
Sample records for dosimetry pruebas tipo

  1. Correlaciones existentes entre una prueba psicométrica (WISC) y una prueba contextual que permite valorar el tipo de inteligencia que poseen los niños y las niñas con bajos puntajes en coeficiente intelectual y que se encuentran matriculados en instituciones educativas oficiales del municipio de Pereira


    Henao García, Luz Stella; López Galindo, Dora Elsy; Suárez Castro, María Ofelia


    Tesis (Maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. CINDE, 2004 Correlaciones existentes entre una prueba psicométrica (WISC) y una prueba contextual que permite valorar el tipo de inteligencia que poseen los niños y las niñas con bajos puntajes en coeficiente intelectual y que se encuentran matriculados en instituciones educativas oficiales del municipio de Pereira

  2. Evaluando los conocimientos previos de los alumnos a través de pruebas objetivas: ¿opción múltiple o test de lagunas?

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    Lucha Cuadros, Rosa M.


    Full Text Available En los test utilizados para comprobar los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y conocer sus necesidades, se suele utilizar pruebas indirectas tipo opción múltiple. ¿Son este tipo de pruebas las más adecuadas para evaluar los conocimientos de los estudiantes? Para dilucidar esta cuestión, hemos analizado los resultados de dos tipos de pruebas indirectas evaluadas objetivamente: el test de opción múltiple y el test de lagunas. En la discusión de los resultados se analizan las implicaciones pedagógicas que la elección del tipo de prueba ofrece tanto para el profesor como para el alumno.

  3. Relación entre ansiedad ante los exámenes, tipos de pruebas y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios

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    José Hernando Ávila-Toscano


    Full Text Available Abstract This research paper shows the results of the assessment of anxiety in university students of different careers in relation to examinations, the types of tests made and their academic performance. 200 students at a private university were evaluated through a correlational design to determine cognitive manifestations, physiological and motor anxiety. Data were analyzed using Pearson Chi square and showed significant relationships for each set of symptoms with academic performance (p<.05. Group work, tests such debates, argumentative tests, among others were significantly related to anxious symptoms. It can be concluded that test anxiety significantly affects university students which becomes a problem that requires comprehensive interventions. Resumen El presente artículo de investigación muestra los resultados de la evaluación de la ansiedad en universitarios de diferentes carreras con relación a los exámenes, los tipos de pruebas académicas realizadas y su rendimiento académico. Se evaluaron 200 estudiantes de una universidad privada mediante un diseño correlacional para determinar manifestaciones cognitivas, fisiológicas y motoras de ansiedad. Los datos se analizaron con Chi cuadrado de Pearson, mostrando relaciones significativas de cada conjunto de síntomas con el rendimiento académico (p<.05. Los trabajos grupales, exámenes tipo debates, las pruebas argumentativas, entre otras, se relacionaron significativamente con los síntomas ansiosos. Se puede concluir que la ansiedad ante los exámenes afecta significativamente a estudiantes universitarios, constituyéndose en una problemática que requiere intervenciones integrales.

  4. Rendimiento en pruebas cognitivas breves, de adultos mayores con demencia en estadios avanzados, residentes de una comunidad urbana de Lima, Perú

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    Nilton Custodio

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar el rendimiento de la prueba de dibujo de reloj en versión de Manos (PDR-M y Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE en su versión peruana, para detectar demencia de cualquier tipo en adultos mayores residentes de una comunidad urbana de Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Análisis secundario de base de datos, de tipo observacional, analítico y transversal; con diseño de prueba diagnóstica, teniendo como prueba estándar a las evaluaciones clínica y neuropsicológica en conjunto. Se evaluó el rendimiento de las pruebas individualmente, así como de forma combinada. Resultados. El rendimiento de MMSE para la evaluación de pacientes con demencia de cualquier tipo presentó sensibilidad de 64,1%, especificidad de 84,1%, VPP de 24,4%, VPN de 96,7%, LR (+ de 4,03 y LR (- de 0,43. La PDR-M presentó sensibilidad de 89,3%, especificidad de 98,1%, VPP de 79,3%, VPN de 99,1%, LR (+ de 47,79 y LR (- de 0,11. Cuando se aplicaron ambas pruebas, y al menos una de ellas fue positiva, presentaron sensibilidad de 98,1%, especificidad de 84,1%, VPP de 33,1%, VPN de 99,8%, LR (+ de 6,17 y LR (- de 0,02. Al realizar el análisis, por separado, de demencia tipo alzhéimer y no alzhéimer, los valores de los parámetros no se diferencian sustancialmente de los obtenidos para demencias de cualquier tipo. Conclusiones. La combinación de MMSE y PDR-M demuestran un buen rendimiento para detectar demencia en estadios moderado y severo en población residente de una comunidad urbana de Lima.

  5. Auscultación y pruebas de carga


    Sánchez García, Ibán


    [ES] Trata sobre la auscultación de estructuras. Los diferentes tipos de pruebas de carga,en puentes de carretera y en puentes de ferrocarril, además de los aparatos de medida y forma de ejecutarlas. [EN] Explains auscultation of structures. The different types of load tests on road bridges and railway bridges, plus the measuring apparatus and method of executing them. Proyecto Fin de Carrera-Universidad de Salamanca, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora, 2011

  6. Proceso de pruebas para pequeñas organizaciones desarrolladoras de software

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    Martha Lucía Rojas-Montes


    Full Text Available Definir un proceso de pruebas dentro de una organización puede ser valioso en la medida en que permita: (i incrementar la calidad del producto, (ii facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión entre los miembros del equipo, (iii apoyar la mejora continua del proceso, y (iv soportar la ejecución automática de ciertas tareas. En este sentido, este artículo propone un proceso liviano definido para guiar y apoyar la realización de las pruebas en pequeñas organizaciones desarrolladoras de software. El proceso propuesto incorpora técnicas de pruebas funcionales con el objetivo de concretar las actividades requeridas para evaluar la funcionalidad de un producto software de manera organizada y sistemática, especialmente aquellas que tienen que ver con el diseño y ejecución de las pruebas. Este proceso ha sido definido a partir del análisis de los procesos de pruebas existentes en algunos modelos de referencia y en diferentes estudios revisados de la literatura. Tras su ejecución exitosa en una pequeña empresa de desarrollo software, se ha observado que este proceso puede ser útil y práctico para llevar a cabo las pruebas de un producto software por organizaciones de este tipo.

  7. Comentarios alrededor de 1789 pruebas de Uropepsina

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    Ernesto Andrade Valderrama


    Full Text Available Se presenta la experiencia con uropepsina; 1789 pruebas realizadas y 390 casos, completamente estudiados. Se hace un comentario sobre la casuística general, las cifras promedio y las cifras medias encontrada entre nosotros. En los normales esta es de 29.9. En la úlcera gástrica 62.9. En la duodenal 85.8. En el cáncer gástrico 19.1. Se explica la técnica empleada, que es la de goodman a la cual le introducimos modificaciones originales: La utilización de controles positivos y negativo, que hacen más segura la interpretación de los resultados. Se presentan los experimentos practicados con un ganglio metastásico, de los cuales se deduce que allí se encontró un zimógeno con todos los caracteres del pepsinógeno. Se recalca en el valor pronóstico de la prueba de la uropepsina, especialmente en la úlcera duodenal y en el carcinoma gástrico. La aparición de uropepsina después de gastrectomía total por cáncer, indica la presencia de metástasis. El tipo de gastrectomía que da cifras más bajas y persistentes de uropepsina es la fundo-corporal. El ACTH estimula la producción de pepsinógeno en individuos normales, gastrectomizados tipo billroth y gastrectomizados totales con metástasis.


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    Full Text Available En el campo de la gestión tradicional de proyectos de software, surgió hace poco una filosofía estratégica que se centra en mejorar el diseño de los casos de prueba, y que llamó la atención generalizada de los interesados en la gestión de proyectos y en la prueba del software.Actualmente, la gestión de proyectos de software es una de las tareas más importantes en la industria de las tecnologías de la información, ymás aún si el objetivo es desarrollar productos de calidad. En esa gestión, la prueba es una de las fases más importantes, y en ésta, lo que requieremás cuidado y dedicación es el diseño de los casos de prueba, por lo que es necesario estudiar cómo diseñarlos y escribirlos mejor.

  9. Evaluación de tecnologías diagnósticas y tipos de muestreos

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    Luis Carlos Orozco


    Full Text Available La presente revisión y actualización tiene como objetivo mostrar al investigador de evaluación de tecnologías diagnósticas los diferentes tipos de muestreo que se pueden utilizar para disminuir costos y riesgos, y la manera de realizar los cálculos de las características de las pruebas, a saber: sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y valor predictivo negativo de una manera sin sesgo en una muestra representativa de la población en que la prueba sería utilizada y se dan algunas recomendaciones para evitar errores demasiado frecuentes en la evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas como el muestreo seudorretrospectivo.

  10. Frecuencia de discapacidad en estudiantes que presentan la prueba estandarizada de acceso a la educación superior (Saber 11 en Colombia y caracterización de su rendimiento

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    Andrea Padilla Muñoz


    Este estudio sugiere que son pocas las PCD que se presentan a la prueba Saber 11. No existe forma de evidenciar discapacidad cognitiva en la prueba.529.651 estudiantes presentaron la prueba por primera vez, de los cuales el 0,2% (842 afirmaron durante la inscripción tener algún tipo de discapacidad. Del total de PCD, el 35,0% presentó una discapacidad motora, el 34,9% presentó una discapacidad auditiva y requirieron intérprete en la prueba, 19,1% presentó una discapacidad visual y un 11,5% presentó discapacidad auditiva, pero no requirieron intérprete. La mayoría de sus puntajes están en categorización media, y, en promedio, las personas con discapacidad visual tuvieron resultados mejores en las áreas básicas al compararlos con otras discapacidades.Análisis secundario de tipo descriptivo de los resultados del examen nacional de acceso a la educación superior (prueba Saber 11, presentado por PCD en el año 2009. La certificación de discapacidades realizada previa al examen durante la inscripción a la prueba. Se describen las características de dicha población, junto con los puntajes en la prueba.Describir las características y el rendimiento en la prueba Saber 11 de las personas con discapacidad (PCD en 2009.El examen nacional de acceso a la educación superior en Colombia (prueba Saber 11, es obligatorio para obtener el título de bachiller y ha realizado adaptaciones que permiten evaluar a personas con discapacidad física, auditiva y visual.

  11. Sistema de prueba para la determinación de la capacitancia y permitividad relativa en cables de bajo voltaje del tipo TW y THW

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    Juan Almirall Mesa


    Full Text Available En los cables de baja tensión la comprobación de la calidad del material aislante de recubrimiento seefectúa a partir de la evaluación de parámetros eléctricos tales como: la resistencia de aislamiento y lacapacitancia del mismo. En el presente trabajo se expone el esquema de prueba, su calibración y elanálisis de la metodología de ensayo empleada, para medir la capacitancia de cables nacionales del tipoTW y THW. El esquema general de pruebas consta de dos partes fundamentales: el sistema de pruebapara la medición de los parámetros eléctricos y el sistema de control de temperatura y de nivel del líquidodonde se sumergen los cables para los ensayos, este último garantiza que los cambios de temperaturaen el mismo se mantengan en el rango establecido por las normas. La metodología tiene en cuenta ladeterminación del efecto que tienen las condiciones iniciales sobre los resultados finales.  The verification of the quality of the covering insulating material in low voltage cables is carried outbeginning whit the evaluation of electric parameters such as: insulating resistance and capacitance of thesame. In this work, the test scheme, its calibration and the analyses of the methodology of the employedtest, for measuring the national cables capacitance of the TW and THW type are exposed. The generalscheme of test consist in two fundamental parts: the test system for the measure of the electric parametersand the temperature and liquid level control system where the cables are immersed for the test, the lastsystem guarantee that the temperature changes in the same in the establish range by the standards aremaintained.The methodology taking into account the determination of the effect that has the startingconditions on the final results.

  12. Memoria operativa y lectura comprensiva: medición con pruebas de amplitud lectora y tipo cloze en ámbitos pre y universitarios

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    Ismael Esquivel Gámez


    Full Text Available La importancia de la memoria operativa en la ejecución de distintas tareas cognitivas altamente demandantes, como la lectura de comprensión y, a su vez, el impacto de ésta en el desempeño estudiantil ha sido revisada en diversas investigaciones aplicadas en diferentes niveles de estudio. Para evaluar el grado de relación entre los niveles de memoria de trabajo y comprensión lectora se han aplicado instrumentos fundamentados de manera adecuada. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar dicho grado, entre bachilleres y universitarios, con pruebas de amplitud lectora y de tipo cloze, debido a la escasez de la aplicación conjunta de estos instrumentos en el ámbito hispanoamericano. Lo anterior, a pesar de la fácil construcción, aplicación  y análisis de exámenes formados de preguntas con respuesta anidada (cloze en plataformas virtuales de aprendizaje abiertas como Moodle. Los resultados refieren una correlación, para los mayores de diecinueve años, altamente significativa para mujeres y significativa para hombres, en parte debido a una mayor proporción de universitarios tanto en el nivel de lectura instruccional como en el cuarto nivel de amplitud lectora.

  13. La exclusion probatoria de la prueba ilicita como garantía constitucional en el proceso penal peruano


    Muchaypina Rios,Jorge Luis


    La finalidad de la presente investigación se centró en determinar y analizar la conexión o tipo de relación que debe de existir entre la exclusión probatoria de la prueba ilícita y las garantías constitucionales en el proceso penal peruano, esto en relación al tipo de investigación jurídica desarrollada que fue una dogmática teórica y normativa, donde el derecho fue analizado solo en su aspecto formal y abstracto, en base a las teóricas del garantismo procesal, garantías constitucionales, der...


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    Bonie Johana Restrepo Cuestas

    Full Text Available Este artículo plantea una metodología para la caracterización de luminarias de haluro metálico, ante eventos sag. Inicialmente, se diseñó y construyó un generador de eventos sag. Luego, se planteó un esquema de pruebas, que fue utilizado para analizar el comportamiento de un tipo de luminarias de alta densidad de descarga tipo Metal Halide, ante eventos sag. Finalmente, tomando como referente el estándar SEMI F-47, se realizó la construcción de una curva característica que muestra la región de operación de la luminaria.

  15. Aplicación de dos pruebas estadísticas de bondad de ajuste en muestras complejas: un caso práctico en el campo forestal


    Quintero-Méndez, María A.; Durán-Núñez, Mariano J.


    En esta investigación se comparan dos pruebas de bondad de ajuste en términos de su error tipo I: ji-cuadrada de Pearson y Rao-Scott con corrección de segundo orden, aplicadas a datos recolectados mediante técnicas de muestreo que no cumplen los supuestos de independencia e igual probabilidad de inclusión de las observaciones, llamadas muestras complejas. Ambas pruebas se usaron para ajustar categorías diamétricas en una plantación de gmelina (Gmelina arborea), aplicando muestreo sistemático ...

  16. ¿Es redundante la prueba de selectividad?.

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    Rúa Vieytes, Antonio.


    Full Text Available Como consecuencia de la futura reforma en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad española, en donde la principal novedad será la eliminación de la prueba de conjunto o selectividad, cabe reflexionar sobre tan controvertida prueba y preguntarnos si realmente dicha prueba ha servido para algo y su aplicación ha sido efectiva en el rendimiento del alumno una vez dentro de la universidad o, por el contrario, si se trata de una prueba redundante. A partir del expediente académico y de las notas de selectividad de una muestra de 2.500 alumnos durante siete años, se llevará a cabo un análisis econométrico del grado de explicación que estas notas tienen sobre la prueba de conjunto y se constatará si dicha prueba es efectiva o redundante.

  17. Adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asisten a un programa educativo


    Mariela A. Carvajal


    El objetivo de este estudió fue evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional por medio de la hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asistieron a un programa educativo en diabetes en la ciudad de Guatemala, así como evaluar los principales factores que influyen en ella. Se realizó un estudio de tipo prospectivo, longitudinal, experimental, pareado de intervención no medicamentosa. Se utilizó la prueba de Morinsky-Green Levine para evaluar la adherencia al tra...

  18. Pruebas de Software. Fundamentos y Técnicas


    Sánchez Peño, José Manuel


    Este proyecto estudia los fundamentos y las técnicas de las pruebas de software. Veremos lo importante que pueden llegar a ser las pruebas, mostrando diferentes desastres causados por fallos en el software. También estudiaremos las diferentes herramientas que se utilizan para llevar a cabo la gestión, administración y ejecución de estas pruebas. Finalmente aplicaremos los conceptos estudiados mediante un caso práctico. Crearemos los casos de prueba funcionales basándonos en las espec...

  19. Diseño de una sala de pruebas para motores alternativos de combustión interna


    García Pamplona, Jesús


    Los bancos de ensayos para motores son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de éstos (o el de alguno de sus componentes) ya que permiten tener un registro de su comportamiento tanto en las condiciones normales de funcionamiento como en situaciones extremas a las que puedan verse obligados a trabajar. Es importante definir la finalidad del banco de ensayos (para producción, investigación, rectificación,…); el tipo de pruebas a realizar (ensayo de potencia, emisión de conta...

  20. Alcance y limitaciones de la carga dinámica de la prueba en el proceso judicial


    Montilla Rosero, Carmen Alicia; Jiménez Pascuaza, Johana Marcela


    La carga dinámica de la prueba hace parte del derecho probatorio que le brinda más beneficios a la parte procesal que se encuentre en mejores condiciones de hacerlo. Este tipo de carga procesal fue usada por el Consejo de Estado para resolver episodios de responsabilidad administrativa por la actividad médica entre los años 1990 a 2006, debido a las dificultades con las que contaba el paciente para probar hechos constitutivos de la falla del servicio médico estatal. Al inicio, la carga probat...

  1. Estudio correlacional entre las pruebas de bachillerato en la educación media y el rendimiento en educación diversificada

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    Tania Elena Moreira Mora


    Full Text Available La intencionalidad de este estudio fue medir el grado de asociación entre las calificaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes en la Educación Diversificada en las cinco asignaturas medidas en el Bachillerato de Educación Media, con sus respectivos resultados en las pruebas nacionales de acreditación, con la población de estudiantes que realizaron en 1999 las pruebas de bachillerato. El estudio se realizó en la División de Control de Calidad del Ministerio Educación Pública. El análisis estadístico se centró en los porcentajes de estudiantes aprobados por cada asignatura según el sexo, la zona, la modalidad y el tipo de colegio, así como, los correspondientes coeficientes de correlación producto-momento de Pearson


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    Orelvis Vázquez Ruiz


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    Los casos de uso son utilizados para expresar la funcionalidad requerida en un sistema. Los casos de prueba derivados directamente de casos de uso aprovechan la ventaja que constituye contar con la especificación existente de estos últimos, para garantizar un basamento sólido para las pruebas a realizar sobre el sistema. La capacidad para crear casos de prueba a partir de los casos de uso, y hacer la traza de unos a otros, es una habilidad vital para asegurar un producto de calidad.

  3. Establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo (augmenting formative) mediante entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales


    Tiberio Pérez-Manrique; Andrea Martínez Uribe; Juan Silva Ocampo


    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la eficiencia del entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales en el establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo. En el experimento participaron seis niños. Se utilizó el diseño intra-sujeto propuesto por Sidman y Tailby (1982) con dos condiciones, entrenamiento y prueba. Se aplicaron cuatro fases: establecimiento de clase funcional "cuidar de sí", establecimiento de la clase funcional "otros", establecimiento de la regla aumento...

  4. Testing and start up of equipment in a substation; Pruebas y puesta en servicio del equipo de una subestacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raull-Martin, J. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The purpose of this paper is to present a summarized version of the test series required to determine out the final condition of the isolations, the continuity of the control circuits, as well as protection, measurement, sing-positing, alarms and the total substation performance. [Spanish] El proposito de este articulo es presentar en forma compacta la serie de pruebas que se requieren para determinar el estado final de los aislamientos, la continuidad de los circuitos de control, proteccion, medicion, senalizacion, alarmas, asi como el funcionamiento del conjunto de la subestacion. Se muestra una grafica K-Temperatura y de conexiones para las pruebas con megger. Se muestra un diagrama de conexiones para determinar las marcas de polaridad este tipo bushing e interruptores; asi como para el faseo de una proteccion diferencial. Se da el diagrama de faseo interno y energizado por el lado de 23 kV de una subestacion de 230 kV.

  5. Pruebas proyectivas: acerca de su validez y confiabilidad

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    Luis Fernando Sabogal T


    Full Text Available Se ha discutido desde hace algún tiempo la utilizacion de las pruebas proyectivas, ya que no cumplen con los requisitos psicometricos (confiabilidad, validez y normas, por eso algunos autores opinan que no se les debe dar el titulo de pruebas, sino utilizar uno menos comprometedor como el de tecnicas o metodos proyectivos de evaluation. Levy en 1963 propuso llamarlas «tecnicas de provocacion de res-puestas», ya que dependen de la habilidad del clinico para hacer interpretaciones, Otros mas estrictos, sugieren que se deben retirar del arsenal de pruebas psicologicas. Se abordan los argumentos a favor yen contra de las pruebas proyectivas y su valor de use como instrumentos propios del quehacer psicologico. 



    Gugliano Herani, Renato


    La presente ponencia se construye de acuerdo con la legislación y experiencias del sistema de control de constitucionalidad brasileño. Propone un modelo de explicación dogmática de la interrelación entre dos institutos tradicionales del derecho aparentemente antagónicos: la prueba y la (in)constitucionalidad, resultando en la sistematización de la prueba de inconstitucionalidad en el derecho procesal constitucional brasileño. El estudio parte del reconocimiento de un déficit de investigación ...


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    Regina Maria Fernandes Lopes


    Full Text Available El avance en las condiciones de salud propicia el progresivo aumento de la esperanza de vida. Estudios han identificado la existencia de una conexión entre la Diabetes Mellitus (DM y demencia. La hiperglicemia podría ser un factor importante en la incidencia de la enfermedad de Azheimer, la cual puede ser una causa secundaria de demencia. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 está asociada con déficits cognitivos y funcionales, y el WCST es una de las herramientas que puede ser utilizada para evaluar funcionamiento ejecutivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los déficits cognitivos de ancianos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Los participantes fueron 254 ancianos de ambos sexos, mayores de 60 años; 44 de ellos diagnosticados de DM2 y 210 en un grupo control de población general. El diseño fue un estudio cuantitativo transversal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: datos sociodemográficos, WCST, MMSE, BDI, BAI, GD, junto a las Sub pruebas de: Vocabulario, códigos, números y Cubos del WAIS-III. Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa en el desempeño de los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 en comparación con el grupo control en cuatro descriptores de WCST que indicaban un deterioro. Igualmente los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 mostraron una intensidad de síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad estadísticamente mayor que el grupo control

  8. Determination of the geothermal well damage from its production tests; Determinacion del dano en pozos geotermicos a partir de sus pruebas de produccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aragon Aguilar, Alfonso; Izquierdo Montalvo, Georgina; Arellano Gomez, Victor [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    . Sin embargo, la ejecucion de este tipo de pruebas requiere de periodos relativamente largos de tiempo para lograr la estabilizacion del pozo y de costos significativos. Por lo anterior se empezaron a desarrollar tecnicas para determinar el dano a partir de pruebas de produccion. En este articulo se presenta la curva-tipo de influjo geotermico afectada por dano, a partir de la cual se puede determinar el valor de este en un pozo geotermico para el tiempo en que se realiza su prueba de produccion. Se propone la metodologia para determinar el efecto de dano en el pozo usando la curva-tipo propuesta y se demuestra su aplicabilidad con ejemplos de mediciones de pruebas de descarga en pozos de campos geotermicos mexicanos. De los analisis efectuados se encuentra que el valor numerico del dano determinado en los pozos seleccionados aumenta en funcion del tiempo de explotacion, lo cual indica un deterioro en sus caracteristicas productivas. Lo anterior ayuda a conformar un respaldo tecnico para la toma de decisiones, sobre las acciones pertinentes que pueden ejecutar en el pozo.


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    Full Text Available En el contexto de evaluación de praxias, los gestos pueden clasificarse en tres categorías: transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares. Si bien ha sido reportada la disociación entre los distintos tipos de gestos, es usual que en la evaluación de praxias o en el análisis del desempeño de los pacientes no se consideren por separado estas tres categorías de gestos, o se varíe la definición de ellas. El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue eva luar si en un mismo grupo de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer se encuentran disociaciones entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares, previamente descriptas en el rendimiento práxico de pacientes con lesiones focales (González Rothi, Mack, Verfaellie, Brown & Heilman, 1988; Negri et al., 2007. Se evaluaron 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer probable en imitación de praxias (gestos transitivos, gestos intransitivos y gestos no familiares y uso de objetos. Los estímulos fueron tomados de la batería cognitiva de evaluación de praxias (Politis, 2003. Los gestos eran inicialmente realizados por el examinador, quien mantenía su ejecución durante la imitación del paciente. El grupo con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer rindió significativamente peor que el grupo de los controles sanos. En el grupo de pacientes, las cuatro pruebas de praxias correlacionaron entre si. Sin embargo, se hallaron disociaciones en el rendimiento individual de cada paciente en esas mismas pruebas. La disociación entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares apoya la posibilidad de que estos diferentes tipos de gestos involucren sistemas de procesamiento distintos.


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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se abordan las experiencias en la utilización de la modelación matemática y la realización de pruebas de carga no destructivas en cimentaciones sobre pilotes para evaluar su capacidad de carga. Para ello se exponen los resultados obtenidos en pruebas de carga de más de 200 Toneladas, y la distribución de cargas en una estructura portuaria, evaluando su capacidad resistente. Se establecen comparaciones entre los métodos teóricos de calculo de la capacidad de carga del pilote aislado y modelos matemáticos, así como los resultados de la pruebas de carga a escala real.

  11. Gráficas y tablas estadísticas en la prueba de selección universitaria chilena


    Díaz-Levicoy, Danilo; Parraguez, Rafael; Sánchez, Juan C.


    En este artículo presentamos los resultados de un análisis de las preguntas en las que intervienen gráficos y tablas de la sección de estadística y probabilidad en los facsímiles de la Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) en los procesos de admisión 2005 al 2015. La metodología seguida en esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa, descriptiva y mediante análisis de contenido. Dentro de los resultados se destacan un predominio de tablas estadísticas, gráficos de barras, nivel de lectura “le...

  12. Comparación de pruebas de diagnóstico de mansonelosis en el estudio de prevalencia en comunidades del río Atabapo, Departamento del Guanía, Colombia 1996

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    Herbert I. Espitia


    Full Text Available En el departamento de Guainía, Colombia, se realizó un estudio tipo encuesta de prevalencia de corte en siete comunidades del río Atabapo, donde se calculó una muestra poblacional de 181 personas mayores de 10 años que se debían examinar, tomando, como unidad de análisis, 37 viviendas escogidas aleatoriamente. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre que se examinó mediante cuatro técnicas (examen en fresco, gota gruesa, prueba de Knott y conteo por cm3, examen médico, estudio de saneamiento y encuesta por vivienda. Se encontró una prevalencia de 57% en el grupo examinado que, por ser muestra representativa de la población, se puede decir que es la prevalencia de la zona. De las tres pruebas diagnósticas utilizadas, además de la prueba de Knott, el conteo por cm3 fue la que mejor resultado brindó en el estudio, dando una sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo similar y mejor que la de la prueba de oro que se tomó como referencia.

  13. Valoración de pruebas diagnósticas de desnutrición en pacientes adultos, Hospital IESS, Cuenca 2014

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    Tannia Elizabeth Quiroga Torres


    Full Text Available Introducción: La desnutrición hospitalaria no es una realidad nueva, pero en los últimos años ha ido adquiriendo mayor relevancia como resultado de los avances médicos. Objetivo: Valorar las pruebas diagnósticas de desnutrición en pacientes adultos ingresados en el Hospital del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social en la ciudad de Cuenca, de enero a agosto de 2014. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio no experimental, observacional analítico de tipo transversal, durante los meses de enero a agosto de 2014. El universo estuvo formado por 138 pacientes internados con edades entre 18 a 72 años, con diagnóstico definido, historia clínica abierta y que firmaron el consentimiento informado. Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad en pruebas diagnósticas de desnutrición. Resultados: La Valoración Global Subjetiva diagnosticó desnutrición o riesgo de desnutrición en el 52% de los pacientes. El Mini Nutrictional Assesment fue de 48%. El Índice de Masa Corporal fue de 7,9% de desnutrición. El Área Muscular Corregida del Brazo fue de 36%. El Porcentaje de Masa Magra fue de 51% y la Circunferencia de la Pantorrilla fue de 7,2%. Se encontró hipoalbuminemia en el 31,8% de pacientes y linfopenia en el 32,4%. Ninguna de estas pruebas fue más sensible y específica que el gold estándar. Ocurrió asociación significativa entre el Mini Nutritional Asesment y el Área Muscular Corregida del Brazo. Conclusiones: Se halló que la VGS fue la prueba estándar para diagnóstico de desnutrición hospitalaria. La utilización de pruebas  diagnósticas sensibles y específicas sería útil en la toma de medidas respectivas a la intervención, así como para evitar complicaciones hacia la enfermedad base.

  14. Realidad de la prueba de mercado

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    Michel Berger


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El artículo presenta una visión esquemática de la controvertida  y olvidada Prueba de Mercado. Esta herramienta  presenta la particularidad de cumplir a la vez funciones de planeación y de control en el proceso de innovación de productos y estrategias de comercialización. Se trata entonces de mostrar que la Prueba de Mercado es una actividad menos compleja de lo que se presume y de acuerdo con la realidad colombiana es muy difícil sustituir.

  15. Pruebas de vigor y calidad fisiológica de semillas de soja Vigor tests and physiological quality of soybean seeds

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    Adriana Rita Salinas


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar las alteraciones producidas por el deterioro en semillas de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill utilizando diferentes pruebas de vigor. Se utilizaron semillas de soja de diferentes cultivares en 1997 y 1998, las cuales fueron sometidas a la prueba de germinación y diferentes pruebas de vigor: envejecimiento acelerado; conductividad eléctrica; deterioro controlado y tetrazolio. El deterioro controlado en semillas con 22% de humedad mostró ser un mejor indicador de la disminución del vigor de la semilla de soja que el envejecimiento acelerado. La conductividad eléctrica en semillas individuales podría ser considerada una buena prueba de vigor para detectar alteraciones producidas en las membranas citoplasmáticas en un estadio temprano del deterioro de las semillas. La clasificación de la viabilidad y el vigor a través de la prueba de tetrazolio está dada por el lugar donde se produce el daño y no por el tipo de daño que sufre la semilla.The objective of this work was to study soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill seed alterations produced by deterioration using different vigor tests. Soybean seeds of different cultivars were used in 1997 and 1998, which were submitted to standard germination test and the vigor tests: accelerated aging; electric conductivity; controlled deterioration and tetrazolium. The controlled deterioration with an elevation of the seed humidity to 22%, showed to be a better indicator of the diminishing of soybean seed vigor than the accelerated aging. The electric conductivity in individual seeds would be considered a good vigor test to detect the alterations produced in the cytoplasmic membranes in an early stage of the seed deterioration. The tetrazolium test by the evaluation of the different kinds of injuries suffered by the seeds, depends on the place where the seed is damaged not on the kind of injury suffered by the seed.

  16. Los Estándares de Finlandia en las pruebas de selección inicial de profesorado en España

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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados obtenidostras aplicar los estándares y criterios de selección de candidatosque se emplean en Finlandia para admitir a los estudiantesde magisterio, sobre una muestra de alumnos y alumnasde la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Málaga.Con ello se persigue responder al siguiente interrogante:¿qué tipo de conocimientos y/o disposiciones personalesson necesarios considerar a la hora de seleccionar a loscandidatos? Los resultados obtenidos muestran que ningunode nuestros estudiantes fue capaz de responder positivamentea las pruebas a las que fueron sometidos.

  17. SAM - Sistema Automatizado del Método MECAP para Especificar Casos de Prueba

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    Kenyer Domínguez


    Full Text Available Existen cuatro elementos que son relevantes al momento de definir las pruebas: Confiabilidad, Costo, Tiempo y Calidad. El tiempo de desarrollo y el costo del producto se incrementan cuando se desean pruebas confiables y un software de calidad. Pero ¿qué se puede hacer para que los involucrados comprendan que las pruebas deben ser vistas como una red de seguridad? Si la calidad no se contempla antes de comenzar las pruebas, entonces ella no estará cuando se éstas terminen. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la herramienta, SAM – Sistema Automatizado del Método MECAP que permite especificar Casos de Prueba a partir de Casos de Uso incorporando elementos que promueven la verificación y validación de la trazabilidad entre la Gestión de Requerimientos, el Análisis y Diseño y las Pruebas. SAM soporta el proceso de pruebas de forma automatizada, mejorando la confiabilidad de las mismas

  18. Dosimetry; La dosimetrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Couteulx, I.; Apretna, D.; Beaugerie, M.F. [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France)] [and others


    Eight articles treat the dosimetry. Two articles evaluate the radiation doses in specific cases, dosimetry of patients in radiodiagnosis, three articles are devoted to detectors (neutrons and x and gamma radiations) and a computer code to build up the dosimetry of an accident due to an external exposure. (N.C.)

  19. Disfunción diastólica asintomática en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


    Blanco Anesto, Jorge; Vázquez Vigoa, Alfredo; Bazán Milán, Manuel; Matilde Socarrás, María


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, a un grupo de 38 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, para determinar la frecuencia de disfunción diastólica asintomática y evaluar su posible asociación con otras variables. A todos se les realizó electrocardiograma, ecocardiograma, prueba ergométrica y ecocardiograma bidimensional y doppler pulsado para determinar la presencia de disfunción diastólica asintomática. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para los indicadores de control metabólico. ...

  20. Prueba de sesgo sobre rendimientos financieros en el mercado colombiano

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    Marisol Valencia


    Full Text Available La caracterización de los rendimientos financieros depende, en gran medida, de su comportamiento probabilístico, el cual puede ser mal ajustado, conduciendo así a malas decisiones económicas relacionadas con valoración de activos, asignación de cartera y/o medición del riesgo de mercado. En este trabajo se propone una prueba que permita determinar el ajuste de los rendimientos del Índice General de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (IGBC a las siguientes distribuciones: Normal, Normal Sesgada y T Sesgada. Además, se mide el nivel de sesgo y se compara el desempeño de la prueba propuesta con otra prueba existente, usada únicamente para la detección de asimetría. Se encuentra que la prueba propuesta permite caracterizar los rendimientos del mercado de valores colombiano con una de las distribuciones de probabilidad, a diferencia de la otra prueba, que sólo advierte sobre la existencia de sesgo y no establece la distribución que representa su comportamiento.

  1. Adaptación en pacientes con diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, según Modelo de Roy


    Margarita Lazcano-Ortiz; Bertha Cecilia Salazar-González


    Objetivo. Determinar la influencia entre estímulos focales y contextuales, y la adaptación fisiológica y psicosocial en personas con diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DMT2). Material y método. El diseño fue descriptivo, transversal, predictivo. El muestreo fue probabilístico, sistemático. La muestra con 200 participantes de ambos géneros de 30 a 65 años, se determinó para un 95% de confianza, con una potencia de prueba de 90%. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que el tiempo desde diagnóstico expli...


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    Jessenia Hernández Elizondo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal el encontrar por medio de pruebas en las variables de fuerza, potencia y velocidad, la relación matemática existente entre estos tres constructos. Participaron 56 sujetos varones con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Con el fin de responder al objetivo del estudio, se les aplicaron pruebas de campo de fuerza (1RM de sentadilla completa y repeticiones máximas al 80% 60% 40% y 20%, de velocidad (30 metros lanzados y 30 metros sin impulso, y de potencia (salto vertical con contra-movimiento SVCM, salto vertical sin impulso SVSI y salto vertical con caída SVCC, para correlacionar las diferentes pruebas entre sí. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de la correlación de Pearson (r, para correlacionar parejas de pruebas y correlación canónica (Rc para correlacionar grupos de variables. A partir de cada correlación se obtuvo la varianza explicada (r2 la cual indica el porcentaje de relación compartida en escala de 0-100 que existe entre las pruebas. Según los datos obtenidos, no existe relación significativa (2.1% entre las pruebas de salto-sentadilla, ni relación significativa (5.1% entre las pruebas de velocidad- sentadilla, mientras que la relación salto- velocidad (62%, fue estadísticamente significativa (p < 0.05. La implicación de estos resultados podrían respaldar la idea de que la relación teórica que existe entre estos constructos, no es completamente cierta cuando éstos son medidos por medio de pruebas de campo.

  3. Topics in radiation dosimetry radiation dosimetry

    CERN Document Server


    Radiation Dosimetry, Supplement 1: Topics in Radiation Dosimetry covers instruments and techniques in dealing with special dosimetry problems. The book discusses thermoluminescence dosimetry in archeological dating; dosimetric applications of track etching; vacuum chambers of radiation measurement. The text also describes wall-less detectors in microdosimetry; dosimetry of low-energy X-rays; and the theory and general applicability of the gamma-ray theory of track effects to various systems. Dose equivalent determinations in neutron fields by means of moderator techniques; as well as developm

  4. ¿Una tarea del tipo “jigsaw” puede desarrollar la competencia gramatical en estudiantes de ELE? Una experiencia con alumnos italófonos

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    Morretta, Marco


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 15 de marcoELE (julio - diciembre de 2015 Este trabajo se propone investigar en qué medida una actividad colaborativa como el jigsaw, nacido como instrumento para fomentar la interacción, la fluidez y la competencia social de los alumnos, se puede utilizar asimismo para razonar sobre aspectos formales de la lengua mediante la reflexión metalingüística utilizando un paradigma deductivo explícito. Se ha llevado al cabo un experimento de cinco horas en una clase de diecinueve alumnos italófonos de secundaria en un instituto de la provincia de Milán. Utilizando dinámicas de grupo distintas en cada fase, se han seguido varios pasos con el objetivo de enseñar la morfología verbal del pretérito indefinido: 1. creación en grupos de una historia en el pasado partiendo de cinco verbos dados; 2. deducción de las reglas de un tipo de verbo en varios grupos de “expertos”; 3. sistematización de los contenidos aprendidos y repetición de la primera prueba; 4. prueba gramatical individual y cuestionario final individual. Comparando los datos de la primera producción colaborativa con los de la segunda, hay una evidente mejora en todas las categorías verbales analizadas. Las pruebas gramaticales individuales, además, demuestran que todos los alumnos han progresado, y no sólo en la categoría de verbos que han trabajado como “expertos”. Partiendo de estos datos y de los cuestionarios cualitativos, se reflexionará finalmente sobre las ventajas y los inconvenientes de este tipo de tarea.

  5. Modificaciones en la composición corporal después de realizar una prueba de ultrarresistencia de 1.700 km en bicicleta de montaña

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    Vicente Clemente Suárez


    Full Text Available El estudio de los cambios en la composición corporal en pruebas de resistencia se ha limitado en la mayoría de los casos al estudio de las pérdidas de peso corporal. El presente estudio pretende analizar los cambios producidos en la composición corporal (agua, proteínas, minerales, grasa, y músculo producidos después de realizar una prueba de 1.700 Km en bicicleta de montaña cruzando África de este a oeste. Se analizaron 5 sujetos (73,3±10,2 kg, 170±0,1 cm, 51,2±6,9 años antes y después de realizar una prueba de ultrarresistencia en bicicleta de montaña de 1.700 km durante 17 días (100-110 km por etapa. Se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: Masa Agua Intracelular, Masa Agua Extracelular, Proteínas, Masa Mineral, Masa Grasa Corporal, Agua Corporal Total, Masa Músculo Esquelético, Masa Libre de Grasa, Peso y Área Grasa Visceral mediante bioimpedancia eléctrica (BIA con el analizador INBODY 720. Los resultados muestran una disminución no significativa de los parámetros de peso corporal y masa grasa, una disminución significativa en el área de grasa visceral (p>0,05. El resto de parámetros se mantuvieron en valores cercanos a la toma inicial. En conclusión este tipo de pruebas de ultrarresistencia únicamente afecta a los parámetros de grasa visceral, manteniendo el resto de variables de composición corporal sin cambios significativos.

  6. Algoritmo de tipo búsqueda tabú para un problema de programación de horarios universitarios vespertinos

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    Cristian David Oliva San Martín


    Full Text Available En este estudio se presenta un modelo de programación no lineal en variables enteras para un problema de programación de horarios universitarios vespertinos y se propone un algoritmo para su solución. El problema consiste en programar asignaturas en un horizonte de planificación considerando profesores, aulas, alumnos, días y un conjunto de restricciones, buscando minimizar la penalidad de no satisfacer los requerimientos de profesores, el número de cambios de sala y el número de periodos libres entre cursos. Se propone un modelo matemático y una implementación de un algoritmo de tipo búsqueda tabú. Para evaluar la efectividad del algoritmo se utilizaron casos de prueba con datos reales del Instituto IPEGE (Chile, en los que el algoritmo es capaz de obtener soluciones factibles en un tiempo razonable. Los parámetros de dicho algoritmo fueron calibrados con los casos de prueba, para posteriormente evaluar su desempeño. Se muestra que este obtuvo mejores soluciones que el método manual.

  7. Advances in diagnostic tests for bacterial STDs Avances en las pruebas diagnósticas de ETS bacterianas

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    Stephen A Morse


    diagnosticar a un mayor número de individuos infectados y de que son útiles para tamizar poblaciones con bajas prevalencias de infección, han conducido al desarrollo de estrategias diseñadas para reducir el costo de los ensayos de laboratorio sin que ello impacte significativamente en la sensibilidad de las pruebas diagnósticas. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de nuevas pruebas para el diagnóstico de la sífilis ha ganado momento a partir de la factibilidad de producir un antígeno de VDRL sintético, que deberá resultar en mejores pruebas de anticuerpos no-treponémicos para el tamiz de la sífilis. Ahora bien, aún cuando se ha completado el conocimiento de la secuencia genética del Treponema pallidum, este microrganismo todavía no es susceptible de cultivarse in vitro. Sin embargo, la revolución de la biología molecular ha facilitado la implantación de ensayos de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para detectar al Treponema pallidum en varios tipos de muestras clínicas, así mismo ahora es posible la producción de antígenos recombinantes de esa bacteria para utilizarse en pruebas serológicas de anticuerpos treponémicos específicos. En conclusión, es de esperarse que la investigación futura favorecerá la disponibilidad de pruebas de laboratorio sensibles y de bajo costo para el diagnóstico de las infecciones transmitidas sexualmente.

  8. Diseño y validación de una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos de la atención en bulimia nerviosa


    Camacho-Ruíz, Esteban Jaime; Mancilla-Díaz, Juan Manuel; Escoto-Ponce De León, María Del Consuelo; Yáñez-Tellez, María Guillermina


    Objetivo: Desarrollar una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos en la atención hacia palabras relacionadas con la comida y la figura, en pacientes con bulimia nerviosa. Se desarrollaron cuatro listas de palabras con valencia positiva y negativa, relacionadas con la comida y la figura corporal. Método: treinta y dos mujeres con bulimia nerviosa emparejadas con 32 mujeres sin trastorno, respondieron la versión original y una modificada de la Prueba de Stroop computarizada. Resulta...

  9. Diseño y Validación de una Tarea Computarizada Tipo Stroop para Evaluar Sesgos de la Atención en Bulimia Nerviosa


    Esteban Jaime Camacho-Ruíz


    Objetivo: Desarrollar una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos en la atención hacia palabras relacionadas con la comida y la figura, en pacientes con bulimia nerviosa. Se desarrollaron cuatro listas de palabras con valencia positiva y negativa, relacionadas con la comida y la figura corporal. Método: treinta y dos mujeres con bulimia nerviosa emparejadas con 32 mujeres sin trastorno, respondieron la versión original y una modificada de la Prueba de Stroop computarizada. Resulta...

  10. Evaluación de un antígeno de Brucella abortus para aglutinación en placa como prueba tamiz en el diagnóstico de la brucelosis bovina

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    David Rajme-Manzur


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo obtener y validar un antígeno buferado de Brucella abortus para la prueba de aglutinación en placa como prueba diagnóstica de base de la brucelosis bovina. Se formularon tres lotes de antígeno a partir de la multiplicación de la cepa 99 de Brucella abortus. Se realizaron los controles de calidad correspondientes (determinación de pH, volumen celular, esterilidad, capacidad buferante y las pruebas serológicas para la evaluación del desempeño. Se emplearon 1070 muestras de suero bovino (350 positivas y 720 negativas previamente controladas con las pruebas de diagnóstico establecidas. Se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica y relativa, los valores predictivos positivos y negativos, la eficacia y la concordancia. En los tres lotes todas las características evaluadas resultaron estar dentro de los parámetros establecidos para este tipo de producto. La especificidad y sensibilidad diagnósticas fueron de 99,5% y 100% respectivamente. El valor predictivo positivo fue de 99,1%, el valor predictivo negativo fue de 100% y la eficacia de un 99,7%. El antígeno mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad relativas de un 100% y la concordancia resultó ser clasificada como muy buena. La evaluación del desempeño arrojó resultados satisfactorios, demostrando que el método de producción empleado es factible para la obtención de un producto con adecuada eficacia.

  11. Useful life test results of compact fluorescent lamps. Part 1; Resultados de las pruebas de vida til a lamparas fluorescentes compactas del proyecto Ilumex. Parte 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valera Negrete, A.; Vargas Nieto, E. [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    This paper presents the results obtained in the Laboratory in testing the useful life of the compact fluorescent lights supplied by the winners of the first bidding called for the project ILUMEX, and offered to users in the domestic sector of the Jalisco and Nuevo Leon states. Also, the lightning flux in different stages of the lamp`s useful life is shown. It is worthwhile to mention that this is the first time tests of this type are conducted in the Federal District`s Laboratory of Public Lightning. [Espanol] En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados obtenidos del laboratorio de pruebas de vida util a las lamparas fluorescentes compactas ganadoras de la primera licitacion del proyecto ILUMEX, ofrecidas a los usuarios del sector domstico de los estados de Jalisco y Nuevo Leon. Asimismo, se indican los flujos luminosos a diferentes etapas de la vida util de las lamparas. Cabe hacer notar que es la primera ocasion que se realizan este tipo de pruebas en el Laboratorio de Alumbrado Publico del Departamento del Distrito Federal.

  12. Useful life test results of compact fluorescent lamps. Part 1; Resultados de las pruebas de vida til a lamparas fluorescentes compactas del proyecto Ilumex. Parte 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valera Negrete, A; Vargas Nieto, E [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    This paper presents the results obtained in the Laboratory in testing the useful life of the compact fluorescent lights supplied by the winners of the first bidding called for the project ILUMEX, and offered to users in the domestic sector of the Jalisco and Nuevo Leon states. Also, the lightning flux in different stages of the lamp`s useful life is shown. It is worthwhile to mention that this is the first time tests of this type are conducted in the Federal District`s Laboratory of Public Lightning. [Espanol] En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados obtenidos del laboratorio de pruebas de vida util a las lamparas fluorescentes compactas ganadoras de la primera licitacion del proyecto ILUMEX, ofrecidas a los usuarios del sector domstico de los estados de Jalisco y Nuevo Leon. Asimismo, se indican los flujos luminosos a diferentes etapas de la vida util de las lamparas. Cabe hacer notar que es la primera ocasion que se realizan este tipo de pruebas en el Laboratorio de Alumbrado Publico del Departamento del Distrito Federal.

  13. Adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asisten a un programa educativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariela A. Carvajal


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudió fue evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional por medio de la hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asistieron a un programa educativo en diabetes en la ciudad de Guatemala, así como evaluar los principales factores que influyen en ella. Se realizó un estudio de tipo prospectivo, longitudinal, experimental, pareado de intervención no medicamentosa. Se utilizó la prueba de Morinsky-Green Levine para evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional, el cual consiste en cuatro preguntas de auto informe sobre la adherencia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 126 pacientes que recibieron una intervención educativa durante cinco meses. La metodología utilizada permitió analizar la adherencia al tratamiento por medio de la prueba de hemoglobina glicosilada, una encuesta de adherencia, evaluación del consumo por grupos de alimentos al inicio y al final. Uno de los principales hallazgos fue que los pacientes están convencidos que su plan nutricional les beneficia y les evitaría complicaciones. El apoyo familiar también juega un papel muy importante en la adherencia de estos pacientes al tratamiento nutricional. Los indicadores de adherencia que se encontraron más afectados son los relacionados al costo del plan de alimentación y la dificultad para seguirlo. Se concluye que es posible utilizar la hemoglobina glicosilada como un indicador efectivo de adherencia, ya que el porcentaje de pacientes con hemoglobina glicosilada controlada aumentó de un 50 a un 65.9% después de la intervención.

  14. Chemical dosimetry principles in high dose dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mhatre, Sachin G.V.


    In radiation processing, activities of principal concern are process validation and process control. The objective of such formalized procedures is to establish documentary evidence that the irradiation process has achieved the desired results. The key element of such activities is inevitably a well characterized reliable dosimetry system that is traceable to recognized national and international dosimetry standards. Only such dosimetry systems can help establish the required documentary evidence. In addition, industrial radiation processing such as irradiation of foodstuffs and sterilization of health careproducts are both highly regulated, in particular with regard to dose. Besides, dosimetry is necessary for scaling up processes from the research level to the industrial level. Thus, accurate dosimetry is indispensable

  15. 100 years of solid state dosimetry and radiation protection dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartlett, David T.


    The use of solid state detectors in radiation dosimetry has passed its 100th anniversary. The major applications of these detectors in radiation dosimetry have been in personal dosimetry, retrospective dosimetry, dating, medical dosimetry, the characterization of radiation fields, and also in microdosimetry and radiobiology research. In this introductory paper for the 15th International Conference, I shall speak of the history of solid state dosimetry and of the radiation measurement quantities that developed at the same time, mention some landmark developments in detectors and applications, speak a bit more about dosimetry and measurement quantities, and briefly look at the past and future

  16. Generación de pruebas del sistema a partir de la especificación funcional


    Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Javier Jesús


    De manera general, el proceso de prueba de software suele englobar, al menos, tres tareas principales: desarrollo de los casos de prueba, ejecución de los casos de prueba y análisis de los resultados [Burnstein, 2003]. El estudio en profundidad de cualquiera de estas tareas sería un tema lo suficientemente amplio como para poder centrar un trabajo de tesis. Este trabajo, en concreto, se centra en la primera tarea: cómo desarrollar casos de prueba. Los casos de...

  17. Pruebas diagnósticas en la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico


    Remes-Troche, José María


    En la actualidad la enfermedad por reflujo gastro esofágico (ERGE) no es una enfermedad simple y se tiene que considerar como una enfermedad heterogénea y multi-sintomática por lo que no hay una prueba estándar de oro. La decisión de que prueba utilizar, cuando utilizarla y cuál será su ganancia en el diagnóstico depende de varios factores. Para la evaluación estructural, la videoendoscopia se considera la prueba ideal ya que permite establecer la ausencia o presencia de erosiones y de compli...

  18. Evaluación in vitro de la rugosidad superficial y la alteración de color de dos tipos de ionómeros de vidrio, luego de ser sometidos a diferentes bebidas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisol Carrillo Tabakman


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio in vitro fue analizar la rugosidad superficial y la alteración de color de dos tipos de ionómeros vítreos luego de ser sometidos a diferentes soluciones. En una matriz de teflón (8x2mm, fueron confeccionados 60 cuerpos de prueba con 2 tipos de ionómeros fotopolimerizables: 30 para el Fuji II LC (M1 y otros 30 para el Ketac N100 (M2. El aparato utilizado fue el Elipar Freelight 2 3M Espe. La fotopolimerización se realizó por 20 segundos cada cuerpo de prueba. Luego de la confección, los sesenta cuerpos de prueba fueron mantenidos en gasa humedecida por 24 hs en estufa a 37ºC y luego se clasificaron y luego se dividieron en tres grupos de 10 cada uno para ser sometidos a 3 tipos diferentes de soluciones: agua destilada (S1, bebida carbonatada (S2 y jugo cítrico (S3 por 90 segundos diariamente durante 14 días. Las lecturas de la alteración de color, obtenidas a través de un colorímetro, y las de rugosidad superficial, realizadas por medio del rugosímetro, fueron realizadas a las 48 hs. (T0 y luego a los 14 días (T1. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos al test ANOVA y Tukey (p≤0.05. Los resultados mostraron que; a La bebida carbonatada (S2 tuvo mayor media de alteración de color (ΔE* en relación a las otras soluciones, b que Ketac N100 (M2 tuvo mayor media con respecto a la rugosidad superficial en la interacción material por solución. Por tanto, se concluyó que trascurrido determinado período de tiempo las propiedades estéticas y físico-mecánicas de los materiales estudiados se ven afectados.

  19. Neutron dosimetry. Environmental monitoring in a BWR type reactor; Dosimetria de neutrones. Monitoreo ambiental en un reactor del tipo BWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavera D, L; Camacho L, M E


    The measurements carried out on reactor dosimetry are applied mainly to the study on the effects of the radiation in 108 materials of the reactor; little is on the environmental dosimetry outside of the primary container of BWR reactors. In this work the application of a neutron spectrometer formed by plastic detectors of nuclear traces manufactured in the ININ, for the environmental monitoring in penetrations around the primary container of the unit I of the Laguna Verde central is presented. The neutron monitoring carries out with purposes of radiological protection, during the operational tests of the reactor. (Author)

  20. Establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo (augmenting formative mediante entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiberio Pérez-Manrique


    "cuidar de sí", establecimiento de la clase funcional "otros", establecimiento de la regla aumento formativo y fase de prueba. Los participantes de la fase experimental pasaron por las cuatro fases del programa mientras que los de la fase control pasaron por las fases 1, 2 y 4. Los resultados evidencian que los participantes que pasaron por la fase experimental derivaron la regla de aumento formativo como producto del entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales a partir de la muestra Cuidar y sus comparadores TAX, RAY y JOR, con porcentajes totales de acierto relativo de 88.8%, 72.2% y 94.4%, respectivamente. Estos datos siguieren que es posible el establecimiento de reglas tipo aumento formativo a través de este clase de entrenamiento.

  1. Vida útil sensorial del queso mantecoso por pruebas aceleradas


    Sánchez-González, Jesús Alexander; Pérez Cueva, Joel André


    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue estimar la vida útil sensorial del queso mantecoso, de marcas comercializadas en Cajamarca, envasado al vacío: "cefop" y envasado a la presión atmosférica: "huacariz"; mediante pruebas aceleradas. Para este propósito, el queso "huacariz" se almacenó a 20, 28, 35 y 40 °C, mientras que para el queso "cefop" se trabajó con 20, 28 y 35 °C de almacenamiento, realizándose con éstos pruebas de aceptabilidad sensorial en función al tiempo de almac...

  2. Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The purpose of ionizing radiation dosimetry is the measurement of the physical and biological consequences of exposure to radiation. As these consequences are proportional to the local absorption of energy, the dosimetry of ionizing radiation is based on the measurement of this quantity. Owing to the size of the effects of ionizing radiation on materials in all of these area, dosimetry plays an essential role in the prevention and the control of radiation exposure. Its use is of great importance in two areas in particular where the employment of ionizing radiation relates to human health: radiation protection, and medical applications. Dosimetry is different for various reasons: owing to the diversity of the physical characteristics produced by different kinds of radiation according to their nature (X- and γ-photons, electrons, neutrons,...), their energy (from several keV to several MeV), the orders of magnitude of the doses being estimated (a factor of about 10 5 between diagnostic and therapeutic applications); and the temporal and spatial variation of the biological parameters entering into the calculations. On the practical level, dosimetry poses two distinct yet closely related problems: the determination of the absorbed dose received by a subject exposed to radiation from a source external to his body (external dosimetry); and the determination of the absorbed dose received by a subject owing to the presence within his body of some radioactive substance (internal dosimetry)

  3. Demencia tipo Alzheimer, deterioro cognitivo y toma de decisiones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurora Moreno


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el de conocer cómo es la toma de decisiones en la Demencia Tipo Alzheimer (DTA en situaciones de incertidumbre, si se manifiesta la tendencia al riesgo o no, y la relación que guarda la ejecución con el status cognitivo en cada una de las áreas evaluadas por los test de cribado del deterioro cognitivo propios de las demencias. Participaron 10 pacientes con DTA, y comparados con 10 sujetos controles. Se utilizó la Prueba Cartas (basada en la Iowa Gambling Task, donde los sujetos deben elegir entre varias opciones que entrañan más o menos riesgo, y una batería de cribado del deterioro cognitivo. Los resultados reflejaron que los sujetos con DTA en etapas iniciales presentan cierta tendencia al riesgo en las decisiones que toman y no desarrollan patrones estratégicos de elección. Parece que el deterioro cognitivo y el grado de afectación en las distintas áreas se relaciona con la forma en que toman decisiones.

  4. Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    Cern Staff and Users can now consult their dose records for an individual or an organizational unit with HRT. Please see more information on our web page: Dosimetry Service is open every morning from 8.30 - 12.00. Closed in the afternoons. We would like to remind you that dosimeters cannot be sent to customers by internal mail. Short-term dosimeters (VCT's) must always be returned to the Service after the use and must not be left on the racks in the experimental areas or in the secretariats. Dosimetry Service Tel. 7 2155

  5. Dosimetry system 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woolson, William A.; Egbert, Stephen D.; Gritzner, Michael L.


