
Sample records for dolores river region

  1. Regional hydrology of the Dolores River Basin, eastern Paradox Basin, Colorado and Utah

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weir, J.E. Jr.; Maxfield, E.B.; Zimmerman, E.A.


    The Dolores River Basin, is in the eastern part of the Paradox Basin and includes the eastern slope of the La Sal Mountains, the western slopes of the Rico and La Plata Mountains, and the southwest flank of the Uncompahgre Plateau. The climate of this area is more humid than most of the surrounding Colorado Plateau region. Precipitation ranges from slightly 200 mm/yr to 1000 mm/yr; the estimated volume of water falling on the area is 4000 x 10 6 cm 3 /yr. Of this total, about 600 x 10 6 cm 3 /yr is runoff; 190 x 10 6 cm 3 /yr recharges the upper ground-water system; and an estimated 55 x 10 6 cm 3 returns to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration from stream valleys. The remainder evaporates. Principal hydrogeologic units are permeable sandstone and limestone and nearly impermeable salt (halitic) deposits. Structurally, the area is dominated by northwest-trending salt anticlines and contiguous faults paralleled by synclinal structures. The Uncompahgre Plateau lies along the north and northeast sides of the area. The instrusive masses that form the La Sal Mountains are laccoliths with bysmaliths and other complex intrusive forms comprising, in gross form, moderately faulted omal structures. Intrusive rocks underlie the La Plata and Rico Mountains along the southeastern edge of the area. These geologic structures significantly modify ground-water flow patterns in the upper ground-water system, but have no conspicuous effect on the flow regime in the lower ground-water system. The water in the upper ground-water system generally is fresh except where it is affected by evaporite dissolution from salt anticlines. The water of the lower ground-water system is slightly saline to briny. Water quality of the Dolores River is slightly saline to fresh, based on dissolved chemical constituents; some of the smaller tributaries of the river have saline water

  2. Assessment of dissolved-solids loading to the Colorado River in the Paradox Basin between the Dolores River and Gypsum Canyon, Utah (United States)

    Shope, Christopher L.; Gerner, Steven J.


    Salinity loads throughout the Colorado River Basin have been a concern over recent decades due to adverse impacts on population, natural resources, and regional economics. With substantial financial resources and various reclamation projects, the salt loading to Lake Powell and associated total dissolved-solids concentrations in the Lower Colorado River Basin have been substantially reduced. The Colorado River between its confluence with the Dolores River and Lake Powell traverses a physiographic area where saline sedimentary formations and evaporite deposits are prevalent. However, the dissolved-solids loading in this area is poorly understood due to the paucity of water-quality data. From 2003 to 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation conducted four synoptic sampling events to quantify the salinity loading throughout the study reach and evaluate the occurrence and impacts of both natural and anthropogenic sources. The results from this study indicate that under late-summer base-flow conditions, dissolved-solids loading in the reach is negligible with the exception of the Green River, and that variations in calculated loads between synoptic sampling events are within measurement and analytical uncertainties. The Green River contributed approximately 22 percent of the Colorado River dissolved-solids load, based on samples collected at the lower end of the study reach. These conclusions are supported by water-quality analyses for chloride and bromide, and the results of analyses for the stable isotopes of oxygen and deuterium. Overall, no significant sources of dissolved-solids loading from tributaries or directly by groundwater discharge, with the exception of the Green River, were identified in the study area.

  3. Dolor neuropático

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    V. Maritza Velasco


    Full Text Available El dolor neuropático se define como un dolor crónico secundario a una lesión o enfermedad que afecta el sistema soma-tosensorial. Cerca del 20% del dolor crónico es neuropático. Lesiones del sistema nervioso periférico o central provocan cambios neuroplásticos que se traducen en síntomas y signos específicos característicos de este tipo de dolor. Estos síntomas deben ser reconocidos para un diagnóstico y un tratamiento analgésico adecuado. Con frecuencia se asocia a trastornos del sueño o alteraciones del ánimo. Suele ser más refractario que el dolor de origen nociceptivo. Existen grupos de medicamentos que suelen ser efectivos, entre los que se cuentan los antidepresivos tricíclicos, antidepresivos duales, neuromoduladores, anticonvulsivantes, lidocaína en parche o sistémica y algunos opioides que deben usarse si el dolor es muy intenso. El manejo se basa en una terapia multimodal y debe tratarse con equipo multidisciplinario, especialmente para los casos de dolor de difícil manejo.

  4. Personalidad y tolerancia al dolor

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    Full Text Available Se examina la relación de algunas variables de personalidad -EPQ-A (Eysenck y Eysenck, 1975, NEO-PI (McCrae y Costa, 1988 y STA -personalidad esquizotípica- y STB -personalidad límite-, de Claridge y Broks (1984, con la tolerancia al dolor experimental inducido mediante agua fría (cold pressor test, según el procedimiento de Staats, Heckmat y Staats (1998 en una muestra filtrada mediante un cuestionario sobre dolor crónico, dolores de cabeza, de espalda, artritis, síndrome de Raynaud, y personas bajo medicación. La tolerancia al dolor experimental se evaluó mediante el Umbral del dolor (tiempo en segundos desde la introducción de la mano en el agua hasta el primer informe de dolor, Mantenimiento del dolor (duración en segundos de la inmersión de la mano desde la aparición del umbral hasta su retirada y Tolerancia al dolor (duración total en segundos de la inmersión de la mano desde su introducción hasta su retirada. Un análisis correlacional, factorial y de regresión por pasos mostraron un efecto cruzado entre medidas de ansiedad (tolerancia negativa al dolor y psicoticismo, siendo psicoticismo junto con control emocional predictores de tolerancia positiva al dolor. En cuanto a psicoticismo, parece que son sus elementos de naturaleza paranoide y de "dureza" los que afectan a una percepción atenuada del dolor.

  5. Estimation of salt loads for the Dolores River in the Paradox Valley, Colorado, 1980–2015 (United States)

    Mast, M. Alisa


    Regression models that relate total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations to specific conductance were used to estimate salt loads for two sites on the Dolores River in the Paradox Valley in western Colorado. The salt-load estimates will be used by the Bureau of Reclamation to evaluate salt loading to the river coming from the Paradox Valley and the effect of the Paradox Valley Unit (PVU), a project designed to reduce the salinity of the Colorado River. A second-order polynomial provided the best fit of the discrete data for both sites on the river. The largest bias occurred in samples with elevated sulfate concentrations (greater than 500 milligrams per liter), which were associated with short-duration runoff events in late summer and fall. Comparison of regression models from a period of time before operation began at the PVU and three periods after operation began suggests the relation between TDS and specific conductance has not changed over time. Net salt gain through the Paradox Valley was estimated as the TDS load at the downstream site minus the load at the upstream site. The mean annual salt gain was 137,900 tons per year prior to operation of the PVU (1980–1993) and 43,300 tons per year after the PVU began operation (1997–2015). The difference in annual salt gain in the river between the pre-PVU and post-PVU periods was 94,600 tons per year, which represents a nearly 70 percent reduction in salt loading to the river.

  6. El impacto emocional del dolor y la enfermedad


    Hoyos, Graciela; Castillo, Alejandro; Fundación Valle de Lili


    El impacto emocional del dolor y la enfermedad/ ¿Qué es el dolor?/ Modelo multidimensional en el dolor crónico/ Adaptación del paciente al dolor/ Estrategias de adaptación/ Cambios de estilos de vida/ Expectativas y evaluaciones personales/ Relaciones laborales familiares y sociales/ Depresión y dolor crónico/ Somatización y dolor crónico/ Tratamiento/ Farmacoterapia/ Psicoterapia

  7. Terapéutica del dolor agudo


    Alonso Babarro, Alberto


    El abordaje del dolor agudo en la práctica clínica debe empezar siempre por una correcta valoración. La evaluación debe incluir tanto la investigación sobre el probable origen del dolor, sus características y su mecanismo fisiopatológico como la determinación de la intensidad del dolor para facilitarnos el control del tratamiento propuesto. Numerosos trabajos han evaluado mediante revisiones sistemáticas la utilidad de los diferentes tratamientos en los distintos cuadros de dolor agudo. A par...

  8. El dolor y lo sagrado

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    Tornos Cubillo, Andrés


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    En este trabajo no se trata del dolor mismo, sino de cómo se ha planteado el problema del dolor en relación con la experiencia de lo sagrado, entre personas y grupos que sufrían. Se recuerdan primero algunos hechos que tienen que ver con esta relación y luego se desarrolla lo que estos hechos sugieren: el dolor es un destino que nos sitúa en la perspectiva de nuestra mortalidad y finitud, y solamente en la elaboración libre de este límite se da la verdadera aceptación del mundo de Dios. En relación con lo sagrado el dolor marca sagradamente y crea un destino. Esto es lo importante.

  9. Aspectos clínicos y tratamiento farmacológico del dolor neuropático

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    Albia Josefina Pozo Alonso

    Full Text Available El dolor neuropático surge como consecuencia directa de una lesión o enfermedad que afecta al sistema somatosensorial. En el niño existen numerosas causas de dolor neuropático: traumáticas, síndrome doloroso regional complejo tipo 1, enfermedades neurológicas y neuromusculares, infecciones crónicas, cáncer y causas genéticas. Su diagnóstico puede ser difícil en los niños. El tratamiento del dolor neuropático es un reto para los médicos que se dedican a su atención. Los medicamentos antidepresivos tricíclicos como la amitriptilina y la imipramina y los antiepilépticos, se emplean con frecuencia en el tratamiento del dolor neuropático en los niños. También se emplean el acetaminofén (paracetamol, medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos y el tramadol. A todo niño y adolescente con sospecha de dolor neuropático se le debe realizar una evaluación clínica, que incluya una exhaustiva anamnesis y examen físico general, regional y por aparatos, con especial énfasis en el examen neurológico. Un examen neurológico normal no excluye la presencia de dolor neuropático.

  10. Síndrome de dolor facial

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    DR. F. Eugenio Tenhamm


    Full Text Available El dolor o algia facial constituye un síndrome doloroso de las estructuras cráneo faciales bajo el cual se agrupan un gran número de enfermedades. La mejor manera de abordar el diagnóstico diferencial de las entidades que causan el dolor facial es usando un algoritmo que identifica cuatro síndromes dolorosos principales que son: las neuralgias faciales, los dolores faciales con síntomas y signos neurológicos, las cefaleas autonómicas trigeminales y los dolores faciales sin síntomas ni signos neurológicos. Una evaluación clínica detallada de los pacientes, permite una aproximación etiológica lo que orienta el estudio diagnóstico y permite ofrecer una terapia específica a la mayoría de los casos

  11. El dolor, quinto signo vital


    Universidad del Rosario, Programa de Divulgación Científica


    Las heridas producidas por trauma a causa del proyectil de un arma de fuego en los enfrentamientos bélicos que se ven a diario en la prensa, las lesiones por elementos contundentes en riñas, las amputaciones derivadas de las lesiones de guerra y el dolor del alma de aquellas personas que pierden a sus seres queridos, son algunos de los focos de dolor a los que se enfrentan cientos de colombianos. El sufrimiento por dolor es un problema de salud pública. En los Estados Unidos más de 300 mi...

  12. Personalidad, emociones y dolor

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    Full Text Available El dolor constituye un ámbito de estudio y de intervención multidisciplinar de primera magnitud para las ciencias de la salud no sólo por lo que supone de sufrimiento humano, sino por sus re p e rcusiones económicas. Sin embargo, el dolor no puede reducirse a una consideración biomédica y son cada vez más necesarios acercamientos multidimensionales, acercamientos entre los que la perspectiva psicosocial tiene una relevancia creciente . Dentro de esta perspectiva psicosocial uno de los enfoques actuales más productivos en el estudio de los componentes psicológicos del dolor es la teoría del Conductismo Psicológico -Pyschological Behaviorism- (Carrillo et al., 1996, 2001, 2002; Staats, WA. W., 1997; Staats, P. S. et al., 1996. Analizamos desde esta teoría una de las primeras aplicaciones clínicas llevadas a cabo para controlar el dolor a partir de sus componentes psicológicos: el plantea - miento de fordyce aplicado en contextos hospitalarios, planteamiento guiado por las directrices operantes de Skinner. en este trabajo se intentan analizar las limitaciones del enfoque de Fordyce que derivan, en parte,de una interpreta - ción incompleta del planteamiento skinneriano, pero, sobre tdo, por las propias limitaciones teóricas de este planteamiento. Un enfoque más adecuado para el control de los componentes psicológicos del dolor necesita un acercamiento conductual integrador que implique un nivel de análisis de la personalidad y la consideración de la experiencia dolorosa como una respuesta emocional que pueda vincularse a los niveles biológico, aprendizaje pasado, medio actual, conducta y respuesta del medio a la conducta.

  13. Demencia y dolor Dementia and pain


    J. Alaba; E. Arriola; A. Navarro; M. F. González; C. Buiza; C. Hernández; A. Zulaica


    El interés de los investigadores por el dolor, su evaluación e intervención en personas con demencia es creciente. Dada la tendencia demográfica a un incremento del envejecimiento poblacional, aumentando las patologías que presentan dolor y el avance en los conocimientos en el campo de las demencias, se identifican cambios que se producen en diferentes áreas cerebrales implicadas en el control del dolor. La presente revisión se centra en las modificaciones que se producen en la percepción del...

  14. El dolor en neonatología


    Portilla Sánchez, Marta


    Durante muchos años, el dolor ha sido infravalorado en los neonatos e incluso se consideraba que éstos no podían percibirlo debido a su inmadurez biológica. En la última década, numerosos estudios demuestran que los neonatos perciben y sufren dolor, y que un adecuado control del mismo contribuye a la reducción de la mortalidad neonatal. Las enfermeras ejercen un papel fundamental en la valoración y tratamiento del dolor en los neonatos como integrantes de un equipo multidisciplinar. Cuando la...

  15. Dolor postoperatorio en mujeres sometidas a cesárea


    Borges, Natalia Carvalho; Silva, Brunna Costa e; Pedroso, Charlise Fortunato; Silva, Tuany Cavalcante; Tatagiba, Brunna Silva Ferreira; Pereira, Lílian Varanda


    RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar la incidencia, intensidad y calidad del dolor postoperatorio en mujeres sometidas a cesárea. Método Estudio de corte transversal. Fueron entrevistadas 1062 mujeres sometidas a cesárea en el periodo pre y post cirugía inmediatos. La intensidad del dolor y la calidad fueron evaluadas por la Escala Numérica del Dolor (0-10) y el Test de Dolor de McGill. Las variables se analizaron utilizando medidas descriptivas y la incidencia de dolor postoperatorio calculado con u...


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    Rubén Darío Camargo


    Full Text Available El dolor y el sufrimiento no tienen un referente histórico en el hombre. Solo desde que el hombre es consciente de su humanidad se presenta el dolor y el sufrimiento. El hombre y el dolor siempre han existido, se sufre cuando se nace y se siente dolor, proceso que se repite en cada respiración celular, en cada reacción de oxireducción. Bioló-gicamente en Latín PATIOR = SUFRIR-PADECER es el esfuerzo energético de todo ser vivo para su integración factorial celular.En la medicina el dolor tiene su explicación anatómica y fisiológica, el dolor hace referencia a lo somático y a lo fisiológico. El Dolor agudo es la consecuencia inmediata de la activación del siste-ma nociceptivo, generalmente por un daño tisular somático o visceral, desapareciendo habitualmente con la lesión que lo originó. El Dolor crónico es aquel que persiste en ausencia de la lesión perifé-rica inicial. En la esencia de la filosofía el dolor es impensable e inteligible, se siente, se maneja se tolera pero no se piensa en dolor. Dolor y sufrimiento no son sinónimos pero son intrínsecos a la naturaleza humana. El hombre cuando experimenta el dolor se encuentra con su propio límite, con su propia impotencia de no poder cambiar un hecho real. El sufrimiento humano en la atención diaria del paciente enfermo no lo maneja-mos por ser este algo intangible no monitorizable y mucho menos medible y cuantificable.El dolor del enfermo no es libre ni voluntario, es producto de la fragilidad de su materia, el dolor del que sufre despierta en sus familiares la solidaridad y Tolerancia.

  17. Bases neuromédicas del dolor


    José Mª. Pedrajas Navas; Ángel M. Molino González


    El dolor es una experiencia sensitiva y emocional desagradable asociada a una lesión tisular real o potencial o descrita en términos de tal daño. El dolor se puede clasificar por numerosos criterios; por su aspecto temporal se habla de dolor crónico cuando persiste más de tres meses, aunque el criterio más importante para su diagnóstico es su relación con aspectos cognitivos y conductuales. La señal dolorosa es recogida por los nociceptores y enviada hacia el Sistema Nervioso Central pasando ...

  18. ¿Es posible objetivar el dolor?

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    DR. S. Mario Campero


    Full Text Available El dolor es una experiencia cognitiva como resultado de la activación de nociceptores o descritas en esos términos. El estímulo nociceptivo desencadena la activación de redes neuronales que procesan la información en forma paralela y distribuida, con un componente discriminativo en el tálamo y corteza primaria contra lateral y otro afectivo en la corteza del cíngulo anterior y prefrontal dorsolateral. El dolor como experiencia psíquica solo puede ser objetivado en sus aspectos de activación de las áreas de la así llamada matriz de dolor, mediante la técnica de resonancia magnética funcional. Con el registro de la actividad de nociceptores en sujetos despiertos y en pacientes con dolor neuropático mediante microneurografía se puede relacionar la actividad anormal en estos receptores con la sensación evocada.

  19. Eficacia de la imaginería motora graduada en el síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) o Síndrome de Sudeck. Revisión Bibliográfica


    Vidal Santos, Luis


    Introducción. El síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) constituye un trastorno neurológico en el que tras un evento nocivo previo, se produce una alteración del esquema corporal responsable de la aparición de un dolor ardiente, intenso e incapacitante. Su tratamiento constituye un gran reto para la ciencia, asentándose actualmente en la fisioterapia las mayores expectativas de futuro para la rehabilitación. Se ha decidido realizar este trabajo debido al poco conocimient...

  20. Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An introduction to the Alligator Rivers Region is presented. It contains general information regarding the physiography, climate, hydrology and mining of the region. The Alligator Rivers Region is within an ancient basin, the Pine Creek Geosyncline, which has an area of approximately 66000 km 2 . The Geosyncline has a history of mineral exploitation dating back to 1865, during which time 16 metals have been extracted (silver, arsenic, gold, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, lead, tin, tantalum, uranium, tungsten, zinc). Uranium exploration in the Pine Creek Geosyncline was stimulated by the discovery in 1949 of secondary uranium mineralisation near Rum June, 70 km south-east of Darwin. This was followed by a decade of intense exploration activity resulting in the discoveries of economic uranium ore bodies at Rum Jungle and in the upper reaches of the South Alligator River Valley. All the known major uranium deposits of the East Alligator River uranium field have been discovered since 1969. The present known resources of the Geosyncline are approximately 360 000 tonnes of contained U 3 O 8 . 2 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  1. Tratamiento del dolor agudo en el paciente dependiente de sustancias

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    DR. B. Juan Pablo Acuña


    Full Text Available El manejo del dolor agudo del paciente dependiente de sustancias, es un desafío para el profesional encargado de otorgar alivio a su síntoma. La dependencia de sustancias es reconocida como una enfermedad cerebral primaria crónica y recurrente. Su neurobiología y mecanismos fisiopatológicos de adaptación a la sustancia generan cambios en la percepción del dolor, en la respuesta a analgésicos opioides y cambios conductuales que interfieren con el tratamiento del dolor. Un conocimiento básico y claro respecto de lo descrito permite diseñar estrategias seguras y eficaces de alivio del dolor, sin interferir el curso de la enfermedad adictiva. Artículos de revisión, recomendaciones y guías elaboradas por expertos coinciden en que el tratamiento más eficaz del dolor incluye un manejo multimodal, un enfoque multidisciplinario, mantención de la terapia de sustitución y una estrecha vigilancia durante el episodio agudo de dolor y su seguimiento posterior.

  2. Radio carbonic dates (14C) from Dolores Fm. (Santa Lucia River,Canelones Department and Gutierrez chico Creek,Rio Negro Department)and comments about the vertebrate fauna associated

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ubilla, M.


    Radiometric dates(14C)were performed based on fossil woods coming from late Pleistocene levels and assigned to dolores Fm.(Rio Negro Department, Gutierrez Chico Creek: Canelones Department, Danta Lucia basin).The 14C ages date the fossiliferous levels near the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary: 10.480+/-100 y B.P.(LP-1110,wood in det.), 10.500+/-110 y B.P. (LP-1143.wood in det.)and 11.650+/130 y B.P.(LP-509, Prosopis?sp.).Several ta xa of mammals recorded in the Dolores Fm.characterise the late Pleistocene of South Am erica( L ujunian f auna).Accordingly with the 14 dates, the most recent record of mega fauna of Uruguay is here reported.Archaeological sites with mega fauna have been described from other localities of South America with similar radiometric dates.In spite of the current controversy about the regional finipleistocenic climatic oscillation,the scarcely fossiliferous evidences suggest arid to semiarid and cold climatic condition.These evidences must be improved to test accurately the regional climatic hypothesis

  3. Dolor Cráneo-facial como Síntoma Aislado de Isquemia Cardíaca: Estudio prospectivo y multicéntrico

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    Marcelo Kreiner

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Antecedentes. El dolor craneofacial puede ser el único síntoma de una isquemia cardíaca. El fracaso en reconocer el origen cardíaco de dicho dolor puede poner en riesgo la vida del paciente. Los autores realizaron un estudio para revelar la prevalencia, la distribución y las diferencias entre sexos en lo que respecta al dolor craneofacial de origen cardíaco. Métodos. Los autores seleccionaron de forma prospectiva pacientes consecutivos (n= 186 que habían presentado un episodio isquémico cardíaco verificado. Estudiaron en detalle la localización y distribución del dolor craneofacial e intraoral. Resultados. El dolor cráneofacial fue el único síntoma durante el episodio isquémico en 11 pacientes (6%, tres de los cuales presentaron un infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM. Otros 60 pacientes (32% comunicaron dolor cráneofacial concomitantemente a dolor en otras regiones. Las localizaciones más frecuentes del dolor cráneofacial fueron la garganta, la región mandibular izquierda, la región mandibular derecha, la articulación temporomandibular izquierda / oído y dientes. El dolor cráneofacial se manifestó de forma predominante en mujeres (P= 0,031 y fue el síntoma dominante en ambos sexos en ausencia de dolor torácico. Conclusiones. El dolor cráneofacial es inducido frecuentemente por isquemia cardíaca. Esta causa debe tenerse en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial del dolor dental y orofacial. Implicaciones clínicas. Debido a que los pacientes que tienen un IAM sin dolor torácico corren un mayor riesgo de no ser correctamente diagnosticados y de muerte, el alerta del clínico sobre esta sintomatología puede ser crucial para el diagnóstico precoz y un rápido tratamiento

  4. ¿Qué y cómo evaluar al paciente con dolor crónico? evaluación del paciente con dolor crónico

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    C. José Cid, DR. MD., FIPP


    Full Text Available La evaluación de un paciente con dolor crónico, que a menudo ha pasado por diversas consultas médicas y ha seguido múltiples tratamientos ineficaces, siempre es un reto para el facultativo. La visita a un especialista en dolor puede representar una luz de esperanza que facilite su recuperación, si se consigue ganar la confianza del paciente con una actitud proactiva, interés y dedicación. Se comienza en la primera visita realizando una historia clínica completa que abarque tanto los aspectos físicos como los psicológicos. En este artículo se explican los principios generales de evaluación inicial del paciente con dolor crónico, incluyendo los antecedentes, la anamnesis del dolor y la exploración física. Se mencionan las escalas de valoración del dolor validadas más importantes. El objetivo es diagnosticar la causa del dolor descartando patología grave, identificar las posibles ganancias secundarias y elaborar en consecuencia, un plan de tratamiento sin descuidar la esfera psicológica.

  5. Bases neuromédicas del dolor

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    José Mª. Pedrajas Navas


    Full Text Available El dolor es una experiencia sensitiva y emocional desagradable asociada a una lesión tisular real o potencial o descrita en términos de tal daño. El dolor se puede clasificar por numerosos criterios; por su aspecto temporal se habla de dolor crónico cuando persiste más de tres meses, aunque el criterio más importante para su diagnóstico es su relación con aspectos cognitivos y conductuales. La señal dolorosa es recogida por los nociceptores y enviada hacia el Sistema Nervioso Central pasando por varias estaciones; la primera situada en los ganglios espinales dorsales, la segunda en el asta dorsal de la médula espinal, la tercera en diversas estructuras subcorticales, entre las que destaca el tálamo, y la cuarta, en la corteza cerebral, sobre todo, la corteza somatosensorial, la circunvolución cingulada anterior, la ínsula, la corteza prefrontal y parietal inferior. En estas estructuras se originan la percepción consciente del dolor y las actividades subconscientes y respuestas neuromoduladoras efectoras, endocrinas y emocionales, iniciadas consciente o inconscientemente. La experiencia dolorosa tiene tres dimensiones, la sensitivo-discriminativa, la cognitivo- evaluadora y la afectivo-emocional. Antes de iniciar un tratamiento analgésico es fundamental una meticulosa evaluación del mismo. Se debe seguir una estrategia general para abordar el dolor crónico (evaluar antes de tratar, iniciar tratamiento combinado, promover el cumplimiento terapéutico y prevenir los efectos secundarios, estrategia general planificada, equipo multidiscliplinar, información, planificación, revisión, accesibilidad, disponibilidad y flexibilidad. El tratamiento farmacológico se basa en la escalera analgésica de la O.M.S.: el primer escalón está formado por analgésicos no opioides (paracetamol, dipirona, antiinflamatorios, el segundo por opioides débiles (más no opioides y el tercero por opioides potentes (más no opioides. A todos los

  6. en la adaptación al dolor crónico

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    Beatriz Soucase Lozano


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo mediante encuestas consiste en establecer la influencia de los procesos mediadores en la adaptación del paciente a su dolor, utilizando como criterio el nivel de ansiedad rasgo y depresión. La finalidad del estudio se centra en determinar qué variables de valoración y qué estrategias de afrontamiento predicen un mejor ajuste al dolor crónico. La muestra está formada por 168 pacientes con diferentes patologías en dolor crónico. A nivel descriptivo, los resultados muestran que el nivel de dolor informado por los pacientes oscila entre moderado e intenso, percibiéndose a sí mismos con una baja autoeficacia para controlar o disminuir el dolor, haciendo uso de estrategias de afrontamiento ante el mismo más bien pasivas (por ejemplo, la autoafirmación y la religión, y mostrando puntuaciones en ansiedad y depresión moderadamente elevadas. A nivel predictivo se observa que las variables de valoración tienen un mayor peso que las estrategias de afrontamiento en la predicción de un mejor o peor ajuste del paciente a su dolor.

  7. 27 CFR 9.47 - Hudson River Region. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Hudson River Region. 9.47... Hudson River Region. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Hudson River Region.” (b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundaries of Hudson River...

  8. Método Pilates vs. TENS en el dolor lumbar


    García Lapuente, Rubén


    El dolor lumbar es una de las afecciones más comunes en el ser humano ya que se estima que aproximadamente solo dos de cada diez personas vivirán sin dolor de espalda. Las principales consecuencias de esta patología son el dolor y la discapacidad que generan mucha limitación entre quienes la padecen. Justificación del trabajo: el método Pilates sigue sumando adeptos a todos los niveles. Puesto que la lumbalgia es una afección tan común y el ejercicio está indicado para su recuperación es n...

  9. Dolores Medio ahuyenta las mariposas negras

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    Anne Marie Poelen


    Full Text Available The article shows why Dolores Medio in her days would have been considered “una chica rara”, analysing three novels of hers which are an excellent reflection of the social, cultural and historical context in which they were written. With these novels Medio tried to make people aware of the injustices that were taking place in the patriarcal in which she lived and wrote. The protest is subtle but tangible, both on a thematic and stylistic level. Dolores Medio proves to have been a strong, independent individual, unlike all but one of the main characters in her literary work.

  10. Regional Cooperation Efforts in the Mekong River Basin: Mitigating river-related security threats and promoting regional development

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    Susanne Schmeier


    Full Text Available The development of international rivers is often perceived as leading to conflicts or even water wars. However, as the development of the Mekong River shows, cooperation has not only prevailed in the last decades, but River Basin Organizations (RBOs, established to mitigate river-related conflicts and/or develop the river basin, have also contributed to the emergence of more general cooperation structures, mainly by creating spill-over effects in other issue-areas, bringing cooperation to policy fields beyond the river itself. This article assesses the contribution of the Mekong River Commission (MRC and the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS to the sustainable development of the Mekong Region as well as to the promotion of regional cooperation in mainland South-East Asia in general. --- Die Entwicklung grenzüberschreitender Flüsse wird oft mit Konflikten oder gar Kriegen um Wasser assoziiert. Wie jedoch die Entwicklung im Mekong-Becken zeigt, waren die vergangenen Jahrzehnte nicht nur von Kooperation gezeichnet, sondern Flussbeckenorganisationen konnten außerdem dazu beitragen, weitreichendere Kooperationsstrukturen zu entwickeln, die sich auf andere Politikfelder ausdehnen. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Beitrag der Mekong River Commission (MRC und der Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung in der Mekong Region sowie zur Förderung allgemeiner regionaler Kooperation im Festländischen Südostasien.

  11. Urban rivers as hotspots of regional nitrogen pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xiaohong; Wu, Yiyun; Gu, Baojing


    Excess nitrogen inputs to terrestrial ecosystems via human activities have deteriorated water qualities on regional scales. Urban areas as settlements of over half global population, however, were usually not considered in the analysis of regional water pollution. Here, we used a 72-month monitoring data of water qualities in Hangzhou, China to test the role of urban rives in regional nitrogen pollution and how they response to the changes of human activities. Concentrations of ammonium nitrogen in urban rivers were 3–5 times higher than that in regional rivers. Urban rivers have become pools of reactive nitrogen and hotspots of regional pollution. Moreover, this river pollution is not being measured by current surface water monitoring networks that are designed to measure broader regional patterns, resulting in an underestimation of regional pollution. This is crucial to urban environment not only in China, but also in other countries, where urban rivers are seriously polluted. - Highlights: • Nitrogen concentrations in urban rivers are much higher than that in regional rivers. • Domestic wastewater is the main source of urban river pollution in Hangzhou. • Pollutant collecting and water diversion can sharply reduce the urban river pollution. - Urban river pollution is not being measured by the current monitoring networks that are designed to measure regional patterns causing an underestimation

  12. Prevalencia y caracterización del dolor en pacientes hospitalizados


    M.A. Erazo; L. Pérez; C.C. Colmenares; H. Álvarez; I. Suárez; F. Mendivelso


    Introducción: el dolor es un problema de salud pública que afecta la calidad de vida en los pacientes que se encuentran hospitalizados. Se han reportado prevalencias de dolor entre el 30-70% en este tipo de pacientes. Por tanto, es importante determinar la prevalencia, intensidad e interferencia del dolor en los pacientes hospitalizados en la Clínica Reina Sofía de Bogotá, para hacer un adecuado diagnóstico del problema y poder establecer las mejores estrategias para disminuir su carga en est...

  13. Guías sobre manejo farmacológico del dolor


    Gutiérrez-Álvarez, Ángela-María; Valenzuela Plata, Etna Liliana; Universidad del Rosario, Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud


    Signo, síntoma o enfermedad, el dolor nos compromete a todos los profesiona- les de la salud a tomar las mejores decisiones terapéuticas para enfrentarlo y proporcionar alivio a nuestros pacientes. No pocos son los recursos utilizados a nivel de enfermería, psicología, fisioterapia, medicina no alternativa, entre otros, para mejorar la condición de un paciente con dolor. La terapia farmacológica es quizás uno de los recursos más importantes en el tratamiento del dolor; sin e...

  14. Dolor y demencia en las personas que viven en una unidad de larga estancia

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    Margarida Sotto Mayor


    Full Text Available El dolor es prevalente, infradiagnosticado e infratratado en las personas con diagnóstico de demencia u otros trastornos mentales. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia del dolor y su relación con las variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y funcionales de las 80 personas residentes en una unidad de larga estancia (ULE del centro de Francia. Métodos: elaboración de un guion orientador para la recogida de datos de variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y funcionales. Registro de dolor. Resultados: El dolor tiene una prevalencia del 70% en los residentes de la ULE. Conclusión: población envejecida, sobre todo del sexo femenino, polimedicada, con pluripatología, dolor y menor conciencia de sí misma. Son necesarias medidas formativas que ayuden a los cuidadores formales e informales a identificar el dolor en las personas que no lo verbalizan y a comprender las alteraciones de comportamiento resultantes del dolor en las personas con deterioro cognitivo.

  15. Etiología, cronificación y tratamiento del dolor lumbar


    M.ª Isabel Casado Morales; Jenny Moix Queraltó; Julia Vidal Fernández


    El dolor lumbar es un problema que afecta en torno al 70-80 % de la población general en algún momento de su vida, de los que un 15 % aproximadamente tienen un origen claro, pero el resto, se considera inespecífico o inclasificable, siendo en estos casos donde el tratamiento convencional ha fracasado. En el origen de este dolor lumbar inespecífico se encuentran factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales y factores como las conductas de dolor y otros procesos de aprendizaje que influyen en s...

  16. 77 FR 38795 - Dolores Water Conservancy District; Notice of Competing Preliminary Permit Application Accepted... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 14426-000] Dolores Water... Comments and Motions To Intervene On May 10, 2012, Dolores Water Conservancy District, Colorado, filed an... the Plateau Creek Pumped Storage Project to be located on Plateau Creek, near the town of Dolores...

  17. 77 FR 35377 - Dolores Water Conservancy District; Notice of Completing Preliminary Permit Application Accepted... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 14328-000] Dolores Water... Comments and Motions To Intervene On May 10, 2012, Dolores Water Conservancy District, Colorado, filed an... the Plateau Creek Pumped Storage Project to be located on Plateau Creek, near the town of Dolores...

  18. Hipnosis como tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia

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    Maribel Quirós-Ramírez


    Full Text Available La fibromialgia es un conjunto de síntomas diversos de etiología aún incierta, sin embargo, su común denominador, el dolor crónico generalizado de los músculos, ataca de forma impredecible con una variable duración e intensidad, el cual llega muchas veces a ser discapacitante. Actualmente, la medicación resulta insuficiente, por lo que se requiere un abordaje interdisciplinario en el cual la hipnosis representa una opción prometedora. Esta investigación muestra los resultados obtenidos en un taller constituido por ocho sesiones en el que se utilizó la hipnosis en la disminución del dolor, bajo un enfoque cognitivo-conductual, a un grupo de seis personas diagnosticadas de fibromialgia de la ciudad de Heredia, Costa Rica. Cada sesión fue estructurada en dos partes: una didáctica y otra orientada a la práctica de la hipnosis y la aplicación de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Se entregaron dos discos compactos, uno con sugestiones de seguridad y autocontrol y otro de disociación y disminución en la percepción del dolor. Antes y después del programa, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Dolor de McGill, Escala Analógica Visual, la Escala de Ansiedad de Hamilton y el Inventario de la Depresión de Beck. Los resultados develan una disminución significativa del dolor, así como un nivel muy bajo de ansiedad y la desaparición total de la depresión que presentaron cinco de las participantes al inicio del programa.

  19. Ultimos avances en el tratamiento especializado de dolor neuropático


    Esparza Miñana, José Miguel; Villanueva Pérez, Vicente Luis; López Alarcon, María Dolores; Honrubia Gozalves, Estela; de Andres Ibañez, José


    El dolor neuropático es un grupo heterogéneo de condiciones dolorosas causadas por lesión o enfermedad del sistema nervioso central o periférico. La Asociación Internacional de Estudio del Dolor (IASP) lo definió como “el dolor que sigue a una lesión primaria o disfunción del sistema nervioso central o periférico”. Recientemente, esta misma asociación lo ha redefinido como "aquel que se presenta como consecuencia directa de lesión o enfermedad y que afecta al sistema somatosensorial". A...

  20. Síndrome de dolor miofacial de cabeza y cuello: II parte: caracterización gráfica

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández¹


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de complementación de los aspectos clínicos del síndrome de dolor miofacial de la cabeza y el cuello (parte I, cuyo fundamento científico se basa en el diseño gráfico de figuras humanas en su porción craneocervicofacial, donde se esquematizan los puntos de transmisión de dolor "activo" o "latente" en el complejo muscular de ambas regiones, así como las áreas de referencia de dolores primario y secundario de la zona craneal y maxilofacial. Se describe la técnica de palpación apropiada para la identificación de estos puntos.A complementary study of the clinical aspects of head and neck myofacial pain syndrome (Part 1, was carried out; its scientific foundation is based on the graphical design of human figures in their cranio-cervico-facial portion, where the "active" or "latent" pain triggering points in the muscular complex of both regions were taken into schemes, as well as the reference areas of primary and secondary pain of the cranial and maxillofacial zones. The adequate palpation technique for the identification of these points, is described.

  1. El dolor y la hospitalización en el paciente pediátrico

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    Ruth Esperanza Caicedo-Fonseca


    Full Text Available El dolor en el paciente pediátrico se enmarca en el transcurso de su hospitalización, en la gran mayoría de procedimientos y sumado a estos la algidez que produce el proceso patologico que está cursando. La Asociación Internacional para el estudio del dolor, define éste como:"Una sensación desagradable y experiencia emocional asociada con daño actual o potencial al tejido".Se puede clasificar en: La calidad según el tipo del dolor, el tipo de dolor,la localización, la calidad según su sensibilidad, su intensidad, y la cronología. La calidad de vida del niño hospitalizado se altera porque el proceso de hospitalización aumenta la vulnerabilidad del niño originándole un trastorno de adaptación caracterizado por síntomas ansiosos y depresivos como respuesta al Dolor, al medio ambiente institucional, a los procedimientos médicos y quirúrgicos, y a la separación del núcleo familiar. El papel de Enfermería en el manejo del Dolor en el niño hospitalizado una más allá de la realización de ciertos procedimientos invasivos o no invasivos; se hace relevante tener la calidez humana, rapidez y destreza para la realización de los mismos y de esta manera contribuir a minimizar el dolor en el pequeño paciente.

  2. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado de electroanalgesia en el dolor lumbar


    Maya Martin, Julián


    OBJETIVOS: Establecer y validar un procedimiento de electroterapia con corrientes interferenciales (CIF) en sujetos con dolor lumbar. Así como evaluar la disminución del dolor lumbar y el grado de discapacidad con la aplicación de una CIF. ... 0cm 0pt" c

  3. Dolor crónico y psicología: actualización

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    A. Margarita González, PS.


    En este artículo se revisa el rol de los factores emocionales, cognitivos y sociales en el desarrollo y persistencia del dolor y la consiguiente incapacidad. Dichos factores deben dirigir el diseño de las estrategias de intervención para el dolor crónico.

  4. Perspectivas en el estudio y tratamiento psicológico del dolor crónico

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    Miguel A. Vallejo Pareja


    Full Text Available El abordaje psicológico del dolor crónico debe responder a dos aspectos: actuar sobre el dolor de modo que los sistemas de regulación natural operen adecuadamente y, en segundo lugar, impedir que el dolor se haga dueño de la vida del paciente, impidiéndole ser persona. Ambos objetivos precisan reconocer el dolor y aceptar su existencia. El primero debe permitir, atendiendo a las sensaciones percibidas y a las respuestas fisiológicas relacionadas con el dolor, hacer más efectivos los sistemas de regulación fisiológica del dolor. El segundo, requiere reconocer los problemas y ponerse a recuperar las actividades que se consideran valiosas. Las técnicas de biofeedback, neurofeedback y la hipnosis han mostrado su utilidad al respecto del primer objetivo. Por otro lado la terapia cognitivo conductual en sus desarrollos denominados de tercera generación entre los que cabe incluir la terapia cognitivo conductual contextual procura los medios adecuados para que la persona recupere el control de su vida, haciendo de su comportamiento, según sus valores, el elemento clave de su vida.

  5. Dolor osteomuscular y apoyo social en una muestra de gerontes de Bucaramanga

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    Leidy Johanna Plata Osma


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre las características clínicas del dolor osteomuscular y el apoyo social. Método. Se utilizó un método no experimental, con enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal y alcance correlacional, en una muestra de 70 adultos mayores de ambos sexos, partícipes de grupos de autoayuda de la ciudad de Bucaramanga, a quienes se les aplicó la versión abreviada del cuestionario del dolor de McGill y el cuestionario de apoyo social. Resultados. Se encontró que el 59% de los participantes describe su dolor como incómodo y el 57% como interno; en tanto, el 33% percibe apoyo emocional y el 39%, apoyo práctico, ambos de manera moderada. No se encontró correlación entre el apoyo emocional general y el índice de intensidad de dolor. Conclusión. Se encuentra que no existe correlación significativa entre las variable, sin embargo, es preciso tener en cuenta que este tipo de estudios ayudará a consolidar la comprensión de la percepción del dolor y las variables que deberían tener en cuenta para su apropiado manejo clínico.

  6. Environmental protection in the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riley, G.


    One of a series of articles on the work of the Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region (OSS) and its Alligator Rivers Region Research Institute (ARRRI), this discusses the environmental protection function of the OSS and the role of the ARRRI in achieving this

  7. El Mindfulness y su aportación al dolor crónico


    Arnau Rytman, Elena


    Treball de Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015 Este texto revisa la literatura sobre la aplicación de la atención plena en el tratamiento del dolor crónico. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo la explicación de mindfulness o atención plena, así como una breve clasificación del dolor, clarificando qué es y lo que significa padecer dolor crónico. Explicamos porqué el MBSR; un programa de reducción de estrés basado en la atención plena, resulta una buena i...

  8. Niveles de dolor y tolerancia a la biopsia endometrial, con ibuprofeno

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    Juan Carlos Palomino Baldeon


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar los niveles de dolor y tolerancia a la biopsia endometrial con la cureta de Novak (Rígida, en pacientes que reciben Ibuprofeno 800mg vs placebo, 30 a 45 min. antes del procedimiento. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ensayo clínico, doble ciego, randomizado y comparativo. Se incluyerón 25 pacientes por grupo de tratamiento quienes recibieron dos cápsulas de Ibuprofeno de 400mg vo o dos cápsulas de placebo vo según corresponda. Se comparó entre ambos grupos, datos de filiación, antecedentes gineco-obstétricos, motivo de la biopsia de endometrio y finalmente valoración de su experiencia de dolor y tolerancia al procedimiento. Resultados: En poblaciones comparables al evaluar la variable dolor se encuentra que existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los valores de dolor del grupo que recibió Ibuprofeno (Mediana 45mm contra el grupo que recibió placebo (Mediana 65mm con un p=0.0137. No se encuentra diferencia en cuento a la valoración de la tolerancia entre el grupo que recibió Ibuprofeno (Mediana 37mm contra el grupo que recibió placebo (53mm con un p=0.23. Conclusión: Se concluye que la utilización de 800mg de Ibuprofeno vía oral 30 a 45 minutos antes de la biopsia endometrial en pacientes mayores de 44 años disminuye su experiencia de dolor durante el procedimiento. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 122-127.


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    Gustavo Adolfo García Arango


    Full Text Available El concepto jurídico del dolor desde el derecho constitucional ha sido abarcado en una sola perspectiva: el reconocimiento del derecho fundamental a la vida, en condiciones dignas. El derecho a la vida se ve afectado por conexidad:cuando el dolor no permite lleva una vida equilibrada en todos sus aspectos, permite la protección constitucional a la vida. Se entiende que el cuerpo es el elemento central en una teoría sobre la vida digna; un cuerpo sufriente, enfermo es un cuerpo limitado y condicionado a muchas variables, incluso sicológicas. El derecho a la salud, el dolor y el derecho fundamental a la vida se encuentran; n tanto que las intervenciones quirúrgicas, el suministro de medicamentos, los tratamientos de todo tipo para paliar el dolor o cortarlo de raíz son la fuente de la cual se ha servido el Tribunal Constitucional Colombiano para tocar el tema del dolor, que también ha abarcado desde la violencia intrafamiliar, el castigo a los menores, el manejo del dolor por parte de los medios de comunicación, la eutanasia y la distanasia.

  10. Nuevo enfoque de la interpretación del dolor en una pulpitis aguda

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    Andrés O Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available El dolor es probablemente el principal motivo de consulta en las urgencias estomatológicas y es precisamente el dolor de la pulpitis aguda el que comentamos en este trabajo. El dolor pulpar en sí mismo es similar al dolor que resulta por inflamación de los órganos viscerales y, por lo tanto, podrían ser inadecuados los intentos de explicarlos por comparación con los nociceptores de estructuras somáticas. Se propone analizar el comportamiento del dolor como consecuencia de una pulpitis aguda, con un nuevo enfoque, asimilándolo como el dolor proveniente de estructuras viscerales con manifestaciones dolorosas alejadas del sitio o zona dañada y en el propio diente en que el tejido ha sido injuriado y evoluciona rápidamente hacia la necrosis. Establecemos una analogía entre el dolor visceral como el generado de la pulpa y el del tipo somático profundo como el correspondiente a la afectación periapical por rápida evolución de la inflamación hacia la necrosis.Pain is probably the chief complaint in dental emergencies and this paper deals precisely with the pain caused by acute pulpitis. The pulpar pain itself is similar to the one resulting from inflammation of the visceral organs and, therefore, the attempts to explain these pains by comparing them with the nociceptors of somatic structures may be inappropiate. It is our objective to analyze the behaviour of pain caused by acute pulpitis with a new approach, assimilating it as the pain from visceral structures with painful manifestations far from the damaged site or zone and it is the own tooth whose tissue has been affected and evolves rapidly to necrosis.We establish an analogy between the visceral pain as the one generated by the pulpa and that of deep somatic type as the corresponding to the periapical affection by the fast evolution of inflammation to necrosis.

  11. The Federal Government and the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    BURTON, A.


    The administrative framework put in place by the Commonwealth and Northern Territory governments to monitor mining activities in the Alligator Rivers Region is presented. The key institutional element is the Coordinating Committee for the Alligator Rivers Region chaired and serviced by the Supervising Scientist and established through legislation



    Inmaculada Calvo-Muñoz; Antonia Gómez-Conesa; Julio Sánchez-Meca


    Fundamentos: El dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes es un problema de salud frecuente y su presencia aumenta el riesgo de sufrir dolor lumbar en la edad adulta. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia del dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes y evaluar la calidad metodológica de los estudios. Metodos: Se efectuó una revisión sistemática de estudios epidemiológicos observacionales. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, PEDro, IME, LILACS y CINAHL,...

  13. Tratamiento de los cuadros de dolor crónico benigno


    Benítez del Rosario, Miguel Ángel


    El tratamiento del dolor crónico secundario a lesiones benignas depende de las características del dolor. Los fármacos disponibles son los analgésicos y los co-analgésicos. Las respuestas de los cuadros dolorosos, no obstante, es desigual, por lo que es preciso instaurar otras alternativas terapéuticas farmacológicas y no farmacológicas. Dentro de éstas destacan las intervenciones psicológicas y los programas de rehabilitación. Tratamientos alternativos como la acupuntura, o el TENS, pueden j...

  14. El dolor infantil, un acercamiento a la problemática desde la bioética

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    Ana María Collado Madurga


    Full Text Available El dolor es una experiencia personal desagradable que altera la vida de quien lo padece, pero a pesar de ello el dolor infantil ha sido un hecho olvidado. Si un profesional no está actualizado, la calidad de su trabajo es discutible, y ello repercute en la atención al paciente, por lo que se convierte en un problema ético. Se propone valorar aspectos bioéticos relacionados con el tratamiento del dolor infantil, enfatizando en aquellas situaciones que determinan un inadecuado tratamiento de este. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los últimos 5 años utilizando descriptores en ciencias de la salud. El alivio del dolor es considerado un derecho fundamental de la persona, sin embargo el dolor pediátrico a nivel mundial y en Cuba es un tema descuidado en todos sus aspectos, y prácticamente ausente de los programas de formación en ciencias médicas, con mitos y creencias erróneas que impiden su adecuado tratamiento.

  15. Dolor y modalidades físicas: un nuevo paradigma en fisioterapia

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    Marco Antonio Morales Osorio


    Full Text Available Las modalidades físicas son todas aquellas herramientas que posee el fisioterapeuta para intervenir con fines curativos; sin embargo, el aumento de las publicaciones científicas ha llevado a la necesidad de conocer la efectividad de estas modalidades en relación con el tratamiento del dolor. El objetivo de esta revisión fue entregar al lector conocimientos actualizados, referenciados y evidenciados sobre el dolor y la aplicación clínica de las modalidades físicas para su tratamiento. Se realizó una búsqueda de la mejor evidencia disponible para intentar responder la pregunta de investigación, la cual se sustenta en el paradigma que trae consigo la aplicación de las modalidades físicas más utilizadas (Crioterapia y Termoterapia, Ultrasonido Terapéutico, Laserterapia y Electroterapia. Hasta ahora el número de ensayos clínicos y revisiones sistemáticas que avalan el uso de las modalidades físicas para el manejo del dolor es muy limitado, sumado a la baja calidad metodológica de los ensayos clínicos disponibles. Muchos de los sustentos del uso de las modalidades físicas vienen acompañados de difusos fundamentos fisiológicos y sustento científico con demostraciones in vitro, mas no in vivo. A esto se le suma una limitada cantidad de información sobre los parámetros que se aplican para el manejo del dolor, por lo cual no es posible establecer conclusiones sobre la recomendación de la aplicación clínica de todas las modalidades físicas analizadas para el manejo del dolor.

  16. La madre dice: el dolor de mi bebé es mi dolor




    Objetivo: describir los sentimientos de las madres y el apoyo social con el que cuentan cuando su recién nacido siente dolor. Metodología: estudio cualitativo, de pequeño alcance, con metodología etnográfica. Se realizaron 22 entrevistas en profundidad a 8 madres, con promedio de 2 a 4 por informante. La muestra fue la saturación de información seleccionada por pertinencia y adecuación; se utilizaron notas de campo y observación participante. Los datos se analizaron según la metodología de Ja...

  17. Prevalence of chronic head, neck and low back pain and associated factors in women residing in the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Spain Prevalencia de dolor crónico de cabeza, cervical y lumbar, y factores asociados, en mujeres residentes en la Comunidad de Madrid (España

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    Silvia Jiménez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Objective: To compare the prevalence of chronic headache (CH, chronic neck pain (CNP and chronic low back pain (CLBP in the autonomous region of Madrid by analyzing gender differences and to determine the factors associated with each pain location in women in 2007. Methods: We analyzed data obtained from adults aged 16 years or older (n = 12,190 who participated in the 2007 Madrid Regional Health Survey. This survey includes data from personal interviews conducted in a representative population residing in family dwellings in Madrid. The presence CH, CNP, and CLBP was analyzed. Sociodemographic features, self-perceived health status, lifestyle habits, psychological distress, drug consumption, use of healthcare services, the search for alternative solutions, and comorbid diseases were analyzed by using logistic regression models. Results: The prevalence of CH, CNP and CLBP was significantly higher (P3 chronic diseases (OR 7.1, 8.5, 5.8, respectively, and with the use of analgesics and drugs for inflammation (OR: 3.5, 1.95, 2.5, respectively. In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with pain in distinct body locations differed between men and women. Conclusions: This study found that CH, CNP and CLBP are a major public health problem in women in central Spain. Women have a higher overall prevalence of chronic pain than men. Chronic pain was associated with a higher use of analgesics and healthcare services.Objetivo: Comparar la prevalencia de dolor crónico de cabeza, cervical y lumbar en la Comunidad de Madrid analizando diferencias de sexo, y estudiar factores asociados con la presencia de cada uno de estos dolores en las mujeres. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos de los sujetos de 16 años o más de edad (n = 12,190 que participaron en la Encuesta Regional de Salud de Madrid en el año 2007. La encuesta incluye los datos recogidos de una población representativa de la región de Madrid que vive en su domicilio. Se analizó la

  18. Mujeres trabajadoras con dolor crónico osteomuscular: análisis de caso

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    Cecilia Andrea Ordóñez-Hernández


    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las experiencias de mujeres trabajadoras con dolor crónico osteomuscular. El diseño fue cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. La técnica utilizada fue entrevista en profundidad, realizada a cinco mujeres trabajadoras que consultaron por dolor osteomuscular mayor a 6 meses en los servicios de ortopedia y neurocirugía de un hospital en Guadalajara, México. Se encontró percepción de rechazo, segregación, discriminación y falta de apoyo en su ambiente laboral a causa de su dolor, y sentimientos de frustración e impotencia relacionados con su padecimiento de salud. Se percibe como barrera la mala percepción del personal de la salud y la falta de eficiencia en los procesos de incapacidad, reintegración y reubicación laboral. Las responsabilidades económicas y familiares son la principal motivación para continuar trabajando con la presencia de dolor osteomuscular crónico.

  19. Etiología, cronificación y tratamiento del dolor lumbar

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    M.ª Isabel Casado Morales


    Full Text Available El dolor lumbar es un problema que afecta en torno al 70-80 % de la población general en algún momento de su vida, de los que un 15 % aproximadamente tienen un origen claro, pero el resto, se considera inespecífico o inclasificable, siendo en estos casos donde el tratamiento convencional ha fracasado. En el origen de este dolor lumbar inespecífico se encuentran factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales y factores como las conductas de dolor y otros procesos de aprendizaje que influyen en su proceso de cronificación. Es el mayor responsable de incapacidad y de absentismo laboral con el consiguiente elevado coste económico y deterioro en la calidad de vida de quienes lo padecen. Los tratamientos clínicos deben unificarse para aumentar su eficacia, evitar los procesos de cronificación y reducir los costes económicos.

  20. Fisiopatología, evaluación y manejo del dolor agudo en pediatría

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    Tatiana Pabón-Henao


    Full Text Available El manejo del dolor agudo en los niños es deficiente, como lo afirma en el 2013 un estudio de la AMA (American Medical Association: la población pediátrica recibe entre 50% y 90% menos analgésicos que los adultos, es decir, no se tiene claridad en la fisiopatología, abordaje y manejo del dolor en los niños. El dolor puede clasificarse según su tiempo de duración, intensidad y mecanismo fisiopatoló-gico que lo desencadena (nociceptivo y neuropático. Teniendo en cuenta que la fisiopatología del dolor no varía con la edad pero sí como el paciente pediátrico lo manifieste, se requiere conocer el abordaje y manejo según su intensidad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta revisión se enfoca en el estado del arte y en generar claridad de los aspectos críticos como son el conocimiento de la fisiopatología, valoración adecuada y el manejo no farmacológico y farmacológico del dolor agudo en pediatría.

  1. Bank storage buffers rivers from saline regional groundwater: an example from the Avon River Australia (United States)

    Gilfedder, Benjamin; Hofmann, Harald; Cartwrighta, Ian


    Groundwater-surface water interactions are often conceptually and numerically modeled as a two component system: a groundwater system connected to a stream, river or lake. However, transient storage zones such as hyporheic exchange, bank storage, parafluvial flow and flood plain storage complicate the two component model by delaying the release of flood water from the catchment. Bank storage occurs when high river levels associated with flood water reverses the hydraulic gradient between surface water and groundwater. River water flows into the riparian zone, where it is stored until the flood water recede. The water held in the banks then drains back into the river over time scales ranging from days to months as the hydraulic gradient returns to pre-flood levels. If the frequency and amplitude of flood events is high enough, water held in bank storage can potentially perpetually remain between the regional groundwater system and the river. In this work we focus on the role of bank storage in buffering river salinity levels against saline regional groundwater on lowland sections of the Avon River, Victoria, Australia. We hypothesize that the frequency and magnitude of floods will strongly influence the salinity of the stream water as banks fill and drain. A bore transect (5 bores) was installed perpendicular to the river and were instrumented with head and electrical conductivity loggers measuring for two years. We also installed a continuous 222Rn system in one bore. This data was augmented with long-term monthly EC from the river. During high rainfall events very fresh flood waters from the headwaters infiltrated into the gravel river banks leading to a dilution in EC and 222Rn in the bores. Following the events the fresh water drained back into the river as head gradients reversed. However the bank water salinities remained ~10x lower than regional groundwater levels during most of the time series, and only slightly above river water. During 2012 SE Australia

  2. Dolor y modalidades físicas: un nuevo paradigma en fisioterapia


    Marco Antonio Morales Osorio; Crisanto Torrado Navarro


    Las modalidades físicas son todas aquellas herramientas que posee el fisioterapeuta para intervenir con fines curativos; sin embargo, el aumento de las publicaciones científicas ha llevado a la necesidad de conocer la efectividad de estas modalidades en relación con el tratamiento del dolor. El objetivo de esta revisión fue entregar al lector conocimientos actualizados, referenciados y evidenciados sobre el dolor y la aplicación clínica de las modalidades físicas para su tratamiento. Se reali...

  3. Consumo de recursos sanitarios debido al dolor musculoesquelético en trabajadores del sector primario

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    Beatriz Rodríguez-Romero


    Conclusiones: Las variables que más afectan al consumo de recursos sanitarios son el dolor localizado en cadera-rodilla y la dimensión física de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, especialmente el dolor corporal.

  4. Taastatud Pilistvere pastoraat / Dolores Hoffmann, Helmi Seil, Vello Rajangu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hoffmann, Dolores, 1937-


    7 ill.; fotod: Tiit Koha; kontoriruumi akent ehib Dagmar ?(Dolores) Hoffmanni vitraaž, seinal on Helmi Seili ristpistes tikitud Eesti kaart, talvekirikus Vello Rajangu Pallase päevil loodud inglikuju

  5. El dolor en los pacientes con artritis reumatoide: variables psicológicas relacionadas e intervención

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    Full Text Available El dolor es un síntoma principal en los pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide (AR, generalmente determinando su ajuste a la enfermedad y su calidad de vida global. Este artículo presenta una revisión y discusión sobre el dolor en pacientes con AR desde un enfoque psicológico basado en las investigaciones recientes. Se repasan los trabajos que han evaluado las emociones negativas en los pacientes con AR, aquellos que han explorado y explicado su papel sobre el dolor del enfermo, así como un compendio de las técnicas psicológicas más efectivas para el manejo del dolor. Las conclusiones muestran que el dolor es un problema central en los pacientes con AR. Las emociones negativas, que parecen estar presentes de forma más marcada en los pacientes con AR que en la población sana, son predictores significativos del dolor. Por otra parte, los estudios sugieren que el enfoque cognitivo-conductual es eficaz para los pacientes con AR en la mejora no sólo del dolor sino también en el ajuste psicológico a la enfermedad, mostrando un beneficio adicional para los pacientes con AR que reciben tales intervenciones como complemento del cuidado médico habitual. Para el futuro, el artículo sugiere la necesidad de realizar más estudios sobre los patrones de emocionalidad negativa y estrategias de afrontamiento es muestras españolas.

  6. Glacial Fluctuation in the Source Region of the Yangtze River

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shengyi, Gao; Qingsong, Fan; Xi, Cao; Li, Ma


    Glaciers in the source region of the Yangtze River are not only water resources but also important energy and environmental resources. Glacial fluctuation is an important component of the study of changes in the natural environment, including climate change. We investigated the glaciers in the source region of the Yangtze River, and analyzed the fluctuations using multi-temporal remote sensing data. The trend in glacial fluctuation and the factors that influence it were determined. The results have implications for water resource management and environmental conservation in the Yangtze River region

  7. Efectividad de la microonda, masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams en pacientes con dolor lumbar

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    Antonio del Valle Torres


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el dolor lumbar constituye un problema de salud a nivel mundial, su tratamiento constituye un reto en la práctica médica asistencial. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de la microonda, masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams en pacientes con dolor lumbar. Método: se realizó un estudio prospectivo experimental en una muestra de 60 pacientes con lumbalgia subaguda y crónica. Se asignaron dos esquemas de tratamiento: uno con microonda combinada con masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams (Grupo A, otro con medicamentos y reposo (Grupo B. Se aplicó la escala analógica visual y la escala de Oswestry en la consulta inicial y al culminar el tratamiento. Resultados: se obtuvo mejores resultados en el grupo A (estudio que en el grupo B (control en cuanto a reducción del dolor e independencia para las actividades de la vida diaria. Conclusiones: el protocolo de tratamiento fisioterapéutico resultó ser beneficioso, pues la recuperación y el alivio del dolor resultaron ser más rápidos y permitió la sustitución de fármacos.

  8. El dolor patelofemoral en el baile flamenco y su relación con el pie

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    José M. Castillo-López


    Full Text Available El dolor patelofemoral es uno de los desórdenes más comunes que afectan a la rodilla. De las lesiones descritas en el baile flamenco profesional, destacan las relacionadas con el pie y la rodilla, en relación al microtraumatismo repetido del gesto técnico del zapateado y a la flexión de rodilla mantenida que requiere. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la presencia de dolor patelo femoral en profesionales del baile de flamenco y comprobar si existe relación alguna con el pie pronador y genus valgo. En el estudio han participado 46 profesionales del baile flamenco, 38 bailaoras y 8 bailaores, con una carga media de 25.4 ± 8.25 horas de baile semanales. El 34.78% de los participantes presentaban dolor patelofemoral. El 24% presentaba también genus valgo. Se encontró un 34.78% de pies pronadores. La asociación de pies pronadores y genus valgo fue del 31.25%, mientras que la asociación de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral fue de 43.75 % de los casos. Factores predisponentes de esta patología se dan en la práctica del baile flamenco: el impacto repetitivo, una posición mantenida y forzada de la rodilla en un rango concreto, desplazamientos y los giros bruscos. Como conclusión, se demuestra relación directa entre la presencia de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral en el baile flamenco. Así como entre pies pronadores y genus valgo. Estudios científicos actuales demuestran la utilidad de soportes plantares en este síndrome. La incidencia de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral hace recomendable estudios biomecánicos y podológicos y el uso de soportes plantares personalizados en cada caso.

  9. Riparian bird density decline in response to biocontrol of Tamarix from riparian ecosystems along the Dolores River in SW Colorado, USA (United States)

    Darrah, Abigail J.; van Riper, Charles


    Biocontrol of invasive tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in the arid Southwest using the introduced tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda elongata) has been hypothesized to negatively affect some breeding bird species, but no studies to date have documented the effects of beetle-induced defoliation on riparian bird abundance. We assessed the effects of tamarisk defoliation by monitoring defoliation rates, changes in vegetation composition, and changes in density of six obligate riparian breeding bird species at two sites along the Dolores River in Colorado following the arrival of tamarisk beetles. We conducted bird point counts from 2010 to 2014 and modeled bird density as a function of native vegetation density and extent of defoliation using hierarchical distance sampling. Maximum annual defoliation decreased throughout the study period, peaking at 32–37% in 2009–2010 and dropping to 0.5–15% from 2011–2014. Stem density of both tamarisk and native plants declined throughout the study period until 2014. Density of all bird species declined throughout most of the study, with Song Sparrow disappearing from the study sites after 2011. Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Yellow Warbler densities were negatively related to defoliation in the previous year, while Lazuli Bunting exhibited a positive relationship with defoliation. These findings corroborate earlier predictions of species expected to be sensitive to defoliation as a result of nest site selection. Tamarisk defoliation thus had short-term negative impacts on riparian bird species; active restoration may be needed to encourage the regrowth of native riparian vegetation, which in the longer-term may result in increased riparian bird density.

  10. Prevalencia del dolor lumbar durante la infancia y la adolescencia: Una revisión sistemática


    Calvo-Muñoz, Inmaculada; Gómez-Conesa, Antonia; Sánchez-Meca, Julio


    Fundamentos: El dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes es un problema de salud frecuente y su presencia aumenta el riesgo de sufrir dolor lumbar en la edad adulta. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia del dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes y evaluar la calidad metodológica de los estudios. Metodos: Se efectuó una revisión sistemática de estudios epidemiológicos observacionales. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, PEDro, IME, LILACS y CINAHL,...

  11. Eficacia de la asociación paracetamol-metamizol vs. paracetamol-dexketoprofeno en manejo de dolor agudo postoperatorio


    García Ramiro, M.; Alonso Guardo, L.; Matilla Álvarez, A.; Bartol Sevillano, R.; Vaquero Roncero, L. M.; Muriel Villoria, C.


    Objetivo: El uso de fármacos con mecanismos diferentes combinados entre sí para el tratamiento del dolor, en concreto del dolor agudo postoperatorio, forma parte fundamental de un tipo de analgesia llamada multimodal. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la eficacia de la asociación de paracetamol más metamizol y compararla con la asociación de paracetamol más dexketoprofeno en dolor agudo postoperatorio. Métodos: Diseñamos un estudio prospectivo de intervención en el que se incluyeron 42 p...

  12. Resultados obtenidos en pacientes con dolor sometidos a tratamiento

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    Fe Boch Valdés


    Full Text Available El dolor tiene una proyección biopsicosocial, síntoma por el que gran número de pacientes son atendidos, requiere de visión multidimensional, por lo que origina los grupos multidisciplinarios y las Clínicas del Dolor. El aumento en la toxicidad medicamentosa y otras técnicas invasivas, que no siempre producen alivio, ha incrementado el uso de terapias naturales y biológicas. En este estudio se recogen resultados de tratamientos naturales y convencionales utilizados en un período de 5 años. Se estudiaron 9 280 pacientes con dolor, a los que se aplicaron las técnicas de electroacupuntura, acupuntura, láser, estimulación eléctrica nerviosa transcutánea (TENS, faciocibernetoterapia (FACI, moxibustión, auriculoterapia, técnicas psicológicas, homeopatía, masajes, magnetoterapia y fitoterapia. Las variables de respuesta al tratamiento fueron consideradas por escala análoga visual a la 5ta y 10ma sesión. Encontramos que las lumbalgias fueron más frecuentes, y la electroacupuntura y la acupuntura las técnicas más efectivas. Los métodos naturales utilizados fueron eficaces, económicos y útiles en el tratamiento del dolor.Pain has a biopsychosocial projection and many patients receive attention because of this symptom, which requires a multidimensional vision that gives rise to the multidisciplinary groups and to the Pain Clinic. The increase in drug toxicity and other invasive techniques that not always cause relief have promoted the use of natural and biologic therapies. In the present study, the results of natural and conventional treatments used for 5 years were collected. A total of 9 280 patients with pain were studied. Electroacupuncture, acupuncture, laser, transcutaneous nerve electric stimulation, phaciocybernetic therapy (PHACI, moxibustion, auricle therapy, psychologic techniques, homeopathy, massages, magnetotherapy and phytotherapy were applied. Variables of response to treatment were considered by visual analogue

  13. Síndrome de Hamman: presentación de dolor torácico en un adolescente

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    Karen L. Morcillo


    Full Text Available El dolor torácico en adolescentes es una causa de consulta frecuente en los servicios de urgencias; si el dolor es de inicio agudo, causa ansiedad y temor en los pacientes, que lo relacionan con una patología cardiovascular. Su amplia variedad de posibilidades diagnósticas constituye un desafío para el médico de urgencias que se enfrenta a este síntoma. Se presenta el caso de un adolescente de 15 años de edad previamente sano que comenzó con dolor precordial irradiado al cuello de inicio agudo y en quien se documentó un síndrome de Hamman como manifestación de un neumomediastino espontáneo.

  14. Philosophy of river problems: local to regional, static to mobile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jansky, L.


    According to the statistics, thirteen of the twenty-five major river basins in Europe are basins of transboundary rivers. The Danube river basin is largest transboundary river basin in Europe. Almost in each case the local and regional problems arise, like division of fishing rights (or rights on river beds), right to claim tolls on navigation, how to adjust boundaries if the channel moves, or rights to claim duty on crossing the river, or to build bridges, weirs, etc. All the above problems on a larger scale include also rights of non-contiguous lands (i.e. not fronting on the river) to use the river for navigation, for passage of migrating fish, to exploit river (e.g. bed sediments) without damage by one country or society to another below. Similarly, pollution and large-scale removal of water, are problems on regional or national levels. Disputes usually arise from the above, more or less exacerbated by their superimposition or other non-river problems, e.g. religion, politics, historical issues, recent aggression, relative prosperity, expanding economy vs. contrasting economy. May be cause or consequence of many of these. And somewhere here is likely the case of Gabcikovo on Danube between Slovakia and Hungary, as well. (author)

  15. Interdisciplinariedad en la clínica de Alivio del Dolor

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    Tiberio Alvarez Echeverri


    Full Text Available El carácter multidimensional y subjetivo del dolor, la dificultad para evaluarlo adecuadamente y los múltiples tratamientos disponibles para su alivio, justifican conformar equipos interdisciplinarios para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y su familia. La filosofía del trabajo integrado se basa en la responsabilidad que tiene cada profesional de trabajar por la comunidad; en la solución de los problemas desde un punto de vista global; en la percepción del ser humano como unidad indivisible y en el convencimiento de que todo tratamiento debe darse en forma integrada. En este artículo se describe y analiza la experiencia de la Clínica para el Alivio del Dolor, en Medellín

  16. El dolor en la enfermedad de Parkinson. Implicaciones autonómicas y afectivas


    Camacho Conde, José


    Introducción y objetivo: La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa, la segunda con mayor prevalencia, después de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). La enfermedad presenta tanto síntomas motores como “no motores”, entre los que se encuentra disfunción autonómica, dolor, deterioro cognitivo, ansiedad, depresión, entre otros. El dolor en la EP, a pesar de su frecuencia, sigue siendo un síntoma infravalorado, infradiagnosticado e infratratado. Nuestro objetivo principal es...


