
Sample records for dos blocos bm-cal-04

  1. Blocos solo-cal utilizando resíduo da construção civil Soil-lime bricks using building waste

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    S. M. R. Patricio


    Full Text Available Novas técnicas vêm sendo desenvolvidas com o objetivo de incentivar o desenvolvimento sustentável e tentar minimizar a degradação ambiental causada pela extração indiscriminada de recursos naturais além da constante geração de resíduos de construção e demolição. Esta pesquisa objetiva avaliar a utilização de resíduos da construção civil, oriundos de demolição, como agente pozolânico na fabricação de blocos solo-cal. As matérias primas convencionais e alternativas (resíduos foram caracterizados por meio dos seguintes ensaios: massa especifica real, área específica, análise granulométrica por peneiramento e por difração á laser,limites de liquidez e plasticidade, análise química e difração de raios X. Para os ensaios tecnológicos foram confeccionados corpos de prova solo-cal no traço 1:10 em peso, com substituição da cal por resíduos nas seguintes proporções: 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 e 75%. Os corpos de prova foram curados por períodos de 28, 60 e 90 dias, em câmara úmida com 100% de umidade relativa, em seguida determinada sua resistência à compressão simples e absorção de água. Com os melhores resultados de resistência a compressão simples, foram moldados blocos solo-cal e solo-cal-resíduo. Os resultados obtidos com os blocos solo-cal incorporados com resíduo evidenciaram valores dentro das especificações das normas da ABNT, apontando que existe viabilidade técnica no aproveitamento de resíduos de demolição para uso na fabricação de blocos solo-cal sem função estrutural.New techniques have been developed with the aim of encouraging sustainable development and try to minimize the environmental degradation caused by indiscriminate extraction of natural resources and the constant generation of building waste. This research aims to evaluate the use building waste, as pozzolanic agent in the soil-lime bricks manufacture. Raw materials conventional and alternatives (waste were

  2. A Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos em revisão

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    Julio Cesar Machado


    Full Text Available A Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos ocupa lugar significativo nos trabalhos mundiais em Semântica, Argumentação e Enunciação, dentre outros. Por isso sua pertinência para a Linguística reclama uma reflexão. O presente trabalho pretende refletir algumas reformulações na Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos nas últimas duas décadas, a saber: (a polifonia, (b bloco semântico, e (c quadrado argumentativo. Especificamente, trataremos das seguintes relações: (a’ da Teoria Polifônica da Enunciação à Teoria Argumentativa da Polifonia; (b’ do bloco semântico ao semi-bloco; e (c’ do quadrado argumentativo ao cubo argumentativo. A necessidade deste trabalho é duplamente justificada: (i devido à constante revisão teórica do arcabouço teórico deste saber, sobretudo na sua última década, característica de Marion Carel e de Oswald Ducrot; e (ii pela falta de tradução/circulação no Brasil de obras fundamentais no que tange à re-elaboração das noções chaves desta teoria.

  3. Real-time environmental monitoring system: drilling campaign BM-CAL-4 Block, Camanu-Almada Basin, Bahia, Brazil; Sistema de monitoramento ambiental em tempo-real: Bloco BM-CAL-4, Bacia de Camamu-Almada, Bahia, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Pedro [El Paso Oleo e Gas, Natal, RN (Brazil); Cabral, Alexandre P. [Fugro OceansatPeg (Brazil)


    Between February and November 2007, the El Paso Oleo e Gas do Brasil Ltda. carried out a second exploratory campaign at the BM-CAL-4 Block (Camamu-Almada Basin), installing a real-time transmission metocean data monitoring system. Two metocean Wavescan (WS) buoys from Fugro were installed, transmitting current, wave and wind data to the El Paso crises room. The WS1 was positioned near the oil (10,5 km from the shore, at 22m depth), and the WS2 was located near the entrance of Barra Grande area (4,w km from the coast, at 10m depth). The real rime data fed the mathematical simulation using an oil spill model from Fugro Oceansatpeg. The metocean data Real-Time Environmental Monitoring System proved to be an important tool in the environmental management of the drilling activity located near the coastline. The sampling and real-time transmission of the current, wind and wave data allowed a better decision making regarding the selection of the best response strategies, saving time and resources in the simulation exercises, a vital issue in case of a real oil spill accident. (author)

  4. NotCal04 : Comparison/calibration C-14 records 26-50 cal kyr BP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Plicht, J. van der; Beck, J.W.; Bard, E.; Baillie, M.G.L.; Blackwell, P.G.; Buck, C.E.; Friedrich, M.; Guilderson, T.P.; Hughen, K.A.; Kromer, B.; McCormac, F.G.; Bronk Ramsey, C.; Reimer, P.J.; Reimer, R.W.; Remmele, S.; Richards, D.A.; Southon, J.R.; Stuiver, M.; Weyhenmeyer, C.E.


    The radiocarbon calibration curve ImCal04 extends back to 26 cal kyr BP. While several high-resolution records exist beyond this limit, these data sets exhibit discrepancies of up, to several millennia. As a result, no calibration curve for the time range 26-50 cal kyr BP can be recommended as yet,

  5. Avaliação da introdução de cal hidratada nas argamassas aplicadas sobre blocos cerâmicos e sua influência no desempenho e morfologia


    Giuliano Polito


    Este trabalho investiga a resistência de aderência de revestimentos argamassados sobre a alvenaria de blocos cerâmicos, concentrando-se na análise da microestrutura da interface argamassa/substrato, correlacionando-se ao comportamento mecânico da argamassa e à adição de cal hidratada na argamassa. Neste estudo foram avaliados cinco traços distintos, composto de cimento:cal:areia (1:0:6; 1:1:6; 1:2:8; 1:2:10; 0:1:6), aplicados sobre substrato de bloco cerâmico seco, com a utilização de técnica...

  6. Marine04 marine radiocarbon age calibration, 0-26 cal kyr BP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hughen, Konrad A.; Baillie, Mike G.L.; Bard, Edouard; Beck, J. Warren; Bertrand, Chanda J.H.; Blackwell, Paul G.; Buck, Caitlin E.; Burr, George S.; Cutler, Kirsten B.; Damon, Paul E.; Edwards, Richard L.; Fairbanks, Richard G.; Friedrich, Michael; Guilderson, Thomas P.; Kromer, Bernd; McCormac, Gerry; Manning, Sturt; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Reimer, Paula J.; Reimer, Ron W.; Remmele, Sabine; Southon, John R.; Stuiver, Minze; Talamo, Sahra; Taylor, F.W.; Plicht, Johannes van der; Weyhenmeyer, Constanze E.


    New radiocarbon calibration curves, IntCal04 and Marine04, have been constructed and internationally ratified to replace the terrestrial and marine components of IntCal98. The new calibration data sets extend an additional 2000 yr, from 0–26 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950), and

  7. Offshore waste management monitoring system: drilling campaign BM-CAL-4 Block, Camanu-Almada Basin, Bahia, Brazil; Gestao de rejeitos offshore em areas sensiveis e ambientes isolados - estudo de caso: campanha exploratoria da El Paso no Bloco BM-CA-4, Bacia de Camamu-Almada, Bahia, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ranieri, Adriano [El Paso Oleo e Gas, Natal, RN (Brazil); Perez, Pedro; Andrade, Albert [EnvironPact, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The present paper addresses the principal aspects related to the difficulties found to implement a pollution control project in sensitive areas and isolated environments. For that, it was utilized a case study on the El Paso's second exploratory campaign on BM-CAL-4 Block, located in Camamu Almada Basin, Bahia - Brazil. Two of the items of the pollution control project implemented on this campaign where herein detailed: drilling wastes management and waste management on the smaller vessels, which had to attend to the same requirements applied to the supply vessels and the drilling rig, due to the discharge restrictions established by the environmental agency. (author)

  8. IntCal04 terrestrial radiocarbon age calibration, 0-26 cal kyr BP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reimer, Paula J.; Baillie, Mike G.L.; Bard, Edouard; Bayliss, Alex; Beck, J. Warren; Bertrand, Chanda J.H.; Blackwell, Paul G.; Buck, Caitlin E.; Burr, George S.; Cutler, Kirsten B.; Damon, Paul E.; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Fairbanks, Richard G.; Friedrich, Michael; Guilderson, Thomas P.; Hogg, Alan G.; Hughen, Konrad A.; Kromer, Bernd; McCormac, Gerry; Manning, Sturt; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Reimer, Ron W.; Remmele, Sabine; Southon, John R.; Stuiver, Minze; Talamo, Sahra; Taylor, F.W.; Plicht, Johannes van der; Weyhenmeyer, Constanze E.


    A new calibration curve for the conversion of radiocarbon ages to calibrated (cal) ages has been constructed and internationally ratified to replace IntCal98, which extended from 0–24 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950). The new calibration data set for terrestrial samples extends from

  9. Avaliação do Perigo de Queda de Blocos em Rodovias

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    Guilherme José Cunha Gomes


    Full Text Available Taludes rochosos em rodovias são superfícies potencialmente instáveis, que frequentemente condicionam quedas de blocos, afetando a segurança dos usuários de rodovias, a infraestrutura dos transportes e o meio ambiente. O comportamento geológico-geotécnico dos maciços rochosos e as condições geométricas e de trafegabilidade das rodovias são aspectos fundamentais na avaliação do perigo de queda de blocos. Esta pesquisa busca aplicar um método de avaliação do perigo de queda de blocos rochosos em taludes de rodovias, objetivando a classificação e hierarquização dos segmentos rodoviários com base em critérios definidos. Neste contexto, doze taludes rochosos do sistema rodoviário do Espírito Santo foram investigados, a partir de parâmetros, visando à obtenção de um índice para expressar o grau de perigo aos condutores que trafegam pelos trechos, denominado índice de queda de blocos. A efetividade dos parâmetros no método adotado também foi avaliada. Os taludes foram hierarquizados, definindo-se ainda medidas prioritárias para intervenções em cada trecho, de forma a minimizar os problemas causados em cada segmento.

  10. Comportamento de blocos cerâmicos estruturais produzidos a partir da mistura de lama vermelha e argila

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    Alcebíades Negrão Macêdo

    Full Text Available A utilização de novas técnicas de aproveitamento de resíduos tem-se tornado cada vez mais importante na construção civil, principalmente quando se trata da utilização de resíduos de outros segmentos industriais e da redução de consumo de matérias-primas naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização da lama vermelha, resíduo proveniente da produção de alumina metalúrgica, na produção de blocos cerâmicos vazados estruturais. A produção dos blocos foi realizada em uma indústria cerâmica, a partir de uma mistura de 60% de lama vermelha (LV e de 40% de argila. Após a produção dos blocos, realizaram-se ensaios de acordo com as normas técnicas, tais como absorção de água e compressão axial simples. A partir da análise dos resultados, observou-se que os blocos estruturais produzidos a partir da mistura de LV e argila atenderam aos parâmetros normativos quanto ao índice de absorção de água e de resistência à compressão, e que as resistências médias e características desses blocos foram superiores às dos blocos cerâmicos de referência.

  11. Influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose nas propriedades das argamassas de assentamento em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto

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    Alexandre Lima Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose em argamassa de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto. Foi empregado um hidroxipropil-metilcelulose (HPMC em uma argamassa mista de cimento e cal, em diferentes teores (0,00%, 0,03%, 0,06% e 0,09% em relação à massa total de materiais secos para a avaliação da influência do referido aditivo nas propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco e endurecido. Além disso, foram confeccionados prismas com três blocos e miniprismas, com pedaços serrados de blocos, para avaliação da resistência à compressão, módulo de deformação e tensão de aderência. Os resultados mostraram que existe potencial para se empregarem retentores de água à base de éter de celulose para a confecção de argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto, haja vista que houve aumento da capacidade de retenção de água das argamassas e que o uso do referido produto não exerceu influência na resistência à compressão delas e na resistência à compressão dos prismas. Contudo, a resistência à compressão das juntas de assentamento, o módulo de elasticidade dos prismas e a resistência à aderência na flexão sofreram reduções significativas quando do emprego do éter de celulose.


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    Anaaiara Varela dos Santos


    Full Text Available Pavimentos intertravados de concreto são peças pré-moldadas que surgiram visando desenvolver a estrutura de estradas e vias urbanas. As peças pré-moldadas de concreto possuem dimensões e qualidades padronizadas, exigindo alto controle no processo de fabricação. No entanto, sua aplicação é de fácil manuseio, não necessitando de mão de obra especializada. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estudar a viabilidade da utilização de resíduos de pneus reciclados em blocos para pavimentos intertravados para calçadas. Partindo-se de um traço de referência, fez-se a caracterização dos materiais componentes da mistura (cimento, areia média e pedrisco para a confecção de corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de 10x20cm. Em seguida, procedeu-se a moldagem de corpos de prova com a substituição do agregado miúdo por adições do resíduo de pneu nas porcentagens de 10%, 20% e 30%, em massa. Investigou-se nas amostras os parâmetros de Massa Específica e Resistência à Compressão. Analisou-se, de forma comparativa, os resultados obtidos nos corpos-de-prova de referência com os confeccionados com pneu. Verificou-se que até o limite de 30% de resíduo de pneu, a mistura apresentou trabalhabilidade e coesão, atingindo uma resistência à compressão de 12MPa. Tal valor pode ser considerado elevado em se tratando de blocos que serão usados apenas em calçadas, onde o tráfego será exclusivo de pedestres. Palavras-chaves: pavimentos intertravados, reciclagem, resíduos de pneus e concretos pré-moldados.

  13. Participatory monitoring of fishing activity in the area of influence of BM-CAL-04 and BASE-97 blocks, in the South Coast of Bahia, Brazil; Monitoramento participativo da atividade pesqueira na area de influencia dos blocos BM-CAL-04 e BAS-97, no litoral baixo-sul da Bahia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fraga, Adriana P.C.; Diogo, Hugo R.L.; Silva, Adriano P.; Dapper, Cristiano G. [SOMA Solucoes em Meio Ambiente Ltda., Curitiba, PR (Brazil)


    The Brazilian environmental law requires oil companies' commitment to implement environmental programs, among which the environmental education project. This type of project should be understood by the companies as an opportunity for the development of socio environmental responsibility policies towards the affected populations. In order for the environmental education project to be effective as a means of awareness and social transformation, it is required to increase public's participation from the process of knowledge creation on the communities environmental problems to the disclose of the produced contents. This work refers to the use of the audiovisual as an instrument for the mobilization and consciousness for the construction of participative diagnostics, from the experience of the Environmental Education Project of the Polvo field, accomplished in ten municipal districts of the Campos Basin region. Inspired on an original methodology, the project promoted environmental cinema workshops that resulted in 30 documentaries directed by the local population and 10 environmental forums in which were developed local audiovisual environmental agendas. (author)

  14. Blocos semânticos: o movimento argumentativo na construção do sentido no discurso

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    Ernani Cesar de FREITAS


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo sistematizar e aplicar conceitos da Semântica Argumentativa de Oswald Ducrot e Marion Carel, no que diz respeito ao modelo teórico dos Blocos Semânticos, de modo que dêem conta da construção do sentido de unidades mais complexas como o texto e o discurso. A tese concebida como norteadora deste estudo, seguindo a metodologia proposta por Ducrot (1987, pressupõe que o texto é um bloco semântico inscrito no nível teórico da produção e realizado pelo encadeamento argumentativo complexo que é o discurso, orientado argumentativamente pelo uso de conectores tipo DC e/ ou PT. As análises discursivas realizadas, neste trabalho, demonstram que os encadeamentos dos enunciados estão bem marcados pelos conectores donc e pourtant que dão sentido ao discurso complexo, pelas conexões semânticas produzidas em suas AI e AE. Esse movimento argumentativo resulta da interdependência dos segmentos argumentativos, dos encadeamentos e por conseqüência dos blocos semânticos, todos interconectados e interdependentes nas relações de sentido que estabelecem entre si, processo que culmina na realização linguística de nível complexo constituído pelo texto, entidade abstrata subjacente aos discursos realizados, e pelo discurso, como seqüência de enunciados interligados, por isso, também entendido como entidade concreta, ou seja, a manifestação e realização do texto.

  15. Blocos semânticos: o movimento argumentativo na construção do sentido no discurso

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    Ernani Cesar de FREITAS


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo sistematizar e aplicar conceitos da Semântica Argumentativa de Oswald Ducrot e Marion Carel, no que diz respeito ao modelo teórico dos Blocos Semânticos, de modo que dêem conta da construção do sentido de unidades mais complexas como o texto e o discurso. A tese concebida como norteadora deste estudo, seguindo a metodologia proposta por Ducrot (1987, pressupõe que o texto é um bloco semântico inscrito no nível teórico da produção e realizado pelo encadeamento argumentativo complexo que é o discurso, orientado argumentativamente pelo uso de conectores tipo DC e/ ou PT. As análises discursivas realizadas, neste trabalho, demonstram que os encadeamentos dos enunciados estão bem marcados pelos conectores donc e pourtant que dão sentido ao discurso complexo, pelas conexões semânticas produzidas em suas AI e AE. Esse movimento argumentativo resulta da interdependência dos segmentos argumentativos, dos encadeamentos e por conseqüência dos blocos semânticos, todos interconectados e interdependentes nas relações de sentido que estabelecem entre si, processo que culmina na realização linguística de nível complexo constituído pelo texto, entidade abstrata subjacente aos discursos realizados, e pelo discurso, como seqüência de enunciados interligados, por isso, também entendido como entidade concreta, ou seja, a manifestação e realização do texto.

  16. Riscos ocupacionais de uma indústria calçadista sob a ótica dos trabalhadores

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    Fernanda Reinher da Luz


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo identificar os riscos ocupacionais de uma indústria calçadista sob a ótica dos trabalhadores, bem como as medidas preventivas adotadas por eles contra os riscos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, descritivo. A amostra foi composta por quinze trabalhadores. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista semiestruturada e analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo. Foram respeitados os aspectos éticos e a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados apontam que os trabalhadores são conhecedores dos riscos do seu processo de trabalho, faziam uso de medidas de proteção individual e a empresa disponibilizava dispositivos de segurança, informando e realizando, periodicamente, visitas aos setores, na perspectiva de desenvolver ações educativas.

  17. Investigação do método de desenvolvimento de calçados no pólo calçadista do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e Paranhana, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul


    Ronise Ferreira dos Santos


    O objetivo desta dissertação foi investigar o método de desenvolvimento de calçados utilizado por profissionais atuantes no Pólo calçadista do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e Paranhana, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo amostrado foi composto por 31 profissionais independentes que atuam para diversas empresas de pequeno, médio e grande porte da região e pelos 11 profissionais do grupo de desenvolvimento de produto de uma empresa de grande porte situada no Pólo. Os dados levantados com a ferrame...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reimer, P. J.; Baillie, M. G. L.; Bard, E.; Bayliss, A.; Beck, J. W.; Blackwell, P. G.; Ramsey, C. Bronk; Buck, C. E.; Burr, G. S.; Edwards, R. L.; Friedrich, M.; Grootes, P. M.; Guilderson, T. P.; Hajdas, I.; Heaton, T. J.; Hogg, A. G.; Hughen, K. A.; Kaiser, K. F.; Kromer, B.; McCormac, F. G.; Manning, S. W.; Reimer, R. W.; Richards, D. A.; Southon, J. R.; Talamo, S.; Turney, C. S. M.; van der Plicht, J.; Weyhenmeye, C. E.; Weyhenmeyer, C.E.


    The IntCal04 and Marine04 radiocarbon calibration curves have been updated from 12 cal kBP (cal kBP is here defined as thousands of calibrated years before AD 1950), and extended to 50 cal kBP, utilizing newly available data sets that meet the IntCal Working Group criteria for pristine corals and

  19. Meio ambiente e comércio na agenda internacional: a questão ambiental nas negociações da OMC e dos blocos econômicos regionais

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    Fábio Albergaria de Queiroz


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura analisar como a temática ambiental, indubitavelmente um dos grandes temas no atual cenário internacional, foi inserida e está sendo tratada nos principais palcos de negociações multilaterais sobre comércio internacional. Para tal, serão analisados aspectos normativos do sistema GATT/OMC e dos seguintes blocos econômicos: União Européia, NAFTA, Mercosul e ALCA.The complex relationship between the process of trade liberalization and the environment is, nowadays, one of the most important issues found at the international affairs agenda. In order to verify such assumption, this paper has analyzed how the environmental issue has been discussed at the most important organizations of trade negotiation: GATT/WTO System, European Union, NAFTA, Mercosul and at the America's Free Trade Area.

  20. Desempenho estrutural de protótipo de alvenaria construída com blocos de terra crua estabilizada

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    Aluísio Braz Melo

    Full Text Available Uma das dificuldades na difusão de tecnologias de construção não convencionais é a ausência de informações técnicas sobre os sistemas construtivos existentes. Exemplos de construção eco-eficiente, em pequena escala, feita com blocos de terra crua, desenvolvidos pelo Prof. Roberto Mattone, do Politecnico di Torino, Itália, podem ser encontrados no Brasil, Itália e Argentina. Estes blocos feitos com prensa manual apresentam intertravamentos entre si que melhoram a resistência e a rigidez da alvenaria. Testes em protótipos construídos com eles são necessários para atender as exigências técnicas e se obter credibilidade nas agências governamentais financiadoras. Este artigo apresenta resultados referentes a avaliação de desempenho estrutural de alvenaria (protótipo construído em escala real feita com blocos de terra crua estabilizada, mecânicamente por prensagem e químicamente por adição de cimento Portland. As avaliações de cargas de ocupação e impactos na alvenaria foram realizadas através de ensaios de impactos de corpo mole e de corpo duro, solicitações transmitidas por fechamentos bruscos de porta e solicitações de cargas provenientes de peças suspensas. A partir dos resultados pode-se afirmar que o protótipo apresentou desempenho satisfatório em relação à segurança estrutural. Destaca-se que os blocos avaliados tem grande potencial para reduzir o impacto ambiental das edificações.

  1. Avaliação do conhecimento dos profissionais do bloco cirúrgico quanto ao gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos em saúde / Evaluation of professional knowledge of the block on the surgical management of solid waste in health

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    Francimary de Alencar Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar o conhecimento dos profissionais do bloco cirúrgico quanto ao gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos em saúde. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, transversal, descritivo, tipo inquérito CAP (conhecimento, atitude e prática. Realizado no bloco cirúrgico de um hospital público do município de Fortaleza, vinculado ao Ministério da Educação. Processou-se a coleta de dados nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2011 e a amostra foi composta de 50 profissionais que desenvolviam atividades no setor no período no período avaliado. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação entre o conhecimento, atitude e prática com dados sociodemográficos dos profissionais. O estudo mostrou a falta de conhecimento dos entrevistados a respeito dos resíduos sólidos em saúde e o interesse deles em adquiri-lo, de modo a refletir positivamente em ações que contribuam na promoção da saúde no meio ambiente. Percebe-se ser fundamental que essas ações estejam voltadas para os profissionais que produzem esses resíduos, por meio de medidas educativas que favoreçam o conhecimento e reflitam em sua atitude e prática diante do descarte adequado do lixo produzido. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The objective was to identify the knowledge of professionals regarding the surgical ma-nagement of solid waste in health. This is a study of quantitative approach, descriptive cross-sectional KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice. The study was performed in a surgical ward at a public hospital in the city of Fortaleza, under the Ministry of Educa-tion. Data collection took place in the months of September and October 2011. For data analysis we used the correlation coefficient between knowledge, attitude and practice with socio-demographic data of professionals. The study showed the lack of respondents regarding solid waste on health and the same interest in

  2. Determinantes dos Honorários de Auditoria: um Estudo nas Empresas Listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, Brasil

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    Walther Bottaro de Lima Castro


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho analisa os determinantes dos honorários de auditoria pagos por empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Os dados referentes às empresas listadas para 2012 mostram relação positiva entre honorários com as variáveis porte, complexidade do cliente e auditores Big N. O risco percebido pelo auditor demonstrou afetar os valores dos honorários de forma diferente nos clientes de maior e menor porte. Nos de menor porte, os resultados sugerem que o auditor cobre menores honorários de clientes mais alavancados e com maior risco, contrariando a hipótese de que o auditor cobraria maiores honorários como prêmio pelo risco assumido. Já nos de maior porte, os resultados demonstram que clientes com maior risco, medido pela liquidez e alavancagem, ou com maiores práticas de governança, tendem a gastar mais com auditoria. Quanto à troca do auditor, os resultados apontaram que clientes maiores pagam menos no primeiro ano de auditoria. Esses resultados qualificam os achados de Hallak e Silva (2012, sugerindo a necessidade de novas pesquisas com bases temporalmente mais extensas.

  3. Desempenho e Volatilidade dos Índices de Governança Corporativa da BM&FBOVESPA

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    Leandro Sanches Simplicio de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo observar o retorno e o risco dos dois índices de Governança Corporativa (IGC e IGCT da BM&FBOVESPA, tendo como benchmarking o IBOVESPA no período entre 2007 e 2010. A hipótese central assumiu que em razão das práticas de governança o IGC e IGCT apresentariam menor volatilidade e desempenho superior ao IBOVESPA. Essa proposição é suportada pelo marco teórico utilizado, onde se postula a preeminência de um sistema de gestão que verse pela transparência, fidedignidade das informações e a homogeneidade no relacionamento com os stakeholders e shareholders. Os procedimentosmetodológicos utilizados foram às técnicas estatísticas descritivas de análise de posição, dispersão e correlação das séries temporais. Ademais, utilizou-se o Índice de Sharpe Ajustado para mensurar a performance (risco x retorno dos índices de governança em relação ao IBOVESPA. Os resultados empíricos alinham-se as pesquisas realizadas, onde os índices de governança apresentaram menor volatilidade e melhor desempenho em relação ao IBOVESPA, contudo, essa evidência não é consistente para todo o período em análise, em especial para a crise financeira de 2008. Desta forma, o trabalho pondera que a despeito do esforço em estimular as práticas de governança corporativa, o mercado, ainda, não demonstra plena segurança nesta ação, apesar dos indícios de que no longo prazo, as empresas que utilizam esse modelo institucional apresentam performance superior.

  4. A TEORIA DOS BLOCOS SEMÂNTICOS E A SOCIOCOGNIÇÃO DISCURSIVA: UMA PROPOSTA DE ARTICULAÇÃO / The theory semantic blocks and the discursive sociocognition: a proposal for articulation

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    Valney Veras da Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO A Argumentação Interna à Língua (doravante TAL proposta por Anscombre e Ducrot (1983 sugere, como a própria terminologia indica, uma orientação argumentativa que não segue os padrões da lógica e/ou da retórica clássica e da nova retórica, mas de uma perspectiva fundada no estruturalismo saussuriano, de modo que o ato de argumentar é investigado a partir da própria estrutura da língua, tendo em conta a concepção de enunciação fundada em Benveniste (1989. A Teoria do Bloco Semântico (doravante TBS elaborada por Ducrot e Carel (1997a, 1997b, tendo como base teórica a mesma da TAL, apresenta a orientação argumentativa a partir dos aspectos inerentes a um bloco semântico ou mais, considerando não somente o enunciado como também uma unidade lexical em si. A Teoria da Polifonia desenvolvida por Ducrot (1987, e posteriormente elaborada por Carel (2011, foi desenvolvida em paralelo com a TAL e a TBS, bem como com a Teoria dos Topoi, segunda fase de desenvolvimento da forma standard da TAL. Também denominada de Polifonia Linguística, em contraste com a proposta polifônica de Bakhtin, esta abordagem destaca a orientação argumentativa do locutor a partir dos enunciadores presentes nos segmentos argumentativos. O objetivo deste estudo, então, é a apropriação de categorias da TBS, a partir da Polifonia Linguística, para a análise crítica do discurso, segundo a abordagem sociocognitiva de van Dijk (2006, 2008. A proposta desta articulação tem a sociocognição como a fundamentação para a investigação crítica e ideológica do discurso que visa ao embate entre grupos sociais, e, para tal, percebe-se a utilidade dos aspectos dos blocos semânticos e da função dos enunciadores como orientadores da argumentação textual, que tem como motivação ideológica o abuso de poder, instalado nestes discursos. Palavras-chave: Teoria do Bloco Semântico. Sociocognição. Análise Crítica do Discurso. ABSTRACT The

  5. Efeitos da cal e do cimento na modificação dos solos para fins rodoviários: mecanismos de reação, parâmetros de caracterização geotécnica e resistência mecânica


    Portelinha, Fernando Henrique Martins


    Nessa pesquisa, avaliou-se o emprego de pequenos teores de cal hidratada e de cimento Portland na estabilização química de dois solos residuais de gnaisse da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, com vistas a aplicações em estradas. O estudo abrangeu os seguintes tópicos: (i) caracterização tecnológica dos solos e misturas, envolvendo ensaios de caracterização (granulometria e limites de Atterberg) dos solos melhorados com cimento e com cal, considerando-se diferentes teores de estabili...

  6. Como enfrentar o \\'Fenômeno China\\' na produção de calçados: proposta de estratégia competitiva para a indústria calçadista brasileira.


    Mario Luiz Bimbatti


    A competição no mercado internacional com os produtores mundiais, pode ser uma fonte de excelentes oportunidades ou de perigosas armadilhas, como o desafio de difícil solução, representado pelos produtores mundiais de calçados com baixos custos de mão-de-obra, por exemplo, os chineses. A grande maioria dos produtores brasileiros de calçados está estabelecida em clusters, como na Europa os produtores italianos de calçados estão estabelecidos nos \\"distretti\\". Essas concentrações geográficas d...

  7. Sustentabilidade Empresarial e Governança Corporativa: Uma Análise da relação do ISE da BM&FBOVESPA com a Compensação dos Gestores de Empresas Brasileiras

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    Thayse Machado Guimarães


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi identificar a influência da sustentabilidade empresarial na compensação dos gestores das empresas brasileiras não financeiras da BM&FBOVESPA de 2009 a 2013. Entende-se que o estudo da compensação dos gestores e da sustentabilidade empresarial proporciona reflexões sobre os problemas decorrentes da Teoria de Agência, bem como permite visualizar a teoria dos Stakeholders e a busca pelo valor em longo prazo. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, espera-se que as empresas que estão listadas no Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE da BM&FBOVESPA concedam melhores remunerações a seus administradores. Dessa forma, foi utilizado o método de regressão com dados em painel, com estimação por efeitos fixos, com a finalidade de testar a relação existente entre as variáveis propostas. Como resultados principais, notou-se relação positiva e estatisticamente significativa da remuneração total dos gestores com o ISE, com a variável de qualidade da governança corporativa (empresas listadas no Novo Mercado e com o valor de mercado (market-to-book. Ademais, observou-se uma relação negativa da remuneração total dos administradores com a volatilidade dos retornos. Desse modo, pode-se inferir que as empresas mais sustentáveis tendem a conceder maiores remunerações a seus gestores, o que corrobora a hipótese central da pesquisa e os pressupostos da teoria dos Stakeholders.

  8. Debate sobre a teoria dos blocos semânticos e a semântica do acontecimento: quase-bloco, locutor-posição e espaço de enunciação = Debate on the theory of semantic blocks and semantic of event: quasi-block, speaker-position and space of enunciation

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    Carel, Marion


    Full Text Available O projeto deste debate objetivou estabelecer um (raro momento de reflexão sobre alguns temas caros à Linguística no Brasil segundo a óptica da teoria francesa intitulada Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos (TBS. Fundada em 1992 pela Dra. Marion Carel, a TBS é considerada a versão mais radical da teoria antes chamada Teoria da Argumentação na Língua, desenvolvida inicialmente por Jean-Claude Anscombre e Oswald Ducrot. Este debate tomou profundidade teórica rica e inédita, e devido à condição técnica dos temas abordados, bem como ao modo teórico das questões e respostas, a discussão ganhou cunho particular, motivo pelo qual demos um nome para este debate, que bem lhe sumariasse no rol das pesquisas sobre a TBS. Esperamos, assim, traçar um diálogo, no sentido acadêmico bem positivo desta palavra, entre os modos de raciocínio francês e brasileiro, no quadro que aqui dispomos, e esperar boas continuidades a partir deste debate

  9. Compreensibilidade dos relatórios contábeis e financeiros de companhias de capital aberto listadas na BM&FBOVESPA: uma análise das percepções dos usuários investidores


    Cotrim, Carlos Henrique Pileggi


    A participação dos investidores pessoas físicas no mercado de capitais brasileiro mostrou-se crescente nos últimos dez anos com evolução de cerca de 85 mil em 2002 para mais de 600 mil em 2011. A BM&FBOVESPA tem a meta de chegar a cerca de 5 milhões de investidores pessoas físicas até o final de 2018 e nesse contexto estão intrínsecos os riscos do investimento em ações aos quais o investidor brasileiro recente está pouco acostumado, em razão da com-plexidade desse mercado. Sendo indispensável...

  10. Aderência de revestimentos em paredes de blocos cerâmicos com função estrutural

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    Jefferson Sidney Camacho

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar o comportamento mecânico dos revestimentos cerâmicos frente aos carregamentos na alvenaria estrutural. Neste estudo são apresentados os resultados experimentais e conclusões sobre o comportamento de paredes revestidas quando submetidas a carregamentos verticais crescentes até a ruptura. Os revestimentos foram fixados com argamassa colante industrial, aplicados em paredes de blocos cerâmicos com e sem emboço. Ao longo dos ensaios foram registrados todos os eventos considerados importantes, tais como deformações, início de fissuração, descolamento dos revestimentos, formas e cargas de rupturas. Dessa forma, foi possível quantificar a relação dos carregamentos presentes nas paredes com as fissurações e desprendimentos dos revestimentos cerâmicos, onde se pode verificar que os problemas patológicos ocorreram próximos aos limites de carregamento da estrutura, indicando que o sistema de revestimentos não sofreram relativas alterações visuais e mecânicas dentro do regime estrutural de utilização.

  11. Estabilização de solos com adição de cal : um estudo a respeito da reversibilidade das reações que acontecem no solo após a adição de cal


    Azevedo, André Luis Cairo de


    Visando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a estabilização dos solos com adição de cal, este estudo pretende demonstrar que as reações do solo argiloso com cal podem ser reversíveis. Esta análise simula uma mistura de solo e cal sendo executada inicialmente numa usina, quando do início da obra, antes mesmo da terraplenagem concluída, armazenada durante um período de tempo determinado e posteriormente sendo executada como camada de pavimento. Para isso foram feitos moldados corpos de prova com amost...

  12. Uma análise dos processos recentes de desconcentração regional nas indústrias têxtil e de calçados e a importância dos sistemas locais de produção


    Garcia, Renato de Castro


    Constata que as tendências de localização das empresas das cadeias têxtil-vestuário e couro- calçados no período recente indicam a importância dos movimentos de desconcentração regional nessas indústrias, já que diversas empresas transferiram parte de sua capacidade produtiva para a região Nordeste do Brasil. Esse movimento foi motivado pela busca de melhores condições de custos, especialmente do trabalho, para fazer frente aos novos desafios da concorrência, e teve como consequência principa...

  13. Avaliação de combinações de técnicas alternativas de construção e montagem de blocos de tissue microarray Evaluation of alternative technique combinations of building and preparation of tissue microarrays blocks

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    Ivan Tiburtino dos Santos Junior


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi pesquisar diferentes métodos alternativos de tissue microarray (TMA à técnica original e conduzir adaptações desses, combinando diferentes métodos de punção das amostras teciduais e de montagem dos blocos de TMA, de modo a introduzir no Laboratório de Patologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco da Universidade de Pernambuco (LPBFOP/UPE técnicas de TMA facilmente operáveis, reproduzíveis e de baixo custo. RESULTADOS: Foram reproduzidas quatro técnicas de punção dos blocos doadores e duas de montagem dos blocos de TMA, resultando em oito combinações possíveis. Para cada combinação, foram confeccionados três blocos de TMA, contendo nove, 16 e 32 amostras, respectivamente, e avaliadas quanto a perda de amostras, custo, tempo de confecção e dificuldade. Para blocos com nove amostras, a combinação 2 mostrou-se a mais adequada; para blocos com 16, a combinação 6 foi constatada como a mais eficiente; e para blocos com 32, a combinação 1 apresentou o melhor custo-benefício. CONCLUSÃO: Foi concluído que a escolha da combinação a ser utilizada depende do número de amostras a serem colocadas nos blocos de TMA.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate different alternative tissue microarray (TMA techniques and to make adaptations, combining different tissue punch and TMA block construction techniques in order to introduce easily reproducible, operational and cost effective TMA techniques in the Oral Pathology Laboratory of Pernambuco College of Dentistry, State University of Pernambuco. METHODS: Four donor punch techniques and two TMA block construction techniques were performed, resulting in a total of eight possible combinations. For each combination three TMA blocks were made, containing 9, 16 and 32 samples, respectively. They were evaluated as to sample loss, cost effectiveness, construction time and difficulty. RESULTS: For

  14. Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions ${\\cal B}(B^0 \\to K^{\\ast 0} \\gamma)/{\\cal B}(B^0_s \\to \\phi \\gamma)$

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    Aaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Adrover, C; Affolder, A; Ajaltouni, Z; Albrecht, J; Alessio, F; Alexander, M; Alkhazov, G; Alvarez Cartelle, P; Alves Jr, A A; Amato, S; Amhis, Y; Anderson, J; Appleby, R B; Aquines Gutierrez, O; Archilli, F; Arrabito, L; Artamonov, A; Artuso, M; Aslanides, E; Auriemma, G; Bachmann, S; Back, J J; Bailey, D S; Balagura, V; Baldini, W; Barlow, R J; Barschel, C; Barsuk, S; Barter, W; Bates, A; Bauer, C; Bauer, Th; Bay, A; Bediaga, I; Belogurov, S; Belous, K; Belyaev, I; Ben-Haim, E; Benayoun, M; Bencivenni, G; Benson, S; Benton, J; Bernet, R; Bettler, M -O; van Beuzekom, M; Bien, A; Bifani, S; Bird, T; Bizzeti, A; Bjørnstad, P M; Blake, T; Blanc, F; Blanks, C; Blouw, J; Blusk, S; Bobrov, A; Bocci, V; Bondar, A; Bondar, N; Bonivento, W; Borghi, S; Borgia, A; Bowcock, T J V; Bozzi, C; Brambach, T; van den Brand, J; Bressieux, J; Brett, D; Britsch, M; Britton, T; Brook, N H; Brown, H; Büchler-Germann, A; Burducea, I; Bursche, A; Buytaert, J; Cadeddu, S; Callot, O; 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Vazquez Regueiro, P; Vecchi, S; Velthuis, J J; Veltri, M; Viaud, B; Videau, I; Vieira, D; Vilasis-Cardona, X; Visniakov, J; Vollhardt, A; Volyanskyy, D; Voong, D; Vorobyev, A; Voss, H; Wandernoth, S; Wang, J; Ward, D R; Watson, N K; Webber, A D; Websdale, D; Whitehead, M; Wiedner, D; Wiggers, L; Wilkinson, G; Williams, M P; Williams, M; Wilson, F F; Wishahi, J; Witek, M; Witzeling, W; Wotton, S A; Wyllie, K; Xie, Y; Xing, F; Xing, Z; Yang, Z; Young, R; Yushchenko, O; Zangoli, M; Zavertyaev, M; Zhang, F; Zhang, L; Zhang, W C; Zhang, Y; Zhelezov, A; Zhong, L; Zvyagin, A


    The ratio of branching fractions of the radiative $B$ decays $B^0\\to K^{*0}\\gamma$ and $B^0_s\\to \\phi\\gamma$ has been measured using $0.37\\,$fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at a centre of mass energy of $\\sqrt{s}=7\\,$TeV, collected by the LHCb experiment. The value obtained is \\begin{equation} \\frac{{\\cal B}(B^0\\to K^{*0}\\gamma)}{{\\cal B}(B^0_s\\to \\phi\\gamma)} = 1.12 \\pm 0.08^{+0.06}_{-0.04}\\phantom{.}^{+0.09}_{-0.08},\

  15. A construção de sentidos pela Argumentação na Língua: blocos semânticos em um debate sobre o Estatuto da Família

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    Marildo de Oliveira Lopes


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva discutir, por meio de uma análise linguística, a construção de sentidos possibilitada pelos encadeamentos argumentativos evocados nas falas dos deputados Ronaldo Fonseca e Jean Wyllys, em um debate acerca do Estatuto da Família - Projeto de Lei 6.583/13 - que objetiva restringir o conceito de família aos casais heterossexuais e filho (s. Essa análise se dá à luz da Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos (TBS, criada por Oswald Ducrot e Marion Carel (2005, fase mais expressiva da Teoria da Argumentação na Língua (ANL. A TBS defende que a argumentação está na própria língua e que discursos são evocados por meio de encadeamentos argumentativos – que são a combinação de dois segmentos de um enunciado, unidos pelos conectores PORTANTO (DC e NO ENTANTO (PT, que estabelecem interdependência semântica entre eles. Um encadeamento argumentativo pertence a um bloco semântico composto de quatro aspectos argumentativos. Para atingir nosso propósito, transcrevemos o debate em questão, realizamos um estudo bibliográfico acerca do tema e prosseguimos com a análise do nosso corpus. Selecionamos dois excertos das falas de cada debatedor que melhor ilustram a evocação de encadeamentos argumentativos. Isso nos possibilitou elaborar quatro aspectos argumentativos para o bloco semântico defendido por cada deputado e mais quatro aspectos argumentativos que compõem o bloco oposto. Nossos dados comprovam que a própria língua possui orientação argumentativa e que os sentidos são construídos a partir da argumentação. Além disso, confirmamos que a argumentação é materializada na relação entre entidades linguísticas.

  16. Developmental evolution of flowering plant pollen tube cell walls: callose synthase (CalS gene expression patterns

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    Abercrombie Jason M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A number of innovations underlie the origin of rapid reproductive cycles in angiosperms. A critical early step involved the modification of an ancestrally short and slow-growing pollen tube for faster and longer distance transport of sperm to egg. Associated with this shift are the predominantly callose (1,3-β-glucan walls and septae (callose plugs of angiosperm pollen tubes. Callose synthesis is mediated by callose synthase (CalS. Of 12 CalS gene family members in Arabidopsis, only one (CalS5 has been directly linked to pollen tube callose. CalS5 orthologues are present in several monocot and eudicot genomes, but little is known about the evolutionary origin of CalS5 or what its ancestral function may have been. Results We investigated expression of CalS in pollen and pollen tubes of selected non-flowering seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms within lineages that diverged below the monocot/eudicot node. First, we determined the nearly full length coding sequence of a CalS5 orthologue from Cabomba caroliniana (CcCalS5 (Nymphaeales. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated low CcCalS5 expression within several vegetative tissues, but strong expression in mature pollen. CalS transcripts were detected in pollen tubes of several species within Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales, and comparative analyses with a phylogenetically diverse group of sequenced genomes indicated homology to CalS5. We also report in silico evidence of a putative CalS5 orthologue from Amborella. Among gymnosperms, CalS5 transcripts were recovered from germinating pollen of Gnetum and Ginkgo, but a novel CalS paralog was instead amplified from germinating pollen of Pinus taeda. Conclusion The finding that CalS5 is the predominant callose synthase in pollen tubes of both early-diverging and model system angiosperms is an indicator of the homology of their novel callosic pollen tube walls and callose plugs. The data suggest that CalS5 had transient expression

  17. Caracterização de blocos cerâmicos acústicos produzidos com incorporação de lodo de lavanderia têxtil

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    Thiago Morais de Castro


    Full Text Available Características físicas (absorção de água, mecânicas (resistência à compressão, de toxicidade e de superfície (microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram avaliadas em blocos cerâmicos acústicos, fabricados por meio do processo de solidificação/estabilização (S/E, a partir da incorporação de lodo proveniente de estação de tratamento de efluentes têxteis. Os blocos cerâmicos acústicos foram produzidos com incorporação de 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35% de lodo têxtil na massa de argila, bem como o bloco controle. Os resultados indicaram a porcentagem de 20% de lodo como o limite para fornecer material com características de acordo com os padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. O processo de S/E foi eficiente no aproveitamento/tratamento do lodo têxtil, uma vez que permitiu a imobilização dos poluentes na massa de argila, os quais não foram lixiviados, tampouco solubilizados.

  18. Utilização de pós residuais e fibra de sisal em blocos de concreto


    Indara Soto Izquierdo


    A pesquisa tem como enfoque fundamental a aplicação de novos materiais alternativos para uma construção sustentável. Pós residuais, provenientes do resíduo orgânico e do setor mineral, e fibras de sisal constituem bons exemplos de materiais não convencionais. Dessa forma, o objetivo principal foi avaliar a incorporação dos pós residuais e da fibra de sisal no concreto para a fabricação de blocos de concreto e elementos de alvenaria. Foram estudados três relações cimento: agregado, de 1:15, 1:...

  19. Calázio e características demográficas dos portadores em uma amostra populacional

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    Marjorie Fornazier do Nascimento


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Apresentar a frequência de ocorrência do calázio em uma amostra populacional, assim como as características de seus portadores. Métodos: Estudo transversal utilizando amostra populacional aleatorizada, realizado nos anos 2004/2005, na região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo. Os participantes foram avaliados segundo variáveis demográficas e exame oftalmológico. Resultados: A frequência de ocorrência do calázio foi de 1,56%, sendo mais frequente em mulheres, portadores de astigmatismo ou hipermetropia de pequenos graus, com grande variação de idade de acometimento. Foi necessária prescrição de correção óptica e cirurgia em número expressivo de casos. Conclusão: O calázio tem baixa frequência de ocorrência na população geral. Ocorre predominantemente em mulheres e há associação importante com ametropia.

  20. DelPapa - Aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos no delineamento blocos ao acaso, usando o método Papadakis

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    Lindolfo Storck


    Full Text Available O aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos executados no delineamento blocos ao acaso, por meio do método usual e de Papadakis, foi desenvolvido em sua primeira versão (não publicada, na linguagem de programação Pascal. Considerando que o método de Papadakis foi eficiente para as principais culturas agrícolas (milho, soja, feijão e trigo e, para tornar o aplicativo mais amigável, a versão em Pascal foi reprogramada em Java, cuja denominação é DelPapa. Este aplicativo realiza a análise de variância segundo o delineamento blocos ao acaso pelo método usual (estima parâmetros genéticos, medidas de qualidade experimental e testes dos pressupostos da análise de variância e pelo método de Papadakis. Usando as médias ajustadas pela covariável (média dos erros das parcelas vizinhas, também realiza o teste Scott e Knott (P=0,05 para agrupar os tratamentos.

  1. Diseño del sistema para extracción de gases de un horno para cal


    Vega Basurto, Carlos W.; Martinez Lozano, Ernesto Rolando


    Esta tesis es realizada en una empresa distribuidora de material no metálico ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil en el kilómetro 12 ½ Vía a la costa. Es una planta que tiene dos procesos fundamentales que son obtención de Cal y de procesamiento de áridos (piedra y arena). Este trabajo se enfoca en la parte del proceso de obtención de Cal que tiene una gran demanda en estos momentos en el país. La empresa posee un horno de una capacidad de 80 Toneladas Por Día de Cal pero no logra cubrir to...

  2. Oceanographic profile data using bottle collected during CalCOFI cruises, North Pacific Ocean, 2015-04 to 2015-11 (NCEI Accession 0162193) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bottle data collected during CalCOFI cruises 1504, 1507, and 1511, April 2015 - November 2015. The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)...

  3. Avaliação epidemiológica dos pacientes vítimas de queimadura ocular pelo agente químico cal no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba Epidemiological assessment at the Ophthalmology Departament of the Evangelic University Hospital of Curitiba of patients victims of ocular lime burns

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    Alessandra Guerra Daros Castellano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes vítimas de queimadura ocular pelo agente químico cal, no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba, enfatizando-se os casos de queimaduras oculares pela "Bomba de Cal". Métodos: Estudo prospectivo de 88 pacientes com queimadura ocular pela cal (cal sem explosão ou bomba de cal, que procuraram o serviço de Pronto Atendimento do referido hospital no período de setembro de 1999 a setembro de 2000. Resultados: Dos 88 pacientes avaliados 73 (82,95% foram vítimas de queimadura ocular pela cal no ambiente de trabalho e 15 (17,24% foram vítimas da "Bomba de Cal" (brincadeira regional. A maioria dos pacientes examinados foi do sexo masculino, com faixa etária entre 20 e 40 anos, com predomínio de queimadura ocular unilateral e grau I quando vítimas de acidente de trabalho e bilateral e grau IV quando a queimadura foi resultante da "Bomba de Cal". Conclusão: Comparando-se os grupos estudados observou-se que o grupo vítima de queimadura ocular pela "Bomba de Cal" apresentou maior agravo à saúde ocular demonstrado, neste estudo, pela bilateralidade, gravidade das lesões e idade mais precoce de acometimento dos pacientes.Purpose: The assessment of the epidemiological profile of patients victims of lime ocular burns, by the Ophthalmology Department of the Evangelic University Hospital of Curitiba, with emphasis on "Lime Bomb" burn cases. Methods: A study on 88 ocular lime burn patients (lime bomb or not, who came to the HUEC Emergency Service from September 1999 to September 2000. Results: Of 88 patients that were evaluated, 73 (82.95% had suffered ocular lime burn in their working place and 15 (17.24% had suffered it due to the `Lime Bomb" itself (local custom. Most of the patients that were examined were males, aged 20-40 years, with predominance of unilateral ocular burn and degree I in case of accident at the workplace, and bilateral and degree IV in

  4. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) Bm64 is required for BV production and per os infection. (United States)

    Chen, Lin; Shen, Yunwang; Yang, Rui; Wu, Xiaofeng; Hu, Wenjun; Shen, Guoxin


    Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) orf64 (Bm64, a homologue of ac78) is a core baculovirus gene. Recently, Li et al. reported that Ac78 was not essential for budded viruses (BVs) production and occlusion-derived viruses (ODVs) formation (Virus Res 191:70-82, 2014). Conversely, Tao et al. demonstrated that Ac78 was localized to the BV and ODV envelopes and was required for BV production and ODV formation (J Virol 87:8441-50, 2013). In this study, the function of Bm64 was characterized to determine the role of Bm64 in the BmNPV infection cycle. The temporal expression of Bm64 was examined using total RNA extracted from BmNPV-infected BmN cells at different time points by reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and 5' RACE analysis. To determine the functions of Bm64 in viral replication and the viral phenotype throughout the viral life cycle, a deletion virus (vBm(64KO)) was generated via homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. Viral replication and BV production were determined by real-time PCR. Electron microscopy was used to detect virion morphogenesis. The subcellular localization of Bm64 was determined by microscopy, and per os infectivity was used to determine its role in the baculovirus oral infection cycle. Viral plaque and titer assay results showed that a few infectious BVs were produced by vBm(64KO), suggesting that deletion of Bm64 affected BV production. Viral DNA replication was detected and polyhedra were observed in vBm(64KO)-transfected cells. Microscopy analysis revealed that Bm64 was predominantly localized to the ring zone of the nuclei during the infection cycle. Electron microscopy showed that Bm64 was not essential for the formation of ODVs or the subsequent occlusion of ODV into polyhedra. The per os infectivity results showed that the polyhedra of vBm(64KO) were unable to infect silkworm larvae. In conclusion, our results suggest that Bm64 plays an important role in BV production and per os infection, but is not required for viral DNA

  5. A economia política dos governos FHC, Lula e Dilma: dominância financeira, bloco no poder e desenvolvimento econômico Economic policy during the Cardoso, Lula, and Rousseff administrations: financial dominance, power blocs and economic development

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    Rodrigo Alves Teixeira


    Full Text Available O presente texto analisa a relação da política macroeconômica e o desenvolvimento econômico com seus condicionantes políticos, desde 1995 até os dias atuais (governos FHC, Lula e Dilma, por meio da abordagem da economia política, aplicando os conceitos de dominância financeira, dependência e bloco no poder. Ao adotar tal método, partiu-se do pressuposto de que a adoção de determinada política econômica é decorrência: i dos condicionantes externos, atrelados, no caso brasileiro, à sua condição periférica; ii dos condicionantes internos associados à interação e conflitos de interesses econômicos e políticos das frações de classe no bloco no poder e em seus desenlaces no Estado. O texto conclui que as mudanças recentes no bloco no poder, entre o final do governo Lula e início do governo Dilma, conferiram maior autonomia ao Estado, especialmente diante da fração bancário-financeira, até então hegemônica, o que abre espaço para a retomada das políticas de desenvolvimento.This paper analyzes the relationship between macroeconomic policy and economic development and the political constraints of that relationship from 1995 until present day ( Cardoso, Lula and Dilma Rousseff. This analysis relies on the political economy approach, applying the concepts of financial domination, dependence and power blocs. By virute of this method, we assume that the adoption of certain economic policy is the result of: i the external constraints (which, in Brazil, are coupled with the country's status as a peripheral and dependent economy and ii the constraints associated with the internal interaction and conflicts of economic and political interests of class fractions in the power bloc and its influence on the State. The paper concludes that recent changes to the power bloc between the end of the Lula administration and the beginning of the Rousseff administration gave the government greater autonomy, particularly in relation to the

  6. Perfil dos Psicólogos Inscritos na Subsede Leste do CRP-04

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    Keicy Rocha Santos

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi fazer um levantamento do perfil profissional dos psicólogos inscritos na Subsede Leste do Conselho Regional de Psicologia nº 04 (CRP-04, atuantes no município de Governador Valadares até 2010. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo e comparativo entre os dados da presente pesquisa e aqueles que compõem o banco nacional, que se encontra na obra O trabalho do Psicólogo no Brasil, organizado por Bastos, Gondim e colaboradores (2010. Utilizou-se um questionário via e-mail marketing, respondido por 85 participantes que abarcaram as categorias do perfil profissional. Os dados levantados foram tabulados no programa Microsoft Excel e analisados no programa Sphinx Survey Edição Léxica. Verificou-se que a maioria dos participantes é branca, casada, do gênero feminino, com idade entre 26 e 30 anos e graduada em instituição privada, tendo especialização, principalmente em clínica organizacional e atuação na clínica. Ganha entre 3 e 4 salários mínimos como psicólogo, na condição de assalariado. Geralmente, a maioria não possui outra atividade profissional e a renda familiar é de, aproximadamente, 10 salários mínimos. Os dados corroboram com a média nacional do perfil profissional dessa classe de trabalhadores, trazendo algumas peculiaridades do município de Governador Valadares.

  7. Adequação de calçadas e travessias às condições mínimas de acessibilidade : um procedimento para estimativa de custos de serviços e obras


    Pablo José Martinelli Guerreiro


    Esta dissertação apresenta um procedimento para determinação de custos de adequação de calçadas e travessias urbanas através da quantificação dos custos dos serviços necessários a realização das obras de reparos ou da reconstrução total de um trecho de calçada, além da adequação da travessia. O levantamento dos serviços necessários foi feito utilizando-se como padrão de projeto as especificações constantes do manual do projeto Calçada Cidadã da Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória ES. A avaliação ...

  8. Perfil diferencial do administrador do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


    Lauro Tischer


    As indústrias de calçados da região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, sempre se destacaram no Brasil e no mundo por produtos reconhecidos internacionalmente, pela quantidade, qualidade e variedade de modelos. Com a globalização da economia e o desenvolvimento tecnológico imperante no mundo industrial, a região começou, rapidamente a ser deslocada de centro produtor de calçados para, quem sabe, centro consumidor de calçados. Quando as empresas começam a ter maus resultados, a culpa recai sempre nos “o...

  9. Durabilidade de tijolos solo-cal incorporados com resíduos de demolição da construção civil Durability of soil-lime bricks embedded with demolition construction residues


    Suélen Silva Figueiredo; Cibelle Guimarães Silva; Gelmires A. Neves


    A incorporação dos resíduos de demolição da construção civil (RD) em tijolos solo-cal, substituindo parte do aglomerante, torna-se possível devido às propriedades cimentantes que esses resíduos podem apresentar quando finamente moídos. Essa pesquisa objetiva avaliar a durabilidade de tijolos solo-cal incorporados com resíduos de demolição da construção civil. Para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova utilizando o traço 1:10 em massa, em proporção de cal:solo e...

  10. Teoria contingencial e intangibilidade: um estudo nas empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa

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    Paulo Henrique Nobre Parente


    Full Text Available Com base na Teoria Contingencial e nos preceitos da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR, que considera os ativos intangíveis como recursos estratégicos, o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar a influência de fatores contingenciais nos indicadores de intangibilidade das empresas de capital aberto do Brasil listadas na BM&FBovespa. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, de natureza quantitativa, que reúne uma amostra de 181 empresas. A coleta dos dados, referentes ao exercício social de 2014, tem origem em duas fontes: Economática®, para o cálculo dos indicadores de intangibilidade; e o website da BM&FBovespa, para identificação das variáveis contingenciais eleitas para o estudo. Fez-se uso da regressão linear múltipla, considerando-se como variável dependente os indicadores de intangibilidade (grau de intangibilidade, Q de Tobin, investimento em ativos intangíveis, representatividade dos intangíveis no ativo total, representatividade dos intangíveis no ativo não circulante e como variáveis independentes os fatores contingenciais ambiente, idade e tamanho. Além disso, foram utilizadas as variáveis de controle endividamento e liquidez corrente, para controlar o modelo, com o objetivo de se verificar o efeito limitador, para o endividamento, e o influenciador, para a liquidez corrente. Os resultados demonstram que as variáveis contingenciais tamanho e ambiente podem, de certa forma, influenciar os níveis de intangibilidade das empresas brasileiras, o que sugere consonância com os pressupostos da Teoria Contingencial e da VBR. Observou-se ainda que, quando adicionadas as variáveis de controle, os modelos econométricos não apresentaram diferenças expressivas nos níveis de intangibilidade.

  11. Empresariado industrial e desenvolvimento socioeconômico: estudo do discurso do empresariado calçadista paulista frente ao mundo globalizado (1995-2010)


    Guaraldo, Paula D'Andrea [UNESP


    A tese teve como objetivo desenvolver um estudo sobre a fração da classe empresarial brasileira composta pelo empresariado industrial calçadista. A proposta foi conhecer o discurso do empresariado calçadista paulista dos polos produtores calçadistas de Franca, Birigui e Jaú, frente às questões ligadas ao desenvolvimento econômico no contexto globalizado em que se encontra, por meio da análise de suas manifestações públicas em veículos de comunicação voltados ao empresariado nacional sobre o p...

  12. Consolidating BPR with CALS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Michael Holm; Leinsdorff, Torben; Madsen, Claus


    For almost a decade, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has met a high degree of criticism as project implementations have failed to succeed in industry and public organisations. A vast majority of the reengineering literature recommends that information technology (IT) should enhance the effic......For almost a decade, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has met a high degree of criticism as project implementations have failed to succeed in industry and public organisations. A vast majority of the reengineering literature recommends that information technology (IT) should enhance...... the likelihood of BPR success. Firstly, CALS contributes to process orientation and process organising in a BPR project. This is partly because CALS satisfies the increased information need of the process team members and partly because CALS breaks down information-based barriers. Secondly, CALS contributes...

  13. Informatividade dos lucros contábeis e divulgação dos ativos biológicos: evidências brasileiras


    Holanda, Allan Pinheiro


    A pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a influência exercida pela divulgação dos ativos biológicos na informatividade dos lucros contábeis nas firmas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa, considerando-se o período de 2010 a 2011. Para a investigação da informatividade dos ativos biológicos foi utilizada a adaptação dos modelos propostos por Easton e Harris (1991) e Francis e Schipper (1999). Os ativos biológicos, por sua vez, foram mensurados de duas maneiras, pela simples existência da c...


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    Eylisson A. Santos


    Full Text Available Em acordo com a tendência mundial de se construir com resíduos sólidos, combinando o uso de energias renováveis com a redução dos materiais inservíveis é que o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido, cujo principal objetivo é a utilização de resíduos de pneus reciclados em blocos de concreto para alvenaria de vedação, buscando desta forma, mais uma contribuição para tal fim. Com este objetivo em mente, iniciou-se, nesta etapa da pesquisa, estudos experimentais em corpos de prova de concreto em 3 (três diferentes traços para análise inicial do comportamento deste novo material com relação a sua resistência à compressão e assim, obter a melhor composição da mistura visando sua futura utilização em blocos vazados de concreto com resíduo de pneu. Para os três proporções iniciais, o agregado graúdo foi substituído parcialmente pela borracha com porcentagens variando entre 5, 10 e 15%, em massa. A influência da relação água/cimento na resistência à compressão do concreto sem e com resíduo de borracha também foi objeto do estudo, cujas relações variaram de 0,55, 0,73 e 0,91 para cada tipo de traço com as diferentes porcentagens de borracha acima citadas. Os resultados dos estudos experimentais são apresentados e comparados graficamente entre si. Palavras-chaves: resíduos de pneu; concretos com resíduos; traços para blocos; reciclagem

  15. A Corrida de Massa do Rio Vieira em Teresópolis, Sudeste do Brasil: Caracterização da Área-Fonte dos Sedimentos Transportados

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    Juliana Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Nesse trabalho foi caracterizado o substrato rochoso e os depósitos sedimentares do alto curso do rio Vieira, cenário de uma das corridas de massa ocorridas na região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro durante um Megadesastre em janeiro de 2011. O alto curso do rio Vieira apresenta traçado retilíneo e está encaixado em um sistema de fraturas e falhas de direção N25E. Ao longo dos quase 2 km de leito rochoso expostos,verificou-se a predominância de gnaisses das suítes Cordeiro e Serra dos Órgãos. O granito da Suíte Nova Friburgo se restringe à cabeceira de drenagem e a uma estreita faixa no trecho médio do canal. Três tipos de depósitos sedimentares remanescentes foram observados. Na região da cabeceira ocorrem depósitos de tálus constituídos predominantemente por matacões graníticos. Nas paredes do canal retilíneo encontram-se depósitos de queda de blocos gnáissicos. Na frente da corrida, dispostos sobre a planície aluvionar, ocorrem matacões graníticos e blocos gnáissicos. A presença de matacões de granito na cabeceira e a escassez de granito no leito rochoso indica que o maior volume de sólidos transportado é proveniente da erosão dos depósitos de tálus situados na cabeceira do rio. Os blocos de gnaisse são provenientes dos depósitos de queda de blocos presentes nas paredes do canal.

  16. Fatores Relacionados ao Nível de Divulgação de Ativos Intangíveis após a Adoção das IFRS por Empresas do IGC da BM&FBOVESPA = Factors related to the level of disclosure of intangible assets after the adoption of IFRS for companies from IGC of BM&FBovespa

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    Roberto Carlos Klann


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo consiste em verificar os fatores que influenciam o nível de divulgação de informações sobre ativos intangíveis nas empresas listadas no Índice de Governança Corporativa (IGC da BM&FBovespa, no período após adoção das International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS. Para tal, delineou-se a pesquisa como sendo descritiva, documental e quantitativa. A amostra é composta das 125 empresas não financeiras que compõem o IGC da BM&FBovespa. A análise inicialmente pautou-se nas Notas Explicativas e nos Relatórios de Administração divulgados no ano de 2011, a fim de classificar as informações evidenciadas sobre os ativos intangíveis, por meio de check listelaborado a partir das informações contidas no Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 04 R1 (2010. Para as observações dos itens a serem divulgados, indicados no check list, foi atribuída uma pontuação adaptada de Boff, Beuren e Hein (2009. Para a análise dos dados efetuou-se uma Regressão Linear Múltipla, relacionando-se o fator tamanho, idade, classificação dos setores de atuação, governança corporativa, concentração de capital, emissão de ADR e alavancagem, com a divulgação das informações sobre ativo intangíveis, a fim de alcançar o objetivo da pesquisa. Os resultados apontam que dos fatores analisados apenas as variáveis referentes ao nível de governança corporativa, percentual de ações ordinárias e a classificação setorial das empresas possuem uma relação significativa com o nível de evidenciação de ativos intangíveis das listadas no IGC. The objective of this study is to identify factors that influence the level of disclosure of information about intangible assets in companies listed at the BM&FBovespa IGC in the period after the adoption of IFRS. For this research, descriptive document and quantitative were outlined. The sample is comprised of 125 nonfinancial companies that make up the Corporate Governance Index (IGC of

  17. BM Solar Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Firdaus, Yuliar


    Fullerene‐based materials are widely used as electron acceptors in organic bulk‐heterojunction solar cells; yet, they have rarely been used as the only photoactive component due to their low absorbance and limited charge generation efficiency. However, blending the wide‐bandgap p‐type material copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) with [6,6]‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM) leads to the formation of a unique mesostructured p‐n like heterointerface between CuSCN and PC70BM and solar cells with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of up to 5.4%. Here, we examine in detail the reasons for the surprisingly good device performance and elucidate the charge photogeneration and recombination mechanisms in CuSCN‐based devices with PC70BM as the exclusive light‐absorbing material. Our studies clearly demonstrate that a substantial fraction of the photocurrent in the CuSCN‐based devices results from improved dissociation of fullerene excitons and efficient charge transfer at the CuSCN:PC70BM interface combined with reduced geminate and nongeminate charge recombination losses. Our results have implications beyond the fullerene‐based devices studied here, as they demonstrate that careful selection of a mesostructured p‐type transparent semiconductor paves the path to a new type of efficient single photoactive material solar cells.

  18. BM Solar Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Firdaus, Yuliar; Seitkhan, Akmaral; Eisner, Flurin; Sit, Wai-Yu; Kan, Zhipeng; Wehbe, Nimer; Balawi, Ahmed H.; Yengel, Emre; Karuthedath, Safakath; Laquai, Fré dé ric; Anthopoulos, Thomas D.


    Fullerene‐based materials are widely used as electron acceptors in organic bulk‐heterojunction solar cells; yet, they have rarely been used as the only photoactive component due to their low absorbance and limited charge generation efficiency. However, blending the wide‐bandgap p‐type material copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) with [6,6]‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM) leads to the formation of a unique mesostructured p‐n like heterointerface between CuSCN and PC70BM and solar cells with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of up to 5.4%. Here, we examine in detail the reasons for the surprisingly good device performance and elucidate the charge photogeneration and recombination mechanisms in CuSCN‐based devices with PC70BM as the exclusive light‐absorbing material. Our studies clearly demonstrate that a substantial fraction of the photocurrent in the CuSCN‐based devices results from improved dissociation of fullerene excitons and efficient charge transfer at the CuSCN:PC70BM interface combined with reduced geminate and nongeminate charge recombination losses. Our results have implications beyond the fullerene‐based devices studied here, as they demonstrate that careful selection of a mesostructured p‐type transparent semiconductor paves the path to a new type of efficient single photoactive material solar cells.

  19. CalSimHydro Tool - A Web-based interactive tool for the CalSim 3.0 Hydrology Prepropessor (United States)

    Li, P.; Stough, T.; Vu, Q.; Granger, S. L.; Jones, D. J.; Ferreira, I.; Chen, Z.


    CalSimHydro, the CalSim 3.0 Hydrology Preprocessor, is an application designed to automate the various steps in the computation of hydrologic inputs for CalSim 3.0, a water resources planning model developed jointly by California State Department of Water Resources and United States Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region. CalSimHydro consists of a five-step FORTRAN based program that runs the individual models in succession passing information from one model to the next and aggregating data as required by each model. The final product of CalSimHydro is an updated CalSim 3.0 state variable (SV) DSS input file. CalSimHydro consists of (1) a Rainfall-Runoff Model to compute monthly infiltration, (2) a Soil moisture and demand calculator (IDC) that estimates surface runoff, deep percolation, and water demands for natural vegetation cover and various crops other than rice, (3) a Rice Water Use Model to compute the water demands, deep percolation, irrigation return flow, and runoff from precipitation for the rice fields, (4) a Refuge Water Use Model that simulates the ponding operations for managed wetlands, and (5) a Data Aggregation and Transfer Module to aggregate the outputs from the above modules and transfer them to the CalSim SV input file. In this presentation, we describe a web-based user interface for CalSimHydro using Google Earth Plug-In. The CalSimHydro tool allows users to - interact with geo-referenced layers of the Water Budget Areas (WBA) and Demand Units (DU) displayed over the Sacramento Valley, - view the input parameters of the hydrology preprocessor for a selected WBA or DU in a time series plot or a tabular form, - edit the values of the input parameters in the table or by downloading a spreadsheet of the selected parameter in a selected time range, - run the CalSimHydro modules in the backend server and notify the user when the job is done, - visualize the model output and compare it with a base run result, - download the output SV file to be

  20. Solving the BM Camelopardalis puzzle (United States)

    Teke, Mathias; Busby, Michael R.; Hall, Douglas S.


