
Sample records for doz ioniziruyushchej radiatsii

  1. Physical Properties of P.V.C. Attenuated Network Copolymers Produced by Ionizing Radiation; Proprietes physiques des copolymeres obtenus sous l'action de rayonnements ionisants et dont le reseau est attenue par l'effet du chlorure de polyvinyle; Fizicheskie svojstva polivinilkhloridnykh obednennykh tsepej sopolimerov, poluchennykh v rezul'tate vozdejstviya ioniziruyushchej radiatsii; Propiedades fisicas de los copolimeros de redes atenuadas por cloruro de polivinilo obtenidos por irradiacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinner, S H [Tube Investments Research Laboratories, Hinxton Hall, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    perekrestnykh svyazej v polivinilkhloride s pomoshch'yu ioniziruyushchej radiatsii stavit osobye problemy. V svyazi s neblagopriyatnym obrazovaniem poperechnykh svyazej i parametrami razrusheniya svyazej dlya dannogo polimera dozy radiatsii, neobkhodimye dlya obrazovaniya prochnykh tsoperechnykh plotnostej soedinenij, yavlyayutsya slishkom bol'shimi i parallel'no s ehtim proiskhodit protsess obestsvechivaniya i degidrogalogenirovaniya. EHti trudnosti udalos' preodolet' putem vvedeniya diallilovykh i triallilovykh ehfirov v polivinilkhlorid eshche do oblucheniya. Takim obrazom udalos' poluchit' produkty s prochnymi poperechnymi svyazyami pri otnositel'no malykh dozakh ioniziruyushchej radiatsii. Proverka fizicheskikh svojstv dannykh produktov pokazyvaet, chto oni yavlyayutsya ne prostymi graft-sopolimerami, chto obychno svyazano s prisutstviem dlinnykh razvetvlennykh tsepej, a obednennymi allilovymi polimernymi svyazyami. V ehtikh materialakh sochetayutsya svojstva iskhodnogo polimera i allilovoj svyazi. V doklade govoritsya o prochnosti na razryv, module i rastyazhenii oslablennoj svyazi sopolimerov, kotorye rassmatrivayutsya v zavisimosti ot temperatury, kontsentratsii i roli allilovogo ehfira. Takzhe privodyatsya zamechaniya po stojkosti poluchennykh produktov k razbukhaniyu i k khimicheskomu vozdejstviyu. (author)

  2. Passive seismic tomography application for cave monitoring in DOZ underground mine PT. Freeport Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nurhandoko, Bagus Endar B.; Wely, Woen; Setiadi, Herlan; Riyanto, Erwin


    It is already known that tomography has a great impact for analyzing and mapping unknown objects based on inversion, travel time as well as waveform inversion. Therefore, tomography has used in wide area, not only in medical but also in petroleum as well as mining. Recently, tomography method is being applied in several mining industries. A case study of tomography imaging has been carried out in DOZ ( Deep Ore Zone ) block caving mine, Tembagapura, Papua. Many researchers are undergoing to investigate the properties of DOZ cave not only outside but also inside which is unknown. Tomography takes a part for determining this objective.The sources are natural from the seismic events that caused by mining induced seismicity and rocks deformation activity, therefore it is called as passive seismic. These microseismic travel time data are processed by Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). The result of the inversion can be used for DOZ cave monitoring. These information must be used for identifying weak zone inside the cave. In addition, these results of tomography can be used to determine DOZ and cave information to support mine activity in PT. Freeport Indonesia

  3. Passive seismic tomography application for cave monitoring in DOZ underground mine PT. Freeport Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nurhandoko, Bagus Endar B.; Wely, Woen; Setiadi, Herlan [WISFIR Laboratory, Earth Physics and Complex System Division, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia); Riyanto, Erwin [Geotechnical and Hydrology PT. Freeport Indonesia (Indonesia)


    It is already known that tomography has a great impact for analyzing and mapping unknown objects based on inversion, travel time as well as waveform inversion. Therefore, tomography has used in wide area, not only in medical but also in petroleum as well as mining. Recently, tomography method is being applied in several mining industries. A case study of tomography imaging has been carried out in DOZ ( Deep Ore Zone ) block caving mine, Tembagapura, Papua. Many researchers are undergoing to investigate the properties of DOZ cave not only outside but also inside which is unknown. Tomography takes a part for determining this objective.The sources are natural from the seismic events that caused by mining induced seismicity and rocks deformation activity, therefore it is called as passive seismic. These microseismic travel time data are processed by Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). The result of the inversion can be used for DOZ cave monitoring. These information must be used for identifying weak zone inside the cave. In addition, these results of tomography can be used to determine DOZ and cave information to support mine activity in PT. Freeport Indonesia.

  4. The radiation age of meteorites; L'age des meteorites; Opredelenie vozrasta meteoritov s pomoshch'yu radiatsii; Edad de los meteoritos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goebel, K; Schmidlin, P [European Organisation for Nuclear Research, Geneva (Switzerland)


    ) [Russian] Radioizotopy, voznikayushchie v rezul'tate kosmicheskoj radiatsii v meteoritakh vo vremya ikh dvizheniya v kosmose, mogut byt' ispol'zovany dlya togo, chtoby prosledit' istoriyu ehtikh tel. Radioizotopy i akkumulirovannye dochernie ehlementy v meteorite dolzhny byt' opredeleny dlya vyrazheniya vremeni, v techenie kotorogo meteorit podvergalsya kosmicheskoj radiatsii. (Dlya vychisleniya neobkhodimo dopustit', chto potok radiatsii yavlyaetsya postoyannym v techenie vsego vremeni). Dlya izmereniya obyknovenno ispol'zuyutsya izotopy gazov, poskol'ku oni mogut byt' legko otdeleny ot samogo meteorita. V dannom issledovanii ispol'zovany, glavnym obrazom, tritij i argon. Po koehffitsientu radiatsii H3{sup /}He{sup 3} opredelyalsya vozrast meteorita ot neskol'kikh millionov let do neskol'kikh soten let. Poslednie izmereniya v TSERNe v printsipe soglasuyutsya s rezul'tatami drugikh issledovanij. V rabote obsuzhdayutsya voprosy vozmozhnykh otklonenij vvidu diffuzionnykh poter' gaza i vliyaniya ehkranirovki v atmosfernom meteorite. Velichina potoka kosmicheskikh luchej vo vneshnem prostranstve mozhet byt' opredelena, esli prinyat' vo vnimanie zamerennoe poperechnoe sechenie produktov tritiya v ehlementakh, kotorye obrazuyut meteorit. (author)

  5. Documentación del fondo de Oseira (AHN relacionada con el monasterio San Pedro de Vilanova de Dozón (1015-1295

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romaní Martínez, Miguel


    Full Text Available After the introduction and the criteria for transcription, we publish 25 documents of the 11>sub>th 12th and 13thcenturies belonging to the collection of Oseira at the AHN related to the monastery of San Pedro de Vilanova de Dozon, in Tierra de Deza (Pontevedra. The suggested periods make it possible to observe the transition from the Visigothic writing to the Carolingian. We also include an appendix with tables of diplomatic and paléographie analyses, a sample of the most representative writings, onomastic and toponymie indices, and a bibliography.

    Tras la introducción y criterios de transcripción, se editan 25 documentos de los siglos XI, XII y XIII pertenecientes al fondo de Oseira del AHN relacionados con el monasterio de San Pedro de Vilanova de Dozón, en Tierra de Deza (Pontevedra. Las fechas propuestas permiten observar el paso de la escritura visigótica a la Carolina. Se incluye un apéndice con tablas de análisis diplomático y paleográfico, una muestra de las escrituras más representativas, índices onomástico y toponímico, y bibliografía.

  6. Effects of Variable Dose-Rates on Radiation Damage in the Rust-Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium Castaneum Herbst; Effets du debit de dose sur les dommages radioinduits chez le tenebrion roux (Tribolium Castaneum Herbst); Vliyanie razlichnykh moshchnostej doz na radiatsionnoe povrezhdenie krasnogo muchnogo zhuka, Tribolium Castaneum (Herbst); Radio lesiones que sufre el Tribolium Castaneum Herbst cuando se le somete a dosis de radiaciones de diversas intensidades

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nair, K. K.; Subramanyam, G. [Biology Division, Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay, Bombay (India)


    huevecillos disminuyo considerablemente al aumentar la intensidad de dosis, aunque vuelve a aumentar de manera notable cuando las intensidades de dosis alcanzan valores muy elevados. La memoria discute el significado de estos resultados. (author) [Russian] Dlya opredeleniya zavisimosti reaktsii na obluchenie ot izmeneniya moshchnosti dozy izuchalis' zhiznesposobnost' i fertil'nost' yaits, a takzhe vzroslykh osobej Tribolium castaneum posle gamma-oblucheniya pri razlichnykh moshchnostyakh doz. Ispol'zovalis' dozy v 2000 i 5000 rad, a moshchnost' doz izmenyalas' ot 126 do 140 000 rad v chas. Bylo zamecheno, chto s povysheniem moshchnosti dozy ponizhalas' fertil'nost' vzroslykh osobej. Podobnym zhe obrazom s povysheniem moshchnosti dozy znachitel'no umen'shalas' zhiznesposobnost' yaits, odnako pri ochen' bol'shikh moshchnostyakh doz zhiznesposobnost' zametno uvelichivalas'. Obsuzhdaetsya znachenie poluchennykh dannykh. (author)

  7. Studies on radiation-image detectors; Etudes sur les detecteurs a images de rayonnements; Izuchenie detektorov izobrazheniya radiatsii; Estudios sobre detectores de radiaciones productores de imagenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiffel, L [Armour Research Foundation, Chicago, IL (United States)


    expone datos relativos a sus caracteristicas opticas, que son tambien aplicables a la tecnologia de la camara de centelleo. Examina brevemente algunos tipos de detectores productores de imagenes, que podrian construirse empleando gruesos bloques de sustancias capaces de acumular energia en cantidad considerable y de producir fosforescencia estimulada cuando se someten a irradiacion, asi como algunos metodos de lectura en los que se emplean haces opticos de exploracion para evitar la disminucion de poder de resolucion debida al espesor finito del fosforo. (author) [Russian] Opisana provodimaya v nastoyashchee vremya rabota po izucheniyu detektorov izobrazheniya radiatsii, sposobnykh sokhranyat' informatsiyu o prostranstvennom raspredelenii. My zanimaemsya, glavnym obrazom, izucheniem problem, svyazannykh s opredeleniem raspredeleniya intensivnosti radiatsii na ploskosti, a vozmozhno, i na tsilindricheskoj poverkhnosti. V ehtu kategoriyu problem vkhodyat diffraktsiya nejtronov i radiografiya, a takzhe radiografiya rentgenovskikh luchej i gamma-izluchenij, ili zhe issledovanie rasseyaniya s pomoshch'yu takikh vidov izluchenij. Osobyj upor delaetsya na izuchenie detektorov izobrazheniya radiatsii, osnovannykh na razrushenii iskr, i na lyuminestsentsii ili navedennoj fosforestsentsii. My vyrabotali schetchiki iskr ochen' bol'shikh razmerov, vesom bolee 100 funtov, imeyushchie svetochuvstvitel'nye poverkhnosti poryadka 2000 kv. sm., kotorye snabzheny sistemoj ustupchatykh ploskostej pochti s 400 anodnykh i katodnykh provodov. Primenenie schetchikov, napolnennykh VOZDUKHOM ili gazovoj smes'yu argona s metanom dlya izmereniya potoka, sozdaet ustrojstvo, chuvstvitel'noe k al'fa-chastitsam, a obnaruzhenie medlennykh nejtronov dostigaetsya plastinami preobrazovatelya, obogashchennogo B{sup 10}. S drugimi zapolnyayushchimi gazami obnaruzhivalas' chuvstvitel'nost' k protonam i ehlektronam. Registratsiya raspredeleniya intensivnosti dostigaetsya fotograficheskoj s{sup e

  8. Results with Complementary Food Using Local Food Ingredients. (United States)

    Ahmed, Tahmeed; Islam, Munirul; Choudhury, Nuzhat; Hossain, Iqbal; Huq, Sayeeda; Mahfuz, Mustafa; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam


    Appropriate complementary food is a must for optimum growth of infants and children. The food should be diverse and be given in sufficient quantities 2-4 times a day depending upon age. Poverty, food insecurity, and lack of awareness regarding the choice of nutritious food ingredients are deterrents to optimum complementary feeding. In Bangladesh, 77% of children do not receive appropriate complementary food and, hence, the high prevalence of childhood malnutrition. We developed ready-to-use complementary foods (RUCFs) using locally available food ingredients, rice/lentil and chickpea, which conform to standard specifications. These foods were found to be acceptable by children and their mothers compared to the Pushti packet, the cereal-based supplement used in the erstwhile National Nutrition Program of Bangladesh. In a cluster-randomized community-based trial in rural Bangladesh among more than 5,000 children, the efficacy of rice/lentil- and chickpea-based RUCFs was compared with another commonly used supplementary food called wheat-soy blend++ (WSB++) and a commercial product called Plumpy'doz. Deceleration in length for age was significantly lower (by 0.02-0.04/month) in the rice/lentil, Plumpy'doz, and chickpea groups compared to the control group at 18 months of age. Weight-for-length z-score decline was lower only in Plumpy'doz and chickpea groups. WSB++ was not different from the control group. In children who received chickpea RUCF or Plumpy'doz, the prevalence of stunting was 5-6% lower at 18 months. These foods can be used to prevent or treat malnutrition among children, particularly those from food-insecure households. © 2017 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. Reconstruction of national distribution of indoor radon concentration in Russia using results of regional indoor radon measurement programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarmoshenko, I.; Malinovsky, G.; Vasilyev, A.; Zhukovsky, M.


    The aim of the paper is a reconstruction of the national distribution and estimation of the arithmetic average indoor radon concentration in Russia using the data of official annual 4-DOZ reports. Annual 4-DOZ reports summarize results of radiation measurements in 83 regions of Russian Federation. Information on more than 400 000 indoor radon measurements includes the average indoor radon isotopes equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC) and number of measurements by regions and by three main types of houses: wooden, one-storey non-wooden, and multi-storey non-wooden houses. To reconstruct the national distribution, all-Russian model sample was generated by integration of sub-samples created using the results of each annual regional program of indoor radon measurements in each type of buildings. According to indoor radon concentration distribution reconstruction, all-Russian average indoor radon concentration is 48 Bq/m"3. Average indoor radon concentration by region ranges from 12 to 207 Bq/m"3. The 95-th percentile of the distribution is reached at indoor radon concentration 160 Bq/m"3. - Highlights: • Reconstruction of indoor radon concentration distribution in Russia was carried out. • Data of official annual 4-DOZ reports were used. • All-Russian average indoor radon concentration is 48 Bq/m"3. • The 95-th percentile is 160 Bq/m"3.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 11, 2014 ... They responded by ignoring the scheme and devising a method of selling their goods at ..... 5s. 6s. 5/6. 4s. 4s. 5/6. 5s. 6/6. 7s. 7/6. 7/6. Fowl eggs (mpt). Doz. 7d. 9d. 9d .... maintenance of law and order in the market ii. Serving ...

  11. Effect of fortified complementary food supplementation on child growth in rural Bangladesh: a cluster-randomized trial. (United States)

    Christian, Parul; Shaikh, Saijuddin; Shamim, Abu Ahmed; Mehra, Sucheta; Wu, Lee; Mitra, Maithilee; Ali, Hasmot; Merrill, Rebecca D; Choudhury, Nuzhat; Parveen, Monira; Fuli, Rachel D; Hossain, Md Iqbal; Islam, Md Munirul; Klemm, Rolf; Schulze, Kerry; Labrique, Alain; de Pee, Saskia; Ahmed, Tahmeed; West, Keith P


    Growth faltering in the first 2 years of life is high in South Asia where prevalence of stunting is estimated at 40-50%. Although nutrition counselling has shown modest benefits, few intervention trials of food supplementation exist showing improvements in growth and prevention of stunting. A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in rural Bangladesh to test the effect of two local, ready-to-use foods (chickpea and rice-lentil based) and a fortified blended food (wheat-soy-blend++, WSB++) compared with Plumpy'doz, all with nutrition counselling vs nutrition counselling alone (control) on outcomes of linear growth (length and length-for-age z-score, LAZ), stunting (LAZ food groups, provided with one of the allocated supplements daily for a year. Growth deceleration occurred from 6 to 18 months of age but deceleration in LAZ was lower (by 0.02-0.04/month) in the Plumpy'doz (P = 0.02), rice-lentil (food groups relative to the control. In rural Bangladesh, small amounts of daily fortified complementary foods, provided for a year in addition to nutrition counselling, modestly increased linear growth and reduced stunting at 18 months of age. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association.

  12. Thermoluminescent accident dose reader with photodiode; Termoluminiscencni litalnik akcidentnih doz s fotodiodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miklavzic, U; Mihelic, M [Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Yugoslavia)


    The field version of TL reader for accident dose region 0.01-20 Gy is described. For light detection, the thermostated photodiode was used permitting measurements at the ambient temperatures from -20 C degrees to 50 C degrees, and a new mode of the glow curve integration. Results can be presented as integral or peak values of the glow curve. The reader was adapted for dosemeters IJS-TLD08 from sintered CaF2:Mn pellets. (author)

  13. Fatigue Countermeasures in Aviation (United States)


    rbucks® Short 1 Starbucks ® Tall 1 Sta rbucks® Grande 1 Coke® 1 Mountain Dew® 1 cup tea 2 Anacin® 2 Excedrin Xtra. Strength 1 Max. Strength NoDoz® 46...72. Dinges OF, Price N],Maislin G, Powell JW, Ecker AJ, Malli.s MM. Szuba, et a1. Prospective laboratory re-validation of ocular-based drowsiness...detection technologies and countermeasures. In: Wierwille WW, Hanowski RJ, Olson RL, Dinges OF, Price NJ, Maislin G, et a1. NHTSA Drowsy Driver ·Detection

  14. Monitoring of radiation situation in the territory of the Voronezh region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu. I. Stepkin


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to assess the doses of personnel and the population at the expense of all the main activities and sources of radiation in the territory of the Voronezh region. The data of the forms of state statistical supervision No. 1-DOZ “Information on the doses of personnel from persons under normal use of technogenic sources of ionizing radiation”, No. 3-DOZ “Information on radiation doses of patients during X-ray radiology studies”, No. 4-DOZ “Information on radiation doses of the population due to natural and technogenically altered background” for 2010-2016 and the radiation and hygienic passport of the territory of the Voronezh Region. Based on the results of monitoring the radiation situation, the situation associated with the impact of ionizing radiation sources in the Voronezh Region has been characterized as safe for the past 7 years. The average annual effective dose per 1 inhabitant due to all ionizing radiation remains stable with a slight upward trend and lies in the range from 2.925 (2010 to 3.399 mSv (2016. In the structure of the collective dose of the population of the Voronezh region, the dose from natural sources is 83.65%, from medical sources – 16.06%, from technogenically changed background radiation, including global fallout and accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant – 0.18%, from the activities of enterprises using Sources of ionizing radiation – 0.11%. The average annual effective dose of natural exposure to humans varies from 0.660 to 0.704 mSv / year, natural radiation from radon from 0.832 to 1.465 mSv / year. The average effective dose from medical research for the procedure for the study period was 0.27-0.40 mSv and tends to decrease due to the introduction of modern low-dose medical diagnostic equipment. On the territory of the Voronezh region, there were no population groups with an effective radiation dose exceeding 5 mSv / year. Gamma-background in the region in 2010

  15. Radiological effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Environmental monitoring in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant has been shown the radiation dose to the public from plant operation to be quite small. Calculations from the reported release rates yield 0.2 mrem whole body dose and 0.6 mrem skin dose for the calendar quarter of maximum release. Radioactivity discharges to the Chesapeake Bay have resulted in detectable concentrations of /sup 110m/Ag, 58 Co, and 60 Co in sediments and shellfish. The area yielding samples with detectable concentrations of plant effluents extends for roughly six miles up and down the western shore, with maximum values found at the plant discharge area. The radiation dose to an individual eating 29 doz oysters and 15 doz crabs (5 kg of each) taken from the plant discharge area would be about 4/1000 mrem whole body dose and 0.2 mrem gastrointestinal tract dose (about 0.007% and 0.5% of the applicable guidelines, respectively.) Comparison of these power plant-induced doses with the fluctuations in natural radiation dose already experienced by the public indicates that the power plant effects are insignificant. The natural variations are tens of times greater than the maximum doses resulting from Calvert Cliffs Power Plant. Although operations to date provide an insufficient basis to predict radiological impact of the Calvert Cliffs Plant over its operational lifetime, available data indicate that the plant should continue to operate with insignificant radiological impact, well within all applicable guidelines

  16. El tratamiento del Patrimonio Cultural desde una metodología arqueológica en obras de trazado lineal: la construcción de la autopista Santiago-Alto de Santo Domingo (Galicia) como ejemplo


    Prieto-Martínez, M. Pilar; Blanco-Rotea, Rebeca; Aboal-Fernández, Roberto; Ayán Vila, Xurxo; Criado-Boado, Felipe


    [ES] Se presenta una síntesis del trabajo arqueológico de Seguimiento que está siendo llevado a cabo en las obras de la Autopista Santiago-Alto de Santo Domingo (de empresa constructora Dozón UTE). El trabajo arqueológico se inició en enero de 2001, y está previsto que sea finalizado a principios de 2003. Este trabajo forma parte del Plan de Corrección de Impacto Arqueológico de las obras. El tramo Santiago-Alto de Santo Domingo, de 36,600 km de longitud, ofrece un transepto muy significat...

  17. Kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir temperatūros poveikis braškių fiziologiniams rodikliams


    Urbonavičiūtė, Akvilė; Samuolienė, Giedrė; Sakalauskaitė, Jurga; Duchovskis, Pavelas; Brazaitytė, Aušra; Šikšnianienė, Jūratė Bronė; Šabajevienė, Gintarė; Baranauskis, Kęstutis; Sakalauskienė, Sandra; Uselis, Nobertas; Gelvonauskis, Bronislovas


    2005–2006 metais Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute fitotrono komplekse atliktų tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti kompleksinį UV-B spinduliuotės ir temperatūros poveikį braškių fiziologiniams rodikliams. Tirta, kaip 9 dienų trukmės švitinimas 0, 2 ir 4 kJ UV-B spinduliuotės dozėmis veikia braškių augimą, pigmentų ir cukrų biosintezę esant 21/14°C ir 25/16°C aplinkos temperatūrai. Chlorofilų ir karotinoidų koncentracija nustatyta spektrofotometriniu, cukrų – chromatografiniu metodu. T...

  18. Glucocorticosteroid-induced osteoporosis: pathogenesis, prevention, treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I A Baranova


    Full Text Available Glyukokortikoidindutsirovannyy osteoporoz (GIO - odno iz naibolee tyazhelykh oslozhneniy dlitel'noy (bolee 3 mes sistemnoy terapii glyukokortikoidami (SGK. On razvivaetsya u bol'nykh lyubogo vozrasta i pola i yavlyaetsya naibolee chastoy sistemnoy formoy vtorichnogo osteoporoza (OP. Bystraya poterya kostnoy massy proiskhodit uzhe v pervye mesyatsy lecheniya SGK. Perelomy ot minimal'noy travmy voznikayut pri bolee vysokikh pokazatelyakh mineral'noy plotnosti kosti, chem u bol'nykh pervichnym OP. Dazhe ispol'zovanie malykh doz SGK privodit k povysheniyu riska perelomov, s uvelicheniem sutochnoy dozy risk perelomov vozrastaet. U patsientov, primenyayushchikh vysokie dozy ingalyatsionnykh GK (IGK, uvelichenie riska OP i perelomov v bol'shey stepeni obuslovleno tyazhest'yu respiratornogo zabolevaniya, chem terapiey IGK. Predstavleny sovremennye printsipy profilaktiki i lecheniya GIO.

  19. Department of Defense Data Model, Version 1, Fy 1998, Volume 2. (United States)


    OOcs hhO . zzuj UJUJ« 22g LULJJQ DCCCQ- 3=0 OOC OOUJ IE DCS 0.0.0. Ul LI O Ü Ul 0 i- t~ 2 < rr DC fi e> n o cr DC n U. U’l UJ (-i...requires consideration of parameters relating to terrain, atmosphere, modulation techniques, energy levels, spurious and harmonic emissions , and noise...F 0 £0000 £1-1-1-1- 1- 1— rr 0 o£ l-OOOO ui ui t: Q LU LU Ul LU D.O.Z z x x x a. CO COLU O CO CO CO CO "--zz z ZZQ ~ xxz X X X X X hhO l-l-l

  20. Skiediklis bulių spermos kriokonservavimui pagal lietuvišką technologiją


    Pileckas, Vidmantas


    LGCK (laktozė – 10,5 g, glicerolis – 5 cm3, kiaušinio trynys – 15 cm3, natrio citratas – 0,2 g, bidistiliuotas vanduo – 100 cm3) skiediklis padidina tiesiai judančių spermatozoidų skaičių, absoliutų gyvybingumą (S) ir gyvybingumą (r) atitinkamai 20,5%, 24,6% ir 13,6% (P < 0,05), lyginant su kontroliniu skiedikliu LGK (laktozė – 11,5 g, glicerolis – 5 cm3, kiaušinio trynys – 30 cm3, bidistiliuotas vanduo – 100 cm3). Spermosano PPK dozės 50 ir 100 tūkst. v.v. / 100 cm3 spermatozoidų judrumą pad...

  1. Yoğun Bakımda Hafif Şiddetli Bir Propofol İnfüzyon Sendromu


    Tezcan, Aysu Hayriye; Oterkus, Mesut; Donmez, Ilksen; Ozturk, Omur; Yavuzekinci, Zeynep


    Propofol infüzyon sendromu (PRİS) nadir ama ölümcül bir hastalıktır. Bu sendrom çoğunlukla ilacın yüksek dozda uzun süreli infüzyonundan sonra oluşur. Metabolik asidoz, hipotansiyon, miyoglobinüri, artmış karaciğer ve kas enzimleri, kardiyak aritmiler ve kalp durması sendromun genel özellikleridir. Bu olgu sunumunda uzun süreli düşük doz (25–50 mcg/kg/dk) ilaç infüzyonundan sonra ortaya çıkan hafif tipte bir PRİS tartışılmıştır. Bu olguda ilaç infüzyonu esnasında ciddi metabolik asidoz, hipot...

  2. Doğrusal ivmelendirici cihazlarının NCRP–151 raporuna göre zırhlanması


    ÇATAK, Mehmet Nuri


       Bu tez çalışmasında, ALARA (gerekçeli olarak verilebilecek en düşük doz) ilkesine uygun olarak zırhlanan doğrusal hızlandırıcı (Linac)  cihazları için kullanılan malzemeler ve zırhlama hesaplamaları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. 

       Zırhlama hesaplamaları, Electa Synergy cihazı için yapılmıştır. 18 MV’lik x-ışınları için kabul edilen iş yükü; her haftada 5 gün, her günde 8 saat, her 8 saatte 20 hasta ve her hast...

  3. İneklerde embriyo transferinde farklı prostaglandin F2α protokolleri ile taşıyıcı senkronizasyonu


    Kırbaş, Mesut; Dursun, Şükrü; Köse, Mehmet; Bülbül, Bülent; Çolak, Mehmet; Mutlu, Hasan


    Amaç: Çalışmada, dondurulmuş çözdürülmüş embriyo transferi amacıyla taşıyıcı senkronizasyonunda kullanılan farklı prostaglandin F2α protokolleri karşılaştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Toplam 46 İsviçre Esmeri inek rastgele üç gruba ayrıldı. Grup I (n=15)’deki ineklere östrüs siklusunun herhangi bir döneminde i.m. yoldan tek doz 0.150 mg kloprostenol enjekte edildi. Enjeksiyonları takiben beş gün boyunca östrüsler takip edildi. Diğer ineklere ise 11 (Grup II, n=15) ya da 14 (Grup III, n=16) gün ara...


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    I. P. Stamat


    Full Text Available By this time in the Russian Federation there is collected a huge file of data describing the influence of all natural sources of ionizing radiation on population in municipal conditions. These data are collected and generalized in radiation hygiene passports of the Russian Federation for the last 16 years and in the reporting forms of federal statistical supervision No 4-DOZ “Data on doses of population irradiation due to the natural and manchanged radiation background” for a period of 14 years. These data are received by direct measurements of gamma radiation dose rate in the premises and in the open air on the territory of settlements. Measurements were made with the most different dosimeters; their technical and metrological parameters differ considerably. In this regard of certain interest is evaluation of this data reliability degree; that will help to find out the reasons of higher levels of the Russian Federation population external irradiation in comparison with average global dose values.In this article an attempt was made to evaluate reliability degree of data on the population external irradiation doses using the radiation hygiene passports of territories and reporting forms No 4-DOZ for the whole period of supervision. For this there was used the known dependence between the gamma radiation dose rate and natural radionuclides effective specific activity (AEFF in inhabitancy objects. For this purpose there were used the data on average AEFF values of building raw materials and of local manufacture materials, which are presented in radiation hygiene passports of territories. Definition of design value of gamma radiation dose rate in the buildings and in the open air according to AEFF measurement data in building raw materials and in local manufacture materials actually enables to get an independent evaluation of the population external irradiation doses. Comparison of two evaluations of the population external irradiation levels

  5. 10 rules for managing global innovation. (United States)

    Wilson, Keeley; Doz, Yves L


    More and more companies recognize that their dispersed, global operations are a treasure trove of ideas and capabilities for innovation. But it's proving harder than expected to unearth those ideas or exploit those capabilities. Part of the problem is that companies manage global innovation the same way they manage traditional, single-location projects. Single-location projects draw on a large reservoir of tacit knowledge, shared context, and trust that global projects lack. The management challenge, therefore, is to replicate the positive aspects of colocation while harnessing the opportunities of dispersion. In this article, Insead's Wilson and Doz draw on research into global strategy and innovation to present a set of guidelines for setting up and managing global innovation. They explore in detail the challenges that make global projects inherently different and show how these can be overcome by applying superior project management skills across teams, fostering a strong collaborative culture, and using a robust array of communications tools.

  6. The Histamine H3 Receptor Antagonist DL77 Ameliorates MK801-Induced Memory Deficits in Rats

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    Nermin Eissa


    Full Text Available The role of Histamine H3 receptors (H3Rs in memory, and the prospective of H3R antagonists in pharmacological control of neurodegenerative disorders, e.g., Alzheimer disease (AD is well-accepted. For that reason, the procognitive effects of the H3R antagonist DL77 on cognitive impairments induced with MK801 were tested in an inhibitory passive avoidance paradigm (PAP and novel object recognition (NOR task in adult male rats, using donepezil (DOZ as a standard drug. Acute systemic pretreatment with DL77 (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p. significantly ameliorated memory deficits induced with MK801 in PAP (all P < 0.05, n = 7. The ameliorative effect of most promising dose of DL77 (5 mg/kg, i.p. was reversed when rats were co-injected with the H3R agonist R-(α-methylhistamine (RAMH, 10 mg/kg, i.p. (p = 0.701 for MK801-amnesic group vs. MK801+DL77+RAMH group, n = 6. In the NOR paradigm, DL77 (5 mg/kg, i.p. counteracted long-term memory (LTM deficits induced with MK801 (P < 0.05, n = 6–8, and the DL77-provided effect was similar to that of DOZ (p = 0.788, n = 6–8, and was reversed when rats were co-injected with RAMH (10 mg/kg, i.p. (p = 0.877, n = 6, as compared to the (MK801-amnesic group. However, DL77 (5 mg/kg, i.p. did not alter short-term memory (STM impairment in NOR test (p = 0.772, n = 6–8, as compared to (MK801-amnesic group. Moreover, DL77 (5 mg/kg failed to modify anxiety and locomotor behaviors of animals innate to elevated-plus maze (EPM (p = 0.67 for percentage of time spent exploring the open arms, p = 0.52 for number of entries into the open arms, p = 0.76 for percentage of entries into the open arms, and p = 0.73 number of closed arm entries as compared to saline-treated groups, all n = 6, demonstrating that the procognitive effects observed in PAP or NOR tests were unconnected to alterations in emotions or in natural locomotion of tested animals. These results signify the potential involvement of H3Rs in modulating

  7. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi'nde Bina İçi Radon Konsantrasyonlarının Nükleer İz Dedektörleri Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi

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    Mehmet Ertan KÜRKÇÜOĞLU


    Full Text Available Kapalı ortamlarda zamanla birikebilen radon gazı alfa parçacıkları yayımlar ve doğal radyoaktivitenin yarısından doğrudan sorumludur. Yüksek seviyede radon ihtiva eden ortamlarda radon ve radon ürünlerinin solunması, akciğerde kanser oluşumuyla bağdaştırıldığından radon konsantrasyonlarının kapalı mekanlar için belirlenmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, 10 bin dekarlık alana sahip Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi'nde üçü doğu yerleşkesi, ikisi batı yerleşkesinde olmak üzere toplam beş binadaki (Ziraat Fakültesi, Hukuk Fakültesi, Atatürk Spor Salonu, Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi ile Bilgi İşlem Merkezi'ndeki atmosferik radon düzeyleri 92 ölçüm noktasına yerleştirilen CR-39 nükleer iz dedektörleri ile ölçülmüştür. Bu ölçümler yaklaşık 8 haftalık bir süre boyunca, 2010 yılı Mayıs ile Temmuz ayları arasında yapılmıştır. Dedektörlerin analizleri sonucunda; Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Hukuk Fakültesi, Atatürk Spor Salonu ve Bilgi İşlem Merkezi'ndeki bina içi ortalama radon konsantrasyonlarının sırasıyla 259 Bq/m3, 279 Bq/m3, 265 Bq/m3, 324 Bq/m3 ve 173 Bq/m3 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu birimleri kullanan personel ve öğrencilerin radon nedeniyle alacakları tahmini doz miktarları hesaplanmış ve yıllık etkin doz eşdeğerlerinin, yine aynı sırayla 2,7 mSv, 2,9 mSv, 2,8 mSv, 3,4 mSv ve 1,8 mSv düzeyinde olduğu bulunmuştur.

