
Sample records for ecosistemas singulars lagos

  1. Tilapia africana en el Lago de Nicaragua: ecosistema en transición.

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    Jeffrey K. McCrary


    Full Text Available Los grandes lagos de Nicaragua, son comparables con el sistema de grandes lagos africanos. Contienen una gran diversidad de peces, incluyendo varios peces endémicos de la familia Cichlidae. La captura de peces en el Lago de Cocibolca, estandarizada en 100 metros de red, promedió 4.34 kilogramos en el área de Ometepe, en donde la tilapia constituyó el 1.5 % del peso total de la captura. Este promedio fue de 0.80 kilogramos en la costa septentrional, donde la tilapia constituyó 54% del peso total de la captura. Un estudio ruso efectuado en 1983 y desarrollado en todo el Lago, demostró que el promedio era de 4.66 kilogramos. Los autores del presente artículo recomiendan que en el Lago Cocibolca se implemente un plan de manejo adecuado para controlar la población de tilapia y rescatar un ecosistema en peligro de colapso


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    Marisa Cogliati


    Full Text Available La distribución de sustancias disueltas, nutrientes, microorganismos y plancton es influenciada por la circulación del agua en los lagos, por lo que el adecuado conocimiento de los movimientos del agua adquiere importancia en la caracterización de ecosistemas lacustres ya que además, inciden en la distribución del calor entre las distintas capas del lago. Una de las características más importantes del lago es su estructura térmica. El contenido de calor del cuerpo de agua es de vital importancia en los estudios de la calidad de agua en lagos. El metabolismo y el comportamiento de los organismos acuáticos están directamente relacionados con la temperatura del agua.

  3. La ciudad como ecosistema urbano


    Higueras García, Esther


    LA CIUDAD COMO ECOSISTEMA URBANO .- La ecología y los ecosistemas .- El ecosistema urbano, definición, alcance y oportunidad .- El metabolismo urbano .- Los síntomas de la patología urbana .- Los objetivos del nuevo ecosistema urbano .- Las aportaciones de los ecobarrios

  4. Estado del arte de la limnología de lagos de planos inundables (Ciénagas) en Colombia


    Montoya Moreno Yimmy; Aguirre R Néstor


    Colombia es uno de los países con mayor diversidad de especies y de ecosistemas en el planeta. Los lagos ubicados en llanuras de inundación o «ciénagas» (como comúnmente se las conoce en Colombia) comprenden un tipo de ecosistema acuático, que, no obstante su elevada riqueza específica, han sido someramente estudiados. Las investigaciones básicas en estos ambientes son escasas, en su mayoría se hallan publicadas en la «literatura gris» y no existe una compilación actualizada de los di...

  5. Los ecosistemas marinos y costeros.

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    Comité Editorial Gestión y Ambiente


    Full Text Available Apreciado lector. Como lo habíamos anunciado, este número de la Revista Gestión y Ambiente centra su atención en los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales y el último número del año 2008 se referirá a los ecosistemas marinos y costeros. El agua es un recurso esencial para los seres vivos; se compone de hidrógeno y de oxígeno, contiene gases y nutrientes, partículas suspendidas vivas y no vivas, y físicamente, es permeada por la luz y el calor. Sólo una parte pequeña del agua del planeta es dulce. Los ríos, lagos y ciénagas del paisaje terrestre son ecosistemas donde interactúan lo vivo y lo no- vivo; y a través del agua, se mueve la materia y fluye la energía. Lo vivo está influido por el agua, pero, a su vez. el agua también lo esta por lo vivo. El agua dulce está en riesgo por la actividad del hombre quien la requiere, la usa, la contamina y la descontamina. Por ello, el conocimiento de los ambientes acuáticos es fundamental. En esta perspectiva, el agua dulce requiere ser estudiada para su aprovechamiento sostenible. Sin embargo, los niveles actuales de contaminación hacen indispensable no sólo su estudio hidrológico- biológico- ecológico, sino también el análisis de la cantidad de agua, su calidad y los procesos de saneamiento. Es igualmente fundamental la gestión del recurso hídrico, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos humanos, económicos y socio- ambientales. Por lo anterior las ciencias naturales, las ingenierías sanitaria y ambiental, y las ciencias sociales deben unir esfuerzos para estudiar los ecosistemas acuáticos con miras a su sostenibilidad, uso, reuso y protección. Además, como temas complementarios, la Revista entrega artículos que amplían temas tratados en números anteriores: • La contaminación atmosférica, con los resultados de dos investigaciones desarrollados en el Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburra, y • La problemática de los riesgos con un

  6. Ciclo del carbono y modelización biogeoquímica de un lago somero hipertrófico: la Albufera de Valencia


    Onandia Bieco, Gabriela


    Los lagos someros son uno de los ecosistemas acuáticos más numerosos a nivel global y hacen posible el desarrollo de multitud de actividades de interés económico y recreativo. En las últimas décadas, gran parte de estos lagos se han visto sujetos a un proceso de eutrofización cultural que a menudo conlleva una transición desde un estado "claro" caracterizado por una alta transparencia del agua y gran abundancia de macrófitos, a un estado "turbio" caracterizado por una baja transparencia del a...


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    Gómez Palacio Germán Raúl


    Full Text Available La ecología actual no es ya una ciencia puramente descriptiva y autosuficiente. Dada la naturaleza compleja de los ecosistemas, ha sido necesario recurrir a disciplinas como la física, la química, y a herramientas matemáticas como la teoría de catástrofes, la teoría de fractales, la cibernética y la teoría de redes, para el estudio y predicción de su comportamiento. La termodinámica -en sus distintos estadios -también aporta a esa visión pluralista, tal vez la única aproximada al comportamiento real de un ecosistema. Se presentan algunas ideas sobre la importancia que pueden tener conceptos como la energía, la entropía, la exergía, la información, el no equilibrio en el análisis de los procesos que tienen lugar en ecosistemas.

  8. El ecosistema pedagógico de los PLEs


    Adell, Jordi; Castañeda Quintero, Linda Johanna


    Para citar: Adell, J. y Castañeda, L. (2013). El ecosistema pedagógico de los PLEs. En L. Castañeda y J. Adell (Eds.), Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: Claves para el ecosistema educativo en red (pp. 29-51). Alcoy: Marfil.

  9. Contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico en los ecosistemas acuáticos: problemas medioambientales, criterios de calidad del agua, e implicaciones del cambio climático


    J. A. Camargo; A. Alonso


    Los principales problemas medioambientales asociados a la contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico en los ecosistemas acuáticos son: (1) acidificación de ríos y lagos con baja o reducida alcalinidad; (2) eutrofización de las aguas dulces y marinas (con el problema adicional de las algas tóxicas); y (3) toxicidad directa de los compuestos nitrogenadospara los animales acuáticos. Además, la contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico podría inducir efectos perjudiciales sobre la salud humana. En b...

  10. Evaluación de la eficiencia fotosintética del fitoplancton en un lago amazónico (Lago Boa y en un lago andino (Lago Guatavita Evaluation of the phytoplanktonic photosynthetic efficiency in an Amazon Lake (Lake Boa and in an Andean Lake (Lake Guatavita

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    Gabriel A. Pinilla


    Full Text Available La relación entre la fluorescencia variable y la fluorescencia máxima (Fv/Fm de las comunidades de algas se ha utilizado comúnmente como una medida de la eficiencia fotosintética del fitoplancton. Dicha eficiencia puede estar afectada por la localización de los ambientes acuáticos en distintas provincias limnológicas. En este trabajo se quiso establecer la diferencia en la relación Fv/Fm entre el lago Boa (150 msnm, Amazonía colombiana y el lago Guatavita (3000 msnm, cordillera oriental de los Andes colombianos. Los promedios de las eficiencias medidas fueron en general bajos (0,212 a 0,367 y 0,089 a 0,32 en los lagos Boa y Guatavita, respectivamente, lo que señala estrés fisiológico para las algas. La eficiencia fue mayor en aguas intermedias y presentó cambios fuertes entre épocas de muestreo y entre ecosistemas. En aguas superficiales se presentó fotoinhibición, la cual fue más fuerte en Guatavita. La eficiencia fotosintética fue menor en el lago andino debido posiblemente a diferencias climáticas, de altura sobre el nivel del mar y de estratificación. Durante los ensayos de laboratorio se observó que la eficiencia disminuyó con el tiempo, lo cual pudo deberse a una aclimatación de las algas a la oscuridad. Los datos de laboratorio confirmaron que el fitoplancton epilimnético del lago Guatavita estuvo fotoinhibido en la época de estratificación.Commonly relation between variable fluorescence and maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm of the algae community has been utilized like a measure of the phytoplanktonic photosynthetic efficiency. Such efficiency can be affected by the water bodies' location in different limnological provinces. The goal of this work was to establish the differences in the Fv/Fm rate between Lake Boa (150 masl Colombian Amazon and Lake Guatavita (3000 masl, East Range in the Colombian Andes. In general, averages of the photosynthetic efficiencies were low (0.212 to 0.367 and 0.089 to 0.32 in lakes Boa and


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    Estela Cuna


    Full Text Available Los lagos de alta montaña, con una baja mineralización, alcalinidad y contenido de nutrientes, son ecosistemas sensibles a perturbaciones naturales o antropogénicas y en la actualidad están amenazados por el calentamiento global. En México existen dos lagos de alta montaña (> 3,800 m snm: La Luna y El Sol, en el cráter del Nevado de Toluca. Análisis de parámetros químicos y de diatomeas en sedimentos superficiales permiten identificar que La Luna es más ácido y menos mineralizado que El Sol y que a pesar de su proximidad geográfica cada lago tiene un conjunto de diatomeas característico, con menor abundancia y riqueza específica en La Luna. En este lago dominan Encyonema perpusillum y Psammothidium helveticum y en El Sol Cavinula pseudoscutiformis , Psammothidium levanderi y Aulacoseira distans. Con base en esta distribución se interpreta el registro de diatomeas de una secuencia sedimentaria de La Luna, de 57 cm, fechada con 210 Pb y 14 C en la que también se realizaron análisis de contenido de cladóceros y de susceptibilidad magnética. Todos estos indicadores permiten ubicar el inicio de una tendencia hacia climas secos y fríos alrededor de los años 1350 y 1510, que corresponde a la Pequeña Edad de Hielo (PEH, la cual tiene su máxima expresión entre los años 1660 y 1760, durante el mínimo de actividad solar de Maunder. Las características ambientales de sequía y frío se observan hasta principios del siglo XX. La comparación de este registro con otros disponibles permite concluir que durante la PEH hubo una tendencia regional en el centro de México hacia climas secos.

  12. Murciélagos (Chiroptera: Mammalia del Parque Nacional Yurubí, Venezuela: listado taxonómico y estudio comunitario

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    Mariana Delgado-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Los murciélagos constituyen el grupo de mamíferos más diversificado en la región neotropical y representan un componente clave en la dinámica de muchos ecosistemas terrestres. En este trabajo se describen los resultados de un estudio sobre la quiropterofauna del Parque Nacional Yurubí (ubicado en la zona montañosa del norte de Venezuela, se incluye un listado taxonómico y la caracterización de algunos atributos comunitarios en ambientes predominantemente boscosos. Los datos evaluados fueron obtenidos mediante la revisión de colecciones zoológicas y muestreos diversificados realizados entre febrero y julio del 2009, en un gradiente altitudinal (100-1 500m, que integra a tres unidades ecológicas: bosque semideciduo, bosque siempreverde y selva nublada. Se registraron 64 especies agrupadas en cinco familias, lo que constituye el 63% de los murciélagos conocidos en la Cordillera de la Costa. La familia Phyllostomidae fue dominante (42 especies; 66% del total, seguida por Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Emballonuridae y Mormoopidae. La comunidad presente a baja elevación fue la más diversificada en términos taxonómicos, mientras que la del piso superior evidenció el menor grado de diversificación. Se identificaron 11 categorías tróficas, con dominancia de los insectívoros en cuanto a la riqueza taxonómica y de los frugívoros en lo que respecta a la abundancia. Nuestros resultados permiten inferir, en un contexto general, que los ecosistemas boscosos del área de estudio muestran un buen estado de conservación, en virtud de la presencia de una proporción relativamente alta de especies pertenecientes a la subfamilia Phyllostominae, cuyos componentes han sido considerados por otros autores como indicadores del grado de conservación de hábitats boscosos primarios, así como la presencia de otras especies con prioridades de conservación. Todos estos aspectos, le confieren a esta área protegida un alto valor proteccionista, en

  13. Lagos Notes and Records: Editorial Policies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Professor Tom Byers, University of Louisville Professor Olumuyiwa Alaba, University of Lagos Professor Karen King-Aribisala, University of Lagos Professor Samuel Ade Ojo, University of Lagos Professor Niyi Osundare, University of Lagos Professor Segun Awonusi, University of Lagos Professor Adebayo Lawal, University ...

  14. El nuevo ecosistema mediático

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    Joao Canavilhas


    Full Text Available Originalmente usado para describir la relación entre la blogosfera y la mediasfera, el concepto de Ecosistema Mediático se extendió a otro tipo de relaciones, pasando a designar  todo el complejo sistema de relaciones entre los medios de comunicación. Las nuevas formas de interacción, con los contenidos y los cambios en el consumo mediático motivados por la movilidad y las nuevas interfaces, han producido alteraciones importantes en los propios medios de comunicación que han tenido que adaptarse a esta nueva realidad.Tomando como punto de partida el concepto original de Ecología, tratamos de identificar un conjunto de  elementos que ayuden a aclarar el concepto de  Ecosistema Mediático, en particular en lo que respecta a los diversos factores que influyen en él. Se trata de trazar un paralelo entre los dos ecosistemas –biológico y mediático­­–  buscando formas de integrar las novedades relacionadas con la evolución técnica de los medios, las herramientas y aplicaciones que están cambiando las funciones y contenidos de los medios tradicionales, o alterando la forma de consumo mediático.La propuesta que se hace busca la integración de nuevos conceptos que ahora se estudian de forma fragmentada y, a veces, descontextualizada del nuevo entorno mediático.


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    Gloria Yaneth Florez Yepes


    Full Text Available El presente artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la influencia de la tecnología y la sociedad en los ecosistemas estratégicos, principalmente los humedales altoandinos. Los problemas ambientales están volviéndose más complejos, debido a variables climáticas y antropogénicas que contribuyen a la degradación del ecosistema. Se pueden encontrar soluciones factibles desde un punto de vista social y tecnológico, con base en la participación de las comunidades. Se toma un enfoque sistemático, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores que influyen en los problemas ambientales y la posibilidad de encontrar soluciones apropiadas con base en la participación de las comunidades. Los temas tratados son: i dimensiones de los sistemas tecnológicos, en los ecosistemas estratégicos, ii sistemas tecnológicos y su influencia en los ecosistemas vulnerables, iii contribución de las comunidades en el entendimiento del ecosistema y sus alrededores, iv apropiación de las comunidades de su entorno. La idea es mostrar el grave efecto del proceso de producción inadecuado en los ecosistemas estratégicos, y el hecho de que los procesos comunitarios de desarrollo motivan: i la apropiación de los ecosistemas por parte de las comunidades, ii la conciencia de las comunidades con respecto al efecto de la acción antropogénica sobre los problemas ambientales.


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    M. Á. Hernández-García


    Full Text Available La producción de los ecosistemas terrestres está influida por el clima, especialmente por la temperatura y por las precipitaciones. La temperatura influye sobre la tasa de fotosíntesis, y la cantidad de agua disponible limita tanto la fotosíntesis como la cantidad de hojas que la planta puede sustentar y, consecuentemente, la producción total de las plantas. Las condiciones de altas temperaturas y escasa humedad hacen de los desiertos uno de los ecosistemas terrestres menos productivos. De esta manera, existe una relación casi lineal entre la pluviosidad y la productividad de los órganos aéreos de las plantas.

  17. Bioremediación de lagos tropicales eutrofizados: estudio del Lago San Pablo (Ecuador)


    Gómez Rosero, Tamia Gabriela


    En este trabajo se presenta la propuesta del Plan de Restauración Ambiental denominado "Guardianas/es del Lago" que, a través de la fitorremediación de las macrófitas y diseñado con la participación de la población, plantea disminuir la contaminación que actualmente existe en el lago San Pablo. Para que el diseño sea acorde a la realidad, se ha realizado un diagnóstico de las condiciones físico-químicas, identificación del plancton y de las macrófitas del lago, además una indagaci...

  18. The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Issler, R.S.; Silva, G.G. da.


    The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex located about 840 Km from Manaus, on the northwestern part of the Estado do Amazonas, Brazil is described. Geological reconnaissance mapping by Radam Project/DNPM, of the southwestern portion of the Guianes Craton, determined three circular features arranged in a north-south trend and outcroping as thick lateritic radioactive hills surrounded by gneisses and mignatites of the peneplained Guianense Complex. Results of core drilling samples analysis of the Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex are compared with some igneous rocks and limestones of the world on the basis of abundance of their minor and trace elements. Log-log variation diagram of strontium and barium in carbonatite and limestone, exemplifield by South Africa and Angola carbonatites, are compared with the Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex. The Seis Lagos Carbonatite Complex belongs to the siderite-soevite type. (E.G.) [pt

  19. Procesos de regulación metacognitiva en el aprendizaje de ecosistemas terrestres


    Salazar Oviedo, Vivian Lucy


    En los procesos de regulación metacognitiva en el aprendizaje de ecosistemas terrestres es importante contar con herramientas que permitan identificar las habilidades metacognitivas que poseen los estudiantes, ya que para los docentes contar con este resultado permite conocer hacia donde se deben enfocar las estrategias de aprendizaje. Para el análisis categoría de regulación del aprendizaje de ecosistemas terrestres la investigación se basó en tres subcategorías planificación, monitoreo, y e...


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    Mery Liliana López Martínez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada con el fin de determinar el estado trófico de la laguna de La Cocha, cuerpo hídrico importante en Colombia y en el mundo, que hace parte del humedal Ramsar laguna de La Cocha, ecosistema que cumple distintas funciones y alberga una gran biodiversidad que se quiere proteger. Para lograr el propósito planteado, esta investigación se realizó entre enero y septiembre de 2013, determinando el estado trófico mediante los índices de Carlson, el índice desarrollado por la OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico y el índice de Carlson modificado por Toledo. Los resultados permitieron clasificar a la laguna de La Cocha como oligotrófica y ultraoligotrófica, característica típica de lagos de alta montaña con bajos procesos de contaminación de origen aloctóno y autóctono.

  1. LAGO: The Latin American giant observatory (United States)

    Sidelnik, Iván; Asorey, Hernán; LAGO Collaboration


    The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of a network of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) spanning over different sites located at significantly different altitudes (from sea level up to more than 5000 m a.s.l.) and latitudes across Latin America, covering a wide range of geomagnetic rigidity cut-offs and atmospheric absorption/reaction levels. The LAGO WCD is simple and robust, and incorporates several integrated devices to allow time synchronization, autonomous operation, on board data analysis, as well as remote control and automated data transfer. This detection network is designed to make detailed measurements of the temporal evolution of the radiation flux coming from outer space at ground level. LAGO is mainly oriented to perform basic research in three areas: high energy phenomena, space weather and atmospheric radiation at ground level. It is an observatory designed, built and operated by the LAGO Collaboration, a non-centralized collaborative union of more than 30 institutions from ten countries. In this paper we describe the scientific and academic goals of the LAGO project - illustrating its present status with some recent results - and outline its future perspectives.

  2. Lagos Koolhaas and Partisan Politics in Nigeria


    Fourchard, Laurent


    International audience; Architect Rem Koolhaas and his team from Harvard regard Lagos as an extreme and pathological form of the city in Africa and as a paradigmatic case of a modern avant-garde city. In rehabilitating the informality at work in Lagos, they put forward a romanticized vision of a self-regulatory system working outside state regulation and political influence. In this article I consider that the crisis of urban infrastructure in Lagos is less the result of the weakness of the N...

  3. El Lago de Tota

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    Borrero H. José I.


    Full Text Available Puesto que el lago de Tola constituye hoy en día la única fuente de abastecimiento de agua para nuestra máxima industria nacional, como es Acerías de Paz del Río, porque esta industria depende en un ciento por ciento del lago de Tota para su desarrollo actual y ensanches futuros, según concepto de sus directivas además por ser este un lugar de incomparable belleza al cual debe dársele la importancia que merece, se ha resuelto escribir estas líneas, en las cuales el lector encontrará esbozados en la forma más sucinta posible una serie de hechos que a no dudar todos hemos observado al visitar el lago. No se pretende que este pequeño escrito abarque todo el problema que es de por sí muy vasto y que posiblemente ha sido tratado ya antes con mayor propiedad, pero sí se espera que produzca en cada uno de los lectores una reacción que sea lo suficientemente grande para que logre convertirlos en admiradores de Tota por consiguiente en sus perennes defensores. No tratamos tampoco de inculpar a nadie y menos a ninguna de las entidades nacionales responsables de la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, sino simplemente de alertar a todos los directivos de esas entidades para que de común acuerdo logremos salvar el Lago de Tota.

  4. Degradación y rehabilitación de ecosistemas terrestres: estado de la cuestión


    Montoya Greenheck, Felipe


    Este artí­cu­lo presenta una visión panorámica sobre la degradación y la rehabilitación de los ecosistemas terrestres costarricenses. Se señalan el mal uso de los suelos, la destrucción de los bosques y el au­ge ganadero como los principales factores degradantes de los ecosistemas; por otra parte, se recomiendan prácticas como la designación de la capacidad de uso del suelo, la reforestación y las prácticas silvopastoriles como herramientas en pro de la rehabilitación de los ecosistemas y de ...

  5. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal Sponsorship. Journal Home > About the Journal > Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Journal Sponsorship. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  6. Numerical method of singular problems on singular integrals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Huaiguo; Mou Zongze


    As first part on the numerical research of singular problems, a numerical method is proposed for singular integrals. It is shown that the procedure is quite powerful for solving physics calculation with singularity such as the plasma dispersion function. Useful quadrature formulas for some class of the singular integrals are derived. In general, integrals with more complex singularities can be dealt by this method easily

  7. Evaluación de la contaminación en el lago Titicaca


    Ministerio de Agricultura; Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales. Dirección General de Áreas Naturales Protegidas


    Contiene una relación de informes relacionados a la contaminación del lago Titicaca, tales como: Evaluación de la contaminación en el lago Titicaca y Evaluación ambiental del problema de contaminación que afecta al lago Titicaca (ambos de de setiembre de 1996), Informe sobre la grave contaminación ambiental que está afectando el lago Titicaca (marzo de 1996) y el Plan para descontaminar las aguas del lago Titicaca, Bahía Interior de Puno (julio de 1996).


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    Full Text Available La presente investigación documental tiene como fin dará conocer, mediante un análisis claro y detallado, la información publicada acerca del estado actual ce los ecosistemas de manglar y su gestión. Para ello, se estableció un sistema categorial que facilitó el análisis de la información recopilada. En primera instancia, se examina la importancia de los ecosistemas de manglar, tanto a nivel soco- económico como biológico. Luego, se analizan las causas de su degradación ambiental. agrupadas en: cambio d mático global, desarrollos urbanísticos. Sobreexplotación de los recursos y cambios en el uso del suelo Igualmente, se revisan les efectos de la degradación ambiental de los manglares, resumidos en el deterioro de sus funciones biológicas y en la pérdida de los bienes y servicios, consumibles y no consumibles. Posteriormente, se analiza la gestión ambiental levada a cabo en los manglares, la cual implica, por un lado la normatividad (tanto nacional como internacional y por otro, las estrategias de manejo implementadas. Se identifican tendencias, vacíes y ambigüedades de la información recopilada, y se presentan algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones útiles para futuras tareas de gestión ambiental de ecosistemas demandar.

  9. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map. Journal Home > About the Journal > Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science: Site Map. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  10. Lagos Notes and Records

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... Lagos Notes and Records is an annual, interdisciplinary journal of the humanities. ... Insuring the Nation: Europeans and the Emergence of Modern Insurance Business in Colonial Nigeria ...

  11. Caracterización de la miel de Meliponas en ecosistemas periurbanos y agrícolas del Consejo Popular Horquita

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    Ing. Nelvis Fernández García


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en cuatro ecosistemas del Consejo Popular “Horquita”, municipio Abreus, provincia Cienfuegos. Se caracterizaron desde el punto de vista microbiológico las mieles de colmenas de Abejas Meliponas. Mediante un diseño completamente aleatorizado para cada ecosistema se tomaron de cinco colmenas muestras de miel (250 ml, todas ellas de cajas, modalidad Nogueira-Neto, 1997. Las muestras fueron enviadas al Centro Provincial de Higiene y Epidemiología de la provincia Santa Clara donde fueron analizadas. En todos los ecosistemas existió integración agricultura-ganadería o crianza de traspatio, y en algunos casos aguas residuales dentro del rango de vuelo de las abejas. Las mieles analizadas cumplieron con las exigencias internacionales presentando, en todos los casos, características microbiológicas óptimas para su consumo y comercialización. Se propone como parámetros microbiológicos para la miel en el territorio menos de 10 UFC/g, tanto para microorganismos a 30oC (bacterias, hongos y levaduras como para coliformes totales. Palabras clave: Ecosistemas, miel, bacterias, hongos, levaduras.

  12. Urban-Rural Temperature Differences in Lagos

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    Vincent N. Ojeh


    Full Text Available In this study, the hourly air temperature differences between City hall (urban and Okoafo (rural in Lagos, Nigeria, were calculated using one year of meteorological observations, from June 2014 to May 2015. The two sites considered for this work were carefully selected to represent their climate zones. The city core, City hall, is within the Local Climate Zone (LCZ 2 (Compact midrise while the rural location, Okoafo, falls within LCZ B (Scattered Trees in the south-western part on the outskirt of the city. This study is one of very few to investigate urban temperature conditions in Lagos, the largest city in Africa and one of the most rapidly urbanizing megacities in the world; findings show that maximum nocturnal UHI magnitudes in Lagos can exceed 7 °C during the dry season, and during the rainy season, wet soils in the rural environment supersede regional wind speed as the dominant control over UHI magnitude.

  13. Inventory of fisheries and fishes of the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The systematic literature of fishes and fisheries in Lagos Lagoon is scattered, hence there is need for a comprehensive documentation of the diverse fish species that ... artisanal fishery, points to environmental degradation and possible changes in water quality with biological consequences for the biota in this environment.

  14. Lagos Historical Review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Lagos Historical Review is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing papers with a historical focus. The journal generates and participates in debates to advance the discipline of history and promote its relevance to development. The journal aims to serve the academic community with a bias towards ...

  15. Factors Influencing Patronage Of Medical Tourism In Metropolitan Lagos Nigeria


    Omisore; E.O.; Agbabiaka; H. I.


    Since medical tourism attract patient from various origin to seek medical services at different destinations it is paramount to consider the factors that motivate patrons decision on medical tourism. Hence this study assesses the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in Lagos metropolis Nigeria. Lagos State is situated in the southwestern corner of Nigeria it lies within Latitudes 62N to 64N of the Equator and Longitudes 245E to 420E of the Greenwich meridian. Metropolitan Lagos is...

  16. Papapetrou's naked singularity is a strong curvature singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollier, G.P.


    Following Papapetrou [1985, a random walk in General Relativity ed. J. Krishna-Rao (New Delhi: Wiley Eastern)], a spacetime with a naked singularity is analysed. This singularity is shown to be a strong curvature singularity and thus a counterexample to a censorship conjecture. (author)

  17. 459 Road Transport System Management and Traffic in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 16, 2010 ... reason for this being the catalytic effect of transport development on socio- economic ... as well as in promoting regional cooperation. In Lagos State ... The primary road network (Federal and State roads) which link the major .... Recently, in 2002, when a survey of Lagos urban traffic was conducted, the.

  18. Factors Affecting Tourist Satisfaction in Lagos State,Nigeria | Madu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper tries to discover factors that are responsible for the poor development of recreational tourism in Lagos State of Nigeria, so as to be able to suggest improvement measures. The results show that the overall satisfaction of the business tourists is generally similar to that of the recreational group, and that Lagos State ...

  19. Breastfeeding practices of mothers of young children in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the breastfeeding practices (prevalence, initiation and exclusivity) of mothers of young children in Lagos. Methods: This was a communitybased, cross-sectional study carried out in 2010 in two Local Government Areas of Lagos State. Structured, intervieweradministered questionnaires were ...

  20. Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja), Ecuador: A Strategic Black Spot? (United States)


    Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A Strategic Black Spot? by Colonel John A. Conway United States Army...REPORT TYPE STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT .33 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A...Agrio (Nueva Loja ), Ecuador : A Strategic Black Spot? by Colonel John A. Conway United States Army Colonel Juan C



    D. Granados Sánchez; G. F. López Ríos; M. Á. Hernández García


    Por efecto de la civilización industrial y del desarrollo tecnológico de nuestros tiempos, se origina la "lluvia ácida", que es la precipitación en forma de lluvia, nieve, aguanieve, granizo o niebla con altas concentraciones de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4), ácido nítrico (HNO3) y ácido carbónico (H2CO3). El aumento de la lluvia ácida ha tenido efectos considerables en los ecosistemas: los bosques del mundo se están muriendo y sus cuerpos de agua no pueden sostener a las poblaciones normales de pe...

  2. Assessment of radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Eze, Cletus Uche; Abonyi, Livinus Chibuzo; Njoku, Jerome; Irurhe, Nicholas Kayode; Olowu, Oluwabola


    Use of ionising radiation in diagnostic radiography could lead to hazards such as somatic and genetic damages. Compliance to safe work and radiation protection practices could mitigate such risks. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. The study was a prospective cross sectional survey. Convenience sampling technique was used to select four x-ray diagnostic centres in four tertiary hospitals in Lagos metropolis. Data were analysed with Epi- info software, version 3.5.1. Average score on assessment of knowledge was 73%. Most modern radiation protection instruments were lacking in all the centres studied. Application of shielding devices such as gonad shield for protection was neglected mostly in government hospitals. Most x-ray machines were quite old and evidence of quality assurance tests performed on such machines were lacking. Radiographers within Lagos metropolis showed an excellent knowledge of radiation protection within the study period. Adherence to radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos metropolis during the period studied was, however, poor. Radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria should embrace current trends in radiation protection and make more concerted efforts to apply their knowledge in protecting themselves and patients from harmful effects of ionising radiation.

  3. A 1 + 5-dimensional gravitational-wave solution. Curvature singularity and spacetime singularity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Yu-Zhu [Tianjin University, Department of Physics, Tianjin (China); Li, Wen-Du [Tianjin University, Department of Physics, Tianjin (China); Nankai University, Theoretical Physics Division, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin (China); Dai, Wu-Sheng [Nankai University, Theoretical Physics Division, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin (China); Nankai University and Tianjin University, LiuHui Center for Applied Mathematics, Tianjin (China)


    We solve a 1 + 5-dimensional cylindrical gravitational-wave solution of the Einstein equation, in which there are two curvature singularities. Then we show that one of the curvature singularities can be removed by an extension of the spacetime. The result exemplifies that the curvature singularity is not always a spacetime singularity; in other words, the curvature singularity cannot serve as a criterion for spacetime singularities. (orig.)

  4. Widening the tax net: Lessons from Lagos State, Nigeria | Abiola ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pressure is on governments all over the world to increase revenue through taxation in order to provide better services within their jurisdictions. This study attempts to access the Lagos state's revenue performance under the internally generated revenue scheme. Lagos state total revenue data was collected from 2009 to ...


    Eweka, O M; Ogundana, O M; Agbelusi, G A


    Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJPDS) is the most common temporomandibular disorder. This condition presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw movement and joint noise. Other symptoms include otalgia, headache, neck pain and trismus. To determine the pattern of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome patients managed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. A descriptive study of patients with signs and symptoms of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome attending the Oral Medicine Clinic of Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Twenty-one patients with Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome were enrolled into the study, out of which 10(48%) were females and 11(52%) were males. The age range was 23-81years with a mean of 45.2 ± 18.9 years. Majority of the patients 20(95.2%) complained of pain around the joint, in the pre-auricular region, in the muscles of mastication and the ear. While 7(35%) complained of clicking sounds, 10(47.6%) complained of pain on mouth opening and during mastication only. In all 5(23.8%) had impaired movement of the jaws, mouth opening was normal in 18(85.7%) but reduced in 3(14.3%) patients. Over half of patients 12(57%) experienced clicking sounds, there was tenderness around the temporomandibular joint in 16(76.2%) cases, pain in the ear of 7(33.3%) patients and 13(61.9%) people presented with tenderness of the muscles of mastication. Conservative management of all the cases resulted in resolution of the symptoms. Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome has diverse clinical presentation and though distressing, it responds to prompt and effective conservative management.

  6. Ostrácodos no-marinos de lagos en el altiplano este-centro de México

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    Liseth Pérez


    Full Text Available La fauna de ostrácodos de la zona de transición néartica-neotropical ha sido poco estudiada hasta este estudio. En el este-centro de México, habitan diez especies de ostrácodos en diez lagos: cinco lagos maar (originados por explosiones freáticas/freato-magmáticas, un lago volcánico-tectónico, tres embalses naturales y un embalse artificial. De la parte más profunda y de las zonas litorales de todos los lagos estudiados se recolectaron sedimentos superficiales para el análisis de ostrácodos. También se midieron in situ las variables ambientales: pH, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, SDT, además se recolectaron muestras de agua paralelas para análisis químico con el objetivo de describir el hábitat. Especies con una amplia distribución en el área de estudio (≥5 lagos incluyen: Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni y Eucandona cf. patzcuaro. Limnocytherina axalapasco es una especie endémica y fue recolectada en tres lagos maar y en el embalse artificial. Especies raras incluyeron: Chlamydotheca arcuata?, Fabaeformiscandona acuminata?, Ilyocypris gibba?, Limnocythere friabilis?, Potamocypris smaragdina? y Potamocypris unicaudata? La riqueza de especies más alta (6 spp. se encontró en el lago más extenso y somero, lago Metztitlán (2.6km², 5.5m de profundidad, con el tipo de agua HCO3->>SO4²->Cl--- Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+. El resto de lagos estudiados (<63m, <27km² presentaron no más de tres especies. Por ejemplo, solamente dos especies de ostrácodos fueron recolectadas en el lago Alchichica, el cual es el más extenso, profundo y salino entre los lagos maar estudiados.

  7. Circulating Adipokine levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: This study was undertaken with the aim of investigating adipokine levels in the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), a-700 bed tertiary hospital centre in Lagos, Nigeria. 53 diabetic subjects and 27 non-diabetic controls with ...

  8. Road Traffic Accident Variations in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Synopsis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The major objective of this research is to examine the variation patterns of road traffic .... situation in Lagos state is bad because of the absence of effective transport ... environment as judged by the investigating officers. Also .... pattern of road traffic accident occurrence over that part of Lagos State. For ... Ph.D Thesis.

  9. Autopsy findings in sickle cell disease patients in Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Autopsy findings in sickle cell disease patients in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. ... The study showed that the most common cause of sudden death was anemia-related (50%) while 21% were due to acute infections, 18.4 % were due to cardiovascular events and 4.6% were due to ...

  10. Papapetrou's naked singularity is a strong curvature singularity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hollier, G.P.


    Following Papapetrou (1985, a random walk in General Relativity ed. J. Krishna-Rao (New Delhi: Wiley Eastern)), a spacetime with a naked singularity is analysed. This singularity is shown to be a strong curvature singularity and thus a counterexample to a censorship conjecture.

  11. Dam failure analysis for the Lago El Guineo Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Gómez-Fragoso, Julieta; Heriberto Torres-Sierra,


    The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, completed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to assess the potential hazard to human life and property associated with the hypothetical failure of the Lago El Guineo Dam. The Lago El Guineo Dam is within the headwaters of the Río Grande de Manatí and impounds a drainage area of about 4.25 square kilometers.The hydrologic assessment was designed to determine the outflow hydrographs and peak discharges for Lago El Guineo and other subbasins in the Río Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin for three extreme rainfall events: (1) a 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event, (2) a 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event, and (3) a 24-hour, 100-year recurrence rainfall event. The hydraulic study simulated a dam failure of Lago El Guineo Dam using flood hydrographs generated from the hydrologic study. The simulated dam failure generated a hydrograph that was routed downstream from Lago El Guineo Dam through the lower reaches of the Río Toro Negro and the Río Grande de Manatí to determine water-surface profiles developed from the event-based hydrologic scenarios and “sunny day” conditions. The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS) and Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) computer programs, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, respectively. The flow routing in the hydraulic analyses was completed using the unsteady flow module available in the HEC–RAS model.Above the Lago El Guineo Dam, the simulated inflow peak discharges from HEC–HMS resulted in about 550 and 414 cubic meters per second for the 6- and 24-hour probable maximum precipitation events, respectively. The 24-hour, 100-year recurrence storm simulation resulted in a peak discharge of about 216 cubic meters per second. For the hydrologic analysis, no dam failure conditions are

  12. Naked singularities are not singular in distorted gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garattini, Remo, E-mail: [Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (Bergamo) (Italy); I.N.F.N. – sezione di Milano, Milan (Italy); Majumder, Barun, E-mail: [Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382424 (India)


    We compute the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) induced by a naked singularity with the help of a reformulation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation. A variational approach is used for the calculation with Gaussian Trial Wave Functionals. The one loop contribution of the graviton to the ZPE is extracted keeping under control the UltraViolet divergences by means of a distorted gravitational field. Two examples of distortion are taken under consideration: Gravity's Rainbow and Noncommutative Geometry. Surprisingly, we find that the ZPE is no more singular when we approach the singularity.

  13. Naked singularities are not singular in distorted gravity (United States)

    Garattini, Remo; Majumder, Barun


    We compute the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) induced by a naked singularity with the help of a reformulation of the Wheele-DeWitt equation. A variational approach is used for the calculation with Gaussian Trial Wave Functionals. The one loop contribution of the graviton to the ZPE is extracted keeping under control the UltraViolet divergences by means of a distorted gravitational field. Two examples of distortion are taken under consideration: Gravity's Rainbow and Noncommutative Geometry. Surprisingly, we find that the ZPE is no more singular when we approach the singularity.

  14. Naked singularities are not singular in distorted gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garattini, Remo; Majumder, Barun


    We compute the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) induced by a naked singularity with the help of a reformulation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation. A variational approach is used for the calculation with Gaussian Trial Wave Functionals. The one loop contribution of the graviton to the ZPE is extracted keeping under control the UltraViolet divergences by means of a distorted gravitational field. Two examples of distortion are taken under consideration: Gravity's Rainbow and Noncommutative Geometry. Surprisingly, we find that the ZPE is no more singular when we approach the singularity


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    D. Granados Sánchez


    Full Text Available Por efecto de la civilización industrial y del desarrollo tecnológico de nuestros tiempos, se origina la "lluvia ácida", que es la precipitación en forma de lluvia, nieve, aguanieve, granizo o niebla con altas concentraciones de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4, ácido nítrico (HNO3 y ácido carbónico (H2CO3. El aumento de la lluvia ácida ha tenido efectos considerables en los ecosistemas: los bosques del mundo se están muriendo y sus cuerpos de agua no pueden sostener a las poblaciones normales de peces. Asimismo, disminuye el rendimiento agrícola y se corroen el mármol, metal y piedra en las ciudades.

  16. Recursos hídricos en los Andes: Lago Titicaca

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    Full Text Available RESSOURCES EN EAUX DANS LES ANDES : LAC TITICACA. Une analyse par régression a été menée entre les variations de niveau du Lac Titicaca et les entrées du système (apports des affluents et précipitations. Les coefficients de corrélation, quoique relativement faibles, montrent aux abords du lac un effet de persistance qui diminue lorsque les stations sont éloignées du plan d’eau. L’inertie du lac se manifeste l’année suivante pour les affluents du lac et évidemment pour le lac lui-même. Ces résultats confirment la présence d’un mécanisme de rétro alimentation (effet boomerang. Cela montre que le système du Lac Titicaca est fragile, face à une utilisation excessive de ses eaux. Las regresiones estudiadas de cambios de nivel en el lago Titicaca contra precipitaciones y aportes en su cuenca, aunque relativamente bajas, muestran un efecto de persistencia en las proximidades del lago que decrece conforme las estaciones se alejan de éste. Lo que evidencia que la inercia del lago se manifiesta en el período siguiente (lag uno en los afluentes del lago y obviamente en el propio lago, fenómeno que parece confirmar la presencia de un mecanismo de retroalimentación (efecto boomerang. Este comportamiento muestra la fragilidad del lago frente a un aprovechamiento consuntivo excesivo. WATER RESOURCES IN THE ANDES: LAKE TITICACA. The studied regressions of the level changes in the Lake Titicaca versus the rainfall and the runoff in the basin, even being relatively low, show an effect of persistence in the proximity of the lake which decreases as we go away from it. This makes evident that the lake inertia manifests itself the following period (lag one in the lake tributaries and obviously in the lake itself, phenomenon which seems to confirm the presence of a feedback mechanism (boomerang effect. This behaviour shows the fragility of the lake against the excessive consumptive uses of the waters in its basin.

  17. Migration and Social Change in the Eastern District of Lagos: The ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The lagoon serves as a catalyst for economic development in the transformation of Lagos, most especially the eastern district. Fishing is central to the economy of Epe and the entire eastern section of Lagos. However, the fishing industry benefitted immensely from the migrating pattern and economic practices of the Mahin ...

  18. Análisis de contenidos de ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos en los manuales portugueses

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    Rosa Branca Cameira TRACANA


    Full Text Available Son muchos los estudios, en los últimos tiempos, sobre el tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos. Pretendemos analizar la transposición didáctica del tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos, en los manuales escolares, en el sistema de enseñanza portugués. Fueron analizados manuales de ciencias naturales, ciencia de la naturaleza, biología, geología y geografía, en el sistema educativo portugués y aun estudios sociales, química, biología, ciencias naturales, geología, geografía y ecología. En lo que se refiere a los manuales, constatamos que los del Tiempo I (1991-2000 se presentan más desarrollados en la presentación de los temas cuando se comparan con los del Tiempo II (2000-2006. En el tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos, el abordaje de los manuales es esencialmente ecocéntrico. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados llevan a cuestionar la calidad de los manuales al respecto de este tema, porque no sólo es necesario tratarlo de modo más profundo, sino también se deben incluir en los manuales las competencias en educación ambiental para así poder transmitirlas a las generaciones futuras, y de este modo contribuir a una mejora de la calidad de vida en la Tierra.

  19. El fitoplancton de un canal de Xochimilco y la importancia de estudiar ecosistemas acuáticos urbanos

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    Zitlali López-Mendoza


    Full Text Available El fitoplancton del canal El Bordo en Xochimilco se estudió durante la época de lluvias de 2008 y la época seca de 2009. El objetivo fue conocer la estabilidad de la flora de una zona que requiere medidas de remediación. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron una composición diversa del fitoplancton, en la que destacó el registro de varias especies no observadas previamente en México y concretamente en Xochimilco. Los resultados del monitoreo reflejan en los factores fisicoquímicos una proporción de variación baja (9-17%, a pesar de la intensidad de las actividades agropecuarias que prevalecen en la zona de estudio. Un tercer resultado fue la identificación de un grupo funcional que reúne especies que son típicas de cuerpos de agua someros, tropicales y eutróficos, como el canal El Bordo. Se discute la posibilidad de asociar este grupo funcional con un estado estable en el ecosistema, lo que puede aplicarse en medidas de remediación. Consideramos que es útil estudiar las comunidades de ecosistemas acuáticos urbanos con un alto grado de alteración, pues la cantidad de conocimiento acumulado en una región podría hacer la diferencia entre conservar o perder estos ecosistemas.

  20. Ornitofauna en cuatro ecosistemas naturales del laboratorio natural Snaki-URACCAN, Costa Caribe Norte de Nicaragua

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    Rudy A Salas Tathum


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en el laboratorio natural Snaki ubicado en el la comunidad de Moss, municipio de Waspam, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte. Se ha diagnosticado la ornitofauna en los ecosistemas bosque ripario, bosque latifoliado, área agrícola y área pecuaria del laboratorio natural Snaki-URACCAN. Se realizaron transectos lineales y entrevistas informales a cazadores de la zona que permitió crear un listado de aves y su estado de conservación. Los resultados de los diferentes ecosistemas re ejaron la existencia de 49 diferentes especies de aves, pertenecientes a 23 familias y 12 órde- nes. Las especies representativas son: Aratinga nana, Cyanocorax Morio, Ramphocelus Passerinii, Quiscalus nicaraguensis, Procnias tricarunculata, Tachyponus rufus. Al com- parar los índices de diversidad, Shannon y Simpson encontraron similitudes en sus resultados, existiendo una diversidad considerable en el bosque, principalmente en el de galería.

  1. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

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    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  2. Reconstituição paleoambiental do Lago Santa Ninha, Várzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, Pará, Brasil Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of an Amazon floodplain lake, Lago Santa Ninha, Varzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, Pará, Brasil

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    Luciane Silva Moreira


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo reconstituir as mudanças paleoambientais e paleohidrológicas no baixo Amazonas. Um testemunho de sedimento foi coletado no Lago Santa Ninha, na várzea do Lago Grande de Curuai, localizada na margem direita do Rio Amazonas a aproximadamente 850 km da foz. O teor de água, a granulometria, as datações com carbono 14, os conteúdos de carbono orgânico e nitrogênio total e o isótopo estável do carbono (δ13C foram utilizados para determinar os processos sedimentares a que o meio esteve submetido. O testemunho estudado possui 270 cm de comprimento que corresponde a um período de 5600 anos cal AP. Este estudo colocou em evidência diferentes ambientes sedimentares: na base do testemunho até 4900 anos cal AP há uma vegetação inundada que foi gradualmente substituida por bancos de gramíneas e por uma planicie com secas sazonais em 4000 anos cal AP até alcançar, desde 600 anos AP as condições atuais deste lago. Estas alterações podem ter ocorrido em decorrência de mudanças no ciclo hidrológico do Rio Amazonas que, por sua vez, também são reflexos de alterações climáticas.Physical, chemical and geochemical characteristics of lacustrine sediments were studied to reconstruct paleohydrologyical control on sedimentation in an Amazonian floodplain. A core was collected at the Lago Grande de Curuai floodplain, in the Santa Ninha Lake, located on the right margin of the Amazon River at 850 km of the estuary. Water content, granulometry, radiocarbon dating, organic carbon, nitrogen content and δ13C were used to characterize the sedimentary processes. The core is 270 cm-long which corresponds to 5600 cal years BP. The core points out different sedimentary environments: flooded vegetation at the base of the core till 4900 cal years BP is substituted by grass banks changing to a floodplain encompassing prolonged annual dryness at 4000 cal years BP. Since 600 cal years BP, the present day Varzea Lake

  3. Algorithms in Singular

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    Hans Schonemann


    Full Text Available Some algorithms for singularity theory and algebraic geometry The use of Grobner basis computations for treating systems of polynomial equations has become an important tool in many areas. This paper introduces of the concept of standard bases (a generalization of Grobner bases and the application to some problems from algebraic geometry. The examples are presented as SINGULAR commands. A general introduction to Grobner bases can be found in the textbook [CLO], an introduction to syzygies in [E] and [St1]. SINGULAR is a computer algebra system for computing information about singularities, for use in algebraic geometry. The basic algorithms in SINGULAR are several variants of a general standard basis algorithm for general monomial orderings (see [GG]. This includes wellorderings (Buchberger algorithm ([B1], [B2] and tangent cone orderings (Mora algorithm ([M1], [MPT] as special cases: It is able to work with non-homogeneous and homogeneous input and also to compute in the localization of the polynomial ring in 0. Recent versions include algorithms to factorize polynomials and a factorizing Grobner basis algorithm. For a complete description of SINGULAR see [Si].