    In May 1983, the authors proposed a dosimetry system for use by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) that would incorporate the new findings and calculations of the joint United States - Japan working groups on the reassessment of A-bomb dosimetry. The proposed dosimetry system evolved from extensive discussions with RERF personnel, numerous meetings of the scientists from Japan and the United States involved in the dosimetry reassessment research, and requirements expressed by epidemiologists and radiobiologists on the various review panels. The dosimetry system proposed was based on considerations of the dosimetry requirements for the normal work of RERF and for future research in radiobiology, the computerized input data on A-bomb survivors available in the RERF data base, the level of detail, precision, and accuracy of various components of the dosimetric estimates, and the computer resources available at RERF in Hiroshima. These discussions and our own experience indicated that, in light of the expansion of computer and radiation technologies and the desire for more detail in the dosimetry, an entirely new approach to the dosimetry system was appropriate. This resulted in a complete replacement of the T65D system as distinguished from a simpler approach involving a renormalization of T65D parameters to reflect the new dosimetry. The proposed dosimetry system for RERF and the plan for implementation was accepted by the Department of Energy (DOE) Working Group on A-bomb Dosimetry chaired by Dr. R.F. Christy. The dosimetry system plan was also presented to the binational A-bomb dosimetry review groups for critical comment and was discussed at joint US-Japan workshop. A prototype dosimetry system incorporating preliminary dosimetry estimates and applicable to only a limited set of A-bomb survivors was installed on the RERF computer system in the fall of 1984. This system was successfully operated at RERF and provided an initial look at the impact of

  6. Estandarización de una prueba de PCR para la detección de Brucella sp.

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    Carlos Padilla R


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estandarizar una prueba de PCR para la detección de Brucella spp. Materiales y métodos: Se usó oligonucleótidos reportados que amplifican la secuencia de 16S rRNA de Brucella spp. Fueron evaluados dos métodos de extracción de ADN: fenol-cloroformo-alcohol isoamílico y un kit comercial basado en columnas con afinidad. Para determinar la sensibilidad de la prueba se usó 8 cepas peruanas de Brucella y para determinar la especificidad de la prueba se usó otras cepas bacterianas peruanas de E. coli, Shigella, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella aratyphi, Salmonella typhi, Citrobacter freundii y Vibrio cholerae. Resultados: Los 2 métodos de extracción de ADN evaluados fueron efectivos. La sensibilidad analítica de la prueba es alta, lográndose detectar 80 femtogramos de ADN de Brucella spp. purificado. Todas las cepas peruanas de Brucella spp. fueron detectadas por la prueba. Además, la prueba es negativa para cepas peruanas de otras especies bacterianas. Conclusión: Se ha estandarizado las condiciones de una prueba de PCR para la detección de cepas peruanas de Brucella spp., la cual es muy sensible y específica en el laboratorio.

  7. Cambios en el rendimiento en la prueba de marcha en 6 minutos y en el consumo de oxigeno directo en un paciente amputado transtibial con diferentes pies protésicos


    Sandoval Hernández, Oscar Andrés; Silva Caicedo, Octavio


    La prescripción de las prótesis para los diferentes niveles de amputación está relacionada con el nivel de actividad del paciente y debe estar además asociada a la capacidad funcional y cardiorrespiratoria. El consumo de oxígeno en los pacientes amputados, se debe ver afectado por el tipo de prótesis que se está usando y por los elementos asociado la misma. La cuantificación del consumo de oxígeno y su relación con el rendimiento den la prueba de marcha de 6 minutos permite individualizar la ...

  8. Test Review: Prueba de Lectura y Lenguaje Escrito. (United States)

    Crawford, Alan N.


    Describes the Prueba de Lectura y Lenguaje Escrito (PPLE--roughly translatable as the "Test of Early Language Development") that may meet the need for standardized and diagnostic tests of reading and written composition in Spanish. (HOD)

  9. Modelo formal de pruebas funcionales de software para alcanzar el Nivel de Madurez Integrado 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milton Eduardo Escobar-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones de software son cada vez más importantes para las organizaciones debido a que permiten llevar a cabo efiientemente sus tareas primordiales; por ello es mandatorio realizar las pruebas de calidad de software. Esta investigación se enfocó en diseñar un modelo formal para desarrollar pruebas funcionales de software que permitan alcanzar el nivel de calidad 2 del Modelo de Madurez de Pruebas Integrado (TMMI. El proceso se inició con un diagnóstico situacional, aplicando la norma ISO-9001-2000; luego, se evaluaron diversos modelos de prueba de calidad de software, como el ISO/IEC 9126, el TMM, el TMMI, el Proceso de Mejoramiento de Pruebas (TPI y el Enfoque de Gestión de Pruebas (TMAP, realizando una comparación bajo algunos criterios como año de publicación, licenciamiento, niveles, factorías y riesgos. Con esta información se diseñó el modelo propuesto, que es independiente del proceso de desarrollo de software. Concretamente, se fundamentó en el ciclo de prueba, y se compone de cuatro fases: Especifiación, Planifiación, Ejecución y Evaluación, en el que se contrasta en forma real el comportamiento esperado del software. Como caso de estudio y validación se aplicó este modelo a una PYME; los resultados mostraron la efiiencia del modelo y revelaron que es preciso desarrollar una cultura de calidad organizacional en esta empresa.

  10. Resistencia a corte paralela a la tensión de la fibra de la madera, por medio de la prueba de punzonamiento propuesta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Massayuki


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un método para probar la resistencia a corte de la madera paralela a la fibra y realizar la comparación con otros métodos propuestos. El método propuesto por la Norma Brasileña (NBR 7190/1997 que es similar a la D 143-09/2010, utiliza una probeta prismática rectangular con una muesca para evitar su rotación, que es causada por la asimetría en la aplicación de la fuerza que promueve el corte. A fin de eliminar esta asimetría, en el procedimiento propuesto se aplica tensión de corte por la perforación de una simple muestra de ensayo prismática sin cortes, con la distribución de la sección de cizallamiento simétricamente en relación a un punto. Por consiguiente, se desarrolló una herramienta macho y hembra adaptada para una prensa de prueba universal de aplicación de la fuerza. Una vez verificada la consistencia del método, se ha llevado a cabo una serie de pruebas con tres tipos diferentes de madera, (Pinus sp, Erisma uncinatum y Mezilaurus itauba, que se distinguen por su resistencia mecánica, inspeccionando el método por el Santos Neto (1999 bajo la NBR 7190/1997 Norma Brasileña, y comparándolo con el método de punzonamiento - puncionado. Los resultados mostraron que en la prueba con la NBR 7190/1997, los métodos de la Norma Brasileña y el método propuesto muestran resultados similares y próximos entre ellos.

  11. La prueba de la intención y la explicación de la acción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Lagier, Daniel


    Full Text Available This article approaches the problem of attributing intentions to others, trying to relate that issue to, on the one hand, the philosophical problem of the explanation of human actions and, on the other, the procedural-law problem of the proof of criminal intent. Two kinds of conceptions are distinguished from each other, depending on whether they take up or not a cognitivist stance towards the validity of such attributions. The article supports the cognitivist conception, and proposes an outline for reasoning, appropriate for judicial proof of intention, that is based on a Minimal Rationality Principle: the point is to show the connection between intention and rationality, and to suggest that this connection can be used to prove intention.

    En este trabajo se aborda el problema de la atribución de intenciones a otros sujetos, tratando de vincularlo, por un lado, con el problema filosófico de la explicación de las acciones humanas y, por otro lado, con el problema jurídico-procesal de la prueba del dolo. Se distingue entre dos tipos de concepciones, según asuman una postura cognoscitivista o no en relación con la validez de estas atribuciones, tomando postura a favor de la concepción cognoscitivista y proponiendo un esquema de razonamiento apropiado para la prueba judicial de la intención basado en un Principio de Racionalidad Mínima: esto es, se trata de mostrar la conexión entre intención y racionalidad y de sugerir que esta conexión puede usarse para probar la intención.

  12. Prueba para el error de ajuste de un modelo multivariante


    Rodríguez, Luis H.


    En el ajuste de un modelo a una serie de observaciones se presenta el interesante problema de decidir sobre lo adecuado del modelo para describir tales observaciones .. Una prueba para esta clase de decisión se denomina "Error de ajuste", No conocíamos una tal prueba para el caso de un modelo multivariante  (cada observación es un vector), por lo que este articulo hacemos una extensión de la  técnica de  "error de ajuste" utilizada en el análisis  univariante al caso multivariante,  y se prod...

  13. Gestor de Datos de Banco de Pruebas para Generadores Síncronos


    Pablos González, David


    Castellano. En este proyecto se desarrolla una aplicación web que permite la gestión de datos obtenidos en las pruebas que se realizan a los generadores síncronos en Banco de Pruebas. El objetivo de este proyecto es almacenar estos datos en una base de datos de forma que se encuentren centralizados para su posterior explotación.Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, se han utilizado tecnologías como PHP, MySQL, JavaScript y Ajax.

  14. Estudio sobre la prueba de las historietas de percibal m. symonds


    Vargas Martínez, Gustavo


    Descripción básica - EI método S.P-S.T. (symonds picture-story tests) es una técnica de Contenido proyectivo dedicada al estudio de personalidad de los adolescentes, y pertenece a la misma clase de pruebas elaboradas sobre láminas con figuras reales, al estilo de "The Thematic Apperception Test" (TAT), Jackson, Blacky, etc. Tiene con ello, las mismas ventajas que presentan estas pruebas, cuales son las de facilitar expresiones existenciales de los examinados.

  15. Neutron personnel dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffith, R.V.


    The current state-of-the-art in neutron personnel dosimetry is reviewed. Topics covered include dosimetry needs and alternatives, current dosimetry approaches, personnel monitoring devices, calibration strategies, and future developments

  16. Evaluación de tres pruebas para el diagnóstico de geohelmintos en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myriam Consuelo López


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las geohelmintiasis son un problema de salud pública en países en vía de desarrollo. Los estudios de diagnóstico a nivel individual, así como los estudios de población, deben incorporar evaluaciones de su validez y fiabilidad. Objetivo. Comparar el examen directo, el método de Ritchie-Frick modificado, el de Kato-Katz brasilero y el de Kato-Katz de la OMS, para el diagnóstico de geohelmintos. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de fiabilidad de pruebas diagnósticas. La misma muestra de materia fecal fue analizada por el mismo observador, empleando cuatro pruebas. Se recolectaron 204 muestras, de las cuales se analizaron 194 que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Los observadores no conocían la identidad de los participantes, ni el resultado en las otras pruebas. Para el análisis se tomó como método de referencia, la prueba de Kato-Katz de la OMS. Para evaluar la fiabilidad se emplearon el porcentaje de concordancia, el porcentaje de concordancia positiva, la prueba estadística kappa y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase. Resultados. Se encontró un buen desempeño de la prueba brasilera de Kato-Katz, con alta sensibilidad y especificidad para Trichuris trichiura y Uncinaria sp., 0,97 y 0,96 respectivamente, en ambos valores, y alta especificidad y moderada sensibilidad para Ascaris lumbricoides (0,95 y 0,79, y un desempeño entre moderado y pobre para la prueba de Ritchie-Frick y el examen directo. Las diferencias fueron mayores para Uncinaria sp. y T. trichiura, que para A. lumbricoides. Conclusión. La prueba brasilera de Kato-Katz podría ser implementada, pero se necesitan más estudios para considerar la relación de su capacidad operativa con su factibilidad, disponibilidad y costo.   doi:

  17. Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezende, D.A.O. de


    The fundamental units of dosimetry are defined, such as exposure rate, absorbed dose and equivalent dose. A table is given of relative biological effectiveness values for the different types of radiation. The relation between the roentgen and rad units is calculated and the concepts of physical half-life, biological half-life and effective half-life are discussed. Referring to internal dosimetry, a mathematical treatment is given to β particle-and γ radiation dosimetry. The absorbed dose is calculated and a practical example is given of the calculation of the exposure and of the dose rate for a gama source [pt



    Jessenia Hernández Elizondo


    Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal el encontrar por medio de pruebas en las variables de fuerza, potencia y velocidad, la relación matemática existente entre estos tres constructos. Participaron 56 sujetos varones con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Con el fin de responder al objetivo del estudio, se les aplicaron pruebas de campo de fuerza (1RM de sentadilla completa y repeticiones máximas al 80% 60% 40% y 20%), de velocidad (30 metros lanzados y 30 metros sin impulso), y de potenci...

  19. La eficacia de la Prueba Indiciaria en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano


    Pérez Medina, Lenin


    La eficacia de la prueba Indiciaria en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano, a tomado una nueva dimensión en nuestro sistema procesal, ya que a partir de la vigencia del nuevo Código de Procedimiento Penal, se ha orientado a garantizar la aplicación del debido proceso, en todos los parámetros que la constitución establece, en el presente trabajo estudiamos diferentes tópicos como presunción , sospecha , conjetura, vestigio, huella y rastro donde podría aparecer la prueba indiciaria, si...

  20. Pipe type poles in transmission power lines; Postes tipo tubo en lineas de transmision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cervantes E, Mario; Becerril A, Armando [Luz y Fuerza del Centro, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The first supports for transmission power lines were relatively small structures, of simple configuration, to save reduced clearances to resist load in accordance with its need; with the technical development, gradually appeared higher and higher electric tensions and greater obstacles to overcome, consequently the design of the supports had to be adapted to the new conditions. This gave rise to the development of a specific technique that would adequate and incorporate the continuous engineering advances. In this document the initial considerations on the design poles pipe type are examined; within these considerations mention is made of: the design, the manufacture, the prototype tests, installation, quality control and foundations. The type tube pole is portrayed, as well as the steel reinforcement, finally the types of precast foundations are shown [Espanol] Los primeros soportes para lineas de transmision fueron estructuras relativamente pequenas, de configuracion simple, para salvar claros reducidos y resistir cargas proporcionales a sus necesidades, con el desarrollo de la tecnica, fueron apareciendo tensiones electricas cada vez mas elevadas y obstaculos mayores que vencer, por lo que el diseno de los soportes tuvo que adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones. Esto dio origen al desenvolvimiento de una tecnica especifica que fuese adecuando e incorporando los continuos avances de la ingenieria. En este documento se tratan las consideraciones iniciales del diseno de los postes tipo tubo; dentro de estas consideraciones se citan: el diseno, la fabricacion, las pruebas de prototipo, montajes, control de calidad y cimentaciones. Se ilustra el poste tipo tubo, al igual que el armado del poste, por ultimo se muestra los tipos de cimentaciones precoladas

  1. Síndrome de Usher de tipo II: caracterización oftalmológica, auditiva y genética de una familia consanguínea


    Freyre Luque, Rásife; García Espinosa, Sarah María; García Mayet, Idalmis; Santisteban Aguilera, Francisca; Dager Salomón, Melek


    Se caracterizó a una familia consanguínea de 25 miembros, 3 de los cuales padecían el síndrome de Usher de tipo II, a través del estudio auditivo, oftalmológico y genético en el Centro de Retinosis Pigmentaria de Santiago de Cuba. Los pacientes (2 varones y 1 fémina) tenían en común: aparición de la enfermedad en la etapa juvenil, mala visión nocturna, campos visuales reducidos, hipoacusia neurosensorial y resultados normales en las pruebas vestibulares; asimismo, en genética molecular, la el...

  2. Análisis e implicaciones de los resultados de las prácticas pedagógicas de un docente líder en una prueba piloto de innovación en el proyecto Conectándonos

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    Manuel Baltodano-Enríquez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de las prácticas pedagógicas de un docente líder en una prueba piloto de innovación desarrollada en una escuela primaria de Costa Rica. La prueba piloto se efectuó por la necesidad de cambiar el equipo tecnológico en los centros escolares pertenecientes al proyecto Conectándonos MEP-FQT del Departamento de Investigación, Desarrollo e Implementación del Ministerio de Educación Pública y de la Fundación Quirós Tanzi. Esta prueba piloto consistió en diagnosticar las prácticas pedagógicas de un docente líder mediante la exploración y el uso de recursos didácticos digitales contenidos en las computadoras portátiles tipo Clamshell y un proyector interactivo. Los equipos fueron utilizados para favorecer la mediación pedagógica del docente mediante el acceso, la selección y el uso de recursos didácticos digitales. Para la recolección de los datos, se utilizaron guías de observación no participante, un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y la revisión documental del planeamiento didáctico del docente. La sistematización de las guías de observación permitió evidenciar de manera natural y concreta los aspectos contemplados en los objetivos del estudio. El análisis de la información se realizó mediante un enfoque cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico, donde se definieron, categorías y subcategorías que posteriormente, se vincularon entre sí, para establecer coincidencias, similitudes, diferencias, presencia o ausencia de términos o frases. Asimismo, se realizó una interpretación de los datos, donde se relacionó la información obtenida mediante el análisis y los referentes teóricos que permitió, posteriormente, reflexionar sobre las categorías estudiadas. Por último, como conclusión principal de la prueba piloto, se deriva la promoción del trabajo colaborativo entre estudiantes y el logro de los objetivos de aprendizaje propuestos en el planeamiento did

  3. Polymer gel dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baldock, C [Institute of Medical Physics, School of Physics, University of Sydney (Australia); De Deene, Y [Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, Ghent University Hospital (Belgium); Doran, S [CRUK Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research Group, Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey (United Kingdom); Ibbott, G [Radiation Physics, UT M D Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX (United States); Jirasek, A [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (Canada); Lepage, M [Centre d' imagerie moleculaire de Sherbrooke, Departement de medecine nucleaire et de radiobiologie, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC (Canada); McAuley, K B [Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen' s University, Kingston, ON (Canada); Oldham, M [Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC (United States); Schreiner, L J [Cancer Centre of South Eastern Ontario, Kingston, ON (Canada)], E-mail:, E-mail:


    Polymer gel dosimeters are fabricated from radiation sensitive chemicals which, upon irradiation, polymerize as a function of the absorbed radiation dose. These gel dosimeters, with the capacity to uniquely record the radiation dose distribution in three-dimensions (3D), have specific advantages when compared to one-dimensional dosimeters, such as ion chambers, and two-dimensional dosimeters, such as film. These advantages are particularly significant in dosimetry situations where steep dose gradients exist such as in intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and stereotactic radiosurgery. Polymer gel dosimeters also have specific advantages for brachytherapy dosimetry. Potential dosimetry applications include those for low-energy x-rays, high-linear energy transfer (LET) and proton therapy, radionuclide and boron capture neutron therapy dosimetries. These 3D dosimeters are radiologically soft-tissue equivalent with properties that may be modified depending on the application. The 3D radiation dose distribution in polymer gel dosimeters may be imaged using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), optical-computerized tomography (optical-CT), x-ray CT or ultrasound. The fundamental science underpinning polymer gel dosimetry is reviewed along with the various evaluation techniques. Clinical dosimetry applications of polymer gel dosimetry are also presented. (topical review)

  4. Variantes psicosociales y el uso e interpretación de pruebas psicológicas

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    Cecilia Thorne


    Full Text Available Se resalta la importancia de la adaptación, las normas y el análisis e interpretación cualitativa de los resultados. La autora ejemplifica cada uno de estos puntos a la luz de resultados de investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el medio con el WISC-R, Bender, Prueba deDiscriminación Auditiva, las Láminas de Evaluación.del Vocabulario y las Pruebas de Decodificación y Comprensión de Lectura Inicial. Se concluye que las pruebas pueden ser herramientas positivas de intervención y no simplemente ser utilizadas corno una constatación de diferencias entre grupos de distinto nivel sociocultural.

  5. Proceso de pruebas para pequeñas organizaciones desarrolladoras de software


    Martha Lucía Rojas-Montes; Francisco José Pino-Correa; James Mauricio Martínez


    Definir un proceso de pruebas dentro de una organización puede ser valioso en la medida en que permita: (i) incrementar la calidad del producto, (ii) facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión entre los miembros del equipo, (iii) apoyar la mejora continua del proceso, y (iv) soportar la ejecución automática de ciertas tareas. En este sentido, este artículo propone un proceso liviano definido para guiar y apoyar la realización de las pruebas en pequeñas organizaciones desarrolladoras de softwa...

  6. Evaluación de la prueba del reloj en el tamizaje de enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Teodoro Oscanoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Examinar la capacidad discriminativa de la prueba del reloj con 10 puntos en el tamizaje de trastorno cognoscitivo por enfermedad de Alzheimer. Material y Métodos: Evaluación de una prueba diagnóstica mediante estudio de pacientes con y sin enfermedad de Alzheimer, provenientes del Consultorio Externo del Servicio de Geriatría del Hospital Almenara, Lima, Perú. Participaron 31 pacientes (10 varones y 21 mujeres con enfermedad de Alzheimer y 31 pacientes sin esta enfermedad (21 varones y 10 mujeres. A ambos grupos se les realizó el prueba del reloj. No hubo diferencia significativa entre la edad y grado de instrucción de ambos grupos. La gravedad de la demencia según el Clinical Dementia Ratio de Hughes fue leve en 10 (32,3%, moderada 12 (38,7% y severa en 9 (29%. Resultados: Considerando como punto de corte un valor de 6 en la prueba del reloj, se encontró una sensibilidad de 83,9%, especificidad 93,5%, valor predictivo positivo 92,9 y valor predictivo negativo 85,3%. Conclusión: La prueba del reloj parece ser un examen simple y efectivo para la evaluación inicial de trastornos cognitivos en pacientes adultos mayores con sospecha de demencia por enfermedad de Alzheimer.

  7. Pista de pruebas para automóviles de la Opel, Alemania

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    Stark, H.


    Full Text Available The need to have the use of all kinds of road surfaces for car testing led to the construction of the experimental car track by the Adam Opel AG. This has been a full experience in this kind of work. The making of a purposely defective road surface has been more difficult than was supposed, and the fast track, provided with all kinds of modern devices, has been studied to its minutest details. Its transversal section (a cubic parabola, with strong camber, made it impossible to use normal machinery, which is only apt for plane surfaces. A type of sliding formwork on rails, suitable for continuous concreting, was adopted. The total length of the track is 32 km. It includes a concrete base and a variable surface, which incorporates all kinds of surfaces that may be met with, in any state of repair. The construction time was 235 days.El imperativo de tener que disponer tramos de carretera de todos los tipos conocidos, trajo como consecuencia que la construcción de la pista de pruebas para los automóviles de la Adam Opel AG haya constituido una experiencia completa en esta clase de trabajos. La realización de un piso intencionadamente defectuoso ha resultado ser más difícil de lo que se creía en principio, y la pista rápida, que está dotada de toda clase de adelantos y de máxima seguridad, ha sido estudiada hasta en sus más mínimos detalles. Su sección transversal (una parábola cúbica, fuertemente inclinada, obligó a desechar la maquinaria normal, sólo apta para superficies planas, y a adoptar un tipo de encofrado deslizante, especial para hormigonado continuo, que se movía sobre carriles. El trazado total es de 32,2 km, con un lecho de hormigón, y un pavimento variable que abarca todos los que se pueden presentar en carreteras de distintas categorías y en cualquier estado de conservación. La duración de las obras fue de 235 días.

  8. Internal sources dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savio, Eduardo


    The absorbed dose, need of estimation in risk evaluation in the application of radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine practice,internal dosimetry,internal and external sources. Calculation methodology,Marinelli model,MIRD system for absorbed dose calculation based on biological parameters of radiopharmaceutical in human body or individual,energy of emitted radiations by administered radionuclide, fraction of emitted energy that is absorbed by target body.Limitation of the MIRD calculation model. A explanation of Marinelli method of dosimetry calculation,β dosimetry. Y dosimetry, effective dose, calculation in organs and tissues, examples. Bibliography .

  9. Consideraciones especiales para realizar pruebas de usabilidad con niños: Caso de Estudio

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    María Esperanza Pérez Cordoba Sánchez


    Full Text Available Cuando se aplican pruebas de usabilidad se espera que los resultados arrojen un diagnóstico con respecto a la facilidad de uso y del grado de satisfacción de los usuarios. Se sabe desde hace mucho tiempo que el diseño de las interfaces es parte crucial en la percepción que se tiene del sistema, para lograr un buen diseño es necesario conocer de antemano quién es el usuario final y después se tienen que cubrir las necesidades de uso. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando se trabaja con niños, dado que influyen factores como la forma en la que aprenden, sus gustos, el grado de distracción, su facilidad para seguir indicaciones, la motivación para ejecutar las tareas e incluso cuestiones como la ergonomía. En el presente trabajo se reportan algunos hallazgos que resultaron de realizar pruebas de usabilidad con niños a un sistema interactivo controlado por Kinect. Se describe la metodología usada durante las pruebas así como los aspectos y diferencias que existen con respecto a las pruebas de usabilidad con adultos. También se incluye una revisión bibliográfica de trabajos publicados que tratan el tema de pruebas de usabilidad con niños, con lo que se busca dar soporte al presente trabajo.

  10. Diagnóstico de proliferación bacteriana intestinal en niños: evidencia experimental para sustentar el empleo de lactulosa en la prueba de hidrógeno y su validación como prueba tamiz

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    Evelyn Mendoza


    Conclusiones. Se aporta evidencia experimental para sustentar el uso de la lactulosa en la prueba de hidrógeno y se valida ésta frente al patrón de referencia como prueba tamiz para diagnosticar la proliferación bacteriana intestinal.

  11. Estudio de toxicidad por dosis única y tolerancia local de una vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B en ratas Sprague Dawley

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    Juan F. Núñez


    Full Text Available La vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B, objetivo de este estudio, contiene vesículas purificadas de la membrana externa del meningococo del serogrupo B de la cepa (Cu- 385 - 83 B:4:P1.19,15. El esquema de vacunación propuesto en humanos consiste en tres dosis de 0,5 mL, separadas por un intervalo óptimo de ocho semanas. El objetivo de este estudio de toxicidad en ratas Sprague Dawley (SD fue determinar la toxicidad potencial, letalidad, órganos, sistemas susceptibles y otros eventos adversos, así como la toxicidad en el sitio de inoculación después de la administración de una dosis de la vacuna en estudio. Los resultados indicaron que, bajo las condiciones del estudio y según los criterios establecidos para evaluar los resultados, la vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B, no produce efectos tóxicos en el modelo animal usado. Todo lo que se observó fueron formaciones granulomatosas a nivel del punto de inoculación. Estas formaciones han sido reportadas como pertenecientes a los adyuvantes de depósito, como el hidróxido de aluminio, usado en otras vacunas parenterales. Se concluye que la vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B resultó satisfactoria en las pruebas de toxicidad por dosisúnica y tolerancia local realizadas en la especie rata.

  12. Techniques for radiation measurements: Micro-dosimetry and dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waker, A. J.


    Experimental Micro-dosimetry is concerned with the determination of radiation quality and how this can be specified in terms of the distribution of energy deposition arising from the interaction of a radiation field with a particular target site. This paper discusses various techniques that have been developed to measure radiation energy deposition over the three orders of magnitude of site-size; nano-meter, micrometer and millimetre, which radiation biology suggests is required to fully account for radiation quality. Inevitably, much of the discussion will concern the use of tissue-equivalent proportional counters and variants of this device, but other technologies that have been studied, or are under development, for their potential in experimental Micro-dosimetry are also covered. Through an examination of some of the quantities used in radiation metrology and dosimetry the natural link with Micro-dosimetric techniques will be shown and the particular benefits of using Micro-dosimetric methods for dosimetry illustrated. (authors)

  13. Adaptación en pacientes con diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, según Modelo de Roy

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    Margarita Lazcano-Ortiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la influencia entre estímulos focales y contextuales, y la adaptación fisiológica y psicosocial en personas con diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DMT2. Material y método. El diseño fue descriptivo, transversal, predictivo. El muestreo fue probabilístico, sistemático. La muestra con 200 participantes de ambos géneros de 30 a 65 años, se determinó para un 95% de confianza, con una potencia de prueba de 90%. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que el tiempo desde diagnóstico explicó la adaptación fisiológica F (1,198 = 9,18, p = ,003. Se observó efecto entre complicaciones y adaptación psicosocial F (4,195 = 4,97, p = ,001, con un coeficiente de determinación del 74%. Los estímulos contextuales influyeron en la adaptación fisiológica y psicosocial, F (6,193 = 2,89, p = ,010, y F (6, 193 = 2,41, p = ,029. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio permiten sugerir relaciones entre las proposiciones teóricas propuestas y derivadas del Modelo de Adaptación de Roy, particularmente entre los estímulos y la adaptación fisiológica y psicosocial en pacientes con diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2.

  14. Thermoluminescence albedo-neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strand, T.; Storruste, A.


    The report discusses neutron detection with respect to dosimetry and compares different thermoluminescent dosimetry materials for neutron dosimetry. Construction and calibration of a thermoluminescence albedo neutron dosemeter, developed by the authors, is described

  15. Utilidad de la recolección de orina de dos horas para el diagnóstico del tipo de acidosis tubular renal

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    Margarita Irene Rocha-Gómez


    Full Text Available La acidosis tubular renal se caracteriza por acidosis metabólica hiperclorémica. El diagnóstico del tipo de acidosis tubular renal se realiza mediante la medición del transporte tubular máximo de bicarbonato y de la capacidad de acidificación urinaria; sin embargo, estas pruebas son invasivas y requieren determinaciones especializadas. Objetivo: comparar la utilidad de la recolección urinaria de dos horas, una prueba relativamente simple y al alcance de muchos laboratorios, con la medición del transporte tubular máximo de bicarbonato y con la capacidad de acidificación urinaria (procedimientos de referencia para clasificar el tipo de acidosis tubular renal en pacientes pediátricos. Material y método: el estudio se realizó en niños con diagnóstico de acidosis tubular renal. El primer día se recolectó la muestra sérica y urinaria de dos horas. Al día siguiente se efectuaron los procedimientos de referencia administrando bicarbonato de sodio en 8 horas; las muestras se colectaron cada hora y se determinaron la reabsorción de bicarbonato y la acidificación urinaria.  Resultados: se incluyeron 19 pacientes y en 17 casos la colección urinaria de dos horas confirmó el diagnóstico de los procedimientos de referencia. La recolección urinaria de dos horas tuvo sensibilidad de 0.94 y especificidad de 0.67 para el diagnóstico de acidosis tubular renal distal. Conclusión: la recolección de orina de dos horas se realiza en forma menos invasiva y ofrece resultados semejantes a los procedimientos de referencia.

  16. Applications of gel dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibbott, Geoffrey S


    Gel dosimetry has been examined as a clinical dosimeter since the 1950s. During the last two decades, however, a rapid increase in the number of investigators has been seen, and the body of knowledge regarding gel dosimetry has expanded considerably. Gel dosimetry is still considered a research project, and the introduction of this tool into clinical use is proceeding slowly. This paper will review the characteristics of gel dosimetry that make it desirable for clinical use, the postulated and demonstrated applications of gel dosimetry, and some complications, set-backs, and failures that have contributed to the slow introduction into routine clinical use

  17. MO-B-BRB-04: 3D Dosimetry in End-To-End Dosimetry QA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ibbott, G. [UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (United States)


    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  18. Crescimento de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho comparar o padrão de crescimento, mediante ajustes das respectivas curvas de crescimento por modelos não lineares, bem como estudar o desenvolvimento de cortes de carcaça em relação ao peso da carcaça em diferentes genótipos de frangos tipo caipira. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos da linhagem Redbro: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. As aves foram alojadas em 28 boxes, sendo 30 aves/boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², com quatro repetições. O peso corporal individual dos frangos foi medido ao nascer, aos 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. Para a determinação das curvas de crescimento do peso corporal das aves, os dados coletados foram avaliados por meio dos modelos não lineares: Brody, Gompertz, Logístico, Richards e von Bertalanffy. Foi empregado o PROC NLIN do SAS, utilizando-se o método interativo de Gauss-Newton. Os critérios usados para escolha do modelo de melhor ajuste da curva de crescimento foram o coeficiente de determinação, o desvio padrão assintótico, o desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. As análises para obtenção dos coeficientes alométricos foram realizadas por meio do PROC GLM do SAS para os genótipos Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Foram avaliados os pesos da carcaça, do peito, das coxas, das sobrecoxas, das pernas e das asas das aves abatidas aos 85 dias de idade. Apenas as equações propostas por Gompertz, von Bertalanffy e Logístico atingiram a convergência, e o modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy foi o mais adequado para descrever o crescimento dos genótipos de frangos caipiras. Todos os cortes avaliados apresentaram crescimento tardio em relação ao peso da carcaça em genótipos de frangos tipo caipira.

  19. La falacia de los datos de prueba

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    Martín Uribe Arbeláez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la protección de los datos de prueba mediante un derecho de exclusividad y las vicisitudes por las que pasó su adopción en Colombia. Considera la manera como se protegían en los Acuerdos ADPIC, la controversia en la Comunidad Andina de Naciones, el retiro de Venezuela tras la aprobación de la Decisión 632 de 2006, el resquebrajamiento del Régimen Común de Propiedad Industrial, lo dispuesto en el “Acuerdo de Promoción Comercial” (TLC Colombia-Estados Unidos y en su Protocolo Modificatorio. También examina los requisitos exigidos para que opere esta protección, la falacia de los “medicamentos me too”, y formula recomendaciones para una estricta aplicación dentro del actual marco normativo, al igual que subrayan las flexibilidades de las que se puede hacer uso en virtud del Protocolo Modificatorio al TLC, Ley 1166 de 2007. El estudio del impacto en el precio de los medicamentos como consecuencia de la exclusividad de los datos de prueba y la defensa del derecho fundamental a la salud arroja claridad en un tema caracterizado por los tecnicismos y los artificios jurídicos.

  20. Análisis inmunohistopatológico comparativo de la reacción a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro en infección asintomática y en leishmaniasis cutánea aguda y crónica

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    Nora Guarín


    Full Text Available Introducción. La reacción a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro (a leishmanina y la lesión de leishmaniasis comparten características fundamentales de la reacción de hipersensibilidad de tipo retardado. Objetivos. Determinar si la respuesta cutánea a leishmanina se aproxima y podría modelar la respuesta inflamatoria e inmune temprana a la infección por Leishmania. Materiales y métodos. Este estudio comparó la respuesta inflamatoria de biopsias de lesiones agudas (tiempo de evolución £1 mes y lesiones crónicas (tiempo de evolución ³6 meses con su respectiva reacción a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro, y con la reacción a la prueba de Montenegro de individuos infectados asintomáticos. Resultados. La proporción de linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+, células fagocíticas mononucleares y granulocitos fue similar entre lesiones agudas y sus reacciones a la prueba cutánea a leishmanina. En contraste, los linfocitos CD4+ (32,6% representaron una proporción significativamente mas baja, y los linfocitos B (20% y macrófagos (27% una proporción significativamente más alta del infiltrado celular en lesiones crónicas que en sus correspondientes reacciones a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro (CD4+: 43,7%, linfocitos B: 0.9%; macrófagos: 17,5%. Se encontró una asociación positiva entre linfocitos T CD8+ y macrófagos ( P=0,038 en la reacción a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro de los individuos con infección asintomática, mientras que los linfocitos T CD8+ y CD4+ estuvieron asociados positivamente en las reacciones a la prueba cutánea de Montenegro de pacientes crónicos ( P=0,002. Adicionalmente, la proporción de linfocitos B en lesiones crónicas (20% fue más alta que en lesiones agudas (5,3% ( P=0,002. Conclusión. La reacción cutánea de Montenegro permitió diferenciar la respuesta celular inmune entre infección asintomática y enfermedad crónica, y simula la respuesta temprana a la infección.

  1. Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    Please remember to read your dosimeter at least once a month. Regular read-outs are vital to ensure that your personal dose is periodically monitored. Dosimeters should be read even if you have not visited the controlled areas. Dosimetry Service - Tel. 72155

  2. Thermoluminescence in medical dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera, T.


    The dosimetry by thermoluminescence (Tl) is applied in the entire world for the dosimetry of ionizing radiations specially to personal and medical dosimetry. This dosimetry method has been very interesting for measures in vivo because the Tl dosimeters have the advantage of being very sensitive in a very small volume and they are also equivalent to tissue and they do not need additional accessories (for example, cable, electrometer, etc.) The main characteristics of the diverse Tl materials to be used in the radiation measures and practical applications are: the Tl curve, the share homogeneity, the signal stability after the irradiation, precision and exactitude, the response in function with the dose and the energy influence. In this work a brief summary of the advances of the radiations dosimetry is presented by means of the thermally stimulated luminescence and its application to the dosimetry in radiotherapy. (Author)

  3. Aplicación práctica del diseño de pruebas de software a nivel de programación


    Guzmán Cortés, Oscar Hernando


    Las pruebas deben presentarse a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software, pasando por requerimientos, análisis y diseño, programación, puesta en marcha y mantenimiento. El siguiente artículo presenta el esquema de diseño y ejecución de pruebas de software, centrándose específicamente en las pruebas de programación, definidas para el departamento de Desarrollo de Sistemas de la Universidad Icesi. El esquema de pruebas de requerimientos se muestra de manera general, mien...

  4. Neutron dosimetry - A review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baum, J W


    This review summarizes information on the following subjects: (1) physical processes of importance in neutron dosimetry; (2) biological effects of neutrons; (3) neutron sources; and (4) instruments and methods used in neutron dosimetry. Also, possible improvements in dosimetry instrumentation are outlined and discussed. (author)

  5. JENDL Dosimetry File

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakazawa, Masaharu; Iguchi, Tetsuo; Kobayashi, Katsuhei; Iwasaki, Shin; Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Ikeda, Yujiro; Nakagawa, Tsuneo.


    The JENDL Dosimetry File based on JENDL-3 was compiled and integral tests of cross section data were performed by the Dosimetry Integral Test Working Group of the Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. Data stored in the JENDL Dosimetry File are the cross sections and their covariance data for 61 reactions. The cross sections were mainly taken from JENDL-3 and the covariances from IRDF-85. For some reactions, data were adopted from other evaluated data files. The data are given in the neutron energy region below 20 MeV in both of point-wise and group-wise files in the ENDF-5 format. In order to confirm reliability of the data, several integral tests were carried out; comparison with the data in IRDF-85 and average cross sections measured in fission neutron fields, fast reactor spectra, DT neutron fields and Li(d, n) neutron fields. As a result, it has been found that the JENDL Dosimetry File gives better results than IRDF-85 but there are some problems to be improved in future. The contents of the JENDL Dosimetry File and the results of the integral tests are described in this report. All of the dosimetry cross sections are shown in a graphical form. (author) 76 refs

  6. JENDL Dosimetry File

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakazawa, Masaharu; Iguchi, Tetsuo [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Kobayashi, Katsuhei [Kyoto Univ., Kumatori, Osaka (Japan). Research Reactor Inst.; Iwasaki, Shin [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Ikeda, Yujior; Nakagawa, Tsuneo [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The JENDL Dosimetry File based on JENDL-3 was compiled and integral tests of cross section data were performed by the Dosimetry Integral Test Working Group of the Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. Data stored in the JENDL Dosimetry File are the cross sections and their covariance data for 61 reactions. The cross sections were mainly taken from JENDL-3 and the covariances from IRDF-85. For some reactions, data were adopted from other evaluated data files. The data are given in the neutron energy region below 20 MeV in both of point-wise and group-wise files in the ENDF-5 format. In order to confirm reliability of the data, several integral tests were carried out; comparison with the data in IRDF-85 and average cross sections measured in fission neutron fields, fast reactor spectra, DT neutron fields and Li(d,n) neutron fields. As a result, it has been found that the JENDL Dosimetry File gives better results than IRDF-85 but there are some problems to be improved in future. The contents of the JENDL Dosimetry File and the results of the integral tests are described in this report. All of the dosimetry cross sections are shown in a graphical form.

  7. Estandarización de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE en pacientes con equinococosis quistica y su utilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes tratados con albendazol: reporte preliminar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herman Vildózola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las diluciones y concentraciones optimas de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE, así como su sensibilidad, espécificidad y valor predictivo en pacientes con equinococosis quistica. Analizar si los niveles de anticuerpos IgE especificos se correlacionan con la respuesta al tratamiento médico con albendazol en un periodo mayor a un año de finalizado el tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material de estudio: Prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE. Intervenciones: Estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE y diseño preexperimento con preprueba y posprueba en un solo grupo, para evaluar su valor en el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de pacientes con quiste hidatidico hepatico tratados con albendazol. Para la estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA, se utilizó suero de cinco pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de equinococosis quistica, y la sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba se usó suero de 30 pacientes aparentemente sanos. Para determinar las reacciones cruzadas, se utilizó 16 muestras de suero de pacientes con otras helmintiasis (ascariasis, strongiloidiasis, toxocariosis, trichuriasis, himenolepiasis, cisticercosis y teniasis. Para el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de equinocococosis quística, se utilizó el suero de 17 pacientes. Principales medidas de resultados: Sensibilidad y especificidad de prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE. Resultados: La prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE tuvo una sensibilidad de 95,6% y una especificidad de 100%. En los pacientes con quiste hidatídico hepático considerados curados, uniformemente disminuyeron los niveles de anticuerpo tipo IgE hasta la negativización. Se obtuvo elevación de los niveles de IgE en los pacientes que presentaron

  8. Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    Please remember to read your dosimeter at least once a month. Regular read-outs are vital to ensure that your personal dose is periodically monitored. Dosimeters should be read even if you have not visited the controlled areas. Dosimetry Service - Tel. 7 2155

  9. Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia

    Dosimetry Service


    Please remember to read your dosimeter at least once a month. Regular read-outs are vital to ensure that your personal dose is periodically monitored. Dosimeters should be read even if you have not visited the controlled areas. Dosimetry Service Tel. 7 2155

  10. Dosimetry for radiation processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miller, Arne


    During the past few years significant advances have taken place in the different areas of dosimetry for radiation processing, mainly stimulated by the increased interest in radiation for food preservation, plastic processing and sterilization of medical products. Reference services both...... and sterilization dosimetry, optichromic dosimeters in the shape of small tubes for food processing, and ESR spectroscopy of alanine for reference dosimetry. In this paper the special features of radiation processing dosimetry are discussed, several commonly used dosimeters are reviewed, and factors leading...

  11. La prevención primaria con aspirina de enfermedades cardiovasculares en personas diabéticas. Revisión de las pruebas disponibles

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    Carmen Maciá Bobes


    Full Text Available El beneficio del tratamiento con aspirina en la reducción del riesgo de infarto de miocardio, accidente vascular cerebral y muerte de origen vascular, está bien documentado en personas con enfermedad cardiovascular previa, incluido el subgrupo portador de una diabetes mellitus. Sin embargo el papel de la aspirina en prevención primaria es menos claro y objeto de discusión: los resultados de los ensayos clínicos disponibles no son consistentes, aunque los meta-análisis son favorables en algunos aspectos. Parece existir una disparidad entre el tipo de beneficio (cuando se observa y el sexo. Y en particular los resultados son contradictorios en personas diabéticas, las cuales representan un pequeño porcentaje de la muestra de población incluida en los estudios. A pesar de esto, la American Diabetes Association desde 1997, y otras sociedades científicas (incluidas varias españolas desde tiempos más recientes, recomiendan el uso de aspirina a dosis bajas en prevención primaria en todo paciente diabético mayor de 40 años, tipo 1 o tipo 2; y en todos los menores de 40 y mayores de 21 años que presenten otro factor de riesgo cardiovascular, además de la diabetes (antecedentes familiares de enfermedad vascular, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo, dislipidemia o albuminuria. En este trabajo se revisan los resultados de los ensayos clínicos randomizados y controlados sobre la prevención cardiovascular primaria con aspirina, en los que se podrían apoyar las directrices oficiales de la American Diabetes Association, y se llega a la conclusión de que no existen actualmente pruebas científicas suficientes para sostenerlas.

  12. Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices

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    S. V Koshevaya


    Full Text Available This work is focused on the development of a prototype patch antenna designed for use asa replacement antenna in automotive Global Positioning Systems (GPS. In simulations andtesting of the prototype, the focus was on the antenna gain. Transmission-reception testingwas done to verify the operation frequency. The prototype was tested with a commercial GPSkit to evaluate its performance as a replacement antenna. Laboratory testing showed that itcomplied with the minimum requirements for both reception and transmission frequencies,while testing on a stationary vehicle showed slight variations when compared to the positiondata obtained using the same kit with its original antenna. In non-stationary testing, positiondeterminations made with the prototype were sufficiently precise for use.Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de una antena de parche diseñada para Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS, con la finalidad de emplearla como antena de reemplazo en aplicaciones automotrices. En las simulaciones y pruebas se pone énfasis en su ganancia. Las pruebas de transmisión-recepción se realizaron para verificar que la frecuencia de operación de la antena fabricada sea la adecuada. Las pruebas con un kit de GPS comercial fueron realizadas para comparar su desempeño como antena de reemplazo. Las pruebas de laboratorio muestran que se cumple con el mínimo requerido para cubrir ambas frecuencias, de recepción y de transmisión, mientras que las pruebas del prototipo, en el techo vehículo sin movimiento, mostraron ligeras variaciones en los datos de posición, comparados con los obtenidos con el kit con su antena original. Las pruebas de viaje mostraron la suficiente precisión en la determinación de la posición para su uso.

  13. Drying of mango pulp in a dryer of laboratory tunnel type; Secado de pulpa de mango en un secador de laboratorio tipo tunel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacheco Resendiz, Oscar; Chagoyan Serrano, Jose; Flores I, Alfredo; Rodriguez M, Jose A [Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (Mexico)


    The result of four tests of drying of mango pulp Kent are presented, which were carried out in a dryer of the tunnel type in constant conditions of temperature, speed and absolute humidity of the air. The temperatures at which the tests were conducted were 35, 40, 45 and 50 Celsius degrees. The average speed of the drying air was 2.35 m/s. For the four tests the drying variables were measured for the purpose of controlling the process. The tests were suspended after 10 hours. The initial and final moisture contents of the samples on a wet weight basis for the test at 35 were 87.04% and 58.94% for that at 40 were 87.42% and 17.25%, for that at 45 were 87.55% and 13.29%, and for that at 50 were 87.43% and 48%. The graphs of the evolution of moisture content of the samples dried under the specified conditions are compared. [Spanish] Se presentan los resultados de cuatro pruebas de secado de pulpa de mango Kent, las cuales se realizaron en un secador tipo tunel en condiciones constantes de temperatura, velocidad y humedad absoluta del aire. Las temperaturas empleadas fueron 35, 40, 45 y 50 grados Celsius y la velocidad del aire de secado fue de 2.35 m/s. Para las cuatro pruebas se midieron las variables de secado mencionadas con el fin de controlar el proceso. Las pruebas se suspendieron al cumplirse 10 h. Las humedades inicial y final base humeda de las muestras para la prueba de 35 fueron 87.04% y 58.94%, para la de 40 fueron 87.42% y 17.25% y para la de 45 fueron de 87.55% y 13.29% y para la de 50 fueron de 87.43% y 48%. Se comparan entre si las graficas de la evolucion del contenido de humedad de las muestras que se secaron a las condiciones ya mencionadas.

  14. Alanine dosimetry for clinical applications. Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anton, M.


    The following topics are dealt with: Therapy level alanine dosimetry at the UK Nationational Physical Laboratory, alanine as a precision validation tool for reference dosimetry, composition of alanine pellet dosimeters, the angular dependence of the alanine ESR spectrum, the CIAE alanine dosimeter for radiotherapy level, a correction for temporal evolution effects in alanine dosimetry, next-generation services foe e-traceability to ionization radiation national standards, establishing e-traceability to HIST high-dose measurement standards, alanine dosimetry of dose delivery from clinical accelerators, the e-scan alanine dosimeter reader, alanine dosimetry at ISS, verification of the integral delivered dose for IMRT treatment in the head and neck region with ESR/alanine dosimetry, alanine dosimetry in helical tomotherapy beams, ESR dosimetry research and development at the University of Palermo, lithium formate as a low-dose EPR radiation dosimeter, sensitivity enhancement of alanine/EPR dosimetry. (HSI)

  15. Developments in physical dosimetry and radiation protection; Entwicklungen in der physikalischen Dosimetrie im Strahlenschutz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiebich, Martin [Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Giessen (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizinische Physik und Strahlenschutz


    In the frame of physical dosimetry new dose units have been defined: the depth personal dose (equivalent dose in 10 mm depth) and the surface personal dose (equivalent dose in 0.07 mm depth). Physical dosimetry is applied for the determination of occupational radiation exposure, the radiation protected area control, the estimation of radiation exposure of patients during radiotherapy, for quality assurance and in research projects and optimization challenges. Developments have appeared with respect to punctual measuring chambers, eye lens dosimetry, OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) dosimetry, real-time dosimetry and Monte Carlo methods. New detection limits of about 1 micro Gy were reached.

  16. Textbook of dosimetry. 4. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, V.I.


    This textbook of dosimetry is devoted to the students in physics and technical physics of high education institutions, confronted with different application of atomic energy as well as with protection of population and environment against ionizing radiations. Atomic energy is highly beneficial for man but unfortunately incorporates potential dangers which manifest in accidents, the source of which is either insufficient training of the personnel, a criminal negligence or insufficient reliability of the nuclear facilities. The majority of the incident and accident events have had as origin the personnel errors. This was the case with both the 'Three Miles Island' (1979) and Chernobyl (1986) NPP accidents. The dosimetry science acquires a vital significance in accident situations since the data obtained by its procedures are essential in choosing the correct immediate actions, behaviour tactics, orientation of liquidation of accident consequences as well as in ensuring the health of population. An important accent is placed in this manual on clarification of the nature of physical processes taken place in dosimetric detectors, in establishing the relation between radiation field characteristics and the detector response as well as in defining different dosimetric quantities. The terminology and the units of physical quantities is based on the international system of units. The book contains the following 15 chapters: 1. Ionizing radiation field; 2. Radiation doses; 3. Physical bases of gamma radiation dosimetry; 4. Ionization dosimetric detectors; 5. Semiconductor dosimetric detectors; 6. Scintillation detection in the gamma radiation dosimetry; 7. Luminescent methods in dosimetry; 8. The photographic and chemical methods of gamma radiation dosimetry; 9. Neutron dosimetry; 10. Dosimetry of high intensity radiation; 11. Dosimetry of high energy Bremsstrahlung; 12. Measurement of the linear energy transfer; 13. Microdosimetry; 14. Dosimetry of incorporated

  17. Personnel neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hankins, D.


    This edited transcript of a presentation on personnel neutron discusses the accuracy of present dosimetry practices, requirements, calibration, dosemeter types, quality factors, operational problems, and dosimetry for a criticality accident. 32 figs


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    Oscar Andrés Vivas Albán


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una aplicación eficiente de un control por modelo de referencia sobre un robot de tipo SCARA. El control estudiado es un control predictivo funcional, el que hace uso de un modelo dinámico simplificado del robot. Los ensayos simulados se realizan sobre un robot de cuatro grados de libertad, tipo SCARA. Con el fin de comparar diferentes estrategias de control, se diseña un controlador clásico tipo PID y dos controladores basados en el modelo de referencia. En este último caso el sistema se linealiza y se desacoplada por realimentación, lo que transforma el sistema a controlar en un simple par de integradores. Al sistema lineal y desacoplado resultante se le aplica el control por par calculado y el control predictivo funcional. Los tres controladores estudiados se simulan sobre el robot SCARA con valores numéricos reales. Las pruebas permiten valorar las respuestas de estos controladores en seguimiento de trayectoria, rechazo de perturbaciones y presencia de errores en el modelado con consignas complejas similares a las utilizadas en procesos de fabricación.This paper describes an efficient approach for model based control, applied on a SCARA robot. The studied control is the predictive functional control which uses a simplified dynamical model of the robot. The simulated tests are made on a SCARA type robot, with four DOF. To compare several control strategies, a classical PID control and two model based controllers are designed. In the last case, the model is first linearized and decoupled by feedback, transforming the system into a double set of integrators. Computed torque control and predictive functional control are applied to the linear and decoupled system. The three studied controllers are simulated on the SCARA robot with real numerical values. Tracking performance, disturbance rejection and model robot mismatch are enlightened, using complex machining tasks trajectories and error presence in the modelling

  19. Validación de una prueba computarizada de lectura inicial en niños escolares colombianos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Cadavid-Ruiz


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de validar la prueba de evaluación de competencia lectora ABCDeti en población infantil colombiana, se evalua - ron 265 niños, entre los 5 y 8 años de edad, que cursaban entre transición y segundo de primaria, residentes en la ciudad de Cali (Co - lombia. Todos los participantes del estudio fueron evaluados con las pruebas ABCDeti y las dimensiones de Habilidades Metalin - güísticas y Lectura de la batería Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil. Los resultados demuestran que esta prueba presenta una consistencia interna, para los diferentes gra - dos escolares evaluados, entre .68 y .74. Entre tanto, la validez convergente oscila entre α = .68 a .79 en los grados evaluados. El análisis factorial realizado a los datos recogidos, por grado escolar, explican entre un 45% y 54% la varianza de los datos. En conclusión, la prueba ABCDeti es un instrumento fiable para evaluar la lectura inicial de niños colombianos.

  20. Skin dosimetry - radiological protection aspects of skin dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dennis, J.A.


    Following a Workshop in Skin Dosimetry, a summary of the radiological protection aspects is given. Aspects discussed include routine skin monitoring and dose limits, the need for careful skin dosimetry in high accidental exposures, techniques for assessing skin dose at all relevant depths and the specification of dose quantities to be measured by personal dosemeters and the appropriate methods to be used in their calibration. (UK)

  1. ¿Cuánto cuesta el personal según el tipo de aerolínea y su ubicación geográfica en Europa? Un análisis comparativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matías Ginieis


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este estudio es establecer la relación entre el coste por empleado, los diversos tipos de aerolíneas y las diferentes zonas geográficas de Europa donde estas están ubicadas. Por tipo de aerolínea, se analizan empresas tradicionales de líneas aéreas (las principales operadoras, aerolíneas regionales y chárteres y las aerolíneas de bajo coste. Por zona geográfica, distinguimos entre cuatro regiones diferentes (Europa occidental, Europa del este, Reino Unido y países nórdicos. Con este fin, se aplicaron tres pruebas estadísticas (chi-cuadrado, anova y el test de Haberman para verificar si existe asociación y relación entre las variables seleccionadas. Se trabajó con una muestra de 152 compañías aéreas para el periodo 2008-2013. Los resultados del estudio muestran la relación entre la zona geográfica y el coste de los empleados. Sin embargo, no se ha detectado una asociación entre el tipo de aerolínea y el coste de los empleados.

  2. Propuesta para incorporar evaluación y pruebas de usabilidad dentro de un proceso de desarrollo de software


    Florian Gaviria, Beatriz Eugenia; Solarte, Oswaldo; Reyes, Javier M.


    La usabilidad es crítica para el éxito de los sistemas de software interactivos. Las pruebas y evaluaciones de usabilidad durante el desarrollo del producto han ganado amplia aceptación como estrategia para mejorar la calidad del producto. La introducción temprana de las perspectivas de usabilidad en un producto es muy importante para brindar una clara visibilidad de aspectos de calidad, tanto para los desarrolladores como los usuarios de pruebas. Sin embargo, la evaluación y pruebas de usabi...

  3. ESR Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baffa, Oswaldo; Rossi, Bruno; Graeff, Carlos; Kinoshita, Angela; Chen Abrego, Felipe; Santos, Adevailton Bernardo dos


    ESR dosimetry is widely used for several applications such as dose assessment in accidents, medical applications and sterilization of food and other materials. In this work the dosimetric properties of natural and synthetic Hydroxyapatite, Alanine, and 2-Methylalanine are presented. Recent results on the use of a K-Band (24 GHz) ESR spectrometer in dosimetry are also presented

  4. ¿ Es útil la prueba de lipemia predonación para la selección de donantes de sangre?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Sánchez Frenes

    Full Text Available En el Banco de Sangre Provincial de Cienfuegos se incluye, además de las pruebas reguladas en Cuba para la selección de los donantes de sangre, la prueba de lipemia predonación. Un plasma con apariencia turbia es causa de exclusión transitoria del donante. A fin de evaluar la eficacia diagnóstica de esta prueba se realizaron dos estimaciones visuales del plasma en busca de turbidez, la primera antes de donar y la segunda en la unidad de plasma obtenida a partir de la sangre total colectada, esta última utilizada como prueba de referencia para este estudio. Ambas observaciones fueron realizadas por el mismo observador siguiendo un protocolo establecido. Como parte del estudio, la presencia de una prueba de lipemia positiva predonación no constituyó causa de exclusión de donantes. Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica, el valor predictivo positivo (VPP y el valor predictivo negativo (VPN, además la eficiencia de la prueba dentro de un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Se obtuvo el 98,4 % de especificidad, el 80 % de sensibilidad, así como el 66,6 % de valor predictivo positivo y el 99,0 % de valor predictivo negativo, con el 95,7 % de eficiencia diagnóstica. La prueba resulta útil en la selección de donantes de sangre y se recomienda su uso en todas las dependencias de colecta de sangre que cuenten con las condiciones técnicas para su realización.

  5. Divergência genética entre genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho verificar a divergência genética entre sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro utilizando as características de desempenho por meio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Após a consistência dos dados, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário e conversão alimentar, para os períodos: 1 a 28, 1 a 56, 1 a 70 e 1 a 84 dias de idade; peso corporal ao nascimento, aos 28, 56, 70 e aos 84 dias de idade. O desempenho dos genótipos foi avaliado por meio da análise de variância multivariada e da função discriminante linear de Fisher, usando os testes do maior autovalor de Roy e da união-interseção de Roy para as comparações múltiplas. O estudo da divergência genética foi feito por meio da análise por variáveis canônicas e pelo método de otimização de Tocher. Os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram médias canônicas diferentes dos demais genótipos. As duas primeiras variáveis canônicas explicaram 97,41% da variação entre os genótipos. A divergência genética entre os genótipos avaliados permitiu a formação de quatro grupos com os seguintes genótipos: grupo 1 - Colorpak; grupo 2 - Pesadão Vermelho e Pescoço Pelado; grupo 3 - Carijó e Tricolor; e grupo 4 - Caboclo e Gigante Negro.


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    Full Text Available El conocimiento del dominio es el área de especialización relacionada con el entorno de la aplicación, mientras que el conocimiento técnico es la tecnología utilizada para generar la aplicación y el conocimiento o know-how para ejecutar las actividades del día a día para realizar una tarea. Con base en estas definiciones el conocimiento de dominio sería la telefonía móvil, VoIP, la banca, el comercio electrónico o las aplicaciones de atención médica, y los conocimientos técnicos serían los protocolos, las redes, los lenguajes de programación, la web, los motores de búsqueda, las pruebas SOAP, o la automatización. Conocer ese dominio es de suma importancia en el mundo de las pruebas, ya que le da ventajas a los probadores para diseñar escenarios de prueba lo más cercanos a la vida real. En este trabajo se hace una descripción de las ventajas de conocer el domino del producto y se sustenta la importancia de contar con probadores expertos en el dominio de la aplicación para entregar software de mayor calidad.