  8. Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Insects and Other Arthropods; Effet des rayonnements ionisants sur les insectes et autres arthropodes; Vozdejstvie ioniziruntsej radiatsii na nasekomykh i drugikh chlenistonogikh; Efectos de las radiaciones ionizantes sobre los insectos y otros artropodos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stone, William E. [United States Department of Agriculture Laboratories, Mexico City, D.F (Mexico)


    razvedeniya nasekomykh v massovykh kolichestva. S drugoj storony, nekotorye vidy nasekomykh yavlyayutsya nastol'ko mnogochislennymi, chto primenenie ehtogo metoda mozhet okazat'sya neosushchestvimym bez predvaritel'noj obrabotki zarazhennogo rajona drugimi sredstvami istrebleniya dlya privlecheniya na dostupnoe rasstoyanie populyatsij nasekomykh. Nesmotrya na ehti zatrudneniya, pri blagopriyatnykh obstoyatel'stvakh vryad li kakie-libo drugie metody istrebleniya vrednykh nasekomykh predstavlyayutsya stol' zhe perspektivnymi. Metod sterilizatsii pri pomoshchi radiatsii mozhet sluzhit' sposobom otdaleniya invazii do okonchaniya sbora urozhaya. V doklade soobshchaetsya o vozdejstvii gamma-izlucheniya na potentsial razmnozheniya, polovuyu agressivnost', silu i zhivuchest' vostochnoj plodovoj mukhi Rasiv dorsalis (Hendel), dynnoj mukhi Dacus cucurbltae (Coq.), sredizemnomorskoj plodovoj mukhi Ceratltla capitata (Wied.), meksikanskoj plodovoj mukhi Anastrepha ludens (Loew) i malyarijnogo komara Anopheles quadrlmaculatus (Say); v doklade privodyatsya takzhe rezul'taty prakticheskikh ispytanij vypuske sterilizovannykh samtsov na opytnoe pole dlya istrebleniya populyatsij. Daetsya opisanie dal'nejshego khoda kampanii po istrebleniyu bych'ego ovoda Cochliomyla homlnlvorax (Cqrl.) v Soedinennykh Shtatakh Ameriki i izucheniya razvedeniya sil'nykh, geneticheski markirovannykh osobej, kotorye pozvolyat legko vyyavlyat' vypushchennykh na votgyu sterilizovannykh ovodov. Obsuzhdayutsya takzhe rezul'taty issledovanij po oblucheniyu 6 dopolnitel'nykh vidov vreditelej, porazhayushchikh frukty, ovoshchi, polevye i lesnye kul'tury, 3 vidov, porazhaptsikh skot, i 3 vidov, napadayushchikh glavnym obrazom na cheloveka, a takzhe vozdejstvie oblucheniya ka skorpionov Centruroides limpidus (Karsch), odnozvezdchatogo kleshcha AshYuovdaa americanum (L.); dalee obsuzhdaetsya vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya ioniziruitsego izlucheniya v kachestve vozmozhnogo garantijnogo sredstva dlya dezinfestatsii ovoshchej i

  9. On the radiological consequences near and far away from the catastrophically damaged Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Susnik, J [Reactor Engineering Div., Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    The influence of the radioactive cloud rise at the site on the potential expected post accidental doses, using the WASH-1400 PWR-1A scenario and the CRAC 2 model, was studied. The UNSCEAR 1988 was used to estimate the activity of the cloud that contaminated Slovenia and neighbouring areas. The contamination levels at the J.Stefan Institute were used for comparison (the match was surprisingly good). Some of the expected doses due to early irradiation from the cloud, ground, inhalation and ingestion are also shown. Dose reduction possibilities were estimated. (author) [Slovenian] Preucili smo vpliv dviga radioaktivnega oblaka na lokaciji JE na potencialne ponezgodne doze, pri cemer smo izhajali iz WASH-1400 PWR-1A scenarija in uporabili program CRAC2. UNSCEAR 1988 smo uporabili za oceno aktivnosti oblaka, ki je onesnazil Slovenijo in sosednja podrocja. Nivoje kontaminacije izmerjene na lokaciji Instituta J. Stefan smo uporabili za primerjavo (ujemanje je bilo presenetljivo dobro). Podajamo tudi nekatere pricakovane doze zgodnjega obsevanja iz oblaka, s tal, vdihovanja in vnosa hrane. Ocenili smo mozna znizanja doz. [author].

  10. Absorption of vitamin B12 and effect of pancreatic juice on gastric vitamin B12 binder in the dog

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasaki, Yukio


    The effect of pancreatic juice on vitamin B 12 absorption was studied in dogs. It was found that dog gastric juice as well as pancreatic juice contain vitamin B 12 binding proteins which differ in the elution pattern on DEAE-cellulose columns, the former being eluted at much lower sodium chloride concentrations. When radio-active vitamin B 12 was fed or instilled in the proximal bowel and vitamin B 12 recovered at different bowel levels, it was found that vitamin B 12 -protein complex behaved like gastric juice binder in the proximal bowel and like pancreatic binder in the distal. In vitro digestion of gastric binder with pancreatic juice altered vitamin B 12 -protein complex in such a way that elution pattern became similar to that of pancreatic juice. It was also shown that the change was not due to transfer of vitamin B 12 from gastric binder to pancreatic binder. Trypsin digestion had similar effect on gastric binder, and Sephadex G-200 gelfiltration demonstrated reduction in the molecular size. In the doz, vitamin B 12 first bound to gastric binder undergoes chemical changes in the bowel and becomes a readily absorbable form in the distal bowel. (auth.)

  11. Neonikotinoid İnsektisitlere Bağlı Olarak Drosophila melanogaster’in AChE Aktivitesinde Meydana Gelen Değişikliklerin Bitkisel Ekstraktlar ile Giderilmesi Üzerine Araştırmalar

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    Sedat Ünver


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, Drosophila melanogaster’in ergin bireylerinde bulunan asetil kolinesteraz (AChE enzim aktivitesi üzerine İmidakloprid (İMİ ve Asetamiprid (ASE  insektisitlerinin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca farklı bitkilere ait su ekstraktlarının (Salvia lavandulifolia, Hypericum scabrum, Capsella bursa-pastoris ve Teucrium orientale iyileştirici etkileri de in vivo olarak incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla iki deney grubu oluşturulmuştur. İlk deney grubunda ergin bireylere yalnızca farklı dozlarda insektisit (0,5; 1,0; 1,5 ve 2,0 ppm, diğer deney grubunda ise insektisit + bitki ekstraktları (1:1 v/v birlikte uygulanmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda insektisitler doz artışına bağlı olarak ergin bireylerde AChE aktivitesini artırmıştır (P<0,05. Ancak insektisitler bitkisel ekstraktlar ile birlikte uygulanınca enzim aktivitesi tekrar kontrol grubuna yaklaşmıştır (P<0,05.

  12. Resonance absorption of nuclear gamma radiation; Absorption par resonance des rayons gamma; Rezonansnaya absorbtsiya i rasseyanie yadernogo gamma-izlucheniya; Absorcion por resonancia de las radiaciones gamma en los nucleos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanna, S S; Perlow, G J [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    radiacion do resonancia con y sin polarizacion. Estos estudios les han conducido a una interpretacion de la estructura hiperfina en funcion de las propiedades de los estados nucleares y de la interaccion hiperfina en el hierro. Tambien han investigado los efectos de un campo magnetico externo sobre la estructura hiperfina. Por otra parte, la absorcion por resonancia en el {sup 57}Fe permitio estudiar la relacion entre la cronologia de la desintegracion de im estado nuclear y el espectro de la radiacion observada. Se realizaron observaciones detalladas sobre el espectro de las radiaciones de resonancia filtradas, en funcion del tiempo, en condiciones muy diversas. (author) [Russian] Kak pokazal Messbauehr, ispuskanie i pogloshchenie yadernogo izlucheniya bez otdachi yadra obespechivaet prostoj metod izucheniya vzaimodejstviya yader s ehlektromagnitnym izlucheniem i, chto ochen' vazhno, yavlyaetsya chrezvychajno chuvstvitel'nym sredstvom issledovaniya bol'shogo kolichestva fizicheskikh zadach. V sluchae yader zheleza-57 sozdaetsya ves'ma blagopriyatnoe polozhenie, tak kak v ehtom sluchae rezonansnoe pogloshchenie mozhet ispol'zovat'sya v kachestve ochen' chuvstvitel'nogo detektora izmeneniya chastoty ehlektromagnitnogo izlucheniya. Detal'no izuchalos' rezonansnoe pogloshchenie v zheleze-57. Intensivnost' pogloshcheniya, forma i liniya sdviga nablyudalis' v zavisimosti ot temperatury. Polyarizatsiya radioaktivnogo izlucheniya nablyudalas' posredstvom ehksperimentov s namagnichennymi istochnikami i poglotitelyami. Sverkhtonkij spektr rezonansnoj radiatsii analizirovalsya s polyarizatsiej i bez nee. EHti issledovaniya priveli k tolkovaniyu sverkhtonkoj struktury v otnoshenii svojstv yadernykh sostoyanij i sverkhtonkogo vzaimodejstviya v zheleze. Bylo rassmotreno takzhe vliyanie vneshnego magnitnogo polya na sverkhtonkuyu strukturu. Rezonansnoe pogloshchenie v zheleze-57 bylo ispol'zovano dlya izucheniya svyazi mezhdu razvitiem raspada yadernogo sostoyaniya vo vremeni i spektrom

  13. Reproductive state of health as a criterion for deterministic effects of low radiation doses; Sostoyanie reproduktivnogo zdorovya kak kriterij determinirovannykh effecktov malykh doz izlucheniya

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buldakov, L A; Vasilenko, I Ya; Demin, S I; Lyaginskaya, A M; Saurov, M M [Russian Federation State Science Centre, Biophysics Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation)


    Changes of such indicators of reproductive health like stillbirth, neonates sick rate, frequency of genetic malformations, neonate mortality immediately after the Chernobyl catastrophe as well as after a long period (Southern Ural) after irradiation, show a positive correlation with the radiation dose. The reproductive health is the most important social indicator of the well being of individuals or population. Deterioration of the reproductive health indicators in Central Russia was proved to depend very significantly on on the degree of soil contamination by cesium-137, and on radiation doses received by the population. 1 tab.

  14. High-Dose Ionizing Radiation Photographic Dosimetry; Mesure, par des Methodes Photogra Phiques, de Doses Elevees de Rayonnements Ionisants; 0424 041e 0422 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Dosimetria Fotografica de Dosis Elevadas de Radiaciones Ionizantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trousil, J.; Bucina, I. [Institute for Research Production and Application of Radioisotopes Prague, Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic)


    sobre las emulsiones rapidas y lentas con elevada concentracion de plata. En las emulsiones que se usan para la medicion de dosis elevadas y que se revelan en presencia de retardadores, se ha determinado la influencia ejercida por la energia y la atenuacion de la imagen latente sobre la precision de las determinaciones. Por ultimo, se describen los errores de la evaluacion fotografica de dosis elevadas hallados aplicando metodos estadisticos al analisis de los resultados experimentales. Se examina tambien el incremento del error en las regiones de debil y fuerte ennegrecimiento. Tambien se consideran los errores debidos a la calibracion de los aparatos, la influencia de la energia, la atenuacion de la imagen latente, el tratamiento quimico y la medicion del ennegrecimiento. La hipotesis de que la dosis medida con dosimetros de pelicula corresponde a la dosis recibida por el organismo entero, constituye un error que no se toma en consideracion. (author) [Russian] V jetoj rabote opisyvaetsja fotograficheskaja dozimetrija ionizirujushhej radiacii v diapazone ot 10 millirad do 1000 rad (dlja gamma-izluchenija bolee vysokoj intensivnosti). Pri jetom metode ispol'zujutsja dve fotoplenki s razlichnoj jemul'siej, kotorye odnovremenno pomeshhajut v odin i tot zhe plenochnyj dozimetr. Sushhestvennoj chertoj jetogo metoda javljaetsja to, chto dozy v vysheprivedennom diapazone mogut byt' opredeleny bez znanija o tom, chto imelo mesto obluchenie bol'shimi dozami, s tochnost'ju luchshej chem {+-}25%v predelah vsego diapazona doz (doveritel'nyj interval 95%), a takzhe to, chto jenergiju obluchenija v plenke mozhno opredelit' s horoshej approksimaciej. Rassmatrivajutsja pribory, vidy plenok i himicheskaja obrabotka, kotorye pozvoljajut proizvodit' jeti izmerenija. Opisyvaetsja princip izgotovlenija densitometra, s pomoshh'ju kotorogo mozhno izmerit' potemnenie fotoplenki s odinakovoj tochnost'ju v diapazone ot D = 0 do D = 6. Takim putem mozhno ispol'zovat' vsju oblast' imejushhegosja

  15. Radon, smoking and human papilloma virus as risk factors for lung cancer in an environmental epidemiological study

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    G. P. Malinovsky


    Full Text Available The aim of the study: to analyze the risk of lung cancer caused by exposure to indoor radon using an environmental study, taking into account recent data on the possible effect of Human Papillomavirus, based on lung cancer mortality and radon exposure in the Russian regions.Materials and methods: in the analysis, linear dependencies of lung cancer against influencing factors were used. The average radon concentration for the regions of Russia was earlier reconstructed on the basis of the annual reports of the form 4-DOZ. Information on morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms in Russia was obtained from annual reports issued by the Р. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute. As a surrogate of the level of infection with Human Papillomavirus, the incidence of cervix cancer was used. The smoking prevalence was estimated applying data on the incidence of tongue cancer.Results: taking into account smoking and infection with Human Papillomavirus, it is possible to obtain estimates of lung cancer excess relative risk when induced by radon in dwellings consistent with the results of case-control studies.Conclusion: the analysis of regionally aggregated data on deaths from lung cancer in Russia, the average level of indoor radon concentrations and significant risk factors for lung cancer confirms the linear threshold-free concept of radiation-induced carcinogenesis.

  16. Discoloration of plasticized PVC upon irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojima, Keiichi; Ueno, Keiji; Kumafuji, Hisao.


    The effects of the factors on the discoloration of PVC cross-linked by electron irradiation, such as irradiation dose, the polymerization degree of PVC resin, plasticizers and stabilizers, were studied. The composition of the plasticized PVC used for the experiment was 100 PHR of PVC, 50 PHR of plasticizer, 5 PHR of stabilizer and 5 PHR of cross-linking agent (TMPMA). Three samples with the different degree of polymerization of the PVC resin were used, namely 750, 1050 and 2600. As the plasticizers, phthalic acid esters (DBP, DOP, DIDP), trimellitic acid esters (TOTM, n-TOTM), fatty acid esters (DOS, DOZ), polyester and epoxy group plasticizers were used. The irradiation dose for the test was 3, 6 and 12 Mrad. The experimental results are summarized as follows. As the electron irradiation dose was higher, the resultant discoloration was more remarkable, and the optimum irradiation dose was below 6 Mrad. The degree of polymerization of the PVC resin did not affect the irradiation discoloration. However it was noticed that the cross-linking efficiency was better as the degree of polymerization was higher. The cross-linking efficiency was better as the content of plasticizer was more. The fatty acid esters and epoxy groups showed less discoloration and better cross-linking efficiency. Tin and barium-zinc stabilizers were good. (Kako, I.)

  17. Artvin, Rize ve Trabzon’daki Doğal Kaynak Sularında Toplam Alfa, Toplam Beta Aktivite Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi ve Jeoistatistiksel Olarak Modellenmesi

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    Yaşar Kobya


    Full Text Available Trabzon, Rize ve Artvin yaklaşık 18000km2 alan üzerine kurulmuş ve yaklaşık 2 milyon insanın yaşadığı Türkiye’nin en kuzey doğusunda bulunan üç ildir. Bu üç ilde toplam 20 tane içme suyu kaynağından örnekler alındı ve bunların toplam alfa, toplam beta aktivite değerleri Berthold LB770 marka alfa, beta sayım cihazı kullanılarak belirlendi. Toplam alfa aktivite değerleri 1.7-114.2 Bq/L ve toplam beta aktivite değerleri ise 2.9-90.8 Bq/L aralıklarında ölçüldü. Bulunan bu değerler dünya sağlık örgütü (WHO’nün limit değerleri ve yapılmış diğer benzer çalışmalarla karşılaştırıldı. Elde edilen veriler için klasik istatistik hesaplamalar yapıldı. Ayrıca jeoistatistik analiz yöntemi kullanılarak eş-doz eğrileri oluşturuldu ve harita üzerinde gösterilerek bölge için bir risk haritası oluşturuldu.

  18. The Relationship between Blood Injury and Absorbed Dose in Criticality Accidents; Relations entre la Deterioration du Sang et la Dose Absorbee lors d'Accidents Dus a la Formation d'un Etat Critique; Svyaz' mezhdu velichinoj pogloshchennoj dozy pri avariyakh na reaktorakh, dostigshikh kritichnosti, i narusheniem sostava krovi; Relacion entre las Hemolesiones y la Dosis Absorbida en los Accidentes de Criticidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dennis, J. A. [Health Physics and Medical Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    absorbidas por el tronco humano. Examina la relacion entre estas estimaciones de dosis y los valores del diagrama del recuento sanguineo basado en el sistema de valoracion propuesto por N. Wald y G. E. Thoma para las desviaciones con respecto a los indices normales de linfocitos, neutrofilos y plaquetas en la sangre periferica. Demuestra que un parametro basado en la dosis gamma absorbida superficialmente y en la actividad del {sup 24}Na en la sangre concuerda mas satisfactoriamente con el diagrama mencionado y se presta mejor para pronosticar la gravedad de una radiolesion que cualquiera de las estimaciones dosimetricas corrientes. En general, la EBR de las dosis de particulas pesadas de retroceso deducida de estas observaciones armoniza con los valores obtenidos en experimentos realizados con perros. (author) [Russian] Dlja opredelenija dozy, pogloshhennoj poverhnost'ju tela cheloveka,vychisljalis' dozy nejtronnogo i gamma-obluchenij dlja lic, podvergshihsja oblucheniju pri avarijah na reaktorah, dostigshih kritichnosti. Izuchalas' svjaz' mezhdu jetimi dozami i ''profil'nym sostavom krovi'' po metodu M. Uolda i Dzh. Toma dlja otklonenij ot normy limfocitov, nejtrofil'nyh lejkocitov i trombocitov. Pokazano, chto velichina dozy, poluchennaja pri podschete poverhnostnoj pogloshhennoj dozy gamma- obluchenija i urovnja aktivnosti natrija-24 v krovi, v bol'shej stepeni soglasuetsja s profil'nym sostavom krovi i javljaetsja bolee nadezhnym prognosticheskim priznakom pri ocenke ste peni luch ev o go porazhenija, chem standartnye metody ocenki doz obluchenija. Otnositel'naja biologicheskaja jeffektivnost' doz tjazhelyh chastic otdachi, poluchennyh pri jetih nabljudenijah, v obshhem so glasuetsja s velichinami, poluchennymi v rezul'tate jeksperimentov na sobakah. (author)

  19. Dichlorvos’un (DDVP Allium cepa L. Kök Ucu Meristem Hücrelerinde Mitoz Bölünme ve Kromozomlar Üzerine Etkileri

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    Hatice Soykan


    Full Text Available Özet. Çalışmamızda, DDVP’nin A. cepa’da kök uzunluğu, kök sayısı, mitoz bölünme ve kromozomlar üzerine olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. DDVP’nin 2ml/L, 4ml/L, 6 ml/L dozları 12, 24 ve 48 saat olmak üzere üç farklı süre ile A. cepa bitkisinin köklerine uygulanmıştır. Uygulama sonucu her soğandaki kökler sayılmış ve kök uzunlukları ölçülmüştür. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucu kontrol gruplarına göre uygulama gruplarının kök sayısının süreye bağlı olarak azalma gösterdiği görülmüştür. Uygulama gruplarının kök uzunlukları kontrol grupları ile karşılaştırıldıklarında uzunluğun genellikle doz ve süreye bağlı olarak azalma gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Mikroskobik gözlemler sonucu elde edilen veriler tablolara aktarılmış ve SPSS 12.0 programında yapılan istatistiksel analizler ile sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre DDVP’nin A.cepa bitkisinin köklerinde mitotik indeksi azalttığı saptanmıştır. Mitotik indeksin azalması süre artışına bağlı bir paralellik gösterirken, doz artışına bağlı bir paralellik göstermemektedir. İnsektisitin A.cepa bitkisinin köklerine uygulanması sonucu kromozomlarda hasarlar meydana gelmiştir. En fazla gözlenen kromozom hasarları yapışkanlık, yanlış kutuplaşma ve fragment oluşumudur. Bundan başka anafaz köprüsü ve mikronükleus oluşumları da görülmüştür. Abstract. In our study, effects of DDVP on A.cepa root length, root number, mitosis and chromosomes are determined.  Different doses of DDVP (2ml/L, 4 ml/L, 6 ml/L were applied to A. cepar oots with three different application periods (12h, 24h, 48h. Roots of tubers were counted and root lengths were measured after applications. Our results show that root numbers of application groups are decreased correlated with application time. When root length of application groups with control group is compared, root length decrease

  20. Radionuclide diagnostics in St. Petersburg: сurrent status and development challenges

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    I. A. Zvonova


    Full Text Available This work aims at radionuclide diagnostics analyses in the Russian Federation city of St. Petersburg over 2005–2014. The study covers trends and development challenges , availability of radionuclide diagnostics for population needs, exposure doses for patients.This work aims at radionuclide diagnostics analyses in the Russian Federation city of St. Petersburg over 2005–2014. The study covers trends and development challenges , availability of radionuclide diagnostics for population needs, exposure doses for patients.Materials and methods. The radionuclide diagnostics temporal and structural changes’ analysis was based on Federal state statistical observation forms No.3-DOZ for St. Petersburg and on the results of radionuclide diagnostics subdivision surveys with radiology physicians’ questionnaires on the amount and composition of conducted examinations, dosages of introduced radioactivity of radiopharmaceticals and patients’ doses.The results. Since the end of 1990s until 2012 the amount of radionuclide diagnostics procedures had been steadily reducing. 74000 procedures were conducted in 2005 and 35500 in 2012. The number of radionuclide diagnostics procedures per one thousand residents reduced from 16 to 7.2. Both indicators slightly grew in 2013. In 2014 the total number of radiodiagnostic proceduress amounted up to 42000 and 8.2 tests per 1000 residents. Since 2011 the diagnostic equipment was upgraded. Four medical institutions received SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography or SPECT/CT, two new PET ( positron emission tomographs – centers were set up, three medical institutions had acquired positron emission tomographs (PET and are conducting PET – diagnostics receiving radiofarmaceuticals from external PET – center. At the same time one a third of radiodiagnostic units still has been operating obsolete and depreciated equipment dating back to 1980–1990 .Inspection results indicated that St. Petersburg

  1. The Measurement of Integrated Gamma-Ray Doses in the Range 50 Mrad to 5 Mrad Using Phosphate Glass and Lithium Fluoride; Mesure, au Moyen de Verre au Phosphate et de Fluorure de Lithium, de Doses Integrees de Rayons Gamma de 50 Mrad a 5 Mrad; 0418 0417 041c 0414 ; Medicion de Dosis Integradas de Rayos Gamma de 50 Mrad a 5 Mrad por Medio de Vidrio al Fosfato y de Fluoruro de Litio

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    Webb, G. A.M. [Central Electricity Generating Board, Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, Berkeley, Glos. (United Kingdom)


    de 10{sup 8}; en cambio, el LiF puede utilizarse para dosis ligeramente inferiores, pero alcanza el punto de saturacion por encima de 10{sup 5} rad. El LiF es casi independiente de la energia, en tanto que el vidrio posee, a 60 keV, una sensibilidad siete veces mayor que para las radiaciones del {sup 60}Co; esta desviacion puede corregirse con ayuda de un blindaje, pero este presenta el inconveniente de elevar el limite energetico inferior. Se ha investigado muy a fondo el fenomeno de desvanecimiento en el vidrio; el del LiF no es tan marcado y ha merecido menos interes. Tanto el vidrio como el LiF pueden recocerse y utilizarse de nuevo y ambos se han sometido a varios ciclos de recocido, determinandose tambien las alteraciones de la sensibilidad. Para cada sistema se han estudiado los efectos de la temperatura de irradiacion y de almacenamiento entre 20 y 100 Degree-Sign C, y se han evaluado las dosis en flujos mixtos de neutrones y rayos {gamma}. La memoria compara ambos sistemas desde el punto de vista de su empleo practico y de su aplicacion en casos especiales. (author) [Russian] Radiofotoljuminiscencija i izmenenie cveta fosfatnogo stekla sravnivajutsja s termoljuminis- cenciej ftoristogo litija v kachestve osnovy dozimetricheskih sistem v diapazone doz gamma- izluchenija ot 50 millirad do 5 megarad. Stimulirovannaja ljuminiscencija fosfatnogo stekla s aktivirovannym serebrom pri nizkom znachenii Z byla izmerena s pomoshh'ju serijnogo fluorimetra (ftorostekljannyj dozimetr Toshiba), a takzhe spektrometra dlja izmerenija izmenenija opticheskoj plotnosti v oblasti bol'shih doz. Izucheno vlijanie razlichnyh processov ochistki stekla. Termoljuminiscencija ftoristogo litija izmerena s pomoshh'ju laboratornogo schityvajushhego ustrojstva f ja poluchenija krivyh svechenija i posledujushhego integrirovanija ploshhadi pod neobhodimym pikom Jemissionnyj spektr termoljuminiscencii izmeren s pomoshh'ju opticheskih fil'trov, kotorye takzhe ispol'zovalis' dlja maksimal

  2. Awareness and use of caffeine by athletes competing at the 2005 Ironman Triathlon World Championships. (United States)

    Desbrow, Ben; Leveritt, Michael


    This study assessed the knowledge, prevalence, and quantity of caffeine use by athletes competing at the 2005 Ironman Triathlon World Championships. Caffeine-related questionnaires were self-administered to 140 (105 male and 35 female, 40.3 +/- 10.7 y) athletes representing 16 countries. Fifty of these athletes further consented to immediate post-race blood samples for analysis of plasma caffeine and paraxanthine using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Seventy-two percent of 70 athletes correctly identified caffeine as being an unrestricted substance in triathlon. The majority of athletes [125 (89%)] were planning on using a caffeinated substance immediately prior to or throughout the race. Cola drinks (78%), caffeinated gels (42%), coffee (usually pre-race) (37%), energy drinks (13%), and NoDoz tablets (9%) were the most popular caffeinated choices. Mean +/- standard deviation (and range) post race plasma caffeine and paraxanthine levels were 22.3 +/- 20 micromol/L (1.7 to 98.4) and 9.4 +/- 6 micromol/L (1.8 to 28.9), respectively. Seven athletes (14%) finished with plasma caffeine levels > or = 40 micromol/L. Plasma values from elite athletes did not differ from age group competitors. Despite the prevalence of its consumption and the training experience of this athletic group, over one quarter of athletes remained either confused or uninformed about caffeine's legality. Levels of plasma caffeine taken immediately post race indicated that athletes typically finish with quantities of caffeine that have been shown to improve endurance performance (i.e., approximately 20 micromol/L or a dose of > or = 3 mg/kg body weight).

  3. Batteryless {gamma}-Ray Dosimeter; Dosimetre de rayons {gamma}, sans batteries; {gamma}-dozimetr bez batarei; Dosimetro a rayos {gamma} sin bateria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, Bernhard [National Institute of Technology, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    The Compton current produced by X-rays and {gamma}-rays in the 0.3 to 3 MeV range is proportional to the radiant energy flux. Therefore the intensity of the current can be used as a measure of radiation dose. The present paper describes a radiation receiver and electrical measuring system suitable for Compton current measurements and results obtained with this device under irradiation from a 2000 curie Co{sup 60} source. (author) [French] Le courant de Compton produit par des rayons X et {gamma} dans le domaine d'energies compris entre 0,3 et 3 MeV est proportionnel au flux d'energie rayonnante. C'est pourquoi l'intensite du courant peut servir de mesure de la dose de rayonnements. Le memoire decrit un ensemble, appareil recepteur de rayonnements et appareil de mesure electrique, permettant de mesurer le courant de Compton et il expose les resultats obtenus, au moyen de ce dispositif, sous irradiation par une source de Co{sup 60} de 2000 curies. (author) [Spanish] La corriente de Compton producida por rayos X y rayos {gamma} de energia comprendida entre 0,3 y 3 MeV es proporcional al flujo de energia radiante. Por consiguiente, la intensidad de la corriente puede servir para medir la dosis de radiacion. En este trabajo se describen un receptor de radiaciones y un sistema de medicion electrica apropiados para determinar la intensidad de la corriente de Compton, asi como los resultados obtenidos mediante este dis- positivo cuando se irradia con una fuente de Co{sup 60} de 2000 curies. (author) [Russian] Komptonovskij potok, obrazuemyj rentgenovskim i luchami i {gamma}-luchami v predelakh ot 0,3 do 3 mehv, proportsionale n potoku luchistoj ehnergii. Poehtomu intensivnost' potoka mozhet byt' ispol'zovana dlya izmereniya dozy radiatsii. V nastoyashchem dokumente opisyvayutsya radiatsionny j priemnik i ehlektricheskaya izmeritel'naya sistema, prigodnye dlya izmerenij s pomoshch'yu komptonovskog o potoka, i rezul'taty, poluchennye s pomoshch'yu ehtogo ustrojstva v khode


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    Münevver Arzu Harzadın


    Full Text Available Diyabet (D, kolesterol (K ve tansiyon (T sınıfına ait seçilmiş ilaçların üçlü etkileşimleri semi-empirik yöntemler ile teorik olarak incelendi. İlaç moleküllerinin en kararlı geometrileri CS Chem3D programı ile MM2 yönteminde belirlendi. Kararlı geometrilerden input dosyaları elde edildi. PM7 hesaplama yöntemi kullanılarak MOPAC2012 paket programında termodinamik hesaplamaları su (ɛ=78,4 ve kan (ɛ=58 fazında iki farklı sıcaklıkta (T=298K ve T=310K yapıldı. Hesaplama sonuçlarından üçlü ilaç moleküllerinin entalpi (H, oluşum ısıları (Hf ve entropi (S değerleri okundu.  Bu değerlerden yararlanılarak tekli ve üçlü moleküllerin Gibss Serbert Enerjisi (ΔG ve ΔGf değerleri hesaplandı.MOPAC2012 yöntemine göre vücut sıcaklığında (T=310K kan fazında belirlenen K3-D3-T2 ve K1-D2-T3 üçlü etkileşim yapan moleküller kullanıldığında birbirlerinin etkisini azaltacağı ya da artıracağı için mutlaka hekim tarafından doz ayarlaması yapılarak kullanılması gerekmektedir.