  4. Infertility in Women: Hysterosalpingographic Assessment of the Fallopian Tubes in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Akinola, R. A.; Akinola, O. I.; Fabamwo, A. O.


    Tubal disease constitutes a major factor in infertility especially in developing countries. This study was undertaken to assess the hysterosalpingographic patterns seen in infertile patients in an urban centre in Lagos. Two hundred and twenty patients who reported from the gynaecology clinic to the radiology department of Lagos State University…

  5. Evaluación Rápida del Ecosistema Marino Desarrollado en la Zona de Carga de la Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG.


    Chamorro, Alan; Contreras, Christian; Raschio, Giancarlo


    La Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG se establece sobre un ecosistema costero árido el cual limita por el oeste con un acantilado rocoso y cuyas condiciones ambientales corresponden a un ecosistema marino con playas, un litoral rocoso y una zona pelágica; las tres sub-unidades han sufrido modificaciones físicas, donde estas modificaciones podrían haber generado variaciones en la biodiversidad local. El principal objetivo del presente estudio es describir las principales características b...

  6. Introduction to singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Ishii, Shihoko


    This book is an introduction to singularities for graduate students and researchers. It is said that algebraic geometry originated in the seventeenth century with the famous work Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences by Descartes. In that book he introduced coordinates to the study of geometry. After its publication, research on algebraic varieties developed steadily. Many beautiful results emerged in mathematicians’ works. Most of them were about non-singular varieties. Singularities were considered “bad” objects that interfered with knowledge of the structure of an algebraic variety. In the past three decades, however, it has become clear that singularities are necessary for us to have a good description of the framework of varieties. For example, it is impossible to formulate minimal model theory for higher-dimensional cases without singularities. Another example is that the moduli spaces of varieties have natural compactification, the boundar...

  7. Surface Plasmon Singularities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Martínez-Niconoff


    Full Text Available With the purpose to compare the physical features of the electromagnetic field, we describe the synthesis of optical singularities propagating in the free space and on a metal surface. In both cases the electromagnetic field has a slit-shaped curve as a boundary condition, and the singularities correspond to a shock wave that is a consequence of the curvature of the slit curve. As prototypes, we generate singularities that correspond to fold and cusped regions. We show that singularities in free space may generate bifurcation effects while plasmon fields do not generate these kinds of effects. Experimental results for free-space propagation are presented and for surface plasmon fields, computer simulations are shown.

  8. Diez años de monitoreo limnológico de un lago natural modificado en los trópicos: el lago Cote, Costa Rica

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    Gerardo Umaña


    Full Text Available Esta localizado a 650m sobre el nivel del mar en el límite entre las llanuras del Norte y la vertiente del Pacífico en la Cordillera de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Al inicio de la década de 1980 se construyó una represa en el río de desagüe y el caudal de salida fue desviado hacia el Embalse Arenal. Se realizó un primer estudio entre 1990 y 1991, y luego en el año 2001 antes de que se construyera una nueva modificación del lago mediante el levantamiento del nivel de la presa en un metro con el fin de utilizar la descarga para la producción de energía hidroeléctrica. Del 2002 al 2010 se realizó un monitoreo limnológico dos veces al año. Aquí se presenta un análisis de las principales características y de los cambios a través del tiempo. El lago es polimíctico discontinuo y desarrolla una termoclina intermitente a 6m de profundidad, la cual puede perdurar por varios días o semanas a juzgar por el desarrollo de una capa anóxica cercana al fondo. Desde su modificación la temperatura superficial del lago ha alcanzado valores mayores a los reportados con anterioridad. El hipolimnion muestra periodos de hipoxia a anoxia que se han vuelto más frecuentes. A pesar de la turbidez del lago, la concentración de nutrientes y de clorofila a son bajos. La tendencia en tiempos recientes es a una reducción de la clorofila a y un aumento en la trasparencia del agua. Estos cambios son similares a los observados en lagos donde se ha logrado atribuirlos al cambio climático global. También se pueden deber a la modificación del flujo del efluente por la operación intermitente de la planta hidroeléctrica, que favorece la acumulación de calor en la columna de agua. Esto debido a que otros factores, como el cambio en el uso del suelo en los alrededores del lago ocurrieron en la década de 1980, por lo que no se les puede atribuir una influencia en los cambios observados en los últimos 10 años.

  9. Timelike naked singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goswami, Rituparno; Joshi, Pankaj S.; Vaz, Cenalo; Witten, Louis


    We construct a class of spherically symmetric collapse models in which a naked singularity may develop as the end state of collapse. The matter distribution considered has negative radial and tangential pressures, but the weak energy condition is obeyed throughout. The singularity forms at the center of the collapsing cloud and continues to be visible for a finite time. The duration of visibility depends on the nature of energy distribution. Hence the causal structure of the resulting singularity depends on the nature of the mass function chosen for the cloud. We present a general model in which the naked singularity formed is timelike, neither pointlike nor null. Our work represents a step toward clarifying the necessary conditions for the validity of the Cosmic Censorship Conjecture

  10. Murciélagos (Chiroptera: Mammalia del Parque Nacional Yurubí, Venezuela: listado taxonómico y estudio comunitario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Delgado-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Los murciélagos constituyen el grupo de mamíferos más diversificado en la región neotropical y representan un componente clave en la dinámica de muchos ecosistemas terrestres. En este trabajo se describen los resultados de un estudio sobre la quiropterofauna del Parque Nacional Yurubí (ubicado en la zona montañosa del norte de Venezuela, se incluye un listado taxonómico y la caracterización de algunos atributos comunitarios en ambientes predominantemente boscosos. Los datos evaluados fueron obtenidos mediante la revisión de colecciones zoológicas y muestreos diversificados realizados entre febrero y julio del 2009, en un gradiente altitudinal (100-1 500m, que integra a tres unidades ecológicas: bosque semideciduo, bosque siempreverde y selva nublada. Se registraron 64 especies agrupadas en cinco familias, lo que constituye el 63% de los murciélagos conocidos en la Cordillera de la Costa. La familia Phyllostomidae fue dominante (42 especies; 66% del total, seguida por Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Emballonuridae y Mormoopidae. La comunidad presente a baja elevación fue la más diversificada en términos taxonómicos, mientras que la del piso superior evidenció el menor grado de diversificación. Se identificaron 11 categorías tróficas, con dominancia de los insectívoros en cuanto a la riqueza taxonómica y de los frugívoros en lo que respecta a la abundancia. Nuestros resultados permiten inferir, en un contexto general, que los ecosistemas boscosos del área de estudio muestran un buen estado de conservación, en virtud de la presencia de una proporción relativamente alta de especies pertenecientes a la subfamilia Phyllostominae, cuyos componentes han sido considerados por otros autores como indicadores del grado de conservación de hábitats boscosos primarios, así como la presencia de otras especies con prioridades de conservación. Todos estos aspectos, le confieren a esta área protegida un alto valor proteccionista, en

  11. Road Traffic Injury in Lagos, Nigeria: Assessing Prehospital Care. (United States)

    Ibrahim, Nasiru A; Ajani, Abdul Wahab O; Mustafa, Ibrahim A; Balogun, Rufai A; Oludara, Mobolaji A; Idowu, Olufemi E; Solagberu, Babatunde A


    Introduction Injuries are the third most important cause of overall deaths globally with one-quarter resulting from road traffic crashes. Majority of these deaths occur before arrival in the hospital and can be reduced with prompt and efficient prehospital care. The aim of this study was to highlight the burden of road traffic injury (RTI) in Lagos, Nigeria and assess the effectiveness of prehospital care, especially the role of Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS) in providing initial care and transportation of the injured to the hospital. A three-year, retrospective review of road traffic injured patients seen at the Surgical Emergency Room (SER) of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, Nigeria, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014 was conducted. Parameters extracted from the Institution Trauma Registry included bio-data, date and time of injury, date and time of arrival in SER, host status, type of vehicle involved, and region(s) injured. Information on how patients came to the hospital and outcome in SER also were recorded. Results were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS; IBM Corporation; Armonk, New York USA) version 16. A total of 23,537 patients were seen during the study period. Among them, 16,024 (68.1%) had trauma. Road traffic crashes were responsible in 5,629 (35.0%) of trauma cases. Passengers constituted 42.0% of the injured, followed by pedestrians (34.0%). Four wheelers were the most frequent vehicle type involved (54.0%), followed by motor cycles (30.0%). Regions mainly affected were head and neck (40.0%) and lower limb (29.0%). Less than one-quarter (24.0%) presented to the emergency room within an hour, while one-third arrived between one and six hours following injury. Relatives brought 55.4%, followed by bystanders (21.4%). Only 2.3% had formal prehospital care and were brought to the hospital by LASAMBUS. They also had significantly shorter arrival time. One hundred and nine patients

  12. Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Caso Centro Comercial Lago Mall

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. Torres Geisse


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es el análisis de la responsabilidad empresarial para el centro comercial Lago Mall. El tipo de investigación fue un proyecto factible, descriptivo y de campo, con un diseño de tipo no experimental y transeccional. Se consideró como población al gerente de mercadeo del C.C Lago Mall, a quince (15 miembros de la comunidad interna, y a noventa (90 miembros de la comunidad externa del mismo. Las técnicas de recolección de datos aplicadas fueron: la encuesta y la entrevista. Los instrumentos fueron validados por cinco (5 expertos en gerencia social, obteniendo una confiabilidad de 0,99. Los resultados indican que en ambas dimensiones de la RSE los elementos que la integran no constituían un marco ideal para considerar a la empresa C.C. Lago Mall como socialmente responsable. Se concluye que el mismo carece de programas formales de responsabilidad social empresarial; sin embargo demuestra un compromiso con los principios de la empresa y con los valores de los empleados, donde se destacan la dignidad, identidad e integridad por los grupos de interés que se han denominado internos y externos.

  13. An adaptive singular ES-FEM for mechanics problems with singular field of arbitrary order


    Nguyen-Xuan, H.; Liu, G. R.; Bordas, Stéphane; Natarajan, S.; Rabczuk, T.


    This paper presents a singular edge-based smoothed finite element method (sES-FEM) for mechanics problems with singular stress fields of arbitrary order. The sES-FEM uses a basic mesh of three-noded linear triangular (T3) elements and a special layer of five-noded singular triangular elements (sT5) connected to the singular-point of the stress field. The sT5 element has an additional node on each of the two edges connected to the singular-point. It allows us to represent simple and efficient ...

  14. Biomedical Science Technologists in Lagos Universities: Meeting ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Biomedical Science Technologists in Lagos Universities: Meeting Modern Standards ... like to see in biomedical science in Nigeria; 5) their knowledge of ten state-of-the-arts ... KEY WORDS: biomedical science, state-of-the-arts, technical staff ...

  15. Quantum evolution across singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craps, Ben; Evnin, Oleg


    Attempts to consider evolution across space-time singularities often lead to quantum systems with time-dependent Hamiltonians developing an isolated singularity as a function of time. Examples include matrix theory in certain singular time-dependent backgounds and free quantum fields on the two-dimensional compactified Milne universe. Due to the presence of the singularities in the time dependence, the conventional quantum-mechanical evolution is not well-defined for such systems. We propose a natural way, mathematically analogous to renormalization in conventional quantum field theory, to construct unitary quantum evolution across the singularity. We carry out this procedure explicitly for free fields on the compactified Milne universe and compare our results with the matching conditions considered in earlier work (which were based on the covering Minkowski space)

  16. Mothers? human papilloma virus knowledge and willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria


    Ezenwa, Beatrice N; Balogun, Mobolanle R; Okafor, Ifeoma P


    Beatrice N Ezenwa,1 Mobolanle R Balogun,2 Ifeoma P Okafor2 1Department of Pediatrics, 68 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria; 2Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in sexually active adolescents and young women and has been implicated as a cause of the majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is the...

  17. Halitosis amongst students in tertiary institutions in Lagos state. (United States)

    Arinola, J E; Olukoju, O O


    Halitosis is defined as a noticeable unpleasant odor from the mouth. It is a medico-social problem that affects a significant number of people around the world. Research reveals that nearly 50% of the adult population has halitosis. To determine level of awareness of halitosis and prevalence of the condition amongst students in tertiary institutions as a baseline survey. For this project, 100 students from three tertiary institutions in Lagos state were chosen: University of Lagos, Lagos State University, Ojo campus and Yaba College of Technology. A semi-structured questionnaire and practical testing/diagnostic tool were utilized. Data collected was collated and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS statistical software. Most of the respondents were single and Christian. Level of awareness of halitosis was high. Results showed that 15%, 2% and 22% from UNILAG, LASU and YCT respectively said they had halitosis. Using the diagnostic tool, 6%, 8% and 2% respectively were positive for halitosis. There is high level of awareness of halitosis among the respondents. The prevalence of the disorder is low, however, it is recommended that enlightenment campaigns be mounted in schools to improve level of awareness and treatment seeking.

  18. Understanding green and sustainable construction in Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Journal Home ... Journal Home > Vol 8, No 1 (2015) >. Log in or ... Understanding green and sustainable construction in Lagos, Nigeria: Principles, attributes and framework.

  19. Coloured phase singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berry, M.V.


    For illumination with white light, the spectra near a typical isolated phase singularity (nodal point of the component wavelengths) can be described by a universal function of position, up to linear distortion and a weak dependence on the spectrum of the source. The appearance of the singularity when viewed by a human observer is predicted by transforming the spectrum to trichromatic variables and chromaticity coordinates, and then rendering the colours, scaled to constant luminosity, on a computer monitor. The pattern far from the singularity is a white that depends on the source temperature, and the centre of the pattern is flanked by intensely coloured 'eyes', one orange and one blue, separated by red, and one of the eyes is surrounded by a bright white circle. Only a small range of possible colours appears near the singularity; in particular, there is no green. (author)

  20. Sedimentation survey of Lago Cerrillos, Ponce, Puerto Rico, April-May 2008 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.


    Lago Cerrillos dam, located in the municipality of Ponce in southern Puerto Rico, was constructed in 1991 as part of the multipurpose Rio Portugues and Bucana Project. This project provides flood protection, water supply, and recreation facilities for the municipio of Ponce. The reservoir had an original storage capacity of 38.03 million cubic meters at maximum conservation pool elevation of 174.65 meters above mean sea level and a drainage area of 45.32 square kilometers. Sedimentation in Lago Cerrillos reservoir has reduced the storage capacity from 38.03 million cubic meters in 1991 to 37.26 million cubic meters in 2008, which represents a total storage loss of about 2 percent. During July 29 to August 23, 2002, 8,492 cubic meters of sediment were removed from the Rio Cerrillos mouth of the reservoir. Taking into account this removed material, the total water-storage loss as of 2008 is 778,492 cubic meters, and the long-term annual water-storage capacity loss rate is about 45,794 cubic meters per year or about 0.12 percent per year. The Lago Cerrillos net sediment-contributing drainage area has an average sediment yield of about 1,069 cubic meters per square kilometer per year. Sediment accumulation in Lago Cerrillos is not uniformly distributed and averages about 3 meters in thickness. This represents a sediment deposition rate of about 18 centimeters per year. On the basis of the 2008 reservoir storage capacity of 37.26 million cubic meters per year and a long-term sedimentation rate of 45,794 cubic meters per year, Lago Cerrillos is estimated to have a useful life of about 814 years or until the year 2822.

  1. A singularity extraction technique for computation of antenna aperture fields from singular plane wave spectra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cappellin, Cecilia; Breinbjerg, Olav; Frandsen, Aksel


    An effective technique for extracting the singularity of plane wave spectra in the computation of antenna aperture fields is proposed. The singular spectrum is first factorized into a product of a finite function and a singular function. The finite function is inverse Fourier transformed...... numerically using the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform, while the singular function is inverse Fourier transformed analytically, using the Weyl-identity, and the two resulting spatial functions are then convolved to produce the antenna aperture field. This article formulates the theory of the singularity...

  2. Singular stochastic differential equations

    CERN Document Server

    Cherny, Alexander S


    The authors introduce, in this research monograph on stochastic differential equations, a class of points termed isolated singular points. Stochastic differential equations possessing such points (called singular stochastic differential equations here) arise often in theory and in applications. However, known conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution typically fail for such equations. The book concentrates on the study of the existence, the uniqueness, and, what is most important, on the qualitative behaviour of solutions of singular stochastic differential equations. This is done by providing a qualitative classification of isolated singular points, into 48 possible types.

  3. Loop quantum cosmology and singularities. (United States)

    Struyve, Ward


    Loop quantum gravity is believed to eliminate singularities such as the big bang and big crunch singularity. This belief is based on studies of so-called loop quantum cosmology which concerns symmetry-reduced models of quantum gravity. In this paper, the problem of singularities is analysed in the context of the Bohmian formulation of loop quantum cosmology. In this formulation there is an actual metric in addition to the wave function, which evolves stochastically (rather than deterministically as the case of the particle evolution in non-relativistic Bohmian mechanics). Thus a singularity occurs whenever this actual metric is singular. It is shown that in the loop quantum cosmology for a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker space-time with arbitrary constant spatial curvature and cosmological constant, coupled to a massless homogeneous scalar field, a big bang or big crunch singularity is never obtained. This should be contrasted with the fact that in the Bohmian formulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt theory singularities may exist.

  4. Determinación de arsénico y mercurio en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Francisco Pérez Sabino


    Full Text Available El lago de Atitlán, considerado uno de los lagos más bellos del mundo, tiene una superficie de 125.7 km2, una profundidad máxima de aproximadamente 350 m, y se encuentra en el departamento de Sololá, en el occidente de Guatemala. Desde 2009 se han observado floraciones extensivas de cianobacterias en el lago, reflejando la contaminación del agua en la cuenca. Se determinaron los niveles de arsénico (As y mercurio (Hg en agua superficial del lago de Atitlán, por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (EAA, en cuatro muestreos realizados en marzo, mayo, agosto y octubre de 2014 en 14 sitios. Diez sitios se encuentran localizados en el lago, habiendo sido definidos en estudios anteriores con base en su cercanía a poblaciones asentadas en la orillas del lago. Dos sitios corresponden a los principales ríos tributarios, y los restantes dos sitios a la entrada y salida de la planta de tratamiento Los Cebollales, ubicada en Panajachel. Los niveles de As encontrados en el lago de Atitlán, tributarios y en la planta de tratamiento, fueron superiores a 20 μg/L. Los resultados indican que la contaminación del lago de Atitlán por As se debe principalmente a la geología de la cuenca, al localizarse en una zona volcánica. Los niveles cuantificables de As, son superiores al nivel máximo permitido para agua potable en la Norma de Agua Potable (NGO 29001:99 de la Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas (COGUANOR, por lo que el agua del lago de Atitlán no se considera apta para el consumo humano.

  5. Reparación del cartílago articular con injerto libre de pericondrio estudio experimental


    Ballesteros Vazquez, P.; Carranza Bencano, Andrés; Armas Padrón, J. R.; Saenz López de Rueda, F.


    Ante la incapacidad de regeneración espontánea de lesiones profundas y amplias del cartílago articular, estudiamos la reparación cartilaginosa con plastias de pericondrio tomadas de la región condro-costal e implantándolas con su cara condrogénica sobre una lesión osteocondral realizada en la superficie articular rotuliana. Macroscópica e histológicamente, a la octava semana, el neocartílago formado tenía igual apariencia que el cartílago hialino normal, no existiendo separació...

  6. Singularities in minimax optimization of networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Kaj; Schjær-Jacobsen, Hans


    A theoretical treatment of singularities in nonlinear minimax optimization problems, which allows for a classification in regular and singular problems, is presented. A theorem for determining a singularity that is present in a given problem is formulated. A group of problems often used in the li......A theoretical treatment of singularities in nonlinear minimax optimization problems, which allows for a classification in regular and singular problems, is presented. A theorem for determining a singularity that is present in a given problem is formulated. A group of problems often used...

  7. Diversidad de musgos en ambientes degradados sujetos a restauración en el Parque Nacional Lago Puelo (Chubut, Argentina Moss diversity in degraded environments under restoring in the Lago Puelo National Park (Chubut, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La restauración ecológica es una disciplina que intenta recuperar atributos perdidos en un ecosistema (diversidad de especies, estructura y función. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la diversidad de musgos y sus formas de vida en tres ambientes con diferentes niveles de degradación y los sustratos en los que estos se desarrollan. El área de estudio corresponde a un sector que se está restaurando dentro de la Reserva Nacional Lago Puelo. En ella se encuentran tres ambientes distintos: (1 área remanente de bosque maduro de Nothofagus dombeyi, (2 bosque secundario de Austrocedrus chilensis, y (3 matorral dominado por especies exóticas. Se recorrió cada uno de los ambientes, registrando los sustratos con musgos, formas de vida y géneros. Los resultados evidencian una reducción de los sustratos disponibles y de las especies presentes conforme avanza el grado de alteración, desde el área de bosque maduro de N. dombeyi (9 sustratos: 17 géneros: 7 formas de vida, al sector de bosque secundario de A. chilensis (6 sustratos: 8 géneros: 5 formas de vida, siendo menor en el matorral dominado por especies exóticas (1 sustrato: 4 géneros: 3 formas de vida. Los musgos desempeñan funciones importantes en los ecosistemas, son fundamentales en el balance hídrico, pioneros en suelos inestables controlando la erosión y colonizando sitios alterados, sirven como hábitat y alimento para invertebrados, y también constituyen sitios propicios para la germinación de plantas vasculares. Si bien algunas especies leñosas ven afectada su germinación por la presencia de musgos, estos facilitan la germinación de otras especies arbóreas de los bosques templados. Los resultados podrían ser utilizados en restauración, ya sea recreando los sustratos ausentes o realizando traslado de sustratos con musgos, a fin de favorecer la recuperación de áreas boscosas degradadas considerando la biodiversidad original.Ecological restoration is a discipline

  8. La Sabana de Bogotá y su lago en el Pleniglacial Medio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamenn Thomas Van Der


    Full Text Available Durante buena parte del Pleistoceno (últimos  2.5 millones de años, la Sabana de Bogotá fue un lago. En su extensa historia presenta cambios frecuentes de nivel, especialmente durante las épocas interglaciales en las cuales el lago se contraía y dejaba una amplia zona pantanosa y boscosa entre su orilla y el pie de los cerros (VAN DER HAMMEN & GONZÁLEZ 1960-1963; HOOGHIEMSTRA,1984. Durante el último interglacial y en los interestadiales y estadiales de la parte temprana del último glacial existía un lago relativamente grande; en los bordes y especialmente en la parte baja de los valles que desembocan a la Sabana (como el de Tenjo se encontraba vegetación pantanosa, especialmente con Alnus acuminata (Aliso acompañado en ocasiones de Weinmannia sp. y Vallea stipularis.

  9. Coupled singular and non singular thermoelastic system and double lapalce decomposition methods


    Hassan Gadain; Hassan Gadain


    In this paper, the double Laplace decomposition methods are applied to solve the non singular and singular one dimensional thermo-elasticity coupled system and. The technique is described and illustrated with some examples

  10. Naked singularity, firewall, and Hawking radiation. (United States)

    Zhang, Hongsheng


    Spacetime singularity has always been of interest since the proof of the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorem. Naked singularity naturally emerges from reasonable initial conditions in the collapsing process. A recent interesting approach in black hole information problem implies that we need a firewall to break the surplus entanglements among the Hawking photons. Classically, the firewall becomes a naked singularity. We find some vacuum analytical solutions in R n -gravity of the firewall-type and use these solutions as concrete models to study the naked singularities. By using standard quantum theory, we investigate the Hawking radiation emitted from the black holes with naked singularities. Here we show that the singularity itself does not destroy information. A unitary quantum theory works well around a firewall-type singularity. We discuss the validity of our result in general relativity. Further our result demonstrates that the temperature of the Hawking radiation still can be expressed in the form of the surface gravity divided by 2π. This indicates that a naked singularity may not compromise the Hakwing evaporation process.

  11. Plane waves with weak singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David, Justin R.


    We study a class of time dependent solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations which are plane waves with weak null singularities. This singularity is weak in the sense that though the tidal forces diverge at the singularity, the rate of divergence is such that the distortion suffered by a freely falling observer remains finite. Among such weak singular plane waves there is a sub-class which does not exhibit large back reaction in the presence of test scalar probes. String propagation in these backgrounds is smooth and there is a natural way to continue the metric beyond the singularity. This continued metric admits string propagation without the string becoming infinitely excited. We construct a one parameter family of smooth metrics which are at a finite distance in the space of metrics from the extended metric and a well defined operator in the string sigma model which resolves the singularity. (author)

  12. Finite-time future singularities in modified Gauss-Bonnet and F(R,G) gravity and singularity avoidance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bamba, Kazuharu; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Sebastiani, Lorenzo; Zerbini, Sergio


    We study all four types of finite-time future singularities emerging in the late-time accelerating (effective quintessence/phantom) era from F(R,G)-gravity, where R and G are the Ricci scalar and the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, respectively. As an explicit example of F(R,G)-gravity, we also investigate modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity, so-called F(G)-gravity. In particular, we reconstruct the F(G)-gravity and F(R,G)-gravity models where accelerating cosmologies realizing the finite-time future singularities emerge. Furthermore, we discuss a possible way to cure the finite-time future singularities in F(G)-gravity and F(R,G)-gravity by taking into account higher-order curvature corrections. The example of non-singular realistic modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity is presented. It turns out that adding such non-singular modified gravity to singular Dark Energy makes the combined theory a non-singular one as well. (orig.)

  13. Impacto ambiental de la actividad langostinera, extractiva y agrícola sobre el ecosistema de manglar en el litoral de la región tumbes


    Hidalgo Mogollón, Auberto


    Con el propósito de determinar el impacto de la actividad langostinera, extractiva y agrícola sobre el ecosistema de manglar de Tumbes (Perú), se evaluó sus componentes más importantes, en los canales de marea el Bendito, Jelí, Puerto Rico y estero Corrales ubicados en la Región Tumbes. Se tomaron muestras de agua y sedimento, se hicieron entrevistas, observaciones in situ y acopio de información en instituciones públicas y privadas, comprometidas con el ecosistema de manglar. Los valores de...

  14. Are naked singularities really visible

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvani, M [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia; De Felice, F [Alberta Univ., Edmonton (Canada); Nobili, L [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica


    The question whether a Kerr naked singularity is actually visible from infinity is investigated; it is shown that in fact any signal which could be emitted from the singularity is infinitely red-shifted. This implies that naked singularities would be indistinguishable from a black hole.

  15. Reflexiones acerca de los ecosistemas agrícolas y la necesidad de su conservación Reflections on agricultural ecosystems and the need to preserve them

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilda Machado


    Full Text Available La conservación de los ecosistemas agrícolas o agroecosistemas reviste una gran importancia para la seguridad alimentaria del planeta, por cuanto ellos contienen los elementos necesarios (suelo, agua y biodiversidad que son consustanciales a la producción agropecuaria. Aunque la agricultura es una forma necesaria en el uso de las tierras que se encuentra en oposición a los ecosistemas, debido a que las decisiones sobre las prácticas de manejo y uso del suelo influyen en los procesos ecológicos y en las interacciones suelo-agua-plantas, estas decisiones deben tener en cuenta que la calidad de vida de las personas y su bienestar dependen en última instancia del bienestar del ecosistema. Este artículo hace un llamado a la reflexión sobre la responsabilidad que tienen los decisores en cuanto al uso de la tierra para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de forma sostenible.

  16. Modelamiento y simulación para analizar la contaminación del lago Titicaca aplicando lógica difusa


    Benites Noriega, Juan


    El trabajo de investigación titulado "MODELAMIENTO Y SIMULACIÓN PARA ANALIZAR LA CONTAMINACIÓN DEL LAGO TITICACA, APLICANDO LÓGICA DIFUSA", se ha realizado en la ciudad de Puno con la finalidad de modelar y analizar la contaminación del Lago Titicaca, aplicando la lógica difusa para la conservación del medio ambiente y la sociedad; localizar las fuentes generadoras de la contaminación del Lago Titicaca, y mencionar como afecta la contaminación del Lago Titicaca en la salud de los habitantes q...

  17. Analysis of Management Practices in Lagos State Tertiary Institutions through Total Quality Management Structural Framework (United States)

    AbdulAzeez, Abbas Tunde


    This research investigated total quality management practices and quality teacher education in public tertiary institutions in Lagos State. The study was therefore designed to analyse management practices in Lagos state tertiary institutions through total quality management structural framework. The selected public tertiary institutions in Lagos…

  18. Residues and duality for singularity categories of isolated Gorenstein singularities


    Murfet, Daniel


    We study Serre duality in the singularity category of an isolated Gorenstein singularity and find an explicit formula for the duality pairing in terms of generalised fractions and residues. For hypersurfaces we recover the residue formula of the string theorists Kapustin and Li. These results are obtained from an explicit construction of complete injective resolutions of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules.

  19. Percepción de la comunidad del archipiélago de Bocas del Toro, Panamá, sobre el impacto de la industria turística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mercedes Camargo Velandia


    lleguen al archipiélago en busca de oportunidades de trabajo. Los encuestados no notan que haya un deterioro importante de los ecosistemas y reconocen que ellos no tienen una cultura ambiental para proteger las playas. La comunidad local utiliza y valora 14 servicios ecosistémicos, especialmente los de provisión, soporte y cultural, que forman parte de sus estrategias y medios de vida. Los operadores turísticos valoran seis servicios, específicamente de provisión, regulación y cultura, que están estrechamente ligados al desarrollo de la actividad turística, el acceso y la oportunidad de integrarse a la labor turística. También se descubre que las mujeres, en general, reciben menos ingresos que los hombres.

  20. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will: raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision-making in the medium term ...

  1. Lagos bat virus transmission in an Eidolon helvum bat colony, Ghana. (United States)

    Freuling, Conrad M; Binger, Tabea; Beer, Martin; Adu-Sarkodie, Yaw; Schatz, Juliane; Fischer, Melina; Hanke, Dennis; Hoffmann, Bernd; Höper, Dirk; Mettenleiter, Thomas C; Oppong, Samual K; Drosten, Christian; Müller, Thomas


    A brain sample of a straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) from Ghana without evident signs of disease tested positive by generic Lyssavirus RT-PCR and direct antigen staining. Sequence analysis confirmed the presence of a Lagos bat virus belonging to phylogenetic lineage A. Virus neutralization tests using the isolate with sera from the same group of bats yielded neutralizing antibodies in 74% of 567 animals. No cross-neutralization was observed against a different Lagos bat virus (lineage B). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Human papillomavirus (HPV infection and vaccines: Knowledge, attitude and perception among female students at the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Chigozie Makwe


    Conclusion: The knowledge of and the perceived susceptibility to HPV infection and HPV-related diseases among female students in the University of Lagos were generally low. The need for a well-designed HPV-educational program to bridge the knowledge gap cannot be overemphasized.

  3. String theory and cosmological singularities

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Well-known examples are singularities inside black holes and initial or final singularities in expanding or contracting universes. In recent times, string theory is providing new perspectives of such singularities which may lead to an understanding of these in the standard framework of time evolution in quantum mechanics.

  4. Multidimensional singular integrals and integral equations

    CERN Document Server

    Mikhlin, Solomon Grigorievich; Stark, M; Ulam, S


    Multidimensional Singular Integrals and Integral Equations presents the results of the theory of multidimensional singular integrals and of equations containing such integrals. Emphasis is on singular integrals taken over Euclidean space or in the closed manifold of Liapounov and equations containing such integrals. This volume is comprised of eight chapters and begins with an overview of some theorems on linear equations in Banach spaces, followed by a discussion on the simplest properties of multidimensional singular integrals. Subsequent chapters deal with compounding of singular integrals

  5. Holographic complexity and spacetime singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbón, José L.F. [Instituto de Física Teórica IFT UAM/CSIC,C/ Nicolás Cabrera 13, Campus Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,Madrid 28049 (Spain); Rabinovici, Eliezer [Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University,Jerusalem 91904 (Israel); Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 (France)


    We study the evolution of holographic complexity in various AdS/CFT models containing cosmological crunch singularities. We find that a notion of complexity measured by extremal bulk volumes tends to decrease as the singularity is approached in CFT time, suggesting that the corresponding quantum states have simpler entanglement structure at the singularity.

  6. Holographic complexity and spacetime singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbón, José L.F.; Rabinovici, Eliezer


    We study the evolution of holographic complexity in various AdS/CFT models containing cosmological crunch singularities. We find that a notion of complexity measured by extremal bulk volumes tends to decrease as the singularity is approached in CFT time, suggesting that the corresponding quantum states have simpler entanglement structure at the singularity.

  7. On the singularities of solutions to singular perturbation problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fruchard, A; Schaefke, R


    We consider a singularly perturbed complex first order ODE εu ' Φ(x, u, a, ε), x, u element of C, ε > 0 is a small complex parameter and a element of C is a control parameter. It is proven that the singularities of some solutions are regularly spaced and that they move from one to the next as a runs about a loop of index one around a value of overstability. This gives a positive answer to a question of J. L. Callot

  8. Singularities in four-body final-state amplitudes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adhikari, S.K.


    Like three-body amplitudes, four-body amplitudes have subenergy threshold singularities over and above total-energy singularities. In the four-body problem we encounter a new type of subenergy singularity besides the usual two- and three-body subenergy threshold singularities. This singularity will be referred to as ''independent-pair threshold singularity'' and involves pair-subenergy threshold singularities in each of the two independent pair subenergies in four-body final states. We also study the particularly interesting case of resonant two- and three-body interactions in the four-body isobar model and the rapid (singular) dependence of the isobar amplitudes they generate in the four-body phase space. All these singularities are analyzed in the multiple-scattering formalism and it is shown that they arise from the ''next-to-last'' rescattering and hence may be represented correctly by an approximate amplitude which has that rescattering

  9. Local and nonlocal space-time singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstantinov, M.Yu.


    The necessity to subdivide the singularities into two classes: local and nonlocal, each of them to be defined independently, is proved. Both classes of the singularities are defined, and the relation between the definitions introduced and the standard definition of singularities, based on space-time, incompleteness, is established. The relation between definitions introduced and theorems on the singularity existence is also established

  10. El ecosistema del fútbol en Colombia y su asociación con el direccionamiento estratégico de los clubes en la Primera División Colombiana


    Medina Rodriguez, Oscar Alfonso; Ospino Nuñez, Natalia Carolina


    Este trabajo de grado pretende presentar una aproximación teórica del negocio del fútbol profesional colombiano en el contexto actual, desde la perspectiva de los ecosistemas de los negocios. Específicamente, este documento estudia la influencia que ejerce la estructura organizacional del negocio del fútbol en Colombia en el enfoque estratégico de los clubes de primera división, comprendiendo y sintetizando las relaciones existentes entre los distintos actores del ecosistema.

  11. adaptation of plastic waste to energy development in lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Plastic wastes, Energy, Sustainable development, Environment, ... countries to be rationalising energy supply to their people. .... Managing waste in Lagos is may be a herculean task in ..... uncertainties in a life cycle perspective.

  12. The Geometry of Black Hole Singularities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ovidiu Cristinel Stoica


    Full Text Available Recent results show that important singularities in General Relativity can be naturally described in terms of finite and invariant canonical geometric objects. Consequently, one can write field equations which are equivalent to Einstein's at nonsingular points but, in addition remain well-defined and smooth at singularities. The black hole singularities appear to be less undesirable than it was thought, especially after we remove the part of the singularity due to the coordinate system. Black hole singularities are then compatible with global hyperbolicity and do not make the evolution equations break down, when these are expressed in terms of the appropriate variables. The charged black holes turn out to have smooth potential and electromagnetic fields in the new atlas. Classical charged particles can be modeled, in General Relativity, as charged black hole solutions. Since black hole singularities are accompanied by dimensional reduction, this should affect Feynman's path integrals. Therefore, it is expected that singularities induce dimensional reduction effects in Quantum Gravity. These dimensional reduction effects are very similar to those postulated in some approaches to make Quantum Gravity perturbatively renormalizable. This may provide a way to test indirectly the effects of singularities, otherwise inaccessible.

  13. On the singularities of solutions to singular perturbation problems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fruchard, A [Laboratoire de Mathematiques, Informatique et Applications, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques, Universite de Haute Alsace, 4 rue des Freres Lumiere, 68093 Mulhouse cedex (France); Schaefke, R [Departement de Mathematiques, Universite Louis Pasteur, 7 rue Rene-Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg cedex (France)


    We consider a singularly perturbed complex first order ODE {epsilon}u ' {phi}(x, u, a, {epsilon}), x, u element of C, {epsilon} > 0 is a small complex parameter and a element of C is a control parameter. It is proven that the singularities of some solutions are regularly spaced and that they move from one to the next as a runs about a loop of index one around a value of overstability. This gives a positive answer to a question of J. L. Callot.

  14. Singularity kinematics principle and position-singularity analyses of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Yi; Zhou, Hui; Li, Baokun; Shen, Long


    This paper presents a new principle and method of kinematics to analyze the singularity of Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators and addresses the property identification of the position-singularity loci of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough manipulators for special orientations. Based on the kinematic relationship of a rigid body, a necessary and sufficient condition that three velocities of three non-collinear points in a moving rigid body can determine a screw motion is addressed and some typical singular configurations of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators are also addressed in detail. With the above-mentioned condition, a symbolic analytical polynomial expression of degree three in the moving platform position parameters, representing the position-singularity locus of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough manipulators for special orientations, is derived: and the property identification of the position-singularity loci of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough manipulator for these special orientations is investigated at length. It is shown that position-singularity loci of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough parallel manipulator for these special orientations will be a plane and a hyperbolic paraboloid, even three intersecting planes

  15. On important precursor of singular optics (tutorial) (United States)

    Polyanskii, Peter V.; Felde, Christina V.; Bogatyryova, Halina V.; Konovchuk, Alexey V.


    The rise of singular optics is usually associated with the seminal paper by J. F. Nye and M. V. Berry [Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 336, 165-189 (1974)]. Intense development of this area of modern photonics has started since the early eighties of the XX century due to invention of the interfrence technique for detection and diagnostics of phase singularities, such as optical vortices in complex speckle-structured light fields. The next powerful incentive for formation of singular optics into separate area of the science on light was connectected with discovering of very practical technique for creation of singular optical beams of various kinds on the base of computer-generated holograms. In the eghties and ninetieth of the XX century, singular optics evolved, almost entirely, under the approximation of complete coherency of light field. Only at the threshold of the XXI century, it has been comprehended that the singular-optics approaches can be fruitfully expanded onto partially spatially coherent, partially polarized and polychromatic light fields supporting singularities of new kinds, that has been resulted in establishing of correlation singular optics. Here we show that correlation singular optics has much deeper roots, ascending to "pre-singular" and even pre-laser epoch and associated with the concept of partial coherence and polarization. It is remarcable that correlation singular optics in its present interpretation has forestalled the standard coherent singular optics. This paper is timed to the sixtieth anniversary of the most profound precursor of modern correlation singular optics [J. Opt. Soc. Am., 47, 895-902 (1957)].

  16. Properties of kinematic singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coley, A A [Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 (Canada); Hervik, S [Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger (Norway); Lim, W C [Albert-Einstein-Institut, Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam (Germany); MacCallum, M A H, E-mail: aac@mathstat.dal.c, E-mail: sigbjorn.hervik@uis.n, E-mail: wclim@aei.mpg.d, E-mail: [School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, E1 4NS (United Kingdom)


    The locally rotationally symmetric tilted perfect fluid Bianchi type V cosmological model provides examples of future geodesically complete spacetimes that admit a 'kinematic singularity' at which the fluid congruence is inextendible but all frame components of the Weyl and Ricci tensors remain bounded. We show that for any positive integer n there are examples of Bianchi type V spacetimes admitting a kinematic singularity such that the covariant derivatives of the Weyl and Ricci tensors up to the nth order also stay bounded. We briefly discuss singularities in classical spacetimes.

  17. 3rd Singularity Theory Meeting of Northeast region & the Brazil-Mexico 2nd Meeting on Singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Neto, Aurélio; Mond, David; Saia, Marcelo; Snoussi, Jawad; BMMS 2/NBMS 3; ENSINO; Singularities and foliations geometry, topology and applications


    This proceedings book brings selected works from two conferences, the 2nd Brazil-Mexico Meeting on Singularity and the 3rd Northeastern Brazilian Meeting on Singularities, that were hold in Salvador, in July 2015. All contributions were carefully peer-reviewed and revised, and cover topics like Equisingularity, Topology and Geometry of Singularities, Topological Classification of Singularities of Mappings, and more. They were written by mathematicians from several countries, including Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Japan and the USA, on relevant topics on Theory of Singularity, such as studies on deformations, Milnor fibration, foliations, Catastrophe theory, and myriad applications. Open problems are also introduced, making this volume a must-read both for graduate students and active researchers in this field.

  18. Trend of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Lagos Lagoon Ecosystem

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The distribution and occurrence of heavy metals in the sediment, water and benthic animals of the Lagos lagoon ... The concentrations of the metals detected in the lagoon sediment and water ..... waste products contaminating water sources.

  19. Major Sources of Worries and Concerns about Landfills in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Department of Physical Development, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan, Nigeria. ... Keywords: Landfills; Environment; Risk; Perception; Lagos. Introduction ... the popular media frequently contain accounts.

  20. The Effect of Manpower Planning and Development in Lagos State (Nigeria Civil Service Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chinyeaka J. Igbokwe-Ibeto


    Full Text Available The study examined effects of manpower planning and development in Lagos state civil service performance. Lagos state civil service is the greatest asset of the state in its quest for socio-economic development. The primary question that was explored is whether the nature of manpower planning and development curriculum in Lagos state civil service has effect on the service performance and the attainment of state objective. The study relied on primary and secondary data, and multiple stage sampling technique was used to select the sample population. The data collected was presented in frequency bar chart and simple percentage. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. Findings of the study show that the nature of manpower planning and development curriculum has a positive effect on the Lagos state civil performance. It also reveals that the manpower planning and development has a positive effect on the attainment of Lagos state objective. To achieve better performance in the service, it should among others, improve on the current manpower planning strategy and continue to update its manpower development curriculum in line with the global best practices. Given the pivotal role that technology plays in the 21st century, the service should avail itself the windows of opportunities that information technology provides in its drive to enhance employees’ skills, knowledge and abilities that will invariably improve the service performance. Yet, the service should imbibe the prescripts of New PublicManagement theory (NPM, and that goals and targets should be defined and measurable as indicators of organizational performance.

  1. LA GESTIÓN DE ECOSISTEMAS ESTRATÉGICOS PROVEEDORES DE AGUA El caso de las cuencas que abastecen a Medellín y Bogotá en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Fernanda Cárdenas


    Full Text Available El crecimiento poblacional y la concentración urbana implican un aumento sostenido en la demanda de agua, por lo que se requiere de una gestión y manejo adecuados de los ecosistemas que abastecen del líquido para garantizar una adecuada oferta futura. Se analiza el desempeño de las entidades encargadas de la gestión de dichos ecosistemas y los resultados obtenidos en las cuencas que abastecen de agua a dos ciudades en Colombia; considerando temas financieros y su relación con la comunidad local. Dicha gestión está relegada a entidades estatales, cuya labor es insuficiente e insatisfactoria. Así, se propone la aplicación de herramientas económicas, normativas y sociales que redunden en un mejoramiento del estado de conservación de los ecosistemas de interés y en una mejoría de la calidad de vida de los campesinos que residen en sus áreas de influencia, trasladando una parte de la gestión a la órbita de las comunidades locales.

  2. Within salvation: girl hawkers and the colonial state in development era Lagos. (United States)

    George, Abosede


    For almost two decades between the close of the Second World War and Nigerian independence in 1960, the British colonial state which faced a crisis of legitimacy in Lagos upheld city ordinances that made itinerant trading by young children in Lagos a punishable status offense. Although anti-trading regulations were gender-neutral in their language, girls were disproportionately sanctioned for engaging in street trading and related activities. In defending their concentration on girl sellers over boy sellers, colonial welfare officials painted a picture of the urban context as an inherently dangerous context and of girls as being particularly at risk of violent assault in the city, making them particularly in need of protection from town life. Sources which show that parents generally resisted or ignored the street trading regulations and continued permitting their daughters to sell despite entreaties, warnings, or fines from colonial officials, suggest that African parents and British colonial officials may have had conflicting views on the inherent danger of the city, on what constituted child endangerment, and on the gendered nature of childhood. This article argues that the girl saving campaigns of development era Lagos were as much about the legitimization of a colonial state facing a crisis of legitimacy as they were about debates between African parents and colonial welfare officials in Lagos concerning ideas of children and childhood and the dangers of street trading by African girls.

  3. Automated acquisition: principles and practice | Ezomo | Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    No Abstract. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(2) 2003: 120-124. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Article Metrics. Metrics Loading ... Metrics powered by PLOS ALM · · AJOL African Journals ...