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    Dra. Natalia Abiuso


    Se debe desarrollar un estándar de atención: desde las estrategias no farmacológicas hasta los regímenes terapéuticos protocolizados con la visión de hacer del SU un lugar de manejo integral y humanizado del dolor.

  18. Intervención farmacéutica y percepción del paciente sobre su dolor

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    Doukkali A


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Resulta difícil estimar, medir o valorar el dolor que siente una persona. Sin embargo, su cuantificación es muy importante y su evaluación es una actividad clave derivada de una intervención informativa y educativa para ayudar a mejorar la percepción del paciente sobre su dolor. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la capacidad de la intervención farmacéutica para valorar el conocimiento del paciente sobre su enfermedad, su medicación y su tratamiento y la mejoría de su percepción dolorosa. MÉTODOS Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal realizado en una farmacia comunitaria de Sevilla. Se llevó a cabo durante un periodo de ocho meses para una muestra de población de treinta pacientes y mediante un seguimiento de dos meses para cada uno. Se midió la percepción del paciente sobre su dolor a través del cuestionario de McGill, se valoró su conocimiento sobre su enfermedad y tratamiento y también el cumplimiento mediante el test de Morisky- Green y unas tablas mensuales. RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN Veintisiete pacientes terminaron el estudio y, según los índices promedios de las cuatro categorías que forman el cuestionario, manifestaron una mejoría en su percepción sobre el dolor. Una intervención farmacéutica basada en una buena información, verbal o escrita, sobre la patología y los medicamentos implica más al paciente en su tratamiento y le ayuda a aliviar su dolor. Eso refuerza la idea de que el farmacéutico juega un papel clave como impulsor del cumplimiento terapéutico mediante una actitud activa y positiva en la dispensación. El cuestionario de McGill ha mostrado ser un instrumento válido, seguro y fiable para medir y valorar el dolor aplicado en el ámbito de la atención farmacéutica.

  19. Hidroterapia en el embarazo. Dolor lumbar


    Martínez Manzano, Eva S.; Martínez Payá, Jacinto Javier


    Con este trabajo hemos estudiado las ventajas que tiene la hidroterapia en el embarazo y la presencia de dolor lumbar, tan frecuente, sobre todo en los últimos meses de gestación. Creemos conveniente hacer referencia a la evolución que sufre la columna vertebral de la cuadrupedia a la bipedestación. Dicho paso contribuye al desarrollo de la inteligencia humana, pero es un importante inconveniente para su columna vertebral, que sigue pagando tributo a la posición erguida, y al conj...


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    Inmaculada Calvo-Muñoz


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes es un problema de salud frecuente y su presencia aumenta el riesgo de sufrir dolor lumbar en la edad adulta. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia del dolor lumbar en niños y adolescentes y evaluar la calidad metodológica de los estudios. Metodos: Se efectuó una revisión sistemática de estudios epidemiológicos observacionales. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, PEDro, IME, LILACS y CINAHL, rastreo manual y consulta con expertos. La selección de los estudios incluyó resultados con tasas de prevalencia de la muestra. Debían estar publicados o realizados entre los años 1980 y 2011, que el tamaño de la muestra fuera al menos de 50 sujetos, con 18 años de edad o menos, de ambos sexos y de cualquier etnia. Las variables moderadoras de los estudios fueron codificadas por dos de los autores. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos de distribución de frecuencias, porcentajes, recuento de casos y cálculos de medianas para las tasas de prevalencia. Resultados: Se incluyeron 59 artículos. La edad media de los sujetos estudiados fue de 13,56 años, y el 51,15% eran varones. Las medianas de las prevalencias de lumbalgia puntual, de período y de vida fueron respectivamente de 13,60%, 24,75% y 38,50% . Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la lumbalgia aumenta con la edad. El sexo influye en las tasas de prevalencia. La falta de definición y delimitación del dolor lumbar y de especificaciones como frecuencia, duración, e intensidad del dolor, son las deficiencias metodológicas más comunmente encontradas.

  1. Evaluación de escalas diagnósticas en pacientes con dolor abdominal sugestivo de apendicitis

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    Álvaro Sanabria


    Conclusión. Para hombres con dolor en la fosa iliaca derecha, el diagnóstico hecho por el cirujano es mejor que las escalas diagnósticas. Para el caso de las mujeres, la escala de Fenyö ofrece una mejor sensibilidad. La escala de Alvarado puede facilitar la conducta en pacientes con dolor en fosa iliaca derecha.

  2. Estudio de la asimetría rotuliana como marcador de riesgo del dolor femoro-patelar. Análisis de elementos finitos de la sentadilla


    Arnal Burró, Juan


    El dolor de origen femoro-patelar (FP) es una de las causas mas frecuentes de dolor en la rodilla, predomina en mujeres adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, aunque globalmente es una de las patologías de mayor prevalencia en las consultas de cirugía ortopédica en todos los rangos etarios. Este dolor tiene su mecanismo fisiopatológico en el aumento de la presión y tensión (estrés) experimentados por la rótula. Existe además una asociación entre el dolor anterior de rodilla (dolor FP) y la artrosis ...

  3. Fentanilo transdérmico para el dolor por cáncer

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    Conclusiones de los autores: La bibliografía de los ensayos aleatorios de la efectividad del fentanilo transdérmico es limitada, pero se trata de una medicina importante. La mayoría de los estudios reclutó menos de 100 participantes y no aportó datos apropiados para realizar un metanálisis. Solamente unos pocos informaron cuántos pacientes tuvieron buen alivio del dolor pero, cuando se informaron los datos, la mayoría tuvo ningún dolor peor que leve durante un período razonablemente corto. Las pruebas apuntaron a una reducción útil y significativa de las quejas relacionadas con el estreñimiento para el fentanilo transdérmico en comparación con la morfina oral.

  4. Efectividad de la microonda, masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams en pacientes con dolor lumbar


    Antonio del Valle Torres; Nadia Rosa Hechavarría Almaguer; Carlos López Peña; Raúl Barceló Reyna


    Fundamento: el dolor lumbar constituye un problema de salud a nivel mundial, su tratamiento constituye un reto en la práctica médica asistencial. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de la microonda, masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams en pacientes con dolor lumbar. Método: se realizó un estudio prospectivo experimental en una muestra de 60 pacientes con lumbalgia subaguda y crónica. Se asignaron dos esquemas de tratamiento: uno con microonda combinada con masoterapia y ejercicios de Wil...


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    Dra. Lina Ortiz, Msc


    El éxito de un buen programa de diagnóstico y tratamiento de dolor crónico, tanto para pacientes ambulatorios como hospitalizados depende, en gran parte, de la elaboración diagnóstica realizada en el trabajo de equipo, así como de la decisión terapéutica basada en un estudio completo e individualizado, de cada caso en particular. La realización de esta tarea no puede lograrse en forma óptima, sin la participación de un equipo multidisciplinario.

  6. Dolor de la cintura pélvica en la embarazada como predictor de la depresión postparto


    Sanz Falcón, María Juana


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2014. Directores de la Tesis: Carlos Goicoechea García y Josué Fernández Carnero Tanto el dolor lumbopélvico como la depresión postparto son complicaciones frecuentes durante el embarazo y postparto. El dolor lumbopélvico es el tipo de dolor de espalda más común, afecta a la región lumbar, la región pélvica o a ambas. Su etiopatogenia es compleja y en ella desempeñan un importante papel los factores emocionales. Su alta...



    Rivas L,Angélica; Rivas R,Edith; Bustos M,Luis


    La escala de valoración de dolor de Givens permite determinar presencia y magnitud del dolor que presentan los Recién Nacidos (RN) hospitalizados en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), para así poder valorar de manera constante este signo vital y tomar las medidas necesarias para atenuar la sensación dolorosa. Sentir dolor es un estado no deseable, donde se ve alterado el patrón fisiológico y el estado de conciencia de los niños; se hace necesario aplicar de manera constante escalas que pe...

  8. Relaciones interpersonales en el nuevo modelo de atención sanitarista al niño con dolor

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    Ana María Collado Madurga

    Full Text Available Introducción: el alivio del dolor debe considerase un derecho fundamental de la persona, porque el respeto a la dignidad humana exige que nadie sufra dolor innecesario. Objetivo: valorar cómo se establecía la relación de los profesionales con el paciente y representantes válidos, en la atención a niños con dolor, y si se ajustaban a un modelo de afrontamiento ético de las relaciones interpersonales y las valoraciones sobre virtudes y cualidades presentes en los profesionales que atienden niños con dolor. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva-transversal utilizando métodos cualitativos. Se realizaron encuestas a tutores válidos de niños que padecían dolor ingresados en el Hospital Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", y a profesionales de ese hospital de diferentes servicios que atienden a niños con dolor. Las valoraciones de los profesionales sobre estas relaciones se contrastaron con las que hicieron los representantes legales de los niños con dolor atendidos en el hospital. Resultados: el personal de salud considera generalmente (casi siempre correctas las valoraciones bioéticas en la relación médica con los enfermos y familiares. Los tutores válidos de los niños ingresados escogieron la alternativa siempre correcta en los procederes orientados desde la Bioética por parte del personal de salud. Las cualidades que caracterizan al personal médico y de enfermería son apreciadas en el rango de suficiente, y estas, con relación a cómo deberían estar presentes, las frecuencias no fueron lo suficientemente elevadas para esta profesión. Conclusiones: se constató que la ponderación de valores deseados para la profesión no alcanza las expectativas necesarias para considerar que se estén formando profesionales virtuosos. Los profesionales valoraron que no siempre se cumplen los procederes orientados desde la bioética, sin embargo los padres consideran que estos son cumplidos siempre.

  9. Evaluación del dolor en pacientes sometidos a ventilación mecánica invasiva ingresados en las unidades de cuidados intensivos


    Ferreras Llamazares, Cristina


    Introducción. La valoración del dolor presenta especial dificultad en pacientes críticos, en concreto en pacientes sometidos a ventilación mecánica invasiva, ya que no pueden comunicar este dolor. Objetivos. • Conocer en los enfermeros, el grado de conocimientos y la utilización de escalas del dolor en pacientes sometidos a ventilación mecánica. • Conocer la prevalencia, grado de dolor y las respuestas fisiológicas de los pacientes, antes, durante y después del cambio postural reali...

  10. El Dia de la Independencia, September 16, 1810: El Grito de Dolores (Independence Day, September 16, 1810: The Cry of Dolores). (United States)

    Oakland Unified School District, CA.

    Each year on the eve of September 16, when the President of the Republic of Mexico has rung the church bell that once hung in the belfry at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in the small town of Dolores Hidalgo, he has once more proclaimed Independence Day. When Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang that same bell on September 16, 1810, he rang it…

  11. Dolor abdominal recurrente (DAR) o crónico en niños y adolescentes


    Y. Mónica González, Dra.; H. Francisca Corona, Dra.


    El dolor abdominal crónico es muy frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Los criterios de Roma III permiten hacer el diagnóstico de las diferentes entidades con dolor abdominal funcional, en base a la sintomatología, y no como de exclusión. Actualmente se propone una etiología biopsicosocial, que obliga a una aproximación integrada para ofrecer tratamiento centrado en la sintomatología de cada paciente pudiendo combinarse cambios en la alimentación, fármacos e intervenciones psicosociales. Aunque l...

  12. Incompletitud corporal en la persona posamputada portadora de dolor de miembro fantasma: estudio cualitativo

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    Ma. Cristina Ochoa Estrada


    Full Text Available Introducción: En el cuerpo se vivencía el mundo, la alegría, el encuentro, la seguridad, el dolor las reacciones anatomofisiológicas inherentemente al cuerpo; se experimenta la afección por el dolor físico y psíquico, con sensaciones corporales de ansiedad, temor y angustia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de abordaje cualitativo-descriptivo, exploratorio; como técnica se empleó la entrevista semiestructurada, de los informantes seleccionados se trataba de personas que fueron atendidas en el Hospital General de Durango, México; participaron 12 personas que al ser amputadas debutaron con dolor de miembro fantasma; el soporte teórico estuvo apoyado por la corporeidad de Le Breton. Resultados y Discusión: En la persona con amputación, la relación de él con el mundo se altera, ya que la amputación cambia no sólo la forma de verse a sí mismo, sino también la forma de interactuar con su entorno, su familia, amigos, compañeros y sociedad en general. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras deben fortalecer la relación enfermera/persona para vivir un encuentro real mostrando actitud de empatía, estar siempre ayudando y apoyando. Igualmente, escuchando, comprendiendo y educando, las personas al sentirse cuidadas contribuirán para que sean tratadas como un ser completo y harán que en su cotidiano la experiencia de vivir con el dolor de miembro fantasma se transforme en una condición aceptable y le permita enfrentar mejor su situación.Cómo citar este artículo: Ochoa MC, Bustamante S, Hernández C. Incompletitud corporal en la persona posamputada portadora de dolor de miembro fantasma: estudio cualitativo. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(1: 941-6.

  13. Physicochemical composition of water of Sirdariya River (within of Sogd region)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirsaidov, U.M.; Khakimov, N.; Murtazaev, Kh.; Sufiev, A.


    Present article is devoted to physicochemical composition of water of Sirdariya River (within of Sogd region). During 12 months the physicochemical composition of above mentioned river was studied by means of water sampling from 10 points of river. The analysis was conducted and it was defined that the main contaminants of the river are the plant facilities, the deposits of radioactive ores and agricultural grounds.

  14. The Demographics of Travel in the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Region (United States)


    In March of 2008, the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) contracted with TranSystems, a consulting firm based in Montpelier, to conduct a regional transportation planning study for the region. Called the Demographics of Transportatio...

  15. Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Berta Lidia Gutierrez Yut


    Full Text Available Introducción: las urgencias son aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional en prótesis. Son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos y dolor. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo estuvo constituido por los individuos mayores de 60 años del Policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" que asistieron a la unidad, 637 en total, y la muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos de ambos sexos. Se estudiaron como variables: el sexo, el nivel educacional, la necesidad de prótesis, tipo de prótesis, conocimiento sobre salud bucodental y actitud ante el dolor provocado por la prótesis. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Al final resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal, sobre la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente, demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos después de aplicado el programa. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto positivo, y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos.

  16. Causes of environmental change in the Alligator Rivers region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skidmore, J.


    Covering some 28,000 square kilometres of the Northern Territory, the Alligator Rivers Region (ARR) includes the catchments of the East, South and West Alligator Rivers, and many small abandoned uranium mines. To introduce the problems of human impact on the ARR, the toxicologically significant aspects of the local environment were first examined, then the possible effects on it of mining and other human activities. It was found that the most deleterious impact on the region is not caused by mining but by human settlement, introduction of animals (notably the buffalo) and plants, the use of fire and tourism

  17. Regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners. (United States)

    Hjerpe, Evan E; Kim, Yeon-Su


    Economic impact analysis (EIA) of outdoor recreation can provide critical social information concerning the utilization of natural resources. Outdoor recreation and other non-consumptive uses of resources are viewed as environmentally friendly alternatives to extractive-type industries. While outdoor recreation can be an appropriate use of resources, it generates both beneficial and adverse socioeconomic impacts on rural communities. The authors used EIA to assess the regional economic impacts of rafting in Grand Canyon National Park. The Grand Canyon region of northern Arizona represents a rural US economy that is highly dependent upon tourism and recreational expenditures. The purpose of this research is twofold. The first is to ascertain the previously unknown regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners. The second purpose is to examine attributes of these economic impacts in terms of regional multipliers, leakage, and types of employment created. Most of the literature on economic impacts of outdoor recreation has focused strictly on the positive economic impacts, failing to illuminate the coinciding adverse and constraining economic impacts. Examining the attributes of economic impacts can highlight deficiencies and constraints that limit the economic benefits of recreation and tourism. Regional expenditure information was obtained by surveying non-commercial boaters and commercial outfitters. The authors used IMPLAN input-output modeling to assess direct, indirect, and induced effects of Grand Canyon river runners. Multipliers were calculated for output, employment, and income. Over 22,000 people rafted on the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park in 2001, resulting in an estimated $21,100,000 of regional expenditures to the greater Grand Canyon economy. However, over 50% of all rafting-related expenditures were not captured by the regional economy and many of the jobs created by the rafting industry are lower-wage and seasonal. Policy

  18. Descubriendo los sentimientos y comportamientos que experimenta el adulto mayor con dolor crónico benigno

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    Alejandra María Alvarado García

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir los comportamientos y sentimientos que experimentan los adultos mayores no institucionalizados frente al dolor crónico benigno. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo tipo teoría fundamentada a 25 adultos mayores con dolor crónico benigno residentes en las ciudades de Medellín y Bogotá. La técnica utilizada para recolectar la información fue la entrevista en profundidad. El análisis se hizo utilizando las herramientas de la teoría fundamentada bajo los lineamientos de Strauss y Corbin. Resultados: El estudio arrojó dos categorías principales, las cuales se nutren de códigos que dan muestra de los comportamientos y sentimientos percibidos por los adultos mayores. El adulto mayor decide expresar su comportamiento a través del llanto, la manipulación frente a los miembros de su familia, mientras que otros al contrario lo callan y esconden su dolor frente a la familia. Aparecen una serie de sentimientos y emociones como la angustia, la tristeza, el miedo, el estrés, la impotencia, la desesperanza y el aislamiento, los cuales dan cuenta de una nueva perspectiva que lleva a entender aún más cómo la experiencia del dolor crónico impacta en todas las dimensiones de los adultos mayores. Conclusiones: El estudio permitió describir los comportamientos y sentimientos de los adultos mayores no institucionalizados frente al dolor crónico benigno y a su experiencia con los servicios de salud. Esta mezcla de emociones sugiere un posterior agotamiento físico y mental en el adulto mayor despojándolo de toda su energía y arrastrándolo a experimentar emociones negativas que agudizarán sus síntomas y afectarán a otras funciones normales de su cuerpo.



    Gustavo Adolfo García Arango


    El concepto jurídico del dolor desde el derecho constitucional ha sido abarcado en una sola perspectiva: el reconocimiento del derecho fundamental a la vida, en condiciones dignas. El derecho a la vida se ve afectado por conexidad:cuando el dolor no permite lleva una vida equilibrada en todos sus aspectos, permite la protección constitucional a la vida. Se entiende que el cuerpo es el elemento central en una teoría sobre la vida digna; un cuerpo sufriente, enfermo es un cuerpo limitado y cond...

  20. El dolor de espalda como lesión deportiva en jóvenes de 10-12 años

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    Josep Vidal-Conti


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la incidencia de dolor de espalda en jóvenes de entre 10 y 12 años en función de si practican o no algún deporte, cuál practican, con qué frecuencia, y las posibles diferencias entre género. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 2270 escolares (1214 niños y 1056 niñas de 10-12 años de Mallorca. La muestra se obtuvo por conglomerados (centros escolares por muestreo intencional. El cuestionario y la metodología de recogida de datos fueron previamente validados mediante el método test-retest. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la existencia de dolor de espalda fue del 38.3% (34.5% en niños y 42.8% en niñas. Existe una relación significativa entre dolor de espalda y practicar deporte o no, en niños positiva y en niñas negativa, pudiendo ser explicado por las diferencias del tipo de deportes practicados según el género. Los mayores índices de incidencia de dolor de espalda aparecen entre los que practican voleibol, gimnasia deportiva y natación más de 4 horas semanales, y los que practican gimnasia rítmica. Este estudio sugiere, a partir de los resultados obtenidos, que el dolor de espalda es un mal que afecta de manera importante a la población juvenil, en especial al género femenino, y que el tipo de deporte practicado, así como su frecuencia, es determinante a la hora de definir si un deporte puede ser o no un factor de riesgo asociado al dolor de espalda.

  1. Contamination profiles of perfluoroalkyl substances in five typical rivers of the Pearl River Delta region, South China. (United States)

    Pan, Chang-Gui; Ying, Guang-Guo; Liu, You-Sheng; Zhang, Qian-Qian; Chen, Zhi-Feng; Peng, Feng-Jiao; Huang, Guo-Yong


    A survey on contamination profiles of eighteen perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) was performed via high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for surface water and sediments from five typical rivers of the Pearl River Delta region, South China in summer and winter in 2012. The total concentrations of the PFASs in the water phase of the five rivers ranged from 0.14 to 346.72 ng L(-1). The PFAS concentrations in the water phase were correlated positively to some selected water quality parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD) (0.7913) and conductivity (0.5642). The monitoring results for the water samples showed significant seasonal variations, while those for the sediment samples showed no obvious seasonal variations. Among the selected 18 PFASs, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) was the dominant PFAS compound both in water and sediment for two seasons with its maximum concentration of 320.5 ng L(-1) in water and 11.4 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw) in sediment, followed by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) with its maximum concentration of 26.48 ng L(-1) in water and 0.99 ng g(-1) dw in sediment. PFOS and PFOA were found at relatively higher concentrations in the Shima River and Danshui River than in the other three rivers (Xizhijiang River, Dongjiang River and Shahe River). The principal component analysis for the PFASs concentrations in water and sediment separated the sampling sites into two groups: rural and agricultural area, and urban and industrial area, suggesting the PFASs in the riverine environment were mainly originated from industrial and urban activities in the region. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region Annual Report 1996-1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    One of the most significant developments during the year was the submission by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd of its Environmental Impact Statement for Jabiluka. The proposal is significantly different in technical detail from the Ranger and Nabarlek mines owing to the proposal to mine underground. Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of the uranium mines of the Alligator Rivers Region continued, with twice-yearly Environmental Performance Reviews (EPR) of Ranger and Nabarlek, and results reported to the Alligator Rivers Region Advisory Committee (ARRAC). Ongoing technical consultations took place through meetings of the Ranger Minesite Technical Committee. Issues relating to water disposal were addressed through the Ranger Water Management Working Group. Submissions were made regarding the Jabiluka Environmental Impact Assessment process and technical advice was provided to the Environmental Assessment Branch of Environment Australia during the assessment. The organisation's research program has reflected strategic directions set last year by the Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee (ARRTC) concerning environmental impacts of mining. Key projects assess radiation exposure by members of the public as a result of uranium mining, the effectiveness of artificial wetlands in the treatment of mine waters, and the development of methods to assess the effectiveness of options for rehabilitation. Development of the research program into wetlands protection and management continued, including establishment of a coordinated monitoring program to measure and assess coastal change as a benchmark for monitoring effects of climate change in the Alligator Rivers Region (a key part of a national network). Other research activities included water quality research for the National River Health Program and revision of the National Water Quality Management Strategy, Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters and conclusion of research projects in the Mount

  3. River reach classification for the Greater Mekong Region at high spatial resolution (United States)

    Ouellet Dallaire, C.; Lehner, B.


    River classifications have been used in river health and ecological assessments as coarse proxies to represent aquatic biodiversity when comprehensive biological and/or species data is unavailable. Currently there are no river classifications or biological data available in a consistent format for the extent of the Greater Mekong Region (GMR; including the Irrawaddy, the Salween, the Chao Praya, the Mekong and the Red River basins). The current project proposes a new river habitat classification for the region, facilitated by the HydroSHEDS (HYDROlogical SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales) database at 500m pixel resolution. The classification project is based on the Global River Classification framework relying on the creation of multiple sub-classifications based on different disciplines. The resulting classes from the sub-classification are later combined into final classes to create a holistic river reach classification. For the GMR, a final habitat classification was created based on three sub-classifications: a hydrological sub-classification based only on discharge indices (river size and flow variability); a physio-climatic sub-classification based on large scale indices of climate and elevation (biomes, ecoregions and elevation); and a geomorphological sub-classification based on local morphology (presence of floodplains, reach gradient and sand transport). Key variables and thresholds were identified in collaboration with local experts to ensure that regional knowledge was included. The final classification is composed 54 unique final classes based on 3 sub-classifications with less than 15 classes each. The resulting classifications are driven by abiotic variables and do not include biological data, but they represent a state-of-the art product based on best available data (mostly global data). The most common river habitat type is the "dry broadleaf, low gradient, very small river". These classifications could be applied in a wide range of

  4. Using Webcam Technology for Measuring and Scaling Phenology of Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) Infested with the Biocontrol Beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on the Dolores River, Utah (United States)

    Nagler, P. L.; Brown, T.; Dennison, P. E.; Hultine, K. R.; Glenn, E. P.


    Tamarisk is an introduced shrub/tree that is now widespread in western U.S. riparian corridors. There is concern that tamarisk displaces native vegetation and consumes large amounts of water from riparian aquifers. Consequently, the saltcedar leaf beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) has been introduced into the western US to control the spread of tamarisk. We studied the phenology and water use of tamarisk in two adjacent, beetle infested stands on the Dolores River, in southeastern Utah. A 10 m tower was erected in each tamarisk stand (“orchard” and “gauge”) prior to the 2008 growing season. Beetle damage was measured using fractional cover from images taken from the tower-mounted visible and infrared cameras (“phenocams”) starting in mid-May 2008 and again in mid-May 2009 through the growing season of each year. Tamarisk plants developed fresh leaves ca. mid-April and dense canopies by late-May. In 2008, defoliation became significant by June, whereas in 2009, defoliation became significant by mid-July (orchard) to late-July (gauge). In 2007, cameras were not installed, however defoliation occurred in July. Partial refoliation occurred approximately six weeks after the tamarisk trees were completely defoliated. Time-lapse image sets from the cameras were compared with fine-scale estimates of water use using stem sap flow measurements conducted over three growing seasons (2007-2009). Damage at an intermediate scale was measured with Aster imagery (15 m resolution) and at a coarse scale with MODIS imagery (250 m resolution). Vegetation indices (VIs) from the fine scale (tower phenocams) were comparable to VIs from satellite imagery at the intermediate and coarse scale. Plant transpiration fell dramatically during or shortly after the defoliated period, but recovered when new leaves were produced each year. Potential water salvage was constrained to the relatively brief period of defoliation. At the intermediate scale of measurement, beetle damage was seen to

  5. Valoración del dolor en el paciente pediátrico hospitalizado. Revisión narrativa


    Reyes Corrales, Inés de los


    Trabajo fin de grado en Enfermería El dolor es definido por la IASP como una “experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable, asociada a una lesión tisular real o potencial” Es importante que este sea considerado, valorado y tratado, independientemente de la edad, cultura y estado clínico. Objetivo: Conocer la evidencia disponible a cerca de las herramientas existentes para la evaluación del dolor en el paciente pediátrico hospitalizado. Material y método: Se realizó una ...

  6. Chemical composition of black-watered rivers in the Amazons Region (Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horbe, Adriana M.C.; Santos, Ana G. da Silva


    Most investigations addressing Amazonian water chemistry are focused on the Solimoes, Amazonas and Negro rivers. Knowledge of the chemical composition of their smaller tributaries is restricted to some few, punctual data. The smaller rivers, that only present inputs from their catchments, are very important to understand the overall mechanisms controlling the chemistry of larger rivers of the region. With this objective the chemical composition of the principal Solimoes river black-watered tributaries in the western Brazilian Amazon during the low water period were determined. The data reveal the black water chemical composition to be highly variable and strongly influenced by the local geological environment: the Badajos basin being chemically more diluted; the Coari basin presenting higher SiO 2 contents, as well as smaller lakes having higher pH, conductivity, Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Sr, yet not as much as those found in the Solimoes river. The chemical composition of these waters is compatible with the low physical erosion and the region's highly leached tropical environment from which most soluble elements were quickly removed. (author)

  7. Relación entre el dolor lumbar y los movimientos realizados en postura sedente prolongada. Revisión de la literatura

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    Fernanda Maradei García


    Full Text Available La evidencia científica muestra que existe asociación entre dolor lumbar y postura sedente prolongada y que una de las poblaciones más propensa a esta enfermedad es la de conductores, con una alta prevalencia. De igual manera, los movimientos posturales en la silla son la respuesta natural del cuerpo debida a la incomodidad percibida por el dolor lumbar, pero esta difiere en función de la historia previa. Con base en esto se realizó una revisión de los estudios relacionados con el dolor lumbar y el movimiento en postura sedente prolongada, incluyendo la población de conductores, con el fin de comprender esta relación. Se recuperaron 6226 artículos, de los cuales 16 fueron publicados entre 1970 y 2010; estos proporcionaron la información necesaria para contestar la pregunta de revisión. Se pudo constatar que ninguno de los estudios fueron realizados en actividades de conducir y la mayoría involucró sujetos voluntarios sin considerar si la población era trabajadora. El movimiento con dolor lumbar en postura sedente prolongada solo se pudo explicar desde el rango de movimiento lumbar, debido a que solo se encontró un artículo con estas características. También se encontró que los sintomáticos se mueven más, pero que el dolor lumbar no disminuye en función del tiempo, es decir que conocemos muy poco acerca de la paradoja movimiento y dolor en postura sedente prolongada.

  8. Dolor en la cirugía de cataratas comparando el primer ojo con el segundo. Revisión Bibliográfica.


    Álvarez Horga, Raquel


    El Dolor es una sensación emocional subjetiva y desagradable, resulta muy difícil su evaluación, por lo que la medición del dolor es una de las tareas más difíciles con las que se encuentra tanto el clínico como el investigador. La evaluación del dolor, considerado como el “quinto signo vital”, es un elemento esencial para su tratamiento. Su cuantificación debe realizarse mediante el uso de escalas, de las cuales hay una gran variedad según los objetivos que se tengan. El...

  9. Fisiopatología del dolor agudo: alteraciones cardiovasculares, respiratorias y de otros sistemas y órganos


    Pérez-Castañeda Jorge, Tania


    Introducción: El dolor agudo constituye una compleja constelación de experiencias sensoriales y emocionales, relacionadas con respuestas autónomas producidas por daño a estructuras somáticas o viscerales. Las vías del dolor transmiten la información nociceptiva a través del sistema nervioso periférico y central y están plenamente integradas con el sistema motor y simpático a nivel medular y de los centros nerviosos superiores y dan lugar a actividad motora refleja, hiperactividad simpática y ...

  10. Acupuntura en el tratamiento del dolor postoperatorio. Revisión sistemática de la literatura


    Espinosa Carreño, Yuribel


    Antecedentes El dolor postoperatorio es un problema que aparece con frecuencia y posee consecuencias físicas y emocionales sobre el paciente. A pesar de los avances en la terapia farmacológica convencional continúa presentándose un alto porcentaje de casos y se ha propuesto que la acupuntura podría ser una alternativa terapéutica en los casos de dolor postoperatorio. Objetivo Realizar una búsqueda intensiva y análisis crítico de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y otros diseños metodoló...

  11. Características laborales y prevalencia de dolor músculo-esquelético en las fisioterapeutas de una unidad hospitalaria de Bucaramanga, 2006

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    Sandra Yohanna Quintero-Moya


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características laborales y la prevalencia de dolor músculo-esquelético en las fisioterapeutas de una unidad hospitalaria de Bucaramanga. Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo realizado en una muestra de fisioterapeutas seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se aplicó una encuesta auto-administrada en el lugar de trabajo, compuesta por 19 preguntas relacionadas principalmente con el tiempo ejerciendo la profesión, el horario de trabajo, número y tipo de pacientes atendidos, condiciones del lugar de trabajo, actividades realizadas durante la jornada laboral, dolores músculo-esqueléticos a lo largo de la profesión, relación percibida entre el trabajo y los dolores músculo-esqueléticos que han presentado y la ejecución de ejercicio físico. Resultados: El 90,9% de las fisioterapeutas, manifestó haber presentado dolor músculo-esquelético alguna vez en el tiempo que lleva ejerciendo su actividad laboral. El 81.8% ha presentado dolor lumbar, seguido por el dolor cervical y de muñeca, ambos con el 45,5%. La mayoría llevaba más de 5 años laborando, por un tiempo mayor a 7 horas diarias, atendiendo en promedio 25 pacientes al día, con poco tiempo de descanso. Paralelamente, se encontró que el 81.8% de ellas no ejecutaba ningún tipo de ejercicio físico. Conclusiones: La mayoría de fisioterapeutas de este estudio refirió que los dolores músculo-esqueléticos eran derivados de su ejercicio profesional, esto es de gran importancia considerando que conocen a profundidad la relación existente entre biomecánica corporal, ergonomía y dolor músculo-esquelético y lo han evidenciado a partir de su experiencia. Se recomienda para futuras investigaciones, incluir un número mayor de fisioterapeutas de diferentes instituciones y de áreas especializadas.

  12. Colonial Education and Women of the Cross River Region of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    As a result, there is a gap to be filled in this respect, in the historiography of the Cross River region. This is the concern of this paper. The paper reveals that the women of present-day Cross River State contributed to the educational development of their communities in cash and kind. Even of greater importance is that a few ...

  13. Hydrology and morphology of two river mouth regions (temperate Vistula Delta and subtropical Red River Delta

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    Zbigniew Pruszak


    Full Text Available The paper presents a comparative analysis of two different river mouths from two different geographical zones (subtropical and temperate climatic regions. One is the multi-branch and multi-spit mouth of the Red River on the Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam, the other is the smaller delta of the river Vistula on a bay of the Baltic Sea (Poland. The analysis focuses on the similarities and differences in the hydrodynamics between these estuaries and the adjacent coastal zones, the features of sediment transport, and the long-term morphodynamics of the river outlets. Salinity and water level are also discussed, the latter also in the context of the anticipated global effect of accelerated sea level rise. The analysis shows that the climatic and environmental conditions associated with geographical zones give rise to fundamental differences in the generation and dynamic evolution of the river mouths.

  14. Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Amendment Act 1987 - No 17 of 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Act amends the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978. The amendments mainly concern definition of general mining operations and specification of the functions of the Supervisory Scientist and the Research Institute in relation to general mining in an environment conservation zone (parts of the Alligator Rivers Region). The 1978 Act provided for the appointment of a Supervising Scientist responsible for supervising protection of the environment against the effects of uranium mining in the Region, and for the creation of a Research Institute under his management. (NEA) [fr

  15. Antropología del cuerpo y el dolor


    Muñoz Mainato, Manuel Enrique


    El culto al cuerpo está presente en todas las culturas y épocas históricas, así como “la experiencia del dolor” que ha conducido a los seres humanos al ejercicio del dominio y del poder de unos sobre otros mediante la aplicación de dolor sobre los cuerpos; verbigracia el dominio ideológico de tinte religioso ejercido por los patriarcas hebreos, los cultos sumerios, mesopotámicos, egipcios, griegos, romanos, aztecas, mayas, incas, etc. Durante el Medievo se constató esta realidad c...

  16. Dolor abdominal recurrente (DAR o crónico en niños y adolescentes

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    Y. Mónica González, Dra.


    Full Text Available El dolor abdominal crónico es muy frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Los criterios de Roma III permiten hacer el diagnóstico de las diferentes entidades con dolor abdominal funcional, en base a la sintomatología, y no como de exclusión. Actualmente se propone una etiología biopsicosocial, que obliga a una aproximación integrada para ofrecer tratamiento centrado en la sintomatología de cada paciente pudiendo combinarse cambios en la alimentación, fármacos e intervenciones psicosociales. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes mejora al tranquilizarlos y con el tiempo, una proporción significativa sigue con sintomatología intensa y discapacitante en la adultez.

  17. Dolor óseo inducido por cáncer metastásico: fisiopatología y tratamiento


    Isaías Salas-Herrera; Luis Carlos Huertas-Gabert


    Se estima que de un 60 a 84% de los pacientes con cáncer desarrollan metástasis óseas. De estos un 70% experimentan síndrome s dolorosos de difícil manejo, de los cuales un 50% muere sin un adecuado alivio del dolor con una pobre calidad de vida. Por tanto, es necesario contar con medicamentos accesibles y efectivos para el manejo de esta patología. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la fisiopatología del dolor en hueso y describir los medicamentos que se utilizan con más frecuencia en e...

  18. A limnological survey of the Alligator Rivers Region. 1. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) of the region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, D.P.


    This study was undertaken as part of a study of the algae of the Alligator Rivers Region in general, and of the Magela Creek in particular, to support an investigation into the possible use of native algae as an indicator of any changes in water quality which might occur as a result of uranium mining and milling in the Region

  19. Cáncer de mama y de ovario: significados, dolor y sufrimiento en la cotidianidad de mujeres pacientes


    Alicia M. Tinoco García


    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo conocer, explicar y comprender los significados, el dolor y sufrimiento en la cotidianidad de mujeres que padecen cáncer de mama y de ovario. Aborda la subjetividad e intersubjetividad de las pacientes en su realidad cotidiana y contexto sociocultural. La investigación encuentra sustento teórico en la Sociología de la salud, Antropología de la salud y en otras ciencias de frontera que abordan problemas de salud-enfermedad, dolor y sufrimiento; así como e...

  20. Time-Series Analysis of Remotely-Sensed SeaWiFS Chlorophyll in River-Influenced Coastal Regions (United States)

    Acker, James G.; McMahon, Erin; Shen, Suhung; Hearty, Thomas; Casey, Nancy


    The availability of a nearly-continuous record of remotely-sensed chlorophyll a data (chl a) from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) mission, now longer than ten years, enables examination of time-series trends for multiple global locations. Innovative data analysis technology available on the World Wide Web facilitates such analyses. In coastal regions influenced by river outflows, chl a is not always indicative of actual trends in phytoplankton chlorophyll due to the interference of colored dissolved organic matter and suspended sediments; significant chl a timeseries trends for coastal regions influenced by river outflows may nonetheless be indicative of important alterations of the hydrologic and coastal environment. Chl a time-series analysis of nine marine regions influenced by river outflows demonstrates the simplicity and usefulness of this technique. The analyses indicate that coastal time-series are significantly influenced by unusual flood events. Major river systems in regions with relatively low human impact did not exhibit significant trends. Most river systems with demonstrated human impact exhibited significant negative trends, with the noteworthy exception of the Pearl River in China, which has a positive trend.

  1. Geologic map of the west-central Buffalo National River region, northern Arkansas (United States)

    Hudson, Mark R.; Turner, Kenzie J.


    This map summarizes the geology of the west-central Buffalo National River region in the Ozark Plateaus region of northern Arkansas. Geologically, the region lies on the southern flank of the Ozark dome, an uplift that exposes oldest rocks at its center in Missouri. Physiographically, the map area spans the Springfield Plateau, a topographic surface generally held up by Mississippian cherty limestone and the higher Boston Mountains to the south, held up by Pennsylvanian rocks. The Buffalo River flows eastward through the map area, enhancing bedrock erosion of an approximately 1,600-ft- (490-m-) thick sequence of Ordovician, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks that have been mildly deformed by a series of faults and folds. Quaternary surficial units are present as alluvial deposits along major streams, including a series of terrace deposits from the Buffalo River, as well as colluvium and landslide deposits mantling bedrock on hillslopes.

  2. Savannah River Region: Transition between the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zullo, V.A.; Harris, W.B.; Price, V. [eds.


    The focus of the this conference of Coastal Plains geologists was on the Savannah River region of Georgia and South Carolina, and particularly on the geology of the US Department of Energy`s 300 square mile Savannah River Site (SRS) in western South Carolina. Current geological studies indicate that the Mesozoic-Cenozoic section in the Savannah River region is transitional between that of the Gulf Coastal Plain to the southwest and that of the Atlantic Coastal Plain to the northeast. With the transitional aspect of the region as its theme, the first session was devoted to overviews of Cretaceous and Paleogene geology in the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. Succeeding presentations and resulting discussions dealt with more specific problems in structural, lithostratigraphic, hydrological, biostratigraphic, and cyclostratigraphic analysis, and of correlation to standard stratigraphic frameworks. For these conference proceedings, individual papers have been processed separately for the Energy Data Base.

  3. Ecological studies on the freshwater fishes of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bishop, K.A.; Allen, S.A.; Pollard, D.A.; Cook, M.G.


    The tropical climate of the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory has a distinctive Wet-Dry cycle resulting in seasonal flows in the creeks and rivers of its catchments. The present study, begun during August 1978, aimed at developing an ecological monitoring system that would detect changes in freshwater fish communities brought about by recent uranium mining and processing in the lowlands of the region

  4. Impacto del dolor en la incapacidad laboral: metodología de valoración. Grados funcionales de limitación

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    José Manuel Vicente Pardo


    Full Text Available El abordaje de la valoración del dolor como incapacitante laboral es extremadamente difícil por la necesidad de objetivar y dimensionar las limitaciones derivadas del dolor y por la necesidad de ponerlas en relación con las capacidades requeridas por el trabajo. Así mismo valorar la servidumbre terapéutica o el impacto que pueda ocasionar la analgesia en el desarrollo de su trabajo. Cuestión más complicada es diferenciar la exageración o el sobredimensionamiento clínico del paciente, y más aún el componente simulador. No se puede hablar de dolor en singular, pues existen múltiples tipos de dolores y además cada uno de ellos se manifiesta de forma diferente, dependiendo de las características y condiciones del proceso causal y del propio sujeto. Este trabajo pretende exponer una metodología de trabajo en la consulta evaluadora de la capacidad laboral, unas consideraciones respecto de la posible simulación del dolor, un protocolo de actuación y finalmente una gradación de las limitaciones que puedan servir de ayuda en el complejo cometido de valorar la incapacidad laboral del dolor como un componente añadido a las limitaciones funcionales derivadas de su causa. Material y método: Se han revisado hasta octubre de 2013 las siguientes bases de datos bibliográficas: SciELO, y PUBMED. Así como la Bibliografía y documentos de consulta citados en la misma. Conclusiones: Sólo una correcta metodología en el reconocimiento médico de la valoración de la capacidad laboral y una referencia directa a su gradación limitante puede llevarnos a un adecuado juicio clínico laboral que elimine en parte el componente subjetivo del dolor y concluya en la objetivación del daño resultante en su capacidad laboral y en las capacidades perdidas que puedan ser exigidas en el trabajo. Este trabajo aporta las consideraciones para aminorar los problemas en la toma de decisiones en valoración médica de la capacidad laboral y una mayor concreci

  5. Dolor neuropático, clasificación y estrategias de manejo para médicos generales

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    Prof. DR. Correa-Illanes Gerardo


    Full Text Available El Dolor Neuropático (DN se origina como consecuencia directa de una lesión o enfermedad que afecta al sistema somatosensorial, es un problema importante de Salud Pública y una condición común, crónica, debilitante que afecta a un número signifi cativo de pacientes. La presencia del DN es sugerida por la historia clínica y el examen físico, con una localización del dolor neuroanatómicamente lógica y evidencia de daño del sistema nervioso. Los médicos de atención primaria tienen un rol crucial en realizar el diagnóstico de DN posible, evitar los retrasos en el diagnóstico y proveer una apropiada evaluación, manejo y/o oportuna derivación al especialista para mejorar los resultados, reducir los costos humanos a los pacientes, aliviando el dolor y la discapacidad subsecuente, y costos económicos a la sociedad. Debemos por lo tanto educar a los médicos generales en la detección, el diagnóstico y el manejo inicial del DN.

  6. Dolor, calidad de vida y estado anímico relacionados con la salud de pacientes ancianos hospitalizados

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    Juan Máximo Molina Linde


    el cuestionario Perfil de Salud de Nottingham (PSN y la Escala Verbal Simple (EVS. Resultados. En general, se observó que, en la medida en que el dolor aumentaba, empeoraban las áreas de calidad de vida evaluadas con el PSN, así como los niveles de ansiedad y depresión. Conclusión. Ante el deterioro de la calidad de vida y su relación con las respuestas emocionales asociadas a ansiedad y depresión, conforme la intensidad del dolor, se deben realizar intervenciones de nivel primario y secundario que permitan el control del dolor, con el fin de reducir el impacto en la salud mental de los adultos mayores, a partir de estrategias integradas entre lo farmacológico y psicológico. Del mismo modo, se sugiere la creación de programas intrahospitalarios que incorporen terapias integrales que, a su vez, atiendan la dimensión emocional y afectiva de los pacientes ancianos hospitalizados, con el propósito de mejorar su calidad de vida.

  7. El dolor de espalda en la población catalana: prevalencia, características y conducta terapéutica

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    Bassols A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El dolor de espalda es un motivo frecuente de asistencia sanitaria en los países occidentales. El presente estudio se dirigió a establecer la prevalencia del dolor de espalda en la población adulta de Cataluña, así como sus características, su vinculación a las variables sociodemográficas, la conducta terapéutica seguida y las consecuencias para quienes lo sufren. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo realizado en 1994 a partir de una muestra de 1.964 personas, representativa de la población mayor de 18 años y obtenida a partir del censo de 1991. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante una entrevista telefónica. Se determinó la prevalencia de dolor en general durante los últimos 6 meses. En aquellos entrevistados que refirieron haber sufrido dolor de espalda, se analizaron sus características, se investigó su relación con las variables sociodemográficas, y se determinaron las conductas terapéuticas empleadas para aliviarlo y las consecuencias personales, sociales y laborales. Resultados: El dolor de espalda presentó una elevada prevalencia (50,9%, apareció en todas las edades (media [DE], 47,6 [17] años, predominó en mujeres (60,7%, en trabajadores manuales (54,9% y en personas con menos años de escolarización (71,1%. Era de larga evolución (el 69,2%, más de 3 años, frecuente (el 49,7%, más de la mitad de días, de duración variable (el 27,3%, más de 1 semana e intensidad elevada (el 51,4%, intenso-insoportable. Las opciones terapéuticas más empleadas fueron la consulta médica (71,9%, terapias no convencionales (24,7%, fisioterapia (el 22,7%, sobre todo ejercicios físicos y electroterapia y automedicación (14,6%. En general, la duración y el grado de alivio obtenido con los diversos tratamientos fue variable. El dolor de espalda limitó la actividad habitual (36,7%, obligó a guardar cama (22,7%, generó baja laboral (17% y fue motivo de invalidez profesional (6,5%. Conclusiones: El dolor de espalda constituye una

  8. La experiencia de sufrimiento en cuidadores principales de pacientes con dolor oncológico y no oncológico

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    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación es describir la experiencia de sufrimiento de los cuidadores informales de pacientes con dolor oncológico y no oncológico de tres instituciones de salud de Medellín. Es una investigación cualitativa de tipo fenomenológico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 16 cuidadores de pacientes con dolor oncológico y no oncológico. La información se recolectó a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y se cuantificó el nivel de sufrimiento por medio del termómetro emocional como complemento al enfoque cualitativo. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron por medio de categorías y perfiles previamente definidos, lo cual dio cuenta del significado, el nivel y los factores de sufrimiento más comunes en los cuidadores entrevistados. Los resultados evidenciaron que la mayoría de los cuidadores experimentaron altos niveles de sufrimiento. Reportaron sentimientos de tristeza y satisfacción contradictoriamente. En la esfera cognitiva, asociaron el sufrimiento con dolor y con el hacer bien su actividad; y en el área conductual, refirieron que el sufrimiento se relacionaba con la dificultad para el control de los síntomas físicos del paciente, y con el aplazamiento de actividades propias de su vida. En conclusión, el apoyo psicosocial recibido por los cuidadores no fue percibido como factor protector para la disminución del sufrimiento; el tipo de dolor estaba relacionado con la experiencia de sufrimiento y el rol de cuidadores, quienes en su mayoría eran mujeres cuidadoras de pacientes con dolor oncológico. Los cuidadores entrevistados estaban en riesgo de presentar Burnout debido a las múltiples demandas propias de su rol.

  9. Plants of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowie, I.D.; Finlayson, C.M.


    Published and unpublished lists of plants of the Alligator Rivers Region have been combined into a single, up-to-date check-list. The list has been designed to replace fragmented, regional listings with a single document suitable for use by both professional and amateur botanists. The list is ordered in the taxonomic sequence adopted for the Flora of Australia and includes 1346 species from 165 families. These are 1275 native and 71 alien species listed. Separate lists of rare species are given and discussed

  10. Plants of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cowie, I D; Finlayson, C M


    Published and unpublished lists of plants of the Alligator Rivers Region have been combined into a single, up-to-date check-list. The list has been designed to replace fragmented, regional listings with a single document suitable for use by both professional and amateur botanists. The list is ordered in the taxonomic sequence adopted for the Flora of Australia and includes 1346 species from 165 families. These are 1275 native and 71 alien species listed. Separate lists of rare species are given and discussed.

  11. Tratamiento del dolor neuropático central; futuras terapias analgésicas: revisión sistemática


    R. Mora Moscoso; M. Guzmán Ruiz; A.M. Soriano Pérez; R. de Alba-Moreno


    Introducción: el dolor neuropático central (DNC) es aquel causado por una lesión primaria o disfunción del sistema nervioso central que genera una patología incapacitante, difícil de reconocer y tratar. Las causas más frecuentes son accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), esclerosis múltiple y lesión medular traumática. Objetivos: realizar revisión sistemática de las principales causas de dolor neuropático central, presentar evidencia de la efectividad y tolerabilidad de las opciones terapéuticas ac...

  12. River water quality in the northern sugarcane-producing regions of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 16, 2011 ... Sugarcane production in South Africa occurs exclusively in the eastern regions of ... transboundary rivers, making their management internation- ...... KOEGELENBERG FH (2004) Irrigation User's Manual – Chapter 5: Water.

  13. Radioecological monitoring of transboundary rivers of the Central Asian Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuldashev, B.S.; Salikhbaev, U.S.; Kist, A.A.; Radyuk, D.S.; Vdovina, E.D.; Zhuk, L.I.


    Results of radioecological investigation of Central Asian rivers are presented. Investigation was done as part of the Navruz Project, a cooperative, transboundary river monitoring project involving rivers and institutions in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, and facilitated by Sandia National Laboratories in the United States. The study of waterborne radionuclides and metals concentrations in Central Asia is of particular interest because of the history of nuclear materials mining, fabrication, transport, and storage there, when it was part of the Soviet Union. This development left a legacy of radionuclides and metals contamination in some Central Asian regions, which poses a clear health hazard to populations who rely heavily upon surface water for agricultural irrigation and direct domestic consumption. (author)

  14. Uso clínico de la realidad virtual para la distracción y reducción del dolor postoperatorio en pacientes adultos


    Kattia Cabas Hoyos; Georgina Cárdenas López; José Gutiérrez Maldonado; Fernanda Ruiz Esquivel; Gonzalo Torres Villalobos


    El control del dolor es uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrentan los profesionales tratantes de los pacientes quirúrgicos y es un indicador tanto de buena práctica médica como de una atención de alta calidad. Adicional a las técnicas farmacológicas se han estudiado ampliamente otras técnicas y una de las que ha generado mayores efectos es la distracción del dolor. El presente estudio explora el uso clínico de la Realidad Virtual para la distracción y reducción del dolor en paci...

  15. Prevalência de dor crônica em adultos Prevalencia de dolor cronico en adultos Prevalence of chronic pain in adult workers

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    Maria Clara Giorio Dutra Kreling


    Full Text Available A dor crônica é um problema de saúde pública que acarreta prejuízos pessoais e sociais. Estudos epidemiológicos de dor crônica no Brasil e no resto do mundo são escassos, principalmente em se tratando de dores não específicas e em populações não vinculadas a serviços de saúde. Foram objetivos desse estudo: identificar a prevalência de dor crônica em adultos trabalhadores; analisar a prevalência de dor crônica conforme o sexo; e analisar a prevalência de dor conforme locais do corpo. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 505 funcionários da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Paraná, Brasil, considerando-se uma prevalência esperada de 50%, margem de erro de 4% na estimativa e nível de confiança de 95%. Estabeleceram-se como significativos os valores de pEl dolor crónico es un problema de salud pública que puede acarrear prejuicios personales y sociales. Estudios epidemiológicos del dolor crónico en Brasil y en el resto del mundo son escasos, máxime cuando se trata de los dolores no específicos y en poblaciones que no se vinculam a los servícios de salud. Esse estudio tuvo como objetivos: identificar la prevalencia del dolor crónico em adultos trabajadores; analizar la prevalencia del dolor conforme regiones del cuerpo. Esa investigación fue realizada con una muestra de 505 funcionarios de la Universidad Estadual de Londrina, considerándose una prevalencia esperada de 50%, margen de error de 4% em la estimativa y nivel de confianza de 95%. Se estableció como significativo los valores de pChronic pain is a public health problem which causes personal and social losses. There are few epidemiological studies of chronic pain in Brazil and elsewhere in the world, especially those dealing with non-specific pain, in general population. The objectives of this study were: to identify the prevalence of chronic pain in adult workers; to analyze the prevalence of chronic pain according to gender, and local of pain

  16. Regional lead isotope study of a polluted river catchment: River Wear, Northern England, UK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shepherd, Thomas J.; Chenery, Simon R.N.; Pashley, Vanessa; Lord, Richard A.; Ander, Louise E.; Breward, Neil; Hobbs, Susan F.; Horstwood, Matthew; Klinck, Benjamin A.; Worrall, Fred


    High precision, lead isotope analyses of archived stream sediments from the River Wear catchment, northeast England (1986-88), provide evidence for three main sources of anthropogenic lead pollution; lead mining, industrial lead emissions and leaded petrol. In the upper catchment, pollution is totally controlled and dominated by large lead discharges from historic mining centres in the North Pennine Orefield ( 208 Pb/ 206 Pb, 207 Pb/ 206 Pb ratios range from 2.0744-2.0954 and 0.8413-0.8554 respectively). In the lower catchment, co-extensive with the Durham Coalfield and areas of high population density, pollution levels are lower and regionally more uniform. Isotope ratios are systematically higher than in the upper catchment ( 208 Pb/ 206 Pb, 207 Pb/ 206 Pb ratios range from 2.0856-2.1397 and 0.8554-0.8896 respectively) and far exceed values determined for the geogenic regional background. Here, the pollution is characterised by the atmospheric deposition of industrial lead and petrol lead. Lead derived from the combustion of coal, although present, is masked by the other two sources. Recent sediments from the main channel of the River Wear are isotopically indistinguishable from older, low order stream sediments of the North Pennine Orefield, indicating that contamination of the river by lead mining waste (up to several 1000 mg/kg Pb at some locations) continues to pose an environmental problem; a pattern that can be traced all the way to the tidal reach. Using within-catchment isotope variation and sediment lead concentrations, estimates can be made of the discharges from discrete mines or groups of mines to the overall level of lead pollution in the River Wear. As well as providing information pertinent to source apportionment and on-going catchment remediation measures, the database is a valuable resource for epidemiologists concerned with the health risks posed by environmental lead.

  17. Déficit de memoria en una muestra de pacientes con dolor crónico Memory impairment in a sample of patients with chronic pain


    R. García-Nieto; E. Ortega-Ladrón de Cegama; E. Ruiz de Santos; J. Mª Lorenzo


    Introducción: Es relativamente frecuente que los pacientes con dolor crónico se quejen de problemas de memoria y concentración. Históricamente, este hecho se ha relacionado con la medicación dirigida al control del dolor, con el estado de ánimo y con el hecho de padecer dolor crónico. Objetivos: Conocer si las quejas subjetivas de pérdida de memoria que refieren los pacientes se objetivan en su ejecución en pruebas neuropsicológicas. En segundo lugar, estudiar si hay alguna diferencia en el r...

  18. Stratigraphy of Slick Rock district and vicinity, San Miguel and Dolores Counties, Colorado (United States)

    Shawe, Daniel R.; Simmons, George C.; Archbold, Norbert L.


    The Slick Rock district covers about 570 square miles in western San Miguel and Dolores Counties, in southwestern Colorado. It is at the south edge of the salt-anticline region of southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah and of the Uravan mineral belt.Deposition of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the district and vicinity was principally controlled by development of the Paradox Basin, and of Mesozoic rocks by development of a depositional basin farther west. The Paleozoic rocks generally are thickest at the northeast side of the Paradox Basin in a northwest- trending trough which seems to be a wide graben in Precambrian igneous and metamorphic basement rocks; Mesozoic rocks generally thicken westward and southwestward from the district.Sedimentary rocks rest on a Precambrian basement consisting of a variety of rocks, including granite and amphibolite. The surface of the Precambrian rocks is irregular and generally more than 2,000 feet below sea level and 7,000-11,000 feet below the ground surface. In the northern part of the district the Precambrian surface plunges abruptly northeastward into the trough occupying the northeast side of the Paradox Basin, and in the southern part it sags in a narrow northeasterly oriented trough. Deepening of both troughs, or crustal deformation in their vicinity, influenced sedimentation during much of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic time.The maximum total thickness of sedimentary rocks underlying the district is 13,000 feet, and prior to extensive erosion in the late Tertiary and the Quaternary it may have been as much as about 18,000 feet. The lower 5,000 feet or more of the sequence of sedimentary rocks consists of arenaceous strata of early Paleozoic age overlain by dominantly marine carbonate rocks and evaporite beds interbedded with lesser amounts of clastic sediments of late Paleozoic age. Overlying these rocks is about 4,500 feet of terrestrial clastic sediments, dominantly sandstone with lesser amounts of shale, mudstone

  19. Alligator Rivers Regions Research Institute research report 1983-84

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Institute undertakes and coordinates research required to ensure the protection of the environment in the Alligator Rivers Region from any consequences resulting from the mining and processing of uranium ore. Research projects outlined are in aquatic biology, terrestrial ecology, analytical chemistry, environmental radioactivity and geomorphology

  20. Dissolved nitrogen in rivers: comparing pristine and impacted regions of Brazil

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    LA Martinelli

    Full Text Available Riverine nitrogen distribution is increasingly controlled by anthropogenic activities in their watersheds, regardless of spatial scale, climate, and geographical zone. Consequently, modelling efforts to predict the export of nitrogen from rivers worldwide have used attributes such as population density, land use, urbanization and sanitation. These models have greatly enhanced our understanding of the sources and fate of nitrogen added to terrestrial systems and transported to rivers and streams, especially for developed countries of the North temperate zone. However, much of the world's population lives in developing countries of the tropics, where the effects of human activities on riverine N exports are still poorly understood. In an effort to close this gap, we compare riverine nitrogen data from 32 Brazilian rivers draining two contrasting regions in this tropical country in terms of economic development - the State of São Paulo and the Amazon. Our data include nitrogen in different dissolved forms, such as Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN and Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON. The results show that nitrogen concentrations decreased as river runoff increased in both study areas, and that concentrations were significantly higher in rivers draining the most economically developed region. The relationships between nitrogen concentrations and fluxes with demographic parameters such as population density were also determined and compared to those in temperate systems. In contrast to temperate watersheds, we found that nitrogen fluxes increased only after population densities were higher than 10 individuals per km².

  1. Relaciones entre variables sociodemográficas, incapacidad funcional, dolor y desesperanza aprendida en pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide

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    Stefano Vinaccia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo transversal fue estudiar las relaciones entre variables sociodemográficas, incapacidad funcional, dolor y desesperanza aprendida en pacientes con artritis reumatoide. Se utilizó una muestra de 124 pacientes (110 mujeres y 14 hombres diagnosticados con artritis reumatoide según los criterios del American College of Rheumatology. Como instrumento de medida de la discapacidad funcional se utilizó el Activities of Daily Living (HAQ-ADL, para evaluar el dolor se aplicó el Pain Severity Scale MOS y para la desesperanza aprendida el Arthritis Helplessness Index (AHÍ. Los resultados indicaron que los factores sociodemográficos son mejores predictores de desesperanza que el dolor y la incapacidad funcional, hecho que presenta evidentes discrepancias con investigaciones que plantean lo contrario, es decir una fuerte relación entre incapacidad funcional, dolor y desesperanza. Probablemente estas diferencias dependan de factores culturales que diferencian claramente la sociedad norteamericana de la colombiana con respecto al rol, la forma de atención y al cuidado de los enfermos crónicos. Esto nos permite entender más coherentemente una enfermedad crónica multifactorial, como es la artritis reumatoide, mediante un modelo bio-psico-social-ambiental y cultural.

  2. Investigations of some regional river systems by INAA and X-ray fluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drazhkovich, R.J.; Kukoch, A.


    Distribution of Zn, Hg, Sb, Cr, Fe, Sc and Co has been investigated in materials dissolved and suspended in the rivers Ibar, Zapadna Morava and Kamenica by means of INAA and X-ray fluorescence. Irradiation was made in VKG-channels of RA-nuclear reactor Vincha. Distribution coefficients were calculated, as well as contamination factors for investigated river regional systems in comparison to the uncontaminated water system. Data obtained indicate the possibility of utilization of these two analytical methods for investigation and control of biogeochemical and contamination processes in small regional water systems, especially important for modern studies in life sciences

  3. Var??n de 30 a??os con dolor pretibial bilateral


    Vargas-Hitos, Jos?? Antonio; Garc??a-Castro, Jos?? Miguel; Ja??n- ??guila, Fernando; Jim??nez-Alonso, Juan


    Var??n de 30 a??os que consultaba por dolor intenso y progresivo de dos meses de evoluci??n localizado en la cara anterior y distal de ambas piernas sin factor desencadenante aparente y mala respuesta a tratamiento analg??sico convencional. El paciente negaba otros s??ntomas a excepci??n de un rash eritematoso no pruriginoso generalizado que hab??a afectado tronco, palmas y plantas y que hab??a sido considerado como una reacci??n de hipersensibilidad a alguna de las medicaciones p...

  4. Population structure and genetic diversity of Sinibrama macrops from Ou River and Ling River based on mtDNA D-loop region analysis, China. (United States)

    Zhao, Liangjie; Chenoweth, Erica L; Liu, Qigen


    In order to understand the influence of human activities such as habitat fragmentation on freshwater fish population evolution, we investigated and compared the genetic diversity and phylogeography of Sinibrama macrops populations in the Oujiang River and Ling River. Mitochondrial control region sequences (D-loop region) of 131 specimens from six populations were obtained and analyzed. The diversity of main stream in the Ou River was lower than that in Ling River. Changtan population showed the lowest diversity (H = 0.646 ± 0.077; π = 0.00060 ± 0.00820). Pairwise F ST , gene flow (Nm), and genetic distance (Da) indicated that Longquan and Changtan significantly differentiate from other populations. Nested clade phylogeographical analysis (NCPA) showed some clades and total cladogram experienced isolation by distance. In conclusion, the populations from severely fragmented Ou River have the lower diversity and more intense differentiation than that from the mainstream of Ling River, Changtan population present the lowest diversity and were isolated by the dam construction.

  5. Heavy metal contamination status and source apportionment in sediments of Songhua River Harbin region, Northeast China. (United States)

    Li, Ning; Tian, Yu; Zhang, Jun; Zuo, Wei; Zhan, Wei; Zhang, Jian


    The Songhua River represents one of the seven major river systems in China. It flows through Harbin city with 66 km long, locating in the northern China with a longer winter time. This paper aimed to study concentration distributions, stability, risk assessment, and source apportionment of heavy metals including chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) in 11 selected sections of the Songhua River Harbin region. Results showed that Cr, Cd, Pb, Hg, and As exceeded their respective geochemical background values in sediments of most monitoring sections. Compared with other important rivers and lakes in China, Cr, Hg, Cd, and As pollutions in surface sediments were above medium level. Further analysis of chemical speciation indicated that Cr and As in surface sediments were relatively stable while Pb and Cd were easily bioavailable. Correlation analysis revealed sources of these metals except As might be identical. Pollution levels and ecological risks of heavy metals in surface sediments presented higher in the mainstream region (45° 47.0' N ~ 45° 53.3' N, 126° 37.0' E ~ 126° 42.1' E). Source apportionment found Hejiagou and Ashi River were the main contributors to metal pollution of this region. Thus, anthropogenic activities along the Hejiagou and Ashi River should be restricted in order to protect the Songhua River Harbin region from metal contamination.

  6. Conocimiento y manejo del dolor en alumnos de enfermería

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    Ma. del Refugio Zavala-Rodríguez


    Conclusión: se requiere analizar, a través de trabajo colegiado, el contenido y la metodología en las asignaturas de enfermería que conlleva la formación profesional esencial que se exige a enfermería en medidas terapéuticas para el manejo del dolor del usuario de los servicios de salud, dentro de un marco de seguridad técnico, científico, ético y legal.

  7. Dolor lumbar en niños. Estudio prospectivo"


    Vela Rodríguez, José Fabio


    El dolor lumbar en niños tiene una alta prevalencia, pero en la mayoría de los casos se auto-limita sin ningún manejo, cuando la sintomatología obliga al niño a asistir a la consulta médica se debe considerar que es representativo de una patología grave. Este estudio prospectivo pretende determinar esas causas y su relación con antecedentes, patologías previas, trauma o antropometría. Se realizó seguimiento a 35 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencias y consulta ext...

  8. Percepción farmacéutica del uso de analgésicos y su práctica en dolor leve-moderado. Encuesta DOLOR-OFF

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    Cristobal Arrebola


    Conclusiones: Se diferencian 3 grupos mayoritarios de usuarios de analgésicos según solicite el servicio de indicación, dispensación o se automedique. Se requiere una mayor formación de los farmacéuticos en protocolos de dolor individualizados a los perfiles de pacientes identificados y en criterios de derivación al médico, que permitan asegurar de manera sistemática la utilización correcta de analgésicos y la obtención de resultados clínicos positivos.

  9. Juan Pablo II: Portador de Esperanza ante el Dolor y el Sufrimiento

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    Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez


    Full Text Available El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II centrado en la pregunta por el hombre y la defensa de su dignidad, se preocupó por dejar una sólida y significativa enseñanza sobre esta realidad del ser humano. Padeció el dolor y el sufrimiento en muchos momentos de su vida y, como filósofo, teólogo y Pastor, manifestó esta gran preocupación en casi todas sus encíclicas, en las que buscó transmitir, a lo largo de todo su pontificado, la fe de la Iglesia Católica recogiendo las enseñanzas de la Sagrada Escritura y la Sagrada Tradición. A través de una revisión de las encíclicas que escribió, ilustramos cómo el Santo Padre evidencia, ante todo, un profundo interés de que el hombre de hoy se entienda principalmente a sí mismo y de esta manera, comprenda el dinamismo del dolor, para que, antes que desesperar en los momentos difíciles, viva la esperanza y pueda así llenar de sentido su vida entera

  10. Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Berta Lidia Gutierrez Yu


    Full Text Available Introducción: en prótesis se conocen como urgencias aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional; son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, y no que cumplen con los requisitos de biostática, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años en Guane, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo lo conformaron los individuos mayores de 60 años pertenecientes al consejo popular Guane 1, 637 adultos en total. La muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Luego de aplicado el programa educativo resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal. En cuanto a la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto muy positivo y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos.

  11. Groundwater Discharges to Rivers in the Western Canadian Oil Sands Region (United States)

    Ellis, J.; Jasechko, S.


    Groundwater discharges into rivers impacts the movement and fate of nutrients and contaminants in the environment. Understanding groundwater-surface water interactions is especially important in the western Canadian oil sands, where groundwater contamination risks are elevated and baseline water chemistry data is lacking, leading to substantial uncertainties about anthropogenic influences on local river quality. High salinity groundwater springs sourced from deep aquifers, comprised of Pleistocene-aged glacial meltwater, are known to discharge into many rivers in the oil sands. Understanding connections between deep aquifers and surficial waterways is important in order to determine natural inputs into these rivers and to assess the potential for injected wastewater or oil extraction fluids to enter surface waters. While these springs have been identified, their spatial distribution along rivers has not been fully characterized. Here we present river chemistry data collected along a number of major river corridors in the Canadian oil sands region. We show that saline groundwater springs vary spatially along the course of these rivers and tend to be concentrated where the rivers incise Devonian- or Cretaceous-aged aquifers along an evaporite dissolution front. Our results suggest that water sourced from Devonian aquifers may travel through bitumen-bearing Cretaceous units and discharge into local rivers, implying a strong groundwater-surface water connection in specialized locations. These findings indicate that oil sands process-affected waters that are injected at depth have the potential to move through these aquifers and reach the rivers at the surface at some time in the future. Groundwater-surface water interactions remain key to understanding the risks oil sands activities pose to aquatic ecosystems and downstream communities.

  12. La epidemiología del dolor en España


    Bassols, Antònia


    El dolor es una experiencia humana universal. Afecta, de forma relevante, la calidad de vida de la población general con importantes consecuencias personales, familiares y laborales. Es también uno de los principales problemas de salud pública por su gran repercusión socioeconómica y constituye una problemática que sobrepasa el marco estrictamente personal y sanitario para convertirse en un problema o enfermedad social. En el año 2004 la Internacional Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) ...

  13. Valoración de estrategias de afrontamiento, a nivel ambulatorio, del dolor crónico en personas con cáncer

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    Julián Andrés Barragán


    Full Text Available Actualmente el dolor es conocido como un síntoma desagradable que nace de la interacción de la persona con su entorno y consigo misma, y es responsabilidad del profesional de enfermería evaluarlo a fin de establecer acciones concretas para su atención. Objetivo: valorar las estrategias de afrontamiento del dolor crónico en personas con cáncer de forma multidimensional dentro de procesos físicos y emocionales. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal; se aplicó la versión en español del Cuestionario de Afrontamiento del Dolor Crónico (CAD a una muestra de 117 personas con cáncer de diversa etiología, mayores de 18 años y sin alteración del estado mental, entre junio y octubre del 2010, los datos se procesaron el SPSS; se realizó validez facial y conceptual para Colombia. Resultados: la aplicación del CAD permitió obtener puntuaciones de los factores que componen el cuestionario, así como la correlación con variables sociodemográficas; las personas utilizan estrategias adaptativas relacionadas con las categorías: esperanza (media de 5,1, autoinstruc- ciones (media de 4,33, distracción cognitiva (media de 4,9, es decir la confianza, la ayuda y la visión de un futuro sin dolor; se destacan como conductas desadaptativas la castrofización (media de 3,9 y fe y plegarias (media 5,23. Conclusiones: el estudio permitió valorar conductas de afrontamiento adaptativas al dolor crónico de las dimensiones propuestas; sin embargo, persisten conductas de tipo desa- daptativo al afrontamiento.