    BM Camelopardalis (=12 Cam) is a chromospherically active binary star with a relatively large orbital eccentricity. Systems with large eccentricities usually rotate pseudosynchronously. However, BM Cam has been a puzzle since its observed rotation rate is virtually equal to its orbital period indicating synchronization. All available photometry data for BM Cam have been collected and analyzed. Two models of modulated ellipticity effect are proposed, one based on equilibrium tidal deformation of the primary star and the other on a dynamical tidal effect. When the starspot variability is removed from the data, the dynamical tidal model was the better approximation to the real physical situation. The analysis indicates that BM Cam is not rotating pseudosynchronously but rotating in virtual synchronism after all.

  1. BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b control axon repulsion in the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Tong; Yu, Qi; Zhou, Qi-Sheng; Zhao, Xiao; Liu, Zhao-Yang; Cui, Wei-Zheng; Liu, Qing-Xin


    The development of the nervous system is based on the growth and connection of axons, and axon guidance molecules are the dominant regulators during this course. Robo, as the receptor of axon guidance molecule Slit, plays a key role as a conserved repellent cue for axon guidance during the development of the central nervous system. However, the function of Robo in the silkworm Bombyx mori is unknown. In this study, we cloned two novel robo genes in B. mori (Bmrobo1a and Bmrobo1b). BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b lack an Ig and a FNIII domain in the extracellular region and the CC0 and CC2 motifs in the intracellular region. BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b were colocalized with BmSlit in the neuropil. Knock-down of Bmrobo1a and Bmrobo1b by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in abnormal development of axons. Our results suggest that BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b have repulsive function in axon guidance, even though their structures are different from Robo1 of other species. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. BmCyclin B and BmCyclin B3 are required for cell cycle progression in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Pan, Minhui; Hong, Kaili; Chen, Xiangyun; Pan, Chun; Chen, Xuemei; Kuang, Xiuxiu; Lu, Cheng


    Cyclin B is an important regulator of the cell cycle G2 to M phase transition. The silkworm genomic database shows that there are two Cyclin B genes in the silkworm (Bombyx mori), BmCyclin B and BmCyclin B3. Using silkworm EST data, the cyclin B3 (EU074796) gene was cloned. Its complete cDNA was 1665 bp with an ORF of 1536 bp derived from seven exons and six introns. The BmCyclin B3 gene encodes 511 amino acids, and the predicted molecular weight is 57.8 kD with an isoelectric point of 9.18. The protein contains one protein damage box and two cyclin boxes. RNA interference-mediated reduction of BmCyclin B and BmCyclin B3 expression induced cell cycle arrest in G2 or M phase in BmN-SWU1 cells, thus inhibiting cell proliferation. These results suggest that BmCyclin B and BmCyclin B3 are necessary for completing the cell cycle in silkworm cells.

  3. Influência de calços na orientação postural de indivíduos com escoliose idiopática

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    Dalva Minonroze Albuquerque Ferreira

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A relação entre a orientação dos segmentos e os ajustes que podem ser desencadeados por calços e palmilhas em pacientes escolióticos durante a manutenção da posição ortostática é pouco conhecida. OBJETIVO: Verificar alterações estáticas e associadas com mudanças unilaterais de calços na orientação postural de indivíduos com escoliose idiopática. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Grupo experimental com dez indivíduos com escoliose idiopática com curva dupla (menor 10° e grupo controle com dez indivíduos sem escoliose (faixa etária de 13 a 24 anos. Participantes foram filmados na posição ortostática sem calço, com calço baixo (1 cm e com calço alto (3 cm; estes foram colocados sob o pé direito e pé esquerdo dos indivíduos. Em cada condição, o participante manteve a posição estática durante 15 segundos e marcadores refletivos foram colocados em pontos anatômicos específicos. Foram calculados ângulos posturais: torácico alto; torácico médio; toracolombar e lombar e ângulos segmentares: ombro; escápula; pelve e joelho. RESULTADOS: Na condição sem calço, diferenças foram observadas entre grupos para os ângulos posturais toracolombar e lombar e para o ângulo segmentar do ombro. Com calço baixo e alto, sob o pé direito, diferença foi observada entre calços para os ângulos lombar, da pelve e do joelho. Com calço baixo e alto, sob o pé esquerdo, diferença foi observada entre grupos para o ângulo toracolombar e entre calços para os ângulos da pelve e do joelho. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de calço promove reorientação nas regiões mais baixas da coluna e nos segmentos da pelve e do joelho. Estes resultados sugerem que nas escolioses duplas, manipulação da base de apoio modifica o alinhamento do tronco que pode provocar reorganização das estruturas e busca de um novo arranjo entre segmentos em indivíduos com escoliose idiopática.

  4. Characterization of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus Bm17. (United States)

    Shen, Hongxing; Wang, Rudu; Han, Qinggong; Zhang, Wen; Nin, Bin; Zhou, Yang; Shao, Shihe; Yao, Qin; Chen, Keping; Liu, Xiaoyong


    Open reading frame17 (Bm17) of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus is a highly conserved gene in lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses, suggesting that it performs an important role in the virus life cycle whose function is unknown. In this report, we describe the characterization of Bm17. Reversed transcriptive-PCR (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis demonstrated that Bm17 was expressed as a late gen. Immunofluorescence analysis by confocal microscopy showed that BM17 protein was localized on cytoplasm and nucleus of infected cells. These results show that BM17 was a late protein localized in cytoplasm and nucleus. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Síntese de copolímeros em bloco de p-acetoxiestireno com isopreno através de polimerização "viva" via radical livre Synthesis of block copolymers from p-acetoxystyrene and isoprene by "living" free radical polymerization

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    José Carlos Moreira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, é mostrada a síntese de homopolímeros de p-acetoxiestireno e copolímeros diblocos de p-acetoxiestireno com isopreno, utilizando um iniciador TEMPO-modificado, por um processo de polimerização "viva" via radical livre. As análises de GPC indicaram a formação de copolímeros em bloco com massas molares e polidispersão mais altas quando comparadas aos dos homopolímeros correspondentes. Os copolímeros em bloco poli(p-acetoxiestireno-b-isopreno foram preparados com controle de composição e massa molar até 94500 u.m.a. As análises de DSC mostraram que a transição vítrea do bloco de p-acetoxiestireno foi de 5 a 18 °C mais baixa que aquelas obtidas para os homopolímeros correspondentes. A transição vítrea do bloco de isopreno apresentou valores similares àqueles dos homopolímeros de poliisopreno (-67 a -55 °C.In this work we show the synthesis of homopolymers and diblock copolymers of p-acetoxystyrene and isoprene by using TEMPO-modified free radical initiator. The GPC analyses have shown an increase in the molar masses and in the polydispersity of the copolymers in comparison with their corresponding homopolymer. Poly(p-acetoxystyrene-b-isoprene were prepared with good control of composition and molar mass up to 94,500 a.m.u. DSC analyses have shown a glass transition temperature decrease of 5-18 °C for the poly(p-acetoxystyrene segment in copolymers compared to that observed for the parent homopolymer. The glass transition temperature of polyisoprene segment in copolymers remained similar to those observed for the homopolymers (-67 to -55 °C.

  6. BmNHR96 participate BV entry of BmN-SWU1 cells via affecting the cellular cholesterol level. (United States)

    Dong, Xiao-Long; Liu, Tai-Hang; Wang, Wei; Pan, Cai-Xia; Du, Guo-Yu; Wu, Yun-Fei; Pan, Min-Hui; Lu, Cheng


    B.mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), which produces BV and ODV two virion phenotypes in its life cycle, caused the amount of economic loss in sericulture. But the mechanism of its infection was still unclear. In this study we characterized B.mori nuclear hormone receptor 96 (BmNHR96) as a NHR96 family member, which was localized in the nucleus. We also found BmNHR96 over-expression could enhance the entry of BV as well as cellular cholesterol level. Furthermore, we validated that BmNHR96 increased membrane fusion mediated by GP64, which could probably promote BV-infection. In summary, our study suggested that BmNHR96 plays an important role in BV infection and this function probably actualized by affecting cellular cholesterol level, and our results provided insights to the mechanisms of BV-infection of B.mori. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. The ATLAS experience and its relevance to the data acquisition of the BM@N experiment at the NICA complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomiwa, K G; Mellado, B; Slepnev, I; Bazylev, S


    The quest to understand the world around us has increased the size of high energy physics experiments and the processing rate of the data output from high energy experiments. The Large Hadron Collider is the largest experimental set-up known, with ATLAS detector as one of the detectors built to record proton-proton collision at about 10 PB/s (Petabit/s) around the LHC interaction point. With the Phase-II upgrade in 2022 this data output will increase by at least 10 times higher than those of today due to luminosity increase, this poses a serious challenge on processing and storage of the data. Also the BM@N fixed target experiment is expected to have event size of about 80,000 bytes/Event, leading to huge amount of data output to be processed in real time. Experimentalists handle these challenges by developing High-throughput electronic, with the capability of processing and reducing big data to scientific data in real time. One of these high-throughput electronics is the Super Readout Driver (sROD) and ARM-based processing unit (PU) developed for ATLAS TileCal detector by the University of the Witwatersrand. The sROD is designed to process data from Tile Calorimeter at 40 MHz. This work takes a look at the architecture of the data acquisition (DAQ) system of the BM@N detectors and the adaptation of the high-throughput systems to last stage of the BM@N DAQ system. (paper)

  8. Oceanographic profile data using bottle collected during CalCOFI cruises, North Pacific Ocean, 2013-04 to 2014-02 (NCEI Accession 0126651) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bottle data collected during CalCOFI cruises 1304, 1307, 1311, and 1402, April 2013 - February 2014. The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations...

  9. BmK-YA, an enkephalin-like peptide in scorpion venom.

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    Yan Zhang

    Full Text Available By screening extracts of venom from the Asian scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK for their abilities to activate opioid receptors, we have identified BmK-YA, an amidated peptide containing an enkephalin-like sequence. BmK-YA is encoded by a precursor that displays a signal sequence and contains four copies of BmK-YA sequences and four of His(4-BmK-YA, all flanked by single amino acid residues. BmK-YA and His(4-BmK-YA are amidated and thus fulfill the characteristics expected of bioactive peptides. BmK-YA can activate mammalian opioid receptors with selectivity for the δ subtype while His(4-BmK-YA is inactive at opioid receptors. The discovery of BmK-YA suggests that scorpion venom may represent a novel source of bioactive molecules targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs and reveal additional insights on the evolution of the opioid precursors.

  10. Cal/Val activities for DubaiSat-2 performance assessment (United States)

    Bushahab, A.; Al-Mansoori, S.; Al-Suwaidi, K.; Al Matroushi, Hessa; Al-Tunaiji, E.; Al Shamsi, Meera


    Emirates Institution for Advanced Science and Technology (EIAST) was established by the Dubai Government in 2006. After three years of working together with Satrec Initiative (South Korea), EIAST was able to launch DubaiSat-1 on the 29th of July 2009. Building on the success of DubaiSat-1 and the roll out of the knowledge transfer program, UAE engineers were involved in almost 70% of the total build and design of DubaiSat-2. Targeting the commercial market, DubaiSat-2 was launched on the 21st of November 2013 for capturing 1-meter resolution images. The 1st Cal/Val phase was the most critical phase in the satellite life-time, where most of the initial measurements took place. This phase extended over the period of 25/11/2013 till 12/12/2013. Moreover, this phase included most of the relative calibration tasks, color balancing and band matching. 2nd Cal/Val phase included most of the debugging and the pointing accuracy calibration tests. This phase extended over the period of 11/02/2014 till 09/03/2014. This phase emphasized on the calibration of the pointing accuracy. The 3rd Cal/Val phase included fine tuning for the Gyro system to further increase the stability of the satellite and thus improve the pointing accuracy. Moreover, new techniques were implemented to the Pan-Sharpening and to the MTF compensation procedures to enhance the final product. This phase extended over the period of 04/05/2014 till 21/05/2014.

  11. y bovina con hidróxido de sodio y cal común saturada

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    Alejandro Chac\\u00F3n Villalobos


    Full Text Available El presente estudio fue efectuado en el módulo de procesamiento de derivados lácteos de la Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata de la Universidad de Costa Rica, durante los meses de mayo y junio del 2005. Una muestra compuesta de leche de cabra (Capra hircus de un hato Lamancha y una muestra compuesta de leche de vaca de un hato Jersey (Bos taurus, formadas ambas por la mezcla de tres ordeños aleatorios diferentes, fueron pasteurizadas (65 °C/ 30 min. y almacenadas durante seis días a 6 ºC. Dos operarios especializados del módulo, analizaron por sextuplicado cada 48 horas (iniciando a las 0 horas las muestras de ambos tipos de leche por medio de una valoración convencional de la acidez con una disolución patrón de NaOH 0,1N, y de una valoración con tres disoluciones saturadas de cal preparadas cada una con marcas comerciales diferentes. Los datos se evaluaron por medio de un diseño factorial para dos niveles del factor “analista” (analista A y B, cuatro niveles del factor “tipo de valoración” y cuatro niveles del factor “tiempo de almacenamiento”. La variable respuesta evaluada fue el porcentaje de acidez expresada como ácido láctico. Para los dos tipos de leche, los métodos de valoración que emplearon disoluciones saturadas de cal mostraron ser significativamente diferentes al método basado en NaOH (p ≤ 0,05. En ambos casos, para cada nivel del “tipo de valoración” determinado, el efecto de la determinación del porcentaje de acidez expresado como ácido láctico no se ve afectado por el analista

  12. Characterization of the Bm61 of the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. (United States)

    Shen, Hongxing; Chen, Keping; Yao, Qin; Zhou, Yang


    orf61 (bm61) of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a highly conserved baculovirus gene, suggesting that it performs an important role in the virus life cycle whose function is unknown. In this study, we describe the characterization of bm61. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and western blot analysis demonstrated that bm61 was expressed as a late gene. Immunofluorescence analysis by confocal microscopy showed that BM61 protein was localized on nuclear membrane and in intranuclear ring zone of infected cells. Structure localization of the BM61 in BV and ODV by western analysis demonstrated that BM61 was the protein of both BV and ODV. In addition, our data indicated that BM61 was a late structure protein localized in nucleus.

  13. Análise dos Determinantes do Disclosure Verde em Relatórios Anuais de Empresas Listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Luiz Henrique Figueira Marquezan


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os determinantes da evidenciação ambiental pelas organizações. Para tanto, selecionou-se uma amostra de organizações listadas na BM&FBovespa, classificadas nos níveis de alto, médio e pequeno impacto ambiental, conforme Lei nº 10.165/2000. Para a construção da variável dependente, procedeu-se a uma análise léxica utilizando um conjunto de expressões referentes ao disclosure verde. Na sequência, as hipóteses de Murcia, Fávero, Rover, Lima, & Lima (2008 e outras duas foram analisadas. Por meio das análises de conteúdo e léxica, os resultados apontaram as palavras e composição de expressões mais utilizadas e associadas entre si e os níveis de disclosure verde das organizações. Pela análise de regressão buscou-se confirmar as hipóteses desenvolvidas. Alguns determinantes foram confirmados, porém, problemas de heterocedasticidade e não normalidade da distribuição dos resíduos inviabilizaram o teste de hipóteses. Tais resultados sugerem que os problemas identificados nessa pesquisa podem não ter sido considerados por Murcia et al. (2008, uma vez que não foram mencionados. Assim, há uma recomendação de novas pesquisas com discussões adicionais sobre novas variáveis para identificar os determinantes do disclosure verde.

  14. Moda rápida na indústria calçadista: intervenção setorial no arranjo produtivo de Nova Serrana

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    Giancarlo Medeiros Pereira


    Full Text Available Em 2008, fabricantes de calçados da região de Nova Serrana juntamente com seus fornecedores de insumos articularam uma intervenção setorial destinada a aumentar a diversidade da oferta na cadeia de suprimentos, acelerar o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e reduzir os custos dos insumos. A despeito do interesse das partes, a intervenção não produziu os resultados desejados. Este artigo busca entender os motivos que bloquearam tais objetivos. Foram estudados quinze fabricantes de calçados e quinze fornecedores de insumos. O método de pesquisa foi o estudo de caso múltiplo. Em sessões de grupos focados com os empresários, foi construída uma estrutura de construtos e variáveis que desvelou a inter-relação entre a flexibilidade de suprimento e o desenvolvimento de produtos. Os achados sugerem que a demanda por exclusividade de insumos, imposta pelos grandes fabricantes de calçados, a possibilidade de conflito com os representantes dos grandes e médios fornecedores de insumos, o receio de cópia das criações, a desatenção a demandas locais e o desempenho insatisfatório em entregas causaram o insucesso da intervenção.

  15. Bm65 is essential for the propagation of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. (United States)

    Tang, Qi; Li, Guohui; Yao, Qin; Chen, Liang; Feng, Fan; Yuan, Yi; Chen, Keping


    Orf65 (Bm65) of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a highly conserved gene that encodes an unknown 104-amino acid protein. In the present study, we have shown the role of Bm65 in the baculovirus life cycle. 5'-RACE analysis showed that the transcription start site of Bm65 was 14 nucleotides upstream of the start codon ATG. The transcription profile of Bm65 was detected from 6 to 72 h postinfection (p. i.) by RT-PCR. A Bm65-knockout bacmid was constructed by homologous recombination to characterize the role of Bm65 in viral life cycle. Fluorescence microscopy showed that Bm65-knockout virus was unable to generate infectious budded virus in BmN cells. Furthermore, quantitative real-time PCR analysis demonstrated that Bm65 deletion did not affect the viral DNA replication. To conclude, Bm65 is essential for the propagation of BmNPV, but is unnecessary for the replication of viral DNA.

  16. Aplicação superficial de escória, lama cal, lodos de esgoto e calcário na cultura da soja Surface application of flue dust, aqueous lime, sewage sludge and limestone on soybean crop

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    Juliano Corulli Corrêa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de lodos de esgoto, lama cal, escória de aciaria e calcário sobre o estado nutricional e a produtividade da soja, em sistema plantio direto. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 4x4+1, constituído por quatro tratamentos - resíduos de lodo de esgoto centrifugado (LC e de biodigestor (LB, escória de aciaria (E e lama cal (Lcal - nas doses 0, 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1, mais o controle com 2 Mg ha-1 de calcário. As plantas de soja apresentaram maior concentração de nitrogênio, fósforo e cálcio, em 2003, 2004 e 2005, e de potássio, em 2003 e 2004, em razão dos tratamentos LC, LB, E, Lcal e calagem. A produtividade da soja foi favorecida pela aplicação dos tratamentos no sistema plantio direto, em 2003, 2004 e 2005. O fósforo, e o cálcio contribuíram para o aumento da produtividade da soja em 2003 e 2004.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the surface application of sewage sludge, aqueous lime, flue dust and limestone on soybean nutrition and yield in notill system. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, in factorial scheme of 4x4+1, and consisted of four residues: centrifuged sewage sludge (CSS, biodigestor sewage sludge (BSS, flue dust (FD and aqueous lime (AL, at 0, 2, 4 and 8 Mg ha-1, and one additional control treatment with dolomitic limestone at 2 Mg ha-1. The soybean plants showed greater contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium in 2003, 2004 and 2005, and potassium contents in 2003 and 2004, due to the treatments CSS, BSS, FD, AL and limestone. Soybean grain yield was also enhanced due to surface applications of the treatments in notill system in 2003, 2004 and 2005. The phosphorus and calcium contributed to increase soybean yield in 2003 and 2004.

  17. Diferencias y similitudes entre morteros de cal hidráulica y morteros mixtos de cal área y cemento portland


    Peñaranda García, Pilar


    En el presente trabajo se estudian el mortero de cal hidráulica y el mortero mixto de cal aérea y cemento Portland, siendo este último el más utilizado en la actualidad, ya que la cal ha pasado a un segundo plano en la construcción debido a los grandes avances en la producción de cemento a lo largo del siglo XX. Estos avances han desplazado a la cal, un material utilizado desde hace milenios, olvidando su alta resistencia al paso del tiempo, cuya prueba es el gran volumen de ...


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    Damaris Guimarães


    Full Text Available A proposta do presente trabalho foi estudar uma forma de tratamento alternativo para efluentes líquidos ácidos ricos em metais utilizando para isso um efluente sulfetogênico gerado em um reator anaeróbio (UASB e cal. Os ensaios foram realizados em batelada utilizando dois efluentes ácidos distintos: (i um efluente proveniente de ensaios de lixiviação e (ii um efluente ácido proveniente de um laboratório de pesquisas na área de Bio&Hidrometalurgia. O efluente dos ensaios de lixiviação apresentou pH inicial de 1,7 e elevadas concentrações dos metais: Al (545,5mg/L, Ca (668,1mg/L, Cu (37,6mg/L, Fe (1148,4mg/L, Mg (1105,9mg/L e Ni (82,3mg/L, enquanto que o efluente do laboratório era composto por Cu (4,8mg/L, Fe (342,2mg/L e Ni (3,1mg/L, sendo o pH inicial de 0,14. O tratamento consistiu em adicionar o efluente sulfetogênico aos efluentes ácidos, em diferentes proporções, sendo observadas remoções consideráveis dos metais, principalmente, Fe e Ni, e uma elevação no valor de pH. Em seguida, a fim de se obter melhores resultados de remoção para os metais, os efluentes foram tratados com cal, enquadrando-se aos padrões do CONAMA para o lançamento de efluentes.

  19. Estado da arte do processo produtivo da cal na região Centro Oeste de Minas Gerais

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    Ricardo Carrasco Carpio


    Full Text Available As indústrias de cal são caracterizadas pelas altas emissões de dióxido de carbono (CO2 na atmosfera. Isto se deve ao fato das indústrias atuarem com tecnologias ultrapassadas, resultando em alto consumo de combustível, baixa eficiências energéticas e grandes impactos ambientais. Para diminuir os danos ambientais causados pela indústria de cal é necessário o conhecimento do processo produtivo, das tecnologias empregadas e dos impactos ambientais. Por essa razão, este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise do processo produtivo da cal, desde as jazidas até o produto final, mostrando as tecnologias empregadas em cada etapa do processo.Palavras-chave: Indústrias de cal. Processo produtivo. Impacto ambiental.State-of-the-art on the manufacturing process of lime in mid west region of Minas GeraisAbstractThe lime industries are characterized by high emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere. This is because the industries are using outdated technology, resulting in high fuel consumption, low energy efficiencies and high environmental impacts. To reduce the environmental damages caused by the lime industry, it is necessary to know the manufacturing process, the technologies used and the environmental impacts. Therefore this paper aims to analyze the manufacturing process of lime, from the limestone quarries to the final product, showing the technologies used in each step of the process.Keywords: Lime Industries. Manufacturing process. Environmental impact.

  20. CALS - What are the Potentials for SMEs ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bilberg, Arne; Larsen, Michael holm; Langer, Gilad


    The Danish CALS Center initiative, aims at making CALS operational in Danish industry. The center consists of three Danish companies, Bang & Olufsen, Odense Steel Shipyard, Nilfisk besides from the Technical University of Denmark and the Danish Technological Institute. The objective is to demonst...

  1. Characterization of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus with a knockout of Bm17. (United States)

    Shen, Hongxing; Zhou, Yang; Zhang, Wen; Nin, Bin; Wang, Hua; Wang, Xiaochun; Shao, Shihe; Chen, Huiqing; Guo, Zhongjian; Liu, Xiaoyong; Yao, Qin; Chen, Keping


    Open reading frame 17 (Bm17) gene of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus is a highly conserved gene in lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses, but its function remains unknown. In this report, transient-expression and superinfection assays indicated that BM17 localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm of infected BmN cells. To determine the role of Bm17 in baculovirus life cycle, we constructed a Bm17 knockout virus and characterized its properties in cells. Analysis of the production and infection of budded virions, the level of viral DNA replication revealed showed that there was no significant difference among the mutant, the control, and the Bm17 repaired virus strains. These results suggest that BM17 is not essential for virus replication in cultured cells.

  2. Avaliação experimental de blocos prensados de solo-cimento com adição de grits

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    Márcia Lana Pinheiro

    Full Text Available A produção de resíduos pelas indústrias de papel e celulose vem crescendo continuamente, gerando custos com estocagem e aumentando os impactos ambientais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a viabilidade de incorporação do resíduo grits, oriundo dessas indústrias, na fabricação de blocos prensados de encaixe de solo-cimento, como um novo material de construção. Foi verificada a maior quantidade de resíduo possível de ser utilizada, respeitando-se as exigências normativas. Para tanto, realizou-se caracterização física e mecânica de diversas proporções de solo-grits e foram fabricados blocos com as proporções investigadas. Após a cura, foram realizados, além de outros, os ensaios de resistência à compressão e absorção de água. Em relação à caracterização física, constatou-se que todos os teores de solo-grits atenderam às exigências normativas. Com relação à resistência à compressão e absorção de água, tem-se que as percentagens com plasticidade suficiente para fabricar os blocos também atenderam às exigências normativas. A porcentagem em massa de 37,5-62,5 de solo-grits pode ser definida como o teor que utiliza a maior quantidade de resíduo e tem plasticidade mínima necessária para a fabricação de blocos. Portanto, o uso do grits na produção de blocos de solo-cimento surge como uma tecnologia viável, além de minimizar a degradação ambiental.

  3. The Efficiency of Delone Coverings of the Canonical Tilings MATH {cal T}(*(A_4)) -> T^*(A4) and MATH {cal T}(*(D_6)) -> T^*(D6) (United States)

    Papadopolos, Zorka; Kasner, Gerald

    This chapter is devoted to the coverings of the two quasiperiodic canonical tilings MATH {cal T}(*(A_4)) -> T^*(A4) and MATH {cal T}(*(D_6)) equiv {cal T}(*(2F)) -> T^*(D6) T^*(2F), obtained by projection from the root lattices A4 and D6, respectively. In the first major part of this chapter, in Sect. 5.2, we shall introduce a Delone covering MATH {cal C}(s_{{cal) T}(*(A_4)}) -> C^sT^*(A4) of the 2-dimensional decagonal tiling MATH {cal T}(*(A_4)) -> T^*(A4). In the second major part of this chapter, Sect. 5.3, we summarize the results related to the Delone covering of the icosahedral tiling MATH {cal T}(*(D_6)) -> T^*(D6), MATH {cal C}_{{cal T}(*(D_6)}) -> CT^*(D6) and determine the zero-, single-, and double- deckings and the resulting thickness of the covering. In the conclusions section, we give some suggestions as to how the definition of the Delone covering might be changed in order to reach some real (full) covering of the icosahedral tiling MATH {cal T}(*(D_6)) -> T^*(D6). In Section 5.2 the definition of the Delone covering is also changed in order to avoid an unnecessary large thickness of the covering.

  4. 884 Cal.BP and all that

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Switsur, Roy


    A history of the development of the technique of radiocarbon dating highlights the two problems with this method. The first is calibration; the radiocarbon calendar is not linear. However two independent experiments to provide high precision measurements in tree rings have resulted in a high precision calibration curve. The second is how to denote radiocarbon ages and calibrated dates, as this depends on how the dendrochronology time scale used in the calibration is transferred to the actual calendar. If the zero of the dendroscale is transferred from the origin of the Christian calendar to AD 1950, radiocarbon ages are designated CAL BP (BP = before present). There is an alternative method which results in CAL AD and CAL BC. A suggestion for a standard notation is made to avoid the confusion of two systems. (U.K.)

  5. Influência de aditivos na produção de blocos cerâmicos Influence of additives on the production of ceramic bricks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. S. Macedo


    Full Text Available A indústria oleira nacional possui uma grande importância econômica e social, movimentando bilhões de reais e empregando milhões de pessoas. No entanto, apresenta uma grande defasagem tecnológica, o que se reflete na produção de peças de baixa qualidade e em uma grande quantidade de perdas na produção. Assim, visando melhorar a qualidade dos blocos cerâmicos esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a influência de aditivos no comportamento de plasticidade de massas para produção de blocos cerâmicos e nas propriedades físicas dos corpos produzidos com as massas aditivadas. Foram utilizados cinco massas industriais e dez aditivos durante o estudo. Foi analisada a influência dos aditivos nos limites de Atterberg das massas e selecionados os aditivos que reduziam os limites de plasticidade. Foram preparadas formulações com os aditivos selecionados e conformados corpos de prova por extrusão. Determinou-se o módulo de ruptura à flexão após secagem e queima e a absorção de água após queima desses corpos de prova. Com base nos resultados pode-se concluir que alguns aditivos reduzem o limite de plasticidade das massas e melhoram significativamente o comportamento mecânico após secagem e após queima.The Brazilian ceramic brick industry has an important economic and social role, with a billionaire market and generating millions of jobs. However, this industry presents an outdated technology, which causes the production of low quality bodies and high production losses. Objecting improve the quality of ceramic brick this work evaluated the influence of additives on the plasticity of formulations used for the production of ceramic bricks and on the physical properties of samples produced with additive formulations. Five formulations and ten additives were studied. The influence of additives on the Atterberg limits was analyzed. Additives that reduced the plasticity limit were selected, formulations were produced and test

  6. Characterization of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus with a knockout of Bm17


    Shen, Hongxing; Zhou, Yang; Zhang, Wen; Nin, Bin; Wang, Hua; Wang, Xiaochun; Shao, Shihe; Chen, Huiqing; Guo, Zhongjian; Liu, Xiaoyong; Yao, Qin; Chen, Keping


    Open reading frame 17 (Bm17) gene of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus is a highly conserved gene in lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses, but its function remains unknown. In this report, transient-expression and superinfection assays indicated that BM17 localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm of infected BmN cells. To determine the role of Bm17 in baculovirus life cycle, we constructed a Bm17 knockout virus and characterized its properties in cells. Analysis of the production and infection of ...

  7. The Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus Bm111 affects virulence but not virus replication. (United States)

    Han, Yingying; Xia, Hengchuan; Tang, Qi; Lü, Peng; Ma, Shangshang; Yang, Yanhua; Shao, Dandan; Ma, Quanbing; Chen, Keping


    The Bm111 of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) encodes a small polypeptide (70 amino acids) of which the function remains unknown. To characterize its function, multiple sequence alignments were performed, and the predicted protein was found to share amazingly high (98 %) sequence identity with the Bombyx mandarina nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF110 (Boma110) but negligible with proteins of other insect viruses, indicating the close relationship between these two NPVs with silkworm larvae. The transcription of Bm111 was detected as early as 3 hpi in BmNPV-infected BmN cells, suggesting it is an early gene. To investigate the role of Bm111 in baculovirus life cycle, a Bm111-knockout virus was constructed by bacmid recombination in Escherichia coli. The results showed that knockout of the Bm111 did not affect the replication of virus DNA, but significantly extended the death time of infected silkworm larvae compared to the wild-type or rescued viruses. We also successfully expressed the recombinant protein Bm111 in E. coli to provide sufficient material for subsequent studies. Taken together, our data indicate that Bm111 only affects the virulence of BmNPV, but not its replication.

  8. CalNex Observational Data (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Observations made during the 2010 CalNex measurement campaign. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Woody , M., K. Baker , P. Hayes, J....

  9. CalCOFI Egg Counts (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish egg counts and standardized counts for eggs captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets], and...

  10. Desempenho acústico de paredes de blocos e tijolos cerâmico: uma comparação entre Brasil e Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Fatima Ferreira Neto

    Full Text Available Alguns questionamentos sobre a relação entre desempenho acústico e o conforto acústico percebido contribuíram para o início desta pesquisa, que estuda o desempenho e conforto acústicos de ambientes compostos por blocos e tijolos cerâmicos, respectivamente no Brasil e em Portugal. Os tijolos portugueses apresentam 11,0 cm e 15,0 cm de espessura, enquanto os blocos brasileiros 11,5 cm e 14,0 cm de espessura. A avaliação do comportamento acústico desses elementos consistiu de testes em laboratório e em campo. Os critérios de desempenho utilizados para a avaliação do desempenho acústico foram a norma ABNT NBR 15575, do Brasil, e o Decreto-lei nº 96/2008, de Portugal. A avaliação do conforto acústico consistiu na análise da participação de um júri, que indicou a percepção de sentenças emitidas por vozes feminina e masculina, em simulação de convivência entre vizinhos adjacentes. Os resultados do desempenho acústico dessas paredes estão aquém do recomendado pelos critérios locais para o uso como parede de geminação. A avaliação dos resultados com o júri corroborou essa conclusão. Quanto ao desempenho acústico, verifica-se que a indústria da construção civil destes dois países deve aprimorar-se para atender aos critérios da nova norma.

  11. Sub-ns triplet state formation by non-geminate recombination in PSBTBT:PC 70 BM and PCPDTBT:PC 60 BM organic solar cells

    KAUST Repository

    Etzold, Fabian; Howard, Ian A.; Forler, Nina; Melnyk, Anton; Andrienko, Denis; Hansen, Michael Ryan; Laquai, Fré dé ric


    The solid-state morphology and photo-generated charge carrier dynamics in low-bandgap polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction photovoltaic blends using the donor–acceptor type copolymers PCPDTBT or its silicon-substituted analogue PSBTBT as donors are compared by two-dimensional (2D) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and femto-to microsecond broadband Vis-NIR transient absorption (TA) pump–probe spectroscopy. The 2D solid-state NMR experiments demonstrate that the film morphology of PCPDTBT:PC60BM blends processed with additives such as octanedithiol (ODT) are similar to those of PSBTBT:PC60BM blends in terms of crystallinity, phase segregation, and interfacial contacts. The TA experiments and analysis of the TA data by multivariate curve resolution (MCR) reveal that after exciton dissociation and free charge formation, fast sub-nanosecond non-geminate recombination occurs which leads to a substantial population of the polymer's triplet state. The extent to which triplet states are formed depends on the initial concentration of free charges, which itself is controlled by the microstructure of the blend, especially in case of PCPDTBT:PC60BM. Interestingly, PSBTBT:PC70BM blends show a higher charge generation efficiency, but less triplet state formation at similar free charge carrier concentrations. This indicates that the solid-state morphology and interfacial structures of PSBTBT:PC70BM blends reduces non-geminate recombination, leading to superior device performance compared to optimized PCPDTBT:PC60BM blends.

  12. Sub-ns triplet state formation by non-geminate recombination in PSBTBT:PC 70 BM and PCPDTBT:PC 60 BM organic solar cells

    KAUST Repository

    Etzold, Fabian


    The solid-state morphology and photo-generated charge carrier dynamics in low-bandgap polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction photovoltaic blends using the donor–acceptor type copolymers PCPDTBT or its silicon-substituted analogue PSBTBT as donors are compared by two-dimensional (2D) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and femto-to microsecond broadband Vis-NIR transient absorption (TA) pump–probe spectroscopy. The 2D solid-state NMR experiments demonstrate that the film morphology of PCPDTBT:PC60BM blends processed with additives such as octanedithiol (ODT) are similar to those of PSBTBT:PC60BM blends in terms of crystallinity, phase segregation, and interfacial contacts. The TA experiments and analysis of the TA data by multivariate curve resolution (MCR) reveal that after exciton dissociation and free charge formation, fast sub-nanosecond non-geminate recombination occurs which leads to a substantial population of the polymer\\'s triplet state. The extent to which triplet states are formed depends on the initial concentration of free charges, which itself is controlled by the microstructure of the blend, especially in case of PCPDTBT:PC60BM. Interestingly, PSBTBT:PC70BM blends show a higher charge generation efficiency, but less triplet state formation at similar free charge carrier concentrations. This indicates that the solid-state morphology and interfacial structures of PSBTBT:PC70BM blends reduces non-geminate recombination, leading to superior device performance compared to optimized PCPDTBT:PC60BM blends.

  13. Beam Tests of a Multilayer LumiCal Prototype

    CERN Document Server

    Borysov, O


    LumiCal is a sampling electromagnetic calorimeter designed for the precise measurement of in- tegrated luminosity in electron positron linear collider experiments. The present report contains a description and results of the first beam test of a multilayer LumiCal prototype with four sili- con detector planes. A 5 GeV electron beam from the CERN PS T9 facility was used to study the performance of the LumiCal prototype. Presented results are mainly focused on the trans- verse structure of the observed electromagnetic shower and the Molière radius measurement. A comparison with MC simulation is also discussed.

  14. Análise experimental de blocos intertravados de concreto com adição de resíduos do processo de recauchutagem de pneus - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i3.6013

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    Cesar Fabiano Fioriti


    Full Text Available Com o aumento da população nos últimos anos, a indústria de modo geral tem se adequado à demanda resultante. A indústria do processo de recauchutagem de pneus gera resíduos que em sua maioria têm sido descartados sem nenhum controle. Este fato contribui para aumentar a poluição ambiental e favorecer a proliferação de vetores nocivos à saúde. Visando encontrar uma aplicação para esse tipo de resíduo, neste trabalho serão apresentados resultados experimentais de blocos intertravados para pavimentos de concreto, com traços adicionados de resíduos de pneus. Foram confeccionados blocos intertravados em que se determinou, por meio de ensaios laboratoriais, a necessidade de se fixar o traço que desse maior retorno quanto às características analisadas. Verificaram-se quatro tipos de traços de concreto com resíduos de pneus. Procedeu-se aos ensaios de resistência mecânica à compressão, absorção de água e resistência ao impacto. Pelos resultados preliminares obtidos, verificou-se que são satisfatórios, confirmando-se a possibilidade de aplicação desse tipo de bloco intertravado em ambientes com solicitações baixas, o que traria, além da economia das fontes naturais de agregados, benefícios ecológicos pela reutilização dos resíduos da recauchutagem de pneus.

  15. Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) program computer software design description

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pertzborn, N.F.


    The Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) Program System Design Description contains a discussion of the design details for the WinCal product. Information in this document will assist a developer in maintaining the WinCal system. The content of this document follows the guidance in WHC-CM-3-10, Software Engineering Standards, Standard for Software User Documentation

  16. Fixed Combination Aerosol Foam Calcipotriene 0.005% (Cal) Plus Betamethasone Dipropionate 0.064% (BD) is More Efficacious than Cal or BD Aerosol Foam Alone for Psoriasis Vulgaris (United States)

    Tyring, Stephen; Bukhalo, Michael; Alonso-Llamazares, Javier; Olesen, Martin; Lowson, David; Yamauchi, Paul


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of fixed combination aerosol foam calcipotriene 0.005% (Cal) plus betamethasone dipropionate 0.064% (BD). Design: Patients were randomized (100:101:101) to receive Cal/BD foam, Cal foam, or BD foam once daily for four weeks. Setting: Twenty-eight United States centers. Participants: 302 patients (≥18 years) with Psoriasis vulgaris (plaque Psoriasis; ≥mild disease severity by physicians global assessment). Measurements: Treatment success of the body (“clear”/”almost clear” from baseline moderate/severe disease; “clear” from baseline mild disease). Involved scalp treatment success was an additional endpoint. Results: Most patients (76%) had moderate Psoriasis of the body (66% for scalp). At Week 4, 45 percent of Cal/BD foam patients achieved treatment success, significantly more than Cal foam (14.9%; OR 4.34 [95%CI 2.16,8.72] Pfoam (30.7%; 1.81 [1.00,3.26] P=0.047). Fifty-three percent of Cal/BD foam patients achieved treatment success of the scalp, significantly greater than Cal foam (35.6%; 1.91 [1.09,3.35] P=0.021), but not BD foam (47.5%; 1.24 [0.71,2.16] P=0.45). Mean modified Psoriasis area and severity index (population baseline 7.6) improved in all groups, with statistically significant differences in Week 4 Cal/BD foam score (2.37) versus Cal foam (4.39; mean difference -2.03 [-2.63][-1.43] Pfoam (3.37; -1.19 [-1.80][-0.59] Pfoam was significantly more effective than Cal foam and BD foam in providing treatment success at Week 4 and effective on involved scalp. Trial registration: NCT01536938. PMID:27313822

  17. Finished Genome Sequence of Collimonas arenae Cal35

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wu, Je-Jia; de Jager, Victor; Deng, Wen-ling; Leveau, Johan


    We announce the finished genome sequence of soil forest isolate Collimonas arenae Cal35, which comprises a 5.6-Mbp chromosome and 41-kb plasmid. The Cal35 genome is the second one published for the bacterial genus Collimonas and represents the first opportunity for high-resolution comparison of


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    Carla Caroline dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve o objetivo de verificar a relevância das práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa da BM&FBOVESPA na explicação das variações do valor das empresas. A partir de uma revisão de literatura acerca do value relevance da informação financeira e das práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa exigidas pela BM&FBOVESPA, foram analisadas as empresas do Índice Brasil (IBrX no período de 2010 a 2012. Seus dados foram extraídos dos relatórios de administração e formulários de referência das empresas e na base de dados do Economatica. Por meio de uma análise de regressão foi possível observar que 6 das 13 práticas de governança foram significativas na explicação do valor. As práticas que se destacaram negativamente foram: (i esforço de dispersão acionária, (iilimitação de voto inferior, quórum qualificado e “cláusulas pétreas” e (iii mínimo de 5 membros no conselho (com 20% independentes. Positivamente se destacaram: (iv demonstrações financeiras traduzidas para o inglês, (v oferta pública de aquisição de ações no mínimo pelo valor econômico e (vi adesão à câmara de arbitragem. Como principais contribuições deste estudo se destacam as evidências de value relevance dessas práticas, em que três indicam relação inversa com o valor, denotando que podem não estar adequadas aos fins da criação de valor aos acionistas.

  19. Audit Committee: Um Estudo das Características das Empresas Listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Araújo Rego Amorim


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as características dos comitês de auditoria de 65 empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa nos anos de 2014 e 2015, com as obtidas anteriormente nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Fundamento: O comitê de auditoria pode ser considerado um instrumento da governança corporativa, sendo formado por membros do conselho de administração, e sua composição deverá ser representada por membros independentes e especialistas na área da contabilidade ou financeira. Método: Foram investigadas a expertise, a independência e o tamanho, sendo realizado um estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa e pesquisa documental. Resultados: Foi possível identificar que, em 2014, as áreas mais significativas foram engenharia, economia, administração e contabilidade, havendo poucas variações no ano de 2015. Quanto à independência dos membros, a maioria das empresas cumpriu com as boas práticas de governança corporativa, sendo que em 2014 aproximadamente 14% das empresas não atenderam a este requisito. Com mediana de 3,0 membros e médias de 3,22 em 2014 e 3,20 membros em 2015, cumpriram-se, em sua maioria, as recomendações da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários contidas na instrução n° 509, na Lei Sarbanes-Oxley e na Resolução BACEN nº 3.198/04. No que se refere ao tamanho, os resultados mostram que 49 empresas, nos anos referenciados, continham três ou mais membros em seus comitês, correspondendo, respectivamente, a 75,3% e 74,3%. Contribuições: Verificou-se que os comitês de auditoria não se apresentam de forma homogênea nas empresas e, mesmo com as recomendações de órgãos internos e da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley, apresentam-se de formas diversas.

  20. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus BM5 protein regulates progeny virus production and viral gene expression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kokusho, Ryuhei; Koh, Yoshikazu; Fujimoto, Masaru; Shimada, Toru; Katsuma, Susumu


    Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) orf5 (Bm5) is a core gene of lepidopteran baculoviruses and encodes the protein with the conserved amino acid residues (DUF3627) in its C-terminus. Here, we found that Bm5 disruption resulted in lower titers of budded viruses and fewer numbers of occlusion bodies (OBs) in B. mori cultured cells and larvae, although viral genome replication was not affected. Bm5 disruption also caused aberrant expression of various viral genes at the very late stage of infection. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that BM5 localized to the nuclear membrane. We also found that DUF3627 is important for OB production, transcriptional regulation of viral genes, and subcellular localization of BM5. Compared with wild-type BmNPV infection, larval death was delayed when B. mori larvae were infected with Bm5 mutants. These results suggest that BM5 is involved in progeny virus production and regulation of viral gene expression at the very late stage of infection. -- Highlights: •The role of BmNPV BM5 protein was examined in B. mori cultured cells and larvae. •BM5 contributes to efficient production of budded viruses and occlusion bodies. •BM5 regulates viral gene expression at the very late stage of infection. •BM5 dominantly localizes to the nuclear membrane. •Bm5 mutant showed v-cath down-regulation and resulting delay of larval death.

  1. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus BM5 protein regulates progeny virus production and viral gene expression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kokusho, Ryuhei, E-mail:; Koh, Yoshikazu; Fujimoto, Masaru; Shimada, Toru; Katsuma, Susumu, E-mail:


    Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) orf5 (Bm5) is a core gene of lepidopteran baculoviruses and encodes the protein with the conserved amino acid residues (DUF3627) in its C-terminus. Here, we found that Bm5 disruption resulted in lower titers of budded viruses and fewer numbers of occlusion bodies (OBs) in B. mori cultured cells and larvae, although viral genome replication was not affected. Bm5 disruption also caused aberrant expression of various viral genes at the very late stage of infection. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that BM5 localized to the nuclear membrane. We also found that DUF3627 is important for OB production, transcriptional regulation of viral genes, and subcellular localization of BM5. Compared with wild-type BmNPV infection, larval death was delayed when B. mori larvae were infected with Bm5 mutants. These results suggest that BM5 is involved in progeny virus production and regulation of viral gene expression at the very late stage of infection. -- Highlights: •The role of BmNPV BM5 protein was examined in B. mori cultured cells and larvae. •BM5 contributes to efficient production of budded viruses and occlusion bodies. •BM5 regulates viral gene expression at the very late stage of infection. •BM5 dominantly localizes to the nuclear membrane. •Bm5 mutant showed v-cath down-regulation and resulting delay of larval death.

  2. Bombyx mori E26 transformation-specific 2 (BmEts2), an Ets family protein, represses Bombyx mori Rels (BmRels)-mediated promoter activation of antimicrobial peptide genes in the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Tanaka, H; Sagisaka, A; Suzuki, N; Yamakawa, M


    E26 transformation-specific (Ets) family transcription factors are known to play roles in various biological phenomena, including immunity, in vertebrates. However, the mechanisms by which Ets proteins contribute to immunity in invertebrates remain poorly understood. In this study, we identified a cDNA encoding BmEts2, which is a putative orthologue of Drosophila Yan and human translocation-ets-leukemia/Ets-variant gene 6, from the silkworm Bombyx mori. Expression of the BmEts2 gene was significantly increased in the fat bodies of silkworm larvae in response to injection with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. BmEts2 overexpression dramatically repressed B. mori Rels (BmRels)-mediated promoter activation of antimicrobial peptide genes in silkworm cells. Conversely, gene knockdown of BmEts2 significantly enhanced BmRels activity. In addition, two κB sites located on the 5' upstream region of cecropin B1 were found to be involved in the repression of BmRels-mediated promoter activation. Protein-competition analysis further demonstrated that BmEts2 competitively inhibited binding of BmRels to κB sites. Overall, BmEts2 acts as a repressor of BmRels-mediated transactivation of antimicrobial protein genes by inhibiting the binding of BmRels to κB sites. © 2016 The Royal Entomological Society.

  3. The Unified Database for BM@N experiment data handling (United States)

    Gertsenberger, Konstantin; Rogachevsky, Oleg


    The article describes the developed Unified Database designed as a comprehensive relational data storage for the BM@N experiment at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. The BM@N experiment, which is one of the main elements of the first stage of the NICA project, is a fixed target experiment at extracted Nuclotron beams of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics (LHEP JINR). The structure and purposes of the BM@N setup are briefly presented. The article considers the scheme of the Unified Database, its attributes and implemented features in detail. The use of the developed BM@N database provides correct multi-user access to actual information of the experiment for data processing. It stores information on the experiment runs, detectors and their geometries, different configuration, calibration and algorithm parameters used in offline data processing. An important part of any database - user interfaces are presented.

  4. Drift Chambers Simulations in BM@N Experiment

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    Fedorišin Ján


    Full Text Available Drift chambers constitute an important part of the tracking system of the BM@N experiment designed to study the production of baryonic matter at the Nuclotron energies. GEANT programming package is employed to investigate the drift chamber response to particles produced in relativistic nuclear collisions of C+C nuclei, which are simulated by the UrQMD and LAQGSM Monte Carlo generators. These simulations are combined with the first BM@N experimental data to estimate particle track coordinates and their errors.

  5. Thymosin From Bombyx mori Is Down-Regulated in Expression by BmNPV Exhibiting Antiviral Activity. (United States)

    Zhang, Chen; Wang, Yongdi; Fang, Qiang; Xu, Minlin; Lv, Mengyuan; Liao, Jinxu; Li, Si; Nie, Zuoming; Zhang, Wenping


    Thymosins have been highly conserved during evolution. These hormones exist in many animal species and play an essential role in many biological events. However, little is known regarding the physiological function of silkworm Bombyx mori thymosin (BmTHY). In this study, we investigated the expression pattern of BmTHY in a Bombyx mori larval ovarian cell line (BmN) challenged with Bombyx mori nuclear polyhydrosis virus (BmNPV) and the antiviral effect of recombinant BmTHY (rBmTHY) for Bombyx mori against BmNPV. Western-blot assay and qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the level of BmTHY protein expression and transcription decreased over time when BmN cells were infected by BmNPV. Treatment with endotoxin-free rBmTHY led to a significant reduction in viral titer in the supernatant of BmN cells challenged with BmNPV. The results from antiviral tests performed in vitro and in vivo showed that endotoxin-free rBmTHY improved the survival rate of Bombyx mori infected with BmNPV. These findings suggest that BmTHY exerts immunomodulatory effects on Bombyx mori, rendering them resistant to viral infection. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.

  6. Implementació d'una Intranet pel Restaurant "Cal Fesu"


    Maldonado Rubio, Lluís Manel


    Aquest projecte consisteix en el disseny i implementació d'una intranet amb zona privada pel restaurant "Cal Fesu", utilitzant una tecnologia puntera com és J2EE (struts). Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación de una intranet con zona privada para el restaurante "Cal Fesu", utilizando una tecnología puntera como es J2EE (struts). This project consists of design and implementation of an intranet with a private area for the restaurant "Cal Fesu", using a leading technology ...

  7. Subcellular localization and expression analysis of the BmDSCLP ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In addition, real-time fluorescence quantification polymerase chain reaction studies were conducted to investigate BmDSCLP transcription at different developmental stages and in different tissues of the fifth instar larva. The results indicated that, BmDSCLP is widely transcribed in different stages and tissues of the silkworm.

  8. The complete sequence and comparative analysis of a multidrug- resistance and virulence multireplicon IncFII plasmid pEC302/04 from an extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli EC302/04 indicate extensive diversity of IncFII plasmids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wing Sze eHo


    Full Text Available Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC that causes extraintestinal infections often harbor plasmids encoding fitness traits such as resistance and virulence determinants that are of clinical importance. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pEC302/04 from a multidrug-resistant E. coli EC302/04 which was isolated from the tracheal aspirate of a patient in Malaysia. In addition, we also performed comparative sequence analyses of 18 related IncFIIA plasmids to determine the phylogenetic relationship and diversity of these plasmids. The 140,232 bp pEC302/04 is a multireplicon plasmid that bears three replication systems (FII, FIA and FIB with subtype of F2:A1:B1. The plasmid is self-transmissible with a complete transfer region. pEC302/04 also carries antibiotic resistance genes such as blaTEM-1 and a class I integron containing sul1, cml and aadA resistance genes, conferring multidrug resistance (MDR to its host, E. coli EC302/04. Besides, two iron acquisition systems (SitABCD and IutA-IucABCD which are the conserved virulence determinants of ExPEC-colicin V or B and M (ColV/ColBM-producing plasmids were identified in pEC302/04. Multiple toxin-antitoxin (TA-based addiction systems (i.e., PemI/PemK, VagC/VagD, CcdA/CcdB, and Hok/Sok and a plasmid partitioning system, ParAB and PsiAB, which are important for plasmid maintenance were also found.Comparative plasmid analysis revealed only one conserved gene, the repA1 as the core genome, showing that there is an extensive diversity among the IncFIIA plasmids. The phylogenetic relationship of 18 IncF plasmids based on the core regions revealed that ColV/ColBM-plasmids and non-ColV/ColBM plasmids were separated into two distinct groups. These plasmids, which carry highly diverse genetic contents, are also mosaic in nature. The atypical combination of genetic materials, i.e., the MDR- and ColV/ColBM-plasmid-virulence encoding regions in a single ExPEC plasmid is rare but of

  9. The Complete Sequence and Comparative Analysis of a Multidrug-Resistance and Virulence Multireplicon IncFII Plasmid pEC302/04 from an Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli EC302/04 Indicate Extensive Diversity of IncFII Plasmids. (United States)

    Ho, Wing Sze; Yap, Kien-Pong; Yeo, Chew Chieng; Rajasekaram, Ganeswrie; Thong, Kwai Lin


    Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) that causes extraintestinal infections often harbor plasmids encoding fitness traits such as resistance and virulence determinants that are of clinical importance. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pEC302/04 from a multidrug-resistant E. coli EC302/04 which was isolated from the tracheal aspirate of a patient in Malaysia. In addition, we also performed comparative sequence analyses of 18 related IncFIIA plasmids to determine the phylogenetic relationship and diversity of these plasmids. The 140,232 bp pEC302/04 is a multireplicon plasmid that bears three replication systems (FII, FIA, and FIB) with subtype of F2:A1:B1. The plasmid is self-transmissible with a complete transfer region. pEC302/04 also carries antibiotic resistance genes such as bla TEM-1 and a class I integron containing sul1, cml and aadA resistance genes, conferring multidrug resistance (MDR) to its host, E. coli EC302/04. Besides, two iron acquisition systems (SitABCD and IutA-IucABCD) which are the conserved virulence determinants of ExPEC-colicin V or B and M (ColV/ColBM)-producing plasmids were identified in pEC302/04. Multiple toxin-antitoxin (TA)-based addiction systems (i.e., PemI/PemK, VagC/VagD, CcdA/CcdB, and Hok/Sok) and a plasmid partitioning system, ParAB, and PsiAB, which are important for plasmid maintenance were also found. Comparative plasmid analysis revealed only one conserved gene, the repA1 as the core genome, showing that there is an extensive diversity among the IncFIIA plasmids. The phylogenetic relationship of 18 IncF plasmids based on the core regions revealed that ColV/ColBM-plasmids and non-ColV/ColBM plasmids were separated into two distinct groups. These plasmids, which carry highly diverse genetic contents, are also mosaic in nature. The atypical combination of genetic materials, i.e., the MDR- and ColV/ColBM-plasmid-virulence encoding regions in a single ExPEC plasmid is rare but of clinical

  10. Análise do nível de adesão ao disclosure do risco de mercado pelos bancos com ações negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Vinícius Costa da Silva Zonatto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o nível de adesão ao disclosure do risco de mercado pelas instituições financeiras com ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&F Bovespa, no tocante às recomendações do Acordo de Basileia II, em especial pelos bancos listados nos Níveis Diferenciados de Governança Corporativa da BM&F Bovespa. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa consistiu num estudo descritivo, realizado por meio de uma pesquisa documental, com abordagem quantitativa dos dados. Os dados foram analisados por meio de consulta aos demonstrativos financeiros padronizados de 2010, disponibilizados por 24 bancos no sitio da BM&F Bovespa. Para tratar os dados foram utilizados o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. A análise dos dados permitiu identificar os fatores que evidenciam o grau de transparência das informações relacionadas ao risco de mercado que se tornam necessárias para a tomada de decisão dos stakeholders dessas organizações. Os resultados encontrados indicam que instituições participantes de diferentes níveis de governança corporativa apresentam maior adesão às recomendações do Novo Acordo de Basileia para o disclosure do risco de mercado, do que as instituições participantes do mercado tradicional. No entanto, a partir da aplicação do teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, verificou-se que as práticas de disclosure das organizações em estudo não possuem diferenças estatisticamente significativas.

  11. Avaliação da técnica de solidificação/estabilização no tratamento de resíduo têxtil: produção de bloco cerâmico de vedação Evaluation of solidification/stabilization process in the treatment of textile wastes: production of ceramic blocks

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    F. M. S. Ramos


    Full Text Available A incorporação do resíduo têxtil em matrizes de argila para a produção de blocos cerâmicos de vedação foi avaliada por meio do processo de solidificação/estabilização (s/e. Inicialmente foi feita a caracterização do resíduo têxtil e da argila, utilizada como matriz para produção de blocos cerâmicos de vedação. A composição química deste resíduo têxtil é variada, contendo Al, Fe, Mn, Na, Pb, Cu, Cr e Zn, oriundos do processo têxtil e do tratamento do efluente gerado no processo. Sua classificação se enquadra como um resíduo não perigoso e não inerte. Posteriormente, foram preparados blocos com composição 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25% de resíduo têxtil. A mistura foi feita proporcionalmente em porcentagem de massa seca. Para análise comparativa das características químicas desses blocos cerâmicos, foram produzidos blocos somente com argila. As concentrações dos metais analisados, nos extratos lixiviados e solubilizados dos blocos cerâmicos, em todas as proporções de incorporação do resíduo têxtil, ficaram abaixo dos limites definidos pela NBR 10004/2004 da ABNT, classificando-os como não perigosos e inertes, ou seja, não oferecendo riscos de futura contaminação do solo durante a sua vida útil, bem como quando o mesmo for disposto em aterros depois de utilizados. Resultados relacionados à resistência mecânica dos blocos cerâmicos mostraram que todas as proporções de incorporação atenderam ao requisito mínimo exigido por norma. Além disso, foi possível observar que, com até 20% de resíduo têxtil incorporado à massa cerâmica, os requisitos exigidos por norma ABNT relacionados ao índice de absorção de água foram obedecidos. Assim, o processo de s/e foi capaz de imobilizar de forma eficaz os metais presentes no resíduo têxtil nos blocos cerâmicos.This paper evaluates the incorporation of textile waste in clay matrices for the production of ceramic blocks with no structural function

  12. Applied CAL on Problem Based Learning Using Gagne’s Instructional Design

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    Sri Sundari Purbohadi


    Full Text Available Abstract— In the Problem-Based Learning (PBL model, students are expected to study independently. One of the methods that can improve the ability or skill of learners is using Computer Assisted Learning (CAL. Implementation of CAL in PBL should be able to create Self-Directed Learning (SDL culture through appropriate instructional design and interesting modules. In this paper, the CAL software is developed using multimedia learning principles, convenient appearance, and user-friendly navigation. The CAL’s learning content is designed using Gagne's instructional design. The experiment proved the CAL was able to give effect size 0.89 and developed self-directed learning culture. From the interviews, students were very glad and interested to use the CAL modules because they can learn anytime and can reach the course objectives without a lecturer.

  13. On the correspondence between CAL and lagged cohort life expectancy

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    Michel Guillot


    Full Text Available It has been established that under certain mortality assumptions, the current value of the Cross-sectional Average length of Life (CAL is equal to the life expectancy for the cohort currently reaching its life expectancy. This correspondence is important, because the life expectancy for the cohort currently reaching its life expectancy, or lagged cohort life expectancy (LCLE, has been discussed in the tempo literature as a summary mortality measure of substantive interest. In this paper, we build on previous work by evaluating the extent to which the correspondence holds in actual populations. We also discuss the implications of the CAL-LCLE correspondence (or lack thereof for using CAL as a measure of cohort life expectancy, and for understanding the connection between CAL, LCLE, and underlying period mortality conditions.

  14. Risco versus retorno das ações do setor imobiliário da BM&FBOVESPA no período de 2009 a 2012 [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2014021

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    Bruna Ciganha Gaspar


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou o desempenho de 16 empresas do setor imobiliário com ações na BM&FBOVESPA no período de 2009 a 2012. A importância deste setor para a economia do país e a recente entrada destas empresas no mercado de capitais exige que estudos desta natureza contribuam no melhor entendimento da relação risco e retorno destas firmas. Para tanto, foram aplicados à amostra medidas estatísticas de avaliação e modelos quantitativos de desempenho baseados no CAPM, Índice de Sharpe, Índice de Treynor, Information Ratio, Alfa de Jensen e Índice de Modigliani & Modigliani. Os resultados mostram que a empresa Helbor foi a melhor opção de investimento, pois apresentou a melhor performance com base em 04 dos 06 índices analisados, outras cinco empresas apresentaram resultados superiores ao setor nos índices de desempenho. Foi possível, ainda, selecionar um portfólio diversificado com cinco ativos da amostra onde o desempenho desta carteira foi superior aos ativos individuais. Deste modo, avalia-se que o período analisado foi favorável às empresas do setor imobiliário, pois a performance média das empresas superou o índice da bolsa. Em adição, conseguiu-se criar uma carteira diversificada, em função dos segmentos distintos que o setor congrega (construção, incorporação e gestão de empreendimentos. Keywords Risco; Retorno; Desempenho; Setor Imobiliário.     RISK VERSUS RETURN OF STOCKS OF BM&FBOVESPA’S REAL ESTATE SECTOR FOR THE PERIOD 2009 TO 2012   RESUMO This study examined the performance of 16 real estate companies with shares on the BM&FBOVESPA in the period 2009-2012. The importance of this sector to the economy and the recent entry of these companies in the capital market requires that studies of this nature contribute to the better understanding of relative risk and return of these companies. For this, statistics and quantitative evaluation models based on performance CAPM, Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio

  15. L’Observatoire numérique Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    Charlotte Ullmann


    Full Text Available Ses missions consistent à observer le développement numérique et favoriser l’animation territoriale des acteurs en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Parrainée par l’association calédonienne pour les technologies de l’information et de la communication (ACTIC et le ministère en charge de l’économie numérique du Gouvernement de Nouvelle-Calédonie nommé depuis mai 2009, une mission d’étude a été menée depuis juin 2010 pour définir les contours d’un Observatoire numérique. A travers cette étude, il s’agissai...

  16. Solar CalPoly

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stannard, Sandra [California Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo, CA (United States)


    The target budget of INhouse was about $650,000 for all materials and student expenses of the Solar Decathlon competition. In order to reach our goal, Cal Poly students and faculty worked with the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s External Relations office to actively fundraise for INhouse. Students connected with Cal Poly alumni through phone calls, postal mail, email, and live presentations to reach as many alumni in the state of California as possible. Before construction begun, students and faculty met on a weekly basis to determine what brands of materials for the home to use and who would be responsible for reaching out to the company to seek a donation. Our College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s administration was essential in helping us fundraise. For some time, the college was hoping to depend on about half of our fundraising expenses to be covered through the sale of INhouse. However, plans to sell the home fell through during the design development phase; the college turned to the sale of a different asset in to help us meet our goal. If we were to do this project again, completing the design concept and securing a future location of our home sooner would have enhanced our fundraising activities.


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    Lara Núbia Silvestre


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a classificação dos juros e dividendos nas Demonstrações de Fluxo de Caixa de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Utilizou-se de uma amostra com 66 empresas, sendo: 22 que também negociam ações na bolsa de valores de Nova York, 22 do Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA e 22 do Mercado Tradicional da BM&FBOVESPA. Em cada Demonstração coletada, analisaram-se onde os juros e os dividendos haviam sido classificados. Como principais resultados, foi observado que: i juros recebidos e dividendos pagos foram classificados em toda a amostra como pertencentes aos fluxos operacional e financiamento, respectivamente; ii a classificação de dividendos recebidos e juros pagos não se registrou homogênea, já que foram considerados apenas por parte das empresas como operacionais; e iii não houve divergência estatisticamente significativa entre os critérios para classificar juros e dividendos entre os três diferentes mercados analisados.

  18. G-CSF-primed BM for allogeneic SCT: revisited. (United States)

    Pessach, I; Resnick, I; Shimoni, A; Nagler, A


    G-SCF-mobilized PBSC (GPB) grafts have a higher cell dose and somewhat more committed progenitor cells than steady-state BM (SBM), resulting in faster engraftment and faster immunological reconstitution. On the other hand, transplant related mortality (TRM), disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) are similar both for PB and for BM. In contrast to SBM, G-CSF-primed BM (GBM) grafts stimulate HSC proliferation, increasing cell dose and thus resulting in faster engraftment because of higher cell dose infused, or because of treatment with G-CSF. Furthermore, GBM may induce tolerance and functional modulations in donor hematopoiesis and immunity, further reducing GVHD incidence, which is already lower with SBM compared with GPB grafts. Overall, a growing body of clinical evidence suggests that GBM transplants may share the advantages of GPB transplantations, without the associated increased risk of GVHD, and might be an attractive graft source for allogeneic SCTs.

  19. Bm-TFF2, a toad trefoil factor, promotes cell migration, survival and wound healing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yong; Yu, Guoyu; Xiang, Yang; Wu, Jianbo; Jiang, Ping; Lee, Wenhui; Zhang, Yun


    Research highlights: → Bm-TFF2 binds to epithelial cells and induces cell migration and wound healing. → Bm-TFF2 suppresses cell apoptosis. → Bm-TFF2 has no effect on cell proliferation. -- Abstract: Toad skin is naked and continually confronted by various injurious factors. Constant skin renewal and repairs occur frequently. However, the mechanisms of the renewal and repair have not clearly elucidated. In our previous work, a trefoil factor (TFF), Bm-TFF2, has been purified from the Bombina maxima skin and characterized as a platelet agonist. The mRNA of TFFs in toad skin was up-regulated greatly during the metamorphosis, indicating a pivotal role of TFFs in amphibian skin. Here, we presented the effects of Bm-TFF2 on the cell migration, apoptosis and proliferation. Bm-TFF2 bound to epithelial cells and showed strong cell motility activity. At the concentrations of 1-100 nM, Bm-TFF2-induced migration of human epithelial AGS and HT-29 cells, and rat intestinal epithelial IEC-6 cell lines. The in vitro wound healing assay also verified the activity of Bm-TFF2. Bm-TFF2 could also inhibit cell apoptosis induced by ceramide and sodium butyrate. The cell migration-promoting activity was abolished by MEK1 inhibitors, U0126 and PD98059, suggesting that ERK1/2 activation is crucial for Bm-TFF2 to stimulate cell migration. Taken together, Bm-TFF2 promoted wound healing by stimulating cell migration via MAPK pathway and preventing cell apoptosis. The potent biological activity of Bm-TFF2 makes it a useful molecular tool for further studies of structure-function relationship of the related human TFFs.

  20. Bm-TFF2, a toad trefoil factor, promotes cell migration, survival and wound healing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Yong [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Yu, Guoyu [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Department of Biochemistry, Kunming Medical College, Kunming, Yunnan 650032 (China); Xiang, Yang [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Wu, Jianbo [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Jiang, Ping [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Lee, Wenhui [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China); Zhang, Yun, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223 (China)


    Research highlights: {yields} Bm-TFF2 binds to epithelial cells and induces cell migration and wound healing. {yields} Bm-TFF2 suppresses cell apoptosis. {yields} Bm-TFF2 has no effect on cell proliferation. -- Abstract: Toad skin is naked and continually confronted by various injurious factors. Constant skin renewal and repairs occur frequently. However, the mechanisms of the renewal and repair have not clearly elucidated. In our previous work, a trefoil factor (TFF), Bm-TFF2, has been purified from the Bombina maxima skin and characterized as a platelet agonist. The mRNA of TFFs in toad skin was up-regulated greatly during the metamorphosis, indicating a pivotal role of TFFs in amphibian skin. Here, we presented the effects of Bm-TFF2 on the cell migration, apoptosis and proliferation. Bm-TFF2 bound to epithelial cells and showed strong cell motility activity. At the concentrations of 1-100 nM, Bm-TFF2-induced migration of human epithelial AGS and HT-29 cells, and rat intestinal epithelial IEC-6 cell lines. The in vitro wound healing assay also verified the activity of Bm-TFF2. Bm-TFF2 could also inhibit cell apoptosis induced by ceramide and sodium butyrate. The cell migration-promoting activity was abolished by MEK1 inhibitors, U0126 and PD98059, suggesting that ERK1/2 activation is crucial for Bm-TFF2 to stimulate cell migration. Taken together, Bm-TFF2 promoted wound healing by stimulating cell migration via MAPK pathway and preventing cell apoptosis. The potent biological activity of Bm-TFF2 makes it a useful molecular tool for further studies of structure-function relationship of the related human TFFs.

