
Sample records for disputa eleitoral 1990-2006

  1. Disputas, ajustes e acomodações na produção da agenda eleitoral: a cobertura jornalística ao Programa Bolsa Família e as eleições de 2006

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    Flávia Biroli


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma análise da cobertura jornalística ao Programa Bolsa Família durante as eleições presidenciais de 2006. A pesquisa abrange um total de 166 textos que mencionaram o Programa, publicados pelos jornais O Globo, O Estado de São Paulo, Folha de São Paulo e Valor Econômico entre os dias 1º de setembro e 31 de outubro de 2006. Discutimos a dinâmica de produção da agenda eleitoral, observando as disputas, ajustes e acomodações que constituem a cobertura. A análise conjunta das vozes e dos enquadramentos presentes no material permite observar aspectos relevantes das interações entre os campos da mídia e da política no contexto em que a cobertura foi realizada. As conclusões ressaltam a baixa pluralidade do noticiário, associada a representações das eleições de 2006 e da democracia brasileira que têm como aspectos centrais a estigmatização dos eleitores de baixa renda e dos beneficiários de programas sociais.Abstract: This article presents an analysis of the news about an important social program maintained by the federal government, Programa Bolsa Família, in the period of brazilian major elections of 2006. The study is based in 166 texts published in the newspapers O Globo, O Estado de São Paulo, Folha de São Paulo e Valor Econômico between September 1st and October 31st. We discuss the production of electoral agenda, observing disputes, adjustments and acommodations that constitute news coverage. The analysis of voices and framings in the texts leads to the observation of relevant aspects of the relations between media and politics at that moment. Conclusions underline the low plurality in press coverage, connected to representations of the elections of 2006 and Brazilian democracy that include stigmatization of low income voters and beneficiaries of social programs.

  2. Categorias sócio-profissionais, titulação escolar e disputas eleitorais

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    Odaci Luiz Coradini


    Full Text Available O artigo expõe resultados da análise das relações entre recursos de posição social, investimentos financeiros em campanhas e resultados em disputas eleitorais de diferentes níveis. Foram incluídos os candidatos às eleições municipais de 2004 e gerais de 2006. No que tange aos recursos de posição social, foram examinadas particularmente as associações com a condição profissional e com a titulação escolar. Foram examinados também os efeitos da ocupação prévia de cargos eletivos. Conforme a hipótese geral perseguida, por um lado, ocorre um processo de concentração nas categorias ocupacionais que representam posição social mais alta e mais fortemente associada à titulação escolar mais valorizada na medida em que o cargo em disputa é hierarquicamente mais elevado. Além disso, nas disputas para cada cargo os efeitos desses recursos estão presentes nas chances de sucesso ou fracasso eleitoral. Por outro lado, além dos recursos associados à ocupação e ao grau de escolarização, na medida em que o cargo em disputa é mais elevado e as chances de sucesso são mais altas, também cresce o peso do "carisma de função" decorrente da ocupação prévia de cargos eletivos.

  3. O fenomeno Fujimori : a conjuntura que construiu um presidente : a experiencia eleitoral peruana de 1990


    Wilfredo Jose Cesare Doria


    Resumo: Este trabalho trata da conjuntura política peruana de 1987 a 1990, que possibilitou a aparição política do Engenheiro Alberto Fujimori Fujimori e seu posterior triunfo eleitoral que o levou a ser eleito Presidente da República. Em base a testemunhos de outros personagens envolvidos nessa conjuntura, textos de alguns autores sobre o tema, pesquisas de opinião pública, dados encontrados em jornais peruanos da época e a observação direta do autor sobre os acontecimentos; os principais mo...

  4. Ciclos políticos, socioeconomia e a geografia eleitoral do estado da Bahia nas eleições de 2006

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    Daniel Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo do artigo é analisar se interações socioeconômicas, políticas, espaciais e dos programas de transferência de renda governamental determinaram os resultados das eleições nos municípios do estado da Bahia, para o cargo de governador, em 2006. Essa eleição marcou a interrupção do controle político por parte de uma coligação partidária e grupo político também conhecido na literatura de Ciência Política como “carlismo”, a partir da vitória do candidato do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT. A literatura sobre economia dos ciclos políticos foi utilizada como base teórica. Foi elaborado um banco de dados sobre resultados eleitorais e variáveis socioeconômicas, a partir das bases de dados do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE, do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Estado da Bahia (TRE-BA, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE, da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN e do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social (MDS. Baseado nesse banco de dados, foram aplicados métodos de estatística espacial e econometria espacial associados a procedimentos de espacialização e georreferencialmento de dados. Os resultados da análise exploratória de dados espaciais indicam que os votos do PT, nas eleições no estado da Bahia de 2006, estão parcialmente correlacionados no espaço. Com a modelagem econométrica, foi comprovado que as defasagens espaciais dos votos petistas são estaticamente significantes, dado p-valor das defasagens ρ e λ nos modelos adotados. As estimações econométricas mostraram as variáveis socioeconômicas tiveram pouco efeito sobre os resultados nos municípios. O sucesso do PT nas eleições para governador do Estado da Bahia em 2006 esteve fortemente estruturado na base eleitoral prévia e na associação dos votos locais para Presidente da República, denominado no artigo de “efeito Lula”. Quanto ao Programa Bolsa Família, este apresentou efeito

  5. O eleitor antipetista: partidarismo e avaliação retrospectiva

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    Denise Paiva

    Full Text Available Há um grande número de estudos sobre o Partido dos Trabalhadores, abordando desde a sua origem, organização e dinâmica interna até a sua relação com o eleitorado. A legenda, ao longo dos anos, tem apresentado os maiores índices de preferência partidária vis-à-vis as demais, fenômeno esse conhecido como petismo. O artigo propõe-se a analisar a outra face desse fenômeno: a rejeição que parcela do eleitorado tem demonstrado a esse partido, o antipetismo. Queremos saber quem é o eleitor antipetista, com base nos dados do Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro (Eseb 2014. Nosso objetivo principal é identificar e caracterizar o perfil do eleitor antipetista, por meio da estatística descritiva, e estabelecer uma comparação com o eleitor antipartidário. Em seguida, recorrendo a um modelo de regressão logística ajustado, detectar o impacto de algumas variáveis sobre a probabilidade de o entrevistado ser identificado como antipetista. Os resultados mostraram que a avaliação negativa do desempenho do governo da presidente Dilma Rousseff e o voto nos candidatos do PSDB nas eleições presidenciais são variáveis determinantes para um eleitor ser antipetista.

  6. Agenda política e midiática: última semana de cobertura eleitoral e a opinião pública no radiojornalismo do interior

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    Full Text Available O debate sobre o agendamento entre o campo político, a mídia e os impactos disso na Opinião Pública e na Esfera Pública é um dos objetivos do paper com base em discussões realizadas por McCombs (2009, Lippman (2008 e Habermas (2003. Os dados sobre o agendamento são oriundos de três programas das emissoras de radiodifusão, que foram ao ar na última semana de eleições em Guarapuava, região central do Paraná. Foram coletados áudios dos dias 29 e 30 de setembro, e 1 e 2 de outubro de 2014, momento eleitoral que envolve a disputa para os governos federal e estadual, além de vagas no Congresso Nacional e na Assembleia Legislativa.

  7. A construção da campanha eleitoral majoritária no HGPE: uma análise comparada das estratégias usadas pelos presidenciáveis de 2014

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    Michele Goulart Massuchin


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir as diferenças na apropriação do Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral (HGPE pelos partidos e candidatos na disputa majoritária à Presidência da República em 2014. A propaganda televisiva é o principal recurso de campanha utilizado em eleições de grande porte, sendo que tanto o conteúdo quanto o formato são relevantes para compreender o modo como a disputa se estrutura. Analisa-se o conteúdo apresentado pelos dois principais candidatos – Dilma Rousseff (PT e Aécio Neves (PSDB – considerando as estratégias, o apelo, os formatos, o tipo de orador e a mensagem geral de campanha. A metodologia utilizada é quantitativa de análise de conteúdo, sendo que este artigo parte de duas hipóteses: a o segundo turno torna-se mais negativo, com maior ênfase na imagem do candidato e com uma campanha mais voltada para as emoções; b a estruturação da campanha dos candidatos se dá de modo diferente, evidenciando características e formatos distintos.

  8. PT no purgatório: ambivalência eleitoral no primeiro turno das eleições presidenciais de 2010

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    Lucio Rennó


    Full Text Available Neste artigo investigamos os padrões de volatilidade eleitoral, em nível individual, nas eleições presidenciais de 2010 com o objetivo de explicar a mudança de intenção de votos antes do primeiro turno entre os candidatos José Serra, Marina Silva e Dilma Rousseff. Damos ênfase ao papel das percepções sobre corrupção e sobre o aborto para entendermos o resultado final do primeiro turno das eleições. Para tanto, utilizamos o Estudo de Painel Eleitoral Brasileiro (EPEB, que conta com três ondas de entrevistas com a mesma amostra probabilística de eleitores brasileiros, representativa nacionalmente, e que permite aferir como os eleitores mudaram de opinião durante a campanha eleitoral. Os resultados indicam que os escândalos de corrupção, mais do que a discussão sobre aborto, estimularam uma perda de votos em Dilma Rousseff.

  9. O acesso à propaganda eleitoral televisionada nos municípios paulistas

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    Mércia Alves


    Full Text Available As campanhas eleitorais são importantes instituições nas democracias representativas, centrais na relação entre os partidos políticos que disputam cargos eletivos e eleitorado. Hoje, os meios de comunicação de massa, principalmente a televisão, cumprem um papel essencial durante os períodos eleitorais. Nessa direção, no Brasil o HGPE é por excelência o palco da política eleitoral mediada, meio pelo qual os partidos e candidatos apresentam propostas de governo, constroem a sua imagem pública, e conferem ataques aos seus adversários. Entretanto, quando se trata das eleições municipais, na maioria das cidades os partidos não têm acesso ao HGPE, essas fazem parte da área de cobertura de outros municípios. Buscando contribuir para o debate entre comunicação e política, este artigo tem como principal objetivo, indicar o mapa do acesso à propaganda eleitoral no estado de São Paulo. Questiona-se qual a amplitude da propaganda eleitoral no estado de São Paulo quanto ao alcance do eleitorado.

  10. Discursos em disputa: uma leitura alternativa acerca dos dilemas da ação internacional na Somália durante a década de 1990

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    Marta Regina Fernandez Y Garcia Moreno


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda os dilemas enfrentados pelos atores internacionais nas operações de paz levadas a cabo na Somália na década de 1990. Busca-se evidenciar as narrativas divergentes articuladas pelos Estados Unidos e pelas Nações Unidas vis-à-vis o "Outro" somali. Sugere-se que os principais dilemas experimentados pela ONU e pelos Estados Unidos na Somália não foram de natureza técnica, concernente a problemas de coordenação entre as principais forças envolvidas, como usualmente se argumenta. Diferentemente, argumenta-se que existiu uma disputa de natureza política entre os Estados Unidos e a ONU na Somália, amparada por discursos distintos sobre o "Outro" somali.

  11. Reeleição para a Câmara dos Deputados brasileira em 2006 e as incertezas do sistema eleitoral DOI:10.5007/2175-7984.2011v10n19p167

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    Alvaro Augusto de Borba Barreto


    Full Text Available A pesquisa relaciona o sucesso ou o fracasso na tentativa de reeleição dos deputados federais no pleito de 2006 com a votação individual e o posicionamento de cada um na lista, comparados a 2002, na tentativa de verificar se a performance em alguns desses indicadores pode ser a garantia para a manutenção do mandato parlamentar. São encontradas situações correspondentes a cada uma das oito combinações possíveis, as quais, ao serem analisadas, demonstram que não há fórmula de sucesso na atual configuração do sistema eleitoral: fazer mais votos e/ou melhorar o posicionamento na lista não são suficientes para a manutenção do mandato, bem como desempenho negativo em comparação ao pleito anterior não elimina esta possibilidade.

  12. Redesenhando o Mapa Eleitoral do Brasil: uma proposta de reforma política incremental

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    Octavio Amorim Neto


    Full Text Available Este artigo oferece uma proposta de reforma incremental do sistema eleitoral da Câmara dos Deputados. A natureza incremental da proposta se funda na suposição segundo a qual o sistema político é uma arquitetura complexa e delicada, sendo a possibilidade de piorá-lo com mudanças ambiciosas e intempestivas bem maior do que a de aperfeiçoá-lo. A proposta mantém o sistema de representação proporcional com lista aberta, mas altera duas variáveis-chave, uma vez que reduz a magnitude média das circunscrições eleitorais e estabelece uma regra proporcional de distribuição de cadeiras entre partidos coligados. A operacionalização da reforma leva a um novo desenho do mapa eleitoral do país, com circunscrições eleitorais menores dentro de 12 estados. O artigo também apresenta os resultados de um exercício de simulação feito com base nos dados das eleições de 2006 que recalcula a composição partidária da Câmara dos Deputados a partir das regras aqui preconizadas.This article presents a proposal for an incremental reform of the electoral system of the Chamber of Deputies. The incremental nature of the proposal rests on the assumption that this political system is a complex and delicate architecture, and therefore, abrupt and ambitious changes are more likely to make it worse than to improve it. The proposal advocated here maintains the current system of open-list proportional representation, but it changes two key variables of this electoral system, since it reduces its average district magnitude and establishes a proportional distribution of seats among parties that form electoral coalitions. The way the reform is operationalized leads to a redesign of the electoral map of the country, with smaller districts within 12 states. The article also presents the results of a simulation exercise based on data from the 2006 elections, whereby the party makeup of the Chamber of Deputies is recalculated according to the rules proposed

  13. Os partidos brasileiros na perspectiva dos eleitores: mudanças e continuidades na identificação partidária e na avaliação das principais legendas após 2002

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    Luciana Fernandes Veiga


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as mudanças e continuidades na identidade partidária e na avaliação pelos eleitores dos quatro grandes partidos brasileiros: PT, PMDB, PSDB e PFL/DEM, entre 2002 e 2006. Os dados mostram uma redução no número de eleitores com identificação partidária no período e o PT como a agremiação com a maior perda. Não obstante, nenhum dos três outros partidos foi diretamente beneficiado com a perda petista. Quanto aos perfis dos eleitores de cada partido, a comparação entre os dois pleitos mostra que o PT e o PMDB apresentaram as mudanças mais significativas. A análise final mostra que a avaliação positiva do governo vigente e a avaliação positiva do partido situacionista são as variáveis mais associadas à avaliação dos partidos.The article analyses the changes and continuities related to the party identification and the party evaluation of the main four Brazilian parties: PT, PMDB,PSDB and PFL/DEM in 2002 and 2006. Data show a reduction in the party identification and the Worker’s Party as the one with the main reduction, although none of the other 3 parties have benefited of the reduction. The PMDB and the PT show the most significant changes in the voter’s social and demographic characteristics between elections. Finally, the analysis shows that the positive evaluation of the current government and the positive evaluation of the government party are variables strongly associated to the party evaluation.

  14. Como os brasileiros escolhem os governadores? Desvendando as razões do voto para os executivos estaduais no Brasil em 2014

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    Oswaldo E. do Amaral

    Full Text Available Resumo Apesar da importância das disputas para os governos estaduais na política brasileira, pouco se sabe a respeito dos fatores que levam às escolhas dos eleitores para esses pleitos. Existem fatores comuns que ajudam a explicar a escolha dos eleitores em todo o país para os governos estaduais? Qual é o peso da avaliação do governo federal e da percepção sobre o desempenho da economia do país nas eleições nas unidades da federação? Candidatos à reeleição ou apoiados pelo governador são beneficiados pela avaliação positiva do governo federal? A preferência partidária importa na hora de escolher os candidatos a governador? Essas são as perguntas que buscamos responder, ainda que de maneira preliminar, neste artigo. Para isso, realizamos análises multivariadas a partir dos dados de nível individual produzidos pelo Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro (Eseb de 2014. Os resultados indicam que a preferência partidária, assim como nas eleições presidenciais, é importante elemento de escolha nos pleitos para os governos estaduais, e que a disputa entre PT e PSDB no plano nacional acaba por influenciar também o âmbito estadual.

  15. As estratégias de retórica na disputa pela Prefeitura de São Paulo em 2004: PT, mandatário, versus PSDB, desafiante

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    Luciana Fernandes Veiga


    Full Text Available A experiência do PT no governo (nos âmbitos nacional e local suscitou a curiosidade sobre possíveis alterações no seu discurso eleitoral na disputa pela Prefeitura de São Paulo. O foco desta análise está nas continuidades e rupturas das estratégias retóricas elaboradas a partir dos eixos ideológico (esquerda e direita e pragmático (mandatário e desafiante. A preocupação central é o discurso do PT, e a análise da comunicação apresentada pelo PSDB tem um caráter complementar. Todos os programas e spots veiculados pelas campanhas do PT e do PSDB em São Paulo foram analisados a partir de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos.The experience of the Worker's Party at the Brazilian national and local governments has estimuladted the curiosity about changings in its electoral discourse at the elections for the São Paulo Mayor. This article focuses on the changes and continuities of rethorical strategieand the analysis is based on campaign 'spots' veiculated by the Worker's Party and the Brazilian Social Democratic Party.

  16. Socioeconomic disparities in maternity care among Indian adolescents, 1990-2006.

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    Chandan Kumar

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: India, with a population of more than 1.21 billion, has the highest maternal mortality in the world (estimated to be 56000 in 2010; and adolescent (aged 15-19 mortality shares 9% of total maternal deaths. Addressing the maternity care needs of adolescents may have considerable ramifications for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG-5. This paper assesses the socioeconomic differentials in accessing full antenatal care and professional attendance at delivery by adolescent mothers (aged 15-19 in India during 1990-2006. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data from three rounds of the National Family Health Survey of India conducted during 1992-93, 1998-99, and 2005-06 were analyzed. The Cochran-Armitage and Chi-squared test for linear and non-linear time trends were applied, respectively, to understand the trend in the proportion of adolescent mothers utilizing select maternity care services during 1990-2006. Using pooled multivariate logistic regression models, the probability of select maternal healthcare utilization among women by key socioeconomic characteristics was appraised. After adjusting for potential socio-demographic and economic characteristics, the likelihood of adolescents accessing full antenatal care increased by only 4% from 1990 to 2006. However, the probability of adolescent women availing themselves of professional attendance at delivery increased by 79% during the same period. The study also highlights the desolate disparities in maternity care services among adolescents across the most and the least favoured groups. CONCLUSION: Maternal care interventions in India need focused programs for rural, uneducated, poor adolescent women so that they can avail themselves of measures to delay child bearing, and for better antenatal consultation and delivery care in case of pregnancy. This study strongly advocates the promotion of a comprehensive 'adolescent scheme' along the lines of 'Continuum of Maternal, Newborn and Child

  17. Changes in contraceptive use and method mix in Pakistan: 1990-91 to 2006-07. (United States)

    Carton, Thomas W; Agha, Sohail


    To determine (a) whether the influence of the determinants of family planning use in Pakistan changed between 1990-91 and 2006-07, and (b) if these changes were associated with changes in the method mix. Data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS) of 1990-91 and 2006-07 were used in the analyses. Data on 5184 married, non-pregnant, fecund women in 1990-91 and 8041 married, non-pregnant, fecund women in 2006-07 were used. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with the use of any contraceptive method and whether the influence of these factors changed between the survey years. Changes in the method mix were examined. The effects of urban/rural residence, wealth and education on contraceptive use changed between 1990-91 and 2006-07. Differentials in contraceptive use by residence, wealth and education declined and were accompanied by changes in the method mix. In rural areas and among less-educated women, the contribution of traditional methods to the method mix increased. Among the poorest women, the method mix shifted towards traditional methods and condoms. Less-educated, rural, Pakistani women increased the use of family planning at a faster rate than more-educated, urban, women by adopting the use of traditional family planning methods. Poor women also increased family planning use more quickly than non-poor women, by adopting condoms and traditional methods. The more rapid increase in the demand for family planning among poorer, less-educated, rural women is a positive trend. In order to convert this demand into the use of longer-term modern methods, however, access to high quality services must be improved in rural and low-income urban areas.

  18. Como o povo decide seu voto? Um estudo de caso do comportamento do eleitor [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2013011

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    Marcos Ferreira Santos


    Full Text Available Esse estudo tem por objetivo investigar o comportamento do eleitor na escolha do candidato e do partido. A revisão bibliográfica trata das abordagens sobre a formação do comportamento político e opções dos eleitores, segundo fatores econômicos, sociológicos e psicológicos, a partir dos quais se desenvolveu dois modelos conceituais para analise dos pesos dos fatores na escolha do eleitor pelo candidato e partido. Foi realizada uma pesquisa survey na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte em 2010, com 310 eleitores, logo após a eleição de Governador do Estado de Minas Gerais. Os modelos apresentaram pesos significativos na escolha do candidato, nos fatores: a opinião dos amigos/colegas, da família, os eventos correntes e a avaliação do corrente do governo em exercício. A pesquisa contribui para a compreensão dos fatores influentes na decisão pelo voto do eleitor e indica pontos de atenção para a sociedade, pesquisadores, políticos e estabelecimento de estratégicas eleitorais. Sugere-se a replicação dos modelos e métricas adotados em outros pleitos.   Palavras-chave: Comportamento do Eleitor. Voto democrático. Política. Marketing Politico. HOW THE PEOPLE DECIDE THEIR VOTE? A CASE STUDY OF THE VOTER BEHAVIOR Abstract This study has the objective of investigate the vote behavior when choosing candidate and party. The review of the bibliography discusses the approaches to the formation of political behavior and choices of voters, according to economic, sociological and psychological factors, from which it developed two conceptual models to analyze the weights of the factors in the choice of the voter by the candidate and party.  A survey research was conducted in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte in 2010, with 310 voters, after the election of the Governor of the State of Minas Gerais. The models showed significant weights related to the selection of the candidate in the following factors: the opinion of friends

  19. Embargos de declaração no processo eleitoral: peculiaridades e breve análise ao projeto de 'novo' código de processo civil

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    Rodrigo Reis Mazzei


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a regulamentação dos embargos de declaração no seio do processo eleitoral, bem como a interpretação que tem sido dada pelos Tribunais Superiores. Aborda questões essenciais dos embargos de declaração, como prazo, natureza jurídica, hipóteses de cabimento e efeito suspensivo, muitas das quais objeto de discussão na doutrina e jurisprudência devido, sobretudo, à diversificação e variedade das normas que tratam do assunto (Código Eleitoral, regimentos internos dos Tribunais e Código de Processo Civil e Código de Processo Penal – aplicados subsidiariamente, além da necessidade de uma interpretação voltada à natureza constitucional da espécie recursal. Observa as propostas do Projeto do Novo CPC, em trâmite legislativo, para a regulamentação dos embargos de declaração e os impactos que esse novo texto trará ao processo eleitoral, pontuando possíveis caminhos para a conciliação entre o “novo” processo civil e o ordenamento eleitoral.

  20. Imprensa e voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006

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    Pedro Santos Mundim


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre os efeitos da cobertura da imprensa no voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006. Argumenta-se que ela foi um fator importante em ambos os pleitos. A variável dependente é formada pelas séries históricas de intenção de voto dos principais candidatos: Lula (Partido dos Trabalhadores, Serra (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira, Garotinho (Partido Socialista Brasileiro e Ciro (Partido Popular Socialista em 2002, e Lula, Alckmin (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira, Heloísa Helena (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade e Cristovam Buarque (Partido Democrático Trabalhista em 2006. A principal variável explicativa é a cobertura eleitoral de quatro grandes jornais do país: Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo e Jornal do Brasil. Completam o modelo as seguintes variáveis de controle: propaganda partidária dos candidatos, o Horário Político Gratuito Eleitoral no 1º e 2º turnos, os debates presidenciais e o índice de popularidade presidencial. Os modelos foram estimados via MQO. Os resultados dos testes indicam que, em 2002, a cobertura da imprensa de Lula e Ciro Gomes foi uma das responsáveis pela variação observada nas suas respectivas intenções de voto. Em 2006, a dinâmica foi um pouco mais complexa. Apenas as intenções de voto em Heloísa Helena foram afetadas por sua própria cobertura. A princípio, é surpreendente que a cobertura extremamente negativa de Lula não tenha lhe custado votos. Mas ela teve um impacto indireto, e importante, para Alckmin e Cristovam Buarque. Como esse impacto foi maior durante o escândalo do dossiê tucano, podese afirmar que a cobertura da imprensa contribuiu decisivamente para a ocorrência do 2º turno na última eleição presidencial. Esses resultados mantêm-se mesmo quando se analisam os votos de eleitores de grupos de escolaridade distintos, um controle para os diferentes níveis de exposição aos

  1. Usos e sentidos da voz no discurso político eleitoral brasileiro

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    Carlos Piovezani


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    A partir de considerações sobre a possibilidade, a especificidade e a produtividade de uma abordagem discursiva das relações entre sons e sentidos, o trabalho refl ete, inicialmente, sobre algumas funções da voz na constituição de efeitos de sentido no discurso político eleitoral brasileiro. Mais especificamente, são analisadas sequências discursivas extraídas do Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral (HGPE das eleições presidenciais de 2002, por meio da descrição e interpretação de certos usos e efeitos dos segmentos, suprassegmentos e elementos prosódicos empregados em determinadas passagens de programas dos então candidatos, Lula e José Serra. Após essas análises, o estudo encerra-se com uma reflexão sobre um traço antropológico inscrito na voz humana, que congrega a razão e a sedução em suas modulações e com uma hipótese sobre uma espécie de nostalgia da voz ante a emergência de determinadas tecnologias de linguagem que supostamente a ameaçam. As refl exões e análises aqui desenvolvidas fundamentam-se na Análise do discurso, derivada dos trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux e seu grupo.

  2. Primeiros passos para a elaboração de um Modelo Psicossociológico do Comportamento Eleitoral: estudo dos eleitores de João Pessoa na campanha de 1992 Proposing a Psychosociological Model of Electoral Choice: the case of 1992 election in João Pessoa

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    Leoncio Camino


    Full Text Available O debate sobre os fatores intervenientes no processo eleitoral tem-se polarizado entre duas perspectivas: a sociológica e a psicológica. Situando a escolha eleitoral num processo dialético, Camino, Torres e Da Costa (1995 organizaram os fatores que influenciam no voto utilizando duas dimensões independentes. A primeira, constituída pelas duas vertentes do processo de construção da realidade política: as alternativas políticas concretas e o ato individual de escolha. A segunda constituída por três níveis de análise: o observacional, o mediacional e o metateórico. Esta sistematização guiou um conjunto de pesquisas eleitorais com estudantes realizadas por Camino e colaboradores (1995. Os resultados permitiram elaborar um Modelo Psicossociológico, no qual pressupõe-se que a Escolha Eleitoral é um processo que se estabelece desde a inserção do indivíduo nas organizações da sociedade até o momento de depositar seu voto na urna. O modelo localiza etapas do processo e as relaciona com a escolha eleitoral. Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa cujos resultados confirmam as principais relações propostas no "Modelo Psicossociológico". Observa-se que os eleitores com participação social são os que mais acreditam na eficácia das atividades eleitorais. Constata-se também que as diversas formas de participação social modelam visões próprias no que concerne à estrutura social. A visão da estrutura social, enquanto matriz ideológica, influencia também a escolha eleitoral. Os dados mostraram ainda que existe uma relação estreita entre a ideologia do partido de simpatia e o tipo de representação da estrutura social. Finalmente, discutem-se as perspectivas que o modelo abre no estudo do comportamento eleitoral.The discussion of the intervening factors in the electoral process has polarized into two perspectives: the sociological and the psychological. Establishing electoral choice as a dialectical process, Camino, Torres

  3. Drug company advertising in medical journals about the health-economic advantages of their products for 2000-2006 versus 1990-1999. (United States)

    Palmer, Jennifer A; Timm, Alison R; Neumann, Peter J


    Section 114 of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) effective February 19, 1998, permitted some additional flexibility for drug companies to provide "health care economic information" to "a formulary committee or other similar entity" and may have caused a decline in economic messages used in print advertisements in medical journals. We previously investigated the promotional claims made by pharmaceutical companies about the economic advantages of their prescription products in print advertisements in 6 leading medical journals from 1990-1999. To examine the hypotheses that (1) economic promotion in journals declined after the effective date of Section 114 of the FDAMA, and (2) increased calls for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scrutiny of health-economic information was associated with an increase in the reporting of supporting information for economic advertisements in 2000- 2006 compared with the 1990s. Two researchers independently reviewed all pharmaceutical print advertisements in 3 issues each year of 3 general medical and 3 specialty journals (totaling 18 issues each year) from 2000 through 2006. The type of economic claim (e.g., advertisements using the words "price," "costs less," "value") as well as the presence of supporting information for an advertisement's claims (e.g., published studies) were tabulated using a standardized data collection form. The research method was similar to that used in previous research of economic claims in advertisements in the same 6 medical journals from 1990-1999, and we compared the results from previous research for 1990-1999 with the new findings for 2000-2006. The list of health economic terms was expanded in the 2000-2006 research to include "less hospitalization"/"less treatment," "formulary"/"coverage," "co-pay"/"cost-sharing," and "in community longer." Our results are derived from 2,144 pharmaceutical advertisements from the 10-year period 1990-1999 and 1,372 from the 7-year

  4. Trends and characteristics of home births in the United States by race and ethnicity, 1990-2006. (United States)

    MacDorman, Marian F; Declercq, Eugene; Menacker, Fay


    After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, the percentage of births occurring at home in the United States increased by 5 percent in 2005 and that increase was sustained in 2006. The purpose of the study was to analyze trends and characteristics in home births in United States by race and ethnicity from 1990 to 2006. U.S. birth certificate data on home births were analyzed and compared with hospital births for a variety of demographic and medical characteristics. From 1990 to 2006, both the number and percentage of home births increased for non-Hispanic white women, but declined for all other race and ethnic groups. In 2006, non-Hispanic white women were three to four times more likely to have a home birth than women of other race and ethnic groups. Home births were more likely than hospital births to occur to older, married women with singleton pregnancies and several previous children. For non-Hispanic white women, fewer home births than hospital births were born preterm, whereas for other race and ethnic groups a higher percentage of home births than hospital births were born preterm. For non-Hispanic white women, two-thirds of home births were delivered by midwives. In contrast, for other race and ethnic groups, most home births were delivered by either physicians or "other" attendants, suggesting that a higher proportion of these births may be unplanned home births because of emergency situations. Differences in the risk profile of home births by race and ethnicity are consistent with previous research, suggesting that, compared with non-Hispanic white women, a larger proportion of non-Hispanic black and Hispanic home births represent unplanned, emergency situations. © 2010, Copyright the Authors. Journal compilation © 2010, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Representações do eleitor: revendo teorias e propondo novos caminhos


    Barros, Denise Franca; Sauerbronn, João Felipe Rammelt; Ayrosa, Eduardo André Teixeira


    Em virtude da restrita produção acadêmica sobre comportamento do eleitor e marketing político na administração pública, acreditamos que a sistematização do conhecimento produzido na área possa ser capaz de mostrar um amplo campo de possibilidades para futuros estudos críticos, teóricos e empíricos. Observamos que a maior parte das pesquisas acompanha a orientação tradicional, dominante no marketing gerencial. Esses estudos partem do pressuposto de que o marketing político é uma ferramenta uti...

  6. Mídia e vínculo eleitoral: a literatura internacional e o caso brasileiro

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    Luis Felipe Miguel


    Full Text Available O caráter democrático das instituições representativas depende da qualidade do vínculo eleitoral, isto é, da capacidade que o processo eleitoral possui de vincular a ação dos representantes à vontade dos representados. Um elemento-chave no processo é a informação - sobre o comportamento anterior dos políticos, sobre sua plataforma, sobre a agenda pública. Uma vasta literatura discutiu a influência dos principais provedores de informação das sociedades contemporâneas (a mídia de massa na relação entre representantes e representados. Mas as particularidades do campo político brasileiro colocam em perspectiva a literatura internacional.The democratic character of representative institutions depends on the ties that elections can create between representatives' action and their constituents' will. In that process, information is a key element-information about politicians' former behavior, about their programmes, about public agenda. A wide literature had discussed the influence of the main providers of information in contemporary societies (the mass media on the relations between representatives and constituents. But Brazilian political field has peculiarities that put international literature in perspective.

  7. Guerra cultural e transformações sociais: as eleições presidenciais de 2006 e a "blogosfera" Cultural war and social changes: the 2006 presidential election and the blogosphere

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    Roberto Grün


    Full Text Available O texto defende a idéia de que as esferas econômica e financeira da sociedade dependem de pressupostos culturais que aparentam ser permanentes, mas são contingentes. Para isso, analisa alguns aspectos da disputa política em torno das eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2006 a partir das polissemias que foram produzidas ou realçadas no período e tenta extrair algumas conseqüências sociológicas dos embates revelados pelas disputas de sentido.The text states that both economic and financial fields of society depend on cultural assumptions that are apparently permanent, but which are actually contingent. In order to prove this, it analyzes a few aspects of the political struggle around the 2006 presidential elections in Brazil. It begins by examining carefully the political, economic, and social polysemy that was either produced or highlighted in the dispute. From this point of view, it tries to analyze some recent changes in Brazilian social structure, and their sociological consequences in terms of the changing form of the cultural inequalities.

  8. Razão e emoção: o voto na eleição presidencial de 2006

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    Jairo Tadeu Pires Pimentel Junior


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como proposta analisar o papel dos sentimentos na estruturação das escolhas eleitorais durante a eleição presidencial brasileira de 2006. Especificamente, analisa de que forma as emoções dos eleitores em relação aos candidatos afetam e estimulam a avaliação e o voto nos mesmos. Primeiramente, buscamos demonstrar formas de mensuração das emoções em termos quantitativos através de surveys realizados durante o período eleitoral. Em segundo lugar, buscamos evidenciar que a avaliação retrospectiva pode ser mais bem entendida se compreendermos como a avaliação de governo interage com os estados emocionais dos eleitores. Destarte, negando a longa tradição que contrapõe razão e emoção dentro da política, salientamos a tese de que os sentimentos constituem uma importante variável no processamento de informações e, consequentemente, na decisão do voto.This article to analyzes the role of emotion in the electoral choices during the 2006 Brazilian presidential election. Specifically, it analyzes in which way the emotions of the voters in relation to the candidates affect and stimulates the evaluation and the vote for them. In the first place, we demonstrate forms of measuring emotions in quantitative terms through surveys conducted during the electoral period. Second, we demonstrate that the retrospective evaluation government's can better be understood if we comprehend in which way the government's evaluation interacts with emotional states of the voters. Thus, denying the long tradition that opposes reason and emotion in politics, we point out the thesis that feelings constitute an important variable in the information processing and, consequently, in the vote decision.

  9. Watson, Skinner y Algunas Disputas dentro del Conductismo

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    Full Text Available Con motivo del primer centenario de la publicación del manifiesto conductista, se revisa brevemente la concepción de Watson (1913 sobre el aprendizaje y la conducta, y se extiende dicho análisis al conductismo de B. F. Skinner y a las disputas entre enfoques molares y moleculares en el análisis de la conducta.

  10. Shepherds to wizards: the historiography of the Brazilian Protestantism (1950-1990)


    Watanabe, Tiago Hideo Barbosa


    O presente trabalho teve como objeto de estudo a historiografia protestante brasileira, especialmente presbiteriana, das décadas de 1950 até o início de 1990. A visualização da disputa em torno das representações nessa historiografia mostrou um lugar de produção dinâmico, no qual uma simples clivagem dualista (entre perseguidos e perseguidores) não foi suficiente para a compreensão dos muitos interesses e agentes ali envolvidos. As grandes transformações ocorridas nas instituições religiosas ...

  11. Household consumption, associated fossil fuel demand and carbon dioxide emissions: The case of Greece between 1990 and 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papathanasopoulou, Eleni


    This paper explores how Greece's household consumption has changed between 1990 and 2006 and its environmental implications in terms of fossil fuel demand and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. The results show that the 44% increase in Greece's household expenditure between 1990 and 2006 was accompanied by a 67% increase in fossil fuel demand. Of this total, indirect demand accounted for approximately 60% throughout the 16-year period, increasing by 56% overall, whereas direct fossil fuel demand grew by 80%. The results also show that associated CO 2 emissions increased by 60%, resulting in a 'relative decoupling' from energy demand. This relative decoupling is shown to be due to fossil fuel mix changes from the supply side rather than action from consumers. These insights highlight the opportunities for demand-side policies to further reduce fossil fuel demand and CO 2 emissions, allowing Greece to set more proactive and ambitious post-Kyoto targets.

  12. Estratégias comunicativas para a (desconstrução da imagem pública: a política de imagem no contexto de campanhas eleitorais

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    Célia Lúcia Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é estudar o papel desempenhado pelo marketing político-eleitoral na construção da visibilidade e da imagem pública de um ator político no âmbito da disputa eleitoral. Argumentamos que a construção da imagem de homens públicos requer a organização de estratégias comunicativas capazes não só de administrar, gerenciar e controlar mensagens, mas, sobretudo, de estabelecer relações entre os políticos e os diferentes públicos responsáveis pela formação da opinião pública. Interessa-nos mostrar como, no âmbito da política de imagem, o planejamento das estratégias de uma campanha politico-eleitoral depende tanto do trabalho coordenado entre os profissionais do marketing, quanto da habilidade dos politicos em contornar discordâncias partidárias. De modo a revelar como imagens políticas difundidas pelo jornalismo impresso podem amplificar tais discordâncias, conferindo descrédito e desconfiança à imagem pública de um candidato, investigamos a crise que marcou a campanha de Geraldo Alckmin para a prefeitura de São Paulo, em 2008.


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    João Pedro Stédile


    Full Text Available La victoria del presidente Lulaen las últimas elecciones cambió la correlaciónde fuerzas de la lucha por la reforma agraria enBrasil. Por los compromisos históricos del PT,su liderazgo y como partido de izquierda,tenemos ahora un gobierno federal que apoyala reforma agraria, al contrario de lo que fue elgobierno de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Porlo tanto, la disputa se sitúa en otro nivel. Sinembargo, hay otras fuerzas poderosas que seoponen a la reforma agraria como lo son ellatifundio, el modelo neoliberal del agro-negocio, la clase dominante como un todo, elEstado burgués brasileño y los medios decomunicación que actúan como un espacio delucha ideológica que disputa la hegemonía en lasociedad contra nosotros. En este nuevocontexto, el MST evalúa que ahora sí se puedeavanzar en la reforma agraria, pero que es unmomento de acumulación de fuerzas y no degrandes definiciones que consoliden la reformaagraria de nuevo tipo que nosotrosdefendemos. Es decir, estamos acumulandopara el futuro.

  14. Eleições e capital social: uma análise das eleições presidenciais no Brasil (2002-2006

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    Marcello Baquero


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo central examinar a influência do processo eleitoral presidencial em 2002 no Brasil na constituição de capital social em 2006, tanto na dimensão institucional quanto informal. Tomando como base de análise os dados do ESEB (Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro, postulamos a hipótese de que em condições de adversidades políticas e éticas, procedimentos formais pouco incidem na formação de capital social institucional e empoderamento político dos cidadãos, levando-os a manterem predisposições negativas em relação à política. Tal situação gera uma cultura política desconfiada, propiciando a prevalência de fatores de natureza populista e subjetiva na eleição e reeleição de um candidato, neste caso, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.This article has as a main objective analyze the influence of electoral process (presidential in time 1 (2002, in Brazil in the constitution or not of social capital in time 2 (2006, both in the institutional dimension, as well as its informal dimension. Based upon electoral data collected by ESEB (Electoral Studies in Brazil we postulate the hypothesis that in economic and ethical adverse conditions, formal procedures do not influence the citizens formation of social capital and political empowerment, instead it generates negative predispositions in relation to politics. In these circumstances it prevails untrusty political culture, allowing the prevalence of factors in the electoral process. In this case, in the election and reelection of Lula in 2002 and 2006 respectively.

  15. Trends and characteristics of home and other out-of-hospital births in the United States, 1990-2006. (United States)

    MacDorman, Marian F; Menacker, Fay; Declercq, Eugene


    This report examines trends and characteristics of out-of-hospital and home births in the United States. Descriptive tabulations of data are presented and interpreted. In 2006, there were 38,568 out-of-hospital births in the United States, including 24,970 home births and 10,781 births occurring in a freestanding birthing center. After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, the percentage of out-of-hospital births increased by 3% from 0.87% in 2004 to 0.90% in 2005 and 2006. A similar pattern was found for home births. After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, the percentage of home births increased by 5% to 0.59% in 2005 and remained steady in 2006. Compared with the U.S. average, home birth rates were higher for non-Hispanic white women, married women, women aged 25 and over, and women with several previous children. Home births were less likely than hospital births to be preterm, low birthweight, or multiple deliveries. The percentage of home births was 74% higher in rural counties of less than 100,000 population than in counties with a population size of 100,000 or more. The percentage of home births also varied widely by state; in Vermont and Montana more than 2% of births in 2005-2006 were home births, compared with less than 0.2% in Louisiana and Nebraska. About 61% of home births were delivered by midwives. Among midwife-delivered home births, one-fourth (27%) were delivered by certified nurse midwives, and nearly three-fourths (73%) were delivered by other midwives. Women may choose home birth for a variety of reasons, including a desire for a low-intervention birth in a familiar environment surrounded by family and friends and cultural or religious concerns. Lack of transportation in rural areas and cost factors may also play a role.

  16. Não-lugares : condomínios horizontais fechados em Goiânia (1990-2006)


    Roberto Cintra Campos


    Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo crítico dos condomínios horizontais fechados como manifestações de não-lugares na cidade de Goiânia, no período de 1990-2006. A abordagem é tributária do pensamento de autores que se dedicaram a compreender a cidade contemporânea, destacando-se as reflexões do antropólogo Marc Augé (1994). Essa nova forma de morar, em regiões metropolitanas, imprime no tecido urbano uma configuração morfológica, cujos sinais expressam-se em elementos arquitetônicos tais como:...

  17. O custo da política subnacional: a forma como o dinheiro é gasto importa? Relação entre receita, despesas e sucesso eleitoral

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    Jeison Giovani Heiler


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo tem por objeto as despesas em campanhas eleitorais. Especificamente propõe: a produzir um mapeamento dos gastos eleitorais da eleição de 2010 efetuados por candidatos a deputado federal; b identificar padrões de gastos existentes; c identificar a existência de correlação estatística importante entre diferentes padrões de gastos eleitorais e resultado eleitoral nas urnas. As questões que orientam o artigo são as seguintes: a A forma como os atores utilizam seus recursos expressam as particularidades dos competidores? b Determinados gastos de campanha possuem maior impacto no sucesso eleitoral do que outros? Para fins de mapeamento das despesas eleitorais elaborou-se uma classificação que busca apreender os gastos eleitorais em três grandes categorias: 1 gastos com “publicidade”; 2 gastos com “infraestrutura” de campanha; e 3 gastos com “pessoal”. Os principais achados residem na percepção de que somente o volume de dinheiro não basta para explicar o sucesso eleitoral. Os modelos demonstram que o padrão de gasto precisa ser concentrado e que as maiores despesas devem ser destinadas para "comunicação e publicidade". Além disso, candidatos que disputam eleições em partidos mais organizados e com um grau de coordenação mais centralizado estão em melhores condições do que seus concorrentes que não compartilham dessa situação, conforme hipótese originalmente apresentada por Guarnieri (2011.

  18. Denmark's national inventory report 2006 - Submitted under the United Nations framework convention on climate change, 1990-2004. Emission inventories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Illerup, J.B.; Lyck, E.; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth


    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2006. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2004 for CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs and SF 6 , CO, NMVOC, SO 2 . (au)

  19. Psicologia e Democracia em um Cenário de Cidade como Campo em Disputa

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    Elisa Martins

    Full Text Available Resumo: No Rio de Janeiro, o planejamento urbano e o direito à cidade vêm sofrendo contundentes interferências do modelo neoliberal, colocando em conflito os interesses de quem habita o território e os das grandes corporações do capital financeiro. Tais interferências agravam problemas já conhecidos dos cariocas, como negação de direitos básicos, criminalização da pobreza e aumento do custo de vida. No presente texto, trabalhou-se com a ideia de cidade não como palco de uma disputa sócio-histórica de classes ou como objeto dessa disputa, mas como o emergir da própria disputa. Interessa-nos analisar e discutir os efeitos desse confronto, além de elaborar formas de resistência e de superação das desigualdades que marcam a experiência humana na realidade social brasileira. Nesse cenário, faz-se necessária a construção de outro modo de fazer Psicologia, comprometido em reunir elementos de ação capazes de intervir na realidade que vem sendo imposta a partir da perspectiva de cidade-negócio. Uma Psicologia que tenha a luta e participação política como metas para uma experiência democrática de sociedade, consolidando dessa forma o compromisso social como norteador da profissão.

  20. O discurso político entre recusas e controles das estratégias enunciativas midiáticas: observações sobre a midiatização da campanha eleitoral de 2006

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    Antônio Fausto Neto


    Full Text Available Algumas hipóteses envolvendo as especificidades de enunciações produzidas pelos discursos político e midiático norteiam estas reflexões sobre estratégias referentes à campanha eleitoral de 2006, especialmente àquelas que abrangem os debates televisivos realizados no primeiro turno. Examinam-se, particularmente, dois tipos de trabalhos enunciativos: os desenvolvidos pela mídia televisiva para definir as "condições de acesso" dos candidatos à esfera pública, por meio dos debates, e, de modo particular, as estratégias desenvolvidas por Lula para escapar às operações sentido do trabalho televisivo, cuja ênfase voltava-se para a realização de seus próprios formatos. Não se pode, ainda, responder se as recusas das estratégias do candidato-eleito de jogar o jogo da enunciação televisiva significam as possibilidades de a política se fazer pública, escapando a certas operações do trabalho de sentido das mídias. De qualquer forma, porém, indicam pistas valiosíssimas sobre a incompletude das "políticas de sentido" das mídias. Apesar delas, a política se faz pública e, na mídia, em meio às várias interdiscursividades, dá-se, por uma ampla complexidade de signos, o modo de ser diverso dos diferentes campos sociais. Palavras-chave: enunciação; midiatização; midiatização da política; sentidos Abstract: Observations on the 2006 electoral campaign — These reflections about strategies employed in the 2006 electoral campaign, especially those involving television debates held in the first round, are based on several hypotheses about the specificities of enunciations by political and mediatic discourses. In particular, two types of enunciative work are examined: those developed by television to define the 'conditions of access' of candidates to the public sphere by means of debates, and, specifically, the strategies developed by Lula to escape from the context of the operations devised by

  1. Denmark's national inventory report 2008 - Submitted under the United Nations framework convention on climate change, 1990-2006. Emission inventories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Lyck, E; Hjorth Mikkelsen, M [and others


    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2008. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2006 for CO{sub 2}, CH{sub 4}, N{sub 2}O, HFC{sub s}, PFC{sub s} and SF{sub 6}, CO, NMVOC, SO{sub 2}. (au)

  2. A disputa pela laicidade: Uma análise das interações discursivas entre Jean Wyllys e Silas Malafaia

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    Roberta Bivar Carneiro Campos


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa conflitos envolvendo lideranças laicas e religiosas na esfera pública brasileira entre os anos de 2010 e 2013. O pastor Silas Malafaia protagoniza os confrontos aqui recapitulados, primeiro contra a deputada Iara Bernardi, na ocasião de um debate sobre o PLC 122/2006, passando por sua tão repercutida entrevista no programa de Marília Gabriela e culminando no embate travado contra o deputado Jean Wyllys por ocasião do PDC que ficou conhecido como da “cura gay”. Partindo de um diálogo entre a teoria social contemporânea e a filosofia política, avaliamos os dilemas apresentados a partir dos pontos de vista últimos em disputa, iluminando os sentidos que definem as respectivas concepções do que seja a vida numa sociedade laica e democrática.

  3. Disputas matrimoniales y cambio social en Coyutla, Veracruz (México)


    Chenaut, Victoria


    Presentación La multiculturalidad de la Ciudad de México y los Derechos Indígenas Oehmichen, Cristina Conceptos indígenas de la formación territorial y Etno-Político frente al Estado Republicano-Nacional Fischer, Eva Disputas matrimoniales y cambio social en Coyutla, Veracruz (México) Chenaut, Victoria El debate indio sobre la ciudadanía multicultural en México: La revuelta por la dignidad Valladares de la Cruz, Laura Análisis de las actitudes de políticos criollos ...

  4. Mejorar la responsabilidad y el aprendizaje en la resolución de disputas a través de la tecnología

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    Orna Rabinovich-Einy


    Full Text Available Este trabajo invita a los lectores a reconsiderar la relación entre la resolución electrónica de disputas (ODR y los mecanismos tradicionales de resolución de disputas: la resolución alternativa de disputas (ADR y los tribunales. Hasta la fecha, el ODR siempre se ha relegado a los casos en los que las vías tradicionales resultan ineficaces o no están disponibles. Este artículo examina el uso potencial del ODR incluso cuando exista la posibilidad de usar la vía tradicional para la resolución de conflictos. En particular, en este trabajo se destaca la contribución cualitativa que puede tener el ODR. Incluso en los casos en que no se emplee el ODR como medio para resolver el conflicto, puede servir de inspiración para introducir cambios en el diseño de los medios tradicionales de resolución de disputas. Estas vías tradicionales se han visto afectadas por una falta de responsabilidad, por lo que han tendido a adoptar unos formatos rígidos que impiden el aprendizaje y la mejora. El ODR, gracias sobre todo a la grabación automática de un gran volumen de datos en la comunicación de resoluciones en formato digital, tienen el potencial de mejorar tanto la responsabilidad como el aprendizaje. Este informe examina estas cualidades y sugiere algunas maneras mediante las cuales los mecanismos tradicionales de resolución de disputas podrían corregir viejos hábitos y prácticas arraigadas para reforzar su responsabilidad e impulsar el aprendizaje siguiendo el espíritu del ODR.

  5. Newton versus Huygens: como (não ocorreu a disputa entre suas teorias para a luz

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    Breno Arsioli Moura


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma análise crítica da possível disputa entre as teorias sobre luz e cores elaboradas por Newton e Huygens que teria ocorrido entre os séculos XVII e XIX. Com base em diversos estudos historiográficos já realizados sobre o tema, será mostrado que na Historiografia da Ciência a ideia de uma disputa entre as ópticas de Newton e Huygens é considerada ultrapassada. O artigo fornece um apanhado histórico da Óptica no período, oferecendo subsídios para que essa questão seja também problematizada no Ensino, assim como foi na Historiografia da Ciência atual.


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    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é analisar o comportamento das prefeituras fluminenses a fim de detectar "comportamentos cíclicos" nos gastos públicos e suas inter-relações com o calendário eleitoral. Por meio de uma abordagem de dados em painel, foram analisadas rubricas específicas do Orçamento e Balanços públicos municipais entre 1998 e 2006. Os resultados sugerem que o calendário eleitoral exerce influência (estatisticamente significativa sobre o comportamento dos prefeitos, mesmo descontando o efeito específico de cada município (a localização geográfica, por exemplo. Os resultados também indicam que os prefeitos realizam superávits financeiros nos anos anteriores às eleições para "descarregar" esse excesso no ano eleitoral. No que tange à inscrição em restos a pagar, os resultados mostram a preocupação dos prefeitos candidatos à reeleição com o ônus das dívidas contraídas (ou mesmo com as exigências da LRF, tornando-se fiscalmente mais conservadores. A coincidência partidária entre o prefeito e o presidente e/ou o governador apresenta uma relação inversa (à exceção das despesas na rubrica "Transportes". Pertencer ao mesmo partido destes significa, então, uma redução dos gastos, indicando uma espécie de "pacto de ajuste fiscal" entre níveis de governo.

