrico, delle ipotesi che e' necessario assumere per soddisfare la teoria economica. La rassegna fornisce invece una descrizione dei modelli translog e logit lineare, ed un'analisi

  10. Ambiente sonoro e percezione di alcune caratteristiche dei parchi urbani: analisi e modelli - Sonic environment and perception of some features of urban parks: analysis and models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Brambilla


    Full Text Available Sui dati raccolti in otto parchi urbani, comprendenti alcuni parametri acustici e le valutazioni dei fruitori sulla qualità complessiva del parco percepita e di alcune sue caratteristiche, si è proceduto a diverse analisi statistiche. L’analisi delle componenti principali e quella cluster gerarchica sui dati acustici ha fornito una classificazione in tre gruppi risultata poco sovrapponibile a quella ottenuta con l’analisi cluster e delle corrispondenze multiple condotta sui responsi soggettivi. La discrepanza, confermata anche da alcuni modelli di regressione logistica multinomiale, evidenzia l’influenza di altri fattori non acustici sulla percezione dell’ambiente dei parchi urbani. ------ Different statistical analyses have been carried out on data collected in eight urban parks, including some acoustical parameters and the appraisals of park visitors on the perceived overall quality of the park and some of its features. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster one on the acoustic data have identified three groups. This classification poorly overlaps that obtained by hierarchical cluster analysis and multiple correspondence one performed on subjective appraisals data. The difference, confirmed also by models developed by multinomial logistic regression, points out the influence of other non-acoustic factors on the perception of the urban parks environment.

  11. The impact of design choices and market factors on brokerage firms' efficiency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, T.; Risseeuw, P.; Wiersma, E.


    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore how scale and scope of operations, firm age, and the choice to join a franchise formula influences brokerage firms' efficiency. Design/methodology/approach - Four-year data of 1,282 Dutch real estate brokerage firms is used to compute a relative

  12. The impact of design choices and market factors on brokerage firms' efficiency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groot, T.L.C.M.; Risseeuw, P.; Wiersma, E.


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how scale and scope of operations, firm age, and the choice to join a franchise formula influences brokerage firms' efficiency. Design/methodology/approach: Four-year data of 1,282 Dutch real estate brokerage firms is used to compute a relative

  13. Guidelines for sustainable building design: Recommendations from the Presidio of San Francisco energy efficiency design charrette

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, K.; Sartor, D.; Greenberg, S. [and others


    In 1994, the Bay Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers{reg_sign} organized a two-day design charrette for energy-efficient redevelopment of buildings by the National Park Services (NPS) at the Presidio of San Francisco. This event brought together engineers, researchers, architects, government officials, and students in a participatory environment to apply their experience to create guidelines for the sustainable redesign of Presidio buildings. The venue for the charrette was a representative barracks building located at the Main Post of the Presidio. Examination of this building allowed for the development of design recommendations, both for the building and for the remainder of the facilities. The charrette was organized into a committee structure consisting of: steering, measurement and monitoring, modeling, building envelope and historic preservation (architectural), HVAC and controls, lighting, and presentation. Prior to the charrette itself, the modeling and measurement/monitoring committees developed substantial baseline data for the other committees during the charrette. An integrated design approach was initiated through interaction between the committees during the charrette. Later, committee reports were cross-referenced to emphasize whole building design and systems integration.

  14. Thermal analysis of the integration of an ammonia plant; Analisis de la integracion termica de una planta de amoniaco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arriola Medellin, Alejandro M.; Huante Perez, Liborio; Rodriguez Martinez, J. Hugo; Alcaraz Calderon, A. Moises [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;


    In this paper the thermal integration of an existing ammonia plant is evaluated using the Pinch Analysis tools. It is shown the design criteria that would have to fulfill the heat recovery network to take advantage of process streams thermal potentials. It was identified the heat recovery equipment that induces energy losses by incorrect streams selection, and the economic implications. [Spanish] En este trabajo se evalua la integracion termica de una planta existente de amoniaco usando las herramientas del analisis Pinch. Se muestran los criterios de diseno que deberian de cumplir las redes de recuperacion de calor, para aprovechar al maximo el potencial termico de las corrientes del proceso. Tomando como base dichos criterios se analizo el diseno la red de recuperacion de calor de la planta existente, identificando los equipos de recuperacion de calor que generan perdidas de calor por la seleccion incorrecta de las corrientes. Se estiman las perdidas economicas derivadas del diseno ineficiente de la red.

  15. Energy efficient neural stimulation: coupling circuit design and membrane biophysics. (United States)

    Foutz, Thomas J; Ackermann, D Michael; Kilgore, Kevin L; McIntyre, Cameron C


    The delivery of therapeutic levels of electrical current to neural tissue is a well-established treatment for numerous indications such as Parkinson's disease and chronic pain. While the neuromodulation medical device industry has experienced steady clinical growth over the last two decades, much of the core technology underlying implanted pulse generators remain unchanged. In this study we propose some new methods for achieving increased energy-efficiency during neural stimulation. The first method exploits the biophysical features of excitable tissue through the use of a centered-triangular stimulation waveform. Neural activation with this waveform is achieved with a statistically significant reduction in energy compared to traditional rectangular waveforms. The second method demonstrates energy savings that could be achieved by advanced circuitry design. We show that the traditional practice of using a fixed compliance voltage for constant-current stimulation results in substantial energy loss. A portion of this energy can be recuperated by adjusting the compliance voltage to real-time requirements. Lastly, we demonstrate the potential impact of axon fiber diameter on defining the energy-optimal pulse-width for stimulation. When designing implantable pulse generators for energy efficiency, we propose that the future combination of a variable compliance system, a centered-triangular stimulus waveform, and an axon diameter specific stimulation pulse-width has great potential to reduce energy consumption and prolong battery life in neuromodulation devices.

  16. Energy efficient neural stimulation: coupling circuit design and membrane biophysics.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas J Foutz

    Full Text Available The delivery of therapeutic levels of electrical current to neural tissue is a well-established treatment for numerous indications such as Parkinson's disease and chronic pain. While the neuromodulation medical device industry has experienced steady clinical growth over the last two decades, much of the core technology underlying implanted pulse generators remain unchanged. In this study we propose some new methods for achieving increased energy-efficiency during neural stimulation. The first method exploits the biophysical features of excitable tissue through the use of a centered-triangular stimulation waveform. Neural activation with this waveform is achieved with a statistically significant reduction in energy compared to traditional rectangular waveforms. The second method demonstrates energy savings that could be achieved by advanced circuitry design. We show that the traditional practice of using a fixed compliance voltage for constant-current stimulation results in substantial energy loss. A portion of this energy can be recuperated by adjusting the compliance voltage to real-time requirements. Lastly, we demonstrate the potential impact of axon fiber diameter on defining the energy-optimal pulse-width for stimulation. When designing implantable pulse generators for energy efficiency, we propose that the future combination of a variable compliance system, a centered-triangular stimulus waveform, and an axon diameter specific stimulation pulse-width has great potential to reduce energy consumption and prolong battery life in neuromodulation devices.

  17. Computationally efficient design of optimal output feedback strategies for controllable passive damping devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamalzare, Mahmoud; Johnson, Erik A; Wojtkiewicz, Steven F


    Designing control strategies for smart structures, such as those with semiactive devices, is complicated by the nonlinear nature of the feedback control, secondary clipping control and other additional requirements such as device saturation. The usual design approach resorts to large-scale simulation parameter studies that are computationally expensive. The authors have previously developed an approach for state-feedback semiactive clipped-optimal control design, based on a nonlinear Volterra integral equation that provides for the computationally efficient simulation of such systems. This paper expands the applicability of the approach by demonstrating that it can also be adapted to accommodate more realistic cases when, instead of full state feedback, only a limited set of noisy response measurements is available to the controller. This extension requires incorporating a Kalman filter (KF) estimator, which is linear, into the nominal model of the uncontrolled system. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated by a numerical study of a 100-degree-of-freedom frame model, excited by a filtered Gaussian random excitation, with noisy acceleration sensor measurements to determine the semiactive control commands. The results show that the proposed method can improve computational efficiency by more than two orders of magnitude relative to a conventional solver, while retaining a comparable level of accuracy. Further, the proposed approach is shown to be similarly efficient for an extensive Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the effects of sensor noise levels and KF tuning on the accuracy of the response. (paper)

  18. Analisis Six Sigma pada Produk Casing Pompa sebagai Metode Perbaikan Kualitas (Studi Kasus: PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo)


    Haryono, Haryono; Rakasiwi, Hafiedza Pradana


    Pada Februari 2014, produk baja terbanyak yang diproduksi PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo (ZAP) adalah casing pompa dengan reject sebesar 3,35%, padahal target maksimal reject 2% per bulan, ada gap sebesar 1,35%. Analisis DMAIC Six Sigma dilaksanakan untuk mengurangi persentase reject. Pada define, ditentukan project charter, peta proses produksi, dan SIPOC diagram. Dari SIPOC diagram ditentukan 10 CTQ. Pada fase measure dilakukan attribute agreement analysis untuk QC, hasilnya adalah repeabili...

  19. Analisis Niat Penggunaan E-filing Di PT “X” Dan Pt”y” Surabaya Dengan Structural Equation Modeling


    Jimantoro, Christina; Tjondro, Elisa


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan, sikap penggunaan, norma subjektif dan persepsi kemampuan mengontrol terhadap niat penggunaan e-filing oleh wajib pajak orang pribadi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 64 karyawan PT “X” dan PT “Y” di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling berbasis Variance (Partial Least Square).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh persepsi kegunaan dan kemudahan terhad...





    - EKI MAULADI RAHMAN, A211 076 644. Analisis Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Urip di Makassar. (dibimbing oleh Muhammad Ismail dan Mukhtar) Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pemasaran mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Urip di Makassar melalui penerapan (produk, harga, promosi dan saluran distribusi) dalam peningkatan pangsa pasar, untuk menganlisis sejauh mana penerapan ...

  1. A Power Efficient Exaflop Computer Design for Global Cloud System Resolving Climate Models. (United States)

    Wehner, M. F.; Oliker, L.; Shalf, J.


    Exascale computers would allow routine ensemble modeling of the global climate system at the cloud system resolving scale. Power and cost requirements of traditional architecture systems are likely to delay such capability for many years. We present an alternative route to the exascale using embedded processor technology to design a system optimized for ultra high resolution climate modeling. These power efficient processors, used in consumer electronic devices such as mobile phones, portable music players, cameras, etc., can be tailored to the specific needs of scientific computing. We project that a system capable of integrating a kilometer scale climate model a thousand times faster than real time could be designed and built in a five year time scale for US$75M with a power consumption of 3MW. This is cheaper, more power efficient and sooner than any other existing technology.

  2. Analisi dell’anisotropia microstrutturale in materiali compositi rinforzati con fibre corte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Dreossi


    Full Text Available La microtomografia con luce di sincrotrone si è rivelata una tecnica particolarmente efficace per l’analisi della struttura risultante dalla distribuzione degli orientamenti assunti dalle fibre di rinforzo di compositi rinforzati con fibre di vetro. La ricostruzione dell'immagine tridimensionale ha consentito la visualizzazionedella distribuzione spaziale delle fibre all'interno della matrice polimerica anche nel caso di fibre di piccole dimensioni (diametro medio di 10 micrometri. E' stato quindi possibile misurare le differenze nell'orientamento delle fibre nei differenti strati di un campione utilizzando metodi basati sulla valutazione del Mean Intercept Length (MIL e del fabric tensor. La tecnica descritta è stata applicata a un campione di poliammide 6 rinforzato con il 30% di fibre corte di vetro ricavato da lastra.

  3. Improving Energy Efficiency Through Technology. Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Florax, R.J.G.M. [Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (United States); De Groot, H.L.F. [VU University, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Mulder, P. [Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands)] (eds.)


    This innovative book explores the adoption of energy-saving technologies and their impact on energy efficiency improvements. It contains a mix of theoretical and empirical contributions, and combines and compares economic and physical indicators to monitor and analyse trends in energy efficiency. The authors pay considerable attention to empirical research on the determinants of energy-saving investment including uncertainty, energy-price volatility and subsidies. They also discuss the role of energy modelling in policy design and the potential effect of energy policies on technology diffusion in energy-extensive sectors. Written from a multi-disciplinary perspective, this book will appeal to academics and graduates in the areas of energy-saving technologies, energy economics and natural resource economics, as well as policy makers - particularly those in energy policy.

  4. Super Energy Efficient Design (S.E.E.D.) Home Evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    German, A. [Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI), Davis, CA (United States); Dakin, B. [Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI), Davis, CA (United States); Backman, C. [Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI), Davis, CA (United States); Weitzel, E. [Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI), Davis, CA (United States); Springer, D. [Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI), Davis, CA (United States)


    This report describes the results of evaluation by the Alliance for Residential Building Innovation (ARBI) Building America team of the “Super Energy Efficient Design” (S.E.E.D) home, a 1,935 sq. ft., single-story spec home located in Tucson, AZ. This prototype design was developed with the goal of providing an exceptionally energy efficient yet affordable home and includes numerous aggressive energy features intended to significantly reduce heating and cooling loads such as structural insulated panel (SIP) walls and roof, high performance windows, an ERV, an air-to-water heat pump with mixed-mode radiant and forced air delivery, solar water heating, and rooftop PV. Source energy savings are estimated at 45% over the Building America B10 Benchmark. System commissioning, short term testing, long term monitoring and detailed analysis of results was conducted to identify the performance attributes and cost effectiveness of the whole house measure package.

  5. Business Process Design Of An Efficient And Effective Literature Review

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    Full Text Available The objective of this articleis to design business processesan organization efficiently and effectively. Based on our literature review the design of business processes that is best suitable for an organization belongs to Harrington 1992 namely the concept of Business Process Improvement BPI which is a systematic framework that helps organizations in making significant progress in the implementation of business processes. BPI provides a system that will simplify or streamline business processes to provide an assurance that the internal and external customers of the organization will get a better output. One advantage of BPI concept suggested by Harrington is the continuous improvement whereas the other authorsor experts of BPI have not recognize the idea of continuous improvement. With thisidea the products services offered by organization becomes more innovative.

  6. Analyses of Public Utility Building - Students Designs, Aimed at their Energy Efficiency Improvement (United States)

    Wołoszyn, Marek Adam


    Public utility buildings are formally, structurally and functionally complex entities. Frequently, the process of their design involves the retroactive reconsideration of energy engineering issues, once a building concept has already been completed. At that stage, minor formal corrections are made along with the design of the external layer of the building in order to satisfy applicable standards. Architecture students do the same when designing assigned public utility buildings. In order to demonstrate energy-related defects of building designs developed by students, the conduct of analyses was proposed. The completed designs of public utility buildings were examined with regard to energy efficiency of the solutions they feature through the application of the following programs: Ecotect, Vasari, and in case of simpler analyses ArchiCad program extensions were sufficient.