  1. The oil potential of the BM-J-2 block, Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil: the integrated study of the basin analysis and modeling of petroleum system; Potencial petrolifero do Bloco BM-J-2, Bacia de Jequitinhonha, Brasil: um estudo integrado de analise de bacia e modelagem de sistemas petroliferos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porto, Roberto; Braga, Jose A.E.; Saito, Makoto; Cortez, Marcella; Ponte Filho, Francisco C.; Romao, Felipe [Queiroz Galvao Perfuracoes S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Goncalves, Felix T.T. [PGT-Petroleum Geoscience Technology Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The integration of all available geochemical data from this and adjoining blocks (BM-J-1 e BM-J-3) Jequitinhonha Basin revealed that only the Albian-Turonian and Aptian sections contains potential hydrocarbon source rock intervals. The existence of an oil accumulation (1-BAS-37) represents an unequivocal evidence of the presence of effective source rocks in the Jequitinhonha Basin. The geochemical characteristics of this oil accumulation points to an origin related to petroleum source rocks deposited under a lacustrine/marine restricted (hyper saline) environment. Such characteristics are typical of pre-salt Aptian source rocks in several basins along the Brazilian margin. The pseudo-3D modeling results indicate that the stage of thermal evolution of the base of the rift section attained ranges from early mature (0.6-0.8 Ro) in the structural highs to over mature (up to 2.0% Ro) in the structural lows On the other hand, the potential sources rocks of Albian-Turonian age ranges to immature to early mature throughout the block. The modeling results also points to the existence of two distinct hydrocarbon 'kitchens': one located in the easternmost portion of the block (slope/deep water area) and the other in a structural low located in the shallow platform area. The main phase of petroleum expulsion ranged from Late Cretaceous/Paleogene in the platform area. Probabilistic simulations has estimated migrated oils and gas volumes around 507 MMbbl and 20 billion cubic meters, respectively. (author)

  2. Analysis of BmNPV orf101 disruption: orf101 is essential for mediating budded virus production. (United States)

    Chen, Huiqing; Li, Mei; Mai, Weijun; Tang, Qi; Li, Guohui; Chen, Keping; Zhou, Yajing


    In our previous study, Orf101 (Bm101) of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) was identified as a component of the budded virions important for viral late gene expression. In this study we demonstrate that Bm101 is actually a previously unrecognized core gene and that it is essential for mediating budded virus production. To determine the role of Bm101 in the baculovirus life cycle, a Bm101 knockout bacmid containing the BmNPV genome was generated through homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, a Bm101 repair bacmid was constructed by transposing the Bm101 open reading frame with its native promoter region into the polyhedrin locus of the Bm101 knockout bacmid. Bacmid DNA transfection assay revealed that the Bm101 knockout bacmid was unable to produce the infectious budded virus, while the Bm101 repair bacmid rescued this defect, allowing budded-virus titers to reach wild-type levels. Real time PCR analysis indicated that the viral DNA genome in the absence of Bm101 was unaffected in the first 24 h p.t. Thus, studies of a Bm101-null BACmid indicate that Bm101 is required for viral DNA replication during the infection cycle.

  3. Electronic States of IC60BA and PC71BM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheng Chun-Qi; Wang Peng; Shen Ying; Li Wen-Jie; Li Hong-Nian; Zhang Wen-Hua; Zhu Jun-Fa; Lai Guo-Qiao


    We investigate the electronic states of IC 60 BA and PC 71 BM using first-principles calculations and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) measurements. The energy level structures for all possible isomers are reported and compared with those of C 60 , C 70 and PC 61 BM. The attachment of the side chains can raise the LUMO energies and decrease the HOMO-LUMO gaps, and thus helps to increase the power-conversion efficiency of bulk heterojunction solar cells. In the PES studies, we prepared IC 60 BA and PC 71 BM films on Si:H(111) substrates to construct adsorbate/substrate interfaces describable with the integer charge-transfer (ICT) model. Successful measurements then revealed that one of the most important material properties for an electron acceptor, the energy of the negative integer charge-transfer state (E ICT− ), is 4.31 eV below the vacuum level for PC 71 BM. The E ICT− of IC 60 BA is smaller than 4.14 eV

  4. Identification, gene expression and immune function of the novel Bm-STAT gene in virus-infected Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaoli; Guo, Rui; Kumar, Dhiraj; Ma, Huanyan; Liu, Jiabin; Hu, Xiaolong; Cao, Guangli; Xue, Renyu; Gong, Chengliang


    Genes in the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family are vital for activities including gene expression and immune response. To investigate the functions of the silkworm Bombyx mori STAT (Bm-STAT) gene in antiviral immunity, two Bm-STAT gene isoforms, Bm-STAT-L for long form and Bm-STAT-S for short form, were cloned. Sequencing showed that the open reading frames were 2313 bp encoding 770 amino acid residues for Bm-STAT-L and 2202 bp encoding 734 amino acid residues for Bm-STAT-S. The C-terminal 42 amino acid residues of Bm-STAT-L were different from the last 7 amino acid residues of Bm-STAT-S. Immunofluorescence showed that Bm-STAT was primarily distributed in the nucleus. Transcription levels of Bm-STAT in different tissues were determined by quantitative PCR, and the results revealed Bm-STAT was mainly expressed in testes. Western blots showed two bands with molecular weights of 70 kDa and 130 kDa in testes, but no bands were detected in ovaries by using anti-Bm-STAT antibody as the primary antibody. Expression of Bm-STAT in hemolymph at 48 h post infection with B. mori macula-like virus (BmMLV) was slightly enhanced compared with controls, suggesting a weak response induced by infection with BmMLV. Hemocyte immunofluorescence showed that Bm-STAT expression was elevated in B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV)-infected cells. Moreover, resistance of BmN cells to BmNPV was reduced by downregulation of Bm-STAT expression and increased by upregulation. Resistance of BmN cells to BmCPV was not significantly improved by upregulating Bm-STAT expression. Therefore, we concluded that Bm-STAT is a newly identified insect gene of the STAT family. The JAK-STAT pathway has a more specialized role in antiviral defense in silkworms, but JAK-STAT pathway is not triggered in response to all viruses. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. The Pace of CalWORKs Implementation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Klerman, Jacob


    ...) and Greater Avenues to Independence (GAIN) with the California Work Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program. Following an open and competitive bidding process, the California Department of Social Services...

  6. The Pace of CalWORKS Implementation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Klerman, Jacob


    ...) and Greater Avenues to Independence (GAIN) with the California Work Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program. Following an open and competitive bidding process, the California Department of Social Services...

  7. Estrategias de desarrollo para la empresa Cal del Centro S.A.C.


    Bautista Antón, Yovanni Patricia; Mendoza Rojas, Miguel Ángel


    Cal del Centro S.A.C. es una sociedad anónima cerrada cuyo negocio gira en torno a la actividad económica de la fabricación de cemento, cal y yeso. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la posibilidad de éxito de un proyecto de inversión en una planta de cal, a través de Cal del Centro S.A.C. –como empresa autosuficiente–, para asegurar el cien por ciento del suministro de óxido de calcio en cantidad y calidad para el procesamiento de concentrados de cobre y el tratamiento de aguas indu...

  8. Adaptações necessárias para implantação do Bloco K do SPED fiscal nas organizações = Adjustments required for deployment of Block K in the SPED fiscal in organizations

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    Débora Alline de Mello


    Full Text Available O Bloco K é o livro de registro de controle de produção e estoques na versão digital exigido pelo SPED no Brasil. Trata das informações fiscais e tributárias detalhadas dos estabelecimentos das pessoas jurídicas. A exigência desse novo conjunto de informações pelo fisco vem apresentando algumas dificuldades nas organizações para sua implantação. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo visa identificar quais são as principais adaptações administrativas e gerenciais necessárias para a mudança no sistema de controle dos estoques de produtos nas empresas, em relação à implantação do Bloco K no SPED Fiscal. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada por meio de questionário aplicado no departamento fiscal de cinco empresas catarinenses. Os resultados evidenciam que o Bloco K influência direta e positivamente nas empresas, as quais estão percebendo dificuldades em sua implantação, como problemas com o sistema interno, falhas de configuração, cadastros incompletos e falta de conhecimento para trabalhar com o Bloco K. O estudo permitiu ainda concluir que, mesmo considerando as dificuldades elencadas para a implantação do Bloco K, o sistema traz benefícios que impactam positivamente na gestão das empresas, pois fortalece o sistema de controles internos e proporciona maior confiabilidade nas informações geradas. Fatores relacionados ao elevado custo de implantação também foram evidenciados. Esse resultado reforça a importância da empresa estar se aperfeiçoando ao máximo, investindo em conhecimento e tecnologia, para estar preparada para a evolução. Block K is the record book of production and inventory control in the digital version required by the SPED in Brazil, which deals with the detailed tax information of the establishments of legal entities. The requirement of this new set of information by the tax authorities has shown some

  9. Design de calçado do processo criativo à produção


    Rolo, Margarida Filipa Gonçalves Araújo


    O seguinte projeto tem como tema principal o Design de calçado, pois foi com base nesse tema que foi feito todo o enquadramento teórico de modo a fundamentar a criação da coleção final de calçado a que este projeto se pretende. Logo, foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre a história do calçado, os seus materiais e componentes, tipos de sapatos e saltos, a indústria do calçado em Portugal e seus principais designers, entre outros. Este projeto consiste na criação de uma coleção cápsula de calçado...

  10. Molecular LEGO by domain-imprinting of cytochrome P450 BM3. (United States)

    Jetzschmann, K J; Yarman, A; Rustam, L; Kielb, P; Urlacher, V B; Fischer, A; Weidinger, I M; Wollenberger, U; Scheller, F W


    Electrosynthesis of the MIP nano-film after binding of the separated domains or holo-cytochrome BM3 via an engineered anchor should result in domain-specific cavities in the polymer layer. Both the two domains and the holo P450 BM3 have been bound prior polymer deposition via a N-terminal engineered his6-anchor to the electrode surface. Each step of MIP preparation was characterized by cyclic voltammetry of the redox-marker ferricyanide. Rebinding after template removal was evaluated by quantifying the suppression of the diffusive permeability of the signal for ferricyanide and by the NADH-dependent reduction of cytochrome c by the reductase domain (BMR). The working hypothesis is verified by the discrimination of the two domains by the respective MIPs: The holoenzyme P450 BM3 was ca. 5.5 times more effectively recognized by the film imprinted with the oxidase domain (BMO) as compared to the BMR-MIP or the non-imprinted polymer (NIP). Obviously, a cavity is formed during the imprinting process around the his 6 -tag-anchored BMR which cannot accommodate the broader BMO or the P450 BM3. The affinity of the MIP towards P450 BM3 is comparable with that to the monomer in solution. The his 6 -tagged P450 BM3 binds (30 percent) stronger which shows the additive effect of the interaction with the MIP and the binding to the electrode. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Conformidade do Disclosure obrigatório dos ativos intangíveis e práticas de governança corporativa.

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    Geovanne Dias de Moura


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar se empresas com maiores proporções de ativos intangíveis no ativo total e melhores práticas de governança corporativa apresentam maior conformidade com o disclosure obrigatório de tais ativos. Pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, foi conduzida por meio de análise documental em uma amostra de 260 empresas de seis setores econômicos da BM&FBovespa. Para cada empresa calculou-se o percentual dos ativos intangíveis em relação ao ativo total. O índice de governança corporativa foi pautado no estudo de Leal e Carvalhal-da-Silva (2007 e o índice de conformidade das informações divulgadas sobre ativos intangíveis foi baseado no CPC 04. Os resultados revelaram representatividade dos intangíveis, que de maneira geral equivalem a 17% do ativo total, mas algumas empresas, principalmente aquelas de setores com maiores proporções, possuem índices mais expressivos. Na qualidade das práticas de governança encontrou-se um índice médio de 55% e no nível de evidenciação de informações sobre intangíveis, um índice médio de 75%. A correlação de Pearson mostrou-se positiva e significativa estatisticamente, corroborando o descrito no objetivo do estudo. Assim, conclui-se que entre empresas de diferentes setores da BM&FBovespa, aquelas com maiores proporções de ativos intangíveis no ativo total e melhores práticas de governança corporativa apresentam maior conformidade com o disclosure obrigatório de tais ativos.

  12. CalCOFI Larvae Counts Positive Tows (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for eggs captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  13. Bombyx mori histone methyltransferase BmAsh2 is essential for silkworm piRNA-mediated sex determination. (United States)

    Li, Zhiqian; You, Lang; Yan, Dong; James, Anthony A; Huang, Yongping; Tan, Anjiang


    Sex determination is a hierarchically-regulated process with high diversity in different organisms including insects. The W chromosome-derived Fem piRNA has been identified as the primary sex determination factor in the lepidopteran insect, Bombyx mori, revealing a distinctive piRNA-mediated sex determination pathway. However, the comprehensive mechanism of silkworm sex determination is still poorly understood. We show here that the silkworm PIWI protein BmSiwi, but not BmAgo3, is essential for silkworm sex determination. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated depletion of BmSiwi results in developmental arrest in oogenesis and partial female sexual reversal, while BmAgo3 depletion only affects oogenesis. We identify three histone methyltransferases (HMTs) that are significantly down-regulated in BmSiwi mutant moths. Disruption one of these, BmAsh2, causes dysregulation of piRNAs and transposable elements (TEs), supporting a role for it in the piRNA signaling pathway. More importantly, we find that BmAsh2 mutagenesis results in oogenesis arrest and partial female-to-male sexual reversal as well as dysregulation of the sex determination genes, Bmdsx and BmMasc. Mutagenesis of other two HMTs, BmSETD2 and BmEggless, does not affect piRNA-mediated sex determination. Histological analysis and immunoprecipitation results support a functional interaction between the BmAsh2 and BmSiwi proteins. Our data provide the first evidence that the HMT, BmAsh2, plays key roles in silkworm piRNA-mediated sex determination.

  14. Bombyx mori histone methyltransferase BmAsh2 is essential for silkworm piRNA-mediated sex determination.

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    Zhiqian Li


    Full Text Available Sex determination is a hierarchically-regulated process with high diversity in different organisms including insects. The W chromosome-derived Fem piRNA has been identified as the primary sex determination factor in the lepidopteran insect, Bombyx mori, revealing a distinctive piRNA-mediated sex determination pathway. However, the comprehensive mechanism of silkworm sex determination is still poorly understood. We show here that the silkworm PIWI protein BmSiwi, but not BmAgo3, is essential for silkworm sex determination. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated depletion of BmSiwi results in developmental arrest in oogenesis and partial female sexual reversal, while BmAgo3 depletion only affects oogenesis. We identify three histone methyltransferases (HMTs that are significantly down-regulated in BmSiwi mutant moths. Disruption one of these, BmAsh2, causes dysregulation of piRNAs and transposable elements (TEs, supporting a role for it in the piRNA signaling pathway. More importantly, we find that BmAsh2 mutagenesis results in oogenesis arrest and partial female-to-male sexual reversal as well as dysregulation of the sex determination genes, Bmdsx and BmMasc. Mutagenesis of other two HMTs, BmSETD2 and BmEggless, does not affect piRNA-mediated sex determination. Histological analysis and immunoprecipitation results support a functional interaction between the BmAsh2 and BmSiwi proteins. Our data provide the first evidence that the HMT, BmAsh2, plays key roles in silkworm piRNA-mediated sex determination.

  15. Proteomic analysis of BmN cell lipid rafts reveals roles in Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus infection. (United States)

    Hu, Xiaolong; Zhu, Min; Liang, Zi; Kumar, Dhiraj; Chen, Fei; Zhu, Liyuan; Kuang, Sulan; Xue, Renyu; Cao, Guangli; Gong, Chengliang


    The mechanism of how Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) enters cells is unknown. The primary components of membrane lipid rafts are proteins and cholesterol, and membrane lipid rafts are thought to be an active region for host-viral interactions. However, whether they contribute to the entry of BmNPV into silkworm cells remains unclear. In this study, we explored the membrane protein components of lipid rafts from BmN cells with mass spectrometry (MS). Proteins and cholesterol were investigated after establishing infection with BmNPV in BmN cells. In total, 222 proteins were identified in the lipid rafts, and Gene Ontology (GO) annotation analysis showed that more than 10% of these proteins had binding and catalytic functions. We then identified proteins that potentially interact between lipid rafts and BmNPV virions using the Virus Overlay Protein Blot Assay (VOPBA). A total of 65 proteins were analyzed with MS, and 7 were predicted to be binding proteins involved in BmNPV cellular invasion, including actin, kinesin light chain-like isoform X2, annexin B13, heat-shock protein 90, barrier-to-autointegration factor B-like and serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 A-like. When the cholesterol of the lipid rafts from the membrane was depleted by methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD), BmNPV entry into BmN cells was blocked. However, supplying cholesterol into the medium rescued the BmNPV infection ability. These results show that membrane lipid rafts may be the active regions for the entry of BmNPV into cells, and the components of membrane lipid rafts may be candidate targets for improving the resistance of the silkworm to BmNPV.

  16. CalCOFI Egg Counts Positive Tows (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish egg counts and standardized counts for eggs captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets], and...

  17. Avaliação da eficiência de cal virgem na inativação de ovos de nematoides - Strongyloides sp. parasitos de pacas - Cuniculus paca criadas em cativeiro

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    V.M.F. Ribeiro

    Full Text Available RESUMO Criadores de animais silvestres sempre buscam métodos eficientes de manter sua criação. Parasitos intestinais afetam os animais em cativeiro, diminuindo sua sobrevivência e reprodução. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia do uso de cal virgem na desinfecção do solo e na prevenção da reinfestação de endoparasitos em pacas (Cuniculus paca em cativeiro. Amostras de solo das baias de criação foram analisadas usando-se o método de Rugai modificado. Duas etapas foram avaliadas: a primeira aos cinco, 45 e 105 minutos após os tratamentos, e a segunda aos sete dias e aos 14 dias após os tratamentos. Os valores de pH das amostras foram verificados após a aplicação de quatro tratamentos. Foram aplicados 400g/m2 de cal virgem a lanço ou 500mL/m2 de três soluções de cal virgem (10%, 20% ou 40% p/v. Na primeira etapa, a cal a lanço foi ineficaz na modificação do pH do solo e no controle de parasitos. A solução a 10% proporcionou o melhor controle dos parasitos. Na segunda etapa, as soluções foram eficazes na elevação do pH, porém não houve diferença significativa nos achados larvais. Concluiu-se que, nas condições do estudo, a solução a 10% aumentou o pH do solo e teve boa capacidade de inativação dos ovos de Strongyloides sp., o que economicamente é interessante. Porém, para o controle eficiente de Strongyloides sp. em cativeiros de pacas, deve-se considerar a frequência da aplicação de soluções com até 20% de cal, juntamente com a adoção de um programa de vermifugação.

  18. An Interaction of Screen Colour and Lesson Task in CAL (United States)

    Clariana, Roy B.


    Colour is a common feature in computer-aided learning (CAL), though the instructional effects of screen colour are not well understood. This investigation considers the effects of different CAL study tasks with feedback on posttest performance and on posttest memory of the lesson colour scheme. Graduate students (n=68) completed a computer-based…

  19. Brugia malayi Antigen (BmA Inhibits HIV-1 Trans-Infection but Neither BmA nor ES-62 Alter HIV-1 Infectivity of DC Induced CD4+ Th-Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emily E I M Mouser

    Full Text Available One of the hallmarks of HIV-1 disease is the association of heightened CD4+ T-cell activation with HIV-1 replication. Parasitic helminths including filarial nematodes have evolved numerous and complex mechanisms to skew, dampen and evade human immune responses suggesting that HIV-1 infection may be modulated in co-infected individuals. Here we studied the effects of two filarial nematode products, adult worm antigen from Brugia malayi (BmA and excretory-secretory product 62 (ES-62 from Acanthocheilonema viteae on HIV-1 infection in vitro. Neither BmA nor ES-62 influenced HIV-1 replication in CD4+ enriched T-cells, with either a CCR5- or CXCR4-using virus. BmA, but not ES-62, had the capacity to bind the C-type lectin dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN thereby inhibiting HIV-1 trans-infection of CD4+ enriched T-cells. As for their effect on DCs, neither BmA nor ES-62 could enhance or inhibit DC maturation as determined by CD83, CD86 and HLA-DR expression, or the production of IL-6, IL-10, IL-12 and TNF-α. As expected, due to the unaltered DC phenotype, no differences were found in CD4+ T helper (Th cell phenotypes induced by DCs treated with either BmA or ES-62. Moreover, the HIV-1 susceptibility of the Th-cell populations induced by BmA or ES-62 exposed DCs was unaffected for both CCR5- and CXCR4-using HIV-1 viruses. In conclusion, although BmA has the potential capacity to interfere with HIV-1 transmission or initial viral dissemination through preventing the virus from interacting with DCs, no differences in the Th-cell polarizing capacity of DCs exposed to BmA or ES-62 were observed. Neither antigenic source demonstrated beneficial or detrimental effects on the HIV-1 susceptibility of CD4+ Th-cells induced by exposed DCs.

  20. Views of a Cal/OSHA Inspector. (United States)

    Oudiz, Jack


    Retiring CAL/OSHA Industrial Hygienist and Senior Safety Engineer Jack Oudiz offers his thoughts in the nature of a voluntary "exit interview" on his years working for the agency and its performance in its mission.

  1. Ação de calcário e gesso sobre características químicas do solo e na produtividade e qualidade do tomate e melão

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    Faria Clementino M.B.


    Full Text Available Realizou-se dois experimentos repetidos no mesmo local, em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, de textura arenosa, do Submédio São Francisco, para avaliar a influência da calagem e da gessagem nas características do solo e na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos do tomateiro e meloeiro. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos [testemunha; 0,5 da necessidade de calagem (N.C. com 100% de calcário (Cal.; 1xN.C. com Cal.; 2xN.C. com Cal.; 0,5xN.C. com 2/3 de calcário e 1/3 de gesso (Cal.Ges.; 1,0xN.C. com Cal.Ges. e 2,0xN.C. com Cal.Ges]. O calcário e gesso foram aplicados em novembro de 2000; o cultivo do tomate foi conduzido de maio a agosto e o do melão, de setembro a novembro de 2001. A calagem e a gessagem promoveram incremento do pH e nos níveis de Ca2+e Mg2+, tendo reduzido o teor de Al3+ do solo, com efeito mais pronunciado no aumento dos teores do Ca2+ em até 60% e na redução do Al3+ em até 68,7%. O calcário isolado foi mais eficiente para neutralização do Al3+ em maiores profundidades, tendo resultado em maiores produtividades de melão, em comparação com os tratamentos em que o calcário foi associado ao gesso. Com o uso de 2,0 t ha-1 de calcário, equivalente a 1xN.C, foi suficiente para se obter uma produtividade de 22,5 t ha-1 de melão, significativamente superior à da testemunha (16,8 t ha-1 e reduzir em 80,4% a ocorrência da podridão apical do tomate. Portanto, a gessagem não se mostrou necessária para essas culturas.

  2. Características do comitê de auditoria: um estudo nas empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa = Characteristics of audit committee: a study in listed companies at BM&FBOVESPA

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    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou verificar as características de tamanho, independência e expertise dos comitês de auditoria das empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa nos anos de 2010 a 2013. Dentre as 407 empresas listadas na bolsa de valores, apenas 68 delas possuem comitê de auditoria devidamente formado em algum período analisado. O ano de 2013 apresentava 59 empresas com comitê de auditoria, o maior número encontrado, o que representa apenas 14,50% da população. Os principais resultados mostraram que em relação ao tamanho a maior parte obedece aos preceitos das práticas recomendadas, ou seja, possuem três membros participantes do comitê de auditoria. Contudo, as empresas apresentam práticas heterogêneas nessa característica. Existem tanto aquelas com apenas um ou dois membros como outras que possuem mais de seis membros. Em 2013 existiam 192 membros dos comitês de 59 empresas. Desses, 48 são engenheiros, 45 economistas, 41 administradores, 26 contadores e um auditor. De modo geral, conclui-se que a criação do comitê de auditoria ainda não é uma prática institucionalizada pelas empresas brasileiras e que se manifesta de formas distintas entre as organizações. The study aimed to verify the characteristics of size, independence and expertise of the audit committees of companies listed on the BM&FBovespa in 2010 to 2013. Among the 407 companies listed on the stock exchange, only 68 of them have audit committee trained in some period analyzed. The year 2013 had 59 companies with the audit committee, which is the largest number found, representing only 14.50% of the population. The main results showed that compared to most size complies with the precepts of best practices, have three participating members of the audit committee. However, companies have heterogeneous practices in this feature, existing both those with only one or two members as others that have more than six members. In 2013 there were 192 members of 59 committee

  3. Cloning and characterization of BmK86, a novel K+-channel blocker from scorpion venom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao, Xin; Cao, Zhijian; Yin, Shijin; Ma, Yibao; Wu, Yingliang; Li, Wenxin


    Scorpion venom represents a tremendous hitherto unexplored resource for understanding ion channels. BmK86 is a novel K + -channel toxin gene isolated from a cDNA library of Mesobuthus martensii Karsch, which encodes a signal peptide of 22 amino acid residues and a mature toxin of 35 residues with three disulfide bridges. The genomic sequence of BmK86 consists of two exons disrupted by an intron of 72 bp. Comparison with the other scorpion toxins BmK86 shows low sequence similarity. The GST-BmK86 fusion protein was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The fusion protein was cleaved by enterokinase and the recombinant BmK86 was purified by HPLC. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recording, the recombinant BmK86 was found to inhibit the potassium current of mKv1.3 channel expressed in COS7 cells. These results indicated that BmK86 belongs to a representative member of a novel subfamily of α-KTxs. The systematic number assigned to BmK86 is α-KTx26.1

  4. The impact of BeamCal performance at different international linear ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The ILC accelerator parameters and detector concepts are still under discussion in the world-wide community. As will be shown, the performance of the BeamCal, the calorimeter in the very forward area of the ILC detector, is very sensitive to the beam parameter and crossing angle choices. We propose here BeamCal ...

  5. Progress Report on an Ultra-compact LumiCal

    CERN Document Server

    Borysov, O


    A new design of a detector module of submillimeter thickness for an electromagnetic calorimeter is presented. It is aimed to be used in the luminometers LumiCal and BeamCal in future linear e+e− collider experiments. The module prototypes were produced utilizing novel connectivity schemes technologies. They are installed in a compact prototype of the calorimeter and tested at DESY with an electron beam of 1 GeV – 6 GeV. The performance of eight detector modules and the possibility of electron and photon identification is studied.

  6. Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE: Engaging Underrepresented Students in Physics and Astronomy (United States)

    Rudolph, Alexander L.; Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE Teams


    We describe two programs, Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE, with the common mission of increasing participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in astronomy, through summer research opportunities, in the case of CAMPARE, scholarships in the case of Cal-Bridge, and significant mentoring in both programs, creating a national impact on their numbers successfully pursuing a PhD in the field.In 8 years, the CAMPARE program has sent 112 students, >80% from underrepresented groups, to conduct summer research at one of 14 major research institutions throughout the country. Of the CAMPARE scholars who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, almost two-thirds (65%) have completed or are pursuing graduate education in physics, astronomy, or a related field, at institutions including UCLA, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, USC, Stanford, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Rochester, Michigan State Univ., Georgia Tech, Georgia State Univ., Kent State, Indiana Univ., Univ. of Oregon, Syracuse Univ., Montana State Univ., and the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD program.Now entering its fourth year, the Cal-Bridge program is a CSU-UC Bridge program comprised of >140 physics and astronomy faculty from 9 University of California (UC), 15 California State University (CSU), and 30 California Community College (CCC) campuses throughout California. In the first four years, 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars have been selected, including 22 Hispanic, 3 African-American and 13 women students, 10 of whom are from URM groups. Thirty (30) of the 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars are first generation college students. In the last two years, 11 of 13 Cal-Bridge Scholars have begun PhD programs in physics or astronomy at top PhD programs nationally. Three (3) of these 11 scholars have won NSF Graduate Research Fellowships; one more received an Honorable Mention. The next cohort applies this fall.Cal-Bridge provides much deeper mentoring and professional development experiences over the last


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    Débora Adiane Borges


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este trabalho objetivou analisar as condições térmicas dos blocos didáticos da Universidade Federal de Goiás, Regional Catalão. O conforto térmico foi avaliado pela ISO 7730 (ISO, 2005 por meio dos índices PMV e PPD e das prescrições da NR 17 (BRASIL, 1978, enquanto o estresse térmico foi avaliado pelo valor máximo do IBUTG conforme a NR 15 (BRASIL, 1978 e a NHO 06 (BRASIL, 2002. As medições foram realizadas na sala 301 do Bloco Didático 1 (BD1 utilizando-se um medidor de estresse térmico para medir o IBUTG e as temperaturas de bulbo seco, bulbo úmido e globo, usadas para determinar a temperatura efetiva e os índices PMV e PPD com o auxílio dos programas Grapsi v. 5.1 e Ladesys v. 1.0. A sala foi considerada desconfortável por calor principalmente na primavera e verão, enquanto no outono e inverno houve dias confortáveis para ela desocupada, sem garantir que permaneceria confortável quando cheia de alunos. Possíveis soluções para o problema seria a colocação de brises na fachada esquerda do BD1, arborização e instalação de climatizadores. As contribuições deste trabalho envolveram a análise do desconforto térmico em uma instituição de ensino e os possíveis impactos na produtividade, motivação por mais pesquisas na área e a citação de estratégias para amenizar o desconforto térmico. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the thermal conditions of the Education Center at the Federal University of Goiás, Regional Catalão. Thermal comfort was evaluated by ISO 7730 (ISO 2005 through of PMV and PPD indexes and the requirements of NR 17 (BRAZIL, 1978, while the thermal stress was evaluated by the WBGT maximum value according to NR 15 (BRAZIL, 1978 and NHO 06 (BRAZIL, 2002. Measurements were performed at classroom 301 of the Education Center 1 using a thermal stress meter to measure the WBGT and dry bulb temperature, wet bulb and globe, used to determine the effective temperature and PMV and PPD

  8. Molecular and enzymatic characterization of two enzymes BmPCD and BmDHPR involving in the regeneration pathway of tetrahydrobiopterin from the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Li, Wentian; Gong, Meixia; Shu, Rui; Li, Xin; Gao, Junshan; Meng, Yan


    Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor of aromatic amino acid hydroxylases and nitric oxide synthase so that BH4 plays a key role in many biological processes. BH4 deficiency is associated with numerous metabolic syndromes and neuropsychological disorders. BH4 concentration in mammals is maintained through a de novo synthesis pathway and a regeneration pathway. Previous studies showed that the de novo pathway of BH4 is similar between insects and mammals. However, knowledge about the regeneration pathway of BH4 (RPB) is very limited in insects. Several mutants in the silkworm Bombyx mori have been approved to be associated with BH4 deficiency, which are good models to research on the RPB in insects. In this study, homologous genes encoding two enzymes, pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase (PCD) and dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) involving in RPB have been cloned and identified from B. mori. Enzymatic activity of DHPR was found in the fat body of wild type silkworm larvae. Together with the transcription profiles, it was indicated that BmPcd and BmDhpr might normally act in the RPB of B. mori and the expression of BmDhpr was activated in the brain and sexual glands while BmPcd was expressed in a wider special pattern when the de novo pathway of BH4 was lacked in lemon. Biochemical analyses showed that the recombinant BmDHPR exhibited high enzymatic activity and more suitable parameters to the coenzyme of NADH in vitro. The results in this report give new information about the RPB in B. mori and help in better understanding insect BH4 biosynthetic networks. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Reduced incorporation of the influenza B virus BM2 protein in virus particles decreases infectivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, David; Zuercher, Thomas; Barclay, Wendy


    BM2 is the fourth integral membrane protein encoded by the influenza B virus genome. It is synthesized late in infection and transported to the plasma membrane from where it is subsequently incorporated into progeny virus particles. It has recently been reported that BM2 has ion channel activity and may be the functional homologue of the influenza A virus M2 protein acting as an ion channel involved in viral entry. Using a reverse genetic approach it was not possible to recover virus which lacked BM2. A recombinant influenza B virus was generated in which the BM2 AUG initiation codon was mutated to GUG. This decreased the efficiency of translation of BM2 protein such that progeny virions contained only 1/8 the amount of BM2 seen in wild-type virus. The reduction in BM2 incorporation resulted in a reduction in infectivity although there was no concomitant decrease in the numbers of virions released from the infected cells. These data imply that the incorporation of sufficient BM2 protein into influenza B virions is required for infectivity of the virus particles

  10. Bm91 is an envelope component of ODV but is dispensable for the propagation of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. (United States)

    Tang, Qi; Li, Guohui; Yao, Qin; Chen, Liang; Lv, Peng; Lian, Chaoqun; Chen, Keping


    Orf91 (Bm91) of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a highly conserved gene that encodes a predicted 105-amino-acid protein, but its function remains unknown. In the current study, 5'-RACE revealed that the transcription initiation site of Bm91 was - 12 nucleotides upstream of the start codon ATG, transcription of Bm91 was detected from 12 to 96 h postinfection (p.i.) and Bm91 protein was detected from 24 to 96 h p.i. in BmNPV-infected BmN cells. Furthermore, Western blot analysis revealed that Bm91 was in occlusion-derived virus (ODV) but not in budded virus (BV). To investigate the role of Bm91 in baculovirus life cycle, a Bm91-knockout virus was constructed by bacmid recombination in E. coli. Fluorescence and light microscopy showed that the production of BV and occlusion bodies (OBs) in Bm91-deficient-virus-infected BmN cells were similar to those in wild-type-virus-infected ones. Bioassay results showed that genetic deletion of Bm91 did not significantly affect BmNPV infectivity, but extended the median lethal time (LT50). Taken together, these results indicate that Bm91 is not essential for viral propagation in vitro, but absence of the gene may affect the virulence of ODVs in silkworm larvae. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Eficiência no uso dos nutrientes por espécies pioneiras crescidas em pastagens degradadas na Amazônia central Nutrient use efficiency for pioneer species grown on abandoned pastures in central Amazonia

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    Carlos E. M. Silva


    Full Text Available Nas últimas décadas, considerável parcela da floresta amazônica tem sido transformada em pastagens que, em função da baixa fertilidade natural dos solos e do manejo deficiente, decrescem rapidamente em produtividade e são abandonadas, dando lugar a uma sucessão secundária arbórea adaptada à baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi obter informações sobre a eficiência no uso dos nutrientes por espécies arbóreas freqüentes nesses ambientes degradados, após calagem e aplicação de fosfato. O experimento realizado numa área de sucessão secundária com seis anos de idade, consistiu na aplicação de quatro tratamentos: controle; aplicação de fósforo (P; aplicação de fósforo e calcário (P+Cal; e aplicação de fósforo, calcário e gesso (P+Cal+G. As determinações das taxas de fotossíntese, bem como as coletas de amostras de solo e de folhas foram realizadas oito meses após a aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação do corretivo e do fosfato favoreceu o desempenho das espécies nos tratamentos P+Cal e P+Cal+G. Bellucia grossularioides acumulou mais N, P e Zn, enquanto que Laetia procera acumulou mais Ca e Mn. Vismia japurensis foi a espécie mais eficiente no uso dos nutrientes, em função dos altos valores da taxa fotossintética; apresentou baixos teores foliares de P quando comparada com Bellucia grossularioides, sugerindo ser uma espécie bem adaptada a ambientes com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes, como ocorre em áreas degradadas na Amazônia.Large areas of Amazonian forest have been converted to pastures over the last two decades. Low soil fertility and mismanagement results in a rapid decline in net primary productivity leading the pastures to be abandoned, and woody vegetation adapted to low nutrient conditions colonize the areas. The objective of this study was to examine nutrient use efficiency, following liming (calcium and phosphorus addition by three of the most frequent

  12. Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) program computer software test plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pertzborn, N.F.


    This document provides the information and guidelines necessary to conduct all the required testing of the Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) system. The strategy and essential components for testing the WinCal System Project are described in this test plan. The purpose of this test plan is to provide the customer and performing organizations with specific procedures for testing the specified system's functions

  13. Bm59 is an early gene, but is unessential for the propagation and assembly of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. (United States)

    Hu, Xiaolong; Shen, Yunwang; Zheng, Qin; Wang, Guobao; Wu, Xiaofeng; Gong, Chengliang


    Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a major pathogen that specifically infects the domestic silkworm and causes serious economic loss to sericulture around the world. The function of BmNPV Bm59 gene in the viral life cycle is inconclusive. To investigate the role of Bm59 during viral infection, the transcription initiation site and temporal expression of Bm59 were analyzed, and Bm59-knockout virus was generated through homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. The results showed that Bm59 is an early transcription gene with an atypia early transcriptional start motif. Budded virion (BV) production and DNA replication in the BmN cells transfected with the Bm59-knockout virus bacmid were similar to those in the cells transfected with the wild-type virus. Electron microscopy revealed that the occlusion-derived virus can be produced in cells infected with the Bm59-knockout virus. These results indicated that Bm59 is an early gene and is not essential for viral replication or assembly of BmNPV. These findings suggested that non-essential gene (Bm59) remained in the viral genome, which may interact with other viral/host genes in a certain situation.

  14. Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE: Engaging Underrepresented Students in Physics and Astronomy (United States)

    Rudolph, Alexander L.; Smecker-Hane, Tammy A.; Cal-Bridge Team; CAMPARE Team


    We describe two programs, Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE, with the common mission of increasing participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in astronomy, through summer research opportunities, in the case of CAMPARE, scholarships in the case of Cal-Bridge, and significant mentoring in both programs, creating a national impact on their numbers successfully pursuing a PhD in the field. In 9 years, the CAMPARE program has sent 150 students, >80% from underrepresented groups, to conduct summer research at one of 14 major research institutions throughout the country. Of the CAMPARE scholars who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, almost two-thirds (65%) have completed or are pursuing graduate education in physics, astronomy, or a related field, at institutions including UCLA, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, USC, Stanford, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Rochester, Michigan State Univ., Georgia Tech, Georgia State Univ., Kent State, Indiana Univ., Univ. of Oregon, Syracuse Univ., Montana State Univ., and the Fisk- Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD program. Now in its fourth year, the Cal-Bridge program is a CSU-UC Bridge program comprised of physics and astronomy faculty from 9 University of California (UC), 15 California State University (CSU), and more than 30 California Community College (CCC) campuses throughout California. In the first four years, 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars have been selected, including 22 Hispanic, 3 African-American and 13 women students, 10 of whom are from URM groups. Thirty (30) of the 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars are first generation college students. In the last three years, 17 of 21 Cal-Bridge Scholars have begun or been accepted PhD programs in physics or astronomy at top PhD programs nationally. Three (3) of these scholars have won NSF Graduate Research Fellowships; one more received an Honorable Mention. Once selected, Cal-Bridge Scholars benefit from substantial financial support, intensive, joint mentoring by CSU

  15. CALS and the Product State Model - Methodology and Supporting Schools and Paradigms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Michael Holm


    incorporates relevant information about each stage of the production process.The paper will describe the research object, the model object and discuss a part of the methodology in developing a Product State Model. The project is primarily technological, however, organisational and human aspects......This paper address the preliminary considerations in a research project, initiated February 1997, regarding Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support (CALS) which is a part of the activities in CALS Center Denmark. The CALS concept is presented focusing on the Product State Model (PSM). The PSM...... will be developed upon, will be discussed. Also, the parameters for evaluating the PSM will be considered. In establishing the theoretical body of knowledge with respect to CALS, an identification of schools and paradigms within the research area of applying information technology in a manufacturing environment...

  16. BmDredd is an initiator caspase and participates in Emodin-induced apoptosis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Wang, La; Song, Juan; Bao, Xi-Yan; Chen, Peng; Yi, Hua-Shan; Pan, Min-Hui; Lu, Cheng


    The identification and analysis of the caspases is essential to research into apoptosis in lepidoptera insects. The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, is the model system for lepidopterans. In this study, we cloned and characterized a B. mori Dredd gene, BmDredd, the proposed insect homologue of human caspase-8, which encoded a polypeptide of 543 amino acids. BmDredd possesses a long N-terminal prodomain, a p20 domain, and a p10 domain. When transiently expressed in Escherichia coli cells, BmDredd underwent spontaneous cleavage and exhibited high proteolytic activity for caspase-8 substrate but relatively low for caspase-3 or -9 substrate. In addition, BmDredd induced apoptosis when transiently expressed in BmN-SWU1 cells, an ovarian cell line of B. mori. Moreover, after the treatment of Emodin, a novel apoptosis inducer, endogenous BmDredd expression level, the caspase-8 activity and the apoptotic rate increased notably in BmN-SWU1 cells. When BmDredd was subjected to interference in BmN-SWU1 cells and Emodin treatment, BmDredd expression levels decreased and the apoptotic rate also decreased significantly. These results suggest BmDredd is the homologue of human caspase-8 and plays a role in Emodin-induced apoptosis in BmN-SWU1 cells of B. mori. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Hedging with futures contracts in the Brazilian soybean complex: BM&F vs. CBOT

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    Andréia Regina O. da Silva


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the effectiveness of hedging Brazilian soy oil, soy meal, and soybeans in the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT and in the Brazilian Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F to reduce the risk of financial loss due to commodity price fluctuations. The econometric results show that a cross-hedging strategy using the BM&F soybean futures contract is an instrument of low effectiveness for managing soy oil and soy meal price risk. Despite low effectiveness, the estimates demonstrate total advantage for soy meal hedging operations using CBOT soy meal futures contracts rather than cross-hedging using BM&F soybean futures contracts. With some exceptions, the results are also more favorable for hedging soy oil with soy oil futures contracts at the CBOT rather than cross hedging with soybeans at the BM&F. Conversely, Brazilian traders hedging soybeans receive more effective risk protection by trading soybean futures contracts at the BM&F than by trading soybean futures contracts at the CBOT.

  18. Static and Dynamic Energetic Disorders in the C 60 , PC 61 BM, C 70 , and PC 71 BM Fullerenes

    KAUST Repository

    Tummala, Naga Rajesh


    We use a combination of molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations to investigate the energetic disorder in fullerene systems. We show that the energetic disorder evaluated from an ensemble average contains contributions of both static origin (time-independent, due to loose packing) and dynamic origin (time-dependent, due to electron-vibration interactions). In order to differentiate between these two contributions, we compare the results obtained from an ensemble average approach with those derived from a time average approach. It is found that in both amorphous C60 and C70 bulk systems, the degrees of static and dynamic disorder are comparable, while in the amorphous PC61BM and PC71BM systems, static disorder is about twice as large as dynamic disorder. © 2015 American Chemical Society.

  19. Pneumectomia utilizando sutura em bloco do hilo pulmonar por grampeador linear em cães Lung hilum pneumonectomy in dogs using linear stapler block suture

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    Afonso Akio Shiozaki


    Full Text Available A dissecção individualizada das estruturas do hilo pulmonar para execução de ressecções pulmonares nem sempre é de fácil execução. Nas operações vídeo-assistidas, as dificuldades de dissecção podem impedir a ressecção por essa via, obrigando o cirurgião a converter o procedimento operatório a aberto. As melhoras da qualidade técnica dos grampeadores cirúrgicos na década de 90 foram tão importantes que começam a surgir questionamentos quanto a sua possível eficiência na sutura em bloco das estruturas do hilo pulmonar, dispensando, assim, a dissecção individualizada de seus componentes, para a realização das ressecções. O objetivo de nosso trabalho foi verificar o efeito da sutura mecânica em bloco do hilo pulmonar. Realizamos pneumectomia em 12 cães machos, adultos, mestiços, com sutura simultânea do hilo pulmonar que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos com seis animais cada, observados até o 7º e 14 º dias de pós-operatório, obedecendo a protocolos experimentais previamente elaborados de verificação da macro e microscopia. A via de acesso foi a toracotomia lateral, realizada no animal anestesiado e mantido em ventilação controlada por ventilador mecânico. A sutura do hilo pulmonar em bloco foi realizada com somente um disparo do grampeador linear cortante de 60mm. Não houve a ocorrência de óbitos, deiscências de sutura ou fístulas arteriais ou venosas. Um animal apresentou abscesso no coto de amputação sem, entretanto, desenvolver fistulas ou deiscências nas suturas. A evolução pós-operatória foi considerada boa em 10 (83,3% dos animais e regular em 2 (16,7%, que apresentaram pequenos abscessos incisionais. Concluímos que esta técnica de sutura é viável, de rápida execução, apresenta bons resultados e necessita de estudos complementares que os corroborem.Individualized dissections of lung hilum structures to perform lung resections are not always easy. In video

  20. Morphological, structural and optical properties of MEH-PPV: PC70BM nanocomposite film (United States)

    Mhamdi, Asya; Sweii, Fatma ben Slama; Saidi, Hamza; Saidi, Faouzi; Bouazizi, Abdelaziz


    In this report, the influence of annealing temperature and spin coating speed on the structural and morphological properties of a blend of poly (2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl-oxy)-p-phenylene-vinylene) (MEH-PPV) and [6-6]-phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM) layer has been investigated. The photoactive layer (MEH-PPV: PC70BM) was deposited on ZnO film deposited on top of indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate by spin-coating. The effect of spin coating speed via atomic force microscope (AFM) leads to conclude that high speed is favorable for a good homogeneity of the film surface and good aggregates dispersion. The optimized structure was studied by varying the annealing temperatures using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD analysis indicates that annealing treatment promoted the ordered aggregation and crystallization of MEH-PPV: PC70BM films. Indeed, the blend ratio effect on the optical properties of MEH-PPV: PC70BM thin film was investigated. While, the effect of incorporation of PC70BM on the optical properties was studied using UV-Vis and photoluminescence (PL) measurement. We conclude that MEH-PPV: PC70BM (1:3) film leads to high charge transfer rate.

  1. Effects of BmCPV Infection on Silkworm Bombyx mori Intestinal Bacteria.

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    Zhenli Sun

    Full Text Available The gut microbiota has a crucial role in the growth, development and environmental adaptation in the host insect. The objective of our work was to investigate the microbiota of the healthy silkworm Bombyx mori gut and changes after the infection of B. mori cypovirus (BmCPV. Intestinal contents of the infected and healthy larvae of B. mori of fifth instar were collected at 24, 72 and 144 h post infection with BmCPV. The gut bacteria were analyzed by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. 147(135 and 113(103 genera were found in the gut content of the healthy control female (male larvae and BmCPV-infected female (male larvae, respectively. In general, the microbial communities in the gut content of healthy larvae were dominated by Enterococcus, Delftia, Pelomonas, Ralstonia and Staphylococcus, however the abundance change of each genus was depended on the developmental stage and gender. Microbial diversity reached minimum at 144 h of fifth instar larvae. The abundance of Enterococcus in the females was substantially lower and the abundance of Delftia, Aurantimonas and Staphylococcus was substantially higher compared to the males. Bacterial diversity in the intestinal contents decreased after post infection with BmCPV, whereas the abundance of both Enterococcus and Staphylococcus which belongs to Gram-positive were increased. Therefore, our findings suggested that observed changes in relative abundance was related to the immune response of silkworm to BmCPV infection. Relevance analysis of plenty of the predominant genera showed the abundance of the Enterococcus genus was in negative correlation with the abundance of the most predominant genera. These results provided insight into the relationship between the gut microbiota and development of the BmCPV-infected silkworm.

  2. Tratamento dos resíduos de gesso da construção e da demolição- RCD para a produção de gesso beta reciclado


    LIMA FILHO, Hilário Jorge Bezerra De


    O tratamento dos resíduos da construção e demolição (RCD) no Brasil é uma questão ambiental pouco explorada, refletindo numa evolução lenta no quesito sustentabilidade. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a calcinação dos resíduos de bloco de gesso utilizando o gás natural (GN) como combustível em forno rotativo piloto contínuo, para a produção de gesso beta reciclado. Para atingir estes objetivos foi realizado um planejamento de experimentos, uma técnica utilizada ...


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    Bruno Goes Pinheiro

    Full Text Available RESUMO As conexões políticas podem ser caracterizadas como relações entre empresas e políticos, em que as empresas procuram obter vantagens e os políticos geralmente buscam financiamento de campanha. Nesse contexto, o estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar a relação entre as conexões políticas das maiores empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa e seus respectivos desempenhos. Para tanto, foram analisados os dados de 132 companhias, utilizando-se estatística descritiva, teste de diferença entre médias, Análise de Correspondência (Anacor e Análise de Correspondência Múltipla (ACM. A conexão política de cada empresa foi representada pelo valor de sua doação para campanhas eleitorais de 2014, sendo o desempenho medido pelo Retorno sobre o Patrimônio Líquido (ROE. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos recursos doados para a campanha eleitoral de 2014 foi destinada à disputa pela Presidência da República e o Partido dos Trabalhadores foi a agremiação política que mais recebeu doações de campanha das empresas. A empresa JBS doou mais de 65% do total das contribuições efetuadas pelas empresas da amostra. O Ceará foi o estado que mais recebeu doações de empresas para as eleições de 2014. Amapá, Amazonas e Roraima foram os únicos estados em que os candidatos não receberam recursos para financiamento de campanhas eleitorais das empresas investigadas. A partir dos testes realizados, verificou-se não haver diferença de desempenho na comparação das empresas com conexões políticas com aquelas sem qualquer conexão política. Constatou-se uma associação entre altas conexões políticas e expressivo tamanho das empresas.

  4. Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus: expression and characterization of Bm86-CG in Pichia pastoris Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus: expressão e caracterização da Bm86-CG em Pichia pastoris

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    Rodrigo Casquero Cunha


    Full Text Available The cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus is responsible for great economic losses. It is mainly controlled chemically, with limitations regarding development of resistance to the chemicals. Vaccines may help control this parasite, thereby reducing tick pesticide use. In this light, we performed subcloning of the gene of the protein Bm86-GC, the homologue protein that currently forms the basis of vaccines (GavacTM and TickGardPLUS that have been developed against cattle ticks. The subcloning was done in the pPIC9 expression vector, for transformation in the yeast Pichia pastoris. This protein was characterized by expression of the recombinant Mut+ strain, which expressed greater quantities of protein. The expressed protein (rBm86-CG was recognized in the Western-blot assay using anti-Gavac, anti-TickGard, anti-larval extract and anti-rBm86-CG polyclonal sera. The serum produced in cattle vaccinated with the antigen CG rBm86 presented high antibody titers and recognized the native protein. The rBm86-GC has potential relevance as an immunogen for vaccine formulation against cattle ticks.O carrapato-do-boi Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus é responsável por grandes perdas econômicas. Seu controle é principalmente químico e apresenta limitações quanto ao desenvolvimento de resistência aos princípios ativos. As vacinas podem auxiliar no controle deste parasita diminuindo as aplicações de carrapaticidas. Considerando isso, foi realizada a subclonagem do gene da proteína Bm86-CG, proteína homologa a que atualmente é a base das vacinas desenvolvidas (GavacTM e TickGardPLUS contra o carrapato-do-boi, no vetor de expressão pPIC9, para ser transformado em levedura, Pichia pastoris. Esta proteína foi caracterizada pela expressão da cepa recombinante Mut+ que expressou maior quantidade de proteína. A proteína expressa, rBm86-CG, foi reconhecida no ensaio de Western-blot pelos soros policlonais anti-Gavac, anti-TickGard, anti

  5. BM61 of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus: its involvement in the egress of nucleocapsids from the nucleus. (United States)

    Shen, Hongxing; Chen, Keping


    All lepidopteran baculovirus genomes sequenced encode a homolog of the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus orf61 gene (Bm61). To determine the role of Bm61 in the baculoviral life cycle, we constructed a Bm61 knockout virus and characterized it in cells. We observed that the Bm61 deletion bacmid led to a defect in production of infectious budded virus (BV). Quantitative PCR analysis of BV in the media culturing the transfected cell indicated that BV was not produced due to Bm61 deletion. Electron microscope analysis showed that in the knockout of Bm61, nucleocapsids were not transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. From these results we concluded that BM61 is required in the BV pathway for the egress of nucleocapsids from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Copyright © 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. LumiCal alignment system - Status report

    CERN Document Server

    Daniluk, W.; Lesiak, T.; Moszczyński, A.; Pawlik, B.; Wojtoń, T.; Zawiejski, L.


    The paper describes the status of the laser-based alignment-system for the luminosity detector, LumiCal, taking into considerations the conditions of the International Large Detector in the International Linear Collider project. The design of the system comprises two parts: the first one containing semi-transparent silicon sensors used to deliver simultaneous position measurements in the X,Y directions of the monitored object, and the second one in which the interferometric technique, i.e. the Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI), is proposed. Two laboratory prototypes for both components of the system were built and the preliminary measurements of the DUT displacements demonstrated their utility in the design of the final alignment system. The alignment of the LumiCal detector will allow us to monitor the detector displacements and possible deformations in its internal structure. Lack of information of the displacements will introduce a systematic effect which will have an impact on the accuracy of the fi...

  7. O estudo da prova calórica em pacientes idoso The study of caloric testing in senior patients

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    Débora Cristina de Oliveira Bezerra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: realizar o estudo da prova calórica em pacientes idosos com queixa de tontura, acompanhada ou não de zumbido com finalidade de traçar um perfil dos idosos quanto os sintomas vestibulares. MÉTODOS: fizeram parte da amostra 143 pacientes, com faixa etária variando de 60 a 90 anos de idade; todos realizaram o exame otoneurológico. Foram excluídos pacientes idosos com queixa de desequilíbrio e aqueles que apresentaram a queixa de zumbido desacompanhado da tontura. RESULTADOS: o estudo demonstrou que a normorreflexia, em valores absolutos, encontra-se entre 82,3% a 91,2% e os valores relativos são de 93%. Referente aos dados colhidos na anamnese, o que chamou a atenção, foi que do total de pacientes analisados, encontrou-se a tontura acompanhada de zumbido em 69% dos casos e o elevado uso de medicação em pacientes nesta faixa etária. CONCLUSÃO: na população estudada houve um predomínio da tontura acompanhada de zumbido. Em relação à prova calórica, o trabalho demonstrou a alta prevalência de pacientes com valores absolutos e relativos normais.PURPOSE: to accomplish the study of caloric testing in senior patients with dizziness, accompanied or not of with buzzing. METHODS: 143 patients were analyzed with age varying from 60 to 90 years; all of them did an otoneurologic evaluation. Senior patients with unbalance complaints and with buzzing unaccompanied with dizziness were excluded from this study. RESULTS: 82.3% to 91.2% of the patients obtained normoreflexia in absolute values and over 93% obtained normal results in relative values. Referring to the data obtained in the anamnesis, what got attention was 69% of dizziness accompanied with buzzing. And the high medication of the patients in this age group. CONCLUSION: there was a prevalence of dizziness accompanied with buzzing in the studied population. Concerning the caloric testing, the study demonstrated the high prevalence of patients with normal absolute and

  8. A Novel TetR Family Transcriptional Regulator, CalR3, Negatively Controls Calcimycin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces chartreusis NRRL 3882

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lixia Gou


    Full Text Available Calcimycin is a unique ionophoric antibiotic that is widely used in biochemical and pharmaceutical applications, but the genetic basis underlying the regulatory mechanisms of calcimycin biosynthesis are unclear. Here, we identified the calR3 gene, which encodes a novel TetR family transcriptional regulator and exerts a negative effect on calcimycin biosynthesis. Disruption of calR3 in Streptomyces chartreusis NRRL 3882 led to significantly increased calcimycin and its intermediate cezomycin. Gene expression analysis showed that the transcription of calR3 and its adjacent calT gene were dramatically enhanced (30- and 171-fold, respectively in GLX26 (ΔcalR3 mutants compared with the wild-type strains. Two CalR3-binding sites within the bidirectional calR3-calT promoter region were identified using a DNase I footprinting assay, indicating that CalR3 directly repressed the transcription of its own gene and the calT gene. In vitro electrophoretic mobility shift assays suggested that both calcimycin and cezomycin can act as CalR3 ligands to induce CalR3 to dissociate from its binding sites. These findings indicate negative feedback for the regulation of CalR3 in calcimycin biosynthesis and suggest that calcimycin production can be improved by manipulating its biosynthetic machinery.

  9. Data Management Standards in Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) (United States)

    Jefferson, David K.


    Viewgraphs and discussion on data management standards in computer-aided acquisition and logistic support (CALS) are presented. CALS is intended to reduce cost, increase quality, and improve timeliness of weapon system acquisition and support by greatly improving the flow of technical information. The phase 2 standards, industrial environment, are discussed. The information resource dictionary system (IRDS) is described.

  10. The fixed target experiment for studies of baryonic matter at the Nuclotron (BM rate at N)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kapishin, Mikhail [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region (Russian Federation)


    BM rate at N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment to be realized at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron. The aim of the BM rate at N experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy-ion beams with fixed targets. The BM rate at N setup, results of Monte Carlo simulations and the BM rate at N experimental program are presented. (orig.)

  11. Earth's crust and heat flow in the Fossa Brandanica, Southern Italy. [0. 4 to 2. 2. mu. cal/cm/sup 2//sec

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mongelli, F; Ricchetti, G


    A detailed study has been made of the Fossa Bradanica by means of seven shallow boreholes drilled in the clays. The observed gradients together with the results of in-situ thermal conductivity measurements indicate the heat flow as being between 0.4 and 2.2 2/ . sec. The influence of geographic and geological factors is discussed. The results obtained are not incompatible with crustal structures indicated by other geophysical methods.

  12. IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years cal BP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reimer, Paula J.; Bard, Edouard; Bayliss, Alex; Beck, J. Warren; Blackwell, Paul G.; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Buck, Caitlin E.; Cheng, Hai; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Friedrich, Michael; Grootes, Pieter M.; Guilderson, Thomas P.; Haflidason, Haflidi; Hajdas, Irka; Hatté, Christine; Heaton, Timothy J.; Hoffmann, Dirk L.; Hogg, Alan G.; Hughen, Konrad A.; Kaiser, K. Felix; Kromer, Bernd; Manning, Sturt W.; Niu, Mu; Reimer, Ron W.; Richards, David A.; Scott, E. Marian; Southon, John R.; Staff, Richard A.; Turney, Christian S.M.; Plicht, Johannes van der; Reimer, Paula J.


    The IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon calibration curves have been revised utilizing newly available and updated data sets from C-14 measurements on tree rings, plant macrofossils, speleothems, corals, and foraminifera. The calibration curves were derived from the data using the random walk model

  13. HyperCAL3D, uma ferramenta computacional para o apoio do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de geometria descritiva

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    Fábio Gonçalves Teixeira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta o HyperCAL3D, um aplicativo de apoio ao ensino de Geometria Descritiva, através do estudo de objetos sólidos. São descritas a metodologia utilizada para a sua implementação e as principais funcionalidades do aplicativo. Foi realizada uma seleção de conceitos a fim de determinar a estrutura funcional que o software deveria atender. A partir disso, foram modeladas as principais funcionalidades através de processos de Geometria vetorial equivalentes aos utilizados na Geometria Descritiva. Dentre as principais funcionalidades apresentadas destacam-se: o processo de projeção, a representação de linhas ocultas no modelo tridimensional e nas projeções, vistas auxiliares sucessivas em tempo real e em 3D, representação em épura e o processo de interseção. Todas estas ferramentas são implementadas em um aplicativo que auxilia o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos e os procedimentos didáticos dos professores.

  14. Droplet activation properties of organic aerosols observed at an urban site during CalNex-LA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mei, Fan [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton New York USA; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland Washington USA; Hayes, Patrick L. [Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder Colorado USA; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado USA; Ortega, Amber [Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder Colorado USA; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado USA; Taylor, Jonathan W. [School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester UK; Allan, James D. [School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester UK; National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester, Manchester UK; Gilman, Jessica [NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder Colorado USA; Kuster, William [NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder Colorado USA; de Gouw, Joost [NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder Colorado USA; Jimenez, Jose L. [Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder Colorado USA; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado USA; Wang, Jian [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton New York USA


    Size-resolved cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) spectra and aerosol chemical composition were characterized at an urban supersite in Pasadena, California, from 15 May to 4 June 2010, during the CalNex campaign. The derived hygroscopicity (κCCN) of CCN-active particles with diameter between 97 and 165 nm ranged from 0.05 to 0.4. Diurnal variation showed a slight decrease of κCCN from 8:00 to 16:00 (from 0.24 to 0.20), which is attributed to increasing organics volume fraction resulted from secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. The derived hygroscopicity distribution and maximum activated fraction of the size selected particles were examined as functions of photochemical age. The result indicates that condensation of secondary species (e.g., SOA and sulfate) quickly converted hydrophobic particles to hydrophilic ones, and during daytime, nearly every particle became a CCN at ~0.4% in just a few hours. Based on κCCN and aerosol chemical composition, the organic hygroscopicity (κorg) was derived, and ranged from 0.05 to 0.23 with an average value of 0.13, consistent with the results from earlier studies. The derived κorg generally increased with the organic oxidation level, and most of the variation in κorg could be explained by the variation of the organic O : C atomic ratio alone. The least squares fit of the data yielded κorg = (0.83 ± 0.06) × (O:C) + (-0.19 ± 0.02). Compared to previous results based on CCN measurements of laboratory generated aerosols, κorg derived from measurements during the CalNex campaign exhibited stronger increase with O : C atomic ratio and therefore substantially higher values for organics with average O : C greater than 0.5.

  15. Tests with beam setup of the TileCal Phase-II upgrade electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Hlaluku, Dingane Reward; The ATLAS collaboration


    The LHC has planned a series of upgrades culminating in the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) which will have an average luminosity 5-7 times larger than the nominal Run-2 value. The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) will undergo an upgrade to accommodate to the HL-LHC parameters. The TileCal electronics both on- and off-detector will be completely redesigned and a new readout architecture will be adopted. The photomultiplier signals will be digitised and transferred to the TileCal PreProcessors (PPr) located off-detector for every bunch crossing. Then, the PPr will provide preprocessed digital data to the first level trigger with improved spatial granularity and energy resolution with respect to the current analog trigger signals. We plan to insert one TileCal module instrumented with the new electronics in the real detector to evaluate and qualify the new readout and trigger concepts in the overall ATLAS data acquisition system. This new drawer, so-called Hybrid Demonstrator, must provide analog trigger signal fo...

  16. ' "~w.ith ~a'~nd"Atypz'cal Features

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    }? While there have been reports of ' this syndrome from ' Ibadan,' the exact incidence 1\\_Iigeria is It probably rare but it is alsoylikely that 'some. cases are missed in chm', 'cal due to poor awareness -and constraints' '.

  17. COST BM0607

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jong, M. de


    COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. COST contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments and opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide. COST is specifically designed to network researchers mainly within the European Union that work on a specific topic. This COST BM0607 Action on cancer therapy using innovative targeting nanomedicines is highly multidisciplinary: nuclear medicine physicians, clinical oncologists, surgeons, physicists, radiobiologists, (in)organic chemists, radiochemists, radiopharmacists, pathologists and scientists from biomics participate in it. They define innovative new targets for cancer therapy, develop lead compounds and new radiolabelled ligands as vectors, perform molecular imaging and biologic testing, develop improved software and protocols for dosimetric calculations and select new vectors for early human use. Within the COST BM0607 more than 100 scientists from 21 countries are participating to work within 5 different working groups. Working group 1 works on the establishment of Database on Molecular Targets for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy, working group 2 deals with the development and improvement of chemistry related to new molecules for targeted radionuclide therapy. Working group 3 is dedicated to dosimetry aspects, whereas working group 4 tries to optimize the use of new radionuclides for therapy from cyclotron, reactor and generator production. Finally, working group 5 has the aim to bring together research related to pharmacology and small animal imaging with new tracers for targeted radionuclide therapy. COST thereby organizes annual meetings of the whole group and in between dedicated meetings of the working groups. Besides organizing meetings one aim of COST is additionally to promote young researchers where short term scientific missions (STSM) are

  18. The Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) ODV-E56 envelope protein is also a per os infectivity factor. (United States)

    Xiang, Xingwei; Chen, Lin; Guo, Aiqin; Yu, Shaofang; Yang, Rui; Wu, Xiaofeng


    The Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) odv-e56 gene is a late gene and encodes an occlusion-derived virus (ODV)-specific envelope protein, ODV-E56. To determine its role in the BmNPV life cycle, an odv-e56 null virus, BmE56D, was constructed through homologous recombination. A repaired virus was also constructed, named BmE56DR. The production of budded virion (BV) and polyhedra, the replication of viral DNA, and the morphological of infected BmN cells were analyzed, revealing no significant difference among the BmE56D, the wild-type (WT), and the BmE56DR virus. Larval bioassays demonstrated that injection of BmE56D BV into the hemocoel could kill B. mori larvae as efficiently as repaired and WT viruses, however BmE56D was unable to infect the B. mori larvae when inoculated per os. Thus, these results indicated that ODV-E56 envelope protein of BmNPV is also a per os infectivity factor (PIF), but is not essential for virus replication. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Fernando Maciel Ramos


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo é verificar o impacto do processo de convergência às IFRS no grau de intangibilidade de empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. O universo da pesquisa é composto pelas companhias brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa. A amostra final compreendeu 904 observações no período de 2006 a 2012. Foi testada, por meio de Regressão de Dados em Painel, a relação entre o grau de intangibilidade das empresas e as variáveis total do ativo e patrimônio líquido, ROA, ROE, preço das ações e ativo intangível, além de duas dummies para capturar os efeitos dos períodos pré e pós-IFRS. Os resultados apontam uma influência negativa da adoção das IFRS sobre o grau de intangibilidade (GI das entidades analisadas, embora não significativa. A redução no GI indica que o patrimônio líquido contábil está mais próximo do valor de mercado das empresas analisadas após a adoção das IFRS. Conclui-se, assim, que há indícios de uma tendência de melhoria da qualidade da informação contábil com o processo de convergência às IFRS.

  20. Computer-aided acquisition and logistics support (CALS): Concept of Operations for Depot Maintenance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, N.C.; Greer, D.K.


    This CALS Concept of Operations for Depot Maintenance provides the foundation strategy and the near term tactical plan for CALS implementation in the depot maintenance environment. The user requirements enumerated and the overarching architecture outlined serve as the primary framework for implementation planning. The seamless integration of depot maintenance business processes and supporting information systems with the emerging global CALS environment will be critical to the efficient realization of depot user's information requirements, and as, such will be a fundamental theme in depot implementations.

