
Sample records for disease nuklearkardiologische methoden

  1. Literatuuronderzoek HPLC-methoden voor vitamine E


    Altena, A.; Hollman, P.C.H.


    Doel van dit onderzoek is: het inventariseren van HPLC-methoden voor vitamine E, eventueel in combinatie met vitamine A, in levensmiddelen. Een overzicht van de in de literatuur beschreven HPLC-methoden vanaf ca. 1977 wordt gegeven.

  2. Monsternemingen van het grondwater tot vijf meter beneden de grondwaterspiegel - De selectie van kansrijke methoden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elzakker BG van; Gast LFL; LVM


    Er zijn drie mogelijk geschikte methoden geselecteerd om grondwatermonsters tot vijf meter beneden de grondwaterspiegel te verzamelen. Deze methoden worden nu verder in het veld getest om tot een aanbeveling te komen. Aanleiding voor de studie is dat volgens het concept monitorrichtsnoer

  3. Moderne mathematische Methoden der Physik

    CERN Document Server

    Goldhorn, Karl-Heinz; Kraus, Margarita


    Der große Vorzug dieses Lehrbuchs liegt in seiner kompromisslosen Konzentration auf begriffliche Klarheit bei bewusstem Verzicht auf für Physiker irrelevante Details. Es richtet sich u.a. an Studierende von Master-, Aufbau-, Graduierten- und Promotionsstudiengängen im Bereich der theoretischen und mathematischen Physik. Die Auswahl des Stoffes deckt ein breites Spektrum mathematischer Konzepte und Methoden ab, die für die heutige Physik relevant sind. Dieser zweite Band konzentriert sich dabei auf mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik: Unbeschränkte Operatoren im Hilbertraum, Spektraltheorie sowie Symmetriegruppen und ihre Darstellungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Rotations- und Lorentzgruppe.

  4. Konservierung der männlichen Fertilität - Klinische und experimentelle Methoden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gassei K


    Full Text Available Gängige Therapieansätze zur Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen können die Spermatogenese auf unterschiedlichsten Wegen stören und zu temporärer Azoospermie oder Sterilität führen. Die Unfruchtbarkeit ist eine ernstzunehmende Langzeitnebenwirkung, die die Lebensqualität des Patienten nachhaltig einschränken kann. Bei Kinderwunsch nach erfolgreicher Krebstherapie steht erwachsenen Patienten heute eine Anzahl an assistierten Reproduktionstechniken (ART wie In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF oder Intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion (ICSI zur Verfügung, die mithilfe von kryokonservierten Spermien durchgeführt werden können. Diese Methoden können jedoch die natürliche Fertilität des Patienten nicht wiederherstellen und sind für präpubertäre Krebspatienten ungeeignet, da diese vor Beginn der Chemo- oder Radiotherapie keine Samenprobe liefern können. Die Transplantation von testikulären Stammzellen bietet daher einen möglichen Therapieansatz zur Behandlung von Unfruchtbarkeit. Methoden zur Isolierung, Konservierung, Transplantation und In-vitro-Maturierung dieser Zellen befinden sich zur Zeit in der Entwicklung. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert etablierte Methoden zur Fertilitätskonservierung bei Männern und gibt darüber hinaus einen Überblick über die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Keimzelltransplantation und extrakorporalen Generierung von Keimzellen.

  5. Von Start-ups lernen - Methoden und Entwicklungsprozesse, die Jungunternehmen erfolgreich machen (United States)

    Böhme, Eckhart

    Die Start-up-Bewegung bringt beständig sog. Disruptoren hervor, die jede Branche betreffen und so gut wie keinen Lebensbereich auslassen. Diese Jungunternehmen, insbesondere aus der Softwarebranche, verfügen zwar nicht über Ressourcen wie etablierte Unternehmen, sie sind jedoch agil, "hungrig", können frei von "Ballast" agieren und treiben die Digitalisierung aller Branchen voran. Aber auch Start-ups können nicht einfach ungetestete Ideen in erfolgreiche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen umwandeln und ihren Erfolg dem Zufall überlassen. Erfolgreiche Jungunternehmen folgen vielmehr einem strukturierten Prozess, um marktgetestete Nutzenversprechen und Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln. Zunehmend adaptieren etablierte Unternehmen innovative Entwicklungsprozesse und Methoden. Die Fragestellung für Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVUs) lautet, welche Methoden, Werkzeuge und Entwicklungsprozesse, die heute bei vielen Start-ups eingesetzt werden, sie aufgreifen können, um das Unternehmen gegenüber Disruptoren robust zu machen?

  6. Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Haftkraftmessung von Dentinadhäsiven


    Schwertner, Katharina


    Zur Bestimmung der Haftkraft von Adhäsiven stehen verschiedene Methoden zur Verfügung. Ziel dieser Studie war es, vier gebräuchliche in vitro Haftkraftmessmethoden (Tensile Bond Strength Test, Shear Bond Strength Test, Microtensile Bond Strength Test, Push-out Bond Strength Test) an drei unterschiedlichen Adhäsivsystemen (Syntac, Clearfil SE Bond, Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose) zu testen und die Ergebnisse zu vergleichen. Die Haftkräfte sind abhängig von der verwendeten Messmethode. Viele Pa...

  7. Quasi Monte Carlo methods for optimization models of the energy industry with pricing and load processes; Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden fuer Optimierungsmodelle der Energiewirtschaft mit Preis- und Last-Prozessen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leoevey, H.; Roemisch, W. [Humboldt-Univ., Berlin (Germany)


    We discuss progress in quasi Monte Carlo methods for numerical calculation integrals or expected values and justify why these methods are more efficient than the classic Monte Carlo methods. Quasi Monte Carlo methods are found to be particularly efficient if the integrands have a low effective dimension. That's why We also discuss the concept of effective dimension and prove on the example of a stochastic Optimization model of the energy industry that such models can posses a low effective dimension. Modern quasi Monte Carlo methods are therefore for such models very promising. [German] Wir diskutieren Fortschritte bei Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden zur numerischen Berechnung von Integralen bzw. Erwartungswerten und begruenden warum diese Methoden effizienter sind als die klassischen Monte Carlo Methoden. Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden erweisen sich als besonders effizient, falls die Integranden eine geringe effektive Dimension besitzen. Deshalb diskutieren wir auch den Begriff effektive Dimension und weisen am Beispiel eines stochastischen Optimierungsmodell aus der Energiewirtschaft nach, dass solche Modelle eine niedrige effektive Dimension besitzen koennen. Moderne Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden sind deshalb fuer solche Modelle sehr erfolgversprechend.

  8. Editorial: Visuelle Methoden in der Forschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horst Niesyto


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung der Bilder in der öffentlichen Kommunikation hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Nicht umsonst spricht William Mitchell in seinem Buch «Picture Theory» (1994 von einem «pictorial turn», der sich an den «linguistic turn» anschliesse. Er konstatiert programmatisch: «we may find that the problem of the twenty-first century is the problem of the image». Betrachtet man den Bereich der erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung unter der Perspektive, welche Bedeutung hier visuellem Material zukommt, dann stellt man nüchtern fest, dass in den Bereichen der Datenerhebung wie auch der Datenauswertung in methodologischer wie auch in methodischer Hinsicht Defizite bestehen. Das gilt für qualitative wie auch für quantitative Forschungsmethoden gleichermassen. Die wesentlichen Fortschritte qualitativer Methoden in den letzten dreissig Jahren sind beispielsweise vor allem mit neuen Entwicklungen im Bereich der Interpretation von Texten (Interviews, Gruppendiskussion, ethnografische Verfahren verbunden. Sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit dem «linguistic turn» in den Sozialwissenschaften (konversations- und narrationsanalytische Auswertungsverfahren und gehen einher mit einer Marginalisierung der Interpretation visueller Dokumente. Bilder wurden wesentlich auch als Texte gesehen («Die Welt als Text». Artikulation und kommunikative Verständigung vollziehen sich aber nicht nur im Medium der Sprache und des Textes, sondern auch in demjenigen des Bildes bzw. bewegter Bilder (Film. Die Methoden zum Sprach- und Textverstehen sind relativ gut ausgearbeitet, die Methoden zur Film- und Bildinterpretation sind es im Kontext sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung nicht. Natürlich gibt es ausgearbeitete Traditionen für die Bildinterpretation im Bereich der Kunstwissenschaft und für Filminterpretation im Bereich der Filmwissenschaft, aber hier liegen andere Fragestellungen zugrunde. Seit einigen Jahren hat eine stärkere Hinwendung

  9. Entwicklung von Methoden zur ereignisgesteuerten neurofunktionellen Kernspintomographie für die Messung der Gehirnaktivität bei der Schmerzverarbeitung


    Meyer, Heiko


    Die ereignisgesteuerte neurofunktionelle Magnetresonanz-Tomographie ermöglicht die Darstellung der aktiven Gehirnareale, indem sie die unterschiedlichen magnetischen Eigenschaften von oxygeniertem und desoxygeniertem Blut ausnutzt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden vier ereignisgesteuerte FLASH-Meßsequenzen für die Untersuchung der Schmerzverarbeitung entwickelt und implementiert. Diese Methoden ermöglichen die Abbildung der Gehirnfunktion auf einen äußeren Reiz mit hoher zeitlicher und räum...

  10. „Spielen die jetzt Soziologen?“ Nutzerstudien mit ethnografischen Methoden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corinna Haas


    Full Text Available Ausgehend von den USA ist der Trend zur Nutzerforschung mit Methoden aus der Ethnografie nun auch in Deutschland angekommen. Den Durchbruch brachte die Studie „Studying Students“ (2007 der University of Rochester, deren Ansatz des „Participatory Design“ inzwischen viele andere akademische Bibliotheken gefolgt sind. Auch im deutschen Sprachraum gibt es bereits Aktivitäten in diese Richtung. Wie eine Stichprobe der Autorin an fünf Bibliotheken zeigt, sind theoretische und methodische Kenntnisse der Nutzerforschung in der Fachcommunity jedoch noch nicht ausreichend verbreitet. Starting in the USA, user research carried out with ethnographical methods has reached Germa­ny. The breakthrough-study “Studying Students” (2007 at the university of Rochester which used the “par­ticipatory design” approach has been perceived by academic libraries. However, user studies in general, let alone the implementation of ethnographic methods, are still impeded by the lack of theoretical knowledge and methodological skills among library professionals in Germany. At least, this impression is given by in­terviews the author conducted with directors in five different libraries.

  11. Die Nutzer werden nicht gefragt: nonreaktive Methoden der bibliothekarischen Nutzerforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ralf Depping


    Full Text Available Wenn von Nutzerforschung in Bibliotheken die Rede ist, so denkt man in der Regel zunächst an Befragungen unterschiedlichster Art, angefangen vom klassischen Fragebogen bis zu Tiefeninterviews oder Fokusgruppen-Gesprächen. Mit den nonreaktiven Methoden der Nutzerforschung steht in Ergänzung dazu ein breites Instrumentarium zur Verfügung, um Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten unserer Nutzerinnen und Nutzer zu gewinnen, ohne sie selbst unmittelbar befragen zu müssen. Dieser Artikel bietet einen Überblick über bekannte und bisher weniger bekannte Anwendungen nonreaktiver Nutzerforschung in Bibliotheken. User research in libraries is usually understood as the usage of different types of surveys, i.e. questionnaires, qualitative interviews or focus-group interviews. Non-reactive methods of user research offer different instruments to learn more about the behaviour of our users, without having to ask them directly. This article provides an overview of known and (so far lesser known scenarios for nonreactive user research in libraries.

  12. Methods and quality assurance in environmental medicine. Formation of a RKI-Commission; Methoden und Qualitaetssicherung in der Umweltmedizin. Einrichtung einer Umweltmedizin-Kommission am RKI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eis, D. [Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany). Robert-Koch-Institut


    An almost bewildering number of widely differing methods and techniques, often not validated, are being applied often inappropriately in the field of environmental medicine to answer questions regarding exposure assessment, diagnosis, treatment, counselling and prevention. Therefore, quality control within the field of environmental medicine is quite problematic. A primary goal of the newly formed RKI-Commission 'Methods and Quality Assurance in Environmental Medicine' is to form a panel of experts in the field, who evaluate the situation and generate consensus documents containing respective recommendations. By this the commission will contribute to standardization and agreement on appropriate methods, procedures and their correct application in the practice of environmental medicine. Hopefully it will also achieve a stronger, more consistent use of evidence-based-medicine and improve the quality of the structure, processes and results of research and practice in this field. The committee will initially deal with the issue of clinical environmental medicine, because here the largest problems in quality assurance are seen. In this context the commission will look at the problem areas of environmental-medical outpatient units and environmental clinics. The work of the commission will be supported by the newly formed Documentation and Evaluation Center for Methods in Environmental Medicine (Zentrale Erfassungs- und Bewertungsstelle fuer umweltmedizinische Methoden, ZEBUM) at the Robert Koch Institute. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen der umweltmedizinischen Expositionserfassung, Diagnostik, Beratung, Therapie, Prophylaxe und Sanierung wird eine kaum mehr ueberschaubare Zahl unterschiedlichster, zum Teil nichtvalidierter Verfahren bei oftmals fragwuerdiger Indikation eingesetzt. Die umweltmedizinische Qualitaetssicherung (QS) ist damit zum Problem geworden. Ein Hauptanliegen der neu eingerichteten RKI-Kommission 'Methoden und Qualitaetssicherung in der

  13. Anforderungen an ein System zur Evaluierung potentieller Langzeitschäden durch den Einsatz gentechnischer Methoden in der Nahrungsmittelherstellung und -verarbeitung


    Katzek, Jens


    Der Einsatz der gentechnischer Methoden bei der Synthese und Veränderung von Lebensmittelbestandteilen unterliegt strengen gesetzlichen Regeln, die eine umfangreiche Risikoabschätzung vor dem Inverkehrbringen gewährleisten sollen. Erfahrungen aus anderen Technikbereichen – insbesondere der Pharmazie – zeigen jedoch, daß Risikoabschätzungen vor dem Inverkehrbringen eines Produktes nicht in der Lage sind, alle möglichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Evaluierung des Gefährdungspotentials bereits im ...

  14. Psychotherapie und Spiritualität : eine qualitative Studie über die Integration spiritueller Konzepte und Methoden in die psychotherapeutische Arbeitsweise


    Hundt, Ulrike


    Anhand biographischer Interviews werden die Motive von sechs Psychotherapeuten untersucht, sich einem spirituell orientierten Weg zuzuwenden und spirituelle Werte und Methoden in ihr westliches Therapiekonzept zu integrieren. Auffälligstes Ergebnis ist die Argumentation der Notwendigkeit von Spiritualität bzw. Religiosität für den therapeutischen Prozess, verbunden mit einer großen Offenheit für das Weltbild des Klienten. Die befragten Therapeuten lehnten es ab, eine spirituelle Perspektive v...

  15. Methods of analysis in terms of effects and their application to toxic organic constituents of industrial waste water; Methoden und Anwendung der wirkungsbezogenen Analytik auf toxische organische Inhaltsstoffe in industriellen Abwaessern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reemtsma, T.; Putschew, A.; Jekel, M. [Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany). Fachgebiet Wasserreinhaltung


    Coupling biological action detection with chemical sewage analysis opens up a broad spectrum of methods involving diverse amounts of effort, whose results can range from hints to ways of eliminating a toxic effect to the identification and quantification of individual toxic constituents even in complex waste water. These methods help recognizing problems with effluent quality and enhancing treatment concepts. As possible biological effects of sewage discharges into receiving bodies of water (including sublethal effects) are meeting with increasing attention, the importance of sewage analysis in terms of effects will acquire even greater weight. Automated and miniaturized processes can cut down the involved effort substantially in the future. (orig.) [German] Die Kopplung der biologischen Wirkungsdetektion mit chemischer Abwasseranalytik eroeffnet ein breites Spektrum unterschiedlich aufwendiger Methoden, deren Ergebnisse von Hinweisen auf Methoden zur Entfernung einer toxischen Wirkung bis zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung einzelner toxischer Inhaltsstoffe auch in komplexer Abwaessern reichten koennen. Diese Methoden helfen beim Erkennen von Problemen in der Ablaufqualitaet und unterstuetzen bei der Verbesserung von Behandlungskonzepten. Mit steigender Beachtung moeglicher biologischer Wirkungen von Abwassereinleitungen im Vorfluter (unter Einbeziehung sublethaler Effekte) wird die Bedeutung der wirkungsbezogenen Abwasseranalytik noch zunehmen. Automatisierte und miniaturisierte Verfahren koennen zukuenftig den dabei zu treibenden Aufwand wesentlich vermindern. (orig.)

  16. Rapportage beoordeling CLRW methoden van onderzoek nummer 53 dd. 1994-07-19, nummer 58 dd. 1994-07-19 en nummer 73 dd. 1994-07-21

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rhijn, van J.A.; Keukens, H.J.


    De methoden van onderzoek zijn beoordeeld op punten welke van invloed zijn op de bruikbaarheid in de praktijk en op punten met betrekking tot de te verwachten betrouwbaarheid van de resultaten welke met de methode gegenereerd worden. Over het algemeen kan gesteld worden dat de beschrijving van de

  17. Vesta spatial energy model for the built environment. Data and methods; Vesta ruimtelijk energiemodel voor de gebouwde omgeving. Data en methoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van den Wijngaart, R.A.; Folkert, R.J.M.


    Vesta is a spatial energy model for the built environment which calculates the energy consumption and CO2 emissions for the built environment. First, attention is paid to the data and methods of spatial data on the existing and future housing stock, commercial buildings and horticulture areas. Next, the energy indicators are discussed for calculation of the energy demand. Subsequently, energy and cost data for building measures and area measures such as waste heat, geothermal heat and cold and heat storage (TES). Also, the socio-economic characteristics of residents and the business-economic characteristics of the utility and horticulture sectors as used for selections in the Vesta model are discussed. Finally, results of the model are compared with national energy measurements [Dutch] In dit rapport worden de data en methoden besproken die zijn gebruikt voor het ruimtelijk energiemodel Vesta. Vesta is een ruimtelijk energiemodel voor de gebouwde omgeving en berekent het energiegebruik en de CO2-uitstoot voor de gebouwde omgeving. Allereerst wordt aandacht besteed aan de data en methoden van ruimtelijke gegevens over de bestaande en toekomstige voorraad woningen, utiliteitsgebouwen en glastuinbouwarealen. Daarna worden de energiekentallen besproken voor het berekenen van de energievraag. Vervolgens presenteren we de energie- en kostengegevens voor gebouwmaatregelen en gebiedsmaatregelen als restwarmte, geothermie en warmtekoudeopslag (WKO). Ook gaan we in op de sociaaleconomische karakteristieken van bewoners en de bedrijfseconomische karakteristieken van de sectoren utiliteit en glastuinbouw zoals gebruikt voor selecties in Vesta. Tot slot vergelijken we de uitkomsten van het model met landelijke metingen voor energie.

  18. Comparison of calculation methods. PME and LTA; Vergelijking methoden energiebesparing. PME en MJA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verdonk, M. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Bilthoven (Netherlands); Boonekamp, P. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    Various calculation methods are used to calculate the effects of energy conservation policy. This memo provides insight in the main differences between two frequently used methods, i.e. the second Long Term Agreements Energy Efficiency (LTA2) and the Protocol Monitoring Energy Saving (PME). These insights enable better fine-tuning between PME and the successor to LTA2 (LTA3). The memo starts with a brief characterization of the LTAs, the corresponding calculation methods and PME approach. Next the most striking differences are discussed, including the quantitative effect of the two calculation methods. [Dutch] Er zijn verschillende rekenmethoden in gebruik, waarmee de effecten van het energiebesparingsbeleid kunnen worden berekend. Deze notitie verschaft inzicht in de voornaamste verschillen tussen twee veel gebruikte methoden, namelijk de tweede Meerjarenafspraken energie-efficiency (MJA2) en het Protocol Monitoring Energiebesparing (PME). De inzichten maken een betere afstemming mogelijk tussen PME en de opvolger van MJA2 (MJA3). De notitie start met een korte typering van de MJA's, de bijbehorende rekenmethode en de PME aanpak. Vervolgens worden de meest opvallende verschillen belicht, inclusief het kwantitatieve effect van de twee rekenmethoden.

  19. Finding causal variants for complex genetic disease : the contribution of statistical methodology to fine-mapping and assay optimization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spijker, Geert Theodoor


    Proefschrift bestaande uit een zestal deels eerder gepubliceerde hoofdstukken. Enerzijds is geprobeerd de methoden voor het genetisch fijn-karteren van varianten die bijdragen aan complexe genetische ziekten te verbeteren. Anderzijds is geprobeerd met statistische methoden de laboratorium procedures

  20. Influencing energy consumption in public buildings - methodology and experience; Beeinflussung der Nutzer in oeffentlichen Gebaeuden - Methoden und Erfahrungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muno, P.


    In public buildings energy consumption and the attitude towards it depends in the most diverse fields upon the consumer hinself. Public buildings are to serve as examples for developing strategies to save energy on the consumer's side. Methods and experience of 21 years of energy management are to be reported on through which a reduction of energy consumption of approx. 20% has been achieved. (orig.) [German] Die Energieanwendung, der Umgang mit Energie in oeffentlichen Gebaeuden ist in verschiedensten Bereichen abhaengig vom Verhalten der Nutzer. Dieses Nutzerverhalten in Richtung Energieeinsparung zu beeinflussen und zu aendern, bietet neben der Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und der CO{sub 2}-Emissionen den Vorteil niedrigerer Energiekosten. Methoden und Erfahrungen dazu liegen vor, d.h. Energieeinsparung durch nichtinvestive Massnahmen. Ein wichtiges Potential, nicht zuletzt wegen der knapper werdenden Energie-Ressourcen und oeffentlichen Mittel. (orig.)

  1. Improved product planning by problem-oriented use of preventive quality management methods; Verbesserte Produktplanung durch den problemorientierten Einsatz praeventiver Qualitaetsmanagementmethoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lesmeister, F.


    The development of innovative products meeting the customer's needs is getting increasingly complex. The production cost and the time to market must be reduced constantly. Modern methods of preventive quality management like QFD, FMEA and Target Costing offer help but they tend to be complex and costly. The author attempted a modularisation of the methods, with the possibility of linking modules as desired using a commercially available software. [German] Die Entwicklung innovativer, den Kundenbeduerfnissen entsprechender Produkte wird zunehmend komplexer. Die Unternehmen sind gezwungen, die Kosten der Produkterstellung stetig zu reduzieren und den Time-to-Market zu verkuerzen. Moderne Methoden des praeventiven Qualitaetsmanagements wie das QFD, die FMEA und das Target Costing bieten Unterstuetzungsmoeglichkeiten zur Loesung der damit zusammenhaengenden Probleme. Doch ist der Einsatz der oft komplizierten Methoden sehr aufwendig. Gruende hierfuer sind die oft starren Anwendungsschemata, die einem situationsspezifischen Einsatz der Methoden entgegenstehen, und die fehlende Verknuepfung der Methoden. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist eine Modularisierung der Methoden und eine Verknuepfung der einzelnen Methodenmodule. Hierdurch koennen die Methoden an die jeweilige Problemsituation angepasst eingesetzt und dadurch der gesamte Produktentwicklungsprozess durchgaengig unterstuetzt werden. Die Anwendung der Methoden wird mittels einer auf dem Markt erhaeltlichen Software unterstuetzt. (orig.)

  2. Forms and methods of training and teaching of power network operators within the deregulated energy markets; Training und Schulung von Netzbetriebsfuehrern im deregulierten Markt. Formen und Methoden der Ausbildung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Timmermann, D. [Consulectra Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Hamburg (Germany)


    The basic as well as the advanced professional training and education of future network operators is continuously receding into the background within periods of increasing pressure of the efficiency. The author shows that for the execution of training and educational measures the operation of a cost- and personal-intensive training simulator will not be necessarily required, but also other forms can make sense. The various kinds and methods for training and education of network operators will be indicated and evaluated. By this way the required expenditure will be put into relation to the benefit of the training efforts. (orig.) [German] Die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Netzbetriebsfuehrern tritt in Zeiten des steigenden Effizienzdruckes immer mehr in den Hintergrund. Der Verfasser zeigt auf, dass fuer die Durchfuehrung von Trainings- und Schulungsmassnahmen nicht zwingend der kosten- und personalintensive Betrieb eines Trainingssimulators erforderlich ist, sondern auch andere Formen sinnvoll sein koennen. Die unterschiedlichen Formen und Methoden fuer Training und Schulung von Netzbetriebsfuehrern werden aufgezeigt und bewertet. Dabei wird der erforderliche Aufwand in Relation zum Trainingsnutzen gestellt. (orig.)

  3. Influence of thyroid metabolism on radioiodine therapy in Graves` disease; Einfluss der Stoffwechsellage auf die Radioiodtherapie beim Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boerner, A.R. [Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizin; Weckesser, M.; Boy, C.; Schmidt, D.; Langen, K.J.; Mueller-Gaertner, H.W. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Nuklearmedizinische Klinik]|[Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizin


    Radioiodine therapy is one of two definitive methods of treatment in Graves` disease beside near-total thyreoidectomy. Simple strategies like optimization of thyroid metabolism help to improve efficacy in radioiodine therapy thus lowering applied radioiodine doses, radiation exposure to the patient and to the environment and avoiding multiple vain therapeutic efforts. These strategies are likely to reduce costs at the same time. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Radioiodtherapie ist eine der beiden definitiven Therapiemethoden bei Morbus Basedow neben der nahezu totalen Thyreoidektomie. Ziel ist es, mit einfachen Methoden wie der optimalen Einstellung der Stoffwechsellage die Effizienz der Radioiodtherapie zu optimieren im Hinblick auf eine Reduktion der einzusetzenden Aktivitaet, der Gesamtstrahlenexposition fuer Patient und Umwelt und durch Vermeidung mehrfacher, vergeblicher therapeutischer Ansaetze. Diese Optimierung traegt auch zur Reduktion der Gesamtkrankheitskosten bei. (orig.)

  4. Generating and testing methods for consumer-oriented product development; Genererende en toetsingsmethoden voor consumentgerichte productontwikkeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to obtain a good insight into various design methods that can be used by product developers to enable them to develop and test useful domotics products (domotics: intelligent systems for the home), an inventory has been made of the methods used in the Netherlands. The inventory is directed at two categories of methods: (1) Methods of getting better acquainted with the user and/or the problem, and of generating novel solutions: generative methods; and (2) Methods of assessing solutions (through various phases of the designing process): testing methods. The first category of methods concentrates on the designing process. In other words: how can the designer realise as much as possible of the workability of (domotics) products during the designing process? The second category aims at testing a design (in whatever shape: drawing, prototype, functional computer animation, etc.) through its users. These are methods of assessing a design at various stages of the designing process. [Dutch] Om een goed inzicht te krijgen in verschillende ontwerpmethoden die productontwikkelaars kunnen gebruiken om bruikbare domoticaproducten te kunnen ontwikkelen en toetsen, is een inventarisatie uitgevoerd naar de methoden die in Nederland worden gebruikt. De inventarisatie richt zich op twee categorieen methoden: (1) methoden om de gebruiker casu quo het probleem beter te leren kennen en nieuwe oplossingen te genereren, zogenaamde genererende methoden, en (2) methoden om oplossingen te evatueren (in verschillende fasen van het ontwerpproces), zogenaamde toetsingsmethoden. De eerste categorie methoden richt zich op het ontwerpproces: hoe kan de ontwerper tijdens het ontwerpproces de bruikbaarheid van (domotica)producten zoveel mogelijk realiseren? De tweede categorie methoden is erop gericht om een ontwerp (in wat voor vorm dan ook: tekening, prototype, functionele computeranimatie, enzovoort) te toetsen bij gebruikers. Het zijn methoden om een ontwerp, op verschillende momenten

  5. Comparison of different methods of assessing the tar content of gases from wood gasification; Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung des Teergehalts in Gasen aus der Holzvergasung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moersch, O; Spliethoff, H; Hein, K R.G. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen


    The authors present a method developed at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Steam Boiler Technology (IVD) of Stuttgart University for quasi-continuous online measurement of tar concentrations in gases from biomass gasification. The method is compared with other methods in terms of time requirements, accuracy, and cost: Gravimetry, wet chemical analysis, solid phase amino-adsorption (SPA), and online process gas chromatography. The measurements were carried out on the fluidized-bed combustion system of the IVD. Wood was gasified at 800 degrees centigrade with a fuel/air ratio of 0.25. The measured tar concentrations differed widely, i.e. between 0.8 and 6.8 g per cubic metre. (orig.) [Deutsch] In dieser Arbeit wird ein am Institut fuer Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen (IVD) entwickeltes Verfahren zur quasikontinuierlichen Online-Messung des Teergehalts im Gas aus der Biomassevergasung vorgestellt und mit anderen Methoden aus der Literatur im Hinblick auf Zeitaufwand, Genauigkeit und Kosten verglichen. Untersucht wurden dabei eine gravimetrische Methode, die nasschemische Bestimmung, das Solid-Phase-Amino Adsorptionsverfahren (SPA), sowie die Online Analyse mittels Prozess-Gaschromatograph. Die Messungen wurden an der Wirbelschichtvergasungsanlage des IVD durchgefuehrt. Vergast wurde Holz bei 800 C und einer Luftzahl von 0.25. Der mit den verschiedenen Verfahren ermittelte Teergehalt unterscheidet sich zum Teil erheblich. Es ergaben sich Werte zwischen 0.8 und 6.8 g/m{sup 3}. (orig.)

  6. Quantifying biometric life insurance risks with non-parametric smoothing methods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tomas, J.


    Julien Tomas beschrijft verdelingsvrije afrondingsmethoden van de sterfte-ervaring bij levensverzekeringen. Net als parametrische methoden neigen ook deze methoden naar onzuivere schattingen, maar zodanig dat het mogelijk is een grotere onzuiverheid op te laten wegen tegen een lagere

  7. Monitoring chemische en ecologische kwaliteit oppervlaktewater op melkveebedrijven = Monitoring chemical and ecological quality surface water on dairy farms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoving, I.E.; Boekhoff, M.; Knotters, M.; Schilder, H.; Wisse, J.S.P.


    In het project ‘Boeren met Kaderrichtlijn Water’ is gekeken welke methoden bestaan om de oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit op boerenbedrijven te beoordelen in het licht van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water. Twee methoden zijn nader getoetst, namelijk compliance monitoring waarbij het accent ligt op

  8. Service planning. Methods for quality assurance in manufacturing; Instandhaltungs-Planung. Methoden zur Qualitaetssicherung in der Fertigung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lapp, H.


    Servicing is the generic term for inspection, maintenance and repair. It is largely carried out using quality-oriented methods as are laid down in DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. Service planning is an investment in the future which will become more important with growing automisation of production plants. Planned servicing reduces risks and protects against accidents, excessive downtime, and damage to movable property and buildings. The present book addresses servicemen from industry, craftsman`s establishments, and service planners who deal with the servicing of mchanical installations. It contains examples of planning which may serve the reader as a guide and stimulus for his or her own work. Rather than providing detailed solutions the examples offer hints and information on how to go about one`s own service planning. Tables containing technical terms and proposals for schedule and checklist forms and operating sheets offer guidance in setting up one`s own service planning. Planned servicing contributes to prolonging service life, increasing the value and ensuring maximum operability of an installation. Service planning includes the elaboration of schedules, codable operating sheets, material lists, test certificates, error reports, damage reports, and analyses of weak points. Operators of production plants can procure these planning tools also in the form of software. Coding of different types of maintenance work, damaged parts and damage patterns (terminology of defects) makes it possible to call for maintenance tenders from other companies. (orig.) [Deutsch] Instandhaltung ist der Oberbegriff fuer Inspektion, Wartung und Instandsetzung. Im Vordergrund stehen qualitaetsorientierte Methoden gemaess DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. Geplante Instandhaltung ist eine Investition fuer die Zukunft; sie wird mit der weiteren Automatisierung der Produktionsanlagen an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die geplante Instandhaltung reduziert das Risiko und schafft Sicherheit vor Unfaellen

  9. Contaminated land and ground water: trends in the development of biological methods for remediation research; Altlasten und Grundwasser - Trends in der Entwicklung der biologischen Methoden in der Sanierungsforschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stottmeister, U [UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig (Germany). Sektion Sanierungsforschung


    Future developments in environmental biotechnology and in situ-remediation processes need the understanding and the influencing of the interaction between all components of a biological biocoenosis, especially in biofilm. Better performances concerning the elimination of contaminants could be made possible by the balanced addition of both additional electron acceptors and cosubstrates, in which the studies of the physiological interaction must be studied. The application of physical methods like radio waves are able to support the microbiological processes. The understanding of the interaction between biotic and abiotic processes in contaminated sites is incomplete at the present time. Ecotechnical processes must decrease the time demand of the natural attenuation and remove inhibitions. Phytoremediation is promising; the understanding of the root - microorganism interaction is the basis of new applications. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die zukuenftigen Entwicklungen der Umweltbiotechnologie und der in situ-Sanierungsverfahren sollten durch das Erkennen und die Beeinflussung des Wechselspiels von Biozoenosen insbesondere in Biofilmen bestimmt werden. Leistungssteigerungen des Schadstoffabbaus sind moeglich durch die bilanzierte Zugabe zusaetzlicher Elektronenakzeptoren oder von Kosubstraten, deren physiologische Wirkungsweise erkannt werden muss. Physikalische Massnahmen wie z.B. die Radiowellenanwendung koennen mikrobiologische Prozesse unterstuetzen. Das Wechselspiel biotischer und abiotischer Prozesse in Altlasten ist erst unvollstaendig verstanden. Oekotechnische Prozesse muessen die natuerliche Selbstreinigung beschleunigen oder Inhibitionen aufheben. Die vielversprechenden Methoden der Phytoremediation werden neue Anwendungsgebiete finden, wenn die Wurzelraum-Mikroorganismen-Wechselwirkung verstanden wird. (orig.)

  10. Detectiemethoden voor legionella in water

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schalk M; de Roda Husman AM; LZO; cib


    Het RIVM heeft een overzicht gemaakt van bestaande en nieuwe methoden om legionella in water aan te tonen. Dit is gemaakt in opdracht van de VROM Inspectie, die inzicht wil hebben in de kenmerken en toepassingsmogelijkheden van bestaande en nieuwe methoden.
    Legionella komt overal in het milieu

  11. Optimisation of a bioindicator monitoring network using geostatic methods and a geographic information system; Optimierung eines Bioindikator-Messnetzes mit Hilfe geostatischer Methoden und eines Geographischen Informationssystems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forster, E.M.


    Since 1981 the Bavarian State Authority for Environment Protection has used mosses (hypnum cupressiforme) as bioindicators for determining atmospheric background pollution. Covering all of Bavaria the monitoring network comprises more than 370 sampling sites spaced 8 km apart in urban regions and otherwise 16 km. The extremely labour-intensive and costly operation of the network led to the idea to thin it in such a way that the loss of information on regional background pollution would be kept as small as possible and remain within acceptable bounds. The geostatic methods used for this purpose permit an areal estimation of pollution load giving due consideration to local values as well as a calculation of the forecast error. The present report is divided into two sections: The first deals with the determination of spatial dependences, while the second concens the selection of sampling sites. (orig./KW) [Deutsch] Seit 1981 werden Moose (Hypnum cupressiforme) als Bioindikatoren zur Ermittlung der atmosphaerischen Hintergrundbelastung vom Bayerischen Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz eingesetzt. Das landesweite Messnetz umfasst mehr als 370 Probenahmestandorte, die 16 km bzw. in Verdichtungsregionen 8 km von einander entfernt liegen. Der erhebliche personelle und finanzielle Aufwand fuehrte zu der Ueberlegung das Messnetz mit moeglichst geringem, noch aktzeptablen Informationsverlust bezueglich der grossraeumigen Hintergrundbelastung zu reduzieren. Hierbei kamen geostatistische Methoden zum Einsatz, da sie eine flaechenhafte Schaetzung der Immissionsbelastung unter Beruecksichtigung der Umgebungswerte ermoeglichen. Zudem kann der Schaetzfehler berechnet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich daher in zwei Bereiche: Einerseits das Feststellen raeumlicher Abhaengigkeiten und andererseits die Auswahl der Probenahmestandorte. (orig./KW)

  12. F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves` disease; F-18-FDG-PET der Schilddruese bei Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boerner, A.R.; Voth, E.; Schicha, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Koeln Univ. (Germany); Wienhard, K.; Wagner, R. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurologische Forschung, Koeln (Germany)


    This study evaluates F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves` disease. Methods: Thirty patients were investigated the day before radioiodine therapy, 15 patients 3-10 days after radioiodine therapy. Twenty patients with cancer of the head or neck and normal thyroid function served as controls. Results: F-18-FDG uptake was higher in Graves` disease patients than in controls. Negative correlations of F-18-FDG uptake with half-life of radioiodine and absorbed radiation dose due to radioiodine therapy were found along with a positive correlation to autoantibody levels. Conclusion: Thus F-18-FDG PET is likely to give information on the biological activity of Graves` disease as well as on early radiation effects. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Diese Studie evaluiert F-18-Fluoro-Deoxy-Glukose (F-18-FDG) PET der Schilddruese bei Patienten mit M. Basedow. Methoden: 30 Patienten wurden am Tag vor Radioiod-Therapie, 15 Patienten am 3.-10. Tag nach Radioiodtherapie untersucht. 20 Patienten mit Kopf/Halstumoren und normaler Schilddruesenfunktion dienten als Kontrollgruppe. Ergebnisse: Die F-18-FDG-Aufnahme in der Schilddruese war signifikant hoeher bei Patienten mit M-Basedow im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen. Sie stieg mit hoeheren, antithyreoidalen Antikoerpern und sank bei laengerer I-131-Halbwertzeit. Es bestand eine Korrelation einer reduzierten Glukose-Utilisation bei hoeherer absorbierter Schilddruesendosis nach Radioiod-Therapie. Schlussfolgerung: Damit erscheint die F-18-FDG-PET-Untersuchung zur biologischen Aktivitaetsbeurteilung des M. Basedow und Darstellung von fruehen Strahleneffekten geeignet. (orig.)

  13. Ein wellenbasiertes stochastisches Modell zur Vorhersage der Erdbebenlast


    Bretschneider, Jörg


    Starke Erdbeben stellen weltweit ein hohes Risiko für urbane Zentren dar, dem unter anderem durch Methoden der aseismischen Bauwerksbemessung begegnet wird. Grundlage hierfür bilden Annahmen und Erfahrungswissen über die lokale seismische Bodenbeschleunigung, Grenzen sind hingegen durch die zusätzlichen Kosten gesetzt. Die Schadensbilanz der Starkbeben der letzten Jahre, auch in den Industrieländern, verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, die Konzepte und Methoden des erdbebensicheren Bauens weiter ...

  14. Fallstudien als Forschungsmethode: Plädoyer für einen Methodenpluralismus in der deutschen betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung


    Göthlich, Stephan E.


    Qualitative Forschungsmethoden stehen in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften noch immer im Schatten quantitativer Methoden und ökonomischer Modelle. Dies gilt insbesondere für die deutsche Forschung, während sich international eine zunehmende Öffnung zu qualitativen Methoden abzeichnet. In diesem Beitrag wird die Auffassung vertreten, dass sich die deutsche Forschung diesem Trend nicht verschließen sollte, will sie den Anschluss nicht verlieren. Exemplarisch für qualitative Forschungsmethoden werde...

  15. Energy and the future: Sustainable methods of energy use from passive architecture to fusion. Lectures; Energie und Zukunft: Zukunftsweisende Methoden der Energienutzung vom Passivhaus bis zur Fusion. Vortraege

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nahm, W.; Schultze, K. [eds.


    In the run-up to the Kyoto conference, there is far-reaching agreement that the world energy industry needs to be reconstructed by the middle of the next century if a climate catastrophe is to be avoided. But how this goal can be reached is controversial. The risks involved are described in contributions concerned with German energy policy, the insurance sector, and scenarios for mitigating carbon dioxides on the basis of the Ikarus model. But the focus of this annual report of DPG`s task force Energy is on reports on longer-term technologies and methods. Two papers describe the state of the art of fusion research. In the conventional energy sector, high-efficiency absorption-type refrigerators and thermal engines, and fuel conservation through low-cost passive architecture are dealt with inter alia. Other lectures report on the state of solar energy utilization and process chains in the hydrogen-based economy. Five papers are individually listed in the Energy database. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Vorfeld der Konferenz von Kyoto besteht weitgehende Einigkeit, dass die Weltenergiewirtschaft bis zur Mitte des naechsten Jahrhunderts umgestaltet werden muss, um eine Klimakatastrophe zu verhindern. Der Weg dahin ist umstritten. Seine Risiken kommen in Beitraegen zur deutschen Energiepolitik, zur Versicherungswirtschaft und zu Szenarien der Minderung der CO{sub 2}-Emissionen auf der Basis des Ikarus-Modells zum Ausdruck. Im Mittelpunkt des Jahresbandes des Arbeitskreises Energie der DPG stehen diesmal jedoch Berichte ueber laengerfristig angelegte Technologien und Methoden. Zwei Beitraege berichten ueber den Stand der Fusionsforschung. Im konventionellen Bereich geht es u.a. um hocheffiziente Absorptionsmaschinen zur Versorgung mit Kaelte und Waerme und um die Brennstoffeinsparung durch kostenguenstige Passivhaeuser. Andere Vortraege berichten ueber den Stand der Nutzung der Sonnenenergie und Prozessketten in der Wasserstoffwirtschaft. Fuer die Datenbank Energy wurden fuenf

  16. Enantioselektivität und Isotopendiskriminierung - Zur Analytik von 1,2-Propandiol und 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanon (Furaneol)


    Hartlieb, Ariane


    Aussagekräftige Methoden zur Authentizitätsbewertung sind unerlässlich, um so-wohl einen fairen Handel als auch das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in die Qualität von Lebensmitteln zu gewährleisten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, anhand der Parameter 'Enantioselektivität' und 'Iso-topendiskriminierung' Methoden zur Authentizitätskontrolle von Schaumweinen und Erdbeeren, beides Produkte mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Handelswert, zur Verfügung zu stellen. Um unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit in der Praxi...

  17. Radiological imaging in early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The role of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging; Radiologische Fruehdiagnostik der rheumatoiden Arthritis. Stellenwert von Ultraschall und Magnetresonanztomographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Platzgummer, H.; Schueller-Weidekamm, C. [AKH, Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria)


    For optimal therapy management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) specific and sensitive diagnostic methods are essential for assessment of disease activity. In addition to projection radiography, imaging techniques, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US) are becoming increasingly more important for the early diagnosis of RA. The MRI and US techniques play a key role in the early imaging diagnostics of RA. Measurement of inflammation activity represents the basis of therapeutic decision-making and can be quantitatively and qualitatively determined with MRI and US. Synovitis and bone marrow edema are predictors of erosion. (orig.) [German] Fuer das optimale Therapiemanagement bei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) sind spezifische und sensible diagnostische Methoden zur Beurteilung der Krankheitsaktivitaet unerlaesslich. Neben der Projektionsradiographie gewinnen die bildgebenden Methoden zur Fruehdiagnostik der RA, insbesondere die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) und der Ultraschall (US), zunehmend an Bedeutung. MRT und US spielen eine Schluesselrolle in der bildgebenden Fruehdiagnostik der RA. Die Messung der Entzuendungsaktivitaet stellt die Basis fuer die Therapieentscheidung dar. Sie kann mit dem US und der MRT quantitativ und semiquantitativ bestimmt werden. Synovialitis und Knochenmarkoedem sind Praediktoren fuer Erosionen. (orig.)

  18. The legg-calve-perthes disease; Morbus Perthes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kramer, J.; Scheurecker, A. [Institut fuer CT- und MRT-Diagnostik, Linz (Austria); Hofmann, S. [Allgemeines und Orthopaedisches LKH, Stolzalpe (Austria); Tschauner, C.


    The Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is an idiopathic avascular necrosis of the hip during early childhood. It is characterized by different stages with the main risk of persisting hip deformation, dysfunction of the joint movement, and the potential for early osteoarthritis. For the evaluation of prognosis and therapy planning patients age and extent of the necrotic area of the epiphysis are important factors. For an early diagnosis and sufficient therapy all radiological efforts have to be performed. MR imaging is an ideal method for the assessment of osteonecrotic changes of the Morbus Perthes. Compared to plain radiography by MR imaging pathologic alterations can be detected earlier and with higher specificity. However, conventional radiograms have to be still used as basic imaging modality. Nowadays x-rays and MR imaging should be the main methods for the evaluation of children suffering from Perthes disease. (orig.) [German] Beim Morbus Perthes handelt es sich um eine idiopathische Osteonekrose des Hueftgelenks im fruehkindlichen Alter (3.-12. Lebensjahr). Das Hauptrisiko dieser selbstlimitierenden Erkrankung mit suffizienter Reparatur und charakteristischem stadienhaftem Verlauf ist eine Defektheilung mit deformiertem Hueftkopf (Coxa magna) und sekundaer dysplastischer Pfanne. Diese praearthrotische Deformitaet fuehrt zur Einschraenkung der Hueftfunktion und einer fruehzeitigen Koxarthrose. Zur Abschaetzung der Prognose und Therapieplanung spielen Alter des Patienten bei Krankheitsbeginn sowie Groesse und Lokalisation des Nekroseareals eine entscheidende Rolle. Es ist somit augenscheinlich, dass alle radiologischen Register gezogen werden muessen, um eine moeglichst fruehe Diagnose und eine suffiziente Stadieneinteilung als Voraussetzung fuer eine risikoadaptierte Therapie zu gewaehrleisten. Die MRT eignet sich in idealer Weise zur Beurteilung ischaemischer Knochenmarkveraenderungen im Rahmen des Morbus Perthes. Verglichen mit dem konventionellen Roentgen ist die

  19. Game-based Learning im Bildungskontext einer Hochschule. Ein Praxisbericht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jochen Pfannstiel


    Full Text Available Das Fach Software-Engineering stellt Lernende und Lehrende gleichermassen vor eine grosse Herausforderung, da eine Vielzahl von abstrakten Methoden und Modellen zu erlernen sind. An der Hochschule Offenburg wurde das Lernspiel «Software Engineering in the Future» als Ergänzung zur Präsenzveranstaltung entwickelt. Die Studierenden sollen über das Lernspiel motiviert werden, sich mit der Thematik zu befassen, um dann in ansprechend gestalteten authentischen Szenarien einzelne Methoden zu erlernen und zu vertiefen. Der Artikel stellt die zentralen Aspekte der Spielentwicklung und Ergebnisse einer ersten Befragung der Studierenden vor.