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    I. P. Stamat


    Full Text Available The first 5–7 years of the period under review in the history of the Natural Sources Dosimetry Laboratory happened to be in very hard period, which had a time the entire country. A severe funding reduction of the Institute in the 90-s created a threat of loss of the most active and highly professional middle-aged specialists. In these conditions, the only and the most efficient way to maintain Institute as a scientific establishment was to organize the Federal Radiological Center under the guidance of Dr. A.N. Barkovskiy. The Federal Radiological Center consisted of the all physical laboratories, including the Natural Sources Dosimetry Laboratory, without government funding. Nevertheless, as it is shown below, this period was the most fruitful for theoretical and experimental researches, and for development of legal documents and instructional guidance documents. Over these years, more than 10 sanitary regulations and hygienic standards, and more than 20 guidance documents were developed and implemented. Doses of the population due to the natural exposure data-collecting system on the base of federal statistical observation №4-DOZ form were designed. At this period, the first Federal Target Program «Radon» and the System of radiation and hygienic passportization of organizations and territories were developed and authorized. Dr. E.M. Krisiuk was fully engaged in these activities. In these years a great number of non-nuclear companies were examined. Large-scale studies of levels of exposure of the population on specific territories were conducted. The paper examines a summary of the main results, which were obtained in the most important areas of research and practical studies in the period under review.

  6. Disintegration-Rate Determination by 4 {pi} Counting; Determination du taux de desintegrations par comptage 4 {pi}; Opredelenie skorosti raspada pri pomotsi 4 {pi} schetchikov; Determinacion de la velocidad de desintegracion por recuento 4 {pi}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pate, Brian D [Chemistry Department, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    sistemy 4 {pi} schetchikov, usta navlivayutsya kriterii, kotorye stavyat izmereniya skorosti raspada, osushchestvlyaemye dannoj sistemoj, na sovershennuyu osnovu. V obshchikh chertakh daetsya opisanie vidov protsessa radioaktivnogo raspada, ego razlichnye pogreshnosti, kotorye mogut v dannom izmerenii. Podrobno obsuzhdaetsya otklonenie veroyatnoj chuvstvitel'nost i ot edinitsy, pogloshchennie radiatsii v sisteme ustanovki istochnika i samopogloshchenie istochnika. (author)

  7. Issues of assessment of doses from natural sources in working conditions: implications for the unified state system of individual dose monitoring

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    T. A. Kormanovskaya


    Full Text Available The aims of the work are: 1 an analysis of information on radiation doses from natural sources of ionizing radiation of employees of enterprises in some industries of the Russian Federation and 2 an assessment of the state of registration of doses from natural sources in working conditions in the Unified System of Individual Dose Control. Materials and methods. The analysis was performed on the results of the operation of the Federal database of radiation doses of the population due to natural and artificial radiation background in 2013–2015 on the basis of the forms of the Federal statistical observation No. 4-DOZ in terms of collecting information on the radiation doses of workers in some non-nuclear industries due to natural sources of ionizing radiation. Results. Analysis of enterprises in 17 industries in 23 regions of Russia connected with the specificity of production processes showed cases of natural exposure of workers at the dose level exceeding 5 mSv/year. We have identified those branches of industry, for which the doses were close to 5 mSv/year.Examples of reducing the radiation doses by reducing the time spent by workers in workplaces with high levels of radiation are given. The problems of insufficient representativeness of the sample data are due to the lack of interaction of the management of industrial enterprises with the bodies of the Rospotrebnadzor. The obtained data allow speaking about the problem of assessing the quality of radiation control in the organizations where additional exposure of workers from natural radiation sources is expected. It is necessary to create a system of regulatory and procedural documents to solve the problem at the national level.

  8. An analysis of the efficiency of countermeasures intended to decrease radiation doses for population in radiologically contaminated territories.; Analiz ehffektivnosti kontrmer po snizheniyu doz oblucheniya naseleniya, prozhivayushchego na radioaktivno zagryaznennykh territoriyakh.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kretinin, A V; Landin, A F [Naukovo-Tekhnyichnij Tsentr z dezaktivatsyiyi ta kompleksnogo povodzhennya z radyioaktivnimi vyidkhodami, Zhovtyi Vodi (Ukraine)


    Efficiency of decontamination measures in settlements contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl disaster (exemplified by the Kiev and Zhitomir Regions) is analyzed. Specific and total expenditures for decontamination of a single farm-stead and of a settlement on the whole are described. Estimation of a decrease in the external equivalent radiation dose of population as a result of decontamination measures undertaken is presented.

  9. Jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės dozės ir citokinus koduojančių genų polimorfizmo reikšmė gydant mielominės ligos sukeltus kaulų pažeidimus


    Rudžianskienė, Milda


    Osseous tissue damage is one of the signs of multiple myeloma (MM). Long-lasting or sudden bone pain is the first sign of MM for 70% of patients and the patients receive radiation at least once in their MM treatment history. But which radiotherapy regimen is recommended is unclear. Cytokines emitted in the bone destructions sites sensitive peripheral pain receptors, then emission of P substance and irritant amino acids increases in neuron presynapses, what determines an increased pain sensati...


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    S. A. Ryzhkin


    Full Text Available The purpose. The purpose of the investigation is an assessment of the peculiarities of forming and registration of the collective doses of patients and the population of the Tatarsatan Republic (RT from medical exposure and the development of measures for optimization of this radiation factor.Materials and methods. The analysis is based on the forms of the Federal statistical observation № 3-DOZ «Data on the exposure doses to patients obtained during medical radiological examination» (form № 3-DOZ and radiation-hygienic passports of RT for the period from 2006 to 2013.The results. Annually in RT there is an increase of the number of performed X-ray procedures, which reached the value of 6279696 (1.64 procedures per resident per year in 2013. During the reporting period (from 2006 to 2013 the structure of the performed X-ray procedures has also changed. It is observed that the percentage of fluorography procedures in the overall structure decreased from 41.3% to 31.3% at the same time the level of absolute value of annually performed fluorography procedures is stable. There is an increase in the absolute number of radiographic procedures performed during the period from 2578754 to 4072810 X-rays per year, that is 1.58 times higher. Absolute and relative values related to X-ray fluoroscopy examinations decreased from 1.1% to 0.7%. In contrast, the absolute number of annually performed X-ray computed tomography examinations (CT has increased over the period by 3.3 times and percentage of CT in overall structure of X-ray procedure is 2.7%. The number of special investigations has increased in 2.1 times, but the relative value remained at average level of 0.4% on general background of the increasing of X-ray activity in the region. This fact influenced the change in the radiation-hygienic indexes of medical radiation exposure of the population of RT. According to №3-DOZ forms and radiation-hygienic passports of the

  11. The Proportional Counter. Some Aspects of Operation; Le compteur proportionnel. Ses caracteristiques de fonctionnement; Proportsional'nyj schetchik. Nekotorye aspekty raboty; El contador proportional. Sus caracteristicas de funcionamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Curran, S C [Awre, Aldermaston (United Kingdom)


    sistematica de las propriedades de los gases y mezclas utilizadas en el recuento proporcional. Cabe esperar que las mediciones efectuadas con este dispositivo permitan ampliar el campo de aplicacion de los contadores. (author) [Russian] I. Rabota nad schetnoj sistemoj, prednaznachenno j dlya izucheniya zakhvata ehlektronov, pokazala, chto diametr anoidnogo provoda v proportsional'no m schetchike s vysokim' davleniem mozhet okazyvat' bol'shoe vliyanie na razreshenie po ehnergii, poluchaemoe pri izmereniyakh radiatsii nizkoj ehnergii. V schetchike, rabotayushchem pri davlenii v 12 atmosfer, shirina raspredeleniya impul'sov pri radiatsii v 13,5 kehv K-zakhvata mozhet byt' izmenena ot 65% do 17% posredstvom izmeneniya diametra provoda ot 0,0076 do 0,0025 millimetra. EHto yavlenie ob{sup y}asnyaetsya kak dejstvie polozhitel'nogo prostranstvennog o zaryada iona v lavine. Dlya opredelennogo usileniya gaza i osnovnoj radiatsii plotnost' polozhitel'ny kh ionov v lavine bystro uvelichivaetsya vmeste s davleniem napolnyayushchego gaza, i kogda soputstvuyushchie ehlektricheskie polya stanovyatsya dostatochno bol'shimi, chtoby povliyat' na poslednie stadii protsessa umnozheniya, razreshenie po ehnergii schetchika ukhudshaetsya. Umen'shenie diametra anodnogo provoda uvelichivaet poyavlyayushcheesya izvne pole v tom meste, gde proiskhodit umnozhenie, i tem samym stremitsya protivodejstvovat ' dejstviyu prostranstvennogo zaryada. Ispol'zovanie 0,0025-millimetrovy kh anodnykh provodov okazalos' udovletvoritel'ny m pri novykh izmereniyakh koehffitsient a zakhvata L/K, provodimogo s mnogoprovodno j schetnoj sistemoj s Davleniem do 12 atmosfer. Rezul'taty, poluchennye dlya koehffitsienta zakhvata L/K s Ge{sup 71} i Kg{sup 79} ravny 0,115 i 0,112 sootvetstvenno . Tazhe schetnaya sistema ispol'zovalas' pri issledovanii M-zakhvata v ehtikh dvukh izotopakh. Nizkaya ehnergiya radiatsii M-zakhvata, 180 ehv v Ge{sup 71}, 260 ehv v Kg{sup 79} i ee nizkaya intensivnost' po po sravneniyu s intensivnost

  12. Üç Pestisitin Parazitoit Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775 (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonıdae Üzerine Toksisitesi

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    Mitat AYDOĞDU


    Full Text Available Tarım alanlarında kullanılan pestisitler, sadece doğadaki zararları organizmaları değil aynı zamanda doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak parazitoid arılar gibi yararlı canlıları da etkilerler. İnsektisitlerin sürekli ve aşırı doz kullanımı zararlı organizmaların yok edilmesinde önem arz eden yararlı canlıların da doğal ortamdan elemine edilmesine neden olmaktadır. Tarım alanlarına büyük zararı olan Avrupa yaprak bükeni Archips rosana larvaları çeşitli meyve ağaçları üzerinden toplanmış ve laboratuvar ortamında Itoplectis maculator erginleri elde edilmiştir. Tarımda yoğun olarak kullanılan Dichlorvos, Diazinon ve Deltamethrin pestisitlerinin önerilen ve sulandırılarak seyreltilmiş dozları 12 ve 24 saat süreyle örnekler ile muamele edilmiş ve örneklere ait ölüm yüzdeleri hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre 12 ve 24 saatlik ölüm yüzdeleri pestisitlere göre sırasıyla Dichlorvos>Diazinon>Deltamethrin şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Tarımsal alanlarda zararlı olan A. rosana üzerinde etkili olan yararlı böcek I. maculator’ un sayısının uygulanan dozlar ile anlamlı derecede azaldığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Tüm bu bilgiler tarım alanlarında zararlılar ile mücadelenin en etkili ve modern yöntemi olan biyolojik mücadele için katkılar sağlayacaktır.

  13. Bazı Fungisitlerin Elmada Alternaria mali Roberts (Nekrotik Yaprak Lekesi Üzerine Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi

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    Yasin KAŞ


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, farklı fungisitlerin Alternaria mali’nin 6 izolatı üzerine in vitro’da misel gelişimi, spor çimlenmesi, çimlenen sporların hifsel gelişimi ve in vivo’da elma fidanlarında hastalık şiddeti (% üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Fungisitlerin farklı dozlarının (0-500 ppm artan konsatrasyonları A. mali’nin misel gelişmesi, spor çimlenmesi ve çimlenen sporların hif uzunluklarını değişen oranlarda azaltmış veya tamamen engellemiştir. Fungisitlerden, Maneb 250 ppm dozunda patojenin M-2K, AK1-K, G1-B ve GK-30 izolatlarını ve Iprodione, izolatların tümünün misel gelişmesini tamamen engellemiştir. Bakır hidroksit 350 ppm dozunda A1-B, M2-K ve AK1-K izolatlarının misel gelişmesini tamamen durdurmuştur. Difenoconazole, izolatlar arasında değişkenlik göstermekle birlikte, 450-500 ppm’de misel gelişmesini tamamen engellemiştir. Chlorothalonil ve Thiophanate-Methyl doz artışı ile birlikte misel gelişmesini azaltmıştır. Fungisitler A. mali’nin spor çimlenmesi üzerine 0-100 ppm arasında değişen oranlarda etki göstermiştir. Maneb, çimlenen sporların hif uzunluklarını izolatlara göre 50-100 ppm dozlarında tamamen engellemiştir. Fidanlarda hastalık şiddetini Bakır hidroksit % 61.6-% 87.2 ve Iprodione % 59.3-%70.9 oranlarında azaltmıştır.

  14. Low-Level {beta} and {gamma} Counting in the Region 0-10 Disintegrations Per Minute; Comptage {beta} et {gamma} d'echantillons de faible activite (0 a 10 desintegrations par minute); Izmerenie {beta}- i {gamma}-izlucheniya maloj moshchnosti (0-10 raspadov v minutu); Recuento {beta} y {gamma} de muestras de baja actividad (0 a 10 desintegraciones por minuto)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manov, George G [Tracerlab Inc. (United States)


    materiales, preferentemente de origen anterior a la segunda guerra mundial. Para el recuento de las radiaciones procedentes de muestras de baja actividad es condicion primordial la estabilidad del sistema electronico utilizado, especialmente a fin de evitar el recuento de impulsos parasitos. Se describe un procedimiento que consiste en alimentar el sistema electronico con impulsos generados a un ritmo determinado, que pasan por el amplificador y se des- cuentan del numero bruto de impulsos registrado. En general, los circuitos equipados con transistores, inclusive en los preamplificadore s y en las fuentes de tension, son mas satisfactorios que los dispositivos clasicos basados en el empleo de valvulas electronicas. (author) [Russian] Izmerenie radioaktivnost i na urovne v oblasti, soderzhashchej ot 0-10 raspadov v minutu, stanovitsya vse bolee poleznym pri standartizatsii radioaktivnykh izotopov, a takzhe v takikh drugikh otraslyakh nauki, kak geologiya i meditsina naprimer. CHasto poyavlyaetsya neobkhodimost' v podschete izluchenij maloj moshchnosti v oblasti biologii i pri issledovanii metodom mechenykh atomov, v chastnosti, v tekh sluchayakh, kogda ispol'zovanie radiatsii bol'shoj moshchnosti mozhet izmenyat' khod raboty apparata ili okazyvat' vliyanie na izuchaemyj protsess. CHasto takogo roda izmereniya dolzhny provodit'sya v usloviyakh, kogda obraztsy obladayut aktivnost'yu, prevyshayushchej obychnyj neehkranirovanny j fon radiatsii lish' na 1%. V drugikh sluchayakh poyavlyayutsya dopolnitel'ny e trebovaniya vsledstvie togo, chto radioaktivnye izotopy mogut imet' ochen' korotkij period poluraspada. Imeyutsya tri osnovnykh puti uvelicheniya nadezhnosti izmerenij radiatsii maloj moshchnosti: bolee sovershennye schetchiki, men'shie popravki na fon i bolee nadezhnye svobodnye ot pomekh ehlektronnye sistemy. V dannom dokumente opisyvayutsya sravnitel'ny e ehksperimenty svyazannye s izucheniem otnositel'ny kh kachestv trekh razlichnykh tipov zashchishchennykh schetchikov

  15. The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morinaga, H [Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan)


    pueden servir para la obtencion de isotopos. Con frecuencia es conveniente emplear isotopos de periodo corto debido a su rapida desintegracion, al hecho de que emitan radiaciones de alta energia y a la facilidad con que pueden obtenerse incluso sin necesidad de poseer conocimientos especiales. (author) [Russian] Razrabotan i uspeshno ispol'zuetsya novyj metod proizvodstva radioizotopov s vysokoj udel'noj aktivnost'yu s pomoshch'yu betatrona. Podvergaemye aktivatsii materialy pomeshchayutsya vnutr' vakuumnoj kamery betatrona v kontse slepogo tsilindra, ustanovlennogo izvne; takim obrazom, proby podvergayutsya bombardirovke pri odnoj atmosfere neposredstvenno za mishen'yu tormoznogo izlucheniya, gde intensivnost' radiatsii chrezvychajno vysoka. Aktivnost' pri nasyshchenii Cu{sup 62}, vyzvannaya v nebol'shoj chastitse medi, prevyshala 1 millikyuri, i poluchaemaya naivysshaya udel'naya aktivnost' priblizitel'no v 500 raz prevyshala aktivnost', vyzvannuyu v obychnom ustrojstve. Do sikh por ehtot metod vnutrennej misheni ispol'zuetsya tol'ko dlya rabot v oblasti yadernoj spektroskopii; bylo ustanovleno vosem' novykh vidov radioaktivnykh izotopov (Co{sup 63}, Ga{sup 75}, As{sup 81}, In{sup 121}, In{sup 123}, Tm{sup 173}, Tm{sup 175} i Ac{sup 231}). Gibkost' takogo metoda bombardirovki otkryvaet novye vozmozhnosti, t.k. meditsinskij, promyshlennyj, a takzhe issledovatel'skij betatrony mogut ispol'zovat'sya dlya proizvodstva izotopov. Korotkozhivushchie izotopy, kotorye chasto yavlyayutsya bolee udobnymi pri razlichnykh vidakh primeneniya vsledstvie ikh bystrogo raspada i obychno vysokoj ehnergii radiatsii, mogut byt' bystro polucheny bez kakogo-libo dopolnitel'nogo umeniya. (author)

  16. Experiments on multi-stage light intensification by electro-luminescence; Experiences sur l'intensification de la lumiere en cascade par electroluminescence; Opyty po mnogokaskadnomu svetousileniyu (fotoumnozheniyu) posredstvom ehlektrosvecheniya; Experimentos sobre intensificacion en cascada de la luminosidad por electroluminiscencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Owaki, K; Nakamura, T [Kobe Kogyo Corporation, Okubo, Akashi, Hyogo (Japan)


    S fotosensible en polvo, aglomerado con plastico y moldeado. Basandose en los resultados obtenidos con un solo elemento intensificador, se construyeron intensificadores de dos y tres etapas y se efectuaron experimentos para estudiar sus caracteristicas con diferentes resistencias montadas en paralelo. Con el intensificador de tres etapas se obtuvo una amplificacion del orden de 400, para una radiacion de entrada igual a 0,3 rdlux. Estos resultados sugieren la posibilidad de obtener un mayor aumento para una radiacion de entrada menor. Los autores estiman posible aplicar estos resultados experimentales a los intensificadores solidos de imagenes disenando un dispositivo adecuado. (author) [Russian] Za poslednie gody, v kachestve odnogo iz vazhnykh primenenij ehlektroniki tverdykh tel, byl opublikovan tselyj ryad dokladov otnositel'no povysheniya yarkosti izobrazhenij s pomoshch'yu kristallicheskogo usilitelya. Predstavlyaetsya udobnym i vazhnym ispol'zovat' kristallicheskij usilitel' dlya svetousileniya (fotoumnozheniya). TSel'yu nastoyashchej ehksperimental'noj raboty yavlyaetsya povyshenie stepeni usileniya posredstvom mnogostupenchatogo kaskadirovaniya usilitelya. V nastoyashchem doklade snachala razbirayutsya ehlektricheskie i opticheskie kharakteristiki monokaskadnogo usilitelya, a zatem s tsel'yu uluchsheniya ego parametrov kratko izlagayutsya preimushchestva ispol'zovaniya parallel'nogo soprotivleniya s ehlektro- svetyashchejsya panel'yu. Bylo ispol'zovano dva tipa fotoprovodyashchej yachejki, odna iz kotorykh byla uplotnennaya yachejka iz Cds, a drugaya byla sdelana iz fotochuvstvitel'nogo poroshka Cds, sformovannogo vmeste s plasticheskim svyazyvayushchim veshchestvom. Na osnovanii rezul'tatov, poluchennykh na monokaskadnom usilitele, byli postroeny dvukhkaskadnye i trekhkaskadnye usiliteli, i ikh kharakterisgiki byli provereny dlya razlichnykh parallel'no vklyuchennykh soprotivlenij. Pri pomoshchi trekhkaskadnogo usilitelya bylo polucheno pri vkhodyashchej radiatsii v 0

  17. RBE of Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons: Cytogenetic Effects in Maize; EBR des Neutrons Rapides Monoenergeniques: Effets Cytogenetiques sur le Mais; Obeh monoehnergeticheskikh bystrykh nejtronov: tsitogeneticheskie izmeneniya u kukuruzy; EBR de los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos: Efectos Citogeneticos en el Maiz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, H. H.; Bateman, J. L.; Quastler, H.; Rossi, H. H. [Biology and Medical Departments, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    secteurs mutants g{sub 2}. (author) [Spanish] La variedad de maiz utilizada en los experimentos descritos presenta la ventaja, desde el punto de vista del estudio de la EBR, de proporcionar una curva dosis-respuesta que es basicamente de primer grado, tanto para las radiaciones de TLE elevada como para las de TLE baja. Los autores emplearon un aparato de exposicion que produce intensidades de dosis esencialmente iguales en cinco anillos de semillas colocadas de modo que intercepten a los neutrones de 0,43, 0,65, 1,00 1,50 y 1,80 MeV. Se supone que los sectores mutantes producidos en las hojas se deben en su mayor parte a una simple ruptura y eliminacion de cromosomas. Se realizaron experimentos con dosis adecuadas para obtener respuestas lineales, inferiores al valor de saturacion, y tales que los intervalos correspondientes a los neutrones rapidos monoenergeticos y a los rayos X de 250 kVp se superpongan parcialmente. Los valores de la EBR calculados a base de las pendientes comparadas de las curvas de regresion de primer grado para los neutrones y los rayos X respectivamente, varian entre 42 y 135, con una media global del orden'de 70. De todos los neutrones rapidos utilizados en los experimentos, los mas eficaces para producir sectores mutantes g{sub 2} fueron los de 0,43 MeV. (author) [Russian] Kukuruza, ispol'zovannaja v jetih jeksperimentah, obladaet preimushhestvom dlja izuchenija OBJe pri poluchenii krivoj pervogo porjadka zavisimosti reakcii ot dozy dlja izuchenij s nizkim i vysokim LPJe. Primenjalas' ustanovka dlja obluchenija, kotoraja obespechivala po sushhestvu ravnye moshhnosti doz dlja raspolozhennyh v kol'cevom porjadke pjati rjadov semjan pri obluchenii nejtronami s jenergiej 0,43, 0,65, 1,00, 1,50 i 1,80 Mjev. Sektory mutantov, poluchaemye v list'jah, kak polagajut, dolzhny, glavnym obrazom, uproshhat' razryv i uterju hromosom. Byli provedeny jeksperimenty pri urovnjah doz, kotorye vyzyvali otvetnye reakcii s linejnoj zavisimost'ju nizhe urovnja

  18. Geochemical and isotopic evidence for Carboniferous rifting: mafic dykes in the central Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (Dorud-Azna, West Iran

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    Shakerardakani Farzaneh


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present detailed field observations, chronological, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data and discuss the petrogenetic aspects of two types of mafic dykes, of alkaline to subalkaline nature. The alkaline mafic dykes exhibit a cumulate to foliated texture and strike NW–SE, parallel to the main trend of the region. The 40Ar/39Ar amphibole age of 321.32 ± 0.55 Ma from an alkaline mafic dyke is interpreted as an indication of Carboniferous cooling through ca. 550 °C after intrusion of the dyke into the granitic Galeh-Doz orthogneiss and Amphibolite-Metagabbro units, the latter with Early Carboniferous amphibolite facies grade metamorphism and containing the Dare-Hedavand metagabbro with a similar Carboniferous age. The alkaline and subalkaline mafic dykes can be geochemically categorized into those with light REE-enriched patterns [(La/YbN = 8.32–9.28] and others with a rather flat REE pattern [(La/YbN = 1.16] and with a negative Nb anomaly. Together, the mafic dykes show oceanic island basalt to MORB geochemical signature, respectively. This is consistent, as well, with the (Tb/YbPM ratios. The alkaline mafic dykes were formed within an enriched mantle source at depths of ˃ 90 km, generating a suite of alkaline basalts. In comparison, the subalkaline mafic dykes were formed within more depleted mantle source at depths of ˂ 90 km. The subalkaline mafic dyke is characterized by 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.706 and positive ɛNd(t value of + 0.77, whereas 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.708 and ɛNd(t value of + 1.65 of the alkaline mafic dyke, consistent with the derivation from an enriched mantle source. There is no evidence that the mafic dykes were affected by significant crustal contamination during emplacement. Because of the similar age, the generation of magmas of alkaline mafic dykes and of the Dare-Hedavand metagabbro are assumed to reflect the same process of lithospheric or asthenospheric melting. Carboniferous back-arc rifting is

  19. Bitkisel Ürünlerin ve Gıda Destek Ürünlerinin İçeriklerinin Adli ve Hukuki Boyutu

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    Zeynep Türkmen


    Full Text Available Günümüzde alternatif ya da destekleyici tedavi yöntemlerine ve bunlara bağlı olarak bitkisel ürünlere artan bir ilgi söz konusudur. Bu ürünler Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı’ndan gıda destek maddesi ruhsatı alınarak, “gıda takviyesi” adı altında piyasaya sürülmektedir. Bu tip ürünler ilaç statüsünde olmadığından ruhsatlandırılması ve piyasaya arzı farklılık gösterebilmektedir. Bu ürünlerle ilgili sıklıkla gözlenen sorunlar arasında kontaminasyon, katkı maddeleri, toksisite ve yanlış doz ve etiketlemeden kaynaklı tek tip üretim problemleri sayılabilir. Son zamanlarda söz konusu ürünlere ait zehirlenmeler ve ilaç etkileşimlerinin neden olduğu istenmeyen ve beklenmeyen durumlar gözlemlenmektedir. Bu gözlemler, alternatif ya da destekleyici ürün adı altında piyasaya sunulan bitkisel ürünlerin üretimi, ruhsatlandırılması, satışı ve denetimi konusunda ciddi düzenlemelere ve uygulamalara ihtiyaç olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışmamızın amacı, laboratuarımıza içerik analizi için yönlendirilen, ikisi bakanlık onayı olmaksızın bitkisel ürün adı altında satılmakta olan, diğeri ise bakanlık onaylı sporcu destek ürünü olmak üzere üç olgudan elde edilen bulgularımızı sunmak ve ilgili olguları Türk Ceza Kanunun hükümlerine göre değerlendirmektir. Anahtar kelimeler: Bitkisel ürünler, Sibutramine, sporda kullanılan destek ürünleri, Cinnarizine, GC-MS.

  20. Synthesis of Graft Copolymers by Small Doses of Irradiation; Synthese des copolymeres greffes au moyen de petites doses de rayonnements; Sintez privitykh sopolimerov s pomoshch'yu malykh doz oblucheniya; Sintesis de copolimeros de injerto mediante pequenas dosis de radiacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dobo, J; Somogyi, M; Kiss, L


    In addition to grafting, there is often an undesirable alteration in the properties of the original polymer when polymer monomer mixtures are irradiated. As a result of irradiation, grafting occurs not only on the original polymeric backbone, but also on the already grafted side-chains. The result is an acceleration of grafting. The effect is especially pronounced in the case of preformed polymers, if irradiation is carried out intermittently. The grafting of styrene can be accelerated by the addition of some solvents which suppress the protective effect of the styrene on the polymer. Grafting can be accelerated by other additives. The swelling properties of the irradiated films were investigated. (author) [French] Lorsque des melanges de polymeres et de monomeres sont soumis a des rayonnements, il se produit souvent, en meme temps que la greffe, une alteration facheuse des proprietes du polymere original. L'irradiation provoque une reaction de greffage, non seulement sur le polymere original, mais aussi sur les chaines laterales deja greffees. Il en resulte une acceleration du processus de greffage. L'effet est particulierement marque dans le cas des polymeres preformes, lorsque l'irradiation est effectuee par intermittence. On peut accelerer le processus de greffage du styrolene en ajoutant certains solvants qui suppriment l'action protectrice du styrolene sur le polymere. On peut aussi accelerer le processus a l'aide d'autres additifs. Les auteurs ont etudie les proprietes de gonflement des pellicules irradiees. (author) [Spanish] Simultaneamente con el injerto, bajo la accion de las radiaciones se produce frecuentemente una alteracion de las propiedades del polimero original, efecto que convendria evitar. Por lo tanto, quiza ofrezcan interes los elevados grados de injerto obtenidos en nuestros laboratorios con pequenas dosis de radiacion. La irradiacion no solo provoca una reaccion de injerto en la estructura polimerica original, sino tambien en las cadenas laterales injertadas. Ello se traduce en una aceleracion, del proceso de injerto. Este efecto es especialmente pronunciado en el caso de los polimeros preformados, cuando la irradiacion es intermitente. El injerto de las moleculas de estireno puede acelerarse anadiendo algunos solventes que suprimen la accion protectora ejercida por el estireno sobre el polimero. Asimismo, el proceso puede acelerarse agregando otras sustancias. Al injertar moleculas de metacrilato de metilo en el polietileno, hemos conseguido un injerto de 6 400 por ciento con una dosis de 31 400 roentgens. Hemos examinado la estructura de los copolimeros asi obtenidos. (author) [Russian] Grafting (privivanie ) chasto soprovozhdaetsya nezhelatel'nym izmeneniem svojstv pervonachal'nogo polimera pri obluchenii monomernykh smesej polimera. Pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya grafting proiskhodit ne tol'ko v pervonachal'noj polimernoj osnove, no takzhe v bokovoj tsepi, uzhe podvergnuvshejsya graftingu. Grafting v rezul'tate ehtogo uskoryaetsya. EHtot ehffekt osobenno yarko vyrazhen v tverdykh polimerakh, esli obluchenie proizvoditsya periodicheski. Grafting stirola mozhet byt' uskoren dobavleniem nekotorykh rastvoritelej, kotorye blokiruyut zashchitnoe vozdejstvie stirola na dannyj polimer. Grafting mozhet byt' uskoren i drugimi additivami. Issleduyutsya kachestva nabukhaniya obluchennoj plenki. (author)

  1. Ankara Keçilerinde Sezon-içi Östrus Senkronizasyonu Amacıyla Çift Doz FGA Sünger veya Bölünmüş eCG Uygulamalarının Üreme Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri


    KULAKSIZ, Recai; UÇAR, Ömer; DAŞKIN, Ali


      In   this   study,   the   effects   of   post-­‐mating   FGA/P   and   of   split   eCG/PMSG   injections   at   different   doses   were  evaluated  for  the  induction  of  oestrus  in  Angora  goats  during  the  breeding  season.  In  total,  thirty-­‐six  multiparous  does  were  assigned  into  two  separate  synchronisation  trials.  In  Experiment  1  (double  FGA),  22  does  were  administered  all  firstly  an  intravaginal   sponge   containing   20   mg   FGA   for   11   days...

  2. Farklı Yoğunluktaki Malzemelerin Nötron Zayıflatma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Demet SARIYER


    Full Text Available Özet: Yüksek yoğunluklu radyasyon alanlarının oluştuğu hızlandırıcılarda, radyasyon seviyesini izin verilen doz değerlerine zayıflatmak için zırh tasarımı yapılır. Zırhın belirlenmesinde, radyasyon zayıflatma özellikleriyle birlikte kalınlığı, ağırlığı, kurulum ve bakım maliyeti gibi faktörler de göz önünde bulundurulur. Proton hızlandırıcılarında, zırhlama için etkin olan radyasyon nötronlardır ve zırh tasarımı nötronlara göre yapılır. Zırh maddesi olarak genellikle beton, toprak ve çelik kullanılır. Bu çalışmada, hızlandırıcı zırh tasarımında gerekli minimum yan duvar zırh kalınlıklarını belirlemek için farklı yoğunluklarda (toprak, standart beton, demir zırh maddeleri seçildi. Zırh kalınlıkları, FLUKA Monte Carlo kodu ile belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Proton hızlandırıcı, zırh tasarımı, FLUKA, demir Investigation of Neutron Attenuation Properties for the Different Density Materials Abstract: The generation of high-intensity radiation fields in the accelerators, shield design is made to attenuation permissible levels of radiation dose. For determination of shield material, thicknesses, weight, installation and maintenance costs as well as radiation attenuation properties are taken into consideration such factors. Effective radiation for shielding is neutrons in proton accelerators and shield design is made for neutrons. Concrete, soil and iron are widely used as a shield material. In this paper, the different density of the shielding materials (soil, standard concrete, iron were selected to determine for the minimum thickness of the side wall for shielding design of proton accelerator. The thickness of the shielding is obtained by a simulation with the Monte Carlo Code FLUKA. Key words: Proton accelerator, shield design, FLUKA, iron.