  7. La prueba pericial en los delitos financieros


    Barrios Ortega , Cecilia Ilusión


    La utilidad del peritaje como medio de prueba en el proceso penal es un tema históricamente establecido. Su pertinencia y uso en los delitos de cuello azul, los delitos violentes asociados a la delincuencia común, hombre de poco estudio y clase social baja, es notoria (necropsias en homicidios, dictámenes en lesiones, violaciones, grafotecnia en estafas, fraudes). Pero el delito evoluciona con el hombre y el aparecimiento de los delitos de cuello blanco, cometidos por hombres estu...

  8. Dosimetry of ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musilek, L.; Seda, J.; Trousil, J.


    The publication deals with a major field of ionizing radiation dosimetry, viz., integrating dosimetric methods, which are the basic means of operative dose determination. It is divided into the following sections: physical and chemical effects of ionizing radiation; integrating dosimetric methods for low radiation doses (film dosimetry, nuclear emulsions, thermoluminescence, radiophotoluminescence, solid-state track detectors, integrating ionization dosemeters); dosimetry of high ionizing radiation doses (chemical dosimetric methods, dosemeters based on the coloring effect, activation detectors); additional methods applicable to integrating dosimetry (exoelectron emission, electron spin resonance, lyoluminescence, etc.); and calibration techniques for dosimetric instrumentation. (Z.S.). 422 refs

  9. Prueba de grupo. Una eficiente alternativa para estimar prevalencia animal

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    Osval Antonio Montesinos López


    Full Text Available La estimación de prevalencia animal o detección de agentes infecciosos, es de vital importancia para una nación o estado para proteger su seguridad alimentaria y garantizar el comercio local y exterior. Sin embargo, realizar estas dos tareas (estimación y detección eficientemente requiere de significativos recursos materiales y humanos. Por ello, el presente artículo presenta una revisión del proceso de estimación y detección usando la técnica estadística conocida como prueba de grupo (group testing que puede contribuir al ahorro de recursos cuantiosos para la estimación y detección de enfermedades infecciosas en ciencia animal cuando la prevalencia es menor o igual al 10%. Group testing es una ingeniosa técnica estadística propuesta por Dorfman (1943. Esta técnica consiste en juntar el material de k individuos, mezclarlos perfectamente y en lugar de realizar una prueba de laboratorio para cada individuo, se realiza una sola prueba con la mezcla de los k individuos. De esta forma se logran ahorros significativos. Por ello, se muestra el funcionamiento de algunos métodos para clasificar individuos; se expone el proceso de estimación puntual y por intervalo de prevalencia animal; y se ilustra el cálculo del tamaño de muestra bajo este modelo, con la finalidad de que los investigadores en ciencia animal la utilicen y ahorren recursos significativos.

  10. Clinical dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rassow, J.


    The main point of this paper on clinical dosimetry which is to be understood here as application of physical dosimetry on accelerators in medical practice, is based on dosimetric methodics. Following an explanation of the dose parameters and description of the dose distribution important for clinical practice as well as geometric irradiation parameters, the significance of a series of physical parameters such as accelerator energy, surface energy of average stopping power etc. is dealt with in detail. Following a section on field homogenization with bremsstrahlung and electron radiation, details on dosimetry in clinical practice are given. Finally, a few problems of dosemeter or monitor calibration on accelerators are described. The explanations are supplemented by a series of diagrams and tables. (ORU/LH) [de

  11. Fast neutron spectrometry and dosimetry; Spectrometrie et dosimetrie des neutrons rapides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blaize, S; Ailloud, J; Mariani, J; Millot, J P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have studied fast neutron spectrometry and dosimetry through the recoil protons they produce in hydrogenated samples. In spectrometric, we used nuclear emulsions, in dosimetric, we used polyethylene coated with zinc sulphide and placed before a photomultiplier. (author)Fren. [French] Nous avons etudie la spectrometrie et la dosimetrie des neutrons rapides en utilisant les protons de recul qu'ils produisent dans une matiere hydrogenee. En spectrometrie, nous avons employe des emulsions nucleaires, en dosimetrie, du polyethylene recouvert de sulfure de zinc place devant un photomultiplicateur. (auteur)


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    Pietro Scaglioni Solano


    Full Text Available Este estudio examina el efecto del tipo de propulsión sobre la Frecuencia Cardíaca (FC y el Esfuerzo Percibido (EP, Escala de Borg en el ejercicio de carrera, obtenidas durante dos protocolos equivalentes, en terreno plano (pendiente 0%, uno con propulsión externa (motor, en la banda sinfín y otro con autopropulsión (carrera en pista de atletismo. 14 corredores (34.3 +/- 9.77 años, 1.74 +/- 0.06m, 75.3 +/- 10.3 Kg realizaron un protocolo que consistía en un calentamiento de 30 min. a una intensidad entre 60 y 70% de FCmáx. seguido de un incremento gradual de la intensidad del ejercicio, aumentando la velocidad de calentamiento 1.6 Km/h cada 30 seg., llevando al sujeto a un esfuerzo máximo en un lapso de 3 a 4 minutos, se recupera hasta la condición de calentamiento, se repite dos veces el proceso de incremento gradual y recuperación, escogiendo el valor máximo de FC y EP de los tres obtenidos. En el protocolo de pista, se marcó el paso al sujeto con una bicicleta provista de un velocímetro calibrado. Se realizaron mediciones de EP durante el calentamiento (EPC y de FC y EP durante los esfuerzos máximos (FCM, EPM. La FC del calentamiento se mantuvo constante para ambos protocolos (119.2 +/- 5.3 latidos/min; 65 +/- 2.4 % de FCmáx. Se compararon los datos obtenidos con propulsión externa, (EPC1, FCM1, EPM1 y los obtenidos con autopropulsión (EPC2, FCM2, EPM2 aplicando pruebas T. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para la FCmáx entre los dos protocolos (FCM1=181.8+/ 8.3 ; FCM2= 181.5+/- 6.9. Para EP se encontraron diferencias significativas (p< 0.01 entre los dos protocolos para el esfuerzo máximo (EPM1= 16.22+/-2.12 ; EPM2= 15.11+/- 2.09 y también para la fase de calentamiento (EPC1=10+/- 1 ; EPC2 = 8.56+/- 1.74. Los resultados indican que no hay un efecto del tipo de propulsión en la FC máx en carrera, por lo que se puede utilizar indistintamente una prueba en banda sinfín o en el campo para estimar un valor m

  13. Dosimetry Control: Technic and methods. Proceedings of the international workshop 'Actual problems of dosimetry'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyutsko, A.M.; Nesterenko, V.B.; Chudakov, V.A.; Konoplya, E.F.; Milyutin, A.A.


    There is a number of unsolved problems of both dosimetric and radiometric control, questions of the biological dosimetry, reconstruction of dozes of irradiation of the population at radiation incidents, which require coordination of efforts of scientists in various areas of a science. The submitted materials are grouped on five units: dosimetry engineering, biological dosimetry and markers of radiation impact, dosimetry of a medical irradiation, normative and measurement assurance of the dosimetric control, monitoring and reconstruction of dozes at radiation incidents

  14. Non-conventional personal dosimetry techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regulla, D.F.


    Established dosimetry has achieved a high standard in personnel monitoring. This applies particularly to photon dosimetry. Nevertheless, even in photon dosimetry, improvements and changes are being made. The reason may be technological progress, or the introduction of new tasks on the basis of the recommendations of international bodies (e.g. the new ICRU measurement unit) of national legislation. Since we are restricting ourselves here to technical trends the author would like to draw attention to various activities of current interest, e.g. the computation of receptor-related conversion coefficients from personal dose to organ or body doses, taking into account the conditions of exposure with respect to differential energy and angular distribution of the radiation field. Realistic data on exposure geometry are taken from work place analyses. Furthermore, the data banks of central personal dosimetry services are subject to statistical evaluation and radiation protection trend analysis. Technological progress and developments are considered from the point of view of personal dosimetry, partial body or extremity dosimetry and accidental dosimetry

  15. Dosimetry and Calibration Section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otto, T.


    The Dosimetry and Calibration Section fulfils two tasks within CERN's Radiation Protection Group: the Individual Dosimetry Service monitors more than 5000 persons potentially exposed to ionizing radiation on the CERN sites, and the Calibration Laboratory verifies throughout the year, at regular intervals, over 1000 instruments, monitors, and electronic dosimeters used by RP Group. The establishment of a Quality Assurance System for the Individual Dosimetry Service, a requirement of the new Swiss Ordinance for personal dosimetry, put a considerable workload on the section. Together with an external consultant it was decided to identify and then describe the different 'processes' of the routine work performed in the dosimetry service. The resulting Quality Manual was submitted to the Federal Office for Public Health in Bern in autumn. The CERN Individual Dosimetry Service will eventually be officially endorsed after a successful technical test in March 1999. On the technical side, the introduction of an automatic development machine for gamma films was very successful. It processes the dosimetric films without an operator being present, and its built-in regeneration mechanism keeps the concentration of the processing chemicals at a constant level

  16. Dosimetry for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, W.L.; Boyd, A.W.; Chadwick, K.H.; McDonald, J.C.; Miller, A.


    Radiation processing is a relatively young industry with broad applications and considerable commercial success. Dosimetry provides an independent and effective way of developing and controlling many industrial processes. In the sterilization of medical devices and in food irradiation, where the radiation treatment impacts directly on public health, the measurements of dose provide the official means of regulating and approving its use. In this respect, dosimetry provides the operator with a means of characterizing the facility, of proving that products are treated within acceptable dose limits and of controlling the routine operation. This book presents an up-to-date review of the theory, data and measurement techniques for radiation processing dosimetry in a practical and useful way. It is hoped that this book will lead to improved measurement procedures, more accurate and precise dosimetry and a greater appreciation of the necessity of dosimetry for radiation processing. (author)

  17. Estudio de pacientes con aciduria glutárica tipo II, mediante la incubación de fibroblastos con ácidos palmítico y mirístico tritiados = Study of patients with type II glutaric aciduria by incubation of fibroblasts with tritiated palmitic and myristic acids

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    Osorio Orozco, José Henry


    Full Text Available Introducción: la aciduria glutárica tipo II, o deficiencia múltiple de acil-CoA deshidrogenasas, es un trastorno causado por deficiencia de la flavoproteína de transferencia de electrones, de su oxidorreductasa o de ambas; se trata de una enfermedad metabólica autosómica recesiva, caracterizada por acidosis, hipoglicemia, aciduria orgánica, olor a pies sudados y malformaciones en cerebro y riñones.Objetivo: analizar las tasas de oxidación de sustratos tritiados por fibroblastos de pacientes con aciduria glutárica tipo II.Materiales y métodos: se incubaron fibroblastos de dos pacientes con aciduria glutárica tipo II y de 20 controles en presencia de ácidos palmítico y mirístico tritiados.Resultados: se encontró muy deprimida (16%-18% la oxidación de los sustratos tritiados por los fibroblastos procedentes de pacientes con aciduria glutárica tipo II en comparación con los controles.Conclusión: la prueba estudiada permite la confirmación in vitro del diagnóstico de aciduria glutárica tipo II.

  18. Thin film tritium dosimetry (United States)

    Moran, Paul R.


    The present invention provides a method for tritium dosimetry. A dosimeter comprising a thin film of a material having relatively sensitive RITAC-RITAP dosimetry properties is exposed to radiation from tritium, and after the dosimeter has been removed from the source of the radiation, the low energy electron dose deposited in the thin film is determined by radiation-induced, thermally-activated polarization dosimetry techniques.

  19. Simulacro de las pruebas internacionales: una mirada desde los estándares de lengua

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    Jaddy Brigitte Nielsen Nino


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo principal comparar los resultados finales de las asignaturas de los cursos modulares y su relación con las pruebas internacionales correspondiente a cada nivel de acuerdo con el Marco Común Europeo que se ha establecido en la ruta académica del programa de licenciatura en inglés. Se parte del resultado inicial del curso intersemestral para la preparación de pruebas internacionales y así se puede determinar el dominio de una lengua extranjera del estudiante de la Licenciatura en Inglés de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad la Gran Colombia, sede Bogotá. Los resultados arrojados a través de pruebas post y pre demuestran que existen algunos factores que influyen en el bajo dominio de la lengua tales como falencias en conceptos básicos, la autonomía, motivación y tiempo de dedicación además el incremento en la deserción de los estudiantes, siendo un curso libre impartido por profesionales expertos. Se concluye, que los cursos intersemestrales para la preparación de una prueba internacional no basta con realizar simulaciones de dichos exámenes sino que generar unas metas claras que permitan concluir adecuadamente la ruta académica propuesta dentro del currículo.

  20. Un Banco de Pruebas Remoto para Experimentación en Robótica Ubicua

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    Adrián Jiménez-González


    Full Text Available Resumen: La escasez de herramientas experimentales adecuadas ha sido señalada como un factor crítico en el desarrollo de la robótica ubícua. Este artículo describe un banco de pruebas remoto para experimentación en robótica ubicua integrando robots con redes inalámbricas de sensores. El banco de pruebas está compuesto por 5 robots Pioneer 3-AT, por una red de cámaras y por una red inalámbrica de sensores, todos ellos equipados con una amplia variedad de sensores. La arquitectura del banco de pruebas permite una gran diversidad de esquemas de cooperación entre sus elementos abstrayendo sus particularidades y capacidades sensoriales, computacionales y de comunicaciones. Permite ejecutar experimentos con distintos grados de descentralización. El banco de pruebas, instalado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla, es abierto y hace posible el acceso de forma remota mediante una interfaz gráfica intuitiva. Abstract: The lack of adequate experimental tools has been highligh- ted as a major critical issue in the development of ubiquitous ro- botics integrating mobile robots and wireless sensor networks. This paper describes a remotely operated testbed for ubiquitous robotics experimentation. It is currently comprised of 5 Pio- neer 3-AT robots, a camera network and a wireless sensor net- work WSN, each equipped with widespread off-the-shelf sen- sors. The testbed architecture allows wide variety of coopera- tion schemes among its elements, abstracting their particula- rities and sensory, computational and communication capabi- lities. It also allows performing experiments with different de- grees of decentralization. The testbed, currently deployed in the School of Engineering at the University of Seville, is open and can be accessed remotely through a friendly graphical user in- terface. Palabras clave: Bancos de pruebas, robótica ubicua, redes inalámbricas de sensores, Keywords: testbeds, networked

  1. Fundamentals of x-ray dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roesch, W.C.


    Fundamental information about x-ray dosimetry is presented. Definitions are given and expanded on for dose, absorbed dose including microdosimetry, radiation physics (properties of the radiation that are important to dosimetry), and dosimetry (how the properties are dealt with in determining dose). 5 figs, 12 refs

  2. Thermoluminescent dosimetry in veterinary diagnostic radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hernández-Ruiz, L.; Jimenez-Flores, Y.; Rivera-Montalvo, T.; Arias-Cisneros, L.; Méndez-Aguilar, R.E.; Uribe-Izquierdo, P.


    This paper presents the results of Environmental and Personnel Dosimetry made in a radiology area of a veterinary hospital. Dosimetry was realized using thermoluminescent (TL) materials. Environmental Dosimetry results show that areas closer to the X-ray equipment are safe. Personnel Dosimetry shows important measurements of daily workday in some persons near to the limit established by ICRP. TL results of radiation measurement suggest TLDs are good candidates as a dosimeter to radiation dosimetry in veterinary radiology. - Highlights: ► Personnel dosimetry in laboratory veterinary diagnostic was determined. ► Student workplaces are safe against radiation. ► Efficiency value of apron lead was determined. ► X-ray beams distribution into veterinarian laboratory was measured.

  3. Método para generar casos de prueba funcional en el desarrollo de software Generating functional testing case method in software development

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    Liliana González Palacio


    Full Text Available Un aspecto crucial en el control de calidad del desarrollo de software son las pruebas y, dentro de estas, las pruebas funcionales, en las cuales se hace una verificación dinámica del comportamiento de un sistema, basada en la observación de un conjunto seleccionado de ejecuciones controladas o casos de prueba. Para hacer pruebas funcionales se requiere una planificación que consiste en definir los aspectos a chequear y la forma de verificar su correcto funcionamiento, punto en el cual adquieren sentido los casos de prueba. En este artículo derivado de investigación se define un método para generar casos de prueba funcional a partir de casos de uso del sistema, como producto intermedio del proyecto cofinanciado titulado "Herramienta para la documentación de pruebas funcionales"Testing is a main aspect in quality control of software development, especially functional tests. The aim of functional testing is to dynamically verify the system behavior, based on the observation of a given set of controlled executions or test cases. Planning is required to make functional tests, defining the aspects to be checked and the way to verify its proper operation; this allows test cases make sense. In this paper (research based, we propose a method to generate functional test cases from system use cases, based on the co-financed project "Tool for Documenting Functional Testing."

  4. Sixth symposium on neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This booklet contains all abstracts of papers presented in 13 sessions. Main topics: Cross sections and Kerma factors; analytical radiobiology; detectors for personnel monitoring; secondary charged particles and microdosimetric basis of q-value for neutrons; personnel dosimetry; concepts for radiation protection; ambient monitoring; TEPC and ion chambers in radiation protection; beam dosimetry; track detectors (CR-39); dosimetry at biomedical irradiation facilities; health physics at therapy facilities; calibration for radiation protection; devices for beam dosimetry (TLD and miscellaneous); therapy and biomedical irradiation facilities; treatment planning. (HP)

  5. Environmental dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gold, R.


    For more than 60 years, natural radiation has offered broad opportunities for basic research as evidenced by many fundamental discoveries. Within the last decade, however, dramatic changes have occurred in the motivation and direction of this research. The urgent need for economical energy sources entailing acceptably low levels of environmental impact has compelled the applied aspects of our radiation environment to become overriding considerations. It is within this general framework that state-of-the-art environmental dosimetry techniques are reviewed. Although applied motivation and relevance underscores the current milieu for both reactor and environmental dosimetry, a perhaps even more unifying force is the broad similarity of reactor and environmental radiation fields. In this review, a comparison of these two mixed radiation fields is presented stressing the underlying similarities that exist. On this basis, the evolution of a strong inner bond between dosimetry methods for both reactor and environmental radiation fields is described. The existence of this bond will be illustrated using representative examples of observed spectra. Dosimetry methods of particularly high applicability for both of these fields are described. Special emphasis is placed on techniques of high sensitivity and absolute accuracy which are capable of resolving the components of these mixed radiation fields

  6. Nuclear accident dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The film presents statistical data on criticality accidents. It outlines past IAEA activities on criticality accident dosimetry and the technical documents that resulted from this work. The film furthermore illustrates an international comparison study on nuclear accident dosimetry conducted at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, United Kingdom

  7. Nuclear accident dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The film presents statistical data on criticality accidents. It outlines past IAEA activities on criticality accident dosimetry and the technical documents that resulted from this work. The film furthermore illustrates an international comparison study on nuclear accident dosimetry conducted at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, United Kingdom

  8. Performance testing of dosimetry processors, status of NRC rulemaking for improved personnel dosimetry processing, and some beta dosimetry and instrumentation problems observed by NRC regional inspectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dennis, N.A.; Kinneman, J.D.; Costello, F.M.; White, J.R.; Nimitz, R.L.


    Early dosimetry processor performance studies conducted between 1967 and 1979 by several different investigators indicated that a significant percentage of personnel dosimetry processors may not be performing with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Results of voluntary performance testing of US personnel dosimetry processors against the final Health Physics Society Standard, Criteria for Testing Personnel Dosimetry Performance by the University of Michigan for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will be summarized with emphasis on processor performance in radiation categories involving beta particles and beta particles and photon mixtures. The current status of the NRC's regulatory program for improved personnel dosimetry processing will be reviewed. The NRC is proposing amendments to its regulations, 10 CFR Part 20, that would require its licensees to utilize specified personnel dosimetry services from processors accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program of the National Bureau of Standards. Details of the development and schedule for implementation of the program will be highlighted. Finally, selected beta dosimetry and beta instrumentation problems observed by NRC Regional Staff during inspections of NRC licensed facilities will be discussed

  9. Investigación que prueba teoría: una aproximación desde enfermería cardiovascular

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    Viviana Marycel Céspedes-Cuevas


    Full Text Available El presente artículo reporta los resultados de una investigación descriptiva de comprobación teórica que prueba y verifica los planteamientos del Modelo Conceptual del Manejo del Síntoma en la primera dimensión. La muestra fue de 380 mujeres hospitalizadas con diagnóstico confirmado de síndrome coronario agudo. Las Ecuaciones Estructurales fueron utilizadas para el análisis. Usando la técnica de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio los componentes de Percepción, Evaluación y Respuesta, fueron tratados como funciones conjuntas de la variable latente "Experiencia del síntoma". A partir de todas las posibles combinaciones de las agrupaciones identificadas, se expusieron tres (3 Modelos con un adecuado ajuste entre el Modelo hipotetizado y los datos, los cuales mostraron que el componente de Evaluación se manifiesta en la Experiencia del síntoma. Los resultados de este estudio generan un aporte a la teoría y a la investigación, además de mostrar la importancia de las intervenciones de tipo cognitivo para promover una respuesta favorable de la mujer con Síndrome Coronario agudo, en el proceso de afrontamiento ante la enfermedad.

  10. Quantitative imaging for clinical dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bardies, Manuel [INSERM U601, 9 Quai Moncousu, 44093 Nantes (France)]. E-mail:; Flux, Glenn [Department of Physics, Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton (United Kingdom); Lassmann, Michael [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Julis-Maximilians University, Wuerzburg (Germany); Monsieurs, Myriam [Department of Health Physics, University of Ghent, 9000 Ghent (Belgium); Savolainen, Sauli [Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki and HUS, Helsinki Medical Imaging Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital (Finland); Strand, Sven-Erik [Medical Radiation Physics, Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University (Sweden)


    Patient-specific dosimetry in nuclear medicine is now a legal requirement in many countries throughout the EU for targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) applications. In order to achieve that goal, an increased level of accuracy in dosimetry procedures is needed. Current research in nuclear medicine dosimetry should not only aim at developing new methods to assess the delivered radiation absorbed dose at the patient level, but also to ensure that the proposed methods can be put into practice in a sufficient number of institutions. A unified dosimetry methodology is required for making clinical outcome comparisons possible.

  11. LA BRECHA SALARIAL DE GÉNERO ENTRE LOS UNIVERSITARIOS RECIÉN TITULADOS. ¿Qué tanto influye el tipo de carrera universitaria?

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    Laura Cepeda Emiliani


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la brecha salarial de género entre los universitarios recién titulados que tienen un empleo formal en Colombia, haciendo hincapié en el papel que desempeña el tipo de carrera universitaria en la explicación de la brecha salarial de género en las primeras etapas de la experiencia del mercado laboral. Para realizar este análisis, aprovechamos un conjunto de datos único que contiene los registros administrativos de individuos observados en el empleo formal un año después de titularse, así como información pormenorizada de los distintos tipos de carrera universitaria que estudiaron. Los resultados sugieren que, en promedio, la brecha salarial contra las mujeres es de aproximadamente 11% del cual 40% se explica por las diferencias de género en el tipo de carrera universitaria elegida. Mediante el uso de una descomposición distributiva de la brecha salarial de género hallamos pruebas no sólo de una brecha creciente en distintos niveles de la distribución salarial sino también de que tan sólo 30% de esta brecha se puede explicar con base en el tipo de carrera universitaria. Este resultado también apoya la existencia de un fenómeno de techo de cristal desde las primeras etapas de la experiencia del mercado laboral, lo cual es de particular interés para los encargados de formular políticas dado que algunas de las explicaciones que se ofrecen acerca del efecto de techo de cristal están relacionadas con la experiencia y los ascensos, características que no son significativamente diferentes para los universitarios recién titulados.

  12. Validez de la prueba de adenosina deaminasa y del recuento diferencial de leucocitos para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural

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    Jhonatan Boris Quiñones-Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la prueba de adenosina deaminasa (ADA y el recuento diferencial de leucocitos para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo de precisión diagnóstica. Institución: Hospital Regional de Huacho, Ministerio de Salud, Huacho, Perú. Material: Historias clínicas de pacientes con prueba de ADA en líquido pleural. Intervenciones: Estudio de historias clínicas de pacientes a quienes se les realizó la prueba de ADA en líquido pleural, desde enero 2005 hasta diciembre 2007. El valor de la prueba de ADA y el recuento diferencial de leucocitos fueron analizados mediante la curva ROC. La sensibilidad (Se, especificidad (Sp, valores predictivos (VPP y VPN y los cocientes de verosimilitud (CVP y CVN fueron hallados para cada variable. Principales medidas de resultados: Punto de corte para la prueba de ADA para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural. Resultados: La tuberculosis fue culpable de la mayoría de los derrames pleurales; 47,5 fue el punto de corte hallado para la prueba de ADA, con Se y Sp de 73% y 90%, respectivamente (IC 95%: 0,74 - 0,95; p72% incrementaría la sospecha de tuberculosis pleural.

  13. Desarrollo de una prueba de comprensión audiovisual

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    Casañ Núñez, Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available Este artículo forma parte de una investigación doctoral que estudia el uso de preguntas de comprensión audiovisual integradas en la imagen del vídeo como subtítulos y sincronizadas con los fragmentos de vídeo relevantes. Anteriormente se han publicado un marco teórico que describe esta técnica (Casañ Núñez, 2015b y un ejemplo en una secuencia didáctica (Casañ Núñez, 2015a. El presente trabajo detalla el proceso de planificación, diseño y experimentación de una prueba de comprensión audiovisual con dos variantes que será administrada junto con otros instrumentos en estudios cuasiexperimentales con grupos de control y tratamiento. Fundamentalmente, se pretende averiguar si la subtitulación de las preguntas facilita la comprensión, si aumenta el tiempo que los estudiantes miran en dirección a la pantalla y conocer la opinión del grupo de tratamiento sobre esta técnica. En la fase de experimentación se efectuaron seis estudios. En el último estudio piloto participaron cuarenta y un estudiantes de ELE (veintidós en el grupo de control y diecinueve en el de tratamiento. Las observaciones de los informantes durante la administración de la prueba y su posterior corrección sugirieron que las indicaciones sobre la estructura del test, las presentaciones de los textos de entrada, la explicación sobre el funcionamiento de las preguntas subtituladas para el grupo experimental y la redacción de los ítems resultaron comprensibles. Los datos de las dos variantes del instrumento se sometieron a sendos análisis de facilidad, discriminación, fiabilidad y descriptivos. También se calcularon las correlaciones entre los test y dos tareas de un examen de comprensión auditiva. Los resultados mostraron que las dos versiones de la prueba estaban preparadas para ser administradas.

  14. Alanine EPR dosimetry of therapeutic irradiators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugay, O.; Bartchuk, V.; Kolesnik, S.; Mazin, M.; Gaponenko, H.


    The high-dose alanine EPR dosimetry is a very precise method in the dose range 1-100 kGy. The system is used generally as the standard high-dose transfer dosimetry in many laboratories. This is comparatively expensive technique so it is important to use it as a more universal dosimetry system also in the middle and low dose ranges. The problems of the middle-dose alanine dosimetry are discussed and the solution of several problems is proposed. The alanine EPR dosimetry has been applied to the dose measurements of medical irradiators in the Kiev City Oncology Center. (author)

  15. Características clínicas, neuropsicológicas y sociodemográgicas de niños varones con deficit de atención/hiperactividad de tipo inatento en Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia 2004–2005

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    José William Cornejo Ochoa


    Full Text Available El TDAH tipo inatento es uno de los trastornos neurocomportamentales más comunes de la niñez y una de las causas de consulta más frecuente en edad escolar. Se caracteriza por alteraciones básicas en las funciones ejecutivas e inhibición de conducta. Objetivo. Describir características neuropsicológicas y sociodemográficas en los niños varones con déficit de atención/hiperactividad con predominio inatento en población específica. Población y Métodos. Se seleccionaron 16 niños en edades entre 7 y 11 años, de acuerdo al Chesklist del DSM IV como TDAH tipo inatento. Se considero la edad, estrato socioeconómico, motivo de consulta, escolaridad, antecedentes personales, familiares y de desarrollo, tipología familiar y signos neurológicos blandos. Las características neuropsicológicas fueron evaluadas a través de una batería de pruebas psicométricas tales como la Escala de Inteligencia de Weschler para niños Revisada WISC-R (CI Estimativo; Batería de Habilidad Cognitiva Woodcock Muñoz (WM subpruebas Pareo Visual, Tachar, Análisis – Síntesis y Formación de Conceptos; Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; Kaufman Assessment Behavior Children (K- ABC, subpruebas Test Movimiento de Manos y Orden de Palabras, la prueba de interferencia de Stroop y la Batería Neurpsicológica de Luria DNA subprueba de Atención. Resultados. En la subprueba Pareo Visual WM se observó un 37.5% de niños en riesgo y un 18.8% clínicamente significativos; en el WCST el indicador Aprender a Aprender mostró un mayor compromiso con un 37.5%, en riesgo y clínicamente significativo. Conclusión. En general de acuerdo con las pruebas WISC-R, Woodcock Muñoz, Wisconsin y K- ABC se puede decir que los mayores porcentajes se encuentran en las clasificación promedio y favorable, siendo las pruebas que más identificaron situaciones de riesgo y clínicamente significativas el Woodcock Muñoz y el Wisconsin, que evalúan velocidad de procesamiento

  16. Comparison of Real-Time Intraoperative Ultrasound-Based Dosimetry With Postoperative Computed Tomography-Based Dosimetry for Prostate Brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nag, Subir; Shi Peipei; Liu Bingren; Gupta, Nilendu; Bahnson, Robert R.; Wang, Jian Z.


    Purpose: To evaluate whether real-time intraoperative ultrasound (US)-based dosimetry can replace conventional postoperative computed tomography (CT)-based dosimetry in prostate brachytherapy. Methods and Materials: Between December 2001 and November 2002, 82 patients underwent 103 Pd prostate brachytherapy. An interplant treatment planning system was used for real-time intraoperative transrectal US-guided treatment planning. The dose distribution was updated according to the estimated seed position to obtain the dose-volume histograms. Postoperative CT-based dosimetry was performed a few hours later using the Theraplan-Plus treatment planning system. The dosimetric parameters obtained from the two imaging modalities were compared. Results: The results of this study revealed correlations between the US- and CT-based dosimetry. However, large variations were found in the implant-quality parameters of the two modalities, including the doses covering 100%, 90%, and 80% of the prostate volume and prostate volumes covered by 100%, 150%, and 200% of the prescription dose. The mean relative difference was 38% and 16% for doses covering 100% and 90% of the prostate volume and 10% and 21% for prostate volumes covered by 100% and 150% of the prescription dose, respectively. The CT-based volume covered by 200% of the prescription dose was about 30% greater than the US-based one. Compared with CT-based dosimetry, US-based dosimetry significantly underestimated the dose to normal organs, especially for the rectum. The average US-based maximal dose and volume covered by 100% of the prescription dose for the rectum was 72 Gy and 0.01 cm 3 , respectively, much lower than the 159 Gy and 0.65 cm 3 obtained using CT-based dosimetry. Conclusion: Although dosimetry using intraoperative US-based planning provides preliminary real-time information, it does not accurately reflect the postoperative CT-based dosimetry. Until studies have determined whether US-based dosimetry or

  17. La flexibilidad probatoria en el procedimiento de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos


    Uribe, María Isabel


    En el proceso que se adelanta ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos se observan algunas particularidades que se manifiestan en: la libertad de prueba, la valoración de la prueba, la carga de la prueba y su práctica, que permiten establecer los hechos, no tanto a partir de la prueba empírica, sino con base en componentes de tipo pragmático, como las ficciones o presunciones o la llamada prueba circunstancial, lo cual lleva a preguntarse lo siguiente: ¿Es razonable y compatible con e...

  18. Dosimetry for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, Arne


    During the past few years significant advances have taken place in the different areas of dosimetry for radiation processing, mainly stimulated by the increased interest in radiation for food preservation, plastic processing and sterilization of medical products. Reference services both by international organizations (IAEA) and national laboratories have helped to improve the reliability of dose measurements. In this paper the special features of radiation processing dosimetry are discussed, several commonly used dosimeters are reviewed, and factors leading to traceable and reliable dosimetry are discussed. (author)

  19. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Zhiyong


    Radiochromic film dosimetry was developed to measure ionization irradiation dose for industry and medicine. At this time, there are no comprehensive guideline on the medical application, calibration method and densitometer system for medicine. The review gives update on Radiochromic film dosimetry used for medicine, including principles, film model and material, characteristics, calibration method, scanning densitometer system and medical application

  20. 11. International conference on solid radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krylova, I.V.


    The main problems discussed during the international conference on solid radiation dosimetry which took place in June 1995 in Budapest are briefly considered. These are the basic physical processes, materials applied for dosimetry, special techniques, personnel monitoring, monitoring of environmental effects, large-dose dosimetry, clinic dosimetry, track detector used for dosimetry, dosimetry in archaeology and geology, equipment and technique for dosimetric measurements. The special attention was paid to superlinearity in the TLD-100 (LiF, Mg, Ti) response function when determining doses of gamma radiation, heavy charged particles, low-energy particle fluxes in particular. New theoretical models were considered

  1. Utilidad de la prueba torniquete en el diagnóstico diferencial de Dengue de otros síndromes febriles

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    Claudia Ximena Méndez Duarte


    Full Text Available Introducción: El dengue es la infección transmitida por mosquitos más importante en el mundo. Siendo más susceptible a infectarse la población infantil. En la etapa inicial de la enfermedad los síntomas son indiferenciables de otros síndromes febriles agudos, situación que hace complejo, tardío y poco sensible el diagnóstico clínico en la fase aguda de la enfermedad. La prueba torniquete es utilizada como un criterio de clasificación para definir la severidad del dengue hemorrágico por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, podría utilizarse en el diagnóstico diferencial del dengue. Objetivo: Evaluar en población infantil las características operativas de la prueba torniquete en el diagnóstico diferencial del dengue de otros síndromes febriles agudos. Métodos: Entre junio de 2006 y Abril del 2008 se incluyeron del servicio de urgencias pacientes entre dos y 12 años de edad que presentaban un cuadro febril sin origen aparente. Se les realizó un examen físico estandarizado junto con la prueba de torniquete, calculándose la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo (VPP y negativo (VPN a la prueba. Resultados: Se captaron 129 pacientes y se diagnosticaron 66 casos de dengue. La prueba torniquete tuvo sensibilidad de 60.6% (IC95%=48.8-72.4, especificidad 55.9% (IC95%=43.3-68.6, VPP 60.6% (IC95%=48.8-72.4 y un VPN 55.9%. (IC95%=43.3-68.6. El resultado de la prueba estuvo asociado al tiempo de tolerancia del torniquete (p<0.001. Conclusiones: La prueba torniquete por sí sola no es útil como herramienta clínica para diferenciar el dengue de otros síndromes febriles en niños entre los dos y los 12 años de zonas endémicas.

  2. A microcomputer controlled thermoluminescence dosimetry system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huyskens, C.J.; Kicken, P.J.H.


    Using a microcomputer, an automatic thermoluminescence dosimetry system for personal dosimetry and thermoluminescence detector (TLD) research was developed. Process automation, statistical computation and dose calculation are provided by this microcomputer. Recording of measurement data, as well as dose record keeping for radiological workers is carried out with floppy disk. The microcomputer also provides a human/system interface by means of a video display and a printer. The main features of this dosimetry system are its low cost, high degree of flexibility, high degree of automation and the feasibility for use in routine dosimetry as well as in TLD research. The system is in use for personal dosimetry, environmental dosimetry and for TL-research work. Because of its modular set-up several components of the system are in use for other applications, too. The system seems suited for medium sized health physics groups. (author)

  3. Prueba de la hipótesis de comportamiento colusivo entre los miembros de la OPEP


    Antonio Spilimbergo


    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este trabajo se presenta una prueba para distinguir entre los comportamientos de los productores de recursos agotables. El comportamiento de un productor competitivo de un recurso agotable debería cumplir con la ecuación de Euler. La existencia de mercados de futuros nos permite dejar de lado los aspectos difíciles que tienen que ver con el cálculo de los precios y la demanda futuros. Este marco teórico se emplea para poner a prueba la hipótesis de ...

  4. Characterising an aluminium oxide dosimetry system. (United States)

    Conheady, Clement F; Gagliardi, Frank M; Ackerly, Trevor


    In vivo dosimetry is recommended as a defence-in-depth strategy in radiotherapy treatments and is currently employed by clinics around the world. The characteristics of a new optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry system were investigated for the purpose of replacing an aging thermoluminescence dosimetry system for in vivo dosimetry. The stability of the system was not sufficient to satisfy commissioning requirements and therefore it has not been released into clinical service at this time.

  5. Preferencias y satisfacción hacia un programa de tamizaje con pruebas autoadministradas de detección del virus de papiloma humano

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    Flavia Morán

    Full Text Available Estudio transversal que describe preferencias y satisfacción hacia un programa de tamizaje de cáncer cervical con pruebas rápidas autoadministradas, para la detección del virus de papiloma humano (VPH. De las 2090 usuarias captadas por el programa en Ventanilla Callao-Perú, se seleccionó aleatoriamente a 97 para ser encuestadas. Asimismo, se realizaron entrevistas a mujeres líderes de la comunidad, encargadas de ofrecer las pruebas. El 74,2% de las usuarias se sintió, cuanto menos, satisfecha con el programa. El 68% de las mujeres prefiere la autotoma de la prueba, principalmente por demandar menos tiempo. De las mujeres que prefieren la toma en el centro de salud, el 90,3% lo hace por la seguridad de que la prueba sea realizada correctamente. La inclusión de líderes comunitarias en el programa permitió una buena difusión de la prueba y de los pasos para realizarla.


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    Juan Carlos Ruge Cárdenas

    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal, simular mediante el empleo de un programa basado en el método de elementos finitos, los resultados obtenidos de pruebas de carga en pilotes individuales fundados en arcillas porosas de Brasilia DF (Brasil, las cuales poseen características metaestables. Para las simulaciones se empleó la ecuación constitutiva hipoplástica. Los parámetros del suelo fueron obtenidos por medio de ensayos de laboratorio que permitieron estimar propiedades geotécnicas del suelo, así como parámetros de resistencia, deformabilidad e identificación estratigráfica. Como conclusión general se reporta que la predicción aportada por el modelo hipoplástico en relación a las pruebas de carga en el tramo antes de la ruptura es aceptable, sin embargo debido a la pérdida de adhesión en la interface suelo-pilote en el momento de la prueba, se nota la incapacidad del modelo para simular este efecto de manera adecuada, ya que existen condiciones de metaestabilidad y de parcial saturación presentes en el problema geotécnico.

  7. Prueba de homogeneidad de la dispersión para datos de proporción sobredispersos mediante regresión beta

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    Mario Morales


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone un procedimiento para verificar la hipótesis de homogeneidad del parámetro de dispersión usando regresión beta, cuando se tienen datos de proporción sobredispersos. Se demuestra que es posible analizar este tipo de datos usando un modelo lineal generalizado usual ponderado, con pesos obtenidos mediante la regresión beta. Esta forma de proceder permite corregir el problema de la dispersión extra, manteniendo la sencillez del análisis. Además, para algunos casos particulares, se evalúa mediante un estudio de simulación, la potencia de la prueba. Abstract. In this paper we propose an approach to validate the hypothesis of homogeneity of the dispersion parameter using beta regression, when we have overdispersed proportions data. We corroborated that it is possible to analyze this type of data with an usual weighted generalized linear model, weighting the observations with weights obtained through beta regression. This procedure allows to correct the problem of overdispersion keeping the simplicity of the analysis. Furthermore, for several cases, we made a simulation study of the power of the test.

  8. Dosimetry optimization at COGEMA-La Hague

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalimbadjian, J.


    At the present time, the la Hague site strives to apply international recommendations together with national regulations concerning radiation protection, and especially the respect of limitation and optimization principles. The application of these principles is based on the implementation of a passive dosimetry and an active dosimetry. The monthly passive dosimetry is monitored by means of a photographic dosimetry film, completed with lithium fluorine thermoluminescent film badges. This personal dosimetry common to X, β, γ and neutron radiations is carried out in close relationship between the Radiation Protection Department, the Occupational Medical Department and the staff running the Plant. The application or ALARA's principle as well as that of radiation protection optimization implies to implement a complementary active dosimetry enabling to gain in real time, the personal dosimetry of each intervening person, either they be COGEMA's workers or external companies'. This active dosimetry provides with following information: This preventive dosimetry is based on the knowledge of doses integration in real time and is fitted with alarm thresholds according to the total amount of doses and dose rates. Thresholds on the dose rate are also set relatively to the radiological environment. This knowledge of doses and dose rates allows a stricter management of the works, while analyzing them according to the nature of the work, to the location and to the skills of the intervening people. This dosimetry allows to analyze and optimize doses integration according to the works nature for the whole intervening staff. The la Hague Site has developed an active personal dosimetry system, common to every intervening person, COGEMA or external companies. The DOSICARD was thus elaborated, shaped as an electronic dosimeter fitted with an alarm and a smart card. The access to controlled areas is conditioned to information given by the DOSICARD concerning medical aptitudes and

  9. The dosimetry of ionizing radiation

    CERN Document Server


    A continuation of the treatise The Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation, Volume III builds upon the foundations of Volumes I and II and the tradition of the preceeding treatise Radiation Dosimetry. Volume III contains three comprehensive chapters on the applications of radiation dosimetry in particular research and medical settings, a chapter on unique and useful detectors, and two chapters on Monte Carlo techniques and their applications.

  10. Secondary standard dosimetry laboratory (SSDL)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Md Saion bin Salikin.


    A secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory has been established in the Tun Ismail Research Centre, Malaysia as a national laboratory for reference and standardization purposes in the field of radiation dosimetry. This article gives brief accounts on the general information, development of the facility, programmes to be carried out as well as other information on the relevant aspects of the secondary standard dosimetry laboratory. (author)

  11. Dosimetry in nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lastra B, J. A.


    To control the occupationally exposed personnel dose working at the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant, two types of dosemeters are used, the thermoluminescent (TLD) which is processed monthly, and the direct reading dosemeter that is electronic and works as daily control of personal dose. In the case of the electronic dosemeters of direct reading conventional, the readings and dose automatic registers and the user identity to which he was assigned to each dosemeter was to carry out the restricted area exit. In activities where the ionizing radiation sources are not fully characterized, it is necessary to relocate the personal dosemeter or assigned auxiliary dosemeters (TLDs and electronics) to determine the dose received by the user to both whole body and in any specific area of it. In jobs more complicated are used a tele dosimetry system where the radiation protection technician can be monitoring the user dose to remote control, the data transmission is by radio. The dosimetry activities are documented in procedures that include dosemeter inventories realization, the equipment and dosemeters calibration, the dosimetry quality control and the discrepancies investigation between the direct reading and TLD systems. TLD dosimetry to have technical expertise in direct and indirect dosimetry and two technicians in TLD dosimetry; electronic dosimetry to have 4 calibration technicians. For the electronic dosemeters are based on a calibrator source of Cesium-137. TLD dosemeters to have an automatic radiator, an automatic reader which can read up to 100 TLD dosemeters per hour and a semiautomatic reader. To keep the equipment under a quality process was development a process of initial entry into service and carried out a periodic verification of the heating cycles. It also has a maintenance contract for the equipment directly with the manufacturer to ensure their proper functioning. The vision in perspective of the dosimetry services of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant

  12. Modern methods of personnel dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kraus, W.; Herrmann, D.; Kiesewetter, W.

    The physical properties of radiation detectors for personnel dosimetry are described and compared. The suitability of different types of dosimeters for operational and central monitoring of normal occupational exposure, for accident and catastrophe dosimetry and for background and space-flight dosimetry is discussed. The difficulties in interpreting the dosimeter reading with respect to the dose in individual body organs are discussed briefly. 430 literature citations (up to Spring 1966) are given

  13. Theoretical basis for dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlsson, G.A.


    Radiation dosimetry is fundamental to all fields of science dealing with radiation effects and is concerned with problems which are often intricate as hinted above. A firm scientific basis is needed to face increasing demands on accurate dosimetry. This chapter is an attempt to review and to elucidate the elements for such a basis. Quantities suitable for radiation dosimetry have been defined in the unique work to coordinate radiation terminology and usage by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, ICRU. Basic definitions and terminology used in this chapter conform with the recent ''Radiation Quantities and Units, Report 33'' of the ICRU

  14. Efecto de la categoría de edad y reglamento en las marcas y puntuación de las pruebas combinadas


    Paz, Patricia; Palao Andrés, José Manuel


    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer como las marcas y la puntuación en pruebas combinadas en atletismo varían en función de la categoría de edad y del reglamento (pruebas y tablas de puntuación). La muestra del estudio fueron 1650 participaciones en pruebas combinadas (790 masculinas y 860 femeninas) de los 15 mejores atletas del ranking desde la temporada 1998-1999 hasta la temporada 2008-2009, ambas inclusive, de las categorías infantil hasta absoluta. Las variables de estudio fueron: m...

  15. Evaluación de cuatro tipos de leche en la dieta larvaria de Cochliomyia hominivorax (coquerel

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    Andrés Álvarez Jiménez


    Full Text Available La Comisión México Americana para la Erradicación del Gusano Barrenador del Ganado produce actualmente un promedio de 100 millones de moscas estériles a la semana, para ser enviadas a los centros de dispersión de Panamá, Aruba y Jamaica, en los cuales se espera erradicar al Gusano Barrenador del Ganado (GBG. Por esto, y pensando en los países que en un futuro requieran de estas moscas estériles para la erradicación del GBG, la Comisión México Americana se encuentra en una constante búsqueda de mejoras en el proceso de producción. Para lograr este objetivo cuenta con una unidad de investigación en el departamento de desarrollo de métodos, donde se encargan de mantener la cepa de la mosca y de realizar diferentes tipos de pruebas que buscan mejorar la producción masiva de moscas estériles del GBG. La comisión recibió de la compañía Purina cuatro muestras de sustituto de leche en polvo para su uso en la dieta del Gusano Barrenador (Nodricina 200, Nodricina Premium 20/20, Nodricina Plus 20-20 y sustituto de leche para becerros, estas se evaluaron en una prueba completa para determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas en el desempeño de la larva en dietas que incluyan a estos componentes. Se realizaron cinco réplicas, con tres charolas de 16 L por tratamiento para un total de 15 charolas por réplica. Midiendo y evaluando los parámetros de la cepa Jamaica 03 del Gusano Barrenador del Ganado para determinar el comportamiento de estos sustitutos en la dieta larvaria, y evaluar la posible utilización de los mismos.

  16. Personal dosimetry in Kazakhstan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khvoshnyanskaya, I.R.; Vdovichenko, V.G.; Lozbin, A.Yu.


    KATEP-AE Radiation Laboratory is the first organization in Kazakhstan officially licensed by the Kazakhstan Atomic Energy Committee to provide individual dosimetry services. The Laboratory was established according to the international standards. Nowadays it is the largest company providing personal dosimetry services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (author)

  17. Status of neutron dosimetry cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, P.J.; Kelly, J.G.


    Several new cross section libraries, such as ENDF/B-VI(release 2), IRDF-90,JEF-2.2, and JENDL-3 Dosimetry, have recently been made available to the dosimetry community. the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Radiation Metrology Laboratory (RML) has worked with these libraries since pre-release versions were available. this paper summarizes the results of the intercomparison and testing of dosimetry cross sections. As a result of this analysis, a compendium of the best dosimetry cross sections was assembled from the available libraries for use within the SNL RML. this library, referred to as the SNLRML Library, contains 66 general dosimetry sensors and 3 special dosimeters unique to the RML sensor inventory. The SNLRML cross sections have been put into a format compatible with commonly used spectrum determination codes

  18. Análisis sobre la ponderación de la prueba en el sistema electoral chileno

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    Carlos Manuel Rosales García


    Full Text Available El Tribunal Calificador de Elecciones chileno tiene la facultad constitucional de erigirse como jurado para la valoración de las pruebas, esto significa poder apreciar la prueba de manera libre, para posteriormente, sentenciar con arreglo a derecho. Este artículo estudiará las principales características del juicio por jurado, con base en la doctrina y experiencia del derecho estadounidense, observando tanto su adopción y adaptación por el Tribunal Electoral, así como sus pros y contras en el sistema electoral chileno

  19. MO-B-BRB-00: Three Dimensional Dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  20. Dosimetry and shielding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farinelli, U.


    Today, reactor dosimetry and shielding have wide areas of overlap as concerns both problems and methods. Increased interchange of results and know-how would benefit both. The areas of common interest include calculational methods, sensitivity studies, theoretical and experimental benchmarks, cross sections and other nuclear data, multigroup libraries and procedures for their adjustment, experimental techniques and damage functions. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art and the latest development in each of these areas as far as shielding is concerned, and suggests a number of interactions that could be profitable for reactor dosimetry. Among them, re-evaluation of the potentialities of calculational methods (in view of the recent developments) in predicting radiation environments of interest; the application of sensitivity analysis to dosimetry problems; a common effort in the field of theoretical benchmarks; the use of the shielding one-material propagation experiments as reference spectra for detector cross sections; common standardization of the detector nuclear data used in both fields; the setting up of a common (or compatible) multigroup structure and library applicable to shielding, dosimetry and core physics; the exchange of information and experience in the fields of cross section errors, correlations and adjustment; and the intercomparison of experimental techniques

  1. The Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, O.; Lamadrid, A.I.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Romero, I.; Mandina, T.; Di Giorgio, M.; Radl, A.; Taja, M.R.; Sapienza, C.E.; Deminge, M.M.; Fernandez Rearte, J.; Stuck Oliveira, M.; Valdivia, P.; Guerrero-Carbajal, C.; Arceo Maldonado, C.; Cortina Ramirez, G.E.; Espinoza, M.; Martinez-Lopez, W.; Di Tomasso, M.


    Biological Dosimetry is a necessary support for national radiation protection programmes and emergency response schemes. The Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet) was formally founded in 2007 to provide early biological dosimetry assistance in case of radiation emergencies in the Latin American Region. Here are presented the main topics considered in the foundational document of the network, which comprise: mission, partners, concept of operation, including the mechanism to request support for biological dosimetry assistance in the region, and the network capabilities. The process for network activation and the role of the coordinating laboratory during biological dosimetry emergency response is also presented. This information is preceded by historical remarks on biological dosimetry cooperation in Latin America. A summary of the main experimental and practical results already obtained by the LBDNet is also included. (authors)

  2. Las pruebas de integración como proceso de la calidad del software en el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones


    Gómez Rodríguez, Nuria


    Para explicar la idea y la filosofía de la realización de pruebas, emplearé una metodología de pruebas que teorice los principios, aporte definiciones e instrumentos para modelar un plan de pruebas. Esta idea está basada en la certificación ISTQB en la que estoy titulada y que sin duda, será el apoyo teórico a este proyecto. Además, partiré de una base teórica imprescindible, se trata del libro de Roger S. Pressman titulado "Ingeniería del Software - Un enfoque práctico" que trata sobre la in...

  3. Internal dosimetry, past and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, J.R.


    This paper is a review of the progress in the dosimetry of internally deposited radionuclides (internal dosimetry) since World War II. Previous to that, only naturally occurring radionuclides were available and only a limited number of studies of biokinetics and dosimetry were done. The main radionuclides studied were 226 Ra, 228 Ra, and 224 Ra but natural uranium was also studied mainly because of its toxic effect as a heavy metal, and not because it was radioactive. The effects of 226 Ra in bone, mainly from the radium dial painters, also formed the only bases for the radiotoxicity of radionuclides in bone for many years, and it is still, along with 224 Ra, the main source of information on the effects of alpha emitters in bone. The publications of the International Commission on Radiological Protection that have an impact on internal dosimetry are used as mileposts for this review. These series of publications, more than any other, represent a broad consensus of opinion within the radiation protection community at the time of their publication, and have formed the bases for radiation protection practice throughout the world. This review is not meant to be exhaustive; it is meant to be a personnel view of the evolution of internal dosimetry, and to present the author's opinion of what the future directions in internal dosimetry will be. 39 refs., 2 tabs

  4. Sistema automatizado para la realización de pruebas funcionales a las protecciones electrónicas CELCOR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodolfo García Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Se realiza el diseño e implementación de un sistema automatizado que permite hacer las pruebas funcionales a las protecciones electrónicas por sobrecorriente para equipos de refrigeración producidas en el Laboratorio Científico Productivo perteneciente a la Universidad de Holguín "Oscar Lucero Moya". Para ello se realizó un estudio de las especificaciones funcionales que reclama el fabricante de las protecciones, que hizo posible definir un grupo de pruebas que verifican dichas especificaciones, se emplean módulos de adquisición de datos conectados por medio de una interfaz RS485 a la computadora y se hizo el diseño de la electrónica necesaria para la adaptación de las señales a estos módulos. El sistema informático permite realizar las pruebas a seis protecciones al mismo tiempo, cuyos resultados son almacenados en una base de datos. Adicionalmente puede realizarse la caracterización de los transformadores de corriente utilizados como sensores en las protecciones. El sistema realiza un grupo de pruebas que son imposibles de forma manual, eleva la productividad de los técnicos, disminuye los costos asociados al consumo de electricidad y permite que al 100% de las protecciones que salen al mercado se le verifiquen todas sus especificaciones funcionales.

  5. Individual neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauricio, C.L.P.


    The most important concepts and development in individual neutron dosimetry are presented, especially the dosimetric properties of the albedo technique. The main problem in albedo dosimetry is to calibrate the dosemeter in the environs of each neutron source. Some of the most used calibration techniques are discussed. The IRD albedo dosemeter used in the routine neutron individual monitoring is described in detail. Its dosimetric properties and calibration methods are discussed. (Author) [pt

  6. Advantages and disadvantages of luminescence dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olko, Pawel, E-mail: [Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science (IFJ PAN), Krakow (Poland)


    Owing to their excellent dosimetric properties, luminescence detectors of ionizing radiation are now extensively applied in individual dosimetry services. The most frequently used personal dosemeters are based on Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), radiophotoluminescence (RPL) or thermoluminescence (TL). Luminescence detectors have also found several applications in clinical dosimetry, especially around new radiation modalities in radiotherapy, such as Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) or ion beam radiotherapy. Requirements of luminescence detectors applied in individual and clinical dosimetry and some recent developments in luminescence of detectors and techniques leading to significant improvements of the functionality and accuracy of dosimetry systems are reviewed and discussed.

  7. Accidental and retrospective dosimetry using TL method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mesterházy, D.; Osvay, M.; Kovács, A.; Kelemen, A.


    Retrospective dosimetry is one of the most important tools of accidental dosimetry for dose estimation when dose measurement was not planned. In the affected area many objects can be applied as natural dosimeters. The paper discusses our recent investigations on various electronic components and common salt (NaCl) having useful thermoluminescence (TL) properties. Among materials investigated the electronic components of cell phones seem promising for retrospective dosimetry purposes, having high TL responses, proper glow curve peaks and the intensity of TL peaks vs. gamma dose received provided nearly linear response in the dose range of 10 mGy–1.5 Gy. - Highlights: ► Electronic components and common salt were investigated for accidental and retrospective dosimetry. ► SMD resistors seem promising for retrospective dosimetry purposes. ► Table salt can be used effectively for accidental dosimetry purposes, as well.

  8. Dosimetry and Calibration Section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otto, T.


    The two tasks of the Dosimetry and Calibration Section at CERN are the Individual Dosimetry Service which assures the personal monitoring of about 5000 persons potentially exposed to ionizing radiation at CERN, and the Calibration Laboratory which verifies all the instruments and monitors. This equipment is used by the sections of the RP Group for assuring radiation protection around CERN's accelerators, and by the Environmental Section of TISTE. In addition, nearly 250 electronic and 300 quartz fibre dosimeters, employed in operational dosimetry, are calibrated at least once a year. The Individual Dosimetry Service uses an extended database (INDOS) which contains information about all the individual doses ever received at CERN. For most of 1997 it was operated without the support of a database administrator as the technician who had assured this work retired. The Software Support Section of TIS-TE took over the technical responsibility of the database, but in view of the many other tasks of this Section and the lack of personnel, only a few interventions for solving immediate problems were possible

  9. Personal dosimetry service of VF, a.s. company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasek, P.


    The VF, a.s. Company will extend its services in the area of personal dosimetry at the end of 2008, which is fully in compliance with the requirements of the Atomic Act, section 9 paragraph (1) letter r) and Decree on Radiation Protection, section 59 paragraph (1) letter a). Optically stimulated luminescence was selected in VF .a.s. as the most advantageous and the most advanced technology for the integral personal dosimetry. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been using in dosimetry for more than ten years. Although it is relatively new technology , its indisputable advantages predetermine that technology has significantly benefited in personal dosimetry services within a short time all over the advanced world. The VF, a.s. personal dosimetry service is based on the licensed products of LANDAUER, the US company, which is the world leader in OSL dosimetry. Crystalline Al 2 O 3 :C was selected as the detection material. All equipment of personal dosimetry service is installed in the VF Centre of Technology in Cerna Hora. The personal dosimetry service is incorporated in the International LANDAUER Dosimetry Service Network, and in the European Union, it is directly linked to the LANDAUER European Headquarters with its office in Paris. As a part of the OSL technology licence, the VF personal dosimetry service was included in the inter-laboratory comparison programme of the LANDAUER syndicate. (author)

  10. Personal dosimetry service of VF, a.s. company

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasek, P.