  20. Diagnostics for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract from the viewpoint of the internist and surgeon. Demands made on radiological diagnostics; Diagnostik von Erkrankungen der Gallenblase und - Wege aus Sicht des Internisten und Chirurgen. Anforderungen an die radiologische Diagnostik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reimann, F.M. [Krankenhaus Salem, Heidelberg (Germany); Friess, H. [Krankenhaus Salem, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Abteilung fuer Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Unfallchirurgie


    Jaundice and colic pain of the right upper quadrant are the main symptoms of biliary diseases. Gallstone-related diseases often lead to hospital admission. The evaluation of a patient with biliary symptoms requires a combination of history taking, physical examination, laboratory analysis, and imaging modalities. A high-quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scan is usually sufficient to evaluate a patient with painless jaundice. Ultrasonography is helpful as an initial screening test to guide the diagnostic work-up. Invasive methods (e.g., ERCP) are mainly used for palliation of patients with incurable disease. (orig.) [German] Erkrankungen der Gallenwege manifestieren sich mit den beiden Kardinalsymptomen Ikterus und kolikartigen rechtsseitigen Oberbauchschmerzen. Die durch Gallensteine verursachten Beschwerden und Erkrankungen zaehlen zu den haeufigsten gastroenterologischen Krankheitsbildern, die eine Klinikaufnahme erfordern. Die Abklaerung eines Patienten mit biliaeren Symptomen erfolgt durch eine Kombination von Anamnese, Medikamentenanamnese, koerperlicher Untersuchung, Laboranalysen und bildgebenden Verfahren. Bei Patienten mit malignen Tumoren im Bereich der ableitenden Gallenwege reichen in vielen Faellen Computertomographie (CT) oder Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) zur Abklaerung des schmerzlosen Ikterus aus, um Therapieentscheidungen fuer den Patienten zu faellen. Der Ultraschall ist fuer die Planung der weiteren Diagnostik oft entscheidend. Der Stellenwert invasiver Methoden, wie z. B. der endoskopischen retrograden Cholangio-Pankreatikographie (ERCP), liegt vornehmlich in der Intervention, insbesondere zur Palliation bei Patienten, deren Erkrankung nicht mehr heilbar ist. (orig.)

  1. Myocardial fatty acid utilisation during exercise induced ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Virtanen, K.S. [First Dept. of Medicine, Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital (Finland); Nikkinen, P. [Dept. of Clinical Chemistry, Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital (Finland); Lindroth, L. [Medix Diacor Lab. Services, Ltd., Espoo (Finland); Kuikka, J.T. [Dept. of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Kuopio Univ. Hospital, Univ. of Kuopio and Niuvanniemi Hospital, Kuopio (Finland)


    Aim: Reversible or irreversible myocardial damage due to ischemia correlates with altered membrane functions of the cells. To compare myocardial free fatty acid (FFA) metabolism and flow during exercise induced ischemia we studied ten patients with coronary artery disease but without previous myocardial infarction. Methods: A series of post-exercise single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) measurements was performed after injection of {sup 123}I labelled heptadecanoic acid (HDA). Myocardial perfusion was estimated from the separately performed exercise-redistribution thallium study. Fatty acid metabolic rate, thallium uptake and washout were calculated for anterior, lateral, posterior and septal segments. Results: The more reduced post-exercise FFA metabolic rate (-63{+-}18%, mean {+-}1 SD) compared to flow (-36{+-}16%) was related to the severity of myocardial ischemia and wall motion abnormalities. Conclusion: In this small group of patients, the reduced post-exercise FFA metabolic rate tentatively suggests a parsimonious workload of the exercising myocardium by reducing oxygen consumption in patients with coronary artery disease. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Bei reversibler und irreversibler Myokardschaedigung infolge Ischaemie sind die Membranfunktionen der Zellen veraendert. Um myokardialen Metabolismus freier Fettsaeuren (FFA) und Durchblutung bei belastungsinduzierter Ischaemie zu vergleichen, untersuchten wir zehn Patienten mit Koronarinsuffizienz, aber ohne vorangegangenen Myokardinfarkt. Methoden: Nach Injektion von {sup 123}I-markierter Heptadekansaeure (HDA) wurde eine Serie von SPECT-Messungen nach Belastung aufgenommen. Die myokardiale Perfusion wurde abgeschaetzt durch die separat durchgefuehrte Thalliumverteilungsstudie nach Belastung. Fettsaeurestoffwechsel, Thallium-Uptake und -Washout wurden fuer die anterioren, posterioren und septalen Segmente berechnet. Ergebnisse: Eine eingeschraenktere FFA-Stoffwechselrate (-63{+-}18%, {+-}1 SD

  2. Detection methods for legionellae. Possibilities and limitations of detection methods; Niet alle detectiemethoden geschikt voor legionellagroei. Mogelijkheden en beperkingen detectiemethoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheffer, W.


    This article provides an overview of existing and new methods for detecting legionella in water. It offers insight in the characteristics and applications of existing and new detection methods. However, it is impossible to assess the value of alternative methods at the moment. That will require additional research. [Dutch] Een overzicht is gemaakt van bestaande en nieuwe methoden om legionella in water aan te tonen. Daarmee wordt inzicht verkregen in de kenmerken en toepassingsmogelijkheden van bestaande en nieuwe detectiemethoden. De waarde van alternatieve methoden in een installatie kan echter nog niet worden beoordeeld. Daarvoor is nader onderzoek nodig.

  3. Detection methods of Legionella in water; Detectiemethoden voor legionella in water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schalk, J.A.C.; De Roda Husman, A.M. [Laboratorium voor zoonosen en omgevingsmicrobiologie, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM, Bilthoven (Netherlands)


    The RIVM has compiled an overview of current and new methods for the detection of Legionella in water. The study was carried out by order of the VROM-Inspectorate with the aim of obtaining an insight into the characteristics and applications of current and newly developed methods. Legionella is omnipresent in the environment, but infection mainly results from the direct inhalation of bacteria that have multiplied in man-made water systems, such as whirlpools, cooling towers and tapwater systems. Regulations for the prevention of Legionella target the growth of Legionella in these water systems. The Waterleidingbesluit (Water Mains Decree) of 2004 requires that certain collective tapwater systems, such as those in hospitals, be checked regularly for the presence of Legionella using a standardized culture method, NEN 6265. However, the NEN 6265 method has been shown to have a number of limitations, among which are that the Legionella bacteria can be missed because they do not grow on the agar plates or are overgrown by other bacteria. New methods, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a Legionella-chip or amoebic-coculture, have a number of advantages over the NEN 6265 method, such as the ability to detect Legionella bacteria that are missed on the NEN 6265 agar plates. However, the new methods also have their own characteristic limitations. Some methods detect both living and dead bacterial cells, with the result that it cannot be determined if - following the eradication measure - the Legionella within an installation has actually been eliminated. Further research is required to determine if one of these new methods or a combination of methods will lead to improved detection of Legionella in tapwater systems. [Dutch] Het RIVM heeft een overzicht gemaakt van bestaande en nieuwe methoden om legionella in water aan te tonen. Dit is gemaakt in opdracht van de VROM Inspectie, die inzicht wil hebben in de kenmerken en toepassingsmogelijkheden van bestaande en nieuwe

  4. Calculation of CO2 emissions, primary fossil fuel energy consumption and electric efficiency in the Netherlands; Berekening van de CO2-emissies, het primair fossiel energieverbruik en het rendement van elektriciteit in Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harmelink, M. [Harmelink consulting, Utrecht (Netherlands); Bosselaar, L. [Agentschap NL, DEn Haag (Netherlands); Gerdes, J.; Boonekamp, P. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands); Segers, R.; Pouwelse, H. [Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek CBS, Den Haag (Netherlands); Verdonk, M. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    The monitoring of energy and climate policy lacks nationally and internationally accepted general standard values for CO2 emissions of fossil fuel energy consumption per unit of produced, consumed or saved electricity. In the Netherlands this has led to a situation in which different methods and indicators are used for monitoring activities. The methods used are not always transparent. Parties in the Netherlands that are responsible for development of methods and calculation of indicators (NL Agency, PBL, ECN and Statistics Netherlands) find this situation undesirable and took the joint initiative to draw up this report in which transparent standard values and methods for this topic have been included. The target audience of this report are organizations, advisory agencies and businesses that are involved in monitoring and evaluation of energy and climate policy [Dutch] Om het energie-en klimaatbeleid te monitoren zijn er nationaal en internationaal geen algemeen geaccepteerde standaardwaarden beschikbaar voor de CO2-emissies of het primair fossiel energiegebruik per eenheid geproduceerde, geconsumeerde of bespaarde elektriciteit. In Nederland heeft dit geleid tot de situatie dat voor (monitoring-)activiteiten verschillende methoden en kengetallen worden gehanteerd. De gebruikte methoden zijn niet altijd transparant. Partijen die in Nederland verantwoordelijk zijn voor de ontwikkeling van methoden en de berekening van kengetallen (Agentschap NL, PBL, ECN en CBS) achten dit een onwenselijke situatie en hebben het gezamenlijke initiatief genomen om dit rapport op te stellen waarin wel transparante standaardwaarden en methoden voor dit onderwerp zijn opgenomen. De doelgroepen voor dit rapport zijn organisaties, adviesbureaus en bedrijven die bezig zijn met de monitoring en evaluatie van energie-en klimaatbeleid.

  5. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system as a cause of acute abdomen; Erkrankungen des hepatobiliaeren Systems als Ursache des akuten Abdomens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schima, W.; Eisenhuber-Stadler, E. [Krankenhaus Goettlicher Heiland, Abteilung fuer Radiologie und bildgebende Diagnostik, Wien (Austria); Koelblinger, C.; Kulinna-Cosentini, C.; Ba-Ssalamah, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria)


    Diseases of the liver and biliary system are common causes of acute abdominal pain and gallstone disease predisposes to cholecystitis and cholangiolithiasis. Sonography is the method of choice for the assessment of cholecystitis, whereas magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP) is the standard technique to detect stones in the common bile duct. Multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) is ideal for detection of associated complications, including abscess formation and gall stone ileus. Pyogenic, amebic and fungal liver abscesses are reliably diagnosed with MDCT which can also be used for interventional radiologic therapy of liver abscesses by percutaneous aspiration or drainage procedures. The second most common cause of liver rupture after blunt trauma is spontaneous rupture of hypervascular liver tumors (i.e., HCC, adenoma, angiosarcoma) and due to medical procedures. Multi-phase contrast-enhanced MDCT can reliably detect active bleeding to guide further therapy in these cases. (orig.) [German] Die Cholezystitis ist eine der haeufigsten Ursachen fuer ein akutes Abdomen. Waehrend die Sonographie die Methode der Wahl zum Nachweis einer Cholezystolithiasis und Cholezystitis ist, steht bei der Entwicklung von Komplikationen die Multidetektorcomputertomographie (MDCT) diagnostisch im Vordergrund. Die Magnetresonanzcholangiopankreatikographie (MRCP) hat einen hohen Stellenwert bei der Abklaerung der Cholangiolithiasis, v. a. bei der Differenzialdiagnose zu anderen Ursachen einer Cholestase. Die Diagnose bakterieller, Amoeben- oder fungaler Leberabszesse kann mittels Sonographie oder MDCT rasch gestellt werden, wobei diese Methoden auch fuer die interventionelle radiologische Therapie von Leberabszessen (Punktion oder Drainage) gut geeignet sind. Die mehrphasige, kontrastmittelverstaerkte MDCT ist die Methode der Wahl fuer den Nachweis von Leberinfarkten oder -rupturen, da bei diesen Erkrankungen bzw. Verletzungsfolgen die Darstellung der

  6. Functional magnetic resonance imaging in neuroradiology; Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie in der Neuroradiologie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Essig, M.; Schoenberg, S.O.; Schlemmer, H.P.; Metzner, R.; Kaick, G. van [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg (Germany). Forschungsschwerpunkt Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie


    The assessment of cerebral functions has long been the domain of positron-emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography. The use of rapid imaging sequences and contrast agents enables physiological and pathophysiological cerebral processes to be assessed and monitored by magnetic resonance imaging. Both T1- and T2*-weighted contrast-enhanced fast imaging sequences can be used to assess tissue perfusion, vascularity, and microcirculation by applying models developed in nuclear medicine. The diffusion of water molecules and hemodynamic aspects of the macrovasculature can also be monitored. Functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging enables the visualization of neuronal function and activity, and MR spectroscopy makes possible the metabolic mapping of lesions and surrounding tissue. The advantages of MR techniques includes their low invasiveness, multiplanar imaging ability, and lack of radiation. This contribution discusses the clinical use of functional MR imaging methods and their role in neuroradiological diseases. Measuring perfusion and diffusion allows detailed insight into the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia and is already being used routinely in acute ischemic stroke. Dynamic MR angiography enables the hemodynamic assessment of vascular malformations. In CNS neoplasms these imaging techniques can improve lesion characterization and the selecting, planning, and monitoring of therapy. Functional MR imaging techniques have also revolutionized the study of psychiatric illness; however, their clinical utility here is still limited. Initial results in patients with dementia and schizophrenia have provided insight into the pathophysiological changes of these diseases. (orig.) [German] Funktionelle Untersuchungen des Gehirns waren lange Zeit lediglich mit nuklearmedizinischen Methoden wie der Positronenemissionstomographie (PET) und der Single-Photonen-Emission-Computed-Tomography (SPECT) moeglich. Durch den Einsatz schneller

  7. Analytische Geometrie (United States)

    Kemnitz, Arnfried

    Der Grundgedanke der Analytischen Geometrie besteht darin, dass geometrische Untersuchungen mit rechnerischen Mitteln geführt werden. Geometrische Objekte werden dabei durch Gleichungen beschrieben und mit algebraischen Methoden untersucht.

  8. PET and SPECT investigations in Alzheimer's disease; Nuklearmedizin und Demenz - Anwendung bei Morbus Alzheimer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asenbaum, S. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Wien (Austria); Abteilung fuer klinische Neurologie, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090, Wien (Austria)


    Nuclear medicine offers a wide range of possibilities to investigate dementia. Various SPECT and PET tracers will be introduced in this article first. Different questions concerning evaluation of dementia are discussed taking Alzheimer's disease (AD) as an example. It is important to perform nuclear medicine investigations on high technical level, using standardized methods as statistical parametric mapping (SPM) for evaluation. If neuroprotective therapies are available, an early diagnosis, the determination of risk factors and longitudinal investigations will be the focus of interest and the main goal of nuclear medicine. Apart from measuring cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism the development of new ligands, concerning the cholinergic system and the visualization of amyloid plaques, is of great importance. (orig.) [German] Nuklearmedizin bietet bei der Erfassung und Beurteilung eines dementiellen Prozesses eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungsmoeglichkeiten. Anhand des Morbus Alzheimer (DAT) werden in dem vorliegenden Artikel neben einer kurzen Schilderung der zur Verfuegung stehenden Methoden die verschiedenen nuklearmedizinisch relevante Fragestellungen angefuehrt, zu deren Beantwortung die funktionelle Bildgebung Informationen liefern kann. Durch den Einsatz bestimmter, standardisierter Auswerteverfahren wie statistical parametric mapping (SPM) ist es moeglich, entscheidende Hinweise zur Diagnose und Differenzialdiagnose der DAT zu erlangen. In Zukunft werden, insbesondere bei einer Verfuegbarkeit neuroprotektiver Therapien, eine moeglichst fruehe Diagnosestellung und die Erfassung von Risikofaktoren sowie die Moeglichkeit einer Verlaufsbeobachtung in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses und in das Zentrum nuklearmedizinischer Untersuchungen ruecken. Vor allem fuer diese Anforderungen ist neben der qualitaetsvollen Untersuchung von zerebraler Perfusion und Glukosestoffwechsel eine Weiterentwicklung spezieller Liganden v. a. das cholinerge System betreffend und

  9. Bariumexaminations of the small intestine and the colon in inflammatory bowel disease; Konventionelle Duenn- und Dickdarmdiagnostik bei entzuendlichen Darmerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antes, G. [Abteilung fuer Radiologie, Klinikum Kempten-Oberallgaeu g, GmbH, Kempten (Germany)


    This article gives an overview of the possibilities of conventional radiography in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease of the small intestine and colon.Material and methods For more than 25 years we examine the small bowel employing enteroclysis with barium and methylcellulose and the colon with the usual double-contrast method. In the last 152 months 1560 small bowel enemas were performed. In the last 40 months 410 examinations of the colon were performed. There is a thirty percent decrease in enteroclysis examinations within the past 5 years,however, the rate of examinations with positive results increased from 46 to 57%.The proportion of the inflammatory small intestinal diseases (not only Crohn's disease) remained constant with 18%.Concerning the examinations of the colon for inflammatory disease we confirmed the diagnosis in seven cases.The radiation exposure for the enteroclysis in inflammatory diseases was 7mSv, for colon examinations 14 mSv. Barium examinations, especially of the stomach and colon are decreasing in frequency.Therefore the art of performance and interpretation might get lost.Enteroclysis, however, is still the method of reference for the other imaging methods.The advantages compared to the other imaging methods are the excellent presentation of the details of the mucosal surface and the observation of functional disorders. (orig.) [German] Zielsetzung Diese Uebersichtsarbeit soll die Moeglichkeiten der konventionellen Roentgendiagnostik an Duenndarm und Kolon bei entzuendlichen Darmerkrankungen aufzeigen.Material und Methoden Seit mehr als 25 Jahren untersuchen wir den Duenndarm mit dem Enteroklysma mit Barium und Methylzellulose und das Kolon mit der ueblichen Doppelkontrastmethode. In den letzten 152 Monaten wurden 1560 Duenndarmuntersuchungen durchgefuehrt. In den letzten 40 Monaten erfolgten 410 Kolonuntersuchungen.Ergebnisse Bei den Duenndarmuntersuchungen wurde in den letzten 5 Jahren ein Rueckgang um 30% beobachtet

  10. Geïntegreerde gewasbescherming is meer dan efficiënter gebruik van chemische middelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vereijken, P.H.


    Om de langdurige schadelijke gevolgen voor het milieu een halt toe te roepen is integratie van economische en ecologische doelen vereist. Dit betekent dat biologische en fysische methoden van gewasbescherming de voorkeur verdienen boven de chemische bestrijding

  11. Norm, windtunnel of CFD?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bronkhorst, A.J.; Kalkman, I.M.; Bentum, van C.A.; Blocken, B.J.E.; Geurts, C.P.W.


    Door de nog altijd toenemende rekenkracht van computers komen op vele werkterreinen steeds geavanceerdere modellen beschikbaar. Voor de bepaling van windbelastingen op gebouwen wordt echter nog altijd gebruikt gemaakt van oude methoden: normbladen en windtunnelonderzoek. Uiteraard zijn die

  12. Afremming van de methemoglobinevorming in "Hemolysaat"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de la Fonteyne-Blankestijn LJJ; Helleman PW


    Hemolysaat is een hemoglobineoplossing die gebruikt kan worden als juistheidscontrolepreparaat bij de bepaling van de hemoglobineconcentratie in bloed volgens de HiCN-methode. Bij andere methoden, toegepast in bloedcel analyse-apparaten, kan de hemoglobinebepaling worden gestoord door het

  13. Onderzoek naar toepasbaarheid van Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) voor het bepalen van aflatoxinen in voedings- en voedermiddelen 1e interimrapport: Orientatie en taakstelling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Egmond; H.P. van; Paulsch; W.E.; Sizoo; E.A.


    Immunochemische methoden van onderzoek voor het bepalen van mycotoxinen komen langzamerhand in de belangstelling te staan, vooral Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Om een beeld te krijgen van de praktische en wetenschappelijke karakteristieken van ELISA's in het

  14. Development of molecular methods for detection and epidemiological investigation of HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV-I/II infections

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer A; Borleffs JCC; Roosendaal G; van Loon AM; VIR; AZU; Van Creveld Kliniek Utrecht


    Het onderzoek dat hier wordt gepresenteerd werd gestart om de mogelijkheden van moleculaire methoden voor detectie en epidemiologisch onderzoek van HIV en HTLV infecties te onderzoeken. We presenteren de resultaten van een literatuurstudie en beschrijven de ontwikkeling en gedeeltelijke evaluatie

  15. Tests of methods and software for set-valued model calibration and sensitivity analyses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen PHM; Sanders R; CWM


    Testen worden besproken die zijn uitgevoerd op methoden en software voor calibratie middels 'rotated-random-scanning', en voor gevoeligheidsanalyse op basis van de 'dominant direction analysis' en de 'generalized sensitivity analysis'. Deze technieken werden

  16. Biomarkers of Lung Injury in Cardiothoracic Surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engels, Gerwin


    Openhartoperaties gaan nog vaak gepaard met een bepaalde mate van postoperatieve longschade. Deze longschade wordt vaak toegeschreven aan het gebruik van de hart-longmachine. Methoden voor het kwantificeren van longschade zijn voornamelijk gelimiteerd tot het meten van fysiologische parameters of

  17. Zusammenhang zwischen Ölpreisentwicklung und der Aktienperformance börsennotierter Logistikdienstleister

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hofmann, Erik; Prockl, Günter


    Auf Basis von einfachen Methoden werden zwei konträre Thesen untersucht zum möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Aktienkursperformance von Logistikdienstleistern und der Ölpreisentwicklung als ein wesentlicher Kostenfaktor – speziell für Transportdienstleistungen. Neben Gesamtauswertungen einer gl...

  18. Keramik-Datierungen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Philippsen, Bente

    Dieser Vortrag bietet eine allgemeine Einführung in Krustendatierungen und Süßwasserreservoireffekte. Ich skizziere, mit welchen Methoden man die Zutaten der Speisekrusten rekonstruieren kann. Außerdem diskutiere ich die bisherigen Radiokarbondatierungen der Keramik vom Fundplatz Friesack 4....

  19. Kritieke Succes Factoren en de Balanced Scorecard

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Veen-Dirks, P.M.G.; Wijn, M.F.C.M.


    Zowel de Balanced Scorecard als de bepaling van Kritieke Succes Factoren kunnen worden beschouwd als methoden om te komen tot de tegenwoordig zo noodzakelijk geachte niet-financiele indicatoren. Over de relatie tussen Balanced Scorecard en Kritieke Succes Factoren bestaat echter veel

  20. RemembeRINGs : the development and application of local and regional tree-ring chronologies of oak for the purposes of archaeological and historical research in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansma, E.


    In dit proefschrift komen diverse methoden en toepassingen van dendrochronologie aan de orde. Samenvattend kan gesteld worden dat de onderzoeksdoeleinden die in de introductie (Hoofdstuk 1) werden omschreven, zijn bereikt. Nieuwe jaarring - kalenders zijn vervaardigd uit eikehout dat afkomstig is

  1. Cognitive functioning in adult ADHD : Measurement, treatment and public perception

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fuermaier, Anselm B.M.


    Het cognitief functioneren van volwassenen met ADHD werd onderzocht vanuit verschillende perspectieven en met verschillende methoden: (1) objectief neuropsychologisch onderzoek naar het geheugen, (2) zelfrapportages van patiënten met ADHD die zijn gebruikt om cognitieve klachten te inventariseren en

  2. Corticosteroïdinjecties, fysiotherapie of een afwachtend beleid voor patiënten met een epicondylitis lateralis? Een gerandomiseerd onderzoek in de eerste lijn.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smidt, N.; Windt, D. van der; Assendelft, P.; Devillé, W.; Bouter, L.


    Doel: Vergelijking van de effecten van corticosteroïdinjecties, fysiotherapie en een afwachtend beleid voor een epicondylitis lateralis. Methoden: Patiëntenselectie vond plaats in 65 deelnemende huisartsenpraktijken. De belangrijkste insluitcriteria waren: minimaal 6 weken pijn aan de laterale zijde

  3. Autonomie & heteronomie : Integratie en verduurzaming van essentiële stromen in de gebouwde omgeving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Timmeren, A.


    De methoden en technieken die worden toegepast bij de huidige essenti infrastructuren voor de energie- en sanitatievoorziening zijn te duiden als traditioneel en centralisatie- paradigma volgend. Er is sprake van schaalvergroting. Door de globalisering in combinatie met de liberalisatie van de

  4. CSI ook in de Plantenwereld

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonants, P.J.M.; Lee, van der T.A.J.


    In de land- en tuinbouw heeft de ontwikkeling van (moleculaire) detectiemethoden van plantenpathogenen de laatste jaren een hoge vlucht genomen. Inmiddels worden deze methoden al grootschalig toegepast in de praktijk. Werd in het begin alleen conventionele polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ingezet

  5. Refractometrische vetbepaling in oliehoudende grondstoffen. Semen arachidis, semen rapae, semen palmae, semen cacao.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kluin, Geerard


    In een kort literatuuroverzicht, zijn de aangewende pogingen besproken, die ten doel hadden de langdurende vetbepalingen van Soxhlet- en Berntrop te vervangen door snellere methoden. De eigenschappen van de te bepalen olien uit grondnoten, raapzaad, palmkernen en cacaobonen werden vermeld, voor

  6. Methoden om allergenen in voedsel te detecteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ezendam J; Bremer M; Loveren H van; TOX


    Currently it is not well possible to control correctness of product-information concerning the content of food allergens in food products. From November 1, 2005, EU legislation requires labeling of content of food allergens in food products. Methods to detect food allergens in food are available,

  7. Methoden zur Abschätzung extremer Hochwasser


    Felder, Guido


    Abschätzungen für extreme Hochwasser quantifizieren je nach Definition äusserst seltene Ereignisse (HQ10 000), oder gar das vermutete maximal mögliche Hochwasser (Probable Maximum Flood, PMF). Das Verständnis der in diesem Fall ablaufenden Prozesse ist aufgrund fehlender Referenzereignisse stark eingeschränkt, und für vorgenommene Schätzungen gibt es keine direkten Validierungsmöglichkeiten. Die Abschätzung extremer Hochwasser stellt deshalb eine grosse Herausforderung dar, und die dabei ange...

  8. Ein Beitrag zur Erweiterung von Beamforming-Methoden


    Kern, Marcus


    Im automobilen Entwicklungsprozess haben sich akustische Messsysteme etabliert, die mit einer Anordnung von Mikrofonen, einer optischen Kamera und einer nachgeschalteten Signalverarbeitung die Schalleinfallsrichtung detektieren und dadurch die Schalldruckverteilung auf Quellorte im Fernfeld zurückrechnen und visualisieren können. Die Signalverarbeitung beruht i. A. auf dem Delay&Sum-Beamforming, deren Umsetzung im Zeit- oder Frequenzbereich erfolgt. Die Schwächen dieser Messtechnik bezüglich ...

  9. Quantitative methods for differentiation of vegetable and animal proteins in foods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elenbaas, H.L.


    Op verzoek van de nederlandse delegatie van het Codex Committee on vegetable proteins ( CXVP) hebben twee leden van de werkgroep MOVE in samenwerking met het CXVP (Van Gils) een working paper opgesteld over geschikte kwantitatieve methoden voor de differentiatie van plantaardige en dierlijke

  10. Essays on Neural Network Sampling Methods and Instrumental Variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.F. Hoogerheide (Lennart)


    textabstractDe laatste decennia zijn voor allerlei economische processen complexe modellen afgeleid, zoals voor de groei van het Bruto Binnenlands Product (BBP). In deze modellen zijn in sommige gevallen geavanceerde methoden nodig om kansen te berekenen, bijvoorbeeld de kans op een naderende

  11. Hoe complexer de processor, hoe belangrijker de structuur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marco van Kerkhoven


    Bespreking van onderzoek van Todor Stefanov in ‘Waar wij trots op zijn. De ontdekkingen van 2011’ van de Universiteit Leiden Faculteit der Wiskunde & Natuurwetenschappen. De Bulgaar Todor Stefanov onderzoekt methoden en middelen voor het ontwerpen en programmeren van multiprocessorsystemen die zijn

  12. Training van crisismanagement-teams [Training of emergency management teams

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berlo, M.P.W. van; Stroomer, S.; Bosch, K. van den


    Een rampenplan of bedrijfsnoodplan bestaat veelal slechts uit een lijst met telefoonnummers, of het is een plan dat niet is geactualiseerd. Bovendien is het trainen van crisismanagement-teams lastig omdat crises vaak een onvoorspelbaar karakter hebben. in deze bijdrage worden twee methoden

  13. Severity of pertussis: paediatric surveillance and notification study in the Netherlands in 1997

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neppelenbroek SN; de Melker HE; Schellekens JFP; Rumke HC; Suijkerbuijk AWM; Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE; CIE; LIS


    Doel: Inzicht verkrijgen in de ernst van kinkhoest in relatie tot de vaccinatiestatus en leeftijd. Methoden: In 1997 werd met behulp van pediatrische surveillance gegevens verzameld van ziekenhuisopnamen. Ook werden in 1997 additionele gegevens verzameld van aangiften bij de Inspectie van de

  14. Usability evaluation of healthcare information systems: comparison of methods and classification of usability problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khajouei, R.


    In ziekenhuizen wordt steeds meer gebruik gemaakt van informatiesystemen, maar de usability laat vaak te wensen over. Reza Khajouei testte twee methodes om de usability te beoordelen. Hij constateert dat beide methoden ongeveer evenveel, maar verschillende problemen aan het licht brengen. Uit een

  15. Inventarisatie van nieuwe en bestaande mogelijkheden voor de bestrijding van schurft in aardappelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veerman, A.; Boogert, van den P.H.J.F.


    In de bestrijding van gewone schurft, poederschurft en netschurft in aardappelen is in de praktijk reeds sinds langere tijd geen wezenlijke vooruitgang geboekt. Ondanks feit dat in binnen- en buitenland veel onderzoek naar deze schurftsoorten is verricht, zijn hieruit geen nieuwe praktische methoden

  16. Samenwerking en het delen van data in de AEC-industrie. De toekomst van uitwisseling volgens autodesk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berlo, L.A.H.M.


    Net als alle ontwikkelaars van BIM software, houdt Autodesk zich bezig met de vraag hoe de verschillende partijen in de bouwketen het beste bouwgegevens kunnen uitwisselen. De softwareproducent ondersteunt hiervoor niet alleen IFC, maar werkt ook aan andere methoden voor uitwisseling van

  17. Characterisation of an airblast sputtering unit - verification of numeric simulations using an adapted phase doppler droplet measuring technique; Charakterisierung eines Airblastzerstaeubers - Bestaetigung numerischer Simulationen mit einem angepassten Phasen-Doppler-Tropfenmessverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willmann, M.


    Two-phase flows were investigated in high-pressure conditions in order to assess the influence of pressure and temperature on spray jet dispersion in so-called airblast sputtering units, whose function is described. The project was to contribute to improved characterisation and better understanding of spray jets. New methods of measurement and calculation were employed that provide more comprehensive and accurate data on two-phase flows. [German] In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen Zweiphasenstroemungen unter Hochdruckbedingungen untersucht werden, um den Einfluss von Druck und Temperatur auf die Spruehstrahl-Ausbreitung unter Verwendung von sogenannten Airblast-Zerstaeubern aufzuzeigen. Diese Zerstaeuberbauart wird derzeit typischerweise in Gasturbinen eingesetzt, ihre Funktionsweise wird in einem Kapitel der Arbeit dargestellt. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur verbesserten Charakterisierung und zum erweiterten Verstaendnis von Spruehstrahlen, insbesondere unter Einsatz von Airblast-Zerstaeubern geschaffen. Dabei werden sowohl im messtechnischen Bereich wie auch auf numerischer Seite neue Methoden vorgestellt, die eine wesentlich umfassendere und genauere Darstellung von Zweiphasenstroemungen erlauben. Der Einsatz dieser erweiterten Methoden an der Stroemung eines Modellairblastzerstaeubers zeigt wichtige Effekte bei der Tropfenausbreitung und -verdunstung auf. Die Arbeit ist dabei in drei Teilbereiche gegliedert. In einem messtechnisch ausgerichteten Teil werden die neuen, erweiterten Ansaetze zur Auslegung des Phasen-Doppler Verfahrens vorgestellt und damit die Grundlagen zur experimentellen Charakterisierung eines Spruehstrahls geschaffen. In zweiten Teil erfolgt die Darstellung der verwendeten numerischen Methoden. Im dritten Teil werden schliesslich die Resultate experimenteller wie numerischer Untersuchungen parallel eingesetzt, um die physikalischen Phaenomene im Spruehstrahl eines Airblastzerstaeubers darzustellen und damit die

  18. Reduction of energy use in mushroom cultivation; Reductie energiegebruik in de champignonteelt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baar, J; Amsing, J G.M.; Rutjens, A J


    The aim of this project was to examine options for reducing energy use in mushroom cultivation. The project focused particularly on the reduction of energy use in making the mushrooms disease-free through use of steam prior to the next cultivation round. To this end, various methods were examined that could lead to a 50% energy use reduction for mushroom cultivation, or higher [Dutch] Het doel van dit project was om te onderzoeken welke mogelijkheden er zijn om het energiegebruik in de teelt van champignons te verminderen. Met name richtte het project zich op de reductie van het energiegebruik bij het ziektevrij maken van de teeltcellen door stomen voorafgaande aan de volgende teelt. Hiertoe werden diverse methoden onderzocht die kunnen leiden tot een reductie van het energieverbruik van 50% of meer voor de champignonteelt.

  19. Fragrance allergens in scented consumer products on the Dutch market : Assessment of exposure levels and immune effects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ezendam J; ter Burg W; Vermeulen JP; Wijnhoven SWP; van Engelen J; GBO; vgc


    Het RIVM is gevraagd te onderzoeken of consumenten die geurproducten als luchtverfrissers en kamerparfums gebruiken het risico lopen op luchtwegallergieën, zoals astma. Momenteel zijn er echter geen valide methoden beschikbaar om dit gezondheidsrisico in te schatten. Om toch iets over risico's te

  20. Recreatief/toeristisch onderzoek in Wageningen: organisatie en perspectief.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dietvorst, A.G.J.


    Themagedeelte waarin o.a. aandacht voor: toeristisch-recreatief onderwijs in Wageningen; het belang van een analyse van de samenhang in de recreatief-toeristische infrastructuur voor het beleid t.a.v. recreatie in het landelijk gebied; methoden voor herwegen van gestratificeerde steekproeven t.b.v.

  1. Productiviteitstrends in het gevangeniswezen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niaounakis, T.K.; Urlings, T.H.; Van Heezik, A.A.S.


    Dit rapport schetst een beeld van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in beleid en produc-tiviteit in het gevangeniswezen gedurende de periode 1970-2012. Om het verloop van de productiviteit bloot te leggen, worden ontwikkelingen in de kosten aan de hand van statistische methoden gerelateerd aan

  2. Kwaliteitsdocument inzake de bepaling van Cadmium in kunststoffen met behulp van Rontgenflurescentie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogerbrugge R; van de Wiel HJ; van de Beek ACW; Kliest JJG; IEM


    Bij de handhaving van het besluit Cadmium in Kunststoffen is gebleken, dat de analyse met behulp van Rvntgenfluorescentie (XRF) een snel en goedkoop alternatief zou kunnen zijn voor de op dit moment wettelijk voorgeschreven methoden. In opdracht van de Inspecteur Milieuhygikne is daarom door het

  3. Dynamische inlichtingenanalyse met MARVEL - De casus FARC : een cyclus naar vrede?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Logtens, T.W.A.; Huijsman, W.P.; Schrijver, P.


    De diversiteit aan methoden en middelen waarover een commandant beschikt is de afgelopen jaren sterk toegenomen. Om deze middelen effectief in te kunnen zetten moet hij zoveel mogelijk inzicht hebben in alle factoren en actoren van invloed, waarvoor de werkmethode Intelligence Preparation of the

  4. Synthetic methodology for the preparation of nucleic acid containing peptides

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heden-van Noort, Gerbrand Jan van der


    Dit proefschrift beschrijft de ontwikkeling van nieuwe methoden voor de synthese van hybride biomoleculen die samengesteld zijn uit een peptide- en een nucleïnezuurfragment. Zulke hybride moleculen komen in de natuur voor en hebben belangrijke functies. In dit proefschrift wordt aandacht besteed aan

  5. Data Science und Analytics in Bibliotheken

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Preza


    Full Text Available Bibliotheken sind in einer priviligierten Situation: Sie verwalten riesige Mengen von Daten und Informationen. Data Science und Analytics-Methoden ermöglichen es Bibliotheken, den Inhalt, den sie verwalten, voll auszunutzen, um den Nutzern bessere Informationen, Suche und Empfehlungen zu bieten.

  6. Mitbestimmung von Studierenden bei der Qualitätssicherung und Hochschulentwicklung

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Ingmar


    Hochschule hat bestimmte Aufgaben. Sie soll durch Forschung und Lehre Wissen und Methoden in die Gesellschaft tragen. Sie soll auch direkt andere gesellschaftliche Institutionen beraten. Bei diesen Interaktionen soll aber – und das ist so spezifisch für Hochschulen – die gesellschaftliche Praxis ...

  7. Galactic and extragalactic searches for pulsars and radio transients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rubio Herrera, E.A.


    Eduardo Rubio Herrera presenteert resultaten en methoden die gerelateerd zijn aan de zoektocht naar radiopulsars. Deze objecten zijn te vinden door te speuren naar periodieke signalen, of door de helderste individuele pulsen die ze uitzenden op te sporen. Hij beschrijft de implementatie van een

  8. Antiperinucleaire factor; een nieuwe serologische reactie voor de diagnostiek van reumatoide arthritis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nienhuis, Roelof Lydius Fokke


    SAMENVATTING In dit proefschrift wordt een onderzoek beschreven dat werd verricht naar de aard en het voorkomen van een tot dusver onbekende factor in het serum van bepaalde patienten, In hoofdstuk I wordt een overzicht gegeven van de gebruikte methoden en materialen. De uitvoering van de

  9. Biomimicry: ontwerp- en innovatietool : De natuur als basis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schumer-Huurman, A.E. (Annette)


    Nog nooit een vis met een propeller als staart gezien of een woestijnkever met een flesje water? Dat kan kloppen. Ze bestaan namelijk niet. Dit komt, omdat de natuur tijdens de evolutie slimmere methoden van voortstuwing en water verzamelen heeft gevonden. In dit artikel enkele voorbeelden hiervan,

  10. Radon generation and transport : a journey through matter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cozmuta, Ioana


    Het doel van dit proefschrift is de fundamentele kennis over produktie en transport van radon in beton te vergroten. Deze kennis kan dan ten grondslag liggen aan nieuw te ontwikkelen methoden om de radonafgifte van beton te reduceren door veranderingen in bijvoorbeeld de produktietechniek van beton

  11. Schroeien of scheren? Ontharen van uier veroorzaakt amper stress


    Ybema, A.S.; Sinnige, P.A.; Beerda, B.; Tol, van der, P.P.J.


    Om te voorkomen dat koeienuiers vervuilen met aanklevende mest verwijderen veel veehouders het haar van de uiers. De bekende werkwijze is scheren, vrij nieuw is het wegschroeien van uierhaar. Studenten van het Van Hall Instituut inventariseerden, in samenwerking met onderzoekers van ASG, de diervriendelijkheid van deze methoden

  12. Monitoring of operation with artificial intelligence methods; Betriebsueberwachung mit Verfahren der Kuenstlichen Intelligenz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruenninghaus, H. [DMT-Gesellschaft fuer Forschung und Pruefung mbH, Essen (Germany). Geschaeftsbereich Systemtechnik


    Taking the applications `early detection of fires` and `reduction of burst of messages` as an example, the usability of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in the monitoring of operation was checked in a R and D project. The contribution describes the concept, development and evaluation of solutions to the specified problems. A platform, which made it possible to investigate different AI methods (in particular artificial neuronal networks), had to be creaated as a basis for the project. At the same time ventilation data had to be acquired and processed by the networks for the classification. (orig.) [Deutsch] Am Beispiel der Anwendungsfaelle `Brandfrueherkennung` und `Meldungsschauerreduzierung` wurde im Rahmen eines F+E-Vorhabens die Einsetzbarkeit von Kuenstliche-Intelligenz-Methoden (KI) in der Betriebsueberwachung geprueft. Der Beitrag stellt Konzeption, Entwicklung und Bewertung von Loesungsansaetzen fuer die genannten Aufgabenstellungen vor. Als Grundlage fuer das Vorhaben wurden anhand KI-Methoden (speziell: Kuenstliche Neuronale Netze -KNN) auf der Grundlage gewonnener und aufbereiteter Wetterdaten die Beziehungen zwischen den Wettermessstellen im Laufe des Wetterwegs klassifiziert. (orig.)

  13. Every Picture Tells a Story

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Piet Bakker


    Het doel van het project Every Picture Tells a Story is om samen met het werkveld methoden, technieken en kennis te ontwikkelen voor het produceren van effectieve infographics. Dit is nodig omdat de vraag naar infographics in de markt snel toeneemt. Bedrijfsleven en overheden kiezen er steeds vaker

  14. Every picture tells a story. Communicatie door gebruik van innovatieve datavisualisatie : Aanvraag RAAK-MKB

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Piet Bakker


    Het doel van het project Every Picture Tells a Story is om samen met het werkveld methoden, technieken en kennis te ontwikkelen voor het produceren van effectieve infographics. Dit is nodig omdat de vraag naar infographics in de markt snel toeneemt. Bedrijfsleven en overheden kiezen er steeds vaker

  15. Einsatz virtueller Regalsimulationen in der Marktforschung für Wein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mueller, Simone

    in übersättigten Märkten bestehen zu können. Deshalb ist es folgerichtig, dass auch in der Erforschung von Märkten und Konsumenten nach verbesserten Methoden gesucht wird, die eine zielgenauere und validere Vorhersage des Absatzpotentials von Wein erlauben. Der Vortrag stellt die innovative Marktforschungsmethode...

  16. On the molecular mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cell aging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lazare, Seka Simone


    In dit proefschrift hebben we de veroudering van hematopoëtische stamcellen (HSC’s) met verschillende methoden onderzocht, met als doel de onderliggende mechanismen bloot te leggen. We hebben hierbij de focus gelegd op het vinden van factoren die geassocieerd zijn met de veroudering van HSC’s, de

  17. Physik gestern und heute: Visualisierung mit der Schlierenmethode (United States)

    Heering, Peter


    Der Name des österreichischen Forschers Ernst Mach ist heute noch mit der Schallgeschwindigkeit verbunden. Diese Auszeichnung resultiert aus Machs Untersuchungen, wie sich Projektile mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit durch die Luft bewegen. Gerade in jüngster Zeit hat die Anwendung derartiger Methoden durch technische Modifikationen wieder einen Aufschwung erfahren.

  18. 4e ringtest spoorelementen atomaire absorptie AA '83 NNI Commissie 370.10.01

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Werdmuller, G.A.; Ruig, de W.G.


    Doel van dit onderzoek is: Normalisatie van methoden voor het bepalen van nutriënte spoorelementen in veevoeders. Er is een voorschrift Onderzoekingsmethoden voor veevoeders voor de bepaling van Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Na en K met een ontsluiting door middel van natte destructie getest door middel van een

  19. Assessment: Monitoring & Evaluation in a Stabilisation Context (United States)

    2010-09-15 b. SIDA (2004), The Logical Framework Approach. A summary of the theory behind the LFA method...en_21571361_34047972_39774574 _1_1_1_1,00.pdf 3. SIDA (2004), Stefan Molund and Göran Schill, Looking Back, Moving Forward, Sida Evaluation Manual. Available at

  20. Phosphoramidite ligands and artificial metalloenzymes in enantioselective rhodium-catalysis : old challenges and new frontiers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Panella, Lavinia


    Sommige chemische moleculen bestaan in twee vormen die maar op één punt verschillen: ze zijn spiegelbeelden van elkaar. Het vinden van methoden om die verbindingen zo te maken dat er maar een van de twee spiegelbeelden wordt gevormd, is een van de grootste uitda­gingen in de hedendaagse organische

  1. Determination of left ventricular heart volume by fast MRI in breath-hold technique: how different are quantitative ventricular angiography, quantitative MRI, and visual echocardiography?; Linksventrikulaere Herzvoluminabestimmung mittels schneller MRT in Atemanhaltetechnik: Wie unterschiedlich sind quantitativer Herzkatheter, quantitativer MRT und visuelle Echokardiographie?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rominger, M.B.; Bachmann, G.F. [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Diagnostische Radiologie; Kerckhoff-Klinik GmbH, Bad Nauheim (Germany). Projektgruppe Magnetresonanztomographie; Pabst, W. [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizinische Informatik; Ricken, W.W. [Kerckhoff-Klinik GmbH, Bad Nauheim (Germany). Projektgruppe Magnetresonanztomographie; Dinkel, H.P.; Rau, W.S. [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Diagnostische Radiologie


    Goal: Comparison of fast MRI, echocardiography (Echo), and ventricular angiography (Cath) in the assessment of left ventricular global function. Methods: Fast MRI in short axis plane, biplane Cath, and 2D Echo were performed in 62 patients [35 coronary artery diseases, 16 acquired valvular diseases (VD), 9 dilated cardiomyopathies (DCM), 1 congenital heart disease and 1 heart transplantation]. Enddiastolic (EDV), endsystolic (ESV), stroke volumes (SV), cardiac output (CO), and ejection fraction (EF) were compared in MRI and Cath. EF was visually estimated in 2D Echo by an experienced observer. Results: In comparison to MRI, Cath overestimated EF by 8.4%, and Echo underestimated EF by 5.6%. The limits of agreement between MRI and Cath in EF were {+-}23.8%, between MRI and Echo {+-}18%, and between Echo and Cath {+-}19.4%. Significant differences were found between Cath and MRI in EDV, SV, and CO, but not for ESV. The best agreement in EF was found in the group with DCM, the worst in the group with VD. Conclusion: Important systemic and random errors were found in the comparison of MRI, Echo, and Cath. For therapy decision and follow-up, the methods should not be exchanged unscrupulously. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Methodenvergleich von schneller Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT), Echokardiographie (Echo) und Herzkatheter (HK) in der Bestimmung linksventrikulaerer globaler Funktionsparameter. Material und Methoden: Bei 62 Patienten (35 koronare Herzerkrankungen, 16 Herzklappenvitien (KV), 9 idiopathische dilatative Kardiomyopathien (DCM), 1 kongenitale Herzerkrankung und 1 Herzktransplantation) wurde ein Methodenvergleich zwischen schneller Cine MRT im Kurzachsenschnitt, biplanarem HK und 2D Echo durchgefuehrt. Verglichen wurden in MRT und HK linksventrikulaeres enddiastolisches (EDV) und endsystolisches Volumen (ESV), Schlagvolumen (SV), Herzzeitvolumen (HZV) und Ejektionsfraktion (EF). In der Echo wurde die EF visuell durch einen erfahrenen Untersucher bestimmt

  2. Radiology of the primary systemic vasculitides; Radiologie der primaeren systemischen Vaskulitiden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reuter, M.; Biederer, J.; Both, M.; Heller, M.L. [Universitaetsklinikum Kiel (Germany). Klinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Schnabel, A. [Universitaetsklinik Luebeck (Germany). Poliklinik fuer Rheumatologie; Medizinische Krankenhausabteilung Rheumaklinik Bad Bramstedt GmbH (Germany); Sana Rheumazentrum Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany). Klinik fuer Internistische Rheumatologie und Klinische Immunologie; Reinhold-Keller, E.; Gross,W. [Universitaetsklinik Luebeck (Germany). Poliklinik fuer Rheumatologie; Medizinische Krankenhausabteilung Rheumaklinik Bad Bramstedt GmbH (Germany)


    Determination of disease extension and disease activity are in the foreground of diagnostic imaging in vasculitides. There are several radiologic modalities available each having specific indications. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) readily depicts granulomas and mucosal inflammations in the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and orbits. Computed tomography detects osseous lesions of the skull. Due to its superb sensitivity MRI is an established screening modality for CNS vasculitides, although there are limitations with regard to specificity. In spite of its limited accuracy in most institutions angiography is still required for radiological confirmation of CNS vasculitis. Perfusion and diffusion MR-imaging may combine the advantages of ''conventional'' MRI and angiography. By now the method is not fully validated for vasculitides, however. Vascular disease in Takayasu's arteritis and in giant cell arteritis involving predominantly large and medium sized vessels is readily diagnosed by non invasive magnetic resonance angiography. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty has proven to be an effective and save therapeutic modality for the cure of vascular stenoses and occlusions. Plain film radiography in two planes is the established modality for pulmonary imaging. In pulmonary vasculitides a more thorough analysis of lung disease is provided by high resolution computed tomography. Diagnostic imaging does substantially assist in the interdisciplinary management of patients suffering from vasculitides. (orig.) [German] Die Bestimmung der Krankheitsausdehnung und die Festlegung der Krankheitsaktivitaet stehen im Vordergrund der bildgebenden Diagnostik von Vaskulitiden. Fuer die eigentliche Diagnosefindung ist die Radiologie von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Die verschiedenen radiologischen Methoden weisen jeweils spezifische Indikationen auf. Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) hat sich als hilfreich fuer die Diagnostik von Granulomen und

  3. Life cycle assessment of different disposal routes of sewage sludge; Oekobilanz verschiedener Entsorgungsmoeglichkeiten fuer Klaerschlamm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chassot, G.M.; Candinas, T. [Eidgenoessische Forschungsanstalt fuer Agraroekologie und Landbau (FAL), Inst. fuer Umweltschutz und Landwirtschaft IUL Liebefeld, Bern (Switzerland)


    The ecological impact of six different disposal routes for sewage sludge of a major sewage treatment plant (three options for agricultural use in liquid, dried and limetreated form, and three options of incineration in a mono-sewage sludge incineration plant, a cement factory and a `Schwel-Brenn` type incinerator for municipal solid waste) has been studied with an comprehensive inventory and five impact assessment methods. Three methods show the important role of soil pollution. Existing methods are not yet able to consider all the factors necessary. The inventories should be completed concerning natural phosphorus resources and organic micropollutants. (orig.) [Deutsch] Sechs Entsorgungsvarianten (drei betreffen die landwirtschaftliche Verwendung in fluessiger, thermisch getrockneter und gekalkter Form und drei die Verbrennung in einer Schlammverbrennungsanlage, einem Zementofen und einer Schwel-Brenn-Anlage fuer Kehricht) fuer den Klaerschlamm einer grossen ARA werden mittels Inventarisierung der verursachten Umweltbelastung und fuenf Bewertungsmethoden untersucht. Drei Methoden zeigen die wichtige Rolle der Bodenbelastung. Die verfuegbaren Methoden koennen aber wichtige Einflussgroessen noch nicht beruecksichtigen. Ferner sollten die Inventare bezueglich P-Ressourcen und organischen Schadstoffen vervollstaendigt werden. (orig.)