  3. A Low-Background Liquid-Scintlllation Counter for the Assay of Low-Specific Activity Tritiated Water; Compteur a scintillations a liquides, a faible mouvement propre, pour le dosage d'eau tritiee en faible activite specifique; ZHidkostnyj stsintillyatsionnyi schetchik s nizkim fonom dlya analiza nasyshchennoj tritiem vody s nizkoj udel'noj aktivnost'yu; Contador de centelleador liquido de reducida actividad de fondo para el analisis de agua pritiada de baja actividad especifica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boyce, I S; Cameron, J F [Wantage Research Laboratory, Wantage (United Kingdom)


    opredeleniya otnositel'noj vazhnosti sleduyushchikh vozmozhnykh faktorov fona: a) Ionizatsiya i vozbuzhdenie ostatochnogo gaza i poverkhnostej poluprovodnikovogo dinoda, osobenno v tekh zonakh, gde imeetsya samaya bol'shaya plotnost' potoka; b) Iskroobrazovanie , ehlektrolyuminestsentsiya i avtozlektronnaya ehmissiya; c) Obratnaya svyaz' polozhitel'nykh ionov s fotokatodom, chto vyzyvaet vtorichnuyu ehlektronnuyu emissiyu; d) Samostoyatel'noe dejstvie fotokatodnogo okna podobno lyuminoforu kosmicheskoj radiatsii, beta-chastitsam K{sup 40} ili radiatsii dochernikh produktov urana. V chastnosti, bylo obnaruzheno znachitel'no men'shee vozdejstvie faktora, chem ranee predpolagalos'. Byli issledovany metody umen'sheniya ehtikh vozdejstvij, vklyuchaya ispol'zovanie kvartsevykh fotokatodov i spetsial'nykh fotoumnozhitelej. V okonchatel'noj konstruktsii schetchika miiimal'nayaobiaruzhim aya udel'naya aktivnost' so vremenem scheta v 30 minut sostavlyaet 6 x 10{sup 7} mikrokyuri na milillitr. (author)

  4. Radiation conditions in the Oryol region territory impacted by radioactive contamination caused by the Chernobyl NPP accident

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    G. L. Zakharchenko


    Full Text Available Research objective is retrospective analysis of radiation conditions in the Oryol region during 1986- 2015 and assessment of efficacy of the carried out sanitary and preventive activities for population protection against radiation contamination caused by the Chernobyl NPP accident.Article materials were own memoirs of events participants, analysis of federal state statistic surveillance forms 3-DOZ across the Oryol region, f-35 “Data on patients with malignant neoplasms, f-12 “Report on MPI activities”. Risk assessment of oncological diseases occurrence is carried out on the basis of AAED for 1986- 2014 using the method of population exposure risk assessment due to long uniform man-made irradiation in small doses. Results of medical and sociological research of genetic, environmental, professional and lifestyle factors were obtained using the method of cancer patients’ anonymous survey. Data on "risk" factors were obtained from 467 patients hospitalized at the Budgetary Health Care Institution of the Oryol region “Oryol oncology clinic”; a specially developed questionnaire with 60 questions was filled out.The article employs the method of retrospective analysis of laboratory and tool research and calculation of dose loads on the Oryol region population, executed throughout the whole period after the accident.This article provides results of the carried out laboratory research of foodstuff, environment objects describing the radiation conditions in the Oryol region since the first days after the Chernobyl NPP accident in 1986 till 2015.We presented a number of activities aimed at liquidation of man-caused radiation accident consequences which were developed and executed by the experts of the Oryol region sanitary and epidemiology service in 1986-2015. On the basis of the above-stated one may draw the conclusions listed below. Due to interdepartmental interaction and active work of executive authorities in the Oryol region, the

  5. Technical Developments in the USAEC Process Radiation Development Program; Etudes technologiques dans le cadre du programme de mise au point d'applications industrielles des rayonnements de la CEA-EU; Issledovaniya v oblasti promyshlennogo primeneniya izluchenij, vkhodyashchie v programmu komissii po atomnoj ehnergii USAEC; Progresos tecnicos en el programa de la USAEC para el fomento de la irradiacion industrial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machurek, J. E.; Stein, M. H. [Division of Isotopes Development, USAEC, Washington, DC (United States)


    ispol'zovanie ioniziruyushchikh izluchenij v promyshlennosti. Provedeno chetyrnadtsat' takikh issledovanij, rezul'taty nekotorykh iz nikh izlozheny v obshchikh chertakh v dannoj rabote, ostal'nye izlagayutsya bolee podrobno - v drugikh stat'yakh trudov. Temy issledovanij vklyuchayut: 1. Prigotovlenie kombinatsij derevo-plastik, ispol'zuya gamma-izluchenie dlya indutsirovaniya polimerizatsii. 2. Ispol'zovanie beta-izlucheniya produktov deleniya dlya gidrogenizatsii uglya, i ego produktov s tsel'yu polucheniya zhidkogo uglevodorodnogo topliva. 3. Poluchenie poluprovodnikovykh priborov s formirovaniem zadannogo prostranstvennogo raspredeleniya primesej v zavisimosti ot legirovaniya putem nejtronnykh prevrashchenij. 4. Vyzvannaya izlucheniem polimerizatsiya ehtilena i sopolimerov. 5. Osnovnye issledovaniya mekhanizmov i kinetiki reaktsij, vyzvannykh izlucheniem. 6. Radiatsionno-khimicheskie protsessy pri ftorirovanii razlichnykh aromaticheskikh soedinenij. 7. Ispol'zovanie polifunktsional'nykh monomerov dlya intensifikatsii radiatsionnogo sshivaniya poliehtilena, polipropilena, poliizobutilena i atsetattsellyulozy. 8. Vliyanie nabukhaniya, deformatsii i temperatury na fizicheskie i khimicheskie svojstva polimerov, poluchennykh s pomoshch'yu radiatsii. 9. Vliyanie strukturnykh faktorov na radiatsionnye izmeneniya v polimerakh, privodyashchie k graftsopolimerizatsii. 10. Ispol'zovanie yadernykh izluchenij dlya modifikatstsii tekstil'nykh materialov. 11. Reaktsii, vyzvannye izlucheniem kriptona-85. 12. Podgotovka ''Spravochnika po radiatsii''. 13. Ispol'zovanie metalloorganicheskoj svyazi dlya gamma-dozimetrii pri bol'shikh moshchnostyakh dozy. 14. Razrabotka dozimetra s solnechnym ehlementom. (author)

  6. Investigation of Irradiation Effects on Conducting Composite of Polypyrole/Bentonite

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    Orhan Karabulut


    Full Text Available Abstract: In the present study, polypyrrole/bentonite (PPy/Bnt composite was synthesized into the Bnt interlayers by chemical oxidation polymerization. The irradiation process was carried out in air in a conventional gamma chamber, which uses a 60Co source, and the composite was exposed to a dose of 40 kGy. Effects of irradiation on the composite were investigated by means of FTIR, UV-visible absorption, TGA, XRD, SEM and temperature dependent electrical conductivity in the temperature range of 290-410 K. The initial decomposition temperature of pristine PPy/Bnt composite was found higher than irradiated PPy/Bnt composite. The XRD patterns revealed that the intensity of the peaks changed with irradiation. It was found from temperature dependent conductivity measurements that the radiation significantly influenced the conductivity of PPy/Bnt composite. The conductivity results show that dominant conduction mechanisms were hopping for both PPy/Bnt composite and irradiated samples due to wide range of localized states present near the Fermi level. Key words: Polypyrrole, bentonite, conducting composite, gamma irradiation. Polipirol/Bentonit İletken Kompozitine Radyasyon Etkilerinin Araştırılması Özet: Bu çalışmada, polipirol/bentonit (PPy/Bnt kompoziti, Bnt tabakaları arasında kimyasal oksidasyon polimerizasyonu yoluyla sentezlendi. Radyasyon uygulaması 60Co kaynağının kullanıldığı bir gama çemberi içerisinde hava ortamında gerçekleştirildi ve kompozite 40 kGy doz uygulandı. Kompozite radyasyon etkileri, FTIR, UV, TGA, XRD, SEM ve 290-410 K sıcaklık aralığında sıcaklığa bağlı elektriksel iletkenlik ölçümleri ile incelendi. Saf PPy/Bnt kompozitinin başlangıç bozunma sıcaklığı radyasyona uğramış PPy/Bnt kompozitinden daha yüksek olduğu bulundu. XRD desenlerine ait pik yoğunluğunun radyasyon ile değiştiği görüldü. Sıcaklığa bağlı iletkenlik ölçümlerinden radyasyonlanma sonucunda, PPy

  7. Extensions of the techniques for the accelerated unspecific isotopic labelling of organic compounds; Applications nouvelles des techniques accelererees du marquage non specifique de composes organiques; Rasprostranenie metodov uskoreniya mecheniya nespetsifichnymi izotopami organicheskikh slozhnykh soedinenij; Nuevas aplicaciones de las tecnicas de marcacion inespecifica acelerada de compuestos organicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghanem, N A [National Research Centre, El-Dokki, Cairo (Egypt); Westermark, T [Division of Physical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70 (Sweden)


    marcar, y citar ejemplos en los que este procedimiento se ha empleado con exito. Las diversas tecnicas se basan en el uso de descargas de microondas y de ondas hertzianas, descargas luminiscentes producidas por corriente continua, o alterna, o sencillamente rayos ultravioleta. Se han obtenido cantidades considerables de productos purificados con actividades superiores a 100 mcuries/g. Los tiempos de exposicion a las descargas son del orden de un minuto, y en la mayoria de los casos se observo poca descomposicion. Los autores calcularon el rendimiento energetico alcanzado en estos metodos de marcacion y lo comparan con el correspondiente a las radiaciones ionizantes empleadas por Wilzbach y otros investigadores; tambien dan los valores de G para la sustitucion isotopica. Existen pruebas de que la marcacion del poliestireno se produce en virtud de una reaccion atomo-molecula. (author) [Russian] Tsel'yu nastoyashchego doklada yavlyaetsya rassmotrenie novykh sposobov uskoreniya reaktsii mezhdu radioaktivnym gazom i materialom misheni, podlezhashchim mecheniyu, a takzhe privedenie primerov uspeshnykh sluchaev. Ehti metody vklyuchayut ispol'zovanie razryadov mikrovoln i radiovoln, tleyushchikh razryadov pod vozdejstviem istochnikov postoyannogo ili peremennogo tokov, ili prosto radiatsii ul'trafioletovykh luchej. Byla dostignuta udel'naya aktivnost', dokhodyashchaya do 100 mikrokyuri na gramm, v znachitel'nykh kolichestvakh ochishchennogo produkta. Vremya vozdejstviya razryada bylo poryadka odnoj minuty, i vo mnogikh sluchayakh razlozhenie bylo chrezvychajno ogranichennym. Dayutsya podschety ehffektivnosti ispol'zovaniya ehnergii dlya proizvodstva mecheniya ehtimi metodami po sravneniyu s zatratoj dlya toj zhe tseli ehnergii ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya, ispol'zuemoj Vil'tsbakhom i dr. ; krome togo, ukazyvayutsya znacheniya radiatsionnokhimicheskogo vykhoda G dlya zameny izotopov. Est' ukazaniya na to, chto pri mechenii polistirola mekhanizm opredelyaetsya reaktsiej atom

  8. New apparatus for discriminating shapes - application to the study of neutron-proton elastic scattering at 14.6 MeV; Nouveau dispositif de discrimination de formes - Application a l'etude de la diffusion elastique neutron-proton a 14,6 MeV; Novyj diskriminator po forme - primenenie k izucheniyu uprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronproton s 14,6 MeV; Nuevo dispositivo para discriminacion de formas - Aplicacion al estudio de la dispersion elastica neutron-proton a 14,6 MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crettez, J P; Cambou, F; Ambrosino, G [Laboratoire Maurice de Broglie, Paris (France)


    impulsions dues aux rayons {gamma} permet de deduire des spectres obtenus la variation de la section efficace differentielle de diffusion elastique en fonction de l'angle pour les neutrons de la reaction d-t. [Spanish] La vida media de los centelleos en el yoduro de cesio varia segun la naturaleza de la particula ionizante. La vida mas corta corresponde a la densidad de ionizacion mas elevada. Los autores aprovechan esta propiedad para distinguir entre si particulas que producen centelleos de amplitud analoga. El aparato descrito es un discriminador de forma de impulsos. Mide el tiempo que tarda el centelleo en pasar de su maximo a una fraccion regulable de dicha amplitud. Un convertidor de tiempo-amplitud produce un impulso cuya amplitud es proporcional al tiempo medido de este modo. La memoria compara las configuraciones de los centelleos producidos por las particulas alfa, los protones y los electrones, y presenta los resultados obtenidos. Tambien describe la aplicacion de este metodo a la medicion de los protones de retroceso que pone en movimiento un flujo de neutrones en un difusor hidrogenado de poco espesor. La supresion de los impulsos debidos a los rayos gamma permite calcular, a partir de los espectros obtenidos, la variacion de la seccion eficaz diferencial de dispersion elastica en funcion del angulo para los neutrones de la reaccion d-t. (author) [Russian] Srednyaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni stsintillyatsij v jodistom tsezii menyaetsya v zavisimosti ot kharaktera ioniziruyushchej chastitsy. Samoj vysokoj plotnosti ionizatsii sootvetstvuet samaya korotkaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni. EHto svojstvo ispol'zuetsya dlya obnaruzheniya razlichnykh chastits, dayushchikh stsintillyatsii analogichnoj amplitudy. Opisyvaemyj pribor yavlyaetsya diskriminatorom po forme. On izmeryaet vremya, zatrachivaemoe stsintillyatsiej dlya perekhoda ot svoego maksimuma do upravlyaemoj chasti ehtoj amplitudy. Vremya-amplitudnyj preobrazovatel' daet impul's, vysota kotorogo proportsional

  9. Simplified Procedures for Obtaining Clearances of Foods Preserved by Ionizing Energy; Procedures Simplifiees pour Obtenir l'Autorisation de Produire des Denrees Alimentaires Conservees par les Rayonnements Ionisants; Uproshennaya protsedura polucheniya razreshenij na prodazhu obluchennk pishchevykh produktov; Simplificacion de los Procedimientos para la Obtencion de Autorizaciones de Venta de Alimentos Conservados Mediante Radiaciones Ionizantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Josephson, E. S. [United States Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, MA (United States)


    comestibilidad plenamente satisfactorias. En los Estados Unidos, antes de pasar a la produccion en escala comercial para lanzar el producto al mercado, es preciso obtener la aprobacion de la United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) y en lo que se refiere a las carnesde mamiferos ydeaves, del United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Estos organismos han dado su aprobacion para productos como el tocino, el trigo y sus derivados, y las patatas blancas, despues de recibir y examinar peticiones acompanadas de toda la informacion pertinente: procedimiento que se aplicara, descripcion del conjunto alimento-envase objeto de la peticion, fuente radiactiva que se va a emplear, orden de magnitud de la dosis, metodos de dosimetria, datos sobre comestibilidad y valor nutritivo, pruebas positivas de seguridad microbiologica, ausencia de radiactividad inducida detectable, datos de aceptacion obtenidos por grupos de catadores y, cuando proceda, datos referentes al almacenamiento y transporte. La reunion de todos los datos necesarios para que se apruebe la peticion exige mucho tiempo y resulta costosa. Para remediar esta situacion se esta revisando todo el proceso de acopio de datos y de presentacion de peticiones a fin de hacerlo mas expedito. En la memoria formulan sugerencias sobre los medios mas apropiados para lograr este fin. (author) [Russian] Posle trinadcati let intensivnyh issledovanij s primeneniem bol'shih doz ionizirujushhej jenergii v nastojashhee vremja v laboratorii mozhno poluchit' sledu shhie produkty vysokogo kachestva, ne portjashhiesja pri dlitel'nyh srokah hranenija: bekon, vetchinu, svininu, kury i krevetki. Ispol'zuja dozy men'she 1 Mrad, mozhno znachitel'no uvelichit' sroki hranenija takih produktov, kak ryba, pshenica, muchnye produkty, apel'siny i belyj kartofel',bez ushherba dlja ih kachestva i prigodnosti upotreblenija v pishhu. Dlja togo, chtoby nachat' proizvodstvo takih obluchennyh produktov v SShA v shirokih kommerchesk: masshtabah potrebujutsja

  10. Prevention of Acute Malnutrition during the hunger gap in urban Chad using Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food: Challenges and lessons learned from a Randomized Controlled Trial

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huybregts, Lieven; Salpeteur, Cecile; Houngbe, Freddy Gloria; Ait Aissa, Myriam; Kolsteren, Patrick


    Full text: Background: In Abeche town in eastern Chad, Action contre la Faim - France (ACF-France) implemented a food-based intervention during the seasonal ‘hunger gap’ in 2010. The objectives were to assess the acceptability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of RUSF to prevent acute malnutrition or wasting (WH <80% of the median of NCHS reference and/or presence of bilateral pitting edema) among children 6-36 months living in vulnerable households. Method: The study was a two-arm cluster randomized controlled intervention. All enrolled households in the project received a monthly food package provided by World Food Program (WFP), estimated to cover approximately 1800 kcal/day. Number of food rations received per household was proportional to its size. The intervention group was given a daily 46g of RUSF (Plumpy Doz®, Nutriset, Malaunay, France) during 6 months. A follow up visit was organized 2 months after the last distribution. All analyses were done on an intention-to-treat basis. All the data were double entered in EpiData version 3.1. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 11.2 (Statacorp, USA). The statistical significance for all analyses was set at 5% and all tests were two-sided. Results: In the end, the intervention achieved a sample of 1038 children. Adding RUSF to a package of monthly household food rations did not result in an important reduction in cumulative incidence of wasting (Incidence Risk Ratio: 0.86; 95%CI: 0.67, 1.11; P = 0.25). However, the intervention group had a modestly higher Height-for-Age gain (+0.03 Z-score per month; 95%CI: 0.02, 0.05; P<0.001). In addition, children from the intervention group had a significantly higher hemoglobin concentration at the end of the study compared to children from the control group (+3.8g/L; 95%CI: 0.6, 7.0; P = 0.02), thereby reducing the odds of anemia (Odds Ratio: 0.52; 95%CI: 7.1, 23.9; P = 0.004). Adding RUSF also resulted in a significantly lower risk of self-reported diarrhea

  11. A Rare Cause of Chronic Headache that May Be Misdiagnosed as Migraine: Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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    Mehmet Kenan KANBUROGLU


    Full Text Available SUMMARY: Differential diagnosis of primary headache disorders can be challenging for physicians. Although the association of headache with acute carbon monoxide intoxication is very well-defined, in refractory nonspecific headaches associated with chronic low dose exposure to carbon monoxide, CO intoxication is usually overlooked, mostly due to vague symptoms. Herein we present a 15-year-old female patient with chronic carbon monoxide poisoning who was undergoing two years of follow-up care for migraines. Chronic carbon monoxide intoxication may mimic the episodic nature and familial predisposition of migraine attacks. Normal carboxyhemoglobin levels do not exclude the diagnosis, and smoking is a confounding factor. In emergency rooms, patients presenting with headaches had higher levels of carboxyhemoglobin, but, as far as we know, there have been no studies investigating carboxyhemoglobin levels in migraine patients. Chronic carbon monoxide poisoning should be suspected in migraine patients, especially if the attacks occur during winter months. ÖZET: Primer baş ağrısında ayırıcı tanının yapılması bazen doktorlar açısından zor olabilmektedir. Literatürde karbon monoksit ile baş ağrısı arasındaki ilişki çok iyi ortaya konulmuş olmasına karşın, dirençli ve nonspesifik başağrısı nedenlerinden biri olan kronik düşük doz karbon monoksit maruziyeti kendine özgü bulgusu olmadığından sıklıkla atlanmaktadır. Bu yazıda, iki yıl migren tanısı ile takip ve tedavi edilen kronik karbon monoksit zehirlenmesi olan bir olgu sunuldu. Kronik karbon monoksit zehirlenmesi epizodik paterni ve aile fertlerinde benzer şikayetlerin olması nedeniyle migren ataklarını andırabilmektedir. Karboksihemoglobin konsantrasyonlarının normal saptanması tanıyı ekarte ettirmemekte, ayrıca sigara kullanımı da karıştırıcı bir faktör olabilmektedir. Acil servislerine baş ağrısı ile başvuran hastalar

  12. Industrial Sterilization st the Electron Linear-Accelerator Facility at Risoe; Sterilisation industrielle a l'aide de l'accelerateur lineaire d'electrons de Riso; Promyshlennaya sterilizatsiya oblucheniem na linejnom uskoritele ehlektronov v Rizo; Esterilizacion industrial con ayuda del acelerador lineal de electrones de Riso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brynjolfsson, A.; Holm, N. W.; Tharup, G.; Sehested, K. [Accelerator Section, Danish Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment Risoe (Denmark)


    por contrato con empresas industriales. El acelerador produce un haz electronico estable de 10 MeV con una potencia media de 5 kW. El haz puede extraerse en linea recta o a traves de un dispositivo desviador y barredor. Este ultimo se emplea en las irradiaciones industriales. El material que se ha de irradiar atraviesa el campo en una cinta transportadora de velocidad regulable entre 0,2 y 600 mm/s, lo que permite variar la dosis en un intervalo muy grande sin modificar el ajuste del acelerador. El aparato funciona desde el otofio de 1960 para las instituciones cientificas de Dinamarca, y, a partir de 1961, tambien para la esterilizacion de instrumentos medicos, por ejemplo, jeringas, sondas, aparatos para transfusion e infusion, etc. El numero de articulos tratados aumento regularmente, habiendose irradiado unos 3000 paquetes en el primer trimestre de 1963. Cada paquete puede contener, por ejemplo, 900 jeringas de 2 cm. Se han dedicado muchos esfuerzos a mejorar las tecnicas de irradiacion, estudiandose entre otros aspectos el empleo de sistemas reflectores, la regulacion automatica de la dosis, el control dosimetrico y el empleo de indicadores cromaticos. La memoria revisa sucintamente estos importantes detalles tecnicos y describe los procesos de manipulacion, control y dosimetria empleados en la esterilizacion. Para terminar, proporciona algunos datos sobre el costo de explotacion del proceso. (author) [Russian] Poluchenie doz vysokikh moshchnostej na moshchnykh uskoritelyakh yavlyaetsya tsennym v smysle vozmozhnosti provedeniya teoreticheskikh, fizicheskikh i khimicheskikh issledovanij i takzhe opytnoj ehkspluatatsii ustanovok do promyshlennogo vnedreniya protsessov. Linejnyj uskoritel' v .Rizo ispol'zuetsya dlya takikh tselej i, v tom chisle, dlya oblucheniya meditsinskikh priborov dlya promyshlennykh firm po kontraktam. Ehtot linejnyj uskoritel' daet ustojchivyj puchok ehlektronov s ehnergiej 10 Mehv i srednej moshchnost'yu 5 kvt. Puchok mozhet byt' napravlen

  13. Demountable 4 {pi} Geiger Counters for Standardization and the Assay of Low-Activity Samples; Compteurs 4 {pi} GM demontables pour l'etalonnage et l'essai d'echantillons de faible activite; S'emnye schetchiki Gejgera na 4 {pi} dlya standartizatsii i otsenki prob nizkoj aktivnosti; Condatores GM 4 {pi} para la normalizacion de patrones radiactivos con baja actividad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trott, N G; Bentley, R E; Burton, L K [Physics Department, Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital, London, S. W. 3 (United Kingdom)


    radioaktivnym i materialami. V dvukh vidakh schetchikov na 4 {pi}, kotorye rassmotreny v dannom dokumente, anodnye provoda legko snimayutsya, blagodarya chemu oblegchaetsya chistka. Odin iz schetchikov uspeshno ispol'zovalsya v techenie ryada let dlya standartizatsii {beta}-izluchayushchikh radioaktivny kh nuklidov, i v dokumente privodyatsya nekotorye rezul'taty sopostavleni ya standartov so standartami, poluchennymi drugimi laboratoriyami . EHtot schetchik ispol'zovalsya takzhe vmeste s {gamma} ioniziruyushchej sistemoj dlya opredeleniya {gamma} izluchenij Fe{sup 59}, Cs{sup 137} i Ir{sup 192}. Drugoj schetchik yavlyaetsya schetchikom nizkogo fona. On ustroen tak zhe kak i vysheukazanny j schetchik, izgotovlen iz nerzhaveyushchej stali i prednaznachen glavnym obrazom dlya otsenki nebol'shikh kolichestv radioaktivnosti v organicheskikh veshchestvakh. On mozhet takzhe byt' prisposoblen dlya absolyutnogo izmereniya radioaktivny kh istochnikov na malykh skorostyakh scheta ({<=}100 otschetov v minutu), poskol'ku mozhno poluchit' stabil'nyj fon (1-2 scheta v minutu), esli odnovremenno dlya scheta nesovpadenij ispol'zovat' schetchiki kosmicheskikh luchej. (author)

  14. Disinfestation of Dried Figs by Gamma Radiation; Desinsectation des figues seches par les rayons gamma; Dezinfestatsiya sushenogo inzhira s pomoshch'yu gamma-izlucheniya'; Desinfestacion de higos secos mediante rayos gamma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papadopoulou, C. P. [Department of Biology, Democritus Nuclear Research Centre, Aghia Paraskevi, Attica (Greece)


    efectuando investigaciones sobre la desinfestacion de los productos agricolas almacenados. En esas investigaciones se han utilizado recientemente con exito los rayos gamma. Los higos secos constituyen uno de los principales productos de exportacion de Grecia y los insectos ocasionan perdidas importantes. Las investigaciones tenian las siguientes finalidades: a) determinar las dosis de radiacion necesarias para destruir ciertas especies de insectos que atacan los higos en diversas fases de su desarrollo, o destruir sus huevos impidiendo asi que se reproduzcan; b) determinar las modificaciones fisicas y quimicas que las radiaciones producen en la contextura de los higos secos. Se han estudiado las especies siguientes: Plodia interpunctella, Ephestia cautella, Carpophilushemipterous, Oryzaephilus surinamensis y Lasioderma serricorne. En la memoria se estudian las dosis optimas de radiacion que no producen dafios aparentes en la contextura de los higos. (author) [Russian] V techenie mnogikh let provodyatsya issledovaniya to voprosam dezinfestatsii sel'skokhozyajstvennykh produktov v khranilishchakh. Nedavno gamma-izluchechie bylo uspeshno primeneno pri provedenii takikh issledovanij. Sushenyj inzhir sostavlyaet odin iz osnovnykh produktov ehksporta Gretsii. Ezhegodno nasekomye nanosyat ser'eznyj ushcherb ehtomu produktu. Tsel' issledovaniya: 1) opredelenie doz izlucheniya, neobkhodimykh dlya unichtozheniya nekotorykh vidov nasekomykh, porazhayushchikh sushenyj inzhir, na razlichnykh stadiyakh ikh razvitiya, i dlya unichtozheniya ikh yaits i predotvrashcheniya takim obrazom ikh razmnozheniya; i 2) opredelenie fiziko-khimicheskikh izmenenij tekstury sushenogo inzhira pod dejstviem izlucheniya. Issledovaniya provodilis' so sleduyushchimi vidami: Plodia Interpunctella, Ephestia coutella, Carpophilus hemipterous, Gryzaephllus surinamensis i Lasioderma serricorne. Obsuzhdayutsya neobkhodimye optimal'nye dozy. Pri ehtikh dozakh ne nablyudaetsya vidimogo narusheniya tekstury inzhira pod

  15. Radioactive preparation of defects in solids; Creation de defauts dans les solides au moyen de radioisotopes; Ispol'zovanie radioaktivnosti dlya obrazovaniya defektov v tverdykh telakh; Creacion de deiectos en los solidos mediante radioisotopos

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    Lambe, J [Physics Department, Ford Motor Company, Scientific Laboratory, Dearborn, MI (United States)


    zaklyuchaetsya prosto v izgotovlenii po vozmozhnosti chistogo materiala, i vvedenii v nego kakikh libo postoronnikh radioaktivnykh atomov. Pri raspade ehtikh atomov dochernie produkty obrazuyut znachitel'noe kolichestvo defektov. V kachestve prostogo sposoba proverki osushchestvimosti takogo metoda on byl ispol'zovan dlya zakhvata atomov tritiya v kristall tverdogo molekulyarnogo tritiya. EHti opyty pokazyvayut, chto nastoyashchij metod osushchestvim i dolzhen najti sebe osoboe shirokoe primenenie v poluchenii svobodnykh radikalov v organicheskikh veshchestvakh, imeyushchikh dostatochnuyu stojkost' protiv radiatsii. (author)

  16. The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mehl, H G [Strahleninstitut der Freien Universitaet, Berlin (Germany)


    la profondeur a laquelle l'organe examine se trouve situe. L'examen des resultats deja publies de ces mesures permettra de reconnaitre la situation actuelle et de determiner la nature des problemes qui restent a resoudre. (author) [Spanish] Las mediciones in vivo de la distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organismo humano se limitaban antes a localizar la radiactividad en los tejidos superficiales unicamente, a causa del reducido alcance de las particules beta en los tejidos. En los ultimos anos, gracias a las mediciones de la radiacion de frenado se ha podido analizar la actividad en los tejidos profundos. El autor estudia los problemas planteados por esta nueva tecnica y los resultados que permite obtener. Describe la construccien de detectores apropiados, basandose en un analisis de las caracteristicas fisicas de esta radiacion. Examina la labor teorica y experimental realizada en este campo. Para poder interpretar acertadamente los resultados obtenidos, es necesario analizar los diversos factores que entran en juego, especialmente el area por el detector, la actividad especifica del tejido observado y la profundidad del organo objeto de examen. Un estudio de los resultados de esas mediciones ya publicadas permitira evaluar la situacion actual y la naturaleza de los problemas que aun no se han resuelto. (author) [Russian] Izmereniya raspredeleniya chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme do sikh por ogranichivalis', vvidu malogo puti proniknoveniya beta-chastits v tkani, ustanovleniem nalichiya radioaktivnost i tol'ko v poverkhnostny kh tkanyakh. Za poslednie neskol'ko let primenenie izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya pozvolilo rasprostranit' ehtot metod na analiz aktivnosti gluboko zalegayushchikh tkanej. V nastoyashchem dokumente rassmatrivayuts ya problemy i rezul'taty ispol'zovaniya ehtogo novogo priema raboty. Na osnovanii analiza fizicheskogo kharaktera ehtoj radiatsii v dokumente rassmatrivaets ya takzhe konstruktsiya

  17. The Main Technological Characteristics of Apparatus for Industrial Radiochemical Processes, in Particular Ethylene Polymerization; Caracteristique techniques fondamentals des appareils pour l'application industrielle de reactions chimiques sous rayonnement (notamment la polymerisation de l'ethylene ); Osnovnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimi-cheskikh protsessov (v chastnosti, dlya polimerizatsii ehtilena) v promyshlennom masshtabe; Principales caracteristicas tecnologicas de los aparatos para la aplicacion industrial de reacciones radioquimicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syrkus, N P; Breger, A K; Weinstein, B I [Karpov Physicochemical Institute, Moscow, USSR (Russian Federation)