  4. Personnel Recruitment and Retention Strategies in Lagos State Civil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Personnel Recruitment and Retention Strategies in Lagos State Civil Service of Nigeria. ... The results show that the strategy for personnel recruitment into the CS is based on mixtures of merit and political ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  5. Factors Influencing Patronage Of Medical Tourism In Metropolitan Lagos Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Since medical tourism attract patient from various origin to seek medical services at different destinations it is paramount to consider the factors that motivate patrons decision on medical tourism. Hence this study assesses the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in Lagos metropolis Nigeria. Lagos State is situated in the southwestern corner of Nigeria it lies within Latitudes 62N to 64N of the Equator and Longitudes 245E to 420E of the Greenwich meridian. Metropolitan Lagos is a statistical division and not an administrative unit it extends over 16 of the 20 LGAs of Lagos State it contains 88 of the population of Lagos State and includes semi-rural areas. Data were collected from primary source. Primary data collection was carried out through the use of structured questionnaire. Systematic sampling technique was employed to select 15 specialized private hospitals and 14 Public hospitals in the study area resulting to a sample size of 29 hospitals. Ten 10 patrons were contacted in each of the selected hospitals consequently 290 patrons were sampled. The study revealed three factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in the study area to be service related economic and facilities. These were further established by factor analysis result which combine service related economic factor as factor one with 29.5 variance explained and Eigen value of 5.605 Facility factor as factor two with 28.6 variance explained and Eigen value of 5.435 Service related factor as factor three with 14.7 variance explained and Eigen value of 2.788 and Economic factor as factor four with 9.2 variance explained and Eigen value of 1.754. The relevant authority in charge of health facilities in the study area would have to employ adequate manpower in-terms of doctors and other healthcare personnel across the public hospital while also regulating the scale of charges of the registered private hospitals in the study area. There is need to improve upon the

  6. Topological resolution of gauge theory singularities (United States)

    Saracco, Fabio; Tomasiello, Alessandro; Torroba, Gonzalo


    Some gauge theories with Coulomb branches exhibit singularities in perturbation theory, which are usually resolved by nonperturbative physics. In string theory this corresponds to the resolution of timelike singularities near the core of orientifold planes by effects from F or M theory. We propose a new mechanism for resolving Coulomb branch singularities in three-dimensional gauge theories, based on Chern-Simons interactions. This is illustrated in a supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory. We calculate the one-loop corrections to the Coulomb branch of this theory and find a result that interpolates smoothly between the high-energy metric (that would exhibit the singularity) and a regular singularity-free low-energy result. We suggest possible applications to singularity resolution in string theory and speculate a relationship to a similar phenomenon for the orientifold six-plane in massive IIA supergravity.

  7. Topological resolution of gauge theory singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saracco, Fabio; Tomasiello, Alessandro; Torroba, Gonzalo


    Some gauge theories with Coulomb branches exhibit singularities in perturbation theory, which are usually resolved by nonperturbative physics. In string theory this corresponds to the resolution of timelike singularities near the core of orientifold planes by effects from F or M theory. We propose a new mechanism for resolving Coulomb branch singularities in three-dimensional gauge theories, based on Chern-Simons interactions. This is illustrated in a supersymmetric S U ( 2 ) Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory. We calculate the one-loop corrections to the Coulomb branch of this theory and find a result that interpolates smoothly between the high-energy metric (that would exhibit the singularity) and a regular singularity-free low-energy result. We suggest possible applications to singularity resolution in string theory and speculate a relationship to a similar phenomenon for the orientifold six-plane in massive IIA supergravity.

  8. Singularities of Type-Q ABS Equations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Atkinson


    Full Text Available The type-Q equations lie on the top level of the hierarchy introduced by Adler, Bobenko and Suris (ABS in their classification of discrete counterparts of KdV-type integrable partial differential equations. We ask what singularities are possible in the solutions of these equations, and examine the relationship between the singularities and the principal integrability feature of multidimensional consistency. These questions are considered in the global setting and therefore extend previous considerations of singularities which have been local. What emerges are some simple geometric criteria that determine the allowed singularities, and the interesting discovery that generically the presence of singularities leads to a breakdown in the global consistency of such systems despite their local consistency property. This failure to be globally consistent is quantified by introducing a natural notion of monodromy for isolated singularities.

  9. The geometry of warped product singularities (United States)

    Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel

    In this article, the degenerate warped products of singular semi-Riemannian manifolds are studied. They were used recently by the author to handle singularities occurring in General Relativity, in black holes and at the big-bang. One main result presented here is that a degenerate warped product of semi-regular semi-Riemannian manifolds with the warping function satisfying a certain condition is a semi-regular semi-Riemannian manifold. The connection and the Riemann curvature of the warped product are expressed in terms of those of the factor manifolds. Examples of singular semi-Riemannian manifolds which are semi-regular are constructed as warped products. Applications include cosmological models and black holes solutions with semi-regular singularities. Such singularities are compatible with a certain reformulation of the Einstein equation, which in addition holds at semi-regular singularities too.

  10. The Big Bang Singularity (United States)

    Ling, Eric

    The big bang theory is a model of the universe which makes the striking prediction that the universe began a finite amount of time in the past at the so called "Big Bang singularity." We explore the physical and mathematical justification of this surprising result. After laying down the framework of the universe as a spacetime manifold, we combine physical observations with global symmetrical assumptions to deduce the FRW cosmological models which predict a big bang singularity. Next we prove a couple theorems due to Stephen Hawking which show that the big bang singularity exists even if one removes the global symmetrical assumptions. Lastly, we investigate the conditions one needs to impose on a spacetime if one wishes to avoid a singularity. The ideas and concepts used here to study spacetimes are similar to those used to study Riemannian manifolds, therefore we compare and contrast the two geometries throughout.

  11. Efecto de la radiación ultravioleta sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos


    Zagarese, H.E.; Cravero, W.R.; Villafane, V.; Helbling, W.


    Hasta hace poco tiempo se consideraba que la radiación ultravioleta carecía de importancia como factor ambiental en los ecosistemas acuáticos, ya que se suponía que se absorbía totalmente en los primeros centímetros de la columna de agua. Gracias al desarrollo de mejores instrumentos de medición, hoy se sabe que la penetración de la radiación ultravioleta en el agua es mucho mayor que la estimada anteriormente, y que sus efectos biológicos resultan observables hasta decenas de metros de profu...

  12. Planeamiento estratégico de la empresa ABR Lagos S.A.C.


    Zuloeta Lagos, Bujarin Jaime


    La presente investigación tiene por finalidad desarrollar un Plan Estratégico para la empresa ABR Lagos S.A.C. para el periodo 2016-2020, con lo cual se busca consolidar su permanencia en el mercado peruano, incrementar su rentabilidad y mejorar la calidad del servicio. ABR Lagos S.A.C. es una empresa especializada en la fabricación e instalación de estructuras metálicas, la cual con casi siete años en el mercado ha mostrado un significativo crecimiento en las ventas. Para el logro del objeti...

  13. Comparative Study of Teenage Pregnancy in Lagos State University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... a comparative study of the obstetric performance of primiparous teenagers and ... 2006-31st December, 2007) in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital,Ikeja. ... The incidence of teenage pregnancy in the study population was 1.01% with ...

  14. The data acquisition system of the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) (United States)

    Sofo Haro, M.; Arnaldi, L. H.; Alvarez, W.; Alvarez, C.; Araujo, C.; Areso, O.; Arnaldi, H.; Asorey, H.; Audelo, M.; Barros, H.; Bertou, X.; Bonnett, M.; Calderon, R.; Calderon, M.; Campos-Fauth, A.; Carramiñana, A.; Carrasco, E.; Carrera, E.; Cazar, D.; Cifuentes, E.; Cogollo, D.; Conde, R.; Cotzomi, J.; Dasso, S.; De Castro, A.; De La Torre, J.; De León, R.; Estupiñan, A.; Galindo, A.; Garcia, L.; Gómez Berisso, M.; González, M.; Guevara, W.; Gulisano, A. M.; Hernández, H.; Jaimes, A.; López, J.; Mantilla, C.; Martín, R.; Martinez-Mendez, A.; Martínez, O.; Martins, E.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Mayo-García, R.; Melo, T.; Mendoza, J.; Miranda, P.; Montes, E.; Morales, E.; Morales, I.; Moreno, E.; Murrugarra, C.; Nina, C.; Núñez, L. A.; Núñez-Castiñeyra, A.; Otiniano, L.; Peña-Rodríguez, J.; Perenguez, J.; Pérez, H.; Perez, Y.; Perez, G.; Pinilla-Velandia, S.; Ponce, E.; Quishpe, R.; Quispe, F.; Reyes, K.; Rivera, H.; Rodriguez, J.; Rodríguez-Pascual, M.; Romero, M.; Rubio-Montero, A. J.; Salazar, H.; Salinas, J.; Sarmiento-Cano, C.; Sidelnik, I.; Haro, M. Sofo; Suárez-Durán, M.; Subieta, M.; Tello, J.; Ticona, R.; Torres, I.; Torres-Niño, L.; Truyenque, J.; Valencia-Otero, M.; Vargas, S.; Vásquez, N.; Villasenor, L.; Zamalloa, M.; Zavala, L.


    LAGO is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) placed throughout Latin America. It is dedicated to the study of various issues related to astrophysics, space weather and atmospheric physics at the regional scale. In this paper we present the design and implementation of the front-end electronics and the data acquisition system for readout of the WCDs of LAGO. The system consists of preamplifiers and a digital board sending data to a computer via an USB interface. The analog signals are acquired from three independent channels at a maximum rate of ~1.2×105 pulses per second and a sampling rate of 40 MHz. To avoid false trigger due to baseline fluctuations, we present in this work a baseline correction algorithm that makes it possible to use WCDs to study variations of the environmental radiation. A data logging software has been designed to format the received data. It also enables an easy access to the data for an off-line analysis, together with the operational conditions and environmental information. The system is currently used at different sites of LAGO.

  15. The data acquisition system of the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sofo Haro, M.; Arnaldi, L.H.


    LAGO is an extended cosmic ray observatory composed of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) placed throughout Latin America. It is dedicated to the study of various issues related to astrophysics, space weather and atmospheric physics at the regional scale. In this paper we present the design and implementation of the front-end electronics and the data acquisition system for readout of the WCDs of LAGO. The system consists of preamplifiers and a digital board sending data to a computer via an USB interface. The analog signals are acquired from three independent channels at a maximum rate of ~1.2×10"5 pulses per second and a sampling rate of 40 MHz. To avoid false trigger due to baseline fluctuations, we present in this work a baseline correction algorithm that makes it possible to use WCDs to study variations of the environmental radiation. A data logging software has been designed to format the received data. It also enables an easy access to the data for an off-line analysis, together with the operational conditions and environmental information. The system is currently used at different sites of LAGO.


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    Maryury Fernanda Gómez Barrera


    Full Text Available Esta investigación destaca la importancia del maestro de ciencias como promotor de actitudes, conocimientos y prácticas hacia la conservación del ecosistema páramo a través de las prácticas de campo, en estudiantes de secundaria del Colegio Siervas de San José, como un acercamiento a la conservación de los ecosistemas Colombianos. Recurriendo para ello al estudio ecofisiológico de una planta concreta, endémica y de gran significado ecológico y social para el ecosistema páramo, el  frailejón (Asteraceae: Espeletia. La investigación presenta un enfoque  mixto o multimodal, recurriendo a la IEP (Investigación como Estrategia Pedagógica como metodología  central y fundamental para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se logran describir las nociones de las estudiantes en cuanto a la conservación, la ecofisiología, el páramo y el frailejón; y se caracterizaron algunas  actitudes, prácticas y conocimientos conservacionistas de las estudiantes en cuanto al páramo evidenciando las transformaciones durante el proceso.

  17. Variabilité hydrologique et vulnérabilité des populations du Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, Brésil Variabilidade hidrológica e vulnerabilidade das populações do Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, BrasilHydrological variability and human vulnerability in Lago Janauaca (Amazonas, Brazil

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    Josyane Ronchail


    Full Text Available Étroitement liées à la pulsation saisonnière des crues de l’Amazone, les activités des petits paysans et pêcheurs des várzeas sont particulièrement sensibles aux manifestations plus extrêmes de la variabilité hydrologique. Ce travail propose d’appréhender la vulnérabilité de ces communautés riveraines aux crues et étiages extrêmes autour du Lago Janauaca, près de Manaus, dans un contexte climatique d’intensification du cycle hydrologique. Dans un premier temps nous proposons de caractériser la variabilité hydrologique du Rio Solimões et son impact spatial sur le Lago. Si l’extension du phénomène est frappante, les dynamiques anthropiques sur les rives du lac sont elles aussi importantes. Celles-ci s’expliquent plus par l’ouverture de pistes entre le lac et la BR319, que par l’expansion des cultures traditionnelles qui restent modérée. Enfin, une série d’entretiens menés auprès des riverains dévoile une relation complexe entre les différentes activités des populations et les extrêmes hydrologiques. Les sécheresses y apparaissent comme les perturbations majeures, non seulement à cause de leurs impacts sur les cultures, mais surtout en raison des difficultés qu’elles entraînent pour les mobilités locale et régionale.Intimamente relacionado com o pulso de inundação sazonal do rio Amazonas, as atividades dos agricultores e pescadores das várzeas são particularmente sensíveis aos eventos mais extremos da variabilidade hidrológica. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a vulnerabilidade das comunidades ribeirinhas às cheias e às estiagens extremas ao redor do Lago Janauaca, próximo de Manaus, em um contexto de intensificação do ciclo hidrológico. Inicialmente, propomos uma caracterização da variabilidade hidrológica do Rio Solimões e do seu impacto espacial sobre o lago. As dinâmicas antrópicas às margens do lago são importantes também. Elas são mais decorrentes pela abertura

  18. On local invariants of singular symplectic forms (United States)

    Domitrz, Wojciech


    We find a complete set of local invariants of singular symplectic forms with the structurally stable Martinet hypersurface on a 2 n-dimensional manifold. In the C-analytic category this set consists of the Martinet hypersurface Σ2, the restriction of the singular symplectic form ω to TΣ2 and the kernel of ω n - 1 at the point p ∈Σ2. In the R-analytic and smooth categories this set contains one more invariant: the canonical orientation of Σ2. We find the conditions to determine the kernel of ω n - 1 at p by the other invariants. In dimension 4 we find sufficient conditions to determine the equivalence class of a singular symplectic form-germ with the structurally smooth Martinet hypersurface by the Martinet hypersurface and the restriction of the singular symplectic form to it. We also study the singular symplectic forms with singular Martinet hypersurfaces. We prove that the equivalence class of such singular symplectic form-germ is determined by the Martinet hypersurface, the canonical orientation of its regular part and the restriction of the singular symplectic form to its regular part if the Martinet hypersurface is a quasi-homogeneous hypersurface with an isolated singularity.

  19. Traditional Music and Dance: An Appreciation | Adedeji | Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Notes and Records. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 17 (2011) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT ...

  20. Cytomegalovirus antibodies among healthy blood donors at Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is found worldwide in all geographical locations and socio-economic groups and is the virus most frequently transmitted to a developing child before birth. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors for CMV antibodies among healthy blood donors at Lagos University ...

  1. Spacetime averaging of exotic singularity universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dabrowski, Mariusz P.


    Taking a spacetime average as a measure of the strength of singularities we show that big-rips (type I) are stronger than big-bangs. The former have infinite spacetime averages while the latter have them equal to zero. The sudden future singularities (type II) and w-singularities (type V) have finite spacetime averages. The finite scale factor (type III) singularities for some values of the parameters may have an infinite average and in that sense they may be considered stronger than big-bangs.

  2. Calidad del agua y sedimento en el lago de Maracaibo, estado Zulia

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    Giovany José-Bracho


    Full Text Available Se analizó el agua y el sedimento del lago de Maracaibo en seis estaciones de muestreo distribuidas de norte a sur del lago. Los parámetros físicoquímicos y ambientales fueron determinados y establecidas las relaciones entre estos y las áreas afectadas por descargas de aguas residuales, depósitos de basura, residuos industriales líquidos y sólidos, actividad petrolera y agrícola y materiales orgánicos acarreados por ríos y drenajes pluviales. Se evidenció la contaminación por incremento de utrientes(nitrógeno y fósforo en las zonas influenciadas por los ríos y vertederos de agua residual y se validó la presencia de una cuña salina por la penetración al lago de las aguas del golfo de Venezuela. Las concentraciones de metalespesados están por debajo de los límites permisibles para el agua; en los sedimentos es muy heterogénea.

  3. Transformative Empowerment in the Lagos State Civil Service: A Gender Policy Discourse

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    Felicia A.D. Oyekanmi


    Full Text Available Transformation means positive change to new values and direction. This research is concerned with the relationship between empowerment processes that are transformatory and gender equality in the workplace. Its scope includes integrating a transformatory view into women’s and men’s consciousness and autonomy over their career, education and health. This research adopted a case-study approach by using the Ministries of Education, Health, Establishment, Training and Pensions and the Civil Service Commission in Lagos State, employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods as its empirical research methodology. The field work was carried out in Lagos State in the months of June and July, 2014 while the interview was in July and August, 2014. This study demonstrated that gender-blind policies disempower women and perpetuate gender inequalities in the Lagos State Civil Service. Further, it shows that the manifestation of transformatory empowerment is jeopardised by women and men's compliance with the existing expectations and inaction to bring about changes in policies and practices that are detrimental to the attainment of gender equality in the work place.

  4. Assessing the deep drilling potential of Lago de Tota, Colombia, with a seismic survey (United States)

    Bird, B. W.; Wattrus, N. J.; Fonseca, H.; Velasco, F.; Escobar, J.


    Reconciling orbital-scale patterns of inter-hemispheric South American climate during the Quaternary requires continuous, high-resolution paleoclimate records that span multiple glacial cycles from both hemispheres. Southern Andean Quaternary climates are represented by multi-proxy results from Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia) spanning the last 400 ka and by pending results from the Lago Junin Drilling Project (Peru). Although Northern Andean sediment records spanning the last few million years have been retrieved from the Bogota and Fúquene Basins in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, climatic reconstructions based on these cores have thus far been limited to pollen-based investigations. When viewed together with the Southern Hemisphere results, these records suggest an anti-phased hemispheric climatic response during glacial cycles. In order to better assess orbital-scale climate responses, however, independent temperature and hydroclimate proxies from the Northern Hemisphere are needed in addition to vegetation histories. As part of this objective, an effort is underway to develop a paleoclimate record from Lago de Tota (3030 m asl), the largest lake in Colombia and the third largest lake in the Andes. One of 17 highland tectonic basins in Eastern Cordillera, Lago de Tota formed during Tertiary uplift that deformed pre-foreland megasequences, synrift and back-arc megasequences. The precise age and thickness of sediments in the Lago de Tota basin has not previously been established. Here, we present results from a recent single-channel seismic reflection survey collected with a small (5 cubic inch) air gun and high-resolution CHIRP sub-bottom data. With these data, we examine the depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of Lago de Tota and assess its potential as a deep drilling target.

  5. The Semantics of Plurals: A Defense of Singularism (United States)

    Florio, Salvatore


    In this dissertation, I defend "semantic singularism", which is the view that syntactically plural terms, such as "they" or "Russell and Whitehead", are semantically singular. A semantically singular term is a term that denotes a single entity. Semantic singularism is to be distinguished from "syntactic singularism", according to which…

  6. Ectopic Pregnancy in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We set out to determine the socio-demographic factors,pattern of presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy in a University Teaching Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. A retrospective descriptive analysis of all cases of ectopic pregnancy over a 2-year period was carried out. The case notes were retrieved from the ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article is a historical excursion into the musical activities in Lagos from around ... development in virtually all areas of life; political, religious, social and .... children' As an example, the cited a song composed on the occasion of the victory ..... missionaries surfaced in the church when the Pan-Africanist movement became.

  8. Emergency distress call system for automobiles in Lagos state, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Emergency distress call system for automobiles in Lagos state, Nigeria. ... PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... and communications technology capabilities to transportation and the medical care system in order to save lives, ...

  9. Iron stores in regular blood donors in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Adediran A


    Full Text Available Adewumi Adediran,1 Ebele I Uche,2 Titilope A Adeyemo,1 Dapus O Damulak,3 Akinsegun A Akinbami,4 Alani S Akanmu1 1Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria; 2Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria; 3Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria; 4Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos State University, Ikeja, Nigeria Background: Apart from challenging the bone marrow to increase its red cell production, thereby producing more blood for the donor, regular blood donation has been shown to have several benefits, one of which is preventing accumulation of body iron which can cause free radical formation in the body. This study was carried out to assess body iron stores in regular blood donors. Methods: A total of 52 regular (study and 30 first-time (control volunteer blood donors were studied prospectively. Twenty milliliters of venous blood was drawn from each subject, 5 mL of which was put into sodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid specimen bottles for a full blood count, including red blood cell indices. The remaining sample was allowed to clot in a plain container, and the serum was then retrieved for serum ferritin, serum iron, and serum transferrin receptor measurement by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Mean hemoglobin and packed cell volume in the study group (13.47 ± 2.36 g/dL and 42.00 ± 7.10, respectively, P = 0.303 were not significantly higher than in the control group (12.98 ± 1.30 g/dL and 39.76 ± 4.41, respectively, P = 0.119. Mean serum ferritin was 102.46 ± 80.26 ng/mL in the control group and 41.46 ± 40.33 ng/mL in the study group (P = 0.001. Mean serum ferritin for women in the study group (28.02 ± 25.00 ng/mL was significantly lower than for women in the control group (56.35 ± 34.03 ng/mL, P = 0.014. Similarly, men in the study group had a lower

  10. Behavioral pattern of commercial public transport passengers in Lagos metropolis

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    Oluwaseyi Joseph Afolabi


    Full Text Available This study examined the travel behavior of commercial public transport passengers in Lagos State, Nigeria. The descriptive research survey was used in order to assess the opinions of the respondents using the questionnaire. A total of 84 samples were used as representative population, while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significant. The results that were obtained indicated that a positive correlation exists between frequency of   travel and commuters income in Lagos Metropolis and also that a positive correlation exists between frequency of travel and distance covered by commuters in Lagos Metropolis. Secondary data was also sourced to serve as complement to the primary data, thus allowing for a robust research. Descriptive statistical tools such as percentages were also adopted to present the socio-economic characteristics in the area. Findings showed that about 57% of sampled population are male, 62 % are civil servants, 48% of respondents travel for business purposes. Also, that majority of the respondents (50% said that the commercial public transport is highly prone to accident, while about 64% of the respondents commute on daily basis. It was established that lack of transport infrastructure coupled with poor road maintenance were seen as the leading causes of inaccessibility of the area.

  11. Utilization of Oral Health Care Services by University Undergraduates in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Makanjuola, J O; Uti, O G; Sofola, O O


    Data on the utilization of the available oral health facilities by university undergraduates is scarce in Nigeria. To determine the level of utilization of oral health care services and to identify the barriers to seeking treatment among University of Lagos students. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among University of Lagos undergraduates. Systematic sampling was used to select participants after randomly selecting a male and female hostel. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to participants and collected immediately. The data was analyzed using Epi info version 6.04 software. Statistical significance was evaluated with chi square test and p-value facilities.

  12. Murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios de la rabia

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    Karin Corrêa Scheffer

    Full Text Available La rabia continua siendo un desafío para las autoridades de salud pública y una limitante para la industria ganadera en América Latina. Caninos silvestres y domésticos, así como murciélagos hematófagos son las principales especies transmisoras y reservorios de la enfermedad. Actualmente, se observa variaciones en el perfil epidemiológico de la rabia, donde la especie de murciélago hematófago Desmodus rotundus se constituye en la principal especie transmisora. A lo largo del tiempo se ha acumulado conocimiento sobre la ecología, biología y comportamiento de esta especie y sobre la historia natural de la rabia, lo cual debe conducir a una continua evolución de los métodos de control poblacional de D. rotundus, prevención y técnicas de diagnóstico. Aún se desconoce la relación ecológica de esta especie con otras hematófagas y no hematófagas, y queda mucho por mejorar en los sistemas de notificación y vigilancia epidemiológica, así como crear una mayor conciencia entre los ganaderos ante el tema. La comprensión del impacto que las modificaciones ambientales inducidas por el hombre ejercen sobre la dinámica de infección del virus de la rabia en los murciélagos debe ser motivo de investigaciones posteriores. Esto requerirá la combinación de estudios de campo con modelos matemáticos y nuevas herramientas diagnósticas. La presente revisión pretende presentar los aspectos más relevantes sobre el rol de los murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios y transmisores del virus de la rabia

  13. Quantum cosmology and late-time singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamenshchik, A Yu


    The development of dark energy models has stimulated interest to cosmological singularities, which differ from the traditional Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. We review a broad class of phenomena connected with soft cosmological singularities in classical and quantum cosmology. We discuss the classification of singularities from the geometrical point of view and from the point of view of the behavior of finite size objects, crossing such singularities. We discuss in some detail quantum and classical cosmology of models based on perfect fluids (anti-Chaplygin gas and anti-Chaplygin gas plus dust), of models based on the Born–Infeld-type fields and of the model of a scalar field with a potential inversely proportional to the field itself. We dwell also on the phenomenon of the phantom divide line crossing in the scalar field models with cusped potentials. Then we discuss the Friedmann equations modified by quantum corrections to the effective action of the models under considerations and the influence of such modification on the nature and the existence of soft singularities. We review also quantum cosmology of models, where the initial quantum state of the universe is presented by the density matrix (mixed state). Finally, we discuss the exotic singularities arising in the braneworld cosmological models. (topical review)

  14. Geophysical study of saline water intrusion in Lagos municipality

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Department of Applied Geophysics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2Lagos State ... E'. C. C'. N070 00'. E0020 300'. N060 15'. E0020 300'. N070 00'. E0040 30' ..... coastal aquifer, Youngkwang-gun, Korea.

  15. Pattern of juvenile periodontitis in Lagos University Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: The aim of the survey was to study the pattern of juvenile periodontitis patients that presented at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital Dental Centre from November 1999 to March 2004. Methods: Through review of case files of patients, twenty six juvenile periodontitis patients, within the age range of 18 and 30 ...

  16. One dimensional systems with singular perturbations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, J J; Gadella, M; Nieto, L M; Glasser, L M; Lara, L P


    This paper discusses some one dimensional quantum models with singular perturbations. Eventually, a mass discontinuity is added at the points that support the singular perturbations. The simplest model includes an attractive singular potential with a mass jump both located at the origin. We study the form of the only bound state. Another model exhibits a hard core at the origin plus one or more repulsive deltas with mass jumps at the points supporting these deltas. We study the location and the multiplicity of these resonances for the case of one or two deltas and settle the basis for a generalization. Finally, we consider the harmonic oscillator and the infinite square well plus a singular potential at the origin. We see how the energy of bound states is affected by the singular perturbation.

  17. Minimal solution for inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations

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    M. Nikuie


    Full Text Available The fuzzy matrix equations $Ailde{X}=ilde{Y}$ is called a singular fuzzy matrix equations while the coefficients matrix of its equivalent crisp matrix equations be a singular matrix. The singular fuzzy matrix equations are divided into two parts: consistent singular matrix equations and inconsistent fuzzy matrix equations. In this paper, the inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations is studied and the effect of generalized inverses in finding minimal solution of an inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations are investigated.

  18. Bacteriana en el suelo en ecosistemas oligotróficos: una revisión crítica

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    Yunuen Tapia Torres


    Full Text Available El fósforo (P es un elemento esencial para la vida, por lo cual entender los mecanismos que permiten su disponibilidad en el suelo es prioritario. Debido a la complejidad de la dinámica de este nutriente, aún existen varios procesos que no están claramente entendidos, principalmente en los ecosistemas oligotróficos. En la presente revisión se analiza literatura relacionada con procesos involucrados en la disponibilidad del P, dándole énfasis al papel de las bacterias. La forma química disponible del P es el ortofosfato, pero por su alta reactividad y demanda de la biota, esta forma es rápidamente disminuida de la solución del suelo. Por lo que es necesario que la biota adquiera este elemento de otras formas químicas. Entre ellas, las formas orgánicas representan la principal fuente de este nutriente mediante la mineralización bioquímica producto principalmente de la comunidad bacteriana del suelo. Entre los compuestos organofosforados, los ésteres de fosfatos son los más fáciles de mineralizar, por la poca demanda energética en la producción de las enzimas involucradas en dicho proceso. Por otro lado, la mineralización de los fosfonatos puede representar una fuente alternativa de P disponible, a pesar de que se había considerado que esta forma química no era accesible por la complejidad de sus moléculas. En general, una estrategia exitosa para la adquisición de P en ecosistemas donde dicho elemento es limitado, depende de la presencia de una maquinaria genética capaz de sintetizar las diferentes enzimas que mineralizan compuestos orgánicos con demandas energéticas diferentes (fosfohidrolasas, fosfonatasas y C-P liasas, además de la presencia de transportadores específicos de membrana y la disponibilidad de C como fuente de energía. Aún faltan estudios integrados que permitan elucidar el movimiento del P en los ecosistemas y cómo esto puede ser controlado y llevado a cabo por las bacterias que habitan en el suelo.

  19. Pontryagin-Thom-Szucs type construction for non-positive codimensional singular maps with prescribed singular fibers


    Kalmar, Boldizsar


    We give a Pontryagin-Thom-Szucs type construction for non-positive codimensional singular maps, and obtain results about cobordism and bordism groups of -1 codimensional stable maps with prescribed singular fibers.

  20. Pattern of Exodontia treatment need of adults attending the Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim and Objective: To determine the pattern of tooth loss among adults ... Dentistry of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital from September 2001 to April 2004. ... treatment recommended (i.e. periodontal, conservative dentistry, prosthetic, ...

  1. Selenium deficiency and pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Okunade, Kehinde S; Olowoselu, Olusola F; Osanyin, Gbemisola E; John-Olabode, Sarah; Akanmu, Sulaimon A; Anorlu, Rose I


    To investigate the prevalence of maternal selenium deficiency and its effects on pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. The present descriptive cross-sectional study enrolled women aged 15-49 years with HIV who were at 14-26 weeks of a singleton pregnancy and were attending Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria, between August 1, 2016, and April 30, 2017. Participants were selected by consecutive sampling and baseline data were collected through interviews. Venous blood samples were obtained to measure selenium concentrations, and associations between low maternal selenium concentrations (defined as <0.89 μmol/L) and pregnancy outcomes were examined using bivariate and multivariate analysis. The final analysis included 113 patients; selenium deficiency was recorded in 23 (20.4%) patients. Women with selenium deficiency had an approximately eight-fold higher risk of preterm delivery (adjusted odds ratio 7.61, 95% confidence interval 4.37-18.89; P=0.031) and of delivering a term neonate with a low delivery weight (adjusted odds ratio 8.11, 95% confidence interval 3.27-17.22; P=0.012), compared with women with a normal selenium concentration. The prevalence of selenium deficiency among pregnant women with HIV in Lagos was relatively high. The significant associations observed between maternal selenium deficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes could have implications for the future management of HIV in pregnancy. © 2018 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  2. Singularities in FLRW spacetimes (United States)

    het Lam, Huibert; Prokopec, Tomislav


    We point out that past-incompleteness of geodesics in FLRW spacetimes does not necessarily imply that these spacetimes start from a singularity. Namely, if a test particle that follows such a trajectory has a non-vanishing velocity, its energy was super-Planckian at some time in the past if it kept following that geodesic. That indicates a breakdown of the particle's description, which is why we should not consider those trajectories for the definition of an initial singularity. When one only considers test particles that do not have this breakdown of their trajectory, it turns out that the only singular FLRW spacetimes are the ones that have a scale parameter that vanishes at some initial time.

  3. De la especie al ecosistema; del ecosistema a la sociedad: revalorizando el algarrobo (ProsoPis Pallida) y el reto de su conservación en Lambayeque y en la costa norte del Perú


    Cuentas Romero, María Alejandra; Salazar Toledo, Arturo Ítalo


    El artículo muestra la relevancia de una especie clave —Prosopis pallida— en el desarrollo ecológico del bosque seco costero, y cómo dicha importancia también influye en el desarrollo humano, pues con el tiempo se ha ido fortaleciendo el vínculo social con los ecosistemas forestales. Mediante el método de muestreo por transectos (punto-centro-cuadrado) y el valor obtenido por medio del Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) aplicados al Área de Conservación Regional (ACR) Huacrupe La Calera (Ol...

  4. Las macrófitas de algunos lagos alto-andinos del Ecuador y su bajo potencial como bioindicadores de eutrofización

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    Benjamin Kiersch


    Full Text Available Se estudió la presencia de macrófitas en tres lagos de altoandinos en Ecuador,Lago San Pablo,Laguna La Mica y Lago Cuicocha.Los primeros dos son eutróficos, mientras que el último es un lago de caldera extremadamente oligotrófico.Las especies dominantes en los lagos eutróficos son:Ceratophyllum demersum , Myriophyllum quitense ,Potamogeton illinoensis ,P. striatus y Elodea matthewsii .En el lago oligotrófico están presentes P.pectinatus,P.illinoensi s,y las Characeae Chara rusbyabana ,Ch.globularis y Nitella acuminata .La máxima profundidad para la presencia de macrófitas puede ser usada como un indicador del estado de eutroficación,la cual va desde 5 m en la Laguna Mica a 35 m en el Lago Cuicocha.El valor de la bioindicación de las especies de macrófitas en estos lagos altoandinos es bajo,debido a que solo unas pocas especies están presentes,y algunas de ellas no son específicas para las condiciones ambientales.Macrophytes from some high Andean lakes of Ecuador and their low potential as bioindicators of eutrophication .The occurrence of macrophyte in three high Andean lakes of Ecuador,Lago San Pablo, Laguna La Mica and Lago Cuicocha was recorded in 5-9 transects per lake.The first two lakes are eutrophic, the third is an extremely oligotrophic caldera lake.The dominant species in eutrophic lakes are Ceratophyllum demersum ,Myriophyllum quitense ,Potamogeton illinoensis ,P.striatus and Elodea matthewsii .In the oligotrophic lake P.pectinatus,P.illinoensi s,and the Characeae Chara rusbyana ,Ch.globularis and Nitella acuminata occur.The maximum depth of the macrophyte ’s presence can be used as an indicator of the trophic state,ranging from about 5 m in Mica to 35 m in Cuicocha.The bioindication value of the macrophyte species in these high Andean lakes is low,because few species occur and because some of them are not specific to environmental conditions.Rev.Biol.Trop.52(4:829-837.Epub 2005 Jun 24.

  5. Lago artificial de Martiánez Canarias – España

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    Amigó, Juan A.


    Full Text Available In this article a technical description is given of the works of the Artificial Lake of Martiánez. This work that was executed after gaining some 33,000 m2 from the sea mainly consisted of creating a small artificial lake of seawater surrounded by solariums, beaches and gardens. Inside the lake — that has an area of some 15,000 m2 — five natural islands were formed, most of which have tourist complexes built on them, consisting of: night club, restaurants, bars, terraces, etc.

    En este artículo se hace una descripción técnica de las obras del Lago Artificial de Martiánez. Esta obra, realizada tras ganar al mar unos 33.000 m2 consistió, principalmente, en la creación de un pequeño lago artificial de agua de mar rodeado de solarios, playas y jardines. En el interior del lago —cuya superficie es de unos 15.000 m2— se formaron cinco islas naturales, en la mayor de las cuales se construyó un complejo turístico que consta de: sala de fiestas, restaurantes, bares, terrazas, etc.

  6. Major Sources of Worries and Concerns about Landfills in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Landfills; Environment; Risk; Perception; Lagos. Introduction ... largely to the perception of risk to human health and the environment. ..... in turn pass the cost to consumers. Potential ... Environment and Behaviour, Vol. 32 No. 2 pp.

  7. The theory of singular perturbations

    CERN Document Server

    De Jager, E M


    The subject of this textbook is the mathematical theory of singular perturbations, which despite its respectable history is still in a state of vigorous development. Singular perturbations of cumulative and of boundary layer type are presented. Attention has been given to composite expansions of solutions of initial and boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations, linear as well as quasilinear; also turning points are discussed. The main emphasis lies on several methods of approximation for solutions of singularly perturbed differential equations and on the mathemat

  8. Perinatal Mortality Among Twins In Lagos University Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Perinatal mortality rate is reported to be higher in twins than in singletons. More than two decades ago, Abudu and Agarin reported a twinning rate of 21.1/1000 maternities and perinatal mortality rate of 142.6/1000 among twins in Lagos. Objective: To determine the current perinatal mortality rate and risk factors ...

  9. The realities of Lagos urban development vision on livelihoods of the urban poor

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    Oluwafemi Ayodeji Olajide


    Full Text Available Similar to many other cities in sub-Saharan African countries, the struggle between urban development policies and the livelihoods of the urban poor is one of the urban development challenges facing Lagos. This paper examines the realities of the Lagos urban development policies and intiatives on the livelihoods of the urban poor. The state government embarked on series of what it calls sustainable urban transformation policies towards making Lagos ‘an African model megacity’ and a global economic and financial hub that is safe, secure, functional and productive, with a view to achieving poverty alleviation and sustainable development. This paper, through the lens of theoretical and analytical underpinnings of Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, however, argues that the actions of the state government contradict the whole essence of sustainable urban development and poverty alleviation, but reflect an agenda deliberately targeted to further impoverish the poor. While the Sustainable Livelihood was used as the theoretical and analytical framework, this paper essentially focuses on the Policies, Institutions and Processes component of the framework. This provides a unique entry point for understanding the implications of the Lagos urban development aspirations on the livelihoods of the urban poor. The research uses mixed methods research design with a broad range of data-collection methods, including household surveys, interviews, direct observation and photography, documentary review and policy document analysis. The study reveals that there is a disconnection between urban development policies and realities of the poor. The implementation of urban development projects and policies works against the urban poor and resulted in more hardship, through reduction in livelihood opportunities or complete loss of livelihoods. This study, therefore, suggests that one important element in reducing poverty in Lagos’ informal settlements is a policy

  10. Singular potentials in quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilera-Navarro, V.C.; Koo, E. Ley


    This paper is a review of some mathematical methods as recently developed and applied to deal with singular potentials in Quantum Mechanics. Regular and singular perturbative methods as well as variational treatments are considered. (author). 25 refs

  11. Level of awareness of genetic counselling in Lagos, Nigeria: its ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Level of awareness of genetic counselling in Lagos, Nigeria: its advocacy on the inheritance of sickle cell disease. ... and the level of awareness about genetic counseling in 30 hospitals were carried out. ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  12. Social change and traditional gender roles in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Social change and traditional gender roles in Lagos State, Nigeria. ... twenty seven respondents consisted of 135 Females (59.5%) and 92 Males (40.5%) participated in the survey. The study adopted descriptive method of research design.

  13. Visiones regionales superpuestas y propuesta del Ecosistema Cultural para Santa Cruz de Mompox (Bolívar, Colombia

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    Ana María Osorio Guzmán


    Full Text Available El municipio de Santa Cruz de Mompox (Departamento de Bolívar, Colombia cuyo centro históricofue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1995, da su nombre a la regiónconocida como Depresión Momposina, a veces confundida con la región de La Mojana ¿Esla Depresión Momposina la misma región de La Mojana? ¿Qué área comprende? Por una parte,se consultan varias fuentes y se identifican diferencias en la delimitación de la región (o regionesque llevan estos nombres y que varían según los actores que las delimiten y la finalidad perseguida.Por otra parte, se propone la aproximación territorial al Ecosistema Cultural Momposinobasada en una propuesta teórica y metodológica que articula las demandas del Centro Históricoal territorio -aquellas relacionadas a las expresiones culturales patrimoniales-, como aporte a lavaloración, protección y gestión patrimonial así como a la planificación regional. Este artículo seenmarca en la investigación Centro histórico y territorio: Ecosistema cultural momposino.

  14. Analysis of singularity in redundant manipulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Koichi


    In the analysis of arm positions and configurations of redundant manipulators, the singularity avoidance problems are important themes. This report presents singularity avoidance computations of a 7 DOF manipulator by using a computer code based on human-arm models. The behavior of the arm escaping from the singular point can be identified satisfactorily through the use of 3-D plotting tools. (author)

  15. Mechanical quadrature method as applied to singular integral equations with logarithmic singularity on the right-hand side (United States)

    Amirjanyan, A. A.; Sahakyan, A. V.


    A singular integral equation with a Cauchy kernel and a logarithmic singularity on its righthand side is considered on a finite interval. An algorithm is proposed for the numerical solution of this equation. The contact elasticity problem of a П-shaped rigid punch indented into a half-plane is solved in the case of a uniform hydrostatic pressure occurring under the punch, which leads to a logarithmic singularity at an endpoint of the integration interval. The numerical solution of this problem shows the efficiency of the proposed approach and suggests that the singularity has to be taken into account in solving the equation.

  16. The impact of anthropogenic pollution on limnological characteristics of a subtropical highland reservoir “Lago de Guadalupe”, Mexico

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    Sepulveda-Jauregui A.


    Full Text Available “Lago de Guadalupe” is an important freshwater ecosystem located in the northern part of the metropolitan area surrounding Mexico City, under high demographic pressure. It receives approximately 15 hm3·y-1 of untreated municipal wastewater from the surrounding municipalities. In order to develop a comparative assessment of the pollution effect over the limnological characteristics of Lago de Guadalupe, this lake was characterised from February 2006 to July 2009, and the results were compared with those obtained from a non-polluted lake “Lago el Llano” located in the same drainage area. Lago de Guadalupe was hypereutrophic with anoxic conditions throughout most of the water column. In contrast, Lago el Llano was mesotrophic with high dissolved oxygen concentrations throughout the entire water column with a clinograde profile. Both reservoirs had a monomictic mixing regime. The longitudinal zonation of physicochemical and biological variables were investigated in order to better understand the processes controlling the water quality across the reservoir during its residence time. This study shows the impact of anthropogenic pollution on the limnological characteristics of a subtropical reservoir and confirms that under adequate management schemes, namely avoiding pollution and wastewater discharges, subtropical reservoirs can be prevented from developing eutrophic conditions.

  17. An Exact Solution of the Binary Singular Problem

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    Baiqing Sun


    Full Text Available Singularity problem exists in various branches of applied mathematics. Such ordinary differential equations accompany singular coefficients. In this paper, by using the properties of reproducing kernel, the exact solution expressions of dual singular problem are given in the reproducing kernel space and studied, also for a class of singular problem. For the binary equation of singular points, I put it into the singular problem first, and then reuse some excellent properties which are applied to solve the method of solving differential equations for its exact solution expression of binary singular integral equation in reproducing kernel space, and then obtain its approximate solution through the evaluation of exact solutions. Numerical examples will show the effectiveness of this method.

  18. Ecological assessment of a coastal shallow lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Michael Horsfall

    Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, P.M.B. 12729, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria ... diversity observed in station B could be attributed to stress imposed by effluents from ..... of American Science 2010;6(1):42-48.

  19. Radiographic diagnosis of skeletal diseases among dogs in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case records of dogs presented with signs of skeletal injuries at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State and Petcare Animal Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos between January, 2010 and December, 2011 were reviewed. Data recorded included breed, sex and age of the dogs, ...

  20. Genetic diversity of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in the Lagos lagoon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 13, 2012 ... 1Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education of China, Ocean University ... 3Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, ... degradation and possible changes in water quality ... MATERIALS AND METHODS ... was subsequently resuspended in 100 µl of distilled water for.

  1. Sistema para el Seguimiento del funcionamiento de ecosistemas en la Red de Parques Nacionales de España mediante Teledetección

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    J. Cabello


    Full Text Available La gestión de las áreas protegidas en el actual contexto de cambio global requiere de aproximaciones que permitan caracterizar y seguir el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. La teledetección ofrece herramientas para ello, ya que proporciona índices que informan reiteradamente y para grandes porciones de territorio, de los intercambios de materia y energía que tienen lugar entre la biota y la superficie terrestre. Considerando este principio, y la cada vez mayor disponibilidad de información satelital de calidad y facilidad de uso, desarrollamos junto con el Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales de España (OAPN, un sistema de seguimiento que complementa a otras iniciativas desarrolladas por este organismo para informar del estado de conservación de los parques nacionales. El sistema, denominado REMOTE, se basa en el empleo de los índices de vegetación espectrales (IVs de uso más extendido (EVI -índice de vegetación mejorado- y NDVI -índice de vegetación normalizado-, derivados de la serie temporal de imágenes satelitales del sensor MODIS-Terra. El sistema permite avanzar en la identificación de las condiciones de referencia para la comprensión y predicción de las respuestas de los ecosistemas frente a perturbaciones e intervenciones, y de los cambios direccionales que éstos están experimentando (tendencias. Así mismo ayuda a la detección de anomalías recientes que alertan de cambios bruscos en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. REMOTE se caracteriza porque usa como indicadores tres atributos relacionados con las ganancias de carbono anuales (productividad primaria neta por parte del dosel vegetal, su estacionalidad y fenología. Además, está diseñado y programado con software libre y gratuito, lo que permitirá modificar o implementar mejoras en él fácilmente. Su implementación tiene como objetivo informar a los tomadores de decisiones y gestores de la Red de Parques Nacionales de España de la salud y estado

  2. Analysis of Solid Waste Management Logistics and Its Attendant Challenges in Lagos Metropolis

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    Boye Benedict Ayantoyinbo


    Full Text Available This study examined the relationship between waste management logistics and identified metrics for waste management logistics performance. Secondly, the study assessed the various challenges inhibiting the performance of LAWMA in the State. Random table sampling and purposive sampling were used to select 47 waste collection centres with 10 questionnaires distributed per centre (470 in total across the 20 Local Government Areas (LGA in Lagos State. However, only 339 questionnaires were retrieved from the sampled population. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict the relationship between waste management logistics and identified metrics for waste logistics performance. Descriptive statistics was used to explain the challenges of the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA. The results established that the volume of solid waste and commitment of staff are crucial to waste management logistics and one factor that strongly affects waste logistics is traffic in the metropolis. Conclusively, waste collection turnaround must be increased and government and private investors should provide enabling infrastructure and trained personnel for effective solid waste management in Lagos metropolis.