    The VF, a.s. Company will extend its services in the area of personal dosimetry at the end of 2008, which is fully in compliance with the requirements of the Atomic Act, section 9 paragraph (1) letter r) and Decree on Radiation Protection, section 59 paragraph (1) letter a). Optically stimulated luminescence was selected in VF .a.s. as the most advantageous and the most advanced technology for the integral personal dosimetry . Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been using in dosimetry for more than ten years. Although it is relatively new technology , its indisputable advantages predetermine that technology has significantly benefited in personal dosimetry services within a short time all over the advanced world. The VF, a.s. personal dosimetry service is based on the licensed products of LANDAUER, the US company, which is the world leader in OSL dosimetry. Crystalline Al 2 O 3 :C was selected as the detection material. All equipment of personal dosimetry service is installed in the VF Centre of Technology in Cerna Hora. The personal dosimetry service is incorporated in the International LANDAUER Dosimetry Service Network, and in the European Union, it is directly linked to the LANDAUER European Headquarters with its office in Paris. As a part of the OSL technology licence, the VF personal dosimetry service was included in the inter-laboratory comparison programme of the LANDAUER syndicate. (author)

  11. Eficacia de la Prueba del Cuy en el Diagnóstico de Patologia Vesicular en Pacientes del Consultorio Particular, Arequipa. 2007 - 2008


    Zeballos Benavides María Candelaria


    En la investigación se trata de encontrar los hallazgos en la vesícula de la persona con la Prueba del Cuy y compararlos con los hallazgos de la Prueba Ecográfica para determinar su eficacia. El objetivo del presente estudio de investigación fue evaluar la Eficacia de la Prueba del Cuy (cobayo), en el diagnóstico de Patología Vesicular. Se escogió un grupo de estudio que fue constituido por 21 personas con sintomatología aparentemente vesicular, deseosos de encontrar resp...

  12. Neutron personal dosimetry: state-of-art

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spurný, František


    State-of-art of the personal neutron dosimetry is presented, analysed and discussed. Particular attention is devoted to the problems of this type of the dosimetry of external exposure for radiation fields at nuclear power plants. A review of general problems of neutron dosimetry is given and the active individual dosimetry methods available and/or in the stage of development are briefly reviewed. Main attention is devoted to the analysis of the methods available for passive individual neutron dosimetry. The characteristics of these dosemeters were studied and are compared: their energy response functions, detection thresholds and the highest detection limits, the linearity of response, the influence of environmental factors, etc. Particular attention is devoted to their behavior in reactor neutron fields. It is concluded that the choice of the neutron personal dosemeter depends largely on the conditions in which the instrument should be used (neutron spectrum, the level of exposure and the exposure rate, etc.). The results obtained with some of these dosemeters during international intercomparisons are also presented. Particular attention is paid to the personal neutron dosimeter developed and routinely used by National Personal Dosimetry Service Ltd. in the Czech Republic. (author)

  13. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs

  14. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs.

  15. Dosimetry systems for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, W.L.; Desrosiers, M.F.


    Dosimetry serves important functions in radiation processing, where large absorbed doses and dose rates from photon and electron sources have to be measured with reasonable accuracy. Proven dosimetry systems are widely used to perform radiation measurements in development of new processes, validation, qualification and verification (quality control) of established processes and archival documentation of day-to-day and plant-to-plant processing uniformity. Proper calibration and traceability of routine dosimetry systems to standards are crucial to the success of many large-volume radiation processes. Recent innovations and advances in performance of systems that enhance radiation measurement assurance and process diagnostics include dose-mapping media (new radiochromic film and solutions), optical waveguide systems for food irradiation, solid-state devices for real-time and passive dosimetry over wide dose-rate and dose ranges, and improved analytical instruments and data acquisition. (author)

  16. Individual dosimetry of workers and patients: implementation and perspectives; La dosimetrie individuelle des travailleurs et de patients: mise en oeuvre et perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rannou, A.; Aubert, B.; Lahaye, Th.; Scaff, P.; Casanova, Ph.; Van Bladel, L.; Queinnec, F.; Valendru, N.; Jehanno, J.; Grude, E.; Berard, Ph.; Desbree, A.; Kafrouni, H.; Paquet, F.; Vanhavere, F.; Bridier, A.; Ginestet, Ch.; Magne, S.; Donadille, L.; Bordy, J.M.; Bottollier-Depois, J.F.; Barrere, J.L.; Ferragut, A.; Metivier, H.; Gaillard-Lecanu, E


    These days organised by the section of the technical protection of the S.F.R.P. review the different techniques of dosimetry used in France and Europe, and present the future orientations.The different interventions are as follow: Individual exposures of the workers: historic assessment and perspectives; medical exposure: where are the doses; legal obligations in individual dosimetry: which are the objective and the need on the subject; the dosimetry follow-up of workers by the S.I.S.E.R.I. system: assessment and perspectives; impact of the norm ISO 20553 on the follow-up of internal exposure; the implementation of the patient dose measurement in Belgium; techniques of passive dosimetry used in Europe; Supervision radiation protection at EDF: long term and short term approach; Comparison active and passive dosimetry at Melox; methodology for the choice of new neutron dosemeters; the working group M.E.D.O.R.: guide of internal dosimetry for the use of practitioners; O.E.D.I.P.E.: tool of modeling for the personalized internal dosimetry; the use of the Monte-Carlo method for the planning of the cancer treatment by radiotherapy becomes a reality; the works of the committee 2 of the ICRP; passive dosimetry versus operational dosimetry: situation in Europe; Implementation of the in vivo dosimetry in a radiotherapy department: experience of the Gustave Roussy institute; experience feedback on the in vivo measures in radiotherapy, based on the use of O.S.L. pellets; multi points O.S.L. instrumentation for the radiation dose monitoring in radiotherapy; dosimetry for extremities for medical applications: principle results of the European contract C.O.N.R.A.D.; references and perspectives in dosimetry; what perspectives for numerical dosimetry, an example: Sievert; system of dose management: how to answer to needs; the last technical evolutions in terms of electronic dosimetry in nuclear power plant; the fourth generation type reactors: what dosimetry. (N.C.)

  17. Information from the Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    Please note the following opening hours of the Service: From 31st July onwards: Every morning from 8:30 to 12:00 The Service is closed in the afternoons. We should like to remind you that dosimeters cannot be sent to customers by internal mail. Short-term dosimeters (VCTs) must always be returned to the Service after use and must not be left on the racks in the experimental areas or in the secretariats. Dosimetry Service Tel 72155 Bldg. 24 E 011

  18. Efectos de los rangos de movimientos y tiempos de descanso sobre la prueba de 1 RM


    Barrantes Segura, Ariel; Aragón Vargas, Luis Fernando


    Este informe de investigación fue publicado como póster en Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46(5):s192, 10.1249/01.mss.0000493922.19651.52, issn:1530-0315, issn:0195-9131 Los resultados de las pruebas de fuerza de 1RM varían para el mismo ejercicio en función del rango de movimiento (RDM) que se utiliza. El reposo insuficiente entre intentos también puede perjudicar el rendimiento en la prueba. OBJETIVO: determinar el efecto del rango de movimiento y el tiempo de recuperación en...

  19. In vivo dosimetry in radiation therapy in Sweden; In vivo-dosimetri inom straalbehandling i Sverige

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, Jacob; Blomquist, Michael (Norrlands universitetssjukhus, Umeaa (Sweden))


    A prerequisite for achieving high radiation safety for patients receiving external beam radiation therapy is that the hospitals have a quality assurance program. The program should include include monitoring of the radiation dose given to the patient. Control measurements are performed both at the system level and at the individual level. Control measurement is normally performed using in vivo dosimetry, e.g. a method to measure the radiation dose at the individual level during the actual radiation treatment time. In vivo dosimetry has proven to be an important tool to detect and prevent serious errors in patient treatment. The purpose of this research project was to identify the extent to which vivo dosimetry is used and the methods available for this at Swedish radiation therapy clinics. The authority also wanted to get an overall picture of how hospitals manage results of in vivo dosimetry, and how clinics control radiation dose when using modern treatment techniques. The report reflects the situation in Swedish radiotherapy clinics 2007. The report shows that all hospitals use some form of in vivo dosimetry. The instruments used are mainly diodes and termoluminiscence dosimeters

  20. Relaciones entre pruebas de velocidad, tests de salto y dinamometría isométrica en velocistas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Sabido Solana


    Full Text Available Dentro de las habilidades deportivas, la capacidad de producir fuerza lo más rápidamente posible, o fuerza explosiva, juega el papel más importante en la optimización de dichas habilidades. Zatsiorsky (1995 la define como “la habilidad para desarrollar la máxima fuerza en la menor cantidad de tiempo”. Las correlaciones existentes entre pruebas de velocidad y tests de salto han sido ampliamente observadas. Sin embargo, las correlaciones entre pruebas de velocidad y tests isométricos están menos estudiadas. Una muestra de 24 velocistas de categoría junior fue sometida a pruebas de velocidad específica, tests de salto con contramovimiento y en profundidad, así como a un test isométrico máximo para la musculatura extensora del tobillo. Los resultados muestran fuertes relaciones entre los tests de carrera y los de salto, así como de estos últimos con los de dinamometría. Por otro lado, sólo con el test de 20 metros se obtienen correlaciones con variables del test isométrico, sin que se encuentren correlaciones con la marca en 100 metros lisos. La principal conclusión de nuestros datos es que las variables medidas en un test isométrico van a tener alta relación con la primera fase de la carrera en pruebas de velocidad.

  1. The Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet). (United States)

    García, O; Di Giorgio, M; Radl, A; Taja, M R; Sapienza, C E; Deminge, M M; Fernández Rearte, J; Stuck Oliveira, M; Valdivia, P; Lamadrid, A I; González, J E; Romero, I; Mandina, T; Guerrero-Carbajal, C; ArceoMaldonado, C; Cortina Ramírez, G E; Espinoza, M; Martínez-López, W; Di Tomasso, M


    Biological Dosimetry is a necessary support for national radiation protection programmes and emergency response schemes. The Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet) was formally founded in 2007 to provide early biological dosimetry assistance in case of radiation emergencies in the Latin American Region. Here are presented the main topics considered in the foundational document of the network, which comprise: mission, partners, concept of operation, including the mechanism to request support for biological dosimetry assistance in the region, and the network capabilities. The process for network activation and the role of the coordinating laboratory during biological dosimetry emergency response is also presented. This information is preceded by historical remarks on biological dosimetry cooperation in Latin America. A summary of the main experimental and practical results already obtained by the LBDNet is also included. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Research and innovation in radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delgado, A.


    In this article some relevant lines of research in radiation dosimetry are presented. In some of them innovative approaches have been recently proposed in recent years. In others innovation is still to come as it is necessary in view of the insufficiency of the actual methods and techniques. mention is made to Thermoluminescence Dosimetry an to the improvement produced by new computational methods for the analysis of the usually complex TL signals. A solid state dosimetric technique recently proposed, Optically Stimulated Luminescence, OSL, is briefly presented. This technique promises advantages over TLD for personal and environmental dosimetry. The necessity of improving the measurement characteristics of neutron personal dosemeters is commented, making reference to some very recent developments. The situation of the dosimetry in connection with radiobiology research is overviewed, commenting the controversy on the adequacy and utility of the quality absorbed dose for these activities. Finally the special problematic of internal dosimetry is discussed. (Author) 25 refs

  3. Dosimetry control for radiation processing - basic requirements and standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanova, M.; Tsrunchev, Ts.


    A brief review of the basic international codes and standards for dosimetry control for radiation processing (high doses dosimetry), setting up a dosimetry control for radiation processing and metrology control of the dosimetry system is made. The present state of dosimetry control for food processing and the Bulgarian long experience in food irradiation (three irradiation facilities are operational at these moment) are presented. The absence of neither national standard for high doses nor accredited laboratory for calibration and audit of radiation processing dosimetry systems is also discussed

  4. Dosimetry in dentistry. (United States)

    Asha, M L; Chatterjee, Ingita; Patil, Preeti; Naveen, S


    The purpose of this paper was to review various dosimeters used in dentistry and the cumulative results of various studies done with various dosimeters. Several relevant PubMed indexed articles from 1999 to 2013 were electronically searched by typing "dosimeters", "dosimeters in dentistry", "properties of dosimeters", "thermoluminescent and optically stimulated dosimeters", "recent advancements in dosimetry in dentistry." The searches were limited to articles in English to prepare a concise review on dental dosimetry. Titles and abstracts were screened, and articles that fulfilled the criteria of use of dosimeters in dental applications were selected for a full-text reading. Article was divided into four groups: (1) Biological effects of radiation, (2) properties of dosimeters, (3) types of dosimeters and (4) results of various studies using different dosimeters. The present review on dosimetry based on various studies done with dosimeters revealed that, with the advent of radiographic technique the effective dose delivered is low. Therefore, selection of radiological technique plays an important role in dental dose delivery.

  5. Results of the dosimetry intercomparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dure, Elsa S.


    The appropriate way to verify the accuracy of the results of dose reported by the laboratories that offer lend personal dosimetry service is in the periodic participation of round of intercomparison dosimetry, undertaken by laboratories whose standards are trace (Secondary Laboratory). The Laboratory of External Personal Dosimetry of the CNEA-PY has participated in three rounds of intercomparison. The first two were organized in the framework of the Model Project RLA/9/030 RADIOLOGICAL WASTE SECURITY, and the irradiations were carried out in the Laboratory of Regional Calibration of the Center of Nuclear Technology Development, Belo Horizonte-Brazil (1998) and in the National Laboratory of Metrology of the ionizing radiations of the Institute of Radioprotection and Dosimetry, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil (1999). The third was organized by the IAEA and the irradiations were made in the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB, Braunschweig - Federal Republic of Germany (1999-2000) [es

  6. La prueba obtenida mediante coacción y su inadmisibilidad ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos


    Paúl Díaz, Álvaro


    La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos efectúa un amplio análisis probatorio para determinar la ocurrencia de violaciones de derechos humanos. Ella tiende a ser muy flexible con la admisión de la prueba, sin perjuicio de ello estaría obligada a excluir confesiones obtenidas mediante coacción. En relación con esto, la Corte ha hecho afirmaciones que parecen propiciar la exclusión de toda prueba obtenida mediante coerción, y dar pie a la doctrina del fruto de árbol envenenado. Este artícul...

  7. Dosimetry standards for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrar, H. IV


    For irradiation treatments to be reproducible in the laboratory and then in the commercial environment, and for products to have certified absorbed doses, standardized dosimetry techniques are needed. This need is being satisfied by standards being developed by experts from around the world under the auspices of Subcommittee E10.01 of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). In the time period since it was formed in 1984, the subcommittee has grown to 150 members from 43 countries, representing a broad cross-section of industry, government and university interests. With cooperation from other international organizations, it has taken the combined part-time effort of all these people more than 13 years to complete 24 dosimetry standards. Four are specifically for food irradiation or agricultural applications, but the majority apply to all forms of gamma, x-ray, Bremsstrahlung and electron beam radiation processing, including dosimetry for sterilization of health care products and the radiation processing of fruits, vegetables, meats, spices, processed foods, plastics, inks, medical wastes and paper. An additional 6 standards are under development. Most of the standards provide exact procedures for using individual dosimetry systems or for characterizing various types of irradiation facilities, but one covers the selection and calibration of dosimetry systems, and another covers the treatment of uncertainties. Together, this set of standards covers essentially all aspects of dosimetry for radiation processing. The first 20 of these standards have been adopted in their present form by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), and will be published by ISO in 1999. (author)

  8. Individual dosimetry of workers and patients: implementation and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rannou, A.; Aubert, B.; Lahaye, Th.; Scaff, P.; Casanova, Ph.; Van Bladel, L.; Queinnec, F.; Valendru, N.; Jehanno, J.; Grude, E.; Berard, Ph.; Desbree, A.; Kafrouni, H.; Paquet, F.; Vanhavere, F.; Bridier, A.; Ginestet, Ch.; Magne, S.; Donadille, L.; Bordy, J.M.; Bottollier-Depois, J.F.; Barrere, J.L.; Ferragut, A.; Metivier, H.; Gaillard-Lecanu, E.


    These days organised by the section of the technical protection of the S.F.R.P. review the different techniques of dosimetry used in France and Europe, and present the future orientations.The different interventions are as follow: Individual exposures of the workers: historic assessment and perspectives; medical exposure: where are the doses; legal obligations in individual dosimetry: which are the objective and the need on the subject; the dosimetry follow-up of workers by the S.I.S.E.R.I. system: assessment and perspectives; impact of the norm ISO 20553 on the follow-up of internal exposure; the implementation of the patient dose measurement in Belgium; techniques of passive dosimetry used in Europe; Supervision radiation protection at EDF: long term and short term approach; Comparison active and passive dosimetry at Melox; methodology for the choice of new neutron dosemeters; the working group M.E.D.O.R.: guide of internal dosimetry for the use of practitioners; O.E.D.I.P.E.: tool of modeling for the personalized internal dosimetry; the use of the Monte-Carlo method for the planning of the cancer treatment by radiotherapy becomes a reality; the works of the committee 2 of the ICRP; passive dosimetry versus operational dosimetry: situation in Europe; Implementation of the in vivo dosimetry in a radiotherapy department: experience of the Gustave Roussy institute; experience feedback on the in vivo measures in radiotherapy, based on the use of O.S.L. pellets; multi points O.S.L. instrumentation for the radiation dose monitoring in radiotherapy; dosimetry for extremities for medical applications: principle results of the European contract C.O.N.R.A.D.; references and perspectives in dosimetry; what perspectives for numerical dosimetry, an example: Sievert; system of dose management: how to answer to needs; the last technical evolutions in terms of electronic dosimetry in nuclear power plant; the fourth generation type reactors: what dosimetry. (N.C.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cindy Alcarraz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar factores asociados a la realización de la prueba de detección de infección por VIH en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos (UNMSM. Diseño: Estudio transversal. Lugar: Campus Universitario, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Facultad de Medicina. Participantes: Estudiantes regulares de pregrado de la UNMSM en el periodo 2008-I. Intervenciones: Cuestionario estructurado de 63 ítems, realizándose un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se aplicaron los programas SPSS v.15.0 para Windows® y EpiDat v.3.1. Principales medidas de resultados: Frecuencias de las variables de estudio y Odds Ratio con IC al 95%. Resultados: Se encuestó a 368 estudiantes (59,3% varones y 40,7% mujeres. El 54,4% ya había iniciado su vida sexual; 49,5% de éstos, antes de los 18 años. Sólo 33 (9% afirmaron haberse realizado anteriormente una prueba de detección de infección por VIH, mientras que 310 (84,2% la consideraron necesaria. Los hombres mostraron mayor probabilidad de someterse a la prueba diagnóstica de infección por VIH en comparación a las mujeres (OR: 2.77, IC 95%: 1.17-6.55. Se encontró relación con el hecho de haberse sometido anteriormente a la prueba de VIH, en aquellos que ya han iniciado su vida sexual y en los que han tenido 5 o más parejas sexuales (OR: 3.44, IC 95%: 1.45-8.14; OR: 3.03, IC 95%: 1.14-8.09, en comparación a los que aún no han tenido relaciones sexuales, y a los que han tenido 1 o 2 parejas, respectivamente. Conclusión: Los factores que se asociaron a mayor probabilidad de realizarse la prueba de VIH fueron la vida sexual activa y el número elevado de parejas sexuales.

  10. The dosimetry programme of the IAEA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Describes the activities of the IAEA's Dosimetry Laboratory which provides calibration and comparison services for secondary standard dosimetry laboratories (SSDLs) of Member States. In addition, a joint IAEA/WHO postal dosimetry service has been established for radiotherapy centers. The International Measurement System and the calibration ''chain'' from measurement standard instruments of the International Bureau of Weights and Measurements (BIPM) through the primary and secondary standards to the dosimeters of the users are presented as well

  11. Hematological dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fluery-Herard, A.


    The principles of hematological dosimetry after acute or protracted whole-body irradiation are reviewed. In both cases, over-exposure is never homogeneous and the clinical consequences, viz medullary aplasia, are directly associated with the mean absorbed dose and the seriousness and location of the overexposure. The main hematological data required to assess the seriousness of exposure are the following: repeated blood analysis, blood precursor cultures, as indicators of whole-body exposure; bone marrow puncture, medullary precursor cultures and medullary scintigraphy as indicators of the importance of a local over-exposure and capacity for spontaneous repair. These paraclinical investigations, which are essential for diagnosis and dosimetry, are also used for surveillance and for the main therapeutic issues [fr

  12. Development and current state of dosimetry in Cuba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prieto Miranda, E.F.; Cuesta Fuente, G.; Chavez Ardanza, A.


    In Cuba, the application of the radiation technologies has been growing in the last years, and at present there are several dosimetry systems with different ranges of absorbed dose. Diverse researches were carried out on high dose dosimetry with the following dosimetry systems: Fricke, ceric-cerous sulfate, ethanol-chlorobenzene, cupric sulfate and Perspex (Red 4034 AE and Clear HX). In this paper the development achieved during the last 15 years in the high dose dosimetry for radiation processing in Cuba is presented, as well as, the current state of different dosimetry systems employed for standardization and for process control. The paper also reports the results of dosimetry intercomparison studies that were performed with the Ezeiza Atomic Center of Argentine and the International Dose Assurance Service (IDAS) of IAEA. (author)

  13. Patrones básicos de movimiento y maduración neuropsicológica en Preescolares


    Higuita-Herrera, Erika Vanessa


    La presente investigación busca Identificar la relación existente entre los patrones motores básicos de movimiento, la maduración neuropsicológica y el rendimiento académico en niños preescolares, llevando a cabo un estudio de tipo no experimental retrospectivo, transversal y de tipo correlacional. Se eligieron las pruebas neuropsicológicas EVANM para evaluar la adquisición de los patrones básicos de movimientos en los niños y la prueba CUMANIN para valorar la maduración neuropsicológica en l...

  14. Miniature semiconductor detectors for in vivo dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenfeld, A. B.; Cutajar, D.; Lerch, M. L. F.; Takacs, G.; Cornelius, I. M.; Yudelev, M.; Zaider, M.


    Silicon mini-semiconductor detectors are found in wide applications for in vivo personal dosimetry and dosimetry and Micro-dosimetry of different radiation oncology modalities. These applications are based on integral and spectroscopy modes of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor and silicon p-n junction detectors. The advantages and limitations of each are discussed. (authors)

  15. Chemical dosimetry system for criticality accidents. (United States)

    Miljanić, Saveta; Ilijas, Boris


    Ruder Bosković Institute (RBI) criticality dosimetry system consists of a chemical dosimetry system for measuring the total (neutron + gamma) dose, and a thermoluminescent (TL) dosimetry system for a separate determination of the gamma ray component. The use of the chemical dosemeter solution chlorobenzene-ethanol-trimethylpentane (CET) is based on the radiolytic formation of hydrochloric acid, which protonates a pH indicator, thymolsulphonphthalein. The high molar absorptivity of its red form at 552 nm is responsible for a high sensitivity of the system: doses in the range 0.2-15 Gy can be measured. The dosemeter has been designed as a glass ampoule filled with the CET solution and inserted into a pen-shaped plastic holder. For dose determinations, a newly constructed optoelectronic reader has been used. The RBI team took part in the International Intercomparison of Criticality Accident Dosimetry Systems at the SILENE Reactor, Valduc, June 2002, with the CET dosimetry system. For gamma ray dose determination TLD-700 TL detectors were used. The results obtained with CET dosemeter show very good agreement with the reference values.

  16. Aplicación de técnicas de pruebas automáticas basadas en propiedades a los diferentes niveles de prueba del software


    Francisco Fernández, Miguel Ángel


    [Resumen]Las pruebas son una de las actividades clave en el desarrollo de software, puesto que ayudan a detectar defectos que, de otro modo, pasarían desapercibidos hasta que el software sea desplegado. Sin embargo, al contrario que en otras etapas del ciclo de vida del software, como son el análisis, el diseño o la implementación, para las que existen metodologías y técnicas bien definidas y ampliamente aceptadas en la comunidad informática, junto con herramientas que permiten llevar a cabo ...

  17. Rendimiento de la prueba Xpert MTB/RIF en muestras respiratorias en el escenario real de trabajo en un país en desarrollo

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    Santiago Atehortúa


    Full Text Available Introducción. La prueba Xpert MTB/RIF detecta el ADN del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis y la sensibilidad a rifampicina. La prueba ha sido evaluada en condiciones “ideales” que incluyen la centrifugación de esputo y el lavado broncoalveolar, la tinción de Ziehl Neelsen (ZN y de auramina-rodamina y los métodos de cultivo sólido y de cultivo líquido automatizado. Los resultados de tales evaluaciones no pueden extrapolarse a países de bajos ingresos que no utilizan habitualmente todos estos procesos. Objetivo. Evaluar el rendimiento de la prueba Xpert MTB/RIF en muestras respiratorias bajo condiciones “reales” de trabajo y su correlación con las pruebas fenotípicas de sensibilidad. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal para evaluar el rendimiento de la prueba Xpert MTB/RIF en pacientes ≥12 años con sospecha de tuberculosis pulmonar. En el procesamiento rutinario de muestras en el Hospital del estudio no se usa la centrifugación del esputo, la tinción con auramina-rodamina ni el cultivo líquido automatizado. Resultados.Se incluyeron 152 pacientes, de los cuales 108 eran elegibles y 103 se incluyeron en el análisis. El 34 % de las muestras fueron positivas; la sensibilidad de la prueba fue de 91 %, la especificidad de 92 %, el valor diagnóstico positivo de 83 % y el valor diagnóstico negativo global de 96 %. En las muestras negativas con Ziehl Neelsen, la sensibilidad fue de 87 %, la especificidad de 91 % y los valores diagnósticos positivo y negativo alcanzaron 68 y 97 %, respectivamente. Los resultados de sensibilidad o resistencia a la rifampicina concordaron con los de la prueba fenotípica de sensibilidad (valor de kappa=1, p<0,0001. Conclusiones. El rendimiento global de la prueba fue similar al obtenido bajo condiciones “ideales”. En las muestras negativas con Ziehl Neelsen se obtuvo un mejor rendimiento en las condiciones “reales” de trabajo de un país de bajos ingresos

  18. Estereótipos e mulheres na cultura marroquina




    Estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos podem ser caracterizados como crenças culturais incompletas e inexatas mantidas por algumas pessoas e que se encontram inscritos em expressões lingüísticas ou em discursos subliminares. A cultura popular marroquina emprega representações poderosas para transmitir e sustentar tais estereótipos. Embora existam alguns estereótipos positivos, a maioria dos estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos é negativa e reflete ditames patriarcais subliminares qu...


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    M. Guerra


    Full Text Available Los diabéticos tipo 2 (DM 2 pobremente controlados (HbA1c = 7% exhiben disminución del estado antioxidante total y dislipidemia en comparación con los metabólicamente controlados, lo cual puede ser reflejo de incrementos de radicales libres de oxígeno, alteraciones del metabolismo de las lipoproteínas lo que contribuye a desarrollar fenómenos que conducen a complicaciones micro y macrovasculares. Se estudiaron 60 individuos (40-80 años no controlados (n=20, controlados (n=20 y sanos (n=20. El criterio del buen control de la diabetes fue % HbA1c < 7%. Mediante la prueba t de diferencia de medias suponiendo varianzas desiguales se compararon los grupos. Los niveles de Col T, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG y apo B-100 fueron significativamente más altos (p<0.05 y los de HDL-C y apo A-I más bajos en los DM 2 no controlados comparados con los niveles de los grupos de sujetos con DM 2 controlados y los controles sanos. Los pacientes con regular o pobre control glicémico presentan un perfíl lipídico anormal. Estos resultados son similares al de otros investigadores de diversas latitudes.

  20. Dosimetry as an integral part of radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagorski, Z.P.


    Different connections between high-dose dosimetry and radiation processing are discussed. Radiation processing cannot be performed without proper dosimetry. Accurate high dose and high dose rate dosimetry exhibits several aspects: first of all it is the preservation of the quality of the product, then fulfillment of legal aspects and last but not the least the safety of processing. Further, seldom discussed topics are as follow: dosimetric problems occurring with double-side EB irradiations, discussed in connection with the deposition of electric charge during electron beam irradiation. Although dosimetry for basic research and for medical purposes are treated here only shortly, some conclusions reached from these fields are considered in dosimetry for radiation processing. High-dose dosimetry of radiation has become a separate field, with many papers published every year, but applied dosimetric projects are usually initiated by a necessity of particular application. (author)

  1. The work programme of EURADOS on internal and external dosimetry. (United States)

    Rühm, W; Bottollier-Depois, J F; Gilvin, P; Harrison, R; Knežević, Ž; Lopez, M A; Tanner, R; Vargas, A; Woda, C


    Since the early 1980s, the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has been maintaining a network of institutions interested in the dosimetry of ionising radiation. As of 2017, this network includes more than 70 institutions (research centres, dosimetry services, university institutes, etc.), and the EURADOS database lists more than 500 scientists who contribute to the EURADOS mission, which is to promote research and technical development in dosimetry and its implementation into practice, and to contribute to harmonisation of dosimetry in Europe and its conformance with international practices. The EURADOS working programme is organised into eight working groups dealing with environmental, computational, internal, and retrospective dosimetry; dosimetry in medical imaging; dosimetry in radiotherapy; dosimetry in high-energy radiation fields; and harmonisation of individual monitoring. Results are published as freely available EURADOS reports and in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Moreover, EURADOS organises winter schools and training courses on various aspects relevant for radiation dosimetry, and formulates the strategic research needs in dosimetry important for Europe. This paper gives an overview on the most important EURADOS activities. More details can be found at .

  2. Dosimetry and operation of irradiation facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vidal, P.E.


    The industrial use of ionizing radiation has required, from the very first, the measurement of delivered and absorbed doses; hence the necessity of providing dosimetric systems. Laboratories, scientists, industries and potential equipment manufacturers have all collaborated in this new field of activity. Dosimetric intercomparisons have been made by each industry at their own facilities and in collaboration with specialists, national organizations and the IAEA. Dosimetry has become a way of ensuring that treatment by irradiation has been carried out in accordance with the rules. It has become in effect assurance of quality. Routine dosimetry should determine a maximum and minimum dose. Numerous factors play a part in dosimetry. Industry is currently in possession of routine dosimetric systems that are sufficiently accurate, fairly easy to handle and reasonable in cost, thereby satisfying all the requirements of industry and the need for control. Dosimetry is important in the process of marketing irradiated products. The operator of an industrial irradiation facility bases his dosimetry on comparison with reference systems. Research aimed at simplifying the practice of routine dosimetry should be continued. New physical and chemical techniques will be incorporated into systems already in use. The introduction of microcomputers into the operation of radiation facilities has increased the value of dosimetry and made the conditions of treatment more widespread. Stress should be placed on research in several areas apart from reference systems, for example: dosimetric systems at temperatures from +8 deg. C to -45 deg. C, over the dose range 100 krad to a little more than 1 Mrad, liquids and fluidized solids carried at high speed through ducts, thin-film liquids circulating at a high flow rate, and various other problems. (author)

  3. Foundations of ionizing radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denisenko, O.N.; Pereslegin, I.A.


    Foundations of dosimetry in application to radiotherapy are presented. General characteristics of ionizing radiations and main characteristics of ionizing radiation sources, mostly used in radiotherapy, are given. Values and units for measuring ionizing radiation (activity of a radioactive substance, absorbed dose, exposure dose, integral dose and dose equivalent are considered. Different methods and instruments for ionizing radiation dosimetry are discussed. The attention is paid to the foundations of clinical dosimetry (representation of anatomo-topographic information, choice of radiation conditions, realization of radiation methods, corrections for a configuration and inhomogeneity of a patient's body, account of biological factors of radiation effects, instruments of dose field formation, control of irradiation procedure chosen)

  4. Prueba de Elisa indirecta para la detección de anticuerpos IgM para el diagnóstico de Leptospirosis humana

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    Manuel Céspedes Z


    Full Text Available Para el diagnóstico temprano de enfermedades con cuadro clínico inespecífico como la leptospirosis, es necesario la confirmación laboratorial mediante pruebas específicas, con la finalidad de que el diagnóstico sea más acertado y rápido. Objetivo: se realizó un estudio comparativo entre la prueba de microaglutinacion (MAT y la prueba de ELISA indirecta estandarizada con un "pool" de antígenos de Leptospira interrogans, para la detección de anticuerpos IgM, en muestras de suero de fase aguda de leptospirosis humana. Materiales y métodos: 40 muestras de pacientes con sospecha clínica y con títulos de 1:100-1:12800 por la prueba de MAT, 80 muestras negativas de pacientes aparentemente sanos con enfermedades como Brucelosis, Sífilis, Tifus murino, Hepatitis B, Fiebre Amarilla, Dengue y Enfermedad de Carrión fueron evaluados por ELISA IgM. Resultados: se obtuvo una sensibilidad de 97,5% y especificidad de 98,75%, no observándose reacción cruzada con otras enfermedades. Conclusión: ELISA IgM validado en el laboratorio es suficiente sensible, específico y de fácil aplicación para el uso como prueba de tamizaje en una infección por Leptospiras con la subsecuente confirmación por MAT.


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    Full Text Available RESUMO O norte de Minas Gerais é grande produtor de banana ‘Prata-Anã’ irrigada, cultura altamente suscetível ao Mal-do-Panamá. O uso de genótipos resistentes é uma alternativa, mas os frutos devem apresentar características pós-colheita o mais próximo possível da ‘Prata-Anã’, para melhor aceitação pelos consumidores. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar frutos em pós-colheita, identificar a preferência e a intenção de compra de diferentes genótipos de bananeira tipo Prata. Os genótipos Prata-Anã, BRS Platina e Fhia-18. foram caracterizados no ponto de colheita (verdes e maduros (estádio seis de maturação, por avaliações químicas, físicas e sensoriais. Quando verde, ‘BRS Platina’ apresentou maior massa fresca e tamanho que ‘Fhia-18’ e ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18.’ teve a tonalidade verde da casca mais intensa que a dos demais genótipos. Madura, ‘BRS Platina’ foi mais firme, mas com a mesma resistência ao despencamento que ‘Fhia-18’ e superior à ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18’ apresentou cor da casca com amarelo mais clara e tão brilhante quanto da ‘Prata-Anã’, mas ‘BRS Platina’ teve a tonalidade de amarelo mais intensa. Bananas ‘Fhia-18’ foram mais ácidas, ‘BRS Platina’, com menor acidez titulável, e ‘Prata-Anã’, o maior teor de sólidos solúveis. Os genótipos Prata-Anã e BRS Platina tiveram maior preferência e intenção de compra pelos consumidores, sendo as bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em dedos e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em dedos, buquê e penca, as mais preferidas. Entretanto, a maioria compraria bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em buquê e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em penca. Enquanto verdes, os genótipos foram semelhantes à ‘Prata-Anã’, e maiores diferenças químicas e físicas ocorreram quando maduros.

  6. Prueba de dosificación de la sembradora V-20 con semilla de amaranto (amaranthus hypochondriacus l.)


    Pedro Mayans Céspedes; José R. Soca Cabrera; Gilberto López Canteñs; Eugenio Romantchik Kriuchkova


    En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de la prueba de dosificación realizada a la sembradora V-20 con semilla de amaranto. Para la prueba se contó con un banco construido en las instalaciones del Centro Nacional de Estandarización de Maquinaria Agrícola (CENEMA), utilizándose la Norma Mexicana: "Método de evaluación de sembradoras y/o fertilizadoras de tracción mecánica con dosificador de disco" y la Norma Cubana 34-50 "Sembradora de granos, metodología para la realización de las ...

  7. La dosificación del ácido hipúrico en la Prueba de Quick

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    Cecilia Hernández de Paredes


    Full Text Available Trabajo realizado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Médico-quirúrgicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional. El empleo de la prueba de síntesis del ácido hipúrico en la apreciación del estado funcional del hígado es uno de los procedimientos que más difusión han tenido en los últimos años. Su popularidad no solamente es debida a la relativa sencillez e inocuidad del procedimiento sino también a su notable valor en el diagnóstico de las enfermedades del hígado. Numerosos investigadores la emplean actualmente con esta finalidad y en la literatura corriente figura como -una de las pruebas de rutina a pesar de que no siempre sus resultados han dejado satisfechos a todos.

  8. Thermoluminescence in medical dosimetry; Termoluminiscencia en dosimetria medica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera, T., E-mail: [IPN, Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Av. Legaria 694, Col. Irrigacion, 11500 Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    The dosimetry by thermoluminescence (Tl) is applied in the entire world for the dosimetry of ionizing radiations specially to personal and medical dosimetry. This dosimetry method has been very interesting for measures in vivo because the Tl dosimeters have the advantage of being very sensitive in a very small volume and they are also equivalent to tissue and they do not need additional accessories (for example, cable, electrometer, etc.) The main characteristics of the diverse Tl materials to be used in the radiation measures and practical applications are: the Tl curve, the share homogeneity, the signal stability after the irradiation, precision and exactitude, the response in function with the dose and the energy influence. In this work a brief summary of the advances of the radiations dosimetry is presented by means of the thermally stimulated luminescence and its application to the dosimetry in radiotherapy. (Author)

  9. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, Christopher G.


    The object of this paper is to give a new user some practical information on the use of radiochromic films for medical applications. While various aspects of radiochromic film dosimetry for medical applications have been covered in some detail in several other excellent review articles which have appeared in the last few years [Niroomand-Rad, A., Blackwell, C.R., Coursey, B.M., Gall, K.P., McLaughlin, W.L., Meigooni, A.S., Nath, R., Rodgers, J.E., Soares, C.G., 1998. Radiochromic dosimetry: recommendations of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group 55. Med. Phys. 25, 2093-2115; Dempsey, J.F., Low, D.A., Mutic, S., Markman, J., Kirov, A.S., Nussbaum, G.H., Williamson, J.F., 2000. Validation of a precision radiochromic film dosimetry system for quantitative two-dimensional imaging of acute exposure dose distributions. Med. Phys. 27, 2462-2475; Butson, M.J., Yu, P.K.N., Cheung, T., Metcalfe, P., 2003. Radiochromic film for medical radiation dosimetry. Mater. Sci. Eng. R41, 61-120], it is the intent of the present author to present material from a more user-oriented and practical standpoint. That is, how the films work will be stressed much less than how to make the films work well. The strength of radiochromic films is most evident in applications where there is a very high dose gradient and relatively high absorbed dose rates. These conditions are associated with brachytherapy applications, measurement of small fields, and at the edges (penumbra regions) of larger fields

  10. Performing personnel dosimetry investigations and records quality assurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perle, S.C.


    Radiation Safety Officers (RSOs) sometimes face situations in which personnel dosimetry estimates are required after dosimeters issued to radiation workers (film or TLD badges, extremity dosimeters, etc.) are lost or damaged before processing. This article was prepared to help those involved with personnel dosimetry investigations became aquatinted with this process. A factor that contributes to the anxiety of those unfamiliar with dosimetry investigations is the lack of published guidance available in this subject. More printed resources are needed to help radiation safety professionals familiarize themselves and understand personnel dosimetry investigations. Topics discussed in this presentation include the justification of performing dosimetry investigations, recommendations on how to perform them and the advantages of performing such investigations

  11. Dosimetry and Shielding of X and Gamma Radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oncescu, M.; Panaitescu, I.


    This book covers the following problems: 1. X and Gamma radiations, 2. Interaction of X-ray and gamma radiations with matter, 3. Interaction of electrons with matter, 4. Principles and basic concepts of dosimetry, 5. Ionization dosimetry, 6. Calorimetric chemical and photographic dosimetry, 7. Solid state dosimetry, 8. Computation of dosimetric quantities, 9. Dosimetry in radiation protection, 10. Shielding of X and gamma radiations. The authors, well-known Romanian experts in Radiation Physics and Engineering, gave an up-dated, complete and readable account of this subject matter. The analyses of physical principles and concepts, of materials and instruments and of computational methods and applications are all well balanced to meat the needs of a broad readership

  12. Radiotherapy Based On α Emitting Radionuclides: Geant4 For Dosimetry And Micro-/Nano-Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guatelli, Susanna


    Possible physics approaches to evaluate the efficacy of TAT are dosimetry, microdosimetry and nanodosimetry. Dosimetry is adequate when mean absorbed dose to a macroscopic target volume is important to understand the biological effect of radiation. General purpose Monte Carlo (MC) codes, based on condensed history approach, are a very useful, cost effective tool to solve dosimetric problems. The condensed history approach is based on the use of multiple scattering theories to calculate the energy losses and angular changes in the direction of the particle. The short α particle range and high LET make the microdosimetric approach more suitable than dosimetry to study TAT from first physics principles, as this approach takes into account the stochastic nature of energy deposition at cellular level

  13. Updating the INDAC computer application of internal dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bravo Perez-Tinao, B.; Marchena Gonzalez, P.; Sollet Sanudo, E.; Serrano Calvo, E.


    The initial objective of this project is to expand the application INDAC currently used in internal dosimetry services of the Spanish nuclear power plants and Tecnatom for estimating the effective doses of internal dosimetry of workers in direct action. or in-vivo dosimetry. (Author)

  14. Dosimetry methods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McLaughlin, W.L.; Miller, A.; Kovacs, A.


    Chemical and physical radiation dosimetry methods, used for the measurement of absorbed dose mainly during the practical use of ionizing radiation, are discussed with respect to their characteristics and fields of application....

  15. Validez de una prueba rápida dual para detección de VIH/sífilis en tres delegaciones del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS

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    M.O. Coreño Juárez


    Full Text Available A pesar de que existen muchas pruebas para realizar tamiz para la detección de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH o para sífilis, hasta el momento en nuestro país no se ha evaluado una prueba dual que permita disminuir las oportunidades perdidas para la detección de ambas enfermedades. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la confiabilidad de una prueba rápida dual de tamiz para la detección de VIH y sífilis en población derechohabiente de tres delegaciones del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico que permitió conocer el valor diagnóstico de la prueba, a través de la determinación de sus valores de sensibilidad y especificidad, con la finalidad de evaluar su uso como prueba de tamizaje para la infección por el VIH/sida y para sífilis, con una tasa de detección similar a la de las pruebas convencionales utilizadas por separado.



    Garcia, Afrânio; UERJ


    O professor Adilson Citelli, em seu excelente livro Linguageme persuasão, apresenta cinco tipos de discurso:§ discurso dominante§ discurso autorizado§ discurso polêmico,§ discurso lúdico§ discurso autoritário.

  17. Radiation dosimetry in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stabin, M.G.; Tagesson, M.; Ljungberg, M.; Strand, S.E.; Thomas, S.R.


    Radionuclides are used in nuclear medicine in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A knowledge of the radiation dose received by different organs in the body is essential to an evaluation of the risks and benefits of any procedure. In this paper, current methods for internal dosimetry are reviewed, as they are applied in nuclear medicine. Particularly, the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) system for dosimetry is explained, and many of its published resources discussed. Available models representing individuals of different age and gender, including those representing the pregnant woman are described; current trends in establishing models for individual patients are also evaluated. The proper design of kinetic studies for establishing radiation doses for radiopharmaceuticals is discussed. An overview of how to use information obtained in a dosimetry study, including that of the effective dose equivalent (ICRP 30) and effective dose (ICRP 60), is given. Current trends and issues in internal dosimetry, including the calculation of patient-specific doses and in the use of small scale and microdosimetry techniques, are also reviewed

  18. Evaluación de la validez y confiabilidad de una prueba diagnóstica

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    José H. Donis Hernández


    Full Text Available En esta revisión se discuten, de manera resumida, los conceptos fundamentales de lo que significa la validez de una prueba a través de sus índices, como son la sensibilidad y especificidad, consideradas como propiedades intrínsecas de una prueba diagnóstica. Así mismo, se exponen los conceptos fundamentales de los valores predictivos positivos y negativos en la práctica clínica y su asociación con la prevalencia de la enfermedad estudiada. Seguidamente se analizan las razones de verosimilitud o de probabilidad, las cuales, como su nombre lo indica, son razones que evidencian con qué frecuencia un individuo padece una enfermedad, cuando son positivas, en relación con otro individuo que no la padece, la cual también es positiva Adicionalmente, se evaluan las curvas ROC como una metodología para categorizar en forma dicotómica es decir, positivos o negativos, aquellas pruebas con valores en escala continua. Finalmente, se discute la confiabilidad de una prueba, parámetro de gran valor en la veracidad de cualquier prueba que se realice en forma cotidiana en la práctica clínica, ya que asegura la repetitividad de la misma en el sitio de su ejecución. Palabras clave: Sensibilidad, Especificidad, Valores predictivos, Razón de verosimilitud, Curvas ROC y Confiabilidad. Assessment of the validity and reliability of a diagnostic test Abstract This review is intended to explain briefly, the significance of the validity of a diagnostic test by using specific indicators such as: the sensitivity, and the specificity, which are considered as intrinsic properties of the test. Additionally, the fundamental concepts of positive and negative predictive values of a diagnostic test in the clinical practice, are described and highlighted, and their connection to the prevalence of a particular disease. The likelihood ratio, meaning how many times a healthy person suffers from a disease, in other words, the percentage of ill people diagnosed with a

  19. An IAEA Survey of Dosimetry Audit Networks for Radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grochowska, Paulina; Izewska, Joanna


    A Survey: In 2010, the IAEA undertook a task to investigate and review the coverage and operations of national and international dosimetry audit programmes for radiotherapy. The aim was to organize the global database describing the activities of dosimetry audit networks in radiotherapy. A dosimetry audit questionnaire has been designed at an IAEA consultants' meeting held in 2010 for organizations conducting various levels of dosimetry audits for radiotherapy. Using this questionnaire, a survey was conducted for the first time in 2010 and repeated in 2011. Request for information on different aspects of the dosimetry audit was included, such as the audit framework and resources, its coverage and scope, the dosimetry system used and the modes of audit operation, i.e. remotely and through on-site visits. The IAEA questionnaire was sent to over 80 organizations, members of the IAEA/WHO Network of Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDLs) and other organizations known for having operated dosimetry audits for radiotherapy in their countries or internationally. Survey results and discussion: In response to the IAEA survey, 53 organizations in 45 countries confirmed that they operate dosimetry audit services for radiotherapy. Mostly, audits are conducted nationally, however there are five organizations offering audits abroad, with two of them operating in various parts of the world and three of them at the regional level, auditing radiotherapy centres in neighbouring countries. The distribution of dosimetry audit services in the world is given. (author)

  20. Personnel neutron dosimetry at Department of Energy facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brackenbush, L.W.; Endres, G.W.R.; Selby, J.M.; Vallario, E.J.


    This study assesses the state of personnel neutron dosimetry at DOE facilities. A survey of the personnel dosimetry systems in use at major DOE facilities was conducted, a literature search was made to determine recent advances in neutron dosimetry, and several dosimetry experts were interviewed. It was concluded that personnel neutron dosimeters do not meet current needs and that serious problems exist now and will increase in the future if neutron quality factors are increased and/or dose limits are lowered

  1. Los datos de prueba: entre las patentes y el secreto comercial. Perspectivas a partir del análisis económico del derecho en el contexto de procesos de integración comercial

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    Juan Jacobo Calderón-Villegas


    Full Text Available El régimen de protección de los datos de prueba definido en algunos ordenamientos jurídicos domésticos e incorporado, asimismo, en los acuerdos de integración comercial, plantea la cuestión acerca del tipo de derechos que en realidad otorga o debería otorgar tal régimen. Esta pregunta se asocia con la definición acerca de si tales datos deben ser amparados por las garantías adscritas al derecho del secreto comercial o por aquellas vinculadas al derecho de patentes. Las normas que en la actualidad disciplinan tal materia sugieren la concurrencia de ambos sistemas de protección, y por esa vía y desde una perspectiva de análisis económico del derecho puede constatarse que existe una intensa acumulación de costos posiblemente ineficiente.

  2. Internal dosimetry hazard and risk assessments: methods and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, G.A.


    Routine internal dose exposures are typically (in the UK nuclear industry) less than external dose exposures: however, the costs of internal dosimetry monitoring programmes can be significantly greater than those for external dosimetry. For this reason decisions on when to apply routine monitoring programmes, and the nature of these programmes, can be more critical than for external dosimetry programmes. This paper describes various methods for performing hazard and risk assessments which are being developed by RWE NUKEM Limited Approved Dosimetry Services to provide an indication when routine internal dosimetry monitoring should be considered. (author)

  3. Radiation protection dosimetry in medicine - Report of the working group n.9 of the European radiation dosimetry group (EURADOS) - coordinated network for radiation dosimetry (CONRAD - contract EC N) fp6-12684; Dosimetrie pour la radioprotection en milieu medical - rapport du groupe de travail n. 9 du European radiation dosimetry group (EURADOS) - coordinated netword for radiation dosimetry (CONRAD - contrat CE fp6-12684)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report present the results achieved within the frame of the work the WP 7 (Radiation Protection Dosimetry of Medical Staff) of the coordination action CONRAD (Coordinated Network for Radiation Dosimetry) funded through the 6. EU Framework Program. This action was coordinated by EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group). EURADOS is an organization founded in 1981 to advance the scientific understanding and the technical development of the dosimetry of ionising radiation in the fields of radiation protection, radiobiology, radiation therapy and medical diagnosis by promoting collaboration between European laboratories. WP7 coordinates and promotes European research for the assessment of occupational exposures to staff in therapeutic and diagnostic radiology workplaces. Research is coordinated through sub-groups covering three specific areas: 1. Extremity dosimetry in nuclear medicine and interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in the specific fields of the hospitals and studies of doses to different parts of the hands, arms, legs and feet; 2. Practice of double dosimetry: this sub-group reviews and evaluates the different methods and algorithms for the use of dosemeters placed above and below lead aprons in large exposure during interventional radiology procedures, especially to determine effective doses to cardiologists during cardiac catheterization; and 3. Use of electronic personal dosemeters in interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in laboratories and hospitals, and intercomparisons with passive dosemeters with the aim to enable the formulation of standards. (authors)

  4. Neutron personnel dosimetry considerations for fusion reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barton, T.P.; Easterly, C.E.


    The increasing development of fusion reactor technology warrants an evaluation of personnel neutron dosimetry systems to aid in the concurrent development of a radiation protection program. For this reason, current state of knowledge neutron dosimeters have been reviewed with emphasis placed on practical utilization and the problems inherent in each type of dosimetry system. Evaluations of salient parameters such as energy response, latent image instability, and minimum detectable dose equivalent are presented for nuclear emulsion films, track etch techniques, albedo and other thermoluminescent dosimetry techniques, electrical conductivity damage effects, lyoluminescence, thermocurrent, and thermally stimulated exoelectron emission. Brief summaries of dosimetry regulatory requirements and intercomparison study results help to establish compliance and recent trends, respectively. Spectrum modeling data generated by the Neutron Physics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Princeton Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) Facility have been analyzed by both International Commission on Radiological Protection fluence to dose conversion factors and an adjoint technique of radiation dosimetry, in an attempt to determine the applicability of current neutron dosimetry systems to deuterium and tritium fusion reactor leakage spectra. Based on the modeling data, a wide range of neutron energies will probably be present in the leakage spectra of the TFTR facility, and no appreciable risk of somatic injury to occupationally exposed workers is expected. The relative dose contributions due to high energy and thermal neutrons indicate that neutron dosimetry will probably not be a serious limitation in the development of fusion power

  5. Accuracy Requirements in Medical Radiation Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreo, P.


    The need for adopting unambiguous terminology on 'accuracy in medical radiation dosimetry' which is consistent with international recommendations for metrology is emphasized. Uncertainties attainable, or the need for improving their estimates, are analysed for the fields of radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine dosimetry. This review centres on uncertainties related to the first step of the dosimetry chain in the three fields, which in all cases involves the use of a detector calibrated by a standards laboratory to determine absorbed dose, air kerma or activity under reference conditions in a clinical environment. (author)

  6. Characterization of commercial MOSFETS electron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvajal, M. A.; Simancas, F.; Guirado, D.; Banqueri, J.; Vilches, M.; Lallena, A. M.; Palma, A. J.


    In recent years there have been commercial dosimetry devices based on transistors Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOSFET) having a number of advantages over traditional systems for dosimetry in medical applications. These include the portability of the sensor element and a reading process quick and relatively simple dose, linearity, and so on. The use of electron beams is important in modern radiotherapy include its use in intra-operative radiotherapy (RIO). This paper presents an initial characterization of different business models MOSFET, not specific for radiation detection, to demonstrate their potential as sensors for electron beam dosimetry. (Author)

  7. Radiographic film orientation in radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchowerska, N.; Davison, A.; Drew, J.; Metcalfe, P.


    Since the discovery of x-rays, film has been used as a detection medium for radiation. More recently radiographic film has become established as a practical tool for the measurement of dose distribution in radiotherapy. The accuracy and reproducibility of film dosimetry depends on photon energy, processing conditions and film plane orientation. The relationship between photon energy, processing conditions and film dosimetry accuracy has been studied. The role of film plane orientation is still controversial. The current work aims to clarify the effects film plane orientation has on film dosimetry. Poster 205. (author)

  8. The personal dosimetry in Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salazar, M.A.


    The Personal Dosimetry in Mexico, has an approximately 30 year-old history; and it had been and it is at the moment, one of the more important resources with which the personnel that works with ionizing radiation sources counts for its protection. The Personal Dosimetry begins with the film dosimetry, technique that even continues being used at the present time by some users, and the main reason of its use is for economic reasons. At the moment this technique, it has been surpassed, by the Thermoluminescent dosimetry, which has taken a lot of peak, mainly by the technological development with which it is counted at the present time; what has given as a result that this technique becomes tip technology; that supported in the characteristic of the used materials, as the handling and processing of the information associated with the new PC, digitizer cards, software etc, what has allowed increases it potential. In this work the current necessities of the market are presented as well as an analysis of the future real necessities in Mexico, at national level, the companies that provide this service and that they spread to satisfy this necessity of the market, including the different used technologies are also mentioned. The application ranges, at the same time, of the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems of Personal Dosimetry in the market. The companies that at the moment provide the service of Personal Dosimetry, its use materials and equipment in indistinct form, for the monitoring of gamma radiation, beta particles, different qualities of x-ray radiation, and sometimes neutrons. The monitoring of the exposed personnel at the diverse sources of ionizing radiation mentioned is carried out in many occasions without having with the materials (detectors), neither the appropriate infrastructure and therefore without the quality control that guarantees a correct evaluation of the dose equivalent, as a result of the exposure to the ionizing radiations; it

  9. Report on external occupational dosimetry in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In light of the new recommendations of the ICRP in Report 60 on dose quantities and dose limits, this working group was set up to examine the implications for external dosimetry in Canada. The operational quantities proposed by the ICRU are discussed in detail with regard to their applicability in Canada. The current occupational dosimetry services available in Canada are described as well as the several performance intercomparisons that have been carried out within the country as well as internationally. Recommendations are given with respect to standards for dosimetry, including accuracy and precision. More practical advice is given on the choice of dosimeter to use for external dosimetry, frequency of monitoring, and who should be monitored. Specific advice is given on the monitoring of pregnant workers and problem of non-uniform irradiation. Accident and emergency dosimetry are dealt with briefly. Suggestions are given regarding record keeping both for employers and for the national dose registry. 48 refs., 6 tabs., 1 fig


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    Full Text Available Generalmente las pruebas de carga no hacen parte de la rutina de obras de cimentaciones ejecutadas en Suramérica, y cuando son ejecutadas, el análisis queda restringido a la determinación o estimación de la capacidad de carga de la fundación. No obstante, pueden hacerse otros análisis de modo que el calculista cuente con mayores elementos de juicio en lo referente al comportamiento de la cimentación. El presente articulo muestra un conjunto de análisis complementarios, que pueden ser hechos a partir de los resultados obtenidos para una prueba de carga teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento característico de cada suelo y los mecanismos de interacción entre la estructura de cimentación y el suelo de soporte, a partir del análisis de los resultados de pruebas de carga realizadas sobre pilotes ejecutados con hélice continua.

  11. Análisis de costes y ahorros potenciales relacionados con la utilización de pruebas preoperatorias en los hospitales de Canarias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López-Bastida J.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estimar el ahorro potencial que podría tener lugar en el Servicio Canario de Salud (SCS, a partir de una utilización apropiada científica de las pruebas preoperatorias, haciendo uso de la información obtenida de los 5 hospitales universitarios de la red pública. Métodos: Un total de 55 anestesiólogos (60% del SCS cumplimentaron un cuestionario. En éste se prestó especial atención a las pruebas preoperatorias más frecuentemente utilizadas, como la radiografía de tórax, el electrocardiograma, las pruebas de laboratorio y la espirometría. Los costes unitarios medios para las diferentes pruebas preoperatorias se obtuvieron de 2 hospitales participantes en el estudio. Para calcular los ahorros potenciales derivados del uso apropiado de las pruebas preoperatorias se han considerado varios escenarios caracterizados por diferentes hipótesis o grados de cumplimiento de un protocolo basado en el conocimiento científico, considerado como parámetro de referencia. Resultados: En el caso ideal de que se cumpliera el protocolo científico recomendado en el 100% de los 16.179 pacientes considerados ASA I y II, la repercusión económica sería notable, pues supondría una liberación de recursos sensible que podría ser utilizada para otros programas de salud. Estas cifras podrían alcanzar aproximadamente los 1,02 millones de euros, sin considerar el coste de la estancia preoperatoria. Esta cifra podría incrementarse hasta, aproximadamente, los 2,13 millones de euros si incluimos un día de estancia preoperatoria, y hasta los 3,24 millones de euros incluyendo 2 días de estancia preoperatoria. Conclusiones: La revisión reciente de la literatura científica y los resultados proporcionados por el cuestionario aplicado en el SCS indican que las pruebas preoperatorias alcanzan los mayores beneficios para los pacientes y para la sociedad si se guían por el conocimiento científico. Es posible, además, liberar recursos a partir de una

  12. ESR/tooth enamel dosimetry application to Chernobyl case: individual retrospective dosimetry of the liquidators and wild animals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugai, A.; Baryakchtar, V.G.; Baran, N.


    ESR/tooth enamel dosimetry technique was used for individual retrospective dosimetry of the servicemen who had worked in 1986-1987 at the liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. For 18 investigated cases, the values varied from 0,10 (sensitivity limit) to 1,75 Gy. The same technique was used for individual dosimetry of wild animals boars, red deers, elks) hunted at contaminated 30-km area around the Chernobyl Power Plant. Measured values varied from 0,20 to 5,0 Gy/year and were compared with calculated for external and internal irradiation

  13. Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roettger, H.