  14. Regional lead isotope study of a polluted river catchment: River Wear, Northern England, UK

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shepherd, Thomas J., E-mail: [Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham, Science Laboratories, Durham DH1 3LE (United Kingdom); Chenery, Simon R.N. [British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG (United Kingdom); Pashley, Vanessa [NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG (United Kingdom); Lord, Richard A. [School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, Tees Valley TS1 3BA (United Kingdom); Ander, Louise E.; Breward, Neil; Hobbs, Susan F. [British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG (United Kingdom); Horstwood, Matthew [NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG (United Kingdom); Klinck, Benjamin A. [British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG (United Kingdom); Worrall, Fred [Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham, Science Laboratories, Durham DH1 3LE (United Kingdom)


    High precision, lead isotope analyses of archived stream sediments from the River Wear catchment, northeast England (1986-88), provide evidence for three main sources of anthropogenic lead pollution; lead mining, industrial lead emissions and leaded petrol. In the upper catchment, pollution is totally controlled and dominated by large lead discharges from historic mining centres in the North Pennine Orefield ({sup 208}Pb/{sup 206}Pb, {sup 207}Pb/{sup 206}Pb ratios range from 2.0744-2.0954 and 0.8413-0.8554 respectively). In the lower catchment, co-extensive with the Durham Coalfield and areas of high population density, pollution levels are lower and regionally more uniform. Isotope ratios are systematically higher than in the upper catchment ({sup 208}Pb/{sup 206}Pb, {sup 207}Pb/{sup 206}Pb ratios range from 2.0856-2.1397 and 0.8554-0.8896 respectively) and far exceed values determined for the geogenic regional background. Here, the pollution is characterised by the atmospheric deposition of industrial lead and petrol lead. Lead derived from the combustion of coal, although present, is masked by the other two sources. Recent sediments from the main channel of the River Wear are isotopically indistinguishable from older, low order stream sediments of the North Pennine Orefield, indicating that contamination of the river by lead mining waste (up to several 1000 mg/kg Pb at some locations) continues to pose an environmental problem; a pattern that can be traced all the way to the tidal reach. Using within-catchment isotope variation and sediment lead concentrations, estimates can be made of the discharges from discrete mines or groups of mines to the overall level of lead pollution in the River Wear. As well as providing information pertinent to source apportionment and on-going catchment remediation measures, the database is a valuable resource for epidemiologists concerned with the health risks posed by environmental lead.

  15. Fuerza muscular, flexibilidad y postura en la prevalencia de dolor lumbar de los tripulantes de helicópteros del Ejército Nacional de Colombia

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    Imma Caicedo Molina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre la fuerza muscular, la flexibilidad y la postura con la prevalencia de dolor lumbar en los tripulantes de helicópteros del Ejército Nacional de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de tipo transversal bajo un modelo de regresión logística múltiple, enfocado en la medición de la fuerza muscular, la flexibilidad y la postura en tripulantes de helicópteros del Ejército Nacional de Colombia. Resultados. 108 tripulantes fueron evaluados, de quienes el 59,3 % presentó dolor lumbar. Se encontró que la fuerza de los músculos extensores de tronco constituyó un factor de protección (OR= 0,98. p0,05 y OR=1,04, p<0,05, Chi cuadrado 2,80 respectivamente. Conclusión. La fuerza muscular adecuada de los extensores de tronco constituye un factor protector frente al dolor lumbar en los tripulantes de helicópteros. Sin embargo, es necesario desarrollar más investigaciones en esta población que permitan mayor comprensión de los factores relacionados con el dolor. Las variables intervinientes de contexto, junto con las variables fisiocinéticas, constituyen una red compleja de determinantes del dolor lumbar en los tripulantes de helicópteros.

  16. Solute geochemistry of the Snake River Plain regional aquifer system, Idaho and eastern Oregon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, W.W.; Low, W.H.


    Three geochemical methods were used to determine chemical reactions that control solute concentrations in the Snake River Plain regional aquifer system: (1) calculation of a regional solute balance within the aquifer and of mineralogy in the aquifer framework to identify solute reactions, (2) comparison of thermodynamic mineral saturation indices with plausible solute reactions, and (3) comparison of stable isotope ratios of the groundwater with those in the aquifer framework. The geothermal groundwater system underlying the main aquifer system was examined by calculating thermodynamic mineral saturation indices, stable isotope ratios of geothermal water, geothermometry, and radiocarbon dating. Water budgets, hydrologic arguments, and isotopic analyses for the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer system demonstrate that most, if not all, water is of local meteoric and not juvenile or formation origin. Solute balance, isotopic, mineralogic, and thermodynamic arguments suggest that about 20% of the solutes are derived from reactions with rocks forming the aquifer framework. Reactions controlling solutes in the western Snake river basin are believed to be similar to those in the eastern basin but the regional geothermal system that underlies the Snake river Plain contains total dissolved solids similar to those in the overlying Snake River Plain aquifer system but contains higher concentrations of sodium, bicarbonate, silica, fluoride, sulfate, chloride, arsenic, boron, and lithium, and lower concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and hydrogen. 132 refs., 30 figs., 27 tabs

  17. Efecto de la música sobre la ansiedad y el dolor en pacientes con ventilación mecánica


    Sanjuán Naváis, M.; Via Clavero, G. (Gemma); Vázquez Guillamet, B.; Moreno Durán, A.M.; Martínez Estalella, Gemma


    La capacidad de la música para aliviar la ansiedad o el dolor ha sido utilizada ampliamente a lo largo de la historia. Objetivo: Examinar los efectos de la música sobre la ansiedad y el dolor en pacientes con ventilación mecánica invasiva. Diseño: Un ensayo aleatorizado controlado con medidas repetidas. Material y método: estudio prospectivo experimental con distribución aleatoria, en un hospital universitario de tercer nivel, de enero de 2009 a junio de 2010. La muestra fue de 44 participant...

  18. Regional implications of heat flow of the Snake River Plain, Northwestern United States (United States)

    Blackwell, D. D.


    The Snake River Plain is a major topographic feature of the Northwestern United States. It marks the track of an upper mantle and crustal melting event that propagated across the area from southwest to northeast at a velocity of about 3.5 cm/yr. The melting event has the same energetics as a large oceanic hotspot or plume and so the area is the continental analog of an oceanic hotspot track such as the Hawaiian Island-Emperor Seamount chain. Thus, the unique features of the area reflect the response of a continental lithosphere to a very energetic hotspot. The crust is extensively modified by basalt magma emplacement into the crust and by the resulting massive rhyolite volcanism from melted crustal material, presently occurring at Yellowstone National Park. The volcanism is associated with little crustal extension. Heat flow values are high along the margins of the Eastern and Western Snake River Plains and there is abundant evidence for low-grade geothermal resources associated with regional groundwater systems. The regional heat flow pattern in the Western Snake River Plains reflects the influence of crustal-scale thermal refraction associated with the large sedimentary basin that has formed there. Heat flow values in shallow holes in the Eastern Snake River Plains are low due to the Snake River Plains aquifer, an extensive basalt aquifer where water flow rates approach 1 km/yr. Below the aquifer, conductive heat flow values are about 100 mW m -2. Deep holes in the region suggest a systematic eastward increase in heat flow in the Snake River Plains from about 75-90 mW m -2 to 90-110 mW m -2. Temperatures in the upper crust do not behave similarly because the thermal conductivity of the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary rocks in the west is lower than that in the volcanic rocks characteristic of the Eastern Snake River Plains. Extremely high heat loss values (averaging 2500 mW m -2) and upper crustal temperatures are characteristic of the Yellowstone caldera.

  19. The importance of ultrasound findings in the study of anal pain Importancia de los hallazgos ecográficos en el dolor anal

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    A. M. Vieira


    Full Text Available Objective: endoanal ultrasonography can detect organic causes of anal pain without pathology on physical examination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the importance of endoanal ultrasonography in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of idiopathic and functional anal pain. Material and methods: retrospective study, between 15 March 2005 and 15 June 2008, of all patients with proctalgia and normal examination or with alterations not responsible for anal pain at proctologic exam that have undergone an endoanal ultrasonography. Results: a total of 90 patients were analyzed, with a mean age of 50.5 years, 58% were female. Twenty-three patients had functional anal pain clinic criteria. Endoanal ultrasonography revealed alterations in 49% of patients. The primary findings were changes in sphincters in 14 patients, followed by anal sepsis in 12 patients, anal fissure in 10 patients, perirectal lesions in 6 patients and ulcer of the anal canal in 2 patients. Of the patients with sphincter defects, 5 patients had criteria of chronic anal pain. In this group of patients, no differences were found in manometric and defecographic results between the different ultrasound abnormalities. Conclusions: the endoanal ultrasonography detected occult organic lesions to proctologic examination, in half the patients with anal pain. Ultrasound abnormalities were found in 22% of patients with functional anal pain. However, there was no correlation between ultrasound findings and physiological studies, and therefore could not find etiological or pathogenic factors of functional anal pain.Objetivo: la ecografía endoanal puede detectar causas orgánicas en el dolor anal sin patología en la exploración física. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la importancia de la ecografía endoanal en el diagnóstico y en el abordaje terapéutico del dolor anal idiopática y funcional. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo realizado entre el 15 de marzo de 2005 y el

  20. Manejo del dolor por el personal de enfermería en paciente pediátrico post-quirúrgico de apendicectomía

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    Anabel Guadalupe Córdova Jaquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El dolor es definido como una experiencia sensorial o emocional desagradable, asociada a daño real o potencial, es la experiencia humana más compleja y pese a la importancia de este síntoma es frecuentemente infravalorado. Objetivo: Describir como es el manejo del dolor que ofrece el personal de enfermería al paciente pediátrico postquirúrgico de apendicetomía Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo-transversal, exploratorio, con metodología cuantitativo, se utilizó un Instrumento semi-estructurado que se aplicó al personal de enfermeras que laboran en el área de pediatría en un hospital de segundo nivel en la ciudad de Durango, dicho instrumento consta de siete reactivos. Resultados: El 55% de la muestra solo utiliza la ministración de analgésicos como acción dependiente para manejar el dolor, mientras que el (45% además realiza otras intervenciones independientes como parte del cuidado de enfermería. Del 45% de las enfermeras que realizan otras intervenciones se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: apoyo emocional (56%, cambio de posición (22%, manejo ambiental (11% y escala analgésica de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (11%.Discusión: En los resultados obtenidos no se reflejó de manera clara que entre mayor nivel académico más intervenciones propias de enfermería se realizarían para proporcionar alivio al dolor, para que este manejo sea más efectivo, algunos autores coinciden con nuestros resultados ya que a pesar de que se siguen algunas pautas para el manejo del dolor posquirúrgico, es necesario también cambiar de conductas. Conclusiones: Expuesto lo anterior se adjudica la necesidad de elaborar un modelo innovador en el cual las enfermeras en el servicio de pediatría apliquen intervenciones independientes propias de enfermería, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad en la atención en el manejo del dolor en pacientes postquirúrgicos de

  1. A Regional Survey of River-plume Sedimentation on the Mississippi River Delta Front (United States)

    Courtois, A. J.; Bentley, S. J.; Xu, K.; Georgiou, I. Y.; Maloney, J. M.; Miner, M. D.; Chaytor, J. D.; Smith, J.


    Many studies of the Mississippi River and Delta (MRD) have shown historic declines in sediment load reaching the main river distributaries over the last few decades. Recent studies also reported that 50% of the suspended load during floods is sequestered within the delta. While the impact of declining sediment load on wetland loss is well documented, submarine sedimentary processes on the delta front during this recent period of declining sediment load are understudied. To better understand modern sediment dispersal and deposition across the Mississippi River Delta Front, 31 multicores were collected in June 2017 from locations extending offshore from Southwest Pass, South Pass, and Pass a Loutre (the main river outlets) in water depths of 25-280 m. Core locations were selected based on multibeam bathymetry and morphology collected by the USGS in May 2017; the timing of collection coincided with the end of annual peak discharge on the Mississippi River. This multi-agency survey is the first to study delta-front sedimentary processes regionally with such a wide suite of tools. Target locations for coring included the dominant depositional environments: mudflow lobes, gullies, and undisturbed prodelta. Cores were subsampled at 2 cm intervals and analyzed for Beryllium-7 activity via gamma spectrometry; in such settings, Be-7 can be used as a tracer of sediment recently delivered from fluvial origin. Results indicate a general trend of declining Be-7 activity with increasing distance from source, and in deeper water. Inshore samples near Southwest Pass show the deepest penetration depth of Be-7 into the sediment (24-26 cm), which is a preliminary indicator of rapid seasonal sedimentation. Nearshore samples from South Pass exhibited similar Be-7 penetration depths, with results near Pass a Loutre to 14-16 cm depth. Be-7 remains detectable to 2 cm in water 206 m deep, approximately 20 km from South Pass. Sediment dispersal remains impressive offshore from all three

  2. Aplicación del modelo de Dorothea Orem ante un caso de una persona con dolor neoplásico

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    Miriam Paula Marcos Espino

    Full Text Available Desarrollo de un estudio del caso de una persona con dolor de tipo neoplásico a través de los pasos del proceso de Enfermería, basándonos para la valoración en el modelo de Dorothea Orem, relacionando los principales diagnósticos, criterios de resultados e intervenciones a desarrollar para aumentar la calidad de vida de la paciente en sus últimos meses de vida. Tras la valoración enfermera, se detecta un problema en el control y manejo del dolor que altera la calidad de vida de la paciente, así como la realización de las actividades de la vida diaria. Se pone en marcha un nuevo plan de terapia farmacológica controlada por la enfermera a través de un diario del dolor, así como el manejo de la analgesia. Conocer las desviaciones de la salud de nuestra paciente facilita el poder realizar las intervenciones y actividades acordes a dicha desviación, así como plantear nuevos objetivos en función de los avances o retrocesos que podremos conocer cuando evaluamos la ejecución de las intervenciones.

  3. Efectividad de la laserterapia en el tratamiento del dolor articular temporomandibular en pacientes atendidos en Amancio, 2012-2013

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    Carmen de los Milagros García Alguacil


    Full Text Available La alta prevalencia de pacientes que acuden con trastornos temporomandibulares aquejados de dolor resultó ser la motivación para realizar este estudio descriptivo, en la clínica estomatológica del policlínico “Luis Aldana Palomino”, en el periodo comprendido de enero de 2012 a enero de 2013, con el propósito de determinar la efectividad de la laserterapia en el tratamiento del dolor articular temporomandibular. La muestra quedó conformada por 75 pacientes, atendidos en el servicio de prótesis de dicha institución. Se analizó la edad, sexo y efecto analgésico, el número de sesiones recibidas con esta terapia, así como la duración del efecto. Predominó el dolor en el grupo de 40 – 59 años y el sexo femenino fue el más afectado. A partir de la tercera sesión se comenzaron a remitir los síntomas en la mitad de los pacientes y en la mayoría el efecto analgésico se mantuvo por más de tres meses después de concluido el tratamiento. No se encontraron efectos adversos durante el tratamiento con el láser

  4. Consenso sobre el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico del dolor y el estrés en el recién nacido

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    María de Lourdes Lemus-Varela


    Full Text Available El dolor y estrés en el recién nacido (RN se ha tratado en forma insuficiente; los recién nacidos que ingresan a las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN, a menudo deben someterse a procedimientos invasivos, dolorosos y estresantes y el tratamiento inadecuado incrementa la morbimortalidad. El V Consenso Clínico de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Neonatología convocó a 32 neonatólogos de Iberoamérica para establecer las recomendaciones sobre diagnóstico y terapéutica del dolor y estrés neonatal. Se desarrollaron temas de relevancia, utilizando la mejor evidencia científica disponible en bases de datos indizadas. Todos participaron en forma activa en una reunión presencial en Santiago de Chile para consensuar las recomendaciones y conclusiones. El dolor y el estrés neonatal afectan el neurodesarrollo y la conducta a largo plazo, requieren el diagnóstico oportuno, el manejo y la terapéutica adecuada, incluso con fármacos que permitan balancear la efectividad y toxicidad. El Consenso señala la importancia de evaluar el dolor en el RN en forma multidimensional y proporciona recomendaciones de las indicaciones y limitaciones para la terapia farmacológica individualizada. El uso de los analgésicos tiene indicaciones precisas y debe limitarse por la carencia de estudios aleatorizados en RN, ya que en todos los casos existen efectos adversos a considerar. Se proponen medidas no farmacológicas para mitigar el dolor. El manejo del estrés debe comenzar en la sala de partos e incluir el contacto materno, la reducción de estímulos, la implementación de protocolos de intervención reducida, entre otros. SIBEN propone las recomendaciones para mejorar las prácticas clínicas relacionadas con el dolor y el estrés neonatal.

  5. Notes on the scholarly trajectory of Mª. Dolores Fernández-Posse

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    Gilman, Antonio


    Full Text Available The scholarly trajectory of Mª Dolores Fernández- Posse involved an ongoing process of critical observation, reflection, and change that is quite rare in Archaeology. Her change from normativism to a historically informed functionalism is representative of the general evolution of Spanish archaeological studies over the course of the past thirty years. What is unusual about Fernández-Posse -and attests to her straightforward and unassuming intelligence- is that she herself changed her mind and voiced that change with clarity and humor.

    La trayectoria científica de Mª Dolores Fernández-Posse se caracterizó por un proceso continuo de observación crítica, reflexión y cambio, algo poco común en Arqueología. Su cambio del normativismo a un funcionalismo de orientación histórica es representativo de la evolución de los estudios arqueológicos en España a lo largo de los últimos treinta años. Lo realmente inusual de Fernández-Posse -y lo que atestigua su directa pero no pretenciosa inteligencia- es que ella misma cambió de ideas y publicitó ese cambio con claridad y humor.






  7. Climate Drivers of Spatiotemporal Variability of Precipitation in the Source Region of Yangtze River (United States)

    Du, Y.; Berndtsson, R.; An, D.; Yuan, F.


    Variability of precipitation regime has significant influence on the environment sustainability in the source region of Yangtze River, especially when the vegetation degradation and biodiversity reduction have already occurred. Understanding the linkage between variability of local precipitation and global teleconnection patterns is essential for water resources management. Based on physical reasoning, indices of the climate drivers can provide a practical way of predicting precipitation. Due to high seasonal variability of precipitation, climate drivers of the seasonal precipitation also varies. However, few reports have gone through the teleconnections between large scale patterns with seasonal precipitation in the source region of Yangtze River. The objectives of this study are therefore (1) assessment of temporal trend and spatial variability of precipitation in the source region of Yangtze River; (2) identification of climate indices with strong influence on seasonal precipitation anomalies; (3) prediction of seasonal precipitation based on revealed climate indices. Principal component analysis and Spearman rank correlation were used to detect significant relationships. A feed-forward artificial neural network(ANN) was developed to predict seasonal precipitation using significant correlated climate indices. Different influencing climate indices were revealed for precipitation in each season, with significant level and lag times. Significant influencing factors were selected to be the predictors for ANN model. With correlation coefficients between observed and simulated precipitation over 0.5, the results were eligible to predict the precipitation of spring, summer and winter using teleconnections, which can improve integrated water resources management in the source region of Yangtze River.

  8. La ética en la asistencia al paciente con dolor y sufrimiento Ethical and unethical situacions in the attention of patients with pain and suffering

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    Oscar Velásquez Acosta


    Full Text Available Aliviar el dolor es un derecho del hombre y una obligación ética del personal de la salud. En la asistencia a pacientes que sufren dolor, independientemente del estado de evolución de la enfermedad, se pueden plantear las siguientes reflexiones: 1 No es ético dejar sufrir a alguien por ignorancia, temor, creencias erróneas o mala teología. 2 Es ético sedar al paciente cuando el dolor ha sido refractario al tratamiento recomendado. 3 No es ético instruir a las nuevas generaciones médicas en el tratamiento del dolor sólo desde el punto de vista estrictamente científico, desdeñando las dimensiones culturales, sociales, sicológicas y humanas; el médico debe afrontar el dolor total. 4 Es ético decir al paciente la verdad de su situación; así se reencuentra consigo mismo y toma decisiones acordes con su estado. La verdad hace transparente la relación médico-paciente, fomenta la creatividad y es fuente de alivio. 5 No es ético que las autoridades e instituciones pongan trabas para la consecución, distribución y entrega de las drogas necesarias para aliviar el dolor sobre todo los morfínicos. 6 No es ético que las casas productoras de drogas propicien las más costosas y no hagan lo posible por popularizar SUS productos. 7 No es ético abandonar al paciente que sufre dolor porque ya no ofrece ventajas para la medicina científica. Lo ético es aceptar, propiciar y administrar la terapia paliativa. 8 No es ético causar más dolor que el estrictamente necesario con el fin de corroborar diagnósticos o resultados investigativos. 9 No es ético engañar al paciente que sufre con la administración de placebos. 10 No es ético controlar, dominar ni medicalizar el sufrimiento, experiencia profundamente humana e individualizada. Es importante diferenciarlo del dolor que sí tiene aproximación y control farmacológicos. 11 No es ético dedicar la mayor parte de los recursos a la investigación de las enfermedades dejando de lado el

  9. Analgesia epidural para el alivio del dolor después del reemplazo de cadera o de rodilla

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    Conclusiones de los autores: La analgesia epidural puede ser útil para el alivio del dolor postoperatorio después de reemplazos importantes de articulaciones de los miembros inferiores. Sin embargo, los efectos beneficiosos pueden estar limitados al período postoperatorio temprano (cuatro a seis horas. Una infusión epidural de anestésico local o una mezcla de anestésico-narcótico local puede ser mejor que un narcótico epidural solo. La magnitud del alivio del dolor se debe sopesar contra la frecuencia de eventos adversos. Las pruebas actuales no son suficientes para establecer conclusiones sobre la frecuencia de complicaciones poco frecuentes de la analgesia epidural, la morbilidad o mortalidad postoperatorias, los resultados funcionales o la duración de la estancia hospitalaria.

  10. Punctuated Sediment Discharge during Early Pliocene Birth of the Colorado River: Evidence from Regional Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleontology (United States)

    Dorsey, Rebecca J.; O'Connell, Brennan; McDougall, Kristin; Homan, Mindy B.


    The Colorado River in the southwestern U.S. provides an excellent natural laboratory for studying the origins of a continent-scale river system, because deposits that formed prior to and during river initiation are well exposed in the lower river valley and nearby basinal sink. This paper presents a synthesis of regional stratigraphy, sedimentology, and micropaleontology from the southern Bouse Formation and similar-age deposits in the western Salton Trough, which we use to interpret processes that controlled the birth and early evolution of the Colorado River. The southern Bouse Formation is divided into three laterally persistent members: basal carbonate, siliciclastic, and upper bioclastic members. Basal carbonate accumulated in a tide-dominated marine embayment during a rise of relative sea level between 6.3 and 5.4 Ma, prior to arrival of the Colorado River. The transition to green claystone records initial rapid influx of river water and its distal clay wash load into the subtidal marine embayment at 5.4-5.3 Ma. This was followed by rapid southward progradation of the Colorado River delta, establishment of the earliest through-flowing river, and deposition of river-derived turbidites in the western Salton Trough (Wind Caves paleocanyon) between 5.3 and 5.1 Ma. Early delta progradation was followed by regional shut-down of river sand output between 5.1 and 4.8 Ma that resulted in deposition of marine clay in the Salton Trough, retreat of the delta, and re-flooding of the lower river valley by shallow marine water that deposited the Bouse upper bioclastic member. Resumption of sediment discharge at 4.8 Ma drove massive progradation of fluvial-deltaic deposits back down the river valley into the northern Gulf and Salton Trough. These results provide evidence for a discontinuous, start-stop-start history of sand output during initiation of the Colorado River that is not predicted by existing models for this system. The underlying controls on punctuated sediment

  11. Dolor en adultos mayores de 50 años: prevalencia y factores asociados Pain in the elderly: prevalence and associated factors

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    Abel Jesús Barragán-Berlanga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de dolor y los factores asociados en dos muestras de sujetos adultos: 50-64 años y mayores de 65 años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron las variables de autorreporte de dolor, factores sociodemográficos, funcionalidad, salud, depresión y cognición del Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México en su versión del año 2001 (ENASEM 2001. Se obtuvo la prevalencia de dolor autorreportado y se analizó la asociación con las demás variables por medio del análisis de regresión logística. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia es de 41.5%, más frecuente en mujeres (48.3% vs. 33.6%, con mayor prevalencia a mayor edad, y menor a mayor escolaridad. El dolor se asoció directamente con el reporte de artritis, enfermedad pulmonar, caídas, hipertensión, depresión, enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC e historia de cáncer, así como con alteración en la funcionalidad. CONCLUSIONES: El dolor es un problema frecuente entre los adultos mayores mexicanos y se asocia con un gran número de patologías diversas.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and the factors associated with pain in the Mexican elderly. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Persons ages 50 years or older answered the question: "Do you often suffer physical pain?" Prevalences were obtained, afterwhich multivariate analyses were conducted for the entire sample and for each age group to determine the associated factors. RESULTS: Pain prevalence was 41.5%, more frequent in women (48.3% vs. 33.6% and increased with age. There was a lower prevalence for persons with more education. Pain was directly associated with the report of arthritis, lung disease, falls, hypertension, depression, stroke, cancer history and problems with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living. CONCLUSIONS: Pain is a common problem among elderly and is associated with some comorbidities.

  12. El dolor en los neonatos: enfoque diagnóstico y terapéutico Pain in neonate infants: diagnostic and therapeutic approach

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    Dermoeyector, el Bioeyector y similares que suministran la droga para la anestesia local o regional mediante el uso de gases comprimidos; la utilización de matrices o microesferas polimerizadas biodegradables que al colocarlas en sitios específicos como los nervios o plexos nerviosos liberan lentamente hasta por varios días la droga analgésica y anestésica, lo que permite el alivio prolongado del dolor; la colocación de parches para la aplicación transdérmica de drogas; la administración transtraqueal de opioides como el fentanil. En conclusión, es necesario concienciar acerca de que los neonatos experimentan dolor; que se tienen bases fisiológicas para evaluarlo y tratarlo y para disminuir su exposición a estímulos nocivos y minimizar los resultados adversos. Finalmente, se recomienda que las intervenciones sean efectivas y seguras en el alivio del dolor y el estrés. Neonate infants suffer unnecessary pain due to the complexity of their evaluation, the lack of training of health professionals, the fear to secondary effects of medications, and the presumption that they do not feel it. However, behavioural and physiologic indicators lead to conclude that neonates do feel pain, the prevention and treatment of which avoid suffering and harmful future effects. It is now known that neonates unadequately treated for pain will present learning difficulties and disorders of conduct, memory, socialization, self regulation and sentiment expression. Pain treatment should include humanized assistance, good techniques, precise instruments, and pharmacologic as well as nonpharmacologic approaches; included in the former are opioids, and in the latter adequate posture, caresses, lullaby, pleasant images, music, tactile stimulation and movement. Presently, active research is taking place in the development of noninvasive analgesic methods. It is necessary to create awareness about pain in neonate infants, its detection, evaluation, prevention and treatment.

  13. La poesíaterapia: enfrentando y manejando el dolor

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    Maribel León Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una propuesta para enfrentar y manejar el dolor y la enfermedad basada en los factores y beneficios curativos de la poesía como terapia. Se analiza la forma como ha sido utilizada la literatura (lectura y escritura para fines terapéuticos a través de la historia y establece algunas actividades que se pueden realizar. Abstract The present article proposes a methodology to face and handle pain and illness based on the factors and healing benefits of poetry as therapy. The use of related literature (reading and writing for therapeutic purposes through history is fully analyzed along with some dynamics to be performed.

  14. Regional effects of agricultural conservation practices on nutrient transport in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (United States)

    Garcia, Ana Maria.; Alexander, Richard B.; Arnold, Jeffrey G.; Norfleet, Lee; White, Michael J.; Robertson, Dale M.; Schwarz, Gregory E.


    Despite progress in the implementation of conservation practices, related improvements in water quality have been challenging to measure in larger river systems. In this paper we quantify these downstream effects by applying the empirical U.S. Geological Survey water-quality model SPARROW to investigate whether spatial differences in conservation intensity were statistically correlated with variations in nutrient loads. In contrast to other forms of water quality data analysis, the application of SPARROW controls for confounding factors such as hydrologic variability, multiple sources and environmental processes. A measure of conservation intensity was derived from the USDA-CEAP regional assessment of the Upper Mississippi River and used as an explanatory variable in a model of the Upper Midwest. The spatial pattern of conservation intensity was negatively correlated (p = 0.003) with the total nitrogen loads in streams in the basin. Total phosphorus loads were weakly negatively correlated with conservation (p = 0.25). Regional nitrogen reductions were estimated to range from 5 to 34% and phosphorus reductions from 1 to 10% in major river basins of the Upper Mississippi region. The statistical associations between conservation and nutrient loads are consistent with hydrological and biogeochemical processes such as denitrification. The results provide empirical evidence at the regional scale that conservation practices have had a larger statistically detectable effect on nitrogen than on phosphorus loadings in streams and rivers of the Upper Mississippi Basin.

  15. Regional Effects of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Nutrient Transport in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. (United States)

    García, Ana María; Alexander, Richard B; Arnold, Jeffrey G; Norfleet, Lee; White, Michael J; Robertson, Dale M; Schwarz, Gregory


    Despite progress in the implementation of conservation practices, related improvements in water quality have been challenging to measure in larger river systems. In this paper we quantify these downstream effects by applying the empirical U.S. Geological Survey water-quality model SPARROW to investigate whether spatial differences in conservation intensity were statistically correlated with variations in nutrient loads. In contrast to other forms of water quality data analysis, the application of SPARROW controls for confounding factors such as hydrologic variability, multiple sources and environmental processes. A measure of conservation intensity was derived from the USDA-CEAP regional assessment of the Upper Mississippi River and used as an explanatory variable in a model of the Upper Midwest. The spatial pattern of conservation intensity was negatively correlated (p = 0.003) with the total nitrogen loads in streams in the basin. Total phosphorus loads were weakly negatively correlated with conservation (p = 0.25). Regional nitrogen reductions were estimated to range from 5 to 34% and phosphorus reductions from 1 to 10% in major river basins of the Upper Mississippi region. The statistical associations between conservation and nutrient loads are consistent with hydrological and biogeochemical processes such as denitrification. The results provide empirical evidence at the regional scale that conservation practices have had a larger statistically detectable effect on nitrogen than on phosphorus loadings in streams and rivers of the Upper Mississippi Basin.

  16. Diltiazem tópico en el dolor postoperatorio de hemorroidectomía con técnica cerrada

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    U. Rodríguez-Wong


    Conclusiones: En este estudio, el diltiazem administrado por vía tópica disminuyó el dolor, en los pacientes postoperados de hemorroidectomía con técnica cerrada, de manera estadísticamente significativa.

  17. Infrared thermography and shoulder pain in wheelchair users = Termografía infrarroja y dolor de hombro en usuarios de sillas de ruedas


    Rossignoli Fernández, Isabel


    Las personas que usan la silla de ruedas como su forma de movilidad prioritaria presentan una elevada incidencia (73%) de dolor de hombro debido al sobreuso y al movimiento repetitivo de la propulsión. Existen numerosos métodos de diagnóstico para la detección de las patologías del hombro, sin embargo la literatura reclama la necesidad de un test no invasivo y fiable, y sugiere la termografía como una técnica adecuada para evaluar el dolor articular. La termografía infrarroja (IRT) proporcion...

  18. Comportamiento del síndrome dolor disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular con tratamiento medicamentoso y láser


    Lidice Esther Mesa Rodríguez; Maydelyn Ureña Espinosa; Yadira Rodríguez González; Nilvia Medero Rodríguez


    Los trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular son las causas más comunes del dolor facial después del dolor dental. Se realizó un estudio tipo longitudinal prospectivo en la consulta de Máxilo Facial del Hospital General Docente “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”; en el período comprendido entre enero de 2011 y mayo de 2012, en la Provincia de Las Tunas; con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del tratamiento conjunto de terapia de apoyo medicamentosa y láser, aplicadas a los pacientes ...

  19. Early mixed farming of millet and rice 7800 years ago in the Middle Yellow River region, China.

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    Jianping Zhang

    Full Text Available The Peiligang Culture (9000-7000 cal. yr BP in the Middle Yellow River region, North China, has long been considered representative of millet farming. It is still unclear, however, if broomcorn millet or foxtail millet was the first species domesticated during the Peiligang Culture. Furthermore, it is also unknown whether millet was cultivated singly or together with rice at the same period. In this study, phytolith analysis of samples from the Tanghu archaeological site reveals early crop information in the Middle Yellow River region, China. Our results show that broomcorn millet was the early dry farming species in the Peiligang Culture at 7800 cal. yr BP, while rice cultivation took place from 7800 to 4500 cal. yr BP. Our data provide new evidence of broomcorn millet and rice mixed farming at 7800 cal. yr BP in the Middle Yellow River region, which has implications for understanding the domestication process of the two crops, and the formation and continuance of the Ancient Yellow River Civilization.

  20. Assessment of Water Quality of Subarnarekha River in Balasore Region, Odisha, India


    A. A Karim; R. B Panda


    The present study was carried out to determine the water quality status of Subarnarekha River at Balasore region during pre-project period as Kirtania Port is proposed in this area. River water samples were analysed for physico-chemical parameters by following standard methods (APHA 1985) and the results showed their variations as follows: pH 7.3-7.8,Temperature 26.7-28.20C, Electrical Conductivity 392-514 µ mho ,Total suspended solids 118-148 mg/l, Total dissolved solids 241-285 mg/l, Alkali...

  1. Climate change impact on the river runoff: regional study for the Central Asian Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agaitseva, Natalya


    increase is expected in evaporation from water surfaces of 15-20%. The most severe and climate conditions in the watershed area were predicted under the CCCM model. According to this model, if CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere is doubled, then the runoffs of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers are expected to be reduced by 28 and 40%, respectively. According to GFDL and GISS scenarios, presented.(Author)e experiencethe catchment area would increase by 3-4 o C and average annual precipitation volume by 10-15%. Under these scenarios, one could expect that no significant reduction in the Amudarya and Syrdarya runoff would occur. An air temperature rise of 1-2 o C will intensify the process of ice degradation. In 1957-180 glaciers in the Aral Sea river basins lost 115.5 km 3 Of ice (approximately 104 km 3 of water), which constituted almost 20 per cent of the 1957 ice reserve. By 2000 another 14 per cent of the 1957 reserve were lost. By 2020 glaciers will lose at least another 10 per cent of their initial volume. Calculations of regional climatic scenarios by the year 2030 also indicate persistence of present runoff volumes accompanied by an increase in fluctuations from year. Longer-term assessments are more pessimistic, since, along with increasing evaporation, water resource inputs (snow and glaciers in the mountains) are continuously shrinking. (Author)

  2. Dietary pathways through lizards of the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, C.D.; Morton, S.R.; Braithwaite, R.W.; Wombey, J.C.


    A broad survey of the diets of 46 species of terrestrial and arboreal lizards from the families Gekkonidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae and Scincidae was carried out in the Alligator Rivers Region, and the diets of three of the species were examined in detail by monthly sampling near the Ranger uranium mine. The study shows that, in the event of contamination of the waterbodies, only two species of lizards face any risk of contamination through their food

  3. Ecological restoration and effect investigation of a river wetland in a semi-arid region, China (United States)

    Xu, S.; Jiang, X.; Liu, Y.; Fu, Y.; Zhao, Q.


    River wetlands are heavily impacted by human intervention. The degradation and loss of river wetlands has made the restoration of river ecosystems a top priority. How to rehabilitate rivers and their services has been a research focus. The main goal of it is to restore the river wetland ecosystems with ecological methods. The Gudong River was selected as a study site in Chaoyang city in this study. Based on the analysis of interference factors in the river wetland degradation, a set of restoration techniques were proposed and designed for regional water level control, including submerged dikes, ecological embankments, revegetation and dredging. The restoration engineering has produced good results in water quality, eco-environment, and landscape. Monthly reports of the Daling River show that the water quality of Gudong River was better than Grade III in April 2013 compared with Grade V in May 2012. The economic benefit after restoration construction is 1.71 million RMB per year, about 1.89 times that before. The ratio of economic value, social value and eco-environmental value is 1:4:23.

  4. Nissi Maarja kiriku kooriruumi kahe vitraažakna restaureerimine / H. Beyermann, Illar Kannelmäe, Dolores Hoffmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Beyermann, H.


    4 ill.; aknad valmistas Riia meister H. Beyermann, ühel aknal on kujutatud evangelist Johannest, teisel apostel Peetrust; töid teostasid Dolores Hoffmanni juhendamisel OÜ Domini Canes meistrid B. Morejev, S. Ganin ja A. Bruk, kaitseklaaside projekti tegi Illar Kannelmäe

  5. Heavy metals in the small rivers of Ternopil region under different types of anthropogenic pressure

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    O. Prokopchuk


    Full Text Available The dynamic of content and peculiarities of migration of heavy metals in small rivers of Ternopil region were analyzed (Zn, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb. It was determined that cobalt does not exceed maximum permissible levels, whereas the content of other metals exceed these levels at rates from 2 to 42 times the emission limit set by the fishing industry. The waters of Ternopil region are the richest in the compounds of iron and manganese by virtue of the lithological content of the researched water basins. The excess in Mn and Fe concentration in river water is caused by occurrence of these elements in abiotic components of river valleys, particularly in areas with iron and manganese, alluvial deposits, clay soils with ferrous metal compounds and leaching of elements from rock, soil and forest litter. As our research showed, increased metal content in water basins is caused by natural factors (river running through areas with ore and where leaching of ore occurs it, reaction of interstitial water, metals appearing in ground water run-off, anthropogenic (waste waters of industrial plants, agricultural outwash, fuel combustion and hydrochemical factors of the hydroecosystem itself (consumption and releasing of metals by hydrobionts, aquatic habitat pH, metals coming in from ground sediments, metals released from complexes with organic compounds, methylation of non-organic metal compounds. A comparative analysis of the pollution levels of Ternopil region water basins by heavy metals was completed. It was determined that the river most heavily contaminated by the content of nutrients and non-biogenic HM is the Zolota Lypa and the cleanest is the River Strypa, which allows us to recommend the use of water composition as a reference indicator in assessing the ecological state of the region’s surface waters.

  6. La memoria del último exilio español en la escritura de tres mujeres: Victoria Kent, Dolores Ibárruri y Carmen Parga

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    Bettina Pacheco


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo realiza uma breve análise de três obras de testemunhos do exílio escritas por mulheres: Victoria Kent, destacada advogada socialista cromprometida com o governo da República Espanhola; Dolores Ibárruri, a mítica Pasionária; e Carmen Parga, republicana exilada na Rússia e México. As três dão sua visão, a sua maneira e através da escrita, sobre o drama vivido oferecendo sua concepção particular do exílio. Antes de entrar nas obras aludidas, examina-se brevemente as duas concepções sobre a dramática experiência do exilado que Cláudio Guillén reconheceu na escrita dos clássicos: Ovídio e Plutarco.Palavras-chave: Literatura comparada; literatura espanhola; Victoria Kent; Dolores Ibárruri; Carmen Parga; literatura latina; Ovídio; Plutarco; exílio.Resumen: Este artículo realiza um somero análisis de três obras testimoniales del exílio escritas por mujeres: Victoria Kent, destacada abogada socialista comprometida com el gobierno de la República Española; Dolores Ibárruri, la mítica Pasionaria; y Carmen Parga, republicana exiliada en Rusía y México. Las tres dan su visión, a su manera y a través de la escritura, sobre el drama vivido ofreciendo su concepción particular del exílio. Antes de entrar en las obras aludidas, se examina brevemente las dos concepiones sobre la dramática experiencia del exilado que Cláudio Guillén há reconocido em la escritura de dos clássicos: Ovídio y Plutarco.Palabras-clave: Literatura comparada; literatura española; Victoria Kent; Dolores Ibárruri; Carmen Parga; literatura latina; Ovídio; Plutarco; exílio.Keywords: Comparative literature; Spanish literature; Victoria Kent; Dolores Ibárruri; Carmen Parga; latin literature; Ovid; Plutarch; exile.

  7. El sufrimiento y el dolor en las tragedias de Séneca


    Herraiz Pareja, Marcos Jesús


    El propósito de esta tesis es determinar mediante el análisis del léxico de las tragedias de Séneca, la importancia de los diferentes vocablos en el desarrollo de la trama dramática, para ello se han escogido una serie de campos semánticos partiendo de la base del "dolor" y afines, se pasa acto seguido a otros grupos léxicos que vienen a cumplimentar, la manifestacion del primero. Un segundo objetivo lo constituirá la relación de estos campos con los principales postulados de la filosofía est...

  8. Efecto de la pregabalina sobre la expresión de Fos en el tronco del encéfalo y la médula espinal en dos modelos de dolor neuropático


    Villanueva Pérez, Vicente Luis


    En las últimas décadas, se han producido avances muy significativos en la búsqueda y hallazgo de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas contra el dolor. Esto ha sido posible gracias, en gran medida, al mayor conocimiento de los mecanismos subyacentes al dolor. Particularmente sustanciales han sido los datos obtenidos acerca del sustrato anatómico de la transmisión dolorosa y de su modulación endógena. En base a estos datos de carácter anatómico se ha ido clasificando el dolor en diferentes tipos: el...

  9. Application of HEC-RAS for flood forecasting in perched river-A case study of hilly region, China (United States)

    Sun, Pingping; Wang, Shuqian; Gan, Hong; Liu, Bin; Jia, Ling


    Flooding in small and medium rivers are seriously threatening the safety of human beings’ life and property. The simulation forecasting of the river flood and bank risk in hilly region has gradually become a hotspot. At present, there are few studies on the simulation of hilly perched river, especially in the case of lacking section flow data. And the method of how to determine the position of the levee breach along the river bank is not much enough. Based on the characteristics of the sections in hilly perched river, an attempt is applied in this paper which establishes the correlation between the flow profile computed by HEC-RAS model and the river bank. A hilly perched river in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province of China, is taken as the study object, the levee breach positions along the bank are simulated under four different design storm. The results show that the flood control standard of upper reach is high, which can withstand the design storm of 100 years. The current standard of lower reach is low, which is the flooding channel with high frequency. As the standard of current channel between the 2rd and the 11th section is low, levee along that channel of the river bank is considered to be heighten and reinforced. The study results can provide some technical support for flood proofing in hilly region and some reference for the reinforcement of river bank.

  10. Towards a publicly available, map-based regional software tool to estimate unregulated daily streamflow at ungauged rivers

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    S. A. Archfield


    Full Text Available Streamflow information is critical for addressing any number of hydrologic problems. Often, streamflow information is needed at locations that are ungauged and, therefore, have no observations on which to base water management decisions. Furthermore, there has been increasing need for daily streamflow time series to manage rivers for both human and ecological functions. To facilitate negotiation between human and ecological demands for water, this paper presents the first publicly available, map-based, regional software tool to estimate historical, unregulated, daily streamflow time series (streamflow not affected by human alteration such as dams or water withdrawals at any user-selected ungauged river location. The map interface allows users to locate and click on a river location, which then links to a spreadsheet-based program that computes estimates of daily streamflow for the river location selected. For a demonstration region in the northeast United States, daily streamflow was, in general, shown to be reliably estimated by the software tool. Estimating the highest and lowest streamflows that occurred in the demonstration region over the period from 1960 through 2004 also was accomplished but with more difficulty and limitations. The software tool provides a general framework that can be applied to other regions for which daily streamflow estimates are needed.

  11. Towards a publicly available, map-based regional software tool to estimate unregulated daily streamflow at ungauged rivers (United States)

    Archfield, Stacey A.; Steeves, Peter A.; Guthrie, John D.; Ries, Kernell G.


    Streamflow information is critical for addressing any number of hydrologic problems. Often, streamflow information is needed at locations that are ungauged and, therefore, have no observations on which to base water management decisions. Furthermore, there has been increasing need for daily streamflow time series to manage rivers for both human and ecological functions. To facilitate negotiation between human and ecological demands for water, this paper presents the first publicly available, map-based, regional software tool to estimate historical, unregulated, daily streamflow time series (streamflow not affected by human alteration such as dams or water withdrawals) at any user-selected ungauged river location. The map interface allows users to locate and click on a river location, which then links to a spreadsheet-based program that computes estimates of daily streamflow for the river location selected. For a demonstration region in the northeast United States, daily streamflow was, in general, shown to be reliably estimated by the software tool. Estimating the highest and lowest streamflows that occurred in the demonstration region over the period from 1960 through 2004 also was accomplished but with more difficulty and limitations. The software tool provides a general framework that can be applied to other regions for which daily streamflow estimates are needed.

  12. Impact of river stage prediction methods on stream-aquifer exchanges in a hydro(geo)logical model at the regional scale (United States)

    Saleh, F.; Flipo, N.; de Fouquet, C.


    The main objective of this study is to provide a realistic simulation of river stage in regional river networks in order to improve the quantification of stream-aquifer exchanges and better assess the associated aquifer responses that are often impacted by the magnitude and the frequency of the river stage fluctuations. The study focuses on the Oise basin (17 000 km2, part of the 65 000 km2 Seine basin in Northern France) where stream-aquifer exchanges cannot be assessed directly by experimental methods. Nowadays numerical methods are the most appropriate approaches for assessing stream-aquifer exchanges at this scale. A regional distributed process-based hydro(geo)logical model, Eau-Dyssée, is used, which aims at the integrated modeling of the hydrosystem to manage the various elements involved in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of water resources. Eau-Dyssée simulates pseudo 3D flow in aquifer systems solving the diffusivity equation with a finite difference numerical scheme. River flow is simulated with a Muskingum model. In addition to the in-stream discharge, a river stage estimate is needed to calculate the water exchange at the stream-aquifer interface using the Darcy law. Three methods for assessing in-stream river stages are explored to determine the most appropriate representation at regional scale over 25 years (1980-2005). The first method consists in defining rating curves for each cell of a 1D Saint-Venant hydraulic model. The second method consists in interpolating observed rating curves (at gauging stations) onto the river cells of the hydro(geo)logical model. The interpolation technique is based on geostatistics. The last method assesses river stage using Manning equation with a simplified rectangular cross-section (water depth equals the hydraulic radius). Compared to observations, the geostatistical and the Manning methodologies lead to slightly less accurate (but still acceptable) results offering a low computational cost opportunity

  13. Efectivitat de la teràpia craneosacral en el dolor lumbar crònic no específic: estudi experimental i aleatoritzat.


    Grañó Martí, Sílvia


    Pregunta clínica: És més efectiu el tractament convencional del dolor crònic lumbar no específic en l'edat adulta si li afegim el tractament amb teràpia craneosacral? Objectiu: Valorar l'efectivitat de la teràpia craneosacral en persones en edat adulta amb dolor crònic lumbar no específic. Metodologia: Es realitzarà un estudi experimental a partir d'un assaig clínic aleatoritzat i amb un simple cec. Es durà a terme durant l'any 2016 i mitjans de 2017 a la població de Lleida. La mostra e...

  14. Oclusión y estrés en el síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen García Cubillas


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente femenina de 35 años con síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular, cuyo motivo de consulta fue el dolor relacionado con el lado no habitual de masticación y de dormir. Los datos fueron tomados de su historia clínica inicial. El diagnóstico se realizó fundamentalmente por el método clínico. Para ello se hizo interrogatorio y el examen clínico de músculos, articulaciones temporo-mandibulares y oclusión. Se detectaron como posibles causas el estrés y una interferencia oclusal grosera. Se realizó un tratamiento múltiple: laserterapia, exodoncias, control de las interferencias oclusales, control de placa dentobacteriana e higiene bucal, charlas educativas y remisión al psicólogo. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente

  15. Eficacia de dos métodos de intervención en fisioterapia aplicados en sujetos del ámbito socio-sanitario con dolor cervical inespecífico


    Cardero Durán, María de los Ángeles


    Estudio experimental prospectivo, controlado y simple ciego en trabajadores del ámbito socio sanitario diagnosticados de dolor cervical inespecífico. El objetivo fue valorar la eficacia de dos tratamientos de fisioterapia (masoterapia y TENS / masoterapia y ejercicios de estiramientos) sobre las variables: grado de discapacidad, dolor percibido (Escala Visual Analógica y algometría), rango de movilidad articular y estado de salud así como determinar si existen diferencias en cuanto a los resu...

  16. A regional neural network model for predicting mean daily river water temperature (United States)

    Wagner, Tyler; DeWeber, Jefferson Tyrell


    Water temperature is a fundamental property of river habitat and often a key aspect of river resource management, but measurements to characterize thermal regimes are not available for most streams and rivers. As such, we developed an artificial neural network (ANN) ensemble model to predict mean daily water temperature in 197,402 individual stream reaches during the warm season (May–October) throughout the native range of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the eastern U.S. We compared four models with different groups of predictors to determine how well water temperature could be predicted by climatic, landform, and land cover attributes, and used the median prediction from an ensemble of 100 ANNs as our final prediction for each model. The final model included air temperature, landform attributes and forested land cover and predicted mean daily water temperatures with moderate accuracy as determined by root mean squared error (RMSE) at 886 training sites with data from 1980 to 2009 (RMSE = 1.91 °C). Based on validation at 96 sites (RMSE = 1.82) and separately for data from 2010 (RMSE = 1.93), a year with relatively warmer conditions, the model was able to generalize to new stream reaches and years. The most important predictors were mean daily air temperature, prior 7 day mean air temperature, and network catchment area according to sensitivity analyses. Forest land cover at both riparian and catchment extents had relatively weak but clear negative effects. Predicted daily water temperature averaged for the month of July matched expected spatial trends with cooler temperatures in headwaters and at higher elevations and latitudes. Our ANN ensemble is unique in predicting daily temperatures throughout a large region, while other regional efforts have predicted at relatively coarse time steps. The model may prove a useful tool for predicting water temperatures in sampled and unsampled rivers under current conditions and future projections of climate

  17. Ketorolaco versus Metamizol en el tratamiento del dolor posoperatorio en niños


    Palo Núñez, Gloria Pamella; Hospital II Cañete Essalud; Jiménez Castro, Jesús Orlando; Hospital San José Callao MINSA


    Objetivo:Evaluar la efectividad de Ketorolaco y Metamizol en el tratamiento del dolor agudo posoperatorio de adenoamigdalectomías en niños de tres a seis años atendidos en el Servicio de Anestesiología en el Hospital Alberto Sabogal Sologuren durante el periodo 2012-2013.MaterialyMétodos:Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. La investigación incluyó 115 niños que fueron sometidos de forma electiva a adenoamigdalectomías cuyas edades estuvieron comprendidas entre los...

  18. Efectividad del láser de baja frecuencia en el tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con epicondilalgia lateral: un overview de revisiones sistemáticas


    R.A. Aguilera Eguía; E.O. Zafra Santos; D.K. Rojas López; P.A. Saavedra Rozas; C. Cofre Bolados


    Introducción: la epicondilalgia lateral es una condición músculo-esquelética compleja, caracterizada por presentar dolor en la región del epicóndilo lateral del húmero. Objetivo: resumir la evidencia existente en revisiones sistemáticas Cochrane y no Cochrane, en relación a los efectos y beneficios del láser de baja potencia para el tratamiento del dolor en sujetos que presenten epicondilalgia lateral. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en el registro especializado Cochrane del gru...

  19. Influence of land cover on riverine dissolved organic carbon concentrations and export in the Three Rivers Headwater Region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. (United States)

    Ma, Xiaoliang; Liu, Guimin; Wu, Xiaodong; Smoak, Joseph M; Ye, Linlin; Xu, Haiyan; Zhao, Lin; Ding, Yongjian


    The Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP) stores a large amount of soil organic carbon and is the headwater region for several large rivers in Asia. Therefore, it is important to understand the influence of environmental factors on river water quality and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export in this region. We examined the water physico-chemical characteristics, DOC concentrations and export rates of 7 rivers under typical land cover types in the Three Rivers Headwater Region during August 2016. The results showed that the highest DOC concentrations were recorded in the rivers within the catchment of alpine wet meadow and meadow. These same rivers had the lowest total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations. The rivers within steppe and desert had the lowest DOC concentrations and highest TSS concentrations. The discharge rates and catchment areas were negatively correlated with DOC concentrations. The SUVA 254 values were significantly negatively correlated with DOC concentrations. The results suggest that the vegetation degradation, which may represent permafrost degradation, can lead to a decrease in DOC concentration, but increasing DOC export and soil erosion. In addition, some of the exported DOC will rapidly decompose in the river, and therefore affect the regional carbon cycle, as well as the water quality in the source water of many large Asian rivers. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Run-of-river power plants in Alpine regions: whither optimal capacity? (United States)

    Lazzaro, Gianluca; Botter, Gianluca


    Hydropower is the major renewable electricity generation technology worldwide. The future expansion of this technology mostly relies on the development of small run-of-river projects, in which a fraction of the running flows is diverted from the river to a turbine for energy production. Even though small hydro inflicts a smaller impact on aquatic ecosystems and local communities compared to large dams, it cannot prevent stresses on plant, animal, and human well-being. This is especially true in mountain regions where the plant outflow is located several kilometers downstream of the intake, thereby inducing the depletion of river reaches of considerable length. Moreover, the negative cumulative effects of run-of-river systems operating along the same river threaten the ability of stream networks to supply ecological corridors for plants, invertebrates or fishes, and support biodiversity. Research in this area is severely lacking. Therefore, the prediction of the long-term impacts associated to the expansion of run-of-river projects induced by global-scale incentive policies remains highly uncertain. This contribution aims at providing objective tools to address the preliminary choice of the capacity of a run-of-river hydropower plant when the economic value of the plant and the alteration of the flow regime are simultaneously accounted for. This is done using the concepts of Pareto-optimality and Pareto-dominance, which are powerful tools suited to face multi-objective optimization in presence of conflicting goals, such as the maximization of the profitability and the minimization of the hydrologic disturbance induced by the plant in the river reach between the intake and the outflow. The application to a set of case studies belonging to the Piave River basin (Italy) suggests that optimal solutions are strongly dependent the natural flow regime at the plant intake. While in some cases (namely, reduced streamflow variability) the optimal trade-off between economic

  1. Alligator Rivers Region Research Institute: annual research summary 1989-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Alligator Rivers Region Research Institute (ARRRI) research activities are associated with an assessment of environmental effect of mining in the region. While emphasis on baseline research is now much reduced, some projects are still necessary because of significant changes in the Magela Creek system, because new areas of proposed mining have been identified (e.g. Coronation Hill) and because the emphasis now being placed on rehabilitation research requires a sound knowledge of the Region's flora. The ARRRI rehabilitation research program has concentrated on the Ranger mine site, principally because it is at a critical planning stage where detailed research information is required. With regard to the development of techniques, research at the Institute has led to the development of specific analytical methods or protocols that can be used in assessing environmental impact. 39 tabs., 42 figs

  2. Validación del Cuestionario de Lugar de Control del Dolor en estudiantes argentinos con cefaleas recurrentes

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    Luciana Sofía Moretti


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Validar el Cuestionario de Lugar de Control del Dolor (CLCD en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios argentinos con cefaleas recurrentes. Método. Se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico intencional de 382 estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina, que en los últimos seis meses habían sufrido de cefaleas. El 77.7% de la muestra fueron mujeres y el 22.3% varones, con una media de edad de 22.4 años (DE = 4.2. Se realizaron estudios para evaluar la estructura interna, consistencia interna y la validez externa del cuestionario. Resultados. El análisis factorial exploratorio mostró tres factores que explicaban un 39.79% de la varianza: (1 locus de control externo por profesionales de la salud, (2 locus de control externo por azar y (3 locus de control interno. Asimismo, los valores alfa de Cronbach para evaluar la consistencia interna de los factores resultaron óptimos (valores α comprendidos entre 0.80 y 0.86.Los análisis realizados para evaluar la validez externa del cuestionario, mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, revelaron que los factores locus de control externo por profesionales de la salud y los factores locus de control externo por azar correlacionaron positivamente con la intensidad del dolor (r = 0.15, p < 0.01; r = 0.23, p < 0.01, respectivamente, no obstante los valores obtenidos fueron bajos. Conclusión. Aunque presenta limitaciones en su validez externa, los estudios psicométricos realizados permiten concluir que el CLCD es un instrumento confiable y válido para evaluar locus de control en población universitaria argentina con dolor crónico ocasionado por cefaleas.

  3. Columbia River System Operation Review final environmental impact statement. Appendix Q: Regional forum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The System Operation Review (SOR) is a study and environmental compliance process being used by the three Federal agencies to analyze future operations of the system and river use issues. The goal of the SOR is to achieve a coordinated system operation strategy for the river that better meets the needs of all river users. This technical appendix addresses only the effects of alternative system operating strategies for managing the Columbia River system. The SOR is currently developing a System Operating Strategy (SOS) that will guide the physical operations of the Columbia River system. The SOR is also addressing the institutional arrangements that must be in place to make needed changes to the SOS in the future, or make interpretations of the strategy in the light of changing water conditions or river needs. For convenience, this future institutional arrangement is referred to as ''The Columbia River Regional Forum,'' or simply ''the Forum,'' even though the nature of this institution is still to be determined. This appendix and the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) identify the Forum as an administrative process that will not result in impacts to the environment and will not require analysis in a NEPA context. The composition of and procedures followed by a decision making body cannot--in and of themselves--be used to predict a particular decision with definable impacts on the environment. Nevertheless, because of the relationship to the other SOR actions, the SOR lead agencies have prepared this Technical Appendix to provide opportunities for review and comment on the Forum alternatives

  4. Análisis de los efectos de 12 semanas de entrenamiento en la zona Central Core, en jugadoras de voleibol gimnastas de rítmica y su influencia en el dolor de espalda lumbar


    Esteban García, Paula


    El dolor de espalda lumbar afecta entorno el 85-90% de la población, pudiendo también encontrarse como patología, en la población deportista. Se ha determinado, que deportes como la gimnasia rítmica y el voleibol, tienen como una de las lesiones con mayor incidencia, el dolor de espalda lumbar. Existe una gran tendencia en los últimos años, en la aplicación de programas de entrenamiento sobre la zona central CORE, en población con dolor crónico lumbar, encontrando reducciones en la intensidad...

  5. Study of a conceptual nuclear energy center at Green River, Utah: regional considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document constitutes one segment of a feasibility study investigating the ramifications of constructing a nuclear energy center in an arid and remote Western region. This phase of the study discusses regional considerations involved in nuclear energy center development at Green River, Utah. Regional support for NEC development is assessed. In addition, possible regulatory constraints to NEC development are identified and analyzed. Possible resource allocation shortages resulting from NEC development are also considered. A comparison with a similar study on NEC development in the Southeastern United States is also included

  6. Interacciones neuroinmunes y dolor neuropático: papel del factor de crecimiento neuronal


    Ruiz Barría, Guido Raúl


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Diversas líneas de evidencia asignan al factor de crecimiento neuronal (NGF), expresado en el espacio endoneural por células de Schwann activadas tras una lesión nerviosa, un papel en el mecanismo del dolor neuropático periférico. Se ha sugerido, pues, que el NGF podría promover sprouting en la zona de la lesión y generar cambios plásticos en la primera neurona sensorial y sus proyecciones centrales, colaborando de este ...

  7. Current perspectives of acute pain treatment Perspectivas actuales de tratamiento del paciente con dolor agudo

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    Tiberio Alvarez Echeverri


    Full Text Available

    In the last years opioids have become of great importance in the relief of postoperative and other forms of acute pain. Reasons for this trend have been the availability of agonist opioids like phentanyl. sulphentanyl and alphentanyl and the results of research on the physlology. The pharmacology and the chemistry of drug receptors and neurotransmitters. The studies on chemicals other than opioids that contribute to pain relief when administered through different ways. specially the spinal. Have also influenced such a trend.

    En los últimos años los opiáceos han adquirido gran importancia en el alivio del dolor agudo especialmente del tipo postoperatorio. Una de las razones ha sido la disponibilidad de morfínicos agonistas como el fentanil, el sufentanil y el alfentanil; otra es la investigación de la fisiología, la farmacología y la química de los receptores y los neurotransmisores como de sustancias diferentes a los opláceos, aplicadas por diferentes vías en especial la espinal, que coadyuvan al alivio del dolor.

  8. Punctuated sediment discharge during early Pliocene birth of the Colorado River: Evidence from regional stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology (United States)

    Dorsey, Rebecca J.; O’Connell, Brennan; McDougall-Reid, Kristin; Homan, Mindy B.


    The Colorado River in the southwestern U.S. provides an excellent natural laboratory for studying the origins of a continent-scale river system, because deposits that formed prior to and during river initiation are well exposed in the lower river valley and nearby basinal sink. This paper presents a synthesis of regional stratigraphy, sedimentology, and micropaleontology from the southern Bouse Formation and similar-age deposits in the western Salton Trough, which we use to interpret processes that controlled the birth and early evolution of the Colorado River. The southern Bouse Formation is divided into three laterally persistent members: basal carbonate, siliciclastic, and upper bioclastic members. Basal carbonate accumulated in a tide-dominated marine embayment during a rise of relative sea level between ~ 6.3 and 5.4 Ma, prior to arrival of the Colorado River. The transition to green claystone records initial rapid influx of river water and its distal clay wash load into the subtidal marine embayment at ~ 5.4–5.3 Ma. This was followed by rapid southward progradation of the Colorado River delta, establishment of the earliest through-flowing river, and deposition of river-derived turbidites in the western Salton Trough (Wind Caves paleocanyon) between ~ 5.3 and 5.1 Ma. Early delta progradation was followed by regional shut-down of river sand output between ~ 5.1 and 4.8 Ma that resulted in deposition of marine clay in the Salton Trough, retreat of the delta, and re-flooding of the lower river valley by shallow marine water that deposited the Bouse upper bioclastic member. Resumption of sediment discharge at ~ 4.8 Ma drove massive progradation of fluvial-deltaic deposits back down the river valley into the northern Gulf and Salton Trough.These results provide evidence for a discontinuous, start-stop-start history of sand output during initiation of the Colorado River that is not predicted by existing models for this system. The underlying controls on

  9. Simulation of river plume behaviors in a tropical region: Case study of the Upper Gulf of Thailand (United States)

    Yu, Xiaojie; Guo, Xinyu; Morimoto, Akihiko; Buranapratheprat, Anukul


    River plumes are a general phenomenon in coastal regions. Most previous studies focus on river plumes in middle and high latitudes with few studies examining those in low latitude regions. Here, we apply a numerical model to the Upper Gulf of Thailand (UGoT) to examine a river plume in low latitudes. Consistent with observational data, the modeled plume has seasonal variation dependent on monsoon conditions. During southwesterly monsoons, the plume extends northeastward to the head of the gulf; during northeasterly monsoons, it extends southwestward to the mouth of the gulf. To examine the effects of latitude, wind and river discharge on the river plume, we designed several numerical experiments. Using a middle latitude for the UGoT, the bulge close to the river mouth becomes smaller, the downstream current flows closer to the coast, and the salinity in the northern UGoT becomes lower. The reduction in the size of the bulge is consistent with the relationship between the offshore distance of a bulge and the Coriolis parameter. Momentum balance of the coastal current is maintained by advection, the Coriolis force, pressure gradient and internal stresses in both low and middle latitudes, with the Coriolis force and pressure gradient enlarged in the middle latitude. The larger pressure gradient in the middle latitude is induced by more offshore freshwater flowing with the coastal current, which induces lower salinity. The influence of wind on the river plume not only has the advection effects of changing the surface current direction and increasing the surface current speed, but also decreases the current speed due to enhanced vertical mixing. Changes in river discharge influence stratification in the UGoT but have little effect on the behavior of the river plume.

  10. "Winning small battles, losing the war": Police violence, the Movimiento del Dolor and democracy in post-authoritarian Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Denissen, M.


    Since the mid-1990s more and more Argentines have been taking to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the growing levels of poverty, social exclusion and violence. As part of this growing trend, the Movimiento del Dolor (a social movement consisting of the family members of victims of

  11. Simulation of the Regional Ground-Water-Flow System and Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interaction in the Rock River Basin, Wisconsin (United States)

    Juckem, Paul F.


    A regional, two-dimensional, areal ground-water-flow model was developed to simulate the ground-water-flow system and ground-water/surface-water interaction in the Rock River Basin. The model was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Rock River Coalition. The objectives of the regional model were to improve understanding of the ground-water-flow system and to develop a tool suitable for evaluating the effects of potential regional water-management programs. The computer code GFLOW was used because of the ease with which the model can simulate ground-water/surface-water interactions, provide a framework for simulating regional ground-water-flow systems, and be refined in a stepwise fashion to incorporate new data and simulate ground-water-flow patterns at multiple scales. The ground-water-flow model described in this report simulates the major hydrogeologic features of the modeled area, including bedrock and surficial aquifers, ground-water/surface-water interactions, and ground-water withdrawals from high-capacity wells. The steady-state model treats the ground-water-flow system as a single layer with hydraulic conductivity and base elevation zones that reflect the distribution of lithologic groups above the Precambrian bedrock and a regionally significant confining unit, the Maquoketa Formation. In the eastern part of the Basin where the shale-rich Maquoketa Formation is present, deep ground-water flow in the sandstone aquifer below the Maquoketa Formation was not simulated directly, but flow into this aquifer was incorporated into the GFLOW model from previous work in southeastern Wisconsin. Recharge was constrained primarily by stream base-flow estimates and was applied uniformly within zones guided by regional infiltration estimates for soils. The model includes average ground-water withdrawals from 1997 to 2006 for municipal wells and from 1997 to 2005 for high-capacity irrigation, industrial, and commercial wells. In addition

  12. Prevalencia y factores asociados con el dolor de espalda y cuello en estudiantes universitarios Prevalence and factors associated with back pain and neck pain in university students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aminta Stella Casas Sánchez


    Full Text Available El dolor de espalda es un problema de salud pública dada su prevalencia a lo largo de la vida, los altos costos para los sistemas de salud y la afectación en la calidad de vida de las personas. La alta prevalencia en estudiantes universitarios (30-70%, se relaciona con limitación funcional en las actividades de la vida diaria. Los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos tales como: la edad, género, práctica de actividad física y tiempo en el computador están asociados con el dolor de cuello y espalda. Los estudios revisados muestran asociación positiva y significativa entre edades superiores a 20 ó 21 años, con la probabilidad de presentar dolor lumbar. El género femenino, los años matriculados en la universidad y las horas/semana en el computador se asocian con dolor de espalda en varias localizaciones. Los resultados son controversiales para la asociación entre la práctica de la actividad física y el dolor de espalda. La práctica de algunos deportes, así como la suspensión de la actividad deportiva aumentan la probabilidad de presentar dolor lumbar. Adicionalmente, los factores psicológicos deben ser considerados para comprender el problema del dolor en cuello y espalda. En universitarios se han realizado pocos estudios sobre la asociación de la postura sedente con el dolor de espalda, pero para la población en general se han descrito los aspectos biomecánicos relacionados con la alineación corporal y la activación muscular; la postura y la presión intradiscal; así como los factores ergonómicos y contextuales que afectan la adopción y el mantenimiento del sentado. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (2:45-55The back pain is a public health problem due to lifetime prevalence that increases the health system costs and affect of the quality of life of people. In university students high prevalence rates between 30-70% is related to functional limitation in activities of daily living. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as age, gender

  13. The Pleistocene rivers of the English Channel region (United States)

    Antoine, Pierre; Coutard, Jean-Pierre; Gibbard, Philip; Hallegouet, Bernard; Lautridou, Jean-Pierre; Ozouf, Jean-Claude


    The Pleistocene history of river systems that enter the English Channel from northern France and southern England is reviewed. During periods of low sea-level (cold stages) these streams were tributaries of the Channel River. In southern England the largest, the River Solent, is an axial stream that has drained the Hampshire Basin from the Early Pleistocene or late Pliocene. Other streams of southern England may be of similar antiquity but their records are generally short and their sedimentary history have been destroyed, as in northern Brittany, by coastal erosion and valley deepening as a consequence of tectonic uplift. In northern France, the Seine and Somme rivers have very well developed terrace systems recording incision that began at around 1 Ma. The uplift rate, deduced from the study of these terrace systems, is of 55 to 60 m myr-1 since the end of the Early Pleistocene. Generally the facies and sedimentary structures indicate that the bulk of the deposits in these rivers accumulated in braided river environments under periglacial climates in all the area around the Channel. Evolution of the rivers reflects their responses to climatic change, local geological structure and long-term tectonic activity. In this context the Middle Somme valley is characterised by a regular pattern in which incision occurs at the beginning of each glacial period within a general background of uplift. Nevertheless the response of the different rivers to climatic variations, uplift and sea-level changes is complex and variable according to the different parts of the river courses.