  4. Integration of liquid-cooled solar collectors into building walls; Gebaeudeintegration von Sonnenkollektoren mit Fluessigkeitskuehlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Janssen, S.; Rockendorf, G.; Bartelsen, B. [Institut fuer Solarenergieforschung GmbH Hameln/Emmerthal (ISFH), Emmerthal (Germany)


    Three different methods are presented how to integrate active solar thermal components into building facades. The solar thermal absorber acts as overheating protection and the heat produced can be utilized further. The lower annual yield in comparison to roof-mounted installations is counterbalanced by a more uniform solar gain and an improved wall insulation. The new concept of elastomer-metal-absorbers can be realized in different configurations and material combinations and offers attractive options for collector installation. The methods discussed hold the promise of significant cost reductions. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es werden drei Methoden vorgestellt, aktive solarthermische Komponenten mit Fluessigkeit als Waermetraeger in die Gebaeudehuelle zu integrieren. Dabei dient der solarthermische Absorber als Ueberhitzungsschutz und die abgefuehrte Waerme kann einer Nutzung zugefuehrt werden. Der geringere jaehrliche Waermeertrag im Vergleich zur Dachmontage wird durch ein gleichmaesssiges Ertragsprofil und eine verbesserte Waermedaemmung weitgehend ausgeglichen. Das neu entwickelte Elastomer-Metall-Absorber-Konzept (EMA-Konzept) ist in unterschiedliche Konfigurationen und Materialkombinationen umsetzbar und eroeffnet attraktive Moeglichkeiten der Kollektorinstallation. Die diskutierten Methoden lassen eine deutliche Kostenersparnis erwarten. (orig.)

  5. Non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the hip in the adult. Pt. 2. Radiological diagnosis and staging; Die nichttraumatische Hueftkopfnekrose des Erwachsenen. T. 2. Radiologische Diagnostik und Stadieneinteilung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kramer, J [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria). MR-Institut, Abteilung fuer Osteologie; Hofmann, S [Orthopaedisches Krankenhaus Gersthof, Wien (Austria). 1. Abteilung; Imhof, H [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria). MR-Institut, Abteilung fuer Osteologie


    In recent years diagnosis, and in particular early diagnosis, of osteonecrosis of the hip has been much improved by modern imaging modalities. Magnetic resonance imaging is widely accepted as the primary imaging modality for the early detection of this disorder and can help to facilitate the therapeutic management in later stages. However, plain radiographs, bone scans and computed tomography are still important techniques, which cannot be avoided in most cases. This paper describes the relative values of the different modalities. The staging system used is the international ARCO system. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Diagnose und insbesondere die Frueherkennung der Hueftkopfnekrose hat sich in den letzten Jahren durch den Einsatz der modernen bildgebenden Verfahren entscheidend verbessert. Die Magnetresonanztomographie hat sich mittlerweile zur Methode der Wahl entwickelt und wird sowohl zur Fruehdiagnostik als auch in spaeteren Stadien zur Therapieplanung eingesetzt. Trotzdem kann auf die anderen Methoden wie Nativroentgen, Szintigraphie und Computertomographie vielfach nicht verzichtet werden. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Wertigkeit der verschiedenen radiologischen Methoden bei der nichttraumatischen HKN des Erwachsenen, wobei die internationale klinische ARCO-Stadieneinteilung verwendet wird. (orig.)

  6. Die Entwicklung von Kindern: eine Einführung


    Siegler, Robert; DeLoache, Judy; Eisenberg, Nancy


    Das Kapitel behandelt zunächst die Gründe für die Untersuchung der Kindesentwicklung und ihre historischen Wurzeln. Es werden anschließend Leitfragen der Kindesentwicklung sowie Methoden der Untersuchung kindlicher Entwicklung erläutert. Eine Zusammenfassung stellt schließlich die Kernthesen der einzelnen Abschnitte in einer kompakten Übersicht dar.(DIPF/paul)

  7. Pädagogische Anthropologie - Mechanismus einer Praxis



    Einführend wird Anthropologie als Thema und Problem in der Erziehungswissenschaft erörtert sowie die Vielfalt der Methoden aufgezeigt. Einzelne Beiträge wenden sich folgenden Themen zu: Bildsamkeit - der pädagogische Mensch, Anthropologie - Logik der pädagogischen Methode, Anthropologie als innovative Intension - Lebensreform und Reformpädagogik, Menschenbilder und Natur-Argumente. (DIPF//Mar.)

  8. Methodenangemessene Gütekriterien in der qualitativ-interpretativen Forschung


    Flick, Uwe


    Ziele dieses Beitrages sind Darstellung und vergleichende Diskussion verschiedener Strategien zur Absicherung von Daten und Interpretationen bei der Anwendung qualitativ-interpretativer Verfahren: Kodifizierte Vorgehensweisen bei der Interpretation, kommunikative sowie Handlungsvalidierung und schließlich die Triangulation verschiedener Methoden sollen dazu beitragen, qualitative Verfahren und ihre Resultate vom Vorwurf des Spekulativen und Beliebigen zu befreien. Mit dieser Darstellung solle...

  9. Entwicklung einer Produktstrategie für einen Veranstaltungskalender Wirtschaftswissenschaften


    Steinhagen, Elisabeth


    Diese Arbeit hat das Ziel, am Beispiel des ZBW-Veranstaltungskalenders zu zeigen, dass eine Produktstrategie ein wertvolles Instrument ist, um ein Informationsprodukt erfolgreich zu etablieren bzw. weiterzuentwickeln. Dafür werden in Anlehnung an Methoden der strategischen Unternehmensplanung und des Produktmanagements wichtige Einflussfaktoren für das Produkt ZBWVeranstaltungskalender systematisch identifiziert und mittels IST-Analyse, Zielgruppenanalyse sowie Wettbewerbsanalyse unters...

  10. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: the value of MRI; Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit: Stellenwert der MRT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urbach, H.; Tschampa, H.J.; Keller, E.; Schild, H.H. [Radiologische Klinik, Neuroradiologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn (Germany); Paus, S. [Neurologische Klinik, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn (Germany)


    To define the role of MRI in the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Methods: 14 patients with suspected CJD were studied within 3 years. MRI findings were correlated with WHO established diagnostic criteria (clinical findings, EEG, CSF with 14-3-3 protein assay). Results: 12 patients had CJD. One patient each suffered from Hashimoto's encephalitis and ALS dementia complex, respectively. Nine of 12 CJD patients had increased signal intensity of the striatum (n = 8), pulvinar thalami (n = 5) and/or cerebellar and cerebral cortex (n = 3), respectively. Signal intensity was most pronounced on FLAIR sequences; six patients were studied with diffusion-weighted MRI and showed impaired diffusion in these areas. Both patients without CJD did not show the abovementioned signal changes (sensitivity 75%, specificity and positive predictive value 100%, respectively). Conclusion: If patients with suspected CJD are studied with FLAIR and diffusion-weighted sequences, this disorder can reliably be proven or ruled out. Typical MRI findings narrow down the differential diagnosis and should be included in the WHO diagnostic criteria. (orig.) [German] Bestimmung des Stellenwerts der MRT in der Diagnostik der Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK). Methoden: Analyse der MRTs von 14 innerhalb von drei Jahren mit Verdacht auf CJK zugewiesenen Patienten. Korrelation der MRTs mit den entsprechend den WHO-Diagnosekriterien etablierten Untersuchungsverfahren (Klinik, EEG, Liquor mit 14-3-3 Protein-Nachweis). Ergebnisse: 12 Patienten hatten eine CJK, jeweils ein Patient hatte eine Hashimoto-Enzephalitis bzw. einen ALS-Demenz-Komplex. Bei 9 der 12 CJK-Patienten fanden sich beidseits Signalerhoehungen des Striatum (n = 8), des Pulvinar thalami (n = 5) und/oder des Kleinhirn- bzw. Grosshirnkortex (n = 3). Die Signalerhoehungen waren am deutlichsten auf FLAIR-Aufnahmen erkennbar; 6 mit diffusionsgewichteter MRT untersuchte Patienten wiesen eine eingeschraenkte Diffusion dieser Areale

  11. Spektroelektrochemie an einzelnen (6,5)-Kohlenstoffnanoröhren


    Rühl, Nicolas


    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde durch einzelmolekülspektroskopischer bzw. -mikroskopischer Methoden in Kombination mit einer mikrofluischen Zel- le unter Potenzialkontrolle die Elektrochemie von einzelnen einwandigen (6,5)- Kohlenstoffnanoröhren untersucht. Hierfür wurde ein Nahinfrarot-Photolumineszenz- Mikroskop aufgebaut und eine speziell an die experimentellen Vorgaben angepasste elektrochemische Zelle entwickelt, insofern als drei Elektroden (Arbeits-, Gegen- und Referenzelektrod...

  12. Mikro-Hall-Magnetometrie an ferromagnetischen Nanostrukturen im Vortex- und Single-Domain-Regime


    Stahl, Joachim


    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung des Ummagnetisierungsverhaltens ferromagnetischer Permalloy-Kreisscheiben. Im Gegensatz zu integralen Methoden, die über eine Vielzahl nominell identischer Strukturen mitteln, wird das individuelle Schaltverhalten einzelner Strukturen analysiert. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten dabei mit Hilfe der Mikro-Hall-Magnetometrie und der Lorentz-Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie und werden mit mikromagnetischen Simulationen verglichen. Für die Hall-M...

  13. Neue Methoden für die Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse


    Hokenmaier, Stephania


    Die Verfahrenstechnik beschäftigt sich mit der Trennung, Umwandlung oder Verflüssigung chemischer Stoffe, wie zum Beispiel die Zerlegung von Luft in ihre Hauptbestandteile Sauerstoff, Stickstoff und Argon oder die Reinigung und Verflüssigung von Erdgas. Mit Hilfe von Prozesssimulatoren können verfahrenstechnische Anlagen, oder Teile davon, modelliert, simuliert und anschließend optimiert werden. Die Engineering Division der Linde AG, eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen für die Planung...

  14. Suchmaschinen-Marketing : Methoden, um in Suchmaschinen gefunden zu werden


    Bauer, Hans-Peter


    According to various studies, crawler-based search engines are the most important retrieval tools on the Internet today. Due to this, hardly any website can afford not being listed in the result pages of the major search engines. The aim of this diploma thesis addresses this development by presenting the possibilities offered by search engine marketing to promote a website. Apart from the option of keyword-related advertising, search engine optimisation is discussed and analysed. Especially t...

  15. Implementierung, Evaluation und vergleichende Untersuchungen des Powerplex 16 Systems zur quantitativen Chimärismusanalyse


    Joachim, Stefanie


    Die allogene Stammzelltransplantation ist ein Verfahren zur Therapie verschiedener maligner und nicht-maligner hämatologischer Erkrankungen. Da es sich um eine sehr aufwendige Therapie handelt, sind Methoden, die den Behandlungsverlauf dokumentieren, wie minimale Resterkrankung und Chimärismusanalyse, essentiell. Eine nach Stammzelltransplantation vollständig vom Spender abgeleitete Hämatopoese ist Voraussetzung für das Engraftment und die Prophylaxe eines Rezidivs der zugrundeliegenden Er...

  16. Kombinierte elektromagnetische Vollwellen- und strahlbasierte Simulationen von Fahrzeugantennen in virtuellen Testfahrten


    Mocker-Henning, Marina


    In dieser Arbeit werden elektromagnetische Untersuchungen von Fahrzeugantennen für verschiedene Dienste in virtuellen Testfahrten unter Anwendung einer Kombination aus Vollwellen- und Ray Tracing- Methoden simulativ durchgeführt. Es werden verschiedene Vollwellen- Lösungsverfahren und -Lösermethoden vorgestellt und verglichen. Für die Berechnung der Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen im mobilen Szenario wird ein Ray Tracing Programm entwickelt, das für eine hohe Berechnungsgeschwindigkeit...

  17. Kooperative Planung im Kontext informeller Siedlungen in Porto Alegre, Brasilien


    Zellhuber, Andrea


    Wie die meisten lateinamerikanischen Großstädte zeichnet sich die Peripherie von Porto Alegre durch ein dynamisches und ungeregeltes Siedlungswachstum in Form von Landbesetzungen und illegalen Parzellierungen aus. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der qualitativen Sozial¬forschung werden anhand einer Fallstudie insbesondere die damit verbundenen städtischen Umweltkonflikte analysiert und deren Einbeziehung in kooperative Planungsverfahren untersucht. Die Prozesse des ungeregelten Siedlungswachstums am S...

  18. Urämische Kardiomyopathie und der Einfluss der Hämodialyse


    Valina, Ulrike Katrin


    ZIEL: Analyse von Risikofaktoren und Entstehungsmechanismen der urämischen Kardiomyopathie bei Hämodialysepatienten und Vergleich von Diagnostiken zur frühen Detektion kardialer Funktionstörungen zur Optimierung der Therapie bei terminaler Niereninsuffizienz und Senkung der hohen Mortalitätsrate. METHODEN: Einschluss von 32 Hämodialysepatienten. Messungen mittels Blutentnahme (Entzündungs-, Atherosklerose-, Anämieparameter, EPO, PTH und RAAS) und MRT (Herzfunktion, Herzmorphologie und Her...

  19. AMMU Automotive Mixed Mock-Up: Konzeption einer neuen Entwicklungsplattform für die Automobilindustrie


    Geißel, Oliver


    Vor dem Hintergrund der großen Herausforderungen der Automobilindustrie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit den Potentialen der Informationstechnologie, im speziellen der Mixed Reality, hinsichtlich der Anpassung von Methoden und Prozessen innerhalb der Produktentwicklung an die aktuellen Herausforderungen. Mit der Einführung von Mixed Reality in den Produktentwicklungsprozess wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit den Herausforderungen innerhalb der automobilen Entwick...

  20. Prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie bei 3329 ambulanten Patienten (5jährige Langzeitstudie)


    Leischik R; Dworrak B; Gülker H; Littwitz H


    Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Die Risikoeinschätzung ambulanter Patienten mit thorakaler Schmerzsymptomatik ist ein wichtiges klinisches Problem. Über die prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie (SE) bei diesem Patientenkollektiv wurde bis jetzt nicht berichtet. Patienten und Methoden: Um die prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie bei rein ambulanten Patienten zu untersuchen, wurden 3329 Patienten bezüglich des Auftretens schwerer Erei...

  1. Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Beurteilung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten nach ergonomischen Gesichtspunkten


    Gauermann, Christoph


    Einleitung: Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen des Muskel-Skelett-Systems sind unter Physiotherapeuten sehr häufig. Die präventive Forschung hat diese Berufsgruppe bisher kaum untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt die Veränderung des Arbeitsumfeldes einen vielversprechenden Ansatz für die Verhinderung arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen dar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Bewertung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten zu erstellen. Material und Methoden: ...

  2. Modified diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases: Application and comparison of diagnostic techniques in clinical medicine, radiology, ultrasonography and nuclear medicine. Final report. Einsatz und Vergleich klinischer, roentgenologischer, sonographischer und nuklearmedizinischer Methoden zur abgestuften Diagnostik von Herzkrankheiten. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adam, W.; Boettcher, D.; Christl, H.; Baew-Christow, T.; Holper, H.; Meindl, S.; Meyer, U.; Pfannenstiel, P.


    The main point of interest of the project is the question whether ultrasonography, myocardial scintiscanning, and radionuclide angiocardiography can replace the invasive techniques of cardiovascular diagnosis, and thus save costs at that. The results show that the above non-invasive techniques are indispensable in case of a diagnosis for cardiosurgery, almost sufficient in case of valvular heart disease, and sufficient in all cases of cardiomyopathy. Optimally planned application of the non-invasive methods could save about DM 7.3 millions a year in the FRG. (TRV).

  3. Auhagen, Axel; Ermer, Klaus; Mohrmann, Rita (Hrsg.): Landschaftsplanung in der Praxis


    Weihrich, Dietmar


    Die Landschaftsplanung hat den Auftrag, die Erfordernisse und Maßnahmen des Naturschutzes für den jeweiligen Planungsraum darzustellen. Sie ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren ein fester Bestandteil des Bundesnaturschutzgesetzes. In dieser Zeit erweiterte sich das fachlich-methodische Instrumentarium stark, aber es fehlte lange eine Publikation, welche die zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden übersichtlich und praxisorientiert darstellt. Das vorliegende Werk wirkt diesem Defizit entgegen.

  4. Untersuchungen zum Riechvermögen bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen


    Minovi, A; Dombrowski, T; Brüne, M; Dazert, S; Juckel, G


    Einleitung: Riechstörungen werden bei Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie in vielen Studien beschrieben. Im Rahmen einer prospektiv angelegten Studie untersuchten wir das Riechvermögen von 18 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe (n=13). Weiterhin erfolgte eine immunhistochemische Untersuchung der Riechschleimhaut bei 8 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie.Methoden: Die Riechprüfung erfolgte mit Hilfe der erweiterten Sniffin' Sticks-Testbatterie. Nach Biopsie der...

  5. Systematische Rezepturentwicklung für die Walzenkompaktierung Anhand binärer und ternärer Mischungen ausgewählter Komponenten


    Brudy, Jörg


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Optimierung von Tabletten, die aus walzenkompaktiertem Material hergestellt werden. Obwohl die Walzenkompaktierung immer mehr Interesse seitens der pharmazeutischen Industrie erfährt sind der Prozess und die Einsatzmöglichkeiten noch nicht komplett verstanden. Vor allem die Formulierungsentwicklung ist noch nicht systematisch untersucht und basiert bisher auf „trial-and-error“ Methoden. Ziel dieser Dissertation war es zwei Expertensysteme zu ers...

  6. Integration einer Volltextsuchmaschine in Meta-Akad


    Tuchbreiter, Jochen


    Das Projekt Meta-Akad hat das Ziel, Lernenden und Lehrenden den möglichst einfachen, umfassenden und schnellen Zugriff auf Lehrmaterial zu ermöglichen. Dabei werden verschiedene, über die Aspekte einer reinen Internet- Suchmaschine hinausgehende Aspekte berücksichtigt: Neben dem Aufbau einer umfangreichen und repräsentativen Sammlung von Lerndokumenten sollen diese mittels bibliothekarischer Methoden erschlossen und mit umfangreichen Metadaten, wie beispielsweise einer inhaltlichen Einordnung...

  7. Uniform separation of plastic wastes; Sortenreine Trennung von Kunststoffabfaellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eisenmann, R [Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken (Germany)


    The position of raw material recycling is defined by comparison of different recycling levels. Means and limits of the main applicable methods for separating uniform plastic fractions from mixed wastes are summarized. (orig.) [Deutsch] Durch Vergleich der verschiedenen Recyclingebenen wird der Stellenwert des werkstofflichen Recycling bestimmt. Eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten derzeit verfuegbaren Verfahren zur Abtrennung sortenreiner Kunststoff-Fraktionen aus Abfallgemischen zeigt Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der einzelnen Methoden. (orig.)

  8. Visuelle Analyse von E-mail-Verkehr


    Mansmann, Florian


    Diese Arbeit beschreibt Methoden zur visuellen geographischen Analyse von E-mail Verkehr.Aus dem Header einer E-mail können Hostadressen und IP-Adressen herausgefiltert werden. Anhand einer Datenbank werden diesen Host- und IP-Adressen geographische Koordinaten zugeordnet.Durch eine Visualisierung werden in übersichtlicher Art und Weise mehrere tausend E-mail Routen dargestellt. Zusätzlich dazu wurden interktive Manipulationsmöglichkeiten vorgestellt, welche eine visuelle Exploration der Date...

  9. Ein Kredit für Weihnachtsbaumkugeln (United States)

    Tutsch, Sina

    Eine Mathematikerin aus dem DFG-Forschungszentrum Matheon arbeitet an Methoden zur dreidimensionalen Visualisierung. Sie hat die Geschäftsidee, Weihnachtsbaumkugeln mit bewegten Hologrammen herzustellen, die sich individuell gestalten lassen, und plant eine Existenzgründung. Aus einem öffentlichen Förderprogramm erhält sie ein günstiges Darlehen in Höhe von 50 000 Euro. Für die Startphase ihres Unternehmens benötigt sie jedoch den vierfachen Betrag.

  10. Mikrofluidisch gestützte zellbasierte Assays mit gedruckter Sensorik für High-Content Analytik


    Pfister, Cornelia


    Die Arbeit beschreibt die Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung einer sensorbestückten Multiwellplatte für automatisierte Assays an lebenden Zellen bzw. Gewebeproben. Zudem wurde eine Analyse verschiedener Methoden zur Fertigung dreidimensionaler Mikrostrukturen zur Immobilisierung nicht-adhärenter Zellen durchgeführt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung eines Druckprozesses für opto-chemische Sensoren in der neuen Multiwellplatte. This work describes the further de...

  11. Mycorrhiza-induced resistance against Thielaviopsis basicola in the ornemental crop Petunia hybrida


    Hayek , Soukayna


    Wurzelpathogene zeigen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Produktion von Zierpflanzen. Vor Allem in erdelosen Produktionssystemen unter Glas verursachen sie erhebliche Verluste und ihre Bekämpfung mit konventionellen Mitteln beinhaltet normalerweise ein hoher Einsatz an Pestiziden. Ein mehr nachhaltiger Gartenbau braucht alternative Methoden, um den Eintrag dieser Chemikalien zu vermeiden. Die Einführung arbuskulärer Mykorrhizapilze (AM Pilze) in das Produktionssystem könnte ein integraler Bestandt...

  12. Videobasierte Rauchdetektion durch mehrfache Bewegungsschätzung und Anpassungen für geringe Rauchdichten


    Stadler, Anton


    In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie Rauch mit videobasierten Methoden erfasst werden kann. Die Bewegungsschätzung erweist sich als effektivstes Merkmal. Strömungsmessungen zeigen, dass das Aufstiegsverhalten von Rauch detailliert erfasst wird. Ein Rauchdetektionsverfahren wird vorgestellt und für geringe Bewegungsgeschwindigkeiten sowie für geringe Rauchdichten optimiert. Ein Verfahren mit mehrfacher Bewegungsschätzung stellt für verschiedene Entfernungen und Rauchdichten geeignete Konfigur...

  13. Analytik von Minorlipiden: Ferulasäureester von Phytosterolen (gamma-Oryzanol) in Reis


    Miller, Andreas


    Ferulasäureestern von Phytosterolen (γ-Oryzanol) werden antioxidative und cholesterinsenkende Eigenschaften zugeschrieben. Bisher beschriebene Methoden zur Analytik von γ-Oryzanol in Reis erforderten eine aufwendige Aufreinigung des Probenextrakts. In dieser Arbeit wurde basierend auf der on-line LC-GC eine Methode entwickelt, die die simultane Bestimmung von γ-Oryzanol-Gehalt und Sterylferulat-Verteilung ohne Aufreinigung des Probenextrakts erlaubt. Mit Hilfe der Technik wurden die natürlich...

  14. "BiC in Sustainability?" : die Transparenz von Best in Class-Nachhaltigkeitsfonds in Deutschland


    Schäfer, Henry; Bauer, Fabian; Bracht, Felix


    Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert in Deutschland vertriebene Publikumsinvestmentfonds, die den Anspruch als Nachhaltigkeitsfonds erheben und nach dem Best in Class-Ansatz (BiC-Ansatz) in Kombination mit einem Negative-Screening (verstanden als Ausschlusskriterien) konstruiert sind. Ziel ist es zu erheben, auf welche Weise die den Fonds vom Anbieter zugrunde gelegten BiC- und Screening-Methoden Anlegern transparent gemacht werden und worin zwischen den Fonds diesbezüglich Unterschiede bestehe...

  15. Neue Shandite und Parkerite. Darstellung und röntgenographische Charakterisierung


    Anusca, Irina


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Verbindungen mit Shandit- und Parkeritstruktur zu darstellen und mittels röntgenographischen Methoden (Pulverdiffraktometrie und Einkristallanalyse), das thermische Verhalten durch DTA / DSC - Messungen und Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen (REM, EDX) zu charakterisieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist wie folgt im zwei Themen gegliedert: Shandite und Parkerite. Der ersten Teil dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit metallreichen ternären Chalkogeniden M3A2X2, ...

  16. Zukunftssicherung für die Zeit nach der Krise


    Ackermann, Karl-Friedrich; Wehner, Martina


    Die Studie berichtet zusammenfassend über die Ergebnisse der 9. HR-Expertenbefragung mit der Zeitschrift „Personalwirtschaft“ zum Thema „Employer Branding“. Berichtet wird über die Verbreitung des Employer Branding, die dabei verfolgten Ziele und die Instrumente, mit denen ein erfolgreiches Employer Branding realisiert werden kann. Eng damit verbunden sind ergänzende Fragen nach den Einflussfaktoren und den Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Arbeitgebermarke sowie nach den eingesetzten Methoden zur...

  17. Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren - ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung


    Machon, Uwe Rainer


    Ziel der Dissertation „Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren – ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung“ war die Optimierung von neuen Inhibitoren von Falcipain-2 und Rhodesain als neue potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen Malaria bzw. die Schlafkrankheit über zwei verschiedene Methoden. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen klassischen und einen kombinatorischen Ansatz. Der klassische Ansatz basiert auf einer Struktur, deren Aktivität per Zufall entdeckt wurde. In Scr...

  18. Design of the intake and outlet areas of turbines; Gestaltung der Zu- und Abstroemung von Turbinen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruprecht, A. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Abt. Numerische Stroemungsmechanik


    Especially in the case of plants with a small height of drop, efficiency can be substantially impaired. Moreover, an unfavourable design of the inlet area can result in operating problems because of instationary flow phenomena. Similar considerations apply to the draft tube and outflow area. Selected examples are chosen to demonstrate problems and propose improvements. As modelling demands too much effort in the case of small plants, the investigations are carried out using modern numerical flow calculation methods. As demonstrated, inlet and outflow areas can be economically designed using these methods even in the case of small hydro power stations so as to present favourable flow parameters. [Deutsch] Vor allem bei Anlagen mit kleiner Fallhoehe kann der Verlust betraechtlich sein. Darueber hinaus kann eine unguenstige Gestaltung des Einlaufbereichs durch instationaere Stroemungsphaenomene auch zu Problemen beim Betrieb der Anlage fuehren. Aehnliches gilt bei der Gestaltung des Saugrohrs und der Abstroemung. An ausgewaehlten Beispielen werden Probleme dargestellt und Verbesserungsvorschlaege aufgezeigt. Da bei kleinen Anlagen Modellversuche zu aufwendig sind, erfolgen die Untersuchungen mit modernen Methoden der numerischen Stroemungsrechnung. Es wird gezeigt, dass man mit diesen Methoden in der Lage ist, auch bei Kleinwasserkraftanlagen wirtschaftlich eine stroemungsguenstige Gestaltung von Zu- und Abstroemung zu erreichen. (orig.)

  19. Radiological imaging of osteoarthritis of the knee; Radiologische Bildgebung der Kniegelenkarthrose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wick, M.C.; Jaschke, W.; Klauser, A.S. [Medizinische Universitaet Innsbruck, Department Radiologie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative age-related joint disease leading to typical degradation of articular cartilage with severe pain and limitation of joint motion. Although knee radiographs are widely considered as the gold standard for the assessment of knee osteoarthritis in clinical and scientific settings they increasingly have significant limitations in situations when resolution and assessment of cartilage is required. Analysis of osteoarthritis of the knee with conventional x-ray is associated with many technical limitations and is increasingly being replaced by high-quality assessment using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or sonography both in the clinical routine and scientific studies. Novel imaging modalities such as MRI or ultrasound enable in vivo visualization of the quality of the cartilaginous structure and bone as well as all articular and periarticular tissue. Therefore, the limitations of radiographs in assessment of knee osteoarthritis could be overcome by these techniques. This review article aims to provide insights into the most important radiological features of knee osteoarthritis and systematic visualization with different imaging approaches. The demographic development in western industrialized countries predicts an increase of ageing-related osteoarthritis of the knee for the next decades. A systematic radiological evaluation of patients with knee osteoarthritis includes the assessment of the periarticular soft tissue, cartilaginous thickness, cartilage volume, possible cartilage defects, the macromodular network of hyaline cartilage, bone marrow edema, menisci and articular ligaments. Modern imaging modalities, such as MRI and sonography allow the limitations of conventional radiography to be overcome and to visualize the knee structures in great detail to quantitatively assess the severity of knee osteoarthritis. (orig.) [German] Die Arthrose ist die haeufigste chronische, altersassoziierte, degenerative Gelenkerkrankung

  20. Utilizing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Human-Machine Systems


    Zander, Thorsten Oliver


    Verbindet man ein menschliches Gehirn über eine Hirn-Rechner-Schnittstelle (BCI) mit einer Maschine, so kann das resultierende Mensch-Maschine-System (MMS) Informationen über die Hirnaktivität des Nutzers ableiten. Um diese Verbindung aufbauen zu können, werden Methoden aus dem Bereich des Maschinellen Lernens und Grundlagenwissen über die Interpretation des Elektroenzephalogramms (EEG) miteinander verknüpft. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt automatisierte Analysen der Hirnaktivität in Echtzeit, deren E...

  1. Stabilität und Frieden? Ehebeziehungen im Transformationsprozeß

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martina Ritter


    Full Text Available In der sehr guten Studie, die auf der Kooperation von amerikanischen und russischen Forscherinnen beruht, werden die ehelichen Beziehungen im gegenwärtigen Rußland diskutiert. Nach einer kontextuellen Einbettung in eine historische Reflexion über die Entwicklung von Ehe und Familie in Rußland und der Sowjetunion und nach transformationstheoretischen Überlegungen werden Themen wie Geschlechterbilder, Arbeitsteilung, Ehe-Qualität und Gewalt mit Hilfe quantitativer Methoden analysiert.

  2. Ein MapReduce-basiertes Programmiermodell für selbstwartbare Aggregatsichten


    Schildgen, Johannes


    Hadoop ist ein beliebtes Framework für verteilte Berechnungen über große Datenmengen (Big Data) mittels MapReduce. Hadoop zu verwenden ist einfach: Der Entwickler definiert die Eingabedatenquelle und implementiert die beiden Methoden Map und Reduce. Über die verteilte Berechnung und Fehlerbehandlung muss er sich dabei keine Gedanken machen, das erledigt das Hadoop-Framework. Allerdings kann die Analyse von Big Data sehr lange dauern und da sich die Eingabedaten jede Sekunde...

  3. Postoperative Verlaufskontrollen beim Ulcus cruris nach Shave-Operation und Hauttransplantation


    Pantelaki, Ioanna


    \\(\\bf Hintergrund:\\) Die Arbeit hat das Ziel die Shave-Operation mit Meshgraft-Deckung hinsichtlich der Einheilungsrate und der Schmerzreduktion zu untersuchen. \\(\\bf Methoden:\\) 56 Patienten mit einem Ulcus cruris unterzogen sich dem genannten Eingriff. Vor und 6 Monate nach der Operation wurden die Ulkusgröße, die bakterielle Besiedlung und die Schmerzintensität analysiert. \\(\\bf Ergebnis:\\) Bei 42,86% der Patienten konnte eine Abheilung erreicht werden, wobei die Ergebnisse hoch sign...

  4. Datenkörper aushorchen


    Schoon, Andi


    Mit dem Begriff Sonifikation werden Verfahren zur Verklanglichung von Daten bezeichnet. Dieses akustische Pendant zur Visualisierung entwickelt sich in den Naturwissenschaften, aber auch in den Künsten, seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten rasant. Weltweit beschäftigen sich zahlreiche trans­disziplinäre Forschergruppen mit der Sonifikation. Dabei ist ein zunehmendes Bedürfnis entstanden, Fragen nach der Wissenschaftstheorie, der Ästhetik, dem Vokabular und den Methoden der Sonifikation zu behandeln und...

  5. Review: Janice M. Morse & Linda Niehaus (2009). Mixed method design: principles and procedures


    Öhlen, Joakim


    Mixed-Method-Designs, in denen quantitative und qualitative Methoden Verwendung finden, erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit für die Untersuchung komplexer Phänomene. Die vorliegende Besprechung beschäftigt sich in diesem Zusammenhang mit dem Buch "Mixed Method Design: Principles and Procedures" von Janice M. MORSE und Linda NIEHAUS, die für solche Designs Kern- und Ergänzungskomponenten zu identifizieren versuchen. Hierzu differenzieren sie zwischen Projekten, die einer eher deduktiven oder...

  6. Strategien zur HLA-Typisierung mit PyrosequencingTM


    Entz, Patricia


    Der Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex ist durch seine biologische Funktion eine für die Diagnostik und Forschung äußerst wichtige Region im humanen Genom. Die Untersuchung von HLA-Genorten stellt ein wichtiges Instrument in der molekulargenetischen Praxis dar. Die Pyrosequencing-Technik ist gut geeignet, um kurze DNA-Abschnitte mit weitgehend bekannter Sequenz schnell und effizient zu untersuchen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Pyrosequencing-basierten Methoden zur HLA-Typisierung....

  7. Praxisrelevanz der Methodenausbildung



    'Mit dem Band werden die Beiträge namhafter Sozialforscher aus Universitäten und Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstituten zu einer Tagung veröffentlicht, die am 6./7. Juli 2001 an der Universität Bonn abgehalten wurde. Im Mittelpunkt der Tagung stand die Frage, ob die derzeitige Ausbildung in Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung und Statistik den beruflichen Anforderungen in Universitäten sowie akademischen und privatwirtschaftlich verfassten Forschungsinstituten gerecht wird. Gestützt auf Erfah...

  8. Editorial: Qualitative Forschung in der Medienpädagogik


    Horst Niesyto; Heinz Moser


    Seit den 1980er-Jahren haben sich qualitative Forschungsansätze in den Sozialwissenschaften stark verbreitet. In der Medienpädagogik ist dies nicht zuletzt mit einer Hinwendung zu subjektorientierten Ansätzen und Methoden verbunden, die den Fokus der Forschung auf den aktiven Umgang der Menschen mit Medien legen. Seither haben sich die Zugänge und Konzepte der qualitativen Forschung stark differenziert – etwa mit Entwicklungen wie: die Herausbildung konkreter Forschungsprogramme wie grounded ...

  9. Additive Fertigungsverfahren mit Praxisbeispielen: Vortrag gehalten beim Praxisforum 3D-Druck, 3D-Druck in Produktentwicklung und Fertigung - Anwendungen und Potenziale, 24.03.15, Landshut


    Seidel, Christian


    Für die Additive Fertigung von Metallen und Kunststoffen gibt es verschiedenen Methoden und Funktionsprinzipien. Die Potenziale liegen unter anderem in der Formgebungsfreiheit, der Ressourceneffizienz und der Personalisierung. In den nächsten Jahren ist mit einem weiteren Rückgang der Kosten pro hergestelltem Volumen zu rechnen. Mit Hilfe der Bionik wird die Natur als Vorbild abstrahiert und findet Einsatz bei technischen Anwendungen. Als Beispiele für Additive Fertigungsverfahren sind der fu...

  10. Die transkranielle Doppler-Sonographie zur Identifikation von Rechts-Links-Shunts


    Jekentaite, R. (Ruta)


    Paradoxe Embolien über einen Rechts-Links-Shunt (RLS) stellen eine Ursache von Hirninfarkten dar. Diese Shunts werden mittels TEE oder TCD diagnostiziert. Ziele dieser Studie waren die Bestimmung des optimalen Timings des Valsalva-Manövers (VM) sowie Vergleich der zwei Kontrastmittel Echovist®-300 und Echovist®-200. 64 Patienten wurden mittels beider Methoden untersucht. Nach der KM-Injektion wurden die Mikroemboliesignale (MES) in der ACM bilateral dopplersonographisch registriert. Die Unt...

  11. Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Verarbeitung von 3D-Kameradaten am Beispiel menschlicher Bewegungsanalysen


    Westfeld, Patrick


    Die dreidimensionale Erfassung der Form und Lage eines beliebigen Objekts durch die flexiblen Methoden und Verfahren der Photogrammetrie spielt für ein breites Spektrum technisch-industrieller und naturwissenschaftlicher Einsatzgebiete eine große Rolle. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten reichen von Messaufgaben im Automobil-, Maschinen- und Schiffbau über die Erstellung komplexer 3D-Modelle in Architektur, Archäologie und Denkmalpflege bis hin zu Bewegungsanalysen in Bereichen der Strömungsmesstech...

  12. Rechnungsgrundlagen und Prämien in der Personen- und Schadenversicherung – Aktuelle Ansätze, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Proceedings zum 3. FaRis & DAV Symposium am 7. Dezember 2012 in Köln


    Strobel, Jürgen; Nießen, Gero; Herrmann, Richard; Pasdika, Ulrich


    Die Prämienbestimmung ist nicht nur vor dem Hintergrund von Unisex ein über viele Versicherungssparten aktuell diskutiertes Thema. Häufige Veränderungen des Rechtsrahmens, die stete Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Weiterentwicklungen der Methoden und geänderte Anforderungen des Marktes beeinflussen die Wahl der Rechnungsgrundlagen als Basis der Prämienkalkulation. Einigen ausgewählten Fragestellungen aus diesem Umfeld ist das 3. FaRis & DAV-Symposium nachge-gangen. Dazu wurden Sterblichkeit und L...

  13. Percutaneous mechanical atherectomy for treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease; Perkutane mechanische Atherektomie zur Behandlung der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buecker, A.; Minko, P.; Massmann, A.; Katoh, M. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Homburg (Germany)


    Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is still an extremely important politico-economic disease. Diverse treatment procedures exist but the pillars of therapy are changes in lifestyle, such as nicotine abstinence and walking exercise as well as drug therapy. Further therapy options are considered after conventional procedures have been exhausted. These further options consist of improvement of the blood supply by surgical or minimally invasive procedures. The latter therapy options include balloon dilatation and stenting as the most widely used techniques. More recent techniques also used are cryoplasty, laser angioplasty, drug-coated stents or balloons as well as brachytherapy or atherectomy, whereby this list makes no claims to completeness. The multitude of different treatment methods emphatically underlines the fact that no resounding success can be achieved with one single method. The long-term results of both balloon dilatation and stenting techniques show a need for improvement, which elicited the search for additional methods for the treatment of PAOD. Atherectomy represents such an alternative method for treatment of PAOD. Basically, the term atherectomy means the removal of atheroma tissue. For percutaneous atherectomy, in contrast to surgical procedures, it is not necessary to create surgically access to the vessel but accomplishes the atherectomy by means of dedicated systems via a minimally invasive access. There are two basic forms of mechanical atherectomy: directional and rotational systems. (orig.) [German] Die periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit (PAVK) stellt nach wie vor eine volkswirtschaftlich ueberaus bedeutsame Erkrankung dar. Diverse Behandlungsverfahren existieren; Lebensstilaenderungen wie Nikotinabstinenz und Gehtraining und auch medikamentoese Therapien machen einen Pfeiler der Therapie aus. Weitere Therapieansaetze kommen nach Ausreizen der konventionellen Verfahren zur Anwendung. Sie bestehen in der Verbesserung der

  14. Mechatronics. Components - methods - examples. 2. ed.; Mechatronik. Komponenten - Methoden - Beispiele

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heimann, B.; Popp, K. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Mechanik; Gerth, W. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Regelungstechnik


    Mechatronics combines the main disciplines electrical- and mechanical engineering and informatics. Its increasing importance occurs in all kind of on-line control systems, process control, sensor guided robots, magnetic bearings, automobile engineering etc. This book addresses students in all this fields. The main topics are: actuators, sensors, signal processing, data processing, simulation of multibody systems, planning of trajectories, control of mechatronic systems and as an attachment mathematical fundamentals.(GL) [German] Die Mechatronik vereinigt die Hauptfachgebiete Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau und Informatik. Ihre wachsende Bedeutung findet sich wieder in der gesamten Leittechnik, Verfahrenstechnik, sensorgefuehrte Roboter, Magnetlager, Fahrzeugtechnik usw. Dieses Buch spricht Studenten in all diesen Fachgebieten an. Inhaltliche Hauptkapitel sind: Aktoren, Sensoren, Signalverarbeitung, Prozessdatenverarbeitung, Modellbildung von Mehrkoerpersystemen, Trajektorplanung, Regelung mechatronischer Systeme mit ausfuehrlichen Beispielen und schliesslich ein Anhang mit mathematischen Grundlagen.(GL)

  15. Schule forscht Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernen

    CERN Document Server


    Kinderunis, Science Center, Experimentierlabore – der Markt der außerschulischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung für Kinder und Jugendliche boomt. Doch in den Schulen findet forschendes Lernen noch wenig Beachtung. Dabei fördert die Methode wichtige Fähigkeiten der Schüler und bietet Chancen für eine zukunftsweisende Schulentwicklung. Die Jugendlichen erarbeiten in Forschungsprojekten eigenständig wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen, suchen Lösungswege, dokumentieren und präsentieren ihre Erkenntisse: Sie trainieren so wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Eigenverantwortlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zeitmanagement. Lehrer werden zu Lernbegleitern, Schulen öffnen sich für Kooperationen und entwickeln Alternativen zum 45-minütigen Unterrichtstakt. Die Fachbeiträge von Andreas Müller, Ilka Parchmann, Gerhard Roth u. a. untermauern die Praxisberichte aus lern- und entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht. Die Autoren sind sich einig: Wer bereits in der Schule forscht, ist in Studium und Beruf einen großen Schritt voraus....

  16. Value of magnetic resonance imaging in diffuse liver diseases; Stellenwert der MRT bei diffusen Lebererkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schramm, N.; D' Anastasi, M.; Reiser, M.F.; Zech, C.J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Diffuse liver diseases show an increasing prevalence. The diagnostic gold standard of liver biopsy has several disadvantages. There is a clinical demand for non-invasive imaging-based techniques to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the entire liver. Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are routinely used. Steatosis: chemical shift and frequency selective imaging, MR spectroscopy (MRS). Hemochromatosis: MR-based iron quantification. Fibrosis: MR elastography, diffusion, intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and MR perfusion. T1-weighted in and opposed phase imaging is the clinically most frequently used MR technique to noninvasively detect and quantify steatosis. New methods for quantification that are not influenced by confounders like iron overload are under investigation. The most sensitive method to measure the fat content of the liver is MRS. As data acquisition and analysis remain complex and there is no whole organ coverage, MRS of the liver is not a routine method. With an optimized protocol incorporating T2* sequences, MRI is the modality of choice to quantify iron overload in hemochromatosis. Standard MR sequences cannot depict early stages of liver fibrosis. Advanced MR techniques (e.g. elastography, diffusion, IVIM and perfusion) for noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis appear promising but their role has to be further investigated. (orig.) [German] Die Praevalenz diffuser Lebererkrankungen nimmt zu. Der klinische Goldstandard, die Leberbiopsie, hat zahlreiche Nachteile. Es besteht ein Bedarf an bildgebenden Verfahren zur nichtinvasiven qualitativen und quantitativen Beurteilung der gesamten Leber bei diesen Erkrankungen. Hier sind Ultraschall, CT und MRT zu nennen. Steatosis: Chemical-shift- und frequenzselektive Bildgebung, MR-Spektroskopie (MRS) zur Fettquantifizierung. Haemochromatose: MR-basierte Eisenquantifizierung. Fibrose: MR-Elastographie, Diffusion, ''intravoxel incoherent motion

  17. Stand van zaken LD50/LC50 testen : Verfijning, vermindering en vervanging van dierproeven en mogelijkheden tot interventies


    van der Ven L; Ezendam J; VTS; V&Z


    Het RIVM heeft geïnventariseerd hoeveel proefdieren worden gebruikt voor testen die uitzoeken bij welke dosering of concentratie van een stof 50 procent van de dieren sterft (zogeheten LD50/LC50-testen). Deze testen zijn in principe verboden en worden alleen met ontheffing toegepast als er geen alternatieve methoden mogelijk zijn. De inventarisatie is op verzoek van de staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken gemaakt. Hieruit blijkt dat in Nederland jaarlijks voor dit type testen tussen de 570 ...