  1. Síntese e caracterização de poliuretanos segmentados contendo blocos de peso molecular controlado: parte 1 preparação e caracterização dos materiais Synthesis and characterization of segmented polyurethanes containing blocks of controlled molecular weight: 1. Materials preparation and characterization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. L. Almeida


    Full Text Available Um novo método de síntese de poliuretanos segmentados foi desenvolvido, no qual segmentos de características bem definidas foram preparados separadamente e acoplados em uma etapa seguinte. O segmento flexível (SS foi preparado a partir da reação entre glicol polipropilênico comercial de peso molecular 3800 e diisocianato de 1,6 hexametileno (HDI. O peso molecular destes blocos variou de acordo com a razão NCO/OH usada nas sínteses, que foi sempre maior do que a unidade, fornecendo blocos com terminação NCO. O HDI não reagido foi removido à vácuo (10-6-10-8mbar. O peso molecular dos produtos SS foi determinado por GPC. O segmento rígido (HS foi preparado a partir da reação de HDI e 1,4 butanodiol (BDO usando-se razão NCO/OH igual à unidade. Ao término desta reação os produtos foram funcionalizados pela adição de um excesso de BDO, fornecendo segmentos com terminação -OH. O BDO não reagido foi removido por extração com solvente. O peso molecular dos produtos correspondentes aos segmentos HS foi determinado através da técnica de dessorção à laser (MALDI - Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption. O acoplamento dos segmentos flexíveis com os rígidos fornecendo os produtos SPU foi feito em solução de DMF. Um poliuretano convencional foi preparado pela técnica em duas etapas (produto PU para comparação de efeitos estrutura-propriedades. A espectroscopia no infravermelho foi usada com o intuito de se observar diferenças em interações intermoleculares referentes aos produtos PU e SPU, mas estas diferenças só foram acessíveis através de estudos morfológicos que serão publicados em continuação a este estudo.A new method for segmented polyurethanes synthesis (SPU was developed, in which segments of well-defined characteristics were prepared separately and coupled together in a further step. The soft segment was prepared from the reaction of commercially available anionic polyol-polyether, with an average

  2. Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) system configuration control board (SCCB) operating procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westsik, G.A.


    This document describes the operating procedure for the System Configuration Control Board (SCCB) performed in support of the Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) system. This board will consist of representatives from Babcock and Wilcox Hanford Company Babcock and Wilcox Protec, Inc.; and Lockheed Martin Services, Inc. In accordance with agreements for the joint use of the Babcock and Wilcox Hanford Company calorimeters located in the Hanford Site Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) Nondestructive Assay Laboratory, concurrence regarding changes to the WinCal system will be obtained from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Further, changes to the WinCal software will be communicated to Los Alamos National Laboratory

  3. Genotoxic potential of BM-21, an aqueous-ethanolic extract from Thalassia testudinum marine plant.

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    Yadira Ansoar


    Full Text Available Context: BM-21 is a hydro-ethanolic extract obtained from the leaves of Thalassia testudinum marine plant, which is rich in polyphenols, and it has demonstrated antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective and neuroprotective properties. Aims: To investigate the genotoxicity potential of BM-21. Methods: Salmonella typhimurium Hist. – strains were used in the pointmutation test and Escherichia coli cells were used in SOS response test. DNA primary damage was tested in hepatocytes of mice treated with oral dose of the extract (2000 mg/kg. Bone marrow micronucleus assay was used in mice to detect clastogenic damage while serum from the same animals was used to determine MDA levels in order to find out the influence of BM-21 on lipid peroxidation. Positive and negative controls were included in all experimental series. Results: BM-21 did not increase the frequency of reverse mutations in the Ames test, and it did not induce primary damage in E. coli. Comet assay showed that 2 000 mg/kg of BM-21 induced single strand breaks or alkali-labile sites in the hepatocytes from the treated mice. However, no increase in the micronucleus frequency was observed in mice polychromatic erythrocytes and significantly reduced MDA levels were detected. Conclusions: BM-21 was neither mutagenic nor induces DNA damage to prokaryotic cells. Although, it increased DNA strand breaks in vivo, this one was not translated into clastogenic damage to the whole organism. Results suggested that BM-21 was not mutagenic or genotoxic under our experimental conditions.

  4. Analysis of the oxidation of short chain alkynes by flavocytochrome P450 BM3. (United States)

    Waltham, Timothy N; Girvan, Hazel M; Butler, Christopher F; Rigby, Stuart R; Dunford, Adrian J; Holt, Robert A; Munro, Andrew W


    Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3 (BM3) is a high activity fatty acid hydroxylase, formed by the fusion of soluble cytochrome P450 and cytochrome P450 reductase modules. Short chain (C6, C8) alkynes were shown to be substrates for BM3, with productive outcomes (i.e. alkyne hydroxylation) dependent on position of the carbon-carbon triple bond in the molecule. Wild-type P450 BM3 catalyses ω-3 hydroxylation of both 1-hexyne and 1-octyne, but is suicidally inactivated in NADPH-dependent turnover with non-terminal alkynes. A F87G mutant of P450 BM3 also undergoes turnover-dependent heme destruction with the terminal alkynes, pointing to a key role for Phe87 in controlling regioselectivity of alkyne oxidation. The terminal alkynes access the BM3 heme active site led by the acetylene functional group, since hydroxylated products are not observed near the opposite end of the molecules. For both 1-hexyne and 1-octyne, the predominant enantiomeric product formed (up to ∼90%) is the (S)-(-)-1-alkyn-3-ol form. Wild-type P450 BM3 is shown to be an effective oxidase catalyst of terminal alkynes, with strict regioselectivity of oxidation and potential biotechnological applications. The absence of measurable octanoic or hexanoic acid products from oxidation of the relevant 1-alkynes is also consistent with previous studies suggesting that removal of the phenyl group in the F87G mutant does not lead to significant levels of ω-oxidation of alkyl chain substrates.

  5. Bm86 midgut protein sequence variation in South Texas cattle fever ticks

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    Kammlah Diane M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cattle fever ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus and R. (B. annulatus, vector bovine and equine babesiosis, and have significantly expanded beyond the permanent quarantine zone established in South Texas. Currently, there are no vaccines approved for use within the United States for controlling these vectors. Vaccines developed in Australia and Cuba based on the midgut antigen Bm86 have variable efficacy against cattle fever ticks. A possible explanation for this variation in vaccine efficacy is amino acid sequence divergence between the recombinant Bm86 vaccine component and native Bm86 expressed in ticks from different geographical regions of the world. Results There was 91.8% amino acid sequence identity in Bm86 among R. microplus and R. annulatus sequenced from South Texas infestations. When South Texas isolates were compared to the Australian Yeerongpilly and Cuban Camcord vaccine strains, there was 89.8% and 90.0% identity, respectively. Most of the sequence divergence was focused in one region of the protein, amino acids 206-298. Hydrophilicity profiles revealed that two short regions of Bm86 (amino acids 206-210 and 560-570 appear to be more hydrophilic in South Texas isolates compared to vaccine strains. Only one amino acid difference was found between South Texas and vaccine strains within two previously described B-cell epitopes. A total of 4 amino acid differences were observed within three peptides previously shown to induce protective immune responses in cattle. Conclusions Sequence differences between South Texas isolates and Yeerongpilly and Camcord strains are spread throughout the entire Bm86 sequence, suggesting that geographic variation does exist. Differences within previously described B-cell epitopes between South Texas isolates and vaccine strains are minimal; however, short regions of hydrophilic amino acids found unique to South Texas isolates suggest that additional unique surface exposed

  6. Recuperación de morteros romanos de cal y chamota en aplicaciones actuales


    González Cortina, Mariano


    La tesis se fundamenta en la utilización de residuos de fábricas cerámicas para su aprovechamiento y reutilización mediante una trituración, para posteriormente mezclarlos con cal aérea y obtener así un conglomerante capaz de fraguar, endurecer y adquirir resistencias tanto al aire como sumergido en agua. La cal, como conglomerante hidráulico, no se fabrica actualmente en España debido al uso de los cementos Pórtland. Sin embargo, las propiedades que tienen los morteros realizados con cal, co...

  7. CALS Baseline Architecture Analysis of Weapons System. Technical Information: Army, Draft. Volume 8 (United States)


    This effort was performed to provide a common framework for analysis and planning of CALS initiatives across the military services, leading eventually to the development of a common DoD-wide architecture for CALS. This study addresses Army technical ...

  8. Uso de fibra natural de sisal em blocos de concreto para alvenaria estrutural


    Indara Soto Izquierdo


    A utilização de fibras vegetais como reforço constitui um grande interesse na obtenção de novos materiais para a construção civil produto de seu baixo custo, alta disponibilidade e reduzido consumo de energia para sua produção. Este trabalho avalia a incorporação de fibras de sisal, de comprimento 20 e 40 mm, e fração volumétrica de 0,5 e 1%, em concretos para a alvenaria de blocos estruturais e determina o uso destas unidades na execução de prismas e mini-paredes. Foram realizados os testes ...

  9. Níveis de Treonina em Rações para Leitões dos 6 aos 15 kg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigues Nair Elizabeth Barreto


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados 75 suínos com peso inicial médio de 5,8 ± 0,4 kg, com o objetivo de avaliar níveis de treonina em rações para leitões com alto potencial genético para deposição de carne magra dos 6 aos 15 kg. Foi usado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos (níveis de treonina, cinco repetições e três animais por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos corresponderam a uma ração basal com 18% PB e 1,108% lisina total, suplementada com cinco níveis de L-treonina, resultando em dietas com níveis de 0,682; 0,732; 0,782; 0,832; e 0,883% de treonina total. Observou-se variação quadrática para ganho de peso diário (GDP, que aumentou até o nível de 0,77%, e para consumo de ração (CR, que aumentou até o nível estimado de 0,73%. Os níveis de treonina também influenciaram de forma quadrática a conversão alimentar (CA, que melhorou até o nível de 0,82%. A relação da lisina digestível verdadeira:treonina digestível verdadeira, no nível que proporcionou os melhores resultados de CA, correspondeu a 100:73. Concluiu-se que leitões com alto potencial genético para carne magra dos 6 aos 15 kg exigem 0,77% de treonina total na ração para máximo ganho de peso e 0,82% para melhor conversão alimentar.

  10. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)Database (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This database contains icthyoplankton data collected as part of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program and other cruises...

  11. CryoSat/SIRAL Cal1 Calibration Orbits (United States)

    Scagliola, Michele; Fornari, Marco; Bouffard, Jerome; Parrinello, Tommaso


    The main payload of CryoSat is a Ku band pulsewidth limited radar altimeter, called SIRAL (Synthetic interferometric radar altimeter), that transmits pulses at a high pulse repetition frequency thus making the received echoes phase coherent and suitable for SAR processing. This allows to reach an along track resolution that is significantly improved with respect to traditional pulse-width limited altimeters. Due to the fact that SIRAL is a phase coherent pulse-width limited radar altimeter, a proper calibration approach has been developed. In fact, not only corrections for transfer function, gain and instrument path delay have to be computed (as in previous altimeters), but also corrections for phase (SAR/SARIn) and phase difference between the two receiving chains (SARIN only). Recalling that the CryoSat's orbit has a high inclination of 92° and it is non-sun-synchronous, the temperature of the SIRAL changes continuously along the orbit with a period of about 480 days and it is also function of the ascending/descending passes. By analysis of the CAL1 calibration corrections, it has been verified that the internal path delay and the instrument gain variation measured on the SIRAL are affected by the thermal status of the instrument and as a consequence they are expected to vary along the orbit. In order to gain knowledge on the calibration corrections (i.e. the instrument behavior) as function of latitude and temperature, it has been planned to command a few number of orbits where only CAL1 calibration acquisitions are continuously performed. The analysis of the CAL1 calibration corrections produced along the Calibration orbits can be also useful to verify whether the current calibration plan is able to provide sufficiently accurate corrections for the instrument acquisitions at any latitude. In 2016, the CryoSat/SIRAL Cal1 Calibration Orbits have been commanded two times, a first time the 20th of July 2016 and a second time the 24th of November 2016, and they

  12. Production of Brugia malayi BmSXP Recombinant Protein Expressed in Escherichia coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khoo, T. K.


    Full Text Available A rapid antibody detection test is very useful for detection of lymphatic filariasis, especially for certification and surveillance of post-mass drug administration. One such kit, panLF RapidTM (commercialized by Malaysian BioDiagnostic Research Sdn. Bhd. had been developed in our laboratory for the detection of all species of filarial infections. It is based on the detection of anti-filarial IgG4 antibodies that react with recombinant Brugia malayi antigens, BmR1 and BmSXP. In this study, the growth of recombinant bacteria that produce BmSXP was optimized under shake flask fermentation for high yield of the recombinant antigen. The optimizations involved selection of suitable growth medium, IPTG concentration and induction time. The medium that yielded the highest biomass as well as total protein was Terrific Broth (TB medium, which is an undefined medium. Initiation of induction of protein expression was found to be best at mid-log phase (OD600 = 1.5, with IPTG concentration of 1.0 mM, and harvest time at 9 h post-induction. This study showed that under the optimized conditions, the shake flask culture produced 4 g/L biomass (dry cell weight of recombinant Escherichia coli BmSXP/pPROEXHTa/TOP10F’, which yielded 2.42 mg/L of purified BmSXP recombinant antigen. The purified antigen was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and the antigenicity of protein was confirmed by Western blot.

  13. Laser measurement of the LumiCal detector displacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blocki, J.; Daniluk, W.; Gil, M.; Karbowiak, M.; Moszczynski, A.; Oliwa, K.; Pawlik, B.; Wierba, W.; Zawiejski, L.; Slominski, W.; Suszycki, L.


    The silicon-tungsten calorimeter LumiCal, located in very forward region of the future detector at the International Linear Collider, is proposed for precisely luminosity measurement. One of the requirements to fulfil this task is available information on the actual position of the calorimeter relative to the beam interaction area which should be known with accuracy of a few micrometers. In this paper we discuss the possible solutions for the positioning of the LumiCal electron detector by optical method. The results of the displacement measurement using a laser beam and a CCD camera are described. The measurements were performed on a proof-of-principle basis and achieved the accuracy of about ± 1 μm in x, y and ± μm in z direction. (author)

  14. Denoising imaging polarimetry by adapted BM3D method. (United States)

    Tibbs, Alexander B; Daly, Ilse M; Roberts, Nicholas W; Bull, David R


    In addition to the visual information contained in intensity and color, imaging polarimetry allows visual information to be extracted from the polarization of light. However, a major challenge of imaging polarimetry is image degradation due to noise. This paper investigates the mitigation of noise through denoising algorithms and compares existing denoising algorithms with a new method, based on BM3D (Block Matching 3D). This algorithm, Polarization-BM3D (PBM3D), gives visual quality superior to the state of the art across all images and noise standard deviations tested. We show that denoising polarization images using PBM3D allows the degree of polarization to be more accurately calculated by comparing it with spectral polarimetry measurements.

  15. Apoptosis of human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell (CAL-27 induced by Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites

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    Guoliang ZHANG


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the effect of Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites on viability of CAL-27 cells and apoptosis in CAL-27 cells. Methods: Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites 1 and 2 (LM1 and LM2 were obtained by culturing Lactobacillus sp. A-2 in reconstituted whey medium and whey-inulin medium; the cultured CAL-27 cells were treated with different concentrations of LM1 and LM2 (0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 mg/mL and assayed by methyl thiazolyltetrazolium (MTT method; morphological changes of apoptotic cell were observed under fluorescence microscopy by acridine orange (Ao fluorescent staining; flow cytometry method (FCM and agarose gel electrophoresis were used to detect the apoptosis of CAL-27 cells treated LM1 and LM2. Results: The different concentrations of LM1 and LM2 could restrain the growth of CAL-27 cells, and in a dose-dependent manner; the apoptosis of CAL-27 cells was obviously induced and was time-dependent. Conclusions: Viability of CAL-27 cells was inhibited by Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites; Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites could induce CAL-27 cells apoptosis; study on the bioactive compounds in the Lactobacillus sp. A-2 metabolites and their molecular mechanism is in progress.

  16. Lambda polarization feasibility study at BM@N

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    Suvarieva Dilyna


    In this analysis, the possibility to measure at BM@N the polarization of the lightest strange hyperon Λ is studied in Monte Carlo event samples produced with the DCM-QGSM generator. It is shown that the detector will allow to measure Λ polarization with a precision required to check the model predictions.

  17. Expressão citofotométrica dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e fator VIII no câncer de cólon


    Garcia,Cacilda Joyce Ferreira da Silva; Cuenca,Ronaldo M.; Bora,Fabio Roberto; Ribas-Filho,Jurandir Marcondes; Czeczko,Nicolau Gregori; Ribas,Carmen Austrália Paredes Marcondes; Wagenführ Jr.,Jorge


    OBJETIVOS: Verificar a posssibilidade de quantificar a expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e Fator VIII no câncer de cólon; verificar se existe superioridade entre um marcador e outro para estudo da angiogênese; verificar se há correlação na análise do índice de marcagem e a densidade óptica média nos marcadores utilizados. MÉTODOS: Dezessete casos de adenocarcinoma colorretal recuperados de blocos de parafina e confirmados pela hematoxilina-eosina, foram submetidos à coloração imunoistoq...

  18. BmICE-2 is a novel pro-apoptotic caspase involved in apoptosis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Yi, Hua-Shan; Pan, Cai-Xia; Pan, Chun; Song, Juan; Hu, Yan-Fen; Wang, La; Pan, Min-Hui; Lu, Cheng


    In this study we identified a potential pro-apoptotic caspase gene, Bombyx mori(B. mori)ICE-2 (BmICE-2) which encoded a polypeptide of 284 amino acid residues, including a (169)QACRG(173) sequence which surrounded the catalytic site and contained a p20 and a p10 domain. BmICE-2 expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) exhibited high proteolytic activity for the synthetic human initiator caspase-9 substrates Ac-LEHD-pNA, but little activity towards the effector caspase-3 substrates Ac-DEVD-pNA. When BmICE-2 was transiently expressed in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells, we found that the high proteolytic activity for Ac-LEHD-pNA triggered caspase-3-like protease activity resulting in spontaneous cleavage and apoptosis in these cells. This effect was not replicated in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells. In addition, spontaneous cleavage of endogenous BmICE-2 in BmN-SWU1 cells could be induced by actinomycin D. These results suggest that BmICE-2 may be a novel pro-apoptotic gene with caspase-9 activity which is involved apoptotic processes in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Electrochemistry of Cytochrome P450 BM3 in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Films (United States)

    Udit, Andrew K.; Hill, Michael G.; Gray, Harry B.


    Direct electrochemistry of the cytochrome P450 BM3 heme domain (BM3) was achieved by confining the protein within sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) films on the surface of basal-plane graphite (BPG) electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry revealed the heme FeIII/II redox couple at −330 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl, pH 7.4). Up to 10 V/s, the peak current was linear with scan rate, allowing us to treat the system as surface-confined within this regime. The standard heterogeneous rate constant determined at 10 V/s was estimated to be 10 s−1. Voltammograms obtained for the BM3-SDS-BPG system in the presence of dioxygen exhibited catalytic waves at the onset of FeIII reduction. The altered heme reduction potential of the BM3-SDS-graphite system indicates that SDS is likely bound in the enzyme active-site region. Compared to other P450-surfactant systems, we find redox potentials and electron transfer rates that differ by ~ 100 mV and > 10-fold, respectively, indicating that the nature of the surfactant environment has a significant effect on the observed heme redox properties. PMID:17129070

  20. P143 proteins from heterologous nucleopolyhedroviruses induce apoptosis in BM-N cells derived from the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Hamajima, Rina; Kobayashi, Michihiro; Ikeda, Motoko


    We previously demonstrated that ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of Bombyx mori BM-N cells is rapidly degraded upon infection with heterologous nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs), including Autographa californica multiple NPV (AcMNPV), Hyphantria cunea MNPV, Spodoptera exigua MNPV and S. litura MNPV, and that this response is triggered by viral P143 proteins. The transient expression of P143 proteins from heterologous NPVs was also shown to induce apoptosis and caspase-3-like protease activation in BM-N cells. In the present study, we conducted a transient expression assay using BM-N cells expressing mutant AcMNPV P143 (Ac-P143) proteins and demonstrated that five amino acid residues cooperatively participate in Ac-P143 protein-triggered apoptosis of BM-N cells. Notably, these five residues were previously shown to be required for triggering rRNA degradation in BM-N cells. As rRNA degradation in BM-N cells does not result from apoptosis, the present results suggest that Ac-P143-triggered rRNA degradation is the upstream signal for apoptosis induction in BM-N cells. We further showed that P143 protein-triggered apoptosis does not occur in S. frugiperda Sf9 or Lymantria dispar Ld652Y cells, indicating that apoptosis induction by heterologous P143 proteins is a BM-N cell-specific response. In addition, the observed induction of apoptosis in BM-N cells was found to be mediated by activation of the initiator caspase Bm-Dronc. Taken together, these results suggest that BM-N cells evolved a unique antiviral system that recognizes heterologous NPV P143 proteins to induce rRNA degradation and caspase-dependent apoptosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Disruption of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF71 (Bm71) results in inefficient budded virus production and decreased virulence in host larvae. (United States)

    Zhang, Min-Juan; Cheng, Ruo-Lin; Lou, Yi-Han; Ye, Wan-Lu; Zhang, Tao; Fan, Xiao-Ying; Fan, Hai-Wei; Zhang, Chuan-Xi


    The Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a baculovirus that selectively infects domestic silkworm. BmNPV ORF71 (Bm71) is not a core set gene in baculovirus and shares 92 % amino acid sequence identity with Autographa californica multinucleocapsid NPV ORF88 (Ac88/cg30). Previously, it has been reported that virus lacking Ac88 had no striking phenotypes in cell lines or host larvae. However, the exact role of Bm71 during BmNPV life cycle remains unknown. In the present study, we constructed a Bm71-disrupted (Bm71-D) virus and assessed the effect of the Bm71 disruption on viral replication and viral phenotype throughout the viral life cycle. Results showed that the Bm71-D bacmid could successfully transfect Bm5 cell lines and produce infectious budded virus (BV). But the BV titer was 10- to 100-fold lower than that of the wild-type (WT) virus during infection, and the decreased BV titer was rescued by Bm71 gene repair virus (Bm71-R). A larval bioassay showed that Bm71-D virus took 7.5 h longer than the WT to kill Bombyx mori larvae. Transmission electron microscopy analysis indicated that the Bm71-D virus-infected cells had typical virogenic stroma, bundles of nucleocapsids and polyhedra. Taken together, these results suggest that Bm71 has important implications for determining BV yield and virulence in viral life cycle even though it is not an essential gene for replication of BmNPV.


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    Full Text Available Foi desenvolvido um experimento para avaliar a influência da contaminação da água e a eficiência de produtos químicos na lavagem de maçãs cvs. Gala e Fuji sobre a ocorrência de podridão em frutos com ferimentos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições por cultivar e unidade experimental composta por 25 frutos. Os tratamentos foram: a Testemunha (seca; b Testemunha em água; c Inoculação com água com esporos; d Inoculação em água com esporos + 30 horas em temperatura ambiente; e 30 horas em temperatura ambiente + inoculação em água com esporos; f Cal Ca(OH2 (1,5%; g CaCl2 (1,5%. Inicialmente, todos os frutos sofreram quatro lesões de 0,2cm de diâmetro por 0,5cm de profundidade na região equatorial. Os frutos foram inoculados com uma solução de esporos de Penicillium sp. Após aplicação dos respectivos tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados sob refrigeração a 0ºC para a 'Gala' e -0,5ºC para a 'Fuji'. As avaliações de incidência de podridão foram realizadas na abertura das câmaras (60 dias e após 7 e 14 dias de exposição a 20ºC. Não houve ocorrência de podridão aos 60 dias para os frutos tratados com cal, não diferindo estatisticamente dos tratados com CaCl2. Aos sete e 14 dias, a cal mostrou-se mais eficiente que o CaCl2 na cv. Gala. Os frutos que ficaram 30 horas em temperatura ambiente antes de serem inoculados com uma solução de esporos, apresentaram menor incidência de podridão que os inoculados antes da exposição por 30 horas à temperatura ambiente, indicando que, após a inoculação, o fungo necessita de temperatura adequada para causar podridão.

  3. CubiCal - Fast radio interferometric calibration suite exploiting complex optimisation (United States)

    Kenyon, J. S.; Smirnov, O. M.; Grobler, T. L.; Perkins, S. J.


    It has recently been shown that radio interferometric gain calibration can be expressed succinctly in the language of complex optimisation. In addition to providing an elegant framework for further development, it exposes properties of the calibration problem which can be exploited to accelerate traditional non-linear least squares solvers such as Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt. We extend existing derivations to chains of Jones terms: products of several gains which model different aberrant effects. In doing so, we find that the useful properties found in the single term case still hold. We also develop several specialised solvers which deal with complex gains parameterised by real values. The newly developed solvers have been implemented in a Python package called CubiCal, which uses a combination of Cython, multiprocessing and shared memory to leverage the power of modern hardware. We apply CubiCal to both simulated and real data, and perform both direction-independent and direction-dependent self-calibration. Finally, we present the results of some rudimentary profiling to show that CubiCal is competitive with respect to existing calibration tools such as MeqTrees.

  4. Far-infrared and THz spectroscopy of 0.4PMN-0.3PSN-0.3PZN relaxor ferroelectric ceramics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Macutkevic, J.; Kamba, Stanislav; Banys, J.; Pashkin, Alexej; Bormanis, K.; Sternberg, A.


    Roč. 27, - (2007), s. 3713-3717 ISSN 0955-2219 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/06/0403; GA ČR GA202/04/0993 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : sintering * spectroscopy * ferroelectric properties * petrovskites * traditional ceramics Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.562, year: 2007

  5. Fornecimento de cálcio para plantas de eucalyptus saligna por meio de aplicação de resíduo industrial lama de cal

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    Marcia Aparecida Simonete


    Full Text Available O resíduo industrial lama de cal, originado da produção de papel kraft branqueada de eucalipto, apresenta em sua composição quantidade considerável de cálcio (Ca, o que pode contribuir para reduzir o consumo de fertilizantes em plantios florestais. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da lama de cal como fonte de Ca e seus efeitos sobre a disponibilidade de nutrientes e produção de matéria seca da parte aérea de plantas de eucalipto, foram conduzidos dois ensaios em vasos, em casa de vegetação, na área de pesquisa da Klabin Florestal do Paraná. Os solos utilizados foram um Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico (RQo e um Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (NV. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de duas fontes de Ca, calcário dolomítico e lama de cal, e de uma testemunha, sendo identificados como: RQo testemunha, RQo calcário e RQo lama de cal; e NV testemunha, NV calcário e NV lama de cal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Para tanto, plantas de Eucalyptus saligna foram mantidas por 126 dias em vasos. Quantificou-se a produção de matéria seca e realizaram-se as análises de folhas e dos solos, por ocasião da coleta das plantas. Os dados revelaram que tanto a adição de calcário dolomítico quanto a lama de cal promoveram o fornecimento de Ca para as plantas de eucalipto, proporcionando aumentos na produção de matéria seca. Os teores de Ca e Na nas folhas de eucalipto foram acrescidos com a adição do resíduo ao solo, em comparação com o tratamento com calcário dolomítico, enquanto os teores de N, P, K e S foram semelhantes. As plantas cultivadas nos tratamentos RQo testemunha e RQo lama de cal apresentaram teores foliares de Mg abaixo da faixa considerada adequada. A adição de lama no solo elevou o pH e as concentrações de Ca e de Na, reduziu o Al trocável e não influenciou na disponibilidade de Mg, fato que pode proporcionar deficiência de Mg às plantas, em

  6. A transformação dos fatos em discurso: um olhar argumentativo = La transformation des faits en discours: un regard argumentatif

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    Dall’ Cortivo, Cristiane


    Full Text Available Este artigo realiza um estudo polifônico e argumentativo de dois discursos publicados em dois portais online de notícias. Nosso objetivo é discutir o modo como os locutores constroem sentidos distintos em cada um dos textos a partir do mesmo fato: a divulgação, pela Organização das Nações Unidas, do relatório contendo os dados do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. Para embasar este estudo, buscamos o referencial teórico da Teoria da Argumentação na Língua em sua fase atual, a Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos, desenvolvida por Marion Carel e Oswald Ducrot. Nossa hipótese é de que a subjetividade é responsável pela construção de pontos de vista diferentes a respeito da mesma realidade

  7. Evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nas maiores empresas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva verificar a evolução da evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nas demonstrações financeiras das maiores empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa foi realizado por meio de análise de conteúdo para identificar a evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nos relatórios da administração, notas explicativas, informações anuais e formulário de referência dos anos de 2008 até 2010. Consideraram-se como referência cinco categorias de análise, que foram elaboradas com base no Código das Melhores Práticas de Governança Corporativa do IBGC e na sessão 13 do anexo 24 (Formulário de Referência da Instrução CVM nº 480/09. Os resultados demonstram que as empresas pesquisadas divulgaram em 2008 aspectos superficiais dos planos de remuneração variável, ou seja, evidenciaram informações relativas aos valores da remuneração variável dos executivos pelo seu montante total, sem detalhes. Após a obrigatoriedade da divulgação do formulário de referência, observou-se um aumento no nível de informações divulgadas pelas empresas pesquisadas. Conclui-se que expostas a mais regras, as empresas tiveram em 2009 e 2010 aumento das informações evidenciadas sobre a remuneração variável dos executivos, primordialmente nos formulários de referência.

  8. Impactos Operacionais das Alteraçõess no Contrato Futuro de Milho Da BM&F-BOVESPA na Mitigação de RiscoOperational Impacts of the Changes in the Corn Futures Contract of the BM&F Bovespa Regarding Risk MitigationImpactos Operativos de las Modificaciones del Contrato Futuro de Maíz de BM&F-Bovespa Sobre la Eliminación del Riesgo

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    SOUZA, Waldemar Antonio da Rocha de


    Full Text Available RESUMOO mercado de milho possui importante participação no cenário agropecuário nacional, pela relevância dentro da indústria de carnes. Destacam-se as estratégias de comercialização do grão, em especial as relacionadas à mitigação do risco de preço com o uso de contratos futuros. Objetiva-se identificar e interpretar os efeitos causados pela modificação no contrato futuro do milho negociado na BM&F-Bovespa, que em setembro de 2008 passou de entrega física para liquidação financeira, sobre o desempenho do mercado futuro do grão comercializado. Avaliam-se a liquidez dos contratos, a volatilidade dos preços futuro e físico do milho, bem como a convergência da base. Identificaram-se como possíveis efeitos da alteração contratual o aumento da liquidez do contrato futuro de milho e a redução da volatilidade dos preços, além da melhoria na convergência da base. Os resultados alinham-se com a teoria e evidenciam impacto positivo da implementação da liquidação financeira no contrato futuro de milho.ABSTRACTThe corn market plays an important role in the national agricultural scenario, given its relevance in the meat industry, where grain marketing strategies are outstanding, especially those related to price risk mitigation using futures contracts. This article aims to identify and interpret the effects of the changes of the corn futures contract traded at the BM&F-Bovespa, which shifted in September 2008 from physical delivery to cash settlement, on the grain futures market performance. We evaluated contract liquidity, volatility of future and physical corn prices, and base convergence. The possible effects of the contract amendment include the increase in liquidity of the corn futures contract, reduction of the price volatility and improved base convergence. The results are in line with the theory and highlight the positive impact of implementing cash settlement for corn futures.RESUMENEl mercado del maíz tiene un

  9. Aqueous PCDTBT:PC71 BM Photovoltaic Inks Made by Nanoprecipitation. (United States)

    Prunet, Geoffrey; Parrenin, Laurie; Pavlopoulou, Eleni; Pecastaings, Gilles; Brochon, Cyril; Hadziioannou, Georges; Cloutet, Eric


    The fabrication of organic solar cells from aqueous dispersions of photoactive nanoparticles has recently attracted the interest of the photovoltaic community, since these dispersions offer an eco-friendly solution for the fabrication of solar cells, avoiding the use of toxic solvents. In this work, aqueous dispersions of pure poly[n-9'-heptadecanyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,5-(4',7'-di-2-thienyl-2',1',3'-benzothiadiazole)] (PCDTBT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C 71 -butyric acid methyl ester (PC 71 BM) nanoparticles, as well as of composite PC 71 BM:PCDTBT nanoparticles, are prepared using the nanoprecipitation postpolymerization method. These dispersions are subsequently used to form the active layer of organic photovoltaic cells. Thin films of PC 71 BM and PCDTBT are obtained by spray deposition of the nanoparticles' dispersions, and are characterized using a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Photovoltaics that incorporate these active layers are fabricated thereafter. The impact of the annealing temperature and of the composition of the active layer on the efficiency of the solar cells is studied. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Synergistic suppression of the PI3K inhibitor CAL-101 with bortezomib on mantle cell lymphoma growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu, Fu-Lian; Xia, Bing; Li, Su-Xia; Tian, Chen; Yang, Hong-Liang; Li, Qian; Wang, Ya-Fei; Yu, Yong; Zhang, Yi-Zhuo


    To investigate the effects of CAL-101, particularly when combined with bortezomib (BTZ) on mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) cells, and to explore its relative mechanisms. MTT assay was applied to detect the inhibitory effects of different concentrations of CAL-101. MCL cells were divided into four groups: control group, CAL-101 group, BTZ group, and CAL-101/BTZ group. The expression of PI3K-p110σ, AKT, ERK, p-AKT and p-ERK were detected by Western blot. The apoptosis rates of CAL-101 group, BTZ group, and combination group were detected by flow cytometry. The location changes of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) of 4 groups was investigated by NF-κB Kit exploring. Western blot was applied to detect the levels of caspase-3 and the phosphorylation of AKT in different groups. CAL-101 dose- and time-dependently induced reduction in MCL cell viability. CAL-101 combined with BTZ enhanced the reduction in cell viability and apoptosis. Western blot analysis showed that CAL-101 significantly blocked the PI3K/AKT and ERK signaling pathway in MCL cells. The combination therapy contributed to the inactivation of NF-κB and AKT in MCL cell lines. However, cleaved caspase-3 was up-regulated after combined treatment. Our study showed that PI3K/p110σ is a novel therapeutic target in MCL, and the underlying mechanism could be the blocking of the PI3K/AKT and ERK signaling pathways. These findings provided a basis for clinical evaluation of CAL-101 and a rationale for its application in combination therapy, particularly with BTZ

  11. Neuroprotective and antioxidant effects of Thalassia testudinum extract BM-21, against acrylamide-induced neurotoxicity in mice

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    Roberto Menéndez


    Full Text Available Context: Acrylamide (ACR neurotoxicity is associated with the enhancement of lipid peroxidation and the reduction of the antioxidative capacity distal axon and nerve terminal regions. The aqueous ethanolic extract of the marine plant Thalassia testudinum, named BM-21, have shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Aims: To determine the neuroprotective and the antioxidant effects of BM-21, standardized to thalassiolin B content (5.8 ± 0.9%, on acrylamide (ACR-induced distal axonopathy in male OF-1 mice. Methods: Animals were administered with ACR (70 mg/kg, s.c., 4 weeks, and BM-21 was co-administered p.o at the doses of 4, 40 and 400 mg/kg. The effect of BM-21 on neurobehavioral indexes (rota-rod test, compound muscle action potential (CMAP of the sciatic nerve and oxidative stress parameters were investigated. Results: BM-21 significantly prevented the neurobehavioral sings of neurotoxicity and the alteration of CMAP amplitude and velocity. The lowest dose (4 mg/kg failed to ameliorate these parameters whereas the highest dose (400 mg/kg was the most active. BM-21 (400 mg/kg significantly restored total hydroperoxides (THP and glutathione (GSH in the sciatic nerve as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px activities. Additionally, the extract also modified THP, GSH and the activity of SOD in cerebellum and brain towards the standard values. Conclusions: BM-21 given at doses that prevented ACR-induced neurotoxicity also produced antioxidant effect in the sciatic nerve, cerebellum and brain. Thus, the neuroprotective activity of BM-21 in this model seems to be mediated at least partly by its antioxidative properties.

  12. Cytochrome P450BM-3 reduces aldehydes to alcohols through a direct hydride transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaspera, Rüdiger; Sahele, Tariku; Lakatos, Kyle; Totah, Rheem A.


    Highlights: ► Cytochrome P450BM-3 reduced aldehydes to alcohols efficiently (k cat ∼ 25 min −1 ). ► Reduction is a direct hydride transfer from R-NADP 2 H to the carbonyl moiety. ► P450 domain variants enhance reduction through potential allosteric/redox interactions. ► Novel reaction will have implications for metabolism of xenobiotics. -- Abstract: Cytochrome P450BM-3 catalyzed the reduction of lipophilic aldehydes to alcohols efficiently. A k cat of ∼25 min −1 was obtained for the reduction of methoxy benzaldehyde with wild type P450BM-3 protein which was higher than in the isolated reductase domain (BMR) alone and increased in specific P450-domain variants. The reduction was caused by a direct hydride transfer from preferentially R-NADP 2 H to the carbonyl moiety of the substrate. Weak substrate-P450-binding of the aldehyde, turnover with the reductase domain alone, a deuterium incorporation in the product from NADP 2 H but not D 2 O, and no inhibition by imidazole suggests the reductase domain of P450BM-3 as the potential catalytic site. However, increased aldehyde reduction by P450 domain variants (P450BM-3 F87A T268A) may involve allosteric or redox mechanistic interactions between heme and reductase domains. This is a novel reduction of aldehydes by P450BM-3 involving a direct hydride transfer and could have implications for the metabolism of endogenous substrates or xenobiotics.

  13. Secreted glycoprotein BmApoD1 plays a critical role in anti-oxidation and anti-apoptosis in Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Zhou, Yanyan; Wang, Li; Li, Rongqiao; Liu, Minmin; Li, Xiaotong; Su, Hang; Xu, Yusong; Wang, Huabing


    Recent studies highlighted that apolipoprotein D (ApoD) and its homologs exert neuroprotective and antioxidant functions in mammals and Drosophila. Unlike mammals and Drosophila, lepidopteran insects possess three distinct ApoD homologs. However, few information on their functions in lepidopteran insects are available. In this study, we investigated the protective potential of a novel ApoD homolog, BmApoD1, in Bombyx mori. Quantitative PCR analyses demonstrated that BmApoD1 is extensively expressed at low levels during the larval stage but abundantly expressed in the testis during the pupal and adult stages. Tryptophan fluorescence titration demonstrated that recombinant BmApoD1 protein can bind retinoic acid and ergosterol. In addition, we provided evidence that N-linked glycans of BmApoD1 are essential to BmApoD1 secretion, and three residues, namely, Asp69, Asp104, and Asp196, are the glycosylation sites of BmApoD1. Furthermore, we showed that BmApoD1 is significantly up-regulated in the larvae after oxidant or starvation treatment. The recombinant BmApoD1 protein can protect cells from oxidative stress induced by H 2 O 2 and reduce actinomycin D-induced cell apoptosis. These observations, together with the transcriptional up-regulation of BmApoD1 in several tissues upon oxidative insult, identify BmApoD1 as a potent antioxidant. Our results demonstrate that BmApoD1 is critical for metabolic adaptation of B. mori to environmental challenges. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. CALS - what are the potentials for SME’s ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bilberg, Arne; Thomsen, Finn Tang; Larsen, Michael Holm


    the potentials for improvingbusiness processes by effective information management. The threecompanies involved will demonstrate practical and innovativeapplications of CALS solutions, that will serve as examples for awide variety of SMEs. The paper will focus on the industrial results and the CALSengineering...

  15. Composição centesimal e valor calórico de alimentos de origem animal

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    TORRES Elizabeth A.F.S


    Full Text Available Dados sobre composição de alimentos são importantes para inúmeras atividades, porém são escassos ou inexistentes em nosso país. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o valor calórico dos alimentos de origem animal comumente usados na dieta: carne, leite e ovos a fim de compará-los com os dados das tabelas de composição centesimal mais utilizadas por profissionais da área. Observou-se que de um modo geral, ocorrem variações entre os valores das tabelas consultadas e os analisados, sendo estes menores para ovos, seguidos de laticínios, carnes suínas, carnes bovinas e aves. Salientamos portanto, a importãncia de obtenção dados sobre a composição de alimentos condizentes com diferenças regionais do Brasil, visto que a maioria das tabelas disponíveis são compilações de dados internacionais.

  16. The location of cemento enamel junction for CAL measurement: A clinical crisis

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    Vandana K


    Full Text Available Background: We face various problems while measuring the Clinical attachment level (CAL from Cemento-enamel junction (CEJ. This study aims to record and compare the CEJ location measurements using a xed reference point (FRP [Custom made stent] before and after ap elevation. Materials and Methods: A custom made stent and UNC-15 probe were used. Recording of CEJ location was made using a UNC-15 (Hu-Friedy probe, before (close CEJ and after (Open CEJ the reflection of the flap from the lower edge of the stent in those subjects who were indicated for flap surgery, at baseline. Results: We used statistical analysis involving intra-group comparison done by Paired-′t′ test. The close and the open CEJ measurements demonstrated a, statistically, non-significant difference. The equi-measurements of close and open CEJ numerical data were remarkably lower than the under and overestimation of measurements. Thus, despite certain disadvantages of stent, the FRP provides a simple solution for CAL measurement. Conclusion: The results of this study confirms the objective of the study and strongly suggests that CAL measurements done without FRP is subjected to great variation and the diagnostic and prognostic interpretation of CAL should be viewed seriously in periodontics.

  17. Induced mutations in mungbean- variety BM-4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chavan, A.A.; Patil, V.D.; Pawar, R.B.


    Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is an important crop. Marathwada Agricultural University has developed and released a variety BM4 for Western Zone. This variety has got yield potential of 1200-1300 kg/ha. However it has small grain size and dull green colour resulting in less dahl recovery and less market price. To improve these parameters, a mutation breeding programme was taken up. Dry seeds of variety BM4 were treated with 10, 15, 25 kR gamma rays at BARC Mumbai. In M 1 generation, germination decreased with increased dose of gamma rays. Twenty five kR showed lowest germination, 10 and 15 kR showed satisfactory germination. Individual plants were harvested and plant to row progenies were grown in M 2 in augmented block design. Range of mean was 39.8 to 77.2, 6.3 to 45.4, 1.85 to 3.25 and 9.2 to 60.0 for plant height (cm), number of pods/plant, test weight (g) and yield/plant(g) respectively. Out of 3 doses of gamma rays 10 kR proved more effective in increasing seed size, number of pods and seed yield/plant. (author)

  18. Produção de mudas de eucalipto com substratos para sistema de blocos Production of eucalyptus seedlings with substrata in block systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Aparecida Soares de Freitas


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou determinar misturas de resíduos orgânicos para produção de mudas em sistema de blocos, que apresentassem agregação ao sistema radicular e possibilitassem bom desenvolvimento das mudas de eucalipto. Foram utilizados resíduos de fibra de coco (fibras finas - FCF, longas - FCL e mistas - FCM, casca de eucalipto (CE e torta de filtro de usina açucareira (T, obtendo-se 10 misturas. Escolheram-se quatro misturas, por meio de blocos-testes de dimensões 11,5 x 2,3 cm. As misturas escolhidas para utilização na produção das mudas foram: FCM (40% + T (60%; CE (60% + FCM (40%; CE (40% +T (60%; e CE (40% + T (30% + FCM (30%. Mudas de Eucalyptus urophylla foram produzidas por sementes em bandejas com dimensões de 40 x 60 x 7 cm, com capacidade para 96 mudas, semeadas diretamente nos blocos confeccionados com as misturas selecionadas, com e sem prensagem. Aos 90 dias após a semeadura, foi feita avaliação do diâmetro, altura, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular das mudas. Os substratos foram avaliados quanto à estabilidade do torrão e grau de agregação dos substratos às raízes. Foram realizadas análises de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn e Fe da parte aérea. Os substratos selecionados apresentaram boa agregação e estabilidade. Não foram observados problemas nutricionais nas mudas. Para a produção de mudas em blocos com prensagem, recomenda-se o substrato CE (60% + FCM (40% e para sem prensagem, as misturas CE (60% + FCM (40%; CE (40% + T(60% e CE (40% + T(30% + FCM (30%.The objective of this study was to determine mixtures of regional organic residues that present aggregation to the root system and make a good development possible for Eucalyptus seedlings in block systems. Residues of coconut fiber (fine fibers - FCF, long fibers - FCL and mixed fibers - FCM, eucalyptus bark (CE and sugarcane filter cake (T were used, with ten mixtures obtained. The blocks for the expansion tests were made in

  19. Cytochrome P450BM-3 reduces aldehydes to alcohols through a direct hydride transfer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaspera, Ruediger; Sahele, Tariku; Lakatos, Kyle [Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Washington, Box 357610, Seattle, WA 98195-7610 (United States); Totah, Rheem A., E-mail: [Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Washington, Box 357610, Seattle, WA 98195-7610 (United States)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cytochrome P450BM-3 reduced aldehydes to alcohols efficiently (k{sub cat} {approx} 25 min{sup -1}). Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Reduction is a direct hydride transfer from R-NADP{sup 2}H to the carbonyl moiety. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer P450 domain variants enhance reduction through potential allosteric/redox interactions. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Novel reaction will have implications for metabolism of xenobiotics. -- Abstract: Cytochrome P450BM-3 catalyzed the reduction of lipophilic aldehydes to alcohols efficiently. A k{sub cat} of {approx}25 min{sup -1} was obtained for the reduction of methoxy benzaldehyde with wild type P450BM-3 protein which was higher than in the isolated reductase domain (BMR) alone and increased in specific P450-domain variants. The reduction was caused by a direct hydride transfer from preferentially R-NADP{sup 2}H to the carbonyl moiety of the substrate. Weak substrate-P450-binding of the aldehyde, turnover with the reductase domain alone, a deuterium incorporation in the product from NADP{sup 2}H but not D{sub 2}O, and no inhibition by imidazole suggests the reductase domain of P450BM-3 as the potential catalytic site. However, increased aldehyde reduction by P450 domain variants (P450BM-3 F87A T268A) may involve allosteric or redox mechanistic interactions between heme and reductase domains. This is a novel reduction of aldehydes by P450BM-3 involving a direct hydride transfer and could have implications for the metabolism of endogenous substrates or xenobiotics.

  20. Mensuração dos ativos intangíveis de empresas listadas na BMF&Bovespa por setor de atuação = Measurement of intangible assets of companies listed on Bovespa BM & performance by sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jéssika Pereira Miranda


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em mensurar o valor dos Ativos Intangíveis (AIs, por meio da diferença entre o Valor de Mercado e o Valor Contábil da empresa. Para o estudo foram analisadas 42 empresas de sete setores de atuação classificados pela Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&FBOVESPA, durante cinco anos – 2005 a 2009. O critério adotado para definição da amostra foram um mínimo de seis empresas por setor e os maiores valores de Patrimônio Líquido em 31/12/2009. Este estudo se caracteriza como sendo de natureza descritivo-exploratória, utilizando fonte secundária para coleta e tratamento dos dados, tendo abordagem quantitativa. Os principais resultados encontrados demonstraram que: i Com exceção do setor de Fios e Tecidos, que apresentou índices negativos de AIs para todos os anos analisados, os demais setores tiveram reconhecimento significativo de seus AIs pelo mercado; ii Os setores de Telefonia Fixa e Energia Elétrica tiveram as menores oscilações no período; iii O setor de Material Rodoviário alcançou as maiores médias entre os setores, porém mostrou também as maiores variações no período; iv Todos os setores sofreram com a crise de 2008, sendo os de Telefonia Fixa e Energia Elétrica os menos afetados e Siderurgia e Artefatos de Ferro os que mais oscilaram; v Em 2009, apesar da maioria dos setores pesquisados apresentar boa recuperação, os de Material Rodoviário, Energia Elétrica e Fios e Tecidos permaneceram com queda em seus índices de AIs; vi Os setores de Siderurgia e Petroquímicos foram os que mostraram a melhor recuperação em 2009.The objective of this research is to measure the value of Intangible Assets (IAs through the difference between the Market Value and Book Value of the company. For this study we analyzed 42 companies in seven business sectors classified by the Stock Exchange, Commodities and Futures (BM&FBOVESPA for five years - from 2005 to 2009. The criterion adopted

  1. Estrutura de Capital e Governança Corporativa nas Empresas Listadas na BM&FBovespa

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    Bruno Goes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a relação entre estrutura de capital e governança corporativa. Método: a amostra reúne as empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA no período de 2010 a 2014. Os dados foram coletados no website do BNDES e na base Economática® e a análise quantitativa foi realizada por meio de teste de diferenças entre médias, análise de correlação e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: as empresas não participantes dos níveis diferenciados de governança corporativa apresentam maior endividamento médio. No ano de 2012, as empresas receberam maior volume de recursos financiados pelo BNDES, destacando- se a empresa Petrobras. Os resultados apontam que a governança corporativa influenciou negativamente o endividamento subsidiado, e que a rentabilidade apresentou uma relação negativa com todos os quatro tipos de endividamento analisados, confirmando-se no mercado brasileiro o que preceitua a Teoria Pecking Order. Contribuições: A pesquisa contribui para enriquecer a bibliografia sobre estrutura de capital, ao incorporar a dívida subsidiada como uma das variáveis explicativas do modelo. Devido à sua grande importância para o meio empresarial, e ao fato de os resultados dos estudos acadêmicos serem, em linhas gerais, heterogêneos, as discussões sobre estrutura de capital contribuem de alguma forma para o avanço nesse campo de pesquisa.

  2. A Scorpion Defensin BmKDfsin4 Inhibits Hepatitis B Virus Replication in Vitro

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    Zhengyang Zeng


    Full Text Available Hepatitis B virus (HBV infection is a major worldwide health problem which can cause acute and chronic hepatitis and can significantly increase the risk of liver cirrhosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC. Nowadays, clinical therapies of HBV infection still mainly rely on nucleotide analogs and interferons, the usage of which is limited by drug-resistant mutation or side effects. Defensins had been reported to effectively inhibit the proliferation of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Here, we screened the anti-HBV activity of 25 scorpion-derived peptides most recently characterized by our group. Through evaluating anti-HBV activity and cytotoxicity, we found that BmKDfsin4, a scorpion defensin with antibacterial and Kv1.3-blocking activities, has a comparable high inhibitory rate of both HBeAg and HBsAg in HepG2.2.15 culture medium and low cytotoxicity to HepG2.2.15. Then, our experimental results further showed that BmKDfsin4 can dose-dependently decrease the production of HBV DNA and HBV viral proteins in both culture medium and cell lysate. Interestingly, BmKDfsin4 exerted high serum stability. Together, this study indicates that the scorpion defensin BmKDfsin4 also has inhibitory activity against HBV replication along with its antibacterial and potassium ion channel Kv1.3-blocking activities, which shows that BmKDfsin4 is a uniquely multifunctional defensin molecule. Our work also provides a good molecule material which will be used to investigate the link or relationship of its antiviral, antibacterial and ion channel–modulating activities in the future.

  3. In vitro reprogramming of rat bmMSCs into pancreatic endocrine-like cells. (United States)

    Li, Hong-Tu; Jiang, Fang-Xu; Shi, Ping; Zhang, Tao; Liu, Xiao-Yu; Lin, Xue-Wen; San, Zhong-Yan; Pang, Xi-Ning


    Islet transplantation provides curative treatments to patients with type 1 diabetes, but donor shortage restricts the broad use of this therapy. Thus, generation of alternative transplantable cell sources is intensively investigated worldwide. We previously showed that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (bmMSCs) can be reprogrammed to pancreatic-like cells through simultaneously forced suppression of Rest/Nrsf (repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor/neuronal restrictive silencing factor) and Shh (sonic hedgehog) and activation of Pdx1 (pancreas and duodenal transcription factor 1). We here aimed to reprogram bmMSCs further along the developmental pathway towards the islet lineages by improving our previous strategy and by overexpression of Ngn3 (neurogenin 3) and NeuroD1 (neurogenic differentiation 1), critical regulators of the development of endocrine pancreas. We showed that compared to the previous protocol, the overexpression of only Pdx1 and Ngn3 reprogrammed bmMSCs into cells with more characteristics of islet endocrine lineages verified with bioinformatic analyses of our RNA-Seq datasets. These analyses indicated 2325 differentially expressed genes including those involved in the pancreas and islet development. We validated with qRT-PCR analysis selective genes identified from the RNA-Seq datasets. Thus, we reprogrammed bmMSCs into islet endocrine-like cells and advanced the endeavor to generate surrogate functional insulin-secreting cells.

  4. DOSAR/CalLab Operations Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogard, J.S.


    The Life Sciences Division (LSD) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has a long record of radiation dosimetry research, primarily using the Health Physics Research Reactor (HPRR) and the Dosimetry Applications Research (DOSAR) Program Calibration Laboratory (CalLab), referred to formerly as the Radiation Calibration Laboratory. These facilities have been used by a broad segment of the research community to perform a variety of experiments in areas including, but not limited to, radiobiology, radiation dosimeter and instrumentation development and calibration, and the testing of materials in a variety of radiation environments

  5. ATLAS TileCal Read Out Driver production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valero, A; Abdallah, J; Castillo, V; Cuenca, C; Ferrer, A; Fullana, E; Gonzalez, V; Higon, E; Poveda, J; Ruiz-MartInez, A; Saez, M A; Salvachua, B; SanchIs, E; Solans, C; Valls, J A


    The production tests of the 38 ATLAS TileCal Read Out Drivers (RODs) are presented in this paper. The hardware specifications and firmware functionality of the RODs modules, the test-bench and the test procedure to qualify the boards are described. Finally the performance results, the temperature studies and high rate tests are shown and discussed

  6. CAMPARE and Cal-Bridge: Two Institutional Networks Increasing Diversity in Astronomy (United States)

    Rudolph, Alexander L.; Impey, Chris David; Phillips, Cynthia B.; Povich, Matthew S.; Prather, Edward E.; Smecker-Hane, Tammy A.


    We describe two programs, CAMPARE and Cal-Bridge, with the common mission of increasing participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in astronomy, particularly underrepresented minorities and women, through summer research opportunities, in the case of CAMPARE, scholarships in the case of Cal-Bridge, and significant mentoring in both programs, leading to an increase in their numbers successfully pursuing a PhD in the field.CAMPARE is an innovative REU-like summer research program, currently in its sixth year, comprising a network of comprehensive universities and community colleges in Southern California and Arizona (most of which are minority serving institutions), and ten major research institutions (University of Arizona Steward Observatory, the SETI Institute, JPL, Caltech, and the five Southern California UC campuses, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, UCR, and UCSB).In its first five summers, CAMPARE sent a total of 49 students from 10 different CSU and community college campuses to 5 research sites of the program. Of these 49 participants, 25 are women and 24 are men; 22 are Hispanic, 4 are African American, and 1 is Native American, including 6 female Hispanic and 2 female African-American participants. Twenty-one (21) CAMPARE participants have graduated from college, and more than half (11) have attended or are attending a graduate program, including 8 enrolled in PhD or Master's-to-PhD programs. Over twenty CAMPARE students have presented at the AAS and other national meetings.The Cal-Bridge program is a diverse network of higher education institutions in Southern California, including 5 UC campuses, 8 CSU campuses, and 7 community colleges dedicated to the goal of increasing the number of underrepresented minority and female students attending graduate school in astronomy or related fields. We have recently selected our inaugural group of five 2014 Cal-Bridge Scholars, including four women (two Hispanic and one part Native American), and one Hispanic man

  7. 20-Hydroxyecdysone stimulates nuclear accumulation of BmNep1, a nuclear ribosome biogenesis-related protein in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Ji, M-M; Liu, A-Q; Sima, Y-H; Xu, S-Q


    The pathway of communication between endocrine hormones and ribosome biogenesis critical for physiological adaptation is largely unknown. Nucleolar essential protein 1 (Nep1) is an essential gene for ribosome biogenesis and is functionally conserved in many in vertebrate and invertebrate species. In this study, we cloned Bombyx mori Nep1 (BmNep1) due to its high expression in silk glands of silkworms on day 3 of the fifth instar. We found that BmNep1 mRNA and protein levels were upregulated in silk glands during fourth-instar ecdysis and larval-pupal metamorphosis. By immunoprecipitation with the anti-BmNep1 antibody and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses, it was shown that BmNep1 probably interacts with proteins related to ribosome structure formation. Immunohistochemistry, biochemical fractionation and immunocytochemistry revealed that BmNep1 is localized to the nuclei in Bombyx cells. Using BmN cells originally derived from ovaries, we demonstrated that 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) induced BmNep1 expression and stimulated nuclear accumulation of BmNep1. Under physiological conditions, BmNep1 was also upregulated in ovaries during larval-pupal metamorphosis. Overall, our results indicate that the endocrine hormone 20E facilitates nuclear accumulation of BmNep1, which is involved in nuclear ribosome biogenesis in Bombyx. © 2016 The Royal Entomological Society.

  8. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CI to CO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  9. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names DH to EC (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  10. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names TF to U (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  11. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names HJ to ID (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  12. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names AN to AR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  13. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SJ to ST (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  14. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CP to DE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  15. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names C to CE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  16. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names EV to GN (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  17. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names V to Z (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  18. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names ED to EU (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  19. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SD to SI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  20. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names MB to MO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  1. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names LJ to MA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  2. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names AS to BA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  3. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SB to SC (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  4. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names MP to NA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  5. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SU to TE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  6. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names PL to PO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  7. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names IE to LA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  8. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names A to AM (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  9. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names HB to HI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  10. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names OM to OX (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  11. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names Q to SA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  12. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names PP to PZ (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  13. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names GO to HA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  14. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names NB to OL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  15. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names LB to LI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  16. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names BCE to BZ (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  17. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CD to CH (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  18. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names OY to PI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  19. Simulations in the Analysis of Experimental Data Measured by BM@N Drift Chambers (United States)

    Fedorišin, Ján


    The drift chambers (DCH's) are an important part of the tracking system of the BM@N experiment designed to study the production of baryonic matter at the Nuclotron energies. The method of particle hit and track reconstruction in the drift chambers has been already proposed and tested on the BM@N deuteron beam data. In this study the DCH's are first locally and globally aligned, and subsequently the consistency of the track reconstruction chain is tested by two methods. The first one is based on the backward extrapolation of the DCH reconstructed deuteron beam to a position where its deflection in the BM@N magnetic field begins. The second method reconstructs the deuteron beam momentum through its deflection angle. Both methods confirm correctness of the track reconstruction algorithm.

  20. Effects of substituting soya bean meal (SBM) with blood meal (BM) on biochemical profile of pregnant pigs. (United States)

    Abonyi, Festus Otaka; Machebe, Ndubuisi Samuel; Ezea, Michael Sunday; Eze, James I; Omeke, Benjamin Chigozie; Marire, Benjamin Nwabueze


    Twenty-four Large White × Landrace crossbreed primigravid pigs, aged 7.50 to 8.00 months weighing between 86.15 and 88.24 kg were used to study the effects of feeding graded levels of soya bean meal (SBM) replaced blood meal (BM) diets on serum biochemical profile in gestating pigs. The pigs were randomly allotted to four finisher diets formulated such that BM replaced SBM at 0.0, 50.0, 75.0 and 100.0 %, respectively. The diets were T1 (100.0 % SBM, 0.0 % BM), T2 (50.0 % SBM, 50.0 % BM), T3 (25.0 % SBM, 75.0 % BM) and T4 (0.0 % SBM, 100.0 % BM). Individual animal's daily ration of the test diets was 2.20, 2.00 and 2.50 kg at stages one, two and three of gestation. Blood sampling and analysis for the effects of the test diets on biochemical profile of the experimental animals were carried out prior to conception, at weeks 3, 7 and 11 of gestation, respectively. The result showed no significant (P ≥ 0.05) dietary treatment effects on total protein, albumin, globulin fraction, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and urea profile of the pigs fed with BM diets when compared to the control fed with 100.0 % SBM. There was however a significant (P ≤ 0.05) variation in these biochemical indices in all the experimental groups at different stages of gestation. It was concluded that BM can replace 100.0 % of SBM in the diets of pregnant pigs in the tropical humid environment without any deleterious effect on their health.

  1. Effects of BM-573 on Endothelial Dependent Relaxation and Increased Blood Pressure at Early Stages of Atherosclerosis.

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    Miguel Romero

    Full Text Available Endothelial dysfunction is considered to be an early event in atherosclerosis and plays a pivotal role in the development, progression and clinical complications of atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown the beneficial effects of combined inhibition of thromboxane synthase and antagonism of thromboxane receptors by BM-573 on atherosclerosis; however our knowledge about the beneficial effects of BM-573 on endothelial function and increased blood pressure related to early stage of atherosclerosis is limited. In the present study, we investigated the effects of short-term (3 μM, 1 hour and chronic (10 mg/L, 8 weeks treatments with BM-573 on vasodilatory function, nitric oxide (NO bioavailability, oxidative stress and systolic blood pressure in 15 weeks old apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE-KO mice. ApoE-KO mice showed a reduced endothelium-derived relaxation. In addition, NO bioavailability was reduced and oxidative stress and blood pressure were increased in ApoE-KO mice versus wild-type mice. BM-573 treatments were able to improve the relaxation profile in ApoE-KO mice. Short-term effects of BM-573 were mainly mediated by an increased phosphorylation of both eNOS and Akt, whereas BM-573 in vivo treatment also reduced oxidative stress and restored NO bioavailability. In addition, chronic administration of BM-573 reduced systolic blood pressure in ApoE-KO mice. In conclusion, pharmacological modulation of TxA2 biosynthesis and biological activities by dual TP antagonism/TxAS inhibition with BM-573, already known to prevent plaque formation, has the potential to correct vasodilatory dysfunction at the early stages of atherosclerosis.

  2. A Mathematica-based CAL matrix-theory tutor for scientists and engineers

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    M. A. Kelmanson


    Full Text Available Under the TLTP initiative, the Mathematics Departments at Imperial College and Leeds University are jointly developing a CAL method directed at supplementing the level of mathematics of students entering science and engineering courses from diverse A-level (or equivalent backgrounds. The aim of the joint project is to maintain – even increase - the number of students enrolling on such first-year courses without lowering the courses' existing mathematical standards. A CAL tutor for matrix theory is presented in this paper, in the form of Mathematica Notebooks. This constitutes one of a list of specific A-level mathematics core options required by science and engineering departments. The module has been written so as to recognize students' errors and advise accordingly. Questions are generated randomly, at run time, in order to preclude copying between users. The module incorporates automated performance indicators so as to impinge minimally on existing staff resources. As an aid to other CAL authors considering the use of Mathematica Notebooks, idiosyncratic difficulties encountered within Mathematica Notebooks are catalogued and discussed in detail.

  3. Lack of Connection Between Midgut Cell Autophagy Gene Expression and BmCPV Infection in the Midgut of Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Yang, Xiaobing; Wu, Suli; Wu, Yongpeng; Liu, Yang; Qian, Yonghua; Jiao, Feng


    Autophagy is associated with multiple biological processes and has protective and defensive functions with respect to immunity, inflammation, and resistance to microbial infection. In this experiment, we wished to investigate whether autophagy is a factor in the midgut cell response of Bombyx mori to infection by the B. mori cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (BmCPV). Our results indicated that the expression of three autophagy-related genes (BmAtg8, BmAtg5, and BmAtg7) in the midgut did not change greatly after BmCPV infection in B. mori. Basal ATG8/ATG8PE protein expression was detected in different B. mori tissues by using western blot analysis. Immunohistochemistry showed that the ATG8/ATG8PE proteins were located mainly in the cytoplasm. ATG8/ATG8PE protein levels decreased at 12 and 16 h after BmCPV infection. Our results indicate that autophagy responded slightly to BmCPV infection, but could not prevent the invasion and replication of the virus. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Entomological Society of America.

  4. Hot deformation behaviors and processing maps of B{sub 4}C/Al6061 neutron absorber composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Yu-Li [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University Of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Wang, Wen-Xian, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University Of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Zhou, Jun [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University Of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University Erie, The Behrend College, Erie, PA 16563 (United States); Chen, Hong-Sheng [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University Of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China); Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024 (China)


    In this study, the hot deformation behaviors of 30 wt.% B{sub 4}C/Al6061 neutron absorber composites (NACs) have been investigated by conducting isothermal compression tests at temperatures ranging from 653 K to 803 K and strain rates from 0.01 to 10 s{sup −1}. It was found that, during hot compression, the B{sub 4}C/Al6061 NACs exhibited a steady flow characteristic which can be expressed by the Zener-Hollomon parameter as a hyperbolic-sine function of flow stress. High average activation energy (185.62 kJ/mol) of B{sub 4}C/Al6061 NACs is noted in current study owing to the high content of B{sub 4}C particle. The optimum hot working conditions for B{sub 4}C/Al6061 NACs are found to be 760–803 K/0.01–0.05 s{sup −1} based on processing map and microstructure evolution. Typical material instabilities are thought to be attributed to void formation, adiabatic shear bands (ASB), particle debonding, and matrix cracking. Finally, the effect of the plastic deformation zones (PDZs) on the microstructure evolution in this 30 wt.% B{sub 4}C/Al6061 composite is found to be very important. - Highlights: •The hot deformation behavior of the 30 wt.% B{sub 4}C/Al6061 NACs was first analyzed. •The 3D efficiency map and the instability map are developed. •The optimum hot working conditions were identified and validated by SEM and TEM. •The hot deformation schematic diagram of 30 wt.% B{sub 4}C/Al6061 NACs is developed.

  5. OxCal: versatile tool for developing paleoearthquake chronologies--a primer (United States)

    Lienkaemper, J.J.; Ramsey, C.B.


    Ages of paleoearthquakes (events), i.e., evidence of earthquakes inferred from the geologic record, provide a critical constraint on estimation of the seismic hazard posed by an active fault. The radiocarbon calibration program OxCal (4.0.3 and above; Bronk Ramsey 2007, 2001) provides paleoseismologists with a straightforward but rigorous means of estimating these event ages and their uncertainties. Although initially developed for the chronologic modeling of archaeological data from diverse sources (e.g., radiocarbon, historical knowledge, etc.), OxCal is readily adaptable to other disciplines requiring chronological modeling, such as paleoseismology (Fumal et al. 2002; Lindvall et al. 2002; Kelson et al. 2006; Noriega et al. 2006; Lienkaemper and Williams 2007; Yen et al. 2008).

  6. Estabilidade aeróbia, pH e dinâmica de desenvolvimento de microrganismos da cana-de-açúcar in natura hidrolisada com cal virgem Aerobic stability, pH and development dynamic of microorganisms on fresh sugarcane hydrolyzed with whitewash

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    F.N. Domingues


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da adição de cal virgem e dos tempos após a aplicação sobre a estabilidade aeróbia e o crescimento de microrganismos (leveduras e fungos na cana-de-açúcar in natura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se a estabilidade aeróbia (temperatura, a dinâmica de desenvolvimento de leveduras e fungos e o pH, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com cinco doses de cal (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0% e cinco tempos após aplicação (0, 24, 48, 72, 96 horas. Houve efeito significativo das doses de cal para todos os parâmetros avaliados. A cana que não foi tratada com cal (0% apresentou quebra da estabilidade no menor intervalo de tempo. Os valores de pH aumentaram gradativamente de acordo com a dose de cal aplicada e diminuíram com o tempo após aplicação. Houve aumento numérico na contagem de leveduras até as 72 horas após a aplicação da cal, independentemente da dose, e os valores tenderam a estabilizar no tempo de 96 horas pós-tratamento. Não houve efeito significativo das doses de cal sobre o desenvolvimento dos fungos. A aplicação de cal virgem é eficaz no controle do crescimento de leveduras e aumenta a estabilidade aeróbia da cana-de-açúcar in natura.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of whitewash addition and the times after application on aerobic stability and growth of microorganisms (fungi and yeasts in fresh sugarcane. It was used a completely randomized experimental design, with four replications. Aerobic stability (temperature and the concentrations of yeast and fungus and pH were evaluated in a split-splot scheme with five doses of whitewash (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0% and five times after treatment (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. There was a significant effect of doses of whitewash for all evaluated parameters. The sugarcane which was not treated with whitewash (0.0% showed a break in

  7. Efeito dos conservantes sobre a densidade calórica em músculos de Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794 (Osteichthyes, Erythrinidae Effect of preservatives on caloric density in the muscles of Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794 (Osteichthyes, Erythrinidae

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    Milena Morimoto


    Full Text Available A conservação de amostras para a determinação dos valores calóricos em estudos de bioenergética de peixes tem se apresentado, na literatura, com uma variedade de métodos. Com o intuito de identificar o efeito de conservantes sobre os resultados obtidos com as diferentes técnicas de conservação, foram coletados exemplares adultos de Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Osteichthyes, Erythrinidae na planície de inundação do rio Paraná. De cada exemplar, foram retiradas 5 amostras da musculatura, as quais foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: formol (4%, álcool (70%, congelamento (-10oC, nitrogênio líquido (-180oC e estufa à 60oC (amostra controle. Depois de 30 dias, todas as amostras foram secas em estufa à 60oC e posteriormente procedeu-se à determinação calórica de cada uma das amostras em bomba calorimétrica. Detectaram-se diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos (ANOVA: N=206; F=50,28; pThe preservation of samples for caloric values determination in bioenergetic studies of fish has been presented literature with a variety of methods. To identify the effect of preservatives over the results obtained with different preservation techniques, adult individuals of Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Osteichthyes, Erythrinidae were collected in Paraná river floodplain. From each fish, five samples were extracted from its dorsal muscle and submitted each sample for a different treatment: ice (-10ºC, formaldehyde (4%, alcohol (70%, liquid nitrogen (-180oC and a control sample immediately oven dried (60oC. After 30 days, the treatments were oven dried (60oC and caloric values of each sample were determined in a caloric bomb. Significant differences among the treatments were found (ANOVA: n = 206; F = 50.28; p < 0.001. Some evaluations of the effects of each treatment were presented for further comparisons with the results published in literature.