    , Q {approx} W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Spanish] Se propone un metodo de evaluacion de la efectividad de los aparatos, cualquiera que sea su construccion, comparandola con la productividad de un aparato infinitamente grande que tenga la misma fuente de radiaciones. Se indican las caracteristicas tecnologicas de un aparato destinado a la polimerizacion del etileno mediante radiaciones (a presion de 200 atmosferas y temperatura de 25{sup o} C{sup 4} empleando como fuente principal radiaciones gamma de cobalto-60 a distintas actividades. Se pueden calcular los datos tecnicos de tal aparato segun el valor medio de la intensidad de las dosis, fijado segun la magnitud del coeficiente de rendimiento energetico del aparato. Se indica en el trabajo que, siendo las demas condiciones iguales, la productividad (Q) del aparato es funcion exponencial de la intensidad (W{sub 0}) de las radiaciones gamma del mismo. Para el aparato que se estudia en el trabajo la formula es: Q{approx}W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Russian] V doklade rassmotreny v obshchem vide otdel'nye naibolee vazhnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov (na primere sfericheskogo apparata) dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimicheskikh protsessov v promyshlennom masshtabe. Predlozhen metod otsenki ehffektivnosti apparata lyuboj konstruktsii putem sravneniya s proizvoditel'nost' yu beskonechno bol'shogo apparata, imeyushchego tot zhe istochnik izlucheniya. Priveden raschet tekhnologicheskoj kharakteristiki apparata dlya radiatsionnoj polimerizatsii ehtilena (davlenie 200 atm, temperatura 25{sup o} C{sup 3} so sterzhnevym istochnikom gamma-izlucheni ya Co{sup 60} razlichnoj aktivnosti. Takoj apparat mozhno rasschityvat' po srednim znacheniyam moshchnostej doz, opredelyaemym po velichine ehnergeticheskogo KPD apparata. Pokazano, chto proizvoditel'nost'apparata (Q), pri prochikh ravnykh usloviyakh, yavlyaetsya stepennoj funktsiej moshchnosti (W{sub 0}) gamma-izlucheniya apparata. Dlya rassmotrennogo apparata : Q

  18. Albino Farelerde Bisfenol A Tarafından Teşvik Edilen Genotoksisiteye Karşı Yeşil Kahvenin Koruyucu Rolünün Araştırılması

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    Burhan İŞTAR


    Full Text Available Özet. Bu çalışmada gıda ve içecek ambalajlama materyallerinde sıkça kullanılan kimyasal maddelerden biri olan Bisfenol A (BFA’nın Swiss albino farelerde muhtemel fizyolojik ve genotoksik etkileri ile bu etkilere karşı yeşil kahvenin koruyucu rolü araştırılmıştır. Fizyolojik etkiler; canlı ağırlık ve karaciğer-böbrek organ ağırlıklarının ölçümü ile genotoksik etkiler ise; eritrosit ve yanak mukoza epitelyum hücrelerindeki mikronukleus (MN sıklığının, kemik iliği hücrelerinde ise kromozomal hasar oluşumunun tespitiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Fareler her grupta altı (6 hayvan olacak şekilde toplam altı (6 gruba ayrılmış, kontrol grubundaki fareler çeşme suyu, uygulama grubundaki fareler ise yeşil kahvenin 100 mg/kg c.a ve 400 mg/kg c.a dozlarıyla ve BFA’nın 50 mg/kg c.a dozuyla beslenmişlerdir. Sonuçta BFA uygulaması canlı ağırlıklarda ve organ ağırlıklarında istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir azalmaya neden olurken, MN ve kromozomal anormallik sıklığında ise önemli bir artışa neden olmuştur. Yeşil kahve uygulaması ise BFA’nın söz konusu olumsuz etkilerini iyileştirerek, tüm parametrelerde doza bağlı bir iyileşme göstermiştir. BFA’nın belli bir doz eşiğinden sonra toksisiteye sebep olduğu, yeşil kahvenin ise bu toksisiteyi azaltmada etkili bir antioksidant ürün olduğu anlaşılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bisfenol A, Fizyoloji, Genotoksisite, Kromozomal Anormallikler, Mikronukleus, Yeşil Kahve Abstract. This study researches into the potential physiologic and genotoxic effects of Bisphenol A, which is one of the most frequent chemical substance used in food and beverage packaging materials, on Swiss Albino mice and the protective role of green coffee against these effects. The study analyzes the physiologic effects by measuring the live weight, liver and kidney weight, whilst determining the genotoxic effects by frequency of micronucles (MN on

  19. Geochemistry of mylonitic tourmaline-bearing granite- gneiss pluton in the northeast of June mine

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    Arezoo Moradi


    Full Text Available Introduction Studied mylonitic granite-gneiss body is located in the Northwest of the Azna region in the Lorestan province close to the June dimension stone mine. It is a part of the metamorphic- magmatic complex including granite-gneiss, amphibolite, marble and schist. The crystalline basement is attributed to late-Neoproterozoic and it indicates a Panafrican basement, which yields a laser-ablation ICP–MS U–Pb zircon ages of 608 ± 18 Ma and 588 ± 41 Ma (Shakerardakani et al., 2015. There are two granite-gneiss plutons in the complex that are Galeh– Dezh (Shabanian et al., 2009, and June plutons. The Galeh-Doz pluton are previously proposed as syn-deformation pluton with a major S-shaped bend which has been imparted during dextral shearing with a Late Cretaceous (Mohajjel and Fergusson, 2000. However, new age dating on the pluton using U–Pb in the magmatic zircon produced the late-Neoproterozoic dates (Nutman et al., 2014; Shakerardakani et al., 2015. The granite-gneiss plutons show mylonitic fabrics and microstructures (Shabanian et al., 2010. The geochemical characteristics of mylonitic granite-gneiss body near June mine in NW Azna, is in the focus of our research. Materials and methods Petrographic investigations of 30 thin sections were made. Then eight samples were selected and analyzed for whole rock major, trace and REE compositions by ICP-emission spectrometry and ICP-mass spectrometry using natural rock standards as reference samples for calibration at the ACME Analytical Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Results The studied gneiss- granitic body has lepido-granoblastic texture as its major texture. It variably shows evidence of dynamic deformation from ultramylonite to protomylonite. The gneiss- granite consists of quartz, alkali feldspar (mostly as perthite, plagioclase, biotite, white mica (muscovite and phengitic muscovite. Accessory phases in the granitoid include, tourmaline, zircon, magmatic epidote

  20. After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farkas, J.; Kiss, I.; Andrassy, Eva [Central Food Research Institute, Budapest (Hungary)


    rojos recien recolectados. En cambio, la aplicacion de dosis muy bajas, que estimulan la formacion de carotenoides, parece un metodo interesante para reducir el periodo de postmaturacion y elevar el contenido de pigmentos. Se precisan nuevas investigaciones para determinar las condiciones optimas de almacenamiento de los pimientos rojos en periodo de postmaturacion, y las causas de la disminucion del contenido de carotenoides de los fiutos irradiados en la segunda mitad del periodo de almacenamiento. (author) [Russian] Bylo issledovano neposredstvennoe vlijanie rentgenovskih luchej na tol'ko chto sorvannyj sladkij krasnyj perec dozami moshhnost'ju ot 0 do 800'krad i vlijanie na dozrevanie krasnogo perca doz moshhnost'ju ot 0 do 100 krad. Vlijanie obluchenija dozami moshhnost'ju ot 400 do 800 krad projavilos' v smjagchenii okoloplodnikov, i soderzhanie karotinoida umen'shilos' neznachitel'no dazhe pod vlijaniem dozy moshhnost'ju v 800 krad. V techenie devjatinedel'nogo perioda hranenija pri komnatnoj temperature, sledovavshego za oblucheniem, v neobrabotannyh obrazcah nabljudalos' pochti 90% uvelichenie obshhego soderzhanija pigmenta, vyrazhennogo v vide capsantine. Obrazovanie karotinoidnyh pigmentov uskorjalos' do nekotoroj stepeni pri obrabotke dozami moshhnost'ju v 80 rad i znachitel'no uskorjalos' pri obrabotke dozami moshhnost'ju v 2 krad. Obrazcy, obrabotannye dozami v 2 krad v techenie 3 nedel' dostigali takogo soderzhanija pigmenta, kotoroe dostigalos' kontrol'nymi obrazcami za 8 nedel'. Tem ne menee, soderzhanie pigmenta v obrabotannyh posredstvom obluchenija obrazcah umen'shalos' posle chetvertoj-pjatoj nedeli hranenija. Dozy moshhnost'ju v 10 krad zamedljajut ili tormozjat obrazovanie karotinoidov v period hranenija (posle dozrevanija). Dozy ot 0 do 100 krad ne okazyvali vlijanija na umen'shenie soderzhanija sahara i skorost' vysyhanija. Tak kak dozy obluchenija v neskol'ko sot kilorad, neobhodimye dlja razrushenija ili sushhestvennogo tormozhenija rosta

  1. Microbiological Studies on the Influence of Combined Processes of Heat and Irradiation on the Survival of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Var. Ellipsoideus; Etudes Microbiologiques sur l'Influence d'un Traitement Mixte par Chauffage et Irradiation sur la Survie de Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Var. Ellipsoideus; Mikrobiologicheskie issledovaniya vliyaniya sovmestnykh protsessov nagreva i oblucheniya na vyzhivanie saccharomyces Cerevisiae Var. Ellipsoideus; Estudios Microbiologicos de la Influencia del Calentamiento e Irradiacion Combinados Sobre la Supervivencia del Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Var. Ellipsoideus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stehlik, G.; Kaindl, K. [Institute for Biology and Agriculture, Reaktorzentrum, Seibersdorf (Austria)


    irradiacion se traduce en un grafico de supervivencia (fracciones de supervivencia) que presenta la forma de linea recta en funcion de la dosis de irradiacion en una escala semilogantmica para el intervalo de temperaturas comprendido entre la temperatura ambiente y 45 Degree-Sign C. Por encima de los 45 Degree-Sign C las lineas revelan un aumento de las supervivencias, en comparacion con la muestra no irradiada, para dosis inferiores a 30 krad. Comparando las pendientes de las lineas de supervivencia obtenidas a distintas temperaturas, puede observarse que en el caso de una irradiacion a temperaturas superiores a 40 Degree-Sign C se produce un acusado efecto. (author) [Russian] V ramkah mezhdunarodnoj programmy Zajbersdorfskoj laboratorii po oblucheniju fruktov i fruktovyh sokov s cel'ju ih sohranenija odnim iz naibolee vazhnyh issledovanij javljaetsja radiacionnaja sensibilizacija mikroorganizmov. Dlja izuchenija vlijanija termicheskoj obra tki i obluchenija na vyzhivanie drozhzhevyh kletok (obrazovanie kolonii) vysokoustojchivaja k radiacii raznovidnost' Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus, vyrashhennaja v polusinteticheskoj pitatel'noj srede, podvergalas' v nachale log-fazy svoego razvitija kombinirovannoj obrabotke nagrevom i gamma-oblucheniem (istochnik - kobal't-60). Nagrev proizvodilsja ili neposredstvenno pered processom obluchenija, ili odnovremenno s nim, ili posle nego. Temperatura menjalas' ot 20 do 52,5 Degree-Sign C. Obluchenie velos' v horosho produtoj vozduhom stekljannoj trubke v intervale doz do 0,3 x 10{sup 6} rad. Ingibirujushee vlijanie takoj obrabotki zavisit ot posledovatel'nosti nagreva i obluchenija. Bylo ustanovleno sledujushhee: naibolee jeffektivnym javljaetsja odnovremennoe provedenie nagreva i obluchenija; menee jeffektivnym javljaetsja obluchenie pri komnatnoj temperature posle nagreva; naimenee jeffektivnym okazalsja nagrev posle obluchenija pri komnatnoj temperature. V rezul'tate kombinirovannoj termicheskoj i radiacionnoj obrabotki

  2. Albino Farelerde Paraben Toksisitesine Karşı Urtica Dioica L. (Urticaceae Özütünün Koruyucu Rolünün Araştırılması

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    Emine YALÇIN


    Full Text Available Özet. Bu çalışmada parabenin (hidroksibenzoik asit (HBA albino farelerde bazı biyokimyasal parametreler üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. HBA’nın toksik etkisine karşı ısırgan otu özütü koruyucu madde olarak seçilmiş ve tüm uygulama gruplarına iki doz halinde uygulanmıştır. Bu kapsamda bir grupta 6 albino fare (Mus musculus, 12-14 haftalık, 25-30 g olmak üzere 6 uygulama grubu oluşturulmuştur.  Çalışma süresince I. gruba pellet yem ve çeşme suyu, II. gruba 125 mg/ dozunda ısırgan otu özütü, III. gruba 250 mg/ dozunda ısırgan otu özütü, IV. Gruba 150 mg/ dozunda HBA, V. gruba 150 mg/ dozunda HBA + 125 mg/ dozunda ısırgan otu özütü, VI. gruba 150 mg/ dozunda HBA + 250 mg/ dozunda ısırgan otu özütü verilmiştir. Uygulama süresi sonunda farelerin kan örnekleri alınarak serum örnekleri elde edilmiştir. Serum örneklerinde Alanintransaminaz (ALT, Aspartattransaminaz (AST, kan üre azotu (BUN ve kreatinin parametreleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca her uygulama grubuna ait karaciğer ve böbrek dokuları izole edilmiş ve GSH, MDA analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda HBA uygulanan gruplarda serum ALT, AST, BUN ve kreatinin plazma seviyelerinde önemli değişmeler gözlenmiştir. Bu değişimler HBA’nın hücreler üzerindeki muhtemel toksik etkileri ile açıklanabilir. Benzer şekilde HBA uygulanan gruplarda kontrol grubuna kıyasla MDA seviyelerinde artış gözlenirken, GSH seviyelerinde azalmanın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. HBA ile birlikte ısırgan otu özütü uygulanan gruplarda test edilen parametrelerde yeniden düzelme olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar ısırgan otu özütünün HBA toksisitesine karşı koruyucu etkisini ortaya koymaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Paraben, Isırgan otu özütü, ALT, AST Abstract. In this study effects of paraben (hydroxybenzoicacid (HBA on some biochemical parameters in albino mice were investigated


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    Victor COVALIOV


    studiată influenţa preparatelor din seminţe de amarant, ca sursă de scualen, asupra activitatăţii dehidrogenazei şi eficienţei producerii metanului în procese anaerobe. Adaugarea preparatelor de seminţe de amarant în bioreactorul metanogen are un efect inhibitor asupra activităţii dehidrogenazei şi stimulează procesul de metanogeneză. Activitatea dehidrogenazei a scăzut odată cu creşterea dozelor de preparat din seminţe de amarant, iar trendul a fost în legătură strânsă cu dozele (R2 = 0,77-0,78. În bioreactorul cu aditiv din seminţe de amarant, în doză optimă de 50 mg l-1, conţinutul de metan în volumul total de gaze emise a fost de 65,3-71,3%, ceea ce este cu 22,1% mai mare faţă de bioreactorul de control, fără aditiv. Ridicarea concentraţiei aditivului, calculată în scualen, mai sus de 0,0005% nu este raţională, deoarece după această valoare efectul de stimulare a procesului metanogen scade. Digestia anaerobă a deşeurilor din industria de distilare a alcoolului cu gunoi de grajd este un proces microbiologic complex care variază neliniar în timp. Trendul activităţii dehidrogenazei în experiment este descris de funcţia de putere pentru 5 ore de observaţii şi de funcţia logaritmică pentru 120 ore de observaţii. Tendinţele acumulării CH4 în toate perioadele de testare sunt descrise de o funcţie polinomială. Coeficienţii de corelaţie pentru CH4 sunt 0,37 şi 0,70, respectiv pentru 5 şi 120 ore de digestie anaerobă. Activitatea dehidrogenazei este în relaţie negativă cu cantitatea de gaze, inclusiv de metan. Analiza corelaţiilor dintre activitatea dehidrogenazei şi emisiile de gaze a indicat la o legătura moderată şi puternic negativă timp de 24 de ore de la iniţierea experimentului.

  4. 11th Congress of South-East European Studies. Sofia 2015

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    Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska


    éen. Europa Południowo-Wschodnia jest obszarem, do którego światowe mocarstwa podchodzą z dużą dozą ambiwalencji. Kraje tego regionu nie są głównymi graczami na arenie światowej, przez co wydarzenia związane z tą częścią Europy spotykają się z cyklicznym zainteresowaniem powstającym zazwyczaj w obliczu problemów, które - równie cykliczne wywoływane - zwracają uwagę świata na ten relatywnie nieduży region. Jest on jednak bezsprzecznie obszarem, który wzbudza zainteresowanie badaczy od ponad stu lat ze względu na swoje zróżnicowanie etniczne, pociągające za sobą rdzenną wielonarodowość regionu, niewystępującą na taką skalę gdzie indziej w Europie. Związana z tym wielość kultur, języków i religii generuje często specyficzne dla tej szerokości geograficznej amalgamaty społecznościowe. Również od nieco ponad stu lat o wpływy w tym regionie (abstrahując od wspomnianej cykliczności zainteresowania zabiegają główne europejskie siły polityczne (a obecnie nie tylko europejskie ze względu położenie geograficzne, w którym Zachód spotyka Wschód. Bez względu na dynamikę zainteresowania Europą Południowo-Wschodnią jest i będzie ona bezsprzecznie fascynującym obszarem badań naukowców całego świata, którzy ponownie spotkają się za cztery lata na kolejnym kongresie, tym razem w rumuńskiej Constanzy, aby pochylić się nad zagadnieniami związanymi z tą częścią świata.

  5. Effects of Radiation on Germ Cells of Insects: Dominant Lethals, Gamete Inactivation and Gonial-Cell Killing; Effets des rayonnements sur les cellules germinales des insectes: letalite dominante, inactivation des gametes et destruction des cellules des gonades; Vozdejstvie radiatsii na polovye kletki nasekomykh: dominantnye letali, inaktivatsiya gamet i umershchvlenie polovykh kletok; Efectos de las radiaciones sobre las celulas germinales de los insectos: elementos letales dominantes, inactivacion de los gametos y exterminacion de las celulas gonadicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Von Borstel, R. C. [Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Radiations and chemical mutagens kill cells in numerous ways: by one of several kinds of induced dominant lethality, by a direct inactivation of function as with sperm, and by genetically undefinable types of death which may or may not be related to dominant lethality per se. Also, chemical mutagens appear to exert a curious enhancement of the fertilizing capacity of sperm. The different stages of oflgenesis and spermatogenesis respond with unequal sensitivity to radiation, and individual cells pass through stages conferring as much as a 50-fold difference in sensitivity. Where species of Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera can be compared, a striking similarity of response to radiation can be observed, both to stage sensitivity and degree of response with dose. The silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera), seems to be similar in most respects to representatives of the other orders in response of germ cells to radiation, but differs sharply in types of dominant lethality induced. Species having atypical genetic mechanisms (e.g.,the lecanoid system of Planococcus citri (Hemipt. : Coccidae) are special cases, and their responses to radiation are considerably modified from those of other species. For insect population control by the irradiation-of-male method, dominant lethality is as advantageous in species where matings are multiple as in species where mating occurs once. Sperm inactivation and gonial killing can be regarded as instances of true sterility and are maximally effective only in species where mating occurs once. For most efficient control, doses should be chosen which would induce maximum dominant lethality, minimum sperm inactivation and complete killing of gonial cells. These parameters are simple to determine by gamete viability measurements, irradiated and unirradiated population competition experiments and histological examination of gonia. (author) [French] Les rayonnements et les agents chimiques de mutation detruisent les cellules de nombreuses facons: par l'un des modes d'induction d'une letalite dominante, par l'inactivation directe d'une fonction et par des manieres genetiquement indefinissable, liees ou non a la letalite dominante. Les agents chimiques de mutation paraissent egalement provoquer un accroissement curieux du pouvoir fertilisant du sperme. La radiosensibilite varie avec les divers stades de l'oogenese et de la spermatogenese; certaines cellules passent par des stades au cours desquels leur radiosensibilite peut varier dans un rapport de 1 a 50. Des comparaisons entre des diptetes, des hymenopteres et des coleopteres ont revele une similarite frappante dans la maniere dont ces especes reagissent aux rayonnements, tant en ce qui concerne la sensibilite aux divers stades de developpement que l'intensite de la reaction en fonction de la dose. Le ver a soie Bombyx mori (lepidoptere) semble avoir beaucoup de points communs avec les representants des autres ordres en ce qui concerne l'effet des rayonnements sur les cellules germinales, mais il en differe nettement pour ce qui est des facteurs letaux dominants induits. Les especes presentant des mecanismes genetiques anormaux (par exemple, le Planococcus citri, coccide hemiptere) constituent des cas particuliers et ils reagissent aux rayonnements de facon tres differente des autres especes. Dans la lutte contre les insectes par la methode de Tirradiation des males, la letalite dominante est aussi efficace pour les especes ou l'accouplement a lieu plusieurs fois que pour celles ou il a lieu une seule fois. On peut considerer l'inactivation du sperme et la destruction des cellules des gonades comme des facteurs de sterilite reelle; leur efficacite est maximum chez les especes ou l'accouplement n'a lieu qu'une seule fois. Pour le controle le plus efficace, il faudrait avoir recours a des doses provoquant la letalite dominante maximum, l'inactivation minimum du sperme et la destruction totale des cellules des gonades. Il est facile de determiner ces parametres en calculant la viabilite des gametes, au moyen d'experiences comparatives avec des populations non irradiees ainsi que par l'examen histologique des gonades. (author) [Spanish] Las radiaciones y los productos quimicos mutagenos pueden matar las celulas de modos diversos, a saber: mediante la induccion de uno o varios tipos de elementos letales dominantes, por inactivacion directa de una funcion, como la produccion de esperma, y por procedimientos geneticamente indefinibles de exterminacion que pueden o no estar relacionados con la letalidad dominante intrinseca. Por otra parte, los productos quimicos mutagenos parecen provocar un curioso aumento de la capacidad fertilizante de la esperma. La radiosensibilidad varia segun las diferentes etapas de la oogenesis y de la espermatogenesis, y las celulas pasan por fases en que dicha sensibilidad llega a ser 50 veces superior o inferior que en otras. En la medida en que distintas especies de dipteros, himenopteros y coleopteros son comparables, puede observarse una sorprendente analogia en la radiosensibilidad, tanto segun las etapas como segun las dosis. La radiosensibilidad de las celulas germinales del gusano de seda Bombyx mori (Lepidopt. ) parece similar en muchos aspectos a la de los insectos de otros ordenes, pero en cambio hay grandes diferencias en cuanto a los tipos de elementos letales dominantes que en el pueden inducirse. Las especies con mecanismos geneticos atipicos (por ejemplo, el sistema lecanoideo del Planococcus citri (Hemipt. ; Coccidae) constituyen casos especiales y su radiosensibilidad varia considerablemente en relacion con la de otras especies. Para la lucha contra los insectos por el metodo de irradiacion de los machos, la creacion de un elemento letal dominante ofrece en las especies donde las copulas son multiples las mismas ventajas que en las especies que copulan solo iva vez. La inactivacion de la esperma y la exterminacion de las celulas gonadicas pueden considerarse como casos de autentica esterilizacion que alcanzan su maxima eficacia solo en las especies que copulan una vez. Para que la lucha contra los insectos sea eficaz hay que aplicar dosis que produzcan un factor letal dominante maximo, una inactivacion minima de la esperma y una exterminacion completa de las celulas gonadicas. Estos parametros se pueden determinar facilmente con la medicion de la viabilidad de los gametos, los experimentos con poblaciones irradiadas y no irradiadas y el examen histologico de las gonias. (author) [Russian] Izlucheniya i khimicheskie mutagennye veshchestva umershchvlyayut kletki razlichnymi putyami:odnim iz vidov obrazovaniya dominantnykh letalej, neposredstvennoj inaktivatsiej funktsii, kak, naprimer, v otnoshenii spermy, i geneticheski neopredelimymi vidami smerti, kotorye mogut byt' svyazany ili ne svyazany s dominantnoj letal'nost'yu. Khimicheskie mutageny proizvodyat, po-vidimomu, neobychajnoe usilenie oplodotvoryaptsej sposobnosti spermy. Razlichnye stadii oogeneza i spermatogeneza reagiruyut s neodinakovoj chuvstvitel'nost'yu na obluchenie, i raznitsa v chuvstvitel'nosti otdel'nykh kletok na nekotorykh stadiyakh razvitiya dostigaet 50 raz. Razlichnye stadii oogeneza i spermatogeneza reagiruyut s neodinakovoj chuvstvitel'nost'yu na obluchenie, i raznitsa v chuvstvitel'nosti otdel'nykh kletok na nekotorykh stadiyakh razvitiya dostigaet 50 raz. Tam, gde predstavlyaetsya vozmozhnym sravnivat' dvukrylykh, pereponchatokrylykh i zhestkokrylykh nasekomykh, mozhno nablyudat' zamechatel'noe edinoobrazie reaktsii ka obluchenie kak po urovnyu radiochuvstvitel'nosti na opredelennoj stadii, tak i po zavisimosti stepeni reaktsii ot dozy. Shelkopryad, Bombyx mori (otryad cheshuekrylykh), predstavlyaetsya pokhozhim v bol'shinstve otnoshenij na predstavitelej drugikh otryadov po reaktsii polovykh kletok na radiatsiyu, no rezko otlichaetsya po tipam indutsirovannykh dominantnykh letalej. Vidy s atipichnym geneticheskim mekhanizmom (naprimer, lekanoidnaya sistema Planococcus citri (otryad nastoyashchikh poluzhestkokrylykh Coccldae)) predstavlyayut soboyu osobye sluchai, i ikh reaktsiya na obluchenie znachitel'no otlichaetsya ot reaktsii nasekomykh drugikh vidov. Pri istreblenii populyatsij nasekomykh oblucheniem samtsov dominantnaya detal'nost' predstavlyaetsya stol' zhe perspektivnoj dlya vidov s odnokratnym sparivaniem, kak i dlya vidov s mnogokratnym sparivaniem. Inaktivatsiyu spermy i umershchvlenie polovykh kletok mozhno schitat' primerami polucheniya istinnoj steril'nosti, naibolee ehffektnoj dlya vidov, gde sparivanie proiskhodit odnokratn'. Dlya naibolee ehffektivnogo istrebleniya dolzhny vybirat'sya takie dozy, kotorye vedut k polucheniyu maksimal'noj dominantnoj letal'nosti, proizvodyat minimal'nuyu inaktivatsiyu spermy i vyzyvayut polnoe umershchvlenie polovykh kletok. Ehti parametry legko poddayutsya opredeleniyu posredstvom izmereniya zhiznesposobnosti gamet, ehksperimentami s konkurentsiej mezhdu obluchennymi i neobluchennymi populyatsiyami, a takzhe gistologicheskim issledovaniem gonad. (author)

  6. New Methods and Facilities for the Measurement of Physical Properties of Reactor Components and Irradiated Materials; Nouveaux Procedes et Instruments de Mesure des Proprietes Physiques des Elements de Reacteur et des Matieres Irradiees; Novye metody i sredstva izmereniya fizicheskikh s vojstv komponentov reaktora i obluchennykh materialov; Nuevos Metodos y Equipos para Medir Propiedades Fisicas de Componentes de Reactor y de Materiales Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foerster, F.; Mueller, P. [Institut Dr. Foerster, Reutlingen, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    kolebanija ili putem izmerenija polushiriny rezonansnoj krivoj. Privodjatsja primery izmerenij vosstanovlenija posle radiacionnogo.povrezhdenija i posle plasticheskoj deformacii, a takzhe primery stepeni gra- fitizacii. Opisyvajutsja obnaruzhenie defektov i kolebanija plotnosti grafitovyh blokov. Krome togo ob{sup j}asnjaetsja metod issledovanija zakreplenija tabletok iz UO{sub 2} v tonkostennyh austenitnyh trubkah. Opisyvaetsja special'naja pech' dlja izuchenija uprugogo i neuprugogo povedenija ''gorjachih'' obrazcov pri temperaturah ot 20 do 1000 Degree-Sign C. Obsuzhdaetsja kontrol' kachestva cvetnyh metallov putem izmerenija jelektroprovodnosti s pomoshh'ju vihrevyh tokov. Opisyvaetsja pribor dlja beskontaktnogo izmerenija jelektroprovodnosti cvetnyh metallov. Ob'jasnjaetsja sootnoshenie mezhdu jelektroprovodnost'ju i deformaciej pod naprjazheniem cvetnyh metallov i splavov. Osoboe vnimanie obrashhaetsja na izmerenie nebol'shih po razmeru obrazcov. Opisyvaetsja ustrojstvo dlja distancionnyh prjamyh izmerenij v ''gorjachej'' zone reaktora. Rassmatrivaetsja zavisimost' jelektroprovodnosti ot doz obluchenija. Opisyvaetsja pribor dlja izmerenija pronicaemosti, ostatochnoj magnitnoj indukcii i kojercitivnoj sily kak funkcii mehanicheskogo naprjazhenija, uprugoj i plasticheskoj deformacii i doz obluchenija. Opisyvajutsja izmerenija izmenenij magnitnyh svojstv kak funkcii uprugogo naprjazhenija i plasticheskoj deformacii. Rassmatrivaetsja vlijanie obluchenija na pronicaemost' i kojercitivnuju silu. Opisyvaetsja pribor dlja bystrogo izmerenija i neposredstvennogo opredelenija pronicaemosti komponentov iz nerzhavejushhej stali. Ob'jasnjaetsja sootnoshenie mezhdu pronicaemost'ju i soderzhaniem D ferrita. Rassmatrivajutsja rezul'taty izmerenij procentnogo soderzhanija D ferrita v svarnyh shvah trubok iz nerzhavejushhej stali i izmerenij osazhdenija D ferrita kak funkcii plasticheskoj deformacii (svobodnaja kovka toplivnyh jelementov reaktora). (author)

  7. Critical Survey of the Analysis of Microscopic Distribution of some Bone-Seeking Radionuclides and Assessment of Absorbed Dose; Analyse de la Distribution Microscopique de Radionucleides Osteophiles et Determination de la Dose Absorbee; Kriticheskij obzor dannykh analiza mikroskopicheskogo raspredeleniya otkladyvayushchikhsya v kostyakh radioizotopov i opredelenie pogloshchennoj dozy; Estudio Critico de la Distribucion Microscopica de Algunos Radionuclidos Osteofilos y Evaluacion de la Dosis Absorbida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jee, W. S.S.


    raspredelenija'dozy, vkljuchajushhee opisanie neodnorodnogo raspredelenija radiacii, protivorechashhego prinjatoj teorii odnorodnogo raspredelenija, poluchennogo na osnovanii dannyh zaderzhki izotopov vo vsem organizme. Bez nekotorogo znanija mikroskopicheskogo raspredelenija dozy vo vremeni i prostranstve slishkom legko sdelat' nevernye vyvody i propustit' vazhnye zakljuchenija pri popytke poluchit' sravnitel'nye dannye o toksichnosti radioizotopov. Ob{sup e}m opublikovannoj literatury po izmereniju mikroskopicheskogo raspredelenija doz radiacii ochen' ogranichen, chto svjazano so slozhnost'ju problemy. Sushhestvujushhie metody vkljuchajut avto-radiografiju i ochen' trudoemki. Oni vkljuchajut takzhe podschet raspadov i mikrodensimetriju. Polnoe raspredelenie dozy dlja dannoj kosti vo vremeni i prostranstve javljaetsja ogromnoj zadachej. Mikroskopicheskoe raspredelenie v skelete otkladyvajushhihsja v kostjah izotopov (radij-226, stroncij-90, plutonij-239 i radioaktivnyj torij-228) sluzhit prekrasnoj illjustraciej slozhnosti problemy. Pervonachal'naja doza obluchenija i doza, izmenjajushhajasja so vremenem, opisany dlja radija i plutonija, v osobennosti podcherkivaetsja neodnorodnost' raspredelenija dozy v kostjah i razlichnyh uchastkah vnutri kosti. Naprimer, maksimal'nye poverhnostnye trabekuljarnye otlozhenija plutonija v pozvonkah v 1,5 raza vyshe, chem maksimal'nye koncentracii v trabekulah metafiza bedra. Kojefficient otnoshenija doz poverhnostnyh otlozhenij plutonija v razlichnyh uchastka distal'nogo otdela bedra raven: trabekuly metafiza - 3; jendostil'- 2,6; trabekuly jepifiza - 1,5; gaversovy kanaly - 1,2 i peristil' - t. Maksimal'nye lokalizovannye poverhnostnye otlozhenija v trabekulah pozvonkov v 35 - 66 raz vyshe rasschitannoj srednej moshhnosti dozy v rezul'tate zaderzhki izotopov v organizme. Obsuzhdajutsja izmenenija s techeniem vremeni nachal'noj neodnorodnoj lokalizacii radija i plutonija v otnoshenii haraktera kletochnogo vosproizvodstva kosti i poteri