  18. Review: Norman K. Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Hrsg.) (2002). The Qualitative Inquiry Reader


    Gergen, Mary


    Dieser Reader, der eine Auswahl von 20 Beiträgen aus der Zeitschrift Qualitative Inquiry der letzten sieben Jahre vereint, betont die Darstellung neuer Formen qualitativer Forschung. Dies beinhaltet u.a. Ethnographien und Lyrik und ist verbunden mit dem Ziel, sowohl neue Methoden und einen kritischen Rahmen für die Interpretation dieser Art von Arbeiten vorzustellen, als auch eine reflexive Sensibilität für die kritischen und ethischen Dimensionen von Forschung zu entwickeln. URN: urn:nbn:...

  19. Review: Norman K. Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.) (2002). The Qualitative Inquiry Reader


    Gergen, Mary


    Dieser Reader, der eine Auswahl von 20 Beiträgen aus der Zeitschrift Qualitative Inquiry der letzten sieben Jahre vereint, betont die Darstellung neuer Formen qualitativer Forschung. Dies beinhaltet u.a. Ethnographien und Lyrik und ist verbunden mit dem Ziel, sowohl neue Methoden und einen kritischen Rahmen für die Interpretation dieser Art von Arbeiten vorzustellen, als auch eine reflexive Sensibilität für die kritischen und ethischen Dimensionen von Forschung zu entwickeln. This "cutting...

  20. Zum biologisch-dynamischen Forschungsansatz – Nur philosophisches Beiwerk oder Erkenntnisbedingung einer Wissenschaft vom Leben?


    Hagel, Ingo


    [Einleitung:] Die Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschaftsweise ist die älteste unter den verschiedenen Methoden des Ökologischen Landbaus. Ihr geistiges Fundament ist eine Reihe von Vorträgen, die Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) im Jahr 1924 in Koberwitz bei Breslau für Landwirte hielt (STEINER 1924a). Daher können ihre Voraussetzungen und Intentionen und auch ihr Forschungsansatz nicht losgelöst von dem spirituellen Weltbild der Anthroposophie, deren Begründer Rudolf Steiner ist, betrachtet werden. ...

  1. Gemeinsame Gene für Hören, Sehen und Tastsinn


    Gross, M; Lewin, G; Frenzel, H


    Hintergrund: Hören und Tastsinn sind zwei distinkte sensorische Systeme, die auf der Transformation mechanischer Kräfte in elektrische Signale basieren. Während für Hörstörungen mehrere einzelne Genmutationen bekannt sind, ist für den eingeschränkten Tastsinn bisher keine Mutation beschrieben. Hypothesen: Es gibt gemeinsame Gene für Hören und Tastsinn. Es lassen sich Hinweise auf einzelne Genmutationen konkretisieren.Material und Methoden: 3 prospektive Teilstudien: Zwillingsstudie zu Tas...

  2. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen (United States)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  3. Studying Reconfigurations of Discourse:Tracing the Stability and Materiality of "Sustainability/Carbon"


    Lippert, Ingmar


    Die Stabilität von Diskursen ist nicht gegeben, sondern hergestellt. Sie wird erreicht durch die Dispositiv-Konfigurationen, also dem praktischen und andauernden ›assembling‹ von semiotischen und materiellen Entitäten. Der Artikel stellt eine Assemblage von Theorien, Methoden und Methodologien vor, die es erlauben nachzuverfolgen, wie heterogene Entitäten (re) (kon)figuriert werden, um das Performieren der Stabilität eines Diskurses zu erreichen. Anhand alltäglicher Büropraktiken, die den bet...

  4. From manufacturer to service provider; Vom Produzenten zum Dienstleister

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luczak, H. (ed.)


    Shrinking time-to-market windows are leading to increasingly tight timeframes available for the planning and realization of factories. At the same time, industrial enterprises as clients for factory planning services may at increasingly later stages specify their requirements on the construction of their new factories or the renovation/conversion of existing ones. This state of affairs generates a series of problems such as growing numbers of alterations and thus interruptions in the factory planning process. In order to avoid this happening, the project described in the following included the drawing up of instruments for planning-service providers and the identification of success factors for optimized work scheduling. (orig/GL) [German] Als Folge von tiefgreifenden Veraenderungsprozessen der volkswirtschaftlichen Strukturen nimmt die Beschaeftigung im Bereich der Produktion und der Verarbeitung kontinuierlich ab waehrend gleichzeitig eine stetige Ausweitung des Dienstleistungssektors zu verzeichnen ist. Auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene wird dieser s.g. Prozess der Tertiarisierung vielfach diskutiert, im betrieblichen Kontext jedoch bislang noch sehr unzureichend durch empirisch-fundierte Modelle, Konzepte, Vorgehensweisen, Methoden, Erfahrungen, Best Practice und Erfolgsfaktoren hinterlegt und exemplarisch dargestellt. Durch die im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens MoveOn generierten Forschungsergebnisse konnte diese Luecke durch die Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Modells der betrieblichen Tertiarisierung sowie eines Methoden- und Erfahrungsinstrumentariums zur Unterstuetzung und Begleitung der Entwicklung von Betrieben zu Unternehmen mit einer ausgepraegten Dienstleistungsorientierung und Dienstleistungsmentalitaet geschlossen werden. (orig.)

  5. Macroadenomas Causing Cushing’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aydin K


    Full Text Available Kortikotrope Hypophysen-Makroadenome vs. Mikroadenome als Ursache des Morbus Cushing. Ziel: Kortikotrope Hypophysen- Makroadenome werden für eine geringe Zahl von Fällen des Cushing-Syndroms verantwortlich gemacht, man geht jedoch davon aus, dass ihre genaue Prävalenz unterschätzt wird. Des Weiteren fallen die klinischen und biochemischen Manifestationen kortikotroper Makro- und Mikroadenome sehr unterschiedlich aus und in bisherigen Studien wurde nur eine geringe Anzahl von Patienten eingeschlossen. In dieser Arbeit analysieren und vergleichen wir die klinischen Charakteristika und biochemischen Eigenschaften von Patienten mit kortikotropen Makro- und Mikroadenomen, die Morbus Cushing verursachen. Methoden: Wir schlossen 107 Patienten mit M. Cushing ein (67 Mikroadenome, 40 Makroadenome. Klinische Charakteristika, biochemische Analysen des Hyperkortisolismus, Ergebnisse des Hypophysen-Imaging, Behandlungsmodalitäten sowie Raten für Remission und Wiederauftreten wurden erfasst. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter der Patienten lag bei 46,5 ± 11,4 Jahren für Makroadenome und 37,3 ± 12,1 Jahre für Mikroadenome (p 0,001. Die Geschlechterverteilung war bei den Makroadenompatienten gleich, während bei den Mikroadenompatienten ein Vorherrschen der Frauen offensichtlich war (p = 0,001. Verglichen mit den Makro- war die klinische Evidenz des Hyperkortisolismus bei den Mikroadenomen stärker ausgeprägt. Obwohl die Präsentation der klinischen Manifestationen unterschiedlich war, waren die biochemische Analyse des Hyperkortisolismus (inklusive Basalkortisol, ACTH, 24-Stunden-Harnkortisol-Levels und Ansprechen auf eine niedrig dosierte Dexamethason-Suppression zwischen den Gruppen ähnlich. Die Unterdrückbarkeit des Serumkortisols nach Gabe von hochdosiertem Dexamethason war für Makroadenome niedriger, erreichte aber keine Signifikanz (p = 0,074. Die Remissionsraten nach dem ersten hypophysenchirurgischen Eingriff (67,5 vs. 82,8 % sowie die

  6. Clinical implications of a new TSH-receptor-antibody-assay (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) in autoimmune thyroid diseases; Klinische Implikationen eines neuen TSH-Rezeptor-Antikoerper-Assays (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) bei autoimmunen Schilddruesenerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meller, J.; Schreivogel, I.; Becker, W. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Bergmann, A.; Morgenthaler, N. [B.R.A.H.M.S Diagnostica, Berlin (Germany); Huefner, M. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Abt. Innere Medizin


    Aim: Conventional radioreceptor-antibody-assays (RAAs) fail in the detection of TSH-receptor antibodies (TRAKs) in 10-30% of patients with Graves' disease (GD). The aim of this study was the evaluation of the diagnostic and clinical impact of a new RRA (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) which uses the human recombinant TSH-Receptor in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease. Methods: Sera from 142 consecutive patients (GD: n=50, autoimmune thyroiditis/AIT: n=92) and from 55 controls (31 patients without any thyroid disease and 14 with euthyroid goiter) were evaluated both with the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman-assay and a conventional RRA (TRAK-Assay {sup trademark}). Thyroid in vitro parameters and thyroid sonography were performed in all patients. Results: The DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAK-assay was significantly superior to the conventional RRA in the diagnosis of GD (p<0,00012), especially in those who were treated by thionamides (p<0,003) and in the diagnosis of TRAK-positive patients with AIT (p<0,003). The majority of TRAK-positive AIT-patients suffered from hypothyroidism. One false positive result in patients with euthyroid goiter was found in the TRAK-Assay {sup trademark} as well as in the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman-Assay. Therefore the specifity of the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman was not inferior compared with the conventional assay. Conclusion: The DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAK-assay is superior in the diagnostic work up of Graves' disease compared with a conventional TRAK-assay and offers an equal specifity. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Bei konventionellen Radiorezeptor-Antikoerper-Assays (RRAs) misslingt der Nachweis von TSH-Rezeptor Antikoerpern (TRAKS) bei 10-30% der immunogenen Hyperthyreosen (IH). Ziel der Studie war es, den diagnostischen und klinischen Stellenwertes eines neuen RRA (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) bei autoimmunen Schilddruesenerkrankungen zu evaluieren. Methoden: Serumproben von 142

  7. Functional MRI procedures in the diagnosis of brain tumors. Perfusion- and diffusion-weighted imaging; Funktionelle MR-Verfahren in der Diagnostik intraaxialer Hirntumoren. Perfusions- und Diffusions-Bildgebung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartmann, M. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Neurologische Klinik, Abteilung Neuroradiologie; Heiland, S.; Sartor, K.


    Despite the increased diagnostic accuracy of contrast material enhanced MR imaging, specification and grading of brain tumors are still only approximate at best: neither morphology, nor relaxation times or contrast material enhancement reliably predict tumor histology or tumor grade. As histology and tumor grade strongly influence which therapy concept is chosen, a more precise diagnosis is mandatory. With diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI, PWI) it is now possible to obtain important information regarding the cellular matrix and the relative regional cerebral blood volume (rrCBV) of brain tumors, which cannot be obtained with standard MR techniques. These dynamic-functional imaging techniques are very useful in the preoperative diagnosis of gliomas, lymphomas, and metastases, as well as in the differentiation of these neoplastic lesions from abscesses, atypical ischemic infarctions, and tumor-like manifestations of demyelinating disease. Additionally, they appear suitable for determining glioma grade and regions of active tumor growth which should be the target of stereotactic biopsy and therapy. After therapy these techniques are helpful to better assess the tumor response to therapy, possible therapy failure and therapy complications such as radiation necrosis. (orig.) [German] Die radiologische Diagnostik intraaxialer Hirntumoren ist durch die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) erheblich verbessert worden, besonders nach Einfuehrung der paramagnetischen Kontrastmittel. Mit konventionellen MR-Verfahren ist aber noch keine verlaessliche Unterscheidung zwischen Gliomen, Metastasen, primaeren Lymphomen und tumorsimulierenden entzuendlichen Erkrankungen moeglich. In dieser Hinsicht vielversprechend sind neue, funktionell-dynamische MR-Verfahren, mit denen sich nicht-invasiv die zerebrale Wasserdiffusion und Mikrozirkulation erfassen lassen und die eine bessere Gewebecharakterisierung erlauben als die herkoemmlichen MR-Methoden. Die Perfusions-MRT erfasst

  8. Prospektive Entwicklung des postoperativen Sprachverstehens nach Tympanoplastik bei chronischer Otitis media


    Knof, B; Plotz, K; Krack, A; Stumper, J; Schönfeld, R


    Einleitung: Tympanoplastiken I/III bei chron. Otitis media COM (mesotympanalis CMOM und epitympanalis CEOM). In der Literatur werden erfolgreiche operative Behandlungen mit Verringerung der Schallleitungskomponente (air-bone gap) belegt (Gierke et al. 2011). Aus Sicht des Patienten steht die Verbesserung des Hörvermögens und des Sprachverstehens im Alltag im Vordergrund. Das Ziel war die Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Hörvermögens in Ruhe sowie im Störgeräusch.Methoden: An den Hör- und Sp...

  9. Die Altäre von Selinunt


    Voigts, Clemens


    In der Dissertation wurden die Altäre von Selinunt, einer griechischen Kolonie auf Sizilien, mit den Methoden der Bauforschung untersucht. Die neun behandelten Brandopferaltäre sind monumentale Quaderbauten, die bis zu 20 m Länge erreichen. Sie stammen aus der Blütezeit Selinunts, dem 6. und 5. Jh. v. Chr. Die Bauten waren bereits im 19. und 20. Jh. freigelegt worden und wurden nun in Bauaufnahmen dokumentiert, zeichnerisch rekonstruiert und zeitlich eingeordnet. Dabei ließ sich an ihnen eine...

  10. ASS-induzierte Asthmaanfälle nach ASS-Desaktivierung - Fallbericht einer seltenen Komplikation


    Doktorowski, S; Creutz, P; Förster-Ruhrmann, U; Olze, H


    Einleitung: Patienten mit einer nasalen Polyposis (NP), einem Asthma und einer ASS-Intoleranz sind häufig durch schwere Krankheitsverläufe gekennzeichnet. Die ASS-Desaktivierung ist eine Therapieoption mit günstigen Effekten auf rhinitische und pulmonale Beschwerden.Methoden: Vorstellung eines ungewöhnlichen Verlaufs eines Patienten nach ASS-Desaktivierung. Ergebnisse: Ein männlicher 34-jähriger Patient mit einer ASS-Trias (NP-Grad 2., FEV-1 94,7%, Ø Peakflow 470 l/Min) erhielt stationär p...

  11. Gaucher disease: MR evaluation of bone marrow features during treatment with enzyme replacement; Morbus Gaucher: Analyse der Knochenmarkveraenderungen in der MRT waehrend Enzymersatztherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poll, L.W.; Koch, J.A.; Boerner, D.; Cohnen, M.; Jung, G.; Scherer, A.; Moedder, U. [Duesseldorf Univ. (DF). Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Dahl, S. vom; Haeussinger, D. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Infektiologie; Willers, R. [Rechenzentrum, Heinrich-Heine-Univ. Duesseldorf (Germany); Niederau, C. [Innere Abt., St. Josef-Hospital Oberhausen, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Univ. Essen (Germany)


    Purpose: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) arrests and reverses the hematological and visceral symptoms of adult Gaucher disease, the most frequent lysosomal storage disorder. There are only a few studies available evaluating bone disease during ERT. The aim of this study was to investigate the features of bone marrow (bm) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in these patients during ERT. Materials and Methods: MRI was performed prospectively in thirty adult type I Gaucher patients before and during ERT with a mean follow-up of 3 years. Spin-echo sequences (T{sub 1}/T{sub 2}) of the lower extremities were obtained and the reconversion (response) or lack of reconversion (non-response) to fatty marrow during treatment was analyzed. The morphological features of bm involvement, a homogeneous or non-homogeneous distribution of bm changes and focal bone lesions surrounded by a rim of reduced signal intensity (SI), were analyzed. Results: Infiltration of bm by Gaucher cells is characterized by a reduction of Sl on both T{sub 1}- and T{sub 2}-weighted sequences. Bone marrow responses were seen in 19 patients (63%) during treatment. Focal bone lesions, surrounded by a rim of reduced Sl, did not respond to ERT and correlated with a non-homogenous distribution of bone involvement and splenectomy. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Unter Enzymersatztherapie (enzyme replacement therapy = ERT) zeigen Patienten mit adulter Form des Morbus Gaucher, der haeufigsten lysosomalen Speicherkrankheit, eine deutliche Besserung der haematologischen und visceralen Symptome. Bislang liegen nur wenige Untersuchungen zur Analyse der Knochenveraenderungen waehrend der ERT vor. Ziel war es, die Knochenmarkveraenderungen bei Gaucher-Patienten waehrend der Enzymersatztherapie mit Alglucerase/Imiglucerase in der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) zu evaluieren. Material und Methoden: In einer prospektiven Untersuchung wurden 30 adulte Patienten mit gesichertem Morbus Gaucher vor und waehrend der ERT in der MRT

  12. Methoden zur adaptiven Benutzerinteraktion bei der semi-autonomen Aufgabenbearbeitung in Rehabilitationsszenarien


    Cyriacks, Marco


    The ever increasing performance of modern computing systems enables the realization of more challenging functionalities in software and mechatronic systems. This tendency results in an increase in system complexity and also makes the operation by users more difficult. Therefore, recent developments are focusing more strongly on the usability of technical systems, especially in case of systems that do not only communicate with users via a user interface but also interact with them physically. ...

  13. Vergelijking van HPLC-methoden voor de bepaling van pentachloorfenol in houtmonsters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goewie; C.E.; Berkhoff; C.J.


    Een vergelijkend onderzoek is verricht naar de bruikbaarheid van verschillende detectiemethoden in combinatie met HPLC voor de analyse van pentachloorfenol in hout. In het onderzoek wordt RP-HPLC met UK en amperometrische detectie beschreven, evenals NP-HPLC met elektroneninvangdetectie. In

  14. Methoden en regels voor de Projectplanning : een toepassing van beslissingsondersteunende systemen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrolijk, Hans Cornelis Johan


    An organization is a set of procedures for argumentation and interpretation as well as for solving problems and making decisions. The functioning of organizations requires decision­making at different levels and positions in the organization. Decision­making is the major activity of management.

  15. Digitales Peer-Tutoring - Explorative Analyse eines Peer-Video-Tutoring auf YouTube


    Lebedynska, Viktoriya


    Als eine der erfolgreichsten und empirisch gut erforschten Methoden ist das Peer-Tutoring in den pädagogischen Kreisen äußerst beliebt. Neue organisatorische Anforderungen an Schule, wie die Einführung von G8 und die steigende Erwerbstätigkeit beider Elternteile, sowie neue didaktische Anforderungen, wie etwa Inklusion, eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten und Potentiale für den Einsatz des Peer-Tutoring. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Bearbeitung zweier Schwerpunkte zum Ziel. Zunächst wird das kla...

  16. Logfile-Analysen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihrer Nutzung bei Untersuchungen zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burkhard Priemer


    Full Text Available Die Aufzeichnung der Computernutzung in automatisch generierten elektronischen Protokollen – so genannten Logfiles – entwickelt sich zu einer zunehmend genutzten Erfassungsmethode bei Untersuchungen der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer. Dieser Beitrag bietet einen einführenden Überblick über Verfahren der Logfile-Aufzeichnung und der Analyse der Daten. Neben einer Erläuterung der Begrifflichkeiten werden sowohl Vor- und Nachteile von Logfile-Auswertungen als auch grundlegende Methoden, mathematische Beschreibungen des Nutzerverhaltens und Ansätze der Typisierung von Nutzeraktivitäten dargestellt.

  17. Waste management in underground mining. Colloquium; Abfallentsorgung im Bergbau unter Tage. Tagung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frenz, W.; Martens, P.N.; Pretz, T. (eds.)


    The problem of underground waste management is reviewed from various aspects. Technical, legal and ecological problems are outlined with particular emphasis on the aspect of long-term safety. [German] Ziel unserer Veranstaltung ist, die Problematik der untertaegigen Abfallentsorgung aus den unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Sowohl die technische als auch die rechtliche wie auch die oekologische Sichtweise werden aufgezeigt. In technischer Hinsicht werden der aktuelle Stand der Methoden und Fortentwicklungsmoeglichkeiten dargestellt und anhand konkreter Beispiele erlaeutert. Besondere Bedeutung hat dabei die Frage der Langzeitsicherheit. (orig.)

  18. Sea Basing Logistiek (United States)


    athankelijkheden, de hoeveelheid situatie? Auteur (s) ir. P.L.H. Cleophas drs. M.H.M. Delmee PROGRAMMA PROJECT drs. S. Hoesmans drs. P.G.M. van Scheepstal drs...hiertussen een aanvullende belangrijke schakel. In theorie worden binnen de CLAS en CZSK verschillende methoden voor het plannen van een operatie gehanteerd...J.H.A.Blokker MCM drs P.G.M. van Scheepstal Afdelingshoofd Auteur 72/72 TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A452 TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A452 Bijlage A 11/4 A Fysiek

  19. Rezension zu: Sabine Hark, Paula-Irene Villa (Hg.: Anti-Genderismus. Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2015.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Hammermann


    Full Text Available Der von Sabine Hark und Paula-Irene Villa herausgegebene Sammelband analysiert die öffentlichen Angriffe auf Gender Studies und Gender Mainstreaming, die unter dem Begriff Anti-Genderismus auftreten und verhandelt werden. Die einzelnen Beiträge untersuchen Themen und Methoden des anti-genderistischen Diskurses, seine Akteur_Innen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingung. Dabei entwerfen sie ein sehr kohärentes Porträt dieser Politiken, das allerdings von einer weiteren Untersuchung der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen und intersektionalen Bezüge zu anderen Ressentiments profitieren würde.

  20. Speziation von Gadolinium-MRT-Kontrastmitteln in Umweltmatrizes


    Lindner, Uwe


    Gd-Kontrastmittel werden in der Medizin für die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) benötigt, um einen besseren Bildkontrast zu erzielen. Nach der Anwendung gelangen diese Arzneimittel über das Abwasser in die Klärwerke und von dort in die jeweiligen anliegenden Oberflächengewässer. Somit wird es notwendig, den Verbleib der Gd-MRT-Kontrastmittel in der Umwelt zu verfolgen und aufzuklären. In dieser Arbeit werden für die Analyse von Umweltproben Methoden zur Speziesanalytik von Gd-Kontrastmitteln ...

  1. Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits - Diseases of Vegetable Crops - Diseases of Grapes - Diseases of Tree Nuts. (United States)

    Petersen, Donald H.; And Others

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University consists of four sections on plant disease recognition and control. The titles of these four sections are: (1) Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits; (2) Diseases of Vegetable Crops; (3) Diseases of Crops; and (4) Diseases of Tree Nuts. The first section discusses…

  2. Renal disease in patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Boonpheng, Boonphiphop; Cheungpasitporn, Wisit; Wijarnpreecha, Karn


    Celiac disease, an inflammatory disease of small bowel caused by sensitivity to dietary gluten and related protein, affects approximately 0.5-1% of the population in the Western world. Extra-intestinal symptoms and associated diseases are increasingly recognized including diabetes mellitus type 1, thyroid disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and ataxia. There have also been a number of reports of various types of renal involvement in patients with celiac disease including diabetes nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome related to malabsorption, oxalate nephropathy, and associations of celiac disease with chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease. This review aims to present the current literature on possible pathologic mechanisms underlying renal disease in patients with celiac disease.

  3. Functional MR imaging of the liver; Funktionelle MR-Tomographie der Leber

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wibmer, A.; Nolz, R.; Ba-Ssalamah, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria); Trauner, M. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Innere Medizin III, Klinische Abteilung fuer Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Wien (Austria)


    The diagnostics of diffuse liver disease traditionally rely on liver biopsies and histopathological analysis of tissue specimens. However, a liver biopsy is invasive and carries some non-negligible risks, especially for patients with decreased liver function and those requiring repeated follow-up examinations. Over the last decades, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has developed into a valuable tool for the non-invasive characterization of focal liver lesions and diseases of the bile ducts. Recently, several MRI methods have been developed and clinically evaluated that also allow the diagnostics and staging of diffuse liver diseases, e. g. non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis. The sequelae of diffuse liver diseases, such as a decreased liver functional reserve or portal hypertension, can also be detected and quantified by modern MRI methods. This article provides the reader with the basic principles of functional MRI of the liver and discusses the importance in a clinical context. (orig.) [German] Die Diagnostik diffuser Lebererkrankungen stuetzt sich klassisch auf die Leberbiopsie und deren histopathologische Analyse. Dieses Verfahren ist allerdings fuer die Patienten unangenehm und schmerzhaft, birgt v. a. bei Patienten mit Lebererkrankungen ein gewisses Risiko und eignet sich daher nur sehr eingeschraenkt zur Verlaufskontrolle bei chronischen Erkrankungen. Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) der Leber nimmt schon jetzt eine zentrale Stellung in der Diagnostik von Raumforderungen der Leber und von Erkrankungen der Gallenwege ein. Darueber hinaus bietet dieses nichtinvasive Verfahren Moeglichkeiten, diffuse Erkrankungen des Leberparenchyms zu diagnostizieren und ihren Schweregrad abzuschaetzen, z. B. bei nichtalkoholischer Leberverfettung, Hepatitis, Leberfibrose, Zirrhose, Haemochromatose und Siderose und anderen. Folgen einer parenchymatoesen Lebererkrankung, wie die portale

  4. Modern engine management using neuronal nets; Modernes Motormanagement mit Neuronalen Netzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, R O


    The author focuses on the theoretical analysis, description and extension of neuronal control technology and its applications in engine management. Definitions and methods are presented for forward and recurrent nets. The fundamentals of control technology are described, and neuronal methods for modelling and control are presented. The first part of the report ends with a stability calculation which leads to the extension of existing learning methods. The second part discusses neuronal methods in the control of an external combustion engine. The investigated engine system is described, the combustion process is analyzed, and the fundamentals of engine management are presented. Ignition point and momentum control are presented as examples to illustrate the applicability of neuronal methods. [German] Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die theoretische Aufarbeitung, Darstellung und Erweiterung der neuronalen Regelungstechnik und ihre moegliche Anwendung im Motormanagement. Im grundlagenorientierten Teil wurden zuerst die wichtigsten Definitionen und Verfahren fuer vorwaertsgekoppelte und rekurrente Netze praesentiert. Anschliessend folgte eine kurze Einfuehrung in die Regelungstechnik, bevor ausfuehrlich verschiedene Methoden zur neuronalen Modellierung und Regelung vorgestellt wurden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit endete mit einer Stabilitaetsbetrachtung und einer darauf aufbauenden Erweiterung der bestehenden Lernverfahren. Der zweite Teil beschaeftigte sich mit der Anwendung der neuronalen Methoden in der Steuerung eines Verbrennungsmotors. Zur Motivation wurde das betrachtete System genau beschrieben, die Verbrennung analysiert und die Grundlagen des Motormanagements vorgestellt. Beispielhaft wurden im letzten Kapitel die Zuendzeitpunkt- und die Momentenregelung herausgegriffen und an ihnen die Anwendbarkeit der neuronalen Verfahren aufgezeigt. (orig.)

  5. Heat management in motor vehicles 3. Development methods and innovations in heat management in passenger cars and industrial vehicles; Waermemanagement des Kraftfahrzeugs 3. Entwicklungsmethoden und Innovationen der Kfz- und Nfz-Waermetechnik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deussen, N. (ed.) [Fachhochschule Koeln (Germany). Labor fuer Verbrennungsmotoren und Applikation


    The proceedings volume outlines problem solutions, development strategies and design methods relating to heat management in motor vehicles. The focus is on utilisation, supply, transmission and release of heat in passenger cars and industrial vehicles. The complete state of the art is reviewed, with the focus on the following subjects: The potential of heat management in terms of performance and comfort; Future strategies for optimisation of thermal processes; Expert knowledge in component and system innovations; Status and perspectives of user software; Engine cooling, vehicle air conditioning, heat protection; Methodology; Numeric fluid mechanics; Heat transfer; Practical applications of thermal engineering, Heat management in engines; Thermal system optimisation; CFD; Future numeric methods in heat transfer and fluid mechanics; Methods of measurement and instrumentation. [German] Der Tagungsband informiert in einem aktuellen Ueberblick ueber Problemloesungen, Entwicklungsstrategien und Auslegungsmethoden im Umfeld des Kraftfahrzeug-Waermemanagements. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Optimierung der Nutzung, Bereitstellung, Uebertragung und Abgabe von Waerme fokussiert. Der Inhalt umfasst dabei Anwendungen bei Automobilen und Nutzfahrzeugen. Der Leser erhaelt einen konkreten Ueberblick ueber die Trends auf neuestem Stand der Technik. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind: Potenzial des Waermemanagements bezueglich Leistung und Kundennutzen - Zukunftsweisende Strategien zur Optimierung waermetechnischer Prozesse - Kompaktes Fachwissen bei Bauteil- und System-Innovationen - Stand der Technik und Zukunftsperspektive bei Anwendersoftware. Inhalt: Motorkuehlung - Fahrzeugklimatisierung - Hitzeschutz - Methoden der Waermetechnik - Numerische Stroemungsmechanik - Waermeuebertragung - Anwendungsbeispiele der Waermetechnik - Motor-Thermomanagement - Waermetechnische Systemoptimierung - CFD - Zukuenftige numerische Methoden der Waermeuebertragung und Stroemungsmechanik - Messtechnik

  6. Femoral head necrosis; Hueftkopfnekrose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kramer, J.; Scheurecker, G.; Scheurecker, A.; Stoeger, A.; Huber, A. [Roentgeninstitut am Schillerpark, Linz (Austria); Hofmann, S. [Orthopaedisches Landeskrankenhaus Stolzalpe (Austria)


    The epidemiology and pathohistogenesis of avascular femoral head necrosis has still not been clarified in detail. Because the course of the disease runs in stages and over a long time period nearly always culminates in the necessity for a total hip prosthesis, an exact radiological evaluation is of paramount importance for the treatment. There is a need for a common staging system to enable comparison of different therapy concepts and especially their long-term results. In this article the ARCO staging system is described in full detail, which includes all radiological modalities as well as histopathological alterations. (orig.) [German] Bei der avaskulaeren Femurkopfnekrose handelt es sich um ein Krankheitsbild, dessen Ursachen noch immer nicht vollstaendig geklaert sind. Da die Erkrankung stadienhaft verlaeuft und ueber einen laengeren Zeitraum betrachtet nahezu immer in einem prothetischen Hueftersatz muendet, ist eine genaue radiologische Abklaerung fuer die Behandlung von enormer Bedeutung. Um Langzeiterfolge verschiedener Therapiekonzepte vergleichen zu koennen, sind eine exakte Beschreibung und darauf basierend die Verwendung einer einheitlichen Stadieneinteilung wuenschenswert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die ARCO-Stadieneinteilung im Detail beschrieben, die alle bildgebenden Methoden beruecksichtigt und histopathologische Veraenderungen mit einbezieht. (orig.)

  7. [Periodontal disease in pediatric rheumatic diseases]. (United States)

    Fabri, Gisele M C; Savioli, Cynthia; Siqueira, José T; Campos, Lucia M; Bonfá, Eloisa; Silva, Clovis A


    Gingivitis and periodontitis are immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases characterized by chronic localized infections usually associated with insidious inflammation This narrative review discusses periodontal diseases and mechanisms influencing the immune response and autoimmunity in pediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD), particularly juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Gingivitis was more frequently observed in these diseases compared to health controls, whereas periodontitis was a rare finding. In JIA patients, gingivitis and periodontitis were related to mechanical factors, chronic arthritis with functional disability, dysregulation of the immunoinflammatory response, diet and drugs, mainly corticosteroids and cyclosporine. In C-SLE, gingivitis was associated with longer disease period, high doses of corticosteroids, B-cell hyperactivation and immunoglobulin G elevation. There are scarce data on periodontal diseases in JDM population, and a unique gingival pattern, characterized by gingival erythema, capillary dilation and bush-loop formation, was observed in active patients. In conclusion, gingivitis was the most common periodontal disease in PRD. The observed association with disease activity reinforces the need for future studies to determine if resolution of this complication will influence disease course or severity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Verbesserte Visualisierung der Koronararterien in MSCT-Daten mit direkter Vergleichbarkeit zur Angiographie (United States)

    Lacalli, Christina; Jähne, Marion; Wesarg, Stefan

    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir neue, automatisierte Verfahren zur Visualisierung der Koronararterien einerseits und für eine direkte Vergleichbarkeit mit konventionellen Angiogrammen andererseits vor. Unser Ansatz umfasst Methoden für die automatische Extraktion des Herzens aus kontrastverstärkten CT-Daten, sowie für die Maskierung grosser kontrastmittelgefüllter Kavitäten des Herzens, um die Sichtbarkeit der Koronararterien bei der Darstellung mittels Volumenrendering zu verbessern. Zum direkten Vergleich mit konventionellen Angiographien wurde ein Verfahren zur automatischen Generierung von Projektionsansichten aus den CT-Daten entwickelt.

  9. Integrated market research as a basis for target group oriented marketing; Integrierte Marktforschung als Basis fuer zielgruppenorientiertes Marketing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Welzel, D.; Meinecke, B. [Meinecke und Rosengarten GmbH, Hamburg (Germany)


    Deregulation of the energy markets may, in the long run, also involve free choice of gas suppliers. Marketing research offers methods for assessing the customers' needs and wishes and for controlling and improving the measures taken. [German] In Folge der Liberalisierung der Energiemaerkte wird es in absehbarer Zeit voraussichtlich auch fuer die Haushaltskunden im Gasbereich moeglich sein, den Versorger frei zu waehlen. Die Marktforschung bietet verschiedene Methoden an, mit deren Hilfe die Beduerfnisse der Kunden im Hinblick auf Kundenbindung aber auch -gewinnung ermittelt und die Wirksamkeit ergriffener Massnahmen kontrolliert und verbessert werden kann. (orig.)

  10. Screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Skaaby, Tea; Sørensen, Lars Tue


    Knowledge about temporal associations for screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease is limited. The objective of this study was to determine if screen-detected gallstones or cholecystectomy was associated with development of cardiovascular disease. A cohort study of three...... of cardiovascular disease through nationwide registers until December 2014. Multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed including traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors and apolipoprotein E genotype. Gallstone disease was identified in 10% (591/5928) of participants at baseline of whom 6.8% had...... gallstones and 3.2% had cholecystectomy. The study population was followed for a period of 32 years with only 1% lost to follow-up. Gallstone disease was associated with all cardiovascular disease (hazard ratio (HR) 1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.17;1.59]) and to the subgroups coronary artery (HR 1...

  11. Radioiodinated PHIPA`s; metabolically trapped fatty acids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eisenhut, M. [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany). Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Lab.


    Radioiodinated PHIPA 3-10 [13-(4`-iodophenyl)-3-(p-phenylene)tridecanoic acid] has been developed for nuclear-cardiological investigation of coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies of various origin. The compound features a phenylene group located within the backbone of a long-chain fatty acid. In spite of its bulky structure [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 3-10 is extracted by the myocardium in a manner similar to that for the unmodified fatty acid analogue, [{sup 123}I]IPPA. The retention of PHIPA 3-10 in heart muscle results from the presence of the p-phenylene group which prevents more than one {beta}-oxidation cycle. Only one single, rapidly formed metabolite was found in rat-heart extracts. According to comparative HPLC with synthetic metabolites and mass spectrometric analysis this metabolite was identified as [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 1-10, a by two methylene groups shortened PHIPA derivative. Formation of this metabolite could be suppressed by Etomoxir, a carnitine palmitoyl fransferase I inhibitor, indicating {beta}-oxidation of [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 3-10 in mitochondria. Final evidence for the involvement of mitochondria in the degradation of [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 3-10 was obtained performing density-gradient centrifugation with homogenized rat heart tissue. Labeled free PHIPA 3-10 and free metabolite peaked with the fraction containing mitochondria. With respect to its biochemical characteristics, [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 3-10 may be considered as a useful tool for nuclear cardiological investigations. (orig.) [Deutsch] Radioiodierte PHIPA 3-10 [13-(4`-Iodophenyl)-3-(p-phenylene)tridecanoic acid] wurde fuer Untersuchungen von koronaren Herzerkrankungen und Kardiomyopathien unterschiedlicher Genese entwickelt. Die Verbindung enthaelt eine in der Fettsaeurekette lokalisierte Phenylengruppe. Obwohl dieses Strukturelement raumfordernd ist, wird [{sup 123}I]PHIPA 3-10 aehnlich gut vom Herzmuskel aufgenommen, wie die unmodifizierte Fettsaeure [{sup 123}I]IPPA. Die auffallende

  12. MRI methods for pulmonary ventilation and perfusion imaging; Methoden der MRT zur Ventilations- und Perfusionsbildgebung der Lunge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sommer, G. [Universitaetsspital Basel, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Basel (Switzerland); Bauman, G. [Universitaetsspital Basel, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin - Radiologische Physik, Basel (Switzerland)


    Separate assessment of respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and pulmonary circulation is essential for the diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary diseases. Due to the global character of the information obtained clinical lung function tests are often not sufficiently specific in the differential diagnosis or have a limited sensitivity in the detection of early pathological changes. The standard procedures of pulmonary imaging are computed tomography (CT) for depiction of the morphology as well as perfusion/ventilation scintigraphy and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for functional assessment. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with hyperpolarized gases, O{sub 2}-enhanced MRI, MRI with fluorinated gases and Fourier decomposition MRI (FD-MRI) are available for assessment of pulmonary ventilation. For assessment of pulmonary perfusion dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), arterial spin labeling (ASL) and FD-MRI can be used. Imaging provides a more precise insight into the pathophysiology of pulmonary function on a regional level. The advantages of MRI are a lack of ionizing radiation, which allows a protective acquisition of dynamic data as well as the high number of available contrasts and therefore accessible lung function parameters. Sufficient clinical data exist only for certain applications of DCE-MRI. For the other techniques, only feasibility studies and case series of different sizes are available. The clinical applicability of hyperpolarized gases is limited for technical reasons. The clinical application of the techniques described, except for DCE-MRI, should be restricted to scientific studies. (orig.) [German] Die separate Beurteilung von Atemmechanik, Gasaustauschprozessen und Lungenzirkulation ist wesentlich fuer die Diagnose und Therapie von Lungenerkrankungen. Klinische Lungenfunktionstests sind aufgrund ihrer zumeist nur globalen Aussage oft nicht hinreichend spezifisch in der Differenzialdiagnostik oder eingeschraenkt sensitiv bei der

  13. Lysosomal storage disease 2 - Pompe's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Ploeg, Ans T.; Reuser, Arnold J. J.


    Pompe's disease, glycogen-storage disease type II, and acid maltase deficiency are alternative names for the same metabolic disorder. It is a pan-ethnic autosomal recessive trait characterised by acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency leading to lysosomal glycogen storage. Pompe's disease is also

  14. Magnetic resonance pharmacological stress for detecting coronary disease. Comparison with echocardiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baer, F.M.; Crnac, J.; Jochims, M.; Schneider, C.; Erdmann, E. [Clinic III of Internal Medicine, Univ. of Cologne (Germany); Schmidt, M.; Theissen, P.; Schicha, H. [Clinic und Ambulant Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, Univ. of Cologne (Germany)


    Stress testing is the cornerstone in the diagnosis of patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Although exercise ECG remains the primary approach for the detection of ischemia in patients with chest pain syndromes, its sensitivity and specificity is limited and exercise ECG does not provide detailed information about the localisation and extent of CAD. Stress echocardiography has been used for the detection of ischemia for more than a decade and has become an increasingly popular noninvasive method for the detection of CAD. In experienced hands wall motion analysis based on stress echocardiography has proved to be as sensitive and specific for the detection of myocardial ischemia as scintigraphic techniques. Recent technical improvements, namely the availability of ultrafast imaging sequences with a significant reduction of imaging time have initiated several studies which examined the combination of pharmacological stress and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the detection of suspected CAD. The most well developed stress-MRI technique is wall motion imaging during dobutamine stress. This technique is analogous to stress echocardiography, but MRI has the inherent advantages of better resolution, higher reproducibility and true long and short axis imaging with contiguous parallel slices. However, the clinical impact of MRI for the diagnosis of CAD is still low. Further technical developments including real time imaging and a reliable automated quantitative analysis of left ventricular function are required before stress-MRI becomes a serious challenge to stressechocardiography in the clinical arena. Currently, only a few MRI facilities and physicians are dedicated to pharmacological stress testing with MRI and the future clinical impact of this promising technique will depend on its potential to provide information beyond myocardial function including perfusion, metabolism and coronary anatomy in form of a ''one-stop''-shop for

  15. Farber's Disease (United States)

    ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ...

  16. Association between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Weidlich


    Full Text Available Current evidence suggests that periodontal disease may be associated with systemic diseases. This paper reviewed the published data about the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes and respiratory diseases, focusing on studies conducted in the Brazilian population. Only a few studies were found in the literature focusing on Brazilians (3 concerning cardiovascular disease, 7 about pregnancy outcomes, 9 about diabetes and one regarding pneumonia. Although the majority of them observed an association between periodontitis and systemic conditions, a causal relationship still needs to be demonstrated. Further studies, particularly interventional well-designed investigations, with larger sample sizes, need to be conducted in Brazilian populations.

  17. Link Between Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (United States)

    Shah, Ayesha; Walker, Marjorie; Burger, Daniel; Martin, Neal; von Wulffen, Moritz; Koloski, Natasha; Jones, Mike; Talley, Nicholas J; Holtmann, Gerald J


    The aim of this analysis was to assess in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) the risk of celiac disease and in celiac disease patients the risk of IBD. Previous studies report a possible association between IBD and celiac disease; however, this link is controversial. Using the search terms "inflammatory bowel disease" and "celiac disease," we identified initially 1525 publications. In total 27 studies met inclusion criteria. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the prevalence of IBD in celiac disease and vice versa were compared with published prevalence rates for the respective geographic regions. We included 41,482 adult IBD patients (20,357 with Crohn's disease; 19,791 with ulcerative colitis; and 459 patients with celiac disease). Overall, in IBD patients the prevalence of celiac disease was 1110/100,000 (95% CI, 1010-1210/100,000) as compared with a prevalence of 620/100,000 (95% CI, 610-630/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.99-2.50). In contrast, in patients with celiac disease, 2130/100,000 had IBD (95% CI, 1590-2670/100,000) as compared with 260/100,000 (95% CI, 250/100,000-270/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 11.10; 95% CI, 8.55-14.40). This effect was not different for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Although there was no evidence for publication bias for celiac disease in IBD, the funnel plot suggested that the association between IBD in celiac disease might be influenced by publication bias. The data are consistent with the notion that celiac disease is a risk factor for IBD and to lesser degree patients with IBD have an increased risk of celiac disease.

  18. [Autoimmune thyroid disease and other non-endocrine autoimmune diseases]. (United States)

    Dilas, Ljiljana Todorović; Icin, Tijana; Paro, Jovanka Novaković; Bajkin, Ivana


    Autoimmune diseases are chronic conditions initiated by the loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens. They constitute heterogeneous group of disorders, in which multiple alterations in the immune system result in a spectrum of syndromes that either target specific organs or affect the body systematically. Recent epidemiological studies have shown a possible shift of one autoimmune disease to another or the fact that more than one autoimmune disease may coexist in a single patient or in the same family. Numerous autoimmune diseases have been shown to coexist frequently with thyroid autoimmune diseases. AUTOIMMNUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: This part of the study reviews the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease coexisting with: pernicious anaemia, vitiligo, celiac disease, autoimmune liver disease, miastenia gravis, alopecia areata and sclerosis multiplex, and several recommendations for screening have been given. AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN NON-SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: Special attention is given to the correlation between autoimmune thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, syndrome Sjögren, systemic sclerosis and mixed connective tissue disease. Screening for autoimmune thyroid diseases should be recommended in everyday clinical practice, in patients with primary organ-specific or organ non-specific autoimmune disease. Otherwise, in patients with primary thyroid autoimmune disease, there is no good reason of seeking for all other autoimmune diseases, although these patients have a greater risk of developing other autoimmune disease. Economic aspects of medicine require further analyzing of these data, from cost/benefit point of view to justified either mandatory screening or medical practitioner judgment.

  19. Huntington's disease: a perplexing neurological disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Huntington's disease is an inherited intricate brain illness. It is a neurodegenerative, insidious disorder; the onset of the disease is very late to diagnose. It is caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the Huntingtin gene, which encodes an abnormally long polyglutamine repeat in the Huntingtin protein. Huntington's disease ...

  20. Development and trial of methods and design concepts for an ecological recultivation of former mining areas, located in certain littoral and terrestrial areas of the Goitzsche, district of Bitterfeld, state Sachsen-Anhalt. Final report; Entwicklung und Erprobung von Methoden und Gestaltungskonzepten zur oekologisch vertraeglichen Sanierung von Bergbaufolgelandschaften in ausgewaehlten litoralen und terrestrischen Bereichen des Tagebaus Goitzsche im Landkreis Bitterfeld. Schlussbericht und Anlagen 1-12

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haenel, K.; Herbst, F.; Mueller, E.; Prautzsch, I.