  8. Estudo teórico e experimental de paredes esbeltas de alvenaria estrutural

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    Guilherme Aris Parsekian

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos fatores a serem levados em conta no dimensionamento de elementos comprimidos é sua esbeltez. Até hoje no Brasil utiliza-se o conceito de esbeltez simplificado, no qual o comprimento de flambagem é determinado por uma altura efetiva (hef, e o raio de giração é substituído por um parâmetro chamado espessura efetiva (tef, para o cálculo de fator minorador de resistência. Outras normas de alvenaria estrutural, como as norte-americana, europeia e australiana, trazem também em sua formulação de cálculo da capacidade de carga de uma parede comprimida um fator redutor de resistência. Já a normalização canadense indica que seja feita uma análise mais próxima da realidade, considerando o equilíbrio na configuração deformada da parede (análise P-Delta. Um programa experimental que envolveu 18 ensaios de paredes de blocos cerâmicos e de concreto com elevada esbeltez, obtida com a utilização de blocos de pequena espessura, é aqui relatado. As previsões da capacidade de carga para o caso de blocos de concreto de geometria vazada foram próximas aos resultados dos ensaios. No caso dos blocos cerâmicos utilizados, de geometria complexa, com as paredes dos blocos também vazadas, apenas a aproximação da norma canadense permitiu obter com algum grau de segurança e proximidade os resultados dos ensaios. Paredes mais esbeltas e com blocos de geometrias complexas exigem procedimentos mais refinados para o cálculo, em que o processo P-Delta e a verificação da seção com material não resistente à tração podem ser uma solução.

  9. TileCal TDAQ/DCS communication

    CERN Document Server

    Solans, C; Arabidze, G; Carneiro Ferreira, B; Sotto-Maior Peralva, B


    This document describes the communication between the TDAQ and DCS systems of the Hadronic Tile Calorimeter detector of the ATLAS experiment, currently under commissioning phase at CERN. It is a further step on the TDAQ and DCS communication for TileCal operation. The aim of the implementation is to increase the robustness and understanding of the detector from the two systems involved. The basic principle observed is that the two systems operate independently in parallel. Hence, the knowledge of the status of the whole detector from each of the two systems is required for further analysis of the archived data.

  10. A novel role for the Bombyx Slbo homologue, BmC/EBP, in insect choriogenesis. (United States)

    Sourmeli, S; Papantonis, A; Lecanidou, R


    One previously unidentified cDNA clone coding for a C/EBP factor, BmC/EBP, was isolated from Bombyx mori follicular cells. This is the first time that a C/EBP factor has been isolated and characterized in Lepidoptera. We provide information concerning structural features and developmental specificity, as well as in vitro interaction properties with chorion gene promoter modules. BmC/EBP was capable of effectively recognizing homologous binding sites from chorion gene promoters derived from flies and other moths, despite significant diversity of chorion structure, gene organization, and gene expression profiles. We propose that the relative concentration of BmC/EBP, in relation to its differential binding affinity for promoter cis-elements, results in activation or repression of silkmoth chorion gene expression.


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo estudia la posibilidad de fabricar elementos sílico-calcáreos para mampostería a partir de dos tipos de materias primas como son las escorias de Alto Horno y las cales hidráulicas. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron algunas propiedades físicas de las probetas fabricadas con los anteriores materiales con respecto a la Norma Técnica Colombiana, para 5 tipos de mezclas que varían entre 10 y 50 % de cal. Los resultados mostraron que es factible la fabricación de ladrillos sílico-calcáreos para mampostería que cumplen con la NTC 922.

  12. Characterization of the anti-inflammatory Lactobacillus reuteri BM36301 and its probiotic benefits on aged mice. (United States)

    Lee, Joon; Yang, Woo; Hostetler, Andrew; Schultz, Nathan; Suckow, Mark A; Stewart, Kay L; Kim, Daniel D; Kim, Hyung Soo


    The gut microbiota is playing more important roles in host immune regulation than was initially expected. Since many benefits of microbes are highly strain-specific and their mechanistic details remain largely elusive, further identification of new probiotic bacteria with immunoregulatory potentials is of great interest. We have screened our collection of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for their efficacy in modulating host immune response. Some LAB are characterized by suppression of TNF-α induction when LAB culture supernatants are added to THP-1 cells, demonstrating the LAB's anti-inflammatory potential. These suppressive materials were not inactivated by heat or trypsin. On the other hand, treatment of THP-1 directly with live bacterial cells identified a group of pro-inflammatory LAB, which stimulated significant production of TNF-α. Among those, we chose the Lactobacillus reuteri BM36301 as an anti-inflammatory strain and the L. reuteri BM36304 as a pro-inflammatory strain, and further studied their in vivo effects. We supplied C57BL/6 mice with these bacteria in drinking water while feeding them a standard diet for 20 weeks. Interestingly, these L. reuteri strains evoked different consequences depending on the gender of the mice. That is, males treated with anti-inflammatory BM36301 experienced less weight gain and higher testosterone level; females treated with BM36301 maintained lower serum TNF-α as well as healthy skin with active folliculogenesis and hair growth. Furthermore, while males treated with pro-inflammatory BM36304 developed higher serum levels of TNF-α and insulin, in contrast females did not experience such effects from this bacteria strain. The L. reuteri BM36301 was selected as an anti-inflammatory strain in vitro. It helped mice maintain healthy conditions as they aged. These findings propose the L. reuteri BM36301 as a potential probiotic strain to improve various aspects of aging issues.


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    Adolfo Sánchez Laiño


    Full Text Available Resumen La investigación tuvo los siguientes objetivos: a Determinar la leguminosa tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb Benth y Gliricidia sepium y el nivel de banano maduro (BM (50, 75, 100 y 100, 125, 150 g animal-1 día-1, que permita incrementar los parámetros reproductivos (fase uno y productivos (fase dos, en conejos Nueva Zelanda. b Determinar la Relación beneficio/costo de los tratamientos. Se utilizó 28 y 42 conejos respectivamente. Se aplicó un arreglo factorial 2 x 3 + 1, en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA, con cuatro y tres repeticiones. Se utilizó la prueba de Tukey (p≤0.05. El mayor consumo fue para el kudzu (p0.05 el peso de las hembras al parto, el periodo de gestación, peso y tamaño de la camada al nacimiento. Los niveles de BM no influenciaron (p>0.05 sobre la ganancia de peso, índice de conversión alimenticia (ICA, peso final (PF, peso a la canal (PC y rendimiento a la canal (RC. Los tratamientos en base a leguminosas tropicales y niveles de BM superaron al testigo (p<0.01. La mayor rentabilidad en la fase 1 y 2 se obtuvo al combinar kudzu tropical más 100 y 75 g y 125 y 100 g de BM animal-1 día-1 (30.34 y 29.48%.

  14. Frontline CALS - Extranet Enabled Support of Customer Relations Based on Product State Information

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Michael Holm; Franck, Lesley Robert; Pedersen, Mogens Kühn


    commerce called Frontline CALS. Frontline CALS integrate three bodies of knowledge, i.e. Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support, Electronic Commerce, and the Customer Consumption Chain in order to construct a concept that enhances the service quality for customers with time critical operations....... The essence of Frontline CALS is that it combines a product and a customer view with the aim of enhancing the service quality offered by the dealers in collaboration with the producer. The article further provides empirical insight from an early prototype implementation of a Web Service System intended......The electronic economy has proliferated during the past decade. Many initiatives are launched in order to support customer's interaction with the company, however, often fragmented. A more holistic approach is provided in this article. The article suggests a business model in the era of electronic...

  15. Electronic states of Ca/PC61BM: Mechanism of low work function metal as interfacial material

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    Ying-Ying Du


    Full Text Available We have studied the electronic states at Ca/PC61BM interface using photoemission spectroscopy. It is found that the state of unoccupied molecular orbitals of the top molecular layer (TML becomes occupied by the electrons transferred from the Ca atoms. The work function of the heavily doped TML of PC61BM film is smaller than that of metal Ca, and thus the contact between the TML and metal Ca is Ohmic. A transition layer (TL of several molecular layers forms beneath the TML due to the diffusion of the Ca atoms. The TL is conductive and aligns its Fermi level with the negative integer charge transfer level of the interior PC61BM. The built-in electric field in the TL facilitates the electron transport from the interior of the PC61BM film to the TML.

  16. Os novos territórios da produção e do trabalho: a indústria de calçados no Ceará

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    Jacob Carlos Lima

    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar a relocalização industrial do setor calçadista para o Nordeste a partir da década de 1990, bem como o perfil dos "novos" contingentes de trabalhadores decorrentes desse processo. A quase inexistência de um mercado de trabalho formal anterior torna o emprego fabril nesses novos territórios atrativo para trabalhadores mais escolarizados. Para as empresas, a atração encontra-se nos incentivos fiscais, no baixo custo da força de trabalho e na baixa mobilização desses contingentes de trabalhadores. O recorte empírico é o Ceará, que se tornou, com a política de interiorização industrial, o terceiro produtor de calçados no País, com unidades fabris distribuídas de forma desconcentrada pelo estado. A pesquisa constou de: dados secundários obtidos em associações e sindicatos patronais nacionais e em órgãos empresariais e governamentais; entrevistas com dirigentes sindicais de quatro cidades; e aplicação de questionário a 197 trabalhadores de seis fábricas - oriundas do Sul e Sudeste - localizadas em diferentes regiões do estado.

  17. Heterotropic and homotropic cooperativity by a drug-metabolising mutant of cytochrome P450 BM3

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vugt-Lussenburg, B.M.A.; Damsten, M.C.; Maasdijk, D.M.; Vermeulen, N.P.E.; Commandeur, J.N.M.


    Recently, we described a triple mutant of the bacterial cytochrome P450 BM3 as the first mutant with affinity for drug-like compounds. In this paper, we show that this mutant, but not wild-type BM3, is able to metabolise testosterone and several drug-like molecules such as amodiaquine,

  18. Fiscal Aggressiveness: A comparison between companies listed on the NYSE and BM&FBOVESPA1

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    Risolene Alves de Macena Araújo


    Full Text Available Actions aimed at reducing corporate taxes through aggressive tax activities are becoming an increasingly common feature of the organizational environment in many countries around the world. In view of this, the objective of this work was to verify that the companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE are less aggressive fiscally than companies listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange(BM&FBOVESPA. The analysis period was from 2010 to 2014. To achieve this goal, the aggressive fiscal proxies were based on the study of Chen et al. (2010: effective rate of tax (ETR and difference between accounting profit and taxable profit (BTD. Regression techniques were used OLS Regression and Quantile regression for a sample of 501 companies, being 107 companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA and 394 listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE. The results showed that the NYSE companies are less aggressive fiscally than companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA,  except in the upper quantile (quantile 90 relating to the ETR, in which companies the NYSE showed lower ETR than companies of BM&FBOVESPA, suggesting greater fiscal aggression of these companies.

  19. An IPMI-compliant control system for the ATLAS TileCal Phase-II Upgrade PreProcessor module

    CERN Document Server

    Zuccarello, Pedro Diego; The ATLAS collaboration


    Abstract–The electronics of the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS detector (TileCal) is being redesigned as part of the works that will lead to the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). TileCal electronics is divided in front and back-end subsystems. While the front-end is inside the detector, the back-end is located off-detector inserted in an ATCA shelf. The main objective of this paper is to describe the work being carried out in the hardware management aspects of the back-end electronics of TileCal.

  20. Cal Poly Apparel Manufacturing Demonstration - Year 3 Final Technical Report

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    .... Since the Southern California apparel industry is primarily small businesses producing low volume fashion products, the Cal Poly Demo factory needed to reflect the size and capability of its customer...

  1. Posibilidades estructurales de materiales a base de cal como conglomerante: primeros resultados


    Estrada, Enrique; Barbero, José Miguel


    La cal es un material abundante y cuya producción suma a una tecnología muy accesible la ventaja de poder materializarse en pequeñas plantas dispersas, para poder reducir al mínimo la componente de costo debida al transporte. En el presente trabajo se ha planteado la posibilidad de obtener hormigones con fines estructurales, para viviendas de baja altura y que sean de fácil obtención, a base de cal y cenizas volantes o cenizas de cascara de arroz, variando sus proporciones, grados de finur...

  2. Contribuição ao estudo anatômico da inervação dos músculos cricoaritenóideos posterior e lateral

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    Navarro João Adolfo Caldas


    Full Text Available A problemática da inervação laríngea tem motivado o aparecimento de grande número de pesquisas, especialmente àquelas relacionadas ao nervo laríngeo recorrente (NLR. As numerosas variações anatômicas, a importante aplicação cirúrgica e ainda as dificuldades na comprovação funcional dos ramos nervosos para laringe tornam este assunto intrigante e desafiador. Diante disto, o presente estudo objetiva a investigação minuciosa dos ramos do nervo laríngeo recorrente (NLR, destinados aos músculos cricoaritenóideos posterior (CAP e lateral (CAL. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram realizadas dissecções bilaterais, ao microscópio cirúrgico, de 20 laringes de adultos, de ambos os sexos, referentes às regiões posterior e posterolateral da laringe. RESULTADOS: Encontraram-se diferenças morfológicas nos ramos do NLR que alcançam os músculos CAP e CAL, observando-se inervação unipedicular, bipedicular e tripedicular. Encontraram-se, também, fibras do músculo CAP dispostas obliquamente às do feixe principal, em forma de um "aqueduto", sob o qual passa o NLR. CONCLUSÕES: O nervo laríngeo recorrente (NLR penetra na laringe sob a sua margem inferior, atrás da articulação cricotireoidea; a inervação característica de ambos os músculos (CAP e CAL é predominantemente bipedicular; o mencionado "aqueduto", formado por um feixe de fibras do CAP, seria uma variação anatômica pouco estudada.

  3. Gestão de resíduos sólidos na construção civil: uma análise do relatório GRI de empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Fabiana Frigo Souza


    Full Text Available Uma das áreas em ascensão no Brasil é a construção civil, o qual é um setor que gera impactos ambientais, dentre eles, um número elevado de resíduos sólidos. Em razão disso, este estudo tem como objetivos identificar e avaliar o que as empresas do ramo da construção civil listadas na BM&FBOVESPA evidenciam em seus relatórios de sustentabilidade relativamente à gestão de seus resíduos. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, foram pesquisados os relatórios de sustentabilidade das empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA do setor de construção civil. Os resultados mostraram que pequena parte do total de empresas listadas divulga o relatório de sustentabilidade e que, das duas empresas identificadas, após a análise das informações efetivamente divulgadas, uma apresentou dados referentes a 96% dos itens da Categoria Ambiental da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, e a outra apresentou apenas 19% dos itens. Além disso, em ambas as empresas foram identificados itens em que a divulgação foi feita de forma parcial ou sequer foi feita. O estudo conclui que mesmo a construção civil sendo uma área em expansão e geradora de resíduos, são poucas as empresas que apresentam relatório socioambiental.  

  4. Trabalho em saúde: retrato dos agentes comunitários de saúde da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Paloma Ribeiro Pires Simas

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em caracterizar o perfil e os aspectos relacionados à gestão do trabalho dos agentes comunitários de saúde na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, que contemplou 535 agentes comunitários distribuídos em 107 unidades básicas de saúde da Região Nordeste do Brasil. Os dados foram extraídos de oito blocos de questões referentes à Percepção dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde sobre aspectos: sociodemográficos, econômico e político; mecanismos de contratação e remuneração; valorização do trabalhador, condições de trabalho e processos de formação dos agentes. Os resultados apontam que a proporção de agentes comunitários contratados pela administração direta na Região Nordeste é predominante. A forma de inserção dos agentes comunitários nos serviços de saúde se deu por concurso seguido de seleção pública. A administração direta é a principal forma de contratação, no entanto, novas modalidades, como as fundações de direito público e privado, organizações sociais e consórcios intermunicipais, constituem alternativas adotadas pelos gestores, produzindo um conjunto de fragilidades provocadas pela flexibilização das relações de trabalho.

  5. Las reformas emprendidas en Túnez de la mano del FMI y el BM ¿Precedente para la revolución de los Jazmines?”(1987-2010)


    Salas Danies, Angie Carolina


    El estallido de la “Revolución de los Jazmines” cuestionó el éxito de un país que por más de dos décadas fue exaltado por el Banco Mundial (BM) y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por los logros alcanzados gracias a un programa de restructuración económica. Las exigencias e inconformidades de los manifestantes, que iban más allá de la falta de garantías democráticas, permitieron ver que el país sufría de problemas estructurales relacionados a los altos niveles de desempleo, la precarieda...

  6. Final Report Feasibility Study for the California Wave Energy Test Center (CalWavesm)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blakeslee, Samuel Norman [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States). Inst. for Advanced Technology and Public Policy; Toman, William I. [Protean Wave Energy Ltd., Los Osos, CA (United States); Williams, Richard B. [Leidos Maritime Solutions, Reston, VA (United States); Davy, Douglas M. [CH2M, Sacramento, CA (United States); West, Anna [Kearns and West, Inc., San Francisco, CA (United States); Connet, Randy M. [Omega Power Engineers, LLC, Anaheim, CA (United States); Thompson, Janet [Kearns and West, Inc., San Francisco, CA (United States); Dolan, Dale [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States); Baltimore, Craig [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States); Jacobson, Paul [Electric Power Research Inst. (EPRI), Knoxville, TN (United States); Hagerman, George [Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA (United States); Potter, Chris [California Natural Resources Agency, Sacramento, CA (United States); Dooher, Brendan [Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco, CA (United States); Wendt, Dean [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States); Sheppard, Colin [Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA (United States); Harris, Andrew [Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA (United States); Lawson, W. Graham [Power Delivery Consultants, Inc., Albany, NY (United States)


    The California Wave Energy Test Center (CalWave) Feasibility Study project was funded over multiple phases by the Department of Energy to perform an interdisciplinary feasibility assessment to analyze the engineering, permitting, and stakeholder requirements to establish an open water, fully energetic, grid connected, wave energy test center off the coast of California for the purposes of advancing U.S. wave energy research, development, and testing capabilities. Work under this grant included wave energy resource characterization, grid impact and interconnection requirements, port infrastructure and maritime industry capability/suitability to accommodate the industry at research, demonstration and commercial scale, and macro and micro siting considerations. CalWave Phase I performed a macro-siting and down-selection process focusing on two potential test sites in California: Humboldt Bay and Vandenberg Air Force Base. This work resulted in the Vandenberg Air Force Base site being chosen as the most favorable site based on a peer reviewed criteria matrix. CalWave Phase II focused on four siting location alternatives along the Vandenberg Air Force Base coastline and culminated with a final siting down-selection. Key outcomes from this work include completion of preliminary engineering and systems integration work, a robust turnkey cost estimate, shoreside and subsea hazards assessment, storm wave analysis, lessons learned reports from several maritime disciplines, test center benchmarking as compared to existing international test sites, analysis of existing applicable environmental literature, the completion of a preliminary regulatory, permitting and licensing roadmap, robust interaction and engagement with state and federal regulatory agency personnel and local stakeholders, and the population of a Draft Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Preliminary Application Document (PAD). Analysis of existing offshore oil and gas infrastructure was also performed

  7. Skin Basement Membrane: The Foundation of Epidermal Integrity—BM Functions and Diverse Roles of Bridging Molecules Nidogen and Perlecan

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    Dirk Breitkreutz


    Full Text Available The epidermis functions in skin as first defense line or barrier against environmental impacts, resting on extracellular matrix (ECM of the dermis underneath. Both compartments are connected by the basement membrane (BM, composed of a set of distinct glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Herein we are reviewing molecular aspects of BM structure, composition, and function regarding not only (i the dermoepidermal interface but also (ii the resident microvasculature, primarily focusing on the per se nonscaffold forming components perlecan and nidogen-1 and nidogen-2. Depletion or functional deficiencies of any BM component are lethal at some stage of development or around birth, though BM defects vary between organs and tissues. Lethality problems were overcome by developmental stage- and skin-specific gene targeting or by cell grafting and organotypic (3D cocultures of normal or defective cells, which allows recapitulating BM formation de novo. Thus, evidence is accumulating that BM assembly and turnover rely on mechanical properties and composition of the adjacent ECM and the dynamics of molecular assembly, including further “minor” local components, nidogens largely functioning as catalysts or molecular adaptors and perlecan as bridging stabilizer. Collectively, orchestration of BM assembly, remodeling, and the role of individual players herein are determined by the developmental, tissue-specific, or functional context.

  8. Crystallization and Preliminary Diffraction Analysis of the CAL PDZ Domain in Complex with a Selective Peptide Inhibitor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J Amacher; P Cushing; J Weiner; D Madden


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with loss-of-function mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which regulates epithelial fluid and ion homeostasis. The CFTR cytoplasmic C-terminus interacts with a number of PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1) proteins that modulate its intracellular trafficking and chloride-channel activity. Among these, the CFTR-associated ligand (CAL) has a negative effect on apical-membrane expression levels of the most common disease-associated mutant {Delta}F508-CFTR, making CAL a candidate target for the treatment of CF. A selective peptide inhibitor of the CAL PDZ domain (iCAL36) has recently been developed and shown to stabilize apical expression of {Delta}F508-CFTR, enhancing net chloride-channel activity, both alone and in combination with the folding corrector corr-4a. As a basis for structural studies of the CAL-iCAL36 interaction, a purification protocol has been developed that increases the oligomeric homogeneity of the protein. Here, the cocrystallization of the complex in space group P2{sub 1}2{sub 1}2{sub 1}, with unit-cell parameters a = 35.9, b = 47.7, c = 97.3 {angstrom}, is reported. The crystals diffracted to 1.4 {angstrom} resolution. Based on the calculated Matthews coefficient (1.96 {angstrom}{sup 3} Da{sup -1}), it appears that the asymmetric unit contains two complexes.

  9. NÃveis de isoleucina digestÃvel sobre o desempenho de fÃmeas suÃnas dos 15 aos 30 kg


    Leandro Dalcin Castilha


    Com o objetivo de determinar a exigÃncia de isoleucina digestÃvel para fÃmeas suÃnas dos 15 aos 30 kg, foram realizados dois experimentos, um ensaio de desempenho e um balanÃo do nitrogÃnio. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizadas 40 fÃmeas suÃnas, mestiÃas, de alto potencial genÃtico e desempenho mÃdio, com peso vivo inicial de 15,00 Â 0,52kg, distribuÃdas em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, constituÃdo de cinco tratamentos (0,45; 0,52; 0,59; 0,66; 0,73% de isoleucina diges...

  10. João Pandiá Calógeras

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    Sílvio Fernandes Lopes


    Full Text Available A honra de ocupar uma cadeira numa instituição cientí-fica de renome, não é maior, decerto, do que aquela de o fazer à sombra de um vulto de primeira grandeza, a lhe servir de patrono. Dupla honra e dupla responsabilidade, portanto, o que neste momento me toca, pois se a Cadeira pertence ao Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Santos, entidade que digni-fica a cultura da nossa terra e da nossa gente em vinte e dois anos de trajetória científica e social, a invocação pertence a uma das maiores figuras do Brasil República, o grande Caló-geras, que Afonso de Taunay chamou de "gigante do pensa-mento brasileiro", quando, em discurso de saudação a Rodol-fo Garcia na Academia Brasileira de Letras, verberava que, naquela Academia ilustre, não estivessem três gigantes do pen-samento brasileiro: Pandiá Calógeras, Martim Francisco e Ca-pistrano de Abreu.

  11. ATLAS TileCal LVPS Upgrade Hardware and Testing

    CERN Document Server

    Hibbard, Michael James; The ATLAS collaboration; Hadavand, Haleh Khani


    UTA (University of Texas at Arlington) has been designing and producing new testing stations to ensure the reliability and quality of new TileLVPS (Low Voltage Power Supplies), also produced at UTA, which will power the next generation of upgraded hardware in the TileCal (Tile Calorimeter) system of ATLAS at CERN. UTA has produced two new types of testing stations, which build upon the previous generation of testing stations used in the initial production of the TileCal system. The first station is the Initial Test Station, and quickly quantifies a multitude of performance metrics of a LVPS. We have developed our own PC based program which graphically display and records onto file these metrics. A few notable metrics we are measuring are the system clock and its jitter. Excessive clock jitter in LVPS can affect system stability and derate the working range of the system duty cycle. This station also verifies protection circuitry of LVPS, which protects it from over temperature, current and voltage. The second...

  12. Práticas de responsabilidade socioambiental nas empresas de capital aberto de Santa Catarina listadas na BM&FBOVESPA = Social responsibility practices in open capital companies from Santa Catarina listed on BM&FBOVESPA

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    Daniela Di Domenico


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as práticas de ações de responsabilidade social corporativa das sociedades anônimas de capital aberto de Santa Catarina listadas na BM&FBovespa. A justificativa da pesquisa está atrelada à influência da evidenciação dessas informações para os investidores, pesquisadores e usuários das informações ambientais. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos o estudo caracteriza-se como exploratório quanto aos objetivos, documental em relação aos procedimentos e a abordagem do problema é predominantemente qualitativa. As empresas que fazem parte da amostra são: BRF S.A., BUETTNER S.A., CASAN, KARSTEN S.A e WEG S.A. Foram várias as práticas de responsabilidade social e ambiental evidenciadas, mas se pode identificar que todas têm como objetivo divulgar a empresa, além do objetivo principal da ação realizada. É possível destacar as principais práticas como sendo as ações e cuidados para o consumo consciente da água e energia, usando fontes que não sejam prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. Outra ação em destaque é o cuidado com a destinação dos resíduos sólidos e líquidos, gerados nos processos operacionais das empresas. A preocupação com a poluição da atmosfera também é evidente, por ser um dos principais problemas ambientais na atualidade.This article aims at identifying the practices of corporate social responsibility of corporations with open capital of Santa Catarina listed BM&FBovespa. The justification of this research is related to the influence of the disclosure of information for the investors, researchers and users of environmental information. In the methodological procedures, the study is characterized as exploratory as its goals, documental regarding the procedures and its approach to the problem is predominantly qualitative. The companies included in the sample are: BRF SA, BUETTNER SA, CASAN, KARSTEN SA and WEG SA. There were several social and environmental

  13. A novel mouse model for multiple myeloma (MOPC315.BM that allows noninvasive spatiotemporal detection of osteolytic disease.

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    Peter O Hofgaard

    Full Text Available Multiple myeloma (MM is a lethal human cancer characterized by a clonal expansion of malignant plasma cells in bone marrow. Mouse models of human MM are technically challenging and do not always recapitulate human disease. Therefore, new mouse models for MM are needed. Mineral-oil induced plasmacytomas (MOPC develop in the peritoneal cavity of oil-injected BALB/c mice. However, MOPC typically grow extramedullary and are considered poor models of human MM. Here we describe an in vivo-selected MOPC315 variant, called MOPC315.BM, which can be maintained in vitro. When injected i.v. into BALB/c mice, MOPC315.BM cells exhibit tropism for bone marrow. As few as 10(4 MOPC315.BM cells injected i.v. induced paraplegia, a sign of spinal cord compression, in all mice within 3-4 weeks. MOPC315.BM cells were stably transfected with either firefly luciferase (MOPC315.BM.Luc or DsRed (MOPC315.BM.DsRed for studies using noninvasive imaging. MOPC315.BM.Luc cells were detected in the tibiofemoral region already 1 hour after i.v. injection. Bone foci developed progressively, and as of day 5, MM cells were detected in multiple sites in the axial skeleton. Additionally, the spleen (a hematopoietic organ in the mouse was invariably affected. Luminescent signals correlated with serum myeloma protein concentration, allowing for easy tracking of tumor load with noninvasive imaging. Affected mice developed osteolytic lesions. The MOPC315.BM model employs a common strain of immunocompetent mice (BALB/c and replicates many characteristics of human MM. The model should be suitable for studies of bone marrow tropism, development of osteolytic lesions, drug testing, and immunotherapy in MM.

  14. Como evitar a formação de substâncias tóxicas durante a absorção de dióxido de carbono pela cal sodada com uso de anestésicos halogenados Como evitar la formación de substancias tóxicas durante la absorción de dióxido de carbono por la cal sodada con uso de anestésicos halogenados Preventing toxic substances production during carbon dioxide absorption by soda lime with halogenate anesthetics

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    Renato Ângelo Saraiva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cal sodada desde o início do seu uso sempre apresentou algumas complicações que resultaram em dificuldade na sua aplicabilidade. No entanto, devido as grandes vantagens que oferecia em relação a redução do fluxo de gases frescos, despoluição da sala de cirurgia e umidificação do sistema de inalação e via aérea, fizeram com que continuassem as pesquisas para que pudesse ser melhorada e corrigida de forma que a continuidade da sua utilização fosse assegurada. Atualmente existe o problema da desidratação com elevação da temperatura e da degradação metabólica dos anestésicos halogenados que necessitam de cuidados especiais para evitar a formação de produtos tóxicos. CONTEÚDO: Existe uma reação em cadeia a partir da cal sodada desidratada ou ressecada com baixos volumes percentuais de água. Há aumento da temperatura, maior absorção de anestésico halogenado para o interior do granulo de cal em seguida maior degradação metabólica das moléculas destes agentes e conseqüentemente a produção de substâncias tóxicas como o Composto A pela reação dos hidróxidos com o sevoflurano. Há também formação de monóxido de carbono produzido da mesma forma pela reação entre os halogenados e as bases fortes da cal. O composto A é nefrotóxico e o monóxido de carbono leva a hipóxia e alterações graves da coagulação do sangue. Além dos cuidados para a hidratação da cal sodada é possível usá-la sem conter as bases fortes como os hidróxidos de potássio e de sódio, contendo apenas hidróxido de cálcio para evitar excessivo aumento da temperatura e grande degradação metabólica dos halogenados sem prejudicar a absorção do dióxido de carbono. CONCLUSÕES: Deve-se ter o cuidado em usar a cal sodada mais recente possível e quando ela fica exposta ao meio ambiente (ar seco por muitas horas como por exemplo em um final de semana (mais de 48 horas é recomendável colocar

  15. Role of the transmembrane domain of the VanT serine racemase in resistance to vancomycin in Enterococcus gallinarum BM4174. (United States)

    Arias, C A; Peña, J; Panesso, D; Reynolds, P


    Enterococcus gallinarum BM4175 (a vancomycin-susceptible derivative of BM4174 obtained by insertional inactivation of vanC-1) was transformed with plasmid constructs pCA10 (containing the genes necessary for resistance, vanC-1-XYc-T), pJP1 (with a fragment lacking the DNA encoding the transmembrane region of VanT, -vanC-1-XYc-T((Delta))(2-322)-) and with plasmids containing fragments encoding either the transmembrane (mvanT(1-322)) or racemase (svanT(323-698)) domains of VanT under the control of a constitutive promoter. Accumulated peptidoglycan precursors were measured in all strains in the presence of L-Ser, D-Ser (50 mM) or in the absence of any growth supplement. Uptake of 0.1 mM L-[(14)C]serine was also determined in BM4174, BM4175 and BM4175/pCA10. Vancomycin resistance was restored in BM4175 transformed with pCA10(C-1-XYc-T), and the profile of peptidoglycan precursors was similar to wild-type E. gallinarum BM4174. Transformation of E. gallinarum BM4175 with plasmid pJP1(vanC-1-XYc-T((Delta))(2-322)) resulted in: (i) vancomycin MICs remaining within susceptible levels (VanT is likely to be involved in the transport of L-Ser, and that in its absence the resistance phenotype is compromised.

  16. Stress induction of Bm1 RNA in silkworm larvae: SINEs, an unusual class of stress genes (United States)

    Kimura, Richard H.; Choudary, Prabhakara V.; Stone, Koni K.; Schmid, Carl W.


    This study surveys the induction of RNA polymerase III (Pol III)–directed expression of short interspersed element (SINE) transcripts by various stresses in an animal model, silkworm larvae. Sublethal heat shock and exposure to several toxic compounds increase the level of Bm1 RNA, the silkworm SINE transcript, while also transiently increasing expression of a well-characterized stress-induced transcript, Hsp70 messenger RNA (mRNA). In certain cases, the Bm1 RNA response coincides with that of Hsp70 mRNA, but more often Bm1 RNA responds later in recovery. Baculovirus infection and exposure to certain toxic compounds increase Bm1 RNA but not Hsp70 mRNA, showing that SINE induction is not necessarily coupled to transcription of this particular heat shock gene. SINEs behave as an additional class of stress-inducible genes in living animals but are unusual as stress genes because of their high copy number, genomic dispersion, and Pol III–directed transcription. PMID:11599568

  17. In vivo and in vitro studies on a muscarinic presynaptic antagonist and postsynaptic agonist: BM-5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nordstrom, O.; Bartafi, T.; Frieder, B.; Grimm, V.; Ladinsky, H.; Unden, A.


    This paper reports on in vitro and in vivo studies with compound BM-5 which, at proper dosage, could have great potential since it could enhance cholinergic transmission by being a presynaptic antagonist and postsynaptic agonist. Binding studies are described in which tritium-4-NMPB, a muscarinic antagonist, was displaced by compound BM-5 in membranes from striatum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus. The binding data are summarized, which for each brain area involved 86-92 data points evaluated by means of nonlinear regression methods. Compound BM-5 recognized in each brain region a population of high and a population of low affinity binding sites; both of which were labelled with tritium-4-NMPB. It is shown that compound BM-5 causes muscarinic cholinergic agonist-like effects such as redness of the eye, increased motility in the gut, and impairment of locomotor behavior. It also produces muscarinic super-sensitivity upon chronic treatment, and decreases rat striatial ACh content by acute treatment

  18. Digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alimentos volumosos determinada pela técnica dos sacos móveis em eqüinos Nutrient digestibility of forage feed determined using mobile bag technique in horses

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    Vinícius Pimentel Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estimar a digestibilidade de nutrientes de forrageiras em eqüinos utilizando-se a técnica de sacos de náilon móveis. Foram avaliados alfafa (Medicago sativa, amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, desmódio (Desmodium ovalifolium, estilosantes (Stylosanthes guianensis, guandu (Cajanus cajan, macrotiloma (Macrotyloma axillare e capim-coastcross (Cynodon dactylon cv. coastcross. O delineamento foi em blocos inteiramente casualizados com sete alimentos e cinco blocos (animais. Foram utilizados cinco eqüinos mestiços com 17 a 27 anos de idade e peso vivo médio de 350 kg. O ensaio teve duração de 12 dias: três para a adaptação às baias, cinco para inserção gástrica dos sacos através de sonda nasogástrica e quatro de coleta dos sacos nas fezes. No período pré-experimental de 30 dias, os animais foram mantidos em piquetes com dieta composta de 80% de feno de coastcross e 20% de concentrado. Na confecção dos sacos, utilizou-se náilon com porosidade de 45 µ e dimensão de 7,5 × 2 cm. Em cada saco, foram inseridos 510 mg de matéria seca de amostra do alimento. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes das forragens foram calculados considerando o resíduo obtido no saco. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes do amendoim, estilosantes e macrotiloma foram superiores à da demais forrageiras, com destaque para a digestibilidade da proteína bruta, cujos valores foram de 91,4; 94,9 e 97,0%, respectivamente. O amendoim e macrotiloma apresentaram digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro de 72,3 e 65,2% e da fibra em detergente ácido de 70,9 e 59,4%, respectivamente. O amendoim forrageiro, macrotiloma e estilosantes apresentam digestibilidade dos nutrientes satisfatória e têm potencial para o uso em dietas para eqüinos.This work was carried out to evaluate the nutrient digestibility of forages using mobile bags technique in horses. The forages were lucerne (Medicago sativa, peanut (Arachis pintoi, desmodio

  19. ATLAS TileCal submodule B-field measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budagov, Yu.A.; Fedorenko, S.B.; Kalinichenko, V.V.; Lomakin, Yu.F.; Vorozhtsov, S.B.; Nessi, M.


    The work was done to cross check of the previous measurement done at CERN and to simulate the magnetic structure in the vicinity of the symmetry plane of the TileCal. To perform magnetic measurements for submodule the magnet E2 was chosen. The magnetometer used in the magnetic test of the submodule consists of Hall current supply and Hall voltage measuring device. The indium antimonide Hall probe used in this measurement is a model PKhE 606. Experimental set-up provides a true measurement accuracy of order ± 1%. External magnetic field measurements were conducted at the outer surface of the submodule. Two levels of the external field were applied: 108 Gs and 400 Gs. The result of this measurement in general confirms the data, obtained at CERN, but the shielding capability of the submodule under consideration was ∼ 20% higher than there. The field at the tile location is < 150 Gs up to the external field level 500 Gs and the tile field grows much less than the external field level in this range. The data obtained in this measurement could be used as a benchmark when producing a computer model of the TileCal magnetic field distribution

  20. Demonstração dos fluxos de caixa: uma análise da captação de recursos nas empresas do setor de construção civil listadas na BM&F Bovespa = Cash flow statements: an analysis of resource acquisitions by the civil architecture enterprises listed at BM&F Bovespa

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    Mariane Lohn


    Full Text Available A dinâmica do mundo econômico e financeiro nas organizações coloca em movimento muito mais que estratégias de gestão e de administração do patrimônio, pois requer uma dinamicidade no conjunto de informações e aporte de procedimentos que organizem e auxiliem o controle patrimonial. As recentes alterações na estrutura conceitual e da legislação societária apresentam novas demandas ao repertório de procedimentos contábeis buscando garantir a confiabilidade nas decisões mediante a divulgação de informações tempestivas. Neste cenário de mudanças e instabilidades esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as formas de obtenção de recursos financeiros utilizados por empresas do segmento da construção civil que negociaram suas ações na BM&F Bovespa. Com este fim foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de levantamento de dados. O levantamento abrangeu as demonstrações dos exercícios de 2007 a 2009, no qual se verificou que mais de 80% das empresas captaram recursos principalmente por meio de atividades de financiamento. Quanto a esse grupo de atividades, pode-se perceber que no ano de 2007 a principal forma de capitalização foi por meio de aumento do capital social. Já nos anos de 2008 e de 2009 a obtenção de empréstimos, financiamentos e a emissão de debêntures foram a maior fonte de capitalização. Nota-se que a DFC é um demonstrativo dinâmico nas informações que destacam fontes de financiamento das empresas, enfatizando a relevância dos processos de harmonização contábil, aliados à dinâmica de cenários econômicos que alteram normas e procedimentos, buscando ampliar o fluxo de informações e dinamizando o processo contábil.The dynamics of the financial and economic world demands more from organizations than strategies of management and administration of their capital. It requires more dynamism in obtaining information and adopting procedures to organize and control the companies’ capital

  1. Topografia dos vasos sanguíneos arteriais e venosos nos rins de Cavalos Puro Sangue Inglês

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    Paulo Sérgio de Moraes Barros


    Full Text Available As doenças renais em equinos, geralmente estão associadas a problemas respiratórios e digestórios, entretanto não são frequentes as intervenções cirúrgicas neste órgão para estes animais. O estudo dos vasos sanguíneos relativos aos rins nos animais domésticos e selvagens é de fundamental importância para o entendimento de diversos aspectos de sua fisiologia e nutrição. Neste trabalho, foram utilizados 30 pares de rins de equinos Puro Sangue Inglês, dos quais 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, de diferentes faixas etárias, provenientes de doação do Jockey Club de São Paulo. Durante a necropsia dos animais, os rins unidos por meio de suas artérias e veias renais foram retirados em bloco. Em seguida, foram fixados em solução de formol a 10%, por aproximadamente 48h, para a dissecação e individualização dos componentes dos pedículos renais. Para a análise dos resultados foram demarcados os quadrantes cranioventral, craniodorsal, caudoventral e caudodorsal, com duas linhas uma craniocaudal e a outra dorsoventral. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que: os ramos arteriais da região hilar são observados no rim direito em número de dois em 50%, no esquerdo em número de dois (33,3%, os ramos arteriais na região justahilar são computados no rim direito em número de quatro a cinco em 20% e no rim esquerdo em número de seis (16,7%, e nos ramos dispostos na região extrahilar são registrados no rim direito em número de três (26,7% e no esquerdo em número de três (20%.

  2. Transfer of Air Force technical procurement bid set data to small businesses, using CALS and EDI: Test report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report documents a test transfer of three Air Force technical procurement bid sets to one large and twelve small businesses, using the Department of Defense (DoD) Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support (CALS) and ANSI ASC X12 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. The main goal of the test was to evaluate the effectiveness of using CALS technical data within the context of the DoD`s EDI-based standard approach to electronic commerce in procurement, with particular emphasis on receipt and use of the data by small contractors. Air Force procurement data was provided by the Sacramento Air Logistics Center at McClellan Air Force Base; the manufacturing participants were selected from among McClellan`s ``Blue Ribbon`` contractors, located throughout the US. The test was sponsored by the Air Force CALS Test Network, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The test successfully demonstrated the technical feasibility of including CALS MIL-R-28002 (Raster) engineering data in an EDI Specification/Technical Information transaction set (ANSI ASC X12 841) when issuing electronic requests for quotation to small businesses. In many cases, the data was complete enough for the contractor participant to feel comfortable generating a quote. Lessons learned from the test are being fed back to the CALS and EDI standards organizations, and to future implementors of CALS-EDI based acquisition or contracting systems, which require the transfer of technical information, such as engineering data, manufacturing process data, quality test data, and other product or process data, in the form of a CALS or other digital datafile.

  3. Recombinant Brugia malayi pepsin inhibitor (rBm33) exploits host signaling events to regulate inflammatory responses associated with lymphatic filarial infections. (United States)

    Sreenivas, Kirthika; Kalyanaraman, Haripriya; Babu, Subash; Narayanan, Rangarajan Badri


    Prolonged existence of filarial parasites and their molecules within the host modulate the host immune system to instigate their survival and induce inflammatory responses that contribute to disease progression. Recombinant Brugia malayi pepsin inhibitor (rBm33) modulates the host immune responses by skewing towards Th1 responses characterized by secretion of inflammatory molecules such as TNF-α, IL-6, nitric oxide (NO). Here we also specified the molecular signaling events triggered by rBm33 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of filarial endemic normals (EN). rBm33 predominantly enhanced the levels of nitric oxide in cultured PBMCs but did not result in oxidative stress to the host cells. Further, rBm33 treatment of human PBMCs resulted in higher GSH/GSSG levels. MYD88 dependent activation was found to be associated with rBm33 specific inflammatory cytokine production. rBm33 triggered intracellular signaling events also involved JNK activation in host PBMCs. In addition, c-Fos and not NF-κB was identified as the transcription factor regulating the expression of inflammatory cytokines in rBm33 stimulated PBMCs. rBm33 marked its role in filarial pathology by altered levels of growth factors but did not have a significant impact on matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs) activity of host PBMCs. Thus, the study outlines the signaling network of rBm33 induced inflammatory responses within the host immune cells. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Altura do ipê-roxo (Tabebuia avellanedae nos manejos convencional e de precisão, analisada pela geoestatística.

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    Wagner Lopes Klein


    Full Text Available A silvicultura de precisão visa aumentar a eficiência da produção agrícola, fundamentada em manejo diferenciado de áreas de agricultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e comparar o desenvolvimento do ipê roxo (Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. sob duas formas de manejo de solo. A análise foi realizada durante o período de 01/03/03 a 01/03/04 em uma área no município de Mundo Novo-MS, dividida em dois blocos, e cada bloco em duas parcelas: uma sob manejo de silvicultura de precisão e outra sob manejo convencional. Cada uma das parcelas recebeu 252 mudas de ipê-roxo, totalizando 1008 plantas. Utilizaram-se técnicas geoestatísticas como semivariogramas para análise da estrutura da variabilidade espacial dos dados e a interpolação por krigagem para a construção de mapas temáticos. Dos resultados obtidos, tem-se que os mapas de necessidade e aplicação de nutrientes e os mapas de incremento na altura das plantas apresentaram estrutura de variabilidade semelhante para ambos os manejos. Nenhuma diferença expressiva entre os tratamentos foi encontrada.

  5. Terceirização e resistência no Brasil: o Projeto de Lei n. 4.330/04 e a ação dos atores coletivos

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    Filipe Augusto Silveira de Souza

    Full Text Available Resumo É notável a crescente flexibilização das relações de trabalho no cenário nacional, sobretudo a partir da década de 1990. Uma miríade de modalidades atípicas de contratação emergiu, sendo de especial relevância, para esse trabalho, a terceirização das atividades produtivas, anteriormente restrita a poucas hipóteses: a subempreitada e a contratação de serviços de vigilância e de mão de obra temporária - em bases muito mais limitadas do que as previstas atualmente. Foi apenas no início da década de 1990 que se instituiu, por intermédio do Enunciado n. 331 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST, a previsão de terceirização para as atividades-meio e, ato contínuo, em 1998 foi proposto o Projeto de Lei n. 4.302/98 (PL n. 4.302/98, cuja previsão da extensão da terceirização às atividades-fim foi incorporada, em 2004, ao Projeto de Lei n. 4.330/04 (PL n. 4.330/04. Tendo em vista essas mudanças em curso, o objetivo deste artigo é discutir, ainda que preliminarmente, o instituto da terceirização no cenário nacional, privilegiando sua dimensão histórica, em especial sua inserção no âmbito legal, com vistas a contextualizar o momento atual, no qual têm lugar debates acerca dos impactos do PL n. 4.330/04, destacadamente a partir de abril de 2015, quando o tema emergiu na mídia de massa. A revisão bibliográfica empreendida resultou na definição de um objetivo intermediário, que consistiu na identificação e análise crítica da participação de atores coletivos, a exemplo das entidades de classe representativas do patronato e dos trabalhadores, além de associações de profissionais do Direito, na discussão das implicações sociais e trabalhistas advindas da eventual aprovação do PL n. 4.330/04. As atuações desses diferentes atores foram assumidas como representativas das forças que expressam tendências e contratendências e, portanto, interesses divergentes em torno do tema da terceirização.

  6. First Results from BM@N Technical Run with Deuteron Beam (United States)

    Baranov, D.; Kapishin, M.; Kulish, E.; Maksymchuk, A.; Mamontova, T.; Pokatashkin, G.; Rufanov, I.; Vasendina, V.; Zinchenko, A.


    BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment to be realized at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron at JINR (Dubna). The aim of the experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy ion beams with a kinetic energy from 1 to 4.5 AGeV with fixed targets. The BM@N set-up at the starting phase of the experiment is introduced. First results of the analysis of minimum bias experimental data collected in the technical run in interactions of the deuteron beam of 4 AGeV with different targets are presented. The spacial, momentum and primary vertex resolution of the GEM tracker are studied. The signal of Lambda-hyperon is reconstructed in the proton-pion invariant mass spectrum. The data results are described by Monte Carlo simulations. The investigation has been performed at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, JINR.

  7. Event Display for the Fixed Target Experiment BM@N

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    Gertsenberger Konstantin


    Full Text Available One of the main problems to be solved in modern high energy physics experiments on particle collisions with a fixed target is the visual representation of the events during the experiment run. The article briefly describes the structure of the BM@N facility at the Nuclotron being under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research with the aim to study properties of the baryonic matter in collisions of ions with fixed target at energies up to 4 GeV/nucleon (for Au79+. Aspects concerning the visualization of data and detector details at the modern experiments and possibilities of practical applications are discussed. We present event display system intended to visualize the detector geometries and events of particle collisions with the fixed target, its options and features as well as integration with BMNRoot software. The examples of graphical representation of simulated and reconstructed points and particle tracks with BM@N geometry are given for central collisions of Au79+ ions with gold target and deuterons with carbon target.

  8. Determining Factors for Delisting of Companies Listed on BM&FBOVESPA

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    Patricia Maria Bortolon


    Full Text Available Traditionally, the capital market has attracted the interest of scholars and researchers, motivated to understand the process of going public and trading securities of companies on a stock exchange. In this research context, an aspect had been neglected, something which indi cates a gap in the body of knowledge about the capital market and corporate governance: delisting of companies. We aim to identify the determining factors for delisting companies from the Commodity & Futures Exchange BOVESPA (BM&FBOVESPA. Methodologically, this research has related a set of variables collected from secondary data available on the database of the Securities Commission of Brazil (CVM, BM&FBOVESPA, and Economatica. By analyzing 227 listing cancellations, between 2001 and 2012, the results indicate that de listing of companies from BM&FBOVESPA is determined by the following factors: (i greater concentration of ownership and control; (ii lower free float; (iii lower liquidity of shares; (iv greater availability of cash; and (v larger size. The fact that the controlling shareholder is a public or private company determines significant differences in the decision to delist. While in the first case cash availability is the most important factor, in the second liquidity is the main determining factor for delisting. From the academic viewpoint, this research extends the studies on delisting, still incipient in the Brazilian capital market context. For the capital market, identifying the characteristics of companies prone to cancel listing may prevent investors concerned about inherent risks at the time of acquiring shares by the controlling group interested in delisting.


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    Nebojša Čokorilo


    Full Text Available The re se arch was con duc ted on the sam ple of 222 pa rents of ele men tary school - girls, aged 6-7 years from No vi Sad, Som bor, Srem ska Mi tro vi ca, Bač ka Pa lan ka and Zre nja nin. Physi cal ac ti vi ti es of ma le chil dren and the ir pa rents we re al so eva lu a ted by the ir pa rents. That is the ti me when chil dren can con sti tu te ha bits for physi cal exer ci ses. Pas si ve at ti tu de of fe ma le chil dren to wards physi cal exer ci ses are the con se qu en ces of the sa me at ti tu des sha red by pa rents. Wit hin re se arch it is fo und out that the re is a hu ge im por tan ce of pa rents’ par ti ci pa tion in chil dren’s ac ti vi ti es. That in clu des how much chil dren are physi cal ac ti ve per we ek.

  10. CAL--ERDA program manual. [Building Design Language; LOADS, SYSTEMS, PLANT, ECONOMICS, REPORT, EXECUTIVE, CAL-ERDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunn, B. D.; Diamond, S. C.; Bennett, G. A.; Tucker, E. F.; Roschke, M. A.


    A set of computer programs, called Cal-ERDA, is described that is capable of rapid and detailed analysis of energy consumption in buildings. A new user-oriented input language, named the Building Design Language (BDL), has been written to allow simplified manipulation of the many variables used to describe a building and its operation. This manual provides the user with information necessary to understand in detail the Cal-ERDA set of computer programs. The new computer programs described include: an EXECUTIVE Processor to create computer system control commands; a BDL Processor to analyze input instructions, execute computer system control commands, perform assignments and data retrieval, and control the operation of the LOADS, SYSTEMS, PLANT, ECONOMICS, and REPORT programs; a LOADS analysis program that calculates peak (design) zone and hourly loads and the effect of the ambient weather conditions, the internal occupancy, lighting, and equipment within the building, as well as variations in the size, location, orientation, construction, walls, roofs, floors, fenestrations, attachments (awnings, balconies), and shape of a building; a Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) SYSTEMS analysis program capable of modeling the operation of HVAC components including fans, coils, economizers, humidifiers, etc.; 16 standard configurations and operated according to various temperature and humidity control schedules. A plant equipment program models the operation of boilers, chillers, electrical generation equipment (diesel or turbines), heat storage apparatus (chilled or heated water), and solar heating and/or cooling systems. An ECONOMIC analysis program calculates life-cycle costs. A REPORT program produces tables of user-selected variables and arranges them according to user-specified formats. A set of WEATHER ANALYSIS programs manipulates, summarizes and plots weather data. Libraries of weather data, schedule data, and building data were prepared.

  11. Chorion gene activation and repression is dependent on BmC/EBP expression and binding to cognate cis-elements. (United States)

    Papantonis, Argyris; Sourmeli, Sissy; Lecanidou, Rena


    From the different cis-elements clustered on silkmoth chorion gene promoters, C/EBP binding sites predominate. Their sequence composition and dispersal vary amongst promoters of diverse developmental specificity. Occupancy of these sites by BmC/EBP was examined through Southwestern and ChIP assays modified to suit ovarian follicular cells. For the genes studied, binding of BmC/EBP coincided with the respective stages of transcriptional activation. However, the factor was reloaded on promoter sequences long after individual gene repression. Furthermore, suppression of BmC/EBP transcription in developing follicles resulted in de-regulation of chorion gene expression. A biphasic function of BmC/EBP, according to which it may act as both an activator and a repressor during silkmoth choriogenesis, is considered under the light of the presented data.

  12. Antarctic Surface Reflectivity Measurements from the ANITA-3 and HiCal-1 Experiments (United States)

    Gorham, P. W.; Allison, P.; Banerjee, O.; Beatty, J. J.; Belov, K.; Besson, D. Z.; Binns, W. R.; Bugaev, V.; Cao, P.; Chen, C.; Chen, P.; Clem, J. M.; Connolly, A.; Dailey, B.; Dasgupta, P.; Deaconu, C.; Cremonesi, L.; Dowkontt, P. F.; Fox, B. D.; Gordon, J.; Hill, B.; Hupe, R.; Israel, M. H.; Jain, P.; Kowalski, J.; Lam, J.; Learned, J. G.; Liewer, K. M.; Liu, T. C.; Matsuno, S.; Miki, C.; Mottram, M.; Mulrey, K.; Nam, J.; Nichol, R. J.; Novikov, A.; Oberla, E.; Prohira, S.; Rauch, B. F.; Romero-Wolf, A.; Rotter, B.; Ratzlaff, K.; Russell, J.; Saltzberg, D.; Seckel, D.; Schoorlemmer, H.; Stafford, S.; Stockham, J.; Stockham, M.; Strutt, B.; Tatem, K.; Varner, G. S.; Vieregg, A. G.; Wissel, S. A.; Wu, F.; Young, R.

    The primary science goal of the NASA-sponsored ANITA project is measurement of ultra-high energy neutrinos and cosmic rays, observed via radio-frequency signals resulting from a neutrino or cosmic ray interaction with terrestrial matter (e.g. atmospheric or ice molecules). Accurate inference of the energies of these cosmic rays requires understanding the transmission/reflection of radio wave signals across the ice-air boundary. Satellite-based measurements of Antarctic surface reflectivity, using a co-located transmitter and receiver, have been performed more-or-less continuously for the last few decades. Our comparison of four different reflectivity surveys, at frequencies ranging from 2 to 45GHz and at near-normal incidence, yield generally consistent maps of high versus low reflectivity, as a function of location, across Antarctica. Using the Sun as an RF source, and the ANITA-3 balloon borne radio-frequency antenna array as the RF receiver, we have also measured the surface reflectivity over the interval 200-1000MHz, at elevation angles of 12-30∘. Consistent with our previous measurement using ANITA-2, we find good agreement, within systematic errors (dominated by antenna beam width uncertainties) and across Antarctica, with the expected reflectivity as prescribed by the Fresnel equations. To probe low incidence angles, inaccessible to the Antarctic Solar technique and not probed by previous satellite surveys, a novel experimental approach (“HiCal-1”) was devised. Unlike previous measurements, HiCal-ANITA constitute a bi-static transmitter-receiver pair separated by hundreds of kilometers. Data taken with HiCal, between 200 and 600MHz shows a significant departure from the Fresnel equations, constant with frequency over that band, with the deficit increasing with obliquity of incidence, which we attribute to the combined effects of possible surface roughness, surface grain effects, radar clutter and/or shadowing of the reflection zone due to Earth

  13. Efeitos Entrincheramento e Alinhamento e Informatividade dos Lucros Contabeis: estudo comparativos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Carlos Coelho


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em analisar se efeitos decorrentes de estrutura de propriedade concentrada predominam na forma de entrincheiramento ou de alinhamento para o atributo de informatividade do lucro, condicionado à presença de padrão contábil baseado em princípios. Foi utilizada amostra de empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa considerando o período de 2008 a 2014. Sarlo Neto et al. (2010 exploraram o tema em pesquisa similar, que fundamenta e se compara neste estudo. Aplicaram-se modelos baseados em Easton e Harris (1991 associando informatividade com concentração de votos em posse do maior acionista e indicador de divergência entre direitos do maior acionista (fluxo de caixa e voto. Os dados foram coletados nos sistemas Economática® e SInC® e processados por regressões com estimação com dados em painel. Sob a hipótese de interferência dos efeitos estudados na informatividade dos lucros, evidenciou-se que há: persistência do coeficiente lucro/retorno indicando significante informatividade dos lucros e influência do efeito entrincheiramento na informatividade, não se rejeitando a hipótese. Ademais, a informatividade apresentou-se mais efetiva na vigência do padrão contábil IFRS.

  14. Variance Swaps in BM&F: Pricing and Viability of Hedge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard John Brostowicz Junior


    Full Text Available A variance swap can theoretically be priced with an infinite set of vanilla calls and puts options considering that the realized variance follows a purely diffusive process with continuous monitoring. In this article we willanalyze the possible differences in pricing considering discrete monitoring of realized variance. It will analyze the pricing of variance swaps with payoff in dollars, since there is a OTC market that works this way and thatpotentially serve as a hedge for the variance swaps traded in BM&F. Additionally, will be tested the feasibility of hedge of variance swaps when there is liquidity in just a few exercise prices, as is the case of FX optionstraded in BM&F. Thus be assembled portfolios containing variance swaps and their replicating portfolios using the available exercise prices as proposed in (DEMETERFI et al., 1999. With these portfolios, the effectiveness of the hedge was not robust in mostly of tests conducted in this work.

  15. Simulations in the Analysis of Experimental Data Measured by BM@N Drift Chambers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fedorišin Ján


    The method of particle hit and track reconstruction in the drift chambers has been already proposed and tested on the BM@N deuteron beam data. In this study the DCH’s are first locally and globally aligned, and subsequently the consistency of the track reconstruction chain is tested by two methods. The first one is based on the backward extrapolation of the DCH reconstructed deuteron beam to a position where its deflection in the BM@N magnetic field begins. The second method reconstructs the deuteron beam momentum through its deflection angle. Both methods confirm correctness of the track reconstruction algorithm.

  16. Central tracker for BM@N experiment based on double side Si-microstrip detectors (United States)

    Kovalev, Yu.; Kapishin, M.; Khabarov, S.; Shafronovskaia, A.; Tarasov, O.; Makankin, A.; Zamiatin, N.; Zubarev, E.


    Design of central tracker system based on Double-Sided Silicon Detectors (DSSD) for BM@N experiment is described. A coordinate plane with 10240 measuring channels, pitch adapter, reading electronics was developed. Each element was tested and assembled into a coordinate plane. The first tests of the plane with 106Ru source were carried out before installation for the BM@N experiment. The results of the study indicate that noisy channels and inefficient channels are less than 3%. In general, single clusters 87% (one group per module of consecutive strips) and 75% of clusters with a width equal to one strip.

  17. Impact of CALS on Electronic Publishing Systems and Users. (United States)

    Beazley, William G.


    The U.S. Department of Defense has begun using its buying power to enforce standards on the vendors and contractors of automatic data processing hardware and software. An example of this, the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) program, is described, and how it will affect electronic publishing systems is discussed. (five…


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    Marcos Eduardo Hartwig


    Full Text Available Aspectos referentes à morfogênese mesozóico-cenozóica da Serra dos Órgãos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, região sudeste do Brasil, foram investigados por meio da análise morfotectônica. Os resultados permitiram reconhecer padrões anômalos na rede de drenagem e nas formas de relevo, que encontram correspondência com dois eventos tectônicos superpostos, de caráter regional, no sudeste do país. O primeiro evento tectônico teria operado no Eoceno, caracterizado por distensão de direção NWSE, considerado como gerador do Rift Continental do Sudeste do Brasil.Sua principal conseqüência seria a compartimentação do relevo em blocos alongados e escalonados abatidos para sudeste. Concomitantemente a este abatimento, deu-se a deformação de uma antiga superfície de aplainamento, que teria nivelado a cimeira da Serra dos Órgãos em torno de 2.000 m s.n.m. O regime tectônico seguinte, caracterizado por cisalhamento destral, com binário E-W, de idade pleistocênica a holocênica, envolveria uma retomada dos processos erosivos, com desenvolvimento de drenagens ao longo de lineamentos de direção NW-SE, hoje realçadas pelas facetas trapezoidais parcialmente preservadas ao longo do vale do rio do Bonfim.

  19. A Monte Carlo Study of Lambda Hyperon Polarization at BM@N (United States)

    Suvarieva, D.; Gudima, K.; Zinchenko, A.


    Heavy strange objects (hyperons) can provide essential signatures of the excited and compressed baryonic matter. At NICA, it is planned to study hyperons both in the collider mode (MPD detector) and the fixed-target one (BM@N setup). Measurements of strange hyperon polarization can give additional information on the strong interaction mechanisms. In heavy-ion collisions, such measurements are even more valuable since the polarization is expected to be sensitive to characteristics of the QCD medium (vorticity, hydrodynamic helicity) and to QCD anomalous transport. In this analysis, the possibility to measure at BM@N the polarization of the lightest strange hyperon Λ is studied in Monte Carlo event samples of Au + Au collisions produced with the DCM-QGSM generator. It is shown that the detector will allow to measure polarization with a precision required to check the model predictions.

  20. The upgrade of the laser calibration system for the ATLAS hadron calorimeter TileCal

    CERN Document Server

    Spalla, Margherita; The ATLAS collaboration


    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal), the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment, is a key detector component to detect hadrons, jets and taus and to measure the missing transverse energy. TileCal is built of steel and scintillating tiles coupled to optical fibers and read‐out by photomultipliers (PMT). The performance of TileCal relies on a continuous, high resolution calibration of the individual response of the 10,000 channels forming the detector. The calibration is based on a three level architecture: a charge injection system used to monitor the full electronics chain including front-end amplifiers, digitizers and event builder blocks for each individual channel; a distributed optical system using laser pulses to excite all PMTs; and a mobile Cesium radiative source which is driven through the detector cell floating inside a pipe system. This architecture allows for a cascade calibration of the electronics, of the PMT and electronics, and of full chain including the active detec...

  1. Firmware Development for the ATLAS TileCal sROD

    CERN Document Server

    Moreno Marti, Pablo; The ATLAS collaboration; Valero, Alberto


    TileCal is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. A main upgrade of the LHC (also called Phase-II) is planned in order to increase the instantaneous luminosity in 2022. At the TileCal level, the upgrade involves the redesign of the complete read-out architecture, affecting both the front-end and the back-end electronics. In the new read-out architecture, the front-end electronics will transmit digitized information of the full detector to the back-end system every single bunch-crossing. Thus, the back-end system must provide digital calibrated information to the first level of trigger. Having all detector data per bunch crossing in the back-end will increase the precision and granularity of the trigger information, improving this way the trigger efficiencies. A reduced part of the detector, 1/256 of the total, will be equipped with the new electronics during 2015 to evaluate the proposed architecture in real conditions in the so-called “demonstra...

  2. Firmware Development for the ATLAS TileCal sROD

    CERN Document Server

    Moreno Marti, Pablo; The ATLAS collaboration; Valero, Alberto


    TileCal is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. A main upgrade of the LHC (also called Phase-II) is planned in order to increase the instantaneous luminosity in 2022. For TileCal, the upgrade involves the redesign of the complete read-out architecture, affecting both the front-end and the back-end electronics. In the new read-out architecture, the front-end electronics will transmit digitized information of the full detector to the back-end system every single bunch-crossing. Thus, the back-end system must provide digital calibrated information to the first level of trigger. Having all detector data per bunch crossing in the back-end will increase the precision and granularity of the trigger information, improving this way the trigger efficiencies. A reduced part of the detector, 1/256 of the total, will be equipped with the new electronics during 2016 to evaluate the proposed architecture in real conditions in the so-called “demonstrator proje...

  3. Retooling CalEnviroScreen: Cumulative Pollution Burden and Race-Based Environmental Health Vulnerabilities in California (United States)


    The California Community Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen) advances research and policy pertaining to environmental health vulnerability. However, CalEnviroScreen departs from its historical foundations and comparable screening tools by no longer considering racial status as an indicator of environmental health vulnerability and predictor of cumulative pollution burden. This study used conceptual frameworks and analytical techniques from environmental health and inequality literature to address the limitations of CalEnviroScreen, especially its inattention to race-based environmental health vulnerabilities. It developed an adjusted measure of cumulative pollution burden from the CalEnviroScreen 2.0 data that facilitates multivariate analyses of the effect of neighborhood racial composition on cumulative pollution burden, net of other indicators of population vulnerability, traffic density, industrial zoning, and local and regional clustering of pollution burden. Principal component analyses produced three new measures of population vulnerability, including Latina/o cumulative disadvantage that represents the spatial concentration of Latinas/os, economic disadvantage, limited English-speaking ability, and health vulnerability. Spatial error regression analyses demonstrated that concentrations of Latinas/os, followed by Latina/o cumulative disadvantage, are the strongest demographic determinants of adjusted cumulative pollution burden. Findings have implications for research and policy pertaining to cumulative impacts and race-based environmental health vulnerabilities within and beyond California. PMID:29659481

  4. Retooling CalEnviroScreen: Cumulative Pollution Burden and Race-Based Environmental Health Vulnerabilities in California

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raoul S. Liévanos


    Full Text Available The California Community Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen advances research and policy pertaining to environmental health vulnerability. However, CalEnviroScreen departs from its historical foundations and comparable screening tools by no longer considering racial status as an indicator of environmental health vulnerability and predictor of cumulative pollution burden. This study used conceptual frameworks and analytical techniques from environmental health and inequality literature to address the limitations of CalEnviroScreen, especially its inattention to race-based environmental health vulnerabilities. It developed an adjusted measure of cumulative pollution burden from the CalEnviroScreen 2.0 data that facilitates multivariate analyses of the effect of neighborhood racial composition on cumulative pollution burden, net of other indicators of population vulnerability, traffic density, industrial zoning, and local and regional clustering of pollution burden. Principal component analyses produced three new measures of population vulnerability, including Latina/o cumulative disadvantage that represents the spatial concentration of Latinas/os, economic disadvantage, limited English-speaking ability, and health vulnerability. Spatial error regression analyses demonstrated that concentrations of Latinas/os, followed by Latina/o cumulative disadvantage, are the strongest demographic determinants of adjusted cumulative pollution burden. Findings have implications for research and policy pertaining to cumulative impacts and race-based environmental health vulnerabilities within and beyond California.

  5. Retooling CalEnviroScreen: Cumulative Pollution Burden and Race-Based Environmental Health Vulnerabilities in California. (United States)

    Liévanos, Raoul S


    The California Community Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen) advances research and policy pertaining to environmental health vulnerability. However, CalEnviroScreen departs from its historical foundations and comparable screening tools by no longer considering racial status as an indicator of environmental health vulnerability and predictor of cumulative pollution burden. This study used conceptual frameworks and analytical techniques from environmental health and inequality literature to address the limitations of CalEnviroScreen, especially its inattention to race-based environmental health vulnerabilities. It developed an adjusted measure of cumulative pollution burden from the CalEnviroScreen 2.0 data that facilitates multivariate analyses of the effect of neighborhood racial composition on cumulative pollution burden, net of other indicators of population vulnerability, traffic density, industrial zoning, and local and regional clustering of pollution burden. Principal component analyses produced three new measures of population vulnerability, including Latina/o cumulative disadvantage that represents the spatial concentration of Latinas/os, economic disadvantage, limited English-speaking ability, and health vulnerability. Spatial error regression analyses demonstrated that concentrations of Latinas/os, followed by Latina/o cumulative disadvantage, are the strongest demographic determinants of adjusted cumulative pollution burden. Findings have implications for research and policy pertaining to cumulative impacts and race-based environmental health vulnerabilities within and beyond California.