  3. La diversidad en aves como factor determinante de la interacción entre ecosistemas del departamento del Huila

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    Alfredo Ramos Moreno


    Full Text Available En este estudio se realizó una descripción y análisis, en primera aproximación, de la oferta en diversidad de aves en el predio La Primavera, vereda Estambul, municipio de Teruel, departamento del Huila. A partir de la información generada, se procedió a comparar los resultados obtenidos con los reportes de aves inventariadas en el estudio GEMA (2006 desarrollado por el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander Von Humboldt, en el Corredor Biológico entre los PNN Puracé y Cueva de Los Guácharos, con el fin de determinar la relación entre estos espacios naturales a partir del concepto de interacción entre ecosistemas, entendido como las relaciones de suministro, flujo e intercambio de materiales, energía o información, que para el casoque compete al estudio se refiere al movimiento de aves de un ecosistema a otro. El predio La Primavera, ubicado en el municipio de Teruel en el occidentedel departamento del Huila, a una altitud promedio de 900 m. s. n. m., perteneciente a la zona de vida de bosque seco tropical, sirvió de sitio de trabajo para la identificación de 32 especies de aves medianteobservación visual directa y captura con redes de niebla, de las cuales hubo dos familias que resultaron comunes a los dos estudios, pertenecientes a laThraupinae (tángaras y Tyrannidae (atrapamoscas, lo cual indica su capacidad de adaptación a pisos altitudinales diferentes. Caso particular merece la especie Tangara vitriolina (tángara rastrojera, la cual está considerada casi endémica, lo que se traduce en una alta vulnerabilidad y de especial cuidado yvigilancia. Se sugiere la realización de otras valoraciones similares en sitios que permitan establecer esta conexión ecosistémica con el fin de identificar aquellas especies que presenten características comunes para ecosistemas diferentes.

  4. Biclustering via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Mihee


    Sparse singular value decomposition (SSVD) is proposed as a new exploratory analysis tool for biclustering or identifying interpretable row-column associations within high-dimensional data matrices. SSVD seeks a low-rank, checkerboard structured matrix approximation to data matrices. The desired checkerboard structure is achieved by forcing both the left- and right-singular vectors to be sparse, that is, having many zero entries. By interpreting singular vectors as regression coefficient vectors for certain linear regressions, sparsity-inducing regularization penalties are imposed to the least squares regression to produce sparse singular vectors. An efficient iterative algorithm is proposed for computing the sparse singular vectors, along with some discussion of penalty parameter selection. A lung cancer microarray dataset and a food nutrition dataset are used to illustrate SSVD as a biclustering method. SSVD is also compared with some existing biclustering methods using simulated datasets. © 2010, The International Biometric Society.


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    Jesús Ballesteros C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Contribuir al conocimiento de la diversidad de especies de murciélagos en cuatro localidades de la subregión costanera del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Durante los meses noviembre y diciembre del 2005, se realizó la exploración de la comunidad de murciélagos en cuatro localidades de la zona costanera del departamento de Córdoba. Mediante la metodología de evaluación ecológica rápida (EER, se eligieron áreas con fragmentos boscosos representativos de la zona costanera, con formación vegetal característica de bosque seco tropical. Se realizaron capturas de murciélagos, utilizando redes de niebla durante dos noches seguidas en cada sitio seleccionado, con un esfuerzo de muestreo de 40 horas/red. Resultados. Se registraron 15 especies de murciélagos distribuidos en 10 géneros y 3 familias. La especie más abundante fue Artibeus jamaicensis con el 36,6% de las capturas, seguida de Sturnira lilium y Glossophaga soricina 13,8 y 10,9%, respectivamente. Se registró la presencia de la especie Desmodus rotundus (murciélago vampiro, vector del virus de la rabia bovina. Conclusiones. Los datos indicaron que aún con el alto grado de intervención humana existente en la subregión costanera, y que pese a la homogenización de la matriz del paisaje por los efectos de la ganadería extensiva, los fragmentos de bosques estudiados presentan una importante riqueza de murciélagos, que son considerados tolerantes a habitats con disturbios y de áreas abiertas, especialmente de la familia Phyllostomidae que fue la mejor representada con 12 especies.

  6. Estudios experimentales de los efectos mecánicos sobre la biología del cartílago de crecimiento


    Arriola, Forriol, F. F.


    El cartílago de crecimiento es la estructura encargada del crecimiento en longitud de los huesos largos. En el hombre los diferentes cartílagos de crecimiento cumplen su función durante un tiempo determinado hasta desaparecer. Cada cartílago de crecimiento tiene una velocidad de crecimiento y un tiempo de evolución determinado por factores que nos resultan desconocidos si bien se sabe que son tanto sistémicos como mecánicos. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de trabajos experimental...

  7. Well-Being of Lagos Urban Mini-Bus Drivers: The Influence of Age and Marital Status


    Bolajoko I. Malomo; Maryam O. Yusuf


    Lagos urban mini bus drivers play a critical role in the transportation sector. The current major mode of transportation within Lagos metropolis remains road transportation and this confirms the relevance of urban mini-bus drivers in transporting the populace to their various destinations. Other modes of transportation such as the train and waterways are currently inadequate. Various threats to the well-being of urban bus drivers include congested traffic typical of moder...

  8. Ecological health status of the Lagos wetland ecosystems: Implications for coastal risk reduction (United States)

    Agboola, Julius I.; Ndimele, Prince E.; Odunuga, Shakirudeen; Akanni, Adeniran; Kosemani, Bosede; Ahove, Michael A.


    Lagos, a major urban agglomeration in the world is characterized by wetlands and basin for upstream rivers such as Ogun, Oshun and Yewa Rivers. Ongoing environmental pressures exerted by large-scale land reclamation for residential quarters, refuse and sewage dumping, and other uses, however, are suspected to have had a substantial impact on ecological health of the Lagos wetland ecosystems over the last few decades. To determine the impact of these pressures, we examined spatial changes in three wetlands areas- Badore/Langbasa (BL), Festac/Iba/Ijegun (FI) and Ologe/Otto-Awori (OO) through field sample collection and analyses of surface water, sediments, air-water interface gas fluxes and vegetations. Surface water conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, chloride, biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Na, Mn, Pb, Cd, K and Ni) exhibited relative spatial stability while other water quality parameters varied significantly (P International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There are indications of steady rise in greenhouse gas levels in Lagos since air CO2 value at BL have reached global threshold of 400 ppm with OO and FI closely approaching. We conclude that the Lagos wetland ecosystems, especially OO and FI still have some semblance of natural habitat. However, further destruction and unwise use of the resources could cause damage to physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in nature, which could result to grave socio-economic and cultural consequences to the local communities whose livelihood and lifestyle depend on these valued wetlands.

  9. subsurface sequence delineation and saline water mapping of lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A subsurface sequence delineation and saline water mapping of Lagos State was carried out. Ten (10) deep boreholes with average depth of 300 m were drilled within the sedimentary basin. The boreholes were lithologically and geophysically logged. The driller's lithological logs aided by gamma and resistivity logs, ...

  10. Scintigraphic analysis of thyroid diseases at the Lagos University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents a retrospective analysis of randomly selected clinical scintigraphic records at the College of Medicine/Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Out of the 436 patients scanned for various thyroid abnormalities, 266 (61.0%) were used for the analysis due to insufficient data and parameters required ...

  11. Noncrossing timelike singularities of irrotational dust collapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, E.P.T.


    Known naked singularities in spherical dust collapse are either due to shell-crossing or localized to the central world line. They will probably be destroyed by pressure gradients or blue-shift instabilities. To violate the cosmic censorship hypothesis in a more convincing and general context, collapse solutions with naked singularities that are at least nonshell-crossing and nonlocalized need to be constructed. Some results concerning the probable structure of a class of nonshellcrossing and nonlocalized timelike singularities are reviewed. The cylindrical dust model is considered but this model is not asymptotically flat. To make these noncrossing singularities viable counter examples to the cosmic censorship hypothesis, the occurrence of such singularities in asymptotically flat collapse needs to be demonstrated. (UK)

  12. The dominant balance at cosmological singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cotsakis, Spiros; Barrow, John D


    We define the notion of a finite-time singularity of a vector field and then discuss a technique suitable for the asymptotic analysis of vector fields and their integral curves in the neighborhood of such a singularity. Having in mind the application of this method to cosmology, we also provide an analysis of the time singularities of an isotropic universe filled with a perfect fluid in general relativity

  13. Dressing up a Kerr naked singularity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvani, M [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia; Nobili, L [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica


    The evolution of a naked singularity surrounded by an accreting disk of matter is studied; two kinds of disks are considered: the standard thin-disk model and the thick barytropic model, for several initial conditions. It is shown that any Kerr naked singularity slows down in a finite time to a maximal Kerr black hole. The final mass, the luminosity and the time of evolution of the singularity are evaluated.

  14. Singularities in cosmologies with interacting fluids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cotsakis, Spiros; Kittou, Georgia


    We study the dynamics near finite-time singularities of flat isotropic universes filled with two interacting but otherwise arbitrary perfect fluids. The overall dynamical picture reveals a variety of asymptotic solutions valid locally around the spacetime singularity. We find the attractor of all solutions with standard decay, and for ‘phantom’ matter asymptotically at early times. We give a number of special asymptotic solutions describing universes collapsing to zero size and others ending at a big rip singularity. We also find a very complicated singularity corresponding to a logarithmic branch point that resembles a cyclic universe, and give an asymptotic local series representation of the general solution in the neighborhood of infinity.

  15. A preliminary study of medical waste management in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. O. Longe, A. Williams


    Full Text Available A survey of medical waste management (MWM practices and their implications to health and environment was carried out in metropolitan Lagos. Lagos is currently the most populous and urbanized city in the country with an estimated population of over 13 million people. The study assessed management practices in four (2 privates and 2 publics hospitals ranging in capacity from 40 to 600 beds. Empirical data was obtained on medical waste generation, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal. The observed MWM practices in all hospitals indicate absence of full compliance with the protocol for handling medical waste as stipulated in the relevant sections of the guidelines and standards for environmental pollution control in Nigeria. Three hospitals demonstrated high priority for segregation of infectious medical waste. Average generation rate of medical waste in the investigated hospitals ranged from 0.562 kg/ to 0.670 kg/ Infectious waste accounts for between 26 to 37% of this volume. Only two of the hospitals investigated carry out treatment of their infectious and sharp waste types by incineration before final disposal. Burning and burial of medical waste is an unusual but common practice among the hospitals. All the hospitals employ the services of the state owned solid waste management company, the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA for final collection, and disposal of their medical waste at government approved sites.

  16. Observational constraints on cosmological future singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beltran Jimenez, Jose; Lazkoz, Ruth; Saez-Gomez, Diego; Salzano, Vincenzo


    In this work we consider a family of cosmological models featuring future singularities. This type of cosmological evolution is typical of dark energy models with an equation of state violating some of the standard energy conditions (e.g. the null energy condition). Such a kind of behavior, widely studied in the literature, may arise in cosmologies with phantom fields, theories of modified gravity or models with interacting dark matter/dark energy. We briefly review the physical consequences of these cosmological evolution regarding geodesic completeness and the divergence of tidal forces in order to emphasize under which circumstances the singularities in some cosmological quantities correspond to actual singular spacetimes. We then introduce several phenomenological parameterizations of the Hubble expansion rate to model different singularities existing in the literature and use SN Ia, BAO and H(z) data to constrain how far in the future the singularity needs to be (under some reasonable assumptions on the behavior of the Hubble factor). We show that, for our family of parameterizations, the lower bound for the singularity time cannot be smaller than about 1.2 times the age of the universe, what roughly speaking means ∝2.8 Gyrs from the present time. (orig.)

  17. Observational constraints on cosmological future singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beltran Jimenez, Jose [Aix Marseille Univ, Universite de Toulon CNRS, CPT, Marseille (France); Lazkoz, Ruth [Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Fisika Teorikoaren eta Zientziaren Historia Saila, Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatea, Bilbao (Spain); Saez-Gomez, Diego [Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Departamento de Fisica, Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco, Lisbon (Portugal); Salzano, Vincenzo [University of Szczecin, Institute of Physics, Szczecin (Poland)


    In this work we consider a family of cosmological models featuring future singularities. This type of cosmological evolution is typical of dark energy models with an equation of state violating some of the standard energy conditions (e.g. the null energy condition). Such a kind of behavior, widely studied in the literature, may arise in cosmologies with phantom fields, theories of modified gravity or models with interacting dark matter/dark energy. We briefly review the physical consequences of these cosmological evolution regarding geodesic completeness and the divergence of tidal forces in order to emphasize under which circumstances the singularities in some cosmological quantities correspond to actual singular spacetimes. We then introduce several phenomenological parameterizations of the Hubble expansion rate to model different singularities existing in the literature and use SN Ia, BAO and H(z) data to constrain how far in the future the singularity needs to be (under some reasonable assumptions on the behavior of the Hubble factor). We show that, for our family of parameterizations, the lower bound for the singularity time cannot be smaller than about 1.2 times the age of the universe, what roughly speaking means ∝2.8 Gyrs from the present time. (orig.)

  18. Almacenes y flujos de carbono en ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos de México: síntesis y perspectivas

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    Noé Manuel Montaño


    Full Text Available Los ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos constituyen un tercio de la superficie terrestre global y un 60% del territorio mexicano, pero poco se sabe sobre su importancia en el ciclo del carbono (C. Este trabajo sintetiza y analiza la información disponible sobre almacenes, flujos y controles de la dinámica del C en las regiones áridas y semiáridas de México. En estos ecosistemas, la productividad neta del ecosistema, la respiración del suelo, la producción y la descomposición de la hojarasca están determinadas por la variabilidad de la precipitación, aunque la descomposición depende también de la radiación solar y temperatura. El suelo es el principal almacén de C, representa 45 y 90% del C en la biomasa del matorral y pastizal, respectivamente. Las regiones semiáridas podrían almacenar más C orgánico e inorgánico que las regiones áridas. El cambio de uso de suelo disminuye hasta en 50% el C orgánico del suelo (COS, pero las especies vegetales formadoras de islas de fertilidad y de recursos amortiguan el impacto de la perturbación en el almacenamiento del C, al actuar como “hotspots” de conservación y trasformación del COS. Las biocostras también controlan la acumulación del COS, debido a su rápida respuesta a la humedad que potencia los flujos del C y la transformación de los nutrimentos en el suelo. El COS controla la estequiometría microbiana que regula la disponibilidad de otros nutrimentos en el suelo. La información sobre la dinámica del C para las regiones áridas y semiáridas de México es aún escasa y fragmentada, ya que la mayoría se limita al COS, en los primeros 30 cm del perfil, sin considerar el C inorgánico del suelo. En consecuencia, es necesario y urgente estandarizar metodologías para cuantificar los almacenes y flujos a diferentes escalas espacio-temporales en los ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos del país.

  19. Evaluation of Railway Level Crossing Attributes on Accident Causation in Lagos, Nigeria.

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    Adeolu O Dina


    Full Text Available Abstract The study examines the contribution of Railway Level Crossing (RLCphysical attributes to accident occurrence using the12 major level crossings within the Lagos metropolis. The 48km single track mainline section under consideration which barely make up 1.1% of the entire narrow gauge track network of the country within a 5 year period contributed about 45% of the total National crossing accidents recorded in Nigeria. The method of investigation involved recording the individual attributes of each RLC such asgates, pedestrian traffic, car traffic light, proximity of signage to crossing, vehicular traffic as dummy variables.The regression analysis  was used to measure their effect on accidents.The result indicates gates, pedestrians and the location of signage had significant impact on accidents occurrence at level crossings within Lagos metropolis. Based on the findings, enhancement of active warning systems among other recommendations was suggested as potent counter measures for RLC accident reduction. Abstrak Penelitian menguji tingkat kontribusi atribut fisik dari perlintasan jalan kereta api terhadap kejadian kecelakaan menggunakan 12 perlintasan utama dalam kota metropolis Lagos. 48 km jalan utama tunggal menjadi pertimbangan yang hampir meningkat 1.1% dari seluruh trek sempit jaringan negara dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun menyumbang sekitar 45% dari total kecelakaan perlintasan secara Nasional di Nigeria. Metode penelitian melibatkan catatan dari masing-masing atribut RLC seperti pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, lampu lalu lintas mobil, kedekatan tanda penyebarangan, lalu lintas kendaraan sebagai variabel dumi. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk mengukur pengaruh dari atribut terhadap kecelakaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, dan lokasi tanda perlintasan mempunyai dampak signifikan pada kecelakaan dalam kota metropolis Lagos.Berdasarkan penemuan tersebut, perbaikan dari sistem peringatan aktif disarankan sebagai upaya

  20. Development Control in Lagos State: an Assessment of Public ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This submission also contains an assessment of the town planning regulation, level of compliance to building regulation and technical skills of personals monitoring compliance to space standards as specified by Urban and Regional Planning Law Decree 88 of 1992, the Lagos Planning Law of 2005 and under the Urban ...

  1. Patent Medicine Vendors in Rural Areas of Lagos Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To determine the compliance of patent medicine vendors (PMVs) in rural areas of Lagos State, Nigeria with set guidelines to regulate their practice and its implications for malaria control. Methods: A baseline cross-sectional study was conducted as part of an intervention study in two rural local government areas ...

  2. Singular Spectrum Near a Singular Point of Friedrichs Model Operators of Absolute Type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iakovlev, Serguei I.


    In L 2 (R) we consider a family of self adjoint operators of the Friedrichs model: A m =|t| m +V. Here |t| m is the operator of multiplication by the corresponding function of the independent variable t element of R, and (perturbation) is a trace-class integral operator with a continuous Hermitian kernel ν(t,x) satisfying some smoothness condition. These absolute type operators have one singular point of order m>0. Conditions on the kernel ν(t,x) are found guaranteeing the absence of the point spectrum and the singular continuous one of such operators near the origin. These conditions are actually necessary and sufficient. They depend on the finiteness of the rank of a perturbation operator and on the order of singularity. The sharpness of these conditions is confirmed by counterexamples

  3. Urban Renewal and Associated Problems in Lagos, 1924 – 1990 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... traffic congestion, increase in traffic noise, air pollution, flooding, and decadent infrastructure among others. Urban/municipal infrastructure which involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining several services has never had it so good in Lagos. The coordination of these infrastructure networks and services, ...

  4. Experiencias dendroclimáticas con árboles de ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia

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    Herrera David Andrés


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de diferentes investigaciones dendroclimaticas realizadas en tres ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia. Se emplearon técnicas dendrocronologicas y densitogramas computarizados para obtener las cronologías de crecimiento y densidad, respectivamente. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre las cronologías, las variables climáticas locales y el ENSO, por ejemplo: la densidad de los anillos de crecimiento de Rhizophora mangle con la precipitación; el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Parkinsonia praecox y Capparis odoratissima con la precipitación, la temperatura del aire y la temperatura superficial del mar, y el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Prioria copaifera con las alturas limnimetricas del rio Atrato. Dichos resultados demuestran la aplicabilidad y el potencial de la dendroclimatologia en regiones tropicales.

  5. Experiencias dendroclimáticas con árboles de ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia

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    Jorge Ignacio del Valle


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de diferentes investigaciones dendroclimaticas realizadas en tres ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia. Se emplearon técnicas dendrocronologicas y densitogramas computarizados para obtener las cronologías de crecimiento y densidad, respectivamente. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre las cronologías, las variables climáticas locales y el ENSO, por ejemplo: la densidad de los anillos de crecimiento de Rhizophora mangle con la precipitación; el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Parkinsonia praecox y Capparis odoratissima con la precipitación, la temperatura del aire y la temperatura superficial del mar, y el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Prioria copaifera con las alturas limnimetricas del rio Atrato. Dichos resultados demuestran la aplicabilidad y el potencial de la dendroclimatologia en regiones tropicales.

  6. Bus Rapid Transit and Socioeconomic Condition of Bus Commuters in Lagos State

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    Owolabi L. Kuye


    Full Text Available Road transport is one of the most common means of transportation across the world. Bus transportation in Nigeria had witnessed many problems for the past decades considering the growing population with the attendant loss of lives and properties in most cities like Lagos in Nigeria. This paper focuses on the adequacy of services provided by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT in Lagos State with respect to the extent to which it influences the socioeconomic conditions of bus commuters. It examines the effect of services rendered by BRT on cost reduction potential, income and safety. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 20 samples each from all respondents in all local government area in Lagos State to reach a total of three hundred and thirty (330 samples. The data collection instrument was the questionnaire which was validated. Data collected were analysed with the use of descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and standard deviation and inferential statistics such as regression and analysis of variance techniques. Findings showed that BRT services has reduced the cost of bus commuters and also increased safety and security thereby increasing the socioeconomic condition of Lagosians. The study recommends improvements in BRT services through the deployment of technology as it had been used in developed countries.

  7. Non-singular string-cosmologies from exact conformal field theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vega, H.J. de; Larsen, A.L.; Sanchez, N.


    Non-singular two and three dimensional string cosmologies are constructed using the exact conformal field theories corresponding to SO(2,1)/SO(1,1) and SO(2,2)/SO(2,1). All semi-classical curvature singularities are canceled in the exact theories for both of these cosets, but some new quantum curvature singularities emerge. However, considering different patches of the global manifolds, allows the construction of non-singular space-times with cosmological interpretation. In both two and three dimensions, we construct non-singular oscillating cosmologies, non-singular expanding and inflationary cosmologies including a de Sitter (exponential) stage with positive scalar curvature as well as non-singular contracting and deflationary cosmologies. Similarities between the two and three dimensional cases suggest a general picture for higher dimensional coset cosmologies: Anisotropy seems to be a generic unavoidable feature, cosmological singularities are generically avoided and it is possible to construct non-singular cosmologies where some spatial dimensions are experiencing inflation while the others experience deflation

  8. Asymptotic safety, singularities, and gravitational collapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casadio, Roberto; Hsu, Stephen D.H.; Mirza, Behrouz


    Asymptotic safety (an ultraviolet fixed point with finite-dimensional critical surface) offers the possibility that a predictive theory of quantum gravity can be obtained from the quantization of classical general relativity. However, it is unclear what becomes of the singularities of classical general relativity, which, it is hoped, might be resolved by quantum effects. We study dust collapse with a running gravitational coupling and find that a future singularity can be avoided if the coupling becomes exactly zero at some finite energy scale. The singularity can also be avoided (pushed off to infinite proper time) if the coupling approaches zero sufficiently rapidly at high energies. However, the evolution deduced from perturbation theory still implies a singularity at finite proper time.

  9. Singularity resolution in quantum gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Husain, Viqar; Winkler, Oliver


    We examine the singularity resolution issue in quantum gravity by studying a new quantization of standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker geometrodynamics. The quantization procedure is inspired by the loop quantum gravity program, and is based on an alternative to the Schroedinger representation normally used in metric variable quantum cosmology. We show that in this representation for quantum geometrodynamics there exists a densely defined inverse scale factor operator, and that the Hamiltonian constraint acts as a difference operator on the basis states. We find that the cosmological singularity is avoided in the quantum dynamics. We discuss these results with a view to identifying the criteria that constitute 'singularity resolution' in quantum gravity

  10. 236 Effective Social Work Practice in Lagos: An Emerging

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2010 ... social work profession; institutional perspective is the modern approach that is currently put in place, that ... Lagos had for long been in the fore-front of the development of social work in Nigeria .... organization has crises within or without or both; ... newly learnt ways of solving problems, so, learning effective.

  11. Stakeholders views on why child overweight and obesity is rising in Lagos, Nigeria: A qualitative study

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    Adeteju A Adedini


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: According to the World Health Organization, the number of obese children would increase to 70 million by 2025 if no intervention is made. An increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among school children in Lagos State, Nigeria has been established, but specific factors promoting its prevalence are unknown. The aim of this study was to elicit the views of stakeholders on the perceived causes for the rise in child overweight and obesity. Methods: Five focus group discussions were conducted with different groups of stakeholders involved in child care, namely: Parents, teachers, and healthcare givers. Participants were recruited using a purposive sampling method; a structured question guide was employed for the discussion sessions. The discussions were recorded, collated, and analyzed using grounded theory to extract themes. Results: Six themes emerged as factors responsible for the rise, of which civilization and lifestyle imbalance of the populace emerged as the prominent cause. Of the fifty respondents, 76% of respondents identified parents (particularly young mothers as major contributors to the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children of Lagos State; and 52.3% of the participants reported that a direct relationship exists between income class of parent and weight of a child resident in Lagos. Conclusion: Civilization and lifestyle imbalance, insecurity and congestion, low level of public awareness, inadequate educative and enlightenment programs, myths and societal perception were factors identified to responsible for the rise in the prevalence of child obesity in Lagos, Nigeria. Preventive strategies to control the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children residing in Lagos State should be considered for further studies.

  12. Sedimentation Survey of Lago La Plata, Puerto Rico, July 2006 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.


    Lago La Plata dam is located between the municipalities of Naranjito and Toa Alta in north central Puerto Rico, about 5 kilometers south of the town of Toa Alta and about 5 kilometers north of the town of Naranjito. The reservoir impounds the waters of the Rio de La Plata, the Rio Guadiana, and the Rio Ca?as, and is part of the San Juan Metropolitan Water District, which provides about 35 percent of the total water demand for the area (Soler-Lopez and others, 2000). The reservoir has a drainage area of about 469 square kilometers. The dam was constructed in 1974 and is a concrete gravity structure with a normal pool elevation of 52.00 meters above mean sea level (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, 1979). During October 1998, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Caribbean Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) conducted a bathymetric survey of Lago La Plata to assess the impact of Hurricane Georges on the storage capacity of the reservoir. Between July 17 and 20, 2006, the USGS and the PRASA conducted an additional bathymetric survey of Lago La Plata to update the reservoir storage capacity and determine the reservoir sedimentation rate by comparing the 2006 survey data with the 1998 survey data.. The purpose of this report is to update the reservoir storage capacity, sedimentation rates, and areas of substantial sediment accumulation since 1998. Historical (1974) data are referenced as needed to account for long-term storage capacity loss trends...

  13. Attitude and Perceptions of Clinicians in Lagos to Autopsy Practice ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Using pretested questionnaire instrument, a cross sectional survey of clinicians working in the Lagos University Teaching Hospital to obtain their attitudes and perception towards autopsy practice. 230 questionnaires were administered and the response rate was 80.7% . 41.5% of respondents often requested for autopsy.

  14. The pattern and challenges of infertility management in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. Background: Infertility remains a threat to successful reproduction by couples desirous of pregnancy. Objective: To determine the pattern of infertility cases amongst infertile couples seeking care in Lagos University Teaching. Hospital as well as challenges in their management. Methods: A review of the ...

  15. Quantum dress for a naked singularity

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    Marc Casals


    Full Text Available We investigate semiclassical backreaction on a conical naked singularity space–time with a negative cosmological constant in (2+1-dimensions. In particular, we calculate the renormalized quantum stress–energy tensor for a conformally coupled scalar field on such naked singularity space–time. We then obtain the backreacted metric via the semiclassical Einstein equations. We show that, in the regime where the semiclassical approximation can be trusted, backreaction dresses the naked singularity with an event horizon, thus enforcing (weak cosmic censorship.

  16. Exact solutions, finite time singularities and non-singular universe models from a variety of Λ(t) cosmologies (United States)

    Pan, Supriya


    Cosmological models with time-dependent Λ (read as Λ(t)) have been investigated widely in the literature. Models that solve background dynamics analytically are of special interest. Additionally, the allowance of past or future singularities at finite cosmic time in a specific model signals for a generic test on its viabilities with the current observations. Following these, in this work we consider a variety of Λ(t) models focusing on their evolutions and singular behavior. We found that a series of models in this class can be exactly solved when the background universe is described by a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) line element. The solutions in terms of the scale factor of the FLRW universe offer different universe models, such as power-law expansion, oscillating, and the singularity free universe. However, we also noticed that a large number of the models in this series permit past or future cosmological singularities at finite cosmic time. At last we close the work with a note that the avoidance of future singularities is possible for certain models under some specific restrictions.

  17. Singular multiparameter dynamic equations with distributional ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Singular multiparameter dynamic equations with distributional potentials on time scales. ... In this paper, we consider both singular single and several multiparameter ... multiple function which is of one sign and nonzero on the given time scale.

  18. Is the cosmological singularity compulsory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekenstein, J.D.; Meisels, A.


    The cosmological singularity is inherent in all conventional general relativistic cosmological models. There can be no question that it is an unphysical feature; yet there does not seem to be any convervative way of eliminating it. Here we present singularity-free isotropic cosmological models which are indistinguishable from general relativistic ones at late times. They are based on the general theory of variable rest masses that we developed recently. Outside cosmology this theory simulates general relativity well. Thus it provides a framework incorporating those features which have made geneal relativity so sucessful while providing a way out of singularity dilemma. The cosmological models can be made to incorporate Dirac's large numbers hypothesis. G(now)/G(0)approx.10 -38

  19. A Review of Nosocomial Infection at the Lagos university Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The infection control program of the Lagos Universityteaching hospital was started in 1974 with an Infection Control team reporting to an Infection Control Committee. There is currently no functioning ... were the most common pathogens accounting for 75% of all organisms isolated. The prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus ...

  20. An institutional survey of female genital mutilation in Lagos, South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) as a procedure can have serious physical and psychological health consequences in girls and women. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of FGM and the socio-demographic factors which influence the practice among women in Lagos State. Methods: This was a ...

  1. Childhood Renal Neoplasms in Lagos Nigera- A 28 Year Review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Childhood Renal Neoplasms in Lagos Nigera- A 28 Year Review. ... Most of the patients presented with abdominal mass with a unilaterally enlarged kidney, abdominal pain, haematuria and weight loss. All of them had nephrectomy as initial treatment followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Nigerian Quarterly Journal ...

  2. Temporal variation in the ecology of Kuramo water, Lagos Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Temporal variation in the ecology of Kuramo water was studied in the Lagos lagoon complex. Physicochemical parameters and heavy metals concentration were analyzed. Eight sites were marked using the geographical positioning system (GPS model-12). Water chemistry was determined for 8 months and sampling was ...

  3. The pattern and challenges of infertility management in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Infertility remains a threat to successful reproduction by couples desirous of pregnancy. Objective: To determine the pattern of infertility cases amongst infertile couples seeking care in Lagos University Teaching Hospital as well as challenges in their management. Methods: A review of the management of ...

  4. Healthcare waste management status in Lagos State, Nigeria: a case study from selected healthcare facilities in Ikorodu and Lagos metropolis. (United States)

    Longe, Ezechiel O


    A survey of healthcare waste management practices and their implications for health and the environment was carried out. The study assessed waste management practices in 20 healthcare facilities ranging in capacity from 40 to 600 beds in Ikorodu and metropolitan Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. The prevailing healthcare waste management status was analysed. Management issues on quantities and proportion of different constituents of waste, segregation, collection, handling, transportation, treatment and disposal methods were assessed. The waste generation averaged 0.631 kg bed(-1) day(-1) over the survey area. The waste stream from the healthcare facilities consisted of general waste (59.0%), infectious waste (29.7%), sharps and pathological (8.9%), chemical (1.45%) and others (0.95%). Sharps/pathological waste includes disposable syringes. In general, the waste materials were collected in a mixed form, transported and disposed of along with municipal solid waste with attendant risks to health and safety. Most facilities lacked appropriate treatment systems for a variety of reasons that included inadequate funding and little or no priority for healthcare waste management as well as a lack of professionally competent waste managers among healthcare providers. Hazards associated with healthcare waste management and shortcomings in the existing system were identified.


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    Julio Cesar Muñoz Bojorges


    Full Text Available El mucílago de nopal contiene polisacáridos que pueden influir en la actividad enzimática del suelo. Se emplearon dos suelos, arenoso (63% y arcilloso (67%, donde se probaron tres dosis de mucílago de nopal; T80 20, T40-60, T10-90 (porcentaje de mucílago-agua, más el testigo solo con agua. Los tratamientos se colocaron en una cámara de ambiente controlado a 25 ºC y humedad de 40%. Se tomaron muestras a los 7, 14 y 21 días, después de aplicado el mucílago. Se valoró la actividad de las enzimas: amilasa, celulasa, lipasa e invertasa, que participan en el ciclo del carbono para saber como afecta el mucílago de nopal en ellas. A los 21 días en el suelo arcilloso, con el tratamiento T80-20 hubo mayor actividad de: amilasa (91 mg de azúcares reductores 10 g 1 de materia seca 24 h-1, lipasa (133.33 nM de 4 metil umbeliferona g 1 de materia seca 24 h-1 e invertasa (5.53 mg de glucosa 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1, y la celulasa en el T40-60 presentó la mayor actividad (72.66 µg de glucosa g-1 de materia seca 24 h 1. En el suelo arenoso a los 21 días, el T80-20 fue el que presentó mayor actividad lipasa (60.66 nM de 4 metil umbeliferona g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1, el T40 60: invertasa (1.86 mg de glucosa 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1 y celulasa (33.66 µg de glucosa g 1de materia seca 24 h-1, y el T10-90 amilasa (43.66 mg de azúcares reductores 10 g-1 de materia seca 24 h-1. El mucílago de nopal incrementó la actividad enzimática (amilasa, celulasa, lipasa e invertasa en los dos tipos de suelo.

  6. São Carlos Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Ruas, Maria


    The São Carlos Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities is the longest running workshop in singularities. It is held every two years and is a key international event for people working in the field. This volume contains papers presented at the eighth workshop, held at the IML, Marseille, July 19–23, 2004. The workshop offers the opportunity to establish the state of the art and to present new trends, new ideas and new results in all of the branches of singularities. This is reflected by the contributions in this book. The main topics discussed are equisingularity of sets and mappings, geometry of singular complex analytic sets, singularities of mappings, characteristic classes, classification of singularities, interaction of singularity theory with some of the new ideas in algebraic geometry imported from theoretical physics, and applications of singularity theory to geometry of surfaces in low dimensional euclidean spaces, to differential equations and to bifurcation theory.

  7. Fish resources of Lagos State coastal wetlands | Ayodele | African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fishing is the major occupation of the people found along the coastal wetland of Lagos State. Fishing is carried out all the year round. This study examines the fishing Activities, Gear composition and fishing methods in order to obtain the fish species and harvest composition of the study area. This paper is based on the ...

  8. growth pattern and the industrial development of the lagos region, nigeria

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    Dickson Dare Ajayi


    Full Text Available This paper examines the nature, growth and spatial pattern of industries within the Lagos Region. Industrial activities in this region grew progressively over the year from mere brickwork, palm oil mills, printing press, soap factory, and metal container factory to capital intensive manufacturing. Indeed, the number of industrial establishments increased from 122 in 1962 to 637 in 1993. Lagos developed into Nigeria's leading industrial center; especially following the expansion in its service and administrative sectors. Whereas, chemicals and pharmaceutical; and basic metal, iron and steel and fabricated metal products industry groups dominate in industrial scene, wood and wood products (including furniture; and non-metallic mineral products are rare. The spatial pattern shows that industrial establishments vary amongst the industrial estates/areas, and also among the industry groups. Ikeja/Ogballsheri industrial estate/area dominates the industrial scene.

  9. Percepción ecológica y calidad de vida. El caso de Santa María del Lago, Bogotá

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    Leonardo Garavito González


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone que cuando aumenta la percepción de conectividad de los individuos de una población con su entorno también aumenta su capacidad de lograr bienestar personal y colectivo. La percepción de conexión con los elementos del entorno implica un proceso de reconocimiento de la responsabilidad que comparte cada ser humano con los otros seres humanos y no humanos en el mantenimiento de la vida. En este sentido, la habilidad de percibir ecológicamente se refiere al proceso de tomar conciencia respecto a los múltiples vínculos entre el individuo y su entorno, y las potencialidades y límites que éstos configuran. Mientras más conciencia posea un individuo sobre las múltiples formas de su conexión dinámica con el entorno, será mayor su capacidad para asumir la incertidumbre del entorno y, por lo tanto, actuar sobre su calidad de vida y la de otros seres. Esta hipótesis se contrastará con la información recogida de la población vecina al humedal de Santa María del Lago, en la localidad de Engativá en Bogotá. En este sentido se construirá una red de narraciones a partir de las interpretaciones individuales respecto a la conexión entre la propia calidad de vida y las formas de vivir de otros seres humanos, no humanos y el ecosistema del humedal. No obstante que los resultados finales se encuentran en proceso, en este artículo se enfatiza en la propuesta metodológica.

  10. Universidad, ecosistema de montaña y desarrollo sustentable: Resultados

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    Dr. C. Fernando C. Agüero Contreras


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una visión sintética de los resultados del trabajo realizado desde la Universidad de Cienfuegos, por algo más de dos décadas, en el ecosistema de montaña Guamuhaya, o Escambray. El objetivo es valorar las experiencias, resultados prácticos y metodológicos, mostrando momentos y etapas, la diversidad de procedimientos, para construir determinadas reflexiones teóricas que permitan el despliegue del trabajo sociocultural comunitario y, en función de la gestión del desarrollo sustentable. Ha significado laborar con actores sociales escuelas, empresas, familias, estructuras productivas, el gobierno local, Comisión del Plan Turquino (CPPT, y con pobladores de los asentamientos humanos. Se concluye como en la medida en que la universidad interviene en los procesos de la gestión del desarrollo sustentable se fortalece en sus quehaceres y prácticas, acrecientan y consolidan las funciones sustantivas que le caracterizan, se muestran los aportes esenciales de la universidad en el proceso del trabajo

  11. Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Traffic Wardens in Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its associated risk factors among traffic wardens. ... in regulating traffic also has a significant influence on the severity of LBP. ... wardens in Lagos State, who assume a standing position for.

  12. Discrete variable representation for singular Hamiltonians

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, B. I.; Nygaard, Nicolai


    We discuss the application of the discrete variable representation (DVR) to Schrodinger problems which involve singular Hamiltonians. Unlike recent authors who invoke transformations to rid the eigenvalue equation of singularities at the cost of added complexity, we show that an approach based...... solely on an orthogonal polynomial basis is adequate, provided the Gauss-Lobatto or Gauss-Radau quadrature rule is used. This ensures that the mesh contains the singular points and by simply discarding the DVR functions corresponding to those points, all matrix elements become well behaved. the boundary...

  13. Fluctuación poblacional de Xyleborus ferrugineus y X. affinis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae en ecosistemas de Tabasco, México

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    Ricardo Rangel


    Full Text Available Los Scolytinae son insectos comúnmente conocidos como coleópteros descortezadores o ambrosiales debido a su forma de alimentarse. Existen especies que restringen su actividad reproductiva a una planta huésped o a un número reducido de ellas, otras son altamente polífagas. Se estudiaron las poblaciones de Scolytinae con el objetivo de conocer la fluctuación poblacional de X. ferrugineus y X. affinis en ecosistemas de Tabasco, México durante noviembre 2010-julio 2011, febrero 2010-enero 2011 y 2007. Los métodos de captura utilizados fueron trampa de alcohol, trampa de luz y captura directa sobre sus plantas huésped. Se recolectaron 688 especímenes de X. ferrugineus y 3 911 de X. affinis. La fluctuación poblacional de X. ferrugineus mostró de manera general poblaciones bajas en los ecosistemas estudiados sin alguna estacionalidad marcada, registrándose los máximos picos poblacionales tanto en época seca (marzo-mayo como lluviosa (septiembre-diciembre. A diferencia de las poblaciones de X. affinis que fueron más abundantes y mostraron en la mayoría de los sitios (excepto en el Jardín Botánico José Narciso Rovirosa que se presentó en mayo picos poblacionales en época lluviosa. Las trampas de alcohol y de luz son métodos de recolecta que pueden ser complementarios para el monitoreo de las poblaciones de estos insectos, los cuales se encuentran presentes durante la mayor parte del año y su fluctuación poblacional es dependiente de los recursos alimenticios y sobre todo de factores ambientales como la temperatura y humedad. Se sugiere que X. affinis se ha adaptado y explotado los recursos de mejor manera que X. ferrugineus en estos ecosistemas, a juzgar por la abundancia observada. Las correlaciones entre la abundancia y los factores climáticos presentaron valores positivos y negativos. Los resultados reflejan el comportamiento de las poblaciones, sin embargo, hace falta evaluar de manera detallada algunos factores biol

  14. Análisis computacional del comportamiento mecánico de cartílago articular basado en un modelo viscoelástico


    Caballero Alemán, Pedro Julio


    El Cartílago articular es un tejido biológico, sorprendente como todos ellos, que posee un comportamiento característico dado por sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Alrededor del mundo se han propuestos múltiples modelos para describir dicho comportamiento complejo. En el presente trabajo se realiza una simulación del cartílago articular (subdominio) bajo un modelo bifásico poro-elástico lineal, donde se considera al cartílago compuesto por dos fases intrínsecamente incompresibles e inm...

  15. Correlates of Abortion Related Maternal Mortality at the Lagos State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was carried out to highlight the probable correlates of mortality among patients managed for abortion related complications at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja. All patients managed for abortion related complications between 1st January 2000 and 31st December 2003 were studied. Certain ...

  16. a multi-period markov model for monthly rainfall in lagos, nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    A twelve-period. Markov model has been developed for the monthly rainfall data for Lagos, along the coast of .... autoregressive process to model river flow; Deo et al. (2015) utilized an ...... quences for the analysis of river basins by simulation.


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    Full Text Available La agricultura como principal actividad del desarrollo económico rural en Colombia ha sido implementada con diferentes estrategias desde la época precolombina. Los ecosistemas de la alta montaña no han sido ajenos a esta realidad, y particularmente en las zonas de Páramo del Cauca, el intento por favorecer la prevalencia de un modelo altamente productivo e intensivo en el uso del suelo ha conllevado al detrimento de la diversidad socio-ecológica, la rápida expansión de la frontera agropecuaria en áreas estratégicas, la pérdida del conocimiento tradicional sobre el uso de la tierra y el bajo rendimiento de los cultivos que ha implicado mayor incorporación de fertilizantes al suelo amenazando estos sistemas vulnerables en la alta montaña. Sin embargo, es común encontrar en diferentes localidades paramunas caucanas comunidades indígenas y campesinas que reconocen la necesidad de cambiar los sistemas productivos que han venido empleando debido a la disminución de la fertilidad del suelo que limita la comercialización de sus productos y a la problemática ambiental asociada, en este sentido, el acompañamiento institucional en este proceso es vital para favorecer la implementación de procesos sostenibles de forma integral.

  18. Escenarios de erosión bajo diferentes manejos agrícolas en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México


    Manuel E. Mendoza Cantú; Miguel Bravo Espinosa; Lenin E. Medina Orozco


    La erosión hídrica, la desecación y pérdida de áreas y volúmenes de los lagos son problemas severos en las cuencas cerradas del Sistema Volcánico Transversal. Este deterioro comienza a extenderse a la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, en la cual se encuentra uno de los pocos lagos mexicanos de aguas casi prístinas; por ello, es urgente plantear estudios que ofrezcan bases para un manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales que beneficie a los distintos usuarios del lago y de la cuenc...

  19. Mothers' human papilloma virus knowledge and willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Ezenwa BN


    Full Text Available Beatrice N Ezenwa,1 Mobolanle R Balogun,2 Ifeoma P Okafor2 1Department of Pediatrics, 68 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria; 2Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in sexually active adolescents and young women and has been implicated as a cause of the majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women in Nigeria. HPV is preventable with the use of HPV vaccines. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess mothers' HPV knowledge and their willingness to vaccinate their adolescent daughters in Lagos, Nigeria. Materials and methods: This study was a community-based, descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in July, 2012 in Shomolu Local Government Area (LGA of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling method was employed to select the 290 respondents who participated in the study. Structured, pretested, interviewer-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analyzed with Epi-Info™ version 7. Results: The study revealed low awareness of HPV (27.9% and HPV vaccines (19.7% among the mothers that participated. There was a high awareness for cervical cancer but little knowledge of its link to HPV. Awareness and utilization of HPV vaccines increased with increasing educational level (P<0.05. There was a high willingness and intention among the mothers to vaccinate their girls (88.9% and to recommend the vaccine to others (91.0%. Accessibility and affordability of the HPV vaccines were found to be possible barriers to future utilization of the vaccines. Conclusion: Despite low knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccines, mothers were willing to vaccinate their daughters. We recommend improving mothers' knowledge by education and the possible inclusion of the vaccine in the national immunization

  20. Discrete variable representation for singular Hamiltonians

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, B. I.; Nygaard, Nicolai


    We discuss the application of the discrete variable representation (DVR) to Schrodinger problems which involve singular Hamiltonians. Unlike recent authors who invoke transformations to rid the eigenvalue equation of singularities at the cost of added complexity, we show that an approach based...

  1. Quality of gari (roasted cassava mash) in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gari is creamy-white, partially gelatinized roasted free flowing granular flour made from cassava roots. It is a major staple consumed in both urban and rural areas due to its convenience. Quality of Gari (roasted cassava mash) in Lagos, Nigeria was investigated. Gari samples were collected at random from different ...

  2. John Lyons' Chomsky: A Review Essay | Eleshin | Lagos Notes and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lagos Notes and Records. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 18, No 1 (2012) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL ...

  3. Knowledge And Attitude Of Youth Corps Members In Lagos To ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sickle cell disease has remained a public health problem in Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine the knowledge and attitudes of unmarried NYSC members in Lagos State to sickle cell disease and screening. This study was a cross sectional study. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the ...

  4. Topological Signals of Singularities in Ricci Flow

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    Paul M. Alsing


    Full Text Available We implement methods from computational homology to obtain a topological signal of singularity formation in a selection of geometries evolved numerically by Ricci flow. Our approach, based on persistent homology, produces precise, quantitative measures describing the behavior of an entire collection of data across a discrete sample of times. We analyze the topological signals of geometric criticality obtained numerically from the application of persistent homology to models manifesting singularities under Ricci flow. The results we obtain for these numerical models suggest that the topological signals distinguish global singularity formation (collapse to a round point from local singularity formation (neckpinch. Finally, we discuss the interpretation and implication of these results and future applications.

  5. Murciélagos asociados a una finca ganadera en Córdoba (Colombia

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    Berta Calonge C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer las especies de murciélagos asociadas a remanentes de bosque seco tropical en un sistema de ganadería extensiva en una finca del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un muestreo de 35 noches, durante la época seca (enero-marzo de 2009, empleando 10 redes de niebla (3x6 m ubicadas en un diseño por conglomerados las cuales fueron abiertas desde las 18:00 hasta las 06:00 horas. Resultados. Se encontraron 20 especies de murciélagos, se capturaron un total de 614 individuos. Conclusiones. Se encontraron especies de las familias Phyllostomidae, Noctilionidae, Vespertilionidae y Emballonuridae. La especie Lasiurus ega se constituye en un nuevo reporte para el departamento de Córdoba.

  6. The Succession Dispute to the Throne of Lagos and the British ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the early years of his reign Adele won popularity by making lavish gifts to his chiefs. This royal largesse ..... thousand followers had left Lagos in about fifty or sixty canoes to Badone, a village on ..... their influence in a more spectacular fashion.