    Methods for an ecological orientated revitalisation of former brown coal open-cast mining areas in East Germany are less developed and regarded than questions about stabilisation and economic recultivation technologies. The aim of the research work was to develop a methodical concept which includes proposals for an alternate design of shore lines considering the qualities demanded by species of flora and fauna. One of the most important issues is the use of engineer-biology rather than technical methods to stabilise and design the slopes. Soil, vegetation and species of different sections of six mining lakes were therefore analysed. Certain species of animal were selected in order to plan a current recultivation project on the island called Baerenhofinsel, part of the Goitzsche (Bitterfeld/Sachsen-Anhalt). A design concept to create conditions needed by these aim species was developed and also partly realised. Unfortunately the project could not be finished completely as there was non-predictable delay in the flooding regime. Nevertheless it is an important base for the future revitalisation process of former mining areas. (orig.) [German] Im Unterschied zu Fragen der Standsicherheit und wirtschaftlicher Sanierungstechnologien sind bei der Sanierung von Bergbaufolgelandschaften des ostdeutschen Braunkohlebergbaus Methoden fuer eine oekologisch orientierte Sanierung nur ungenuegend entwickelt. Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war es, ein Methodenkonzept zur abwechslungsreichen Gestaltung von Uferbereichen in Tagebaufolgelandschaften des Braunkohlebergbaus unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Lebensraumansprueche ausgewaehlter Zielarten der Flora und Fauna zu entwickeln. Das Methodenkonzept beinhaltet die Boeschungsgestaltung durch Erdbau und ingenieurbiologische Bauweisen. Es wurden Uferabschnitte an sechs Tagebauseen (Vergleichsgewaesser) bezueglich Boden, Vegetation und ausgewaehlter Tierarten untersucht. Fuer eine konkrete Sanierungsaufgabe, die Baerenhofinsel in

  1. Endocrine Diseases (United States)

    ... Syndrome (PCOS) Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease Primary Hyperparathyroidism Prolactinoma Thyroid Tests Turner Syndrome Contact Us The National ... Management Liver Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition Blood Diseases Diagnostic Tests La información de la ...

  2. Tijdelijke nano-referentiewaarden : Bruikbaarheid van het concept en van de gepubliceerde methoden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dekkers S; de Heer C; SIR


    Momenteel is nog onvoldoende wetenschappelijke kennis beschikbaar om gezondheidskundige grenswaarden vast te stellen voor de maximale blootstelling voor mensen die werken met nanomaterialen. Als alternatief kunnen 'tijdelijke nano-referentiewaarden' als pragmatische richtwaarden worden gebruikt om

  3. Strukturelle Methoden zur durchgängigen Diagnose digitaler Automobil-Elektronik im Feld


    Cook, Alejandro


    Die Fahrzeugtechnik nutzt die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Halbleiterindustrie, um Kunden eine enorme Anzahl ansprechender, komplexer Produkteigenschaften zu bieten. Da traditionelle, funktionale Testverfahren nicht mehr ausreichen, um den diagnostischen Anforderungen im Automobilbereich gerecht zu werden, wird die Analyse von Halbleiterdefekten zu einem wichtigen Aspekt der Qualitätssicherung. Strukturelle Testverfahren stellen bereits eine Schlüsseltechnologie für die erfolgreiche Herstel...

  4. Vooruitgang in de sociologie : Regulatieve ideeën en methoden van onderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tubergen, Frank van


    Nijhof is ontevreden met de ‘afstandelijkheid’ die volgens hem “veel Nederlands sociologisch onderzoek van de laatste jaren” kenmerkt. Om te beginnen kun je vraagtekens zetten bij deze kwantificerende uitspraak van Nijhof: was er vroeger minder sprake van afstandelijkheid? Is deze uitspraak

  5. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging: methods and techniques; Fetale Magnetresonanztomographie: Methoden und Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brugger, P.C. [Zentrum fuer Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria). Arbeitsgruppe Integrative Morphologie; Stuhr, F.; Lindner, C.; Prayer, D. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria). Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik


    Since the introduction of fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into prenatal diagnostics, advances in coil technology and development of ultrafast sequences have further enhanced this technique. At present numerous sequences are available to visualize the whole fetus with high resolution and image quality, even in late stages of pregnancy. Taking into consideration the special circumstances of examination and adjusting sequence parameters to gestational age, fetal anatomy can be accurately depicted. The variety of sequences also allows further characterization of fetal tissues and pathologies. Fetal MRI not only supplies additional information to routine ultrasound studies, but also reveals fetal morphology and pathology in a way hitherto not possible. (orig.) [German] Seit Einfuehrung der fetalen Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) in die praenatale Diagnostik wurde das Verfahren durch neue Spulentechniken und die Entwicklung ultraschneller Sequenzen kontinuierlich weiter entwickelt. Gegenwaertig steht eine Vielzahl von Sequenzen zur Verfuegung, die es erlauben, mit hoher Bildqualitaet und raeumlicher Aufloesung selbst in fortgeschrittenen Schwangerschaftsstadien den gesamten Feten darzustellen. Unter Beruecksichtigung der speziellen Untersuchungsbedingungen und des Schwangerschaftsalters kann so die fetale Anatomie genau abgebildet werden. Die Vielfalt an Sequenzen und deren gezielter Einsatz ermoeglichen es weiter, fetale Gewebe und Pathologien naeher zu charakterisierten. Auf diese Weise liefert die fetale MRT nicht nur Zusatzinformationen zur Routineultraschalluntersuchung, sie gibt auch Aufschluss ueber bestimmte fetale Morphologien und Pathologien, die bisher nicht darstellbar waren. (orig.)

  6. Grundlegende Steuerungsverfahren im heterogenen Logistiknetz mit Kanban (United States)

    Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Lödding, Hermann; Möller, Niklas; Rücker, Thomas; Schneider, Herfried M.; Zäh, Michael F.

    In vielen Unternehmen werden heterogene (verschiedene) Steuerungen in einem abgestimmten Konzept kombiniert. Je nach Anwendungsfall und Rahmenbedingungen werden Kombinationen allgemein bekannter Steuerungen oder Steuerungsvarianten gemischt eingesetzt, um eine optimale Steuerung für unterschiedliche Fälle zu erreichen. Hierbei stehen neben den bekannten und weit verbreiteten Methoden, wie Material Requirements Planning (MRP) oder Kanban, auch weniger bekannte oder neue Methoden zur Auswahl, wie die Produktionssteuerung mit dezentraler, bestandsorientierter Fertigungsregelung (DBF). Kanban ist ein simples und effizientes Steuerungskonzept, das in der klassischen Form für spezifische einfache Anwendungsfälle umsetzbar ist. Hochentwickelte Steuerungsalgorithmen können helfen, komplexe Abläufe optimal abzubilden. Mit einer grundlegenden Vereinfachung der Abläufe kann allerdings in vielen Fällen ein wesentlich stärkerer und umfassender Verbesserungseffekt erzielt werden. Die wesentliche Fragestellung sollte folglich lauten: Warum ist der Ablauf nicht mit einer einfachen Steuerung wie Kanban abzubilden? Um die Vorteile des Konzepts auch in untypischen Bereichen anwenden zu können, sind jedoch verschiedene Varianten oder Kanban-ähnliche Steuerungsmethoden entstanden. Darüber hinaus sind in der Praxis hybride Steuerungen im Einsatz, welche so kombiniert werden, dass die Zusammensetzung anspruchsvolle Eigenschaftsbilder noch exakt abbildet. In der Praxis basieren die Steuerungsentscheidungen nur zu einem kleinen Teil auf den eigentlichen Steuerungsalgorithmen, wie sie uns das MRP-System zur Verfügung stellt. Moderne Steuerungswelten" schließen alle relevanten Informationsquellen in eine heterogene Entscheidungsmatrix mit ein. Letztlich zählt nicht, ob die Entscheidung auf den Informationen aus dem MRP-System oder auf Softfacts basierend getroffen wurde, sondern nur, ob die Entscheidung erfolgreich war.

  7. Videofluoroscopy of the pharynx and esophagus in patients with globus pharyngis. Comparison with static radiography; Die radiologische Abklaerung des Globus pharyngis. Vergleich der diagnostischen Wertigkeit von konventionellem Roentgen mit der Videokinematographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schober, E. [Abt. Roentgen fuer Konservative Faecher, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria); Schima, W. [Abt. Roentgen fuer Konservative Faecher, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria); Pokieser, P. [Abt. Roentgen fuer Chirurgische Faecher, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria)


    The symptom is associated with a multitude of pharyngoesophageal abnormalities. Our study compares the diagnostic yield of videofluoroscopy to that of static radiography in patients suffering from globus pharnygis. A total of 150 consecutive patients complaining of a lump in the throat, but without evidence of dysphagia, were studied in a standardized fashion with both methods. Videofluoroscopy combined with static radiography revealed morphological or functional abnormalities in 75% of our patients. The combination of the two methods yielded significantly more abnormalities in the pharynx and esophagus than videofluoroscopy or static radiography alone. Esophageal motor disorders, pharyngoesophageal sphincter dysfunction and pharyngeal residue of contrast material proved to be the most common abnormalities. In conclusion, videofluoroscopy combined with static radiography is mandatory in the radiological assessment of patients suffering from the globus sensation. (orig.) [Deutsch] Unsere Studie vergleicht die diagnostische Wertigkeit des konventionellen Roentgens mit jener der Videokineamtographie von Pharynx und Oesophagus bei der Abklaerung des Globusgefuehls. Wir haben 150 konsekutive Patienten mit Globusgefuehl, jedoch ohne Dysphagie mit beiden Methoden nach einem standardisierten Protokoll untersucht. Mittels der Kombination von konventionellem Roentgen mit der Videokinematographie fanden sich bei 75% der Patienten pathologische Veraenderungen. Durch die Kombination beider Methoden konnten signifikant mehr morphologische und funktionelle Stoerungen des Pharynx sowie Oesophagus aufgezeigt werden, als mit der alleinigen konventionellen Technik oder der alleinigen Videokinematographie. Die haeufigsten pathologischen Veraenderungen in unserem Kollektiv waren Oesophagusmotilitaetsstoerungen, eine Dyskinesie des pharyngooesophagealen Sphinkters sowie eine abnorme pharyngeale Kontrastmittelretention. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen eindeutig, dass die radiologische

  8. Cost cutting by adjusting crank counterbalanced sucker rod pumping units; Einstellung der Gegengewichte von Tiefenpumpenantrieben mit dynamischem Momentausgleich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huber, M. [Montanuniv. Leoben (Austria). Inst. fuer Foerdertechnik und Konstruktionslehre; Kessler, F. [Montanuniv. Leoben (Austria). Inst. fuer Foerdertechnik und Konstruktionslehre


    Oil production by means of sucker rod pumping units is the oldest and most frequently used method. Adjusting the counterweight to reduce the torque at the gearbox is still a significant problem. Depending on the procedure, counterbalancing produces various costs due to the manhours necessary. Because the often-used procedures are very time-consuming, in the past a precise positioning of the counterweight is often put aside. This, however, can lead to the risk of much higher costs as a result of gearbox damage. Providing a simple and time-saving method of adjusting the counterweight is therefore of greatest importance to all users. In this article a PC-program is developed, which is easy to handle and needs no expensive hardware. Compared to other methods, the here decribed program reduces the costs for the correct adjustment of the counterweight on average by around 60%. Finally, very simple steps to reduce costs, while running sucker rod pumping units are explained. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Einstellung der Gegengewichte zaehlt zu den kostenintensivsten Arbeiten an konventionellen Tiefpumpenantrieben. Die derzeit am haeufigsten verwendeten messtechnischen Methoden wie die Motorstrom-Methode oder die Drehzahl-Methode sind sehr zeitraubend. Die rechnerischen Verfahren stellen im allgemeinen hohe Anforderungen an das Personal und an die verwendete Hardware. In diesem Beitrag wird ein PC-Programm vorgestellt, das besonders einfach zu bedienen ist und keine teuren Geraete erfordert. Gegenueber den messtechnischen Methoden koennen durch die Verwendung dieses Programmes die Kosten fuer eine Gegengewichtseinstellung um durchschnittlich 60% gesenkt werden. Abschliessend werden einfache, in der Praxis leicht realisierbare Massnahmen zur Kostenreduktion beim Betrieb von Tiefpumpenantrieben vorgestellt. (orig.)

  9. Ribbing disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukkada, Philson J; Franklin, Teenu; Rajeswaran, Rangasami; Joseph, Santhosh


    Ribbing disease is a rare sclerosing dysplasia that involves long tubular bones, especially the tibia and femur. It occurs after puberty and is reported to be more common in women. In this article we describe how Ribbing disease can be differentiated from diseases like Engelmann-Camurati disease, van Buchem disease, Erdheim-Chester disease, osteoid osteoma, chronic osteomyelitis, stress fracture, etc

  10. Liposomes for Targeted Delivery of Active Agents against Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Spuch


    Full Text Available Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease represent a huge unmet medical need. The prevalence of both diseases is increasing, but the efficacy of treatment is still very limited due to various factors including the blood brain barrier (BBB. Drug delivery to the brain remains the major challenge for the treatment of all neurodegenerative diseases because of the numerous protective barriers surrounding the central nervous system. New therapeutic drugs that cross the BBB are critically needed for treatment of many brain diseases. One of the significant factors on neurotherapeutics is the constraint of the blood brain barrier and the drug release kinetics that cause peripheral serious side effects. Contrary to common belief, neurodegenerative and neurological diseases may be multisystemic in nature, and this presents numerous difficulties for their potential treatment. Overall, the aim of this paper is to summarize the last findings and news related to liposome technology in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and demonstrate the potential of this technology for the development of novel therapeutics and the possible applications of liposomes in the two most widespread neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

  11. Women's Heart Disease: Heart Disease Risk Factors (United States)

    ... this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Women's Heart Disease Heart Disease Risk Factors Past Issues / Winter 2014 Table ... or habits may raise your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). These conditions are known as risk ...

  12. Contributions to the DGMK technical meeting `Energy and products from wastes and renewable resources`. Manuscripts; Beitraege zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung ``Energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Abfaellen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen``. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Described are several methods of energetic use of wastes (mainly plastic wastes) and biomass, as well as the recycling of plastic wastes. Processes described here are: NOELL conversion process, Thermoselect, PyroMelt process, Siemens carbonization combustion process, as well as several methods of gasification, pyrolysis, combustion, co-combustion. (SR) [Deutsch] In diesem Tagungsband werden verschiedene Moeglichkeiten der Energiegewinnung aus Abfaellen (hauptsaechlich Kunststoffen) und Biomasse, sowie das Recycling von Kunststoffabfaellen dargestellt. Es wir d auf folgende Verfahren eingegangen: NOELL-Konversionsverfahren, Thermoselect, PyroMelt-Verfahren, Siemens Schwel-Brenn-Verfahren, sowie verschiedene Methoden der Vergasung, Pyrolyse, Verbrennung, Mitverbrennung. (SR)

  13. Contributions to the DGMK technical meeting `Energy and products from wastes and renewable resources`. Manuscripts; Beitraege zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung ``Energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Abfaellen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen``. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Described are several methods of energetic use of wastes (mainly plastic wastes) and biomass, as well as the recycling of plastic wastes. Processes described here are: NOELL conversion process, Thermoselect, PyroMelt process, Siemens carbonization combustion process, as well as several methods of gasification, pyrolysis, combustion, co-combustion. (SR) [Deutsch] In diesem Tagungsband werden verschiedene Moeglichkeiten der Energiegewinnung aus Abfaellen (hauptsaechlich Kunststoffen) und Biomasse, sowie das Recycling von Kunststoffabfaellen dargestellt. Es wir d auf folgende Verfahren eingegangen: NOELL-Konversionsverfahren, Thermoselect, PyroMelt-Verfahren, Siemens Schwel-Brenn-Verfahren, sowie verschiedene Methoden der Vergasung, Pyrolyse, Verbrennung, Mitverbrennung. (SR)

  14. Particle reduction strategies - PAREST. Influence of biogenic and natural emissions derived from different data sets and calculation methods on modeled concentrations of pollutants. Sub-report; Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST. Einfluss der biogenen und natuerlichen Emissionen, abgeleitet aus verschiedenen Datensaetzen und Berechnungsmethoden, auf modellierte Schadstoffkonzentrationen. Teilbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerschbaumer, Andreas [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie, Troposphaerische Umweltforschung


    In this project the effects of different methods for generation of VOC emissions are examined more closely to the ozone and secondary organic particles and PM10 concentrations. Furthermore the contributions of resuspension processes to the total particulate concentration are analyzed. Other biogenic emissions have not been evaluated in terms of their contributions to pollutant concentrations. [German] Im Projekt werden die Auswirkungen von verschiedenen Methoden zur Generierung von VOC-Emissionen auf die Ozon-, organischen Sekundaerpartikel- und PM10- Konzentrationen genauer beleuchtet. Des Weiteren werden die Beitraege von Aufwirbelungsprozessen auf die Gesamtfeinstaubkonzentration analysiert. Andere biogene Emissionen wurden nicht hinsichtlich ihrer Beitraege zu Schadstoffkonzentrationen begutachtet.

  15. Visuelle Forschung – Plädoyer für das Medium Fotografie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heinz Moser


    Full Text Available Wissenschaft als diskursive Praxis ist stark durch die Auseinandersetzung über sprachliche Texte dominiert. Fragebögen enthalten Items in sprachlicher Form – und noch dort wo einmal ein Bild präsentiert wird, handelt es sich nur um einen Auslöser, der dann zu einer sprachlich-symbolischen Aktion führt (Ankreuzen einer Antwort, sprachlicher Kurzkommentar etc. Auch in der qualitativen Forschung ist lange die sprachliche Form von Interviews (Tiefeninterviews, Focus-Gruppen-Interviews im Zentrum des Forschungsinteresses gestanden. Erst in den letzten Jahren wird der Einsatz von visuellen Methoden in der qualitativen Forschung verstärkt diskutiert.

  16. Running-gear Tech 2001; Fahrwerk-Tech 2001. Tagung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Dynamic driving characteristics, active safety and high comfort are conflicting goals which can be combined by active vehicle management systems. The conference discussed modern tools and methods in the fields of design, simulation and experiment. [German] Im Zielkonflikt zwischen Fahrdynamik, aktiver Sicherheit und Komfort bieten Fahrzeugregelsysteme enorme Moeglichkeiten. Systeme fuer Bremsen, Stabilisierung, Daempfung, Aufbaukontrolle und Fahrerassistenz werden in der Zukunft zu einem Fahrwerksmanagement verschmelzen. Diese Fahrzeugintelligenz erfordert moderne Tools und Methoden im Bereich Konzeption, Simulation und Versuch. Die Tagung Fahrwerk-Tech 2001 wird das Fahrwerk in dieser Gesamtheit betrachten und Experten aus den verschiedenen Bereichen zusammen bringen. (orig.)

  17. Ventilation and healthy saving of energy; Ventilatie en gezond energie besparen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasselaar, E


    Methods to realize energy efficiency standards in residential buildings can have negative impacts on the air quality in houses. Therefore, it is necessary to put the quality of the indoor climate on the first place. Improving the energy efficiency is of secondary interest. [Dutch] Energiebesparing is belangrijk, maar de jacht naar methoden om de EPC-norm te halen, zoals vraaggestuurd ventileren, kan conflicteren met gezondheid van de woning. Energie besparen door te weinig te ventileren vormt een risico voor het binnenmilieu. Ventilatie dient daarom primair vanuit gezondheid en comfort ontworpen te worden, de energiekwaliteit is van secundair belang.

  18. Application of molecular biological methods in groundwater and drinking water analysis. Papers and discussions; Anwendung molekularbiologischer Verfahren in der Grund- und Trinkwasseranalytik. Textbeitraege und Diskussionsergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuhlmann, B.; Preuss, G. (eds.)


    Water management and water supply make demands on microbiology which so far were difficult to meet. However, new molecular-biological methods were developed by ecologically oriented scientists which open up new options in groundwater and freshwater analysis. [German] Aus dem Bereich der Wasserwirtschaft und -versorgung werden vermehrt Anforderungen und Fragen an die Mikrobiologie gestellt, die bisher aufgrund der eingeschraenkten methodischen Moeglichkeiten nur unzureichend beantwortet werden konnten. In unterschiedlichen, meist oekologisch orientierten Forschungsbereichen wurden jedoch neue, im Wesentlichen molekularbiologische Methoden entwickelt, die auch in Hinblick auf die mikrobiologische Untersuchung des Grund- und Trinkwassers neue Perspektiven eroeffneten. (orig.)

  19. Impact of the serum thyroglobulin concentration on the diagnostics of benign and malignant thyroid diseases; Stellenwert des Serum-Thyreoglobulinspiegels bei der Diagnostik benigner und maligner Schilddruesenerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rink, T.; Schroth, H.J. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Staedtisches Klinikum, Hanau (Germany); Dembowski, W.; Klinger, K. [Medizinische Klinik, St. Vinzenz Krankenhaus, Hanau (Germany)


    concentrations cannot exclude the respective disorder, a routine Tg determination seems not to be justified in benign thyroid diseases. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieser Studie ist es, neue und bislang zum Teil kontrovers diskutierte Indikationen zur Bestimmung des Thyreoglobulins (Tg) bei unterschiedlichen Schilddruesenerkrankungen in der klinischen Routine zu ueberpruefen. Methoden: Die Studie umfasst folgende Kollektive: 250 gesunde Probanden, 50 Patienten mit euthyreoter Struma diffusa, 161 Patienten mit euthyreoter Knotenstruma (davon 108 operierte Faelle, wobei sich 17 Karzinome fanden), 60 hyperthyreote Patienten mit autonomer Knotenstruma, 150 Patienten mit Thyreoiditis Hashimoto und 30 hyperthyreote Patienten mit M. Basedow. Ergebnisse: Die Grenze des Referenzbereichs errechnete sich zu 30 ng Tg/ml. Die Analyse der diffusen Strumen zeigte eine lineare Abhaengigkeit des Tg-Spiegels von der Schilddruesengroesse, wobei der Erwartungswert in etwa dem Organvolumen in ml entsprach. Knotige Veraenderungen fuehrten zu einem ueberproportionalen Tg-Anstieg, der allerdings einer grossen Varianz unterlag und daher im Einzelfall nur schwer abzuschaetzen war. Von den 17 Patienten mit Schilddruesenkarzinom lag der Tg-Spiegel in 10 Faellen unterhalb des Erwartungswertes, 2 Patienten zeigten einen Tg-Wert von >1000 ng/ml. Bei Autonomien fand sich bezogen auf eine durch Substitution extrem supprimierte Vergleichsgruppe ein signifikant hoeherer mittlerer Tg-Spiegel. Aufgrund der hohen Varianz der Tg-Werte beider Kollektive war die Diagnose der Autonomie anhand der Tg-Bestimmung jedoch kaum moeglich. In der Gruppe mit Thyreoiditis Hashimoto zeigte sich im Vergleich zum Normalkollektiv ein erniedrigter Tg-Spiegel. Bei M. Basedow war die mittlere Tg-Konzentration signifikant hoeher als in der Vergleichsgruppe mit Struma diffusa, dennoch lagen 47% aller Werte noch im Referenzbereich. Schlussfolgerung: Hohe Tg-Werte fuehren bei Verdacht auf Malignitaet, Autonomie oder M. Basedow zu einer hoeheren

  20. The Relationship Between Fatty Liver Disease and Periodontal Disease (United States)


    Periodontitis is a highly prevalent and destructive chronic disease. Numerous studies support an association between periodontal disease and other...destruction seen in periodontal disease. The association between the two diseases has never been investigated. A reasonable mechanism in which periodontal ...disease may play a role in the destruction seen in NAFLD is the remote site infection of periodontal disease. Chewing and oral hygiene measures lead to

  1. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - A multisystem disease? (United States)

    Mikolasevic, Ivana; Milic, Sandra; Turk Wensveen, Tamara; Grgic, Ivana; Jakopcic, Ivan; Stimac, Davor; Wensveen, Felix; Orlic, Lidija


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common comorbidities associated with overweight and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Importantly, NAFLD is one of its most dangerous complications because it can lead to severe liver pathologies, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatic cellular carcinoma. Given the increasing worldwide prevalence of obesity, NAFLD has become the most common cause of chronic liver disease and therefore is a major global health problem. Currently, NAFLD is predominantly regarded as a hepatic manifestation of MetS. However, accumulating evidence indicates that the effects of NAFLD extend beyond the liver and are negatively associated with a range of chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is becoming increasingly clear that these diseases are the result of the same underlying pathophysiological processes associated with MetS, such as insulin resistance, chronic systemic inflammation and dyslipidemia. As a result, they have been shown to be independent reciprocal risk factors. In addition, recent data have shown that NAFLD actively contributes to aggravation of the pathophysiology of CVD, T2DM, and CKD, as well as several other pathologies. Thus, NAFLD is a direct cause of many chronic diseases associated with MetS, and better detection and treatment of fatty liver disease is therefore urgently needed. As non-invasive screening methods for liver disease become increasingly available, detection and treatment of NAFLD in patients with MetS should therefore be considered by both (sub-) specialists and primary care physicians. PMID:27920470

  2. Cardiovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kodama, Kazunori


    This paper is aimed to discuss the involvement of delayed radiation effects of A-bomb exposure in cardiovascular diseases. First, the relationship between radiation and cardiovascular diseases is reviewed in the literature. Animal experiments have confirmed the relationship between ionizing radiation and vascular lesions. There are many reports which describe ischemic heart disease, cervical and cerebrovascular diseases, and peripheral disease occurring after radiation therapy. The previous A-bomb survivor cohort studies, i.e., the RERF Life Span Study and Adult Health Study, have dealt with the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, the prevalence or incidence of cardiovascular diseases, pathological findings, clinical observation of arteriosclerosis, ECG abnormality, blood pressure abnormality, and cardiac function. The following findings have been suggested: (1) A-bomb exposure is likely to be involved in the mortality rate and incidence of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases; (2) similarly, the involvement of A-bomb exposure is considered in the prevalence of the arch of aorta; (3) ECG abnormality corresponding to ischemic heart disease may reflect the involvement of A-bomb exposure. To confirm the above findings, further studies are required on the basis of more accurate information and the appropriate number of cohort samples. Little evidence has been presented for the correlation between A-bomb exposure and both rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. (N.K.) 88 refs

  3. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 +/- 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 +/- 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients.

  4. Celiac disease and new diseases related to gluten (United States)

    Jiménez Ortega, Ana Isabel; Martínez García, Rosa María; Quiles Blanco, María José; Majid Abu Naji, Jamil Abdel; González Iglesias, María José


    Celiac disease is the most common chronic intestinal disease. Nowadays it´s known that this is a multisistemic pathology of immune mechanism, triggered by gluten, which occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. It affects approximately 1% of the world population, which is a very high prevalence, affects all age groups and has symptoms both digestive and extra-digestive. Since it is a disease that requires maintaining a gluten-free diet and medical monitoring for life, it is important to know it and establish its diagnosis properly. Along with celiac disease a number of new diseases related to gluten are diagnosed increasingly, including the non celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. The suffering of celiac disease, or other related diseases, by conditioning diet changes of the affected individual, it may be associated with nutritional imbalances that need to monitor and try to solve. Therefore patients with this problem need special nutritional advice.

  5. Refractory disease in autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vasconcelos, Carlos; Kallenberg, Cees; Shoenfeld, Yehuda

    Refractory disease (RD) definition has different meanings but it is dynamic, according to knowledge and the availability of new drugs. It should be differentiated from severe disease and damage definitions and it must take into account duration of adequate therapy and compliance of the patient. It

  6. Thyroid diseases and cerebrovascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Squizzato, A.; Gerdes, V. E. A.; Brandjes, D. P. M.; Büller, H. R.; Stam, J.


    Background and Purpose-Acute cerebral ischemia has been described in different diseases of the thyroid gland, and not only as a result of thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke. The purpose of this review is to summarize the studies on the relationship between thyroid diseases and

  7. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease......'s degree of similarity to previously diagnosed disease population. A summary of patient data and results of the computation are displayed in a succinct Disease State Fingerprint (DSF) visualization. The visualization clearly discloses how patient data contributes to the AD state, facilitating rapid...

  8. Dermatological diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease. (United States)

    Gagnon1, Amy L; Desai, Tejas


    There are a variety of dermatological diseases that are more commonly seen in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal transplants than the general population. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Pubmed (NLM), LISTA (EBSCO) and Web of Science has been searched. Some cutaneous diseases are clearly unique to this population. Of them, Lindsay's Nails, xerosis cutis, dryness of the skin, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and acquired perforating dermatosis have been described in chronic kidney disease patients. The most common malignancy found in all transplant recipients is non-melanoma skin cancer. It is important for patients and physicians to recognize the manifestations of skin disease in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease to mitigate the morbidity associated with these conditions.

  9. Addison's Disease (United States)

    ... of potassium and low levels of sodium. What causes Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease is caused by injury to your ... example, a problem with your pituitary gland can cause secondary Addison’s disease. Or, you may develop Addison’s disease if you ...

  10. Heart Diseases (United States)

    ... you're like most people, you think that heart disease is a problem for others. But heart disease is the number one killer in the ... of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease ...

  11. Estrogen-related and other disease diagnoses preceding Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Latourelle, Jeanne C; Dybdal, Merete; Destefano, Anita L


    Estrogen exposure has been associated with the occurrence of Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as many other disorders, and yet the mechanisms underlying these relations are often unknown. While it is likely that estrogen exposure modifies the risk of various diseases through many different...... mechanisms, some estrogen-related disease processes might work in similar manners and result in association between the diseases. Indeed, the association between diseases need not be due only to estrogen-related factors, but due to similar disease processes from a variety of mechanisms....

  12. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  13. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children with Interstitial Lung Disease. (United States)

    Dziekiewicz, M A; Karolewska-Bochenek, K; Dembiński, Ł; Gawronska, A; Krenke, K; Lange, J; Banasiuk, M; Kuchar, E; Kulus, M; Albrecht, P; Banaszkiewicz, A


    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is common in adult patients with interstitial lung disease. However, no data currently exist regarding the prevalence and characteristics of the disease in pediatric patients with interstitial lung disease. The aim of the present study was to prospectively assess the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease and characterize its features in children with interstitial lung disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was established based on 24 h pH-impedance monitoring (MII-pH). Gastroesophageal reflux episodes (GERs) were classified according to widely recognized criteria as acid, weakly acid, weakly alkaline, or proximal. Eighteen consecutive patients (15 boys, aged 0.2-11.6 years) were enrolled in the study. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed in a half (9/18) of children. A thousand GERs were detected by MII-pH (median 53.5; IQR 39.0-75.5). Of these, 585 (58.5 %) episodes were acidic, 407 (40.7 %) were weakly acidic, and eight (0.8 %) were weakly alkaline. There were 637 (63.7 %) proximal GERs. The patients in whom gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed had a significantly higher number of proximal and total GERs. We conclude that the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with interstitial lung disease is high; thus, the disease should be considered regardless of presenting clinical symptoms. A high frequency of non-acid and proximal GERs makes the MII-pH method a preferable choice for the detection of reflux episodes in this patient population.

  14. Disease-modifying drugs in Alzheimer's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghezzi L


    Full Text Available Laura Ghezzi, Elio Scarpini, Daniela Galimberti Neurology Unit, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Fondazione Cà Granda, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD is an age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia. The early stages of AD are characterized by short-term memory loss. Once the disease progresses, patients experience difficulties in sense of direction, oral communication, calculation, ability to learn, and cognitive thinking. The median duration of the disease is 10 years. The pathology is characterized by deposition of amyloid beta peptide (so-called senile plaques and tau protein in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. Currently, two classes of drugs are licensed by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of AD, ie, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for mild to moderate AD, and memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, for moderate and severe AD. Treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or memantine aims at slowing progression and controlling symptoms, whereas drugs under development are intended to modify the pathologic steps leading to AD. Herein, we review the clinical features, pharmacologic properties, and cost-effectiveness of the available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, and focus on disease-modifying drugs aiming to interfere with the amyloid beta peptide, including vaccination, passive immunization, and tau deposition. Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, disease-modifying drugs, diagnosis, treatment

  15. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn’s disease (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    AIM: To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). METHODS: Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 ± 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. RESULTS: A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 ± 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients. PMID:19630105

  16. [Inpatients days in patients with respiratory diseases and periodontal disease]. (United States)

    Fernández-Plata, Rosario; Olmedo-Torres, Daniel; Martínez-Briseño, David; González-Cruz, Herminia; Casa-Medina, Guillermo; García-Sancho, Cecilia


    Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory gingival process that has been associated with the severity of respiratory diseases. In Mexico a prevalence of 78% was found in population with social security and > 60 years old. The aim of this study is to establish the association between periodontal disease and respiratory diseases according to the inpatient days. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to December 2011. We included hospitalized patients, ≥ 18 years of age, without sedation or intubated. A dentist classified patients into two groups according to the severity of the periodontal disease: mild-to-moderate and severe. We estimated medians of inpatient days by disease and severity. Negative binomial models were adjusted to estimate incidence rate ratios and predicted inpatient days. 3,059 patients were enrolled. The median of observed and predicted inpatient days was higher in the group of severe periodontal disease (p disease, tuberculosis, and influenza had the highest incidence rates ratios of periodontal disease (p periodontal disease is positively -associated with inpatient days of patients with respiratory diseases.

  17. Disease phenotype at diagnosis in pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Bie, Charlotte I; Paerregaard, Anders; Kolacek, Sanja


    It has been speculated that pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) is a distinct disease entity, with probably different disease subtypes. We therefore aimed to accurately phenotype newly diagnosed pediatric CD by using the pediatric modification of the Montreal classification, the Paris classification....

  18. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.


    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General definitions of health encompass different dimensions of disease outcome divided in disease severity, accompanying physical symptoms, and psychosocial well-being. These dimensions of disease outcom...

  19. [Parkinson's disease(s): recent insight into genetic factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de; Scheffer, H.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.


    In recent years, 5 genes have been identified that are unambiguously associated with genetic forms of Parkinson's disease. These genes probably explain less than 10% of all cases of Parkinson's disease. Clinically, these genetic forms can closely resemble idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Mutation

  20. Coats' disease, Turner syndrome, and von Willebrand disease in a patient with Wildtype Norrie disease pseudoglioma. (United States)

    Desai, Rajen U; Saffra, Norman A; Krishna, Rati P; Rosenberg, Steven E


    The authors describe a girl diagnosed as having Coats' disease, Turner syndrome (45X karyotype), and type 1 von Willebrand disease. She tested negative for the Norrie disease pseudoglioma (NDP) gene located on the X-chromosome, which has been suspected of contributing to Coats' disease. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.

  1. Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases: An Update for the Clinician. (United States)

    John, Vanchit; Alqallaf, Hawra; De Bedout, Tatiana


    A link between periodontal disease and various systemic diseases has been investigated for several years. Interest in unearthing such a link has grown as the health care profession is looking for a better understanding of disease processes and their relationships to periodontal and other oral diseases. The article aims to provide recent information on the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic diseases such as; cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and reproductive system related abnormalities.

  2. Occupational skin diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahler, V; Aalto-Korte, K; Alfonso, J H


    BACKGROUND: Work-related skin diseases (WSD) are caused or worsened by a professional activity. Occupational skin diseases (OSD) need to fulfil additional legal criteria which differ from country to country. OSD range amongst the five most frequently notified occupational diseases (musculoskeletal...... diseases, neurologic diseases, lung diseases, diseases of the sensory organs, skin diseases) in Europe. OBJECTIVE: To retrieve information and compare the current state of national frameworks and pathways to manage patients with occupational skin disease with regard to prevention, diagnosis, treatment...... in Science and Technology (COST) Action TD 1206 (StanDerm) ( RESULTS: Besides a national health service or a statutory health insurance, most European member states implemented a second insurance scheme specifically geared at occupational diseases [insurance against occupational risks...

  3. Lysosomal storage diseases (United States)

    Ferreira, Carlos R.; Gahl, William A.


    Lysosomes are cytoplasmic organelles that contain a variety of different hydrolases. A genetic deficiency in the enzymatic activity of one of these hydrolases will lead to the accumulation of the material meant for lysosomal degradation. Examples include glycogen in the case of Pompe disease, glycosaminoglycans in the case of the mucopolysaccharidoses, glycoproteins in the cases of the oligosaccharidoses, and sphingolipids in the cases of Niemann-Pick disease types A and B, Gaucher disease, Tay-Sachs disease, Krabbe disease, and metachromatic leukodystrophy. Sometimes, the lysosomal storage can be caused not by the enzymatic deficiency of one of the hydrolases, but by the deficiency of an activator protein, as occurs in the AB variant of GM2 gangliosidosis. Still other times, the accumulated lysosomal material results from failed egress of a small molecule as a consequence of a deficient transporter, as in cystinosis or Salla disease. In the last couple of decades, enzyme replacement therapy has become available for a number of lysosomal storage diseases. Examples include imiglucerase, taliglucerase and velaglucerase for Gaucher disease, laronidase for Hurler disease, idursulfase for Hunter disease, elosulfase for Morquio disease, galsulfase for Maroteaux-Lamy disease, alglucosidase alfa for Pompe disease, and agalsidase alfa and beta for Fabry disease. In addition, substrate reduction therapy has been approved for certain disorders, such as eliglustat for Gaucher disease. The advent of treatment options for some of these disorders has led to newborn screening pilot studies, and ultimately to the addition of Pompe disease and Hurler disease to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) in 2015 and 2016, respectively. PMID:29152458

  4. Pick disease (United States)

    Semantic dementia; Dementia - semantic; Frontotemporal dementia; FTD; Arnold Pick disease; 3R tauopathy ... doctors tell Pick disease apart from Alzheimer disease. (Memory loss is often the main, and earliest, symptom ...

  5. Prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients affected by Addison's disease. (United States)

    Biagi, Federico; Campanella, Jonia; Soriani, Alessandra; Vailati, Alberto; Corazza, Gino R


    It is well known that coeliac disease is associated with autoimmune endocrine diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Recently, coeliac disease has been shown in approximately 10% of patients with autoimmune Addison's disease. Addison's disease is the most common cause of primary adrenocortical insufficiency and it shares several clinical features with coeliac disease. Although hyperpigmentation and hypotension are the most specific signs, gastrointestinal symptoms are common and can be the first complaints of the patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients with Addison's disease. Seventeen consecutive patients affected by Addison's disease (14 F, mean age 53.9 years, range 26-79 years) were enrolled in the study. Eleven of them were affected by Addison's disease associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; the other 6 patients were suffering from isolated Addison's disease. Diagnosis had been performed at the age of 40.5 years (range 23-55). Steroid treatment had already been started in 16 of the patients. Endomysial antibodies were tested in all of them and a duodenal biopsy was taken in those found to be positive for antiendomysial antibody (EMA). One out of 17 patients was found to be EMA positive. Duodenal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of coeliac disease by showing subtotal villous atrophy. Although we studied only a small sample, our preliminary results confirmed that Addison's disease is associated with coeliac disease, being present in 5.9% of patients with Addison's disease. Since the symptoms can be similar and treatment of Addison's disease can mask coeliac disease, this association should always be actively investigated.

  6. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease...

  7. Celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holtmeier Wolfgang


    Full Text Available Abstract Celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disease caused by intolerance to gluten. It is characterized by immune-mediated enteropathy, associated with maldigestion and malabsorption of most nutrients and vitamins. In predisposed individuals, the ingestion of gluten-containing food such as wheat and rye induces a flat jejunal mucosa with infiltration of lymphocytes. The main symptoms are: stomach pain, gas, and bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, edema, bone or joint pain. Prevalence for clinically overt celiac disease varies from 1:270 in Finland to 1:5000 in North America. Since celiac disease can be asymptomatic, most subjects are not diagnosed or they can present with atypical symptoms. Furthermore, severe inflammation of the small bowel can be present without any gastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis should be made early since celiac disease causes growth retardation in untreated children and atypical symptoms like infertility or neurological symptoms. Diagnosis requires endoscopy with jejunal biopsy. In addition, tissue-transglutaminase antibodies are important to confirm the diagnosis since there are other diseases which can mimic celiac disease. The exact cause of celiac disease is unknown but is thought to be primarily immune mediated (tissue-transglutaminase autoantigen; often the disease is inherited. Management consists in life long withdrawal of dietary gluten, which leads to significant clinical and histological improvement. However, complete normalization of histology can take years.

  8. Heavy Chain Diseases (United States)

    ... of heavy chain produced: Alpha Gamma Mu Alpha Heavy Chain Disease Alpha heavy chain disease (IgA heavy ... the disease or lead to a remission. Gamma Heavy Chain Disease Gamma heavy chain disease (IgG heavy ...

  9. Celiac Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoochehr Karjoo


    Full Text Available Celiac disease also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy is characterized by intestinal mucosal damage and malabsorption from dietary intake of wheat, rye or barley. Symptoms may appear with introduction of cereal in the first 3 years of life. A second peak in symptoms occurs in adults during the third or forth decade and even as late as eight decade of life. The prevalence of this disease is approximately 1 in 250 adults. The disease is more prevalent in Ireland as high as 1 in 120 adults. The disorder occurs in Arab, Hispanics, Israeli Jews, Iranian and European but is rare in Chinese and African American. To have celiac disease the patient should have the celiac disease genetic markers as HLA DQ 2 and HLA DQ 8. Patient with celiac disease may have 95 per cent for DQ 2 and the rest is by DQ 8. Someone may have the genetic marker and never develops the disease. In general 50 percent with markers may develop celiac disease. To develop the disease the gene needs to become activated. This may happen with a viral or bacterial infection, a surgery, delivery, accident, or psychological stress. After activation of gene cause the tight junction to opens with the release of Zonulin This results in passage of gluten through the tight junction and formation of multiple antibodies and autoimmune disease. This also allows entrance of other proteins and development of multiple food allergies. As a result is shortening, flattening of intestinal villi resulting in food, vitamins and minerals malabsorption.

  10. Prion Diseases (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Prion Diseases Prion diseases are a related group of ... deer and elk. Why Is the Study of Prion Diseases a Priority for NIAID? Much about TSE ...

  11. Diabetic Eye Disease (United States)

    ... Disease, & Other Dental Problems Diabetes & Sexual & Urologic Problems Diabetic Eye Disease What is diabetic eye disease? Diabetic eye disease is a group ... eye diseases that can threaten your sight are Diabetic retinopathy The retina is the inner lining at ...

  12. Infectious Diseases (United States)

    ... But some of them can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs. There ... many different ways that you can get an infectious disease: Through direct contact with a person who is ...

  13. Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination (United States)

    ... Adult Diseases Resources Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) ... important step in staying healthy. If you have cardiovascular disease, talk with your doctor about getting your vaccinations ...

  14. Association of Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease. (United States)

    Johar, N; Dhodapkar, S V; Kumar, R; Verma, T; Jajoo, A


    The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown some co-relation between the two conditions. We included 186 patients divided into four groups. First two Groups (A1 & A2) were the patients with cardiac disease (100 in numbers) whilst Groups (B1 & B2) (86 in numbers) were treated as controls (without cardiac disease). Following markers of periodontal disease were assessed - plaque index, calculus index, gingival and periodontal index. Markers of cardiovascular disease included were LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and CRP. Ramfjords periodontal index was used to assess the extent of periodontal disease. In the present study there was a significant increase in CRP levels in Group A1 (CVD + PD) compared to controls and overall the two cardiac groups showed a significant increase in CRP compared to controls. There was a non-significant change in lipid profile markers (LDL, HDL and total cholesterol). Periodontal Disease Index (PDI) was also increased in Group A1 compared to other groups except Group B1 and overall in cardiac groups compared to non-cardiac (PD) groups. In this study no correlation between periodontal and cardiovascular disease was found. This may be due intake of statins by few patients in Group A with a confirmed diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

  15. Prostate Diseases (United States)

    ... Home › Aging & Health A to Z › Prostate Diseases Font size A A A Print Share Glossary Basic ... body. Approximately 3 million American men have some type of prostate disease. The most common prostate diseases ...

  16. Periodontal Diseases (United States)

    ... diseases. The primary research focus was on oral bacteria. Periodontal diseases were thought to begin when chalky white ... tools to target their treatment specifically to the bacteria that trigger periodontal disease. At the same time, because biofilms form ...

  17. Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peter Riis


    Inflammation plays a significant role in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases are at increased risk of CVD, but it is debated whether this association is causal or dependent on shared risk factors, other exposures, genes, and/or inflammatory...... pathways. The current review summarizes epidemiological, clinical, and experimental data supporting the role of shared inflammatory mechanisms between atherosclerotic CVD and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and periodontitis, respectively, and provides insights to future...... prospects in this area of research. Awareness of the role of inflammation in CVD in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases and the potential for anti-inflammatory therapy, e.g., with tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors, to also reduce atherosclerotic CVD has evolved into guideline- based recommendations...

  18. The lysosomal storage disease continuum with ageing-related neurodegenerative disease. (United States)

    Lloyd-Evans, Emyr; Haslett, Luke J


    Lysosomal storage diseases and diseases of ageing share many features both at the physiological level and with respect to the mechanisms that underlie disease pathogenesis. Although the exact pathophysiology is not exactly the same, it is astounding how many similar pathways are altered in all of these diseases. The aim of this review is to provide a summary of the shared disease mechanisms, outlining the similarities and differences and how genetics, insight into rare diseases and functional research has changed our perspective on the causes underlying common diseases of ageing. The lysosome should no longer be considered as just the stomach of the cell or as a suicide bag, it has an emerging role in cellular signalling, nutrient sensing and recycling. The lysosome is of fundamental importance in the pathophysiology of diseases of ageing and by comparing against the LSDs we not only identify common pathways but also therapeutic targets so that ultimately more effective treatments can be developed for all neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. An introduction to medical statistics; Einfuehrung in die Medizinische Statistik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hilgers, R.D. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizinische Statistik; Bauer, P.; Scheiber, V. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Medizinische Statistik; Heitmann, K.U. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Epidemiologie


    This textbook teaches all aspects and methods of biometrics as a field of concentration in medical education. Instrumental interpretations of the theory, concepts and terminology of medical statistics are enhanced by numerous illustrations and examples. With problems, questions and answers. (orig./CB) [German] Das Buch fuehrt systematisch und umfassend in die gaengigen statistischen Methoden in der Medizin und deren Terminologie ein. Es entspricht sowohl dem aktuellen wie auch dem zukuenftigen Gegenstandskatalog fuer Biometrie in der Ausbildung fuer Mediziner. Die Darstellung der theoretischen Konzepte wird durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und medizinische Beispiele veranschaulicht. MC-orientierte Uebungsaufgaben mit Loesungen helfen dem Leser das erlernte Wissen zu vertiefen. (orig.)

  20. Elusive gas. Efficient technique to crack shale gas; Ongrijpbaar gas. Efficientere techniek voor kraken schaliegas nodig

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Velzen, T.


    Energy companies such as Shell in the United States win on a large scale shale gas . The industry has developed so rapidly that the gas price has fallen sharply. Lower production costs could take care of the price decrease, but then the extraction technology must be improved. By means of simulations the energy companies are searching for new methods. [Dutch] Energiebedrijven als Shell winnen in de Verenigde Staten op grote schaal gas uit schalie. De sector heeft zich zo snel ontwikkeld dat de gasprijs sterk is gedaald. Lagere productiekosten kunnen de prijsdaling opvangen, maar dan moet de winningstechnologie worden verbeterd. Via simulaties zoeken de energiebedrijven naar nieuwe methoden.