  6. Variabilidade no conteúdo calórico de plantas vasculares em dois reservatórios do Estado do Paraná - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i2.1611 Variability in the caloric content of vascular plants in two Paraná State reservoirs - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i2.1611

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    Danielle Peretti


    Full Text Available Com o intuito de quantificar o conteúdo calórico das plantas vasculares de dois reservatórios do Estado do Paraná, bem como sua variabilidade espacial e entre grupos ecológicos, foram realizadas amostragens em dezembro de 2002, nas zonas fluvial, de transição e lacustre dos reservatórios Mourão e Rosana. Foram amostradas, ao acaso, folhas maduras de plantas aquáticas e da vegetação ripária de diferentes indivíduos (n = 5, pertencentes à mesma espécie. Para obtenção do conteúdo calórico, em cal.g-1 de peso seco, as amostras foram maceradas em moinho de bola e submetidas à combustão em bomba calorimétrica PARR. Os dados foram submetidos a uma ANOVA modelo nulo, utilizando-se o programa EcoSim versão 7.44. Foi constatado que as plantas vasculares analisadas apresentaram ampla variabilidade calórica. Além disso, foram significativas as variabilidades espacial e entre os grupos ecológicos, não sendo recomendável o uso de um único valor calórico para estes produtores primários em modelos de fluxo de energia, sendo necessária, uma inspeção preliminar da amplitude e dos fatores que são determinantes de tal variaçãoThe present research aimed to quantify the vascular plants caloric content in two reservoirs in Paraná, as well as the spatial and ecological group variabilities. The sampling was done in December 2002, in the fluvial, transition and lacustrine zones in Rosana and Mourão reservoirs. Aquatic macrophytes and riparian vegetation mature leaves, from different individuals (n=5, belonging to the same species, were randomly sampled. In order to obtain the caloric content, in cal.g-1 dry weight, the samples were pulverized in a ball mill and subjected to combustion in a PARR calorimetric bomb. The data were treated with a null model ANOVA (EcoSim 7.44 program. A wide caloric variability was verified in the vascular plants analysed. Besides, the spatial and ecological group variabilities were significant, so it

  7. c-Jun induces apoptosis of starved BM2 monoblasts by activating cyclin A-CDK2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhara, Petr; Bryja, Vitezslav; Horvath, Viktor; Kozubik, Alois; Hampl, Ales; Smarda, Jan


    c-Jun is one of the major components of the activating protein-1 (AP-1), the transcription factor that participates in regulation of proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In this study, we explored functional interactions of the c-Jun protein with several regulators of the G1/S transition in serum-deprived v-myb-transformed chicken monoblasts BM2. We show that the c-Jun protein induces expression of cyclin A, thus up-regulating activity of cyclin A-associated cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), and causing massive programmed cell death of starved BM2cJUN cells. Specific inhibition of CDK2 suppresses frequency of apoptosis of BM2cJUN cells. We conclude that up-regulation of cyclin A expression and CDK2 activity can represent important link between the c-Jun protein, cell cycle machinery, and programmed cell death pathway in leukemic cells

  8. Soaking RNAi in Bombyx mori BmN4-SID1 Cells Arrests Cell Cycle Progression (United States)

    Mon, Hiroaki; Li, Zhiqing; Kobayashi, Isao; Tomita, Shuichiro; Lee, JaeMan; Sezutsu, Hideki; Tamura, Toshiki; Kusakabe, Takahiro


    RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for sequence-specific gene silencing. Previously, the BmN4-SID1 cell expressing Caenorhabditis ele gans SID-1 was established, in which soaking RNAi could induce effective gene silencing. To establish its utility, 6 cell cycle progression related cDNAs, CDK1, MYC, MYB, RNRS, CDT1, and GEMININ, were isolated from the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), and their expressions were further silenced by soaking RNAi in the BmN4-SID1 cells. The cell cycle progression analysis using flow cytometer demonstrated that the small amount of double stranded RNA was enough to arrest cell cycle progression at the specific cell phases. These data suggest that RNAi in the BmN4-SID1 cells can be used as a powerful tool for loss-of-function analysis of B. mori genes. PMID:24773378

  9. Dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, H.J.


    Foto's van de aanleg van de dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle) 3. Linkerhelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 4. Rechtehelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 5. Overzicht dijkval Willem Annaolder. 30 Dec. 1936 6. Kleikisting binnendijks aangebacht. 14/15

  10. Excitons dynamics of 1-chloronaphthalene added P3HT:PC{sub 61}BM solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, Xing [Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information, Beijing Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100044 (China); Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China); Zhao, Suling, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information, Beijing Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100044 (China); Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China); Huang, Qingyu; Yang, Qianqian; Gong, Wei; Xu, Zheng [Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information, Beijing Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100044 (China); Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China)


    The charge photogeneration and recombination are comprehensively investigated in blend films based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as an electron donor and [6,6]-phenyl-C 61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC{sub 61}BM) as an electron accepter. Transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) together with absorption, photoluminescence (PL) are used respectively to measure optical properties of these blend films. In this paper, we demonstrate that solvent additive 1-chloronaphthalene (CN) has a unique influence on improving the performance of P3HT:PC{sub 61}BM heterojunction solar cell. It is observed that the absorption of additive-added blends has a higher intensity and is red-shifted than that of the P3HT:PC{sub 61}BM blend. The PL intensity increases which suggest that the conjugation length increases or the domain size of P3HT increases. Large domains with serious phase separation influence the interface area between P3HT and PC{sub 61}BM. Excitons are generated in both the P3HT phase and the PC{sub 61}BM phase. In all the film blends with or without additive, strongly bound interfacial CT states are formed by a large fraction of the excitons indicating geminate recombination may occur. It is demonstrated that in the blend with CN added the enhanced fraction of CT states comes from the more crystalline P3HT phases and the slower CT states and mobile charges decay indicates reduced recombination losses from early time recombination. - Highlights: • 1-chloronaphthalene(CN) can enhance the efficiency of P3HT:PCBM Solar Cells from charge photogeneration and recombination. • The enhanced fraction of CT states with CN added comes from the more crystalline P3HT phases and the slower CT states. • Mobile charges decay of blend with CN added indicates reduced recombination losses from early time recombination.

  11. Efectos del ejercicio aeróbico interválico, combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza y de la restricción calórica, sobre la composición corporal de ratas obesas


    I. Coll-Risco; D. Camiletti-Moirón; D.J. Tirado; E. Nebot; A. Andrade; R. Martínez; G. Kapravelou; J.M. Porres; P. Aranda; V.A. Aparicio


    Objetivo: Investigar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio aeróbico interválico, combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza, y de la restricción calórica, sobre el peso y la composición corporal de ratas genéticamente obesas. Método: Un total de 32 ratas genéticamente obesas fueron divididas aleatoriamente en dos grupos (n = 16) con o sin ejercicio aeróbico interválico combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza. A su vez, cada grupo, con o sin ejercicio aeróbico interválico combinado con entrenami...

  12. Efectos del ejercicio aeróbico interválico, combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza y de la restricción calórica, sobre la composición corporal de ratas obesas


    Coll-Risco, I.; Camiletti-Moirón, D.; Tirado, D.J.; Nebot, E.; Andrade, A.; Martínez, R.; Kapravelou, G.; Porres, J.M.; Aranda, P.; Aparicio, V.A.


    Resumen Objetivo: Investigar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio aeróbico interválico, combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza, y de la restricción calórica, sobre el peso y la composición corporal de ratas genéticamente obesas. Método: Un total de 32 ratas genéticamente obesas fueron divididas aleatoriamente en dos grupos (n = 16) con o sin ejercicio aeróbico interválico combinado con entrenamiento de fuerza. A su vez, cada grupo, con o sin ejercicio aeróbico interválico combinado con en...

  13. A Novel Semi-biosynthetic Route for Artemisinin Production Using Engineered Substrate-Promiscuous P450BM3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietrich, Jeffrey; Yoshikuni, Yasuo; Fisher, Karl; Woolard, Frank; Ockey, Denise; McPhee, Derek; Renninger, Neil; Chang, Michelle; Baker, David; Keasling, Jay


    Production of fine heterologus pathways in microbial hosts is frequently hindered by insufficient knowledge of the native metabolic pathway and its cognate enzymes; often the pathway is unresolved and enzymes lack detailed characterization. An alternative paradigm to using native pathways is de novo pathway design using well-characterized, substrate-promiscuous enzymes. We demonstrate this concept using P450BM3 from Bacillus megaterium. Using a computer model, we illustrate how key P450BM3 activ site mutations enable binding of non-native substrate amorphadiene, incorporating these mutations into P450BM3 enabled the selective oxidation of amorphadiene arteminsinic-11s,12-epoxide, at titers of 250 mg L"1 in E. coli. We also demonstrate high-yeilding, selective transformations to dihydroartemisinic acid, the immediate precursor to the high value anti-malarial drug artemisinin.

  14. Insight Into the Role of PC71BM on Enhancing the Photovoltaic Performance of Ternary Organic Solar Cells. (United States)

    Wang, Bei; Fu, Yingying; Yan, Chi; Zhang, Rui; Yang, Qingqing; Han, Yanchun; Xie, Zhiyuan


    The development of non-fullerene acceptor molecules have remarkably boosted power conversion efficiency (PCE) of polymer solar cells (PSCs) due to the improved spectral coverage and reduced energy loss. An introduction of fullerene molecules into the non-fullerene acceptor-based blend may further improve the photovoltaic performance of the resultant ternary PSCs. However, the underlying mechanism is still debatable. Herein, the ternary PSCs based on PBDB-T:ITIC:PC 71 BM blend were fabricated and its PCE was increased to 10.2% compared to 9.2% for the binary PBDB-T:ITIC devices and 8.1% for the PBDB-T:PC 71 BM PSCs. Systematic investigation was carried out to disclose the effect of PC 71 BM on the blend morphology and charge transport behavior. It is found that the PC 71 BM tends to intermix with the PBDB-T donor compared to the ITIC counterpart. A small amount of PC 71 BM in the ternary blend is helpful for ITIC to aggregate and form efficient electron-transport pathways. Accordingly, the electron mobility is increased and the density of electron traps is decreased in the ternary blend in comparison with the PBDB-T:ITIC blend. Finally, the suppressed bimolecular recombination and enhanced charge collection lead to high PCE for the ternary solar cells.

  15. Alteração de atributos físicos em latossolo com aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal, lodos de esgoto e calcário Oxisol physical attributes affected by surface application of flue dust, aqueous lime, sewage sludges and limestone

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    Juliano Corulli Corrêa


    Full Text Available Os resíduos industriais e urbanos podem atuar como condicionadores do solo, pois possuem a capacidade de alterar suas propriedades físicas. Contudo, não há referência para os atributos físicos do solo quando esses resíduos são aplicados sobre a superfície do solo no sistema plantio direto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal, lodos de esgoto e calcário nos atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro resíduos: lodos de esgoto centrifugado - LC e de biodigestor - LB, escória de aciaria - E, e lama cal - Lcal, interagindo com quatro doses (0, 2, 4 e 8 t ha-1, aplicadas na forma seca mais uma testemunha (controle, constituída da aplicação de 2 t ha-1 de calcário. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 1, com quatro repetições. A presença de Ca na composição de lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado, escória de aciaria e calcário permite o aumento da agregação das partículas, diâmetro médio ponderado, índice de estabilidade de agregados, porosidade e retenção de água, sendo essas alterações distintas para cada fonte, dose e profundidade de reação no solo. A aplicação superficial da lama cal na dose de 8 t ha-1, após 27 meses de reação, proporcionou a maior agregação das partículas no solo, desde a superfície até 40 cm de profundidade.The residues flue dust, aqueous lime and sewage sludge (centrifuge and biodigestor may affect soil physical attributes. The use of industrial and urban residues in soil, with emphasis to sewage sludge, was done in tilled soil, and there are no repports on soil physical attributes affected by these residues on soil surface in no-till system The goal of this study was to evaluate the physical attributes of a an Oxisol in no-till system by surface dispoasal of sewage sludge, flue

  16. Manejo do cálcio em alface de cultivo hidropônico Calcium management in hydroponic lettuce

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    Elisabete R. Y. Beninni


    Full Text Available "Tipburn" ou "queima dos bordos" é um distúrbio fisiológico da alface ocasionado pelo suprimento inadequado de cálcio, principalmente nas folhas novas. Neste experimento foram avaliadas alternativas de manejo do fornecimento de cálcio, visando propiciar maior fluxo deste nutriente para as folhas internas de alface, cv. Vera, e consequentemente, reduzir a incidência de "tipburn". Foram testados cinco tratamentos dispostos em blocos, com cinco repetições: Água; Solução com 100 mg Ca.L-1; Solução com 200 mg Ca.L-1; Aplicação foliar de cálcio (3 g.L-1 e Completa (solução nutritiva completa. Os três primeiros tratamentos foram aplicados à noite para promover o desenvolvimento da pressão radicular e translocação do cálcio para as folhas internas; durante o dia circulava solução nutritiva completa em todos os tratamentos. Constatou-se que as plantas com maior desenvolvimento foram as mais suscetíveis ao aparecimento de "tipburn". O tratamento Solução com 200 mg Ca.L-1 apresentou plantas com teor de cálcio superior aos demais tratamentos, porém a baixa incidência de "tipburn" durante o experimento dificultou a avaliação da eficiência dos tratamentos no seu controle. Mesmo os tratamentos que não receberam todos os nutrientes essenciais durante à noite não apresentaram deficiência nutricional e produziram plantas de peso adequado aos padrões de comercialização.Tipburn is a physiological disorder in lettuce caused an by inadequate supply of calcium, mainly in young leaves. In this trial different management systems were evaluated in order to provide calcium and to increase the stream of calcium and reduce tipburn. Five treatments were studied in block design with five replications: Water; Solution with 100 mg Ca.L-1; Solution with 200 mg Ca.L-1; Spray calcium (3 g.L-1 and Complete (complete nutrient solution. The three first treatments were applied at night to promote the root pressure and translocation of calcium

  17. Cal Poly Apparel Manufacturing Demonstration - Year 4 and 5 Final Technical Report

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    .... Since the Southern California apparel industry is primarily small businesses producing low volume fashion products, the Cal Poly Demo factory needed to reflect the size and capability of its customer...

  18. Uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica na Gestão do Marketing Mix: o caso de uma rede de calçados femininos

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    Rafaela Almeida Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O caso refere-se a uma rede de lojas de calçado feminino (Rede A que enfrenta problemas de estoque. A empresa não usa informações sobre clientes e localização do ponto de venda para renovar seu estoque, o que gera diminuição das vendas, excesso de produtos em algumas lojas e ruptura em outras, já que os modelos dos calçados adquiridos chegam a ser superiores (inferiores à demanda. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho é mostrar como as ferramentas de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG podem ser aplicadas para solucionar o problema utilizando dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE. Observou-se que a gestão do composto de marketing da Rede A não está alinhada ao seu público alvo e potencial. A análise forneceu insights para ações a serem tomadas em relação ao mix de produtos das lojas, à precificação, à localização dos pontos de venda e ao posicionamento da marca. As contribuições das ferramentas de geomarketing e geoinformação são fundamentais para as decisões de varejo. A técnica de geoprocessamento permite analisar fenômenos e distribuições aplicadas ao marketing na medida em que auxiliam na identificar de padrões, além de utilizar, simultaneamente, inúmeros bancos de dados. Este trabalho contribui para ampliar a discussão sobre as ferramentas SIG na área de marketing e para mostrar como ferramentas e dados gratuitos podem ser fortes aliados ao negócio.

  19. A evidenciação dos ativos intangíveis nas empresas brasileiras: empresas que apresentaram informações financeiras à bolsa de valores de São Paulo e Nova York em 2006 e 2007. [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.20100901005

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    Cleyton de Oliveira Ritta


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE A EVIDENCIAÇÃO DOS ATIVOS INTANGÍVEIS NAS EMPRESAS BRASILEIRAS: EMPRESAS QUE APRESENTARAM INFORMAÇÕES FINANCEIRAS À BOLSA DE VALORES DE SÃO PAULO E NOVA YORK EM 2006 E 2007   RESUMO Com a evolução dos negócios, os elementos intangíveis passaram a ter destaque na determinação do valor das empresas. Atualmente, nas grandes corporações, o valor de mercado é superior ao valor contábil registrado; esse fato é na literatura relacionado à existência dos Ativos Intangíveis. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é analisar as informações evidenciadas sobre os Ativos Intangíveis (AIs nas demonstrações financeiras das empresas brasileiras que apresentaram informações financeiras à BM&FBOVESPA e à NYSE nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Os resultados deste estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa dos dados, apontam que: (i ágio (73,94%, software (15% e direitos contratuais (8,66% foram os elementos de AIs mais evidenciados pelas empresas; (ii a maior participação dos AIs em relação ao ativo patrimonial total foi da empresa AMBEV com um percentual acima de 49,23% nos dois anos, e a menor participação dos AIs foi da empresa TAM com percentual inferior 0,20%; (iii as companhias divulgaram seus relatórios financeiros no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos em conformidade com as normas vigentes; e, (iv a empresa Copel foi a empresa que divulgou nos relatórios apresentados para a BM&FBOVESPA os itens comuns às normas nacionais e internacionais, no que tange à divulgação dos AIs. Como conclusão, o trabalho permitiu identificar que não houve privilégios de informações no que tange aos AIs nos relatórios investigados. Com isso, percebe-se que as normas brasileiras caminham para uma harmonização efetiva com as normas internacionais de Contabilidade.   Palavras-Chave Evidenciação; ativos intangíveis; normas internacionais e brasileiras de contabilidade; NYSE; BM

  20. 20-hydroxyecdysone positively regulates the transcription of the antimicrobial peptide, lebocin, via BmEts and BmBR-C Z4 in the midgut of Bombyx mori during metamorphosis. (United States)

    Mai, Taoyi; Chen, Shuna; Lin, Xianyu; Zhang, Xiaojuan; Zou, Xiaopeng; Feng, Qili; Zheng, Sichun


    Metamorphosis is an essential physiological process in insects. This process is triggered by 20-hydroxyecydsone (20E). Lebocin, an antimicrobial peptide of Lepidoptera insects, was significantly up-regulated in the midgut, but not in the fat body of Bombyx mori during metamorphosis. In this study, the expression regulation of lebocin in B. mori midgut was studied. The results showed that B. mori lebocin and its activator BmEts were not responsive to bacterial infection in the midgut, instead, the expression of both genes was up-regulated by 20E treatment. The transcription factor BR-C Z4 in the 20E signal pathway enhanced lebocin promoter activity by directly binding to an upstream cis-response element of the promoter. In the fat body, the mRNA level of B. mori lebocin was decreased when the insect transformed from larval to pupal stage and was increased by immune challenge. The expression profiles of lebocin in Lepidopteran Spodoptera litura was also analyzed and the similar results were observed, S. litura lebocin was significantly up-regulated during midgut regeneration and mainly present in the new-formed intestinal cells of the midgut. All results together suggest that during metamorphosis 20E may activate lebocin expression via BmBR-C Z4 and BmEts in the midgut, where the antimicrobial peptide was produced to protect the midgut from infection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. [Comparison of the quick Gram stain method to the B&M modified and favor methods]. (United States)

    Osawa, Kayo; Kataoka, Nobumasa; Maruo, Toshio


    The Gram stain is an established method for bacterial identification, but the time needed to carry out this stain is 2-3 min. We attempted to shorten this time and stained a total of 70 clinical specimens isolated from using the Bartholomew & Mittwer (B&M) modified or Favor methods with a 3 s duration for washing and staining steps. Results were plotted and analyzed using a Hue Saturation Intensity (HSI) model. The range based on a plot of the two methods with the HSI model was presented as a reference interval. Our results indicated that 100% (35/35) of strains were Gram positive and 97.1% (34/35) were Gram negative for the quick B&M modified method. In the quick Favor method, 80.0% (28/35) were Gram positive and 68.6% (24/35) of strains were Gram negative. We propose that the quick B&M modified method is equivalent to the standard Gram staining method and is superior to the quick Favor method.

  2. High-titer preparation of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV displaying recombinant protein in silkworm larvae by size exclusion chromatography and its characterization

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    Tanaka Shigeyasu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Budded baculoviruses are utilized for vaccine, the production of antibody and functional analysis of transmembrane proteins. In this study, we tried to produce and purify the recombinant Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (rBmNPV-hPRR that displayed human (prorenin receptor (hPRR connected with FLAG peptide sequence on its own surface. These particles were used for further binding analysis of hPRR to human prorenin. The rBmNPV-hPRR was produced in silkworm larvae and purified from its hemolymph using size exclusion chromatography (SEC. Results A rapid method of BmNPV titer determination in hemolymph was performed using quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR. A correlation coefficient of BmNPV determination between end-point dilution and Q-PCR methods was found to be 0.99. rBmNPV-hPRR bacmid-injected silkworm larvae produced recombinant baculovirus of 1.31 × 108 plaque forming unit (pfu in hemolymph, which was 2.8 × 104 times higher than transfection solution in Bm5 cells. Its purification yield by Sephacryl S-1000 SF column chromatography was 264 fold from larval hemolymph at 4 days post-injection (p.i., but 35 or 39 fold at 4.5 or 5 days p.i., respectively. Protein patterns of rBmNPV-hPRR purified at 4 and 5 days were the same and ratio of envelope proteins (76, 45 and 35 kDa to VP39, one of nucleocapsid proteins, increased at 5 days p.i. hPRR was detected in only purified rBmNPV-hPRR at 5 days p.i.. Conclusion The successful purification of rBmNPV-hPRR indicates that baculovirus production using silkworm larvae and its purification from hemolymph by Sephacryl S-1000 SF column chromatography can provide an economical approach in obtaining the purified BmNPV stocks with high titer for large-scale production of hPRR. Also, it can be utilized for further binding analysis and screening of inhibitors of hPRR.

  3. Mutation of a vitelline membrane protein, BmEP80, is responsible for the silkworm "Ming" lethal egg mutant. (United States)

    Chen, Anli; Gao, Peng; Zhao, Qiaoling; Tang, Shunming; Shen, Xingjia; Zhang, Guozheng; Qiu, Zhiyong; Xia, Dingguo; Huang, Yongping; Xu, Yunmin; He, Ningjia


    The egg stage is an important stage in the silkworm (Bombyx mori) life cycle. Normal silkworm eggs are usually short, elliptical, and laterally flattened, with a sometimes hollowed surface on the lateral side. However, the eggs laid by homozygous recessive "Ming" lethal egg mutants (l-e(m)) lose water and become concaved around 1h, ultimately exhibiting a triangular shape on the egg surfaces. We performed positional cloning, and narrowed down the region containing the gene responsible for the l-e(m) mutant to 360 kb on chromosome 10 using 2287 F(2) individuals. Using expression analysis and RNA interference, the best l-e(m) candidate gene was shown to be BmEP80. The results of the inverse polymerase chain reaction showed that an ~1.9 kb region from the 3' untranslated region of BmVMP23 to the forepart of BmEP80 was replaced by a >100 kb DNA fragment in the l-e(m) mutant. Several eggs laid by the normal moths injected with BmEP80 small interfering RNAs were evidently depressed and exhibited a triangular shape on the surface. The phenotype exhibited was consistent with the eggs laid by the l-e(m) mutant. Moreover, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the BmEP80 protein was expressed in the ovary from the 9th day of the pupa stage to eclosion in the wild-type silkworm, but was absent in the l-e(m) mutant. These results indicate that BmEP80 is responsible for the l-e(m) mutation. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Análise Antropométrica dos Pés de Praticantes de Ballet Clássico que Utilizam Sapatilhas de Ponta

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    Andreja Paley Picon


    Full Text Available O presente estudo buscou caracterizar as dimensões antropométricas dos pés de bailarinas clássicas, não profissionais, com idade entre 13 ± 2,1 anos e experiência na utilização de sapatilhas de pontas, através da aplicação de instrumentação biomecânica, levando ao entendimento das sobrecargas atuantes no aparelho locomotor e modificações conferidas ao mesmo, quanto ao uso sistemático do calçado.

  5. Estudo de argamassa à base de cal e metacaulim para intervenções em revestimento das edificações históricas


    Souza, Juliana Santa Cruz


    O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar argamassas a base de cal com teores diferenciados de metacaulim para a restauração de revestimento nas edificações históricas. Confrontou-se cinco traços de argamassa à base de cal, metacaulim e mistura binária de agregado miúdo, sendo mantida a proporção de ligante e agregado em massa constante 1:3. Os traços possuem modificação na proporção de cal e metacaulim, sendo a cal substituída em massa por metacaulim nas porcentagens de 0%, ...

  6. BM@N and MPD experiments at NICA

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    Kekelidze Vladimir


    Full Text Available The project NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility aims to study hot and baryon rich QCD matter in heavy ion collisions in the energy range SNN = 4 − 11 GeV. The rich heavy-ion physics program will be performed at two experiments, BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron at beams extracted from the Nuclotron, and at MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector at the NICA collider. This program covers a variety of phenomena in strongly interacting matter of the highest baryonic density, which includes study of collective effects, production of hyperon and hypernuclei, in-medium modification of meson properties, and event-by-event fluctuations.

  7. Investigation of CTF void fraction prediction by ENTEK BM experiment data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoang Minh Giang; Hoang Tan Hung; Nguyen Phu Khanh


    Recently, CTF, a version of COBRA-TF code is reviewed to validate its simulation models by several experiments such as Castellana 4x4 rod bundle, EPRI 5x5 bundle tests, PSBT bundle tests and TPTF experiment. These above experiments provide enthalpy, mass flux (Castellana), temperature (EPRI) and void fraction (PSBT, TPTF) at exit channel only. In order to simulate PWR rod bundle flow behavior, it is necessary to review CTF with more experiment in high pressure condition and it is found that the ENTEK BM facility is suitable for this purpose. The ENTEK BM facility is used to simulate Russia RBMK and VVER rod bundle two phase flow with pressure at 3 and 7 MPa and it gives measured void fraction distribution along the channel. This study focus on two points: (a) accuracy assessment between CTF void fraction distribution predictions versus experiment void fraction distributions and (b) investigation of void fraction prediction uncertainty from propagation of input deviations caused by measured accuracy. (author)

  8. Posibilidades estructurales de materiales a base de cal como conglomerante: primeros resultados

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    Estrada, Enrique


    Full Text Available Lime is a plentiful material which production combine a very accessible technology with the advantage that it must be prepared in little disperse plants, so that the transport charges can be reduced to the minimum. This work expound the possibility to obtain concretes with structural purposes, for housing of scarce height, of easy obtention, basically from flying ashes or rice husk ashes, varying its proportions and fineness degree and studying the initial and final resistance. Good results have been obtained mainly with rice husk ashes and lime, with 60 days resistance higher than 15 Mpa.La cal es un material abundante y cuya producción suma a una tecnología muy accesible la ventaja de poder materializarse en pequeñas plantas dispersas, para poder reducir al mínimo la componente de costo debida al transporte. En el presente trabajo se ha planteado la posibilidad de obtener hormigones con fines estructurales, para viviendas de baja altura y que sean de fácil obtención, a base de cal y cenizas volantes o cenizas de cascara de arroz, variando sus proporciones, grados de finura y estudiando la influencia de distintos factores en la resistencia inicial y final. Se han obtenido buenos resultados, principalmente con ceniza de cascara de arroz y cal con resistencias a 60 días superiores a los 15 MPa.

  9. Expression analysis of several antiviral related genes to BmNPV in different resistant strains of silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Cheng, Yang; Wang, Xue-yang; Du, Chang; Gao, Juan; Xu, Jia-ping


    Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a highly pathogenic virus in the sericultural industry, often causing severe damage leading to large economic losses. The immune mechanisms of B. mori against this virus remain obscure. Previous studies had demonstrated Bmlipase-1, BmNox and Bmserine protease-2 showing antiviral activity in vitro, but data on the transcription levels of these proteins in different resistant strains were not reported. In order to determine the resistance level of the four different strains (P50, A35, A40, A53) and gain a better understanding of the mechanism of resistance to BmNPV in B. mori, the relative expression level of the genes coding the three antiviral proteins in larval haemolymph and midgut of different B. mori strains resistant to BmNPV was determined. The results showed that these genes expressed significantly higher in the resistant strains compared to the susceptible strain, and the differential expression levels were consistent with the LC50 values in different strains. The transcription level of the target genes almost all up-regulated in the larvae midgut and down-regulated in the haemolymph. The results indicate the correlation of these genes to BmNPV resistance in B. mori. This is an open access paper. We use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that permits unrestricted use, provided that the paper is properly attributed.

  10. The impact of BeamCal performance at different international linear ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. The ILC accelerator parameters and detector concepts are still under discus- sion in the world-wide community. As will be shown, the performance of the BeamCal, the calorimeter in the very forward area of the ILC detector, is very sensitive to the beam parameter and crossing angle choices. We propose here ...

  11. 76 FR 70520 - Rovac Corp., RS Group of Companies, Inc., Rymer Foods, Inc. Stratus Services Group, Inc., Sun Cal... (United States)


    ...., Rymer Foods, Inc. Stratus Services Group, Inc., Sun Cal Energy, Inc., Sun Motor International, Inc... current and accurate information concerning the securities of Sun Cal Energy, Inc. because it has not... Sun Motor International, Inc. because it has not filed any periodic reports since the period ended...

  12. Biotransformation of the sesquiterpene (+)-valencene by cytochrome P450cam and P450BM-3. (United States)

    Sowden, Rebecca J; Yasmin, Samina; Rees, Nicholas H; Bell, Stephen G; Wong, Luet-Lok


    The sesquiterpenoids are a large class of naturally occurring compounds with biological functions and desirable properties. Oxidation of the sesquiterpene (+)-valencene by wild type and mutants of P450cam from Pseudomonas putida, and of P450BM-3 from Bacillus megaterium, have been investigated as a potential route to (+)-nootkatone, a fine fragrance. Wild type P450cam did not oxidise (+)-valencene but the mutants showed activities up to 9.8 nmol (nmol P450)(-1) min(-1), with (+)-trans-nootkatol and (+)-nootkatone constituting >85% of the products. Wild type P450BM-3 and mutants had higher activities (up to 43 min(-1)) than P450cam but were much less selective. Of the many products, cis- and trans-(+)-nootkatol, (+)-nootkatone, cis-(+)-valencene-1,10-epoxide, trans-(+)-nootkaton-9-ol, and (+)-nootkatone-13S,14-epoxide were isolated from whole-cell reactions and characterised. The selectivity patterns suggest that (+)-valencene has one binding orientation in P450cam but multiple orientations in P450BM-3.

  13. Study of TileCal scintillator irradiation using the minimum bias integrators

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00387867; The ATLAS collaboration


    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. It provides precise energy measurements of hadrons, jets, taus and missing transverse energy. The monitoring and calibration of the calorimeter response at each stage of the signal development is done by a movable $^{137}$Cs radioactive source, a laser calibration system and a charge injection system. Moreover, during LHC data taking, an integrator-based readout provides the signals coming from inelastic proton-proton collisions at predominantly low momentum transfer (minimum bias events) and allows monitoring of the instantaneous ATLAS luminosity as well as the response of calorimeter cells. The integrator currents have been used to detect and quantify the effect of TileCal scintillator irradiation using the data taken in 2012 and 2015 that correspond to about 22 fb$^{−1}$ and 4 fb$^{−1}$ of integrated luminosity, respectively. Finally, the response variation for an irradiated cell has been studied comb...

  14. A Full Slice Test Version of a Tentative Upgraded Readout System for TileCal

    CERN Document Server

    Muschter, S; The ATLAS collaboration; Bohm, C; Eriksson, D; Kavianipour, H; Oreglia, M; Tang, F


    The upgrade plans on the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter (TileCal) include the full readout of all data to the counting room. In order to study functional requirements of the future upgraded TileCal readout system we have assembled a minimal TDAQ slice. The aim is to implement a tentative readout chain for TileCal, starting with a newly developed 3-in-1 FE-board from University of Chicago and ending with the storage of triggered data on a PC. Later we will use PMT pulses, amplified and shaped by the 3-in-1 board, as a data source. However, for simplicity we start by using well defined calibration pulses also generated by the 3-in-1 board. The pulses are sampled by a 12 bit ADC, which is connected to an ML605 evaluation board from XILINX. These boards emulate the new on-detector electronics. The ML605 communicates via two 5Gb/s optical links with a Virtex-6 FPGA development board from HighTech Global which emulates the off-detector electronics. The off-detector board is situated in a PC and uses PCIe for readout an...

  15. Morfometria de fibroblastos e fibrócitos durante o processo cicatricial na pele de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia Branco tratados com calêndula Morphometry of fibroblasts and fibrocytes during wound healing in the skin of rabbits of the New Zeland White breed treated with marigold

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    Leonardo de Oliveira Pagnano


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade cicatrizante da calêndula (Calendula officinalis L. sobre feridas cutâneas experimentais, em 15 coelhos, distribuídos em três grupos denominados: excipiente, calêndula e controle. Cada animal foi submetido à uma incisão cirúrgica de 6cm de comprimento, lateral à coluna vertebral e suturada no padrão U. Os produtos avaliados foram colocados sobre as incisões durante sete dias na quantidade de 0,1ml (loção cremosa não-iônica - grupo excipiente; tintura de calêndula a 5% - grupo calêndula e nos animais do grupo controle não se utilizou nenhum produto. A biópsia de pele foi realizada no 1°, 3°, 5° e 7° dia após a incisão cirúrgica para avaliação morfométrica do processo cicatricial, analisando-se o número de fibroblastos e fibrócitos. A morfometria foi realizada por meio de microscópio óptico adaptado a um sistema computadorizado de análise de imagens. De acordo com os resultados, a calêndula propiciou obtenção dos maiores valores médios das células envolvidas no processo cicatricial, os fibroblastos, deduzindo que a mesma, inferiu uma resposta mais satisfatória na cicatrização em relação aos demais tratamentos.The aim of this study was to evaluate the scarring capability of marigold (Calendula officinalis L. on experimental skin wounds in 15 rabbits, distributed in three groups: excipient, marigold and control. Each animal was subjected to a surgical incision measuring 6cm in length, laterally to the spinal column and sutured in U-shape. Products evaluated were placed on the incisions for 7 days, at a rate of 0.1ml (nonionic creamy lotion - excipient group; 5% marigold extract and no treatment was provided to control animals. Skin biopsy was performed on 1, 3, 5, and 7 days after wounding, for morphometric and cicatricial process evaluations. The morphometry was performed with an optical microscope adapted to a computadorized picture analysis system. The

  16. CalTOX, a multimedia total exposure model for hazardous-waste sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKone, T.E.


    CalTOX has been developed as a spreadsheet model to assist in health-risk assessments that address contaminated soils and the contamination of adjacent air, surface water, sediments, and ground water. The modeling effort includes a multimedia transport and transformation model, exposure scenario models, and efforts to quantify and reduce uncertainty in multimedia, multiple-pathway exposure models. This report provides an overview of the CalTOX model components, lists the objectives of the model, describes the philosophy under which the model was developed, identifies the chemical classes for which the model can be used, and describes critical sensitivities and uncertainties. The multimedia transport and transformation model is a dynamic model that can be used to assess time-varying concentrations of contaminants introduced initially to soil layers or for contaminants released continuously to air or water. This model assists the user in examining how chemical and landscape properties impact both the ultimate route and quantity of human contact. Multimedia, multiple pathway exposure models are used in the CalTOX model to estimate average daily potential doses within a human population in the vicinity of a hazardous substances release site. The exposure models encompass twenty-three exposure pathways. The exposure assessment process consists of relating contaminant concentrations in the multimedia model compartments to contaminant concentrations in the media with which a human population has contact (personal air, tap water, foods, household dusts soils, etc.). The average daily dose is the product of the exposure concentrations in these contact media and an intake or uptake factor that relates the concentrations to the distributions of potential dose within the population

  17. B(M1) values in the band-crossing of shears bands in 197Pb (United States)

    Krücken, R.; Cooper, J. R.; Beausang, C. W.; Novak, J. R.; Dewald, A.; Klug, T.; Kemper, G.; von Brentano, P.; Carpenter, M.; Wiedenhöver, I.

    We present details of the band crossing mechanism of shears bands using the example of 197Pb. Absolute reduced matrix elements B(M1) were determined by means of a RDM lifetime measurement in one of the shears bands in 197Pb. The experiment was performed using the New Yale Plunger Device (NYPD) in conjunction with the Gammasphere array. Band mixing calculations on the basis of the semi-classical model of the shears mechanism are used to describe the transition matrix elements B(M1) and energies throughout the band-crossing regions. Good agreement with the data was obtained and the detailed composition of the states in the shears band are discussed.

  18. Evaluation of IsoCal geometric calibration system for Varian linacs equipped with on-board imager and electronic portal imaging device imaging systems. (United States)

    Gao, Song; Du, Weiliang; Balter, Peter; Munro, Peter; Jeung, Andrew


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of the IsoCal geometric calibration system for kilovoltage (kV) and megavoltage (MV) imagers on Varian C-series linear accelerators (linacs). IsoCal calibration starts by imaging a phantom and collimator plate using MV images with different collimator angles, as well as MV and kV images at different gantry angles. The software then identifies objects on the collimator plate and in the phantom to determine the location of the treatment isocenter and its relation to the MV and kV imager centers. It calculates offsets between the positions of the imaging panels and the treatment isocenter as a function of gantry angle and writes a correction file that can be applied to MV and kV systems to correct for those offsets in the position of the panels. We performed IsoCal calibration three times on each of five Varian C-series linacs, each time with an independent setup. We then compared the IsoCal calibrations with a simplified Winston-Lutz (WL)-based system and with a Varian cubic phantom (VC)-based system. The maximum IsoCal corrections ranged from 0.7 mm to 1.5 mm for MV and 0.9 mm to 1.8 mm for kV imagers across the five linacs. The variations in the three calibrations for each linac were less than 0.2 mm. Without IsoCal correction, the WL results showed discrepancies between the treatment isocenter and the imager center of 0.9 mm to 1.6 mm (for the MV imager) and 0.5 mm to 1.1 mm (for the kV imager); with IsoCal corrections applied, the differences were reduced to 0.2 mm to 0.6 mm (MV) and 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm (kV) across the five linacs. The VC system was not as precise as the WL system, but showed similar results, with discrepancies of less than 1.0 mm when the IsoCal corrections were applied. We conclude that IsoCal is an accurate and consistent method for calibration and periodic quality assurance of MV and kV imaging systems.

  19. Síndrome de emagrecimento progressivo dos calitriquídeos - processo de má absorção semelhante à doença celíaca humana - caracterização clínica, laboratorial e anatomopatológica


    Lilian Rose Marques de Sá


    A síndrome de emagrecimento progressivo (SEP) dos calitriquídeos representa importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade de sagüis mantidas em cativeiro. A etiologia dessa síndrome não está estabelecida e suas principais características são emagrecimento progressivo, diarréia, colite, anemia, paralisia dos membros posteriores e alopecia. Com esse estudo pretende-se responder se a síndrome é um processo de má-absorção ou de desnutrição protéico-calórica primária, caracterizar o quadro histológi...

  20. Analysis of expression and chitin-binding activity of the wing disc cuticle protein BmWCP4 in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Deng, Hui-Min; Li, Yong; Zhang, Jia-Ling; Liu, Lin; Feng, Qi-Li


    The insect exoskeleton is mainly composed of chitin filaments linked by cuticle proteins. When insects molt, the cuticle of the exoskeleton is renewed by degrading the old chitin and cuticle proteins and synthesizing new ones. In this study, chitin-binding activity of the wing disc cuticle protein BmWCP4 in Bombyx mori was studied. Sequence analysis showed that the protein had a conservative hydrophilic "R&R" chitin-binding domain (CBD). Western blotting showed that BmWCP4 was predominately expressed in the wing disc-containing epidermis during the late wandering and early pupal stages. The immunohistochemistry result showed that the BmWCP4 was mainly present in the wing disc tissues containing wing bud and trachea blast during day 2 of wandering stage. Recombinant full-length BmWCP4 protein, "R&R" CBD peptide (CBD), non-CBD peptide (BmWCP4-CBD - ), four single site-directed mutated peptides (M 1 , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 ) and four-sites-mutated peptide (M F ) were generated and purified, respectively, for in vitro chitin-binding assay. The results indicated that both the full-length protein and the "R&R" CBD peptide could bind with chitin, whereas the BmWCP4-CBD - could not bind with chitin. The single residue mutants M 1 , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 reduced but did not completely abolish the chitin-binding activity, while four-sites-mutated protein M F completely lost the chitin-binding activity. These data indicate that BmWCP4 protein plays a critical role by binding to the chitin filaments in the wing during larva-to-pupa transformation. The conserved aromatic amino acids are critical in the interaction between chitin and the cuticle protein. © 2015 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  1. The Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus Bm86 gene plays a critical role in the fitness of ticks fed on cattle during acute Babesia bovis infection

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    Knowles Donald P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus is an economically important tick of cattle involved in the transmission of Babesia bovis, the etiological agent of bovine babesiosis. Commercial anti-tick vaccines based on the R. microplus Bm86 glycoprotein have shown some effect in controlling tick infestation; however their efficacy as a stand-alone solution for tick control has been questioned. Understanding the role of the Bm86 gene product in tick biology is critical to identifying additional methods to utilize Bm86 to reduce R. microplus infestation and babesia transmission. Additionally, the role played by Bm86 in R. microplus fitness during B. bovis infection is unknown. Results Here we describe in two independent experiments that RNA interference-mediated silencing of Bm86 decreased the fitness of R. microplus females fed on cattle during acute B. bovis infection. Notably, Bm86 silencing decreased the number and survival of engorged females, and decreased the weight of egg masses. However, gene silencing had no significant effect on the efficiency of transovarial transmission of B. bovis from surviving female ticks to their larval offspring. The results also show that Bm86 is expressed, in addition to gut cells, in larvae, nymphs, adult males and ovaries of partially engorged adult R. microplus females, and its expression was significantly down-regulated in ovaries of ticks fed on B. bovis-infected cattle. Conclusion The R. microplus Bm86 gene plays a critical role during tick feeding and after repletion during blood digestion in ticks fed on cattle during acute B. bovis infection. Therefore, the data indirectly support the rationale for using Bm86-based vaccines, perhaps in combination with acaricides, to control tick infestation particularly in B. bovis endemic areas.

  2. Competitividade internacional baseada em recursos: estudo da relação entre os recursos e as estratégias de internacionalização nas maiores empresas exportadoras do setor calçadista brasileiro.

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    Márcia Zabdiele Moreira


    Full Text Available A internacionalização de empresas se refere a uma estratégia para se obter maior presença no mercado internacional. Como as empresas precisam fazer uso de recursos estratégicos para sua inserção no mercado internacional, buscou-se responder: "Como se relacionam a evolução dos recursos estratégicos em relação às estratégias de internacionalização nas grandes empresas exportadoras do setor calçadista brasileiro?" Para a base teórica utilizou-se aclassificações dos recursos de Fahy (2002 e das estratégias de internacionalização de Sharma e Erramilli (2004. O estudo buscou resgatar o caráter dinâmico da Visão Baseada em Recursos. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o quantitativo e de natureza explicativa. Os dados coletados referem-se ao período 2004 e 2005, com 15 grandes empresas exportadoras do setor calçadista brasileiro e foram analisados por meio de Cluster Analysis na entrada da internacionalização, na situação atual e em 2010. Concluiu-se que as empresas que utilizam estratégias de internacionalização mais complexas, no momento de entrada e no futuro, consideram mais estratégicas as capacidades organizacionais, depois os recursos tangíveis e por fim, os recursos intangíveis. Contudo, na situação atual, consideram mais estratégicas as capacidades organizacionais, depois os recursos intangíveis e por fim, os recursos tangíveis.

  3. Production of recombinant Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus in silkworm by intrahaemocoelic injection with invasive diaminopimelate auxotrophic Escherichia coli containing BmNPV-Bacmid. (United States)

    Sun, Jingchen; Yao, Lunguang; Yao, Ning; Xu, Hua; Jin, Pengfei; Kan, Yunchao


    The present study elaborates a cost-effective and transfectant-free method for generating recombinant Bombyx mori (silkworm) nucleopolyhedrovirus in silkworm larvae and pupae by injecting invasive Escherichia coli carrying BmBacmid [BmNPV (B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus)-Bacmid] into larval haemocoel. Up to 109 PFU (plaque-forming units)/ml of infective recombinant baculovirus was generated in the silkworm by intrahaemocoelic injection with 106 DAP (diaminopimelic acid) auxotrophic and BmBacmid containing E. coli cells expressing both invasin and listeriolysin. Thus 1 ml of overnight culture of E. coli is sufficient to inject more than 2000 larvae, while DAP costing up to $1 is enough to inject about 4000 larvae. Recombinant proteins can be controlled to be expressed mainly in pupae by adjusting the injection dose, too. In this new method, many original manipulations have been eliminated, including BmBacmid preparation and the subsequent complex transfection procedures. Hence it is a time- and cost-saving means for large-scale injection of B. mori for recombinant baculovirus production in comparison with the traditional transfection methods, which may play an important role in the industrial development of the BmNPV-silkworm bioreactor.

  4. RIP-seq of BmAgo2-associated small RNAs reveal various types of small non-coding RNAs in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (United States)


    Background Small non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes. Previously, only microRNAs (miRNAs) and piRNAs have been identified in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Furthermore, only ncRNAs (50-500nt) of intermediate size have been systematically identified in the silkworm. Results Here, we performed a systematic identification and analysis of small RNAs (18-50nt) associated with the Bombyx mori argonaute2 (BmAgo2) protein. Using RIP-seq, we identified various types of small ncRNAs associated with BmAGO2. These ncRNAs showed a multimodal length distribution, with three peaks at ~20nt, ~27nt and ~33nt, which included tRNA-, transposable element (TE)-, rRNA-, snoRNA- and snRNA-derived small RNAs as well as miRNAs and piRNAs. The tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs) were found at an extremely high abundance and accounted for 69.90% of the BmAgo2-associated small RNAs. Northern blotting confirmed that many tRFs were expressed or up-regulated only in the BmNPV-infected cells, implying that the tRFs play a prominent role by binding to BmAgo2 during BmNPV infection. Additional evidence suggested that there are potential cleavage sites on the D, anti-codon and TψC loops of the tRNAs. TE-derived small RNAs and piRNAs also accounted for a significant proportion of the BmAgo2-associated small RNAs, suggesting that BmAgo2 could be involved in the maintenance of genome stability by suppressing the activities of transposons guided by these small RNAs. Finally, Northern blotting was also used to confirm the Bombyx 5.8 s rRNA-derived small RNAs, demonstrating that various novel small RNAs exist in the silkworm. Conclusions Using an RIP-seq method in combination with Northern blotting, we identified various types of small RNAs associated with the BmAgo2 protein, including tRNA-, TE-, rRNA-, snoRNA- and snRNA-derived small RNAs as well as miRNAs and piRNAs. Our findings provide new clues for future functional studies of the role of small RNAs in insect

  5. Immunization and chemical conjugation of Bm95 obtained from Pichia pastoris enhances the immune response against vaccinal protein and Neisseria meningitidis capsular polysaccharide

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    Rodriguez-Valle M


    Full Text Available Manuel Rodriguez-Valle,1 Leonardo Canan-Hadden,2 Olivia Niebla2 1Animal Biotechnology Division, 2Analytical Division, Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba Abstract: The ectoparasite Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus causes severe economic losses to the cattle industry in tropical and subtropical regions, and transmits endoparasites, such as Babesia bovis. The glycoprotein Bm95 is homologous to Bm86, a surface membrane protein of gut epithelial cells in R. microplus, and has been shown to efficiently control this ectoparasite in regions of the Americas. The immunostimulant properties of Bm86 have already been demonstrated after its coinjection with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg and the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. This study evaluated the carrier and immunostimulant properties of Bm95 using low immunogenic Neisseria meningitidis capsular C polysaccharide (Men CpS and HBsAg. We produced two polysaccharide-Bm95 conjugates by carbodiimide (MenCpSBm-c and reductive amination (MenCpSBm-ra methods. These conjugates were characterized and evaluated in mice. Antibody titers against Men CpS were significantly higher in mice immunized with MenCpSBm-ra (2,350±250, P<0.01 than in those immunized with MenCpSBm-c (250±75 or Men CpS (570±104. The study data indicate effective immunological memory after booster inoculation in mice immunized with MenCpSBm-ra. Additionally, significant humoral immunity against HBsAg was documented in mice coimmunized via the intranasal route with recombinant Bm95 (11,400±345 and HBsAg (128,000±250 compared with mice immunized only with HBsAg (400±40 or Bm95 (5,461±150, P<0.01. In conclusion, the immunostimulatory properties of recombinant Bm95 make it a useful element for developing safer conjugated vaccines against bacterial pathogens and for evaluation against ticks and tick-borne diseases in the context of a polyvalent veterinary vaccine. Keywords: glycoconjugate, Bm86


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    Jailson da Conceição Teixeira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Buscou-se com esse estudo analisar quais relações a emissão de oferta pública de ações guardam com as seguintes variáveis: taxa de juros, produção industrial, taxa da inflação, e o retorno dos ativos no mercado acionário brasileiro. As séries que compõe o escopo desse trabalho foram obtidas junto ao IPEA e BM&FBovespa, com frequência mensal, de janeiro 1998 à janeiro de 2012. Dado o fato de que as variáveis foram todas estacionárias foi utilizado o modelo de Vetores Auto Regressivo. Recorreu-se a técnicas de Decomposição da Variância e Funções de Impulso e Resposta para verificar a significância dos choques dessas variáveis na emissão de oferta pública de ações e foi constatado quea maior parte dos desvios causados na sua variância é explicada por variações sofrida nela mesma, com uma participação de mais de 90,0%, ao longo dos dez meses. Em seguida estão as variáveis Selic e IPCA. Em paralelo foi aplicado o teste de causalidade de Granger, que indicou que todas as variáveis afetam a emissão de ofertas públicas, exceto a Ibovespa. 

  7. Transfer of Air Force technical procurement bid set data to small businesses, using CALS and EDI. Summary report. Revision 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report provides a summary of the Air Force CALS Test Network (AFCTN) Test Report Transfer of Air Force Technical Procurement Bid Set Data to Small Businesses, Using CALS and EDI (AFCTN Test Report 94-034, UCRL-ID-118619). It represents a synthesis of the results, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as a more concise presentation of the issues and strategies as viewed from AFCTN`s perspective. This report documents a test transfer of three Air Force technical procurement bid sets to one large and twelve small businesses, using the Department of Defense (DoD) Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support (CALS) and ANSI ASC X12 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. The main goal of the test was to evaluate the effectiveness of using CALS technical data within the context of the DoD`s EDI-based standard approach to electronic commerce in procurement, with particular emphasis on receipt and use of the data by small contractors. Air Force procurement data was provided by the Sacramento Air Logistics Center at McClellan Air Force Base; the manufacturing participants were selected from among McClellan`s {open_quote}Blue Ribbon{close_quote} contractors, located throughout the United States. The test was sponsored by the Air Force CALS Test Network, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The test successfully demonstrated the technical feasibility of including CALS MIL-R-28002 (Raster) engineering data in an EDI Specification/Technical Information transaction set (ANSI ASC X12 841) when issuing electronic requests for quotation to small businesses. In many cases, the data was complete enough for the contractor participant to feel comfortable generating a quote.

  8. Environmental behavior of soils and mixtures of soil-whitewash mud Comportamento ambiental de solos e misturas solo lama-de-cal

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    Carlos Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available The present study sought to observe the behavior of soils in natural state and in mixtures, in different ratios, with the industrial solid residue called whitewash mud. The work was conducted with samples of typical soils from the region of Alagoinhas, Bahia-Brazil. Wet chemical analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry were used in order to obtain the classification of the industrial solid residue. Solubilization and leaching tests were performed and X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques were carried out. The results showed that the whitewash mud was classified as non-inert, but with great capacity of heavy metal retention largely owed to the kaolinite and goethite presence in the clay fraction of the soils, making it difficult to have heavy metals readily available for exchange.O presente estudo buscou observar o comportamento de solos em seu estado natural e em misturas, em diferentes teores, com o resíduo sólido industrial denominado lama-de-cal. A pesquisa foi conduzida com amostras de solos típicas da região de Alagoinhas, Bahia-Brasil. A análise química por via úmida e espectrofotometria de absorção atômica foram usadas para obter a classificação do resíduo sólido industrial. Testes de solubilização, lixiviação, analise de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram executados. Os resultados indicaram que a lama-de-cal não é inerte, mas com grande capacidade de retenção de metais pesados, em grande parte devido à presença de caulinita e goethita na fração argila dos solos.

  9. Perfil calórico do leite pasteurizado no banco de leite humano de um hospital escola Perfil calórico de la leche pasteurizada en el banco de leche humana de un hospital escuela en Londrina, Paraná, Brasil Caloric profile of pasteurized milk in the human milk bank at a university hospital

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    Priscila Santa de Moraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conhecer o perfil calórico e higiênico sanitário do leite humano do Banco de Leite Humano do Hospital Universitário de Londrina. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo transversal do levantamento de dados obtidos de fontes secundárias de registros dos exames de teor calórico, avaliado pelo crematócrito, e da titulação de acidez pelo método de Dornic do leite humano, coletado pelo Banco de Leite Humano do Hospital Universitário de Londrina. RESULTADOS: Entre 2006 e 2009, foram analisadas 30.846 amostras de leite humano de doadoras de várias localidades, totalizando 5.869L de leite coletado e distribuído. Deste leite humano pasteurizado, 53,5% foi classificado como hipocalórico (menos que 580kcal/L, 36,4% como calórico e 8,3% como hipercalórico (maior que 711kcal/L. De acordo com as várias localidades de origem dos leites, o Banco de Leite Humano de Londrina foi o local onde se observou uma maior quantidade de doação nas três classificações. Ao exame da titulação de acidez Dornic do leite humano coletado, encontrou-se 60,8% com valores entre 4,1º e 8,0º Dornic. CONCLUSÕES: Grande parte do leite coletado é hipocalórica e está própria para o consumo em relação ao perfil higiênico sanitário. É preciso intensificar a coleta deste alimento para atender à demanda de leite hipercalórico para os recém-nascidos prematuros.OBJETIVO: Conocer el perfil calórico de la leche humana del Banco de Leche Humana del Hospital Universitario de Londrina y el perfil higiénico sanitario obtenido por el examen de titulación de acidez Dornic. MÉTODOS: Estudio cuantitativo transversal del inventario de datos obtenidos de fuentes secundarias de registros de los exámenes de tenor calórico, evaluado por el crematócrito, y de la titulación de acidez por el método de Dornic de la leche humana, recogida por el Banco de Leche Humana del Hospital Universitario de Londrina. RESULTADOS: Entre 2006 y 2009 fueron analizadas 30

  10. Genome-wide identification, characterization of sugar transporter genes in the silkworm Bombyx mori and role in Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) infection. (United States)

    Govindaraj, Lekha; Gupta, Tania; Esvaran, Vijaya Gowri; Awasthi, Arvind Kumar; Ponnuvel, Kangayam M


    Sugar transporters play an essential role in controlling carbohydrate transport and are responsible for mediating the movement of sugars into cells. These genes exist as large multigene families within the insect genome. In insects, sugar transporters not only have a role in sugar transport, but may also act as receptors for virus entry. Genome-wide annotation of silkworm Bombyx mori (B. mori) revealed 100 putative sugar transporter (BmST) genes exists as a large multigene family and were classified into 11 sub families, through phylogenetic analysis. Chromosomes 27, 26 and 20 were found to possess the highest number of BmST paralogous genes, harboring 22, 7 and 6 genes, respectively. These genes occurred in clusters exhibiting the phenomenon of tandem gene duplication. The ovary, silk gland, hemocytes, midgut and malphigian tubules were the different tissues/cells enriched with BmST gene expression. The BmST gene BGIBMGA001498 had maximum EST transcripts of 134 and expressed exclusively in the malphigian tubule. The expression of EST transcripts of the BmST clustered genes on chromosome 27 was distributed in various tissues like testis, ovary, silk gland, malphigian tubule, maxillary galea, prothoracic gland, epidermis, fat body and midgut. Three sugar transporter genes (BmST) were constitutively expressed in the susceptible race and were down regulated upon BmNPV infection at 12h post infection (hpi). The expression pattern of these three genes was validated through real-time PCR in the midgut tissues at different time intervals from 0 to 30hpi. In the susceptible B. mori race, expression of sugar transporter genes was constitutively expressed making the host succumb to viral infection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Immunological Basis for Rapid Progression of Diabetes in Older NOD Mouse Recipients Post BM-HSC Transplantation.

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    Nan Wang

    Full Text Available Type I diabetes (T1D, mediated by autoreactive T cell destruction of insulin-producing islet beta cells, has been treated with bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cell (BM-HSC transplantation. Older non-obese diabetic (NOD mice recipients (3m, at disease-onset stage receiving syngeneic BM-HSC progressed more rapidly to end-stage diabetes post-transplantation than younger recipients (4-6w, at disease-initiation stage. FACS analyses showed a higher percentage and absolute number of regulatory T cells (Treg and lower proportion of proliferating T conventional cells (Tcon in pancreatic lymph nodes from the resistant mice among the younger recipients compared to the rapid progressors among the older recipients. Treg distribution in spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN, blood and thymus between the two groups was similar. However, the percentage of thymic Tcon and the proliferation of Tcon in MLN and blood were lower in the young resistants. These results suggest recipient age and associated disease stage as a variable to consider in BM-HSC transplantation for treating T1D.

  12. The EuroSprite2005 Observational Campaign: an example of training and outreach opportunities for CAL young scientists

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    O. Chanrion


    Full Text Available The four year "Coupling of Atmospheric Layers (CAL" EU FP5 Research Training Network project studied unanswered questions related to transient luminous events (sprites, jets and elves in the upper atmosphere. Consisting of ten scientific work-packages CAL also included intensive training and outreach programmes for the young scientists hired. Educational activities were based on the following elements: national PhD programmes, activities at CAL and other meetings, a dedicated summer school, and two European sprite observational campaigns. The young scientists were strongly involved in the latter and, as an example, the "EuroSprite2005" observational campaign is presented in detail. Some of the young scientists participated in the instrument set-up, others in the campaign logistics, some coordinated the observations, and others gathered the results to build a catalogue. During the four-month duration of this campaign, all of them took turns in operating the system and making their own night observations. The ongoing campaign activities were constantly advertised and communicated via an Internet blog. In summary the campaign required all the CAL young scientists to embark on experimental work, to develop their organisational skills, and to enhance their ability to communicate their activities. The campaign was a unique opportunity to train and strengthen skills that will be an asset to their future careers and, overall, was most successful.

  13. Competitividade Internacional Baseada em Recursos – Estudo da Relação entre os Recursos e as Estratégias de Internacionalização nas Maiores Empresas Exportadoras do Setor Calçadista Brasileiro

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    Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante Forte


    Full Text Available A internacionalização de empresas se refere a uma estratégia para se obter maior presença no mercado internacional. Como as empresas precisam fazer uso de recursos estratégicos para sua inserção no mercado internacional, buscou-se responder: “Como se relacionam a evolução dos recursos estratégicos em relação às estratégias de internacionalização nas grandes empresas exportadoras do setor calçadista brasileiro?” Para a base teórica utilizou-se a classificações dos recursos de Fahy (2002 e das estratégias de internacionalização de Sharma e Erramilli (2004. O estudo buscou resgatar o caráter dinâmico da Visão Baseada em Recursos. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o quantitativo e de natureza explicativa. Os dados coletados referem-se ao período 2004 e 2005, com 15 grandes empresas exportadoras do setor calçadista brasileiro e foram analisados por meio de Cluster Analysis na entrada da internacionalização, na situação atual e em 2010. Concluiu-se que as empresas que utilizam estratégias de internacionalização mais complexas, no momento de entrada e no futuro, consideram mais estratégicas as capacidades organizacionais, depois os recursos tangíveis e por fim, os recursos intangíveis. Contudo, na situação atual, consideram mais estratégicas as capacidades organizacionais, depois os recursos intangíveis e por fim, os recursos tangíveis.

  14. Comparability of Accounting Choices in Investment Properties of BM&FBOVESPA and NYSE Listed Companies

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    Reiner Alves Botinha


    Full Text Available This research aimed to identify the consequence of the accounting choices made by public companies managers listed on the NYSE and the BM&FBOVESPA, in relation to the subsequent measurement of investment properties, through identifying the comparability degree of financial reports from the year 2013. The degree of comparability was calculated using the T index Taplin. In this paper, it was observed that, in a more conservative way, to both stock exchanges, there was increased use of the cost method for the sample companies. Even with the existence of accounting choices, it is considered that there is comparability between accounting practices in the recognition of investment property from the companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA and NYSE. However, the degree of comparability was presented low for the international comparability and in the medium, near the lower limit for comparability per stock exchange. A curious fact is the presentation of a greater degree of comparability for the companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA in relation to listed on the NYSE, which is a more developed capital market. In the analysis of the comparability by sector, it was observed a medium degree close to the upper limit. It has also been inferred the low comparability degrees identified may be related to the different choices made by the companies regarding the measurement methods.


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    Ricardo Luiz Menezes da Silva


    Full Text Available A transparência das informações é importante para se ter uma diminuição na assimetria das mesmas. Quanto mais informações de qualidade há sobre o negócio ou desempenho econômico e financeiro de determinada empresa, teoricamente, mais se pode esperar uma diferente percepção do risco por parte do investidor. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a iniciativa das empresas em aderir aos Níveis Diferenciados de Governança Corporativa da BM&F BOVESPA impacta tanto no risco quanto no retorno dos preços de fechamento de suas ações. Para isso, foram utilizados os retornos diários de 252 dias antes e após a adesão das empresas aos NDGC. Foram feitos os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para análise da normalidade, o teste paramétrico de médias emparelhadas e o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon para medidas de risco absoluto (desvio-padrão e relativo (beta, além de retorno. Foram analisados os comportamentos dos papéis de 48 empresas. Os resultados mostraram que as médias dos retornos das açõesempresariais não apresentaram diferenças significativas antes e após a data de adesão aos NDGC. Por outro lado, as proxies de risco apresentaram-se significativamente diferentes./ The transparency of information is important to diminish the asymmetry of information. Themore quality information there is about the business, or financial and economic performance of a certain company, theoretically, the more one can expect a different perception of risk by the investor. The aim of this study was to verify whether the initiative of the companies to adhere to BM&F BOVESPA’s Differentiated Levels of Corporate Governance impacts both at risk and return of the closing price of its shares. For that, daily returns of 252 days before and after the accession of companies to NDGC were used. Over the measures of absolute risk (standard deviation and relative risk (beta, and return, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were made in order to analyze normality

  16. Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) program computer software configuration management plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document describes the system configuration management activities performed in support of the Windows Calorimeter Control (WinCal) system, in accordance with Site procedures based on Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standard 828-1990, Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans (IEEE 1990) and IEEE Standard 1042-1987, Guide to Software Configuration Management (IEEE 1987)

  17. O impacto da Green Supply Chain Management no comportamento dos custos das empresas do setor energético listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Emanuele Engelage


    Full Text Available This study seeks to identify the impact of the practices of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM in the costs behavior of companies in the energy sector listed on BM&FBOVESPA, by adopting as measurement proxy the ISO 14001 certification, the Managerial Sustainability Index (ISE listing, and the 9.991/2000 Law. Therefore, we analyzed, by regression models for panel data, the unconsolidated financial statements from 1995 to 2014, collected in Economática® and updated by the IPCA/IBGE index. The results differ from the ideas brought by the authors in question, as the explicative variables are not statistically significant when considering the usual confidence interval levels. Thus, it is not possible to infer that there was an impact on the productive efficiency of the companies, with an increase or decrease in the proportion of the cost in relation to sales revenues. This way, and considering that this effect may be offset by other factors, it seeks to separately analyze the costs and revenues. The results show that all the explicative variables are not statistically significant for the analysis of revenues, but, for the cost analysis, they show that the higher the level of adherence to GSCM practices, the greater the cost of goods sold.


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    Danijela Bulatović


    Full Text Available Up to the sam ple of 86 stu dents from 5th class of Ele men tary School »Ok to ih« in Pod go ri ca, we ma de re se arch in or der to esta blish the le vel of sta ti sti cal im por tan ce of the com mon mo bi lity tests in fl u en ce for for ming of the physi cal edu ca tion mark. By using of Pir son cor re la ti ve analysis, fol lo wed by the re gres si ve analysis, it was esta blis hed the im por tant mu tual con nec tion bet we en pre di ca ti ve and cri te rion va ri a ble. The co ef fi ci ent of cor re la tion has been spread from the mid dle (MT600= . 488, to the high nu me ri cal va lu es (MSDM =. 735.

  19. The TileCal Online Energy Estimation for the Next LHC Operation Period

    CERN Document Server

    Peralva, B S; The ATLAS collaboration; Cerqueira, A S; Seixas, J M


    This work presents a study on the TileCal online energy estimation for the next LHC operation period (Run2). Due to hardware limitation, the algorithm that performs the online energy estimation must remain based on the linear and fast Optimal Filter (OF) technique, which envisages the use of the background covariance matrix in its design. During Run1, TileCal made use of an identity matrix to describe and the background covariance matrix, which showed to be a reasonable approximation for the low luminosity scenario. Under such conditions, the background for most of its cells comprised mainly electronic noise which can be approximated as a uncorrelated Gaussian process. However, as the pile-up introduces a non-Gaussian component to the background, the OF method presents larger variance and it becomes biased. The use of the background covariance matrix in the design of the OF weights is expected to improve the energy estimation performance. The results for the scenario considered show that for high occupancy ce...

  20. Chemical and Physical Properties of Hi-Cal-2 (United States)

    Spakowski, A. E.; Allen, Harrison, Jr.; Caves, Robert M.


    As part of the Navy Project Zip to consider various boron-containing materials as possible high-energy fuels, the chemical and physical properties of Hi-Cal-2 prepared by the Callery Chemical Company were evaluated at the NACA Lewis laboratory. Elemental chemical analysis, heat of combustion, vapor pressure and decomposition, freezing point, density, self ignition temperature, flash point, and blow-out velocity were determined for the fuel. Although the precision of measurement of these properties was not equal to that obtained for hydrocarbons, this special release research memorandum was prepared to make the data available as soon as possible.