  7. Correlacion entre metodos de analisis de Zn disponible en cuatro ordenes de suelos de Costa Rica


    Eloy Molina; Elemer Bornemisza


    Se realizo una comparación entre métodos analisis del Zn disponible en 4 ordenes de sue- Analytilos de Costa Rica (Ultisoles, Vertisoles, Andisoles Inceptisoles, 25 de c/u), utilizando las siguientes soluciones extractoras: Olsen Modificado, Meh- lich 3, Morgan Modificado, DTPA y HC1. Las cantidades de Zn extrafdas dependieron de la natu- raleza qufmica de la solucion extractora. El HCl presento los contenidos mas altos de Zn en los chasuelos, excepto en Vertisoles....


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    Abd. Ghofur


    Full Text Available This article is a little result done by the writer, in which critical analisys discourse study as a tool to learn literature. It is Kenzaburo Oe’s writing, a Japan writer who got Pulitzer or noble in literature. It employs Jaques Derrida deconstructive theory, while the researcher focuses on binary opposition.  When deconstruction used, it will expose inside of the text, furthermore it produces other meaning or different point of view from the real text.


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    Toto Sudiro


    Full Text Available Kehandalan dan umur pakai sistem Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC ditentukan oleh kestabilan lapisan bond coat dan thermal grown oxide (TGO. Sehingga sangatlah penting untuk memahami mekanisme pembentukan dan degradasi lapisan ini. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas analisis struktur mikro lapisan bond coat NiAl yang dideposisikan pada substrat CoCrNi dengan menggunakan gabungan metoda electroplating dan pack-cementation. Pada makalah ini juga dibahas mekanisme pembentukan void disepanjang interface bond coat¬-substrat setelah tes oksidasi.

  10. New Joint Design to Create a More Natural and Efficient Biped

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    Giuseppina Gini


    Full Text Available This paper presents a human-oriented approach to design the mechanical architecture and the joint controller for a biped robot. Starting from the analysis of the human lower limbs, we figured out which features of the human legs are fundamental for a correct walking motion, and can be adopted in the mechanical design of a humanoid robot. We focus here on the knee, designed as a compliant human-like knee instead of a classical pin-joint, and on the foot, characterised by the mobility and lightness of the human foot. We implemented an elastic actuator, with a simple position control paradigm that sets the joint stiffness in real time, and developed the basic controller. Results in simulation are discussed. In our approach the robot gains in adaptability and energetic efficiency, which are the most challenging issues for a biped robot.

  11. Low-cost, high-performance and efficiency computational photometer design (United States)

    Siewert, Sam B.; Shihadeh, Jeries; Myers, Randall; Khandhar, Jay; Ivanov, Vitaly


    Researchers at the University of Alaska Anchorage and University of Colorado Boulder have built a low cost high performance and efficiency drop-in-place Computational Photometer (CP) to test in field applications ranging from port security and safety monitoring to environmental compliance monitoring and surveying. The CP integrates off-the-shelf visible spectrum cameras with near to long wavelength infrared detectors and high resolution digital snapshots in a single device. The proof of concept combines three or more detectors into a single multichannel imaging system that can time correlate read-out, capture, and image process all of the channels concurrently with high performance and energy efficiency. The dual-channel continuous read-out is combined with a third high definition digital snapshot capability and has been designed using an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) to capture, decimate, down-convert, re-encode, and transform images from two standard definition CCD (Charge Coupled Device) cameras at 30Hz. The continuous stereo vision can be time correlated to megapixel high definition snapshots. This proof of concept has been fabricated as a fourlayer PCB (Printed Circuit Board) suitable for use in education and research for low cost high efficiency field monitoring applications that need multispectral and three dimensional imaging capabilities. Initial testing is in progress and includes field testing in ports, potential test flights in un-manned aerial systems, and future planned missions to image harsh environments in the arctic including volcanic plumes, ice formation, and arctic marine life.

  12. Bioadsorber efficiency, design, and performance forecasting for alachlor removal. (United States)

    Badriyha, Badri N; Ravindran, Varadarajan; Den, Walter; Pirbazari, Massoud


    This study discusses a mathematical modeling and design protocol for bioactive granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorbers employed for purification of drinking water contaminated by chlorinated pesticides, exemplified by alachlor. A thin biofilm model is discussed that incorporates the following phenomenological aspects: film transfer from the bulk fluid to the adsorbent particles, diffusion through the biofilm immobilized on adsorbent surface, adsorption of the contaminant into the adsorbent particle. The modeling approach involved independent laboratory-scale experiments to determine the model input parameters. These experiments included adsorption isotherm studies, adsorption rate studies, and biokinetic studies. Bioactive expanded-bed adsorber experiments were conducted to obtain realistic experimental data for determining the ability of the model for predicting adsorber dynamics under different operating conditions. The model equations were solved using a computationally efficient hybrid numerical technique combining orthogonal collocation and finite difference methods. The model provided accurate predictions of adsorber dynamics for bioactive and non-bioactive scenarios. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated the significance of various model parameters, and focussed on enhancement in certain key parameters to improve the overall process efficiency. Scale-up simulation studies for bioactive and non-bioactive adsorbers provided comparisons between their performances, and illustrated the advantages of bioregeneration for enhancing their effective service life spans. Isolation of microbial species revealed that fungal strains were more efficient than bacterial strains in metabolizing alachlor. Microbial degradation pathways for alachlor were proposed and confirmed by the detection of biotransformation metabolites and byproducts using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.

  13. Strategies in architectural design and urban planning in the context of energy efficiency in buildings

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    Vuksanović Dušan


    Full Text Available Some of the design concepts in architecture and urban planning, created on demands of energy efficiency, that apply in early stages of design process a schematic design, i.e. in the phase of creating the basis of architectural or planning solution, are analyzed in this paper. These design strategies have a role to be comprehensive enough to provide application of their key potentials, but at the same time they need to remain simple enough and not burden a designer with inadequate number of information. Design models for passive heating, passive cooling and natural lighting that refer to the buildings mainly have been considered, together with the principles for the settlements or building groups. Guiding a design concept towards the one of described design principles e.g. their application within the diurnal and seasonal cycles, depends on local climatic conditions and type of building (residential, commercial or educational. The presentation of a model is followed by the explanation of the phenomena of impacts/influences (climate program and answers (the concept, passive components related to a certain strategy, and by the illustration of a strategy on a realized object (case study. Issues of design strategies on energy efficiency are considered through different levels, e.g. through spatial organization, form and added components of buildings, as well as structure and characteristics of elements of external structures - facades and roofs.

  14. On Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Cross-Layer Design: Joint Power Control and Routing for Ad Hoc Networks

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    Poor HVincent


    Full Text Available A hierarchical cross-layer design approach is proposed to increase energy efficiency in ad hoc networks through joint adaptation of nodes' transmitting powers and route selection. The design maintains the advantages of the classic OSI model, while accounting for the cross-coupling between layers, through information sharing. The proposed joint power control and routing algorithm is shown to increase significantly the overall energy efficiency of the network, at the expense of a moderate increase in complexity. Performance enhancement of the joint design using multiuser detection is also investigated, and it is shown that the use of multiuser detection can increase the capacity of the ad hoc network significantly for a given level of energy consumption.

  15. On Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Cross-Layer Design: Joint Power Control and Routing for Ad Hoc Networks

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    Cristina Comaniciu


    Full Text Available A hierarchical cross-layer design approach is proposed to increase energy efficiency in ad hoc networks through joint adaptation of nodes' transmitting powers and route selection. The design maintains the advantages of the classic OSI model, while accounting for the cross-coupling between layers, through information sharing. The proposed joint power control and routing algorithm is shown to increase significantly the overall energy efficiency of the network, at the expense of a moderate increase in complexity. Performance enhancement of the joint design using multiuser detection is also investigated, and it is shown that the use of multiuser detection can increase the capacity of the ad hoc network significantly for a given level of energy consumption.


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    Toni Arifin


    Full Text Available Abstract - Pap Smear is an early examination to diagnose whether there’s indication cervical cancer or not, the process of observations were done by observing pap smear cell under the microscope. There’s so many research has been done to differentiate between normal and abnormal cell. In this research presents a classification of pap smear cell based on texture analysis. This research is using the Harlev image which amounts to 280 images, 140 images are used as training data and 140 images other are used as testing. On the texture analysis used Gray level Co-occurance Matrix (GLCM method with 5 parameters that is correlation, energy, homogeneity and entropy added by counting the value of brightness. For choose which the best attribute used correlation-based feature selection method and than used C45 algorithm for produce classification rule. The result accuracy of the classification normal and abnormal used decision tree C45 is 96,43% and errors in predicting is 3,57%. Keywords : Classification, Pap Smear cell image, texture analysis, Correlation-based feature selection, C45 algorithm. Abstrak - Pap Smear merupakan pemeriksaan dini untuk mendiagnosa apakah ada indikasi kanker serviks atau tidak, proses pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengamati sel pap smear dibawah mikroskop. Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membedakan antara sel normal dan abnormal. Dalam penelitian ini menyajikan klasifikasi inti sel pap smear berdasarkan analisis tektur. Citra yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah citra Harlev yang berjumlah 280 citra, 140 citra digunakan sebagai data training dan 140 citra lain digunakan sebagai testing. Pada analisis tekstur mengunakan metode Gray level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM menggunakan 5 parameter yaitu korelasi, energi, homogenitas dan entropi ditambah dengan menghitung nilai brightness. Untuk memilih mana atribut terbaik digunakan metode correlation-based feature selection lalu digunakan algoritma C45 untuk

  17. Criteria for calculating the efficiency of HEPA filters during and after design basis accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergman, W.; First, M.W.; Anderson, W.L.; Gilbert, H.; Jacox, J.W.


    We have reviewed the literature on the performance of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters under normal and abnormal conditions to establish criteria for calculating the efficiency of HEPA filters in a DOE nonreactor nuclear facility during and after a Design Basis Accident (DBA). The literature review included the performance of new filters and parameters that may cause deterioration in the filter performance such as filter age, radiation, corrosive chemicals, seismic and rough handling, high temperature, moisture, particle clogging, high air flow and pressure pulses. The deterioration of the filter efficiency depends on the exposure parameters; in severe exposure conditions the filter will be structurally damaged and have a residual efficiency of 0%. Despite the many studies on HEPA filter performance under adverse conditions, there are large gaps and limitations in the data that introduce significant error in the estimates of HEPA filter efficiencies under DBA conditions. Because of this limitation, conservative values of filter efficiency were chosen when there was insufficient data

  18. Analisis Implementasi Akuntansi Berbasis Akrual pada Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan

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    Eliada Herwiyanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif terhadap penerapan Sistem Akuntansi Pemerintahan berbasis akrual di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesiapan dan penerapan SAP Berbasis Akrual di instansi tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, studi kepustakaan, serta wawancara terhadap sepuluh orang informan yang terkait langsung dengan penerapan SAP berbasis akrual. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan secara naratif dengan menggunakan metode analisis data kualitatif yang direkomendasikan oleh Creswell (2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, kesiapan Itjen Kemenkeu dalam menerapkan sistem akuntansi akrual sudah baik, mulai dari aspek komunikasi, sumber daya, komitmen organisasi, dan struktur birokrasi. Dengan kesiapan yang baik, penelitian ini juga menun­juk­kan bahwa penerapan sistem akuntansi akrual di Itjen Kemenkeu sudah dilakukan dengan sangat memuaskan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai sebesar 93,40%.


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    Fimmatur Rizka Ardina


    Komunikasi merupakan suatu kemampuan yang penting untuk dimiliki setiap manusia. Komunikasi dalam artikel ini difokuskan pada komunikasi matematis tulis. Komunikasi matematis tulis ini akan berhubungan dengan lembar kerja siswa yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses analisis LKS sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan komunikasi matematis tulis siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. LKS akan dianalisis menggunakan standar indikator kemampuan komunikasi NCTM (2000 yang dimodifikasi sehingga terdapat empat indikator yaitu (1 siswa dapat menuliskan ide yang dimiliki dengan jelas dan tepat (2 siswa dapat menuliskan alasan untuk jawaban yang diberikan (3 siswa dapat memberikan tanggapan untuk ide atau jawaban siswa lain (4 siswa dapat menuliskan kembali ide orang lain menggunakan bahasanya sendiri. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKS oleh Tim MGMP Kota Malang tidak dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan kemmapuan komunikasi matematis tulis siswa.

  20. Indoor air quality handbook: for designers, builders, and users of energy efficient residences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this handbook is to assist designers, builders, and users of energy efficient residences to achieve the goals of energy efficiency and maintenance of high indoor air quality simultaneously. The handbook helps in identifying and controlling potential problems of indoor air quality. It identifies sources and discusses effective ways to decrease concentrations of air contaminants. It focuses on indoor air quality in both single and multifamily energy-efficient residences. Information about commercial structures such as hospitals and office buildings is presented when it also applies to residences. Basic concepts of contaminants and their concentrations, sources and removal mechanisms, contaminant distribution, heat transfer, and air exchange are discussed. The effects of the building system on indoor air quality are examined. The effects of the external environment, building envelope, environmental control systems, interior design, furnishings, and inhabitants on the emission, dispersion, and removal of indoor air contaminants as well as direct and indirect effects of energy-efficient features are discussed. The health effects of specific air contaminants and the health standards developed for them are examined. Available methods for predicting and measuring contaminants and for evaluating human responses are discussed. Methods and equipment available for the control of indoor air pollution once the contaminants have been identified are also evaluated. The potential legal aspects, including regulatory intervention and civil lawsuits, of failure to evaluate and control indoor air pollution are discussed. A list of references, a glossary, and an index are also included


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    Naziah Madani


    Full Text Available Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya kajian mengenai MJO sebagai salah satu osilasi dominan di kawasan ekuator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model prediksi MJO berdasarkan analisis data WPR. Pada penelitian ini kejadian MJO diidentifikasi dari data kecepatan angin zonal pada lapisan 850 mb di kawasan Pontianak, Manado, dan Biak. Sebelum data angin zonal ini dimanfaatkan untuk melihat perilaku MJO, maka data angin tersebut  terlebih dahulu dibandingkan dengan data indeks MJO yaitu RMM1 dan RMM2. RMM1 dan RMM2 merupakan sepasang indeks untuk memonitor kejadian MJO secara realtime. Hasil analisis Power Spectral Density (PSD data kecepatan angin zonal lapisan 850 mb menunjukkan adanya sinyal MJO kuat yang dicirikan dengan adanya osilasi sekitar 45 harian. Hasil korelasi dan regresi juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keterkaitan yang signifikan antara kedua data tersebut. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa data kecepatan angin zonal lapisan 850 mb dapat digunakan untuk analisis MJO. Pada penelitian ini, prediksi MJO didasarkan pada data kecepatan angin zonal menggunakan metode ARIMA Box-Jenkins. Melalui metode ini, model yang mendekati data deret waktu kecepatan angin zonal pada lapisan 850 mb di Pontianak adalah ARIMA(2,0,0, model prediksi untuk Manado adalah ARIMA(2,1,2, sedangkan untuk Biak adalah ARIMA(0,1,3. Model-model tersebut bermanfaat untuk melihat perilaku sinyal MJO pada data angin zonal berkaitan dengan pola curah hujan di wilayah kajian.   Background of this research is to study the importance of MJO as one of the predominant peak oscillation in the equator area. This study aims to make prediction models of MJO based on the analysis of zonal wind speed data observed by WPR that compared by the MJO index data, namely RMM1 and RMM2. The results of PSD show strong MJO signal of 45 day periods oscillations. The result of corrrelation and regression analyses also show significant relationship between both data. Therefore





    Fany Febriany Amreny (I 311 07 053). Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Mutu Layanan Antar di Restoran KFC Cabang Ahmad Yani Makassar. Dibawah Bimbingan Ir. Sofyan nurdin Kasim, M.S sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Ir. Veronica Sri Lestari, M.Ec sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Perkembangan dan peningkatan jasa pelayanan pada restoran fast food dari tahun ke tahun semakin menjadi perhatian masyarakat yang dapat dilihat dari ketatnya persaingan yang menyebabkan suatu restoran perlu melaku...