  14. Practical possibility to manage radiation pollution on the examples of the region of Krivoy Rog and Loire river

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sizonenko, V. [Institute of General Energy of NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine)


    Uranium deposit placed near-by Zoltje Vody City in the region of Krivoy Rog is one of most on territory of Ukraine. One of main mining objects of the city is a mine 'Nova', which works mine of ferrous and uranium ores. Mine water which is pumped out on a surface is saturated by uranium is used for the technological necessities of mining complex and finally is thrown down in a Zoltaja River. This results in contamination of waters of Ingulets River (tributary of the Dnieper River) and Karachunovskoe reservoir - of the basic source of water-supply of whole region. The paper will show possibilities for managing of possible consequences of accidental events of volley inflow of the muddy mine waters in Zoltaja River, prognostication of possible consequences of such catastrophic situations. The computer model of the water system of region Zoltje Vody City - Krivoy Rog City has been developed with usage of the new box model of incomplete inter-fusion with lagging argument. It gave the opportunity for accurate prognostication and short time of preparedness. Examples of prognostication of levels of concentrations of radionuclide ({sup 238}U) in waters of the Ingulets River, Zoltaja River and Karachunovskoe reservoir depending on the discharges of water of rivers and modes (regulation and catastrophic) of polluted water kick of mine 'Nova' are demonstrated. Possibilities of water protection actions are explored at the catastrophic discharge of mine water to Zoltaja River. Protection action is dilution by waters from the storage pool of Ingulets River. Such measures in many cases enable to access to safe and adequate water and sanitation services during the catastrophic events. The practical efforts for mitigation of consequences of the protracted catastrophic manmade influence on a water environment and possibilities of rehabilitation of the water system in the whole region of Krivoy Rog were analyzed in the work. The research of emissions tritium in the

  15. Dolor musculo - esquelético y factores ergonómicos del trabajo en recicladores de la margen izquierda del río Rímac - 2010


    Valle Bayona, José Julio


    Determina la prevalencia de dolor musculo - esquelético y asociación con nivel de riesgo ergonómico en los recicladores de residuos sólidos de la margen izquierda del río Rímac en el año 2010. Estudio observacional, transversal y con componente analítico, en 92 recicladores del total de la población objetivo. Se realiza observaciones con lista de chequeo PLIBEL y entrevistas con cuestionario nórdico de síntomas musculoesqueléticos, identificando las variables dolor, nivel de riesgo ergonómico...

  16. Estimating Error in SRTM Derived Planform of a River in Data-poor Region and Subsequent Impact on Inundation Modeling (United States)

    Bhuyian, M. N. M.; Kalyanapu, A. J.


    Accurate representation of river planform is critical for hydrodynamic modeling. Digital elevation models (DEM) often falls short in accurately representing river planform because they show the ground as it was during data acquisition. But, water bodies (i.e. rivers) change their size and shape over time. River planforms are more dynamic in undisturbed riverine systems (mostly located in data-poor regions) where remote sensing is the most convenient source of data. For many of such regions, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) is the best available source of DEM. Therefore, the objective of this study is to estimate the error in SRTM derived planform of a river in a data-poor region and estimate the subsequent impact on inundation modeling. Analysis of Landsat image, SRTM DEM and remotely sensed soil data was used to classify the planform activity in an 185 km stretch of the Kushiyara River in Bangladesh. In last 15 years, the river eroded about 4.65 square km and deposited 7.55 square km area. Therefore, current (the year 2017) river planform is significantly different than the SRTM water body data which represents the time of SRTM data acquisition (the year 2000). The rate of planform shifting significantly increased as the river traveled to downstream. Therefore, the study area was divided into three reaches (R1, R2, and R3) from upstream to downstream. Channel slope and meandering ratio changed from 2x10-7 and 1.64 in R1 to 1x10-4 and 1.45 in R3. However, more than 60% erosion-deposition occurred in R3 where a high percentage of Fluvisols (98%) and coarse particles (21%) were present in the vicinity of the river. It indicates errors in SRTM water body data (due to planform shifting) could be correlated with the physical properties (i.e. slope, soil type, meandering ratio etc.) of the riverine system. The correlations would help in zoning activity of a riverine system and determine a timeline to update DEM for a given region. Additionally, to estimate the

  17. Evolution of regional stress state based on faulting and folding near the pit river, Shasta county, California (United States)

    Austin, Lauren Jean

    We investigate the evolution of the regional stress state near the Pit River, northern California, in order to understand the faulting style in a tectonic transition zone and to inform the hazard analysis of Fault 3432 near the Pit 3 Dam. By analyzing faults and folds preserved in and adjacent to a diatomite mine north of the Pit River, we have determined principal stress directions preserved during the past million years. We find that the stress state has evolved from predominantly normal to strike slip and most recently to reverse, which is consistent with regional structures such as the extensional Hat Creek Fault to the south and the compressional folding of Mushroom Rock to the north. South of the Pit River, we still observe normal and strike slip faults, suggesting that changes in stress state are moving from north to south through time.

  18. Investigating the Impacts of Landuse-landcover (LULC Change in the Pearl River Delta Region on Water Quality in the Pearl River Estuary and Hong Kong’s Coast

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongyan Xi


    Full Text Available Water quality information in the coastal region of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Estuary (PRE is of great concern to the local community. Due to great landuse-landcover (LULC changes with rapid industrialization and urbanization in the Pearl River Delta (PRD region, water quality in the PRE has worsened during the last 20 years. Frequent red tide and harmful algal blooms have occurred in the estuary and its adjacent coastal waters since the 1980s and have caused important economic losses, also possibly threatening to the coastal environment, fishery, and public health in Hong Kong. In addition, recent literature shows that water nutrients in Victoria Harbor of Hong Kong have been proven to be strongly influenced by both the Pearl River and sewage effluent in the wet season (May to September, but it is still unclear how the PRE diluted water intrudes into Victoria Harbor. Due to the cloudy and rainy conditions in the wet season in Hong Kong, ASAR images will be used to monitor the PRE river plumes and track the intruding routes of PRE water nutrients. In this paper, we first review LULC change in the PRD and then show our preliminary results to analyze water quality spatial and temporal information from remote observations with different sensors in the coastal region and estuary. The study will also emphasizes on time series of analysis of LULC trends related to annual sediment yields and critical source areas of erosion for the PRD region since the 1980s.

  19. Development of a global river-coastal coupling model and its application to flood simulation in Asian mega-delta regions (United States)

    Ikeuchi, Hiroaki; Hirabayashi, Yukiko; Yamazaki, Dai; Muis, Sanne; Ward, Philip; Verlaan, Martin; Winsemius, Hessel; Kanae, Shinjiro


    The world's mega-delta regions and estuaries are susceptible to various water-related disasters, such as river flooding and storm surge. Moreover, simultaneous occurrence of them would be more devastating than a situation where they occur in isolation. Therefore, it is important to provide information about compound risks of fluvial and coastal floods at a large scale, both their statistical dependency as well as their combined resulting flooding in delta regions. Here we report on a first attempt to address this issue globally by developing a method to couple a global river model (CaMa-Flood) and a global tide and surge reanalysis (GTSR) dataset. A state-of-the-art global river routing model, CaMa-Flood, was modified to represent varying sea levels due to tides and storm surges as downstream boundary condition, and the GTSR dataset was post-processed to serve as inputs to the CaMa-Flood river routing simulation and a long-term simulation was performed to incorporate the temporal dependency between coastal tide and surge on the one hand, and discharge on the other. The coupled model was validated against observations, showing better simulation results of water levels in deltaic regions than simulation without GTSR. For example in the Ganges Delta, correlation coefficients were increased by 0.06, and root mean square errors were reduced by 0.22 m. Global coupling simulations revealed that storm surges affected river water levels in coastal regions worldwide, especially in low-lying flat areas with increases in water level larger than 0.5 m. By employing enhanced storm surge simulation with tropical storm tracks, we also applied the model to examine impacts of past hurricane and cyclone storm events on river flood inundation.

  20. Validación en Colombia del cuestionario de discapacidad de Oswestry en pacientes con dolor bajo de espalda

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    Alejandro Londoño Mesa


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el Oswestry Disability Index (ODI es un instrumento para la evaluación de discapacidad en pacientes con dolor lumbar, que ha sido validado y adaptado culturalmente en más de 12 idiomas y ha demostrado una alta confiabilidad en sus medidas sicométricas por cual es útil en la aplicación clínica a estos pacientes. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: la versión ODI 2,1 se tradujo al español y se adaptó culturalmente a la población colombiana en pacientes ambulatorios con dolor lumbar, de cualquier tiempo de evolución. Se aplicó en 111 pacientes, se probó la validez de constructo, de contenido y de criterio. RESULTADOS: participaron 111 pacientes: 67,6% eran mujeres; 97,3% residían en áreas urbanas; 63,1% eran de estrato socioeconómico bajo; 40,5% estaban en el rango de edad de 19 a 39 años. La validez de constructo comparando grupos extremos agudos y crónicos mostró una p = 0,409. La validez de criterio concurrente, comparando los resultados de la escala ODI con los de la escala de Roland Morris, por medio del Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson fue de 0,75; la consistencia interna, con un alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,86. Presentó un alto nivel de fiabilidad interobservador con coeficientes de correlación intraclase de 0,94 e intraobservador de 0,95. DISCUSIÓN: el ODI-C es un instrumento útil y confiable para la evaluación y seguimiento de pacientes con dolor lumbar independientemente del tiempo de evolución, que permite evaluar cambios en el estado de salud y además puede utilizarse en trabajos de investigación.

  1. About temporal evolution of the geomagnetic field in the River Plate region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gianibelli, J.; Quaglino, L.


    Permanent Observatories network allows to study the total intensity of the magnetic field of the Earth surface to assess its annual change and inductive effects on networks of large pipes and pipelines. This paper is about the results of the significant decline in the River Plate region. The effects observed in this surface anomaly continue amplified and reaching minimum values

  2. O modelo bioético principialista aplicado no manejo da dor El principialismo bioético modelo aplicado en el tratamiento del dolor The bioethical principlism model applied in pain management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Layz Alves Ferreira Souza


    Full Text Available Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura, com o objetivo de analisar a produção científica referente às relações entre a dor e os princípios da bioética: autonomia, beneficência, não maleficência e justiça. Foram utilizados descritores controlados em três bases de dados internacionais (LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, em abril de 2012, resultando em 14 publicações, distribuídas nas categorias Dor e autonomia, Dor e beneficência, Dor e não maleficência, Dor e justiça. O alívio adequado da dor é um direito humano e uma questão moral que se relaciona diretamente com a bioética principialista. Entretanto, muitos profissionais negligenciam a dor de seus pacientes, desconsiderando seu papel ético frente ao sofrimento.Concluiu-se que o principialismo tem sido negligenciado no atendimento aos pacientes com dor, evidenciando a necessidade de novas práticas para mudança desse panorama.Se realizó una revisión de la literatura para analizar la producción científica relacionadas con el dolor y los principios de la bioética (autonomía, beneficencia, no maleficencia y justicia. Se utilizaron descriptores controlados en tres fuentes de datos internacionales (LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, en abril de 2012, totalizando14 publicaciones, distribuidas en las clases: el dolor y la autonomía, el dolor y la beneficencia, el dolor y no maleficencia, el dolor y la justicia. El adecuado alivio del dolor es un derecho humano y un problema moral relacionado directamente con el principialismo bioético (beneficencia, no maleficencia, autonomía y justicia. Sin embargo, muchos profesionales negligencian el dolor de sus pacientes, ignorando su papel ético frente al sufrimiento. Se concluyó que el principialismo ha sido descuidado en la atención de los pacientes con dolor evidenciando la necesidad de nuevas prácticas para cambiar este panorama.An integrative literature review was developed with the purpose to analyze the scientific production

  3. Ground-water resources in the tri-state region adjacent to the Lower Delaware River (United States)

    Barksdale, Henry C.; Greenman, David W.; Lang, Solomon Max; Hilton, George Stockbridge; Outlaw, Donald E.


    The purpose of this report is to appraise and evaluate the groundwater resources of a tri-state region adjacent to the lower Delaware River that is centered around Philadelphia, Pa., and Camden, N. J., and includes Wilmington, Del., and Trenton, N.J. Specifically, the region includes New Castle County, Del.; Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Mercer, and Salem Counties in New Jersey; and Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties in Pennsylvania.

  4. Geochronology of granitoids and gnaisses from the Rio Maria, Mata Geral farm and Itacaiunas river regions, southern Para, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montalvao, R.M.G. de; Tassinari, C.C.G.; Bezerra, P.E.L.; Prado, P.


    Granitoids and gneisses occurring at Rio Maria, Mata Geral farm and Itacaiunas river regions, southern Para, underwent radiometric age determinations by Rb/Sr method using conventional isochrons. Results obtained from the Rio Maria and Mata Geral farm regions allowed te establishment of a reference 2,600 my Rb/Sr isochron with an initial Sr 87 /Sr 86 ratio of 0.7009. This result resembles the one obtained for granitoids and gneisses hosting rocks of the Serra do Inaja greenstone belt, located some what south of this area, which yielded, in Rb/Sr isochron, a radiometric age of 2,696 + - 79 my with an initial Sr 87 /Sr 86 ratio of 0.701. Results obtained from the Itacaiunas river region allowed for the establishment of a Rb/Sr referential isochron of 2,480 + - 40 my wth an initial Sr 87 /.Sr 86 ratio of 0.7072. Due to low initial ratios, it is suggested that the rocks from the Rio Maria, Mata Geral farm and Serra do Inaja regions formed from Mafic crust or superior mantle reworking, while those from the Itacaiunas river region, due to a high initial ratio, result from reworking at high crustal levels. (Author) [pt

  5. Centennial- to decadal-scale monsoon precipitation variations in the upper Hanjiang River region, China over the past 6650 years (United States)

    Tan, Liangcheng; Cai, Yanjun; Cheng, Hai; Edwards, Lawrence R.; Gao, Yongli; Xu, Hai; Zhang, Haiwei; An, Zhisheng


    The upper Hanjiang River region is the recharge area of the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The region is under construction of the Hanjiang-Weihe River Water Transfer Project in China. Monsoon precipitation variations in this region are critical to water resource and security of China. In this study, high-resolution monsoon precipitation variations were reconstructed in the upper Hanjiang River region over the past 6650 years from δ18O and δ13C records of four stalagmites in Xianglong cave. The long term increasing trend of stalagmite δ18O record since the middle Holocene is consistent with other speleothem records from monsoonal China. This trend follows the gradually decreasing Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, which indicates that solar insolation may control the orbital-scale East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) variations. Despite the declined EASM intensity since the middle Holocene, local precipitation may not have decreased remarkably, as revealed by the δ13C records. A series of centennial- to decadal-scale cyclicity was observed, with quasi-millennium-, quasi-century-, 57-, 36- and 22-year cycles by removing the long-term trend of stalagmite δ18O record. Increased monsoon precipitation during periods of 4390-3800 a BP, 3590-2960 a BP, 2050-1670 a BP and 1110-790 a BP had caused four super-floods in the upper reach of Hanjiang River. Dramatically dry climate existed in this region during the 5.0 ka and 2.8 ka events, coinciding with notable droughts in other regions of monsoonal China. Remarkably intensified and southward Westerly jet, together with weakened summer monsoon, may delay the onset of rainy seasons, resulting in synchronous decreasing of monsoon precipitation in China during the two events. During the 4.2 ka event and the Little Ice Age, the upper Hanjiang River region was wet, which was similar to the climate conditions in central and southern China, but was the opposite of drought observed in northern China. We

  6. Occurrence and transport of 17 perfluoroalkyl acids in 12 coastal rivers in south Bohai coastal region of China with concentrated fluoropolymer facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Pei; Lu, Yonglong; Wang, Tieyu; Fu, Yaning; Zhu, Zhaoyun; Liu, Shijie; Xie, Shuangwei; Xiao, Yang; Giesy, John P.


    Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are emerging contaminants that have raised great concern in recent years. While PFAAs manufacturing becomes regulated in developed countries, production has been partly shifted to China. Eight fluoropolymer manufacturing facilities located in the South Bohai coastal region, one of the most populated areas of China, have been used to manufacture PFAA-related substances since 2001. The environmental consequence of the intensive production of PFAAs in this region remains largely unknown. We analyzed 17 PFAAs in twelve coastal rivers of this region, and found staggeringly high concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) ranging from 0.96 to 4534.41 ng/L. The highest concentration was observed in the Xiaoqing River which received effluents from certain fluoropolymer facilities. Principal component analysis indicated similar sources of several perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) in all rivers, which indicated that atmospheric transport, wastewater treatment and surface runoff also acted as important supplements to direct discharge to surface water. - Highlights: • PFAAs were detected in rapidly urbanized regions. • PFOA was found predominant followed by short chain PFCAs. • Fluoropolymer facilities were associated with PFAAs contamination. • Higher PFAAs levels were found near the PTFE production facilities. • Diffusion of PFAAs from rivers to the sea was influenced by tide and current. - High level of PFOA was detected in the river water due to the fluoropolymer industries in South Bohai coastal region

  7. Modelling and Analysis of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Rivers in the Northern Cold Region of China. (United States)

    Tang, Gula; Zhu, Yunqiang; Wu, Guozheng; Li, Jing; Li, Zhao-Liang; Sun, Jiulin


    In this study, the Mudan River, which is the most typical river in the northern cold region of China was selected as the research object; Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) was adopted to construct a new two-dimensional water quality model for the urban sections of the Mudan River, and concentrations of COD(Cr) and NH₃N during ice-covered and open-water periods were simulated and analyzed. Results indicated that roughness coefficient and comprehensive pollutant decay rate were significantly different in those periods. To be specific, the roughness coefficient in the ice-covered period was larger than that of the open-water period, while the decay rate within the former period was smaller than that in the latter. In addition, according to the analysis of the simulated results, the main reasons for the decay rate reduction during the ice-covered period are temperature drop, upstream inflow decrease and ice layer cover; among them, ice sheet is the major contributor of roughness increase. These aspects were discussed in more detail in this work. The model could be generalized to hydrodynamic water quality process simulation researches on rivers in other cold regions as well.

  8. Modelling and Analysis of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Rivers in the Northern Cold Region of China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gula Tang


    Full Text Available In this study, the Mudan River, which is the most typical river in the northern cold region of China was selected as the research object; Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC was adopted to construct a new two-dimensional water quality model for the urban sections of the Mudan River, and concentrations of CODCr and NH3N during ice-covered and open-water periods were simulated and analyzed. Results indicated that roughness coefficient and comprehensive pollutant decay rate were significantly different in those periods. To be specific, the roughness coefficient in the ice-covered period was larger than that of the open-water period, while the decay rate within the former period was smaller than that in the latter. In addition, according to the analysis of the simulated results, the main reasons for the decay rate reduction during the ice-covered period are temperature drop, upstream inflow decrease and ice layer cover; among them, ice sheet is the major contributor of roughness increase. These aspects were discussed in more detail in this work. The model could be generalized to hydrodynamic water quality process simulation researches on rivers in other cold regions as well.

  9. El Dolor de Espalda en el Baile Flamenco y la Danza Clásica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián G. Lozano


    Full Text Available El dolor de espalda es una de las principales cau- sas de atención médica en los países occidenta- les, siendo una lesión muy común entre los prac- ticantes de la danza clásica y el baile flamenco. En este artículo se analiza su manifestación en estas danzas así como las principales causas que lo origina. También se proponen algunas medidas sencillas que pueden prevenir esta lesión.

  10. Dolor, trabajo y su diagnóstico psicosocial de género. Un ejemplo


    Pujal i Llombart, Margot; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Mora, Enrico; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


    El objetivo de este artículo es describir y comprender el fenómeno del dolor crónico sin causa orgánica (más conocido como fibromialgia), desde una perspectiva feminista y crítica, mediante la creación de una herramienta que diagnostique este malestar según sus dimensiones biopsicosociales: el diagnóstico psicosocial de género. Esta herramienta, que aquí se presenta, toma en consideración la dimensión laboral (tanto profesional como familiar) de las personas afectadas en el contexto cultural ...

  11. Estimulación eléctrica medular para el tratamiento del dolor del síndrome postlaminectomía. Resultado del tratamiento con electrodos planos. Comparación de la eficacia clínica con electrodos de 16 polos frente a electrodos de 8 polos


    Almarcha Bethencourt, José Manuel


    Desde que a finales de la década de los 60 se comenzó a utilizar la EEM para el control del dolor crónico, el procedimiento ha sufrido muchos cambios. Por un lado, las indicaciones han ido aumentando: muchos tipos de dolor neuropático focal, dolor de origen vascular y dolor de origen visceral. Por otro lado, se suma una evolución tecnológica, con una mejoría evidente en los sistemas de estimulación no solo en los parámetros eléctricos y su eficiencia sino también en la mayor facilidad en lo q...

  12. Mercury and arsenic in the gold mining regions of the Ankobra River basin in Ghana (United States)

    Bannerman, W.; Potin-Gautier, M.; Amoureux, D.; Tellier, S.; Rambaud, A.; Babut, M.; Adimado, A.; Beinhoff, C.


    The river Ankobra flows through the principal gold mining centres in Western Ghana, draining a total area of 8272 km^2 to join the Atlantic ocean. Mercury is used by thousands of small-scale miners in the region to amalgamate gold. Ores mined in some deep shafts and surface mines are arsenopyrites and the region is marked by the presence of heaps of arsenic - rich mine tailings from both past and recent activities. This study was conducted to assess the impact of mining activities on the distribution and speciation of arsenic and mercury in the aquatic environment of the Ankobra River. In all, water (filtered and non-filtered) and bed sediments were collected from various locations within the watershed. Principal parameters investigated include total mercury, arsenic (III), arsenic (V), monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). Seasonal and spatial variations of these parameters were investigated. Quality control systems were adopted at both the environmental and analytical stages of the study. ln general, areas close to the mining centres are the most pollilited. As (V)/As (III) ratios in water are reversed after the first 100-km of the river length with the onset of industrial influence downstream.

  13. Chronology of Miocene-Pliocene deposits at Split Mountain Gorge, Southern California: A record of regional tectonics and Colorado River evolution (United States)

    Dorsey, R.J.; Fluette, A.; McDougall, K.; Housen, B.A.; Janecke, S.U.; Axen, G.J.; Shirvell, C.R.


    Late Miocene to early Pliocene deposit at Split Mountain Gorge, California, preserve a record of basinal response to changes in regional tectonics, paleogeography, and evolution of the Colorado River. The base of the Elephant Trees Formation, magnetostratigraphically dated as 8.1 ?? 0.4 Ma, provides the earliest well-dated record of extension in the southwestern Salton Trough. The oldest marine sediments are ca. 6.3 Ma. The nearly synchronous timing of marine incursion in the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California region supports a model for localization of Pacific-North America plate motion in the Gulf ca. 6 Ma. The first appearance of Colorado River sand at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary (5.33 Ma) suggests rapid propagation of the river to the Salton Trough, and supports a lake-spillover hypothesis for initiation of the lower Colorado River. ?? 2007 Geological Society of America.

  14. Wetland Changes and Their Responses to Climate Change in the “Three-River Headwaters” Region of China since the 1990s

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    Laga Tong


    Full Text Available The wetland ecosystem in the “Three-River Headwaters” (TRH region plays an irreplaceable role in water source conservation, run-off adjustment and biodiversity maintenance. In recent years, assessment of wetland resources affected by climate changes has aroused enormous attention, since it can further protect wetland resources and provide a scientific basis for decision makers. In this study, wetland changes and its response to climate changes in the TRH region from the early 1990s to 2012 were analyzed by remote sensing (RS image interpretation and climate change trend analysis. The results showed that wetlands occupied 6.3% of the total land area in 2012, and swamps, streams & rivers and lakes were the dominant wetland types in the TRH region. Since the early 1990s, wetlands have undergone great changes, and total wetland area increased by 260.57 km2 (1.17%. Lakes, reservoir & ponds took on continuous increasing trend, but swamps, streams & rivers had a continuous decreasing trend. On the other hand, the wetland area in the Yangtze River basin showed an overall increasing trend, while in the Yellow River and Langcang River basins, it decreased in general. The climate turned from Warm-Dry to Warm-Wet. The average temperature and precipitation increased by 0.91 °C and 101.99 mm, respectively, from 1990 to 2012, and the average humidity index (HI increased by 0.06 and showing an upward trend and a shifting of the dividing line towards the northwest in both the areas of semi-humid and semi-arid zone. The correlation analysis of wetland changes with meteorological factors from 1990 to 2012 indicated that the regional humidity differences and the interannual variation trend, caused by the change of precipitation and evaporation, was the main driving factor for the dynamic variation of wetland change in the TRH region. In the general, the increase of HI in the THR region since the 1990s, especially in the western TRH region, contributed to

  15. Contamination with retinoic acid receptor agonists in two rivers in the Kinki region of Japan. (United States)

    Inoue, Daisuke; Nakama, Koki; Sawada, Kazuko; Watanabe, Taro; Takagi, Mai; Sei, Kazunari; Yang, Min; Hirotsuji, Junji; Hu, Jianying; Nishikawa, Jun-ichi; Nakanishi, Tsuyoshi; Ike, Michihiko


    This study was conducted to investigate the agonistic activity against human retinoic acid receptor (RAR) alpha in the Lake Biwa-Yodo River and the Ina River in the Kinki region of Japan. To accomplish this, a yeast two-hybrid assay was used to elucidate the spatial and temporal variations and potential sources of RARalpha agonist contamination in the river basins. RARalpha agonistic activity was commonly detected in the surface water samples collected along two rivers at different periods, with maximum all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) equivalents of 47.6 ng-atRA/L and 23.5 ng-atRA/L being observed in Lake Biwa-Yodo River and Ina River, respectively. The results indicated that RARalpha agonists are always present and widespread in the rivers. Comparative investigation of RARalpha and estrogen receptor alpha agonistic activities at 20 stations along each river revealed that the spatial variation pattern of RARalpha agonist contamination was entirely different from that of the estrogenic compound contamination. This suggests that the effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants, a primary source of estrogenic compounds, seemed not to be the cause of RARalpha agonist contamination in the rivers. Fractionation using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) directed by the bioassay found two bioactive fractions from river water samples, suggesting the presence of at least two RARalpha agonists in the rivers. Although a trial conducted to identify RARalpha agonists in the major bioactive fraction was not completed as part of this study, comparison of retention times in HPLC analysis and quantification with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the major causative contaminants responsible for the RARalpha agonistic activity were not RAs (natural RAR ligands) and 4-oxo-RAs, while 4-oxo-RAs were identified as the major RAR agonists in sewage in Beijing, China. These findings suggest that there are unknown RARalpha agonists with high

  16. Characterizing and modelling river channel migration rates at a regional scale: Case study of south-east France. (United States)

    Alber, Adrien; Piégay, Hervé


    An increased awareness by river managers of the importance of river channel migration to sediment dynamics, habitat complexity and other ecosystem functions has led to an advance in the science and practice of identifying, protecting or restoring specific erodible corridors across which rivers are free to migrate. One current challenge is the application of these watershed-specific goals at the regional planning scales (e.g., the European Water Framework Directive). This study provides a GIS-based spatial analysis of the channel migration rates at the regional-scale. As a case study, 99 reaches were sampled in the French part of the Rhône Basin and nearby tributaries of the Mediterranean Sea (111,300 km 2 ). We explored the spatial correlation between the channel migration rate and a set of simple variables (e.g., watershed area, channel slope, stream power, active channel width). We found that the spatial variability of the channel migration rates was primary explained by the gross stream power (R 2  = 0.48) and more surprisingly by the active channel width scaled by the watershed area. The relationship between the absolute migration rate and the gross stream power is generally consistent with the published empirical models for freely meandering rivers, whereas it is less significant for the multi-thread reaches. The discussion focused on methodological constraints for a regional-scale modelling of the migration rates, and the interpretation of the empirical models. We hypothesize that the active channel width scaled by the watershed area is a surrogate for the sediment supply which may be a more critical factor than the bank resistance for explaining the regional-scale variability of the migration rates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Effects of the Changiang river discharge on the change in ocean and atmosphere over the East Asian region (United States)

    Kim, M. H.; Lim, Y. J.; Kang, H. S.; Kim, B. J.; Cho, C.


    This study investigates the effects of freshwater from the Changiang river basin over the East Asian region for summer season. To do this, we simulated global seasonal forecasting system (GloSea5) of KMA (Korea Meteorology Administration). GloSea5 consists of atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land model. Also, it has river routing model (TRIP), which links between land and ocean using freshwater. It is very important component in long-term forecast because of be able to change the air-sea interaction. To improve more the freshwater performance over the East Asian region, we realistically modified the river mouth, direction and storage around Changiang river basin of TRIP in GloSea5. Here, the comparison study among the no freshwater forcing experiment to ocean model (TRIP-OFF), the operated original file based freshwater coupled experiment (TRIP-ON) and the improved one (TRIP-MODI) has been carried out and the results are evaluated against the reanalysis data. As a result, the amount of fresh water to the Yellow Sea increase in TRIP-ON experiment and it attributes to the improvement of bias and RMSE of local SST over the East Asia. The implementation of the realistic river related ancillary files (TRIP-MODI) improves the abnormal salinity distribution around the Changjiang river gate and its related SST reduces cold bias about 0.37˚C for July over the East Sea. Warm SST over this region is caused by barrier layer (BL). Freshwater flux and salinity changes can create a pronounced salinity-induced mixed layer (ML) above the top of the thermocline. The layer between the base of the ML and the top of the thermocline is called a barrier layer (BL), because it isolates the warm surface water from cold deep water. In addition, the improved fresh water forcing can lead to the change in the local volume transport from the Kuroshio to the Strait of Korea and Changed the transport and SST over the Straits of Korea have correlation 0.57 at 95% confidence level. For the

  18. Macroinvertebrate distribution and aquatic ecology in the Ruoergai (Zoige) Wetland, the Yellow River source region (United States)

    Zhao, Na; Xu, Mengzhen; Li, Zhiwei; Wang, Zhaoyin; Zhou, Hanmi


    The Ruoergai (Zoige) Wetland, the largest plateau peatland in the world, is located in the Yellow River source region. The discharge of the Yellow River increases greatly after flowing through the Ruoergai Wetland. The aquatic ecosystem of the Ruoergai Wetland is crucial to the whole Yellow River basin. The Ruoergai wetland has three main kinds of water bodies: rivers, oxbow lakes, and marsh wetlands. In this study, macroinvertebrates were used as indicators to assess the aquatic ecological status because their assemblage structures indicate long-term changes in environments with high sensitivity. Field investigations were conducted in July, 2012 and in July, 2013. A total of 72 taxa of macroinvertebrates belonging to 35 families and 67 genera were sampled and identified. Insecta was the dominant group in the Ruoergai Basin. The alpha diversity of macroinvertebrates at any single sampling site was low, while the alpha diversity on a basin-wide scale was much higher. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in rivers, oxbow lakes, and marsh wetlands differ markedly. Hydrological connectivity was a primary factor causing the variance of the bio-community. The river channels had the highest alpha diversity of macroinvertebrates, followed by marsh wetlands and oxbow lakes. The density and biomass of Gastropoda, collector filterers, and scrapers increased from rivers to oxbow lakes and then to marsh wetlands. The river ecology was particular in the Ruoergai Wetland with the high beta diversity of macroinvertebrates, the low alpha diversity of macroinvertebrates, and the low taxa richness, density, and biomass of EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera). To maintain high alpha diversity of macroinvertebrates macroinvertebrates in the Ruoergai Wetland, moderate connectivity of oxbow lakes and marsh wetlands with rivers and measures to control headwater erosion are both crucial.


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    S. Kruzhylina


    Full Text Available Purpose. To study qualitative and qualitative indices of macrozoobenthos as one of main components of the forage base of benthophagous fishes in mountain river reaches of the Transcarpathian region and determination of their saprobity level. Methodology. Thhj,9.e study was carried out in summer period of 2009 in mountain river reaches of the Tisa river catchment. Zoobenthos samples were collected by a Surber sampler (25 × 25 cm on the bottoms of different fractions with different water flow rate (riffle, run, pool. Collection, processing and interpretation of the obtained data was carried out according to generally accepted hydrobiological methods developed for mountain river studies. Saprobity was of the studied rivers was calculated by Pantle-Buck formula. The Zelinka-Marvan saprobity index was used for calculations. Findings. Qualitative and quantitative macrozoobenthos indices have been studied. The number of zoobenthos on the investigated river sections ranged from 416 to 7712 ind./m2 with biomasses from 2.96 to 83.84 g/m2. The major portion of the zoobenthic biomass in the majority of rivers was due to caddis fly larvae composing up to 93% of the total biomass. An important role in the total biomass of the zoobenthos also belonged to mayfly (up to 53% and stonefly (up to 55% larvae and in lower degree amphipods (up to 39%, chironomid larvae (up to 14% and aquatic coleopterans (up to 5%. According to the calculated potential fish productivity, the mountain rivers can be apparently separated into three groups: little productive (4.2–12.7 kg/ha, medium productive (13.2–21.6 kg/ha and high productive (25.3–85.3 kg/ha. Mountain river reaches of the Transcarpathian region were found to belong to pure χ-saprobic, and о- і β-mesosaprobic zones, the saprobity index in which ranged from 0.35 (Rika river to 1.7 (Shipot river. Originality. For further calculation and assessment of brown trout (Salmo trutta and European grayling (Thymallus

  20. Spatio-temporal variation of precipitation in the Three-River Headwater Region from 1961 to 2010

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YI Xiangsheng; LI Guosheng; YIN Yanyu


    Based on a monthly dataset of precipitation time series (1961-2010) from 12 meteorological stations across the Three-River Headwater Region (THRHR) of Qinghai Province,China,the spatio-temporal variation and abrupt change analysis of precipitation were examined by using moving average,linear regression,spline interpolation,the Mann-Kendall test and so on.Major conclusions were as follows.(1) The long-term annual and seasonal precipitation in the study area indicated an increasing trend with some oscillations during 1961-2010; however,the summer precipitation in the Lantsang (Lancang) River Headwater Region (LARHR),and the autumn precipitation in the Yangtze River Headwater Region (YERHR) of the THRHR decreased in the same period.(2) The amount of annual precipitation in the THRHR and its three sub-headwater regions was greater in the 1980s and 2000s.The springs were fairly wet after the 1970s,while the summers were relatively wet in the 1960s,1980s and 2000s.In addition,the amount of precipitation in the autumn was greater in the 1970s and 1980s,but it was relatively less for the winter precipitation,except in the 1990s.(3) The normal values of spring,summer,winter and annual precipitation in the THRHR and its three sub-headwater regions all increased,but the normal value of summer precipitation in the LARHR had a negative trend and the normal value of winter precipitation declined in general.(4) The spring and winter precipitation increased in most of the THRHR.The summer,autumn and annual precipitation increased mainly in the marginal area of the west and north and decreased in the regions of Yushu,Zaduo,Jiuzhi and Banma.(5) The spring and winter precipitation in the THRHR and its three sub-headwater regions showed an abrupt change,except for the spring precipitation in the YARHR.The abrupt changes of spring precipitation were mainly in the late 1980s and early 1990s,while the abrupt changes of winter precipitation were primary in the mid-to late 1970s

  1. Investigation of potential alternate study areas in the Paradox Basin region, Utah

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grant, T.A.


    The Paradox Basin was re-evaluated to determine if any parts of the Basin that had not been identified in previous studies might be suitable for a more detailed evaluation as a nuclear waste repository site. The factors used in this re-evaluation were depth to salt and dedicated lands, because these factors directly address the engineering and environmental feasibility of a repository. Six areas (Happy Canyon, Green River, Dolores River, Expectation Mountain, Dark Canyon, and Kane Springs Canyon) were identified on this basis as potentially suitable areas for further study. These areas were assessed in more detail to review the feasibility of siting a repository. None of the six areas was recommended for further study as a repository site because the size of the areas, thickness of the salt beds, topography, and engineering factors resulting from the loading of nearby mesas generally did not allow the construction of a feasible repository. The content of this report was effective as of May 1983. 41 references, 17 figures

  2. Analysis of pumping-induced unsaturated regions beneath aperennial river

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, G.W.; Jasperse, J.; Seymour, D.; Constantz, J.; Zhou, Q.


    The presence of an unsaturated region beneath a streambedduring groundwater pumping near streams reduces the pumping capacity whenit reaches the well screens, changes flow paths, and alters the types ofbiological transformations in the streambed sediments. Athree-dimensional, multi-phase flow model of two horizontal collectorwells along the Russian River near Forestville, California was developedto investigate the impact of varying the ratio of the aquifer tostreambed permeability on (1) the formation of an unsaturated regionbeneath the stream, (2) the pumping capacity, (3) stream-water fluxesthrough the streambed, and (4) stream-water travel times to the collectorwells. The aquifer to streambed permeability ratio at which theunsaturated region was initially observed ranged from 10 to 100. The sizeof the unsaturated region beneath the streambed increased as the aquiferto streambed permeability ratio increased. The simulations also indicatedthat for a particular aquifer permeability, decreasing the streambedpermeability by only a factor of 2-3 from the permeability wheredesaturation initially occurred resulted in reducing the pumpingcapacity. In some cases, the stream-water fluxes increased as thestreambed permeability decreased. However, the stream water residencetimes increased and the fraction of stream water that reached that thewells decreased as the streambed permeability decreased, indicating thata higher streambed flux does not necessarily correlate to greaterrecharge of stream water around the wells.

  3. Un estudio del dolor en el marco de la conducta verbal: de las aportaciones de W. E. Fordyce a la Teoría del Marco Relacional (RFT

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    Olga Gutiérrez Martínez


    Full Text Available En este estudio teórico se presenta una aproximación al análisis de los eventos privados en general y del dolor en particular desde una perspectiva funcionalcontextual bajo las aportaciones recientes de la conducta verbal, las relaciones arbitrarias entre eventos y la derivación de funciones psicológicas. Se hace una revisión de cómo los analistas de conducta han abordado el estudio del dolor como factor de control de otros comportamientos y, partiendo de la integración de estas aportaciones con los recientes avances del análisis de la conducta verbal, se propone la Teoría del Marco Relacional (RFT como formulación mejor articulada a la hora de ofrecer una explicación contextual del dolor. A raíz de la investigación en marcos relacionales y regulación verbal, se describe un novedoso planteamiento de los problemas clínicos de dolor como formas del trastorno de evitación experiencial (TEE que supone una aproximación a la psico(patología más parsimoniosa que la tradicional basada en la clasificación sindrómica. Además, son examinados los avances terapéuticos que se han derivado de esta concepción verbal-relacional de los problemas psicológicos, presentándose la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT como un sistema terapéutico dirigido a alterar las clases de regulación verbal inefectivas y favorecer actuaciones ajustadas a los valores personales.

  4. La madre dice: el dolor de mi bebé es mi dolor A mãe diz: a dor do meu bebê é a minha dor Mother Says: My Baby´s Pain is my Pain

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir los sentimientos de las madres y el apoyo social con el que cuentan cuando su recién nacido siente dolor. Metodología: estudio cualitativo, de pequeño alcance, con metodología etnográfica. Se realizaron 22 entrevistas en profundidad a 8 madres, con promedio de 2 a 4 por informante. La muestra fue la saturación de información seleccionada por pertinencia y adecuación; se utilizaron notas de campo y observación participante. Los datos se analizaron según la metodología de James Spradley. Resultados: el tema central fue: el dolor del recién nacido lo conocen, sienten y alivian las madres con apoyo familiar. El primer subtema (ya publicado: Las madres conocen y alivian el dolor del recién nacido, y el segundo: La madre siente el dolor del recién nacido y se apoya en su familia; está constituido por dos dominios: Preocupación, dolor y amor son sentimientos maternos frente al dolor del recién nacido. La familia y los amigos son clases de apoyo de la madre. Conclusiones: el dolor del neonato y el desconocimiento de la causa y forma acertada de aliviarlo producen estrés en la madre y estrechan la relación madre-hijo, toda vez que ella cree experimentar el mismo dolor que el hijo, quien le demanda protección y cuidado como respuesta de alivio, acción que es prioritaria frente a sus propios sentimientos y necesidades. Por tanto, la madre desea ser cuidada como ser humano que sufre, requiere de familiares y personas cercanas que le ofrezcan apoyo emocional expresado en la compañía y la confianza e información cuando solicita orientación, consejo o ayuda en la toma de decisiones, sin desconocer su contexto cultural; estos aspectos son coherentes con la teoría propuesta por Madeleine Leininger, por cuanto el punto de vista del mundo de la madre y los factores de la estructura social que incluye la relación familiar influirán en los significados, las expresiones y modos de cuidar a su hijo con dolor de acuerdo

  5. Molybdenum, vanadium, and uranium weathering in small mountainous rivers and rivers draining high-standing islands (United States)

    Gardner, Christopher B.; Carey, Anne E.; Lyons, W. Berry; Goldsmith, Steven T.; McAdams, Brandon C.; Trierweiler, Annette M.


    Rivers draining high standing islands (HSIs) and small mountainous rivers (SMRs) are known to have extremely high sediment fluxes, and can also have high chemical weathering yields, which makes them potentially important contributors to the global riverine elemental flux to the ocean. This work reports on the riverine concentrations, ocean flux, and weathering yields of Molybdenum (Mo), Vanadium (V), and Uranium (U) in a large number of small but geochemically important rivers using 338 river samples from ten lithologically-diverse regions. These redox-sensitive elements are used extensively to infer paleo-redox conditions in the ocean, and Mo and V are also important rock-derived micronutrients used by microorganisms in nitrogen fixation. Unlike in large river systems, in which dissolved Mo has been attributed predominately to pyrite dissolution, Mo concentrations in these rivers did not correlate with sulfate concentrations. V was found to correlate strongly with Si in terrains dominated by silicate rocks, but this trend was not observed in primarily sedimentary regions. Many rivers exhibited much higher V/Si ratios than larger rivers, and rivers draining young Quaternary volcanic rocks in Nicaragua had much higher dissolved V concentrations (mean = 1306 nM) than previously-studied rivers. U concentrations were generally well below the global average with the exception of rivers draining primarily sedimentary lithologies containing carbonates and shales. Fluxes of U and Mo from igneous terrains of intermediate composition are lower than the global average, while fluxes of V from these regions are higher, and up to two orders of magnitude higher in the Nicaragua rivers. Weathering yields of Mo and V in most regions are above the global mean, despite lower than average concentrations measured in some of those systems, indicating that the chemical weathering of these elements are higher in these SMR watersheds than larger drainages. In regions of active boundaries

  6. Uso del láser terapéutico en el control del dolor en ortodoncia


    Holmberg Peters, F.; Zaror Sánchez, C.; Fabres Suarez, R.; Sandoval Vidal, P.


    Objetivo: Determinar si el láser de baja frecuencia (LLLT) es efectivo en disminuir la percepción del dolor posterior a la aplicación de separaciones molares para ortodoncia. Material y Método: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado con enmascaramiento simple en 30 alumnos entre 16 y 20 años, a quienes se les aplicó separaciones elásticas entre los molares permanentes. Los voluntarios fueron designados en dos grupos: 15 pacientes en el grupo experimental quienes fueron tratados con LLLT (P...

  7. Síndrome de dolor miofascial y alteraciones del procesamiento nociceptivo en pacientes con epicondilalgia lateral


    Fernández Carnero, Josué


    Tesis Doctotal leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en noviembre de 2010. Directores de la Tesis: Dr. D. Juan Carlos Miangolarra Page y Dra. María Isabel Martín Fontelles Introducción: La Epicondilalgia Lateral (EL) es una de las afecciones más frecuentes del miembro superior, pero no por ello es más conocida su etiología. Los mecanismos nociceptivos responsables del dolor en este tipo de afección aún no se han aclarado por completo. Existen evidencias de que los pacientes c...

  8. Síndrome de dolor miofascial y alteraciones del procesamiento nociceptivo en pacientes con epicondilalgia lateral


    Fernández Carnero, Josué


    Introducción: La Epicondilalgia Lateral (EL) es una de las afecciones más frecuentes del miembro superior, pero no por ello es más conocida su etiología. Los mecanismos nociceptivos responsables del dolor en este tipo de afección aún no se han aclarado por completo. Existen evidencias de que los pacientes con EL crónica presentan una alteración del procesamiento nociceptivo más que inflamatorio, pero no se ha identificado la causa que puede desencadenar este proceso. Se han ...

  9. Atención y seguimiento terapéutico de la problemática individual y sociofamiliar en pacientes con dolor pélvico crónico

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    Sara Fernández M.


    Full Text Available Dentro de la evaluación integral de la paciente que consulta por dolor pélvico crónico (DPC a la Clínica de Dolor del Instituto Materno Infantil (IMI, se hace además de la consulta psicológica, valoración por trabajo social, para analizar la problemática individual y sociofamiliar. Los objetivos del programa de trabajo social son: buscar si hay alguna causa que a nivel sociofamiliar pueda generar o agravar el DPC y abordarla terapéuticamente, como también rescatar la problemática de género de la consulta y fortalecer su posición al interior de su familia.

  10. Acupuntura y electroacupuntura en el alivio del dolor de la osteoartrosis de la región lumbar

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    Fe Boch Váldes


    Full Text Available La osteoartrosis de la región lumbar es causa importante de dolor o incapacidad física. Las diferentes terapias usadas no siempre son eficaces, y los fármacos empleados no están exentos de reacciones indeseables. Su tratamiento ha experimentado una tendencia hacia la utilización de métodos más conservadores, incrementándose en los últimos años el uso de la acupuntura y la electroacupuntura. En este estudio comparamos la eficacia de ambas, pues en la literatura revisada existen criterios controvertidos acerca de la superioridad de uno u otro. Fueron estudiados 1 658 pacientes que acudieron a la Clínica del Dolor con este diagnóstico, a los que se indicó acupuntura o electroacupuntura, utilizando iguales puntos (meridianos de vejiga, vesícula biliar, puntos dolorosos y puntos extrameridianos correspondientes a la inervación segmentaria; solo varió el uso de estímulo eléctrico. Los pacientes fueron evaluados según escala análoga visual (EAV. Ambos métodos resultaron eficaces en nuestro estudio. La respuesta al tratamiento ocurrió en forma más rápida y efectiva en la electroacupuntura y no se produjeron reacciones adversas.Osteoarthritis in the lumbar region is a significant cause of pain or physical disability. The different therapies applied are not always effective and the drugs used may cause undesirable reactions. Its treatment has experienced a trend towards more conservative methods and the use of acupuncture and electroacupuncture has increased in recent years. In the present study, their effectiveness is compared, since in the reviewed literature there are controversial criteria about the superiority of one of them. A total of 1 658 patients who received attention at the Pain Clinic with this diagnosis were studied. Acupuncture or electroacupuncture were indicated by using the same points (bladder meridians, gall bladder, painful points and extrameridian points, corresponding to segmentary innervation. There was only

  11. Detection of petroleum contamination in river sediments from Quebec City region using GC-IRMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, K.M.; Savard, M.M.


    Isotopic analysis by compound specific gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) is used to detect and characterize petroleum pollution in surficial sediments along the St Lawrence River, near Quebec City. Unusually mature n-alkane distributions have been found in some recent intertidal sediments in the region. GC-IRMS results suggest that the n-alkanes are not derived from indigenous organic sources because they carry delta 13 C values between -30.0 and -27.0 per mille, as well as very small isotopic differences between odd and even numbered n-alkanes, which are both typically associated with petroleum products. Comparison of these sediments with bunker fuel, an oil used in the shipping industry, has shown a close isotopic correlation in some sites, which is further supported by biomarkers. Overall, the contamination has been dispersed along the river but is generally localized around the industrial region where hydrocarbon transfer from shore storage to ships takes place. This study illustrates how GC-IRMS can be used effectively in the detection and characterization of petroleum pollutants in sediments. (author)

  12. Rivers running deep : complex flow and morphology in the Mahakam River, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, B.


    Rivers in tropical regions often challenge our geomorphological understanding of fluvial systems. Hairpin bends, natural scours, bifurcate meander bends, tie channels and embayments in the river bank are a few examples of features ubiquitous in tropical rivers. Existing observation techniques

  13. Regional transport of radioxenon released from the Chalk River Laboratories medical isotope facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christine Johnson; Steven Biegalski


    An examination of proposed sampling sites near Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario, Canada is performed by considering the regional transport of radioxenon using atmospheric dispersion modeling. The local geography is considered, as are the local meteorological conditions during the summer months. In particular the impacts of predicted conditions on the imprinting of atmospheric radioxenon into the subsurface are considered and weighed against site proximity, geography, and geology. (author)

  14. Evaluación del Hidróxido de Calcio en la Prevención del Dolor Endodóntico Intercitas en Pulpas Necróticas

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    Silvia Máiquez


    Full Text Available El dolor posoperatorio como resultado de la terapia canalicular es un efecto colateral bastante frecuente en el tratamiento endodóntico, que puede durar de unas horas a varios días, debido a una reacción inflamatoria de la zona perirradicular. Por ser tan controversial la eficacia del hidróxido de calcio en la prevención del dolor en las exacerbaciones en pulpas necróticas, se realizó un estudio a doble ciegas en 80 pacientes que requerían tratamiento endodóntico en piezas no vitales y se observó que la frecuencia de agudizaciones posoperatorias fue relativamente baja, con una significación del 0,00018. Esto permite concluir que el hidróxido de calcio como tratamiento en la prevención del dolor intercitas en pulpas necróticas, no evita la sintomatología posoperatoria, ya que existen otros factores que deben ser considerados y aunque son controlados dentro del tratamiento, pueden ser causa de la aparición del dolor intercitas.Postoperative pain as a result of the canalicular therapy is a very frequent side effect that may last a few hours to several days in the endodontic treatment due to the inflammatory reaction in the periradicular area. Since the efficacy of calcium hydroxide in preventing pain in necrotic dental pulps is so controversial, then a double blind study was carried out with80 patients who required endodontic treatment in non-vital teeth. It was observed that the frequency of postoperative pain exacerbation was relatively low, with significance index of 0,00018. This allows us to reach the conclusion that calcium hydroxide as a treatment in the prevention of pain in necrotic pulps interappointments does not avoid postoperative symptomatology because there are other factors that should be taken into account and although they are under control within the treatment, it is possible that they influence over the occurrence of interappointment pain.

  15. The Contribution of the Future SWOT Mission to Improve Simulations of River Stages and Stream-Aquifer Interactions at Regional Scale (United States)

    Saleh, Firas; Filipo, Nicolas; Biancamaria, Sylvain; Habets, Florence; Rodriguez, Enersto; Mognard, Nelly


    The main objective of this study is to provide a realistic simulation of river stage in regional river networks in order to improve the quantification of stream-aquifer exchanges and better assess the associated aquifer responses that are often impacted by the magnitude and the frequency of the river stage fluctuations. This study extends the earlier work to improve the modeling of the Seine basin with a focus on simulating the hydrodynamics behavior of the Bassée alluvial wetland, a 120 km reach of the Seine River valley located south- east of Paris. The Bassée is of major importance for the drinking-water supply of Paris and surroundings, in addition to its particular hydrodynamic behavior due to the presence of a number of gravels. In this context, the understanding of stream-aquifer interactions is required for water quantity and quality preservation. A regional distributed process-based hydro(geo)logical model, Eau-Dyssée, is used. It aims at the integrated modeling of the hydrosystem to manage the various elements involved in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of water resources. Eau-Dyssée simulates pseudo 3D flow in aquifer systems solving the diffusivity equation with a finite difference numerical scheme. River flow is simulated with a Muskingum model. In addition to the in-stream discharge, a river stage estimate is needed to calculate the water exchange at the stream-aquifer interface using a conductance model. In this context, the future SWOT mission and its high-spatial resolution imagery can provide surface water level measurements at the regional scale that will permit to better characterize the Bassée complex hydro(geo)logical system and better assess soil water content. Moreover, the Bassée is considered as a potential target for the framework of the AirSWOT airborne campaign in France, 2013.

  16. Process analysis of regional aerosol pollution during spring in the Pearl River Delta region, China (United States)

    Fan, Qi; Lan, Jing; Liu, Yiming; Wang, Xuemei; Chan, Pakwai; Hong, Yingying; Feng, Yerong; Liu, Yexin; Zeng, Yanjun; Liang, Guixiong


    A numerical simulation analysis was performed for three air pollution episodes in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region during March 2012 using the third-generation air quality modeling system Models-3/CMAQ. The results demonstrated that particulate matter was the primary pollutant for all three pollution episodes and was accompanied by relatively low visibility in the first two episodes. Weather maps indicate that the first two episodes occurred under the influence of warm, wet southerly air flow systems that led to high humidity throughout the region. The liquid phase reaction of gaseous pollutants resulted in the generation of fine secondary particles, which were identified as the primary source of pollution in the first two episodes. The third pollution episode occurred during a warming period following a cold front. Relative humidity was lower during this episode, and coarse particles were the major pollution contributor. Results of process analysis indicated that emissions sources, horizontal transport and vertical transport were the primary factors affecting pollutant concentrations within the near-surface layer during all three episodes, while aerosol processes, cloud processes, horizontal transport and vertical transport had greater influence at approximately 900 m above ground. Cloud processes had a greater impact during the first two pollution episodes because of the higher relative humidity. In addition, by comparing pollution processes from different cities (Guangzhou and Zhongshan), the study revealed that the first two pollution episodes were the result of local emissions within the PRD region and transport between surrounding cities, while the third episode exhibited prominent regional pollution characteristics and was the result of regional pollutant transport.

  17. La Bioética y el dolor en odontología: una aproximación humanista

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    Jorge Oliva Te-kloot


    Full Text Available En la práctica clínica odontológica, los aspectos morales no pueden olvidarse, restarse a los valores puede resultar un ejercicio tan peligroso como carente de todo sentido. Comprender y hacerse parte de los fines inherentes al cuidado de la salud marca una dedicación más allá de la enfermedad y su tratamiento. Comprender en el paciente su vivencia, fragilidad y vulnerabilidad nos permitirá hacer todos nuestros esfuerzos hacia la búsqueda de su mejor bien, respetando sus intereses y calidad de vida sin abstraer nuestra mirada hacia su interioridad, siendo esta el fin último de nuestro quehacer. El dolor, por su parte, tan frecuente en la odontología, ya sea como síntoma, como temor o como vivencia, hace necesario una aproximación moral y valórica. El dolor representa mucho más que la dolencia, involucra en realidad un quiebre en la integralidad, la que no se logrará única y exclusivamente con la prescripción de fármacos, sino también con la íntima voluntad del profesional de restituir la vitalidad en el más amplio sentido de la palabra. Queremos una reflexión en un tema que nos parece de amplia trascendencia, pero que simultáneamente ha estado olvidado por el gran desarrollo tecnológico de nuestra profesión.

  18. Differential environmental impacts on small and medium size rivers from center of São Paulo State, Brazil, and regional management perspectives

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    Paula Caroline dos Reis Oliveira


    Full Text Available AIM: This study aimed to evaluate, comparatively, the influence of distinct environmental impacts in the watershed on the rivers Capivara, Lavapés, Araquá and Pardo and the transference of effects downstream. METHODS: The limnological/water quality study was carried out in rainy (March/2007 and dry (September/2007 seasons, considering 17 sampling stations. RESULTS: Variables such as channel width and depth, water velocity and temperature increased towards the river's mouth; water transparency, velocity and dissolved oxygen were higher in the upstream regions. Light penetration was total at most sampling stations and pH was predominantly acid. The sampling stations impacted by pollution sources, Lavapés and Araquá Rivers, exhibited higher values of electric conductivity, suspended solids, total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, total dissolved phosphorus, BOD, and thermotolerant coliforms. Higher values of electric conductivity, turbidity and suspended solids were observed in the rainy season, whereas higher chlorophyll concentrations occurred in the dry season. The Lavapés River exhibits the worst environmental condition, while Capivara River is under better state of conservation. This study shows that it is urgent the implementation of measures for preservation and restoration of these regional aquatic ecosystems. All studied rivers were influenced by seasonal variation, sewage discharges and by watershed use and occupation. The TSI is a good analysis tool. The studied rivers export organic matter and TN, TP and SS loads to Tietê and Paranapanema rivers. CONCLUSIONS: This study show the importance of river management and that the accelerated degradation of the river systems indicates the little progress of the Brazilian legislation in terms of preservation and good management practices and that the interface between science, law, management and conservation need to be improved.

  19. A simple method to predict regional fish abundance: an example in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon (United States)

    D.J. McGarvey; J.M. Johnston


    Regional assessments of fisheries resources are increasingly called for, but tools with which to perform them are limited. We present a simple method that can be used to estimate regional carrying capacity and apply it to the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon. First, we use a macroecological model to predict trout densities within small, medium, and large streams in the...

  20. Regional precipitation trend analysis at the Langat River Basin, Selangor, Malaysia (United States)

    Palizdan, Narges; Falamarzi, Yashar; Huang, Yuk Feng; Lee, Teang Shui; Ghazali, Abdul Halim


    Various hydrological and meteorological variables such as rainfall and temperature have been affected by global climate change. Any change in the pattern of precipitation can have a significant impact on the availability of water resources, agriculture, and the ecosystem. Therefore, knowledge on rainfall trend is an important aspect of water resources management. In this study, the regional annual and seasonal precipitation trends at the Langat River Basin, Malaysia, for the period of 1982-2011 were examined at the 95 % level of significance using the regional average Mann-Kendall (RAMK) test and the regional average Mann-Kendall coupled with bootstrap (RAMK-bootstrap) method. In order to identify the homogeneous regions respectively for the annual and seasonal scales, firstly, at-site mean total annual and separately at-site mean total seasonal precipitation were spatialized into 5 km × 5 km grids using the inverse distance weighting (IDW) algorithm. Next, the optimum number of homogeneous regions (clusters) is computed using the silhouette coefficient approach. Next, the homogeneous regions were formed using the K-mean clustering method. From the annual scale perspective, all three regions showed positive trends. However, the application of two methods at this scale showed a significant trend only in the region AC1. The region AC2 experienced a significant positive trend using only the RAMK test. On a seasonal scale, all regions showed insignificant trends, except the regions I1C1 and I1C2 in the Inter-Monsoon 1 (INT1) season which experienced significant upward trends. In addition, it was proven that the significance of trends has been affected by the existence of serial and spatial correlations.

  1. Acupuntura, electroacupuntura, moxibustión y técnicas relacionadas en el tratamiento del dolor


    R. Cobos Romana


    La acupuntura, un componente fundamental en la medicina china, tiene una historia de más de dos mil años, siendo desde entonces útil para mantener una buena salud y para el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades, especialmente el dolor. Según la teoría de la acupuntura clásica, existe una red de canales (los meridianos) en el cuerpo humano con puntos de acupuntura, situados sobre la piel y los tejidos más profundos. La punción en los puntos de acupuntura modula la fisiología del cuerpo a través...


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    Taufik Budhi Pramono


    Full Text Available This research aimed to know internally conflict on the use of aquatic  resources at around Donan River, Segara Anakan region Cilacap.  Using on fisheries resources was not free against potential conflict among the user or with its interest’s one related to that resources.  The lack on capability of identified conflict would be a limiting factor for the implementation on the fisheries resources management program.  The research was hold in the region of Segara Anakan, Donan River from August until October 2005.  The data collection techniques applied in this survey included questionnaire; observation; in-depth interview with leaders of fisherman organizations; and focus group discussion. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics.  The research showed that fisherman’s community along Donan River line were not out of inside potentially conflict among inter micro-micro, intra micro-micro and intra micro-macro.  This potential conflict were appeared because of presence on the different perception belong to its authority access against Donan River and their open system on the fisheries resources management.Keywords : Conflict, Donan River, Aquatic Resources, Fisherman Community

  3. (Re conocer, diagnosticar y cuidar dolores que “no se ven”: narrativas encontradas sobre la migraña en Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Romina Del Monaco


    Full Text Available En este artículo se investiga la forma en que se construye el diagnóstico biomédico de la migraña, los relatos de aquellos que padecen estos dolores de cabeza y de sus vínculos cercanos. A diferencia de otros padecimientos crónicos, la migraña es un dolor con un doble estatus. A pesar de que los saberes expertos legitiman y dan forma al diagnóstico (aunque se carece de una etiología clara y precisa, se observan explicaciones múltiples y fragmentarias acerca de los motivos que producen el malestar combinando aspectos biológicos con dimensiones sociales tales como los modos de vida de quienes padecen. Asimismo, las formas de cuidar y convivir con la dolencia están atravesadas por una serie de sentidos atribuidos socialmente al dolor que se asocian con las excusas y exageraciones. La perspectiva teórica-metodológica se inscribe en el dominio de la antropología de la salud, siguiendo los lineamientos de la investigación cualitativa y, específicamente, el análisis de las narrativas. El trabajo de campo consistió, en primer lugar, en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad y observación participante en un hospital público del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina. En segundo lugar, a través de la técnica de bola de nieve, se realizaron entrevistas a otras personas que padecían migraña y vínculos próximos (parejas, familiares, conocidos por fuera de la institución.

  4. Factores implicados en la regulación del desarrollo de las vías del dolor.


    Valdés Sánchez, Teresa


    En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral hemos querido investigar aspectos de la regulación de las neuronas sensoriales periféricas que participan en la detección del dolor y, para ello, hemos estudiado la contribución de la neurotrofina BDNF y de la metaloproteasa MT-5 al desarrollo y mantenimiento de esta población sensorial de indudable inetrés biomédico. Los aspectos más destacables de los hallazgos pueden resumirse en: 1) hemos identificado por primera vez la dependencia trófica postnata...

  5. Effects of sediment quality on macroinvertebrates in the Sunraysia region of the Murray-Darling Rivers, Australia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharley, David J. [Centre for Environmental Stress and Adaptation Research-Hoffmann Laboratory, Zoology Department, University of Melbourne, Level 2, Bio 21 Institute, 30 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3010 (Australia)], E-mail:; Hoffmann, Ary A. [Centre for Environmental Stress and Adaptation Research-Hoffmann Laboratory, Zoology Department, University of Melbourne, Level 2, Bio 21 Institute, 30 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3010 (Australia); Pettigrove, Vincent [Research and Technology, Melbourne Water, PO Box 4342, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 (Australia)


    A field-based microcosm approach was tested to identify deterioration of sediment quality in waterways using freshwater macroinvertebrates. The method can potentially identify the nature of contaminants based on species-specific responses. Sediments were collected from the Murray and Darling Rivers and irrigation drains within the Sunraysia region of south-eastern Australia and compared to non-polluted reference sediment. Clean sediments were also spiked with fertiliser to test whether nutrients affected the aquatic fauna. Seven of the eight sediments from the Sunraysia region had a negative impact on the macroinvertebrates, in particular sediment from the Darling River, which supported an impoverished fauna. Three species of chironomid showed varied responses to sediment quality and, although it was hypothesised that nutrients may have impacted on the macroinvertebrate fauna, the results suggest that other pollutants are also involved. The field-based microcosm method proved effective for determining the impact of sediment quality on indigenous macroinvertebrates. - Sediment quality effects on freshwater macroinvertebrates are isolated.

  6. Effects of sediment quality on macroinvertebrates in the Sunraysia region of the Murray-Darling Rivers, Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharley, David J.; Hoffmann, Ary A.; Pettigrove, Vincent


    A field-based microcosm approach was tested to identify deterioration of sediment quality in waterways using freshwater macroinvertebrates. The method can potentially identify the nature of contaminants based on species-specific responses. Sediments were collected from the Murray and Darling Rivers and irrigation drains within the Sunraysia region of south-eastern Australia and compared to non-polluted reference sediment. Clean sediments were also spiked with fertiliser to test whether nutrients affected the aquatic fauna. Seven of the eight sediments from the Sunraysia region had a negative impact on the macroinvertebrates, in particular sediment from the Darling River, which supported an impoverished fauna. Three species of chironomid showed varied responses to sediment quality and, although it was hypothesised that nutrients may have impacted on the macroinvertebrate fauna, the results suggest that other pollutants are also involved. The field-based microcosm method proved effective for determining the impact of sediment quality on indigenous macroinvertebrates. - Sediment quality effects on freshwater macroinvertebrates are isolated

  7. Environmental Assessment for the construction and operation of the Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority regional waste management center at the Savannah River Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of a landfill and technology center for regionally-generated municipal solid waste at the Savannah River Site (SRS) near Aiken, South Carolina. The facility would serve the municipal solid waste disposal needs for SRS and at least nine of the surrounding counties who currently comprise the Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority (TRSWA). Additional counties could become included in the proposed action at some future date. Current Federal and state requirements do not afford individual counties and municipalities within the region encompassing SRS the ability to efficiently or economically operate modern waste management facilities. In addition, consolidation of regional municipal solid waste at one location would have the benefit of reducing the duplicity of environmental consequences associated with the construction and operation of county-level facilities. The option to seek a combined disposal and technology development facility based on a regionally-cooperative effort was selected as a viable alternative to the existing individual SRS or county disposal activities. This document was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the requirements of the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing NEPA (40 CFR Part 1021). NEPA requires the assessment of environmental consequences of Federal actions that may affect the quality of the human environment. Based on the potential for impacts described for impacts described herein, DOE will either publish a Finding of No Significant Impact or prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS)

  8. Valoración y estrategias no farmacológicas en el tratamiento del dolor neonatal Assessment and non-pharmacological strategies in the treatment of neonatal pain.

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    Ruth Pérez Villegas


    Full Text Available El neonato desde su nacimiento recibe diversos estímulos dolorosos que provocan alteraciones multisistémicas y psicológicas, lo que contribuye al aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad neonatal. Las intervenciones ambientales y conductuales, conocidas también como estrategias no farmacológicas, tienen amplia aplicación en el tratamiento del dolor neonatal ya sea en forma aislada o en combinación con intervenciones farmacológicas. El propósito de estas estrategias es incrementar la comodidad, estabilidad del neonato y reducir el desestrés mediante acciones como mecerlos, acariciarlos, cantarles, arrullarlos, colocarles un chupete y música, las cuales son avaladas por diversos estudios. La sensibilización del equipo de salud junto con la familia es fundamental para aliviar el dolor neonatal.

  9. Hydrochemistry of the Parauari-Maues Acu river basin (Amazon region, Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bringel, S.R.B.


    The chemical composition of the Parauari-Maues Acu basin is studied through the determination of pH, calcium, magnesium, iron, chloride, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Four expeditions were made and samples were collected in 16 different points of the main course. Chemical analysis of the rivers waters shows seasonal flutuations of the concentrations of the elements in the main river as well as in the main afluents like Nambi river, Amana river and Urupadi river. (Author) [pt

  10. Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978, No.28

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main object of this Act is to provide for the appointment of a Supervising Scientist responsible for supervising protection of the environment in the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory from the effects of uranium mining operations. His functions include advising the competent Minister on the effects of uranium mining operations on the environment and on standards, practices and procedures for its protection and restoration. The Act also sets up a Co-ordinating Committee responsible for programmes for research into the environmental effects of such mining operations and also keeping under review standards, practices and procedures for environmental protection in relation thereto. Finally the Act provides for the establishment of a Research Institute managed by the Supervising Scientist, to promote and assist in research as well as to collect information on the environmental effects of uranium mining operations. (NEA) [fr

  11. Climate Change and Its Impact on the Eco-Environment of the Three-Rivers Headwater Region on the Tibetan Plateau, China

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    Chong Jiang


    Full Text Available This study analyzes the impact of climate change on the eco-environment of the Three-Rivers Headwater Region (TRHR, Tibetan Plateau, China. Temperature and precipitation experienced sharp increases in this region during the past 57 years. A dramatic increase in winter temperatures contributed to a rise in average annual temperatures. Moreover, annual runoff in the Lancang (LRB and Yangtze (YARB river basins showed an increasing trend, compared to a slight decrease in the Yellow River Basin (YRB. Runoff is predominantly influenced by rainfall, which is controlled by several monsoon systems. The water temperature in the YRB and YARB increased significantly from 1958 to 2007 (p < 0.001, driven by air temperature changes. Additionally, owing to warming and wetting trends in the TRHR, the net primary productivity (NPP and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI showed significant increasing trends during the past half-century. Furthermore, although an increase in water erosion due to rainfall erosivity was observed, wind speeds declined significantly, causing a decline in wind erosion, as well as the frequency and duration of sandstorms. A clear regional warming trend caused an obvious increasing trend in glacier runoff, with a maximum value observed in the 2000s.

  12. Climate Change and Its Impact on the Eco-Environment of the Three-Rivers Headwater Region on the Tibetan Plateau, China. (United States)

    Jiang, Chong; Zhang, Linbo


    This study analyzes the impact of climate change on the eco-environment of the Three-Rivers Headwater Region (TRHR), Tibetan Plateau, China. Temperature and precipitation experienced sharp increases in this region during the past 57 years. A dramatic increase in winter temperatures contributed to a rise in average annual temperatures. Moreover, annual runoff in the Lancang (LRB) and Yangtze (YARB) river basins showed an increasing trend, compared to a slight decrease in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). Runoff is predominantly influenced by rainfall, which is controlled by several monsoon systems. The water temperature in the YRB and YARB increased significantly from 1958 to 2007 (p changes. Additionally, owing to warming and wetting trends in the TRHR, the net primary productivity (NPP) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed significant increasing trends during the past half-century. Furthermore, although an increase in water erosion due to rainfall erosivity was observed, wind speeds declined significantly, causing a decline in wind erosion, as well as the frequency and duration of sandstorms. A clear regional warming trend caused an obvious increasing trend in glacier runoff, with a maximum value observed in the 2000s.

  13. Síndrome doloroso regional complejo: Conceptos actuales


    Ferrer Lozano, Yovanny; Oquendo Vázquez, Pablo; Ferrer Lozano, Dunia


    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los conceptos actuales que se les atribuyen al síndrome doloroso regional complejo, término propuesto en 1994 por la International Association for Study of Pain. En la aparición del síndrome intervienen varios factores como son los sistemas nerviosos periférico, central y vegetativo; el sistema endocrino, los factores psicológicos, históricos, ambientales y circunstanciales; que permiten en conjunto personalizar el dolor en cada paciente.El tratamiento...