  1. Comparison of electricity and heat production in combined and single-purpose systems against the background of energy saving by means of thermal insulation. Pt. 1. System comparison and general results; Vergleich der Strom- und Heizenergieerzeugung in gekoppelten und ungekoppelten Anlagen vor dem Hintergrund der Einsparmoeglichkeiten durch Waermedaemmung. T. 1. Systemvergleich und allgemeine Ergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Damberger, S.; Guenther, M.; Kluender, M.; Moeller, K.P.; Wenk, N.


    The study comprises investigations for the purpose of increasing the generation of electricity and heat in dual-purpose power plants and for promoting thermal insulation of buildings: Methods for comparatiave calculations; economic aspects; separate generation of electric power and heat; cogeneration of electric power and heat; economic efficiency of thermal insulation measures in domestic buildings; comparison of results. (HW) [Deutsch] Die Studie umfasst Untersuchungen zur Erhoehung des Anteils der gekoppelten Erzeugung von Strom und Waerme und zur vermehrten Waermedaemmung von Gebaeuden: - Methoden fuer Vergleichsrechnungen - Ekonomie - getrennte Erzeugung von Strom und Waerme - gekoppelte Erzeugung von Strom und Waerme - Wirtschaftlichkeit von Massnahmen einer Waermedaemmung von Wohngebaeuden - Vergleich der Ergebnisse. (HW)

  2. Rezension von: Waltraud Ernst, Ilona Horwath (Eds.: Gender in Science and Technology. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2013.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Schellenberg


    Full Text Available Mit einer wahrlich trans- und interdisziplinären Sammlung an Artikeln werden im vorliegenden Buch feministische Kritiken und Methoden vorgestellt, die sich auf die Voraussetzungen und Abläufe technologischer Prozesse beziehen. Es wird deutlich, wie geschlechtsbezogene und andere Diskriminierungsformen in die technische Wissensbildung und -vermittlung, in Design- und Produktentwicklungsprozesse sowie in den Konsum und die Nutzung von Technologie eingeschrieben werden. Bedauerlicherweise werden intersektionale Faktoren und queere Identitäten teilweise unzureichend thematisiert. Ein besonders interessanter Aspekt des Buches ist die Konzentration auf Ansätze, die sich auf situiertes Wissen und Handlungsstrategien beziehen und sich lose dem sogenannten New Materialism zuordnen lassen.

  3. Rezension von: Catherine M. Orr, Ann Braithwaite, Diane Lichtenstein (Eds.: Rethinking Women’s and Gender Studies. London: Routledge 2012.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Bühner


    Full Text Available Der Sammelband von Catherine M. Orr, Ann Braithwaite und Diane Lichtenstein bietet eine aktuelle Auseinandersetzung mit den zentralen Konzepten der Selbst-/Zuschreibung in den Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS im Kontext der gegenwärtigen Umstrukturierung der Universitäten – wie z. B. Methoden, Pädagogik, Community, Disziplin und Institutionalisierung. Dabei wird zum einen ein genealogischer Zugang gewählt, um die Funktionsweise dieser Konzepte aufzuzeigen, und zum anderen werden durch Selbstreflexion der Autor_innen auf ihre eigene Lehre und Position innerhalb der WGS Änderungsvorschläge eingebracht, um potentiell neue Richtungen für die Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung aufzuzeigen.

  4. Periodontal disease and non-communicable diseases. Strength of bidirectional associations


    Kassier, SM


    Periodontal disease (PD), along with cardiovascular and circulatory disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory disease and obesity, are globally regarded as some of the major non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The association between PD and these systemic illnesses is described as bidirectional. Gaining an understanding of the strength of the proposed associations between these diseases is important, as it will enable health professionals to identify common risk factors that will allow fo...

  5. Dent disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rina R Rus


    Full Text Available Dent disease is an x-linked disorder of proximal renal tubular dysfunction that occurs almost exclusively in males. It is characterized by significant, mostly low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and chronic kidney disease. Signs and symptoms of this condition appear in early childhood and worsen over time. There are two forms of Dent disease, which are distinguished by their genetic cause and pattern of signs and symptoms (type 1 and type 2. Dent disease 2 is characterized by the features described above and also associated with extrarenal abnormalities (they include mild intellectual disability, hypotonia, and cataract. Some researchers consider Dent disease 2 to be a mild variant of a similar disorder called Lowe syndrome.We represent a case of a 3-year old boy with significant proteinuria in the nephrotic range and hypercalciuria. We confirmed Dent disease type 1 by genetic analysis.

  6. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention. (United States)

    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Periodontal disease is likely to cause 19% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this increase in relative risk reaches to 44% among individuals aged 65 years and over. Type 2 diabetic individuals with severe form of periodontal disease have 3.2 times greater mortality risk compared with individuals with no or mild periodontitis. Periodontal therapy has been shown to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetic subjects. Periodontitis is related to maternal infection, preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Oral disease prevention strategies should be incorporated in chronic systemic disease preventive initiatives to curtail the burden of disease in populations. The reduction in the incidence and prevalence of periodontal disease can reduce its associated systemic diseases and can also minimize their financial impact on the health-care systems. It is hoped that medical, dental practitioners, and other health-care professionals will get familiar with perio-systemic link and risk factors, and need to refer to the specialized dental or periodontal care.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition...... of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should...... not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck, Mette K; Westergaard, David; Jensen, Anders Boeck


    order of appearance. We discuss these different types of disease co-occurrences, and use the two diseases "sleep apnea" and "diabetes" to showcase the approach which otherwise can be applied to any disease pair. We benefit from seven million electronic medical records covering the entire population...... of Denmark for more than 20 years. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder and it has previously been shown to be bidirectionally linked to diabetes, meaning that each disease increases the risk of acquiring the other. We confirm that there is no significant temporal relationship......, as approximately half of patients with both diseases are diagnosed with diabetes first. However, we also show that patients diagnosed with diabetes before sleep apnea have a higher disease burden compared to patients diagnosed with sleep apnea before diabetes. The study clearly demonstrates that it is not only...

  9. Coronary heart disease (United States)

    Heart disease, Coronary heart disease, Coronary artery disease; Arteriosclerotic heart disease; CHD; CAD ... buildup of plaque in the arteries to your heart. This may also be called hardening of the ...

  10. Quality of Expert Systems: Methods and Techniques (Kwaliteit van Expertsystemen: Methoden en Technieken) (United States)


    8217 van R op Q betekent in concreto dat verhoging van R verboging van Q tot gevolg kan hebben en verlaging van R verlaging van Q. ’Remmende invloed’ is...domeinen die (nog) niet op enigszins overzicbtelijke wijze van een expliciete theorie zijn voorzien. In concreto kan men hierbij denken aan sociaal

  11. Modelle und Methoden für die Bestandsauslegung in Heijunka-nivellierten Supply Chains


    Veit, Martin B.


    In dieser Arbeit werden analytische Bestandsmodelle für die Heijunka-Nivellierung unter Berücksichtigung schwankender Nachfrage- und Produktionsprozesse entwickelt. Dies ist in der Praxis von größerer Bedeutung, als die bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Modelle mit dem Ziel einer möglichst gleichmäßigen Produktionssequenz. Es werden Fragestellungen beantwortet, die bei der Auslegung der Nivellierung in der Industrie immer wieder auftreten, wie z.B. die Auslegung bei saisonalem Nachfrageve...

  12. De afstand tussen close en distant : Methoden en vraagstellingen in computationeel letterkundig onderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stronks, E.


    In this article, the gap between close and distant reading methods and research design is discussed to establish if the two could profitably be combined. In the current situation, the use of close and distant reading techniques is not evenly distributed among literary scholars specializing in Dutch

  13. Influence of molecularbiological techniques upon nuclearmedical methods; Einfluss molekularbiologischer Verfahren auf nuklearmedizinische Methoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haberkorn, U. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Klinik fuer Radiologie, Univ. Heidelberg (Germany)


    Basic research delivers information concerning new molecular structures with potential use as target structures for diagnosis and therapy with further need for selection and evaluation by the methods of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology using in part nuclear medical techniques for estimation of gene function and regulation. Pharmacogenomic will identify new surrogate markers as potential new radiotracers for follow-up of therapies. New therapeutical approaches will need biodistribution studies in the preclinical stage and techniques for evaluation of efficiency. At least, biotechnological techniques such as phage display may be suitable to develop new biomolecules for isotope related diagnostics and therapy. (orig.)

  14. Autoinflammatory Diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penaranda P, Edgar; Spinel B, Nestor; Restrepo, Jose F; Rondon H, Federico; Millan S, Alberto; Iglesias G Antonio


    We present a review article on the autoinflammatory diseases, narrating its historical origin and describing the protein and molecular structure of the Inflammasome, the current classification of the autoinflammatory diseases and a description of the immuno genetics and clinical characteristics more important of every disease.

  15. Niemann-Pick disease (United States)

    NPD; Sphingomyelinase deficiency; Lipid storage disorder - Niemann-Pick disease; Lysosomal storage disease - Niemann-Pick ... lipofuscinoses or Batten disease (Wolman disease, cholesteryl ... metabolism of lipids. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, ...

  16. Chronic pulmonary disease - a multifacted disease complex in the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, A.F.


    This paper reviews chronic pulmonary disease (CPD) as an insidiously developing disease capable of being manifest in many degrees. Horses may suffer mild, sub-clinical degrees of lower respiratory tract inflammation or small airway disease withouth showing symptoms at rest. This form of disease becomes manifest as poor performance when these horses take part in athletic competition. Factors relating to the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all degrees of small airway disease of horses are discussed. 30 refs

  17. Gaucher disease (United States)

    ... please enable JavaScript. Gaucher disease is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GBA). Causes Gaucher disease is rare in the general population. People of Eastern and Central European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage are more likely to have this disease. It ...

  18. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alies van Lier

    Full Text Available Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands.The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961 and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874, which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be

  19. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011 (United States)

    Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Mangen, Marie-Josée J.; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E.


    Background Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. Methods and Findings The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007–2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911–9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468–8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five

  20. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011. (United States)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be attributed to the

  1. Parkinson's Disease Dementia (United States)

    ... Find your local chapter Join our online community Parkinson's Disease Dementia Parkinson's disease dementia is an impairment ... disease. About Symptoms Diagnosis Causes & risks Treatments About Parkinson's disease dementia The brain changes caused by Parkinson's ...

  2. [Emerging noninfectious diseases]. (United States)

    Consiglio, Ezequiel


    In recent years, emerging diseases were defined as being infectious, acquiring high incidence, often suddenly, or being a threat or an unexpected phenomenon. This study discusses the hallmarks of emerging diseases, describing the existence of noninfectious emerging diseases, and elaborating on the advantages of defining noninfectious diseases as emerging ones. From the discussion of various mental health disorders, nutritional deficiencies, external injuries and violence outcomes, work injuries and occupational health, and diseases due to environmental factors, the conclusion is drawn that a wide variety of noninfectious diseases can be defined as emergent. Noninfectious emerging diseases need to be identified in order to improve their control and management. A new definition of "emergent disease" is proposed, one that emphasizes the pathways of emergence and conceptual traits, rather than descriptive features.

  3. Coronary heart disease after radiotherapy for peptic ulcer disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carr, Zhanat A.; Land, Charles E.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Weinstock, Robert W.; Stovall, Marilyn; Griem, Melvin L.; Mabuchi, Kiyohiko


    Purpose: To evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease after radiotherapy (RT) for peptic ulcer disease. Methods and materials: Peptic ulcer disease patients treated with RT (n = 1859) or by other means (n = 1860) at the University of Chicago Medical Center between 1936 and 1965, were followed through 1997. The observed numbers of cause-specific deaths were compared with the expected numbers from the general population rates. During RT, 5% of the heart was in the treatment field and the remainder of the heart mostly received scattered radiation. A volume-weighted cardiac dose was computed to describe the average tissue dose to the entire organ. We used Cox proportional hazards regression analysis to analyze the CHD and cerebrovascular disease risk associated with RT, adjusting for confounding factors. Results: Greater than expected CHD mortality was observed among the irradiated patients. The irradiated patients received volume-weighted cardiac doses ranging from 1.6 to 3.9 Gy and the portion of the heart directly in the field received doses of 7.6-18.4 Gy. The CHD risk increased with the cardiac dose (p trend = 0.01). The cerebrovascular disease risk was not associated with the surrogate carotid dose. Conclusion: The excess CHD risk in patients undergoing RT for peptic ulcer disease decades previously indicates the need for long-term follow-up for cardiovascular disease after chest RT

  4. Rheumatic heart disease: infectious disease origin, chronic care approach. (United States)

    Katzenellenbogen, Judith M; Ralph, Anna P; Wyber, Rosemary; Carapetis, Jonathan R


    Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a chronic cardiac condition with an infectious aetiology, causing high disease burden in low-income settings. Affected individuals are young and associated morbidity is high. However, RHD is relatively neglected due to the populations involved and its lower incidence relative to other heart diseases. In this narrative review, we describe how RHD care can be informed by and integrated with models of care developed for priority non-communicable diseases (coronary heart disease), and high-burden communicable diseases (tuberculosis). Examining the four-level prevention model (primordial through tertiary prevention) suggests primordial and primary prevention of RHD can leverage off existing tuberculosis control efforts, given shared risk factors. Successes in coronary heart disease control provide inspiration for similarly bold initiatives for RHD. Further, we illustrate how the Chronic Care Model (CCM), developed for use in non-communicable diseases, offers a relevant framework to approach RHD care. Systems strengthening through greater integration of services can improve RHD programs. Strengthening of systems through integration/linkages with other well-performing and resourced services in conjunction with policies to adopt the CCM framework for the secondary and tertiary prevention of RHD in settings with limited resources, has the potential to significantly reduce the burden of RHD globally. More research is required to provide evidence-based recommendations for policy and service design.

  5. Associated Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    ... gland in the neck, thick and coarse hair. Addison’s Disease Arare disease involving the adrenal gland. The prevalence of celiac disease in people with addison’s disease is significant. Symptoms of Addison’s may include weight ...

  6. Mad Cow Disease (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Mad Cow Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Mad Cow Disease What's ... are people to get it? What Is Mad Cow Disease? Mad cow disease is an incurable, fatal ...

  7. Skin Diseases: Skin Health and Skin Diseases (United States)

    Skip Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Skin Diseases Skin Health and Skin Diseases Past Issues / Fall 2008 Table of Contents ... acne to wrinkles Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It ...

  8. Lyme Disease. (United States)

    Taylor, George C.


    This overview of the public health significance of Lyme disease includes the microbiological specifics of the infectious spirochete, the entomology and ecology of the ticks which are the primary disease carrier, the clinical aspects and treatment stages, the known epidemiological patterns, and strategies for disease control and for expanded public…

  9. Wilson’s Disease: An Inherited, Silent, Copper Intoxication Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uta Merle


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a rare, autosomal recessive, genetic, copper overload disease, which evokes multiple motor or neuropsychiatric symptoms and liver disease. It is the consequence of a variety of different mutations affecting the ATP7B gene. This gene encodes for a class IB, P-type, copper-transporting ATPase, which is located in the trans-Golgi network of the liver and brain, and mediates the excretion of excess copper into the bile. When functionally inactive, the excess copper is deposited in the liver, brain, and other tissues. Free copper induces oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and lowers the apoptotic threshold of the cell. The symptoms in affected persons can vary widely and usually appear between the ages of 6 years and 20 years, but there are also cases in which the disease manifests in advanced age. In this review, we discuss the considerations in diagnosis, clinical management, and treatment of Wilson’s disease. In addition, we highlight experimental efforts that address the pathogenesis of Wilson’s disease in ATP7B deficient mice, novel analytical techniques that will improve the diagnosis at an early stage of disease onset, and treatment results with copper-chelating agents.

  10. Celiac Disease: Diagnosis. (United States)

    Byrne, Greg; Feighery, Conleth F


    Historically the diagnosis of celiac disease has relied upon clinical, serological, and histological evidence. In recent years the use of sensitive serological methods has meant an increase in the diagnosis of celiac disease. The heterogeneous nature of the disorder presents a challenge in the study and diagnosis of the disease with patients varying from subclinical or latent disease to patients with overt symptoms. Furthermore the related gluten-sensitive disease dermatitis herpetiformis, while distinct in some respects, shares clinical and serological features with celiac disease. Here we summarize current best practice for the diagnosis of celiac disease and briefly discuss newer approaches. The advent of next-generation assays for diagnosis and newer clinical protocols may result in more sensitive screening and ultimately the possible replacement of the intestinal biopsy as the gold standard for celiac disease diagnosis.

  11. Wireless Monitoring for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases and Parkinson's Disease. (United States)

    Kefaliakos, Antonios; Pliakos, Ioannis; Charalampidou, Martha; Diomidous, Marianna


    The use of applications for mobile devices and wireless sensors is common for the sector of telemedicine. Recently various studies and systems were developed in order to help patients suffering from severe diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease. They present a challenge for the sector because such systems demand the flow of accurate data in real time and the use of specialized sensors. In this review will be presented some very interesting applications developed for patients with cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease.

  12. Wilson’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Figen Hanağası


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. Clinical phenotypes include hepatic, haemolytic, neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Wilson’s disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene. ATP7B encodes a hepatic copper-transporting protein, which is important for copper excretion into bile. Neurological symptoms in Wilson’s disease include variable combinations of dysathria, ataxia, parkinsonism, dystonia and tremor. Wilson’s disease is lethal if untreated. This review discusses the epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, etiopathophysiology, diagnostic tests, and treatment of Wilson’s disease

  13. Influence of cerebrovascular disease on brain networks in prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Chong, Joanna Su Xian; Liu, Siwei; Loke, Yng Miin; Hilal, Saima; Ikram, Mohammad Kamran; Xu, Xin; Tan, Boon Yeow; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Chen, Christopher Li-Hsian; Zhou, Juan


    Network-sensitive neuroimaging methods have been used to characterize large-scale brain network degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and its prodrome. However, few studies have investigated the combined effect of Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease on brain network degeneration. Our study sought to examine the intrinsic functional connectivity and structural covariance network changes in 235 prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. We focused particularly on two higher-order cognitive networks-the default mode network and the executive control network. We found divergent functional connectivity and structural covariance patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease, but not Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease, showed reductions in posterior default mode network functional connectivity. By comparison, while both groups exhibited parietal reductions in executive control network functional connectivity, only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increases in frontal executive control network connectivity. Importantly, these distinct executive control network changes were recapitulated in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Across Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease, higher default mode network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater hippocampal volumes while higher executive control network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater white matter changes. In parallel, only Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease showed increased default mode network structural covariance, while only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increased executive control network structural covariance compared to controls. Our

  14. Genotator: A disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jung Jae-Yoon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. Methods We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Results Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. Conclusions As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked

  15. Genotator: a disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease. (United States)

    Wall, Dennis P; Pivovarov, Rimma; Tong, Mark; Jung, Jae-Yoon; Fusaro, Vincent A; DeLuca, Todd F; Tonellato, Peter J


    Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked data that remains current with the pace of research in the disease

  16. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and prion disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eikelenboom, P.; Bate, C.; van Gool, W. A.; Hoozemans, J. J. M.; Rozemuller, J. M.; Veerhuis, R.; Williams, A.


    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and prion disease are characterized neuropathologically by extracellular deposits of Abeta and PrP amyloid fibrils, respectively. In both disorders, these cerebral amyloid deposits are co-localized with a broad variety of inflammation-related proteins (complement factors,

  17. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: two muscle diseases? (United States)

    Troosters, Thierry; Gosselink, Rik; Decramer, Marc


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure are two increasingly prevalent chronic diseases. Although care for these patients often is provided by different clinical teams, both disease conditions have much in common. In recent decades, more knowledge about the systemic impact of both diseases has become available, highlighting remarkable similarities in terms of prognostic factors and disease management. Rehabilitation programs deal with the systemic consequences of both diseases. Although clinical research also is conducted by various researchers investigating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure, it is worthwhile to compare the progress in relation to these two diseases over recent decades. Such comparison, the purpose of the current review, may help clinicians and scientists to learn about progress made in different, yet related, fields. The current review focuses on the similarities observed in the clinical impact of muscle weakness, the mechanisms of muscle dysfunction, the strategies to improve muscle function, and the effects of exercise training on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure.

  18. Two adolescent patients with coexistent Graves' disease and Moyamoya disease in Korea. (United States)

    Cheon, Chong Kun; Kim, Su Yung; Yoo, Jae-Ho


    Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular condition that results in the narrowing of the vessels of the circle of Willis and collateral vessel formation at the base of the brain. Although relationships between Graves' disease and cerebrovascular accidents in Moyamoya disease are obscure, the coexistence of the two diseases is noteworthy. Moyamoya disease has been rarely reported in adolescent patients with thyrotoxicosis. Recently, we encountered two adolescent Korean patients with Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease who presented with episodic right-sided hemiparesis and syncope. These two girls who had Graves' disease had no history of other diseases or head trauma. A thyroid function test revealed a euthyroid state and a high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibody titer at that time. The patients were diagnosed with Moyamoya disease based on brain magnetic resonance angiography and cerebral four-vessel angiography. The patients underwent cranial revascularization by encephalo-duroarterio-synangiosis as soon as a diagnosis was made, which resulted in successful symptom resolution. They fared well and had no additional neurological symptoms as of their last follow-up visits. Here, we report these two cases of confirmed Moyamoya disease complicated by Graves' disease with a review of the literature, and discuss the possible association between the two diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report in South Korea on Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease in adolescents with a euthyroid.

  19. Phenotype and Clinical Course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Co-Existent Celiac Disease. (United States)

    Tse, Chung Sang; Deepak, Parakkal; De La Fuente, Jaime; Bledsoe, Adam C; Larson, Joseph J; Murray, Joseph A; Papadakis, Konstantinos A


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, principally Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease are among the most common immune-mediated gastrointestinal diseases. We aim to elucidate the clinical course and outcomes of patients with concomitant inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease, a unique population that remains scarcely studied to date. A retrospective matched case-control study of adults with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease was performed at a tertiary referral institution in North America. Logistic regression and Kaplan-Meier curves compared disease characteristics and clinical outcomes of the two groups. A total of 342 inflammatory bowel disease patients were included in this study, of which 114 had coexistent celiac disease and 228 did not. Patients with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease had higher rates of primary sclerosing cholangitis (19.3% vs 5.7%; odds ratio, 4.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.1-9.4; pceliac disease (10.5% vs 3.5%; odds ratio 3.2; 95% confidence interval 1.3-8.2; p=0.01), compared to patients without concomitant celiac disease. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease with concomitant celiac disease have unique phenotypic features compared to non-celiac inflammatory bowel disease, with higher risks for colitis-related hospitalizations, extensive colitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Increased recognition of coexistent IBD and celiac disease can prompt clinicians to investigate for concomitant disease sooner, particularly in patients with seemingly refractory disease.

  20. Periodontal disease and anemias associated with Crohn's disease. A case report. (United States)

    Nagpal, Swati; Acharya, Anirudh B; Thakur, Srinath L


    Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease with oral findings, including periodontal manifestations. Anemias, such as iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease (ACD), are the most common hematologic complications of CD. Periodontitis has systemic effects, and may tend toward anemia, which can be explained by depressed erythropoiesis. In the report presented here, the authors review a case of Crohn's disease diagnosed 10 years previous to the patient presenting with a changing anemic profile and periodontal disease. A discussion of patient and disease management is included.

  1. Is the disease course predictable in inflammatory bowel diseases? (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S


    During the course of the disease, most patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) may eventually develop a stricturing or a perforating complication, and a significant number of patients with both CD and ulcerative colitis will undergo surgery. In recent years, research has focused on the determination of factors important in the prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases to improve stratification of patients, identify individual patient profiles, including clinical, laboratory and molecular markers, which hopefully will allow physicians to choose the most appropriate management in terms of therapy and intensity of follow-up. This review summarizes the available evidence on clinical, endoscopic variables and biomarkers in the prediction of short and long-term outcome in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. PMID:20518079

  2. Development and test of a soot-specific method for immission measurement. Pt. 3. Content determination of tire abrasion in atmospherical elementary carbon; Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung eines Immissionsmessverfahrens zur spezifischen Erfassung von Russpartikeln. T. 3. Ermittlung des Anteils von Reifenabrieb am atmosphaerischen elementaren Kohlenstoff

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfaender, N.; Weinberg, G.; Wild, U.


    The purpose of this study was to find out methods of discrimination between diesel soot and tire abrasion in carbons of aerosol filter samples. A method of determination between diesel soot and tire abrasion should be found because of the offered standard methods (combustion methods) do not distinguish between the carbon forms. A considerable content of tire abrasion traffic control samples of ``carbon`` would require a correction of the integral ascertained carbon concentration. Three sets of samples have been investigated with the help of TEM, SEM, EDX and ESCA. One basis for discrimination is the chemical activity of the surfaces. While the tire abrasion shows a chemically saturated polymer surface, the diesel soot has a chemically very active soot surface. A second basis for discrimination is the very different particle-size distribution of the diesel soot and the tire abrasion particles. This has been ascertained with the help of TEM and SEM. The results of 3 sets of samples show that a corresponding semi-quantitative discrimination with morphological, element analytical and surface analytical methods between diesel soot and tire abrasion is possible. The main result is a low to very low abundance of the tire abrasion in the total carbon contents. An absolute determination fails mainly because of the interference of the tire abrasion analysis with molecular hydrocarbons. The samples succumb to chemical ageing, where especially diesel soot partially oxidizes. A Thermal treatment also changes the chemical nature of the soot components. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit war es, Methoden zu finden, die in einer Aerosolfilterprobe Kohlenstoffe nach Dieselruss und Reifenabrieb zu unterscheiden vermoegen. Es sollte eine grobe Quantitifizerung des Reifenabrieb am Dieselruss ermittelt werden, da in den vorgeschlagenen Standardverfahren (Oxidationsverfahren) nicht zwischen den Kohlenstoff-Formen unterschieden werden kann, was bei erheblichen Anteilen von

  3. Celiac Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Bone Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melissa S. Putman


    Full Text Available Both cystic fibrosis (CF and celiac disease can cause low bone mineral density (BMD and fractures. Celiac disease may occur at a higher frequency in patients with CF than the general population, and symptoms of these conditions may overlap. We report on two patients presenting with CF-related bone disease in the past year who were subsequently found to have concurrent celiac disease. Because adherence to a gluten-free diet may improve BMD in patients with celiac disease, this could have important implications for treatment. Clinicians should consider screening for celiac disease in patients with CF who have low BMD, worsening BMD in the absence of other risk factors, and/or difficult to treat vitamin D deficiency.

  4. Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. N. Semyachkina


    Full Text Available The paper gives the data available in the literature, which reflect the manifestations, diagnosis, and current treatments of the rare (orphan inherited disease glycogen storage disease type II or Pomp disease in children, as well as its classification. The infant form is shown to be most severe, resulting in death from cardiovascular or pulmonary failure generally within the first year of a child’s life. Emphasis is laid on major difficulties in the differential and true diagnosis of this severe disease. Much attention is given to the new pathogenetic treatment — genetically engineered enzyme replacement drug Myozyme®. The authors describe their clinical case of a child with the juvenile form of glycogen storage disease type II (late-onset Pompe disease. Particular emphasis is laid on the clinical symptoms of the disease and its diagnostic methods, among which the morphological analysis of a muscle biopsy specimen by light and electron microscopies, and enzyme and DNA diagnoses are of most importance. The proband was found to have significant lysosomal glycogen accumulation in the muscle biopsy specimen, reduced lymphocyte acid α-1,4-glucosidase activity to 4,2 nM/mg/h (normal value, 13,0—53,6 nM/mg/h, described in the HGMD missense mutation database from 1000 G>A p.Gly334er of the GAA in homozygous state, which verified the diagnosis of Pompe disease

  5. [Celiac disease - disease of children and adults: symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities]. (United States)

    Majsiak, Emilia; Cichoż-Lach, Halina; Gubska, Olena; Cukrowska, Bożena


    About 1% of human population suffers from celiac disease (CD) and it is one of the most commonly diagnosed autoimmune disorders. Until recently it was believed that CD affects mainly children, but as the newest studies show, up to 60% recently diagnosed patients are adults, often over the age of 60. CD's medical signs are nonspecific. Atypical course of the disease with extraintestinal symptoms is being increasingly observed. The disease may also be asymptomatic over many years. The studies show that the average diagnosis of CD takes more than 10 years since the first symptoms appear. Nonspecific medical signs cause undiagnosed patients suffering from CD to visit gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, allergists, gynaecologists and other medical specialists. However, most frequently general practitioners have the first encounter with patients suffering from CD, therefore they are able to recognize symptoms of the disease at the earliest and refer the patient to a gastroenterologist. Early diagnosis and beginning of the treatment reduce complications of untreated CD. The aim of this paper is to show general practitioners symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities of CD.

  6. Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... with Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy & Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Diseases with the potential to affect ... control. What are the effects of pregnancy on rheumatic disease? The effects of pregnancy on rheumatic diseases vary ...

  7. Consensus Conference: A reappraisal of Gaucher disease - diagnosis and disease management algorithms (United States)

    Mistry, Pramod K.; Cappellini, Maria Domenica; Lukina, Elena; Özsan, Hayri; Pascual, Sara Mach; Rosenbaum, Hanna; Solano, Maria Helena; Spigelman, Zachary; Villarrubia, Jesús; Watman, Nora Patricia; Massenkeil, Gero


    Type 1 (non neuronopathic) Gaucher disease was the first lysosomal storage disorder for which an effective enzyme replacement therapy was developed and it has become a prototype for treatments for related orphan diseases. There are currently four treatment options available to patients with Gaucher disease, nevertheless, almost 25% of type 1 Gaucher patients do not gain timely access to therapy because of delays in diagnosis after the onset of symptoms. Diagnosis of Gaucher disease by enzyme testing is unequivocal, but the rarity of the disease and non-specific and heterogeneous nature of Gaucher disease symptoms may impede consideration of this disease in the differential diagnosis. To help promote timely diagnosis and optimal management of the protean presentations of Gaucher disease, a consensus meeting was convened to develop algorithms for diagnosis and disease management for Gaucher disease. PMID:21080341

  8. Celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radlović Nedeljko


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is a multysystemic autoimmune disease induced by gluten in wheat, barley and rye. It is characterized by polygenic predisposition, high prevalence (1%, widely heterogeneous expression and frequent association with other autoimmune diseases, selective deficit of IgA and Down, Turner and Williams syndrome. The basis of the disease and the key finding in its diagnostics is symptomatic or asymptomatic inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa which resolves by gluten-free diet. Therefore, the basis of the treatment involves elimination diet, so that the disorder, if timely recognized and adequately treated, also characterizes excellent prognosis.

  9. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  10. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention


    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular di...

  11. Chronic Disease and Childhood Development: Kidney Disease and Transplantation. (United States)

    Klein, Susan D.; Simmons, Roberta G.

    As part of a larger study of transplantation and chronic disease and the family, 124 children (10-18 years old) who were chronically ill with kidney disease (n=72) or were a year or more post-transplant (n=52) were included in a study focusing on the effects of chronic kidney disease and transplantation on children's psychosocial development. Ss…

  12. Impact of pretreatment variables on the outcome of {sup 131}I therapy with a standardized dose of 150 Gray in Graves` disease; Einfluss praetherapeutischer Variablen auf die Wirkung einer standardisierten {sup 131}J-Therapie mit 150 Gray beim Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeilschifter, J. [Heidelberg Univ., Radiologische Klinik (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Elser, H. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I; Haufe, S. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I; Ziegler, R. [Heidelberg Univ., Radiologische Klinik (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Georgi, P. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I


    Aim: We examined the impact of several pretreatment variables on thyroid size and function in 61 patients with Graves` disease one year after a standardized [131]I treatment with 150 Gray. Methods: FT3, FT4, and TSH serum concentrations were determined before and 1.5, 3, 6, and 12 months after therapy. Thyroid size was measured by ultrasound and scintigraphy before and one year after therapy. Results: One year after therapy, 30% of the patients had latent or manifest hyperthyroidism, 24% were euthyroid, and 46% had developed latent or manifest hypothyroidism. Age and initial thyroid volume were major predictors of posttherapeutical thyroid function. Thus, persistent hyperthyroidism was observed in 70% of the patients age 50 years and older with a thyroid size of more than 50 ml. With few exception, thyroid size markedly decreased after therapy. Initial thyroid size and age were also major predictors of posttherapeutical thyroid volume. Thyroid size normalized in all patients younger than 50 years of age, independent from initial thyroid size. Conclusion: Radioiodine treatment with 150 Gray causes a considerable decrease in thyroid size in most patients with Graves` disease. Age and initial thyroid volume are important determinants of thyroid function and size after therapy and should be considered in dose calculation. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Bei 61 Patienten mit einem Morbus Basedow haben wir den Einfluss praetherapeutischer Variablen auf die Funktion und das Volumen der Schilddruese ein Jahr nach einer {sup 131}J-Therapie mit 150 Gray untersucht. Methoden: FT3, FT4, und TSH wurden vor Therapie und eineinhalb, 3, 6 und 12 Monate nach Therapie gemessen. Das Schilddruesenvolumen wurde vor Therapie und ein Jahr nach Therapie sonographisch und szintigraphisch bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Ein Jahr nach Therapie waren 30% der Patienten latent oder manifest hyperthyreot, 24% euthyreot, und 46% latent oder manifest hypothyreot. Lebensalter und Ausgangsvolumen der Schilddruese

  13. Involvement of Gaucher Disease Mutations in Parkinson Disease. (United States)

    Vilageliu, Lluisa; Grinberg, Daniel


    Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, caused by mutations in the GBA gene. The frequency of Gaucher disease patients and heterozygote carriers that developed Parkinson disease has been found to be above that of the control population. This fact suggests that mutations in the GBA gene can be involved in Parkison's etiology. Analysis of large cohorts of patients with Parkinson disease has shown that there are significantly more cases bearing GBA mutations than those found among healthy individuals. Functional studies have proven an interaction between α-synuclein and GBA, the levels of which presented an inverse correlation. Mutant GBA proteins cause increases in α-synuclein levels, while an inhibition of GBA by α-synuclein has been also demonstrated. Saposin C, a coactivator of GBA, has been shown to protect GBA from this inhibition. Among the GBA variants associated with Parkinson disease, E326K seems to be one of the most prevalent. Interestingly, it is involved in Gaucher disease only when it forms part of a double-mutant allele, usually with the L444P mutation. Structural analyses have revealed that both residues (E326 and L444) interact with Saposin C and, probably, also with α-synuclein. This could explain the antagonistic role of these two proteins in relation to GBA. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  14. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  15. The acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease in the first decree of occupational diseases from 1925

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuettmann, W.


    The Schneeberg lung disease is the lung cancer, conditioned by radiation which is caused by the influence of radon and of its subsequent products. It has gained a great importance after World War II as a consequence of the intensified mining of uranium ore. From the history of the disease, lasting some centuries, the period of the twenties and thirties of this century is represented in which on one side the conception of the causal importance of radon has made its way little by little, and on the other side the disease was acknowledged as occupational disease within the first decree of occupational diseases in the former German Reich. Evaluating materials from Saxon archives it is described how the legislative preparations to the acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease and the simultaneous research to the elucidation of nature and cause of the disease have penetrated and influenced each other. (author)

  16. The elusive baseline of marine disease: are diseases in ocean ecosystems increasing?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica R Ward


    Full Text Available Disease outbreaks alter the structure and function of marine ecosystems, directly affecting vertebrates (mammals, turtles, fish, invertebrates (corals, crustaceans, echinoderms, and plants (seagrasses. Previous studies suggest a recent increase in marine disease. However, lack of baseline data in most communities prevents a direct test of this hypothesis. We developed a proxy to evaluate a prediction of the increasing disease hypothesis: the proportion of scientific publications reporting disease increased in recent decades. This represents, to our knowledge, the first quantitative use of normalized trends in the literature to investigate an ecological hypothesis. We searched a literature database for reports of parasites and disease (hereafter "disease" in nine marine taxonomic groups from 1970 to 2001. Reports, normalized for research effort, increased in turtles, corals, mammals, urchins, and molluscs. No significant trends were detected for seagrasses, decapods, or sharks/rays (though disease occurred in these groups. Counter to the prediction, disease reports decreased in fishes. Formulating effective resource management policy requires understanding the basis and timing of marine disease events. Why disease outbreaks increased in some groups but not in others should be a priority for future investigation. The increase in several groups lends urgency to understanding disease dynamics, particularly since few viable options currently exist to mitigate disease in the oceans.

  17. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Oberoi, Sukhvinder Singh; Harish, Yashoda; Hiremath, Shivalingaswamy; Puranik, Manjunath


    Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs) index. The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18%) whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%), diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%), and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%), in comparison to the controls (6.18%). From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  18. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18% whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%, diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%, and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%, in comparison to the controls (6.18%. Conclusion: From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  19. The integrated disease network. (United States)

    Sun, Kai; Buchan, Natalie; Larminie, Chris; Pržulj, Nataša


    The growing body of transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and genomic data generated from disease states provides a great opportunity to improve our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving diseases and shared between diseases. The use of both clinical and molecular phenotypes will lead to better disease understanding and classification. In this study, we set out to gain novel insights into diseases and their relationships by utilising knowledge gained from system-level molecular data. We integrated different types of biological data including genome-wide association studies data, disease-chemical associations, biological pathways and Gene Ontology annotations into an Integrated Disease Network (IDN), a heterogeneous network where nodes are bio-entities and edges between nodes represent their associations. We also introduced a novel disease similarity measure to infer disease-disease associations from the IDN. Our predicted associations were systemically evaluated against the Medical Subject Heading classification and a statistical measure of disease co-occurrence in PubMed. The strong correlation between our predictions and co-occurrence associations indicated the ability of our approach to recover known disease associations. Furthermore, we presented a case study of Crohn's disease. We demonstrated that our approach not only identified well-established connections between Crohn's disease and other diseases, but also revealed new, interesting connections consistent with emerging literature. Our approach also enabled ready access to the knowledge supporting these new connections, making this a powerful approach for exploring connections between diseases.

  20. Concomitant diseases and their effect on disease prognosis in Meniere's disease: diabetes mellitus identified as a negative prognostic factor. (United States)

    Pieskä, Teemu; Kotimäki, Jouko; Männikkö, Minna; Sorri, Martti; Hietikko, Elina


    To study comorbidities and their effect on the disease progression in Meniere's disease (MD). Retrospective study on 350 definite MD patients diagnosed according to AAO-HNS 1995 criteria using hospital records and postal questionnaire. The prevalence of migraine, hypothyroidism, allergies, coronary heart disease and autoimmune diseases was more common in MD patients than reported in the general population of Finland. Diabetes mellitus was associated with both more severe hearing impairment (p = .033) and more frequent vertigo (p = .028) in MD patients. The number of concomitant diseases was associated with more frequent vertigo (p = .021). A patient's concomitant diseases, especially diabetes, should be treated effectively because they might affect the progression of MD. Further studies on the effects of concomitant diseases on MD prognosis are needed.

  1. Os anofelinos do sub-gênero kerteszia em relação à distribuição das bromeliáceas em comunidades florestais do município de Brusque, Estado de Santa Catarina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique P. Veloso


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit bildet einem Teil der Studien, die unter Leitung des nationalen Malaria-Dienstes in Zusammenarbeit mit Technikern des Institutes Oswaldo Cruz im Sueden Brasiliens durchgefuehrt werden und sich mit dem Problem des Wechselspiels zwischen Malaria und Bromeliacen befassen. Die verfasser bearbeiten in dieser Niederschrift, die den Anfang einer Serie ueber die erwaehnten Fragen darstellt, die Entwicklung der Anophelinen der Untergattung Kerteszia in den Wasseransammlungen der Blattwinkel von Bromelien. Es wurde das Munizip Brusque ausgewaehlt, da hier die Abhaengigkeit der Bevoelkerung vom Wald eine sehr enge ist und da dieses Gebiet fuer die Oekologie und Topographie der Suedregion charakteristisch ist. Den hier gefundenen Wald nennen die Autoren die “Suedbrasilianische Regenformation”. Vor der Ankunft der Arbeitsgruppe wurden die folgenden Methoden zur Bekaempfung der Brutstaetten der Malariauebertraeger angewendet: 1. Manuelle Entfernung der Bromelien aus den die Staedte umgebenden Waeldern, 2. Abholzung. Da diese beiden Methoden zu drastisch sind, benutzten die erwaehnten Techniker anfangs eine 0,5% ige Loesung von Kupfersulfat als “Bromelicid” und spaeter PariserGruen, das vom Flugzeug aus verstaeubt wurde. Um ueberfluessige Schaeden an den Pflanzengesellschaften zu vermeiden, wurde daran gedacht, auf Grund oekologischer Betrachtungen das Problem “Bromeliaceae-Malaria” nach dem Vorbild Pittendrigh’s in Trinidad zu loesen. Es wurde folgenden Arbeitsplan durchgefuehrt: 1. Studium der Vergesellchaftungen im Hinblick auf die Soziologie und ihre Beziehungen zu den Bromelien, 2. Auszaehlung der in den Bromelien enthaltenen Larven und Puppen, 3. Kenntnis des Mittelwertes der Larven, die sich zu Imagines entwickeln und 4. Mikrolima der Waelder usw. Die Oekologie der bromelien wurde in einer frueheren Publikation veroeffentlich (Veloso, H. P., 1952. Das botanische Material der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde von Spezialisten

  2. Ovarian ablation in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer: GnRH-analogues, ovarectomy or radiocastration - 'The philosopher's stone' instead of 'Chamber of secrets'?; Ovarielle Suppression in der adjuvanten Therapie des Mammakarzinoms: GnRH-Analoga, Ovarektomie oder Radiomenolyse - 'Stein der Weisen' statt 'Kammer des Schreckens'?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmann, W.; Schiebe, M. [Staedtisches Klinikum Braunschweig (Germany); Seegenschmiedt, H. [Alfried-Krupp-Krankenhaus, Essen (Germany)


    Background: Ovarian suppression in the adjuvant treatment of perimenopausal women with breast cancer is an important option. The therapeutic goal can be accomplished by administration of GnRH-analogues, ovarectomy or radiocastration. Patients and methods: We describe the advantages and the therapy related side effects and compare the different treatment modalities with each other. Results: Because of its reversibility and patients' compliance GnRH-analogues seem to be advantageous especially in younger premenopausal women. When longer term side effects of artificially induced menopause are less important, therapeutic alternatives such as radiocastration or ovarectomy are effective without obvious superiority between these options. Conclusion: Even in the background of the increasing use of GnRH-analogues radiocastration remains still a therapeutic alternative because of its cost-effectiveness and feasibility. This accounts especially for peri- or premenopausal women above the age of 45. (orig.) [German] Hintergrund: Bei praemenopausalen Patienten mit rezeptorpositiven Mammakarzinomen stellt die ovarielle Suppression einen wichtigen Schritt in der adjuvanten Therapie dar. Neben den GnRH-Analoga kommen hierfuer die Ovarektomie oder die Radiomenolyse infrage. Patienten und Methode: Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Vorteile der einzelnen Therapieoptionen den therapiebedingten Nebenwirkungen gegenueber und vergleicht die Methoden untereinander. Ergebnisse: Wegen der Reversibilitaet und der Patientenakzeptanz sollten GnRH-Analoga besonders bei juengeren praemenopausalen Patientinnen angewendet werden. In der Differentialtherapie von Patientinnen, bei denen die Langzeitnebenwirkungen einer iatrogen induzierten Menopause weniger zu befuerchten sind, kommen auch die anderen Verfahren in Betracht. Hierbei stehen Radiomenolyse und Ovarektomie gleichwertig nebeneinander. Schlussfolgerung: Die differentialtherapeutische Entscheidung zu einer der Methoden sollte

  3. Esophageal involvement and interstitial lung disease in mixed connective tissue disease. (United States)

    Fagundes, M N; Caleiro, M T C; Navarro-Rodriguez, T; Baldi, B G; Kavakama, J; Salge, J M; Kairalla, R; Carvalho, C R R


    Mixed connective tissue disease is a systemic inflammatory disorder that results in both pulmonary and esophageal manifestations. We sought to evaluate the relationship between esophageal dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease. We correlated the pulmonary function data and the high-resolution computed tomography findings of interstitial lung disease with the results of esophageal evaluation in manometry, 24-hour intraesophageal pH measurements, and the presence of esophageal dilatation on computed tomography scan. Fifty consecutive patients with mixed connective tissue disease, according to Kasukawa's classification criteria, were included in this prospective study. High-resolution computed tomography parenchymal abnormalities were present in 39 of 50 patients. Esophageal dilatation, gastroesophageal reflux, and esophageal motor impairment were also very prevalent (28 of 50, 18 of 36, and 30 of 36, respectively). The presence of interstitial lung disease on computed tomography was significantly higher among patients with esophageal dilatation (92% vs. 45%; pmotor dysfunction (90% vs. 35%; pesophageal and pulmonary involvement, our series revealed a strong association between esophageal motor dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease.

  4. [Infectious diseases research]. (United States)

    Carratalà, Jordi; Alcamí, José; Cordero, Elisa; Miró, José M; Ramos, José Manuel


    There has been a significant increase in research activity into infectious diseases in Spain in the last few years. The Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) currently has ten study groups, with the cooperation of infectious diseases specialists and microbiologists from different centres, with significant research activity. The program of Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (Special Topics Cooperative Health Research Networks) is an appropriate framework for the strategic coordination of research groups from the Spanish autonomous communities. The Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI) and the Network for Research in AIDS (RIS) integrate investigators in Infectious Diseases from multiple groups, which continuously perform important research projects. Research using different experimental models in infectious diseases, in numerous institutions, is an important activity in our country. The analysis of the recent scientific production in Infectious Diseases shows that Spain has a good position in the context of the European Union. The research activity in Infectious Diseases carried out in our country is a great opportunity for the training of specialists in this area of knowledge.

  5. Human Environmental Disease Network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taboureau, Olivier; Audouze, Karine


    During the past decades, many epidemiological, toxicological and biological studies have been performed to assess the role of environmental chemicals as potential toxicants for diverse human disorders. However, the relationships between diseases based on chemical exposure have been rarely studied...... by computational biology. We developed a human environmental disease network (EDN) to explore and suggest novel disease-disease and chemical-disease relationships. The presented scored EDN model is built upon the integration on systems biology and chemical toxicology using chemical contaminants information...... and their disease relationships from the reported TDDB database. The resulting human EDN takes into consideration the level of evidence of the toxicant-disease relationships allowing including some degrees of significance in the disease-disease associations. Such network can be used to identify uncharacterized...