  3. Valutazione dell'appropriatezza dei ricoveri in un Policlinico Universitario: analisi mediante l'uso comparativo dei sistemi di classificazione isogravitá APR-DRG e Disease Staging e del PRUO

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    M. Volpe


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: valutare l’appropriatezza organizzativa dei ricoveri effettuati in un Policlinico Universitario attraverso la comparazione di due metodi, dei quali uno basato sui dati della scheda di dimissione ospedaliera ed utilizza, rispettivamente, i sistemi di classificazione iso-gravità APR-DRG e Disease Staging e l’altro sulla revisione delle cartelle cliniche mediante il PRUO.

    Metodi: oggetto di analisi sono i ricoveri ordinari effettuati nell’anno 2001 ed afferenti ai DRG inclusi nella delibera della Giunta Regionale del Lazio 864/2002 che recepisce il D.P.C.M. 29/11/2001 sui livelli essenziali di assistenza.

    Risultati: i risultati evidenziano che le due varianti del
    metodo basato sulla SDO (metodo APPRO mostrano quote di ricoveri inappropriati sovrapponibili rispetto al complesso dei ricoveri oggetto di analisi, ma con differenze anche rilevanti tra APR-DRG e Disease Staging in relazione ai singoli DRG considerati, riconducibili ai diversi algoritmi di attribuzione del livello di severità utilizzati dai due sistemi. L’analisi campionaria effettuata con il metodo PRUO su casi afferenti ai DRG della DGR 864/2002 caratterizzati da livelli di severità minimi evidenzia una proporzione di ricoveri inappropriati superiore a quella determinata tramite i metodi basati sulla SDO. Tale differenza è verosimilmente dovuta al ruolo del valore delle soglie percentuali di accettabilità individuate dalla Regione Lazio per ciascun DRG: le quote di ricoveri che eccedono tali soglie sono considerate inappropriate.

    Conclusioni: sulla base dei risultati ottenuti gli autori
    descrivono gli interventi organizzativi adottati per ottimizzare il contesto di erogazione delle prestazioni
    oggetto di analisi, discutono vantaggi e limiti dei metodi SDO-based e del metodo analitico PRUObased e ne propongono l

  4. Efficient Algorithms and Design for Interpolation Filters in Digital Receiver

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    Xiaowei Niu


    Full Text Available Based on polynomial functions this paper introduces a generalized design method for interpolation filters. The polynomial-based interpolation filters can be implemented efficiently by using a modified Farrow structure with an arbitrary frequency response, the filters allow many pass- bands and stop-bands, and for each band the desired amplitude and weight can be set arbitrarily. The optimization coefficients of the interpolation filters in time domain are got by minimizing the weighted mean squared error function, then converting to solve the quadratic programming problem. The optimization coefficients in frequency domain are got by minimizing the maxima (MiniMax of the weighted mean squared error function. The degree of polynomials and the length of interpolation filter can be selected arbitrarily. Numerical examples verified the proposed design method not only can reduce the hardware cost effectively but also guarantee an excellent performance.


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    Siti Hamidah


    Linkage program adalah program yang menghubungkan bank dengan pelaku usaha mikro kecil melalui lembaga keuangan mikro. Kelemahan dalam Linkage program adalah pada aspek peraturan yang tersebar dalam berbagai aturan, dan khusus bagi lembaga keuangan syariah terdapat pula kendala berkaitan dengan kesesuaian dengan ketentuan syariah. Dari penelitian dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual ini diperoleh inventarisasi serta analisis kebijakan Linkage Program bagi Lembaga Keuangan Syariah dalam hukum positif Indonesia. Kebijakan terkait Linkage program, diklasifikasi dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kebijakan substansi dan prosedural. Aturan inilah yang menjadi rujukan bagi lembaga keuangan syariah rangka pemberdayaan usaha kecil mikro di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Linkage program, lembaga keuangan syariah, usaha mikro kecil

  6. A logical approach to optimize the nanostructured lipid carrier system of irinotecan: efficient hybrid design methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Negi, Lalit Mohan; Talegaonkar, Sushama; Jaggi, Manu


    Development of an effective formulation involves careful optimization of a number of excipient and process variables. Sometimes the number of variables is so large that even the most efficient optimization designs require a very large number of trials which put stress on costs as well as time. A creative combination of a number of design methods leads to a smaller number of trials. This study was aimed at the development of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) by using a combination of different optimization methods. A total of 11 variables were first screened using the Plackett–Burman design for their effects on formulation characteristics like size and entrapment efficiency. Four out of 11 variables were found to have insignificant effects on the formulation parameters and hence were screened out. Out of the remaining seven variables, four (concentration of tween-80, lecithin, sodium taurocholate, and total lipid) were found to have significant effects on the size of the particles while the other three (phase ratio, drug to lipid ratio, and sonication time) had a higher influence on the entrapment efficiency. The first four variables were optimized for their effect on size using the Taguchi L9 orthogonal array. The optimized values of the surfactants and lipids were kept constant for the next stage, where the sonication time, phase ratio, and drug:lipid ratio were varied using the Box–Behnken design response surface method to optimize the entrapment efficiency. Finally, by performing only 38 trials, we have optimized 11 variables for the development of NLCs with a size of 143.52 ± 1.2 nm, zeta potential of −32.6 ± 0.54 mV, and 98.22 ± 2.06% entrapment efficiency. (paper)

  7. Compressor and Turbine Multidisciplinary Design for Highly Efficient Micro-gas Turbine (United States)

    Barsi, Dario; Perrone, Andrea; Qu, Yonglei; Ratto, Luca; Ricci, Gianluca; Sergeev, Vitaliy; Zunino, Pietro


    Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) is widely employed to enhance turbomachinery components efficiency. The aim of this work is to describe a complete tool for the aero-mechanical design of a radial inflow turbine and a centrifugal compressor. The high rotational speed of such machines and the high exhaust gas temperature (only for the turbine) expose blades to really high stresses and therefore the aerodynamics design has to be coupled with the mechanical one through an integrated procedure. The described approach employs a fully 3D Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver for the aerodynamics and an open source Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver for the mechanical integrity assessment. Due to the high computational cost of both these two solvers, a meta model, such as an artificial neural network (ANN), is used to speed up the optimization design process. The interaction between two codes, the mesh generation and the post processing of the results are achieved via in-house developed scripting modules. The obtained results are widely presented and discussed.


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    Slamet Yulianto


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan proses pembelajaran PJOK yang dilakukan guru seiring dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi untuk menggali data alamiah dari subjek guru PJOK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen kepada subjek guru PJOK di SD inti kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru PJOK telah memenuhi standar profesi guru, guru PJOK telah memahami konsep perubahan kurikulum dan konsep PJOK, namun proses pembelajaran PJOK tidak maksimal sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru.

  9. Designing for multiple global user populations: increasing resource allocation efficiency for greater sustainability. (United States)

    Nadadur, G; Parkinson, M B


    This paper proposes a method to identify opportunities for increasing the efficiency of raw material allocation decisions for products that are simultaneously targeted at multiple user populations around the world. The values of 24 body measures at certain key percentiles were used to estimate the best-fitting anthropometric distributions for female and male adults in nine national populations, which were selected to represent the diverse target markets multinational companies must design for. These distributions were then used to synthesize body measure data for combined populations with a 1:1 female:male ratio. An anthropometric range metric (ARM) was proposed for assessing the variation of these body measures across the populations. At any percentile, ARM values were calculated as the percentage difference between the highest and lowest anthropometric values across the considered user populations. Based on their magnitudes, plots of ARM values computed between the 1st and 99 th percentiles for each body measure were grouped into low, medium, and high categories. This classification of body measures was proposed as a means of selecting the most suitable strategies for designing raw material-efficient products. The findings in this study and the contributions of subsequent work along these lines are expected to help achieve greater efficiencies in resource allocation in global product development.

  10. Feedback-Based Eco-Design for Integrating the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value of Eco-Efficiency into Sustainability Management

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    Rui Yang Chen


    Full Text Available Customer feedback is used to understand customer requirements. Early design phases require the consideration of items including manufacturing, the environment, and sustainability management. Therefore, it is crucial that eco-efficiency is taken into account in the early design phases. Traditionally, eco-efficiency is considered only in terms of eco-design issues, not customer requirements based on business values such as Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM value. In the meantime, integrating innovation from eco-design is one important aspect. Here, I propose that customer feedback-based eco-efficiency and TRIZ-based innovation can be considered in early eco-design based on the RFM value for sustainability management. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP and fuzzy-based AHP were integrated to explore the relative weights of RFM variables for business value evaluation. The innovative method of the paper is using a TRIZ contradiction matrix associated with engineering parameters for eco-design. The experimental study has been carried out, and it meets the forecasting business value for green product usage. The business value was used as the decision-making factor in order to evaluate both environmental and marketing performance.

  11. Analisis Kadar Kofein Kopi Luwak Dengan Variasi Jenis Kopi, Spesies Luwak Dan Cara Pengolahan Dengan Metoda TlC Scanner

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    Rahma Yulia


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian analisis kadar kofein kopi luwak dengan variasi jenis kopi, spesies luwak dan cara pengolahan dengan metoda TLC Scanner. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 sampel kopi luwak R.Ab.K ; R.Ab.B ; R.Ph.K ; R.Ph.B ; A.Ab.K ; A.Ab.B ; A.Ph.K ; A.Ph.B yang diekstraksi dengan pelarut diklorometana ( DCM . Pemisahan dengan KLT dilakukan dengan fasa diam plat silika gel GF254 dan fasa gerak campuran diklorometana : metanol ( 9,5 : 0,5 . Kadar kofein dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi y = 2715,112 + 4,389x dan memberikan persentase kadar berturut-turut 1,91 ; 2,04 ; 1,30 ; 1,89 ; 1,29 ; 1,45 ; 1,25 ; 1,42 %. Kadar kofein paling tinggi diberikan oleh kopi robusta yang diberikan pada luwak A. binturong dan diolah secara basah dengan persentase 2,04 %. Sedangkan kadar kofein paling rendah diberikan oleh kopi arabika yang diberikan pada luwak P. hermophroditus dengan persentase 1,25 %. Pengolahan data dengan statistik anova tiga jalan SPSS 21 menunjukkan hasil bahwa jenis kopi, variasi luwak dan cara pengolahan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kadar kofein dengan p < 0,05.


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    Risky Aswi R


    Full Text Available Analisis pemanfaatan  jejaring  sosial untuk penentuan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan metode sosial network analysis. Tujuan dibangun sistem ini untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan pendekatan Sosial Network Analisis Studi Kasus Jejaring Sosial Facebook dan mampu memanfaatkan facebook sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa jurusan teknik informatika menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Batasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian ini hanya berlaku pada mahasiswa yang memiliki akun facebook. Penelitian ini menggunakan Social Network Analysis untuk mencari between centrality.Pada tahap pertama setiap akun akan dilihat relasinya setelah itu hubungan antar akun akan dimasukan ke node XL dan akan menghasilkan between centrality. Mahasiswa yang melanjutkan proses selanjutnya adalah mahasiswa yang nilai betweent centralitynya 85% teratas. Setelah itu akan ditambahkan variabel group yang digunakan untuk mengkelompokan peminatan, dan ditambahkan variabel nilai akademis untuk menguatkan pendapat yang diperoleh sebelumnya.Dengan cara melihat between centrality dan menambahkan variabel group untuk membagi siswa sesuai konsentrasi, dan memabahkan variabel nilai akademik untuk memperkuat pendapat. Sosial network analysis terbukti dapat menentukan konsentrasi mahaiswa. Facebook dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa, konsentrasi mahasiswa dibagi menjadi pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Kata Kunci : Jejaring Sosial, Social Network Analysis, between centrality

  13. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Design Methodologies for Efficiency Enhancement—A Review

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    Shafiqur Rehman


    Full Text Available Among renewable sources of energy, wind is the most widely used resource due to its commercial acceptance, low cost and ease of operation and maintenance, relatively much less time for its realization from concept till operation, creation of new jobs, and least adverse effect on the environment. The fast technological development in the wind industry and availability of multi megawatt sized horizontal axis wind turbines has further led the promotion of wind power utilization globally. It is a well-known fact that the wind speed increases with height and hence the energy output. However, one cannot go above a certain height due to structural and other issues. Hence other attempts need to be made to increase the efficiency of the wind turbines, maintaining the hub heights to acceptable and controllable limits. The efficiency of the wind turbines or the energy output can be increased by reducing the cut-in-speed and/or the rated-speed by modifying and redesigning the blades. The problem is tackled by identifying the optimization parameters such as annual energy yield, power coefficient, energy cost, blade mass, and blade design constraints such as physical, geometric, and aerodynamic. The present paper provides an overview of the commonly used models, techniques, tools and experimental approaches applied to increase the efficiency of the wind turbines. In the present review work, particular emphasis is made on approaches used to design wind turbine blades both experimental and numerical, methodologies used to study the performance of wind turbines both experimentally and analytically, active and passive techniques used to enhance the power output from wind turbines, reduction in cut-in-speed for improved wind turbine performance, and lastly the research and development work related to new and efficient materials for the wind turbines.

  14. Grading efficiency in Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eggink, Wouter; van der Bijl-Brouwer, Mieke; Buck, L.; . Frateur, G.; Ion, B.; McMahon, C.; Baelus, C.; de Grande, G.; Vervulgen, S.


    The academic world is constantly under pressure to deliver maximum output for a minimum of (public) costs. For Design education this is important, because doing Design cannot be learned from a book. As teaching costs are mainly driven by the costs of supervisors, the amount of time invested in

  15. Design of Low Power Multiplier with Energy Efficient Full Adder Using DPTAAL

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    A. Kishore Kumar


    Full Text Available Asynchronous adiabatic logic (AAL is a novel lowpower design technique which combines the energy saving benefits of asynchronous systems with adiabatic benefits. In this paper, energy efficient full adder using double pass transistor with asynchronous adiabatic logic (DPTAAL is used to design a low power multiplier. Asynchronous adiabatic circuits are very low power circuits to preserve energy for reuse, which reduces the amount of energy drawn directly from the power supply. In this work, an 8×8 multiplier using DPTAAL is designed and simulated, which exhibits low power and reliable logical operations. To improve the circuit performance at reduced voltage level, double pass transistor logic (DPL is introduced. The power results of the proposed multiplier design are compared with the conventional CMOS implementation. Simulation results show significant improvement in power for clock rates ranging from 100 MHz to 300 MHz.

  16. Efficient Architecture and Implementation of Vector Median Filter in Co-Design Context

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    N. Masmoudi


    Full Text Available This work presents an efficient fast parallel architecture of the Vector Median Filter (VMF using combined hardware/software (HW/SW implementation. The hardware part of the system is implemented using VHDL language, whereas the software part is developed using C/C++ language. The software part of the embedded system uses the NIOS-II softcore processor and the operating system used is μClinux. The comparison between the software and HW/SW solutions shows that adding a hardware part in the design attempts to speed up the filtering process compared to the software solution. This efficient embedded system implementation can perform well in several image processing applications.

  17. A New Design Strategy for Efficient Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Emitters: From Twisted to Planar Structures

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Xiankai


    In the traditional molecular design of thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitters composed of electron-donor and electron-acceptor moieties, achieving a small singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔEST ) in strongly twisted structures usually translates into a small fluorescence oscillator strength, which can significantly decrease the emission quantum yield and limit efficiency in organic light-emitting diode devices. Here, based on the results of quantum-chemical calculations on TADF emitters composed of carbazole donor and 2,4,6-triphenyl-1,3,5-triazine acceptor moieties, a new strategy is proposed for the molecular design of efficient TADF emitters that combine a small ΔEST with a large fluorescence oscillator strength. Since this strategy goes beyond the traditional framework of structurally twisted, charge-transfer type emitters, importantly, it opens the way for coplanar molecules to be efficient TADF emitters. Here, a new emitter, composed of azatriangulene and diphenyltriazine moieties, is theoretically designed, which is coplanar due to intramolecular H-bonding interactions. The synthesis of this hexamethylazatriangulene-triazine (HMAT-TRZ) emitter and its preliminary photophysical characterizations point to HMAT-TRZ as a potential efficient TADF emitter.


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    I Nyoman Sukanta


    Full Text Available Salah satu komplek perkantoran yang terletak di Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian. Hasil pemodelan data tanah, menghasilkan 3 lapisan tanah yang berbeda dengan kriteria jenis tanahnya cenderung lunak, dengan nilai N-SPT rata–rata = 11,23. Perhitungan percepatan puncak muka tanah (PGA dan nilai spektrum respon di permukaan tanah menggunakan metoda analisis linier equivalen dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Program aplikasi SHAKE2000 merupakan alat bantu dalam simulasi, dengan memasukkan beberapa asumsi sebagai data masukan. Data masukan dinamik menggunakan sumber gempabumi Elcentro dan Mexico yang mempunyai kandungan frekuensi berbeda. Asumsi nilai percepatan puncak batuan dasar (PBA untuk kedua sumber gempabumi tersebut sebesar 0,18 g. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai spektrum respon dan percepatan puncak muka tanah sangat bervariasi. Gempabumi Elcentro menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,36 g dengan spektrum responnya = 1,0 g  pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Untuk gempabumi Mexico menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,30 g dengan spektrum responnya = 0,9 g pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Artinya, variabilitas jenis tanah sangat berpengaruh tehadap variabilitas spektrum respon di permukaan tanah.   One of the office complex located at Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, was chosen as the location of the reseach. Results of data modeling soil, produces 3 different soil layers with soil type criteria tend to be soft, with a value of N-SPT  average = 11.23. Calculation of peak ground acceleration (PGA and the value of the response spectrum at ground surface using the method of equivalent linear analysis with Monte Carlo simulation. SHAKE2000 application software  is a tool in the simulation, by including some assumptions as input data. Dynamic input data using Elcentro and Mexican  earthquakes  which have different frequency contents. Assumed value of peak base acceleration (PBA for the two earthquakes was 0.18 g. The result of analysis was the value


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    Daniele Spoladore


    Full Text Available Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare le scelte linguistiche dei soggetti politici che utilizzano Facebook e Twitter per rivolgersi al sempre più frammentato panorama dei potenziali elettori. In particolare, analizza le tendenze linguistiche comuni che questi social network hanno fatto emergere nel rapporto tra politica, web e lettori. Cominciando dall’analisi della presenza di parlamentari e senatori su Facebook e Twitter, si cerca di riassumere le principali caratteristiche delle due piattaforme, per giungere ad una classificazione dei testi prodotti attraverso di esse; si analizza la scrittura di post e tweet, sottolineando la presenza di espedienti tipici del mezzo e valutando il loro effetto sui lettori, e si studiano le scelte sintattiche e morfosintattiche in relazione alla struttura e alle possibilità dei due social network. In ultima analisi si osservano le scelte lessicali dei soggetti politici, studiandone i campi semantici e la quantità di tecnicismi. Infine, si cerca di compiere una valutazione delle due differenti tipologie di trasmesso scritto rinvenute nei campioni, osservando come ognuna di esse abbia uno scopo ben preciso nell’economia della comunicazione politica sui social network. Political communication policy in social networks: a language analysis  Daniele Spoladore This paper aims to analyze the linguistic choices of politicians who use Facebook and Twitter to address the increasingly fragmented landscape of potential voters. In particular, it analyzes the common language trends that these social networks have revealed in the relationship between politics, the web and readers. Starting from the analysis of the presence of MPs and senators on Facebook and Twitter, we try to summarize the key features of the two platforms, in order to arrive at a classification of the texts produced using them.  We analyzed posts and tweets, emphasizing the  typical characteristics of these means and evaluating their effect on

  20. A simple and accurate model for the design of public lighting with energy efficiency functions based on regression analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabaza, Ovidio; Gómez-Lorente, Daniel; Pérez-Ocón, Francisco; Peña-García, Antonio


    In this study, new relationships between the energy efficiency of street lighting systems, street width, and luminaire height were derived from the analysis of a large sample of outputs, generated with a software application widely used for lighting design. The result was a quadratic polynomial that perfectly fit the relationships obtained and whose coefficients characterize each type of luminaire. This greatly simplifies the design of lighting facilities because it only uses one equation, but at the same time, takes all necessary variables into account. The procedure maximized the energy efficiency of the street lighting systems, as far as conditions allowed, and greatly facilitated the calculation of the parameters of a basic lighting installation, according to CIE (International Commission on Illumination) recommendations. - Highlights: • New parameter relationships for efficient public lighting design were obtained. • A second-order polynomial simplifies the design of the lighting facilities using only one equation. • The procedure guarantees the maximization of energy efficiency of street lighting systems. • The results have been successfully tested with a well-known and reliable free software.

  1. Design of efficient and safe sanitary installations; Ontwerpen van zuinige en veilige sanitaire installaties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheffer, W.; Pieterse-Quirijns, I.; Van Bergen, R.; Van Bruggen, M.; Nuijten, O.; Van der Lugt, W.; Wilschut, M.; Van Oostwaard, T.; Van Rijn, B.; Leiting, E.


    In this issue of ThemaTech several aspects regarding the title topic are discussed in 9 articles: hygienic and efficient design of main water supply systems, the scope of sustainable design and installation, calculation rules for the design of main water supply systems, prevention of Legionella in tap water, new calculation rules in comparison with the q{open_square}n method, energy efficient and safe thermal disinfection, urine as a source of useful materials, advise on legionella prevention for public water systems, saving cost with legionella prevention in the building process [Dutch] In deze aflevering van ThemaTech worden diverse aspecten m.b.t. het titel onderwerp behandeld in 9 artikelen: beter hygienisch en zuinig ontwerp van leidingwaterinstallaties, de reikwijdte van duurzaam ontwerpen en installeren, rekenregels voor het ontwerp van leidingwaterinstallaties, legionellapreventie in leidingwater, nieuwe rekenregels in vergelijking met de q{open_square}n method, energiezuinige en veilige thermische desinfectie, urine als bron van grondstoffen, advisering over legionella preventie voor collectieve leidingwaterinstallaties, kostenbesparing van legionellapreventie in het bouwproces.

  2. New III-V cell design approaches for very high efficiency. Annual subcontract report, 1 August 1990--31 July 1991

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lundstrom, M.S.; Melloch, M.R.; Lush, G.B.; O`Bradovich, G.J.; Young, M.P. [Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN (United States)


    This report describes progress during the first year of a three-year project. The objective of the research is to examine new design approaches for achieving very high conversion efficiencies. The program is divided into two areas. The first centers on exploring new thin-film approaches specifically designed for III-V semiconductors. The second area centers on exploring design approaches for achieving high conversion efficiencies without requiring extremely high quality material. Research activities consisted of an experimental study of minority carrier recombination in n-type, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)-deposited GaAs, an assessment of the minority carrier lifetimes in n-GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy, and developing a high-efficiency cell fabrication process.

  3. Introduzione all'analisi qualitativa dei sistemi dinamici discreti e continui

    CERN Document Server

    Squassina, Marco


    Il testo è stato concepito per la struttura degli attuali corsi di laurea in Biologia, Matematica, Matematica Applicata, Ingegneria, Scienze Naturali e Mediche. Esso si concentra sugli aspetti qualitativi delle equazioni differenziali come limitatezza o illimitatezza delle soluzioni, esistenza o non esistenza di orbite periodiche, stabilità o instabilità dei punti di equilibrio, biforcazione del sistema al variare di un parametro, robustezza del sistema in presenza di perturbazioni. L'analisi qualitativa di sistemi dinamici discreti e continui è un argomento tecnicamente accessibile anche agli studenti di primo livello e consente di collegare, combinare ed esercitare nozioni che provengono dall'algebra, dal calcolo differenziale di base e dalla geometria elementare, stimolando l'intuizione matematica. Il volume si caratterizza per due aspetti: quello induttivo e quello figurativo. L'approccio induttivo si basa su un'ampia gamma di problemi risolti e pensati per introdurre, gradualmente, sia le conoscenze ...

  4. Analisis Kenyamanan Serta Redesain Pegas Suspensi Mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR (AT 4x4

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    Puja Priyambada


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dunia otomotif mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Seiring dengan perkembangan  tersebut kualitas kenyamanan kendaraan merupakan faktor yang harus diperhatikan. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas kenyamanan kendaraan dilakukan pengembangan dalam sistem suspensi. Hal ini yang mendasari penulis untuk melakukan penelitian terkait suspensi mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat dua tahap, yakni tahap pengujian dan tahap analisis. Tahap pengujian untuk mendapatkan persentase road holding yang digunakan dalam menentukan kriteria keamanan kendaraan. Pada tahap analisis dilakukan simulasi untuk mengetahui percepatan rms yang dialami penumpang dengan pemodelan Half Car memanjang. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan ulang pegas suspensi yang lebih baik dari segi keamanan dan kenyamanan. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa desain dari mobil Toyota Fortuner mengutamakan kenyamanan untuk penggunaan di jalan perkotaan. Berdasarkan standar ISO 2631 menunjukkan bahwa respon suspensi redesain untuk jalan perkotaan menghasilkan kenyamanan yang lebih baik daripada suspensi aktual. Berdasarkan kriteria keamanan BEISSBARTH dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa suspensi mobil Toyota Fortuner termasuk dalam kategori kurang baik sedangkan hasil simulasi untuk suspensi aktual dan redesain termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kekakuan pegas untuk suspensi depan (ksf = 44631,61 N/m dan (ksr = 53500 N/m untuk suspensi belakang.

  5. SWR 1000: Efficient design for operational excellence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brettschuh, W.


    The SWR 1000 boiling water reactor (BWR) offers all of the advantages associated with an advanced plant design, i.e. excellent safety performance and competitive power generation costs, in the medium capacity range (1000-1250 MW). The economic efficiency of this medium-sized plant in comparison with large-capacity designs is achieved by using very simple passive safety equipment, simplified plant operating systems, and a very simple plant configuration. Systems engineering is thus optimized, reducing dependence on electrical and instrumentation and control (I and C) systems. The fuel assemblies deployed in the SWR 1000 core are enlarged from a 10 x 10 to a 12 x 12 rod array. This cuts down the total number of fuel assemblies in the core and hence also the number of control rods and control rod drives, as well as in-core neutron flux monitors. The design owes its competitiveness to the fact that investment, maintenance and fuel cycle costs are all lower. In addition, refueling outages are shorter, thanks to the reduced scope for outage activities. For example, there are no bolted reactor internal joints, and the SWR 1000 has a permanently installed reactor vessel-to-drywell seal. Replacement of in-core detectors is carried out from below, and does not affect the critical path of the outage. Furthermore all in-service -inspections (ISIs) on the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and its nozzles can be undertaken from the outside, so that no extended ISI outages are necessary. As in existing plants, forced coolant circulation is utilized, ensuring problem-free startup and enabling plant operators to adjust power rapidly in the high power range (70%-100%). This is achieved without moving the control rods, and allows both spectral-shift and stretch-out operation. The considerable gains provided by forced coolant circulation, in terms of operational flexibility and fuel utilization, mean that the investment and maintenance costs of the pumps are covered within just a few

  6. Dinamiche e persistenza della povertà in Italia: Un’analisi con microdati panel di fonte ECHP


    Francesco Devicienti; Valentina Gualtieri


    Questo articolo stima le probabilità di entrare e uscire dallo stato di povertà (poverty dynamics) e la sua persistenza in Italia negli anni ‘90, attingendo dalle fonti longitudinali dello European Community Household Panel, 1994-2001. Combinando le stime dei tassi di uscita con quelli di rientro, l’articolo propone una misura di persistenza che tiene conto degli spell ripetuti in povertà. L’analisi preliminare dei dati mostra che per circa il 46% della popolazione il reddito è al di sotto de...