  8. Radiation Treatment of Meat Products and Animal By-Products; Traitement par Rayonnements des Viandes et Derives et des Sous-Produits Animaux; Radiatsionnaya obrabotka myasnykh produktov i subproduktov zhivotnogo proiskhozhdeniya; Irradiacion de la Carne y sus Derivados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, P. -I.E. [Danish Meat Research Institute, Roskilde (Denmark)


    'ternativnyh metodov. S jetoj cel'ju v Datskom nauchno-issledovatel'skom institute mjasnoj promyshlennosti provodilis' raboty s bekonom, konservirovannoj vetchinoj, mjasnymi konservami i zhivotnymi kormami, kak-to: mjasnaja, kostnaja i krovjanaja muka. Daetsja obzor i obsuzhdenie jetih rabot. Vyvod, sdelannyj v rezul'tate provedennyh opytov, zakljuchaetsja v tom, chto obrazovanie neprijatnyh privkusov v obluchennyh produktah predstavljaet soboj ves'ma ser'eznuju problemu i predstavljaet znachitel'nuju trudnost' na puti k uspeshnomu primeneniju obluchenij v obrabotke mjasa. Pojetomu vazhno, chtoby pri provedenii posledujushhih issledovanij glavnoe vnimanie obrashhalos' na izyskanie sredstv dlja umen'shenija privkusov v rezul'tate obluchenija. Upominaetsja rjad podhodov k razresheniju jetoj problemy, i daetsja obzor rabot, provedennyh v jetoj oblasti Datskim institutom, kotorye, glavnym obrazom, byli skoncentrirovany na ispol'zovanii ochen' moshhnyh doz i neravnogo raspredelenija dozy v konservah. Daetsja kratkoe opisanie sushhestvujushhih koncepcij. (author)

  9. Metabolism of fission products in man: Marshallese experience; Metabolisme des produits de fission radioactifs chez l'homme: donnees recueillies aux iles Marshall; Metabolizm radioaktivnykh produktov deleniya v organizme cheloveka. (dannye obsledovaniya zhite- lej marshal'skikh ostrovov); Metabolismo de productos de fision radiactivos en el hombre: datos obtenidos en los habitantes de las islas Marshall

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cohn, S. H. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY (United States)


    gracias a estos estudios. Presenta los resultados de un tratamiento con la sal calcico-disodica del EDTA, que se efectuo poco despues de la contaminacion con el proposito de modificar la velocidad de eliminacion de las mezclas de productos de fision en los habitantes de las islas Marshall. Tambien discute el metabolismo de los radionuclidos y su relacion con la radiactividad ambiente en aquella zona. (author) [Russian] Meditsinskoe'obsledovanie zhitelej Marshal'skikh ostrovov, sluchajno podvergshikhsya dejstviyu mestnykh radioaktivnykh osadkov v 1954 godu, yavlyaetsya unikal'nym v tom smysle, chto ono, naryadu s obsledovaniem yaponskikh rybakov, daet vozmozhnost' poluchit' edinstvennye v ehtoj oblasti dannye po metabolizmu smeshannykh produktov deleniya v organizmakh lyudej. Rannyaya diagnostika vnutrennego radioaktivnogo zarazheniya osushchestvlyalas' s pomoshch'yu radiokhimicheskogo analiza vydelenij obluchennykh lyudej i metodami radiokhimicheskogo analiza tkanej zhivotnykh obluchennykh odno-vremenno. Na nachal'noj stadii bol'shuyu chast' vnutrennej dozy radiatsii sostavlyali strontsij-89, barij-140, jod-131, ikh bolee korotkozhivushchie dochernie produkty i ryad redkozemel'nykh ehlementov. Cherez god osnovnymi radioizotopami byli strontsij-90, tsezij-137 i tsink-65. Pozdnee periodi- cheski izmeryalas' aktivnost' ehtikh radioizotopov, a eshche pozdnee i kobal'ta-60. Nachinaya s 1958 goda gamma-spektry u zhitelej Marshal'skikh ostrovov poluchayut s pomoshch'yu portativnogo schetchika dlya izmereniya aktivnosti vsego tela. V doklade obsuzhdayutsya dannye ehtikh issledovanij za prshedshie vosem' let. Privodyatsya rezul'taty rannikh popytok izmenit' skorost' udaleniya smeshannykh produktov deleniya iz organizma s pomoshch'yu dvunatrievogo kal'tsiya EDTA. Obsuzhdaetsya takzhe metabolizm radioizotopov i svyaz'ikh s urovnyami v okruzhayushchej srede. (author)

  10. The Hanford Emergency Dosimetry System; Le Systeme de Dosimetrie pour les Cas d'Urgence a Hanford; 0421 0418 0421 0422 0414 ; El Sistema Dosimetrico de Hanford para Casos de Urgencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larson, H. V.; Keene, A. R. [Radiation Protection Operation, Hanford Laboratories, General Electric Company, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Richland, WA (United States)


    dosimetros contienen laminas de los mismos elementos que el dosimetro de pelicula y constituyen un medio mas para calcular la dosis individual. (author) [Russian] Proekt v Hjenforde predstavljaet soboj bol'shoj atomnyj promyshlennyj kompleks, v kotoryj vhodjat jadernye reaktory, zavody po proizvodstvu teplovydeljajushhih jelementov, ustanovki dlja himicheskogo razdelenija i issledovatel'skie laboratorii. V dopolnenie k programme nabljudenija i kontrolirovanija radiacionnogo obluchenija personala razrabotana sistema avarijnogo dozimetricheskogo kontrolja s cel'ju obespechenija bystroj ocenki bol'shih doz, provedenija otbora sluzhashhih i kontrolja nad nimi, preduprezhdenija personala i sozdanija centrov avarijnogo kontrolja personala, ocenki vneshnih doz obluchenija, ocenki soderzhanija radioaktivnyh materialov v organizme, obnaruzhenija i regulirovanija zagrjaznenija okruzhajushhej sredy i bystrogo sostavlenija dannyh ob obluchenii v kachestve rukovodstva dlja personala skoroj pomoshhi i vrachej. Osnovnoj upor delaetsja na hjenfordskij plenochnyj dozimetr, kotoryj imeet pri sebe vse lica v predelah kontroliruemyh zon. Dozimetr obespechivaet pravil'noe vyjavlenie lichnosti vladel'ca, a ocenka plenki mozhet byt' provedena v techenie 90 minut. Razdel'no, i vmeste s tem odnovremenno, mozhno provesti obrabotku ostal'nyh sostavnyh chastej dozimetra s cel'ju opredelenija spektra nejtronov i velichiny dozy v pjati gruppah jenergii, a takzhe dat' bystruju ocenku nejtronnoj dozy pri odnokratnom stolknovenii, ot neskol'kih do tysjach rad. Gamma-luchi obnaruzhivajutsja v diapazone ot 20 millirentgen do 1500 rentgen (pri obrabotke komponentov plenki) i ot 10 do 10 000 rentgen (pri obrabotke jekranirovannyh tantalom ftoristyh sterzhnej). V avarijnuju sistemu vkljuchajutsja programmy, obespechivajushhie ponimanie sotrudnikami sistemy, podgotovku v oblasti dozimetrii i sotrudnichestvo s rukovodstvom v dele bystrogo vyjavlenija, kontrolirovanija i izolirovanija porazhennyh izlucheniem

  11. The use of Kr{sup 85} for the measurement of leaks in hermetically sealed components; Emploi du krypton-85 pour la detection des fuites dans les pieces hermetiquement scellees; Opredelenie utechki germeticheski izolirovannykh komponentov pri pomoshchi Kr''8''5; Empleo del {sup 85}Kr para la deteccion de fugas en piezas hermeticamente selladas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berry, P F; Cameron, J F [Wantage Research Laboratory (A. E. R. E.), Wantage, Berks. (United Kingdom); Wilson, E J [Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks. (United Kingdom)


    los poros del material constituye el principal factor que limita la sensibilidad del primer metodo; los autores tratan de la gravedad de este efecto al estudiar la aplicacion de este metodo a la deteccion de fugas en cartuchos para transistores. La introduccion de gas radiactivo en la pieza antes de cerrarla presenta la ventaja de que es posible controlar el contenido de la pieza durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Con esto se elimina la posibilidad de que el orificio por el que se produce la fuga se obture pasajeramente en el momento en que se aplican la presion o el vacio, obteniendose ademas un valor integrado de la magnitud de la fuga, esto es, un dato de mayor utilidad. (author) [Russian] Radioaktivnye gazy obespechivayut metod opredeleniya utechki germeticheski izolirovannykh komponentov, kotoryj v osobykh sluchayakh mozhet byt' bolee chuvstvitel'nym na neskol'ko poryadkov moshchnosti, nezheli obychnye metody opredeleniya utechki. Dlya ehtoj tseli v nastoyashchem doklade privoditsya opisanie ispol'zovaniya Kg{sup 85}. Gaz mozhno ispol'zovat' dvumya putyami. V pervom sluchae komponent pogruzhaetsya v gaz pri kontroliruemykh usloviyakh davleniya i vremeni, a ego prosochivsheesya kolichestvo pod davleniem izmeryaetsya posleduyushchim kontrolirovaniem radiatsii, pronikshej cherez stenki komponenta. Vo vtorom sluchae nekotoroe kolichestvo aktivnogo gaza vvoditsya do izolyatsii, a posleduyushchaya poterya aktivnosti yavlyaetsya meroj skorosti utechki. Vybor metoda zavisit ot razmerov komponenta i ego naznacheniya. Osnovnym ogranicheniem chuvstvitel'nosti v pervom metode yavlyaetsya zarazhenie poverkhnosti, blagodarya proniknoveniyu gaza v pory materiala komponenta; razmery ehtogo proniknoveniya obsuzhdayutsya v primenenii metoda po opredeleniyu utechki v obolochkakh poluprovodnikovykh triodov. Predvaritel'noe zapolnenie komponenta aktivnym gazom do germetizatsii imeet preimushchestvo v tom, chto dlitel'nyj kontrol' nad soderzhaniem komponenta vozmozhen. EHto

  12. Application of Radiation for the Control of Salmonellae in Various Foods; Destruction des Salmonellae par les Rayonnements dans Divers Produits Alimentaires; Primenenie izluchenij dlya unichtozheniya salmonell v razlichnykh pishchevykh produktakh; Empleo de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Lucha Contra las Salmonellae de Diferentes Aumentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ley, F. J. [Wantage Research Laboratory (A.E.R.E.), Wantage, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    desecados y a sus derivados, a las carnes congeladas y a los alimentos de consumo animal. (author) [Russian] Mikrobiologicheskoe izluchenie primenenija ionizirujushhih izluchenij dlja unichtozhenija salmonell v razlichnyh pishhevyh produktah pokazalo, chto bol'shoe kolichestvo faktorov mozhet vlijat' na chuvstvitel'nost' jetih organizmov k oblucheniju. K chislu jetih faktorov otnosjatsja xapaktep samogo pishhevogo produkta i ego temperatura1 v period obluchenija, naprimer, javljaetsja li produkt zamorozhennym ili nezamorozhennym. Raznica,v radiacionnoj stojkosti razlichnyh serotipov salmonelly, obluchennyh pri odinakovyh uslovijah, takzhe horosho ustanovlena. Pojetomu krivye zavisimosti vyzhivanija'salmonelly ot dozy dolzhny byt' postroeny dlja predusmotrennyh prakticheskih uslovij i osnovany na sushhestvujushhem serotipe, imejushhem samuju vysokuju stojkost'. Poskol'ku takie uslovija nel'zja tochno vosproizvesti v laboratorii, vybor doz dolzhen byt' osnovan na znachitel'nom ob{sup e}me rabot s materialom, imejushhim estestvennoe zagrjaznenie. Predstavljaetsja ochevidnym, chto dozy, trebujushhiesja dlja obrabotki razlichnyh pishhevyh produktov, nahodjatsja v diapazone 0,5 - 1,0 Mrad, obespechivaja umen'shenie'kolichestva pervonachal'nyh populjacij v 10{sup 5} - 10{sup 7} raz. Naibolee perspektivnymi javljajutsja te processy, kotorye rassmatrivalis' v svjazi s zamorozhennymi i sushenymi produktami iz jaic, zamorozhennym mjasom i kormami dlja zhivotnyh. (author)

  13. Radiation Disinfestation of Grain and Seeds; Radiodesinsection des Cereales et des Semences; Obezzarazhivanie zerna i semyan s pomoshch'yu oblucheniya; Desinfestacion de Granos y Semillas por Irradiacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golumbic, C.; Davis, D. F. [Market Quality Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, MD (United States)


    futuras necesidades en materia de investigacion. (author) [Russian] V nastojashhee vremja obrabotka zerna i semjan s pomoshh'ju obluchenija predstavljaet interes glavnym obrazom s tochki zrenija opredelenija ee jeffektivnosti v dele obespechenija kontrolja za zarazheniem jetih produktov parazitami. Rassmatrivaetsja sovremennaja literatura po jetomu voprosu i ukazyvajutsja vse eshhe sushhestvujushhie problemy v oblasti fundamental'nyh i prakticheskih znanij o sposobah obezzarazhivanija s pomoshh'ju obluchenija. Podrobno rassmatrivajutsja nauchno-issledovatel'skie programmy ministerstva sel'skogo'hozjajstva SShA, kotorye nahodjatsja v stadii vypolnenija ili planirujutsja na blizhajshee budushhee. Provodimye v nastojashhee vremja issledovanija napravleny na ustanovlenie minimal'nyh jeffektivnyh doz dlja polovoj sterilizacii i smertnosti, vlijanija okruzhajushhih faktorov na dozovye potrebnosti i vozmozhnosti dlja razvitija biologicheskoj soprotivljaemosti. V mae 1966 goda ob{sup e}m rabot budet rasshiren, tak kak budet vvedena v jekspluataciju novaja ustanovka po oblucheniju zernovyh produktov i nachnutsja prikladnye issledovanija. Sostavnoj chast'ju jetih nauchno-issledovatel'skih rabot javljaetsja izuchenie vlijanija obluchenija na kachestvo pishhi i furazha, a takzhe produktov iz hlebnyh zlakov pri dozah, obespechivajushhih kontrol' za parazitami i unichtozhenie gribkov. V dannom doklade kriticheski rassmatrivajutsja rezul'taty nauchno-issledovatel'skoj raboty v jetoj oblasti i opredeljajutsja potrebnosti v nauchnyh issledovanijah v budushhem. (author)

  14. Recent Advances in Low-Level Scintillation Counting of Tritium; Progres recents dans le comptage a scintillations de faibles teneurs en tritium; Poslednie dostizheniya v oblasti stsintillyatsionnogo scheta tritiya nizkogo urovnya; Progresos recientes en el recuento por centelleo de bajas concentraciones de tritio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaufman, W J; Nir, A; Parks, G; Hours, R M [University of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    obnaruzheno, chto vnutrennij istochnik kobal'ta-57 dostatochno khorosho kontroliruet ehffektivnost' scheta tritiya v predelakh ot 2 do 7% so standartnym otkloneniem v 0,1%. Po sravneniyu s predydushchimi metodami ehtot sposob imeet to preimushchestvo, chto pozvolyaet bystro opredelit' ehffektivnost' bez izmeneniya obraztsa. Dlya otsenki znacheniya lyuministsentnogo vzaimodejstviya i kosmicheskoj radiatsii bylo issledovano umen'shenie fona. Pri ehtom byl ispol'zovan s plastikovoj obolochkoj ehkran antisovpadeniya. Bylo takzhe izucheno dolgosrochnoe vliyanie iznosa obraztsa i drejfa schetnogo oborudovaniya na stabil'nost' sistemy. (author)

  15. Effects of Irradiation on the Adults of Sitophilus Sasakii Takahashi (Curculionidae) and their Offspring; Influence de l'irradiation sur les adultes de Sitophilus Sasakii Takahashi (Curculionidae) et leurs descendants; Dejstvie oblucheniya na vzroslykh osobej Sitophilus Sasakii Takahashi (Curculionidae) i na posleduyushchie pokoleniya; Influencia de la irradiacion sobre los adultos del Sitophilus Sasakii Takahashi (Curculionidae) y sus descendientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laviolette, P.; Nardon, P. [Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Lyon-Villeurbanne (France)


    koehffitsienta variabil'nosti i srednego sroka vyzhivaniya v zavisimosti ot dozy predpolagaet nalichie dvukh chuvstvitel'nykh mekhanizmov, narushaemykh oblucheniem. Chuvstvitel'nost' k oblucheniyu, po-vidimomu, vozrastaet s vozrastom. S 2000 r plodovitost' sokrashchaetsya vdvoe. Pri 5000 i 6000 r nablyudaetsya faza vremennogo besplodiya. Polnaya sterilizatsiya dostigaetsya pri doze 15 000 r i vyshe. Sterilizatsiya rentgenovskimi luchami bolee ehffektivna pri 150 kv, chem pri 80 kv. Sposobnost' k oplodotvoreniyu znachitel'no bolee stojka, chem plodovitost', po otnosheniyu k oblucheniyu, potomu chto dazhe pri 16 000 r prodolzhaetsya otkladyvanie yaits. Obluchenie roditelej vedet k sokrashcheniyu plodovitosti i vesa posleduyushchikh pokolenij i uvelicheniyu sroka ikh razvitiya. Ehti posledstviya peredayutsya ot odnogo pokoleniya drugomu, prichem ehksperimentator ne vedet nikakoj selektsii. V to vremya kak dva pervykh pokoleniya imeyut tendentsiyu k ischeznoveniyu, uvelichenie sroka razvitiya prodolzhaet ostavat'sya stabil'nym, po krajnej mere, dlya desyati pokolenij. Predstavlyaetsya vozmozhnym primenenie radiatsii dlya dezinsektsii produktov pitaniya. (author)

  16. Profile counting; Comptage suivant l'axe principal du corps; Issledovanie schetchikom vdol' vsego tela; Recuento segun el eje principal del cuerpo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pochin, E E [Medical Research Council, Department of Clinical Research, University College Hospital Medical School, University Street, London, W. C. 1 (United Kingdom)


    izmereniyakh, a issledovanie schetchikom prodolzhaetsya s tsel'yu sledit' za peremeshniem ili izmeneniem kontsentratsii v ehtikh organakh. EHtot metod byl ispol'zovan pri izuchenii kontsentratsii I{sup 131} i obmena veshchestv v rakovykh opukholyakh shchitovidnoj zhelezy, i predstoit obsudit' ego tsennost' dlya lecheniya takikh opukholej radioaktivny m iodom. On primenyalsya takzhe dlya izucheniya raspredeleniya mechenogo tiroksina i tijodotronina posle ikh vvedeniya v venu i chastits okisi ittriya{sup 90} posle vnutrilegochnoj arterial'noj infektsii, a takzhe drugikh izotopov s pomoshch'yu gamma i tormoznogo izlucheniya. EHtot metod uproshchaet, v udobnykh v klinicheskom otnoshenii usloviyakh, sostavlenie skhemy vsego tela, kotoraya, v chastnosti, pozvolyaet provesti kolichestvennoe sravnenie raspredeleniya izotopov v razlichnye promezhutki vremeni posle vvedeniya odnoj ili neskol'kikh posleduyushchikh doz radioizotopa. (author)

  17. Diagnosis of Massive Pulmonary Embolism in Man by Radioisotope Scanning; Diagnostic par Scintigraphy de l'Embolie Pulmonaire Massive chez l'Homme; Diagnostika massivnoj legochnoj ehmbolii u cheloveka s pomoshch'yu radioizotopnogo skennirovaniya; Diagnostico de la Embolia Pulmonar Masiva en el Hombre por Exploracion Radioisotopica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wagner, Jr., H. N.; Sabiston, Jr., D. C.; Iio, M.; Langan, J. K. [Departments of Medicine, Surgery and Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (United States)


    pacientov s ''cor pulmonale''. Issledovanija na sobakah sdelali vozmozhnym opredelenie skorosti revaskuljarizacii posle jeksperimental'noj legochnoj jembolii. Scintilljacionnoe skennirovanie provodilos' v razlichnye periody vremeni posle udalenija jeksperimental'nogo jembola. Cirkuljacija krovi v legkih u sobak vosstanavlivalas' v techenie neskol'kih nedel' posle udalenija hronicheskogo legochnogo jembola. Hotja krupnye chasticy al'bumina syvorotki cheloveka sohranjali svoi antigennye svojstva dlja krolikov, morskih svinok i sobak, shirokie issledovanija ne priveli k obnaruzheniju kakih-libo antigennyh svojstv jetih chastic dlja cheloveka. Vvidu bystrogo metabolizma krupnyh chastic al'bumina doza obluchenija pacienta nahodilas' v predelah dopustimyh doz. Ispol'zovanie al'bumina s vysokoj udel'noj aktivnost'ju pozvoljalo vvodit' nebol'shie himicheskie kolichestva; vposledstvii ne otmecheno kakih-libo izmenenij so storony serdechno-sosudistoj sistemy, kak povyshenija davlenija v legochnoj arterii, izmenenija jelektrokardiogrammy ili chastoty dyhanija.

  18. Planned Procedures for Fast Determination of Radiation Levels and Personnel Dosimetry in Connection with Radiological Accidents; Methodes de Dosimetrie Rapide du Personnel en Cas d'Accident Radiologique; 041f 041b 0410 041d 0414 ; Servicio Organizado de Determinacion Rapida de los Niveles de Radiacion y de Dosimetria del Personal en Caso de Accidente Radiologico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edvardsson, K. -A.; Wahlberg, T. [AB Atomenergi, Studsvik (Sweden)


    'ju. Jeta organizacija imeet svoju shtab- kvartiru, v kotoroj hranitsja oborudovanie i kotoraja imeet razlichnye vidy vnutrennih i vneshnih kommunikacij. Dlja opredelenija stepeni obluchenija neobhodimo poluchit' kak mozhno skoree predvaritel'nye dannye o moshhnosti dozy vneshnego i vnutrennego obluchenija i dovol'no tochno izmerit' stepen' obluchenija kazhdogo cheloveka, imejushhego otnoshenie k avarij, v techenie priemlemogo sroka. Special'nye gruppy po opredeleniju doz obluchenija obsledujut mesto avarii, chtoby imet' obshhuju ocenku o razmerah opasnosti. Jeti gruppy nachinajut dejstvovat' srazu zhe posle poluchenija signala trevogi. Oni imejut pri sebe portativnye pribory i peredvigajutsja na mashinah po opredelennym dorogam v meste raspolozhenija ustanovki. Prakticheskaja proverka pokazala, chto shtab-kvartira poluchaet rezul'taty obsledovanija ot jetih grupp v techenie 10 - 15 minut posle signala o radiacionnoj opasnosti, i na osnove jetih rezul'tatov mozhno sostavit' horoshee predstavlenie ob urovnjah radiacii vnutri i snaruzhi razlichnyh zdanij. Portativnoe oborudovanie vkljuchaet ustrojstva dlja vzjatija prob vozduha s krajne neznachitel'nym vremenem otbora prob, kotorye dejstvujut na osnove principa vozdushnogo jezhektora. Individual'nye vneshnie dozy opredeljajutsja na osnove jekspozicij fotoplenki, dozimetra kritichnosti, aktivacii i analiza aktivnosti volos i krovi. Vnutrennee zagrjaznenie opredeljaetsja posredstvom izmerenija aktivnosti vsego tela i radiometricheskim analizom jekskrementov. S cel'ju opredelenija polej radiacii, sozdannyh v rezul'tate avarii, rjad ustanovlennyh kontrol'nyh postov osnashhaetsja dozimetrami razlichnyh tipov, kotorye takzhe zamerjajutsja srazu zhe posle gipoteticheskoj avarii. (author)

  19. The Why and How of Nuclear Accident Dosimetry; Dosimetrie en cas d'Accident Nucleaire: Raison d'Etre et Modalites; 041e 0411 041e 0421 041d 041e 0412 0414 ; Dosimetria en Casos de Accidente Nuclear: Justificacion y Modalidades

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallario, E. J.; Wasson, H. R. [United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC (United States)


    eficaz de esta indole deben tenerse en cuenta varios parametros fundamentales, a saber: a) un metodo para clasificar las victimas del accidente nuclear; b) una instalacion dosimetrica fija (sistema primario) capaz de determinar in situ la dosis de primer impacto con un grado de exactitud previamente establecido; c) la necesidad de disponer de 'aparatos secundarios', y d) la necesidad de proveer al personal de dosimetros individuales que proporcionen informacion sobre el flujo y sobre el espectro, para facilitar la extrapolacion de los datos dosimetricos procedentes del sistema de dosimetros fijos, a los lugares ocupados por esas personas. La celda de deteccion neutronica del sistema debe informar sobre el flujo y el espectro a fin de proporcionar indicaciones cualitativas adecuadas para la evaluacion de la dosis. El grado de exactitud se fijara segun el estado actual de los conocimientos. Por otra parte, la celda de deteccion gamma debera permitir la medicion de las radiaciones gamma dentro del intervalo de interes biologico, esto es, entre 10 y 10{sup 3}r. Para que un sistema de dosimetria en caso de accidente sea eficaz, el numero de aparatos debe ser suficiente y su emplazamiento bien escogido; asimismo, es preciso poder recuperarlos rapidamente. El autor estima que una vez satisfechas esas condiciones, debe ser posible acopiar datos adecuados para todo el espectro de fision. (author) [Russian] Naznachenie jeffektivnoj dozimetricheskoj programmy, osushhestvljaemoj vo vremja jadernyh avarij, sostoit v obespechenii vozmozhnosti ocenki gamma- i nejtronnoj doz vo vremja jadernoj avarii. V jetoj svjazi obsuzhdaetsja vopros ob ogranichenii primenenija plenochnyh dozimetrov, v dopolnenie k nekotorym sluchajam avarij, kotorye ukazyvajut na njoobhodimost' imet' bolee jeffektivnuju programmu sistemy avarijnoj dozimetrii na ustanovkah, podverzhennyh opasnosti vozniknovenija jadernyh avarij. Pri razrabotke jeffektivnoj programmy, osushhestvljaemoj vo vremja jadernyh avarij

  20. Disposal of Radioactive Wastes in Natural Salt; Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs dans le Sel Naturel; 0423 0414 ; Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en Formaciones Salinas Naturales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, F. L.; Boegly, W. J.; Bradshaw, R. L.; Empson, F. M.; Hemphill, L.; Struxness, E. G.; Tamura, T. [Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    pueden solo estudiarse en las formaciones salinas inalteradas. En un yacimiento estratificado de sal situado en Hutchinson, Kansas, se han hecho experimentos con modelos a escala 1:5 y se estan realizando pruebas sobre el terreno a escala 1:1. (author) [Russian] Predlagaemoe ispol'zovanie polostej soljanyh zalezhej v kachestve mest dlja udalenija radioaktivnyh othodov osnovyvaetsja na: 1. Sushhestvovanii soli v techenie geologicheskih vekov, 2. Vodonepronicaemosti soli, 3. Shirokom geologicheskom rasprostranenii soli, 4. Chrezvychajno bol'shih kolichestvah imejushhejsja soli, 5. Strukturnoj prochnosti soli, 6. Sravnitel'no vysokoj teploprovodnosti soli po sravneniju s drugimi geologicheskimi obrazovanijami obshhek haraktera, 7. Vozmozhnom ispol'zovanii cennyh rasshhepljajushhihsja produktov v othodah, vvedennyh v sol', J 8. Sravnitel'no legkom sozdanii polostej v soli putem vyemki porody i eshhe bol'shej legkosti i nizkih zatratah na razrabotku v soli rastvornyh polostej, 9. Nizkoj sejsmichnosti v rajonah glavnyh soljanyh zalezhej. Zhidkie radioaktivnye othody mogut hranit'sja v polostjah, nahodjashhihsja . v zalezhah prirodnoj soli, esli strukturnye svojstva soli ne narusheny himicheskim vzaimodejstviem, davleniem, temperaturoj ili radiaciej. Analiticheskie issledovanija pokazyvajut, chto mozhno hranit' 800 gal/tonn dvuhgodichnyh othodov na 10000 MWD/T v sfere diametrom 10 futov, esli temperatura ne. prevyshaet 200 Degree-Sign po Farengejtu. Laboratornye ispytanija pokazyvajut, chto strukturnye svojstva i teploprovodnost' gornoj soli ne izmenjajutsja v znachitel'noj stepeni pod vozdejstviem vysokih doz radiacii, hotja vysokie temperatury uvelichivajut stepen' polzuchesti kak dlja obluchennyh, tak i dlja neobluchennyh obrazcov. Himicheskoe vzaimodejstvie zhidkih othodov s sol'ju daet hlor i drugie hloristye gazoobraznye soedinenija, no ih kolichestvo ne veliko. Migracija nuklidov v soli i deformacija polosti i kamery mogut byt' izucheny tol'ko v netronutoj zalezhi soli

  1. Pulsed Irradiation Studies in Mice, Rats and Dogs; Etudes sur l'Exposition de la Souris, du Rat et du Chien a des Rayonnements Pulses; Impul'snoe obluchenie myshej, krys i sobak; Estudios sobre la Irradiacion Pulsante de Ratones, Ratas y Perros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ainsworth, E. J.; Leong, G. F.; Kendall, K.; Alpen, E. L.; Albright, M. L. [US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. San Francisco, CA (United States)


    /min para los ratones y 23 rad/min para los perros) o bien con un impulso de radiacion unico de elevada intensidad ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 6} rad/min para los ratones y Tilde-Operator 2,0 * 10{sup 5} rad/min para los perro). En los experimentos con ratones, la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} de los animales expuestos a intensidades moderadas (40 rad/min de neutrones o 100 rad/min de rayos gamma) no se diferencia apreciablemente de la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} de los animales expuestos a la misma radiacion aplicada en forma pulsante. Analogamente, en los estudios de mortalidad aguda llevados a cabo con perros irradiados unilateralmente con neutrones, no se observaron diferencias significativas en la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} entre los grupos irradiados con 23 rad/min o expuestos a impulsos de intensidad superior a 1,5 x 10{sup 5} rad/min. Los autores efectuaron otros estudios a fin de determinar si la recuperacion de las radiolesiones en el raton, valorada mediante el procedimiento de irradiacion con dosis fraccionadas, depende o no de la intensidad de dosis que ha producido la lesion subletal inicial. Compararon el restablecimiento a los 5 y a los 14 dias a contar de la irradiacion en grupos de animales expuestos a 40 rad/min o bien a 9 x 10{sup 4} rad/min y no observaron ninguna influencia de la intensidad de la dosis sobre la recuperacion. (author) [Russian] Radiacionnaja letal'nost' kak funkcija moshhnosti dozy obluchenija shiroko izuchalas' v diapazone doz ot menee odnogo rada do neskol'kih soten rad v minutu, no sravnitel'no malo izvestno o biologicheskih posledstvijah obluchenija pri moshhnosti dozy porjadka 10{sup 5} - 10{sup 6} rad/min. V dannoj rabote izluchenie reaktora TRIGA ispol'zovalos' dlja sravnitel'nogo izuchenija reakcii nastuplenija vnezapnoj smerti (DL{sub 30/50}) y myshej i sobak, obluchennyh kak dozami umerennoj moshhnosti (40 ili 100 rad/min dlja myshej i 23 rad/min dlja sobak), tak i pri impul'snom odnokratnom o b l u chenii dozoj vysokoj moshhnosti ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 6

  2. Economics of Food Irradiation; Aspects Economiques de l'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires; Voprosy ehkonomichnosti obrabotki produktov pitaniya posredstvom oblucheniya; Aspectos Economicos de la Irradiacion de Alimentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rindorf, H. [A/S Radest, Herstedoester (Denmark)