  7. Reasons for singularity in robot teleoperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marhenke, Ilka; Fischer, Kerstin; Savarimuthu, Thiusius Rajeeth


    In this paper, the causes for singularity of a robot arm in teleoperation for robot learning from demonstration are analyzed. Singularity is the alignment of robot joints, which prevents the configuration of the inverse kinematics. Inspired by users' own hypotheses, we investigated speed and dela...


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    Rubén Coredero


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de julio a noviembre del año 2003 se llevó a cabo el estudio sobre la determinación espacio-temporal de la concentración de fósforo en el Lago de Tota (Boyacá, Colombia. Las muestras se tomaron con la botella Van-Dorn tipo horizontal de dos litros de capacidad en el estrato superficial hasta 20 cm en la columna de agua y a 10 m de profundidad. Las distintas formas de fósforo estudiadas demuestran que existen diferencias significativas en sus concentraciones; los mayores valores se encontraron en el sector denominado Lago Chico y los menores en el área de Lago Grande; este comportamiento se encuentra muy asociado con los usos agrícolas del suelo en la zona litoral y con los factores climáticos, especialmente la precipitación en el área de estudio.

  9. 7 CFR 61.1 - Words in singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in singular form. 61.1 Section 61.1 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards... Words in singular form. Words used in the regulations in this subpart in the singular form shall be...

  10. Identification of discrete chaotic maps with singular points

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    P. G. Akishin


    Full Text Available We investigate the ability of artificial neural networks to reconstruct discrete chaotic maps with singular points. We use as a simple test model the Cusp map. We compare the traditional Multilayer Perceptron, the Chebyshev Neural Network and the Wavelet Neural Network. The numerical scheme for the accurate determination of a singular point is also developed. We show that combining a neural network with the numerical algorithm for the determination of the singular point we are able to accurately approximate discrete chaotic maps with singularities.

  11. Travel Characteristics and Commuting Pattern of Lagos Metropolis Residents: an Assessment

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    OSOBA, Samson Babatunde


    Full Text Available Urban travel is not solely the function of travel, but also on people’s participation in activities and how these were done. This study utilized 2,500 households’ samples in Lagos metropolis. The questionnaire about intra-city trip patterns was administered in direct proportion to the population size of each Local Government Areas (LGAs. Systematic sampling technique was used to select every tenth building on the identified streets. lt is observed that more than 95% of residents depends on roads, while less than 5% depends on Rail and Ferry. Work and business trips characterized the weekdays, while social, shopping and recreation trips dominate the weekends. This situation leads to too many vehicular traffic on the roads during the peak periods, leading to congestion and loss of valuable man-hours. Transportation planners in Lagos need to develop alternative intra-city transportation systems.

  12. Using satellite images to monitor glacial-lake outburst floods: Lago Cachet Dos drainage, Chile (United States)

    Friesen, Beverly A.; Cole, Christopher J.; Nimick, David A.; Wilson, Earl M.; Fahey, Mark J.; McGrath, Daniel J.; Leidich, Jonathan


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is monitoring and analyzing glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in the Colonia valley in the Patagonia region of southern Chile. A GLOF is a type of flood that occurs when water impounded by a glacier or a glacial moraine is released catastrophically. In the Colonia valley, GLOFs originating from Lago Cachet Dos, which is dammed by the Colonia Glacier, have recurred periodically since 2008. The water discharged during these GLOFs flows under or through the Colonia Glacier, into Lago Colonia and then the Río Colonia, and finally into the Río Baker—Chile's largest river in terms of volume of water.

  13. 7 CFR 46.1 - Words in singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in singular form. 46.1 Section 46.1 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing... Words in singular form. Words in this part in the singular form shall be deemed to import the plural...

  14. EDITORIAL: The plurality of optical singularities (United States)

    Berry, Michael; Dennis, Mark; Soskin, Marat


    This collection of papers arose from an Advanced Research Workshop on Singular Optics, held at the Bogolyubov Institute in Kiev, Ukraine, during 24-28 June 2003. The workshop was generously financed by NATO, with welcome additional support from Institute of Physics Publishing and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. There had been two previous international meetings devoted to singular optics, in Crimea in 1997 and 2000, reflecting the strong involvement of former Soviet Union countries in this research. Awareness of singular optics is growing within the wider optics community, indicated by symposia on the subject at several general optics meetings. As the papers demonstrate, the field of singular optics has reached maturity. Although the subject originated in an observation on ultrasound, it has been largely theory-driven until recently. Now, however, there is close contact between theory and experiment, and we speculate that this is one reason for its accelerated development. To single out particular papers for mention here would be invidious, and since the papers speak for themselves it is not necessary to describe them all. Instead, we will confine ourselves to a brief description of the main areas included in singular optics, to illustrate the broad scope of the subject. Optical vortices are lines of phase singularity: nodal lines where the intensity of the light, represented by a complex scalar field, vanishes. The subject has emerged from flatland, where the vortices are points characterized by topological charges, into the much richer world of vortex lines in three dimensions. By combining Laguerre-Gauss or Bessel beams, or reflecting light from plates with spiral steps, intricate arrangements can be generated, with vortices that are curved, looped, knotted, linked or braided. With light whose state of polarization varies with position, different singularities occur, associated with the vector nature of light. These are also lines, on which the

  15. Electricity supply efficiency and organizational growth and profitability in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Adeleke, Adedeji Tajudeen

    A modern and efficient infrastructure is a basic necessity for economic development and integration into the global economy. The specific problem was the inadequate and unreliable supply of electricity to manufacturing corporations in Lagos, Nigeria. The purpose of the current quantitative correlational research study was to examine if there was a correlation between electricity supply efficiency and organizational growth and profitability in manufacturing corporations in Lagos, Nigeria. The population of the current correlational research study involved 28 out of 34 manufacturing corporations from various industrial sectors in Lagos, Nigeria, that are listed and traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Spearman rho correlations were used to assess the relationships between independent variables of electricity supply efficiency levels and the dependent variables of organizational growth and profitability. The result of the correlational analysis of the data revealed that there was a statistically significant, strong positive correlation between the Average Gross Income (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity supply efficiency level (1998-2007), rho = 0.57; p = 0.002. A statistically significant, strong positive correlation was found between the Average Balance Sheet Size (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity Supply Efficiency Level (1998-2007), rho = 0.54; p = 0.003. A statistically significant, strong positive correlation between the Average Profit After Tax (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity Supply Efficiency Level (1998-2007), rho = 0.60; p = 0.001, was found. No statistically significant correlation between the Average Return on Investment (1998-2007) and Average Actual Electricity supply efficiency level (1998-2007), rho = 0.19; p = 0.33, was discovered.

  16. Tres especies de aves acuáticas como bioindicadores de la contaminación por metales pesados del lago de Chapala.


    González González, Deisy Catalina


    El lago de Chapala es el más grande del país, cuenta con una superficie de 114 659 ha, y es considerado uno de los más importantes, por los servicios económicos, recreativos y ecológicos que ofrece. Este lago es abastecido principalmente por el Rio Lerma, en el cual se vierten los desechos industriales del estado de México, Querétaro y Guanajuato, así como los desechos urbanos y agropecuarios del estado de Michoacán y Jalisco. Estos desechos al ingresar al lago pueden ser nocivos para l...

  17. Stable computation of generalized singular values

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drmac, Z.; Jessup, E.R. [Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States)


    We study floating-point computation of the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) of a general matrix pair (A, B), where A and B are real matrices with the same numbers of columns. The GSVD is a powerful analytical and computational tool. For instance, the GSVD is an implicit way to solve the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem Kx = {lambda}Mx, where K = A{sup {tau}}A and M = B{sup {tau}}B. Our goal is to develop stable numerical algorithms for the GSVD that are capable of computing the singular value approximations with the high relative accuracy that the perturbation theory says is possible. We assume that the singular values are well-determined by the data, i.e., that small relative perturbations {delta}A and {delta}B (pointwise rounding errors, for example) cause in each singular value {sigma} of (A, B) only a small relative perturbation {vert_bar}{delta}{sigma}{vert_bar}/{sigma}.

  18. Gender and Campus Violence: A Study of University of Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research is an attempt to investigate the incidence of violence among university students using University of Lagos as a case study. A questionnaire on different kinds of violence was administered to 446 students of the university. In addition, four focus group discussion sessions were conducted to assess the types of ...

  19. A prospective study of Vitamin A Utilization in Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Also, drug utilization studies are primary in establishing mechanisms to promote the use of this vitamin. Hence, we investigated the use of Vitamin A in 4 referral paediatric units in Lagos, Nigeria. The study was prospective with the use of questionnaires administered to those patients placed on Vitamin A therapy among 380 ...

  20. Road Traffic Accident Variations in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Synopsis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The major objective of this research is to examine the variation patterns of road traffic accident in Lagos State. The study used mostly secondary data; accident records and vehicular situation were obtained from the Nigeria police force and Federal Road Safety Commission. The data were obtained for a period of thirty two ...

  1. Economic Analysis of the Marketing of Fruit in Lagos State of Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Economic Analysis of the Marketing of Fruit in Lagos State of Nigeria (A case study of Oyingbo, Oshodi and Ikotun ... PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... This implies a wide gap in prices between wholesalers and retailers.

  2. Reprint of Ecological health status of the Lagos wetland ecosystems: Implications for coastal risk reduction (United States)

    Agboola, Julius I.; Ndimele, Prince E.; Odunuga, Shakirudeen; Akanni, Adeniran; Kosemani, Bosede; Ahove, Michael A.


    Lagos, a major urban agglomeration in the world is characterized by wetlands and basin for upstream rivers such as Ogun, Oshun and Yewa Rivers. Ongoing environmental pressures exerted by large-scale land reclamation for residential quarters, refuse and sewage dumping, and other uses, however, are suspected to have had a substantial impact on ecological health of the Lagos wetland ecosystems over the last few decades. To determine the impact of these pressures, we examined spatial changes in three wetlands areas- Badore/Langbasa (BL), Festac/Iba/Ijegun (FI) and Ologe/Otto-Awori (OO) through field sample collection and analyses of surface water, sediments, air-water interface gas fluxes and vegetations. Surface water conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, chloride, biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Na, Mn, Pb, Cd, K and Ni) exhibited relative spatial stability while other water quality parameters varied significantly (P International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There are indications of steady rise in greenhouse gas levels in Lagos since air CO2 value at BL have reached global threshold of 400 ppm with OO and FI closely approaching. We conclude that the Lagos wetland ecosystems, especially OO and FI still have some semblance of natural habitat. However, further destruction and unwise use of the resources could cause damage to physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in nature, which could result to grave socio-economic and cultural consequences to the local communities whose livelihood and lifestyle depend on these valued wetlands.

  3. Singularly perturbed Burger-Huxley equation: Analytical solution ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    solutions of singularly perturbed nonlinear differential equations. ... for solving generalized Burgers-Huxley equation but this equation is not singularly ...... Solitary waves solutions of the generalized Burger Huxley equations, Journal of.

  4. Experiencias dendroclimáticas con árboles de ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia

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    Jorge Ignacio del Valle


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de diferentes investigaciones dendroclimáticas realizadas en tres ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia. Se emplearon técnicas dendrocronológicas y densitogramas computarizados para obtener las cronologías de crecimiento y densidad, respectivamente. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre las cronologías, las variables climáticas locales y el ENSO, por ejemplo: la densidad de los anillos de crecimiento de Rhizophora mangle con la precipitación; el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Parkinsonia praecox y Capparis odoratissima con la precipitación, la temperatura del aire y la temperatura superficial del mar, y el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento de Prioria copaifera con las alturas limnimétricas del río Atrato. Dichos resultados demuestran la aplicabilidad y el potencial de la dendroclimatología en regiones tropicales.

  5. Observer-dependent sign inversions of polarization singularities. (United States)

    Freund, Isaac


    We describe observer-dependent sign inversions of the topological charges of vector field polarization singularities: C points (points of circular polarization), L points (points of linear polarization), and two virtually unknown singularities we call γ(C) and α(L) points. In all cases, the sign of the charge seen by an observer can change as she changes the direction from which she views the singularity. Analytic formulas are given for all C and all L point sign inversions.



    Calfat Caio Sergio


    El Municipio de Bonito, situado en el Estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, en Èl limite sur del Pantanal, viene caracterizando-se en el principal destino brasileÒo para la exploraciÛn del Turismo EcolÛgico. Ofrece un ecosistema rico en biodiversidad de base calc·reo; el paisaje tÌpico es el cerrado con un clima ameno, abrigando rÌos subterr·neos, sumideros, resurgencias, lagos y grutas (en mas de 100 existentes, son explotadas comercialmente solamente dos, hasta ahora). Es notable la variedad de pe...



    Fontúrbel Rada, Francisco; Departamento de postgrado, Maestría en Ingeniería de medio ambiente y recursos naturales, Universidad Loyola (Bolivia).


    Se evaluó el grado de avance del proceso de eutrofización del lago Titikaka por medio de la evaluación de las macrófitas (pleuston y limnófitas), de la diversidad de fitoplancton, de parámetros fisicoquímicos (pH, turbidez, DBO5, nitrógeno total y fósforo soluble) y microbiológicos (coliformes fecales termotolerantes) en cuatro localidades del lago. Los resultados mostraron un avance diferencial en el desarrollo del proceso de eutrofización en cada sitio: se clasificó un sitio como aguas de c...

  8. Subordinación local al manejo territorial globalizado de la ribera del lago de Chapala


    Adriana Hernández


    El presente artículo aborda el proceso de reapropiación del lago de Chapala, México. En las últimas décadas se han venido transformando el suelo y la producción agrícola en los municipios ribereños del lago de Chapala debido a la introducción de cultivos de exportación mediante sistemas modernos de producción tecnificada. Por lo que los cultivos tradicionales han ido disminuyendo o se producen con mayor uso de pesticidas, fertilizantes y agroquímicos. El papel del campesino ribereño también s...

  9. Singular spectrum analysis of sleep EEG in insomnia. (United States)

    Aydın, Serap; Saraoǧlu, Hamdi Melih; Kara, Sadık


    In the present study, the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is applied to sleep EEG segments collected from healthy volunteers and patients diagnosed by either psycho physiological insomnia or paradoxical insomnia. Then, the resulting singular spectra computed for both C3 and C4 recordings are assigned as the features to the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) architectures for EEG classification in diagnose. In tests, singular spectrum of particular sleep stages such as awake, REM, stage1 and stage2, are considered. Three clinical groups are successfully classified by using one hidden layer ANN architecture with respect to their singular spectra. The results show that the SSA can be applied to sleep EEG series to support the clinical findings in insomnia if ten trials are available for the specific sleep stages. In conclusion, the SSA can detect the oscillatory variations on sleep EEG. Therefore, different sleep stages meet different singular spectra. In addition, different healthy conditions generate different singular spectra for each sleep stage. In summary, the SSA can be proposed for EEG discrimination to support the clinical findings for psycho-psychological disorders.

  10. Generalized teleparallel cosmology and initial singularity crossing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Awad, Adel; Nashed, Gamal, E-mail:, E-mail: [Center for Theoretical Physics, the British University in Egypt, Suez Desert Road, Sherouk City 11837 (Egypt)


    We present a class of cosmological solutions for a generalized teleparallel gravity with f ( T )= T +α̃ (− T ) {sup n} , where α̃ is some parameter and n is an integer or half-integer. Choosing α̃ ∼ G {sup n} {sup −1}, where G is the gravitational constant, and working with an equation of state p = w ρ, one obtains a cosmological solution with multiple branches. The dynamics of the solution describes standard cosmology at late times, but the higher-torsion correction changes the nature of the initial singularity from big bang to a sudden singularity. The milder behavior of the sudden singularity enables us to extend timelike or lightlike curves, through joining two disconnected branches of solution at the singularity, leaving the singularity traversable. We show that this extension is consistent with the field equations through checking the known junction conditions for generalized teleparallel gravity. This suggests that these solutions describe a contracting phase a prior to the expanding phase of the universe.

  11. Transmutation of singularities in optical instruments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tyc, Tomas [Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 61137 Brno (Czech Republic); Leonhardt, Ulf [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews KY16 9SS (United Kingdom)], E-mail:


    We propose a method for eliminating a class of singularities in optical media where the refractive index goes to zero or infinity at one or more isolated points. Employing transformation optics, we find a refractive index distribution equivalent to the original one that is nonsingular but shows a slight anisotropy. In this way, the original singularity is 'transmuted' into another, weaker type of singularity where the permittivity and permeability tensors are discontinuous at one point. The method is likely to find applications in designing and improving optical devices by making them easier to implement or to operate in a broad band of the spectrum.

  12. The Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease in the Lagos State, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The analysis, which examines the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (ICD 9: 390-459) in Lagos State of Nigeria, was based on records obtained from the register of deaths in four Local Government Areas of the State. The result shows that there is general increase in death rates due to cardiovascular diseases over the ...

  13. Prevalence and trends in breast cancer in Lagos state, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined the trends in the prevalence of breast cancer in Lagos State, Nigeria. A sample of 1000 subjects was taken from a population consisting of women between the ages of 15 and 60 years spread across the 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State. Fifty questionnaires were distributed in each LGA.

  14. Cost of Care Among Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health challenge. Currently it is the 7th leading cause of death worldwide, and Nigeria ranks fourth amongst 22 high-burden countries for the disease. This study sought to appraise the direct and indirect costs borne by TB patients attending the Chest Clinics at the Lagos State University ...

  15. Atmospheric turbidity and the diffuse irradiance in Lagos, Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maduekwe, A.A.L.; Chendo, M.A.C.


    The relationships between the total hemispherical irradiance reaching the earth surface in Lagos, Nigeria and the turbidity coefficients at two wavelengths namely λ(500) and λ(880) measured with a Volz sun photometer have been investigated. Using simple piecewise linear regression relationships between the atmospheric turbidity using Angstrom turbidity coefficients and the diffuse components of solar radiation are presented. (author). 18 refs, 11 figs, 3 tabs

  16. Multifractal signal reconstruction based on singularity power spectrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong, Gang; Yu, Wenxian; Xia, Wenxiang; Zhang, Shuning


    Highlights: • We propose a novel multifractal reconstruction method based on singularity power spectrum analysis (MFR-SPS). • The proposed MFR-SPS method has better power characteristic than the algorithm in Fraclab. • Further, the SPS-ISE algorithm performs better than the SPS-MFS algorithm. • Based on the proposed MFR-SPS method, we can restructure singularity white fractal noise (SWFN) and linear singularity modulation (LSM) multifractal signal, in equivalent sense, similar with the linear frequency modulation(LFM) signal and WGN in the Fourier domain. - Abstract: Fractal reconstruction (FR) and multifractal reconstruction (MFR) can be considered as the inverse problem of singularity spectrum analysis, and it is challenging to reconstruct fractal signal in accord with multifractal spectrum (MFS). Due to the multiple solutions of fractal reconstruction, the traditional methods of FR/MFR, such as FBM based method, wavelet based method, random wavelet series, fail to reconstruct fractal signal deterministically, and besides, those methods neglect the power spectral distribution in the singular domain. In this paper, we propose a novel MFR method based singularity power spectrum (SPS). Supposing the consistent uniform covering of multifractal measurement, we control the traditional power law of each scale of wavelet coefficients based on the instantaneous singularity exponents (ISE) or MFS, simultaneously control the singularity power law based on the SPS, and deduce the principle and algorithm of MFR based on SPS. Reconstruction simulation and error analysis of estimated ISE, MFS and SPS show the effectiveness and the improvement of the proposed methods compared to those obtained by the Fraclab package.

  17. Dam failure analysis for the Lago de Matrullas Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Torres-Sierra, Heriberto; Gómez-Fragoso, Julieta


    The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, completed a hydrologic and hydraulic study to assess the potential hazard to human life and property associated with the hypothetical failure of the Lago de Matrullas Dam, located within the headwaters of the Río Grande de Manatí. The hydrologic study yielded outflow hydrographs and peak discharges for Lago de Matrullas and other subbasins in the Río Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin for three extreme rainfall events: (1) a 6-hour probable maximum precipitation (PMP) event, (2) a 24-hour PMP event, and (3) a 100-year-recurrence, 24-hour rainfall event. The hydraulic study simulated the hypothetical dam failure of Lago de Matrullas using hypothetical flood hydrographs generated from the hydrologic study and selected dam breach parameters. The flood wave resulting from the failure was downstream-routed through the lower reaches of the Río Matrullas, the Río Toro Negro, and the Río Grande de Manatí for determination of water-surface profiles developed from the event-based hydrologic scenarios and “sunny day” (no precipitation) conditions. The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS) and the River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) computer programs, developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, respectively. The flow routing in the hydraulic analyses was performed using the unsteady-state flow module available in the HEC–RAS model.

  18. Cosmologies with quasiregular singularities. II. Stability considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konkowski, D.A.; Helliwell, T.M.


    The stability properties of a class of spacetimes with quasiregular singularities is discussed. Quasiregular singularities are the end points of incomplete, inextendible geodesics at which the Riemann tensor and its derivatives remain at least bounded in all parallel-propagated orthonormal (PPON) frames; observers approaching such a singularity would find that their world lines come to an end in a finite proper time. The Taub-NUT (Newman-Unti-Tamburino)-type cosmologies investigated are R 1 x T 3 and R 3 x S 1 flat Kasner spacetimes, the two-parameter family of spatially homogeneous but anisotropic Bianchi type-IX Taub-NUT spacetimes, and an infinite-dimensional family of Einstein-Rosen-Gowdy spacetimes studied by Moncrief. The behavior of matter near the quasiregular singularity in each of these spacetimes is explored through an examination of the behavior of the stress-energy tensors and scalars for conformally coupled and minimally coupled, massive and massless scalar waves as observed in both coordinate and PPON frames. A conjecture is postulated concerning the stability of the nature of the singularity in these spacetimes. The conjecture for a Taub-NUT-type background spacetime is that if a test-field stress-energy tensor evaluated in a PPON frame mimics the behavior of the Riemann tensor components which indicate a particular type of singularity (quasiregular, nonscalar curvature, or scalar curvature), then a complete nonlinear backreaction calculation, in which the fields are allowed to influence the geometry, would show that this type of singularity actually occurs. Evidence supporting the conjecture is presented for spacetimes whose symmetries are unchanged when fields with the same symmetries are added

  19. Exact solutions and singularities in string theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horowitz, G.T.; Tseytlin, A.A.


    We construct two new classes of exact solutions to string theory which are not of the standard plane wave of gauged WZW type. Many of these solutions have curvature singularities. The first class includes the fundamental string solution, for which the string coupling vanishes near the singularity. This suggests that the singularity may not be removed by quantum corrections. The second class consists of hybrids of plane wave and gauged WZW solutions. We discuss a four-dimensional example in detail

  20. Papel trófico del microbial loop en un lago de inundación en la Amazonia Central

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    Pedro Caraballo Gracia


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de evaluar la participación de las bacterias heterotróficas en el flujo de carbono en la cadena trófica de un lago de inundación amazónico, colectas mensuales de estos microorganismos fueron realizadas durante el año hidrológico de diciembre de 2007 hasta noviembre de 2008, en las regiones litoral, pelágica y de macrófitas acuáticas del lago Catalão, en la Amazonia Central brasilera. Las bacterias fueron multiplicadas in vitro, usando como sustrato el carbono orgánico disuelto (COD del lago en cada una de las regiones estudiadas, para posterior análisis de la abundancia de isotopos estables de carbono y nitrógeno. Estos datos fueron confrontados con los valores de COD de los cuatro periodos limnológicos del lago (seca, inundación, llena y bajada de aguas. En general se encontró que la fuente principal de carbono de las bacterias heterotróficas fue aquella de origen C4, que presentó un aporte mínimo de 75%, en la medida en que el δ13C de las bacterias presentó valor medio de -17,72‰ ± 2,25. Confrontando ese valor, con el δ13C del zooplancton en el mismo período (-33,04‰±3,81 se concluye que el aporte de las bacterias heterotróficas al flujo de carbono hacia niveles tróficos superiores en el lago estudiado es mínimo.

  1. Technological Singularity: What Do We Really Know?

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    Alexey Potapov


    Full Text Available The concept of the technological singularity is frequently reified. Futurist forecasts inferred from this imprecise reification are then criticized, and the reified ideas are incorporated in the core concept. In this paper, I try to disentangle the facts related to the technological singularity from more speculative beliefs about the possibility of creating artificial general intelligence. I use the theory of metasystem transitions and the concept of universal evolution to analyze some misconceptions about the technological singularity. While it may be neither purely technological, nor truly singular, we can predict that the next transition will take place, and that the emerged metasystem will demonstrate exponential growth in complexity with a doubling time of less than half a year, exceeding the complexity of the existing cybernetic systems in few decades.

  2. Quantum healing of classical singularities in power-law spacetimes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helliwell, T M [Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711 (United States); Konkowski, D A [Department of Mathematics, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402 (United States)


    We study a broad class of spacetimes whose metric coefficients reduce to powers of a radius r in the limit of small r. Among these four-parameter 'power-law' metrics, we identify those parameters for which the spacetimes have classical singularities as r {yields} 0. We show that a large set of such classically-singular spacetimes is nevertheless non-singular quantum mechanically, in that the Hamiltonian operator is essentially self-adjoint, so that the evolution of quantum wave packets lacks the ambiguity associated with scattering off singularities. Using these metrics, the broadest class yet studied to compare classical with quantum singularities, we explore the physical reasons why some that are singular classically are 'healed' quantum mechanically, while others are not. We show that most (but not all) of the remaining quantum-mechanically singular spacetimes can be excluded if either the weak energy condition or the dominant energy condition is invoked, and we briefly discuss the effect of this work on the strong cosmic censorship conjecture.

  3. Music education and musical activities in Lagos: then and now ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article is a historical excursion into the musical activities in Lagos from around 600 to 1800, which it classifies as the first phase, from around 1800 to 1914, the second period, and third period, from around 1914 up to date and how they have affected music education in the area. The study also highlights the roles played ...

  4. Nigerian medical libraries in a digital age | Ibegwam | Lagos Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    No Abstract. Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(2) 2003: 129-135. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT · · AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians ...

  5. Evaluation of measles vaccine cold chain in Lagos State, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The National (level 1), State (L2), and Local government vaccine cold stores (L3) as well as some vaccination centres (L4) were physically inspected in Lagos State, Nigeria and the potency of the live-attenuated measles vaccine was tested. Both the L1 and L2 storage facilities were formally adequately equipped and ...

  6. Ambient air particulate matter in Lagos, Nigeria: A study using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    chemical mass balance model was used for source apportionment. ... world are: soil or entrained dust, vehicular exhaust, marine (in a city situated close ... Mn is a marker element for steel industry and can also be attributed to .... The high enrichment of Br and Pb at the three sites in Lagos is believed to be due to the heavy.

  7. Singularities in the nonisotropic Boltzmann equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garibotti, C.R.; Martiarena, M.L.; Zanette, D.


    We consider solutions of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation (NLBE) with anisotropic singular initial conditions, which give a simplified model for the penetration of a monochromatic beam on a rarified target. The NLBE is transformed into an integral equation which is solved iteratively and the evolution of the initial singularities is discussed. (author). 5 refs

  8. Vulnerabilidade à eutrofização de dois lagos tropicais de climas úmido (Cuba e semiárido (Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Cesar Wiegand

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo compara o estado de eutrofização e suas prováveis causas em dois reservatórios tropicais, um em clima úmido (La Juventud, Cuba e o outro em clima semiárido (Marengo, Brasil. Após estimar o estado trófico dos dois reservatórios nas estações chuvosa e seca, avaliou-se a influência hidrológica e de uso do solo sobre o grau de trofia dos lagos. Concluiu-se que os lagos são, em média, mesotróficos. Porém, o lago tropical semiárido encontra-se eutrófico, enquanto que o úmido está oligotrófico. Considerando que há similitude entre os usos do solo nas duas bacias e que, na estação chuvosa, o aporte de nutrientes na bacia úmida é consideravelmente superior ao da semiárida, o maior estado trófico da bacia seca surpreende. A variável que melhor explica esse fenômeno é o tempo de residência da água, que influencia diretamente o tempo de residência do fósforo no lago. O elevado tempo de residência da água na bacia semiárida (três vezes superior ao do lago úmido deve-se tanto ao reduzido coeficiente de escoamento superficial (93 versus 595 mm anuais na bacia úmida quanto à excessiva evaporação da água armazenada no reservatório seco (quatro vezes superior à do reservatório úmido. Esses resultados indicam que lagos semiáridos são mais vulneráveis à eutrofização que os úmidos nos períodos de estio e que, portanto, o manejo de suas bacias deve ser mais restritivo à produção de nutrientes.

  9. Normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    The Lie algebra generated by Hopf-zero classical normal forms is decomposed into two versal Lie subalgebras. Some dynamical properties for each subalgebra are described; one is the set of all volume-preserving conservative systems while the other is the maximal Lie algebra of nonconservative systems. This introduces a unique conservative–nonconservative decomposition for the normal form systems. There exists a Lie-subalgebra that is Lie-isomorphic to a large family of vector fields with Bogdanov–Takens singularity. This gives rise to a conclusion that the local dynamics of formal Hopf-zero singularities is well-understood by the study of Bogdanov–Takens singularities. Despite this, the normal form computations of Bogdanov–Takens and Hopf-zero singularities are independent. Thus, by assuming a quadratic nonzero condition, complete results on the simplest Hopf-zero normal forms are obtained in terms of the conservative–nonconservative decomposition. Some practical formulas are derived and the results implemented using Maple. The method has been applied on the Rössler and Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our results. (paper)

  10. Normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity (United States)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    The Lie algebra generated by Hopf-zero classical normal forms is decomposed into two versal Lie subalgebras. Some dynamical properties for each subalgebra are described; one is the set of all volume-preserving conservative systems while the other is the maximal Lie algebra of nonconservative systems. This introduces a unique conservative-nonconservative decomposition for the normal form systems. There exists a Lie-subalgebra that is Lie-isomorphic to a large family of vector fields with Bogdanov-Takens singularity. This gives rise to a conclusion that the local dynamics of formal Hopf-zero singularities is well-understood by the study of Bogdanov-Takens singularities. Despite this, the normal form computations of Bogdanov-Takens and Hopf-zero singularities are independent. Thus, by assuming a quadratic nonzero condition, complete results on the simplest Hopf-zero normal forms are obtained in terms of the conservative-nonconservative decomposition. Some practical formulas are derived and the results implemented using Maple. The method has been applied on the Rössler and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our results.

  11. An Examination of Tenure Security for Urban Crop Farming in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined issues surrounding tenure security of land for urban crop farming and identified constraints that must be dealt with in order to facilitate land accessibility and productivity of urban crop farmers in the Lagos metropolis. 475 respondents of seven communities were selected through simple random sampling ...

  12. A Ten-Year Review of Childhood Renal Admissions into the Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The exact burden of childhood renal disease among Nigerians, particularly in the Lagos environment is not known. Local literature by focusing on the nephortic syndrome seemingly gives the impression that it constitutes the most important and perhaps the most common of these diseases. In practices however ...

  13. Rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil

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    Willian Oliveira Fahl


    Full Text Available Frente al desafío que la rabia representa para la industria pecuaria y la salud pública en América Latina, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de literatura amplia y crítica sobre la epidemiología de la rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil. El tema es abordado inicialmente desde una perspectiva histórica hasta la caracterización molecular de aislamientos del virus, para finalmente contrastar con la situación de otros países de las Américas. La información referente a Brasil es presentada de manera separada debido a la gran abundancia de especies de murciélagos de diversos hábitos alimenticios, implicadas en la transmisión del virus de la rabia y las complejas relaciones entre los ciclos epidemiológicos revelados por estudios de tipificación antigénica y análisis filogenético, lo  cual ha permitido reconocer con más nitidez, la importancia de los quirópteros como reservorios y transmisores de esta enfermedad.  Este nuevo escenario epidemiológico exige reexaminar las medidas de control aplicadas hasta el momento, desde un abordaje multidisciplinar, así como cooperación intersectorial y participación por parte de la comunidad.

  14. Radioanatomy of the singular nerve canal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muren, C. [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Sabbatsbergs Hospital, Stockholm (Sweden); Wadin, K. [University Hospital, Uppsala (Sweden); Dimopoulos, P. [University Hospital, Uppsala (Sweden)


    The singular canal conveys vestibular nerve fibers from the ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal to the posteroinferior border of the internal auditory meatus. Radiographic identification of this anatomic structure helps to distinguish it from a fracture. It is also a landmark in certain surgical procedures. Computed tomography (CT) examinations of deep-frozen temporal bone specimens were compared with subsequently prepared plastic casts of these bones, showing good correlation between the anatomy and the images. The singular canal and its variable anatomy were studied in CT examinations of 107 patients. The singular canal could be identified, in both the axial and in the coronal planes. Its point of entry into the internal auditory meatus varied considerably. (orig.)

  15. Factors influencing CD4 cell count in HIV-positive pregnant women in a secondary health center in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Akinbami AA


    Full Text Available Akinsegun A Akinbami,1 Abidoye Gbadegesin,2 Sarah O Ajibola,3 Ebele I Uche,1 Adedoyin O Dosunmu,1 Adewumi Adediran,4 Adekunle Sobande2 1Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, 2Department Of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Medicine, Lagos State University, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria; 3Department of Haematology and Immunology, Ben-Carson School of Medicine, Babcock University, Ilisan, Ogun State, Nigeria; 4Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria Background: Immunity in pregnancy is physiologically compromised, and this may affect CD4 count levels. It is well-established that several factors affect CD4 count level in pregnancy. This study aimed to determine the mean and reference range of CD4 count in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-positive pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out at antenatal clinics of the Maternal and Child Center of a secondary health center in Lagos State, Nigeria. Records of HIV-positive pregnant women at various gestational ages, including CD4+ cell count at booking, packed cell volume (PCV at booking and labor, gestational age at delivery, and infant weight and sex were retrieved. The descriptive data was given as mean ± standard deviation (SD. Pearson's chi-squared test and correlation were used for analytical assessment. Results: Data were retrieved for a total of 143 patients. The mean age was 31.15±3.78 years. The mean PCV was 31.01%±3.79% at booking and 30.49%±4.80% during labor. The mean CD4 count was 413.87±212.09 cells/µL, with a range of 40 to 1,252 cells/µL. The mean infant weight was 3.05±0.45 kg, with a range of 2 to 5 kg. Age of the mother, gestational age, and PCV at booking were not statistically significantly associated with CD4 count. Conclusion: Maternal age, gestational age, and PCV at booking had no significant effects on CD4+ cell count levels in

  16. Singularities in the delta = 3 Tomimatsu-Sato space-time

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvani, M [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia; Turolla, R [International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste (Italy)


    The existence of singularities outside the equatorial plane is investigated. We show that when the specific angular momentum a exceeds the mass m of the source, there are six ring singularities, while when asingularities lie only in the equatorial plane.

  17. Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Qingling; Zhang, Xue


    Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems follows the control of real-world biological systems at both ecological and phyisological levels concentrating on the application of now-extensively-investigated singular system theory. Much effort has recently been dedicated to the modelling and analysis of developing bioeconomic systems and the text establishes singular examples of these, showing how proper control can help to maintain sustainable economic development of biological resources. The book begins from the essentials of singular systems theory and bifurcations before tackling  the use of various forms of control in singular biological systems using examples including predator-prey relationships and viral vaccination and quarantine control. Researchers and graduate students studying the control of complex biological systems are shown how a variety of methods can be brought to bear and practitioners working with the economics of biological systems and their control will also find the ...

  18. La fruticultura subtropical en los ecosistemas de ladera de clima mediterráneo: cambios en la vegetación/Subtropical fruit farming in Mediterranean weather hillside ecosystem: changes in vegetation

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    Carmen Rocío Rodríguez-Pleguezuelo


    Full Text Available En la costa de Granada, sureste de España, se encuentra una zona de frutales subtropicales en laderas, distribuidos en terrazas. Se evaluaron tasas de descomposición y liberación de nitrógeno (N de hojarasca, en dos ecosistemas: (1 ecosistema de ladera inalterado (ELI sin cultivo agrícola, con cubierta de vegetación autóctona, y (2 ecosistema de ladera alterado (ELA con frutales de mango (Mangifera indica L., aguacate (Persea americana Mill., chirimoyo (Annona cherimolia Mill., níspero (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. Lindl., y cubiertas de plantas aromáticas y medicinales (PAM en los taludes de las terrazas. En ELA la tasa de descomposición de hojarasca de chirimoyo fue la más alta, y entre las PAM la alhucema rizada (Lavandula dentata L., así como la mejorana (Thymus mastichina L., alhucema rizada (Lavandula dentata L. y ajedrea (Satureja obovata Lag. registraron altas tasas de liberación de N. En ELI acebuche (Olea europea L. y bolina (Genista umbellata (L'Hér. Dum., tuvieron bajas tasas de descomposición. Las PAM en ELA pueden contribuir a restablecer los ciclos naturales de reciclado de nutrientes, minimizando los efectos del cambio de uso del suelo.

  19. Critical factors that impact on the efficiency of the Lagos seaports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francis Ojadi


    Full Text Available Background: Since the past two decades, the Lagos seaports have experienced vessel and storage yard cargo congestion, resulting in dwell times of about 30 days for containerised imports and high trade logistics costs. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the critical factors that impact the operational efficiency of the Lagos seaports with a view to improving liner trade activities. Method: The study adopted an operational-based approach to understand the dynamics of the various interfaces of the port value chain. The research paradigm adopted for the study was therefore a combination of constructivism and post-positivism paradigms, which entailed the exploration and understanding of the various stakeholders in the port value chain. The epistemology of the research relied on the use of the exploratory sequential mixed method research technique (i.e. the qualitative approach followed by the quantitative approach at the operational level of port operations. Results: The result of the research showed that significant challenges exist and that some of these challenges cut across all functions of port operations. Challenges are experienced in the areas of corruption, trade fraud, transport infrastructure deficits, the absence of a supply chain culture and shortcomings in the execution of the ‘contract of customs’. Additionally, these factors include the deficiencies in services and facilities provided by state agencies and government-appointed service providers and private sector companies such as truckers, inland container depots, Inland Container Depots (ICDs and terminal operators. Conclusion: Specific recommendations are made to address the issues identified which, if implemented, could significantly address the current inefficiencies observed in the Lagos seaport’s operations.

  20. Computation at a coordinate singularity (United States)

    Prusa, Joseph M.


    Coordinate singularities are sometimes encountered in computational problems. An important example involves global atmospheric models used for climate and weather prediction. Classical spherical coordinates can be used to parameterize the manifold - that is, generate a grid for the computational spherical shell domain. This particular parameterization offers significant benefits such as orthogonality and exact representation of curvature and connection (Christoffel) coefficients. But it also exhibits two polar singularities and at or near these points typical continuity/integral constraints on dependent fields and their derivatives are generally inadequate and lead to poor model performance and erroneous results. Other parameterizations have been developed that eliminate polar singularities, but problems of weaker singularities and enhanced grid noise compared to spherical coordinates (away from the poles) persist. In this study reparameterization invariance of geometric objects (scalars, vectors and the forms generated by their covariant derivatives) is utilized to generate asymptotic forms for dependent fields of interest valid in the neighborhood of a pole. The central concept is that such objects cannot be altered by the metric structure of a parameterization. The new boundary conditions enforce symmetries that are required for transformations of geometric objects. They are implemented in an implicit polar filter of a structured grid, nonhydrostatic global atmospheric model that is simulating idealized Held-Suarez flows. A series of test simulations using different configurations of the asymptotic boundary conditions are made, along with control simulations that use the default model numerics with no absorber, at three different grid sizes. Typically the test simulations are ∼ 20% faster in wall clock time than the control-resulting from a decrease in noise at the poles in all cases. In the control simulations adverse numerical effects from the polar

  1. Can non-commutativity resolve the big-bang singularity?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maceda, M.; Madore, J. [Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Universite de Paris-Sud, Batiment 211, 91405, Orsay (France); Manousselis, P. [Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Patras, 26110, Patras (Greece); Physics Department, National Technical University, Zografou Campus, 157 80, Zografou, Athens (Greece); Zoupanos, G. [Physics Department, National Technical University, Zografou Campus, 157 80, Zografou, Athens (Greece); Theory Division, CERN, 1211, Geneva 23 (Switzerland)


    A possible way to resolve the singularities of general relativity is proposed based on the assumption that the description of space-time using commuting coordinates is not valid above a certain fundamental scale. Beyond that scale it is assumed that the space-time has non-commutative structure leading in turn to a resolution of the singularity. As a first attempt towards realizing the above programme a modification of the Kasner metric is constructed which is commutative only at large time scales. At small time scales, near the singularity, the commutation relations among the space coordinates diverge. We interpret this result as meaning that the singularity has been completely delocalized. (orig.)

  2. Remarks on gauge variables and singular Lagrangians

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chela-Flores, J.; Janica-de-la-Torre, R.; Kalnay, A.J.; Rodriguez-Gomez, J.; Rodriguez-Nunez, J.; Tascon, R.


    The relevance is discussed of gauge theory, based on a singular Lagrangian density, to the foundations of field theory. The idea that gauge transformations could change the physics of systems where the Lagrangian is singular is examined. (author)

  3. Tangled nonlinear driven chain reactions of all optical singularities (United States)

    Vasil'ev, V. I.; Soskin, M. S.


    Dynamics of polarization optical singularities chain reactions in generic elliptically polarized speckle fields created in photorefractive crystal LiNbO3 was investigated in details Induced speckle field develops in the tens of minutes scale due to photorefractive 'optical damage effect' induced by incident beam of He-Ne laser. It was shown that polarization singularities develop through topological chain reactions of developing speckle fields driven by photorefractive nonlinearities induced by incident laser beam. All optical singularities (C points, optical vortices, optical diabolos,) are defined by instantaneous topological structure of the output wavefront and are tangled by singular optics lows. Therefore, they have develop in tangled way by six topological chain reactions driven by nonlinear processes in used nonlinear medium (photorefractive LiNbO3:Fe in our case): C-points and optical diabolos for right (left) polarized components domains with orthogonally left (right) polarized optical vortices underlying them. All elements of chain reactions consist from loop and chain links when nucleated singularities annihilated directly or with alien singularities in 1:9 ratio. The topological reason of statistics was established by low probability of far enough separation of born singularities pair from existing neighbor singularities during loop trajectories. Topology of developing speckle field was measured and analyzed by dynamic stokes polarimetry with few seconds' resolution. The hierarchy of singularities govern scenario of tangled chain reactions was defined. The useful space-time data about peculiarities of optical damage evolution were obtained from existence and parameters of 'islands of stability' in developing speckle fields.

  4. Workshop on Singularities in Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Lê, Dung; Oka, Mutsuo; Snoussi, Jawad


    This book features state-of-the-art research on singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics and provides an overview of the current state of singularity theory in these settings. Singularity theory is at the crossroad of various branches of mathematics and science in general. In recent years there have been remarkable developments, both in the theory itself and in its relations with other areas. The contributions in this volume originate from the “Workshop on Singularities in Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics”, held in Merida, Mexico, in December 2014, in celebration of José Seade’s 60th Birthday. It is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in singularity theory and its impact on other fields.

  5. Cusp singularities in f(R) gravity: pros and cons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Pisin; Yeom, Dong-han


    We investigate cusp singularities in f(R) gravity, especially for Starobinsky and Hu-Sawicki dark energy models. We illustrate that, by using double-null numerical simulations, a cusp singularity can be triggered by gravitational collapses. This singularity can be cured by adding a quadratic term, but this causes a Ricci scalar bump that can be observed by an observer outside the event horizon. Comparing with cosmological parameters, it seems that it would be difficult to see super-Planckian effects by astrophysical experiments. On the other hand, at once there exists a cusp singularity, it can be a mechanism to realize a horizon scale curvature singularity that can be interpreted by a firewall

  6. Naked singularities and cosmic censorship: comment on the current situation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seifert, H.J.


    The current discussion is mainly concerned with how, or indeed, whether space-times possessing naked singularities can be ruled out as being too unrealistic or not being singular at all. The present position is summarized, with references, under the following headings: the Hawking-Penrose existence theorems, hydrodynamical singularities and the strength of naked singularities. (UK)

  7. Numerical investigation of stress singularities in cracked bimaterial body

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Náhlík, Luboš; Šestáková, Lucie; Hutař, Pavel


    Roč. 385-387, - (2008), s. 125-128 ISSN 1013-9826. [International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics /7./. Seoul, 09.09.2008-11.09.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) KJB200410803; GA ČR GP106/06/P239; GA ČR GA106/08/1409 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : bimaterial interface * stress singularity exponent * corner singularity * vertex singularity * general singular stress concentrator Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  8. Singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equations | Bijura ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Several investigations have been made on singularly perturbed integral equations. This paper aims at presenting an algorithm for the construction of asymptotic solutions and then provide a proof asymptotic correctness to singularly perturbed systems of Volterra integro-differential equations. Mathematics Subject

  9. Decision scenario analysis for addressing sediment accumulation in Lago Lucchetti, Puerto Rico (United States)

    A Bayesian belief network (BBN) was used to characterize the effects of sediment accumulation on water storage capacity of a reservoir (Lago Lucchetti) in southwest Puerto Rico and the potential of different management options to increase reservoir life expectancy. Water and sedi...

  10. Floral diversity in the wetlands of Ibeju-Lekki Area, Lagos, Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Until very recently poor attention has been given to the management of wetlands in Nigeria despite their significance in the global food and water supply, energy needs and disaster management. Due to the rapid development of the Lagos coastal areas for commerce and industrial purposes, the natural coastal vegetation ...

  11. Coastal Dump Sites in the Lagos lagoon and toxicity of their ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An assessment of the coastal dumpsites and their impacts on shrimp mortality in the Lagos lagoon was investigated. The study involved a census of dumpsites in the major sections of the coastline associated with anthropogenic activities, followed by specific bioassay to determine the acute toxicity of leachates from one of ...

  12. On the nature of naked singularities in Vaidya spacetimes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dwivedi, I.H. (Aligarh Muslim Univ. (India). Dept. of Physics); Joshi, P.S. (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research, Bombay (India))


    The Vaidya-Papapetrou model containing a naked singularity is analysed for outgoing causal geodesics joining the singularity. The curvature growth along these trajectories is examined to show that this is a strong curvature singularity, providing a counter-example to certain forms of cosmic censorship hypotheses. (author).

  13. On the nature of naked singularities in Vaidya spacetimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dwivedi, I.H.


    The Vaidya-Papapetrou model containing a naked singularity is analysed for outgoing causal geodesics joining the singularity. The curvature growth along these trajectories is examined to show that this is a strong curvature singularity, providing a counter-example to certain forms of cosmic censorship hypotheses. (author)

  14. An Assessment of Internet Uses, Practices, and Barriers for Professional Development by Agricultural Science Teachers in Lagos State

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olatomide Waheed Olowa


    Full Text Available The paper reports a study carried out on the utilisation of the Internet by agricultural science teachers in Lagos state focusing on uses, practices, and barriers. A questionnaire was developed based on literature and was administered to 300 agricultural science teachers in Lagos schools. 275 questionnaires properly completed were analyzed. Data reveal that 130 teachers are using the Internet for teaching agricultural science in classrooms as well as for various activities that enhance their professional development. Nevertheless, it was found that agricultural science teachers in Lagos State have not fully utilised the Internet because of barriers related to time factor, accessibility, and facilities. It is suggested that for the proliferation of Internet practices, there needs to be an increase in funding for technology, an introduction of computer/technology education, a provision of pedagogical training for teachers, and a provision of administrational support.

  15. Ambient cosmology and spacetime singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Antoniadis, Ignatios


    We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on the idea that standard 4-dimensional spacetime is the conformal infinity of an ambient metric for the 5-dimensional Einstein equations with fluid sources. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities in four dimensions is constrained by asymptotic properties of the ambient 5-metric, while the non-degeneracy of the latter crucially depends on cosmic censorship holding on the boundary.

  16. LBA-ECO LC-07 Bathymetric Survey of Floodplain Lake, Lago Curuai, Para, Brazil: 2004 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The bathymetry data provided represent a continuous surface of interpolated point measurements of depth values of Lago Curuai, an Amazon River floodplain lake,...

  17. LBA-ECO LC-07 Bathymetric Survey of Floodplain Lake, Lago Curuai, Para, Brazil: 2004 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: The bathymetry data provided represent a continuous surface of interpolated point measurements of depth values of Lago Curuai, an Amazon River floodplain...

  18. Naked singularities in self-similar spherical gravitational collapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ori, A.; Piran, T.


    We present general-relativistic solutions of self-similar spherical collapse of an adiabatic perfect fluid. We show that if the equation of state is soft enough (Γ-1<<1), a naked singularity forms. The singularity resembles the shell-focusing naked singularities that arise in dust collapse. This solution increases significantly the range of matter fields that should be ruled out in order that the cosmic-censorship hypothesis will hold

  19. Building Reproducible Science with Singularity Containers

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Michael Bauer first began working with containers at GSI national lab in Darmstadt, Germany, in 2017 while taking a semester off of school at the University of Michigan. Michael met Greg Kurtzer, project lead of Singularity, during his time at GSI and he began contributing heavily to the Singularity project. At the start of summer 2017, Greg hired Michael to work at the ...

  20. An Audit of Anaesthesia Record-keeping at the Lagos University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An Audit of Anaesthesia Record-keeping at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. ... in the re-audit were Pre-operative history (51% to 91% p<0.0001), blood pressure (65% to 78% p=0.04), pulse rate (47% to 65% p=0.015), administration of premedication (30% to 63% p<0.001), and ASA score (60% to 78%, p=0.009).

  1. Phantom cosmology without Big Rip singularity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Astashenok, Artyom V. [Baltic Federal University of I. Kant, Department of Theoretical Physics, 236041, 14, Nevsky st., Kaliningrad (Russian Federation); Nojiri, Shin' ichi, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Odintsov, Sergei D. [Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats - ICREA and Institut de Ciencies de l' Espai (IEEC-CSIC), Campus UAB, Facultat de Ciencies, Torre C5-Par-2a pl, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) (Spain); Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk (Russian Federation); Yurov, Artyom V. [Baltic Federal University of I. Kant, Department of Theoretical Physics, 236041, 14, Nevsky st., Kaliningrad (Russian Federation)


    We construct phantom energy models with the equation of state parameter w which is less than -1, w<-1, but finite-time future singularity does not occur. Such models can be divided into two classes: (i) energy density increases with time ('phantom energy' without 'Big Rip' singularity) and (ii) energy density tends to constant value with time ('cosmological constant' with asymptotically de Sitter evolution). The disintegration of bound structure is confirmed in Little Rip cosmology. Surprisingly, we find that such disintegration (on example of Sun-Earth system) may occur even in asymptotically de Sitter phantom universe consistent with observational data. We also demonstrate that non-singular phantom models admit wormhole solutions as well as possibility of Big Trip via wormholes.

  2. Phantom cosmology without Big Rip singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Astashenok, Artyom V.; Nojiri, Shin'ichi; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Yurov, Artyom V.


    We construct phantom energy models with the equation of state parameter w which is less than -1, w<-1, but finite-time future singularity does not occur. Such models can be divided into two classes: (i) energy density increases with time (“phantom energy” without “Big Rip” singularity) and (ii) energy density tends to constant value with time (“cosmological constant” with asymptotically de Sitter evolution). The disintegration of bound structure is confirmed in Little Rip cosmology. Surprisingly, we find that such disintegration (on example of Sun-Earth system) may occur even in asymptotically de Sitter phantom universe consistent with observational data. We also demonstrate that non-singular phantom models admit wormhole solutions as well as possibility of Big Trip via wormholes.

  3. Enhancing reproducibility in scientific computing: Metrics and registry for Singularity containers (United States)

    Prybol, Cameron J.; Kurtzer, Gregory M.


    Here we present Singularity Hub, a framework to build and deploy Singularity containers for mobility of compute, and the singularity-python software with novel metrics for assessing reproducibility of such containers. Singularity containers make it possible for scientists and developers to package reproducible software, and Singularity Hub adds automation to this workflow by building, capturing metadata for, visualizing, and serving containers programmatically. Our novel metrics, based on custom filters of content hashes of container contents, allow for comparison of an entire container, including operating system, custom software, and metadata. First we will review Singularity Hub’s primary use cases and how the infrastructure has been designed to support modern, common workflows. Next, we conduct three analyses to demonstrate build consistency, reproducibility metric and performance and interpretability, and potential for discovery. This is the first effort to demonstrate a rigorous assessment of measurable similarity between containers and operating systems. We provide these capabilities within Singularity Hub, as well as the source software singularity-python that provides the underlying functionality. Singularity Hub is available at, and we are excited to provide it as an openly available platform for building, and deploying scientific containers. PMID:29186161

  4. Enhancing reproducibility in scientific computing: Metrics and registry for Singularity containers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa V Sochat

    Full Text Available Here we present Singularity Hub, a framework to build and deploy Singularity containers for mobility of compute, and the singularity-python software with novel metrics for assessing reproducibility of such containers. Singularity containers make it possible for scientists and developers to package reproducible software, and Singularity Hub adds automation to this workflow by building, capturing metadata for, visualizing, and serving containers programmatically. Our novel metrics, based on custom filters of content hashes of container contents, allow for comparison of an entire container, including operating system, custom software, and metadata. First we will review Singularity Hub's primary use cases and how the infrastructure has been designed to support modern, common workflows. Next, we conduct three analyses to demonstrate build consistency, reproducibility metric and performance and interpretability, and potential for discovery. This is the first effort to demonstrate a rigorous assessment of measurable similarity between containers and operating systems. We provide these capabilities within Singularity Hub, as well as the source software singularity-python that provides the underlying functionality. Singularity Hub is available at, and we are excited to provide it as an openly available platform for building, and deploying scientific containers.

  5. Recovery and recycling practices in municipal solid waste management in Lagos, Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kofoworola, O.F.


    The population of Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, increased seven times from 1950 to 1980 with a current population of over 10 million inhabitants. The majority of the city's residents are poor. The residents make a heavy demand on resources and, at the same time, generate large quantities of solid waste. Approximately 4 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated annually in the city, including approximately 0.5 million of untreated industrial waste. This is approximately 1.1 kg/cap/day. Efforts by the various waste management agencies set up by the state government to keep its streets and neighborhoods clean have achieved only minimal success. This is because more than half of these wastes are left uncollected from the streets and the various locations due to the inadequacy and inefficiency of the waste management system. Whilst the benefits of proper solid waste management (SWM), such as increased revenues for municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standards and better health conditions, cannot be overemphasized, it is important that there is a reduction in the quantity of recoverable materials in residential and commercial waste streams to minimize the problem of MSW disposal. This paper examines the status of recovery and recycling in current waste management practice in Lagos, Nigeria. Existing recovery and recycling patterns, recovery and recycling technologies, approaches to materials recycling, and the types of materials recovered from MSW are reviewed. Based on these, strategies for improving recovery and recycling practices in the management of MSW in Lagos, Nigeria are suggested

  6. Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the water column of Lago Amapá, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erlei Cassiano Keppeler


    Full Text Available The aim of investigation was to study the model of vertical distribution in Lago Amapá, taking into consideration the seasonality of its zooplanktonic composition. Lago Amapá (10º2'36"S and 67º50'24"W is located in the floodplain of the Rio Acre. Samplings were conducted at three different depths of the water column, to study the vertical distribution of zooplankton populations and determine some physico-chemical and biological parameters of Lago Amapá. Weekly samples were taken with a Van Dorn sampler. The species showed greater concentrations at the by means of water column. Thirty-eight zooplankton species were found in the samples represented by Rotifera (30, Cladocera (5 and Cyclopoida (3. The temperature of the water column showed a tendency toward relatively high values (about 30ºC with little variation, consequently resulting in low viscosity. Based of Jaccard's index, it was seen that during the low-water phase, S1 and S3 of the three sampling stations studied, had greater similarity (Cj = 0.7058 in the middle of the water column. Lago Amapá showed characteristics in line with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis model, favoring colonization by opportunistic species such as rotifers.O objetivo desta investigação foi observar a distribuição vertical da comunidade do zooplâncton no Lago Amapá (10º2'36"S e 67º50'24"W, localizado na planície de inundação do Rio Acre. Amostragens foram conduzidas em três diferentes profundidades da coluna da água, considerando aspectos sazonais do zooplâncton, parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos. Coletas foram realizadas semanalmente com Garrafa de Van Dorn. As espécies apresentaram maiores concentrações no meio da coluna da água. Foram encontradas 38 espécies, assim distribuídas: Rotifera (30, Cladocera (5 e Cyclopoida (3. A temperatura da coluna da água em geral apresentou-se alta, em torno de 30ºC, com pequena variação, resultando em baixa viscosidade. O

  7. Curing Black Hole Singularities with Local Scale Invariance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Predrag Dominis Prester


    Full Text Available We show that Weyl-invariant dilaton gravity provides a description of black holes without classical space-time singularities. Singularities appear due to the ill behaviour of gauge fixing conditions, one example being the gauge in which theory is classically equivalent to standard General Relativity. The main conclusions of our analysis are as follows: (1 singularities signal a phase transition from broken to unbroken phase of Weyl symmetry; (2 instead of a singularity, there is a “baby universe” or a white hole inside a black hole; (3 in the baby universe scenario, there is a critical mass after which reducing mass makes the black hole larger as viewed by outside observers; (4 if a black hole could be connected with white hole through the “singularity,” this would require breakdown of (classical geometric description; (5 the singularity of Schwarzschild BH solution is nongeneric and so it is dangerous to rely on it in deriving general results. Our results may have important consequences for resolving issues related to information loss puzzle. Though quantum effects are still crucial and may change the proposed classical picture, a position of building quantum theory around essentially regular classical solutions normally provides a much better starting point.

  8. Pattern and outcome of cases seen at the Adult Accident and Emergency Department of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos. (United States)

    Uzoechina, N S; Abiola, A O; Akodu, B A; Mbakwem, A; Arogundade, A R; Tijani, H; Adegbesan-Omilabu, M A


    The accident and emergency department constitutes one of the vital entry points of patients into the healthcare facility of the hospital the world over. It responds to and manages variety of cases in all the clinical areas and thus pr vides an insight to the quality of care available in the health institution. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of cases seen as well as the causes of deaths at the adult accident and emergency department of the Lagos UniversityTeaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos. Retrospective review of records of all patients attended to at the adult accident and emergency department of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital in 2009 and 2010 was carried out. Data spread sheet was used to collect data on demographic indices, diagnosis, outcome, date admitted, date discharged and amount paid from casualty attendance register and Nurses' report books. Data was collated and analysed using Epi-Info version 3.4.1 statistical software package. Out of the 5,427 available patients' records reviewed, 4,761(87.7%) were recorded as "discharged alive", 546 (10.1%) were recorded as "died", while 120 (2.2%) were recorded as "brought in dead". Of those discharged alive, male attendance was 2,376 (49.10%) while that of the female was 2,385 (50.10%). Majority of these patients were aged 20-39 years and the mean age of the patients was 39.96 +/- 18.22 yrs. Majority of cases seen were medical in origin (53.7%) and highest medical case seen was cerebrovascular accident, Commonest cause of death was from medical cases [69.2%] (cerebrovascular accident 22.0%). Male mortality was 55.3% while female mortality was 44.7%, mean age was 46.86 +/- 17.61. Most affected age group was 40 - 59 years (35.4%) and highest number of death was seen in December. The commonest case seen as well as commonest cause of death was cerebrovascular accident. A high number of heart failure, head injuries, road traffic accidents, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and post partum

  9. 7 CFR 1200.50 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 1200.50 Section 1200.50 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING....50 Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import...

  10. 7 CFR 900.1 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.1 Section 900.1 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import the...

  11. 7 CFR 900.100 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.100 Section 900.100 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import the...

  12. 7 CFR 900.50 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.50 Section 900.50 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import the...

  13. Investigation into ivory trade in selected markets and hotels in Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The market growth for wildlife trophy collection is gradually leading to a decline in animal population. Thus, trade in ivory constitutes a potential threat to biodiversity conservation. The extent of this treat was therefore investigated via a 3-month survey of trade in ivory in selected markets and hotels in Lagos, Nigeria.

  14. Exploitation of Factory Workers: A Study of Union Dicon Salt, Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined labour exploitation in Nigeria with particular reference to Union Dicon Salt Plc., Lagos. The review of literature points to the fact that exploitation of the factory workers in the long run leads to strained relationships between management and staff. The situation becomes conflictual to the extent that both ...

  15. Work-Life Balance among academic staff of the University of Lagos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Work-Life Balance among academic staff of the University of Lagos. ... Abstract. Work-life balance is associated with the maintenance of stability in both one's professional and personal life. It is key to the welfare and, subsequently, job satisfaction and productivity of employees. It is against this understanding that this study ...

  16. Long stay patients in a psychiatric hospital in Lagos, Nigeria | Taiwo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: In the face of recently introduced government health reform and the dwindling number of available beds for acutely ill patients, a cross sectional study was carried out on long-stay patients at the 100 years old psychiatric hospital Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria with a view to discharging most of them. Method: Necessary ...

  17. Simpson's neutrino and the singular see-saw

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, T.J.; Johnson, R.; Ranfone, S.; Schechter, J.; Walle, J.W.F.


    The authors of this paper derive explicit forms for the neutrino and lepton mixing-matrices which describe the generic singular see-saw model. The dependence on the hierarchy parameter is contrasted with the non-singular case. Application is made to Simpson's 17 keV neutrino

  18. Supersymmetric quantum mechanics under point singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchino, Takashi; Tsutsui, Izumi


    We provide a systematic study on the possibility of supersymmetry (SUSY) for one-dimensional quantum mechanical systems consisting of a pair of lines R or intervals [-l, l] each having a point singularity. We consider the most general singularities and walls (boundaries) at x = ±l admitted quantum mechanically, using a U(2) family of parameters to specify one singularity and similarly a U(1) family of parameters to specify one wall. With these parameter freedoms, we find that for a certain subfamily the line systems acquire an N = 1 SUSY which can be enhanced to N = 4 if the parameters are further tuned, and that these SUSY are generically broken except for a special case. The interval systems, on the other hand, can accommodate N = 2 or N = 4 SUSY, broken or unbroken, and exhibit a rich variety of (degenerate) spectra. Our SUSY systems include the familiar SUSY systems with the Dirac δ(x)-potential, and hence are extensions of the known SUSY quantum mechanics to those with general point singularities and walls. The self-adjointness of the supercharge in relation to the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian is also discussed

  19. Ambient cosmology and spacetime singularities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antoniadis, Ignatios; Cotsakis, Spiros


    We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on the idea that standard 4-dimensional spacetime is the conformal infinity of an ambient metric for the 5-dimensional Einstein equations with fluid sources. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities in four dimensions is constrained by asymptotic properties of the ambient 5-metric, while the non-degeneracy of the latter crucially depends on cosmic censorship holding on the boundary. (orig.)

  20. Singular moduli and Arakelov intersection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weng Lin.


    The value of the modular function j(τ) at imaginary quadratic arguments τ in the upper half plane is usually called singular moduli. In this paper, we use Arakelov intersection to give the prime factorizations of a certain combination of singular moduli, coming from the Hecke correspondence. Such a result may be considered as the degenerate one of Gross and Zagier on Heegner points and derivatives of L-series in their paper [GZ1], and is parallel to the result in [GZ2]. (author). 2 refs

  1. Solutions of dissimilar material singularity and contact problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Y.


    Due to the mismatch of the material properties of joined components, after a homogeneous temperature change or under a mechanical loading, very high stresses occur near the intersection of the interface and the outer surface, or near the intersection of two interfaces. For most material combinations and joint geometries, there exists even a stress singularity. These high stresses may cause fracture of the joint. The investigation of the stress situation near the singular point, therefore, is of great interest. Especially, the relationship between the singular stress exponent, the material data and joint geometry is important for choosing a suitable material combination and joint geometry. In this work, the singular stress field is described analytically in case of the joint having a real and a complex eigenvalue. Solutions of different singularity problems are given, which are two dissimilar materials joint with free edges; dissimilar materials joint with edge tractions; joint with interface corner; joint with a given displacement at one edge; cracks in dissimilar materials joint; contact problem in dissimilar materials and logarithmic stress singularity. For an arbitrary joint geometry and material combination, the stress singular exponent, the angular function and the regular stress term can be calculated analytically. The stress intensity factors for a finite joint can be determined applying numerical methods, e.g. the finite element method (FEM). The method to determine more than one stress intensity factor is presented. The characteristics of the eigenvalues and the stress intensity factors are shown for different joint conditions. (orig.)

  2. Metric dimensional reduction at singularities with implications to Quantum Gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel


    A series of old and recent theoretical observations suggests that the quantization of gravity would be feasible, and some problems of Quantum Field Theory would go away if, somehow, the spacetime would undergo a dimensional reduction at high energy scales. But an identification of the deep mechanism causing this dimensional reduction would still be desirable. The main contribution of this article is to show that dimensional reduction effects are due to General Relativity at singularities, and do not need to be postulated ad-hoc. Recent advances in understanding the geometry of singularities do not require modification of General Relativity, being just non-singular extensions of its mathematics to the limit cases. They turn out to work fine for some known types of cosmological singularities (black holes and FLRW Big-Bang), allowing a choice of the fundamental geometric invariants and physical quantities which remain regular. The resulting equations are equivalent to the standard ones outside the singularities. One consequence of this mathematical approach to the singularities in General Relativity is a special, (geo)metric type of dimensional reduction: at singularities, the metric tensor becomes degenerate in certain spacetime directions, and some properties of the fields become independent of those directions. Effectively, it is like one or more dimensions of spacetime just vanish at singularities. This suggests that it is worth exploring the possibility that the geometry of singularities leads naturally to the spontaneous dimensional reduction needed by Quantum Gravity. - Highlights: • The singularities we introduce are described by finite geometric/physical objects. • Our singularities are accompanied by dimensional reduction effects. • They affect the metric, the measure, the topology, the gravitational DOF (Weyl = 0). • Effects proposed in other approaches to Quantum Gravity are obtained naturally. • The geometric dimensional reduction obtained

  3. 7 CFR 900.20 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.20 Section 900.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... § 900.20 Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to...

  4. 7 CFR 900.36 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.36 Section 900.36 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... Marketing Orders § 900.36 Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be...

  5. Beyond the singularity of the 2-D charged black hole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giveon, Amit; Rabinovici, Eliezer; Sever, Amit


    Two dimensional charged black holes in string theory can be obtained as exact SL(2,R) x U(1)/U(1) quotient CFTs. The geometry of the quotient is induced from that of the group, and in particular includes regions beyond the black hole singularities. Moreover, wavefunctions in such black holes are obtained from gauge invariant vertex operators in the SL(2,R) CFT, hence their behavior beyond the singularity is determined. When the black hole is charged we find that the wavefunctions are smooth at the singularities. Unlike the uncharged case, scattering waves prepared beyond the singularity are not fully reflected; part of the wave is transmitted through the singularity. Hence, the physics outside the horizon of a charged black hole is sensitive to conditions set behind the past singularity. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. V. Denysenko


    Full Text Available The peculiarities of modern medicine development connected with the technological and informative singularity are analyzed. The risks of realization of extracorporeal fertilization are examined from positions of development of informative singularity. The warning problems of origin of singularity are discussed on t h e base of t h e newest technologies development.

  7. M theory and singularities of exceptional holonomy manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acharya, Bobby S.; Gukov, Sergei


    M theory compactifications on G 2 holonomy manifolds, whilst supersymmetric, require singularities in order to obtain non-Abelian gauge groups, chiral fermions and other properties necessary for a realistic model of particle physics. We review recent progress in understanding the physics of such singularities. Our main aim is to describe the techniques which have been used to develop our understanding of M theory physics near these singularities. In parallel, we also describe similar sorts of singularities in Spin(7) holonomy manifolds which correspond to the properties of three dimensional field theories. As an application, we review how various aspects of strongly coupled gauge theories, such as confinement, mass gap and non-perturbative phase transitions may be given a simple explanation in M theory. (author)

  8. Enveloping branes and brane-world singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antoniadis, Ignatios; Cotsakis, Spiros [CERN-Theory Division, Department of Physics, Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Klaoudatou, Ifigeneia [University of the Aegean, Research Group of Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Cosmology, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Samos (Greece)


    The existence of envelopes is studied for systems of differential equations in connection with the method of asymptotic splittings which allows one to determine the singularity structure of the solutions. The result is applied to brane-worlds consisting of a 3-brane in a five-dimensional bulk, in the presence of an analog of a bulk perfect fluid parameterizing a generic class of bulk matter. We find that all flat brane solutions suffer from a finite-distance singularity contrary to previous claims. We then study the possibility of avoiding finite-distance singularities by cutting the bulk and gluing regular solutions at the position of the brane. Further imposing physical conditions such as finite Planck mass on the brane and positive energy conditions on the bulk fluid, excludes, however, this possibility as well. (orig.)

  9. Holographic subregion complexity for singular surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakhshaei, Elaheh [Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Physics, Isfahan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Mollabashi, Ali [Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), School of Physics, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Shirzad, Ahmad [Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Physics, Isfahan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), School of Particles and Accelerators, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Recently holographic prescriptions were proposed to compute the quantum complexity of a given state in the boundary theory. A specific proposal known as 'holographic subregion complexity' is supposed to calculate the complexity of a reduced density matrix corresponding to a static subregion. We study different families of singular subregions in the dual field theory and find the divergence structure and universal terms of holographic subregion complexity for these singular surfaces. We find that there are new universal terms, logarithmic in the UV cut-off, due to the singularities of a family of surfaces including a kink in (2 + 1) dimensions and cones in even dimensional field theories. We also find examples of new divergent terms such as squared logarithm and negative powers times the logarithm of the UV cut-off parameter. (orig.)

  10. The cosmological singularity

    CERN Document Server

    Belinski, Vladimir


    Written for researchers focusing on general relativity, supergravity, and cosmology, this is a self-contained exposition of the structure of the cosmological singularity in generic solutions of the Einstein equations, and an up-to-date mathematical derivation of the theory underlying the Belinski–Khalatnikov–Lifshitz (BKL) conjecture on this field. Part I provides a comprehensive review of the theory underlying the BKL conjecture. The generic asymptotic behavior near the cosmological singularity of the gravitational field, and fields describing other kinds of matter, is explained in detail. Part II focuses on the billiard reformulation of the BKL behavior. Taking a general approach, this section does not assume any simplifying symmetry conditions and applies to theories involving a range of matter fields and space-time dimensions, including supergravities. Overall, this book will equip theoretical and mathematical physicists with the theoretical fundamentals of the Big Bang, Big Crunch, Black Hole singula...

  11. Sexual Violence Among Out-of-School Female Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kofoworola Odeyemi


    Full Text Available Sexual violence against females is a public health problem. This descriptive cross-sectional study sought to determine the prevalence of sexual violence among out-of-school female adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria and examine the context in which it occurs. Three hundred and fifty adolescents, between the ages of 10 and 19 years, working in Sandgrouse market, Lagos, were selected using cluster sampling. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Almost half (42.9% of the respondents have had sexual intercourse, and median age at initiation was 17 years. Forced initiation was reported by 15.8%, and 36.3% reported that first intercourse was due to coercion. Among the sexually active, only 12.3% stated that “it is what they desire.” Majority of respondents (64.1% believe that rape is common in their community, and 18% of the sexually active have experienced rape. Out-of-school adolescents in this community are at risk of sexual violence. The factors that make them vulnerable need to be addressed.

  12. Shapefile of the bathymetric contours of Lago Lucchetti, Puerto Rico, September 2013-May 2014 (United States)

    Department of the Interior — The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a sedimentation survey of Lago Lucchetti, Yauco, Puerto Rico, in 2013–14 in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer...

  13. Factors Influencing the Usage of Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Existing Residential Buildings in Lagos, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olusola Olugbemileke Johnson


    Full Text Available Nigeria as a developing nation is facing increasing demand for electricity especially in the residential areas. The use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs is one of the several measures towards reducing the demand. However, in Nigeria, the use of CFLs is low. The present study was designed to investigate some factors responsible for the low usage of CFLs in Lagos, Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered by hand on 984 households, selected through systematic random sampling techniques from 5 local government areas in Lagos State. The first building along the major street in each of the local government was selected randomly and every tenth building constituted the sample. A household head was surveyed in each of the building selected, and was asked to rate some factors that might have influenced the usage of CFLs. The data generated from the questionnaire were analysed using ranking method. The findings show that inability to measure the saving benefits of CFLs on electricity bills, lack of affordability and high initial cost of acquisition and installation were the most important factors which influence the use of the CFLs. The study concludes by providing some recommendations on how to achieve sustainable energy management in the Lagos and beyond through more efficient residential house lighting.

  14. Profile of medical waste management in two healthcare facilities in Lagos, Nigeria: a case study. (United States)

    Idowu, Ibijoke; Alo, Babajide; Atherton, William; Al Khaddar, Rafid


    Proper management and safe disposal of medical waste (MW) is vital in the reduction of infection or illness through contact with discarded material and in the prevention of environmental contamination in hospital facilities. The management practices for MW in selected healthcare facilities in Lagos, Nigeria were assessed. The cross-sectional study involved the use of questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focused group discussions and participant observation strategies. It also involved the collection, segregation, identification and weighing of waste types from wards and units in the representative facilities in Lagos, Nigeria, for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the MW streams. The findings indicated that the selected Nigerian healthcare facilities were lacking in the adoption of sound MW management (MWM) practices. The average MW ranged from 0.01 kg/bed/day to 3.98 kg/bed/day. Moreover, about 30% of the domestic waste from the healthcare facilities consisted of MW due to inappropriate co-disposal practices. Multiple linear regression was applied to predict the volume of waste generated giving a correlation coefficient (R(2)) value of 0.99 confirming a good fit of the data. This study revealed that the current MWM practices and strategies in Lagos are weak, and suggests an urgent need for review to achieve vital reversals in the current trends.

  15. PMN-Portuguese Meteor Network and OLA-Observatório do Lago Alqueva agreement (United States)

    Saraiva, C.


    The PMN-Portuguese Meteor Network has two new video meteor detecting systems at OLA- Observartório do Lago Alqueva, situated at the South East Portuguese territory with a pristine night sky and more than 290 clear nights each year.

  16. Focalización y modalidad en el "Lanzarote del Lago" (ms. 9611 BNE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Contreras Martín


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analise the point of view and the varitions of the speech in Lanzarote del Lago (BNE ms 9611 to observe how the compilator worked the French source, Lancelot en prose.

  17. Naked singularities in higher dimensional Vaidya space-times

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, S. G.; Dadhich, Naresh


    We investigate the end state of the gravitational collapse of a null fluid in higher-dimensional space-times. Both naked singularities and black holes are shown to be developing as the final outcome of the collapse. The naked singularity spectrum in a collapsing Vaidya region (4D) gets covered with the increase in dimensions and hence higher dimensions favor a black hole in comparison to a naked singularity. The cosmic censorship conjecture will be fully respected for a space of infinite dimension

  18. Anti-malarial drug quality in Lagos and Accra - a comparison of various quality assessments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bate Roger


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Two major cities in West Africa, Accra, the capital of Ghana, and Lagos, the largest city of Nigeria, have significant problems with substandard pharmaceuticals. Both have actively combated the problem in recent years, particularly by screening products on the market using the Global Pharma Health Fund e.V. Minilab® protocol. Random sampling of medicines from the two cities at least twice over the past 30 months allows a tentative assessment of whether improvements in drug quality have occurred. Since intelligence provided by investigators indicates that some counterfeit producers may be adapting products to pass Minilab tests, the results are compared with those from a Raman spectrometer and discrepancies are discussed. Methods Between mid-2007 and early-2010, samples of anti-malarial drugs were bought covertly from pharmacies in Lagos on three different occasions (October 2007, December 2008, February 2010, and from pharmacies in Accra on two different occasions (October 2007, February 2010. All samples were tested using the Minilab® protocol, which includes disintegration and active ingredient assays as well as visual inspection, and most samples were also tested by Raman spectrometry. Results In Lagos, the failure rate in the 2010 sampling fell to 29% of the 2007 finding using the Minilab® protocol, 53% using Raman spectrometry, and 46% using visual inspection. In Accra, the failure rate in the 2010 sampling fell to 54% of the 2007 finding using the Minilab® protocol, 72% using Raman spectrometry, and 90% using visual inspection. Conclusions The evidence presented shows that drug quality is probably improving in both cities, especially Lagos, since major reductions of failure rates over time occur with all means of assessment. Many more samples failed when examined by Raman spectrometry than by Minilab® protocol. The discrepancy is most likely caused by the two techniques measuring different aspects of the medication

  19. Quantum gravitational collapse: non-singularity and non-locality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenwood, Eric; Stojkovic, Dejan


    We investigate gravitational collapse in the context of quantum mechanics. We take primary interest in the behavior of the collapse near the horizon and near the origin (classical singularity) from the point of view of an infalling observer. In the absence of radiation, quantum effects near the horizon do not change the classical conclusions for an infalling observer, meaning the horizon is not an obstacle for him. However, quantum effects are able to remove the classical singularity at the origin, since the wave function is non-singular at the origin. Also, near the classical singularity, some non-local effects become important. In the Schrodinger equation describing behavior near the origin, derivatives of the wave function at one point are related to the value of the wave function at some other distant point.

  20. Ocular findings seen among the staff of an institution in Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background:The degree to which ocular morbidity affects workers productivity in the developing countries has not been studied adequately. A federal government research institute based in Lagos introduced an annual health screen for all its workers, which included eye tests. This provided an opportunity to study the ...

  1. 7 CFR 900.80 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 900.80 Section 900.80....C. 608b(b) and 7 U.S.C. 608e Covering Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts § 900.80 Words in the singular form. Words in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import the plural, and vice versa...

  2. Generalized Parton Distributions and their Singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anatoly Radyushkin


    A new approach to building models of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) is discussed that is based on the factorized DD (double distribution) Ansatz within the single-DD formalism. The latter was not used before, because reconstructing GPDs from the forward limit one should start in this case with a very singular function $f(\\beta)/\\beta$ rather than with the usual parton density $f(\\beta)$. This results in a non-integrable singularity at $\\beta=0$ exaggerated by the fact that $f(\\beta)$'s, on their own, have a singular $\\beta^{-a}$ Regge behavior for small $\\beta$. It is shown that the singularity is regulated within the GPD model of Szczepaniak et al., in which the Regge behavior is implanted through a subtracted dispersion relation for the hadron-parton scattering amplitude. It is demonstrated that using proper softening of the quark-hadron vertices in the regions of large parton virtualities results in model GPDs $H(x,\\xi)$ that are finite and continuous at the "border point'' $x=\\xi$. Using a simple input forward distribution, we illustrate the implementation of the new approach for explicit construction of model GPDs. As a further development, a more general method of regulating the $\\beta=0$ singularities is proposed that is based on the separation of the initial single DD $f(\\beta, \\alpha)$ into the "plus'' part $[f(\\beta,\\alpha)]_{+}$ and the $D$-term. It is demonstrated that the "DD+D'' separation method allows to (re)derive GPD sum rules that relate the difference between the forward distribution $f(x)=H(x,0)$ and the border function $H(x,x)$ with the $D$-term function $D(\\alpha)$.

  3. An investigation of singular Lagrangians as field systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabei, E.M.


    The link between the treatment of singular Lagrangians as field systems and the general approach is studied. It is shown that singular Lagrangians as field systems are always in exact agreement with the general approach. Two examples and the singular Lagrangian with zero rank Hessian matrix are studied. The equations of motion in the field systems are equivalent to the equations which contain acceleration, and the constraints are equivalent to the equations which do not contain acceleration in the general approach treatment. (author). 10 refs

  4. Fundamental solutions of singular SPDEs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selesi, Dora


    Highlights: → Fundamental solutions of linear SPDEs are constructed. → Wick-convolution product is introduced for the first time. → Fourier transformation maps Wick-convolution into Wick product. → Solutions of linear SPDEs are expressed via Wick-convolution with fundamental solutions. → Stochastic Helmholtz equation is solved. - Abstract: This paper deals with some models of mathematical physics, where random fluctuations are modeled by white noise or other singular Gaussian generalized processes. White noise, as the distributional derivative od Brownian motion, which is the most important case of a Levy process, is defined in the framework of Hida distribution spaces. The Fourier transformation in the framework of singular generalized stochastic processes is introduced and its applications to solving stochastic differential equations involving Wick products and singularities such as the Dirac delta distribution are presented. Explicit solutions are obtained in form of a chaos expansion in the Kondratiev white noise space, while the coefficients of the expansion are tempered distributions. Stochastic differential equations of the form P(ω, D) ◊ u(x, ω) = A(x, ω) are considered, where A is a singular generalized stochastic process and P(ω, D) is a partial differential operator with random coefficients. We introduce the Wick-convolution operator * which enables us to express the solution as u = s*A ◊ I ◊(-1) , where s denotes the fundamental solution and I is the unit random variable. In particular, the stochastic Helmholtz equation is solved, which in physical interpretation describes waves propagating with a random speed from randomly appearing point sources.

  5. Transnational business and family strategies among Chinese/Nigerian couples in Guangzhou and Lagos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lan, S.


    Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Guangzhou and Lagos, this paper explores transnational trade activities and family strategies among Chinese/Nigerian interracial couples in the context of growing China/Africa trade relations and the recent tightening of China's immigration control. It examines how

  6. Singularities: the Brieskorn anniversary volume

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Brieskorn, Egbert; Arnolʹd, V. I; Greuel, G.-M; Steenbrink, J. H. M


    ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Main theorem ... 3 Ideals of ideal-unimodal plane curve singularities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References ... Gert-Martin Greuel and Gerhard Pfister...

  7. Singularities in geodesic surface congruence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Yong Seung; Hong, Soon-Tae


    In the stringy cosmology, we investigate singularities in geodesic surface congruences for the timelike and null strings to yield the Raychaudhuri type equations possessing correction terms associated with the novel features owing to the strings. Assuming the stringy strong energy condition, we have a Hawking-Penrose type inequality equation. If the initial expansion is negative so that the congruence is converging, we show that the expansion must pass through the singularity within a proper time. We observe that the stringy strong energy conditions of both the timelike and null string congruences produce the same inequality equation.

  8. Singularity Theory and its Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian; Mond, David; Montaldi, James


    A workshop on Singularities, Bifuraction and Dynamics was held at Warwick in July 1989, as part of a year-long symposium on Singularity Theory and its applications. The proceedings fall into two halves: Volume I mainly on connections with algebraic geometry and volume II on connections with dynamical systems theory, bifurcation theory and applications in the sciences. The papers are original research, stimulated by the symposium and workshop: All have been refereed and none will appear elsewhere. The main topic of volume II is new methods for the study of bifurcations in nonlinear dynamical systems, and applications of these.

  9. Preventing singularities in the Einstein-Cartan cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuchowicz, B.


    The singularity in expanding cosmological models is an undesirable consequence of general relativity. It may be removed in the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravitation which is an extension of general relativity (''general relativity with spin''). In the Einstein-Cartan theory there appears a characteristic spin-spin interaction which counteracts the contraction of matter above a certain critical density, and thus prevents any singularity. Generalizations of homogeneous cosmological models may contain either locally aligned spins (along an asymmetry axis) or randomly distributed spins (and then only the mean spin density square is macroscopically meaningful). In both cases the singularity can be removed, if only the spin density does increase at a sufficiently fast rate with the contraction of matter. (author)

  10. Initial singularity and pure geometric field theories (United States)

    Wanas, M. I.; Kamal, Mona M.; Dabash, Tahia F.


    In the present article we use a modified version of the geodesic equation, together with a modified version of the Raychaudhuri equation, to study initial singularities. These modified equations are used to account for the effect of the spin-torsion interaction on the existence of initial singularities in cosmological models. Such models are the results of solutions of the field equations of a class of field theories termed pure geometric. The geometric structure used in this study is an absolute parallelism structure satisfying the cosmological principle. It is shown that the existence of initial singularities is subject to some mathematical (geometric) conditions. The scheme suggested for this study can be easily generalized.

  11. Singularity hypotheses a scientific and philosophical assessment

    CERN Document Server

    Moor, James; Søraker, Johnny; Steinhart, Eric


    Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment offers authoritative, jargon-free essays and critical commentaries on accelerating technological progress and the notion of technological singularity. It focuses on conjectures about the intelligence explosion, transhumanism, and whole brain emulation. Recent years have seen a plethora of forecasts about the profound, disruptive impact that is likely to result from further progress in these areas. Many commentators however doubt the scientific rigor of these forecasts, rejecting them as speculative and unfounded. We therefore invited prominent computer scientists, physicists, philosophers, biologists, economists and other thinkers to assess the singularity hypotheses. Their contributions go beyond speculation, providing deep insights into the main issues and a balanced picture of the debate.

  12. Restauración de la biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas ribereños y otros humedales: meta-análisis global y evaluación de especies útiles en el trópico húmedo mexicano


    Meli, Paula


    Los ecosistemas ribereños albergan una importante biodiversidad y sus funciones ecológicas repercuten en la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos de gran importancia para la sociedad, como son el control de inundaciones y la depuración del agua. Las perturbaciones de origen antrópico frecuentemente exceden la resiliencia natural de estos ecosistemas y, en consecuencia, desencadenan procesos de degradación y pérdida de biodiversidad y servicios que requieren acciones de restauración. En el tróp...

  13. Finger image quality based on singular point localization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Jinghua; Olsen, Martin A.; Busch, Christoph


    Singular points are important global features of fingerprints and singular point localization is a crucial step in biometric recognition. Moreover the presence and position of the core point in a captured fingerprint sample can reflect whether the finger is placed properly on the sensor. Therefore...... and analyze the importance of singular points on biometric accuracy. The experiment is based on large scale databases and conducted by relating the measured quality of a fingerprint sample, given by the positions of core points, to the biometric performance. The experimental results show the positions of core...

  14. Repulsive and attractive timelike singularities in vacuum cosmologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, B.D.


    Spherically symmetric cosmologies whose big bang is partially spacelike and partially timelike are constrained to occur only in the presence of certain types of matter, and in such cosmologies the timelike part of the big bang is a negative-mass singularity. In this paper examples are given of cylindrically symmetric cosmologies whose big bang is partially spacelike and partially timelike. These cosmologies are vacuum. In some of them, the timelike part of the big bang is clearly a (generalized) negative-mass singularity, while in others it is a (generalized) positive-mass singularity

  15. Testing freshwater Lago Mare dispersal theory on the phylogeny relationships of iberian cyprinid genera Chondrostoma and Squalius (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmona, José Ambrosio


    Full Text Available A phylogeny of the species in the genera Chondrostoma and Squalius was constructed based on the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140pb. The molecular phylogeny was used to test the effect of the Mediterranean Lago Mare dispersal theory on the processes of divergence and speciation of European freshwater fishes. Phylogenetic relationships among Squalius samples and the molecular clock revealed that the ancestor of the current Iberian Squalius species inhabited a wide geographic area in the central and southwestern part of the former Iberian Peninsula during the Miocene before the Lago Mare phase. Similarly, the four main Iberian lineages of the genus Chondrostoma originated in the Middle-Upper Miocene. Hence, the Lago Mare phase of the Mediterranean Sea seems to have been a too recent paleogeographic event to have had any major impact on the dispersion of Squalius and Chondrostoma species. However, the reduction of the water-bodies during the Tortonian and Messinian may have intensified the isolation of populations. The Operational Biogeographic Units recovered from the Squalius and Chondrostoma phylogenies also reject the Lago Mare dispersal theory and support the idea that the differentiation processes were due to both the formation of the current hydrographical basin during the Plio-Pleistocene as well as to an earlier endorrheism event that occurred prior to hydrographical configuration.Realizamos una filogenia de los géneros Chondrostoma y Squalius mediante el estudio de la secuencia completa del gen mitocondrial citocromo b (1140pb. La filogenia molecular fue usada para comprobar el efecto que la teoría de dispersión del Mediterráneo Lago Mare ha tenido sobre los procesos de divergencia y especiación en los peces de agua dulce europeos. Las relaciones filogenéticas entre las muestras de Squalius y la aplicación del reloj molecular pusieron de manifiesto que el ancestro de las actuales especies ibéricas de Squalius habitaba

  16. Singularity theorems from weakened energy conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fewster, Christopher J; Galloway, Gregory J


    We establish analogues of the Hawking and Penrose singularity theorems based on (a) averaged energy conditions with exponential damping; (b) conditions on local stress-energy averages inspired by the quantum energy inequalities satisfied by a number of quantum field theories. As particular applications, we establish singularity theorems for the Einstein equations coupled to a classical scalar field, which violates the strong energy condition, and the nonminimally coupled scalar field, which also violates the null energy condition.

  17. Managing focal fields of vector beams with multiple polarization singularities. (United States)

    Han, Lei; Liu, Sheng; Li, Peng; Zhang, Yi; Cheng, Huachao; Gan, Xuetao; Zhao, Jianlin


    We explore the tight focusing behavior of vector beams with multiple polarization singularities, and analyze the influences of the number, position, and topological charge of the singularities on the focal fields. It is found that the ellipticity of the local polarization states at the focal plane could be determined by the spatial distribution of the polarization singularities of the vector beam. When the spatial location and topological charge of singularities have even-fold rotation symmetry, the transverse fields at the focal plane are locally linearly polarized. Otherwise, the polarization state becomes a locally hybrid one. By appropriately arranging the distribution of the polarization singularities in the vector beam, the polarization distributions of the focal fields could be altered while the intensity maintains unchanged.

  18. The Influence of Travel Time on Accessibility in Lagos Island | Atubi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this paper is to establish the influence of time on accessibility in Lagos Island, Nigeria. It was observed that generally, average driving speed was observed to be lower over short than over long distance routes. High speeds tend to be concentrated within a distance band of over 2.7km but beyond 6.0km average ...

  19. Escenarios de erosión bajo diferentes manejos agrícolas en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel E. Mendoza Cantú


    Full Text Available La erosión hídrica, la desecación y pérdida de áreas y volúmenes de los lagos son problemas severos en las cuencas cerradas del Sistema Volcánico Transversal. Este deterioro comienza a extenderse a la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, en la cual se encuentra uno de los pocos lagos mexicanos de aguas casi prístinas; por ello, es urgente plantear estudios que ofrezcan bases para un manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales que beneficie a los distintos usuarios del lago y de la cuenca. El objetivo de este trabajo fue predecir la erosión hídrica asociada a sistemas de manejo agrícola considerando tres tipos de labranza (tradicional, mínima y de conservación en la cuenca del lago de Zirahuén. La predicción se realizó aplicando la Ecuación Universal de Pérdidas de Suelo (EUPS dentro del contexto de un sistema de información geográfica. Los resultados indicaron que el uso de la labranza de conservación en las áreas agrícolas de la cuenca, reduciría las pérdidas de suelo a menos de 3 t ha-1 año-1 en toda el área agrícola de la cuenca, y probablemente se disminuiría la contaminación por arrastre de sedimentos en el lago de Zirahuén.

  20. Nonlinear singular elliptic equations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Minh Duc.


    We improve the Poincare inequality, the Sobolev imbedding theorem and the Trudinger imbedding theorem and prove a Mountain pass theorem. Applying these results we study a nonlinear singular mixed boundary problem. (author). 22 refs

  1. Transmutations between singular and subsingular vectors of the N = 2 superconformal algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doerrzapf, Matthias; Gato-Rivera, Beatriz


    We present subsingular vectors of the N = 2 superconformal algebras other than the ones which become singular in chiral Verma modules, reported recently by Gato-Rivera and Rosado. We show that two large classes of singular vectors of the topological algebra become subsingular vectors of the antiperiodic NS algebra under the topological untwistings. These classes consist of BRST-invariant singular vectors with relative charges q = -2, -1 and zero conformal weight, and nolabel singular vectors with q = 0, -1. In turn the resulting NS subsingular vectors are transformed by the spectral flows into subsingular and singular vectors of the periodic R algebra. We write down these singular and subsingular vectors starting from the topological singular vectors at levels 1 and 2

  2. Infinite derivative gravity : non-singular cosmology & blackhole solutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mazumdar, Anupam


    Both Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Newton's theory of gravity possess a short dis- tance and small time scale catastrophe. The blackhole singularity and cosmological Big Bang singularity problems highlight that current theories of gravity are incomplete description at early times and

  3. Consideration on Singularities in Learning Theory and the Learning Coefficient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miki Aoyagi


    Full Text Available We consider the learning coefficients in learning theory and give two new methods for obtaining these coefficients in a homogeneous case: a method for finding a deepest singular point and a method to add variables. In application to Vandermonde matrix-type singularities, we show that these methods are effective. The learning coefficient of the generalization error in Bayesian estimation serves to measure the learning efficiency in singular learning models. Mathematically, the learning coefficient corresponds to a real log canonical threshold of singularities for the Kullback functions (relative entropy in learning theory.