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    Widiarti Widiarti


    Full Text Available AbstrakMalaria seringkali muncul pada kejadian luar biasa (KLB maupun peningkatan kasus baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa. Dilaporkannya peningkatan kasus atau KLB malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga menimbulkan pemikiran faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi terjadinya KLB malaria. Tujuan penelitian adalah analisis spasial kasus malaria, konfirmasi vektor yang berperan dalam penularan malaria dan bioekologi nyamuk tersangka vektor. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Konfirmasi vektor dilakukan dengan elisa sporozoit dari semua nyamuk Anopheles sp yang diperoleh. Analisis kasus malaria digunakan metoda GIS dan dilanjutkan uji spatially weighted regression (spatial error model dengan GeoDa. Survei entomologi dilakukan sesuai standart penangkapan nyamuk oleh WHO. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa berdasarkan  elisa  sporozoit,  vektor  yang  berperan  di  Desa  Panusupan  Kecamatan  Rembang  adalah Anopheles maculatus hasil penangkapan hinggap pada manusia diluar rumah pada jam 18.00. Kejadian luar biasa malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga, semula kasus import namun karena keberadaan vektor (daerah reseptif, sehingga terjadi penularan lokal. Analisis spasial kasus malaria di kedua desa mengelompok dan berdekatan dengan habitat perkembangbiakan An. maculatus yaitu ditepi aliran sungai. Mencermati vektor yang berperan di daerah KLB adalah An. maculatus dengan aktivitas sore sampai malam hari, maka perlu diinformasikan kepada masyarakat agar menjaga tidak kontak dengan nyamuk dan melindungi masyarakat dengan kelambu berinsektisida yang mempunyai daya lindung lama (LLIN sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya penularan.Kata Kunci : analisis spasial, KLB, Anopheles maculatus dan malariaAbstractMalaria outbreak or increase cases has came up very often inside or outside of Java Island. The increase malaria cases from Purbalingga Regency is reported


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    Sobari Sobari


    Full Text Available Survei kebutuhan informasi yang telah dilaksanakan di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya bertujuan untuk mengetahui subjek-subjek informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat setempat serta untuk mengetahui usaha masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Hasil analisis survei menyimpulkan bahwa kebutuhan informasi masyarakat Jayawijaya lebih dominan pada subjek-subjek informasi bidang teknologi tepat guna, teknologi pedesaan atau teknologi sederhana. Subjek-subjek informasi lain yang juga banyak dibutuhkan adalah masalah sosial budaya, Kesehatan masyarakat, sistem peraturan perundang-undangan, hukum, kepemerintahan, administrasi, manajemen dan masalah perkantoran. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya, masyarakat Jayawijaya masih mengandalkan perpustakaan sebagai tempat memperoleh bUkubuku atau bahan bacaan. Kebutuhan buku-buku pelajaran dan buku-buku bacaan anak-anak sekolah di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya, khususnya wilayah Wamena masih dirasakan sangat kurang.

  9. Optimal designs for one- and two-color microarrays using mixed models: a comparative evaluation of their efficiencies. (United States)

    Lima Passos, Valéria; Tan, Frans E S; Winkens, Bjorn; Berger, Martijn P F


    Comparative studies between the one- and two-color microarrays provide supportive evidence for similarities of results on differential gene expression. So far, no design comparisons between the two platforms have been undertaken. With the objective of comparing optimal designs of one- and two-color microarrays in their statistical efficiencies, techniques of design optimization were applied within a mixed model framework. A- and D-optimal designs for the one- and two-color platforms were sought for a 3 x 3 factorial experiment. The results suggest that the choice of the platform will not affect the "subjects to groups" allocation, being concordant in the two designs. However, under financial constraints, the two-color arrays are expected to have a slight upper hand in terms of efficiency of model parameters estimates, once the price of arrays is more expensive than that of subjects. This statement is especially valid for microarray studies envisaging class comparisons.

  10. Analisis Persepsi Leadership Dan Kewirausahaan Dalam Mencapai Visi Teacherprenuership Dan Entrepreneurship (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)


    Oktradiksa, Ahwy


    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui persepsi leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship menurut mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam.(2) Untuk mengetahui analisis leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship di Fakultas Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan studi kasus. Metode penelitian dengan analitis deskriptif, metode pengambilan sampel yang diambil dengan purposive sampling, teknik p...

  11. Design of single-layer high-efficiency transmitting phase-gradient metasurface and high gain antenna (United States)

    Zhang, Di; Yang, Xiaoqing; Su, Piqiang; Luo, Jiefang; Chen, Huijie; Yuan, Jianping; Li, Lixin


    In this paper, based on rotation phase-gradient principle, a single-layer, high-efficiency transmitting metasurface is designed and applied to high-gain antenna. In the case of circularly polarized incident wave, the PCR (polarization conversions ratio) of the metasurface element is greater than 90% in the band of 9.11-10.48 GHz. The transmitting wave emerges an anomalous refraction when left-handed circularly polarized wave are incident perpendicularly to the 1D phase-gradient metasurface, which is composed of cycle arrangement of 6 units with step value of 30°. The simulated anomalous refraction angle is 40.1°, coincided with the theoretical design value (40.6°). For further application, the 2D focused metasurface is designed to enhance the antenna performance while the left-handed circularly polarized antenna is placed at the focus. The simulated max gain is increased by 12 dB (182%) and the half-power beamwidth is reduced by 74.6°. The measured results are coincided with the simulations, which indicates the antenna has high directivity. The designed single-layer transmission metasurface has advantages of thin thickness (only 1.5 mm), high efficiency and light weight, and will have important application prospects in polarization conversion and beam control.


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    Giat Karyono


    Full Text Available Background preparation of this thesis report, Silva (2007 mentions that the competition for students between universities was inevitable as it grows, universities should equip themselves to survive in the competition that ultimately colleges that are not sensitive to compete. The demand for a high performance organization that has also faced by STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto. Existing data on the colleges that are so big and much needed storage space allocation will be helped and be efficient with the data warehouse (Wikramanayake, 2006. Based on the data management / decision makers in education institutions is always a constant attempt to find an information / decision analysis that are useful in the search for new students. For the needs of the analysis method was used OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing which presents the data in the form of multidimensional query that is easier to be presented and analyzed.Data collection methods used in the preparation of this report include the method of observation of interviews and field studies, literature, internet search, as well as observing systems that are already running.This research was conducted with the following steps: 1 The analysis system that includes the current SIPMB analysis, identification of the cause of the problem, analysis of system requirements. 2 System design, including design of data warehouses and OLAP applications PMB. This design produces data warehouse architecture, data modeling dimensional, the establishment of a data warehouse, OLAP stakeholders PMB, PMB OLAP viewpoint, scenario, model systems, and user interface design. 3 Implementation, covers the application of OLAP applications PMB and operations performed included, 4 testing system, test the product in accordance with ISO 9126 software includes six quality characteristics of Functionality, Reliability, Usability, efficiency, Maintainability, Portability. In order not to interfere the performance of the operational

  13. A Pareto-based multi-objective optimization algorithm to design energy-efficient shading devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khoroshiltseva, Marina; Slanzi, Debora; Poli, Irene


    Highlights: • We present a multi-objective optimization algorithm for shading design. • We combine Harmony search and Pareto-based procedures. • Thermal and daylighting performances of external shading were considered. • We applied the optimization process to a residential social housing in Madrid. - Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of designing new energy-efficient static daylight devices that will surround the external windows of a residential building in Madrid. Shading devices can in fact largely influence solar gains in a building and improve thermal and lighting comforts by selectively intercepting the solar radiation and by reducing the undesirable glare. A proper shading device can therefore significantly increase the thermal performance of a building by reducing its energy demand in different climate conditions. In order to identify the set of optimal shading devices that allow a low energy consumption of the dwelling while maintaining high levels of thermal and lighting comfort for the inhabitants we derive a multi-objective optimization methodology based on Harmony Search and Pareto front approaches. The results show that the multi-objective approach here proposed is an effective procedure in designing energy efficient shading devices when a large set of conflicting objectives characterizes the performance of the proposed solutions.

  14. Design and development of a high efficiency tank for crude oil dehydration (i)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forero, Jorge Enrique; Ortiz Olga Patricia; Narino, Fredy Abelardo


    This paper introduces a new tank design for dehydrating and desalting large volumes of crude oils previously degasified, crude oil dehydration efficiency is reduced by gas presence in the emulsion interphase. The design presented in this paper is versatile (it is adaptable to any classical dehydration process), highly efficient in terms of separation (values usually greater than 90% and/or treated crude oil BSW less than 0,5% are ensured), low installation and operation costs, less consumption of additives. These are some of the advantages found in pilot tests plants and proven in industrial systems at the ECOPETROL S.A. production fields with treatment capacities from 14 to 50 KBD. Although this process also can be applied to other ranks of flow, maintaining the design critical conditions of each case in particular. This system does not exhibit the typical limitations shown by treatment traditional systems (FWKO, Gun Barrel, thermal and electrostatic separators, etc.) (Al-Ghamdi, 2007) since it can be easily adapted to system treatments for light, intermediate, and heavy crude oils and to treatments with BSW content ranging from a very low levels of ≤ 1% to very high levels ≥ 95%, values that are not unusual in production fields nowadays, especially where accelerated production methods are used


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    Noor Arifin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of Work Quality, Performance, and Job Satisfaction in CV. Duta Senenan Jepara. This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality work life of employees to their performance, analyze the effect of the quality of work life to the job satisfaction, and analyze the effect of the job satisfaction to employee performance. Variables used in this study are: quality of work Life developed by Wayne Cascio 1992; the performance of employees, developed by Elmuti and Kathawala, 1997; and variables Job Satisfaction, provided by Robbin, 1996 and Wexley et al, 1992. The sample of this study consists of 65 employees. The data Analysis were performed using structural equation modeling with partial least square approach. The result suggests that the quality of work life affects the performance; the satisfaction affects the employee performance; and the quality of working life has no effect on employee satisfaction.   Keywords :  quality of work life, on job satisfaction, employee performance   Abstrak: Analisis Kualitas Kehidupan, Kinerja, dan Kepuasan Kerja pada CV. Duta Senenan Jepara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, menganalisis pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja, dari Cascio Wayne 1992. kemudian kinerja karyawan, dari Elmuti dan Kathawala, 1997, dan Kepuasan Kerja, yang dikembangkan oleh Robbin, 1996 serta Wexley, 1992. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 65 karyawan dari CV DUTA Senenan Jepara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM dengan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerjanya; kepuasan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dan kualitas kehidupan kerja tidak

  16. Technical and economic assessment of design efficiency of information and measuring systems (United States)

    Yurov, V. M.; Eremin, E. N.; Baisagov, Ya Zh; Arkhipov, V. V.


    A thermodynamic approach to the analysis of information-measuring systems (IMS) is developed in the work. Expressions for efficiency of IMS are obtained. The connection between the amount of processor memory and the amount of incoming information and the accuracy of the IMS is obtained. It is shown that the probability of information loss in IMS decreases with the increase in the amount of information from the object. Using the analogy method, economic aspects of IMS design are considered. The innate ability of IMS and Moore’s law are considered. The proposed approach and the resulting formulas will be useful in the design of new IMS.





    2012 Analisis Pengaruh LDR, NPL, dan ROA terhadap CAR Pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Se-Indonesia Tahun 2007-2011 Analysis of Effect of Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, and Return On Assets to the Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Regional Development Banks In Indonesia Period 2007-2011 Fatwal Sam Cepi Pahlevi Gamalca Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel LDR, NPL dan ROA terhadap CAR. Data yang digunakan adalah publikasi laporan tahun...

  18. Design Considerations | Efficient Windows Collaborative (United States)

    Foundry Foundry New Construction Windows Window Selection Tool Selection Process Design Guidance Installation Replacement Windows Window Selection Tool Assessing Options Selection Process Design Guidance Installation Understanding Windows Benefits Design Considerations Measuring Performance Performance Standards

  19. Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya

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    Aldioctavia Vicka Paramita


    Full Text Available PT. XYZ Surabaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar BUMN di Indonesia. Perusahaan BUMN ini bergerak dibidang aspek kelistrikan yang ada di area Jawa Timur. Dengan karya inovasinya, yaitu pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat bisnis yang semula dikerjakan secara manual menjadi berbasis web, tentu akan melahirkan sikap penerimaan atau penolakan dari user dalam proses penggunaannya. Sedangkan sebuah sistem informasi yang baik adalah yang dapat diterima oleh user dan dirasa memberikan kemudahan dan manfaat dalam proses penggunannya. Melalui tugas akhir ini akan diterapkan model sukses Fred Davis akan menilai faktor kemanfaatan dan kemudahan user Aplikasi Manajemen Surat  menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square untuk mengetahui korelasi tiap variabel dan hipotesis. Tugas akhir ini memverivikasi bahwa persepsi kemudahan penggunaan berpengaruh terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan penggunaan layanan AMS. Variasi pada penggunaan AMS dipengaruhi sebesar 24,5 persen oleh persepsi kemudahan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Pada persepsi minat sebesar 3,1 persen variasi dipengaruhi oleh persepsi sikap dan kemanfaatan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Persepsi kemanfaatan dan kemudahan mempengaruhi variasi dari persepsi sikap sebesar 94,5 persen. Sedangkan variasi dari persepsi kenyataan, sebesar 57,3 persen diperngaruhi oleh persepsi minat dan sisanya 43,7 persen dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang lain.Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya

  20. Representasi Maskulinitas Dalam Iklan Televisi Pond’s Men #Lelakimasakini (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Terhadap Representasi Maskulinitas

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    Friska Dewi Yuliyanti


    Full Text Available This research aims to know the meaning of denotation, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND'S Men that represent the masculine with #LelakiMasaKini edition. The method used in this research is the Semiotic analysis methods. The Semiotic analysis used in this research is the Semiotic Roland Barthes. The results of this research show that there are; meaning denote, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND'S #LelakiMasaKini. The results obtained from the signs of the dominant in the preview scenes that are taken in accordance with the criteria that have been determined. Advertising on Rio Dewanto version described three meaning denotes, three meaning of the connotations and three myths. On the version of the advertisement, Keenan Pearce described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and three myths or ideologies and on the version of the Marshall Sastra described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and 3 myths or ideologies. Concluded the side or the form of masculinity is promoted of the physical appearance of the type of men who tend to metrosexual, the dream of women, the leader success, lack men who think creatively and have hobbies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi dalam iklan televisi POND’S Men yang merepresentasikan maskulinitas dengan edisi #LelakiMasaKini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis semiotik. Analisis Semiotik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis semiotik Roland Barthes. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi pada iklan televisi POND’S Men #LelakiMasaKini. Hasil itu diperoleh dari tanda-tanda dominan pada cuplikan adegan-adegan yang diambil sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Pada iklan versi Rio Dewanto digambarkan 3 makna denotasi, 3

  1. Efficient Use of Preisach Hysteresis Model in Computer Aided Design

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    IONITA, V.


    Full Text Available The paper presents a practical detailed analysis regarding the use of the classical Preisach hysteresis model, covering all the steps, from measuring the necessary data for the model identification to the implementation in a software code for Computer Aided Design (CAD in Electrical Engineering. An efficient numerical method is proposed and the hysteresis modeling accuracy is tested on magnetic recording materials. The procedure includes the correction of the experimental data, which are used for the hysteresis model identification, taking into account the demagnetizing effect for the sample that is measured in an open-circuit device (a vibrating sample magnetometer.