    . El mejor medio para ello suele ser lanzar al mercado cierta cantidad de producto, a tftulo experimental, antes de decidir inversiones importantes en equipo muy especializado. Las instalaciones de investigacion o de produccion actualmente en funcionamiento han estudiado ya, con buenos resultados, el mercado de algunos productos y, segun anuncian, han procedido incluso a comercializarlos. En conclusion, son muchos los procesos de irradiacion de alimentos que parecen ofrecer perspectivas economicas favorables. (author) [Russian] V nastojashhee vremja imeetsja ochen' nadezhnoe oborudovanie dlja obluchenija, a dlja predprinimatelja glavnym javljaetsja soobrazhenie jekonomichnosti, kogda on reshaet vopros o primenenii priemlemoj dlja nego v drugih otnoshenijah obrabotki posredstvom obluchenija. V Danii odin promyshlennyj koncern nashel jekonomicheski opravdannym postroit' mnogocelevuju promyshlennuju ustanovku, oborudovannuju amerikanskim linejnym uskoritelem, i jeta ustanovka smozhet obrabatyvat' produkty pitanija. Do sih por nemnogo predprijatij v mire soobshhali o dejstvitel'nyh rashodah na promyshlennuju obrabotku produktov pitanija, odnako cifry rashodov iz drugih oblastej mogut sluzhit' v kachestve rukovodstva. Pri prakticheskih raschetah udobno razdeljat' rabotu na opredelennye tipichnye gruppy, naprimer, na ustanovki ''krupnye'', ''srednie'', ''tonkie'' i ''mnogocelevye'', odnako produkty pitanija mogut popadat' v ljuboj iz jetih razdelov. Stoimost' obluchenija zavisit ot svojstv produkta, vida ustanovki, godovyh i mesjachnyh kolichestv obrabatyvaemyh produktov, doz, kontrol'nyh norm, special'nyh trebovanij k pereupakovke i drugoj dopolnitel'noj obrabotke i t.d. Opredelennye cifry dlja konkretnogo sluchaja dolzhny osnovyvat'sja na tochnyh raschetah, odnako dlja predvaritel'nogo suzhdenija v rasporjazhenii predprinimatelja imeetsja mnogo obshhih ukazanij otnositel'no diapazona cen, i dlja mnogih celej uzhe ochevidno, chto obrabotka oblucheniem jekonomicheski

  3. Operating Experience in Nuclear Power Plants with Boiling-Water Reactors; Experience acquise dans l'exploitation des reacteurs a eau bouillante; Opyt ehkspluatatsii kipyashchago reaktora; Experiencia adquirida con la explotacion de reactores de agua hirviente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ascherl, R. J. [General Electric Company, San Jose, CA (United States)


    , ''Rejnish vestfalishes ehlektritsitetsverk und bajernverk'', Kal'-na-Majne, Zapadnaya Germaniya. Rabochaya kharakteristika kipyashchego reaktora atomnoj ehlektrostantsii pri obychnom rezhime raboty v kommunal'noj ehnergosisteme ochen' khoroshaya. Koehffitsient ispol'zovaniya i moshchnosti reaktora i ehlektrostantsii daet tverdoe osnovanie polagat', chto ehlektrostantsii s kipyashchimi reaktorami yavlyayutsya nadezhnymi s tochki zreniya ikh rabochej kharakteristiki. V techenie 1963 goda budut vvedeny v stroj chetyre dopolnitel'nye ehlektrostantsii s kipyashchimi reaktorami: atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya v Big Rok Pojnt, ''Kons'yumers pauehr kompani'', Sharl'vua, Michigan, atomnaya ehnergeticheskaya ustanovka v KHamboldt Bej, ''Pasifik gaz ehnd ehlektrik kompani'', Yurika, Kaliforniya, atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya v Garig'yano, Natsional'noe obshchestvo po atomnoj ehnergii, Skauri, Italiya,i Yaponskij demonstratsionnyj ehnergeticheskij reaktor. Yaponskij nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut po atomnoj ehnergii, Tokai-Mura, Yaponiya. Pusk i pervonachal'naya ehkspluatatsiya ehtikh ehlektrostantsij podtverzhdayut predpolozhenie o nadezhnosti ikh raboty, chto uzhe prodemonstrirovano atomnymi ehlektrostantsiyami v Drezdene, Kale i Vallesitose. Rabochaya kharakteristika atomnykh ehlektrostantsij v Drezdene, Kale i Vallesitose yavlyaetsya naglyadnym dokazatel'stvom stabil'nosti i bezopasnosti kipyashikh reaktorov. Krome togo, urovni radiatsii na samoj ehlektrostantsii i v okruzhayushchej srede znachitel'no nizhe predelov, ustanovlennykh litsenziyami na ehkspluatatsiyu. Podtverdilis' prostota i legkost' ehkspluatatsii kipyashchikh reaktorov. Kharakteristika kontrolya za nagruzkoj u kipyashchego reaktora s dvojnym tsiklom Drezdenskoj ehlektrostantsii okazalas' ochen' khoroshej. Krupnye i nebol'shie raboty po ukhodu i remontu mogut osushchestvlyat'sya obychnymi remontnymi gruppami bez vrednykh posledstvij ili bez limita vremeni, svyazannymi s soobrazheniyami radioaktivnogo oblucheniya. V

  4. United Kingdom Food Irradiation Programme - Wholesomeness Aspects; Programme du Royaume-Uni Relatif a l'Irradiation des Aliments: Comestibilite; Programma oblucheniya pishchevykh produktov v soedinennom korolevstve - problemy sokhraneniya vkusovykh i pitatel'nykh kachestv; Programa del Reino Unido Relativo a la Irradiacion de Alimentos: El Problema de la Comestibitidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hickman, J. R. [Wantage Research Laboratory (A.E.R.E.), Wantage, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    irradiacion es diferente. Las perdidas de vitaminas B producidas por irradiacion y cochura son acumulativas. No se ha observado efecto alguno en el valor nutritivo de las proteinas. En 1962, el Ministerio de Sanidad Publica del Reino Unido constituyo un Grupo de trabajo encargado de estudiar los efectos de las radiaciones en los alimentos y de presentar un informe sobre la necesidad de controles oficiales. En la memoria se examina el informe del Grupo de trabajo, publicado en 1964, en relacion con las pruebas de comestibilidad efectuadas en el Reino Unido. (author) [Russian] Daetsja opisanie ispytanij, provedennyh v Soedinennom Korolevstve, na sohranenie pishhevymi produktami vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv. Ispytanija velis' po programme obluchenija produktov pitanija. Kratkosrochnye issledovanija kormlenija krys, kur i svinej i dlitel'nye issledovanija kormlenija krys i myshej obluchennym kormom ne pokazali kakogo-libo vrednogo vlijanija jetogo korma na organizm. Opyty s kormleniem zhivotnyh byli prednaznacheny dlja vyjavlenija specificheskih processov obluchenija, i vse jeti processy ohvatyvajut ispol'zovanie nizkih ili umerennyh doz radiacii. Tak, zerno, obrabotannoe gamma-luchami dozoj v 20 000 i 200 000 rad, i zamorozhennye jajca (obluchennye dlja togo, chtoby ubit' salmonellae), obluchennye dozami 0,5 i 1,0 megarad, skarmlivali zhivotnym. Ispytyvalas' vetchina, obluchennaja dozoj 250 000 rad dlja prodl nija srokov ee hranenija, a takzhe vetchina, obluchennaja dozoj 2 megarada. V nastojashhee vremja provodjatsja dlitel'nye issledovanija po izucheniju voprosa sohranenija vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv ryby, obrabotannoj dozoj 0,6 megarada (maksimal'naja doza, kotoraja, verojatno, budet ispol'zovat'sja dlja obespechenija dlitel'nogo hranenija v zamorozhennom so- stojajii (0 Degree-Sign - 4 Degree-Sign C)). Kratkosrochnye opyty provedeny takzhe s kartofelem (10 00O rad) i koninoj (0,65 megarada). Pitatel'nye kachestva obluchennogo zerna, jaic, ryby i nekotoryh kormov dlja

  5. A Scintillation Camera for Kinetic Studies of the Distribution of Radioactive Nuclides in the Brain; Chambre a Scintillation pour des Etudes sur la Cinetique de la Repartition des Radionucleides dans le Cerveau; Stsintillyatsionnaya kamera dlya kineticheskogo issledovaniya raspredeleniya radioaktivnykh izotopov v tkani mozga; Camara de Centelleo para Estudiar la Cinetica de la Distribucion de Radionuclidos en el Cerebro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, W. [Radiological Research Laboratory, Department Of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States); Schlesinger, E. B.; De Boves, S. [Department of Neurological Surgery, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States)


    corresponder a la situacion espacial de los contadores de centelleo. La modulacion de la intensidad del haz del osciloscopio y la supresion de la actividad de fondo facilitan la visualizacion de la distribucion de actividad. (author) [Russian] Razrabotana scintil- ljacionnaja kamera, special'no prednaznachennaja dlja izuchenija kinetiki raspredelenija radioaktivnyh izotopov v tkani mozga. Jetot pribor sostoit iz dvuh grupp, aktivirovannyh talliem kristallov NaJ razmerom 1,8 X 2,5 sm , prichem 63 kristalla kazhdoj gruppy soboany v porjadok 7 x 9 na 2 ,5 -sm centrah. Jeti gruppy m ogut byt' raspolozheny takim o'razom, chtoby odnovremenno poluchat' ob e bokovye proekcii ili odnu bokovuju i odnu za dne-perednjuju ili peredne-zadnjuju proekciju. Pole zrenija kazhdogo kristalla ogranicheno kollimatorom, so stojashhim iz 19 suzhivajushhihsja kanalov s parallel'nymi osjam i. Jeta konstrukcija imeet chuvstvitel'nost' pochti ravnuju polnoj shirote na polovine rasstojanija douslovnogo istochnika opuholi po vsem rasstojanijam do 10 cm ot perednej chasti kollimatora. Jeta chuvstvitel'nost' dostatochno shiroka, chtoby izbezhat' neradioaktivnyh zon , i v to zhe vremja dostatochno uzka , chtoby pozvolit' tochnoe nabljudenie raspredelenija aktivnosti v techenie neskol'kih minut, pri ispol'zovanii normal'nyh indikatornyh doz j o d a -131. Kazhdyj kristall opticheski s o edinen so svoim fotoumnozhitelem v obshhej upakovke. Vyhodnye impul'sy fotoumnozhitelej analizirujutsja s pomoshh'ju diskriminatorov i informacija hranitsja v cifrovoj forme v chetverti zapominajushhego ustrojstva 512-kanal'nogo analizatora vysokih impul'sov. Sovpadajushhie po vremeni impul'sy iz razlichnyh d e tektorov mogut prinimat'sja v jetoj ust anovke s neznachitel'nymi p ot er jam i . Schityvanie dannyh vozmozhno v neskol'kih formah. Mozhno poluchit' dannye v cifrovoj forme, v mashinopisnoj forme ili v vide perfokart. Poslednie mozhno vvesti obratno v pribor dlja povtornogo izuchenija. Analogichnoe schityvanie

  6. Ultrasonic Water-Gap Measurements in MTR Fuel Elements; Mesure par Ultrasons des Espaces Intercalaires dans les Elements Combustibles des Reacteurs d'Essai de Materiaux; Izmereniya vodyanogo zazora v teplovydelyayushchikh ehlementakh dlya materialovedcheskogo reaktora s pomoshch'yu ul'trazvuka; Medicion Ultrasonica de la Capa de Agua en Elementos Combustibles para Reactores de Ensayo de Materiales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deknock, R. [Metallurgy Department, S.C.K./C.E.N., Mol (Belgium)


    en un convertidor tiempo-tension con circuitos logicos transistorizados. El instrumento permite un ajuste continuo del cero para cualquier espesor-arbitrario de la capa de agua entre 2 y 4 mm, con lo cual posibilita un registro con el cero en el centro de la escala. Ademas, cualquier intervalo deseado de 100 {mu}m puede dar una tension estable de 1 V a la salida para accionar un registrador. Se puede medir facilmente cualquier variacion en el espesor del agua con una precision de 5 {mu}m. Se han medido con este metodo varios elementos combustibles, y los resultados y la reproducibilidad fueron muy satisfactorios. (author) [Russian] Sil'nye potoki teplo- vyh nejtronov, kotorye obychno voznikajut v novejshih reaktorah dlja ispytanija materialov, javljajutsja podhodjashhim s r e d s t v om ravnomernoj teploperedachi i nadezhnogo otvoda tepla, s pomoshh'ju kotorogo mozhno izbezhat' obrazovanija para v bol'shih ob{sup e}mah. Krome togo, v celjah kontrolja nad obshhim raspuhaniem i povedeniem reaktornogo topli- va izmerjajut vodjanoj zazor pri jeksperimentah posle obluchenija s otrabotannymi teplovy- deljajushhimi jelementami. S jetoj cel'ju byl razrabotan zond dlja izmerenija 3 - m m vodjanogo zazora teplovydeljaju- shhego jelementa ispytatel'nogo reaktora BR-2 dlinoj bolee 1 m , v osnovu kotorogo polozhen princip ul'trazvuka. Pri jeksperimentah posle obluchenija izmeritel'nyj zond dolzhen dej- stvovat' v teplovydeljajushhem jelemente, pogruzhennom v bassejn na glubinu ne menee 6 m . Zond mozhet vyderzhat' pogruzhenie v vodu prodolzhitel'nyj period vremeni, i on ne podver- gaetsja vozdejstviju obychnyh doz gamma-obluchenija. Hotja sistema dejstvuet na osnove obychnogo metoda otrazhenija impul'sov, ona pozvo- ljaet razdeljat' ispuskaemye i otrazhennye impul'sy s pomoshh'ju 10 Mgc ferrojelektriches- kogo kristalla, kotoromu svojstvenno bol'shoe rassejanie jenergii. Mozhno ispol'zovat' zapis' pokazanij oscilloskopa, v kotorom vremja registriruetsja na gorizontal'noj osi

  7. Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spencer, H. [Edward Hines, Jr. Hospital Hines, IL (United States)


    normal que se ofrecieron como voluntarios. En este estudio no se administraron radioisotopos. Los resultados relativos al {sup 90}Sr son analogos a los conseguidos con el 8{sup 5}Sr. (author) [Russian] Issledovanie obmena radiostrontsiya u cheloveka proizvodilos' pri postoyannom kontrole.obmena i diety. V kachestve radioaktivnogo indikatora byl ispol'zovan otnositel'no korotkokhivushchij izotop Sreb. Odnokratnye indikatornye dozy Sr{sup 85} vvodilis' vnutrivenno i davalis' vnutr', posle chego opredelyalsya uroven' ego v plazme i vydelenie s mochoj i kalom. Osnovnoe kolichestvo Sr{sup 85} vyvoditsya pochkami, nezavisimo ot puti vvedeniya indikatora. U bol'shinstva obsledovannykh v srednem 20% prinyatogo vnutr' kolichestva Sr{sup 85} poglashchalos' iz kishechnika i priblizitel'no 50% pogloshchennoj dozy vydelyalos' s mochoj za 12 dnej. Issledovaniya, v protsesse kotorykh indikatornye dozy Sr{sup 85} i Ca{sup 45} byli odnovremenno vvedeny per oa, ukazali na predpochtenie organizma k pogloshcheniyu Ca{sup 45} i k vydeleniyu Sr{sup 85}, prichem sootnoshenie po- gloshcheniya Ca{sup 45}/Sr{sup 85} sostavlyaet 2,6:1. Zakonchivshiesya issledovaniya Sr{sup 85} vo vremya priema bol'shikh i malykh doz kal'tsiya odnimi i temi khe litsami pokazali, chto priem bol'shogo kolichestva kal'tsiya ne vedet k kakomulibo zametnomu izmeneniyu v pogloshchenii Sr{sup 85} u bol'shinstva obsledovannykh. Poskol'ku vydelenie Sr{sup 85} mochoj idet parallel'no vydeleniyu kal'tsiya, okazalos' vozmozhnym uvelichit' soderzhanie kal'tsiya v moche s pomoshch'yu razlichnykh veshchestv, povyshayushchikh kal'tsiuriyu. Vvedennye vnutrivenno stabil'nye kal'tsij i strontsij i prinyatyj per os khloristyj ammonij, primenennye v chistom vide ili v sochetanii s vnutrivenno vvedennymi kal'tsiem i nekotorymi kompleksoobrazuyushchimi veshchestvami, okazalis' ehffektivnymi v otnoshenii udaleniya radiostrontsiya u cheloveka v period ot dvukh do chetyrekh nedel' posle inektsii indikatora. Proizvedeny takzhe issledovaniya

  8. Performance Characteristics of the Experimental Boiling Water Reactor from 0 to 100 MW(t); Performances de l'EBWR de 0 a 100 MW; Rabochaya kharakteristika ehksperimental'nogo kipyashchego reaktora EBWR pri moshchnosti 0 - 100 mgvt.; Rendimiento del reactor experimental de agua hirviente (EBWR) entre 0 y 100 MW

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iskenderian, A.; Lipinski, W. C.; Petrick, M.; Wimunc, E. A. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    entonces de comportarse como reactor de agua hirviente de ciclo directo; en cierto modo, funciona como reactor de ciclo doble y circulacion natural. (author) [Russian] 25 maya 1962 goda Argonnskaya natsional'naya laboratoriya poluchila razreshenie KAEH SSHA na ehkspluatatsiyu reaktora EBWR na moshchnosti 100 mgvt. Administrativnoe razreshenie na ehkspluatatsiyu reaktora bylo predostavleno sistemoj garantij. Mezhdunarodnogo agentstva po atomnoj ehnergii 11 iyulya 1961 goda. 15 noyabrya 1962 goda byl dostignut uroven' moshchnosti v 100 mgvt. 6 dekabrya 1962 goda ehksperimental'naya programma byla zakonchena. Odnoj iz osnovnykh tselej ee byla tshchatel'naya proverka reaktora dlya polucheniya dannykh i informatsii rabochej kharakteristiki ehtogo tipa reaktora. Ehta programma byla pervoj programmoj takogo roda i pervoj vypolnennoj programmoj. Dlya polucheniya nuzhnykh dannykh neobkhodimo bylo razrabotat' mnogie novye pribory. TSel' byla dostignuta, polucheno mnogo novykh dannykh o rabochej kharakteristike kipyashchego reaktora s estestvennoj tsirkulyatsiej. Tak,naprimer, poluchena informatsiya otnositel'no skorosti potoka tsirkulyatsii v zamknutom tsikle, predelov separatsii zhidkogo para (vydelenie para v osadok v spusknoj trube i unos zhidkosti ehflu- entom para), nedogreva, lokalizatsii dejstvitel'noj poverkhnosti razdela v reaktore i ee svyazi s urovnem vodnoj kolonki, skorosti razrusheniya para v spusknoj trube, pustotnykh koehffitsientov, reaktivnoj sposobnosti H{sub 3}BO{sub 3}, temperaturnykh koehffitsientov, ispol'zovaniya sterzhnej iz bora dlya tselej kontrolya, ispol'zovaniya svezhikh toplivnykh ehlementov, peredatochnykh funktsij,analiza shuma, nekotorykh izmerenij potoka, stabil'nosti i t.d. Krome togo, byli polucheny dannye o povedenii i tselostnosti nekotorykh reaktornykh komponentov i sistem, takikh, kak bornokislaya kontrol'naya reaktsiya, urovni radiatsii, raspredelenie produktov korrozii, vykhod iz stroya oborudovaniya, toplivo i reguliruyushchie sterzhni i t

  9. New Instruments and Principles for the Dimensional Measurement and Measurement of Spacing of Reactor Components; Nouveaux Instruments et Procedes de Mesure des Dimensions et de l'Espacement des Elements d'un Reacteur; Novye pribory i printsipy izmereniya razmerov i raspolozheniya komponentov reaktora; Nuevos Instrumentos y Principios para Medir las Dimensiones y la Separacion Entre Componentes de Reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, P. [Institut Dr. Foerster, Reutlingen, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    ''gorjachih'' materialah. Rassmatrivaetsja vopros ob uvelichenii nerovnostej poverhnosti pri uvelichenii doz obluchenija. (author)

  10. The Digital Autofluoroscope; L'Autofluoroscope Numerique; Tsifrovoj avtofluoroskop; Autofluoroscopio Numerico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bender, M. A. [Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY (United States)


    podhodjat k drugoj fototrubke. Impul'sy, voznikajushhie odnovremenno v ljuboj pare iz 35 fototrubok, v ravnoj mere dostigajut kristalla, v kotorom proishodit vzaimodejstvie. Pozicionnyj signal, voznikshij v fototrubke, ne zavisit ot vysoty impul'sa. Kontury antisovpadenija otvodjat odnovremennye impul'sy, voznikajushhie vrezul'tatev zaim od ej stvi ja Komptona, za kotorym sleduet absorbcija rassejannogo izluchenija v sosednem kristalle. Cifrovoj harakter si st emy svetovy h trubok horosho prisposoblen k hraneniju na magnitnom serdechnike s posledujushhim nepreryvnym schityvaniem bezrazrushenija pokazanij na polnorazmernoj katodno-luchevoj trubke ili k cifrovomu vypisyvaniju dlja kolichestvennogo analiza. Pervym preimushhestvom avtofluoroskopa nad radioizotopnymi skennerami javljaetsja znachitel'noe sokrashhenie vremeni, neobho dim o go dlja issledovanija. Pri ravnoj sistem e doz opuholi mozga i pecheni obnaruzhivajutsja v techenie 0,1 vremeni, neobhodimogo dlja obychnogo skennirovanija. Vtoroe preimushhestvo svjazano s t em , chto predostavljaetsja informacija obo vsem organe. Jeto daet vozmozhnost' prosledit' dinamicheskie processy vizual'no i ispol'zovat' izotopy ili mechenye soedinenija, imejushhie ochen' korotkie periody poluraspada i poluvyvedenija. S umen'sheniem perioda poluraspada mozh et byt' proi zv eden o sootv et s tv ujushh e e uvelichenie vvodimoj d ozy , rezul' tat om ch e go javljaetsja sokrashhenie vremeni obsledovanija. Vremja o b luchenija mozhet byt' takim korotkim, chto v nastojashhee vremja stali ispol'zovat' kinofoto- graficheskie metody dlja vizual'nogo nabljudenija i kolichestvennogo opredelenija prohozhdenija gippurana mechenogo, jodom-131, cherez pochki i bariem-137 cherez polosti serdca. (author)

  11. Lens Opacification in Mice Exposed to Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons; Opacite du Cristallin chez la Souris Exposee aux Neutrons Rapides; Katarakty u myshej, obluchennykh monoehnergeticheskimi bystrymi nejtronami; Opacidad del Cristalino en los Ratones Expuestos a los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bateman, J. L.; Bond, V. P.; Rossi, H. H. [Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States); Radiological Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States)


    treh pri 1,80 Mjev. Issledovanija s opredeleniem umen'shenija kolichestva spermatogoniev obnaruzhili neskol'ko bolee vysokie velichiny OBJe, no takoe zhe snizhenie pri uvelichenii jenergii nejtronov. V tom zhe diapazone jenergij nejtronov izuchalos' tormozhenie metabolizma nukleinovoj kisloty v kishechnike i kostnom mozgu, prichem polucheny bolee nizkie velichiny OBJe. V jetih issledovanijah jeffektivnost' nejtronov byla priblizitel'no proporcional'na raschetnoj (srednjaja jenergija) LPJe. Takoe pozdnee projavlenie, kak obrazovanie katarakty, obychno rassmatrivaetsja kak funkcija jenergii nejtronov, prichem 0,43 Mjev okazyvaetsja bolee jeffektivnoj velichinoj jenergii, chem, 1,80 Mjev. Ispol'zovanie peresmotrennoj metodiki s shhelevoj lampoj pozvoljalo obnaruzhivat' pomutnenie v rannej stadii pri otnositel'no nizkih dozah radiacii. Izuchalis' mehanizmy vosstanovlenija v razlichnyh kletochnyh sistemah pri obluchenii monojenergeticheskimi nejtronami i rentgenovskimi ili gamma-luchami. Izuchajutsja hromosomnye narushenija u myshej, podvergnutyh gamma-oblucheniju pri moshhnosti doz ot 0,2 rad do 100 rad/min po chastote pojavlenija patologicheskih anafaz v regenerirujushhej pecheni cherez 3 mesjaca posle obluchenija. (author)

  12. Radiation-pulse transmission via a long cable without a preamplifier and/or a pulse transformer; Transmission d'impulsions de rayonnement par cable long sans l'adjonction d'un preamplificateur ou d'un transformateur d'impulsions; Peredacha impul'snykh izluchenij no kabelyu na dal'nie rasstoyaniya bez predvaritel'nogo usileniya i/ili bez preobrazovaniya impul'sov; Transmision de impulsos por cables de gran longitud sin preamplificador y/o transformador de impulsos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miwa, H; Tohyama, T [Kobe Kogyo Corporation, Okubo, Akashi, Hyogo (Japan)


    vkhodnym konturam malogo vkhodnogo kompleksnogo soprotivleniya, prikhoditsya neskol'ko peresmatrivat' ehti kontury. Rassmatrivayutsya i sravnivayutsya drug s drugom tri vkhodnykh kontura, a imenno (No. 1) po vidu napryazheniya, (No. 1) po vidu napryazheniya i toka i (No. 3) po vidu toka. Kontur No. 1 ochen' pokhozh na obychnyj kontur s ehlektronnymi lampami. Byl postroen chuvstvitel'nyj sledyashchij mekhanizm izlucheniya al'fa-luchej s katodnoj nagruzkoj i so smeshcheniem obratnoj svyazi; on byl uspeshno ispol'zovan bez ushcherba dlya ustojchivosti postoyannogo toka v kachestve kontura s bol'shim vkhodnym kompleksnym soprotivleniem svyshe 10 megaomov. Bol'shaya chast' radiatsionnykh detektorov mozhet rassmatrivat'sya kak generatory toka. Takim obrazom, vykhodnye signaly detektorov mogut napravlyat'sya v usilitel' toka s malym vkhodnym kompleksnym soprotivleniem. EHto ustrojstvo sootvetstvuet vidu No. 3, i ono daet velikolepnuyu amplitudu impul'sa, no vvidu bystrogo toka impul'sov i maloj vkhodnoj integriruyushchej konstanty vremeni verkhnij predel chastoty usilitelya dolzhen prevyshat' 10 megagerts. Ustrojstvo No. 2 yavlyaetsya kombinatsiej vidov No. 1 i No. 3. Signaly detektora napravlyayutsya cherez soprotivlenie priblizitel'no v 100 kiloomov v usilitel' toka s malym vkhodnym kompleksnym soprotivleniem. Soprotivlenie izmenyaet vkhodyashchuyu integriruyushchuyu konstantu vremeni do nuzhnoj velichiny i snizhaet trebovaniya, pred{sup y}avlyaemye k verkhnemu predelu chastoty ehlektronnogo kontura priblizitel'no do 2 megagerts. Bolee togo, ehto ustrojstvo pozvolyaet sokhranit' proportsional'noe sootnoshenie mezhdu amplitudoj impul'sa i ehnergiej radiatsii. Omicheskoe soprotivlenie sluzhit takzhe predokhranitel'nym ustrojstvom dlya gazovykh detektorov. Kabel', soedinyayushchij soprotivlenie s usilitelem toka, mozhet byt' prolozhen na rasstoyanie bolee 500 metrov bez iskazheniya formy impul'sa, pri uslovii ispol'zovaniya koaksial'nogo kabelya i pri uslovii, chto vkhodnoe

  13. Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thornley, Margaret J. [Sub-Department of Chemical Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    estudiaran las necesidades y ventajas economicas, la comestibilidad, la preparacion de productos, su envasado y su aceptacion por los consumidores. (author) [Russian] Domashnjaja ptica, jajca i izdelija iz nih mogut uspeshno obrabatyvat'sja s pomoshh'ju razlichnyh processov obluchenija v razlichnyh uslovijah. Kogda rech' idet o zarazhenii Salmonella mozhet osushhestvljat'sja 'radisidacija' s dozami porjadka 0,5 megarad. Jeto osobenno jeffektivno v otnoshenii zamorozhennyh produktov, takih kak jajca i nekotorye vidy domashnej pticy, osobenno utki. Takim zhe obrazom mogut obrabatyvat'sja suhie jaichnye produkty. Dannyj metod detal'no opisan drugimi avtorami (Lej, Mossel). Obrabotka tushek domashnej pticy s tem, chtoby oni mogli hranit'sja v techenie prodolzhitel'nogo vremeni, ili {sup r}adappertizacija{sup ,} mozhet byt' dostignuta s pomoshh'ju doz v 4,5 Mrad. Odnako narjadu s oblucheniem pri jetom dolzhny primenjat'sja drugie processy dlja predotvrashhenija nezhelatel'nyh privkusov. Jeti processy mogut zakljuchat'sja v predvaritel'nom nagrevanii dlja inaktivacii fermentov, obluchenii e zamorozhennom sostojanii, v vakuumnyh ili azotnyh upakovkah ili s aktivirovannym drevesnym uglem v upakovke, i inogda rekomendujutsja otdel'nye metody zharenija. Jeti metody predstavljajut interes dlja vooruzhennyh sil i shiroko izuchajutsja v ramkah programmy issledovanij armii SShA. Process 'radurizacii' v otnoshenii domashnej ptniy, t.e. uvelichenie sroka hranenija putem inaktivacii bol'shej chasti mikroorganizmov, vyzyvajushhih porchu produktov, predstavljajut interes dlja kommercheskogo ispol'zovanija. Dozy v diapazone 0,15-0,25 megarad mogut ispol'zovat'sja bez neblagoprijatnogo vozdejstvija na vkus produktov i uvelichat period hranenija bez porchi, vyzyvaemoj mikroorganizmami, v poltora - tri raza. Neobhodimym javljaetsja hranenie pri nizkih temperaturah (5 Degree-Sign C ili nizhe), i izmenenie vkusovyh kachestv v period hranenija mozhet ogranichit' prodolzhitel'nost' dannogo perioda

  14. Patterns of Lethality and Absorbed Dose Distributions in Mice for Monoenergetic Neutrons; Letalite et Distribution de la Dose Absorbee chez la Souris pour des Neutrons Monoenergetiques; Letal'nost' i raspredelenie pogloshchennoj dozy pri obluchenii myshej monoehnergeticheskimi neitronami; Letalidad y Distribucion de las Dosis Absorbidas por el Raton para Neutrones Monoenergeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frigerio, N. A.; Jordan, D. L. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    kontrol' raspredelenija dozy vnutri zhivotnogo. Absoljutnoe izmerenie moshhnosti potoka proizvodilos' s pomoshh'ju schetchika delenija uran-235 i absoljutnogo scheta aktivnosti zolotyh provolok i fol'g, aktivirovannyh v kadmievom pokrytii. Pogloshhenie dozy izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju mikro-ionizacionnoj kamery i special'no razrabotannogo vysokochuvstvitel'nogo dozimetra FeSO{sub 4}- NH{sub 4}SCN. Otnositel'nye izmerenija doz proizvodilis' s pomoshh'ju ga zo v o go schetchika protonov otdachi Hersta i V10, Lie i scintilljatorov protonov otdachi. Raspredelenie jenergii nejtronov izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju special'no razrabotannyh B{sup 10} , Ne{sup 3} i L i{sup 6} gazovyh spektrometrov i spektrometrov tverdyh tel. Gamma-izluchenie izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju Ne/Ag schetnyh kamer. Jeti izmerenija pokazali, chto dolja gamma-luchej sostavljala menee 0,8%, a teplovoe-nadteplovoe izluchenie men'she 0,01% obshhej dozy v radah. Zhivotnyh obluchali dozami so srednim znacheniem v sredinnoj tochke ot 180 do 1200 rad pri jenergii nejtronov ot 396 do 658 {+-}50 kjev dlja ohvata o b lasti N i O-rezonansov. Uroven' i harakter letal'nosti strogo zaviseli ot jenergii nejtronov i, v ravnoj s t e peni, no sam ostojat el'no, - ot raspredelenija dozy. Odnako,nezavisimo ot dozy, jenergii ili raspredelenija dozy, vse te zhe zhivotnye, kotorye vyzhili v techenie 5 dnej, prozhili dalee ne menee 144 dnej i pogibli zatem ot obychnyh dlitel'no dejstvujushhih faktorov. Jeto pokazyvaet, chto monojenergeticheskie bystrye nejtrony bez primesi gamma- ili nadteplovyh izluchenij mogut privodit' pochti bez iskljuchenija k rannej ''kishechnoj smerti''. (author)