  6. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General

  7. Responsiveness of Endoscopic Indices of Disease Activity for Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khanna, Reena; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry; Feagan, Brian G.; Sandborn, William J.; Rutgeerts, Paul; McDonald, John W. D.; Dubcenco, Elena; Fogel, Ronald; Panaccione, Remo; Jairath, Vipul; Nelson, Sigrid; Shackelton, Lisa M.; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Robinson, Anne M.; Levesque, Barrett G.; D'Haens, Geert


    The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's Disease (SES-CD) are commonly used to assess Crohn's disease (CD) activity; however neither instrument is fully validated. We evaluated the responsiveness to change of the SES-CD and CDEIS using data

  8. AACE/ACE Disease State Clinical Review: Medical Management of Cushing Disease. (United States)

    Hamrahian, Amir H; Yuen, Kevin C J; Hoffman, Andrew R


    To review available medical therapies for patients with Cushing disease and to provide a roadmap for their use in clinical practice. PubMed searches were performed to identify all of the available published data on medical management of Cushing disease. Medical therapy is usually not the first-line treatment for patients with Cushing disease but may be used to improve clinical manifestations of Cushing disease in patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery, following unsuccessful surgery or recurrence, or as a "bridge therapy" in those who have undergone radiotherapy. Medical therapy may also be used in preoperative preparation of patients with severe disease. Current available medical options for patients with Cushing disease include centrally acting agents, steroidogenesis inhibitors, and a glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. At present, there are no head-to-head studies comparing the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of different U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- and non-FDA-approved drugs in patients with Cushing disease. With the initiation of new studies and the completion of ongoing clinical trials, the number of FDA-approved drugs for medical treatment of Cushing disease is expected to increase. Medical therapy has an important adjunctive role in the management of patients with Cushing disease. The decision to initiate medical treatment depends on many factors, including patient characteristics and preference. Long-term studies are needed to better define the clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability of medical treatment of Cushing disease, including the role of combination therapies.

  9. DOSim: An R package for similarity between diseases based on Disease Ontology (United States)


    Background The construction of the Disease Ontology (DO) has helped promote the investigation of diseases and disease risk factors. DO enables researchers to analyse disease similarity by adopting semantic similarity measures, and has expanded our understanding of the relationships between different diseases and to classify them. Simultaneously, similarities between genes can also be analysed by their associations with similar diseases. As a result, disease heterogeneity is better understood and insights into the molecular pathogenesis of similar diseases have been gained. However, bioinformatics tools that provide easy and straight forward ways to use DO to study disease and gene similarity simultaneously are required. Results We have developed an R-based software package (DOSim) to compute the similarity between diseases and to measure the similarity between human genes in terms of diseases. DOSim incorporates a DO-based enrichment analysis function that can be used to explore the disease feature of an independent gene set. A multilayered enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG annotation) annotation function that helps users explore the biological meaning implied in a newly detected gene module is also part of the DOSim package. We used the disease similarity application to demonstrate the relationship between 128 different DO cancer terms. The hierarchical clustering of these 128 different cancers showed modular characteristics. In another case study, we used the gene similarity application on 361 obesity-related genes. The results revealed the complex pathogenesis of obesity. In addition, the gene module detection and gene module multilayered annotation functions in DOSim when applied on these 361 obesity-related genes helped extend our understanding of the complex pathogenesis of obesity risk phenotypes and the heterogeneity of obesity-related diseases. Conclusions DOSim can be used to detect disease-driven gene modules, and to annotate the modules for functions and

  10. Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome: the neglected disease in our own backyard. (United States)

    Crowder, L A; Yedlin, V A; Weinstein, E R; Kortte, K B; Aucott, J N


    A survey was developed to assess experience and opinions about Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) among faculties in public health. No previous surveys of public health faculties have been found in the literature. This is a cross sectional study of public health school faculty members designed to measure knowledge and experience with Lyme disease and PTLDS using an internet survey instrument. Participants were recruited using all the publicly available e-mail addresses of faculty members in all the 50 accredited Schools of Public Health in the United States. A 15% response rate was seen for the survey. 50% of respondents were from Lyme endemic states. Less than 5% of faculty members consider themselves expert in Lyme or PTLDS. Many faculty members had known someone with Lyme disease or PTLDS, but few had been diagnosed themselves. Most believe that PTLDS can be severe and chronic, is not easy to treat, and does not resolve on its own, but were uncertain about its aetiology. Most respondents also felt that the incidence of Lyme disease will increase and that more education is needed. The need for further understanding and communication presents an opportunity for public health research and education in Lyme disease and the sequelae of PTLDS. Copyright © 2014 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chapple, Iain L C; Bouchard, Philippe; Cagetti, Maria Grazia


    Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requir......Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors...... to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc...... or composition, smoking, carbohydrate intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases as well as in their management. AIM: To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk factors for caries and periodontal diseases. METHODS: One systematic...

  12. Parkinson disease - discharge (United States)

    Your doctor has told you that you have Parkinson disease . This disease affects the brain and leads ... have you take different medicines to treat your Parkinson disease and many of the problems that may ...

  13. Pediatric Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Pediatric Celiac Disease If your child has celiac disease, ... physician. Established by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Celiac Disease Eosinophilic ...

  14. Lyme Disease Data (United States)

    ... materials Why is CDC concerned about Lyme disease? Data and Statistics Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir ... sixth most common Nationally Notifiable disease . Lyme Disease Data File To facilitate the public health and research ...

  15. Spreading disease: a controversy concerning the metaphysics of disease. (United States)

    D'Amico, R


    This article concerns the metaphysics of disease. Is disease a fixed feature of the world or a social value or preference? I argue that disease is not a value-laden concept and thus debates concerning it differ fundamentally from debates concerning health, harm, or suffering where evaluative judgements are central. I show how the so-called social constructionist view of disease has been motivated both by ethical concerns with medical practices and general theoretical doubts about scientific naturalism. If I can show that ethical concerns about medical treatment can be answered without adopting social constructionism, that leaves only the broader theoretical question of naturalism. I cannot completely answer those theoretical doubts, but I show that the theoretical motivation is less convincing when it is separated from the moral challenge often accompanying it. I conclude that a convincing defense of the non-naturalistic conception of disease is rarely attempted and proves more difficult and counter-intuitive than its proponents assume.

  16. CT findings of diffuse pleural diseases: differentiation of malignant disease from tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roh, In Gye; Kook, Shin Ho; Lee, Young Rae; Chin, Seung Bum; Park, Yoon Ok; Park, Hae Won


    To evaluate whether or not previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases are useful in the differentiation of diffuse malignant pleural diseases and tuberculosis. We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 42 patients comprising 20 cases of malignant pleural diseases and 22 cases of tuberculous pleural diseases, according to previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases. The most common shape of pleural effusion was crescentic in malignant pleural diseases and loculated in tuberculosis. The aggressive nature of pleural effusion, pleural rind, and pleura thickening was 1.5 times more frequently observed in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. Smooth thickening or smooth nodular pleural thickening and extrapleural deposition of fat were 1.5 times more frequently found in tuberculous than in malignant pleural diseases. Interruption of pleural thickening was found twice as frequently in malignant pleural diseases as in tuberculosis. Decreased lung volume was found twice as frequently in tuberculous as in malignant pleural diseases. Anatomical mediastinal pleural involvement was three times, and irregular nodular pleural thickening nine times more frequent in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of CT findings above 70%, and thus suggesting malignant pleural diseases, were as follows : 1) aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung (51.5%, 75%); 2) involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura (69.2%, 73.7%); 3) irregular nodular pleural thickening (87.5%, 69%). Although there in overlap between previously known CT criteria for the differentiation of benign and malignant pleural diseases, the aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung, the involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura and irregular nodular

  17. Hereditary neuromuscular diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oezsarlak, O. E-mail:; Schepens, E.; Parizel, P.M.; Goethem, J.W. van; Vanhoenacker, F.; Schepper, A.M. de; Martin, J.J


    This article presents the actual classification of neuromuscular diseases based on present expansion of our knowledge and understanding due to genetic developments. It summarizes the genetic and clinical presentations of each disorder together with CT findings, which we studied in a large group of patients with neuromuscular diseases. The muscular dystrophies as the largest and most common group of hereditary muscle diseases will be highlighted by giving detailed information about the role of CT and MRI in the differential diagnosis. The radiological features of neuromuscular diseases are atrophy, hypertrophy, pseudohypertrophy and fatty infiltration of muscles on a selective basis. Although the patterns and distribution of involvement are characteristic in some of the diseases, the definition of the type of disease based on CT scan only is not always possible.

  18. Disease burden of infectious diseases in Europe: a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lier EA van; Havelaar AH; LZO


    Consequences of different infectious diseases cannot be adequately compared with each other on the basis of the number of patients or mortality data only. It is better to combine all health effects and express the total impact as disease burden, which also takes duration and severity of diseases

  19. Biomarker for Glycogen Storage Diseases (United States)


    Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors; Glycogen Storage Disease; Glycogen Storage Disease Type I; Glycogen Storage Disease Type II; Glycogen Storage Disease Type III; Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV; Glycogen Storage Disease Type V; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VIII

  20. Degenerative Nerve Diseases (United States)

    Degenerative nerve diseases affect many of your body's activities, such as balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. Many ... viruses. Sometimes the cause is not known. Degenerative nerve diseases include Alzheimer's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Friedreich's ...

  1. Understanding cardiovascular disease (United States)

    ... page: // Understanding cardiovascular disease To use the sharing features on this page, ... lead to heart attack or stroke. Types of Cardiovascular Disease Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common ...

  2. Lyme disease (image) (United States)

    Lyme disease is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by skin changes, joint inflammation and symptoms similar to the ... that is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi . Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of a deer ...

  3. Verbesserung der OCR in digitalen Sammlungen von Bibliotheken

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konstantin Baierer


    Full Text Available Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der automatischen Texterkennung (OCR in digitalen Sammlungen insbesondere durch computerlinguistische Methoden werden beschrieben und bisherige PostOCR-Verfahren analysiert. Im Gegensatz zu diesen Möglichkeiten aus der Forschung oder aus einzelnen Projekten unterscheidet sich die momentane Anwendung von OCR in der Bibliothekspraxis wesentlich und nutzt das Potential nur teilweise aus. Possibilities for improving the optical character recognition (OCR in digital collections in particular by using computationally linguistical methods are described and previous PostOCR-techniques are analyzed. On contrast to these methods from the research and single projects, the current use of OCR in library practice differs essentially and does use its potential only partially.

  4. Optimisation of single-pipe heating systems with heating cost distribution and supporting room air processes in industrial housing construction in the new Laender. Pt. 2. Heating cost distribution and energy diagnosis; Optimierung von Einrohrheizungsanlagen mit Heizkostenverteilung sowie flankierenden Raumluftprozessen im industriellen Wohnungsbau der NBL. T. 2. Heizkostenverteilung und Energiediagnose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bach, H; Bauer, M; Eisenmann, G; Haupt, C; Tritschler, M


    The second part of the present research report focusses on energy diagnosis and heating cost distribution in single-pipe heating systems. It describes energy diagnosis with regard to its aims and methods. The subject of heating cost distribution is addressed with a statistical evaluation of the field studies carried out in the course of the research project. The use of heating cost distributors is examined by simulation calculations and assessed on this basis. (HW) [Deutsch] Die Themenschwerpunkte des 2. Teils des Forschungsberichtes sind die Energiediagnose und die Heizkostenverteilung in Einrohranlagen. Bezueglich der Energiediagnose werden Ziel und Methoden beschrieben. Zur Thematik Heizkostenverteilung werden die durchgefuehrten Feldversuche statistisch ausgewertet. Der Einsatz der Heizkostenverteilsysteme wird durch Simulationsrechnungen untersucht und beurteilt. (HW)

  5. Installation of a power supply system: The simple and low-cost way. Blocking oscillator with high performance factor; Aufbau einer Stromversorgung - einfach und preisguenstig. Realisierung eines Sperrwandlers mit hohem Leistungsfaktor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adragna, C [SGS-Thomson Microelectronics, Agrate (Italy)


    There are several ways of constructing power supply systems with power factor correction. The two most common ways for PWM-based control are : Control via fixed-frequency average current or transition mode control. The former is more efficient but also much more costly. In the range below 150 W, a TM solution is the method of choice. (orig.) [Deutsch] Stromversorgungen mit Leistungsfaktor-Korrektur lassen sich auf verschiedene Arten realisieren. Die zwei gebraeuchlichsten Methoden fuer eine PWM-basierte Regelung sind: Regelung ueber den Festfrequenz-Strommittelwert oder der Transition Mode. Waehrend erstere leistungsfaehiger, aber auch erheblich aufwendiger ist, laesst sich letztere wesentlich billiger umsetzen. Im Leistungsbereich unter 150 W bietet sich eine TM-Loesung an. (orig.)

  6. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Expert Briefings: Anxiety in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease NY Nightly News with Chuck ... Briefings: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease 2010 Expert Briefings: Legal Issues: ...

  7. Gene therapy for CNS diseases – Krabbe disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad A. Rafi


    Full Text Available This is a brief report of the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy that took place from May 4th through May 7th, 2016 in Washington, DC, USA. While the meeting provided many symposiums, lectures, and scientific sessions this report mainly focuses on one of the sessions on the "Gene Therapy for central nervous system (CNS Diseases" and specifically on the "Gene Therapy for the globoid cell leukodystrophy or Krabbe disease. Two presentations focused on this subject utilizing two animal models of this disease: mice and dog models. Different serotypes of adeno-associate viral vectors (AAV alone or in combination with bone marrow transplantations were used in these research projects. The Meeting of the ASGCT reflected continuous growth in the fields of gene and cell therapy and brighter forecast for efficient treatment options for variety of human diseases.

  8. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis OHSU - Overview of Parkinson's ... Disease? What Are Some Strategies to Improve the Quality of Community Care for PD Patients? CareMAP: Dealing ...

  9. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Does Caregiving Change from Day to Day? Unconditional Love How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect the Urinary System? ... Mind Guide to Parkinson's Disease Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation Sleep: A Mind Guide to Parkinson’s Disease ...

  10. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Conference: Lessons Learned How Does the DBS Device Work? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Managing Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis CareMAP: ...

  11. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Tips for Care Partners Nurse Webinars: Nursing Solutions: Innovations in PD Nurse Education CareMAP: Managing Advanced Parkinson's ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis How Is Parkinson's Disease ...

  12. Tay-Sachs Disease (United States)

    Tay-Sachs disease is a rare, inherited disease. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. It causes too ... cells, causing mental and physical problems. . Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few ...

  13. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease (United States)

    ... of this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Past Issues / Winter 2015 Table of Contents ... How many Americans over age 65 may have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5 million as many ...

  14. Tick-borne disease. (United States)

    Bratton, Robert L; Corey, Ralph


    Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever. It is important for family physicians to consider these illnesses when patients present with influenza-like symptoms. A petechial rash initially affecting the palms and soles of the feet is associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, whereas erythema migrans (annular macule with central clearing) is associated with Lyme disease. Various other rashes or skin lesions accompanied by fever and influenza-like illness also may signal the presence of a tick-borne disease. Early, accurate diagnosis allows treatment that may help prevent significant morbidity and possible mortality. Because 24 to 48 hours of attachment to the host are required for infection to occur, early removal can help prevent disease. Treatment with doxycycline or tetracycline is indicated for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and relapsing fever. In patients with clinical findings suggestive of tick-borne disease, treatment should not be delayed for laboratory confirmation. If no symptoms follow exposure to tick bites, empiric treatment is not indicated. The same tick may harbor different infectious pathogens and transmit several with one bite. Advising patients about prevention of tick bites, especially in the summer months, may help prevent exposure to dangerous vector-borne diseases.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    idil Gunes Tatar


    Full Text Available Hydatid disease is caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. It is mainly endemic in North African and Mediterranean countries. The disease usually manifests in liver and lungs although involvement of other organs are also seen. In this rare case intracranial hydatid disease in a 9-year-old female patient is presented with Magnetic Resonance Imaging findings. [J Contemp Med 2014; 4(2.000: 103-105

  16. Stargardt Disease (United States)

    ... Stargardt disease, lipofuscin accumulates abnormally. The Foundation Fighting Blindness supports research studying lipofuscin build up and ways to prevent it. A decrease in color perception also occurs in Stargardt disease. This is ...

  17. Prevalence and overlap of Disease Management Program diseases in older hospitalized patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul-Larsen, Helle Gybel; Petersen, Janne; Sivertsen, Ditte Maria


    Many countries, like Denmark, have tailored Disease Management Programs (DMPs) based on patients having single chronic diseases [defined institutionally as "program diseases" (PDs)], which can complicate treatment for those with multiple chronic diseases. The aims of this study were (a) to assess...... the prevalence and overlap among acutely hospitalized older medical patients of PDs defined by the DMPs, and (b) to examine transitions between different departments during hospitalization and mortality and readmission within two time intervals among patients with the different PDs. We conducted a registry study...... of 4649 acutely hospitalized medical patients ≥65 years admitted to Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark, in 2012, and divided patients into six PD groups (type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disease, dementia and cancer), each...

  18. Using internet search queries for infectious disease surveillance: screening diseases for suitability. (United States)

    Milinovich, Gabriel J; Avril, Simon M R; Clements, Archie C A; Brownstein, John S; Tong, Shilu; Hu, Wenbiao


    Internet-based surveillance systems provide a novel approach to monitoring infectious diseases. Surveillance systems built on internet data are economically, logistically and epidemiologically appealing and have shown significant promise. The potential for these systems has increased with increased internet availability and shifts in health-related information seeking behaviour. This approach to monitoring infectious diseases has, however, only been applied to single or small groups of select diseases. This study aims to systematically investigate the potential for developing surveillance and early warning systems using internet search data, for a wide range of infectious diseases. Official notifications for 64 infectious diseases in Australia were downloaded and correlated with frequencies for 164 internet search terms for the period 2009-13 using Spearman's rank correlations. Time series cross correlations were performed to assess the potential for search terms to be used in construction of early warning systems. Notifications for 17 infectious diseases (26.6%) were found to be significantly correlated with a selected search term. The use of internet metrics as a means of surveillance has not previously been described for 12 (70.6%) of these diseases. The majority of diseases identified were vaccine-preventable, vector-borne or sexually transmissible; cross correlations, however, indicated that vector-borne and vaccine preventable diseases are best suited for development of early warning systems. The findings of this study suggest that internet-based surveillance systems have broader applicability to monitoring infectious diseases than has previously been recognised. Furthermore, internet-based surveillance systems have a potential role in forecasting emerging infectious disease events, especially for vaccine-preventable and vector-borne diseases.

  19. Chronic kidney disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    disease, together with other related non -communicable diseases. (NCDs), poses not only a threat ... but because if we do not act against NCDs we will also be increasing individual and ... respiratory diseases and cancer. This is in recognition ...

  20. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... We Walk at Moving Day CareMAP: Managing Caregiver Stress Aware in Care: Real Stories CareMAP: End-of- ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis Overview of Parkinson's Disease ...

  1. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... and Parkinson's Disease? Hallucinations and Delusions CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  2. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Foundation How Is Parkinson's Disease Diagnosed? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  3. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Parkinson's Disease: One Voice, Many Listeners Expert Briefings: Medical Therapies: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Under-recognized Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ...

  4. Addison′s disease


    Soumya Brata Sarkar; Subrata Sarkar; Supratim Ghosh; Subhankar Bandyopadhyay


    Addison's disease is a rare endocrinal disorder, with several oral and systemic manifestations. A variety of pathological processes may cause Addison's disease. Classically, hyperpigmentation is associated with the disease, and intraoral pigmentation is perceived as the initial sign and develops earlier than the dermatological pigmentation. The symptoms of the disease usually progress slowly and an event of illness or accident can make the condition worse and may lead to a life-threatening cr...

  5. [Tick-borne diseases]. (United States)

    Tissot Dupont, H; Raoult, D


    Due to their worldwide distribution, from hottest to coldest climates, and due to their behaviour, ticks are capable of transmitting numerous human and animal bacterial viral or parasitous diseases. Depending on the disease, they play the role of biological vector or intermediate host. In France, six tick borne diseases are of epidemiologic importance. Q fever (not often tick-borne), Mediterranean Spotted Fever, Lyme disease, Turalemia (human and animal), Babesiosis and Tick-borne Viral Encephalitis.

  6. Staphylococcal disease in Africa: another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Günther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; Peters, Georg; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Müller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.


    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  7. Staphylococcal disease in Africa : another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Guenther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Mueller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.; Peters, Georg

    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  8. Addison's disease secondary to connective tissue diseases: a report of six cases. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhuo-li; Wang, Yu; Zhou, Wei; Hao, Yan-jie


    Addison's disease is an autoimmune process. However, Addison's disease associated with connective tissue diseases (CTD) is only occasionally reported. Here, we report six cases of Addison's disease secondary to a variety of CTD, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, Takayasu arteritis, systemic sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. The association of Addison's disease with Takayasu arteritis and AS is reported for the first time. We also found high prevalence of hypothyroidism as concomitant autoimmune disorder. Our case series highlight the autoimmune features of Addison's disease. Therefore, we suggest considering adrenal dysfunction in patients with CTD.

  9. Liver disease (United States)

    ... this page: // Liver disease To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The term "liver disease" applies to many conditions that stop the ...

  10. Heart disease and diet (United States)

    Diet - heart disease; CAD - diet; Coronary artery disease - diet; Coronary heart disease - diet ... diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of: Heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke Conditions that lead ...

  11. Morgellons Disease


    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination sho...

  12. Hirschsprung disease. (United States)

    Haricharan, Ramanath N; Georgeson, Keith E


    Hirschsprung disease is a relatively common condition managed by pediatric surgeons. Significant advances have been made in understanding its etiologies in the last decade, especially with the explosion of molecular genetic techniques and early diagnosis. The surgical management has progressed from a two- or three-stage procedure to a primary operation. More recently, definitive surgery for Hirschsprung disease through minimally invasive techniques has gained popularity. In neonates, the advancement of treatment strategies for Hirschsprung disease continues with reduced patient morbidity and improved outcomes.

  13. Dent's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thakker Rajesh V


    Full Text Available Abstract Dent's disease is a renal tubular disorder characterized by manifestations of proximal tubule dysfunction, including low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and progressive renal failure. These features are generally found in males only, and may be present in early childhood, whereas female carriers may show a milder phenotype. Prevalence is unknown; the disorder has been reported in around 250 families to date. Complications such as rickets or osteomalacia may occur. The disease is caused by mutations in either the CLCN5 (Dent disease 1 or OCRL1 (Dent disease 2 genes that are located on chromosome Xp11.22 and Xq25, respectively. CLCN5 encodes the electrogenic Cl-/H+ exchanger ClC-5, which belongs to the CLC family of Cl- channels/transporters. OCRL1 encodes a phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2 5-phosphatase and mutations are also associated with Lowe Syndrome. The phenotype of Dent's disease is explained by the predominant expression of ClC-5 in the proximal tubule segments of the kidney. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been described thus far, and there is considerable intra-familial variability in disease severity. A few patients with Dent's disease do not harbour mutations in CLCN5 and OCRL1, pointing to the involvement of other genes. Diagnosis is based on the presence of all three of the following criteria: low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and at least one of the following: nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones, hematuria, hypophosphatemia or renal insufficiency. Molecular genetic testing confirms the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis includes other causes of generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubules (renal Fanconi syndrome, hereditary, acquired, or caused by exogenous substances. Antenatal diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic testing is not advised. The care of patients with Dent's disease is supportive, focusing on the treatment of hypercalciuria and

  14. DISEASES: text mining and data integration of disease-gene associations. (United States)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi; Binder, Janos X; Jensen, Lars Juhl


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases. The DISEASES resource is accessible through a web interface at, where the text-mining software and all associations are also freely available for download. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Gallstone disease and mortality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Sørensen, Lars Tue; Jørgensen, Torben


    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this cohort study was to determine whether subjects with gallstone disease identified by screening of a general population had increased overall mortality when compared to gallstone-free participants and to explore causes of death. METHODS: The study population (N...... built. RESULTS: Gallstone disease was present in 10%. Mortality was 46% during median 24.7 years of follow-up with 1% lost. Overall mortality and death from cardiovascular diseases were significantly associated to gallstone disease. Death from unknown causes was significantly associated to gallstone...... disease and death from cancer and gastrointestinal disease was not associated. No differences in mortality for ultrasound-proven gallstones or cholecystectomy were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Gallstone disease is associated with increased overall mortality and to death from cardiovascular disease. Gallstones...

  16. Gaucher Disease (United States)

    Gaucher disease is a rare, inherited disorder. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. If you ... affected. It usually starts in childhood or adolescence. Gaucher disease has no cure. Treatment options for types ...

  17. Liver Diseases (United States)

    Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. There are many kinds of liver diseases: Diseases caused by viruses, such as hepatitis ...

  18. Sandhoff Disease (United States)

    ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ...

  19. Coeliac disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reilly, Norelle R; Husby, Steffen; Sanders, David S


    Coeliac disease is increasingly recognized as a global problem in both children and adults. Traditionally, the findings of characteristic changes of villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis identified in duodenal biopsy samples taken during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy have...... been required for diagnosis. Although biopsies remain advised as necessary for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in adults, European guidelines for children provide a biopsy-sparing diagnostic pathway. This approach has been enabled by the high specificity and sensitivity of serological testing. However......, these guidelines are not universally accepted. In this Perspective, we discuss the pros and cons of a biopsy-avoiding pathway for the diagnosis of coeliac disease, especially in this current era of the call for more biopsies, even from the duodenal bulb, in the diagnosis of coeliac disease. In addition, a contrast...

  20. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz | Alzheimer's disease | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz Past Issues / Fall 2010 Table of ... How many people in the United States have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5.1 million as ...

  1. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect Memory? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: La Alimentación y la Deglución, ...

  2. Peptic Ulcer Disease (United States)

    ... Site ACG Patients Home / Digestive Health Topic / Peptic Ulcer Disease Peptic Ulcer Disease Basics Overview An “ulcer” is an open ... for pain in patients at risk for peptic ulcer disease. Peptic – caused by acid. PPIs – P roton P ump ...

  3. Alzheimer disease (United States)

    ... likely need to plan for their loved one's future care. The final phase of the disease may ... disease and other dementias. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine . 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: ...

  4. Celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases in patients with collagenous colitis. (United States)

    Vigren, Lina; Tysk, Curt; Ström, Magnus; Kilander, Anders F; Hjortswang, Henrik; Bohr, Johan; Benoni, Cecilia; Larson, Lasse; Sjöberg, Klas


    Collagenous colitis (CC) is associated with autoimmune disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between CC and autoimmune disorders in a Swedish multicenter study. Patients with CC answered questionnaires about demographic data and disease activity. The patient's files were scrutinized for information about autoimmune diseases. A total number of 116 CC patients were included; 92 women, 24 men, median age 62 years (IQR 55-73). In total, 30.2% had one or more autoimmune disorder. Most common were celiac disease (CeD; 12.9%) and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD, 10.3%), but they also had Sjögren's syndrome (3.4%), diabetes mellitus (1.7%) and conditions in skin and joints (6.0%). Patients with associated autoimmune disease had more often nocturnal stools. The majority of the patients with associated CeD or ATD got these diagnoses before the colitis diagnosis. Autoimmune disorders occurred in one-third of these patients, especially CeD. In classic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease is described in contrast to CC where no cases occurred. Instead, CeD was prevalent, a condition not reported in classic IBD. Patients with an associated autoimmune disease had more symptoms. Patients with CC and CeD had an earlier onset of their colitis. The majority of the patients with both CC and CeD were smokers. Associated autoimmune disease should be contemplated in the follow-up of these patients.

  5. Coronary artery disease in patients with cerebrovascular disease: a prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rokey, R.; Rolak, L.A.; Harati, Y.; Kutka, N.; Verani, M.S.


    Coronary artery disease is the cause of death in most patients who have transient ischemic attacks or stroke. Evaluation for this condition is not routinely performed in such patients, and no prospective studies have been reported. We prospectively examined 50 consecutive patients with transient ischemic attacks or mild stroke to determine the prevalence and importance of coronary artery disease. All patients were examined by a cardiologist and underwent both exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy and exercise radionuclide ventriculography. Sixteen patients were suspected to have coronary artery disease on the basis of clinical evaluation. In 15 of these the was confirmed by the nuclear scans. The remaining 34 patients had no clinical evidence of heart disease, yet 14 had abnormal cardiac scans. Twenty of 22 patients with abnormal scans who underwent cardiac catheterization had significant coronary artery disease or a cardiomyopathy. The discovery of heart disease altered clinical management in 13 patients. Overall, 29 of 50 patients had significant coronary artery disease, compared with a 7% prevalence of the condition in other patients of similar age at the same institution

  6. Genetics and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... Well with Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Studying twins has ... 70%, and for non-identical pairs, even lower. Genetics and ankylosing spondylitis Each rheumatic disease has its ...

  7. What Is Celiac Disease? (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  8. Celiac Disease Changes Everything (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  9. Heart disease - risk factors (United States)

    Heart disease - prevention; CVD - risk factors; Cardiovascular disease - risk factors; Coronary artery disease - risk factors; CAD - risk ... a certain health condition. Some risk factors for heart disease you cannot change, but some you can. ...

  10. Addison Disease (United States)

    ... your blood pressure and water and salt balance. Addison disease happens if the adrenal glands don't make ... A problem with your immune system usually causes Addison disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks your own tissues, ...

  11. Lyme Disease (United States)

    ... spread to the nervous system, causing facial paralysis ( Bell's palsy ), or meningitis. The last stage of Lyme disease ... My Lyme Disease Risk? Bug Bites and Stings Bell's Palsy Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Meningitis View more About ...

  12. Refsum Disease (United States)

    ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ...

  13. Epigenetics of kidney disease. (United States)

    Wanner, Nicola; Bechtel-Walz, Wibke


    DNA methylation and histone modifications determine renal programming and the development and progression of renal disease. The identification of the way in which the renal cell epigenome is altered by environmental modifiers driving the onset and progression of renal diseases has extended our understanding of the pathophysiology of kidney disease progression. In this review, we focus on current knowledge concerning the implications of epigenetic modifications during renal disease from early development to chronic kidney disease progression including renal fibrosis, diabetic nephropathy and the translational potential of identifying new biomarkers and treatments for the prevention and therapy of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease.

  14. Management of adynamic bone disease in chronic kidney disease: A brief review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Swathi K. Sista


    Full Text Available The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO work group released recommendations in 2006 to define the bone-related pathology associated with chronic kidney disease as renal osteodystrophy. In 2009, KDIGO released revised clinical practice guidelines which redefined systemic disorders of bone and mineral metabolism due to chronic kidney disease as chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders. Conditions under this overarching term include osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, and adynamic bone disease. We aim to provide a brief review of the histopathology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and diagnostic features of adynamic bone disease, focusing on current trends in the management of this complex bone disorder.

  15. Parkinson's Disease Videos (United States)

    ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  16. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease: a rare disease with an unusual presentation. (United States)

    Khan, Muhammad Waqas; Hadley, Terrance; Kesler, Melissa; Gul, Zartash


    IgG4-RD can also present in the skeletal muscle, mimicking several other diseases. It is unusual for this relatively new classification of diseases to present in the muscles and can be mistakenly diagnosed as other autoimmune diseases rendering a delay in the appropriate management and progression of the disease.

  17. Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Kidney Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Kidney Disease What's in ... Coping With Kidney Conditions Print What Do the Kidneys Do? You might never think much about some ...

  18. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (United States)

    ... Home Conditions Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Make an Appointment Find a Doctor ... by Barbara Goldstein, MD (February 01, 2016) Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) is a systemic autoimmune disease. This ...

  19. American Lyme Disease Foundation (United States)

    ... Infectious Diseases, 35: 451-464, 2002) What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by ... mission with your own tax-deductible contribution. American Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. PO Box 466 Lyme, CT 06371 ...

  20. Inflammation and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Inflammation and Heart Disease Updated:Jun 13,2017 Understand the risks of ... inflammation causes cardiovascular disease, inflammation is common for heart disease and stroke patients and is thought to be ...

  1. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  2. Sexual transmission of Lyme disease: challenging the tickborne disease paradigm. (United States)

    Stricker, Raphael B; Middelveen, Marianne J


    Lyme disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi has become a major worldwide epidemic. In this article, we explore the clinical, epidemiological and experimental evidence for sexual transmission of Lyme disease in animal models and humans. Although the likelihood of sexual transmission of the Lyme spirochete remains speculative, the possibility of Lyme disease transmission via intimate human contact merits further study.

  3. Hodgkin's disease part 1: pathology, staging, and management of early stage disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauch, Peter; Yahalom, Joachim


    Over the past 25 years there have been dramatic improvements in our understanding of the epidemiology, biology, natural history, and treatment of Hodgkins disease. Hodgkin's disease is one of the few cancers where both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have provided dramatic improvements in cure of this once uniformly fatal disease. Part 1 of the refresher course on Hodgkin's disease will include a review of: 1) New Findings in epidemiology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology of the Reed-Sternberg cell including association with Epstein-Barr virus; 2) Review of pathology including discussions of NS 1 vs NS2, and nodular LP subclassifications; 3) Recommendations for staging including the role of staging laparotomy in Hodgkin's disease; 4) Standard techniques for commonly used radiation therapy fields for Hodgkin's disease and 5) Treatment of early stage Hodgkin's disease including an overview on recent and current clinical trials

  4. Heart disease and women (United States)

    ... this page: // Heart disease and women To use the sharing features on ... please enable JavaScript. People often DO NOT consider heart disease a woman's disease. Yet cardiovascular disease is the ...

  5. Men and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Pressure Salt Cholesterol Million Hearts® WISEWOMAN Men and Heart Disease Fact Sheet Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Source: Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke Heart Disease Facts in Men Heart disease is the leading ...

  6. Digestive Diseases (United States)

    ... Lactose Intolerance Liver Disease Ménétrier’s Disease Microscopic Colitis Ostomy Surgery of the Bowel Pancreatitis Peptic Ulcers (Stomach ... and outreach materials. Clinical Trials Clinical trials offer hope for many people and opportunities to help researchers ...

  7. Viral Disease Networks? (United States)

    Gulbahce, Natali; Yan, Han; Vidal, Marc; Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo


    Viral infections induce multiple perturbations that spread along the links of the biological networks of the host cells. Understanding the impact of these cascading perturbations requires an exhaustive knowledge of the cellular machinery as well as a systems biology approach that reveals how individual components of the cellular system function together. Here we describe an integrative method that provides a new approach to studying virus-human interactions and its correlations with diseases. Our method involves the combined utilization of protein - protein interactions, protein -- DNA interactions, metabolomics and gene - disease associations to build a ``viraldiseasome''. By solely using high-throughput data, we map well-known viral associated diseases and predict new candidate viral diseases. We use microarray data of virus-infected tissues and patient medical history data to further test the implications of the viral diseasome. We apply this method to Epstein-Barr virus and Human Papillomavirus and shed light into molecular development of viral diseases and disease pathways.

  8. Coeliac disease and epilepsy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Whether there is an association between coeliac disease and epilepsy is uncertain. Recently, a syndrome of coeliac disease, occipital lobe epilepsy and cerebral calcification has been described, mostly in Italy. We measured the prevalence of coeliac disease in patients attending a seizure clinic, and investigated whether cerebral calcification occurred in patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy. Screening for coeliac disease was by IgA endomysial antibody, measured by indirect immunofluorescence using sections of human umbilical cord. Of 177 patients screened, four patients were positive. All had small-bowel histology typical of coeliac disease. The overall frequency of coeliac disease in this mixed patient sample was 1 in 44. In a control group of 488 pregnant patients, two serum samples were positive (1 in 244). Sixteen patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy, who had previously attended this hospital, were identified. No patient had cerebral calcification on CT scanning. Coeliac disease appears to occur with increased frequency in patients with epilepsy, and a high index of suspicion should be maintained. Cerebral calcification is not a feature of our patients with epilepsy and coeliac disease, and may be an ethnically-or geographically-restricted finding.

  9. National disease management plans for key chronic non-communicable diseases in Singapore. (United States)

    Tan, C C


    In Singapore, chronic, non-communicable diseases, namely coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer, account for more than 60% of all deaths and a high burden of disability and healthcare expenditure. The burden of these diseases is likely to rise with our rapidly ageing population and changing lifestyles, and will present profound challenges to our healthcare delivery and financing systems over the next 20 to 30 years. The containment and optimal management of these conditions require a strong emphasis on patient education and the development of integrated models of healthcare delivery in place of the present uncoordinated, compartmentalised way of delivering healthcare. To meet these challenges, the Ministry of Health's major thrusts are disease control measures which focus mainly on primary prevention; and disease management, which coordinates the national effort to reduce the incidence of these key diseases and their predisposing factors and to ameliorate their long-term impact by optimising control to reduce mortality, morbidity and complications, and improving functional status through rehabilitation. The key initiatives include restructuring of the public sector healthcare institutions into two clusters, each comprising a network of primary health care polyclinics, regional hospitals and tertiary institutions. The functional integration of these healthcare elements within each cluster under a common senior administrative and professional management, and the development of common clinical IT systems will greatly facilitate the implementation of disease management programmes. Secondly, the Ministry is establishing National Disease Registries in coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, myopia and kidney failure, which will be valuable sources of clinical and outcomes data. Thirdly, in partnership with expert groups, national committees and professional agencies, the Ministry will produce clinical practice guidelines which will assist doctors and healthcare

  10. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Didde; Andreassen, Bente Utoft; Heegaard, Niels Henrik H


    Background: Kidney disease has been reported in adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is regarded an extraintestinal manifestation or more rarely a side effect of the medical treatment. Methods: In this cross-sectional study we describe the extent of kidney pathology in a cohort of 56...... children with IBD. Blood and urine samples were analyzed for markers of kidney disease and ultrasonography was performed to evaluate pole-to-pole kidney length. Results: We found that 25% of the patients had either previously reported kidney disease or ultrasonographic signs of chronic kidney disease...... are at risk of chronic kidney disease, and the risk seems to be increased with the severity of the disease....

  11. Norries disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saini J


    Full Text Available A 2-month-old male infant was found to have Norrie′s disease. The clinical presentation and detailed histological features diagnostic of the disease are discussed. This is the first authentic, histologically proven case of Norrie′s disease from India. The absence of hearing loss and mental retardation at the time of presentation at the early stage of infancy and the fact that the case was sporadic do not detract from the diagnosis. However the child at the age of one year developed hearing loss.

  12. Menkes Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ... arteries. Weakened bones (osteoporosis) may result in fractures. × Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ...

  13. Fabry Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ... severe symptoms similar to males with the disorder. × Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ...

  14. Fifth disease (United States)

    Parvovirus B19; Erythema infectiosum; Slapped cheek rash ... Fifth disease is caused by human parvovirus B19. It often affects preschoolers or school-age children during the spring. The disease spreads through the fluids in the nose and mouth ...

  15. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Hallas, Jesper; Lange, Peter


    We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis (31 vs 21%, P = 0.004), more breathlessness (39 vs 22%, P gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Among individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease, those who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly had an increased risk of COPD exacerbations during follow-up, hazards ratio (HR): HR = 2.7 (1.3-5.4, P = 0.006). Individuals with gastro-esophageal reflux disease, using acid inhibitory treatment regularly did not have an increased risk of exacerbations, HR = 1.2 (0.6-2.7, P = 0.63). Gastro-esophageal reflux disease was associated with an increased risk of medically treated exacerbations of COPD, but only in those individuals who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly. © 2014 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  16. Multi-disease data management system platform for vector-borne diseases.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Eisen


    Full Text Available Emerging information technologies present new opportunities to reduce the burden of malaria, dengue and other infectious diseases. For example, use of a data management system software package can help disease control programs to better manage and analyze their data, and thus enhances their ability to carry out continuous surveillance, monitor interventions and evaluate control program performance.We describe a novel multi-disease data management system platform (hereinafter referred to as the system with current capacity for dengue and malaria that supports data entry, storage and query. It also allows for production of maps and both standardized and customized reports. The system is comprised exclusively of software components that can be distributed without the user incurring licensing costs. It was designed to maximize the ability of the user to adapt the system to local conditions without involvement of software developers. Key points of system adaptability include 1 customizable functionality content by disease, 2 configurable roles and permissions, 3 customizable user interfaces and display labels and 4 configurable information trees including a geographical entity tree and a term tree. The system includes significant portions of functionality that is entirely or in large part re-used across diseases, which provides an economy of scope as new diseases downstream are added to the system at decreased cost.We have developed a system with great potential for aiding disease control programs in their task to reduce the burden of dengue and malaria, including the implementation of integrated vector management programs. Next steps include evaluations of operational implementations of the current system with capacity for dengue and malaria, and the inclusion in the system platform of other important vector-borne diseases.

  17. Disease stage, but not sex, predicts depression and psychological distress in Huntington's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dale, Maria; Maltby, John; Shimozaki, Steve


    OBJECTIVE: Depression and anxiety significantly affect morbidity in Huntington's disease. Mice. models of Huntington's disease have identified sex differences in mood-like behaviours that vary across disease lifespan, but this interaction has not previously been explored in humans with Huntington......'s disease. However, among certain medical populations, evidence of sex differences in mood across various disease stages has been found, reflecting trends among the general population that women tend to experience anxiety and depression 1.5 to 2 times more than men. The current study examined whether...... disease stage and sex, either separately or as an interaction term, predicted anxiety and depression in Huntington's disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of REGISTRY data involving 453 Huntington's disease participants from 12 European countries was undertaken using the Hospital Anxiety...

  18. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robbins, J H; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R E; Polinsky, R J; Nee, L E; Brumback, R A


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death.

  19. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robbins, J.H.; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R.E.; Polinsky, R.J.; Nee, L.E.; Brumback, R.A.


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death. (author)

  20. HIV and Cardiovascular Disease (United States)

    ... Select a Language: Fact Sheet 652 HIV and Cardiovascular Disease HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE WHY SHOULD PEOPLE WITH HIV CARE ABOUT CVD? ... OF CVD? WHAT ABOUT CHANGING MEDICATIONS? HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes a group of problems ...

  1. Diabetes and Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... some in the family will have celiac disease. • Symptoms of celiac disease vary widely, but are often absent in persons ... Abnormal labs XX Diabetes and Celiac Disease | continued CELIAC DISEASE Classic symptoms... Gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, weight loss, anemia. ...

  2. Poorly Responsive Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... Close Celiac Disease Understanding Celiac Disease What is Celiac Disease? Symptoms Screening and Diagnosis Treatment and Follow-Up Dermatitis ... Schuppan D, Kelly CP. Etiologies and predictors of diagnosis in nonresponsive celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5 : 445–50. Finding ...

  3. Early Disseminated Lyme Disease with Carditis Complicated by Posttreatment Lyme Disease Syndrome


    Novak, Cheryl; Harrison, Andrew; Aucott, John


    Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. When untreated, infection may spread to the heart, nervous system, and joints. Cardiac involvement usually manifests as abnormalities of the conduction system and bradycardia. Treatment of Lyme disease is generally effective, with a subset of patients experiencing persistent, sometimes long-term symptoms called posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome.

  4. Autoimmune disease and risk for Parkinson disease A population-based case-control study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rugbjerg, K.; Friis, S.; Ritz, B.


    Objective: Inflammatory mediators are increased in autoimmune diseases and may activate microglia and might cause an inflammatory state and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the brain. Thus, we evaluated whether having an autoimmune disease increases the risk for developing Parkinson disease...... do not support the hypothesis that autoimmune diseases increase the risk for Parkinson disease. The decreased risk observed among patients with rheumatoid arthritis might be explained by underdiagnosis of movement disorders such as Parkinson disease in this patient group or by a protective effect...

  5. diseases free body




    Diseases are very common now a days . It is our food habits itself that causes this diseases. Diseases can cause many health problems. goiter causes and symptoms It is very important to follow healthy food habits and to maintain good health. A healthy body is always a treasure to every person.

  6. Emerging zoonotic viral diseases. (United States)

    Wang, L-F; Crameri, G


    Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases that are naturally transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans and vice versa. They are caused by all types of pathogenic agents, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and prions. Although they have been recognised for many centuries, their impact on public health has increased in the last few decades due to a combination of the success in reducing the spread of human infectious diseases through vaccination and effective therapies and the emergence of novel zoonotic diseases. It is being increasingly recognised that a One Health approach at the human-animal-ecosystem interface is needed for effective investigation, prevention and control of any emerging zoonotic disease. Here, the authors will review the drivers for emergence, highlight some of the high-impact emerging zoonotic diseases of the last two decades and provide examples of novel One Health approaches for disease investigation, prevention and control. Although this review focuses on emerging zoonotic viral diseases, the authors consider that the discussions presented in this paper will be equally applicable to emerging zoonotic diseases of other pathogen types.

  7. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification: disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.


    OBJECTIVES: Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  8. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification : disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.

    Objectives Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  9. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    BACKGROUND: Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first

  10. Pregnancy and periodontal disease


    Sağlam, Ebru; Saruhan, Nesrin; Çanakçı, Cenk Fatih


    Some maternal immunological changes due to pregnancy increases susceptibility to infections. Periodontal disease, the main cause is plaque, is a common disease which is seen multifactorial and varying severity. There are many clinical criteria for diagnosis of periodontal disease. Correlation between pregnancy and periodontal inflammation is known for many years. Periodontal disease affects pregnant’s systemic condition and also has negative effects on fetus. Periodontal disease increases the...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi-Nurul M Dewi-Nurul


    Full Text Available Stress is hypothesized as a common pathway for several related chronic diseases of man. Psychosocial stress as modified by perceptions and coping by patients can lead to physical processes. Psychoneuroimmunologic (PNI studies have suggested that psychosocial stress can alter immune function and increase vulnerability to illnesses. The patients also have high sensitivity to periodontal disease (PD. This article describes the association of stress as a physiological response to diseases such as PD, rheumatoid arthritis (RA, and inflammatory bowel disease. The psychosocial stress can lead to physiological processes through 1 the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis leading to glucocortico-steroid secretion; 2 the autonomic nervous system, resulting in the release of catecholamine; or 3 the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in the release of sex hormones. These processes may affect chronic diseases. It can be concluded that psychosocial stress in periodontal disease patients must be considered and social support must be provided in order to achieve an optimum periodontal therapy result.

  12. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, M.M.; Salama, R.P.