  14. Dolor crónico, corporalidad y clausura: percepciones y   experiencias sobre la migraña

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    Romina del Monaco


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza, desde una perspectiva socio‐antropológica, las percepciones y experiencias de personas con un tipo de dolor de cabeza crónico, que los profesionales de la salud y los pa‐ cientes denominan migraña. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo en un hospital público de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde se realizaron entrevistas a médicos neurólogos y personas con esta dolencia. Combinando la perspectiva fenomenológica con el interaccionismo simbólico propongo indagar cómo la percepción y las experiencias con el dolor influyen en la constitución de sí mismo, de la corporalidad y de las interacciones con los otros.   Asimismo, se observan algunas particularidades de la migraña que la diferencian de otras dolen‐ cias crónicas y que condicionan los modos en que los pacientes se relacionan con su entorno. En primer lugar, carece de condiciones fácticas de verificación y no tiene una etiología precisa ni un tratamiento eficaz. En segundo lugar, las personas entrevistadas decían que se tiende a vincular esta dolencia con excusas, mentiras y manipulación. A partir de esto surgen cuestiones que vin‐ culan el padecimiento con falta de legitimidad, angustia, aperturas y clausuras del yo que influ‐ yen en las relaciones consigo mismos y con los otros. 

  15. River terrace development in the NE Mediterranean region (Syria and Turkey): Patterns in relation to crustal type (United States)

    Bridgland, David R.; Demir, Tuncer; Seyrek, Ali; Daoud, Mohamad; Abou Romieh, Mohammad; Westaway, Rob


    It is widely recognized that the optimal development of river terraces globally has been in the temperate latitudes, with NW and Central Europe being areas of particular importance for the preservation of such archives of Quaternary environmental change. There is also a growing consensus that the principal drivers of terrace formation have been climatic fluctuation against a background of progressive (but variable) uplift. Nonetheless river terraces are widely preserved in the Mediterranean region, where they have often been attributed to the effects of neotectonic activity, with a continuing debate about the relative significance of fluctuating temperature (glacials-interglacials) and precipitation (pluvials-interpluvials). Research in Syria and southern-central Turkey (specifically in the valleys of the Tigris and Ceyhan in Turkey, the Kebir in Syria and the trans-border rivers Orontes and Euphrates) has underlined the importance of uplift rates in dictating the preservation pattern of fluvial archives and has revealed different patterns that can be related to crustal type. The NE Mediterranean coastal region has experienced unusually rapid uplift in the Late Quaternary. The relation between the Kebir terraces and the staircase of interglacial raised beaches preserved along the Mediterranean coastline of NW Syria reinforces previous conclusions that the emplacement of the fluvial terrace deposits in the Mediterranean has occurred during colder climatic episodes.

  16. Recognition of key regions for restoration of phytoplankton communities in the Huai River basin, China (United States)

    Zhao, Changsen; Liu, Changming; Xia, Jun; Zhang, Yongyong; Yu, Qiang; Eamus, Derek


    SummaryHealthy phytoplankton communities are the basis of healthy water ecosystems, and form the foundation of many freshwater food webs. Globally many freshwater ecosystems are degraded because of intensive human activities, so water ecosystem restoration is a burning issue worldwide. Selection of key regions for phytoplankton-related restoration is crucial for an effective aquatic eco-restoration. This paper presents a practical method for identification of key regions for phytoplankton-related restoration, using random forests (RFs) method to cluster sites based on dominance, biodiversity, water chemistry and ecological niche. We sampled phytoplankton for species richness and relative abundance and water quality in the Huai River basin (HRB), China to determine the phytoplankton communities' composition and structure and characterize of their ecological niches. A wider mean niche breadth of a species usually leads to a greater overlap with the niche of other species. Using these data and water quality indices, we identified the key regions for phytoplankton-related river restoration activities. Results indicate that our method for recognition of key regions is effective and practical and its application to the HRB identified the Northern Plain area as the key region for restoration. This area is severely polluted and contributes significantly to the HRB phytoplankton communities. Phytoplankton in this region is highly adaptable to environmental change and therefore will be relatively unharmed by environmental instability induced by restoration measures. During restoration, indices of water temperature, total phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand can be altered with little negative influence on phytoplankton communities, but measures that increase ammonia-nitrogen concentration would be highly detrimental. These results will provide valuable information for policy makers and stakeholders in water ecosystem restoration and sustainable basin management in the HRB.






  18. 76 FR 58533 - Powder River Regional Coal Team Activities; Notice of Public Meeting in Casper, WY (United States)


    ... meeting is open to the public. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation... Right Lease Applications in New Mexico held by Ark Land Company, for competitive bidding rights in... Powder River Coal Production Region. Any party interested in providing comments or data related to...

  19. Geology, selected geophysics, and hydrogeology of the White River and parts of the Great Salt Lake Desert regional groundwater flow systems, Utah and Nevada (United States)

    Rowley, Peter D.; Dixon, Gary L.; Watrus , James M.; Burns, Andrews G.; Mankinen, Edward A.; McKee, Edwin H.; Pari, Keith T.; Ekren, E. Bartlett; Patrick , William G.; Comer, John B.; Inkenbrandt, Paul C.; Krahulec, K.A.; Pinnell, Michael L.


    The east-central Great Basin near the Utah-Nevada border contains two great groundwater flow systems. The first, the White River regional groundwater flow system, consists of a string of hydraulically connected hydrographic basins in Nevada spanning about 270 miles from north to south. The northernmost basin is Long Valley and the southernmost basin is the Black Mountain area, a valley bordering the Colorado River. The general regional groundwater flow direction is north to south. The second flow system, the Great Salt Lake Desert regional groundwater flow system, consists of hydrographic basins that straddle

  20. Acupuntura y electroacupuntura en el alivio del dolor de la osteoartrosis de la región lumbar


    Boch Váldes, Fe; Rabí Martínez, María del Carmen; Hernández Arteaga, Manuel; García Jacomino, José C


    La osteoartrosis de la región lumbar es causa importante de dolor o incapacidad física. Las diferentes terapias usadas no siempre son eficaces, y los fármacos empleados no están exentos de reacciones indeseables. Su tratamiento ha experimentado una tendencia hacia la utilización de métodos más conservadores, incrementándose en los últimos años el uso de la acupuntura y la electroacupuntura. En este estudio comparamos la eficacia de ambas, pues en la literatura revisada existen criterios contr...

  1. Prácticas narrativas, reconstrucción del yo y redes sociales: el caso de Instagram y el dolor crónico


    Sendra Toset, Anna; Farré Coma, Jordi


    Cartel presentado en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (3ICHC), celebrado los días 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar las prácticas narrativas de los pacientes con dolor crónico en Instagram

  2. Simulation of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Suwannee River Basin, Northern Florida and Southern Georgia (United States)

    Planert, Michael


    The Suwannee River Basin covers a total of nearly 9,950 square miles in north-central Florida and southern Georgia. In Florida, the Suwannee River Basin accounts for 4,250 square miles of north-central Florida. Evaluating the impacts of increased development in the Suwannee River Basin requires a quantitative understanding of the boundary conditions, hydrogeologic framework and hydraulic properties of the Floridan aquifer system, and the dynamics of water exchanges between the Suwannee River and its tributaries and the Floridan aquifer system. Major rivers within the Suwannee River Basin are the Suwannee, Santa Fe, Alapaha, and Withlacoochee. Four rivers west of the Suwannee River are the Aucilla, the Econfina, the Fenholloway, and the Steinhatchee; all drain to the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps the most notable aspect of the surface-water hydrology of the study area is that large areas east of the Suwannee River are devoid of channelized, surface drainage; consequently, most of the drainage occurs through the subsurface. The ground-water flow system underlying the study area plays a critical role in the overall hydrology of this region of Florida because of the dominance of subsurface drain-age, and because ground-water flow sustains the flow of the rivers and springs. Three principal hydrogeologic units are present in the study area: the surficial aquifer system, the intermediate aquifer system, and the Floridan aquifer system. The surficial aquifer system principally consists of unconsoli-dated to poorly indurated siliciclastic deposits. The intermediate aquifer system, which contains the intermediate confining unit, lies below the surficial aquifer system (where present), and generally consists of fine-grained, uncon-solidated deposits of quartz sand, silt, and clay with interbedded limestone of Miocene age. Regionally, the intermediate aquifer system and intermediate con-fining unit act as a confining unit that restricts the exchange of water between the over

  3. K-Ar geology, geochemistry and geochronology from the Maria River region dikes, Parana State southeastern part, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva Junior, Renato Oliveira da; Dall'Agnol, Roberto; Oliveira, Elson Paiva de


    The paper synthesizes the geological, petrographical, geochemical and geochronological data from the Maria River region dikes, situated at the southeastern part of the Para State, Brazil. It identifies five groups of dikes and determines the age of these dikes, through the Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) methodology

  4. Avaliação da dor em neonatologia Evaluación del dolor en neonatología Pain evaluation in neonatology

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    Yerkes Pereira e Silva


    ém-nascidos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El estudio del dolor ha avanzado mucho en las últimas décadas haciendo con que la evaluación y la intervención sean una preocupación creciente entre los profesionales de la salud. El objetivo de la evaluación del dolor debe ser el de proporcionar datos precisos para determinar cuáles acciones deben ser toma de las para aliviarlo o eliminarlo y la mismo tiempo, evaluar la eficacia de esas acciones. La finalidad de esta revisión fue discutir los métodos utilizados en la evaluación del dolor en neonatología, cuando las estrategias de tratamiento utiliza de las sin una evaluación sistemática del dolor no son eficaces o adecua de las. CONTENIDO: No existe ninguna técnica ampliamente aceptada y fácilmente ejecutable y uniforme para la evaluación del dolor en niños, especialmente en los recién nacidos y lactantes que pueda ser utilizada en todas las situaciones. Antes de confiar en la exactitud de los datos de Evaluación, se hace necesario que los profesionales de la salud se sientan seguros con los instrumentos usados en la recolección del esos datos. Varios indicadores pueden ser usados en la evaluación, cuantificación y calificación del estímulo doloroso, y cuando se analizan en conjunto, permiten el desglose entre el dolor y los estímulos no dolorosos. Aunque sea deseable la estandarización objetiva para la medición de la intensidad del dolor, tal medida no existe todavía. La medición ene sea franja etaria es hecha por medio de parámetros fisiológicos (frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, presión arterial, etc y comportamentales (expresión facial, postura y vocalización o verbalización, utilizando escalas de evaluación, cada una con sus ventajas y limitaciones. CONCLUSIONES: La actual atención para mejores métodos de medida y evaluación del dolor aportó para aumentar la sensibilidad de los profesionales de salud con relación a la naturaleza de las experiencias dolorosas. El dolor debe ser entendido como la

  5. River basin administration (United States)

    Management of international rivers and their basins is the focus of the Centre for Comparative Studies on (International) River Basin Administration, recently established at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Water pollution, sludge, and conflicting interests in the use of water in upstream and downstream parts of a river basin will be addressed by studying groundwater and consumption of water in the whole catchment area of a river.Important aspects of river management are administrative and policy aspects. The Centre will focus on policy, law, planning, and organization, including transboundary cooperation, posing standards, integrated environmental planning on regional scale and environmental impact assessments.

  6. Measurement and Prediction of Regional Tourism Sustainability: An Analysis of the Yangtze River Economic Zone, China

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    Canmian Liu


    Full Text Available In view of sustainable development of tourism, this paper firstly constructs a more comprehensive and scientific index system from the economical/societal/resource-related/environmental aspects of tourism and evaluates the sustainable and comprehensive development level of tourism in 11 provinces and cities of the Yangtze River economic zone by using the weighted TOPSIS (The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution method; secondly, it analyzes the coupling coordination evolution relationship between tourism and the economy/society/resources/environment in different provinces and cities of the Yangtze river economic zone based on the coupling coordination model from the spatio-temporal dimension; and finally, it predicts the coupling coordination degree of the provinces and cities in the region in the next few years by the grey model (1,1 and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. According to the study, this method provides an effective reference to the study on the sustainable development of tourism and is very significant for learning the sustainable development of regional tourism and establishing specific and scientific countermeasures for improvement.

  7. Regional contribution to PM1 pollution during winter haze in Yangtze River Delta, China. (United States)

    Tang, Lili; Yu, Hongxia; Ding, Aijun; Zhang, Yunjiang; Qin, Wei; Wang, Zhuang; Chen, Wentai; Hua, Yan; Yang, Xiaoxiao


    To quantify regional sources contributing to submicron particulate matter (PM1) pollution in haze episodes, on-line measurements combining two modeling methods, namely, positive matrix factorization (PMF) and backward Lagrangian particle dispersion modeling (LPDM), were conducted for the period of one month in urban Nanjing, a city located in the western part of Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region of China. Several multi-day haze episodes were observed in December 2013. Long-range transport of biomass burning from the southwestern YRD region largely contributed to PM1 pollution with more than 25% of total organics mass in a lasting heavy haze. The LPDM analysis indicates that regional transport is a main source contributing to secondary low-volatility production. The high-potential source regions of secondary low-volatility production are mainly located in areas to the northeast of the city. High aerosol pollution was mainly contributed by regional transport associated with northeastern air masses. Such regional transport on average accounts for 46% of total NR-PM1 with sulfate and aged low-volatility organics being the largest fractions (>65%). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Management of regional German river catchments (REGFLUD) impact of nitrogen reduction measures on the nitrogen load in the River Ems and the River Rhine. (United States)

    Kunkel, R; Bogena, H; Goemann, H; Kreins, P; Wendland, F


    The REGFLUD-project, commissioned by Germany's Federal Research Ministry (BMBF), addresses the problem of reducing diffuse pollution from agricultural production. The objective of the project is the development and application of multi-criteria scientific methods, which are able to predict diffuse pollution in river basins subject to economic feasibility and social acceptability. The selected river basins (Ems and Rhine basins) cover a variety of landscape units with different hydrological, hydrogeological and socio-economic characteristics. This paper focuses on the analysis of the effects of certain policy measures to reduce diffuse pollution by nitrogen. For this purpose a model system consisting of an agricultural sector model, a water balance model and a residence time/denitrification model was developed and applied. First results indicate a wide range of annual nitrogen surpluses for the rural areas between less than 10 kg N/ha up to 200 kg N/ha or more depending on the type and intensity of farming. Compared to the level of nitrogen surpluses the level of nitrogen inputs into the surface waters is relatively moderate because of degradation processes during transport in soil and groundwater. Policy impact analysis for a nitrogen tax and a limitation of the livestock density stress the importance of regionally tailored measures.

  9. Groundwater Discharge of Legacy Nitrogen to River Networks: Linking Regional Groundwater Models to Streambed Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange and Nitrogen Processing (United States)

    Barclay, J. R.; Helton, A. M.; Briggs, M. A.; Starn, J. J.; Hunt, A.


    Despite years of management, excess nitrogen (N) is a pervasive problem in many aquatic ecosystems. More than half of surface water in the United States is derived from groundwater, and widespread N contamination in aquifers from decades of watershed N inputs suggest legacy N discharging from groundwater may contribute to contemporary N pollution problems in surface waters. Legacy N loads to streams and rivers are controlled by both regional scale flow paths and fine-scale processes that drive N transformations, such as groundwater-surface water exchange across steep redox gradients that occur at stream bed interfaces. Adequately incorporating these disparate scales is a challenge, but it is essential to understanding legacy N transport and making informed management decisions. We developed a regional groundwater flow model for the Farmington River, a HUC-8 basin that drains to the Long Island Sound, a coastal estuary that suffers from elevated N loads despite decades of management, to understand broad patterns of regional transport. To evaluate and refine the regional model, we used thermal infrared imagery paired with vertical temperature profiling to estimate groundwater discharge at the streambed interface. We also analyzed discharging groundwater for multiple N species to quantify fine scale patterns of N loading and transformation via denitrification at the streambed interface. Integrating regional and local estimates of groundwater discharge of legacy N to river networks should improve our ability to predict spatiotemporal patterns of legacy N loading to and transformation within surface waters.

  10. Fish distributions in the Rondegat River, Cape Floristic Region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Alien fishes are considered the most serious threat to native headwater stream fishes in South Africa. A 4 km reach of the Rondegat River is the first section of a South African river to be rehabilitated through the attempted removal of alien fish by using the piscicide rotenone. The objectives of the current study were to ...

  11. Measuring Phenological Changes due to Defoliation of the Non-Native Species, Saltcedar (Tamarisk) Following Episodic Foliage Removal by the Beetle Diorhabda elongate and Phenological Impacts on Forage Quality for Insectivorous Birds on the Dolores River (United States)

    Nagler, P. L.; Dennison, P. E.; Hultine, K. R.; van Riper, C.; Glenn, E. P.


    feet above the ground at two saltcedar-dominated sap flow sites along the Dolores River. These two sites have both been defoliated by the saltcedar leaf beetle, but in 2007 these sites refoliated at different rates, 0-25 percent and 75 percent respectively. 2008 was a critical year to be able to capture changes in the post-infestation regrowth period (measuring quantity and quality of foliage), rates of change, extent of change, replacement vegetation (canopy components, native vs. non- native, grasses vs. shrubs vs. trees), surface reflectance changes (canopy cover), and avian habitat use. Continued ground and remote sensing estimation of ET will allow assessment of potential water salvage resulting from biocontrol of tamarisk.

  12. [Health assessment of river ecosystem in Haihe River Basin, China]. (United States)

    Hao, Li-Xia; Sun, Ran-Hao; Chen, Li-Ding


    With the development of economy, the health of river ecosystem is severely threatened because of the increasing effects of human activities on river ecosystem. In this paper, the authors assessed the river ecosystem health in aspects of chemical integrity and biological integrity, using the criterion in water quality, nutrient, and benthic macroinvertebrates of 73 samples in Haihe River Basin. The research showed that the health condition of river ecosystem in Haihe River Basin was bad overall since the health situation of 72. 6% of the samples was "extremely bad". At the same time, the health situation in Haihe River Basin exhibited obvious regional gathering effect. We also found that the river water quality was closely related to human activities, and the eutrophication trend of water body was evident in Haihe River Basin. The biodiversity of the benthic animal was low and lack of clean species in the basin. The indicators such as ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were the key factors that affected the river ecosystem health in Haihe River Basin, so the government should start to curb the deterioration of river ecosystem health by controlling these nutrients indicators. For river ecosystem health assessment, the multi-factors comprehensive evaluation method was superior to single-factor method.

  13. O convivio com a dor: um enfoque existencial El convivio con el dolor: un enfoque existencial Living with pain: an existential focus

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    Luciane Maximiliano Sanches


    Full Text Available No cotidiano de um hospital, em meu sendo-enfermeira, cuidando de pacientes com dor, essa mostrou-se a mim para além de uma esfera biológica, inserindo-se em uma dimensão existencial. Deste conviver, algo me inquietou e senti necessidade de compreender essas pessoas em situação de dor passando a questionar: como a pessoa compreende a sua dor? Qual o significado de vivenciar situações dolorosas em sua cronicidade? . Na tentativa de encontrar um caminho para tal compreensão, busquei por algumas idéias da fenomenologia. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais, fundamentada na questão norteadora: "Como vem sendo para o (a senhor (a o convívio com a dor? Conte-me sobre isto". Após análise, pude compreender que a dor é uma forma de estreitamento do horizonte de possibilidades, de transformações na existência. Não é somente o corpo físico que se encontra doente, mas a vida em suas várias dimensões ficam afetadas, fundamentalmente no que se refere ao mundo familiar, do trabalho e da auto-relação.En el cotidiano de un hospital, la actuación de la enfermera cuidando de pacientes con dolor, demuestra más que una esfera biológica, incluyendose en una dimensión existencial. A partir de este convivir, algo despertó a la autora que sentió la necesidad de comprender las personas en situación de dolor, cuestionando: como la persona comprende su dolor? Cuál es el significado de vivir situaciones dolorosas en su cronicidad? En la tentativa de encontrar un camino para esta comprensión, la autora buscó por algunas ideas de la fenomenologia. Fueron realizadas entrevistas individuales, fundamentadas en la cuestión norteadora: "Como es y ha sido su convivio con el dolor? Hable sobre esto. Después del análisis, la autora comprendió que el dolor es una forma de estrechamiento del horizonte de posibilidades, de transformaciones en la existencia. No es solamente el cuerpo físico que se encuentra enfermo, pero la vida en sus v

  14. Consideraciones básicas para el manejo del dolor en odontopediatría en la práctica diaria del cirujano dentista general y su relación de interconsulta con el anestesiólogo


    Argueta López, R.; Argueta García, R.; Berlín Gómez, A. M.


    El dolor es un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional mediado por procesos psicoquímicos en el sistema nervioso periférico y central, cuya percepción puede modificarse considerablemente a través de una serie de mecanismos que incluyen, entre otros, fármacos, estímulos ambientales, procesos cognoscitivos y emocionales, así como condiciones sociales y culturales. La gran parte de los agentes farmacológicos que se utiliza en odontología tiene por objeto controlar la angustia y el dolor. En término...

  15. Efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico acuático sobre la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en personas adultas sedentarias con dolor lumbar crónico.


    Baena, Pedro Ángel


    El dolor lumbar crónico es aquél que se encuentra delimitado entre el reborde costal y la zona alta de los pliegues glúteos (zona lumbar baja), puede llegar a limitar significativamente las actividades cotidianas, producir discapacidad, deteriorar la calidad de vida y asociarse con altos costos económicos para el individuo y para la sociedad. El objetivo general de la presente memoria de Tesis es analizar el efecto de un programa de ejercicio físico acuático sobre el grado de dolor, capacidad...

  16. Descripción de las propiedades funcionales del sistema nociceptivo trigeminal en relación con el dolor pulpar

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    Andrés O Pérez Ruíz

    Full Text Available El sistema trigeminal nociceptivo es un componente del sistema sensorial somestésico que tiene la capacidad de discriminar cuatro variables básicas de los estímulos que provocan daño tisular, ellas son: cualidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad. Las fibras A delta y C, vinculadas a la nocicepción están presentes en la pulpa dental. Se utilizan varias clasificaciones del dolor, atendiendo a diversos criterios: calidad de la sensación, velocidad de transmisión por las fibras, en relación con el lugar del cuerpo donde se exprese, y a la ubicación del nociceptor. La evolución de las condiciones pulpares se clasifican como: pulpitis reversible, pulpitis transicional, pulpitis irreversible y pulpa necrótica.Según su cualidad, el dolor pulpar puede ser punzante o continuo; atendiendo a su aparición, provocado o espontáneo; por su curso, intermitente o continuo; por su localización puede ser limitado a una región, irradiado y referido; y en relación con su intensidad se considera leve, moderado o severo. La capacidad del sistema sensorial nociceptivo en cuanto a discriminar la modalidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad del estímulo, permite conocer las diferentes etapas de un proceso inflamatorio pulpar.

  17. Allegheny County Major Rivers (United States)

    Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center — This dataset contains locations of major rivers that flow through Allegheny County. These shapes have been taken from the Hydrology dataset. The Ohio River,...

  18. A comparative study of artificial neural network, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and support vector machine for forecasting river flow in the semiarid mountain region (United States)

    He, Zhibin; Wen, Xiaohu; Liu, Hu; Du, Jun


    Data driven models are very useful for river flow forecasting when the underlying physical relationships are not fully understand, but it is not clear whether these data driven models still have a good performance in the small river basin of semiarid mountain regions where have complicated topography. In this study, the potential of three different data driven methods, artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and support vector machine (SVM) were used for forecasting river flow in the semiarid mountain region, northwestern China. The models analyzed different combinations of antecedent river flow values and the appropriate input vector has been selected based on the analysis of residuals. The performance of the ANN, ANFIS and SVM models in training and validation sets are compared with the observed data. The model which consists of three antecedent values of flow has been selected as the best fit model for river flow forecasting. To get more accurate evaluation of the results of ANN, ANFIS and SVM models, the four quantitative standard statistical performance evaluation measures, the coefficient of correlation (R), root mean squared error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NS) and mean absolute relative error (MARE), were employed to evaluate the performances of various models developed. The results indicate that the performance obtained by ANN, ANFIS and SVM in terms of different evaluation criteria during the training and validation period does not vary substantially; the performance of the ANN, ANFIS and SVM models in river flow forecasting was satisfactory. A detailed comparison of the overall performance indicated that the SVM model performed better than ANN and ANFIS in river flow forecasting for the validation data sets. The results also suggest that ANN, ANFIS and SVM method can be successfully applied to establish river flow with complicated topography forecasting models in the semiarid mountain regions.

  19. Managing Environmental Flows for Impounded Rivers in Semi-Arid Regions- A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Approach for the Assessment of River Habitat for Salmonid Populations (United States)

    Pai, H.; Sivakumaran, K.; Villamizar, S. R.; Flanagan, J.; Guo, Q.; Harmon, T. C.


    Balancing ecosystem health in water-scarce, agriculturally dominated river basins remains a challenge. In dry water years, maintaining conditions for restored and sustained indigenous fish populations (a frequently used indicator for ecosystem health) is particularly challenging. Competing human demands include urban and agricultural water supplies, hydropower, and flood control. In many semi-arid regions, increasing drought intensity and frequency under future climate scenarios will combine with population increases to water scarcity. The goal of this work is to better understand how reservoir releases affect fish habitat and overall river aquatic ecosystem quality. Models integrating a diverse array of physical and biological processes and system state are used to forecast the river ecosystem response to changing drivers. We propose a distributed parameter-based Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) approach for assessing fish habitat quality. Our river ecosystem HSI maps are based on a combination of the following: (1) In situ data describing stream flow and water quality conditions; (2) Spatial observations, including surveyed cross-sections, aerial imagery and digital elevation maps (DEM) of the river and its riparian corridor; and (3) Simulated spatially distributed water depths, flow velocities, and temperatures estimated from 1D and 2D river flow and temperature models (HEC-RAS and CE-QUAL-W2, respectively). With respect to (2), image processing schemes are used to classify and map key habitat features, namely riparian edge and shallow underwater vegetation. HSI maps can be modified temporally to address specific life cycle requirements of indicator fish species. Results are presented for several reaches associated with the San Joaquin River Restoration Project, focusing on several components of the Chinook salmon life cycle. HSI maps and interpretations are presented in the context of a range of prescribed reservoir release hydrographs linked to California water

  20. Migraña y (desencuentros: encierros y relaciones vinculares a partir de dolores de cabeza crónicos

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    Romina Del Monaco


    Full Text Available Basándose en las ciencias sociales, este texto explora y analiza la relación entre los relatos de quienes padecen dolores de cabeza crónicos categorizados como “migraña” y las personas de su entorno. Para lograr este propósito, el estudio conecta la noción de “(desencuentros” con las categorías de “yo” y “tú”. El trabajo de campo se realizó en un hospital público de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires donde se entrevistó a médicos neurólogos y a personas con migraña mientras que por fuera del hospital se entrevistó a vínculos cercanos (familiares, amigos. Estos dolores de cabeza plantean el tema del aislamiento como una cuestión central que los diferencia de otros padecimientos crónicos porque sus características discapacitantes modifican rotundamente la cotidianeidad. De este modo, a través del análisis de narrativas, es posible visualizar el problema y las particularidades de la relación entre “yo” y “otros” asociada a la separación y el encierro. Es decir, estas prácticas de alejamiento están atravesadas por experiencias de sufrimiento y desencuentro que involucran tanto a quienes tienen migraña como a sus vínculos cercanos.

  1. Intertextual Sexual Politics: Illness and Desire in Enrique Gomez Carrillo's "Del amor", "del dolor y del vicio" and Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta" (United States)

    LaGreca, Nancy


    This study explores the intertextuality between Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta" (1914) and the novel "Del amor, del dolor y del vicio" (1898) by her ex-husband, Enrique Gomez Carrillo. Caceres strategically mentions Gomez Carrillo's novel in "La rosa muerta" to invite a reading of her work in dialogue with his. Both narratives follow the sexual…

  2. [Study on distribution characteristics and potential ecological risk of soil heavy metals in the Yellow River beach region in Kaifeng City]. (United States)

    Zhang, Peng-yan; Qin, Ming-zhou; Chen, Long; Hu, Chang-hui; Zhao, Ya-ping; Dong, Wei-jun


    The distributions, soil environment status and potential ecological risk of heavy metals were studied in beach soil of returning the cropland into Yellow River beach region in Kaifeng by the Nemerows and Håkansons methods. The results showed that (1) as Among the average contents of the five heavy metals Pb, Cr, Hg, As and Cd, the highest was the average content of Cr, and the lowest was the average content of Pb and Hg. In addition to Hg, the coefficients of variation of other heavy metals were relatively small, indicating that the content of heavy metals was quite different at different sites, and to some extent, relecting that Hg, As and Pb were the major elements polluting the soil, among which, Pb pollution was the pollution with universality. There was little difference in the contents of Cr and Cd from village to village the coefficient of variation was small, and the contents were below the national standard level. (2) There was significant difference in the spatial distribution of soil heavy metal elements in the upper, the middle and lower sections of the study area. The upper section was clean, the middle section was slightly polluted, and the lower section was enriched with pollutants. (3) The distribution of heavy metals in the beach region inside and outside the levees of Yellow River was closely related to the distribution of the residential regions. In the upper section of the beach region (southwest), the population was large and the contents of heavy metals were high. The contents of heavy metals were lower in the near river zone than outside the levees of Yellow River. And the heavy metal contents in the middle and lower section were higher than those outside the levees of Yellow River, while the lower section (northwest) showed a tendency of pollution enrichment. (4) In the view of the average individual potential ecological risk index of heavy metals (E(r)i), the potential ecological risk of Hg reached intense levels, and the potential

  3. Comparative Influences of Precipitation and River Stage on Groundwater Levels in Near-River Areas

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    Incheol Kim


    Full Text Available The sustainable performance of foundations of various urban buildings and infrastructures is strongly affected by groundwater level (GWL, as GWL causes changes in the stress state within soil. In the present study, the components affecting GWL were investigated, focusing on the effects of precipitation and river stage. These components were analyzed using a six-year database established for hydrological and groundwater monitoring data. Five study regions for which daily measured precipitation, river stage, and GWL data were available were compared. Different periods of precipitation, geographical characteristics, and local surface conditions were considered in the analysis. The results indicated that key influence components on GWL are different depending on the hydrological, geological, and geographical characteristics of the target regions. River stage had the strongest influence on GWL in urban areas near large rivers with a high ratio of paved surface. In rural areas, where the paved surface area ratio and soil permeability were low, the moving average showed a closer correlation to GWL than river stage. A moving average-based method to predict GWL variation with time was proposed for regions with a low ratio of paved surface area and low permeability soils.





    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis fue valorar la interferencia que produce la Enfermedad Renal Crónica en el funcionamiento cotidiano del paciente en hemodiálisis. Para ello se han realizado cuatro estudios. Que valoran la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud (CVRS), la prevalencia de distintos tipos de síntomas somáticos y la sensibilidad al dolor. También se ha analizado la influencia de las variables psicológicas y sociales, sobre la CVRS y los síntomas somáticos. Asimismo, se ha com...

  5. An operational methodology for riparian land cover fine scale regional mapping for the study of landscape influence on river ecological status (United States)

    Tormos, T.; Kosuth, P.; Souchon, Y.; Villeneuve, B.; Durrieu, S.; Chandesris, A.


    Preservation and restoration of river ecosystems require an improved understanding of the mechanisms through which they are influenced by landscape at multiple spatial scales and particularly at river corridor scale considering the role of riparian vegetation for regulating and protecting river ecological status and the relevance of this specific area for implementing efficient and realistic strategies. Assessing correctly this influence over large river networks involves accurate broad scale (i.e. at least regional) information on Land Cover within Riparian Areas (LCRA). As the structure of land cover along rivers is generally not accessible using moderate-scale satellite imagery, finer spatial resolution imagery and specific mapping techniques are needed. For this purpose we developed a generic multi-scale Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) scheme able to produce LCRA maps in different geographic context by exploiting information available from very high spatial resolution imagery (satellite or airborne) and/or metric to decametric spatial thematic data on a given study zone thanks to fuzzy expert knowledge classification rules. A first experimentation was carried out on the Herault river watershed (southern of France), a 2650 square kilometers basin that presents a contrasted landscape (different ecoregions) and a total stream length of 1150 Km, using high and very high multispectral remotely-sensed images (10m Spot5 multispectral images and 0.5m aerial photography) and existing spatial thematic data. Application of the OBIA scheme produced a detailed (22 classes) LCRA map with an overall accuracy of 89% and a Kappa index of 83% according to a land cover pressures typology (six categories). A second experimentation (using the same data sources) was carried out on a larger test zone, a part of the Normandy river network (25 000 square kilometers basin; 6000 km long river network; 155 ecological stations). This second work aimed at elaborating a robust statistical

  6. Dissolution and Release of Gaseous Nitrogen (N2, N2O) in the Source Region of the Yellow River (United States)

    Zhang, L.; Xia, X.; Wang, J.


    Nitrogen is an important biogenic element. The migration and transformation of nitrogen in rivers is an important process affecting global nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions. However, there is a lack of research on nitrogen removal and greenhouse gas emission characteristics of high altitude rivers. In this work, the spatial and temporal variations of dissolved nitrogen (N2 and N2O) concentrations, saturation, and release flux as well as their responses to environmental factors were studied in the Yellow River source area, a typical high altitude river. The results showed that the dissolved concentrations of N2 and N2O in the rivers were 8.24-137.75 μmol.L-1 and 2.57-31.94 nmol.L-1, respectively. N2 and N2O saturation were greater than 100% for all the sampling sites, indicating that the river is a release source for atmosphere N2 and N2O. Correspondingly, the fluxes of N2 and N2O from river water to atmosphere were 24.12-1606.57 mmol (m2.d) -1 and 12.96-276.81 μmol (m2.d) -1, respectively. Generally, the dissolution concentration and release flux of N2 and N2O in July were larger than that in May. The concentrations of N2 and N2O in river water were related to the environmental factors, and the dissolved concentration of N2 in the surface water was significantly positively correlated with water temperature, NH4+-N and total inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (p<0.01). The dissolved concentration of N2O was significantly positively correlated with the content of suspended particulates, DO, and DIN (p<0.01). Thus, DIN is a key factor in the process of N2 and N2O formation. This study can help to understand the nitrogen cycling in high-altitude rivers and provide basic data for a comprehensive assessment of global river nitrogen loss. Key Words: Source Region of the Yellow River; Gaseous Nitrogen; Nitrogen loss; High altitude river

  7. Identification of fish nursery areas in a free tributary of an impoundment region, upper Uruguay River, Brazil

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    Patrícia Alves da Silva

    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the importance of different environments of the Ligeiro River (upper Uruguay River, Brazil in fish reproduction. For this purpose, three environments (sampling sites were selected: rapids, a pool, and the mouth of the Ligeiro River. Ichthyoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos were sampled six times per month from September, 2006 to March, 2007. Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton samples were collected early in the evening with plankton nets (64 µm and 500 µm, respectively. Benthos samples were also collected early in the evening with a Van Veen dredge. Local abiotic variables (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity, water speed, alkalinity, water hardness, and water transparency were measured simultaneously with the biotic data sampling and were complemented by regional variables (water flow and precipitation. A total of 43,475 eggs and 2,269 larvae were captured. Of these larvae, 80.1% were in the pre-flexion and larval yolk stages. Digestive tract content showed that the greatest degree of repletion among the larvae in more advanced phases occurred in the pool environment. Water speed was the main characteristic used to differentiate the river's rapids and mouth from the pool. The abundance of zooplankton and benthos was not related to the distribution of densities among the different components of the ichthyoplankton. A greater abundance of eggs and larvae with yolk was found in the rapids and river mouth. Ordination analyses showed a connection between the advanced stage larvae and the pool environment. In conclusion, the rapids and river mouth of the Ligeiro River's are important locations for fish reproduction, particularly in regard to spawning and drifting of the ichthyoplankton's initial stages, whereas the pool represents a nursery place for larval growth.

  8. International Trade, Pollution Accumulation and Sustainable Growth: A VAR Estimation from the Pearl River Delta Region (United States)

    Zuo, Hui; Tian, Lu


    In order to investigate international trade influence in the regional environment. This paper constructs a vector auto-regression (VAR) model and estimates the equations with the environment and trade data of the Pearl River Delta Region. The major mechanisms to the lag are discussed and the fit simulation of the environmental change by the international impulse is given. The result shows that impulse of pollution-intensive export deteriorates the environment continuously and impulse of such import improves it. These effects on the environment are insignificantly correlated with contemporary regional income but significantly correlative to early-stage trade feature. To a typical trade-dependent economy, both export and import have hysteresis influence in the regional environment. The lagged impulse will change environmental development in the turning point, maximal pollution level and convergence.

  9. Validation of the ratio scale of the differents types of pain Validación de la escala de razón de los diferentes tipos de dolor Validação da escala de razão dos diferentes tipos de dor

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    Priscilla Hortense


    Full Text Available The main aim was to validate the ratio scale derived from the non-metric continuum of the intensity of the different types of pain using cross-modality matching. Magnitude estimation method and cross-modality matching were used with perceived line lengths. The study was formed by 30 outpatients from various specialty clinics, 30 physicians and 90 nurses. The results were: Cancer Pain, Myocardium Infarct Pain, Renal Colic, Burn Injury Pain, and Childbirth Labor Pain were regarded as the pains of greater intensity; the rank order of pain intensity for the different types of pain, comparing the different psychophysical methods used resulted in levels of significant agreement. The conclusion was that the relation between the magnitude estimates and cross modality matching estimates of the line-lengths is a power function, and the scale for the different types of pain is valid, stable and consistent.El objetivo general fue validar la escala de razón derivada para el continuo no métrico de intensidad de los diferentes tipos de dolor por medio del método de emparejamiento intermodal. Fueron utilizados los métodos de estimación de magnitud y de emparejamiento intermodal con la modalidad de respuesta en largo de líneas. Participaron 30 pacientes de ambulatorio de diferentes clínicas, 30 médicos y 30 enfermeros. Los resultados mostraron: Dolor en el Cáncer, Dolor por Infarto del Miocardio, Dolor por Cólico Renal, Dolor por Quemadura y Dolor en el Parto; que fueron considerados los tipos de dolor de mayor intensidad; el orden de las posiciones de la intensidad de los diferentes tipos de dolor, cuando se compara los diferentes métodos psicofísicos utilizados, resultó en niveles de concordancia significativa. Concluimos que la relación entre las estimativas de magnitudes y las estimativas de largo de líneas es una función exponencial y la escala de los diferentes tipos de dolor es válida, estable y consistente.O objetivo geral foi validar a

  10. Development of river flood model in lower reach of urbanized river basin (United States)

    Yoshimura, Kouhei; Tajima, Yoshimitsu; Sanuki, Hiroshi; Shibuo, Yoshihiro; Sato, Shinji; Lee, SungAe; Furumai, Hiroaki; Koike, Toshio


    Japan, with its natural mountainous landscape, has demographic feature that population is concentrated in lower reach of elevation close to the coast, and therefore flood damage with large socio-economic value tends to occur in low-lying region. Modeling of river flood in such low-lying urbanized river basin is complex due to the following reasons. In upstream it has been experienced urbanization, which changed land covers from natural forest or agricultural fields to residential or industrial area. Hence rate of infiltration and runoff are quite different from natural hydrological settings. In downstream, paved covers and construct of sewerage system in urbanized areas affect direct discharges and it enhances higher and faster flood peak arrival. Also tidal effect from river mouth strongly affects water levels in rivers, which must be taken into account. We develop an integrated river flood model in lower reach of urbanized areas to be able to address above described complex feature, by integrating model components: LSM coupled distributed hydrological model that models anthropogenic influence on river discharges to downstream; urban hydrological model that simulates run off response in urbanized areas; Saint Venant's equation approximated river model that integrates upstream and urban hydrological models with considering tidal effect from downstream. These features are integrated in a common modeling framework so that model interaction can be directly performed. The model is applied to the Tsurumi river basin, urbanized low-lying river basin in Yokohama and model results show that it can simulate water levels in rivers with acceptable model errors. Furthermore the model is able to install miscellaneous water planning constructs, such as runoff reduction pond in urbanized area, flood control field along the river channel, levee, etc. This can be a useful tool to investigate cost performance of hypothetical water management plan against impact of climate change in

  11. When local extinction and colonization of river fishes can be predicted by regional occupancy: the role of spatial scales.

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    Benjamin Bergerot

    Full Text Available Predicting which species are likely to go extinct is perhaps one of the most fundamental yet challenging tasks for conservation biologists. This is particularly relevant for freshwater ecosystems which tend to have the highest proportion of species threatened with extinction. According to metapopulation theories, local extinction and colonization rates of freshwater subpopulations can depend on the degree of regional occupancy, notably due to rescue effects. However, relationships between extinction, colonization, regional occupancy and the spatial scales at which they operate are currently poorly known.And Findings: We used a large dataset of freshwater fish annual censuses in 325 stream reaches to analyse how annual extinction/colonization rates of subpopulations depend on the regional occupancy of species. For this purpose, we modelled the regional occupancy of 34 fish species over the whole French river network and we tested how extinction/colonization rates could be predicted by regional occupancy described at five nested spatial scales. Results show that extinction and colonization rates depend on regional occupancy, revealing existence a rescue effect. We also find that these effects are scale dependent and their absolute contribution to colonization and extinction tends to decrease from river section to larger basin scales.In terms of management, we show that regional occupancy quantification allows the evaluation of local species extinction/colonization dynamics and reduction of local extinction risks for freshwater fish species implies the preservation of suitable habitats at both local and drainage basin scales.

  12. When local extinction and colonization of river fishes can be predicted by regional occupancy: the role of spatial scales. (United States)

    Bergerot, Benjamin; Hugueny, Bernard; Belliard, Jérôme


    Predicting which species are likely to go extinct is perhaps one of the most fundamental yet challenging tasks for conservation biologists. This is particularly relevant for freshwater ecosystems which tend to have the highest proportion of species threatened with extinction. According to metapopulation theories, local extinction and colonization rates of freshwater subpopulations can depend on the degree of regional occupancy, notably due to rescue effects. However, relationships between extinction, colonization, regional occupancy and the spatial scales at which they operate are currently poorly known. And Findings: We used a large dataset of freshwater fish annual censuses in 325 stream reaches to analyse how annual extinction/colonization rates of subpopulations depend on the regional occupancy of species. For this purpose, we modelled the regional occupancy of 34 fish species over the whole French river network and we tested how extinction/colonization rates could be predicted by regional occupancy described at five nested spatial scales. Results show that extinction and colonization rates depend on regional occupancy, revealing existence a rescue effect. We also find that these effects are scale dependent and their absolute contribution to colonization and extinction tends to decrease from river section to larger basin scales. In terms of management, we show that regional occupancy quantification allows the evaluation of local species extinction/colonization dynamics and reduction of local extinction risks for freshwater fish species implies the preservation of suitable habitats at both local and drainage basin scales.

  13. Source areas and chemical composition of fine particulate matter in the Pearl River Delta region of China (United States)

    Hagler, G. S. W.; Bergin, M. H.; Salmon, L. G.; Yu, J. Z.; Wan, E. C. H.; Zheng, M.; Zeng, L. M.; Kiang, C. S.; Zhang, Y. H.; Lau, A. K. H.; Schauer, J. J.

    Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) was measured for 4 months during 2002-2003 at seven sites located in the rapidly developing Pearl River Delta region of China, an area encompassing the major cities of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The 4-month average fine particulate matter concentration ranged from 37 to 71 μg m -3 in Guangdong province and from 29 to 34 μg m -3 in Hong Kong. Main constituents of fine particulate mass were organic compounds (24-35% by mass) and sulfate (21-32%). With sampling sites strategically located to monitor the regional air shed patterns and urban areas, specific source-related fine particulate species (sulfate, organic mass, elemental carbon, potassium and lead) and daily surface winds were analyzed to estimate influential source locations. The impact of transport was investigated by categorizing 13 (of 20 total) sampling days by prevailing wind direction (southerly, northerly or low wind-speed mixed flow). The vicinity of Guangzhou is determined to be a major source area influencing regional concentrations of PM 2.5, with levels observed to increase by 18-34 μg m -3 (accounting for 46-56% of resulting particulate levels) at sites immediately downwind of Guangzhou. The area near Guangzhou is also observed to heavily impact downwind concentrations of lead. Potassium levels, related to biomass burning, appear to be controlled by sources in the northern part of the Pearl River Delta, near rural Conghua and urban Guangzhou. Guangzhou appears to contribute 5-6 μg m -3 of sulfate to downwind locations. Guangzhou also stands out as a significant regional source of organic mass (OM), adding 8.5-14.5 μg m -3 to downwind concentrations. Elemental carbon is observed to be strongly influenced by local sources, with highest levels found in urban regions. In addition, it appears that sources outside of the Pearl River Delta contribute a significant fraction of overall fine particulate matter in Hong Kong and Guangdong province. This is evident

  14. Confesiones de conversión. Dolor, valor y cultura

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    Sanmartín Arce, Ricardo


    Full Text Available Confessions of conversion are a special type of ethnography because of their authenticity and human richness. On analysing those human crisis one realizes that converts pay a rigorous attention to their own spiritual suffering, and use this attention as an efficient cognitive strategy. Confessions from different times are compared to analyse the tension between religious experiences and cultural values related to an ultímate sense for life. The resolution of such relevant tension seems to be guided by the moral value of humility. The study of that can be useful to understand how cultural values work on cognitive processes.Las confesiones de conversión constituyen un tipo especial de etnografía por su singular sinceridad y por su densidad humana. El análisis de tales crisis descubre en la atención al dolor una estrategia cognitiva eficaz. Comparando confesiones de distintas épocas cabe apreciar la existencia de una tensión relevante entre aquellos valores culturales en los que se centra la configuración del sentido de la vida y la irrupción de vivencias interiores de trascendencia, cuya resolución aparece guiada a través del valor de la humildad. El estudio de todo ello ayuda a comprender el papel que los valores culturales desempeñan en los procesos cognitivos.

  15. Emission inventory of anthropogenic air pollutants and VOC species in the Yangtze River Delta region, China

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    C. Huang


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to develop an emission inventory for major anthropogenic air pollutants and VOC species in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD region for the year 2007. A "bottom-up" methodology was adopted to compile the inventory based on major emission sources in the sixteen cities of this region. Results show that the emissions of SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5, VOCs, and NH3 in the YRD region for the year 2007 are 2392 kt, 2293 kt, 6697 kt, 3116 kt, 1511 kt, 2767 kt, and 459 kt, respectively. Ethylene, mp-xylene, o-xylene, toluene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 2,4-dimethylpentane, ethyl benzene, propylene, 1-pentene, and isoprene are the key species contributing 77 % to the total ozone formation potential (OFP. The spatial distribution of the emissions shows the emissions and OFPs are mainly concentrated in the urban and industrial areas along the Yangtze River and around Hangzhou Bay. The industrial sources, including power plants other fuel combustion facilities, and non-combustion processes contribute about 97 %, 86 %, 89 %, 91 %, and 69 % of the total SO2, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, and VOC emissions. Vehicles take up 12.3 % and 12.4 % of the NOx and VOC emissions, respectively. Regarding OFPs, the chemical industry, domestic use of paint & printing, and gasoline vehicles contribute 38 %, 24 %, and 12 % to the ozone formation in the YRD region.

  16. Assessing regional climate simulations of the last 30 years (1982-2012) over Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin (United States)

    Khandu; Awange, Joseph L.; Anyah, Richard; Kuhn, Michael; Fukuda, Yoichi


    The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) River Basin presents a spatially diverse hydrological regime due to it's complex topography and escalating demand for freshwater resources. This presents a big challenge in applying the current state-of-the-art regional climate models (RCMs) for climate change impact studies in the GBM River Basin. In this study, several RCM simulations generated by RegCM4.4 and PRECIS are assessed for their seasonal and interannual variations, onset/withdrawal of the Indian monsoon, and long-term trends in precipitation and temperature from 1982 to 2012. The results indicate that in general, RegCM4.4 and PRECIS simulations appear to reasonably reproduce the mean seasonal distribution of precipitation and temperature across the GBM River Basin, although the two RCMs are integrated over a different domain size. On average, the RegCM4.4 simulations overestimate monsoon precipitation by {˜ }26 and {˜ }5% in the Ganges and Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin, respectively, while PRECIS simulations underestimate (overestimate) the same by {˜ }7% ({˜ }16%). Both RegCM4.4 and PRECIS simulations indicate an intense cold bias (up to 10° C) in the Himalayas, and are generally stronger in the RegCM4.4 simulations. Additionally, they tend to produce high precipitation between April and May in the Ganges (RegCM4.4 simulations) and Brahmaputra-Meghna (PRECIS simulations) River Basins, resulting in early onset of the Indian monsoon in the Ganges River Basin. PRECIS simulations exhibit a delayed monsoon withdrawal in the Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin. Despite large spatial variations in onset and withdrawal periods across the GBM River Basin, the basin-averaged results agree reasonably well with the observed periods. Although global climate model (GCM) driven simulations are generally poor in representing the interannual variability of precipitation and winter temperature variations, they tend to agree well with observed precipitation anomalies when driven by

  17. Case history of the discovery of the Jabiluka uranium deposits, East Alligator River region, Northern Territory of Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowntree, J.C.; Mosher, D.V.


    Pancontinental Mining Limited acquired exploration rights over an area in the East Alligator River Region, Northern Territory, Australia, in 1970. Subsequently, Getty Oil Development Company Limited acquired a substantial minority interest in the property. The Jabiluka deposits were discovered during the course of exploration and are currently the largest of the four major uranium deposits in the East Alligator River Region. This region at present contains 24% of the western world's reasonably assured resources of uranium. The exploration techniques employed during primary and secondary exploration on the property between 1971 and 1975 and during the delineation of the Jabiluka deposits are discussed in detail. The case history illustrates the exploration philosophy which was successfully employed on the Jabiluka property. The philosophy encompasses the following points: The need for an assessment on the limits of airborne radiometric surveys; the necessity for detection and evaluation of point source anomalies; the necessity for exploration along extensions of favourable lithologies; and the desirability of modification of exploration techniques on different types of anomalies. Some aspects of this philosophy may be useful in exploration for similar stratabound uranium deposits in other areas. (author)

  18. Identifying hotspots and management of critical ecosystem services in rapidly urbanizing Yangtze River Delta Region, China. (United States)

    Cai, Wenbo; Gibbs, David; Zhang, Lang; Ferrier, Graham; Cai, Yongli


    Rapid urbanization has altered many ecosystems, causing a decline in many ecosystem services, generating serious ecological crisis. To cope with these challenges, we presented a comprehensive framework comprising five core steps for identifying and managing hotspots of critical ecosystem services in a rapid urbanizing region. This framework was applied in the case study of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Region. The study showed that there was large spatial heterogeneity in the hotspots of ecosystem services in the region, hotspots of supporting services and regulating services aggregately distributing in the southwest mountainous areas while hotspots of provisioning services mainly in the northeast plain, and hotspots of cultural services widespread in the waterbodies and southwest mountainous areas. The regionalization of the critical ecosystem services was made through the hotspot analysis. This study provided valuable information for environmental planning and management in a rapid urbanizing region and helped improve China's ecological redlines policy at regional scale. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Hydrologic Conditions that Influence Streamflow Losses in a Karst Region of the Upper Peace River, Polk County, Florida (United States)

    Metz, P.A.; Lewelling, B.R.


    The upper Peace River from Bartow to Fort Meade, Florida, is described as a groundwater recharge area, reflecting a reversal from historical groundwater discharge patterns that existed prior to the 1950s. The upper Peace River channel and floodplain are characterized by extensive karst development, with numerous fractures, crevasses, and sinks that have been eroded in the near-surface and underlying carbonate bedrock. With the reversal in groundwater head gradients, river water is lost to the underlying groundwater system through these karst features. An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hydrologic conditions that influence streamflow losses in the karst region of the upper Peace River. The upper Peace River is located in a basin that has been altered substantially by phosphate mining and increases in groundwater use. These alterations have changed groundwater flow patterns and caused streamflow declines through time. Hydrologic factors that have had the greatest influence on streamflow declines in the upper Peace River include the lowering of the potentiometric surfaces of the intermediate aquifer system and Upper Floridan aquifer beneath the riverbed elevation due to below-average rainfall (droughts), increases in groundwater use, and the presence of numerous karst features in the low-water channel and floodplain that enhance the loss of streamflow. Seepage runs conducted along the upper Peace River, from Bartow to Fort Meade, indicate that the greatest streamflow losses occurred along an approximate 2-mile section of the river beginning about 1 mile south of the Peace River at Bartow gaging station. Along the low-water and floodplain channel of this 2-mile section, there are about 10 prominent karst features that influence streamflow losses. Losses from the individual karst features ranged from 0.22 to 16 cubic feet per second based on measurements made between 2002 and 2007. The largest measured flow loss for all the karst features was about 50 cubic

  20. Radionuclide content in the Upper Vistula River sediments in a coal mining region in Poland (east-central Europe)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jasinska, M.; Mietelski, J.W.; Pociask-Karteczka, J.


    Hard coal mining activity is one of the Technologically Enhanced Natural Radiation sources introduced more than a hundred years ago in the southern part of Poland. This study of radionuclides (K-40, Ra-226, Ra-228) in river sediments showed the principal factors determining the specific activity of radionuclides are distance from mines and sorption by clay particles in river sediments. The K-40 specific activity varies between 185 and 595 Bq/kg. The highest Ra-228 and Ra-226 specific activities, 280-610 and 205-415 Bq/kg, respectively, were detected in sediments of the Vistula in the vicinity of Silesia region. 7 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs

  1. Groundwater recharge, circulation and geochemical evolution in the source region of the Blue Nile River, Ethiopia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kebede, Seifu; Travi, Yves; Alemayehu, Tamiru; Ayenew, Tenalem


    Geochemical and environmental isotope data were used to gain the first regional picture of groundwater recharge, circulation and its hydrochemical evolution in the upper Blue Nile River basin of Ethiopia. Q-mode statistical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to classify water into objective groups and to conduct inverse geochemical modeling among the groups. Two major structurally deformed regions with distinct groundwater circulation and evolution history were identified. These are the Lake Tana Graben (LTG) and the Yerer Tullu Wellel Volcanic Lineament Zone (YTVL). Silicate hydrolysis accompanied by CO 2 influx from deeper sources plays a major role in groundwater chemical evolution of the high TDS Na-HCO 3 type thermal groundwaters of these two regions. In the basaltic plateau outside these two zones, groundwater recharge takes place rapidly through fractured basalts, groundwater flow paths are short and they are characterized by low TDS and are Ca-Mg-HCO 3 type waters. Despite the high altitude (mean altitude ∼2500 masl) and the relatively low mean annual air temperature (18 deg. C) of the region compared to Sahelian Africa, there is no commensurate depletion in δ 18 O compositions of groundwaters of the Ethiopian Plateau. Generally the highland areas north and east of the basin are characterized by relatively depleted δ 18 O groundwaters. Altitudinal depletion of δ 18 O is 0.1%o/100 m. The meteoric waters of the Blue Nile River basin have higher d-excess compared to the meteoric waters of the Ethiopian Rift and that of its White Nile sister basin which emerges from the equatorial lakes region. The geochemically evolved groundwaters of the YTVL and LTG are relatively isotopically depleted when compared to the present day meteoric waters reflecting recharge under colder climate and their high altitude

  2. Groundwater recharge, circulation and geochemical evolution in the source region of the Blue Nile River, Ethiopia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kebede, Seifu [Laboratory of Hydrogeology, University of Avignon, 33 Rue Louis Pasteur, 84000 Avignon (France) and Department of Geology and Geophysics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)]. E-mail:; Travi, Yves [Laboratory of Hydrogeology, University of Avignon, 33 Rue Louis Pasteur, 84000 Avignon (France); Alemayehu, Tamiru [Department of Geology and Geophysics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia); Ayenew, Tenalem [Department of Geology and Geophysics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)


    Geochemical and environmental isotope data were used to gain the first regional picture of groundwater recharge, circulation and its hydrochemical evolution in the upper Blue Nile River basin of Ethiopia. Q-mode statistical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to classify water into objective groups and to conduct inverse geochemical modeling among the groups. Two major structurally deformed regions with distinct groundwater circulation and evolution history were identified. These are the Lake Tana Graben (LTG) and the Yerer Tullu Wellel Volcanic Lineament Zone (YTVL). Silicate hydrolysis accompanied by CO{sub 2} influx from deeper sources plays a major role in groundwater chemical evolution of the high TDS Na-HCO {sub 3} type thermal groundwaters of these two regions. In the basaltic plateau outside these two zones, groundwater recharge takes place rapidly through fractured basalts, groundwater flow paths are short and they are characterized by low TDS and are Ca-Mg-HCO {sub 3} type waters. Despite the high altitude (mean altitude {approx}2500 masl) and the relatively low mean annual air temperature (18 deg. C) of the region compared to Sahelian Africa, there is no commensurate depletion in {delta} {sup 18}O compositions of groundwaters of the Ethiopian Plateau. Generally the highland areas north and east of the basin are characterized by relatively depleted {delta} {sup 18}O groundwaters. Altitudinal depletion of {delta} {sup 18}O is 0.1%o/100 m. The meteoric waters of the Blue Nile River basin have higher d-excess compared to the meteoric waters of the Ethiopian Rift and that of its White Nile sister basin which emerges from the equatorial lakes region. The geochemically evolved groundwaters of the YTVL and LTG are relatively isotopically depleted when compared to the present day meteoric waters reflecting recharge under colder climate and their high altitude.

  3. Spatial Differentiation of Landscape Values in the Murray River Region of Victoria, Australia (United States)

    Zhu, Xuan; Pfueller, Sharron; Whitelaw, Paul; Winter, Caroline


    This research advances the understanding of the location of perceived landscape values through a statistically based approach to spatial analysis of value densities. Survey data were obtained from a sample of people living in and using the Murray River region, Australia, where declining environmental quality prompted a reevaluation of its conservation status. When densities of 12 perceived landscape values were mapped using geographic information systems (GIS), valued places clustered along the entire river bank and in associated National/State Parks and reserves. While simple density mapping revealed high value densities in various locations, it did not indicate what density of a landscape value could be regarded as a statistically significant hotspot or distinguish whether overlapping areas of high density for different values indicate identical or adjacent locations. A spatial statistic Getis-Ord Gi* was used to indicate statistically significant spatial clusters of high value densities or “hotspots”. Of 251 hotspots, 40% were for single non-use values, primarily spiritual, therapeutic or intrinsic. Four hotspots had 11 landscape values. Two, lacking economic value, were located in ecologically important river red gum forests and two, lacking wilderness value, were near the major towns of Echuca-Moama and Albury-Wodonga. Hotspots for eight values showed statistically significant associations with another value. There were high associations between learning and heritage values while economic and biological diversity values showed moderate associations with several other direct and indirect use values. This approach may improve confidence in the interpretation of spatial analysis of landscape values by enhancing understanding of value relationships.

  4. Importancia de la semiología del dolor en el diagnóstico de un proceso inflamatorio pulpar

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    Andrés 0 Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available El dolor es un síntoma de extraordinaria importancia en la práctica estomatológica y particularmente en lo concerniente a las alteraciones de la pulpa dentaria. Con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento de las fases por las que atraviesa un proceso inflamatorio pulpar, que permiten predecir sus manifestaciones dolorosas, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema con un enfoque multidisciplinario y básico-clínico. Se utilizó el método documental para el análisis y tratamiento de la información ofrecida por las fuentes teóricas. El sitio en Internet Google fue empleado como fundamental motor de búsqueda y Lilacs, Hinari, Medline y PubMed fueron las bases de datos más revisadas. La clasificación del estado de inflamación pulpar, que atiende a eventos histopatológicos que no se pueden visualizar, resulta más difícil. Se podría lograr mayor precisión en un diagnóstico basado en el curso que sigue el dolor, de acuerdo a la magnitud del compromiso inflamatorio y apoyado en la rica semiología que se puede obtener si se sigue la trayectoria de las variables del estímulo nociceptivo. El incremento y profundización de los conocimientos en este campo contribuiyó significativamente a un mejor diagnóstico y tratamiento de los procesos inflamatorios pulpares.

  5. Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Site Assessment: San Juan National Forest - Dolores Ranger District, Colorado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kandt, Alicen J. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Kiatreungwattana, Kosol [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This report summarizes the results from an energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy site assessment of the Dolores Ranger District in the San Juan National Forest in Colorado. A team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducted the assessment with United States Forest Service (USFS) personnel on August 16-17, 2016, as part of ongoing efforts by USFS to reduce energy and water use and implement renewable energy technologies. The assessment is approximately an American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Level 2 audit and meets Energy Independence and Security Act requirements.

  6. Development of a regional groundwater flow model for the area of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarthy, J.M.; Arnett, R.C.; Neupauer, R.M.


    This report documents a study conducted to develop a regional groundwater flow model for the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer in the area of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The model was developed to support Waste Area Group 10, Operable Unit 10-04 groundwater flow and transport studies. The products of this study are this report and a set of computational tools designed to numerically model the regional groundwater flow in the Eastern Snake River Plain aquifer. The objective of developing the current model was to create a tool for defining the regional groundwater flow at the INEL. The model was developed to (a) support future transport modeling for WAG 10-04 by providing the regional groundwater flow information needed for the WAG 10-04 risk assessment, (b) define the regional groundwater flow setting for modeling groundwater contaminant transport at the scale of the individual WAGs, (c) provide a tool for improving the understanding of the groundwater flow system below the INEL, and (d) consolidate the existing regional groundwater modeling information into one usable model. The current model is appropriate for defining the regional flow setting for flow submodels as well as hypothesis testing to better understand the regional groundwater flow in the area of the INEL. The scale of the submodels must be chosen based on accuracy required for the study

  7. Estimation of reservoir inflow in data scarce region by using Sacramento rainfall runoff model - A case study for Sittaung River Basin, Myanmar (United States)

    Myo Lin, Nay; Rutten, Martine


    The Sittaung River is one of four major rivers in Myanmar. This river basin is developing fast and facing problems with flood, sedimentation, river bank erosion and salt intrusion. At present, more than 20 numbers of reservoirs have already been constructed for multiple purposes such as irrigation, domestic water supply, hydro-power generation, and flood control. The rainfall runoff models are required for the operational management of this reservoir system. In this study, the river basin is divided into (64) sub-catchments and the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) models are developed by using satellite rainfall and Geographic Information System (GIS) data. The SAC-SMA model has sixteen calibration parameters, and also uses a unit hydrograph for surface flow routing. The Sobek software package is used for SAC-SMA modelling and simulation of river system. The models are calibrated and tested by using observed discharge and water level data. The statistical results show that the model is applicable to use for data scarce region. Keywords: Sacramento, Sobek, rainfall runoff, reservoir

  8. Prevalencia del dolor del aparato locomotor en trabajadores que manipulan carga en una empresa de servicios aeroportuarios y mensajería especializada en Cartagena (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilia Carmona Portocarrero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y el comportamiento de dolor musculoesquelético en trabajadores que manipulan y levantan cargas de una empresa de servicios de mensajería especializada y servicios aeroportuarios mediante aplicación del Cuestionario Nórdico. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo. Se aplicó el Cuestionario Nórdico a 74 hombres de 98 manipuladores de carga de una empresa de servicios aeropor- tuarios, sin límite en el tiempo de labor ni en la edad. Se evaluó las condiciones de trabajo para riesgo ergonómico. La información se analizó mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 16.0®, y se obtuvo frecuencias simples para variables cualitativas, además de ob- tener medidas de tendencia central y dispersión en las variables cuantitativas. Resultados: Se encontró que la prevalencia de dolor musculoesquelético de la población objeto de estudio fue del 88 % (65 trabajadores; 42 trabajadores presentaron dolor en más de un segmento corporal y 23 solo en uno. La región lumbar tuvo la mayor prevalencia, con el 70 % (52 casos, seguida por muñecas/ manos, con el 30 % (22 casos, y cuello, con el 28 % (21 casos, en el mismo periodo. Conclusiones: Se recomienda, entre otros aspectos, generar medidas de control en el in- dividuo y en el ambiente de trabajo, como la capacitación activa y frecuente de los traba- jadores que están expuestos; además, la creación de herramientas que mejoren el sistema de manipulación de cargas y equipos de trabajo que disminuyan el esfuerzo físico. Palabras clave: Musculoesquelético, lesiones, salud laboral, trabajo.

  9. Effects of mining activities on the release of heavy metals(HMs) in the head water regions of the Heihe River. (United States)

    Wei, W., Sr.; Ma, R.; Sun, Z.; Bu, J.; Chang, Q.


    The head water regions of Heihe River were located in the Qilian orogenic belt, where belongs to the Qilian Mountains National Ecological Nature Protection and has fragile ecosystem. Previous surveys show that the regions were rich in various metal ores, and the mining activities have been intense.The environmental effect of mining activities will be going on several years, while Our field investigation show that there were 23 mines, of which 18 have been historical. This study collected water samples in main Heihe river and its tributaries, groundwaters and soil water, and the sediment samples near the ores. The concentration of HMs in both waters and sediments was measured for characterizing the spatial distribution of HMs, and determining the origin of the HMs in the river waters. Results of water quality assessment show that 67% of water samples failed to reach the Grade II environmental quality standard for surface water in China (GB3838-2002).The spatial distribution of HMs (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) is highly correlated with the geographical distribution of local mines, suggesting that various heavy metals(HMs) were released into the Heihe River via mining activities. The Be, Co, Sn, Bi, Th, U were mainly derived from aluminosilicate weathering crusts. And the acid mine wastewater was the main source for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd. The Serpentine wreathing was the main source for Cr and Ni. Mn and Cs were enriched by agricultural activities.

  10. Actualización en los tratamientos alternativos en el síndrome de dolor-disfunción craneomandibular


    Brescó Salinas, Vicente Miguel; Méndez Blanco, Víctor Manuel; Vázquez Delgado, Eduardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme


    Realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre los diferentes tipos de tratamiento alternativo en aquellos casos en los que fracasa la terapia convencional en el síndrome de dolor-disfunción craneomandibular y en los cuales la cirugía no sea la terapia de elección; haciendo una clasificación actualizada de los mismos, siendo estos: terapia psíquica (terapia de relajación muscular y control y manejo del estrés), terapia física realizada por el propio paciente y asistida por un fisioterapeuta, ter...

  11. Indicación farmacéutica para el dolor lumbar en pacientes con diabetes y/o hipertensión arterial que acuden a la farmacia comunitaria

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    López-Torres López J


    Full Text Available El dolor lumbar constituye un motivo muy frecuente de consulta en la farmacia, por lo que la indicación farmacéutica debe estar basada en criterios científicos que contribuyan a resolverlo, sin que el control de las cifras de presión arterial o de glucemia pueda verse alterado en el caso de pacientes con hipertensión arterial o diabetes. Mediante una revisión sistemática de Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC dirigidas al abordaje del dolor lumbar, así como de otras fuentes bibliográficas, se han elaborado recomendaciones sobre indicación farmacéutica a pacientes con diabetes y/o hipertensión arterial que acuden a la oficina de farmacia solicitando tratamiento farmacológico para dicho síntoma. Tras diseñar una estrategia de búsqueda, se realizó la selección de las fuentes bibliográficas y se llevó a cabo la recogida de información. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en los siguientes recursos web de almacenamiento o búsqueda de GPC: Medline, GuíaSalud, National Guideline Clearinghouse, CMA Infobase, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, Australia’s Clinical Practice Guidelines Portal, Trip Database y National Health Service Evidence. Como fuentes complementarias, se consultó UpToDate, Base de Datos BOT plus 2.0 y un tratado de Farmacología Humana. Las recomendaciones específicas sobre tratamiento farmacológico fueron formuladas teniendo en cuenta su nivel de evidencia y se revisaron las posibles interacciones y/o contraindicaciones de los fármacos en los pacientes con hipertensión arterial y/o diabetes mellitus. Así mismo, se construyó un algoritmo de actuación, siguiendo las Buenas Prácticas en Farmacia Comunitaria en España elaboradas por el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. Las recomendaciones se refieren al manejo del dolor lumbar inespecífico e incluyen por lo general, como tratamiento de primera línea por su mejor perfil riesgo/beneficio, el uso de paracetamol en el

  12. Ecological studies on the freshwater fishes of the Alligator Rivers region, Northern Territory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bishop, K.A.; Allen, S.A.; Pollard, D.A.; Cook, M.G.


    The tropical climate of the Alligator Rivers Region (ARR) has a distinctive wet-dry cycle , resulting in seasonal flows in the creeks and rivers of its catchments. The present study, begun in August 1978, was aimed at developing an ecological monitoring system that would detect any changes to the freshwater fish communities brought about by recent uranium mining and processing in the lowlands of the ARR. The focus of the synecological studies, was a description of spatial and temporal patterns in the community structure of the fish fauna. Interpretation of these patterns was made possible by the collection of detailed environmental data from the study sites. It was found that of the ARR seasonal changes in environmental conditions were so marked that they often obscured the effects of environmental gradients along a watercourse and differing environmental conditions characteristics of different types of waterbody. Hence it may not be entirely satisfactory to define environmental zones in these catchments based on overall environmental conditions through the whole seasonal cycle, because changes in any one such zone between seasons result in very marked changes in the fish communities of habitats in that zone. 34 refs., 22 tabs., 45 figs., 3 maps

  13. Diets and abundances of aquatic and semi-aquatic reptiles in the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shine, R.