  1. Triplet State Formation in Photovoltaic Blends of DPP-Type Copolymers and PC71BM

    KAUST Repository

    Ochsmann, Julian R.; Chandran, Deepak; Gehrig, Dominik W.; Anwar, Husna; Madathil, Pramod Kandoth; Lee, Kwang-Sup; Laquai, Fré dé ric


    The exciton dynamics in pristine films of two structurally related low-bandgap diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based donor–acceptor copolymers and the photophysical processes in bulk heterojunction solar cells using DPP copolymer:PC71BM blends

  2. The natural scorpion peptide, BmK NT1 activates voltage-gated sodium channels and produces neurotoxicity in primary cultured cerebellar granule cells. (United States)

    Zou, Xiaohan; He, Yuwei; Qiao, Jinping; Zhang, Chunlei; Cao, Zhengyu


    The scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat neuronal diseases such as neuropathic pain, paralysis and epilepsy for thousands of years. Studies have demonstrated that scorpion venom is the primary active component. Although scorpion venom can effectively attenuate pain in the clinic, it also produces neurotoxic response. In this study, toxicity guided purification led to identify a mammalian toxin termed BmK NT1 comprising of 65 amino acid residues and an amidated C-terminus, a mature peptide encoded by the nucleotide sequence (GenBank No. AF464898). In contract to the recombinant product of the same nucleotide sequence, BmK AGAP, which displayed analgesic and anti-tumor effect, intravenous injection (i.v.) of BmK NT1 produced acute toxicity in mice with an LD50 value of 1.36 mg/kg. In primary cultured cerebellar granule cells, BmK NT1 produced a concentration-dependent cell death with an IC50 value of 0.65 μM (0.41-1.03 μM, 95% Confidence Intervals, 95% CI) which was abolished by TTX, a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) blocker. We also demonstrated that BmK NT1 produced modest sodium influx in cerebellar granule cell cultures with an EC50 value of 2.19 μM (0.76-6.40 μM, 95% CI), an effect similar to VGSC agonist, veratridine. The sodium influx response was abolished by TTX suggesting that BmK NT1-induced sodium influx is solely through activation of VGSC. Considered these data together, we demonstrated that BmK NT1 activated VGSC and produced neurotoxicity in cerebellar granule cell cultures. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Efeito de diferentes níveis de sódio e fósforo sobre o desempenho e a qualidade da casca dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais Effect of different levels of sodium and phosphorus on performance and eggshell quality of laying hens

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    Douglas Emygdio de Faria


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de diferentes níveis de sódio e fósforo (P sobre o desempenho e a qualidade da casca dos ovos e de determinados constituintes sangüíneos, em 144 galinhas Hy-Line W36, com 60 semanas de idade, distribuídas em 36 unidades experimentais com quatro aves cada. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial (3 x 3, níveis de sódio (0,16; 0,20; e 0,24% e níveis de fósforo total (0,35; 0,45; e 0,55%, totalizando nove tratamentos, dois blocos com duas repetições em cada bloco. As rações experimentais foram isoprotéicas (16,0% de PB, isocalóricas (2800 kcal de EM/kg e isocálcicas (4,0% de Ca. Consumo de ração, produção e massa de ovos, conversão alimentar, porcentagem e espessura da casca e densidade aparente dos ovos não foram alteradas pelos níveis de sódio. Entretanto, quando as galinhas foram alimentadas com dietas contendo 0,35% de P total, verificou-se comprometimento da produção e massa de ovos e conversão alimentar, sem alteração das características de qualidade da casca. Houve interação entre os fatores para o peso dos ovos. Baixos níveis de P total não foram efetivos em melhorar a qualidade da casca dos ovos, mas prejudicaram o desempenho das galinhas.An experiment was carried out to verify the effect of different levels of sodium and phosphorus (P on the performance, eggshell quality and on some blood constituents of 144 laying hens Hy-Line W36, aged 60 weeks, allotted to 36 experimental units with four hens each. A randomized experimental block design was used in a factorial arrangement (3 x 3, sodium levels (.16, .20 and .24% and phosphorus levels (.35, .45 and .55%, totalizing nine treatments, two blocks with two replicates each. The experimental diets were isoproteic (16.0% CP, isoenergetic (2,800 kcal ME/kg and isocalcium (4.0% Ca. Feed intake, egg production, egg mass, feed:gain ratio, shell percentage, shell thickness

  4. A −3 dBm RF transmitter front-end for 802.11g application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Jinxin; Yan Jun; Shi Yin


    A 2.4 GHz, direct-conversion RF transmitter front-end with an up converter and PA driver is fabricated in a 0.13 μm CMOS process for the reliable transmission of 54 Mb/s OFDM signals. The front-end output power is −3 dBm while the corresponding EVM is −27 dB which is necessary for the 802.11g standard of EVM at −25 dB. With the adopted gain control strategy the output power changes from −14.3 to −3.7 dBm with every step 0.8 dB (20%) which covers the gain variation due to working temperature and process. A power detector indicates the output power and delivers a voltage to the baseband to control the output power. (semiconductor integrated circuits)

  5. Analysis of the distribution of World Bank disbursements in Latin America between 1985 and 2010

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    Renato Câmara Nunes Dias


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a distribuição dos desembolsos do Banco Mundial (BM na América Latina e Caribe, de 1985 a 2010, entre países e entre setores econômicos. O objetivo é identificar tendências que ajudem a compreender os critérios que orientam a atuação do BM e como esses critérios se articulam com o entendimento do BM sobre sua missão declarada de combater a pobreza extrema. O artigo testa a existência desses critérios, pela análise econométrica dos desembolsos por país em relação a renda per capita, pobreza, índice de Gini, população, regime político, investimento, gastos do governo. Analisa-se também a distribuição dos recursos por setores da economia, em subperíodos selecionados. Para a análise dos resultados, adota-se o critério de “aderência” entre as prioridades na divisão dos recursos, os indicadores dos países e a natureza dos setores privilegiados. A análise da divisão dos recursos pode contribuir também para a compreensão de como o próprio BM entende os significados das orientações que afirma seguir.

  6. Bulgária e América Latina na época da Guerra Fria: um estudo de caso sobre as relações políticas do Bloco Soviético com os países da América Latina

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    Jordan Angelov Baev


    Full Text Available O estudo baseia-se em arquivos do pós-guerra búlgaros e discute pela primeira vez muitos episódios ainda desconhecidos das relações búlgaras com países da América Latina na época da Guerra Fria. O estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das relações diplomáticas e políticas entre um pequeno estado balcânico como a Bulgária com a América Latina é vista como um estudo de caso da política dentro do bloco soviético, em geral, para o hemisfério ocidental dentro do modelo do confronto bipolar. O estudo consiste em quatro dos acontecimentos políticos e sociais mais significativos nos anos da Guerra Fria: Revolução Cubana, o Governo da Unidade Popular e a Revolução Sandinista na Nicarágua, que levou para o confronto armado na América Central, na última década da Guerra Fria.

  7. Final Report Feasibility Study for the California Wave Energy Test Center (CalWavesm) - Volume #2 - Appendices #16-17

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dooher, Brendan [Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Ramon, CA (United States). Applied Technical Services; Toman, William I. [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States). Inst. of Advanced Technology and Public Policy; Davy, Doug M. [CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc., Sacramento, CA (United States); Blakslee, Samuel N. [California Polytechnic State Univ. (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA (United States)


    The California Wave Energy Test Center (CalWave) Feasibility Study project was funded over multiple phases by the Department of Energy to perform an interdisciplinary feasibility assessment to analyze the engineering, permitting, and stakeholder requirements to establish an open water, fully energetic, grid connected, wave energy test center off the coast of California for the purposes of advancing U.S. wave energy research, development, and testing capabilities. Work under this grant included wave energy resource characterization, grid impact and interconnection requirements, port infrastructure and maritime industry capability/suitability to accommodate the industry at research, demonstration and commercial scale, and macro and micro siting considerations. CalWave Phase I performed a macro-siting and down-selection process focusing on two potential test sites in California: Humboldt Bay and Vandenberg Air Force Base. This work resulted in the Vandenberg Air Force Base site being chosen as the most favorable site based on a peer reviewed criteria matrix. CalWave Phase II focused on four siting location alternatives along the Vandenberg Air Force Base coastline and culminated with a final siting down-selection. Key outcomes from this work include completion of preliminary engineering and systems integration work, a robust turnkey cost estimate, shoreside and subsea hazards assessment, storm wave analysis, lessons learned reports from several maritime disciplines, test center benchmarking as compared to existing international test sites, analysis of existing applicable environmental literature, the completion of a preliminary regulatory, permitting and licensing roadmap, robust interaction and engagement with state and federal regulatory agency personnel and local stakeholders, and the population of a Draft Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Preliminary Application Document (PAD). Analysis of existing offshore oil and gas infrastructure was also performed

  8. The Cal-Bridge Program: Supporting Diverse Graduate Students in Astrophysics (United States)

    Smecker-Hane, Tammy A.; Rudolph, Alexander L.; Abazajian, Kevork; Povich, Matthew S.


    The mission of the Cal-Bridge program is to increase the number of underrepresented minority and women students completing a bachelor’s degree and entering a PhD program in astronomy, physics, or closely-related fields. To do so, we have built a network of faculty at diverse higher education institutions, including University of California (UC) campuses, California State Universities (CSUs), and community colleges dedicated to this goal. Students selected for our program are known as Cal-Bridge Scholars, and we give them a wide variety of support: (1) financial scholarships in their junior/senior years at CSU and their first year of graduate school at a UC, (2) intensive mentoring by a pair of CSU and UC faculty members, (3) tutoring, (4) professional development workshops, (5) exposure to research opportunities at various universities, and (6) membership in a growing cohort of like-minded students. In this poster, we report on our work in designing an effective mentoring program and developing tools like our mentoring and graduate application handbooks, and we discuss our tutoring program and the professional development workshops we have designed, and we report on their effectiveness. Funding for this program is provided by NSF-SSTEM Grant #1356133.

  9. Análise experimental de blocos intertravados de concreto com adição de resíduos do processo de recauchutagem de pneus = Analysis of experimental interlocking blocks of concrete with addition of residues of process the tires retreading production

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    Cesar Fabiano Fioriti


    Full Text Available Com o aumento da população nos últimos anos, a indústria de modo geral tem se adequado à demanda resultante. A indústria do processo de recauchutagem de pneus gera resíduos que em sua maioria têm sido descartados sem nenhum controle. Este fato contribui para aumentar a poluição ambiental e favorecer a proliferação de vetores nocivos àsaúde. Visando encontrar uma aplicação para esse tipo de resíduo, neste trabalho serão apresentados resultados experimentais de blocos intertravados para pavimentos de concreto, com traços adicionados de resíduos de pneus. Foram confeccionados blocos intertravados em que se determinou, por meio de ensaios laboratoriais, a necessidade de se fixar o traço que desse maior retorno quanto às características analisadas. Verificaram-se quatro tipos de traços de concreto com resíduos de pneus. Procedeu-se aos ensaios de resistência mecânicaà compressão, absorção de água e resistência ao impacto. Pelos resultados preliminares obtidos, verificou-se que são satisfatórios, confirmando-se a possibilidade de aplicação desse tipo de bloco intertravado em ambientes com solicitações baixas, o que traria, além da economia das fontes naturais de agregados, benefícios ecológicos pela reutilização dos resíduos da recauchutagem de pneus.With the population growth in recent years, industry in general has ajusted itself to resulting demand. the industry of tire retreading generates residues that have been discarded without any control. this adds to environmental pollution and promotes the proliferation of vectors harmful to health. aiming to find an application for this type of residues, this study presents experimental results to interlocking concrete block pavements, with addition of residuestires. interlocking blocks were built up and we determined, through laboratory tests, the need to set the mark that provide greater return regarding analyzed characteristics. there are four types of dosage

  10. Análise do comportamento dos custos no setor de telecomunicações com base nas regulamentações ocorridas no Brasil

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    Altair Borgert


    Full Text Available Por meio de uma abordagem predominantemente quantitativa, e com análises pautadas em séries temporais, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar o comportamento dos custos em função das mudanças regulatórias nas empresas de Telecomunicações listadas na BM&FBovespa entre 1995 e 2012. Os resultados indicam que as despesas de vendas e o custo dos produtos vendidos apresentaram maiores oscilações em momentos de promulgação de leis como, por exemplo, a permissão para entrada de novas empresas no setor. Além disso, as despesas financeiras, de vendas e administrativas apresentaram tendência de crescimento, enquanto que o custo dos produtos vendidos apresentou tendência de queda. Na análise dos custos totais, conclui-se que as maiores oscilações ocorreram até 2003 quando a legislação permitiu a entrada de novas empresas no setor, com certa estabilidade após este período, o que demonstra que os custos das empresas são afetados pelas regulamentações ocorridas no Brasil.

  11. Differential expression of early viral gene BmORF51 in Bombyx mori ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 21, 2010 ... maintained at 27°C in TC-100 media supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum ... post-infection (p.i.) using the Trizol RNA extraction kit (Invitrogen). For cDNA ... BmNPV-infected larvae of 306 and NB at different times .... Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Chen HQ ...

  12. SiPM-based azimuthal position sensor in ANITA-IV Hi-Cal Antarctic balloon experiment (United States)

    Novikov, A.; Besson, D.; Chernysheva, I.; Dmitrenko, V.; Grachev, V.; Petrenko, D.; Prohira, S.; Shustov, A.; Ulin, S.; Uteshev, Z.; Vlasik, K.


    Hi-Cal (High-Altitude Calibration) is a balloon-borne experiment that will be launched in December, 2016 in Antarctica following ANITA-IV (Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) and will generate a broad-band pulse over the frequency range expected from radiation induced by a cosmic ray shower. Here, we describe a device based on an array of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for determination of the azimuthal position of Hi-Cal. The angular resolution of the device is about 3 degrees. Since at the float altitude of ˜38 km the pressure will be ˜0.5 mbar and temperature ˜ - 20 °C, the equipment has been tested in a chamber over a range of corresponding pressures (0.5 ÷ 1000) mbar and temperatures (-40 ÷ +50) °C.

  13. SiPM-based azimuthal position sensor in ANITA-IV Hi-Cal Antarctic balloon experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novikov, A; Besson, D; Chernysheva, I; Dmitrenko, V; Grachev, V; Petrenko, D; Shustov, A; Ulin, S; Uteshev, Z; Vlasik, K; Prohira, S


    Hi-Cal (High-Altitude Calibration) is a balloon-borne experiment that will be launched in December, 2016 in Antarctica following ANITA-IV (Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) and will generate a broad-band pulse over the frequency range expected from radiation induced by a cosmic ray shower. Here, we describe a device based on an array of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for determination of the azimuthal position of Hi-Cal. The angular resolution of the device is about 3 degrees. Since at the float altitude of ∼38 km the pressure will be ∼0.5 mbar and temperature ∼ − 20 °C, the equipment has been tested in a chamber over a range of corresponding pressures (0.5 ÷ 1000) mbar and temperatures (−40 ÷ +50) °C. (paper)

  14. The Adaptation Study of the Questionnaires of the Attitude towards CALL (A-CALL), the Attitude towards CAL (A-CAL), the Attitude towards Foreign Language Learning (A-FLL) to Turkish Language (United States)

    Erdem, Cahit; Saykili, Abdullah; Kocyigit, Mehmet


    This study primarily aims to adapt the Foreign Language Learning (FLL), Computer assisted Learning (CAL) and Computer assisted Language Learning (CALL) scales developed by Vandewaetere and Desmet into Turkish context. The instrument consists of three scales which are "the attitude towards CALL questionnaire" ("A-CALL")…

  15. Expression of the fructose receptor BmGr9 and its involvement in the promotion of feeding, suggested by its co-expression with neuropeptide F1 in Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Mang, Dingze; Shu, Min; Tanaka, Shiho; Nagata, Shinji; Takada, Tomoyuki; Endo, Haruka; Kikuta, Shingo; Tabunoki, Hiroko; Iwabuchi, Kikuo; Sato, Ryoichi


    Insect gustatory receptors (Grs) are members of a large family of proteins with seven transmembrane domains that provide insects with the ability to detect chemical signals critical for feeding, mating, and oviposition. To date, 69 Bombyx mori Grs (BmGrs) genes have been identified via genome studies. BmGr9 has been shown to respond specifically to fructose and to function as a ligand-gated ion channel selectively activated by fructose. However, the sites where this Gr are expressed remain unclear. We demonstrated using reverse transcription (RT)-PCR that BmGr9 is widely expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), as well as oral sensory organs. Additionally, immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-BmGr9 antiserum to show that BmGr9 is expressed in cells of the oral sensory organs, including the maxillary galea, maxillary palps, labrum, and labium, as well as in putative neurosecretory cells of the CNS. Furthermore, double immunohistochemical analysis showed that most BmGr9-expressing cells co-localized with putative neuropeptide F1-expressing cells in the brain, suggesting that BmGr9 is involved in the promotion of feeding behaviors. In addition, a portion of BmGr9-expressing cells in the brain co-localized with cells expressing BmGr6, a molecule of the sugar receptor clade, suggesting that sugars other than fructose are involved in the regulation of feeding behaviors in B. mori larvae. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. A Lactose-Binding Lectin from the Marine Sponge Cinachyrella Apion (Cal) Induces Cell Death in Human Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells (United States)

    Rabelo, Luciana; Monteiro, Norberto; Serquiz, Raphael; Santos, Paula; Oliveira, Ruth; Oliveira, Adeliana; Rocha, Hugo; Morais, Ana Heloneida; Uchoa, Adriana; Santos, Elizeu


    Cancer represents a set of more than 100 diseases, including malignant tumors from different locations. Strategies inducing differentiation have had limited success in the treatment of established cancers. Marine sponges are a biological reservoir of bioactive molecules, especially lectins. Several animal and plant lectins were purified with antitumor activity, mitogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, but there are few reports in the literature describing the mechanism of action of lectins purified from marine sponges to induce apoptosis in human tumor cells. In this work, a lectin purified from the marine sponge Cinachyrella apion (CaL) was evaluated with respect to its hemolytic, cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties, besides the ability to induce cell death in tumor cells. The antiproliferative activity of CaL was tested against HeLa, PC3 and 3T3 cell lines, with highest growth inhibition for HeLa, reducing cell growth at a dose dependent manner (0.5–10 µg/mL). Hemolytic activity and toxicity against peripheral blood cells were tested using the concentration of IC50 (10 µg/mL) for both trials and twice the IC50 for analysis in flow cytometry, indicating that CaL is not toxic to these cells. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by CaL in HeLa cells, we performed flow cytometry and western blotting. Results showed that lectin probably induces cell death by apoptosis activation by pro-apoptotic protein Bax, promoting mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, cell cycle arrest in S phase and acting as both dependent and/or independent of caspases pathway. These results indicate the potential of CaL in studies of medicine for treating cancer. PMID:22690140

  17. A Lactose-Binding Lectin from the Marine Sponge Cinachyrella Apion (Cal Induces Cell Death in Human Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cells

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    Adriana Uchoa


    Full Text Available Cancer represents a set of more than 100 diseases, including malignant tumors from different locations. Strategies inducing differentiation have had limited success in the treatment of established cancers. Marine sponges are a biological reservoir of bioactive molecules, especially lectins. Several animal and plant lectins were purified with antitumor activity, mitogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, but there are few reports in the literature describing the mechanism of action of lectins purified from marine sponges to induce apoptosis in human tumor cells. In this work, a lectin purified from the marine sponge Cinachyrella apion (CaL was evaluated with respect to its hemolytic, cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties, besides the ability to induce cell death in tumor cells. The antiproliferative activity of CaL was tested against HeLa, PC3 and 3T3 cell lines, with highest growth inhibition for HeLa, reducing cell growth at a dose dependent manner (0.5–10 µg/mL. Hemolytic activity and toxicity against peripheral blood cells were tested using the concentration of IC50 (10 µg/mL for both trials and twice the IC50 for analysis in flow cytometry, indicating that CaL is not toxic to these cells. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by CaL in HeLa cells, we performed flow cytometry and western blotting. Results showed that lectin probably induces cell death by apoptosis activation by pro-apoptotic protein Bax, promoting mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, cell cycle arrest in S phase and acting as both dependent and/or independent of caspases pathway. These results indicate the potential of CaL in studies of medicine for treating cancer.

  18. BmRobo2/3 is required for axon guidance in the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Tong; Yu, Qi; Zhou, Qi-Sheng; Zhao, Xiao; Liu, Zhao-Yang; Cui, Wei-Zheng; Liu, Qing-Xin


    Axon guidance is critical for proper wiring of the nervous system. During the neural development, the axon guidance molecules play a key role and direct axons to choose the correct way to reach the target. Robo, as the receptor of axon guidance molecule Slit, is evolutionarily conserved from planarians to humans. However, the function of Robo in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, remained unknown. In this study, we cloned robo2/3 from B. mori (Bmrobo2/3), a homologue of robo2/3 in Tribolium castaneum. Moreover, BmRobo2/3 was localized in the neuropil, and RNAi-mediated knockdown of Bmrobo2/3 resulted in the longitudinal connectives forming closer to the midline. These data demonstrate that BmRobo2/3 is required for axon guidance in the silkworm. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Ex vivo-expanded bone marrow CD34(+) for acute myocardial infarction treatment: in vitro and in vivo studies. (United States)

    Gunetti, Monica; Noghero, Alessio; Molla, Fabiola; Staszewsky, Lidia Irene; de Angelis, Noeleen; Soldo, Annarita; Russo, Ilaria; Errichiello, Edoardo; Frasson, Chiara; Rustichelli, Deborah; Ferrero, Ivana; Gualandris, Anna; Berger, Massimo; Geuna, Massimo; Scacciatella, Paolo; Basso, Giuseppe; Marra, Sebastiano; Bussolino, Federico; Latini, Roberto; Fagioli, Franca


    Bone marrow (BM)-derived cells appear to be a promising therapeutic source for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, the quantity and quality of the cells to be used, along with the appropriate time of administration, still need to be defined. We thus investigated the use of BM CD34(+)-derived cells as cells suitable for a cell therapy protocol (CTP) in the treatment of experimental AMI. The need for a large number of cells was satisfied by the use of a previously established protocol allowing the expansion of human CD34(+) cells isolated from neonatal and adult hematopoietic tissues. We evaluated gene expression, endothelial differentiation potential and cytokine release by BM-derived cells during in vitro culture. Basal and expanded CD34(+) cells were used as a delivery product in a murine AMI model consisting of a coronary artery ligation (CAL). Cardiac function recovery was evaluated after injecting basal or expanded cells. Gene expression analysis of in vitro-expanded cells revealed that endothelial markers were up-regulated during culture. Moreover, expanded cells generated a CD14(+) subpopulation able to differentiate efficiently into VE-cadherin-expressing cells. In vivo, we observed a cardiac function recovery in mice sequentially treated with basal and expanded cells injected 4 h and 7 days after CAL, respectively. Our data suggest that combining basal and expanded BM-derived CD34(+) cells in a specific temporal pattern of administration might represent a promising strategy for a successful cell-based therapy.

  20. Resistance to BmNPV via overexpression of an exogenous gene controlled by an inducible promoter and enhancer in transgenic silkworm, Bombyx mori.

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    Liang Jiang

    Full Text Available The hycu-ep32 gene of Hyphantria cunea NPV can inhibit Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV multiplication in co-infected cells, but it is not known whether the overexpression of the hycu-ep32 gene has an antiviral effect in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Thus, we constructed four transgenic vectors, which were under the control of the 39 K promoter of BmNPV (39 KP, Bombyx mori A4 promoter (A4P, hr3 enhancer of BmNPV combined with 39 KP, and hr3 combined with A4P. Transgenic lines were created via embryo microinjection using practical diapause silkworm. qPCR revealed that the expression level of hycu-ep32 could be induced effectively after BmNPV infection in transgenic lines where hycu-ep32 was controlled by hr3 combined with 39 KP (i.e., HEKG. After oral inoculation of BmNPV with 3 × 10(5 occlusion bodies per third instar, the mortality with HEKG-B was approximately 30% lower compared with the non-transgenic line. The economic characteristics of the transgenic lines remained unchanged. These results suggest that overexpression of an exogenous antiviral gene controlled by an inducible promoter and enhancer is a feasible method for breeding silkworms with a high antiviral capacity.

  1. The Cal-Bridge Program: Increasing the Gender and Ethnic Diversity of Astrophysics Students in Southern California (United States)

    Smecker-Hane, Tammy A.; Rudolph, Alexander L.


    The mission of the Cal-Bridge program is to increase the number of underrepresented minority and women students completing a bachelor’s degree and entering a PhD program in astronomy, physics, or closely-related fields. The program has created a network of faculty at diverse higher education institutions, including 5 University of California (UC) campuses, 9 California State Universities (CSUs), and 10 community colleges in southern California, dedicated to this goal. Students selected for the program are know as “Cal-Bridge Scholars” and they are given a wide variety of support: (1) scholarships in their junior/senior years at CSU and their first year of graduate school at a UC, (2) intensive mentoring by a pair of CSU and UC faculty members, (3) tutoring, when needed, (4) professional development workshops, (5) exposure to research opportunities at various universities, and (6) membership in a growing cohort of like-minded students. We report on the structure of our program, lessons learned with our current 12 Cal-Bridge scholars, and the results of our first two years of operation. Funding for this program is provided by NSF-SSTEM Grant #1356133.

  2. Análise técnica e avaliação de trechos experimentais de misturas solo-lama de cal com vistas a aplicações em estradas florestais Technical analysis and evaluation of experimental field road sites of soil-whitewash mud mixtures for forest ROAD applications

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    Carlos Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available Trechos rodoviários experimentais são ferramentas úteis para a avaliação da eficiência de material de construção de estradas. Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma avaliação do desempenho de trechos experimentais construídos com camadas de solos estabilizados com o resíduo sólido industrial denominado lama de cal, que é um subproduto gerado em indústrias de celulose. Com base nos resultados de ensaios de resistência mecânica de um extenso programa de laboratório, em que se realizaram ensaios de caracterização dos solos e estudos de dosagem das misturas, foram construídos três trechos experimentais na região de Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brasil. Em uma avaliação qualitativa desses trechos experimentais, o melhor desempenho de campo foi associado àquele construído com a mistura contendo 70% de solo cascalho de primeira e 30% do resíduo lama de cal.Experimental field road test sites are useful technical tools for evaluating the efficiency of road engineering materials. This paper is directed to the evaluation of performance of experimental field road test sites built using mixtures of in-place soils and industrial waste from the cellulose industry named whitewash mud. Analysis of data from an extensive laboratory testing program including soils geotechnical characterization and mixtures mechanical strength tests led to the construction of three experimental field road test sites in the municipality of Alagoinhas, Bahia State, Brazil. Data from a qualitative evaluation of these sites under field traffic conditions support that best performance can be associated to the road pilot test site built using mixture contents of 70 % of first class gravel and 30 % of whitewash mud.

  3. Adoção de Alianças Estratégicas por Empresas dos Pólos Calçadistas do Vale do Rio dos Sinos-RS e de Franca-SP: um estudo exploratórioAdoption of Strategic Alliances by Shoes Industries of the Vale do Rio dos Sinos-RS and Franca-SP clusters: an exploratory studyAdopción de Alianzas Estratégicas por Empresas de los Polos Calzadistas del Vale do Rio dos Sinos-RS y de Franca-SP: un estudio exploratorio

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    ALMEIDA, Lauro Brito de


    Full Text Available RESUMOA nova configuração ambiental das empresas, fruto da relativa abertura de mercado provocada pela globalização, tem se constituído em mais um desafio para assegurar a continuidade dos negócios. Estratégias competitivas têm sido implementadas visando superar tal desafio e, dentre elas, as alianças estratégicas têm se revelado uma alternativa viável. Nesse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo investigar o grau de utilização de alianças estratégicas por médias e grandes empresas que compõem os pólos calçadistas do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (RS e de Franca (SP. A pesquisa, classificada como exploratória e descritiva, teve a participação de 54 empresas, sendo 33 do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e 21 de Franca, as quais responderam a um questionário elaborado com perguntas em sua maioria fechadas. A análise dos dados deu-se através da estatística descritiva, aplicando-se freqüência percentual relativa, identificando-se a representativa das respostas obtidas em relação ao conjunto. Principais conclusões: a maioria das empresas tem atividades conjuntas; as empresas estão mais próximas das alianças transacionais do que das estratégicas; as alianças com concorrentes são inexpressivas – predominam fornecedores e clientes; o controle do resultado das alianças é insuficiente; confiança e parceiro adequado são fatores determinantes.ABSTRACTThe new environment of the companies, result of the relative opening of the market caused by the globalization has set a new challenge to assure the continuity of the businesses. Competitive strategies have been implemented aiming to overcome such challenge and, amongst them, strategic alliances have shown to be a viable alternative. In this context, this article has as objective to investigate the degree of use of strategic alliances by the medium and large companies of the shoes industries located in clusters of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (RS and Franca (SP. This exploratory and

  4. Biodegradable and Biocompatible Biomaterial, Polyhydroxybutyrate, Produced by an Indigenous Vibrio sp. BM-1 Isolated from Marine Environment

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    Ho-Shing Wu


    Full Text Available Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB is one of the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs which has biodegradable and biocompatible properties. They are adopted in the biomedical field, in, for example, medical implants and drug delivery carriers. This study seeks to promote the production of PHB by Vibrio sp. BM-1, isolated from a marine environment by improving constituents of medium and implementing an appropriate fermentation strategy. This study successfully developed a glycerol-yeast extract-tryptone (GYT medium that can facilitate the growth of Vibrio sp. BM-1 and lead to the production of 1.4 g/L PHB at 20 h cultivation. This study also shows that 1.57 g/L PHB concentration and 16% PHB content were achieved, respectively, when Vibrio sp. BM-1 was cultivated with MS-GYT medium (mineral salts-supplemented GYT medium for 12 h. Both cell dry weight (CDW and residual CDW remained constant at around 8.2 g/L and 8.0 g/L after the 12 h of cultivation, until the end of the experiment. However, both 16% of PHB content and 1.57 g/L of PHB production decreased rapidly to 3% and 0.25 g/L, respectively from 12 h of cultivation to 40 h of cultivation. The results suggest that the secretion of PHB depolymerase that might be caused by the addition of mineral salts reduced PHB after 12 h of cultivation. However, work will be done to explain the effect of adding mineral salts on the production of PHB by Vibrio sp. BM-1 in the near future.

  5. Biodegradable and biocompatible biomaterial, polyhydroxybutyrate, produced by an indigenous Vibrio sp. BM-1 isolated from marine environment. (United States)

    Wei, Yu-Hong; Chen, Wei-Chuan; Wu, Ho-Shing; Janarthanan, Om-Murugan


    Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is one of the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) which has biodegradable and biocompatible properties. They are adopted in the biomedical field, in, for example, medical implants and drug delivery carriers. This study seeks to promote the production of PHB by Vibrio sp. BM-1, isolated from a marine environment by improving constituents of medium and implementing an appropriate fermentation strategy. This study successfully developed a glycerol-yeast extract-tryptone (GYT) medium that can facilitate the growth of Vibrio sp. BM-1 and lead to the production of 1.4 g/L PHB at 20 h cultivation. This study also shows that 1.57 g/L PHB concentration and 16% PHB content were achieved, respectively, when Vibrio sp. BM-1 was cultivated with MS-GYT medium (mineral salts-supplemented GYT medium) for 12 h. Both cell dry weight (CDW) and residual CDW remained constant at around 8.2 g/L and 8.0 g/L after the 12 h of cultivation, until the end of the experiment. However, both 16% of PHB content and 1.57 g/L of PHB production decreased rapidly to 3% and 0.25 g/L, respectively from 12 h of cultivation to 40 h of cultivation. The results suggest that the secretion of PHB depolymerase that might be caused by the addition of mineral salts reduced PHB after 12 h of cultivation. However, work will be done to explain the effect of adding mineral salts on the production of PHB by Vibrio sp. BM-1 in the near future.

  6. A PROPOSITO DE UN ENSAYO CON ABONOS (cal y harina de huesos EN ALFALFAl (Medicago sativa

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    Isidoro Mogilner


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, los autores estudian el efecto que sobre el rendimiento de la alfalfa (Medicago sativa produce la incorporación de diferentes dosis de cal y harina de huesos, en un suelo pobre de P y Ca; de una textura pesada con alto contenido de arcilla en todos los horizontes, de un pH ácido (5.1 a 6.2 y que es característico de la zona donde fué hecha la experiencia.Se han obtenido resultados referentes a la influencia de la inoculación de la semilla con Rhizobium y el agregado de cal y harina de huesos sobre los rendimientos.

  7. The TileCal Online Energy Estimation for the Next LHC Operation Period (United States)

    Sotto-Maior Peralva, B.; ATLAS Collaboration


    The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the detector used in the reconstruction of hadrons, jets and missing transverse energy from the proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It covers the central part of the ATLAS detector (|η| occupancy, the pile-up, which is often modeled by a non-Gaussian distribution, can be seen as outlier events. Consequently, the classical covariance matrix estimation does not describe correctly the second order statistics of the background for the majority of the events, as this approach is very sensitive to outliers. As a result, the OF (or MF) coefficients are miscalculated leading to a larger variance and biased energy estimator. This work evaluates the usage of a robust covariance estimator, namely the Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) algorithm, to be applied in the OF design. The goal of the MCD estimator is to find a number of observations whose classical covariance matrix has the lowest determinant. Hence, this procedure avoids taking into account low likelihood events to describe the background. It is worth mentioning that the background covariance matrix as well as the OF coefficients for each TileCal channel are computed offline and stored for both online and offline use. In order to evaluate the impact of the MCD estimator on the performance of the OF, simulated data sets were used. Different average numbers of interactions per bunch crossing and bunch spacings were tested. The results show that the estimation of the background covariance matrix through MCD improves significantly the final energy resolution with respect to the identity matrix which is currently used. Particularly, for high occupancy cells, the final energy resolution is improved by more than 20%. Moreover, the use of the classical covariance matrix degrades the energy resolution for the majority of TileCal cells.

  8. Dieta, atividade autonômica e efeitos do orlistat em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos


    Scheila Karen Graff


    A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (PCOS) é o distúrbio endócrino mais comum em mulheres em idade reprodutiva, sendo caracterizado por anovulação crônica e manifestações de hiperandrogenismo. O sobrepeso e a obesidade afetam a maioria das mulheres com PCOS e, quando presentes, podem acentuar as alterações reprodutivas e metabólicas associadas à síndrome. Dessa forma, a redução de peso através da restrição calórica é de suma importância nas mulheres com PCOS e excesso de peso. Entretanto, ain...

  9. CalFitter: a web server for analysis of protein thermal denaturation data. (United States)

    Mazurenko, Stanislav; Stourac, Jan; Kunka, Antonin; Nedeljkovic, Sava; Bednar, David; Prokop, Zbynek; Damborsky, Jiri


    Despite significant advances in the understanding of protein structure-function relationships, revealing protein folding pathways still poses a challenge due to a limited number of relevant experimental tools. Widely-used experimental techniques, such as calorimetry or spectroscopy, critically depend on a proper data analysis. Currently, there are only separate data analysis tools available for each type of experiment with a limited model selection. To address this problem, we have developed the CalFitter web server to be a unified platform for comprehensive data fitting and analysis of protein thermal denaturation data. The server allows simultaneous global data fitting using any combination of input data types and offers 12 protein unfolding pathway models for selection, including irreversible transitions often missing from other tools. The data fitting produces optimal parameter values, their confidence intervals, and statistical information to define unfolding pathways. The server provides an interactive and easy-to-use interface that allows users to directly analyse input datasets and simulate modelled output based on the model parameters. CalFitter web server is available free at

  10. The TileCal Energy Reconstruction for LHC Run2 and Future Perspectives

    CERN Document Server

    Seixas, Jose; The ATLAS collaboration


    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the main hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS and it covers the central part of the detector (|η|<1.6). The energy deposited by the particles in TileCal is read out by approximately 10,000 channels. The signal provided by the readout electronics for each channel is digitized at 40 MHz and its amplitude is estimated by an optimal filtering algorithm. The increase of LHC luminosity leads to signal pile-up that deforms the signal of interest and compromises the amplitude estimation performance. This work presents the proposed algorithm for energy estimation during LHC Run 2. The method is based on the same approach used during LHC Run 1, namely the Optimal Filter (OF). The only difference is that the signal baseline (pedestal) will be subtracted from the received digitized samples, while in Run 1 this quantity was estimated on an event-by-event basis. The pedestal value is estimated through special calibration runs and it is stored in a data base for online and offline usage. Addit...

  11. The TileCal Energy Reconstruction for LHC Run2 and Future Perspectives

    CERN Document Server



    The TileCal is the main hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS and it covers the central part of the detector ($|\\eta|$ < 1.6). The energy deposited by the particles in TileCal is read out by approximately 10,000 channels. The signal provided by the readout electronics for each channel is digitized at 40 MHz and its amplitude is estimated by an optimal filtering algorithm. The increase of LHC luminosity leads to signal pile-up that deforms the signal of interest and compromises the amplitude estimation performance. This work presents the proposed algorithm for energy estimation during LHC Run 2. The method is based on the same approach used during LHC Run 1, namely the Optimal Filter. The only difference is that the signal baseline (pedestal) will be subtracted from the received digitized samples, while in Run 1 this quantity was estimated on an event-by-event basis. The pedestal value is estimated through special calibration runs and it is stored in a data base for online and offline usage. Additionally, the backg...

  12. The TileCal Energy Reconstruction for LHC Run2 and Future Perspectives

    CERN Document Server

    Seixas, Jose; The ATLAS collaboration


    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the main hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS and it covers the central part of the detector (|eta|<1.6). The energy deposited by the particles in TileCal is read out by approximately 10,000 channels. The signal provided by the readout electronics for each channel is digitized at 40 MHz and its amplitude is estimated by an optimal filtering algorithm. The increase of LHC luminosity leads to signal pile-up that deforms the signal of interest and compromises the amplitude estimation performance. This work presents the proposed algorithm for energy estimation during LHC Run 2. The method is based on the same approach used during LHC Run 1, namely the Optimal Filter (OF). The only difference is that the signal baseline (pedestal) will be subtracted from the received digitized samples, while in Run 1 this quantity was estimated on an event-by-event basis. The pedestal value is estimated through special calibration runs and it is stored in a data base for online and offline usage. Addi...

  13. The TileCal Online Energy Estimation for the Next LHC Operation Period

    CERN Document Server

    Peralva, B S; The ATLAS collaboration


    The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the detector used in the reconstruction of hadrons, jets, muons and missing transverse energy from the proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It covers the central part of the ATLAS detector (|η|<1.6). The energy deposited by the particles is read out by approximately 5,000 cells, with double readout channels. The signal provided by the readout electronics for each channel is digitized at 40 MHz and its amplitude is estimated by an optimal filtering algorithm, which expects a single signal with a well-defined shape. However, the LHC luminosity is expected to increase leading to signal pile-up that deforms the signal of interest. Due to limited resources, the current DSP-based hardware setup does not allow the implementation of sophisticated energy estimation methods that deal with the pile-up. Therefore, the technique to be employed for online energy estimation in TileCal for next LHC operation period must be based on fast filters such as the M...

  14. Supersoft X-Ray Source CAL 83: A Possible AE Aqr-like System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Odendaal


    Full Text Available CAL83 is a close binary supersoft X-ray source in the Large Magellanic Cloud. A ~67 s periodicity detected in supersoft X-rays is most probably associated with the spin period of a highly spun-up white dwarf (WD. The variability in the period is ascribed to the obscuration of the WD by the hydrogen burning envelope surrounding it, rotating with a period that is close to, but not quite synchronized with, the WD rotation period. Optical spectra obtained with SALT exhibit accretion disc emission lines with broad wing structures and P Cyg profiles, indicating mass outflows. Timing analysis of photometrical observations performed at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO revealed variable signals at ≤1 mHz which are thought to be associated with quasi-periodic oscillations from an accretion disc. The short spin period inferred for CAL83 can be the result of spin-up by accretion disc torques during a long mass transfer history, placing this source on a similar evolutionary track as the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr.

  15. Estudo e proposição de formas de pavers intertravados para áreas e passeios públicos


    Serafim, Marcos Antonio [UNESP


    A pesquisa propõe uma investigação de formas para o desenvolvimento de pisos intertravados para pavimentação de áreas e passeios públicos. Levando em conta a importância dos passeios públicos nas cidades e a pouca variedade de materiais utilizados nos pavimentos das calçadas, a presente pesquisa apresenta apontamentos históricos que demonstram a relevância cultural, social e estética dos calçamentos na paisagem urbana. Essa compreensão histórica pontual leva ao estudo do estado atual das calç...

  16. The time-resolved and extreme conditions XAS (TEXAS) facility at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline BM23

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathon, O., E-mail:; Beteva, A.; Borrel, J.; Bugnazet, D.; Gatla, S.; Hino, R.; Kantor, I.; Mairs, T. [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CS 40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Munoz, M. [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CS 40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Université Joseph Fourier, 1381 rue de la Piscine, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Pasternak, S.; Perrin, F.; Pascarelli, S. [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CS 40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France)


    BM23 is the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline at the ESRF, replacing the former BM29 beamline in the framework of the ESRF upgrade. Its mission is to serve the whole XAS user community by providing access to a basic service in addition to the many specialized instruments available at the ESRF. BM23 offers high-signal-to-noise ratio EXAFS in a large energy range (5–75 keV), continuous energy scanning for quick-EXAFS on the second timescale and a micro-XAS station delivering a spot size of 4 µm × 4 µm FWHM. BM23 is the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline at the ESRF, replacing the former BM29 beamline in the framework of the ESRF upgrade. Its mission is to serve the whole XAS user community by providing access to a basic service in addition to the many specialized instruments available at the ESRF. BM23 offers high signal-to-noise ratio EXAFS in a large energy range (5–75 keV), continuous energy scanning for quick-EXAFS on the second timescale and a micro-XAS station delivering a spot size of 4 µm × 4 µm FWHM. It is a user-friendly facility featuring a high degree of automation, online EXAFS data reduction and a flexible sample environment.

  17. Policy Process Editor for P3BM Software (United States)

    James, Mark; Chang, Hsin-Ping; Chow, Edward T.; Crichton, Gerald A.


    A computer program enables generation, in the form of graphical representations of process flows with embedded natural-language policy statements, input to a suite of policy-, process-, and performance-based management (P3BM) software. This program (1) serves as an interface between users and the Hunter software, which translates the input into machine-readable form; and (2) enables users to initialize and monitor the policy-implementation process. This program provides an intuitive graphical interface for incorporating natural-language policy statements into business-process flow diagrams. Thus, the program enables users who dictate policies to intuitively embed their intended process flows as they state the policies, reducing the likelihood of errors and reducing the time between declaration and execution of policy.

  18. Sedimentary Evidence for a Rapid Sea Level Rise at 7,600 cal yr BP from North-Central Cuba (United States)

    Peros, M. C.; Agosta G'meiner, A. M.; Collins, S.


    A lack of high-resolution relative sea level (RSL) proxy data has meant that the pattern of early Holocene RSL change in the Caribbean is poorly understood. A RSL curve published by Toscano and Macintyre (2003) using inter-tidal mangrove peats and submerged corals suggests RSL underwent a relatively fast and `smooth' curvilinear increase during the Holocene. However, others, such as Blanchon and Shaw (1995), suggest that RSL increased rapidly at around 7600 cal yr BP, in response to the final stages of the melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (melt water pulse 1C or catastrophic rise event 3). We investigated this question using multi-proxy data from a flooded sinkhole (Cenote Jennifer) on the north coast of central Cuba. Cenote Jennifer is located 7 m above mean sea level and 2 km from the Bahamas Channel and appears to have a high degree of connectivity with the ocean through a network of underground caverns. The water depth is 13 m and the bottommost 5 m is anoxic. A sediment core collected from Cenote Jennifer was studied using loss-on-ignition, pollen analysis, high-resolution XRF core-scanning, and grain size analysis. An age-depth model was generated for the core by AMS dating. The results show that the bottommost stratigraphic unit ( 9000 to 7600 cal yr BP) is a fine-grained carbonate-rich mud (i.e., marl). This unit abruptly transitions into finely laminated organic-rich sediment from 7600 cal yr BP to the present. The pollen analysis shows that the sinkhole supported a cattail (Typha) community until 7600 cal yr BP, indicating low water levels ( 1 m). At 7600 cal yr BP, the cattail community disappeared and the vegetation of the surrounding bedrock became dominated by a thorny coastal scrubland. In addition, a 3 cm thick fining-upward siliciclastic unit is present immediately above the marl-organic contact, suggesting: 1) a marine sediment source given the limestone-dominated nature of the region, and 2) the presence of a short-duration, high

  19. Progress toward studies of bubble-geometry Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity with a ground-based prototype of NASA CAL (United States)

    Lundblad, Nathan; Jarvis, Thomas; Paseltiner, Daniel; Lannert, Courtney


    We have proposed using NASA's Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL, launching to the International Space Station in 2017) to generate bubble-geometry Bose-Einstein condensates through radiofrequency dressing of an atom-chip magnetic trap. This geometry has not been truly realized terrestrially due to the perturbing influence of gravity, making it an ideal candidate for microgravity investigation aboard CAL. We report progress in the construction of a functional prototype of the orbital BEC apparatus: a compact atom-chip machine loaded by a 2D+MOT source, conventional 3D MOT, quadrupole trap, and transfer coil. We also present preliminary modeling of the dressed trap uniformity, which will crucially inform the geometric closure of the BEC shell surface as atom number, bubble radius, and bubble aspect ratio are varied. Finally, we discuss plans for experimental sequences to be run aboard CAL guided by intuition from ground-based prototype operation. JPL 1502172.

  20. Regulation of PI-2b Pilus Expression in Hypervirulent Streptococcus agalactiae ST-17 BM110.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Périchon

    Full Text Available The widely spread Streptococcus agalactiae (also known as Group B Streptococcus, GBS "hypervirulent" ST17 clone is strongly associated with neonatal meningitis. The PI-2b locus is mainly found in ST17 strains but is also present in a few non ST17 human isolates such as the ST-7 prototype strain A909. Here, we analysed the expression of the PI-2b pilus in the ST17 strain BM110 as compared to the non ST17 A909. Comparative genome analyses revealed the presence of a 43-base pair (bp hairpin-like structure in the upstream region of PI-2b operon in all 26 ST17 genomes, which was absent in the 8 non-ST17 strains carrying the PI-2b locus. Deletion of this 43-bp sequence in strain BM110 resulted in a 3- to 5-fold increased transcription of PI-2b. Characterization of PI-2b promoter region in A909 and BM110 strains was carried out by RNAseq, primer extension, qRT-PCR and transcriptional fusions with gfp as reporter gene. Our results indicate the presence of a single promoter (Ppi2b with a transcriptional start site (TSS mapped 37 bases upstream of the start codon of the first PI-2b gene. The large operon of 16 genes located upstream of PI-2b codes for the group B carbohydrate (also known as antigen B, a major constituent of the bacterial cell wall. We showed that the hairpin sequence located between antigen B and PI-2b operons is a transcriptional terminator. In A909, increased expression of PI-2b probably results from read-through transcription from antigen B operon. In addition, we showed that an extended 5' promoter region is required for maximal transcription of gfp as a reporter gene in S. agalactiae from Ppi2b promoter. Gene reporter assays performed in Lactococcus lactis strain NZ9000, a related non-pathogenic Gram-positive species, revealed that GBS-specific regulatory factors are required to drive PI-2b transcription. PI-2b expression is up-regulated in the BM110ΔcovR mutant as compared to the parental BM110 strain, but this effect is probably

  1. Far-infrared and dielectric spectroscopy of relaxor ferroelectric (Pb.sub.1-x./sub.La.sub.x./sub.)(Zr.sub.0,4./sub.Ti.sub.0,6./sub.)O.sub.3./sub..

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Buixaderas, Elena; Nuzhnyy, Dmitry; Veljko, Sergiy; Kamba, Stanislav; Savinov, Maxim; Petzelt, Jan; Kosec, M.


    Roč. 101, č. 7 (2007), 074106/1-074106/8 ISSN 0021-8979 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100100701; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/06/0403; GA ČR GA202/04/0993 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : relaxor ferroelectrics * phase transitions * soft mode Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 2.171, year: 2007

  2. Studies on the Nucleotide Sequence, Transcription and Deletion Analysis of the BmNPV Protein Kinase Gene. (United States)

    Zhang, Chuan-Xi; Hu, Cui; Wu, Xiang-Fu


    The coding region of BmvPK-1 gene of Bombyx mori NPV (Strain ZJ8) is 828 nt long and encodes a 276 aa polypeptide with predicted molecular mass of 32 kD. Dot blot analysis showed its mRNA to be gene is first detectable at 18 h p.i. and reaching the highest transcriptional level at 48 h p.i. The result suggested that BmvPK-1 gene is a late or very late gene. The most conserved 365 bp of the BmvPK-1 gene was deleted in a transfer vector (pUCPK-lac), and a report gene (lacZ) was inserted in the deleted position. Cotransfection of BmN cells with pUCPK-lac DNA and BmNPV DNA resulted in the recombinant virus which expressed detectable product of lacZ gene. But the virus with the deleted BmvPK-1 gene could not be isolated from the wild BmNPV by plaque purification method. The result showed that the BmvPK-1 gene deleted virus can multiply only with the help of the product of this gene from the wild type virus, and the gene is necessary for the virus to finish its life cycle in the cultured cells.

  3. APS 6BM-B Large Volume High Pressure Beamline: A Workhorse for Rock and Mineral Physics (United States)

    Chen, H.; Whitaker, M. L.; Baldwin, K. J.; Huebsch, W. R.; Vaughan, M. T.; Weidner, D. J.


    With the inheritance of decades of technical innovations at the NSLS X17B2 Beamline, APS 6BM-B Beamline was established in 2015 and is a dedicated beamline for synchrotron-based large volume high pressure research in earth sciences, especially rock and mineral physics. Currently a 250-ton hydraulic press equipped with a D-DIA module is installed and a Rotational Drickamer Apparatus from Yale University is hosted every cycle, covering a pressure range from crust to lower mantle. 6BM-B operates in white beam mode with an effective energy range of 20-100 keV. Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction data is collected using a 10-element solid state Ge array detector arranged in a circular geometry to allow for the real time assessment of stress. Direct radiographic imaging using Prosillica CCD camera and scintillating YAG crystals yields sample strain and strain rate. In addition to applications in phase transitions, equation of states measurements, sound velocity measurements, this setup is ideal for studies of steady state and dynamic deformation process. In this presentation, technical features and strengths of 6BM-B will be discussed. Most recent progress and science highlights of our user community will be showcased.

  4. Determinantes do lance vencedor em leilões de petróleo e gás: avaliando o caso brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Leandro de Moura


    Full Text Available Este artigo usa a metodologia de Rezende (2008 parainvestigar os determinantes do lance vencedor em leilões de bloco de petróleo e gás no Brasil. Há indicação de que os efeitos da "maldição do vencedor"de fato se manifestam nas estratégias adotadas pelas empresas nesses leilões. Também são encontradas evidências de que a presença da Petrobras tem efeito positivo no valor dos lances ofertados. Além disso, consórcios entre empresas aparentemente não têm motivaçã o anticompetitiva. Por fim, não há indícios da existência de sinergias entre os blocos. Desse modo, embora haja espaço para melhora no desenho das licitações promovidas no Brasil, o desempenho dos leilões selados de primeiro preço (sem a possibilidade de lances por pacotes de blocos não tende a ser muito inferior às alternativas possíveis.

  5. Organic Aerosol Composition and Sources in Pasadena, California during the 2010 CalNex Campaign (United States)

    Organic aerosols (OA) in Pasadena are characterized using multiple measurements from the California Research at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change (CalNex) campaign. Five OA components are identified using positive matrix factorization including hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA) ...

  6. Chemoenzymatic elaboration of monosaccharides using engineered cytochrome P450_(BM3) demethylases


    Lewis, Jared C.; Bastian, Sabine; Bennett, Clay S.; Fu, Yu; Mitsuda, Yuuichi; Chen, Mike M.; Greenberg, William A.; Wong, Chi-Huey; Arnold, Frances H.


    Polysaccharides comprise an extremely important class of biopolymers that play critical roles in a wide range of biological processes, but the synthesis of these compounds is challenging because of their complex structures. We have developed a chemoenzymatic method for regioselective deprotection of monosaccharide substrates using engineered Bacillus megaterium cytochrome P450 (P450_(BM3)) demethylases that provides a highly efficient means to access valuable intermediate...

  7. Combined use of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) stimulates proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts in vitro: new therapeutic perspectives for skeletal muscle repair/regeneration. (United States)

    Sassoli, Chiara; Vallone, Larissa; Tani, Alessia; Chellini, Flaminia; Nosi, Daniele; Zecchi-Orlandini, Sandra


    Satellite cell-mediated skeletal muscle repair/regeneration is compromised in cases of extended damage. Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) hold promise for muscle healing but some criticisms hamper their clinical application, including the need to avoid animal serum contamination for expansion and the scarce survival after transplant. In this context, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) could offer advantages. Here, we compare the effects of PRP or standard culture media on C2C12 myoblast, satellite cell and BM-MSC viability, survival, proliferation and myogenic differentiation and evaluate PRP/BM-MSC combination effects in promoting myogenic differentiation. PRP induced an increase of mitochondrial activity and Ki67 expression comparable or even greater than that elicited by standard media and promoted AKT signaling activation in myoblasts and BM-MSCs and Notch-1 pathway activation in BM-MSCs. It stimulated MyoD, myogenin, α-sarcomeric actin and MMP-2 expression in myoblasts and satellite cell activation. Notably, PRP/BM-MSC combination was more effective than PRP alone. We found that BM-MSCs influenced myoblast responses through a paracrine activation of AKT signaling, contributing to shed light on BM-MSC action mechanisms. Our results suggest that PRP represents a good serum substitute for BM-MSC manipulation in vitro and could be beneficial towards transplanted cells in vivo. Moreover, it might influence muscle resident progenitors' fate, thus favoring the endogenous repair/regeneration mechanisms. Finally, within the limitations of an in vitro experimentation, this study provides an experimental background for considering the PRP/BM-MSC combination as a potential therapeutic tool for skeletal muscle damage, combining the beneficial effects of BM-MSCs and PRP on muscle tissue, while potentiating BM-MSC functionality.

  8. Efeito erosivo in vitro de um vinho tinto brasileiro sobre o esmalte bovino observado em microscopia eletrônica de varredura = “In vitro” erosive effect of a brazilian red wine on bovine enamel observed in scanning electron microscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo, Fernando Neves


    Full Text Available O termo clínico erosão dental é usado para descrever os efeitos físicos de uma perda localizada, crônica e patológica de tecido mineral dentário que é removido quimicamente da superfície dentária por meio de ácido ou substâncias quelantes, sem envolvimento bacteriano. Estudos apontam diversos tipos de vinho como agentes causadores de erosão dentária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o efeito erosivo de um vinho tinto brasileiro sobre o esmalte bovino previamente imerso em saliva humana e água. Foram obtidos 20 blocos de esmalte bovino (3 mm × 3 mm × 3 mm. A metade da superfície de cada bloco foi coberta com esmalte de unhas. 10 blocos foram imersos em água e 10 em saliva humana por 12 horas. Após esse período, as peças foram imersas em vinho por 1 hora, submetidas ao ultra-som com acetona, lavados e secos. As peças foram analisadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Em todos os blocos analisados foi possível observar erosão na superfície do esmalte. Em 2 blocos essa erosão foi leve, caracterizando-se como um alargamento das ranhuras fisiológicas do esmalte. No restante dos blocos ocorreu erosão severa, sendo possível observar o aspecto de favos de mel dos prismas de esmalte. O efeito erosivo no grupo de blocos imerso em saliva e em água foi similar. Concluiu-se que o vinho utilizado nesta experiência produziu erosão significativa na superfície do esmalte, in vitro. A imersão em saliva, precedente à exposição ao vinho, não pôde proteger o esmalte bovino contra a desmineralização, neste modelo experimental

  9. Magnetic phase transition in MnFeP0.5As0.4Si0.1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J L; Campbell, S J; Tegus, O; Brueck, E; Dou, S X


    We have carried out a detailed investigation of the magnetic phase transition in MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 . Temperature hysteresis has been observed in the variable temperature magnetization curves (B appl = 0.01 T) with T C W ∼ 302 K on warming and T C C ∼ 292 K on cooling. The first order nature of this transition in MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 is confirmed by the negative slope obtained from isotherms of M 2 versus B/M around the critical temperature. Linear thermal expansion measurements reveal a large volume change, ΔV/V∼8.7x10 -3 at the magnetic phase transition and that this magnetovolume effect is suppressed to ΔV/V ∼ 5.5x10 -3 in an applied field of B appl = 1.0 T. Analyses of 57 Fe Moessbauer spectra (4.5 - 300 K) using a random distribution model and taking nearest-neighbour environments into account, indicate that the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases coexist over a temperature range of ∼ 45 K around the Curie temperature. The Debye temperature for MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 has been evaluated as θ D = 350 ± 20 K from the temperature dependence of the average isomer shift.

  10. Responsabilidade social e retornos das ações: uma análise de empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA = Social responsibility and stock returns: an analysis of companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Lopes de Oliveira Martins


    Full Text Available A crescente preocupação com a questão social e ambiental tem levado empresas a assumirem uma posição mais criteriosa em relação às suas ações, com o intuito de alavancar uma boa reputação, elemento considerado indissociável para o sucesso no mercado. A Responsabilidade Social Corporativa refere-se à adoção de práticas socialmente responsáveis pelas entidades, que visam a proporcionar o desenvolvimento social e econômico dos ambientes em que estão inseridas. Simultaneamente, essas ações atendem aos interesses organizacionais, que podem ocasionar melhoria na imagem institucional, ganhos de participação no mercado, incrementos na lucratividade e elevação das possibilidades de continuidade. A fim de verificar uma possível relação entre práticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e os resultados econômicos apresentados pelas companhias, esta pesquisa buscou identificar se a divulgação da composição do portfólio do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE da BM&FBOVESPA impacta em variações nos retornos das ações das companhias envolvidas. Nesse sentido, a participação dos ativos no portfólio foi considerada como proxy para ações de sustentabilidade, e o método de estudo de eventos foi utilizado para análise do efeito da inserção ou exclusão das firmas na carteira. Foram analisadas as carteiras do ISE para os anos 2011 a 2013 e os resultados evidenciaram retornos anormais positivos das empresas incluídas após a divulgação do índice, bem como retornos anormais negativos das empresas excluídas. Verificou-se, ainda, que o comportamento do mercado retorna à sua normalidade após a absorção da informação divulgada, o que suporta a hipótese de eficiência semiforte do mercado de capitais brasileiro.The growing concern about the social and environmental issues has led companies to take a more careful position on their actions, in order to leverage a good reputation, which is considered a

  11. CalMagNet – an array of search coil magnetometers monitoring ultra low frequency activity in California

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Dunson


    Full Text Available The California Magnetometer Network (CalMagNet consists of sixty-eight triaxial search-coil magnetometer systems measuring Ultra Low Frequency (ULF, 0.001–16 Hz, magnetic field fluctuations in California. CalMagNet provides data for comprehensive multi-point measurements of specific events in the Pc 1–Pc 5 range at mid-latitudes as well as a systematic, long-term study of ULF signals in active fault regions in California. Typical events include geomagnetic micropulsations and spectral resonant structures associated with the ionospheric Alfvén resonator. This paper provides a technical overview of the CalMagNet sensors and data processing systems. The network is composed of ten reference stations and fifty-eight local monitoring stations. The primary instruments at each site are three orthogonal induction coil magnetometers. A geophone monitors local site vibration. The systems are designed for future sensor expansion and include resources for monitoring four additional channels. Data is currently sampled at 32 samples per second with a 24-bit converter and time tagged with a GPS-based timing system. Several examples of representative magnetic fluctuations and signals as measured by the array are given.

  12. Welfare Reform in California. State and County Implementation of CalWORKs in the Second Year

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Klerman, Jacob


    .... California's response to PRWORA was the California Work and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program-a "work-first" program that provides support services to help recipients move from welfare to work and toward self-sufficiency...

  13. Fotosíntesis, crecimiento y aceites esenciales en morfotipos florales de caléndula (Calendula officinalis L.).


    Salomé Abarca, Luis Francisco


    La caléndula (Calendula officinalis) es una especie herbácea originaria de Egipto, que se cree fue introducida a Europa en el siglo XII. En México es cultivada como una planta medicinal y de ornato, en lugares con clima semiseco y templado. En la zona de los valles centrales de México, Palma observó amplia diversidad fenotípica en una variedad común de caléndula, y eligió seis variantes en la morfología floral de esa población heterogénea, a las cuales denominó de la S1 a la S6. El objetivo ...

  14. A 3.0-kb deletion including an erythroid cell-specific regulatory element in intron 1 of the ABO blood group gene in an individual with the Bm phenotype. (United States)

    Sano, R; Kuboya, E; Nakajima, T; Takahashi, Y; Takahashi, K; Kubo, R; Kominato, Y; Takeshita, H; Yamao, H; Kishida, T; Isa, K; Ogasawara, K; Uchikawa, M


    We developed a sequence-specific primer PCR (SSP-PCR) for detection of a 5.8-kb deletion (B(m) 5.8) involving an erythroid cell-specific regulatory element in intron 1 of the ABO blood group gene. Using this SSP-PCR, we performed genetic analysis of 382 individuals with Bm or ABm. The 5.8-kb deletion was found in 380 individuals, and disruption of the GATA motif in the regulatory element was found in one individual. Furthermore, a novel 3.0-kb deletion involving the element (B(m) 3.0) was demonstrated in the remaining individual. Comparisons of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites in intron 1 between B(m) 5.8 and B(m) 3.0 suggested that these deletions occurred independently. © 2014 International Society of Blood Transfusion.

  15. Social complexity in the third millennium cal BC in southern Portugal


    Soares, Joaquina


    The starting point of this paper is the extensive archaeological fieldwork developed at the Chalcolithic fortification of Porto das Carretas on the left bank of the Middle Guadiana River (Soares, 2013). The well-preserved stratigraphy and correlated radiocarbon dates of Porto das Carretas enabled a new and deep insight into the third millennium cal BC, displaying environmental, economic and social transformations from the first to the second half of the millenium. Furhermore, the integration ...

  16. Aumento gradual da variabilidade de prática: efeito na aprendizagem da estrutura e na parametrização da habilidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Silva Januário

    Full Text Available Resumo Tradicionalmente, na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras a prática tem sido estruturada de forma constante, em blocos, seriada ou aleatória. Tem sido proposta a superioridade da prática variada sobre a prática constante bem como da prática aleatória e seriada sobre a prática em blocos. Atualmente tem sido observada uma especificidade do tipo de prática: a prática constante auxilia na formação de uma estrutura de movimento, especialmente no inicio da aprendizagem e a prática variada na melhora da parametrização. O presente estudo investigou diferentes regimes de prática e a sua combinaçao numa sequência que fornece um aumento gradual de variabilidade (constante, blocos e aleatório na aquisição de habilidades motoras. A amostra foi distribuida em quatro grupos (n = 10: CCC (constante, BBB (blocos, AAA (aleatório e CBA (constante-blocos-aleatório. O experimenta foi dividido em fase de aquisição e teste de transferência. Na fase de aquisição a tarefa foi pressionar teclas numéricas do teclado de um computador em uma sequência (2, 8, 6, 4 com o dedo indicador, com tempo relativo entre os componentes especificado (22,2%, 44,4% e 33,3% e com os seguintes tempos totais (700, 900 e 1100 ms estabelecidos conforme o delineamento experimental. Os resultados do teste demonstraram superioridade dos grupos CBA e AAA na medida de erro absoluta, dos grupos CCC e BBB na medida de erro relativo e dos grupos CCC, BBB e CBA na medida de variabilidade de erro relativo. Tais resultados demonstram que os regimes de prática que forneceram menor variabilidade conduziram ao aprendizado de uma estrutura de movimento, enquanto que as que forneceram maior variabilidade resultaram na melhora da capacidade de parametrização.

  17. CalWater 2 - Precipitation, Aerosols, and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Experiment (United States)

    Spackman, Ryan; Ralph, Marty; Prather, Kim; Cayan, Dan; DeMott, Paul; Dettinger, Mike; Fairall, Chris; Leung, Ruby; Rosenfeld, Daniel; Rutledge, Steven; Waliser, Duane; White, Allen


    Emerging research has identified two phenomena that play key roles in the variability of the water supply and the incidence of extreme precipitation events along the West Coast of the United States. These phenomena include the role of (1) atmospheric rivers (ARs) in delivering much of the precipitation associated with major storms along the U.S. West Coast, and (2) aerosols—from local sources as well as those transported from remote continents—and their modulating effects on western U.S. precipitation. A better understanding of these processes is needed to reduce uncertainties in weather predictions and climate projections of extreme precipitation and its effects, including the provision of beneficial water supply. This presentation summarizes science gaps associated with (1) the evolution and structure of ARs including cloud and precipitation processes and air-sea interaction, and (2) aerosol interaction with ARs and the impact on precipitation, including locally-generated aerosol effects on orographic precipitation along the U.S. West Coast. Observations are proposed for multiple winter seasons as part of a 5-year broad interagency vision referred to as CalWater 2 to address these science gaps ( In the near term, a science investigation is being planned including a targeted set of aircraft and ship-based measurements and associated evaluation of data in near-shore regions of California and in the eastern Pacific for an intensive observing period between January 2015 and March 2015. DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program and NOAA are coordinating on deployment of airborne and ship-borne facilities for this period in a DOE-sponsored study called ACAPEX (ARM Cloud Aerosol and Precipitation Experiment) to complement CalWater 2. The motivation for this major study is based on findings that have emerged in the last few years from airborne and ground-based studies including CalWater and NOAA's HydroMeterology Testbed

  18. Conservadorismo Contábil no Reconhecimento de Ativos Intangíveis em Fase de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento: Um Estudo em Empresas da BM&FBovespa

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Conservadorismo contábil pode implicar assimetrias no reconhecimento de ativos intangíveis em fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, desde o registro indevido até a sua não contabilização. Este estudo objetiva examinar o conservadorismo contábil no reconhecimento de ativos intangíveis em fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de empresas da BM&FBovespa. A pesquisa descritiva foi realizada por meio de análise documental, com abordagem quantitativa, utilizando, no cálculo do conservadorismo contábil o modelo de Ball e Shivakumar (2005 e a aplicação de regressão linear e correlação de Pearson para relações entre variáveis. A população da pesquisa compreendeu as 236 empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa, com saldo em ativos intangíveis nos anos de 2009 e 2010, e a amostra as 34 com ativos intangíveis em fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Os resultados mostram que no período analisado ocorreu conservadorismo contábil nas empresas pesquisadas. Todavia, não se constatou relação positiva do conservadorismo contábil e dos ativos intangíveis em fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento com tamanho, alavancagem, setor e nível de governança corporativa das empresas. Com a aplicação da correlação de Pearson, tal resultado foi confirmado, com exceção de 2009 nas empresas pertencentes ao setor de Construção e Transporte. Assim, conclui-se que houve conservadorismo contábil no reconhecimento de ativos intangíveis em fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento nas empresas pesquisadas, mas não se constatou associação com as variáveis de controle.

  19. Analysis of Triplet Exciton Loss Pathways in PTB7:PC71BM Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells (United States)

    Kraus, Hannes; Heiber, Michael C.; Väth, Stefan; Kern, Julia; Deibel, Carsten; Sperlich, Andreas; Dyakonov, Vladimir


    A strategy for increasing the conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaics has been to increase the VOC by tuning the energy levels of donor and acceptor components. However, this opens up a new loss pathway from an interfacial charge transfer state to a triplet exciton (TE) state called electron back transfer (EBT), which is detrimental to device performance. To test this hypothesis, we study triplet formation in the high performing PTB7:PC71BM blend system and determine the impact of the morphology-optimizing additive 1,8-diiodoctane (DIO). Using photoluminescence and spin-sensitive optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements at low temperature, we find that TEs form on PC71BM via intersystem crossing from singlet excitons and on PTB7 via EBT mechanism. For DIO blends with smaller fullerene domains, an increased density of PTB7 TEs is observed. The EBT process is found to be significant only at very low temperature. At 300 K, no triplets are detected via ODMR, and electrically detected magnetic resonance on optimized solar cells indicates that TEs are only present on the fullerenes. We conclude that in PTB7:PC71BM devices, TE formation via EBT is impacted by fullerene domain size at low temperature, but at room temperature, EBT does not represent a dominant loss pathway.