  7. La memoria asediada. La disputa por el presente en la conmemoración del bicentenario

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    Carlos Alberto Ríos Gordillo


    Full Text Available Época de festejo y conmemoraciones, el año 2010 ha sido el momento de la celebración de las independencias en Iberoamérica. "200 años de vida independiente" fueron celebrados a través de una liturgia del pasado y un ritual de la conmemoración. Con ello, el teatro de la memoria nacional actualizaba una estrategia de control social empleada por la Iglesia católica durante siglos: su control sobre el tiempo y el espacio. De este modo, particularmente en México, calendarios y geografías fueron campos de batalla entre el Estado y la Iglesia, pero sobre todo entre aquel y los grupos y movimientos sociales, que al posicionarse frente a las fiestas estatales y a través de estrategias distintas, replantearon la cultura del nacionalismo. Una disputa por la memoria y el pasado, que fue también una disputa por el presente y el futuro alternativos.

  8. Differential in Utilization of Maternal Care Services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006

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    Jeetendra Yadav


    Full Text Available Background: Low use of maternal care services is one of the reasons why child mortality and maternal mortality is still considerably high in India. Most maternal deaths are preventable if mothers receive essential health care before, during, and after childbirth. In India, the eight socioeconomically backward states referred to as the Empowered Action Group (EAG states; lag behind in the demographic transition and low utilization of maternal health care services. Addressing the maternity care needs of women may have considerable ramifications for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG – 5.Aims & Objectives:  To explore the prevalence, trends and factors associated with the utilization of maternal care services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006.Material Methods: Data from three rounds of the round of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS, known as the National Family Health Survey (NFHS of India were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate-pooled logistic regression model were applied to examine the utilization of the maternal and child health care trends over time.Result: The results from analysis indicate that the full ANC and skilled birth attendant (SBA has increased from 17% and 20% to 25% and35% respectively during the last one and half decade (1990-2006.Conclusion: Various socioeconomic and demographic factors are associated with the utilization of maternal care services in EAG states, India. Promoting the use of family planning, female education, targeting vulnerable groups such as poor, illiterate, high parity women, involving media and grass root level workers and collaboration between community leaders and health care system could be some important policy level interventions to address the unmet need of maternal and child health care services among women. The study concludes that much of these differentials are social constructs that can be reduced by prioritizing the needs of the disadvantaged and adopting

  9. Differential in Utilization of Maternal Care Services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006

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    Jeetendra Yadav


    Full Text Available Background: Low use of maternal care services is one of the reasons why child mortality and maternal mortality is still considerably high in India. Most maternal deaths are preventable if mothers receive essential health care before, during, and after childbirth. In India, the eight socioeconomically backward states referred to as the Empowered Action Group (EAG states; lag behind in the demographic transition and low utilization of maternal health care services. Addressing the maternity care needs of women may have considerable ramifications for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG – 5. Aims & Objectives:  To explore the prevalence, trends and factors associated with the utilization of maternal care services in Empowered Action Group States, India (1990-2006. Material Methods: Data from three rounds of the round of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS, known as the National Family Health Survey (NFHS of India were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate-pooled logistic regression model were applied to examine the utilization of the maternal and child health care trends over time. Result: The results from analysis indicate that the full ANC and skilled birth attendant (SBA has increased from 17% and 20% to 25% and35% respectively during the last one and half decade (1990-2006. Conclusion: Various socioeconomic and demographic factors are associated with the utilization of maternal care services in EAG states, India. Promoting the use of family planning, female education, targeting vulnerable groups such as poor, illiterate, high parity women, involving media and grass root level workers and collaboration between community leaders and health care system could be some important policy level interventions to address the unmet need of maternal and child health care services among women. The study concludes that much of these differentials are social constructs that can be reduced by prioritizing the needs of the disadvantaged and

  10. Denmark's national inventory report 2006 - Submitted under the United Nations framework convention on climate change, 1990-2004. Emission inventories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Illerup, J.B.; Lyck, E.; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth (and others)


    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2006. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2004 for CO{sub 2}, CH{sub 4}, N{sub 2}O, HFCs, PFCs and SF{sub 6}, CO, NMVOC, SO{sub 2}. (au)

  11. Candidatos corruptos são punidos?: accountability na eleição brasileira de 2006

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    Mônica Mata Machado de Castro


    Full Text Available Um dos principais temas da teoria democrática é o processo por meio do qual os cidadãos controlam a atividade de seus representantes. Neste artigo, analisam-se o sistema político brasileiro em termos gerais e as eleições de 1998 e 2006 em particular, com o objetivo de discutir se o processo de accountability vertical nos interstícios eleitorais torna os cidadãos capazes de punir ou recompensar seus representantes na eleição seguinte. A importância deste artigo está na análise dos efeitos do envolvimento de políticos nos escândalos do Mensalão e dos Sanguessugas, que abalaram a sociedade brasileira nos dois anos que precederam a eleição de 2006. Apesar dos custos de informação, dos baixos interesse e envolvimento político, da desigualdade social e pobreza característicos da sociedade brasileira, os eleitores foram capazes de punir grande parte dos políticos denunciados nos escândalos.

  12. Educação política: o ensino do processo eleitoral brasileiro em sala de aula = Education policy: the teaching of the electoral process in brazilian classroom

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    Flores, Andressa de Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente artigo trata sobre um projeto desenvolvido pelos bolsistas PIBID, subprojeto História, a respeito da evolução do processo eleitoral brasileiro. Diferentemente da ideia de que falar de política é um assunto delicado e perigoso, pois corre-se o risco dos alunos entenderem o trabalho como uma forma de doutrinação ou propaganda partidária, o que se buscou com essa atividade foi esclarecer algumas questões sobre a questão do voto e das eleições, e, consequentemente, da democracia no país. Ocorreu a apresentação para os estudantes da evolução da política nacional, desde a vinda da Família Real Portuguesa até o momento presente, passando pela Política dos Coronéis, criação da Justiça Eleitoral, voto feminino, Diretas Já e, outros importantes fatos relacionados ao tema. Para que o assunto e os debates não acabem na sala-de-aula, buscou-se a participação da família, com a distribuição de um questionário contendo onze perguntas. Este questionário serviu de base para que o aluno fizesse uma entrevista com algum conhecido que tenha participado, ao menos uma vez, do processo eleitoral e, forme sua opinião e reflexões sobre a política nacional. O grupo percebe que pouco se reflete sobre política, e isso faz falta, pois deve-se entender que ela está presente na nossa vida e deve ser debatida. Conscientizar sobre a importância da conquista do direito do voto, para que eles entendam seus deveres e direitos de cidadãos

  13. Denmark's national inventory report 2008 - Submitted under the United Nations framework convention on climate change, 1990-2006. Emission inventories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Lyck, E.; Hjorth Mikkelsen, M. (and others)


    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2008. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2006 for CO{sub 2}, CH{sub 4}, N{sub 2}O, HFC{sub s}, PFC{sub s} and SF{sub 6}, CO, NMVOC, SO{sub 2}. (au)

  14. Dois Lulas: a geografia eleitoral da reeleição (explorando conceitos, métodos e técnicas de análise geoespacial

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    Gláucio Ary Dillon Soares


    Full Text Available A votação de Lula em 2006 suscitou hipóteses sobre a repercussão das políticas públicas do primeiro mandato nos resultados eleitorais. Os programas sociais de transferência direta de renda, em especial o Bolsa Família, foram associados ao grande crescimento de sua votação nos municípios mais pobres do norte e nordeste. Empregamos conceitos e métodos da geografia eleitoral moderna para averiguar qual a participação do Bolsa Família nesta mudança geográfica. Os resultados mostram um novo padrão na distribuição espacial dos votos de Lula, confirmando que este ainda recebe o apoio de suas bases anteriores, mas revelam que os blocos regionais de municípios de alta votação em 2002 perderam a coesão em 2006, tornando-se mais vulneráveis. Os resultados confirmam ainda que a participação do Bolsa Família sobre a renda local foi um determinante do novo contorno das bases geoeleitorais, e o fator de maior peso na explicação da votação municipal.The voting of Lula in 2006 excited hypotheses on the repercussion of the public politics of the first mandate in the electoral results. The social programs of direct transference of income, in special the "Bolsa Família", had been associates to the great growth of its voting in the cities poor of the north and northeast. We use concepts and methods of modern electoral geography to inquire which the participation of the "Bolsa Família" in this geographic change. The results show a new standard in the space distribution of the votes of Lula, confirming that he still receives the support from its previous bases, but disclose that the regional blocks of cities of high voting in 2002 had lost the cohesion in 2006, becoming more vulnerable. The results confirm the participation of the "Bolsa Família" on the local income was a determinative one of the new contour of the electoral-geographic basis, and the factor of big weight in the explanation of the municipal voting.

  15. Análise da comunicação eleitoral – uma proposta metodológica para os estudos do HGPE

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    PANKE, Luciana


    Full Text Available This paper presents some formulations about the election communication research, with the parameters based on the analysis of science communication, language and politics. We offer tools for the study of Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral (HGPE that include a qualitative approach supported by quantitative data. Thbis proposal is justified to the central role that television in the socialization process and dissemination of positions about public policy. Even with the widespread use of new media, especially from web, television continues marking the beginning of “time policy” during election periods in Brazil

  16. Desaparecidos en la penumbra del atardecer: disputas privadas, memoria y conflicto armado interno en San Miguel (Ayacucho

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    Nory Cóndor Alarcón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia el caso de Francisco Buendía, un poblador de la microcuenca de San Miguel, en la provincia de La Mar (Ayacucho, desaparecido por Sendero Luminoso en 1984. A partir de la propuesta teórica de Stathis N. Kalyvas, reconstruye las dinámicas locales subyacentes al caso, que se engarzaron con el conflicto armado interno. Para encontrar dichas dinámicas, recurre a los recuerdos y silencios de los familiares y a la información que revelan los documentos notariales y judiciales y que la memoria precisamente intenta esconder. Muestra que las dinámicas locales contienen disputas que tienen que ver con el proceso de reestructuración de la tierra que en la localidad viene desde el siglo XIX. Dichas disputas finalmente devinieron en políticas, ocasionando la desaparición del referido Buendía.

  17. Os custos eleitorais do Bolsa Família: reavaliando seu impacto sobre a eleição presidencial de 2006

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    Diego Sanches Corrêa


    Full Text Available O padrão geográfico da flutuação da votação de Lula entre as eleições presidenciais de 2002 e 2006 é um dos mais intrigantes fenômenos políticos da história recente brasileira. Diversos estudos mostram que o programa Bolsa Família aumentou consideravelmente o apoio a Lula entre os pobres, tendo um papel determinante nos resultados da eleição de 2006. Neste artigo, eu demonstro com base em um banco de dados municipais e técnicas de econometria espacial que seu desempenho eleitoral também se associa negativamente à proporção de ricos. Meu argumento é de que o programa explica ambos os efeitos: os pobres responderam às melhorias em suas condições materiais de vida e os ricos aos custos de oportunidade de investimentos públicos que não lhes beneficiaram diretamente.

  18. Discursos, actores y estrategias en la disputa por el significado de la vida y los derechos reproductivos

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    Elizabeth Maier


    Full Text Available Este artículo sitúa algunos ejemplos locales de Baja California en la disputa contemporánea por los significados culturales que posicionan el cuerpo de la mujer, la sexualidad, la reproducción y la(s familia(s en el centro de contención. A través del caso histórico Paulina y el proceso reciente de aprobación de la reforma constitucional, que garantiza el derecho a la vida desde la concepción, el texto identifica las tendencias discursivas en tensión, los contextos productores de dichos discursos, los procesos de constitución y consolidación de los actores en contención y la evolución de sus estrategias en momentos precisos. Y pretende ofrecer elementos locales que ayuden a comprender la dinámica de una disputa discursiva, que cada vez más define una de las franjas de la contienda ideológica del nuevo siglo.

  19. Change in Urban Land Use and Associated Attributes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary, 1990-2006

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    David M. Stoms


    Full Text Available Land use is an ultimate driver of many of the stressors on the Upper San Francisco Estuary, but the magnitude and pattern of land use change has not been analyzed. This paper attempts to fill this knowledge gap through a screening-level risk assessment. Urban land use was compared within hydrodynamic subregions in 1990, 2000, and 2006. Ancillary data were then used to quantify secondary measures such as impervious cover, housing density, road density and road crossings. Despite the rapid growth of the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Stockton metropolitan areas, the percentage of urban area and rates of change in the subregions are generally low to moderate when compared to other estuaries in the United States. The spatial data sets used in this analysis have been posted online to a public repository to be used by other researchers.

  20. Fuel consumption and emissions from navigation in Denmark from 1990-2005 - and projections from 2006-2030

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, Morten

    This report documents the fuel consumption and emission inventory for navigation (national sea transport, fisheries and international sea transport) in Denmark, for the historical period 1990-2005 and the forecast period 2006-2030. The inventory follows the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework...... Convention of Climate Changes), and the UNECE CLRTAP (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention of Long Range Transboundary Air Pollutants) convention rules. The emission components considered are SO2, NOX, VOC (NMVOC and CH4) CO, CO2, N2O and particulates (TSP, PM10 and PM2.5). International...... sea transport is the most dominant source of emissions from navigation. For national sea transport, a new time series of fuel consumption has been calculated which is considered as much more accurate than fuel sales data reported by the Danish Energy Authority (DEA). The introduction of engine age...

  1. Partidos, competição política e fraude eleitoral: a tônica das eleições na Primeira República


    Ricci, Paolo; Zulini, Jaqueline Porto


    Este artigo revisita as práticas eleitorais no Brasil republicano (1891-1930). Partimos da crítica da farsa eleitoral, incômodo consensual na literatura dedicada à historiografia política da época. Através do exame acurado das contestações dirigidas à Câmara Baixa por alguns dos candidatos derrotados nos pleitos realizados para preenchimento das cadeiras desta Casa representativa, veremos que as alegações de fraude se faziam reflexo de um processo mais complexo, sobretudo fruto da competição ...

  2. Disputas Discursivas sobre Corrupção no Brasil: Uma Análise Discursivo-Crítica no Twitter

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    André Luiz de Paiva


    Full Text Available Objetivamos analisar quais e como as representações dos discursos sobre corrupção no Brasil, publicizados no Twitter, são mobilizadas em disputas discursivas. Para tanto, utilizamos a análise crítica do discurso, com destaque para o significado representacional deste, e o conceito de disputas discursivas operacionalizadas em três instâncias. Metodologicamente, delimitamos dois escândalos de corrupção de grande repercussão nacional e buscamos enunciados publicados no Twitter, durante os meses de agosto de 2014 e fevereiro de 2016. Assim, coletamos tweets das revistas Veja e CartaCapital, e de usuários/leitores que responderam a estes enunciados. Percebemos que o Twitter configura-se atualmente, no Brasil, como um espaço de disputas sobre os significados da corrupção marcados por dinâmicas de naturalizações, seletividade dos media, expurgo do outro, inclusão/exclusão, nomeação e estratégias de racionalização e avaliação moral. Observamos, também, que os discursos sobre a corrupção se intensificaram recentemente, sobretudo devido ao clima político-partidário nacional. Finalmente, os resultados apontam que a construção da corrupção é o resultado de processos de produção de sentidos inseridos em um contexto de campos sociais e políticos, com o papel marcante da mídia na construção de escândalos.

  3. O momento pericial : Ethos pericial e disputa no campo previdenciário


    Biscaia, Leonardo


    Orientador: Profª. Drª. Maria Tarcisa Silva Bega Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/05/2016 Inclui referências : f. 294-323 Resumo: A tese analisa o habitus da perícia médica previdenciária e a sua inserção no campo previdenciário, bem como as disputas que diferentes agentes coletivos mantêm com a perícia em torno de determinados capitais. Esses objetivos são perseguidos a partir ...

  4. Brazilian energy balance 2006: calendar year 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report shows the energy flows of different primary and secondary sources, from the production to the final consumption in all the sectors of the Brazilian economy, for the calendar year 2006. It is divided into nine chapters: energy analysis and aggregated data; energy supply and consumption by source 1990/2005; energy consumption by sector 1990/2005; energy import and export 1990/2005; transformation center balances 1990/2005; Brazilian energy resources and reserves 1974/2005; energy and socio-economic 1990/2005; federal states data and appendices including installed capacity; world energy data; general structure of the Brazilian Energy Balance; treatment of information; conversion units and consolidated Energy Balance 1970-2005



    John Agnew; Ulrich Oslender


    Debates recientes en geografía política han cuestionado la soberanía idealizada del Estado-nación como rígidamente vinculada a la noción de una territorialidad transparente marcada en el espacio por fronteras establecidas. La soberanía no necesita asumir esta forma particular. En este artículo proponemos la noción de «territorialidades superpuestas» para analizar la intersección de fuentes de autoridad territorial, diferentes de la autoridad del Estado-nación. Examinaremos cómo la disputa del...

  6. Para onde ir? A trajetória eleitoral dos prefeitos das capitais estaduais brasileiras (1996-2014

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    Alvaro Augusto de Borba Barreto

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa a trajetória dos prefeitos das 26 capitais estaduais brasileiras eleitos no período 1996-2008 após chegarem ao cargo. Busca identificar se procuraram novos postos eletivos e, em caso positivo, quais foram eles e os resultados alcançados, de modo a verificar a presença de algum padrão predominante nessas decisões com vistas a dar continuidade à carreira. O universo da pesquisa é formado por 77 indivíduos, quatro disputas de âmbito municipal (2000, 2004, 2008 e 2012 e outras cinco de âmbitos estadual e nacional (1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 e 2014, tendo o TSE como fonte principal. O fato de tais atores ocuparem o cargo de chefe do Executivo de um município com grande visibilidade e importância política e econômica no seu respectivo estado foi o ponto de partida do artigo, pois tais condições abrem a perspectiva de que possam alcançar outros postos eletivos relevantes na hierarquia política. Ao considerar as situações específicas desses prefeitos (reeleitos, desistentes da reeleição, derrotados e renunciantes em meio ao mandato, os resultados apontam que a ampla maioria pretende continuar na carreira política, inicialmente ao renovar o mandato e, na sequência, buscar outro posto eletivo, com preferência aos cargos legislativos. A taxa de sucesso na busca da reeleição é elevada, mas, ao ambicionar um cargo distinto, preponderam as derrotas, sendo que o posto mais seguro a ser alcançado é o de deputado federal.

  7. Las organizaciones políticas étnicas en Colombia. Los indígenas y las elecciones 1990-2006

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    Javier Duque Daza


    After a long organizational tradition and a relative isolation of the electoral processes, during the last two decades many organizations indigenous to Latin America have travelled of forms of organization and social mobilization towards more direct forms of political participation. The present article analyses the Colombian case during the period 1990-2006. From a perspective that approaches the emergence of partisan organizations with base in social and political variables, the article emphasizes the importance of the institutional change the insertion of the indigenous Colombian communities in the electoral competition. The article describes the process of conformation of the community-political indigenous organizations, the internal and external factors that have affected in your emergence and consolidation, your competitive dynamics and the results that they have obtained during almost two decades of electoral participation.

  8. Kirjanduse kohandumisi 1990. aastatel ehk kauboikapitalismi kultuuriloogika / Piret Viires

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viires, Piret, 1963-


    Summary: Conformity in the literature of the 1990s, or the cultural logic of cowboy capitalism. Lk. 365; Eesti kultuurisituatsioonist 1990-ndatel vastavalt F. Jamesoni postmodernismi käsitlusele, kus postmodernism oli eesti kirjanduses valitsev diskursus. Vt. ka: Viires, Piret. Postmodernism Eesti kirjanduskultuuris : doktoritöö artiklid ; I. Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2006

  9. Las heridas de la memoria Disputas patrimoniales en el Palacio de la Moneda, Chile

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    Francisca Marquéz


    Full Text Available El Palacio de la Moneda, en tanto Monumento Histórico Nacional, constituye una de las piezas centrales en la construcción siempre inacabada de la República de Chile. Esta investigación, se pregunta por la disputa y actualización de esa verdad del pasado fundacional, del presente y el futuro posible de este Palacio de gobierno. ¿Cuáles son los significados históricos y políticos que el Estado y los ciudadanos otorgan a este monumento? ¿Cuáles son las disputas y acuerdos que se plasma en su forma material y simbólica? A partir de un enfoque metodológico de la antropología y la historia, las evidencias empíricas permiten señalar que aun cuando el significado histórico de su forma, ha sido una y otra vez reinventado, persisten en su materialidad y su significado, las heridas de la memoria. Tras el bombardeo sufrido el 11 de septiembre de 1973, el Palacio de la Moneda –una y otra vez remodelado y blanqueado– permanece sumido en la ruina de esa verdad histórica. La investigación concluye que, a pesar de los actos reparatorios, de las conmemoraciones simbólicas, de las marchas y movilizaciones en su frontis, el futuro sigue abierto a su reinvención.

  10. Monitoring oak-hickory forest change during an unprecedented red oak borer outbreak in the Ozark Mountains: 1990 to 2006 (United States)

    Jones, Joshua S.; Tullis, Jason A.; Haavik, Laurel J.; Guldin, James M.; Stephen, Fred M.


    Upland oak-hickory forests in Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma experienced oak decline in the late 1990s and early 2000s during an unprecedented outbreak of a native beetle, the red oak borer (ROB), Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman). Although remote sensing supports frequent monitoring of continuously changing forests, comparable in situ observations are critical for developing an understanding of past and potential ROB damage in the Ozark Mountains. We categorized forest change using a normalized difference water index (NDWI) applied to multitemporal Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery (1990, 2001, and 2006). Levels of decline or growth were categorized using simple statistical thresholds of change in the NDWI over time. Corresponding decline and growth areas were then observed in situ where tree diameter, age, crown condition, and species composition were measured within variable radius plots. Using a machine learning decision tree classifier, remote sensing-derived decline and growth was characterized in terms of in situ observation. Plots with tree quadratic mean diameter at breast height ≥21.5 cm were categorized remotely as in severe decline. Landsat TM/ETM+-based NDWI derivatives reveal forest decline and regrowth in post-ROB outbreak surveys. Historical and future Landsat-based canopy change detection should be incorporated with existing landscape-based prediction of ROB hazard.

  11. Denmark's national inventory report 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illerup, Jytte Boll; Lyck, Erik; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth

    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by April 2006. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2004 for CO....

  12. Recuperação inteligente de jurisprudência: uma avaliação do raciocínio baseado em casos aplicado a recuperação de jurisprudências no Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Distrito Federal

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    Symball Rufino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa cujo objeto é avaliar a medida de precisão de um sistema de recuperação de informação jurídica (jurisprudência que utiliza técnica de inteligência artificial conhecida como Raciocínio Baseado em Casos (RBC. Nesse modelo as jurisprudências são organizadas sob a forma de casos jurídicos concretos. O raciocínio baseado em casos tem como princípio a idéias de que um caso jurídico passado pode ser útil para resolver um problema atual, desde que exista entre eles algum grau de semelhança. Para estabelecer semelhanças entre casos atuais e passados o modelo estudado propõe o uso de cálculo de similaridade que é realizado com base na comparação de índices temáticos obtidos a partir do processo de indexação realizado por especialistas utilizando-se como apoio um tesauro jurídico. Esta pesquisa utiliza como universo as jurisprudências produzidas pelo Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Distrito Federal. A amostra foi composta, considerando o recorte dado à pesquisa, por jurisprudências eleitorais produzidas nas eleições gerais de 2006 no Distrito Federal. Para realizar a avaliação do modelo, foi construído um protótipo do sistema de recuperação de informação baseado em casos. Em seguida, avaliou-se o protótipo quanto ao grau de precisão obtido no resultado de um conjunto de buscas. O método adotado para as avaliações foi o mesmo utilizado na Text REtrieval Conference (TREC de 2007, tarefa Legal Track. Após a coleta dos dados foi elaborado um relatório discutindo a possibilidade do sistema de recuperação de informação baseado em casos ser considerado um paradigma para a recuperação de informação jurídica eleitoral.

  13. Elevator-related injuries to older adults in the United States, 1990 to 2006. (United States)

    Steele, Gregory K; O'Neil, Joseph; Huisingh, Carrie; Smith, Gary A


    Elevators remain one of the safest forms of transportation; however, they are still associated with deaths and injuries. This study describes the epidemiology of elevator-related injuries among adults aged 65 years and older in the United States between 1990 and 2006, through a retrospective analysis of data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Proportions with 95% confidence intervals were calculated by age group for cause of injury, injured body region, injury type, and locale. Rate ratios with 95% confidence interval were calculated to determine any association between the body region injured, type of injury, and cause of injury categories. There were an estimated 44,870 elevator-related injuries in older adults. The mean age was 79.5 years, and approximately 75% were women. More than half of the injuries (51.4%) were caused from a slip, trip, or fall. Soft-tissue injuries were the most common injury type (48.0%). The upper extremities were the most commonly injured body region (26.2%). Almost 15% (14.5%) of those injured required hospital admission. Of those admitted, more than 40% were for a fractured hip. Injuries associated with passenger elevators occur fairly frequently among older adults, are often associated with slip, trip or falls, and can be severe enough to require hospital admission. Older adults should use caution when stepping on or off an elevator. Awareness of the risk and the circumstances leading to falls allows for better direction of intervention strategies.

  14. Realidades em disputa: a proposição da prática alimentar da multimistura | Realities in dispute: a proposition of "multimixture" nutrition practices

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    Ivan da Costa Marques


    Full Text Available Resumo A história da proposição da prática alimentar da multimistura está fortemente marcada pelo seu (desencontro com os conhecimentos científicos, especialmente com os conhecimentos científicos sobre a nutrição. O embate entre os nutricionistas e os defensores da multimistura vem sendo travado, principalmente a partir do começo da década de 1990, quando a multimistura chegou a adquirir os contornos de um programa governamental para a alimentação infantil no Brasil. Ofereço três histórias desse (desencontro. Cada uma dessas histórias habita o universo sócio-político-econômico-cognitivo da nutrição infantil com entidades que se apresentam como de naturezas diferentes em disputa pela realidade da alimentação infantil no Brasil. Palavras-chave multimistura, ciência, política, nutrição, história Abstract The history of the proposition of multimixture as a practice of nourishment is marked by its confrontation with scientific knowledge, especially about nutrition. Since the beginning of the 1990s, when multimixture was about to configure a governmental program to fight malnutrition among poor children, fierce disputes have arisen between nutritionists and supporters of the use of multimixture. I tell three stories about these disputes. Each of these three stories inhabits the cognitive economic-political-social universe of infant nutrition with entities that present themselves as of different natures disputing reality in infant nutrition in Brazil. Keywords multimistura, science, policy, nutrition, history

  15. El discurso como ejercicio de la territorialidad. Disputas y discursos territoriales en la costa marítima de Buenos Aires (Argentina

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    Facundo Martín Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la tensión entre actores suscitada en la dialéctica de territorialización en determinados espacios marítimos-costeros bonaerenses (Argentina desde una perspectiva geográfica y discursiva. Se parte del supuesto de que la creación de territorios no siempre implica conflictividad, aunque siempre que existe disputa sobre el carácter de un determinado espacio se están ejerciendo formas antagónicas o divergentes de territorialidad. En los casos donde se producen pugnas por el territorio se activa un tipo discursivo que denominamos territorial, por lo tanto, el primer objetivo del trabajo es proponer una definición del mismo. Como caso de estudio se seleccionaron las disputas territoriales gestadas en torno al desarrollo de infraestructura turística en la costa bonaerense, respondiendo al modelo más simple de enfrentamiento: la oposición de un sujeto colectivo a un particular proceso de territorialización. Una cualidad común de los casos seleccionados es la asimetría en las relaciones de fuerza, lo que lleva al actor que se opone a tal o cual intervención en el territorio a desarrollar su estrategia de territorialidad mediante acciones innovadoras y creativas, entre ellas, la puesta en práctica de discursos territoriales. El segundo objetivo es el análisis de estos discursos elaborados por aquellos actores que protagonizan disputas en escenarios turísticos de la costa bonaerense. Para los objetivos propuestos se efectuó un análisis interpretativo de los discursos territoriales en tres movimientos regionales con proyección social, capacidad organizativa y continuidad, extrayendo el material de las diversas formas de comunicación y difusión con el que cuentan.

  16. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2006. National Inventory Report 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van der Maas, C.W.M.; Ruyssenaars, P.G.; Van den Born, G.J.; Brandes, L.J.; Hoen, A.; Te Molder, R.; Nijdam, D.S.; Olivier, J.G.J.; Peek, C.J.; Coenen, P.W.H.G.; Vreuls, H.H.J.; Van den Berghe, G.; Baas, K.; Guis, B.


    This report represents the 2008 Netherlands' annual inventory submission under the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. It has been prepared following the relevant guidelines, which also refer to Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Good Practice guidance and Uncertainty Management reports, provide a format for the definition of source categories and for calculation, documentation and reporting of emissions. The guidelines aim at facilitating verification, technical assessment and expert review of the inventory information by independent Expert Review Teams of the UNFCCC. Therefore, the inventories should be transparent, consistent, comparable, complete and accurate as elaborated in the UNFCCC Guidelines for reporting and be prepared using good practice as described in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance. This National Inventory Report (NIR) 2008 therefore provides explanations of the trends in greenhouse gas emissions, activity data and (implied) emission factors for the period 1990-2006. It also summarises descriptions of methods and data sources of Tier 1 assessments of the uncertainty in annual emissions and in emission trends; it presents an assessment of key sources following the Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches of the IPCC Good Practice Guidance; and describes Quality Assurance and Quality Control activities. This report provides no specific information on the effectiveness of government policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This information can be found in the annual Environmental Balance (in Dutch: 'Milieubalans') prepared by the Netherlands' Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) and the 4th National Communication (NC4) prepared by the government of the Netherlands. So-called Common Reporting Format (CRF) spreadsheet files, containing data on emissions, activity data and implied emission factors, accompany this report. The complete set

  17. La disputa por la república en el siglo XIX y la prensa en México


    Toussaint, Florence


    A partir de la consumación de la independencia, se inicia la disputa por definir el tipo de gobierno que había de asumir el país. Esta oscila entre la República federal y la centralista durante casi todo el tiempo, aunque hay dos momentos en los cuales la forma monárquica aparece como opción. Se conoce a estos periodos como el Primer Imperio y el Segundo Imperio. No duran muchos años. Sin embargo, dan lugar a enconadas luchas internas, sobre todo durante la presencia de...

  18. Utilização de dados secundários do SIM, Sinasc e SIH na produção científica brasileira de 1990 a 2006 Utilización de datos secundarios del SIM, Sinasc y SIH en la producción científica brasileña de 1990 a 2006 The use of secondary data from SIM, Sinasc, and SIH in Brazilian scientific production between 1990 and 2006

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    Eliane de Freitas Drumond


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo descritivo da distribuição e de algumas características dos artigos científicos publicados de 1990 a 2006 que utilizaram dados secundários dos Sistemas de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM, Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc e/ou Informações Hospitalares (SIH. Após pesquisa bibliográfica no banco de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, com base no MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, selecionaram-se 294 artigos. Foram analisadas variáveis referentes aos artigos, autores e periódicos. Observou-se aumento de quatro vezes no volume de publicações e nas edições em inglês. Houve crescimento no número de periódicos utilizados, nas instituições de origem dos pesquisadores, na utilização conjunta de duas bases de dados e nas pesquisas dirigidas às doenças e agravos não-transmissíveis (especialmente as cardiovasculares e causas externas. Os resultados apontam expressiva ampliação da produção científica brasileira que utiliza dados do SIM, Sinasc e/ou SIH.Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de la distribución y de algunas características de los artículos científicos publicados de 1990 a 2006, que utilizaron datos secundarios de los Sistemas de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM, Nacidos Vivos (Sinasc y/o Informaciones Hospitalarias (SIH. Después de una investigación bibliográfica en el banco de datos MEDLINE/PubMed, con base en el MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, se seleccionaron 294 artículos. Fueron analizadas variables referentes a los artículos, autores y periódicos. Se observó un aumento cuádruple en el volumen de publicaciones y en las ediciones en inglés. Hubo un crecimiento en el número de periódicos utilizados, en las instituciones de origen de los investigadores, en la utilización conjunta de dos bases de datos y en las investigaciones dirigidas a las enfermedades y agravamientos no-transmisibles (especialmente las cardiovasculares y causas externas. Los resultados señalan una expresiva ampliación de la


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    Juan Cruz Esquive


    Full Text Available La educación sexual, junto con la distribución gratuita de anticonceptivos y de la píldora del ‘día después’, el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, la fecundación asistida, la autodeterminación de la identidad sexual, la eutanasia y la despenalización del aborto, conforman uno de los ‘núcleos sensibles’ que cristalizan pujas y negociaciones entre el Estado, la dirigencia política y las instituciones religiosas a la hora de definir los fundamentos regulatorios de las políticas públicas en esos tópicos. El trabajo focaliza la mirada en las controversias semánticas entabladas por el Ministerio de Educación de la República Argentina y la Conferencia Episcopal, una vez aprobada la Ley Nacional de Educación Sexual Integral en 2006. El análisis de contenido de las principales publicaciones sobre educación sexual divulgadas por ambas instituciones, permitirá identificar los elementos de continuidad y de ruptura entre las tramas discursivas políticas y religiosas, así como las disputas por la construcción del discurso social legitimado. El abordaje propuesto habilita una entrada privilegiada para comprender las lógicas que se activan en la definición de determinadas políticas públicas y legislaciones, contemplando tanto las estrategias de influencia de las instituciones religiosas en el diseño e implementación de las mismas, como los niveles de receptividad de las demandas de contenido religioso por parte de los ‘decisores’ políticos.

  20. Kuidas möödus majandusaasta 2006 / Lembo Tanning, Toivo Tanning

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tanning, Lembo


    Ilmunud ka: Buhgalterskije Novosti, nr. 4, 2007, lk. 36-40. Ülevaade viimase kümne aasta maailmamajanduse arengutest sisemajanduse kogutoodangu ja väliskaubanduse põhjal. Tabelid: G-7 SKP 2000. aasta hindades ja rahavahetuskursiga, mld USD; USA väliskaubandus ja -teenused, mld USD-d, 2004-2006. Graafik: Hiina RV SKP, triljon jüaani, 1990-2006. Diagramm: Maailma suurimad eksportöörid, mld USD, 2004-2006

  1. Classe ideologia e política: uma interpretação dos resultados das eleições de 2002 e 2006

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    Denilde Oliveira Holzhacker


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa os impactos da estratificação social e da identidade ideológica sobre o voto no Brasil nas eleições presidenciais de 2002 e 2006 e identifica os valores e atitudes associados ao voto em Lula nos dois pleitos. A análise baseada nos resultados do ESEB mostra o comportamento independente das duas variáveis explicativas do voto para presidente: em 2002, a estratificação social foi pouco relevante para explicar a decisão eleitoral, sobretudo o voto em Lula, que esteve significativamente associado com a auto-identidade ideológica. Em 2006, as variáveis impactam o voto para presidente de modo inverso. Não obstante essas diferenças, nos dois momentos, o voto em Lula em específico é mais fortemente explicado pela simpatia e identidade com o candidato.The article analyses the impact of social stratification and ideological identification on voting behavior in the Brazilian Presidential elections of 2002 and 2006, and, specifically, it identifies the values and attitudes associated with the vote for Lula. The analysis is based on the 2 waves of the ESEB (Brazilian Electoral Study and it shows that in 2002, the social stratification was not a relevant factor in the explanation of presidential voting, especially the vote for Lula, associated with the self-ideological identification of citizens; in 2006, the situation is the opposite. However, in the 2 presidential campaigns, the vote for Lula is strongly explained by the voter’s identification with the candidate.

  2. Da morte política à consagração: indagações sobre o significado da reeleição de Lula

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    Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina o processo eleitoral de 2006, que culminou na reeleição do presidente Lula. Argumenta-se que o período foi marcado pelo voto de advertência de eleitores insatisfeitos com o primeiro mandato e por erros de estratégia do PSDB, a começar pela escolha do candidato. Sustenta-se ainda que a falência ética do Partido dos Trabalhadores ensejou uma onda de preconceito inédita na história política brasileira.This article examines the electoral process of 2006, which resulted in the reelection of president Lula. It states that the period was characterized by protests of unsatisfied voters and by PSDB's strategy faults, starting by the choice of its candidate. It is also argued that the ethical débâcle of Partido dos Trabalhadores stimulated a wave of prejudice unseen in Brazilian political history .

  3. Eleição de Dilma ou segunda reeleição de Lula? Uma análise espacial do pleito de 2010


    Magalhães, André Matos; Silva, Marcelo Eduardo Alves da; Dias, Fernando de Mendonça


    Muito foi dito a respeito do papel do Bolsa Família na eleição de Lula em 2006 e na mudança do perfil do seu eleitor. Pouco foi dito, entretanto, a respeito do papel de Lula e do Bolsa Família com relação à votação de Dilma em 2010. Através de uma abordagem econométrico-espacial, neste artigo nós avaliamos a importância desses e de outros fatores no desempenho eleitoral de Dilma. Após uma nova eleição na qual Dilma enfrentou novos candidatos, é interessante tentar entender quais fatores tiver...

  4. Flexibilizando estéticas, restringindo sexualidades: disputas de agentes pela demarcação do religioso


    Alexandre Oviedo Gonçalves


    O objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em analisar, por meio das práticas discursivas de atores ligados a uma organização paraeclesiástica denominada Tribal Generation, os posicionamentos tomados por determinados agentes a fim de se justificarem enquanto protestantes legítimos. Nossa questão volta-se para a compreensão das condições necessárias para uma igreja existir e se legitimar enquanto tal. Esta questão nos auxilia na análise das disputas sobre a tipificação do que seria igreja, reve...

  5. Disputas por el gobierno de indígenas en la antigua Comisaría del Vaupés, 1960-1968

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    Álvaro Andrés Santoyo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reconstruyen, a partir de documentos de archivo, los ejes argumentativos de las disputas entre caucheros, misioneros y funcionarios alrededor de la regulación del trabajo indígena en el contexto de la explotación cauchera, como una manera de entender las discusiones existentes en las décadas de 1960 y 1970, sobre el gobierno de la población indígena de la antigua Comisaría del Vaupés. Dicha reconstrucción se realiza en tres apartados. En el primero se presenta la justificación, desde los caucheros, de la importancia de la industria del caucho para el progreso de la Comisaría y su influencia en el proceso de civilización de los indígenas. Enseguida, las querellas entre los tres actores sociales sobre la contratación de indígenas. Por último, el texto aborda el cierre de la disputas, a partir del análisis de la denominada Declaración de Miraflores, documento publicado por los misioneros católicos en la prensa colombiana en el que se denunciaron los abusos de los caucheros en la región.

  6. Energy consumption and related CO2 emissions in five Latin American countries: Changes from 1990 to 2006 and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheinbaum, Claudia; Ruiz, Belizza J.; Ozawa, Leticia


    This study examines the primary energy consumption and energy-related CO 2 emissions in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela during the period 1990-2006. It also reviews important reforms in the energy sector of these countries as well as the promotion of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES). Using a decomposition analysis, results indicate that even though significant reductions in energy intensity have been achieved in Colombia, Mexico and in a lesser extent in Brazil and Argentina, the reduction of CO 2 emissions in these countries has not been significant due to an increased dependence on fossil fuels in their energy mix. Although the Latin American region has an important experience in the promotion of EE programs and renewable sources, the energy agenda of the examined countries focused mostly on the energy reforms during the analyzed period. The policy review suggests that further governmental support and strong public policies towards a more sustainable energy path are required to encourage a low carbon future in the region.

  7. O cenário esportivo como arena de disputas políticas: entre a memória recitada e o apagamento de rastros = The sports scene as a political dispute arena: between recited memory and deletion of trails = La escena deportiva como arena de disputas políticas: entre la memoria recitada y la borradura de pistas

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    Fontineles, Claudia Cristina da Silva


    Full Text Available O presente texto discute em que medida dois elementos da vida esportiva do Piauí – o estádio de futebol “Albertão” e o time de futebol Tiradentes – foram tratados como acionadores na disputa entre os dois grupos políticos majoritários no cenário político piauiense, entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980. Tratados como insígnias do primeiro governo de Alberto Silva (1971-1975, foram aplaudidos por seus aliados como sinônimo da inscrição do estado em um contexto de prosperidade e da euforia desenvolvimentista, consonante com o cenário político em vigência no Brasil em tempos de Ditadura Civil-Militar, e rechaçados por seus oponentes por serem considerados a reafirmação da presença deste governo na história e na memória da sociedade piauiense. Neste artigo, discutimos como essas disputas manifestaram-se nas disputas políticas estabelecidas entre estes grupos e inscreveram-se no cotidiano e na memória social local. Para tanto, foram analisados como fontes históricas documentos oficiais, jornais de circulação no período, além das fotografias usadas pelo governo em suas correspondências oficiais e de relatos orais, que, à luz da interlocução teórica com Michel de Certeau, Réne Rémond, Paul Ricœur, Paul Veyne, Michel Pollak, entre outros, contribuíram para a elucidação analítica da temática

  8. La escolarización en la campaña bonaerense: un campo de disputas en la conformación del poder social (1850-1875

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    Lucía Lionetti


    Full Text Available


    Neste artigo, abordam-se alguns aspectos da escolarização no cenário rural de Buenos Aires, entre as décadas de 1850 e 1870. Nesse contexto, cabia à educação a erradicação da barbárie, mediante o imperativo civilizador do mundo urbano. A escola tornou-se um campo de disputas entre vizinhos e autoridades estatais, ao mesmo tempo em que negociaram dando forma à outra configuração de poder social na província de Buenos Aires.

    Palavras-chave: campanha bonaerense, escolas, disputas, vizinhos, autoridades.


    This article studies schooling in Buenos Aires‟ countryside between the 1850s and the 1870s designed as an education that was eradicating the barbarism by means of the imperative civilizer of the urban world. In this context, the school became a field of disputes between the neighbors and the state authorities challenged each other while at the same time they negotiated, thus generating a new structure of social power in the province.

    Keywords: countryside, school, civilization, neighbors, authorities.


    En este artículo se estudia la escolarización en la campaña bonaerense entre los años cincuenta y setenta ideada como una educación que erradicara la barbarie mediante el imperativo civilizador del mundo urbano. En este contexto, la escuela devino en un campo de disputas entre vecinos y autoridades estatales que libraron enfrentamientos al tiempo que negociaron dando forma a un nuevo entramado de poder social en la provincia.

    Palabras-clave: campaña bonaerense, escuelas, civilización, disputas, vecinos, autoridades.


    Dans cet article on étudie la scolarisation en campagne de Buenos Aires entre les années cinquante et soixante-dix imaginée comme une éducation qui éradiquait la barbarie au moyen de l'impératif civilisateur du monde urbain. Dans ce

  9. Annual Danish emission inventory report to UNECE. Inventories from the base year of the protocols to year 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Winther, M; Hjorth Mikkelsen, M; Hoffmann, L; Nielsen, Malene; Gyldenkaerne, S; Fauser, P; Tranekjaer Jensen, M; Plejdrup, M S; Boll Illerup, J


    This report is a documentation report on the emission inventories for Denmark as reported to the UNECE Secretariat under the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution due by 15 February 2008. The report contains information on Denmark's emission inventories regarding emissions of (1) SO{sub X} for the years 1980-2006, (2) NO{sub X}, CO, NMVOC and NH{sub 3} for the years 1985-2006; (3) Particulate matter: TSP, PM{sub 10}, PM{sub 2.5} for the years 2000-2006, (4) Heavy Metals: Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se and Zn for the years 1990-2006, and (5) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): Benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene for the years 1990-2006. Further, the report contains information on background data for emissions inventory. (au)

  10. Annual Danish emission inventory report to UNECE. Inventories from the base year of the protocols to year 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Winther, M.; Hjorth Mikkelsen, M.; Hoffmann, L.; Nielsen, Malene; Gyldenkaerne, S.; Fauser, P.; Tranekjaer Jensen, M.; Plejdrup, M.S.; Boll Illerup, J.


    This report is a documentation report on the emission inventories for Denmark as reported to the UNECE Secretariat under the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution due by 15 February 2008. The report contains information on Denmark's emission inventories regarding emissions of (1) SO{sub X} for the years 1980-2006, (2) NO{sub X}, CO, NMVOC and NH{sub 3} for the years 1985-2006; (3) Particulate matter: TSP, PM{sub 10}, PM{sub 2.5} for the years 2000-2006, (4) Heavy Metals: Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se and Zn for the years 1990-2006, and (5) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): Benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene for the years 1990-2006. Further, the report contains information on background data for emissions inventory. (au)

  11. Snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies treated in US EDs, 1990 to 2006. (United States)

    Watson, Daniel S; Shields, Brenda J; Smith, Gary A


    Injuries and medical emergencies associated with snow shovel use are common in the United States. This is a retrospective analysis of data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. This study analyzes the epidemiologic features of snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies treated in US emergency departments (EDs) from 1990 to 2006. An estimated 195 100 individuals (95% confidence interval, 140 400-249 800) were treated in US EDs for snow shovel-related incidents during the 17-year study period, averaging 11 500 individuals annually (SD, 5300). The average annual rate of snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies was 4.15 per 100 000 population. Approximately two thirds (67.5%) of these incidents occurred among males. Children younger than 18 years comprised 15.3% of the cases, whereas older adults (55 years and older) accounted for 21.8%. The most common diagnosis was soft tissue injury (54.7%). Injuries to the lower back accounted for 34.3% of the cases. The most common mechanism of injury/nature of medical emergency was acute musculoskeletal exertion (53.9%) followed by slips and falls (20.0%) and being struck by a snow shovel (15.0%). Cardiac-related ED visits accounted for 6.7% of the cases, including all of the 1647 deaths in the study. Patients required hospitalization in 5.8% of the cases. Most snow shovel-related incidents (95.6%) occurred in and around the home. This is the first study to comprehensively examine snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies in the United States using a nationally representative sample. There are an estimated 11 500 snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies treated annually in US EDs. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Campanhas na Rede: a utilização do Twitter nas disputas pelas Prefeituras de São Paulo e de Rio de Janeiro em 2012


    Alysson Bruno Martins Assunção


    A pesquisa busca compreender a atuação no Twitter das campanhas às prefeituras de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro em 2012, de modo a entender se houve de fato uma estratégia de ação que usou as possibilidades destes sites de redes sociais para a construção de uma forma inovadora de se fazer campanha eleitoral. A partir de uma revisão de literatura que abrange desde a importância da circulação da informação política nos diferentes regimes informacionais e a midiatização das campanhas eleitorais, pr...

  13. Orthopedic infections in equine long bone fractures and arthrodeses treated by internal fixation: 192 cases (1990-2006). (United States)

    Ahern, Benjamin J; Richardson, Dean W; Boston, Raymond C; Schaer, Thomas P


    To determine the rate of postoperative infection (POI) for internal fixation repaired equine long bone fractures and arthrodeses and identify associated risk factors. Case series. Horses (n=192) with fracture repair of the third metacarpal and metatarsal bones, radius, ulna, humerus, tibia, and femur, or arthrodesis with internal fixation. Medical records (1990-2006) were reviewed for signalment, anatomic location, fracture classification and method of repair, technique and surgical duration, bacterial species isolated, postoperative care, onset of POI, and outcome. Of 192 horses (171 [89%] closed, 21 [11%] open fractures), 157 (82%) were discharged from the hospital. Infection occurred in 53 (28% horses), of which 31 (59%) were discharged. Repairs without POI were 7.25 times more likely to be discharged from the hospital. Closed fractures were 4.23 times more likely to remain uninfected and 4.59 times more likely to be discharged from the hospital compared with open fractures. Closed reduction and internal fixation was associated with a 2.5-fold reduction in rate of POI and a 5.9 times greater chance for discharge from the hospital compared with open reduction and internal fixation. Females had a strong trend for increased POI when compared with colts and stallion but not geldings. Overall rate of POI was 28%. Fracture classification, method of repair, gender, and surgical duration were significant risk factors.

  14. Inequalities in US Life Expectancy by Area Unemployment Level, 1990–2010 (United States)

    Singh, Gopal K.; Siahpush, Mohammad


    This study examined the association between unemployment and life expectancy in the United States during 1990–2010. Census-based unemployment rates were linked to US county-level mortality data. Life expectancies were calculated by age, sex, race, and unemployment level during 1990–2010. Differences in life expectancy were decomposed by age and cause of death. Life expectancy was consistently lower in areas with higher unemployment rates. In 2006–2010, those in areas with high unemployment rates (≥9%) had a life expectancy of 76.9 years, compared with 80.7 years for those in areas with low unemployment rates (unemployment and life expectancy was stronger for men than for women. Life expectancy ranged from 69.9 years among black men in high unemployment areas to 90.0 years among Asian/Pacific Islander women in low unemployment areas. Disparities persisted over time. In 1990–1992, life expectancy was 4.7 years shorter in high unemployment than in low unemployment areas. In 2006–2010, the life expectancy difference between the lowest and highest unemployment areas decreased to 3.8 years. Heart disease, cancer, homicide, unintentional injuries, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and liver cirrhosis contributed most to the lower life expectancy in high unemployment areas. High unemployment areas recorded larger gains in life expectancy than low unemployment areas, contributing to the narrowing gap during 1990–2010. PMID:27073716

  15. Estratégias de campanha no horário gratuito de propaganda eleitoral em eleições proporcionais

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    Schmitt Rogério


    Full Text Available The article contends that Brazil?s "Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral" (under which parties are granted free airtime for political campaign advertisements can be contrasted with the Brazilian electoral system?s tendency to produce purely individualistic legislative campaigns. The central hypothesis is that the way in which Brazilian political parties organize their candidates? participation in these time slots has substantial consequences both for their public image as well as for their poll performance. The first section of the article defines the more general characteristics of political representation in Brazil within the framework of traditional political science interpretations. The second section underscores the growing importance of studies on election campaigns and party presence in the media. Within this context, the evolution of the HGPE?s historical importance as a campaign space is examined. The third section presents our model of analysis of the HGPE, highlighting its effects on relations between parties, on the one hand, and their candidates and potential voters, on the other. Rio de Janeiro?s proportional elections of 1994 and 1996 are taken as a case study. The article concludes that the HGPE acts as a tool for informally ranking party lists in Brazil.

  16. Brasil, 2015: como a presidenta, seu partido, seus eleitores e seu governo podem ser conceptualizados em rede social

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    Ariadne Domingues Almeida


    Full Text Available São apresentados resultados de um estudo realizado sobre o modo como a presidenta Dilma Rousseff, seu partido, seus eleitores e seu governo foram conceptualizados em um meme postado na página Movimento Contra Corrupção constante da rede social online Facebook. O estudo foi norteado pelos aportes teórico-metodológicos da Linguística Cognitiva. Como a conceptualização é um fenômeno complexo, foram associados conhecimentos adquiridos pela Linguística Cognitiva a saberes elaboradospela Teoria da Complexidade. Foram desenvolvidas reflexões sobre mapeamentos metafóricos e metonímicos, estruturados por esquemas imagéticos no âmbito dessa conceptualização. Ao final dos trabalhos, foi verificado o papel da interconexão entre o imagético e o verbal na geração de sentido, bem como foi observado que, na multimodalidade, o todo é mais do que a soma de suas partes, assim como o todo é menos do que a soma de suas partes.Palavras-chave: Conceptualização. Linguística Cognitiva. Teoria da Complexidade. Multimodalidade. Meme.

  17. Partidos, competição política e fraude eleitoral: a tônica das eleições na Primeira República

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    Paolo Ricci


    Full Text Available Este artigo revisita as práticas eleitorais no Brasil republicano (1891-1930. Partimos da crítica da farsa eleitoral, incômodo consensual na literatura dedicada à historiografia política da época. Através do exame acurado das contestações dirigidas à Câmara Baixa por alguns dos candidatos derrotados nos pleitos realizados para preenchimento das cadeiras desta Casa representativa, veremos que as alegações de fraude se faziam reflexo de um processo mais complexo, sobretudo fruto da competição desencadeada no âmbito subnacional, expressão de embate direto entre facções estaduais rivais. A análise desta rica fonte revela que o estímulo elementar da competição político-partidária nos anos 1900 era a concorrência pelo controle da máquina administrativa das eleições, financiadora inconteste do condicionamento dos resultados dos escrutínios.

  18. Inequalities in US Life Expectancy by Area Unemployment Level, 1990–2010

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    Gopal K. Singh


    Full Text Available This study examined the association between unemployment and life expectancy in the United States during 1990–2010. Census-based unemployment rates were linked to US county-level mortality data. Life expectancies were calculated by age, sex, race, and unemployment level during 1990–2010. Differences in life expectancy were decomposed by age and cause of death. Life expectancy was consistently lower in areas with higher unemployment rates. In 2006–2010, those in areas with high unemployment rates (≥9% had a life expectancy of 76.9 years, compared with 80.7 years for those in areas with low unemployment rates (<3%. The association between unemployment and life expectancy was stronger for men than for women. Life expectancy ranged from 69.9 years among black men in high unemployment areas to 90.0 years among Asian/Pacific Islander women in low unemployment areas. Disparities persisted over time. In 1990–1992, life expectancy was 4.7 years shorter in high unemployment than in low unemployment areas. In 2006–2010, the life expectancy difference between the lowest and highest unemployment areas decreased to 3.8 years. Heart disease, cancer, homicide, unintentional injuries, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and liver cirrhosis contributed most to the lower life expectancy in high unemployment areas. High unemployment areas recorded larger gains in life expectancy than low unemployment areas, contributing to the narrowing gap during 1990–2010.

  19. Historia de la transformación en la educación superior chilena (1973-1990

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    Mauricio Esteban Rifo Melo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en la transformación institucional de la educación superior chilena realizada por la dictadura cívico-militar durante los años 1973 y 1990. El principal aporte de la investigación se instala en la búsqueda, desde una transformación histórica concreta, de lo que se ha llamado genéricamente el neoliberalismo en educación superior. De esto emerge la interpretación histórica de que la transformación de la educación superior chilena, durante la dictadura cívico-militar, no estuvo marcada por una trayectoria de cambio neoliberal acumulativa, sino mas bien como un campo de disputa junto con un desencaje respecto a lo que se entiende por Neoliberalismo en educación. Por lo tanto, la investigación se enmarca en los estudios sobre historia de la educación guiada por una estrategia metodológica histórica de enfoque hermenéutico, cuyo uso de información estará centrado en la validación y contrastación de fuentes.


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    Full Text Available Utilizando os resultados de uma etnografia midiática realizada em uma comunidade on-line de fãs do reality show Big Brother Brasil (BBB este artigo discute algumas questões centrais acerca da “cultura da convergência”. As análises trazidas aqui apresentam um contraponto à ideia de que as dinâmicas entre fãs de produtos como o BBB necessariamente implicariam na formação de uma “inteligência coletiva”, conforme defendido por acadêmicos como Henry Jenkins e Pierre Lévy. Os fãs da versão nacional do formato, por exemplo, parecem estar mais preocupados com disputas por prestígio, hierarquia e capital subcultural do que com o desenvolvimento de um conhecimento comum, capaz de desafiar interesses econômicos e corporativos.

  1. Diversidade sexual e política eleitoral: Analisando as candidaturas de travestis e transexuais no Brasil contemporâneo

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    Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste artigo, tenho por objetivo debater a participação de LGBT na política institucional brasileira, focando nas candidatas que se autoidentificam como travestis/transexuais. Primeiramente, faço revisão do debate acadêmico sobre representação política e representação descritiva. Utilizando dados quantitativos, investigo o perfil social destas candidatas (sexo, idade, escolaridade, ideologia política, performance eleitoral etc. contrastando-as com candidatos LGB. Por fim, analiso qualitativamente o material de campanha (banners, websites/ blogs, perfis no Facebook/twitter, vídeos on-line das candidaturas trans. Os dados quantitativos e qualitativos nos ajudaram a responder a algumas questões: a quais são as semelhanças/diferenças entre os perfis sociais das candidatas trans e LGB?; b as candidatas trans têm envolvimento prévio com o ativismo político LGBT ou estamos testemunhando novo tipo de engajamento na política sexual?; c elas se utilizam da identidade travesti/transexual (e suas experiências de discriminação como um tipo de capital político?; d suas propostas políticas estão comprometidas com as demandas do ativismo LGBT?

  2. A cisão discursiva do Pará nas campanhas televisivas do plebiscito em 2011

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    Evelyn Cristina Ferreira de Aquino


    Full Text Available O estudo observou como se engendraram os discursos sobre a extensão territorial nas campanhas televisivas das frentes pró e contra a criação dos estados do Carajás e do Tapajós no plebiscito de 2011, no Pará. O Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral ocorreu de 11 de novembro a 7 de dezembro daquele ano. Ao todo, 80 programas foram produzidos, veiculados entre 12h e 12h10 e entre 19h30 e 19h40. Neste estudo, trabalhamos com 20 programas, vistos a partir da análise do discurso na vertente dialógica de Mikhail Bakhtin e da disputa por legitimação e descredenciamento de discursos, de Eliseo Verón. A análise mostrou que as frentes de campanhas atualizaram discursos históricos sobre o reordenamento de territórios na Amazônia, vozes que debatem a unidade territorial e a reestruturação da região para o desenvolvimento.

  3. Latinoamérica en disputa ante el giro Asia-Pacífico: ¿Corre peligro la hegemonía de Estados Unidos?


    Lugones, Gastón


    Utilizando como disparador la VI cumbre de BRICS, en Fortaleza, Brasil, en julio de 2014, en la cual se llevó a cabo la formalización del bloque, en el siguiente trabajo preliminar se plantea como hipótesis una situación de disputa sobre la hegemonía estadounidense en Latinoamérica. En este sentido, y en un contexto signado por el giro Asia-Pacífico, se hace hincapié en las acciones, interpretaciones y objetivos discernibles a partir de los discursos por parte, tanto de los miembros del BRICS...

  4. Social, economic, political and health system and program determinants of child mortality reduction in China between 1990 and 2006: A systematic analysis. (United States)

    Feng, Xing Lin; Theodoratou, Evropi; Liu, Li; Chan, Kit Yee; Hipgrave, David; Scherpbier, Robert; Brixi, Hana; Guo, Sufang; Chunmei, Wen; Chopra, Mickey; Black, Robert E; Campbell, Harry; Rudan, Igor; Guo, Yan


    Between 1990 and 2006, China reduced its under-five mortality rate (U5MR) from 64.6 to 20.6 per 1000 live births and achieved the fourth United Nation's Millennium Development Goal nine years ahead of target. This study explores the contribution of social, economic and political determinants, health system and policy determinants, and health programmes and interventions to this success. For each of the years between 1990 and 2006, we obtained an estimate of U5MR for 30 Chinese provinces from the annual China Health Statistics Yearbook. For each year, we also obtained data describing the status of 8 social, 10 economic, 2 political, 9 health system and policy, and six health programmes and intervention indicators for each province. These government data are not of the same quality as some other health information sources in modern China, such as articles with primary research data available in Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wan Fang databases, or Chinese Maternal and Child Mortality Surveillance system. Still, the comparison of relative changes in underlying indicators with the undisputed strong general trend of childhood mortality reduction over 17 years should still capture the main effects at the macro-level. We used multivariate random effect regression models to determine the effect of 35 indicators individually and 5 constructs defined by factor analysis (reflecting effects of social, economic, political, health systems and policy, and health programmes) on the reduction of U5MR in China. In the univariate regression applied with a one-year time lag, social determinants of health construct showed the strongest crude association with U5MR reduction (R(2) = 0.74), followed by the constructs for health programmes and interventions (R(2) = 0.65), economic (R(2) = 0.47), political (R(2) = 0.28) and health system and policy determinants (R(2) = 0.26), respectively. Similarly, when multivariate regression was applied with a

  5. Reconstrução histórica da introdução, difusão e disputa a respeito dos transgênicos no Brasil: das contendas jurídicas à opinião pública

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    Biancca Scarpeline de Castro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o processo de introdução, difusão e a disputa a respeito da autorização dos OGMs no Brasil, com foco no caso da soja transgênica. Serão enfatizadas as contendas sobre a sua rotulagem e uma pesquisa relacionada à opinião pública. Nesse artigo será demonstrado que as disputas relacionadas aos OGMs foram muito polarizadas no Brasil e se desenrolaram como conflitos de riscos. Será visto que a rotulagem desses organismos é controversa e está sendo questionada atualmente no congresso nacional. Por fim, será mostrado que na pesquisa realizada o consumidor parece estar está mais preocupado com as questões relacionadas à contaminação (biológica e química e às características nutricionais dos alimentos do que com a biotecnologia vegetal.

  6. La mortalidad por armas de fuego en Argentina entre 1990 y 2008 Firearm mortality in Argentina, 1990-2008

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    Marina Gabriela Zunino


    Full Text Available Este es un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de la mortalidad por armas de fuego en Argentina, 1990-2008. Se analizaron los porcentajes y las tasas de mortalidad por armas de fuego entre las jurisdicciones del país. Los datos provienen de la Dirección de Estadística e Información en Salud, Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente, República Argentina. Entre 1990-2008 se produjeron 358.484 muertes por causas externas de las cuales el 16,6% (59.339 correspondieron a armas de fuego. La Provincia de Buenos Aires presentó el porcentaje y tasas cruda y ajustada superiores. Las jurisdicciones de la Región Pampeana (incluye Provincia de Buenos Aires presentaron un perfil más homogéneo y similar al del país: aumento de las tasas en 1999-2002 y disminución en 2003-2006. Estos hallazgos se explicarían en parte por el deterioro socioeconómico vivido en Argentina a fines del siglo XX, que habría tenido mayor impacto en Provincia de Buenos Aires, por ser ésta una de las provincias con mayor desarrollo y dinamismo económico de Argentina. La situación de Provincia de Buenos Aires habría estado agravada por el hecho de tener una de las fuerzas policiales más represivas del país.This is a descriptive epidemiological study of firearm mortality in Argentina, 1990-2008. The study compared the firearm mortality percentages and rates between the country's jurisdictions. The data are from the Office of Health Statistics and Information, Ministry of Health. From 1990 to 2008 there were 358,484 deaths from external causes, of which 16.6% (59,339 were caused by firearms. The Province of Buenos Aires showed the highest percentage and crude and adjusted rates. The jurisdictions in the Pampeana region (including the Province of Buenos Aires showed a more homogeneous profile, similar to that of the country as a whole, with an increase in the rates from 1999 to 2002 and a decrease from 2003 to 2006. These findings are partially explained by the country



    Maiorki, Simone


    As avaliações psicológicas de custódia aumentaram recentemente em função do crescente número de divórcios. Protocolos que orientam a avaliação em casos de custódia são raros no Brasil. Devido a essa demanda, esta pesquisa se propôs elaborar, aplicar e avaliar a eficácia de um protocolo de avaliação psicológica em processos de disputa de guarda. Foram avaliadas 11 famílias que entraram na justiça com o pedido de guarda, na Vara da Família de um município da região metropolitana de Curitiba/PR....

  8. Trends in risk factors and etiology of 606 cases of infective endocarditis over 23 years (1984-2006) in slovakia. (United States)

    Hricak, V; Liska, B; Kovackova, J; Mikusova, J; Fischer, V; Kovacik, J; Karvaj, M; Jurco, R; Ondrusova, A; Kalavsky, E; Marks, P; Beno, P; Krcmery, V


    The aim of this study was to assess trends in risk factors, etiology, outcome and treatment strategies for endocarditis over 23 years in Slovakia. A prospective survey of 606 cases of infective endocarditis (IE) was conducted from 1984-2006. Rheumatic fever as well as previous dental surgery showed decreasing trends within the last 23 years. Also embolic complications of IE declined along with increasing rates of surgically treated patients. No significant changes in etiology were detected apart from the fact that culture-negative endocarditis increased from 10.7% to 55.4% between 1998-2001. Surgically treated patients increased from 22.7% (1984-1990) to 50.1% (2002-2006) and mortality dramatically decreased from 26.7% (1984-1990) to 5.3% (2002-2006). Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci were the leading causes (22.4% - 48%) followed by viridans streptococci (12.2%-18.2%) were a relatively stable trend over 23 years of IE in Slovakia.

  9. Identidade coletiva negra e escolha eleitoral no Brasil

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    Gladys Mitchell


    Full Text Available Alguns estudiosos não examinam identidade racial de grupo entre os afro-brasileiros por causa da história do Brasil como uma nação racialmente mista. Dada a crescente força dos movimentos negros e a adoção de políticas raciais como ações afirmativas, que pressupõem a existência de grupos raciais, é necessário examinar se a identidade racial de grupo é saliente. Utilizando dados coletados em survey original de 2006, em Salvador e São Paulo, há evidências de que uma maioria esmagadora de afro-brasileiros se identifica como um grupo racial. Além disso, existe uma relação positiva e estatisticamente significante entre a identificação como um grupo racial e de voto para políticos negros em Salvador, porém não em São Paulo.A number of scholars do not examine racial group identity among Afro-Brazilians because of Brazil's history as a racially mixed nation. Given the growing strength of the black movements and the enactment of racial policies such as affirmative action that presume the existence of racial groups it is necessary to examine if racial group identity is salient. Using original survey data collected in 2006 in Salvador and São Paulo, Brazil, there is evidence that an overwhelming majority of Afro-Brazilians in identify as a racial group. Furthermore, there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between identifying as a racial group and voting for black politicians in Salvador but not in São Paulo.

  10. Desigualdades interterritoriales en la compensación de las enfermedades profesionales en España de 1990 a 2007 Interterritorial inequalities in compensation for occupational diseases in Spain from 1990-2007

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    Montserrat García Gómez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer el patrón de declaración y las tendencias por comunidades autónomas (CCAA de las enfermedades profesionales en España en los años 1990 a 2007. Métodos: Los casos se obtuvieron del Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, y los trabajadores del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Para explicar la estructura de los datos se utiliza el análisis de componentes principales. Se calculan las tasas de incidencia anuales ajustadas y se representa el riesgo relativo en mapas. Resultados: El incremento en la declaración de las enfermedades profesionales es constante desde 1990 hasta 2005 en todas las CCAA, pero sólo aumentan los casos leves y sin baja, que sumaron el 99%. En 2006-2007 la declaración desciende casi a la mitad: 17.061 casos en 2007 frente a 30.030 en 2005. Tanto el incremento como el descenso de la incidencia se observa en todas las CCAA, pero con valores y pendientes diferentes. El análisis de componentes principales muestra que Asturias presenta una evolución temporal diferente del resto de CCAA. Se observa un patrón en que destaca la elevada declaración en el norte del país, sin que factores tales como la edad, el sexo, la actividad económica y la ocupación expliquen las diferencias. Conclusiones: El sistema de seguridad social no está compensando enfermedades complejas y crónicas, prevalentes hoy día. A pesar de la mejora en la declaración de las enfermedades profesionales entre los años 1990 y 2005, el retroceso observado en 2006-2007, y sobre todo la brecha entre CCAA, alertan de que la prestación no está funcionado con equidad, lo que genera desigualdad y falta de cohesión, y supone un reto para la definición de políticas de prevención eficaces.Objectives: To determine the reporting pattern and trends for occupational diseases by autonomous communities in Spain between 1990 and 2007. Methods: Cases were obtained from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the number of workers was

  11. Política de Modernización de la Gestión Pública en Chile 1990-2006: evidencias a partir de un modelo de análisis

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    Verónica Figueroa-Huencho


    Full Text Available A partir del debate teórico y de las evidencias empíricas surgidas en el ámbito de los procesos de reforma del Estado y de modernización de la gestión pública, este paper propone un modelo de síntesis y análisis que permite caracterizar dichos procesos. Mediante el estudio de caso, se demuestra la aplicabilidad de este modelo al caso chileno para el periodo 1990-2006. La evidencia muestra que existen rasgos propios que han definido un proceso con características particulares. Esta información se recoge a partir de la aplicación y análisis de entrevistas a 37 actores claves de estos procesos así como del análisis de documentos oficiales. El artículo identifica, describe y explica las variables que definen la política de modernización para el caso chileno.

  12. Increased incidence of gonorrhoea and chlamydia in Greenland 1990-2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Mila Broby; Koch, Anders; Wohlfahrt, Jan


    BACKGROUND: Since the 1970s, Greenland has presented the highest reported incidence rates of the sexually transmitted infections (STIs) gonorrhoea and chlamydia in the Arctic regions. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe sex- and age-specific incidence rates of gonorrhoea and chlamydia from 1990...... to 2012 in Greenland, and to evaluate if changes in case definitions, diagnostic procedures and implementation of STI interventions during the period coincide with rate changes. DESIGN: Gonorrhoea and chlamydia cases were identified from the national STI surveillance. For 1990-2008, STI cases were...... to sex, age and calendar period. RESULTS: Gonorrhoea and chlamydia incidence rates have increased since 1995 to reach 2,555 per 100,000 person-years (PY) for gonorrhoea and 6,403 per 100,000 PY for chlamydia in 2012. From 2006 to 2012, the incidence rates among young adults aged 15-19 years were 8...

  13. Danish emission inventories for road transport and other mobile sources. Inventories until year 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winther, M.


    This report explains the parts of the Danish inventories related to road transport and other mobile sources. Emission results are shown for CO{sub 2}, CH{sub 4}, N{sub 2}O, SO{sub 2}, NO{sub X}, NMVOC, CO, particulate matter (PM), heavy metals, dioxins and PAH. From 1990-2006 the fuel use and CO{sub 2} emissions for road transport have increased by 36 %, and CH{sub 4} emissions have decreased by 51 %. A N{sub 2}O emission increase of 29 % is related to the relatively high emissions from older gasoline catalyst cars. The 1985-2006 emission decreases for PM (exhaust only), CO, NO{sub X} and NMVOC are 30, 69, 28 and 71 % respectively, due to the introduction of vehicles complying with gradually stricter emission standards. For SO{sub 2} the emission drop is 99% (due to reduced sulphur content in the diesel fuel), whereas the NH{sub 3} emissions increase by 3065% (due to the introduction of catalyst cars). For other mobile sources the calculated emission changes for CO{sub 2} (and fuel use), CH{sub 4} and N{sub 2}O are -10, 5 and -11%, from 1990 to 2006. The emissions of SO{sub 2}, particulates (all size fractions), NO{sub X}, NMVOC and CO have decreased by 88, 56, 14, 12 and 9% from 1985 to 2006. For NH{sub 3} the emissions have increased by 8% in the same time period. Uncertainties for the emissions and trends have been estimated. (au)

  14. Disputas por tagua y minas: recursos naturales y propiedad territorial en el Pacífico colombiano, 1870-1930

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    Claudia Leal


    Full Text Available En el Pacífico colombiano no hubo fuertes disputas por la tierra en las últimas décadas del siglo diecinueve y las primeras del veinte, como sucedió en otras partes de Colombia, pero sí hubo conflictos territoriales. Estos estuvieron centrados en el acceso a recursos naturales considerados valiosos: semillas de palma de tagua, oro y platino. Al estudiar estos conflictos este artículo ayuda a comprender por qué la mayoría de la región mantuvo su carácter de baldío de la nación en momentos en que se aceleró la titulación de tierra en otras partes del país. Así, contribuye a entender la particular historia del Pacífico colombiano, que generó las condiciones que favorecieron la titulación colectiva a comunidades negras que estipula la Constitución política de 1991.

  15. Participação Política: fundamentos, planejamento, execução e coordenação de campanha eleitoral

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    Rolando Juan Soliz Estrada


    Full Text Available DOI:   Este estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Planejamento que sirva de base para Participação Política em uma Campanha Eleitoral. Para o desenvolvimento do modelo, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa, utilizando as técnicas de levantamento bibliográfico e documental assim como entrevistas não padronizadas. O levantamento do referencial teórico e a análise das entrevistas serviram de base para o desenvolvimento do modelo inicial de Planejamento da Participação Política objeto da pesquisa. Após sua elaboração, o modelo foi submetido novamente aos coordenadores de campanha e experts, para sua avaliação e validação por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Para as entrevistas, utilizou-se uma amostra intencional com 8 profissionais da área: um (1 pesquisador, seis (6 Coordenadores de Campanha e um (1 Pesquisador e Coordenador de Campanha. Os entrevistados foram escolhidos devido à sua experiência e representatividade na área de estudo. Como resultado da pesquisa é apresentado neste trabalho um modelo formado por nove (9 campos: Levantamento, Posicionamento, Política, Organização, Finanças, Administração, Marketing, Mobilização e Avaliação.

  16. A dinâmica do crédito no Brasil entre 1990-2006.

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    Juliano Morais Galle


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda, dentro de um contexto de globalização financeira, a dinâmica e o desenvolvimento recente do mercado financeiro e de crédito no Brasil. É mostrado que a dinâmica do crédito se caracterizou por três fases distintas entre 1990 e 2003. Além disso, discute-se que, após a implantação do Plano Real, houve um grande esforço por parte do governo brasileiro em reestruturar e reforçar o Sistema Financeiro Nacional, e que a conjuntura econômica observada atualmente no Brasil é bem mais favorável ao crescimento da relação crédito/PIB que no início da década de 2000.

  17. Swiss Federal energy research - project list 2006/2007; Projektliste der Energieforschung des Bundes 2006/2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) lists and classifies the 1,025 energy-relevant research projects carried out in the years 2006 and 2007. Those projects are listed that were supported and/or financed with Swiss or European public funding. Details of the contributions made by private enterprises are noted and discussed. It is also noted that the Swiss Federal Office of Energy operates a data bank with a systematic collection of around 9,200 publications on research projects. Statistics on the classification of the projects are presented, as are details of funding for the years 1990 to 2007. The sources of financing and the distribution of the means over the various areas of research are looked at. The number of persons active in the research work is discussed. A comparison is made with the research programs of other countries. The list of projects is split into four categories - efficient use of energy, renewable energy resources, nuclear energy, energy economic basics as well as technology transfer and co-ordination. Finally a comprehensive list of all research projects for the years 2006 and 2007 is presented in tabular form. A list of those responsible for the various areas of research completes the report.

  18. Mercantilização da Água, Disputas Territoriais e Conflitos Sociais no Campo, no Baixo Jaguaribe (CE | Marketing of Water, Territorial Disputes and Social Conflicts in the Field in Lower Jaguaribe-CE

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    Cíntia dos Santos Lins


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Introdução: O processo de difusão da atividade agropecuária no Brasil, baseada no modelo capitalista de produção se consolida, como indica Thomaz Junior (2009; 2010 enquanto agrohidronegócio. Na indicação o autor esse processo se consolida no que denomina de Polígono do Agronegócio, área compreendida pelo Estado de São Paulo, Leste do Mato Grosso do Sul, Noroeste do Paraná, Triângulo Mineiro e Sul-Sudoeste de Goiás, destacado-se, pois pela produção dos monocultivos da cana-de-açúcar, eucalipto e soja para exportação. Embora em menores proporções, esse processo também é observado, a partir de meados da década de 1990, em praticamente todas as regiões brasileiras. Nesse sentido, focamos o Semiárido nordestino, especificamente o Estado do Ceará como uma das regiões que mais têm respondido aos interesses do capital agropecuário (terras planas, férteis e com disponibilidade hídrica pela produção de frutas tropicais para exportação. Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo geral compreender as disputas territoriais e os conflitos de classe no espaço agrário cearense a partir do processo de expansão do agrohidronegócio no Estado do Ceará. Objetivamos, ainda, analisar a implantação de políticas públicas, bem como as condições de acesso à terra e água por parte das comunidades rurais atingidas pelo agrohidronegócio; analisar o papel dos movimentos sociais frente ao processo de crescimento do agrohidronegócio no Ceará, e; mapear os conflitos por terra e água nas áreas de difusão do agrohidronegócio. Metodologia/Desenvolvimento:  A pesquisa está organizada a partir de três eixos (1. Expansão do agrohidronegócio no Ceará; 2. Políticas Públicas de acesso à terra e água; 3. Conflitos e lutas por terra e água nas áreas de expansão do agrohidronegócio cearense, concatenados por pesquisas bibliográficas, organização de banco de dados, mapas, gr

  19. Aborto e corporalidade: sofrimento e violência nas disputas morais através de imagens

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    Naara Luna


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa representações do aborto por meio do discurso e imagens contidas em documentários. Na controvérsia do aborto no espaço público, grupos alinhados pró-vida e pró-escolha buscam o audiovisual como meio de propagar suas mensagens políticas. A retórica visual pró-vida recorre a imagens de diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento para provar a individualidade de embriões e fetos e sua condição de pessoa dotada de direitos. O movimento pró-escolha constrói seu discurso por meio de relatos de pessoas que passaram pela experiência do aborto, enfatizando o sofrimento e a violência da criminalização e da clandestinidade. O foco é a mulher como sujeito moral. A exceção está no tópico da anencefalia, quando imagens são usadas para representar a figura do "bebê sem cérebro" inviável. A partir do sofrimento e da violência, fetos e mulheres são apresentados como vítimas pelos diferentes lados da disputa, modo de reivindicar acesso a direitos.

  20. A resistir la conquista": Ciudadanos armados en la disputa partidaria por la revolución en Bolivia, 1839-1842

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    Marta Irurozqui

    Full Text Available Mediante el estudio del periodo histórico que va desde la Revolución Restauradora (1839 hasta la consolidación nacional boliviana tras la batalla de Ingavi (1841, este artículo reflexiona sobre la compatibilidad democrática entre la violencia política y la legalidad constitucional. Para ello se interroga sobre cómo se construyó en la práctica el derecho/deber del pueblo a la revolución y cómo el recurso revolucionario institucionalizó socialmente instancias de autoridad. En respuesta se abordan, de un lado, el discurrir y accionar contextual y temporal de la figura del ciudadano armado a partir del litigio entre ejército y pueblo en torno a la representación de este último; de otro, la competencia partidaria por el modelo de Estado y el reparto de la autoridad en el mismo develada en la disputa sobre la legitimidad del acto revolucionario.

  1. Northeast storms ranked by wind stress and wave-generated bottom stress observed in Massachusetts Bay, 1990-2006 (United States)

    Butman, B.; Sherwood, C.R.; Dalyander, P.S.


    Along the coast of the northeastern United States, strong winds blowing from the northeast are often associated with storms called northeasters, coastal storms that strongly influence weather. In addition to effects caused by wind stress, the sea floor is affected by bottom stress associated with these storms. Bottom stress caused by orbital velocities associated with surface waves integrated over the duration of a storm is a metric of storm strength at the sea floor. Near-bottom wave-orbital velocities calculated by using measurements of significant wave height and dominant wave period and the parametric spectral method described in Wiberg and Sherwood [Wiberg, P.L., Sherwood, C.R. Calculating wave-generated bottom orbital velocities from surface wave parameters. Computers in Geosciences, in press] compared well with observations in Massachusetts Bay. Integrated bottom-wave stress (called IWAVES), calculated at 30 m water depth, and a companion storm-strength metric, integrated surface wind stress at 10 m (called IWINDS), are used to provide an overview of the strength, frequency, and timing of large storms in Massachusetts Bay over a 17-year period from January 1990 through December 2006. These new metrics reflect both storm duration and intensity. Northeast storms were the major cause of large waves in Massachusetts Bay because of the long fetch to the east: of the strongest 10% of storms (n=38) ranked by IWAVES, 22 had vector-averaged wind stress from the northeast quadrant. The Blizzard of December 1992, the Perfect Storm of October 1991, and a December 2003 storm were the strongest three storms ranked by IWAVES and IWINDS, and all were northeasters. IWAVES integrated over the winter season (defined as October-May) ranged by about a factor of 11; the winters with the highest integrated IWAVES were 1992-1993 and 2004-2005 and the winter with the lowest integrated IWAVES was 2001-2002. May 2005 was the only month in the 17-year record that two of the nine

  2. Trends in Socioeconomic Differences in Finnish Perinatal Health 1991-2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gissler, Mika; Rahkonen, Ossi; Arntzen, Annett


    singletons recorded between 1991 and 2006 in the Finnish Medical Birth Register. Information on socioeconomic position was based on maternal occupation. Perinatal health was measured with six different indicators. RESULTS: The proportions of preterm, low-birth weight and SGA (small-for-gestational......-age) births remained stable during the study period, but decreased for LGA (large-for-gestational-age) births and perinatal death. After adjustment for maternal background variables, the socioeconomic differences in preterm and low-birth weight births decreased in the late 1990s and remained low thereafter...

  3. Elecciones peruanas 2006 : Ollanta Humala ¿comandante de los excluidos?


    Montoya Rojas, Asunta


    En los últimos dieciséis años la vida política del Perú se ha caracterizado por la incursión de populismos representados por outsiders. Dos de ellos lograron ser gobierno (Fujimori en 1990 y Toledo en el 2001). En las elecciones del 2006, el ex comandante Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso, no ganó las elecciones pero, conquistó el voto del 47.4% (en segunda vuelta) del electorado de los sectores más pobres; en 17 de los 24 departamentos que constituyen el Perú.

  4. Schooling in Violent Situations: The Politicization of Education in Nepal, before and after the 2006 Peace Agreement (United States)

    Pherali, Tejendra J.


    This article examines the contentious relationship between education and the Maoist insurgency in Nepal, analyzing the political intrusion on the education sector before and after the multi-party polity was restored in 1990, and the violent experiences of teachers and students during the decade-long conflict (1996-2006). It argues that the end of…

  5. Energy and exergy utilization efficiencies and emission performance of Canadian transportation sector, 1990–2035

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motasemi, F.; Afzal, Muhammad T.; Salema, Arshad Adam; Moghavvemi, M.; Shekarchian, M.; Zarifi, F.; Mohsin, R.


    Transportation sector of Canada is the second largest energy consuming sector which accounts for 30% of the total energy consumption of the country in 2009. The purpose of this work was to analyze the energy, exergy, and emission performance for four different modes of transport (road, air, rail, and marine) from the year 1990–2035. For historical period, the estimated overall energy efficiency ranges from 22.41% (1991) to 22.55% (2006) with a mean of 22.48 ± 0.07% and the overall exergy efficiency ranges from 21.61% (2001) to 21.87 (2006) with a mean of 21.74 ± 0.13%. Energy and exergy efficiencies may reach 20.95% and 20.97% in the year 2035 respectively based on the forecasted data. In comparison with other countries, we found that in the year 2000 the overall energy and exergy efficiencies for Canadian transportation sector were higher than Jordan, China, Norway, and Saudi Arabia but lower than Turkey and Malaysia. Between the year 1990–2009, the highest amount of emission produced in each subsector was: road CO 2 (80%), NO x (72%), and CO (carbon monoxide) (96%); air SO 2 (86%); rail NO x (6%) and marine NO x (7%). The road subsector produced the highest amount of emissions. - Highlights: • Energy, exergy and emission performance for Canadian transport was analyzed. • Maximum energy and exergy efficiencies were 22.55% and 21.87% in 2006 respectively. • Energy and exergy efficiencies may decrease in the year 2035. • CO 2 was the largest pollutant emitted followed by CO, NO x , and SO 2 . • Utilization of green fuels can improve exergy and emission performance

  6. La participación política de la Mujer en Chile Post Pinochet 1990 -2006


    Leyton, Laura


    En el año 1990 se inicia en Chile un nuevo período democrático, donde la participación de la mujer en política empieza a ser más importante, conquistando espacios de poder, que le fueron históricamente negados. Este proceso ha estado marcado por liderazgos femeninos aislados la inexistencia de un fuerte movimiento feminista lo cual ha dificultado un liderazgo colectivo. Así como también, por la lucha permanente frente al poder masculino existente, tanto en el país como en las elites políticas...

  7. Nem só de debates epistemológicos vive o pesquisador em administração: alguns apontamentos sobre disputas entre paradigmas e campo científico

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    Milka Alves Correia Barbosa

    Full Text Available A discussão sobre abordagens paradigmáticas no campo da Administração pode ser profícua quando provoca os pesquisadores a refletir sobre premissas, práticas e valores compartilhados por uma comunidade científica. Entretanto, ao extremo, torna-se uma disputa que impede a busca de outras abordagens para lidar com a complexidade dos fenômenos sociais. Nesse sentido, importa compreender que, na produção do conhecimento científico, os pesquisadores não se deparam somente com escolhas acerca de epistemologia, de lógica ou de teoria linguística, mas, também, com problemas de política. Este ensaio objetiva contribuir com reflexões sobre o pesquisador e os desafios epistemológicos e políticos com os quais se depara no fazer pesquisa, argumentando que não se trata somente de uma escolha entre positivismos e interpretativismos, mas igualmente envolve disputas de poder dentro de um campo científico. Para tanto, foram selecionados intencionalmente textos com conceitos-chave, como paradigmas e campo científico. Em resposta ao objetivo geral deste ensaio, consideramos que o fazer ciência constitui uma atividade humana que possui vínculo indissociável com espaço e tempo e imbrica-se com jogos de poder. Entendemos, ainda, que o campo científico da Administração no Brasil é um espaço de competitividade e lutas políticas do qual fazemos parte, quer seja como opressores ou privilegiados, mas nunca como meros expectadores. Nessa arena, nem só de debates epistemológicos vive o pesquisador em Administração.

  8. Monthly energy review, July 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    US total energy consumption in July 1990 was 6.7 quadrillion Btu Petroleum products accounted for 42 percent of the energy consumed in July 1990, while coal accounted for 26 percent and natural gas accounted for 19 percent. Residential and commercial sector consumption was 2.3 quadrillion Btu in July 1990, up 2 percent from the July 1989 level. The sector accounted for 35 percent of July 1990 total consumption, about the same share as in July 1989. Industrial sector consumption was 2.4 quadrillion Btu in July 1990, up 2 percent from the July 1989 level. The industrial sector accounted for 36 percent of July 1990 total consumption, about the same share as in July 1989. Transportation sector consumption of energy was 1.9 quadrillion Btu in July 1990, up 1 percent from the July 1989 level. The sector consumed 29 percent of July 1990 total consumption, about the same share as in July 1989. Electric utility consumption of energy totaled 2.8 quadrillion Btu in July 1990, up 2 percent from the July 1989 level. Coal contributed 53 percent of the energy consumed by electric utilities in July 1990, while nuclear electric power contributed 21 percent; natural gas, 12 percent; hydroelectric power, 9 percent; petroleum, 5 percent; and wood, waste, geothermal, wind, photovoltaic, and solar thermal energy, about 1 percent

  9. As disputas de cortesia no espaço urbano: Quando a cortesia se transforma em violência

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    Carole Gayet-Viaud


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa, por meio da descrição de uma pesquisa etnográfica de cinco anos em uma vizinhança de Paris, França, um tipo específico de situação estabelecida nas relações entre atores na vida pública de uma grande cidade, aquelas chamadas aqui de “disputas de cortesia”. Trata-se daquele momento em que pessoas que não se conhecem põem-se a discutir por conta de algum discurso em sinal de reprovação apresentado por uma das partes e, devido a uma polêmica em torno de uma demanda de cortesia, podem chegar ao enfrentamento. The article Courtesy disputes in urban space: When courtesy becomes violence analyses, by the description of a five-year ethnography in a French neighborhood, the “courtesy dispute”, a specific type of situation established on the relations between actors in a big city public life. “Courtesy dispute” refers to the moment when people who don’t know each other start an argument because of a criticism made by another part and, motivated by a demand for courtesy, may follow towards violence.

  10. Hidalgo: la disputa en la aldea municipal en 2016 / Hidalgo: Contention in the Municipal Village in 2016

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    Pablo Vargas González


    Full Text Available En 2016, en el estado de Hidalgo concurrió, por primera vez, la renovación de la gubernatura con la del Congreso y los ayuntamientos. De los comicios realizados, por las características específicas de la competencia, las elecciones de los 84 ayuntamientos fueron las que resultaron más atractivas y competitivas, y, a su vez, las que mayores conflictos presentaron, pues mostraron la disputa real por el poder, más allá de los partidos contendientes, entre actores políticos y grupos sociales. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar las particularidades de la elección municipal, es decir, las condiciones, los actores y los resultados. / The first time there were concurrent elections in Hidalgo (governorship, Congress and municipalities was in 2016. Within all the electoral processes and due to the specific features of contest, elections in the 84 municipalities proved to be the most attractive and contentious ones, while presenting the largest conflicts, as they revealed the real struggle for power beyond contending parties- among political actors and social groups. The main goal of this paper is to examine the peculiarities of municipal elections, in other words, their conditions, actors and results.

  11. Fossil Energy Program semiannual progress report, April 1990-- September 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Judkins, R.R.


    This report covers progress made during the period April 1, 1990, through September 30, 1990, for research and development projects that contribute to the advancement of various fossil energy technologies. Topics discussed include: ceramics and composite materials R&D, new alloys, corrosion and erosion research, coal conversion development, mild gasification. (VC)

  12. Fossil Energy Program semiannual progress report, April 1990-- September 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Judkins, R.R.


    This report covers progress made during the period April 1, 1990, through September 30, 1990, for research and development projects that contribute to the advancement of various fossil energy technologies. Topics discussed include: ceramics and composite materials R D, new alloys, corrosion and erosion research, coal conversion development, mild gasification. (VC)

  13. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 553, September 1990. Part 1 (prompt reports). Data for August 1990, July 1990 and late data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    ;Contents: Detailed index for 1990; Data for August 1990--Solar-terrestrial environment, IUWDS alert periods (Advance and Worldwide), Solar activity indices, Solar flares, Solar radio emission, Standford mean solar magnetic field; Data for July 1990--Solar active regions, Sudden ionospheric disturbances, Solar radio spectral observations, Cosmic ray measurements by neutron monitor, Geomagnetic indices; Late data--Solar radio spectral Bleien and Ondrejov Jun 90, Cosmic ray Huancayo Jun 90, Geomagnetic activity indices May-Jun 90

  14. Solución de disputas en la OMC: un análisis a partir de la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu WTO dispute settlement: a sociolegal analysis from the Pierre Bourdieu's perspective

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    José Augusto Fontoura Costa


    Full Text Available El sistema de arreglo de disputas de la OME es muy estudiado y produce literatura muy divulgada. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios empíricos sobre los perfiles de miembros de grupos especiales y del órgano de Apelación y, asimismo, su influencia en la articulación de un campo jurídico internacional al derredor de los órganos de arreglo de disputas. Ese estudio tiene el objetivo hacer disponibles algunas informaciones y analizarlas bajo la luz de algunos conceptos de la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu, en particular da de campo jurídico y de habitus, para comprender como se produce la jurificación internacional. Los resultados indican similitudes entre el campo jurídico de la omc y los campos jurídicos estatales.The WTO's dispute settlement system is a much studied subject and the literature thereon is widespread. Nevertheless, there are few empirical studies on panelists' and Appellate Body members' profiles as well as their influence on the articulation of an international legal field around the dispute resolution organizations. This study aims to make available some information on these profiles and analyze them under the light of some concepts of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology, mainly the legal field and the development of social habitus, in order to understand how international legalization of the trade law takes place. The results point out the similarities between the WTO's legal field and the state legal fields.

  15. Las nuevas fronteras de las commodities en Venezuela: extractivismo, crisis histórica y disputas territoriales

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    Emiliano Teran Mantovani


    Full Text Available En el marco de una crisis histórica en Venezuela, se está produciendo una significativa reorganización geoeconómica del territorio alrededor del extractivismo: se trata de una expansión hacia las nuevas “fronteras de las commodities” en la cual se pretende incorporar a la megaminería entres sus más importantes actividades económicas. El artículo presenta rasgos y características de la actual expansión de frontera, desde la perspectiva de la ecología política y la economía ecológica, analizando también los factores históricos y coyunturales más determinantes de este proceso, así como las formas que toma la nueva cartografía del extractivismo en el país. Algunas modalidades discursivas, de apropiación de la naturaleza y de territorialización, derivadas de esta política sobre el “tejido de la vida” serán también examinadas. A su vez, se resaltan algunas potenciales consecuencias e implicaciones de estos procesos, haciendo énfasis en los daños socioambientales, el déficit ecológico nacional, y los diferentes conflictos y disputas producidas por ellos.

  16. Entre la ley y el cariño: normatividad jurídica y disputas familiares sobre la patria potestad en México (1870-1890

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    Carmen Ramos Escandón


    Full Text Available Este ensayo rastrea los cambios que la legislación liberal mexicana introdujo en la distribución del poder familiar entre las dos generaciones claves de la vida familiar, padres e hijos, a través de las modificaciones a la institución de la patria potestad. Para ello comparo en la primera parte del artículo las modificaciones que se llevaron a cabo en la legislación familiar liberal con relación a la sociedad colonial y más adelante ilustro la pregunta sobre las formas específicas de impartición de justicia a través del análisis de casos específicos de disputas sobre patria potestad tomados del archivo histórico del Supremo Tribunal de Justicia de la ciudad de Guadalajara entre 1870 y 1890.

  17. Dengue viruses in Brazil, 1986-2006 Virus del dengue en Brasil, 1986-2006

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    Rita Maria Ribeiro Nogueira


    Full Text Available A total of 4 243 049 dengue cases have been reported in Brazil between 1981 and 2006, including 5 817 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS and a total of 338 fatal cases. Although all Brazilian regions have been affected, the Northeast and Southeast regions have registered the highest number of notifications. DENV-1 and DENV-4 were isolated for the first time in the Amazon region of Brazil in 1981 and 1982. The disease became a nationwide public health problem following outbreaks of DENV-1 and DENV-2 in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 1986 and 1990, respectively. The introduction of DENV-3 in 2000, also in the state of Rio de Janeiro, led to a severe epidemic with 288 245 reported dengue cases, including 91 deaths. Virus strains that were typed during the 2002 epidemic show that DENV-3 has displaced other dengue virus serotypes and entered new areas, a finding that warrants closer evaluation. Unusual clinical symptoms, including central nervous system involvement, have been observed in dengue patients in at least three regions of the country.En Brasil se han notificado 4 243 049 casos de dengue entre 1981 y 2006, de ellos 5 817 casos de dengue hemorrágico/síndrome de choque por dengue (DH/SCD y un total de 338 casos mortales. A pesar de que la enfermedad ha afectado a todas las regiones brasileñas, el mayor número de casos se ha notificado en las regiones nororiental y suroriental. Los virus del dengue (DENV 1 y 4 se aislaron por primera vez en la región amazónica de Brasil en 1981 y 1982. La enfermedad se convirtió en un problema nacional de salud pública después de los brotes de DENV-1 y DENV-2 en el Estado de Río de Janeiro en 1986 y 1990, respectivamente. La introducción del DENV-3 en 2000, también en el Estado de Río de Janeiro, llevó a una grave epidemia con 288 245 casos notificados de dengue y 91 muertes. Las cepas del virus identificadas durante la epidemia de 2002 demostraron que el DENV-3 ha

  18. La aldea del Hierro Inicial del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España: Resultados de las excavaciones entre 1990 y 2006 a la luz de algunos debates actuales

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    Full Text Available Este artículo recoge algunos de los principales resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas efectuadas entre 1990 y 2006 en el yacimiento de la Primera Edad del Hierro (800-400 cal AC del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca. El trabajo aborda dos cuestiones mal conocidas, centrándose en las últimas ocupaciones del asentamiento, por ser las mejor investigadas: a los procesos de formación y acumulación de restos en una aldea con arquitectura de barro; y b una caracterización social de sus habitantes. La anatomía interna de este asentamiento muestra la persistencia de usos y la superposición de desechos y estructuras. Las viviendas carecen de enseres domésticos, aparecen colmatadas con adobes y en ocasiones incendiadas. Respecto a la organización social, se detectan síntomas de división interna: las casas con atrio y sus dependencias auxiliares se cercan. Las estrategias agrarias complejas constatadas pudieron haber facilitado la acumulación de riqueza por algunas familias, dentro de una organización social heterárquica.

  19. Desejo de mudança: das motivações e razões que levaram à derrota do PT em Porto Alegre nas eleições de 2004 = Desire for change: the motives and reasons behind the defeat of the PT in Porto Alegre in the 2004 elections

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    Dias, Marcia Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é avaliar em que medida o orçamento participativo influenciava a decisão eleitoral em Porto Alegre até 2004, último ano de governo do partido dos trabalhadores (PT naquele municiípio. Com base em dados de um survey aplicado em 3 de outubro de 2004, o artigo fez uma radiografia do eleitor naquele momento de transição, procurando investigar as razões de sua escolha eleitoral e sua percepção acerca do mecanismo essencial dos governos petistas na capital do Rio Grande do Sul: o orçamento participativo

  20. Carbon trends. July 2006; Tendances carbone. Juillet 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO{sub 2} market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from June 2005 to June 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production index from April 2005 to April 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from June 2005 to June 2006), changes in energy prices (from July 2005 to June 2006), CO{sub 2} quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO{sub 2} market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  1. Carbon trends. May 2006; Tendances carbone. Mai 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO{sub 2} market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from May 2005 to April 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from February 2005 to February 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from April 2005 to April 2006), changes in energy prices (from May 2005 to April 2006), CO{sub 2} quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO{sub 2} market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  2. Carbon trends. June 2006; Tendances carbone. Juin 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO{sub 2} market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from June 2005 to May 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from March 2005 to March 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from May 2005 to May 2006), changes in energy prices (from June 2005 to May 2006), CO{sub 2} quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO{sub 2} market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  3. Solar collector manufacturing activity, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Solar Collector Manufacturing Activity 1990 report prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) presents summary and detailed data provided by domestic manufacturers on shipments of solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic cells and modules. Summary data on solar thermal collector shipments are presented for the period 1974 through 1990. Summary data on photovoltaic cell and module shipments are presented for the period 1982 through 1990. Detailed information for solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic cells and modules are presented for 1990

  4. Trends in Utility Green Pricing Programs (2006)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bird, L.; Kaiser, M.


    In the early 1990s, only a handful of utilities offered their customers a choice of purchasing electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Today, more than 750 utilities--or about 25% of all utilities nationally--provide their customers a "green power" option. Through these programs, more than 70 million customers have the ability to purchase renewable energy to meet some portion or all of their electricity needs--or make contributions to support the development of renewable energy resources. Typically, customers pay a premium above standard electricity rates for this service. This report presents year-end 2006 data on utility green pricing programs, and examines trends in consumer response and program implementation over time. The data in this report, which were obtained via a questionnaire distributed to utility green pricing program managers, can be used by utilities to benchmark the success of their green power programs.

  5. Trends in Utility Green Pricing Programs (2006)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bird, Lori [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Kaiser, Marshall [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    In the early 1990s, only a handful of utilities offered their customers a choice of purchasing electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Today, more than 750 utilities—or about 25% of all utilities nationally—provide their customers a “green power” option. Through these programs, more than 70 million customers have the ability to purchase renewable energy to meet some portion or all of their electricity needs—or make contributions to support the development of renewable energy resources. Typically, customers pay a premium above standard electricity rates for this service. This report presents year-end 2006 data on utility green pricing programs, and examines trends in consumer response and program implementation over time. The data in this report, which were obtained via a questionnaire distributed to utility green pricing program managers, can be used by utilities to benchmark the success of their green power programs.

  6. Vibrio cholerae O1 epidemic variants in Angola: a retrospective study between 1992 and 2006.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romy eValia


    Full Text Available Cholera is still a major public health concern in many African countries. In Angola, after a decade of absence, cholera reemerged in 1987, spreading throughout the country until 1996, with outbreaks recurring in a seasonal pattern. In 2006 Angola was hit by one of the most severe outbreaks of the last decade, with ca. 240,000 cases reported.We analyzed 21 clinical strains isolated between 1992 and 2006 from several provinces throughout the country: Benguela, Bengo, Luanda, Cuando Cubango and Cabinda. We used two multiplex PCR assays to investigate discriminatory mobile genetic elements (ICEs, VSP-II, GI12, GI14, GI15, K and TLC phages and we compared the profiles obtained with those of different reference V. cholerae O1 variants (prototypical, altered and hybrid, responsible for the ongoing 7th pandemic. We also tested the strains for the presence of specific VSP-II variants and for the presence of a genomic island (WASA-1, correlated with the transmission of seventh pandemic cholera from Africa to South America. Based on the presence/absence of the analyzed genetic elements, five novel profiles were detected in the epidemic strains circulating in the 1990s. The most frequent profiles, F and G, were characterized by the absence of ICEs and the three GIs tested, and the presence of genomic island WASA-1 and the WASA variant of the VSP-II island. Our results identified unexpected variability within the 1990s epidemic, showing different rearrangements in a dynamic part of the genome not present in the prototypical V. cholerae O1 N16961. Moreover the 2006 strains differed from the current pandemic V. cholerae O1 strain. Taken together, our results highlight the role of horizontal gene transfer in diversifying the genetic background of V. cholerae within a single epidemic.

  7. Vibrio cholerae O1 epidemic variants in Angola: a retrospective study between 1992 and 2006. (United States)

    Valia, Romy; Taviani, Elisa; Spagnoletti, Matteo; Ceccarelli, Daniela; Cappuccinelli, Piero; Colombo, Mauro M


    Cholera is still a major public health concern in many African countries. In Angola, after a decade of absence, cholera reemerged in 1987, spreading throughout the country until 1996, with outbreaks recurring in a seasonal pattern. In 2006 Angola was hit by one of the most severe outbreaks of the last decade, with ca. 240,000 cases reported. We analyzed 21 clinical strains isolated between 1992 and 2006 from several provinces throughout the country: Benguela, Bengo, Luanda, Cuando Cubango, and Cabinda. We used two multiplex PCR assays to investigate discriminatory mobile genetic elements (MGE) [Integrative Conjugative Elements (ICEs), VSP-II, GI12, GI14, GI15, K, and TLC phages] and we compared the profiles obtained with those of different reference V. cholerae O1 variants (prototypical, altered, and hybrid), responsible for the ongoing 7th pandemic. We also tested the strains for the presence of specific VSP-II variants and for the presence of a genomic island (GI) (WASA-1), correlated with the transmission of seventh pandemic cholera from Africa to South America. Based on the presence/absence of the analyzed genetic elements, five novel profiles were detected in the epidemic strains circulating in the 1990s. The most frequent profiles, F and G, were characterized by the absence of ICEs and the three GIs tested, and the presence of GI WASA-1 and the WASA variant of the VSP-II island. Our results identified unexpected variability within the 1990s epidemic, showing different rearrangements in a dynamic part of the genome not present in the prototypical V. cholerae O1 N16961. Moreover the 2006 strains differed from the current pandemic V. cholerae O1 strain. Taken together, our results highlight the role of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in diversifying the genetic background of V. cholerae within a single epidemic.

  8. Energy indicators for Norway 1990-2009; Energiindikatorer for Norge 1990-2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boeeng, Ann Christin; Isaksen, Elisabeth; Jama, Sadiya M.; Stalund, Marita


    The main purpose with this report is to present indicators that show the coherence between energy consumption and economic activity in Norway, and by this indicate if the energy consumption becomes more efficient. The report describes trends in energy use and energy intensity for Norway for the period 1990-2009, both at the national level and for detailed industries. The total energy consumption in Norway amounted to 282 TWh in 2009. Much of this energy is used in manufacturing industries, households, oil and gas extraction and road transport. In the period 1990-2009, the total energy consumption in Norway rose by 28 per cent. An important reason for the large increase in energy consumption in Norway is the increased activity in the oil and gas extraction and road transport.The main focus in this report is energy consumption per unit of production (activity level) in constant prices as we believe this is the most suitable indicator for energy intensity in the Norwegian economy. Energy use per unit of production has shown a decline of 29 per cent from 1990 to 2009. For comparison, energy use per unit of value added decreased by 17 per cent. The decline in energy intensity is due to several factors. Energy efficient equipment and improved productivity through technological change have played an important role together with the shifts in industrial structure towards less energy-intensive manufacturing industries, energy efficient buildings, increased outdoor temperature and increased labor productivity. Industry Specific indicators Energy use in manufacturing industries has leveled off since the late nineties and energy intensity declined 44 per cent in the period 1990-2009. The decrease reflects the closure of several energy-intensive businesses and facilities in the last ten years, while the remaining companies have shifted to more energy efficient equipment. It is important to keep in mind that 2009 was a special year due to the financial crisis, and the energy

  9. Swiss electricity statistics 2006; Schweizerische Elektrizitaetsstatistik 2006/Statistique suisse de l'electricite 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report made by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the statistics on electricity production and usage in Switzerland for the year 2006. First of all, an overview of Switzerland's electricity supply in 2006 is presented. Details are noted of the amounts generated by different sources including nuclear, hydro-power, storage schemes and thermal power stations as well as energy transfer with neighbouring countries. A second chapter takes a look at the balance of imports and exports with illustrative flow diagrams along with tables for total figures from 1950 through to 2006. For the summer and winter periods, figures from 1995 to 2006 are presented. The third chapter examines the production of electricity in the various types of power stations and the developments over the years 1950 to 2006, whereby, for example, statistics on regional generation and power station type are looked at. The fourth chapter looks at electricity consumption in various sectors from 1983 to 2006 and compares the figures with international data. The fifth chapter looks at generation, consumption and loading on particular, selected days and chapter six considers energy exchange with Switzerland's neighbours. Chapter seven takes a look at possibilities for extending generation facilities in the period up to 2013.

  10. Trends in oral anti-osteoporosis drug prescription in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 2012: Variation by age, sex, geographic location and ethnicity. (United States)

    van der Velde, R Y; Wyers, C E; Teesselink, E; Geusens, P P M M; van den Bergh, J P W; de Vries, F; Cooper, C; Harvey, N C; van Staa, T P


    Given the expected increase in the number of patients with osteoporosis and fragility fractures it is important to have concise information on trends in prescription rates of anti-osteoporosis drugs (AOD). We undertook a retrospective observational study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in the UK between 1990 and 2012 in subjects 50years or older, stratified by age, sex, geographic region and ethnicity. Yearly prescription incidence rates of any AOD and of each specific AOD were calculated as the number of patients first prescribed these AODs per 10,000person-years (py). In women, yearly rates of first prescription of any AOD increased from 1990 to 2006 (from 2.3 to 169.7 per 10,000py), followed by a plateau and a 12% decrease in the last three years. In men, a less steep increase from 1990 to 2007 (from 1.4 to 45.3 per 10,000py) was followed by a plateau from 2008 onwards. Yearly rates of first prescription of any AOD increased up to the age of 85-89years (248.9 per 10,000py in women and 119.3 in men). There were marked differences between ethnic groups and regions. Bisphosphonates were the most frequently prescribed AODs: etidronate till 2000, and then subsequently alendronate. We have demonstrated marked secular changes in rates of anti-osteoporosis drug prescription over the last two decades. The plateau (and decrease amongst women) in rates in recent years, set against an ever ageing population, is worrying, suggesting that the well-documented care gap in osteoporosis treatment persists. The differences in prescription rates by geographic location and ethnicity raise intriguing questions in relation to underlying fracture rates, provision of care and health behaviour. We studied the prescription incidence of anti-osteoporosis drugs (AOD) from 1990 to 2012 in the UK CPRD. Overall AOD prescription incidence showed a strong increase from 1990 to 2006, followed by a plateau in both sexes and a decrease amongst women in the last three years

  11. The Type II supernovae 2006V and 2006au

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taddia, F.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Sollerman, J.


    curve evolution similar to that of SN 1987A. At the earliest epochs, SN 2006au also displays an initial dip which we interpret as the signature of the adiabatic cooling phase that ensues shock break-out. SNe 2006V and 2006au are both found to be bluer, hotter and brighter than SN 1987A. Spectra of SNe...

  12. Disputas comerciais e magnanimidade: um estudo do mecanismo de solução de controvérsias da Organização Mundial de Comércio à luz da teoria dos movimentos Magnanimity and WTO disputes: an examination of early settlement in trade disputes using theory of moves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane de Andrade Lucena Carneiro


    Full Text Available Por que disputas comerciais no âmbito da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC são decididas predominantemente de forma amigável, não obstante a existência de um sofisticado mecanismo quasi-adjudicatório para a resolução dessas controvérsias? Como explicar a preferência da parte que inicia uma disputa pela solução amigável, quando se sabe que a OMC, em média, decide 64% dos casos a favor do iniciante? Este artigo analisa padrões de solução de controvérsias no sistema do Acordo Geral de Tarifas e Comércio e da Organização Mundial de Comércio (GATT/OMC, por meio da teoria dos movimentos (BRAMS, 1994, com o propósito de estudar as escolhas estratégicas disponíveis para as partes. Propõe-se que, no sistema do GATT/OMC, as partes em uma disputa comercial agem de forma magnânima quando abrem mão do melhor resultado em um jogo. Esta ação é racional porque ela oferece à parte demandada maiores chances de se alcançar uma solução amigável da disputa. Esse comportamento não encontra explicação satisfatória no conceito de equilíbrio míope da teoria dos jogos tradicional. Em contrapartida, a teoria dos movimentos incorpora a noção de equilíbrio não-míope ao seu modelo de tomada de decisões. Este artigo explica o comportamento não-míope e racional dos jogadores quando estes buscam o segundo melhor resultado no jogo. Três disputas comerciais ilustram a análise e caracterizam situações em que: (i a solução amigável advém do comportamento magnânimo; (ii a solução amigável ocorre a despeito do comportamento magnânimo; e (iii não há solução amigável.Why most trade disputes in the World Trade Organization (WTO end in a friendly settlement, despite the existence of a sophisticated dispute settlement mechanism? How can we explain the complainant's preference for a friendly settlement when we know that the WTO decides 64% of the cases in favor of the complainant? In this article I discuss patterns

  13. O corpo como fonte de autoridade na representação política não eleitoral: Um estudo sobre a presença de surdos sinalizantes em discussões relacionadas à educação

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    Regiane Lucas de Oliveira Garcêz

    Full Text Available Resumo O trabalho objetiva analisar os processos de representação política não eleitoral que emergem do debate sobre o melhor modelo de escola para pessoas surdas. Investigamos como fontes de autoridade são acionadas por surdos ou pessoas com deficiência, especialmente aquelas relacionadas à presença física (identidades adscritivas e à autoafirmação das identidades (autoadscrição. As unidades de análise (claims foram extraídas de três arenas: de um grupo de lideranças surdas do Facebook, de uma audiência pública do Judiciário e da Conferência Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência. Conclui-se que o corpo é uma fonte de autoridade tão importante quanto o discurso, que a língua de sinais revela uma dimensão de intraduzibilidade exposta pela presença e que os aspectos culturais das línguas de sinais promovem rupturas nas dinâmicas convencionais de representação.

  14. CERN Technical Training 2006: LabVIEW Course Sessions (September-December 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    The following LabVIEW course sessions are currently scheduled in the framework of the CERN Technical Training Programme 2006, and in collaboration with National Instruments (CH): LabVIEW Basics 1 (course in English): 11-13.9.2006 (3 days, only 3 places available) LabVIEW Basics 2 (course in English): 14-15.9.2006 (2 days) LabVIEW: Working efficiently with LabVIEW 8 (course in English): 18.9.2006 (1 day) **NEW COURSE** LabVIEW Application Development (course in English): 13-15.11.2006 (3 days. Pre-requisite: LabVIEW Basics I ans II, or equivalent experience) LabVIEW Advanced Programming (course in English): 16-17.11.2006 (2 days. Pre-requisite: LabVIEW Application Development, or equivalent experience) LabVIEW Base 1 (course in French): 4-6.12.2006 (3 days, only 1 place available) LabVIEW Base 2 (course in French): 7-8.12.2006 (2 days) If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please discuss with your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH from the cour...

  15. Política, marketing e neoliberalismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Roberto Ferreira


    Full Text Available O texto contém uma análise da relação política e sua possível consciência no seu momento específico compreendido pelo processo eleitoral (Londrina - eleições 92. Como este processo eleitoral em nossos dias, nutre-se de algumas técnicas conhecidas como Marketing Político-Eleitoral, e de como estas, contribuem para uma dinâmica de esvaziamento da vida política propriamente dita. Procura ainda, conectar esse esvaziamento político e suas consequências, com o avanço da concepção neoliberal cujo ápice parece fazer coincidir a política como mais uma manifestação de Mercado.

  16. Estatuto da Terra: debates políticos e as disputas pela forma da reforma agrária no primeiro governo militar

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    Carmem Lúcia Gomes De Salis


    Full Text Available Em plena vigência da ditadura, em 30 de novembro de 1964, foi promulgado pelo governo militar de Humberto Alencar Castello Branco, o Estatuto da Terra, caracterizado enquanto um conjunto de dispositivos legais que definiam, entre outros fatores, o que era propriedade da terra no Brasil, bem como, os instrumentos necessários para se realizar a Reforma Agrária. Embora tenha sido aprovado pelo Congresso ainda no primeiro ano do governo, seu processo de elaboração e tramitação constituiu-se em um período de intensas discussões políticas acerca do alcance e da natureza que esta proposta deveria assumir.  Neste sentido, o presente artigo objetiva compreender as disputas políticas que ocorreram, mesmo sobre o regime de exceção, pela forma da Reforma Agrária. Para essa análise utilizamos, especialmente os discursos parlamentares proferidos nos meses que antecederam a aprovação da lei e as colunas publicadas na grande imprensa, pois essas fontes possibilitam refletir sobre os posicionamentos de diversos agentes envolvidos, como: políticos, associações patronais e o governo.

  17. Effectiveness of one dose of mumps vaccine against clinically diagnosed mumps in Guangzhou, China, 2006–2012


    Fu, Chuanxi; Xu, Jianxiong; Cai, Yuanjun; He, Qing; Zhang, Chunhuan; Chen, Jian; Dong, Zhiqiang; Hu, Wensui; Wang, Hui; Zhu, Wei; Wang, Ming


    Although mumps-containing vaccines were introduced in China in 1990s, mumps continues to be a public health concern due to the lack of decline in reported mumps cases. To assess the mumps vaccine effectiveness (VE) in Guangzhou, China, we performed a 1:1 matched case-control study. Among children in Guangzhou aged 8 mo to 12 y during 2006 to 2012, we matched one healthy child to each child with clinically diagnosed mumps. Cases with clinically diagnosed mumps were identified from surveillance...

  18. Europython 2006

    CERN Multimedia


    Europython 2006 - Annual Python Developer Conference, 3-5 July 2006, CERN Software developers from around the world will gather July 3-5 in Geneva, Switzerland for EuroPython 2006, the fifth annual conference for the Python programming language. The event is hosted this year at CERN, the birthplace of the Web, and promises an exciting slate of keynotes and talks. 'Python keeps growing each year, and EuroPython keeps getting better as well,' says Benedikt Hegner, host and one of the lead organizers for EuroPython 2006. 'This year saw Guido van Rossum, Python's creator, moving to Google with other key Python developers. Hosting EuroPython at CERN is a prestigious step for EuroPython as well. EuroPython 2006 will be keynoted both by Mr. van Rossum as well as Dr. Alan Kay, an originator of object-oriented programming and pioneer of graphical computing. The schedule has 3 days of talks in 8 tracks covering agile development, business, teaching, games, an expanded web frameworks track, and more. The organize...

  19. Religião, mídia e produção fonográfica: o Diante do Trono e as disputas com a Igreja Universal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nina Rosas


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta notas sobre a relação entre religião, mídia e produção fonográfica através da exposição de dados sobre o Diante do Trono (DT, a Igreja Universal (IURD e uma controvérsia que envolve ambos. A narrativa mostra o sucesso do DT e recupera parte da trajetória da IURD a fim de compreender as acusações feitas por Edir Macedo contra a cantora da banda. Destaca-se a disputa de dois conglomerados empresariais: de um lado o da IURD, com a TV Record buscando audiência e a Line Records tentando se manter no mercado gospel; de outro, o das Organizações Globo, que vem se aproximando dos evangélicos através da música e conta com a Som Livre como distribuidora dos trabalhos do DT desde 2009.

  20. CERN Technical Training 2006: LabVIEW Course Sessions (September-December 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    The following LabVIEW course sessions are currently scheduled in the framework of the CERN Technical Training Programme 2006, and in collaboration with National Instruments (CH): LabVIEW Basics 1 (course in English): 11-13.9.2006 (3 days, only 3 places available) (course in English): 14-15.9.2006 (2 days) LabVIEW: Working efficiently with LabVIEW 8 (course in English): 18.9.2006 (1 day) **NEW COURSE** LabVIEW Application Development (course in English): 13-15.11.2006 (3 days. Pre-requisite: LabVIEW Basics I ans II, or equivalent experience) LabVIEW Advanced Programming (course in English): 16-17.11.2006 (2 days. Pre-requisite: LabVIEW Application Development, or equivalent experience) LabVIEW Base 1 (course in French): 4-6.12.2006 (3 days, only 1 place available) LabVIEW Base 2 (course in French): 7-8.12.2006 (2 days) If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please discuss with your supervisor and/or your DTO,...

  1. Las contiendas por la ciudad: criminalización, muertes y organización política en torno a la diversidad sexual en Tijuana

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    Areli Veloz Contreras


    Full Text Available Este texto expone cómo el género y la sexualidad forman parte de las delimitaciones internas de Tijuana. Con el análisis de los discursos de la prensa, en contraste con entrevistas a informantes clave, se observa que existen disputas por las fronteras inte rnas de la ciudad. El estudio se sitúa entre las décadas de 1970 y 1990, y destaca cómo el control y la regulación de las sexualidades dan cuenta de las acciones políticas de sujetos que actúan, se reinventan e intervienen en la producción de la ciudad. Se expone, primero, una discusión conceptual sobre las delimitaciones de las fronteras en relación con las sexualidades; posteriormente, se hace referencia al conservadurismo político y social en Tijuana, para luego mencionar la represión y las muertes en co ntra de los mujercitos . Se concluye que las disputas y la organización política en torno a la diversidad sexual conforman fronteras internas en Tijuana.

  2. How unusual was autumn 2006 in Europe?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. J. van Oldenborgh


    Full Text Available The temperatures in large parts of Europe have been record high during the meteorological autumn of 2006. Compared to 1961–1990, the 2 m temperature was more than three degrees Celsius above normal from the North side of the Alps to southern Norway. This made it by far the warmest autumn on record in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, with the records in Central England going back to 1659, in the Netherlands to 1706 and in Denmark to 1768. The deviations were so large that under the obviously false assumption that the climate does not change, the observed temperatures for 2006 would occur with a probability of less than once every 10 000 years in a large part of Europe, given the distribution defined by the temperatures in the autumn 1901–2005.

    A better description of the temperature distribution is to assume that the mean changes proportional to the global mean temperature, but the shape of the distribution remains the same. This includes to first order the effects of global warming. Even under this assumption the autumn temperatures were very unusual, with estimates of the return time of 200 to 2000 years in this region. The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval is more than 100 to 300 years.

    Apart from global warming, linear effects of a southerly circulation are found to give the largest contributions, explaining about half of the anomalies. SST anomalies in the North Sea were also important along the coast.

    Climate models that simulate the current atmospheric circulation well underestimate the observed mean rise in autumn temperatures. They do not simulate a change in the shape of the distribution that would increase the probability of warm events under global warming. This implies that the warm autumn 2006 either was a very rare coincidence, or the local temperature rise is much stronger than modelled, or non-linear physics that is missing from these models

  3. Annual Report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The research activities of Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Academia Sinica of China during the year of 1990 is summarized. The year of 1990 is a bumper harvest year for IHEP, within which the BEPC project and some other scientific facilities undertaken by IHEP achieved remarkable success in the fields of high energy physics research, technological development, application of synchrotron radiation and nuclear technology. academic exchange and international collaboration have been vigorously carried out, scientific research and development work has been deepened further and the work in management sector has been also improved gradually

  4. Photovoltaic Subcontract Program, FY 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Summers, K.A. (ed.)


    This report summarizes the progress of the subcontracted photovoltaic (PV) research and development (R D) performed under the Photovoltaics Program at the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). The SERI subcontracted PV research and development represents most of the subcontracted R D that is funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) National Photovoltaics Program. This report covers fiscal year (FY) 1990: October 1, 1989 through September 30, 1990. During FY 1990, the SERI PV program started to implement a new DOE subcontract initiative, entitled the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) Project.'' Excluding (PVMaT) because it was in a start-up phase, in FY 1990 there were 54 subcontracts with a total annualized funding of approximately $11.9 million. Approximately two-thirds of those subcontracts were with universities, at a total funding of over $3.3 million. Cost sharing by industry added another $4.3 million to that $11.9 million of SERI PV subcontracted R D. The six technical sections of this report cover the previously ongoing areas of the subcontracted program: the Amorphous Silicon Research Project, Polycrystalline Thin Films, Crystalline Silicon Materials Research, High-Efficiency Concepts, the New Ideas Program, and the University Participation Program. Technical summaries of each of the subcontracted programs discuss approaches, major accomplishments in FY 1990, and future research directions. Another section introduces the PVMaT project and reports the progress since its inception in FY 1990. Highlights of technology transfer activities are also reported.

  5. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 551, July 1990. Part 1 (prompt reports). Data for June, May 1990 and late data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    ;Contents: Detailed index for 1989-1990; Data for June 1990--Solar-terrestrial environment, IUWDS alert periods (Advance and worldwide), Solar activity indices, Solar flares, Solar radio emission, Stanford mean solar magnetic field; Data for May 1990--Solar active regions, Sudden ionospheric disturbances, Solar radio spectral observations, Cosmic ray measurements by neutron monitor, Geomagnetic indices; Late data--Geomagnetic indices February-April 1990--sudden commencements/solar flare effects

  6. Bibliographie 2006-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florence Klein


    Full Text Available 1. Histoire, genres et théories littérairesArrighetti, G. (2006, Poesia, poetiche e storia nella riflessione dei greci. Studi, Giardini, Pisa (Biblioteca di studi antichi 89.Asmis, E. (2006 « Epicurean poetics » in A. Laird (éd., Ancient literary criticism. (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. Oxford : Oxford UP, p. 238-266.Ax, W. (2006 Text und Stil. Studien zur antiken Literatur und deren Rezeption ; Stuttgart, Steiner. Batstone, W. W. (2006 « Provocation : The Point of Reception T...

  7. Uranium 1990 resources, production and demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Periodic assessments of world uranium supply and demand have been conducted by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since the mid 1960s. Published every two years, the report URANIUM RESOURCES, PRODUCTION AND DEMAND, commonly referred to as the RED BOOK, has become an essential reference document for nuclear planners and policy makers in the international nuclear community. The latest Red Book, published in 1990, was based on data collected mainly in early 1989. Most of the data for 1989 were therefore provisional. The STATISTICAL UPDATE 1990 provides updated 1989 data collected in 1990 and provisional for 1990 [fr

  8. Uma discussão sobre a contribuição das mulheres na disputa por soberania alimentar = A discussion about the contribution of women in the struggle for food sovereignty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gomes Junior, Newton Narciso


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute as possíveis contribuições das mulheres na luta pela construção da soberania alimentar. A metodologia consistiu na revisão teórica associando a categoria racionalidade à luta e interesse das mulheres do campo pela alimentação. Como resultado, obteve-se que, não obstante a histórica falta de visibilidade acerca do papel das mulheres na agricultura, sua postura como sujeitos políticos tem permitido afirmar sua identidade e articular seus interesses, inclusive na disputa por soberania alimentar. Partindo desses resultados, acredita-se que a articulação das mulheres pode trazer ganhos ao desestabilizar os papéis tradicionais de gênero no campo e defender seus interesses no âmbito da agricultura familiar

  9. Recent changes in the trends of teen birth rates, 1981-2006. (United States)

    Wingo, Phyllis A; Smith, Ruben A; Tevendale, Heather D; Ferré, Cynthia


    To explore trends in teen birth rates by selected demographics. We used birth certificate data and joinpoint regression to examine trends in teen birth rates by age (10-14, 15-17, and 18-19 years) and race during 1981-2006 and by age and Hispanic origin during 1990-2006. Joinpoint analysis describes changing trends over successive segments of time and uses annual percentage change (APC) to express the amount of increase or decrease within each segment. For teens younger than 18 years, the decline in birth rates began in 1994 and ended in 2003 (APC: -8.03% per year for ages 10-14 years; APC: -5.63% per year for ages 15-17 years). The downward trend for 18- and 19-year-old teens began earlier (1991) and ended 1 year later (2004) (APC: -2.37% per year). For each study population, the trend was approximately level during the most recent time segment, except for continuing declines for 18- and 19-year-old white and Asian/Pacific Islander teens. The only increasing trend in the most recent time segment was for 18- and 19-year-old Hispanic teens. During these declines, the age distribution of teens who gave birth shifted to slightly older ages, and the percentage whose current birth was at least their second birth decreased. Teen birth rates were generally level during 2003/2004-2006 after the long-term declines. Rates increased among older Hispanic teens. These results indicate a need for renewed attention to effective teen pregnancy prevention programs in specific populations. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document lists experimental references added to Nuclear Science References (NSR) during the period July 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006. The first section lists keynumbers and keywords sorted by mass and nuclide. The second section lists all references, ordered by keynumber.

  11. Meie tipud 2006 : ¡Eesti kirjanduskriitika artikliauhinnast 2006. aastal / Linnar Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Linnar, 1954-


    Eesti kirjanduskriitika 2006. aasta artikliauhinna neljast nominendist Anne Lillest (Antiiktragöödia, esteetika paradoksid ja Mati Unt. Keel ja Kirjandus 2006, nr. 6), Toomas Haugist (A. H. T. surm Aafrikas. Lisandusi Leo Frobeniuse "Jumala külalise" kadunud tõlkele. Looming 2006, nr. 6), Märt Väljatagast (Orja teadvus varjus ja valguses. Looming 2006, nr. 12) ja Eneken Laanesest (Mäletamise lühis: Ene Mihkelsoni "Ahasveeruse uni". Keel ja Kirjandus 2006, nr. 6)

  12. 29 CFR 1990.133 - Publication. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Publication. 1990.133 Section 1990.133 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED... Publication. (a) The Secretary shall publish the Candidate List in the Federal Register at least annually. (b...

  13. Estimating national landfill methane emissions: an application of the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Waste Model in Panama. (United States)

    Weitz, Melissa; Coburn, Jeffrey B; Salinas, Edgar


    This paper estimates national methane emissions from solid waste disposal sites in Panama over the time period 1990-2020 using both the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Model spreadsheet and the default emissions estimate approach presented in the 1996 IPCC Good Practice Guidelines. The IPCC Waste Model has the ability to calculate emissions from a variety of solid waste disposal site types, taking into account country- or region-specific waste composition and climate information, and can be used with a limited amount of data. Countries with detailed data can also run the model with country-specific values. The paper discusses methane emissions from solid waste disposal; explains the differences between the two methodologies in terms of data needs, assumptions, and results; describes solid waste disposal circumstances in Panama; and presents the results of this analysis. It also demonstrates the Waste Model's ability to incorporate landfill gas recovery data and to make projections. The former default method methane emissions estimates are 25 Gg in 1994, and range from 23.1 Gg in 1990 to a projected 37.5 Gg in 2020. The Waste Model estimates are 26.7 Gg in 1994, ranging from 24.6 Gg in 1990 to 41.6 Gg in 2020. Emissions estimates for Panama produced by the new model were, on average, 8% higher than estimates produced by the former default methodology. The increased estimate can be attributed to the inclusion of all solid waste disposal in Panama (as opposed to only disposal in managed landfills), but the increase was offset somewhat by the different default factors and regional waste values between the 1996 and 2006 IPCC guidelines, and the use of the first-order decay model with a time delay for waste degradation in the IPCC Waste Model.

  14. Using Voter-choice Modeling to Plan Final Campaigns in Runoff Elections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wagner Antonio Kamakura


    Full Text Available Embora a eleição em dois estágios seja a forma mais comum de eleição presidencial no mundo, o comportamento do eleitor no pleito em dois estágios ainda não recebeu uma atenção condizente à que merece na literatura. Eleições em dois estágios ou turnos oferecem, aos consultores políticos e aos candidatos, dados ricos e factuais sobre a preferência do eleitor, revelada através do comportamento deste observado no primeiro turno, que pode guiar o planejamento e a implementação da campanha final. Essas eleições em dois turnos também permitem que analistas políticos apliquem seus modelos de escolha eleitoral ao comportamento real (ao invés da intenção de voto numa eleição multipartidária, e validem suas previsões na eleição bipartidária do segundo turno. Nesse estudo, utilizo os resultados das quatro eleições presidenciais mais recentes no Brasil para demonstrar como modelos de escolha do eleitor podem ser aplicados para guiar a campanha política em eleições de dois turnos.

  15. A retórica da reeleição: mapeando os discursos dos Programas Eleitorais (HGPE em 1998 e 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Machado


    Full Text Available O artigo avalia a produção dos discursos do HGPE na TV dos partidos de dois candidatos à reeleição para a Presidência da República: Fernando Henrique (PSDB em 1998 e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT em 2006. É objeto de reflexão indagar até que ponto as campanhas orientadas para reconduzir o mandatário ao poder têm estruturas estratégicas discursivas similares nos dois contextos, apesar de inscrições partidárias e orientações políticas distintas. Como metodologia, utiliza procedimentos para entender os elementos retóricos de cada campanha e apreender as estratégias de persuasão. Nota-se que o estímulo ao voto retrospectivo, o discurso a favor da continuidade da gestão administrativa, o lugar de autoridade do candidato-Presidente e a ênfase em discurso programático de cunho econômico são enunciados proferidos pelos mandatários nos dois contextos. É lícito supor, então, que a retórica da reeleição favorece posições privilegiadas na disputa.The article evaluates the production of the speeches of electoral advertising in TV of the two presidential candidates: Fernando Henrique (PSDB in 1998 and Luis Inácio Lula of Silva (PT in 2006. Therefore, the point is to investigate to what extent the campaigns show discursive strategic structures - similar in the two contexts - in spite of supporting registrations and different political orientations. The methodology uses procedures to understand the rhetorical elements of each campaign and persuasion strategies. In both campaigns one observes the incentive to the retrospective vote, the speech in favor of the continuity of the administration, the place of the candidate-president's authority, the emphasis in speech of economical issues. One can suggest that the rhetoric of the reelection favors positions in the electoral dispute.

  16. Exports of petroleum products, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A summary is presented of exports of motor gasoline, middle distillate, aviation turbine fuel, heavy fuel oil, and partially processed oil from Canada for the 1990 calendar year. Exports of the above petroleum products averaged 34,000 m 3 /d in 1990, up 12% from 1989 levels. The increase reflects increased output from the Come By Chance refinery in Newfoundland. Motor gasoline exports increased 35% to 10,500 m 3 /d, reflecting refinery upgrading in eastern Canada. Export prices were generally in line with spot product prices in the USA. Spot prices rose sharply following the Kuwait crisis in August 1990 but fell again in November. The spot price for jet fuel rose more dramatically in that period than for other products, reflecting increased military demand. In winter 1989/90 and during the Kuwait conflict, the export price of heating oil tended to track the USA spot price. Petroleum products imports in 1990 were 18,500 m 3 /d, compared to 21,900 m 3 /d in 1988. Imports were lower partially as a result of higher crude runs in Quebec and a Quebec refinery expansion. Imports of heavy fuel oil in eastern Canada continued to be strong in comparison to the mid-1980s. The top single exporter in 1990, as in 1989, was Newfoundland Processing, with a volume of 4,506,400 m 3 . 13 figs., 5 tabs

  17. Consideration of the ICRP 2006 revised tissue weighting factors on age-dependent values of the effective dose for external photons (United States)

    Lee, Choonsik; Lee, Choonik; Han, Eun Young; Bolch, Wesley E.


    The effective dose recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is the sum of organ equivalent doses weighted by corresponding tissue weighting factors, wT. ICRP is in the process of revising its 1990 recommendations on the effective dose where new values of organs and tissue weighting factors have been proposed and published in draft form for consultation by the radiological protection community. In its 5 June 2006 draft recommendations, new organs and tissues have been introduced in the effective dose which do not exist within the 1987 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) phantom series (e.g., salivary glands). Recently, the investigators at University of Florida have updated the series of ORNL phantoms by implementing new organ models and adopting organ-specific elemental composition and densities. In this study, the effective dose changes caused by the transition from the current recommendation of ICRP Publication 60 to the 2006 draft recommendations were investigated for external photon irradiation across the range of ICRP reference ages (newborn, 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, 15-year and adult) and for six idealized irradiation geometries: anterior-posterior (AP), posterior-anterior (PA), left-lateral (LLAT), right-lateral (RLAT), rotational (ROT) and isotropic (ISO). Organ-absorbed doses were calculated by implementing the revised ORNL phantoms in the Monte Carlo radiation transport code, MCNPX2.5, after which effective doses were calculated under the 1990 and draft 2006 evaluation schemes of the ICRP. Effective doses calculated under the 2006 draft scheme were slightly higher than estimated under ICRP Publication 60 methods for all irradiation geometries exclusive of the AP geometry where an opposite trend was observed. The effective doses of the adult phantom were more greatly affected by the change in tissue weighting factors than that seen within the paediatric members of the phantom series. Additionally, dose conversion

  18. The discourse of Irish architecture, 1945-1990: a social and cultural history of the role and reception of architecture in post-war Ireland


    Rowley, Ellen


    Exhibited at 'Unlocking the Treasures', a colloquium and poster exhibition to mark the launch of the Long Room Hub on June 14th 2006 In the first instance this thesis broadly examines and situates the world of architectural production in Ireland during the period from post-World War II to the early 1990s. It then seeks to interpret both the role and reception of architecture in Irish society at this time.

  19. 1990s: High Capacity Backbones

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. 1990s: High Capacity Backbones. Backbone capacities increased from 2.5 Gb/s to 100s of Gb/s during the 1990's. Wavelength division multiplexing with 160 waves of 10 Gb/s was commercially available. Several high-capacity backbones built in the US and Europe.

  20. Scientific days of Marcoule 2006; Journees scientifiques Marcoule 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The sixth scientific days of Marcoule 2006 took place in La Grande Motte, on 15-19 May 2006. During these days, the research works of the PhD students of Marcoule and Pierrelatte centers are presented. A summary of the progress of each PhD thesis is given below. (O.M.)

  1. Areva in 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is the 2006 activity report of the Areva group and presents the 2006 highlights of the nuclear division (front end of the nuclear cycle, pressurized water reactors, treatment and recycling of used nuclear fuel) and of the Transmission and Distribution division. Content: Message from the Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Message from the Chief Executive Officer; the World in 2006; Areva 2006 highlights; business review; key data; Areva around the World; policy of continuous innovation; five years of sustainable development; governance; Continuous improvement; Financial performance; Innovation; Customer satisfaction; Commitment to employees; Environmental protection; Risk management and prevention; Dialogue and consensus building; Community involvement; corporate governance; organization of the group; Share information and shareholder relations; glossary; learn more

  2. La "Ley Pinochet de Telecomunicaciones" Disputa por el dial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela A. Amaya García


    Full Text Available En Chile existen 1.264 radios comerciales, el 99 por ciento de los chilenos escucha radio en un promedio de 4,6 horas diarias. El éxito financiero alcanzado en el negocio de la radiodifusión durante la Dictadura abrió el hambre a los capitales extranjeros lo que significó una concentración importante de la propiedad que no se conocía en Chile. Una fecha clave para la radiotelefonía chilena fue 1990 en que la naciente democracia abrió camino a los nuevos medios. Dos años más tarde la derecha política se levantó con el objetivo de modificar la ley de radiodifusión existente. Casi de manera gratuita se entregaron concesiones radiales por 25 años a los nacientes empresarios de la radiodifusión, esgrimiendo como pretexto el cambio de lo analógico a lo digital.

  3. 1990 Kansas Land Cover Patterns Update (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — In 2008, an update of the 1990 Kansas Land Cover Patterns (KLCP) database was undertaken. The 1990 KLCP database depicts 10 general land cover classes for the State...

  4. Da formação discursiva a Semântica global: breve analise do tema corrupção em programas de governo das eleições presidenciais 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Leiser BARONAS


    Full Text Available Neste ,trabalho do mirante da Análise de Discurso francesa analisamos textualizações do discurso político em Programas de Governo de candidatos a presidente do Brasil das últimas eleições. Trabalhamos como o tema Corrupção foi dado a circular nesses distintos programas de governo. Mobilizamos inicialmente o conceito de formação discursiva, elaborado por Courtine (2007 em Análise do discurso: o discurso comunista endereçado aos cristãos, procurando verificar como os enunciados que dizem o tema Corrupção se inscrevem numa rede de filiações tanto interdiscursivas quanto intradiscursivas e, por último, li luz do conceito de semântica global elaborado por Maingueneau (2005, em Gênese dos discursos. verificamos como esse tema é regrado por um conjunto de restrições semânticas que autoriza. aquilo que pode e deve ser dito pelo discurso. Tais restrições afetam a intertextualidade; o vocabulário; os temas; o estatuto do enunciador e do destinatário: a dêixis enunciativa; o modo de enunciação, a vocalidade e o modo de coesão do discurso. O corpus de análise constitui-se por recortes dos Programas de Governo dos candidatos: Cristovam Buarque PDT, Geraldo Alkmin PSDB, Luiz Inácio da Silva PT e Heloísa Helena PSOL. A escolha dos Planos dos candidatos se justifica pela classificação que obtiveram no processo eleitoral de 2006.

  5. Da formação discursiva a Semântica global: breve analise do tema corrupção em programas de governo das eleições presidenciais 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Leiser BARONAS


    Full Text Available Neste ,trabalho do mirante da Análise de Discurso francesa analisamos textualizações do discurso político em Programas de Governo de candidatos a presidente do Brasil das últimas eleições. Trabalhamos como o tema Corrupção foi dado a circular nesses distintos programas de governo. Mobilizamos inicialmente o conceito de formação discursiva, elaborado por Courtine (2007 em Análise do discurso: o discurso comunista endereçado aos cristãos, procurando verificar como os enunciados que dizem o tema Corrupção se inscrevem numa rede de filiações tanto interdiscursivas quanto intradiscursivas e, por último, li luz do conceito de semântica global elaborado por Maingueneau (2005, em Gênese dos discursos. verificamos como esse tema é regrado por um conjunto de restrições semânticas que autoriza. aquilo que pode e deve ser dito pelo discurso. Tais restrições afetam a intertextualidade; o vocabulário; os temas; o estatuto do enunciador e do destinatário: a dêixis enunciativa; o modo de enunciação, a vocalidade e o modo de coesão do discurso. O corpus de análise constitui-se por recortes dos Programas de Governo dos candidatos: Cristovam Buarque PDT, Geraldo Alkmin PSDB, Luiz Inácio da Silva PT e Heloísa Helena PSOL. A escolha dos Planos dos candidatos se justifica pela classificação que obtiveram no processo eleitoral de 2006.

  6. El rol de los actores subnacionales en la construcción de la política exterior de Japón. Estudio de caso: La disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu entre Japón y China (2001-2014)


    Castañeda Molina, Alejandro


    El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como...

  7. Household energy consumption and expenditures, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Household Energy Consumption and Expenditures 1990, is based upon data from the 1990 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS). Focusing on energy end-use consumption and expenditures of households, the 1990 RECS is the eighth in a series conducted since 1978 by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Over 5,000 households were surveyed, providing information on their housing units, housing characteristics, energy consumption and expenditures, stock of energy-consuming appliances, and energy-related behavior. The information provided represents the characteristics and energy consumption of 94 million households nationwide

  8. Measurements for municipalities 2006

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    B. Kuhry; J.J.J. Jonker; with cooperation of Bureau Zenc


    Original title: Maten voor gemeenten 2006. Measurements for municipalities 2006 (Maten voor gemeenten 2006) presents a national picture of the performance delivered by local authorities and the costs of doing so. The analyses relate to the period 1999-2004. This is the fourth time

  9. Annual report, 1990-1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    At the beginning of the 1990/91 fiscal year the government of Canada announced that it would maintain the CANDU nuclear option, increase R and D funding for AECL Research, and authorize the start of negotiations to build a prototype CANDU 3 reactor. Later in the year AECL signed contracts with the Korea Electric Power Corporation to supply a second CANDU reactor for the Wolsung site. Consolidated net income was $7.8 million, after a $10.2 million loss in 1990. Revenue from nuclear power operations increased 11 percent to $187 million, with a 23 percent increase in the contribution from nuclear supply and services. Research and development expenditures rose to $293 million in 1991 from $259 million in 1990. The increase was mainly in cost-shared work on waste management, safety, health and environmental programs. Cost recovery revenue, principally from Ontario Hydro, increased to $87 million, reducing the federal government's share to 53 percent compared to 87 percent in 1985. Federal funding of R and D has been maintained at the 1990 level. The net expense of R and D operations was reduced to $11.0 million compared to $22.6 million in the previous year. Cash flow from all sources amounted to $47.9 million, leaving AECL with adequate working capital for the next year. In the future higher capital investment than previously anticipated will be required for waste management facilities associated with commercial isotope production. All figures are given in Canadian dollars

  10. JAERI TANDEM, LINAC and V.D.G. annual report 1990. April 1, 1990 - March 31, 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report describes research activities which have been performed with the JAERI tandem accelerator, the electron linear accelerator and the Van de Graaff accelerator from April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1990. Summary reports of 38 papers, and list of publications, personnel and cooperative researches with universities are contained. (author)

  11. Carbon trends. June 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO 2 market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from June 2005 to May 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from March 2005 to March 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from May 2005 to May 2006), changes in energy prices (from June 2005 to May 2006), CO 2 quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO 2 market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  12. Carbon trends. April 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO 2 market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from April 2005 to March 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from January 2005 to January 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from March 2005 to March 2006), changes in energy prices (from April 2005 to March 2006), CO 2 quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO 2 market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  13. Carbon trends. May 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO 2 market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from May 2005 to April 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from February 2005 to February 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from April 2005 to April 2006), changes in energy prices (from May 2005 to April 2006), CO 2 quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO 2 market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  14. CERN Technical Training 2006: Software and System Technologies Curriculum - Scheduled Course Sessions (August-December 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    The Software and System Technologies Curriculum of the CERN Technical Training Programme offers comprehensive training in C++, Java, Perl, Python, XML, OO programming, JCOP/PVSS, database design and Oracle. In the PERL, C++, OO and Java course series there are some places available on the following course sessions, scheduled until the end of this year: PERL 5 - Introduction: 31.8-1.9.2006 (2 days) C++ for Particle Physicists: 16-20.10.2006 (6 half days, the popular course given by Paul Kunz) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: 17-19.10.2006 (3 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications: 19-20.10.2006 (2 days) JAVA - Level 1: 30.10-1.11.2006 (3 days) PERL 5 - Advanced Aspects: 2.11.2006 (1 day) C++ Programming Part 1 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Design and Programming: 14-16.11.2006 (3 days) JAVA - Level 2: 4-7.12.2006 (4 days) C++ Programming Part 2 - Advanced C++ and its Traps and Pitfalls: 12-15.12.2006 (4 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBea...

  15. Physics Division progress report, January 1, 1990--December 31, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shera, E.B.; Hollen, G.Y.


    This report provides selected accounts of significant progress in research and development achieved by Physics Division personnel during the period January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990. It also provides a general description of the goals and interests of the Division, very brief descriptions of projects in the Division, and a list of publications produced during this period. The report represents the three main areas of experimental research and development in which the Physics Division serves the needs of Los Alamos National Laboratory and the nation in defense and basic sciences: (1) fundamental research in nuclear and particle physics, condensed-matter physics, and biophysics; (2) laser physics and applications, especially to high-density plasmas; and (3) defense physics, including the development of diagnostic methods for weapons tests, weapons-related high energy-density physics, and programs supporting the Strategic Defense Initiative

  16. Enteric Methane Emissions Estimate for Livestock in South Africa for 1990–2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mokhele Edmond Moeletsi


    Full Text Available Methane (CH4 from enteric fermentation is one of the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG emissions in South Africa. Livestock population data from 1990 to 2014 and emission factors were utilized in estimating CH4 emissions as per the 2006 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines. CH4 emissions originating from country-specific emission factors were compared with those calculated using IPCC default emission factors. Trends in emissions were then determined using the Man-Kendall trend test at the 5% significance level. The results showed annual total enteric CH4 emissions exceeding 1171.56 Gg (in 1995 with an average (1990 to 2014 of 1227.96 Gg. Non-dairy cattle are the highest emitters with an average of 873.07 Gg (71.10% while sheep are the second highest with 227.61 Gg (18.54%. Other contributors are dairy cattle, goats, horses, pigs and donkeys with an average (percentage contribution of 85.94 Gg (7.00%, 32.06 Gg (2.61%, 4.86 Gg (0.40%, 2.77 Gg (0.23% and 1.65 Gg (0.13%, respectively. The trend analysis revealed positive trends for all the livestock categories, except sheep and goats which showed negative trends, consequently balancing out. The results obtained for the year 2014 were 37% higher than the enteric CH4 emissions in 1990, 1994 and 2000 inventories and the emissions estimated entirely from IPCC default emission factors. This demonstrates the need for the development of Tier 2 emission factors for key category sectors such as cattle and sheep in South Africa. To fully adhere to the principles of GHG inventory accounting, there has to be total livestock inclusivity and major improvements in activity data collection.

  17. Carbon trends. July 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO 2 market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from June 2005 to June 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production index from April 2005 to April 2006), confidence index of business leaders (from June 2005 to June 2006), changes in energy prices (from July 2005 to June 2006), CO 2 quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO 2 market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  18. Kernkraftwerk Obrigheim GmbH. Annual report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koerner, C.


    The Obrigheim nuclear power station was operated at full load from January 1 through May 25, 1990, generating 1.236 GWh of electrical energy in 3.475 operating hours. The Obrigheim nuclear power station thus achieved during this period of 145 days in 1990 an operating availability of 100%. Since its commissioning in October 1968, the Obrigheim reactor station has been operating for 158.341 hours, generating 53.361 GWh (gross), and from test operation started in March 1969 up to the end of 1990, all in all 53.249 GWh have been generated in 157.561 operating hours, which means an availability time ratio of 82.3 %, and a capacity factor of 80.1%. The plant was shut down in 1990 for the 21st refuelling operation including inspection and repair work, for a fictitious period of 942 hours. In addition, power operation was stopped by an order of the supervisory authority for another 4.343 hours, so that the plant remained disconnected from the grid between May 26 and December 31, 1990. In the first part of the year 1990, until May 26, the plant had an excellent availability time ratio and thus contributed about 2.5% of the safe, economic and environmentally sound electricity supplies in Baden-Wuerttemberg. (orig./HP) [de

  19. Annual report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaeggeler, H.W.; Lorenzen, R.


    This annual report of the chemistry laboratory gives an overview of research performed during 1990 in the field of geochemistry, trace analysis, aerosol chemistry, heavy elements, cement chemistry and analytical chemistry. figs., tabs., refs

  20. Eleição 2014 na rede social: cultura remix e os imaginários ideológicos das capas da revista Veja

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    Gisella Meneguelli


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a produção de sentidos das capas remixadas da revista Veja que circularam na rede social Facebook no segundo turno da eleição presidencial de 2014, considerando a sua pluralidade significativa (ao serem integradas as linguagens verbal e visual e a sua divulgação em meio digital. Teoricamente, valemo-nos do conceito imaginário sociodiscursivo (CHARAUDEAU, 2006; 2013 e do conceito de ironia (CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012; DUCROT, 2001. A análise mostra que, tanto nas capas de Veja quanto nas capas remixadas de Veja, foram selecionadas imagens e palavras com vistas a influenciar ideologicamente a opinião do leitor no processo eleitoral, podendo levá-lo a mudar o seu voto.

  1. Activity Report 1990-1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dagnegaard, E.; Aastroem, K.J.


    This report covers the activities at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University during the period 1 July 1990 - 30 June 1991, which is the academic year 1990/91. During this period Bo Eliasson and Lars Rundqwist completed their PhD theses. This brings the total number of PhDs graduating from our department to 33. Twenty-one students completed their MSc degree at the department. One book, seventeen journal papers and 48 conference papers were published by staff members. Research has continued in established areas such as adaptive control, expert control, computer aided control engineering, robotics, and information technology

  2. National Wood-fuel Programme 2000-2006. Activity Report 2000-2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    When ADEME launched its Wood-fuel programme throughout all of France in late 1999, its aim was to guide this resource supply chain to maturity and stable development in all user sectors: domestic, multi-family housing, commercial/institutional and industrial applications. To this end the Wood-fuel Programme 2000-2006 was assigned objectives and endowed with significant financial means for studies and coordination in order to support and carry out general-interest projects, piloted by ADEME. The stated goal was to replace fossil fuels, avoid carbon emissions and establish quality assurance standards for household firewood and wood-fired devices. This report presents: 1 - the Wood Energy stakes for the environment, for employment, and for the economy, the biomass energy net benefits; 2 - the Wood Energy key figures: Production and consumption, Single-family homes and wood heating, Breakdown of types of devices used, Sales of wood-fired devices, Number of housing/institutional boilers in use, Number of industrial boilers in use; 3 - the Wood Energy objectives: Domestic heating, Industrial boiler plants, District heating for housing/institutional/commercial uses; 4 - the Wood Energy program operation: Program coordination by ADEME, Partnerships and State-Region planning agreements, 2000-2006 funding system (modified in 2004) and Other financial instruments; 5 - the 2000-2006 assessment: Main results, Conclusions and recommendations, Evaluation contributions: five key points, Evaluation of employment in the solid biofuels supply chain, Supply for community, institutional and commercial boilers; 6 - Information and communication: Initiatives supported or accompanied by ADEME between 2000 and 2004, Publications supported by ADEME. In appendix: fuels and energy content, regional assessments, national research program on bio-energies - PNRB 2006 (Review and stakes, PNRB results in 2006), wood heating R and D, studies funded by ADEME, 2006 ADEME's correspondents, glossary

  3. Estruturas de poder nas redes de financiamento político nas eleições de 2010 no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Rossi Horochovski


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa os 299.968 relacionamentos estabelecidos entre os 251.665 doadores e/ou receptores de recursos financeiros legais abrangidos pelas prestações de contas das campanhas nas eleições de 2010 no Brasil, englobando todos os candidatos e partidos. Aplica-se aos dados do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE a metodologia de análise de redes sociais e tratamentos estatísticos complementares para a exploração da topologia das sub-redes (componentes e dos cálculos de centralidade dos atores – candidatos, agentes partidários e financiadores privados. Os resultados expõem a alta conectividade e assimetria da rede de financiamento eleitoral no Brasil e mostram que o posicionamento dos atores em estratos da rede é determinante para o desempenho tanto de candidatos quanto de financiadores, revelando, de uma forma inédita, uma elite no poder político-eleitoral brasileiro.

  4. Estimated discharge of treated wastewater in Florida, 1990 (United States)

    Marella, R.L.


    According to the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection, 5,100 wastewater treatment systems were in operation during 1990. Of this total, 72 percent were domestic wastewater facilities and 28 percent were industrial waste- water facilities. The number of wastewater systems inventoried for 1990 was 1,062 (systems that treated and discharged more than 0.01 Mgal/d or had a plant capacity of greater than 0.04 Mgal/d. Based on this inventory, the estimated discharge of treated wastewater in Florida during 1990 totaled 1,638 million gallons per day. Approxi- mately 65 percent of this water was discharged to surface water during 1990 and the remaining 35 percent was discharged to ground water. Discharge to surface water includes effluent outfalls into the Atlantic Ocean (32 percent), while the re- maining (68 percent) is discharged into the Gulf of Mexico, bays, rivers, wetlands, and other surface water bodies throughout Florida. Discharge to ground-water includes treated effluent outfalls to land application systems (reuse systems and spray fields), drain fields, percolation ponds (51 percent), and to injection wells (49 percent). An estimated 322 million gallons per day of the treated domestic and industrial wastewater was reused during 1990. Discharge of treated domestic wastewater from the 994 systems inventoried in Florida during 1990 totaled 1,353 million gallons per day and served an estimated 8.58 million people (66 percent of the population of Florida in 1990). The remaining 34 percent of the popu- lation (4.36 million) are served by the 2,700 smaller domestic wastewater systems or have individual septic tanks. In 1990, there were 1.56 million septic tanks in Florida. Discharge of industrial wastewater was inventoried for 68 systems in 1990 and totaled 285 million gallons per day. Discharge of domestic wastewater in- creased more than 20 percent and industrial wastewater discharge increased 5 percent from 1985 to 1990. (USGS)

  5. CERN Technical Training 2006: Software and System Technologies Curriculum - Scheduled Course Sessions (October-December 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    he Software and System Technologies Curriculum of the CERN Technical Training Programme offers comprehensive training in C++, Java, Perl, Python, XML, OO programming, JCOP/PVSS, database design and Oracle. In the PERL, C++, OO and Java course series there are some places available on the following course sessions, scheduled until the end of this year: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: 17-19 October 2006 (3 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications: 19-20 October 2006 (2 days) JAVA - Level 1: 30 Oct. -1 Nov. 2006 (3 days) PERL 5 - Advanced Aspects: 2 November 2006 (1 day) C++ Programming Part 1 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Design and Programming: 14-16 November 2006 (3 days) JAVA - Level 2: 4-7 December 2006 (4 days) C++ Programming Part 2 - Advanced C++ and its Traps and Pitfalls: 12-15 December 2006 (4 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans : 18.20 December 2006 (3 days) All the above sessions will be given in English, at the CERN Training Centre....

  6. La mortalidad por suicidios: México 1990-2001 Mortality from suicides: Mexico, 1990-2001


    Esteban Puentes-Rosas; Leopoldo López-Nieto; Tania Martínez-Monroy


    OBJETIVO: Describir la mortalidad por suicidios en México en 2001, así como los principales cambios en los métodos de suicidio y en la estructura por edades y sexos que se han presentado desde 1990, tanto a escala nacional como por entidad federativa. MÉTODOS: Para este estudio descriptivo se utilizaron como fuentes de informaci��n los registros oficiales de mortalidad del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática para el período de 1990 a 2001. Para calcular las tasas de mor...

  7. Swiss electricity statistics 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report made by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the statistics on electricity production and usage in Switzerland for the year 2006. First of all, an overview of Switzerland's electricity supply in 2006 is presented. Details are noted of the amounts generated by different sources including nuclear, hydro-power, storage schemes and thermal power stations as well as energy transfer with neighbouring countries. A second chapter takes a look at the balance of imports and exports with illustrative flow diagrams along with tables for total figures from 1950 through to 2006. For the summer and winter periods, figures from 1995 to 2006 are presented. The third chapter examines the production of electricity in the various types of power stations and the developments over the years 1950 to 2006, whereby, for example, statistics on regional generation and power station type are looked at. The fourth chapter looks at electricity consumption in various sectors from 1983 to 2006 and compares the figures with international data. The fifth chapter looks at generation, consumption and loading on particular, selected days and chapter six considers energy exchange with Switzerland's neighbours. Chapter seven takes a look at possibilities for extending generation facilities in the period up to 2013

  8. 1990 Amendments: The federal partner steps forward

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In October of 1990, Congress enacted a new set of amendments to the Clean Air Act. These amendments are longer and more complex than any previous environmental legislation. In enacting the 1990 Amendments, Congress did not evaluate the results of earlier efforts at air quality regulation. Rather, Congress accepted what it had created in 1970 and reinforced in 1977, and proceeded to build on that foundation. As a result, the 1990 Amendments create substantial new regulatory responsibilities, while leaving in place most of the pre-existing system of air quality control. The chapter highlights the key provisions of the 1990 Amendments, and discusses their relationship to the 1970 and 1977 Amendments to the Act. Included are changes in the requirements for the control of carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, particulates, mobile sources, air toxics and acid rain

  9. Maailma turism 2006 / Piret Kallas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kallas, Piret


    2006. aastal tehti kogu maailmas 842 miljonit ööbimisega välisreisi, mis on 4,5 protsenti enam kui 2005. aastal. Maailma turismitrendid 2006-2007, prognoos 2007. aastaks. Euroopa turismi arengust 2006. aastal. Allikas: UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, jaan. 2007

  10. Youth Homelessness 2006 (United States)

    MacKenzie, David; Chamberlain, Chris


    The third national census of homeless school students, conducted in 2006, found that the number of homeless students had decreased since 2001. There were 9,389 homeless students in 2006 compared with 12,227 in 2001. Three groups were over-represented in the homeless population: Indigenous students, young people from single parent and blended…

  11. Estrategias de (reapropiación urbana y disputa territorial en la conformación de los barrios alteños El Porvenir I y 16 de Julio (Bolivia, 1985-2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariela Paula Diaz


    Full Text Available Generalmente la ciudad de El Alto (Bolivia es analizada como un núcleo urbano homogéneo. Eneste artículo se analiza la existencia de ejemplos de desarrollo urbano desigual y combinado. Elobjetivo principal es abordar las estrategias de acceso al hábitat y la (reapropiación del territoriourbano por parte de los migrantes aymaras residentes en el barrio periférico El Porvenir I y enel barrio céntrico 16 de Julio. Se presta atención a la disputa con los diversos actores sociales queparticipan en la dinámica de la construcción barrial: los loteadores informales y el Estado duranteel periodo 1985-2012.Para llevar a cabo este estudio se aplicó una metodología cualitativa que incluyó entrevistas semiestructuradasa la población migrante y a los informantes-clave y observación no participante,incorporando datos de fuentes secundarias.

  12. Prevalence of epilepsy in China between 1990 and 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Song, Peige; Liu, Yezhou; Yu, Xinwei


    in mainland China from 1990 to 2015and explores the variations of burden by age and gender. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the peer–reviewed literature from 1990 to 2015 using Chinese and English academic databases (CNKI, WanFang, VIP and PubMed) to identify population–based prospective studies...... = 1.31–3.02) in 1990 to7.15‰ (95% CI = 3.98–12.82) in 2015. The rates of increase were similar across the whole age spectrum, fluctuating around 250%. Between 1990 and 2015, the total number of people with LTE inmainland China increased by 328%, from 2.30 million (95%CI = 1.51–3.49) in 1990 to 9...

  13. Annual Report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report presents the achievements of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre for 1990: Specific programmes, exploratory research, support for Community Policies, work for Third Parties, participation in Eureka. The report is completed by human resources, finances and a brief presentation of large installation

  14. Radioactivity in foodstuffs 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The average per capita radiation dose received by the Norwegian population due to intake of foodstuffs in 1990 was between 0.03 and 0.06 mSv. This was about the same level as in previous years since the Chernobyl accident. Certain individuals with special dietary habits (consumption of large amounts of freshwater fish and reindeer), and who live in heavily contaminated areas, received higher doses (appr. 1 mSv). In 1990 dietary advice was maintained with regard to people consuming large amounts of reindeer meat and/or game and freshwater fish. The aim is still that no person shall be exposed to an annual dose of more than 1 mSv through food. The present report reviews the data concerning radioactivity levels in dairy products, meat and fish for 1990. Levels were similar to those recorded in the previous year, but considerably lower than those in 1988. The report also presents some data from a 5-year radio-ecological research programme carried out by the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research (NINA). In general, levels in wild fish and game were below the intervention limit of 6000 Bq/kg, apart from a few reindeer herds and fish from a few localities. 8 figs. 6 tabs

  15. A Política Científica e Tecnológica e as Demandas da Inclusão Social no Governo Lula (2003-2006 [Science and Technology Policy and Demands for Social Inclusion in the Lula Administration (2003-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Pavan Serafim


    Full Text Available Este artigo parte da percepção de que houve um fortalecimento da questão social, em especial da inclusão social, no Governo Lula. Seu objetivo é analisar em que medida a Política Científica e Tecnológica incorporou modificações e/ou preocupações semelhantes em sua agenda. Para tanto, apresentamos a trajetória dessa política, destacando o período mais recente. Ao analisar documentos oficiais e bibliografias especializadas, constatamos que a criação da Secretaria Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para a Inclusão Social deve ser reconhecida como o surgimento de um novo espaço de disputa, ainda que assimétrica e frágil, no qual os atores antes excluídos do processo de conformação da agenda da PCT podem agora tomar parte. --- Science and Technology Policy and Demands for Social Inclusion in the Lula Administration (2003-2006 --- Abstract --- This paper is based on the perception that there has been increasing concern towards social issues in Brazil, particularly that of social inclusion, during the Lula Administration. The main objective of this paper is to analyze to what degree the agenda of science and technology policy has incorporated similar changes or concerns. We therefore explore the trajectory of this policy, in particular the more recent period. Based on the study of official documents and specialized references, we note that the creation of the National Secretary of Science and Technology for Social Inclusion should be recognized as the emergence of a new field for political struggle, albeit still asymmetrical and frail, in which previously excluded actors may now take part in the agenda setting.

  16. El poder de nominar: Los nombres de los niños y niñas mapuche como campo de disputa O poder de nomear: Os nomes de crianças mapuche como campo de disputa The power of nominating: Mapuche children's names as a field of dispute

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Szulc


    Full Text Available En la provincia del Neuquén abundan casos en que personal del Registro Civil o del sistema educativo ha objetado la inscripción o utilización del nombre mapuche de un niño/a. Al mismo tiempo, entre la población mapuche se vienen registrando iniciativas individuales y estrategias colectivas de autoreconocimiento, recuperación cultural y demandas de reconocimiento estatal del modo mapuche de elección y atribución de los nombres, y de su particular ontología. Como una piedra de toque, los nombres de estos niños nos permitirán conocer las dispares definiciones de lo mapuche, en ocasiones contradictorias, que promueven diversos actores y agencias en la provincia del Neuquén. Veremos cómo a través de sus prácticas los niños y los "otros" -adultos, comunidades y organizaciones mapuche, iglesias católica y evangélicas, docentes y funcionarios estatales- hacen del acto de nominar una de las arenas en las cuales crecientemente se disputa la identidad de los niños mapuche del Neuquén.Em Neuquén, província localizada no sul da Argentina, é comum que o sistema educativo e o Registro Civil neguem a inscrição ou cadastramento de nomes mapuches de crianças e jovens. Simultaneamente, a população mapuche vem desenvolvendo, por meio de iniciativas individuais e estratégias coletivas, um processo de auto-reconhecimento e revitalização cultural, demandando ao Estado o reconhecimento da ontologia particular, modos de escolha e de atribuição dos nomes em língua mapuche. Assim, a análise desta questão nos permitirá conhecer definições díspares do mapuche, por vezes contraditórias, que promovem diferentes atores e agências na província de Neuquén. Veremos como através das práticas das crianças e dos "outros" -adultos, comunidades e organizações mapuche, igrejas católica e evangélica, docentes e funcionários do Estado- o ato de colocar nomes se torna crescentemente uma das arenas de disputa da identidade das crian

  17. Energy Efficiency in Norway 1990-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenberg, Eva


    This is the national report for Norway in the EU/SAVE project ''Indicators for Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Target setting (ODYSSEE)''. The report deals with energy use and energy efficiency in Norway 1990-2000 (2001 for overall energy use). Final energy use per Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was reduced by approximately 1.9% pr year in the period 1990 to 2001. The energy efficiency improvement has been calculated to 0.6% pr year, while the role of structural changes has been 1.3% pr year. A detailed sector analysis has been done, applying Laspeyres indices to attribute changes in energy use to activity, structure or intensity (efficiency). Aggregating sectors, we have found a total efficiency improvement of approximately 11 TWh from 1990 to 2000. (author)

  18. Carbon trends. March 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter makes a monthly synthesis of the European CO 2 market: traded volumes, spot prices, conformability of facilities, supply and demand, climate indexes (temperature, precipitations from March 2005 to February 2006), economic activity indicators (industrial production from December 2004 to December 2005), confidence index of business leaders (from February 2005 to February 2006), changes in energy prices (from March 2005 to February 2006), CO 2 quotas allocated to European Union countries and detailed indicators of CO 2 market, climate, economic activity and energy prices. (J.S.)

  19. End-of-year closure 2006/2007

    CERN Document Server

    HR Department


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin No. 3-4/2006, the Laboratory will be closed from Saturday 23 December 2006 to Sunday 7 January 2007 inclusive. This period consists of 16 days: 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2006, and 1 January 2007; 2 days, 26 December 2006 to compensate for 24 December 2006, and 2 January 2007 to compensate for 31 December 2006 (Article R II 4.33 of the Staff Regulations); 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e. 27, 28 and 29 December 2006, and 3, 4 and 5 January 2007; 3 Saturdays, i.e. 23 and 30 December 2006, and 6 January 2007; 1 Sunday, i.e. 7 January 2007. The first working day in the New Year will be Monday 8 January 2007. Further information is available from Department Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period. Human Resources Department Tel. 73903

  20. Eleições, estabilidade democrática e socialização política no Brasil: análise longitudinal da persistência de valores nas eleições presidenciais de 2002 a 2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcello Baquero


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é examinar os debates recentes sobre os fatores que explicam a estabilidade democrática no Brasil. Com base no conceito de socialização política examina-se o impacto que as eleições têm no fortalecimento democrático e a importância de normas e valores para o futuro da democracia. Considera-se que as eleições presidenciais no contexto político brasileiro se constituem em um momento importante do processo de socialização política. Para verificar esta proposição este trabalho utiliza como base de dados as pesquisas do Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro (ESEB de 2002, 2006 e 2010. É analisado se o fator idade gera diferenças em relação aos valores e atitudes manifestados pelos entrevistados com um tempo maior de experiência democrática, contribuindo na formação de uma cultura política congruente com a democracia, ou se são definidos pelo contexto eleitoral, tendo como base a divisão da população em coortes por faixa etária e na escolha eleitoral em cada pleito. Com base nos dados analisados identifica-se uma mudança da cultura política em direção à valorização da democracia, mas com a manutenção de contradições que indicam a manutenção de uma cultura híbrida, que não favorece a democracia representativa poliárquica.The main objective of this article is to examine the recent debates about the factors that explain democratic stability in Brazil. Based upon the concept of political socialization it analyses the impact of elections on the strengthening of democracy and the importance of norms and values for the future of democracy. We think that presidential elections in the Brazilian case could be characterized as an important moment in the political socialization process. To test this proposition we use the data from the Brazilian Electoral Study (ESEB conducted in 2002, 2006 and 2010. It is analyzed if age generates differences in the values and attitudes manifested by people, with more

  1. Governança eleitoral: o modelo brasileiro de justiça eleitoral

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    Vitor Marchetti


    Full Text Available On cherche ici à discuter la question de la gouvernance électorale, en présentant les critères principaux pour distinguer les différents modèles. Ensuite, on examine les modèles adoptés par quelques-unes des démocraties latino-américaines, présentant surtout le modèle adopté par le Brésil, et ses particularités. On conclut que, au Brésil, il existe dans la gouvernance électorale une composition atypique d'éléments tels que: concentration des activités de cette gouvernance dans un seul Organisme Électoral (OE; exclusion du pouvoir législatif quant à l'indication et à la sélection des membres de l'OE, ainsi que l'adoption de la "règle d'intersection" avec la Cour Constitutionnelle. Cette composition crée un cadre institutionnel favorable à la judicialisation lors des élections, car elle permet que les interprétations juridiques sur les règles du jeu compétitif passent par l'interprétation du texte constitutionnel.

  2. Dioxin air emission inventory 1990-2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capral Henriksen, T; Illerup, J B; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth [DMU, Dept. of Policy Analysis (Denmark)


    The present Danish dioxin air emission inventory shows that the emission has been reduced from 68.6 g I-TEQ in 1990 to 22.0 g I-TEQ in 2004, or about 68% over this period. Most of the significant reductions have been achieved in the industrial sector, where emissions have been reduced from 14.67 g I-TEQ in 1990 to 0.17 g I-TEQ in 2004; a reduction of almost 99%. Lower emissions from steel and aluminium reclamation industries form the major part of the reduction within industry. Emissions from waste incineration reduced from 32.5 g I-TEQ in 1990 to 2.1 g ITEQ in 2004; which is approx. 94%. This is due to installation of dioxin abatement equipment in incineration plants. The most important source of emission in 2004 is residential wood combustion, at 8.5 g I-TEQ, or around 40% of the total emission. In 2004, accidental fires, which are estimated to emit 6.1 g I-TEQ/year, are the second most important source, contributing with around 28% of the total emission. The present dioxin emission inventory for Denmark shows how emissions in 2004 come from sources other than waste incineration plants and industry, which were the largest sources in 1990. (au)

  3. CSIR Annual report 1990

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1990. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial statements are also presented in the report....

  4. The Kamehameha Journal of Education. 1990-91. (United States)

    Speidel, Gisela E., Ed.


    This document consists of the three 1990 issues and the two 1991 issues of a journal that publishes articles on the education of Hawaii's children. The journal covers such topics as teaching strategies, instructional settings, and cultural differences. Articles in the January 1990 issue consider: (1) reading and literacy in the Kamehameha…

  5. Veemajandus, 2006 = Water management, 2006 / Kadi Siimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siimer, Kadi


    Eestis võeti 2006. aastal kõigist veeallikatest kokku 1,6 miljardit kuupmeetrit vett, tekkinud heitveest vajas puhastamist 264 miljonit kuupmeetrit, võrreldes 2005. aastaga vähenes 2 protsenti loodusesse juhitud heitvee orgaaniliste ainete reostuskoormus. Graafikud. Diagramm. Tabelid

  6. Avaliku sektori kulutused keskkonnakaitsele, 2006 = Environmental protection expenditure of public sector, 2006 / Kersti Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Kersti


    Keskvalitsus kulutas 2006. aastal 2,2 miljardit krooni keskkonnakaitsele, kohalikud omavalitsused 339 miljonit krooni ning Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse keskkonnaprojektide kogumaksumus oli 2006. aastal ligikaudu 600 miljonit krooni. Tabelid. Diagramm

  7. Coeur d'Alene Tribe Fisheries Program : Implementation of Fisheries Enhancement Opportunities on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation : 2006 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vitale, Angelo J.; Hallock, Stephanie A.; Firehammer, Jon A.


    This annual report summarizes previously unreported data collected to fulfill the contractual obligations for BPA project No.1990-044-00, 'Coeur d'Alene Subbasin Fisheries Habitat Enhancement', during the 2006 calendar year. Even though the contract performance period for this project crosses fiscal and calendar years, the timing of data collection and analysis, as well as implementation of restoration projects, lends itself to this reporting schedule. The 2006 performance period marked the first year that BPA implemented its Process Improvement Initiative with the Pisces system serving as the vehicle for developing statements of work and tracking project performance. This document attempts to provide some consistency between the project objectives, around which past reports have been structured, and the new work element format adopted for use in Pisces. The report is formatted into three primary sections that respectively provide results and discussion of: (1) monitoring and evaluation of biological and physical habitat indicators; (2) implementation of restoration and enhancement projects; and (3) education and outreach work performed during 2006. The relevant work elements and/or milestones found in the statement of work are listed under these section headings and described in the body of the report.

  8. CERN Technical Training 2006: ANSYS Course Sessions (August-September 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    The following ANSYS course sessions are currently scheduled in the framework of the CERN Technical Training Programme 2006, and in collaboration with CAD-FEM AG (CH): ANSYS Design Modeler (course in French): 29-30.8.2006 (2 days) ANSYS Workbench (course in French): 12-15.9.2006 (4 days, only 2 places available) If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please discuss with your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH from the course description pages that can be found at under "Upcoming course sessions", with the detailed course programmes. The complete training offer of ANSYS courses at CERN can be found at the same website, under the Mechanical Design curriculum. CERN Technical Training courses are open only to the members of CERN personnel (staff members and fellows; associates, students, users, project associates; apprentices: employees of CERN contractors, with some restrictions). In particular, quoted prices and programmes refer specifically to the CERN ...

  9. ANDRA, 2006 activity report; ANDRA, Rapport d'activite 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The French national agency of radioactive waste management (ANDRA) was marked in 2006 by two outstanding events: the publication of the national inventory of radioactive wastes and valorisable materials, and the vote of the law from June 28, 2006 relative to the sustainable management of radioactive wastes and materials. This road-map law has an impact on ANDRA's activities for the coming years. This activity report presents several 2006 highlights of ANDRA's missions as well: the public service mission, the by-law about the effluents of the Aube plant for the storage of low-medium activity wastes, the building of the first 'double-cell' at the very-low activity waste storage plant of Aube, the research studies about the project of deep underground disposal of high-medium activity, long-living wastes, and the public information about ANDRA's technical and scientific know-how. The management and financial reports are attached in appendix. (J.S.)

  10. Vivitron - Progress report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1990 activity report of the Strasbourg Nuclear Research, concerning the Vivitron project, is presented. After having mounted all the Van de Graaff elements of the Vivitron needed for the generator tests, the tank was closed in July 1990. It was then put under vacuum, leaks were searched for and repaired. Voltage tests started in December and a voltage of 17.6 MV was reached in February. Modifications on the charging system and to improvement of the column protection against sparks are necessary before the voltage tests can be carried on. Great progress has been made in the setting up of the new Vivitron injector and analysing magnet. In this report are included the description of project different development steps, the Vivitron budget and the list of publications, congress contributions and internal reports. 18 figs

  11. Air pollution. Emission by mobile sources. 1990-2009; Luchtverontreiniging. Emissies door mobiele bronnen. 1990-2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klein, J.


    This publication provides an overview of the results and background of research into the emissions from traffic and transport and other mobile sources during the period 1990-2009. Information is given on the calculation method, the shares of the total Dutch emissions and the development of policy relevant issues. [Dutch] Deze publicatie biedt een overzicht van de resultaten en achtergronden van het onderzoek naar de emissies door verkeer en vervoer en overige mobiele bronnen gedurende de periode 1990-2009. Er wordt informatie gegeven over de rekenmethodiek, de aandelen in de totale Nederlandse emissies en het verloop van de voor het beleid relevante emissies.

  12. Market bulletin - August 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in August 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  13. Market bulletin - December 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in December 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  14. Market bulletin - January 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in January 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  15. Market bulletin - September 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in September 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  16. Market bulletin - November 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in November 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  17. Market bulletin - July 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in July 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  18. Market bulletin - June 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in June 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  19. Market bulletin - March 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in March 1990, containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. (C.G.C.)

  20. Eesti loomakasvatus 2006. aastal / Matti Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirsalu, Matti, 1947-


    Eesti Statistikaameti ning Põllumajandusministeeriumi koostatud 2006. aasta loomakasvatuse andmete analüüs. Tabelid: Loomade ja lindude arv seisuga 31. detsember; Lihatoodang elusmassis 2005. ja 2006. aastal; Prognoositav lihatoodang tapamassis 2005. ja 2006. aastal

  1. Globalización de la política pública: mediación neoliberal en Colombia, política económica, 1990-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolfo Rodríguez Bernal


    Full Text Available La transnacionalización de la política pública en la década de los 80, es resultado de tres cambios notables operados en el orden mundial: reconfiguración del escenario global, en lo conflictual geográfico y económico, reordenamiento en el modelo de mercado y transformación en el ciclo de política pública. Estos cambios están asociados a la caracterización del espacio geográfico económico, desigual y desequilibrado; a la construcción del nuevo referencial del mercado en la reorientación de la acción pública y al cambio en la expansión del ciclo de política pública en el escenario mundial. El modelo global de mercado, en su proyección transnacional, ha servido de directriz a la mediación de la política económica de los gobiernos neoliberales en Colombia, 1990-2006, en el proceso de su adopción, adaptación y ajuste con el fin de garantizar su ejecución e implementación. La aceptación obligada o la imposición “negociada” de la política económica nacional pasa por la adopción de política financiera, condicionada por el endeudamiento externo; la adaptación de la transferencia de tecnología como política productiva; y, la cesión del mercado interior a las ETN. Las tendencias observadas, fundamentan la nueva estructura de mercado con capacidad explicativa de sus resultados, en escenarios financieros, productivos y comerciales. Las consecuencias para Colombia se traducen en crecimiento del endeudamiento financiero, acelerada desindustrialización del país y reducción del mercado ante las transnacionales. En esta situación, todo proyecto nacional resulta utópico por la pérdida de soberanía económica para la industrialización, para el manejo y control de los recursos naturales y para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y espacios del mercado necesarios a su avance.

  2. Macro patterns of internal migration in Indonesia, 1971-1990. (United States)

    Alatas, S


    Indonesia's population mobility rate is still relatively low. In 1990 only 8.25% of Indonesians lived outside the provinces where they were born. In contrast, according to the US censuses, since the 1870s no fewer than 20% of Americans did. The level of population mobility is even lower for inter-island and interregional migration. In 1990 only 4.29% of Indonesians lived outside their home islands or regions. The level of urbanization has also had an impact, with rural-urban migration increasing from 17.18% in 1971 to 22.38% in 1980, and to 30.93% in 1990. Between 1971 and 1990 the increase amounted to 20.34% in Jakarta, Surbaya, Bandung, Medan, and Semarang. Migration occurs because people want to improve their lives. The reasons for migration include: 1) to continue education, 2) to search for a better job, 3) to obtain better wages or income, 4) to accompany parents or spouse, 5) to secure political support, and 6) to escape from unpleasant conditions. The 1990 census data on migration were derived from 1) province of birth, 2) province of previous residence, 3) duration of residence at the current province, and 4) province of residence 5 years prior to the census. Interprovincial life time migration increased in Indonesia from 5.8 million in 1971 to 10.2 million in 1980 and to 14.8 million in 1990. Most of the provinces of Sumatra and Kalimantan experienced net positive migration in which in-migration exceeded out-migration. On the other hand, migrants from Jakarta to West Java accounted for 75.6% or 794,987 out of the 1,052,234 people who moved out of the capital city. In 1971 as much as 31.18% of migration across provincial borders headed for DKI Jakarta. In 1990 DKI Jakarta and West Java accommodated 37.75% of the interprovincial migrants. Recent in, out, and net migration declined 2.8 million between 1980 and 1985, but it went up to 5.3 million between 1985 and 1990. Between 1985 and 1990 interprovincial migration towards urban areas amounted to 3.2 million

  3. Annual report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Work at Institutt for energiteknikk (IFE) comprises both nuclear and non-nuclear activities. Nuclear power research at the Institute is performed within the international OECD Halden Reactor Project. More than 40 organizations in eight European countries, plus USA and Japan, participated in the 1988 to 1990 phase of the project. The next agreed phase, 1991 to 1993, will see the list of participants expanded to include two new OECD countries, Spain and Switzerland. Key factors under investigation in the fuel and materials technology area include the operational reliablility of reactor fuel and changes in material properties under varying conditions of radiation and water chemistry. Progress has been satisfactory on the fuel and materials test program, and about 40 different fuel element designs have been tested. The information technology activities centre on an advanced control room coupled to a full scale simulator of a nuclear power station of the pressurized water type (PWT). The experiments, aimed at developing new informations systems for energy and process industries, are carried out by process operators from the Halden reactor. During 1990, an extensive program has been carried out to test a computer-based operation procedure system. The results show that this system, in certain operational situations, provides the operator with better information support than conventional handbooks of written procedures. A number of areas in which the system could be improved were also identified, and the development of a new ''second generation'' system was started in 1990. The new system will be implemented on UNIX-based work stations, using so-called open system standards in order to facilitate transfer of the system to different users. Testing has also been started on an operator support system for diagnosis on the primary causes of plant disturbances. 22 figs

  4. Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, SWAT 2006, held in Riga, Latvia, in July 2006. The 36 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 submissions. The papers address all...

  5. Origins, social roots and active joining from the sindicalist force to neoliberalism O sindicalismo brasileiro em disputa nos anos de 1990: origem, raízes sociais e adesão ativa da força sindical ao neoliberalismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Vieira Trópia


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the origins, the social roots and the active joining from the Syndicalist Force to Neoliberalism. The Syndicalist Force was born from the confluence of two Right-wing politics which act inside the Syndicalism: the traditional “peleguismo” (slang and the “results syndicalism”. These two Rightwing politics got united when the first Neoliberal government reached the power in Brazil in the beginning of the 1990’s, founding, therefore, the Syndicalist Force. The Syndicalist Force, as a representative of the private industrial sector, mostly, has found an echo for the Neoliberal proposals and also for some aspects of the Neoliberal ideology, mostly the diffuse critics to the public employment rights. The central supported actively the privatization politics, the non-ruling of the working relationships and the cut of social expenses, building itself as an active social force of the Neoliberal governments from the 90’s. Keywords: Neoliberalism. Syndicalist force. Syndicalism. Este artigo analisa a origem, as raízes sociais e adesão ativa da Força Sindical ao neoliberalismo. A Força Sindical nasceu da confluência de duas correntes de direita atuantes no sindicalismo: o peleguismo tradicional e o “sindicalismo de resultados”. Estas duas correntes se uniram quando o primeiro governo neoliberal chegou ao poder no Brasil no início de 1990, fundando, então, a Força Sindical. A Força Sindical, por representar sindicatos do setor privado industrial, majoritariamente, encontrou eco para as propostas neoliberais e para aspectos da ideologia neoliberal, sobretudo a crítica difusa aos direitos do funcionalismo público. A central apoiou ativamente as políticas de privatização, desregulamentação das relações de trabalho e redução de gastos sociais, constituindo-se, assim, como força social ativa dos governos neoliberais na década de 1990. Palavras-chave: Neoliberalismo. Força Sindical. Sindicalismo.

  6. CERN Technical Training 2006: Software and System Technologies Curriculum - Scheduled Course Sessions (October 2006-March 2007)

    CERN Multimedia


    The Software and System Technologies Curriculum of the CERN Technical Training Programme offers comprehensive training in C++, Java, Perl, Python, XML, OO programming, JCOP/PVSS, database design and Oracle. In the Oracle, C++, OO and Java course series there are some places available on the following course sessions, currently scheduled until March 2007: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: 17-19 October 2006 (3 days) JAVA - Level 1: 30 October - 1 November 2006 (3 days) C++ Programming Part 1 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Design and Programming: 14-16 November 2006 (3 days) Oracle Database Server Administration: 23-29 November 2007 (5 days) JAVA - Level 2: 4-7 December 2006 (4 days) C++ Programming Part 2 - Advanced C++ and its Traps and Pitfalls: 12-15 December 2006 (4 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans: 18-20 December 2006 (3 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications: 15-16 January 2007 (2 days) C++ Programming Part 3 - Templates and the STL (St...

  7. Areva half-year report june 30, 2006; Areva rapport semestriel 30 juin 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document is the half-year financial report of the Areva group for 2006. It presents: 1 - Highlights of the period; 2 - Key data: Summary data, Segment reporting, Backlog, Income statement, Review by business division, Cash flow, Balance sheet data; 3 - Outlook; 4 - Events subsequent to the half-year end; 5 - Consolidated financial statements: Statutory auditors' report on the interim consolidated financial statements for the period January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006, Consolidated income statement, Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated cash flow statement, Consolidated statement of changes in equity, Segment reporting, Notes to the consolidated financial statements.

  8. Areva half-year report june 30, 2006; Areva rapport semestriel 30 juin 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document is the half-year financial report of the Areva group for 2006. It presents: 1 - Highlights of the period; 2 - Key data: Summary data, Segment reporting, Backlog, Income statement, Review by business division, Cash flow, Balance sheet data; 3 - Outlook; 4 - Events subsequent to the half-year end; 5 - Consolidated financial statements: Statutory auditors' report on the interim consolidated financial statements for the period January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006, Consolidated income statement, Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated cash flow statement, Consolidated statement of changes in equity, Segment reporting, Notes to the consolidated financial statements.

  9. A projeção da imagem política no discurso jornalístico: Um estudo comparativo de revistas semanais de Brasil e Alemanha


    Ellen Barros de Souza


    Em ano de eleição, as campanhas em favor de candidatos a diversos cargos políticos se intensificam, assim como a cobertura da mídia em razão dos eventos e das personalidades políticas vinculadas ao pleito eleitoral. Desta forma, esta dissertação propõe-se a investigar o discurso jornalístico, em especial o gênero reportagem de revistas semanais de informação de Brasil e Alemanha, no que diz respeito a duas importantes figuras políticas desses dois países em ano eleitoral, a saber, Dilma Rouss...

  10. Paper or Plastic Revisited: Let's Keep Them Both--Reply to Broderick and Stone (2006); Tennen, Affleck, Coyne, Larsen, and DeLongis (2006); and Takarangi, Garry, and Loftus (2006) (United States)

    Bolger, Niall; Shrout, Patrick E.; Green, Amie S.; Rafaeli, Eshkol; Reis, Harry T.


    The authors review commentaries by J. E. Broderick and A. A. Stone (2006); H. Tennen, G. Affleck, J. C. Coyne, R. J. Larsen, and A. DeLongis (2006); and M. K. T. Takarangi, M. Garry, and E. F. Loftus (2006) on their original article (A. S. Green, E. Rafaeli, N. Bolger, P. Shrout, & H. T. Reis, 2006). The authors were pleased to find more agreement…

  11. EDF - 2006 full-year results, 2006 Financial report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadonneix, Pierre


    As the world's biggest electricity generator, the EDF Group covers every sector of expertise, from generation to trading and transmission grids. EDF builds on the expertise of its people, its R and D and engineering skills, its experience as a leading industry operator and the attentive support of its customers to deliver competitive solutions that successfully reconcile economic growth with climate protection. This document presents the 2006 annual results and Consolidated financial statements of the Group at 31 December 2006: Consolidated income statements, Consolidated balance sheets, Consolidated cash flow statements, Changes in consolidated equity, Notes: Group accounting policies, Summary of accounting and valuation methods, Public distribution concessions in France, Comparability, Significant events and transactions of 2006 and 2005, Changes in the scope of consolidation, Segment reporting, Sales, Fuel and energy purchases, Other external expenses, Contractual obligations and commitments, Personnel expenses, Other operating income and expenses, Impairments / reversals, Other income and expenses, Financial result, Income taxes, Goodwill, Other intangible assets, Property, plant and equipment, Investments in companies accounted for under the equity method, Financial assets, Inventories including work-in-process, Trade receivables, Other receivables, Cash and cash equivalents, Held-for-sale assets and liabilities, Equity, Provisions, Special concession liabilities, Current and non-current financial liabilities, Derivatives, Other liabilities, Contribution of joint ventures, Related parties, Environment, Subsequent events, Transition to standards IAS 32 and 39 concerning financial instruments, Scope of consolidation

  12. Annual Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swiboda, G.


    The Annual Report of the Institute of Atomic Energy describes the results of the research activities carried out in 2006. The document consist of seven parts: General Information; Operation and safety of MARIA reactor; Radiation protection and dosimetry; Nuclear Technology in Energy Generation; Solid State Physics; Nuclear techniques in Health and Environment Protection management of Hazards and in last section the list of published in 2006 papers, conferences, seminars, workshops, research projects and educational activities are presented

  13. Annual Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielewska, D.; Infeld, E.; Zupranski, P.


    The ''Annual Report 2006'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2006. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute Grzegorz Wrochna is also given

  14. Annual Report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chmielewska, D; Infeld, E; Zupranski, P [The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock (Poland)


    The ''Annual Report 2006'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2006. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute Grzegorz Wrochna is also given.

  15. 2006 Homeland Security Symposium and Exposition. Held in Arlington, VA on 29-31 March 2006 (United States)


    Consequences , Vulnerabilities, and Threats) Prioritize Implement Protective Programs Measure Effectiveness 9March 2006 Major NIPP Theme: Sector Partnership... effect of exposure • Full understanding of the levels of exposure that mark the onset of miosis • Refined human operational exposure standard for GB...Untitled Document 2006 Homeland Security Symposium and Exposition.html[7/7/2016 11:38:26 AM] 2006 Homeland Security Symposium and Exposition

  16. Current Programme 1990. (United States)

    Bernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague (Netherlands).

    This report includes descriptions of 105 projects in 42 countries that are financed and supported by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. Projects profiled are those with a duration of 1-5 years which were operationally active at the end of January, 1990. Each project is described in terms of: (1) the sponsoring institution, that is, the institution…

  17. Annual report - LNLS - 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the 1990 Annual Report of the LNLS, the upcoming Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source. It discusses its projects, organization as well as the proposed experimental stations. It presents also a list of publications. (A.C.A.S.)

  18. Sentidos laborales en disputa. Un estudio sobre el caso de los pasantes universitarios en Argentina desde la perspectiva de Pierre Bourdieu.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Adamini


    Full Text Available Las pasantías universitarias constituyen un dispositivo de inserción laboral formativo dispuesto por el Estado argentino para los estudiantes que están atravesando los últimos años de su carrera. Estas prácticas se encuentran insertas en un doble campo del espacio social: el campoeducativo y el campo laboral. Desde el discurso estatal y empresarial, las pasantías son representadas como prácticas formativas que no implican ninguna tipo de relación laboral entre el empleador y los pasantes. Esta situación los exime de beneficios sociales propios de una relación de trabajo formal (como aportes jubilatorios, aguinaldo, licencias y derecho sindical y convierten a la pasantía en una figura contractual, menos costosa legal y monetariamente, que favorece la precarización laboral. Frente a ello, los pasantes se reconocen como trabajadores y, en función a ello, han desplegados diferentes prácticas de resistencia y organización colectiva para lograr su reconocimiento laboral. El objetivo de este artículo será indagar, a la luz de la categoría bourdieana de “campo”, las disputas que se dan entre los pasantes, los empleadores y el Estado en relación a la representación laboral de la pasantía universitaria. Se recurrirá a un abordaje de tipo cualitativo, buscando recuperar los discursos de los principales agentes en juego, por medio de entrevistas en profundidad y análisis de documentos legales y periodísticos.

  19. PIRLS 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mejding, Jan; Rønberg, Louise

    PIRLS er en international læseundersøgelse af læsefærdigheder i 4. klasse. I alt 4000 danske elever fra hele landet deltog 2006 i undersøgelsen, som involverede elever fra 40 lande i verden. Denne sammenfatning gør i korte træk rede for hovedresultaterne i undersøgelsen.......PIRLS er en international læseundersøgelse af læsefærdigheder i 4. klasse. I alt 4000 danske elever fra hele landet deltog 2006 i undersøgelsen, som involverede elever fra 40 lande i verden. Denne sammenfatning gør i korte træk rede for hovedresultaterne i undersøgelsen....

  20. Budget estimates: Fiscal years, 1990--1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The budget estimates for the NRC for fiscal year 1990 provide for obligations of $475,000,000, to be funded in total by two new appropriations---one is NRC's Salaries and Expenses appropriation for $472,100,000 and the other is NRC's Office of the Inspector General appropriation of $2,900,000. Of the funds appropriated to the NRC's Salaries and Expenses, $23,195,000 shall be derived from the Nuclear Waste Fund. The sum appropriated to the NRC's Salaries and Expenses shall be reduced by the amount of revenues received during fiscal year 1990 from licensing fees, inspection services, other services and collections, and from the Nuclear Waste Fund, excluding those moneys received for the cooperative nuclear safety research program, services rendered to foreign governments and international organizations, and the material and information access authorization programs, so as to result in a final fiscal year 1990 appropriation estimated at not more than $292,155,000

  1. Slovensky plynarensky priemysel. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Annual Report contains the review of the results of the joint stock company Slovensky plynarensky priemysel (SPP - Slovak Gas Industry) and subsidiary corporations in relation to the year 2006. This report contains the following headings: I. SPP a. s.: (1) Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors; (2) Statement by the General Director; (3) SPP a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (3) SPP a. s. Top Executive Management as at 31. 12. 2006; (4) SPP a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP a. s. - Company Profile; (6) Organisational Structure of SPP a. s. applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Economic and Financial Performance; (8) Capital Structure; (9) Natural Gas Trade; (10) Equity Holdings; (11) Summary results of SPP a. s. and Independent Auditor's Report; (12) SPP a. s. - Contact. II. SPP - distribucia a. s.: (1)Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPP - distribucia a. s.; (2) Statement by the General Director of SPP - distribucia a. s.; (3) Establishment of the company SPP - distribucia a. s.; (4) SPP - distribucia a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP - distribucia a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (6) Organisational structure of SPP- distribucia a. s. applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Natural Gas Distribution; (8) SPP - distribucia a. s. - Contact. III. SPP - preprava a. s.: (1) Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPP - preprava a. s.; (2) Statement by the General Director of SPP - preprava a. s.; (3) Establishment of the company SPP - preprava a. s.; (4) SPP - preprava a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP - preprava a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (6) Organisational structure of SPP - preprava a. s applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Natural Gas Transmission; (8) SPP - preprava a. s. - Contact. IV. SPP Core Group: (1) Vision, Mission; (2) Code of Conduct and the Company's Core Values; (3) Human Resources; (4) Safety and Environmental

  2. Slovensky plynarensky priemysel. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Annual Report contains the review of the results of the joint stock company Slovensky plynarensky priemysel (SPP - Slovak Gas Industry) and subsidiary corporations in relation to the year 2006. This report contains the following headings: I. SPP a. s.: (1) Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors; (2) Statement by the General Director; (3) SPP a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (3) SPP a. s. Top Executive Management as at 31. 12. 2006; (4) SPP a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP a. s. - Company Profile; (6) Organisational Structure of SPP a. s. applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Economic and Financial Performance; (8) Capital Structure; (9) Natural Gas Trade; (10) Equity Holdings; (11) Summary results of SPP a. s. and Independent Auditor's Report; (12) SPP a. s. - Contact. II. SPP - distribucia a. s.: (1) Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPP - distribucia a. s.; (2) Statement by the General Director of SPP - distribucia a. s.; (3) Establishment of the company SPP - distribucia a. s.; (4) SPP - distribucia a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP - distribucia a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (6) Organisational structure of SPP- distribucia a. s. applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Natural Gas Distribution; (8) SPP - distribucia a. s. - Contact. III. SPP - preprava a. s.: (1) Statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPP - preprava a. s.; (2) Statement by the General Director of SPP - preprava a. s.; (3) Establishment of the company SPP - preprava a. s.; (4) SPP - preprava a. s. Board of Directors as at 31. 12. 2006; (5) SPP - preprava a. s. Supervisory Board as at 31. 12. 2006; (6) Organisational structure of SPP - preprava a. s applicable as of 31. 12. 2006; (7) Natural Gas Transmission; (8) SPP - preprava a. s. - Contact. IV. SPP Core Group: (1) Vision, Mission; (2) Code of Conduct and the Company's Core Values; (3) Human Resources; (4) Safety and Environmental

  3. CSIR Technology Impact 1990

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available Technology impact report, it’s a selection of report on successful co-operation between the CSIR and South African industry in 1989/1990. This publication aims to measure and highlight the success of the CSIR outputs....

  4. Annual report 1990/91 for the Hamburg air monitoring network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goemer, D.; Hache, W.; Matzen, D.; Reich, T.


    In addition to measured results form the stationary air monitoring network from 1990 (detailed report) and 1991 (brief version), the annual report 1990/91 presents results form special measuring programs of the dynmao car area and from measurements made on the street dating from 1990/91. After a detailed presentation of the meteorological frame conditions in 1990, distinguishing by a relatively good air exchange, a detailed discussion of the air load during this period and a brief survey about the air quality in 1991 follows. (orig.) [de

  5. EDF - Electricite de France, 2006 annual Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The EDF Group is an integrated energy supplier operating in a wide range of electricity-related businesses: generation, transmission, distribution, sale and trading of energy. It is the main operator in the French electricity market and one of the leading electricity groups in Europe. The EDF Group has built a business model balanced between deregulated and regulated operations in France and an international presence. This document is EDF Group's annual Results for 2006. It is made of several reports: the 2006 Annual Results presentation, the 2006 Financial Report, the press releases for the first and third quarters 2006 quarterly financial information, the 2006 Half-year results presentation, the Management Report for the first half 2006, and the consolidated financial statements at 30 June 2006

  6. CERN Technical Training 2006: ANSYS Course Sessions (August-September 2006)

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please tell to your supervisor and apply electronically from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: or fill in an 'application for training'form available from your Departmental Secretariat or from your DTO (Departmental Training Officer). Applications will be accepted in the order in which they are received. The following ANSYS course sessions are currently scheduled in the framework of the CERN Technical Training Programme 2006, and in collaboration with CAD-FEM AG (CH): ANSYS DesignModeler (course in French): 29-30.8.2006 (2 days) ANSYS Workbench (course in French): 12-15.9.2006 (4 days, only 3 places available) If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please discuss with your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH from the course description pages that can be found at under 'Upcoming course sessions', with th...

  7. Crime Control Act of 1990 [29 November 1990]. [Summary]. (United States)


    In the US, the Crime Control Act of 1990 was approved on November 29, 1990. This various titles of this Act include provisions relating to the following: 1) international money laundering; 2) child abuse; 3) child pornography; 4) kidnapping, abducting, or unlawfully restraining a child; 5) the protection of crime victims; 6) funding for local law enforcement agencies; 7) funding for federal law enforcement; 8) rural drug enforcement assistance; 9) mandatory detention for certain criminals; 10) juvenile justice; 11) penalties for use of certain firearms; 12) improvements in miscellaneous criminal law; 13) disability benefits for public safety officers; 14) money laundering; 15) drug-free school zones; 16) miscellaneous amendments to the federal judicial and criminal codes; 17) general provisions; 18) grants for correctional options; 19) control of anabolic steroids; 20) asset forfeiture; 21) student loan cancellation for law enforcement officers; 22) firearms provisions; 23) chemical diversion and trafficking; 24) drug paraphernalia; 25) banking law enforcement; 26) licit opium imports; 27) sentencing for methamphetamine offenses; 28) drug enforcement grants; 29) prisons; 30) shock incarceration (prison boot camps); 31) bankruptcy and restitution; 32) appropriations for law and drug enforcement agencies; 33) anti-drug programs; 34) support of law enforcement; 35) technical and minor substantive amendments to the federal criminal code; 36) federal debt collection; and 37) national child search assistance (for missing children).

  8. End-of-year-closure 2005/2006

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin Nº 2/2005, the Laboratory will be closed from Thursday 22 December 2005 to Wednesday 4 January 2006 inclusive. This period consists of 14 days: 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2005 and 1st January 2006; 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e.  26, 27, 28, 29, 30 December 2005 and 4 January 2006; 4 days, 22 and 23 December 2005 to compensate for 24 and 25 December 2005 and 2 and 3 January 2006 to compensate for 31 December 2005 and 1st January 2006 (Article R II 4.33 of the Staff Regulations); The first working day in the New Year will be Thursday, 5 January 2006. Further information is available from Department Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period. Human Resources Department Tel. 73903

  9. End-of-year-closure 2005/2006

    CERN Multimedia


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin No. 2/2005, the Laboratory will be closed from Thursday 22 December 2005 to Wednesday 4 January 2006 inclusive. This period consists of 14 days: 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2005 and 1st January 2006; 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e.  26, 27, 28, 29, 30 December 2005 and 4 January 2006; 4 days, 22 and 23 December 2005 to compensate for 24 and 25 December 2005 and 2 and 3 January 2006 to compensate for 31 December 2005 and 1st January 2006 (Article R II 4.33 of the Staff Regulations); The first working day in the New Year will be Thursday, 5 January 2006. Further information is available from Department Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period. Human Resources Department Tel. 73903

  10. LPGs in 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    During the 2006 year, the French committee of butane and propane (CFBP) went on with mobilizing and sustaining the LPG industry companies in their actions for improving and valorizing the energy efficiency of butane, propane, and LPG fuels. These efforts were carried out in a context of general decay of energy consumption in France and in particular for LPG. The publication of the 2006 activity report of CFBP is a good opportunity to make a status of the development of this industry. (J.S.)

  11. MAKE UP SEPT 2006

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 1, 2006 ... had led to an interest in the concept of STIs – providing breaks in therapy in a structured fashion to minimise the ... was terminated by the Data Safety Monitoring Board in. January 2006 because of an increased risk ... This study assessed the safety of a single treatment interruption in a cohort of patients who ...

  12. 2006 statistical data of the French gas industry; Statistiques 2006 de l'industrie gaziere en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document makes a synthesis of the 2006 results of the annual inquiry about the French natural gas industry: 1 - organization of the French gas market (production, transport, methane terminals, storage facilities, distribution, commercialization, main steps of the opening of the gas market in France); 2 - the 2006 gas year (consumption, imports, production, stockpiles); 3 - results of the 2006 inquiry: infrastructures (storage capacities, pipelines and distribution network), production (evolution of natural gas and industrial gases production, uses), transport (inputs and outputs, geographical origin of inputs in 2005 and 2006, raw imports evolution since 1973), storage (evolution of stockpiles variation), natural gas supplies (sectoral uses), supplies by region and by sector in 2006, consumption by sector; 4 - power generation by gas cogeneration in 2005 (plants characteristics, classification, cogeneration status (in TWh), regional distribution of plants); 5 - 2006 monthly changes (inputs, net imports, consumption and useful stockpile, consumption and net imports); 6 - international comparisons (gas share in the overall energy consumption, consumption per user, evolution of main sectors of consumption in some European countries since 1973); 7 - appendixes: French transportation network, main gas roads in Europe, European gas fluxes, 2006 energy status, gas statuses during the past three years. (J.S.)

  13. Mitmekülgne eesti lastekirjandus [2006. a.] / Jaanika Palm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palm, Jaanika, 1973-


    Arvustus: Tungal, Leelo. Lätikeelne jäätis ja teisi luuletusi. Tallinn : Tuum, 2006 ; Trull, Ilmar. Musta kassi mumba. Tallinn : Eesti Ekspressi Kirjastus, 2006 ; Wimberg. Põngerjate laulud. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Muidugi, Eino. Lõbus pere ütleb tere! Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Nemvalts, Urmas. Väikeste meeste jutud. [Tallinn] : Grenader, 2006 ; Kangro, Maarja, Kangro, Kirke. Puuviljadraakon. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Kilkson, Tiina. Pisikese Peetri pikk pühapäev. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Pelmas, Elsa. Sussipäkapikk Siisi seiklused. Tallinn : TEA Kirjastus, 2006 ; Sauter, Peeter. Laiskade laste raamat. Tallinn : Huma, 2006 ; Kivirähk, Andrus. Leiutajateküla Lotte. Tallinn : Eesti Joonisfilm, 2006 ; Ulman, Mihkel. Nukkude teater. Tartu : Elmatar, 2006 ; Rannap, Jaan. Roheline kindlus. Tallinn : Tiritamm, 2006 ; Vallik, Aidi. Narkohollo ehk Florose vabastamine. Haapsalu : Lugu-Loo, 2006 ; Leesalu, Diana. Mängult on päriselt. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2006 ; Laidla, Siiri. Pärnaõietee. Tallinn : Canopus, 2006

  14. Mitmekülgne eesti lastekirjandus [2006. a.] / Jaanika Palm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palm, Jaanika, 1973-


    Arvustus: Tungal, Leelo. Lätikeelne jäätis ja teisi luuletusi. Tallinn : Tuum, 2006 ; Trull, Ilmar. Musta kassi mumba. Tallinn : Eesti Ekspressi Kirjastus, 2006 ; Wimberg. Põngerjate laulud. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Muidugi, Eino. Lõbus pere ütleb tere! Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Nemvalts, Urmas. Väikeste meeste jutud. [Tallinn] : Grenader, 2006 ; Kangro, Maarja, Kangro, Kirke. Puuviljadraakon. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Kilkson, Tiina. Pisikese Peetri pikk pühapäev. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2006 ; Pelmas, Elsa. Sussipäkapikk Siisi seiklused. Tallinn : TEA Kirjastus, 2006 ; Sauter, Peeter. Laiskade laste raamat. Tallinn : Huma, 2006 ; Kivirähk, Andrus. Leiutajateküla Lotte. Tallinn : Eesti Joonisfilm, 2006 ; Ulman, Mihkel. Nukkude teater. Tartu : Elmatar, 2006 ; Rannap, Jaan. Roheline kindlus. Tallinn : Tiritamm, 2006 ; Vallik, Aidi. Narkohollo ehk Florose vabastamine. Haapsalu : Lugu-Loo, 2006 ; Leesalu, Diana. Mängult on päriselt. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2006 ; Laidla, Siiri. Pärnaõietee. Tallinn : Canopus, 2006

  15. Los presupuestos teóricos en la investigación jurídica actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Sarlo


    Full Text Available Ponencia presentada al Congreso Mundial de Filosofía Jurídica y Social de la IVR , 18o (La Plata: ago.1997Contenido: La disputa iusnaturalismo/iuspositivismo como pseudo disputa teórica. La disputa IP/IN desde una perspectiva epistemológica. Bibliografía. Plan de trabajo para la Comisión de Preservación de Memoria Jurídica Nacional

  16. Electric trade in the United States 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Electric Trade in the United States 1990 (ELECTRA) is the third in a series of reports on wholesale power transactions prepared by the Electric Data Systems Branch, Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration (EIA). The electric trade data are published biennially. The first report presented 1986 data. The second report contained data for 1988. This report provides information on the industry during 1990

  17. Tools for improving safety management in the Norwegian Fishing Fleet occupational accidents analysis period of 1998-2006. (United States)

    Aasjord, Halvard L


    Reporting of human accidents in the Norwegian Fishing Fleet has always been very difficult because there has been no tradition in making reports on all types of working accidents among fishermen, if the accident does not seem to be very serious or there is no economical incentive to report. Therefore reports are only written when the accidents are serious or if the fisherman is reported sick. Reports about an accident are sent to the insurance company, but another report should also be sent to the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD). Comparing of data from one former insurance company and NMD shows that the real numbers of injuries or serious accidents among Norwegian fishermen could be up to two times more than the numbers reported to NMD. Special analyses of 1690 accidents from the so called PUS-database (NMD) for the period 1998-2002, show that the calculated risk was 23.6 accidents per 1000 man-years. This is quite a high risk level, and most of the accidents in the fishing fleet were rather serious. The calculated risks are highest for fishermen on board the deep sea fleet of trawlers (28.6 accidents per 1000 man-years) and also on the deep sea fleet of purse seiners (28.9 accidents per 1000 man-years). Fatal accidents over a longer period of 51.5 years from 1955 to 2006 are also roughly analysed. These data from SINTEF's own database show that the numbers of fatal accidents have been decreasing over this long period, except for the two periods 1980-84 and 1990-94 where we had some casualties with total losses of larger vessels with the loss of most of the crew, but also many others typical work accidents on smaller vessels. The total numbers of registered Norwegian fishermen and also the numbers of man-years have been drastically reduced over the 51.5 years from 1955 to 2006. The risks of fatal accidents have been very steady over time at a high level, although there has been a marked risk reduction since 1990-94. For the last 8.5-year period of January 1998

  18. Lumby-Lavington air quality, 1975-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richardson, H.; Adams, S.R.; Bryan, J.E.


    Information is summarized on total suspended particulate levels and dustfall from 1975-1990 for the Lumby-Lavington area. Both total suspended particulate and dustfall levels were high relative to both other sites in the province and to provincial air quality objectives. The mean total suspended particulate level for 1983-1990 was 70 μg/m 3 compared to the provincial A standard level of 60 μg/m 3 . From 1975-1990, at 6 of the 7 dustfall samplers in the area, over 80% of the total dustfall measures exceeded the provincial A standard of 1.75 mg/m 2 /day. There was no demonstrable relationship between dustfall and mean monthly precipitation. Dustfall decreased with distance from a burner. Levels of combustible dustfall and total suspended particulates in the Lumby area are related, but there was no similar relationship between combustible dustfall in Lumby and suspended particulates in Vernon. There was a strong positive correlation between combustible dustfall measured at each of the Lumby samplers. There was no simple demonstrable relationship between dustfall and wind conditions. 8 refs., 20 figs., 6 tabs

  19. Bibliography of publications, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue is the bibliography of the publication by the staffs of the Radiation Effects Research Institute (RERF) in 1990. Titles in original and English language with author names are enumerated. Indexes by research areas and by author name are also attached. (J.P.N.) 126 refs

  20. A reação da elite política incumbente na abertura democrática brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo analisa um dos possíveis canais através dos quais as elites incumbentes alinhadas com a ditadura brasileira foram capazes de reter o seu poder político durante a democratização na década de 1980. Com base em dados do PNAD e resultados de eleições legislativas, verificamos primeiro que os eleitores analfabetos que viviam nos estados que foram dominados pelo partido de elite durante a ditadura tinham uma probabilidade maior de se registar para votar do que aqueles que viviam em outros estados. Investigamos então se esta correlação positiva representa uma reação das elites incumbentes a fim de manter o seu poder político através da manipulação do eleitor ou se representa uma reação destes eleitores, a fim de tirar o poder das oligarquias. Constatamos que, em estados dominados pelo partido de elite, os analfabetos apresentaram maior probabilidade de estarem politicamente desinteressados e desinformados. Nossos resultados sugerem que uma reação politicamente motivada a partir desta população é implausível.