  2. Completion plug design provides improved operational efficiency and safety while minimizing environmental risks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dum, Frank [T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, OK (United States)


    Pipeline repair standards have been raised with recent improvements for completion plugs when used with a brand new setting tool, resulting in lower environmental risks, improved operational efficiency and safety. The design changes were originally made to serve in an offshore environment in order to minimize the diver's time in the water and simplify steps by the diver to execute pipeline repair operations in cold, dark conditions. Enhancements in the design include fewer number of fittings, plugs, o-rings and gaskets isolating the pipeline product found inside the pipe. The new design is a step toward meeting strict operational and safety standards demanded in the field of pipeline maintenance and repair. (author)

  3. Efficient use of design-based binning methodology in a DRAM fab (United States)

    Karsenti, Laurent; Wehner, Arno; Fischer, Andreas; Seifert, Uwe; Goeckeritz, Jens; Geshel, Mark; Gscheidlen, Dieter; Bartov, Avishai


    It is a well established fact that as design rules and printed features shrink, sophisticated techniques are required to ensure the design intent is indeed printed on the wafer. Techniques of this kind are Optical Proximity Correction (OPC), Resolution Enhancement Techniques (RET) and DFM Design for Manufacturing (DFM). As these methods are applied to the overall chip and rely on complex modeling and simulations, they increase the risk of creating local areas or layouts with a limiting process window. Hence, it is necessary to verify the manufacturability (sufficient depth of focus) of the overall die and not only of a pre-defined set of metrology structures. The verification process is commonly based on full chip defect density inspection of a Focus Exposure Matrix (FEM) wafer, combined with appropriate post processing of the inspection data. This is necessary to avoid time consuming search for the Defects of Interest (DOI's) as defect counts are usually too high to be handled by manual SEM review. One way to post process defect density data is the so called design based binning (DBB). The Litho Qualification Monitor (LQM) system allows to classify and also to bin defects based on design information. In this paper we will present an efficient way to combine classification and binning in order to check design rules and to determine the marginal features (layout with low depth of focus). The Design Based Binning has been connected to the Yield Management System (YMS) to allow new process monitoring approaches towards Design Based SPC. This could dramatically cut the time to detect systematic defects inline.


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    Enny Purwati Nurlaili


    Full Text Available Makalah ini memaparkan hasil penelitian menentukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk sayuran segar dari Perusahaan Agroindustri PT Z.  Strategi perbaikan kualitas dirumuskan berdasar keinginan pelanggan, atribut kunci dan membandingkan evaluasi faktor internal dan eksternal. Keinginan pelanggan dirumuskan dengan metode QFD sedangkan penentuan strategi menggunakan analisa SWOT.. Analisis QFD menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan perusahaan dalam memenuhi keinginan dan harapan pelanggan secara keseluruhan sudah cukup memuaskan konsumen. Sedangkan strategi yang paling tepat digunakan adalah stategi S – O yaitu melakukan peningkatan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan terutama upaya mempertahankan kesegaran dan jaminan kemanan pangan melalui penerapan  HACCP Kata Kunci :        Agroindustry, QFD, Formulasi Strategi,  Sayuran Segar

  5. Design of efficient circularly symmetric two-dimensional variable digital FIR filters. (United States)

    Bindima, Thayyil; Elias, Elizabeth


    Circularly symmetric two-dimensional (2D) finite impulse response (FIR) filters find extensive use in image and medical applications, especially for isotropic filtering. Moreover, the design and implementation of 2D digital filters with variable fractional delay and variable magnitude responses without redesigning the filter has become a crucial topic of interest due to its significance in low-cost applications. Recently the design using fixed word length coefficients has gained importance due to the replacement of multipliers by shifters and adders, which reduces the hardware complexity. Among the various approaches to 2D design, transforming a one-dimensional (1D) filter to 2D by transformation, is reported to be an efficient technique. In this paper, 1D variable digital filters (VDFs) with tunable cut-off frequencies are designed using Farrow structure based interpolation approach, and the sub-filter coefficients in the Farrow structure are made multiplier-less using canonic signed digit (CSD) representation. The resulting performance degradation in the filters is overcome by using artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization. Finally, the optimized 1D VDFs are mapped to 2D using generalized McClellan transformation resulting in low complexity, circularly symmetric 2D VDFs with real-time tunability.

  6. Environmental analysis of natural gas life cycle; Analisi ambientale del ciclo di vita del gas naturale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riva, A.; D' Angelosante, S.; Trebeschi, C. [Snam SpA, Rome (Italy)


    Life Cycle Assessment is a method aimed at identifying the environmental effects connected with a given product, process or activity during its whole life cycle. The evaluation of published studies and the application of the method to electricity production with fossil fuels, by using data from published databases and data collected by the gas industry, demonstrate the importance and difficulties to have reliable and updated data required for a significant life cycle assessment. The results show that the environmental advantages of natural gas over the other fossil fuels in the final use stage increase still further if the whole life cycle of the fuels, from production to final consumption, is taken into account. [Italian] L'analisi del ciclo di vita e' una metodologia che consente di identificare gli effetti ambientali associati ad un prodotto, processo o attivita' lungo il loro ciclo di vita. La valutazione di studi pubblicati e l'applicazione della metodologia alla produzione di energia elettrica da combustibili fossili, utilizzando dati provenienti da banche dati di letteratura e raccolti dall'industria del gas, dimostrano l'importanza e la difficolta' di avere a disposizione dati affidabili ed aggiornati, necessari per un'analisi significativa del ciclo di vita. I risultati mostrano che i vantaggi ambientali del gas naturale rispetto agli altri combustibili fossili nella fase di utilizzo finale, aumentano ulteriormente se si considera l'intero ciclo di vita dei diversi combustibili, dalla produzione al consumo finale.

  7. Reluctance motor of new design with improved efficiency and power factor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen-Goos, P; Pieper, W


    Improvement of operating conditions and efficiency by development of new configurations of lamination and production methods for reluctance motors. Investigations during the starting-up period and of the operating behaviour in connection with variable frequency. Reluctance motors are designed in the range from 0,6-4kW with 4-pole winding. They are due to the following identification: 1. The power of motors is in accordance with VDE 42673. 2. The volume of lamination is equal to asynchronous motors of the same IED size. 3. Synchronous pull-out torque is in compliance with VDE 0530: Msub(K)sub(S) > 1,35 Mn (nominal torque). As against standard reluctance motors the following improvements with the new ones have been realized: 4. Increase of nominal power by approx. 100%. 5. Increase of quality factor by approx. 50%. 6. The efficiency is equal to asynchronous motors of the same IEC size.

  8. Analisi della relazione tra temperamento, stati psicobiosociali e variabili psicofisiche rispetto ai diversi compiti e strategie metodologiche


    Montemurro, Francesco Paolo


    L’attività fisica produce effetti benefici a livello mentale (Biddle et al.,2004) e sembra agire sull’emozione modificando attitudini e motivazioni verso la pratica motoria (Digelidis et al., 2003) a partire da sensazioni come il piacere o la noia del fare (Spray et al., 1999). Da questi presupposti il progetto che comprendeva l’analisi di due studi volti a verificare gli effetti dell’attività motoria e sportiva in ambito scolastico, sui comportamenti di adattamento sociale e self efficac...

  9. Bioethanol production from corn stover residues. Process design and Life Cycle Assessment; Bioetanolo da resuidui della lavorazione del mais: process design e analisi del ciclo di vita

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Bari, I; Dinnino, G; Braccio, G [Dipartimento Tecnologie per l' Energia, Fonti Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Trisaia, Matera (Italy)


    nel centro ENEA di Trisaia: il pretrattamento a base di steam explosion e l'idrolisi enzimatica. L'impianto modellato ha una capacita di 60kt/a (dimensionato su bacini di approvvigionamento realistici in Italia); la biomassa e pretrattata con processo di steam explosion acido-catalizzato; la cellulosa e l'emicellulosa sono idrolizzate e fermentate separatamente; gli enzimi sono prodotti in situ. L'obiettivo principale e stato la minimizzazione del consumo di acqua di rete, di enzimi e di energia. I risultati indicano che la produzione di 1 kg di etanolo (95.4% in peso) richiede 3.5 kg di biomassa su base secca e produce un surplus di energia fino a 740 Wh. L'obiettivo principale dell'analisi LCA e stata la valutazione di impatto ambientale dell'intero ciclo di vita dalla produzione del bioetanolo fino al suo utilizzo in miscele E10. Il Boustead Model e stato utilizzato per compilare l'inventario di ciclo di vita. I risultati ottenuti e discussi in questo rapporto risentono di alcune limitazioni dovute principalmente ai seguenti punti: alcune rese di processo sono state estrapolate sulla base di previsioni di sviluppo ottimistiche; il recupero di energia e vapore potrebbe essere inferiore a quello calcolato per le perdite nei sistemi reali; il riciclo di acqua potrebbe essere limitato dalla tolleranza del lievito all'accumulo di potenziali sostanze tossiche. Ciononostante, la dettagliata analisi di processo sviluppata nel rapporto ha la sua importanza: nel quantificare gli obiettivi critici (ancorche ambiziosi) ai quali puntare per rendere fattibile il processo integrato; nel guidare la scelta delle tecnologie piu appropriate per superare alcuni colli di bottiglia del processo.

  10. Eco-efficient based logistics network design in hybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system in low-carbon economy

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    Yacan Wang


    Full Text Available Purpose: Low-carbon economy requires the pursuit of eco-efficiency, which is a win-win situation between economic and environmental efficiency. In this paper the question of trading off the economic and environmental effects embodied in eco-efficiency in the hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing logistics network design in the context of low-carbon economy is examined.Design/methodology/approach: A multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model to find the optimal facility locations and materials flow allocation is established. In the objective function, three minimum targets are set: economic cost, CO2 emission and waste generation. Through an iterative algorithm, the Pareto Boundary of the problem is obtained.Findings: The results of numeric study show that in order to achieve a Pareto improvement over an original system, three of the critical rates (i.e. return rate, recovery rate, and cost substitute rate should be increased.Practical implications: To meet the need of low-carbon dioxide, an iso- CO2 emission curve in which decision makers have a series of optimal choices with the same CO2 emission but different cost and waste generation is plotted. Each choice may have different network design but all of these are Pareto optimal solutions, which provide a comprehensive evaluation of both economics and ecology for the decision making.Originality/value: This research chooses carbon emission as one of the three objective functions and uses Pareto sets to analyze how to balance profitability and environmental impacts in designing remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain in the context of low-carbon economy.


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    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM adalah suatu pendekatan perawatan yang berbasis pada upaya menjamin keandalan mesin. Dengan pendekatan ini, perawatan ditujukan untuk menjamin agar asset terus menerus mencapai kemampuan dasarnya. Dalam penelitian dilakukan analisis fungsi sistem yang tepat terhadap Baking Section mesin Imaforni PT Nissin Biskuit Indonesia melalui pendekatan RCM untuk mengetahui moda kegagalan yang dapat menyebabkan sistem kehilangan fungsinya. Kata Kunci : Fungsi Sistem,Moda Kegagalan,Reliability Centered Maintenance.


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    Umi Marfuah


    Full Text Available Salah satu daerah Jakarta yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang cukup sibuk yaitu di daerah Pulogadung yang merupakan kawasan industri dan di daerah Dukuh Atas sekitar Sudirman, yang merupakan kawasan perkantoran di pusat kota. Minat masyarakat akan transportasi busway sebagai sarana transportasi umum dalam kegiatan hari – harinya sangat besar. Hal tersebut menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna busway setiap tahunnya, namun Unit Pengelola Transjakarta Busway belum dapat memaksimalkan pelayanan yang dapat diberikan sehingga terjadi penumpukkan penumpang pada halte Pulogadung dan Dukuh Atas, terutama pada hari – hari  kerja di jam sibuk. Penelitian ini didasari pada perbaikan sistem antrian yang ada pada saat ini, sehingga didapatkan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah antrian pada kedua halte tersebut dengan efisien waktu pelayanan sebesar 13%. Model antrian yang digunakan yaitu Single Phase-Single Channel dengan analisis perbaikaanya disimulasikan dengan Promodel.   Kata kunci : Sistem, Antrian, Promodel.

  13. Analisis Vegetasi di Hutan Mbeji Daerah Wonosalam Jombang

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    Anita Munawwaroh


    Full Text Available Analisis vegetasi terhadap hutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati yang terdapat di hutan tersebut sehingga mempermudah didalam melakukan pemeliharaan dan pemberdayaan hutan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati dan struktur vegetasi (frekuensi, kerapatan, dominansi, dan Indeks Nilai Penting di hutan mbeji, Wonossalam, Jombang. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode point centered quarter. Pennelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menujukkan padaHutan Mbeji terdapat 11 jenis pohon yang teridentifikasi dan 15 spesies tumbuhan, dimana ada 10 spesies yang telah teridentifikasiNilai penting  tumbuh-tumbuhan di Hutan Mbeji di daerah Wonosalam Jombang  pada tingkat pohon paling tinggi adalah pohon randu (Ceiba petandra  sebesar 57,42 % sedangkan nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis pohon andong (Rhadamnia cinerea yaitu sebesar 6,06 %. Pada sapling nilai penting yang paling tinggi adalah talas (Colocasia esculenta yaitu sebesar 49,23 %. Sedangkan, nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis nanas (Ananas comosus, nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus, tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber, semak A, semak B, semak C, semak E, dan semak F yaitu sebesar 6,35 %. Tingginya nilai INP menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis tersebut dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekitarnya yang lebih baik dibanding jenis lainnya.

  14. Analisis Cost-Volume-Profit Kaitannya dengan Perencanaan Laba

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    Rian Andriani


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk menganalisis cost, volume, profit Break Event Point dan Margin Of Safety L.A English Course Baleendah Bandung pada kuartal I – IV. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuntitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang memiliki hubungan dengan pokok permasalahan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan metode regresi kuadrat terkecil, break event point dan margin of safety.  Hasil menunjukan, biaya tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, volume penjualan  tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, laba tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, Break Event Point tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I. Sedangkan Margin of safety (% tertinggi pada kuartal IV yaitu 91.9%. Masalah yang timbul dalam  perencanaan  laba yaitu pertama  pendapatan L.A English Course  naik turun  dalam satu  tahunnya, kedua  kurangnya promosi untuk beberapa program kecuali program regular. Upaya dalam mengatasi masalah yang timbul di L.A English Course yaitu pertama memberikan gratis biaya daftar, dan memberi voucher untuk siswa L.A yang memasukan siswa baru., kedua membagikan brosur, dan menawarkan program L.A. dengan melakukan follow up semua nomor telepon tamu yang pernah berkunjung.


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    Edwin Hendrani


    Full Text Available Seiring berjalannya waktu, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK di dunia ini semakin berkembang dengan pesat. Permintaan masyarakat akan kebutuhan jasa transportasi semakin tinggi. Kemajuan internet dan canggihnya telepon genggam semakin lama semakin canggih, yang membuat lebih nyaman dan efisiensi untuk memanjakan masyarakat. Dari fenomena tersebut lahirlah Uber. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM dengan populasi user Uber Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi aplikasi Uber sebagai penyedia jasa Transportasi di Surabaya. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah di analisis oleh peneliti adalah kepercayaan pengguna dalam mengadopsi aplikasi Uber yang sangat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keinginan seseorang untuk menggunakan aplikasi Uber.