    The mining and milling of uranium in the Alligator River Region in the Northern Territory has raised the possibility that heavy metals and radionuclides might escape into the aquatic system and be accumulated by the reptilian fauna. Aquatic and semi-aquatic reptiles are regularly eaten by Aboriginal people of the region, and data on diets and reproduction of these species, as well as on their dispersion and abundance, are essential before the possibility that reptiles might act as pathways for these contaminants to Aboriginals can be assessed. The objectives of this study were to provide quantitative data on the diets of filesnakes, sand goannas and water goannas, to provide information on seasonal changes in their abundance and distribution within the Magela Creek system; and to describe their reproductive cycles

  14. Managing the three-rivers headwater region, china: from ecological engineering to social engineering. (United States)

    Fang, Yiping


    The three-rivers headwater region (THRHR) of Qinghai province, China plays a key role as source of fresh water and ecosystem services for central and eastern China. Global warming and human activities in the THRHR have threatened the ecosystem since the 1980s. Therefore, the Chinese government has included managing of the THRHR in the national strategy since 2003. The State Integrated Test and Demonstration Region of the THRHR highlights the connection with social engineering (focus on improving people's livelihood and well-being) in managing nature reserves. Based on this program, this perspective attempts a holistic analysis of the strategic role of the THRHR, requirements for change, indices of change, and approaches to change. Long-term success of managing nature reserves requires effective combination of ecological conservation, economic development, and social progress. Thus, the philosophy of social engineering should be employed as a strategy to manage the THRHR.

  15. Regional development of river basins in the Olkiluoto-Pyhaejaervi Area, SW Finland, 2000 BP - 8000 AP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ojala, A.E.K.; Virkki, H.; Palmu, J.-P.; Hokkanen, K.; Kaija, J.


    Biosphere assessment forms one of the main components in Posiva's Safety Case portfolio and includes analyses of terrain and ecosystem development. Shoreline displacement and changes in surface hydrology form one part of these analyses. In this report, the regional development of the Olkiluoto-Pyhaejaervi area in the time period 2000 BP - 8000 AP was examined by taking into account changes in the surface flow patterns of the Lapinjoki and Eurajoki river basins. A hydrological model, EULA, was developed and applied to investigate the past and future hydrological regimes and changes in the Olkiluoto-Pyhaejaervi study area. As detailed assessment of erosion and sedimentation effects were not within the scope of this study, only their general effects were evaluated. The digital elevation models (DEM) for different time stages (2000, 1500, 1000 and 500 BP; 100, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 7000 and 8000 AP) were compiled taking into account the land uplift and tilting of the Earth's crust. With the aid of various sophisticated GIS tools, the boundaries of the main river basins, the flow patterns of rivers and development of lakes during each stage were modelled. The yearly discharge rates of rivers Eurajoki and Lapinjoki were also evaluated with the assumption that present climatic features prevail during the whole time period 2000 BP - 8000 AP. Finally, the probability of significant changes in the surface water flow routes were estimated during different stages. (orig.)

  16. Hydrologic cycle and dynamics of aquatic macrophytes in two intermittent rivers of the semi-arid region of Brazil

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    F. Pedro

    Full Text Available The dynamics of aquatic macrophytes in intermittent rivers is generally related to the characteristics of the resistance and resilience of plants to hydrologic disturbances of flood and drought. In the semi-arid region of Brazil, intermittent rivers and streams are affected by disturbances with variable intensity, frequency, and duration throughout their hydrologic cycles. The aim of the present study is to determine the occurrence and variation of biomass of aquatic macrophyte species in two intermittent rivers of distinct hydrologic regimes. Their dynamics were determined with respect to resistance and resilience responses of macrophytes to flood and drought events by estimating the variation of biomass and productivity throughout two hydrologic cycles. Twenty-one visits were undertaken in the rewetting, drying, and drought phases in a permanent puddle in the Avelós stream and two temporary puddles in the Taperoá river, state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. The sampling was carried out by using the square method. Floods of different magnitudes occurred during the present study in the river and in the stream. The results showed that floods and droughts are determining factors in the occurrence of macrophytes and in the structure of their aquatic communities. The species richness of the aquatic macrophyte communities was lower in the puddles of the river and stream subject to flood events, when compared to areas where the run-off water is retained. At the beginning of the recolonization process, the intensity of the floods was decisive in the productivity and biomass of the aquatic macrophytes in the Taperoá river and the Avelós stream. In intermediate levels of disturbance, the largest values of productivity and biomass and the shortest time for starting the recolonization process occurred.

  17. Problems of communicating radiation doses to aboriginal members of the public in the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, D.


    Since the early 1970s, Aboriginal people of the Alligator Rivers Region have had to come to grips with the effects of uranium mining at Nabarlek and Ranger. One element in their cost-benefit approach to mine operations has been the expectation that bush foods in the region will not be contaminated by the mining operations. Recent studies on radionuclide concentrations in freshwater mussels (Velesunio angasi) in the region have shown this species, and perhaps others, to be efficient accumulators of radium. Information concerning natural radium accumulation in mussels and accompanying health risk estimates have been conveyed to Aboriginal people of the area and such information transfer has not been without its problems. Application of the ALARA principle to environmental management of the effluent pathways needs to consider Aboriginal expectations

  18. Tratamento da dor em queimados Tratamiento del dolor en quemados Pain management in burn patients

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    Rodrigo José Alencar de Castro


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Apesar dos avanços, ainda é observado manejo analgésico inadequado dos pacientes com queimaduras. O objetivo desta revisão foi coletar dados sobre tratamento da dor em queimados. CONTEÚDO: Foi feita revisão sobre os mecanismos de dor, avaliação do paciente com queimadura e o tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico. CONCLUSÕES: O manejo da dor em pacientes vítimas de queimaduras ainda é um desafio por parte da equipe multiprofissional. A avaliação frequente e contínua da resposta apresentada pelo paciente é muito importante, tendo em vista os vários momentos por que passa o paciente internado em decorrência de uma queimadura, além de uma terapêutica combinada com medicações analgésicas e medidas não farmacológicas. Entender a complexidade de alterações fisiopatológicas, psicológicas e bioquímicas apresentadas por um paciente em tratamento de queimadura é o primeiro passo para alcançar o sucesso no seu manejo analgésico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Pese a los progresos alcanzados, todavía se observa un manejo analgésico inadecuado de los pacientes con quemaduras. El objetivo de esta revisión, fue la recolección de datos sobre el tratamiento del dolor en pacientes quemados. CONTENIDO: Se efectuó una revisión sobre los mecanismos de dolor, evaluación del paciente con quemadura, y el tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico. CONCLUSIONES: El manejo del dolor en los pacientes víctimas de quemaduras todavía es un reto por parte del equipo multiprofesional. La evaluación frecuente y continua de la respuesta presentada por el paciente es muy importante, teniendo en cuenta los diversos momentos por los que pasa el paciente ingresado en razón de una quemadura, además de una terapéutica combinada con medicaciones analgésicas y con medidas no farmacológicas. Entender la complejidad de las alteraciones fisiopatológicas, psicológicas y bioquímicas presentadas por un

  19. Validación de una versión española del "Neck Disability Index" y uso de la misma para investigar la eficacia de la diatermia por microondas en el dolor cervical crónico inespecífico


    Andrade-Ortega, Juan-Alfonso


    [ES] Pese al extendido uso de las modalidades físicas en el tratamiento del dolor cervical, el soporte científico que las avala es pobre o inexistente, por lo que se plantea la investigación en este tema. Para ello, se necesitan herramientas de medición de la discapacidad por dolor cervical. En esta tesis, se valida la versión española del "Neck Disability lndex", la escala de discapacidad por cervicalgia más usada del mundo, constatándose su consistencia interna, fiabilidad, validez y sen...

  20. Environmental surveillance monitoring in the Alligator Rivers Region. Report for the six months period ending 30 September 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report outlines the activities of the Northern Territory Supervising Authorities in meeting their responsibilities for environmental management and surveillance, occupational safety, relating to uranium mining and environment protection in the Alligator Rivers Region. Environmental monitoring was carried out at the Nabarlek Mine, which site has now been rehabilitated and revegetated, and at Ranger, the only mine currently operating in the region. Other uranium projects such as Jabiluka and Koongarra have been delayed due to the former Commonwealth Government's 'three mines policy'. 4 tabs., 10 figs

  1. A Study on Regional Frequency Analysis using Artificial Neural Network - the Sumjin River Basin (United States)

    Jeong, C.; Ahn, J.; Ahn, H.; Heo, J. H.


    Regional frequency analysis means to make up for shortcomings in the at-site frequency analysis which is about a lack of sample size through the regional concept. Regional rainfall quantile depends on the identification of hydrologically homogeneous regions, hence the regional classification based on hydrological homogeneous assumption is very important. For regional clustering about rainfall, multidimensional variables and factors related geographical features and meteorological figure are considered such as mean annual precipitation, number of days with precipitation in a year and average maximum daily precipitation in a month. Self-Organizing Feature Map method which is one of the artificial neural network algorithm in the unsupervised learning techniques solves N-dimensional and nonlinear problems and be shown results simply as a data visualization technique. In this study, for the Sumjin river basin in South Korea, cluster analysis was performed based on SOM method using high-dimensional geographical features and meteorological factor as input data. then, for the results, in order to evaluate the homogeneity of regions, the L-moment based discordancy and heterogeneity measures were used. Rainfall quantiles were estimated as the index flood method which is one of regional rainfall frequency analysis. Clustering analysis using SOM method and the consequential variation in rainfall quantile were analyzed. This research was supported by a grant(2017-MPSS31-001) from Supporting Technology Development Program for Disaster Management funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Security(MPSS) of the Korean government.

  2. The Morphodynamic Signature of Rivers in the Ucamara Depression: A Habitat for Formative Rivers and the Scavenger Meandering Channels they Feed (United States)

    Abad, J. D.; Escobar, C.; Shan, J.


    The Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, located in Loreto, Peru, is a region of incomparable biodiversity resulting from the consistent annual climate patterns (little seasonal variability), and more importantly, the dynamics of the freshwater rivers that surround and traverse it. The Ucamara Depression, where the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve is located, presently has a myriad of active and abandoned fluvial landforms. The exploration of the geologic and tectonic history that fabricated this exceptional fluvial system is the foundation for researching and understanding further phenomena of the region. The interpretation of the history of the geologic events that occurred to form this region and the inspection of the river belts, or areas of active river migration, of these fluvial landforms, facilitate the understanding of 1) how the Ucayali and Maranon rivers interact with one another and with the streams and bodies of water in the Ucamara Depression, 2) the role of wetlands, hydrodynamics, and sediment transport mechanisms in the movement of rivers and the extent of mixing before the rivers reach their confluence, and 3) how the water chemistry, flooding, and sediment transport processes of rivers create an environment capable of fostering an unimaginable array of life and how changes in these processes affect the flora and fauna that inhabit the region. This study will discuss field measurements (hydrodynamic and bed morphodynamic) and remote sensing analysis of scavenger meandering channels (Pacaya and Samiria) and discuss confluence dynamics of the two tributaries that form the Amazon River. Morphometric parameters show that these meandering rivers do not achieve typical planform-based conditions.

  3. Regional scale flood modeling using NEXRAD rainfall, GIS, and HEC-HMS/RAS: a case study for the San Antonio River Basin Summer 2002 storm event. (United States)

    Knebl, M R; Yang, Z-L; Hutchison, K; Maidment, D R


    This paper develops a framework for regional scale flood modeling that integrates NEXRAD Level III rainfall, GIS, and a hydrological model (HEC-HMS/RAS). The San Antonio River Basin (about 4000 square miles, 10,000 km2) in Central Texas, USA, is the domain of the study because it is a region subject to frequent occurrences of severe flash flooding. A major flood in the summer of 2002 is chosen as a case to examine the modeling framework. The model consists of a rainfall-runoff model (HEC-HMS) that converts precipitation excess to overland flow and channel runoff, as well as a hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) that models unsteady state flow through the river channel network based on the HEC-HMS-derived hydrographs. HEC-HMS is run on a 4 x 4 km grid in the domain, a resolution consistent with the resolution of NEXRAD rainfall taken from the local river authority. Watershed parameters are calibrated manually to produce a good simulation of discharge at 12 subbasins. With the calibrated discharge, HEC-RAS is capable of producing floodplain polygons that are comparable to the satellite imagery. The modeling framework presented in this study incorporates a portion of the recently developed GIS tool named Map to Map that has been created on a local scale and extends it to a regional scale. The results of this research will benefit future modeling efforts by providing a tool for hydrological forecasts of flooding on a regional scale. While designed for the San Antonio River Basin, this regional scale model may be used as a prototype for model applications in other areas of the country.

  4. Influence of Plastic Covering on the Microclimate in Vineyards in the São Francisco River Valley Region

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    Mário de Miranda Vilas Boas Ramos Leitão

    Full Text Available Abstract Data from field experiments conducted in table grape vineyards variety of Festival in Petrolina-PE in the period from September 19 to October 12, 2010 were used to evaluate the influence of plastic cover on microclimate conditions of vineyards in São Francisco River Valley region. Three treatments were studied: canopies without plastic cover (WC; with plastic cover positioned at 50 cm (PC50, and at 100 cm (PC100 above canopy. The results indicate that the plastic cover prevented the passage of about 40% of the global and net radiation, retained the relative humidity inside the canopy, generated an increase of air temperature and marked reduction in wind speed over the canopy of treatment PC50. However, treatment PC100 had a higher incidence of short wavelength and net radiation under canopy (on the berries than WC and PC50 treatments, resulting in more favorable weather conditions, providing about 40% greater productivity in this treatment. Therefore, the vineyard with plastic cover placed at 100 cm above canopy represents a more suitable alternative to the climatic conditions of the region of the São Francisco River Valley.

  5. Compromised Rivers: Understanding Historical Human Impacts on Rivers in the Context of Restoration

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    Ellen Wohl


    Full Text Available A river that preserves a simplified and attractive form may nevertheless have lost function. Loss of function in these rivers can occur because hydrologic and geomorphic processes no longer create and maintain the habitat and natural disturbance regimes necessary for ecosystem integrity. Recognition of compromised river function is particularly important in the context of river restoration, in which the public perception of a river's condition often drives the decision to undertake restoration as well as the decision about what type of restoration should be attempted. Determining the degree to which a river has been altered from its reference condition requires a knowledge of historical land use and the associated effects on rivers. Rivers of the Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in the United States are used to illustrate how historical land uses such as beaver trapping, placer mining, tie drives, flow regulation, and the construction of transportation corridors continue to affect contemporary river characteristics. Ignorance of regional land use and river history can lead to restoration that sets unrealistic goals because it is based on incorrect assumptions about a river's reference condition or about the influence of persistent land-use effects.

  6. Clarifying regional hydrologic controls of the Marañón River, Peru through rapid assessment to inform system-wide basin planning approaches

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    Alice F. Hill


    Full Text Available We use remote sensing to enhance the interpretation of the first baseline dataset of hydrologic, isotopic and hydrochemical variables spanning 620 km of the upper Marañón River, in Andean Peru, from the steep alpine canyons to the lower lying jungle. Remote, data-scarce river systems are under increased hydropower development pressure to meet rising energy demands. The upstream-downstream river continuum, which serves as a conduit for resource exchange across ecosystems, is at risk, potentially endangering the people, environments, and economies that rely on river resources. The Marañón River, one of the final free-flowing headwater connections between the Andes and the Amazon, is the subject of myriad large-scale hydropower proposals. Due to challenging access, environmental data are scarce in the upper Marañón, limiting our ability to do system-wide river basin planning. We capture key processes and transitions in the context of hydropower development. Two hydrologic regimes control the Marañón dry-season flow: in the higher-elevation upper reaches, a substantial baseflow is fed by groundwater recharged from wet season rains, in contrast to the lower reaches where the mainstem discharge is controlled by rain-fed tributaries that receive rain from lowland Amazon moisture systems. Sustainability of the upper corridor’s dry-season baseflow appears to be more highly connected to the massive natural storage capacity of extensive wetlands in the puna (alpine grasslands than with cryospheric water inputs. The extent and conservation of puna ecosystems and glacier reservoirs may be interdependent, bringing to bear important conservation questions in the context of changing climate and land use in the region. More generally, this case study demonstrates an efficient combined remote sensing and field observation approach to address data scarcity across regional scales in mountain basins facing imminent rapid change.

  7. Summary of the Snake River plain Regional Aquifer-System Analysis in Idaho and eastern Oregon (United States)

    Lindholm, G.F.


    Regional aquifers underlying the 15,600-square-mile Snake River Plain in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon was studied as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis program. The largest and most productive aquifers in the Snake River Plain are composed of Quaternary basalt of the Snake River Group, which underlies most of the 10,8000-square-mile eastern plain. Aquifer tests and simulation indicate that transmissivity of the upper 200 feet of the basalt aquifer in the eastern plain commonly ranges from about 100,000 to 1,000,000 feet squared per day. However, transmissivity of the total aquifer thickness may be as much as 10 million feet squared per day. Specific yield of the upper 200 feet of the aquifer ranges from about 0.01 to 0.20. Average horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the upper 200 feet of the basalt aquifer ranges from less than 100 to 9,000 feet per day. Values may be one to several orders of magnitude higher in parts in individual flows, such as flow tops. Vertical hydraulic conductivity is probably several orders of magnitude lower than horizontal hydraulic conductivity and is generally related to the number of joints. Pillow lava in ancestral Snake River channels has the highest hydraulic conductivity of all rock types. Hydraulic conductivity of the basalt decreases with depth because of secondary filling of voids with calcite and silica. An estimated 80 to 120 million acre-feet of water is believed to be stored in the upper 200 feet of the basalt aquifer in the eastern plain. The most productive aquifers in the 4,800-square-mile western plain are alluvial sand and gravel in the Boise River valley. Although aquifer tests indicate that transmissivity of alluvium in the Boise River valley ranges from 5,000 to 160,000 feet squared per day, simulation suggests that average transmissivity of the upper 500 feet is generally less than 20,000 feet squared per day. Vertically averaged horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the upper

  8. Future changes in peak river flows across northern Eurasia as inferred from an ensemble of regional climate projections under the IPCC RCP8.5 scenario (United States)

    Shkolnik, Igor; Pavlova, Tatiana; Efimov, Sergey; Zhuravlev, Sergey


    Climate change simulation based on 30-member ensemble of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory RCM (resolution 25 km) for northern Eurasia is used to drive hydrological model CaMa-Flood. Using this modeling framework, we evaluate the uncertainties in the future projection of the peak river discharge and flood hazard by 2050-2059 relative to 1990-1999 under IPCC RCP8.5 scenario. Large ensemble size, along with reasonably high modeling resolution, allows one to efficiently sample natural climate variability and increase our ability to predict future changes in the hydrological extremes. It has been shown that the annual maximum river discharge can almost double by the mid-XXI century in the outlets of major Siberian rivers. In the western regions, there is a weak signal in the river discharge and flood hazard, hardly discernible above climate variability. Annual maximum flood area is projected to increase across Siberia mostly by 2-5% relative to the baseline period. A contribution of natural climate variability at different temporal scales to the uncertainty of ensemble prediction is discussed. The analysis shows that there expected considerable changes in the extreme river discharge probability at locations of the key hydropower facilities. This suggests that the extensive impact studies are required to develop recommendations for maintaining regional energy security.

  9. Geochemistry of some Brazilian rivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreira-Nordemann, L.M.


    Concentrations of the totality of the dissolved salts and sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and uranium were measured in ten rivers belonging to three hydrografic basins located in Northeastern Brazil. Activity ratios U 234 /U 238 were also measured. A correlation was done between the results obtained and the geological and climatic context of these regions. Sodium is the most abundant element in the waters, except for rivers flowing in callcareous regions for which calcium is predominant. The concentrations of the major cations are function of the regional lithology whereas water salinity depends on climatic factors. (Author) [pt

  10. Autocuidado, adherencia e incertidumbre: tratamientos biomédicos y experiencias de pacientes en el dolor crónico de la migraña

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    Romina Del Monaco


    Full Text Available En este escrito se exploran y analizan, desde las ciencias sociales, algunas particularidades de los tratamientos para la migraña desde un enfoque relacional que articula los dichos de los profesionales con las experiencias y prácticas de los pacientes en los servicios de salud y en sus trayectorias de cuidado cotidianas con este dolor. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a médicos neurólogos y pacientes en un hospital público de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Se observan un conjunto de procesos por medio de los cuales la biomedicina delega en los pacientes parte de la responsabilidad del curso de su dolencia a través de una lógica de autocuidado. Los sujetos deben realizar numerosos cambios en sus modos de vida a fin de evitar la aparición de los dolores de cabeza. Sin embargo, al no existir certezas en torno a la eficacia de estas modificaciones, la cotidianidad se recubre de incertidumbre y de la exigencia de seguir pautas de cuidado cuyo cumplimiento es valorado no solo por los profesionales sino también socialmente.

  11. Effects of recent volcanic eruptions on aquatic habitat in the Drift River, Alaska, USA: Implications at other Cook Inlet region volcanoes (United States)

    Dorava, J.M.; Milner, A.M.


    Numerous drainages supporting productive salmon habitat are surrounded by active volcanoes on the west side of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska. Eruptions have caused massive quantities of flowing water and sediment to enter the river channels emanating from glaciers and snowfields on these volcanoes. Extensive damage to riparian and aquatic habitat has commonly resulted, and benthic macroinvertebrate and salmonid communities can be affected. Because of the economic importance of Alaska's fisheries, detrimental effects on salmonid habitat can have significant economic implications. The Drift River drains glaciers on the northern and eastern flanks of Redoubt Volcano: During and following eruptions in 1989-1990, severe physical disturbances to the habitat features of the river adversely affected the fishery. Frequent eruptions at other Cook Inlet region volcanoes exemplify the potential effects of volcanic activity on Alaska's important commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries. Few studies have documented the recovery of aquatic habitat following volcanic eruptions. The eruptions of Redoubt Volcano in 1989-1990 offered an opportunity to examine the recovery of the macroinvertebrate community. Macroinvertebrate community composition and structure in the Drift River were similar in both undisturbed and recently disturbed sites. Additionally, macroinvertebrate samples from sites in nearby undisturbed streams were highly similar to those from some Drift River sites. This similarity and the agreement between the Drift River macroinvertebrate community composition and that predicted by a qualitative model of typical macroinvertebrate communities in glacier-fed rivers indicate that the Drift River macroinvertebrate community is recovering five years after the disturbances associated with the most recent eruptions of Redoubt Volcano.

  12. A cultura permeando os sentimentos e as reações frente à dor La cultura permeando los sentimentos y las reacciones frente al dolor Culture permeating the feelings and the reactions in the face of pain

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    Maria de Lourdes Denardin Budó


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve a percepção e os significados da dor em adultos usuários do SUS. A popu-lação compreendeu 60 pacientes que buscaram o serviço no período. A pesquisa foi do tipo exploratório-descritiva, cujos dados foram coletados com entrevista semi-estruturada e analisados qualitativamente, constituindo temas que emergiram, sendo agrupados por categorias. Evidenciou-se que "o significado da dor" revelou o predomínio do entendimento da dor como uma questão física; apontou a dor relacionada também a questões emocionais e sentimentais, religiosas e humanas. "A reação de homens e mulheres frente à dor" é percebida diferentemente conforme o sexo feminino e masculino. Em "como você se sente nas situações em que tem dor?", as respostas variaram entre afetivas, cognitivas e comportamentais.Em este estudio se describe la percepción y los significados del dolor en adultos usuarios del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS. La población comprendió 60 pacientes que buscaron el servicio en el período. La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo exploratorio, cuyos datos fueron recolectados con una entrevista semi-estructurada y analizados cualitativamente, constituyendo temas que emergieron siendo agrupados por categorías. Se evidenció que "el significado del dolor" reveló el predominio del entendimiento del dolor como una cuestión física; apuntó el dolor relacionado también a cuestiones emocionales y sentimentales, religiosas y humanas. "La reacción de hombres y mujeres frente al dolor" es percibida de manera diferente conforme el sexo femenino y masculino. En "cómo se siente en situaciones en que tiene dolor?", las respuestas variaron entre afectivas, cognitivas y de comportamiento.This study describes the perception of pain and the meanings it has for adults who use the Brazilian public health system, the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. The sample was comprised of 60 patients who sought the service in the period. This is a

  13. Creación de una clínica de dolor pélvico crónico en el Instituto Materno Infantil: Experiencia de cuatro años

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    Pio Iván Gómez Sánchez


    Apareció frecuentemente en los antecedentes los datos de aborto provocado, esterilización quirúrgica y abuso sexual. Se concluye que la interferencia de factores sociales, biológicos, culturales y psicógenos en la patogenia del dolor crónico, hace que amerite ser estudiado por un equipo multidisciplinario.

  14. Sediment budget analysis from Landslide debris and river channel change during the extreme event - example of Typhoon Morakot at Laonong river, Taiwan (United States)

    Chang, Kuo-Jen; Huang, Yu-Ting; Huang, Mei-Jen; Chiang, Yi-Lin; Yeh, En-Chao; Chao, Yu-Jui


    Taiwan, due to the high seismicity and high annual rainfall, numerous landslides triggered every year and severe impacts affect the island. Typhoon Morakot brought extreme and long-time rainfall for Taiwan in August 2009. It further caused huge loss of life and property in central and southern Taiwan. Laonong River is the largest tributary of Gaoping River. It's length is 137 km, and the basin area is 1373 km2. More than 2000mm rainfall brought and maximum rainfall exceeded 100mm/hr in the region by Typhoon Morakot in Aug, 2009. Its heavy rains made many landslides and debris flew into the river and further brought out accumulation and erosion on river banks of different areas. It caused severe disasters within the Laonong River drainage. In the past, the study of sediment blockage of river channel usually relies on field investigation, but due to inconvenient transportation, topographical barriers, or located in remote areas, etc. the survey is hardly to be completed sometimes. In recent years, the rapid development of remote sensing technology improves image resolution and quality significantly. Remote sensing technology can provide a wide range of image data, and provide essential and precious information. Furthermore, although the amount of sediment transportation can be estimated by using data such as rainfall, river flux, and suspended loads, the situation of large debris migration cannot be studied via those data. However, landslides, debris flow and river sediment transportation model in catchment area can be evaluated easily through analyzing the digital terrain model (DTM) . The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of river migration and to evaluate the amount of migration along Laonong River by analyzing the DEM before and after the typhoon Morakot. The DEMs are built by using the aerial images taken by digital mapping camera (DMC) and by airborne digital scanner 40 (ADS 40) before and after typhoon event. The results show that lateral

  15. The Columbia River System : the Inside Story.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    United States. Bonneville Power Administration.


    The Columbia Ricer is one of the greatest natural resources in the western United States. The river and its tributaries touch the lives of nearly every resident of the Northwest-from providing the world-famous Pacific salmon to supplying the clean natural fuel for over 75 percent of the region's electrical generation. Since early in the century, public and private agencies have labored to capture the benefits of this dynamic river. Today, dozens of major water resource projects throughout the region are fed by the waters of the Columbia Basin river system. And through cooperative efforts, the floods that periodically threaten developments near the river can be controlled. This publication presents a detailed explanation of the planning and operation of the multiple-use dams and reservoirs of the Columbia River system. It describes the river system, those who operate and use it, the agreements and policies that guide system operation, and annual planning for multiple-use operation.

  16. Regional Sediment Budget of the Columbia River Littoral Cell, USA (United States)

    Buijsman, Maarten C.; Sherwood, C.R.; Gibbs, A.E.; Gelfenbaum, G.; Kaminsky, G.M.; Ruggiero, P.; Franklin, J.


    Summary -- In this Open-File Report we present calculations of changes in bathymetric and topographic volumes for the Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, and Columbia River entrances and the adjacent coasts of North Beach, Grayland Plains, Long Beach, and Clatsop Plains for four intervals: pre-jetty - 1920s (Interval 1), 1920s - 1950s (Interval 2), 1950s - 1990s (Interval 3), and 1920s 1990s (Interval 4). This analysis is part of the Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Study (SWCES), the goals of which are to understand and predict the morphologic behavior of the Columbia River littoral cell on a management scale of tens of kilometers and decades. We obtain topographic Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data from a joint project by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) and bathymetric data from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), USGS, and the DOE. Shoreline data are digitized from T-Sheets and aerial photographs from the USC&GS and National Ocean Service (NOS). Instead of uncritically adjusting each survey to NAVD88, a common vertical land-based datum, we adjust some surveys to produce optimal results according to the following criteria. First, we minimize offsets in overlapping surveys within the same era, and second, we minimize bathymetric changes (relative to the 1990s) in deep water, where we assume minimal change has taken place. We grid bathymetric and topographic datasets using kriging and triangulation algorithms, calculate bathymetric-change surfaces for each interval, and calculate volume changes within polygons that are overlaid on the bathymetric-change surfaces. We find similar morphologic changes near the entrances to Grays Harbor and the Columbia River following jetty construction between 1898 and 1916 at the Grays Harbor entrance and between 1885 and

  17. Evaluation of regional-scale water level simulations using various river routing schemes within a hydrometeorological modelling framework for the preparation of the SWOT mission (United States)

    Häfliger, V.; Martin, E.; Boone, A. A.; Habets, F.; David, C. H.; Garambois, P. A.; Roux, H.; Ricci, S. M.; Thévenin, A.; Berthon, L.; Biancamaria, S.


    The ability of a regional hydrometeorological model to simulate water depth is assessed in order to prepare for the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) mission that will observe free surface water elevations for rivers having a width larger than 50/100 m. The Garonne river (56 000 km2, in south-western France) has been selected owing to the availability of operational gauges, and the fact that different modeling platforms, the hydrometeorological model SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU and several fine scale hydraulic models, have been extensively evaluated over two reaches of the river. Several routing schemes, ranging from the simple Muskingum method to time-variable parameter kinematic and diffusive waves schemes with time varying parameters, are tested using predetermined hydraulic parameters. The results show that the variable flow velocity scheme is advantageous for discharge computations when compared to the original Muskingum routing method. Additionally, comparisons between water level computations and in situ observations led to root mean square errors of 50-60 cm for the improved Muskingum method and 40-50 cm for the kinematic-diffusive wave method, in the downstream Garonne river. The error is larger than the anticipated SWOT resolution, showing the potential of the mission to improve knowledge of the continental water cycle. Discharge computations are also shown to be comparable to those obtained with high-resolution hydraulic models over two reaches. However, due to the high variability of river parameters (e.g. slope and river width), a robust averaging method is needed to compare the hydraulic model outputs and the regional model. Sensitivity tests are finally performed in order to have a better understanding of the mechanisms which control the key hydrological processes. The results give valuable information about the linearity, Gaussianity and symetry of the model, in order to prepare the assimilation of river heights in the model.

  18. Visualizing ecological sensitivity assessment of Huangnan, in the Three-river Region, China, based on GIS (United States)

    Meng, Xia; Guo, Luo


    Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the three-river source region (the TRSR) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, which is characterized with ecological sensitivity and vulnerability. In the paper, we integrated remote sensing images, field investigation and social-economic data , and with the help of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and comprehensive index methods, a sensitivity assessment system was built to calculate ecological sensitivity scores and assign levels for the study area. Results show that: areas which are moderately or even highly ecologically sensitive account for 54.02%, distributed in south, north and northeast of study area and those that have most apparent ecological sensitivity are mainly located in Zeekog, northwest of Huangnan while other counties enjoy relatively lower sensitivity. The results will facilitate future region management and planning for decision-makers.

  19. Reflexiones sobre el dolor: un análisis a partir de La forma que se despliega Reflections on Pain: an Analysis from La forma que se despliega

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    Lucía Laura M Galazzi


    Full Text Available «Este artículo aborda la puesta en escena de La forma que se despliega (Veronese, 2003 y la conceptualización del dolor humano con medios artísticos o filosóficos. También examina, en su primer apartado, la mayor parte de la pieza teatral que refiere la experiencia del dolor y releva el papel que juegan las construcciones sociales de la naturaleza humana en la comunicación del mismo. La segunda parte aborda el final de la obra, que propone una reflexión meta-discursiva acerca de la posibilidad de escenificar el dolor, trasladando ese problema a la filosofía. Se presentan finalmente diferentes vías de resolución, para concluir proponiendo una conceptualización en los límites de lo pensable, que aspira a la construcción de interpretaciones que transforman y dan sentido a la experiencia.This article approaches the staging of La forma que se despliega (Veronese, 2003 and the conceptualization of human pain through artistic or philosophical means. On its first section, it also examines the content of the biggest fragment of the play which refers to the experience of pain and that reveals the role of social constructions in human nature when it communicates itself. The second part of this essay is based on the ending of the play which proposes a meta-discursive thought about the possibility of staging pain, transferring the problem to philosophy. Finally, different ways of resolutions are proposed in order to arrive to a conclusion by proposing a conceptualization inside the limits of what is thinkable, which aspires to the construction of interpretations that transform and give meaning to experience.

  20. Regional and Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes: the Case Study of the Beava River Basin, the Czech Republic (United States)

    Duží, Barbora; Stojanov, Robert; Vikhrov, Dmytro


    We investigate regional and household adaptation strategies in the region affected by climate extremes, focusing on floods occurrence during past 15 years period. The main research question is: What is the overall state of adaptation measurements to climate extremes on the Bečva river basin? Target area is located along upper and middle part of the Bečva river basin in the east of the Czech Republic. The main theoretical concepts draw from differentiations between coping/adaptation strategies to climate extremes and theory of focusing event as a starter of changes in attention and agenda of problem solution. We apply mixed empirical research and case study approach. First we use qualitative research to serve as an initial entrance to the issue, to find out the perception of adaptation progress and preparedness to climate extremes on regional level. We conducted deep interviews (N=20) with relevant stakeholders. We proceed with quantitative research through the conducting face-to face questionnaires with household residents (N=305) in no, low and no risk area in relation to flood occurrence. We designed set of questions to find out relation among experiences with flood, the level of damages and applied emergency and adaptation measurements.

  1. Eficacia ante el dolor y la discapacidad cervical de un programa de fisioterapia individual frente a uno colectivo en la cervicalgia mecánica aguda y subaguda

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    Leonardo Gregorio Antúnez Sánchez


    Conclusiones: Los pacientes con cervicalgia mecánica en estado agudo o subagudo experimentan una mejora estadísticamente significativa del dolor y de la discapacidad cervical tras recibir ambas modalidades de tratamiento de fisioterapia empleadas en nuestro estudio, mostrándose la modalidad de tratamiento individual más eficaz que la colectiva.

  2. “Yonne River Corridor” Network of Yonne Cities: the River as Tourist Route

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    Christina Matika


    Full Text Available Long living space for many animal and plant species, the river system and its tributaries represent a principal wealth, always valid for human settlements in the Yonne valley, France. In my case study the major questions raised as starting points are: 1. How the infrastructure is related to the landscape of Yonne. 2. Which could be the possibilities and potentialities to treat this local resource. 3. How local authorities could start a project of exploitation and valorization of the water region. 4. Which interventions could enforce the dynamics of the region. 5. How to articulate cities in discontinuity around the Yonne river, taking into account the flood threat, but in a sustainable way. 6. And last but not least, how can we face the problem of rupture between the banks of the river and the urban space, regaining the docks.

  3. Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau. (United States)

    Qu, Bin; Sillanpää, Mika; Li, Chaoliu; Kang, Shichang; Stubbins, Aron; Yan, Fangping; Aho, Kelly Sue; Zhou, Feng; Raymond, Peter A


    The role played by river networks in regional and global carbon cycle is receiving increasing attention. Despite the potential of radiocarbon measurements (14C) to elucidate sources and cycling of different riverine carbon pools, there remain large regions such as the climate-sensitive Tibetan Plateau for which no data are available. Here we provide new 14C data on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from three large Asian rivers (the Yellow, Yangtze and Yarlung Tsangpo Rivers) running on the Tibetan Plateau and present the carbon transportation pattern in rivers of the plateau versus other river system in the world. Despite higher discharge rates during the high flow season, the DOC yield of Tibetan Plateau rivers (0.41 gC m-2 yr-1) was lower than most other rivers due to lower concentrations. Radiocarbon ages of the DOC were older/more depleted (511±294 years before present, yr BP) in the Tibetan rivers than those in Arctic and tropical rivers. A positive correlation between radiocarbon age and permafrost watershed coverage was observed, indicating that 14C-deplted/old carbon is exported from permafrost regions of the Tibetan Plateau during periods of high flow. This is in sharp contrast to permafrost regions of the Arctic which export 14C-enriched carbon during high discharge periods.

  4. Tritium in the Savannah River Estuary and adjacent marine waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, D.W.


    The tritium distribution in the Savannah River estuary and adjacent marine waters was measured to provide information on the dilution, mixing, and movement of Savannah River water in this region. The Savannah River marine region was chosen because the average tritium concentration in this river is 5 pCi/ml, whereas other rivers in the southeastern United States average less than 0.5 pCi/ml. The increased tritium concentration in the Savannah River is due to releases from the Savannah River Plant of the Department of Energy. Tritium measurements have proved particularly effective in estimating the flushing time of the Savannah River estuary (2.4 days) and in delineating the relative contribution to the water masses in Ossabaw and Port Royal Sounds from the River and from sea water. Ossabaw and Port Royal Sounds are located approximately 20 km south and north of the Savannah River estuary, respectively

  5. Hydrogeological modelling of the eastern region of Areco river locally detailed on Atucha I and II nuclear power plants area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grattone, Natalia I.; Fuentes, Nestor O.


    Water flow behaviour of Pampeano aquifer was modeled using Visual Mod-flow software Package 2.8.1 with the assumption of a free aquifer, within the region of the Areco river and extending to the rivers of 'Canada Honda' and 'de la Cruz'. Steady state regime was simulated and grid refinement allows obtaining locally detailed calculation in the area of Atucha I and II Nuclear power plants, in order to compute unsteady situations as the consequence of water flow variations from and to the aquifer, enabling the model to study the movement of possible contaminant particles in the hydrogeologic system. In this work the effects of rivers action, the recharge conditions and the flow lines are analyzed, taking always into account the range of reliability of obtained results, considering the incidence of uncertainties introduced by data input system, the estimates and interpolation of parameters used. (author)


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    M. Schletterer


    Full Text Available Within the joint Russian-Austrian monitoring programme “REFCOND_VOLGA (2006 – 20XX”, monitoring sites were established in the headwaters of the Volga (Tver Region. River Tudovka, a right tributary to the Volga River, was included within this monitoring programme as its catchment is partly protected and has only few anthropogenic activities. The monitoring activities include physico-chemical and hydraulic parameters as well as biota with a focus is on benthic organisms (diatoms and macrozoobenthos. In this work, the longitudinal patterns in community structure are classified in the lowland river Tudovka using a novel feature-based approach taken from signal processing theory. The method first clusters field sampling data into longitudinal classes (upper, middle, lower course. Community features based on the relative frequency of individual species occurring per class are then generated. We apply both generative and discriminative classification methods. The application of generative methods provides data models which predict the probability of a new sample to belong to an existing class. In contrast, discriminative approaches search for differences between classes and allocate new data accordingly. Leveraging both methods allows for the creation of stable classifications. On this basis we show how the community features can be used to predict the longitudinal class. The community features approach also allows for a robust cross-comparison of investigation reaches over time. In cases where suitable long-term data set are available, predictive models using this approach can also be developed.

  7. Dolor y sufrimiento en el paciente con SIDA Pain and suffering of AIDS' patients

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    Martha Lucía Arroyave


    Full Text Available

    Se analizan algunos aspectos relacionados con el dolor y el sufrimiento de los pacientes con SIDA, así como su manejo médico y ético; se explican, además, los componentes del cuidado paliativo, a saber: control de la sintomatología, manejo administrativo, atención domiciliaria, atención hospitalaria, acción del voluntariado, ayuda espiritual, manejo de la aflicción y aspectos educativos y evaluativos.

    Pain and suffering of AIDS' patients are analyzed including medical and ethical implications; the following aspects of palliative care are reviewed: control of symptoms, administrative handling of the problem, home and hospital care, volunteer help, spiritual needs, management of affliction, as well as educational and evaluative Issues related with AIDS.

  8. On the Relationship between Holocene Geomorphic Evolution of Rivers and Prehistoric Settlements Distribution in the Songshan Mountain Region of China

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    Peng Lu


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the study of Holocene geomorphic evolution of rivers around Songshan Mountain in relation to human frequentation in Prehistoric periods. The investigations were performed by means of an integration of GIS data processing; field surveys and particle size analysis. In 8000–3000 aBP; in the Songshan Mountain Region, large-scale river sedimentation occurred. This increased the elevation of river beds that were higher than today. After 3000 aBP; the upper reaches of the rivers experienced a down cut; while the lower reaches experienced continuing sedimentation. The data on the elevation of prehistoric settlements above the river levels were obtained from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs. These data were corrected according to the evolutionary features of fluvial landforms in order to obtain synchronous elevations above river levels of prehistoric settlements. The relationship between sediment distribution and the Holocene geomorphic evolution was investigated through the statistical analysis of the elevation above the river levels. Outputs from our analyses enabled us to differentiate three evolutionary stages. During the first one, related to Peiligang culture (9000–7500 aBP, populations mainly settled on both hilly relief and high plateaus depending on their agriculture production modes. During the second stage, from Yangshao (7500–5000 aBP to the Longshan period (5000–4000 aBP, settlements were mainly distributed on mountainous areas and hilly lands to avoid flooding and to develop agriculture. Finally, during the Xiashang culture (4000–3000 aBP, a large number of settlements migrated to the plain area to facilitate trade of goods and cultural exchanges.

  9. Regional hydrology of the Green River-Moab area, northwestern Paradox Basin, Utah

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rush, F.E.; Whitfield, M.S.; Hart, I.M.


    The Green River-Moab area encompasses about 7800 square kilometers or about 25% of the Paradox basin. The entire Paradox basin is a part of the Colorado Plateaus that is underlain by a thick sequence of evaporite (salt) beds of Pennsylvanian age. The rock units that underlie the area have been grouped into hydrogeologic units based on their water-transmitting ability. Confining beds consist of evaporite beds of mostly salt, and overlying and underlying thick sequences of rocks with minimal permeability; above and below these confining beds are aquifers. The upper Mesozoic sandstone aquifer, probably is the most permeable hydrogeologic unit of the area and is the subject of this investigation. The principal component of groundwater outflow from this aquifer probably is subsurface flow to regional streams (the Green and Colorado Rivers) and is about 100 million cubic meters per year. All other components of outflow are relatively small. The average annual recharge to the aquifer is about 130 million cubic meters, of which about 20 million cubic meters is from local precipitation. For the lower aquifer, all recharge and discharge probably is by subsurface flow and was not estimated. The aquifers are generally isolated from the evaporite beds by the bounding confining beds; as a result, most ground water has little if any contact with the evaporites. Brines are present in the confining beds, but solution of beds of salt probably is very slow in most parts of the area. No brine discharges have been identified

  10. Using NASA's Giovanni System to Simulate Time-Series Stations in the Outflow Region of California's Eel River (United States)

    Acker, James G.; Shen, Suhung; Leptoukh, Gregory G.; Lee, Zhongping


    Oceanographic time-series stations provide vital data for the monitoring of oceanic processes, particularly those associated with trends over time and interannual variability. There are likely numerous locations where the establishment of a time-series station would be desirable, but for reasons of funding or logistics, such establishment may not be feasible. An alternative to an operational time-series station is monitoring of sites via remote sensing. In this study, the NASA Giovanni data system is employed to simulate the establishment of two time-series stations near the outflow region of California s Eel River, which carries a high sediment load. Previous time-series analysis of this location (Acker et al. 2009) indicated that remotely-sensed chl a exhibits a statistically significant increasing trend during summer (low flow) months, but no apparent trend during winter (high flow) months. Examination of several newly-available ocean data parameters in Giovanni, including 8-day resolution data, demonstrates the differences in ocean parameter trends at the two locations compared to regionally-averaged time-series. The hypothesis that the increased summer chl a values are related to increasing SST is evaluated, and the signature of the Eel River plume is defined with ocean optical parameters.

  11. Groundwater conservation and monitoring activities in the middle Brenta River plain (Veneto Region, Northern Italy: preliminary results about aquifer recharge

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    Andrea Sottani


    Full Text Available In the middle Brenta River plain there is a unconfined aquifer that represents an important groundwater resource in Veneto region. In this area the main groundwater recharge factor is related to the stream seepage: the water dispersion from the Brenta river is active with variable intensity from the foothill to the alignment Nove di Bassano - Cartigliano (Province of Vicenza. In order to mitigate the expected groundwater effects, due to future important waterworks withdrawals provided by the regional water resources management plans, an experimental project of Managed Aquifer Recharge has started, by means of the realization of some river transversal ramps. The construction of pilot works, partially completed, were preceded by a specific hydrogeological monitoring program, aimed to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the MAR actions in terms of comparison between pre-and post-operam conditions. Thanks to the development of a site-specific methodology, aimed to the quantification of the artificial infiltration rate, and after some years of monitoring controls of the hydrological and hydrogeological regimes, it is now possible to evaluate the extent and the rate of the recharge effects in groundwater due to ramps realization. The monitoring plan will be continued in the medium-long term. Some innovative approaches, based for example on the use of groundwater temperature measurements as recharge tracer, will help to validate the preliminary results.

  12. Variability in temperature, precipitation and river discharge in the Baltic States

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kriauciuniene, J.; Meilutyte-Barauskiene, D.; Sarauskiene, D. (Lithuanian Energy Inst., Kaunas (Lithuania), Lab. of Hydrology); Reihan, A. (Tallinn Univ. of Technology (Estonia), Inst. of Environmental Engineering); Koltsova, T.; Lizuma, L. (Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Riga (LV))


    The climate change impact on water resources is observed in all the Baltic States. These processes became more evident in the last decades. Although the territory of the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) is not large (175000 km2), the climatic differences are quite considerable. We performed a regionalization of the territory of the Baltic States depending on the conditions of river runoff formation which can be defined according to percentages of the river feeding sources (precipitation, snowmelt, groundwater). Long-term series of temperature (40 stations), precipitation (59 stations) and river discharge (77 stations) were used to compose ten regional series. This paper addresses: (1) variability in long-term regional series of temperature, precipitation and river discharge over a long period (1922-2007); (2) changes in regional series, comparing the periods 1991-2007 and 1931-1960 with the reference period (1961-1990), and (3) the impact of temperature and precipitation changes on regional river discharge. (orig.)

  13. Blood lead level is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the Yangtze River Delta region of China in the context of rapid urbanization. (United States)

    Zhai, Hualing; Chen, Chi; Wang, Ningjian; Chen, Yi; Nie, Xiaomin; Han, Bing; Li, Qin; Xia, Fangzhen; Lu, Yingli


    China has undergone rapid urbanization in the past three decades. We aimed to report blood lead level (B-Pb) in the most rapidly urbanized Yangtze River Delta Region of China, and explore the association B-Pb and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Our data source was the SPECT-China study. We enrolled 2011 subjects from 6 villages in the Yangtze River Delta Region. Lead was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. According to abdominal ultrasound, residents were divided into normal and NAFLD groups. In total, 824 (41.0%) were diagnosed with NAFLD. Medians (interquartile range) of B-Pb were 5.29 μg/dL (3.60-7.28) [0.25 μmol/L (0.17-0.35)] for men and 4.49 μg/dL (2.97-6.59) [0.22 μmol/L (0.14-0.32)] for women. In both genders, the NAFLD group had significantly greater B-Pb than normal group (both P Yangtze River Delta Region were much higher than in developed countries. Elevated B-Pb was associated with an increased risk of NAFLD, especially in women.

  14. Comparison of sediment pollution in the rivers of the Hungarian Upper Tisza Region using non-destructive analytical techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osan, Janos; Toeroek, Szabina; Alfoeldy, Balint; Alsecz, Anita; Falkenberg, Gerald; Baik, Soo Yeun; Van Grieken, Rene


    The rivers in the Hungarian Upper Tisza Region are frequently polluted mainly due to mining activities in the catchment area. At the beginning of 2000, two major mining accidents occurred in the Romanian part of the catchment area due to the failure of a tailings dam releasing huge amounts of cyanide and heavy metals to the rivers. Surface sediment as well as water samples were collected at six sites in the years 2000-2003, from the northeast-Hungarian section of the Tisza, Szamos and Tur rivers. The sediment pollution of the rivers was compared based on measurements of bulk material and selected single particles, in order to relate the observed compositions and chemical states of metals to the possible sources and weathering of pollution. Non-destructive X-ray analytical methods were applied in order to obtain different kinds of information from the same samples or particles. In order to identify the pollution sources, their magnitude and fate, complementary analyses were carried out. Heterogeneous particulate samples were analyzed from a large geographical territory and a 4-year time period. Individual particles were analyzed only from the 'hot' samples that showed elevated concentrations of heavy metals. Particles that were classified as anthropogenic were finally analyzed to identify trace concentrations and chemical states of heavy metals. Although the Tisza river was affected by water pollution due to the two major mining accidents at the beginning of 2000, the concentration of heavy metals in sediments decreased to the mineral background level 1 year after the pollution event. In the tributaries Szamos and Tur, however, no significant decrease of the heavy metal concentrations was observed in the recent years, indicating a continuous pollution. Among the water suspended particles collected from river Tur, fibers of unknown origin were observed by electron microscopy; these particles were aluminosilicates enriched in Zn and Mn. Cd was also concentrated in

  15. Tritium in the Savannah River estuary and adjacent marine waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, D.W.


    The tritium distribution in the Savannah River estuary and adjacent marine waters was measured to provide information on the dilution, mixing and movement of Savannah River water in this region. The Savannah River marine region was chosen because the average tritium concentration in this river is approximately 5 pCi/ml, whereas other rivers in the southeastern United States of America average less than 0.5 pCi/ml. The increased tritium concentration in the Savannah River is due to releases from the Savannah River Plant of the Department of Energy. Tritium measurements have proved particularly effective in estimating the flushing time of the Savannah River estuary (2.4 days) and in delineating the relative contribution to the water masses in Ossabaw and Port Royal Sounds from the river and from sea-water. Ossabaw and Port Royal Sounds are located approximately 20 km south and north of the Savannah River estuary respectively. (author)

  16. South Asia river-flow projections and their implications for water resources (United States)

    Mathison, C.; Wiltshire, A. J.; Falloon, P.; Challinor, A. J.


    South Asia is a region with a large and rising population, a high dependence on water intense industries, such as agriculture and a highly variable climate. In recent years, fears over the changing Asian summer monsoon (ASM) and rapidly retreating glaciers together with increasing demands for water resources have caused concern over the reliability of water resources and the potential impact on intensely irrigated crops in this region. Despite these concerns, there is a lack of climate simulations with a high enough resolution to capture the complex orography, and water resource analysis is limited by a lack of observations of the water cycle for the region. In this paper we present the first 25 km resolution regional climate projections of river flow for the South Asia region. Two global climate models (GCMs), which represent the ASM reasonably well are downscaled (1960-2100) using a regional climate model (RCM). In the absence of robust observations, ERA-Interim reanalysis is also downscaled providing a constrained estimate of the water balance for the region for comparison against the GCMs (1990-2006). The RCM river flow is routed using a river-routing model to allow analysis of present-day and future river flows through comparison with available river gauge observations. We examine how useful these simulations are for understanding potential changes in water resources for the South Asia region. In general the downscaled GCMs capture the seasonality of the river flows but overestimate the maximum river flows compared to the observations probably due to a positive rainfall bias and a lack of abstraction in the model. The simulations suggest an increasing trend in annual mean river flows for some of the river gauges in this analysis, in some cases almost doubling by the end of the century. The future maximum river-flow rates still occur during the ASM period, with a magnitude in some cases, greater than the present-day natural variability. Increases in river flow

  17. Modeling of Regionalized Emissions (MoRE into Water Bodies: An Open-Source River Basin Management System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephan Fuchs


    Full Text Available An accurate budget of substance emissions is fundamental for protecting freshwater resources. In this context, the European Union asks all member states to report an emission inventory of substances for river basins. The river basin management system MoRE (Modeling of Regionalized Emissions was developed as a flexible open-source instrument which is able to model pathway-specific emissions and river loads on a catchment scale. As the reporting tool for the Federal Republic of Germany, MoRE is used to model annual emissions of nutrients, heavy metals, micropollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, Bis(2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP, and certain pharmaceuticals. Observed loads at gauging stations are used to validate the calculated emissions. In addition to its balancing capabilities, MoRE can consider different variants of input data and quantification approaches, in order to improve the robustness of different modeling approaches and to evaluate the quality of different input data. No programming skills are required to set up and run the model. Due to its flexible modeling base, the effect of reduction measures can be assessed. Within strategic planning processes, this is relevant for the allocation of investments or the implementation of specific measures to reduce the overall pollutant emissions into surface water bodies and therefore to meet the requirements of water policy.

  18. South Asia river flow projections and their implications for water resources (United States)

    Mathison, C.; Wiltshire, A. J.; Falloon, P.; Challinor, A. J.


    South Asia is a region with a large and rising population and a high dependance on industries sensitive to water resource such as agriculture. The climate is hugely variable with the region relying on both the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and glaciers for its supply of fresh water. In recent years, changes in the ASM, fears over the rapid retreat of glaciers and the increasing demand for water resources for domestic and industrial use, have caused concern over the reliability of water resources both in the present day and future for this region. The climate of South Asia means it is one of the most irrigated agricultural regions in the world, therefore pressures on water resource affecting the availability of water for irrigation could adversely affect crop yields and therefore food production. In this paper we present the first 25 km resolution regional climate projections of river flow for the South Asia region. ERA-Interim, together with two global climate models (GCMs), which represent the present day processes, particularly the monsoon, reasonably well are downscaled using a regional climate model (RCM) for the periods; 1990-2006 for ERA-Interim and 1960-2100 for the two GCMs. The RCM river flow is routed using a river-routing model to allow analysis of present day and future river flows through comparison with river gauge observations, where available. In this analysis we compare the river flow rate for 12 gauges selected to represent the largest river basins for this region; Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra basins and characterize the changing conditions from east to west across the Himalayan arc. Observations of precipitation and runoff in this region have large or unknown uncertainties, are short in length or are outside the simulation period, hindering model development and validation designed to improve understanding of the water cycle for this region. In the absence of robust observations for South Asia, a downscaled ERA-Interim RCM simulation provides a

  19. Dor na criança desnutrida: percepção da mãe Dolor en el niño malnutrido: percepción de la madre Pain in undenourished children: the mother's perception

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Coelho Barbosa


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar a percepção da mãe quanto a dor no seu filho desnutrido. Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas no Instituto de Prevenção à Desnutrição e a Excepcionalidade - IPREDE (Fortaleza-Ceará. As informantes foram mães que acompanhavam seus filhos desnutridos. De acordo com a análise surgiram as categorias: Busca à Instituição; Descrição da dor e Como cuidar da dor. Conclui-se, a necessidade de um trabalho da sociedade, respeitando os direitos do cidadão e sua cultura, com o intuito de reverter a dor na criança desnutrida.El objetivo de esa investigación cualitativa era identificar la opinión de madres respecto al dolor de su hijo malnutrido. Se realizó entrevistas semiestructuradas en el Instituto para la Prevención a la Desnutrición y Excepcionalidad - IPREDE (Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil. Los participantes fueron las madres que acompañaban a sus hijos malnutridos. El análisis reveló las siguientes categorías: Búsqueda de la institución; Descripción del dolor y Cómo cuidar del dolor. Se concluye que es necesario un trabajo de la sociedad, respetando los derechos del ciudadano y su cultura, con objeto de revertir el dolor del niño malnutrido.This qualitative study aimed to identify how mothers perceive pain in their undernourished children. Semistructured interviews were realized at the Institute for the Prevention of Malnutrition and Exceptionality - IPREDE (Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil. Participants were mothers who accompanied their undernourished children. Data analysis revealed the following categories: Coming to the Institution; Pain description and How to take care of the pain. Society needs to take actions, in respect of citizens' rights and culture, with a view to reverting this picture of pain in undernourished children.

  20. Reconnaissance survey of site 7 of the proposed Three Rivers Regional Landfill and Technology Center, Savannah River Site, Aiken County, South Carolina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabak, M.A.; Beck, M.L.; Gillam, C.; Sassaman, K.E.


    This report documents the archaeological investigation of Site 7 of the proposed Three Rivers Regional Landfill and Technology Center in Aiken County on the United States Department of Energy`s Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken and Barnwell Counties, South Carolina. Pedestrian and subsurface survey techniques were used to investigate the 1,403-acre project area. Survey resulted in the discovery of 23 previously unrecorded sites and 11 occurrences; six previously recorded sites were also investigated. These sites consist of six prehistoric sites, nine historic sites, and 14 sites with both prehistoric and historic components. Sites locations and project area boundaries are provided on a facsimile of a USGS 7.5 topographic map. The prehistoric components consist of very small, low-density lithic and ceramic scatters; most contain less than 10 artifacts. Six of the prehistoric components are of unknown cultural affiliation, the remaining prehistoric sites were occupied predominately in the Woodland period. The historic sites are dominated by postbellum/modem home places of tenant and yeoman farmers but four historic sites were locations of antebellum house sites (38AK136, 38AK613, 38AK660, and 38AK674). The historic sites also include an African-American school (38AK677).

  1. Source apportionment and health effect of NO_x over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Xingcheng; Yao, Teng; Li, Ying; Fung, Jimmy C.H.; Lau, Alexis K.H.


    As one of the most notorious atmospheric pollutants, NO_x not only promotes the formation of ozone but also has adverse health effects on humans. It is therefore of great importance to study the sources of NO_x and its effects on human health. The Comprehensive Air Quality Model (CAMx) modeling system and ozone source apportionment technology (OSAT) were used to study the contribution of NO_x from different emission sources over southern China. The results indicate that heavy duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) and industrial point sources are the two major local NO_x sources, accounting for 30.8% and 18.5% of local NO_x sources, respectively. In Hong Kong, marine emissions contributed around 43.4% of local NO_x in 2011. Regional transport is another important source of this pollutant, especially in February and November, and it can contribute over 30% of ambient NO_x on average. Power plant point emission is an significant regional source in Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Foshan. The total emission sources are estimated to cause 2119 (0–4405) respiratory deaths and 991 (0–2281) lung cancer deaths due to long-term exposure to NO_x in the Pearl River Delta region. Our results suggest that local governments should combine their efforts and vigorously promote further reduction of NO_x emissions, especially for those sources that make a substantial contribution to NO_x emissions and affect human health: HDDV, LDGV, industrial point sources and marine sources. - Highlights: • WRF-CAMx modeling system with OSAT was used to study the source of NO_x over Pearl River Delta region in China. • The results indicated that local emission and regional transportation are important contributors for NO_x in this region. • Heavy duty diesel vehicle, marine emission and industrial point source are three important contribution sectors. • Long-term exposure to NO_x is estimated to cause 2119 respiratory deaths and 991 lung cancer deaths in PRD during 2011. - Result indicated that heavy duty

  2. Geologic map of the upper Arkansas River valley region, north-central Colorado (United States)

    Kellogg, Karl S.; Shroba, Ralph R.; Ruleman, Chester A.; Bohannon, Robert G.; McIntosh, William C.; Premo, Wayne R.; Cosca, Michael A.; Moscati, Richard J.; Brandt, Theodore R.


    This 1:50,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey geologic map represents a compilation of the most recent geologic studies of the upper Arkansas River valley between Leadville and Salida, Colorado. The valley is structurally controlled by an extensional fault system that forms part of the prominent northern Rio Grande rift, an intra-continental region of crustal extension. This report also incorporates new detailed geologic mapping of previously poorly understood areas within the map area and reinterprets previously studied areas. The mapped region extends into the Proterozoic metamorphic and intrusive rocks in the Sawatch Range west of the valley and the Mosquito Range to the east. Paleozoic rocks are preserved along the crest of the Mosquito Range, but most of them have been eroded from the Sawatch Range. Numerous new isotopic ages better constrain the timing of both Proterozoic intrusive events, Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary intrusive events, and Eocene and Miocene volcanic episodes, including widespread ignimbrite eruptions. The uranium-lead ages document extensive about 1,440-million years (Ma) granitic plutonism mostly north of Buena Vista that produced batholiths that intruded an older suite of about 1,760-Ma metamorphic rocks and about 1,700-Ma plutonic rocks. As a result of extension during the Neogene and possibly latest Paleogene, the graben underlying the valley is filled with thick basin-fill deposits (Dry Union Formation and older sediments), which occupy two sub-basins separated by a bedrock high near the town of Granite. The Dry Union Formation has undergone deep erosion since the late Miocene or early Pliocene. During the Pleistocene, ongoing steam incision by the Arkansas River and its major tributaries has been interrupted by periodic aggradation. From Leadville south to Salida as many as seven mapped alluvial depositional units, which range in age from early to late Pleistocene, record periodic aggradational events along these streams that are

  3. Tropospheric aerosols radiation feedback on the climate of Pearl River Delta Region using an air quality model (United States)

    Nduka, I. C.


    The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, one of the most vibrant economic regions in China has been witnessing rapid population, economic and structural growth and development. It is also one of the regions mostly polluted with trace gases and particulates. Recent reviews show large uncertainties in climate modification studies, indicating the need for further investigations, such as the role of tropospheric aerosols on direct and indirect climate modification. The aim of this research is to appraise the impacts of tropospheric aerosols on the climate of PRD region. An integrated air quality downscale meteorology and air quality from regional scale (27km) to local scale (3km). The model will be evaluated for both meteorology and air quality by comparing model results with measurements. The radiative forcing of tropospheric aerosols will also be determined so as to estimate the feedbacks and impacts on the climate. This research, when completed, is expected to improve our understanding of tropospheric aerosol-cloud thermodynamic interactions at regional and local scales, thus enhancing our knowledge of the regional and local climate system, which is anticipated to provide critical references for formulating sustainable environment and air quality policies.

  4. An Evaluation of River Health for the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jinxi Song


    Full Text Available Excessive socioeconomic activities in the Weihe River region have caused severe ecosystem degradation, and the call for the recovery and maintenance of the river health has drawn great attention. Based on the connotation of river health, previous research findings, and status quo of the Weihe River ecosystem, in this study, we developed a novel health evaluation index system to quantitatively determine the health of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province. The river in the study area was divided into five reaches based on the five hydrological gauging stations, and appropriate evaluation indices for each river section were selected according to the ecological environmental functions of that section. A hybrid approach integrating analytic hierarchy process (AHP and a fuzzy synthetic evaluation method was applied to measure the river health. The results show that Linjiancun-Weijiabao reach and Weijiabao-Xianyang reach are in the “moderate” level of health and Lintong-Huaxian reach and downstream of Huaxian reach are in the “poor” health rating, whereas Xianyang-Lintong reach is in the “sick” rating. Moreover, the most sensitive factors were determined, respectively, for each reach from upper stream to lower stream in the study area.

  5. Denitrification in the Mississippi River network controlled by flow through river bedforms (United States)

    Gomez-Velez, Jesus D.; Harvey, Judson W.; Cardenas, M. Bayani; Kiel, Brian


    Increasing nitrogen concentrations in the world’s major rivers have led to over-fertilization of sensitive downstream waters1, 2, 3, 4. Flow through channel bed and bank sediments acts to remove riverine nitrogen through microbe-mediated denitrification reactions5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. However, little is understood about where in the channel network this biophysical process is most efficient, why certain channels are more effective nitrogen reactors, and how management practices can enhance the removal of nitrogen in regions where water circulates through sediment and mixes with groundwater - hyporheic zones8, 11, 12. Here we present numerical simulations of hyporheic flow and denitrification throughout the Mississippi River network using a hydrogeomorphic model. We find that vertical exchange with sediments beneath the riverbed in hyporheic zones, driven by submerged bedforms, has denitrification potential that far exceeds lateral hyporheic exchange with sediments alongside river channels, driven by river bars and meandering banks. We propose that geomorphic differences along river corridors can explain why denitrification efficiency varies between basins in the Mississippi River network. Our findings suggest that promoting the development of permeable bedforms at the streambed - and thus vertical hyporheic exchange - would be more effective at enhancing river denitrification in large river basins than promoting lateral exchange through induced channel meandering. 

  6. Climate-driven disturbances in the San Juan River sub-basin of the Colorado River (United States)

    Bennett, Katrina E.; Bohn, Theodore J.; Solander, Kurt; McDowell, Nathan G.; Xu, Chonggang; Vivoni, Enrique; Middleton, Richard S.


    Accelerated climate change and associated forest disturbances in the southwestern USA are anticipated to have substantial impacts on regional water resources. Few studies have quantified the impact of both climate change and land cover disturbances on water balances on the basin scale, and none on the regional scale. In this work, we evaluate the impacts of forest disturbances and climate change on a headwater basin to the Colorado River, the San Juan River watershed, using a robustly calibrated (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.76) hydrologic model run with updated formulations that improve estimates of evapotranspiration for semi-arid regions. Our results show that future disturbances will have a substantial impact on streamflow with implications for water resource management. Our findings are in contradiction with conventional thinking that forest disturbances reduce evapotranspiration and increase streamflow. In this study, annual average regional streamflow under the coupled climate-disturbance scenarios is at least 6-11 % lower than those scenarios accounting for climate change alone; for forested zones of the San Juan River basin, streamflow is 15-21 % lower. The monthly signals of altered streamflow point to an emergent streamflow pattern related to changes in forests of the disturbed systems. Exacerbated reductions of mean and low flows under disturbance scenarios indicate a high risk of low water availability for forested headwater systems of the Colorado River basin. These findings also indicate that explicit representation of land cover disturbances is required in modeling efforts that consider the impact of climate change on water resources.

  7. Ranching and conservation in the Santa Cruz River Region, Sonora: Milpillas Case Study (Ganaderia y Conservacion en la Region del Rio Santa Cruz, Sonora: El Caso del Grupo Milpillas) (United States)

    Joaquin Murrieta-Saldivar


    The Sonoran Institute (SI) is a non-profit organization working with people toward common conservation goals. Two objectives guide the work of the Sonoran Institute in the Santa Cruz River Region in Sonora, Mexico: to establish projects with community participation that can result in tangible and long-lasting benefits to the environment, and to ensure success by...

  8. Seasonally and regionally determined indication potential of bioassays in contaminated river sediments. (United States)

    Hilscherová, Klára; Dusek, Ladislav; Sídlová, Tereza; Jálová, Veronika; Cupr, Pavel; Giesy, John P; Nehyba, Slavomír; Jarkovský, Jirí; Klánová, Jana; Holoubek, Ivan


    River sediments are a dynamic system, especially in areas where floods occur frequently. In the present study, an integrative approach is used to investigate the seasonal and spatial dynamics of contamination of sediments from a regularly flooded industrial area in the Czech Republic, which presents a suitable model ecosystem for pollutant distribution research at a regional level. Surface sediments were sampled repeatedly to represent two different hydrological situations: spring (after the peak of high flow) and autumn (after longer period of low flow). Samples were characterized for abiotic parameters and concentrations of priority organic pollutants. Toxicity was assessed by Microtox test; genotoxicity by SOS-chromotest and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-yeast test; and the presence of compounds with specific mode of action by in vitro bioassays for dioxin-like activity, anti-/androgenicity, and anti-/estrogenicity. Distribution of organic contaminants varied among regions and seasonally. Although the results of Microtox and genotoxicity tests were relatively inconclusive, all other specific bioassays led to statistically significant regional and seasonal differences in profiles and allowed clear separation of upstream and downstream regions. The outcomes of these bioassays indicated an association with concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as master variables. There were significant interrelations among dioxin-like activity, antiandrogenicity and content of organic carbon, clay, and concentration of PAHs and PCBs, which documents the significance of abiotic factors in accumulation of pollutants. The study demonstrates the strength of the specific bioassays in indicating the changes in contamination and emphasizes the crucial role of a well-designed sampling plan, in which both spatial and temporal dynamics should be taken into account, for the correct interpretations of information in risk assessments.

  9. Urbanization signatures in strong versus weak precipitation over the Pearl River Delta metropolitan regions of China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Weibiao; Chen Sheng; Wen Zhiping; Wang Baomin; Chen Guixing; Sha Weimin; Luo Cong; Feng Yerong


    We assess the issues of urban effects on the precipitation over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) metropolitan regions of China. The spatial and temporal variations of strong versus weak precipitation over the PRD and surrounding nonurban areas are investigated. The results show that the urbanization signatures in strong precipitation are significantly different from those in weak precipitation over the urban areas. The PRD experiences more strong precipitation but less weak precipitation compared to surrounding nonurban regions. In addition, the strong precipitation over the PRD displays a pronounced seasonal variation. The seasonality of weak precipitation, however, is much weaker over the PRD compared to the surrounding nonurban regions. Moreover, a strengthening in the precipitation intensity, a reduction in the rainfall frequency and an increase in the convective precipitation as well as the afternoon precipitation are found over the urban areas, which are probably associated with the abundance in strong precipitation and the deficit in weak precipitation over the PRD.