  4. Pérdida de la fertilidad del suelo por erosión hídrica en la cuenca propia del lago de Chapala, Michoacán.


    Avila Victor, Consuelo Margarita


    La cuenca del lago de Chapala contiene el cuerpo de agua dulce más grande de México, que en los últimos veinte años, ha sufrido un extensivo cambio de uso de suelo, provocando la aceleración de procesos erosivos que coadyuvan, por una parte, en la pérdida de fertilidad de sus suelos y por otra, al acelerado proceso de azolvamiento del vaso del lago por acumulación de sedimentos. El objetivo del trabajo fue cuantificar la erosión de suelo por factores hídricos en la cuenca propia del lago de C...

  5. Singular trajectories: space-time domain topology of developing speckle fields (United States)

    Vasil'ev, Vasiliy; Soskin, Marat S.


    It is shown the space-time dynamics of optical singularities is fully described by singularities trajectories in space-time domain, or evolution of transverse coordinates(x, y) in some fixed plane z0. The dynamics of generic developing speckle fields was realized experimentally by laser induced scattering in LiNbO3:Fe photorefractive crystal. The space-time trajectories of singularities can be divided topologically on two classes with essentially different scenario and duration. Some of them (direct topological reactions) consist from nucleation of singularities pair at some (x, y, z0, t) point, their movement and annihilation. They possess form of closed loops with relatively short time of existence. Another much more probable class of trajectories are chain topological reactions. Each of them consists from sequence of links, i.e. of singularities nucleation in various points (xi yi, ti) and following annihilation of both singularities in other space-time points with alien singularities of opposite topological indices. Their topology and properties are established. Chain topological reactions can stop on the borders of a developing speckle field or go to infinity. Examples of measured both types of topological reactions for optical vortices (polarization C points) in scalar (elliptically polarized) natural developing speckle fields are presented.

  6. Singularities in Free Surface Flows (United States)

    Thete, Sumeet Suresh

    Free surface flows where the shape of the interface separating two or more phases or liquids are unknown apriori, are commonplace in industrial applications and nature. Distribution of drop sizes, coalescence rate of drops, and the behavior of thin liquid films are crucial to understanding and enhancing industrial practices such as ink-jet printing, spraying, separations of chemicals, and coating flows. When a contiguous mass of liquid such as a drop, filament or a film undergoes breakup to give rise to multiple masses, the topological transition is accompanied with a finite-time singularity . Such singularity also arises when two or more masses of liquid merge into each other or coalesce. Thus the dynamics close to singularity determines the fate of about-to-form drops or films and applications they are involved in, and therefore needs to be analyzed precisely. The primary goal of this thesis is to resolve and analyze the dynamics close to singularity when free surface flows experience a topological transition, using a combination of theory, experiments, and numerical simulations. The first problem under consideration focuses on the dynamics following flow shut-off in bottle filling applications that are relevant to pharmaceutical and consumer products industry, using numerical techniques based on Galerkin Finite Element Methods (GFEM). The second problem addresses the dual flow behavior of aqueous foams that are observed in oil and gas fields and estimates the relevant parameters that describe such flows through a series of experiments. The third problem aims at understanding the drop formation of Newtonian and Carreau fluids, computationally using GFEM. The drops are formed as a result of imposed flow rates or expanding bubbles similar to those of piezo actuated and thermal ink-jet nozzles. The focus of fourth problem is on the evolution of thinning threads of Newtonian fluids and suspensions towards singularity, using computations based on GFEM and experimental

  7. Singular vectors of Malikov-Fagin-Fux in topological theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semikhatov, A.M.


    Coincidence of singular vectors in relation to the sl(2) Katza-Mudi algebra and the algebra of the N=2 (twisted) supersymmetry is established. On the base of the Kazama-Suzuki simplest model is obtained a representation for the sl(2) currents in terms of an interacting with mater gravitation. From the Malikov-Fagin-Fux formulae for the sl(2) singular currents is obtained the general expression for singular vectors in topological theories

  8. Transmutation of planar media singularities in a conformal cloak. (United States)

    Liu, Yichao; Mukhtar, Musawwadah; Ma, Yungui; Ong, C K


    Invisibility cloaking based on optical transformation involves materials singularity at the branch cut points. Many interesting optical devices, such as the Eaton lens, also require planar media index singularities in their implementation. We show a method to transmute two singularities simultaneously into harmless topological defects formed by anisotropic permittivity and permeability tensors. Numerical simulation is performed to verify the functionality of the transmuted conformal cloak consisting of two kissing Maxwell fish eyes.

  9. Dieta de murciélagos nectarívoros del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edith Arias


    Full Text Available En el Perú se reporta la presencia de 18 especies de murciélagos nectarívoros, sin embargo se cuenta con poca información sobre la dieta de estas especies. En este estudio se reporta por primera vez la dieta de los nectarívoros Glossophaga soricina, Lonchophylla hesperia y Anoura geoffroyi en el bosque seco ecuatorial y del bosque tropical del Pacífico del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes. Analizamos 21 contenidos gastrointestinales e identificamos ocho morfotipos de polen pertenecientes a las familias Bombacaceae, Cactaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Malvaceae y Rosaceae. Encontramos evidencia del síndrome de quiropterofilia en Bombacaceae, Cactaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae y Rubiaceae. Observamos que A. geoffroyi consume polen de Ceiba trichistandra, Solanaceae y Rubiacea; G. soricina consume de Abutilon reflexum, Armathocereus cartwrightianus, C. trichistandra y Rubiaceae; y L. hesperia de A. cartwrightianus, Eriobotrya japonica, Fabaceae y Psidium sp.; sugiriendo una dieta generalista en estas especies. Los murciélagos G. soricina y A. geoffroyi comparten el consumo del ceibo C. trichistandra y de la Rubiaceae, mientras que G. soricina comparte con L. hesperia el consumo del cactus A. cartwrightianus. Los otros morfotipos de polen no fueron compartidos entre murciélagos. Se encuentra además que el ceibo C. trichistandra fue la especie más consumida, especialmente por G. soricina.

  10. Quantum no-singularity theorem from geometric flows (United States)

    Alsaleh, Salwa; Alasfar, Lina; Faizal, Mir; Ali, Ahmed Farag


    In this paper, we analyze the classical geometric flow as a dynamical system. We obtain an action for this system, such that its equation of motion is the Raychaudhuri equation. This action will be used to quantize this system. As the Raychaudhuri equation is the basis for deriving the singularity theorems, we will be able to understand the effects and such a quantization will have on the classical singularity theorems. Thus, quantizing the geometric flow, we can demonstrate that a quantum space-time is complete (nonsingular). This is because the existence of a conjugate point is a necessary condition for the occurrence of singularities, and we will be able to demonstrate that such conjugate points cannot occur due to such quantum effects.

  11. Global embeddings for branes at toric singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Balasubramanian, Vijay; Braun, Volker; García-Etxebarria, Iñaki


    We describe how local toric singularities, including the Toric Lego construction, can be embedded in compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. We study in detail the addition of D-branes, including non-compact flavor branes as typically used in semi-realistic model building. The global geometry provides constraints on allowable local models. As an illustration of our discussion we focus on D3 and D7-branes on (the partially resolved) (dP0)^3 singularity, its embedding in a specific Calabi-Yau manifold as a hypersurface in a toric variety, the related type IIB orientifold compactification, as well as the corresponding F-theory uplift. Our techniques generalize naturally to complete intersections, and to a large class of F-theory backgrounds with singularities.

  12. Boundary singularities produced by the motion of soap films. (United States)

    Goldstein, Raymond E; McTavish, James; Moffatt, H Keith; Pesci, Adriana I


    Recent work has shown that a Möbius strip soap film rendered unstable by deforming its frame changes topology to that of a disk through a "neck-pinching" boundary singularity. This behavior is unlike that of the catenoid, which transitions to two disks through a bulk singularity. It is not yet understood whether the type of singularity is generally a consequence of the surface topology, nor how this dependence could arise from an equation of motion for the surface. To address these questions we investigate experimentally, computationally, and theoretically the route to singularities of soap films with different topologies, including a family of punctured Klein bottles. We show that the location of singularities (bulk or boundary) may depend on the path of the boundary deformation. In the unstable regime the driving force for soap-film motion is the mean curvature. Thus, the narrowest part of the neck, associated with the shortest nontrivial closed geodesic of the surface, has the highest curvature and is the fastest moving. Just before onset of the instability there exists on the stable surface the shortest closed geodesic, which is the initial condition for evolution of the neck's geodesics, all of which have the same topological relationship to the frame. We make the plausible conjectures that if the initial geodesic is linked to the boundary, then the singularity will occur at the boundary, whereas if the two are unlinked initially, then the singularity will occur in the bulk. Numerical study of mean curvature flows and experiments support these conjectures.

  13. Fold points and singularity induced bifurcation in inviscid transonic flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marszalek, Wieslaw


    Transonic inviscid flow equation of elliptic–hyperbolic type when written in terms of the velocity components and similarity variable results in a second order nonlinear ODE having several features typical of differential–algebraic equations rather than ODEs. These features include the fold singularities (e.g. folded nodes and saddles, forward and backward impasse points), singularity induced bifurcation behavior and singularity crossing phenomenon. We investigate the above properties and conclude that the quasilinear DAEs of transonic flow have interesting properties that do not occur in other known quasilinear DAEs, for example, in MHD. Several numerical examples are included. -- Highlights: ► A novel analysis of inviscid transonic flow and its similarity solutions. ► Singularity induced bifurcation, singular points of transonic flow. ► Projection method, index of transonic flow DAEs, linearization via matrix pencil.

  14. Assessment of radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria


    Eze, Cletus Uche; Abonyi, Livinus Chibuzo; Njoku, Jerome; Irurhe, Nicholas Kayode; Olowu, Oluwabola


    Background: Use of ionising radiation in diagnostic radiography could lead to hazards such as somatic and genetic damages. Compliance to safe work and radiation protection practices could mitigate such risks. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and radiation protection practices among radiographers in Lagos, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective cross sectional survey. Convenience sampling technique was used to select four x-ray diagnostic centres in four te...

  15. On the singular perturbations for fractional differential equation. (United States)

    Atangana, Abdon


    The goal of this paper is to examine the possible extension of the singular perturbation differential equation to the concept of fractional order derivative. To achieve this, we presented a review of the concept of fractional calculus. We make use of the Laplace transform operator to derive exact solution of singular perturbation fractional linear differential equations. We make use of the methodology of three analytical methods to present exact and approximate solution of the singular perturbation fractional, nonlinear, nonhomogeneous differential equation. These methods are including the regular perturbation method, the new development of the variational iteration method, and the homotopy decomposition method.

  16. Singular perturbation of simple eigenvalues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenlee, W.M.


    Two operator theoretic theorems which generalize those of asymptotic regular perturbation theory and which apply to singular perturbation problems are proved. Application of these theorems to concrete problems is involved, but the perturbation expansions for eigenvalues and eigenvectors are developed in terms of solutions of linear operator equations. The method of correctors, as well as traditional boundary layer techniques, can be used to apply these theorems. The current formulation should be applicable to highly singular ''hard core'' potential perturbations of the radial equation of quantum mechanics. The theorems are applied to a comparatively simple model problem whose analysis is basic to that of the quantum mechanical problem

  17. Espacios verdes urbanos como componente de un ecosistema. Funciones, servicios, usuarios, participación de la comunidad, iniciativas y acciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José G. Vargas-Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo entrega una revisión crítica respecto de la literatura especializada existente acerca de algunas características importantes de los espacios verdes urbanos, como los componentes, funciones, servicios, participación comunitaria, iniciativas y acciones desde una perspectiva eco sistémica. El análisis parte del supuesto de que los espacios verdes urbanos son ecosistemas de vital importancia para mejorar la calidad de vida en un entorno urbano y para proporcionar servicios ecosistémicos, como la biodiversidad y la regulación del clima. Por lo tanto, el espacio verde urbano es un componente esencial de un ecosistema en cualquier desarrollo comunitario. Satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios está relacionado con las funciones y servicios que los espacios verdes urbanos proporcionan a las comunidades. La participación, el compromiso y el desarrollo de la comunidad requieren mecanismos para asegurar el cumplimiento de las necesidades y aspiraciones de los usuarios locales en la comunidad. Los métodos empleados en este análisis son la revisión de literatura y de documentos secundarios, el análisis de datos existentes acerca de usos y usuarios, y entrevistas con autoridades. Como conclusiones, el documento sugiere iniciativas ambientales, económicas y sociales para las autoridades locales y las comunidades que se pueden aplicar a todas las partes interesadas representadas e involucradas.

  18. Singular continuous spectrum for palindromic Schroedinger operators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hof, A.; Knill, O.; Simon, B.


    We give new examples of discrete Schroedinger operators with potentials taking finitely many values that have purely singular continuous spectrum. If the hull X of the potential is strictly ergodic, then the existence of just one potential x in X for which the operator has no eigenvalues implies that there is a generic set in X for which the operator has purely singular continuous spectrum. A sufficient condition for the existence of such an x is that there is a z element of X that contains arbitrarily long palindromes. Thus we can define a large class of primitive substitutions for which the operators are purely singularly continuous for a generic subset in X. The class includes well-known substitutions like Fibonacci, Thue-Morse, Period Doubling, binary non-Pisot and ternary non-Pisot. We also show that the operator has no absolutely continuous spectrum for all x element of X if X derives from a primitive substitution. For potentials defined by circle maps, x n =l J (θ 0 +nα), we show that the operator has purely singular continuous spectrum for a generic subset in X for all irrational α and every half-open interval J. (orig.)

  19. Non-perturbative string theories and singular surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bochicchio, M.


    Singular surfaces are shown to be dense in the Teichmueller space of all Riemann surfaces and in the grasmannian. This happens because a regular surface of genus h, obtained identifying 2h disks in pairs, can be approximated by a very large genus singular surface with punctures dense in the 2h disks. A scale ε is introduced and the approximate genus is defined as half the number of connected regions covered by punctures of radius ε. The non-perturbative partition function is proposed to be a scaling limit of the partition function on such infinite genus singular surfaces with a weight which is the coupling constant g raised to the approximate genus. For a gaussian model in any space-time dimension the regularized partition function on singular surfaces of infinite genus is the partition function of a two-dimensional lattice gas of charges and monopoles. It is shown that modular invariance of the partition function implies a version of the Dirac quantization condition for the values of the e/m charges. Before the scaling limit the phases of the lattice gas may be classified according to the 't Hooft criteria for the condensation of e/m operators. (orig.)

  20. Dark energy and dark matter perturbations in singular universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denkiewicz, Tomasz


    We discuss the evolution of density perturbations of dark matter and dark energy in cosmological models which admit future singularities in a finite time. Up to now geometrical tests of the evolution of the universe do not differentiate between singular universes and ΛCDM scenario. We solve perturbation equations using the gauge invariant formalism. The analysis shows that the detailed reconstruction of the evolution of perturbations within singular cosmologies, in the dark sector, can exhibit important differences between the singular universes models and the ΛCDM cosmology. This is encouraging for further examination and gives hope for discriminating between those models with future galaxy weak lensing experiments like the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Euclid or CMB observations like PRISM and CoRE

  1. CHILES, Singularity Strength of Linear Elastic Bodies by Finite Elements Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benzley, S.E.; Beisinger, Z.E.


    1 - Description of problem or function: CHILES is a finite element computer program that calculates the strength of singularities in linear elastic bodies. Plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric conditions are treated. Crack tip singularity problems are solved by this version of the code, but any type of integrable singularity may be properly modeled by modifying selected subroutines in the program. 2 - Method of solution: A generalized, quadrilateral finite element that includes a singular point at a corner node is incorporated in the code. The displacement formulation is used and inter-element compatibility is maintained so that monotone convergence is preserved. 3 - Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: CHILES allows three singular points to be modeled in the body being analyzed and each singular point may have coupled Mode I and II deformations. 1000 nodal points may be used

  2. On Weakly Singular Versions of Discrete Nonlinear Inequalities and Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelong Cheng


    Full Text Available Some new weakly singular versions of discrete nonlinear inequalities are established, which generalize some existing weakly singular inequalities and can be used in the analysis of nonlinear Volterra type difference equations with weakly singular kernels. A few applications to the upper bound and the uniqueness of solutions of nonlinear difference equations are also involved.

  3. Light-like big bang singularities in string and matrix theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craps, Ben; Evnin, Oleg


    Important open questions in cosmology require a better understanding of the big bang singularity. In string and matrix theories, light-like analogues of cosmological singularities (singular plane wave backgrounds) turn out to be particularly tractable. We give a status report on the current understanding of such light-like big bang models, presenting both solved and open problems.

  4. Aplicación del Índice de Calidad del Agua (ICA). Caso de estudio: Lago de Izabal, Guatemala


    Aguirre Cordón, Maritza Raquel; Vanegas Chacón, Eddi Alejandro; García Álvarez, Nancy


    La contaminación de los cuerpos superficiales de agua es un proceso incipiente debido a acciones antrópicas, entre las que destacan agricultura de exportación, ganadería y crecimiento desordenado de las áreas residenciales tanto a nivel urbano como rural. La cuenca del Lago de Izabal y Río Dulce, drena al Lago de Izabal, en una relación de superficies de 10:1; por su naturaleza navegable está sometido a procesos de degradación incipiente. Esta investigación, con base en registros históricos d...

  5. Deficiency indices and singular boundary conditions in quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulla, W.


    We consider Schroedinger operators H in L 2 (Rsup(n)), n from IN, with countably infinitely many local singularities of the potential which are separated from each other by a positive distance. It is proved that due to locality each singularity yields a separate contribution to the deficiency index of H. In the special case where the singularities are pointlike and the potential exhibits certain symmetries near these points we give an explicit construction of self-adjoint boundary conditions

  6. The road to singularities, and the roses on the way

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, C.B.


    A survey of current investigations of space-time singularities is given. The different approaches adopted by various research schools is discussed, and an analogy is drawn between this study and the mounting of an expedition that sets out on a long trail of discovery. A heuristic discussion is given of the latest classification of singularities and some brief comments are made on how physically relevant each type of singularity is. Roughly speaking, it seems that the milder types (at which quantities remain well behaved) are pathological cases, whereas the crude 'big-bang' type of singularity is more generic. (author)

  7. Riqueza de especies, nuevos registros y actualización del listado taxonómico de la comunidad de murciélagos del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar E Murillo G


    Full Text Available Los inventarios biológicos son esenciales para el seguimiento de cambios causados por factores naturales y antrópicos, y para determinar las prioridades de conservación. El estudio de los murciélagos es importante pues estos proveen servicios ambientales esenciales y su diversidad puede reflejar el estado de otros organismos. Sin embargo, el inventario de los murciélagos del PNN Gorgona puede ser incompleto debido a los pocos muestreos intensivos que se han realizado. En este trabajo, se actualiza el listado de la comunidad de murciélagos del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, se evalúa su inventario y se propone una clave taxonómica. Considerando que sólo existe una especie del género Saccopteryx (S. leptura en Gorgona, en los estudios previos se han registrado 13 especies de murciélagos, En el presente estudio se adicionan dos nuevos registros: Peropteryx macrotis con base en la revisión de colecciones biológicas y Mimon crenulatum con base en trabajo de campo. Consecuentemente, se han registrado un total de 15 especies de murciélagos en le PNN Gorgona, mientras el estimado de riqueza predice un total de 33 especies. Por lo tanto, el inventario actual corresponde al 45.5% del número de especies esperado. Por otra parte, la detectabilidad de murciélagos insectívoros y nectarívoros fue baja en comparación con la de frugívoros. En conclusión, el inventario de murciélagos no es completo y las especies insectívoras pueden estar sub-representadas debido al uso exclusivo de redes de niebla en los estudios realizados.

  8. Disponibilidad y uso del fósforo en los ecosistemas terrestres mediterráneos: la inspiración de Margalef


    Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep


    Siguiendo el consejo repetido del profesor Margalef, estos últimos años hemos estudiado la disponibilidad y la acumulación del fósforo en los ecosistemas terrestres mediterráneos. Presentamos aquí un resumen de los resultados enmarcados en las ideas y consejos del profesor. En ellos hemos comprobado que algunos cambios ambientales actuales, como el calentamiento y la sequía, acentúan la limitación por fósforo; pero, por otra parte, que las especies arbóreas y arbustivas mediterráneas...

  9. Trust in government and the politics of fuel subsidy removal in Lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    It covered the three senatorial districts in Lagos using data obtained from 220 .... data in Africa, there is a significant impact of trust in government on citizens' beliefs that .... about a quarter of Nigeria's total gross domestic product, in the face of oil ... 40.0. 10.0. 100.0. Religion. Christianity. Islam. Traditional/Others. Total. 180.

  10. On the Singular Perturbations for Fractional Differential Equation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdon Atangana


    Full Text Available The goal of this paper is to examine the possible extension of the singular perturbation differential equation to the concept of fractional order derivative. To achieve this, we presented a review of the concept of fractional calculus. We make use of the Laplace transform operator to derive exact solution of singular perturbation fractional linear differential equations. We make use of the methodology of three analytical methods to present exact and approximate solution of the singular perturbation fractional, nonlinear, nonhomogeneous differential equation. These methods are including the regular perturbation method, the new development of the variational iteration method, and the homotopy decomposition method.

  11. Singularities and the geometry of spacetime (United States)

    Hawking, Stephen


    The aim of this essay is to investigate certain aspects of the geometry of the spacetime manifold in the General Theory of Relativity with particular reference to the occurrence of singularities in cosmological solutions and their relation with other global properties. Section 2 gives a brief outline of Riemannian geometry. In Section 3, the General Theory of Relativity is presented in the form of two postulates and two requirements which are common to it and to the Special Theory of Relativity, and a third requirement, the Einstein field equations, which distinguish it from the Special Theory. There does not seem to be any alternative set of field equations which would not have some undeseriable features. Some exact solutions are described. In Section 4, the physical significance of curvature is investigated using the deviation equation for timelike and null curves. The Riemann tensor is decomposed into the Ricci tensor which represents the gravitational effect at a point of matter at that point and the Welyl tensor which represents the effect at a point of gravitational radiation and matter at other points. The two tensors are related by the Bianchi identities which are presented in a form analogous to the Maxwell equations. Some lemmas are given for the occurrence of conjugate points on timelike and null geodesics and their relation with the variation of timelike and null curves is established. Section 5 is concerned with properties of causal relations between points of spacetime. It is shown that these could be used to determine physically the manifold structure of spacetime if the strong causality assumption held. The concepts of a null horizon and a partial Cauchy surface are introduced and are used to prove a number of lemmas relating to the existence of a timelike curve of maximum length between two sets. In Section 6, the definition of a singularity of spacetime is given in terms of geodesic incompleteness. The various energy assumptions needed to prove

  12. Periodic solutions to second-order indefinite singular equations

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hakl, Robert; Zamora, M.


    Roč. 263, č. 1 (2017), s. 451-469 ISSN 0022-0396 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : degree theory * indefinite singularity * periodic solution * singular differential equation Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics OBOR OECD: Pure mathematics Impact factor: 1.988, year: 2016

  13. Segmentation of singularity maps in the context of soil porosity (United States)

    Martin-Sotoca, Juan J.; Saa-Requejo, Antonio; Grau, Juan; Tarquis, Ana M.


    Geochemical exploration have found with increasingly interests and benefits of using fractal (power-law) models to characterize geochemical distribution, including concentration-area (C-A) model (Cheng et al., 1994; Cheng, 2012) and concentration-volume (C-V) model (Afzal et al., 2011) just to name a few examples. These methods are based on the singularity maps of a measure that at each point define areas with self-similar properties that are shown in power-law relationships in Concentration-Area plots (C-A method). The C-A method together with the singularity map ("Singularity-CA" method) define thresholds that can be applied to segment the map. Recently, the "Singularity-CA" method has been applied to binarize 2D grayscale Computed Tomography (CT) soil images (Martin-Sotoca et al, 2015). Unlike image segmentation based on global thresholding methods, the "Singularity-CA" method allows to quantify the local scaling property of the grayscale value map in the space domain and determinate the intensity of local singularities. It can be used as a high-pass-filter technique to enhance high frequency patterns usually regarded as anomalies when applied to maps. In this work we will put special attention on how to select the singularity thresholds in the C-A plot to segment the image. We will compare two methods: 1) cross point of linear regressions and 2) Wavelets Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) singularity function detection. REFERENCES Cheng, Q., Agterberg, F. P. and Ballantyne, S. B. (1994). The separation of geochemical anomalies from background by fractal methods. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 51, 109-130. Cheng, Q. (2012). Singularity theory and methods for mapping geochemical anomalies caused by buried sources and for predicting undiscovered mineral deposits in covered areas. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 122, 55-70. Afzal, P., Fadakar Alghalandis, Y., Khakzad, A., Moarefvand, P. and Rashidnejad Omran, N. (2011) Delineation of mineralization zones in

  14. Singular vectors, predictability and ensemble forecasting for weather and climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palmer, T N; Zanna, Laure


    The local instabilities of a nonlinear dynamical system can be characterized by the leading singular vectors of its linearized operator. The leading singular vectors are perturbations with the greatest linear growth and are therefore key in assessing the system’s predictability. In this paper, the analysis of singular vectors for the predictability of weather and climate and ensemble forecasting is discussed. An overview of the role of singular vectors in informing about the error growth rate in numerical models of the atmosphere is given. This is followed by their use in the initialization of ensemble weather forecasts. Singular vectors for the ocean and coupled ocean–atmosphere system in order to understand the predictability of climate phenomena such as ENSO and meridional overturning circulation are reviewed and their potential use to initialize seasonal and decadal forecasts is considered. As stochastic parameterizations are being implemented, some speculations are made about the future of singular vectors for the predictability of weather and climate for theoretical applications and at the operational level. This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to ‘Lyapunov analysis: from dynamical systems theory to applications’. (review)

  15. Quantum propagation across cosmological singularities (United States)

    Gielen, Steffen; Turok, Neil


    The initial singularity is the most troubling feature of the standard cosmology, which quantum effects are hoped to resolve. In this paper, we study quantum cosmology with conformal (Weyl) invariant matter. We show that it is natural to extend the scale factor to negative values, allowing a large, collapsing universe to evolve across a quantum "bounce" into an expanding universe like ours. We compute the Feynman propagator for Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds exactly, identifying curious pathologies in the case of curved (open or closed) universes. We then include anisotropies, fixing the operator ordering of the quantum Hamiltonian by imposing covariance under field redefinitions and again finding exact solutions. We show how complex classical solutions allow one to circumvent the singularity while maintaining the validity of the semiclassical approximation. The simplest isotropic universes sit on a critical boundary, beyond which there is qualitatively different behavior, with potential for instability. Additional scalars improve the theory's stability. Finally, we study the semiclassical propagation of inhomogeneous perturbations about the flat, isotropic case, at linear and nonlinear order, showing that, at least at this level, there is no particle production across the bounce. These results form the basis for a promising new approach to quantum cosmology and the resolution of the big bang singularity.

  16. Relaxation with high-speed plasma flows and singularity analysis in MHD equilibrium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiraishi, Junya; Ohsaki, Shuichi; Yoshida, Zensho


    Relaxation model that leads to plasma confinement with rigid-rotation is presented. This model applies to Jupiter's magnetosphere. It is shown that the invariance of canonical angular momentum of electron fluid, which is realized by axisymmetry through self-organization process, yields plasma confinement. including poloidal flows in equilibrium equation makes the problem rather complicated. Singularity due to the poloidal flow is focused on. It is shown that the singular equation for equilibrium has the same structure as the equation for linear Alfven wave. Since the singular solution for equilibrium equation is physically inadequate, the singularity may be removed by another physical effect. The Hall-effect is taken into account as a singular perturbation that removes the singularity of equilibrium equation for ideal magnetohydrodynamics. (author)

  17. Ambient air particulate matter in Lagos, Nigeria: a study using receptor modeling with x-ray flourescence analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E.A. Oluyemi


    Full Text Available The need for comprehensive air pollution studies in Lagos cannot be overemphasized in view of the level of industrialization of the city and its nearness to the ocean. Air particulate samples collected with a high-volume air sampler at three locations in Lagos, Nigeria were analyzed by the combination of wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods. Elemental concentrations were subjected to factor analysis for source identification and chemical mass balance model was used for source apportionment. Prominent among sources identified with the ranges of their contributions at the sites are: soil 35-54%, marine 26-34%, automobile exhaust 0.3-3.5%, refuse incineration 2-3%, and regional sulphate 2-12%.

  18. Population dynamics and ecology of Tilapia rendalli in Lago Sauce (Peru)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wosnitza-Mendo, C.


    This is a practical contribution to development aid in Peru. It was to provide a basis for farming of Lago Sauce and similar lakes and introduce young Peruvian fishery biologists to practical and theoretical work with populations of freshwater fish. Various methods of biomass determination have been compared in order to find out why only small specimens of Tilapia rendalli have been caught and what ichthyobiomass was in the lake.

  19. Virtual Singular Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves in Transformation Media Concept

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Y. Barabanenkov


    Full Text Available If a scatterer and an observation point (receive both approach the so-called near field zone of a source of electromagnetic waves, the scattering process becomes singular one which is mathematically attributed to the spatial singularity of the free space Green function at the origin. Starting from less well known property of left-handed material slab to transfer the singularity of the free space Green function by implementing coordinate transformation, we present a phenomenon of virtual singular scattering of electromagnetic wave on an inhomogeneity located in the volume of left – handed material slab. Virtual singular scattering means that a scatterer is situated only virtually in the near field zone of a source, being, in fact, positioned in the far field zone. Such a situation is realized if a scatterer is embedded into a flat Veselago’s lens and approaches the lens’s inner focus because a slab of Veselago medium produces virtual sources inside and behind the slab and virtual scatterer (as a source of secondary waves from both slab sides. Considering a line-like dielectric scatterer we demonstrate that the scattering efficiency is proportional to product of singular quasistatic parts of two empty space Green functions that means a multiplicative quasistatic singularity of the Green function for a slab of inhomogeneous Veselago medium. We calculate a resonance value of the scattering amplitude in the regime similar to the known Mie resonance scattering.

  20. Neighborhood Deprivation and Self-Rated Health in Lagos State, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rasheed Kola Ojikutu


    Full Text Available This study examines the effect of neighborhood deprivation on the perception of the individuals about their own health in Lagos State, Nigeria. Respondents were required to rate their own health as "excellent, very good, good, fair, poor and very poor". The questionnaire contained questions on various aspect of the respondents neighborhood and their perception about them. It was found that most neighborhoods in Lagos State are deprived of basic essentials of life such as electricity, water, good roads and security. Over 43% of the respondents claimed to have visited a hospital two or more times and 43.7% had lost at least two neighbors in the past one year. Over half (57.8% of the respondents rated their own health as good, 36.6% ranked their own health as fair while only 5.6% claimed to have poor health. A fitted regression model ( r2 = 0.644 showed that variables such as number of dependants, income, occupation, type of residential accommodation, ownership of house, number of rooms occupied, mode and convenience of transportation, accessibility to water, electricity and good roads and security jointly determine the perception of an individual about his own health status.Key Words: Neighborhood, Deprivation, Self Rated Health, Security, ResidenceDOI = 10.3126/dsaj.v2i0.1364Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 pp.193-210

  1. Aguas residuales y contaminación del lago de Amatitlán: Villa Canales y Villa Nueva (2005-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis F. Olayo


    Full Text Available La contaminación y destrucción del lago de Amatitlán es un problema ambiental actual y de gran magnitud en el Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Guatemala, un fenómeno antrópico que crece aceleradamente, derivado del crecimiento demográfico y urbano que experimentan los lugares poblados de los 14 municipios que se localizan en la cuenca del lago de Amatitlán. La vivienda urbana -que se cuantifica por miles- es una de las fuentes productoras de las aguas residuales domiciliares que se depositan en el citado lago desde el traslado y asentamiento de la ciudad de Guatemala de la Asunción al Valle de la Ermita en el año de 1776 hasta el año 2016 (240 años, las que nunca han recibido un tratamiento apropiado; esta tendencia hará que en el corto plazo, el lago se pierda, convirtiéndose en un pantano insalubre que hará inhabitables sus tierras adyacentes. Mediante estimaciones de población urbana municipal y datos recientes de la cantidad de viviendas construidas en las áreas urbanas de los municipios de Villa Canales y Villa Nueva en el período 2005-2014, se estimó la producción de aguas residuales domiciliares (caudales o volúmenes, útiles para ilustrar y dimensionar este problema, débilmente visibilizado, considerado y valorado por la población, la iniciativa privada e instituciones del estado -municipalidades, instituciones y ministerios-, involucradas en este problema.

  2. A numerical method for solving singular De`s

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahaver, W.T.


    A numerical method is developed for solving singular differential equations using steepest descent based on weighted Sobolev gradients. The method is demonstrated on a variety of first and second order problems, including linear constrained, unconstrained, and partially constrained first order problems, a nonlinear first order problem with irregular singularity, and two second order variational problems.

  3. Hepatic pathologies in the brackish water catfish (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) from contaminated locations of the Lagos lagoon complex (United States)

    Olarinmoye, O.; Taiwo, V.; Clarke, E.; Kumolu-Johnson, C.; Aderinola, O.; Adekunbi, F.


    Several toxicological studies into the effects of aquatic pollutants on the liver of teleost fish exist in literature. The focus on the liver in these studies is predicated on its central nature in the scheme of biotransformation and excretion of xenobiotics following exposure in polluted water bodies. As a consequence of the latter primary role of the liver in these processes it is regarded as a predilective site for the sub lethal effects of xenobiotics on the organism usually detectable at histological level. Hepatic histopathology recorded in livers from feral populations of the brackish water catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus from locations on the Lagos lagoon complex with significant anthropogenic inputs from denizen populations and industries are presented. Liver sections from sixty specimens from two locations on the Lagos lagoon complex (Badagry lagoon: 6??24'N, 2??56'E; and Lagos lagoon: 6??29'N, 3??22'E) were analysed. Observed pathologies included hydropic degeneration (58%), portal / sinusoidal congestion (33%), hepatic necrosis (26%), hemosiderosis (12%) and foci of cellular alterations (FCA's). No obvious oncologic features were observed; the presence of the hydropic Vacuolation lesion was taken as prelude to the development of neoplasms and discussed as such. ?? 2009, Penkala Bt., Budapest, Hungary.

  4. On Borel singularities in quantum field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chadha, S.; Olesen, P.


    The authors consider the effective one-loop Lagrangian in a constant electric field. It is shown that perturbation theory behaves as n factorial giving rise to singularities in the Borel plane. Comparing with the known exact result it is shown how to integrate these singularities. It is suggested that renormalons in QED and QCD should be integrated in a similar way. A speculation is made on a possible interpretation of this integration. (Auth.)

  5. Five-dimensional null-cone structure of big bang singularity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauro, S.; Schucking, E.L.


    The Friedmann model PHI of positive space curvature, vanishing pressure and cosmological constant when isometrically imbedded as a hypersurface in five-dimensional Minkowski space MV is globally rigid: if F(PHI) and F'(PHI) are isometric embeddings in MV there is a motion of MV such that F'= F. The big bang singularity is the vertex of a null half-cone in MV. Global rigidity leads to an invariant characterization of the singularity. The structure of matter at the singularity is governed by the de Sitter group.

  6. Five-dimensional null-cone structure of big bang singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauro, S.; Schucking, E.L.


    The Friedmann model PHI of positive space curvature, vanishing pressure and cosmological constant when isometrically imbedded as a hypersurface in five-dimensional Minkowski space M 5 is globally rigid: if F(PHI) and F'(PHI) are isometric embeddings in M 5 there is a motion π of M 5 such that F'=π 0 F. The big bang singularity is the vertex of a null half-cone in M 5 . Global rigidity leads to an invariant characterization of the singularity. The structure of matter at the singularity is governed by the de Sitter group. (author)

  7. Logarithmic of mass singularities theorem in non massive quantum electrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mares G, R.; Luna, H.


    We give an explicit example of the use of dimensional regularization to calculate in a unified approach, all the ultraviolet, infrared and mass singularities, by considering the LMS (logarithms of mass singularities) theorem in the frame of massless QED (Quantum electrodynamics). In the calculation of the divergent part of the cross section, all singularities are found to cancel provided soft and hard photon emission are both taken into account. (Author)

  8. The analysis of optimal singular controls for SEIR model of tuberculosis (United States)

    Marpaung, Faridawaty; Rangkuti, Yulita M.; Sinaga, Marlina S.


    The optimally of singular control for SEIR model of Tuberculosis is analyzed. There are controls that correspond to time of the vaccination and treatment schedule. The optimally of singular control is obtained by differentiate a switching function of the model. The result shows that vaccination and treatment control are singular.

  9. Singularities of elastic scattering amplitude by long-range potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kvitsinsky, A.A.; Komarov, I.V.; Merkuriev, S.P.


    The angular peculiarities and the zero energy singularities of the elastic scattering amplitude by a long-range potential are described. The singularities of the elastic (2 → 2) scattering amplitude for a system of three Coulomb particles are considered [ru

  10. Influence of the non-singular stress on the crack extension and fatigue life

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, C.Z.; Recho, N.; Niu, Z.R.


    Highlights: ► BEM is combined by characteristic analysis to calculate the singular stress field. ► A new method is proposed to evaluate the full stress field at crack tip region. ► Effect of non-singular stress on the propagation direction of the fatigue crack is analyzed. ► The influence of non-singular stress on the fatigue crack life is evaluated. - Abstract: The complete elasticity stress field at a crack tip region can be presented by the sum of the singular stress and several non-singular stress terms according to the Williams asymptotic expansion theory. The non-singular stress has a non-negligible influence on the prediction of the crack extension direction and crack growth rate under the fatigue loading. A novel method combining the boundary element method and the singularity characteristic analysis is proposed here to evaluate the complete stress field at a crack tip region. In this new method, any non-singular stress term in the Williams series expansion can be evaluated according to the computational accuracy requirement. Then, a modified Paris law is introduced to predict the crack propagation under the mixed-mode loading for exploring the influence of the non-singular stress on the fatigue life duration. By comparing with the existed experimental results, the predicted crack fatigue life when the non-singular stress is taken into consideration is more accurate than the predicted ones only considering the singular stress.

  11. Pseudospherical surfaces with singularities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brander, David


    We study a generalization of constant Gauss curvature −1 surfaces in Euclidean 3-space, based on Lorentzian harmonic maps, that we call pseudospherical frontals. We analyse the singularities of these surfaces, dividing them into those of characteristic and non-characteristic type. We give methods...

  12. Branes at Singularities in Type 0 String Theory


    Alishahiha, M; Brandhuber, A; Oz, Y


    We consider Type 0B D3-branes placed at conical singularities and analyze in detail the conifold singularity. We study the non supersymmetric gauge theories on their worldvolume and their conjectured dual gravity descriptions. In the ultraviolet the solutions exhibit a logarithmic running of the gauge coupling. In the infrared we find confining solutions and IR fixed points.

  13. One Critical Case in Singularly Perturbed Control Problems (United States)

    Sobolev, Vladimir


    The aim of the paper is to describe the special critical case in the theory of singularly perturbed optimal control problems. We reduce the original singularly perturbed problem to a regularized one such that the existence of slow integral manifolds can be established by means of the standard theory. We illustrate our approach by an example of control problem.

  14. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards child adoption amongst women attending infertility clinics in Lagos State, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adenike O. Omosun


    Full Text Available Background: Child adoption is a recommended alternative form of infertility management. Infertility is of public health importance in Nigeria and many other developing nations. This is a result of its high prevalence and especially because of its serious social implications as the African society places a passionate premium on procreation in any family setting. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of child adoption amongst women attending infertility clinics in teaching hospitals in Lagos State and to determine the factors that influence their attitude and practice towards it. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire which was interviewer-administered. The study was conducted in the two teaching hospitals in Lagos State (LUTH [Lagos University Teaching Hospital] and LASUTH [Lagos State University Teaching Hospital] from amongst 350 women attending the gynaecological clinics. All the patients under management for infertility at the gynaecology clinics during the period of the study were interviewed. Results: Many respondents (85.7% had heard of child adoption and 59.3% of them knew the correct meaning of the term. More than half of the respondents (68.3% said that they could love an adopted child but less than half of them (33.7% were willing to consider adoption. Only 13.9% has ever adopted a child. The major reason given for their unwillingness to adopt was their desire to have their own biological child. Factors that were favourable towards child adoption were Igbo tribe identity, an age above 40 years, duration of infertility above 15 years, and knowing the correct meaning of child adoption. Conclusion: There is a poor attitude to adoption even amongst infertile couples. Interventions need to be implemented to educate the public on child adoption, to improve their attitude towards adoption and to make it more acceptable.

  15. Quantization rules for point singularities in superfluid 3He and liquid crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blaha, S.


    It is shown that pointlike singularities can exist in superfluid 3 He. Integer quantum numbers are associated with these singularities. The quantization rules follow from the single valuedness of the order parameter and quantities derived from it. The results are also easily extended to the quantization of point singularities in nematic liquid crystals. The pointlike singularities in 3 He-A are experimentally accessible analogs of the magnetic monopole

  16. Endpoint singularities in unintegrated parton distributions

    CERN Document Server

    Hautmann, F


    We examine the singular behavior from the endpoint region x -> 1 in parton distributions unintegrated in both longitudinal and transverse momenta. We identify and regularize the singularities by using the subtraction method, and compare this with the cut-off regularization method. The counterterms for the distributions with subtractive regularization are given in coordinate space by compact all-order expressions in terms of eikonal-line operators. We carry out an explicit calculation at one loop for the unintegrated quark distribution. We discuss the relation of the unintegrated parton distributions in subtractive regularization with the ordinary parton distributions.

  17. A Note on Inclusion Intervals of Matrix Singular Values

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shu-Yu Cui


    Full Text Available We establish an inclusion relation between two known inclusion intervals of matrix singular values in some special case. In addition, based on the use of positive scale vectors, a known inclusion interval of matrix singular values is also improved.

  18. Singularities in x-ray spectra of metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahan, G.D.


    The x-ray spectroscopies discussed are absorption, emission, and photoemission. The singularities show up in each of them in a different manner. In absorption and emission they show up as power law singularities at the thresholds frequencies. This review will emphasize two themes. First a simple model is proposed to describe this phenomena, which is now called the MND model after MAHAN-NOZIERES-DeDOMINICIS. Exact analytical solutions are now available for this model for the three spectroscopies discussed above. These analytical models can be evaluated numerically in a simple way. The second theme of this review is that great care must be used when comparing the theory to experiment. A number of factors influence the edge shapes in x-ray spectroscopy. The edge singularities play an important role, and are observed in many matals. Quantitative fits of the theory to experiment require the consideration of other factors. 51 refs

  19. Hidden singularities in non-abelian gauge fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollini, C.G.; Giambiagi, J.J.; Tiomno, J.


    It is shown that the potential (and field) of a non-abelian gauge theory is not well determined when it has a singular point. When this is the cause, it is important to specify the regularization procedure used to give a precise definition of physical quantities at the singularity at any stage of the computation. The fact that a certain A sub(μ) (associated with the given regularization) represents the vacuum when F sub(μν) is a zero distribution not only on the global space but also in all its projections to arbitrary subspaces is discussed. The example used as a base for the discussion is A vetor = i (sigma vetor Λ r vetor / r 2 ). For this example it is shown that different regularizations give the same field in the global space but they give different distributions when projected to subspaces containing the singular point [pt

  20. Trophic development in a volcanic lake with closed hydric balance. Lake Martignano; Evoluzione trofica di un lago vulcanico a bilancio idrico chiuso. Il lago di Martignano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Falleni, F.; Bruno, M. [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy); Marchiori, E. [Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia, Monterotondo, Rome (Italy); Congestri, R. [Rome Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy); Gasperi, E.; Brambullo, M. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale A, Rome (Italy); Amadeio, R. [Comune di Campagnano, Rome (Italy)


    Martignano lake is a particular charming volcanic lake in the countryside of Rome. Recently it was included in a project of Regional Wildlife Park. The lack of immissaries and emissaries, the quite long renewal time and the very short homeothermic period of two-months in a year, make the lake susceptible of trophic evolution. The comparison between the present data and those from previous studies seems to confirm such a slow development towards this way, with a nutrient level (nitrate 0.97 mg/L; total phosphorus 11.14 {mu}g/L) and chlorophyll a concentrations (10.68 {mu}g/L), typical of mesotrophic waters. The analysis of nutrient data expressed as annual mean value in percentage from the coastal stations, suggests an under lied farming influence, and points out the need to adopt fast reduction measures, to lower the phosphorus load in acceptable levels for the lake ecosystem. [Italian] Il lago di Martignano (207 m.s.l.m) e' situato nell'Italia centrale, a 35 Km a nord di Roma. I laghi di origine vulcanica rappresentano una tipologia relativamente rara rispetto all'insieme dei corpi d'acqua componenti la limnologia classica. La loro esistenza si determina in regioni con passata o attuale pronunciata attivita' tettonica. La mancanza di immissari ed emissari che caratterizza questo invaso rende particolarmente vulnerabile il suo livello trofico da parte delle contaminazioni da insediamenti urbani ed agricoli circostanti. Ai fini di valutare l'attuale velocita' di ricambio idrico del lago, il suo livello trofico e la conseguente capacita' di automantenimento di un basso livello trofico delle acque, e' stato pianificato il presente studio articolato in 13 mesi di campionamento. Si e' constatato che il valore medio annuale della clorofilla a, 10.68 {mu}g/L, mentre la presenza dei nitrati si aggira sul valore medio di 0.97 mg/L, cio' permette di ipotizzare l'origine agricola della maggior parte dei nutrienti del

  1. Physics of singularities in pressure-impulse theory (United States)

    Krechetnikov, R.


    The classical solution in the pressure-impulse theory for the inviscid, incompressible, and zero-surface-tension water impact of a flat plate at zero dead-rise angle exhibits both singular-in-time initial fluid acceleration, ∂v /∂ t |t =0˜δ (t ) , and a near-plate-edge spatial singularity in the velocity distribution, v ˜r-1 /2 , where r is the distance from the plate edge. The latter velocity divergence also leads to the interface being stretched infinitely right after the impact, which is another nonphysical artifact. From the point of view of matched asymptotic analysis, this classical solution is a singular limit when three physical quantities achieve limiting values: sound speed c0→∞ , fluid kinematic viscosity ν →0 , and surface tension σ →0 . This leaves open a question on how to resolve these singularities mathematically by including the neglected physical effects—compressibility, viscosity, and surface tension—first one by one and then culminating in the local compressible viscous solution valid for t →0 and r →0 , demonstrating a nontrivial flow structure that changes with the degree of the bulk compressibility. In the course of this study, by starting with the general physically relevant formulation of compressible viscous flow, we clarify the parameter range(s) of validity of the key analytical solutions including classical ones (inviscid incompressible and compressible, etc.) and understand the solution structure, its intermediate asymptotics nature, characteristics influencing physical processes, and the role of potential and rotational flow components. In particular, it is pointed out that sufficiently close to the plate edge surface tension must be taken into account. Overall, the idea is to highlight the interesting physics behind the singularities in the pressure-impulse theory.