  15. Nuclear Accident Dosimetry at Argonne National Laboratory; Dosimetrie dans les Cas d'Accidents Nucleaires au Laboratoire National d'Argonne; 0421 041b 0423 0416 0411 0410 0414 ; Dosimetria en Casos de Accidente Nuclear en el Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, L. L.; Duffy, T. L.; Sedlet, J.; O' Neil, D. P. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    , opredelennye v Argone, predstavljajutsja dlja komponentov medi, indija i sery. Obshhij potok nejtronov rasschityvaetsja s ispol'zovaniem ispravlennogo spektra sovmestno s funkciej verojatnosti zahvata i rezul'tatom issledovanija soderzhanija natrija v krovi. V takom sluchae, mozhet byt' rasschitana odna ili neskol'ko specifikacij nejtronnoj dozy putem primenenija informacii otnositel'no spektra k sootvetstvujushhej funkcii preobrazovanija . V gamma-chasti v pervichnom kompaktnom dozimetricheskom ustrojstve imejutsja fluorescentnye sterzhni i termoljuminescentnyj dozimetr, pomimo dvuhfaznogo himicheskogo dozimetra. Gamma-dozimetrom vo vtorichnom ustrojstve javljaetsja rastvor poliakrilamida, kotoryj raspadaetsja pri obluchenii gamma-izlucheniem Velichina pogloshhennoj dozy vyvoditsja v rezul'tate izmerenija izmenenij vjazkosti rastvora. Obsuzhdajutsja trudnosti ocenki, razmeshhenija i obespechenija ustojchivosti pri hranenii. Sostavleny plany opredelenija soderzhanija fosfora-32 v biologicheskih materialah s cel'ju poluchenija velichiny dozy bystryh nejtronov, analiza materialov okruzhajushhej sredy na predmet opredelenija produktov aktivacii nejtronami i s cel'ju opredelenija obshhego chisla delenij. Osushhestvleniju administrativnogo kontrolja za opredeleniem dozy budet sodejstvovat' rukovodstvo, v kotorom perechisljajutsja mestoraspolozhenija dozimetrov i procedury obrabotki i scheta, ravno kak formuly dlja rascheta doz. (author)

  16. Distribution of Aerially Applied Malathion-S{sup 35} in a Forest Ecosystem; Distribution du malathion- {sup 35}S pulverise par avion dans un ensemble ecologique forestier; Raspredelenie malationa, mechennogo S35 i raspylyaemogo s vozdukha dlya izucheniya ehkologicheskoj sistemy lesnykh massivov; Distribucion en un sistema ecologico forestal de malation- 35S pulverizado desde el aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giles, Jr., R. H.; Peterle, T. J. [Ohio Co-Operative Wildlife Research Unit, Columbus, OH (United States)


    insecticida pulverizado. Por toma de muestras de tierra y recuento de zonas delimitadas se estudio la distribucion bajo la superficie del suelo. Las muestras de agua tomadas en arroyos intermitentes y los ensayos realizados con insectos, mamiferos, reptiles y aves indicaron la distribucion inicial y subsiguiente del insecticida y sus metabolitos en el sistema ecologico. Los estudios de la poblacion animal siguieron durante los veranos de 1961 y 1962; en el verano de 1963 se reuniran todavia algunos datos. Los resultados preliminares indican que la poblacion de insectos vuelve a la normalidad unas tres semanas despues del tratamiento; no se observo efecto alguno en los animales vertebrados de la zona tratada. (author) [Russian] Raspredelenie malationa (0,0-dimetilditiofosfat diehtilmerkaptoyantarnoj kisloty) v lesnom massive vostochnoj chasti Tsentral'nogo Ogajo, SSHA, izuchalos' vesnoj 1962 goda. Ehtot insektitsid shirokogo dejstviya byl vybran dlya izucheniya v svyazi s ego vozrastayushchej rol'yu v bor'be s mnogimi vazhnymi nasekokymi-vreditelyami listvennykh i khvojnykh lesov Soedinennykh Shtatov. Dlya rasshireniya znanij po ehkologii lesnykh massivov, a takzhe bolee polnogo ponimaniya vliyaniya insektitsidov na faunu byla ispol'zovana svoeobraznaya vozmozhnost' izucheniya ehtikh problem odnovremenno posredstvom primeneniya mechennykh izotopami insektitsidov. S{sup 35} byla vybrana vvidu nizkoj ehnergii beta-izlucheniya (0,167 Mehv) i dostatochno korotkogo perioda poluraspada (87,1 dnya). Predvaritel'noe issledovanie uchastka zemli 0,1 akra letom 1961 goda pokazalo stepen' vozmozhnogo' primeneniya v usloviyakh obshchej radiatsii, a takzhe vozmozhnost' razrabotat' podgotovitel'nye metody dlya vzyatiya prob. Letom 1961 goda byl proveden obzor fauny dvukh bassejnov reki ploshchad'yu v 20 akrov kazhdyj. V mae 1962 goda odin iz nikh byl obrabotan tekhnicheski-chistym malationom v kolichestve 2 funtov na 1 akr v smesi s ksilolom, tritonom X-155 (ehmul'gator) i vodoj. Malation

  17. Method of obtaining concentrated preparations of Cl{sup 36} and Br{sup 82} by recoil nuclei under exposure to high-density neutron fields; Preparation de composes du chlore-36 et du brome-82 de haute activite specifique, par exposition de noyaux de recul a des champs neutroniques intenses; Poluchenie kontsentrirovannykh preparatov Cl{sup 36} i Br{sup 82} metodom yader otdachi pri obluchenii v nejtronnykh polyakh vysokoj plotnosti; Obtencion de compuestos de cloro-36 y de bromo-82 de alta actividad especifica por retroceso de nucleos en campos neutronicos intensos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurchatova, L N; Kurchatov, B V


    resultado de la superposicion de toda una serie de procesos : formacion de atomos de cloro radiactivo, separacion radiolitica del haluro, difusion de los productos obtenidos en la red cristalina del carbono, su sorcion en la superficie y su recombinacion en distintos centros. La extraordinaria variedad de condiciones en que se forman e interaccionan los productos de irradiacion con el esqueleto carbonico y su superficie depende de un gran numero de factores, a saber : la estructura ultramicroscopica, la naturaleza de los nuevos compuestos, que estan relacionados con el tipo de compuestos superficiales, la existencia en la superficie del carbono de centros con un espectro continuo de energia de sorcion, la probable formacion de diversos centros estacionarios de recombinacion por irradiacion del carbono, etc. Por ello, las tecnicas utilizadas ofrecen la posibilidad de realizar una gran variedad de experimentos a fin de establecer las condiciones optimas de enriquecimiento. (author) [Russian] Klassicheskij metod polucheniya kontsentrirovannykh radioaktivnykh preparatov Stsilarda-CHalmersa obychno rassmatrivaetsya kak malo ehffektivnyj pri ispol'zovanii bol'shikh integral'nykh potokov nejtronov iz-za znachitel'nogo razlozheniya obluchaemogo soedineniya pod dejstviem radiatsii. Avtorami najdeny soedineniya broma i khlora s uglerodom, pozvolyayushchie poluchat' sushchestvennoe obogashchenie radioaktivnymi izotopami khlora i broma metodom yader otdachi pri obluchenii v nejtronnykh potokakh poryadka 10{sup 13} nejtr./sek-cm{sup 2}. EHti soedineniya otvechayut formule C{sub n}X, gde X-Cl ili Br, N = 10 + 20 dlya soedineniya khlora i 25 + 70 -dlya soedinenij broma. Oni dostatochno ustojchivy termicheski i khimicheski. Soedinenie sostava C{sub 30}Br vyderzhivaet nagrevanie do 300{sup o}C v atmosfere argona bez otshchepleniya broma; ono razlagaetsya polnost'yu pri temperature 600{sup o}C. Ukazannoe soedinenie broma s uglerodom prakticheski ustojchivo k vozdejstviyu vodnykh rastvorov

  18. Rapid Estimation of Fast-Neutron Doses following Radiation Exposure in Criticality Accidents: The S{sup 32}(n, p)P{sup 32} Reaction in Body Hair; Prompte Evaluation des Doses de Neutrons Rapides apres une Exposition au Rayonnement a la Suite d'Accidents de Criticite: Reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P dans le Systeme Pileux; 0411 042b 0421 0414 ; Evaluacion Acelerada de Dosis de Neutrones Rapidos Despues de una Irradiacion Consecutiva a un Accidente de Criticidad: La Reaccion {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P en el Pelo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petersen, D. F. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    han deducido para cada caso, concordaban satisfactoriamente con las determinaciones independientes de las fisiones totales efectuadas por procedimientos analiticos clasicos. Para obtener rapidamente la dosis aproximada de neutrones rapidos, basta multiplicar por 0,49 la actividad del {sup 32}P, expresada en des/min. g de pelo a T = 0 y medida con cualquier sistema de recuento de rendimiento conocido, para obtener la dosis neutronica en rad correspondiente al 'nivel azufre'. (author) [Russian] Sochetanie unikal'nogo himicheskogo sostava, opredelennogo anatomicheskogo stroenija i dostupnosti, delaet chelovecheskij volos poleznym materialom dlja bystroj ocenki doz bystryh nejtronov, poluchaemyh personalom, svjazannym s rabotoj v avarijnyh uslovijah v kriticheskom sostojanii. V chelovecheskom volose otmechaetsja odno i to zhe soderzhanie sery, nezavisimo ot pola, cveta ili raspredelenija. Velichina 0,048 {+-} 0,005g sery na 1 g volosa ukazyvaet, chto 5 % mogut byt' ispol'zovany v kachestve standartnoj cifry dlja harakteristiki soderzhanija sery pri predvaritel'nyh ocenkah dozy bez vnesenija popravok na analiz soderzhanija sery v volosah otdel'nyh lic. Pri otsutstvii legko udaljaemogo vneshnego zagrjaznenija v volosah soderzhitsja menee 0,025 procentov fosfora. Poskol'ku poperechnye sechenija aktivacii fosfora i sery odinakovy, fakticheskoe otsutstvie fosfora daet vozmozhnost' ispol'zovat' volos v kachestve porogovogo detektora dlja biologicheskoj sery pri izmerenii potoka nejtronov s jenergiej svyshe 2,5 Mjev s pomoshh'ju reakcii S{sup 32}(n, p)P{sup 32}. Razrabotany metody dlja bystrogo vydelenija radiohimicheski chistogo R{sup 32} s cel'ju obespechenija klinicheski poleznyh ocenok obluchenija bystrymi nejtronami postradavshih vo vremja avarij v kriticheskom sostojanii. Pri otsutstvii bol'shogo zagrjaznenija produktami delenija predvaritel'nye ocenki mozhno provesti v techenie dvuh chasov. Dlja osushhestvlenija bolee shirokoj procedury po udaleniju produktov delenija

  19. Biological Effects of Thermal Neutrons and the B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7} reaction; Effets Biologiques des Neutrons Thermiques et la Reaction {sup 10}B(n, {alpha}){sup 7}Li; Biologicheskoe dejstvie teplovykh nejtronov i reaktsiya B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7}; Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones Termicos y la Reaccion {sup 10}B(n, {alpha}){sup 7}Li

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Archambeau, J. O.; Alcober, V.; Calvo, W. G.; Brenneis, H. [Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    -izluchenija, pojavljajushhegosja pri zahvate teplovyh nejtronov jelementami tkani i jekranirujushhih materialov, a takzhe gamma-izluchenija i obluchenija bystrymi nejtronami, pojavljajushhimisja pri processah delenija v aktivnoj zone reaktora. Konechnyj rezul'tat obluchenija teplovymi nejtronami javljaetsja funkciej padajushhego potoka nejtronov. Poskol'ku plotnost' potoka teplovyh nejtronov v tkani bystro padaet (sloj polovinnogo pogloshhenija Approximately-Equal-To 1,8 sm), dlja obespechenija vysokih doz v glubine na poverhnost' dolzhny popadat' bol'shie dozy. Pojetomu reakcii legkih, kishechnika, kostnogo mozga i slizistoj obolochki zavisjat glavnym obrazom, ot gamma-obluchenija v rezul'tate zahvata nejtronov vyshelezhashhimi tkanjami. Obluchenie golovy u sobak pri nejtronnom potoke 1.4 x 10{sup 14}/cm{sup 2} privodit k jepiljacii, jeriteme i vlazhnoj deskvamacii s soputstvujushhim ugneteniem krovotvorenija. Odnako v techenie 25-30 dnej na''ljudaetsja vosstanovlenie dejatel'nosti kostnogo mozga i izlechenie kozhnyh porazhenij. Pri nejtronnom obluchenii zhivotnyh 5 x 10{sup 13} n/cm{sup 2} cherez 30 minut posle vnutrivennogo vvedenija 35 mg/kg bora-10 u zhivotnyh nabljudaetsja nekroticheskij jepidermit, otek kozhi golovy i kon{sup j}unktivit. B mozgu obnaruzhivajutsja kapiljarnye krovoizlijanija i staz s povrezhdeniem nejtronov i astrocitov i narusheniem jendotileja kapilljarov. Znachitel'no umen'shaetsja chislo trombocitov, kotoroe usugubljaet mestnye izmenenija. Zhivotnye pogibajut ot krovotechenij i/ili mozgovyh narushenij na 5 -8-j den' posle obluchenija. Jeti jeffekty svjazyvajut kak s gamma- tak i s al'fa-oblucheniem, voznikajushhim pri zahvate nejtronov borom (B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7}). Obluchenie kozhi svinej pri 5 x 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2} ne privodit k gistologicheskim izmenenijam. Pri obluchenii kozhi posle vnutrivennogo vvedenija 35 mg/kg bora-10 pri takoj zhe moshhnosti nejtronnogo potoka razvivaetsja klassicheskij radio-jepidermit, izlechivajushhijsja cherez36 -40 dnej

  20. Radioisotopes and Radiation in Animal and Plant Insect Pest Control; Emploi des radioisotopes et des rayonnements dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles aux plantes et aux animaux; Ispol'zovanie radioizotopov i radiashchi v bor'be s nasekomymi-vreditelyami rastenij i zhivotnykh; Utilizacion de los radioisotopos y de las radiaciones en la lucha contra los insectos nocivos para las plantas y los animales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andreev, S. V.; Martens, B. K.; Samojlova, V. A.; Molchanova, Z. I. [Vsesoyuznyj Institut Zashchity Rastenij, Leningrad, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    . Krome togo, metod daet vozmozhnost' issledovat' slozhnejshij kompleks voprosov parazitizma i khishchnichestva (voprosy izucheniya pishchevykh tsiklov promekhutochnogo pitaniya i khemataksisa). Primenenie metoda samomarkirovki polevykh gryzunov s pomoshch'yu radioaktivnykh primanok pozvolilo ustanovit' razmery pishchevykh arealov. Ispol'zovanie pestitsidov, sintezirovannykh o radioaktivnymi izotopami, v sochetanii s metodom radiokhromatografii, flyuorometrii i drugimi pozvolilo issledovat' slozhnejshie biokhimicheskie protsessy, protekayushchie v rasteniyakh i nasekomykh pod vliyaniem toksikantov. Na primere fosfornoorganicheskikh soedinenij tipa tiofosa i metafosa byla ustanovlena skorost' gidroliza ehtikh insektitsidov v zavisimosti ot fazy razvitiya rasteniya i ego fiziologicheskogo sostoyaniya, a takkhe uslovij vneshnej sredy. Opredelena dlitel'nost' sokhraneniya ostatochnykh kolichestv toksikantov na sel'skokhozyajstvennoj produktsii v zavisimosti ot srokov khimicheskikh obrabotok. S pomoshch'yu radioaktivnykh izotopov vyyavleny osobennosti metaboliticheskikh protsessov, ustojchivykh i neustojchivykh k gerbitsidam rastenij. Vnesenie v pestitsidy izotopov s korotkim periodom poluraspada v indikatornykh kolichestvakh daet vozmozhnost' proizvodit' otsenku kachestva obrabotki semennogo materiala i posevov sel'skokhozyajstvennykh rastenij pestitsidami pri ispol'zovanii razlichnykh sistem opryskivatelej, a takzhe opredelyat' optimal'nye normy ikh raskhoda. Putem vozdejstviya ioniziruyushchikh izluchenij na ehntomopatogennye mikroorganizmy (Beauverla basslana Unill.) dokazana vozmozhnost' povysit' ikh virulentnost' v tselyakh uluchsheniya mikrobiologicheskogo metoda bor'by s vrednymi nasekomymi. Sterilizutatsee i letal'noe dejstvie ionizirudtsikh izluchenij mozhet byt' ispol'zovano kak aktivnoe sredstvo bor'by s vrednymi nasekomymi. Primeneniem gamma radiatsii ustanovleny sterilizukhkhtsie dozy dlya ryada nasekomykh-vreditelej zapasov (Calandra granarla L., Acanthoscelides

  1. Effects of Gamma Radiation on Three Species of Philippine Insect Pests; Effets des rayons gamma sur trois especes d'insectes nuisibles des Philippines; Dejstvie gamma-izlucheniya na tri raznovidnosti nasekomykh-vreditelej na Filippinakh; Efectos de las radiaciones gamma sobre tres plagas insectiles de las Filipinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viado, G. B.; Manoto, E. C. [Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, National Science Development Board, Manila (Philippines)


    'skokhozyajstvennykh nasekomykh-vreditelyakh, a imenno: 1) tomatnogo zhuka Epilachna philippinensis Dleke, vreditelya tomatov i baklazhanov; 2) risovogo ambarnogo dolgonosika Sltophilus oryza (L) i 3) krasnogo muchnogo zhuka Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.). Poslednie dve raznovidnosti yavlyayutsya naibolee rasprostranennymi i opasnymi vreditelyami zerna i drugikh khranyashchikhsya zernovykh produktov na Filippinakh. Pri provedenii opytov na tomatakh ispol'zovalis' yajtsa, lichinki, kukolki i vzroslye osobi E. philippinensis, a na zerne - vzroslye osobi S. oryza i T. casteneum. Chetyre dozy byli primeneny dlya Epilachna, a imenno: 1, 5, 10 i 20 kr. Pri obrabotke drugikh dvukh raznovidnoegej ispol'zovalis' pyat' doz: 10, 20, 40, 60 i 80 kr. Pri doze v 1 kr kolichestvo nevyplodivshikhsya iz yaits lichinok u Epilachna sostavlyalo priblizitel'no 10%. Pri uvelichenii dozy do 5 kr ne nablyudalos' proportsional'nogo uvelicheniya smertnosti, no pri doze v 10 kr smertnost' vozrosla bolee chem v tri raza, po sravneniyu so smertnost'yu pri doze v 5 kr. Smertnost' pri doze v 20 kr sostavlyala priblizitel'no 90%. Porogovaya doza nakhoditsya, po-vidimomu, v diapazone mezhdu 5 i 10 kr. Zarodyshi yaits, iz kotorykh ne vyvelis' lichinki, perestali razvivat'sya. Pri doze 1 kr bolee 20% lichinok pogiblo, prichem nekotorye iz nikh okuklilis', prezhde chem pogibnut'. Bol'shinstvo lichinok razvilos' vo vzroslye osobi. Vse lichinki, kotorye vyzhili posle oblucheniya dozoj svyshe 1 kr,a nekotorye iz nikh zhili v techenie 4 nedel', pogibli, ne dostignuv stadii okuklivaniya. Kukolki okazalis' bolee ustojchivymi, chem dichinki i vzroslye osobi. Stoprotsentnaya smertnost' ne byla dostignuta dazhe pri obluchenii 20 kr. U nekotorykh vzroslykh osobej, podvergshikhsya oblucheniyu dozami v 5 i 10 kr, nablyudalos' nepravil'noe razvitie kryl'ev i/ili konechnostej. U vzroslykh osobej, podvergshikhsya oblucheniyu dozami 10 i 20 kr, nablyudalsya protivopolozhnyj ehffekt, vyrazhavshijsya v gibeli cherez tri nedeli posle oblucheniya

  2. The Biological Effect of Fast Neutrons and High-Energy Protons; Effets Biologiques des Neutrons Rapides et des Protons de Haute Energie; Biologicheskoe dejstvie bystrykh nejtronov i protonov vysokikh ehnergii; Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Protones de Elevada Energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moskalev, Ju. I.; Petrovich, I. K.; Strel' cova, V. N.


    bystrymi nejtronami, tak i protonami u krys voznikajut dobrokachestvennye i zlokachestvennye opuholi razlichnyh tkanej, v tom chisle krovotvornoj, molochnyh zhelez, gipofiza, matki, jaichnikov predstatel'noj zhelezy, semennikov, shhitovidnoj zhelezy, zobnoj i podzheludochnoj zhelez, nadpochechnikov, pecheni, pochek, l e g kih, zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta, podkozhnoj kletchatki, limfaticheskih u z lov, mochevogo puzyrja i drugih. Summarnaja chastota opuholej i chislo sluchaev mul'ticentricheskogo vozniknovenija novoobrazovanij u samok v 2 - 3 raza vyshe, chem u samcov. Minimal'naja opuholevaja doza dlja molochnyh zhelez pri obluchenii nejtronami, po-vidimomu, neskol'ko nizhe 42,5 rad. Maksimal'naja chastota opuholej gipofiza obnaruzhivaetsja posle obluchenija v doze 42,5 rad. Pri jetoj zhe doze voznikajut lejkozy i opuholi shhitovidnoj zhelezy. Pri obluchenii protonami minimal'naja opuholevaja doza dlja krovotvornoj tkani i shhitovidnoj zhelezy nahoditsja v predelah 250 rad, dlja semennikov - 300 rad, dlja predstatel'noj, podzheludochnoj zhelez , podkozhnoj kletchatki - 100 rad. Posle obluchenija bystrymi nejtronami chastota opuholej semennikov, tolsto go kishechnika, pochek, pecheni okazyvaetsja uvelichennoj pri dozah 42,5 - 85 rad, kozhi i podkozhnoj kletchatki pri doze - 85 rad. Po sravneniju s protonami pri obluchenii bystrymi nejtronami opuholi voznikajut ot men'shih (primerno v 3 - 5 raz) doz obluchenija. (author)

  3. Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mossel, D. A.A. [Central Institute for Nutrition and Food Research T.N.O., Zeist (Netherlands)


    escala comercial. (author) [Russian] Radiacionnaja dezaktivacija, osobenno belkovyh osnovnyh pishhevyh produktov nizkoj vodnoj aktivnosti, kak predstavljalos', dolzhna byla ispol'zovat'sja v kachestve odnogo iz pervyh primenenij ionizirujushhej jenergii v obrabotke pishhevyh produktov i furazha v silu a) ogranichennogo radiohimicheskogo povrezhdenija sootvetstvujushhih predmetov potreblenija; b) otsutstvija mikrobnoj proliferacii posle obluchenija; v) nekotoryh, chasto edinstvennyh v svoem rode, tehnologicheskih preimushhestv, kak, naprimer, primenimosti k uzhe upakovannym materialam, naprimer, k komponentam smeshannogo furazha, i jeffektivnoj dezaktivacii bez odnovremennoj poteri svezhesti, chto imeet mesto v sluchae s obychnym mjasom i mjasom domashnej pticy. V kachestve pervogo shaga byli provedeny laboratornye opyty po opredeleniju diapazona doz v jetoj oblasti odnovremenno s pochti maksimal'nym ispytaniem na sohranenie vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv. Poskol'ku rezul'taty jetih opytov javljalis' ves'ma obnadezhivajushhimi, byli provedeny opytnye ispytanija, hotja odnovremenno nauchnye issledovanija na sohranenie vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv byli prodleny na polnye dva goda, i prove- . deny opyty na treh pokolenijah krys. V hode jetih opytov bylo podtverzhdeno, chto doza porjadka 0,7{+-}0,1 megarad ves'ma dostatochna dlja udalenija salmonelly iz zamorozhennyh i zasushennyh belkovyh produktov, kak, naprimer, kurjatiny, rybnoj muki i smeshannogo furazha. Esli po prichinam analiticheskogo haraktera nuzhno bylo otdat' predpochtenie otricatel'nomu jenterobakterial'nomu ispytaniju dlja znachitel'nogo chisla obrazcov porjadka 10 g materiala, podvergnutogo dejstviju ionizirujushhego izluchenija, doza izluchenija dolzhna byla byt' neskol'ko uvelichena; strogaja maksimal'naja doza dolzhna sostavljat' v takom sluchae 1,0 megarad, naprimer, esli nuzhno obrabotat' smeshannyj furazh, pervonachal'no soderzhavshij bol'shoe chislo otnositel'no ustojchivyh k izlucheniju

  4. Isotopic Ligand Exchange of Some Hexa-Coordinated Inorganic Complexes with Halide Ions in Solution and in Crystals; Echanges Isotopiques de Coordinats de Complexes Inorganiques Hexacoordonnes Avec des Ions Halogenures en Solution et dans les Cristaux; Izotopnyj obmen ligand v nekotorykh geksakoordinirovannykh ne- organicheskikh kompleksakh s ionami galoidov v rastvore i kristallakh; Intercambio Isotopico de Ligandos de Complejos Inorganicos Hexacoordinados y Iones Haluro en Solucion y en Cristales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, G. B. [Institut fuer Kernchemie der Universitaet Koeln, Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    to, chto obmen imeet mesto s pomoshh'ju mehanizma dissociacii. Byli rasschitany jenergii aktivacii, kotorye sostavili dlja Rh-kompleksa i Ir-kompleksa sootvetstvenno 24 i 23 kkal/mol'. Izmerjalis' postojannye skorosti izotopicheskogo obmena Sl{sup 36} v diapazone temperatur 60-100 Degree-Sign S dlja trans-[Rh(en){sub 2}Sl{sub 2} ]{sup +} -kompleksa, i bylo opredeleno, chto jenergija aktivacii Arheniusa sostavljaet 25 kilokall/mol'. V dannom sluchae snova imeet mesto uvelichenie skorosti R pervogo porjadka v kompleksnoj koncentracii, odnako ona lish' neznachitel'no zavisit ot koncentracii vodoroda i hlorida. Obmen, po-vidimomu, proishodit putem gidratacii. V metanolicheskom rastvore NHC1 skorost' obmena jetogo kompleksa javljaetsja neizmerimo medlennoj pri 60 Degree-Sign S. Galoidnye obmeny trans - [ So(ep){sub 2}Sl{sub 2}]{sup +} i trans - [ So(ep){sub 2}Vg{sub 2}]{sup +} izmerjalis' v metanolicheskih rastvorah pri temperaturah ot 30 do 60 Degree-Sign S. Dalee, obmen galoidov [OsCl{sub 6}]{sup 2-} i [ Osl{sub 6}]{sup 2-} izuchalsja sootvetstvenno v soljanoj kislote i iodistovodorodnoj kislote, v metanolicheskoj kislote i jetanolicheskoj kislote. Izmerennye znachenija skorosti sravnivajutsja s bolee rannimi rezul'tatami izotopicheskogo obmena sootvetstvujushhego geksabromokompleksa. Pomimo jetih issledovanij rastvorennyh kompleksov, izuchalis' reakcii zameshhenija siz - i trans -[ Co(en){sub 2}Cl{sub 2}]S i trans - [Rh(en){sup 2} Cl] Cl v reshetke. Poluperiod obmena dlja oboih tverdyh izomernyh So-kompleksov sostavljaet priblizitel'no 4 chasa pri 150 Degree-Sign S. Bylo ustanovleno, chto pri 225 Degree-Sign S poluperiod Rh - kompleksa sostavljaet priblizitel'no 26 chasov . Rasschityvali razmery jenergii aktivacii - 30 - 35 kilokal/mol' . Obluchenie rentgenovskimi luchami privodit k uvelicheniju obmena s uvelicheniem doz. Krome togo, uskorjaetsja teplovoj obmen obluchennyh kristallov. V protivopolozhnost' kompleksam jetilendiamina tverdye Rh- i Ir

  5. Dergilerden Özetler

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehmet Akif İnanıcı


    Full Text Available GÖZ YARALANMASI OLAN KİŞİLERDE YAPILAN BİR ÇALIŞMA A Study on patients presenting with injuries to the eye N.L. Abeyasinghe. J. Clinical Forensic Medicine 1997; 4/2 : 77-80. Gözün travmaya çok hassas bir organ olması nedeniyle göz yaralanmaları sıkça ortaya çıkan olaylardır. Bu çalışma göz yaralanmalarının gerçek nedenlerini belirlemeyi ve bu şekildeki yaralanmaların neden olduğu görme kaybının derecesini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bir yıllık dönemde adli tıbbi muayenesi yapılan toplam 191 kurban cins, yaş, travma tipi ve görme kaybının derecesine göre incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma grubundaki kurbanların çoğu saldırı sonrası yaralanmaları olduğunu iddia etmişlerdir. Silah kullanımı ve göz yaralanmasının ağırlık derecesi arasında herhangi bir bağlantı kurulamamıştır. Kurbanların çok azında asit yanığı görülmekle birlikte, görme kaybı derecesinin ağırlığı açısından en ağır hasarlar bu grupta oluşmaktadır. YÜKSEK DOZ ALKOL ALIMI İLE İNTİHAR Suicide by alcohol overdose M.N. Michalodimitrakis, R. La Grange, A.M. Tsatsakis J. Clinical Forensic Medicine 1997; 4/2 : 91- 4. İntihar girişiminde bulunan kişinin vücudunda alkol sıkça saptanabilen bir maddedir. Alkol, intihar girişiminde bulunacak kişinin yaşamını sonlandırmada ortaya çıkabilecek son içgüdüsel direnmeyi azaltmak amacıyla kullanılabilir. Özellikle kanserli hastalarda görülen intihar girişimleri birbirlerine benzer özellik- dedir. Depresyon içerisindeki kanserli bir kişi alkolü sıklıkla duygularını baskılamak amacıyla kullanır. Ancak akut entoksikasyon düşüncesiyle ve kendini öldürme amacıyla kullanımı nadirdir. Bununla birlikte bu çalışmada iki şişe ispirto içerek intihar eden kanserli bir hastadan elde edilen sonuçlar bildirilmiştir. Postmortem kalp kanı ve göziçi sıvısında alkol seviyeleri 9.0 ve 6.2 mg/ml olarak bulunmuştur. CAM PAR

  6. Dergilerden Özetler

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    Mete Korkut Gülmen


    .1 mg/kg midozalam her 200 olgudan birinde dokunarak uyarmaya bağlı farklı algılanabilir davranışların etkisi ile ortaya çıkan cinsel fantazilere sebep olur. Ayrıca otoerotik uyarım ela rapor edilmiştir. Uygulanan doz ve şekil ile birlikte iddia sahibi hastaların sayısı ve içeriğindeki artış incelendiğinde, bu başlıkta konu edilen olgulardaki cinsel fantazilerin mümkün olabileceği görülecektir. MORFİNİN ÖLÜM SONRASI VÜCUTTA YAYILIMI Postmortem distribution and redistribution of morphine in man. Logan BK, Smimow D. J Forensic Sci 1996;4l/2:221-229. Bu çalışma, vücutta ölüm sonrası morfin konsantrasyonlarındaki zamana bağlı değişiklikleri ve bölgelere bağlı farklıkları değerlendirmektedir. Morfin içeren 32 ölüm olgusunda sol ventrikül kanı, femoral kan ve beyin omurilik sıvısı mümkün olan en kısa zamanda ölümden hemen sonra alındı (Tl ve otopsi sırasında tekrar iliak kan alındı (T2. Örnekler morfin için radioimmunossay ile analiz edildi. Morfin konsantrasyonundaki değişimlerde ne merkezi ne de periferik bölgelerde ve beyin omurilik sıvısında zamana göre bir farklılık saptanmadı. Ancak ventriktiler kandaki morfin konsantrasyonu, femoral veya iliak kanıyla örnek alınan periferik bölgedeki konsantrasyondan daima yüksek bulundu. Bu ventriküler morfin konsantrasyonu 0.3 mg/L'yi geçtiğinde kısmen doğru kabul edildi. Periferik kısımlarda femoral ve iliak kan morfin konsantrasyonları toksikolojik test için periferik kan alınlında uygun bir yer teşkil edecek şekilde birbirleriy- le uyumlu olduğu saptandı. SCANING ELEKTRON MİKROSKOPİSİ, ADLİ DİŞ ÇALIŞMALARINDA FAYDALI BİR ARAÇ Scaning electron microscopy, a useful tool in forensic dental work. Jakobsen J, Holmen L, Fredebo L, Serjsen B. J Forensic Odonto-stomatol 1995;13/2:36-40. Bazı olgularda, diş örneklerinin yüzeylerinde bulunan oluşumlar hakkında mikroskopik bilgiye ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu bilgiler Scaning