  1. Os determinantes da avaliação da economia na eleição presidencial brasileira em 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Fernandes Veiga

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa os determinantes da avaliação econômica retrospectiva sociotrópica na eleição presidencial no Brasil em 2014, com base: a no conhecimento que o eleitor possui a partir de informação objetiva da economia; b no conhecimento que o eleitor possui a partir de sua experiência vivida/sensação de mobilidade social; c a sua afetividade partidária; d a sua identidade ideológica. Nossa contribuição foi mostrar que: a ter conhecimento/informação objetiva da economia não tem impacto na avaliação da economia; b o conhecimento advindo da experiência vivida, identificado aqui como sensação de mobilidade social, não impacta na avaliação da economia no sentido esperado – mais ascensão, mais tendência de avaliação positiva; c a afetividade partidária, por sua vez, demonstrou forte impacto na avaliação da economia. O artigo usa dados do CSES/Eseb – Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro.

  2. 3. quarter 2006 sales revenue; Chiffres d'affaires du 3. trimestre 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document presents the sales revenue of the 3. quarter 2006 for the Group AREVA. The sales revenues for the first nine months of 2006 are up by 8,1% to 7,556 millions euros; the nuclear operations are up by 5,2% reflecting strong performance in the front end division; the transmission and distribution division is up by 14%. (A.L.B.)

  3. Increasing educational disparities in premature adult mortality, Wisconsin, 1990-2000. (United States)

    Reither, Eric N; Peppard, Paul E; Remington, Patrick L; Kindig, David A


    Public health agencies have identified the elimination of health disparities as a major policy objective. The primary objective of this study is to assess changes in the association between education and premature adult mortality in Wisconsin, 1990-2000. Wisconsin death records (numerators) and US Census data (denominators) were compiled to estimate mortality rates among adults (25-64 years) in 1990 and 2000. Information on the educational status, sex, racial identification, and age of subjects was gathered from these sources. The effect of education on mortality rate ratios in 1990 and 2000 was assessed while adjusting for age, sex, and racial identification. Education exhibited a graded effect on mortality rates, which declined most among college graduates from 1990 to 2000. The relative rate of mortality among persons with less than a high school education compared to persons with a college degree increased from 2.4 to 3.1 from 1990-2000-an increase of 29%. Mortality disparities also increased, although to a lesser extent, among other educational groups. Despite renewed calls for the elimination of health disparities, evidence suggests that educational disparities in mortality increased from 1990 to 2000.

  4. The Geysers Geothermal Field Update1990/2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brophy, P.; Lippmann, M.; Dobson, P.F.; Poux, B.


    In this report, we have presented data in four sections: (1) THE GEYSERS HISTORICAL UPDATE 1990-2010 - A historical update of the primary developments at The Geysers between 1990 and 2010 which uses as its start point Section IIA of the Monograph - 'Historical Setting and History of Development' that included articles by James Koenig and Susan Hodgson. (2) THE GEYSERS COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE LIST 1990-2010 - In this section we present a rather complete list of technical articles and technical related to The Geysers that were issued during the period 1990-2010. The list was compiled from many sources including, but not limited to scientific journals and conference proceedings. While the list was prepared with care and considerable assistance from many geothermal colleagues, it is very possible that some papers could have been missed and we apologize to their authors in advance. The list was subdivided according to the following topics: (1) Field characterization; (2) Drilling; (3) Field development and management; (4) Induced seismicity; (5) Enhanced Geothermal Systems; (6) Power production and related issues; (7) Environment-related issues; and (8) Other topics. (3) GRC 2010 ANNUAL MEETING GEYSERS PAPERS - Included in this section are the papers presented at the GRC 2010 Annual Meeting that relate to The Geysers. (4) ADDITIONAL GEYSERS PAPERS 1990-2010 - Eighteen additional technical papers were included in this publication in order to give a broad background to the development at The Geysers after 1990. The articles issued during the 1990-2010 period were selected by colleagues considered knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. We forwarded the list of references given in Section 2 to them asking to send us with their selections with a preference, because of limited time, to focus on those papers that would not require lengthy copyright approval. We then chose the articles presented in this section with the purpose of providing the broadest possible

  5. O Brasil diz sim às armas de fogo: uma análise sobre o referendo do desarmamento


    Esteves, Eulícia


    O trabalho analisa o processo eleitoral do referendo sobre a proibição da comercialização de armas de fogo e munição no Brasil a partir das percepções e motivações dos eleitores. Tendo como fonte de pesquisa as cartas de leitores de três jornais de grande circulação no país, pretende identificar os principais valores, sentimentos e argumentos mencionados na justificação do voto. Para isso, apresenta algumas considerações sobre cultura política, cultura do medo, percepções da insegurança e da ...

  6. Public-supply water use in Kansas, 1990-2012 (United States)

    Kenny, Joan F.


    This fact sheet describes water-use data collection and quantities of surface water and groundwater diverted for public supply in Kansas for the years 1990 through 2012. Data used in this fact sheet are from the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Division of Water Resources and the Kansas Water Office. Water used for public supply represents about 10 percent of all reported water withdrawals in Kansas. Between 1990 and 2012, annual withdrawals for public supply ranged from a low of 121 billion gallons in 1993 to a high of 159 billion gallons in 2012. Differences in annual withdrawals were associated primarily with climatic fluctuations. Six suppliers distributed about one-half of the total water withdrawn for public supply, and nearly three-quarters of the surface water. Surface water represented between 52 and 61 percent of total annual withdrawals for public supply. The proportion of surface water obtained through contracts from Federal reservoirs increased from less than 5 percent in the 1990s to 8 percent in 2011 and 2012. More than 99 percent of the reported water withdrawn for public supply in Kansas in 2012 was metered, which was an increase from 92 percent in 1990. State population increased steadily from 2.5 million people in 1990 to 2.9 million in 2012. Recent estimates indicate that about 95 percent of the total population was served by public water supply; the remainder obtained water from other sources such as private wells. Average per capita water use as calculated for State conservation planning purposes varied by region of the State. The smallest regional average water use for the years 1990–2012 was 98 gallons per person per day in easternmost Kansas, and the largest regional average water use was 274 gallons per person per day in westernmost Kansas.

  7. PSI annual report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief overview is given of the research performed in 1990 at PSI Villigen in the fields of nuclear and particle physics, biosciences, condensed matter and material sciences, nuclear energy and general energy, including the research performed at PSI Zuerich. Selected projects are described in more detail. figs

  8. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, TX (1978-2006). (United States)

    Gaffney, Shannon H; Panko, Julie M; Unice, Ken M; Burns, Amanda M; Kreider, Marisa L; Gelatt, Richard H; Booher, Lindsay E; Paustenbach, Dennis J


    Although occupational benzene exposure of refinery workers has been studied for decades, no extensive analysis of historical industrial hygiene data has been performed focusing on airborne concentrations at specific refineries and tasks. This study characterizes benzene exposures at the ExxonMobil Baytown, TX, refinery from 1978 to 2006 to understand the variability in workers' exposures over time and during different job tasks. Exposures were grouped by operational status, job title, and tasks. More than 9000 industrial hygiene air samples were evaluated; approximately 4000 non-task (> 3 h) and 1000 task-related (work areas, and 16 task bins (when applicable). Process technicians were sampled most frequently, resulting in the following mean benzene concentrations by area: hydrofiner (n=245, mean=1.3 p.p.m.), oil movements (n=286, mean=0.23 p.p.m.), reformer (n=575, mean=0.10 p.p.m.), tank farm (n=9, mean=0.65 p.p.m.), waste treatment (n=446, mean=0.13 p.p.m.), and other areas (n=460, mean=0.062 p.p.m.). The most frequently sampled task was sample collection (n=218, mean=0.40 p.p.m.). Job title and area did not significantly impact task-related exposures. Airborne concentrations were significantly lower after 1990 than before 1990. Results of this task-focused study may be useful when analyzing benzene exposures at other refineries.

  9. Smoking trends among Filipino adults in California, 1990-2002. (United States)

    Romero, Romina A; Messer, Karen; West, Joshua H; White, Martha M; Trinidad, Dennis R


    Filipinos comprise about 18% of the Asian/Pacific Islander American (APIA) population and are increasing. Few studies have examined Filipino current smoking prevalence rates (CSPR) and none have described trends over time. Trends in CSPR were estimated for Filipinos and non-Hispanic whites (NHW) from 1990-2002 from the California Tobacco Surveys (N>42,000/year). CSPR for Filipino males declined: 23.7% (95% CI: 18.7, 28.7) in 1990 to 18.7% (15.3, 22.1) in 2002 (pFilipino women was non-significant (p=0.24), 9.8% (5.5, 14.1) in 1990 and 7.7% (5.3, 10.1) in 2002. During the same period, CSPR among NHW males declined: 24.4% (23.8, 25.0) in 1990 to 18.8% (18.1, 19.4) in 2002 (pFilipinos suggest that English language use is associated with current smoking among females (pFilipino current smokers declined similarly to male NHW from 1990-2002; female rates were lower but did not decline. Future smoking prevention and cessation programs would benefit by taking into account important differences in smoking rates between genders and age groups.

  10. Rising trends and inequalities in cesarean section rates in Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys, 1990-2013. (United States)

    Mumtaz, Sarwat; Bahk, Jinwook; Khang, Young-Ho


    Despite global efforts to improve maternal health, many developing countries including Pakistan have failed to achieve the target of a 75% reduction in maternal deaths by 2015. Addressing socioeconomic inequalities in access to emergency obstetric care is crucial for reducing the maternal mortality rate. This study was done to examine the time trends and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of cesarean section (C-section) in Pakistan during 1990-2013. We used data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS) conducted during 1990 to 2013. All these surveys are nationally representative surveys of ever-married women aged 15-49 years with a sample size of 6611, 10,023, and 13,558 women in 1990-1991, 2006-2007, and 2012-2013, respectively, with an overall response rate of over 90%. The unit of analysis for this study was women with their most recent live birth in the five years preceding the surveys. Bivariate analyses and multivariable logistic regression models were employed to investigate the prevalence of cesarean sections according to selected sociodemographic characteristics of women. C-section rates were found to have increased during this period, with an especially significant rise from 2.7% in 1990-1991 to 15.8% in 2012-2013 with lower utilization among the non-educated women (7.5%), compared with the women with higher education (40.3%). C-section rates ranged from 5.5% in the poorest women to 35.3% in the richest women. Only 11.5% of the rural women had a C-section compared to 25.6% of the urban women. A greater likelihood of having a cesarean section was observed in the richest, highly educated, and urban-living women while there was no significant difference observed in cesarean section rates between the private and public sectors in all three surveys. To improve maternal health, routine monitoring and evaluation of the provision of emergency obstetric services are needed to address the underuse of C-section in poor and rural areas and

  11. Rising trends and inequalities in cesarean section rates in Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys, 1990-2013.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarwat Mumtaz

    Full Text Available Despite global efforts to improve maternal health, many developing countries including Pakistan have failed to achieve the target of a 75% reduction in maternal deaths by 2015. Addressing socioeconomic inequalities in access to emergency obstetric care is crucial for reducing the maternal mortality rate. This study was done to examine the time trends and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of cesarean section (C-section in Pakistan during 1990-2013. We used data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS conducted during 1990 to 2013. All these surveys are nationally representative surveys of ever-married women aged 15-49 years with a sample size of 6611, 10,023, and 13,558 women in 1990-1991, 2006-2007, and 2012-2013, respectively, with an overall response rate of over 90%. The unit of analysis for this study was women with their most recent live birth in the five years preceding the surveys. Bivariate analyses and multivariable logistic regression models were employed to investigate the prevalence of cesarean sections according to selected sociodemographic characteristics of women. C-section rates were found to have increased during this period, with an especially significant rise from 2.7% in 1990-1991 to 15.8% in 2012-2013 with lower utilization among the non-educated women (7.5%, compared with the women with higher education (40.3%. C-section rates ranged from 5.5% in the poorest women to 35.3% in the richest women. Only 11.5% of the rural women had a C-section compared to 25.6% of the urban women. A greater likelihood of having a cesarean section was observed in the richest, highly educated, and urban-living women while there was no significant difference observed in cesarean section rates between the private and public sectors in all three surveys. To improve maternal health, routine monitoring and evaluation of the provision of emergency obstetric services are needed to address the underuse of C-section in poor and

  12. Housing Characteristics, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report on energy consumption in the residential sector covers the following topics: housing trends 1980--1990, new housing trends, availability and usage of natural gas by households, changes in appliance usage (refrigerators, entertainment appliances, cooking appliances, convenience appliances), age of major household appliances and equipment, household energy conservation activities, demand-side management programs, and a portrait of households using solar or wood as a source of energy

  13. Annual Site Environmental Report: 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nuckolls, H


    This report provides information about environmental programs during the calendar year (CY) of 2006 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Menlo Park, California. Activities that span the calendar year; i.e., stormwater monitoring covering the winter season of 2006/2007 (October 2006 through May 2007), are also included. Production of an annual site environmental report (ASER) is a requirement established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) for all management and operating (M and O) contractors throughout the DOE complex. SLAC is a federally-funded research and development center with Stanford University as the M and O contractor. SLAC continued to follow the path to self-declare an environmental management system under DOE Order 450.1, 'Environmental Protection Program' and effectively applied environmental management in meeting the site's integrated safety and environmental management system goals. For normal daily activities, all SLAC managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that proper procedures are followed so that Worker safety and health are protected; The environment is protected; and Compliance is ensured. Throughout 2006, SLAC focused on these activities through the SLAC management systems. These systems were also the way SLAC approached implementing 'greening of the government' initiatives such as Executive Order 13148. The management systems at SLAC are effective, supporting compliance with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. The SLAC Office of Assurance was created during 2006 in response to DOE Order 226.1. During 2006, there were no reportable releases to the environment from SLAC operations, and there were no Notice of Violations issued to SLAC from any of the regulatory agencies that oversee SLAC. In addition, many improvements in waste minimization, recycling, stormwater drain system, groundwater restoration, and SLAC's chemical management system (CMS) were continued during 2006 to better manage

  14. Forest statistics for Iowa, 1990. (United States)

    Gary J. Brand; John T. Walkowiak


    Reports results of the third inventory of Iowa that was completed in 1990. Highlights the results of the inventory and contains detailed tables of forest area, timber volume, growth, removals, mortality, and ownership.

  15. La mortalidad por suicidios: México 1990-2001 Mortality from suicides: Mexico, 1990-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Puentes-Rosas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la mortalidad por suicidios en México en 2001, así como los principales cambios en los métodos de suicidio y en la estructura por edades y sexos que se han presentado desde 1990, tanto a escala nacional como por entidad federativa. MÉTODOS: Para este estudio descriptivo se utilizaron como fuentes de informaci��n los registros oficiales de mortalidad del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática para el período de 1990 a 2001. Para calcular las tasas de mortalidad se usaron las poblaciones estimadas por el Consejo Nacional de Población en 2002. Se describieron la mortalidad por sexo, por grupo de edad y por entidad federativa, así como los cambios observados en el período de 1990­ 2001 en las tasas y los métodos de suicidio. Para estandarizar las tasas se empleó el método directo, y como estándar se tomaron los datos de población del año 2000. Las comparaciones estadísticas de las tendencias según el grupo de edad y el sexo se llevaron a cabo mediante una prueba de paralelismo utilizando el estadígrafo F. El nivel de significación estadística de las diferencias en los métodos de suicidio se determinó mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado. RESULTADOS: Durante el año 2001 se registraron 3 784 suicidios (3 110 de ellos en hombres y 674 en mujeres, lo que representa una tasa de 3,72 muertes por suicidios por cada 100 000 habitantes, en una población total nacional de 101,8 millones de habitantes. Los estados con mayor mortalidad por suicidios fueron Campeche y Tabasco (9,68 y 8,47 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente. Las menores tasas se observaron en Chiapas y el Estado de México (1,03 y 1,99 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente. En 2001, la mortalidad por suicidios por 100 000 habitantes fue de 6,14 en hombres y de 1,32 en mujeres. El mayor incremento por grupo de edad se observó en las mujeres de 11­19 años (de 0,8 en 1990 a 2,27 por 100 000 personas en 2001. En los

  16. Household energy and consumption and expenditures, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this supplement to the Household Energy Consumption and Expenditures 1990 report is to provide information on the use of energy in residential housing units, specifically at the four Census regions and nine Census division levels. This report includes household energy consumption, expenditures, and prices for natural gas, electricity, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and kerosene as well as household wood consumption. For national-level data, see the main report, Household Energy Consumption and Expenditures 1990

  17. Energy situation, January 2006; Conjoncture energetique, janvier 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The monthly energy situation analysis in France, at January 2006, is presented. Statistics are given for energy consumption, demand, import and export. A special attention is given to the primary energy, the solid fuels, the petroleum products, the natural gas and the electric power. (A.L.B.)

  18. Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Child Poverty in America, 1990-2010. (United States)

    Call, Maia A; Voss, Paul R


    The persistence of childhood poverty in the United States, a wealthy and developed country, continues to pose both an analytical dilemma and public policy challenge, despite many decades of research and remedial policy implementation. In this paper, our goals are twofold, though our primary focus is methodological. We attempt both to examine the relationship between space, time, and previously established factors correlated with childhood poverty at the county level in the continental United States as well as to provide an empirical case study to demonstrate an underutilized methodological approach. We analyze a spatially consistent dataset built from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Censuses, and the 2006-2010 American Community Survey. Our analytic approach includes cross-sectional spatial models to estimate the reproduction of poverty for each of the reference years as well as a fixed effects panel data model, to analyze change in child poverty over time. In addition, we estimate a full space-time interaction model, which adjusts for spatial and temporal variation in these data. These models reinforce our understanding of the strong regional persistence of childhood poverty in the U.S. over time and suggest that the factors impacting childhood poverty remain much the same today as they have in past decades.

  19. 29 CFR 1990.146 - Issues to be considered in the rulemaking. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Issues to be considered in the rulemaking. 1990.146 Section 1990.146 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION... CARCINOGENS Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens § 1990.146 Issues to be considered in the...

  20. Oil pipeline performance review, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper reviews the environmental performance of Canadian oil pipelines in spill prevention and control in 1990 and compares it with that in 1989. In 1990, in-service length of the systems reporting increased to 34,907 km. Traffic volume was 235 million m 3 . Failures dropped 16% from 1989 to 36. Equipment failures accounted for 47%, corrosion for 22% and operational error for 19% of the failures. Repair, damage and clean-up costs were considerably higher at $5,302,000, of which one external corrosion failure contributed $4,500,000. The average spill size was 130 m 3 with 72 m 3 recovered for a 55.4% recovery rate. No injuries resulted from the failures. An 11 year statistical summary of oil pipeline performance data is included. 3 figs., 5 tabs

  1. The world energy demand in 2006: Confirmed increase in energy consumptions in a context of soaring crude oil prices; but economic growth is twice faster - June, 10 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chateau, Bertrand


    Confirmed increase in energy consumptions in a context of soaring crude oil prices; but economic growth is twice faster. According to the latest estimates by Enerdata, The world energy demand growth remains sustained in 2006, but twice slower than the GDP's growth, probably due to high energy prices on the international market. Oil: The oil demand, very captive, confirms once again its low elasticity to prices. 71% of the world oil product demand is concentrated on transport and petro-chemical sectors (77% in Europe, +13 points since 1990; 89% in North America). Gas/Electricity: Gas demand growth in 2006 is driven by Asia and the CIS, obvious price effects in the European Union. The CIS regains its position in the world production growth (22% in 2006 against 13% in 2005 and 33% in 2004). The power generation growth is more and more dominated by China and other Asian countries. The world electricity demand increases in the same proportions as in 2005 and 2004: 4%/year. Coal: Coal accounts for half of the world increase in energy consumption in 2006. China still accounts for 72% of the coal consumption, India for 10%, the rest of Asia 8% the rest of the world 10%. (authors)

  2. Vedelgaasi kasutamine Eestis 2006. aastal / Sandor Tabo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tabo, Sandor


    Eesti vedelgaasiturg, müügikasv vedelgaasi kasutusviisi järgi. Diagramm: Vedelgaasi tarbimine Eestis 2001-2006. a. Tabel: Eesti vedelgaasiäriühingute peamised näitajad 2005-2006. a. Graafik: Vedelgaasi propaan hind maailmaturul 2002-2006. a.

  3. Incineration conference 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This book contains the proceedings of the 1990 incineration conference. The proceedings are organized under the following headings: Regulations- international comparison, Current trends in facility design, Oxygen enhancement, Metals, Off-gas treatment, Operating experience: transportable, Materials, Operating experience: R/A and mixed, Incineration of specific wastes, Medical waste management, Ash qualification, Ash solidification/ immobilization, Innovative technologies, Operating experience : medical waste, Instrumentation and monitoring, process control and modeling, Risk assessment/management, Operating considerations

  4. POWERNEXT futures statistics November 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the November 30, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for November 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from May 2005 or May 2006 to November 2006 (monthly volume in MW, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price in euros/MWh), base-load and peak-load price spreads and market liquidity in November 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability). (J.S.)

  5. POWERNEXT futures statistics September 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the September 30, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for September 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from April 2005 or March 2006 to September 2006 (monthly volume in MW, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price in euros/MWh), base-load and peak-load price spreads and market liquidity in September 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability). (J.S.)

  6. 1990 fuel cell seminar: Program and abstracts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This volume contains author prepared short resumes of the presentations at the 1990 Fuel Cell Seminar held November 25-28, 1990 in Phoenix, Arizona. Contained herein are 134 short descriptions organized into topic areas entitled An Environmental Overview, Transportation Applications, Technology Advancements for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Technology Advancements for Solid Fuel Cells, Component Technologies and Systems Analysis, Stationary Power Applications, Marine and Space Applications, Technology Advancements for Acid Type Fuel Cells, and Technology Advancement for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.

  7. NUKEM. Annual report 1990/91

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The tasks and activities of this enterprise of the German nuclear industry are reviewed. The financial statement for 1990/91 comprises a large number of financial data (balance steet, profit- and loss account, etc). (UA) [de

  8. Annual Report: Photovoltaic Subcontract Program FY 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Summers, K. A. [Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO (United States)


    This report summarizes the progress of the Photovoltaic (PV) Subcontract Program of the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) from October 1, 1989 through September 30, 1990. The PV Subcontract Program is responsible for managing the subcontracted portion of SERI's PV Advanced Research and Development Project. In fiscal year 1990, this included more than 54 subcontracts with a total annualized funding of approximately $11.9 million. Approximately two-thirds of the subcontracts were with universities at a total funding of nearly $3.3 million. The six technical sections of the report cover the main areas of the subcontract program: the Amorphous Silicon Research Project, Polycrystalline Thin Films, Crystalline Silicon Materials Research, High-Efficiency Concepts, the New Ideas Program, and the University Participation Program. Technical summaries of each of the subcontracted programs provide a discussion of approaches, major accomplishments in FY 1990, and future research directions. Another section introduces the PVMaT project and reports on its progress.

  9. Agricultural land cover changes in metropolitan areas of Poland for the period 1990–2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nalej Marta


    Full Text Available Agricultural land covers more than half the area of metropolitan areas in Poland, and is therefore particularly prone to the influences of the processes associated with their development. The aim of the study was to analyse changes in agricultural land cover within the metropolitan areas of Poland for the years 1990–2012; and to capture their dynamics, types and directions. The percentage share of the total study area, for each of the forms of agricultural land cover and their changes were traced, with the spatial distribution of the changes also being determined. The results of the study show that in metropolitan areas, agricultural land cover is undergoing transformations that do not result in the loss of agricultural lands, or that involve a decrease in surface area due to their change into anthropogenic forms of land cover. The greatest transitions occurred between 2000 and 2006 and were observed in the outer zones of metropolitan areas.

  10. Internet and political propaganda in Brazil: limits and possibilities Internet e Propaganda Política no Brasil: limites e possibilidades

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvia Iasulaitis


    Full Text Available This article intends to analyze the Internet’s democratic potential to revitalize the electoral debate inside the professionalized politic campaigns. The aim is to verify if the new political possibilities offered by the electronic net are being explored inside the Brazilian context. Therefore, a cyberspace comparative analysis takes place by the presidency candidates Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (PT and Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB, during the 2006 elections. Keywords: Internet. Electoral campaigns. Participation. Interactivity.Convergence. O propósito deste artigo é analisar o potencial democrático da Internet para revitalizar o debate eleitoral no contexto de campanhas políticas profissionalizadas. O intuito é verificar se as novas possibilidades políticas oferecidas pela rede eletrônica estão sendo exploradas no contexto brasileiro. Realiza-se, para tanto, uma análise comparativa do uso do ciberespaço pelos candidatos à presidência Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (PT e Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB durante as eleições de 2006. Palavras-chave: Internet. Campanhas eleitorais. Participação. Interatividade. Convergência.

  11. 2006. aasta arhitektuurikonkursid / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Toodud ka 2006. a. konkursside tulemused: Eesti Rahva Muuseumi uus hoone, Tartu Ida t. lastead, Kiviõli linnaväljak, Tartu Lutsu t. korterelamu fassaadilahendus, Paide spordihall, Pärnu piirivalvekordoni hoone, Tartu Rebase t. kortermajade kompleks, Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi juurdeehitus, Veneetsia X arhitektuuribiennaali Eesti kuraatorinäitus, betoonehitis 2005, Estonia Seltsi vana teatrimaja asukoha tähistamine, TTÜ uus raamatukogu, Maakri kvartali arhitektuurikonkursi I etapp, Viljandi Uku t. 1A Lidli kauplusehoone ja südalinna kvartali detailplaneering, Pärnu jõeäärse keskuse ideeplaneering, Karksi-Nuia keskväljak ja roheala, terasehitis 2006, Edela-Eesti loodus- ja keskkonnahariduskeskuse ehk ökomaja eskiisprojekt, puitehitis 2006

  12. PCaPAC 2006 Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavel Chevtsov; Matthew Bickley (Eds.)


    The 6-th international PCaPAC (Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls) workshop was held at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, from October 24-27, 2006. The main objectives of the conference were to discuss the most important issues of the use of PCs and modern IT technologies for controls of accelerators and to give scientists, engineers, and technicians a forum to exchange the ideas on control problems and their solutions. The workshop consisted of plenary sessions and poster sessions. No parallel sessions were held.Totally, more than seventy oral and poster presentations as well as tutorials were made during the conference, on the basis of which about fifty papers were submitted by the authors and included in this publication. This printed version of the PCaPAC 2006 Proceedings is published at Jefferson Lab according to the decision of the PCaPAC International Program Committee of October 26, 2006.

  13. Nature of Persecutors and Their Behaviors in the Delusions of Schizophrenia: Changes between the 1990s and the 2000s. (United States)

    Oh, Hyun Young; Kim, Daeho; Park, Yong-Chon


    Research suggests that the contents of delusions in schizophrenia are influenced by culture and social environment. However, few studies have investigated the chronological change of such delusions within a society. To investigate specifically the changes in the persecutory delusions of schizophrenia that have occurred over time, we compared the nature of the persecutors and their persecutory behaviors among inpatients with schizophrenia. All admissions to the psychiatric unit of Hanyang University Guri Hospital with discharge diagnoses of schizophrenia during two different five-year time frames (1996-2000 and 2006-2010) were reviewed. From their inpatient medical records, we investigated the descriptions of persecutors and their persecutory behaviors in the delusions of 124 patients (54 in the1990s and 72 in the 2000s). Overall, persecutory behaviors and nature of persecutors in the delusions of schizophrenia did not differ between the two time frames. However, subgroup analysis revealed that in women but not in men, rejection as a persecutory behavior was significantly higher in the 1990s (p<0.05). The ten-year time interval may be too short to find significant changes in delusional content in general. However, our additional finding in women may be a result of the tremendous change in status of Korean women during the last decade.

  14. Energy balances (1970 to 1990)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Annual statistical data on french energy economy are presented for 1990. Consumption evolution of the principal users (industry, residential, transport and agriculture) during the last 21 years is made energy by energy (coal, petroleum, gas, electricity and renewable energy)

  15. Annual Site Environmental Report: 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nuckolls, H.; /SLAC


    This report provides information about environmental programs during the calendar year (CY) of 2006 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Menlo Park, California. Activities that span the calendar year; i.e., stormwater monitoring covering the winter season of 2006/2007 (October 2006 through May 2007), are also included. Production of an annual site environmental report (ASER) is a requirement established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) for all management and operating (M&O) contractors throughout the DOE complex. SLAC is a federally-funded research and development center with Stanford University as the M&O contractor. SLAC continued to follow the path to self-declare an environmental management system under DOE Order 450.1, 'Environmental Protection Program' and effectively applied environmental management in meeting the site's integrated safety and environmental management system goals. For normal daily activities, all SLAC managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that proper procedures are followed so that Worker safety and health are protected; The environment is protected; and Compliance is ensured. Throughout 2006, SLAC focused on these activities through the SLAC management systems. These systems were also the way SLAC approached implementing 'greening of the government' initiatives such as Executive Order 13148. The management systems at SLAC are effective, supporting compliance with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. The SLAC Office of Assurance was created during 2006 in response to DOE Order 226.1. During 2006, there were no reportable releases to the environment from SLAC operations, and there were no Notice of Violations issued to SLAC from any of the regulatory agencies that oversee SLAC. In addition, many improvements in waste minimization, recycling, stormwater drain system, groundwater restoration, and SLAC's chemical management system (CMS) were continued during

  16. Reduction in childhood malnutrition in Vietnam from 1990 to 2004. (United States)

    Khan, Nguyen Cong; Tuyen, Le Danh; Ngoc, Tran Xuan; Duong, Phan Hoai; Khoi, Ha Huy


    Reduction in childhood malnutrition in Vietnam between 1990 and 2004 was assessed using data from 5 national surveys. The prevalence of malnutrition, including stunting, declined significantly for underweight from 45% in 1990 to 26.6% in 2004. While the average reduction was 1.3% per year in the period from 1990 to 2000, it was 1.8% per year in the period from 2000 to 2004. The prevalence of stunting declined from 56.5% in 1990 to 30.7% in 2004, with an average reduction of 2% per year in the period from 1990 to 2000 and 1.5% per year in the period from 2000 to 2004. There were clear differences in the decrease in malnutrition prevalence between urban, rural and mountainous areas, the reduction being highest in the urban regions and lowest in the mountainous areas. Regression analysis showed that the nutrition status of the child is positively related to better household living conditions and to the educational level of the father, but not the mother. Stunting is higher in children whose parents are farmers and higher in households with more children. Stunting prevalence is lower in households with safe water access and hygienic toilets. In future , the dramatic reduction is childhood malnutrition as seen in the period 1990 to 2004 might not continue. More comprehensive apptoaches will be needed to lower childhood malnutrition in Vietnam further.

  17. 1990-1991 activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1990-1991 activity report of LYON Nuclear Physics Institute is presented and includes the following topics: scientific and technical works in theoretical physics, high and intermediate energy nuclear physics, low and mean energy nuclear physics and multi-field physics (by means of AMPHORA multidetector, EUROGAM high performance gamma multidetector); theses, congress contributions and published papers

  18. Educational system, income inequality and growth: the median voter's decision

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joilson Dias


    Full Text Available I analyze a long run educational policy as a mechanism to close the income gap among low, median and high-income families. If the choice is made endogenous by the use of the median voter theorem, the results are as follow: i public education system guarantees income convergence, however the income growth rate of the median voter is smaller; ii the combination public and private (hybrid educational system allows faster income growth rate, but income inequality is almost the natural outcome. The ending result is that the combination public and private system will prevail, since the income growth rate of the median voter is higher in this system. This might explain the persistence and differences of income inequality among the economies.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a utilização da política educacional no longo prazo como mecanismo para a redução da desigualdade de renda entre famílias de renda baixa, mediana e alta. Se a decisão sobre a política for endogeneizada, de acordo com o teorema do eleitor mediano, os resultados são os seguintes: i o sistema educacional público para todos, apesar de garantir convergência de renda, produz uma menor taxa de crescimento da renda do eleitor mediano; ii a combinação público-privado (sistema educacional híbrido permite uma maior taxa de crescimento da renda do eleitor mediano, no entanto a desigualdade de renda é inerente a este sistema. Como resultado final, o eleitor mediano irá escolher o sistema público-privado, pois o crescimento da sua renda é maior, o que pode explicar a persistência e as diferenças na desigualdade de renda das economias.

  19. June 1990 Northern, Iran Images (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred in the Gilan Province between the towns of Rudbar and Manjil in northern Iran on Thursday, June 21, 1990 (June 20 at 21:00 GMT)....

  20. Progress Report Sustainable Energy 2006; Voortgangsrapportage Duurzame Daadkracht 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the title program it is described how the Netherlands will fulfil the agreements that were made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development. The program consists of an international and a national strategy. In this document an overview is given of the results so far. The focus is on administration, energy and biological diversity. [Dutch] Het Actieprogramma Duurzame Ontwikkeling, getiteld 'Duurzame Daadkracht' (2003), is de Nederlandse uitwerking van de afspraken die in 2002 op de World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg zijn gemaakt. In de voorliggende voortgangsrapportage over 2006 worden de vorderingen in het bereiken van de ambities van het rijk, zowel voor het nationale als het internationale deel, verder uitgediept. Daarbij is dit jaar gekozen voor een meer thematische benadering dan in voorgaande rapportages, mede naar aanleiding van het Algemeen Overleg van 4 oktober 2006 over de rapportage 2005. De thema's zijn bestuur, energie en biodiversiteit. In hoofdstuk 2 wordt een beschouwing gegeven over de aansturing van duurzame ontwikkeling, een thema dat in 2006 vooral in internationale bijeenkomsten veel aandacht kreeg. Hoofdstuk 3 belicht het thema duurzame energiehuishouding. In hoofdstuk 4 wordt het thema natuurlijke hulpbronnen en biodiversiteit nader bezien. Hoofdstuk 5 geeft informatie over een aantal relevante instrumenten, waaronder de internationale partnerschappen, innovatieprojecten en de peer review van het Nederlandse duurzaamheidsbeleid. Hoofdstuk 6 presenteert de voortgang in duurzaam inkopen bij de Rijksoverheid en illustreert aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden de wijze waarop vijf ministeries concreet invulling geven aan duurzame ontwikkeling binnen de eigen organisatie. De bijlage bevat een afkortingenregister.

  1. 1990 Nobel Prize for the 'discovery' of quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, G.N.


    The 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall and Richard E. Taylor for pioneering investigations of deep inelastic electron scattering off protons and neutrons, which played a crucial role in the development of quark model in particle physics. This paper is an attempt to present some background to the 1990 Nobel Prize and outlines the consequences of the experiments cited

  2. The Type II supernovae 2006V and 2006au: two SN 1987A-like events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taddia, F.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Sollerman, J.


    1987A. Methods. Optical and near-infrared (NIR) light curves, and optical spectroscopy of SNe 2006V and 2006au are presented. These observations are compared to those of SN 1987A, and are used to estimate properties of their progenitors. Results. Both objects exhibit a slow rise to maximum and light...

  3. Evolution of the U.S. energy service company industry: Market size and project performance from 1990–2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, Peter H.; Goldman, Charles A.; Satchwell, Andrew


    The U.S. energy service company (ESCO) industry is an example of a private sector business model where energy savings are delivered to customers primarily through the use of performance-based contracts. This study was conceived as a snapshot of the ESCO industry prior to the economic slowdown and the introduction of federal stimulus funding mandated by enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). This study utilizes two parallel analytic approaches to characterize ESCO industry and market trends in the U.S.: (1) a “top-down” approach involving a survey of individual ESCOs to estimate aggregate industry activity and (2) a “bottom-up” analysis of a database of ∼3250 projects (representing over $8B in project investment) that reports market trends including installed EE retrofit strategies, project installation costs and savings, project payback times, and benefit-cost ratios over time. Despite the onset of a severe economic recession, the U.S. ESCO industry managed to grow at about 7% per year between 2006 and 2008. ESCO industry revenues were about $4.1 billion in 2008 and ESCOs anticipate accelerated growth through 2011 (25% per year). We found that 2484 ESCO projects in our database generated ∼$4.0 billion ($2009) in net, direct economic benefits to their customers. We estimate that the ESCO project database includes about 20% of all U.S. ESCO market activity from 1990–2008. Assuming the net benefits per project are comparable for ESCO projects that are not included in the LBNL database, this would suggest that the ESCO industry has generated ∼$23 billion in net direct economic benefits for customers at projects installed between 1990 and 2008. There is empirical evidence confirming that the industry is evolving by installing more comprehensive and complex measures—including onsite generation and measures to address deferred maintenance—but this evolution has significant implications for customer project economics

  4. U.S. Energy Service Company Industry: Market Size and Project Performance from 1990-2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larsen, Peter; Goldman, Charles; Satchwell, Andrew


    The U.S. energy service company (ESCO) industry is an example of a private sector business model where energy savings are delivered to customers primarily through the use of performance-based contracts. This study was conceived as a snapshot of the ESCO industry prior to the economic slowdown and the introduction of federal stimulus funding mandated by enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). This study utilizes two parallel analytic approaches to characterize ESCO industry and market trends in the U.S.: (1) a ?top-down? approach involving a survey of individual ESCOs to estimate aggregate industry activity and (2) a ?bottom-up? analysis of a database of ~;;3,250 projects (representing over $8B in project investment) that reports market trends including installed EE retrofit strategies, project installation costs and savings, project payback times, and benefit-cost ratios over time. Despite the onset of a severe economic recession, the U.S. ESCO industry managed to grow at about 7percent per year between 2006 and 2008. ESCO industry revenues were about $4.1 billion in 2008 and ESCOs anticipate accelerated growth through 2011 (25percent per year). We found that 2,484 ESCO projects in our database generated ~;;$4.0 billion ($2009) in net, direct economic benefits to their customers. We estimate that the ESCO project database includes about 20percent of all U.S. ESCO market activity from 1990-2008. Assuming the net benefits per project are comparable for ESCO projects that are not included in the LBNL database, this would suggest that the ESCO industry has generated ~;;$23 billion in net direct economic benefits for customers at projects installed between 1990 and 2008. There is empirical evidence confirming that the industry is evolving by installing more comprehensive and complex measures?including onsite generation and measures to address deferred maintenance?but this evolution has significant implications for customer project

  5. ANDRA, 2006 activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The French national agency of radioactive waste management (ANDRA) was marked in 2006 by two outstanding events: the publication of the national inventory of radioactive wastes and valorisable materials, and the vote of the law from June 28, 2006 relative to the sustainable management of radioactive wastes and materials. This road-map law has an impact on ANDRA's activities for the coming years. This activity report presents several 2006 highlights of ANDRA's missions as well: the public service mission, the by-law about the effluents of the Aube plant for the storage of low-medium activity wastes, the building of the first 'double-cell' at the very-low activity waste storage plant of Aube, the research studies about the project of deep underground disposal of high-medium activity, long-living wastes, and the public information about ANDRA's technical and scientific know-how. The management and financial reports are attached in appendix. (J.S.)

  6. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 546, February 1990. Part 1 (prompt reports). data for January 1990, December 1989, and late data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    Contents include: detailed index for 1989-1990; data for January 1990--solar-terrestrial environment, IUWDS alert periods (advance and worldwide), solar activity indices, solar flares, solar radio emission, Stanford mean solar magnetic field; data for December 1989--solar-active regions, sudden ionospheric disturbances, solar radio spectral observations, cosmic-ray measurements by neutron monitor, geomagnetic indices; late data--cosmic-ray measurements by neutron monitor, reprint of halftone-page Kitt Peak solar magnetic field synoptic chart November 1989

  7. Powernext Day-AheadTM statistics - June 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the June 30, 2006 update of Powernext Day-Ahead TM statistics: daily traded volumes and base-load prices from November 2001 to June 2006, monthly overview from June 2005 to June 2006 (volumes and prices), weekly overview from March to June 2006 (volumes and prices), daily and hourly overview and market resilience for June 2006, power consumption in May and June 2006 (average consumption, average forecasted consumption and average price on Powernext Day-Ahead TM ), power consumption on the French hub from July 2005 to May 2006 and Powernext Day-Ahead TM prices, transfer capacities in June 2006 (auction results for France-Germany, France-Belgium, France-UK, France-Spain and France-Italy, and daily capacity allocation for France-Switzerland), temperature variations in France from January 2005 to June 2006 and base-load Powernext Day-Ahead TM prices, and balancing mechanism for April, May and June 2006 (half-hourly imbalance settlement prices). (J.S.)

  8. Daresbury 1990/91

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report highlights some of the diverse range of work engaged in at the Daresbury Laboratory of the United Kingdom Science and Engineering Research Council in 1990/91. It contains brief descriptions of the Laboratory's facilities and research programmes. These fall into three main areas; theory, computational science and computing; lower temperature nuclear physics using the Nuclear Structure Facility; and the development and application of the synchrotron radiation source. Separate appendices to the report cover these areas in greater detail. (UK)

  9. 29 CFR 1990.103 - Definitions. (United States)


    ...) IDENTIFICATION, CLASSIFICATION, AND REGULATION OF POTENTIAL OCCUPATIONAL CARCINOGENS General § 1990.103.... Commissioner of FDA means the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of... occupational carcinogen means any substance, or combination or mixture of substances, which causes an increased...

  10. 1990 waste tank inspection program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McNatt, F.G.


    Aqueous radioactive wastes from Savannah River Site separations processes are contained in large underground carbon steel tanks. Tank conditions are evaluated by inspection using periscopes, still photography, and video systems for visual imagery. Inspections made in 1990 are the subject of this report

  11. Australian Mining's product register 1990-91

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Australian Minings' Product Register 1990-91 contains an industry review, resource assessment, mineral industry statistics, directory of exploration and mining companies, buyers guide and directory of consultants.

  12. Program of research - 1990-1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1990-1991 Program of Research reflects the fundamental changes within the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) over the past three years as it has oriented itself towards being a more commercially driven organization, an organization responding to market demands and pressures. From July 1, 1990 several key projects have been linked together in the new Industrial Technology Program. The Program encompasses projects that have real potential to earn revenue for ANSTO and make measurable improvements in efficiency and productivity for Australian companies. The Isotope Technology project is researching and transferring to industry radioisotope technology for tracing the effectiveness of plant processes, the movement of materials within blast furnaces and leakages and outages in plant pipework. The two important newcomers are the Quality Technology Centre and the Safety and Reliability group. Details about project leaders, project titles and objectives are provided. ills

  13. Architecture of Brazil 1900-1990

    CERN Document Server

    Segawa, Hugo


    Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990 examines the processes that underpin modern Brazilian architecture under various influences and characterizes different understandings of modernity, evident in the chapter topics of this book. Accordingly, the author does not give overall preference to particular architects nor works, with the exception of a few specific works and architects, including Warchavchik, Niemeyer, Lucio Costa, and Vilanova Artigas. In summary, this book: Meticulously examines the controversies, achievements, and failures in constructing spaces, buildings, and cities in a dynamic country Gives a broad view of Brazilian architecture in the twentieth century Proposes a reinterpretation of the varied approaches of the modern movement up to the Second World War Analyzes ideological impacts of important Brazilian architects including Oscar Niemeyer, Lucio Costa and Vilanova Artigas Discusses work of expatriate architects in Brazil Features over 140 illustrations In Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990, S...

  14. Fondihaldurid 2006

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Investeerimisfondide LHV-Seesam Varahaldus, Hansa Investeerimisfondid, SEB Ühispanga Fondid, Trigon Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa Fond, Trigon Uus Euroopa Väikeettevõtete Fond, Trigon Teise Laine Fond, SEB Ühispanga Võlakirjafond ja LHV Kauplemismandaat juhid tutvustavad fondide tegevust 2005. aastal ja prognoosivad investeerimisvõimalusi oma piirkonnas aastal 2006

  15. NASA SBIR abstracts of 1990 phase 1 projects (United States)

    Schwenk, F. C.; Gilman, J. A.; Paige, J. B.


    The research objectives of the 280 projects placed under contract in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1990 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 program are described. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses in response to NASA's 1990 SBIR Phase 1 Program Solicitation. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 280, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. The document also includes Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference in the 1990 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA field center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number.

  16. List of publications 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    AECL Research is engaged in research and development related to the peaceful applications of nuclear energy. Specifically, the company's mission is to perform the research, development, demonstration and marketing required to apply nuclear sciences and their related technologies for the maximum benefit of Canada. Among our most important products are scientific reports, publications and conference presentations. This document lists our publications for 1990

  17. Statistical summary 1990-91

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The information contained in this statistical summary leaflet summarizes in bar charts or pie charts Nuclear Electric's performance in 1990-91 in the areas of finance, plant and plant operations, safety, commercial operations and manpower. It is intended that the information will provide a basis for comparison in future years. The leaflet also includes a summary of Nuclear Electric's environmental policy statement. (UK)

  18. Democracy and Plural Voting in John Stuart Mill’s Political Thought

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Átila Amaral Brilhante


    Full Text Available Este artigo é destinado a mostrar que a defesa do voto plural empreendida por John Stuart Mill não é compatível com as linhas gerais da sua concepção de democracia. Objetivando combater a tirania das massas, Mill propôs que os votos tivessem valores diferenciados de acordo com o padrão educacional dos cidadãos. Ele não percebeu, entretanto, que tal proposta desestimulava a participação da maioria do eleitorado na vida pública e estabelecia uma equivalência entre conhecimento político e expertise em assuntos de governo, o que, em certa medida, enfraquece as suas credenciais democráticas. Mill objetivou criar um equilíbrio de poder que possibilitasse aos eleitores de nível educacional mais elevado ter alguma influência no processo político, o que, segundo ele, não aconteceria se aos votos tivessem o mesmo valor.  O sistema plural de votação que ele propôs, entretanto, tendia a dar a impressão de que ele estava desrespeitando o eleitor comum e criando arbitrariamente uma aristocracia eleitoral.

  19. 3. quarter 2006 sales revenue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents the sales revenue of the 3. quarter 2006 for the Group AREVA. The sales revenues for the first nine months of 2006 are up by 8,1% to 7,556 millions euros; the nuclear operations are up by 5,2% reflecting strong performance in the front end division; the transmission and distribution division is up by 14%. (A.L.B.)

  20. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collabora- tion avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  1. MN Temperature Average (1961-1990) - Line (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — This data set depicts 30-year averages (1961-1990) of monthly and annual temperatures for Minnesota. Isolines and regions were created using kriging and...

  2. MN Temperature Average (1961-1990) - Polygon (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — This data set depicts 30-year averages (1961-1990) of monthly and annual temperatures for Minnesota. Isolines and regions were created using kriging and...

  3. 40. annual convention 1990 of the Austrian physical society

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Titles and abstracts of the 1990 Convention of the Austrian Physical Society, 17-21 September 1990 at Salzburg, Austria, are given. The topical sections are: 1. Atomic, Molecular- and Plasma Physics; 2. Solid State Physics; 3. Polymer Physics; 4. Nuclear- and Particle Physics; 5. Medical Physics and Biophysics. There are alltogether 193 contributions, 61 thereof of INIS interest

  4. Discursos cruzados: telenoticiários, HPEG e a construção da agenda eleitoral Cross-discourses: news programs on TV, free time for political propaganda on TV, and the construction of the electoral agenda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Felipe Miguel


    Full Text Available O Horário de Propaganda Eleitoral Gratuita (HPEG faculta aos candidatos um espaço de comunicação autônomo, em que suas mensagens não têm que passar pelo crivo dos grupos de mídia. O paper discute a eficácia do HPEG, em contraposição ao telejornalismo, e analisa a evolução da relação entre os dois nas quatro eleições presidenciais brasileiras do período pós-autoritário. Em 1989, os telenoticiários mostravam-se receptivos à agenda proposta pelos partidos em seus programas de TV, mas há um nítido fechamento nas eleições seguintes. Em 2002, os principais candidatos preferiram aderir à agenda e aos enquadramentos dominantes, reconhecendo a incapacidade do HPEG para alterar a pauta da mídia.The free time for political propaganda on TV gives candidates a space for autonomous communication in which their messages do not have to pass the scrutiny of media groups. This paper discusses the effectiveness of such free time on TV as opposed to TV journalism, and examines the development of the relationship between them in the four presidential elections in Brazil in the post-authoritarian period. In 1989, TV news programs welcomed the agenda put forward by candidates in their TV programs, but a closure is clear in the next elections. In 2002, the main candidates chose to join mainstream agenda and frameworks, acknowledging the inability of free TV time to change the media's agenda.

  5. Phenological behaviour of desert plants in response to temperature change: a case study from turpan eremophytes botanical garden, northwest china

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, S.; Linke, Y.; Borong, P.


    The phenology of three genera of desert plants (viz., Calligonum L., Haloxylon L., and Tamarix L.) was investigated in response to temperature changes in Turpan. Eremophytes Botanical Garden The temperature was raised gradually from 1977 to 2006, while the phenophases of Calligonum L., Haloxylon L., and Tamarix L. genera were slowly and insignificantly changed in the study area. Their phenophase were similar and did not change significantly over the duration of the study except the beginning of flowering of the average of the three genera from 1977 to 1990 and 1991 to 2006, respectively. The summed temperature of the first four months was the major factor that affected the spring and flowering phenophases of the respective genera. The bud of Calligonum species was expanded during 1977 to 1990 and 1991 to 2006, the flower-buds in Tamarix species appeared during 1977 to 2006, the fruit setting of Haloxylon species started 1990 to 2006 and leaf discoloration of Tamarix species appeared during 1977 to 1990. (author)

  6. Challenges and opportunities for the class of 1990: an industry perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burchill, W.E.


    The year 1990 presents a symbolic transition from the first era of commercial nuclear power in the United States to eras that will follow. The last commercial nuclear power plant order by a domestic utility was in 1978. Based on a domestic construction schedule shown historically to last as much as 12 yr, this would mean that construction of all plants currently on order would be completed by 1990. Furthermore, it is generally agreed that the next domestic order for a new nuclear power plant will occur during the decade of the 1990s. Thus, 1990 can be considered to be the conjunction of two major eras in the domestic application of nuclear energy

  7. Manda quem pode e obedece quem tem juízo? Uma reflexão antropológica sobre disputas e conflitos nos espaços públicos brasileiro e francês

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Reis Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste texto é contribuir para uma compreensão antropológica acerca do significado da categoria confl ito nos espaços públicos brasileiro e francês, buscando ressaltar de que modo os regimes de ação dos atores são acionados de acordo com as gramáticas ou sensibilidades jurídicas que informam as suas tomadas de posição, focalizando a maneira como as disputas são conduzidas pelos atores em interação. Toma-se como ponto de partida duas situações vivenciadas no Brasil e na França, com o propósito de contrastá-las. The aim of this paper is to contribute to an anthropological understanding regarding the meaning of conflict in Brazilian and French public domains, underlining the way in which the regimes of action adopted by the actors involved are driven by the legal grammars or sensibilities which determine their stances, focusing on the way such disputes are carried out by the interacting actors. Two situations in Brazil and France are taken as the starting point and duly contrasted.

  8. The 1990 peace dividend

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czeskleba-Dupont, Rolf

    expenditure, would have been sufficient to make the world safe against global warming. The energy procurement, chemicals and transport sectors, agriculture and other energy application systems could have been reconstructed ecologically and the debt burden of developing countries removed (Commoner 1990......, chapter 7). In the raison d' état of an anarchic world-system, it seems more 'secure' by violence to expropriate others of their natural resources....