  2. Topological regularizations of the triple collision singularity in the 3-vortex problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraoka, Yasuaki


    The triple collision singularity in the 3-vortex problem is studied in this paper. Under the necessary condition k 1 -1 +k 2 -1 +k 3 -1 =0 for vorticities to have the triple collision, the main results are summarized as follows: (i) For k 1 = k 2 , the triple collision singularity is topologically regularizable. (ii) For 0 1 − k 2 | < ε with a sufficiently small ε, the triple collision singularity is not topologically regularizable. First of all, in order to prove these statements, all singularities in the 3-vortex problem are classified. Then, we introduce a dynamical system by blowing up the triple collision singularity with an appropriate time scaling. Roughly speaking, it corresponds to pasting an invariant manifold at the triple collision singularity on the original phase space. This technique is well known as McGehee's collision manifold (1974 Inventions Math. 27 191–227) in the N-body problem of celestial mechanics. Finally, by adopting the viewpoint of Easton (1971 J. Diff. Eqns 10 92–9), topological regularizations of the triple collision singularity are studied in detail

  3. Propagation of the Lissajous singularity dipole emergent from non-paraxial polychromatic beams (United States)

    Haitao, Chen; Gao, Zenghui; Wang, Wanqing


    The propagation of the Lissajous singularity dipole (LSD) emergent from the non-paraxial polychromatic beams is studied. It is found that the handedness reversal of Lissajous singularities, the change in the shape of Lissajous figures, as well as the creation and annihilation of the LSD may take place by varying the propagation distance, off-axis parameter, wavelength, or amplitude factor. Comparing with the LSD emergent from paraxial polychromatic beams, the output field of non-paraxial polychromatic beams is more complicated, which results in some richer dynamic behaviors of Lissajous singularities, such as more Lissajous singularities and no vanishing of a single Lissajous singularity at the plane z>0.

  4. Deformations of surface singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Szilárd, ágnes


    The present publication contains a special collection of research and review articles on deformations of surface singularities, that put together serve as an introductory survey of results and methods of the theory, as well as open problems, important examples and connections to other areas of mathematics. The aim is to collect material that will help mathematicians already working or wishing to work in this area to deepen their insight and eliminate the technical barriers in this learning process. This also is supported by review articles providing some global picture and an abundance of examples. Additionally, we introduce some material which emphasizes the newly found relationship with the theory of Stein fillings and symplectic geometry.  This links two main theories of mathematics: low dimensional topology and algebraic geometry. The theory of normal surface singularities is a distinguished part of analytic or algebraic geometry with several important results, its own technical machinery, and several op...

  5. Singularity, initial conditions and quantum tunneling in modern cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khalatnikov, I M; Kamenshchik, A Yu


    The key problems of modern cosmology, such as the cosmological singularity, initial conditions, and the quantum tunneling hypothesis, are discussed. The relationship between the latest cosmological trends and L D Landau's old ideas is analyzed. Particular attention is given to the oscillatory approach to singularity; quantum tunneling processes determining wave function of the Universe in the presence of a compex scalar field; and the role of quantum corrections in these processes. The classical dynamics of closed models with a real scalar field is investigated from the standpoint of chaotic, fractal, and singularity-avoiding properties. (special issue)

  6. Supersymmetry in singular spaces

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergshoeff, Eric


    We discuss supersymmetry in spaces with a boundary, i.e. singular spaces. In particular, we discuss the situation in ten and five dimensions. In both these cases we review the construction of supersymmetric domain wall actions situated at the boundary. These domain walls act as sources inducing a

  7. Phylogeny of Lagos bat virus: challenges for lyssavirus taxonomy. (United States)

    Markotter, W; Kuzmin, I; Rupprecht, C E; Nel, L H


    Lagos bat virus (LBV) belongs to genotype 2 of the Lyssavirus genus. The complete nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrixprotein (M) and glycoprotein (G) genes of 13 LBV isolates were sequenced and phylogenetically compared with other lyssavirus representatives. The results identified three different lineages of LBV. One of these lineages demonstrated sufficient sequence diversity to be considered a new lyssavirus genotype (Dakar bat lyssavirus). The suggested quantitative separation of lyssavirus genotypes using the N, P, M and G genes was also investigated using P-distances matrixes. Results indicated that the current criteria should be revised since overlaps between intergenotypic and intragenotypic variation occur.

  8. Vestígios da cultura popular em Angela Lago


    Silva, Celso Sisto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-graduação em Literatura A presente dissertação elabora, sob o domínio da cultura popular, e configura, sob o viés do conto popular recontado, a leitura de algumas obras da escritora brasileira para crianças, Angela Lago. Pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, identificar nos recontos da escritora, a persistência dos modelos narrativos que a tradição popular de cunho escrito mantev...

  9. Efecto de la impermeabilidad del Mucílago de Nopal en bloques de tierra comprimidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yolanda Guadalupe Aranda Jiménez


    Full Text Available La arquitectura de tierra1 es conocida desde hace siglos, sin embargo, actualmente es poco utilizada comparado con los sistemas constructivos comunes. Los bloques de tierra comprimido (BTC son elementos constructivos con un potencial elevado para ser utilizado en las construcciones de vivienda en México, principalmente por su similitud con los bloques tradicionales, siendo conveniente mejorar sus características a partir de un estabilizante. Se realizó el estudio de BTC estabilizados con cemento y una sustancia proveniente de las pencas maduras de nopal. Se encontró que al añadir mucílago de nopal se observa un incremento significativo de la resistencia a la compresión húmeda y seca, lo cual estar relacionado con una disminución de la porosidad; se ofrecen algunas relaciones del efecto del mucílago en el sólido analizado.

  10. Non-singular cosmologies in the conformally invariant gravitation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kembhavi, A.K.


    It is shown that in the framework of a conformally invariant gravitation theory, the singularity which is present in some anisotropic universes in general relativity is due to a wrong choice of conformal frame. Frames exist in which these models can be made singularity free. (author)

  11. Singular instantons in Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arroja, Frederico; Chen, Che-Yu; Chen, Pisin; Yeom, Dong-han, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan (China)


    In this work, we investigate O (4)-symmetric instantons within the Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld gravity theory (EiBI) . We discuss the regular Hawking-Moss instanton and find that the tunneling rate reduces to the General Relativity (GR) value, even though the action value is different by a constant. We give a thorough analysis of the singular Vilenkin instanton and the Hawking-Turok instanton with a quadratic scalar field potential in the EiBI theory. In both cases, we find that the singularity can be avoided in the sense that the physical metric, its scalar curvature and the scalar field are regular under some parameter restrictions, but there is a curvature singularity of the auxiliary metric compatible with the connection. We find that the on-shell action is finite and the probability does not reduce to its GR value. We also find that the Vilenkin instanton in the EiBI theory would still cause the instability of the Minkowski space, similar to that in GR, and this is observationally inconsistent. This result suggests that the singularity of the auxiliary metric may be problematic at the quantum level and that these instantons should be excluded from the path integral.

  12. Use of Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge for Geoconservation of Regiao dos Lagos, Brazil (United States)

    Avelar, S.; Vasconcelos, G.; Mansur, K. L.; Anjos, S. C.


    A series of lagoons can be found along the coastline of Rio de Janeiro, in the so-called Regiao dos Lagos. The lagoons differ in size, physicochemical, sedimentological and biological characteristics. Rare examples of litifying microbialites that produce stromatolites, the oldest fossils on Earth, can be found living in this lagoon system. The occurrence of stromatolites in the region is of great scientific interest because it enables the study of possible analogues of the earliest life on Earth. However, this region has been suffering from intense human activities and degradations. Geoconservation planning requires an assessment of the characteristics of the region and its potential threats. The primary goal of this study is to assess physical environmental changes and anthropogenic impacts over the last four decades in Regiao dos Lagos. Using a broad integrative assessment combining remote sensing, GIS, field studies and local knowledge of communities, land-cover and land-use classes were identified, as well as the main human activities impacting the environment. The seasonal and weekend tourism and urban sprawl in this coastal area of Rio de Janeiro triggers the occupation of new areas and the removal of natural vegetation, especially on lagoon margins. This disorderly occupation by an ever increasing population, with both legal and illegal constructions and the subsequent overload of the local infrastructure, e.g. increase of electrical energy consumption, volume of vehicles, pollution in air, water and soil and problems with water supply and wastewater treatment, are hastening the gradual degradation of the lake ecosystem. The main driving forces to environmental changes over the last four decades in Regiao dos Lagos were the change of dense vegetation, saline and bare soil classes into built-up areas, adding to the poor waste treatment and inadequate sewage disposal. This analysis provides a basis for a better control of anthropogenic impacts and

  13. Controllability of non-linear systems: generic singularities and their stability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davydov, Alexey A; Zakalyukin, Vladimir M


    This paper presents an overview of the state of the art in applications of singularity theory to the analysis of generic singularities of controllability of non-linear systems on manifolds. Bibliography: 40 titles.

  14. Boundary element analysis of stress singularity in dissimilar metals by friction welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, N. Y.; Park, C. H.


    Friction welded dissimilar metals are widely applied in automobiles, rolling stocks, machine tools, and various engineering fields. Dissimilar metals have several advantages over homogeneous metals, including high strength, material property, fatigue endurance, impact absorption, high reliability, and vibration reduction. Due to the increased use of these metals, understanding their behavior under stress conditions is necessary, especially the analysis of stress singularity on the interface of friction-welded dissimilar metals. To establish a strength evaluation method and a fracture criterion, it is necessary to analyze stress singularity on the interface of dissimilar metals with welded flashes by friction welding under various loads and temperature conditions. In this paper, a method analyzing stress singularity for the specimens with and without flashes set in friction welded dissimilar metals is introduced using the boundary element method. The stress singularity index (λ) and the stress singularity factor (Γ) at the interface edge are computed from the stress analysis results. The shape and flash thickness, interface length, residual stress, and load are considered in the computation. Based on these results, the variations of interface length (c) and the ratio of flash thickness (t2 t1) greatly influence the stress singularity factors at the interface edge of friction welded dissimilar metals. The stress singularity factors will be a useful fracture parameter that considers stress singularity on the interface of dissimilar metals

  15. Lake-level variations and tides in Lago Argentino, Patagonia: insights from pressure tide gauge records

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Richter


    Full Text Available Based on precise pressure tide gauge observations lake-level records are derived for two sites in Lago Argentino, southern Patagonia, of 2.5 and 1 years of duration. Applying the tools of time series analysis, the principal processes affecting the lake level are identified and quantified. Lake-level changes reflecting variations in lake volume are dominated by a seasonal cycle of 1.2 m in amplitude. Lake-volume changes occur in addition with a daily period in response to melt water influx from surrounding glaciers. Sporadic lake-volume jumps are caused by bursting of the ice dam of Perito Moreno glacier. Water movements in Lago Argentino are dominated by surface seiches reaching 20 cm in amplitude. Lake tides reach a maximum amplitude of 3 mm. The comparison of the tidal signal extracted from the lake-level observations with a model composed of the contributions of body tide and ocean tidal loading indicates a phase shift of 23° which is most likely explained by an 1 hour phase lag of global ocean tide models in the region of the highly fragmented Pacific coast. The comparison of the obtained results with those of a previous study of Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, allows to relate differences in the hydrological and hydrodynamic processes between both lakes to morphological properties. This leads to a tentative prediction of the lake-level variability to be expected from other great Patagonian lakes. The presented geodetic results shall serve as a starting point for a detailed limnological investigation of these aquatic ecosystems.

  16. Perfect fluid tori orbiting Kehagias-Sfetsos naked singularities (United States)

    Stuchlík, Z.; Pugliese, D.; Schee, J.; Kučáková, H.


    We construct perfect fluid tori in the field of the Kehagias-Sfetsos (K-S) naked singularities. These are spherically symmetric vacuum solutions of the modified Hořava quantum gravity, characterized by a dimensionless parameter ω M^2, combining the gravitational mass parameter M of the spacetime with the Hořava parameter ω reflecting the role of the quantum corrections. In dependence on the value of ω M^2, the K-S naked singularities demonstrate a variety of qualitatively different behavior of their circular geodesics that is fully reflected in the properties of the toroidal structures, demonstrating clear distinction to the properties of the torii in the Schwarzschild spacetimes. In all of the K-S naked singularity spacetimes the tori are located above an "antigravity" sphere where matter can stay in a stable equilibrium position, which is relevant for the stability of the orbiting fluid toroidal accretion structures. The signature of the K-S naked singularity is given by the properties of marginally stable tori orbiting with the uniform distribution of the specific angular momentum of the fluid, l= const. In the K-S naked singularity spacetimes with ω M^2 > 0.2811, doubled tori with the same l= const can exist; mass transfer between the outer torus and the inner one is possible under appropriate conditions, while only outflow to the outer space is allowed in complementary conditions. In the K-S spacetimes with ω M^2 < 0.2811, accretion from cusped perfect fluid tori is not possible due to the non-existence of unstable circular geodesics.

  17. Perfect fluid tori orbiting Kehagias-Sfetsos naked singularities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stuchlik, Z.; Pugliese, D.; Schee, J.; Kucakova, H. [Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Institute of Physics and Research Centre of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Opava (Czech Republic)


    We construct perfect fluid tori in the field of the Kehagias-Sfetsos (K-S) naked singularities. These are spherically symmetric vacuum solutions of the modified Horava quantum gravity, characterized by a dimensionless parameter ωM{sup 2}, combining the gravitational mass parameter M of the spacetime with the Horava parameter ω, reflecting the role of the quantum corrections. In dependence on the value of ωM{sup 2}, the K-S naked singularities demonstrate a variety of qualitatively different behavior of their circular geodesics that is fully reflected in the properties of the toroidal structures, demonstrating clear distinction to the properties of the torii in the Schwarzschild spacetimes. In all of the K-S naked singularity spacetimes the tori are located above an @gantigravity@h sphere where matter can stay in a stable equilibrium position, which is relevant for the stability of the orbiting fluid toroidal accretion structures. The signature of the K-S naked singularity is given by the properties of marginally stable tori orbiting with the uniform distribution of the specific angular momentum of the fluid, l = const. In the K-S naked singularity spacetimes with ωM{sup 2} > 0.2811, doubled tori with the same l = const can exist; mass transfer between the outer torus and the inner one is possible under appropriate conditions, while only outflow to the outer space is allowed in complementary conditions. In the K-S spacetimes with ωM{sup 2} < 0.2811, accretion from cusped perfect fluid tori is not possible due to the non-existence of unstable circular geodesics. (orig.)

  18. Perceptions and Concerns about Inclusive Education among Students with Visual Impairments in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Brydges, Colton; Mkandawire, Paul


    This article examines the perceptions of inclusive education in Lagos, Nigeria, based upon in-depth interviews conducted with students with visual impairments during the month of July 2013. The results and discussions are situated within critical disability theory. Despite decades of inclusive education policies, the findings of the study show…

  19. On the collinear singularity problem of hot QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Candelpergher, B.; Grandou, T.


    The collinear singularity problem of hot QCD is revisited within a perturbative resummation scheme (PR) of the leading thermal fluctuations. On the basis of actual calculations, new aspects are discovered concerning the origin of the singularity plaguing the soft real photon emission rate out of a quark-gluon plasma at thermal equilibrium, when the latter is calculated by means of the Resummation Program (RP)

  20. Singularity: Raychaudhuri equation once again

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Cosmology; Raychaudhuri equation; Universe; quantum gravity; loop quan- tum gravity ... than the observation verifying the prediction of theory. This gave .... which was now expanding, would have had a singular beginning in a hot Big Bang.

  1. Singularities in FLRW Spacetimes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lam, Huibert het; Prokopec, Tom


    We point out that past-incompleteness of geodesics in FLRW spacetimes does not necessarily imply that these spacetimes start from a singularity. Namely, if a test particle that follows such a trajectory has a non-vanishing velocity, its energy was super-Planckian at some time in the past if it kept

  2. Dyslexia singular brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habis, M.; Robichon, F.; Demonet, J.F.


    Of late ten years, neurologists are studying the brain of the dyslectics. The cerebral imagery (NMR imaging, positron computed tomography) has allowed to confirm the anatomical particularities discovered by some of them: asymmetry default of cerebral hemispheres, size abnormally large of the white substance mass which connect the two hemispheres. The functional imagery, when visualizing this singular brain at work, allows to understand why it labors to reading. (O.M.)

  3. Asymptomatic bacteriuria among antenatal women in Lagos. (United States)

    Olamijulo, Joseph Ayodeji; Adewale, Chris Olu; Olaleye, Olalekan


    This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), the commonest bacterial isolates and the antibiotic sensitivity pattern among 556 pregnant women in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Nigeria. Women with a bacterial count over 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre of the same organisms in paired urine samples were considered to have ASB. The prevalence of ASB was 14.6%. Klebsiella was the commonest micro-organism (39.2%) isolated. ASB was significantly associated with marital status, body mass index and parity. There was a significant relationship between urinary nitrites and ASB. The isolated organisms showed remarkable resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics such as amoxicillin, cloxacillin and trimethoprim but good sensitivity to ofloxacin, gentamycin and ceftazidime. These facts have implications for the management of ASB in pregnancy.

  4. Quantum singularities in (2+1) dimensional matter coupled black hole spacetimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unver, O.; Gurtug, O.


    Quantum singularities considered in the 3D Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) spacetime by Pitelli and Letelier [Phys. Rev. D 77, 124030 (2008)] is extended to charged BTZ and 3D Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity spacetimes. The occurrence of naked singularities in the Einstein-Maxwell extension of the BTZ spacetime both in linear and nonlinear electrodynamics as well as in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity spacetimes are analyzed with the quantum test fields obeying the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. We show that with the inclusion of the matter fields, the conical geometry near r=0 is removed and restricted classes of solutions are admitted for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. Hence, the classical central singularity at r=0 turns out to be quantum mechanically singular for quantum particles obeying the Klein-Gordon equation but nonsingular for fermions obeying the Dirac equation. Explicit calculations reveal that the occurrence of the timelike naked singularities in the considered spacetimes does not violate the cosmic censorship hypothesis as far as the Dirac fields are concerned. The role of horizons that clothes the singularity in the black hole cases is replaced by repulsive potential barrier against the propagation of Dirac fields.

  5. Ciclo anual de la clorofila-α satelital en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández (33°S), Chile


    Andrade,Isabel; Hormazabal,Samuel E; Correa-Ramirez,Marco A


    La variabilidad espacial y temporal del ciclo anual de la clorofila-α en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández se analiza usando ocho anos de datos satelitales de clorofila-α, viento, corrientes y nivel del mar. Este archipiélago está conformado por tres islas: Robinson Crusoe-Santa Clara (RC-SC) y Alejandro Selkirk (AS). Las islas RC-SC se encuentran en una región de alta energía cinética y mayores concentraciones de clorofila-α definida como Zona de Transición Costera, en cambio ...


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    Johanna Abella


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizarfisicoquímicamente la corriente LasCintas, afluente al lago de Tota, ubicadoen el departamento de Boyacá. Se determinaronlos parámetros de temperatura,pH, conductividad, oxígeno disuelto,DQO, DBO5, concentración de especiesde nitrógeno (nitratos y nitritos y concentraciónde especies de fósforo (fósforototal, fósforo hidrolizable total, ortofosfatototal y fósforo orgánico total,para lo cual se efectuaron seis muestreosentre septiembre y noviembre del 2009,en cinco puntos seleccionados sobre lacorriente. Estos análisis se realizaron siguiendometodologías normalizadas parael análisis de aguas. En los resultadosse observan comportamientos de pocavariabilidad en los parámetros de temperatura,pH, conductividad y oxígenodisuelto; en cuanto al aporte de nitratos,se determinó que el desarrollo de cultivosen las proximidades de la corrienteaumenta la concentración de estos iones,que pueden ser arrastrados al lago. Respectoa las diferentes especies de fósforoevaluadas permiten establecer la escasacontribución de fósforo orgánico haciael cuerpo de agua, además del aportesignificativo de fósforo por detergentesvertidos en la corriente. Basándose en lacaracterización efectuada, se puede establecerque la actividad agrícola aportanutrientes que probablemente favorecenel desarrollo del proceso de eutrofizaciónen el lago de Tota.

  7. Programas de inclusión de personas en situación de discapacidad en la Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile


    Quintana, Magaly; Martínez, Carolina


    El presente artículo da cuenta de la génesis del proceso de inclusión en carreras de Pre Grado, de estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales Permanentes (NEEP) en la Universidad de Los Lagos. Incluye una descripción de las actividades realizadas durante el año 2012 en torno al tema, del Proyecto de inclusión elaborado y presentado a los Cuerpos Colegiados para su aprobación, y de la proyección del Programa de Inclusión Universidad de Los Lagos para los próximos años.

  8. Mentoring and Succession of Administrators: Critical Issues in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.A. Oladipo


    Full Text Available Studies have shown that the quality of outcome in Nigerian secondary schools is declining at an alarming rate due to shortage of required resources as well as leadership challenges. The challenges have been observed to be as a result of lack of mentoring which is not a common practice in school management in Nigeria. Consequently, this study investigated the extent to which mentoring as a strategy for administrators' succession plan impacts on the performance of their duties in public and private secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design and administered a 25-item self-constructed questionnaire on participants. A total of 530 participants were randomly selected from the population of 4,350 senior teachers. The Participants were drawn from 145 secondary schools (91 public and 54 registered private in Education District IV of Lagos State. The findings showed that mentoring has significant impact on administrators' succession planning and that succession planning does not significantly differ in public and private secondary schools in Lagos State. The study concluded that leadership development is a critical factor in secondary school effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, serving administrators as well as prospective administrators should be regularly evaluated to determine their training needs at different career stages. There should also be mentoring related policies to enhance the managerial skills, sense of competence and effectiveness of the prospective administrators.

  9. Investigating last mile distribution challenges of wine suppliers in Lagos, Nigeria



    M.Com. (Business Management) The last mile distribution is the final link of successful supply chain operations. The high demand for products, lead time uncertainties and replenishment time complicate the distribution task. In order to achieve a competitive business edge, suppliers need to work at developing and improving their last mile distribution link. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the last mile wine distribution in Lagos Island, Nigeria, and to determin...

  10. Telescopic Hybrid Fast Solver for 3D Elliptic Problems with Point Singularities

    KAUST Repository

    Paszyńska, Anna; Jopek, Konrad; Banaś, Krzysztof; Paszyński, Maciej; Gurgul, Piotr; Lenerth, Andrew; Nguyen, Donald; Pingali, Keshav; Dalcind, Lisandro; Calo, Victor M.


    This paper describes a telescopic solver for two dimensional h adaptive grids with point singularities. The input for the telescopic solver is an h refined two dimensional computational mesh with rectangular finite elements. The candidates for point singularities are first localized over the mesh by using a greedy algorithm. Having the candidates for point singularities, we execute either a direct solver, that performs multiple refinements towards selected point singularities and executes a parallel direct solver algorithm which has logarithmic cost with respect to refinement level. The direct solvers executed over each candidate for point singularity return local Schur complement matrices that can be merged together and submitted to iterative solver. In this paper we utilize a parallel multi-thread GALOIS solver as a direct solver. We use Incomplete LU Preconditioned Conjugated Gradients (ILUPCG) as an iterative solver. We also show that elimination of point singularities from the refined mesh reduces significantly the number of iterations to be performed by the ILUPCG iterative solver.

  11. Telescopic Hybrid Fast Solver for 3D Elliptic Problems with Point Singularities

    KAUST Repository

    Paszyńska, Anna


    This paper describes a telescopic solver for two dimensional h adaptive grids with point singularities. The input for the telescopic solver is an h refined two dimensional computational mesh with rectangular finite elements. The candidates for point singularities are first localized over the mesh by using a greedy algorithm. Having the candidates for point singularities, we execute either a direct solver, that performs multiple refinements towards selected point singularities and executes a parallel direct solver algorithm which has logarithmic cost with respect to refinement level. The direct solvers executed over each candidate for point singularity return local Schur complement matrices that can be merged together and submitted to iterative solver. In this paper we utilize a parallel multi-thread GALOIS solver as a direct solver. We use Incomplete LU Preconditioned Conjugated Gradients (ILUPCG) as an iterative solver. We also show that elimination of point singularities from the refined mesh reduces significantly the number of iterations to be performed by the ILUPCG iterative solver.

  12. Characteristic classes, singular embeddings, and intersection homology. (United States)

    Cappell, S E; Shaneson, J L


    This note announces some results on the relationship between global invariants and local topological structure. The first section gives a local-global formula for Pontrjagin classes or L-classes. The second section describes a corresponding decomposition theorem on the level of complexes of sheaves. A final section mentions some related aspects of "singular knot theory" and the study of nonisolated singularities. Analogous equivariant analogues, with local-global formulas for Atiyah-Singer classes and their relations to G-signatures, will be presented in a future paper.

  13. Microlocal study of S-matrix singularity structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawai, Takahiro; Kyoto Univ.; Stapp, H.P.


    Support is adduced for two related conjectures of simplicity of the analytic structure of the S-matrix and related function; namely, Sato's conjecture that the S-matrix is a solution of a maximally over-determined system of pseudo-differential equations, and our conjecture that the singularity spectrum of any bubble diagram function has the conormal structure with respect to a canonical decomposition of the solutions of the relevant Landau equations. This latter conjecture eliminates the open sets of allowed singularities that existing procedures permit. (orig.) [de

  14. Can noncommutativity resolve the Big-Bang singularity?

    CERN Document Server

    Maceda, M; Manousselis, P; Zoupanos, George


    A possible way to resolve the singularities of general relativity is proposed based on the assumption that the description of space-time using commuting coordinates is not valid above a certain fundamental scale. Beyond that scale it is assumed that the space-time has noncommutative structure leading in turn to a resolution of the singularity. As a first attempt towards realizing the above programme a noncommutative version of the Kasner metric is constructed which is nonsingular at all scales and becomes commutative at large length scales.

  15. Geometric singular perturbation analysis of systems with friction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bossolini, Elena

    This thesis is concerned with the application of geometric singular perturbation theory to mechanical systems with friction. The mathematical background on geometric singular perturbation theory, on the blow-up method, on non-smooth dynamical systems and on regularization is presented. Thereafter......, two mechanical problems with two different formulations of the friction force are introduced and analysed. The first mechanical problem is a one-dimensional spring-block model describing earthquake faulting. The dynamics of earthquakes is naturally a multiple timescale problem: the timescale...... scales. The action of friction is generally explained as the loss and restoration of linkages between the surface asperities at the molecular scale. However, the consequences of friction are noticeable at much larger scales, like hundreds of kilometers. By using geometric singular perturbation theory...

  16. From Fourier Transforms to Singular Eigenfunctions for Multigroup Transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganapol, B.D.


    A new Fourier transform approach to the solution of the multigroup transport equation with anisotropic scattering and isotropic source is presented. Through routine analytical continuation, the inversion contour is shifted from the real line to produce contributions from the poles and cuts in the complex plane. The integrand along the branch cut is then recast in terms of matrix continuum singular eigenfunctions, demonstrating equivalence of Fourier transform inversion and the singular eigenfunction expansion. The significance of this paper is that it represents the initial step in revealing the intimate connection between the Fourier transform and singular eigenfunction approaches as well as serves as a basis for a numerical algorithm

  17. Solitary wave solution to a singularly perturbed generalized Gardner ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Mar 24, 2017 ... Abstract. This paper is concerned with the existence of travelling wave solutions to a singularly perturbed gen- eralized Gardner equation with nonlinear terms of any order. By using geometric singular perturbation theory and based on the relation between solitary wave solution and homoclinic orbits of the ...

  18. 7 CFR 1200.1 - Words in the singular form. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Words in the singular form. 1200.1 Section 1200.1 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING... Governing Proceedings To Formulate and Amend an Order § 1200.1 Words in the singular form. Words in this...

  19. Ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos en un lago salino tropical Benthic crustaceans assemblage in a tropical, saline lake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ma. del Carmen Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reconoce la composición, estructura y distribución espacial del ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos de Alchichica, un lago salino tropical ubicado en el extremo oriental del altiplano mexicano. El lago presenta una riqueza taxonómica de crustáceos bentónicos compuesta por 1 anfípodo (Hyalella azteca, 1 isópodo (Caecidotea williamsi y 2 ostrácodos (Limnocythere inopinata y Candona sp.. Comparada con otros lagos tropicales, la riqueza de especies es reducida. A pesar de lo anterior, es importante mencionar el grado elevado de endemismo representado por C. williamsi, recientemente descrita para el lago Alchichica; adicionalmente, es factible que tanto Candona como H. azteca sean especies nuevas y endémicas del lago. Los crustáceos bentónicos se distribuyen desde la zona litoral hasta la zona más profunda del lago (62 m con abundancias y riqueza taxonómica variables. Los ostrácodos fueron los crustáceos que con mayor frecuencia se recolectaron en el lago, en la zona litoral, en el talud, y en la zona profunda de la que son habitantes exclusivos. Los anfípodos constituyeron el segundo grupo en abundancia de la zona litoral y talud y estuvieron ausentes en la zona profunda. Los isópodos sólo se encuentran asociados a los depósitos de tufa, hábitat característico del lago que se extiende a lo largo del talud, por lo que con las técnicas de muestreo tradicional empleadas en el presente estudio no fueron capturados. En este ensamble de crustáceos predominan las especies de desarrollo directo y con posiciones tróficas que incluyen componentes herbívoros (H. azteca, omnívoros (C. williamsi y bacterívoros (L. inopinata y Candona sp..This work acknowledges the composition, structure and spatial distribution of the benthic crustaceans assemblage of Alchichica, a tropical saline lake located in the easternmost portion of the Mexican highlands. The benthic crustaceans' assemblage was comprised by 1 amphipod


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    Full Text Available El buceo, tanto a pulmón como con tanques, constituye una actividad que, debidamente practicada, puede aportar al desarrollo sostenible y a la conservación de áreas marinas y en especial de arrecifes de coral, como los del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia. En la medida en que implica la observación de los ecosistemas de arrecife y sus organismos, es una forma de valoración y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad, con la particularidad de que no implica su extracción, pues un mismo arrecife y sus peces, esponjas y otros organismos pueden ser observados por numerosos buzos, una y otra vez. Por otra parte, es una actividad que puede generar significativos ingresos para las regiones que tienen atractivos naturales y para sus pobladores. La GUÍA DE BUCEO ECOLÓGICO DE SAN ANDRÉS ISLA se orienta a promover el buceo como una forma de elevar la calidad y los ingresos generados por el turismo en el Archipiélago y a incrementar la conciencia sobre la necesidad de proteger los arrecifes. Presenta información básica sobre las islas, el turismo en las mismas y sus principales sitios de buceo, profusamente ilustradas con hermosas fotografías que demuestran el indudable potencial de nuestro Archipiélago para el buceo.

  1. Assessing the relationships between phylogenetic and functional singularities in sharks (Chondrichthyes). (United States)

    Cachera, Marie; Le Loc'h, François


    The relationships between diversity and ecosystem functioning have become a major focus of science. A crucial issue is to estimate functional diversity, as it is intended to impact ecosystem dynamics and stability. However, depending on the ecosystem, it may be challenging or even impossible to directly measure ecological functions and thus functional diversity. Phylogenetic diversity was recently under consideration as a proxy for functional diversity. Phylogenetic diversity is indeed supposed to match functional diversity if functions are conservative traits along evolution. However, in case of adaptive radiation and/or evolutive convergence, a mismatch may appear between species phylogenetic and functional singularities. Using highly threatened taxa, sharks, this study aimed to explore the relationships between phylogenetic and functional diversities and singularities. Different statistical computations were used in order to test both methodological issue (phylogenetic reconstruction) and overall a theoretical questioning: the predictive power of phylogeny for function diversity. Despite these several methodological approaches, a mismatch between phylogeny and function was highlighted. This mismatch revealed that (i) functions are apparently nonconservative in shark species, and (ii) phylogenetic singularity is not a proxy for functional singularity. Functions appeared to be not conservative along the evolution of sharks, raising the conservational challenge to identify and protect both phylogenetic and functional singular species. Facing the current rate of species loss, it is indeed of major importance to target phylogenetically singular species to protect genetic diversity and also functionally singular species in order to maintain particular functions within ecosystem.

  2. Levels of Job Satisfaction and Performance of Sports Officers in Lagos State Secondary Schools (United States)

    Onifade, Ademola; Keinde, Idou; Kehinde, Eunice


    The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction levels of sports officers and sports performance of secondary schools in Lagos State. Data were collected from 200 subjects across 10 Local Education Districts. Job Descriptive Index was used to determine job satisfaction while performance in the Principals' Soccer…

  3. El ultrasonido: desde el murciélago hasta la cardiología no invasiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabián Dávila


    Conclusiones: Grandes avances se han logrado en consecuencia con la evolución del ultrasonido en medicina, su inicio en la ecolocalización descrita en los murciélagos hasta la ultrasonografía cardiaca en 3 D, han permitido el desarrollo de nuevas no invasivas en la medicina cardiovascular.

  4. Charged singularities: repulsive effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Felice, F; Nobili, L [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica; Calvani, M [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia


    The repulsive phenomena which a particle experiences in the vicinity of a naked singularity are investigated in the Kerr-Newman space-time. The aim is to extend the knowledge of this fact to charged solutions and to have a direct indication of how, in these situations, the gravitational and electrostatic interactions are competing.

  5. Singular f-sum rule for superfluid 4He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, V.K.


    The validity and applicability to inelastic neutron scattering of a singular f-sum rule for superfluid helium, proposed by Griffin to explain the rhosub(s) dependence in S(k, ω) as observed by Woods and Svensson, are examined in the light of similar sum rules rigorously derived for anharmonic crystals and Bose liquids. It is concluded that the singular f-sum rules are only of microscopic interest. (Auth,)

  6. Dimension counts for singular rational curves via semigroups


    Cotterill, Ethan; Feital, Lia; Martins, Renato Vidal


    We study singular rational curves in projective space, deducing conditions on their parametrizations from the value semigroups $\\sss$ of their singularities. In particular, we prove that a natural heuristic for the codimension of the space of nondegenerate rational curves of arithmetic genus $g>0$ and degree $d$ in $\\mb{P}^n$, viewed as a subspace of all degree-$d$ rational curves in $\\mb{P}^n$, holds whenever $g$ is small.

  7. On singular interaction potentials in classical statistical mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagrebnov, V.A.; Pastur, L.A.


    A classical system of particles with stable two-body interaction potential is considered. It is shown that for a certain class of highly singular stable two-body potentials a cut-off procedure preserves the stability of the potential. The thermodynamical potentials (pressure and free energy density) and correlation functions are proved to have the property of asymptotic independence with respect to the continuation of the interaction potentials near singularity

  8. Some BMO estimates for vector-valued multilinear singular integral ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    R. Narasimhan (Krishtel eMaging) 1461 1996 Oct 15 13:05:22

    the multilinear operator related to some singular integral operators is obtained. The main purpose of this paper is to establish the BMO end-point estimates for some vector-valued multilinear operators related to certain singular integral operators. First, let us introduce some notations [10,16]. Throughout this paper, Q = Q(x,r).

  9. Constructing Current Singularity in a 3D Line-tied Plasma (United States)

    Zhou, Yao; Huang, Yi-Min; Qin, Hong; Bhattacharjee, A.


    We revisit Parker’s conjecture of current singularity formation in 3D line-tied plasmas using a recently developed numerical method, variational integration for ideal magnetohydrodynamics in Lagrangian labeling. With the frozen-in equation built-in, the method is free of artificial reconnection, and hence it is arguably an optimal tool for studying current singularity formation. Using this method, the formation of current singularity has previously been confirmed in the Hahm–Kulsrud–Taylor problem in 2D. In this paper, we extend this problem to 3D line-tied geometry. The linear solution, which is singular in 2D, is found to be smooth for arbitrary system length. However, with finite amplitude, the linear solution can become pathological when the system is sufficiently long. The nonlinear solutions turn out to be smooth for short systems. Nonetheless, the scaling of peak current density versus system length suggests that the nonlinear solution may become singular at finite length. With the results in hand, we can neither confirm nor rule out this possibility conclusively, since we cannot obtain solutions with system length near the extrapolated critical value.

  10. Current singularities at finitely compressible three-dimensional magnetic null points

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pontin, D.I.; Craig, I.J.D.


    The formation of current singularities at line-tied two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D, respectively) magnetic null points in a nonresistive magnetohydrodynamic environment is explored. It is shown that, despite the different separatrix structures of 2D and 3D null points, current singularities may be initiated in a formally equivalent manner. This is true no matter whether the collapse is triggered by flux imbalance within closed, line-tied null points or driven by externally imposed velocity fields in open, incompressible geometries. A Lagrangian numerical code is used to investigate the finite amplitude perturbations that lead to singular current sheets in collapsing 2D and 3D null points. The form of the singular current distribution is analyzed as a function of the spatial anisotropy of the null point, and the effects of finite gas pressure are quantified. It is pointed out that the pressure force, while never stopping the formation of the singularity, significantly alters the morphology of the current distribution as well as dramatically weakening its strength. The impact of these findings on 2D and 3D magnetic reconnection models is discussed

  11. Quantum fate of singularities in a dark-energy dominated universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouhmadi-Lopez, Mariam; Kiefer, Claus; Sandhoefer, Barbara; Moniz, Paulo Vargas


    Classical models for dark energy can exhibit a variety of singularities, many of which occur for scale factors much bigger than the Planck length. We address here the issue of whether some of these singularities, the big freeze and the big demarrage, can be avoided in quantum cosmology. We use the framework of quantum geometrodynamics. We restrict our attention to a class of models whose matter content can be described by a generalized Chaplygin gas and be represented by a scalar field with an appropriate potential. Employing the DeWitt criterion that the wave function be zero at the classical singularity, we show that a class of solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation fulfilling this condition can be found. These solutions thus avoid the classical singularity. We discuss the reasons for the remaining ambiguity in fixing the solution.

  12. Oral health care knowledge and practices of a group of deaf adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. (United States)

    Oredugba, Folakemi A


    This study sought to determine the oral health care knowledge and practices of a group of deaf adolescents in Lagos. The study involved 50 students of Wesley School 1 for the Deaf, Lagos (26 males and 24 females, aged 10-19 years, mean 13.3 +/- 2.8). Information about previous dental care, oral hygiene, and snacking habits were obtained through a questionnaire and sign language by the teachers. Only 12 percent of pupils had received dental care. Eight percent and 72 percent, respectively, gave correct answers to causes of tooth decay and bleeding gums. Ninety-four percent brushed their teeth once daily, with no significant sex difference (P > .05). Reported dental problems include bleeding gums (36%), tooth discoloration, and tooth decay. The majority of pupils (60%) preferred biscuits and soft drinks as snacks. More than 90 percent were willing to have a dental check-up. The oral health knowledge and practices of this group of children will improve through a controlled school-based oral health education program.

  13. Transformations between Jordan and Einstein frames: Bounces, antigravity, and crossing singularities (United States)

    Kamenshchik, Alexander Yu.; Pozdeeva, Ekaterina O.; Vernov, Sergey Yu.; Tronconi, Alessandro; Venturi, Giovanni


    We study the relation between the Jordan-Einstein frame transition and the possible description of the crossing of singularities in flat Friedmann universes, using the fact that the regular evolution in one frame can correspond to crossing singularities in the other frame. We show that some interesting effects arise in simple models such as one with a massless scalar field or another wherein the potential is constant in the Einstein frame. The dynamics in these models and in their conformally coupled counterparts are described in detail, and a method for the continuation of such cosmological evolutions beyond the singularity is developed. We compare our approach with some other, recently developed, approaches to the problem of the crossing of singularities.

  14. Sistema de humedales artificiales para el control de la eutroficación del lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Manuel Luna-Pabello


    Full Text Available El lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragón (LBSJA, ocupa una superficie de 12 hectáreas. El lago está eutrofizado debido a que el sistema de lodos activados, conocido como "Tlacos", descarga parcialmente agua tratada dentro del lago y ésta contiene concentraciones de nitrógeno y fósforo que propician el crecimiento de microalgas. En este estudio, se describen los aspectos relevantes sobre el diseño, construcción y arranque operativo de un sistema de tratamiento a base de humedales artificiales (STHA construido en el LBSJA. El STHA ocupa aproximadamente 1 hectárea de superficie, fue diseñado para depurar un promedio de 250 m3d-1 de agua. El sistema consiste de un filtro de agregados calcáreos, un sedimentador, un humedal artificial de flujo subsuperficial (HAFSS, un humedal artificial de flujo superficial (HAFS y un muro gavión filtrante. El agua con la que se alimenta al sistema proviene tanto del efluente de la planta de tratamiento convencional de "Tlacos" (PTAR-Tlacos, como de la contenida en el propio lago. Los resultados muestran 80% de reducción en el contenido de contaminantes. Esto representa una calidad de agua tratada superior a la establecida en la normatividad ambiental para cuerpos acuáticos usados con fines recreativos.

  15. Non-uniqueness of the source for singular gauge fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanyi, G.; Pappas, R.


    It is shown that the singular Wu-Yang solution for SU(2) gauge fields may be interpreted as due to a point source at the origin. However, the electric or magnetic nature of the source depends on whether one approaches the singularity by means of a 'smeared' potential or a 'smeared' field strength. (Auth.)

  16. Invariant identification of naked singularities in spherically symmetric spacetimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, R


    The study of generic naked singularities and their implications for the cosmic censorship conjecture is still an open issue in the framework of general relativity. One of the obstacles can be traced to the procedures for identifying naked singularities. Usually, the methods applied are not only model and coordinate dependent, but they very often rely in some strong assumptions on the degree of differentiability of the physical magnitudes of the model (such as the mass, density, etc) in the singularity. In this paper, we present a coordinate independent framework for identifying naked singularities based on invariants which is also devoid of strong differentiability requirements. The approach is intended to analyse whole families of models and to provide general results related to the cosmic censorship conjecture. Moreover, since the framework has a strict geometrical nature it can be used with alternative theories of gravitation as long as they assume the existence of a Lorentzian manifold. We exemplify its strength by applying it to the study of the collapse of radiation in radiative coordinates and the collapse of dust in comoving coordinates. (paper)

  17. Connection conditions and the spectral family under singular potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsutsui, Izumi; Fueloep, Tamas; Cheon, Taksu


    To describe a quantum system whose potential is divergent at one point, one must provide proper connection conditions for the wavefunctions at the singularity. Generalizing the scheme used for point interactions in one dimension, we present a set of connection conditions which are well defined even if the wavefunctions and/or their derivatives are divergent at the singularity. Our generalized scheme covers the entire U(2) family of quantizations (self-adjoint Hamiltonians) admitted for the singular system. We use this scheme to examine the spectra of the Coulomb potential V(x)=-e 2 vertical bar x vertical bar and the harmonic oscillator with square inverse potential V(x)=(mω 2 /2)x 2 +g/x 2 , and thereby provide a general perspective for these models which have previously been treated with restrictive connection conditions resulting in conflicting spectra. We further show that, for any parity invariant singular potential V(-x)=V(x), the spectrum is determined solely by the eigenvalues of the characteristic matrix U element of U(2)

  18. Fermi-edge singularity and the functional renormalization group (United States)

    Kugler, Fabian B.; von Delft, Jan


    We study the Fermi-edge singularity, describing the response of a degenerate electron system to optical excitation, in the framework of the functional renormalization group (fRG). Results for the (interband) particle-hole susceptibility from various implementations of fRG (one- and two-particle-irreducible, multi-channel Hubbard–Stratonovich, flowing susceptibility) are compared to the summation of all leading logarithmic (log) diagrams, achieved by a (first-order) solution of the parquet equations. For the (zero-dimensional) special case of the x-ray-edge singularity, we show that the leading log formula can be analytically reproduced in a consistent way from a truncated, one-loop fRG flow. However, reviewing the underlying diagrammatic structure, we show that this derivation relies on fortuitous partial cancellations special to the form of and accuracy applied to the x-ray-edge singularity and does not generalize.

  19. Families of singular and subsingular vectors of the topological N=2 superconformal algebra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gato-Rivera, B.; Rosado, J.I.


    We analyze several issues concerning the singular vectors of the topological N=2 superconformal algebra. First we investigate which types of singular vectors exist, regarding the relative U(1) charge and the BRST-invariance properties, finding four different types in chiral Verma modules and twenty-nine different types in complete Verma modules. Then we study the family structure of the singular vectors, every member of a family being mapped to any other member by a chain of simple transformations involving the spectral flows. The families of singular vectors in chiral Verma modules follow a unique pattern (four vectors) and contain subsingular vectors. We write down these families until level 3, identifying the subsingular vectors. The families of singular vectors in complete Verma modules follow infinitely many different patterns, grouped roughly in five main kinds. We present a particularly interesting thirty-eight-member family at levels 3, 4, 5, and 6, as well as the complete set of singular vectors at level 1 (twenty-eight different types). Finally we analyze the Doerrzapf conditions leading to two linearly independent singular vectors of the same type, at the same level in the same Verma module, and we write down four examples of those pairs of singular vectors, which belong to the same thirty-eight-member family. (orig.)

  20. Body frames and frame singularities for three-atom systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Littlejohn, R.G.; Mitchell, K.A.; Aquilanti, V.; Cavalli, S.


    The subject of body frames and their singularities for three-particle systems is important not only for large-amplitude rovibrational coupling in molecular spectroscopy, but also for reactive scattering calculations. This paper presents a geometrical analysis of the meaning of body frame conventions and their singularities in three-particle systems. Special attention is devoted to the principal axis frame, a certain version of the Eckart frame, and the topological inevitability of frame singularities. The emphasis is on a geometrical picture, which is intended as a preliminary study for the more difficult case of four-particle systems, where one must work in higher-dimensional spaces. The analysis makes extensive use of kinematic rotations. copyright 1998 The American Physical Society