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  13. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rehman, M M; Salama, R P [Ajman Univ. of Science and Technology Network, Abu-Dhabi Campus (United Arab Emirates)


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  14. Celiac disease in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malekzadeh R


    Full Text Available Background: Until a few decades ago, celiac disease was considered to be essentially a disease of European people and to be very rare in Middle Eastern countries. During the last two decades, having met the criteria for the WHO general screening, the advent and application of novel serological assays used to screen for celiac disease and the use of endoscopic small bowel biopsy have led to increasing numbers of diagnoses of celiac disease in western countries. With this new data, our knowledge on both the clinical pattern and epidemiology of celiac disease has increased, and is now known to be a relatively common autoimmune disorder. Studies performed in different parts of the developing world have shown that the prevalence of celiac disease in this area is similar to or even higher than that in western countries. In fact, celiac disease is known to be the most common form of chronic diarrhea in Iran. However, contrary to common belief, celiac disease is more than a pure digestive alteration. It is a protean systemic disease, and, with a 95 percent genetic predisposition, has a myriad of symptoms including gastrointestinal, dermatological, dental, neurological and behavioral that can occur at a variety of ages. Monosymptomatic, oligosymptomatic, atypical (without gastrointestinal symptoms, silent and latent forms of celiac disease have been identified. In this study we review the epidemiology of celiac disease based on the studies performed in Iran and discuss its pathogenesis, the role of antibodies in the diagnosis of celiac disease and the importance of its diagnosis and treatment in Iran.

  15. The link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Said, Sarmad; Hernandez, German T


    It is well known that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a strong risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the excess risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD is only partially explained by the presence of traditional risk factors, such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO and Web of Science has been searched. Chronic kidney disease even in its early stages can cause hypertension and potentiate the risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the practice of intensive blood pressure lowering was criticized in recent systematic reviews. Available evidence is inconclusive but does not prove that a blood pressure target of less than 130/80 mmHg as recommended in the guidelines improves clinical outcomes more than a target of less than 140/90 mmHg in adults with CKD. The association between CKD and CVD has been extensively documented in the literature. Both CKD and CVD share common traditional risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. However, cardiovascular disease remains often underdiagnosed und undertreated in patients with CKD. It is imperative that as clinicians, we recognize that patients with CKD are a group at high risk for developing CVD and cardiovascular events. Additional studies devoted to further understand the risk factors for CVD in patients with CKD are necessary to develop and institute preventative and treatment strategies to reduce the high morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD.

  16. Leigh's Disease (United States)

    ... X-linked form of Leigh’s disease, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be recommended. View Full Treatment Information Definition Leigh's disease is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder that affects the central nervous system. This progressive disorder begins in infants between the ...

  17. Parasitic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Foundations of roentgenological semiotics of parasitic diseases of lungs, w hich are of the greatest practical value, are presented. Roentgenological pictu res of the following parasitic diseases: hydatid and alveolar echinococcosis, pa ragonimiasis, toxoplasmosis, ascariasis, amebiasis, bilharziasis (Schistosomias is) of lungs, are considered

  18. Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer NMR-Methoden: Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern und Metabonomics


    Büchler, Silke


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern, sowie die Etablierung von Metabonomics-Studien an Flüssigzellkulturen und Reispflanzen.

  19. Konzepte und Methoden zur Qualitätssicherung bei der Produktion von hypertextuellen Online-Lernumgebungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Swertz


    Full Text Available Die didaktische Ontologie der Webdidaktik ermöglicht die Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen und Ergebnissen bei der Produktion von Online- Lernumgebungen. Die Qualität wird durch die am pädagogischen Prozess beteiligten Menschen bestimmt. Der Qualitätssicherungsprozess kann durch Software unterstützt werden. Für diese Prozesse der Qualitätssicherung bringt der Autor Beispiele aus dem Lerndorf ( und der Lernumgebung des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt geförderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt «Zentrum für Umweltwissen und Bildung» (ZUB.

  20. Mesoscopic distinct element method-enabled multiscale computational design of carbon nanotube-based composite materials (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — There is a sustained effort to develop super-lightweight composites by using polymer impregnation of carbon nanotube (CNT) sheets. This promising area is still in...

  1. Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Bestimmung von Selen-Spezies in human-biologischem Material


    Jäger, Thomas


    Selen ist essentieller Bestandteil von mehr als 25 physiologisch wichtigen menschlichen Enzymen. Der tägliche Bedarf wird überwiegend in Form von organischen Selenverbindungen wie Selenmethionin oder Selenocystein aus der Nahrung aufgenommen. Weitere Expositionswege sind die Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zur Selensupplementation sowie die inhalative oder dermale Aufnahme von in erster Linie anorganischen Selenverbindungen oder elementarem Selen an Arbeitsplätzen der Selen-verarbeiten...

  2. Menopause and Rheumatic Disease. (United States)

    Talsania, Mitali; Scofield, Robert Hal


    Menopause occurs naturally in women at about 50 years of age. There is a wealth of data concerning the relationship of menopause to systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis; there are limited data concerning other rheumatic diseases. Age at menopause may affect the risk and course of rheumatic diseases. Osteoporosis, an integral part of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, is made worse by menopause. Hormone replacement therapy has been studied; its effects vary depending on the disease and even different manifestations within the same disease. Cyclophosphamide can induce early menopause, but there is underlying decreased ovarian reserve in rheumatic diseases. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Minderhoud, I.M.


    Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). IBD patients frequently complain of fatigue, and a substantial proportion of the patients have

  4. Disease Compass- a navigation system for disease knowledge based on ontology and linked data techniques. (United States)

    Kozaki, Kouji; Yamagata, Yuki; Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko


    Medical ontologies are expected to contribute to the effective use of medical information resources that store considerable amount of data. In this study, we focused on disease ontology because the complicated mechanisms of diseases are related to concepts across various medical domains. The authors developed a River Flow Model (RFM) of diseases, which captures diseases as the causal chains of abnormal states. It represents causes of diseases, disease progression, and downstream consequences of diseases, which is compliant with the intuition of medical experts. In this paper, we discuss a fact repository for causal chains of disease based on the disease ontology. It could be a valuable knowledge base for advanced medical information systems. We developed the fact repository for causal chains of diseases based on our disease ontology and abnormality ontology. This section summarizes these two ontologies. It is developed as linked data so that information scientists can access it using SPARQL queries through an Resource Description Framework (RDF) model for causal chain of diseases. We designed the RDF model as an implementation of the RFM for the fact repository based on the ontological definitions of the RFM. 1554 diseases and 7080 abnormal states in six major clinical areas, which are extracted from the disease ontology, are published as linked data (RDF) with SPARQL endpoint (accessible API). Furthermore, the authors developed Disease Compass, a navigation system for disease knowledge. Disease Compass can browse the causal chains of a disease and obtain related information, including abnormal states, through two web services that provide general information from linked data, such as DBpedia, and 3D anatomical images. Disease Compass can provide a complete picture of disease-associated processes in such a way that fits with a clinician's understanding of diseases. Therefore, it supports user exploration of disease knowledge with access to pertinent information

  5. Pharmacological treatments and infectious diseases in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Dipasquale, Valeria; Romano, Claudio


    The incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising, as is the employment of immunosuppressive and biological drugs. Most patients with IBD receive immunosuppressive therapies during the course of the disease. These molecules are a double-edged sword; while they can help control disease activity, they also increase the risk of infections. Therefore, it is important that pediatricians involved in primary care, pediatric gastroenterologists, and infectious disease physicians have a thorough knowledge of the infections that can affect patients with IBD. Areas covered: A broad review of the major infectious diseases that have been reported in children and adolescents with IBD was performed, and information regarding surveillance, diagnosis and management were updated. The possible correlations with IBD pharmacological tools are discussed. Expert commentary: Opportunistic infections are possible in pediatric IBD, and immunosuppressive and immunomodulator therapy seems to play a causative role. Heightened awareness and vigilant surveillance leading to prompt diagnosis and treatment are important for optimal management.

  6. Crohn's disease. (United States)

    von Roon, Alexander C; Reese, George E; Orchard, Timothy R; Tekkis, Paris P


    Crohn's disease is a long-term chronic condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterised by transmural, granulomatous inflammation that occurs in a discontinuous pattern, with a tendency to form fistulae. The cause is unknown but may depend on interactions between genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and mucosal immunity. We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of medical treatments in adults to induce remission in Crohn's disease? What are the effects of lifestyle interventions in adults with Crohn's disease to maintain remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with small-bowel Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with colonic Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of medical interventions to maintain remission in adults with Crohn's disease; and to maintain remission following surgery? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to March 2006 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 60 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: aminosalicylates, antibiotics, azathioprine/mercaptopurine, ciclosporin, corticosteroids (oral), enteral nutrition, fish oil, infliximab, methotrexate, probiotics, resection, segmental colectomy, smoking cessation, and strictureplasty.

  7. Ollier disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jüppner Harald


    Full Text Available Abstract Enchondromas are common intraosseous, usually benign cartilaginous tumors, that develop in close proximity to growth plate cartilage. When multiple enchondromas are present, the condition is called enchondromatosis also known as Ollier disease (WHO terminology. The estimated prevalence of Ollier disease is 1/100,000. Clinical manifestations often appear in the first decade of life. Ollier disease is characterized by an asymmetric distribution of cartilage lesions and these can be extremely variable (in terms of size, number, location, evolution of enchondromas, age of onset and of diagnosis, requirement for surgery. Clinical problems caused by enchondromas include skeletal deformities, limb-length discrepancy, and the potential risk for malignant change to chondrosarcoma. The condition in which multiple enchondromatosis is associated with soft tissue hemangiomas is known as Maffucci syndrome. Until now both Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome have only occurred in isolated patients and not familial. It remains uncertain whether the disorder is caused by a single gene defect or by combinations of (germ-line and/or somatic mutations. The diagnosis is based on clinical and conventional radiological evaluations. Histological analysis has a limited role and is mainly used if malignancy is suspected. There is no medical treatment for enchondromatosis. Surgery is indicated in case of complications (pathological fractures, growth defect, malignant transformation. The prognosis for Ollier disease is difficult to assess. As is generally the case, forms with an early onset appear more severe. Enchondromas in Ollier disease present a risk of malignant transformation of enchondromas into chondrosarcomas.

  8. Prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Clinical presentation at diagnosis and disease course of both Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis are heterogeneous and variable over time. Since most patients have a relapsing course and most CD patients develop complications (e.g. stricture and/or perforation), much emphasis has been placed in the recent years on the determination of important predictive factors. The identification of these factors may eventually lead to a more personalized, tailored therapy. In this TOPIC HIGHLIGHT series, we provide an update on the available literature regarding important clinical, endoscopic, fecal, serological/routine laboratory and genetic factors. Our aim is to assist clinicians in the everyday practical decision-making when choosing the treatment strategy for their patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.

  9. Glomerular Disease in Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kate Wiles


    Full Text Available Gender differences exist in the prevalence of glomerular diseases. Data based on histological diagnosis underestimate the prevalence of preeclampsia, which is almost certainly the commonest glomerular disease in the world, and uniquely gender-specific. Glomerular disease affects fertility via disease activity, the therapeutic use of cyclophosphamide, and underlying chronic kidney disease. Techniques to preserve fertility during chemotherapy and risk minimization of artificial reproductive techniques are considered. The risks, benefits, and effectiveness of different contraceptive methods for women with glomerular disease are outlined. Glomerular disease increases the risk of adverse outcomes in pregnancy, including preeclampsia; yet, diagnosis of preeclampsia is complicated by the presence of hypertension and proteinuria that precede pregnancy. The role of renal biopsy in pregnancy is examined, in addition to the use of emerging angiogenic biomarkers. The safety of drugs prescribed for glomerular disease in relation to reproductive health is detailed. The impact of both gender and pregnancy on long-term prognosis is discussed.

  10. Liver disease in pregnancy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Noel M Lee; Carla W Brady


    Liver diseases in pregnancy may be categorized into liver disorders that occur only in the setting of pregnancy and liver diseases that occur coincidentally with pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum, preeclampsia/eclampsia, syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver tests and low platelets (HELLP), acute fatty liver of pregnancy, and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy are pregnancy-specific disorders that may cause elevations in liver tests and hepatic dysfunction. Chronic liver diseases, including cholestatic liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson disease, and viral hepatitis may also be seen in pregnancy. Management of liver disease in pregnancy requires collaboration between obstetricians and gastroenterologists/hepatologists. Treatment of pregnancy-specific liver disorders usually involves delivery of the fetus and supportive care, whereas management of chronic liver disease in pregnancy is directed toward optimizing control of the liver disorder. Cirrhosis in the setting of pregnancy is less commonly observed but offers unique challenges for patients and practitioners. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of liver diseases seen in pregnancy.

  11. Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Braks, M.; Medlock, J. M.; Hubálek, Zdeněk; Hjertqvist, M.; Perrin, Y.; Lancelot, R.; Duchyene, E.; Hendrickx, G.; Stroo, A.; Heyman, P.; Sprong, H.


    Roč. 2, č. 280 (2014), s. 280 ISSN 2296-2565 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : disease burden * emerging diseases * one health * surveillance * threat * vector-borne diseases Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology

  12. [Knowledge of vector-borne diseases (dengue, rickettsiosis and Chagas disease) in physicians]. (United States)

    Lugo-Caballero, César I; Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Dzul-Tut, Irving; Balam-May, Ángel; Zavala-Castro, Jorge


    The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. As the epidemiological burden of these diseases shows an alarming increase of severe cases, the early establishment of diagnosis and therapeutics by first-contact physicians is a critical step that is not being fulfilled due to several reasons, including poor knowledge. To determine the level of knowledge related to dengue, Chagas disease, and rickettsiosis among rural first-contact physicians of Yucatan. A survey was applied to 90 first-contact physicians from rural clinics of Yucatan, which included 32 items related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. Answers were analyzed by central tendency statistics. Differences were observed among every category, however; diagnosis and therapeutics showed the lower values. Globally, 62.5% of respondents showed moderate knowledge, 37.5% poor knowledge, and 0% adequate knowledge. Results suggest that a strong campaign for a continuous diffusion of knowledge regarding these diseases is needed. In regions with high prevalence of these kinds of diseases, like Yucatan, the impact of these results on the epidemiological burden of these diseases must be evaluated.

  13. Parasitogenic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Radiological semiotics of parasitogenic diseases of the intestinal tract is presented. The problem of radiological examination in the case of the diseases consists in the determination of the large intestine state, depth and extension of lesions, and also in solution of treatment efficiency problem

  14. Batten Disease (United States)

    ... the country. NIH is the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. Much of NINDS’ research on Batten disease and the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses focuses on gaining a better understanding of the disease, gene therapy, and developing novel drugs to treat the disorders. ...

  15. Coeliac disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 8, 2013 ... Two factors are involved in the development of coeliac disease, namely the ... degradation by gastric, pancreatic and intestinal brush ... epithelial layer with chronic inflammatory cells in patients ... Coeliac disease increases the risk of malignancies, such as small bowel adenocarcinoma and enteropathy-.

  16. Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Shanahan, Fergus


    Crohn\\'s disease is a disorder mediated by T lymphocytes which arises in genetically susceptible individuals as a result of a breakdown in the regulatory constraints on mucosal immune responses to enteric bacteria. Regulation of immune reactivity to enteric antigens has improved understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of Crohn\\'s disease, and has expanded therapeutic options for patients with this disorder. Disease heterogeneity is probable, with various underlying defects associated with a similar pathophysiological outcome. Although most conventional drug treatments are directed at modification of host response, therapeutic manipulation of the enteric flora is becoming a realistic option.

  17. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Chomeili, Bashir; Aminzadeh, Majid; Hardani, Amir Kamal; Fathizadeh, Payam; Chomeili, Pooya; Azaran, Azarakhsh


    Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G) were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years) with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16) all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases) were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated) in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  18. A study on periodontal disease and systemic disease relationship a hospital based study in Bangalore

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with various systemic conditions like Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Respiratory disease, Liver cirrhosis, Bacterial Pneumonia, Nutritional deficiencies and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: To assess the periodontal disease among patients with systemic disease/conditions. Materials and Method: A total of 500 patients with systemic disease/conditions (Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Respiratory disease and Renal disease and 500-age and gender matched controls without systemic disease/conditions were selected from the Government Hospitals in Bangalore City. The medical conditions were recorded and the periodontal status of the study population was assessed using the CPITN index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN Code 4 was found to be more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions (46.2%. The mean number of sextants with CPITN code 3 and 4 were more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions. The prevalence of CPITN code was found to be more among the patients with Respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants was found to be more among the patients with Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Renal disease. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the systemic diseases/conditions are associated with higher severity of periodontal disease.

  19. Armillaria Root Disease (United States)

    R.E. Williams; C.G. III Shaw; P.M. Wargo; W.H. Sites


    Armillaria root disease is found throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. In the continental United States, the disease has been reported in nearly every State. Hosts include hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, vines, and forbs growing in forests, along roadsides, and in cultivated areas. The disease is caused by fungi, which live as parasites on...

  20. NCBI disease corpus: a resource for disease name recognition and concept normalization. (United States)

    Doğan, Rezarta Islamaj; Leaman, Robert; Lu, Zhiyong


    Information encoded in natural language in biomedical literature publications is only useful if efficient and reliable ways of accessing and analyzing that information are available. Natural language processing and text mining tools are therefore essential for extracting valuable information, however, the development of powerful, highly effective tools to automatically detect central biomedical concepts such as diseases is conditional on the availability of annotated corpora. This paper presents the disease name and concept annotations of the NCBI disease corpus, a collection of 793 PubMed abstracts fully annotated at the mention and concept level to serve as a research resource for the biomedical natural language processing community. Each PubMed abstract was manually annotated by two annotators with disease mentions and their corresponding concepts in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM®). Manual curation was performed using PubTator, which allowed the use of pre-annotations as a pre-step to manual annotations. Fourteen annotators were randomly paired and differing annotations were discussed for reaching a consensus in two annotation phases. In this setting, a high inter-annotator agreement was observed. Finally, all results were checked against annotations of the rest of the corpus to assure corpus-wide consistency. The public release of the NCBI disease corpus contains 6892 disease mentions, which are mapped to 790 unique disease concepts. Of these, 88% link to a MeSH identifier, while the rest contain an OMIM identifier. We were able to link 91% of the mentions to a single disease concept, while the rest are described as a combination of concepts. In order to help researchers use the corpus to design and test disease identification methods, we have prepared the corpus as training, testing and development sets. To demonstrate its utility, we conducted a benchmarking experiment where we compared three different

  1. Applications of Neuroimaging to Disease-Modification Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adam S. Fleisher


    Full Text Available Critical to development of new therapies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD is the ability to detect clinical or pathological change over time. Clinical outcome measures typically used in therapeutic trials have unfortunately proven to be relatively variable and somewhat insensitive to change in this slowly progressive disease. For this reason, development of surrogate biomarkers that identify significant disease-associated brain changes are necessary to expedite treatment development in AD. Since AD pathology is present in the brain many years prior to clinical manifestation, ideally we want to develop biomarkers of disease that identify abnormal brain structure or function even prior to cognitive decline. Magnetic resonance imaging, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, new amyloid imaging techniques, and spinal fluid markers of AD all have great potential to provide surrogate endpoint measures for AD pathology. The Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI was developed for the distinct purpose of evaluating surrogate biomarkers for drug development in AD. Recent evidence from ADNI demonstrates that imaging may provide more sensitive, and earlier, measures of disease progression than traditional clinical measures for powering clinical drug trials in Alzheimer's disease. This review discusses recently presented data from the ADNI dataset, and the importance of imaging in the future of drug development in AD.

  2. Huntington's Disease (United States)

    ... monitor a disease) for HD. A large and related NINDS-supported study aims to identify additional genetic factors in people that influence the course of the disease. Other research hopes to identify variations in the genomes of individuals with HD that may point to new targets ...

  3. Immunologic lung disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harman, E.M.


    The term immunologic lung disease comprises a broad spectrum of disease. The authors have covered a few entities in which recent studies have been particularly helpful in elucidating pathophysiology though not in uncovering the inciting cause. Common to all of these entities is the problem of finding appropriate methods of defining disease activity and response to treatment. As exemplified by the improved outlook for Goodpasture's syndrome with elucidation of its underlying immunopathology, it is likely that better understanding of the immunologic basis of sarcoid and interstitial disease may be helpful in planning more effective treatment strategies. 44 references

  4. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD...... applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. RESULTS: Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis...... and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We...

  5. Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Inflammation in End Stage Kidney Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Zyga


    Full Text Available Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD is one of the most severe diseases worldwide. In patients affected by CKD, a progressive destruction of the nephrons is observed not only in structuralbut also in functional level. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease of large and medium-sized arteries. It is characterized by the deposition of lipids and fibrous elements and is a common complication of the uremic syndrome because of the coexistence of a wide range of risk factors. High blood pressure, anaemia, insulin resistance, inflammation, high oxidative stress are some of the most common factors that cause cardiovascular disease and atherogenesis in patients suffering from End Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD. At the same time, the inflammatory process constitutes a common element in the apparition and development of CKD. A wide range of possible causes can justify the development of inflammation under uremic conditions. Such causes are oxidative stress, oxidation, coexistentpathological conditions as well as factors that are due to renal clearance techniques. Patients in ESRD and coronary disease usually show increased acute phase products. Pre-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and TNF-a, and acute phase reactants, such as CRP and fibrinogen, are closely related. The treatment of chronic inflammation in CKD is of high importance for the development ofthe disease as well as for the treatment of cardiovascular morbidity.Conclusions: The treatment factors focus on the use of renin-angiotensic system inhibitors, acetylsalicylic acid, statins and anti-oxidant treatment in order to prevent the action of inflammatorycytokines that have the ability to activate the mechanisms of inflammation.

  6. Musculoskeletal Findings in Behcet's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Bicer


    Full Text Available Behcet's disease is a multisystem disease characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, relapsing uveitis, mucocutaneous, articular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and vascular manifestations. Rheumatologic manifestations may also occur in Behcet's disease, and arthritis and arthralgia are the most common musculoskeletal findings followed by enthesopathy, avascular necrosis, myalgia, and myositis. Although the main pathology of Behcet's disease has been known to be the underlying vasculitis, the etiology and exact pathogenesis of the disease are still unclear. Musculoskeletal findings of Behcet's disease, the relationship between Behcet's disease and spondyloarthropathy disease complex, and the status of bone metabolism in patients with Behcet's disease were discussed in this paper.

  7. Foot-and-Mouth Disease


    Grubman, Marvin J.; Baxt, Barry


    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. The disease was initially described in the 16th century and was the first animal pathogen identified as a virus. Recent FMD outbreaks in developed countries and their significant economic impact have increased the concern of governments worldwide. This review describes the reemergence of FMD in developed countries that had been disease free for many years and the effect that this has had on disease control s...

  8. Survey of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Members About Congenital Chagas Disease. (United States)

    Edwards, Morven S; Abanyie, Francisca A; Montgomery, Susan P


    Participants in a survey about congenital Chagas disease, distributed electronically to Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society members, perceived having limited knowledge about congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Most rarely or never consider the diagnosis in infants born to parents from Latin America. Improved awareness of congenital Chagas disease and assessment of at-risk infants is needed.

  9. Liver Disease (United States)

    ... and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of factors that damage the ... that you can't stay still. Causes Liver disease has many ... or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with a person who is ...

  10. Dutch elm disease (United States)

    James W. Walters


    Since its discovery in the United States in 1930, Dutch elm disease has killed thousands of native elms. The three native elms, American, slippery, and rock, have little or no resistance to Dutch elm disease, but individual trees within each species vary in susceptibility to the disease. The most important of these, American elm, is scattered in upland stands but is...

  11. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bashir Chomeili


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. METHODS: Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. RESULTS: A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16 all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  12. Interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medina, Yimy F; Restrepo, Jose Felix; Iglesias, Antonio; Ojeda, Paulina; Matiz, Carlos


    An interstitial lung disease (ILD) belongs to a group of diffuse parenchyma lung diseases it should be differentiated from other pathologies among those are idiopathic and ILD associated to connective tissue diseases (CTD) New concepts have been developed in the last years and they have been classified in seven defined subgroups. It has been described the association of each one of these subgroups with CTD. Natural history and other aspects of its treatment is not known completely .For complete diagnose it is required clinical, image and histopathologic approaches. The biopsy lung plays an essential role. It is important to promote and to stimulate the subclasification of each subgroup with the purpose of knowing their natural history directing the treatment and to improve their outcome

  13. Type I Gaucher disease: extraosseous extension of skeletal disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poll, L.W.; Koch, J.A.; Moedder, U.; Dahl, S. vom; Haeussinger, D.; Sarbia, M.; Niederau, C.


    Objective. To investigate the frequency and morphology of extraosseous extension in patients with Gaucher disease type I.Design and patients. MRI examinations of the lower extremities were analyzed in 70 patients with Gaucher disease type I. Additionally, the thoracic spine and the midface were investigated on MRI in two patients.Results. Four cases are presented in which patients with Gaucher disease type I and severe skeletal involvement developed destruction or protrusion of the cortex with extraosseous extension into soft tissues. In one patient, Gaucher cell deposits destroyed the cortex of the mandible and extended into the masseter muscle. In the second patient, multiple paravertebral masses with localized destruction of the cortex were apparent in the thoracic spine. In the third and fourth patient, cortical destruction with extraosseous tissue extending into soft tissues was seen in the lower limbs.Conclusions. Extraosseous extension is a rare manifestation of Gaucher bone disease. While an increased risk of cancer, especially hematopoietic in origin, is known in patients with Gaucher disease, these extraosseous benign manifestations that may mimic malignant processes should be considered in the differential diagnosis of extraosseous extension into soft tissues. A narrow neck of tissue was apparent in all cases connecting bone and extraosseous extensions. (orig.)

  14. Glaucoma and Alzheimer Disease: A Single Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease of the Brain. (United States)

    Mancino, Raffaele; Martucci, Alessio; Cesareo, Massimo; Giannini, Clarissa; Corasaniti, Maria Tiziana; Bagetta, Giacinto; Nucci, Carlo


    Open Angle Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide. Elevated intraocular pressure is considered an important risk factor for glaucoma, however a subset of patients experience disease progression even in presence of normal intraocular pressure values. This implies that risk factors other than intraocular pressure are involved in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. A possible relationship between glaucoma and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer Disease has been suggested. In this regard, we have recently described a high prevalence of alterations typical of glaucoma, using Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph-3 (HRT-3), in a group of patients with Alzheimer Disease. Interestingly, these alterations were not associated with elevated intraocular pressure or abnormal Central Corneal Thickness values. Alzheimer Disease is the most common form of dementia associated with progressive deterioration of memory and cognition. Complaints related to vision are common among Alzheimer Disease patients. Features common to both diseases, including risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms, gleaned from the recent literature do suggest that Alzheimer Disease and glaucoma can be considered age-related neurodegenerative diseases that may co-exist in the elderly. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  15. Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Presentation and Disease Location. (United States)

    Aziz, Danish Abdul; Moin, Maryum; Majeed, Atif; Sadiq, Kamran; Biloo, Abdul Gaffar


    To determine different clinical presentationsand disease location demarcatedby upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopyand relevant histopathologyin children diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This is 5 years (2010 to 2015) retrospective studyconducted at the Aga Khan University Hospitalenrolling65admitted children between 6 months to 15years from either gender, diagnosed with IBD on clinical presentation, endoscopy and biopsy. Different clinical presentations at the time of diagnosis were noted in different categories of the disease. All patients underwent upper and lower (up to the terminal ileum) endoscopy with multiple punch biopsies and histologic assessment of mucosal specimens. All endoscopies were done by paediatric gastroenterologists at endoscopy suite of the hospital and all specimens were reported by the pathology department. ESPGHAN revised criteria for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in children and an adolescent was used to standardize our diagnosis. Extent of disease on endoscopy and relevant histopathology of the biopsy samples were noted at the time of diagnosis. Data was summarized using mean, standard deviation, numbers and percentages for different variables. Total 56 children were enrolled according to inclusion criteria. There were 34children (61.53%) diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC), 10 patients (16.92%) had Crohn'sDisease (CD) and 11 (21.53%) patients were labeled as Indeterminate colitis (IC). Mean age at onset of symptoms was10.03±2.44 and mean age at diagnosis was11.10±2.36. Abdominal pain (80%) and chronic diarrhea (70%) were common symptoms in CD whereas bloody diarrhea (79.41%) and rectal bleeding(64.70%)were common presentation in UC. Patients diagnosed with indeterminate colitis(IC) had similar clinical features as in UC patients. Only 7% patients had some extra-intestinal features in the form of joint pain and/or uveitis. Aspartate aminotransferase level (95.18 ±12.89) was relatively high in

  16. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Čiháková


    Full Text Available Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs.

  17. [Post-Lyme disease syndrome]. (United States)

    Błaut-Jurkowska, Justyna; Jurkowski, Marcin


    Lyme disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria, spirochete of the Borrelia type. Skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart may be involved in the course of the disease. The prognosis for properly treated Lyme disease is usually good. However, in about 5% of patients so called Post-Lyme disease syndrome (PLSD) develops. It is defined as a syndrome of subjective symptoms persisting despite proper treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and problems with memory and concentration. Pathogenesis of PLDS remains unknown. The differential diagnosis should include neurological, rheumatic and mental diseases. Till now there is no causative treatment of PLDS. In relieving symptom rehabilitation, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antidepressants medicines are recommended. Emotional and psychological supports are also necessary. Non-specific symptoms reported by patients with post- Lyme disease syndrome raise the suspicion of other pathologies. This can lead to misdiagnosis and implementation of unnecessary, potentially harmful to the patient's therapy. An increase in tick-borne diseases needs to increase physicians awareness of these issues. © 2016 MEDPRESS.

  18. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    Diny, Nicola L.; Rose, Noel R.; Čiháková, Daniela


    Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs. PMID:28496445

  19. Vector-borne disease intelligence: Strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marieta eBraks


    Full Text Available Owing to the complex nature of vector-borne diseases, whereby monitoring of human case patients does not suffice, public health authorities experience challenges in surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Knowledge on the presence and distribution of vectors and the pathogens they transmit is vital to a risk assessment process to permit effective early warning, surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Upon accepting this reality, public health authorities face the phenomenon of an exponential rise in the number of possible surveillance targets and how to decide which are essential. Here, . we propose a comprehensive approach that integrates three surveillance strategies: population-based surveillance, disease-based surveillance and context-based surveillance for EU member states to tailor the best surveillance strategy for control of vector-borne diseases in their geographic region. By classifying the surveillance structure into 5 different contexts, we hope to provide guidance in optimizing surveillance efforts. Contextual surveillance strategies for vector-borne diseases entail combining organization and data collection approaches that result in disease intelligence rather than a preset static structure.

  20. Mobilisation and realisation concepts for increased local activities in the fields of energy conservation and climate protection. Final report about the second subsidy period; Mobilisierungs- und Umsetzungskonzepte fuer verstaerkte kommunale Energiespar- und Klimaschutzaktivitaeten. Endbericht zur zweiten Foerderperiode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boede, U.; Frahm, T.; Gruber, E. [and others


    Forschungsansatz war akteurs- sowie prozessorientiert und interdisziplinaer. Zentrales Ziel war die Entwicklung wissenschaftlich fundierter, praxisrelevanter Strategien fuer Akteure auf kommunaler Ebene. Energiespar- und Klimaschutzaktivitaeten auf kommunaler Ebene wurden als Untersuchungsgegenstand ausgewaehlt, da dort erhebliche bisher nur unzureichend ausgeschoepfte Potentiale zur Minderung von CO{sub 2}- und anderen Treibhausgasemissionen bestehen und gute Umsetzungsbedingungen vorliegen. Das Grundverstaendnis: Der Untersuchungsgegenstand 'Klimaschutz' wird als sozialer Lernprozess verstanden. Ausgangspunkt fuer Klimaschutzmassnahmen ist die Motivationsphase (Handlungsbereitschaft). Darauf folgt die Planung und nach der Entscheidung fuer eine der Optionen die Umsetzung. Endpunkt ist die Auswertung der Ergebnisse, die gleichzeitig auch einen Einstieg in eine neuen Umsetzungszyklus sein kann. Die Methoden: Im Projekt wird der Aktions- und Handlungsforschungsansatz auf das Problemfeld 'Veraenderungsmoeglichkeiten im Klimaschutz' aufgewandt. Das bedeutet erstens, dass nicht nur mit unterschiedlichsten Methoden die Bedingungen und Wirkungen verschiedener Formen sozialen Handelns untersucht werden, sondern die Forschenden als Interaktionspartner/innen auch in konkrete soziale Handlungsprozesse eingebunden sind. Zweitens wird eng mit den Akteuren vor Ort zusammengearbeitet (z.T. auch in Partizipationsprozessen). Fuer die empirischen Untersuchungen wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Erhebung, Prozessbeobachtung, Aktivierung bzw. Intervention und Evaluation herangezogen. (orig.)

  1. Diseases of the skull

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koval', G.Yu.


    Different forms of skull diseases viz. inflammatory diseases, skull tumors, primary and secondary bone tumors, are considered. Roentgenograms in some above-mentioned diseases are presented and analysed

  2. Incidence, disease phenotype at diagnosis, and early disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases in Western Hungary, 2002-2006. (United States)

    Lakatos, Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S; David, Gyula; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Mester, Gabor; Balogh, Mihaly; Szipocs, Istvan; Molnar, Csaba; Komaromi, Erzsebet; Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Recent trends indicate a change in the epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), with previously low incidence areas now reporting a progressive rise in the incidence. Our aim was to analyze the incidence and disease phenotype at diagnosis in IBD in the population-based Veszprem Province database, which included incident patients diagnosed between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006. Data of 393 incident patients were analyzed (ulcerative colitis [UC]: 220, age-at-diagnosis: 40.5 years; Crohn's disease [CD]: 163, age-at-diagnosis: 32.5 years; and indeterminate colitis [IC]: 10). Both hospital and outpatient records were collected and comprehensively reviewed. Adjusted mean incidence rates were 8.9/10(5) person-years for CD and 11.9/10(5) person-years in UC. Peak onset age in both CD and UC patients was 21-30 years old. Location at diagnosis in UC was proctitis in 26.8%, left-sided colitis in 50.9%, and pancolitis in 22.3%. The probability of proximal extension and colectomy after 5 years was 12.7% and 2.8%. The disease location in CD was ileal in 20.2%, colonic in 35.6%, ileocolonic in 44.2%, and upper gastrointestinal in four patients. Behavior at diagnosis was stenosing/penetrating in 35.6% and perianal in 11.1%. Patients with colonic disease were older at diagnosis compared to patients with ileal or ileocolonic disease. In a Kaplan-Meier analysis, probability of surgical resection was 9.8%, 18.5%, and 21.3% after 1, 3, and 5 years of disease duration, respectively. The incidence of IBD in Veszprem Province in the last decade was high, equal to that in high-incidence areas in Western European countries. Early disease course is milder compared to data reported in the literature. Copyright © 2011 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.

  3. Neuroimaging of Alzheimer's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Hiroshi


    Main purposes of neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease have been moved from diagnosis of advanced Alzheimer's disease to diagnosis of very early Alzheimer's disease at a prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment, prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease, and differential diagnosis from other diseases causing dementia. Structural MRI studies and functional studies using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET and brain perfusion SPECT are widely used in diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Outstanding progress in diagnostic accuracy of these neuroimaging modalities has been obtained using statistical analysis on a voxel-by-voxel basis after spatial normalization of individual scans to a standardized brain-volume template instead of visual inspection or a conventional region of interest technique. In a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease, this statistical approach revealed gray matter loss in the entorhinal and hippocampal areas and hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in the posterior cingulate cortex. These two findings might be related in view of anatomical knowledge that the regions are linked through the circuit of Papez. This statistical approach also offers accurate evaluation of therapeutical effects on brain metabolism or perfusion. The latest development in functional imaging relates to the final pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease-amyloid plaques. Amyloid imaging might be an important surrogate marker for trials of disease-modifying agents. (author)

  4. Morgellons Disease. (United States)

    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination showed only mild lymphocytic infiltration, and failed to reveal evidence of any microorganism. The polymerase chain reaction for Borrelia burgdorferi was negative in her serum.

  5. [Infectious diseases]. (United States)

    Chapuis-Taillard, Caroline; de Vallière, Serge; Bochud, Pierre-Yves


    In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.

  6. Clinically Unsuspected Prion Disease Among Patients With Dementia Diagnoses in an Alzheimer's Disease Database. (United States)

    Maddox, Ryan A; Blase, J L; Mercaldo, N D; Harvey, A R; Schonberger, L B; Kukull, W A; Belay, E D


    Brain tissue analysis is necessary to confirm prion diseases. Clinically unsuspected cases may be identified through neuropathologic testing. National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC) Minimum and Neuropathologic Data Set for 1984 to 2005 were reviewed. Eligible patients had dementia, underwent autopsy, had available neuropathologic data, belonged to a currently funded Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC), and were coded as having an Alzheimer's disease clinical diagnosis or a nonprion disease etiology. For the eligible patients with neuropathology indicating prion disease, further clinical information, collected from the reporting ADC, determined whether prion disease was considered before autopsy. Of 6000 eligible patients in the NACC database, 7 (0.12%) were clinically unsuspected but autopsy-confirmed prion disease cases. The proportion of patients with dementia with clinically unrecognized but autopsy-confirmed prion disease was small. Besides confirming clinically suspected cases, neuropathology is useful to identify unsuspected clinically atypical cases of prion disease. © The Author(s) 2015.

  7. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  8. Pregnancy and rheumatic diseases. (United States)

    Gayed, M; Gordon, C


    Pregnancy is an issue that should be discussed with all patients with rheumatic diseases who are in the reproductive age group. Infertility is rarely due to the disease but can be associated with cyclophosphamide therapy. Most rheumatic diseases that are well controlled prior to pregnancy do not deteriorate in pregnancy, providing that the patient continues with appropriate disease-modifying therapy. Some patients with inflammatory arthritis go in to remission during pregnancy. Patients with renal involvement may be at increased risk of disease flare. This needs to be distinguished from pre-eclampsia. Intrauterine growth restriction is more likely in patients with active systemic disease, hypertension, a history of thrombosis and renal involvement. Premature delivery may need to be planned to reduce the risks of stillbirth and can be associated with a variety of neonatal complications. Post-partum flare is common in all the rheumatic diseases.

  9. Prevalence of celiac disease among first-degree relatives of Indian celiac disease patients. (United States)

    Mishra, Asha; Prakash, Shyam; Kaur, Gurvinder; Sreenivas, Vishnubhatla; Ahuja, Vineet; Gupta, Siddhartha Datta; Makharia, Govind K


    Celiac disease, once thought to be uncommon in Asia, is now recognized in Asian nations as well. We investigated the prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients followed in our centre. First-degree relatives were screened prospectively for celiac disease using questionnaire-based interview and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody. Serology positive first-degree relatives underwent duodenal biopsies. Diagnosis of celiac disease was made based on positive serology and villous abnormality Marsh grade 2 or higher. Human leucocyte antigen DQ2/-DQ8 was also assessed in 127 first-degree relatives. 434 first-degree relatives of 176 celiac disease patients were prospectively recruited; 282 were symptomatic (64.9%), 58 were positive for serology (13.3%). Seroprevalence was higher in female than in males (19% vs 8.5%; p=0.001) and highest in siblings (16.9%) than parents (13.6%) and children (5.9%) of celiac patients (p=0.055); 87.4% first-degree relatives were human leucocyte antigen-DQ2/-DQ8 positive. Overall prevalence of celiac disease was 10.9% amongst first-degree relatives. The prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients was 10.9% in our cohort, and 87% had human leucocyte antigen-DQ2 or -DQ8 haplotype. All first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients should be screen for celiac disease even if asymptomatic or with atypical manifestations. Copyright © 2015 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia disease and thalassemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardianti Maulidita


    Full Text Available Various periodontal disease can occur in children and adolescents. Some can take place quickly and periodontal tissue damage. Several previous studies indicate that systemic diseases associated with periodontal disease in children. This study aims to determine the prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia and thalassemia. The design study is a cross-sectional approach. Periodontal pocket depth measurements performed using the WHO standard of measurement. The samples in this study were drawn from the entire population using accidental sampling method. Sampled population was pediatric patients with leukemia and thalassemia. These patients were undergoing treatment in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar. During the study, children with leukemia as many as 18 patients and children with thalassemia by 8 patients. Distribution of pediatric patients suffering from leukemia by CPITN score; score of 2 as many as 10 patients (55.6%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (33.3%, and  score of 0 as many as 2 patients (11.1%. CPITN score in children with thalassemia; scores 2 in 1 patient (12.5%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (75%, and score of 0 by 1 patient (12.5%. Children who have leukemia and thalassemia, showed the rate of occurrence of different periodontal disease. Children with leukemia shows the level of periodontal disease is higher than in children with thalassemia disease.

  11. Fatigue and multidimensional disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inal-Ince Deniz


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and aims Fatigue is associated with longitudinal ratings of health in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. Although the degree of airflow obstruction is often used to grade disease severity in patients with COPD, multidimensional grading systems have recently been developed. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived and actual fatigue level and multidimensional disease severity in patients with COPD. Materials and methods Twenty-two patients with COPD (aged 52-74 years took part in the study. Multidimensional disease severity was measured using the SAFE and BODE indices. Perceived fatigue was assessed using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS and the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS. Peripheral muscle endurance was evaluated using the number of sit-ups, squats, and modified push-ups that each patient could do. Results Thirteen patients (59% had severe fatigue, and their St George's Respiratory Questionnaire scores were significantly higher (p Conclusions Peripheral muscle endurance and fatigue perception in patients with COPD was related to multidimensional disease severity measured with both the SAFE and BODE indices. Improvements in perceived and actual fatigue levels may positively affect multidimensional disease severity and health status in COPD patients. Further research is needed to investigate the effects of fatigue perception and exercise training on patients with different stages of multidimensional COPD severity.

  12. Defining an emerging disease. (United States)

    Moutou, F; Pastoret, P-P


    Defining an emerging disease is not straightforward, as there are several different types of disease emergence. For example, there can be a 'real' emergence of a brand new disease, such as the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the 1980s, or a geographic emergence in an area not previously affected, such as the emergence of bluetongue in northern Europe in 2006. In addition, disease can emerge in species formerly not considered affected, e.g. the emergence of bovine tuberculosis in wildlife species since 2000 in France. There can also be an unexpected increase of disease incidence in a known area and a known species, or there may simply be an increase in our knowledge or awareness of a particular disease. What all these emerging diseases have in common is that human activity frequently has a role to play in their emergence. For example, bovine spongiform encephalopathy very probably emerged as a result of changes in the manufacturing of meat-and-bone meal, bluetongue was able to spread to cooler climes as a result of uncontrolled trade in animals, and a relaxation of screening and surveillance for bovine tuberculosis enabled the disease to re-emerge in areas that had been able to drastically reduce the number of cases. Globalisation and population growth will continue to affect the epidemiology of diseases in years to come and ecosystems will continue to evolve. Furthermore, new technologies such as metagenomics and high-throughput sequencing are identifying new microorganisms all the time. Change is the one constant, and diseases will continue to emerge, and we must consider the causes and different types of emergence as we deal with these diseases in the future.

  13. Radiotherapy of benign diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haase, W.


    Still today radiotherapy is of decisive relevance for several benign diseases. The following ones are briefly described in this introductory article: 1. Certain inflammatory and degenerative diseases as furuncles in the face, acute thrombophlebitis, recurrent sudoriparous abscesses, degenerative skeletal diseases, cervical syndrome and others; 2. rheumatic joint diseases; 3. Bechterew's disease; 4. primary presenile osteoporosis; 5. synringomyelia; 6. endocrine ophthalmopathy; 7. hypertrophic processes of the connective tissue; 8. hemangiomas. A detailed discussion and a profit-risk analysis is provided in the individual chapters of the magazine. (MG) [de

  14. Diagnosis of Pompe disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vissing, John; Lukacs, Zoltan; Straub, Volker


    The diagnosis of Pompe disease (acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type II) in children and adults can be challenging because of the heterogeneous clinical presentation and considerable overlap of signs and symptoms found in other neuromuscular diseases. This review evaluates some...... to identify late-onset Pompe disease often leads to false-negative results and subsequent delays in identification and treatment of the disorder. Serum creatine kinase level can be normal or only mildly elevated in late-onset Pompe disease and is not very helpful alone to suggest the diagnosis...

  15. Celiac disease, iron deficiency anaemia, grave's disease, osteopenia and short stature in single patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radaideh, A.M.


    Celiac disease is an intestinal immune mediated disorder, triggered by ingestion of gluten-containing diet in genetically susceptible individuals. The genetic pre-disposition is related to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes, especially HLA-DQ2 positive patients. The prevalence of celiac disease in high worldwide and it has been estimated to be 1-26% in Western countries. Many auto-immune diseases can be associated with celiac disease including auto-immune thyroid disease; hashimoto thyroiditis and grave's disease. The opposite also appears to be true, celiac disease is found on persons with auto-immune thyroid disorders at high rates than the general population. Celiac disease is also associated with other extraintestinal diseases other the auto-immune diseases like anemia, short stature, metabolic bone disease and others. Screening for celiac disease should be considered in patients with auto-immune thyroid disease, anemia, short stature and metabolic bone disease. The life-long adherence to gluten-free diet is the only cure in celiac disease and can improve the quality of patients life and prevent future complications. This report describes a case of Grave's disease, Iron deficiency anemia, Short stature, Osteopenia, diagnosed to have Celiac disease. (author)

  16. From genome-wide association studies to disease mechanisms : celiac disease as a model for autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kumar, Vinod; Wijmenga, Cisca; Withoff, Sebo

    Celiac disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction in the intestine and is triggered by gluten, a constituent derived from grains which is present in the common daily diet in the Western world. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms behind celiac disease etiology are still not

  17. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian archipelago: relating disease to environment.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greta S Aeby

    Full Text Available In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance, climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI. Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral. All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic. All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and Por

  18. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian Archipelago: Relating disease to environment (United States)

    Aeby, G.S.; Williams, G.J.; Franklin, E.C.; Kenyon, J.; Cox, E.F.; Coles, S.; Work, Thierry M.


    In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance), climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies) and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora) with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs) were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm) was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS) was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral). All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS) we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic). All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and PorTrm showing

  19. Angara disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 12, 2011 ... 1988). Since the disease emerged in this specific geographic area, HHS was initially referred to as “Angara. Disease”. The disease is caused by an avian adenovirus serotype-iv in Pakistan. This virus is responsible for development of intranuclear inclusion bodies in the cells of liver, pancreas and kidneys.

  20. Meniere's Disease (United States)

    ... ears and head) special tests that check your balance and how well your ears work. Can Meniere’s disease be prevented or avoided? Because ... find ways to limit the stress in your life or learn how to deal with stress ... Let your family, friends, and co-workers know about the disease. Tell ...