  9. Site environmental report for 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brekke, D.D.


    This report describes the results of the Environmental Monitoring Program conducted at Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, in calendar year 1990. This program routinely monitors radioactive and chemical materials at the Sandia site and in the surrounding area. The Environmental Protection Division of SNL, Livermore, prepared this report in accordance with the requirements of Department of Energy Orders 5484.1 and 5400.1. It documents, evaluates, and interprets effluent and environmental monitoring data. These data are used to determine Sandia's compliance with environmental laws and regulations. Much of the off-site monitoring data presented in this report has been collected by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), which provides off-site environmental monitoring for both facilities. The Environmental Monitoring Program at SNL, Livermore, augments LLNL's program by performing on-site and perimeter monitoring, and by monitoring airborne and liquid effluents. Based on comparison to appropriate safety standards and background measurements, operations at SNL, Livermore, in 1990 posed no significant threat to Laboratory employees, the public, or the environment

  10. Imaginarios en disputa o sobre la territorialización de un conflicto urbano. El caso de “La Canchita de los Bomberos” (Mar del Plata, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Laura Canestraro


    Full Text Available Apenas transcurridos tres meses de la creación del “Programa Crédito Argentino del Bicentenario para la Vivienda Única Familiar”, el Municipio de General Pueyrredón anuncia las tierras disponibles para comprometer en su implementación; entre ellas, el predio conocido como “Canchita de los Bomberos” de la ciudad de Mar del Plata. Frente a ello, se conforma un grupo de vecinos autoconvocados en defensa de su utilización como espacio público-verde, llevando a cabo diversas estrategias cuyo objetivo es evitar la construcción de viviendas en esa zona. Paralelamente, otras personas manifiestan su parecer en relación a la ejecución del programa y desarrollan prácticas que cuestionan la legitimidad de las demandas sostenidas por aquellos vecinos. El propósito del artículo es analizar las formas de apropiación simbólica que se refuerzan y/o modifican en función de la disputa; lo que Melé (2003 llama “el proceso de territorialización del conflicto”. Se argumenta que, aunque se produce un choque de imaginarios (Hiernaux; 2008a, emerge un imaginario dominante que logra imponerse y legitimar el uso y disfrute del espacio a su favor.

  11. Sobre llovido, mojado: ahora los (neo populismos. Problematización desde la Norpatagonia Argentina. (NEUQUÉN 1960/2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Viviana Bertoglio


    Full Text Available A la controvertida y equívoca trayectoria conceptual del fenómeno populista se ha sumado la del (neo populismo, tanto para dar cuenta de experiencias políticas en la década de 1990, como para caracterizar en el presente modalidades de ejercicio del poder materializadas en diversos gobiernos latinoamericanos. En este marco, el objetivo del presente artículo es combinar algunas de estas conceptualizaciones y disputas teóricas con el examen empírico en un ámbito subnacional (Neuquén, norpatagonia argentina, hegemonizado -desde 1963- por el Movimiento Popular Neuquino (MPN. Este partido político ha sido evaluado por la bibliografía como un caso claro de populismo.

  12. Em direito a um futuro trans?: contribuição para a história do movimento de travestis e transexuais no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Carvalho

    Full Text Available Buscamos neste artigo reconstruir uma história do movimento social de travestis e transexuais no Brasil a partir dos relatos de suas lideranças. Partindo da emergência da "travesti" como categoria identitária, relatamos o surgimento das primeiras organizações, com destaque para suas conexões com as políticas de enfrentamento à epidemia da AIDS. Tratamos também de dois processos de disputa que foram cruciais para a configuração do movimento no Brasil: a luta pela inclusão de travestis no emergente movimento homossexual dos anos 1980-1990, e o embate mais recente em torno dos sentidos e dos usos das categorias "travesti" e "transexual".

  13. CERN Technical Training 2006: Introduction à Dreamweaver MX (26-27 juillet 2006)

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN Enseignement technique 2006: Introduction à Dreamweaver MX (26-27 juillet 2006) Learning for the LHC! Une nouvelle session du cours pratique Introduction à Dreamweaver MX est proposée à l'ensemble du personnel par le service de l'Enseignement technique. Cette session aura lieu en français mercredi 26 et jeudi 27 juillet 2006. Objectifs: Maîtriser les différentes fonctions de base de Dreamweaver MX pour créer et gérer des pages ou des sites web. Programme: L'interface Dreamweaver MX. Images, couleurs et fonds. Ajouter des liens. Présenter des données en tables. Utiliser les tables pour la mise en page. L'Interface mise en page. L'image réactive. Les tags META et les moteurs de recherche. Les formulaires. Les éléments dynamiques. Boutons dynamiques. Boutons flash et texte. La barre de navigation. Les styles HTML. Feuilles de style. Positionnement par couches. Gestion du site. Révision générale et évaluation. Durée: 2 jours. Coût estimé: entre 750.- et 350.- CHF par personne, se...

  14. Oceanographic conditions in the NEMO region during the KM3NeT project (April 2006-May 2009)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sparnocchia, Stefania; Pietro Gasparini, Gian; Schroeder, Katrin; Borghini, Mireno


    An intense observational activity was conducted in the NEMO region, western Ionian Sea, 40 nm south-east of Capo Passero (Sicily), in the framework of the KM3NeT project. Several oceanographic cruises were performed from 2006 to 2009 and current measurements carried out. The new data describe the present status of the deep layer and its evolution after the occurrence of a notable change that affected the Eastern Mediterranean water masses and circulation during the 1990's. In particular, they evidence the presence of a newly formed water mass in the abyssal layer of the Ionian Sea, coming likely from the Adriatic. Deep currents in the region are quite energetic, as already known, and highly variable both spatially and in strength. They are organized in a cyclonic circuit, with a prevalent north-west direction corresponding to the NEMO site.

  15. ISEA2006 Kalifornias

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    San Jose rahvusvahelisel kunstifestivalil ZeroOne koos elektroonilise kunsti sümpoosioniga ISEA2006 esindas Eestit Mare Tralla projektiga "Kõigi rahvaste sõprus". Mare Tralla jätkab doktoriõppes Westminsteri Ülikoolis

  16. Technical progress report. Private sector initiatives between the United States and Japan. January 1990 - December 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    OAK A271 This annual report for calendar year 1990 describes the efforts performed under the Private Sector Initiatives contract. The report also describes those efforts that have continued with private funding after being initiated under this contract

  17. Terasehitis 2006

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Teraskonstruktsiooniühing kuulutas välja konkursi "Terasehitis 2006" võitjad. Tervikobjekti auhinna sai Tartu spordimaja A. Le Coq Sport (arhitekt Eero Palm); insenerliku lahenduse ja teostuse auhinna pälvisid Riga Arena hokihalli katusekonstruktsioonid ning arhitektuurse idee auhind läks Eesti Panga galeriile (arhitektuuribüroo Urbanmark). Kalju Looritsa kommentaarid

  18. Trends and risk factors for childhood diarrhea in sub-Saharan countries (1990-2013): assessing the neighborhood inequalities. (United States)

    Bado, Aristide R; Susuman, A Sathiya; Nebie, Eric I


    Diarrheal diseases are a major cause of child mortality and one of the main causes of medical consultation for children in sub-Saharan countries. This paper attempts to determine the risk factors and neighborhood inequalities of diarrheal morbidity among under-5 children in selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1990-2013. Data used come from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) waves conducted in Burkina Faso (1992-93, 1998-99, 2003, and 2010), Mali (1995, 2001, 2016, and 2012), Nigeria (1990, 1999, 2003, 2008, and 2013), and Niger (1992, 1998, 2006, and 2012). Bivariate analysis was performed to assess the association between the dependent variable and each of the independent variables. Multilevel logistic regression modelling was used to determine the fixed and random effects of the risk factors associated with diarrheal morbidity. The findings showed that the proportion of diarrheal morbidity among under-5 children varied considerably across the cohorts of birth from 10 to 35%. There were large variations in the proportion of diarrheal morbidity across countries. The proportions of diarrheal morbidity were higher in Niger compared with Burkina Faso, Mali, and Nigeria. The risk factors of diarrheal morbidity varied from one country to another, but the main factors included the child's age, size of the child at birth, the quality of the main floor material, mother's education and her occupation, type of toilet, and place of residence. The analysis shows an increasing trend of diarrheal inequalities according to DHS rounds. In Burkina Faso, the value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.04 for 1993 DHS and 0.09 in 2010 DHS; in Mali, the ICC increased from 0.04 in 1995 to 0.16 in 2012; in Nigeria, the ICC increased from 0.13 in 1990 to 0.19 in 2013; and in Niger, the ICC increased from 0.07 in 1992 to 0.11 in 2012. This suggests the need to fight against diarrheal diseases on both the local and community levels across villages.

  19. French electric power balance sheet 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derdevet, Michel; Usatorre, Karine de


    The mission of RTE, the French electricity Transportation grid, a public service assignment, is to balance the electricity supply and demand in real time. This report presents RTE's technical results for the year 2006: key figures of the electricity balance sheet, RTE's public utility commitments, efficient market mechanisms and free flow of trades, lessons learnt from the power breakdown of November 4, 2006. The evolution of RTE's infrastructures and production means, the contract with Gaz de France for the improvement of Brittany's security of supply, and the results of RTE's 2006 satisfaction survey are presented in appendixes

  20. Powernext FuturesTM statistics. Jun 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the June 30, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for June 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from January 2006 to June 2006 (monthly volume in MW, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price of the upcoming delivery period), and market liquidity in June 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability for base-load and peak-load contracts). (J.S.)

  1. Surveillance van meticilline resistente Staphylococcus aureus in Nederland in 1990

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenay HME; van Leeuwen WJ; van Klingeren B; Rost JA; Schot CS


    Follow-up studies on the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Dutch hospitals were continued in 1990. The number of MRSA-isolates in 1990 compared to 1989 is approximately the same. Phage-type pattern and antibiogram were determined for 168 MRSA-isolates from 42

  2. ¿Selección positiva o negativa? Inserción de la migración interna y el desplazamiento forzado en el mercado laboral urbano de Colombia, 2001-2006


    Silva, Adriana Carolina; Guataquí, Juan Carlos


    Resumen Se analizan los determinantes socioeconómicos de la inserción laboral de migrantes recientes y de desplazados forzados en las diez principales ciudades de Colombia utilizando información de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares (2001-2006). Se adapta el marco teórico de selección del migrante internacional de Borjas (1982, 1985, 1987, 1990) a los casos de migración interna voluntaria o involuntaria. Además, mediante la estimación de un modelo Logit para conocer la propensión a ocuparse y de...

  3. Characterization of pigeon paramyxoviruses (Newcastle disease virus) isolated in South Africa from 2001 to 2006. (United States)

    Abolnik, C; Gerdes, G H; Kitching, J; Swanepoel, S; Romito, M; Bisschop, S P R


    Pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1), a variant of Newcastle disease virus that primarily affects doves and pigeons has been isolated in South Africa since the mid-1980s. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 viruses were introduced into South Africa on multiple occasions, based on the presence of two separate lineages, 4bi and 4bii, that have been circulating in Europe and the Far East since the early 1990s. During 2006, a PPMV-1 virus was isolated from an African ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) which became acutely infected with PPMV-1 and died, probably after scavenging off infected dove carcasses in the region, since a closely-related PPMV-1 strain was also isolated from doves collected nearby. The hornbill isolate had ICPI and MDT values characteristic of PPMV-1 strains. The threat of PPMV-1 to poultry production and biodiversity in southern Africa highlights the importance of monitoring the spread of this strain.

  4. Characterization of pigeon paramyxoviruses (Newcastle disease virus isolated in South Africa from 2001 to 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Abolnik


    Full Text Available Pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1, a variant of Newcastle disease virus that primarily affects doves and pigeons has been isolated in South Africa since the mid-1980s. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 viruses were introduced in to South Africa on multiple occasions, based on the presence of two separate lineages, 4bi and 4bii, that have been circulating in Europe and the Far East since the early 1990s. During 2006, a PPMV-1 virus was isolated from an African ground hornbil(l Bucorvus leadbeateri which becamea cutely infected with PPMV-1 and died, probably after scavenging off infected dove carcasses in the region, since a closely-related PPMV-1 strain was also isolated from doves collected nearby. The hornbill isolate had lCPl and MDT values characteristic of PPMV-1s trains. The threat of PPMV-1 to poultry production and biodiversity in southern Africa highlights the importance of monitoring the spread of this strain.

  5. PIRLS 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mejding, Jan; Rønberg, Louise

    PIRLS 2006 er en international komparativ undersøgelse om læsekompetence i 4. klasse. Elever fra 40 lande og provinser over hele verden deltog i undersøgelsen. Det er første gang siden 1991, at danske elever på mellemtrinnet har deltaget i en international undersøgelse af læsekompetence. Dengang ...

  6. Population aging, macroeconomic changes, and global diabetes prevalence, 1990-2008. (United States)

    Sudharsanan, Nikkil; Ali, Mohammed K; Mehta, Neil K; Narayan, K M Venkat


    Diabetes is an important contributor to global morbidity and mortality. The contributions of population aging and macroeconomic changes to the growth in diabetes prevalence over the past 20 years are unclear. We used cross-sectional data on age- and sex-specific counts of people with diabetes by country, national population estimates, and country-specific macroeconomic variables for the years 1990, 2000, and 2008. Decomposition analysis was performed to quantify the contribution of population aging to the change in global diabetes prevalence between 1990 and 2008. Next, age-standardization was used to estimate the contribution of age composition to differences in diabetes prevalence between high-income (HIC) and low-to-middle-income countries (LMICs). Finally, we used non-parametric correlation and multivariate first-difference regression estimates to examine the relationship between macroeconomic changes and the change in diabetes prevalence between 1990 and 2008. Globally, diabetes prevalence grew by two percentage points between 1990 (7.4 %) and 2008 (9.4 %). Population aging was responsible for 19 % of the growth, with 81 % attributable to increases in the age-specific prevalences. In both LMICs and HICs, about half the growth in age-specific prevalences was from increasing levels of diabetes between ages 45-65 (51 % in HICs and 46 % in LMICs). After age-standardization, the difference in the prevalence of diabetes between LMICs and HICs was larger (1.9 % point difference in 1990; 1.5 % point difference in 2008). We found no evidence that macroeconomic changes were associated with the growth in diabetes prevalence. Population aging explains a minority of the recent growth in global diabetes prevalence. The increase in global diabetes between 1990 and 2008 was primarily due to an increase in the prevalence of diabetes at ages 45-65. We do not find evidence that basic indicators of economic growth, development, globalization, or urbanization were related

  7. Powernext futures statistics - March 31, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the March 31, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for March 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from October 2005 to March 2006 (daily volume in lots, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price of the upcoming delivery period, base-load and peak-load price spreads), and market liquidity in March 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability). (J.S.)

  8. Powernext futures statistics - January 31, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the January 31, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for January 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from August 2005 to January 2006 (daily volume in lots, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price of the upcoming delivery period, base-load and peak-load price spreads), and market liquidity in January 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability). (J.S.)

  9. Activity report of Reactor Physics Division : 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohanakrishnan, P.


    The major Research and Development and Project activities carried out during the year 1990 in Reactor Physics Division are presented in the form of summaries in this report. The various activities are organised under the following areas : (1) Nuclear Data Evaluation, Processing and Validation, (2) Core Physics and Analysis, (3) Reactor Kinetics and Safety Analysis, (4) Noise Analysis, and (5) Radiation Transport and Shielding. FBTR was restarted in July 1990 and the power was raised upto 500 kW. A number of low power physics experiments on reactivity coefficients, kinetics and noise, neutron flux and gamma dose in B cells, were performed, which are discussed in this report. (author). figs., tabs

  10. 2006 nuclear power world report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    At the turn of 2006/2007, 437 nuclear power plants were available for energy supply, or were being commissioned, in 31 countries of the world. This is seven plants less than at the turn of 2005/2006. The aggregate gross power of the plants amounted to approx. 389.5 GWe, the aggregate net power, to 370.5 GWe. This indicates a slight decrease of gross power by some 0.15 GWe compared to the level the year before, while the available net power increased, also slightly, by approx. 0.2 GWe. The Tarapur 3 nuclear generating unit in India, a D 2 O PWR of 540 MWe gross power, was newly commissioned. In 2006, 8 nuclear power plants in Europe (4 in the United Kingdom, 2 in Bulgaria, 1 each in the Slovak Republic and in Spain) discontinued power operation for good. 29 nuclear generating units, i.e. 6 plants more than at the end of 2005, were under construction in late 2006 in 9 countries with an aggregate gross power of approx. 25.5 GWe. Worldwide, some 40 new nuclear power plants are in the concrete project design, planning, and licensing phases; in some of these cases, contracts have already been signed. Net electricity generation in nuclear power plants worldwide in 2006 achieved another top ranking level of approx. 2,660 billion kWh (2005: approx. 2,750 billion kWh). Since the first generation of electricity in a nuclear power plant in the EBR-1 fast breeder (USA) on December 20, 1951, cumulated gross production has reached approx. 56,875 billion kWh, and operating experience has grown to some 12,399 reactor years. (orig.)

  11. 2006 statistical data of the French gas industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document makes a synthesis of the 2006 results of the annual inquiry about the French natural gas industry: 1 - organization of the French gas market (production, transport, methane terminals, storage facilities, distribution, commercialization, main steps of the opening of the gas market in France); 2 - the 2006 gas year (consumption, imports, production, stockpiles); 3 - results of the 2006 inquiry: infrastructures (storage capacities, pipelines and distribution network), production (evolution of natural gas and industrial gases production, uses), transport (inputs and outputs, geographical origin of inputs in 2005 and 2006, raw imports evolution since 1973), storage (evolution of stockpiles variation), natural gas supplies (sectoral uses), supplies by region and by sector in 2006, consumption by sector; 4 - power generation by gas cogeneration in 2005 (plants characteristics, classification, cogeneration status (in TWh), regional distribution of plants); 5 - 2006 monthly changes (inputs, net imports, consumption and useful stockpile, consumption and net imports); 6 - international comparisons (gas share in the overall energy consumption, consumption per user, evolution of main sectors of consumption in some European countries since 1973); 7 - appendixes: French transportation network, main gas roads in Europe, European gas fluxes, 2006 energy status, gas statuses during the past three years. (J.S.)

  12. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006

    - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium, Bât 593 Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collaboration avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  13. Official holidays in 2006 and end-of-year closure 2006/2007

    CERN Multimedia


    (Application of Articles R II 4.33 and R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations) Official holidays in 2006 (in addition to the end-of-year holidays) : Friday, 14th April (Good Friday) Monday, 17th April (Easter Monday) Monday,1st May Thursday, 25th May (Ascension Day) Monday, 5th June (Whit Monday) Thursday, 7th September ('Jeûne genevois') Annual closure of the site of the Organization during the Christmas holidays and day of special leave granted by the Director-General : The Laboratory will be closed from Saturday, 23rd December 2006 to Sunday, 7th January 2007 inclusive (without deduction of annual leave). The first working day in the New Year will be Monday, 8th January 2007. Human Resources Department Tel. 74128

  14. Antenas de telefonia celular no Brasil contemporâneo: uma avaliação das disputas judiciais entre entidades estatais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Veronese


    Full Text Available Propósito – O artigo analisa conflitos judiciais na regulação de telecomunicações e do meio-ambiente, relacionados com a infraestrutura de telefonia móvel no Brasil contemporâneo com o objetivo de demonstrar como aqui se desenrolou o mesmo processo havido em países do exterior. Metodologia/abordagem/design – A pesquisa realizada possui traços de comparação com análise qualitativa. Ela justapõe uma descrição do fenômeno na literatura internacional com casos judiciais brasileiros e o seu sistema de processamento para demonstrar que as disputas nacionais têm sido empreendidas por entes estatais e não por grupos sociais organizados. Resultados – A conclusão do trabalho está cingida à percepção de que a questão dos riscos dos celulares e seu impacto na vida social brasileira acabam por não atrair a ação social, seja por meio de associações, seja por meio de um debate público, sendo a luta capturada, conforme diagnosticado pela teoria da judicialização da política no Brasil (Werneck Vianna et alli, 1999, por agentes estatais e entidades públicas. Implicações práticas – O texto ilumina um fenômeno pouco estudado no Brasil que possui implicações para as políticas públicas de infraestrutura em telecomunicações e outras áreas, bem como impacto no desenvolvimento nacional pelos custos de licenciamente e de medidas de precaução técnica. Originalidade/relevância do texto – O trabalho preenhche um espaço na literatura nacional, que não costuma apreciar questões jurídicas e técnicas em interface com a sociologia e as demais ciências sociais.

  15. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2006 is reported. The structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  16. Accelerator/Experiment operations - FY 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brice, S.; Conrad, J.; Denisov, D.; Ginther, G.; Holmes, S.; James, C.; Lee, W.; Louis, W.; Moore, C.; Plunkett, R.; Raja, R.; /Fermilab


    This Technical Memorandum (TM) summarizes the Fermilab accelerator and experiment operations for FY 2006. It is one of a series of annual publications intended to gather information in one place. In this case, the information concerns the FY 2006 Run II at the Tevatron Collider, the MiniBooNE experiments running in the Booster Neutrino Beam in neutrino and antineutrino modes, MINOS using the Main Injector Neutrino Beam (NuMI), and SY 120 activities.

  17. INIS Progress and Activity Report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Highlights of INIS Activities 2006: INIS, the International Nuclear Information System, is an established nuclear information resource operated by the IAEA on behalf of its Members. Its primary mission is to foster an open information exchange for the scientific benefit of its Members. In 2006, four new members joined INIS: the Central African Republic, Namibia, Luxembourg, and the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC). This brings the total number of INIS members to 140. 2006 saw a significant increase in the support provided to INIS Member States through the IAEA Technical Co-operation Department. INIS Database: With the successful completion of volume 37 of the INIS Bibliographic Database, a total of 122 412 records were added in 2006, which is the best result in INIS history and corresponds to a 100% increase compared to 1999 when INIS started the Computer-Assistance-Indexing (CAI) project. This very impressive result was achieved with the competent work of the INIS team and in cooperation with Member States. The total number of records in the INIS Database has reached 2 778 427. INIS NCL Collection: In 2006, the electronic full-text of 14 610 NCL documents were processed and added to the INIS NCL collection and a total of 47 NCL CDs were produced and distributed to designated Document Delivery Centres in INIS Member States.

  18. INIS Progress and Activity Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Highlights of INIS Activities 2006: INIS, the International Nuclear Information System, is an established nuclear information resource operated by the IAEA on behalf of its Members. Its primary mission is to foster an open information exchange for the scientific benefit of its Members. In 2006, four new members joined INIS: the Central African Republic, Namibia, Luxembourg, and the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC). This brings the total number of INIS members to 140. 2006 saw a significant increase in the support provided to INIS Member States through the IAEA Technical Co-operation Department. INIS Database: With the successful completion of volume 37 of the INIS Bibliographic Database, a total of 122 412 records were added in 2006, which is the best result in INIS history and corresponds to a 100% increase compared to 1999 when INIS started the Computer-Assistance-Indexing (CAI) project. This very impressive result was achieved with the competent work of the INIS team and in cooperation with Member States. The total number of records in the INIS Database has reached 2 778 427. INIS NCL Collection: In 2006, the electronic full-text of 14 610 NCL documents were processed and added to the INIS NCL collection and a total of 47 NCL CDs were produced and distributed to designated Document Delivery Centres in INIS Member States

  19. Ontario Hydro statistical yearbook 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ontario Hydro was created in 1906 by a special statute of the Province of Ontario. It is a financially self-sustaining corporation without share capital. The yearbook is a compilation of financial data detailed by financial statements and sales and revenue figures for the year 1990. It is broken down by municipalities served in Ontario

  20. Annual bulletin of market 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This bulletin deals with the brazilian electric power consumption in 1990 containing data about the total consumption, the growth rates, the special tariffs, and the monthly evolution in each brazilian region. The economic indexes of industrial production, the market and the prices of electric power and petroleum products are also presented. (C.G.C)

  1. ENS 1990: the president's report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dievoet, J. van.


    In his annual report for 1990 the ENS president addressed the following topics: leadership and finances, ENS becomes pan-european, ENC '90, ENS's new program 'renaissance of nuclear energy', Helsinki outreach, 'Nucleus', PIME '91, info committee, topical meetings, students, Nuclear Europe Worldscan, pact with science journals, international meetings, supporting members and finally gratitude and friendship

  2. Ontario Hydro statistical yearbook 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ontario Hydro was created in 1906 by a special statute of the Province of Ontario. It is a financially self-sustaining corporation without share capital. The yearbook is a compilation of financial data detailed by financial statements and sales and revenue figures for the year 1990. It is broken down by municipalities served in Ontario.

  3. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1990, October 1, 1989--September 30, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heiken, J.; Minahan, M.


    This report describes some of the major research and development programs of the Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division during FY 1990. The report includes articles on weapons chemistry, environmental chemistry, actinide and transition metal chemistry, geochemistry, nuclear structure and reactions, biochemistry and nuclear medicine, materials chemistry, and INC Division facilities and laboratories

  4. 34 CFR 200.6 - Inclusion of all students. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inclusion of all students. 200.6 Section 200.6... Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Standards and Assessments § 200.6 Inclusion of all...— (A) For each student with a disability, as defined under section 602(3) of the IDEA, appropriate...

  5. GeNF - Experimental report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pranzas, P.K.; Schreyer, A.; Willumeit, R.


    At the Geesthacht Neutron Facility GeNF about 212 experiments were performed in 2006 by GKSS and by or for external users, partners or contractors. In most cases the measurements were performed and analysed in cooperation by the guests and by the GKSS staff or by the permanent external user group staff. The activities, which are based on a proposal procedure and on the in house R and D program, are reported in 71 contributions in the present annual experimental report for the year 2006. The contributions may contain one or also several combined experiments. During 2006 the GKSS research reactor FRG-1 achieved an operation time of 197 days at the full 5 MW reactor power providing a neutron flux of ca. 1.4 x 10 14 thermal neutrons/cm 2 s. The cold neutron source was available during the complete operation time. The focus of the in house R and D work at GeNF instruments was the characterisation of nanostructures in engineering materials, the analysis of stresses and textures in welds and technical structures at ARES-2, TEX-2, DCD and SANS-2, the structural investigation of hydrogen containing substances such as polymers, colloids and biological macromolecules at SANS-1 as well as the characterisation of magnetic thin films at PNR, NeRo, POLDI and ROeDI. The thoroughly upgraded residual stress diffractomer ARES-2 went in full operation in spring 2006 as well as the new neutron tomography device at GENRA-3. The installation of modern experiment control hardware and software based on LabView was completed on all designated instruments. In the appendices I and II the experimental reports of REFSANS at FRM II are attached as well as of the GKSS outstation HARWI-II at DESY. Both instruments started full operation in 2006. (orig.)

  6. GeNF - Experimental report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pranzas, P K; Schreyer, A; Willumeit, R [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. of Materials Research


    At the Geesthacht Neutron Facility GeNF about 212 experiments were performed in 2006 by GKSS and by or for external users, partners or contractors. In most cases the measurements were performed and analysed in cooperation by the guests and by the GKSS staff or by the permanent external user group staff. The activities, which are based on a proposal procedure and on the in house R and D program, are reported in 71 contributions in the present annual experimental report for the year 2006. The contributions may contain one or also several combined experiments. During 2006 the GKSS research reactor FRG-1 achieved an operation time of 197 days at the full 5 MW reactor power providing a neutron flux of ca. 1.4 x 10{sup 14} thermal neutrons/cm{sup 2}s. The cold neutron source was available during the complete operation time. The focus of the in house R and D work at GeNF instruments was the characterisation of nanostructures in engineering materials, the analysis of stresses and textures in welds and technical structures at ARES-2, TEX-2, DCD and SANS-2, the structural investigation of hydrogen containing substances such as polymers, colloids and biological macromolecules at SANS-1 as well as the characterisation of magnetic thin films at PNR, NeRo, POLDI and ROeDI. The thoroughly upgraded residual stress diffractomer ARES-2 went in full operation in spring 2006 as well as the new neutron tomography device at GENRA-3. The installation of modern experiment control hardware and software based on LabView was completed on all designated instruments. In the appendices I and II the experimental reports of REFSANS at FRM II are attached as well as of the GKSS outstation HARWI-II at DESY. Both instruments started full operation in 2006. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ridwan Malik


    Full Text Available During the period before fiscal year 1996197, there were several activities have been done relate to national health financing such as data collection, analyses, research, and report in Indonesia. The activities was done without coordination by many agencies, it were conducted by National Institute of Health Research and Development-MOH (NIHRD, Bureau of Planning, Bureau of Finance-MOH, Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS, Universities, beside by International Agencies (World Bank, WHO, UNDP etc. The data and report document was an-uniform base on the objective of the activities. Since year 2001 have been established National Health Account Team which under coordination by Bureau of Finance-MOH. The task of the team is to collect national data on health finance, to analyze it and make a report for National and International purposes. It is expected in the future the health financing data and report will be uniform. Regarding In the year 2002 it was conducted the activities of Trend Analyses of Health Sector included the health financing as one of the subsystem of the health system. It has been completely analyzed the health financing and expenditures in the period between year 1990 to year 2000. The methods to collect and analyses of the data were base on existing secondary data. The sources of data to be analyzed are: (1 the data which collected by NHA team: (2 the research report has been published; (3 conducted a new research; (4 recounting by estimation method if the data was not available. The important results as follows: In the period between years 1990 to year 2000 the national health expenditure in nominal price was increased 10 times from Rp3,442,041 million in year 1990 to Rp35,416,959 million in year 2000. However, by using the fixed price the increasing will much lowest. Unfortunately analyses by using the fixed price was not conducted at this report due the fixed price in the period of 1990 to 2000 still in the process of data

  8. Gênero, performance eleitoral e perfis


    Resende, Roberta Carnelos


    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a participação das mulheres na Assembléia Legislativa do Paraná a partir da implementação da política de cotas de gênero, bem como verificar os perfis diferenciais dos candidatos e sua relação com a eleição. Para tanto, construímos um banco de dados com 1378 observações, a partir de dados do TSE, que representa cada uma das candidaturas. Foram elaboradas variáveis que compõem os perfis social, econômico e político dos candidatos. Os métodos utiliza...

  9. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Volume 27 Number 3, Summer 1990 (United States)


    spatial neglect. and use of micro - and concludes with Solution Implementation and Verifica- computers in therapy. The inevitable unevenness in qual- tion...Neurophysiol 30(1):41-45. 1990. 24. Voluntary Control of Submaximal Grip Strength. Contact: Martin J. Segura. MD. Servicio de Neurologia. Niebuhr BR. Marion R...September 10-L, 1990 Trieste. Italy MICRO SYSTEMS 1990, Berlin, Germany Contact: ICTP, Conference on Application of Physics in Contact: MESAGO. Messe

  10. Testando a hipótese de ciclos eleitorais racionais nas eleições dos municípios paulistas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Naruhiko Sakurai


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é, seguindo o raciocínio presente em Rogoff & Sibert (1988 e em Rogoff (1990, procurar evidências de ciclos orçamentários racionais nos municípios paulistas, entre os anos de 1989 a 2001, por meio de econometria de dados em painel e de modelos de variável dependente binária (probit e logit. Os resultados apresentam evidências de impulsos positivos em anos eleitorais na despesa orçamentária das unidades selecionadas, e embora o resultado obtido para 2000 seja diferente dos obtidos para 1992 e 1996, em ne-nhum dos casos são obtidas evidências de racionalidade dos eleitores, nos moldes previstos pela teoria dos ciclos eleitorais racionais.The purpose of this paper is, considering the theoretical approach proposed by Rogoff & Si-bert (1988 and Rogoff (1990, to attempt to find out evidences of rational budget cycles in São Paulo state municipalities, between 1989 and 2001, by using panel data and binary dependent variable (probit and logit econometric models. Evidences of positive expenditure impulses in electoral years were found for those unities and, although the results for 2000 are different from the results obtained for 1992 and 1996, there is no acceptance of the hypothesis of voters' rationality in the way predicted by the rational opportunistic cycle theory.

  11. CERN Technical Training 2006: Software and System Technologies Curriculum - Scheduled

    CERN Multimedia


    Course Sessions (October 2006-March 2007) The Software and System Technologies Curriculum of the CERN Technical Training Programme offers comprehensive training in C++, Java, Perl, Python, XML, OO programming, JCOP/PVSS, database design and Oracle. In the PERL, C++, OO and Java course series there are some places available on the following course sessions, currently scheduled until March 2007: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: 17-19 October 2006 (3 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications: 19-20 October 2006 (2 days) JAVA - Level 1: 30 October -1 November 2006 (3 days) PERL 5 - Advanced Aspects: 2 November 2006 (1 day) C++ Programming Part 1 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Design and Programming: 14-16 November 2006 (3 days) JAVA - Level 2: 4-7 December 2006 (4 days) C++ Programming Part 2 - Advanced C++ and its Traps and Pitfalls: 12-15 December 2006 (4 days) JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans: 18-20 December 2006 (3 days) C++ for Particle Physicists:...

  12. 2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    1. General The Director-General has now fixed the guidelines and schedule for the 2006 annual advancement review in the framework of the Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme (MAPS). Procedures are set out in Administrative Circular 26 (Rev. 6). All decisions will be made by 1 July 2006. These now include career path changes for staff in Career Paths A to D. Departments are invited to comply strictly with the target date for the completion of the annual interviews which this year has been fixed at 15 March 2006. Group Leader evaluations are expected to be finalized by 13 April 2006. Exceptions due to particular circumstances (e.g. long-term absences) must be documented. The annual appraisal report should be completed using the electronic version in the EDH system. 2. Budget guidelines Within the annual advancement budget, the guideline allocations have been defined by the Director-General on a departmental basis for staff in Career Paths A to E and on a CERN-wide basis for staff in Career Paths F and ...

  13. 2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    1. General The Director-General has now fixed the guidelines and schedule for the 2006 annual advancement review in the framework of the Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme (MAPS). Procedures are set out in Administrative Circular 26 (Rev. 6). All decisions will be made by 1 July 2006. These now include career path changes for staff in Career Paths A to D. Departments are invited to comply strictly with the target date for the completion of the annual interviews which this year has been fixed at 15 March 2006. Group Leader evaluations are expected to be finalized by 13 April 2006. Exceptions due to particular circumstances (e.g. long-term absences) must be documented. The annual appraisal report should be completed using the electronic version in the EDH system. 2. Budget guidelines Within the annual advancement budget, the guideline allocations have been defined by the Director-General on a departmental basis for staff in Career Paths A to E and on a CERN-wide basis for staff in Career Paths F and G...

  14. Teleseismic analysis of the 1990 and 1991 earthquakes near Potenza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Ekstrom


    Full Text Available Analysis of the available teleseismic data for two moderate earthquakes near the town of Potenza in the Southern Apennines shows that both involve strike-slip faulting on a plane oriented approximately east-west. Only the larger, 5 May 1990, earthquake is sufficiently large for analysis by conventional teleseismic waveform inversion methods, and is seen to consist of a foreshock followed 11 seconds later by the main release of moment. The focal mechanism and seismic moment of the 26 May 1991 earthquake is determined by quantitative comparison of its 15-60 s period surface waves with those generated by the 5 May 1990 event. The focal mechanisms for the two events are found to be very similar. The 1991 earthquake has a scalar moment that is approximately 18% that of the 1990 mainshock. Comparison of higher frequency P waves for the two events, recorded at regional distance, shows that the ratio of trace amplitudes is smaller than the ratio of scalar moments, suggesting that the stress drop for the 1991 event is distinctly smaller than for the 1990 mainshock.

  15. Directors' report and accounts 1990-1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Director's Report and accounts for Scottish Hydro-Electric PLC are presented for the period 1990-91. Details are given of the accounting policies, profit and loss account, balance sheet, source and application of funds and abridged current cost information. (UK)

  16. Annual report and balance 2006; Memoria y balance 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A summary of the research, development, services and production activities of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina is given as well as details of management resources together with the evolution of the budget. The activities of the CNEA related companies during 2006 are also outlined. A special mention is made of the activities of the three CNEA educational and training institutes.

  17. 2006, a year of strong headwind; 2006 war ein Jahr mit viel Gegenwind

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuermann, H.J. [Handelsblatt, Duesseldorf (Germany)


    2006 was a 'hot' year: The image of the power industry suffered as a result of monopolistic practices and excessive profits. Politicians and consumers also state that investments in the development of new capacities and in an environment-friendly infrastructure are kept at allow level in order to maintain a situation of relative supply shortage, which is favourable to the high price level. There are calls for more rigid control and regulation of the energy market. Even more than former years, 2006 showed that the energy problem is an international challenge. The review of the year therefore focuses on the internationalisation of the energy market. (orig.)

  18. OCRWM's evolving strategic planning process and the 1990 plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sprecher, W.M.; Munro, J.F.; Champagne, D.L.


    In 1990, the Secretary of Energy (Secretary Watkins) ordered that all 23 of the Department's major organizations adopt systems of strategic planning. This paper explains the strategic planning process being adopted by one of those organizations, the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM). Secretary Watkins also ordered a much-abbreviated planning cycle for 1990 to produce the first set of plans in September. That first plan for OCRWM is also discussed here

  19. Biotechnology Industry, 2006 (United States)


    for commercial or other purposes. Because it is a process resting on the understanding of genetics, proteomics , and life science, biotechnology has...Luhnow & Samor, 2006). Novel biotechnologies could bring down the costs of making ethanol. Iogen Corporation has genetically modified a fungus to

  20. Forest science in the South - 2006 (United States)

    Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service


    Welcome to the Southern Research Station's 2006 Forest Science in the South. Our summary highlights key accomplishments and activities from this past fiscal year, October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006.This was a dynamic year for the Station! We recently realigned our 28 research work units (RWUs) into 15 RWUs grouped under five science areas –...

  1. Effects of restructuring of the Polish hard coal industry in 1990-2004; Efekty restrukturyzacji polskiego gornictwa wegla kamiennego w latach 1990-2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olszowski, J. [Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Poland)


    During the period 1990 to 2003 Poland thoroughly restructured its hard coal industry. It reduced production by 77 million tons and employment by 279300; average output was increased from a single longwall by 2046.1 ton/day, and total productivity by 1,741 kg/ms. The balance of liabilities and recoverables was reduced to 6,208.8 million Zl. The article describes the reform of the hard coal industry, in two phases, 1990-1997 and 1998-2003. 11 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.

  2. Políticas do desperdício e assimetria entre público e privado na indústria automobilística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arbix Glauco


    Full Text Available Nos anos de 1990, a disputa entre Estados e municípios por novos investimentos no setor automotivo atingiu grande intensidade. Poucos Estados resistiram à tentação de oferecer vultuosos incentivos às montadoras esperando recompensa na forma de empregos, tecnologia e aumento de impostos. A competição ganhou o nome de guerra fiscal, por estar baseada no jogo com a receita e a arrecadação futura do ICMS. Ao longo do tempo, os mecanismos utilizados para atrair novos investimentos foram se tornando mais sofisticados e dificilmente serão completamente extintos por uma eventual reforma fiscal sem que a relação entre os Estados seja reconfigurada politicamente. Exatamente por isso, a questão de fundo atualizada pela guerra fiscal possui uma dimensão nacional que toca nos alicerces de nossa sociedade ao sugerir a busca de um novo equilíbrio entre cooperação e conflito na Federação brasileira. Nossa hipótese central é que essa disputa, no formato atual, representa grande desperdício de recursos públicos, tanto para os governos estaduais quanto para o país como um todo. As regras do jogo, as armas e o território da guerra fiscal favorecem, em primeira instância, as grandes montadoras que, de fato, comandam as negociações.

  3. VUEZ. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief account of activities carried out by the Vyskumny ustav energetickych zariadeni, a.s. (VUEZ) in 2006 is presented. These activities are reported under the headings: (1) Introductory address by the Chairman of the Board of Directors; (2) Company profile; (3) Organisational structure; (4) Portfolio of products and services in 2006; (5) Quality management system; (6) Human resources; (7) Financial statements and auditor's report; (8) Auditor's certificate; (9) Basic and contact data. The year 2006 was a year of changes in the Slovak energy sector what, in a certain degree, became evident also in the related sphere of supplies. In the course of the year, Slovenske elektrarne a.s. Company was divided into two entities and its proprietary structure was changed. At the same time, the number of capital investment projects was reduced and the related procedure of procurement was changed. VUEZ, as a supplier to the energy sector, had to promptly respond to the changes. That was why in the first half of 2006, the organisational structure of VUEZ was modified. In the course of the year, also the structure of customers on the domestic market was partly changed. To stable partners such as Slovenske elektrarne (and its successors after the company splitting), another important partner was added - Vodohospodarska vystavba s.p. Bratislava. As to Slovenske elektrarne, our supplies were oriented mainly on nuclear reactor units in the Jaslovske Bohunice and Mochovce NPPs. At the end of the year, a joint convention was agreed and concluded on application of the results of the joint research at third parties. In the preparation for the decommissioning of the Jaslovske Bohunice V1 NPP, VUEZ continued its participation in on-going projects of an international consortium of companies. Similarly important were the customers such as CEZ a.s., Czech Republic (in particular its Dukovany NPP), and the Paks NPP (Hungary)

  4. Closing Rocky Flats by 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuor, N. R.; Schubert, A. L.


    Safely accelerating the closure of Rocky Flats to 2006 is a goal shared by many: the State of Colorado, the communities surrounding the site, the U.S. Congress, the Department of Energy, Kaiser-Hill and its team of subcontractors, the site's employees, and taxpayers across the country. On June 30, 2000, Kaiser-Hill (KH) submitted to the Department of Energy (DOE), KH's plan to achieve closure of Rocky Flats by December 15, 2006, for a remaining cost of $3.96 billion (February 1, 2000, to December 15, 2006). The Closure Project Baseline (CPB) is the detailed project plan for accomplishing this ambitious closure goal. This paper will provide a status report on the progress being made toward the closure goal. This paper will: provide a summary of the closure contract completion criteria; give the current cost and schedule variance of the project and the status of key activities; detail important accomplishments of the past year; and discuss the challenges ahead

  5. Annual Statistical Supplement, 2006 (United States)

    Social Security Administration — The Annual Statistical Supplement, 2006 includes the most comprehensive data available on the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. More than...

  6. E-learning Nordic 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Sanya Gertsen


    E-learning Nordic 2006 er den første fællesnordiske undersøgelse, som specifikt fokuserer på effekten af it i uddannelsessektoren. Studiet er gennemført i Finland, Sverige, Norge og Danmark og mere end 8000 personer (elever, lærere, forældre og skoleledere i grundskoler og på de gymnasiale...... ungdomsuddannelser) har deltaget. Dette studie giver en række svar på centrale spørgsmål såsom: Hvad har vi fået ud af satsningen på it i uddannelsessektoren indtil nu? Og hvilke udfordringer inden for uddannelsessektoren står de nordiske lande foran i en globaliseret verden? E-learning Nordic 2006 er designet og...

  7. Prevalence of obesity in Italian adolescents: does the use of different growth charts make the difference? (United States)

    De Carli, Luca; Spada, Elena; Milani, Silvano; Ganzit, Gian Pasquale; Ghizzoni, Lucia; Raia, Melissa; Coscia, Alessandra; Bertino, Enrico; Bo, Simona


    Since populations are becoming increasingly multi-ethnic, the use of local or international charts is a matter of debate. This study aimed to evaluate how the choice of cut-off thresholds affected prevalence of underweight (UW), overweight (OW), obesity (OB) in 1200 11-12-year Italian adolescents, and how their somatic growth depended on parental origin. The height, weight and body mass index were expressed as standard deviation score (SDS) using Italian (ISPED-2006) and UK (UK-1990) charts. The classification of UW/OW/OB was computed with the IOTF international cut-offs, and thresholds were identified as centiles corresponding to BMI values of 18.5/25.0/30.0 kg/m 2 at 18-year in ISPED-2006 or UK-1990 references. About 30% participants had non-Italian parents, above all from North-Africa and Romania. Referring to the UK-1990 charts, all groups showed negative mean SDS for height, and positive SDS for weight and BMI. Referring to the ISPED-2006 charts, all mean SDS were negative. Percentage of UW individuals was higher in accordance with ISPED-2006 than with UK-1990 charts, whereas percentages of OW/OB were higher with UK-1990 than ISPED-2006 charts. The results obtained using IOFT cut-offs were similar to UK-1990 cut-offs. These results were due to the different shape of age-dependent cut-off centiles. Independently by the parental origin, the percentages of adolescents classified as OW/OB were closer to the expected values using the ISPED-2006 then the UK-1990 cut-offs. The results suggested the use of the Italian references for adolescents with immigrant parents. The use of local charts seems more appropriate at least in Italian adolescents in the age range studied.

  8. «Huarpes no tan huarpes» y «hombres modernos»: interpelaciones étnicas y disputas por las últimas tierras irrigadas en Mendoza (Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leticia Saldi


    Full Text Available A través de un estudio etnográfico en la periferia del oasis de riego más importante del centro-oeste argentino, se analiza la intervención de persistentes representaciones étnico-raciales y ambientales en la delimitación de áreas irrigadas y de grupos sociales que ostentan la tenencia del agua y la tierra. Los grupos situados a uno y otro lado de los últimos canales de riego son interpelados desde paradigmas modernistas que vinculan a la tenencia del agua, la propiedad privada y la producción vitivinícola con la herencia europea y la idea de progreso, mientras que lo no irrigado, la tenencia comunitaria de la tierra y el pastoreo trashumante se asocia a la descendencia indígena huarpe y a la idea de atraso o involución. Debido a la presencia de dos espacios y grupos socio-culturales supuestamente autónomos, opuestos y separados por los últimos canales de riego es que se los conceptualiza como frontera hídrica. Esta, a pesar de ser considerada como natural y fija, es por el contrario artificial y dinámica, producto de luchas sociales y simbólicas por el agua y por la obtención de legitimidad como grupo socio-cultural capaz de obtenerla y controlarla. Asimismo se resaltan la presencia no solo de actores liminales, ni huarpes ni de origen europeo, sino también de alianzas que pueden llevar a la reconfiguración de espacios irrigados y de grupos socioculturales capaces de dar batalla en las disputas por los recursos naturales.

  9. O desafio da participação popular na construção e implementação da Política Estadual de Habitação de Interesse Social do estado da Bahia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Nogueira Vieira Lima


    Full Text Available A evidência da crise de legitimação do modelo hegemônico de democracia que reduz o exercício do poder político à esfera estatal e ao desenho eleitoral impulsionou uma reflexão sobre a democracia na contemporaneidade. Partindo da crítica à democracia representativa, o texto busca contribuir para a reflexão sobre os limites e possibilidades do exercício da democracia participativa. Inicialmente apresenta os arranjos institucionais e práticas democráticas no Brasil, com foco nas políticas urbanas. Na parte subsequente, é feito um balanço do processo de construção da Política Estadual de Habitação de Interesse Social (Pehis do estado da Bahia, no período 2006-11, apontando as ambiguidades e obstáculos da participação popular na sua construção e implementação.

  10. Kerk, staat en politieke modelle in ‘Kerk en Samelewing -1990

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. J. Strauss


    Full Text Available Church, state and political models in ‘Church and Society - 1990’ In this article the author looks into motives and trends surrounding the viewpoints of the document ‘Church and Society - 1990’ with regard to the relationship between both the church and the state and the church and practical political models in South Africa. This document of the 1990 General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church - traditionally labelled as a significant pro-apartheid church - is the sequel to a statement by a previous Synod four years earlier. The main finding is that ‘Church and Society - 1990’ tends to give a Scriptural basis to current political tendencies and thinking in South African government circles.

  11. Premaximum observations of the type Ia SN 1990N

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leibundgut, B.; Kirshner, R.P.; Filippenko, A.V.; Shields, J.C.; Foltz, C.B.; Phillips, M.M.; Sonneborn, G.


    Spectroscopic and photometric observations of SN 1990N were obtained at ultraviolet and optical wavelengths, beginning 14 days before maximum light. The early observations reveal important differences from spectra of SN Ia's around maximum light. Photometry and spectroscopy obtained after maximum show that SN 1990N is a typical SN Ia and that most of the observed differences are due to the early epoch of the observations. The most significant characteristics are (1) the high velocities of Ca and Si up to 22,000 km/s; (2) the presence of Co and Fe 2 weeks before maximum; and (3) the more rapid increase in the UV flux compared to the optical. The most popular models for white dwarf deflagration that have provided the standard interpretation for SN Ia's at maximum light do not reproduce the high velocities of Ca II and Si II lines observed in SN 1990N. 37 refs

  12. INDAG newsletter, No. 6, September 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The current issue presents information about the following: recent activities in Nuclear desalination in Member States - The eighth meeting of the International Nuclear Desalination Advisory Group (INDAG), held from 6 to 8 February 2006 at the VIC, Vienna; an overview of El- Dabaa RO experimental facility; coupling of LTMED with KANUPP, Pakistan; highlights of ongoing and future activities of the IAEA (2005-2006)

  13. ENEL Slovenske elektrarne. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief account of activities carried out by the ENEL Slovenske elektrarne, a.s. (SE) in 2006 year is presented. These activities are reported under the following headings: (1) Evaluation Report and Foreword of the Chairman of the Board of Directors; (2) SE, a.s., Board of Directors in 2006; (3) SE, a.s., Supervisory Board in 2006; (4) The year in brief; (5) SE, a.s., Organisation Structure; (6) Company stakes; (7) Company strategy; (8) Electricity and heat generation; (9) Trade in electricity, support services and heat; (10) Investments; (11) Nuclear safety; (12) Occupational health and safety and fi re protection; (13) Environment; (14) Human resources; (15) Report on Financial Statements and Performance of the Company; (16) Auditor's report; (17) Abbreviations

  14. 1990 No. 1918. The Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (Repeal and Modifications) Regulations 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These Regulations entered into force on 31 October 1990. They repeal part of Section (1) of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 to remove the exemption of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) from licensing under the Act. The Regulations also amend the 1965 Act to ensure that the UKAEA's duties in respect of the safety of premises it occupies will continue to apply whether or not a nuclear site licence has been granted. (NEA) [fr

  15. IMD riikide rahvusvahelise konkurentsivõime aastaraamat 2006 / L Kuum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuum, L


    Ilmunud ka: Konjunktuur : Quarterly Review of the Estonian Economy 2006/Aug nr. 2 lk. 49-51.Lausanne'is asuva Juhtimise Arendamise Instituudi (IMD) poolt koostatud riikide rahvusvahelise konkurentsivõime 2006. aasta edetabel. Eesti positsioonist 2006. aasta edetabelis. Tabelid. Graafikud

  16. Pela educação lutaremos o bom combate: a instrução operária como um campo de disputas entre católicos e anarquistas na primeira república brasileira - For education will fight the good combat: the workers' education as a field of disputes between catholic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Bilhão, Brasil


    Full Text Available Neste artigo aborda-se o contexto de transformações sócio-educacionais ocorridas ao longo da Primeira República brasileira, quando o crescimento urbano-industrial e o aumento da força organizativa e numérica do operariado começou a se fazer sentir, ensejando o crescimento de disputas de diferentes grupos em torno da educação dos trabalhadores. Observam-se as polêmicas travadas entre integrantes do clero católico e militantes anarquistas pela adesão operária às suas concepções educativas.Palavras-chave: movimento operário, educação, polêmicas, anarquismo, catolicismo. FOR EDUCATION WILL FIGHT THE GOOD COMBAT: THE WORKERS' EDUCATION AS A FIELD OF DISPUTES BETWEEN CATHOLICS AND ANARCHISTS IN THE FIRST BRAZILIAN REPUBLICAbstractThe article addresses the context of social and educational changes that occurred along the Brazilian First Republic, in which urban-industrial growth and increased the organizational and numerical strength of the workers began to be noticeable, increasing disputes of the distinct groups around the workers education. Will observe the polemics between members of the catholic clergy and anarchist militants by the adhesion of the working class to their educational conceptions.Key-words: labour movement, education, polemics, anarchism, catholicism.       POR LA EDUCACIÓN LUCHAREMOS EL BUEN COMBATE: LA INSTRUCCIÓN DE LOS TRABAJADORES COMO UN CAMPO DE DISPUTAS ENTRE LOS CATÓLICOS Y LOS ANARQUISTAS EN LA PRIMERA REPÚBLICA DE BRASILResumenEl artículo aborda el contexto de transformaciones socio educacionales ocurridas a lo largo de la Primera República en Brasil, en el cual el crecimiento urbano-industrial y el aumento de la fuerza organizativa y numérica de los obreros empezaba a ser sentida, intensificando las disputas de distintos grupos alrededor de la educación de los trabajadores. Se observan las polémicas trabadas entre miembros del clero católico y militantes anarquistas por la adhesi

  17. Chart of the nuclides - Strasbourg 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antony, M.S.


    Data were compiled for a nuclide chart over the last two years. The compilation is complete to the end of September 1990. The chart includes about 30000 data. Decay modes are represented by colours. Announcement capabilities and prices are given. (G.P.) 3 refs

  18. Forest mapping and change analysis, using satellite imagery in Zagros mountain Iran, Islamic Republic o

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torahi, A.A.


    A methodology to map and monitor land cover change using multi temporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and ASTER data in Zagros mountains of Iran for 1990, 1998, and 2006 was developed. Land- use/cover mapping is achieved through interpretation of Landsat TM satellite images of 1990, 1998 and TERRA-ASTER image of 2006 using ENVI 4.3. Basedon the Anderson land-use/cover classification system, land-use and land-covers are classified as forest land, range land, water bodies, agricultural land and residential land.The unsupervised image classification method was carried out prior to field visit, in order to determine strata for ground truth. Fieldwork was carried out to collect data for training and validating land use/cover interpretation from satellite image of 2006, and for qualitative description of the characteristics of each land use/cover class. The land - use/cover maps of 1990,1998 and 2006 were produced by using supervised image classification technique based on the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and 132 training samples. Error matrices as cross-tabulations of the mapped class vs. the reference class were used to assess classification accuracy. Overall accuracy, users and produce accuracies, and the Kappa statistic were then derived from the error matrices. A multi-date post-classification comparison change detection algorithm was used to determine changes in land cover in three intervals, 1990,1998, 1998, 2006 and 1990, 2006.To evaluate the maps change for the 1990 to 2006 interval, areas classified as change and no-change were randomly sampled and checked whether they were correctly classified. The maps showed that between 1990 and 2006 the amount of forest land decreased from 67% to 38.5% of the total area, while rangelands, agriculture, settlement and surface water increased from 30.8% to 45%, 1.2% to.0%, 0.3% to 7.5% and 0.6% to 1.8%, respectively.In 1990,1998 and 2006, the area was dominated by dense forest (35.9%, 28.9%, 29.3%), open forest and

  19. Værkanalyse 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Kompendiet er en introduktion og en tekstbog i forbindelse med et kursus i værkanalyse, som andetårsstuderende på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole gennemgik i foråret 2006. Publikationen rummer 10 markante arkitekturmanifester fra det 20. århundrede af arkitekterne Heinrich Tessenow, Le Corbusier...

  20. SN 2006oz

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leloudas, Georgios; Chatzopoulos, E.; Dilday, B.


    to contribute to a better understanding of these objects by studying SN 2006oz, a newly-recognized member of this class. Methods. We present multi-color light curves of SN 2006oz from the SDSS-II SN Survey that cover its rise time, as well as an optical spectrum that shows that the explosion occurred at z ~ 0.......376. We fitted black-body functions to estimate the temperature and radius evolution of the photosphere and used the parametrized code SYNOW to model the spectrum. We constructed a bolometric light curve and compared it with explosion models. In addition, we conducted a deep search for the host galaxy...... to a recombination wave in a circumstellar medium (CSM) and discuss whether this is a common property of all similar explosions. The subsequent rise can be equally well described by input from a magnetar or by ejecta-CSM interaction, but the models are not well constrained owing to the lack of post...

  1. Socioeconomic inequalities and mortality trends in BRICS, 1990-2010. (United States)

    Mújica, Oscar J; Vázquez, Enrique; Duarte, Elisabeth C; Cortez-Escalante, Juan J; Molina, Joaquin; Barbosa da Silva Junior, Jarbas


    To explore the presence and magnitude of--and change in--socioeconomic and health inequalities between and within Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa--the countries known as BRICS--between 1990 and 2010. Comparable data on socioeconomic and health indicators, at both country and primary subnational levels, were obtained from publicly available sources. Health inequalities between and within countries were identified and summarized by using standard gap and gradient metrics. Four of the BRICS countries showed increases in both income level and income inequality between 1990 and 2010. The exception was Brazil, where income inequality decreased over the same period. Between-country inequalities in level of education and access to sanitation remained mostly unchanged but the largest between-country difference in mean life expectancy increased, from 9 years in 1990 to 20 years in 2010. Throughout the study period, there was disproportionality in the burden of disease between BRICS. However, the national infant mortality rate fell substantially over the study period in all five countries. In Brazil and China, the magnitude of subnational income-related inequalities in infant mortality, both absolute and relative, also decreased substantially. Despite the economic prosperity and general improvements in health seen since 1990, profound inequalities in health persist both within and between BRICS. However, the substantial reductions observed--within Brazil and China--in the inequalities in income-related levels of infant mortality are encouraging.

  2. 1990 Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1989-1990 activity report of Nuclear Physics Institute (at Orsay) is presented. The research fields purposes and evolution is summarized. The following topics are presented: In experimental research, nuclear structure, ground states and low energy excited states, high excitation energy nuclear states, heavy ion collision phenomena, intermediate energy nuclear physics, lanthanides and actinides radiochemistry, heavy ion interactions materials and surface, and isotopic enrichment; in theoretical physics, nuclear structure and dynamics, particle physics, field theory, statistical physics, variational principles and quantization of chaotic systems and mathematical methods. The Nuclear Physics Institute works also on the development of several multidetectors (EDEN, INDRA, and EUROGAM), multiwire chambers (SPES) [fr

  3. POWERNEXT Carbon statistics September 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 trading market, for the July-September 2006 period: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The monthly volumes and closing prices for the September 2005 - September 2006 era are summarized in a graphics. (J.S.)

  4. POWERNEXT Carbon statistics November 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 trading market, for the September-November 2006 period: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The monthly volumes and closing prices for the November 2005 - November 2006 era are summarized in a graphics. (J.S.)

  5. Powernext Carbon statistics - June 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 quotas trading market, for the second quarter of 2006: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The monthly volumes and closing prices from June 2005 to June 2006 are summarized in a graphics. (J.S.)

  6. POWERNEXT Carbon statistics October 31, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 trading market, for the August-October 2006 period: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The monthly volumes and closing prices for the October 2005 - October 2006 era are summarized in a graphics. (J.S.)

  7. Powernext Carbon statistics - May 31, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 quotas trading market, for March, April and May 2006: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The daily volume and closing price from June 2005 to May 2006 are summarized in a graphics. (J.S.)

  8. Activities and co-operations in 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Dunjiu


    The items of activities and co-operations in 1990 are listed. It includes the meetings held by CNDC at home, the international meetings held in China, the international meetings, workshop or training course attended by chinese scientists and other activities and co-operations related to CNDC

  9. Arhitektuuriaasta 2006 = The year in architecture 2006 / Liina Jänes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jänes, Liina, 1977-


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2006 saanutest. Peaauhinna sai Raine Karp, restaureerimispreemia Mart Kalm ja Ado Talimaa (O. Siinmaa villa ja mööbli restaureerimine), parima arhitektuurse objekti preemia Andrus Kõresaar ja Raivo Kotov (Fahle maja), sisekujunduspreemia Tarmo Piirmets (Skype'i büroo), arhitektuurialase uurimuse preemia Mart Siilivask ("Tartu arhitektuur 1830-1918"), disainipreemia Eesti Disainerite Liit

  10. Rasgos urbanísticos del crecimiento residencial asociado a la burbuja inmobiliaria, 1995-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Pozueta Echávarri


    Full Text Available Posiblemente, el fenómeno urbanístico más sorprendente de los últimos 22 años, ha sido lo que se ha venido en llamar la “burbuja inmobiliaria”, el amplio ciclo inmobiliario expansivo que se desarrolla en España, entre 1995 y 2006, durante el cual se triplica el número de licencias de viviendas concedidas en España, que pasan de una media de 217.863 durante el quinquenio 1990-94 a las 737.186 que se alcanzan en 2006, una cifra más de tres veces superior a la anterior. La “burbuja inmobiliaria” o “tsunami urbanístico”, como también se ha llamado, ha dado lugar a una ingente cantidad de publicaciones, noticias y opiniones y ha sido un tema recurrente en la prensa española durante sus años finales y los primeros de la crisis que le siguió. Sin embargo, aparte de su mera dimensión cuantitativa global, en realidad, los rasgos del crecimiento urbano asociado a la publicitada y debatida “burbuja” son poco conocidos, mucho menos que la evolución de los precios y las ventas, que han centrado la atención pública, y una de las principales razones de este desconocimiento es seguramente la dificultad de contar con datos precisos de un fenómeno cuyo modelado y control es una competencia básicamente municipal, lo que significa que los datos detallados de este proceso están repartidos entre las 8.123 corporaciones municipales que, de acuerdo con el MINHA, componen España.

  11. Hoe Creek 1990 quarterly sampling cumulative report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crader, S.E.; Huntington, G.S.


    Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for benzene and for total phenols three times during 1990. This report summarizes the results of these sampling events and compares the results with those obtained in previous years. Possible further options for remediation of the Hoe Creek site was addressed. Three underground coal gasification (UCG) burns were performed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the US Department of Energy in 1976, 1977, and 1979 at the Hoe Creek site, which is about 20 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming. As a result of these burns, there has been considerable contamination of groundwater by various organic compounds. There have been three efforts at remediating this situation. In 1986 and again in 1987, contaminated water was pumped out, treated, and reinjected. In 1989, the water was pumped, treated, and sprayed into the atmosphere. Benzene and total phenols have been monitored at various monitoring wells as the site during 1990. The highest detected benzene concentration in 1990 was 220 {mu}g/L, and the highest total phenols concentration was 430 {mu}g/L. It is apparent that contamination is still above baseline levels, although the concentration of total phenols is far less than immediately after the burns. The burned coal seams are still releasing organic compounds into the groundwater that passes through them.

  12. Technical training: AXEL-2006 - Introduction to Particle Accelerators

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    CERN Technical Training 2006: Learning for the LHC! AXEL-2006 is a course series on particle accelerators, given at CERN within the framework of the 2006 Technical Training Programme. Known in the past as the PS Complex Operation Course (or the 'PS Shutdown Course'), the general accelerator physics module is organised since 2003 as a joint venture between the AB department and Technical Training, and is open to a wider CERN community. The AXEL-2006 course series is designed for technicians who are operating an accelerator, or whose work is closely linked to accelerators, but it is open to technicians, engineers, and physicists interested in this field. The course does not require any prior knowledge on accelerators. However, some basic knowledge on trigonometry, matrices and differential equations, and some basic notions of magnetism would be an advantage. The course series will be composed of 10 one-hour lectures (mornings and afternoons) during the week 6-10 February March 2006, and given in English...

  13. Radiochemistry Division annual progress report : 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iyer, R.H.


    This progress report provides an account of the research and development activities of the Radiochemistry Division during the year 1990 in the areas of nuclear chemistry, actinide chemistry and spectroscopy. The main area of work in nuclear chemistry is centered around the fission process induced by reactor neutrons, and light and heavy ions on actinides and low Z (Z<80) elements. Actinide chemistry research is concerned mostly with extraction, complexation and separation of actinide ions from aqueous media using a variety of organic reagents under different experimental conditions. Spectroscopic studies include development and optimisation of chemical/analytical methods for separation and determination of trace metallic impurities and rare earths in fuel materials and EPR and microwave studies on several compounds to understand their superconducting, structural and magnetic properties. A list of publications by the scientific staff of the Division during 1990 is also given in the report. (author). 45 figs., 44 tabs

  14. Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1990 (United States)


    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1990. All the publications were announced in the 1990 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses.

  15. Areva half-year report june 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is the half-year financial report of the Areva group for 2006. It presents: 1 - Highlights of the period; 2 - Key data: Summary data, Segment reporting, Backlog, Income statement, Review by business division, Cash flow, Balance sheet data; 3 - Outlook; 4 - Events subsequent to the half-year end; 5 - Consolidated financial statements: Statutory auditors' report on the interim consolidated financial statements for the period January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006, Consolidated income statement, Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated cash flow statement, Consolidated statement of changes in equity, Segment reporting, Notes to the consolidated financial statements

  16. 38 CFR 1.990 - Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset. (United States)


    ... repay debt as alternative to salary offset. 1.990 Section 1.990 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS GENERAL PROVISIONS Salary Offset Provisions § 1.990 Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset. (a) Notification by employee. The employee may propose, in...

  17. Pop Feminism: Televised Superheroines from the 1990s to the 2010s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bercuci Loredana


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the construction of two superheroines, one from the 1990s (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and one from the 2010s (Jessica Jones. I contend that popular feminism has changed between the 1990s and the present and that this is evident in the representation of televised superheroines. While in the 1990s superheroines were more conformist, today they are more transparent in their feminist intentions. I suggest that this is due to contemporary cultural trends in the United States.

  18. Population Growth in the 1990s: Patterns within the United States. (United States)

    Perry, Marc


    Examines population growth during the 1990s for a variety of geographic levels including regions, divisions, states, metropolitan areas, counties, and large cities. Compares growth rates for the 1990s with earlier decades to provide an historical context for present-day trends in population growth and decline. Discusses how differential population…

  19. On the identity of Amphisbaena hugoi Vanzolini, 1990 (Reptilia: Squamata: Amphisbaenidae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogmoed, M.S.; Mott, T.


    The taxonomic status of Amphisbaena hugoi Vanzolini, 1990, is discussed. It is concluded that it is a new junior synonym of Amphisbaena vanzolinii Gans, 1963. O validade taxonômica de Amphisbaena hugoi é discutida. Conclue-se que A. hugoi Vanzolini, 1990, é um sinônimo júnior de Amphisbaena

  20. 1990 Environmental Monitoring Report, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, S.; Yeager, G.; Wolff, T.; Parsons, A.; Dionne, D.; Massey, C.; Schwartz, B.; Fish, J.; Thompson, D.; Goodrich, M.


    This 1990 report contains monitoring data from routine radiological and nonradiological environmental surveillance activities. Summaries of significant environmental compliance programs in progress such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, environmental permits, environmental restoration, and various waste management programs for Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque (SNL, Albuquerque) are included. The maximum offsite dose impact was calculated to be 2.0 x 10 -3 mrem. The total 50-mile population received a collective dose of 0.82 person-rem during 1990 from SNL, Albuquerque, operations. As in the previous year, the 1990 SNL operations had no adverse impact on the general public or on the environment. This report is prepared for the US Department of Energy in compliance with DOE Order 5400.1. 97 refs., 30 figs., 137 tabs

  1. No. 2 heating oil/propane program. Final report, 1990/91

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McBrien, J.


    During the 1990/91 heating season, the Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources (DOER) participated in a joint data collection program between several state energy offices and the federal Department of Energy`s (DOE) Energy Information Administration (EIA). The purpose of the program was to collect and monitor retail and wholesale heating oil and propane prices and inventories from October 1990 through March 1991. This final report begins with an overview of the unique events which had an impact on the reporting period. Next, the report summarizes the results from the residential heating oil and propane price surveys conducted by DOER over the 1990/91 heating season. The report also incorporates the wholesale heating oil and propane prices and inventories collected by the EIA and distributed to the states.

  2. Annual report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report represents all the activities and accomplishment of Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2006 which cited the activities of diffusion of knowledge and technologies; generation of new knowledge and technologies; provision of quality S and T services; linking and net working; and development of human resources.

  3. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report represents all the activities and accomplishment of Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2006 which cited the activities of diffusion of knowledge and technologies; generation of new knowledge and technologies; provision of quality S and T services; linking and net working; and development of human resources

  4. 1990 Fall Meeting Report (United States)

    Chapman, David S.

    The AGU 1990 Fall Meeting, held in San Francisco December 3-7, continued the steady growth trend for the western meeting set over the last decade. About 5200 members registered for the meeting and 3836 papers were given. The scientific kickoff to the meeting was provided by a Union session on initial results of the current Magellan mission to Venus. The mission was also the focus of a public lecture and short film on highlights of the mission and an extensive Union poster session.

  5. 1990 recommendations of ICRP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, R.H.


    The Main Commission of ICRP finalised its new recommendations during its November 1990 meeting. The recommendations will appear in the Annals of the ICRP in 1991 as Publication 60. This paper represents a personal summary of these recommendations. It covers the basic biological risk estimates and the conceptual framework of the system of radiological protection, the definition of radiation detriment and its use both in the definition of radiation quantities and in the establishment of the dose limits adopted by the Main Commissions. (author)

  6. The 1990 NPT review conference: context and issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simpson, J.


    On 20 August 1990, some hundreds of diplomats, government officials, nuclear energy specialists, arms control experts and representatives of non-governmental organisations and the press will gather in Geneva for the opening of the Fourth Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference. NPT review conferences review the Treaty's operation 'with a view to assuring that the purposes of the preamble and the provisions of this Treaty are being realised' (Article VII.3). Holding NPT review conferences at regular intervals also serves to focus international attention upon non-proliferation issues once every five years. The purpose, scope and nature of the conferences is discussed and the main issues for 1990 assessed. (author)

  7. Powernext FuturesTM statistics. April 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the April 30, 2006 update of Powernext Futures TM statistics: year, quarter and month contracts for April 2006, base-load and peak-load contracts overview from November 2005 to April 2006 (monthly volume in MW, open interest by delivery year in MWh, daily settlement price of the upcoming delivery period), and market liquidity in April 2006 (average bid ask spread and availability for base-load and peak-load contracts). (J.S.)

  8. Nonattainment Areas in Louisiana, Geographic NAD83, EPA (2006) [Nonattainment_LA_EPA_2006 (United States)

    Louisiana Geographic Information Center — EPA Region 6 NonAttainment Areas in Louisiana, current as of May 2006. This shapefile contains parish boundaries and attributes that determine whether the parishes...

  9. Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the environmental surveillance program conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory during 1990. Routine monitoring for radiation and radioactive or chemical materials is conducted on the Laboratory site as well as in the surrounding region. Monitoring results are used to determine compliance with appropriate standards and to permit early identification of potentially undesirable trends. Results and interpretation of data for 1990 cover external penetrating radiation; quantities of airborne emissions and effluents; concentrations of chemicals and radionuclides in ambient air, surface waters and groundwaters, municipal water supply, soils and sediments, and foodstuffs; and environmental compliance. Comparisons with appropriate standards, regulations, and background levels provide the basis for concluding that environmental effects from Laboratory operations are small and do not pose a threat to the public, Laboratory employees, or the environment

  10. Powernext Carbon statistics - March 31, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short document summarizes the statistics of Powernext Carbon, the European CO 2 quotas trading market, for the first quarter of 2006: total market volume, daily average, highest, number and average size of trades, number of members, average closing price, variation, low and high traded. The daily volume and closing price from June 2005 to March 2006 are summarized in a graphics and a members list is supplied. (J.S.)

  11. Puerto Rico Relative Erosion Potential (REP) - 1990 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The relative erosion potential is an indicator of sediment and pollution runoff from land based on slope, soil type, land cover (circa 1990) and (maximum monthly)...

  12. 1990-1991 Marketing Plan. Year II: Planning To Meet the Future. (United States)

    Turcott, Frances; And Others

    In Maryland, Catonsville Community College's (CCC) 1990-91 marketing plan deals with the community's perceptions of the institution and strategies to improve CCC's image. Both the 1989-90 and 1990-91 plans targeted the same markets for special recruitment strategies; i.e., high school graduates with transfer plans, part-time adult students,…

  13. 15 CFR 2006.3 - Determinations regarding petitions. (United States)


    ..., including but not limited to a domestic firm or worker, a representative of consumer interests, a United... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Determinations regarding petitions. 2006.3 Section 2006.3 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade Agreements...

  14. Annual survey air quality 2003-2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beijk, R.; Mooibroek, D.; Hoogerbrugge, R.


    Results from the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network (LML) show that several European air quality limit values were exceeded in the Netherlands between 2003 and 2006. This applied mainly to nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10) and ozone. The number of exceedances was especially high in 2003, partly due to weather conditions such as enduring dry episodes. Ozone concentration levels above the alert threshold (smog alert) were measured in 2003 and 2006, with concentration levels above the alert threshold occurring mostly during heat episodes. Measurements for nitrogen dioxide showed a yearly average concentration at city street locations above the European limit value at approximately half the measuring sites between 2003 and 2006. Yearly average concentrations measured at regional locations have changed relatively little in the past four years, remaining below the limit value for this entire period. Particulate matter concentrations have been relatively constant in the past few three years, after peaking in 2003. There is an EU standard for particulate matter for short- and long-term exposure of the population, which is represented by year and day average concentrations, with a maximum number of exceedances per year allowed. The year averages for the 2003 to 2006 period are less than the standard for long-term exposure. The maximum number of days showing average concentrations above the limit value was violated at several locations in 2006. Both nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter are characterized by a clear downward trend when measured over a long period of time (15 and 14 years, respectively). However, it is not possible to determine from the past seven years whether this trend is still valid [nl

  15. RTE - annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    RTE is the French electricity transmission system operator responsible for operation, maintenance and development, With a system which is the largest in Europe - 100,000 kilometres of high voltage and extra-high voltage circuits and 46 cross-border interconnections, plus a key location at the geographical hub - RTE is playing a key role in the development of the European electricity market. RTE is a public service company guaranteeing the efficient operation and reliability of the French power system, and providing equitable access to all system users. The company is part of the EDF Group, but has totally independent management and administration, as required by law. In 2005, RTE became a limited liability company with an Executive Board and Supervisory Board; this corporate status guarantees due neutrality in providing service to all players on the electricity market. RTE is the Number 1 electricity transmission system in Europe with 8,300 employees and 4 billion euros turnover. This activity report presents: 1 - Background: The RTE Transmission System, Message from the Chairman of the Executive Board; 2 - A High Performance Public Service Company at the Hub of the European Electricity Market: 2006 overview and Highlights, RTE Governance and Organisation; 3 - A Year with Many Developments: Satisfied Customers on a More Efficient Market, Reliable, Upgraded Industrial Facilities, A Commitment to Environmentally Friendly Public Service, New Foundations for Human Resources Policy, International Business on the Move, A Good Improvement in Financial Performance; 4 - Glossary; 5 - Management Report: Financial and Legal Information (Highlights in 2006, Market Trends, Business and Results for 2006, Capital, Financial Structure, Prospects for 2007, Other Financial and Legal Information), Information on the Environment (Environment Policy - Review, Respect for Natural Environments and Landscapes, Consultation and Consideration, Research, Continuing Improvement, Environmental

  16. Water-resources activities, North Dakota District, fiscal year 1990 (United States)

    Martin, Cathy R.


    The mission of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, is to provide the hydrologic information and understanding needed for the optimum utilization and management of the Nation's water resources for the overall benefit of the people of the United States. This report describes waterresources activities of the Water Resources Division in North Dakota in fiscal year 1990. Information on each project includes objectives, approach, progress in fiscal year 1990, plans for fiscal year 1991, completed and planned report products, and the name of the project chief.

  17. Research reports: 1990 NASA/ASEE Summer faculty fellowship program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freeman, L.M.; Chappell, C.R.; Six, F.; Karr, G.R.


    Reports on the research projects performed under the NASA/ASEE Summer faculty fellowship program are presented. The program was conducted by The University of Alabama and MSFC during the period from June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Some of the topics covered include: (1) Space Shuttles; (2) Space Station Freedom; (3) information systems; (4) materials and processes; (4) Space Shuttle main engine; (5) aerospace sciences; (6) mathematical models; (7) mission operations; (8) systems analysis and integration; (9) systems control; (10) structures and dynamics; (11) aerospace safety; and (12) remote sensing

  18. WATER TEMPERATURE and other data from USS PETERSON from 1990-08-01 to 1990-08-31 (NODC Accession 9000256) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data in this accession was collected from ship Peterson between August 1-31, 1990. The real time data of water temperature at varying depth bathythermograph...

  19. The VAEC - Annual Report for 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vuong Huu Tan; Le Van Hong; Nguyen Hoang Anh; Nguyen Trong Trang; Dang Thi Hong


    The VAEC Annual Report for 2006 has been prepared as an account of works carried out at the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) for the year 2006. The Report contains mains results from the VAEC's activities of research and development in following fields: nuclear physics, reactor physics and nuclear energy, nuclear methods, radiation protection and radioactive waste management, ecology and environment, biotechnology and agriculture, radiation technology, radiochemistry and materials sciences, computation and other topics. (NHA)

  20. The VAEC - Annual Report for 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Vuong Huu; Hong, Le Van; Anh, Nguyen Hoang; Trang, Nguyen Trong; Hong, Dang Thi [eds.


    The VAEC Annual Report for 2006 has been prepared as an account of works carried out at the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) for the year 2006. The Report contains mains results from the VAEC's activities of research and development in following fields: nuclear physics, reactor physics and nuclear energy, nuclear methods, radiation protection and radioactive waste management, ecology and environment, biotechnology and agriculture, radiation technology, radiochemistry and materials sciences, computation and other topics. (NHA)

  1. Annual report 1989-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report describes the Safety Review Committee (SRC)'s activities for the year ending 30 June 1990. The SRC view is the ANSTO's operations ar in general well controlled and safe for its staff and for the member of the public. The report canvasses issues related to reactor safety, waste management, occupational health and safety and regulations of site activities. The key matters highlighted include, the HIFAR refurbishment program, progress towards amending ANSTO Act, solidification of medium-level 99 Mo liquid waste and review of the work practices within ARI. ills

  2. Hard probes 2006 Asilomar

    CERN Multimedia


    "The second international conference on hard and electromagnetic probes of high-energy nuclear collisions was held June 9 to 16, 2006 at the Asilomar Conference grounds in Pacific Grove, California" (photo and 1/2 page)

  3. VT 1990 Census County Boundaries and Statistics (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) DemoCensus_CNTY1990 is derived from BoundaryCounty_CNTY250. BoundaryCounty_CNTY250 was derived from BoundaryTown_TB250 (TB250 was archived 6/2003...

  4. Advanced Energy Projects FY 1990 research summaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report serves as a guide to prepare proposals and provides summaries of the research projects active in FY 1990, sponsored by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences Division of Advanced Energy Projects, Department of Energy. (JF)

  5. Annual Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gawlikowicz, W.; Pienkowski, L.


    The Annual Report of the Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University describes the activities of Laboratory in 2006. The document consist of four parts: 'Laboratory Overview', 'Experiments and Experimental Set-ups', 'Experiments Using the Outside Facilities' and 'General Information on HIL Activities'. An 'Introduction' written by director of the Department prof. J. Jastrzebski is also given

  6. Plim + Plex 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathers only the program and the transparencies of about half the contributions to this 2006 conference on plant life management (PLIM) and plant licence extension (PLEX). The topics addressed are: -) technical aspects of nuclear power plant ageing, -) plant life management in different countries like Usa, France, South-Africa, Germany, Mexico..., and -) licence renewal

  7. Plim + Plex 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathers only the program and the transparencies of about half the contributions to this 2006 conference on plant life management (PLIM) and plant licence extension (PLEX). The topics addressed are: -) technical aspects of nuclear power plant ageing, -) plant life management in different countries like Usa, France, South-Africa, Germany, Mexico..., and -) licence renewal.

  8. Environmental radioactivity measurement. Ispra 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominici, G.; Risposi, L.


    In this report there are briefly described the measurements of environmental radioactivity performed during 1990 by the site survey group of the Radioprotection Division at the Joint Research Centre Ispra Establishment. Data are give on the concentrations of Sr-90, Cs-137, HTO and other radionuclides in precipitation, air, waters, herbage, milk and radioactive effluents. The environmental contamination is mainly a consequence of the nuclear accident of Chernobyl

  9. Coal distribution, January--June 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Coal Distribution report provides information on coal production, distribution, and stocks in the United States to a wide audience including Congress, federal and state agencies, the coal industry, and the general public. This issue presents information for January through June 1990. Coal distribution data are shown (in tables 1--34) by coal-producing state of origin, consumer use, method of transportation, and state of destination. 6 figs., 34 tabs.

  10. Photonuclear data index 1986-1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varlamov, V A; Stepanov, M E; Sapunenko, V V [Moscow State University, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Centre for Photonuclear Experimental Data, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    This issue presents a bibliographic index to experimental photonuclear data published in periodical scientific literature during the years 1986-1990. The main tabulation is sorted by nucleus and reaction. It is supplemented by a reference index, an author index, explanatory tables of terms and abbreviations used, and a table of isotopic abundances and nucleon separation energies. The index is in English with an introduction in Russian and English. (author)

  11. Receptor modeling of C2─C7 hydrocarbon sources at an urban background site in Zurich, Switzerland: changes between 1993─1994 and 2005─2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Reimann


    Full Text Available Hourly measurements of 13 volatile hydrocarbons (C2–C7 were performed at an urban background site in Zurich (Switzerland in the years 1993–1994 and again in 2005–2006. For the separation of the volatile organic compounds by gas-chromatography (GC, an identical chromatographic column was used in both campaigns. Changes in hydrocarbon profiles and source strengths were recovered by positive matrix factorization (PMF. Eight and six factors could be related to hydrocarbon sources in 1993–1994 and in 2005–2006, respectively. The modeled source profiles were verified by hydrocarbon profiles reported in the literature. The source strengths were validated by independent measurements, such as inorganic trace gases (NOx, CO, SO2, methane (CH4, oxidized hydrocarbons (OVOCs and meteorological data (temperature, wind speed etc.. Our analysis suggests that the contribution of most hydrocarbon sources (i.e. road traffic, solvents use and wood burning decreased by a factor of about two to three between the early 1990s and 2005–2006. On the other hand, hydrocarbon losses from natural gas leakage remained at relatively constant levels (−20%. The estimated emission trends are in line with the results from different receptor-based approaches reported for other European cities. Their differences to national emission inventories are discussed.

  12. Radioactivity of people in Finland in 1989-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahola, T.; Suomela, M.; Illukka, E.; Puhakainen, M.; Pusa, S.


    The atmospheric nuclear weapons tests of the 1950s, '60s and '70s caused global radioactive fallout. After the reactor accident at Chernobyl, radioactive fallout was carried by air streams to most parts of Europe. In 1989-90 radionuclides causing internal contamination were transported to man only via foodchains and no longer via inhalation, as had happened immediately after the accident. To determine the level of radionuclides in the body and to estimate the internal radiation doses caused by the accident, whole-body counting measurements were performed. Ten different groups of people resident in Finland were measured during 1989-90. Three were local reference groups, two groups consisted of radiation workers, one was a population group presenting the entire country, and four were groups representative of people with special dietary habits. The weighted mean 137 Cs body burden in the population group was 1200 Bq at the end of 1989, and 900 Bq at the end of 1990. The burdens varied from less than 50 Bq to 13 000 Bq in 1990. The measurement data showed that the maximum body burdens were reached in the summer 1987, after which a continuous decrease could be observed. In the groups with special diets, the highest mean Cs-137 body burden in 1990 was found in the Lapp group from Inari. Within this group, the maximum mean body burden, 10 000 Bq, was found in male reindeer herders their body burdens varying from 3000 to 30 000 Bq. The mean effective doses delivered to the population in Finland, estimated by using the measurement data on the population group, was 0.04 mSv in 1989, 0.03 mSv in 1990 and the corresponding committed effective doses were 0.06 mSv and 0.04 mSv, respectively. (orig.). (18 refs., 11 figs., 40 tabs.)

  13. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Scientific activities in 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document contains three parts: Part I is a general review of the scientific activities of the Centre in 1990, including a statistical digest. Part II describes the scientific programme of the Centre in the following fields: Fundamental physics, condensed nuclear physics, mathematics, physics and energy, physics and environment, physics of the living state, applied physics Adriatico research conferences and other aspects of the Centre activities. Part III lists the publications issued in 1990

  14. Florence Jessie Mac Williams (1917-1990)

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 10; Issue 1. Florence Jessie Mac Williams (1917-1990). Featured Scientist Volume 10 Issue 1 January 2005 pp 98-98. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link: Resonance ...

  15. Jet Joint Undertaking. Progress report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This JET Progress Reports provides an overview summary and puts into context the scientific and technical advances made on JET during 1990. In addition, the Report is supplemented by appendices of contributions (in preprint form) of the more important JET articles published during the year, which set out the details of JET activities

  16. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosby, R.C.


    The natural gas liquids industry and specifically the gas processing business has not been rosy the last several years. processors have been faced with low NGL prices, high inventories and more regulations which have forced product margins to all time lows and have resulted in plant closings, mergers and a determined search for those processors that are left for ways to make ends meet until times get better. Whether a barometer for the future or merely a fluke in the economy, things got better in 1990. Last year represented a change for the positive in all the indicators characterizing the gas processing business. An early winter in 1989, propane distribution problems, overall increases in petrochemical demand for NGLs and the fear brought on by events in Kuwait all contributed to changes in the marketplace. For the gas processor, these events combined with relatively low natural gas prices to produce wider processing margins and a degree of prosperity. The biggest regulatory event in 1990 however was without a doubt the Clean Air Act Amendments. These sweeping changes to the 1970 Clean Air Act promise to affect the economy and public health well into the next century. The purpose of this paper is to examine first the major provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and then relate those anticipated changes to the gas processing industry. As will be examined later, the Amendments will create both threats and opportunities for gas processors

  17. Pinellas Plant FY1990 site specific implementation plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, R.D.


    This Site Specific Implementation Plan describes the Corrective Action, Environmental Restoration, and Waste Management activities to be performed at the Pinellas Plant in FY1990 (October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1989). These FY1990 activities are described in the Pinellas Plant FY1991--95 Five-Year Plan. The information used to prepare this plan reflects the best estimate of the project scope, schedules, regulatory, and funding requirements at the time of plan preparation. The Environmental Restoration/Waste Management Five-Year Plan is a dynamic document and will be modified each year; the Site Specific Implementation Plan will, in turn, be modified each year to reflect new findings, information, and knowledge of the various projects. 4 figs., 11 tabs

  18. Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Environmental report for 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Counce-Brown, D. (ed.)


    This calendar year 1990 annual report on environmental surveillance of the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) and its environs consists of two parts: the summary, discussion, and conclusions (Part 1) and the data presentation (Part 2). The objectives of this report are as follows: report 1990 monitoring data for the installation and its environs that may have been affected by operations on the plant site, provide reasonably detailed information about the plant site and plant operations, provide detailed information on input and assumptions used in all calculations, provide trend analyses (when appropriate) to indicate increases and decreases in environmental impact, and provide general information on plant quality assurance.

  19. The LNG Industry in 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Estimates for the marketed production of natural gas in 2006 show a rise of about 3% over 2005. The share of LNG in the gas trade accounts for 23% of the total. In 2006, the international trade in liquid form accounted for 348.4 10 6 m 3 or almost 159 10 6 t. It rose by 38.4 10 6 m 3 , or 12.4%, the highest growth rate ever recorded over the last decade. As to imports: - Japan remained by far the world's largest LNG importer with 136 10 6 m 3 , or 39% of all imports, followed by Korea with 55.3 10 6 m 3 (15.9%) and Spain with 41.6 10 6 m 3 (12.0%), markedly higher than the U.S.A. ranking fourth with 26 10 6 m 3 (7.5%). Seventeen countries were involved in LNG imports with the addition of China and Mexico in 2006. - The growth rate of European imports remained stable at 21%, above the global growth rate of 12.4%, resulting in a market share for Europe of 27.4% and demonstrating the dynamism of this region in the LNG trade. With a 12% market share in worldwide trade, Spain maintained its position as Europe's largest LNG market. - After substantial increases during the early part of this decade, the US market suffered most from the shortage in LNG production and price arbitration prompted some shippers to divert spot LNG away from the US market. Imports for the Americas as a whole still decreased by 3.2% and their global market share fell to 8.5%. - The Asian market kept on growing steadily by 11.4% with imports to the region rising from 200.6 10 6 m 3 to 223.4 10 6 m 3 or an increase of 22.8 10 6 m 3 , mainly due to the continued rise of Indian imports with a 3.9% market share, and the emergence of China on the LNG scene. Japanese imports steadily rose to 136 10 6 m 3 . Korea also enjoyed a significant growth by 13.5% to 55.3 10 6 m 3 while Taiwan's imports grew by 8.5% to 17 10 6 m 3 . As to sources of imports: Indonesia lost its leading position and Qatar became the world's largest LNG producer with 15.5% of all exports. Indonesia ranked second with 13.9%, Malaysia

  20. Scientific Report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual scientific report gives a summary overview of the research and development activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2006. The report discusses progress and main achievements in the following areas: reactor safety, radioactive waste and clean-up, radiation protection, the BR2 reactor, nuclear research and society, managing nuclear knowledge and fusion research.

  1. Scientific Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual scientific report gives a summary overview of the research and development activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2006. The report discusses progress and main achievements in the following areas: reactor safety, radioactive waste and clean-up, radiation protection, the BR2 reactor, nuclear research and society, managing nuclear knowledge and fusion research

  2. JUNE 2006 make up

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 2, 2006 ... coverage is below par given its economic, institutional and .... Mexico. Malaysia. Malawi. Latvia. Kenya. Iran. Indonesia. Honduras. Guyana .... Tuberculosis and Malaria: A case study of Grant SAF-304-G04-H in the Western.

  3. The Compensation Act 2006 and School Trips (United States)

    Hunter-Jones, John


    The Compensation Act 2006 received its Royal Assent on 25 July 2006. The Act allows the courts to have regard to the social utility of "desirable activities", including school trips, in considering negligence claims. The article reviews the law of negligence as it affects teachers of the very young and considers the possible impact of…

  4. 2006 LANL Radionuclide Air Emissions Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David P. Fuehne


    This report describes the impacts from emissions of radionuclides at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for calendar year 2006. This report fulfills the requirements established by the Radionuclide National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Rad-NESHAP). This report is prepared by LANL's Rad-NESHAP compliance team, part of the Environmental Protection Division. The information in this report is required under the Clean Air Act and is being reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The highest effective dose equivalent (EDE) to an off-site member of the public was calculated using procedures specified by the EPA and described in this report. LANL's EDE was 0.47 mrem for 2006. The annual limit established by the EPA is 10 mrem per year. During calendar year 2006, LANL continuously monitored radionuclide emissions at 28 release points, or stacks. The Laboratory estimates emissions from an additional 58 release points using radionuclide usage source terms. Also, LANL uses a network of air samplers around the Laboratory perimeter to monitor ambient airborne levels of radionuclides. To provide data for dispersion modeling and dose assessment, LANL maintains and operates meteorological monitoring systems. From these measurement systems, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to calculate the EDE for the Laboratory. The EDE is evaluated as any member of the public at any off-site location where there is a residence, school, business, or office. In 2006, this location was the Los Alamos Airport Terminal. The majority of this dose is due to ambient air sampling of plutonium emitted from 2006 clean-up activities at an environmental restoration site (73-002-99; ash pile). Doses reported to the EPA for the past 10 years are shown in Table E1.

  5. Indicators for Danish greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 to 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyck, E.; Nielsen, Malene; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Winther, M.; Hoffmann, L.; Thomsen, M.


    The indicators defined according to the obligations under decisions of the EU Monitoring Mechanism have been worked out for 1990-2007. Discussions and comments on the definitions and the guidance of the indicators and their numerator and denominator were worked out. For many indicators the definitions and guidance were clear, for some indicators further text as definition and guidance would have been appropriate. Explanations on the data collection for the indicators for Denmark are given in this report. For the greenhouse gas emissions the source is the Danish inventories and the Danish inventory databases. For Economic data the source is Eurostat and for building data the source is Statistics Denmark. Only the energy, industry and transport sectors and only emissions of CO{sub 2} are covered by the indicators defined. A major result is that the main indicator (macro indicator 1) shows that the steady increase of gross domestic product is decoupled from the trend of the Danish national emissions of CO{sub 2}, since the indicator (the emissions divided by the GDP) in 2005-2007 decreased by 23-30 % compared to 1990. This decrease is mainly caused by higher efficiency in the heat and electricity production, a gradual shift to lesser CO{sub 2} emitting fuels, e.g. from coal to gas, and an increased use of biomass fuels. An important indicator for the industry sector is the CO{sub 2} emission over gross value added (priority indicator 4). The overall trend is a decrease from 1996 to 2007 after slightly fluctuating levels for the years 1990 to 1996. The rather steady increase of gross value added of industry, in 2007 27% above the 1990 level, simultaneously with an increase of CO{sub 2} emission of 5% only, is as for the macro indicator a decoupling. This causes the indicator in 2007 to be at 83 % of the 1990 level. The change to lower emitting fuels plays a role probably interplaying with the changes in industry structure towards less energy demanding industry. For

  6. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Annual report, October 1, 1989--September 30, 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report discusses the following topics: principal parameters achieved in experimental devices fiscal year 1990; tokamak fusion test reactor; compact ignition tokamak; Princeton beta experiment- modification; current drive experiment-upgrade; international collaboration; x-ray laser studies; spacecraft glow experiment; plasma processing: deposition and etching of thin films; theoretical studies; tokamak modeling; international thermonuclear experimental reactor; engineering department; project planning and safety office; quality assurance and reliability; technology transfer; administrative operations; PPPL patent invention disclosures for fiscal year 1990; graduate education; plasma physics; graduate education: plasma science and technology; science education program; and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory reports fiscal year 1990.

  7. A influência das campanhas nas eleições presidenciais: o papel da mídia = The campaigns’ influence in presidential elections: the role of media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Borba, Felipe


    Full Text Available A importância das campanhas eleitorais reside no fato de que se trata do momento priveligiado da relação entre os cidadãos e a política. É a hora em que as diferentes opções informam à sociedade sobre seu programa de governo, as principais medidas que pretendem impulsionar e que idéias estão por trás destas medidas. A pergunta é: são as campanhas capazes de efetuar a percepção dos eleitores? O objetivo deste artigo é investigar o grau de influência das campanhas eleitorais na decisão do voto. A análise é restrita a apenas um segmento das campanhas, a cobertura eleitoral feita pelos jornais brasileiros, no contexto das eleições presidenciais de 2002. O artigo inicia com uma discussão a respeito da relação teórica entre eleitores e mídia nos momentos eleitorais. Em seguida, analisa o impacto da cobertura sobre a intenção de voto a partir de um critério que mede o tom das críticas por meio do saldo das matérias positivas e negativas publicadas durante a campanha. Concluimos, com base na aplicação de métodos descritivos e estatísticos, que o voto dado ao candidato Lula (PT foi fortemente influenciado pela cobertura feita pelos jornais

  8. Tantsuaasta 2006 / Nele Suisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suisalu, Nele


    2006. aasta kolmest tantsusündmusest Kanuti Gildi saalis : Made in Estonia maraton (25. märtsil), Räägime tantsust (25.-27. apr.) ja tantsu loomingulisest laboratooriumist Colina (Collaboration in Arts) Lab Tallinn (22. juuli - 4. aug)

  9. Sentidos de "digital" em disputa no currículo de história: que implicações para o ensino desta disciplina?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcella Albaine Farias da Costa


    Full Text Available Este texto admite como base inicial de reflexão as muitas articulações que já se fizeram no campo educacional em torno dos significantes ‘ensino’ e ‘tecnologia’, em geral, fixando sentidos ligados à ideia de ‘inovação’, ‘afinamento com os novos tempos’ e/ou ‘facilitador da aprendizagem’. No caso da disciplina História, fala-se recorrentemente que a utilização das chamadas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs pode gerar novas práticas, indo de encontro ao tão combatido ensino ‘tradicional’, ligado à ‘lógica da memorização’. Sem refutar ou corroborar tais afirmativas, e amparando-se nas contribuições das teorizações do discurso formuladas por Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe, a análise procura mostrar que fixar e disputar ‘sentidos de digital’ no currículo de História é uma ação política, que mobiliza/desloca a fronteira da própria definição do que é e do que não é a ciência/conhecimento histórico na contemporaneidade, provocando alterações, portanto, tanto na cultura histórica, quanto na cultura escolar. Tendo como empiria o Edital do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2015, entendido como texto curricular, o estudo evidencia e problematiza a forma como as disputas em torno da significação e fixação de ‘sentidos de digital’ têm aparecido na área de História, produzindo deslocamentos em meio às práticas articulatórias que fixam sentido para a interface ‘ensino’-‘tecnologia’. Palavras-chave: História – estudo e ensino; Currículo

  10. The wastes management: possible scenario for 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capdevila, J.M.


    This document gathers the slides presented by J.M. Capdevila at the Seminar DEN/SAC the 13 mars 2003. They deal with the law of the 30 december 1991 concerning the radioactive wastes management, the research and development programs begun at the Cea and the short dated projects (2006), the forecast of the situation after 2006. (A.L.B.)

  11. Interesting coin finds of 2006 / Mauri Kiudsoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiudsoo, Mauri, 1973-


    2006. aasta huvitavamatest mündileidudest. Lisaks arheoloogilistelt kaevamistelt saadud vermingutele omandati 2006. aastal kolm mündiaaret : Alansi aare Harjumaalt, ligi poolsada araabia hõbemünti sisaldav aare Tartust ning tänu politsei kaasabile jõudsid Eestisse tagasi Ubina hõbeaadre kaevamistelt varastatud hõbemündid. Eestist leitud rooma müntidest

  12. The International Trend of Peace Education in the 1990s


    Murakami, Toshifumi


    This paper describes the international trend of peace education in the 1990s. It became clear that peace educators in the world have different interests in educational matters by the comparative study of peace education in the 1990s. In the post cold war period, educators in the world did not take much interest in anti-war peace education nor disarmament education. Peace educators have shown more interest in nonviolent conflict resolution, conciliation between multi-ethnic and cultural groups...

  13. Health in climate change research from 1990 to 2014: positive trend, but still underperforming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glenn Verner


    Full Text Available Background: Climate change has been recognized as both one of the biggest threats and the biggest opportunities for global health in the 21st century. This trend review seeks to assess and characterize the amount and type of scientific literature on the link between climate change and human health. Design: We tracked the use of climate-related terms and their co-occurrence with health terms during the 25 years since the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC report, from 1990 to 2014, in two scientific databases and in the IPCC reports. We investigated the trends in the number of publications about health and climate change through time, by nature of the health impact under study, and by geographic area. We compared the scientific production in the health field with that of other sectors on which climate change has an impact. Results: The number of publications was extremely low in both databases from 1990 (325 and 1,004, respectively until around 2006 (1,332 and 4,319, respectively, which has since then increased exponentially in recent years (6,079 and 17,395, respectively, in 2014. However, the number of climate change papers regarding health is still about half that of other sectors. Certain health impacts, particularly malnutrition and non-communicable diseases (NCDs, remain substantially understudied. Approximately two-thirds of all published studies were carried out in OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, predominantly in Europe and North America. Conclusions: There is a clear need for further research on the links between climate change and health. This pertains particularly to research in and by those countries in which health will be mostly affected and capacity to adapt is least. Specific undertreated topics such as NCDs, malnutrition, and mental health should gain the priority they deserve. Funding agencies are invited to take note of and establish calls for proposals accordingly

  14. Health in climate change research from 1990 to 2014: positive trend, but still underperforming. (United States)

    Verner, Glenn; Schütte, Stefanie; Knop, Juliane; Sankoh, Osman; Sauerborn, Rainer


    Climate change has been recognized as both one of the biggest threats and the biggest opportunities for global health in the 21st century. This trend review seeks to assess and characterize the amount and type of scientific literature on the link between climate change and human health. We tracked the use of climate-related terms and their co-occurrence with health terms during the 25 years since the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, from 1990 to 2014, in two scientific databases and in the IPCC reports. We investigated the trends in the number of publications about health and climate change through time, by nature of the health impact under study, and by geographic area. We compared the scientific production in the health field with that of other sectors on which climate change has an impact. The number of publications was extremely low in both databases from 1990 (325 and 1,004, respectively) until around 2006 (1,332 and 4,319, respectively), which has since then increased exponentially in recent years (6,079 and 17,395, respectively, in 2014). However, the number of climate change papers regarding health is still about half that of other sectors. Certain health impacts, particularly malnutrition and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), remain substantially understudied. Approximately two-thirds of all published studies were carried out in OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), predominantly in Europe and North America. There is a clear need for further research on the links between climate change and health. This pertains particularly to research in and by those countries in which health will be mostly affected and capacity to adapt is least. Specific undertreated topics such as NCDs, malnutrition, and mental health should gain the priority they deserve. Funding agencies are invited to take note of and establish calls for proposals accordingly. Raising the interest in this research area in young

  15. Global estimates of carbon stock changes in living forest biomass: EDGARv4.3 - time series from 1990 to 2010 (United States)

    Petrescu, A. M. R.; Abad-Viñas, R.; Janssens-Maenhout, G.; Blujdea, V. N. B.; Grassi, G.


    While the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) focuses on global estimates for the full set of anthropogenic activities, the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector might be the most diverse and most challenging to cover consistently for all countries of the world. Parties to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to provide periodic estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, following the latest approved methodological guidance by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The current study aims to consistently estimate the carbon (C) stock changes from living forest biomass for all countries of the world, in order to complete the LULUCF sector in EDGAR. In order to derive comparable estimates for developing and developed countries, it is crucial to use a single methodology with global applicability. Data for developing countries are generally poor, such that only the Tier 1 methods from either the IPCC Good Practice Guide for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF) 2003 or the IPCC 2006 Guidelines can be applied to these countries. For this purpose, we applied the IPCC Tier 1 method at global level following both IPCC GPG-LULUCF 2003 and IPCC 2006, using spatially coarse activity data (i.e. area, obtained combining two different global forest maps: the Global Land Cover map and the eco-zones subdivision of the Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) map) in combination with the IPCC default C stocks and C stock change factors. Results for the C stock changes were calculated separately for gains, harvest, fires (Global Fire Emissions Database version 3, GFEDv.3) and net deforestation for the years 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010. At the global level, results obtained with the two sets of IPCC guidance differed by about 40 %, due to different assumptions and default factors. The IPCC Tier 1 method unavoidably introduced high uncertainties due to the "globalization" of parameters. When the

  16. FY 2006 Supplement to the President`s Budget (United States)

    Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, Executive Office of the President — This Supplement to the Presidents Budget for Fiscal Year 2006 offers a brief technical outline of the 2006 budget request for the Networking and Information...

  17. Summary of Research: Academic Departments 1990-1991 (United States)


    of Systems Sciences, Portland, Oregon, 9 July 1990. CULHAM, Phyllis, Professor, " Plutarch on the Siege of Syracusc: The Primacy of Science over...ARTIGIANI, P. Robert, Professor, "Social Change: Technology," International Plutarch Society, Insights and Implications from Contemporary University of

  18. 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah War: a Fight of Operational Synchronization (United States)


    13. 2 Stephen Biddle and Jeffrey A. Friedman, The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare (Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute, 2008...fighters.” 18 18 Stephen Biddle and Jeffrey A. Friedman, The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the...Stephen Biddle and Jeffrey A. Friedman, The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare, 32. 28 Ibid., 32. 29 Ibid., 32. 30 Matt M. Matthews, “Hard

  19. Densitometria clínica: posições oficiais 2006 Clinical densitometry: official positions 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiano A. F. Zerbini


    Full Text Available Descrevemos as posições oficiais da Sociedade Brasileira de Densitometria Clínica (SBDens para a realização e o relato do exame de densitometria óssea. Essas posições foram obtidas por consenso em encontro realizado em São Paulo no ano de 2006. A SBDens contou com o apoio de várias sociedades científicas descritas no texto.We describe the official positions of the Brazilian Society for Clinical Densitometry (SBDens for the performance and report of the bone mineral density testing. These positions were obtained by consensus in a meeting at São Paulo in 2006. SBDens positions were supported by other scientific societies described in the text.

  20. The Nordic programme for nuclear safety 1990-1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soerensen, H.C.


    The supplement contains a name-and-address list relevant to the Nordic Nuclear Safety Programme 1990-1993 and covering consortiums, reference groups, programme coordinators, project leaders and project participants. (AB)