  10. Cuidados paliativos: a avaliação da dor na percepção de enfermeiras Cuidados paliativos: la percepción de enfermeras cerca de la evaluación del dolor Palliative care: the nurses contributions in pain assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Waterkemper


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se revelar as concepções e contribuições de enfermeiras sobre a avaliação da dor em pacientes com câncer em cuidados paliativos, através de uma proposta de educação no trabalho fundamentada nos pressupostos da educação problematizadora de Paulo Freire. Utilizou-se como estratégia para a coleta de dados o "arco da problematização" de Juan Charles Maguerez. Participaram deste estudo seis enfermeiras. Os resultados apontaram para três categorias: o significado da dor, a forma de avaliação da dor praticada pelas enfermeiras e as contribuições para o cuidado. A dor no câncer é uma dor total. Ultrapassa o limite da dimensão física de doença e estende-se para as dimensões psicológicas e sociais. A implantação de condutas sistematizadas de cuidado a dor englobadas na sistematização da assistência de enfermagem possibilita redirecionar melhor as ações e desta forma, um manejo da dor mais completo e eficaz.Se objetivó revelar las ideas y contribuciones de las enfermeras en la evaluación del dolor en pacientes con cáncer en los cuidados paliativos a través de una propuesta de educación en el trabajo basado en los preceptos de la educación problematizadora de Paulo Freire. Se utilizó como estrategia para la recolección de datos el "arco de la problematización" de Juan Carlos Maguerez. El estudio incluyó a seis enfermeras. Los resultados apuntaron a tres categorías: el significado del dolor, ¿cómo la evaluación del dolor practicado por personal de enfermería y las contribuciones a la atención. El dolor del cáncer es un dolor total. Supera la dimensión física de la enfermedad y se extiende hasta psicológicos y sociales. El despliegue de la conducta del dolor de atención sistemática, dentro de la sistematización de los cuidados de enfermería posible, para reorientar las acciones y mejor de esta manera, un tratamiento del dolor más completa y eficaz.The purpose of this study is to reveal

  11. The Columbia River System Inside Story

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Columbia River is one of the greatest natural resources in the western United States. The river and its tributaries touch the lives of nearly every resident of the Pacific Northwest—from fostering world-famous Pacific salmon to supplying clean natural fuel for 50 to 65 percent of the region’s electrical generation. Since early in the 20th century, public and private agencies have labored to capture the benefits of this dynamic river. Today, dozens of major water resource projects throughout the region are fed by the waters of the Columbia Basin river system.

  12. Factores que intervienen en la demora de la solicitud de atención médica o de enfermería en mujeres que presentan dolor torácico de origen coronario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La enfermedad coronaria constituye una de las principales causas de muerte en las mujeres mayores de 45 años. El contexto en el que se desarrolla esta enfermedad en la mujer está determinado por diferentes factores que conforman un proceso que genera demora en la solicitud de atención y en la instauración de tratamientos oportunos. El presente estudio de tipo descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores que determinan la demora en la solicitud de atención en salud en doce mujeres que presentaron dolor torácico o síntomas de origen isquémico cardiaco, que ingresaron en el Hospital Federico Lleras Acosta y en las clínicas Minerva y Medicádiz en la ciudad de Ibagué durante los meses agosto a noviembre de 2005. La información se obtuvo mediante la realización de una entrevista semies-tructurada basada en una guía temática a partir del proceso de manejo del síntoma; ésta fue analizada bajo la técnica análisis de contenido. Los factores que intervienen en la demora en la solicitud de atención en salud de las mujeres con dolor torácico isquémico coronario en términos de las fases del manejo del síntoma son: valoración del síntoma: características del dolor, experiencia con el dolor, desprotección de seres queridos, sentido de preocupación por otros, incapacidad, miedos, subestimación del síntoma, atribución de la causa; medición de la capacidad de respuesta: afrontamiento del síntoma según las creencias, y selección del tipo de ayuda: dependencia de terceros y experiencias previas con los proveedores de salud. Los factores encontrados son secuenciales y se relacionan entre sí. El estudió identificó que factores como la dependencia de terceros, la desprotección de seres queridos y el sentido de no preocupar a otros son determinantes dentro del proceso.

  13. Preserving the Dnipro River: Harmony, History, and Rehabilitation ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The Dnipro River is Europe's second longest river and flows through the heartland of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. For many centuries, it has played a vital role in the historical, cultural, religious and economic development of this vast region. Indeed, it is true to say that nobody can understand this vast region of the world ...

  14. Improving the representation of river-groundwater interactions in land surface modeling at the regional scale: Observational evidence and parameterization applied in the Community Land Model

    KAUST Repository

    Zampieri, Matteo


    Groundwater is an important component of the hydrological cycle, included in many land surface models to provide a lower boundary condition for soil moisture, which in turn plays a key role in the land-vegetation-atmosphere interactions and the ecosystem dynamics. In regional-scale climate applications land surface models (LSMs) are commonly coupled to atmospheric models to close the surface energy, mass and carbon balance. LSMs in these applications are used to resolve the momentum, heat, water and carbon vertical fluxes, accounting for the effect of vegetation, soil type and other surface parameters, while lack of adequate resolution prevents using them to resolve horizontal sub-grid processes. Specifically, LSMs resolve the large-scale runoff production associated with infiltration excess and sub-grid groundwater convergence, but they neglect the effect from loosing streams to groundwater. Through the analysis of observed data of soil moisture obtained from the Oklahoma Mesoscale Network stations and land surface temperature derived from MODIS we provide evidence that the regional scale soil moisture and surface temperature patterns are affected by the rivers. This is demonstrated on the basis of simulations from a land surface model (i.e., Community Land Model - CLM, version 3.5). We show that the model cannot reproduce the features of the observed soil moisture and temperature spatial patterns that are related to the underlying mechanism of reinfiltration of river water to groundwater. Therefore, we implement a simple parameterization of this process in CLM showing the ability to reproduce the soil moisture and surface temperature spatial variabilities that relate to the river distribution at regional scale. The CLM with this new parameterization is used to evaluate impacts of the improved representation of river-groundwater interactions on the simulated water cycle parameters and the surface energy budget at the regional scale. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.

  15. Comparative Research on River Basin Management in the Sagami River Basin (Japan and the Muda River Basin (Malaysia

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    Lay Mei Sim


    Full Text Available In the world, river basins often interwoven into two or more states or prefectures and because of that, disputes over water are common. Nevertheless, not all shared river basins are associated with water conflicts. Rivers in Japan and Malaysia play a significant role in regional economic development. They also play a significant role as water sources for industrial, domestic, agricultural, aquaculture, hydroelectric power generation, and the environment. The research aim is to determine the similarities and differences between the Sagami and Muda River Basins in order to have a better understanding of the governance needed for effectively implementing the lessons drawn from the Sagami River Basin for improving the management of the Muda River Basin in Malaysia. This research adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches. Semi-structured interviews were held with the key stakeholders from both basins and show that Japan has endeavored to present policy efforts to accommodate the innovative approaches in the management of their water resources, including the establishment of a river basin council. In Malaysia, there is little or no stakeholder involvement in the Muda River Basin, and the water resource management is not holistic and is not integrated as it should be. Besides that, there is little or no Integrated Resources Water Management, a pre-requisite for sustainable water resources. The results from this comparative study concluded that full support and participation from public stakeholders (meaning the non-government and non-private sector stakeholders is vital for achieving sustainable water use in the Muda River Basin. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM approaches such as the introduction of payments for ecosystems services and the development of river basin organization in the Muda River Basin should take place in the spirit of political willingness.

  16. Dependencia funcional y dolor crónico asociados a la calidad de vida del adulto mayor/ Functional dependence and chronic pain associated with the quality of life among the elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ara Mercedes Cerquera Córdoba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: En la medida que la población va envejeciendo, la presencia de enfermedades crónicas, dolores y discapacidades va aumentando; estas afecciones cuentan con un bajo pronóstico de cura, lo cual lleva a complicaciones en el desempeño de las actividades de la vida diaria, dificul- tando la independencia y la autonomía de quien las padece. Actualmente más de 868 millones de personas superan los 60 años. Se habla de casi un 12 % del total de la población mundial, y para el año 2050, se estima que haya un incremento del 21 %, equiparando el porcentaje de los menores de 15 años. Esta proyección supone nuevos retos sociales y una respuesta del sistema de salud, que permita favorecer entre los envejecidos, procesos de adaptabilidad y crecimiento psicosocial. Objetivo: Identificar la asociación existente entre la dependencia funcional entendida como aquella condición de imposibilidad por deterioro físico y cognitivo, que tiene el sujeto para valerse por sus propios medios y el dolor al cual hace referencia, aquella experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable causada por injuria real o potencial a un tejido. Método: Para el presente artículo se efectuó una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como Redalyc, Google académico, Ebsco, Medline, entre otras, donde fueron seleccionados 60 artículos que estuviesen incluidos en revistas indexadas. Resultados: Se encuentra una gran prevalencia de estudios que reportan que el envejecimiento asociado al dolor evidencia mayor nivel de dependencia funcional en el adulto mayor

  17. The presence of Praomys, Lophuromys, and Deomys species (Muridae, Mammalia) in the forest blocks separated by the Congo River and its tributaries (Kisangani region, Democratic Republic of Congo)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Katuala, Pionus G B; Kennis, Jan; Nicolas, Violaine


    Praomys (four species), Lophuromys (four) and Deomys (one) are among the most common Muridae in the Kisangani region. To establish whether or not rivers constitute dispersal barriers for these rodents, we investigated the presence of these genera and their species in eight localities that are eit......Praomys (four species), Lophuromys (four) and Deomys (one) are among the most common Muridae in the Kisangani region. To establish whether or not rivers constitute dispersal barriers for these rodents, we investigated the presence of these genera and their species in eight localities...

  18. Assessing impact of urbanization on river water quality in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, China. (United States)

    Ouyang, Tingping; Zhu, Zhaoyu; Kuang, Yaoqiu


    The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone is one of the most developed regions in China. It has been undergoing a rapid urbanization since the reformation and opening of China in 1978. This process plays a significant impact on the urban environment, particularly river water quality. The main goal of this present study is to assess the impact of urban activities especially urbanization on river water quality for the study area. Some Landsat TM images from 2000 were used to map the areas for different pollution levels of urban river sections for the study area. In addition, an improved equalized synthetic pollution index method was utilized to assess the field analytical results. The results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the rapidity of urbanization and the pollution levels of urban river water. Compared to the rural river water, urban river water was polluted more seriously. During the urban development process, urbanization and urban activities had a significant negative impact on the river water quality.

  19. RESEARCH: Effects of Recent Volcanic Eruptions on Aquatic Habitat in the Drift River, Alaska, USA: Implications at Other Cook Inlet Region Volcanoes. (United States)



    / Numerous drainages supporting productive salmon habitat are surrounded by active volcanoes on the west side of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska. Eruptions have caused massive quantities of flowing water and sediment to enter the river channels emanating from glaciers and snowfields on these volcanoes. Extensive damage to riparian and aquatic habitat has commonly resulted, and benthic macroinvertebrate and salmonid communities can be affected. Because of the economic importance of Alaska's fisheries, detrimental effects on salmonid habitat can have significant economic implications. The Drift River drains glaciers on the northern and eastern flanks of Redoubt Volcano. During and following eruptions in 1989-1990, severe physical disturbances to the habitat features of the river adversely affected the fishery. Frequent eruptions at other Cook Inlet region volcanoes exemplify the potential effects of volcanic activity on Alaska's important commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries. Few studies have documented the recovery of aquatic habitat following volcanic eruptions. The eruptions of Redoubt Volcano in 1989-1990 offered an opportunity to examine the recovery of the macroinvertebrate community. Macroinvertebrate community composition and structure in the Drift River were similar in both undisturbed and recently disturbed sites. Additionally, macroinvertebrate samples from sites in nearby undisturbed streams were highly similar to those from some Drift River sites. This similarity and the agreement between the Drift River macroinvertebrate community composition and that predicted by a qualitative model of typical macroinvertebrate communities in glacier-fed rivers indicate that the Drift River macroinvertebrate community is recovering five years after the disturbances associated with the most recent eruptions of Redoubt Volcano. KEY WORDS: Aquatic habitat; Volcanoes; Lahars; Lahar-runout flows; Macroinvertebrates; Community structure; Community composition

  20. Characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol in PM 2.5: Pearl Delta River Region, China (United States)

    Huang, H.; Ho, K. F.; Lee, S. C.; Tsang, P. K.; Ho, Steven Sai Hang; Zou, C. W.; Zou, S. C.; Cao, J. J.; Xu, H. M.


    Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were made at four sampling sites, namely Guangzhou (GZ), Zhaoqing (ZQ), PolyU Campus (PU) and Hok Tsui (HT), in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region between 14 August 2006 and 28 August 2007. The highest concentrations of total carbon (TC) were found at the medium-scale roadside site (PU) and the lowest were found at the regional-scale site (HT). Among the four sampling sites, the average WSOC at ZQ showed the highest concentrations, while the lowest were seen at HT. OC and EC concentrations revealed spring/summer minima and autumn/winter maxima at all sites except PU, which had a consistently high EC concentration all over the year. The highest WSOC/OC ratio was found at ZQ with an average of 0.41, suggesting that the OC was more oxidized in the atmosphere of the semi-rural site. The lowest WSOC/OC was found at the roadside site of PU. Moreover, the WSOC/OC ratio increased in autumn, when the photochemical reactions are the most active in the PRD region. This can be attributed to aging and atmospheric processing of the organic compounds during their transportation, or to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Average annual secondary organic carbon (SOC) concentrations in PM2.5 were estimated to be 2.2 and 3.5 μg m- 3 for GZ and ZQ, comprising 33.5% and 42.8% of the corresponding OC concentrations, respectively. The results indicate that SOC is significant in the PRD region, and its formation mostly occurs within the region.

  1. Cross-scale intercomparison of climate change impacts simulated by regional and global hydrological models in eleven large river basins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattermann, F. F.; Krysanova, V.; Gosling, S. N.; Dankers, R.; Daggupati, P.; Donnelly, C.; Flörke, M.; Huang, S.; Motovilov, Y.; Buda, S.; Yang, T.; Müller, C.; Leng, G.; Tang, Q.; Portmann, F. T.; Hagemann, S.; Gerten, D.; Wada, Y.; Masaki, Y.; Alemayehu, T.; Satoh, Y.; Samaniego, L.


    Ideally, the results from models operating at different scales should agree in trend direction and magnitude of impacts under climate change. However, this implies that the sensitivity of impact models designed for either scale to climate variability and change is comparable. In this study, we compare hydrological changes simulated by 9 global and 9 regional hydrological models (HM) for 11 large river basins in all continents under reference and scenario conditions. The foci are on model validation runs, sensitivity of annual discharge to climate variability in the reference period, and sensitivity of the long-term average monthly seasonal dynamics to climate change. One major result is that the global models, mostly not calibrated against observations, often show a considerable bias in mean monthly discharge, whereas regional models show a much better reproduction of reference conditions. However, the sensitivity of two HM ensembles to climate variability is in general similar. The simulated climate change impacts in terms of long-term average monthly dynamics evaluated for HM ensemble medians and spreads show that the medians are to a certain extent comparable in some cases with distinct differences in others, and the spreads related to global models are mostly notably larger. Summarizing, this implies that global HMs are useful tools when looking at large-scale impacts of climate change and variability, but whenever impacts for a specific river basin or region are of interest, e.g. for complex water management applications, the regional-scale models validated against observed discharge should be used.

  2. Trends and variations of pH and hardness in a typical semi-arid river in a monsoon climate region during 1985-2009. (United States)

    Hao, Shaonan; Li, Xuyong; Jiang, Yan; Zhao, Hongtao; Yang, Lei


    The rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization, along with dramatic climate change, has strongly influenced hydrochemical characteristics in recent decades in China and thus could cause the variation of pH and general total hardness of a river. To explore such variations and their potential influencing factors in a river of the monsoon climate region, we analyzed a long-term monitoring dataset of pH, SO4 (2-), NOx, general total hardness (GH), Mg(2+), Ca(2+), and Cl(-) in surface water and groundwater in the Luan River basin from 1985 to 2009. The nonparametric Seasonal Kendall trend test was used to test the long-term trends of pH and GH. Relationship between the affecting factors, pH and GH were discussed. Results showed that pH showed a decreasing trend and that GH had an increasing trend in the long-term. Seasonal variation of pH and GH was mainly due to the typical monsoon climate. Results of correlation analysis showed that the unit area usage amounts of chemical fertilizer, NO3 (-), and SO4 (2-) were negatively correlated with pH in groundwater. In addition, mining activity affected GH spatial variation. Acid deposition, drought, and increasing the use of chemical fertilizers would contribute to the acidification trend, and mining activities would affect the spatial variation of GH. Variations of precipitation and runoff in semi-arid monsoon climate areas had significant influences on the pH and GH. Our findings implied that human activities played a critical role in river acidification in the semi-arid monsoon climate region of northern China.

  3. Vargas Jiménez, Dolores: Picasso: iconografías del baile.

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    José Jiménez Guerrero


    Full Text Available Fue en el año 1967. Bajo el mecenazgo de una institución ya desaparecida, el Liceo de Málaga, se convocó la primera edición del «Premio Málaga de Investigación». Esta loable iniciativa tuvo una continuidad temporal ininterrumpida hasta 1999. Tras ocho años de silencio, y gracias al respaldo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Telmo y de la Academia Malagueña de Ciencias, y al patrocinio de la entidad Cajamar, este prestigioso premio fue de nuevo convocado. A ello se sumó en el año 2012 la decisión adoptada por la Diputación de Málaga de publicar los trabajos premia dos en las dos modalidades del referido premio: Humanidades y Ciencias. Los libros editados forman parte de la colección que lleva por título «Premios Málaga de Investigación». En la convocatoria del año 2013, el premio de la sección humanística recayó en el trabajo presentado por Dolores Vargas Jiménez, doctora en Historia del Arte, bajo el título de Picasso: iconografías del baile. Y siguiendo lo preestablecido, su obra fue editada por la entidad supramunicipal.

  4. Six-monthly report on surveillance of environmental monitoring in Alligator Rivers Region for the period 1 April-30 September 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report outlines the activities of Northern Territory Government authorities (Department of Mines and Energy (DME), Conservation Commission and Department of Health and Community Services (DHCS) in meeting their responsibilities for surveillance of environmental monitoring in the Alligator Rivers Region for the period 1 April to 30 September 1988. The responsibility for DME activities derives principally from the Mining Act, the Mines Safety Control Act, the Control of Waters Act and the Uranium Mining (Environment Control) Act, referred to in this report as the UMEC Act. The Land Conservation Unit (LCU) of the Conservation Commission and the Occupational and Environmental Health Branch of DHCS, furnish technical advice to the Alligator Rivers Region Unit of DME, which then collates the data for Authorizations, approvals and compliance reports. The responsibilities of the Conservation Commission derive from the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act. DHCS activities derive from, in addition to the relevant Mines Acts, the Silicosis and Tuberculosis (Mine Workers and Prospectors) Act, Radiation (Safety Control) Act and the Public Health Act

  5. Benchmarking wide swath altimetry-based river discharge estimation algorithms for the Ganges river system (United States)

    Bonnema, Matthew G.; Sikder, Safat; Hossain, Faisal; Durand, Michael; Gleason, Colin J.; Bjerklie, David M.


    The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of three algorithms that estimate discharge from remotely sensed observables (river width, water surface height, and water surface slope) in anticipation of the forthcoming NASA/CNES Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission. SWOT promises to provide these measurements simultaneously, and the river discharge algorithms included here are designed to work with these data. Two algorithms were built around Manning's equation, the Metropolis Manning (MetroMan) method, and the Mean Flow and Geomorphology (MFG) method, and one approach uses hydraulic geometry to estimate discharge, the at-many-stations hydraulic geometry (AMHG) method. A well-calibrated and ground-truthed hydrodynamic model of the Ganges river system (HEC-RAS) was used as reference for three rivers from the Ganges River Delta: the main stem of Ganges, the Arial-Khan, and the Mohananda Rivers. The high seasonal variability of these rivers due to the Monsoon presented a unique opportunity to thoroughly assess the discharge algorithms in light of typical monsoon regime rivers. It was found that the MFG method provides the most accurate discharge estimations in most cases, with an average relative root-mean-squared error (RRMSE) across all three reaches of 35.5%. It is followed closely by the Metropolis Manning algorithm, with an average RRMSE of 51.5%. However, the MFG method's reliance on knowledge of prior river discharge limits its application on ungauged rivers. In terms of input data requirement at ungauged regions with no prior records, the Metropolis Manning algorithm provides a more practical alternative over a region that is lacking in historical observations as the algorithm requires less ancillary data. The AMHG algorithm, while requiring the least prior river data, provided the least accurate discharge measurements with an average wet and dry season RRMSE of 79.8% and 119.1%, respectively, across all rivers studied. This poor

  6. Research on the Synergy Degree of China Yangtze River Delta Region Technology Innovation System Evolution from the Perspective of Technology Innovation Chain

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    Xu Bin Feng


    Full Text Available Abstract: This paper divides technology innovation system into research and development input subsystem, technology research and development subsystem and technology application subsystem from the perspective of technology innovation chain, combining with the system theory. Then selects the corresponding ordinal variables, makes an empirical analysis to the synergy degree of Yangtze River delta regional technology innovation system evolution by complex system synergy degree model which based on the data of 2002-2009. The results show that the development of synergy degree of the technology innovation system appears a rising trend and the technology application subsystem is the key factor of direction and degree of synergy development in the evolution process of regional technology innovation system in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Finally, this paper analyzes the characteristics and causes of synergy degree’s evolution, and puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations to different problems.

  7. Dolor osteo-muscular y factores asociados en el personal de enfermería de un centro hospitalario de alta complejidad en Colombia


    Sarmiento Ariza, Bibiana Andrea


    Antecedentes: Los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos son una de las primeras causas de ausentismo laboral y afectan con mayor frecuencia columna y miembros. El personal de enfermería está expuesto a riesgo biomecánico superior dado por la manipulación manual de pacientes. Estimar la magnitud de asociación entre dolor osteo-muscular y carga biomecánica por movilización de pacientes en personal de enfermería y, los factores que modifican tal efecto, es de gran importancia en el ámbito laboral en...

  8. Exploring Controls on Sinuousity, Terraces and River Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan (United States)

    Belliveau, L. C.; Ouimet, W. B.; Chan, Y. C.; Byrne, T. B.


    Taiwan is one of the most tectonically active regions in the world and is prone to landslides due to steep topography, large earthquakes and frequent typhoons. Landslides often affect and alter the river valleys beneath them, producing knickpoints on longitudinal river profiles, segmenting valleys into mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers and affecting river incision for tens to thousands of years. This study investigates the origin and evolution of complex channel morphologies, terraces and river capture along a 20km stretch of the Upper Da-Jia River in the Heping area of Taiwan. Through GIS analysis and field studies, we explore controls on river channel sinuousity, terrace development and river capture in relation to tectonic and climatic forcing, rock erodibility and landslides. High channel sinuousity is proposed as the result of a coupling between bank erosion and landslides. We discuss three types of landslide-induced meanders and increased sinuousity: (a) depositional-push meanders, (b) failure-zone erosional meanders, and (c) complex-erosional meanders. We also investigate spatial variation in channel morphology (slope, width) and the distribution and heights of river terraces within the Upper Da-Jia watershed associated with periods of widespread valley filling from landslide activity. Examples of river capture provide further evidence of the dynamic interactions between river incision, landslides and associated changes in channel morphology and terrace development within steep rapidly uplift, eroding and evolving mountain belts.

  9. An Agent-Based Reasoning of Impacts of Regional Climate Changes on Land Use Changes in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China

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    Tao Zhang


    Full Text Available The land surface in Three-River Headwaters Region (TRHR, a typical ecological fragile zone of China, is quite sensitive to the climate changes which will destabilize certain ecosystem services valuable to the entire nation and neighboring countries. This study aimed to analyze the impacts of climate changes and agents’ adaptive behaviors on the regional land use changes with the agent based model (ABM. First, the main agents were extracted according to the production resources endowments and socioeconomic background. Then the agents’ land use behaviors were analyzed and parameterized. Thereafter, the ABM model was built to simulate the impacts of the climate changes on the regional land use changes and agents’ economic benefits. The results showed that the land use changes were mainly characterized by the increase of grassland and decrease of unused land area. Besides, the agents would get more wealth under the scenario without climate changes in the long term, even though the total income is lower than that under the scenario with climate changes. In addition, the sensitivity analysis indicated that the model is sensitive to the climatic conditions, market price of agricultural and animal husbandry products, government subsidies, and cost control.

  10. Assessment on the Effect of Climate Change on Streamflow in the Source Region of the Yangtze River, China

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    Huanqing Bian


    Full Text Available Tuotuo River basin, known as the source region of the Yangtze River, is the key area where the impact of climate change has been observed on many of the hydrological processes of this central region of the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, we examined six Global Climate Models (GCMs under three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs scenarios. First, the already impacted climate change was analyzed, based on the historical data available and then, the simulation results of the GCMs and RCPs were used for future scenario assessments. Results indicated that the annual mean temperature will likely be increased, ranging from −0.66 °C to 6.68 °C during the three future prediction periods (2020s, 2050s and 2080s, while the change in the annual precipitation ranged from −1.18% to 66.14%. Then, a well-known distributed hydrological soil vegetation model (DHSVM was utilized to evaluate the effects of future climate change on the streamflow dynamics. The seasonal mean streamflows, predicted by the six GCMs and the three RCPs scenarios, were also shown to likely increase, ranging from −0.52% to 22.58%. Watershed managers and regulators can use the findings from this study to better implement their conservation practices in the face of climate change.

  11. La experiencia de estudiantes de enfermería ante el dolor infligido en la práctica clínica

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    María Henao Castaño


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir el significado de la experiencia de infligir dolor de los enfermeros en formación matriculados en el Programa de Enfermería de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Tolima (Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una investigación con enfoque fenomenológico durante el semestre académico A 2012 (comprendido entre enero a junio. En la muestra participaron de forma voluntaria, luego de conocer la naturaleza y propósitos del estudio, 14 estudiantes, cuyas edades oscilaron entre 17 y 23 años. Se les aplicó una entrevista en profundidad de forma individual. Resultados: La experiencia expresada por los estudiantes permitió identificar dos categorías: las vivencias y las estrategias de afrontamiento ante la situación. Conclusión: La experiencia de causar dolor vivida por el enfermero novato difiere de la del enfermero experto según el estudio realizado por Madjar. La investigación demostró la necesidad de incluir en el currículo del Programa de Enfermería actividades que fomenten el desarrollo de estrategias de afrontamiento a partir de la aplicación de metodologías que le permitan al docente identificar las respuestas humanas del estudiante ante situaciones de estrés. Así como el estudiante interpreta los códigos de comunicación no verbal del otro, el sujeto de cuidado también descubre en su cuidador ese cúmulo de emociones, sentimientos, temores, y hasta logra interpretar en algunos casos el nivel de conocimiento que aflora durante su encuentro.

  12. Developing a Science-based River Basin Management Plan for the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia (United States)

    Karthe, Daniel


    The Kharaa River Basin (KRB), which is located north of Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar and south of Lake Baikal, was chosen as a model region for the development and implementation of an integrated water resources management consisting of a monitoring concept, technical measures and a capacity development program (Karthe et al. 2012a). The basin of the Kharaa River covers an area of 14534 km² that is partly mountaineous and largely covered by taiga and steppe. At its outlet, the 362 km Kharaa River has a mean long-term annual discharge of 12.1 m³/s (MoMo Consortium 2009). A highly continental climate results in limited water resources, and rising water consumption coupled with the effects of climate and land use change may in the future exacerbate this water scarcity (Malsy et al. 2012; Karthe et al. 2013). Whereas the environment in the upper part of the catchment is in a relatively pristine state, the mid- and downstream sections of the river are characterized by nearby industry, mining activities and intensive agriculture (Menzel et al. 2011), resulting in declining water quality and ultimately a degradation of aquatic ecosystems (Hofmann et al. 2010; Hartwig et al. 2012). Moreover, it is a problem for the supply of major cities like Darkhan which largely rely on alluvial aquifers containing shallow-depth groundwater (Mun et al. 2008). Currently, there are alarming signs of water quality deterioration. With regard to water provision, a major problem is the poor state of distribution infrastructures which were often built in the 1960s and 70s (Scharaw & Westerhoff 2011). Rather little is currently known about the water quality supplied to end users; the latter is even more dubious in the city's informal ger districts (Karthe et al. 2012b). One important goal of the research and development project "Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia" lies in the implementation of a holistic concept for water resources monitoring and

  13. Assessment of historical surface-water quality data in southwestern Colorado, 1990-2005 (United States)

    Miller, Lisa D.; Schaffrath, Keelin R.; Linard, Joshua I.


    The spatial and temporal distribution of selected physical and chemical surface-water-quality characteristics were analyzed at stream sites throughout the Dolores and San Juan River Basins in southwestern Colorado using historical data collected from 1990 through 2005 by various local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies. Overall, streams throughout the study area were well oxygenated. Values of pH generally were near neutral to slightly alkaline throughout most of the study area with the exception of the upper Animas River Basin near Silverton where acidic conditions existed at some sites because of hydrothermal alteration and(or) historical mining. The highest concentrations of dissolved aluminum, total recoverable iron, dissolved lead, and dissolved zinc were measured at sites located in the upper Animas River Basin. Thirty-two sites throughout the study area had at least one measured concentration of total mercury that exceeded the State chronic aquatic-life criterion of 0.01 μg/L. Concentrations of dissolved selenium at some sites exceeded the State chronic water-quality standard of 4.6 μg/L. Total ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and total phosphorus concentrations generally were low throughout the study area. Overall, results from the trend analyses indicated improvement in water-quality conditions as a result of operation of the Paradox Valley Unit in the Dolores River Basin and irrigation and water-delivery system improvements made in the McElmo Creek Basin (Lower San Juan River Basin) and Mancos River Valley (Upper San Juan River Basin).

  14. Mapping mean annual and monthly river discharges: geostatistical developments for incorporating river network dependencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauquet, Eric


    Regional hydrology is one topic that shows real improvement in partly due to new statistical development and computation facilities. Nevertheless theoretical difficulties for mapping river regime characteristics or recover these features at un gauged location remain because of the nature of the variable under study: river flows are related to a specific area that is defined by the drainage basin, are spatially organised by the river network with upstream-downstream dependencies. Estimations of hydrological descriptors are required for studying links with ecological processes at different spatial scale, from local site where biological or/and water quality data are available to large scale for sustainable development purposes. This presentation aims at describing a method for runoff pattern along the main river network. The approach dedicated to mean annual runoff is based on geostatistical interpolation procedures to which a constraint of water budget has been added. Expansion in Empirical Orthogonal Function has been considered in combination with kriging for interpolating mean monthly discharges. The methodologies are implemented within a Geographical Information System and illustrated by two study cases (two large basins in France). River flow regime descriptors are estimated for basins of more than 50km 2 . Opportunities of collaboration with a partition of France into hydro-eco regions derived from geology and climate considerations is discussed. (Author)

  15. Flood Zoning Simulation by HEC-RAS Model (Case Study: Johor River-Kota Tinggi Region)


    ShahiriParsa, Ahmad; Heydari, Mohammad; Sadeghian, Mohammad Sadegh; Moharrampour, Mahdi


    Flooding of rivers has caused many human and financial losses. Hence, studies and research on the nature of the river is inevitable.However, the behavior of rivers hasmany complexities and in this respect, computer models are efficient tools in order to study and simulate the behavior of rivers with the least possible cost. In this paper, one-dimensional model HEC-RAS was used to simulate the flood zoning in the Kota Tinggi district in Johor state. Implementation processes of the zoning on ca...

  16. Charles River Fish Contaminant Survey, April 2001 (United States)

    Report summarizing a biological monitoring component of the Clean Charles River 2005 initiative through the monitoring & analysis of fish within the lower Charles River basin, implemented by the EPA New England Regional Laboratory in the late fall of 1999.

  17. Dor no paciente com lesão medular: uma revisão Dolor en el paciente con lesión medular: una revisión Pain in patients with spinal cord injury: a review

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    Marcia de Miguel


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica após a lesão medular é uma condição clínica de alta prevalência e de difícil tratamento. Desse modo, é importante que se conheça suas características clínicas e fatores causais para melhor abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi revisar a literatura sobre a dor no paciente com lesão medular e sua possível associação com fatores físicos (nível da lesão, grau da lesão, tempo de início de dor e fatores psicológicos (humor e qualidade de vida. CONTEÚDO: Foram pesquisados trabalhos na base de dados Medline, publicados nos últimos seis anos e os critérios de inclusão foram os estudos originais em maiores de 18 anos. Foram discutidas as características clínicas da dor no paciente com lesão medular, comparando casuística de diversos autores. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das diferenças conceituais e metodológicas entre os estudos, as prevalências de dor encontradas em pacientes com lesão medular foram altas, variando entre 64% e 82%. A dor neuropática ao nível da lesão tem início precoce (dias ou semanas e aquela abaixo do nível da lesão aparece mais tardiamente (meses ou anos. Não há associação entre dor e integridade da lesão e a porcentagem de pacientes que referem dor intensa varia entre 21 e 39%. Não foi possível concluir qual a relação entre a dor e o nível da lesão medular. A dor, no entanto, pode interferir de forma negativa no humor, na capacidade de realizar atividades cognitivas, sociais, recreacionais e laborativas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El dolor crónico después de la lesión medular es una condición clínica de alta prevalencia y de difícil tratamiento. De ese modo, es importante que se conozcan sus características clínicas y los factores causales para un mejor abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico. El objetivo de este trabajo, fue revisar la literatura sobre el dolor en el paciente con lesión medular y su posible

  18. Characterization of CDOM of river waters in China using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and regional integration techniques (United States)

    Zhao, Ying; Song, Kaishan; Shang, Yingxin; Shao, Tiantian; Wen, Zhidan; Lv, Lili


    The spatial characteristics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) components in river waters in China were first examined by excitation-emission matrix spectra and fluorescence regional integration (FRI) with the data collected during September to November between 2013 and 2015. One tyrosine-like (R1), one tryptophan-like (R2), one fulvic-like (R3), one microbial protein-like (R4), and one humic-like (R5) components have been identified by FRI method. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to assess variations in the five FDOM components (FRί (ί = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)) and the humification index for all 194 river water samples. The average fluorescence intensities of the five fluorescent components and the total fluorescence intensities FSUM differed under spatial variation among the seven major river basins (Songhua, Liao, Hai, Yellow and Huai, Yangtze, Pearl, and Inflow Rivers) in China. When all the river water samples were pooled together, the fulvic-like FR3 and the humic-like FR5 showed a strong positive linear relationship (R2 = 0.90, n = 194), indicating that the two allochthonous FDOM components R3 and R5 may originate from similar sources. There is a moderate strong positive correlation between the tryptophan-like FR2 and the microbial protein-like FR4 (R2 = 0.71, n = 194), suggesting that parts of two autochthonous FDOM components R2 and R4 are likely from some common sources. However, the total allochthonous substance FR(3+5) and the total autochthonous substances FR(1+2+4) exhibited a weak correlation (R2 = 0.40, n = 194). Significant positive linear relationships between FR3 (R2 = 0.69, n = 194), FR5 (R2 = 0.79, n = 194), and chromophoric DOM (CDOM) absorption coefficient a(254) were observed, which demonstrated that the CDOM absorption was dominated by the allochthonous FDOM components R3 and R5.

  19. Bacterial Biogeography across the Amazon River-Ocean Continuum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary Doherty


    Full Text Available Spatial and temporal patterns in microbial biodiversity across the Amazon river-ocean continuum were investigated along ∼675 km of the lower Amazon River mainstem, in the Tapajós River tributary, and in the plume and coastal ocean during low and high river discharge using amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA genes in whole water and size-fractionated samples (0.2–2.0 μm and >2.0 μm. River communities varied among tributaries, but mainstem communities were spatially homogeneous and tracked seasonal changes in river discharge and co-varying factors. Co-occurrence network analysis identified strongly interconnected river assemblages during high (May and low (December discharge periods, and weakly interconnected transitional assemblages in September, suggesting that this system supports two seasonal microbial communities linked to river discharge. In contrast, plume communities showed little seasonal differences and instead varied spatially tracking salinity. However, salinity explained only a small fraction of community variability, and plume communities in blooms of diatom-diazotroph assemblages were strikingly different than those in other high salinity plume samples. This suggests that while salinity physically structures plumes through buoyancy and mixing, the composition of plume-specific communities is controlled by other factors including nutrients, phytoplankton community composition, and dissolved organic matter chemistry. Co-occurrence networks identified interconnected assemblages associated with the highly productive low salinity near-shore region, diatom-diazotroph blooms, and the plume edge region, and weakly interconnected assemblages in high salinity regions. This suggests that the plume supports a transitional community influenced by immigration of ocean bacteria from the plume edge, and by species sorting as these communities adapt to local environmental conditions. Few studies have explored patterns of microbial diversity in

  20. Impacts of urban and industrial development on Arctic land surface temperature in Lower Yenisei River Region. (United States)

    Li, Z.; Shiklomanov, N. I.


    Urbanization and industrial development have significant impacts on arctic climate that in turn controls settlement patterns and socio-economic processes. In this study we have analyzed the anthropogenic influences on regional land surface temperature of Lower Yenisei River Region of the Russia Arctic. The study area covers two consecutive Landsat scenes and includes three major cities: Norilsk, Igarka and Dudingka. Norilsk industrial region is the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world, and Igarka and Dudingka are important ports for shipping. We constructed a spatio-temporal interpolated temperature model by including 1km MODIS LST, field-measured climate, Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), DEM, Landsat NDVI and Landsat Land Cover. Those fore-mentioned spatial data have various resolution and coverage in both time and space. We analyzed their relationships and created a monthly spatio-temporal interpolated surface temperature model at 1km resolution from 1980 to 2010. The temperature model then was used to examine the characteristic seasonal LST signatures, related to several representative assemblages of Arctic urban and industrial infrastructure in order to quantify anthropogenic influence on regional surface temperature.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

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    Vitaliy Bezsheiko


    Full Text Available Background. Sed vulputate luctus tortor, facilisis rutrum quam accumsan sed. Aenean nec aliquet nisl, convallis finibus elit. Suspendisse posuere neque eu euismod tempor. Curabitur eleifend massa vitae ex placerat gravida. Nam consequat magna eget elit dignissim consequat. Duis lacinia, libero eu eleifend interdum, ex lacus mattis urna, in dapibus nibh nibh id risus. Suspendisse potenti. Methods. Mauris ut nulla ante. Fusce pharetra aliquet neque, id efficitur ex consequat sit amet. Proin sollicitudin eu est at faucibus. Vivamus eu risus lacus. Ut nec orci vitae leo fermentum facilisis non blandit risus. Nunc non arcu ac neque sagittis malesuada. Duis quis mauris vitae lorem rutrum dapibus blandit at ipsum. Sed tortor nibh, aliquet et mauris a, pellentesque gravida arcu. Cras tristique nisi ultricies, gravida tortor quis, pretium metus. Results. Vivamus arcu ante, iaculis feugiat feugiat vitae, aliquam ac purus. Donec ex turpis, hendrerit vel ultricies id, iaculis a odio. Fusce congue pretium ante, in feugiat nulla elementum in. Donec turpis felis, porta ac tempus eget, accumsan nec libero. Etiam rutrum, tortor et varius bibendum, nisi dolor molestie lectus, volutpat euismod dui justo a diam. Aliquam sapien mauris, molestie a lacus a, fermentum suscipit nunc. Sed eros lectus, hendrerit sit amet aliquet sit amet, mollis vitae purus. Morbi urna nulla, ultrices id facilisis sit amet, placerat eget tellus. Proin semper nisi eget bibendum euismod. Proin dignissim in mauris vel accumsan. Sed nec sodales metus. Mauris suscipit erat sed dui consectetur auctor. Quisque eget ex tortor. In molestie, urna id ullamcorper sagittis, libero risus gravida massa, in efficitur sapien urna lacinia sem. Donec interdum libero at tempor auctor. Conclusion. Ut a lorem non libero semper euismod in ut tellus. Aenean aliquam congue enim nec porttitor. Ut mauris libero, auctor sed finibus ac, gravida et mauris. Nullam vel mattis tortor, sit amet vestibulum ipsum. Nulla

  2. Numerical model to quantify biogenic volatile organic compound emissions: The Pearl River Delta region as a case study. (United States)

    Wang, Xuemei; Situ, Shuping; Chen, Weihua; Zheng, Junyu; Guenther, Alex; Fan, Qi; Chang, Ming


    This article compiles the actual knowledge of the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions estimated using model methods in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, one of the most developed regions in China. The developed history of BVOC emission models is presented briefly and three typical emission models are introduced and compared. The results from local studies related to BVOC emissions have been summarized. Based on this analysis, it is recommended that local researchers conduct BVOC emission studies systematically, from the assessment of model inputs, to compiling regional emission inventories to quantifying the uncertainties and evaluating the model results. Beyond that, more basic researches should be conducted in the future to close the gaps in knowledge on BVOC emission mechanisms, to develop the emission models and to refine the inventory results. This paper can provide a perspective on these aspects in the broad field of research associated with BVOC emissions in the PRD region. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Global River Discharge and Water Temperature under Climate Change

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, van M.T.H.; Franssen, W.H.P.; Yearsley, J.R.; Ludwig, F.; Haddeland, I.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Kabat, P.


    Climate change will affect hydrologic and thermal regimes of rivers, having a direct impact on freshwater ecosystems and human water use. Here we assess the impact of climate change on global river flows and river water temperatures, and identify regions that might become more critical for

  4. Effects of a psychoeducational program for chronic pain management Efectos de un programa psicoeducativo en el control del dolor crónico Efeitos de um programa psicoeducativo no controle da dor crônica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina de Góes Salvetti


    Full Text Available AIMS: to evaluate the impact of an eight-week psychoeducational program focused on pain intensity, disability and depressive symptoms of patients with chronic pain. METHOD: 79 patients with chronic pain of different etiologies composed the sample. Patients were assessed before, at the end of the intervention and six months after the intervention. The program was developed by a nurse using cognitive-behavioral strategies and was conducted by a multidisciplinary team. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare repeated measures. RESULTS: the participants' mean age was 53 years old, most were female (91%, with an average of 9.5 years of schooling and an average pain duration of 9.9 years. Significant reduction in pain intensity (pOBJETIVOS: evaluar el impacto de un Programa psicoeducativo de ocho semanas en la intensidad del dolor, incapacidad y síntomas depresivos de pacientes con dolor crónico. MÉTODO: 79 pacientes con dolor crónico de diferentes etiologías compusieron la muestra. Los participantes fueron evaluados antes y al final del Programa y seis meses después. El Programa fue desarrollado por una enfermera, utilizó estrategias cognoscitivo-comportamentales y fue aplicado por un equipo multidisciplinar. La prueba no paramétrico de Wilcoxon fue utilizado para comparar medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: la mayoría de los participantes eran del sexo femenino (91%, con edad media de 53 años, escolaridad media de 9,5 años y duración media del dolor de 9,9 años. Al final del Programa se observó reducción significativa en la intensidad del dolor (pOBJETIVOS: avaliar o impacto de um programa programa psicoeducativo de oito semanas na intensidade da dor, incapacidade e sintomas depressivos de pacientes com dor crônica. MÉTODO: 79 setenta e nove pacientes com dor crônica de diferentes etiologias compuseram a amostra. Os participantes foram avaliados antes e ao final do pPrograma e seis meses após. O pPrograma foi desenvolvido por uma

  5. Nuclear and Related Analytical Techniques Used to Study the Anthropogenic Impact on the Sister River in the Vicinity of the Town of Klin (Moscow Region, Russia)

    CERN Document Server

    Morzhukhina, S V; Chermnykh, L P; Khodakovsky, L P; Frontasyeva, M V; Gundorina, S F


    The ecological fate of small rivers, tributaries of the Volga River, is of great concern in the national program of the Russian Federation "Restoration of the Volga River". The results on the elaborated hydrochemical and saprobiological water examination of the Sister River are reported along with the results on the multielement chemical analysis of surface sediments in the catchment of the town of Klin (Moscow Region) known for its numerous industrial and chemical enterprises with heavy contaminant inputs. Epithermal neutron activation analysis was used to study heavy metals and other toxic elements in bottom sediments. A total of 42 elements including Pb, Cu, Cd and Hg were determined by polarography (method of inverse voltamperometry). Metal/Al rations which express the relative mobility of the elements follow the sequence: Fe > Mg > K > Na > Ca >> Zr > Mn > Zn = Sr > Cr > V > Ni = As > Co. Elevated concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu in the bottom sediments of the Sister River reinforced us to determine t...

  6. Prevalencia de dolor lumbar en mujeres de 20 a 65 años con incotinencia urinaria en una consulta de ginecología en Madrid


    Vera García, Emilia


    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Programa de Doctorado en Fisioterapia Avanzada La incontinencia urinaria (IU) y el dolor lumbar (DL) son dos condiciones altamente prevalentes, con un gran impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, importantes repercusiones sobre la salud de los individual y sobre el sistema sanitario que representan un problema de salud a nivel mundial. Para ambas condiciones, incontinencia urinaria y DL, se ...

  7. Charles River Residual Designation: Executive Summary (United States)

    Read an executive summary of the Record of Decision's preliminary decision by the Regional Administrator of EPA Region 1 that storm water permits are needed to address serious water quality problems in the Charles River.

  8. Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia. (United States)

    Vršanský, Peter; Vidlička, L'Ubomír; Barna, Peter; Bugdaeva, Eugenia; Markevich, Valentina


    Morphna paleo sp. n., the earliest winged representative of any living cockroach genus and the earliest representative of the family Blaberidae, is described from the Danian Arkhara-Boguchan coal mine in the Amur River region (Russian Far East). The branched Sc and A suggest Ectobiidae (=Blattellidae) probably is not the ancestral family because Blaberidae were derived directly from the extinct family Mesoblattindae. The associated Danian locality Belaya Gora yielded Ergaula stonebut sp. n., the earliest record of the family Corydiidae. Both species belong to genera codominant in the Messel locality, thus validating their dominance in early Cenozoic assemblages.

  9. Assessment of River Habitat Quality in the Hai River Basin, Northern China

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    Yuekui Ding


    Full Text Available We applied a river habitat quality (RHQ assessment method to the Hai River Basin (HRB; an important economic centre in China; to obtain baseline information for water quality improvement; river rehabilitation; and watershed management. The results of the assessment showed that the river habitat in the HRB is seriously degraded. Specifically; 42.41% of the sites; accounting for a river length of 3.31 × 104 km; were designated poor and bad. Habitat in the plain areas is seriously deteriorated; and nearly 50% of the sites; accounting for a river length of 1.65 × 104 km; had either poor or bad habitats. River habitat degradation was attributable to the limited width of the riparian zone (≤5 m; lower coverage of riparian vegetation (≤40%; artificial land use patterns (public and industrial land; frequent occurrence of farming on the river banks and high volumes of solid waste (nearly 10 m3; single flow channels; and rare aquatic plants (≤1 category. At the regional scale; intensive artificial land use types caused by urbanization had a significant impact on the RHQ in the HRB. RHQ was significantly and negatively correlated with farmland (r = 1.000; p < 0.01 and urban land (r = 0.998; p < 0.05; and was significantly and positively correlated with grassland and woodland (r = 1.000; p < 0.01. Intensive artificial land use; created through urbanization processes; has led to a loss of the riparian zone and its native vegetation; and has disrupted the lateral connectivity of the rivers. The degradation of the already essentially black rivers is exacerbated by poor longitudinal connectivity (index of connectivity is 2.08–16.56; caused by reservoirs and sluices. For river habitat rehabilitation to be successful; land use patterns need to be changed and reservoirs and sluices will have to be regulated.

  10. Summary of biological investigations relating to surface-water quality in the Kentucky River Basin, Kentucky

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bradfield, A.D.; Porter, S.D.


    The Kentucky River basin, an area of approximately 7,000 sq mi, is divided into five hydrologic units that drain parts of three physiographic regions. Data on aquatic biological resources were collected and reviewed to assess conditions in the major streams for which data were available. The North, Middle, and south Forks of the Kentucky River are in the Eastern Coal Field physiographic region. Streams in this region are affected by drainage from coal mines and oil and gas operations, and many support only tolerant biotic stream forms. The Kentucky River from the confluence of the three forks to the Red River, is in the Knobs physiographic region. Oil and gas production operations and point discharges from municipalities have affected many streams in this region. The Red River, a Kentucky Wild River, supported a unique flora and fauna but accelerated sedimentation has eliminated many species of mussels. The Millers Creek drainage is affected by brines discharged from oil and gas operations, and some reaches support only halophilic algae and a few fish. The Kentucky River from the Red River to the Ohio River is in the Bluegrass physiographic region. Heavy sediment loads and sewage effluent from urban centers have limited the aquatic biota in this region. Silver Creek and South Elkhorn Creek have been particularly affected and aquatic communities in these streams are dominated by organisms tolerant of low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Biological data for other streams indicate that habitat and water quality conditions are favorable for most commonly occurring aquatic organisms. 205 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab

  11. Global surveys of reservoirs and lakes from satellites and regional application to the Syrdarya river basin (United States)

    Jean-François, Crétaux; Sylvain, Biancamaria; Adalbert, Arsen; Muriel, Bergé-Nguyen; Mélanie, Becker


    Large reservoirs along rivers regulate downstream flows to generate hydropower but may also store water for irrigation and urban sectors. Reservoir management therefore becomes critical, particularly for transboundary basins, where coordination between riparian countries is needed. Reservoir management is even more important in semiarid regions where downstream water users may be totally reliant on upstream reservoir releases. If the water resources are shared between upstream and downstream countries, potentially opposite interests arise as is the case in the Syrdarya river in Central Asia. In this case study, remote sensing data (radar altimetry and optical imagery) are used to highlight the potential of satellite data to monitor water resources: water height, areal extent and storage variations. New results from 20 years of monitoring using satellites over the Syrdarya basin are presented. The accuracy of satellite data is 0.6 km3 using a combination of MODIS data and satellite altimetry, and only 0.2 km3 with Landsat images representing 2-4% of average annual reservoir volume variations in the reservoirs in the Syrdarya basin. With future missions such as Sentinel-3A (S3A), Sentinel-3B (S3B) and surface water and ocean topography (SWOT), significant improvement is expected. The SWOT mission’s main payload (a radar interferometer in Ka band) will furthermore provide 2D maps of water height, reservoirs, lakes, rivers and floodplains, with a temporal resolution of 21 days. At the global scale, the SWOT mission will cover reservoirs with areal extents greater than 250 × 250 m with 20 cm accuracy.

  12. Global surveys of reservoirs and lakes from satellites and regional application to the Syrdarya river basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jean-François, Crétaux; Adalbert, Arsen; Muriel, Bergé-Nguyen; Sylvain, Biancamaria; Mélanie, Becker


    Large reservoirs along rivers regulate downstream flows to generate hydropower but may also store water for irrigation and urban sectors. Reservoir management therefore becomes critical, particularly for transboundary basins, where coordination between riparian countries is needed. Reservoir management is even more important in semiarid regions where downstream water users may be totally reliant on upstream reservoir releases. If the water resources are shared between upstream and downstream countries, potentially opposite interests arise as is the case in the Syrdarya river in Central Asia. In this case study, remote sensing data (radar altimetry and optical imagery) are used to highlight the potential of satellite data to monitor water resources: water height, areal extent and storage variations. New results from 20 years of monitoring using satellites over the Syrdarya basin are presented. The accuracy of satellite data is 0.6 km 3 using a combination of MODIS data and satellite altimetry, and only 0.2 km 3 with Landsat images representing 2–4% of average annual reservoir volume variations in the reservoirs in the Syrdarya basin. With future missions such as Sentinel-3A (S3A), Sentinel-3B (S3B) and surface water and ocean topography (SWOT), significant improvement is expected. The SWOT mission’s main payload (a radar interferometer in Ka band) will furthermore provide 2D maps of water height, reservoirs, lakes, rivers and floodplains, with a temporal resolution of 21 days. At the global scale, the SWOT mission will cover reservoirs with areal extents greater than 250  ×  250 m with 20 cm accuracy. (letter)

  13. Effects of dams in river networks on fish assemblages in non-impoundment sections of rivers in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA (United States)

    Stewart, Jana S.; Lizhu Wang,; Infante, Dana M.; Lyons, John D.; Arthur Cooper,


    Regional assessment of cumulative impacts of dams on riverine fish assemblages provides resource managers essential information for dam operation, potential dam removal, river health assessment and overall ecosystem management. Such an assessment is challenging because characteristics of fish assemblages are not only affected by dams, but also influenced by natural variation and human-induced modification (in addition to dams) in thermal and flow regimes, physicochemical habitats and biological assemblages. This study evaluated the impacts of dams on river fish assemblages in the non-impoundment sections of rivers in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin using multiple fish assemblage indicators and multiple approaches to distinguish the influences of dams from those of other natural and human-induced factors. We found that environmental factors that influence fish assemblages in addition to dams should be incorporated when evaluating regional effects of dams on fish assemblages. Without considering such co-influential factors, the evaluation is inadequate and potentially misleading. The role of dams alone in determining fish assemblages at a regional spatial scale is relatively small (explained less than 20% of variance) compared with the other environmental factors, such as river size, flow and thermal regimes and land uses jointly. However, our results do demonstrate that downstream and upstream dams can substantially modify fish assemblages in the non-impoundment sections of rivers. After excluding river size and land-use influences, our results clearly demonstrate that dams have significant impacts on fish biotic-integrity and habitat-and-social-preference indicators. The influences of the upstream dams, downstream dams, distance to dams, and dam density differ among the fish indicators, which have different implications for maintaining river biotic integrity, protecting biodiversity and managing fisheries.

  14. Improving regional climate and hydrological forecasting following the record setting flooding across the Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River system (United States)

    Gronewold, A.; Seglenieks, F.; Bruxer, J.; Fortin, V.; Noel, J.


    In the spring of 2017, water levels across Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River exceeded record high levels, leading to widespread flooding, damage to property, and controversy over regional dam operating protocols. Only a few years earlier, water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron (upstream of Lake Ontario) had dropped to record low levels leading to speculation that either anthropogenic controls or climate change were leading to chronic water loss from the Great Lakes. The contrast between low water level conditions across Earth's largest lake system from the late 1990s through 2013, and the rapid rise prior to the flooding in early 2017, underscores the challenges of quantifying and forecasting hydrologic impacts of rising regional air and water temperatures (and associated changes in lake evaporation) and persistent increases in long-term precipitation. Here, we assess the hydrologic conditions leading to the recent record flooding across the Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River system, with a particular emphasis on understanding the extent to which those conditions were consistent with observed and anticipated changes in historical and future climate, and the extent to which those conditions could have been anticipated through improvements in seasonal climate outlooks and hydrological forecasts.


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    J. K. UKWAYI


    Full Text Available The emergence of an “international community” through accumulation of perceived risks that contrasts with those risks (of considerably lower levels of seriousness compared to those perceived constitutes one of the interesting (or intriguing subjects of risks and disaster studies surrounding the 9/11 era. The constructions of “imaginative geographies”, have frequently been biased in the practices that underlie the mapping of the foreign places tend to put-down the affected regions in their “paintings” for the global community. The latter are subsequently “demonized” in their ratings of competence for participating in world trade, tourism, travel, among other social/cultural, and economic and political activities. The objective of this article is to highlight how the exaggeration of risks (contrasted to actually existing/lived risks, practices that are frequently associated with such adverse “imaginative geographies” poses sub-national regional development dilemma in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. We trace the roots of adverse “imaginative geographies” of Nigeria to the Abacha dictatorship (1993-1997. Then we highlight the mixed characteristics of the Niger Delta conditions during the “return of positive image recapture” by Nigeria’s federal government (re-democratisation of the Fourth Republic, 1999-present, re-branding campaigns; as well as adverse conditions present. Most significantly, we show that despite these adversities, a combination of favorable geographical size, differentiation, sub-national regional security programme formulation and management taking aims at diversification have created “large oases” of peace and security in Cross River State, a part of the Niger Delta that has been completely unscathed by insurgencies of the nearby sub-national region and further away national origin. Apart from identifying sub-national regions qualifying for delisting from “adverse imaginative geographies” due to

  16. Columbia River System Operation Review final environmental impact statement. Appendix I: Power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The System Operation Review (SOR) is a study and environmental compliance process being used by the three Federal agencies to analyze future operations of the system and river use issues. The goal of the SOR is to achieve a coordinated system operation strategy for the river that better meets the needs of all river users. This technical appendix addresses only the effects of alternative system operating strategies for managing the Columbia River system. This appendix discusses the work performed by the SOR Power Work Group. The Power Work Group (PWG) had several major responsibilities: first, to determine the effects of each of the various system operating strategies (SOS) on the Northwest regional power system; second, given these effects, to determine what, if any, actions are required to meet forecasted regional energy consumption; and finally, to estimate the cost for serving the forecasted regional energy consumption. The Northwest regional power system consists of Federal and non-Federal hydroelectric power projects (hydropower or hydro projects) on the main stem of the Columbia and Snake Rivers, numerous smaller hydro projects on other river reaches, and a number of thermal plants (coal, nuclear and combustion turbines)

  17. Agro-extractivist value chains and regional development: the case of the Lower Tocantins River in the Brazilian Amazon


    Dürr, Jochen


    The Lower Tocantins river region offers a wide range of agricultural and extractive products like açaí palm fruits, pepper, oil palms and manioc, which are produced for local and national consumption and for exports. These products do not only generate value added in the agricultural sector, but also indirectly in other sectors like agro-industry and commerce. The value chains of agricultural and extractive products form the basis of the rural economy and hence for the development of the nine...

  18. Potential for Water Savings by Defoliation of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) by Saltcedar Beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) in the Upper Colorado River Basin (United States)

    Nagler, P. L.; Nguyen, U.; Bateman, H. L.; Jarchow, C.; van Riper, C., III; Waugh, W.; Glenn, E.


    Northern saltcedar beetles (Diorhabda carinata) have spread widely in riparian zones on the Colorado Plateau since their initial release in 2002. One goal of the releases was to reduce water consumption by saltcedar in order to conserve water through reduction of evapotranspiration (ET). The beetle moved south on the Virgin River and reached Big Bend State Park in Nevada in 2014, an expansion rate of 60 km/year. This is important because the beetle's photoperiod requirement for diapause was expected to prevent them from moving south of 37°N latitude, where endangered southwest willow flycatcher habitat occurs. In addition to focusing on the rate of dispersal of the beetles, we used remote sensing estimates of ET at 13 sites on the Colorado, San Juan, Virgin and Dolores rivers and their tributaries to estimate riparian zone ET before and after beetle releases. We estimate that water savings from 2007-2015 was 31.5 million m3/yr (25,547 acre-ft/yr), amounting to 0.258 % of annual river flow from the Upper Colorado River Basin to the Lower Basin. Reasons for the relatively low potential water savings are: 1) baseline ET before beetle release was modest (0.472 m/yr); 2) reduction in ET was low (0.061 m/yr) because saltcedar stands tended to recover after defoliation; 3) riparian ET even in the absence of beetles was only 1.8 % of river flows, calculated as the before beetle average annual ET (472 mm/yr) times the total area of saltcedar (51,588 ha) divided by the combined total average annual flows (1964-2015) from the upper to lower catchment areas of the Colorado River Basin at the USGS gages (12,215 million m3/yr or 9.90 million acre-ft). Further research is suggested to concentrate on the ecological impacts (both positive and negative) of beetles on riparian zones and on identifying management options to maximize riparian health.

  19. Pasvik River Watercourse, Barents Region: Pollution Impacts and Ecological Responses. Investigations in 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Traaen, T; Moiseenko, T; Sandimirov, S and others


    The Pasvik River is one of the largest rivers in the Northern Fennoscandia and constitutes the border between Norway and Russia, with catchment area in Finland, Norway and Russia. Besides being strongly regulated for hydroelectric power production, the river is polluted by the smelter in Nikel and other industrial activities and by domestic sewage from the settlements on both sides of the border. This document discusses the pollution of the river and the ecological responses. The two main areas of concern are heavy metals and eutrophication. Very high content of heavy metals in water, lake sediments, macrophytes and fish was found in Kuetsyarvi. Extensive toxic effects were documented on the fish population in the lake. The toxic effects are less than expected from the concentration of heavy metals, which is due to high calcium content, organic matter and eutrophication. Eutrophication is due to the domestic sewage from settlements within the water catchment. Kuetsyarvi has eutrophic status, the lower parts of the Pasvik River have oligo-mesotrophic status according to phosphorus concentrations, and the composition of the planktonic and benthic communities. Because of increased and stabilized water level from hydroelectric power regulations, increased abundance of macrophytes and zoobenthos in shallow areas also have occurred. 77 refs., 32 figs., 28 tabs.

  20. Projected future runoff of the Breede River under climate change ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Breede River is the largest river in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, and as such, is a key resource for a variety of activities within the region. It is this significance of the river that prompted a study into the impact of climate change on future runoff in the river and hence, the potential impacts a projected change ...

  1. Development and application of a novel method for regional assessment of groundwater contamination risk in the Songhua River Basin. (United States)

    Nixdorf, Erik; Sun, Yuanyuan; Lin, Mao; Kolditz, Olaf


    The main objective of this study is to quantify the groundwater contamination risk of Songhua River Basin by applying a novel approach of integrating public datasets, web services and numerical modelling techniques. To our knowledge, this study is the first to establish groundwater risk maps for the entire Songhua River Basin, one of the largest and most contamination-endangered river basins in China. Index-based groundwater risk maps were created with GIS tools at a spatial resolution of 30arc sec by combining the results of groundwater vulnerability and hazard assessment. Groundwater vulnerability was evaluated using the DRASTIC index method based on public datasets at the highest available resolution in combination with numerical groundwater modelling. As a novel approach to overcome data scarcity at large scales, a web mapping service based data query was applied to obtain an inventory for potential hazardous sites within the basin. The groundwater risk assessment demonstrated that contamination risk. These areas were mainly located in the vast plain areas with hotspots particularly in the Changchun metropolitan area. Moreover, groundwater levels and pollution point sources were found to play a significantly larger impact in assessing these areas than originally assumed by the index scheme. Moderate contamination risk was assigned to 27% of the aquifers, predominantly associated with less densely populated agricultural areas. However, the majority of aquifer area in the sparsely populated mountain ranges displayed low groundwater contamination risk. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that this novel method is valid for regional assessments of groundwater contamination risk. Despite limitations in resolution and input data consistency, the obtained groundwater contamination risk maps will be beneficial for regional and local decision-making processes with regard to groundwater protection measures, particularly if other data availability is limited. Copyright

  2. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) measurements in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, China (United States)

    Liu, Ying; Shao, Min; Lu, Sihua; Chang, Chih-Chung; Wang, Jia-Lin; Chen, Gao


    We measured levels of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at seven sites in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of China during the Air Quality Monitoring Campaign spanning 4 October to 3 November 2004. Two of the sites, Guangzhou (GZ) and Xinken (XK), were intensive sites at which we collected multiple daily canister samples. The observations reported here provide a look at the VOC distribution, speciation, and photochemical implications in the PRD region. Alkanes constituted the largest percentage (>40%) in mixing ratios of the quantified VOCs at six sites; the exception was one major industrial site that was dominated by aromatics (about 52%). Highly elevated VOC levels occurred at GZ during two pollution episodes; however, the chemical composition of VOCs did not exhibit noticeable changes during these episodes. We calculated the OH loss rate to estimate the chemical reactivity of all VOCs. Of the anthropogenic VOCs, alkenes played a predominant role in VOC reactivity at GZ, whereas the contributions of reactive aromatics were more important at XK. Our preliminary analysis of the VOC correlations suggests that the ambient VOCs at GZ came directly from local sources (i.e., automobiles); those at XK were influenced by both local emissions and transportation of air mass from upwind areas.

  3. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC measurements in the Pearl River Delta (PRD region, China

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    Chih-chung Chang


    Full Text Available We measured levels of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs at seven sites in the Pearl River Delta (PRD region of China during the Air Quality Monitoring Campaign spanning 4 October to 3 November 2004. Two of the sites, Guangzhou (GZ and Xinken (XK, were intensive sites at which we collected multiple daily canister samples. The observations reported here provide a look at the VOC distribution, speciation, and photochemical implications in the PRD region. Alkanes constituted the largest percentage (>40% in mixing ratios of the quantified VOCs at six sites; the exception was one major industrial site that was dominated by aromatics (about 52%. Highly elevated VOC levels occurred at GZ during two pollution episodes; however, the chemical composition of VOCs did not exhibit noticeable changes during these episodes. We calculated the OH loss rate to estimate the chemical reactivity of all VOCs. Of the anthropogenic VOCs, alkenes played a predominant role in VOC reactivity at GZ, whereas the contributions of reactive aromatics were more important at XK. Our preliminary analysis of the VOC correlations suggests that the ambient VOCs at GZ came directly from local sources (i.e., automobiles; those at XK were influenced by both local emissions and transportation of air mass from upwind areas.

  4. Spatial distribution and vertical profile of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, tetrabromobisphenol A, and decabromodiphenylethane in river sediment from an industrialized region of South China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xiulan; Luo Xiaojun; Chen Shejun; Wu Jiangping; Mai Bixian


    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE) were detected in fifteen surface sediments and two sediment cores collected from a river in one heavily industrialized region of South China. TBBPA and DBDPE were detected with concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 230 ng/g dw and from 23 to 430 ng/g dw, respectively. Σtri-hepta-BDEs and Σnona-deca-BDEs ranged from 0.7 to 7.6 ng/g dw and from 30 to 5700 ng/g dw, respectively. Σtri-hepta-BDEs showed an increasing trend whereas for Σnona-deca-BDE two sediment cores revealed a decreasing trend in more recent sediment layers which may attributed to the introduction of DBDPE. The rapid increasing trend for TBBPA and DBDPE in recent sediment layers well reflected the rising demand of these two compounds in study area. - Ubiquitous and historical contamination by PBDE, TBBPA, and DBDPE in river sediments from an industrialized region of South China

  5. Spatial distribution and vertical profile of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, tetrabromobisphenol A, and decabromodiphenylethane in river sediment from an industrialized region of South China

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang Xiulan [State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039 (China); Luo Xiaojun, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Chen Shejun [State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Wu Jiangping [State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039 (China); Mai Bixian [State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China)


    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE) were detected in fifteen surface sediments and two sediment cores collected from a river in one heavily industrialized region of South China. TBBPA and DBDPE were detected with concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 230 ng/g dw and from 23 to 430 ng/g dw, respectively. SIGMAtri-hepta-BDEs and SIGMAnona-deca-BDEs ranged from 0.7 to 7.6 ng/g dw and from 30 to 5700 ng/g dw, respectively. SIGMAtri-hepta-BDEs showed an increasing trend whereas for SIGMAnona-deca-BDE two sediment cores revealed a decreasing trend in more recent sediment layers which may attributed to the introduction of DBDPE. The rapid increasing trend for TBBPA and DBDPE in recent sediment layers well reflected the rising demand of these two compounds in study area. - Ubiquitous and historical contamination by PBDE, TBBPA, and DBDPE in river sediments from an industrialized region of South China

  6. Improving Shade Modelling in a Regional River Temperature Model Using Fine-Scale LIDAR Data (United States)

    Hannah, D. M.; Loicq, P.; Moatar, F.; Beaufort, A.; Melin, E.; Jullian, Y.


    Air temperature is often considered as a proxy of the stream temperature to model the distribution areas of aquatic species water temperature is not available at a regional scale. To simulate the water temperature at a regional scale (105 km²), a physically-based model using the equilibrium temperature concept and including upstream-downstream propagation of the thermal signal was developed and applied to the entire Loire basin (Beaufort et al., submitted). This model, called T-NET (Temperature-NETwork) is based on a hydrographical network topology. Computations are made hourly on 52,000 reaches which average 1.7 km long in the Loire drainage basin. The model gives a median Root Mean Square Error of 1.8°C at hourly time step on the basis of 128 water temperature stations (2008-2012). In that version of the model, tree shadings is modelled by a constant factor proportional to the vegetation cover on 10 meters sides the river reaches. According to sensitivity analysis, improving the shade representation would enhance T-NET accuracy, especially for the maximum daily temperatures, which are currently not very well modelized. This study evaluates the most efficient way (accuracy/computing time) to improve the shade model thanks to 1-m resolution LIDAR data available on tributary of the LoireRiver (317 km long and an area of 8280 km²). Two methods are tested and compared: the first one is a spatially explicit computation of the cast shadow for every LIDAR pixel. The second is based on averaged vegetation cover characteristics of buffers and reaches of variable size. Validation of the water temperature model is made against 4 temperature sensors well spread along the stream, as well as two airborne thermal infrared imageries acquired in summer 2014 and winter 2015 over a 80 km reach. The poster will present the optimal length- and crosswise scale to characterize the vegetation from LIDAR data.

  7. Evaluación de la infiltración con bupivacaína en el manejo del dolor postsafenectomía en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización coronaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Luque Oliveros


    Conclusiones: Los pacientes que fueron infiltrados con 50 mg de bupivacaína extendida por la herida quirúrgica postsafenectomía presentaron menor intensidad de dolor del miembro inferior seleccionado, tanto en reposo como en movimiento durante el postoperatorio, en comparación con los que no se les infiltró nada.

  8. Climatic variability of river outflow in the Pantanal region and the influence of sea surface temperature (United States)

    Silva, Carlos Batista; Silva, Maria Elisa Siqueira; Ambrizzi, Tércio


    This paper investigates possible linear relationships between climate, hydrology, and oceanic surface variability in the Pantanal region (in South America's central area), over interannual and interdecadal time ranges. In order to verify the mentioned relations, lagged correlation analysis and linear adjustment between river discharge at the Pantanal region and sea surface temperature were used. Composite analysis for atmospheric fields, air humidity flux divergence, and atmospheric circulation at low and high levels, for the period between 1970 and 2003, was analyzed. Results suggest that the river discharge in the Pantanal region is linearly associated with interdecadal and interannual oscillations in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, making them good predictors to continental hydrological variables. Considering oceanic areas, 51 % of the annual discharge in the Pantanal region can be linearly explained by mean sea surface temperature (SST) in the Subtropical North Pacific, Tropical North Pacific, Extratropical South Pacific, and Extratropical North Atlantic over the period. Considering a forecast approach in seasonal scale, 66 % of the monthly discharge variance in Pantanal, 3 months ahead of SST, is explained by the oceanic variables, providing accuracy around 65 %. Annual discharge values in the Pantanal region are strongly related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) variability (with 52 % of linear correlation), making it possible to consider an interdecadal variability and a consequent subdivision of the whole period in three parts: 1st (1970-1977), 2nd (1978-1996), and 3rd (1997-2003) subperiods. The three subperiods coincide with distinct PDO phases: negative, positive, and negative, respectively. Convergence of humidity flux at low levels and the circulation pattern at high levels help to explain the drier and wetter subperiods. During the wetter 2nd subperiod, the air humidity convergence at low levels is much more evident than during the other two

  9. Concordance between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates in a Mediterranean river of central Apennine region. (United States)

    Traversetti, Lorenzo; Scalici, Massimiliano; Ginepri, Valeria; Manfrin, Alessandro; Ceschin, Simona


    The main aim of this study was to improve the knowledge about the concordance among macrophytes and macroinvertebrates to provide complementary information and facilitate the procedures for quality assessment of river ecosystems. Macrophytes and macroinvertebrates were collected in 11 sampling sites along a central Apennine calcareous river in October 2008 and June 2009. The concordance between the two biomonitoring groups was tested according to several environmental parameters. The comparison of data matrix similarities by Mantel test showed differences in the assemblage of macrophytes and macroinvertebrates along the river since correlation values were 0.04, p > 0.05 in October 2008 and 0.39, p > 0.05 in June 2009. The study revealed lack of concordance between the two groups, emphasizing that the information provided by macrophytes and macroinvertebrates does not overlap in terms of response to environmental parameters. Indeed, the two different biological groups resulted useful descriptors of different parameters. Together, they could represent a complementary tool to reflect the river environmental quality.

  10. Silvia Mistral, Constancia de la Mora y Dolores Martí: Relatos y memorias del exilio de 1939

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    Domínguez Prats, Pilar


    Full Text Available This article discusses the autobiographical accounts of three Republican women from the first generation of Republican exiles, born between 1900 and 1910. The stories are those of Constancia de la Mora, Silvia Mistral and Dolores Martí, all written just following the Spanish Civil War, between 1939 and 1940, although for two of the authors this was the first stage of exile that finally took them on to Mexico. These accounts are examined within the framework of the socio-political context in which the authors lived during the first three decades of the twentieth century. The stories mix the personal and individual with the collective memory. The women harbour very contrary political views - communist and anarchist - within the Republican cause but the fact that they are women with a common plight helps to overcome these differences. The political nature of these narratives also provides a common theme, which forms a collective testimony in the Republican exile period.

    Este artículo analiza las narraciones autobiográficas de tres mujeres republicanas, pertenecientes a la primera generación del exilio (nacidas entre 1900 y 1910. Se trata de los relatos de Constancia de la Mora, Silvia Mistral y Dolores Martí. Todos ellos tienen en común la circunstancia de haberse escrito en Francia entre 1939 y 1940, aunque para dos de las autoras esta fue la primera etapa del exilio que las llevó definitivamente a México. El análisis de los relatos se enmarca en el contexto sociopolítico en el que vivieron sus autoras en las tres primeras décadas del siglo XX. Aparece en ellos el fruto de una memoria personal e individual, pero insertada en la memoria colectiva de su grupo de referencia, el colectivo exiliado. Las autoras representan tendencias políticas opuestas dentro del bando republicano: el comunismo y el anarquismo, aunque su condición femenina y las circunstancias comunes que atraviesan matizan esas diferencias en sus relatos. El car

  11. Multi-scale response of runoff to climate fluctuation in the headwater region of Kaidu River in Xinjiang of China (United States)

    Bai, Ling; Chen, Zhongsheng; Xu, Jianhua; Li, Weihong


    Based on the hydrological and meteorological data in the headwater region of the Kaidu River during 1960-2009, the multi-scale characteristics of runoff variability were analyzed using the ensemble empirical mode decomposition method (EEMD), and the aim is to investigate the oscillation mode structure characteristics of runoff change and its response to climate fluctuation at different time scales. Results indicated that in the past 50 years, the overall runoff of Kaidu River in Xinjiang has showed a significant nonlinear upward trend, and its changes have obviously exhibited an inter-annual scale (quasi-3 and quasi-6-year) and inter-decadal scale (quasi-10 and quasi-25-year). Variance contribution rates of each component manifested that the inter-decadal change had been playing a more important role in the overall runoff change for Kaidu River, and the reconstructed inter-annual variation trend could describe the fluctuation state of the original runoff anomaly during the study period. The reconstructed inter-decadal variability effectively revealed that the runoff for Kaidu River changed over the years, namely the states of abundance and low water period appear alternately. In addition, we found that runoff has a positive correlation to precipitation and temperature at different time scales, but they are most significant and relevant at inter-decadal scale, indicating the inter-decadal scale is most suitable for investigating the responses of runoff dynamics to climate fluctuation. At the same time, the results also suggested that EEMD is an effective method to analyze the multi-scale characteristics of nonlinear and non-stationary signal.

  12. Flood of August 24–25, 2016, Upper Iowa River and Turkey River, northeastern Iowa (United States)

    Linhart, S. Mike; O'Shea, Padraic S.


    Major flooding occurred August 24–25, 2016, in the Upper Iowa River Basin and Turkey River Basin in northeastern Iowa following severe thunderstorm activity over the region. About 8 inches of rain were recorded for the 24-hour period ending at 4 p.m., August 24, at Decorah, Iowa, and about 6 inches of rain were recorded for the 24-hour period ending at 7 a.m., August 24, at Cresco, Iowa, about 14 miles northwest of Spillville, Iowa. A maximum peak-of-record discharge of 38,000 cubic feet per second in the Upper Iowa River at streamgage 05388250 Upper Iowa River near Dorchester, Iowa, occurred on August 24, 2016, with an annual exceedance-probability range of 0.2–1 percent. High-water marks were measured at six locations along the Upper Iowa River between State Highway 26 near the mouth at the Mississippi River and State Highway 76 about 3.5 miles south of Dorchester, Iowa, a distance of 15 river miles. Along the profiled reach of the Turkey River, a maximum peak-of-record discharge of 15,300 cubic feet per second at streamgage 05411600 Turkey River at Spillville, Iowa, occurred on August 24, 2016, with an annual exceedance-probability range of 1–2 percent. A maximum peak discharge of 35,700 cubic feet per second occurred on August 25, 2016, along the profiled reach of the Turkey River at streamgage 05411850 Turkey River near Eldorado, Iowa, with an annual exceedance-probability range of 0.2–1 percent. High-water marks were measured at 11 locations along the Turkey River between County Road B64 in Elgin and 220th Street, located about 4.5 miles northwest of Spillville, Iowa, a distance of 58 river miles. The high-water marks were used to develop flood profiles for the Upper Iowa River and Turkey River.

  13. Comparación del dolor secundario a lipoaspiración tradicional versus lipolisis láser: Estudio prospectivo Postoperative pain in suction assited lipoplasty versus laser lipolisis: Comparative prospective study

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    S. Llanos Olmedo


    Full Text Available La lipoaspiración, técnica tradicional usada para el tratamiento de las lipodistrofias con cicatrices mínimas, ha sido a través de los años mejorada con los avances anestésicos, farmacológicos y de instrumental. A su vez han aparecido otras técnicas que han publicitado ventajas respecto al tiempo de recuperación, sintomatología y resultados estéticos. Una de estas técnicas es la laserlipolisis a la que se atribuye menos dolor, menos equimosis y rápido postoperatorio. No se encuentran trabajos que acrediten estas ventajas, por lo que decidimos estudiar si existen ventajas de laserlipolisis en comparación con la lipoaspiración tradicional respecto del dolor, síntoma importante a considerar en el postoperatorio. Para esto se diseñó un trabajo prospectivo randomizado con una muestra de 60 pacientes a los cuales se aplicaron las dos técnicas en diferentes áreas y al mismo paciente. Se evaluó el dolor con escala numérica analógica a las 4 horas, 48 horas y 5 días de postoperatorio. Los resultados mostraron que la laserlipolisis presenta menos dolor en los muslos medido a las 48 horas y 5 días de la intervención. No hay diferencias entre estas dos técnicas en las otras zonas medidas como abdomen, áreas pretrocantéreas ("alforjas", zona lumbar y pectoral. Considerando todos los pacientes sin diferenciar la técnica usada, las "alforjas" a las 4 horas duelen menos que el abdomen y a los 5 días duelen menos los muslos que el abdomen. No encontramos relación entre volumen aspirado e intensidad del dolor.The traditional suction-assisted lipoplasty, is a well established and commonly performed technique used for the treatment of lipodystrophias, which has undergone improvements with advances in anesthetics, pharmacology and introduction of new instruments. New techniques have appeared, promising advantages in recovery periods, symptomathology and aesthetic results when compared to the traditional suction-assisted lipoplasty

  14. Ileana Diéguez. 'Cuerpos sin duelo. Iconografía y teatralidad del dolor'. Córdoba (Arg.): Ediciones DocumentA/Escénicas, 2013.


    Tatiana Bubnova


    Cuerpos sin duelo. Iconografía y teatralidad del dolor es un libro estupendamente escrito y académicamente riguroso. Al mismo tiempo es un libro abominable. Lo es porque trata de una manera anatómica, al mismo tiempo que inquietante y reflexiva, aquello que todos sabemos que existe, pero no queremos enterarnos. La cuestión de la estética y del arte actual también es una línea magistral de este libro, problema que se replantea de una manera radical.


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    Reviewed by Nyangchakja (Snying lcags rgyal སྙིང་ལྕགས་རྒྱལ། Niang Jijia 娘吉加


    Full Text Available Established in 2000, The Three Rivers Source National Nature Reserve (hereafter TRSNNR comprises 152,300 square kilometers of the general region of Three Rivers' Source, which encompasses 363,000 square kilometers in the south of Qinghai Province (SNNR 2018. "The Three Rivers" refer to the Yangtze (Changjiang, Yellow, and Lancang (Mekong. The region of the Three Rivers' Source, which has an area greater than that of Germany, has the country's highest altitude wetlands and supports globally important biodiversity. Known as "China's Water Tower," the area has key ecological value for China and our world. Global warming and glacial melting have direct impact on the wetlands, lakes, wildlife, and the entire ecosystem in the TRSNNR, which is China's second largest nature reserve. Rare wildlife protected in the nature reserve include snow leopards, Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, wild ass, and black-necked cranes. .........

  16. Impact of city effluents on water quality of Indus River: assessment of temporal and spatial variations in the southern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. (United States)

    Khan, Ilham; Khan, Azim; Khan, Muhammad Sohail; Zafar, Shabnam; Hameed, Asma; Badshah, Shakeel; Rehman, Shafiq Ur; Ullah, Hidayat; Yasmeen, Ghazala


    The impact of city effluents on water quality of Indus River was assessed in the southern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Water samples were collected in dry (DS) and wet (WS) seasons from seven sampling zones along Indus River and the physical, bacteriological, and chemical parameters determining water quality were quantified. There were marked temporal and spatial variations in the water quality of Indus River. The magnitude of pollution was high in WS compared with DS. The quality of water varied across the sampling zones, and it greatly depended upon the nature of effluents entering the river. Water samples exceeded the WHO permissible limits for pH, EC, TDS, TS, TSS, TH, DO, BOD, COD, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , NO 3 - , and PO 4 2- . Piper analysis indicated that water across the seven sampling zones along Indus River was alkaline in nature. Correlation analyses indicated that EC, TDS, TS, TH, DO, BOD, and COD may be considered as key physical parameters, while Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Cl - , F - , NO 3 - , PO 4 2- , and SO 4 2- as key chemical parameters determining water quality, because they were strongly correlated (r > 0.70) with most of the parameters studied. Cluster analysis indicated that discharge point at Shami Road is the major source of pollution impairing water quality of Indus River. Wastewater treatment plants must be installed at all discharge points along Indus River for protecting the quality of water of this rich freshwater resource in Pakistan.

  17. Increasing trends in rainfall-runoff erosivity in the Source Region of the Three Rivers, 1961-2012. (United States)

    Wang, Yousheng; Cheng, Congcong; Xie, Yun; Liu, Baoyuan; Yin, Shuiqing; Liu, Yingna; Hao, Yanfang


    As the head source of the two longest rivers in China and the longest river in Southeast Asia, the East Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is experiencing increasing thaw snowmelt and more heavy precipitation events under global warming, which might lead to soil erosion risk. To understand the potential driving force of soil erosion and its relationship with precipitation in the context of climate change, this study analyzed long-term variations in annual rainfall-runoff erosivity, a climatic index of soil erosion, by using the Mann-Kendall statistical test and Theil and Sen's approach in the Source Region of the Three Rivers during 1961-2012. The results showed the followings: (i) increasing annual rainfall-runoff erosivity was observed over the past 52years, with a mean relative trend index (RT 1 ) value of 12.1%. The increasing trend was more obvious for the latest two decades: RT 1 was nearly three times larger than that over the entire period; (ii) more precipitation events and a higher precipitation amount were the major forces for the increasing rainfall-runoff erosivity; (iii) similar rising trends in sediment yields, which corresponded to rainfall-runoff erosivity under slightly increasing vegetation coverage in the study area, implied a large contribution of rainfall-runoff erosivity to the increasing sediment yields; and (iv) high warming rates increased the risk of soil destruction, soil erosion and sediment yields. Conservation measures, such as enclosing grassland, returning grazing land to grassland and rotation grazing since the 1980s, have maintained vegetation coverage and should be continued and strengthened. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Regional Ecological Risk Assessment in the Huai River Watershed during 2010–2015

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    Yan Lu


    Full Text Available Ecosystem deterioration has been and is still a serious threat to human survival and regional economic development. Theoretical and methodological challenges exist in assessing ecological risk of watershed ecosystem that is imposed by natural changes or human activities. To fill this research gap, this research proposes an interdisciplinary and quantitative methodology based on some techniques such as the Procedure for Ecological Tiered Assessment of Risk (PETAR, the Entropy, and the Celluar Automata Markov (CA-Markov. We focused on six vulnerable environmental variables, namely land-use change, water quantity, water quality, gross domestic product (GDP, environmental pollutants, and soil erosion in the Huai River watershed in the Henan Province in order to build multi-dimensional quantitative method. Further, the Coupling Coordination Degree Model is constructed, and the “threshold index” is also addressed to reflect the limitation of ecological risk. Our results show that the spatio-temperal distribution of the eco-environmental quality has greatly varied across this study area during different time spans. Natural eco-environmental quality has moderately degraded in 70% of this study area (mainly agricultural region, at a prefectural level from 2000 to 2010, and has slightly improved over the agricultural region (<170 m above sea level during 2010–2015. However, when considering negative stressors from human social system on the natural ecosystem, the extent and distribution of the ecological risk varied across the whole area during 2000–2015. The results show that there was almost 90.40% of this region under the ecological risk, with varying extents over the study time, e.g., Kaifeng, Shangqiu, Xuchang, and Xinyang, with a moderate deterioration in the eco-environmental quality, and Zhengzhou with a slight deterioration in the eco-environmental quality. This paper provides a valuable perspective for governments at all levels to manage

  19. Use of pre-industrial floodplain lake sediments to establish baseline river metal concentrations downstream of Alberta oil sands: a new approach for detecting pollution of rivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiklund, Johan A; Hall, Roland I; Farwell, Andrea J; George Dixon, D; Wolfe, Brent B; Edwards, Thomas WD


    In the Alberta oil sands region, insufficient knowledge of pre-disturbance reference conditions has undermined the ability of the Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (RAMP) to detect pollution of the Athabasca River, because sampling began three decades after the industry started and the river naturally erodes oil-bearing strata. Here, we apply a novel approach to characterize pre-industrial reference metal concentrations in river sediment downstream of Alberta oil sands development by analyzing metal concentrations in sediments deposited in floodplain lakes of the Athabasca Delta during 1700–1916, when they were strongly influenced by Athabasca River floodwaters. We compared results to metal concentrations in surficial bottom sediments sampled by RAMP (2010–2013) at downstream sites of the Athabasca River and distributaries. When normalized to lithium content, concentrations of vanadium (a metal of concern in the oil sands region) and other priority pollutants (Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn) in nearly all of the RAMP river sediment samples lie below the upper 95% prediction interval linearly extrapolated from the river-derived lake sediments. Assuming the RAMP protocols obtained recently deposited sediment, this indicates that the metal concentrations in downstream Athabasca River sediment have not increased above pre-disturbance levels. Reference conditions derived from the lake sediment data were used to develop profiles of metal residual concentrations versus time for the RAMP river sediment data, which provides an excellent tool for decision-makers to identify and quantify levels of metal pollution for any given sample, and to monitor for future trends. We recommend that the approach be applied to resurrect the utility of RAMP data at other river sampling locations closer to the development, and for ongoing risk assessment. The approach is also readily transferable to other rivers where insufficient pre-disturbance reference data impairs an ability to


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    Bernd Cyffka


    Full Text Available In north-western China, the endorheic Tarim River is running along the northern rim of the Taklamakan desert. It is the solely water source for the oases in the region as precipitation is low. The river is mainly fed from water of snow and glacier melt, causing floods in the summer months. Due to global climate change the annual water discharge is increasing. However, not sufficient water flows downstream, as the region is the main production area of cotton in China, and much water is needed for irrigation. A conflict arises between water users of the upper reaches and water users of the lower reaches of the Tarim River as well as with the natural vegetation. The central question of the Sino-German SuMaRiO project (Sustainable Management of River Oases is how to manage land use, i.e. irrigation agriculture and utilization of the natural ecosystems, and water use in a very water-scarce region, with changing water availability due to climate change, such that ecosystem services and economic benefits are maintained in the best balance for a sustainable development. The overall goal of the project is to support oasis management along the Tarim River under conditions of climatic and societal changes by: i developing methods for analyzing ecosystem functions/ecosystem services, and integrating them into land and water management of oases and riparian forests; ii Involving stakeholders in the research process to integrate their knowledge and problem perceptions into the scientific process; iii Developing tools (Decision support system with Chinese decision makers that demonstrate the ecological and socio-economic consequences of their decisions in a changing world.

  1. Storm-rhine -simulation Tool For River Management (United States)

    Heun, J. C.; Schotanus, T. D.; de Groen, M. M.; Werner, M.

    The Simulation Tool for River Management (STORM), based on the River Rhine case, aims to provide insight into river and floodplain management, by (1) raising aware- ness of river functions, (2) exploring alternative strategies, (3) showing the links be- tween natural processes, spatial planning, engineering interventions, river functions and stakeholder interests, (4) facilitating the debate between different policy makers and stakeholders from across the basin and (5) enhancing co-operation and mutual un- derstanding. The simulation game is built around the new concepts of SRoom for the & cedil;RiverT, Flood Retention Areas, Resurrection of former River Channels and SLiving & cedil;with the FloodsT. The Game focuses on the Lower and Middle Rhine from the Dutch Delta to Maxau in Germany. Influences from outside the area are included as scenarios for boundary conditions. The heart of the tool is the hydraulic module, which calcu- lates representative high- and low water-levels for different hydrological scenarios and influenced by river engineering measures and physical planning in the floodplains. The water levels are translated in flood risks, navigation potential, nature development and land use opportunities in the floodplain. Players of the Game represent the institutions: National, Regional, Municipal Government and Interest Organisations, with interests in flood protection, navigation, agriculture, urban expansion, mining and nature. Play- ers take typical river and floodplain engineering, physical planning and administrative measures to pursue their interests in specific river functions. The players are linked by institutional arrangements and budgetary constraints. The game particularly aims at middle and higher level staff of local and regional government, water boards and members of interest groups from across the basin, who deal with particular stretches or functions of the river but who need (1) to be better aware of the integrated whole, (2) to

  2. Lower Colorado River Geographic Response Plan Web Mapping Service, Region 9, 2012, US EPA Region 9 (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This map service is comprised of data related to Geographic Response Plans (GRPs) for the Lower Colorado River. Data layers were obtained from nationwide GIS...

  3. Diseño de una intervención de enfermería para disminuir la ansiedad perioperatoria y el dolor postoperatorio del paciente quirúrgico


    Mora Alins, Sofía


    Objetivo: Valorar la eficacia de una intervención de enfermería para disminuir la ansiedad perioperatoria y el dolor postoperatorio en el paciente quirúrgico programado en el hospital de Barbastro. Metodología: Estudio cuasi-experimental del tipo antes y después. La muestra representativa resultante es de 376 pacientes que serán distribuidos: 188 formaran parte del grupo de intervención a los que se les entregará un cuestionario informativo y otras 188 formaran parte del grupo de control. ...

  4. Fractionation and ecological risk of metals in urban river sediments in Zhongshan City, Pearl River Delta. (United States)

    Cai, Jiannan; Cao, Yingzi; Tan, Haijian; Wang, Yanman; Luo, Jiaqi


    Surface sediments collected from nine urban rivers located in Zhongshan City, Pearl River Delta, were analyzed for total concentration of metals with digestion and chemical fractionation adopting the modified European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure. The results showed that concentration and fractionation of metals varied significantly among the rivers. The total concentration of eight metals in most rivers did not exceed the China Environmental Quality Standard for Soil, Grade III. The potential ecological risk of metals to rivers were related to the land use patterns, in the order of manufacturing areas > residential areas > agriculture areas. The concentration of Pb in the reducible fraction was relatively high (60.0-84.3%). The dominant proportions of Cd, Zn and Cu were primary in the non-residual fraction (67.0%, 71.8% and 81.4% on average respectively), while the percentages of the residual fractions of Cr and Ni varied over a wide range (43-85% and 24-71% respectively). The approaches of the Håkanson ecological risk index and Secondary Phase Enrichment Factor were applied for ecological risk assessment and metal enrichment calculation. The results indicated Hg and Cd had posed high potential ecological risk to urban rivers in this region. Meanwhile, there was widespread pollution and high enrichment of Cu in river sediments in this region. Multiple regression analysis showed that five water quality parameters (pH, DO, COD(Mn), NH(4)(+)-N, TP) had little influence on the distribution of metal fractionation. This result revealed that the ecological risk of metals was not eliminated along with the improvement in water quality. Correlation studies showed that among the metals, Group A (Cd, As, Pb, Zn Hg, r = 0.730-0.924) and Group B (Cr, Cu, Ni, r = 0.815-0.948) were obtained, and the metal contaminations were from industrial activities rather than residential.

  5. Coherence between coastal and river flooding along the California coast (United States)

    Odigie, Kingsley O.; Warrick, Jonathan


    Water levels around river mouths are intrinsically determined by sea level and river discharge. If storm-associated coastal water-level anomalies coincide with extreme river discharge, landscapes near river mouths will be flooded by the hydrodynamic interactions of these two water masses. Unfortunately, the temporal relationships between ocean and river water masses are not well understood. The coherence between extreme river discharge and coastal water levels at six California river mouths across different climatic and geographic regions was examined. Data from river gauges, wave buoys, and tide gauges from 2007 to 2014 were integrated to investigate the relationships between extreme river discharge and coastal water levels near the mouths of the Eel, Russian, San Lorenzo, Ventura, Arroyo Trabuco, and San Diego rivers. Results indicate that mean and extreme coastal water levels during extreme river discharge are significantly higher compared with background conditions. Elevated coastal water levels result from the combination of nontidal residuals (NTRs) and wave setups. Mean and extreme (>99th percentile of observations) NTRs are 3–20 cm and ∼30 cm higher during extreme river discharge conditions, respectively. Mean and extreme wave setups are up to 40 cm and ∼20–90 cm higher during extreme river discharge than typical conditions, respectively. These water-level anomalies were generally greatest for the northern rivers and least for the southern rivers. Time-series comparisons suggest that increases in NTRs are largely coherent with extreme river discharge, owing to the low atmospheric pressure systems associated with storms. The potential flooding risks of the concurrent timing of these water masses are tempered by the mixed, semidiurnal tides of the region that have amplitudes of 2–2.5 m. In summary, flooding hazard assessments for floodplains near California river mouths for current or future conditions with sea-level rise should include the temporal

  6. The nitrogen cycle in highly urbanized tropical regions and the effect of river-aquifer interactions: The case of Jakarta and the Ciliwung River (United States)

    Costa, Diogo; Burlando, Paolo; Priadi, Cindy; Shie-Yui, Liong


    Groundwater is extensively used in Jakarta to compensate for the limited public water supply network. Recent observations show a rise in nitrate (NO3-) levels in the shallow aquifer, thus pointing at a potential risk for public health. The detected levels are still below national and international regulatory limits for drinking water but a strategy is necessary to contain the growing problem. We combine 3 years of available data in the Ciliwung River, the major river flowing through Jakarta, with a distributed river-aquifer interaction model to characterise the impact of urbanisation on the N-cycle of both surface and groundwater systems. Results show that the N-cycle in the river-aquifer system is heterogeneous in space, seasonal dependent (i.e. flow regime) and strongly affected by urban pollution. Results suggest also that although the main sources of N related groundwater pollution are leaking septic tanks, the aquifer interaction with the Ciliwung River may locally have a strong effect on the concentrations. In the general context of pollution control in urban areas, this study demonstrates how advanced process-based models can be efficiently used in combination with field measurements to bring new insights into complex contamination problems. These are essential for more effective and integrated management of water quality in river-aquifer systems.

  7. Riverine based eco-tourism: Trinity River non-market benefits estimates (United States)

    Douglas, A.J.; Taylor, J.G.


    California's Central Valley Project (CVP) was approved by voters in a statewide referendum in 1933. CVP referendum approval initiated funding for construction of important water development projects that had far reaching effects on regional water supplies. The construction of Trinity Dam in 1963 and the subsequent transbasin diversion of Trinity River flow was one of several CVP projects that had noteworthy adverse environmental and regional economic impacts. The Trinity River is the largest tributary of the Klamath River, and has its headwaters in the Trinity Alps of north-central California. After the construction of Trinity Dam in 1963, 90% of the Trinity River flow at Lewiston was moved to the Sacramento River via the Clear Creek Tunnel. Before 1963, the Trinity River was a major recreation resource of Northern California. The loss of streamflow has had a marked adverse impact on Trinity River-related recreation activities and the size and robustness of Trinity River salmon, steelhead, shad, and sturgeon runs. Trinity River water produces hydropower during its transit via Bureau of Reclamation canals and pumps to the northern San Joaquin Valley, where it is used for irrigated agriculture. The benefits provided by Trinity River instream flow-related environmental amenities were estimated with the travel cost method (TCM). Trinity River non-market benefits are about $406 million per annum, while the social cost of sending water down the Trinity River ranges from $17 to $42 million per annum, depending on the exact flow. We also discuss the relative magnitude of Trinity River survey data contingent value method (CVM) benefits estimates.

  8. Dor neuropática: aspectos neuroquímicos Dolor neuropático: aspectos neuroquímicos Neuropathic pain: neurochemical aspects

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    Durval Campos Kraychete


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor neuropática é causada por lesão ou inflamação do sistema nervoso. É síndrome complexa, com mecanismos biológicos pouco esclarecidos, envolvendo teorias inflamatórias e imunes. O objetivo desta revisão foi descrever os principais fatores biológicos relacionados com a dor neuropática, associando de forma lógica as hipóteses sugeridas pela literatura. CONTEÚDO: Foram descritos os principais neuromediadores, canais iônicos e células, incluindo as do sistema imune envolvidos na excitabilidade neuronal, assim como enfatizada possível seqüência de ativação ou interação desses agentes na alteração neuroplástica decorrente da agressão ao nervo. CONCLUSÕES: Do estudo, foi possível concluir que os avanços no conhecimento da fisiopatologia da dor neuropática podem determinar novos alvos para abordagem farmacológica dessa síndrome.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El dolor Neuropático lo causa la lesión o inflamación del sistema nervioso. Es un síndrome complejo, con mecanismos biológicos poco aclarados, que envuelve teorías inflamatorias e inmunes. El objetivo de esta revisión fue describir los principales factores biológicos relacionados con el dolor Neuropático, asociando de forma lógica a las hipótesis sugeridas por la literatura. CONTENIDO: Fueron descritos los principales neuromediadores, canales iónicos y células, incluyendo las del sistema inmune involucrados en la excitabilidad neuronal, como también la posible secuencia de activación o interacción de esos agentes en la alteración neuroplástica proveniente e la agresión al nervio. CONCLUSIONES: De ese estudio, se pudo concluir que los avances en el conocimiento de la fisiopatología del dolor Neuropático, pueden determinar nuevos objetivos para el abordaje farmacológico de ese síndrome.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or inflammation of the nervous system. It is a complex syndrome and its

  9. Eficacia de la infiltración de ozono paravertebral lumbar y en puntos gatillos como coadyuvante del tratamiento en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico y lumbociatalgia crónica en el síndrome doloroso miofascial aislado o acompañado de otras patologías


    E. Silva Jiménez; M. Toro; C. Baíz


    Introducción: Posterior al primer episodio de dolor lumbar, la recurrencia persiste durante un año o más en el 25 al 60 %, afectando a población económicamente activa, causando discapacidad y en 80 % ausentismo laboral. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de eficacia del uso de la técnica de infiltración con ozono paravertebral lumbar y en puntos gatillos junto al tratamiento farmacológico y rehabilitador, en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico y lumbociatalgia crónica debido al síndrome doloroso miofa...

  10. Dolor cervical incoercible

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    Adrián F Narváez-Muñoz


    Astrocytomas are relatively common glial neoplasm of the central nervous system, but only a small percentage of them are located in the spinal cord, with a predilection for the cervical and dorsal regions. In most cases, extend longitudinally, affecting several cord segments. Pain is a frequent symptom of local character bone segments involving the tumor, associated with sensory deficit and / or motor. The following is the case of a 60 year old woman with cervical cord astrocytoma extended to the brainstem.

  11. Linking biochemical perturbations in tissues of the African catfish to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Ovia River, Niger Delta region. (United States)

    Obinaju, Blessing E; Graf, Carola; Halsall, Crispin; Martin, Francis L


    Petroleum hydrocarbons including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a pollution issue in the Niger Delta region due to oil industry activities. PAHs were measured in the water column of the Ovia River with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1055.6 ng L(-1). Attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy detected alterations in tissues of the African catfish (Heterobranchus bidorsalis) from the region showed varying degrees of statistically significant (Pinfrared spectroscopy in environmental studies and supports their potential application in biomonitoring. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Composition patterns of waterbirds from La Vieja River, Geographic Valley of Cauca River, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez Urrea, Laura Milena; Arbelaez Cortes, Enrique; Marin Gomez, Oscar Humberto; Duque Montoya, Diego


    We compiled and analyzed data gathered from observations during the period 2001-2013 in three sectors along La Vieja River, located in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia. We describe spatial and temporal aspects of such dataset, focusing in indentify patterns of species' composition and abundance. We recorded 28 waterbird species in 33 transects, being 22 species observed in more than 50 % of these transects. The species richness among transects did not shows significant differences. However, two cluster analyses, considering both presence/absence and abundance data, showed that there is spatial structure in the species composition along the river. In contrast, although observations were conducted during more than ten years there is no evidence of temporal changes in species composition. Still, some species showed increase or decrease trends in their frequency. We present a new record for one species (Chloroceryle aenea) for the region. Despite that the landscape surrounding La Vieja River has faced a high anthropogenic impact; the river still presents a significant diversity of waterbirds, which could add value to the conservation plans in the zone.

  13. Regional evapotranspiration estimation based on a two-layer remote-sensing scheme in Shahe River basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin, Jian; Wang, Huixiao


    Land surface evapotranspiration (ET) derived from remote sensing data has significant meaning for plant growth monitoring, crop yield assessment, disaster monitoring and understanding energy and water cycle in river basin area and surrounding regions. In the study, we developed a land surface ET remote sensing retrieval system to estimate the daily ET in Shahe river basin using the TM/ETM+ images. The system is based on the two-layer ET model and includes three parts: inversion of the evaporation ration using two-layer model, calculation of total daily net radiation, and estimation of daily ET based on evaporation fraction method. The results show that the average daily ET is about 2.28mm of the typical days in spring, and 2.97mm in summer, 1.59mm in autumn, and 0.5mm in winter. The ET in upstream areas covered by forest is higher than that in the downstream covered by settlement and farmland. In summer the difference of ET between the upper reaches and lower reaches is smaller compared to the other three seasons. The measurements by large aperture scintillometer and eddy correlation instrument were used for validation. By comparing the observed data with the estimated data, we found the estimation system had a high precision with the relative error between 0 and 16% (mean error of 11.1%), and the variance 0.77mm

  14. Tecnologia tátil para a avaliação da dor em cegos Tecnología táctil para la evaluación del dolor en ciegos Tactile technology for pain evaluation in blind people

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    Ana Cláudia de Souza Toniolli


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório das percepções dos cegos acerca do protótipo chamado Escala Tátil, para avaliação da intensidade da dor. Por meio de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, foram obtidos os relatos de cegos da Associação dos Cegos do Ceará, para descrever a natureza do protótipo, estabelecendo relações entre as suas experiências dolorosas e buscando significados para a sua utilização na cultura dos cegos. Dos relatos, foram identificados e analisados três temas: intensidade da dor na ponta dos dedos, percepção da escala tátil da dor, destacando-se textura, forma e tamanho, lapidando-se a Escala Tátil. A percepção sensorial tátil dos cegos gerou novos parâmetros de reflexão para o estudo da dor e direcionou a performance do protótipo para um processo de comunicação da dor mais satisfatório.Este es un estudio descriptivo de las percepciones de los ciegos acerca del prototipo llamado Escala Táctil para evaluación de la intensidad del dolor. A través de una entrevista semi-estructurada, se obtuvieron relatos de ciegos de la Asociación del Ciegos de la ciudad de Ceará-BR para describir la naturaleza del prototipo, estableciendo relaciones entre sus experiencias dolorosas y buscando significados para su utilización en la cultura de los ciegos. De los relatos fueron identificados y analizados tres temas: intensidad del dolor en la punta de los dedos, percepción de la escala táctil del dolor: textura, forma y tamaño y puliendo la Escala Táctil. La percepción sensorial de las personas ciegas generó nuevos parámetros de reflexión para el estudio del dolor y orientó la performance del prototipo hacia un proceso de comunicación del dolor más satisfactorio.This is a descriptive study of blind people perceptions about a prototype called Tactile Scale for pain intensity evaluation. By means of a half-structured interview, reports were collected from blind people from the Ceará Blind

  15. Climate change characteristics of Amur River

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    Lan-lan YU


    Full Text Available Unusually severe weather is occurring more frequently due to global climate change. Heat waves, rainstorms, snowstorms, and droughts are becoming increasingly common all over the world, threatening human lives and property. Both temperature and precipitation are representative variables usually used to directly reflect and forecast the influences of climate change. In this study, daily data (from 1953 to 1995 and monthly data (from 1950 to 2010 of temperature and precipitation in five regions of the Amur River were examined. The significance of changes in temperature and precipitation was tested using the Mann-Kendall test method. The amplitudes were computed using the linear least-squares regression model, and the extreme temperature and precipitation were analyzed using hydrological statistical methods. The results show the following: the mean annual temperature increased significantly from 1950 to 2010 in the five regions, mainly due to the warming in spring and winter; the annual precipitation changed significantly from 1950 to 2010 only in the lower mainstream of the Amur River; the frequency of extremely low temperature events decreased from 1953 to 1995 in the mainstream of the Amur River; the frequency of high temperature events increased from 1953 to 1995 in the mainstream of the Amur River; and the frequency of extreme precipitation events did not change significantly from 1953 to 1995 in the mainstream of the Amur River. This study provides a valuable theoretical basis for settling disputes between China and Russia on sustainable development and utilization of water resources of the Amur River.

  16. El encierro punitivo y la reactualización del dolor social

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    Paula Daniela Gonzalez


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo es producto de mi tesis de maestría en Salud Mental, donde abordo las representaciones sociales en torno a la institucionalización en el contexto penal juvenil. La metodología cualitativa permitió recuperar la perspectiva de los sujetos desde una mirada holística, descriptiva y analítica, mediante entrevistas a jóvenes que transitaron por instituciones de encierroy a informantes claves del campo jurídico, las ciencias sociales y la salud mental, y el análisis de noticias periodísticas. Para la construcción de datos se utilizó el método de comparación constante (Soneira, 2006. Se presentan algunos hallazgos en torno a las técnicas de gobierno institucional que, mediante la gestión de los cuerpos y la producción/administración de sufrimiento psíquico, reactualizan el dolor social (Scribano, 2007, 2009 incorporado en el cuerpo, originado en las condiciones estructurales de vida, por las falencias del Estado como garante de derechos y su fuerte presencia desde una vertiente punitiva. De esta manera, la institucionalización tiende a construir subjetividades precarias, configurándose en instrumento de reproducción del orden social establecido. Estos aportes invitan a pensar críticamente los sentidos y las prácticas que justifican el encierro con objetivos “socio-educativos”, pero encubren la finalidad histórica actual de control social sobre ciertos sectores juveniles, considerados peligrosos y productores del riesgo.

  17. A dor da queimadura: terrível para quem sente, estressante para quem cuida El dolor de la quemadura: terrible para quien siente estresante para quien cuida Burn pain: terrible for the ones who feel, stressful for the ones who care

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    Lídia Aparecida Rossi


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste foram identificar os significados culturais atribuídos pela equipe de enfermagem às manifestações de dor apresentadas pelos pacientes portadores de queimaduras e identificar as percepções dos pacientes frente à dor provocada pela queimadura e à assistência de enfermagem prestada nestas situações. Foram realizadas observações participantes e entrevistados quatro enfermeiros, cinco auxiliares e 12 pacientes, em uma unidade de queimados. A dor da queimadura foi compreendida pelos enfermeiros como: física e emocional. Para todos os profissionais o banho e curativo são procedimentos estressantes. Para os pacientes a dor é terrível e não pode ser explicada, mas necessita ser suportada.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar los significados culturales que el equipo de enfermería atribuye a las manifestaciones de dolor expresadas por los pacientes portadores de quemadura e identificar las percepciones de los mismos frente al dolor provocado por la quemadura y la atención de enfermería prestada en estas condiciones. Fueron realizadas observaciones participantes y entrevistados cuatro enfermeros, cinco auxiliares y 12 pacientes en una Unidad de Quemados. El dolor de la quemadura fue comprendido por los enfermeros como: física y emocional. Para todos los profesionales y pacientes el baño y la curación son procedimientos estresantes. Para los pacientes el dolor es terrible y no consiguen explicarlo, pero deben soportarlo.The goals of the study were to understand the cultural meaning that the nursing team and burn patients attribute to burn pain. Participant observations were carried out during one year at a Burn Unit. Semi-structured interviews with four nurses, five nursing auxiliaries and 12 patients were recorded. The burn pain is understood by nurses as physical and emotional pain. For professionals and patients, bath and dressing changes are stressful. For patients, burn pain is terrible and they can

  18. An Assessment of Regional Water Resources and Agricultural Sustainability in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer System of Mississippi and Arkansas Under Current and Future Climate (United States)

    Rigby, J.; Reba, M.


    The Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Plain is a highly productive agricultural region for rice, soy beans, and cotton that depends heavily on irrigation. Development of the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer (MRAA), one of the more prolific agricultural aquifers in the country, has traditionally been the primary source for irrigation in the region yielding over 1,100 Mgal/day to irrigation wells. Increasingly, the realities of changing climate and rapidly declining water tables have highlighted the necessity for new water management practices. Tail-water recovery and reuse is a rapidly expanding practice due in part to the efforts and cost-sharing of the NRCS, but regional studies of the potential for such practices to alleviate groundwater mining under current and future climate are lacking. While regional studies of aquifer geology have long been available, including assessments of regional groundwater flow, much about the aquifer is still not well understood including controls on recharge rates, a crucial component of water management design. We review the trends in regional availability of surface and groundwater resources, their current status, and the effects of recent changes in management practices on groundwater decline in Mississippi and Arkansas. Global and regional climate projections are used to assess scenarios of sustainable aquifer use under current land use and management along with the potential for more widely practiced surface water capture and reuse to alleviate groundwater decline. Finally, we highlight crucial knowledge gaps and challenges associated with the development of water management practices for sustainable agricultural use in the region.

  19. Altered Precipitation and Flow Patterns in the Dunajec River Basin

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    Mariola Kędra


    Full Text Available This study analyzes changes in long-term patterns of precipitation and river flow, as well as changes in their variability over the most recent 60 years (1956–2015. The study area is situated in the mountain basin of the Dunajec River, encompassing streams draining the Tatra Mountains in southern Poland. The focus of the study was to evaluate how regional warming translates into precipitation changes in the studied mountain region, and how changes in climate affect sub-regional hydrology. Monthly time series of precipitation measured at several sites were compared for two 30-year periods (1986–2015 versus 1956–1985. The significance of the difference between the periods in question was evaluated by means of the Wilcoxon signed rank test with the Bonferroni correction. The identified shifts in precipitation for 6 months are statistically significant and largely consistent with the revealed changes in river flow patterns. Moreover, significant differences in precipitation variability were noted in the study area, resulting in a significant decrease in the repeatability of precipitation over the most recent 30 years (1986–2015. Changes in the variability of the river flow studied were less visible in this particular mountain region (while significant for two months; however, the overall repeatability of river flow decreased significantly at the same rate as for precipitation.

  20. Disentangling multiple pressures on fish assemblages in large rivers. (United States)

    Zajicek, Petr; Radinger, Johannes; Wolter, Christian


    European large rivers are exposed to multiple human pressures and maintained as waterways for inland navigation. However, little is known on the dominance and interactions of multiple pressures in large rivers and in particular inland navigation has been ignored in multi-pressure analyzes so far. We determined the response of ten fish population metrics (FPM, related to densities of diagnostic guilds and biodiversity) to 11 prevailing pressures including navigation intensity at 76 sites in eight European large rivers. Thereby, we aimed to derive indicative FPM for the most influential pressures that can serve for fish-based assessments. Pressures' influences, impacts and interactions were determined for each FPM using bootstrapped regression tree models. Increased flow velocity, navigation intensity and the loss of floodplains had the highest influences on guild densities and biodiversity. Interactions between navigation intensity and loss of floodplains and between navigation intensity and increased flow velocity were most frequent, each affecting 80% of the FPM. Further, increased sedimentation, channelization, organic siltation, the presence of artificial embankments and the presence of barriers had strong influences on at least one FPM. Thereby, each FPM was influenced by up to five pressures. However, some diagnostic FPM could be derived: Species richness, Shannon and Simpson Indices, the Fish Region Index and lithophilic and psammophilic guilds specifically indicate rhithralisation of the potamal region of large rivers. Lithophilic, phytophilic and psammophilic guilds indicate disturbance of shoreline habitats through both (i) wave action induced by passing vessels and (ii) hydromorphological degradation of the river channel that comes along with inland navigation. In European large rivers, inland navigation constitutes a highly influential pressure that adds on top of the prevailing hydromorphological degradation. Therefore, river management has to consider

  1. Ecosystem Services and Related Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River in Northwest China (United States)

    Disse, M.; Keilholz, P.; Rumbaur, C.; Thevs, N.


    Within the Taklimakan Desert of Northwestern China, an area renowned for its extreme climate and vulnerable ecosystems, lies one of the largest inland rivers in the world, the Tarim River. Because the Tarim River is located in a remote area from the oceans, rainfall is extremely rare (less than 50 mm per year) but potential evaporation is high (3000 mm). Thus, the major source of water discharge comes from snowmelt and glacier-melt in the mountains. Though the water discharge into the Tarim River has experienced an increase over the past ten years, global climate change forecasts predict this water supply to decline within the century. The Tarim River is the major source of water in Northwestern China, and has become the hub of many economic activities related to agriculture and urban life. Over the past 50 years increased activity in the area has led to a severe decline in river flow. Both human and natural ecosystems have been impacted by water diversions. Since rainfall is rare, the majority of vegetation in this area depends solely on groundwater for survival, and plants are experiencing stress caused by decreasing groundwater levels. Recently nearby cities have experienced severe dust storms caused by the shrinking of the vegetative region along the river. SuMaRiO (Sustainable Management of River Oases) is a bundle project between Germany and China working to contribute to a sustainable land management which explicitly takes into account ecosystem functions (ESF) and ecosystem services (ESS). In a transdisciplinary research process, SuMaRiO will identify realizable management strategies, considering social, economic and ecological criteria. SuMaRiO is developing tools to work with Chinese decision makers to implement sustainable land management strategies. In addition, research is being conducted to estimate climate change impacts, floodplain biodiversity, and water runoff characteristics. The overarching goal of SuMaRiO is to support oasis management along

  2. Regional-scale controls on dissolved nitrous oxide in the Upper Mississippi River (United States)

    Turner, P.A.; Griffis, T.J.; Baker, J.M.; Lee, X.; Crawford, John T.; Loken, Luke C.; Venterea, R.T.


    The U.S. Corn Belt is one of the most intensive agricultural regions of the world and is drained by the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), which forms one of the largest drainage basins in the U.S. While the effects of agricultural nitrate (NO3-) on water quality in the UMR have been well documented, its impact on the production of nitrous oxide (N2O) has not been reported. Using a novel equilibration technique, we present the largest data set of freshwater dissolved N2O concentrations (0.7 to 6 times saturation) and examine the controls on its variability over a 350 km reach of the UMR. Driven by a supersaturated water column, the UMR was an important atmospheric N2O source (+68 mg N2ONm-2 yr-1) that varies nonlinearly with the NO3-concentration. Our analyses indicated that a projected doubling of the NO3-concentration by 2050 would cause dissolved N2O concentrations and emissions to increase by about 40%.

  3. Global relationships in river hydromorphology (United States)

    Pavelsky, T.; Lion, C.; Allen, G. H.; Durand, M. T.; Schumann, G.; Beighley, E.; Yang, X.


    Since the widespread adoption of digital elevation models (DEMs) in the 1980s, most global and continental-scale analysis of river flow characteristics has been focused on measurements derived from DEMs such as drainage area, elevation, and slope. These variables (especially drainage area) have been related to other quantities of interest such as river width, depth, and velocity via empirical relationships that often take the form of power laws. More recently, a number of groups have developed more direct measurements of river location and some aspects of planform geometry from optical satellite imagery on regional, continental, and global scales. However, these satellite-derived datasets often lack many of the qualities that make DEM=derived datasets attractive, including robust network topology. Here, we present analysis of a dataset that combines the Global River Widths from Landsat (GRWL) database of river location, width, and braiding index with a river database extracted from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM and the HydroSHEDS dataset. Using these combined tools, we present a dataset that includes measurements of river width, slope, braiding index, upstream drainage area, and other variables. The dataset is available everywhere that both datasets are available, which includes all continental areas south of 60N with rivers sufficiently large to be observed with Landsat imagery. We use the dataset to examine patterns and frequencies of river form across continental and global scales as well as global relationships among variables including width, slope, and drainage area. The results demonstrate the complex relationships among different dimensions of river hydromorphology at the global scale.

  4. Establishment of a non-governmental regional approach to La Plata River Basin integrated watershed management promoted throughout three international workshops supported by UN and Japanese agencies, led by ILEC (United States)

    Calcagno, Alberto; Yamashiki, Yosuke; Mugetti, Ana


    The La Plata River Basin is one of the largest international river basins in the world, with an area of about 3 million km2. It spreads across five countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay), and its water resources are essential for their economic development. Together with reservoir development, extensive deforestation, intensive agriculture practices and large urban developments took place in the Paraná, Paraguay and Uruguay basins, affecting environmental conditions and raising important issues concerning water resources use and conservation. Therefore, the need to promote participatory and cooperative efforts among water resources stakeholders, as well as the systematic exchange of information and experiences on common regional problems among organizations and experts from throughout the basin who are devoted to water resources use and management, was reported by researchers and managers gathered at the First and Second International Workshops on Regional Approaches for Reservoir Development and Management in the La Plata River Basin (held in 1991 and 1994). As a concrete response to this need, the efforts of a number of organizations from various countries within the basin, with the support of international and national governmental organizations, resulted in the foundation of La Plata River Basin Environmental Research and Management Network (RIGA) in March 2001. This was within the framework of the Third International Workshop, which was precisely one of the short-term activities included in the RIGA Action Plan. During the preparatory processes for the RIGA Network, the presence of Japanese cooperation supporting the La Plata River Basin Workshops through a non-governmental international organization (ILEC) played an important role in stimulating such an organization-based joint approach in the basin. This outcome, although not originally planned, constituted a welcomed byproduct of its main specific interest in the region, which was the

  5. Parasitism of the isopod Artystone trysibia in the fish Chaetostoma dermorhynchum from the Tena River (Amazonian region, Ecuador). (United States)

    Junoy, Juan


    The isopod Artystone trysibia Schioedte, 1866 is described by using a collection of specimens that were found parasitizing loricariid fish Chaetostoma dermorhynchum Boulenger, 1887 in the Tena River (Napo province, Ecuador, Amazonian region). Additionally to freshly collected specimens, complementary data of the parasite was obtained from preserved fishes at Ecuadorian museums. This is the first record of A. trysibia in Ecuador, and the most upstream location for the species. The new host fish, Chaetostoma dermorhynchum, is used locally as food. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Mississippi River suspended sediment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raff, J.; Hites, R. [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States)


    The Mississippi River Basin drains water from 41% of the conterminous U.S. and is a valuable resource that supplies food, transportation, and irrigation to more than 95 million people of the region. Discharge and runoff from industry, agriculture, and population centers have increased the loads of anthropogenic organic compounds in the river. There has been growing concern over the rising levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in air, sediment, biota, and humans, but there have been no studies to measure the concentrations of these chemicals in North America's largest river system. The goal of this study was to investigate the occurrence of PBDEs (15 congeners including BDE-209) and to identify possible sources within the Mississippi River Basin. We found PBDEs to be widespread throughout the region, rivaling PCBs in their extent and magnitude of contamination. We have also calculated the total amount of PBDEs released to the Gulf of Mexico in 2002.

  7. El dolor de espalda en la población catalana: Prevalencia, características y conducta terapéutica Back pain in the general population of Catalonia (Spain: Prevalence, characteristics and therapeutic behavior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Bassols


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El dolor de espalda es un motivo frecuente de asistencia sanitaria en los países occidentales. El presente estudio se dirigió a establecer la prevalencia del dolor de espalda en la población adulta de Cataluña, así como sus características, su vinculación a las variables sociodemográficas, la conducta terapéutica seguida y las consecuencias para quienes lo sufren. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo realizado en 1994 a partir de una muestra de 1.964 personas, representativa de la población mayor de 18 años y obtenida a partir del censo de 1991. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante una entrevista telefónica. Se determinó la prevalencia de dolor en general durante los últimos 6 meses. En aquellos entrevistados que refirieron haber sufrido dolor de espalda, se analizaron sus características, se investigó su relación con las variables sociodemográficas, y se determinaron las conductas terapéuticas empleadas para aliviarlo y las consecuencias personales, sociales y laborales. Resultados: El dolor de espalda presentó una elevada prevalencia (50,9%, apareció en todas las edades (media [DE], 47,6 [17] años, predominó en mujeres (60,7%, en trabajadores manuales (54,9% y en personas con menos años de escolarización (71,1%. Era de larga evolución (el 69,2%, más de 3 años, frecuente (el 49,7%, más de la mitad de días, de duración variable (el 27,3%, más de 1 semana e intensidad elevada (el 51,4%, intenso-insoportable. Las opciones terapéuticas más empleadas fueron la consulta médica (71,9%, terapias no convencionales (24,7%, fisioterapia (el 22,7%, sobre todo ejercicios físicos y electroterapia y automedicación (14,6%. En general, la duración y el grado de alivio obtenido con los diversos tratamientos fue variable. El dolor de espalda limitó la actividad habitual (36,7%, obligó a guardar cama (22,7%, generó baja laboral (17% y fue motivo de invalidez profesional (6,5%. Conclusiones: El dolor de espalda constituye una

  8. Calcium and magnesium isotope systematics in rivers draining the Himalaya-Tibetan-Plateau region: Lithological or fractionation control? (United States)

    Tipper, Edward T.; Galy, Albert; Bickle, Mike J.


    In rivers draining the Himalaya-Tibetan-Plateau region, the 26Mg/ 24Mg ratio has a range of 2‰ and the 44Ca/ 42Ca ratio has a range of 0.6‰. The average δ26Mg values of tributaries from each of the main lithotectonic units (Tethyan Sedimentary Series (TSS), High Himalayan Crystalline Series (HHCS) and Lesser Himalayan Series (LHS)) are within 2 standard deviation analytical uncertainty (0.14‰). The consistency of average riverine δ26Mg values is in contrast to the main rock types (limestone, dolostone and silicate) which range in their average δ26Mg values by more than 2‰. Tributaries draining the dolostones of the LHS differ in their δ44Ca values compared to tributaries from the TSS and HHCS. The chemistry of these river waters is strongly influenced by dolostone (solute Mg/Ca close to unity) and both δ26Mg (-1.31‰) and δ44Ca (0.64‰) values are within analytical uncertainty of the LHS dolostone. These are the most elevated δ44Ca values in rivers and rock reported so far demonstrating that both riverine and bedrock δ44Ca values may show greater variability than previously thought. Although rivers draining TSS limestone have the lowest δ26Mgandδ44Ca values at -1.41 and 0.42‰, respectively, both are offset to higher values compared to bedrock TSS limestone. The average δ26Mg value of rivers draining mainly silicate rock of the HHCS is -1.25‰, lower by 0.63‰ than the average silicate rock. These differences are consistent with a fractionation of δ26Mg values during silicate weathering. Given that the proportion of Mg exported from the Himalaya as solute Mg is small, the difference in 26Mg/ 24Mg ratios between silicate rock and solute Mg reflects the 26Mg/ 24Mg isotopic fractionation factor ( αsilicate-dissolvedMg) between silicate and dissolved Mg during incongruent silicate weathering. The value of αsilicate-dissolvedMg of 0.99937 implies that in the TSS, solute Mg is primarily derived from silicate weathering, whereas the source of Ca

  9. La legalización de la marihuana y el abuso de opiáceos prescritos conrta el dolor: como un estado progresista de Estados Unidos afronta el desafío


    Cepeda-Benito, Antonio; Bueno-Cañigral, F. J.; Castelló-Cogollos, Lourdes; Vescna, Adriana


    Libro que recoje la IX Edición de Debates en Drogodependencia con la conferencia titulada: "La legalización de la marihuana y el abuso de opiáceos prescritos contra el dolor: como un estado progresista de Estados Unidos afronta el desafío", celebrada en Valencia el 10 de mayo de 2016 e impartida por el Profesor Dr. D. Antonio Cepeda-Benito.

  10. Remote sensing of wetlands at the Savannah River Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christensen, E.J.; Jensen, J.R.; Sharitz, R.R.


    The Savannah River Plant (SRP) occupies about 300 sq mi along a 10-mile stretch of the Savannah River. Large areas of wetlands cover the site, especially along tributary stream floodplains and the Savannah River. Some of these areas have been altered by cooling water discharges from nuclear production reactors onsite. To assess the effects of current and future plant operations on SRP and regional wetlands, an accurate quantitative survey was needed. Several studies were initiated to provide wetland acreage and distribution information: regional wetland inventories were provided from an analysis of LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS) satellite data. Wetlands were mapped throughout the entire Savannah River watershed and in the Savannah River floodplain. SRP wetlands were identified using a combination of LANDSAT MSS and Thematic Mapper satellite data and aerial photography. Wetlands in the SRP Savannah River swamp and thermally affected areas were mapped using high resolution MSS data collected from a low-flying aircraft. Vegetation communities in areas receiving cooling water discharges were then compared to surface temperatures measured from the airborne scanner at the same time to evaluate plant temperature tolerance. Historic changes to SRP wetlands from cooling water discharges were tabulated using aerial photography

  11. Geomorphological assessment of sites and impoundments for the long term containment of uranium mill tailings in the Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    East, T.J.


    This paper presents a program of current and future research into those geomorphological processes likely to affect the long term containment of uranium mill tailings in the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory. Research is directed at three main areas: identification of geomorphic hazards at proposed impoundment sites; determination of erosion rates on impoundment slopes; and prediction of patterns of fluvial dispersal of released tailings. Each necessitates consideration of present and future geomorphic processes

  12. Spatial and temporal variability in the Quality of Surface water in a semi-arid mediterranean region (river orontes- Lebanon)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Orontes River is an international river, with its headwaters in Lebanon, its middle section in Syria and its mouth in Turkey. Fresh surface waters were sampled monthly during the year 2000 and analyzed for major ions and for trace metals. Sea-salt aerosols in rainwater partially influence the major ion composition in the river. The concentration of major cations and anions fall within the range of the most common natural Concentration of major ion assemblages established for world river(MCNC), with a cation and anion dominance in the order of Ca > Mg > Na> K and HCO3 > SO4 > Cl, which tend to be predominantly influenced by chemical weathering of rocks and minerals in a semi-arid region. Ca and HCO3 are mostly derived from the dissolution of carbonate rocks. The sources of SO4 could be attributed to anhydrite minerals and to anthropogenic impact from fertilizers. Increases in nutrient concentrations are attributed mainly to the increasing influence of agricultural runoff. δ18 0/ δH plots shows that the data either fits the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line(MMWL) or have elevated values that indicate evaporative isotope enrichment in a semi-arid climate. The correlation matrix for trace elements shows a high coefficient of correlation for Fe, Zn and Cu indicating that these elements could be controlled by the same chemistry in water. The bicarbonate-alkaline type of Orontes surface water contribute to the formation of trace metals-carbonate complexes such as FeCO3(aq) and ZnCO3 (aq). The good correlation between Pb, Cd and Cr reflects the effect of increasing urbanization in the catchments. (author)

  13. VOCs and OVOCs distribution and control policy implications in Pearl River Delta region, China (United States)

    Louie, Peter K. K.; Ho, Josephine W. K.; Tsang, Roy C. W.; Blake, Donald R.; Lau, Alexis K. H.; Yu, Jian Zhen; Yuan, Zibing; Wang, Xinming; Shao, Min; Zhong, Liuju


    Ambient air measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) were conducted and characterised during a two-year grid study in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of southern China. The present grid study pioneered the systematic investigation of the nature and characteristics of complex VOC and OVOC sources at a regional scale. The largest contributing VOCs, accounting over 80% of the total VOCs mixing ratio, were toluene, ethane, ethyne, propane, ethene, butane, benzene, pentane, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. Sub-regional VOC spatial characteristics were identified, namely: i) relatively fresh pollutants, consistent with elevated vehicular and industrial activities, around the PRD estuary; and ii) a concentration gradient with higher mixing ratios of VOCs in the west as compared with the eastern part of PRD. Based on alkyl nitrate aging determination, a high hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration favoured fast hydrocarbon reactions and formation of locally produced ozone. The photochemical reactivity analysis showed aromatic hydrocarbons and alkenes together consisted of around 80% of the ozone formation potential (OFP) among the key VOCs. We also found that the OFP from OVOCs should not be neglected since their OFP contribution was more than one-third of that from VOCs alone. These findings support the choice of current air pollution control policy which focuses on vehicular sources but warrants further controls. Industrial emissions and VOCs emitted by solvents should be the next targets for ground-level ozone abatement.

  14. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in thirty typical soil profiles in the Yangtze River Delta region, east China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ping, L.F.; Luo, Y.M.; Zhang, H.B.; Li, Q.B.; Wu, L.H.


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were quantified in 30 soil profiles from the Yangtze River Delta Region, in east China. Relative concentrations of PAH compounds with different benzene rings and ratios of fluoranthene to fluoranthene plus pyrene and benz(a)anthracene to benz(a)anthracene plus chrysene were used to identify the possible sources of soil PAHs. Total concentrations of 15 PAHs in topsoils ranged from 8.6 to 3881 μg kg -1 with an average of 397 μg kg -1 . Half of the soil samples were considered to be contaminated with PAHs (>200 μg kg -1 ) and two sampling sites were heavily polluted by PAHs with concentrations >1000 μg kg -1 . Phenanthrene was found in soils below a depth of 100 cm in half of the sampling sites, but the detectable ratio of benzo(a)pyrene decreased sharply from 100% in topsoil to 0 in the 4th horizon. - The information was provided on levels, distributions, and possible sources of PAHs in the soils of Yangtze River Delta area

  15. Analysis of the presence of cardiovascular and analgesic/anti-inflammatory/antipyretic pharmaceuticals in river- and drinking-water of the Madrid Region in Spain. (United States)

    Valcárcel, Y; Alonso, S González; Rodríguez-Gil, J L; Maroto, R Romo; Gil, A; Catalá, M


    Interest in the presence of pharmaceuticals in wastewater, in the water of our rivers and, to a lesser extent, in our drinking water, has been growing in recent decades. Many of these substances, currently classified as "emerging pollutants", are biologically active compounds and continuously released in effluents. As sewage treatment plants (STPs) are not adequately equipped to eliminate all of these substances completely, some are discharged directly into rivers. In Spain, as in most of its neighbouring countries, there is an elevated use of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (which are extremely prevalent among the older adult population) and anti-inflammatory medications, which are obtainable over the counter without a medical prescription. This study therefore sought to determine to what degree pharmaceuticals with the highest regional prescription and/or use rates, such as cardiovascular and analgesic/anti-inflammatory/antipyretic medications, were present in the principal rivers (Jarama, Manzanares, Guadarrama, Henares and Tagus) and tap-water samples of the Madrid Region (MR). Samples were taken downstream the discharge of 10 of the most important region's STPs and the most frequently used drugs in the region were analysed for. Of the 24 drugs analysed, 21 were detected at concentrations ranging from 2 ng L⁻¹ to 18 μg L⁻¹. The highest drug concentrations corresponded to ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, atenolol, frusemide (furosemide), gemfibrozil and hydrochlorthiazide, and in most cases exceeded the amounts reported in the scientific literature. No traces of these groups of pharmaceuticals were detected in the drinking water analysed. On the basis of the high concentrations detected, we believe that an environmental surveillance system should be implemented to assess the continuous discharge of these pharmaceuticals and their possible ecotoxicological effects. At the same time, efforts to raise the awareness of the public

  16. Bed Degradation and Sediment Export from the Missouri River after Dam Construction and River Training: Significance to Lower Mississippi River Sediment Loads (United States)

    Blum, M. D.; Viparelli, E.; Sulaiman, Z. A.; Pettit, B. S.


    More than 40,000 dams have been constructed in the Mississippi River drainage basin, which has had a dramatic impact on suspended sediment load for the Mississippi delta. The most significant dams were constructed in the 1950s on the Missouri River in South Dakota, after which total suspended loads for the lower Mississippi River, some 2500 km downstream, were cut in half: gauging station data from the Missouri-Mississippi system show significant load reductions immediately after dam closure, followed by a continued downward trend since that time. The delta region is experiencing tremendous land loss in response to acceleration of global sea-level rise, and load reductions of this magnitude may place severe limits on mitigation efforts. Here we examine sediment export from the Missouri system due to bed scour. The US Army Corps of Engineers has compiled changes in river stage at constant discharge for 8 stations between the lowermost dam at Yankton, South Dakota and the Missouri-Mississippi confluence at St. Louis (a distance of 1250 river km), for the period 1930-2010, which we have updated to 2015. These data show two general reaches of significant bed degradation. The first extends from the last major dam at Yankton, South Dakota downstream 300 km to Omaha, Nebraska, where degradation in response to the dam exceeds 3 m. The second reach, with >2.5 m of degradation, occurs in and around Kansas City, Missouri, and has been attributed to river training activities. The reach between Omaha and Kansas City, as well as the lower Missouri below Kansas City, show River due to bed scour following dam construction and river training. This number equates to 20-25 million tons per year, which is sufficient to account for 30% of the total Missouri River load, and 15% of the total post-dam annual sediment load for the lower Mississippi River. For perspective, the quantity of sediment exported from the Missouri River due to bed scour is greater than the total load for all

  17. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of pain in lateral posterior thoracotomy patients Aspectos cualitativo y cuantitativo del dolor de pacientes sometidos a la toracotomia postero-lateral Aspectos qualitativo e quantitativo da dor de pacientes submetidos à toracotomia póstero-lateral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thaiza Teixeira Xavier


    Full Text Available Descriptive study that proposed to compare the qualitative and quantitative behavior of the pain in lateral posterior thoracotomy patients. The sample was consisted of 18 individuals with an average age of 44 years. The instruments used were physiotherapy evaluation form, numerical pain scale and McGill questionnaire for pain. The pain on the numerical pain scale was considered moderate(5 for both sexes. The descriptors of the McGill questionnaire choosen by the patients with higher frequency were: in the sensorial component, beat4, pointed1, shock2, final and pull2; in the afetive component, tired1, bored1, punishald1 and miserable1 and in the evaluative component was flat. The characteristics of pain in the sensorial group were more evidents on male group. No significant statistical difeferences were observed between quantitative answers concerning pain between the men and women. On the qualitative aspects , was observed an predominancy of the same descriptors of pain in afetive component for both sexes. Pain intensity was categorized as moderate. No significant statistical difference were observed between the pain on the post-operatory lateral posterior thoracotomy. These data demonstrate a necessity for an analysis with a larger study group.Estudio descriptivo que ha determinado comparar el comportamiento cualitativo y cuantitativo del dolor en pacientes sometidos a la Toracotomia Postero Lateral(TPL. La muestra fue constituida por 18 (dieciocho individuos, siendo 10 (diez hombres y 8 (ocho mujeres con edad media de 44 años. Como instrumento se utilizo la ficha de evaluacion fisioterapeutica, escala numerica moderada(5 para ambos los sexos. Los descriptores de los cuestionarios para dolor McGill escogidos con mayor frecuencia por los pacientes fueron: en el componente sensorial pungente4, puntada1, choque2, fina1, tirãn2; en el componente afectivo, cansacial1, mareante1, castigante1 y miserable1 y en el componente evaluativo fue pesada1

  18. Science-policy interplay: Air quality management in the Pearl River Delta region and Hong Kong (United States)

    Zhong, Liuju; Louie, Peter K. K.; Zheng, Junyu; Yuan, Zibing; Yue, Dingli; Ho, Josephine W. K.; Lau, Alexis K. H.


    The information provided by the scientific studies and control measures implemented in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of China reveals that tremendous progress has been made in the understanding of regional air pollution issues and the deployment of mitigation measures for alleviating these problems. Given the unparalleled rapid economic growth in the PRD over the past two decades, such progress was only made possible by strong, science-based support and the partnerships between government and research institutions in the region and overseas. Researchers from these partnership programs and related studies have deployed cutting-edge expertise and experience in various crucial mainland China and mainland China/Hong Kong-level projects. China recognizes the importance of protecting the environment and cleaning up the air in the pursuit of sustainable growth and economic development. To avoid falling into a cycle of event-driven clean-up efforts, China has recently taken a major step and updated the national ambient air quality standards. Clearly, China is implementing an increasing number of evidence-based policies to address air pollution problems. Thus, to bring a fresh impetus at a national level, the PRD must maintain and augment the Hong Kong-mainland collaborative momentum, inducing a "whole-China" effort to clean up air pollution. To strengthen the science-based support system and ensure continuous and concerted effort in implementing the regional multi-pollutant control strategy, there must be an overarching and integral Hong Kong-Guangdong science consortium framework supporting the formulation of regional policy and control measures built on common goals under the "one country, two systems" principle. The "PRD Approach" of the air quality management regime reflected regional cooperative efforts in synchronous air pollutant control, catalyzed the crucial role of information disclosure and subtly transformed the air quality management approach to overcome

  19. Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Water Trail Plan. (United States)


    The Water Trail Plan describes the current conditions of and future plans for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (NRRA), a 72-mile stretch of the Mississippi River running through the Twin Cities region of Minnesota. In 2012, the NRRA...

  20. A dor na criança com câncer: modelos de avaliação El dolor en niños con cáncer: modelos de evaluación Pain in children with cancer: evaluation models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Torritesi


    Full Text Available O controle e o alívio da dor na assistência à criança com câncer tem sido objeto de preocupação da enfermagem na busca de intervenções que possam minimizar ou evitar problemas de ordem físico-emocional para estas crianças. A literatura da área médica, da psicologia e da enfermagem descrevem a dor através de aspectos fisiológicos, emocionais, comportamentais e ambientais, sendo divulgados vários modelos de escalas de avaliação e de controle da dor. Este estudo descreve alguns modelos de avaliação da dor em crianças e apresenta a adaptação do Modelo de Escala Analógica Visual de Faces de McGrath (1990, como instrumento a ser utilizado na assistência de enfermagem à criança com câncer. Embora a literatura utilizada neste estudo enfatize a avaliação e o controle da dor na criança com câncer, verificamos a viabilidade da aplicação deste modelo pela enfermagem em outras situações de dor.El control y alivio del dolor en la asistencia a niños con cáncer ha sido objeto de inquietud de la enfermería en busca de intervenciones que puedan minimizar o evitar problemas de orden físico-emocional para estos niños. La literatura de las áreas médica, psicología y enfermería describen el dolor a través de aspectos fisiológicos, emocionales, comportamentales y ambientales, siendo divulgados vários modelos de escalas de evaluación y control del dolor. Este estudio describe algunos modelos de evaluación del dolor en niños y presenta la adaptación del Modelo de Escala Analógica Visual de Facetas de McGrath (1990, como instrumento a ser utilizado en la asistencia de enfermería a niños con cáncer. Sin embargo la literatura utilizada en este estudio enfatice la avaluación y el control de el dolor en el niño con cáncer, verificamos la viabilidad de la aplicación de este modelo por el profesional de enfermería en otras situaciones del dolor.Control and alleviation of pain in the care to children with cancer are