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    Naili Farida


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji pengaruh brand equity, nilai pelanggan dan lifestyle yang dimediasi kepuasan konsumen terhadap pembelian ulang produk gadget di Kota Semarang. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen yang telah melakukan pembelian produk gadget merek Samsung, sebanyak 120 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Partial Least Square (PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh brand equity terhadap kepuasan, namun dalam konteks lifestyle dan nilai pelanggan tidak ada pengaruh terhadap kepuasan. Sedangkan kepuasan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh terhadap pembelian ulang. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini mampu meningkatkan pembelian ulang melalui brand equity, lifestyle dan nilai pelanggan dalam konteks kepuasan. The objective of the research was to test the influence of brand equity, customer value and lifestyle which were mediated by consumer satisfaction toward re-purchasing of gadget products in Semarang. The respondents of the study were all consumers who have purchased Samsung gadget products. It was a purposive sampling study with 120 respondents. The data were analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS. The result of the study showed that there was an influence of brand equity toward satisfaction, but in the lifestyle context and customer value did not give any influence toward satisfaction. Whereas; the satisfaction gave influence toward re-purchase. It is expected that this study can increase the repurchasethrough brand equity, lifestyle and customer values in the satisfaction context.

  17. Analisis Penerapan E-Government di Kabupaten Sragen

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    Yan Andriariza AS


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kabupaten Sragen merupakan salah satu pemerintah kabupaten yang menerapkan e-government dengan baik, dan merupakan kabupaten yang menjadi percontohan dalam suksesnya penerapan e-government. Karenanya perlu untuk dilakukan analisis penerapan e-government di Kabupaten Sragen, sebagai contoh bagi daerah lain dalam membangun e-government di daerah tersebut. Analisa yang dilakukan antara lain melihat seberapa jauh penerapan G2C, G2B dan G2G di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisa menggunakan The UN Web Measure Index, dan analisa terakhir melakukan analisa deskriptif untuk 5 faktor kesuksesan penerapan e-government, yaitu Hukum dan Peraturan, Struktur Organisasi, Proses Bisnis, Teknologi Informasi dan Visi, Objektif dan Strategi. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Kabupaten Sragen telah menerapkan G2B dan G2G, serta berada pada tahap awal penerapan G2C, selain itu Kabupaten Sragen juga telah mencapai pemerintahan yang online, tanpa kertas dan transparan. Implementasi e-government di kabupaten Sragen tersebut dapat dikatakan sukses karena telah memenuhi beberapa faktor dalam mencapai kesuksesan implementasi e-government, yaitu hukum dan peraturan, struktur organisasi, teknologi informasi dan visi, objektif dan strategi. Bila dilihat berdasarkan UN Web Measured Index, Kabupaten Sragen telah mencapai tahap 4. Saran yang dapat diberikan melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk unit kerja yang menangani TIK di Kabupaten Sragen akan lebih baik bila dipegang oleh unit kerja setingkat eselon 2 dan perlunya SOP dan peraturan tambahan terkait TIK di Kabupaten Sragen. ABSTRACT Sragen is one of the districts that implement well e-government, and being a model for the successful implementation of e-government. It is necessary to do the analysis of the application of e-government in Sragen, as an example for other regions in developing e-government in the area. Analysis was carried out to see how far the application of G2C

  18. Technical and Economic Aspects of Designing an Efficient Room Air-Conditioner Program in India

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abhyankar, Nikit [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Div.; Shah, Nihar [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Div.; Phadke, Amol [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Div.; Park, Won Young [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Div.


    Several studies have projected a massive increase in the demand for air conditioners (ACs) over the next two decades in India. By 2030, room ACs could add 140 GW to the peak load, equivalent to over 30% of the total projected peak load. Therefore, there is significant interest among policymakers, regulators, and utilities in managing room AC demand by enhancing energy efficiency. Building on the historical success of the Indian Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s star-labeling program, Energy Efficiency Services Limited recently announced a program to accelerate the sale of efficient room ACs using bulk procurement, similar to their successful UJALA light-emitting diode (LED) bulk procurement program. This report discusses some of the key considerations in designing a bulk procurement or financial incentive program for enhancing room AC efficiency in India. We draw upon our previous research to demonstrate the overall technical potential and price impact of room AC efficiency improvement and its technical feasibility in India. We also discuss the importance of using low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants and smart AC equipment that is demand response (DR) ready.

  19. Systems analysis approach to the design of efficient water pricing policies under the EU water framework directive

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riegels, Niels; Pulido-Velazquez, Manuel; Doulgeris, Charalampos


    management objectives. However, the design and implementation of economic instruments for water management, including water pricing, has emerged as a challenging aspect of WFD implementation. This study demonstrates the use of a systems analysis approach to designing and comparing two economic approaches......Economic theory suggests that water pricing can contribute to efficient management of water scarcity. The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a major legislative effort to introduce the use of economic instruments to encourage efficient water use and achieve environmental...... to efficient management of groundwater and surface water given EU WFD ecological flow requirements. Under the first approach, all wholesale water users in a river basin face the same volumetric price for water. This water price does not vary in space or in time, and surface water and groundwater are priced...

  20. Analisis Persepsi Leadership dan Kewirausahaan dalam Mencapai Visi Teacherprenuership dan Entrepreneurship (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)


    Ahwy Oktradiksa


    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui persepsi leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship menurut mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam.(2) Untuk mengetahui analisis leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship di Fakultas Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan studi kasus. Metode penelitian dengan analitis deskriptif, metode pengambilan sampel yang diambil dengan purposive sampling, teknik pengambilan data dengan me...

  1. Exploring the relation between process design and efficiency in high-volume cataract pathways from a lean thinking perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vliet, Ellen J.; Bredenhoff, E.; Bredenhoff, Eelco; Sermeus, Walter; Kop, Lucas M.; Sol, Johannes C.A.; van Harten, Willem H.


    Objective: To compare process designs of three high-volume cataract pathways in a lean thinking framework and to explore how efficiency in terms of lead times, hospital visits and costs is related to process design. Design: International retrospective comparative benchmark study with a mixed-method

  2. Analisis “Brand Equity” Siaran Berita Stasiun Televisi Swasta Indonesia

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    Arif Sugiono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan berbagai merek siaran berita stasiun televisi swasta berdasarkan dimensi ekuitas mereknya, dengan memfokuskan pada empat dimensi ekuitas merek, yang meliputi loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas, dan asosiasi merek. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisis data menggunakan tabulasi dan teknik skala. Hasil penelitian dari dimensi loyalitas merek tiga besar siaran berita secara berurutan adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari dimensi Kesadaran Merek tiga siaran berita yang disebut adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari segi asosiasi merek, Buletin Siang dan Liputan 6 Siang (44%, diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cepat. Patroli (62% diasosiasikan siaran berita yang penyajiannya akurat (benar dan obyektif Info Manca Negara (56% diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cukup menarik. Dari dimensi persepsi kualitas yang dijadikan pedoman adalah, kecepatan berita 31%, keakuratan aberita 36%, penyajian berita 33%, dengan urutan merek siaran berita Liputan 6 Siang, Buser, dan Patroli.

  3. Rational Design and Nanoscale Integration of Multi-Heterostructures as Highly Efficient Photocatalysts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duan, Xiangfeng [Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    The central goal of this project is to design and synthesize complex multi-hetero-nanostructures and fundamental investigation of their potential as efficient and robust photocatalysts. Specifically, the project aims to develop a nanoscale light-harvesting antenna that can efficiently convert solar photon energy into excited electrons and holes, and integrate such antenna with efficient redox nanocatalysts that can harness the photo-generated carriers for productive electrochemical processes. Focusing on this central goal, we have investigated several potential light-harvesting antennas including: silicon nanowires, nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanowires and the emerging perovskite materials. We also devoted considerable effort in developing electrocatalysts including: hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalysts, oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts and oxygen reduction reaction catalysts (ORR). In previous annual reports, we have described our effort in the synthesis and photoelectrochemical properties of silicon, TiO2, perovskite-based materials and heterostructures. Here, we focus our discussion on the recent effort in investigating charge transport dynamics in organolead halide perovskites, as well as carbon nanostructure and platinum nanostructure-based electrocatalysts for energy conversion and storage.

  4. Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kisruh Partai Golkar Pasca Keputusan Menkumham Dalam Program Dialog Primetime News Metro TV Dan Kabar Petang TVOne

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    Etika Widya Kusumadewi


    Full Text Available In the span of 2014 to 2015, the Golkar Party experienced a tumultuous duality of leadership between Aburizal Bakrie and Agung Laksono version. The Government through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights issued a decree stating Golkar Party Agung Laksono version is a legitimate stewardship. Two national television news station, Metro TV and TVOne, which are both owned by political party leaders, also 'warm' to the conflict on both sides. This study aims to understand, analyze, describe and compare dialog program Primetime News Metro and Evening News TVOne in framing news Golkar chaotic post-issuance of a decree by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis method with the paradigm framing or constructionist approach. This study uses a model framing analytical approach by using categorization Murray Edelman. From the results of research show can be quite impartial Metro while TVOne are beyond reasonable limits. Both seemed to favor and do not promote objectivity. Media ownership is considered to impact content that do both. Pada rentang waktu 2014 hingga 2015 Partai Golkar mengalami kisruh dualisme kepemimpinan yakni Golkar Aburizal Bakrie versi Munas Bali dan Golkar Agung Laksono versi Munas Jakarta. Menkumham kemudian mengeluarkan SK yang semakin membuat panas tubuh partai. Dua media televisi nasional, Metro TV dan TVOne, yang keduanya dimiliki oleh pimpinan partai politik, turut ‘menghangatkan’ konflik kedua kubu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami, menganalisis, mendeskripsikan serta menbandingkan program dialog Primetime News Metro TV dan Kabar Petang TVOne dalam membingkai pemberitaan kisruh partai Golkar pasca dikeluarkannya SK Menkumham yang isinya menyatakan Golkar Agung Laksono adalah kepengurusan yang sah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis framing dengan paradigma atau pendekatan konstruksionis. Penelitian ini


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    vivi herlina


    Full Text Available Peran masyarakat untuk memujudkan pembangunan fisik sangat penting sekali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Pungut Hilir, Kecamatan Air Hangat Timur, Kabupaten Kerinci telah diikutsertakan dalam proses pembangunan desa. Namun, terdapat beberapa warga yang tidak ingin ikut terlibat dalam proses pembangunan tersebut. Umumnya masyarakat telah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pertemuan desa. Terdapat lima indikator analisis partisipasi yang digunakan, yaitu indikator prakarsa/inisiatif, pembiayaan, pengambilan keputusan, mobilisasi tenaga, dan pelaksanaan pembangunan.


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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan analisis sebaran radionuklida pada reaktor daya Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWTh, setara dengan 1000 Mwe untuk kondisi operasi normal. Analisis dilakukan untuk dua reaktor yang terpisah sejauh 500 m dan sudut 90o satu dengan yang lain. Langkah awal dalam melakukan analisis adalah menentukan suku sumber reaktor menggunakan program komputer ORIGEN2 dan EMERALD NORMAL. ORIGEN2 digunakan untuk menentukan inventori radionuklida yang terdapat di reaktor. Selanjutnya dengan dengan menggunakan program EMERALD NORMAL dihitung suku sumber yang sampai ke cerobong reaktor. Untuk menganalisis dosis yang diterima penduduk dilakukan dengan menggunakan program PC-CREAM. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk satu dan dua PLTN di calon tapak PLTN. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebaran radionuklida terbesar untuk satu PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 9 (191,25o dan untuk dua PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 10 (213,75o. Radionuklida yang sampai ke penduduk melalui dua alur yaitu alur makanan dan hirupan. Untuk alur makanan berasal dari radionuklida I-131, dan terbesar melalui alur produk susu sebesar 53,40 % untuk satu maupun dua PLTN . Untuk alur hirupan ranionuklida pemberi kontribusi paparan terbesar berasal dari Kr-85m sebesar 53,80 %. Dosis total terbesar yang diterima penduduk terdapat pada jarak 1 Km untuk bayi yaitu sebesar 4,10 μSi dan 11,26 μSi untuk satu dan dua PLTN. Hasil ini sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan batas dosis yang diijinkan oleh badan pengawas (BAPETEN untuk penduduk yaitu sebesar 1 mSi. Kata Kunci : Reaktor daya, komputer code, radionuklida, alur makanan, hirupan   Analysis for radionuclide dispersion for the Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWth Power Reactor, equal to the 1000 MWe at normal condition has been done. Analysis was done for two piles that is separated by 500 m distance and angle of 90o one to other. Initial pace in doing the analysis is to determine reactors source term using ORIGEN2 and EMERALD NORMAL

  7. Toward Efficient Design of Reversible Logic Gates in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata with Power Dissipation Analysis (United States)

    Sasamal, Trailokya Nath; Singh, Ashutosh Kumar; Ghanekar, Umesh


    Nanotechnologies, remarkably Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA), offer an attractive perspective for future computing technologies. In this paper, QCA is investigated as an implementation method for designing area and power efficient reversible logic gates. The proposed designs achieve superior performance by incorporating a compact 2-input XOR gate. The proposed design for Feynman, Toffoli, and Fredkin gates demonstrates 28.12, 24.4, and 7% reduction in cell count and utilizes 46, 24.4, and 7.6% less area, respectively over previous best designs. Regarding the cell count (area cover) that of the proposed Peres gate and Double Feynman gate are 44.32% (21.5%) and 12% (25%), respectively less than the most compact previous designs. Further, the delay of Fredkin and Toffoli gates is 0.75 clock cycles, which is equal to the delay of the previous best designs. While the Feynman and Double Feynman gates achieve a delay of 0.5 clock cycles, equal to the least delay previous one. Energy analysis confirms that the average energy dissipation of the developed Feynman, Toffoli, and Fredkin gates is 30.80, 18.08, and 4.3% (for 1.0 E k energy level), respectively less compared to best reported designs. This emphasizes the beneficial role of using proposed reversible gates to design complex and power efficient QCA circuits. The QCADesigner tool is used to validate the layout of the proposed designs, and the QCAPro tool is used to evaluate the energy dissipation.

  8. Designing efficient logging systems for northern hardwoods using equipment production capabilities and costs. (United States)

    R.B. Gardner


    Describes a typical logging system used in the Lake and Northeastern States, discusses each step in the operation, and presents a simple method for designing and efficient logging system for such an operation. Points out that a system should always be built around the key piece of equipment, which is usually the skidder. Specific equipment types and their production...

  9. Extreme triple asymmetric (ETAS) epitaxial designs for increased efficiency at high powers in 9xx-nm diode lasers (United States)

    Kaul, T.; Erbert, G.; Maaßdorf, A.; Martin, D.; Crump, P.


    Broad area lasers that are tailored to be most efficient at the highest achievable optical output power are sought by industry to decrease operation costs and improve system performance. Devices using Extreme-Double-ASymmetric (EDAS) epitaxial designs are promising candidates for improved efficiency at high optical output powers due to low series resistance, low optical loss and low carrier leakage. However, EDAS designs leverage ultra-thin p-side waveguides, meaning that the optical mode is shifted into the n-side waveguide, resulting in a low optical confinement in the active region, low gain and hence high threshold current, limiting peak performance. We introduce here explicit design considerations that enable EDAS-based devices to be developed with increased optical confinement in the active layer without changing the p-side layer thicknesses. Specifically, this is realized by introducing a third asymmetric component in the vicinity of the quantum well. We call this approach Extreme-Triple-ASymmetric (ETAS) design. A series of ETAS-based vertical designs were fabricated into broad area lasers that deliver up to 63% power conversion efficiency at 14 W CW optical output power from a 100 μm stripe laser, which corresponds to the operation point of a kW optical output power in a laser bar. The design process, the impact of structural changes on power saturation mechanisms and finally devices with improved performance will be presented.


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    Sopiyandi Sopiyandi


    Full Text Available Abstract: Type Analysis, Number and Quality Breakfast of Children on Elementary School. The research objective is to analyze the full breakfast at the elementary school students in District Rasau Jaya covering aspects of the type, quantity and quality of the breakfast. This research is an analytic with Cross sectional study design. Subjects were students at SDN 1 Rasau Jaya aged 8-12 years, a large sample of 215 respondents. The results showed that as many as 98.6% of students breakfasts with ten types of food most consumed by children during breakfast ie eggs, white rice, fried rice, yellow rice, tempeh, bulb meatballs, dumplings, bread, sausages and porridge. While the five types of beverage most consumed by children during breakfast was tea, milk, juice, water, and syrup. 54% of the number of good energy, 51% protein and 68.4% fat in both categories. 61.9% carbohydrate intake is not good. The nutritional quality of food is quite good kid. Abstrak : Analisis Jenis, Jumlah Dan Mutu Sarapan Pagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menganalisis sarapan pagi pada siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Rasau Jaya meliputi aspek jenis, jumlah dan mutu sarapan. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain penelitian Cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SDN 1 Rasau Jaya usia 8-12 tahun, besar sampel penelitian sebanyak 215 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 98,6 % siswa sarapan dengan sepuluh jenis makanan yang paling banyak dikonsumsi oleh anak selama sarapan yaitu telur ayam, nasi putih, nasi goreng, nasi kuning, tempe, pentol bakso, siomay, roti, sosis, dan bubur. Sedangkan lima jenis minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi oleh anak selama sarapan adalah teh, susu, air jeruk, air putih, dan sirup. Sebanyak 54% jumlah energi baik, protein 51 % dan lemak 68,4% pada kategori baik. 61,9% asupan karbohidrat tidak baik. Mutu gizi pangan anak tergolong baik.

  11. Design of high efficiency and energy saving aeration device for aquaculture (United States)

    Liu, Sibo


    Energy efficient aeration device for aquaculture, in line with "by more than a generation, dynamic aeration" train of thought for technical design and improvement. Removable aeration terminal as the core, multi-level water to improve the method, the mobile fading pore aeration, intelligent mobile and open and close as the main function, aimed at solving the existing pond aeration efficiency, low energy consumption is high, the function of a single problem. From energy saving, efficiency, biological bacteria on the three directions, the aquaculture industry of energy conservation and emissions reduction. Device of the main advantages are: 1, original mobile fading aerator on the one hand, to expand the scope of work, playing a micro porous aeration of dissolved oxygen with high efficiency and to achieve "by more than a generation", on the other hand, through the sports equipment, stir the mixture of water, the water surface of photosynthesis of plants rich in dissolved oxygen input parts of the tank, compared to the stillness of the aerator can be more fully dissolved oxygen.2, through the opening of the pressure sensor indirect control device, can make the equipment timely and stop operation, convenient in use at the same time avoid the waste of energy.3, the biofilm suspension in aeration terminal, can be accomplished by nitration of microbial multi-level water improvement, still can make biofilm increase rate of netting in the movement process, the biological and mechanical aerobic promote each other, improve the efficiency of both. In addition, the device has small power consumption, low cost of characteristics. And have a certain degree of technical barriers, have their own intellectual property rights, and high degree of product market demand, easily accepted by customers, has a very high popularization value.

  12. Design of high-efficiency diffractive optical elements towards ultrafast mid-infrared time-stretched imaging and spectroscopy (United States)

    Xie, Hongbo; Ren, Delun; Wang, Chao; Mao, Chensheng; Yang, Lei


    Ultrafast time stretch imaging offers unprecedented imaging speed and enables new discoveries in scientific research and engineering. One challenge in exploiting time stretch imaging in mid-infrared is the lack of high-quality diffractive optical elements (DOEs), which encode the image information into mid-infrared optical spectrum. This work reports the design and optimization of mid-infrared DOE with high diffraction-efficiency, broad bandwidth and large field of view. Using various typical materials with their refractive indices ranging from 1.32 to 4.06 in ? mid-infrared band, diffraction efficiencies of single-layer and double-layer DOEs have been studied in different wavelength bands with different field of views. More importantly, by replacing the air gap of double-layer DOE with carefully selected optical materials, one optimized ? triple-layer DOE, with efficiency higher than 95% in the whole ? mid-infrared window and field of view greater than ?, is designed and analyzed. This new DOE device holds great potential in ultrafast mid-infrared time stretch imaging and spectroscopy.

  13. Efektivitas dan Kendala Pembelajaran Sains Berbasis Inkuiri terhadap Capaian Dimensi Kognitif Siswa: Meta Analisis

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    Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


    teknologi informasi. Pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri sering disusun dalam fase penyelidikan yang berfokus untuk membangun kemampuan sains bagi para siswa. Namun, variasi yang berbeda mengenai makna kompetensi penyelidikan sering kita temukan di berbagai literatur. Artikel ini berfokus untuk mengidentifikasi dan meringkas fitur inti dari pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri melalui metode meta analisis, mengkaji literatur secara sistematis dan mengembangkan proses penyelidikan yang disintesis dengan menggabungkan kekuatan kerangka kerja pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri yang ada untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan basis data dari Web of Science dan ERIC (Education Resources Information Center; Sebanyak 15 artikel yang menjelaskan tahap penyelidikan atau keseluruhan proses penyelidikan dipilih berdasarkan kriteria pencarian yang spesifik. Analisis terhadap artikel menghasilkan identifikasi lima fase penyelidikan umum yang dapat berbeda secara istilah satu sama lainnya yaitu: Orientasi, Konseptualisasi, Investigasi, Diskusi dan Kesimpulan. Disamping itu, hampir seluruh pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri biasanya berakhir dengan fase Kesimpulan. Berdasarkan analisis di seluruh hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri telah berhasil menunjukkan peningkatan penguasaan aspek kognitif siswa secara signifikan.

  14. Efficient design of two-dimensional recursive digital filters. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Twogood, R.E.; Mitra, S.K.


    This report outlines the research progress during the period August 1978 to July 1979. This work can be divided into seven basic project areas. Project 1 deals with a comparative study of 2-D recursive and nonrecursive digital filters. The second project addresses a new design technique for 2-D half-plane recursive filters, and Projects 3 thru 5 deal with implementation issues. The sixth project presents our recent study of the applicability of array processors to 2-D digital signal processing. The final project involves our investigation into techniques for incorporating symmetry constraints on 2-D recursive filters in order to yield more efficient implementations

  15. Joint Design of Control and Power Efficiency in Wireless Networked Control System

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    Yan Wang


    Full Text Available This paper presents a joint design method for wireless networked control system (WNCS to balance both the demands of network service and the control performance. Since the problems of power consumption, communication reliability, and system stability exist simultaneously and interdependently in WNCS, most of the achieved results in the wireless network and wired networked control system cannot be used directly. To coordinate the three problems, sampling period is found to be the linking bridge. An adaptive sampling power efficiency algorithm is proposed to manage the power consumption such that it can meet the demands of network life span. The sampling period is designed to update periodically on the constraints of network schedulability and system stability. The convergence of the power efficiency algorithm is further proved. The sampling period is no longer a fixed value, however; thus, increasing the difficulty in modeling and controlling such a complicated time-varying system remains. In this work, a switched control system scheme is applied to model such a WNCS, and the effect of network-induced delay is considered. Switched feedback controllers are introduced to stabilize the WNCS, and some considerations on stability condition and the bounds of the update circle for renewing sampling period are discussed. A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  16. Improving the thermodynamic efficiency of steam turbine condensers with partial tube replacement and an advanced tube bundle design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drosdziok, A.; Zorner, W.


    Many different problems have been experienced with power plant condensers all over the world. It has become apparent that plant availability and cost-effectiveness are significantly influenced by the thermodynamic design of the condensers and the materials selected. This paper reports that by refitting older condensers in operating plants it has proven possible to improve thermodynamic efficiency by changing the tube bundle design. In conjunction with the replacement of the cooper-bearing tubing in these condensers, which became necessary because of the introduction of high AVT (All Volatile Treatment) conditioning in the secondary circuit, it has generally been possible to fulfil the requirements imposed on the condensers without a deterioration of plant efficiency. By experience, best results have been obtained by replacing the condenser bundle with an advanced tube bundle design. Apart from solving all problems, this further improves the thermodynamic efficiency of the condensers. In nuclear power plants constructed by the Siemens KWU Group the condensers are tailored to present-day requirements

  17. Design of PEI-conjugated bio-reducible polymer for efficient gene delivery. (United States)

    Nam, Joung-Pyo; Kim, Soyoung; Kim, Sung Wan


    The poly(cystaminebis(acrylamide)-diaminohexane) (poly(CBA-DAH)) was designed previously as a bio-reducible efficient gene delivery carrier. However, the high weight ratio required to form the polyplexes between poly(CBA-DAH) with pDNA is still a problem that needs to be addressed. To solve this problem and increase the transfection efficiency, poly(ethylenimine) (PEI, 1.8 kDa) was conjugated to poly(CBA-DAH) via disulfide bond. The PEI conjugated poly(CBA-DAH) (PCDP) can bind with pDNA at a very low weight ratio of 0.5 and above, like PEI 25 kDa, and form the polyplexes with nano-size (102-128 nm) and positive surface charge (27-34 mV). PCDP and PCDP polyplexes had negligible cytotoxicity and indicated similar or better cellular uptake than the comparison groups such as PEI 25 kDa and Lipofectamine® polyplexes. To confirm the transfection efficiency, the plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoded with the luciferase reporter gene (gWiz-Luc) and green fluorescent protein reporter gene (GFP) were used and treated with PCDP into the A549, Huh-7, and Mia PaCa-2 cells. PCDP/pDNA polyplexes showed highest transfection efficiency in all tested cell lines. In the luciferase assay, PCDP polyplexes showed 10.2 times higher gene transfection efficiency than Lipofectamine® polyplexes in mimic in vivo conditions (30% FBS, A549 cells). The VEGF siRNA expressing plasmid (pshVEGF), which is constructed as a therapeutic gene by our previous work, was delivered by PCDP into the cancer cells. The VEGF gene expression of PCDP/pshVEGF polyplexes was dramatically lower than control and the VEGF gene silencing efficiencies of PCDP/pshVEGF (w/w; 10/1) polyplexes were 54% (A549 cells), 77% (Huh-7 cells), and 66% (Mia PaCa-2 cells). In addition, PCDP/pshVEGF had reduced cell viability rates of about 31% (A549 cells), 39% (Huh-7 cells), and 42% (Mia PaCa-2 cells) and showed better results than all comparison groups. In the transfection efficiency and VEGF silencing assay, PCDP polyplexes showed

  18. A New Method for Haul Road Design in Open-Pit Mines to Support Efficient Truck Haulage Operations

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    Jieun Baek


    Full Text Available The design of a haul road for an open-pit mine can significantly affect the cost associated with hauling ore and waste to the surface. This study proposes a new method for haul road design in open-pit mines to support efficient truck haulage operations. The road layout in open-pit mines was optimized by using raster-based least-cost path analysis, and the resulting zigzag road sections were simplified by applying the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. In addition, the road layout was modified by reflecting the radius of curvature suggested in the road design guides. Finally, a three-dimensional model reflecting the results of the road design was created by combining the road layout modification result with the slope of the open-pit mine and the bench design result. The application of the proposed method to an area containing gold deposits made it possible to design a haul road for open-pit mines such that it supported efficient truck haulage operations; furthermore, the time required for truck movement along the road could be estimated. The proposed method is expected to be useful for planning and designing open-pit mines and to facilitate the improvement of the road design function of existing mining software applications.


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    Aswar Aswar


    Full Text Available The purposes of this research were to obtain (1 Descriptive-interpretative information  related to the intervention targets of behavior modification, (2 Descriptive-interpretative information  related with the analysis and diagnosis, and (3 Descriptive-interpretative understanding on each form of treatment that can be used as a technique of behavior modification for freesex and homosexual. Data were collected through a text document of Ibnu Qoyyim al-Jauziyyah thought, observation and interview with research subjects in the field. The study used a qualitative approach with multilevel hermeneutic analysis. Results of the study were: (1 Intervention target of modification behavior focusing on thought/belief modification; (2 analysis and diagnosis around the unhealthy thoughts/beliefs and habit/action; (3 it was founded treatment form to alleviate freesex victim and homosexual in the form of mind intervention techniques, lust disorder alleviation techniques, homosexual alleviation techniques, and worship as an alleviation techniques. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh (1 keterangan deskriptif-interpretif terkait sasaran intervensi pengubahan tingkah laku, (2 keterangan deskriptif-interpretif terkait analisis dan diagnosis, dan (3 pemahaman deskriptif-interpretif pada tiap bentuk perlakuan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai teknik pengubahan tingkah laku seks bebas dan homoseks. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumen teks pemikiran Ibnu Qoyyim al-Jauziyyah, observasi dan interviu subjek terteliti lapangan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis hermeneutika bersusun. Hasil penelitian adalah (1 sasaran intervensi pengubahan tingkah laku berfokus di pengubahan pikiran/keyakinan; (2 analisis dan diagnosis berkisar pada pikiran/keyakinan dan kebiasaan/perbuatan yang tidak sehat; (3 ditemukan bentuk perlakuan dalam pengentasan korban seks bebas dan homoseks berupa teknik intervensi pikiran, teknik pengentasan gangguan syahwat, teknik

  20. Hybrid surrogate-model-based multi-fidelity efficient global optimization applied to helicopter blade design (United States)

    Ariyarit, Atthaphon; Sugiura, Masahiko; Tanabe, Yasutada; Kanazaki, Masahiro


    A multi-fidelity optimization technique by an efficient global optimization process using a hybrid surrogate model is investigated for solving real-world design problems. The model constructs the local deviation using the kriging method and the global model using a radial basis function. The expected improvement is computed to decide additional samples that can improve the model. The approach was first investigated by solving mathematical test problems. The results were compared with optimization results from an ordinary kriging method and a co-kriging method, and the proposed method produced the best solution. The proposed method was also applied to aerodynamic design optimization of helicopter blades to obtain the maximum blade efficiency. The optimal shape obtained by the proposed method achieved performance almost equivalent to that obtained using the high-fidelity, evaluation-based single-fidelity optimization. Comparing all three methods, the proposed method required the lowest total number of high-fidelity evaluation runs to obtain a converged solution.