    This volume of the proceedings of the symposium on reactor dosimetry covers the following topics: the metallurgy and dosimetry interface, radiation damage correlations of structural materials and damage analyses techniques, dosimetry for fusion materials, light water reactor pressure vessel surveillance in practice and irradiation experiments, fast reactor and reseach reactor characterization

  14. Glucinium dosimetry in beryl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kremer, M.


    The application of the method developed by Kolthoff and Sandell (1928) for the dosimetry of glucinium (beryllium) in beryl gives non-reproducible results with up to 20% discrepancies. This method recommends to separate beryllium and aluminium using 8 hydroxyquinoline and then to directly precipitate glucinium in the filtrate using ammonia. One possible reason of the problems generated by this method should be the formation of a volatile complex between beryllium and the oxine. This work shows that when the oxine is eliminated before the precipitation with ammonia the dosimetry of beryllium becomes accurate. The destruction of the oxine requires the dry evaporation of the filtrate, which is a long process. Thus the search for a reagent allowing the quantitative precipitation of beryllium in its solutions and in presence of oxine has been made. It has been verified also that the quantitative precipitation of the double beryllium and ammonium phosphate is not disturbed by the oxine in acetic buffer. This method, which gives good results, has also the advantage to separate beryllium from the alkaline-earth compounds still present in the filtrate. The report details the operation mode of the method: beryllium dosimetry using ammonium phosphate, aluminium-beryllium separation, application to beryl dosimetry (ore processing, insolubilization of silica, precipitation with ammonia, precipitation with oxine, precipitation of PO 4 NH 4 Gl, preciseness). (J.S.)

  15. Proceedings of the 5. symposium on neutron dosimetry. Beam dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schraube, H.; Burger, G.; Booz, J.


    Proceedings of the fifth symposium on neutron dosimetry, organized at Neuherberg, 17-21 September 1984, by the Commission of the European Communities and the GSF Neuherberg, with the co-sponsorship of the US Department of Energy, Office of Health and Environmental Research. The proceedings deal with research on concepts, instruments and methods in radiological protection for neutrons and mixed neutron-gamma fields, including the generation, collection and evaluation of new dosimetric data, the derivation of relevant radiation protection quantitites, and the harmonization of experimental methods and instrumentation by intercomparison programmes. Besides radiation protection monitoring, the proceedings also report on the improvement of neutron beam dosimetry in the fields of radiobiology and radiation therapy

  16. Standardized physics-dosimetry for US pressure vessel cavity surveillance programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruddy, F.H.; McElroy, W.N.; Lippincott, E.P.


    This paper summarizes the applications of ASTM standard methods, guides and practices to define the selection and deployment of recommended dosimetry sets, the selection of dosimetry capsules and thermal neutron shields, the placement of dosimetry, the methods of measurement of dosimetry sensor reaction products, data analysis procedures, and uncertainty evaluation procedures. It also describes the validation of these standards both by in-reactor testing of advanced PV cavity surveillance physics-dosimetry and by data development. The use of these standards to guide selection and development of advanced dosimetry sets for commercial reactors is also summarized. (Auth.)

  17. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  18. Cross sections required for FMIT dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gold, R.; McElroy, W.N.; Lippincott, E.P.; Mann, F.M.; Oberg, D.L.; Roberts, J.H.; Ruddy, F.H.


    The Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) facility, currently under construction, is designed to produce a high flux of high energy neutrons for irradiation effects experiments on fusion reactor materials. Characterization of the flux-fluence-spectrum in this rapidly varying neutron field requires adaptation and extension of currently available dosimetry techniques. This characterization will be carried out by a combination of active, passive, and calculational dosimetry. The goal is to provide the experimenter with accurate neutron flux-fluence-spectra at all positions in the test cell. Plans have been completed for a number of experimental dosimetry stations and provision for these facilities has been incorporated into the FMIT design. Overall needs of the FMIT irradiation damage program delineate goal accuracies for dosimetry that, in turn, create new requirements for high energy neutron cross section data. Recommendations based on these needs have been derived for required cross section data and accuracies

  19. Special workshop on lung dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisher, D.R.


    A Special Workshop on Lung Dosimetry was convened in Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 21-22, 1982, to stimulate the use of improved radiation dosimetry and to formulate a stronger basis for dose-response relationships for inhaled radionuclides. The two-day workshop was held in conjunction with the 30th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Publication is planned

  20. Dosimetry of internal emitters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Dosimetry of Internal Emitter Program endeavors to refine the correlation between radiation dose and observed biological effects. The program is presently engaged in the development of studies that will demonstrate the applicability of microdosimetry models developed under the Microdosimetry of Internal Sources Program. The program also provides guidance and assistance to Pacific Northwest Laboratory's Biology Department in the dosimetric analysis of internally deposited radionuclides. This report deals with alpha particle dosimetry plutonium 239 inhalation, and in vitro studies of chromosomal observations

  1. Nuclear medicine radiation dosimetry

    CERN Document Server

    McParland, Brian J


    Complexities of the requirements for accurate radiation dosimetry evaluation in both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine (including PET) have grown over the past decade. This is due primarily to four factors: growing consideration of accurate patient-specific treatment planning for radionuclide therapy as a means of improving the therapeutic benefit, development of more realistic anthropomorphic phantoms and their use in estimating radiation transport and dosimetry in patients, design and use of advanced Monte Carlo algorithms in calculating the above-mentioned radiation transport and

  2. Information from the Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    Please note the following opening hours of the Service: In June: Every morning from 8:30 to 12:00 In July: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 to 11:30 Closed all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays From 31st July onwards: Every morning from 8:30 to 12:00 The Service is closed in the afternoons. We should like to remind you that dosimeters cannot be sent to customers by internal mail. Short-term dosimeters (VCTs) must always be returned to the Service after use and must not be left on the racks in the experimental areas or in the secretariats. Dosimetry Service Tel 72155 Bldg. 24 E 011


    CERN Multimedia


    Personnel in the distribution groups Aleph, Delphi, L3, Opal who also work for other experiments than at LEP, should contact their dispatchers to explain their activities for the future, after LEP dismantling in order to be maintained on the regular distribution list at Individual DosimetryWe inform all staff and users under regular dosimetric control that the dosimeters for the monitoring period MAY/JUNE will be available from their usual dispatchers on Tuesday 2 May.Please have your films changed before the 12 May.The colour of the dosimeter valid in is MAY/JUNE is YELLOW.Individual Dosimetry Service will be closed on Friday 28 April.

  4. Dosimetry system of the RB reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lolic, B.; Vukadin, D.


    Although RB reactor is operated at very low power levels, safety and dosimetry systems have high importance. This paper shows detailed dosimetry system with fundamental typical components. Estimated radiation doses dependent on reactor power are given at some characteristic points in the rooms nearby reactor

  5. Experimental verification of internal dosimetry calculations. Annual progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During the past year a dosimetry research program has been established in the School of Nuclear Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The major objective of this program has been to provide research results upon which a useful internal dosimetry system could be based. The important application of this dosimetry system will be the experimental verification of internal dosimetry calculations such as those published by the MIRD Committee

  6. LA PRUEBA DOCUMENTADA EN EL NUEVO SISTEMA DE JUSTICIA PENAL MEXICANO Documented proof in the new Mexican criminal justice system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benavente Chorres Hesbert


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza los supuestos de prueba documentada regulados en aquellos códigos de las entidades federativas mexicanas que han adecuado el proceso penal al sistema acusatorio con tendencia adversarial. En ese sentido, se entiende por prueba documentada aquellas diligencias, principalmente declaraciones, realizadas durante la etapa de investigación que la ley otorga valor probatorio al no poder asistir el órgano de prueba a la audiencia del juicio oral por razones ajenas a su voluntad.This study analyzes the cases of the documented proof in those codes regulated the Mexican states that have appropriate criminal proceedings prone to adversarial system. In that sense, it is understood by those measures documented evidence, primarily statements made during the investigation stage that the law gives the probative value could not attend the court hearing to test the trial for reasons beyond their control.

  7. Dosimetry: an ARDENT topic

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The first annual ARDENT workshop took place in Vienna from 20 to 23 November. The workshop gathered together the Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) and their supervisors, plus other people involved from all the participating institutions.   “The meeting, which was organised with the local support of the Austrian Institute of Technology, was a nice opportunity for the ESRs to get together, meet each other, and present their research plans and some preliminary results of their work,” says Marco Silari, a member of CERN Radiation Protection Group and the scientist in charge of the programme. Two full days were devoted to a training course on radiation dosimetry, delivered by renowned experts. The workshop closed with a half-day visit to the MedAustron facility in Wiener Neustadt. ARDENT (Advanced Radiation Dosimetry European Network Training) is a Marie Curie ITN project funded under EU FP7 with €4 million. The project focuses on radiation dosimetry exploiting se...

  8. Neutron dosimetry in biology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sigurbjoernsson, B.; Smith, H.H.; Gustafsson, A.


    To study adequately the biological effects of different energy neutrons it is necessary to have high-intensity sources which are not contaminated by other radiations, the most serious of which are gamma rays. An effective dosimetry must provide an accurate measure of the absorbed dose, in biological materials, of each type of radiation at any reactor facility involved in radiobiological research. A standardized biological dosimetry, in addition to physical and chemical methods, may be desirable. The ideal data needed to achieve a fully documented dosimetry has been compiled by H. Glubrecht: (1) Energy spectrum and intensity of neutrons; (2) Angular distribution of neutrons on the whole surface of the irradiated object; (3) Additional undesired radiation accompanying the neutrons; (4) Physical state and chemical composition of the irradiated object. It is not sufficient to note only an integral dose value (e.g. in 'rad') as the biological effect depends on the above data

  9. Funcionamiento psicofisiológico y susceptibilidad a la sintomatología premenstrual en mujeres Tipo A y Tipo B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesc Palmero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en explorar el papel que juega el componente emocional del Patrón de Conducta Tipo A (PCTA en diversas áreas relacionadas con la salud. En este contexto nuestra investigación desarrolla dos objetivos diferenciados. El primero trata de constatar la relación entre determinadas características del PCTA y el mecanismo psicofisiológico en una tarea experimental de estrés real (situación de examen, considerando si existen diferencias entre los dos grupos de personas, Tipo A y Tipo B, tanto en la dimensión tónica como en la dimensión fásica de la tasa cardiaca. El segundo de nuestros objetivos trata de establecer la relación existente entre determinadas características del PCTA y la experiencia de sintomatología relacionada con el ciclo menstrual, considerando tanto la sintomatología premenstrual global, como la sintomatología premenstrual específica, diferenciando tres grandes grupos de síntomas: fisiológicos, psicológicos y conductuales. La muestra final estuvo conformada por 28 mujeres Tipo A y 29 mujeres Tipo B. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el inventario de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS, el calendario menstrual de síntomas de registro diario (CMSRD y un polígrafo que permitió registrar la tasa cardiaca. En cuanto a nuestro primer objetivo, los datos hacen pensar en la existencia de distintos perfiles psicofisiológicos en ambos grupos de mujeres; en el segundo objetivo, parece que las mujeres Tipo A experimentan de forma clara más síntomas psicológicos que las mujeres Tipo B.

  10. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL's Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL's Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database

  11. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL’s Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database.

  12. Dosimetry techniques applied to thermoluminescent age estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erramli, H.


    The reliability and the ease of the field application of the measuring techniques of natural radioactivity dosimetry are studied. The natural radioactivity in minerals in composed of the internal dose deposited by alpha and beta radiations issued from the sample itself and the external dose deposited by gamma and cosmic radiations issued from the surroundings of the sample. Two technics for external dosimetry are examined in details. TL Dosimetry and field gamma dosimetry. Calibration and experimental conditions are presented. A new integrated dosimetric method for internal and external dose measure is proposed: the TL dosimeter is placed in the soil in exactly the same conditions as the sample ones, during a time long enough for the total dose evaluation [fr

  13. Report on high energy neutron dosimetry workshop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvar, K.R.; Gavron, A.


    The workshop was called to assess the performance of neutron dosimetry per the responses from ten DOE accelerator facilities to an Office of Energy Research questionnaire regarding implementation of a personnel dosimetry requirement in DRAFT DOE 5480.ACC, ''Safety of Accelerator Facilities''. The goals of the workshop were to assess the state of dosimetry at high energy accelerators and if such dosimetry requires improvement, to reach consensus on how to proceed with such improvements. There were 22 attendees, from DOE Programs and contract facilities, DOE, Office of Energy Research (ER), Office of Environmental Safety and Health (EH), Office of Fusion Energy, and the DOE high energy accelerator facilities. A list of attendees and the meeting agenda are attached. Copies of the presentations are also attached

  14. Rendimiento de los titulados en psicología en las pruebas de acceso de PIR

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    Eva Expósito-Casas

    Full Text Available Resumen Entre las titulaciones más demandadas por parte de los futuros estudiantes universitarios, figura el Grado en Psicología. Este interés ha traído consigo un incremento de la oferta de plazas en los últimos años, tanto en universidades públicas como privadas, y, consecuentemente, un aumento del número de egresados con dicho perfil académico/profesional. Dentro de las posibles salidas profesionales de estos titulados, se encuentra el acceso al Sistema Nacional de Salud. Para ello, los candidatos deben superar previamente las pruebas selectivas de acceso a plazas de formación sanitaria especializada, tras lo cual, aquellos que obtienen plaza, se incorporan al sistema de formación de posgrado en régimen de residencia (Psicólogo Interno Residente -PIR-. El presente trabajo analiza el rendimiento de los egresados de las distintas Facultades de Psicología españolas en las pruebas de acceso al Sistema Nacional de Salud durante el periodo 2013-2016, y las posibles diferencias en función de variables como el tamaño o la titularidad de las universidades. El carácter nacional de la convocatoria y la objetividad de las pruebas, hacen posible evaluar el impacto educativo y laboral de estas instituciones, incorporando al enfoque de la rendición de cuentas una dimensión social.

  15. Results from 2010 Caliban Criticality Dosimetry Intercomparison

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veinot, K. G.


    The external dosimetry program participated in a criticality dosimetry intercomparison conducted at the Caliban facility in Valduc, France in 2010. Representatives from the dosimetry and instrumentation groups were present during testing which included irradiations of whole-body beta/gamma (HBGT) and neutron thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), a fixed nuclear accident dosimeter (FNAD), electronic alarming dosimeters, and a humanoid phantom filled with reference man concentrations of sodium. This report reviews the testing procedures, preparations, irradiations, and presents results of the tests.

  16. Reactor Dosimetry State of the Art 2008 (United States)

    Voorbraak, Wim; Debarberis, Luigi; D'Hondt, Pierre; Wagemans, Jan


    Oral session 1: Retrospective dosimetry. Retrospective dosimetry of VVER 440 reactor pressure vessel at the 3rd unit of Dukovany NPP / M. Marek ... [et al.]. Retrospective dosimetry study at the RPV of NPP Greifswald unit 1 / J. Konheiser ... [et al.]. Test of prototype detector for retrospective neutron dosimetry of reactor internals and vessel / K. Hayashi ... [et al.]. Neutron doses to the concrete vessel and tendons of a magnox reactor using retrospective dosimetry / D. A. Allen ... [et al.]. A retrospective dosimetry feasibility study for Atucha I / J. Wagemans ... [et al.]. Retrospective reactor dosimetry with zirconium alloy samples in a PWR / L. R. Greenwood and J. P. Foster -- Oral session 2: Experimental techniques. Characterizing the Time-dependent components of reactor n/y environments / P. J. Griffin, S. M. Luker and A. J. Suo-Anttila. Measurements of the recoil-ion response of silicon carbide detectors to fast neutrons / F. H. Ruddy, J. G. Seidel and F. Franceschini. Measurement of the neutron spectrum of the HB-4 cold source at the high flux isotope reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory / J. L. Robertson and E. B. Iverson. Feasibility of cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy for dose rate monitoring on nuclear reactor / H. Tomita ... [et al.]. Measuring transistor damage factors in a non-stable defect environment / D. B. King ... [et al.]. Neutron-detection based monitoring of void effects in boiling water reactors / J. Loberg ... [et al.] -- Poster session 1: Power reactor surveillance, retrospective dosimetry, benchmarks and inter-comparisons, adjustment methods, experimental techniques, transport calculations. Improved diagnostics for analysis of a reactor pulse radiation environment / S. M. Luker ... [et al.]. Simulation of the response of silicon carbide fast neutron detectors / F. Franceschini, F. H. Ruddy and B. Petrović. NSV A-3: a computer code for least-squares adjustment of neutron spectra and measured dosimeter responses / J. G

  17. Reação de resistência tipo I e tipo II a Giberela em cultivares de trigo

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    Rafael Hansen Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as reações de resistência tipo I e tipo II à giberela em 28 cultivares de trigo em casa de vegetação. A inoculação de Fusarium graminearum foi realizada no estádio de florescimento. Para a resistência tipo I, a avaliação foi feita 21 dias após a inoculação. Foi determinada a severidade no estádio de espiga seca e a porcentagem de grãos giberelados. A avaliação da severidade foi feita pela porcentagem de espiguetas infectadas, no estádio de espiga verde atribuindo-se uma nota em uma escala linear de zero (nenhuma infecção a 100 (100% de espiguetas infectadas. Para a resistência tipo II, as avaliações foram realizadas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a inoculação, contando-se as espiguetas com sintomas da doença, excluindo as duas espiguetas que foram inoculadas. As cultivares Frontana, BRS 177, BRS 179, BRS Umbu, BRS Camboim, Abalone, Ônix, Pampeano e Fundacep 30 apresentaram menor severidade da doença e menor porcentagem de grãos giberelados, demonstrando serem fontes de resistência tipo I. As cultivares BRS Guamirim, CD 120, Onix, Rubi, Fundacep 50, BRS 179, Pampeano, Abalone, CD 114, IPR 85, Safira, BRS Louro, CD 117, CDF 2002116, CD 115, BRS 177, CD 0529 e BRS Camboim apresentaram a menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença, demonstrando a presença da resistência do tipo II.

  18. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    CERN Document Server

    Cooper, J R


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual.

  19. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    COOPER, J.R.


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual

  20. Hanford internal dosimetry program manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carbaugh, E.H.; Sula, M.J.; Bihl, D.E.; Aldridge, T.L.


    This document describes the Hanford Internal Dosimetry program. Program Services include administrating the bioassay monitoring program, evaluating and documenting assessments of internal exposure and dose, ensuring that analytical laboratories conform to requirements, selecting and applying appropriate models and procedures for evaluating internal radionuclide deposition and the resulting dose, and technically guiding and supporting Hanford contractors in matters regarding internal dosimetry. 13 refs., 16 figs., 42 tabs

  1. La prueba de decisión léxica como herramienta para ubicar al estudiante de español en los programas universitarios

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    Marta Fairclough


    Full Text Available La prueba de decisión léxica ha demostrado ser una medida práctica para medir la habilidad global en un idioma. El presente estudio intenta medir cuán efectiva resulta la prueba de decisión léxica con dos grupos de estudiantes universitarios bilingües en inglés y español, pertenecientes a cuatro niveles diferentes. Para diseñar la prueba se utilizó un diccionario de frecuencia del español (Davies, 2006. En una lista de doscientos ítemes, que incluía palabras reales e inventadas, los participantes marcaron solamente aquellas cuyo significado conocían. A modo de comparación se usó un cloze-test. Los resultados de este estudio piloto muestran una alta correlación entre las dos medidas y sugieren que la prueba de decisión léxica resulta ser una herramienta de evaluación válida, económica, fácil de administrar y de corregir.

  2. Las chicas en PISA y el marcado de casillas. Un examen de la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre las pruebas PISA

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    Gerry Mac Ruairc


    Full Text Available El artículo se mueve desde el análisis a nivel macro a la perspectiva de los estudiantes en las pruebas PISA. Mientras que está empíricamente bien establecido el alto nivel de correlación entre el nivel educativo y el nivel socioeconómico de los estudiantes, en este estudio el autor pretende analizar cómo los estudiantes socio-económicamente desfavorecidos reaccionan a las pruebas y participan en el proceso. Para ello, es importante tener en cuenta los puntos de vista de los propios estudiantes. Al examinar los puntos de vista de los estudiantes en las pruebas de PISA en un estudio de caso, el autor ofrece una visión de cómo un grupo de chicas de clase trabajadora, procedente de una escuela de un área urbana desfavorecida, experimentó en la evaluación PISA (2009 en la República de Irlanda. El análisis temático de las entrevistas y las transcripciones a los grupos focales revelaron dos cuestiones: para la mayoría de los estudiantes, pero especialmente para aquellos con necesidades educativas especiales, se sintieron estresados por el contenido y la dificultad de los ítems; por su parte, los estudiantes se limitaban simplemente a los requisitos exigidos de completar la prueba en el tiempo establecido, con sus implicaciones para su validez. Se concluye con la necesidad de un enfoque más proactivo de apoyo a los estudiantes y un modelo más matizado de la evaluación en las futuras pruebas PISA para tener en cuenta las diferencias de clase social.

  3. Diseño de un equipo de pruebas rápidas para aceites usados

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    Juan Carlos Delgado Sanabria


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar el proceso de diseño y la construcción de un equipo de pruebas rápidas para el análisis de aceites usados de motores. El equipo que permite evaluar el estado de degradación y contaminación de una muestra de aceite usado mediante los ensayos de crepitación, mancha de aceite, viscosidad y contenido de partículas consta de cuatro aparatos: placa de calentamiento, generador de manchas, viscosímetro de caída de bolas y detector de partículas ferrosas. El aporte fundamental del trabajo lo constituyen los dispositivos y métodos ideados tanto para medir con exactitud el tiempo de caída de la esfera del viscosímetro de bolas como para la detección de partículas ferromagnéticas. El equipo ha producido resultados satisfactorios comparados con los obtenidos en pruebas de laboratorio.

  4. Factores Asociados a la realización de una prueba de detección de VIH en estudiantes universitarios.

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    Cindy Alcarraz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar factores asociados a la realización de la prueba de detección de infección por VIH en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos (UNMSM. Diseño: Estudio transversal. Lugar: Campus Universitario, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Facultad de Medicina. Participantes: Estudiantes regulares de pregrado de la UNMSM en el periodo 2008-I. Intervenciones: Cuestionario estructurado de 63 ítems, realizándose un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se aplicaron los programas SPSS v.15.0 para Windows® y EpiDat v.3.1. Principales medidas de resultados: Frecuencias de las variables de estudio y Odds Ratio con IC al 95%. Resultados: Se encuestó a 368 estudiantes (59,3% varones y 40,7% mujeres. El 54,4% ya había iniciado su vida sexual; 49,5% de éstos, antes de los 18 años. Sólo 33 (9% afirmaron haberse realizado anteriormente una prueba de detección de infección por VIH, mientras que 310 (84,2% la consideraron necesaria. Los hombres mostraron mayor probabilidad de someterse a la prueba diagnóstica de infección por VIH en comparación a las mujeres (OR: 2.77, IC 95%: 1.17-6.55. Se encontró relación con el hecho de haberse sometido anteriormente a la prueba de VIH, en aquellos que ya han iniciado su vida sexual y en los que han tenido 5 o más parejas sexuales (OR: 3.44, IC 95%: 1.45-8.14; OR: 3.03, IC 95%: 1.14-8.09, en comparación a los que aún no han tenido relaciones sexuales, y a los que han tenido 1 o 2 parejas, respectivamente. Conclusión: Los factores que se asociaron a mayor probabilidad de realizarse la prueba de VIH fueron la vida sexual activa y el número elevado de parejas sexuales.

  5. Uncertainty analysis of dosimetry spectrum unfolding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perey, F.G.


    The propagation of uncertainties in the input data is analyzed for the usual dosimetry unfolding solution. A new formulation of the dosimetry unfolding problem is proposed in which the most likely value of the spectrum is obtained. The relationship of this solution to the usual one is discussed


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    Felipe Marín Verdugo


    Full Text Available Los procedimientos judiciales chilenos han sufrido importantes cambios en las últimas dos décadas. Han transitado desde un sistema escrito a uno por audiencias. Esto ha significado un nuevo diseño de la audiencia de juicio y en particular, de las reglas de la prueba. El alcance de estos cambios no es aun totalmente comprendido, lo que permite la sobrevivencia de algunas prácticas del sistema escrito anterior dentro del nuevo. Este trabajo identifica una de ellas, que consiste en la exclusión de las partes como testigos en sus propios juicios. Se explicará cuál fue el fundamento de esta exclusión en el sistema escrito anterior y cómo éste ha sido superado en varios ordenamientos comparados. Se sostendrá que en el contexto de los nuevos sistemas por audiencias chilenos, en los que el juez debe valorar la prueba en concreto, dicha exclusión carece de sentido y las partes deben ser admitidas para declarar voluntariamente. Se sostendrá también que las nuevas reglas de la prueba lo permiten, analizándolas pormenorizadamente. Asimismo se contestará a los argumentos esgrimidos para justificar la mantención de esta exclusión y finalmente, se propondrá una manera de rendir la declaración de la parte como testigo en conformidad a las nuevas reglas de la prueba.During the last two decades, the Chilean judicial procedures have undergone an important reform process. It went from a written procedure to a hearing-based procedure. This change involved a new design for the trial hearing and, in particular, for the rules of evidence. The meaning of these changes is not yet well understood, making it easier for the survival of former practices of the written system within the new hearing-based system. This paper identifies on of them, which is the exclusion of parties as witnesses. The paper explains the reasons of the origin of this rule of exclusion in the former written procedure and how it was subsequently overcome in several comparative

  7. GENII: The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System: Volume 2, Users' manual: Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Napier, B.A.; Peloquin, R.A.; Strenge, D.L.; Ramsdell, J.V.


    The Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project was undertaken to incorporate the internal dosimetry models recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in updated versions of the environmental pathway analysis models used at Hanford. The resulting second generation of Hanford environmental dosimetry computer codes is compiled in the Hanford Environmental Dosimetry System (Generation II, or GENII). The purpose of this coupled system of computer codes is to analyze environmental contamination of, air, water, or soil. This is accomplished by calculating radiation doses to individuals or populations. GENII is described in three volumes of documentation. This second volume is a Users' Manual, providing code structure, users' instructions, required system configurations, and QA-related topics. The first volume describes the theoretical considerations of the system. The third volume is a Code Maintenance Manual for the user who requires knowledge of code detail. It includes logic diagrams, global dictionary, worksheets, example hand calculations, and listings of the code and its associated data libraries. 27 refs., 17 figs., 23 tabs

  8. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    COOPER, J.R.


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual.

  9. Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry

    CERN Document Server

    Attix, Frank Herbert


    A straightforward presentation of the broad concepts underlying radiological physics and radiation dosimetry for the graduate-level student. Covers photon and neutron attenuation, radiation and charged particle equilibrium, interactions of photons and charged particles with matter, radiotherapy dosimetry, as well as photographic, calorimetric, chemical, and thermoluminescence dosimetry. Includes many new derivations, such as Kramers X-ray spectrum, as well as topics that have not been thoroughly analyzed in other texts, such as broad-beam attenuation and geometrics, and the reciprocity theorem

  10. Sixth international radiopharmaceutical dosimetry symposium: Proceedings. Volume 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    S.-Stelson, A.T. [ed.] [comp.; Stabin, M.G.; Sparks, R.B. [eds.; Smith, F.B. [comp.


    This conference was held May 7--10 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The purpose of this conference was to provide a multidisciplinary forum for exchange of state-of-the-art information on radiopharmaceutical dosimetry. Attention is focused on the following: quantitative analysis and treatment planning; cellular and small-scale dosimetry; dosimetric models; radiopharmaceutical kinetics and dosimetry; and animal models, extrapolation, and uncertainty.

  11. Método predictivo de volatilidad tipo cambio

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    Jeffrey Viales Abellán


    Full Text Available Las series temporales descritas por precios de ciertos activos financieros tales como el de las acciones y divisas presentan dos principales características, excesos de kurtosis y clustering de volatilidad. Para recoger estas características se han utilizado modelos no lineales tales como los modelos Garch o Volatilidad Condicionada y los modelos de Volatilidad Estocástica, ambos tipos de modelo son empleados para la gestión del riesgo cambiario a corto plazo; el primer tipo de modelos definen la volatilidad en función de la misma volatilidad rezagada y de los shocks (innovaciones de volatilidad; el segundo tipo de modelos son similares a los modelos Garch con la variante de que la volatilidad incluye por si misma un término aleatorio de tipo proceso Wienner2; estos modelos son empleados para simular caminatas aleatorias del tipo de cambio con volatilidades simuladas por las ecuación estocásticas de volatilidad.En el presente trabajo se analizará el desempeño del modelo Garch en comparación a las medidas de volatilidad utilizadas actualmente para la gestión del riesgo cambiario; sus implicaciones para la gestión de riesgos.

  12. Proceedings of the recent developments in radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhat, Nagesh; Palani Selvan, T.


    Whilst 'Dosimetry' in its original sense deals with methods for a quantitative determination of energy deposited in a given medium by directly or indirectly ionizing radiations, the term is better known as a scientific sub-specialty in the fields of health physics and medical physics, where it is the calculation and assessment of the radiation dose received by the human body. Dosimetry is used extensively for radiation protection and is routinely applied to ensure radiological safety of occupational radiation workers. Internal dosimetry due to the ingestion or inhalation of radioactive materials relies on a variety of physiological or imaging techniques. External dosimetry, due to irradiation from an external source is based on measurements with a dosimeter, or inferred from other radiological protection instruments. Radiation dosimetry is one of the important research areas of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). This research work is centered on the facilities such as nuclear reactors, reprocessing plants, high energy accelerators (research/industry/medical), radiation standards, food processing, radiation technology development, etc. In each of these facilities, radiation field environment is different and the associated dosimetry concepts are different. Papers relevant to INIS are indexed separately

  13. Quality control through dosimetry at a contract radiation processing facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Plessis, T.A.; Roediger, A.H.A.


    Reliable dosimetry procedures constitute a very important part of process control and quality assurance at a contract gamma radiation processing facility that caters for a large variety of different radiation applications. The choice, calibration and routine intercalibration of the dosimetry systems employed form the basis of a sound dosimetry policy in radiation processing. With the dosimetric procedures established, detailed dosimetric mapping of the irradiator upon commissioning (and whenever source modifications take place) is carried out to determine the radiation processing characteristics and peformance of the plant. Having established the irradiator parameters, routine dosimetry procedures, being part of the overall quality control measures, are employed. In addition to routine dosimetry, independent monitoring of routine dosimetry is performed on a bi-monthly basis and the results indicate a variation of better than 3%. On an annaul basis the dosimetry systems are intercalibrated through at least one primary standard dosimetry laboratory and to date a variation of better than 5% has been experienced. The company also participates in the Pilot Dose Assurance Service of the International Atomic Energy Agency, using the alanine/ESR dosimetry system. Routine calibration of the instrumentation employed is carried out on a regular basis. Detailed permanent records are compiled on all dosimetric and instrumentation calibrations, and the routine dosimetry employed at the plant. Certificates indicating the measured absorbed radiation doses are issued on request and in many cases are used for the dosimetric release of sterilized medical and pharmaceutical products. These procedures, used by Iso-Ster at its industrial gamma radiation facility, as well as the experience built up over a number of years using radiation dosimetry for process control and quality assurance are discussed. (author)

  14. Parâmetros de desempenho e carcaça de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.C. Veloso


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as características de desempenho e de carcaça de sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Os frangos foram alojados em 28 boxes, sendo 30 frangos por boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², em quatro repetições. As características de desempenho (conversão alimentar, ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário foram avaliadas nos períodos: um a 28, um a 56, um a 70 e um a 84 dias de idade. O peso corporal foi avaliado aos 28, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. As características de carcaça (peso e rendimento de carcaça, peito e pernas foram obtidas a partir do abate de dois frangos por boxe, aos 85 dias de idade. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o "proc glm" do SAS. Verificou-se que, em todos os períodos, os frangos do genótipo Colorpak apresentaram maior peso corporal, consumo de ração médio diário, ganho em peso médio diário e melhor conversão alimentar. Entretanto, os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram menores consumo de ração médio diário, ganho de peso médio diário e pior conversão alimentar. Quanto ao rendimento de cortes, observou-se que os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram os menores valores, e o Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor obtiveram os melhores rendimentos de pernas. Para o rendimento de peito, o Carijó e o Pesadão Vermelho obtiveram os maiores valores. A escolha do genótipo deve ser feita de acordo com o interesse do mercado, pois há diferenças no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e dos cortes.

  15. Glass badge dosimetry system for large scale personal monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norimichi Juto


    Glass Badge using silver activated phosphate glass dosemeter was specially developed for large scale personal monitoring. And dosimetry systems such as an automatic leader and a dose equipment calculation algorithm were developed at once to achieve reasonable personal monitoring. In large scale personal monitoring, both of precision for dosimetry and confidence for lot of personal data handling become very important. The silver activated phosphate glass dosemeter has basically excellent characteristics for dosimetry such as homogeneous and stable sensitivity, negligible fading and so on. Glass Badge was designed to measure 10 keV - 10 MeV range of photon. 300 keV - 3 MeV range of beta, and 0.025 eV - 15 MeV range of neutron by included SSNTD. And developed Glass Badge dosimetry system has not only these basic characteristics but also lot of features to keep good precision for dosimetry and data handling. In this presentation, features of Glass Badge dosimetry systems and examples for practical personal monitoring systems will be presented. (Author)

  16. A-bomb survivor dosimetry update

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loewe, W.E.


    A-bomb survivor data have been generally accepted as applicable. Also, the initial radiations have tended to be accepted as the dominant radiation source for all survivors. There was general acceptance of the essential reliability of both the biological effects data and the causative radiation dose values. There are considerations casting doubt on these acceptances, but very little quantification of th implied uncertainties has been attempted. The exception was A-bomb survivor dosimetry, where free-field kerma values for initial radiations were thought to be accurate to about 30%, and doses to individual survivors were treated as effectively error-free. In 1980, a major challenge to the accepted A-bomb survivor dosimetry was announced, and was quickly followed by a succession of explanations and displays showing the soundness of that challenge. In fact, a complete replacement set of free-field kerma values was provided which was suitable for use in constructing an entire new dosimetry for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The new values showed many changes greater than the accepted 30% uncertainty. An approximate new dosimetry was indeed constructed, and used to convert existing leukemia cause-and-effect data from the old to the new dose values, by way of assessing the impact

  17. Standardized physics-dosimetry for US pressure vessel cavity surveillance programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruddy, F.H.; McElroy, W.N.; Lippincott, E.P.


    Standardized Physics-Dosimetry procedures and data are being developed and tested for monitoring the neutron doses accumulated by reactor pressure vessels (PV) and their support structures. These procedures and data are governed by a set of 21 ASTM standard practices, guides, and methods for the prediction of neutron-induced changes in light water reactor (LWR) PVs and support structure steels throughout the service life of the PV. This paper summarizes the applications of these standards to define the selection and deployment of recommended dosimetry sets, the selection of dosimetry capsules and thermal neutron shields, the placement of dosimetry, the methods of measurement of dosimetry sensor reaction products, data analysis procedures, and uncertainty evaluation procedures. It also describes the validation of these standards both by in-reactor testing of advanced PV cavity surveillance physics-dosimetry and by data development. The use of these standards to guide selection and deployment of advanced dosimetry sets for commercial reactors is also summarized

  18. Cellular dosimetry in nuclear medicine imaging: training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gardin, I.; Faraggi, M.; Stievenart, J.L.; Le Guludec, D.; Bok, B.


    The radionuclides used in nuclear medicine imaging emit not only diagnostically useful photons, but also energy electron emissions, responsible for dose heterogeneity at the cellular level. The mean dose delivered to the cell nucleus by electron emissions of 99m Tc, 123 I, 111 In, 67 Ga, and 201 Tl, has been calculated, for the cell nucleus, a cytoplasmic and a cell membrane distribution of radioactivity. This model takes into account both the self-dose which results from the radionuclide located in the target cell, and the cross-dose, which comes from the surrounding cells. The results obtained by cellular dosimetry (D cel ) have been compared with those obtained with conventional dosimetry (D conv ), by assuming the same amount of radioactivity per cell. Cellular dosimetry shows, for a cytoplasmic and a cell membrane distributions of radioactivity, that the main contribution to the dose to the cell nucleus, comes from the surrounding cells. On the other hand, for a cell nucleus distribution of radioactivity, the self-dose is not negligible and may be the main contribution. The comparison between cellular and conventional dosimetry shows that D cel /D conv ratio ranges from 0.61 and O.89, in case of a cytoplasmic and a cell membrane distributions of radioactivity, depending on the radionuclide and cell dimensions. Thus, conventional dosimetry slightly overestimates the mean dose to the cell nucleus. On the other hand, D cel /D conv ranges from 1.1 to 75, in case of a cell nucleus distribution of radioactivity. Conventional dosimetry may strongly underestimates the absorbed dose to the nucleus, when radioactivity is located in the nucleus. The study indicates that in nuclear medicine imaging, cellular dosimetry may lead to a better understanding of biological effects of radiopharmaceuticals. (authors)

  19. Dosimetry in life sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The uses of radiation in medicine and biology have grown in scope and diversity to make the Radiological Sciences a significant factor in both research and medical practice. Of critical importance in the applications and development of biomedical and radiological techniques is the precision with which the dose may be determined at all points of interest in the absorbing medium. This has developed as a result of efficacy of investigations in clinical radiation therapy, concern for patient safety and diagnostic accuracy in diagnostic radiology and the advent of clinical trials and research into the use of heavily ionizing radiations in biology and medicine. Since the last IAEA Symposium on Dosimetry Techniques applied to Agriculture, Industry, Biology and Medicine, held in Vienna in 1972, it has become increasingly clear that advances in the techniques and hardware of biomedical dosimetry have been rapid. It is for these reasons that this symposium was organized in a concerted effort to focus on the problems, developments and areas of further research in dosimetry in the Life Sciences. (author)

  20. Dosimetry in life sciences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The uses of radiation in medicine and biology have grown in scope and diversity to make the Radiological Sciences a significant factor in both research and medical practice. Of critical importance in the applications and development of biomedical and radiological techniques is the precision with which the dose may be determined at all points of interest in the absorbing medium. This has developed as a result of efficacy of investigations in clinical radiation therapy, concern for patient safety and diagnostic accuracy in diagnostic radiology and the advent of clinical trials and research into the use of heavily ionizing radiations in biology and medicine. Since the last IAEA Symposium on Dosimetry Techniques applied to Agriculture, Industry, Biology and Medicine, held in Vienna in 1972, it has become increasingly clear that advances in the techniques and hardware of biomedical dosimetry have been rapid. It is for these reasons that this symposium was organized in a concerted effort to focus on the problems, developments and areas of further research in dosimetry in the Life Sciences. (author)

  1. 3D dosimetry by optical-CT scanning (United States)

    Oldham, Mark


    The need for an accurate, practical, low-cost 3D dosimetry system is becoming ever more critical as modern dose delivery techniques increase in complexity and sophistication. A recent report from the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) (1), revealed that 38% of institutions failed the head-and-neck IMRT phantom credentialing test at the first attempt. This was despite generous passing criteria (within 7% dose-difference or 4mm distance-to-agreement) evaluated at a half-dozen points and a single axial plane. The question that arises from this disturbing finding is - what percentage of institutions would have failed if a comprehensive 3D measurement had been feasible, rather than measurements restricted to the central film-plane and TLD points? This question can only be adequately answered by a comprehensive 3D-dosimetry system, which presents a compelling argument for its development as a clinically viable low cost dosimetry solution. Optical-CT dosimetry is perhaps the closest system to providing such a comprehensive solution. In this article, we review the origins and recent developments of optical-CT dosimetry systems. The principle focus is on first generation systems known to have highest accuracy but longer scan times.

  2. Thermoluminescent measurement in space radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Mei; Qi Zhangnian; Li Xianggao; Huang Zengxin; Jia Xianghong; Wang Genliang


    The author introduced the space radiation environment and the application of thermoluminescent measurement in space radiation dosimetry. Space ionization radiation is charged particles radiation. Space radiation dosimetry was developed for protecting astronauts against space radiation. Thermoluminescent measurement is an excellent method used in the spaceship cabin. Also the authors mentioned the recent works here

  3. Fifth international radiopharmaceutical dosimetry symposium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watson, E.E.; Schlafke-Stelson, A.T.


    This meeting was held to exchange information on how to get better estimates of the radiation absorbed dose. There seems to be a high interest of late in patient dosimetry; discussions were held in the light of revised risk estimates for radiation. Topics included: Strategies of Dose Assessment; Dose Estimation for Radioimmunotherapy; Dose Calculation Techniques and Models; Dose Estimation for Positron Emission Tomography (PET); Kinetics for Dose Estimation; and Small Scale Dosimetry and Microdosimetry. (VC)

  4. Dosimetry on the radiological risks prevention in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornet R, O. M.; Perez G, F.


    Dosimetry in its various forms plays a determining role on the radiological risks prevention in radiotherapy. To prove this in this paper is shown an analysis based on the risk matrix method, how the dosimetry can influence in each stages of a radiotherapy service; installation and acceptance, operation, maintenance and calibration. For each one of these stages the role that can play is analyzed as either the initiating event of a radiological accident or limiting barrier of these events of the dosimetric processes used for the individual dosimetry, the area monitoring, fixed or portable, for radiation beam dosimetry and of the patients for a radiotherapy service with cobalt-therapy equipment. The result of the study shows that the application of a prospective approach in the role evaluation of dosimetry in the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of a radiological accident in radiotherapy is crucial and should be subject to permanent evaluation at each development stage of these services. (author)

  5. Sesgos en estimación, tamaño y potencia de una prueba sobre el parámetro de memoria larga en modelos ARFIMA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elkin Castaño


    Full Text Available Castaño et al. (2008 proponen una prueba para investigar la existencia de memoria larga, basada en el parámetro de diferenciación fraccional de un modelo ARFIMA (p, d, q; se muestra que al usar una aproximación autorregresiva de orden igual al entero más próximo a p* = T1/3 para la componente de memoria corta, la prueba de la hipótesis nula de memoria corta contra la alternativa de memoria larga tiene, en general, mayor potencia que algunas otras pruebas conservando un tamaño adecuado. Este estudio muestra los sesgos generados en la estimación del parámetro d y su efecto sobre la potencia y tamaño de la prueba, cuando se ignora la componente de corto plazo y cuando se emplean modelos que no la aproximan adecuadamente. Adicionalmente, se analiza si los resultados obtenidos por Castaño et al. (2008 pueden mejorarse empleando una aproximación autorregresiva diferente.

  6. Dosimetry in support of wholesomeness studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarrett, R.D.; Halliday, J.W.


    Interest in dosimetry procedures in the context of a large-scale processing situation exceeds the purely documentary aspects of this report. The numerous combinations afforded by the various types, strengths and configurations of irradiation sources and the possibilities for various conveyors and other facility design factors impacting on irradiation logistics render a completely general treatment of dosimetry procedures in such instances almost impossible. While the exact combination of these various factors represented by the irradiation facilities at NARADCOM may be duplicated nowhere else, the dosimetry procedures documented in this report offer both experience and solutions that might be more generally useful. Therefore, this report complements and supplements more general discussions found in the literature and cited in the text

  7. Radiation dosimetry activities in the Netherlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broerse, J.J.; Mijnheer, B.J.


    The Netherlands Commission for Radiation Dosimetry (NCS) was officially established on 3 September 1982 with the aim of promoting the appropriate use of dosimetry of ionizing radiation both for scientific research and practical applications. The present report provides a compilation of the dosimetry acitivities and expertise available in the Netherlands, based on the replies to a questionnaire mailed under the auspices of the NCS and might suffer from some incompleteness in specific details. The addresses of the Dutch groups with the names of the scientists are given. Individual scientists, not connected with a scientific group, hospital or organization have not been included in this list. Also the names of commercial firms producing dosimetric systems have been omitted. (Auth.)

  8. Fast neutron dosimetry and spectrometry using radioactivation (1963); Dosimetrie et spectrometrie des neutrons rapides par radioactivation (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamberieux, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author first recalls rapidly a few generalities concerning induced radioactivity detectors and gives, in an appendix, tables summarizing the properties of detector elements which may be used in radioprotection. The excitation functions found in the literature and also given. The technological characteristics of the detectors used are given, together with the counting methods. The many advantages of activation dosimetry for strong or periodic neutron fluxes and for those in the presence of {gamma}-radiation are stressed. The main problem in activation dosimetry is, however, the calculation of the dose absorbed from the results of the measurements. It is shown how the dose is expressed, fairly accurately, as a function of the radioactivities induced in a series of detectors. As an example, the spectrometry and the dosimetry of the neutron flux emitted by a Po-Be source are presented. (author) [French] L'auteur fait d'abord un bref rappel des generalites sur les detecteurs a radioactivite induite, accompagne, en annexe, des tableaux resumant les proprietes d'elements detecteurs utilisables en radioprotection. Les fonctions d'excitation trouvees dans la litterature y sont egalement annexees. On donne ensuite les caracteristiques technologiques des detecteurs employes ainsi que les methodes de comptage utilisees. On souligne les nombreux avantages de la dosimetrie par activation dans les flux de neutrons intenses ou periodiques et en presence de rayonnement {gamma}. Il reste que le probleme central de la dosimetrie par activation est le calcul de la dose absorbee a partir des resultats de mesure. On montre comment la dose s'exprime, de maniere approchee, en fonction des radioactivites induites dans une serie de detecteurs. A titre d'exemple, la spectrometrie et la dosimetrie du flux de neutrons emis par une source de Po-Be sont presentees. (auteur)

  9. Radiation protection dosimetry in medicine - Report of the working group n.9 of the European radiation dosimetry group (EURADOS) - coordinated network for radiation dosimetry (CONRAD - contract EC N) fp6-12684

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report present the results achieved within the frame of the work the WP 7 (Radiation Protection Dosimetry of Medical Staff) of the coordination action CONRAD (Coordinated Network for Radiation Dosimetry) funded through the 6. EU Framework Program. This action was coordinated by EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group). EURADOS is an organization founded in 1981 to advance the scientific understanding and the technical development of the dosimetry of ionising radiation in the fields of radiation protection, radiobiology, radiation therapy and medical diagnosis by promoting collaboration between European laboratories. WP7 coordinates and promotes European research for the assessment of occupational exposures to staff in therapeutic and diagnostic radiology workplaces. Research is coordinated through sub-groups covering three specific areas: 1. Extremity dosimetry in nuclear medicine and interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in the specific fields of the hospitals and studies of doses to different parts of the hands, arms, legs and feet; 2. Practice of double dosimetry: this sub-group reviews and evaluates the different methods and algorithms for the use of dosemeters placed above and below lead aprons in large exposure during interventional radiology procedures, especially to determine effective doses to cardiologists during cardiac catheterization; and 3. Use of electronic personal dosemeters in interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in laboratories and hospitals, and intercomparisons with passive dosemeters with the aim to enable the formulation of standards. (authors)

  10. Efectividad de las salidas frontal y lateral para la prueba de pista 300 metros CRI, patinaje de velocidad sobre ruedas


    Bohórquez-Páez, Daniel A. A; Pinzón-Castro, Luis A; Obando-Bastidas, Jorge A


    Se analizó y evaluó biomecánicamente, desde el plano sagital izquierdo, la Salida Frontal (SF) y la Salida Lateral (SL) en pruebas de velocidad de pista Contra el Reloj Individual (CRI), de once (11) Patinadores de Velocidad Sobre Ruedas (VSR), empleando el Software SIMI°Twinner Pro y el software SPSS (versión 19); lo que permitió determinar que la SF es la más efectiva que la SL para el desarrollo de las pruebas CRI en el patinaje de VSR. We analyzed and evaluated biomechanically, from th...

  11. Una prueba de razón de verosimilitudes para discriminar entre la distribución Poisson, Binomial y Binomial Negativa.


    López Martínez, Laura Elizabeth


    En este trabajo se realiza inferencia estadística en la distribución Binomial Negativa Generalizada (BNG) y los modelos que anida, los cuales son Binomial, Binomial Negativa y Poisson. Se aborda el problema de estimación de parámetros en la distribución BNG y se propone una prueba de razón de verosimilitud generalizada para discernir si un conjunto de datos se ajusta en particular al modelo Binomial, Binomial Negativa o Poisson. Además, se estudian las potencias y tamaños de la prueba p...

  12. Discriminación diagnóstica de las pruebas de predicción de la vía aérea difícil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Mirabal Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la validez pronóstica de las pruebas predictivas de la vía aérea difícil, se realizó un estudio observacional-descriptivo que involucró a todos los pacientes mayores de 15 años operados con anestesia general orotraqueal en condiciones electivas, en el Hospital Provincial General Docente "Antonio L. Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila, en un período de 1 año. A cada paciente se le aplicaron preoperatoriamente 3 pruebas predictivas de vía aérea difícil, a saber: la prueba de Mallampati, extensión atlantooccipital y distancia mentotiroidea. Luego de la inducción anestésica se le aplicó la última de estas pruebas que es la de visión directa (Cormack y Lehane. Se evaluó la capacidad discriminativa diagnóstica de cada una de estas pruebas. De las pruebas estudiadas la de visión directa resultó ser el mejor predictor de entubación difícil. Las pruebas diagnósticas de Mallampati, extensión atlantooccipital y distancia mentotiroidea tienen una baja sensibilidad y especificidad, así como poco valor predictivoIn order to determine the prognostic value of the difficult airways predictive tests, an observational and descriptive study of all patients over 15 operated on with general orotracheal anesthesia under elective conditions at "Antonio L. Luaces Iraola" Provincial General Teaching Hospital, in Ciego de Avila, in a one-year term, was conducted. 3 predictive tests of the difficult airways were preoperatively applied to each patient: Mallampati's test, atlanto-occipital extension and mentothyroid distance., The last of these tests, which is that of direct vision (Cormack and Lehane was used after the anesthesia induction. The discriminatory diagnositc capacity of each of these tests was evaluated. Among the studied tests, the direct vision test proved to be the best predictor of difficult entubation. The diagnostic tests of Mallampati, atlantoocipital extension and mentothyroid distance have low


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    Hernán Paz Penagos


    Full Text Available Los métodos sísmicos de prospección constituyen la principal herramienta de exploración y caracterización de reservorios de hidrocarburos, en cualquier cuenca de nuestro planeta. La sísmica de reflexión se puede adquirir en tres tipos de ambientes: marino, terrestre y zonas de transición. Dependiendo de la topografía del área de exploración que se desea iluminar, los sistemas de interconexión de líneas para la adquisición sísmica pueden ser alámbrico o inalámbrico. Este artículo presenta los resultados del desarrollo y pruebas de funcionamiento de una red inalámbrica que interconecta la estación central de registro con tres nodos, en una configuración maestro-esclavo y transmisión bidireccional. Entre dichos puntos se propagó una portadora digital que modula señales banda base para detección de la verticalidad del geófono, y referida al registro de los geófonos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios, en cuanto se transmitió información confiable, aprovechando las ventajas de movilidad de terminales e instalación fácil que ofrecen las redes inalámbricas; sin embargo, se presentaron algunos inconvenientes en la baja tasa de transmisión (limita la tasa de muestreo, y pérdida de datos por el esquema utilizado para el control de flujo y acceso al medio. Esta experiencia de investigación permitió proponer una interconexión alternativa frente al método de interconexión por cable convencional utilizado en la prospección sísmica por reflexión en Colombia.

  14. Dosimetry of high energy radiation

    CERN Document Server

    Sahare, P D


    High energy radiation is hazardous to living beings and a threat to mankind. The correct estimation of the high energy radiation is a must and a single technique may not be very successful. The process of estimating the dose (the absorbed energy that could cause damages) is called dosimetry. This book covers the basic technical knowledge in the field of radiation dosimetry. It also makes readers aware of the dangers and hazards of high energy radiation.

  15. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL’s Hanford External Dosimetry Program (HEDP) which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee (HPDAC) which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving changes to all chapters in the document. Revision numbers that include a decimal fraction reflect minor revisions, usually restricted to selected chapters or selected pages in the document.

  16. External audit in radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thwaites, D.I.; Western General Hospital, Edinburgh


    Quality audit forms an essential part of any comprehensive quality assurance programme. This is true in radiotherapy generally and in specific areas such as radiotherapy dosimetry. Quality audit can independently test the effectiveness of the quality system and in so doing can identify problem areas and minimize their possible consequences. Some general points concerning quality audit applied to radiotherapy are followed by specific discussion of its practical role in radiotherapy dosimetry, following its evolution from dosimetric intercomparison exercises to routine measurement-based on-going audit in the various developing audit networks both in the UK and internationally. Specific examples of methods and results are given from some of these, including the Scottish+ audit group. Quality audit in radiotherapy dosimetry is now well proven and participation by individual centres is strongly recommended. Similar audit approaches are to be encouraged in other areas of the radiotherapy process. (author)

  17. O oraloma da diabetes melitos tipo 1 vs diabetes melitos tipo 2 - um estudo comparativo


    Brás, Vítor Daniel Moreira


    A Diabetes Melitos é uma doença de grande prevalência a nível mundial e os seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Actualmente, a terapêutica seguida em casos de Diabetes Melitos é eminentemente sintomática consistindo na administração de insulina nos casos de Diabetes Melitos tipo 1 ou quando se verifica a falência das células beta do pâncreas de pacientes com Diabetes Melitos tipo 2, ou no controlo da glicemia nos casos de Diabetes Melitos ...

  18. Intervalos de confianza y pruebas de hipótesis : una comparación entre dos métodos para estimación de parámetros


    Giorgini, H. J.; Garsd, Armando


    p.191-198 Las dos formas más usuales de inferencia estadística son la estimación a través de intervalos de confianza y las pruebas de hipótesis. Ambas formas de inferencia permiten llegar a conclusiones similares. Sin embargo, se observa en el ambiente científico una sobrevaluación del alcance de las pruebas de hipótesis, mientras que los intervalos de confianza tienen la imagen de una herramienta rudimentaria. El valor p, resultante de una prueba de hipótesis, puede ser de gran utilidad c...

  19. Recent progress in application of JAERI alanine/ESR dosimetry system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojima, T.


    Feasibility studies of application of JAERI alanine/ESR dosimetry system were performed on radiotherapy level dosimetry, low dose-rate dosimetry for residual life estimation of cable insulators used in nuclear power facilities, and dose monitoring for electron processing. (author)

  20. Efectos del olvido dirigido con el método de las palabras: una comparación entre pruebas directas e indirectas de memoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emiliano Díez


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se analizaron los efectos del olvido dirigido en pruebas directas (reconocimiento y recuerdo e indirectas (categorización y detección de letras. Los resultados mostraron que las palabras marcadas para aprender se recordaban mejor y se reconocían más rápido y con mayor precisión que las marcadas para olvidar. Este patrón de resultados se replicó con la prueba de categorización. Sin embargo, no se encontró olvido dirigido en la prueba de detección de letras. Los resultados se discuten en función de la hipótesis basada en el repaso diferencial como mecanismo implicado en el olvido dirigido con el método de las palabras.

  1. Rendimiento cognitivo de adolescentes con VIH en pruebas para la exploración de la flexibilidad mental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Pino Melgarejo


    Full Text Available El VIH provoca alteraciones de la flexibilidad mental, cuyo carácter devastador aumenta cuanto más temprano el individuo haya sido contagiado. Por ello, en este artículo de investigación científica, se analiza comparativamente la ejecución en tests de flexibilidad mental de 30 sujetos positivos al VIH y 30 sujetos normales, con edades de 12 a 14 años. Como pruebas de flexibilidad mental se utilizaron el Trail Making Test y el Test de Series Gráficas Alternantes. Para el análisis de datos, se utilizaron pruebas de estadística descriptiva y la prueba T de Student. Los resultados muestran que en ambos test, los sujetos seropositivos rinden sobre lo patológico, en tanto los sanos rinden normal, al margen de la variabilidad interindividual. Abstract Taking into consideration that Human Immunodefiency Virus (VIH affect mental flexibility as earlier an individual have been infected with the virus, this research article aims to analyze and compare mental flexibility in 30 individuals with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (VIH aged between 12 and 14 and 30 individuasl without virus. Trail Making Test and Graphical Alternant Series Test were applied and in order to analyze the data descriptive statistic tests were used. Results showed seropositive individual perform normal compared with those ones with VIH within individual variability.

  2. 10 CFR 835.1304 - Nuclear accident dosimetry. (United States)


    ...) Methods and equipment for analysis of biological materials; (3) A system of fixed nuclear accident... Nuclear accident dosimetry. (a) Installations possessing sufficient quantities of fissile material to... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Nuclear accident dosimetry. 835.1304 Section 835.1304...

  3. Mixed field dosimetry with paired ionization chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coppola, M.; Porro, F.


    This report describes the results of neutron and gamma mixed-field dosimetry obtained by the Ispra Group in the framework of the European Neutron Dosimetry intercomparison Project (ENDIP). The experimental method and the formulation employed for the derivation of Kerma results are also present

  4. Dosimetry. Standard practice for dosimetry in gamma irradiation facilities for food and non-food processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Ghana Standard outlines the installation qualification program for an irradiator and the dosimetry procedures to be followed during operational qualification, performance qualification and routine processing in facilities that process food and non-food with gamma rays. This is to ensure that the product has been treated with predetermined range of absorbed dose. It is not intended for use in X-ray and electron beam facilities and therefore dosimetry systems in such facilities are not covered

  5. Alanine-ESR dosimetry for radiotherapy IAEA experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehta, K.; Girzikowsky, R.; )


    At present, the most commonly used transfer dosimeters for radiotherapy applications are TL dosemeters. They are being used for intercomparison between SSDLs (about 70) and the IAEA dosimetry laboratory. However, there are some undesirable characteristics of this dosimetry system. We have a study in progress at the IAEA to evaluate the alanine-ESR systems as an alternative to TLDs. There are several desirable qualities which make alanine an attractive dosemeter. Preliminary data suggest that the alanine-ESR dosimetry system has the potential to replace TLDs for intercomparison amongst SSDLs in the therapy-level dose regions. (Author)

  6. Review of the correlation between results of cytogenetic dosimetry from blood lymphocytes and EPR dosimetry from tooth enamel for victims of radiation accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khvostunov, I.K.; Ivannikov, A.I.; Skvortsov, V.G.; Golub, E.V.; Nugis, V. Yu.