  20. Visualizing nanoscale phase morphology for understanding photovoltaic performance of PTB7: PC71BM solar cell (United States)

    Supasai, Thidarat; Amornkitbamrung, Vittaya; Thanachayanont, Chanchana; Tang, I.-Ming; Sutthibutpong, Thana; Rujisamphan, Nopporn


    Visualizing and controlling the phase separation of the donor and acceptor domains in organic bulk-hetero-junction (BHJ) solar devices made with poly([4,8-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl][3-fluoro-2-[(2-ethyl-hexyl)carbon-yl]thieno[3,4-bthiophenediyl]) (PTB7) and [6,6]-phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM) are needed to achieve high power conversion efficiency (PCE). Traditional bright-field (BF) imaging, especially of polymeric materials, produces images of poor contrast when done at the nanoscale level. Clear nanoscale morphologies of the PTB7:PC71BM blends prepared with different 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) concentrations were seen when using the energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). The electron energy loss (EELS) spectra of the pure PTB7 and PC71BM samples are centered at 22.7 eV and 24.5 eV, respectively. Using the electrons whose energy losses are in the range of 16-30 eV, detail information of the phase morphology at the nanoscale was obtained. Correlations between the improvement in the photovoltaic performances and the increased electron mobility were seen. These correlations are discussed in terms of the changes (at the nanoscale level) in blending phase morphology when different DIO concentrations are added.

  1. Análise da relação entre gerenciamento de resultados e custo de capital em empresas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA = Analysis of the Relationship Between Results-Based Management and Cost of Equity in Brazilian Companies Listed in BM&FBOVESPA

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    Geovanne Dias de Moura


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou analisar a relação entre o gerenciamento de resultados contábeis e o custo de capital próprio e de terceiros em empresas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa. Para tal, realizou-se pesquisa descritiva, conduzida por meio de análise documental e abordagem quantitativa dos dados referentes ao período de 2010 a 2013 de uma amostra composta de 217 empresas. Os resultados evidenciaram que houve elevação do custo de capital próprio. No que tange ao custo de capital de terceiros, quando analisado por meio da variável Kd, constatou-se que ocorreu uma pequena redução de 31,81% para 28,37%. Ao analisar o custo de capital de terceiros, por meio da variável Ki, constatou-se que houve aumento de 23,94% para 30,13%. Os resultados evidenciaram destaque para os gerenciamentos de baixas proporções, principalmente a partir do ano de 2011. Também entre as empresas analisadas aquelas com menor gerenciamento de resultados não apresentavam menor custo de capital próprio e de terceiros. The study aimed at analyzing the relationship between results-based management and the company's cost of equity and its third party in Brazilian companies listed in BM&FBovespa. To this end, a descriptive research was conducted through documentary analysis and quantitative analysis of the data from 2010 to 2013 from a sample of 217 companies. The results revealed that the cost of equity rose in the period of 2010 to 2013. With respect to the cost of third party, when analyzed by Kd variable, it was found out a slight decrease from 31,81% to 28,37%. When analyzing the cost of third party by Ki variable, it was noticed an increase from 23,94% to 30,13% between 2010 and 2013. As for management, the results showed significance for the low proportion managements, especially since 2011. The results also showed that, among the analyzed companies, those with lower results-based management did not have lower cost of equity and third party.

  2. FoCal – A high granularity electromagnetic calorimeter for forward direct photon measurements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, C.


    The measurement of direct photon production at forward rapidity (y∼3−5) at the LHC provides access to the structure of protons and nuclei at very small values of fractional momentum (x∼10−5). FoCal, an extremely-high-granularity Forward Calorimeter covering 3.3<η<5.3 is proposed as a detector

  3. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus nucleic acid binding proteins BRO-B and BRO-E associate with host T-cell intracellular antigen 1 homologue BmTRN-1 to influence protein synthesis during infection. (United States)

    Kotani, Eiji; Muto, Sayaka; Ijiri, Hiroshi; Mori, Hajime


    Previous reports have indicated that the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) nucleic acid binding proteins BRO-B and BRO-E are expressed during the early stage of infection and that the BRO family likely supports the regulation of mRNA; however, no study has directly examined the function of BRO family proteins in virus-permissive cells. Here, we show that BRO-B and BRO-E associate with cellular T-cell intracellular antigen 1 homologue (BmTRN-1), a translational regulator, and other cellular translation-related proteins in silkworm cells during viral infection. We created BM-N cells that expressed BRO-B/E to study molecular interactions between BmTRN-1 and BRO-B/E and how they influenced protein synthesis. Fluorescent microscopy revealed that BmTRN-1 was localized in cytoplasmic foci during BmNPV infection. Immunofluorescence studies confirmed that BmTRN-1 and BRO-B/E were colocalized in the amorphous conspicuous cytoplasmic foci. Reporter gene studies revealed that co-expression of BRO-B/E synergistically led to a significant decrease in protein synthesis from a designed transcript carrying the 5'untranslated region of a cellular mRNA with no significant change of transcript abundance. Additionally, RNA interference-mediated knockdown of BmTRN-1 resulted in a marked inhibition of the ability of BRO-B/E to regulate the transcript. These results suggested that the association of BmTRN-1 with BRO-B/E is responsible for the inhibitory regulation of certain mRNAs at the post-transcriptional level and add an additional mechanism for how baculoviruses control protein synthesis during infection.

  4. JCSC_129_04_0415_0420_SI.doc

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Melting points of all the compounds were recorded by Analab ThermoCal melting point apparatus in the open capillary tube and are uncorrected. The FTIR spectra (KBr) were recorded on Shimadzu FTIRAffinity-1 Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometer. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on MR400 Agilent Technology ...

  5. Laccase Gene Expression and Vinasse Biodegradation by Trametes hirsuta Strain Bm-2

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    Raúl Tapia-Tussell


    Full Text Available Vinasse is the dark-colored wastewater that is generated by bioethanol distilleries from feedstock molasses. The vinasse that is generated from molasses contains high amounts of pollutants, including phenolic compounds and melanoindin. The goal of this work was to study the expression of laccase genes in the Trametes hirsuta strain Bm-2, isolated in Yucatan, Mexico, in the presence of phenolic compounds, as well as its effectiveness in removing colorants from vinasse. In the presence of all phenolic compounds tested (guaiacol, ferulic acid, and vanillic acid, increased levels of laccase-encoding mRNA were observed. Transcript levels in the presence of guaiacol were 40 times higher than those in the control. The lcc1 and lcc2 genes of T. hirsuta were differentially expressed; guaiacol and vanillin induced the expression of both genes, whereas ferulic acid only induced the expression of lcc2. The discoloration of vinasse was concomitant with the increase in laccase activity. The highest value of enzyme activity (2543.7 U/mL was obtained in 10% (v/v vinasse, which corresponded to a 69.2% increase in discoloration. This study demonstrates the potential of the Bm-2 strain of T. hirsuta for the biodegradation of vinasse.

  6. A qualitative evaluation of UC CalFresh Plan, Shop, Save, Cook curriculum reveals additional outcomes

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    Andra Nicoli


    Full Text Available UC ANR Cooperative Extension (UCCE conducted six focus groups in 2013 with CalFresh-eligible adults to determine how to improve the existing evaluation method for the Plan, Shop, Save, Cook nutrition education classes. Focus group participants (n = 54 cited many behavior changes that are captured by the existing method. During the focus groups, changes in cooking practices and types of food purchased emerged as two domains that are not currently captured. A small pilot study conducted on 22 of the 54 focus group participants suggests that using a telephone interview to survey participants is a feasible and practical approach to collect follow-up data on long-term behavior changes. More rigorous follow-up studies may guide the development of policies aimed at increasing diet quality and food security of adult CalFresh participants.

  7. Bm-muted, orthologous to mouse muted and encoding a subunit of the BLOC-1 complex, is responsible for the otm translucent mutation of the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Zhang, Haokun; Kiuchi, Takashi; Wang, Lingyan; Kawamoto, Munetaka; Suzuki, Yutaka; Sugano, Sumio; Banno, Yutaka; Katsuma, Susumu; Shimada, Toru


    "Tanaka's mottled translucent" (otm) is a mutation of the silkworm Bombyx mori that exhibits translucent skin during larval stages. We performed positional cloning of the gene responsible for otm and mapped it to a 364-kb region on chromosome 5 that contains 22 hypothetical protein-coding genes. We performed RNA-seq analysis of the epidermis and fat body of otm larvae and determined that the gene BGIBMGA002619 may be responsible for the otm mutation. BGIBMGA002619 encodes the biosynthesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 (BLOC-1) subunit 5, whose ortholog is responsible for the Muted mutant in mouse. Accordingly, we named this gene Bm-muted. We discovered that the expression of Bm-muted in the epidermis and fat body of otm mutants was dramatically suppressed compared with the wild type. We determined the nucleotide sequences of the full-length cDNA and genomic region corresponding to Bm-muted and found that a 538-bp long DNA sequence similar to B. mori transposon Organdy was inserted into the 3' end of the first intron of Bm-muted in two otm strains. The Bm-muted cDNA of otm mutants lacked exon 2, and accordingly generated a premature stop codon in exon 3. In addition, short interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of this gene caused localized partial translucency of larval skin. These data indicate that the mutation in Bm-muted caused the otm-mutant phenotype. We propose that the insertion of Organdy caused a splicing disorder in Bm-muted in the otm mutant, resulting in a null mutation of Bm-muted. This mutation is likely to cause deficiencies in urate granule formation in epidermal cells that result in translucent larval skin. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. All partial breakings in ${\\cal N}=2$ supergravity with a single hypermultiplet arXiv

    CERN Document Server

    Antoniadis, Ignatios; Petropoulos, P. Marios; Siampos, Konstantinos

    We consider partial supersymmetry breaking in ${\\cal N}=2$ supergravity coupled to a single vector and a single hypermultiplet. This breaking pattern is in principle possible if the quaternion-K\\"ahler space of the hypermultiplet admits (at least) one pair of commuting isometries. For this class of manifolds, explicit metrics exist and we analyse a generic electro-magnetic (dyonic) gauging of the isometries. An example of partial breaking in Minkowski spacetime has been found long ago by Ferrara, Girardello and Porrati, using the gauging of two translation isometries on $SO(4,1)/SO(4)$. We demonstrate that no other example of partial breaking of ${\\cal N}=2$ supergravity in Minkowski spacetime exists. We also examine partial-breaking vacua in anti-de Sitter spacetime that are much less constrained and exist generically even for electric gaugings. On $SO(4,1)/SO(4)$, we construct the partially-broken solution and its global limit which is the Antoniadis-Partouche-Taylor model.

  9. Improvement by the Life Cycle Control System of University Production With Use of CALS-Tehnology

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    Yuriy I. Dreizis


    Full Text Available The mechanism of management by life cycle of production of university with use of CALS technologies is described. Tasks of service of marketing and the quality management department, connected with university product quality control are defined

  10. A modern documented Italian identified skeletal collection of 2127 skeletons: the CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection. (United States)

    Cattaneo, Cristina; Mazzarelli, Debora; Cappella, Annalisa; Castoldi, Elisa; Mattia, Mirko; Poppa, Pasquale; De Angelis, Danilo; Vitello, Antonio; Biehler-Gomez, Lucie


    The CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection is a modern and continuously growing identified osteological collection of 2127 skeletons under study in the Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense (LABANOF) in the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health of the University of Milan (Italy), and part of the Collezione Antropologica LABANOF (CAL). The collection presents individuals of both sexes and of all age groups with a high representation of the elderly and an interesting sample of infants. Each individual is associated with a documentation that includes sex, age-at-death, dates of birth and death, and a death certificate that specifies the exact cause of death and the chain of events that led to it (related pathological conditions or traumatic events). It was also possible to recover for several individuals the autopsy reports and antemortem photographs. This documented osteological collection is of crucial interest in physical and forensic anthropology: it provides unique teaching opportunities and more importantly considerable research possibilities to test and develop sex and age estimation methods, investigate key subjects of forensic relevance and discuss pathological markers, among others. The aim of this paper is to introduce the CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection as a new identified skeletal collection and present its research and teaching potential. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Consumo, digestibilidade dos nutrientes e desempenho de bovinos de corte recebendo silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench e diferentes proporções de concentrado

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    Pereira Dalton Henrique


    Full Text Available Vinte e quatro bovinos machos, castrados, Holandês x Zebu (peso vivo inicial de 435 kg e 36 meses de idade foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições para se avaliarem o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes, o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça em bovinos de corte recebendo dietas contendo silagem de sorgo e concentrado nas proporções 80:20, 65:35, 50:50 e 35:65, com base na matéria seca. Os consumos de MS, MO, PB e NDT, em kg/dia, não foram influenciados pelos níveis de concentrado nas dietas, enquanto os consumos de EE e MS (% PV e g/kgPV0,75 e os CNF, em kg/dia, aumentaram linearmente com o nível de concentrado. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, no entanto, independentemente da forma de expressão, decresceu linearmente com o aumento dos níveis de concentrado. As digestibilidades aparentes totais de MS, MO e CNF não foram influenciadas pelas dietas, registrando-se valores médios de 63,8, 65,1 e 82,2%, respectivamente. Entretanto, as digestibilidades aparentes de PB, EE e FDN reduziram linearmente com o incremento de concentrado às dietas. O ganho médio diário e a conversão alimentar não foram influenciados pelas dietas, com valores médios de 1,40 kg/dia e 8,08 kg MS/kg de ganho de peso vivo (GPV, respectivamente. O peso final médio dos animais foi de 523 kg. O rendimento de carcaça dos animais aumentou linearmente com o incremento dos níveis de concentrado nas dietas. A dieta com silagem de sorgo de boa qualidade, associada a 20% de concentrado, proporcionou produção de carne com menor custo que as demais dietas.

  12. Differentiation of bone marrow cells to functional T lymphocytes following implantation of thymus grafts and thymic stroma in nude and ATxBM mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Splitter, G.A.; McGuire, T.C.; Davis, W.C.


    Cardiac allografts were used to compare the immunologic capacity of nude mice and adult, thymectomized, lethally irradiated, bone marrow-reconstituted (AT x BM) mice. Neither nude nor AT x BM mice were able to reject cardiac allografts of any party. However, both rejected grafts of any party following implantation of neonatal thymus or thymus from 3-week-old syngeneic mice. Irradiated syngeneic thymus grafts (800 R) were equally effective in restoring host responsiveness against allografts. In contrast, allogeneic thymus grafts restored the capacity to reject second-party heart grafts only in AT x BM mice. Second-party grafts persisted indefintely when placed on nude mice implanted with an allogeneic, unirradiated thymus graft. Third-party grafts transplanted 17 weeks after reconstitution, however, were rejected. Irradiated nude mice given normal littermate bone marrow and simultaneously grafted with second-party thymus and heart allografts also failed to reject their second-party heart grafts. The difference in ultimate capacity to respond between AT x BM and nude mice suggests that a maturational defect exists in the nude mouse environment which impedes development of precursor T lymphocytes

  13. Dose measurements using thermoluminescent dosimeters and DoseCal software at two paediatric hospitals in Rio de Janeiro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamadain, K.E.M.; Azevedo, A.C.P.; Rosa, L.A.R. da; Guebel, M.R.N.; Boechat, M.C.B.


    A dosimetric survey in paediatric radiology is currently being carried out at the paediatric units of two large hospitals in Rio de Janeiro city: IPPMG (Instituto de Pediatria e Puericultura Martagao Gesteira, University Hospital of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and IFF (Instituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ). Chest X-ray examination doses for AP, PA and LAT projections of paediatric patients have been obtained with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and with use of a software package DoseCal. In IPPMG and IFF 100 patients have been evaluated with the use of the TLDs and another group of 100 patients with the DoseCal software. The aim of this work was to estimate the entrance skin dose (ESD) for frontal, back and lateral chest X-rays exposure of paediatric patients. For ESD evaluation, three different TL dosimeters have been used, namely LIF:Mg, Ti (TLD100), CaSO 4 :Dy and LiF:Mg, Cu, P (TLD100H). The age intervals considered were 0-1, 1-5, 5-10 and 10-15 years. The results obtained with all dosimeters are similar, and it is in good agreement with the DoseCal software, especially for AP and PA projections. However, some larger discrepancies are presented for the LAT projection

  14. DOS. (United States)

    Traven, Bill


    Discusses using the DOS PATH command (for MS-DOS) to enable the microcomputer user to move from directory to directory on a hard drive. Lists the commands to be programed, gives examples, and explains the use of each. (MVL)

  15. Management of long segment anterior urethral stricture (≥ 8cm using buccal mucosal (BM graft and penile skin (PS flap: outcome and predictors of failure

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    Gamal A. Alsagheer

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the surgical outcome and predictors of failure of substitution urethroplasty using either dorsal onlay buccal mucosal (BM graft or ventral onlay penile skin flap (PS for anterior urethral stricture ≥ 8cm. Patients and methods Between March 2010 and January 2016, 50 patients with anterior urethral stricture ≥ 8 cm were treated at our hospital. The surgical outcome and success rate were assessed. The predictors of failure were analyzed using multivariate analysis. Failure was considered when subsequent urethrotomy or urethroplasty were needed. Results Dorsal onlay BM graft was carried out in 24 patients, while PS urethroplasty in 26 patients. There was no significant difference between both groups regarding patients demographics, stricture characteristics or follow-up period. One case in the BM group was lost during follow-up. Stricture recurrence was detected in 7 (30.4% patients out of BM group while in 6 (23.1% patients out of PS group (p value= 0.5. No significant differences between both groups regarding overall early and late complications were observed. Occurrence of early complications and the stricture length were the only predictors of failure in univariate analysis, while in multivariate analysis the occurrence of early complications was only significant. Conclusion On short-term follow-up, both dorsal onlay BM graft and ventral onlay PS flap urethroplasty have similar success rates. However, BM graft has a potential advantage to reduce operative time and is also technically easier. The surgeon should avoid early local complications as they represent a higher risk for failure.

  16. Neigiamojo standumo vibroizoliacinio staliuko „MINUS K 500BM-1“ tyrimas

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    Vitalija Meškelytė


    Full Text Available Nagrinėjamas neigiamojo standumo (angl. negative-stiffness vibroizoliacinio staliuko „Minus K 500BM-1“ efektyvumas 2–110 Hz diapazone. Apžvelgti kiti galimi vibroizoliacijos būdai. Atlikti eksperimentiniai vibracijų perduodamumo tyrimai. Išbandyta speciali vibracijų žadinimo įranga, leidžianti atlikti numatytus bandomojo objekto tyrimus. Aprašyta eksperimentinių tyrimų metodika. Pateikti eksperimentų metu gauti rezultatai ir išvados.

  17. Structure, dynamics, and function of the monooxygenase P450 BM-3: insights from computer simulations studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roccatano, Danilo


    The monooxygenase P450 BM-3 is a NADPH-dependent fatty acid hydroxylase enzyme isolated from soil bacterium Bacillus megaterium. As a pivotal member of cytochrome P450 superfamily, it has been intensely studied for the comprehension of structure–dynamics–function relationships in this class of enzymes. In addition, due to its peculiar properties, it is also a promising enzyme for biochemical and biomedical applications. However, despite the efforts, the full understanding of the enzyme structure and dynamics is not yet achieved. Computational studies, particularly molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, have importantly contributed to this endeavor by providing new insights at an atomic level regarding the correlations between structure, dynamics, and function of the protein. This topical review summarizes computational studies based on MD simulations of the cytochrome P450 BM-3 and gives an outlook on future directions. (topical review)

  18. Setup, tests and results for the ATLAS TileCal Read Out Driver production

    CERN Document Server

    Valero, Alberto; Castillo, V; Cuenca, C; Ferrer, A; Fullana, E; González, V; Higón, E; Munar, A; Poveda, J; Ruiz-Martínez, A; Salvachúa, B; Sanchís, E; Solans, C; Soret, J; Torres, J; Valls, J A


    In this paper we describe the performance and test results of the production of the 38 ATLAS TileCal Read Out Drivers (RODs). We first describe the basic hardware specifications and firmware functionality of the modules, the test-bench setup used for production and the test procedure to qualify the boards. We then finally show and discuss the performance results.

  19. Influência da temperatura ambiente sobre o desempenho e os parâmetros fisiológicos de suínos machos castrados dos 30 aos 60 kg

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    Tavares Sandra Lúcia da Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO - O presente trabalho foi realizado para avaliar a influência de ambientes térmicos constantes (termoneutro e calor sobre o desempenho e as variáveis fisiológicas de suínos machos castrados dos 30 aos 60 kg PV. Cem animais foram distribuídos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (3100, 3250, 3400, 3550 e 3700 kcal de ED/kg de ração, cinco repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Ganho de peso, consumo de ração, proteína e energia, conversão alimentar e eficiência de utilização da proteína e da energia foram reduzidos no ambiente de calor. A relação peso jejum/peso vivo foi maior no ambiente de calor e a relação peso carcaça/peso jejum não foi influenciada pela temperatura ambiente. A taxa de deposição de proteína elevou e a de gordura decresceu com o aumento da temperatura no ambiente. A temperatura ambiente reduziu o peso dos órgãos internos e aumentou a freqüência respiratória, nos animais mantidos no ambiente de calor. Embora a conversão alimentar tenha piorado no ambiente de calor, os animais mantidos neste ambiente apresentaram maior taxa de deposição de proteína na carcaça.

  20. Dataset on the absorption of PCDTBT:PC70BM layers and the electro-optical characteristics of air-stable, large-area PCDTBT:PC70BM-based polymer solar cell modules, deposited with a custom built slot-die coater

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    Dimitar I. Kutsarov


    Full Text Available The data presented in this article is related to the research article entitled “Fabrication of air-stable, large-area, PCDTBT:PC70BM polymer solar cell modules using a custom built slot-die coater” (D.I. Kutsarov, E. New, F. Bausi, A. Zoladek-Lemanczyk, F.A. Castro, S.R.P. Silva, 2016 [1]. The repository name and reference number for the raw data from the abovementioned publication can be found under: In this data in brief article, additional information about the absorption properties of PCDTBT:PC70BM layers deposited from a 12.5 mg/ml and 15 mg/ml photoactive layer dispersion are shown. Additionally, the best and average J-V curves of single cells, fabricated from the 10 and 15 mg/ml dispersions, are presented.

  1. Disclosure of immobilized assets on companies sector industrial goods of BM&FBovespa

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    Sueli Viviani


    Full Text Available The study examined the process of disclosure of Industrials companies listed on the BM&FBovespa, after the convergence of Brazilian accounting to IFRS, in accordance with CPC 27 - Fixed Assets . Was carried a descriptive study, conducted through content analysis and quantitative approach using the calculation of entropy proposed by Zeleny (1982. The sample consists of 34 companies in the Industrial Goods sector listed on the BM&FBovespa. The results revealed that the disclosure of items of fixed assets is not performed homogeneously by companies. Some requirements required by CPC 27 were reported incompletely or are absent. A detailed analysis of the items investigated stressed that disclosure to class of fixed assets, was the best performed, followed by depreciation policies adopted by companies, it was observed that most companies show so complete this information. The information highlighted regarding the reconciliation of the carrying amount, had higher entropy, hence there is greater heterogeneity in this items reported. The disclosure of other information about the property, deemed necessary by CPC27, were less prominent by the companies, not apply in some cases or for being absent in the notes. In general, we concluded that the analyzed companies have been responding only partially to the disclosure requirements of CPC 27. However, the basic and more important information to the external user, concerning the class of assets and depreciation rates are being shown.

  2. Relação da Importância dos Recursos Estratégicos com as Medidas de Desempenho em Empresas Brasileiras

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar se as medidas de desempenho são variáveis mediadoras entre a importância dos recursos estratégicos e a avaliação de desempenho em empresas brasileiras. De modo específico o estudo busca investigar a percepção dos gestores quanto à importância atribuída às medidas de desempenho tradicionais e não tradicionais e aos recursos estratégicos de capital humano, estrutural e físico em empresas brasileiras. O estudo pauta-se na pesquisa realizada por Widener (2006 em empresas norte americanas. Assim, um levantamento foi realizado junto aos gestores das empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa nos níveis 1 e 2 de Governança Corporativa. Na análise dos dados foi aplicada estatística descritiva e análise fatorial. Os resultados mostram que os gestores atribuem importância a várias medidas de desempenho, mas a estatística descritiva evidencia que a maior importância é atribuída às medidas de retorno e financeiras tradicionais. Dentre os recursos estratégicos, o capital humano desponta como o recurso mais importante para as empresas analisadas, seguido do capital estrutural e do capital físico. A partir das relações estabelecidas na pesquisa de base e aplicadas neste estudo, conclui-se que as medidas de desempenho são variáveis mediadoras entre a importância dos recursos estratégicos e o desempenho na percepção dos gestores.

  3. The time-resolved and extreme conditions XAS (TEXAS) facility at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline BM23. (United States)

    Mathon, O; Beteva, A; Borrel, J; Bugnazet, D; Gatla, S; Hino, R; Kantor, I; Mairs, T; Munoz, M; Pasternak, S; Perrin, F; Pascarelli, S


    BM23 is the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline at the ESRF, replacing the former BM29 beamline in the framework of the ESRF upgrade. Its mission is to serve the whole XAS user community by providing access to a basic service in addition to the many specialized instruments available at the ESRF. BM23 offers high signal-to-noise ratio EXAFS in a large energy range (5-75 keV), continuous energy scanning for quick-EXAFS on the second timescale and a micro-XAS station delivering a spot size of 4 µm × 4 µm FWHM. It is a user-friendly facility featuring a high degree of automation, online EXAFS data reduction and a flexible sample environment.

  4. Can TAD and CalTAD predict cut-out after extra-medullary fixation with new generation devices of proximal femoral fractures? A retrospective study. (United States)

    Caruso, Gaetano; Andreotti, Mattia; Pari, Carlotta; Soldati, Francesco; Gildone, Alessandro; Lorusso, Vincenzo; Massari, Leo


    Intramedullary and extramedullary strategies of pertrochanteric fracture fixation are still controversial, but new percutaneous devices may give advantages regarding operative time, blood loss and rate of cardiovascular complications. We retrospectively analyze our cases regarding Anteversa ® plate (Intrauma, Turin, Italy) fixation of pertrochanteric femoral fractures, focusing on the correlation between two radiographical parameters (tip-apex distance "TAD" and calcar referenced tip-apex distance "CalTAD") and the occurrence of cut-out. The purpose of this study was to determine if these predicting factors of cut-out are reliable in the treatment of proximal femoral fractures with the Anteversa plate. A series of 77 patients with 53 31-A1 fracture types and 24-A2 fractures completed a 12-month-follow-up. Clinical outcomes were evaluated according to Parker-Palmer Mobility Score at the final follow-up. TAD and CalTAD were considered to determine their correlation with cut-out events. The mean Parker-Palmer Score was 6.94 in A1 group and 7.41 in A2 group ( p  = 0.47). Mean value of TAD index was 29.58, 29.81 in the A1 group and 29.08 in the A2 group, and mean value of CalTAD index was 30.87, 31.03 in the A1 group and 30.50 in the A2 group. We observed 3 cases of implant cut-out. We shared our sample in two groups, one group with TAD and CalTAD indices lower than 25 mm and another group higher than 25 mm to evaluate how the Palmer Parker score changed and no statistical differences were found between the two groups. Taking into consideration that good clinical results were obtained for TAD and CalTAD values superior to 25 mm, the prognostic value of 25 mm of TAD and CalTAD indices might not be appropriate to this new percutaneous plate.

  5. Análise argumentativa do léxico: o exemplo da palavra 'medo'

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    Carel, Marion


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, Marion Carel apresenta uma análise argumentativa da palavra medo fundamentada na Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos, momento anual da Semântica Argumentativa, desenvolvida por Carel e Ducrot

  6. Anthocyanins from black rice (Oryza sativa L.) demonstrate antimetastatic properties by reducing MMPs and NF-κB expressions in human oral cancer CAL 27 cells. (United States)

    Fan, Ming-Jen; Wang, I-Chen; Hsiao, Yung-Ting; Lin, Hui-Yi; Tang, Nou-Ying; Hung, Tzu-Chieh; Quan, Christine; Lien, Jin-Cherng; Chung, Jing-Gung


    Aside from the commonly known white rice lines, colored varieties also exist. These varieties have historically been used in Chinese medicine. Anthocyanins, a large group of natural polyphenols existing in a variety of daily fruits and vegetables, have been widely recognized as cancer chemopreventive agents. The primary objective of cancer treatment strategies has traditionally focused on preventing the occurrence of metastasis. In this research the antimetastatic mechanism of anthocyanins on the invasion/migration of human oral CAL 27 cells was performed using a transwell to quantify the migratory potential of CAL 27 cells and the results show that anthocyanins can inhibit the in vitro migration and invasion of CAL 27 cancer cells. In addition, the gelatin zymography assay indicated that anthocyanins inhibited the activity of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (MMP-2). Western blotting assay also demonstrated that anthocyanins inhibited the associated protein expression of migration/invasion of CAL 27 cell. Immunofluorescence staining proved that anthocyanins inhibited nuclear factor kappa B p65 (NF-κB p65) expressions. These results demonstrated that anthocyanins from a species of black rice (selected purple glutinous indica rice cultivated at Asia University) could suppress CAL 27 cell metastasis by reduction of MMP-2, MMP-9, and NF-κB p65 expression through the suppression of PI3K/Akt pathway and inhibition of NF-κB levels.

  7. NO2 fluxes from Tijuana using a mobile mini-DOAS during Cal-Mex 2010 (United States)

    Rivera, Claudia; Barrera, Hugo; Grutter, Michel; Zavala, Miguel; Galle, Bo; Bei, Naifang; Li, Guohui; Molina, Luisa T.


    NO2 fluxes were measured using a mobile mini-DOAS during Cal-Mex 2010 field study, between May 15 and June 30, 2010, from the urban area of Tijuana, Baja California as well as the Rosarito power plant. The average calculated NO2 fluxes were 328 ± 184 (269 ± 201) g s-1, and 23.4 ± 4.9 (12.9 ± 11.9) g s-1 for Tijuana urban area and Rosarito power plant, respectively, using model based wind fields and onsite measurements (in parenthesis). Wind speed and wind direction data needed to estimate the fluxes were both modeled and obtained from radiosondes launched regularly during the field campaign, whereas the mixing layer height throughout the entire field campaign was measured using a ceilometer. Large variations in the NO2 fluxes from both the Tijuana urban area and Rosarito power plant were observed during Cal-Mex 2010; however, the variability was less when model based wind fields were used. Qualitative comparisons of modeled and measured plumes from the Tijuana urban area and Rosarito power plant showed good agreement.

  8. The Effects of Curcuma longa L., Purple Sweet Potato, and Mixtures of the Two on Immunomodulation in C57BL/6J Mice Infected with LP-BM5 Murine Leukemia Retrovirus. (United States)

    Park, Soo-Jeung; Lee, Dasom; Lee, Minhee; Kwon, Han-Ol; Kim, Hyesook; Park, Jeongjin; Jeon, Woojin; Cha, Minseok; Jun, Suhwa; Park, Kwangjin; Lee, Jeongmin


    The immune response is stimulated to protect the body from external antigens and is controlled by several types of immune cells. In the present study, the immunomodulatory effects of Curcuma longa L., purple sweet potato, and mixtures of the two (CPM) were investigated in C57BL/6 mice infected with LP-BM5 murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Mice were divided into seven groups as follows: normal control, infected control (LP-BM5 MuLV infection), positive control (LP-BM5 MuLV infection+dietary supplement of red ginseng 300 mg/kg body weight), the original powder of C. longa L. (C; LP-BM5 MuLV infection+dietary supplement of C 189 mg/kg body weight), the original powder of purple sweet potato (P; LP-BM5 MuLV infection+dietary supplement of P 1811 mg/kg body weight), CPM Low (CPL; LP-BM5 MuLV infection+CPM 2 g/kg body weight), and CPM High (CPH; LP-BM5 MuLV infection+CPM 5 g/kg body weight). Dietary supplementation lasted for 12 weeks. Dietary supplementation of CPM inhibited LP-BM5 MuLV-induced lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly and inhibited reduction of messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and II. Moreover, CPM reduced the decrease in T- and B cell proliferation, reduced the population of CD4(+)/CD8(+) T cells, and remedied the unbalanced production of T helper-1 (Th1)/T helper-2 (Th2) cytokines in LP-BM5 MuLV-infected mice. In addition, CPM inhibited reduction of phagocytosis in peritoneal macrophages and decreased serum levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin E (IgE), and immunoglobulin G (IgG). These results suggest that CPM had a positive effect on immunomodulation in C57BL/6 mice induced by LP-BM5 leukemia retrovirus infection.

  9. Análise dos co-movimentos entre os mercados de capitais do Brasil e dos EUA

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    Daniel Reed Bergmann


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, a teoria de cópulas é utilizada para analisar os co-movimentos entre os mercados de capitais do Brasil e dos EUA. Na finalidade de implementação de uma estratégia de alocação de ativos é importante entender os eventos extremos - tanto os positivos (boom como os negativos (crashes - e seus efeitos sobre os mercados. Os índices de mercado usados são o IBOVESPA e o S&P 500 cobrindo o período de 03/2001 a 04/2007. A aderência aos log-retornos das principais cópulas encontradas na literatura financeira é avaliada. Os seguintes critérios foram escolhidos: o Log-likelihod, o critério de informação de Akaike e o critério de informação bayesiano. Os resultados mostram que a cópula de Joe-Clayton simetrizada é a mais adequada para modelar a estrutura de dependência entre os log-retornos do IBOVESPA e os do S&P500. Este trabalho difere de alguns estudos já realizados [e.g. Mendes e Moretti(2005 e Canela e Collazo(2005], pois leva em consideração a modelagem de cópulas dinâmicas introduzida por Patton (2006. Finalmente, através dos índices de dependência caudal ao longo do tempo, pode-se concluir que a ocorrência de eventos extremos negativos (crashes no mercado norte americano tende a afetar mais o mercado brasileiro quando da comparação da ocorrência dos eventos extremos positivos (booms.

  10. Caracterização faciológica e estratigráfica dos depósitos Flúvio-eólicos da Formação Pirambóia, permo-triássico da Bacia do Paraná, Oeste do Rio Grande


    Adriana Damiani Rodrigues


    O objetivo principal desta dissertação é elaborar um arcabouço faciológico e estratigráfico para os depósitos flúvio-eólicos da Formação Pirambóia, Permo-Triássico da Bacia do Paraná, no bloco oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O entendimento dos processos controladores da sedimentação e a relação entre os depósitos fluviais e eólicos foram fundamentais para estabelecer um modelo estratigráfico de alta resolução. A análise faciológica determinou 10 litofácies que foram agrupadas em seis as...

  11. Tratamento térmico de resíduos da indústria calçadista : estudo da gaseificação, tratamento dos gases e aproveitamento das cinzas


    Bruno München Wenzel


    Na gestão dos resíduos sólidos prioriza-se o emprego de técnicas capazes valorizarem os resíduos. Dentre as tecnologias para recuperação energética de resíduos (waste-to-energy), a gaseificação com posterior combustão dos gases vem sendo investigada para o tratamento térmico de resíduos de couro curtidos com sais de cromo, que possibilita a reciclagem do cromo contido nas cinzas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo geral de contribuir com a qualificação, valorização e viabilização d...

  12. Dietary shift after 3600 cal yr BP and its influencing factors in northwestern China: Evidence from stable isotopes (United States)

    Ma, Minmin; Dong, Guanghui; Jia, Xin; Wang, Hui; Cui, Yifu; Chen, Fahu


    :Human diets rely on natural resource availability and can reflect social and cultural values. When environments, societies, and cultures change, diets may also shift. This study traced the extent of dietary change and the factors influencing such change. Through stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of late Neolithic and early Bronze Age human and animal bone collagen, we found that significant shifts in human diets were closely associated with intercontinental cultural exchanges in Eurasia and climate change in northwestern China. The isotopic evidence indicated that human diets mainly consisted of C4 foodstuffs (presumably millet and/or animals fed with C4 foods) around 4000 calibrated years before the present (cal yr BP), corresponding to the flourishing of millet agriculture in the context of the optimal climate conditions of the mid-Holocene. Subsequently, more C3 foods (probably wheat, barley, and animals fed with C3 foods) were added to human diets post-3600 cal yr BP when the climate became cooler and drier. Such dietary variation is also consistent with the increasing intensity of long-distance exchange after 4000 cal yr BP. While many factors can lead to human dietary shifts (e.g. climate change, population growth, cultural factors, and human migration), climate may have been a key factor in Gansu and Qinghai.

  13. Produtividade e jornada de trabalho na indústria de calçados de Franca - quem fica com os ganhos?


    Corrêa, Lauro Henrique Guimarães


    O presente trabalho tem como eixo central a problematização das relações que permeiam a evolução e o desempenho de fatores econômicos tais como a produtividade, os níveis de emprego e a jornada de trabalho no contexto do modo de produção capitalista na particularidade da indústria calçadista de Franca (SP), o maior pólo brasileiro de fabricação de calçados masculinos. Inserindo-se no rol das formulações que advogam a necessidade, a importância e a justiça de se promover redu...

  14. Plano de Contas e Convergência aos Padrões Internacionais: Estudo Comparativo Entre as Propostas dos Governos Brasileiro e Espanhol

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    Poliana Alves de Araújo Moura


    Full Text Available Na Administração Pública, a relação de contas tem papel importante para o adequado registro dos atos e fatos, bem como para a geração de informações, sendo desejável uniformidade na linguagem do plano de contas. Considerando as ações do Brasil e da Espanha para a instituição de um plano de contas nacionalmente padronizado, este trabalho tem por objetivo comparar as propostas de plano de contas discutidas pelos dois países e verificar se elas estão alinhadas aos padrões internacionais da contabilidade aplicada ao setor público. Trata-se de ensaio baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, que identificou como estes países vêm conduzindo o processo de convergência no setor público com relação à estrutura de suas contas, tendo como referencial as Normas internacionais de Contabilidade Aplicadas ao Setor Público (IPSAS em inglês. A justificativa para o estudo está na comparação de propostas de plano de contas de dois países pertencentes a continentes e blocos econômicos distintos, mas que possuem aspectos culturais e até mesmo línguas (português e espanhol semelhantes. O estudo mostrou que a proposta do Governo brasileiro está mais alinhada aos padrões internacionais, e que, comparativamente, há diferenças significativas entre esta e a proposta do Governo espanhol. Como o IFAC vem considerando tanto o Brasil como a Espanha em processo de convergência, há de se discutir se a estratégia dos países em atender as suas tipicidades locais na construção dos seus planos de contas não prejudicará o processo de adoção das IPSAS.

  15. Análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura da superfície do esmalte dentário submetido à ação de sucos de frutas cítricas = Analysis in electronic microscopy of sweeping of the surface of the dental enamel submitted citric fruit juice action


    Claudino, Lígia Vieira


    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a superfície do esmalte humano submetido à ação de diferentes sucos de frutas cítricas, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram selecionados 22 dentes extraídos por razões ortodônticas, livres de trincas e/ou fraturas, sendo obtidos 44 blocos de esmalte a partir das superfícies vestibulares e linguais/palatinas destes elementos. Os blocos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 10 grupos experimentais (n = 4), submetidos ao contato por 5 minutos com...

  16. Aerodynamic design of the Cal Poly Da Vinci Human-Powered Helicopter (United States)

    Larwood, Scott; Saiki, Neal


    This paper will discuss the methodology used in designing the rotor and drive propellers for the third generation Cal Poly Da Vinci Human-Powered Helicopter. The rotor was designed using a lifting surface, uniform inflow hover analysis code and the propeller was designed using a minimum induced-loss method. Construction, geometry, and operating considerations are discussed as they impact the designs. Optimization of the design performance is also explained. The propellers were tested in a wind tunnel and results are compared with theoretical data. Successful flight tests of the Da Vinci III are discussed.

  17. CalTOX, a multimedia total exposure model for hazardous-waste sites; Part 1, Executive summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKone, T.E.


    CalTOX has been developed as a spreadsheet model to assist in health-risk assessments that address contaminated soils and the contamination of adjacent air, surface water, sediments, and ground water. The modeling effort includes a multimedia transport and transformation model, exposure scenario models, and efforts to quantify and reduce uncertainty in multimedia, multiple-pathway exposure models. This report provides an overview of the CalTOX model components, lists the objectives of the model, describes the philosophy under which the model was developed, identifies the chemical classes for which the model can be used, and describes critical sensitivities and uncertainties. The multimedia transport and transformation model is a dynamic model that can be used to assess time-varying concentrations of contaminants introduced initially to soil layers or for contaminants released continuously to air or water. This model assists the user in examining how chemical and landscape properties impact both the ultimate route and quantity of human contact. Multimedia, multiple pathway exposure models are used in the CalTOX model to estimate average daily potential doses within a human population in the vicinity of a hazardous substances release site. The exposure models encompass twenty-three exposure pathways. The exposure assessment process consists of relating contaminant concentrations in the multimedia model compartments to contaminant concentrations in the media with which a human population has contact (personal air, tap water, foods, household dusts soils, etc.). The average daily dose is the product of the exposure concentrations in these contact media and an intake or uptake factor that relates the concentrations to the distributions of potential dose within the population.

  18. Evidenciação de custos ambientais: um estudo multicaso de empresas do segmento de papel e celulose listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Débora Gomes Machado


    Full Text Available A busca por empresas socialmente responsáveis e sustentáveis tem aumentado, em decorrência das crescentes mudanças socioculturais e da conscientização sobre a necessidade de diminuir o ritmo de exploração e uso dos recursos naturais,mitigando, assim, os impactos socioambientais. Tal fato tem reflexos no contexto empresarial, na medida em que se percebeaí uma tendência inovadora de buscar conhecer os custos provocados pelos impactos socioambientais que causam, como subsídio para avaliar o desempenhoda organização ou sinalizar a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento.Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar como as empresaspertencentes ao setor de papel e celulose,listadas na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros – BM&F Bovespa, têm evidenciado seus custos de cunho ambiental.Realizou-se um estudo multicasocomseis empresas,no período de 2008 e 2009.A pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva, documental e qualitativa, e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio deanálise de conteúdo,nas demonstrações contábeis, nos relatórios de administração e notas explicativas. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve qualquer evidenciação de custos ambientais por parte das empresas estudadas. Foi possível identificar práticas de gestão ambiental, certificações, ações socioambientais, de sustentabilidade, entre outras. Por ser um setor que está sujeito ao rigor da norma ambiental, espera-se que um futuro próximo aponte mudanças na postura das empresas em relação à evidenciação de informações quantitativas dos custos ambientais envolvidos.

  19. Deslocamento de empresas para os estados do Ceará e da Bahia: o caso da indústria calçadista


    Santos, Angela Maria Medeiros Martins; Correa, Abidack Raposo; Alexim, Flavia Menna Barreto; Peixoto, Gabriel Barros Tavares


    Este artigo objetiva apresentar o deslocamento do setor calçadista brasileiro das regiões Sul e Sudeste para o Nordeste, especialmente para os Estados do Ceará e da Bahia. Nesse sentido, procura-se mostrar as políticas de atração de novos investimentos do setor nesses estados, assim como suas perspectivas e seus principais problemas. Serão apresentadas as características gerais do setor no Ceará e na Bahia, os fatores que determinaram a migração de empresas calçadistas, a logística de suprime...

  20. The toxicity of NaF on BmN cells and a comparative proteomics approach to identify protein expression changes in cells under NaF-stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Liang; Chen, Huiqing; Yao, Chun; Chang, Cheng; Xia, Hengchuan; Zhang, Chunxia; Zhou, Yang; Yao, Qin; Chen, Keping


    Highlights: • On the cellular level, we identified IC 50 of NaF on BmN cell by flow cytometry. • High concentration of NaF gives effect on BmN cell morphology. • Five significantly differential proteins were identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. • ALDH2 and WPH were up-regulated, while CRT and SCF were down-regulated, providing new information for metabolic pathway of fluoride. - Abstract: Fluorides negatively affect the development of organisms and are a threat to human health and environmental safety. In this study, Bombyx mori N cell line (BmN) were used to explore effects of NaF on insect cells. We found that 8 h (hrs) culture with high concentration of NaF (≥1 mM) induced significantly morphological changes. Dose-response curves of 72 h continuously cultured BmN treated with NaF showed that the half inhibitory concentration (IC 50 ) value was 56.60 μM. Treatment of BmN with 100 and 300 μM of NaF induced apoptosis and necrosis. 2-D electrophoresis of whole cell extracted from BmN showed that treatment with 300 μM NaF up-regulated 32 proteins and down-regulated 11 proteins when compared with controls. We identified 5 different proteins by MALDI-TOF MS, and 4 of them were identified for the first time, including 2 up-regulated proteins (mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH2 and prohibitin protein WPH) and 2 down-regulated proteins (calreticulin precursor CRT and DNA supercoiling factor SCF). These observations were further confirmed by fluorescence quantitative PCR. Together, our data suggest that these target proteins could be regarded as targets influenced by NaF and also provide clues for studies on the response metabolism pathway under NaF stress

  1. Activation of sodium channels by α-scorpion toxin, BmK NT1, produced neurotoxicity in cerebellar granule cells: an association with intracellular Ca2+ overloading. (United States)

    He, Yuwei; Zou, Xiaohan; Li, Xichun; Chen, Juan; Jin, Liang; Zhang, Fan; Yu, Boyang; Cao, Zhengyu


    Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are responsible for the action potential generation in excitable cells including neurons and involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Scorpion toxins are invaluable tools to explore the structure and function of ion channels. BmK NT1, a scorpion toxin from Buthus martensii Karsch, stimulates sodium influx in cerebellar granule cells (CGCs). In this study, we characterized the mode of action of BmK NT1 on the VGSCs and explored the cellular response in CGC cultures. BmK NT1 delayed the fast inactivation of VGSCs, increased the Na + currents, and shifted the steady-state activation and inactivation to more hyperpolarized membrane potential, which was similar to the mode of action of α-scorpion toxins. BmK NT1 stimulated neuron death (EC 50  = 0.68 µM) and produced massive intracellular Ca 2+ overloading (EC 50  = 0.98 µM). TTX abrogated these responses, suggesting that both responses were subsequent to the activation of VGSCs. The Ca 2+ response of BmK NT1 was primary through extracellular Ca 2+ influx since reducing the extracellular Ca 2+ concentration suppressed the Ca 2+ response. Further pharmacological evaluation demonstrated that BmK NT1-induced Ca 2+ influx and neurotoxicity were partially blocked either by MK-801, an NMDA receptor blocker, or by KB-R7943, an inhibitor of Na + /Ca 2+ exchangers. Nifedipine, an L-type Ca 2+ channel inhibitor, slightly suppressed both Ca 2+ response and neurotoxicity. A combination of these three inhibitors abrogated both responses. Considered together, these data ambiguously demonstrated that activation of VGSCs by an α-scorpion toxin was sufficient to produce neurotoxicity which was associated with intracellular Ca 2+ overloading through both NMDA receptor- and Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger-mediated Ca 2+ influx.

  2. The toxicity of NaF on BmN cells and a comparative proteomics approach to identify protein expression changes in cells under NaF-stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Liang; Chen, Huiqing [Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China); Yao, Chun [Department of Stomatology, Zhenjiang First People’s Hospital, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China); Chang, Cheng; Xia, Hengchuan; Zhang, Chunxia; Zhou, Yang; Yao, Qin [Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China); Chen, Keping, E-mail: [Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China)


    Highlights: • On the cellular level, we identified IC{sub 50} of NaF on BmN cell by flow cytometry. • High concentration of NaF gives effect on BmN cell morphology. • Five significantly differential proteins were identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. • ALDH2 and WPH were up-regulated, while CRT and SCF were down-regulated, providing new information for metabolic pathway of fluoride. - Abstract: Fluorides negatively affect the development of organisms and are a threat to human health and environmental safety. In this study, Bombyx mori N cell line (BmN) were used to explore effects of NaF on insect cells. We found that 8 h (hrs) culture with high concentration of NaF (≥1 mM) induced significantly morphological changes. Dose-response curves of 72 h continuously cultured BmN treated with NaF showed that the half inhibitory concentration (IC{sub 50}) value was 56.60 μM. Treatment of BmN with 100 and 300 μM of NaF induced apoptosis and necrosis. 2-D electrophoresis of whole cell extracted from BmN showed that treatment with 300 μM NaF up-regulated 32 proteins and down-regulated 11 proteins when compared with controls. We identified 5 different proteins by MALDI-TOF MS, and 4 of them were identified for the first time, including 2 up-regulated proteins (mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH2 and prohibitin protein WPH) and 2 down-regulated proteins (calreticulin precursor CRT and DNA supercoiling factor SCF). These observations were further confirmed by fluorescence quantitative PCR. Together, our data suggest that these target proteins could be regarded as targets influenced by NaF and also provide clues for studies on the response metabolism pathway under NaF stress.

  3. A modern documented Italian identified skeletal collection of 2127 skeletons: The CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection. (United States)

    Cattaneo, Cristina; Mazzarelli, Debora; Cappella, Annalisa; Castoldi, Elisa; Mattia, Mirko; Poppa, Pasquale; De Angelis, Danilo; Vitello, Antonio; Biehler-Gomez, Lucie


    The CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection is a modern and continuously growing identified osteological collection of 2127 skeletons under study in the Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense (LABANOF) in the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health of the University of Milan (Italy), and part of the Collezione Antropologica LABANOF (CAL). The collection presents individuals of both sexes and of all age groups with a high representation of elderly and an interesting sample of infants. Each individual is associated with a documentation that includes sex, age-at-death, dates of birth and death, and a death certificate that specifies the exact cause of death and the chain of events that led to it (related pathological conditions or traumatic events). It was also possible to recover for several individuals the autopsy reports and antemortem photographs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

  4. The late Holocene dry period: multiproxy evidence for an extended drought between 2800 and 1850 cal yr BP across the central Great Basin, USA (United States)

    Mensing, Scott A.; Sharpe, Saxon E.; Tunno, Irene; Sada, Don W.; Thomas, Jim M.; Starratt, Scott W.; Smith, Jeremy


    Evidence of a multi-centennial scale dry period between ∼2800 and 1850 cal yr BP is documented by pollen, mollusks, diatoms, and sediment in spring sediments from Stonehouse Meadow in Spring Valley, eastern central Nevada, U.S. We refer to this period as the Late Holocene Dry Period. Based on sediment recovered, Stonehouse Meadow was either absent or severely restricted in size at ∼8000 cal yr BP. Beginning ∼7500 cal yr BP, the meadow became established and persisted to ∼3000 cal yr BP when it began to dry. Comparison of the timing of this late Holocene drought record to multiple records extending from the eastern Sierra Nevada across the central Great Basin to the Great Salt Lake support the interpretation that this dry period was regional. The beginning and ending dates vary among sites, but all sites record multiple centuries of dry climate between 2500 and 1900 cal yr BP. This duration makes it the longest persistent dry period within the late Holocene. In contrast, sites in the northern Great Basin record either no clear evidence of drought, or have wetter than average climate during this period, suggesting that the northern boundary between wet and dry climates may have been between about 40° and 42° N latitude. This dry in the southwest and wet in the northwest precipitation pattern across the Great Basin is supported by large-scale spatial climate pattern hypotheses involving ENSO, PDO, AMO, and the position of the Aleutian Low and North Pacific High, particularly during winter.

  5. Income smoothing and use of derivatives instruments in non-financial companies listed on BM&FBovespa

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    Henrique Portulhak


    Full Text Available This paper aims to investigate whether income smoothing and use of derivative financial instruments are related as substitute or complementary practices regarding organizational policies to reduce the volatility of corporate earnings. In order to reach this goal, 214 non-financial companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA stock exchange between 2005 and 2011were analyzed and Eckel (1981 model was applied in order to gather which companies present income smoothing evidences during this period, besides qualitative analysis on explanatory notes to investigate which companies used derivatives in the final year. Chi-square test with Yates correction was employed in order to verify the existence of correlations between income smoothing and derivative instruments. Results indicated, considering the impossibility of rejecting the null hypothesis of the chi-square test with Yates correction, evidence for an inverse relationship between the aforementioned variables. Through the results of this test, it is suggested that organizational policies for use of income smoothing and derivatives can be acting as resource substitutes for non-financial enterprises stock dealers on BM&FBOVESPA, thus meeting individual findings in other international researches.

  6. Kadar N, P, K, Ca Jaringan Sawi Pada Lahan Yang Diberi Air Bm Sapi Dan Bokashi Dengan Penambahan Beberapa Bahan Peningkat Hara


    Walunguru, Lena; Lende, Aloysius Ng; Hasan, Mochammad


    Degree of N, P, K, Ca Mustard Green Network In Tune That Given Water Bm Cow And Bokashi With Add Several Ingredients To Increase Hara. Organic farming use organic fertilizer such as compost, bokashi, and cattle BM fertilizer. Input of organic fertilizer can decrease by increae the quality of bokashi by apply ash, eggshell powder, and cow crine. Ash to increase potassium, eggshell powder is source of calcium, and cow crine source of nitrogen. The research used Completely Randomized Block De...

  7. A CMOS RF-to-DC Power Converter With 86% Efficiency and -19.2-dBm Sensitivity

    KAUST Repository

    Almansouri, Abdullah Saud Mohammed; Ouda, Mahmoud H.; Salama, Khaled N.


    This paper proposes an RF-to-dc power converter for ambient wireless powering that is efficient, highly sensitive, and less dependent on the load resistance with an extended dynamic range. The proposed rectifier utilizes a variable biasing technique to control the conduction of the rectifying transistors selectively, hence minimizing the leakage current; unlike the prior work that has a fixed feedback resistors, which limits the efficient operation to a relatively high RF power and causes a drop in the peak power conversion efficiency (PCE). The proposed design is fabricated using a 0.18-μm standard CMOS technology and occupies an area of 8800 μm². The measurement results show an 86% PCE and -19.2-dBm (12 μW) sensitivity when operating at the medical band 433 MHz with a 100-kΩ load. Furthermore, the PCE is 66%, and the sensitivity is -18.2 dBm (15.1 μW) when operating at UHF 900 MHz with a 100-kΩ load.

  8. A CMOS RF-to-DC Power Converter With 86% Efficiency and -19.2-dBm Sensitivity

    KAUST Repository

    Almansouri, Abdullah Saud Mohammed


    This paper proposes an RF-to-dc power converter for ambient wireless powering that is efficient, highly sensitive, and less dependent on the load resistance with an extended dynamic range. The proposed rectifier utilizes a variable biasing technique to control the conduction of the rectifying transistors selectively, hence minimizing the leakage current; unlike the prior work that has a fixed feedback resistors, which limits the efficient operation to a relatively high RF power and causes a drop in the peak power conversion efficiency (PCE). The proposed design is fabricated using a 0.18-μm standard CMOS technology and occupies an area of 8800 μm². The measurement results show an 86% PCE and -19.2-dBm (12 μW) sensitivity when operating at the medical band 433 MHz with a 100-kΩ load. Furthermore, the PCE is 66%, and the sensitivity is -18.2 dBm (15.1 μW) when operating at UHF 900 MHz with a 100-kΩ load.

  9. Sistema de blocos prensados e doses de adubo de liberação lenta na formação de porta-enxerto cítrico Pressed blocks system and slow release fertilizer levels for citrus rootstock formation

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    Luiz Augusto Lopes Serrano


    Full Text Available Devido à restrição que os tubetes impõem ao crescimento lateral do sistema radicular, o uso de materiais orgânicos prensados está sendo utilizado para a produção de mudas de espécies florestais. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produção do porta-enxerto cítrico limoeiro 'Cravo' no sistema de blocos prensados até a repicagem, e o efeito deste sistema e de doses de um fertilizante de liberação lenta sobre o crescimento desse porta-enxerto até o ponto de enxertia. Avaliaram-se três sistemas de produção até a repicagem: em tubetes preenchidos com substrato comercial composto por casca de pínus; em tubetes preenchidos com substrato composto pela mistura entre bagaço de cana e torta de filtro (3:2; v:v; e em "blocos prensados" constituídos pela prensagem do substrato composto pela mistura entre bagaço de cana e torta de filtro (3:2; v:v. Da repicagem à enxertia, foram empregadas cinco doses de Osmocote® (NPK 14-14-14: 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25g planta-1. As mudas provenientes do sistema de blocos prensados atingiram o ponto de repicagem e o de enxertia mais rapidamente que as produzidas em tubetes. No ponto de enxertia, estas apresentaram maiores médias de diâmetro de caule e massa seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. O sistema utilizado na produção do porta-enxerto também interferiu na resposta das mudas à adubação empregada.Due to the restriction that the stiff plastic tubes impose to the lateral growth of the root system, the use of pressed organic materials has been proposed for the production of forests species seedlings. The research was carried out with the objectives of evaluating the production of rootstock 'Rangpur' lime tree in pressed blocks until the transplant, and the effect of those systems were evaluated and doses of slow release fertilizer on the growth of that rootstock until the grafting point. Three production systems were evaluated: in stiff plastic tubes filled up with commercial substrate

  10. Accumulation of Astaxanthin by a New Haematococcus pluvialis Strain BM1 from the White Sea Coastal Rocks (Russia

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    Konstantin Chekanov


    Full Text Available We report on a novel arctic strain BM1 of a carotenogenic chlorophyte from a coastal habitat with harsh environmental conditions (wide variations in solar irradiance, temperature, salinity and nutrient availability identified as Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow. Increased (25‰ salinity exerted no adverse effect on the growth of the green BM1 cells. Under stressful conditions (high light, nitrogen and phosphorus deprivation, green vegetative cells of H. pluvialis BM1 grown in BG11 medium formed non-motile palmelloid cells and, eventually, hematocysts capable of a massive accumulation of the keto-carotenoid astaxanthin with a high nutraceutical and therapeutic potential. Routinely, astaxanthin was accumulated at the level of 4% of the cell dry weight (DW, reaching, under prolonged stress, 5.5% DW. Astaxanthin was predominantly accumulated in the form of mono- and diesters of fatty acids from C16 and C18 families. The palmelloids and hematocysts were characterized by the formation of red-colored cytoplasmic lipid droplets, increasingly large in size and number. The lipid droplets tended to merge and occupied almost the entire volume of the cell at the advanced stages of stress-induced carotenogenesis. The potential application of the new strain for the production of astaxanthin is discussed in comparison with the H. pluvialis strains currently employed in microalgal biotechnology.

  11. Intergranular corrosion susceptibility in supermartensitic stainless steel weldments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aquino, J.M. [Sao Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), Materials Engineering Department, Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235, CEP 13565-905, Sao Carlos, SP (Brazil)], E-mail:; Della Rovere, C.A.; Kuri, S.E. [Sao Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), Materials Engineering Department, Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235, CEP 13565-905, Sao Carlos, SP (Brazil)


    The intergranular corrosion susceptibility in supermartensitic stainless steel (SMSS) weldments was investigated by the double loop - electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (DL-EPR) technique through the degree of sensitization (DOS). The results showed that the DOS decreased from the base metal (BM) to the weld metal (WM). The heat affected zone (HAZ) presented lower levels of DOS, despite of its complex precipitation mechanism along the HAZ length. Chromium carbide precipitate redissolution is likely to occur due to the attained temperature at certain regions of the HAZ during the electron beam welding (EBW). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed preferential oxidation sites in the BM microstructure.

  12. Produtividade, pressão e humilhação no trabalho: os trabalhadores e as novas fábricas de calçados no Ceará

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    Raquel Maria Rigotto

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o modo como as práticas organizacionais e a cultura dos locais de trabalho podem levar a experiências de humilhação e a situações constrangedoras no trabalho. A discussão baseia-se em entrevistas realizadas no decorrer de 2007, com 20 trabalhadores de três fábricas de calçados localizadas no Ceará. A análise de conteúdo das entrevistas indica que, apesar da humilhação e do constrangimento serem formas de violência conduzidas por indivíduos investidos de poder e autoridade na empresa, essas práticas transcendem as relações interpessoais e estão relacionadas às políticas de gestão organizacional centradas no estabelecimento de metas de produção a serem cumpridas pelos trabalhadores. As políticas determinam quanto e como produzir e, ao mesmo tempo, as relações interpessoais que se estabelecem dentro das fábricas.

  13. Generation and selection of naïve Fab library for parasitic antigen: Anti-BmSXP antibodies for lymphatic filariasis. (United States)

    Omar, Noorsharmimi; Hamidon, Nurul Hamizah; Yunus, Muhammad Hafiznur; Noordin, Rahmah; Choong, Yee Siew; Lim, Theam Soon


    Phage display has been applied successfully as a tool for the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Naive antibody libraries are unique as they are able to overcome several limitations associated with conventional mAb generation methods like the hybridoma technology. Here, we performed an in vitro selection and generation of Fab antibodies against Brugia malayi SXP protein (BmSXP), a recombinant antigen for the detection of lymphatic filariasis. We developed a naïve multi ethnic Fab antibody library with an estimated diversity of 2.99 × 10 9 . The antibody library was used to screen for mAbs against BmSXP recombinant antigen. Soluble monoclonal Fab antibodies against BmSXP were successfully isolated from the naïve library. The Fab antibodies obtained were expressed and analyzed to show its binding capability. The diversity obtained from a pool of donors from various ethnic groups allowed for a diverse antibody library to be generated. The mAbs obtained were also functional in soluble form, which makes it useful for further downstream applications. We believe that the Fab mAbs are valuable for further studies and could also contribute to improvements in the diagnosis of filariasis. © 2017 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  14. Organic–inorganic hybrid nanocomposite for enhanced photo-sensing of PFO-DBT:MEH-PPV:PC{sub 71}BM blend-based photodetector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zafar, Qayyum, E-mail:; Najeeb, Mansoor Ani, E-mail: [University of Malaya, Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science (Malaysia); Ahmad, Zubair, E-mail: [Qatar University, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering (Qatar); Sulaiman, Khaulah, E-mail: [University of Malaya, Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science (Malaysia)


    The sensing parameters of previously reported PFO-DBT:MEH-PPV:PC{sub 71}BM ternary blend-based organic photodetector have been improved in the present study. Improvement has been successfully demonstrated by doping TiO{sub 2} nanoparticles in the PEDOT:PSS thin film. TiO{sub 2} nanoparticles of 50, 100 and 250 nm diameters have initially been dispersed in PEDOT:PSS, and the resulting suspension has been spun coated on glass substrates and subjected to UV/vis and PL study. Thin film of PEDOT:PSS–TiO{sub 2} (100 nm) has shown maximum quenching in PL spectra, along with fairly good visible-light absorption. For further studies, 5 wt% TiO{sub 2} (100 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in PEDOT:PSS has been utilized for the fabrication of ITO/PEDOT:PSS–TiO{sub 2}/PFO-DBT:MEH-PPV:PC{sub 71}BM/Al photodiode. The PEDOT:PSS–TiO{sub 2} suspension has been spun coated onto the ITO substrates primarily and annealed to densify the film by vaporizing water contents in the film. A ternary blend of PFO-DBT:MEH-PPV:PC{sub 71}BM in optimized volumetric ratio has been sequentially spun-cast to serve as a photoactive film. Significantly improved values of the sensing parameters such as responsivity (4 mA/W) and photo-to-dark current ratio (∼6.4 × 10{sup 4}) have also been found. Response/recovery times of the fabricated sensor remain almost the same (<1 s) as previously reported for PFO-DBT:MEH-PPV:PC{sub 71}BM ternary blend.

  15. Relaxation and Conductivity in P3HT/PC71BM Blends As Revealed by Dielectric Spectroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cui, Jing; Martinez-Tong, Daniel E.; Sanz, Alejandro


    The conduction mechanism and the molecular dynamics on the paradigmatic bulk heterojunction formed by poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl-C-71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM) blends have been characterized by dielectric spectroscopy. The results show that hexyl lateral chains of the polym...

  16. El Uso de cal para salvar muros de fortificaciones como un legado de la Arquitectura Militar de la Colonia

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    Walter Domínguez Vega


    Full Text Available Se aborda el uso de la cal en la restauración y conservación de las fortificaciones de la línea defensiva Holguin ¿Gibara. Se basa en la tendencia actual para la conservación sostenible de los bienes patrimoniales y culturales que orienta los materiales utilizados en los trabajos de intervención, se detiene sobre la relevancia y alcance histórico cultural del patrimonio fortificado en la provincia de Holguín, describe las características constructivas de sus muros, los morteros utilizados y las dificultades para la conservación de estas. Propone que se revitalice el uso de la cal en obras de conservación.

  17. Modeling of Trans-boundary Transport of Air Pollutants in the California-Mexico Border Region during Cal-Mex 2010 (United States)

    Bei, N.; Zavala, M. A.; Lei, W.; Li, G.; Molina, L. T.


    The US and Mexico share a common air basin along the ~200 km border between California and Baja California. The economical activities in this region are heavily influenced by the international trade and commerce between Mexico and the US that mainly occurs through the borders of the sister cities of San Diego-Tijuana and Calexico-Mexicali. The diversity and differences in the characteristics of emissions sources of air pollutants in the California-Mexico border region make this an important area for the study of the chemistry and trans-boundary transport of air pollutants. During May-June of 2010, the Cal-Mex 2010 field campaign included a series of measurements aimed at characterizing the emissions from major sources in the California-Mexico border region and assessing the possible impacts of these emissions on local and regional air quality. In this work we will present the results of the use of the Comprehensive Air quality model with extensions (CAMx) in a modeling domain that includes the sister cities of San Diego-Tijuana and Calexico-Mexicali for studying events of trans-boundary transport of air pollutants during Cal-Mex 2010. The measurements obtained during the Cal-Mex 2010 field campaign are used in the evaluation of the model performance and in the design of air quality improvement policies in the California-Mexico border region.

  18. The X-ray eclipse geometry of the super-soft X-ray source CAL 87

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, T.; Lopes de Oliveira, R. [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Av. Marechal Rondon s/n, 49100-000 São Cristóvão, SE (Brazil); Borges, B. W., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, 88905-120 Araranguá, SC (Brazil)


    We explore XMM-Newton observations of the eclipsing super-soft X-ray source CAL 87 in order to map the accretion structures of the system. Indirect imaging techniques were applied in X-ray light curves to provide eclipse maps. The surface brightness distribution exhibits an extended and symmetric emission, and a feature is revealed from the hardest X-rays that is likely due to a bright spot. A rate of P-dot =(+6±2)×10{sup −10} for changes in the orbital period of the system was derived from the eclipses. There is no significant variation of the emission lines even during eclipses, arguing that the lines are formed in an extended region. The continuum emission dominates the decrease in flux that is observed during eclipses. The O VIII Lyα line reveals a broadening velocity that is estimated to be 365{sub −69}{sup +65} km s{sup –1} (at 1σ), marginal evidence for asymmetry in its profile, and sometimes shows evidence of double-peaked emission. Together, the results support that the wind-driven mass transfer scenario is running in CAL 87.

  19. A Panel of Cytochrome P450 BM3 Variants To Produce Drug Metabolites and Diversify Lead Compounds (United States)

    Sawayama, Andrew M.; Chen, Michael M. Y.; Kulanthaivel, Palaniappan; Kuo, Ming-Shang; Hemmerle, Horst; Arnold, Frances H.


    Here we demonstrate that a small panel of variants of cytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium covers the breadth of reactivity of human P450s by producing 12 of 13 mammalian metabolites for two marketed drugs, verapamil and astemizole, and one research compound. The most active enzymes support preparation of individual metabolites for preclinical bioactivity and toxicology evaluations. Underscoring their potential utility in drug lead diversification, engineered P450 BM3 variants also produce novel metabolites by catalyzing reactions at carbon centers beyond those targeted by animal and human P450s. Production of a specific metabolite can be improved by directed evolution of the enzyme catalyst. Some variants are more active on the more hydrophobic parent drug than on its metabolites, which limits production of multiply-hydroxylated species, a preference that appears to depend on the evolutionary history of the P450 variant. PMID:19774562

  20. Caracterização estrutural dos carboidratos de yacon (Smollanthus sonchifolius) e propriedades biológicas e reológicas dos frutooligossacarídeos


    Paredes, Larry Ladislao Ramos


    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Guilherme Lanzi Sassaki Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Marcello Iacomini Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências : Bioquímica. Defesa: Curitiba, 13/04/2015 Inclui referências : f. 92-106 Resumo: Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon) é uma planta da família Astereacea cuja raíz fez parte da dieta dos povos Pré-Incas e Incas nos Andes da América do Sul, e suas folhas são utilizadas no preparo...