    The goal of this study was to compare dose estimates from electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry with teeth and cytogenetic dosimetry with blood lymphocytes for 30 victims of radiation accidents. The whole-body exposures estimated by tooth enamel EPR dosimetry were ranging from 0.01 to 9.3 Gy. Study group comprised victims exposed to acute and prolonged irradiation at high and low dose rate in different accidents. Blood samples were taken from each of them for cytogenetic analysis. Aberrations were scored and analysed according to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines for conventional and FISH analysis. Tooth samples were collected in dental clinics after they had been extracted during ordinary practice. EPR dosimetry was performed according to the IAEA protocol. EPR dosimetry showed good correlation with dosimetry based on chromosomal analysis. All estimations of cytogenetic dose below detection limit coincide with EPR dose estimates within the ranges of uncertainty. The differences between cytogenetic and EPR assays may occur in a case of previous unaccounted exposure, non-homogeneous irradiation and due to contribution to absorbed dose from neutron irradiation. (authors)

  7. Image in nuclear dosimetry using thermoluminescent dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guinsburg, G.; Matsuoka, M.; Watanabe, S.


    A low cost methodology to produce images of internal sick organs by radioisotopic intake, is presented. Dosimetries of thermoluminescent material and Teflon (ratio:50%) in bidimensional matrix shape are used with a Pb collimator. This collimator-bidimensional matrix system was tested ''in vivo'' and in thyroid phantoms using 99m Tc. A comparative evaluation between this method and the scintigraphy one is presented. (M.A.C.) [pt

  8. The physics of small megavoltage photon beam dosimetry. (United States)

    Andreo, Pedro


    The increased interest during recent years in the use of small megavoltage photon beams in advanced radiotherapy techniques has led to the development of dosimetry recommendations by different national and international organizations. Their requirement of data suitable for the different clinical options available, regarding treatment units and dosimetry equipment, has generated a considerable amount of research by the scientific community during the last decade. The multiple publications in the field have led not only to the availability of new invaluable data, but have also contributed substantially to an improved understanding of the physics of their dosimetry. This work provides an overview of the most important aspects that govern the physics of small megavoltage photon beam dosimetry. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Status of neutron cross sections for reactor dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlasov, M.F.; Fabry, A.; McElroy, W.N.


    The status of current international efforts to develop standardized sets of evaluated energy-dependent (differential) neutron cross sections for reactor dosimetry is reviewed. The status and availability of differential data are considered, some recent results of the data testing of the ENDF/B-IV dosimetry file using 252 Cf and 235 U benchmark reference neutron fields are presented, and a brief review is given of the current efforts to characterize and identify dosimetry benchmark radiation fields

  10. Reassessment of the atomic bomb radiation dosimetry for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dosimetry system 2002. DS02. Volume 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, Robert W.; Kerr, George D.


    The extensive efforts to review the dosimetry of the atomic-bomb survivors and formulate the new dosimetry system DS02 have been greatly welcomed by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF). This accomplishment is a fine tribute to the importance of the epidemiological studies being conducted at RERF. No other study is so informative of the effects of radiation on human health. The gracious participation in the RERF program by the atomic-bomb survivors allows us to contribute to the well being of these individuals, and the high quality of the data obtained allows the RERF results to feature so prominently in the formulation of international guidelines for radiation protection. Such a great effort to improve and substantiate the dosimetry would not otherwise have been justified. RERF greatly appreciates the independent work of the U.S. and Japanese Working Groups on the atomic-bomb dosimetry and the review by the Joint Senior Review Group of this overall effort. We are assured that unbiased development of the new dosimetry system will reflect well in its application in the RERF epidemiology study. The documentation included in this report will serve as reference for the many deliberations concluded. The title publications are divided into 2 volumes. This is the first volume. The 8 of the reports in each chapter are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  11. Reassessment of the atomic bomb radiation dosimetry for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dosimetry system 2002. DS02. Volume 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, Robert W.; Kerr, George D.


    The extensive efforts to review the dosimetry of the atomic-bomb survivors and formulate the new dosimetry system DS02 have been greatly welcomed by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF). This accomplishment is a fine tribute to the importance of the epidemiological studies being conducted at RERF. No other study is so informative of the effects of radiation on human health. The gracious participation in the RERF program by the atomic-bomb survivors allows us to contribute to the well being of these individuals, and the high quality of the data obtained allows the RERF results to feature so prominently in the formulation of international guidelines for radiation protection. Such a great effort to improve and substantiate the dosimetry would not otherwise have been justified. RERF greatly appreciates the independent work of the U.S. and Japanese Working Groups on the atomic-bomb dosimetry and the review by the Joint Senior Review Group of this overall effort. We are assured that unbiased development of the new dosimetry system will reflect well in its application in the RERF epidemiology study. The documentation included in this report will serve as reference for the many deliberations concluded. The title publications are divided into 2 volumes. This is the second volume. The 29 of the reports in each chapter are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  12. Correlación de la respuesta a antígenos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis y la prueba cutánea de tuberculina en pacientes con artritis reumatoide

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    Yurika López


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los pacientes con artritis reumatoide bajo tratamiento con anti-TNFα están en alto riesgo de desarrollar tuberculosis activa, por lo cual se recomienda hacer la tamización para infección latente de tuberculosis, antes de iniciar el tratamiento. Objetivo. Comparar la prueba de tuberculina y la producción de IFNγ inducida por antígenos CFP (Culture Filtrate Protein y antígenos específicos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CFP-10 para el diagnóstico de infección latente de tuberculosis en pacientes con artritis reumatoide. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal analítico en pacientes con artritis reumatoide atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, entre enero y diciembrede 2007, a los cuales se les determinó la producción de IFNγ en respuesta a CFP y CFP-10 en sobrenadantes de cultivos de sangre total, y se correlacionó con la reacción en la prueba de tuberculina. Además, se estableció el grado de concordancia entre ambas pruebas. Resultados. Se incluyeron 45 pacientes, de los cuales, 14 (31,1 % tuvieron un diámetro de induración≥10 mm (tuberculina positiva, nueve (20 % produjeron IFNγ en respuesta a CFP-10, y siete fueron positivos para ambas pruebas. La correlación entre las pruebas fue de r=0,53 (IC95%: 0,28-0,72 y la concordancia global entre pruebas fue de 80 %, con un coeficiente kappa de 0,48 (IC95%: 0,20-0,76. Conclusiones. Solo se observaron dos pacientes con tuberculina positiva y CFP-10 positivo “anérgicos”y se encontraron seis pacientes con tuberculina positiva y CFP-10 negativa “falsos positivos paratuberculina”, lo cual sugiere que la prueba de la tuberculina no es la más adecuada para indicar profilaxispara tuberculosis.   doi:


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    Jorge Campos


    Full Text Available En programas de evaluación genética es indispensable la correcta identificación de los individuos de la población y la certeza de sus relaciones de parentesco. El objetivo de este estudio fue implementar pruebas de identificación y verificación de paternidad mediante 18 marcadores microsatélite en ganado registrado de raza Brahman de Costa Rica. Inicialmente, se calcularon parámetros genéticos poblacionales a partir del análisis de 950 muestras de ADN (7 sementales, 788 vacas y 155 crías colectadas durante los años 2015/2016, procedentes de 13 hatos de ganado registrado. Los promedios de heterocigosidad observada y esperada fueron de 0,67 y 0,70, respectivamente. El índice de fijación fue de 4%, con desviaciones significativas del equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg (EHW en 9 de los 18 loci. Todos los marcadores, excepto ETH225, presentaron contenido de información polimórfica mayor a 0,50. La probabilidad de identidad combinada con todos los marcadores fue 2,4×10-17 para individuos seleccionados aleatoriamente y 2,6×10-7 para hermanos completos. Las probabilidades de exclusión combinada fueron superiores a 0,999. Todos estos parámetros presentaron valores satisfactorios para la realización de pruebas de identidad y paternidad. Seguidamente, se realizaron pruebas de confirmación de paternidad en 137 crías con padre y/o madre reportados procedentes de 3 hatos. Los porcentajes de rechazo de paternidad basados en el principio de exclusión (al menos 2 loci discordantes vs. índices críticos de verosimilitud, fueron respectivamente: 18,2% vs. 24,1% para las madres, 14,0% vs. 12,5% para los padres, y 34,6% vs. 26,3% para los tríos. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre hatos para el porcentaje de rechazo de paternidad, oscilando desde 15,6 a 39,4% en madres, 0 a 30% en padres, y 19,5 a 31,8% en tríos. Se demuestra la necesidad de un mayor control en los apareamientos y en el registro de información genealógica en estos

  14. Advances in biomedical dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Full text: Radiation dosimetry, the accurate determination of the absorbed dose within an irradiated body or a piece of material, is a prerequisite for all applications of ionizing radiation. This has been known since the very first radiation applications in medicine and biology, and increasing efforts are being made by radiation researchers to develop more reliable, effective and safe instruments, and to further improve dosimetric accuracy for all types of radiation used. Development of new techniques and instrumentation was particularly fast in the field of both medical diagnostic and therapeutic radiology. Thus, in Paris in October the IAEA held the latest symposium in its continuing series on dosimetry in medicine and biology. The last one was held in Vienna in 1975. High-quality dosimetry is obviously of great importance for human health, whether the objectives lie in the prevention and control of risks associated with the nuclear industry, in medical uses of radioactive substances or X-ray beams for diagnostic purposes, or in the application of photon, electron or neutron beams in radiotherapy. The symposium dealt with the following subjects: General aspects of dosimetry; Special physical and biomedical aspects; Determination of absorbed dose; Standardization and calibration of dosimetric systems; and Development of dosimetric systems. The forty or so papers presented and the discussions that followed them brought out a certain number of dominant themes, among which three deserve particular mention. - The recent generalization of the International System of Units having prompted a fundamental reassessment of the dosimetric quantities to be considered in calibrating measuring instruments, various proposals were advanced by the representatives of national metrology laboratories to replace the quantity 'exposure' (SI unit = coulomb/kg) by 'Kerma' or 'absorbed dose' (unit joule/kg, the special name of which is 'gray'), this latter being closer to the practical

  15. Individual dosimetry and calibration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otto, T.


    In 1996, the Dosimetry and Calibration Section was, as in previous years, mainly engaged in routine tasks: the distribution of over 6000 dosimeters (with a total of more than 10,000 films) every two months and the calibration of about 900 fixed and mobile instruments used in the radiation survey sections of RP group. These tasks were, thanks to an experienced team, well mastered. Special efforts had to be made in a number of areas to modernize the service or to keep it in line with new prescriptions. The Individual Dosimetry Service had to assure that CERN's contracting firms comply with the prescriptions in the Radiation Safety Manual (1996) that had been inspired by the Swiss Ordinance of 1994: Companies must file for authorizations with the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health requiring that in every company an 'Expert in Radiation Protection' be nominated and subsequently trained. CERN's Individual Dosimetry Service is accredited by the Swiss Federal Authorities and works closely together with other, similar services on a rigorous quality assurance programme. Within this framework, CERN was mandated to organize this year the annual Swiss 'Intercomparison of Dosimeters'. All ten accredited dosimetry services - among others those of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and of the four Swiss nuclear power stations - sent dosimeters to CERN, where they were irradiated in CERN's calibration facility with precise photon doses. After return to their origin they were processed and evaluated. The results were communicated to CERN and were compared with the originally given doses. A report on the results was subsequently prepared and submitted to the Swiss 'Group of Experts on Personal Dosimetry'. Reference monitors for photon and neutron radiation were brought to standard laboratories to assure the traceability of CERN's calibration service to the fundamental quantities. For photon radiation, a set of ionization chambers was calibrated in the reference field

  16. Genótipos de haptoglobina e hipertensão refratária em pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2

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    Vânia Pereira Albuquerque Wobeto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Tem sido sugerido que o polimorfismo da haptoglobina pode influenciar na patogênese das complicações microvasculares e macrovasculares em pacientes diabéticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo principal deste estudo transversal foi de realizar uma investigação da existência ou não de uma associação entre os genótipos de haptoglobina e a prevalência de eventos isquêmicos cardiovasculares (angina estável, angina instável e infarto agudo do miocárdio, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia em 120 pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2, seguidos no Hospital Universitário da Unicamp, em Campinas, Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem da haptoglobina foi realizada por reações em cadeia da polimerase alelo-específicas. As frequências dos genótipos de haptoglobina foram comparadas com a presença/ausência de doença cardiovascular, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia; medições de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica; glicemia, colesterol (total, lipoproteínas de alta densidade - HDL e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade - LDL e triglicerídeos; assim como níveis de creatinina sérica. RESULTADOS: Embora nenhuma associação entre o genótipo de haptoglobina e a presença de doença cardiovascular tenha sido identificada, encontramos um excesso significativo de pacientes com o genótipo Hp2-1 entre as pessoas com hipertensão refratária, que também apresentavam uma maior pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e níveis de colesterol total e LDL. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2 com o genótipo Hp2-1 podem apresentar uma maior chance de desenvolver hipertensão refratária. Estudos adicionais em populações diabéticas são necessários para confirmar esses achados.

  17. Software for evaluation of EPR-dosimetry performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shishkina, E.A.; Timofeev, Yu.S.; Ivanov, D.V.


    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with tooth enamel is a method extensively used for retrospective external dosimetry. Different research groups apply different equipment, sample preparation procedures and spectrum processing algorithms for EPR dosimetry. A uniform algorithm for description and comparison of performances was designed and implemented in a new computer code. The aim of the paper is to introduce the new software 'EPR-dosimetry performance'. The computer code is a user-friendly tool for providing a full description of method-specific capabilities of EPR tooth dosimetry, from metrological characteristics to practical limitations in applications. The software designed for scientists and engineers has several applications, including support of method calibration by evaluation of calibration parameters, evaluation of critical value and detection limit for registration of radiation-induced signal amplitude, estimation of critical value and detection limit for dose evaluation, estimation of minimal detectable value for anthropogenic dose assessment and description of method uncertainty. (authors)

  18. Dosimetry-based treatment planning for molecular radiotherapy: a summary of the 2017 report from the Internal Dosimetry Task Force

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    Caroline Stokke


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The European directive on basic safety standards (Council directive 2013/59 Euratom mandates dosimetry-based treatment planning for radiopharmaceutical therapies. The directive comes into operation February 2018, and the aim of a report produced by the Internal Dosimetry Task Force of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine is to address this aspect of the directive. A summary of the report is presented. Results A brief review of five of the most common therapy procedures is included in the current text, focused on the potential to perform patient-specific dosimetry. In the full report, 11 different therapeutic procedures are included, allowing additional considerations of effectiveness, references to specific literature on quantitative imaging and dosimetry, and existing evidence for absorbed dose-effect correlations for each treatment. Individualized treatment planning with tracer diagnostics and verification of the absorbed doses delivered following therapy is found to be scientifically feasible for almost all procedures investigated, using quantitative imaging and/or external monitoring. Translation of this directive into clinical practice will have significant implications for resource requirements. Conclusions Molecular radiotherapy is undergoing a significant expansion, and the groundwork for dosimetry-based treatment planning is already in place. The mandated individualization is likely to improve the effectiveness of the treatments, although must be adequately resourced.

  19. Prueba de evaluación de la expresión oral: EXPRESA 2004

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La investigación a la que se refiere este artículo fue financiada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, a través del antiguo Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación en el año 2002, y tuvo como objetivo la realización de una prueba para la evaluación externa y objetiva de la expresión oral en Educación Primaria. Las actividades que componen su elaboración son las siguientes: creación de una prueba piloto, fijación de los criterios de corrección, aplicación de métodos de lingüística computacional, análisis de datos, análisis de resultados, incluyendo transformaciones posibles para el trabajo, estudio de validez y fiabilidad de la prueba y elaboración de la prueba final.ABSTRACT: The aim of this research team from the University of Salamanca was to design a standardized objective assessment test of spoken Spanish for use in Primary Education as commissioned by what used to be known as the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE at the Ministry of Education. It was decided to opt for the continuous text format as it could include elements of description, narrative and presentation and would allow greater natural expression. We considered using a variant of the visual stimulus from the language assessment test designed by Myklebust (1965. Together with the above-mentioned variables, as well as a series of others selected in a similar fashion, we worked on our prediction of the students' oral achievement. We used some transformations of the variables, to form a normal distribution curve according to the number of words.RÉSUMÉ: La recherche à laquelle cet article se rapporte a été financée par le Ministère d'Éducation, Culture et Sports, à travers l'ancient Institut National de Qualité et d'Évaluation en 2002 et elle a eu comme but la réalisation d'une épreuve pour l'évaluation extérieure et objetive de l'expression orale dans l'Éducation Élémentaire. Les activités qui composent

  20. Role of secondary standard dosimetry laboratory in radiation protection program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahman, Sohaila; Ali, Noriah Mohd.


    Full text: The radiation dosimetry program is an important element of operational radiation protection. Dosimetry data enable workers and radiation protection professionals to evaluate and control work practices to eliminate unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation. The usefulness of the data produced however depends on its quality and traceability. The emphasis of the global dosimetry program is focused through the IAEA/WHO network of secondary standard dosimetry laboratories (SSDLs), which aims for the determination of SI quantities through proper traceable calibration of radiation protection equipment. The responsibility of SSDL-NUCLEAR MALAYSIA to guarantee a reliable dosimetry service, which is traceable to international standards, is elucidated. It acts as the basis for harmonized occupational radiation monitoring in Malaysia.

  1. EPR Dosimetry - Present and Future

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Regulla, D.F. [GSF - National Research Centre for Environment and Health, Institute of Radiation Protection, 85764 Neuherberg (Germany)


    In the past, IAEA has played a central role in stipulating research and development in EPR high-dose standardisation as well as in coordinating and organising international dose intercomparison programs, within the Member States of the United Nations from the mid-seventies till today. The future tasks of EPR dosimetry seem to tend towards different subjects such as bio markers, biological radiation effects, post-accident dose reconstruction in the environment, and retrospective human dosimetry. The latter may be considered a promising tool for epidemiology on the way to re-define radiation risk of man for chronicle radiation exposures, based on e.g. South Ural civil population and radiation workers. There are on-going international activities in the field of standardising high-level dosimetry by the American Standards on Testing and Materials (Astm), and by the International Organisation of Standards (ISO). The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) is considering the establishment of relevant recommendations concerning industrial radiation processing, but also human dose reconstruction. (Author)

  2. Fundamentals of Dosimetry. Chapter 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshimura, E. M. [Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)


    Determination of the energy imparted to matter by radiation is the subject of dosimetry. The energy deposited as radiation interacts with atoms of the material, as seen in the previous chapter. The imparted energy is responsible for the effects that radiation causes in matter, for instance, a rise in temperature, or chemical or physical changes in the material properties. Several of the changes produced in matter by radiation are proportional to the absorbed dose, giving rise to the possibility of using the material as the sensitive part of a dosimeter. Also, the biological effects of radiation depend on the absorbed dose. A set of quantities related to the radiation field is also defined within the scope of dosimetry. It will be shown in this chapter that, under special conditions, there are simple relations between dosimetric and field description quantities. Thus, the framework of dosimetry is the set of physical and operational quantities that are studied in this chapter.

  3. EPR Dosimetry - Present and Future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regulla, D.F.


    In the past, IAEA has played a central role in stipulating research and development in EPR high-dose standardisation as well as in coordinating and organising international dose intercomparison programs, within the Member States of the United Nations from the mid-seventies till today. The future tasks of EPR dosimetry seem to tend towards different subjects such as bio markers, biological radiation effects, post-accident dose reconstruction in the environment, and retrospective human dosimetry. The latter may be considered a promising tool for epidemiology on the way to re-define radiation risk of man for chronicle radiation exposures, based on e.g. South Ural civil population and radiation workers. There are on-going international activities in the field of standardising high-level dosimetry by the American Standards on Testing and Materials (Astm), and by the International Organisation of Standards (ISO). The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) is considering the establishment of relevant recommendations concerning industrial radiation processing, but also human dose reconstruction. (Author)

  4. I-124 Imaging and Dosimetry

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    Russ Kuker


    Full Text Available Although radioactive iodine imaging and therapy are one of the earliest applications of theranostics, there still remain a number of unresolved clinical questions as to the optimization of diagnostic techniques and dosimetry protocols. I-124 as a positron emission tomography (PET radiotracer has the potential to improve the current clinical practice in the diagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer. The higher sensitivity and spatial resolution of PET/computed tomography (CT compared to standard gamma scintigraphy can aid in the detection of recurrent or metastatic disease and provide more accurate measurements of metabolic tumor volumes. However the complex decay schema of I-124 poses challenges to quantitative PET imaging. More prospective studies are needed to define optimal dosimetry protocols and to improve patient-specific treatment planning strategies, taking into account not only the absorbed dose to tumors but also methods to avoid toxicity to normal organs. A historical perspective of I-124 imaging and dosimetry as well as future concepts are discussed.

  5. Use of the GATE Monte Carlo package for dosimetry applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Visvikis, D. [INSERM U650, LaTIM, University Hospital Medical School, F 29609 Brest (France)]. E-mail:; Bardies, M. [INSERM U601, CHU Nantes, F 44093 Nantes (France); Chiavassa, S. [INSERM U601, CHU Nantes, F 44093 Nantes (France); Danford, C. [Department of Medical Physics, MSKCC, New York (United States); Kirov, A. [Department of Medical Physics, MSKCC, New York (United States); Lamare, F. [INSERM U650, LaTIM, University Hospital Medical School, F 29609 Brest (France); Maigne, L. [Departement de Curietherapie-Radiotherapie, Centre Jean Perrin, F 63000 Clemont-Ferrand (France); Staelens, S. [UGent-ELIS, St-Pietersnieuwstraat, 41, B 9000 Gent (Belgium); Taschereau, R. [CRUMP Institute for Molecular Imaging, UCLA, Los Angeles (United States)


    One of the roles for Monte Carlo (MC) simulation studies is in the area of dosimetry. A number of different codes dedicated to dosimetry applications are available and widely used today, such as MCNP, EGSnrc and PTRAN. However, such codes do not easily facilitate the description of complicated 3D sources or emission tomography systems and associated data flow, which may be useful in different dosimetry application domains. Such problems can be overcome by the use of specific MC codes such as GATE (GEANT4 Application to Tomographic Emission), which is based on Geant4 libraries, providing a scripting interface with a number of advantages for the simulation of SPECT and PET systems. Despite this potential, its major disadvantage is in terms of efficiency involving long execution times for applications such as dosimetry. The strong points and disadvantages of GATE in comparison to other dosimetry specific codes are discussed and illustrated in terms of accuracy, efficiency and flexibility. A number of features, such as the use of voxelised and moving sources, as well as developments such as advanced visualization tools and the development of dose estimation maps allowing GATE to be used for dosimetry applications are presented. In addition, different examples from dosimetry applications with GATE are given. Finally, future directions with respect to the use of GATE for dosimetry applications are outlined.


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    Ariel Iván Ruiz-Parra


    Full Text Available


    El surfactante pulmonar es una sustancia tensoactiva producida por los neumocitos tipo II, cuya concentración en el recién nacido prematuro/ inmaduro está disminuída, llevando a la producción del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria. El surfactante está constituído en un 85% por lípidos, del tipo fosfolípidos en su mayoría. El resto son proteínas surfactantes.

    Los fosfogliceridos (lecitinas y la esfingomielina forman el grupo de fosfolipidos involucrados. La fosfatidil colina y la dipalmitoil fosfatidil colina son las lecitinas más abundantes en el líquido extracelular que recubre los alvéolos pulmonares normales y en el surfactante pulmonar que disminuye su tensión superficial. Así se evita la atelectasia al final de la fase espiratoria de la respiración. En el neumocito II, enzimas remodelan las diferentes lecitinas para convertirlas en dipalmitoil fosfatidil colina.

    Una vez que el surfactante es producido en el neumocito, esta substancia migra como “cuerpos la melares” desde el núcleo hasta la superficie apical de la célula desde donde es liberado por exocitosis dentro del alveolo.

    Menos de un 0.1% de los recién nacidos presentan Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria (llamado antiguamente Enfermedad de Membrana Hialina cada año, y alrededor de un 10 % de estos mueren. La administracion de corticoesteroides incrementa la madurez pulmonar en casos de riesgo de parto prematuro, o cuando es necesario realizar una cesárea lo más temprano posible. El tratamiento de los bebes prematuros que presentan SDR incluye la administración de surfactantes dentro del árbol traqueobronquial.

    El patrón oro de la determinación de madurez pulmonar fetal es la relación lecitina/esfingomielina (L/E, aunque hay algunas otras pruebas como la medición de cuerpos la melares, que resultan confiables, económicas y más fácilmente disponibles en hospitales de menor categor


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    Pablo Emilio Rozo García


    Full Text Available En este documento se describe el proyecto correspondiente a el diseño e implementación de un banco de carga de tipo resistivo para pruebas de carga en Sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpidas monofásicas de capacidades comprendidas entre 1 KVA y 2 KVA. La estructura del proyecto presenta inicialmente la descripción teórica sobre los conceptos fundamentales en electrónica de potencia y en referencia con los bancos de carga que se encuentran actualmente en el mercado. Posteriormente se realiza el diseño del banco de carga resistivo con base en la investigación ya existente y finalmente se implementa el diseño, resaltando los resultados obtenidos, conclusiones, dificultades técnicas y  mejoras al proyecto. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se entrega una herramienta de trabajo para la industria de sistemas de potencia en general y material de investigación en áreas relacionadas con el análisis de la calidad de energía y electrónica de potencia.

  8. Database to manage personal dosimetry Hospital Universitario de La Ribera

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melchor, M.; Martinez, D.; Asensio, M.; Candela, F.; Camara, A.


    For the management of professionally exposed personnel dosimetry, da La are required for the use and return of dosimeters. in the Department of Radio Physics and Radiation Protection have designed and implemented a database management staff dosimetry Hospital and Area Health Centers. The specific objectives were easily import data from the National Center dosimetric dosimetry, consulting records in a simple dosimetry, dosimeters allow rotary handle, and also get reports from different periods of time to know the return data for users, services, etc.

  9. Evaluación de una prueba rápida para el diagnostico de Malaria en áreas endémicas del Perú

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    Nancy Arrospide V


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar la sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos de la prueba rapida basada en la deteccion de la pLDH (OptiMALR kit individual para el diagnostico de malaria en areas endemicas del Peru. Materiales y metodos: Estudio transversal realizado con pacientes febriles atendidos en centros de salud de la selva norte del Peru (San Martin y Loreto, de abril a diciembre de 2001. A cada paciente se le realizo la gota gruesa, la prueba OptiMALR y densidad parasitaria en forma ciega, por personal local capacitado y luego en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia de Malaria. Se calculo la sensibilidad (S, especificidad (E, valor predictivo positivo (VPP y valor predictivo negativo(VPN de la prueba OptiMALR en relacion a la gota gruesa para el diagnostico de malaria global y segun especie (P.falciparum y P.vivax. Resultados: Se incluyeron 346 muestras, 170 positivas. La prueba OptiMALR tuvo niveles de S=95,7%, E=97,1%, VPP=97,7%, VPN=95,3% independientemente de la especie. Para P.falciparum tuvo S=90,5%, E=97,3%, VPP=67,9 y VPN=99.4%; en tanto que para P.vivax S=92,0%, E=99,0%, VPP=98,7% y VPN=93,5%. Las sensibilidades estratificadas por parasitemia fueron 97,0% (5000 parasitos/¥ìL, 99% (100-5000 p/¥ìL y 50% (<100p/¥ìL. Conclusiones: La prueba rapida OptiMALR es un metodo con buena sensibilidad y especificidad para el diagnostico de malaria y puede ser usado en lugares donde no se dispone de laboratorios o microscopistas.

  10. Activity Of EURADOS In Environmental Solid State Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ranogajec-Komor, M.; Duch, M. A.; Haninger, T.


    Working Group 3 (WG3) of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) carries out research projects and coordinated activities to advance the scientific understanding of environmental dosimetry and especially to promote the technical development of new methods in environmental monitoring. In this field of dosimetry, the measurement of small additional doses caused by artificial radiation on top of the natural environmental radiation is a challenge. Further, WG3 stimulates the organisation of intercomparison programmes and the definition of standards and recommendations in the field of environmental radiation monitoring (ERM). WG3 has played a significant role in the harmonisation of early warning dosimetry network stations in Europe and has organised 6 EURADOS intercomparison exercises; in which 42 institutions from 19 countries have participated. Today, about 5000 stations provide real-time dose rate data to a database run by the European Commission. Within WG3 a subgroup (S1) on spectrometry system was formed in 2013. Since then, WG3 has been involved in the field of spectrometry systems used both for dosimetric and spectrometric monitoring in the environment. A remarkable result of the WG3 - S1 is that many members contributed to the new European Joint Research Project 'Metrology for radiological early warning networks in Europe' which started in 2014. A second subgroup WG3 - S2 on passive dosimetry in ERM was inaugurated in 2014. To gain an overview of the passive dosimetry practice in ERM, WG3 - S2 decided to collect information by means of a questionnaire which has been send to European dosimetry services. One of the results was the identification of some open questions, problems in ERM (for example terminology, protocol of routine dosimetry, uncertainty assessment) which require clarification for harmonisation of ERM using passive dosimeters. Another result was that there exists a need for intercomparisons. The first intercomparison for passive

  11. Medical reference dosimetry using EPR measurements of alanine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helt-Hansen, Jakob; Rosendal, F.; Kofoed, I.M.


    Background. Electron spin resonance (EPR) is used to determine the absorbed dose of alanine dosimeters exposed to clinical photon beams in a solid-water phantom. Alanine is potentially suitable for medical reference dosimetry, because of its near water equivalence over a wide energy spectrum, low...... methods the proposed algorithm can be applied without normalisation of phase shifts caused by changes in the g-value of the cavity. The study shows that alanine dosimetry is a suitable candidate for medical reference dosimetry especially for quality control applications.......Background. Electron spin resonance (EPR) is used to determine the absorbed dose of alanine dosimeters exposed to clinical photon beams in a solid-water phantom. Alanine is potentially suitable for medical reference dosimetry, because of its near water equivalence over a wide energy spectrum, low...


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    José Luis González


    Full Text Available La prueba preconstituida es una fórmula jurídica que en los casos de víctimas especialmente vulnerables tiene dos objetivos fundamentales: por un lado, proteger el testimonio de la víctima (indicio cognitivo del deterioro derivado de múltiples e inadecuados abordajes, y por otro, evitar la revictimización provocada por el sistema policial y de justicia. Conscientes de la ayuda que la Psicología Jurídica puede realizar al desarrollo de esta diligencia procesal, en el presente artículo se desarrolla una propuesta para la conducción de la prueba preconstituida basada en los conocimientos provenientes de la Psicología del Testimonio y de la Psicología de la Victimización Criminal además de la experiencia práctica de psicólogos criminalistas y forenses.

  13. The IAEA/WHO thermoluminescent dosimetry intercomparison used for the improvement of clinical dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Racoveanu, N.T.


    Results of thermoluminescent dosimetry collected over 5 years in the Eastern Mediterranean region of WHO were analyzed in an attempt to improve clinical dosimetry. Data for 16 radiotherapy departments showed considerable inconsistencies. It was found that the clinical dosemeters used by 3 of the departments were not working properly. The remainder of the departments had one or more dosemeters in perfect working order but the procedure for measuring machine output was inadequate or the correction factors (pressure, temperature) were wrongly applied due to lack of reliable instruments for such measurements. Problems encountered in the sending and returning of TLD dosemeters for assessment are discussed

  14. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of 10 CFR 835, the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program, the DOE Richland Operations Office, DOE Office of River Protection, DOE Pacific Northwest Office of Science, and Hanford’s DOE contractors. The dosimetry system is operated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to PNNL and all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since its inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving significant changes to all chapters in the document. Revision

  15. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of 10 CFR 835, the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program, the DOE Richland Operations Office, DOE Office of River Protection, DOE Pacific Northwest Office of Science, and Hanford’s DOE contractors. The dosimetry system is operated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to PNNL and all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since its inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving significant changes to all chapters in the document. Revision

  16. Computerized dosimetry management systems within EDF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daubert, G.


    EDF, using the ALARA approach, has embarked an ambitious project of optimising the doses received in its power plants. In directing its choice of actions and the effectiveness of such actions, the French operator is using a computerized personal and collective dosimetry management system. This system provides for ongoing monitoring of dosimetry at personal, site and unit level or indeed for the entire population of EDF nuclear power plants. (author)

  17. El sistema educativo de Finlandia y su ??xito en la prueba PISA


    Gripenberg, Martin; Lizarte Sim??n, Emilio Jes??s


    Las pruebas PISA muestran una vez m??s el buen resultado referido al rendimiento escolar en Finlandia. Entre sus variadas estructuras organizativas y directivas puede discurrirse la existencia de un consenso sobre la pol??tica educativa com??n que refleja las directrices a considerar en el desarrollo del curr??culo. Los municipios tienen una gran relevancia a la hora de organizar y concretar la educaci??n b??sica adem??s de definir las intenciones en el curr??culo. Los centros y l...

  18. In vivo dosimetry in radiation therapy in Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksson, Jacob; Blomquist, Michael


    A prerequisite for achieving high radiation safety for patients receiving external beam radiation therapy is that the hospitals have a quality assurance program. The program should include include monitoring of the radiation dose given to the patient. Control measurements are performed both at the system level and at the individual level. Control measurement is normally performed using in vivo dosimetry, e.g. a method to measure the radiation dose at the individual level during the actual radiation treatment time. In vivo dosimetry has proven to be an important tool to detect and prevent serious errors in patient treatment. The purpose of this research project was to identify the extent to which vivo dosimetry is used and the methods available for this at Swedish radiation therapy clinics. The authority also wanted to get an overall picture of how hospitals manage results of in vivo dosimetry, and how clinics control radiation dose when using modern treatment techniques. The report reflects the situation in Swedish radiotherapy clinics 2007. The report shows that all hospitals use some form of in vivo dosimetry. The instruments used are mainly diodes and termoluminiscence dosimeters

  19. Trends of personal dosimetry at atomic power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamura, Seini


    The individual dosimetry at the atomic power station is sorted for monthly dosimetry, daily dosimetry and special job dosimetry in high dose circumstance. Film badge (passive dosimeter) can measure gamma dose, beta dose and neutron dose respectively lower than about 0.1 mSv. While workers are in the radiation controlled area, they have to wear the dosimeters and the individual dose is accumulated for every one month. Recently the Silicon semiconductors detecting beta ray and neutron have been developed. With microcircuit technology and these new sensors, new multiple function dosimeter of the card size had been put to practical use. The result of dose measurement obtained by the electronic dosimeter is consistent well with the measurement of usual film badge and new dosimeter can determine the dose as low as 0.01 mSv. The result is stored in the non-volatile memory in the electronic personal dosimeter and held for more than one year without the power supply. The function to read data directly from the memory improves the reliability of the data protection. The realization of the unified radiation control system that uses the electronic personal dosimeter for monthly dosimetry is expected. (J.P.N.)

  20. Information from the Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN Staff and Users can now consult their dose records for an individual or an organizational unit with HRT. Please see more information on our web page The Dosimetry Service is open every morning from 8.30 - 12.00, and closed in the afternoons. We would like to remind you that dosimeters cannot be sent to customers by internal mail. Short-term dosimeters (VCT's) must always be returned to the Service after use and must not be left on the racks in the experimental areas or in the secretariats.

  1. Estudio bibliométrico de publicaciones científicas que utilizan pruebas de reconocimiento de emociones faciales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graciela Jeanneret


    Full Text Available El trabajo se enmarca dentro de la perspectiva evolucionista, la cual sostiene la existencia de emociones universales, enfatizando el estudio de su expresión facial y su reconocimiento. Si bien la creación del sistema FACS en 1978 por Ekman impulsó la construcción de instrumentos de evaluación del reconocimiento de emociones faciales, actualmente no existen pruebas locales que midan dicha habilidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue la realización de un análisis bibliométrico de investigaciones científicas publicadas entre 1976 y agosto de 2011 que utilizan pruebas de reconocimiento de emociones faciales. Este proceso de sistematización de los documentos brinda visibilidad sobre el estado actual de la ciencia en relación a dichas pruebas. Se analizaron los indicadores de productividad, colaboración, índice h y análisis de materia. Éstos evidenciaron un crecimiento sistemático cada vez más pronunciado en la utilización de investigaciones en el reconocimiento de emociones faciales. Estas utilizan fotografías tales como el POFA y el JACFEE en población adulta de ambos sexos, adquiriendo relevancia el estudio de patologías, principalmente la esquizofrenia. Estos resultados, a su vez, podrán utilizarse como fundamento para posteriores proyectos de investigación que aporten al progreso de la ciencia.

  2. European protocol for neutron dosimetry for external beam therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broerse, J.J.; Mijnheer, B.J.; Williams, J.R.


    The paper attempts to serve the needs of European centres participating in the High LET Therapy Project Group set up under the sponsorship of The European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer, to promote cooperation between physicists involved in fast neutron therapy and establish a common basis for neutron dosimetry. Differences in dosimetry procedures between European and American Groups are indicated if relevant. The subject is dealt with under the following main headings: principles of dosimetry of neutron fields, dosimetric methods, physical parameters, determination of absorbed dose at a reference point, determination of absorbed dose at any point, check of absorbed dose given to a patient, dosimetry intercomparisons between institutes. There is an ample bibliography. (U.K.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessenia Hernández Elizondo


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como propósito examinar el efecto global en las variables de fuerza, potencia y velocidad, luego de aplicar un entrenamiento específico. Participaron 56 hombres con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Los sujetos fueron divididos en tres grupos experimentales, donde un grupo (n=21 trabajó un programa específico de sentadilla (GF, otro grupo (n=15 basó su trabajo en ejercicios pliométricos (GP y el tercer grupo (n=20 trabajó con ejercicios de velocidad (GV. Los grupos experimentales recibieron un entrenamiento específico, de una hora, 2 veces a la semana, por un período de 16 semanas, al final de las cuales se encontró que hubo diferencia significativa (*p<.05 ,**p<.01 entre pre test y post test, para todos los grupos experimentales en las pruebas de sentadilla completa , 30m sin impulso y salto largo (SLSI. Este comportamiento también se presentó en la prueba de salto vertical (SVCM, para los grupos de fuerza y potencia, y en la prueba de 30 m lanzados, para el grupo de velocidad. Con el objetivo de visualizar el porcentaje de cambio que obtuvo cada grupo en cada prueba, se presenta la siguiente tabla: Pruebas Grupo Fuerza (GF % Potencia (GP % Velocidad(GV % Sentadilla Completa (lbs 21.87 20.13 17.10 30 lanzados (s -2.14 -2.99 -10.34* 30 sin impulso (s -5.38 -3.37 -6.43 SLSI (cm 4.66 18.81* 6.31 SVCM (cm 11.53* 12.33* 0.10 *:%  estadísticamente significativo. Uno de los hallazgos más importantes del estudio, es que para la prueba de sentadilla completa, no se presentó diferencia entre grupos, lo cuál indica que a pesar de que los grupos experimentales de velocidad y potencia realizaron trabajos diferentes, la mejora en la prueba de sentadilla, fue muy similar al grupo que entrenó únicamente sentadilla. Estos resultados implican cuestionamientos acerca de la especificidad del entrenamiento, el cual teóricamente no concuerda con lo que las experiencias en la práctica han demostrado, llegando a la conclusión de que

  4. Neutron beam measurement dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amaro, C.R.


    This report describes animal dosimetry studies and phantom measurements. During 1994, 12 dogs were irradiated at BMRR as part of a 4 fraction dose tolerance study. The animals were first infused with BSH and irradiated daily for 4 consecutive days. BNL irradiated 2 beagles as part of their dose tolerance study using BPA fructose. In addition, a dog at WSU was irradiated at BMRR after an infusion of BPA fructose. During 1994, the INEL BNCT dosimetry team measured neutron flux and gamma dose profiles in two phantoms exposed to the epithermal neutron beam at the BMRR. These measurements were performed as a preparatory step to the commencement of human clinical trials in progress at the BMRR

  5. WIPP radiation dosimetry program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, C.F.


    Radiation dosimetry is the process by which various measurement results and procedures are applied to quantify the radiation exposure of an individual. Accurate and precise determination of radiation dose is a key factor to the success of a radiation protection program. The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a Department of Energy (DOE) facility designed for permanent repository of transuranic wastes in a 2000-foot-thick salt bed 2150 feet underground, has established a dosimetry program developed to meet the requirements of DOE Order 5480.11, ''Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers''; ANSI/ASME NQA-1, ''Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities''; DOE Order 5484.1, ''Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health Protection Information Reporting Requirements''; and other applicable regulations

  6. Development and implementation of own software for dosimetry multichannel film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jimenez Feltstrom, D.; Reyes Garcia, R.; Luis Simon, F. J.; Carrasco Herrera, M.; Sanchez Carmona, G.; Herrador Cordoba, M.


    The objective of this work is to develop its own software for multichannel film dosimetry Radiochromic EBT2. Compare the results obtained with its use in multichannel and single-channel dosimetry. Check that the multi-channel dosimetry eliminates much of the artifacts caused by dirt, fingerprints, scratches, etc. Radiochromic in film and scanner devices. (Author)

  7. Report of a consultants meeting on dosimetry in diagnostic radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pernicka, F.


    During its biennial meeting in 1996, the Standing Advisory Committee 'SSDL Scientific Committee', recommended extending the long experience of the Agency in the field of standardization and monitoring dosimetry calibrations at radiotherapy and radiation protection level for the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) Network, to the field of diagnostic x-ray dosimetry. It was emphasized that 'Measurements on diagnostic x-ray machines have become increasingly important and some SSDLs are involved in such measurements. The Agency's dosimetry laboratory should, therefore, have proper radiation sources available to provide traceable calibrations to the SSDLs'. The purpose of the consultants' meeting was to advise the Agency on dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. They were specifically requested to overview scientific achievements in the field and to give advice to the Agency on the need for further developments. The purpose of the consultants' meeting was to advise the Agency on dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. They were specifically requested to overview scientific achievements in the field and to give advice to the Agency on the need for further developments

  8. Biological dosimetry in cases gives occupational high exposition to ionizing radiations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramalho, Adriana T.; Costa, Maria Lucia P.; Oliveira, Monica S.; Silva, Francisco Cesar A.


    From 1983 the cytogenetics dosimetry method it has been used as routine in the IRD laboratory in the period 1983 at 1997 but a high exposition occupational case the physical dosimeters happened in Brazil they were investigated through the cytogenetics dosimetry technique. This technique is employ when the dosimetry personal marks a high dose to 100 mSv (0,1 Gy) that is the cut-off minimum detected in the dosimetry cytogenetics

  9. EPR dosimetry - present and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regulla, D.F.


    In the past, IAEA has played a central role in stipulating research and development in EPR high-dose standardisation as well as co-ordinating and organising international dose intercomparison programs, within the Member States of the United Nations from the mid-seventies till today. The future tasks of EPR dosimetry seem to tend towards different subjects such as biomarkers, biological radiation effects, post-accident dose reconstruction in the environment, and retrospective human dosimetry. The latter may be considered a promising tool for epidemiology on the way to re-define radiation risk of man for chronicle radiation exposures, based on e.g. South Ural civil population and radiation workers. There are on-going international activities in the field of standardising high-level dosimetry by the American Standards on Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the International Organisation of Standards (ISO) as well as those of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) considering the establishment of relevant recommendations concerning industrial radiation processing, but also human dose reconstruction. (author)

  10. Type tests to the automatic thermoluminescent dosimetry system acquired by the CPHR for personal dosimetry; Pruebas tipo al sistema de dosimetria termoluminiscente automatico adquirido por el CPHR para dosimetria personal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina P, D.; Pernas S, R.; Martinez G, A. [Centro de Proteccion e Higiene de las Radiaciones (CPHR), Calle 20 No. 4113 e/41 y 47. Playa, C.P. 11300, A.P. 6195, C.P. 10600 La Habana (Cuba)


    The CPHR individual monitoring service acquired an automatic RADOS TLD system to improve its capacities to satisfy the increasing needs of their national customers. The TLD system consists of: two automatic TLD reader, model DOSACUS, a TLD irradiator and personal dosimeters card including slide and holders. The dosimeters were composed by this personal dosimeters card and LiF:Mg,Cu,P (model GR-200) detectors. These readers provide to detectors a constant temperature readout cycle using hot nitrogen gas. In order to evaluate the performance characteristics of the system, different performance tests recommended by the IEC 1066 standard were carried out. Important dosimetric characteristics evaluated were batch homogeneity, reproducibility, detection threshold, energy dependence, residual signal and fading. The results of the tests showed good performance characteristics of the system. (Author)


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    Full Text Available La caracterización de los yacimientos se realiza mediante diferentes técnicas como interpretación de registros, análisis de núcleos, sismicidad, interpretación de pruebas de pozo, entre otras. Las pruebas de presión constituyen una herramienta clave para la obtención de los parámetros característicos de los yacimientos de hidrocarburos. En las últimas décadas se han realizado estudios que consideran el cambio en las propiedades de la roca como respuesta a los cambios de presión que siente el yacimiento por las diversas actividades de producción. Teniendo esto en mente se desarrolla un software que permite la interpretación de transientes y que puede ser usado para diferentes escenarios. El planteamiento del problema presenta la ecuación de flujo monofásico de gas o petróleo para yacimientos naturalmente fracturados y considera la sensibilidad con el módulo de permeabilidad. La solución serealiza con el algoritmo de Stehfest, utilizado ampliamente en la industria petrolera.


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    Montero Rojas Eiliana


    Full Text Available Resumen:Se desarrolla una propuesta referente a la equidad en la admisión a la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR y respaldada por algunas evidencias empíricas iniciales. De acuerdo con el modelo establecido por esta casa de estudios, el propósito de las pruebas de admisión a la Universidad es medir el potencial intelectual para el aprendizaje y no lo que el examinado ya sabe. En este contexto, los conceptos de inteligencia fluida e inteligencia cristalizada de Raymond Cattell parecen ser un apropiado marco de referencia para brindar una respuesta científica a esta problemática. La inteligencia fluida se refiere a habilidades que dependen menos de las oportunidades educativas previas y de la cultura, comparada con la inteligencia cristalizada. Se está construyendo y validando una prueba para medir este constructo. Se espera que esta prueba ayude a identificar de manera más precisa estudiantes que poseen potencial académico pero que provienen de ambientes con menores oportunidades educativas. Algunas evidencias empíricas que apoyan esta propuesta se derivan de una primera aplicación piloto de una versión inicial de dicho test en una muestra de 321 estudiantes de la UCR, conjuntamente con la prueba de “Factor g de Cattell”, una conocida prueba de inteligencia fluida. El estudio buscaba obtener evidencia de la validez concurrente entre las dos pruebas y generar estimaciones de tiempo, dificultad y confiabilidad para el test construido en la UCR. Los resultados generados por esta autora indicaron niveles aceptables (aunque no óptimos de validez concurrente y confiabilidad. El efecto de velocidad probablemente esté provocando una subestimación de la confiabilidad, por lo que se recomienda, para el futuro, un diseño de test-retest.Abstract:A proposal around the topic of equity in admission to the University of Costa Rica is presented and some initial evidences supporting it are provided. According to the admission model established by

  13. Phantom positioning variation in the Gamma Knife® Perfexion dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa, Nathalia Almeida; Potiens, Maria da Penha Albuquerque [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleres (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Saraiva, Crystian [Hospital do Coracao, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The use of small volume ionization chamber has become required for the dosimetry of equipment that use small radiation fields. A pinpoint ionization chamber is ideal for the dosimetry of a Gamma Knife® Perfexion (GKP) unit. In this work, this chamber was inserted into the phantom, and measurements were performed with the phantom in different positions, in order to verify if the change in the phantom positioning affects the dosimetry of the GKP. Three different phantom positions were performed. The variation in the result is within the range allowed for the dosimetry of a GKP equipment. (author)

  14. Cytogenetic dosimetry in suspected cases of ionizing radiation occupational exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramalho, Adriana T.; Costa, Maria Lucia P.; Oliveira, Monica S.; Silva, Francisco Cesar A. da


    Cytogenetic dosimetry is very useful in routine as well as in serious accident situations in which exposed individuals do not wear physical dosimeters. Since 1984, the technique of cytogenetic dosimetry has been used as a routine in our laboratory at IRD/CNEN to complement the data of physical dosimetry. In the period from 1984 to 2000, 138 cases of occupational overexposure of individual dosimeters were investigated by us. In total, only in 36 of the 138 cases investigated the overexposure was confirmed by cytogenetic dosimetry. The data indicates a total confirmation index of just 26% of the suspected cases.(author)


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    DRA. M. Gabriela Sanzana G.


    En las “Diabetes Atípicas” (no incluidas en la clasificación ADA, se mencionan la DM tipo 2 en niños y adolescentes, favorecida por el aumento de la obesidad y del sedentarismo; la diabetes propensa a la cetosis, que debutan en cetoacidosis, con etiopatogenia y evolución de DM2; los Latent Autoinmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA, DM tipo 1 de lenta aparición y la diabetes postrasplante.

  16. Controle de gestão: a aplicabilidade do modelo das três dimensões na investigação de níveis e tipos de comprometimento do capital humano nas organizações terceirizadas

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    Mariano Yoshitake


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar y analizar el nivel y los tipos de intensidades del comprometimiento de trabajadores tercerizados que actúan concomitantemente con los de la empresa contratante, por medio del modelo de las tres dimensiones. Se pretendió analizar tanto el nivel y los tipos, en cuanto a la forma como las características personales y organizacionales ejercen influencia sobre el comprometimiento de ese tipo de empleado que, de forma particular, pertenece a una empresa y presta sus servicios a otra. Se utili - zó pesquisa descriptiva con abordaje cuantitativo para análisis de los datos, utilizándose técnicas estadísticas, como: media general, la ANOVA, Prueba “t emparejado”, t-Student y el método alpha de Cronbach. Además de pesquisa bibliográfica y documental, se efectuó un estudio de caso. La importancia del estudio puede ser definida como fundamental para el control de gestión del activo humano en las organizaciones de empresas contratantes y contratadas. El resultado de la pesquisa evidenció la aplicabilidad del modelo de las tres di - mensiones de comprometimiento: afectivo, instrumental y normativo. El estudio desarrolla - do se insiere en el interior de estudios contemporáneos del control de gestión o gerencial que han alzado temas que podrían ser descritos como “controles relacionales en las orga - nizaciones”, en el caso, las posibilidades de estudio de las relaciones como la satisfacción, la confianza y el comprometimiento.

  17. Gestión de conocimiento: la solución para disminuir el reproceso en las pruebas de software

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    Luz A. Perona Ossaba


    Full Text Available La gestión de conocimiento se ha convertido en una clave fundamental en los procesos de la ingeniería de software, permitiendo mejorar y optimizar cada una de las actividades que se ejecutan durante todo el ciclo de desarrollo de software. Cada una de las etapas de la ingeniería de software ha adoptado de la gestión de conocimiento algunas características, de acuerdo con las necesidades que se presentan, adecuándolos y fortaleciéndolos para reducir los tiempos y disminuir la fuga de información dentro de las organizaciones. Es por esto que las pruebas de software han adoptado la gestión de conocimiento como la alternativa para disminuir el reproceso en las pruebas de software.

  18. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL's Hanford External Dosimetry Program (HEDP) which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee (HPDAC) which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL's Electronic Records and Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving changes to all chapters in the document. Revision numbers that include a decimal fraction reflect minor revisions, usually restricted to selected chapters or selected pages in the document. Revision Log: Rev. 0 (2/25/2005) Major revision and expansion. Rev. 0.1 (3/12/2007) Minor

  19. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL’s Hanford External Dosimetry Program (HEDP) which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee (HPDAC) which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving changes to all chapters in the document. Revision numbers that include a decimal fraction reflect minor revisions, usually restricted to selected chapters or selected pages in the document. Revision Log: Rev. 0 (2/25/2005) Major revision and expansion. Rev. 0.1 (3/12/2007) Minor

  20. Prevalencia de neuropatía autonómica cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de un hospital general.

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    Ray Ticse Aguirre


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la neuropatía autonómica cardiovascular (NACV en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2, que acuden de manera regular al consultorio del servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH y los factores que se asocian a su presentación. Material y Métodos: Ingresaron 81 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se aplicaron cuatro pruebas para el diagnóstico de NACV, según el consenso de San Antonio sobre Neuropatía Diabética: Test de Valsalva, razón 30/15, hipotensión ortostática y variación de la frecuencia cardiaca. Además se tomaron datos demográficos, metabólicos, patológicos y de complicaciones por la diabetes. Se aplicó el test MDNS (Michigan Diabetic Neuropatic Score y electromiografía para el diagnóstico de neuropatía periférica. Se dividió en dos grupos según la presencia o no de NACV y se buscó diferencias. Resultados: El grupo de pacientes con NACV presentó mayor tiempo de enfermedad (10,36 ± 6,88 vs 6,32 ± 6,75; p=0,008, mayores niveles de glicemia en ayunas (160,55 ± 54,78 vs 120,63 ± 43,68; p=0,001 y de hemoglobina glicosilada (10,47 ± 2,06 vs 9,30 ± 2,14; p=0,013. No se halló diferencias significativas en las demás variables. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de de NACV en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 del HNCH es de 41,47%. Se asocia a niveles altos de glucosa en ayunas, hemoglobina glicosilada.y mayor tiempo de enfermedad. (Rev Med Hered 2007;18:129-135.

  1. Catarata e diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Pizzol,Melissa Manfroi Dal; Esteves,Jorge Freita; Sccoco,Caio Augusto; Roggia,Murilo Felix; Rosa,Carolina Maurente da; Lambert,José Humberto Franco; Canani,Luís Henrique


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de catarata e seus fatores de risco em uma população portadora de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles de um banco de dados de 181 pacientes (362 olhos) com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Os pacientes foram classificados como casos quando apresentavam diagnóstico de catarata. As variáveis estudadas foram a presença ou não de retinopatia diabética, tratamento com panfotocoagulação, presença de hipertensão arterial sistêm...

  2. Medical radiation dosimetry with radiochromic film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butson, M.J.; Cancer Services, NSW; Cheung, T.; Yu, P.K.N.; Metcalfe, P.


    Full text: Photon, electron and proton radiation are used extensively for medical purposes in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Dosimetry of these radiation sources can be performed with radiochromic films, devices that have the ability to produce a permanent visible colour change upon irradiation. Within the last ten years, the use of radiochromic films has expanded rapidly in the medical world due to commercial products becoming more readily available, higher sensitivity films and technology advances in imaging which have allowed scientists to use two-dimensional dosimetry more accurately and inexpensively. Radiochromic film dosimeters are now available in formats, which have accurate dose measurement ranges from less than 1 Gy up to many kGy. A relatively energy independent dose response combined with automatic development of radiochromic film products has made these detectors most useful in medical radiation dosimetry. Copyright (2004) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  3. Personal dosimetry and information platforms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Hidalgo, M.; Galan Montenegro, P.; Bodineau Gil, C.; Hernandez Rodriguez, R.; Jimenez Nartin, A.; Cano Sanchez, J. J.


    One question often raised by the hospital personnel dosimetry is the high incidence in the no monthly turnover of dosimeters, which is currently a high number of administrative dose assignments. The high number of workers with personal dosimetry and in many cases, the dispersion of workplaces makes it impossible to personalized management. To make a more direct and personal, and transmit information quickly and with guaranteed reception, has developed and implemented a system of personalized dosimetric information through messaging Short Message Service (SMS) and access to the history of dosimetric dosimetric and management through web space Service Hospital Radio physics.

  4. Radiation dosimetry and radiation biophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Radiation dosimetry and radiation biophysics are two closely integrated programs whose joint purpose is to explore the connections between the primary physical events produced by radiation and their biological consequences in cellular systems. The radiation dosimetry program includes the theoretical description of primary events and their connection with the observable biological effects. This program also is concerned with the design and measurement of physical parameters used in theory or to support biological experiments. The radiation biophysics program tests and uses the theoretical developments for experimental design, and provides information for further theoretical development through experiments on cellular systems

  5. Radiation dosimetry and radiation biophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Radiation dosimetry and radiation biophysics are two closely integrated programs whose joint purpose is to explore the connections between the primary physical events produced by radiation and their biological consequences in cellular systems. The radiation dosimetry program includes the theoretical description of primary events and their connection with the observable biological effects. This program also is concerned with design and measurement of those physical parameters used in the theory or to support biological experiments. The radiation biophysics program tests and makes use of the theoretical developments for experimental design. Also, this program provides information for further theoretical development through experiments on cellular systems

  6. Information from the Dosimetry Service

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN Staff and Users can now consult their dose records for an individual or an organizational unit with HRT. Please see more information on our web page: The Dosimetry Service is open every morning from 8.30 to 12.00 and is closed in the afternoons. We would like to remind you that dosimeters cannot be sent to customers by internal mail. Short-term dosimeters (VCT's) must always be returned to the Service after use and must not be left on the racks in the experimental areas or in the secretariats.

  7. Sizewell B Power Station control dosimetry system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renn, G.


    Sizewell B Power Station is the first Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) built in the UK for commercial electricity production. An effective control dosimetry system is a crucial tool, in allowing the station to assess its radiological performance against targets. This paper gives an overview of the control dosimetry system at Sizewell B and describes early operating experience with the system. (UK)

  8. Retrospective dosimetry (or self dosimetry): Application to French Nuclear Power Plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lloret, R.


    In this text we give the dosimetry principle on irradiated materials such baffle screw, pressure vessel and control element cans. This measure, made by gammametry, is based on the steel activation and comparison with calculated measures by Actige code. 4 figs., 6 refs

  9. ¿La prueba del frío podría predecir la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares en pacientes sin enfermedad coronaria demostrada?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Lerman


    Full Text Available La disfunción endotelial es la primera alteración conocida que interviene en el desarrollo de la cardiopatía isquémica. La falta de metodologías adecuadamente desarrolladas que permitan reconocer en la etapa preclínica de la enfermedad a los pacientes en riesgo de padecer un evento cardiovascular alertan sobre la necesidad de adoptar métodos adicionales de diagnóstico para su identificación precoz. La función endotelial en las arterias coronarias fue evaluada con perfusión miocárdica SPECT y la prueba del frío.ObjetivosDeterminar la prevalencia de la prueba del frío en 511 pacientes sin cardiopatía isquémica demostrada, como también de los factores de riesgo coronario asociados en aquellos con resultado positivo y analizar la incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares en un seguimiento de cincuenta meses.Material y métodosEn un servicio de medicina nuclear se realizó en 511 pacientes un estudio tomográfico de perfusión miocárdica (SPECT, cuyo resultado ante el ejercicio reveló una captación uniforme del radiotrazador. Ningún paciente tenía antecedentes de revascularización miocárdica ni de infarto previo. Entre los dos y los cinco días posteriores al ingreso en el protocolo se efectuó la prueba del frío. Se considera que ésta es positiva cuando se observa hipocaptación del radioisótopo en algún segmento que no existía en el estudio del esfuerzo y negativo cuando no hay cambios en la captación entre ambos estudios.El seguimiento promedio fue de 24 ± 13 meses, el cual pudo completarse en el 95% de los participantes. Se analizaron los eventos mortalidad cardíaca, infarto de miocardio, accidente cerebrovascular y procedimientos de revascularización.ResultadosLa edad media fue de 58,7 años con una prevalencia del sexo masculino del 52,6%. Prevalencia de factores de riesgo: diabetes 10,3%, dislipidemia 69,3%, hipertensión arterial 63,4%, obesidad 25,2% y tabaquismo 22,3%.En el 32,4% de los pacientes la prueba fue

  10. Advances on radiation protection dosimetry research, development and services at AEOI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohrabi, M.


    Radiation dosimetry is the main counterpart of an effective national radiation protection program to protect radiation workers, public and the environment against harmful effects of radiation. Research and development on radiation dosimetry are of vital needs to support national dosimetry services. The National Radiation Protection Department (NRPD) of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) being a National Authority on radiation protection is also responsible for radiation dosimetry research, development and services. Some highlights of such activities at NRPD are reviewed and discussed

  11. Legal aspects of dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pomarola, H.


    The use of ionizing radiations is regulated in France in all fields of application. The main principles governing inspection activities in the food industry are outlined. Conventional preservation methods are mentioned, after which a discussion is devoted to the preservation of food products by irradiation treatment and the increasing importance given to this technique. Consumer protection automatically implies the obligatory use of dosimetry by inspection organisms if the irradiated merchandise is likely to serve for human or animal consumption. Irradiation treatment permits are granted in a context of specific statutory texts mentioned here. Supervision is constant, but always both realistic and flexible. Each aspect of this treatment is discussed in maximum detail if not quite exhaustively, with special emphasis on dosimetry as an indispensable safety factor [fr

  12. Reproducibilidad de pruebas serológicas para el diagnóstico de infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en mujeres embarazadas de una zona endémica de Santander, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeny Zulay Castellanos


    Full Text Available Introducción. El diagnóstico de infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en fase crónica se hace por medio de pruebas serológicas cuya reproducibilidad no está muy documentada. Objetivo. Evaluar la reproducibilidad de las pruebas serológicas ELISA, IFI y HAI para el diagnóstico de infección por T. cruzi en mujeres embarazadas de una zona endémica de Santander. Materiales y métodos. Mediante la evaluación de la tecnología diagnóstica se determinó la reproducibilidad de las pruebas serológicas ELISA, IFI y HAI en muestras de suero y elución sanguínea, seleccionadas mediante muestreo de corte transversal y pertenecientes a mujeres embarazadas de una zona endémica para enfermedad de Chagas en Santander. Se usó el software Stata, versión 10.0, para los análisis estadísticos. La prueba con la mejor reproducibilidad se determinó por medio de la comparación de los índices kappa más altos de cada técnica. Resultados. Se evaluaron 777 sueros y elución sanguíneas. En suero, la prueba ELISA (punto de corte=0,3, la IFI (punto de corte=1/32 y la HAI (punto de corte=1/16 presentaron índices kappa mayores de 0,8 (0,98, IC95%: 0,93-1,00; 0,98, IC95%: 0,92-1,00 y 0,88, IC95%: 0,74-0,97, respectivamente; no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las tres pruebas evaluadas (p>0,05. Para la elución sanguínea, el índice kappa estuvo por debajo de 0,8 (valor kappa más alto: 0,55, IC95%: 0,41-0,68. Conclusiones. Las tres pruebas serológicas presentaron reproducibilidad perfecta en suero, determinada mediante el índice kappa, por lo que cualquiera de ellas sería útil para establecer el diagnóstico de infección por T. cruzi. Por su simplicidad y su costo, la prueba ELISA se recomienda como prueba de elección para los programas de tamización de esta infección.

  13. Is intraoperative real-time dosimetry in prostate seed brachytherapy predictive of biochemical outcome?

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    Daniel Taussky


    Full Text Available Purpose : To analyze intraoperative (IO dosimetry using transrectal ultrasound (TRUS, performed before and after prostate low-dose-rate brachytherapy (LDR-BT, and compare it to dosimetry performed 30 days following the LDR-BT implant (Day 30. Material and methods : A total of 236 patients underwent prostate LDR-BT using 125 I that was performed with a three-dimensional TRUS-guided interactive inverse preplanning system (preimplant dosimetry. After the implant procedure, the TRUS was repeated in the operating room, and the dosimetry was recalculated (postimplant dosimetry and compared to dosimetry on Day 30 computed tomography (CT scans. Area under curve (AUC statistics was used for models predictive of dosimetric parameters at Day 30. Results : The median follow-up for patients without BF was 96 months, the 5-year and 8-year biochemical recurrence (BR-free rate was 96% and 90%, respectively. The postimplant median D 90 was 3.8 Gy lower (interquartile range [IQR], 12.4-0.9, and the V 100 only 1% less (IQR, 2.9-0.2% than the preimplant dosimetry. When comparing the postimplant and the Day 30 dosimetries, the postimplant median D 90 was 9.6 Gy higher (IQR [–] 9.5-30.3 Gy, and the V 100 was 3.2% greater (0.2-8.9% than Day 30 postimplant dosimetry. The variables that best predicted the D 90 of Day 30 was the postimplant D 90 (AUC = 0.62, p = 0.038. None of the analyzed values for IO or Day 30 dosimetry showed any predictive value for BR. Conclusions : Although improving the IO preimplant and postimplant dosimetry improved dosimetry on Day 30, the BR-free rate was not dependent on any dosimetric parameter. Unpredictable factors such as intraprostatic seed migration and IO factors, prevented the accurate prediction of Day 30 dosimetry.

  14. Dosimetry services for internal and external radiation sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canadian Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) sets radiation dose limits for the operation of nuclear facilities and the possession of prescribed substances within Canada. To administer these regulations the AECB must be satisfied that the dosimetry services used by a licensee meet adequate standards. Licensees are required to use the Occupational Dosimetry Service operated by the Bureau of Radiation and Medical Devices, Department of National Health and Welfare (BRMD) to determine doses from external sources of radiation, except where a detailed rationale is given for using another service. No national dosimetry service exists for internal sources of radiation. Licensees who operate or use a dosimetry service other than the BRMD must provide the AECB with evidence of the competence of the staff and adequacy of the equipment, techniques and procedures; provide the AECB with evidence that a quality assurance program has been implemented; and send individual dose or exposure data to the National Dose Registry. (L.L.)

  15. High Energy Electron Dosimetry by Alanine/ESR Spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu, Sung Sil


    Dosimetry based on electron spin resonance(ESR) analysis of radiation induced free radicals in amino acids is relevant to biological dosimetry applications. Alanine detectors are without walls and are tissue equivalent. Therefore, alanine ESR dosimetry looks promising for use in the therapy level. The dose range of the alanine/ESR dosimetry system can be extended down to l Gy. In a water phantom the absorbed dose of electrons generated by a medical linear accelerator of different initial energies (6-21 MeV) and therapeutic dose levels(1-60 Gy) was measured. Furthermore, depth dose measurements carried out with alanine dosimeters were compared with ionization chamber measurements. As the results, the measured absorbed doses for shallow depth of initial electron energies above 15 MeV were higher by 2-5% than those calculated by nominal energy CE factors. This seems to be caused by low energy scattered beams generated from the scattering foil and electron cones of beam projecting device in medical linear accelerator

  16. Dosimetry applied to radiology and radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, Elisabeth Mateus


    Full text. The uses of ionizing radiation in medicine are increasing worldwide, and the population doses increase as well. The actual radiation protection philosophy is based on the balance of risks and benefits related to the practices, and patient dosimetry has an important role in the implementation of this point of view. In radiology the goal is to obtain an image with diagnostic quality with the minimum patient dose. In modern Radiotherapy the cure indexes are higher, giving rise to longer survival times to the patients. Dosimetry in radiotherapy helps the treatment planning systems to get a better protection to critical organs, with higher doses to the tumor, with a guarantee of better life quality to the patient. We will talk about the new trends in dosimetry of medical procedures, including experimental techniques and calculation tools developed to increase reliability and precision of dose determination. In radiology the main concerns of dosimetry are: the transition from film- radiography to digital image, the pediatric patient doses, and the choice of dosimetric quantities to quantify fluoroscopy and tomography patient doses. As far as Radiotherapy is concerned, there is a search for good experimental techniques to quantify doses to tissues adjacent to the target volumes in patients treated with new radiotherapy techniques, as IMRT and heavy particle therapy. (author)

  17. Guide for selection and calibration of dosimetry systems for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This guide covers the basis for selecting and calibrating dosimetry systems used to measure absorbed dose in gamma ray or X-ray fields and in electron beams used for radiation processing. It discusses the types of dosimetry systems that may be employed during calibration or on a routine basis as part of quality assurance in commercial radiation processing of products. This guide also discusses interpretation of absorbed dose and briefly outlines measurements of the uncertainties associated with the dosimetry. The details of the calibration of the analytical instrumentation are addressed in individual dosimetry system standard practices. The absorbed-dose range covered is up to 1 MGy (100 Mrad). Source energies covered are from 0.1 to 50 MeV photons and electrons. This guide should be used along with standard practices and guides for specific dosimetry systems and applications covered in other standards. Dosimetry for radiation processing with neutrons or heavy charged particles is not covered in this guide

  18. Prueba de susceptibilidad antiparasitaria in vitro para Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica-E. dispar, Balantidium coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rito Zerpa Larrauri


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Pruebas de susceptibilidad antiparasitaria in vitro para Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica-E. dispar y Balantidium coli, así como el cultivo para protozoarios intestinales, han sido publicados escasamente en la literatura médica. En nuestro medio aún no se ha comunicado pruebas de susceptibilidad in vitro para los parásitos mencionados. Objetivos: Plantear una alternativa de prueba de susceptibilidad antiparasitaria in vitro y conocer su resistencia frente a los antimicrobianos. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo. Instituciones: Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Daniel Alcides Carrión", Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, e Instituto Especializado de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Cultivos de Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica-E. dispar y Balantidium coli frente a cinco antimicrobianos. Métodos: Se trabajó con 64 cultivos de Blastocystis hominis, 16 de Entamoeba histolytica-dispar y 16 de Balantidium coli, frente a cinco antimicrobianos: metronidazol, cotrimoxazol, tetraciclina, furazolidona y ciprofloxacina. Las cepas de B. hominis, E. histolytica-E. dispar fueron cultivadas en el medio de Pavlova modificado, de 500 muestras de heces de niños con diagnóstico de parasitosis intestinal y las de B. coli de heces de cerdo. Las pruebas de susceptibilidad in vitro se realizaron con el método de microcultivos en el medio de Pavlova modificado, en pocitos con 200 uL del medio sin antiparasitarios (control y con antiparasitarios en 10 concentraciones, desde 128 ug/mL hasta 0,25 ug/mL; luego de incubación a 36º C por 48 horas, la lectura por examen microscópico directo comparó el desarrollo en el medio control con el desarrollo en los pocitos conteniendo los antimicrobianos. Principales medidas de resultados: Concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM. Resultados: Se encontró para B. hominis, con metronidazol CIM 90: 64 ug/mL y CIM 50: 2 ug/mL; para E. histolytica-E. dispar con

  19. Ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6: relato de caso

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    Bianca Simone Zeigelboim


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as alterações vestibulococleares observadas em um caso de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6. O caso foi encaminhado do Hospital de Clínicas para o Laboratório de Otoneurologia de uma Instituição de Ensino e foi submetido aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliações audiológica e vestibular. O caso retrata uma paciente com diagnóstico genético de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6, do sexo feminino, com 57 anos de idade, que referiu desequilíbrio à marcha com tendência a queda para a esquerda, disartria e disfonia. Na avaliação audiológica apresentou configuração audiométrica descendente a partir da frequência de 4kHz e curva timpanométrica do tipo "A" com presença dos reflexos estapedianos bilateralmente. No exame vestibular observou-se na pesquisa da vertigem posicional presença de nistagmo vertical inferior e oblíquo, espontâneo e semiespontâneo múltiplo com características centrais (ausência de latência, paroxismo, fatigabilidade e vertigem, nistagmooptocinético abolido e hiporreflexia à prova calórica. Constataram-se alterações labirínticas que indicaram afecção do sistema vestibular central evidenciando-se a importância dessa avaliação. A existência da possível relação entre os achados com os sintomas vestibulares apresentados pela paciente apontou a relevância do exame labiríntico neste tipo de ataxia uma vez que a presença do nistagmo vertical inferior demonstrou ser frequente neste tipo de patologia.

  20. Current internal-dosimetry practices at US Department of Energy facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traub, R.J.; Murphy, B.L.; Selby, J.M.; Vallario, E.J.


    The internal dosimetry practice at DOE facilities were characterized. The purpose was to determine the size of the facilities' internal dosimetry programs, the uniformity of the programs among the facilities, and the areas of greatest concern to health physicists in providing and reporting accurate estimates of internal radiation dose and in meeting proposed changes in internal dosimetry. The differences among the internal-dosimetry programs are related to the radioelements in use at each facility and, to some extent, the number of workers at each facility. The differences include different frequencies in the use of quality control samples, different minimum detection levels, different methods of recording radionuclides, different amounts of data recorded in the permanent record, and apparent differences in modeling the metabolism of radionuclides within the body. Recommendations for improving internal-dosimetry practices include studying the relationship between air-monitoring/survey readings and bioassay data, establishing uniform methods for recording bioassay results, developing more sensitive direct-bioassay procedures, establishing a mechanism for sharing information on internal-dosimetry procedures among DOE facilities, and developing mathematical models and interactive computer codes that can help quantify the uptake of radioactive materials and predict their distribution in the body. 19 refs., 8 tabs

  1. Factores predictivos de la microalbuminuria en pacientes pediátricos con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DMt1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Marianella Pinto Ibárcena


    Full Text Available La nefropatía constituye la complicación más grave de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DMt1 siendo una de las manifestaciones iniciales la microalbuminuria. Objetivos: Determinar el comportamiento de los factores epidemiológicos, clínicos y bioquímicos en el desarrollo de microalbuminuria en pacientes con DMt1. Diseño: Estudio de casos y controles. Lugar: Servicio de Endocrinología del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 menores de 18 años. Intervenciones: Se estudió 64 pacientes portadores de DMt1, 22 con microalbuminuria y 42 sin esta manifestación, que constituyeron los casos y controles respectivamente. Se consignó como factores epidemiológicos la edad al diagnóstico, tiempo de evolución, género, antecedentes familiares de diabetes, nefropatía, dislipidemia, hipertensión arterial; como factores clínicos, el estado nutricional, desarrollo puberal (Tanner, presión arterial; y como factores bioquímicos, la hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c, microalbuminuria y perfil lipídico. Tanto los casos como los controles fueron seguidos durante un año. El análisis estadístico se hizo mediante pruebas de chi cuadrado, odds ratio y regresión logística, para establecer predominancia de factores. Principales medidas de resultados: Estadio puberal, perfil lipídico y HbA1c. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo hallados fueron la presión arterial diastólica elevada (p=0,037, la pubertad (p=0,008, HbA1c alta (p< 0,0001, hipertrigliceridemia (p= 0,007 y la hipercolesterolemia (p< 0,0001. Conclusiones: La HbA1c elevada, la hipercolesterolemia y la pubertad fueron los factores de riesgo de mayor preponderancia para el desarrollo de microalbuminuria. A fin de prevenir el desarrollo de microalbuminuria, se sugiere buen control metabólico y cuidadoso manejo de la dislipidemia, en especial en pacientes púberes.

  2. Dosimetry in Interventional Radiology - Effective Dose Estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miljanic, S.; Buls, N.; Clerinx, P.; Jarvinen, H.; Nikodemova, D.; Ranogajec-Komor, M; D'Errico, F.


    Interventional radiological procedures can lead to significant radiation doses to patients and to staff members. In order to evaluate the personal doses with respect to the regulatory dose limits, doses measured by dosimeters have to be converted to effective doses (E). Measurement of personal dose equivalent Hp(10) using a single unshielded dosimeter above the lead apron can lead to significant overestimation of the effective dose, while the measurement with dosimeter under the apron can lead to underestimation. To improve the accuracy, measurements with two dosimeters, one above and the other under the apron have been suggested ( d ouble dosimetry ) . The ICRP has recommended that interventional radiology departments develop a policy that staff should wear two dosimeters. The aim of this study was to review the double dosimetry algorithms for the calculation of effective dose in high dose interventional radiology procedures. The results will be used to develop general guidelines for personal dosimetry in interventional radiology procedures. This work has been carried out by Working Group 9 (Radiation protection dosimetry of medical staff) of the CONRAD project, which is a Coordination Action supported by the European Commission within its 6th Framework Program.(author)

  3. Advances in kilovoltage x-ray beam dosimetry (United States)

    Hill, Robin; Healy, Brendan; Holloway, Lois; Kuncic, Zdenka; Thwaites, David; Baldock, Clive


    This topical review provides an up-to-date overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of therapeutic kilovoltage x-ray beam dosimetry. Kilovoltage x-ray beams have the property that the maximum dose occurs very close to the surface and thus, they are predominantly used in the treatment of skin cancers but also have applications for the treatment of other cancers. In addition, kilovoltage x-ray beams are used in intra operative units, within animal irradiators and in on-board imagers on linear accelerators and kilovoltage dosimetry is important in these applications as well. This review covers both reference and relative dosimetry of kilovoltage x-ray beams and provides recommendations for clinical measurements based on the literature to date. In particular, practical aspects for the selection of dosimeter and phantom material are reviewed to provide suitable advice for medical physicists. An overview is also presented of dosimeters other than ionization chambers which can be used for both relative and in vivo dosimetry. Finally, issues related to the treatment planning and the use of Monte Carlo codes for solving radiation transport problems in kilovoltage x-ray beams are presented.

  4. An experimental system for thermoluminescent dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perry, K.E.G.; George, E.


    A thermoluminescent dosimeter (T.L.D.) reader has been developed for experimental investigations on the use of lithium fluoride for 'finger tip' dosimetry. The design of the reader is based on the maximum use of standard electronic units in the A.E.R.E. Type 2000 series but some new unit development has been necessary. The reader gives improved experimental facilities over present commercially-available designs. The technique for 'finger-tip' dosimetry is described and the initial experimental results are given. (author)

  5. EURADOS strategic research agenda. Visions for dosimetry of ionising radiation; Die strategische Forschungsagenda von EURADOS. Visionen fuer die Dosimetrie ionisierender Strahlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruehm, W. [Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    Since its foundation in 1981, EURADOS (the European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V.) has been pursuing the goal to harmonise dosimetric practice of ionizing radiation in Europe, and to promote dosimetric research. As of August 2016, EURADOS had 67 institutional members, and up to 500 individual scientists, organized in eight Working Groups, work on improvements in dosimetry. In 2013, the EURADOS Council installed an ad-hoc editorial group, to identify open questions in radiation dosimetry research and to develop strategies that would allow answering these questions. In a joint effort of all EURADOS Working Groups, proposals were developed and summarized in a EURADOS Report. A short version of this report was published early this year in the peer reviewed international literature, in Radiation Protection Dosimetry. The present paper summarizes the proposals made. It is noted that this first version of the EURADOS Strategic Research Agenda already served as an input for a recent call published in Europe for Radiation Protection Research.

  6. ¿Le han hecho pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal? - (Have You Been Tested for Colorectal Cancer?)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de noviembre del 2013 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Las pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal salvan vidas, pero solo si usted se las hace. Si tiene entre 50 y 75 años, hable con su médico acerca de cuál prueba es mejor para usted. Si tiene enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal o antecedentes de cáncer colorrectal o pólipos en su familia, pregúntele al médico si debería empezar a hacerse las pruebas de detección antes de cumplir los 50 años.  Created: 11/5/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/5/2013.

  7. Evaluación de la prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica Binax NOW® ICT Pf/Pv para el diagnóstico del paludismo en un área endémica de Colombia

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    Adriana Pabón


    Conclusiones. La prueba Binax NOW® malaria ICT Pf/Pv como prueba diagnóstica mostró una sensibilidad muy baja para infecciones por P. falciparum y su capacidad para detectar parasitemias menores de 500 parásitos/ul es mínima. Como diagnóstico confirmatorio, la prueba ICT P.f/P.v. tiene buena sensibilidad para P. falciparum. Su uso para seguimiento de los pacientes no se recomienda.

  8. High-dosage dosimetry programme of the IAEA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehta, K.


    The high-dose dosimetry programme was initiated by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1977. Like any other Agency programme, this one has various activities. These cover: research contracts and research agreements, co-ordinated research projects (CRP), training courses, and laboratory-based activities. The Agency's dose quality audit service (International Dose Assurance Service, IDAS), initiated in 1985, is one of the key elements of the programme. At earlier times, the technical part was operated through a laboratory in Germany. However, after purchasing the Bruker ESR spectrometer, the entire service has been operated from the Agency since 1992. This audit service has served well the needs of various institutes around the world involved with radiation processing. We have had two Co-ordinated Research Projects (the second one is in its last year) over the last several years. Both were/are aimed at standardization of dosimetry for radiation processing. Nine or ten participants of each CRP were about evenly distributed between the developed and developing Member States. In collaboration with the Food and Environmental Protection Section and the Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section, the Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics Section has participated in several training courses; these have been mainly regional courses. This collaboration has worked well since such courses combine specific radiation processing applications with the needs of good dosimetry and process control. Also, the Agency has organised several dose intercomparisons in recent time. The activities of the high-dose dosimetry programme since the last symposium (November 1990) are reviewed here. (author)

  9. Eficiencia de dos pruebas diagnósticas en la determinación de alergia por ácaros en niños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yadira Fuentes


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades alérgicas constituyen un problema de salud mundial y los ácaros se encuentran entre sus principales agentes etiológicos. En Cuba se destacan los siguientes: Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides siboney y Blomia tropicalis. Con el objetivo de determinar la eficiencia de la prueba cutánea por punción y la determinación de IgE específica para el diagnóstico de la alergia a estos tres ácaros se desarrolló en el año 2003 un estudio analítico que incluyó 100 niños: 50 no alérgicos y 50 alérgicos que asistieron al Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" de Ciudad de La Habana. A todos se les realizó la prueba cutánea por punción con tres extractos alergénicos (VALERGEN-DP, VALERGEN-DS y VALERGEN-BT y se les extrajo sangre para la valoración de la IgE ácaro específica; exámenes que mostraron una mayor positividad ante D. pteronyssinus en los niños enfermos. Mientras que en los no alérgicos la prueba cutánea y la IgE para D. pteronyssinus fueron negativas. La prueba cutánea presentó un 100% de especificidad, con una mayor sensibilidad para VALERGEN-DP (88%, extracto con más eficiencia diagnóstica (94%. La IgE expresó los mejores resultados de sensibilidad, especificidad y eficiencia para D. pteronyssinus (78, 100 y 89%, respectivamente. La prueba cutánea por punción fue más eficiente que la determinación de IgE específica para el diagnóstico de las alergias por ácaros. En los enfermos se observó una correlación significativa entre la respuesta cutánea y el nivel de IgE para los ácaros estudiados. Estos datos contribuyeron a mejorar el diagnóstico alergológico y alertan sobre la necesidad de extender el uso de la inmunoterapia específica con vacunas hiposensibilizantes en los niños alérgicos a los ácaros.

  10. Thermo-luminescent dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reither, M; Schorn, B; Schneider, E


    The development of paediatric radiology which began in the late 195O's has been characterised by the need to limit the dose of ionising radiation to which the child is subjected. The aim has been to keep radiation exposure as low as possible by the introduction of suitable techniques and by the development of new methods. It is therefore surprising that studies in dosimetry in the paediaytric age range have only been carried out in recent years. One reason for this may have been the fact that a suitable technique of measurement was not available at the time. The introduction of solid state dosimetry based on thermo-luminescence, first into radiotherapy (1968) and subsequently into radiodiagnosis, has made it possible to abandon the previously widely used ionisation chamber. The purpose of the present paper is to indicate the suitability of this form of dose measurement for paediatric radiological purposes and to stimulate its application in this field.

  11. Introduction [International Reactor Dosimetry File 2002 (IRDF-2002)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paviotti-Corcuera, R.; Zolnay, E.M.


    The most recently tested version of the International Reactor Dosimetry File, IRDF-90 Version 2 (IRDF-90.2), was released in 1993. Most of the evaluations used in this file were prepared in the mid-1980s, and in the meantime a large amount of new experimental data has become available, along with two new national reactor dosimetry libraries (the Russian Reactor Dosimetry File (RRDF-98) and the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL/D-99)). The cross-sections and related uncertainties for several reactions in these libraries may be of better quality than the data in the older IRDF-90 file. These developments have resulted in different cross-section values being applied to the evaluation of experimental data, creating difficulties in comparing the results of reactor dosimetry calculations from the same types of nuclear facility. Therefore, there has been a strong demand from the reactor dosimetry community for an updated and standardized version of the IRDF. The IAEA has in the past supported similar efforts to improve the quality of data for reactor dosimetry applications. A major objective of the present data development project was to prepare and distribute a standardized, updated and tested reactor dosimetry cross-section library accompanied by uncertainty information (IRDF-2002) for use in service life assessments of nuclear power reactors. In order to achieve this objective, two technical meetings were organized. Both meetings were held at the IAEA in Vienna. The first meeting took place from 27 to 29 August 2002, the second from 1 to 3 October 2003. Recommendations were made concerning the following topics and the preparation of the library: reactions to be included, requirements for new evaluations or revisions, nuclear decay data, radiation damage data, testing of the data in benchmark fields and inclusion of computer codes. The participants emphasized that good quality nuclear data for reactor dosimetry are essential to improve assessments of the

  12. GENII [Generation II]: The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System: Volume 3, Code maintenance manual: Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Napier, B.A.; Peloquin, R.A.; Strenge, D.L.; Ramsdell, J.V.


    The Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project was undertaken to incorporate the internal dosimetry models recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in updated versions of the environmental pathway analysis models used at Hanford. The resulting second generation of Hanford environmental dosimetry computer codes is compiled in the Hanford Environmental Dosimetry System (Generation II, or GENII). This coupled system of computer codes is intended for analysis of environmental contamination resulting from acute or chronic releases to, or initial contamination of, air, water, or soil, on through the calculation of radiation doses to individuals or populations. GENII is described in three volumes of documentation. This volume is a Code Maintenance Manual for the serious user, including code logic diagrams, global dictionary, worksheets to assist with hand calculations, and listings of the code and its associated data libraries. The first volume describes the theoretical considerations of the system. The second volume is a Users' Manual, providing code structure, users' instructions, required system configurations, and QA-related topics. 7 figs., 5 tabs

  13. GENII (Generation II): The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System: Volume 3, Code maintenance manual: Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Napier, B.A.; Peloquin, R.A.; Strenge, D.L.; Ramsdell, J.V.


    The Hanford Environmental Dosimetry Upgrade Project was undertaken to incorporate the internal dosimetry models recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in updated versions of the environmental pathway analysis models used at Hanford. The resulting second generation of Hanford environmental dosimetry computer codes is compiled in the Hanford Environmental Dosimetry System (Generation II, or GENII). This coupled system of computer codes is intended for analysis of environmental contamination resulting from acute or chronic releases to, or initial contamination of, air, water, or soil, on through the calculation of radiation doses to individuals or populations. GENII is described in three volumes of documentation. This volume is a Code Maintenance Manual for the serious user, including code logic diagrams, global dictionary, worksheets to assist with hand calculations, and listings of the code and its associated data libraries. The first volume describes the theoretical considerations of the system. The second volume is a Users' Manual, providing code structure, users' instructions, required system configurations, and QA-related topics. 7 figs., 5 tabs.

  14. Retrospective dosimetry of Chernobyl liquidators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chumak, V.V.; Bakhanova, E.V.; Sholom, S.V.; Pasalskaya, L.F.; Bouville, A.; Krjuchkov, V.P.


    The numerous cohort of Chernobyl liquidators is a very attractive subject for epidemiological follow up due to high levels of exposure, age-gender distribution and availability of patients for medical examination. However, dosimetric information related to this population is incomplete, in many cases the quality of available dose records is doubtful and uncertainties of all dose values are not determined. Naive attempts to evaluate average doses on the basis of such factors as 'distance from the reactor' obviously fail due to large variation of tasks and workplace contamination. Therefore, prior to any sensible consideration of liquidators as a subject of epidemiological study, their doses should be evaluated (reevaluated) using the methods of retrospective dosimetry. Retrospective dosimetry in general got significant development over the last decade. However, most of the retrospective dosimetry techniques are time consuming, expensive and possess sensitivity threshold. Therefore, application of retrospective dosimetry for the needs of epidemiological follow up studies requires development of certain strategy. This strategy depends, of coarse, on the epidemiological design of the study, availability of resources and dosimetric information related to the time of clean up. One of the strategies of application of retrospective dosimetry may be demonstrated on the example of a cohort study with occasional nested case control consideration. In this case, the tools are needed for validation of existing dose records (of not always known quality), screening of the study cohort with express dosimetric method called to determine possible dose ranges, and 'state-of-the-art' assessment of individual doses for selected subjects (cases and controls). Verification of dose records involves analysis of the statistical regularities of dose distributions and detection of possible extraneous admixtures (presumably falsified dose records). This work is performed on impersonified data

  15. Tipos de pasteurização e agentes coagulantes na fabricação do queijo tipo prato


    Ramos, Thaís de Melo


    O presente trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a influência do tipo de pasteurização pelos sistemas de aquecimento indireto high temperature short time, ou HTST, e injeção direta de vapor (IDV), e avaliar a influência de duas diferentes enzimas coagulantes na fabricação do queijo tipo prato. O delineamento experimental utilizado neste experimento foi um fatorial 2 x 2 x 5 inteiramente casualizado, sendo dois sistemas de pasteurização (HTST e IDV), duas enzimas coagulantes e cin...

  16. Possibilities and problems of modern dosimetry techniques in dentistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regulla, D.F.

    Basic requirement for an optimized application of radiation in dentistry is a qualified dosimetry. The paper introduces into new dosimetry techniques based on solid state phenomena, such as luminescence an exoelectron emission, which, in case of dentistry, appear superior to conventional methods such as film and ionization chamber dosimetry. Advantages of the TLDs dosimeters, such as miniature detector volume, dynamic detection range, tissue equivalence etc., and their dosimetric possibilities are described together with hints on operational problems with respect to achieving high dosimetric measurement accuracy. (orig.) [de

  17. Next generation platforms for high-throughput bio-dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Repin, Mikhail; Turner, Helen C.; Garty, Guy; Brenner, David J.


    Here the general concept of the combined use of plates and tubes in racks compatible with the American National Standards Institute/the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening microplate formats as the next generation platforms for increasing the throughput of bio-dosimetry assays was described. These platforms can be used at different stages of bio-dosimetry assays starting from blood collection into micro-tubes organised in standardised racks and ending with the cytogenetic analysis of samples in standardised multi-well and multichannel plates. Robotically friendly platforms can be used for different bio-dosimetry assays in minimally equipped laboratories and on cost-effective automated universal biotech systems. (authors)

  18. HSE statement on the approval of dosimetry services

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This statement is intended to assist dosimetry services who may wish to be approved by the U.K. Health and Safety Executive under Regulation 15 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985. It also serves to inform approved dosimetry services of changes in the arrangements which HSE makes for approval and reassessment of dosimetry services. A general description of the administrative arrangements for making application is given and the subsequent processing of such applications by the HSE is outlined. Background notes on the requirements of the Regulations are given in Appendix I. The fees which are chargeable from 20/8/92 are given in Appendix II. (Author)

  19. Reassessment of the RERF dosimetry system - overview of the new dosimetry system DS02

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, R.W.


    This paper describes a major reassessment of the system used at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) to determine radiation doses for atomic-bomb survivors. This effort has resolved the neutron discrepancy in RERF dosimetry, and has defined the parameters for a replacement system for survivor dose calculation. A Joint US-Japan Working Group undertook a comprehensive evaluation of the calculations that comprise the RERF dosimetry system and the measurements used to verify those calculations. During the course of this reassessment, the working groups, with members from American, German and Japanese universities and national laboratories, have recomputed all of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki radiation calculations, made fast-neutron and low-background thermal-neutron measurements, upgraded the calculation of the radiation shielding provided by terrain and large buildings, and conducted a comprehensive reassessment of all radiation measurements. The new calculations produced during this reassessment agree with both gamma and neutron measurements out to distances from the detonations at which in-situ measurements become indistinguishable from background, effectively resolving the long-standing neutron dose discrepancy. The calculations that produce this agreement are the basis for the new DS02 dosimetry system. New calculations and measurements confirmed the yield and epicenter for the Nagasaki detonation while refining both these values for Hiroshima. Current measurements and calculations confirm a 21-kiloton-yield for the Nagasaki bomb and a burst point to within two meters of previous assessments. In Hiroshima, the estimated yield has been increased from 15 kt to 16 kt and the epicenter has been repositioned 20 meters higher and 15 meters to the west. While these refined parameters make the dosimetry system more accurate and users of the system more confident in the results, the calculated dose to survivors will change only about ten percent

  20. Diabetes tipo 2 en niños: Serie de casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas y bioquímicas de un grupo de niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico reciente de diabetes tipo 2. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo de serie de casos. Se definió caso al niño o adolescente con glucosa plasmática en ayunas mayor a 126 mg/dl, ausencia de antiGAD y péptido C mayor a 1,5 ng/dl. Se excluyeron a los pacientes con diagnóstico previo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, diabetes tipo MODY o diabetes secundaria a uso de fármacos. Resultados: La edad media fue 14,3 años, 59% fueron mujeres y 43% tenía por lo menos un padre con diabetes tipo 2. Al momento del diagnóstico, el índice de masa corporal fue 32,8 kg/m2, 85% tenía acantosis nigricans y 68% estaba en estadio Tanner IV y V. El tratamiento inicial incluyó el uso de hipoglicemiantes orales en 75% de los casos, siendo más frecuente el uso de metformina (64,3%. Solamente el 41% de los pacientes recibía algún tipo de insulina. Conclusiones: Los niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 2, tienen una frecuencia aumentada de obesidad/sobrepeso, acantosis nigricans y antecedente familiar de DM2. En general, tienen mal control metabólico y reciben metformina como tratamiento inicial.

  1. Evaluación de la prueba de la moneda peruana en el tamizaje de trastorno cognitivo en adultos mayores

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    Teodoro J Oscanoa


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Adaptación peruana del test de la moneda en el tamizaje de trastorno cognitivo en adultos mayores (>60 años. Materiales y métodos. El presente es un estudio de fase I de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica con muestreo de conveniencia y calculo de sensibilidad y especificidad, con una prevalencia pretest de 50%. Para la definición operacional de pacientes con trastorno cognitivo se utilizó los criterios de la DSM IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders y el Global Deterioration Scale (GDS (controles: GDS 1 y 2; casos: mayor de 2. Para encontrar el punto de corte se utilizó la curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic. Resultados. Los pacientes estudiados fueron 42 casos y 42 controles, no hubo diferencia significativa entre la edad (77,88 + 6,01 y 76,14 + 6,49 años y años de educación (13,69 + 3,70 y 8,17 + 4,71. La versión peruana del "eurotest" denominada "prueba de la moneda peruana" tiene una sensibilidad de 90,5% y especificidad de 83,3 % con punto de corte de 24. Conclusiones. La versión peruana adaptada del "eurotest", denominada "prueba de la moneda peruana" podría ser útil en el tamizaje de trastorno cognitivo de adultos mayores.

  2. Individual monitoring dosimetry in Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menzel, H.G.


    This report discusses the various types of individual monitoring systems presently in use within the European community and neutron dosimetry research being coordinated by the EURADOS working group. Research is currently being conducted on nuclear track dosimeters, primarily with CR-39 (TM), and TLD-albedo dosimeters. Studies are being conducted on the energy and angular response of each type of dosimeter. Because the response of dosimeters depends on the energy of the neutrons, it is necessary to have spectral information to accurately assess the dose. Neutron energy spectrum measurements are being performed in typical work place environments. Work is also progressing on development of calibration sources which will be representative of the neutron energy spectrum found in typical neutron exposure situations. This work utilizes 14 MeV neutrons incident on a uranium block with various other filters. Research is also continuing on neutron dosimetry using tissue equivalent proportional counters and microdosimetric techniques. The results of intercomparisons between several different instruments are discussed. In addition to personnel dosimetry, these systems are being used to record the dose to passengers and flight crews aboard commercial aircraft

  3. RCT: Module 2.04, Dosimetry, Course 8769

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hillmer, Kurt T. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This course will introduce the types of instruments used to measure external and internal radiation to people. Dosimetry is the quantitative assessment of radiation received by the human body. Several types of dosimeters are used worldwide. This information is valuable to all radiological control personnel because dosimeters are the only direct method to measure and document personnel radiation exposure and ensure regulatory compliance with applicable limits. This course will cover dosimetry terms, Department of Energy (DOE) limits, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) administrative guidelines, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), LANL dosimetry, and bioassay assessment methods. This course will prepare the student with the skills necessary for radiological control technician (RCT) qualification by passing quizzes, tests, and the RCT Comprehensive Phase 1, Unit 2 Examination (TEST 27566) and providing in-thefield skills.

  4. Sandia National Laboratories Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (Rev 4)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goke, Sarah Hayes [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Elliott, Nathan Ryan [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    The Sandia National Laboratories’ Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual is intended to provide extended technical discussion and justification of the internal dosimetry program at SNL. It serves to record the approach to evaluating internal doses from radiobioassay data, and where appropriate, from workplace monitoring data per the Department of Energy Internal Dosimetry Program Guide DOE G 441.1C. The discussion contained herein is directed primarily to current and future SNL internal dosimetrists. In an effort to conserve space in the TBM and avoid duplication, it contains numerous references providing an entry point into the internal dosimetry literature relevant to this program. The TBM is not intended to act as a policy or procedure statement, but will supplement the information normally found in procedures or policy documents. The internal dosimetry program outlined in this manual is intended to meet the requirements of Federal Rule 10CFR835 for monitoring the workplace and for assessing internal radiation doses to workers.

  5. EURADOS strategic research agenda: vision for dosimetry of ionising radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruehm, W.; Woda, C.; Fantuzzi, E.; Harrison, R.; Schuhmacher, H.; Neumaier, S.; Vanhavere, F.; Alves, J.; Bottollier Depois, J.F.; Fattibene, P.; Knezevic, Z.; Miljanic, S.; Lopez, M. A.; Mayer, S.; Olko, P.; Stadtmann, H.; Tanner, R.


    Since autumn 2012, the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has been developing its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which is intended to contribute to the identification of future research needs in radiation dosimetry in Europe. The present article summarises-based on input from EURADOS Working Groups (WGs) and Voting Members-five visions in dosimetry and defines key issues in dosimetry research that are considered important for the next decades. The five visions include scientific developments required towards (a) updated fundamental dose concepts and quantities, (b) improved radiation risk estimates deduced from epidemiological cohorts, (c) efficient dose assessment for radiological emergencies, (d) integrated personalised dosimetry in medical applications and (e) improved radiation protection of workers and the public. The SRA of EURADOS will be used as a guideline for future activities of the EURADOS WGs. A detailed version of the SRA can be downloaded as a EURADOS report from the EURADOS web site ( (authors)

  6. Practical applications of the new ICRP recommendation to external dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kraus, W.


    Focussing on external dosimetry for occupational exposure the consequences of the new quantities equivalent dose (radiation weighting factor), effective dose (tissue weighting factor) and the ICRU operational quantities for individual and area dosimetry are discussed. Despite some arguments against the new quantities they should be introduced as rapidly as possible to keep international uniformity in radiation protection monitoring. It is shown that they provide a conservative estimate of the effective dose for photons and neutrons. In photon dosimetry only minor changes of the conversion factors relating operational quantities to effective dose is observed. In neutron dosimetry the conversion factors change by a factor of up to 2. It is pointed out that there is a urgent need to calculate standardized conversion factors for field quantities -operational quantities- organ and effective dose in a joint effort of ICRP and ICRU. This includes standardization of calibration methods for individual dosimetry using suitable phantoms instead of the sphere. (author)

  7. Performance of dichromate dosimetry systems in calibration and dose intercomparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bof, E.S.; Smolko, E.


    This report presents the results of the High Dose Dosimetry Laboratory of Argentina during ten years of international intercomparisons for high dose with the International Dose Assurance Service (IDAS) of the IAEA, using the standard high dose dichromate dosimetry system, and the results of a high dose intercomparison regional exercise in which our Laboratory acted as a reference laboratory, using the standard high dose and low dose dichromate dosimetry system. (author)

  8. Student Perceptions of an Online Medical Dosimetry Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenards, Nishele


    The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse offers the first online medical dosimetry program in the nation. There is no data to research a program of this type. This research consisted of the evaluation of other distance education programs including health profession programs in addition to face-to-face medical dosimetry programs. There was a need to collect and analyze student perceptions of online learning in medical dosimetry. This research provided a guide for future implementation by other programs as well as validated the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse program. Methodology used consisted of an electronic survey sent to all previous and currently enrolled students in the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse medical dosimetry program. The survey was both quantitative and qualitative in demonstrating attitudinal perceptions of students in the program. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale. Qualitative data was gathered based on the open-ended responses and the identifying themes from the responses. The results demonstrated an overall satisfaction with this program, the instructor, and the online courses. Students felt a sense of belonging to the courses and the program. Considering that a majority of the students had never taken an online course previously, the students felt there were no technology issues. Future research should include an evaluation of board exam statistics for students enrolled in the online and face-to-face medical dosimetry programs.

  9. Revue of some dosimetry and dose assessment European projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolognese-Milsztajn, T.; Frank, D.; Lacoste, V.; Pihet, P.


    Full text of publication follows: Within the 5. Framework Programme of the European Commission several project dealing with dosimetry and dose assessment for internal and external exposure have been supported. A revue of the results of some of them is presented in this paper. The EURADOS network which involved 50 dosimetry institutes in EUROPE has coordinated the project DOSIMETRY NETWORK: the main results achieved within this action are the following: - The release on the World Wide Web of the EURADOS Database of Dosimetry Research Facilities; - The realisation of the report 'Harmonization of Individual Monitoring (IM) in Europe'; - The continuation of the intercomparisons programme of environmental radiation monitoring systems; - The realisation of the report Cosmic radiation exposure of aircraft crew. The EVIDOS project aimed at evaluating state of the art dosimetry techniques in representative workplaces of the nuclear industry with complex mixed neutron-photon radiation fields. This paper summarises the main findings from a practical point of view. Conclusions and recommendations will be given concerning characterisation of radiation fields, methods to derive radiation protection quantities and dosimeters results. The IDEA project aimed to improve the assessment of incorporated radionuclides through developments of advanced in-vivo and bioassay monitoring techniques and making use of such enhancements for improvements in routine monitoring. The primary goal was to categorize those new developments regarding their potential and eligibility for the routine monitoring community. The costs of monitoring for internal exposures in the workplace are usually significantly greater than the equivalent costs for external exposures. There is therefore a need to ensure that resources are employed with maximum effectiveness. The EC-funded OMINEX (Optimisation of Monitoring for Internal Exposure) project has developed methods for optimising the design and implementation of

  10. Estudio comparativo entre una prueba rápida y RT-PCR tiempo real en el diagnóstico de influenza AH1N1 2009 Comparative study of a rapid testing with real time RT-PCR for diagnosis of influenza AH1N1 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Araceli Castro-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar la prueba QuickVue Influenza A+B empleando como estándar la RT-PCR tiempo real para influenza AH1N1 2009. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo-comparativo de 135 muestras de vías respiratorias de individuos sintomáticos para influenza procesadas de mayo 2009 a octubre 2010.Las pruebas citadas se realizaron simultáneamente. Se utilizó el software Confidence Interval Analysis 2000. RESULTADOS: Sensibilidad 62.96; especificidad 94.44; valor predictivo negativo 62.9; valor predictivo positivo 94.44; razón de probabilidad positiva 11.33 y razón de probabilidad negativa 0.39. Se calcularon intervalos de confianza a 95. DISCUSIÓN: Los valores obtenidos concuerdan con otros estudios donde la sensibilidad fluctúa de 50 a 70 y especificidad entre 90 y 95 por ciento. La prueba QuickVue Influenza A+B es rápida, simple y de menor costo que el RT-PCR tiempo real, útil para identificar el tipo de virus en brotes de influenza de una población determinadaOBJECTIVE: Compare QuickVue Influenza A+B test with real-time RT-PCR for the diagnosis of influenza AH1N1 2009. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective-comparative study of 135 respiratory specimens from individuals with symptoms of influenza processed from May 2009 to October 2010.The above mentioned tests were performed simultaneously. For statistic analysisthe softwareof Confidence IntervalAnalysis 2000 was used. RESULTS: The parameters obtained were: sensitivity 62.96; specificity 94.44; negative predictive value 62.9; positive predictive value 94.44; positive likelihood ratio 11.33; negative likelihood ratio 0.39. Confidence intervals to 95,were calculated to all of the above data. DISCUSSION: The test QuickVue InfluenzaA+B is a rapid,simple test,with lower cost than real-time RT-PCR useful for identifying the type of virus outbreaks of influenza in a given population.It correlates well with more specific test and similar reports.

  11. Characterization of internal dosimetry practices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traub, R.J.; Heid, K.R.; Mann, J.C.


    Current practices in internal dosimetry at DOE facilities were evaluated with respect to consistency among DOE Contractors. All aspects of an internal dosimetry program were addressed. Items considered include, but are not necessarily limited to, record systems and ease of information retrieval; ease of integrating internal dose and external dose; modeling systems employed, including ability to modify models depending on excretion data, and verification of computer codes utilized; bioassay procedures, including quality control; and ability to relate air concentration data to individual workers and bioassay data. Feasibility of uranium analysis in solution by laser fluorescence excitation at uranium concentrations of one part per billion was demonstrated

  12. External dosimetry sources and shielding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calisto, Washington


    A definition of external dosimetry r external sources dosimetry,physical and mathematical treatment of the interaction of gamma radiation with a minimal area in that direction. Concept of attenuation coefficient, cumulated effect by polyenergetic sources, exposition rate, units, cumulated dose,shielding, foton shielding, depth calculation, materials used for shielding.Beta shielding, consideration of range and maximum β energy , low stopping radiation by use of low Z shielding. Tables for β energy of β emitters, I (tau) factor, energy-range curves for β emitters in aqueous media, gamma attenuation factors for U, W and Pb. Y factor for bone tissue,muscle and air, build-up factors

  13. Calorimetric dosimetry of reactor radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radak, B.; Markovic, V.; Draganic, I.


    Calorimetric dosimetry of reactor radiation is relatively new reactor dosimetry method and the number of relevant papers is rather small. Some difficulties in applying standard methods (chemical dosemeters, ionization chambers) exist because of the complexity of radiation. In general application of calorimetric dosemeters for measuring absorbed doses is most precise. In addition to adequate choice of calorimetric bodies there is a possibility of determining the yields of each component of the radiation mixture in the total absorbed dose. This paper contains a short review of the basic calorimetry methods and some results of measurements at the RA reactor in Vinca performed by isothermal calorimeter [sr

  14. Dosimetry of ionizing radiation. Fundamentals and applications. Dosimetrie ionisierender Strahlen. Grundlagen und Anwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reich, H [ed.


    In the first chapter of the book, a brief description is given of the historical development of dosimetry, of its objectives and special role within the context of general physical metrology, followed by detailed explanations of the physical fundamentals of this science: the sources and fields of radiation, interactions between radiation and matter as well as radiation detectors. The terminology and units of measurement used in dosimetry are explained in a separate chapter. Chapters 7 and 8, which outline the various theoretical and experimental methods of dose determination, are the most essential contributions to this volume. Chapter 9 deals with the ways in which dosimetry is used in special cases in radiotherapy as well as in the measurement of very small or very large doses. Chapter 10 gives a survey of recently introduced units of measurements and methods to calculate the body dose with reference to the particular type of exposure used. Appendix A contains tables of measuring units, physical constants and measuring techniques along with at-a-glance information on the legal regulations concerning the calibration of dosimeters. Appendix B gives practical guidance on the handling of hardware-related inaccuracies of measurement in dose determination procedures and appendix C embraces 22 pages of tables showing data on radiation physics. (orig./HP) With 150 figs., 50 tabs. in the text, and annex with tables.

  15. Personnel neutron dosimetry using electrochemically etched CR-39 foils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hankins, D.E.; Homann, S.; Westermark, J.


    A personnel neutron dosimetry system has been developed based on the electrochemical etching of CR-39 plastic at elevated temperatures. The doses obtained using this dosimeter system are more accurate than those obtained using other dosimetry systems, especially when varied neutron spectra are encountered. This Cr-39 dosimetry system does not have the severe energy dependence that exists with albedo neutron dosimeters or the fading and reading problems encountered with NTA film. The dosimetry system employs an electrochemical etch procedure that be used to process large numbers of Cr-39 dosimeters. The etch procedure is suitable for operations where the number of personnel requires that many CR-39 dosimeters be processed. Experience shows that one full-time technician can etch and evaluate 2000 foils per month. The energy response to neutrons is fairly flat from about 80 keV to 3.5 MeV, but drops by about a factor of three in the 13 to 16 MeV range. The sensitivity of the dosimetry system is about 7 tracks/cm 2 /mrem, with a background equivalent to about 8 mrem for new CR-39 foils. The limit of sensitivity is approximately 10 mrem. The dosimeter has a significant variation in directional dependence, dropping to about 20% at 90 0 . This dosimeter has been used for personnel neutron dosimetry at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for more tha 18 months. 6 refs., 23 figs., 2 tabs

  16. Accuracy and precision in thermoluminescence dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marshall, T.O.


    The question of accuracy and precision in thermoluminescent dosimetry, particularly in relation to lithium fluoride phosphor, is discussed. The more important sources of error, including those due to the detectors, the reader, annealing and dosemeter design, are identified and methods of reducing their effects on accuracy and precision to a minimum are given. Finally, the accuracy and precision achievable for three quite different applications are discussed, namely, for personal dosimetry, environmental monitoring and for the measurement of photon dose distributions in phantoms. (U.K.)

  17. Signos Vitales de los CDC–La prueba del VIH (HIV Testing)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de diciembre del 2017 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. En los Estados Unidos, alrededor del 15 por ciento de las personas que tienen el VIH no saben que lo tienen. Sepa la importancia que tiene hacerse la prueba, y recibir el diagnóstico y el tratamiento temprano.  Created: 11/28/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/28/2017.

  18. Aqueous chemical dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, R.W.


    Aqueous chemical dosimetry based on ceric and ferrous sulfate solutions and on a number of fluorescence-induced systems is reviewed. Particular attention is given to the factors affecting the response of these dosimeters to radiation and the corrections necessary for more accurate dosimetry under various irradiation conditions. The effect of cerous and ceric ion, oxygen, and sulfuric acid concentration on the ceric dosimeter is discussed together with the effects of temperature, energy of radiation, degraded energy spectra, and peroxysulfuric acids. Practical aspects of ceric/cerous dosimetry are given. Although ferrous sulfate solution is the most important and widely studied reference dosimeter, general agreement has not been reached on the ''best'' value for the molar extinction coefficient of ferric ions nor on the correction necessary to the G(Fe 3 - ) value for irradiations at temperatures significantly different from 25 0 C. New data are presented which indicate that the larger temperature coefficients given in the literature are more accurate. The ferrous sulfate system has been of great importance in establishing the primary radiolytic yields for 0.4 M sulfuric acid solution; it is shown how the failure to take into account the effect of oxygen and ferrous sulfate concentrations has led to erroneously high estimates of the zero solute concentration values in acid solutions. Some of the methods for extending the dose ranges measurable with ferrous sulfate-based solutions are reviewed. Substances which on irradiation give highly fluorescent products are among the most sensitive aqueous chemical dosimeters. These include benzoate and terephthalate solutions and the more recent coumarin and trimesate solutions. Advantages and disadvantages system are discussed. (author)

  19. Review of unfolding methods for neutron flux dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stallmann, F.W.; Kam, F.B.K.


    The primary method in reactor dosimetry is the foil activation technique. To translate the activation measurements into neutron fluxes, a special data processing technique called unfolding is needed. Some general observations about the problems and the reliability of this approach to reactor dosimetry are presented. Current unfolding methods are reviewed. 12 references. (auth)

  20. Radiation chemical dosimetry by means of nitrate-nitrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tormo Ferrero, M.J.


    The different chemical systems used in dosimetry and the selection criteria for them are described. The general topics in dosimetry with alkali nitrates as well as the phenomena occurring in their radiolisis are also treated. The possibility of application in dosimetric areas useful in radiosterilization and industrial processes is studied too. (author) [es

  1. Application of numerical analysis methods to thermoluminescence dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez Ros, J. M.; Delgado, A.


    This report presents the application of numerical methods to thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD), showing the advantages obtained over conventional evaluation systems. Different configurations of the analysis method are presented to operate in specific dosimetric applications of TLD, such as environmental monitoring and mailed dosimetry systems for quality assurance in radiotherapy facilities. (Author) 10 refs

  2. Personnel radiation dosimetry laboratory accreditation programme for thermoluminescent dosimeters : a proposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhatt, B.C.; Srivastava, J.K.; Iyer, P.S.; Venkatraman, G.


    Accreditation for thermoluminescent dosimeters is the process of evaluating a programme intending to use TL personnel dosimeters to measure, report and record dose equivalents received by radiation workers. In order to test the technical competence for conducting personnel dosimetry service as well as to decentralize personnel monitoring service, it has been proposed by Radiological Physics Division (RPhD) to accredit some of the laboratories, in the country. The objectives of this accreditation programme are: (i) to give recognition to competent dosimetry processors, and (ii) to provide periodic evaluation of dosimetry processors, including review of internal quality assurance programme to improve the quality of personnel dosimetry processing. The scientific support for the accreditation programme will be provided by the scientific staff from Radiological Physics Division (RPhD) and Radiation Protection Services Division (RPSD). This paper describes operational and technical requirements for the Personnel Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory Accreditation Programme for Thermoluminescent Dosimeters for Personnel Dosimetry Processors. Besides, many technical documents dealing with the TL Personnel Dosimeter System have been prepared. (author). 5 refs., 2 figs

  3. Interest of numerical dosimetry in radiation protection: mean of substitution or measurements consolidation?; Interet de la dosimetrie numerique en radioprotection: moyen de substitution ou de consolidation des mesures?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lahaye, T.; Chau, Q. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN/DPHD/SDOS), Service Dosimetrie, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Ferragut, A.; Gillot, J.Y. [SAPHYMO, 91 - Massy (France)


    The use of calculation codes allows to reduce the costs and the time limits. These codes brings to operators elements to reinforce their projected dosimetry. In the cases of accidental overexposure, the numerical dosimetry comes in complement of clinical and biological investigations to give an estimation as precise as possible of the received dose. For particular situations where it does not exist an adapted instrumentation, the numerical dosimetry can substitute to conventional techniques used by regulatory dosimetry (project for aviation personnel). (N.C.)

  4. Neutron Dosimetry and Irradiation of Solids; Dosimetrie des neutrons et irradiation des solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perriot, G; Schmitt, A P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Results of work at C.E.A. from 1958 to 1960 are reviewed. The possibilities offered by classical dosimetry methods are discussed. The tests which led to the utilization, for fast neutron dosimetry, of resistivity variations induced in solid W by such neutrons are described. Experimental W irradiation results led to a definition of neutron efficiency which describes the relations between neutron energy and their effects on materials. Possibilities offered by detectors which make use of radiation damage and are sensitive to neutrons at keV energies were explored. In other work, the principal French reactors were classified according to their ability to produce damage in materials such as W. (authors) [French] Dans ce rapport on a presente les resultats essentiels de travaux qui ont ete effectues de 1958 a 1980 par des chercheurs du CEA issus de differents services. En meme temps qu'une revue des possibilites offertes a l'epoque par les methodes classiques de dosimetrie (utilisation des detecteurs par activation), on a decrit les essais qui devaient permettre d'utiliser, a la dosimetrie les neutrons rapides, les variations de resistivite qu'ils creent dans un corps solide (tungstene). L'irradiation du tungstene a montre l'importance qu'il y avait a definir 'l'efficacite' des neutrons, c'est-a-dire leur aptitude plus ou moins grande, selon leur energie, a creer des defauts dans les materiaux. L'efficacite d'un emplacement d'irradiation se trouvant liee au spectre neutronique, on a vu les difficultes qu'il y avait a utiliser les detecteurs par activation des qu'on n'avait plus affaire a un spectre en 1/E ou de fission et on a pu entrevoir les possibilites offertes par les detecteurs utilisant la creation des defauts qui repondent a tous les neutrons d'energies, superieures a quelques keV. Enfin, on a classe les principaux types de Piles Francaises selon leur aptitude a creer plus ou moins rapidement des dommages dans des materiaux comme le tungstene. (auteur)

  5. Pruebas electrónicas ante los tribunales en la lucha contra la cibercriminalidad. Un proyecto europeo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fredesvinda Insa Mérida


    Full Text Available ResumenLa admisibilidad de las pruebas electrónicas en los tribunales en Europa queda regulada a través de disposiciones generales aplicables a la prueba tradicional, sin que, hasta el presente, exista ninguna regulación nacional específica en el viejo continente. Las percepciones manifestadas por los propios actores sociales implicados en el proceso de obtención, presentación y admisión de las pruebas electrónicas de cara a un juicio, junto con el vacío legislativo dominante, generan cierta inseguridad jurídica y profesional. En consecuencia, este proyecto refleja la carencia –aludida por los actores del mundo legal, empresarial y tecnológico– de una formación, cualificación y regulación específicas para permitir una mejor actuación de estos profesionales europeos, a fin de proteger mejor a las víctimas de los delitos cometidos a través de las tecnologías de información.AbstractThe admission of electronic evidence in European courts is regulated through general dispositions applicable to traditional proof, without any specific national regulation in the Old Continent. Perceptions manifested by social actors implicated in the process of gathering, presentation and admission of electronic proofs for a trial, as well as the dominant judicial vacuum, generate some judicial and professional insecurity. As a consequence, this project reflects the lack –highlighted by authors in the legal, entrepreneurial and technological world– of a specific formation, qualification and regulation to allow a better performance for these European professionals, with the goal of better protecting victims of felonies carried on through New Technologies.

  6. New developments in radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, C. G.


    NIST has been a pioneer in the use of radiochromic film for medical dosimetry applications. Beginning in 1988 with experiments with 90 Sr/Y ophthalmic applicators, this work has continued into the present. A review of the latest applications is presented, which include high activity low-energy photon source dosimetry and ultra-high resolution film densitometry for dose enhancement near stents and microbeam radiation therapy dosimetry. An exciting recent development is the availability of a new radiochromic emulsion which has been developed for IMRT dosimetry. This emulsion is an order of magnitude more sensitive than was previously available. Measurements of the sensitivity and uniformity of samples of this new film are reported, using a spectrophotometer and two scanning laser densitometers. A unique feature of the new emulsion is that the peak of the absorbance spectrum falls at the wavelength of the HeNe lasers used in the densitometer, maximising sensitivity. When read at a wavelength of 633 nm, sensitivities on the order of 900 mAU Gy -1 were determined for this new film type, compared with about 40 mAU Gy -1 for type HS film, 20 mAU Gy -1 for type MD-55-2 film, and 3 mAU Gy -1 for type HD-810. Film uniformities were found to be good, on the order of 6% peak to peak. However, there is a strong polarisation effect in the samples examined, requiring care in film orientation during readout. (authors)

  7. Development of A-bomb survivor dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerr, G.D.


    An all important datum in risk assessment is the radiation dose to individual survivors of the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first set of dose estimates for survivors was based on a dosimetry system developed in 1957 by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). These Tentative 1957 Doses (T57D) were later replaced by a more extensive and refined set of Tentative 1965 Doses (T65D). The T65D system of dose estimation for survivors was also developed at ORNL and served as a basis for risk assessment throughout the 1970s. In the late 1970s, it was suggested that there were serious inadequacies with the T65D system, and these inadequacies were the topic of discussion at two symposia held in 1981. In early 1983, joint US- Japan research programs were established to conduct a thorough review of all aspects of the radiation dosimetry for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors. A number of important contributions to this review were made by ORNL staff members. The review was completed in 1986 and a new Dosimetry System 1986 (DS86) was adopted for use. This paper discusses the development of the various systems of A-bomb survivor dosimetry, and the status of the current DS86 system as it is being applied in the medical follow-up studies of the A-bomb survivors and their offspring

  8. Development of A-bomb survivor dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerr, G.D.


    An all important datum in risk assessment is the radiation dose to individual survivors of the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first set of dose estimates for survivors was based on a dosimetry system developed in 1957 by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). These Tentative 1957 Doses (T57D) were later replaced by a more extensive and refined set of Tentative 1965 Doses (T65D). The T65D system of dose estimation for survivors was also developed at ORNL and served as a basis for risk assessment throughout the 1970s. In the late 1970s, it was suggested that there were serious inadequacies with the T65D system, and these inadequacies were the topic of discussion at two symposia held in 1981. In early 1983, joint US- Japan research programs were established to conduct a thorough review of all aspects of the radiation dosimetry for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors. A number of important contributions to this review were made by ORNL staff members. The review was completed in 1986 and a new Dosimetry System 1986 (DS86) was adopted for use. This paper discusses the development of the various systems of A-bomb survivor dosimetry, and the status of the current DS86 system as it is being applied in the medical follow-up studies of the A-bomb survivors and their offspring.

  9. Neutron dosimetry: problems, solutions, prospects and the role of trace detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, F.


    It is present in schematic way, the origin of the neutrons; their interaction with matter, until its application in the field of dosimetry. It describes some measuring instruments based on thermoluminescence dosimetry, some activation detectors and trace detectors. Finally, it summarizes the work in neutron dosimetry have been carried out at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. (Author)

  10. Radiation chemical dosimetry by means of nitrate-nitrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tormo Ferrero, M. J.


    The different chemical systems used in dosimetry and the selection criteria for them are described. The general topics in dosimetry with alkali nitrates as well as the phenomena occurring in their radiolysis are also treated. The possibility of application in dosimetric areas useful in radiosterilization and industrial processes is studied too. (Author) 22 refs

  11. In vivo dosimetry with silicon diodes in total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, F.F.; Amaral, L.L.; Costa, A.M.; Netto, T.G.


    The aim of this work is the characterization and application of silicon diode detectors for in vivo dosimetry in total body irradiation (TBI) treatments. It was evaluated the diode response with temperature, dose rate, gantry angulations and field size. A maximum response variation of 2.2% was obtained for temperature dependence. The response variation for dose rate and angular was within 1.2%. For field size dependence, the detector response increased with field until reach a saturation region, where no more primary radiation beam contributes for dose. The calibration was performed in a TBI setup. Different lateral thicknesses from one patient were simulated and then the calibration factors were determined by means of maximum depth dose readings. Subsequent to calibration, in vivo dosimetry measurements were performed. The response difference between diode readings and the prescribed dose for all treatments was below 4%. This difference is in agreement as recommended by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), which is ±5%. The present work to test the applicability of a silicon diode dosimetry system for performing in vivo dose measurements in TBI techniques presented good results. These measurements demonstrated the value of diode dosimetry as a treatment verification method and its applicability as a part of a quality assurance program in TBI treatments. - Highlights: ► Characterization of a silicon diode dosimetry system. ► Application of the diodes for in vivo dosimetry in total body irradiation treatments. ► Implementation of in vivo dosimetry as a part of a quality assurance program in radiotherapy

  12. Worldwide QA networks for radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Izewska, J.; Svensson, H.; Ibbott, G.


    A number of national or international organizations have developed various types and levels of external audits for radiotherapy dosimetry. There are three major programmes who make available external audits, based on mailed TLD (thermoluminescent dosimetry), to local radiotherapy centres on a regular basis. These are the IAEA/WHO TLD postal dose audit service operating worldwide, the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) system, EQUAL, in European Union (EU) and the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) in North America. The IAEA, in collaboration with WHO, was the first organization to initiate TLD audits on an international scale in 1969, using mailed system, and has a well-established programme for providing dose verification in reference conditions. Over 32 years, the IAEA/WHO TLD audit service has checked the calibration of more than 4300 radiotherapy beams in about 1200 hospitals world-wide. Only 74% of those hospitals who receive TLDs for the first time have results with deviation between measured and stated dose within acceptance limits of ±5%, while approximately 88% of the users that have benefited from a previous TLD audit are successful. EQUAL, an audit programme set up in 1998 by ESTRO, involves the verification of output for high energy photon and electron beams, and the audit of beam parameters in non-reference conditions. More than 300 beams are checked each year, mainly in the countries of EU, covering approximately 500 hospitals. The results show that although 98% of the beam calibrations are within the tolerance level of ±5%, a second check was required in 10% of the participating centres, because a deviation larger than ±5% was observed in at least one of the beam parameters in non-reference conditions. EQUAL has been linked to another European network (EC network) which tested the audit methodology prior to its application. The RPC has been funded continuously since 1968 to monitor radiation therapy dose delivery at

  13. Quasi 3D dosimetry (EPID, conventional 2D/3D detector matrices)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bäck, A


    Patient specific pretreatment measurement for IMRT and VMAT QA should preferably give information with a high resolution in 3D. The ability to distinguish complex treatment plans, i.e. treatment plans with a difference between measured and calculated dose distributions that exceeds a specified tolerance, puts high demands on the dosimetry system used for the pretreatment measurements and the results of the measurement evaluation needs a clinical interpretation. There are a number of commercial dosimetry systems designed for pretreatment IMRT QA measurements. 2D arrays such as MapCHECK ® (Sun Nuclear), MatriXX Evolution (IBA Dosimetry) and OCTAVIOUS ® 1500 (PTW), 3D phantoms such as OCTAVIUS ® 4D (PTW), ArcCHECK ® (Sun Nuclear) and Delta 4 (ScandiDos) and software for EPID dosimetry and 3D reconstruction of the dose in the patient geometry such as EPIDose TM (Sun Nuclear) and Dosimetry Check TM (Math Resolutions) are available. None of those dosimetry systems can measure the 3D dose distribution with a high resolution (full 3D dose distribution). Those systems can be called quasi 3D dosimetry systems. To be able to estimate the delivered dose in full 3D the user is dependent on a calculation algorithm in the software of the dosimetry system. All the vendors of the dosimetry systems mentioned above provide calculation algorithms to reconstruct a full 3D dose in the patient geometry. This enables analyzes of the difference between measured and calculated dose distributions in DVHs of the structures of clinical interest which facilitates the clinical interpretation and is a promising tool to be used for pretreatment IMRT QA measurements. However, independent validation studies on the accuracy of those algorithms are scarce. Pretreatment IMRT QA using the quasi 3D dosimetry systems mentioned above rely on both measurement uncertainty and accuracy of calculation algorithms. In this article, these quasi 3D dosimetry systems and their use in patient specific

  14. Practical neutron dosimetry at high energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCaslin, J.B.; Thomas, R.H.


    Dosimetry at high energy particle accelerators is discussed with emphasis on physical measurements which define the radiation environment and provide an immutable basis for the derivation of any quantities subsequently required for risk evaluation. Results of inter-laboratory dosimetric comparisons are reviewed and it is concluded that a well-supported systematic program is needed which would make possible detailed evaluations and inter-comparisons of instruments and techniques in well characterized high energy radiation fields. High-energy dosimetry is so coupled with radiation transport that it is clear their study should proceed concurrently

  15. The United Kingdom's radiotherapy dosimetry audit network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thwaites, D.I.; Allahverdi, M.; Powley, S.K.; Nisbet, A.


    The first comprehensive national dosimetry intercomparison in the United Kingdom involving all UK radiotherapy centres was carried out in the late 1980s. Out of this a regular radiotherapy dosimetry audit network evolved in the early 1990s. The network is co-ordinated by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine and comprises eight co-operative regional groups. Audits are based on site visits using ionization chambers and epoxy resin water substitute phantoms. The basic audit methodology and phantom design follows that of the original national intercomparison exercise. However, most of the groups have evolved more complex methods, to extend the audit scope to include other parameters, other parts of the radiotherapy process and other treatment modalities. A number of the groups have developed phantoms to simulate various clinical treatment situations, enabling the sharing of phantoms and expertise between groups, but retaining a common base. Besides megavoltage external beam photon dosimetry, a number of the groups have also included the audit of kilovoltage X ray beams, electron beams and brachytherapy dosimetry. The National Physical Laboratory is involved in the network and carries out basic beam calibration audits to link the groups. The network is described and the methods and results are illustrated using the Scottish+ group as an example. (author)

  16. Ley de Thirlwall y tipo de cambio: Un análisis empírico para la economía mexicana de 2003 a 2012, mediante la metodología del modelo SVAR cointegrado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Arenas Díaz


    Full Text Available A partir de los hechos estilizados de la economía mexicana del periodo 2003- 2012, se prueba la validez en el corto y largo plazo de la Ley de Thirlwall, medi - ante la técnica econométrica del var estructural cointegrado. En el modelo desar - rollado se considera que el tipo de cambio real es una variable que puede tener un efecto importante sobre la demanda, tal como lo menciona López y Cruz (1999. Cabe resaltar, que la mayoría de los estudios que estiman dichas variables, sólo analizan los efectos de largo plazo de la propia Ley de Thirlwall, no obstante, para esta investigación, a través del cálculo de los impulso-respuesta se puede reali - zar inferencia económica sobre lo que ocurre en el corto plazo con las variables económicas. Finalmente, se respalda el empleo de la metodología svar , puesto que ésta permite imponer restricciones teóricas, lo cual valida el modelo de cre - cimiento, restringido por la balanza de pagos, que propone A. Thirlwall en 1979 y que, además, con¿rma la hipótesis de la relevancia que tiene el tipo de cambio en el crecimiento de corto plazo en la economía mexicana.

  17. Czech results at criticality dosimetry intercomparison 2002. (United States)

    Frantisek, Spurný; Jaroslav, Trousil


    Two criticality dosimetry systems were tested by Czech participants during the intercomparison held in Valduc, France, June 2002. The first consisted of the thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) (Al-P glasses) and Si-diodes as passive neutron dosemeters. Second, it was studied to what extent the individual dosemeters used in the Czech routine personal dosimetry service can give a reliable estimation of criticality accident exposure. It was found that the first system furnishes quite reliable estimation of accidental doses. For routine individual dosimetry system, no important problems were encountered in the case of photon dosemeters (TLDs, film badge). For etched track detectors in contact with the 232Th or 235U-Al alloy, the track density saturation for the spark counting method limits the upper dose at approximately 1 Gy for neutrons with the energy >1 MeV.

  18. Advantages of the synthetic technique for the conduction of short circuit tests to breakers; Ventajas de la tecnica sintetica para realizar pruebas de corto circuito a interruptores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sibilski, Henry [Instituto Electrotecnico de Varsovia, Varsovia (Poland); Ochoa Vivanco, Ruben [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article the operational principle of the synthetic test is described; specifically of the current injection circuit in parallel. Its utilization in the research and development of new breaker models and its wide possibilities regarding its testing characteristics is outlined. Likewise the different tests that can be performed by means of the synthetic technique are described. Finally the importance of the synthetic tests is outlined for the development of own technology in the area of interruption equipment and emphasis is made that in industrialized countries this technique is of common practice. [Espanol] En este articulo se describe el principio de operacion de la prueba sintetica; especificamente del circuito de inyeccion de corriente en paralelo. Se destaca su utilizacion en la investigacion y desarrollo de nuevos modelos de interruptores y sus amplias posibilidades en cuanto a caracteristicas de prueba. Asimismo, se describen las diferentes pruebas que pueden realizarse mediante la tecnica sintetica. Por ultimo, se destaca la importancia de las pruebas sinteticas para el desarrollo de tecnologia propia en el area de equipos de interrupcion, y se hace notar que en paises desarrollados, esta tecnica es practica comun.

  19. Advantages of the synthetic technique for the conduction of short circuit tests to breakers; Ventajas de la tecnica sintetica para realizar pruebas de corto circuito a interruptores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sibilski, Henry [Instituto Electrotecnico de Varsovia, Varsovia (Poland); Ochoa Vivanco, Ruben [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article the operational principle of the synthetic test is described; specifically of the current injection circuit in parallel. Its utilization in the research and development of new breaker models and its wide possibilities regarding its testing characteristics is outlined. Likewise the different tests that can be performed by means of the synthetic technique are described. Finally the importance of the synthetic tests is outlined for the development of own technology in the area of interruption equipment and emphasis is made that in industrialized countries this technique is of common practice. [Espanol] En este articulo se describe el principio de operacion de la prueba sintetica; especificamente del circuito de inyeccion de corriente en paralelo. Se destaca su utilizacion en la investigacion y desarrollo de nuevos modelos de interruptores y sus amplias posibilidades en cuanto a caracteristicas de prueba. Asimismo, se describen las diferentes pruebas que pueden realizarse mediante la tecnica sintetica. Por ultimo, se destaca la importancia de las pruebas sinteticas para el desarrollo de tecnologia propia en el area de equipos de interrupcion, y se hace notar que en paises desarrollados, esta tecnica es practica comun.

  20. Present status and expected progress in radiation processing dosimetry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kovács, A.; Miller, A.


    The paper describes the present status of radiation processing dosimetry including the methods used most widely in gamma- and electron processing as well as the new methods under development or introduction. The recent trends with respect to calibrationof routine dosimetry systems as well...



    V Robles-Pizarro; L Tarqui-Cabrera; N Rodríguez-Collazos; A Morales-Chau; J De La Cruz-Manyari; K Ríos-Melgar; D Rivera-Cruzado; A Rubio-Gonzáles; C Santa Cruz-Contreras; G Velazco-Curay; B Loja-Herrera; A Alvarado-Yarasca; B Castañeda-Castañeda; A Salazar-Granara


    OBJETIVODeterminar el efecto y actividad antinociceptiva de las hojas de Maytenus macrocarpa (Ruiz & Pav) Briq. “chuchuhuasi” mediante la prueba de contorsiones abdominales en roedor.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOSe utilizaron 40 ratones albinos machos, con pesos medios de 25g, se empleó la prueba de contorsiones abdominales para determinar la actividad antinociceptiva. El grupo Control, no recibió ninguna sustancia. Se administró extracto etanólico de las hojas de M. macrocarpa (Ruiz & Pav.) Briq...

  2. 9th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    IC3DDose 2016 - 9th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry Preface It was a great pleasure to welcome participants to IC3DDose 2016, the 9th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry, held from 7–10 November 2016 in Galveston, Texas. The series of conferences has evolved considerably during its history. At the first conference, DOSGEL’99, the discussion centered around gel dosimetry. Held in Lexington, Kentucky in 1999, it was timed to coincide with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. It was my honour to organize that first conference, and it was once again my honour to organize the 9th conference in the series now known as IC3DDose which was held in Galveston, Texas. As was the case with recent IC3DDose conferences, the topic has broadened considerably beyond gel dosimetry. Not only have newer 3D volumetric dosimeters appeared on the scene, but novel electronic dosimetry systems and software that generate quasi-3D dose information have also. These changes have tracked advances in radiation oncology as techniques such as IMRT, VMAT, and IGRT have become almost ubiquitous. At the same time, dynamic treatments including gating and tracking now enjoy widespread use. Novel treatment technologies have appeared with perhaps the most disruptive being combined MR imaging-treatment units such as the ViewRay MR-cobalt unit and the Elekta/Philips MR-Linac. The potential benefits offered by 3D dosimetry were explored, compared and evaluated during IC3DDose 2016. Novel and improved readout techniques, some of which take advantage of the contemporary treatment environment and new QA systems and procedures, as well as other aspects of clinical dosimetry were well represented in the program. Over the past several years, the importance of safety in radiation therapy has been highlighted. The benefits of 3D dosimetry in contributing to safe and accurate treatments cannot be overstated. The

  3. Relationship between student selection criteria and learner success for medical dosimetry students

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, Jamie; Tucker, Debra; Raynes, Edilberto; Aitken, Florence; Allen, Pamela


    Medical dosimetry education occupies a specialized branch of allied health higher education. Noted international shortages of health care workers, reduced university funding, limitations on faculty staffing, trends in learner attrition, and increased enrollment of nontraditional students force medical dosimetry educational leadership to reevaluate current admission practices. Program officials wish to select medical dosimetry students with the best chances of successful graduation. The purpose of the quantitative ex post facto correlation study was to investigate the relationship between applicant characteristics (cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA), science grade point average (SGPA), prior experience as a radiation therapist, and previous academic degrees) and the successful completion of a medical dosimetry program, as measured by graduation. A key finding from the quantitative study was the statistically significant positive correlation between a student's previous degree and his or her successful graduation from the medical dosimetry program. Future research investigations could include a larger research sample, representative of more medical dosimetry student populations, and additional studies concerning the relationship of previous work as a radiation therapist and the effect on success as a medical dosimetry student. Based on the quantitative correlation analysis, medical dosimetry leadership on admissions committees could revise student selection rubrics to place less emphasis on an applicant's undergraduate cumulative GPA and increase the weight assigned to previous degrees.

  4. Relationship between student selection criteria and learner success for medical dosimetry students

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baker, Jamie, E-mail: [Medical Dosimetry Program, School of Health Professions, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center School of Health Professions, Houston, TX (United States); Tucker, Debra [Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Raynes, Edilberto [University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Aitken, Florence [University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Allen, Pamela [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX (United States)


    Medical dosimetry education occupies a specialized branch of allied health higher education. Noted international shortages of health care workers, reduced university funding, limitations on faculty staffing, trends in learner attrition, and increased enrollment of nontraditional students force medical dosimetry educational leadership to reevaluate current admission practices. Program officials wish to select medical dosimetry students with the best chances of successful graduation. The purpose of the quantitative ex post facto correlation study was to investigate the relationship between applicant characteristics (cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA), science grade point average (SGPA), prior experience as a radiation therapist, and previous academic degrees) and the successful completion of a medical dosimetry program, as measured by graduation. A key finding from the quantitative study was the statistically significant positive correlation between a student's previous degree and his or her successful graduation from the medical dosimetry program. Future research investigations could include a larger research sample, representative of more medical dosimetry student populations, and additional studies concerning the relationship of previous work as a radiation therapist and the effect on success as a medical dosimetry student. Based on the quantitative correlation analysis, medical dosimetry leadership on admissions committees could revise student selection rubrics to place less emphasis on an applicant's undergraduate cumulative GPA and increase the weight assigned to previous degrees.

  5. Semiconductor dosimetry system for gamma and neutron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savic, Z.; Pavlovic, Z.


    The semiconductor dosimetry system for gamma and neutron radiation based on pMOS transistor and PIN diode is described. It is intended for tactical or accidental personal dosimetry. The production steps are given. The temperature, dose and time (fading) response are reported. Hardware and software requirements which are needed for obtaining the desired measurement error are pointed. (author)

  6. Dosimetry tools and techniques for IMRT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Low, Daniel A.; Moran, Jean M.; Dempsey, James F.; Dong Lei; Oldham, Mark


    Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) poses a number of challenges for properly measuring commissioning data and quality assurance (QA) radiation dose distributions. This report provides a comprehensive overview of how dosimeters, phantoms, and dose distribution analysis techniques should be used to support the commissioning and quality assurance requirements of an IMRT program. The proper applications of each dosimeter are described along with the limitations of each system. Point detectors, arrays, film, and electronic portal imagers are discussed with respect to their proper use, along with potential applications of 3D dosimetry. Regardless of the IMRT technique utilized, some situations require the use of multiple detectors for the acquisition of accurate commissioning data. The overall goal of this task group report is to provide a document that aids the physicist in the proper selection and use of the dosimetry tools available for IMRT QA and to provide a resource for physicists that describes dosimetry measurement techniques for purposes of IMRT commissioning and measurement-based characterization or verification of IMRT treatment plans. This report is not intended to provide a comprehensive review of commissioning and QA procedures for IMRT. Instead, this report focuses on the aspects of metrology, particularly the practical aspects of measurements that are unique to IMRT. The metrology of IMRT concerns the application of measurement instruments and their suitability, calibration, and quality control of measurements. Each of the dosimetry measurement tools has limitations that need to be considered when incorporating them into a commissioning process or a comprehensive QA program. For example, routine quality assurance procedures require the use of robust field dosimetry systems. These often exhibit limitations with respect to spatial resolution or energy response and need to themselves be commissioned against more established dosimeters. A chain of

  7. Argentine intercomparison programme for personal dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregori, B.N.; Papadopulos, S.B.; Cruzate, J.; Kunst, J.J.; Saravi, M.


    Full text: In 1997 began in Argentine, sponsored by Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) the intercomparison program for personal dosimetry laboratories, on a voluntary basis. Up to know 6 exercises have been done. The program began with a workshop to present the quantities, personal dose equivalent, Hp(10) and extremities dose equivalent, Hs(d). The first aim of this program was to know the true sate of personal dosimetry laboratories in the country, and then introduce the personal dose equivalent, Hp(10) into the dose measurements. The Regional Reference Center for Dosimetry (CCR), belonging to CNEA and the Physical Dosimetry Laboratory of ARN performed the irradiation. Those were done air free and on ICRU phantom, using x-ray, quality ISO: W60, W110 and W200; and 137 Cs and 60 Co gamma rays. The irradiation was made following ISO 4037 (2) recommendations. There are studied the dose, energy and angular response of the different measuring system. The range of the dose analyzed was from 0.2 mSv up to 80 mSv. The beam incidence was normal and also 20 o and 60 o . The dosimeters irradiation's were performed kerma in free in air and in phantom in order to study the availability of the service to evaluate the behavior as a function of kerma free in air or Hp(10). At the same time several items have been asked to each participant referring to the action range, the detectors characteristics, the laboratory procedures, the existence of an algorithm and its use for the dosimeter evaluation and the wish to participate in a quality assurance program. The program worked in writing a standard of personal dosimetry laboratories, that was published in 2001. In this work the results of each laboratory and its performance based on the ICRP-60 and ICRP-35 acceptance criteria are shown. Also the laboratory evolution and inquiry analyses have been included. (author)

  8. Photon dosimetry intercomparisons at Tygerberg and Groote Schuur hospitals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, D.T.L.; Symons, J.E.; Schreuder, A.N.; Van der Merwe, E.J.; Rossouw, A.; Hough, J.K.; Lazarus, G.L.


    A national photon dosimetry intercomparison was undertaken at 8 hospitals at the beginning of 1989 prior to the commencement of randomised clinical trials involving neutron therapy at the National Accelerator Centre. The results obtained were in agreement at all but two hospitals. Following these studies it was agreed that a uniform photon dosimetry protocol, the AAPM TG2 protocol, be adopted countrywide. The clinical program at the National Accelerator Centre is now far advanced and it was deemed appropriate to undertake a new photon dosimetry intercomparison at two local hospitals, through which all patients are referred. The procedure involved was to compare the doses measured at each hospital under specified conditions by National Accelerator staff with the doses measured by the hospital physicists using their own equipment and protocols. The results obtained were in good agreement, confirming the validity of the dosimetry techniques used. 8 refs., 8 tabs

  9. Pruebas de velocidad aeróbica máxima con jóvenes futbolistas. Control y programación de la intensidad de los entrenamientos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Campillo


    Full Text Available Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo para analizar la importancia del entrenamiento intermitente, más precisamente la utilización de la velocidad aeróbica máxima (VAM intermitente en la práctica del fútbol. Se ha evaluado la VAM continua con la prueba VAMEVAL (evaluación de la velocidad máxima aeróbica y la VAM intermitente con la prueba 45-15 con ayuda de 21 jóvenes futbolistas. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados se han formado dos grupos homogéneos que realizan un ciclo de siete semanas de entrenamiento específico con el objetivo de desarrollar la PMA. La intensidad del entrenamiento del grupo 1 tiene como referencia el nivel máximo de la VAM continua y el de la VAM intermitente para el grupo 2. Para el conjunto de los jugadores, y para cada grupo, se observa una diferencia significativa inicial (p < 0,001 entre la VAM intermitente (16,02 ± 1,21 km/h y la VAM continua (14,12 ± 1,06 km/h. Finalizado el ciclo se mantienen las mismas diferencias entre las VAM intermitentes y continuas. Sin embargo, para el grupo 1 no hay diferencias significativas entre las dos pruebas 45-15 inicial y final; por el contrario, para el grupo 2 existe una clara diferencia (p < 0,01 entre las dos pruebas intermitentes (15,86 ± 1,50 km/h / 17,0 ± 0,97 km/h. Aunque los dos grupos han mejorado su VAM continua se observa un aumento superior de la velocidad en el grupo 2. Es muy importante tener en cuenta los resultados de las pruebas de VAM continua y sobre todo intermitente para programar y adaptar con precisión la intensidad de los entrenamientos, puesto que existen diferencias que no siempre se valoran.

  10. Neutron excitation function guide for reactor dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gritzay, O.; Vlasov, M.; Chervonna, L.; Klimova, N.; Kolota, G.; Zerkin, V.


    Neutron Excitation Function Guide for Reactor Dosimetry (NEFGRD) has been prepared in the Ukrainian Nuclear Data Center (UKRNDC) using ZVV 9.2 code for graphical data presentation. The data can be retrieved through Web or obtained on CD-ROM or as hard copy report. NEFGRD contains graphical and text information for 56 nuclides (81 dosimetry reactions). Each reaction is provided by the information part and several graphical function blocks (from one to nine). (author)

  11. Group: radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caldas, L.V.E.


    The main activities of the radiation dosimetry group is described, including the calibration of instruments, sources and radioactive solutions and the determination of neutron flux; development, production and market dosimetric materials; development radiation sensor make the control of radiation dose received by IPEN workers; development new techniques for monitoring, etc. (C.G.C.)

  12. Sistema para la Aplicación de Pruebas Psicológicas vía Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cuauhtémoc Hidalgo-Cortés


    Full Text Available In this work, we present a generic Web system for the application, capturing and editing ofany multiple-choice psychological test capable of storing data permanently (in order to makecomparative and longitudinal studies. Also, these data can be imported into other statisticalprograms such as Microsoft Excel, SPSS and Origin. The implementation and administrationof the tests can be done from any Internet-connected computer without installing specializedsoftware. To evaluate the potential of this system, the questionnaire Cuestionario Honey-Alonsode Estilos de Aprendizaje (C. H. A. E. A. was captured and applied to 255 subjects. Theresults showed a significant reduction in time spent calculating the factor, in the same way,the total score for each test also prevented the occurrence of errors made by human interventionin the assessment manual (since this process was automated by the system.En este trabajo se presenta un sistema web para la aplicación, captura y edición de cual­quier prueba psicológica de opción múltiple con capacidad para almacenar datos de forma permanente (dicha información permitirá llevar a cabo estudios comparativos y longitudi­nales. De la misma forma, los datos almacenados pueden ser importados por otros pro­gramas estadísticos, como por ejemplo Microsoft Excel, SPSS y Origin. La aplicación y administración de estas pruebas puede hacerse desde cualquier computadora conectada a la Internet sin necesidad de instalar programas especializados. Para evaluar el potencial de este sistema, se capturó el Cuestionario Honey-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje (C. H. A. E. A. y se aplicó a 255 sujetos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una reducción considerable en el tiempo invertido en el cálculo de las subescalas (factor y en la puntuación total de cada prueba, además, se evitó la aparición de errores cometidos por la intervención huma­na en la evaluación manual (debido a que este proceso fue automatizado por

  13. Confiabilidad de pruebas para flexibilidad en futbolistas jóvenes de un club profesional [Reliability of Flexibility Tests in Young Soccer Players From a Professional Club

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Díaz-Escobar


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estimar la confiabilidad de pruebas para medir la flexibilidad de la musculatura flexoextensora de la rodilla, de acuerdo con la temporada, la edad y la posición de juego en jugadores varones del área formativa de un club profesional de fútbol. Material y métodos. La medición de la flexibilidad se realizó mediante la aplicación de las pruebas Modified. Thomas Test (MT Test para cuádriceps y el Modified Back-Saber Sit-and-Reach Test (MBS Test para isquiotibiales. La confiabilidad se estimó mediante el α de Cronbach. Resultados. Ambas pruebas presentaron estimaciones altas de confiabilidad entre temporadas, por categorías de jugadores, puesto de juego y en comparación del rendimiento entre miembro inferior derecho e izquierdo. Conclusiones. Ambas pruebas pueden ser aplicadas en deportes colectivos, como acontece en el área formativa de clubes profesionales de fútbol, especialmente, en la prevención de lesiones deportivas, al tener una validez aceptada, presentar una alta confiabilidad de acuerdo con el estudio y además, tener como características: bajo costo, fácil aplicación y medir un volumen importante de personas en breves periodos de tiempo.

  14. Computational methods in several fields of radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paretzke, Herwig G.


    Full text: Radiation dosimetry has to cope with a wide spectrum of applications and requirements in time and size. The ubiquitous presence of various radiation fields or radionuclides in the human home, working, urban or agricultural environment can lead to various dosimetric tasks starting from radioecology, retrospective and predictive dosimetry, personal dosimetry, up to measurements of radionuclide concentrations in environmental and food product and, finally in persons and their excreta. In all these fields measurements and computational models for the interpretation or understanding of observations are employed explicitly or implicitly. In this lecture some examples of own computational models will be given from the various dosimetric fields, including a) Radioecology (e.g. with the code systems based on ECOSYS, which was developed far before the Chernobyl reactor accident, and tested thoroughly afterwards), b) Internal dosimetry (improved metabolism models based on our own data), c) External dosimetry (with the new ICRU-ICRP-Voxelphantom developed by our lab), d) Radiation therapy (with GEANT IV as applied to mixed reactor radiation incident on individualized voxel phantoms), e) Some aspects of nanodosimetric track structure computations (not dealt with in the other presentation of this author). Finally, some general remarks will be made on the high explicit or implicit importance of computational models in radiation protection and other research field dealing with large systems, as well as on good scientific practices which should generally be followed when developing and applying such computational models

  15. EURADOS strategic research agenda: vision for dosimetry of ionising radiation. (United States)

    Rühm, W; Fantuzzi, E; Harrison, R; Schuhmacher, H; Vanhavere, F; Alves, J; Bottollier Depois, J F; Fattibene, P; Knežević, Ž; Lopez, M A; Mayer, S; Miljanić, S; Neumaier, S; Olko, P; Stadtmann, H; Tanner, R; Woda, C


    Since autumn 2012, the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has been developing its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which is intended to contribute to the identification of future research needs in radiation dosimetry in Europe. The present article summarises-based on input from EURADOS Working Groups (WGs) and Voting Members-five visions in dosimetry and defines key issues in dosimetry research that are considered important for the next decades. The five visions include scientific developments required towards (a) updated fundamental dose concepts and quantities, (b) improved radiation risk estimates deduced from epidemiological cohorts, (c) efficient dose assessment for radiological emergencies, (d) integrated personalised dosimetry in medical applications and (e) improved radiation protection of workers and the public. The SRA of EURADOS will be used as a guideline for future activities of the EURADOS WGs. A detailed version of the SRA can be downloaded as a EURADOS report from the EURADOS website ( © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Interlaboratory niobium dosimetry comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wille, P.


    For an interlaboratory comparison of neutron dosimetry using niobium the 93 sup(m)Nb activities of irradiated niobium monitors were measured. This work was performed to compare the applied techniques of dosimetry with Nb in different laboratories. The niobium monitors were irradiated in the fast breeder EBRII, USA and the BR2, Belgium. The monitors were dissolved and several samples were prepared. Their niobium contents were determined by the 94 Nb-count rates. since the original specific count rate was known. The KX radiations of the 93 sup(m)Nb of the samples and of a calibrated Nb-foil were compared. This foil was measured by PTB, Braunschweig and CBNM, Geel, which we additionally compared with the KX radiation of 88 Sr produced by a thin 88 Y source from a 88 Y-standard solution (PTB). (orig.) [de

  17. Some aspects on neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henaish, B.A.; Youssef, S.K.


    The American National Council on Radiation Protection and measurements (1) has recently issued a statement regarding dose limitation system for neutrons. The changes proposed in that statement presented substantial problems regarding the personnel exposure to neutrons and had pointed out the need to reassess an adequate current neutron dosimetry practice. Generally, the same types of dosimeters i.e. Nuclear Track (NTA films) and TLD-Albedo, have been used at major nuclear facilities over the past 15 years. here recently, other dosimetry methods such as track etch with polycarbonates such as CR-39 have been developed. However these should be recognized as local systems aiming to the development of better and more applicable dosimeters. 4 tab

  18. Type tests to the automatic system of thermoluminescent dosimetry acquired by the CPHR for personnel dosimetry; Pruebas tipo al sistema de dosimetria termoluminiscente automatico adquirido por el CPHR para dosimetria personal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina P, D.; Pernas S, R. [Centro de Proteccion e Higiene de las Radiaciones (CPHR), Calle 20, No. 4113 e/ 41 y 47, Miramar, Ciudad de la Habana (Cuba)]. e-mail:


    The CPHR individual monitoring service acquired an automatic RADOS TLD system to improve its capacities to satisfy the increasing needs of their national customers. The TLD system consists of: two automatic TLD reader, model DOSACUS, a TLD irradiator and personal dosimeters card including slide and holders. The dosimeters were composed by this personal dosimeters card and LiF: Mg,Cu,P (model GR-200) detectors. These readers provide to detectors a constant temperature readout cycle using hot nitrogen gas. In order to evaluate the performance characteristics of the system, different performance tests recommended by the IEC 1066 standard were carried out. Important dosimetric characteristics evaluated were batch homogeneity, reproducibility, detection threshold, energy dependence, residual signal and fading. The results of the tests showed good performance characteristics of the system. (Author)

  19. Patient dosimetry improvements in longitudinal field MRI linear accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oborn, B.M.; Metcalfe, P.E.; Butson, M.J.; Keall, P.


    Full text: Many studies exist of the often undesirable dosimetry changes in transverse field MRI-Linacs. Currently there are plans by different groups around the world to develop longitudinal MRT-Linac systems as dosimetry is potentially superior to transverse field sy tems. The objective of this study is to investigate via Monte Carlo simulations, the potential dosimetry improvements expected in lo gitudinal MRI-Linac designs over transverse field designs for advanced image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations have been performed of the dosimetry from a Varian 2100c 6 MV photon beam in lo gitudinal magnetic field typical of expected MRI-Linac designs. A 30 x 30 x 20 cm' phantom has been simulated in magnetic fields between 0 and 3 T. Beam profiles and skin dose calculations have been performed and compared with transverse field systems. Results The longitudinal magnetic field acts to reduce lateral dose spread in all locations within a patient. As well as this, the electron return effcct is absent. This equates to reductions in penumbral widths and reductions in skin dose. When compared with transverse field systems the dosimetry is superior. This will also allow for further reductions in trcatment margins as compared to transverse field MRI Linac designs.

  20. Determining the lower limit of detection for personnel dosimetry systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberson, P.L.; Carlson, R.D.


    A simple method for determining the lower limit of detection (LLD) for personnel dosimetry systems is described. The method relies on the definition of a critical level and a detection level. The critical level is the signal level above which a result has a small probability of being due to a fluctuation of the background. All results below the critical level should not be reported as an indication of a positive result. The detection level is the net signal level (i.e., dose received) above which there is a high confidence that a true reading will be detected and reported as a qualitatively positive result. The detection level may be identified as the LLD. A simple formula is derived to allow the calculation of the LLD under various conditions. This type of formula is being used by the Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP) for personnel dosimetry. Participants in either the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for personnel dosimetry or DOELAP can use performance test results along with a measurement of background levels to estimate the LLDs for their dosimetry system. As long as they maintain their dosimetry system such that the LLDs are less than half the lower limit of the NVLAP or DOELAP test exposure ranges, dosimetry laboratories can avoid testing failures due to poor performance at very low exposures

  1. MO-B-BRB-03: 3D Dosimetry in the Clinic: Validating Special Techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juang, T. [Stanford Cancer Center (United States)


    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  2. MO-B-BRB-01: 3D Dosimetry in the Clinic: Background and Motivation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schreiner, L. [Cancer Center of Southeastern Ontario (Canada)


    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  3. MO-B-BRB-01: 3D Dosimetry in the Clinic: Background and Motivation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreiner, L.


    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  4. MO-B-BRB-03: 3D Dosimetry in the Clinic: Validating Special Techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juang, T.


    Full three-dimensional (3D) dosimetry using volumetric chemical dosimeters probed by 3D imaging systems has long been a promising technique for the radiation therapy clinic, since it provides a unique methodology for dose measurements in the volume irradiated using complex conformal delivery techniques such as IMRT and VMAT. To date true 3D dosimetry is still not widely practiced in the community; it has been confined to centres of specialized expertise especially for quality assurance or commissioning roles where other dosimetry techniques are difficult to implement. The potential for improved clinical applicability has been advanced considerably in the last decade by the development of improved 3D dosimeters (e.g., radiochromic plastics, radiochromic gel dosimeters and normoxic polymer gel systems) and by improved readout protocols using optical computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. In this session, established users of some current 3D chemical dosimeters will briefly review the current status of 3D dosimetry, describe several dosimeters and their appropriate imaging for dose readout, present workflow procedures required for good dosimetry, and analyze some limitations for applications in select settings. We will review the application of 3D dosimetry to various clinical situations describing how 3D approaches can complement other dose delivery validation approaches already available in the clinic. The applications presented will be selected to inform attendees of the unique features provided by full 3D techniques. Learning Objectives: L. John Schreiner: Background and Motivation Understand recent developments enabling clinically practical 3D dosimetry, Appreciate 3D dosimetry workflow and dosimetry procedures, and Observe select examples from the clinic. Sofie Ceberg: Application to dynamic radiotherapy Observe full dosimetry under dynamic radiotherapy during respiratory motion, and Understand how the measurement of high resolution dose data in an

  5. External dosimetry - Applications to radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faussot, Alain


    Dosimetry is the essential component of radiation protection. It allows to determine by calculation and measurement the absorbed dose value, i.e. the energy amounts deposited in matter by ionizing radiations. It deals also with the irradiation effects on living organisms and with their biological consequences. This reference book gathers all the necessary information to understand and master the external dosimetry and the metrology of ionizing radiations, from the effects of radiations to the calibration of radiation protection devices. The first part is devoted to physical dosimetry and allows to obtain in a rigorous manner the mathematical formalisms leading to the absorbed dose for different ionizing radiation fields. The second part presents the biological effects of ionizing radiations on living matter and the determination of a set of specific radiation protection concepts and data to express the 'risk' to develop a radio-induced cancer. The third part deals with the metrology of ionizing radiations through the standardized study of the methods used for the calibration of radiation protection equipments. Some practical exercises with their corrections are proposed at the end of each chapter


    Dumont, Gérald; Pedrosa, Fernando Baltasar Dos Santos; Carbonez, Pierre; Forkel-Wirth, Doris; Ninin, Pierre; Fuentes, Eloy Reguero; Roesler, Stefan; Vollaire, Joachim


    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, upgraded its operational dosimetry system in March 2013 to be prepared for the first Long Shutdown of CERN's facilities. The new system allows the immediate and automatic checking and recording of the dosimetry data before and after interventions in radiation areas. To facilitate the analysis of the data in context of CERN's approach to As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), this new system is interfaced to the Intervention Management Planning and Coordination Tool (IMPACT). IMPACT is a web-based application widely used in all CERN's accelerators and their associated technical infrastructures for the planning, the coordination and the approval of interventions (work permit principle). The coupling of the operational dosimetry database with the IMPACT repository allows a direct and almost immediate comparison of the actual dose with the estimations, in addition to enabling the configuration of alarm levels in the dosemeter in function of the intervention to be performed. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  7. Diagnostic radiology dosimetry: status and trends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera M, T.


    Full text: Medical radiation is by far the largest man-made source of public exposure to ionizing radiation. Since 1970 the expression of protection standards shifted from a dose- to a risk-based approach, with dose limits established to yield risks to radiation workers comparable with those for workers in other safe industries. Another hand, worldwide interest in patient dose measurement was stimulated by the publication of Patient Dose Reduction in Diagnostic Radiology by the UK National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). In response to heightened awareness of the importance of patient dose contributed by radiology procedures, there has been a general trend to effect control of patient doses by applying the principles of optimization coupled with an increase in regulatory enforcement. In this sense, thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) has been actively proposed in the last 3 decades thanks to their successful applications in diagnostic radiology. At the same time, it is emerged as the best radiation dosimetry method. The present work presents advantages of thermoluminescent dosimetry for X-ray beams measurements and its optimization. (Author)

  8. Diagnostic radiology dosimetry: status and trends

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera M, T., E-mail: [IPN, Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Av. Legaria 694, 11500 Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    Full text: Medical radiation is by far the largest man-made source of public exposure to ionizing radiation. Since 1970 the expression of protection standards shifted from a dose- to a risk-based approach, with dose limits established to yield risks to radiation workers comparable with those for workers in other safe industries. Another hand, worldwide interest in patient dose measurement was stimulated by the publication of Patient Dose Reduction in Diagnostic Radiology by the UK National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). In response to heightened awareness of the importance of patient dose contributed by radiology procedures, there has been a general trend to effect control of patient doses by applying the principles of optimization coupled with an increase in regulatory enforcement. In this sense, thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) has been actively proposed in the last 3 decades thanks to their successful applications in diagnostic radiology. At the same time, it is emerged as the best radiation dosimetry method. The present work presents advantages of thermoluminescent dosimetry for X-ray beams measurements and its optimization. (Author)

  9. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la prueba de Papanicolaou

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Bazán


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas con respecto a la prueba de Papanicolaou (Pap; hallar la asociación entre la edad y grado de instrucción frente a dichas variables y describir las características sobre la práctica periódica del Pap. Diseño: Analítico y transversal. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Docente Madre-Niño ‘San Bartolomé’. Pacientes: Mujeres en edad fértil de consultorios externos. Intervenciones: Cuestionario estructurado, auto-desarrollado, durante noviembre-2005 a enero-2006. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó: X2, t student, Anova y OR. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en mujeres sobre el Pap, y asociaciones y características sobre su práctica periódica. Resultados: De 501 encuestadas, en 63% se encontró nivel bajo de conocimiento, en 66% una actitud desfavorable y en 71% una práctica incorrecta sobre la prueba de Papanicolaou; se obtuvo un OR = 1,45 (IC = 0,98 a 2,16 entre el nivel de conocimiento y la práctica correcta; la difusión por los medios de comunicación sobre el Pap fue 6,2% y la mayor barrera para no tener una práctica periódica del Pap fue el género masculino del ejecutor (34,2%. Conclusiones: Los niveles de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas, en nuestra población, son bajos. El mayor nivel de conocimiento no está relacionado con la práctica correcta del Pap. Existe poca difusión sobre el Pap por los medios de comunicación y las limitantes a que las mujeres se tomen el Pap son principalmente psicológicas.

  10. Dosimetry of internal emitting: principles and perspectives of the MIRD technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro F, G.


    The development of the radiopharmaceutical technology have multiplied the number of radioisotopes with applications in therapeutical nuclear medicine so known as Directed radiotherapy. Assuming the radiation is capable to produce noxious effects in the biological systems, it is important to evaluate appropriately the risks and benefits of the administration of radioactive agents in the patient. The outstanding parameter in this evaluation is the absorbed dose, which is product of the radiation emitted by a radionuclide that is localized or distributed to the interior of the human body in study and whose its estimation helps to predict the efficacy of the treatment. The scheme generalized of MIRD, it was formulated from thirty years ago for evaluating the interior dosimetry at level of organs.The finality of this work is to show the basic principles of the MIRD methodology and its perspectives using innovator tools as the dosimetry for dynamic masses, in particular the personnel dosimetry for the organs of each patient, the dosimetry for the small structures inside the organs (sub organic dosimetry), the distributions of doses in three dimensions (S voxel), the dosimetry at cellular level and the quantitative acquisition of pharmaceutical data. (Author)

  11. Fourth international radiopharmaceutical dosimetry symposium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlafke-Stelson, A.T.; Watson, E.E.


    The focus of the Fourth International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium was to explore the impact of current developments in nuclear medicine on absorbed dose calculations. This book contains the proceedings of the meeting including the edited discussion that followed the presentations. Topics that were addressed included the dosimetry associated with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies and blood elements, ultrashort-lived radionuclides, and positron emitters. Some specific areas of discussion were variations in absorbed dose as a result of alterations in the kinetics, the influence of radioactive contaminants on dose, dose in children and in the fetus, available instrumentation and techniques for collecting the kinetic data needed for dose calculation, dosimetry requirements for the review and approval of new radiopharmaceuticals, and a comparison of the effect on the thyroid of internal versus external irradiation. New models for the urinary blader, skeleton including the active marrow, and the blood were presented. Several papers dealt with the validity of traditional ''average-organ'' dose estimates to express the dose from particulate radiation that has a short range in tissue. These problems are particularly important in the use of monoclonal antibodies and agents used to measure intracellular functions. These proceedings have been published to provide a resource volume for anyone interested in the calculation of absorbed radiation dose

  12. The EURADOS/CONRAD activities on radiation protection dosimetry in medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhavere, F.; Struelens, L.; Bordy, J.M.; Daures, J.; Denozieres, M.; Buls, N.; Clerinx, P.; Carinou, E.; Clairand, I.; Debroas, J.; Donadille, L.; Itie, C.; Ginjaume, M.; Jansen, J.; Jaervinen, H.; Miljanic, S.; Ranogajec-Komor, M.; Nikodemova, D.; Rimpler, A.; Sans Merce, M.; D'Errico, F.


    Full text: This presentation gives an overview on the research activities that EURADOS coordinates in the field of radiation protection dosimetry in medicine. EURADOS is an organization founded in 1981 to advance the scientific understanding and the technical development of the dosimetry of ionising radiation in the fields of radiation protection, radiobiology, radiation therapy and medical diagnosis by promoting collaboration between European laboratories. EURADOS operates by setting up Working Groups dealing with particular topics. Currently funded through the CONRAD project of the 6th EU Framework Programme, EURADOS has working groups on Computational Dosimetry, Internal Dosimetry, Complex mixed radiation fields at workplaces, and Radiation protection dosimetry of medical staff. The latter working group coordinates and promotes European research for the assessment of occupational exposures to staff in therapeutic and diagnostic radiology workplaces. Research is coordinated by sub-groups covering three specific areas: 1: Extremity dosimetry in nuclear medicine and interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in the specific fields of the hospitals and studies of doses to different parts of the hands, arms, legs and feet; 2: Practice of double dosimetry: this sub-group reviews and evaluates the different methods and algorithms for the use of dosemeters placed above and below lead aprons, especially to determine personal doses to cardiologists during cardiac catheterisation, but also in CT-fluoroscopy and some nuclear medicine developments (e.g. use of Re-188); and 3: Use of electronic personal dosemeters in interventional radiology: this sub-group coordinates investigations in laboratories and hospitals, and intercomparisons with passive dosemeters with the aim to enable the formulation of standards. (author)

  13. Measurement protocols for performance testing of dosimetry services for external radiations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the Health and Safety Executive's ''Requirements for the Approval of Dosimetry Services under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985'', it is stipulated that dosimetry services seeking approval must show that they have successfully completed a performance test. The services must arrange for the tests to be carried out on application and thereafter every 18 months, by a laboratory which has received accreditation from the National Measurement Accreditation Service (NAMAS) for the whole performance testing activity. The performance tests must be carried out to published protocols and the purpose here is to provide protocols for external, whole body film and TLD dosimetry services, and for skin and extremity dosimetry services. (Author)

  14. Experiences with alanine dosimetry in afterloading brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eberhardt, H.-J.; Gohs, U.


    At the present, the most commonly used dosimetry for radiotherapy applications are ionisation chambers and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). However, there are some undesirable characteristics of these dosimetry systems, such as large detection volume (ionisation chamber) as well as fading of the radiation induced signal with time and destructive readout (TLG). The present study is an investigation into the use of the alanine/ESR dosimetry in fractionated afterloading brachytherapy during the whole radiotherapy course. There are some qualities which make alanine dosimetry attractive. These are the linear energy response, low fading under standard conditions, and the nondestructive readout. Thus the alanine dosimetry makes possible cumulative dose measurements during the radiotherapy course and an archival storage. By ionizing radiation (gamma, e, n, p, charged particles) free radicals (unpaired electrons) are produced in the amino acid alanine. The continuous wave electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is used to determine the number of free radicals, which is proportional to the absorbed dose and the alanine content of the dosimeter. The ESR measurements were made at room temperature using a Bruker EPR analyzer EMS-104. The dosimeters used in the test are alanine pellets (23.72 mg weight, 4.9 mm diameter, 1 mm height) as well as flexible alanine film dosimeters (thickness about 500 μm). The dosimeters consist of a blend of L-alpha-alanine and a binder. The alanine content of the pellets and the film dosimeters is about 88 % and 50 % by weight, respectively. The dosimeters for the calculation of the dose-effect-relationship were irradiated at the Physical-Technical Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig by a standard 60Co source. The maximum deviation from the calculated linear function is about 0.12 Gy in the dose range up to 80 Gy. The goal of medical applications was the superficial dose measurement in afterloading brachytherapy during the radiotherapy course in

  15. Introduction to dosimetry and risk estimation of second cancer induction following radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, R.M.


    This brief review of dosimetry in second cancer dosimetry introduces work carried out by Working Group 9 (Radiation Protection Dosimetry in Medicine) of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS). The work described in the following papers in this edition was presented at a Workshop on Dosimetry for Second Cancer Risk Estimation given at the EURADOS Annual meeting in Vienna on February 8th 2012. The work concentrates on the measurement of out-of-field doses in water tanks and BOMAB-like phantoms using a variety of dosimeters to measure photon and neutron doses. These include optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), radiophotoluminescence (RPL) and thermoluminescence (TLD) dosimeters for photon dosimetry (together with ion chambers for reference measurements traceable to primary standards) and track etch and bubble detectors for neutron measurements. A discussion of the various phantoms available for these measurements is presented together with a brief introduction to a model for the relationship between organ doses and the risk of induction of second cancers. The estimation of second cancer risks is not trivial and involves processes which are currently incompletely understood. However, progress in this field requires a robust foundation and methodology for the measurement or calculation of organ doses following radiotherapy, so that risks can be placed in perspective, algorithms for out-of-field doses can be compared with measured data, and future epidemiological studies may have a reliable foundation of organ dosimetry for retrospective dosimetry studies. -- Highlights: ► Brief review of second cancer induction following radiotherapy. ► Out-of-field doses for estimating risks to remote organs. ► Introduction to dosimetry techniques and dosimeters used. ► Out-of-field dose measurements in phantoms

  16. Dosimetry techniques of thermal neutrons and {gamma} radiation in reactor cores; Techniques de dosimetrie des neutrons thermiques et du rayonnement {gamma} dans les piles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutton, J; Draganic, I; Hering, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Chemical studies under radiation done in the reactor cores require to be followed by dosimetry. When the irradiations are done in the reflector, one can limit to the measure of the {gamma} and the neutron radiation. For the dosimetry of the {gamma} radiation, a dosimeter of ferrous sulfate is convenient until doses of about 10{sup 6} rep. The use of aired oxalic acid solutions permits to reach 10{sup 7} rep. The dosimetry of thermal neutrons has been made with solutions of cobalt sulphate or paper filter impregnated with this salt. The total chemical effect of the {gamma} and of the slow neutrons radiation is obtained with solutions of ferrous sulfate added with lithium sulphate. (M.B.) [French] Les etudes de chimie sous radiation faites dans les piles exigent d'etre suivies par dosimetrie. Lorsque les irradiations sont effectues dans le reflecteur, on peut se limiter a doser le rayonnement {gamma} et les neutrons. Pour la dosimetrie du rayonnement {gamma}, un dosimetre a sulfate ferreux convient jusqu'a des doses d'environ 10{sup 6} rep. L'emploi de solutions aerees d'acide oxalique permet d'atteindre 10{sup 7} rep. La dosimetrie des neutrons thermiques a ete faite avec des solutions de sulfate de cotalt ou du papier filtre impregne de ce sel. L'effet chimique total du rayonnement {gamma} et des neutrons lents est obtenu avec des solutions de sulfate ferreux additionne de sulfate de lithium. (M.B.)

  17. Clinical application of in vivo dosimetry for external telecobalt machine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohammed, H. H. M.


    In external beam radiotherapy quality assurance is carried out on the individual components of treatment chain. The patient simulating device, planning system and treatment machine are tested regularly according to set protocols developed by national and international organizations. Even thought these individual systems are not tested for errors which can be made in the transfer between the systems. The best quality assurance for the treatment planning chain. In vivo dosimetry is used as a quality assurance tool for verifying dosimetry as either the entrance or exit surface of the patient undergoing external beam radiotherapy. It is a proven reliable method of checking overall treatment accuracy, allowing verification of dosimetry and dose calculation as well as patient treatment setup. Accurate in vivo dosimetry is carried out if diodes and thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs). the main detector types in use for in vivo dosimetry, are carefully calibrated and the factors influencing their sensitivity are taken into account. The aim of this study was to verify the response of TLDs type (LiF: Mg, Cu, p) use in radiotherapy, to establish calibration procedure for TLDs and to evaluate entrance dose obtained by the treatment planning system with measured dose using thermoluminescence detectors. Calibration of TLDs was done using Cobalt-60 teletherapy machine, linearity and calibration factors were determined. Measurements were performed in random phantom for breast irradiation (for the breast irradiation ( For the breast irradiation technique considered, wedge field was used). All TLDs were processed and analyzed at RICK. In vivo dosimetry represents a technique that has been widely employed to evaluate the dose to the patient mainly in radiotherapy. Thermoluminescent dosimeters are considered the gold stander for in vivo dosimetry and do not require cables for measurements which makes them ideal for mail based studies and have no dose rate or temperature dependence

  18. PIAHO: una herramienta para la prevención de hábitos orales deletéreos (protocolo de incorporación apropiada de hábitos orales)




    Objetivo presentar una herramienta de prevención de malos hábitos orales, llamado PIAHO. Métodos se comparan los diagnósticos obtenidos de la prueba subjetiva PeNaF con los diagnósticos de resistencia nasal obtenidos por la prueba objetiva de rinomanometria. Se estudian las relaciones entre la incorporación de consistencias, herramientas y elección de posturas durante la alimentación y los diferentes tipos de deglución. Basados tanto en, los re...

  19. Estrategias de forrajeo de Robsonella fontaniana (d'Orbigny, 1834) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)


    Ibáñez, Christian M; Sepúlveda, Roger D; Sanhueza, Evelin; Ruiz, J Francisco; Chong, Javier


    En este estudio se analizó la dieta natural y las preferencias dietarias del pulpo Robsonella fontaniana (d'Orbigny, 1834). Veintisiete individuos fueron recolectados en Bahía San Vicente, Chile, para estudiar sus contenidos estomacales, y otros 12 individuos fueron usados en experimentos de laboratorio para pruebas de selección dietaria. En el contenido estomacal se encontraron 11 tipos de presas, de los cuales los crustáceos braquiuros fueron los ítemes presa más frecuentes. Para las prueba...

  20. Dosimetry intercomparisons in European medical device sterilization plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miller, A.; Sharpe, P.H.G.


    Dosimetry intercomparisons have been carried out involving two-thirds of all European radiation sterilization facilities. Dosimeters for the intercomparisons were supplied by two accredited calibration laboratories. The results show good agreement, and indicate overall dosimetry accuracy of the o...... of the order of +/-5% (1 sigma) for both Co-60 and electron beam plants. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved....