
Sample records for disease neumonia intersticial

  1. Pneumonite intersticial crónica

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    Rui Almeida


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A patologia pulmonar intersticial compreende um grupo de doenças crónicas caracterizadas por alterações das paredes alveolares e perda das unidades funcionais alveolocapilares. São doenças raras nas crianças, na sua maioria de causa desconhecida e revestindo-se habitualmente de uma elevada morbimortalidade, dada a pouca eficácia da terapêutica actualmente disponível.Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma criança de 3 anos, previamente saudável, que no contexto de uma infecção respiratória desenvolve um quadro de sibilância e insuficiência respiratória grave, na investigação do qual é diagnosticada uma pneumonite intersticial crónica. Foram tentadas diversas terapêuticas (corticoterapia sistémica, hidroxicloroquina, N-acetilcisteína sem melhoria evidente.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (3: 243-251 ABSTRACT: Interstitial lung disease includes a group of chronic diseases characterized by alterations in alveolar walls and loss of functional alveolar-capillary units. These are rare diseases in children, mostly with an unknown cause and associated with a high morbidity and mortality due to insufficient therapeutic effectiveness.The authors report a case of a previously healthy 3 years old child who presented with wheezing and severe respiratory insufficiency following a respiratory infection. The investigation performed led to the diagnosis of chronic interstitial pneumonitis. Several treatments have been tried (corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, N-acetylcysteine without any obvious improvement.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (3:243-251 Palavras-chave: pneumonite intersticial, sibilância, doença pulmonar crónica, crianças, Key-words: interstitial pneumonitis, wheezing, chronic pulmonary disease, children

  2. Interstitial neumonia and cytomegalovirus: and immunopathological process Neumonía intersticial y citomegalovirus: un proceso inmunopatológico

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    Ana Isabel Toro


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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV infection is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. including renal and bone marrow transplant recipients and patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS. CMV infection often affects the lung producing a fatal interstitial pneumonitis (IP. The pathogenesis of CMV IP is not well understood, but clinical observations in humans and laboratory studies with murine models, offer possibilities for explaining CMV-induced IP as an immunopathological disease.

    La infección activa por Citomegalovirus (CMV es causa frecuente de morbi-mortalidad en individuos inmunocomprometidos, particularmente entre receptores de trasplante renal y médula ósea y en personas afectadas por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida (HIV, en las cuales, a menudo, se presenta neumonía intersticial (NI fatal (1,2. La patogénesis de la NI causada por CMV no es clara aún, pero las observaciones clínicas en el hombre y los estudios con modelos murinos permiten pensar en ella como una alteración inmunopatológica. El análisis de tales conceptos es el objetivo de esta revisión.

  3. Doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória Respiratory bronchilitis-associated interstitial lung disease

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    Sílvia CS. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória faz parte do espectro anatomopatológico das lesões pulmonares infiltrativas difusas induzidas pela fumaça de cigarro. Raramente tem apresentação clínico-funcional exuberante. Descrevemos dois casos diagnosticados por biópsia pulmonar aberta, caracterizados por dispnéia de evolução insidiosa, baqueteamento digital, lesões císticas à tomografia computadorizada e hipoxemia ao exercício. Enfatizamos considerar, em indivíduos tabagistas, a doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória no contexto das pneumopatias intersticiais císticas, juntamente com a linfangioleiomiomatose, o granuloma eosinofílico e a fibrose pulmonar idiopática.Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease is one of many within the spectrum of smoking-related diffuse infiltrative lung diseases. The clinical and functional characteristics are typically subtle. Herein, we describe two cases of diagnosed through open-lung biopsy, and characterized by insidious evolution of dyspnea, digital clubbing, cystic lesions on computed tomography scans, and hipoxemia upon exertion. We emphasize that, when smokers are evaluated, it is imprtant to consider a diagnosis of respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease in the context of interstitial cystitis, as well as in that of lymphangioleiomyomatosis, eosinophilic granuloma and idiophatic pulmonary fibrosis.

  4. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available La introducción en la práctica clínica del anticuerpo anti-CD20 rituximab ha mejorado sustancialmente el pronóstico de diversas enfermedades autoinmunes y hematológicas. Con el incremento de su uso ha aumentado el registro de efectos adversos, entre ellos la toxicidad pulmonar. Una de sus complicaciones más serias es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, entidad potencialmente fatal que debe ser considerada en pacientes que han recibido rituximab y presentan disnea, fiebre y tos sin clara evidencia de infección. Presentamos un caso de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab.

  5. Doença pulmonar intersticial crônica na criança Chronic interstitial lung disease in children

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    Maria Aparecida S. S. Paiva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e resultados de conduta terapêutica em um grupo de pacientes pediátricos com doença pulmonar intersticial crônica.Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 25 pacientes imunocompetentes, de 2 meses a 17 anos, com doença pulmonar intersticial crônica, internados no Setor de Pneumologia, Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado, por um período de 20 anos (1984-2004. Seguiu-se protocolo para pneumopatias crônicas persistentes e selecionaram-se os casos de doença intersticial. Foram avaliados aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem, diagnóstico final e tratamento. RESULTADOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes tiveram diagnóstico de doença pulmonar intersticial crônica, 13 menores de 2 anos e 17 do sexo masculino. O diagnóstico foi realizado pela história, exame físico e exames de rotina em um paciente, por exames mais complexos em três pacientes e por exames invasivos em 21 pacientes (20 por biópsia e um por lavado broncoalveolar. Com exceção do paciente com linfangiectasia pulmonar, o tratamento consistiu de corticoterapia, em seis casos associada à hidroxicloroquina e foi prolongado (1 a 7 anos. Quatro pacientes necessitaram oxigenoterapia domiciliar. Foram realizadas de seis a oito consultas de acompanhamento/ano pelas autoras. Evolução dos pacientes: boa (15; regular, com seqüela leve (4; ruim, com seqüela grave (3; dois óbitos e um perdido. CONCLUSÃO: As doenças pulmonares intersticiais crônicas constituem um grupo raro, porém relevante dentre as pneumopatias crônicas na criança, em razão da possível evolução para fibrose pulmonar. São importantes para a evolução o diagnóstico oportuno e o acompanhamento especializado e prolongado do paciente. Os pediatras devem ser alertados, pois certamente muitos casos não são diagnosticados nem tratados adequadamente.OBJECTIVES: To describe clinical and diagnostic features and the results of therapeutic

  6. Nefrite Intersticial Aguda Após Exposição a Losartan

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    Letícia Schwerz Weinert


    Full Text Available Nefrite intersticial aguda é uma causa comum de perda aguda de função renal. Exposição a drogas é o fator desencadeante mais freqüentemente relatado, porém auto-imunidade e infecções também estão associadas. Os inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina têm sido relatados como possíveis agentes, porém não há relato na literatura de nefrite intersticial com uso de losartan. Descrevemos então, o caso de perda aguda de função renal após exposição a losartan, em paciente com dano renal prévio por nefropatia diabética, cuja biópsia renal diagnosticou nefrite intersticial aguda.

  7. DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa: como quadro do pulmão do tabaco – apresentação de um caso

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    Vítor Sousa


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa é uma doença pulmonar intersticial caracterizada pela acumulação difusa e uniforme de macrófagos alveolares. Há forte associação com o tabaco sendo que 90% dos doentes são fumadores. As doenças relacionadas com o tabaco no pulmão são diversas e incluem os tumores, enfisema, bronquite crónica, RBILD (bronquiolite respiratória associada a doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP e histiocitose de células de Langerhans. Os autores apresentam um caso de DIP. É realizada breve revisão teórica e discussão do caso à luz da sua associação com o tabaco.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 431-435 ABSTRACT: DIP (Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia is an interstitial lung disease with diffuse and uniform accumulation of alveolar macrophages. There is a strong association with tobacco since 90% of the patients are smokers. The interstitial lung diseases related to tobacco are diverse and include tumours, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, RBILD (Respiratory Bronchilites associated Interstitial Lung Disease, DIP and Langerhans Cell Histiocitosis. The authors present a case of DIP. A brief theorycal revision and discussion of a case is made facing the association with tobacco.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5:431-435 Palavras-chave: Pulmão, pneumonia intersticial descamativa, DIP, interstício, Key-words: Lung, desquamative interstitial pneumonia, DIP, interstitium

  8. Neumonía intersticial linfoidea asociada a inmunodeficiencia común variable

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    Gonzalo Peralta


    Full Text Available La neumonía intersticial linfoidea (NIL es una rara entidad, descripta como hiperplasia no neoplásica del tejido linfoide pulmonar y clasificada dentro de las enfermedades intersticiales idiopáticas. Se la ha descripto asociada a infección por HIV, fenómenos autoinmunes, hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal o menos frecuentemente a hipogammaglobulinemia. Presentamos una paciente de 66 años de edad con diabetes mellitus, síndrome de Sjögren e hipertensión arterial, derivada a nuestro centro por tos seca y disnea clase funcional II-III. En el examen físico presentaba rales tipo “velcro” bibasales y esplenomegalia. Los estudios de laboratorio evidenciaron plaquetopenia (50 000/mm³ e hipogammaglobulinemia; la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC de tórax mostró compromiso intersticial bibasal, con nódulos peribroncovasculares menores a un centímetro. Se realizó una videotoracoscopia con biopsia pulmonar, la anatomía patológica mostró hallazgos compatibles con neumonía intersticial linfoidea. Se inició tratamiento con metilprednisona 40 mg/día vía oral e infusión endovenosa de gammaglobulina 500 mg/kg, mensual, evolucionando con mejoría clínico-radiológica. Por persistencia de plaquetopenia, asociada a hiperesplenismo, se realizó esplenectomía con buena respuesta. En la anatomía patológica no se observo clonalidad linfoide.

  9. Braquiterapia intersticial para recidivas de câncer de colo uterino pós-radioterapia


    Oliveira,Antonio Carlos Zuliani de; Esteves,Sérgio Carlos Barros; Feijó,Luiz Fernando Andrade; Tagawa,Eduardo Komai; Cunha,Maércio de Oliveira


    OBJETIVO: Analisar a resposta e toxicidade da braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD) intersticial para carcinoma do colo do útero com recidiva pélvica pós-radioterapia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Entre 1998 e 2001, 11 pacientes com carcinoma de colo de útero e que tiveram recidiva pélvica pós-radioterapia receberam BATD intersticial. Idade: 41 a 71 anos (média: 56,5 anos); estádios (FIGO): IIA, IIB, IIIB e IVA. Nove (82%) pacientes tinham carcinoma de células escamosas e duas (18%), adenocarcino...

  10. Análise de 39 casos de pneumonia intersticial crônica idiopática Analysis of 39 cases of idiopathic chronic interstitial pneumonia

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    Rogério Rufino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar de forma retrospectiva fragmentos de biópsias pulmonares que receberam o diagnóstico de pneumonia intersticial crônica idiopática, à luz da classificação da American Thoracic Society e European Respiratory Society, de 2000. MÉTODOS: A partir da revisão de 252 fragmentos de biópsias pulmonares a céu aberto de pacientes com doença intersticial pulmonar, no período de 1977 a 1999, 39 casos de doença pulmonar intersticial idiopática foram selecionados e reavaliados por dois patologistas, segundo a classificação da American Thoracic Society e European Respiratory Society, de 2000. RESULTADOS: Vinte e oito dos 39 diagnósticos foram mantidos (71,8%. Uma nova entidade patológica, a pneumonia intersticial não específica, foi incluída na reclassificação e houve superposição de padrões em seis casos. Mantiveram o mesmo diagnóstico 28 casos, 4 casos apresentaram associação entre fibrose pulmonar idiopática e organização pneumônica criptogênica, 1 entre organização pneumônica criptogênica e pneumonia intersticial não específica, e 1 entre pneumonia intersticial descamativa e pneumonia intersticial não específica. Todos os casos de fibrose pulmonar idiopática foram confirmados, embora 3 deles estivessem associados a organização pneumônica criptogênica. Os diagnósticos anteriores foram quase todos mantidos na revisão dos espécimes (p > 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação das doenças pulmonares intersticiais da American Thoracic Society e European Respiratory Society é uma ferramenta útil aos patologistas que lidam com biópsias pulmonares.OBJECTIVE: To make a retrospective analysis of lung biopsy samples obtained from patients diagnosed with chronic idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, as defined in the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classification system made public in 2000. METHODS: Samples from 252 open-lung biopsies of patients with interstitial lung disease, all

  11. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa en trabajadores de la limpieza


    Bravo Graterol, Ricardo Alejandro


    En este trabajo se describen las características de 5 trabajadores de la limpieza que fueron diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa no aguda de causa desconocida mediante biopsia pulmonar quirúrgica. La edad media fue de 64 años y 4 fueron mujeres. Las exposiciones más frecuentes fueron el salfumán y lejía, y ninguno de los pacientes utilizó protección adecuada. Las características más llamativas de estos pacientes se observaron en la TACAR y la histopatología que mostraron...

  12. Cistitis intersticial o vejiga dolorosa: Un desafío para el clínico

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    Pablo Young


    Full Text Available La cistitis intersticial se define como un síndrome clínico caracterizado por un incremento de la frecuencia urinaria, urgencia miccional y/o dolor abdominal o perineal en ausencia de infección urinaria o enfermedad conocida del aparato urinario. Se divide de acuerdo a los hallazgos citoscópicos en ulcerativa o no. La base del diagnóstico es clínica apoyada en scores de probabilidad y pruebas invasivas. Con la comprensión de la fisiopatología se ha desarrollado un abanico de posibilidades terapéuticas. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente sintomática por cuatro años con diagnóstico de cistitis intersticial con úlcera de Hunner por cistoscopia y excelente respuesta a la amitriptilina. Es una enfermedad que produce considerable alteración de la calidad de vida, por lo que es importante que los médicos estén familiarizados con este cuadro.

  13. Tratamiento del enfisema intersticial pulmonar unilateral con ventilación monopulmonar contralateral: Presentación de 1 caso


    González Alonso, María Victoria; Mesa Riquelme, . Luis Antonio; Domínguez Dieppa, Fernando; Porto Rodríguez, Aida Silvia


    Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido de 750 g de peso y 27 semanas de edad gestacional, que durante su evolución en la asistencia respiratoria mecánica, presentó enfisema intersticial pulmonar a tensión en el pulmón derecho, el cual producía desplazamiento mediastinal y pobre aereación del pulmón izquierdo. La subsecuente hipercapnia hizo fracasar todos los intentos de disminuir la presión inspiratoria en la vía aérea proximal y el enfisema intersticial fue empeorando. A los 6 días de vida...

  14. Lack of Effectiveness of the 23-Valent Polysaccharide Pneumococcal Vaccine in Reducing All-Cause Pneumonias Among Healthy Young Military Recruits: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial (United States)


    outpatient disease s unknown and there are diagnostic difficulties in identifying S. neumoniae , these reports likely underestimate the true impact of...Outcome measures included S. pneumonia infections, any-cause neumonia , any-cause respiratory disease, recruit training clin- cal pneumonia (radiographically

  15. Autoimmune thyroiditis presenting as interstitial granulomatous dermatitis Dermatite intersticial granulomatosa como apresentação de tireoidite autoimune

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    Joana Antunes


    Full Text Available A 54-year-old female presented with recurrent, widespread, erythematous, painful plaques, over a 3-month period. Skin biopsy was compatible with interstitial granulomatous dermatitis. Additional investigation revealed hypothyroidism and positive anti-thyroid antibodies. Normalization of thyroid function and high-potency topical corticosteroids provided only transitory improvement of the dermatosis. Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis is a histologic inflammatory reaction, with variable cutaneous expression. It has been reported in association with several drugs, lymphoproliferative diseases and autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and vasculitis, but association with autoimmune thyroiditis is rare. Optimal therapy for this condition is yet to be established, but topical corticosteroids have been a mainstay of treatment. In most cases, this disease is characterized by flares and remissions.Uma doente de 54 anos foi avaliada por placas eritematosas, dolorosas, disseminadas, recorrentes, com 3 meses de evolução. A biopsia cutânea foi compatível com dermatite intersticial granulomatosa. Os restantes exames laboratoriais revelaram hipotiroidismo e anticorpos anti-tiroideus positivos. Apesar da normalização da função tiroideia e de tratamento com corticóide tópico de alta potência, a dermatose melhorou apenas parcialmente. Dermatite intersticial inflamatória é um diagnóstico histopatológico, com expressão clínica variável. Tem sido associada a vários fármacos, doenças linfoproliferativas e autoimunes, nomeadamente artrite reumatóide, lupus eritematoso sistémico e vasculites, mas a associação com tireoidite autoimune é rara. Até ao momento, não foi definido nenhum tratamento específico, mas os corticóides tópicos são dos fármacos mais utilizados. A doença caracteriza-se por períodos de agravamento e remissão.

  16. Biopsia en enfermedad intersticial pulmonar Lung biopsy for the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease

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    Silvia Quadrelli


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el rédito diagnóstico y los factores asociados a mayor morbimortalidad en la biopsia quirúrgica de pulmón en pacientes con enfermedad intersticial difusa. Se analizaron en forma retrospectiva los registros clínicos de 71 pacientes. Se registraron complicaciones en 16 pacientes (22.5%. La mortalidad operatoria fue 11.2%. Los pacientes en quienes la biopsia se realizó por videotoracoscopia (n = 52 y por toracotomía (n = 17 tuvieron la misma duración de estadía en terapia intensiva y de estadía hospitalaria. La tasa de complicaciones (22.2% vs. 21.0%, p = 1.0000 y la mortalidad (9.2 vs. 15.7%, p = 0.2738 no fueron diferentes. Ocho pacientes murieron dentro de los 30 días. La prevalencia de inmunosupresión (4/8 vs. 9/63, p = 0.0325 fue significativamente superior en el grupo de pacientes fallecidos. Estos pacientes tuvieron valores preoperatorios más elevados de urea (50 ± 20.1 mg/dl vs. 31.2 ± 10.3 mg/ dl, p = 0.0013 y menores valores de saturación de O2: 82.7 ± 14.8% vs. 92.8 ± 3.4%, p = 0.0009. En los 11 pacientes con iniciación aguda la mortalidad fue significativamente más elevada (36.3% vs. 7.1%, p = 0.0223. La biopsia aportó un diagnóstico específico en 100% de los pacientes y cambió la estrategia terapéutica en 66.7%. En conclusión, la biopsia de pulmón por vía toracoscópica es un procedimiento útil y seguro en los pacientes con enfermedad intersticial difusa del pulmón. Sin embargo, en el grupo de pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con cuadros de presentación aguda y con insuficiencia respiratoria preoperatoria, la mortalidad es elevada y deben balancearse muy críticamente los riesgos contra los beneficios en ese grupo de enfermos.The objective of this study was to determine the morbidity, mortality and diagnostic yield of video assisted thoracoscopy (VATS and thoracotomy lung biopsy in interstitial lung disease (ILD. Clinical records of 71 patients were

  17. Neumonía intersticial linfoidea asociada a inmunodeficiencia común variable Interstitial lymphoid pneumonia associated with common variable immunodeficiency

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    Gonzalo Peralta


    Full Text Available La neumonía intersticial linfoidea (NIL es una rara entidad, descripta como hiperplasia no neoplásica del tejido linfoide pulmonar y clasificada dentro de las enfermedades intersticiales idiopáticas. Se la ha descripto asociada a infección por HIV, fenómenos autoinmunes, hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal o menos frecuentemente a hipogammaglobulinemia. Presentamos una paciente de 66 años de edad con diabetes mellitus, síndrome de Sjögren e hipertensión arterial, derivada a nuestro centro por tos seca y disnea clase funcional II-III. En el examen físico presentaba rales tipo “velcro” bibasales y esplenomegalia. Los estudios de laboratorio evidenciaron plaquetopenia (50 000/mm³ e hipogammaglobulinemia; la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC de tórax mostró compromiso intersticial bibasal, con nódulos peribroncovasculares menores a un centímetro. Se realizó una videotoracoscopia con biopsia pulmonar, la anatomía patológica mostró hallazgos compatibles con neumonía intersticial linfoidea. Se inició tratamiento con metilprednisona 40 mg/día vía oral e infusión endovenosa de gammaglobulina 500 mg/kg, mensual, evolucionando con mejoría clínico-radiológica. Por persistencia de plaquetopenia, asociada a hiperesplenismo, se realizó esplenectomía con buena respuesta. En la anatomía patológica no se observo clonalidad linfoide.The interstitial lymphoid pneumonia (LIP is an uncommon disorder, described as non-neoplastic lung lymphoid tissue hyperplasia and classified as an interstitial lung disease. It has been described in association with HIV infection, autoimmune disorders, policlonal hypergammaglobulinemia and less frequently, with hypogammaglobulinemia. We report the case of a 66 year old female patient with a history of diabetes, Sjögren syndrome and hypertension. She was referred to our hospital due to a dry cough and dyspnea (FC II-III. The physical examination showed bilateral dry crackles and splenomegaly

  18. Neurite hipertrófica intersticial: estudo de três casos

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    Lineu Cesar Werneck


    Full Text Available São relatados 3 casos de neuropatia hipertrófica intersticial que apresentam conduções nervosas motoras bastante reduzidas; no estudo anatomopatológico foram encontradas estruturas em forma de "casca de cebola", com proliferação de tecido conjuntivo. São abordadas as teorias sobre a formação das "cascas de cebola" e a correlação com a diminuição da velocidade de condução nervosa. Os autores concluem que somente um dos casos corresponde a descrição original de Dejerine-Sottas, sendo que os outros são provavelmente doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth.

  19. Preventive Medicine in World War II. Volume 4. Communicable Diseases Transmitted Chiefly through Respiratory and Alimentary Tracts (United States)


    epidemic of p) neumonia with about 400 cases occurring among 40,000 troops and a 20-percent case mortality. 3 During World War I, the great pandemic of...1,600 cases of l) neumonia occurred. On several occasions, the attack rate exceeded 150 cases per annum per 1,000 average strength. The experience of

  20. Tratamiento del enfisema intersticial pulmonar unilateral con ventilación monopulmonar contralateral: Presentación de 1 caso

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    María Victoria González Alonso


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido de 750 g de peso y 27 semanas de edad gestacional, que durante su evolución en la asistencia respiratoria mecánica, presentó enfisema intersticial pulmonar a tensión en el pulmón derecho, el cual producía desplazamiento mediastinal y pobre aereación del pulmón izquierdo. La subsecuente hipercapnia hizo fracasar todos los intentos de disminuir la presión inspiratoria en la vía aérea proximal y el enfisema intersticial fue empeorando. A los 6 días de vida se decide realizar intubación selectiva del bronquiotronco izquierdo y mantener al paciente con ventilación monopulmonar izquierda durante 36 horas. Al recolocar el tubo en la tráquea y reexpandirse el pulmón derecho, se observó una disminución notable del enfisema intersticial pulmonar y una mejoría gasométrica importante que permitió reducir la intensidad del apoyo ventilatorio. El paciente falleció posteriormente durante una enteritis necrosante.It is presented a case of a newborn of 750 g of weight and 27 weeks of gestational age that during his evolution in the mechanical respiratory assistance had a pulmonary interstitial emphysema on stress in the right lung, which produced mediastinal displacement and poor airing of the left lung. The subsequent hypercapsia made all the attempts to reduce the inspiratory pressure in the proximal air passage fail and therefore, the interstitial emphysema got worse. After the 6th day of life, it was decided to carry out selective intubation of the left bronchial trunk and to mantain the patient with left monopulmonary ventilation during 36 hours. On placing the tube into the trachea again, the right lung reexpanded and it was observed a remarkable decrease of the pulmonary interstitial emphysema and an important gasometric improvement that allowed to reduce that intensity of the ventilatory support. The patient died later due to a necrotizing enteritis.

  1. Autopsy-proven causes of death in lungs of patients immunocompromised by secondary interstitial pneumonia Causas de óbito por pneumonia intersticial secundária em autópsias pulmonares de pacientes imunocomprometidos

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    Alberto Antonio Terrabuio Junior


    thromboembolism was associated with an appreciable risk of death (OR = 2.4 in patients with arterial hypertension. The risk of death was also high in patients presenting hepatic cancer (OR = 2.5 or steroid therapy (OR = 2.4 who developed pulmonary hemorrhage as the histological pattern of secondary interstitial pneumonia . The risk of death by lung metastasis was also elevated (OR = 1.6 for patients that were immunosuppressed after radiotherapy. CONCLUSION: Patients with secondary immunosuppression who developed secondary interstitial pneumonia during treatment in hospital should be evaluated to avoid death by diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, bronchopneumonia, lung hemorrhage, pulmonary thromboembolism, or lung metastasis. The high-risk patients are those immunosuppressed by hematologic disease; those under steroid treatment; or those with colon or hepatic carcinoma, cachexia, or arterial hypertension.OBJETIVO: Apresentar as associações mais freqüentes encontradas em autópsias de pacientes imunossuprimidos que desenvolveram pneumonia intersticial secundária bem como o risco de óbito (Odds Ratio de desenvolver PIS associada à causa da imunossupressão. MÉTODO: De janeiro de 1994 a março de 2004, 17000 autópsias foram realizadas no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A partir da revisão dos laudos patológicos foram selecionados 558 destas autópsias (3,28% de pacientes com 15 anos de idade ou mais, com alguma doença de base que desenvolveu um infiltrado pulmonar radiologicamente difuso durante o curso da hospitalização e que depois foi para óbito com pneumonia intersticial secundária (broncopneumonia, pneumonia lobar, pneumonia intersticial, dano alveolar difuso, doença pulmonar recorrente, doença pulmonar induzida por drogas, edema pulmonar cardiogênico e embolismo pulmonar. As lâminas histológicas foram revisadas por patologistas experientes para confirmar ou não a presença de pneumonia intersticial

  2. Doença pulmonar intersticial relacionada a miosite e a síndrome antissintetase Myositis-related interstitial lung disease and antisynthetase syndrome

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    Joshua Solomon


    Full Text Available Em pacientes com miosite, é comum o comprometimento pulmonar, e a presença de anticorpos anti-aminoacil-RNAt sintetase (anti-ARS é preditora da presença ou do desenvolvimento de doença pulmonar intersticial (DPI. Uma entidade clínica distinta - a síndrome antissintetase - é caracterizada pela presença de anticorpos anti-ARS, miosite, DPI, artrite, fenômeno de Raynaud e "mãos de mecânico". O mais comum anticorpo anti-ARS é o anti-Jo-1. Anticorpos anti-ARS mais recentemente descritos podem conferir um fenótipo que é distinto daquele de pacientes com positividade para anti-Jo-1, sendo caracterizado por uma menor incidência de miosite e uma maior incidência de DPI. Nos pacientes com DPI relacionada à síndrome antissintetase, a resposta a medicações imunossupressoras é em geral favorável.In patients with myositis, the lung is commonly involved, and the presence of anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (anti-ARS antibodies marks the presence or predicts the development of interstitial lung disease (ILD. A distinct clinical entity-antisynthetase syndrome-is characterized by the presence of anti-ARS antibodies, myositis, ILD, fever, arthritis, Raynaud's phenomenon, and mechanic's hands. The most common anti-ARS antibody is anti-Jo-1. More recently described anti-ARS antibodies might confer a phenotype that is distinct from that of anti-Jo-1-positive patients and is characterized by a lower incidence of myositis and a higher incidence of ILD. Among patients with antisynthetase syndrome-related ILD, the response to immunosuppressive medications is generally, but not universally, favorable.

  3. Diagnóstico pasivo de nefritis intersticial en cerdos de mataderos

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    Dra. C. Bárbara Yaislyn Ortíz Hurtado


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la incidencia de nefritis intersticial en el matadero de Salamina I en la provincia de Villa Clara y su contribución a la vigilancia epidemiológica. La investigación se realizó en el período comprendido de enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2016. Se realizó un análisis de la serie cronológica mensual para determinar la ocurrencia de las principales causas de decomisos en los cerdos sacrificados. Se determinó la tendencia, estacionalidad y canales de comportamiento habitual de las patologías de mayor incidencia. Se evaluó el impacto económico-sanitario de las pérdidas por concepto de decomisos La nefritis manifestó una alta tendencia al incremento y la estacionalidad de la ocurrencia de decomisos es marcada en el último cuatrimestre del año. El canal de comportamiento habitual muestra un rango de 500 a 2500 decomisos mensuales. El impacto económico-sanitario de las pérdidas por concepto de decomisos asciende a 45 905,6 CUP.

  4. Cistitis intersticial o vejiga dolorosa: Un desafío para el clínico Interstitial cystitis: A challenge for the clinician

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    Pablo Young


    Full Text Available La cistitis intersticial se define como un síndrome clínico caracterizado por un incremento de la frecuencia urinaria, urgencia miccional y/o dolor abdominal o perineal en ausencia de infección urinaria o enfermedad conocida del aparato urinario. Se divide de acuerdo a los hallazgos citoscópicos en ulcerativa o no. La base del diagnóstico es clínica apoyada en scores de probabilidad y pruebas invasivas. Con la comprensión de la fisiopatología se ha desarrollado un abanico de posibilidades terapéuticas. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente sintomática por cuatro años con diagnóstico de cistitis intersticial con úlcera de Hunner por cistoscopia y excelente respuesta a la amitriptilina. Es una enfermedad que produce considerable alteración de la calidad de vida, por lo que es importante que los médicos estén familiarizados con este cuadro.Interstitial cystitis is characterized by over 6 months of chronic pain, pressure and discomfort felt in the lower pelvis or bladder. It is often relieved with voiding, along with daytime frequency and nocturia in the absence of an urinary tract infection. The disorder can be divided clinically into two groups -ulcerative and non-ulcerative- based on cystoscopic findings and response to treatment. Management follows an approach of applying the least invasive therapy that affords sufficient relief of symptoms. We report a case of a patient with interstitial cystitis. The diagnosis was performed by symptoms and lesion in the cystoscopy and excellent response to amitriptyline.

  5. ¿Hay un rol para los agentes biológicos en el tratamiento de la patología pulmonar intersticial asociada a enfermedades del tejido conectivo?


    Quadrelli, Silvia; Dubinsky, Diana; Alvarez, Sabrina


    Excepto en la esclerodermia, no hay ensayos clínicos controlados válidos para guiar la decisión de tratamiento en enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a enfermedades del tejido conectivo (EPID-ETC). Los únicos dos estudios randomizados, controlados, publicados en pacientes con esclerodermia, mostraron un beneficio modesto pero significativo del uso de ciclofosfamida, y la transformaron en el esquema más convencional de tratamiento de toda la EPID-ETC. Los tratamientos iniciales aceptados...

  6. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares Tobacco and morphology: Pulmonary diseases

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgânica, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e poluição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bronquiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fibrose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco.Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respiratory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease, DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia, bronchiolitis and


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    Fernanda da Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 81 años con antecedentes patología pulmonar obstructiva crónica "idiopática" que desarrolló un cuadro de insuficiencia renal aguda aparentemente prerrenal, con posterior oliguria y eosinofilia simulando una nefropatía túbulo-intersticial alérgica. La evolución atípica y la presencia de p-ANCA, sugerían una vasculitis, patología que se confirmó con la biopsia renal. Los resultados anatomopatológicos revelaron la existencia de una glomerulonefritis necrotizante con semilunas e infiltrado eosinófilo. Estos datos y el historial de la paciente llevaron al diagnóstico de vasculitis de Churg-Strauss. El tratamiento inicial con corticoides y ciclofosfamida y posteriormente con Azatioprina mostró excelentes resultados con mejoría de la función renal, de los parámetros inflamatorios y de la clínica sistémica, que la paciente mantuvo posteriormente. ABSTRACT: We report a case of a 81 year-old woman with idiopathic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, who developed a functional acute renal failure with delayed oliguria and eosinophily, simulating an acute interstitial nephropathy. The unusual clinical course and the presence of antimyeloperoxidase antibodies (p-ANCA suggested a vasculitis; the renal biopsy confirmed this diagnosis. The histology revealed a crescentic glomerulonephritis with eosinophilic infiltration. With these data and the pulmonary history of the patient, a diagnosis of Churg-Struss Vasculitis was made. The initial treatment with steroids and ciclophosphamide switched later to azatioprine, was succeeded with a sustained improvement in renal function, inflammatory markers and clinical course.

  8. JPRS Report China. (United States)


    191,800, up 1.5 percent from 1986. The total included 78,400 doctors, 38,900 nurses , and 74,500 other health workers. Progress was made in disease...eliminated rinderpest; essentially brought pleurop- neumonia, brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, equine infectious anemia, swine of 4.5 billion yuan to build livestock commodity bases during the Seventh 5-Year Plan and 1 billion yuan for grassland construction, veterinary

  9. Análise semiquantitativa de biópsias cirúrgicas de diferentes lobos pulmonares de pacientes com pneumonia intersticial usual/fibrose pulmonar idiopática Semiquantitative analysis of surgical biopsies of distinct lung lobes of patients with usual interstitial pneumonia/idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    José Júlio Saraiva Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as diferenças histológicas da pneumonia intersticial usual entre biópsias cirúrgicas de lobos pulmonares distintos, utilizando um escore semiquantitativo. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados todos os pacientes com o diagnóstico de fibrose pulmonar idiopática e submetidos à biópsia cirúrgica em dois lobos distintos no Hospital São Paulo e em hospitais afiliados da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, no período entre 1995 e 2005. Foi utilizado um método semiquantitativo na avaliação histológica dos espécimes, com base em estudos prévios, aplicando-se um escore para cada local submetido à biópsia. RESULTADOS: Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante foi encontrada nesta amostra de pacientes que viesse alterar o estágio da doença, com base no escore utilizado. Este achado foi independente do local da biópsia (lobo médio ou segmento lingular. CONCLUSÕES: Não foram observadas diferenças histológicas significantes entre os lobos pulmonares estudados. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo de pneumonia intersticial usual não alterou o estágio da doença.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the differences between surgical biopsies of distinct lung lobes in terms of the histopathological features of usual interstitial pneumonia, using a semiquantitative score. METHODS: We selected all of the patients diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and submitted to surgical biopsy in two distinct lobes between 1995 and 2005 at the Hospital São Paulo and other hospitals operated by the Federal University of São Paulo. In the histological evaluation of the specimens, we used a semiquantitative method based on previous studies, assigning a score to each of the biopsied sites. RESULTS: In this sample of patients, we found no statistically significant differences that would alter the stage of the disease, based on the score used. This finding was independent of the biopsy site (middle lobe or lingular segment. CONCLUSIONS: No

  10. Malandro, malandra, malandrinha e malandrógino: o espaço intersticial de identidade e gênero na ópera de Chico Buarque de Hollanda

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    Lúcia Helena de Azevedo Vilela


    Full Text Available Em De mendigos e malandros, Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira percorre os caminhos das articulações intertextuais e intersemióticas, da tradução lato sensu e das transposições histórico-culturais em sua análise das ambivalências e conflitos presentes na imagem que nós brasileiros construímos de nós mesmos – sintetizada na figura emblemática do malandro e sua escorregadia localização em um espaço intersticial entre o bandido e o herói, entre a censura e a admiração. A ambigüidade proporcionada pela própria definição do termo gera uma série de articulações dentre as quais encontram-se as representações da mulher e do homossexual – a malandra, a malandrinha e o malandrógino.

  11. Avaliação de parâmetros histológicos na pneumonia intersticial usual (fibrose pulmonar idiopática Evaluation of the histological parameters in usual interstitial pneumonia (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Full Text Available A fibrose pulmonar idiopática (alveolite fibrosante criptogênica é uma doença pulmonar intersticial progressiva de etiologia desconhecida, morfologicamente reconhecida como pneumonia intersticial usual. Desde a publicação de Hamman e Rich (1944 até os dias atuais, uma das grandes preocupações foi a tentativa de encontrar um marcador histológico para correlacionar com prognóstico e resposta terapêutica. A busca desta situação não tem sido muito alentadora, pois existem vários pontos duvidosos na patogênese desta doença. Admite-se que a resposta terapêutica desta entidade se relaciona com a celularidade e fibrose presentes no tecido. A proposta deste estudo é descrever os resultados de método semiquantitativo segundo a avaliação independente de dois patologistas, das alterações exsudativo-inflamatórias, reparativo-fibróticas e de vias aéreas, em 24 pacientes com diagnóstico de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, submetidos à biópsia a céu aberto. Foram analisados 14 parâmetros histológicos segundo escala de 0 a 5 para as alterações intersticiais e de 0 a 2 para o comprometimento de vias aéreas e de espaços aéreos. Da análise independente realizada pelos dois observadores constatou-se concordância significante em todas as variáveis histológicas com Kw (teste de Kappa indo de 0,47 a 0,92. Apenas na análise da intensidade da inflamação septal as discordâncias também foram significantes, sugerindo que para este parâmetro a percentagem de comprometimento tecidual deve ser previamente discutida entre os observadores. O método utilizado demonstrou ser rápido e eficiente.Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis is a progressive interstitial pulmonary disease of unknown etiology. Since Hamman's and Rich's (1944 reports, many studies have tried to find a histological marker for the correlation between prognosis and response to therapy. However, there are many doubts regarding pathogenesis

  12. Pneumonite intersticial não específica: entidade clínico-patológica, padrão histológico ou apenas grupo heterogéneo de pneumonites intersticiais não classificadas?

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    António Morais


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A pneumonite intersticial não específica (NSIP, descrita pela primeira vez em 1994 por Katzenstein e Fiorelli, apresenta-se como uma eventual entidade clínico-patológica individualizável dentro do grupo das pneumonites intersticiais idiopáticas (IIP. Aliada a alterações histológicas distintas, apresentauma evolução clínica mais favorável, com consequente melhor prognóstico do que a fibrose pulmonar idiopática (IPF, grupo onde geralmente estas alterações eram incluídas. Estas diferenças levam a que, apesar das dúvidas que ainda envolvem a NSIP, o seu reconhecimento seja importante, uma vez que as atitudes clínicas e terapêuticas se diferenciam da IPF. A NSIP engloba padrões histológicos diferentes, dividindo-se nomeadamente em casos de predomínio inflamatório (tipo celular ou de predomínio fibroso (tipo fibrosante, com os últimos a evidenciarem uma maior gravidade e pior prognóstico do que os primeiros. Os autores descrevem dois casos de NSIP, seguidos de uma revisão e discussão do tema.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 331-345 ABSTRACT: Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP initially described by Katzenstein and Fiorelli in 1994, seems to be a distinct clinicopathologic entity among idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis (IIP. Besides different histologic features from other IIP, NSIP is characterized by a better long-term outcome, associated with a better steroids responsiveness than idiopathic pulmonar fibrosis (IPF, where usually were included. Thus, differentiating NSIP from other IIP, namely IPF is very significant, since it has important therapeutic and prognostic implications. NSIP encloses different pathologies, namely those with inflammatory predominance (cellular subtype or fibrous predominance (fibrosing subtype. NSIP is reviewed and discussed by the authors, after two clinical cases description.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 331-345 Palavras chave: pneumonites intersticiais idiopáticas, pneumonite

  13. Pneumonia intersticial em bovinos associada à ingestão de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas mofada Interstitial pneumonia in cattle fed moldy sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas

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    Rafael A. Fighera


    Full Text Available Uma doença respiratória foi diagnosticada em cinco dentre 23 bovinos (21,7% após terem sido alimentados com batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas mofada em uma pequena propriedade rural em São Vicente do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Três dos cinco bovinos afetados morreram espontaneamente, e o quarto foi sacrificado para necropsia quando mostrava sinais clínicos respiratórios avançados. A manifestação clínica iniciara cerca de 24 horas após a ingestão das batatas-doces e a evolução clínica foi de 1 a 4 dias. Os sinais clínicos incluíam dispnéia (respiração laboriosa e abdominal, taquipnéia, pescoço estendido com cabeça baixa e dilatação ritmada das narinas. Dois bovinos foram necropsiados. Os achados de necropsia incluíam pulmões distendidos, pálidos e de consistência borrachenta, que não colapsavam quando o tórax era aberto; enfisema e edema acentuados eram evidentes no pulmão. Os linfonodos e o baço apresentavam alterações características de hiperplasia linfóide. Histologica-mente, as lesões eram típicas de pneumonia intersticial. Os septos alveolares estavam espessados por fibroblastos e células inflamatórias, havia hipertrofia e hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II; os septos interlobulares estavam distendidos por edema e enfisema. A cultura de amostras das batatas-doces mofadas produziu Fusarium solani e F. oxysporum.Cases of respiratory disease were diagnosed in five out of 23 cattle (21.7% after they were fed moldy damaged sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas on a small farm in the county of São Vicente do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Of those five cattle, three died spontaneously and another one was euthanatized for necropsy while showing advanced respiratory clinical signs. The disease manifested itself approximately 24 hours after the ingestion of the sweet potatoes and lasted from 1 to 4 days. Clinical signs included dyspnea (labored breathing and abdominal respiration, tachypnea, extended

  14. Esclerose sistémica progressiva – Um caso clínico

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    Inês Vicente


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A esclerose sistémica é uma doença relativamente rara sendo a terceira doença mais frequente do tecido conjuntivo, logo após a artrite rewnatoide e o lupus eritematoso sistemico. A sua forma de apresentação é variada e depende dos órgão afectados.Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de fibrose pulmonar em doente do sexo feminino de 68 anos, apresentando queixas de dispneia há váraos anos e que foram sempre atribuidas a insuficiência cardíaca. O estudo da doençe permitiu concluir tratarse de urn caso de doença intersticial pulmonar (pneumonia intersticial usual enquadrado no quadro de esclerose sistémica.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (5: 425-431 ABSTRACT: Systemic sclerosis is relatively rare, being the third most frequent disease of the connective tissue, just behind rhewnatoid arthritis and systemic erythematous lupus. It’s presentation form varies with the affected organs.The authors present a clinical case of lung fibrosis in a 68 years old female patient, with several years’ dyspnoea, always attributed to cardiac insufficiency. The investigation allowed to diagnose a lung interstitial disease (usual interstitial pneumonia as a manifestation of systemic sclerosis.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (5: 425-431 Palavras-chave: Pneumonia Intersticial Usual, esclerose sistémica, corticoterapia, Key-words: Usual Interstitial Pneumonia, systemic sclerosis, corti coid therapy

  15. Neumonia adquirida en la comunidad

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    Hugo Alberto Fajardo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En Estados Unidos corresponde a la sexta causa de muerte, pero se ha incrementado en los últimos años un 59% en especial entre los grupos de mayor edad. Realizando un ajuste por la edad el incremento es del 22%. En general al año, se presentan tres millones de casos, 10 millones de visitas médicas, 500.000 hospitalizaciones y 45.000 muertes. La incidencia de hospitalizaciones es de 258/100.000/ personas-año y entre los mayores de 65 años es de 962 /100.000/ personas año. La mortalidad oscila entre el 2 y el 30%, es mucho menor en los pacientes ambulatorios correspondiendo al 1%. La estancia promedio es de 5.8 días en menores de 65 años, mientras que en mayores es de 7.8 días. El costo anual asciende a 84 billones de dólares y el 87% corresponde al manejo hospitalario. El Distrito Especial de Bogotá, ocupa el primer lugar en morbilidad con una prevalencia del 9.8%, el tercer lugar de mortalidad (6% y tercer lugar entre los egresos hospitalarios (3.7%. Entre la población en riesgo están los ancianos, inmunodeprimidos y enfermos crónicos . El costo del manejo hospitalario es veinte veces mayor.

  16. Hard metal lung disease: a case series. (United States)

    Mizutani, Rafael Futoshi; Terra-Filho, Mário; Lima, Evelise; Freitas, Carolina Salim Gonçalves; Chate, Rodrigo Caruso; Kairalla, Ronaldo Adib; Carvalho-Oliveira, Regiani; Santos, Ubiratan Paula


    To describe diagnostic and treatment aspects of hard metal lung disease (HMLD) and to review the current literature on the topic. This was a retrospective study based on the medical records of patients treated at the Occupational Respiratory Diseases Clinic of the Instituto do Coração, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2013. Of 320 patients treated during the study period, 5 (1.56%) were diagnosed with HMLD. All of those 5 patients were male (mean age, 42.0 ± 13.6 years; mean duration of exposure to hard metals, 11.4 ± 8.0 years). Occupational histories were taken, after which the patients underwent clinical evaluation, chest HRCT, pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy, BAL, and lung biopsy. Restrictive lung disease was found in all subjects. The most common chest HRCT finding was ground glass opacities (in 80%). In 4 patients, BALF revealed multinucleated giant cells. In 3 patients, lung biopsy revealed giant cell interstitial pneumonia. One patient was diagnosed with desquamative interstitial pneumonia associated with cellular bronchiolitis, and another was diagnosed with a hypersensitivity pneumonitis pattern. All patients were withdrawn from exposure and treated with corticosteroid. Clinical improvement occurred in 2 patients, whereas the disease progressed in 3. Although HMLD is a rare entity, it should always be included in the differential diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction in workers with a high occupational risk of exposure to hard metal particles. A relevant history (clinical and occupational) accompanied by chest HRCT and BAL findings suggestive of the disease might be sufficient for the diagnosis. Descrever aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico e tratamento de pacientes com doença pulmonar por metal duro (DPMD) e realizar uma revisão da literatura. Estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários médicos de pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Doenças Respiratórias Ocupacionais do Instituto do Coração, localizado na cidade de S

  17. Adaptação à cultura brasileira dos questionários The O'Leary-Sant e PUF, usados para cistite intersticial Adaptación a la cultura brasileña de los cuestionarios The O'Leary-Sant y Puf, usados para cistitis intersticial Adaptation of the O'Leary-Sant and the PUF for the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis for the Brazilian culture

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    Marcella Lima Victal


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e adaptar à cultura brasileira os instrumentos The O'Leary-Sant e PUF, utilizados no diagnóstico de cistite intersticial. Foram realizadas as etapas metodológicas recomendadas pela literatura internacional para a adaptação cultural. As etapas de tradução, síntese das traduções e retrotradução foram realizadas satisfatoriamente, e a avaliação das versões sintéticas pelo comitê de especialistas resultou em algumas alterações, assegurando as equivalências entre as versões originais e traduzidas. O PUF foi pré-testado entre 40 sujeitos e The O'Leary-Sant em uma amostra de 50 indivíduos, devido à necessidade de ajustes em decorrência da baixa escolaridade da população. O processo de tradução e adaptação foi realizado com sucesso e os instrumentos, após as modificações, demonstraram ser de fácil compreensão e rápido preenchimento. Entretanto, este é um estudo que antecede o processo de validação e será premente o emprego do instrumento em novas pesquisas para que sejam avaliadas suas propriedades psicométricas.Se objetivó traducir y adaptar a la cultura brasileña los instrumentos The O'Leary-Sant y PUF, utilizados para diagnosticar cistitis intersticial. Fueron efectuadas las etapas metodológicas recomendadas por la literatura internacional para adaptación cultural. Las etapas de traducción, síntesis de traducciones y retrotraducción se realizaron satisfactoriamente, la evaluación de las versiones sintetizadas por parte del comité de especialistas derivó en algunas alteraciones, asegurando las equivalencias entre versiones originales y traducidas. El PUF fue pre-testeado con 40 sujetos y The O'Leary-Sant en muestra de 50 individuos, por la necesidad de ajustes derivados de la baja escolarización de la población. El proceso de traducción y adaptación se efectuó con suceso y los instrumentos luego de las modificaciones demostraron ser de sencilla comprensión y

  18. Importância da nova classificação das pneumonias intersticiais idiopáticas A propósito de um caso clínico

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    Fernanda Paula


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A nova classificação das Pneumonias Intersticiais ldiopáticas (PI, de Katzenstein, foi de primordial importância, ao considerar a Fibrose Pulmonar ldiopatica (FPI como uma entidade particular, a mais grave, com a pior resposta aterapeutica e o pior prognostico, dentro daquele grupo.A FPI passou a ser uma entidade clínica distinta, com caracteristi_cas histólogicas próprias.Neste contexto, e apos uma breve introdução teorica, os autores apresentam urn caso clinico de Pneumonia Intersticial Nao Especifica (NSIP, que antes da classificação actual foi diagnosticada como FPI.O diagnóstico definitivo foi por biópsia cirúrgica (toracoscopia.Édiscutida a importancia do diagnóstico diferencial entre FPI e NSIP.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2001; VII (1: 49-56 ABSTRACT: The new Katzenstein classification of Idiopathic Intersticial Pneumonia (liP, was of major interest, because it focus the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis as a particular entity, with bad response to therapy and the worst prognosis in that group.Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, became a particular clinical entity, with its own histology.Thus, after a short theorical introduction, the authors present a clinical case of Non Specific Intersticial Pneumonia, that before the new classification has emerged, was considered an Idiophatic Pulmonary Fibrosis.The final diagnosis was made by surgical biopsy (thoracoscopy.Finally, the importance of the diferential diagnosis between those entities, is considered.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2001; VII (1: 49-56 Palavras-chave: Idiopathic Intersticial Pneumonia, Non Specific Intersticial Pneumonia, Key-words: Idiophatic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Non Specific Intersticial Pneumonia

  19. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgânica, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e poluição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bronquiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fibrose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco. Abstract: Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respiratory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease, DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia

  20. Avaliação da utilização de biópsia transbrônquica em pacientes com suspeita clínica de doença pulmonar intersticial Evaluation of the use of transbronchial biopsy in patients with clinical suspicion of interstitial lung disease

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    Cristiano Claudino Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os padrões clínicos, radiológicos e histopatológicos da biópsia transbrônquica (BTB utilizados para a confirmação diagnóstica em pacientes com suspeita clinica de doença pulmonar intersticial (DPI atendidos em um hospital universitário de nível terciário. MÉTODOS: Os prontuários, laudos radiológicos e de biópsias transbrônquicas de todos os pacientes com suspeita de DPI submetidos a BTB entre janeiro de 1999 e dezembro de 2006 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu, localizado na cidade de Botucatu (SP, foram revisados. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 56 pacientes. Desses, 11 (19,6% apresentaram o diagnóstico definitivo de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI, que foi significativamente maior nos casos nos quais DPI era uma possibilidade diagnóstica em comparação com aqueles nos quais DPI era a principal suspeita (p = 0,011, demonstrando a contribuição da BTB para a definição diagnóstica dessas doenças. O exame histopatológico dessas biópsias revelou que 27,3% dos pacientes com FPI apresentavam o padrão de pneumonia organizante, o que pode sugerir doença mais avançada. O padrão histológico indeterminado foi o mais frequente, refletindo a característica periférica da FPI. Entretanto, o padrão fibrose apresentou alta especificidade e alto valor preditivo negativo. Para os padrões sugestivos de FPI em TC, a curva ROC indicou que a melhor relação entre sensibilidade e especificidade ocorreu com a presença de cinco alterações radiológicas, sendo o aspecto de favo de mel fortemente sugestivo de FPI (p = 0,01. CONCLUSÕES: Nas DPIs, a TC de tórax deve ser sempre realizada e a BTB usada em situações individualizadas, conforme a suspeita e distribuição das lesões.OBJECTIVE: To study the clinical, radiological, and histopathological patterns of transbronchial biopsy (TBB used in order to confirm the diagnosis in patients with clinical suspicion of interstitial lung disease (ILD

  1. Dispneia expiratória restritiva em um gato com fibrose pulmonar idiopática: relato de caso


    Pereira, C.O.; Costa, F.V.A.; Gomes, D.C.; Kasper, P.N.; Vieira, A.B.; Driemeier, D.


    RESUMO As doenças pulmonares intersticiais constituem um grupo de doenças difusas do parênquima pulmonar, no qual a fibrose pulmonar intersticial está incluída. Histologicamente, esta se caracteriza por hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II, hiperplasia ou hipertrofia de músculo liso e fibrose. Embora a patogenia da fibrose pulmonar intersticial não esteja bem elucidada, devido às semelhanças microscópicas encontradas nos pneumócitos tipo II em felinos e na forma familiar da doença em humanos, a...

  2. Calcinose peritendínea do tendão calcâneo associada a dermatomiosite: correlação entre radiografia convencional, ultra-sonografia, ressonância magnética e macroscopia cirúrgica


    Rosa,Ana Cláudia Ferreira; Costa,Edegmar Nunes; Machado,Márcio Martins; Rocha,Válney Luiz da; Sernik,Renato Antônio; Nunes,Rodrigo Alvarenga; Lemes,Marcella Stival; Gomide,Lidyane Marques de Paula; Albieri,Alexandre Daher; Santos Júnior,Rubens Carneiro dos; Barros,Nestor de; Cerri,Giovanni Guido


    A calcinose intersticial é uma afecção incomum, na qual existe deposição de cálcio localizada ou disseminada na pele, tecido celular subcutâneo, músculos e tendões. Freqüentemente a calcinose está associada com doenças do tecido conjuntivo, como esclerodermia e dermatomiosite. Os autores relatam um caso de calcinose intersticial associada a dermatomiosite, estudada com radiografia convencional, ultra-sonografia, ressonância magnética, e com correlação com a macroscopia cirúrgica....

  3. Calcinose peritendínea do tendão calcâneo associada a dermatomiosite: correlação entre radiografia convencional, ultra-sonografia, ressonância magnética e macroscopia cirúrgica

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    Rosa Ana Cláudia Ferreira


    Full Text Available A calcinose intersticial é uma afecção incomum, na qual existe deposição de cálcio localizada ou disseminada na pele, tecido celular subcutâneo, músculos e tendões. Freqüentemente a calcinose está associada com doenças do tecido conjuntivo, como esclerodermia e dermatomiosite. Os autores relatam um caso de calcinose intersticial associada a dermatomiosite, estudada com radiografia convencional, ultra-sonografia, ressonância magnética, e com correlação com a macroscopia cirúrgica.

  4. Broncopneumopatias a vírus: análise crítica de alterações histológicas encontradas no estudo de afecções respiratórias não bacterianas na infância

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    Albanita Viana de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam 69 casos de afecções respiratórias em crianças que atribuem a agentes não bacterianos, provavelmente virais. Usam para isto um critério clínico, outro morfológico, em uma revisão de 372 pneumopatias infecciosas em casos de autópsias. Caracterizaram morfologicamente a resposta à agressão viral pela presença de: infiltrado mononuclear intersticial, predominantemente peribronquilar; alterações degenerativas ou mesmo necrose e hiperplasia do epitélio respiratório; membrana hialina; descamação epitelial; células gigantes sinciciais alveolares e bronquiolares; inclusões nucleares e citoplasmáticas; edema proteináceo alveolar e septal, proliferação intersticial conjuntiva incipiente. Criticam o erro por excesso de diagnósticos de "pneumonia mononuclear intesticial" e o erro por falta quando o acometimento bacteriano dificulta o diagnóstico de lesão atribuível a vírus. Além disso realçam a importância de achado de bonquiolite aguda como fundamental para o diagnóstico. Estas lesões - ao lado de achados clínicos-radiológicos e epidemiológicos - cosntituem o que a experiência adquirida julga como reação do pulmão a vários vírus conhecidos (Adenovírus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Vírus Sincicial Respiratório e Sarampo.69 cases of respiratory diseases in children are presented and atributed to non-bacterial agents, probably viral. Using clinical and morphological criteria, a review of 372 cases of infections lung diseases was performed in autopsy material. The reaction due to the viral injury is characterized morphologically by interstitial mononuclear infiltration, mainly peribronchiolar; degenerative changes, necrosis and hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelium; hyaline membrane; epithelial desquamation; syncytial giant-cells, alveolar or bronquiolar; nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions; proteinaceous edema, alveolar and septal; mild intersticial conective tissue proliferation. The

  5. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgâni-ca, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e po-luição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bron-quiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fi-brose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (3: 383-389 Abstract: Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respira-tory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease

  6. Enfermedades con alteraciones de la circulación pulmonar


    Suñé Ysamat, Bertila


    El edema pulmonar es el acúmulo de líquido seroso o serohemático en el exterior de los vasos. Cualquiera que sea su etiología, el mecanismo de producción es siempre el mismo: en primer lugar es intersticial; es decir, alrededor de los alveolos. Se traduce clínicamente por una aceleración de la frecuencia respiratoria. A medida que la extravasación de líquido aumenta, los alveolos se ven afectados por el edema. Al edema intersticial se le ha añadido el edema alveolar...

  7. Bronchial carcinoid tumor: helical CT and virtual bronchoscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diez, Eduardo; Carrascosa, Patricia; Capunay, Carlos; Spinozzi, German; Abramson, Horacio; Berna, Miguel


    The authors reported a case of a 61 years old man with recurrent neumonia of the inferior right lobe diagnosed by a chest radiography. A complementary helical CT showed an endobronquial mass on the right intermediate bronchus. Virtual bronchoscopy contributed to a better definition of this lesion, confirmed by a real bronchoscopy. The lesion was diagnosed as a carcinoid tumor by a bronchial biopsy. After surgery (sleeve resection of the tumor) the patient did not show any recurrence of his broncho-neumonic clinical features. (author)

  8. Interstitial lung disease: Diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2 ± 13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the choice in 47 patients (88.7%. Postoperative complications were rare (9.4% and included three prolonged air leaks (5.7%, one pneumothorax re-quiring a chest drain (1.9%, and one haemothorax requiring reoperation (1.9%. One patient died of cardiac arrest of unknown cause. Average chest tube duration was 4.4 ± 3 days and average hospital stay 5.4 ± 4 days. Lung biopsy contributed to the diagnosis in 50 patients (94.3%. In conclusion, the potential benefits of diagnostic surgical lung biopsy must be considered against the risks of the procedure especially in patients with severe cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Resumo: Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e Dezembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2 ± 13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocorreu um

  9. Esporotricose disseminada – Caso clínico e discussão

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    João Cláudio Barroso Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores relatam caso de doente com história prévia de alcoolismo que apresentou lesões cutâneas ulceradas, nodulares difusas no tronco e nos membros inferiores, acompanhando trajecto dos linfonodos. A doente tinha telerradiografia de tórax que mostrou infiltrado intersticial reticulonodular nas bases. O resultado da cultura de nódulo supraclavicular foi positiva para Sporothrix schenckii. Após tratamento específico, principalmente com iodeto de potássio, houve regressão das lesões cutâneas e do infiltrado.Foi considerada uma discussão sobre as formas de apresentação da doença, ressaltando o acometimento pulmonar. Foram também abordados diagnóstico e tratamento da esporotricose.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 443-449 Abstract: The authors report a case of a patient with a prior history of alcohol abuse who developed nodules and ulcerated skin lesions on his trunk and lower extremities along the line of the lymphatic draining area. The patient's X-ray showed reticular nodular intersticial infiltrates at the lung bases. There was a positive culture of supraclavicular lymph node for Sporothrix schenckii. After specific treatment using mainly potassium iodide, there was regression of cutaneous lesions and lung infiltrates.The authors present a discussion on the deseases' forms of presentation, highlighting the lung involvement ans further discuss the diagnosis and treatment of sporotrichosis.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 443-449 Palavras-chave: Esporotricose, lesões cutâneas, infiltrado intersticial nas bases, Key-words: Sporotrichosis, cutaneous lesions, intersticial infiltrates of lung bases

  10. Manejo hospitalario de la meningoencefalitis bacteriana por S. Neumoniae

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    Roberto Álvarez Fumero


    Full Text Available La actitud terapéutica ante la meningitis bacteriana (MEB es uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta el pediatra, pues de su oportuno y adecuado manejo depende el pronóstico. Los cambios en la epidemiología de los síndromes neurológicos infecciosos bacterianos observados en Cuba a partir del año 2000, promovieron la implementación de modificaciones al régimen terapéutico antibiótico convencional. En este artículo, sin olvidar que el tratamiento ideal es el preventivo, se expone una revisión actualizada del manejo hospitalario de las MEB por S.pneumoniae, que incluye: adopción de medidas generales, instauración temprana de acciones dirigidas a atenuar los efectos perjudiciales de la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, conducta específica contra el agente (antibioticoterapia y finalmente la identificación precoz e inicio de la rehabilitación de secuelas. Se hace énfasis en las modificaciones al esquema antibiótico adoptadas recientemente por la Comisión Nacional de SNI. Se exponen consideraciones sobre la introducción de la vancomicina en esquema antimicrobiano de las MEB por S.pneumoniae.The therapeutic attitude to face bacterial meningitis (BME is one of the most important challenges for pediatricians, since the prognosis depends on its timely and adequate management The changes in the epidemiology of the bacterial infectious neurological syndromes ocurred in Cuba from 2000 on, promoted the implementation of modifications in the conventional therapeutical antibiotic regimen. In this article, without forgetting that the ideal treatment is the preventive one, it is exposed an updated review of the hospital management of BME due to S.Pneumoniae that includes: adoption of general measures, early establishment of actions directed to alleviate the harmful effects of the systemic inflammatory reponse, specific conduct against the agent (antibiotic therapy and, finally, the identification and beginning of the rehabilitation of sequelae. Emphasis is made on the modifications of the antibiotic scheme recently adopted by the National Commission of the National System of Information. Considerations are made on the introduction of vancomycin in the antimicrobial scheme of the BME caused by S. pneumnoniae.

  11. Computed tomographic study on Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Hiroshi; Koba, Hiroyuki; Mori, Takuji; Mori, Masaki; Tsunematsu, Kazunori; Natori, Hiroshi; Asakawa, Mitsuo; Suzuki, Akira; Doi, Mikio.


    Serologically proven 21 patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia that showed infiltrative shadows on chest radiograms were studied by computed tomography (CT). Localization of the lesion and the fashion of its progression through the lung were analyzed. Following 3 loci were defined on the basis of the investigations of critical analysis of the chest radiograms, and of radiopathological analysis of the experimental animal model of mycoplasmal pneumonia with soft X-ray image. I: Peribronchial and periarterial interstitium. II: Bronchiole and its surroundings. III: Lung parenchyma, on hilar area as IIIh, on marginal area as IIIm. Even in the early phase of this disease, radiopathological findings on CT have been distributed in all loci mentioned above. The Shadow disappeared from locus III approximately 14th day from the onset. The shadow have remained, however, loci I, II for a long period. Those findings suggest that locus I and II are one of the major focus of Mycoplasma neumoniae pneumonia. Volume loss in the locus III was observed 78 % of the cases at 28th day from the onset. The shadow on locus IIIh was more prominent than locus IIIm. Reported analytical method with CT could be widely applied to disclose a radiopathological details in other infectious diseases of the lung. (author)

  12. Surgical lung biopsy for diffuse lung disease. Our experience in the last 15 years

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    M. Blanco


    Full Text Available Introduction: Surgical lung biopsy is a technique that presents a morbi-mortality rate of considerable importance. We analyze our experience with surgical lung biopsies for the diagnosis of diffuse lung disease and the effect produced on the indications for surgical biopsy in these pathologies after the publication of the consensus of the ATS (American Thoracic Society and ERS (European Respiratory Society for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF. Patients and methods: We performed a retrospective review of 171 patients operated between January 1997 and December 2011. We divided the series into 2 groups: group 1 (operated between 1997 and 2002 and group 2 (operated between 2003 and 2011. Suspected preoperative diagnosis, respiratory status, pathological postoperative diagnoses, percentage of thoracotomies, mean postoperative stay and perioperative morbidity and mortality were analyzed. Results: Group 1 consisted of 99 patients and group two 72. The most frequent postoperative diagnoses were: usual interstitial pneumonia and extrinsic allergic alveolitis. There were ten (5.84% deaths. Death was caused by progressive respiratory failure that was related to interstitial lung disease in 7 (70% of 10 cases, alveolar haemorrhage in 2 (20% and heart failure in 1 (10%. Conclusions: Since the publication of the ATS and ERS consensus on the IPF, we have observed a noticeable decrease in the number of indications for surgical lung biopsy. This technique, though simple, has a considerable morbidity and mortality. Resumo: Introdução: A biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica é uma técnica com uma morbimortalidade não negligenciável. Este trabalho resulta da experiência adquirida na realização de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas para o diagnóstico da doença pulmonar intersticial difusa, bem como pelo efeito provocado sobre as indicações da biópsia cirúrgica nesta entidade, após a publicação do consenso da ATS (American Thoracic Society e da ERS (European

  13. Embarazo cornual: tratamiento médico con dosis única de metotrexato


    Ricci A,Paolo; Troncoso J,José Luis; Avilés L,Guillermo; Avilés D,Raimundo


    Presentamos un caso de embarazo cornual o intersticial diagnosticado en forma precoz a través de ecografía transvaginal, tratado exitosamente, en forma conservadora, con dosis única sistémica de metotrexato.

  14. Intercavitary implants dosage calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehder, B.P.

    The use of spacial geometry peculiar to each treatment for the attainment of intercavitary and intersticial implants dosage calculation is presented. The study is made in patients with intercavitary implants by applying a modified Manchester technique [pt

  15. Fatores preditores da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde física e mental em pacientes com doença pulmonar intersticial: uma análise multifatorial Predictors of physical and mental health-related quality of life in patients with interstitial lung disease: a multifactorial analysis

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    Ana Cláudia Coelho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores preditores da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS em pacientes com doença pulmonar intersticial (DPI. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 63 pacientes, submetidos a provas de função pulmonar e teste de caminhada de seis minutos. Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-form Survey (SF-36, Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ, os inventários de ansiedade e depressão de Beck e Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale. A análise de componentes principais foi utilizada para reduzir as variáveis em fatores preditivos, e a análise de regressão linear múltipla foi utilizada como um modelo explicativo. RESULTADOS: Dos 63 pacientes, 34 eram mulheres. A média de idade foi de 60,1 ± 13,3 anos, média de CVF = 64,17 ± 15,54% do previsto e média de DLCO = 44,21 ± 14,47% do previsto. Todos os pacientes avaliados tinham sua QVRS prejudicada, e os piores escores foram observados nos domínios capacidade funcional do SF-36 e atividade do SGRQ. Dos pacientes avaliados 60,3% e 57,1% apresentaram sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, respectivamente. A análise de componentes principais identificou um fator preditor para QVRS física e um fator preditor para QVRS mental. A depressão apresentou uma forte influência sobre o fator preditor de QVRS mental, e o grau de dispneia apresentou uma influência significativa sobre os dois fatores preditores de QVRS nos pacientes avaliados. Variáveis relacionadas à função pulmonar, capacidade de exercício e ansiedade não apresentaram impactos sobre esses fatores preditores. CONCLUSÕES: Em nossa amostra de pacientes com DPI, o grau de dispneia teve um impacto importante sobre a QVRS física e mental, e a depressão teve um impacto sobre a QVRS mental nos pacientes com DPI.OBJECTIVE: To determine predictors of health-related quality of life (HRQoL in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD. METHODS: A cross

  16. Valor de los niveles urinarios de interleucina 6, factor de crecimiento epidérmico, proteína quimioatractante de monocitos de tipo 1 y factor de crecimiento transformante β1 para la predicción de la extensión de las lesiones de fibrosis en biopsias de enfermos con nefropatía IgA

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    Alfons Segarra-Medrano


    Conclusión: La determinación de la concentración urinaria de IL-6, EGF y MCP-1 proporciona una información adicional que mejora de forma significativa la estimación de la superficie de fibrosis intersticial.

  17. The repeated extracorporeal shock waves and the renal parenchyma injury on normal and diabetic rats A repetição de ondas de choque extracorpóreas e a lesão do parênquima renal em ratos normais e diabéticos

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    Vicente Massaji Kira


    foi calculado, em 20 campos aleatórios, a freqüência (em porcentagem de focos hemorrágicos (FH nas áreas subcapsular, intersticial e glomerular. RESULTADOS: Nenhum foco hemorrágico foi identificado nos animais normais ou diabéticos que não receberam nenhuma OCE (A1, A3 e B1, B3. Nos ratos normais a freqüência de FH foi similar com uma sessão de OCE (subcapsular =15%; intersticial =20% e glomerular =10% ou duas sessões de OCE (subcapsular =25%; intersticial =20%; glomerular =10%. Nos ratos diabéticos a ocorrência de FH com duas sessões de OCE foi mais freqüente (subcapsular =40%; intersticial =30% e glomerular =10% do que com uma simples sessão de OCE (subcapsular =25%; intersticial =15% e glomerular =15%. CONCLUSÃO: Uma única ou duas sessões de OCE causa um discreto e semelhante dano no parênquima renal de ratos normais. Nos ratos diabéticos a repetição da OCE pode resultar em acúmulo de danos, especialmente com FH nas áreas subcapsular e intersticial e no edema do glomérulo.

  18. [The muscular lesion in myasthenia gravis: study of 17 cases with muscular histochemistry]. (United States)

    Werneck, L C


    A study of 17 muscle biopsies from patients with myasthenia gravis was done, using freshfrozen section and histochemistry tecnics. It was found 15 abnormal muscle biopsies. The most common abnormality were small dark angular fibers, excess of lipids droplets outside the muscle membrane, changes in fiber size and type II fiber atrophy. These findings suggested denervation in 11 biopsies, type II fiber atrophy in 7, linfocyte infiltration in 4, fiber necrosis with fagocitosis in 1 and 2 were normal. Was noted a direct correlation between the disease duration and the severity of the histological abnormality. Two patients had tymoma. Congenital myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, intersticial hypertrophic neuritis, Hashimoto tireoiditis and concomitance of myasthenic syndrome was found once in different patients.

  19. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da doença de Parkinson

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    James Pitágoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available A análise de cinco encéfalos humanos, quatro de pacientes parkinsonianos e um de controle, pela microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, evidenciou as seguintes mais freqüentes alterações: empobrecimento de fibras nervosas, grande aumento do espaço intersticial, desintegração do neurópilo e tumefação e degeneração das mitocôndrias. Com exceção das alterações mitocondriais, as demais ocorreram em todos os encéfalos dos parkinsonianos, fato não observado no caso controle, o que torna difícil atribuí-las à fixação. Traduzem, em última análise, a perda neuronal crônica. Houve, também, presença de depósitos amorfos no interior das mitocôndrias, dos axônios, do citoplasma e do espaço intersticial.

  20. The role of lipopolysaccharide injected systemically in the reactivation of collagen-induced arthritis in mice (United States)

    Yoshino, Shin; Ohsawa, Motoyasu


    We investigated the role of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the reactivation of autoimmune disease by using collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice in which autoimmunity to the joint cartilage component type II collagen (CII) was involved.CIA was induced by immunization with CII emulsified with complete Freund's adjuvant at the base of the tail (day 0) followed by a booster injection on day 21. Varying doses of LPS from E. coli were i.p. injected on day 50.Arthritis began to develop on day 25 after immunization with CII and reached a peak on day 35. Thereafter, arthritis subsided gradually but moderate joint inflammation was still observed on day 50. An i.p. injection of LPS on day 50 markedly reactivated arthritis on a dose-related fashion. Histologically, on day 55, there were marked oedema of synovium which had proliferated by the day of LPS injection, new formation of fibrin, and intense infiltration of neutrophils accompanied with a large number of mononuclear cells. The reactivation of CIA by LPS was associated with increases in anti-CII IgG and IgG2a antibodies as well as various cytokines including IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-1β, and TNF-α. LPS from S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, and K. neumoniae and its component, lipid A from E. coli also reactivated the disease. Polymyxin B sulphate suppressed LPS- or lipid A-induced reactivation of CIA.These results suggest that LPS may play an important role in the reactivation of autoimmune joint inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis in humans. PMID:10742285

  1. Chronic intersticial lung disease in the horse- Findings in arterial bloodgas analysis, tracheobronchial mucus cytology and radiological examination of the thorax; Chronisch interstitielle Lungenerkrankung beim Pferd - Blutgasanalytische, sekretzytolytische und röntgenologische Befunde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dieckmann, M. [Klinik fuer Pferde, Tieraerztliche Hochschule Hannover (Germany); Klein, H. J.; Deegen, E.


    In 12 horses chronic interstitial lung disease was diagnosed. All horses were referrred because of unexplained loss of performance. In general there was no history of respiratory problems; 4 horses showed nasal discharge and 2 horses coughed. Results of arterial bloodgas analysis, tracheobronchial mucus cytology and radiological examination of the lungs were found in a typical combination, and they were different from results found generally in horses suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mean value of arterial partial pressure of oxygen was 100,6 mm Hg, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide was 45,1 mm Hg and alveolo-arterial difference in oxygen 5,1 mm Hg, respectively. In tracheobronchial aspirates pulmonary alveolar macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes were found in a relation of 2,6 : 1. Chest radiographs of all horses showed diffuse interstitial pattern throughout the lung.

  2. Preliminary phytochemical screening, Antibacterial potential and GC-MS analysis of two medicinal plant extracts. (United States)

    Vijayaram, Seerangaraj; Kannan, Suruli; Saravanan, Konda Mani; Vasantharaj, Seerangaraj; Sathiyavimal, Selvam; P, Palanisamy Senthilkumar


    The presence study was aimed to catalyze the primary metabolites and their confirmation by using GC-MS analysis and antibacterial potential of leaf extract of two important medicinal plant viz., Eucalyptus and Azadirachta indica. The antibacterial potential of the methanol leaf extract of the studied species was tested against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiellap neumoniae, Streptococcus pyogens, Staphylococcus aureus using by agar well diffusion method. The higher zone of inhibition (16mm) was observed against the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 100μl concentration of methanol leaf extract. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of studied species shows that presence of phytochemical compounds like steroids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids. GC-MS analysis confirms the occurrence of 20 different compounds in the methanol leaf extract of the both studied species.

  3. Neumonía eosinofílica: presentación de dos casos, agudo y crónico

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    Oscar Pamo Reyna


    Full Text Available Se presenta dos casos de neumonía eosinofílica idiopática, uno crónico y otro agudo. En el caso clínico 1 se realizó una confirmación anatomopatológica de neumonía eosinofílica idiopática y en el caso clínico 2 se tuvo una neumonia eosinofílica aguda probable. Ambos presentaron tos, fiebre y disnea. El estudio radiográfico reveló lesiones alveolares bilaterales con tendencia a la consolidación. La marcada eosinofilia en sangre periférica fue un dato resaltante que facilitó el diagnóstico. Ambos casos tuvieron muy buena respuesta a la corticoterapia.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:39-44.

  4. Methane concentration in water column and in pore water of a coastal lagoon (Cabiúnas lagoon, Macaé, RJ, Brazil

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    André Luiz dos Santos Fonseca


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate methane concentration in water column and pore water at limnetic and littoral regions of a coastal lagoon. At the littoral region samples were taken from three monospecific macrophytes stands (Typha domingensis, Eleocharis interstincta and Potamogeton stenostachys. The methane concentration in the pore water at the littoral region was higher than the concentration found at the limnetic region in each fraction of the sediment. The higher methane concentration in the superficial fraction of the sediment (0-2 cm was shown at the P. stenostachys stand (3.7 mM. It was the only significantly different (p0.05. It could be concluded that there was a high influence of aquatic macrophytes on the pore water methane concentration.O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi determinar a concentração de metano na coluna d'água e na água intersticial do sedimento nas regiões limnética e litorânea de uma lagoa costeira (Lagoa Cabiúnas, Macaé, RJ. Na região litorânea as amostras foram coletadas em três estandes de macrófitas (Typha domingensis, Eleocharis interstincta e Potamogeton stenostachys. A concentração de metano na água intersticial na região litorânea foi maior do que aquela encontrada na região limnética em cada fração do sedimento. A maior concentração de metano na fração superficial do sedimento (0-2 cm foi observada no estande de P. stenostachys (3.7 mM. Este resultado foi o único significativamente diferente (p0.05. Os resultados sugerem que há uma considerável influência das macrófitas aquáticas estudadas na concentração de metano na água intersticial do sedimento.

  5. Comprometimento pulmonar na leptospirose

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    Jorge Eduardo Manhães de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em 23 pacientes com leptospirose apresentando comprometimento pulmonar, internados no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro da XJFF, Niterói, hemoptise e hemoptóicos foram observados em 21,7% e 30,4%, respectivajnente. Gasometria arterial revelou hipoxemia e hipocapnia na maioria dos casos. Radiografia de tórax em 15 pacientes mostrou comprometimento alveolar em 60%, comprometimento intersticial-reticular em 6%, padrão misto (alveolar e intersticial em20%e ausência de alterações radiológicas em 14%. A necrópsiade 13 pacientes mostrou edema, congestão e hemorragia nos pulmões em 100% dos casos. A hemorragia foi focal em 46% e difusa em 54% dos casos. Houve formação de membrana hialina em 30% e trombos de fibrina em 46% dos pulmões estudados, o que estabelece o diagnóstico da coagulação intravascular disseminada e a ocorrência da síndrome de angústia respiratória na leptospirose.

  6. Síndrome de Cogan: achados oculares em um caso da forma atípica Cogan's syndrome: ocular findings in an atypical case

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    Ana Karina Santiago de Medeiros Lima


    Full Text Available A síndrome de Cogan é entidade multissistêmica rara caracterizada por ceratite intersticial associada à disfunção áudio-vestibular e possível surdez irreversível classificada em duas formas clínicas: típica e atípica. Há discordância na literatura quanto à presença de acometimento corneano na forma atípica. Uma paciente de 32 anos queixando-se de hiperemia e dor ocular, fotofobia e baixa da acuidade visual no olho direito, associada à perda súbita de audição à esquerda, vômitos, diarréia, oligúria, dor na orofaringe e febre. História prévia de semelhante acometimento do olho esquerdo e audição direita. Havia intensa hiperemia conjuntival, esclerite nodular, episclerite e infiltrados circulares no estroma corneano. A paciente recebeu pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e ciclofosfamida. Evoluiu com grande melhora ocular, porém com resposta auditiva pobre. O caso reportado pode constituir forma típica da síndrome de Cogan (de acordo com autores que defendem o não-acometimento corneano na forma atípica com alguns achados característicos da forma atípica ou um caso da forma atípica da síndrome de Cogan (para aqueles que defendem o acometimento corneano na forma atípica. O diagnóstico diferencial também é discutido.Cogan's syndrome is an unusual multisystemic disease characterized by intersticial keratitis in association with vestibuloauditory dysfunction and possible irreversible deafness, classified into 2 clinical types: typical and atypical. There is disagreement in the literature about corneal disease in the atypical variety. A 32-year-old woman complaining of ocular hyperemia and ocular pain, photophobia and visual acuity loss in the right eye associated with sudden left hearing loss, vomiting, diarrhea, oliguria, oropharynx pain and fever. Previous history of similar disease in left eye and right hearing. There was intense conjunctival hyperemia, nodular scleritis, episcleritis, and circular infiltrates

  7. Doença intersticial pulmonar em doentes com artrite reumatóide: comparação com a alveolite fibrosante criptogénica

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    B.A. Rajasekaran


    interstício na AR estava estimada em 5%, contudo a TAC torácica de alta resolução veio a revelar uma prevalência superior a 20%, apresentando nas conectivopatias uma boa correlação com a biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica.A história natural da fibrose na AR não está bem definida, existindo alguns estudos que sugerem um melhor prognóstico em relação às fibroses idiopáticas.Neste estudo não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas do ponto de vista clínico ou funcional respiratório, sendo porém mais frequente o hipocratismo digital em doentes com fibrose pulmonar sem AR, o que está de acordo com outras séries. Nenhum doente com AR nesta série tinha sido medicado com metotrexato, excluindo-se assim este factor de risco de fibrose apontado noutros estudos.A distribuição mais periférica das lesões intersticiais observada na TAC parece influenciar positivamente o prognóstico da doença. Não são conhecidas diferenças histológicas ou funcionais respiratórias que caracterizem as fibroses pulmonares idiopáticas ou associadas a conectivopatias. Contudo, a progressão da DIP na esclerodermia é seguramente mais lenta do que nas AFC e parece estar a surgir a mesma evidência em relação à AR, faltando ainda estudos que o confirmem com rigor.O eventual efeito protector de fibrose pulmonar atribuído ao Factor Reumatóide na AR é contrariado noutros trabalhos em que se verificou exactamente o contrário. Também este estudo não distingue as DIP na AR em pneumonite intersticial usual (UIP e não específica (NSIP que, como se sabe, tem prognósticos diferentes mesmo nas conectivopatias. Salienta-se que a prevalência e prognóstico das UIP e NSIP nas conectivites permanece por definir. Palavras-chave: artrite reumatóide, alveolite fibrosante criptogénica, Key-Words: rheumatoid arthritis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

  8. Neumonia adquirida en la comunidad: guia practica elaborada por un comite intersociedades

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    C. M. Luna


    Full Text Available Las guías para neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC contribuyen a ordenar el manejo de los pacientes. La NAC presenta cambios en su etiología, epidemiología y sensibilidad a antibióticos que obligan a la revisión periódica de las guías. Un comité intersociedades elaboró esta guía dividida en tópicos y basada en guías y estudios clínicos recientes. La NAC afecta anualmente al 1% de la población; la mayoría de los pacientes requiere atención ambulatoria, en otros reviste gravedad (representa la 6ª causa de muerte en Argentina. La etiología es diferente si el paciente es ambulatorio, requiere internación en sala general o en terapia intensiva, pero no hay forma segura de predecirla clínicamente. Los predictores de mala evolución son: edad, antecedentes personales y comorbilidades y hallazgos del examen físico, del laboratorio y de la radiografía de tórax. Entre 10 y 25% de los pacientes que se internan deben hacerlo en terapia intensiva para ventilación mecánica o soporte hemodinámico (NAC grave, tanto inicialmente como durante su evolución. Estos pacientes presentan alta mortalidad; algunos criterios ayudan a reconocerlos. Embarazo, EPOC e internación en institutos geriátricos requieren consideraciones especiales. El diagnóstico es clínico, los métodos complementarios ayudan a determinar la etiología y la gravedad: la radiografía de tórax debe practicarse en todos los pacientes; el resto de los estudios están indicados en internados. El tratamiento inicial es empírico y debe iniciarse precozmente usando antibióticos activos frente a los gérmenes blanco, evitando el uso inapropiado que induce el desarrollo de resistencias. El tratamiento no debe prolongarse innecesariamente. Hidratación, nutrición, oxígeno y el manejo de las complicaciones complementan al tratamiento antibiótico. La prevención se basa en la profilaxis antinfluenza y antineumocóccica, evitar la aspiración y medidas generales.Clinical practice guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP contribute to improve patient's management. CAP undergoes continuous changes in etiology, epidemiology and antimicrobial sensitivity, requiring periodic guidelines revisions. An inter-society committee designed this guidelines dividing it into several topics based on prior guidelines and recent clinical studies. CAP compromises annually more than 1% of the population; most of the cases only require outpatient care but others are severe cases, reaching the 6th cause of death in Argentina. The cases are distributed unevenly into ambulatory, admitted in the general ward or in the intensive care unit. There is no way to predict the etiology. Unfavorable outcome predictors include age, antecedents and physical, laboratory and radiography findings. Ten to 25% of inpatients need to be admitted to the intensive care unit at the onset or during the follow-up, for mechanical ventilation or hemodynamic support (severe CAP. Severe CAP is associated with high mortality and requires adequate and urgent therapy. Pregnant, COPD and nursing home patients require special recommendations. Diagnosis is clinical, while complementary methods are useful to define etiology and severity; chest X-ray is the only one universally recommended. Other studies, including microbiologic evaluation are particularly appropriate in the hospitalized patients. The initial therapy is empiric, it must begin early, using antimicrobials active against the target microorganisms, avoiding their inappropriate use which can lead to the development of resistance. Length of therapy must not be unnecessarily prolonged. Hydratation, nutrition, oxygen and therapy of complications must complement antibiotic treatment. Prevention is based on influenza prophylaxis, anti-pneumococcal vaccine, aspiration prevention and other general measures.

  9. Interstitial cystitis: painful bladder syndrome

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    R F Sholan


    Full Text Available Interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic inflammatory disease of a bladder of unknown etiology. It negatively affects the quality of life, causes depressive disorders, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction. Despite numerous studies, the etiology of interstitial cystitis is still unclear and it’s considered as painful bladder syndrome with multifactorial origin. According to the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 470/100 000 people (60/100 000 men, 850/100 000 women are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult and is substantially based on clinical symptoms. Pelvic pain, urinary urgency, frequency and nocturia are the basic complaints in this pathology. The diagnosis requires exclusion of diseases with similar manifestations. So interstitial cystitis is frequently misdiagnosed as urinary tract infection, overactive bladder, urethral obstruction or diverticulosis, chronic prostatitis, bladder cancer, vulvodynia, endometriosis, and chronic pelvic pain. Etiopathogenesis of the disease is uncertain, which makes etiologic treatment impossible. Currently scientific discussions on the causes of disease continue as well as different treatment regimens are offered, but are often ineffective, palliative and temporary. The treatment for intersticial cystitis should focus on restoring normal bladder function, prevention of relapse of symptoms and improvement of patients’ quality of life. The literature review presents current view on the terminology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis.


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    Larissa Balbino Zanarotti


    Full Text Available Altas doses de esteróides anabólicos androgênicos são utilizadas, sem indicação terapêutica, por indivíduos que visam aumentar a força muscular ou melhorar a aparência física. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a morfologia do parênquima pulmonar, diante da administração do esteróide anabólico decanoato de nandrolona. Para isso, foram utilizadas 8 ratas Wistar adultas, divididas equitativamente em dois grupos: controle e experimental. Os animais do grupo experimental receberam por seis semanas consecutivas uma injeção intramuscular de 6 mg/kg de decanoato de nandrolona (Deca-Durabolin® eo grupo controle receberam uma injeção intramuscular de solução salina (0,9%. Após a eutanásia foram retirados os pulmões para a análise histológica de rotina sob microscopia de luz.Os resultados morfológicos do grupo experimental indicaram na região peribronquiolar um espessamento dos septos alveolares, um intenso infiltrado inflamatório misto constituído de monócitos e polimorfonucleares, quando comparado com o grupo controle. Observou-se também capilares repletos de hemácias, indicando uma hiperemia ativa, há também uma hiperplasia de nódulo linfóide associada aos bronquíolos assim como um edema intersticial, comparado ao grupo controle. Nossos achados morfológicos se coadunam com investigações semelhantes que indicam o uso indiscriminado e abusivo do decanoato de nandrolona (Deca-durabolin® como fator de risco no desenvolvimento da hipertrofia cardíaca e renal, e para sobrecarga da artéria pulmonar, podendo produzir a hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP em ratos. Podemos concluir, portanto, que a hiperemia aguda pode ser um indício de alterações hemodinâmicas resultando em congestão vascular, edema intersticial com infiltrado inflamatório agudo, demonstrando um quadro de pneumonia intersticial.

  11. What is the effect of chest physiotherapy in hospitalized children with pneumonia?

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    Felipe Damiani


    Full Text Available La kinesioterapia respiratoria es ampliamente utilizada en la práctica clínica para el tratamiento de la neumonía, sin embargo, su efecto en niños con neumonia aún es controvertido. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos una revisión sistemática que incluye dos estudios aleatorizados pertinentes a la pregunta. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que existe incertidumbre sobre si la kinesioterapia respiratoria tiene algún efecto sobre el tiempo de hospitalización, severidad y resolución clínica en niños con neumonía porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja.

  12. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis with severe renal impairment associated with multisystem IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Beltrame, Rafael Coimbra Ferreira; Friderichs, Maurício; Fior, Bárbara Rayanne; Schaefer, Pedro Guilherme; Thomé, Gustavo Gomes; Silva, Dirceu Reis da; Barros, Elvino José Guardão; Seligman, Renato; Veronese, Francisco Veríssimo


    The IgG4-related disease has a wide clinical spectrum where multiple organs can be affected, and the diagnosis depends on typical histopathological findings and an elevated IgG4 expression in plasma cells in the affected tissue. We describe the clinical presentation and evolution of a patient with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, severe kidney failure and systemic manifestations such as lymphadenomegaly and chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical picture and kidney and lymph node histopathology, in which immunohistochemistry of the lymphoid tissue showed policlonality and increased expression of IgG4, with a IgG4/total IgG ratio > 80%. The patient was treated with prednisone at a dose of 60 mg/day, followed by mycophenolate mofetil, and showed clinical and renal function improvement at 6 months of follow-up. The high index of suspicion of IgG4-related disease with multisystem involvement and the early treatment of this condition are essential to improve the prognosis of affected patients. Resumo A doença relacionada à IgG4 tem um espectro clínico amplo em que múltiplos órgãos podem ser afetados, e o diagnóstico depende de achados histopatológicos típicos e elevada expressão de IgG4 em plasmócitos no tecido afetado. Descrevemos o quadro clínico e a evolução de um paciente com nefrite túbulo-intersticial aguda, insuficiência renal grave e manifestações sistêmicas como linfoadenomegalias e pancreatite crônica. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelas características clínicas e pela histopatologia renal e de linfonodo, na qual a imunohistoquímica mostrou tecido linfoide com policlonalidade e expressão aumentada de IgG4, com uma relação IgG4/IgG total > 80%. O paciente foi tratado com prednisona na dose de 60 mg/dia, seguido de micofenolato mofetil, e apresentou melhora clínica e da função renal depois de 6 meses de tratamento. O alto índice de suspeição da doença relacionada ao IgG4 com comprometimento multissist

  13. Up-hill difuze intersticiálních prvků

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Million, Bořivoj


    Roč. 279, č. 72 (2001), s. 149-154 ISSN 1429-6055. [mezinárodní sympozium Struktura a vlastnosti konstrukčních materiálů /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/01/0382; GA AV ČR IBS2041105 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : interstitial elements * diffusion * up-hill Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  14. Doença pulmonar induzida pelas radiações ou pelos fármacos citostáticos

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    Ulrich Costabel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo discute dois temas afins: 1 doença pulmonar induzida pela radioterapia nas suas diferentes apresentações: pneumonite de radiação clássica e fibrose pulmonar e outras duas mais recentemente descritas, BOOP e alveolite linfocitária bilateral São discutidos os mecanismos patoeenicos, clinic:a e tratamento; 2 a patologia intersticial induzida por fármacos citostáticos nas suas várias formas de apresentação.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 ABSTRACT: In this paper two topics art adressed: 1 the radiation induced lung injury in its possible forms: classical radiation pneumonitis and radiation fibrosis or two other newly recoenised sindromes BOOP and bilateral lymphodtic alveolitis. The mecanism and treatment are discussed; 2 the cytotocic drug-induced lung diseases and their pulmonary reaction patterns.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 Palavras-chave: Radioterapia, Citostaticos, BOOP, Alveolite Linfocitica, Key-words: Radiation, Cytotocic Drugs, Lymphocitic Alveolitis

  15. Esclerose sistêmica e sarcoidose Scleroderma and sarcoidosis

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    Fernanda Guidolin


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente com esclerose sistêmica (ES - forma limitada - com comprometimento pulmonar tipo fibrose intersticial. Após sete anos sem acompanhamento, foram identificados gânglios mediastinais e esplenomegalia. A biópsia de linfonodos mostrou granuloma não caseoso sugestivo de sarcoidose. Estamos mostrando, neste caso, a associação de ES e sarcoidose, para chamar a atenção para esse fato e enfatizar que a sarcoidose deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das complicações pulmonares da esclerodermia.The authors describe the case of a patient with limited scleroderma and interstitial lung disease. Follow-up was lost for seven years, when patient returned presenting nodular mediastinal enlargement and splenomegaly. Lymph node biopsy showed granulomatous lesions without caseum suggestive of sarcoidosis. This case is being presented to remind the association of scleroderma and sarcoidosis as a possible differential diagnosis of scleroderma pulmonary complications.

  16. Costos de neumonia nosocomial en una unidad de cuidados intensivos en Cartagena, Colombia

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    Arnaldo Sanmartin-Ávila

    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: Estimar el exceso de costos directos de atención atribuible a la neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de adultos en la ciudad de Cartagena durante los años 2009 al 2014. Material y Método: Se plantea un estudio de evaluación económica parcial centrado en el análisis de costos directos de atención contrastando los escenarios de neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico versus los escenarios sin neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico. La población de estudio la constituye 23 pacientes con neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico. Del mismo modo, se tomaron 46 controles. La información correspondiente a los costos directos se obtuvo a través del departamento de costos de la institución hospitalaria. Se estimó la razón de costos que permite establecer el exceso de costo atribuible a la enfermedad nosocomial. Resultados: La estancia promedio en los casos fue de 47 días mientras que en los controles fue de 9 días. El costo promedio de un caso de neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico fue de US$ 44.354 mientras que el de un control fue de US$ 5.037. Discusión: El exceso de costo promedio total así como el incurrido en antibióticos y en estancia resultan ser mucho más altos que los encontrados en otros estudios realizados. Conclusiones: Un caso de neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico cuesta 10 veces más con respecto a los medicamentos y 8 veces más con relación a exámenes de laboratorio se insumos. La estancia resulta ser 6,6 veces más costosa que cuando no se presenta esta patología. El costo que se asume en antibióticos es 7,8 veces más alto. Los casos de neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico cuestan en promedio 8,8 veces más que los controles.

  17. Polimiositis con incapacidad ventilatoria e insuficiencia respiratoria

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    O. Lopez Gaston


    Full Text Available Las miopatías inflamatorias son un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por debilidad muscular proximal y las causas mayores incluyen la polimiositis (PM, dermatomiositis y miositis por cuerpos de inclusión. Las complicaciones respiratorias son comunes y adquieren importancia por la incidencia sobre el pronóstico. Las tres formas de compromiso frecuentes son la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, la neumopatía aspirativa y la incapacidad ventilatoria (IV por debilidad de los músculos respiratorios, que en su forma severa es de ocurrencia excepcional. Se presenta una paciente con IV sin compromiso del parénquima pulmonar, que requirió asistencia respiratoria mecánica por 4 meses con «destete» exitoso.The inflammatory diseases of muscle are a group of disorders characterized by proximal muscle weakness. Most cases fall into three major diagnostic categories, polymyositis (PM, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis. Respiratory complications are a common feature and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The three main types of pulmonary involvement are interstitial lung disease, aspiration pneumonia and ventilatory incapacity (VI due to muscle weakness. There are few reported cases in which mechanical ventilation has been used in patients with PM and VI in absense of lung disease. We present a patient with PM and VI due to muscle weakness who underwent therapy maintenance with mechanical ventilator and was weaned 4 months later.

  18. Neumonia adquirida en la comunidad en dos poblaciones hospitalarias Community-acquired pneumonia in patients from two different hospitals

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    O. J. Caberlotto


    located in the surroundings of Buenos Aires city. Fifty two patients from General Hospital Manuel Belgrano (HMB were included from March 1998 to February 1999 and 23 patients from Hospital Dr A. Cetrangolo (HCET for respiratory disease, were included from June 2000 to May 2001. Patients with lung tuberculosis, lung neoplasia and HIV infection were excluded. Clinical background, signs and symptoms were recorded. Microbiological examinations performed included bacteria, respiratory viruses and mycobacteria. Studies for «atypical» bacteria (Chlamydia spp., Coxiella burnetii, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Legionella spp. were carried out by serological methods. No differences in age and gender were observed between both groups. Most frequently observed comorbidities in the HMB group included COPD, diabetes and cardiac failure while in the HCET group these were COPD, asthma and lung fibrosis. Etiology was established in 48% and 65.2% of the patients in the first and second group, respectively. Most frequent agents were Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, influenza A and Legionella spp.; the last one was detected in 12% of the patients. Most of these patients were from HMB and presented a good outcome. Mortality was similar in both groups (13.3%. In the HMB group it was related to the presence of comorbidities in 7 out of 8 cases, and in the HCET group it was a consequence of the worsening of their chronic respiratory failure.


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonia Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolucion aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologias. Las condiciones clinicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolucion, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapeutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 anos, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnostico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografia y tomografia describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotorax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toraxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona torpidamente, se realiza decorticacion pleuro-pulmonar y reseccion cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infeccion nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  20. Identificação do circovírus suíno tipo 2 por reação em cadeia da polimerase e por imunoistoquímica em tecidos suínos arquivados desde 1988 no Brasil

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    Ciacci-Zanella Janice Reis


    Full Text Available A síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento dos suínos (SMDS é uma doença de importância econômica causada pelo circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2. Uma pesquisa retrospectiva foi realizada em amostras de órgãos de suínos fixados em blocos de parafina arquivados, que haviam sido submetidos à Embrapa Suínos e Aves entre 1985 e 1998 para o diagnóstico histopatológico. Vinte e cinco casos foram selecionados com base nas lesões histológicas características da SMDS, tais como linfoadenopatia, pneumonia intersticial, hepatite e nefrite intersticial. A presença de PCV2 nos cortes histológicos foi pesquisada por reação em cadeia da polimerase interna (nested-PCR, na qual utilizou-se primers específicos para a seqüência da ORF2 do PCV2 e também por imunoistoquímica, utilizando um anticorpo monoclonal específico para o capsídeo do PCV2. O DNA viral e os antígenos específicos do PCV2 foram detectados em amostras de tecidos de dois dos 25 casos analisados, sendo um desses datado de 1988. Esses resultados indicam que o PCV2 já estava presente no Brasil desde 1988.

  1. Capítulo 7. Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño: la distancia que acerca


    Mellado, Luciana A.


    Narrar el horror. La experiencia y el relato desmembrados La novela Estrella distante (1996) del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño muestra cómo la experiencia del horror provoca una crisis de comunicabilidad que repercute en la organización discursiva de la violencia social. Los principios constructivos del texto permiten visibilizar, en el plano formal rasgos del contexto político y social representado narrativamente, del mundo histórico al que el narrador se acerca por los bordes e interstici...

  2. The pathogenesis of Chagas' disease: when autoimmune and parasite-specific immune responses meet

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    Full Text Available Chagas' disease is a major health problem in Latin America, where it constitutes one of the leading causes of heart failure. About one fourth of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals develop chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CChC, the most severe form of the disease. CChC is histologically characterized by the presence of multifocal inflammatory infiltrates in the heart, composed mainly by mononuclear cells, usually adhered to myocytes and leading to myocytolysis, and frequently by interstitial fibrosis. The pathogenesis of CChC is still unclear, despite intense investigations both in human beings and in animal models of the disease. Although tissue parasitism is rare in the chronic phase of infection, an immune response targeted to persistent parasites or parasite antigens is suggested, by some authors, as the pathogenic mechanism of CChC. Other researchers affirm that the lack of correlation between tissue parasitism and intensity of inflammation suggests, along with the presence of autoreactive immune responses, that CChC results from the action of an autoimmune response. Herein we review reports from the literature and our own data, which together indicate, on one hand, the participation of parasite-specific immune responses and, on the other hand, clearly demonstrate the participation of heart-specific immune responses in the pathogenesis of CChC. Moreover, multiple factors may determine whether an individual in the indeterminate form of the disease will develop CChC. The mechanisms by which T. cruzi breaks immunological tolerance to heart antigens are also discussed.A doença de Chagas constitui um grave problema de saúde pública na América Latina, onde é uma das principais causas de problemas cardíacos. A cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CChC, forma mais grave da doença, manifesta-se em cerca de 25% dos indivíduos infectados pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, e é caracterizada, a nível histopatológico, pela presença de infiltrados

  3. Chest x-ray in Q-fever pneumonia: a series of 71 cases; La radiografia de torax en la neumonia por fiebre-Q. Serie de 71 casos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Encinas, B; Cerezal, L F; Fidalgo, I; Bustamente, M; Lopez Calderon, M [Hospital Universitario Marques de valdecilla, Santander (Spain)


    Chest X ray features of 71 cases of Q-fever serologically confirmed and with clinical manifestations of acute respiratory disease were retrospectively assessed in order to evaluate the radiographic features. In 68 cases (96%) The X-ray films were abnormal. Segmental consolidation, sometimes multiple and bilateral were tue most usual findings. Nodular opacities were found in 6 cases (9%) and can mimic a tumor. Cavitacion , a very unusual findings, was found in two nodular consolidations(two patients). Laminar atelectasis was less common than proviously reported. As in other series, total resolution or with minimal scars occurs within 3 months 15 refs.

  4. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo. Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    N.E. Bernard; V. Pardo; A.C. Benítez Mendes; A. Seehaus


    Resumen: Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última...

  5. Simulação da difusão do zinco e do oxigênio, e análise da durabilidade de varistor de ZnO utilizando o planejamento fatorial

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    Pariona M. M.


    Full Text Available A durabilidade do varistor de ZnO está relacionada com suas características elétricas, microestruturais, térmicas e com o fenômeno de transporte de massa nos contornos de grão durante o processo de operação do varistor. O estado de polarização nos contornos de grão está relacionado com a difusão do zinco, do oxigênio e dos dopantes durante a aplicação do potencial elétrico e/ou da temperatura. Quando o potencial elétrico é retirado e o estado de polarização não recupera seu estado natural, significa que o dispositivo adquire os piores parâmetros e o varistor sofre degradação, comprometendo sua durabilidade. Neste trabalho, foi simulada a difusão do zinco intersticial e das vacâncias de oxigênio em ZnO. Foi também simulada a durabilidade do varistor, através do planejamento fatorial dos parâmetros elétricos, térmicos e geométricos que caracterizam o dispositivo. Através destes resultados, verificou-se que a difusão do zinco intersticial controla principalmente as propriedades elétricas. Observou-se, também, que quando aumenta a temperatura e a queda de tensão registrada em 0,5 mA/cm², a durabilidade do varistor fica comprometida.

  6. Descripción de un brote de enfisema y edema pulmonar agudo del bovino (EPAB) en Parral (Chile)




    Se describe un brote de enfisema y edema alveolar agudo del bovino (EPAB) ocurrido en la zona centro-sur a fines del verano de 1995. Los animales Frisón negro, de aproximadamente 2 años de edad, fueron afectados después de cambiarse de una pradera fibrosa a una suculenta de alfalfa. La mortalidad por esta causa fue de un 23%. Las principales lesiones encontradas en la necropsia fueron enfisema y edema intersticial intenso del pulmón, lo cual fue corroborado histopatológicamente, encontrándose...

  7. Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia de antimicrobianos: a propósito de pacientes con neutropenia y fiebre


    Garzón, Javier R; Cuervo M, Sonia; Gómez R, Julio; Cortés, Jorge A


    La neutropenia febril es una complicación grave de la terapia antineoplásica que se presenta más frecuentemente en pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas, asociada a tasas elevadas de mortalidad. Uno de los factores descritos como causa de fracasos terapéuticos de la terapia antimicrobiana es la inadecuada concentración tisular de los antimicrobianos que a su vez se correlaciona con bajas concentraciones en el líquido intersticial en el caso de los fármacos hidrofílicos. En pacientes críticam...

  8. Descripción de un brote de enfisema y edema pulmonar agudo del bovino (EPAB) en Parral (Chile)




    Se describe un brote de enfisema y edema alveolar agudo del bovino (EPAB) ocurrido en la zona centro-sur a fines del verano de 1995. Los animales Frisón negro, de aproximadamente 2 años de edad, fueron afectados después de cambiarse de una pradera fibrosa a una suculenta de alfalfa. La mortalidad por esta causa fue de un 23%. Las principales lesiones encontradas en la necropsia fueron enfisema y edema intersticial intenso del pulmón, lo cual fue corroborado histopatológicamente, encontrándos...

  9. Caracterização dos doentes com diagnóstico de sarcoidose do serviço de pneumologia do CHCB entre os anos de 2001 e 2010


    Araújo, Ana Rafaela da Silva


    Introdução: A Sarcoidose é a doença pulmonar intersticial mais frequente. Afecta predominantemente adultos jovens e caracteriza-se pela presença de adenopatias hilares bilaterais, infiltrados pulmonares, lesões oculares e cutâneas, mas virtualmente qualquer órgão pode estar envolvido. O diagnóstico é estabelecido quando os achados clínico-radiológicos são suportados pela evidência histológica de granulomas não caseosos. Níveis aumentados de enzima conversora de angiotensina e metabolismo anor...

  10. Seguimiento del perfil proteico urinario en el trasplante renal


    Facio, María Laura; Madalena, Leticia; Bacqué, María del Carmen; Idiarte, Laura; Pandolfo, Marcela; Angerosa, Margarita; Alejandre, Mariel; Fraind, Susana; Bresciani, Pablo; Pizzolato, Marco


    La nefropatía crónica del trasplante (NCT) se caracteriza por fibrosis intersticial y atrofia tubular, pero su etiología es diversa. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el seguimiento cualitativo de proteínas urinarias en pacientes con más de seis años de trasplante renal y compararlo con parámetros de laboratorio y con biopsia renal. Se evaluaron 17 pacientes durante un año, a través de creatinina sérica, proteinuria y fraccionamiento proteico por electroforesis en geles de poliacrilamida (S...


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    Gabriel Alcalá Cerra


    Full Text Available El compromiso pulmonar en pacientes con neurofibromatosis ha sido reiteradamente descrito como una complicación muy rara en la variedad tipo 1. Se caracteriza por enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa, fibrosis pulmonar, neoplasias torácicas y formación de bulas, estas últimas, con alto riesgo de ruptura. Describimos un caso de neumotórax espontáneo en una paciente con neurofibromatosis tipo 2, como consecuencia de cambios fibróticos pulmonares. A nuestro conocimiento, esta asociación no había sido reportada.

  12. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo: Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    Bernard, N.E; Pardo, V; Benítez Mendes, A.C; Seehaus, A


    Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última con el e...

  13. Mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual: placebo versus outras drogas Pre-menstrual cyclic mastalgia


    Laurival A. De Luca; Maria de Fátima V. S. Gonçalves; Lídia Raquel de Carvalho


    Os autores definem mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual, (MCPM), repassam os principais mecanismos do ciclo celular da mama, e com base nestes conhecimentos propõem a sua classificação em três tipos, segundo a fisiologia do ciclo mamário: tipo 1 - caracterizado pela distensão localizada de ductos e adensamento do tecido conjuntivo em volta de pequenas dilatações. tipo II - caracterizado pelo edema intersticial, e tipo III - caracterizado pela combinação dos dois processos etiopatogênicos. OBJETIVO...

  14. Mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual: placebo versus outras drogas


    De Luca,Laurival A.; Gonçalves,Maria de Fátima V. S.; Carvalho,Lídia Raquel de


    Os autores definem mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual, (MCPM), repassam os principais mecanismos do ciclo celular da mama, e com base nestes conhecimentos propõem a sua classificação em três tipos, segundo a fisiologia do ciclo mamário: tipo 1 - caracterizado pela distensão localizada de ductos e adensamento do tecido conjuntivo em volta de pequenas dilatações. tipo II - caracterizado pelo edema intersticial, e tipo III - caracterizado pela combinação dos dois processos etiopatogênicos. OBJETIVO...

  15. Compromiso pulmonar en esclerosis sistémica Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis

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    Silvia Quadrelli


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las características clínicas de los pacientes con esclerodermia y compromiso pulmonar y evaluar si existen factores clínicos predictores de mayor riesgo de enfermedad intersticial. Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva 40 pacientes con esclerodermia. Fueron divididos en 2 grupos: capacidad de difusión del monóxido de carbono (DLCO normal (n = 22 y DLCO disminuida (n = 18, 45%. Los pacientes con DLCO disminuida no fueron diferentes en edad (51.1 ± 13.5 vs. 53.5 ± 9.3 años, p = 0.5182, sexo (varones 13.6%, p = 0.6088 , presencia de Raynaud (86.6% vs. 85%, p = 0.6272, síndrome de ojo seco (6.2% vs. 10.5%, p = 1.0000 prevalencia de enfermedad difusa (94.1% vs. 83.3%, p = 0.6026 o de dilatación esofágica. El tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad no fue diferente. La sensibilidad de la disnea para detectar una DLCO alterada fue 46.6% con una especificidad del 90% y la de la caída de la saturación de O2 (SaO2 del 71.4% y 80% respectivamente. Los pacientes con DLCO baja tuvieron mayor prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-Scl 70 positivos (5/9 vs. 0/11, p = 0.0081 y de incapacidad ventilatoria restrictiva aunque en 56.7% de los pacientes con DLCO disminuida la capacidad pulmonar total (CPT era normal. La presencia de hipertensión pulmonar medida por ecocardiograma Doppler fue idéntica (11/13 vs. 10/11, p = 1.0000. Los pacientes con DLCO disminuida tuvieron una prevalencia muy superior de tomografía computada de tórax con evidencias de compromiso intersticial (82.3% vs. 5.8%, p ≤ 0.0001. En conclusión, nuestros datos sugieren que la disminución de la DLCO es un hallazgo, muy frecuentemente asociado a TAC de tórax con compromiso intersticial y que no hay variables clínicas que permitan predecir su anormalidad.The objective of this study was to determine clinical predictors of interstitial lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc and pulmonary involvement as defined by presence of a

  16. Therapeutic challenge in brain metastases: chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mena, Ivan; Contreras, Manuel; Ceballos Francisco


    Metastases to the brain occur in 25 to 35% of patients with systemic cancer. Cerebral metastatic is the most common intracranial tumor in adults and occur up to 10 times more frequently than primary tumors in the central nervous system. Significant advances have occurred in the diagnosis and treatment of metastases to the brain, and the therapeutic nihilism of the past is now no longer warranted for most patients. With the currently available treatments, most patients do not die of their brain metastases and usually experience effective palliation of neurologic symptoms and meaning full extension of life. As a trial to limit the cerebral metastatic disease, many and diverse therapy options have been developed such as: chemotherapy, surgery plus whole-brain radiotherapy, only radiation therapy, therapy with neutron, intersticial brachytherapy and stereotactic radiosurgery. In selected cases, surgery plus whole-brain radiotherapy is the conventional treatment for single metastases. However, recurrence usually limits the quality of life and greatly decrease the patients time life, and the therapy options are scarce. This piece of writing also includes a review of the available therapy forms to manage this kind of lesions. (The author)

  17. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis to tobacco




    Pneumonite de hipersensibilidade (PH) é decorrente da inalação de antígenos orgânicos e/ou inorgânicos por indivíduos suscetíveis. Relata-se o caso de uma mulher de 18 anos, plantadora de tabaco em Pelotas, no Sul do Brasil, com dispnéia progressiva, tosse seca e emagrecimento havia 35 dias. Apresentava crepitações finas no tórax e a radiografia evidenciou infiltrado intersticial difuso. O diagnóstico de PH foi estabelecido pela história de exposição, achados tomográficos e exame anatomopatol...

  18. Papel del sistema angiotensina en la fisiopatología de la fibrosis pulmonar


    Molina Molina, María


    La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa mas frecuente y con peor pronóstico, la supervivencia media desde el diagnostico es de 3-4 años. No existe en la actualidad ningún tratamiento efectivo. La hipótesis fisiopatologica actualmente aceptada es que una lesión o lesiones de la célula epitelial alveolar provocaría la apoptosis de estas células y su activación, la síntesis y secreción de diversos mediadores profibroticos, que, a su vez, provocarían en...

  19. Experiencia en la Argentina del Programa de uso compasivo con nintedanib en el tratamiento de la Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática


    Tabaj, Gabriela C; Sívori, Martín; Cornejo, Laura; Plotquin, Martín


    Introducción: La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es una enfermedad pulmonar difusa (EPD) de etiología desconocida, crónica y progresiva. Ocurre en adultos mayores, se encuentra limitada a los pulmones y se asocia con la patente anatomopatológica y/o tomográfica de neumonía intersticial usual (NIU). El curso de la enfermedad es progresivo y se asocia con una supervivencia media a 5 años del 20%. Objetivos: Conocer las características clínicas y de función pulmonar del grupo de pacientes con...

  20. Muscle involvement in leprosy: study of the anterior tibial muscle in 40 patients Alterações musculares na lepra: estudo do músculo tibial anterior em 40 pacientes

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    Full Text Available The involvement of skeletal striated muscle in leprosy is considered secondary due to peripheral neuropathy, but some studies point it to a primary muscle lesion. In order to investigate the muscle involvement in leprosy, we studied 40 patients (lepromatous 23, tuberculoid 13, borderline 2 and indeterminate 2. The motor nerve conduction of the peroneal nerves had a reduction of the velocity, decreased compound muscle action potential and sometimes absence of potentials. The electromyographic study of the anterior tibial muscle showed signs of recent and chronic denervation in 77.5% of the cases and no myopathic potentials. The anterior tibial muscle biopsy revealed denervation in 45% of the cases, interstitial inflammatory myopathy in 30% and mixed (myopathic and neuropathic pattern in 12.5%. Acid fast bacillus was detected in 25% of the cases, always in the interstitial tissue. Inflammatory reaction was present in the interstitial space and in patients with the lepromatous type. The histological findings clearly defined the presence of the so-called "Leprous Interstitial Myositis" on the top of denervation signs.O envolvimento do músculo estriado na lepra é considerado secundário à lesão dos nervos periféricos, mas alguns estudos relataram acometimento muscular primário. A fim de verificar esta controvérsia estudamos 40 pacientes com lepra, sendo 23 da forma lepromatosa, 13 da tuberculoide, 2 borderline e 2 indeterminada. Realizamos a neurocondução do nervo peroneiro, junto com eletromiografia e biópsia do músculo tibial anterior. Encontramos redução de velocidade de condução, da amplitude e algumas vezes ausência de potenciais no nervo peroneiro. A eletromiografia do tibial anterior mostrou sinais de desinervação recente e crônica em 77,5% dos casos e não foi encontrada evidência de padrão "miopático". A biópsia do músculo tibial anterior revelou desinervação em 45% dos casos, miopatia inflamatória intersticial em

  1. Videogames: um espaço intersticial de possibilidades para a partilha do comum

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    Cremilson Oliveira Ramos


    Full Text Available Dentre as tecnologias da mídia que ganham grande repercussão na contemporaneidade encontram-se os videogames. Esses são uma forma midiática ainda pouco explorada, principalmente no tocante a seus estudos enquanto manifestação cultural. Isso leva a questionar, tomando a literatura como base norteadora para esta pesquisa e elegendo os jogos Fable 2 e Alice: madness returns para serem objetos analisados como formas textualizadas, que elementos presentes nesses jogos permitem concebê-los como uma forma de narrativa? De que forma essa mídia eletrônica põe em contato sujeitos de diferentes locais, culturas, crenças e ideologias constituindo assim um território político de partilha do sensível? A partir dessas problematizações, reflete-se sobre as formas como essa mídia contribui para a formação de comunidades virtuais que se formam em torno da narrativa gâmica, favorecendo a interação homem-máquina e que demanda o compartilhamento de informações entre usuários.

  2. Amiloidose e insuficiência renal crônica terminal associada à hanseníase Amyloidosis and end-stage renal disease associated with leprosy

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    Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available O envolvimento renal na hanseníase é diverso, incluindo glomerulonefrites, amiloidose e nefrite túbulo-intersticial. Um homem de 58 anos foi admitido com edema de membros inferiores e dispnéia. Na admissão, havia retenção de escórias nitrogenadas, anemia, hipercalemia e acidose metabólica, com necessidade de hemodiálise. Referia história de hanseníase virchoviana. Foi realizada biopsia renal, compatível com amiloidose. O paciente evoluiu estável, sem recuperação da função renal, permanecendo em tratamento hemodialítico. A hanseníase deve ser investigada em todo paciente com perda de função renal, sobretudo naqueles que apresentam lesões cutâneas ou outras manifestações sugestivas de hanseníase.Renal involvement in leprosy includes glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. A 58-year-old man was admitted with complaints of lower limb edema and dyspnea. At admission, nitrogen retention, anemia, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis were observed, requiring hemodialysis. The patient had a history of lepromatous leprosy. A renal biopsy was performed that was compatible with amyloidosis. The patient had a stable outcome, but without renal function recovery and remained on regular hemodialysis. Leprosy should be investigated in every patient with renal function loss, particularly in those with cutaneous lesions or other manifestations suggestive of leprosy.

  3. Efecto de la concentracion de hidrogeno en la red de hierro bcc por calculos ab-initio


    Sánchez, Javier; Andrés, Pedro L. de; Fullea, J.; Andrade, C.


    Utilizando cálculos mecano-cuánticos de primeros principios hemos estudiado la interacción del hidrógeno con la red cúbica centrada en el cuerpo del hierro. El hidrógeno intersticial puede ocupar dos posiciones de alta simetría en la red: el hueco octaédrico y el tetraédrico. Nuestros cálculos nos proporcionan barreras de difusión entre ambos huecos, que analizamos para entender la propagación del hidrogeno a través de la red de hierro. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la concentración de hidróge...

  4. Especies de foraminíferos bentónicos indicadoras del estado de óxido-reducción del sedimento superficial en el margen continental central del Perú


    Cardich Salazar, Jorge Aquiles


    La comunidad de foraminíferos bentónicos fue estudiada en dos transectas batimétricas frente a Callao (12° S) y Pisco (14° S) entre 2009 y 2011, con el objetivo de determinar especies indicadoras de microhábitats geoquímicos en un gradiente de condiciones de óxido-reducción en el sedimento. Se analizó la variación espacio-temporal y el microhábitat vertical de las especies y su relación con los factores ambientales: oxígeno de fondo (OD), sulfuro de hidrógeno en agua intersticial (H2S), fitop...

  5. Valor diagnóstico del signo de "cabeceo" en hipoxemia secundaria a neumonía en niños

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    Miguel Ángel Martínez-Medina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el signo del " cabeceo" como indicador de hipoxemia en ninos con neumonia. Material y metodos. Se estudiaron 62 menores de 5 anos de edad. Se definio hipoxemia a la saturacion de oxigeno Objective. To assess the clinical usefulness of the head nodding sign (HN in children with pneumonia. Material and Methods. Cross-sectional study that included 62 children aged 2-59 months. Hypoxemia was defined as arterial oxygen saturation <94% measured by pulse oximetry. HN was examined with regard to three levels of hypoxemia (<94%, . 90%, . 84%. Results. The overall prevalence of hypoxemia was 56.5 %. HN was observed in 64.5% (40 of the patients, 48.4% (30 of those had pneumonia and 73.1% were hypoxemic. HN showed a sensitivity of 73.2% and a specificity of 52.4%. Accuracy of HN was better when a cut off level <94% was used. HN in infants was a better index for hypoxemia than for older children. Conclusions. HN was a good predictor of hypoxemia in children with pneumonia. It seems that HN is an easily recognizable sign, and it could be easily taught to parents and health workers.

  6. Variação do número de estômatos e micropêlos em Paspalum vaginatum Sw: em relação às condições abióticas numa marisma do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, RS-Brasil Variation in the number of stomata and microhairs of Paspalum vaginatum Sw: en relation to abiotic conditions in a breakwater in the Lagoa dos Patos estuary, RS-Brazil

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    Eleci de Oliveria Bastos


    Full Text Available Paspalum vaginatum Sw., gramínea perene, estolonífera, com folhas anfistomáticas e pequenas é característica de pântanos salgados, crescendo em condições estressantes na marisma da lagoa dos Patos, molhe oeste da Barra do Rio Grande, RS. Foram feitas contagens mensais de estômatos e micropêlos nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial das lâminas e relacionadas às características abióticas do ambiente. O número de micropêlos da superfície foliar abaxial variou significativamente e diretamente com a temperatura da água intersticial junto às rizosferas. Estes, porém, não mantiveram correlação com a salinidade intersticial. Os resultados sugerem que a espécie seja uma halófita facultativa. O número de estômatos da superfície abaxial manteve um relacionamento inverso com a pluviosidade. Paspalum vaginatum, apresenta-se como uma espécie com características xeromórficas.Paspalum vaginatum Sw., a perennial, stoloniferous grass with small leaves presenting stomata on both epidermises is characteristic of salt marshes, growing under stressful conditions near the west breakwater of the Rio Grande outlet, Lagoa dos Patos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Monthly counts of stomata and microhairs on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces were related to the abiotic characteristics of the enviroment. The number of microhairs of the abaxial leaf surface varied significantly and directly with interstitial water temperature close to the rhyzosphere. However, these counts did not correlate with the interstitial salinity. The results suggest that the species is a facultative halophyte. Stomata counts of the abaxial surface showed an inverse relation to precipitation. Paspalum vaginatum appears to be a species with xeromorphic characteristics.

  7. Perfil das doenças glomerulares em um hospital público do Distrito Federal Profile of glomerular diseases in a public hospital of Federal District, Brazil

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    Fabio Humberto Ribeiro Paes Ferraz


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças glomerulares são uma causa frequente de doença renal crônica, sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil destas glomerulopatias em um hospital público da cidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 121 biopsias renais pela equipe de nefrologia do Hospital Regional da Asa Norte (HRAN entre agosto de 2005 e maio de 2009. Foram excluídas oito biopsias realizadas em pacientes transplantados renais e analisados os prontuários dos 113 pacientes restantes. Dados analisados: sexo, idade, exames laboratoriais, síndrome glomerular, diagnóstico clínico, grau de fibrose intersticial, uso de imunossupressores, necessidade de diálise e desfecho clínico. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 34,9 ± 16,2 anos, com predomínio masculino (51,3%. As principais síndromes glomerulares foram: síndrome nefrótica (41,6% e glomerulonefrite rapidamente progressiva (35,4%. Entre as glomerulopatias primárias, houve predomínio da glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (26,9% e da nefropatia por IgA (25% e entre as secundárias a nefrite lúpica (50% e a glomerulonefrite proliferativa exsudativa difusa (34,2%. A maioria dos pacientes fez uso de imunossupressores (68,1% e quase um terço deles (29,2% necessitou de diálise durante a internação. Evoluíram para terapia dialítica crônica 13,3% dos pacientes e 10,6% evoluíram a óbito. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo poderá contribuir para melhor entendimento epidemiológico das doenças glomerulares no Distrito Federal, orientando na adoção de políticas públicas visando permitir rápido diagnóstico e manejo clínico das mesmas.INTRODUCTION: Glomerular diseases are a frequent etiology of chronic kidney disease, especially in the developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To determine the profile of such glomerulopathies in a public hospital located in the city of Brasilia, Federal District. METHODS: 121 renal biopsies in

  8. Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits - Diseases of Vegetable Crops - Diseases of Grapes - Diseases of Tree Nuts. (United States)

    Petersen, Donald H.; And Others

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University consists of four sections on plant disease recognition and control. The titles of these four sections are: (1) Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits; (2) Diseases of Vegetable Crops; (3) Diseases of Crops; and (4) Diseases of Tree Nuts. The first section discusses…

  9. Renal disease in patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Boonpheng, Boonphiphop; Cheungpasitporn, Wisit; Wijarnpreecha, Karn


    Celiac disease, an inflammatory disease of small bowel caused by sensitivity to dietary gluten and related protein, affects approximately 0.5-1% of the population in the Western world. Extra-intestinal symptoms and associated diseases are increasingly recognized including diabetes mellitus type 1, thyroid disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and ataxia. There have also been a number of reports of various types of renal involvement in patients with celiac disease including diabetes nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome related to malabsorption, oxalate nephropathy, and associations of celiac disease with chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease. This review aims to present the current literature on possible pathologic mechanisms underlying renal disease in patients with celiac disease.

  10. Neumonía por Legionella pneumophila: Experiencia en un Hospital Universitario de Buenos Aires Neumonia due to Legionella pneumophila. Experience gathered in a University Hospital in Buenos Aires

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    Carlos M. Luna


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de los legionarios es una causa de neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC reconocida en todo el mundo. En Latinoamérica su incidencia es desconocida. En este estudio se analizó a 9 pacientes con NAC por Legionella pneumophila atendidos entre 1997 y 2001 en el Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se registraron datos de antecedentes, enfermedad actual, contactos, exposición laboral, examen físico, pruebas de laboratorio y uso previo de antibióticos, y se tomó en cuenta la presencia de criterios de gravedad. Nueve pacientes presentaron diagnóstico de NAC por Legionella, ninguno refirió antecedentes de viajes recientes; cuatro de ellos debieron ser internados en unidades de cuidado intensivo. Siete pacientes tenían antecedentes de tabaquismo, 4 tenían EPOC y un paciente linfoma no-Hodgkin. Nuestra casuística corrobora la baja especificidad de la clínica y estudios complementarios para predecir esta etiología. El aislamiento de Legionella es dificultoso, la seroconversión permite el diagnóstico retrospectivo y requiere plazos prolongados y el antígeno urinario aporta un diagnóstico inmediato. Cuando la legionelosis aparece en casos aislados, como ocurriría en Argentina, si no se piensa en esta etiología no se llegará al diagnóstico. Legionella pneumophila es un patógeno de NAC en nuestro medio, debe buscarse mejor, particularmente en pacientes graves, inmunodeprimidos y en fumadores con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC.Legionnaires’ disease is a well recognized cause of community acquired pneumonia (CAP all around the world. In Latin America its incidence remains unknown. This study analyzed a cohort of 9 patients with CAP due to Legionella pneumophila observed from 1997 to 2001, in the Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, University of Buenos Aires. Clinical history included recent illnesses, work exposure, physical exam, prior antibiotic use and

  11. [Periodontal disease in pediatric rheumatic diseases]. (United States)

    Fabri, Gisele M C; Savioli, Cynthia; Siqueira, José T; Campos, Lucia M; Bonfá, Eloisa; Silva, Clovis A


    Gingivitis and periodontitis are immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases characterized by chronic localized infections usually associated with insidious inflammation This narrative review discusses periodontal diseases and mechanisms influencing the immune response and autoimmunity in pediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD), particularly juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Gingivitis was more frequently observed in these diseases compared to health controls, whereas periodontitis was a rare finding. In JIA patients, gingivitis and periodontitis were related to mechanical factors, chronic arthritis with functional disability, dysregulation of the immunoinflammatory response, diet and drugs, mainly corticosteroids and cyclosporine. In C-SLE, gingivitis was associated with longer disease period, high doses of corticosteroids, B-cell hyperactivation and immunoglobulin G elevation. There are scarce data on periodontal diseases in JDM population, and a unique gingival pattern, characterized by gingival erythema, capillary dilation and bush-loop formation, was observed in active patients. In conclusion, gingivitis was the most common periodontal disease in PRD. The observed association with disease activity reinforces the need for future studies to determine if resolution of this complication will influence disease course or severity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  12. Preliminary results of intersticial HDR brachytherapy in association with conservative surgery for soft tissue sarcomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pellizzon, A.C.A; Ferrigno, R.; Trippe, N.; Novaes, P.; Salvajoli, J.V.; Fogareli, R.; Maja, M.A.C.; Baraldi, H.


    From january 1994 to january 1995 seven patients were treated with conservative surgery in association to postoperative HDR brachytherapy through Micro-Selectron HDR. Four patients were male and three female, the ages ranged from 20 to 60 years old and the main site of the tumor were at the extremities and just one had a perineal lesion. The follow up ranged from 4 to 24 months. Most of the implants were done through single plane technic. Definition of the treatment volume was based on CT scans and metallic clips inserted during the surgery. The prescribed dose was at 10mm from the implant plane. The patient with perineal lesion had a volumetric implant and the dose prescription was based on Paris System, in which the total volume of the tumor bed must be included in a 85% isodose curve. The number of catheters used ranged from 6 to 14 and the active length from 20 to 150mm, placed intraoperatively. The volumetric implant was performed through perineal template to guide the needles in number of nine and an active length of 60mm. The prescribed dose ranged from 20 to 25Gy when associated with EBRT and 30 to 35Gy when brachytherapy alone was used. Results: All patients had local control. Acute complications were observed only in the skin, limited to mild erytema and dry descanation. Conclusions: Although the number of the patients is small, this procedure has been shown to be effective in local control when associated to conservative surgery, can be easily and safely done and gives the possibilities of dose optimization

  13. Modificacion de conductas de riesgo biologico y profesional para la neumonia nosocomial en las unidades de cuidados intensivos

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    Rhina Maria Ramos Mejía


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas que actualmente se está presentando en el ámbito hospitalario, especialmente en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI es la neumonía nosocomial, entendida como una infección aguda del tracto respiratorio bajo, que aparece en los enfermos que ingresan al hospital. Una de las causas de estas infecciones es atribuida a conductas inadecuadas que realiza el personal de salud al atender pacientes infectados sin los elementos adecuados. Estudios epidemiológicos realizados en las UCI indican que uno de los principales mecanismos de transmisión de los agentes patógenos es el contacto, ya sea a través de las manos o de gotitas que se forman en el aire al comunicarse, por estornudo o por la tos; otro mecanismo es a través del aire, el cual tiene especial importancia en la contaminación de elementos y aparatos de uso exclusivo para pacientes. En los programas de prevención de infecciones nosocomiales se hace necesaria la intervención del psicólogo especializado en salud, cuyo objetivo primordial es la promoción de conductas tendientes a disminuir el riesgo de infección intrahospitalaria, por medio de la modificación comportamental de los profesionales de la salud y del paciente mismo. 

  14. Screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Skaaby, Tea; Sørensen, Lars Tue


    Knowledge about temporal associations for screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease is limited. The objective of this study was to determine if screen-detected gallstones or cholecystectomy was associated with development of cardiovascular disease. A cohort study of three...... of cardiovascular disease through nationwide registers until December 2014. Multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed including traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors and apolipoprotein E genotype. Gallstone disease was identified in 10% (591/5928) of participants at baseline of whom 6.8% had...... gallstones and 3.2% had cholecystectomy. The study population was followed for a period of 32 years with only 1% lost to follow-up. Gallstone disease was associated with all cardiovascular disease (hazard ratio (HR) 1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.17;1.59]) and to the subgroups coronary artery (HR 1...

  15. Clinico-pathological conference (CPC: a previously healthy patient with respiratory insuficiency due to intersticial pneumonia = Conferencia Clínico Patológica (CPC: paciente previamente sana con insuficiencia respiratoria debida a neumonía intersticial

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    Serna Ortiz, Carlos Andrés


    Full Text Available We present the case of a 40-year-old woman, with no remarkable past medical history, who was admitted to San Vicente Foundation University Hospital, in Medellín, Colombia; she complained of respiratory symptoms lasting 20 days. Interstitial pneumonia associated with AIDS was diagnosed, which progressed to respiratory failure that did not respond to therapy directed against the opportunistic infections that were identified. She finally developed multiorgan failure that caused death.

  16. manifestação de síndrome anti-sintetase

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    Mário Pires


    Apresentamos o caso de um homem com diagnóstico efectuado há 13 anos, no contexto de internamento por uma “pneumonia”, com queixas de dispneia para esforços e cansaço fácil com 3 meses de evolução. Durante o internamento é identificada uma doença pulmonar intersticial e, posteriormente surge um quadro de mialgias com elevação marcada das enzimas musculares. A electromiografia mostrou um padrão sugestivo de miopatia e identificou-se anticorpos anti-Jo-1, estabelecendo-se o diagnóstico de síndrome anti-sintetase. Sob terapêutica imunossupressora desde então, mantém seguimento em consulta externa, encontrando-se clinicamente bem.


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    Carlos G. Musso


    Full Text Available Acute renal failure (ARF is the term used to describe the sustained and abrupt reduction of the glomerular filtration, which causes the retention of waste products that come from the metabolism. Normally, the mechanisms potentially involved in ARF are divided into: pre-renal, parenchymatous, and post-renal. Regarding the etiology of the parenchymatous ARF, it would seem to be the sum of multiple pathogenic variables such as: tubular necrosis and apoptosis, alteration of the filtration barrier, retrodifusion of glomerular filtration, intrarenal vasoconstriction, contraction of the mesangium, intratubular obstruction, intersticial swelling, activation of proteolytic enzymes, and so on. Because of the above exposed data, only a multicausal perspective would seem to be adequate to understand and solve this syndrome.


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    M.A. Mazón


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT:Introduction: Legionella species are Gram-negative bacilli. There are described for the first time in 70's associated to the Legionnarie's disease. Presently, more than 34 species of Legionella have been identified, 20 of which have been found pathogenic for the man. The clinical manifestations of Legionella infections are primarily respiratory. The most common presentation is acute pneumonia, which varies in severity from mild illness that does not require hospitalization to fatal pneumonia.Material and Methods: The results corresponding to the determination of antibodies to L. pneumophila (Gull Laboratories by indirect inmunofluorescence (IFI have been analysed and reviewed. This conventional inmunofluorescent test measures antibodies versus a pool of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 serogroups. During the 3 years of surveillance period 1249 determinations by IFI were performed in our Hospital. The determination of urinary antigen of Legionella for the qualitative detection of the antigen to L. pneumophila serogroup 1 was made in almost all studied samples by using a fast inmunochromatographical technique (Binax NOW.Results and Discussion: Of the 1249 cases of nosocomial pneumonia (diagnosed by a positive result of IFI Legionella test recorded during the period, 12 cases met the criteria for infection with L. pneumophila serogroup 1. Later, clinical histories were reviewed and it was observed that the ages of the confirmed cases oscillated between the 40 and 87 years, with an average of age of 40, of which 8 were men and 4 women. From the point of view of factors of risk, 6 patients were smokers. Clinically, the displayed symptoms were general malaise, fever high and pattern of pulmonary infiltration in all the cases, migraine in 3 cases, diarrhoea in 5 cases and arthralgias and muscle aches in 3 cases. The analytical parameters in common were high VSG and leukocytosis. Hyponatremia 1/1024, what it demonstrates a clear seroconversion. In

  19. Lysosomal storage disease 2 - Pompe's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Ploeg, Ans T.; Reuser, Arnold J. J.


    Pompe's disease, glycogen-storage disease type II, and acid maltase deficiency are alternative names for the same metabolic disorder. It is a pan-ethnic autosomal recessive trait characterised by acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency leading to lysosomal glycogen storage. Pompe's disease is also

  20. Voice acoustic patterns of patients diagnosed with vibroacoustic disease

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    Ana Mendes


    €“ vibroacoustic disease, uma patologia sistémica caracterizada pela proliferação anormal das matrizes extracelulares. O aparelho respiratório é alvo do RBF, como foi observado em doentes com VAD através de biópsia e confirmado com modelos animais expostos a RBF, sendo um dos aspectos mais evidentes a fibrose intersticial da traqueia. A análise acústica vocal pode detectar pequenas variações na massa, tensão, actividade muscular e neuronal das pregas vocais através de parâmetros como frequência fundamental (F0, jitter, shimmer e índice harmónico-ruído (H/R. Dado que o sistema respiratório é a fonte de energia do processo fonatório, e sabendo das alterações morfológicas na traqueia dos doentes com VAD, pode perguntar-se quais os efeitos destas alterações na voz. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar se os parâmetros acústicos dos doentes com VAD diferem dos dados normativos. Métodos: Nove indivíduos diagnosticados com a VAD (5 homens e 4 mulheres foram gravados durante a produção de tarefas fonatórias e foram efectuadas as análises acústicas vocais. Resultados: Os doentes com a VAD apresentaram valores elevados de F0, shimmer e H/R e valores reduzidos de jitter e extensão máxima de frequência vocal. Conclusões: Os doentes com a VAD, quando comparados com dados normativos, apresentaram diferentes parâmetros acústicos vocais, espectrais e de perturbação, podendo indicar alterações morfológicas no sistema fonatório. Key-words: Low frequency noise, infrasound, shimmer, jitter, voice acoustics, vocal folds, Palavras-chave: Ruído de baixa frequência, infra-sons, shimmer, jitter, acústica da voz, cordas vocais

  1. Farber's Disease (United States)

    ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ...

  2. Association between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases

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    Patrícia Weidlich


    Full Text Available Current evidence suggests that periodontal disease may be associated with systemic diseases. This paper reviewed the published data about the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes and respiratory diseases, focusing on studies conducted in the Brazilian population. Only a few studies were found in the literature focusing on Brazilians (3 concerning cardiovascular disease, 7 about pregnancy outcomes, 9 about diabetes and one regarding pneumonia. Although the majority of them observed an association between periodontitis and systemic conditions, a causal relationship still needs to be demonstrated. Further studies, particularly interventional well-designed investigations, with larger sample sizes, need to be conducted in Brazilian populations.

  3. Link Between Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (United States)

    Shah, Ayesha; Walker, Marjorie; Burger, Daniel; Martin, Neal; von Wulffen, Moritz; Koloski, Natasha; Jones, Mike; Talley, Nicholas J; Holtmann, Gerald J


    The aim of this analysis was to assess in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) the risk of celiac disease and in celiac disease patients the risk of IBD. Previous studies report a possible association between IBD and celiac disease; however, this link is controversial. Using the search terms "inflammatory bowel disease" and "celiac disease," we identified initially 1525 publications. In total 27 studies met inclusion criteria. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the prevalence of IBD in celiac disease and vice versa were compared with published prevalence rates for the respective geographic regions. We included 41,482 adult IBD patients (20,357 with Crohn's disease; 19,791 with ulcerative colitis; and 459 patients with celiac disease). Overall, in IBD patients the prevalence of celiac disease was 1110/100,000 (95% CI, 1010-1210/100,000) as compared with a prevalence of 620/100,000 (95% CI, 610-630/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.99-2.50). In contrast, in patients with celiac disease, 2130/100,000 had IBD (95% CI, 1590-2670/100,000) as compared with 260/100,000 (95% CI, 250/100,000-270/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 11.10; 95% CI, 8.55-14.40). This effect was not different for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Although there was no evidence for publication bias for celiac disease in IBD, the funnel plot suggested that the association between IBD in celiac disease might be influenced by publication bias. The data are consistent with the notion that celiac disease is a risk factor for IBD and to lesser degree patients with IBD have an increased risk of celiac disease.

  4. Interstitial brachytherapy with 192-IR in treatment of recurrent malignant primary brain tumors. Braquiterapia intersticial con iridio-192 en el tratamiento de recidivas de tumores cerebrales tras cirugia y radioterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardenes, R.; Martinez, R.; Victoria, C.; Nuez, L.; Clavo, B.; Sancedo, G. (Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid (Spain))


    Seven patients with recurrent malignant primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy were treated at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro (Madrid) by interstitial brachytherapy with 192-Ir sources. Implantations were performed using computerized tomography and dose prescription were determined following the Paris system rules for interstitial implants. The means dose deliberated was 50 to 65 Gy to the reference isodoses. At the last follow-up all patients except for one are alive and without evidence of progression of the disease. (Author) 35 refs.

  5. [Autoimmune thyroid disease and other non-endocrine autoimmune diseases]. (United States)

    Dilas, Ljiljana Todorović; Icin, Tijana; Paro, Jovanka Novaković; Bajkin, Ivana


    Autoimmune diseases are chronic conditions initiated by the loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens. They constitute heterogeneous group of disorders, in which multiple alterations in the immune system result in a spectrum of syndromes that either target specific organs or affect the body systematically. Recent epidemiological studies have shown a possible shift of one autoimmune disease to another or the fact that more than one autoimmune disease may coexist in a single patient or in the same family. Numerous autoimmune diseases have been shown to coexist frequently with thyroid autoimmune diseases. AUTOIMMNUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: This part of the study reviews the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease coexisting with: pernicious anaemia, vitiligo, celiac disease, autoimmune liver disease, miastenia gravis, alopecia areata and sclerosis multiplex, and several recommendations for screening have been given. AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN NON-SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: Special attention is given to the correlation between autoimmune thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, syndrome Sjögren, systemic sclerosis and mixed connective tissue disease. Screening for autoimmune thyroid diseases should be recommended in everyday clinical practice, in patients with primary organ-specific or organ non-specific autoimmune disease. Otherwise, in patients with primary thyroid autoimmune disease, there is no good reason of seeking for all other autoimmune diseases, although these patients have a greater risk of developing other autoimmune disease. Economic aspects of medicine require further analyzing of these data, from cost/benefit point of view to justified either mandatory screening or medical practitioner judgment.

  6. Huntington's disease: a perplexing neurological disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Huntington's disease is an inherited intricate brain illness. It is a neurodegenerative, insidious disorder; the onset of the disease is very late to diagnose. It is caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the Huntingtin gene, which encodes an abnormally long polyglutamine repeat in the Huntingtin protein. Huntington's disease ...

  7. Correlação dos achados tomográficos com parâmetros de função pulmonar na fibrose pulmonar idiopática em não fumantes Correlation of tomographic findings with pulmonary function parameters in nonsmoking patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Agnaldo José Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os achados tomográficos com os parâmetros de função pulmonar em portadores de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, em que foram avaliados 30 pacientes não tabagistas, portadores de FPI. Utilizando um sistema de escore semiquantitativo, os seguintes achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR foram quantificados: extensão total da doença intersticial (Tot, infiltrado reticular e faveolamento (Ret+Fav, e opacidade em vidro fosco (Vif. As variáveis funcionais foram mensuradas através de espirometria, técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF, método da diluição com hélio e método da respiração única para medir a capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono (DLCO. RESULTADOS: Dos 30 pacientes estudados, 18 eram mulheres e 12 eram homens, com média de idade de 70,9 anos. Foram encontradas correlações significativas de Tot e Ret+Fav com as medidas de capacidade vital forçada (CVF, capacidade pulmonar total (CPT, DLCO e complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório (correlações negativas, e de Vif com volume residual/CPT (correlação positiva. A relação fluxo expiratório forçado entre 25 e 75% da CVF/CVF (FEF25-75%/CVF correlacionou-se positivamente com Tot, Ret+Fav e Vif. CONCLUSÕES: Em portadores de FPI, as medidas de volume, difusão e complacência dinâmica são as variáveis fisiológicas que melhor refletem a extensão da doença intersticial na TCAR.OBJECTIVE: To correlate tomographic findings with pulmonary function parameters in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 30 nonsmoking patients with IPF were evaluated. Using a semiquantitative scoring system, the following high-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT findings were quantified: total interstitial disease (TID, reticular abnormality/honeycombing, and ground-glass opacity (GGO. The

  8. Endocrine Diseases (United States)

    ... Syndrome (PCOS) Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease Primary Hyperparathyroidism Prolactinoma Thyroid Tests Turner Syndrome Contact Us The National ... Management Liver Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition Blood Diseases Diagnostic Tests La información de la ...

  9. Ribbing disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukkada, Philson J; Franklin, Teenu; Rajeswaran, Rangasami; Joseph, Santhosh


    Ribbing disease is a rare sclerosing dysplasia that involves long tubular bones, especially the tibia and femur. It occurs after puberty and is reported to be more common in women. In this article we describe how Ribbing disease can be differentiated from diseases like Engelmann-Camurati disease, van Buchem disease, Erdheim-Chester disease, osteoid osteoma, chronic osteomyelitis, stress fracture, etc

  10. Liposomes for Targeted Delivery of Active Agents against Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease

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    Carlos Spuch


    Full Text Available Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease represent a huge unmet medical need. The prevalence of both diseases is increasing, but the efficacy of treatment is still very limited due to various factors including the blood brain barrier (BBB. Drug delivery to the brain remains the major challenge for the treatment of all neurodegenerative diseases because of the numerous protective barriers surrounding the central nervous system. New therapeutic drugs that cross the BBB are critically needed for treatment of many brain diseases. One of the significant factors on neurotherapeutics is the constraint of the blood brain barrier and the drug release kinetics that cause peripheral serious side effects. Contrary to common belief, neurodegenerative and neurological diseases may be multisystemic in nature, and this presents numerous difficulties for their potential treatment. Overall, the aim of this paper is to summarize the last findings and news related to liposome technology in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and demonstrate the potential of this technology for the development of novel therapeutics and the possible applications of liposomes in the two most widespread neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

  11. Women's Heart Disease: Heart Disease Risk Factors (United States)

    ... this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Women's Heart Disease Heart Disease Risk Factors Past Issues / Winter 2014 Table ... or habits may raise your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). These conditions are known as risk ...

  12. Anelastic characterization and superconducting properties of RuSr2GdCu2O8+δ

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    Jurelo, A. R.


    Full Text Available Since the discovery of the high Tc superconductors, many researches have been carried out on the different properties of these materials, especially on the transition temperature into the superconducting state. The rutheno-cuprates belong to a new class of composites, which were synthesized for the first time by Bauernfeind in 1995. Bernhard and collaborators discovered, in 1999, the coexistence of the ferromagnetism and the superconductivity in this phase, which is known as antagonistic phenomenon in the electromagnetism due to spin-charge interactions established in these states. However, the physical nature of the superconducting and magnetic states is still very obscure. The non-stoichiometric (interstitial oxygen is considered as a possible cause for the non-uniformity of the sample properties. In this paper, results of mechanical spectroscopy in Ru-1212 samples are presented showing complex anelastic spectra, which were attributed to the mobility of the interstitial oxygen atoms in the Ru-1212 lattice.Desde el descubrimiento de los superconductores de alta Tc, muchas investigaciones han sido realizadas sobre las diferentes propiedades de estos materiales, especialmente sobre la temperatura de transición dentro del estado superconductor. Los cupratos de rutenio pertenecen a una nueva clase de compositos, los cuales fueron sintetizados por primera vez por Bauernfeind en 1995. Bernhard y colaboradores descubrieron, en 1999, la coexistencia del ferromagnetismo y la superconductividad en esta fase, lo cual es conocido como un fenómeno antagonistico en el electromagnetismo debido a las interacciones spin-carga establecidas en estos estados. Sin embargo, la naturaleza física de los estados superconductores y magnéticos aun no son muy claros. El oxigeno no-estequiométrico (intersticial es considerado como una causa de la no-uniformidad de las propiedades de la muestra. En este articulo, los resultados de espectroscopia mecánica en muestras

  13. Cambios morfológicos, celulares y moleculares en la fibrosis renal debido al envejecimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Alaga


    Full Text Available En los últimos 50 años se ha registrado un aumento gradual de la tasa de envejecimiento de la población uruguaya, reflejándose en un incremento de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica mayores de 65 años. Este fenómeno plantea la interrogante de cómo el envejecimiento tisular afecta la función del riñón y, en particular cómo contribuye al desarrollo de la fibrosis renal. Con el envejecimiento se producen cambios morfológicos y funcionales en el riñón, tales como la esclerosis glomerular y la fibrosis intersticial. Estos cambios son consecuencia de alteraciones que ocurren a nivel celular. En este trabajo se profundizará en los mecanismos celulares que desencadenan la fibrosis intersticial y la gloméruloesclerosis, describiendo el proceso de inflamación sostenida, la transformación fenotípica de las células epiteliales a miofibroblastos, así como los mecanismos de producción de matriz extracelular y la perpetuación de la fibrosis renal. Además, detallaremos las cascadas moleculares involucradas en el proceso de fibrosis, poniendo énfasis en las cascadas reguladas por TGF-β1 y sus vías de interacción, que regulan la producción factores pro- y anti-fibróticos. También veremos como el TGF-β1 modula la expresión de ARN pequeños no-codificantes (microARNs, potentes inhibidores de la expresión génica, y como el gen anti-envejecimiento Klotho inhibe el avance de la fibrosis renal. Finalmente, discutiremos terapias para frenar o enlentecer el proceso de fibrosis renal, especialmente aquellas que tengan como blanco las cascadas de señalización activadas por TGF-β1, los microRNAs y posibles terapias de activación del gen Klotho para prevenir la progresión de esta patología.

  14. O papel de imunoglobulinas na nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos

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    Larissa M.F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.

  15. The Relationship Between Fatty Liver Disease and Periodontal Disease (United States)


    Periodontitis is a highly prevalent and destructive chronic disease. Numerous studies support an association between periodontal disease and other...destruction seen in periodontal disease. The association between the two diseases has never been investigated. A reasonable mechanism in which periodontal ...disease may play a role in the destruction seen in NAFLD is the remote site infection of periodontal disease. Chewing and oral hygiene measures lead to

  16. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - A multisystem disease? (United States)

    Mikolasevic, Ivana; Milic, Sandra; Turk Wensveen, Tamara; Grgic, Ivana; Jakopcic, Ivan; Stimac, Davor; Wensveen, Felix; Orlic, Lidija


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common comorbidities associated with overweight and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Importantly, NAFLD is one of its most dangerous complications because it can lead to severe liver pathologies, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatic cellular carcinoma. Given the increasing worldwide prevalence of obesity, NAFLD has become the most common cause of chronic liver disease and therefore is a major global health problem. Currently, NAFLD is predominantly regarded as a hepatic manifestation of MetS. However, accumulating evidence indicates that the effects of NAFLD extend beyond the liver and are negatively associated with a range of chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is becoming increasingly clear that these diseases are the result of the same underlying pathophysiological processes associated with MetS, such as insulin resistance, chronic systemic inflammation and dyslipidemia. As a result, they have been shown to be independent reciprocal risk factors. In addition, recent data have shown that NAFLD actively contributes to aggravation of the pathophysiology of CVD, T2DM, and CKD, as well as several other pathologies. Thus, NAFLD is a direct cause of many chronic diseases associated with MetS, and better detection and treatment of fatty liver disease is therefore urgently needed. As non-invasive screening methods for liver disease become increasingly available, detection and treatment of NAFLD in patients with MetS should therefore be considered by both (sub-) specialists and primary care physicians. PMID:27920470

  17. Cardiovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kodama, Kazunori


    This paper is aimed to discuss the involvement of delayed radiation effects of A-bomb exposure in cardiovascular diseases. First, the relationship between radiation and cardiovascular diseases is reviewed in the literature. Animal experiments have confirmed the relationship between ionizing radiation and vascular lesions. There are many reports which describe ischemic heart disease, cervical and cerebrovascular diseases, and peripheral disease occurring after radiation therapy. The previous A-bomb survivor cohort studies, i.e., the RERF Life Span Study and Adult Health Study, have dealt with the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, the prevalence or incidence of cardiovascular diseases, pathological findings, clinical observation of arteriosclerosis, ECG abnormality, blood pressure abnormality, and cardiac function. The following findings have been suggested: (1) A-bomb exposure is likely to be involved in the mortality rate and incidence of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases; (2) similarly, the involvement of A-bomb exposure is considered in the prevalence of the arch of aorta; (3) ECG abnormality corresponding to ischemic heart disease may reflect the involvement of A-bomb exposure. To confirm the above findings, further studies are required on the basis of more accurate information and the appropriate number of cohort samples. Little evidence has been presented for the correlation between A-bomb exposure and both rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. (N.K.) 88 refs

  18. Pneumonia After Cardiac Surgery: Experience of the NIH/CIHR Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (United States)

    Ailawadi, Gorav; Chang, Helena L.; O’Gara, Patrick T.; O'sullivan, Karen; Woo, Y. Joseph; DeRose, Joseph J.; Parides, Michael K.; Thourani, Vinod H.; Robichaud, Sophie; Gillinov, A. Marc; Taddei-Peters, Wendy C.; Miller, Marissa A.; Perrault, Louis P.; Smith, Robert L.; Goldsmith, Lyn; Horvath, Keith A.; Doud, Kristen; Baio, Kim; Gelijns, Annetine C.; Moskowitz, Alan J.; Bagiella, Emilia; Alexander, John H.; Iribarne, Alexander


    Rationale Pneumonia remains the most common major infection after cardiac surgery despite numerous preventive measures. Objectives To prospectively examine the timing, pathogens, and risk factors, including modifiable management practices, for post-operative pneumonia and estimate its impact on clinical outcomes. Methods 5,158 adult cardiac surgery patients were prospectively enrolled in a cohort study across 10 centers. All infections were adjudicated by an independent committee. Competing risk models were used to assess the association of patient characteristics and management practices with pneumonia within 65 days of surgery. Mortality was assessed by Cox proportional hazards model, and length of stay using a multi-state model. Measurements and Main Results The cumulative incidence of p neumonia was 2.4% ,33% of which occurred after discharge. Older age, lower hemoglobin level, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, steroid use, operative time and left ventricular assist device/heart transplant were risk factors. Ventilation time (24–48 vs ≤24 hours;HR,2·83; 95% CI,1·72–4·66; >48 hours HR,4·67; 95% CI,2·70–8·08), nasogastric tubes (HR,1·80; 95% CI,1·10–2·94), and each unit of blood cells transfused (HR,1·16; 95% CI,1·08–1·26) increased pneumonia risk. Prophylactic use of second-generation cephalosporins (HR,0·66; 95% CI, 0·45–0·97) and platelet transfusions (HR, 0·49, 95% CI, 0·30–0·79) were protective. Pneumonia was associated with a marked increase in mortality (HR,8·89; 95% CI,5·02–15·75), and longer LOS of 13·55 ± 1·95 days (bootstrap 95% CI,10·31–16·58). Conclusions Pneumonia continues to impose a major impact on the health of patients after cardiac surgery. Adjusting for baseline risk, several specific management practices were associated with pneumonia, which offer targets for quality improvement and further research. PMID:28341473

  19. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 +/- 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 +/- 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients.

  20. Síndrome de Cogan: relato de caso Cogan's Syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabricio Witzel de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Ceratite intersticial não luética, surdez e vertigem caracterizam a síndrome de Cogan. Os achados oculares mais comuns no início da síndrome são opacidades corneanas numulares periféricas bilaterais. O tratamento desta rara doença utiliza imunossupressão sistêmica com agentes citotóxicos e corticosteróides. O relato de caso apresenta uma paciente com a evolução da forma clássica da síndrome de Cogan.Non-luetic interstitial keratitis, deafness and vertigo characterize Cogan's syndrome. The most common ocular findings in early Cogan's syndrome are bilateral, peripheral, subepithelial numular corneal opacities. The report presents a patient with the evolution of the classic form of Cogan's syndrome.

  1. Ataxia heredo-degenerativa associada a hipoacusia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Levy


    Full Text Available São estudados três irmãos, respectivamente com 16, 8 e 6 anos de idade, todos do sexo masculino, com ataxia heredo-degenerativa associada, em dois dêles, a hipoacusia. Nos antecedentes há referência a moléstia semelhante em um avô e um tio-avô. É discutido o diagnóstico diferencial com a moléstia de Pièrre Marie, a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth, a síndrome de Refsum e a neurite intersticial hipertrófica, sendo acentuada a semelhança dos casos estudados com a moléstia de Friedreich. São feitos comentários à associação da doença de Friedreich com distúrbios da audição.

  2. An overview of the distribution of the Parabathynellidae (Crustacea, Syncarida Bathynellacea on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camacho, Ana I.


    Full Text Available This paper reviews all the knowledge on the presence and distribution of 26 species of the family Parabathynellidae Noodt, 1964 (Crustacea, Syncarida, Bathynellacea on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. The different genera, subgenera and species distributions are subjected to a basic analysis. The presence of these taxa in different subterranean aquatic habitats (caves, springs, wells and interstitial environment is also discussed. The most sampled habitat was the interstitial environment (45%; the least sampled habitat was springs (5%. The most commonly found genus was Iberobathynella Schminke, 1973 (54% and the rarest was Guadalopebathynella Camacho & Serban, 1998 (0.7% All the knowledge on these taxa in the study area, in Europe and in the world is compared and evaluated. More species of the Parabathynellidae live on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands than in any other part of the world (26 species. Iberobathynella is a highly diversified genus endemic to the Iberian peninsula. Its diversity is comparable to another genus in the order, Hexabathynella Schminke, 1972, which also has 18 described species. However, Hexabathynella has a cosmopolitan distribution.

    En este trabajo se reúne y actualiza el conocimiento acerca de la presencia y distribución de 26 especies de batinelas de la familia Parabathynellidae (Crustacea, Syncarida, Bathynellacea en la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares. Se analiza de forma crítica la distribución de los diferentes géneros, subgéneros y especies y se discute acerca de la presencia de los mismos en diferentes habitat acuáticos subterráneos (cuevas, fuentes o surgencias, pozos y medio intersticial asociado a ríos epigeos. El mayor número de puntos de muestreo corresponde al medio intersticial (45% del total y en él se encuentran los cinco géneros presentes en el área de estudio; las surgencias constituyen el conjunto con menos puntos de

  3. Celiac disease and new diseases related to gluten (United States)

    Jiménez Ortega, Ana Isabel; Martínez García, Rosa María; Quiles Blanco, María José; Majid Abu Naji, Jamil Abdel; González Iglesias, María José


    Celiac disease is the most common chronic intestinal disease. Nowadays it´s known that this is a multisistemic pathology of immune mechanism, triggered by gluten, which occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. It affects approximately 1% of the world population, which is a very high prevalence, affects all age groups and has symptoms both digestive and extra-digestive. Since it is a disease that requires maintaining a gluten-free diet and medical monitoring for life, it is important to know it and establish its diagnosis properly. Along with celiac disease a number of new diseases related to gluten are diagnosed increasingly, including the non celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. The suffering of celiac disease, or other related diseases, by conditioning diet changes of the affected individual, it may be associated with nutritional imbalances that need to monitor and try to solve. Therefore patients with this problem need special nutritional advice.

  4. Refractory disease in autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vasconcelos, Carlos; Kallenberg, Cees; Shoenfeld, Yehuda

    Refractory disease (RD) definition has different meanings but it is dynamic, according to knowledge and the availability of new drugs. It should be differentiated from severe disease and damage definitions and it must take into account duration of adequate therapy and compliance of the patient. It

  5. Thyroid diseases and cerebrovascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Squizzato, A.; Gerdes, V. E. A.; Brandjes, D. P. M.; Büller, H. R.; Stam, J.


    Background and Purpose-Acute cerebral ischemia has been described in different diseases of the thyroid gland, and not only as a result of thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke. The purpose of this review is to summarize the studies on the relationship between thyroid diseases and

  6. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease......'s degree of similarity to previously diagnosed disease population. A summary of patient data and results of the computation are displayed in a succinct Disease State Fingerprint (DSF) visualization. The visualization clearly discloses how patient data contributes to the AD state, facilitating rapid...

  7. Dermatological diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease. (United States)

    Gagnon1, Amy L; Desai, Tejas


    There are a variety of dermatological diseases that are more commonly seen in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal transplants than the general population. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Pubmed (NLM), LISTA (EBSCO) and Web of Science has been searched. Some cutaneous diseases are clearly unique to this population. Of them, Lindsay's Nails, xerosis cutis, dryness of the skin, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and acquired perforating dermatosis have been described in chronic kidney disease patients. The most common malignancy found in all transplant recipients is non-melanoma skin cancer. It is important for patients and physicians to recognize the manifestations of skin disease in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease to mitigate the morbidity associated with these conditions.

  8. Addison's Disease (United States)

    ... of potassium and low levels of sodium. What causes Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease is caused by injury to your ... example, a problem with your pituitary gland can cause secondary Addison’s disease. Or, you may develop Addison’s disease if you ...

  9. Heart Diseases (United States)

    ... you're like most people, you think that heart disease is a problem for others. But heart disease is the number one killer in the ... of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease ...

  10. Estrogen-related and other disease diagnoses preceding Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Latourelle, Jeanne C; Dybdal, Merete; Destefano, Anita L


    Estrogen exposure has been associated with the occurrence of Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as many other disorders, and yet the mechanisms underlying these relations are often unknown. While it is likely that estrogen exposure modifies the risk of various diseases through many different...... mechanisms, some estrogen-related disease processes might work in similar manners and result in association between the diseases. Indeed, the association between diseases need not be due only to estrogen-related factors, but due to similar disease processes from a variety of mechanisms....

  11. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  12. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children with Interstitial Lung Disease. (United States)

    Dziekiewicz, M A; Karolewska-Bochenek, K; Dembiński, Ł; Gawronska, A; Krenke, K; Lange, J; Banasiuk, M; Kuchar, E; Kulus, M; Albrecht, P; Banaszkiewicz, A


    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is common in adult patients with interstitial lung disease. However, no data currently exist regarding the prevalence and characteristics of the disease in pediatric patients with interstitial lung disease. The aim of the present study was to prospectively assess the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease and characterize its features in children with interstitial lung disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was established based on 24 h pH-impedance monitoring (MII-pH). Gastroesophageal reflux episodes (GERs) were classified according to widely recognized criteria as acid, weakly acid, weakly alkaline, or proximal. Eighteen consecutive patients (15 boys, aged 0.2-11.6 years) were enrolled in the study. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed in a half (9/18) of children. A thousand GERs were detected by MII-pH (median 53.5; IQR 39.0-75.5). Of these, 585 (58.5 %) episodes were acidic, 407 (40.7 %) were weakly acidic, and eight (0.8 %) were weakly alkaline. There were 637 (63.7 %) proximal GERs. The patients in whom gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed had a significantly higher number of proximal and total GERs. We conclude that the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with interstitial lung disease is high; thus, the disease should be considered regardless of presenting clinical symptoms. A high frequency of non-acid and proximal GERs makes the MII-pH method a preferable choice for the detection of reflux episodes in this patient population.

  13. Disease-modifying drugs in Alzheimer's disease

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    Ghezzi L


    Full Text Available Laura Ghezzi, Elio Scarpini, Daniela Galimberti Neurology Unit, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Fondazione Cà Granda, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD is an age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia. The early stages of AD are characterized by short-term memory loss. Once the disease progresses, patients experience difficulties in sense of direction, oral communication, calculation, ability to learn, and cognitive thinking. The median duration of the disease is 10 years. The pathology is characterized by deposition of amyloid beta peptide (so-called senile plaques and tau protein in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. Currently, two classes of drugs are licensed by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of AD, ie, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for mild to moderate AD, and memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, for moderate and severe AD. Treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or memantine aims at slowing progression and controlling symptoms, whereas drugs under development are intended to modify the pathologic steps leading to AD. Herein, we review the clinical features, pharmacologic properties, and cost-effectiveness of the available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, and focus on disease-modifying drugs aiming to interfere with the amyloid beta peptide, including vaccination, passive immunization, and tau deposition. Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, disease-modifying drugs, diagnosis, treatment

  14. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn’s disease (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    AIM: To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). METHODS: Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 ± 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. RESULTS: A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 ± 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients. PMID:19630105

  15. [Inpatients days in patients with respiratory diseases and periodontal disease]. (United States)

    Fernández-Plata, Rosario; Olmedo-Torres, Daniel; Martínez-Briseño, David; González-Cruz, Herminia; Casa-Medina, Guillermo; García-Sancho, Cecilia


    Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory gingival process that has been associated with the severity of respiratory diseases. In Mexico a prevalence of 78% was found in population with social security and > 60 years old. The aim of this study is to establish the association between periodontal disease and respiratory diseases according to the inpatient days. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to December 2011. We included hospitalized patients, ≥ 18 years of age, without sedation or intubated. A dentist classified patients into two groups according to the severity of the periodontal disease: mild-to-moderate and severe. We estimated medians of inpatient days by disease and severity. Negative binomial models were adjusted to estimate incidence rate ratios and predicted inpatient days. 3,059 patients were enrolled. The median of observed and predicted inpatient days was higher in the group of severe periodontal disease (p disease, tuberculosis, and influenza had the highest incidence rates ratios of periodontal disease (p periodontal disease is positively -associated with inpatient days of patients with respiratory diseases.

  16. Disease phenotype at diagnosis in pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Bie, Charlotte I; Paerregaard, Anders; Kolacek, Sanja


    It has been speculated that pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) is a distinct disease entity, with probably different disease subtypes. We therefore aimed to accurately phenotype newly diagnosed pediatric CD by using the pediatric modification of the Montreal classification, the Paris classification....

  17. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.


    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General definitions of health encompass different dimensions of disease outcome divided in disease severity, accompanying physical symptoms, and psychosocial well-being. These dimensions of disease outcom...

  18. [Parkinson's disease(s): recent insight into genetic factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de; Scheffer, H.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.


    In recent years, 5 genes have been identified that are unambiguously associated with genetic forms of Parkinson's disease. These genes probably explain less than 10% of all cases of Parkinson's disease. Clinically, these genetic forms can closely resemble idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Mutation

  19. Coats' disease, Turner syndrome, and von Willebrand disease in a patient with Wildtype Norrie disease pseudoglioma. (United States)

    Desai, Rajen U; Saffra, Norman A; Krishna, Rati P; Rosenberg, Steven E


    The authors describe a girl diagnosed as having Coats' disease, Turner syndrome (45X karyotype), and type 1 von Willebrand disease. She tested negative for the Norrie disease pseudoglioma (NDP) gene located on the X-chromosome, which has been suspected of contributing to Coats' disease. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.

  20. Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases: An Update for the Clinician. (United States)

    John, Vanchit; Alqallaf, Hawra; De Bedout, Tatiana


    A link between periodontal disease and various systemic diseases has been investigated for several years. Interest in unearthing such a link has grown as the health care profession is looking for a better understanding of disease processes and their relationships to periodontal and other oral diseases. The article aims to provide recent information on the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic diseases such as; cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and reproductive system related abnormalities.

  1. Occupational skin diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahler, V; Aalto-Korte, K; Alfonso, J H


    BACKGROUND: Work-related skin diseases (WSD) are caused or worsened by a professional activity. Occupational skin diseases (OSD) need to fulfil additional legal criteria which differ from country to country. OSD range amongst the five most frequently notified occupational diseases (musculoskeletal...... diseases, neurologic diseases, lung diseases, diseases of the sensory organs, skin diseases) in Europe. OBJECTIVE: To retrieve information and compare the current state of national frameworks and pathways to manage patients with occupational skin disease with regard to prevention, diagnosis, treatment...... in Science and Technology (COST) Action TD 1206 (StanDerm) ( RESULTS: Besides a national health service or a statutory health insurance, most European member states implemented a second insurance scheme specifically geared at occupational diseases [insurance against occupational risks...

  2. Lysosomal storage diseases (United States)

    Ferreira, Carlos R.; Gahl, William A.


    Lysosomes are cytoplasmic organelles that contain a variety of different hydrolases. A genetic deficiency in the enzymatic activity of one of these hydrolases will lead to the accumulation of the material meant for lysosomal degradation. Examples include glycogen in the case of Pompe disease, glycosaminoglycans in the case of the mucopolysaccharidoses, glycoproteins in the cases of the oligosaccharidoses, and sphingolipids in the cases of Niemann-Pick disease types A and B, Gaucher disease, Tay-Sachs disease, Krabbe disease, and metachromatic leukodystrophy. Sometimes, the lysosomal storage can be caused not by the enzymatic deficiency of one of the hydrolases, but by the deficiency of an activator protein, as occurs in the AB variant of GM2 gangliosidosis. Still other times, the accumulated lysosomal material results from failed egress of a small molecule as a consequence of a deficient transporter, as in cystinosis or Salla disease. In the last couple of decades, enzyme replacement therapy has become available for a number of lysosomal storage diseases. Examples include imiglucerase, taliglucerase and velaglucerase for Gaucher disease, laronidase for Hurler disease, idursulfase for Hunter disease, elosulfase for Morquio disease, galsulfase for Maroteaux-Lamy disease, alglucosidase alfa for Pompe disease, and agalsidase alfa and beta for Fabry disease. In addition, substrate reduction therapy has been approved for certain disorders, such as eliglustat for Gaucher disease. The advent of treatment options for some of these disorders has led to newborn screening pilot studies, and ultimately to the addition of Pompe disease and Hurler disease to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) in 2015 and 2016, respectively. PMID:29152458

  3. Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis: report of two cases in Brazil. (United States)

    Gomes, Paula Silva; Shiang, Christina; Szarf, Gilberto; Coletta, Ester Nei Aparecida Martins; Pereira, Carlos Alberto de Castro


    Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (PPFE) is a rare lung disease. It can be idiopathic or associated with any one of various conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of two cases of PPFE in Brazil. Our first patient presented with pleural and subpleural fibrosis in the upper lobes; a spiculated nodule in the left upper lobe; and a mild reticular pattern in the lower lobes. Surgical lung biopsy revealed PPFE in the upper lobes, including the nodule, and unclassified interstitial pneumonia in the left lower lobe. Our second patient had a history of exposure to domestic birds, indicating a risk of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and presented with advanced lung disease, predominantly in the upper lobes, together with subpleural fibrosis.That patient underwent lung transplantation. In the explant specimen, PPFE and granulomas were identified, suggesting hypersensitivity pneumonitis as an associated cause. RESUMO A fibroelastose pleuroparenquimatosa (FEPP) é uma doença pulmonar rara, podendo ser idiopática ou associada a diversas condições. Pelo que sabemos, este é o primeiro relato de dois casos de FEPP no Brasil. Nosso primeiro paciente apresentava fibrose pleural e subpleural nos lobos superiores, um nódulo espiculado no lobo superior esquerdo e um padrão reticular discreto nos lobos inferiores. A biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica demonstrou FEPP nos lobos superiores, incluindo no nódulo, e pneumonia intersticial não classificada no lobo inferior esquerdo. Nosso segundo paciente tinha história de exposição a aves domésticas, indicando um risco de pneumonite de hipersensibilidade, e doença pulmonar avançada predominando em lobos superiores, com fibrose subpleural. Esse paciente foi submetido a transplante pulmonar. No espécime do explante, FEPP e granulomas foram identificados, sugerindo pneumonite de hipersensibilidade como causa associada.

  4. Pick disease (United States)

    Semantic dementia; Dementia - semantic; Frontotemporal dementia; FTD; Arnold Pick disease; 3R tauopathy ... doctors tell Pick disease apart from Alzheimer disease. (Memory loss is often the main, and earliest, symptom ...

  5. Prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients affected by Addison's disease. (United States)

    Biagi, Federico; Campanella, Jonia; Soriani, Alessandra; Vailati, Alberto; Corazza, Gino R


    It is well known that coeliac disease is associated with autoimmune endocrine diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Recently, coeliac disease has been shown in approximately 10% of patients with autoimmune Addison's disease. Addison's disease is the most common cause of primary adrenocortical insufficiency and it shares several clinical features with coeliac disease. Although hyperpigmentation and hypotension are the most specific signs, gastrointestinal symptoms are common and can be the first complaints of the patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients with Addison's disease. Seventeen consecutive patients affected by Addison's disease (14 F, mean age 53.9 years, range 26-79 years) were enrolled in the study. Eleven of them were affected by Addison's disease associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; the other 6 patients were suffering from isolated Addison's disease. Diagnosis had been performed at the age of 40.5 years (range 23-55). Steroid treatment had already been started in 16 of the patients. Endomysial antibodies were tested in all of them and a duodenal biopsy was taken in those found to be positive for antiendomysial antibody (EMA). One out of 17 patients was found to be EMA positive. Duodenal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of coeliac disease by showing subtotal villous atrophy. Although we studied only a small sample, our preliminary results confirmed that Addison's disease is associated with coeliac disease, being present in 5.9% of patients with Addison's disease. Since the symptoms can be similar and treatment of Addison's disease can mask coeliac disease, this association should always be actively investigated.

  6. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease...

  7. Celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holtmeier Wolfgang


    Full Text Available Abstract Celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disease caused by intolerance to gluten. It is characterized by immune-mediated enteropathy, associated with maldigestion and malabsorption of most nutrients and vitamins. In predisposed individuals, the ingestion of gluten-containing food such as wheat and rye induces a flat jejunal mucosa with infiltration of lymphocytes. The main symptoms are: stomach pain, gas, and bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, edema, bone or joint pain. Prevalence for clinically overt celiac disease varies from 1:270 in Finland to 1:5000 in North America. Since celiac disease can be asymptomatic, most subjects are not diagnosed or they can present with atypical symptoms. Furthermore, severe inflammation of the small bowel can be present without any gastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis should be made early since celiac disease causes growth retardation in untreated children and atypical symptoms like infertility or neurological symptoms. Diagnosis requires endoscopy with jejunal biopsy. In addition, tissue-transglutaminase antibodies are important to confirm the diagnosis since there are other diseases which can mimic celiac disease. The exact cause of celiac disease is unknown but is thought to be primarily immune mediated (tissue-transglutaminase autoantigen; often the disease is inherited. Management consists in life long withdrawal of dietary gluten, which leads to significant clinical and histological improvement. However, complete normalization of histology can take years.

  8. Heavy Chain Diseases (United States)

    ... of heavy chain produced: Alpha Gamma Mu Alpha Heavy Chain Disease Alpha heavy chain disease (IgA heavy ... the disease or lead to a remission. Gamma Heavy Chain Disease Gamma heavy chain disease (IgG heavy ...

  9. Celiac Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoochehr Karjoo


    Full Text Available Celiac disease also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy is characterized by intestinal mucosal damage and malabsorption from dietary intake of wheat, rye or barley. Symptoms may appear with introduction of cereal in the first 3 years of life. A second peak in symptoms occurs in adults during the third or forth decade and even as late as eight decade of life. The prevalence of this disease is approximately 1 in 250 adults. The disease is more prevalent in Ireland as high as 1 in 120 adults. The disorder occurs in Arab, Hispanics, Israeli Jews, Iranian and European but is rare in Chinese and African American. To have celiac disease the patient should have the celiac disease genetic markers as HLA DQ 2 and HLA DQ 8. Patient with celiac disease may have 95 per cent for DQ 2 and the rest is by DQ 8. Someone may have the genetic marker and never develops the disease. In general 50 percent with markers may develop celiac disease. To develop the disease the gene needs to become activated. This may happen with a viral or bacterial infection, a surgery, delivery, accident, or psychological stress. After activation of gene cause the tight junction to opens with the release of Zonulin This results in passage of gluten through the tight junction and formation of multiple antibodies and autoimmune disease. This also allows entrance of other proteins and development of multiple food allergies. As a result is shortening, flattening of intestinal villi resulting in food, vitamins and minerals malabsorption.

  10. Prion Diseases (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Prion Diseases Prion diseases are a related group of ... deer and elk. Why Is the Study of Prion Diseases a Priority for NIAID? Much about TSE ...

  11. Diabetic Eye Disease (United States)

    ... Disease, & Other Dental Problems Diabetes & Sexual & Urologic Problems Diabetic Eye Disease What is diabetic eye disease? Diabetic eye disease is a group ... eye diseases that can threaten your sight are Diabetic retinopathy The retina is the inner lining at ...

  12. Infectious Diseases (United States)

    ... But some of them can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs. There ... many different ways that you can get an infectious disease: Through direct contact with a person who is ...

  13. Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination (United States)

    ... Adult Diseases Resources Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) ... important step in staying healthy. If you have cardiovascular disease, talk with your doctor about getting your vaccinations ...

  14. Association of Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease. (United States)

    Johar, N; Dhodapkar, S V; Kumar, R; Verma, T; Jajoo, A


    The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown some co-relation between the two conditions. We included 186 patients divided into four groups. First two Groups (A1 & A2) were the patients with cardiac disease (100 in numbers) whilst Groups (B1 & B2) (86 in numbers) were treated as controls (without cardiac disease). Following markers of periodontal disease were assessed - plaque index, calculus index, gingival and periodontal index. Markers of cardiovascular disease included were LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and CRP. Ramfjords periodontal index was used to assess the extent of periodontal disease. In the present study there was a significant increase in CRP levels in Group A1 (CVD + PD) compared to controls and overall the two cardiac groups showed a significant increase in CRP compared to controls. There was a non-significant change in lipid profile markers (LDL, HDL and total cholesterol). Periodontal Disease Index (PDI) was also increased in Group A1 compared to other groups except Group B1 and overall in cardiac groups compared to non-cardiac (PD) groups. In this study no correlation between periodontal and cardiovascular disease was found. This may be due intake of statins by few patients in Group A with a confirmed diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

  15. Prostate Diseases (United States)

    ... Home › Aging & Health A to Z › Prostate Diseases Font size A A A Print Share Glossary Basic ... body. Approximately 3 million American men have some type of prostate disease. The most common prostate diseases ...

  16. Periodontal Diseases (United States)

    ... diseases. The primary research focus was on oral bacteria. Periodontal diseases were thought to begin when chalky white ... tools to target their treatment specifically to the bacteria that trigger periodontal disease. At the same time, because biofilms form ...

  17. Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peter Riis


    Inflammation plays a significant role in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases are at increased risk of CVD, but it is debated whether this association is causal or dependent on shared risk factors, other exposures, genes, and/or inflammatory...... pathways. The current review summarizes epidemiological, clinical, and experimental data supporting the role of shared inflammatory mechanisms between atherosclerotic CVD and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and periodontitis, respectively, and provides insights to future...... prospects in this area of research. Awareness of the role of inflammation in CVD in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases and the potential for anti-inflammatory therapy, e.g., with tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors, to also reduce atherosclerotic CVD has evolved into guideline- based recommendations...

  18. The lysosomal storage disease continuum with ageing-related neurodegenerative disease. (United States)

    Lloyd-Evans, Emyr; Haslett, Luke J


    Lysosomal storage diseases and diseases of ageing share many features both at the physiological level and with respect to the mechanisms that underlie disease pathogenesis. Although the exact pathophysiology is not exactly the same, it is astounding how many similar pathways are altered in all of these diseases. The aim of this review is to provide a summary of the shared disease mechanisms, outlining the similarities and differences and how genetics, insight into rare diseases and functional research has changed our perspective on the causes underlying common diseases of ageing. The lysosome should no longer be considered as just the stomach of the cell or as a suicide bag, it has an emerging role in cellular signalling, nutrient sensing and recycling. The lysosome is of fundamental importance in the pathophysiology of diseases of ageing and by comparing against the LSDs we not only identify common pathways but also therapeutic targets so that ultimately more effective treatments can be developed for all neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Periodontal disease and non-communicable diseases. Strength of bidirectional associations


    Kassier, SM


    Periodontal disease (PD), along with cardiovascular and circulatory disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory disease and obesity, are globally regarded as some of the major non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The association between PD and these systemic illnesses is described as bidirectional. Gaining an understanding of the strength of the proposed associations between these diseases is important, as it will enable health professionals to identify common risk factors that will allow fo...

  20. Dent disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rina R Rus


    Full Text Available Dent disease is an x-linked disorder of proximal renal tubular dysfunction that occurs almost exclusively in males. It is characterized by significant, mostly low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and chronic kidney disease. Signs and symptoms of this condition appear in early childhood and worsen over time. There are two forms of Dent disease, which are distinguished by their genetic cause and pattern of signs and symptoms (type 1 and type 2. Dent disease 2 is characterized by the features described above and also associated with extrarenal abnormalities (they include mild intellectual disability, hypotonia, and cataract. Some researchers consider Dent disease 2 to be a mild variant of a similar disorder called Lowe syndrome.We represent a case of a 3-year old boy with significant proteinuria in the nephrotic range and hypercalciuria. We confirmed Dent disease type 1 by genetic analysis.

  1. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention. (United States)

    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Periodontal disease is likely to cause 19% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this increase in relative risk reaches to 44% among individuals aged 65 years and over. Type 2 diabetic individuals with severe form of periodontal disease have 3.2 times greater mortality risk compared with individuals with no or mild periodontitis. Periodontal therapy has been shown to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetic subjects. Periodontitis is related to maternal infection, preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Oral disease prevention strategies should be incorporated in chronic systemic disease preventive initiatives to curtail the burden of disease in populations. The reduction in the incidence and prevalence of periodontal disease can reduce its associated systemic diseases and can also minimize their financial impact on the health-care systems. It is hoped that medical, dental practitioners, and other health-care professionals will get familiar with perio-systemic link and risk factors, and need to refer to the specialized dental or periodontal care.

  2. Forasteiros na pátria-mãe: o lugar do migrante em The Lonely Londoners, de Samuel Selvon e The Final Passage, de Caryl Phillips

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Almeida Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa a construção ficcional da identidade do migrante em The Lonely Londoners (1956, de Samuel Selvon e The Final Passage (1985, de Caryl Phillips. Ambos os romances enfocam a experiência da geração Windrush, recrutada das colônias para suprir mão de obra na Inglaterra do pós-guerra. Ressalta-se o espaço intersticial ocupado pelas comunidades migrantes, e estuda-se a construção da identidade nessas obras dentro do contexto das relações culturais, analisando-se as políticas de afiliação, pertencimento e exclusão implícitas na formação dessas comunidades diaspóricas.

  3. Neumonía organizada como forma de presentación de una artritis reumatoide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Temprado


    Full Text Available La neumonía organizada (NO es una enfermedad pulmonar intersticial que puede asociarse a la artritis reumatoide (AR. Normalmente, la afectación pulmonar se presenta tras años de evolución de las manifestaciones articulares, siendo menos frecuente la aparición concomitante de ambos procesos. Se expone el caso de una paciente de 79 años que presentó tos y disnea junto con inflamación articular y criterios serológicos de AR. La radiografía de tórax (Rx y la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC objetivaron un infiltrado alveolar bibasal con broncograma aéreo. Las manifestaciones pulmonares de una NO motivaron el ingreso y fueron la clave para el diagnóstico final de una AR. La paciente recibió tratamiento corticoideo con excelente respuesta.

  4. Las nuevas formas de la guerra y el cuerpo de las mujeres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Laura Segato


    Full Text Available Las nuevas formas de la guerra, caracterizadas por la informalidad, se despliegan hoy en un espacio intersticial que podemos caracterizar como para-estatal porque se encuentra controlado por corporaciones armadas con participación de efectivos estatales y para estatales. En esa esfera de para-estatalidad en franca expansión, la violencia contra las mujeres ha dejado de ser un efecto colateral de la guerra y se ha transformado en un objetivo estratégico de este nuevo escenario bélico. Se examinan aquí las transformaciones históricas que circundan la informalización de la guerra y la centralidad que asume en ellas una "pedagogía de la crueldad" contra aquéllos que no juegan el papel de antagonistas armados - mujeres y niños - en los enfrentamientos.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition...... of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should...... not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck, Mette K; Westergaard, David; Jensen, Anders Boeck


    order of appearance. We discuss these different types of disease co-occurrences, and use the two diseases "sleep apnea" and "diabetes" to showcase the approach which otherwise can be applied to any disease pair. We benefit from seven million electronic medical records covering the entire population...... of Denmark for more than 20 years. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder and it has previously been shown to be bidirectionally linked to diabetes, meaning that each disease increases the risk of acquiring the other. We confirm that there is no significant temporal relationship......, as approximately half of patients with both diseases are diagnosed with diabetes first. However, we also show that patients diagnosed with diabetes before sleep apnea have a higher disease burden compared to patients diagnosed with sleep apnea before diabetes. The study clearly demonstrates that it is not only...

  7. Coronary heart disease (United States)

    Heart disease, Coronary heart disease, Coronary artery disease; Arteriosclerotic heart disease; CHD; CAD ... buildup of plaque in the arteries to your heart. This may also be called hardening of the ...

  8. Autoinflammatory Diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penaranda P, Edgar; Spinel B, Nestor; Restrepo, Jose F; Rondon H, Federico; Millan S, Alberto; Iglesias G Antonio


    We present a review article on the autoinflammatory diseases, narrating its historical origin and describing the protein and molecular structure of the Inflammasome, the current classification of the autoinflammatory diseases and a description of the immuno genetics and clinical characteristics more important of every disease.

  9. Niemann-Pick disease (United States)

    NPD; Sphingomyelinase deficiency; Lipid storage disorder - Niemann-Pick disease; Lysosomal storage disease - Niemann-Pick ... lipofuscinoses or Batten disease (Wolman disease, cholesteryl ... metabolism of lipids. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, ...

  10. Chronic pulmonary disease - a multifacted disease complex in the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, A.F.


    This paper reviews chronic pulmonary disease (CPD) as an insidiously developing disease capable of being manifest in many degrees. Horses may suffer mild, sub-clinical degrees of lower respiratory tract inflammation or small airway disease withouth showing symptoms at rest. This form of disease becomes manifest as poor performance when these horses take part in athletic competition. Factors relating to the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all degrees of small airway disease of horses are discussed. 30 refs

  11. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e De-zembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocor-reu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (3: 433-442 Abstract: This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the

  12. Gaucher disease (United States)

    ... please enable JavaScript. Gaucher disease is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GBA). Causes Gaucher disease is rare in the general population. People of Eastern and Central European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage are more likely to have this disease. It ...

  13. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011.

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    Alies van Lier

    Full Text Available Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands.The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961 and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874, which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be

  14. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011 (United States)

    Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Mangen, Marie-Josée J.; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E.


    Background Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. Methods and Findings The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007–2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911–9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468–8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five

  15. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011. (United States)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be attributed to the

  16. Parkinson's Disease Dementia (United States)

    ... Find your local chapter Join our online community Parkinson's Disease Dementia Parkinson's disease dementia is an impairment ... disease. About Symptoms Diagnosis Causes & risks Treatments About Parkinson's disease dementia The brain changes caused by Parkinson's ...

  17. [Emerging noninfectious diseases]. (United States)

    Consiglio, Ezequiel


    In recent years, emerging diseases were defined as being infectious, acquiring high incidence, often suddenly, or being a threat or an unexpected phenomenon. This study discusses the hallmarks of emerging diseases, describing the existence of noninfectious emerging diseases, and elaborating on the advantages of defining noninfectious diseases as emerging ones. From the discussion of various mental health disorders, nutritional deficiencies, external injuries and violence outcomes, work injuries and occupational health, and diseases due to environmental factors, the conclusion is drawn that a wide variety of noninfectious diseases can be defined as emergent. Noninfectious emerging diseases need to be identified in order to improve their control and management. A new definition of "emergent disease" is proposed, one that emphasizes the pathways of emergence and conceptual traits, rather than descriptive features.

  18. Cardiovascular effects of radiation therapy; Efectos cardiovasculares de la radioterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alvarez, Jose A.G.; Leiva, Gustavo [Hospital Britanico, Buenos Aires (Argentina).Servicio de Cardiologia; Schwartz, Laura; D' Angiola, Marisa [Hospital de Ninos ' Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez' , Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Therapeutic mediastinal irradiation can induce heart disease with variable degree of cardiac engagement. Heart disease manifestations depend on the grade of involvement of the different cardiac structures. During the first two years following irradiation, pericarditis with or without pericardial effusion is the most common manifestation of toxicity related to radiation therapy. Later on, after a latency period of five to ten years, a constrictive pericarditis may develop. Other type of late cardiac toxicities due to irradiation are restrictive cardiomyopathy, multiple valvular disease, coronary artery disease and different atrioventricular conduction disturbances. The therapeutic approach to this kind of heart disease has to be focused on its progressive course and in the possibility of a global involvement of all the cardiac structures. Pericardiectomy is strongly recommended for recurrent pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade. Cardiac surgery for myocardial revascularization or valvular disease can be performed with variable results; the presence of myocardial fibrosis can significantly affect perioperative management and long-term results. Cardiac transplantation is a promissory option for those patients with end-stage cardiac failure. Immunosuppressive regimens are not associated with recurrence of malignancy. (author) [Spanish] La radioterapia aplicada sobre el mediastino puede afectar las diferentes estructuras cardiacas. De la magnitud de ese compromiso dependera la aparicion de diversas manifestaciones clinicas. La pericarditis, con derrame o sin el, es lo mas habitual en los dos primeros anios; algunas evolucionan hacia la cronicidad para desarrollar, cinco a diez anios mas tarde, una pericarditis constrictiva. Otras manifestaciones tardias inducidas por la radioterapia pueden ser miocardiopatia restrictiva por fibrosis intersticial, disfunciones valvulares multiples, enfermedad obstructiva coronaria y trastornos en el sistema de conduccion

  19. Coronary heart disease after radiotherapy for peptic ulcer disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carr, Zhanat A.; Land, Charles E.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Weinstock, Robert W.; Stovall, Marilyn; Griem, Melvin L.; Mabuchi, Kiyohiko


    Purpose: To evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease after radiotherapy (RT) for peptic ulcer disease. Methods and materials: Peptic ulcer disease patients treated with RT (n = 1859) or by other means (n = 1860) at the University of Chicago Medical Center between 1936 and 1965, were followed through 1997. The observed numbers of cause-specific deaths were compared with the expected numbers from the general population rates. During RT, 5% of the heart was in the treatment field and the remainder of the heart mostly received scattered radiation. A volume-weighted cardiac dose was computed to describe the average tissue dose to the entire organ. We used Cox proportional hazards regression analysis to analyze the CHD and cerebrovascular disease risk associated with RT, adjusting for confounding factors. Results: Greater than expected CHD mortality was observed among the irradiated patients. The irradiated patients received volume-weighted cardiac doses ranging from 1.6 to 3.9 Gy and the portion of the heart directly in the field received doses of 7.6-18.4 Gy. The CHD risk increased with the cardiac dose (p trend = 0.01). The cerebrovascular disease risk was not associated with the surrogate carotid dose. Conclusion: The excess CHD risk in patients undergoing RT for peptic ulcer disease decades previously indicates the need for long-term follow-up for cardiovascular disease after chest RT

  20. Rheumatic heart disease: infectious disease origin, chronic care approach. (United States)

    Katzenellenbogen, Judith M; Ralph, Anna P; Wyber, Rosemary; Carapetis, Jonathan R


    Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a chronic cardiac condition with an infectious aetiology, causing high disease burden in low-income settings. Affected individuals are young and associated morbidity is high. However, RHD is relatively neglected due to the populations involved and its lower incidence relative to other heart diseases. In this narrative review, we describe how RHD care can be informed by and integrated with models of care developed for priority non-communicable diseases (coronary heart disease), and high-burden communicable diseases (tuberculosis). Examining the four-level prevention model (primordial through tertiary prevention) suggests primordial and primary prevention of RHD can leverage off existing tuberculosis control efforts, given shared risk factors. Successes in coronary heart disease control provide inspiration for similarly bold initiatives for RHD. Further, we illustrate how the Chronic Care Model (CCM), developed for use in non-communicable diseases, offers a relevant framework to approach RHD care. Systems strengthening through greater integration of services can improve RHD programs. Strengthening of systems through integration/linkages with other well-performing and resourced services in conjunction with policies to adopt the CCM framework for the secondary and tertiary prevention of RHD in settings with limited resources, has the potential to significantly reduce the burden of RHD globally. More research is required to provide evidence-based recommendations for policy and service design.

  1. Associated Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    ... gland in the neck, thick and coarse hair. Addison’s Disease Arare disease involving the adrenal gland. The prevalence of celiac disease in people with addison’s disease is significant. Symptoms of Addison’s may include weight ...

  2. Mad Cow Disease (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Mad Cow Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Mad Cow Disease What's ... are people to get it? What Is Mad Cow Disease? Mad cow disease is an incurable, fatal ...

  3. Skin Diseases: Skin Health and Skin Diseases (United States)

    Skip Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Skin Diseases Skin Health and Skin Diseases Past Issues / Fall 2008 Table of Contents ... acne to wrinkles Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It ...

  4. Lyme Disease. (United States)

    Taylor, George C.


    This overview of the public health significance of Lyme disease includes the microbiological specifics of the infectious spirochete, the entomology and ecology of the ticks which are the primary disease carrier, the clinical aspects and treatment stages, the known epidemiological patterns, and strategies for disease control and for expanded public…

  5. Wilson’s Disease: An Inherited, Silent, Copper Intoxication Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uta Merle


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a rare, autosomal recessive, genetic, copper overload disease, which evokes multiple motor or neuropsychiatric symptoms and liver disease. It is the consequence of a variety of different mutations affecting the ATP7B gene. This gene encodes for a class IB, P-type, copper-transporting ATPase, which is located in the trans-Golgi network of the liver and brain, and mediates the excretion of excess copper into the bile. When functionally inactive, the excess copper is deposited in the liver, brain, and other tissues. Free copper induces oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and lowers the apoptotic threshold of the cell. The symptoms in affected persons can vary widely and usually appear between the ages of 6 years and 20 years, but there are also cases in which the disease manifests in advanced age. In this review, we discuss the considerations in diagnosis, clinical management, and treatment of Wilson’s disease. In addition, we highlight experimental efforts that address the pathogenesis of Wilson’s disease in ATP7B deficient mice, novel analytical techniques that will improve the diagnosis at an early stage of disease onset, and treatment results with copper-chelating agents.

  6. Celiac Disease: Diagnosis. (United States)

    Byrne, Greg; Feighery, Conleth F


    Historically the diagnosis of celiac disease has relied upon clinical, serological, and histological evidence. In recent years the use of sensitive serological methods has meant an increase in the diagnosis of celiac disease. The heterogeneous nature of the disorder presents a challenge in the study and diagnosis of the disease with patients varying from subclinical or latent disease to patients with overt symptoms. Furthermore the related gluten-sensitive disease dermatitis herpetiformis, while distinct in some respects, shares clinical and serological features with celiac disease. Here we summarize current best practice for the diagnosis of celiac disease and briefly discuss newer approaches. The advent of next-generation assays for diagnosis and newer clinical protocols may result in more sensitive screening and ultimately the possible replacement of the intestinal biopsy as the gold standard for celiac disease diagnosis.

  7. Wireless Monitoring for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases and Parkinson's Disease. (United States)

    Kefaliakos, Antonios; Pliakos, Ioannis; Charalampidou, Martha; Diomidous, Marianna


    The use of applications for mobile devices and wireless sensors is common for the sector of telemedicine. Recently various studies and systems were developed in order to help patients suffering from severe diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease. They present a challenge for the sector because such systems demand the flow of accurate data in real time and the use of specialized sensors. In this review will be presented some very interesting applications developed for patients with cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease.

  8. Wilson’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Figen Hanağası


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. Clinical phenotypes include hepatic, haemolytic, neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Wilson’s disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene. ATP7B encodes a hepatic copper-transporting protein, which is important for copper excretion into bile. Neurological symptoms in Wilson’s disease include variable combinations of dysathria, ataxia, parkinsonism, dystonia and tremor. Wilson’s disease is lethal if untreated. This review discusses the epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, etiopathophysiology, diagnostic tests, and treatment of Wilson’s disease

  9. Influence of cerebrovascular disease on brain networks in prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Chong, Joanna Su Xian; Liu, Siwei; Loke, Yng Miin; Hilal, Saima; Ikram, Mohammad Kamran; Xu, Xin; Tan, Boon Yeow; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Chen, Christopher Li-Hsian; Zhou, Juan


    Network-sensitive neuroimaging methods have been used to characterize large-scale brain network degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and its prodrome. However, few studies have investigated the combined effect of Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease on brain network degeneration. Our study sought to examine the intrinsic functional connectivity and structural covariance network changes in 235 prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. We focused particularly on two higher-order cognitive networks-the default mode network and the executive control network. We found divergent functional connectivity and structural covariance patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease, but not Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease, showed reductions in posterior default mode network functional connectivity. By comparison, while both groups exhibited parietal reductions in executive control network functional connectivity, only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increases in frontal executive control network connectivity. Importantly, these distinct executive control network changes were recapitulated in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Across Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease, higher default mode network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater hippocampal volumes while higher executive control network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater white matter changes. In parallel, only Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease showed increased default mode network structural covariance, while only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increased executive control network structural covariance compared to controls. Our

  10. Genotator: A disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jung Jae-Yoon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. Methods We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Results Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. Conclusions As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked

  11. Genotator: a disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease. (United States)

    Wall, Dennis P; Pivovarov, Rimma; Tong, Mark; Jung, Jae-Yoon; Fusaro, Vincent A; DeLuca, Todd F; Tonellato, Peter J


    Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked data that remains current with the pace of research in the disease

  12. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and prion disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eikelenboom, P.; Bate, C.; van Gool, W. A.; Hoozemans, J. J. M.; Rozemuller, J. M.; Veerhuis, R.; Williams, A.


    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and prion disease are characterized neuropathologically by extracellular deposits of Abeta and PrP amyloid fibrils, respectively. In both disorders, these cerebral amyloid deposits are co-localized with a broad variety of inflammation-related proteins (complement factors,

  13. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: two muscle diseases? (United States)

    Troosters, Thierry; Gosselink, Rik; Decramer, Marc


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure are two increasingly prevalent chronic diseases. Although care for these patients often is provided by different clinical teams, both disease conditions have much in common. In recent decades, more knowledge about the systemic impact of both diseases has become available, highlighting remarkable similarities in terms of prognostic factors and disease management. Rehabilitation programs deal with the systemic consequences of both diseases. Although clinical research also is conducted by various researchers investigating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure, it is worthwhile to compare the progress in relation to these two diseases over recent decades. Such comparison, the purpose of the current review, may help clinicians and scientists to learn about progress made in different, yet related, fields. The current review focuses on the similarities observed in the clinical impact of muscle weakness, the mechanisms of muscle dysfunction, the strategies to improve muscle function, and the effects of exercise training on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure.

  14. Two adolescent patients with coexistent Graves' disease and Moyamoya disease in Korea. (United States)

    Cheon, Chong Kun; Kim, Su Yung; Yoo, Jae-Ho


    Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular condition that results in the narrowing of the vessels of the circle of Willis and collateral vessel formation at the base of the brain. Although relationships between Graves' disease and cerebrovascular accidents in Moyamoya disease are obscure, the coexistence of the two diseases is noteworthy. Moyamoya disease has been rarely reported in adolescent patients with thyrotoxicosis. Recently, we encountered two adolescent Korean patients with Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease who presented with episodic right-sided hemiparesis and syncope. These two girls who had Graves' disease had no history of other diseases or head trauma. A thyroid function test revealed a euthyroid state and a high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibody titer at that time. The patients were diagnosed with Moyamoya disease based on brain magnetic resonance angiography and cerebral four-vessel angiography. The patients underwent cranial revascularization by encephalo-duroarterio-synangiosis as soon as a diagnosis was made, which resulted in successful symptom resolution. They fared well and had no additional neurological symptoms as of their last follow-up visits. Here, we report these two cases of confirmed Moyamoya disease complicated by Graves' disease with a review of the literature, and discuss the possible association between the two diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report in South Korea on Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease in adolescents with a euthyroid.

  15. Phenotype and Clinical Course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Co-Existent Celiac Disease. (United States)

    Tse, Chung Sang; Deepak, Parakkal; De La Fuente, Jaime; Bledsoe, Adam C; Larson, Joseph J; Murray, Joseph A; Papadakis, Konstantinos A


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, principally Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease are among the most common immune-mediated gastrointestinal diseases. We aim to elucidate the clinical course and outcomes of patients with concomitant inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease, a unique population that remains scarcely studied to date. A retrospective matched case-control study of adults with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease was performed at a tertiary referral institution in North America. Logistic regression and Kaplan-Meier curves compared disease characteristics and clinical outcomes of the two groups. A total of 342 inflammatory bowel disease patients were included in this study, of which 114 had coexistent celiac disease and 228 did not. Patients with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease had higher rates of primary sclerosing cholangitis (19.3% vs 5.7%; odds ratio, 4.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.1-9.4; pceliac disease (10.5% vs 3.5%; odds ratio 3.2; 95% confidence interval 1.3-8.2; p=0.01), compared to patients without concomitant celiac disease. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease with concomitant celiac disease have unique phenotypic features compared to non-celiac inflammatory bowel disease, with higher risks for colitis-related hospitalizations, extensive colitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Increased recognition of coexistent IBD and celiac disease can prompt clinicians to investigate for concomitant disease sooner, particularly in patients with seemingly refractory disease.

  16. Periodontal disease and anemias associated with Crohn's disease. A case report. (United States)

    Nagpal, Swati; Acharya, Anirudh B; Thakur, Srinath L


    Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease with oral findings, including periodontal manifestations. Anemias, such as iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease (ACD), are the most common hematologic complications of CD. Periodontitis has systemic effects, and may tend toward anemia, which can be explained by depressed erythropoiesis. In the report presented here, the authors review a case of Crohn's disease diagnosed 10 years previous to the patient presenting with a changing anemic profile and periodontal disease. A discussion of patient and disease management is included.

  17. Is the disease course predictable in inflammatory bowel diseases? (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S


    During the course of the disease, most patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) may eventually develop a stricturing or a perforating complication, and a significant number of patients with both CD and ulcerative colitis will undergo surgery. In recent years, research has focused on the determination of factors important in the prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases to improve stratification of patients, identify individual patient profiles, including clinical, laboratory and molecular markers, which hopefully will allow physicians to choose the most appropriate management in terms of therapy and intensity of follow-up. This review summarizes the available evidence on clinical, endoscopic variables and biomarkers in the prediction of short and long-term outcome in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. PMID:20518079

  18. Celiac Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Bone Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melissa S. Putman


    Full Text Available Both cystic fibrosis (CF and celiac disease can cause low bone mineral density (BMD and fractures. Celiac disease may occur at a higher frequency in patients with CF than the general population, and symptoms of these conditions may overlap. We report on two patients presenting with CF-related bone disease in the past year who were subsequently found to have concurrent celiac disease. Because adherence to a gluten-free diet may improve BMD in patients with celiac disease, this could have important implications for treatment. Clinicians should consider screening for celiac disease in patients with CF who have low BMD, worsening BMD in the absence of other risk factors, and/or difficult to treat vitamin D deficiency.

  19. Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. N. Semyachkina


    Full Text Available The paper gives the data available in the literature, which reflect the manifestations, diagnosis, and current treatments of the rare (orphan inherited disease glycogen storage disease type II or Pomp disease in children, as well as its classification. The infant form is shown to be most severe, resulting in death from cardiovascular or pulmonary failure generally within the first year of a child’s life. Emphasis is laid on major difficulties in the differential and true diagnosis of this severe disease. Much attention is given to the new pathogenetic treatment — genetically engineered enzyme replacement drug Myozyme®. The authors describe their clinical case of a child with the juvenile form of glycogen storage disease type II (late-onset Pompe disease. Particular emphasis is laid on the clinical symptoms of the disease and its diagnostic methods, among which the morphological analysis of a muscle biopsy specimen by light and electron microscopies, and enzyme and DNA diagnoses are of most importance. The proband was found to have significant lysosomal glycogen accumulation in the muscle biopsy specimen, reduced lymphocyte acid α-1,4-glucosidase activity to 4,2 nM/mg/h (normal value, 13,0—53,6 nM/mg/h, described in the HGMD missense mutation database from 1000 G>A p.Gly334er of the GAA in homozygous state, which verified the diagnosis of Pompe disease

  20. [Celiac disease - disease of children and adults: symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities]. (United States)

    Majsiak, Emilia; Cichoż-Lach, Halina; Gubska, Olena; Cukrowska, Bożena


    About 1% of human population suffers from celiac disease (CD) and it is one of the most commonly diagnosed autoimmune disorders. Until recently it was believed that CD affects mainly children, but as the newest studies show, up to 60% recently diagnosed patients are adults, often over the age of 60. CD's medical signs are nonspecific. Atypical course of the disease with extraintestinal symptoms is being increasingly observed. The disease may also be asymptomatic over many years. The studies show that the average diagnosis of CD takes more than 10 years since the first symptoms appear. Nonspecific medical signs cause undiagnosed patients suffering from CD to visit gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, allergists, gynaecologists and other medical specialists. However, most frequently general practitioners have the first encounter with patients suffering from CD, therefore they are able to recognize symptoms of the disease at the earliest and refer the patient to a gastroenterologist. Early diagnosis and beginning of the treatment reduce complications of untreated CD. The aim of this paper is to show general practitioners symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities of CD.

  1. Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... with Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy & Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Diseases with the potential to affect ... control. What are the effects of pregnancy on rheumatic disease? The effects of pregnancy on rheumatic diseases vary ...

  2. Consensus Conference: A reappraisal of Gaucher disease - diagnosis and disease management algorithms (United States)

    Mistry, Pramod K.; Cappellini, Maria Domenica; Lukina, Elena; Özsan, Hayri; Pascual, Sara Mach; Rosenbaum, Hanna; Solano, Maria Helena; Spigelman, Zachary; Villarrubia, Jesús; Watman, Nora Patricia; Massenkeil, Gero


    Type 1 (non neuronopathic) Gaucher disease was the first lysosomal storage disorder for which an effective enzyme replacement therapy was developed and it has become a prototype for treatments for related orphan diseases. There are currently four treatment options available to patients with Gaucher disease, nevertheless, almost 25% of type 1 Gaucher patients do not gain timely access to therapy because of delays in diagnosis after the onset of symptoms. Diagnosis of Gaucher disease by enzyme testing is unequivocal, but the rarity of the disease and non-specific and heterogeneous nature of Gaucher disease symptoms may impede consideration of this disease in the differential diagnosis. To help promote timely diagnosis and optimal management of the protean presentations of Gaucher disease, a consensus meeting was convened to develop algorithms for diagnosis and disease management for Gaucher disease. PMID:21080341

  3. Celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radlović Nedeljko


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is a multysystemic autoimmune disease induced by gluten in wheat, barley and rye. It is characterized by polygenic predisposition, high prevalence (1%, widely heterogeneous expression and frequent association with other autoimmune diseases, selective deficit of IgA and Down, Turner and Williams syndrome. The basis of the disease and the key finding in its diagnostics is symptomatic or asymptomatic inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa which resolves by gluten-free diet. Therefore, the basis of the treatment involves elimination diet, so that the disorder, if timely recognized and adequately treated, also characterizes excellent prognosis.

  4. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  5. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention


    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular di...

  6. Chronic Disease and Childhood Development: Kidney Disease and Transplantation. (United States)

    Klein, Susan D.; Simmons, Roberta G.

    As part of a larger study of transplantation and chronic disease and the family, 124 children (10-18 years old) who were chronically ill with kidney disease (n=72) or were a year or more post-transplant (n=52) were included in a study focusing on the effects of chronic kidney disease and transplantation on children's psychosocial development. Ss…

  7. Involvement of Gaucher Disease Mutations in Parkinson Disease. (United States)

    Vilageliu, Lluisa; Grinberg, Daniel


    Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, caused by mutations in the GBA gene. The frequency of Gaucher disease patients and heterozygote carriers that developed Parkinson disease has been found to be above that of the control population. This fact suggests that mutations in the GBA gene can be involved in Parkison's etiology. Analysis of large cohorts of patients with Parkinson disease has shown that there are significantly more cases bearing GBA mutations than those found among healthy individuals. Functional studies have proven an interaction between α-synuclein and GBA, the levels of which presented an inverse correlation. Mutant GBA proteins cause increases in α-synuclein levels, while an inhibition of GBA by α-synuclein has been also demonstrated. Saposin C, a coactivator of GBA, has been shown to protect GBA from this inhibition. Among the GBA variants associated with Parkinson disease, E326K seems to be one of the most prevalent. Interestingly, it is involved in Gaucher disease only when it forms part of a double-mutant allele, usually with the L444P mutation. Structural analyses have revealed that both residues (E326 and L444) interact with Saposin C and, probably, also with α-synuclein. This could explain the antagonistic role of these two proteins in relation to GBA. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  8. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  9. The acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease in the first decree of occupational diseases from 1925

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuettmann, W.


    The Schneeberg lung disease is the lung cancer, conditioned by radiation which is caused by the influence of radon and of its subsequent products. It has gained a great importance after World War II as a consequence of the intensified mining of uranium ore. From the history of the disease, lasting some centuries, the period of the twenties and thirties of this century is represented in which on one side the conception of the causal importance of radon has made its way little by little, and on the other side the disease was acknowledged as occupational disease within the first decree of occupational diseases in the former German Reich. Evaluating materials from Saxon archives it is described how the legislative preparations to the acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease and the simultaneous research to the elucidation of nature and cause of the disease have penetrated and influenced each other. (author)

  10. Patterns of left ventricular geometry and the transition to congestive heart failure with preserved versus depressed ejection fraction (Patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda y la transición a la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva con fracción de eyección conservada versus deprimida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José H. Donis Hernández


    Full Text Available Abstract (english Analysis of cross-sectional and follow up clinical studies, of hypertensive patients with the different left ventricular geometric patterns, provide plausible explanations for the transition from hypertensive heart disease to the two distinct phenotypes of systolic and diastolic congestive heart failure. According to the LIFE study treated-uncomplicated patients, with normal ventricular geometry (12%, concentric remodeling (11 % and concentric hypertrophy (34 %, may evolve to the eccentric hypertrophy pattern. Patients with the eccentric hypertrophy pattern have selective sympathetic activation and progressive enlargement of the left ventricular cavity with thinning of its walls. This pattern goes on to a stage of systolic dysfunction with diminished ejection fraction and enhanced degradation of the collagen matrix. On the other hand, patients with the concentric hypertrophy pattern have predominant activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and progressive shrinking of the left ventricular cavity with thickening of its walls. This pattern usually precedes the stage of diastolic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, impairment of relaxation and increased deposition of collagen in the myocardial interstitium. Thus, ventricular remodeling preceding diastolic heart failure is opposite to that of hypertensive patients who go on to develop systolic heart failure. Resumen (español El análisis de los estudios transversales y longitudinales, de pacientes hipertensos con diferentes patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda, permite postular posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos para explicar la transición de la cardiopatía hipertensiva hacia los dos fenotipos conocidos de insuficiencia cardiaca. De acuerdo con el estudio LIFE, los pacientes hipertensos no complicados, con patrones de geometría ventricular normal (12 %, remodelado concéntrico (11 % e hipertrofia concéntrica (34 %, pueden evolucionar hacia

  11. The elusive baseline of marine disease: are diseases in ocean ecosystems increasing?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica R Ward


    Full Text Available Disease outbreaks alter the structure and function of marine ecosystems, directly affecting vertebrates (mammals, turtles, fish, invertebrates (corals, crustaceans, echinoderms, and plants (seagrasses. Previous studies suggest a recent increase in marine disease. However, lack of baseline data in most communities prevents a direct test of this hypothesis. We developed a proxy to evaluate a prediction of the increasing disease hypothesis: the proportion of scientific publications reporting disease increased in recent decades. This represents, to our knowledge, the first quantitative use of normalized trends in the literature to investigate an ecological hypothesis. We searched a literature database for reports of parasites and disease (hereafter "disease" in nine marine taxonomic groups from 1970 to 2001. Reports, normalized for research effort, increased in turtles, corals, mammals, urchins, and molluscs. No significant trends were detected for seagrasses, decapods, or sharks/rays (though disease occurred in these groups. Counter to the prediction, disease reports decreased in fishes. Formulating effective resource management policy requires understanding the basis and timing of marine disease events. Why disease outbreaks increased in some groups but not in others should be a priority for future investigation. The increase in several groups lends urgency to understanding disease dynamics, particularly since few viable options currently exist to mitigate disease in the oceans.

  12. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Oberoi, Sukhvinder Singh; Harish, Yashoda; Hiremath, Shivalingaswamy; Puranik, Manjunath


    Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs) index. The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18%) whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%), diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%), and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%), in comparison to the controls (6.18%). From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  13. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18% whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%, diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%, and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%, in comparison to the controls (6.18%. Conclusion: From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  14. The integrated disease network. (United States)

    Sun, Kai; Buchan, Natalie; Larminie, Chris; Pržulj, Nataša


    The growing body of transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and genomic data generated from disease states provides a great opportunity to improve our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving diseases and shared between diseases. The use of both clinical and molecular phenotypes will lead to better disease understanding and classification. In this study, we set out to gain novel insights into diseases and their relationships by utilising knowledge gained from system-level molecular data. We integrated different types of biological data including genome-wide association studies data, disease-chemical associations, biological pathways and Gene Ontology annotations into an Integrated Disease Network (IDN), a heterogeneous network where nodes are bio-entities and edges between nodes represent their associations. We also introduced a novel disease similarity measure to infer disease-disease associations from the IDN. Our predicted associations were systemically evaluated against the Medical Subject Heading classification and a statistical measure of disease co-occurrence in PubMed. The strong correlation between our predictions and co-occurrence associations indicated the ability of our approach to recover known disease associations. Furthermore, we presented a case study of Crohn's disease. We demonstrated that our approach not only identified well-established connections between Crohn's disease and other diseases, but also revealed new, interesting connections consistent with emerging literature. Our approach also enabled ready access to the knowledge supporting these new connections, making this a powerful approach for exploring connections between diseases.

  15. Concomitant diseases and their effect on disease prognosis in Meniere's disease: diabetes mellitus identified as a negative prognostic factor. (United States)

    Pieskä, Teemu; Kotimäki, Jouko; Männikkö, Minna; Sorri, Martti; Hietikko, Elina


    To study comorbidities and their effect on the disease progression in Meniere's disease (MD). Retrospective study on 350 definite MD patients diagnosed according to AAO-HNS 1995 criteria using hospital records and postal questionnaire. The prevalence of migraine, hypothyroidism, allergies, coronary heart disease and autoimmune diseases was more common in MD patients than reported in the general population of Finland. Diabetes mellitus was associated with both more severe hearing impairment (p = .033) and more frequent vertigo (p = .028) in MD patients. The number of concomitant diseases was associated with more frequent vertigo (p = .021). A patient's concomitant diseases, especially diabetes, should be treated effectively because they might affect the progression of MD. Further studies on the effects of concomitant diseases on MD prognosis are needed.

  16. Esophageal involvement and interstitial lung disease in mixed connective tissue disease. (United States)

    Fagundes, M N; Caleiro, M T C; Navarro-Rodriguez, T; Baldi, B G; Kavakama, J; Salge, J M; Kairalla, R; Carvalho, C R R


    Mixed connective tissue disease is a systemic inflammatory disorder that results in both pulmonary and esophageal manifestations. We sought to evaluate the relationship between esophageal dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease. We correlated the pulmonary function data and the high-resolution computed tomography findings of interstitial lung disease with the results of esophageal evaluation in manometry, 24-hour intraesophageal pH measurements, and the presence of esophageal dilatation on computed tomography scan. Fifty consecutive patients with mixed connective tissue disease, according to Kasukawa's classification criteria, were included in this prospective study. High-resolution computed tomography parenchymal abnormalities were present in 39 of 50 patients. Esophageal dilatation, gastroesophageal reflux, and esophageal motor impairment were also very prevalent (28 of 50, 18 of 36, and 30 of 36, respectively). The presence of interstitial lung disease on computed tomography was significantly higher among patients with esophageal dilatation (92% vs. 45%; pmotor dysfunction (90% vs. 35%; pesophageal and pulmonary involvement, our series revealed a strong association between esophageal motor dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease.

  17. [Infectious diseases research]. (United States)

    Carratalà, Jordi; Alcamí, José; Cordero, Elisa; Miró, José M; Ramos, José Manuel


    There has been a significant increase in research activity into infectious diseases in Spain in the last few years. The Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) currently has ten study groups, with the cooperation of infectious diseases specialists and microbiologists from different centres, with significant research activity. The program of Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (Special Topics Cooperative Health Research Networks) is an appropriate framework for the strategic coordination of research groups from the Spanish autonomous communities. The Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI) and the Network for Research in AIDS (RIS) integrate investigators in Infectious Diseases from multiple groups, which continuously perform important research projects. Research using different experimental models in infectious diseases, in numerous institutions, is an important activity in our country. The analysis of the recent scientific production in Infectious Diseases shows that Spain has a good position in the context of the European Union. The research activity in Infectious Diseases carried out in our country is a great opportunity for the training of specialists in this area of knowledge.

  18. Human Environmental Disease Network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taboureau, Olivier; Audouze, Karine


    During the past decades, many epidemiological, toxicological and biological studies have been performed to assess the role of environmental chemicals as potential toxicants for diverse human disorders. However, the relationships between diseases based on chemical exposure have been rarely studied...... by computational biology. We developed a human environmental disease network (EDN) to explore and suggest novel disease-disease and chemical-disease relationships. The presented scored EDN model is built upon the integration on systems biology and chemical toxicology using chemical contaminants information...... and their disease relationships from the reported TDDB database. The resulting human EDN takes into consideration the level of evidence of the toxicant-disease relationships allowing including some degrees of significance in the disease-disease associations. Such network can be used to identify uncharacterized...

  19. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General

  20. Responsiveness of Endoscopic Indices of Disease Activity for Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khanna, Reena; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry; Feagan, Brian G.; Sandborn, William J.; Rutgeerts, Paul; McDonald, John W. D.; Dubcenco, Elena; Fogel, Ronald; Panaccione, Remo; Jairath, Vipul; Nelson, Sigrid; Shackelton, Lisa M.; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Robinson, Anne M.; Levesque, Barrett G.; D'Haens, Geert


    The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's Disease (SES-CD) are commonly used to assess Crohn's disease (CD) activity; however neither instrument is fully validated. We evaluated the responsiveness to change of the SES-CD and CDEIS using data

  1. AACE/ACE Disease State Clinical Review: Medical Management of Cushing Disease. (United States)

    Hamrahian, Amir H; Yuen, Kevin C J; Hoffman, Andrew R


    To review available medical therapies for patients with Cushing disease and to provide a roadmap for their use in clinical practice. PubMed searches were performed to identify all of the available published data on medical management of Cushing disease. Medical therapy is usually not the first-line treatment for patients with Cushing disease but may be used to improve clinical manifestations of Cushing disease in patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery, following unsuccessful surgery or recurrence, or as a "bridge therapy" in those who have undergone radiotherapy. Medical therapy may also be used in preoperative preparation of patients with severe disease. Current available medical options for patients with Cushing disease include centrally acting agents, steroidogenesis inhibitors, and a glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. At present, there are no head-to-head studies comparing the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of different U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- and non-FDA-approved drugs in patients with Cushing disease. With the initiation of new studies and the completion of ongoing clinical trials, the number of FDA-approved drugs for medical treatment of Cushing disease is expected to increase. Medical therapy has an important adjunctive role in the management of patients with Cushing disease. The decision to initiate medical treatment depends on many factors, including patient characteristics and preference. Long-term studies are needed to better define the clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability of medical treatment of Cushing disease, including the role of combination therapies.

  2. DOSim: An R package for similarity between diseases based on Disease Ontology (United States)


    Background The construction of the Disease Ontology (DO) has helped promote the investigation of diseases and disease risk factors. DO enables researchers to analyse disease similarity by adopting semantic similarity measures, and has expanded our understanding of the relationships between different diseases and to classify them. Simultaneously, similarities between genes can also be analysed by their associations with similar diseases. As a result, disease heterogeneity is better understood and insights into the molecular pathogenesis of similar diseases have been gained. However, bioinformatics tools that provide easy and straight forward ways to use DO to study disease and gene similarity simultaneously are required. Results We have developed an R-based software package (DOSim) to compute the similarity between diseases and to measure the similarity between human genes in terms of diseases. DOSim incorporates a DO-based enrichment analysis function that can be used to explore the disease feature of an independent gene set. A multilayered enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG annotation) annotation function that helps users explore the biological meaning implied in a newly detected gene module is also part of the DOSim package. We used the disease similarity application to demonstrate the relationship between 128 different DO cancer terms. The hierarchical clustering of these 128 different cancers showed modular characteristics. In another case study, we used the gene similarity application on 361 obesity-related genes. The results revealed the complex pathogenesis of obesity. In addition, the gene module detection and gene module multilayered annotation functions in DOSim when applied on these 361 obesity-related genes helped extend our understanding of the complex pathogenesis of obesity risk phenotypes and the heterogeneity of obesity-related diseases. Conclusions DOSim can be used to detect disease-driven gene modules, and to annotate the modules for functions and

  3. Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome: the neglected disease in our own backyard. (United States)

    Crowder, L A; Yedlin, V A; Weinstein, E R; Kortte, K B; Aucott, J N


    A survey was developed to assess experience and opinions about Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) among faculties in public health. No previous surveys of public health faculties have been found in the literature. This is a cross sectional study of public health school faculty members designed to measure knowledge and experience with Lyme disease and PTLDS using an internet survey instrument. Participants were recruited using all the publicly available e-mail addresses of faculty members in all the 50 accredited Schools of Public Health in the United States. A 15% response rate was seen for the survey. 50% of respondents were from Lyme endemic states. Less than 5% of faculty members consider themselves expert in Lyme or PTLDS. Many faculty members had known someone with Lyme disease or PTLDS, but few had been diagnosed themselves. Most believe that PTLDS can be severe and chronic, is not easy to treat, and does not resolve on its own, but were uncertain about its aetiology. Most respondents also felt that the incidence of Lyme disease will increase and that more education is needed. The need for further understanding and communication presents an opportunity for public health research and education in Lyme disease and the sequelae of PTLDS. Copyright © 2014 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chapple, Iain L C; Bouchard, Philippe; Cagetti, Maria Grazia


    Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requir......Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors...... to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc...... or composition, smoking, carbohydrate intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases as well as in their management. AIM: To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk factors for caries and periodontal diseases. METHODS: One systematic...

  5. Parkinson disease - discharge (United States)

    Your doctor has told you that you have Parkinson disease . This disease affects the brain and leads ... have you take different medicines to treat your Parkinson disease and many of the problems that may ...

  6. Pediatric Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Pediatric Celiac Disease If your child has celiac disease, ... physician. Established by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Celiac Disease Eosinophilic ...

  7. Lyme Disease Data (United States)

    ... materials Why is CDC concerned about Lyme disease? Data and Statistics Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir ... sixth most common Nationally Notifiable disease . Lyme Disease Data File To facilitate the public health and research ...

  8. Spreading disease: a controversy concerning the metaphysics of disease. (United States)

    D'Amico, R


    This article concerns the metaphysics of disease. Is disease a fixed feature of the world or a social value or preference? I argue that disease is not a value-laden concept and thus debates concerning it differ fundamentally from debates concerning health, harm, or suffering where evaluative judgements are central. I show how the so-called social constructionist view of disease has been motivated both by ethical concerns with medical practices and general theoretical doubts about scientific naturalism. If I can show that ethical concerns about medical treatment can be answered without adopting social constructionism, that leaves only the broader theoretical question of naturalism. I cannot completely answer those theoretical doubts, but I show that the theoretical motivation is less convincing when it is separated from the moral challenge often accompanying it. I conclude that a convincing defense of the non-naturalistic conception of disease is rarely attempted and proves more difficult and counter-intuitive than its proponents assume.

  9. CT findings of diffuse pleural diseases: differentiation of malignant disease from tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roh, In Gye; Kook, Shin Ho; Lee, Young Rae; Chin, Seung Bum; Park, Yoon Ok; Park, Hae Won


    To evaluate whether or not previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases are useful in the differentiation of diffuse malignant pleural diseases and tuberculosis. We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 42 patients comprising 20 cases of malignant pleural diseases and 22 cases of tuberculous pleural diseases, according to previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases. The most common shape of pleural effusion was crescentic in malignant pleural diseases and loculated in tuberculosis. The aggressive nature of pleural effusion, pleural rind, and pleura thickening was 1.5 times more frequently observed in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. Smooth thickening or smooth nodular pleural thickening and extrapleural deposition of fat were 1.5 times more frequently found in tuberculous than in malignant pleural diseases. Interruption of pleural thickening was found twice as frequently in malignant pleural diseases as in tuberculosis. Decreased lung volume was found twice as frequently in tuberculous as in malignant pleural diseases. Anatomical mediastinal pleural involvement was three times, and irregular nodular pleural thickening nine times more frequent in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of CT findings above 70%, and thus suggesting malignant pleural diseases, were as follows : 1) aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung (51.5%, 75%); 2) involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura (69.2%, 73.7%); 3) irregular nodular pleural thickening (87.5%, 69%). Although there in overlap between previously known CT criteria for the differentiation of benign and malignant pleural diseases, the aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung, the involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura and irregular nodular

  10. Hereditary neuromuscular diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oezsarlak, O. E-mail:; Schepens, E.; Parizel, P.M.; Goethem, J.W. van; Vanhoenacker, F.; Schepper, A.M. de; Martin, J.J


    This article presents the actual classification of neuromuscular diseases based on present expansion of our knowledge and understanding due to genetic developments. It summarizes the genetic and clinical presentations of each disorder together with CT findings, which we studied in a large group of patients with neuromuscular diseases. The muscular dystrophies as the largest and most common group of hereditary muscle diseases will be highlighted by giving detailed information about the role of CT and MRI in the differential diagnosis. The radiological features of neuromuscular diseases are atrophy, hypertrophy, pseudohypertrophy and fatty infiltration of muscles on a selective basis. Although the patterns and distribution of involvement are characteristic in some of the diseases, the definition of the type of disease based on CT scan only is not always possible.

  11. Disease burden of infectious diseases in Europe: a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lier EA van; Havelaar AH; LZO


    Consequences of different infectious diseases cannot be adequately compared with each other on the basis of the number of patients or mortality data only. It is better to combine all health effects and express the total impact as disease burden, which also takes duration and severity of diseases

  12. Biomarker for Glycogen Storage Diseases (United States)


    Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors; Glycogen Storage Disease; Glycogen Storage Disease Type I; Glycogen Storage Disease Type II; Glycogen Storage Disease Type III; Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV; Glycogen Storage Disease Type V; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VIII

  13. Degenerative Nerve Diseases (United States)

    Degenerative nerve diseases affect many of your body's activities, such as balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. Many ... viruses. Sometimes the cause is not known. Degenerative nerve diseases include Alzheimer's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Friedreich's ...

  14. Understanding cardiovascular disease (United States)

    ... page: // Understanding cardiovascular disease To use the sharing features on this page, ... lead to heart attack or stroke. Types of Cardiovascular Disease Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common ...

  15. Lyme disease (image) (United States)

    Lyme disease is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by skin changes, joint inflammation and symptoms similar to the ... that is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi . Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of a deer ...

  16. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Expert Briefings: Anxiety in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease NY Nightly News with Chuck ... Briefings: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease 2010 Expert Briefings: Legal Issues: ...

  17. Water Entrainment in Concrete

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Ole Mejlhede; Hansen, Per Freiesleben

    This report gives a survey of different techniques for incorporation of designed, water-filled cavities in concrete: Water entrainment. Also an estimate of the optimum size of the water inclusions is given. Water entrainment can be used to avoid self-desiccation and self-desiccation shrinkage...... during hydration [1,26]. What is needed is some sort of container which retains the shape of the water when mixed into the concrete. The container may function based on several different physical or chemical principles. Cells and gels are examples of containers found in nature. A cell membrane provides...... a boundary to water, whereas a polymer network incorporates water in its intersticious space with its affinity due to interaction energy and polymer entropy. Such containers allow water to be stored as an entity. In relation to concrete the water encapsulation may be accomplished either before or after start...

  18. Gene therapy for CNS diseases – Krabbe disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad A. Rafi


    Full Text Available This is a brief report of the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy that took place from May 4th through May 7th, 2016 in Washington, DC, USA. While the meeting provided many symposiums, lectures, and scientific sessions this report mainly focuses on one of the sessions on the "Gene Therapy for central nervous system (CNS Diseases" and specifically on the "Gene Therapy for the globoid cell leukodystrophy or Krabbe disease. Two presentations focused on this subject utilizing two animal models of this disease: mice and dog models. Different serotypes of adeno-associate viral vectors (AAV alone or in combination with bone marrow transplantations were used in these research projects. The Meeting of the ASGCT reflected continuous growth in the fields of gene and cell therapy and brighter forecast for efficient treatment options for variety of human diseases.

  19. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis OHSU - Overview of Parkinson's ... Disease? What Are Some Strategies to Improve the Quality of Community Care for PD Patients? CareMAP: Dealing ...

  20. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Does Caregiving Change from Day to Day? Unconditional Love How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect the Urinary System? ... Mind Guide to Parkinson's Disease Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation Sleep: A Mind Guide to Parkinson’s Disease ...

  1. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Conference: Lessons Learned How Does the DBS Device Work? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Managing Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis CareMAP: ...

  2. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Tips for Care Partners Nurse Webinars: Nursing Solutions: Innovations in PD Nurse Education CareMAP: Managing Advanced Parkinson's ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis How Is Parkinson's Disease ...

  3. Tay-Sachs Disease (United States)

    Tay-Sachs disease is a rare, inherited disease. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. It causes too ... cells, causing mental and physical problems. . Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few ...

  4. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease (United States)

    ... of this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Past Issues / Winter 2015 Table of Contents ... How many Americans over age 65 may have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5 million as many ...

  5. Tick-borne disease. (United States)

    Bratton, Robert L; Corey, Ralph


    Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever. It is important for family physicians to consider these illnesses when patients present with influenza-like symptoms. A petechial rash initially affecting the palms and soles of the feet is associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, whereas erythema migrans (annular macule with central clearing) is associated with Lyme disease. Various other rashes or skin lesions accompanied by fever and influenza-like illness also may signal the presence of a tick-borne disease. Early, accurate diagnosis allows treatment that may help prevent significant morbidity and possible mortality. Because 24 to 48 hours of attachment to the host are required for infection to occur, early removal can help prevent disease. Treatment with doxycycline or tetracycline is indicated for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and relapsing fever. In patients with clinical findings suggestive of tick-borne disease, treatment should not be delayed for laboratory confirmation. If no symptoms follow exposure to tick bites, empiric treatment is not indicated. The same tick may harbor different infectious pathogens and transmit several with one bite. Advising patients about prevention of tick bites, especially in the summer months, may help prevent exposure to dangerous vector-borne diseases.

  6. Pneumomediastino espontâneo associado a lesões laríngeas e úlceras traqueais na dermatomiosite Spontaneous pneumomediastinum associated with laryngeal lesions and tracheal ulcer in dermatomyositis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ascedio Jose Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente estudo descreve uma paciente de 41 anos de idade com dermatomiosite, doença pulmonar intersticial e vasculopatia cutânea que desenvolveu pneumomediastino. Durante exame de broncoscopia foram encontradas lesões pálidas na laringe, que se estendiam para a árvore traqueobrônquica, e úlceras profundas na parede membranácea da traqueia. O exame histopatológico revelou presença de processo inflamatório secundário à vasculite, mas sem sinais de infecção. Lesões nas vias aéreas superiores e inferiores em paciente com dermatomiosite são raríssimas. A associação de dermatomiosite com úlceras profundas de mucosa e pneumomediastino não está bem esclarecida, mas a broncoscopia é um exame que deve ser utilizado para aperfeiçoar a avaliação.We described a 41-year-old woman with dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease, and cutaneous vasculopathy who developed a pneumomediastinum. The routine bronchoscopy investigation found pale lesions in the larynx, that extended to the tracheobronchial tree, and deep ulcers in the membranous wall of the trachea. The histopathology examination revealed an inflammatory process that was diagnosed secondary to the vasculitis, but no infections. Superior and inferior airway lesions in the same patient with dermatomyositis is a very rare condition. The association of dermatomyositis with deep mucosal ulcers and pneumomediastinum is not clear, but a bronchoscopic examination should be used to improve evaluation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    idil Gunes Tatar


    Full Text Available Hydatid disease is caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. It is mainly endemic in North African and Mediterranean countries. The disease usually manifests in liver and lungs although involvement of other organs are also seen. In this rare case intracranial hydatid disease in a 9-year-old female patient is presented with Magnetic Resonance Imaging findings. [J Contemp Med 2014; 4(2.000: 103-105

  8. Stargardt Disease (United States)

    ... Stargardt disease, lipofuscin accumulates abnormally. The Foundation Fighting Blindness supports research studying lipofuscin build up and ways to prevent it. A decrease in color perception also occurs in Stargardt disease. This is ...

  9. Prevalence and overlap of Disease Management Program diseases in older hospitalized patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul-Larsen, Helle Gybel; Petersen, Janne; Sivertsen, Ditte Maria


    Many countries, like Denmark, have tailored Disease Management Programs (DMPs) based on patients having single chronic diseases [defined institutionally as "program diseases" (PDs)], which can complicate treatment for those with multiple chronic diseases. The aims of this study were (a) to assess...... the prevalence and overlap among acutely hospitalized older medical patients of PDs defined by the DMPs, and (b) to examine transitions between different departments during hospitalization and mortality and readmission within two time intervals among patients with the different PDs. We conducted a registry study...... of 4649 acutely hospitalized medical patients ≥65 years admitted to Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark, in 2012, and divided patients into six PD groups (type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disease, dementia and cancer), each...

  10. Using internet search queries for infectious disease surveillance: screening diseases for suitability. (United States)

    Milinovich, Gabriel J; Avril, Simon M R; Clements, Archie C A; Brownstein, John S; Tong, Shilu; Hu, Wenbiao


    Internet-based surveillance systems provide a novel approach to monitoring infectious diseases. Surveillance systems built on internet data are economically, logistically and epidemiologically appealing and have shown significant promise. The potential for these systems has increased with increased internet availability and shifts in health-related information seeking behaviour. This approach to monitoring infectious diseases has, however, only been applied to single or small groups of select diseases. This study aims to systematically investigate the potential for developing surveillance and early warning systems using internet search data, for a wide range of infectious diseases. Official notifications for 64 infectious diseases in Australia were downloaded and correlated with frequencies for 164 internet search terms for the period 2009-13 using Spearman's rank correlations. Time series cross correlations were performed to assess the potential for search terms to be used in construction of early warning systems. Notifications for 17 infectious diseases (26.6%) were found to be significantly correlated with a selected search term. The use of internet metrics as a means of surveillance has not previously been described for 12 (70.6%) of these diseases. The majority of diseases identified were vaccine-preventable, vector-borne or sexually transmissible; cross correlations, however, indicated that vector-borne and vaccine preventable diseases are best suited for development of early warning systems. The findings of this study suggest that internet-based surveillance systems have broader applicability to monitoring infectious diseases than has previously been recognised. Furthermore, internet-based surveillance systems have a potential role in forecasting emerging infectious disease events, especially for vaccine-preventable and vector-borne diseases.

  11. Chronic kidney disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    disease, together with other related non -communicable diseases. (NCDs), poses not only a threat ... but because if we do not act against NCDs we will also be increasing individual and ... respiratory diseases and cancer. This is in recognition ...

  12. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... We Walk at Moving Day CareMAP: Managing Caregiver Stress Aware in Care: Real Stories CareMAP: End-of- ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis Overview of Parkinson's Disease ...

  13. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... and Parkinson's Disease? Hallucinations and Delusions CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  14. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Foundation How Is Parkinson's Disease Diagnosed? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  15. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Parkinson's Disease: One Voice, Many Listeners Expert Briefings: Medical Therapies: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Under-recognized Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ...

  16. Addison′s disease


    Soumya Brata Sarkar; Subrata Sarkar; Supratim Ghosh; Subhankar Bandyopadhyay


    Addison's disease is a rare endocrinal disorder, with several oral and systemic manifestations. A variety of pathological processes may cause Addison's disease. Classically, hyperpigmentation is associated with the disease, and intraoral pigmentation is perceived as the initial sign and develops earlier than the dermatological pigmentation. The symptoms of the disease usually progress slowly and an event of illness or accident can make the condition worse and may lead to a life-threatening cr...

  17. [Tick-borne diseases]. (United States)

    Tissot Dupont, H; Raoult, D


    Due to their worldwide distribution, from hottest to coldest climates, and due to their behaviour, ticks are capable of transmitting numerous human and animal bacterial viral or parasitous diseases. Depending on the disease, they play the role of biological vector or intermediate host. In France, six tick borne diseases are of epidemiologic importance. Q fever (not often tick-borne), Mediterranean Spotted Fever, Lyme disease, Turalemia (human and animal), Babesiosis and Tick-borne Viral Encephalitis.

  18. Staphylococcal disease in Africa: another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Günther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; Peters, Georg; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Müller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.


    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  19. Staphylococcal disease in Africa : another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Guenther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Mueller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.; Peters, Georg

    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  20. Addison's disease secondary to connective tissue diseases: a report of six cases. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhuo-li; Wang, Yu; Zhou, Wei; Hao, Yan-jie


    Addison's disease is an autoimmune process. However, Addison's disease associated with connective tissue diseases (CTD) is only occasionally reported. Here, we report six cases of Addison's disease secondary to a variety of CTD, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, Takayasu arteritis, systemic sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. The association of Addison's disease with Takayasu arteritis and AS is reported for the first time. We also found high prevalence of hypothyroidism as concomitant autoimmune disorder. Our case series highlight the autoimmune features of Addison's disease. Therefore, we suggest considering adrenal dysfunction in patients with CTD.

  1. Liver disease (United States)

    ... this page: // Liver disease To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The term "liver disease" applies to many conditions that stop the ...

  2. Heart disease and diet (United States)

    Diet - heart disease; CAD - diet; Coronary artery disease - diet; Coronary heart disease - diet ... diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of: Heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke Conditions that lead ...

  3. Morgellons Disease


    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination sho...

  4. Hirschsprung disease. (United States)

    Haricharan, Ramanath N; Georgeson, Keith E


    Hirschsprung disease is a relatively common condition managed by pediatric surgeons. Significant advances have been made in understanding its etiologies in the last decade, especially with the explosion of molecular genetic techniques and early diagnosis. The surgical management has progressed from a two- or three-stage procedure to a primary operation. More recently, definitive surgery for Hirschsprung disease through minimally invasive techniques has gained popularity. In neonates, the advancement of treatment strategies for Hirschsprung disease continues with reduced patient morbidity and improved outcomes.

  5. Dent's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thakker Rajesh V


    Full Text Available Abstract Dent's disease is a renal tubular disorder characterized by manifestations of proximal tubule dysfunction, including low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and progressive renal failure. These features are generally found in males only, and may be present in early childhood, whereas female carriers may show a milder phenotype. Prevalence is unknown; the disorder has been reported in around 250 families to date. Complications such as rickets or osteomalacia may occur. The disease is caused by mutations in either the CLCN5 (Dent disease 1 or OCRL1 (Dent disease 2 genes that are located on chromosome Xp11.22 and Xq25, respectively. CLCN5 encodes the electrogenic Cl-/H+ exchanger ClC-5, which belongs to the CLC family of Cl- channels/transporters. OCRL1 encodes a phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2 5-phosphatase and mutations are also associated with Lowe Syndrome. The phenotype of Dent's disease is explained by the predominant expression of ClC-5 in the proximal tubule segments of the kidney. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been described thus far, and there is considerable intra-familial variability in disease severity. A few patients with Dent's disease do not harbour mutations in CLCN5 and OCRL1, pointing to the involvement of other genes. Diagnosis is based on the presence of all three of the following criteria: low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and at least one of the following: nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones, hematuria, hypophosphatemia or renal insufficiency. Molecular genetic testing confirms the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis includes other causes of generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubules (renal Fanconi syndrome, hereditary, acquired, or caused by exogenous substances. Antenatal diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic testing is not advised. The care of patients with Dent's disease is supportive, focusing on the treatment of hypercalciuria and

  6. DISEASES: text mining and data integration of disease-gene associations. (United States)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi; Binder, Janos X; Jensen, Lars Juhl


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases. The DISEASES resource is accessible through a web interface at, where the text-mining software and all associations are also freely available for download. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Gallstone disease and mortality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Sørensen, Lars Tue; Jørgensen, Torben


    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this cohort study was to determine whether subjects with gallstone disease identified by screening of a general population had increased overall mortality when compared to gallstone-free participants and to explore causes of death. METHODS: The study population (N...... built. RESULTS: Gallstone disease was present in 10%. Mortality was 46% during median 24.7 years of follow-up with 1% lost. Overall mortality and death from cardiovascular diseases were significantly associated to gallstone disease. Death from unknown causes was significantly associated to gallstone...... disease and death from cancer and gastrointestinal disease was not associated. No differences in mortality for ultrasound-proven gallstones or cholecystectomy were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Gallstone disease is associated with increased overall mortality and to death from cardiovascular disease. Gallstones...

  8. Gaucher Disease (United States)

    Gaucher disease is a rare, inherited disorder. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. If you ... affected. It usually starts in childhood or adolescence. Gaucher disease has no cure. Treatment options for types ...

  9. Liver Diseases (United States)

    Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. There are many kinds of liver diseases: Diseases caused by viruses, such as hepatitis ...

  10. Sandhoff Disease (United States)

    ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ...

  11. Coeliac disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reilly, Norelle R; Husby, Steffen; Sanders, David S


    Coeliac disease is increasingly recognized as a global problem in both children and adults. Traditionally, the findings of characteristic changes of villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis identified in duodenal biopsy samples taken during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy have...... been required for diagnosis. Although biopsies remain advised as necessary for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in adults, European guidelines for children provide a biopsy-sparing diagnostic pathway. This approach has been enabled by the high specificity and sensitivity of serological testing. However......, these guidelines are not universally accepted. In this Perspective, we discuss the pros and cons of a biopsy-avoiding pathway for the diagnosis of coeliac disease, especially in this current era of the call for more biopsies, even from the duodenal bulb, in the diagnosis of coeliac disease. In addition, a contrast...

  12. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz | Alzheimer's disease | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz Past Issues / Fall 2010 Table of ... How many people in the United States have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5.1 million as ...

  13. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect Memory? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: La Alimentación y la Deglución, ...

  14. Peptic Ulcer Disease (United States)

    ... Site ACG Patients Home / Digestive Health Topic / Peptic Ulcer Disease Peptic Ulcer Disease Basics Overview An “ulcer” is an open ... for pain in patients at risk for peptic ulcer disease. Peptic – caused by acid. PPIs – P roton P ump ...

  15. Alzheimer disease (United States)

    ... likely need to plan for their loved one's future care. The final phase of the disease may ... disease and other dementias. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine . 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: ...

  16. Celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases in patients with collagenous colitis. (United States)

    Vigren, Lina; Tysk, Curt; Ström, Magnus; Kilander, Anders F; Hjortswang, Henrik; Bohr, Johan; Benoni, Cecilia; Larson, Lasse; Sjöberg, Klas


    Collagenous colitis (CC) is associated with autoimmune disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between CC and autoimmune disorders in a Swedish multicenter study. Patients with CC answered questionnaires about demographic data and disease activity. The patient's files were scrutinized for information about autoimmune diseases. A total number of 116 CC patients were included; 92 women, 24 men, median age 62 years (IQR 55-73). In total, 30.2% had one or more autoimmune disorder. Most common were celiac disease (CeD; 12.9%) and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD, 10.3%), but they also had Sjögren's syndrome (3.4%), diabetes mellitus (1.7%) and conditions in skin and joints (6.0%). Patients with associated autoimmune disease had more often nocturnal stools. The majority of the patients with associated CeD or ATD got these diagnoses before the colitis diagnosis. Autoimmune disorders occurred in one-third of these patients, especially CeD. In classic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease is described in contrast to CC where no cases occurred. Instead, CeD was prevalent, a condition not reported in classic IBD. Patients with an associated autoimmune disease had more symptoms. Patients with CC and CeD had an earlier onset of their colitis. The majority of the patients with both CC and CeD were smokers. Associated autoimmune disease should be contemplated in the follow-up of these patients.

  17. Coronary artery disease in patients with cerebrovascular disease: a prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rokey, R.; Rolak, L.A.; Harati, Y.; Kutka, N.; Verani, M.S.


    Coronary artery disease is the cause of death in most patients who have transient ischemic attacks or stroke. Evaluation for this condition is not routinely performed in such patients, and no prospective studies have been reported. We prospectively examined 50 consecutive patients with transient ischemic attacks or mild stroke to determine the prevalence and importance of coronary artery disease. All patients were examined by a cardiologist and underwent both exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy and exercise radionuclide ventriculography. Sixteen patients were suspected to have coronary artery disease on the basis of clinical evaluation. In 15 of these the was confirmed by the nuclear scans. The remaining 34 patients had no clinical evidence of heart disease, yet 14 had abnormal cardiac scans. Twenty of 22 patients with abnormal scans who underwent cardiac catheterization had significant coronary artery disease or a cardiomyopathy. The discovery of heart disease altered clinical management in 13 patients. Overall, 29 of 50 patients had significant coronary artery disease, compared with a 7% prevalence of the condition in other patients of similar age at the same institution

  18. Genetics and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... Well with Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Studying twins has ... 70%, and for non-identical pairs, even lower. Genetics and ankylosing spondylitis Each rheumatic disease has its ...

  19. What Is Celiac Disease? (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  20. Celiac Disease Changes Everything (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  1. Heart disease - risk factors (United States)

    Heart disease - prevention; CVD - risk factors; Cardiovascular disease - risk factors; Coronary artery disease - risk factors; CAD - risk ... a certain health condition. Some risk factors for heart disease you cannot change, but some you can. ...

  2. Addison Disease (United States)

    ... your blood pressure and water and salt balance. Addison disease happens if the adrenal glands don't make ... A problem with your immune system usually causes Addison disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks your own tissues, ...

  3. Lyme Disease (United States)

    ... spread to the nervous system, causing facial paralysis ( Bell's palsy ), or meningitis. The last stage of Lyme disease ... My Lyme Disease Risk? Bug Bites and Stings Bell's Palsy Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Meningitis View more About ...

  4. Refsum Disease (United States)

    ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ...

  5. Epigenetics of kidney disease. (United States)

    Wanner, Nicola; Bechtel-Walz, Wibke


    DNA methylation and histone modifications determine renal programming and the development and progression of renal disease. The identification of the way in which the renal cell epigenome is altered by environmental modifiers driving the onset and progression of renal diseases has extended our understanding of the pathophysiology of kidney disease progression. In this review, we focus on current knowledge concerning the implications of epigenetic modifications during renal disease from early development to chronic kidney disease progression including renal fibrosis, diabetic nephropathy and the translational potential of identifying new biomarkers and treatments for the prevention and therapy of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease.

  6. Management of adynamic bone disease in chronic kidney disease: A brief review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Swathi K. Sista


    Full Text Available The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO work group released recommendations in 2006 to define the bone-related pathology associated with chronic kidney disease as renal osteodystrophy. In 2009, KDIGO released revised clinical practice guidelines which redefined systemic disorders of bone and mineral metabolism due to chronic kidney disease as chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders. Conditions under this overarching term include osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, and adynamic bone disease. We aim to provide a brief review of the histopathology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and diagnostic features of adynamic bone disease, focusing on current trends in the management of this complex bone disorder.

  7. Parkinson's Disease Videos (United States)

    ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  8. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease: a rare disease with an unusual presentation. (United States)

    Khan, Muhammad Waqas; Hadley, Terrance; Kesler, Melissa; Gul, Zartash


    IgG4-RD can also present in the skeletal muscle, mimicking several other diseases. It is unusual for this relatively new classification of diseases to present in the muscles and can be mistakenly diagnosed as other autoimmune diseases rendering a delay in the appropriate management and progression of the disease.

  9. Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Kidney Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Kidney Disease What's in ... Coping With Kidney Conditions Print What Do the Kidneys Do? You might never think much about some ...

  10. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (United States)

    ... Home Conditions Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Make an Appointment Find a Doctor ... by Barbara Goldstein, MD (February 01, 2016) Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) is a systemic autoimmune disease. This ...

  11. American Lyme Disease Foundation (United States)

    ... Infectious Diseases, 35: 451-464, 2002) What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by ... mission with your own tax-deductible contribution. American Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. PO Box 466 Lyme, CT 06371 ...

  12. Inflammation and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Inflammation and Heart Disease Updated:Jun 13,2017 Understand the risks of ... inflammation causes cardiovascular disease, inflammation is common for heart disease and stroke patients and is thought to be ...

  13. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  14. Sexual transmission of Lyme disease: challenging the tickborne disease paradigm. (United States)

    Stricker, Raphael B; Middelveen, Marianne J


    Lyme disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi has become a major worldwide epidemic. In this article, we explore the clinical, epidemiological and experimental evidence for sexual transmission of Lyme disease in animal models and humans. Although the likelihood of sexual transmission of the Lyme spirochete remains speculative, the possibility of Lyme disease transmission via intimate human contact merits further study.

  15. Hodgkin's disease part 1: pathology, staging, and management of early stage disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauch, Peter; Yahalom, Joachim


    Over the past 25 years there have been dramatic improvements in our understanding of the epidemiology, biology, natural history, and treatment of Hodgkins disease. Hodgkin's disease is one of the few cancers where both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have provided dramatic improvements in cure of this once uniformly fatal disease. Part 1 of the refresher course on Hodgkin's disease will include a review of: 1) New Findings in epidemiology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology of the Reed-Sternberg cell including association with Epstein-Barr virus; 2) Review of pathology including discussions of NS 1 vs NS2, and nodular LP subclassifications; 3) Recommendations for staging including the role of staging laparotomy in Hodgkin's disease; 4) Standard techniques for commonly used radiation therapy fields for Hodgkin's disease and 5) Treatment of early stage Hodgkin's disease including an overview on recent and current clinical trials

  16. Heart disease and women (United States)

    ... this page: // Heart disease and women To use the sharing features on ... please enable JavaScript. People often DO NOT consider heart disease a woman's disease. Yet cardiovascular disease is the ...

  17. Men and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Pressure Salt Cholesterol Million Hearts® WISEWOMAN Men and Heart Disease Fact Sheet Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Source: Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke Heart Disease Facts in Men Heart disease is the leading ...

  18. Digestive Diseases (United States)

    ... Lactose Intolerance Liver Disease Ménétrier’s Disease Microscopic Colitis Ostomy Surgery of the Bowel Pancreatitis Peptic Ulcers (Stomach ... and outreach materials. Clinical Trials Clinical trials offer hope for many people and opportunities to help researchers ...

  19. Viral Disease Networks? (United States)

    Gulbahce, Natali; Yan, Han; Vidal, Marc; Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo


    Viral infections induce multiple perturbations that spread along the links of the biological networks of the host cells. Understanding the impact of these cascading perturbations requires an exhaustive knowledge of the cellular machinery as well as a systems biology approach that reveals how individual components of the cellular system function together. Here we describe an integrative method that provides a new approach to studying virus-human interactions and its correlations with diseases. Our method involves the combined utilization of protein - protein interactions, protein -- DNA interactions, metabolomics and gene - disease associations to build a ``viraldiseasome''. By solely using high-throughput data, we map well-known viral associated diseases and predict new candidate viral diseases. We use microarray data of virus-infected tissues and patient medical history data to further test the implications of the viral diseasome. We apply this method to Epstein-Barr virus and Human Papillomavirus and shed light into molecular development of viral diseases and disease pathways.

  20. Coeliac disease and epilepsy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Whether there is an association between coeliac disease and epilepsy is uncertain. Recently, a syndrome of coeliac disease, occipital lobe epilepsy and cerebral calcification has been described, mostly in Italy. We measured the prevalence of coeliac disease in patients attending a seizure clinic, and investigated whether cerebral calcification occurred in patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy. Screening for coeliac disease was by IgA endomysial antibody, measured by indirect immunofluorescence using sections of human umbilical cord. Of 177 patients screened, four patients were positive. All had small-bowel histology typical of coeliac disease. The overall frequency of coeliac disease in this mixed patient sample was 1 in 44. In a control group of 488 pregnant patients, two serum samples were positive (1 in 244). Sixteen patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy, who had previously attended this hospital, were identified. No patient had cerebral calcification on CT scanning. Coeliac disease appears to occur with increased frequency in patients with epilepsy, and a high index of suspicion should be maintained. Cerebral calcification is not a feature of our patients with epilepsy and coeliac disease, and may be an ethnically-or geographically-restricted finding.

  1. National disease management plans for key chronic non-communicable diseases in Singapore. (United States)

    Tan, C C


    In Singapore, chronic, non-communicable diseases, namely coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer, account for more than 60% of all deaths and a high burden of disability and healthcare expenditure. The burden of these diseases is likely to rise with our rapidly ageing population and changing lifestyles, and will present profound challenges to our healthcare delivery and financing systems over the next 20 to 30 years. The containment and optimal management of these conditions require a strong emphasis on patient education and the development of integrated models of healthcare delivery in place of the present uncoordinated, compartmentalised way of delivering healthcare. To meet these challenges, the Ministry of Health's major thrusts are disease control measures which focus mainly on primary prevention; and disease management, which coordinates the national effort to reduce the incidence of these key diseases and their predisposing factors and to ameliorate their long-term impact by optimising control to reduce mortality, morbidity and complications, and improving functional status through rehabilitation. The key initiatives include restructuring of the public sector healthcare institutions into two clusters, each comprising a network of primary health care polyclinics, regional hospitals and tertiary institutions. The functional integration of these healthcare elements within each cluster under a common senior administrative and professional management, and the development of common clinical IT systems will greatly facilitate the implementation of disease management programmes. Secondly, the Ministry is establishing National Disease Registries in coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, myopia and kidney failure, which will be valuable sources of clinical and outcomes data. Thirdly, in partnership with expert groups, national committees and professional agencies, the Ministry will produce clinical practice guidelines which will assist doctors and healthcare

  2. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Didde; Andreassen, Bente Utoft; Heegaard, Niels Henrik H


    Background: Kidney disease has been reported in adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is regarded an extraintestinal manifestation or more rarely a side effect of the medical treatment. Methods: In this cross-sectional study we describe the extent of kidney pathology in a cohort of 56...... children with IBD. Blood and urine samples were analyzed for markers of kidney disease and ultrasonography was performed to evaluate pole-to-pole kidney length. Results: We found that 25% of the patients had either previously reported kidney disease or ultrasonographic signs of chronic kidney disease...... are at risk of chronic kidney disease, and the risk seems to be increased with the severity of the disease....

  3. Norries disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saini J


    Full Text Available A 2-month-old male infant was found to have Norrie′s disease. The clinical presentation and detailed histological features diagnostic of the disease are discussed. This is the first authentic, histologically proven case of Norrie′s disease from India. The absence of hearing loss and mental retardation at the time of presentation at the early stage of infancy and the fact that the case was sporadic do not detract from the diagnosis. However the child at the age of one year developed hearing loss.

  4. Menkes Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ... arteries. Weakened bones (osteoporosis) may result in fractures. × Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ...

  5. Fabry Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ... severe symptoms similar to males with the disorder. × Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ...

  6. Fifth disease (United States)

    Parvovirus B19; Erythema infectiosum; Slapped cheek rash ... Fifth disease is caused by human parvovirus B19. It often affects preschoolers or school-age children during the spring. The disease spreads through the fluids in the nose and mouth ...

  7. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Hallas, Jesper; Lange, Peter


    We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis (31 vs 21%, P = 0.004), more breathlessness (39 vs 22%, P gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Among individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease, those who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly had an increased risk of COPD exacerbations during follow-up, hazards ratio (HR): HR = 2.7 (1.3-5.4, P = 0.006). Individuals with gastro-esophageal reflux disease, using acid inhibitory treatment regularly did not have an increased risk of exacerbations, HR = 1.2 (0.6-2.7, P = 0.63). Gastro-esophageal reflux disease was associated with an increased risk of medically treated exacerbations of COPD, but only in those individuals who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly. © 2014 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  8. Multi-disease data management system platform for vector-borne diseases.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Eisen


    Full Text Available Emerging information technologies present new opportunities to reduce the burden of malaria, dengue and other infectious diseases. For example, use of a data management system software package can help disease control programs to better manage and analyze their data, and thus enhances their ability to carry out continuous surveillance, monitor interventions and evaluate control program performance.We describe a novel multi-disease data management system platform (hereinafter referred to as the system with current capacity for dengue and malaria that supports data entry, storage and query. It also allows for production of maps and both standardized and customized reports. The system is comprised exclusively of software components that can be distributed without the user incurring licensing costs. It was designed to maximize the ability of the user to adapt the system to local conditions without involvement of software developers. Key points of system adaptability include 1 customizable functionality content by disease, 2 configurable roles and permissions, 3 customizable user interfaces and display labels and 4 configurable information trees including a geographical entity tree and a term tree. The system includes significant portions of functionality that is entirely or in large part re-used across diseases, which provides an economy of scope as new diseases downstream are added to the system at decreased cost.We have developed a system with great potential for aiding disease control programs in their task to reduce the burden of dengue and malaria, including the implementation of integrated vector management programs. Next steps include evaluations of operational implementations of the current system with capacity for dengue and malaria, and the inclusion in the system platform of other important vector-borne diseases.

  9. Disease stage, but not sex, predicts depression and psychological distress in Huntington's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dale, Maria; Maltby, John; Shimozaki, Steve


    OBJECTIVE: Depression and anxiety significantly affect morbidity in Huntington's disease. Mice. models of Huntington's disease have identified sex differences in mood-like behaviours that vary across disease lifespan, but this interaction has not previously been explored in humans with Huntington......'s disease. However, among certain medical populations, evidence of sex differences in mood across various disease stages has been found, reflecting trends among the general population that women tend to experience anxiety and depression 1.5 to 2 times more than men. The current study examined whether...... disease stage and sex, either separately or as an interaction term, predicted anxiety and depression in Huntington's disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of REGISTRY data involving 453 Huntington's disease participants from 12 European countries was undertaken using the Hospital Anxiety...

  10. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robbins, J H; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R E; Polinsky, R J; Nee, L E; Brumback, R A


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death.

  11. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robbins, J.H.; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R.E.; Polinsky, R.J.; Nee, L.E.; Brumback, R.A.


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death. (author)

  12. HIV and Cardiovascular Disease (United States)

    ... Select a Language: Fact Sheet 652 HIV and Cardiovascular Disease HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE WHY SHOULD PEOPLE WITH HIV CARE ABOUT CVD? ... OF CVD? WHAT ABOUT CHANGING MEDICATIONS? HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes a group of problems ...

  13. Diabetes and Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... some in the family will have celiac disease. • Symptoms of celiac disease vary widely, but are often absent in persons ... Abnormal labs XX Diabetes and Celiac Disease | continued CELIAC DISEASE Classic symptoms... Gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, weight loss, anemia. ...

  14. Poorly Responsive Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... Close Celiac Disease Understanding Celiac Disease What is Celiac Disease? Symptoms Screening and Diagnosis Treatment and Follow-Up Dermatitis ... Schuppan D, Kelly CP. Etiologies and predictors of diagnosis in nonresponsive celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5 : 445–50. Finding ...

  15. Early Disseminated Lyme Disease with Carditis Complicated by Posttreatment Lyme Disease Syndrome


    Novak, Cheryl; Harrison, Andrew; Aucott, John


    Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. When untreated, infection may spread to the heart, nervous system, and joints. Cardiac involvement usually manifests as abnormalities of the conduction system and bradycardia. Treatment of Lyme disease is generally effective, with a subset of patients experiencing persistent, sometimes long-term symptoms called posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome.

  16. Autoimmune disease and risk for Parkinson disease A population-based case-control study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rugbjerg, K.; Friis, S.; Ritz, B.


    Objective: Inflammatory mediators are increased in autoimmune diseases and may activate microglia and might cause an inflammatory state and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the brain. Thus, we evaluated whether having an autoimmune disease increases the risk for developing Parkinson disease...... do not support the hypothesis that autoimmune diseases increase the risk for Parkinson disease. The decreased risk observed among patients with rheumatoid arthritis might be explained by underdiagnosis of movement disorders such as Parkinson disease in this patient group or by a protective effect...

  17. diseases free body




    Diseases are very common now a days . It is our food habits itself that causes this diseases. Diseases can cause many health problems. goiter causes and symptoms It is very important to follow healthy food habits and to maintain good health. A healthy body is always a treasure to every person.

  18. Emerging zoonotic viral diseases. (United States)

    Wang, L-F; Crameri, G


    Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases that are naturally transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans and vice versa. They are caused by all types of pathogenic agents, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and prions. Although they have been recognised for many centuries, their impact on public health has increased in the last few decades due to a combination of the success in reducing the spread of human infectious diseases through vaccination and effective therapies and the emergence of novel zoonotic diseases. It is being increasingly recognised that a One Health approach at the human-animal-ecosystem interface is needed for effective investigation, prevention and control of any emerging zoonotic disease. Here, the authors will review the drivers for emergence, highlight some of the high-impact emerging zoonotic diseases of the last two decades and provide examples of novel One Health approaches for disease investigation, prevention and control. Although this review focuses on emerging zoonotic viral diseases, the authors consider that the discussions presented in this paper will be equally applicable to emerging zoonotic diseases of other pathogen types.

  19. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification: disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.


    OBJECTIVES: Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  20. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification : disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.

    Objectives Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  1. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    BACKGROUND: Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first

  2. Pregnancy and periodontal disease


    Sağlam, Ebru; Saruhan, Nesrin; Çanakçı, Cenk Fatih


    Some maternal immunological changes due to pregnancy increases susceptibility to infections. Periodontal disease, the main cause is plaque, is a common disease which is seen multifactorial and varying severity. There are many clinical criteria for diagnosis of periodontal disease. Correlation between pregnancy and periodontal inflammation is known for many years. Periodontal disease affects pregnant’s systemic condition and also has negative effects on fetus. Periodontal disease increases the...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi-Nurul M Dewi-Nurul


    Full Text Available Stress is hypothesized as a common pathway for several related chronic diseases of man. Psychosocial stress as modified by perceptions and coping by patients can lead to physical processes. Psychoneuroimmunologic (PNI studies have suggested that psychosocial stress can alter immune function and increase vulnerability to illnesses. The patients also have high sensitivity to periodontal disease (PD. This article describes the association of stress as a physiological response to diseases such as PD, rheumatoid arthritis (RA, and inflammatory bowel disease. The psychosocial stress can lead to physiological processes through 1 the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis leading to glucocortico-steroid secretion; 2 the autonomic nervous system, resulting in the release of catecholamine; or 3 the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in the release of sex hormones. These processes may affect chronic diseases. It can be concluded that psychosocial stress in periodontal disease patients must be considered and social support must be provided in order to achieve an optimum periodontal therapy result.

  4. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, M.M.; Salama, R.P.


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  5. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rehman, M M; Salama, R P [Ajman Univ. of Science and Technology Network, Abu-Dhabi Campus (United Arab Emirates)


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  6. Celiac disease in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malekzadeh R


    Full Text Available Background: Until a few decades ago, celiac disease was considered to be essentially a disease of European people and to be very rare in Middle Eastern countries. During the last two decades, having met the criteria for the WHO general screening, the advent and application of novel serological assays used to screen for celiac disease and the use of endoscopic small bowel biopsy have led to increasing numbers of diagnoses of celiac disease in western countries. With this new data, our knowledge on both the clinical pattern and epidemiology of celiac disease has increased, and is now known to be a relatively common autoimmune disorder. Studies performed in different parts of the developing world have shown that the prevalence of celiac disease in this area is similar to or even higher than that in western countries. In fact, celiac disease is known to be the most common form of chronic diarrhea in Iran. However, contrary to common belief, celiac disease is more than a pure digestive alteration. It is a protean systemic disease, and, with a 95 percent genetic predisposition, has a myriad of symptoms including gastrointestinal, dermatological, dental, neurological and behavioral that can occur at a variety of ages. Monosymptomatic, oligosymptomatic, atypical (without gastrointestinal symptoms, silent and latent forms of celiac disease have been identified. In this study we review the epidemiology of celiac disease based on the studies performed in Iran and discuss its pathogenesis, the role of antibodies in the diagnosis of celiac disease and the importance of its diagnosis and treatment in Iran.

  7. The link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Said, Sarmad; Hernandez, German T


    It is well known that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a strong risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the excess risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD is only partially explained by the presence of traditional risk factors, such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO and Web of Science has been searched. Chronic kidney disease even in its early stages can cause hypertension and potentiate the risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the practice of intensive blood pressure lowering was criticized in recent systematic reviews. Available evidence is inconclusive but does not prove that a blood pressure target of less than 130/80 mmHg as recommended in the guidelines improves clinical outcomes more than a target of less than 140/90 mmHg in adults with CKD. The association between CKD and CVD has been extensively documented in the literature. Both CKD and CVD share common traditional risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. However, cardiovascular disease remains often underdiagnosed und undertreated in patients with CKD. It is imperative that as clinicians, we recognize that patients with CKD are a group at high risk for developing CVD and cardiovascular events. Additional studies devoted to further understand the risk factors for CVD in patients with CKD are necessary to develop and institute preventative and treatment strategies to reduce the high morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD.

  8. Leigh's Disease (United States)

    ... X-linked form of Leigh’s disease, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be recommended. View Full Treatment Information Definition Leigh's disease is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder that affects the central nervous system. This progressive disorder begins in infants between the ...

  9. Parasitic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Foundations of roentgenological semiotics of parasitic diseases of lungs, w hich are of the greatest practical value, are presented. Roentgenological pictu res of the following parasitic diseases: hydatid and alveolar echinococcosis, pa ragonimiasis, toxoplasmosis, ascariasis, amebiasis, bilharziasis (Schistosomias is) of lungs, are considered

  10. Menopause and Rheumatic Disease. (United States)

    Talsania, Mitali; Scofield, Robert Hal


    Menopause occurs naturally in women at about 50 years of age. There is a wealth of data concerning the relationship of menopause to systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis; there are limited data concerning other rheumatic diseases. Age at menopause may affect the risk and course of rheumatic diseases. Osteoporosis, an integral part of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, is made worse by menopause. Hormone replacement therapy has been studied; its effects vary depending on the disease and even different manifestations within the same disease. Cyclophosphamide can induce early menopause, but there is underlying decreased ovarian reserve in rheumatic diseases. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  11. Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Minderhoud, I.M.


    Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). IBD patients frequently complain of fatigue, and a substantial proportion of the patients have

  12. Disease Compass- a navigation system for disease knowledge based on ontology and linked data techniques. (United States)

    Kozaki, Kouji; Yamagata, Yuki; Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko


    Medical ontologies are expected to contribute to the effective use of medical information resources that store considerable amount of data. In this study, we focused on disease ontology because the complicated mechanisms of diseases are related to concepts across various medical domains. The authors developed a River Flow Model (RFM) of diseases, which captures diseases as the causal chains of abnormal states. It represents causes of diseases, disease progression, and downstream consequences of diseases, which is compliant with the intuition of medical experts. In this paper, we discuss a fact repository for causal chains of disease based on the disease ontology. It could be a valuable knowledge base for advanced medical information systems. We developed the fact repository for causal chains of diseases based on our disease ontology and abnormality ontology. This section summarizes these two ontologies. It is developed as linked data so that information scientists can access it using SPARQL queries through an Resource Description Framework (RDF) model for causal chain of diseases. We designed the RDF model as an implementation of the RFM for the fact repository based on the ontological definitions of the RFM. 1554 diseases and 7080 abnormal states in six major clinical areas, which are extracted from the disease ontology, are published as linked data (RDF) with SPARQL endpoint (accessible API). Furthermore, the authors developed Disease Compass, a navigation system for disease knowledge. Disease Compass can browse the causal chains of a disease and obtain related information, including abnormal states, through two web services that provide general information from linked data, such as DBpedia, and 3D anatomical images. Disease Compass can provide a complete picture of disease-associated processes in such a way that fits with a clinician's understanding of diseases. Therefore, it supports user exploration of disease knowledge with access to pertinent information

  13. Pharmacological treatments and infectious diseases in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Dipasquale, Valeria; Romano, Claudio


    The incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising, as is the employment of immunosuppressive and biological drugs. Most patients with IBD receive immunosuppressive therapies during the course of the disease. These molecules are a double-edged sword; while they can help control disease activity, they also increase the risk of infections. Therefore, it is important that pediatricians involved in primary care, pediatric gastroenterologists, and infectious disease physicians have a thorough knowledge of the infections that can affect patients with IBD. Areas covered: A broad review of the major infectious diseases that have been reported in children and adolescents with IBD was performed, and information regarding surveillance, diagnosis and management were updated. The possible correlations with IBD pharmacological tools are discussed. Expert commentary: Opportunistic infections are possible in pediatric IBD, and immunosuppressive and immunomodulator therapy seems to play a causative role. Heightened awareness and vigilant surveillance leading to prompt diagnosis and treatment are important for optimal management.

  14. Crohn's disease. (United States)

    von Roon, Alexander C; Reese, George E; Orchard, Timothy R; Tekkis, Paris P


    Crohn's disease is a long-term chronic condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterised by transmural, granulomatous inflammation that occurs in a discontinuous pattern, with a tendency to form fistulae. The cause is unknown but may depend on interactions between genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and mucosal immunity. We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of medical treatments in adults to induce remission in Crohn's disease? What are the effects of lifestyle interventions in adults with Crohn's disease to maintain remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with small-bowel Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with colonic Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of medical interventions to maintain remission in adults with Crohn's disease; and to maintain remission following surgery? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to March 2006 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 60 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: aminosalicylates, antibiotics, azathioprine/mercaptopurine, ciclosporin, corticosteroids (oral), enteral nutrition, fish oil, infliximab, methotrexate, probiotics, resection, segmental colectomy, smoking cessation, and strictureplasty.

  15. Ollier disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jüppner Harald


    Full Text Available Abstract Enchondromas are common intraosseous, usually benign cartilaginous tumors, that develop in close proximity to growth plate cartilage. When multiple enchondromas are present, the condition is called enchondromatosis also known as Ollier disease (WHO terminology. The estimated prevalence of Ollier disease is 1/100,000. Clinical manifestations often appear in the first decade of life. Ollier disease is characterized by an asymmetric distribution of cartilage lesions and these can be extremely variable (in terms of size, number, location, evolution of enchondromas, age of onset and of diagnosis, requirement for surgery. Clinical problems caused by enchondromas include skeletal deformities, limb-length discrepancy, and the potential risk for malignant change to chondrosarcoma. The condition in which multiple enchondromatosis is associated with soft tissue hemangiomas is known as Maffucci syndrome. Until now both Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome have only occurred in isolated patients and not familial. It remains uncertain whether the disorder is caused by a single gene defect or by combinations of (germ-line and/or somatic mutations. The diagnosis is based on clinical and conventional radiological evaluations. Histological analysis has a limited role and is mainly used if malignancy is suspected. There is no medical treatment for enchondromatosis. Surgery is indicated in case of complications (pathological fractures, growth defect, malignant transformation. The prognosis for Ollier disease is difficult to assess. As is generally the case, forms with an early onset appear more severe. Enchondromas in Ollier disease present a risk of malignant transformation of enchondromas into chondrosarcomas.

  16. Prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Clinical presentation at diagnosis and disease course of both Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis are heterogeneous and variable over time. Since most patients have a relapsing course and most CD patients develop complications (e.g. stricture and/or perforation), much emphasis has been placed in the recent years on the determination of important predictive factors. The identification of these factors may eventually lead to a more personalized, tailored therapy. In this TOPIC HIGHLIGHT series, we provide an update on the available literature regarding important clinical, endoscopic, fecal, serological/routine laboratory and genetic factors. Our aim is to assist clinicians in the everyday practical decision-making when choosing the treatment strategy for their patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.

  17. Glomerular Disease in Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kate Wiles


    Full Text Available Gender differences exist in the prevalence of glomerular diseases. Data based on histological diagnosis underestimate the prevalence of preeclampsia, which is almost certainly the commonest glomerular disease in the world, and uniquely gender-specific. Glomerular disease affects fertility via disease activity, the therapeutic use of cyclophosphamide, and underlying chronic kidney disease. Techniques to preserve fertility during chemotherapy and risk minimization of artificial reproductive techniques are considered. The risks, benefits, and effectiveness of different contraceptive methods for women with glomerular disease are outlined. Glomerular disease increases the risk of adverse outcomes in pregnancy, including preeclampsia; yet, diagnosis of preeclampsia is complicated by the presence of hypertension and proteinuria that precede pregnancy. The role of renal biopsy in pregnancy is examined, in addition to the use of emerging angiogenic biomarkers. The safety of drugs prescribed for glomerular disease in relation to reproductive health is detailed. The impact of both gender and pregnancy on long-term prognosis is discussed.

  18. Liver disease in pregnancy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Noel M Lee; Carla W Brady


    Liver diseases in pregnancy may be categorized into liver disorders that occur only in the setting of pregnancy and liver diseases that occur coincidentally with pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum, preeclampsia/eclampsia, syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver tests and low platelets (HELLP), acute fatty liver of pregnancy, and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy are pregnancy-specific disorders that may cause elevations in liver tests and hepatic dysfunction. Chronic liver diseases, including cholestatic liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson disease, and viral hepatitis may also be seen in pregnancy. Management of liver disease in pregnancy requires collaboration between obstetricians and gastroenterologists/hepatologists. Treatment of pregnancy-specific liver disorders usually involves delivery of the fetus and supportive care, whereas management of chronic liver disease in pregnancy is directed toward optimizing control of the liver disorder. Cirrhosis in the setting of pregnancy is less commonly observed but offers unique challenges for patients and practitioners. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of liver diseases seen in pregnancy.

  19. Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Braks, M.; Medlock, J. M.; Hubálek, Zdeněk; Hjertqvist, M.; Perrin, Y.; Lancelot, R.; Duchyene, E.; Hendrickx, G.; Stroo, A.; Heyman, P.; Sprong, H.


    Roč. 2, č. 280 (2014), s. 280 ISSN 2296-2565 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : disease burden * emerging diseases * one health * surveillance * threat * vector-borne diseases Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology

  20. [Knowledge of vector-borne diseases (dengue, rickettsiosis and Chagas disease) in physicians]. (United States)

    Lugo-Caballero, César I; Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Dzul-Tut, Irving; Balam-May, Ángel; Zavala-Castro, Jorge


    The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. As the epidemiological burden of these diseases shows an alarming increase of severe cases, the early establishment of diagnosis and therapeutics by first-contact physicians is a critical step that is not being fulfilled due to several reasons, including poor knowledge. To determine the level of knowledge related to dengue, Chagas disease, and rickettsiosis among rural first-contact physicians of Yucatan. A survey was applied to 90 first-contact physicians from rural clinics of Yucatan, which included 32 items related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. Answers were analyzed by central tendency statistics. Differences were observed among every category, however; diagnosis and therapeutics showed the lower values. Globally, 62.5% of respondents showed moderate knowledge, 37.5% poor knowledge, and 0% adequate knowledge. Results suggest that a strong campaign for a continuous diffusion of knowledge regarding these diseases is needed. In regions with high prevalence of these kinds of diseases, like Yucatan, the impact of these results on the epidemiological burden of these diseases must be evaluated.

  1. Parasitogenic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Radiological semiotics of parasitogenic diseases of the intestinal tract is presented. The problem of radiological examination in the case of the diseases consists in the determination of the large intestine state, depth and extension of lesions, and also in solution of treatment efficiency problem

  2. Batten Disease (United States)

    ... the country. NIH is the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. Much of NINDS’ research on Batten disease and the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses focuses on gaining a better understanding of the disease, gene therapy, and developing novel drugs to treat the disorders. ...

  3. Coeliac disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 8, 2013 ... Two factors are involved in the development of coeliac disease, namely the ... degradation by gastric, pancreatic and intestinal brush ... epithelial layer with chronic inflammatory cells in patients ... Coeliac disease increases the risk of malignancies, such as small bowel adenocarcinoma and enteropathy-.

  4. Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Shanahan, Fergus


    Crohn\\'s disease is a disorder mediated by T lymphocytes which arises in genetically susceptible individuals as a result of a breakdown in the regulatory constraints on mucosal immune responses to enteric bacteria. Regulation of immune reactivity to enteric antigens has improved understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of Crohn\\'s disease, and has expanded therapeutic options for patients with this disorder. Disease heterogeneity is probable, with various underlying defects associated with a similar pathophysiological outcome. Although most conventional drug treatments are directed at modification of host response, therapeutic manipulation of the enteric flora is becoming a realistic option.

  5. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Chomeili, Bashir; Aminzadeh, Majid; Hardani, Amir Kamal; Fathizadeh, Payam; Chomeili, Pooya; Azaran, Azarakhsh


    Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G) were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years) with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16) all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases) were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated) in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  6. Encefalitis aguda: Manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas como expresión de infección por virus de influenza Acute encephalitis: Neuropsychiatric manifestations as expression of influenza virus infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noris Moreno-Flagge


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue revisar la encefalitis en niños y adolescentes, su etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, fisiopatología, métodos diagnósticos y tratamiento, enfatizando las manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas de la encefalitis durante una epidemia de influenza. La encefalitis se considera una inflamación del sistema nervioso central (SNC que compromete el cerebro. Se manifiesta usualmente por cefaleas, fiebre y trastorno del estado de conciencia. Puede además manifestarse por convulsiones, cambios en la personalidad y manifestaciones obsesivas (síntomas neuropsiquiátricos. Las manifestaciones dependerán del tipo de virus y las células afectadas. La encefalitis puede ser causada por una gran variedad de agentes infecciosos incluyendo virus, bacterias, hongos y parásitos. Causas virales de encefalitis incluyen herpesvirus, arbovirus, rabia y enterovirus. Casos establecidos de bacterias incluyen Borrelia burgdorferi y rickettsia y el Mycoplasma neumoniae, al cual se atribuyen varios casos de encefalitis. Otros agentes como el hongo Coccidioides immitis e Histoplasma capsulatum pueden también generarla. Más de 100 agentes se han asociado a encefalitis. El diagnóstico de encefalitis constituye un reto para el clínico, y su etiología infecciosa usualmente se identifica entre el 40% al 70% de casos. El diagnóstico se hace con absoluta certeza sólo con una biopsia cerebral. La epidemiología depende de ciertos factores como la edad, la localización geográfica, la época del año, las condiciones climáticas y la inmunocompetencia del huésped. El tratamiento temprano puede disminuir el riesgo de muerte y las secuelas. Describimos cuatro pacientes con encefalitis y manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas durante una epidemia de influenza, con el fin de alertar sobre esta asociación.The aim is to review the encephalitis in infants and adolescents as well as its etiology, clinical manifestation, epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnostic

  7. A study on periodontal disease and systemic disease relationship a hospital based study in Bangalore

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with various systemic conditions like Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Respiratory disease, Liver cirrhosis, Bacterial Pneumonia, Nutritional deficiencies and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: To assess the periodontal disease among patients with systemic disease/conditions. Materials and Method: A total of 500 patients with systemic disease/conditions (Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Respiratory disease and Renal disease and 500-age and gender matched controls without systemic disease/conditions were selected from the Government Hospitals in Bangalore City. The medical conditions were recorded and the periodontal status of the study population was assessed using the CPITN index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN Code 4 was found to be more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions (46.2%. The mean number of sextants with CPITN code 3 and 4 were more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions. The prevalence of CPITN code was found to be more among the patients with Respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants was found to be more among the patients with Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Renal disease. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the systemic diseases/conditions are associated with higher severity of periodontal disease.

  8. Armillaria Root Disease (United States)

    R.E. Williams; C.G. III Shaw; P.M. Wargo; W.H. Sites


    Armillaria root disease is found throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. In the continental United States, the disease has been reported in nearly every State. Hosts include hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, vines, and forbs growing in forests, along roadsides, and in cultivated areas. The disease is caused by fungi, which live as parasites on...

  9. NCBI disease corpus: a resource for disease name recognition and concept normalization. (United States)

    Doğan, Rezarta Islamaj; Leaman, Robert; Lu, Zhiyong


    Information encoded in natural language in biomedical literature publications is only useful if efficient and reliable ways of accessing and analyzing that information are available. Natural language processing and text mining tools are therefore essential for extracting valuable information, however, the development of powerful, highly effective tools to automatically detect central biomedical concepts such as diseases is conditional on the availability of annotated corpora. This paper presents the disease name and concept annotations of the NCBI disease corpus, a collection of 793 PubMed abstracts fully annotated at the mention and concept level to serve as a research resource for the biomedical natural language processing community. Each PubMed abstract was manually annotated by two annotators with disease mentions and their corresponding concepts in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM®). Manual curation was performed using PubTator, which allowed the use of pre-annotations as a pre-step to manual annotations. Fourteen annotators were randomly paired and differing annotations were discussed for reaching a consensus in two annotation phases. In this setting, a high inter-annotator agreement was observed. Finally, all results were checked against annotations of the rest of the corpus to assure corpus-wide consistency. The public release of the NCBI disease corpus contains 6892 disease mentions, which are mapped to 790 unique disease concepts. Of these, 88% link to a MeSH identifier, while the rest contain an OMIM identifier. We were able to link 91% of the mentions to a single disease concept, while the rest are described as a combination of concepts. In order to help researchers use the corpus to design and test disease identification methods, we have prepared the corpus as training, testing and development sets. To demonstrate its utility, we conducted a benchmarking experiment where we compared three different

  10. Applications of Neuroimaging to Disease-Modification Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adam S. Fleisher


    Full Text Available Critical to development of new therapies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD is the ability to detect clinical or pathological change over time. Clinical outcome measures typically used in therapeutic trials have unfortunately proven to be relatively variable and somewhat insensitive to change in this slowly progressive disease. For this reason, development of surrogate biomarkers that identify significant disease-associated brain changes are necessary to expedite treatment development in AD. Since AD pathology is present in the brain many years prior to clinical manifestation, ideally we want to develop biomarkers of disease that identify abnormal brain structure or function even prior to cognitive decline. Magnetic resonance imaging, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, new amyloid imaging techniques, and spinal fluid markers of AD all have great potential to provide surrogate endpoint measures for AD pathology. The Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI was developed for the distinct purpose of evaluating surrogate biomarkers for drug development in AD. Recent evidence from ADNI demonstrates that imaging may provide more sensitive, and earlier, measures of disease progression than traditional clinical measures for powering clinical drug trials in Alzheimer's disease. This review discusses recently presented data from the ADNI dataset, and the importance of imaging in the future of drug development in AD.

  11. Huntington's Disease (United States)

    ... monitor a disease) for HD. A large and related NINDS-supported study aims to identify additional genetic factors in people that influence the course of the disease. Other research hopes to identify variations in the genomes of individuals with HD that may point to new targets ...

  12. Immunologic lung disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harman, E.M.


    The term immunologic lung disease comprises a broad spectrum of disease. The authors have covered a few entities in which recent studies have been particularly helpful in elucidating pathophysiology though not in uncovering the inciting cause. Common to all of these entities is the problem of finding appropriate methods of defining disease activity and response to treatment. As exemplified by the improved outlook for Goodpasture's syndrome with elucidation of its underlying immunopathology, it is likely that better understanding of the immunologic basis of sarcoid and interstitial disease may be helpful in planning more effective treatment strategies. 44 references

  13. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD...... applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. RESULTS: Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis...... and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We...

  14. Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Inflammation in End Stage Kidney Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Zyga


    Full Text Available Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD is one of the most severe diseases worldwide. In patients affected by CKD, a progressive destruction of the nephrons is observed not only in structuralbut also in functional level. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease of large and medium-sized arteries. It is characterized by the deposition of lipids and fibrous elements and is a common complication of the uremic syndrome because of the coexistence of a wide range of risk factors. High blood pressure, anaemia, insulin resistance, inflammation, high oxidative stress are some of the most common factors that cause cardiovascular disease and atherogenesis in patients suffering from End Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD. At the same time, the inflammatory process constitutes a common element in the apparition and development of CKD. A wide range of possible causes can justify the development of inflammation under uremic conditions. Such causes are oxidative stress, oxidation, coexistentpathological conditions as well as factors that are due to renal clearance techniques. Patients in ESRD and coronary disease usually show increased acute phase products. Pre-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and TNF-a, and acute phase reactants, such as CRP and fibrinogen, are closely related. The treatment of chronic inflammation in CKD is of high importance for the development ofthe disease as well as for the treatment of cardiovascular morbidity.Conclusions: The treatment factors focus on the use of renin-angiotensic system inhibitors, acetylsalicylic acid, statins and anti-oxidant treatment in order to prevent the action of inflammatorycytokines that have the ability to activate the mechanisms of inflammation.

  15. Musculoskeletal Findings in Behcet's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Bicer


    Full Text Available Behcet's disease is a multisystem disease characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, relapsing uveitis, mucocutaneous, articular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and vascular manifestations. Rheumatologic manifestations may also occur in Behcet's disease, and arthritis and arthralgia are the most common musculoskeletal findings followed by enthesopathy, avascular necrosis, myalgia, and myositis. Although the main pathology of Behcet's disease has been known to be the underlying vasculitis, the etiology and exact pathogenesis of the disease are still unclear. Musculoskeletal findings of Behcet's disease, the relationship between Behcet's disease and spondyloarthropathy disease complex, and the status of bone metabolism in patients with Behcet's disease were discussed in this paper.

  16. Foot-and-Mouth Disease


    Grubman, Marvin J.; Baxt, Barry


    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. The disease was initially described in the 16th century and was the first animal pathogen identified as a virus. Recent FMD outbreaks in developed countries and their significant economic impact have increased the concern of governments worldwide. This review describes the reemergence of FMD in developed countries that had been disease free for many years and the effect that this has had on disease control s...

  17. Survey of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Members About Congenital Chagas Disease. (United States)

    Edwards, Morven S; Abanyie, Francisca A; Montgomery, Susan P


    Participants in a survey about congenital Chagas disease, distributed electronically to Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society members, perceived having limited knowledge about congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Most rarely or never consider the diagnosis in infants born to parents from Latin America. Improved awareness of congenital Chagas disease and assessment of at-risk infants is needed.

  18. Liver Disease (United States)

    ... and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of factors that damage the ... that you can't stay still. Causes Liver disease has many ... or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with a person who is ...

  19. Dutch elm disease (United States)

    James W. Walters


    Since its discovery in the United States in 1930, Dutch elm disease has killed thousands of native elms. The three native elms, American, slippery, and rock, have little or no resistance to Dutch elm disease, but individual trees within each species vary in susceptibility to the disease. The most important of these, American elm, is scattered in upland stands but is...

  20. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bashir Chomeili


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. METHODS: Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. RESULTS: A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16 all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  1. Interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medina, Yimy F; Restrepo, Jose Felix; Iglesias, Antonio; Ojeda, Paulina; Matiz, Carlos


    An interstitial lung disease (ILD) belongs to a group of diffuse parenchyma lung diseases it should be differentiated from other pathologies among those are idiopathic and ILD associated to connective tissue diseases (CTD) New concepts have been developed in the last years and they have been classified in seven defined subgroups. It has been described the association of each one of these subgroups with CTD. Natural history and other aspects of its treatment is not known completely .For complete diagnose it is required clinical, image and histopathologic approaches. The biopsy lung plays an essential role. It is important to promote and to stimulate the subclasification of each subgroup with the purpose of knowing their natural history directing the treatment and to improve their outcome

  2. Type I Gaucher disease: extraosseous extension of skeletal disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poll, L.W.; Koch, J.A.; Moedder, U.; Dahl, S. vom; Haeussinger, D.; Sarbia, M.; Niederau, C.


    Objective. To investigate the frequency and morphology of extraosseous extension in patients with Gaucher disease type I.Design and patients. MRI examinations of the lower extremities were analyzed in 70 patients with Gaucher disease type I. Additionally, the thoracic spine and the midface were investigated on MRI in two patients.Results. Four cases are presented in which patients with Gaucher disease type I and severe skeletal involvement developed destruction or protrusion of the cortex with extraosseous extension into soft tissues. In one patient, Gaucher cell deposits destroyed the cortex of the mandible and extended into the masseter muscle. In the second patient, multiple paravertebral masses with localized destruction of the cortex were apparent in the thoracic spine. In the third and fourth patient, cortical destruction with extraosseous tissue extending into soft tissues was seen in the lower limbs.Conclusions. Extraosseous extension is a rare manifestation of Gaucher bone disease. While an increased risk of cancer, especially hematopoietic in origin, is known in patients with Gaucher disease, these extraosseous benign manifestations that may mimic malignant processes should be considered in the differential diagnosis of extraosseous extension into soft tissues. A narrow neck of tissue was apparent in all cases connecting bone and extraosseous extensions. (orig.)

  3. Glaucoma and Alzheimer Disease: A Single Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease of the Brain. (United States)

    Mancino, Raffaele; Martucci, Alessio; Cesareo, Massimo; Giannini, Clarissa; Corasaniti, Maria Tiziana; Bagetta, Giacinto; Nucci, Carlo


    Open Angle Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide. Elevated intraocular pressure is considered an important risk factor for glaucoma, however a subset of patients experience disease progression even in presence of normal intraocular pressure values. This implies that risk factors other than intraocular pressure are involved in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. A possible relationship between glaucoma and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer Disease has been suggested. In this regard, we have recently described a high prevalence of alterations typical of glaucoma, using Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph-3 (HRT-3), in a group of patients with Alzheimer Disease. Interestingly, these alterations were not associated with elevated intraocular pressure or abnormal Central Corneal Thickness values. Alzheimer Disease is the most common form of dementia associated with progressive deterioration of memory and cognition. Complaints related to vision are common among Alzheimer Disease patients. Features common to both diseases, including risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms, gleaned from the recent literature do suggest that Alzheimer Disease and glaucoma can be considered age-related neurodegenerative diseases that may co-exist in the elderly. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  4. Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Presentation and Disease Location. (United States)

    Aziz, Danish Abdul; Moin, Maryum; Majeed, Atif; Sadiq, Kamran; Biloo, Abdul Gaffar


    To determine different clinical presentationsand disease location demarcatedby upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopyand relevant histopathologyin children diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This is 5 years (2010 to 2015) retrospective studyconducted at the Aga Khan University Hospitalenrolling65admitted children between 6 months to 15years from either gender, diagnosed with IBD on clinical presentation, endoscopy and biopsy. Different clinical presentations at the time of diagnosis were noted in different categories of the disease. All patients underwent upper and lower (up to the terminal ileum) endoscopy with multiple punch biopsies and histologic assessment of mucosal specimens. All endoscopies were done by paediatric gastroenterologists at endoscopy suite of the hospital and all specimens were reported by the pathology department. ESPGHAN revised criteria for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in children and an adolescent was used to standardize our diagnosis. Extent of disease on endoscopy and relevant histopathology of the biopsy samples were noted at the time of diagnosis. Data was summarized using mean, standard deviation, numbers and percentages for different variables. Total 56 children were enrolled according to inclusion criteria. There were 34children (61.53%) diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC), 10 patients (16.92%) had Crohn'sDisease (CD) and 11 (21.53%) patients were labeled as Indeterminate colitis (IC). Mean age at onset of symptoms was10.03±2.44 and mean age at diagnosis was11.10±2.36. Abdominal pain (80%) and chronic diarrhea (70%) were common symptoms in CD whereas bloody diarrhea (79.41%) and rectal bleeding(64.70%)were common presentation in UC. Patients diagnosed with indeterminate colitis(IC) had similar clinical features as in UC patients. Only 7% patients had some extra-intestinal features in the form of joint pain and/or uveitis. Aspartate aminotransferase level (95.18 ±12.89) was relatively high in

  5. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Čiháková


    Full Text Available Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs.

  6. [Post-Lyme disease syndrome]. (United States)

    Błaut-Jurkowska, Justyna; Jurkowski, Marcin


    Lyme disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria, spirochete of the Borrelia type. Skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart may be involved in the course of the disease. The prognosis for properly treated Lyme disease is usually good. However, in about 5% of patients so called Post-Lyme disease syndrome (PLSD) develops. It is defined as a syndrome of subjective symptoms persisting despite proper treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and problems with memory and concentration. Pathogenesis of PLDS remains unknown. The differential diagnosis should include neurological, rheumatic and mental diseases. Till now there is no causative treatment of PLDS. In relieving symptom rehabilitation, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antidepressants medicines are recommended. Emotional and psychological supports are also necessary. Non-specific symptoms reported by patients with post- Lyme disease syndrome raise the suspicion of other pathologies. This can lead to misdiagnosis and implementation of unnecessary, potentially harmful to the patient's therapy. An increase in tick-borne diseases needs to increase physicians awareness of these issues. © 2016 MEDPRESS.

  7. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    Diny, Nicola L.; Rose, Noel R.; Čiháková, Daniela


    Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs. PMID:28496445

  8. Vector-borne disease intelligence: Strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marieta eBraks


    Full Text Available Owing to the complex nature of vector-borne diseases, whereby monitoring of human case patients does not suffice, public health authorities experience challenges in surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Knowledge on the presence and distribution of vectors and the pathogens they transmit is vital to a risk assessment process to permit effective early warning, surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Upon accepting this reality, public health authorities face the phenomenon of an exponential rise in the number of possible surveillance targets and how to decide which are essential. Here, . we propose a comprehensive approach that integrates three surveillance strategies: population-based surveillance, disease-based surveillance and context-based surveillance for EU member states to tailor the best surveillance strategy for control of vector-borne diseases in their geographic region. By classifying the surveillance structure into 5 different contexts, we hope to provide guidance in optimizing surveillance efforts. Contextual surveillance strategies for vector-borne diseases entail combining organization and data collection approaches that result in disease intelligence rather than a preset static structure.

  9. Diseases of the skull

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koval', G.Yu.


    Different forms of skull diseases viz. inflammatory diseases, skull tumors, primary and secondary bone tumors, are considered. Roentgenograms in some above-mentioned diseases are presented and analysed

  10. Incidence, disease phenotype at diagnosis, and early disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases in Western Hungary, 2002-2006. (United States)

    Lakatos, Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S; David, Gyula; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Mester, Gabor; Balogh, Mihaly; Szipocs, Istvan; Molnar, Csaba; Komaromi, Erzsebet; Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Recent trends indicate a change in the epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), with previously low incidence areas now reporting a progressive rise in the incidence. Our aim was to analyze the incidence and disease phenotype at diagnosis in IBD in the population-based Veszprem Province database, which included incident patients diagnosed between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006. Data of 393 incident patients were analyzed (ulcerative colitis [UC]: 220, age-at-diagnosis: 40.5 years; Crohn's disease [CD]: 163, age-at-diagnosis: 32.5 years; and indeterminate colitis [IC]: 10). Both hospital and outpatient records were collected and comprehensively reviewed. Adjusted mean incidence rates were 8.9/10(5) person-years for CD and 11.9/10(5) person-years in UC. Peak onset age in both CD and UC patients was 21-30 years old. Location at diagnosis in UC was proctitis in 26.8%, left-sided colitis in 50.9%, and pancolitis in 22.3%. The probability of proximal extension and colectomy after 5 years was 12.7% and 2.8%. The disease location in CD was ileal in 20.2%, colonic in 35.6%, ileocolonic in 44.2%, and upper gastrointestinal in four patients. Behavior at diagnosis was stenosing/penetrating in 35.6% and perianal in 11.1%. Patients with colonic disease were older at diagnosis compared to patients with ileal or ileocolonic disease. In a Kaplan-Meier analysis, probability of surgical resection was 9.8%, 18.5%, and 21.3% after 1, 3, and 5 years of disease duration, respectively. The incidence of IBD in Veszprem Province in the last decade was high, equal to that in high-incidence areas in Western European countries. Early disease course is milder compared to data reported in the literature. Copyright © 2011 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.

  11. Neuroimaging of Alzheimer's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Hiroshi


    Main purposes of neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease have been moved from diagnosis of advanced Alzheimer's disease to diagnosis of very early Alzheimer's disease at a prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment, prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease, and differential diagnosis from other diseases causing dementia. Structural MRI studies and functional studies using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET and brain perfusion SPECT are widely used in diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Outstanding progress in diagnostic accuracy of these neuroimaging modalities has been obtained using statistical analysis on a voxel-by-voxel basis after spatial normalization of individual scans to a standardized brain-volume template instead of visual inspection or a conventional region of interest technique. In a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease, this statistical approach revealed gray matter loss in the entorhinal and hippocampal areas and hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in the posterior cingulate cortex. These two findings might be related in view of anatomical knowledge that the regions are linked through the circuit of Papez. This statistical approach also offers accurate evaluation of therapeutical effects on brain metabolism or perfusion. The latest development in functional imaging relates to the final pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease-amyloid plaques. Amyloid imaging might be an important surrogate marker for trials of disease-modifying agents. (author)

  12. Morgellons Disease. (United States)

    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination showed only mild lymphocytic infiltration, and failed to reveal evidence of any microorganism. The polymerase chain reaction for Borrelia burgdorferi was negative in her serum.

  13. [Infectious diseases]. (United States)

    Chapuis-Taillard, Caroline; de Vallière, Serge; Bochud, Pierre-Yves


    In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.

  14. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica Interstitial lung disease: Diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e Dezembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocorreu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the choice in 47 patients (88.7%. Postoperative complications were rare (9.4% and included three prolonged air leaks (5.7%, one pneumothorax requiring a

  15. Clinically Unsuspected Prion Disease Among Patients With Dementia Diagnoses in an Alzheimer's Disease Database. (United States)

    Maddox, Ryan A; Blase, J L; Mercaldo, N D; Harvey, A R; Schonberger, L B; Kukull, W A; Belay, E D


    Brain tissue analysis is necessary to confirm prion diseases. Clinically unsuspected cases may be identified through neuropathologic testing. National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC) Minimum and Neuropathologic Data Set for 1984 to 2005 were reviewed. Eligible patients had dementia, underwent autopsy, had available neuropathologic data, belonged to a currently funded Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC), and were coded as having an Alzheimer's disease clinical diagnosis or a nonprion disease etiology. For the eligible patients with neuropathology indicating prion disease, further clinical information, collected from the reporting ADC, determined whether prion disease was considered before autopsy. Of 6000 eligible patients in the NACC database, 7 (0.12%) were clinically unsuspected but autopsy-confirmed prion disease cases. The proportion of patients with dementia with clinically unrecognized but autopsy-confirmed prion disease was small. Besides confirming clinically suspected cases, neuropathology is useful to identify unsuspected clinically atypical cases of prion disease. © The Author(s) 2015.

  16. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  17. Pregnancy and rheumatic diseases. (United States)

    Gayed, M; Gordon, C


    Pregnancy is an issue that should be discussed with all patients with rheumatic diseases who are in the reproductive age group. Infertility is rarely due to the disease but can be associated with cyclophosphamide therapy. Most rheumatic diseases that are well controlled prior to pregnancy do not deteriorate in pregnancy, providing that the patient continues with appropriate disease-modifying therapy. Some patients with inflammatory arthritis go in to remission during pregnancy. Patients with renal involvement may be at increased risk of disease flare. This needs to be distinguished from pre-eclampsia. Intrauterine growth restriction is more likely in patients with active systemic disease, hypertension, a history of thrombosis and renal involvement. Premature delivery may need to be planned to reduce the risks of stillbirth and can be associated with a variety of neonatal complications. Post-partum flare is common in all the rheumatic diseases.

  18. Prevalence of celiac disease among first-degree relatives of Indian celiac disease patients. (United States)

    Mishra, Asha; Prakash, Shyam; Kaur, Gurvinder; Sreenivas, Vishnubhatla; Ahuja, Vineet; Gupta, Siddhartha Datta; Makharia, Govind K


    Celiac disease, once thought to be uncommon in Asia, is now recognized in Asian nations as well. We investigated the prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients followed in our centre. First-degree relatives were screened prospectively for celiac disease using questionnaire-based interview and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody. Serology positive first-degree relatives underwent duodenal biopsies. Diagnosis of celiac disease was made based on positive serology and villous abnormality Marsh grade 2 or higher. Human leucocyte antigen DQ2/-DQ8 was also assessed in 127 first-degree relatives. 434 first-degree relatives of 176 celiac disease patients were prospectively recruited; 282 were symptomatic (64.9%), 58 were positive for serology (13.3%). Seroprevalence was higher in female than in males (19% vs 8.5%; p=0.001) and highest in siblings (16.9%) than parents (13.6%) and children (5.9%) of celiac patients (p=0.055); 87.4% first-degree relatives were human leucocyte antigen-DQ2/-DQ8 positive. Overall prevalence of celiac disease was 10.9% amongst first-degree relatives. The prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients was 10.9% in our cohort, and 87% had human leucocyte antigen-DQ2 or -DQ8 haplotype. All first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients should be screen for celiac disease even if asymptomatic or with atypical manifestations. Copyright © 2015 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia disease and thalassemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardianti Maulidita


    Full Text Available Various periodontal disease can occur in children and adolescents. Some can take place quickly and periodontal tissue damage. Several previous studies indicate that systemic diseases associated with periodontal disease in children. This study aims to determine the prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia and thalassemia. The design study is a cross-sectional approach. Periodontal pocket depth measurements performed using the WHO standard of measurement. The samples in this study were drawn from the entire population using accidental sampling method. Sampled population was pediatric patients with leukemia and thalassemia. These patients were undergoing treatment in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar. During the study, children with leukemia as many as 18 patients and children with thalassemia by 8 patients. Distribution of pediatric patients suffering from leukemia by CPITN score; score of 2 as many as 10 patients (55.6%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (33.3%, and  score of 0 as many as 2 patients (11.1%. CPITN score in children with thalassemia; scores 2 in 1 patient (12.5%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (75%, and score of 0 by 1 patient (12.5%. Children who have leukemia and thalassemia, showed the rate of occurrence of different periodontal disease. Children with leukemia shows the level of periodontal disease is higher than in children with thalassemia disease.

  20. Fatigue and multidimensional disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inal-Ince Deniz


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and aims Fatigue is associated with longitudinal ratings of health in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. Although the degree of airflow obstruction is often used to grade disease severity in patients with COPD, multidimensional grading systems have recently been developed. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived and actual fatigue level and multidimensional disease severity in patients with COPD. Materials and methods Twenty-two patients with COPD (aged 52-74 years took part in the study. Multidimensional disease severity was measured using the SAFE and BODE indices. Perceived fatigue was assessed using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS and the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS. Peripheral muscle endurance was evaluated using the number of sit-ups, squats, and modified push-ups that each patient could do. Results Thirteen patients (59% had severe fatigue, and their St George's Respiratory Questionnaire scores were significantly higher (p Conclusions Peripheral muscle endurance and fatigue perception in patients with COPD was related to multidimensional disease severity measured with both the SAFE and BODE indices. Improvements in perceived and actual fatigue levels may positively affect multidimensional disease severity and health status in COPD patients. Further research is needed to investigate the effects of fatigue perception and exercise training on patients with different stages of multidimensional COPD severity.

  1. Defining an emerging disease. (United States)

    Moutou, F; Pastoret, P-P


    Defining an emerging disease is not straightforward, as there are several different types of disease emergence. For example, there can be a 'real' emergence of a brand new disease, such as the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the 1980s, or a geographic emergence in an area not previously affected, such as the emergence of bluetongue in northern Europe in 2006. In addition, disease can emerge in species formerly not considered affected, e.g. the emergence of bovine tuberculosis in wildlife species since 2000 in France. There can also be an unexpected increase of disease incidence in a known area and a known species, or there may simply be an increase in our knowledge or awareness of a particular disease. What all these emerging diseases have in common is that human activity frequently has a role to play in their emergence. For example, bovine spongiform encephalopathy very probably emerged as a result of changes in the manufacturing of meat-and-bone meal, bluetongue was able to spread to cooler climes as a result of uncontrolled trade in animals, and a relaxation of screening and surveillance for bovine tuberculosis enabled the disease to re-emerge in areas that had been able to drastically reduce the number of cases. Globalisation and population growth will continue to affect the epidemiology of diseases in years to come and ecosystems will continue to evolve. Furthermore, new technologies such as metagenomics and high-throughput sequencing are identifying new microorganisms all the time. Change is the one constant, and diseases will continue to emerge, and we must consider the causes and different types of emergence as we deal with these diseases in the future.

  2. Radiotherapy of benign diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haase, W.


    Still today radiotherapy is of decisive relevance for several benign diseases. The following ones are briefly described in this introductory article: 1. Certain inflammatory and degenerative diseases as furuncles in the face, acute thrombophlebitis, recurrent sudoriparous abscesses, degenerative skeletal diseases, cervical syndrome and others; 2. rheumatic joint diseases; 3. Bechterew's disease; 4. primary presenile osteoporosis; 5. synringomyelia; 6. endocrine ophthalmopathy; 7. hypertrophic processes of the connective tissue; 8. hemangiomas. A detailed discussion and a profit-risk analysis is provided in the individual chapters of the magazine. (MG) [de

  3. Diagnosis of Pompe disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vissing, John; Lukacs, Zoltan; Straub, Volker


    The diagnosis of Pompe disease (acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type II) in children and adults can be challenging because of the heterogeneous clinical presentation and considerable overlap of signs and symptoms found in other neuromuscular diseases. This review evaluates some...... to identify late-onset Pompe disease often leads to false-negative results and subsequent delays in identification and treatment of the disorder. Serum creatine kinase level can be normal or only mildly elevated in late-onset Pompe disease and is not very helpful alone to suggest the diagnosis...

  4. Celiac disease, iron deficiency anaemia, grave's disease, osteopenia and short stature in single patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radaideh, A.M.


    Celiac disease is an intestinal immune mediated disorder, triggered by ingestion of gluten-containing diet in genetically susceptible individuals. The genetic pre-disposition is related to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes, especially HLA-DQ2 positive patients. The prevalence of celiac disease in high worldwide and it has been estimated to be 1-26% in Western countries. Many auto-immune diseases can be associated with celiac disease including auto-immune thyroid disease; hashimoto thyroiditis and grave's disease. The opposite also appears to be true, celiac disease is found on persons with auto-immune thyroid disorders at high rates than the general population. Celiac disease is also associated with other extraintestinal diseases other the auto-immune diseases like anemia, short stature, metabolic bone disease and others. Screening for celiac disease should be considered in patients with auto-immune thyroid disease, anemia, short stature and metabolic bone disease. The life-long adherence to gluten-free diet is the only cure in celiac disease and can improve the quality of patients life and prevent future complications. This report describes a case of Grave's disease, Iron deficiency anemia, Short stature, Osteopenia, diagnosed to have Celiac disease. (author)

  5. From genome-wide association studies to disease mechanisms : celiac disease as a model for autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kumar, Vinod; Wijmenga, Cisca; Withoff, Sebo

    Celiac disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction in the intestine and is triggered by gluten, a constituent derived from grains which is present in the common daily diet in the Western world. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms behind celiac disease etiology are still not

  6. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian archipelago: relating disease to environment.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greta S Aeby

    Full Text Available In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance, climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI. Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral. All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic. All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and Por

  7. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian Archipelago: Relating disease to environment (United States)

    Aeby, G.S.; Williams, G.J.; Franklin, E.C.; Kenyon, J.; Cox, E.F.; Coles, S.; Work, Thierry M.


    In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance), climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies) and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora) with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs) were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm) was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS) was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral). All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS) we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic). All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and PorTrm showing

  8. Angara disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 12, 2011 ... 1988). Since the disease emerged in this specific geographic area, HHS was initially referred to as “Angara. Disease”. The disease is caused by an avian adenovirus serotype-iv in Pakistan. This virus is responsible for development of intranuclear inclusion bodies in the cells of liver, pancreas and kidneys.

  9. Meniere's Disease (United States)

    ... ears and head) special tests that check your balance and how well your ears work. Can Meniere’s disease be prevented or avoided? Because ... find ways to limit the stress in your life or learn how to deal with stress ... Let your family, friends, and co-workers know about the disease. Tell ...

  10. Genetics of complex diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mellerup, Erling; Møller, Gert Lykke; Koefoed, Pernille


    A complex disease with an inheritable component is polygenic, meaning that several different changes in DNA are the genetic basis for the disease. Such a disease may also be genetically heterogeneous, meaning that independent changes in DNA, i.e. various genotypes, can be the genetic basis...... for the disease. Each of these genotypes may be characterized by specific combinations of key genetic changes. It is suggested that even if all key changes are found in genes related to the biology of a certain disease, the number of combinations may be so large that the number of different genotypes may be close...... to the number of patients suffering from the disease. This hypothesis is based on a study of bipolar disorder....

  11. Castleman disease (literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Melikyan


    Full Text Available Castleman disease (angiofollicular hyperplasia of lymph nodes – a rare benign lymphoproliferative disease with prolonged asymptomatic course, associated with a wide variety of autoimmune and oncological diseases and the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The rare occurrence of this disease and a variety of clinical course did not allow for a complete and consistent research on the etiology and pathogenesis and the standard therapies development. In recent years, the number of patients with Castleman disease in the Russian Federation has increased, which requires its recognition among non-neoplastic and neoplastic lymphadenopathy. The article provides an overview about clinical and histological variants of Castleman’s disease, its pathogenesis concepts, classification and treatment.

  12. Advances in disease control of tick and tick-borne diseases

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    J.nfection and treatment method ofimmunisation has been devised ... providing research and training and in extension work on. TBDs. ... systems, cattle types, level of disease risk, disease control policies ... This paper highlights tick .control,.

  13. Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever): History and Disease Patterns (United States)

    ... Search Form Controls Cancel Submit Search The CDC Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever) Note: Javascript is ... message, please visit this page: About . Legionella Home About the Disease Causes, How it Spreads, & ...

  14. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (United States)

    Mixed connective tissue disease Overview Mixed connective tissue disease has signs and symptoms of a combination of disorders — primarily lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis. For this reason, mixed connective tissue disease ...

  15. Biodiversity and disease: a synthesis of ecological perspectives on Lyme disease transmission. (United States)

    Wood, Chelsea L.; Lafferty, Kevin D.


    Recent reviews have argued that disease control is among the ecosystem services yielded by biodiversity. Lyme disease (LD) is commonly cited as the best example of the ‘diluting’ effect of biodiversity on disease transmission, but many studies document the opposite relationship, showing that human LD risk can increase with forestation. Here, we unify these divergent perspectives and find strong evidence for a positive link between biodiversity and LD at broad spatial scales (urban to suburban to rural) and equivocal evidence for a negative link between biodiversity and LD at varying levels of biodiversity within forests. This finding suggests that, across zoonotic disease agents, the biodiversity–disease relationship is scale dependent and complex.

  16. Histologic scoring indices for evaluation of disease activity in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Novak, Gregor; Parker, Claire E; Pai, Rish K; MacDonald, John K; Feagan, Brian G; Sandborn, William J; D'Haens, Geert; Jairath, Vipul; Khanna, Reena


    Histologic assessment of mucosal disease activity has been increasingly used in clinical trials of treatment for Crohn's disease. However, the operating properties of the currently existing histologic scoring indices remain unclear. A systematic review was undertaken to evaluate the development and operating characteristics of available histologic disease activity indices in Crohn's disease. Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) databases from inception to 20 July 2016 were supplemented by manual reviews of bibliographies and abstracts submitted to major gastroenterology meetings (Digestive Disease Week, United European Gastroenterology Week, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation). Any study design (e.g. randomised controlled trial, cohort study, case series) that evaluated a histologic disease activity index in patients with Crohn's disease was considered for inclusion. Study participants included adult patients (> 16 years), diagnosed with Crohn's disease using conventional clinical, radiographic or endoscopic criteria. Two authors independently reviewed the titles and abstracts of the studies identified from the literature search. The full text of potentially relevant citations were reviewed for inclusion and the study investigators were contacted as needed for clarification. Any disagreements regarding study eligibility were resolved by discussion and consensus with a third author.Two authors independently extracted and recorded data using a standard form. The following data were recorded from each eligible study: number of patients enrolled; number of patients per treatment arm; patient characteristics: age and gender distribution; description of histologic disease activity index utilized; and outcomes such as content validity, construct validity, criterion validity, responsiveness, intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, and feasibility. Sixteen reports of 14 studies describing 14 different numerical

  17. Macrophage models of Gaucher disease for evaluating disease pathogenesis and candidate drugs. (United States)

    Aflaki, Elma; Stubblefield, Barbara K; Maniwang, Emerson; Lopez, Grisel; Moaven, Nima; Goldin, Ehud; Marugan, Juan; Patnaik, Samarjit; Dutra, Amalia; Southall, Noel; Zheng, Wei; Tayebi, Nahid; Sidransky, Ellen


    Gaucher disease is caused by an inherited deficiency of glucocerebrosidase that manifests with storage of glycolipids in lysosomes, particularly in macrophages. Available cell lines modeling Gaucher disease do not demonstrate lysosomal storage of glycolipids; therefore, we set out to develop two macrophage models of Gaucher disease that exhibit appropriate substrate accumulation. We used these cellular models both to investigate altered macrophage biology in Gaucher disease and to evaluate candidate drugs for its treatment. We generated and characterized monocyte-derived macrophages from 20 patients carrying different Gaucher disease mutations. In addition, we created induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived macrophages from five fibroblast lines taken from patients with type 1 or type 2 Gaucher disease. Macrophages derived from patient monocytes or iPSCs showed reduced glucocerebrosidase activity and increased storage of glucocerebroside and glucosylsphingosine in lysosomes. These macrophages showed efficient phagocytosis of bacteria but reduced production of intracellular reactive oxygen species and impaired chemotaxis. The disease phenotype was reversed with a noninhibitory small-molecule chaperone drug that enhanced glucocerebrosidase activity in the macrophages, reduced glycolipid storage, and normalized chemotaxis and production of reactive oxygen species. Macrophages differentiated from patient monocytes or patient-derived iPSCs provide cellular models that can be used to investigate disease pathogenesis and facilitate drug development. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  18. Histopathology of lung disease in the connective tissue diseases. (United States)

    Vivero, Marina; Padera, Robert F


    The pathologic correlates of interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to connective tissue disease (CTD) comprise a diverse group of histologic patterns. Lung biopsies in patients with CTD-associated ILD tend to demonstrate simultaneous involvement of multiple anatomic compartments of the lung. Certain histologic patterns tend to predominate in each defined CTD, and it is possible in many cases to confirm connective tissue-associated lung disease and guide patient management using surgical lung biopsy. This article will cover the pulmonary pathologies seen in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, myositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, and mixed CTD. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Periodontal disease in pregnant patients with rheumatic valvular disease: clinical and microbiological study. (United States)

    Avila, Walkiria Samuel; Timerman, Lilia; Romito, Giuseppe Alexandre; Marcelino, Sílvia Linard; Neves, Itamara Lúcia Itagiba; Zugaib, Marcelo; Grinberg, Max


    The periodontal disease during pregnancy of women with rheumatic valve disease imply infective endocarditis risks and higher rate of preterm birth and low birth weight. To study the periodontal disease rate of women with rheumatic valve disease during pregnancy. We studied 140 pregnant women who included 70 patients with rheumatic valve disease and 70 healthy women. The periodontal examination included: 1) periodontal clinical exam regard the follow variables: a) probing depth; b) gingival margin; c) clinical attachment level; d) bleeding on probing; e) plaque index and f) gingival index; and 2) microbiological test was performed in samples serum and gingival crevicular fluid and considered positive controls to Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsithia e Aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans. Age and parity were similar between groups; as single or combined the mitral valve disease was prevalent among the rheumatic valve lesion in 45 (32.1%) e 20 (28.5%) cases, respectively. Among the periodontal variables gingival margin (p=0.01) and plaque index (p=0.04) were different between groups. The periodontal disease was identified in 20 (14,3%) pregnant women, seven (10%) of them were patients with valve rheumatic disease and the remain 13 (18,6%) were healthy women, its percentual was not different between groups (p=0,147). Microbiological analyses of oral samples showed higher percentual of P. gingivalis in healthy pregnant women (p=0.004). The clinical and microbiological study during pregnancy showed comparable incidence of periodontal disease between women with rheumatic valve disease and healthy women.

  20. Possible Role of the Transglutaminases in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Martin


    Full Text Available Transglutaminases are ubiquitous enzymes which catalyze posttranslational modifications of proteins. Recently, transglutaminase-catalyzed post-translational modification of proteins has been shown to be involved in the molecular mechanisms responsible for human diseases. Transglutaminase activity has been hypothesized to be involved also in the pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for several human neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, supranuclear palsy, Huntington's disease, and other polyglutamine diseases, are characterized in part by aberrant cerebral transglutaminase activity and by increased cross-linked proteins in affected brains. This paper focuses on the possible molecular mechanisms by which transglutaminase activity could be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, and on the possible therapeutic effects of selective transglutaminase inhibitors for the cure of patients with diseases characterized by aberrant transglutaminase activity.

  1. Peyronie's Disease. (United States)

    Taylor, Frederick L; Levine, Laurence A


    Peyronie's disease is a psychologically and physically devastating disorder that is manifest by a fibrous inelastic scar of the tunica albuginea, resulting in palpable penile scar in the flaccid condition and causing penile deformity, including penile curvature, hinging, narrowing, shortening, and painful erections. Peyronie's disease remains a considerable therapeutic dilemma even to today's practicing physicians.

  2. Moyamoya disease: Diagnostic imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarasów, Eugeniusz; Kułakowska, Alina; Łukasiewicz, Adam; Kapica-Topczewska, Katarzyna; Korneluk-Sadzyńska, Alicja; Brzozowska, Joanna; Drozdowski, Wiesław


    Moyamoya disease is a progressive vasculopathy leading to stenosis of the main intracranial arteries. The incidence of moyamoya disease is high in Asian countries; in Europe and North America, the prevalence of the disease is considerably lower. Clinically, the disease may be of ischaemic, haemorrhagic and epileptic type. Cognitive dysfunction and behavioral disturbance are atypical symptoms of moyamoya disease. Characteristic angiographic features of the disease include stenosis or occlusion of the arteries of the circle of Willis, as well as the development of collateral vasculature. Currently, magnetic resonance angiography and CT angiography with multi-row systems are the main imaging methods of diagnostics of the entire range of vascular changes in moyamoya disease. The most common surgical treatment combines the direct arterial anastomosis between the superficial temporal artery and middle cerebral, and the indirect synangiosis involving placement of vascularised tissue in the brain cortex, in order to promote neoangiogenesis. Due to progressive changes, correct and early diagnosis is of basic significance in selecting patients for surgery, which is the only effective treatment of the disease. An appropriate qualification to surgery should be based on a comprehensive angiographic and imaging evaluation of brain structures. Despite the rare occurrence of moyamoya disease in European population, it should be considered as one of causes of ischaemic or haemorrhagic strokes, especially in young patients

  3. Lyme disease and conservation (United States)

    Ginsberg, H.


    Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that is wide-spread in North America, especially in the northeastern and northcentral United States. This disease could negatively influence efforts to conserve natural populations in two ways: (1) the disease could directly affect wild animal health; and (2) tick control efforts could adversely affect natural populations and communities. Lyme disease affects several domestic animals, but symptoms have been reported in only a few wild species. Direct effects of Lyme disease on wild animal populations have not been reported, but the disease should be considered as a possible cause in cases of unexplained population declines in endemic areas. Methods available to manage ticks and Lyme disease include human self-protection techniques, manipulation of habitats and hosts species populations, biological control, and pesticide applications. The diversity of available techniques allows selection of approaches to minimize environmental effects by (1) emphasizing personal protection techniques, (2) carefully targeting management efforts to maximize efficiency, and (3) integrating environmentally benign techniques to improve management while avoiding broad-scale environmentally destructive approaches. The environmental effects of Lyme disease depend, to a large extent, on the methods chosen to minimize human exposure to infected ticks. Conservation biologists can help design tick management programs that effectively lower the incidence of human Lyme disease while simultaneously minimizing negative effects on natural populations.

  4. Oxidative Stress in Oral Diseases: Understanding Its Relation with Other Systemic Diseases

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    Jaya Kumar


    Full Text Available Oxidative stress occurs in diabetes, various cancers, liver diseases, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation, and other degenerative diseases related to the nervous system. The free radicals have deleterious effect on various organs of the body. This is due to lipid peroxidation and irreversible protein modification that leads to cellular apoptosis or programmed cell death. During recent years, there is a rise in the oral diseases related to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress in oral disease is related to other systemic diseases in the body such as periodontitis, cardiovascular, pancreatic, gastric, and liver diseases. In the present review, we discuss the various pathways that mediate oxidative cellular damage. Numerous pathways mediate oxidative cellular damage and these include caspase pathway, PERK/NRF2 pathway, NADPH oxidase 4 pathways and JNK/mitogen-activated protein (MAP kinase pathway. We also discuss the role of inflammatory markers, lipid peroxidation, and role of oxygen species linked to oxidative stress. Knowledge of different pathways, role of inflammatory markers, and importance of low-density lipoprotein, fibrinogen, creatinine, nitric oxide, nitrates, and highly sensitive C-reactive proteins may be helpful in understanding the pathogenesis and plan better treatment for oral diseases which involve oxidative stress.

  5. Radiotherapy as a conservative treatment in breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfuhl, O.R. von; Miola, U.J.; Campos, J.C.F. de


    The review of 545 cases of cancer of the breast, 10% of which were treated by exclusive radiotherapy, emphasized the trend towards conservative treatment, because 29,8% of mastectomized women died within two years from the operation with distant metastases. As it is possible with radiotherapy to cause fibrosis or keep inactive breast tumors up to 5 cm diameter for two years or longer, one must consider irradiation as a good option for young women with small tumors. A combination was used of tangencial radiotherapy up to 5.000 rads to the whole breast with a boost dose two weeks later of 3.000 to 4.000 rads by means of intersticial radiotherapy given only to the palpable tumor. This was fulfilled by the afterloading method according to a system described as geometrization of the breast by parallel plates where holes were drilled for the needles. No recurrence was seen in 4 years in the selected group of 12 patients submitted to the mentioned treatment [pt


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    DRA. Pamela Apablaza


    Full Text Available La tecnología aplicada al manejo de la diabetes ha experimentado notables avances dentro de la última década. Hoy contamos con dispositivos de infusión de insulina subcutánea continua o bombas de insulina, que intentan imitar la secreción fisiológica del páncreas, y con el monitoreo continuo de glucosa que entrega información de la glicemia intersticial durante las 24 horas del día. Los modelos más modernos incorporan ambas tecnologías en un mismo dispositivo, teniendo incluso la capacidad de detener la infusión de insulina frente a una hipoglicemia. En esta revisión se abordará el funcionamiento de la bomba de insulina y monitor continuo de glucosa, así como las indicaciones de su uso, selección de pacientes, ventajas y desventajas de ambas tecnologías.

  7. Amor y acción colectiva: una mirada desde las prácticas intersticiales en Argentina

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    Adrián Scribano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza cómo el amor en tanto práctica intersticial produce un conjunto de prácticas colectivas y cómo a través de un mapeo de dichas prácticas es posible observar la conexión entre políticas de las sensibilidades y conflicto social. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos elaborado la siguiente argumentación: a se bosqueja una mirada del amor desde las ciencias sociales, b se resume qué podemos entender por prácticas del querer, c se esquematiza la indagación sobre los colectivos seleccionados y d se aportan algunas notas para comprender la conexión entre política de las sensibilidades y estructuración social. El trabajo finaliza abogando por la necesidad y urgencia de continuar el mapeo de prácticas intersticiales como una tarea clave para comprender la metamorfosis del actual proceso de estructuración social.

  8. Prenatal management and perinatal outcome in giant placental chorioangioma complicated with hydrops fetalis, fetal anemia and maternal mirror syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García-Díaz Lutgardo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Giant placental chorioangiomas have been associated with a number of severe fetal complications and high perinatal mortality. Case presentation We report a case of giant chorioangioma with fetal hydrops, additionally complicated by severe anemia, mild cardiomegaly with hyperdinamic heart circulation and maternal mirror syndrome. Intrauterine blood transfusion and amniodrainage was performed at 29 weeks. Worsening of the fetal and maternal condition prompted us to proceed with delivery at 29 + 5 weeks. The newborn died 3 hours later due to pulmonary hypoplasia and hemodynamic failure. Maternal course was favourable, mirror syndrome resolved in the second day and the patient was discharged four days following delivery. Conclusions In the case described here, fetal condition got worse despite of the anemia correction and amniodrainage. Our outcome raises the issue whether additional intrauterine clinical intervention, as intersticial laser, should have been performed to stop further deterioration of the fetal condition when progressive severe hydrops develops.

  9. Estudo, ao microscópio óptico e eletrônico, do rim de caes natural e experimentalmente infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Washington Luiz Tafuri


    Full Text Available Os autores estudam os rins de 4 cães infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi. Dois animais (um macho e uma fêmea naturalmente infectados foram sacrificados 18 meses após sua permanência no laboratório. Dois machos foram inoculados por via endovenosa, com lxlO6 promastigotas da cepa MHO/BR/70/BH46 e sacrificados após 18 meses e 2 anos, respectivamente. Em todos os animais os rins estavam lesados. As alterações encontradas foram: (1 glomerulonefrite mesangioproliferativa focal ou difusa, com pronunciada hipertrofia e hiperplasia das células mesangiais e com alargamento da matriz; (2 espessamento da membrana basal com depósitos eletrondensos; (3 nefrite intersticial intertubular crônica com exsudação plasmocitária intensa. (4 degeneração albuminosa dos túbulos renais. Baseados nos achados os autores discutem os prováveis mecanismos patogenéticos.

  10. Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) (United States)

    ... disease. Who Gets ALS? Although this disease can strike anyone, ALS is extremely rare in kids. According ... home to provide care that the family cannot handle alone. Living With Lou Gehrig's Disease Living with ...

  11. Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes Updated:Jan 29,2018 The following ... clear that there is a strong correlation between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. At least 68 percent ...

  12. Menopause and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Menopause and Heart Disease Updated:Jun 23,2017 Heart ... can become more evident after the onset of menopause. Menopause does not cause cardiovascular diseases . However, certain ...

  13. Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) (United States)

    ... Controls Cancel Submit Search the CDC Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) Note: Javascript is disabled or is not ... gov . Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and deadly disease ...

  14. Synopsis on the linkage of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease with chronic diseases. (United States)

    Jabir, Nasimudeen R; Firoz, Chelapram K; Baeesa, Saleh S; Ashraf, Ghulam Md; Akhtar, Suhail; Kamal, Warda; Kamal, Mohammad A; Tabrez, Shams


    Neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of neuronal structure and function, which ultimately leads to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis, and Huntington's disease. Even after the recent significant advances in neurobiology, the above-mentioned disorders continue to haunt the global population. Several studies have suggested the role of specific environmental and genetic risk factors associated with these disorders. However, the exact mechanism associated with the progression of these disorders still needs to be elucidated. In the recent years, sophisticated research has revealed interesting association of prominent neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and PD with chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Several common molecular mechanisms such as generation of free radicals, oxidative DNA damage, aberrations in mitochondrial DNA, and dysregulation of apoptosis have been highlighted as possible points of connection. The present review summarizes the possible mechanism of coexistence of AD and PD with other chronic diseases. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Lyme disease: case report of persistent Lyme disease from Pulaski County, Virginia

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    Palmieri JR


    Full Text Available James R Palmieri,1 Scott King,1 Matthew Case,1 Arben Santo21Department of Microbiology, Infectious and Emerging Diseases, 2Department of Pathology, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Blacksburg, VA, USAAbstract: A 50-year-old woman from Pulaski, Virginia, presented to a local clinic with headaches, fever, generalized joint pain, excessive thirst and fluid intake, and a progressing rash on her back. On physical examination, she had a large circular red rash on her back with a bull's-eye appearance, 16 × 18 cm in diameter. Serologic tests confirmed a diagnosis of Lyme disease. The patient could recall a walk through the woods 3 weeks prior, although she never noticed a tick on her body. Following a prolonged course of antibiotics, this case report presents a patient with ongoing symptoms consistent with post-treatment Lyme disease.Keywords: arthritis, chronic Lyme disease (CLD, ELISA, erythema migrans, ixodid ticks, Lyme disease, post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS, Western blotting


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    Z.S. Alekberova


    Full Text Available Behcet’s disease is a systemic vasculitis with unknown etiology. It is characterized by recurrent erosive and ulcer lesions of mucoustunic of mouth and genitalia, frequent lesions of eyes, joints, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Behcet’s disease arises predominantly in young men in the age 20–40 years old; the clinical signs of this disease are forming in children up to the 7–13 years old. Approximately 2–3% of patients with Behcet’s disease are children under 16 years old. The diagnostic criteria of disease, presented in 1990 with International Group of Behcet’s Disease are presented. The comparison of clinical signs of a disease showed bigger frequency of vascular pathology in adults; the rate of HLA-B5 antigen is considerable in children and adults (58,5% and 62,8% accordingly but an aggregation of disease in families of children with Behcet’s disease is higher (12% vs. 1% in adults. Authors presented EULAR recommendations (2008 on the treatment of Behcet’s disease. The peculiarities of treatment of Behcet’s disease are described.Key words: children, Behcet’s disease, aphthous stomatitis, ulcers of genitalia, uveitis, HLA-B5.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2009;8(6:64-70

  17. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: The Emerging Burden in Cardiometabolic and Renal Diseases. (United States)

    Han, Eugene; Lee, Yong Ho


    As the number of individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased, the influence of NAFLD on other metabolic diseases has been highlighted. Accumulating epidemiologic evidence indicates that NAFLD not only affects the liver but also increases the risk of extra-hepatic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases, and chronic kidney disease. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, an advanced type of NAFLD, can aggravate these inter-organ relationships and lead to poorer outcomes. NAFLD induces insulin resistance and exacerbates systemic chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which leads to organ dysfunction in extra-hepatic tissues. Although more research is needed to identify the pathophysiological mechanisms and causal relationship between NAFLD and cardiometabolic and renal diseases, screening for heart, brain, and kidney diseases, risk assessment for diabetes, and a multidisciplinary approach for managing these patients should be highly encouraged. Copyright © 2017 Korean Diabetes Association.

  18. Disease Recording Systems and Herd Health Schemes for Production Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Østerås O


    Full Text Available Disease recording of cattle is compulsory in Sweden and Norway. Sweden and Denmark also have mandatory disease recording for swine, whereas Finland and Norway only have compulsory recording of infectious diseases. Both compulsory and voluntary systems are databased, the first ones developed in the 1970's. Disease recording at pig slaughtering is somewhat older. The veterinary practitioner, and often also the farmer, can report treated cases as well as fertility disturbances to the systems. Disease recording at slaughter is carried out by veterinarians and inspection officers. The databases are handled by the veterinary authorities or the agricultural organisations in each country. Costs are defrayed by the authorities and/or the agricultural industry. The farmers receive periodic reports. Data are stored for three to ten years, often longer. Affiliation to animal health schemes for cattle or swine is voluntary. In Sweden and Denmark (cattle they are run within the scope of government regulations. Affiliation to animal health programmes may also be demanded by organisations within the agricultural industry. These organisations are also responsible for the administration of the programmes. Costs to take part in herd health schemes are covered by the farmers themselves. In certain cases, grants are received from agricultural organisations, authorities, or the European Union. Recording of diseases and the format of animal health schemes in the Nordic countries are described here in order to illustrate the possibilities to compare data between countries.

  19. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Otros Trastornos que Tienen Síntomas Similares? How Does Speech Therapy Help Parkinson's ... Disease? Are There Disorders That Have Similar Symptoms? How Does Parkinson's Disease ...

  20. Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases (United States)

    ... Health Topics Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Arthritis is often used to refer to any ... primary immunodeficiency syndrome March 11, 2013 Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease News Research Brief | January 9, 2017 Tofacitinib Shows ...

  1. Autoimmune liver disease panel (United States)

    Liver disease test panel - autoimmune ... Autoimmune disorders are a possible cause of liver disease. The most common of these diseases are autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis (formerly called primary biliary cirrhosis). This group of tests ...

  2. Heart Diseases and Disorders (United States)

    ... Resources Heart Diseases & Disorders Back to Patient Resources Heart Diseases & Disorders Millions of people experience irregular or abnormal ... harmless and happen in healthy people free of heart disease. However, some abnormal heart rhythms can be serious ...

  3. Comparing Clinical Profiles in Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease Dementia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin R. Farlow


    Full Text Available Background: Greater understanding of differences in baseline impairment and disease progression in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD may improve the interpretation of drug effects and the design of future studies. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of three randomized, double-blind rivastigmine databases (one in PDD, two in AD. Impairment on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog, Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL scale, 10-item Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-10 and the ADCS-Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC was compared [standardized difference (Cohen's d, similar if Results: Patients with AD or PDD had similar levels of impairment on the ADAS-cog and NPI-10. Scores on the ADCS-ADL scale (standardized difference = 0.47 and the ADAS-cog memory domain (total, 0.33; items, 0.10-0.58 were higher in AD; PDD patients were more impaired in the language (0.23 and praxis (0.34 domains. AD patients receiving placebo showed greater deterioration on the ADAS-cog (0.14 and improvement on the NPI-10 (0.11 compared with patients with PDD. Conclusion: Differing patterns of impairment occur in AD and PDD.

  4. Comparing clinical profiles in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia. (United States)

    Farlow, Martin R; Schmitt, Frederick; Aarsland, Dag; Grossberg, George T; Somogyi, Monique; Meng, Xiangyi


    Greater understanding of differences in baseline impairment and disease progression in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) may improve the interpretation of drug effects and the design of future studies. This was a retrospective analysis of three randomized, double-blind rivastigmine databases (one in PDD, two in AD). Impairment on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog), Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL) scale, 10-item Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-10) and the ADCS-Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC) was compared [standardized difference (Cohen's d), similar if <0.1]. Patients with AD or PDD had similar levels of impairment on the ADAS-cog and NPI-10. Scores on the ADCS-ADL scale (standardized difference = 0.47) and the ADAS-cog memory domain (total, 0.33; items, 0.10-0.58) were higher in AD; PDD patients were more impaired in the language (0.23) and praxis (0.34) domains. AD patients receiving placebo showed greater deterioration on the ADAS-cog (0.14) and improvement on the NPI-10 (0.11) compared with patients with PDD. Differing patterns of impairment occur in AD and PDD.

  5. Perceptions of young adults with sickle cell disease concerning their disease experience. (United States)

    Matthie, Nadine; Hamilton, Jill; Wells, Diana; Jenerette, Coretta


    To describe the perceptions of young adults with sickle cell disease concerning their disease experience. Sickle cell disease is a lifelong, genetic condition with both acute and chronic painful exacerbations. Little is known of the experiences of young adults with sickle cell disease. This study used a qualitative, descriptive design with semi-structured, life review interviews. Between August 2010-September 2012, purposive sampling was used to recruit participants with a known sickle cell disease diagnosis who were ages 18-35 years, were being seen in an outpatient sickle cell clinic and were English speaking. Participants provided demographic information and responded to two interviews. A content analysis was then used to interpret participants' narratives of their experiences of living with sickle cell disease. A sample of 29 young adults with sickle cell disease consisted of 79·3% females, 35·6% employed full-time or part-time, 71·6% single/never married and 57·8% with sickle cell anaemia. Their mean age was 25·8 with 13·2 years of education. Four major interview themes were identified: (1) struggles to maintain or achieve good quality of life or life satisfactions; (2) strategies to maintain self-care; (3) interruptions to family, work and social roles; and (4) difficulties accessing needed health care. Young adults face many challenges while living with sickle cell disease. With a better understanding of their disease experience and how it influences their quality of life, researchers can begin tailoring appropriate interventions to improve health outcomes in this vulnerable, minority population. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Surgical management of colonic diverticular disease: discrepancy between right- and left-sided diseases. (United States)

    Oh, Heung-Kwon; Han, Eon Chul; Ha, Heon-Kyun; Choe, Eun Kyung; Moon, Sang Hui; Ryoo, Seung-Bum; Jeong, Seung-Yong; Park, Kyu Joo


    To compare the outcome of the surgical management of left-sided and right-sided diverticular disease. The medical records of 77 patients who were surgically treated for diverticular disease between 1999 and 2010 in a tertiary referral hospital were retrospectively reviewed. The study population was limited to cases wherein the surgical specimen was confirmed as diverticulosis by pathology. Right-sided diverticula were classified as those arising from the cecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon, and those from the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum were classified as left-sided diverticulosis. To assess the changing trend of occurrence of diverticulosis, data were compared with two previous studies of 51 patients. The proportion of left-sided disease cases was significantly increased compared to the results of our previous studies in 1994 and 2001, (27.5% vs 48.1%, P disease. However, patients with right-sided disease were significantly younger (50.9 year vs 64.0 year, P disease was significantly associated with a higher incidence of complicated diverticulitis (89.2% vs 57.5%, P diverticular disease, the incidence of left-sided disease in Korea has increased since 2001 and is associated with worse surgical outcomes.

  7. Rivastigmine in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia: an ADAS-cog factor analysis. (United States)

    Weintraub, Daniel; Somogyi, Monique; Meng, Xiangyi


    Rivastigmine treatment is associated with significant improvements on the cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog) in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). Both AD and PDD are purported to have different profiles of cognitive impairment, which may respond differentially to rivastigmine treatment. This was a retrospective analysis of 3 randomized, double-blind, rivastigmine trial databases (Investigation of transDermal Exelon in ALzheimer's disease [IDEAL; AD], EXelon in PaRkinson's disEaSe dementia Study [EXPRESS; PDD], and Alzheimer's Disease with ENA 713 [ADENA; AD]). Factor analyses of the 11 baseline ADAS-cog items derived the same factors in the 2 diseases, that is, "memory" and "language". Rivastigmine-treated AD and PDD patients showed significant improvements (P < .0001 versus placebo) on both factors. For both AD and PDD, rivastigmine had a numerically greater effect on memory than language. Treatment effect sizes were numerically greater in PDD compared with AD. Rivastigmine treatment is associated with improvement in memory and language in AD and PDD. The numerically greater response in PDD is consistent with greater cholinergic deficits in this disease state.

  8. Association of age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease with cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Rastogi, Neelesh; Smith, R Theodore


    Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of adult blindness in the developed world. Thus, major endeavors to understand the risk factors and pathogenesis of this disease have been undertaken. Reticular macular disease is a proposed subtype of age-related macular degeneration correlating histologically with subretinal drusenoid deposits located between the retinal pigment epithelium and the inner segment ellipsoid zone. Reticular lesions are more prevalent in females and in older age groups and are associated with a higher mortality rate. Risk factors for developing age-related macular degeneration include hypertension, smoking, and angina. Several genes related to increased risk for age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease are also associated with cardiovascular disease. Better understanding of the clinical and genetic risk factors for age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease has led to the hypothesis that these eye diseases are systemic. A systemic origin may help to explain why reticular disease is diagnosed more frequently in females as males suffer cardiovascular mortality at an earlier age, before the age of diagnosis of reticular macular disease and age-related macular degeneration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Myonecrosis of Behcet's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stubbs, Alana Y.; Taljanovic, Mihra S.; Massey, Brandon Z.; Graham, Anna R.; Friend, Christopher J.; Walsh, Joshua A.


    Behcet's disease is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause characterized by intermittent episodes of acute inflammation manifested by oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, uveitis, and skin lesions. We report a rare case of myonecrosis associated with Behcet's disease. Myonecrosis of Behcet's disease can mimic soft tissue abscess and therefore awareness of this entity in the appropriate clinical setting is important for initiation of appropriate and timely treatment. (orig.)

  10. Connected speech as a marker of disease progression in autopsy-proven Alzheimer’s disease (United States)

    Ahmed, Samrah; Haigh, Anne-Marie F.; de Jager, Celeste A.


    Although an insidious history of episodic memory difficulty is a typical presenting symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, detailed neuropsychological profiling frequently demonstrates deficits in other cognitive domains, including language. Previous studies from our group have shown that language changes may be reflected in connected speech production in the earliest stages of typical Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of the present study was to identify features of connected speech that could be used to examine longitudinal profiles of impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. Samples of connected speech were obtained from 15 former participants in a longitudinal cohort study of ageing and dementia, in whom Alzheimer’s disease was diagnosed during life and confirmed at post-mortem. All patients met clinical and neuropsychological criteria for mild cognitive impairment between 6 and 18 months before converting to a status of probable Alzheimer’s disease. In a subset of these patients neuropsychological data were available, both at the point of conversion to Alzheimer’s disease, and after disease severity had progressed from the mild to moderate stage. Connected speech samples from these patients were examined at later disease stages. Spoken language samples were obtained using the Cookie Theft picture description task. Samples were analysed using measures of syntactic complexity, lexical content, speech production, fluency and semantic content. Individual case analysis revealed that subtle changes in language were evident during the prodromal stages of Alzheimer’s disease, with two-thirds of patients with mild cognitive impairment showing significant but heterogeneous changes in connected speech. However, impairments at the mild cognitive impairment stage did not necessarily entail deficits at mild or moderate stages of disease, suggesting non-language influences on some aspects of performance. Subsequent examination of these measures revealed significant linear trends

  11. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and vascular disease: State-of-the-art (United States)

    Fargion, Silvia; Porzio, Marianna; Fracanzani, Anna Ludovica


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most common of chronic liver disease in Western Country, is closely related to insulin resistance and oxidative stress and includes a wide spectrum of liver diseases ranging from steatosis alone, usually a benign and non-progressive condition, to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which may progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. NAFLD is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome with which shares several characteristics, however recent data suggest that NAFLD is linked to increased cardiovascular risk independently of the broad spectrum of risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Accumulating evidence suggests that the clinical burden of NAFLD is not restricted to liver-related morbidity and mortality, with the majority of deaths in NAFLD patients related to cardiovascular disease and cancer and not to the progression of liver disease. Retrospective and prospective studies provide evidence of a strong association between NAFLD and subclinical manifestation of atherosclerosis (increased intima-media thickness, endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, impaired left ventricular function and coronary calcification). A general agreement emerging from these studies indicates that patients with NASH are at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases than those with simple steatosis, emphasizing the role of chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis of these patients. It is very likely that the different mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in patients with NAFLD have a different relevance in the patients according to individual genetic background. In conclusion, in the presence of NAFLD patients should undergo a complete cardiovascular evaluation to prevent future atherosclerotic complications. Specific life-style modification and aggressive pharmaceutical modification will not only reduce the progression of liver disease, but also reduce morbidity for cardiovascular

  12. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis What Are Some Strategies for Problems with Urination? CareMAP: Changes Around the ...

  13. Valvular heart disease


    Gelson, E; Gatzoulis, M; Johnson, M


    Valvular disease may be unmasked in pregnancy when physiological changes increase demands on the heart. Women with valvular heart disease require close follow-up during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum

  14. "Diseases and natural kinds". (United States)

    Sulmasy, Daniel P


    David Thomasma called for the development of a medical ethics based squarely on the philosophy of medicine. He recognized, however, that widespread anti-essentialism presented a significant barrier to such an approach. The aim of this article is to introduce a theory that challenges these anti-essentialist objections. The notion of natural kinds presents a modest form of essentialism that can serve as the basis for a foundationalist philosophy of medicine. The notion of a natural kind is neither static nor reductionistic. Disease can be understood as making necessary reference to living natural kinds without invoking the claim that diseases themselves are natural kinds. The idea that natural kinds have a natural disposition to flourish as the kinds of things that they are provides a telos to which to tether the notion of disease - an objective telos that is broader than mere survival and narrower than subjective choice. It is argued that while nosology is descriptive and may have therapeutic implications, disease classification is fundamentally explanatory. Sickness and illness, while referring to the same state of affairs, can be distinguished from disease phenomenologically. Scientific and diagnostic fallibility in making judgments about diseases do not diminish the objectivity of this notion of disease. Diseases are things, not kinds. Injury is a concept parallel to disease that also makes necessary reference to living natural kinds. These ideas provide a new possibility for the development of a philosophy of medicine with implications for medical ethics.

  15. Disease mongering in neurological disorders


    Kochen, Sara Silvia; Córdoba, Marta


    Diseases mongering”, than a simple definition would be enforced "to promote or sell disease". The main and common characteristhics of all these "diseases" is that they are amenable to treatment with drugs. So, the pharmaceutical industry redefining the concept of disease, the normal and pathological. In Neurology exploits the deepest atavistic fears of suffering and death. We select some diseases, the choise was based on lack or weak evidence in definition of disease; or cost benefit of trea...

  16. Genetic epidemiology of Scheuermann's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damborg, Frank; Engell, Vilhelm; Nielsen, Jan


    The genetic/environmental etiology of Scheuermann's disease is unclear. We estimated the heritability of the disease using an etiological model adjusted for sex and time of diagnosis, and examined whether the prevalence of Scheuermann's disease was constant over time.......The genetic/environmental etiology of Scheuermann's disease is unclear. We estimated the heritability of the disease using an etiological model adjusted for sex and time of diagnosis, and examined whether the prevalence of Scheuermann's disease was constant over time....

  17. Shared genetics in coeliac disease and other immune-mediated diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Coutinho de Almeida, R.; Wijmenga, C.

    Gutierrez-Achury J, Coutinho de Almeida R, Wijmenga C (University Medical Centre Groningen and University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; University of Brasilia School of Health Sciences, Brasilia, DF, Brazil). Shared genetics in coeliac disease and other immune-mediated diseases

  18. Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool for Disease (CAMDT-Disease) for seasonal climate forecast-based crop disease risk management in agriculture (United States)

    Kim, K. H.; Lee, S.; Han, E.; Ines, A. V. M.


    Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool (CAMDT) is a decision support system (DSS) tool that aims to facilitate translations of probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts (SCF) to crop responses such as yield and water stress. Since CAMDT is a software framework connecting different models and algorithms with SCF information, it can be easily customized for different types of agriculture models. In this study, we replaced the DSSAT-CSM-Rice model originally incorporated in CAMDT with a generic epidemiological model, EPIRICE, to generate a seasonal pest outlook. The resulting CAMDT-Disease generates potential risks for selected fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases of rice over the next months by translating SCFs into agriculturally-relevant risk information. The integrated modeling procedure of CAMDT-Disease first disaggregates a given SCF using temporal downscaling methods (predictWTD or FResampler1), runs EPIRICE with the downscaled weather inputs, and finally visualizes the EPIRICE outputs as disease risk compared to that of the previous year and the 30-year-climatological average. In addition, the easy-to-use graphical user interface adopted from CAMDT allows users to simulate "what-if" scenarios of disease risks over different planting dates with given SCFs. Our future work includes the simulation of the effect of crop disease on yields through the disease simulation models with the DSSAT-CSM-Rice model, as disease remains one of the most critical yield-reducing factors in the field.

  19. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and Apathy in Parkinson's Disease Nurse Webinars: Interdisciplinary Education on Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Getting Around: Transportation and Travel with PD Expert Briefings: Sleep and Parkinson's Nurse: ...

  20. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... this disease. Learn more In your area About Shop A A ... Webinars: Nursing Solutions: Improving Caregiver Strain through Science and Model Interventions Expert Briefings: Parkinson's Disease Psychosis: ...

  1. [Male breast diseases]. (United States)

    Firmin-Lefebvre, D; Misery, L


    Because andrology is relatively undeveloped in France, the dermatologist is often the doctor first consulted for diseases of the nipple in men. All dermatological diseases can in fact occur at this site. There are some specific nipple diseases such as gynaecomastia, congenital abnormalities, hyperplasia, benign tumours and breast cancer. All clinical examinations and laboratory examinations should focus on diagnosis of this type of cancer and its elimination. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Heart Disease in Women (United States)

    ... United States, 1 in 4 women dies from heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease in both men and women is narrowing ... the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. This is called coronary artery disease, and ...

  3. Tay-Sachs Disease (United States)

    ... better understanding of how neurological deficits arise in lipid storage diseases and on the development of new treatments targeting disease mechanisms. Specific research on the gangliodisoses including expanding the use of ...

  4. Wildlife disease and risk perception. (United States)

    Hanisch-Kirkbride, Shauna L; Riley, Shawn J; Gore, Meredith L


    Risk perception has an important influence on wildlife management and is particularly relevant to issues that present health risks, such as those associated with wildlife disease management. Knowledge of risk perceptions is useful to wildlife health professionals in developing communication messages that enhance public understanding of wildlife disease risks and that aim to increase public support for disease management. To promote knowledge of public understanding of disease risks in the context of wildlife disease management, we used a self-administered questionnaire mailed to a stratified random sample (n = 901) across the continental United States to accomplish three objectives: 1) assess zoonotic disease risk perceptions; 2) identify sociodemographic and social psychologic factors underlying these risk perceptions; and 3) examine the relationship between risk perception and agreement with wildlife disease management practices. Diseases we assessed in the surveys were rabies, plague, and West Nile virus. Risk perception, as measured by an index consisting of severity, susceptibility, and dread, was greatest for rabies and West Nile virus disease (x = 2.62 and 2.59, respectively, on a scale of 1 to 4 and least for plague (x = 2.39). The four most important variables associated with disease risk perception were gender, education, prior exposure to the disease, and concern for health effects. We found that stronger risk perception was associated with greater agreement with wildlife disease management. We found particular concern for the vulnerability of wildlife to zoonotic disease and for protection of wildlife health, indicating that stakeholders may be receptive to messages emphasizing the potential harm to wildlife from disease and to messages promoting One Health (i.e., those that emphasize the interdependence of human, domestic animal, wildlife, and ecosystem health).

  5. Beyond disease susceptibility-Leveraging genome-wide association studies for new insights into complex disease biology. (United States)

    Lee, J C


    Genetic studies in complex diseases have been highly successful, but have also been largely one-dimensional: predominantly focusing on the genetic contribution to disease susceptibility. While this is undoubtedly important-indeed it is a pre-requisite for understanding the mechanisms underlying disease development-there are many other important aspects of disease biology that have received comparatively little attention. In this review, I will discuss how existing genetic data can be leveraged to provide new insights into other aspects of disease biology, why such insights could change the way we think about complex disease, and how this could provide opportunities for better therapies and/or facilitate personalised medicine. To do this, I will use the example of Crohn's disease-a chronic form of inflammatory bowel disease that has been one of the main success stories in complex disease genetics. Indeed, thanks to genetic studies, we now have a much more detailed understanding of the processes involved in Crohn's disease development, but still know relatively little about what determines the subsequent disease course (prognosis) and why this differs so considerably between individuals. I will discuss how we came to realise that genetic variation plays an important role in determining disease prognosis and how this has changed the way we think about Crohn's disease genetics. This will illustrate how phenotypic data can be used to leverage new insights from genetic data and will provide a broadly applicable framework that could yield new insights into the biology of multiple diseases. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Mapping Disease Data: A Usability Test of an Internet-Based System of Disease Status Disclosure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gareth Enticott


    Full Text Available Disease maps are important tools in the management of disease. By communicating risk, disease maps can help raise awareness of disease and encourage farmers and veterinarians to employ best practice to eliminate the spread of disease. However, despite the importance of disease maps in communicating risk and the existence of various online disease maps, there are few studies that explicitly examine their usability. Where disease maps are complicated to use, it seems that they are unlikely to be used effectively. The paper outlines an attempt to create an open access, online, searchable map of incidents of bovine tuberculosis in England and Wales, and analyzes its usability among veterinarians. The paper describes the process of creating the map before describing the results of a series of usability trials. Results show the map to score highly on different measures of usability. However, the trials also revealed a number of social and technical limitations and challenges facing the use of online disease maps, including reputational dangers, role confusion, data accuracy, and data representation. The paper considers the challenges facing disease maps and their potential role in designing new methodologies to evaluate the effectiveness of disease prevention initiatives.

  7. Genetics Home Reference: Alzheimer disease (United States)

    ... Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Alzheimer disease Alzheimer disease Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Alzheimer disease is a degenerative disease of the brain ...

  8. Thoracic complications of rheumatoid disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massey, H.; Darby, M.; Edey, A.


    Rheumatoid arthritis is a relatively common multisystem disease associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Thoracic disease, both pleural and pulmonary, is a frequent extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis and responsible for approximately 20% of rheumatoid-associated mortality. Rheumatoid disease and its associated therapies can affect all compartments of the lung inciting a range of stereotyped pathological responses and it is not infrequent for multiple disease entities to co-exist. In some instances, development of pulmonary complications may precede typical rheumatological presentation of the disease and be the first indication of an underlying connective tissue disease. The spectrum of thoracic disease related to rheumatoid arthritis is reviewed

  9. Educational inequality in cardiovascular diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Grethe; Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Mortensen, Laust Hvas


    AIMS: Educational inequality in diseases in the circulatory system (here termed cardiovascular disease) is well documented but may be confounded by early life factors. The aim of this observational study was to examine whether the associations between education and all cardiovascular diseases...... educational status was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease and stroke. All associations attenuated in the within-sibship analyses, in particular in the analyses on ischaemic heart disease before age 45 years. For instance, in the cohort analyses, the hazard rate...... factors shared by siblings explained the associations between education and the cardiovascular disease outcomes but to varying degrees. This should be taken into account when planning interventions aimed at reducing educational inequalities in the development of cardiovascular disease, ischaemic heart...

  10. Biomarkers in inflammatory bowel diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bennike, Tue; Birkelund, Svend; Stensballe, Allan


    Unambiguous diagnosis of the two main forms of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), represents a challenge in the early stages of the diseases. The diagnosis may be established several years after the debut of symptoms. Hence, protein biomarkers...... for early and accurate diagnostic could help clinicians improve treatment of the individual patients. Moreover, the biomarkers could aid physicians to predict disease courses and in this way, identify patients in need of intensive treatment. Patients with low risk of disease flares may avoid treatment...... with medications with the concomitant risk of adverse events. In addition, identification of disease and course specific biomarker profiles can be used to identify biological pathways involved in the disease development and treatment. Knowledge of disease mechanisms in general can lead to improved future...

  11. Genetic Disease Foundation (United States)

    ... has used its fundraising efforts to help further research programs at Mount Sinai. Spotlight: Gaucher Gaucher Disease is the most common of the lipid storage diseases. Learn about its symptoms, how it ...

  12. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for PD Patients? Are There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis What Are Some Strategies ...

  13. Misdiagnosis of Addison's disease in a patient with end-stage renal disease. (United States)

    Kocyigit, Ismail; Unal, Aydin; Tanriverdi, Fatih; Hayri Sipahioglu, Murat; Tokgoz, Bulent; Oymak, Oktay; Utas, Cengiz


    Addison's disease is a rare disorder in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In patients, the diagnosis of Addison's disease is difficult in clinical practice because most of the clinical findings of this disease are similar to those of the renal failure. We present a 51-year-old male patient, who underwent hemodialysis therapy for 8 years, diagnosed with Addison's disease after having myalgia, skin hyperpigmentation, weight loss, sweating, and nausea for the past few weeks. The physical examination was completely normal except for muscle weakness, hyperpigmentation on labial mucosa and skin in a patient. The laboratory tests revealed anemia and hypoglycemia. Serum cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels, and ACTH stimulation test results were consistent with Addison's disease. Adrenal computerized tomography revealed bilateral atrophic glands. Additionally, it was found that elevated serum thyroid stimulating hormone levels and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titer were positive. Our purpose is to emphasize that physicians should be alert to the potential for additional different conditions particularly in terms of adrenal failure in patients with ESRD.

  14. [Liver involvement in coeliac disease]. (United States)

    Riestra, S; Fernández, E; Rodrigo, L


    Coeliac disease is a gluten-sensitive enteropathy in which, genetic, immunologic and environmental factors are implied. Several extradigestive diseases have been described in association with coeliac disease, which share most of the times an immunologic mechanism. The liver is damaged in coeliac disease, and it has been considered by some authors as an extraintestinal manifestation of the disease. In the present revision we discuss the different hepatic diseases related with the coeliac disease, as well as the best approach to diagnosis and therapy of choice. At diagnosis, it is very frequent to find an asymptomatic hipertransaminasemia, which frequently disappears after gluten suppression; the morphological substratum found in this alteration is a non-specific reactive hepatitis in the majority of cases. Coeliac disease is a demonstrated cause of cryptogenic hipertransaminasemia. In a small percentage of patient with coeliac disease an association has been found with other immunological liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis. Few studies exist that include a large number of patient, and the results on occasions are discordant. Nevertheless, the strongest association is with autoimmune hepatitis and with primary biliary cirrhosis. Several communications of isolated cases of rare hepatic diseases, which probably, only reflect a fortuitous association, have been cited in the literature.

  15. [How to define Alzheimer's disease]. (United States)

    Poncet, Michel


    Alzheimer's disease, which was considered to be a rare disease in subjects aged under 65 until the seventies/eighties, has become a very common disease affecting mostly older subjects. Many consider that it is important to review the meaning of the eponym "Alzheimer's disease", and a revolution, quite literally, is likely to occur. The role of vascular lesions in the onset of dementias among older subjects is widely acknowledged; considering those dementias as Alzheimer's disease may have negative consequences for patient management. Indeed, vascular lesions can be prevented and treated, while Alzheimer's lesions cannot. It may be justified to use "Alzheimer syndrome" instead of "Alzheimer's disease" when vascular risk factors and, all the more so, vascular lesions are present. Significant progress has been made in the understanding of the pathological proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease, as well as their effects on neurons and synapses. However, the etiology of the disease is still unknown, except in the rare hereditary cases, and there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease at present. Clinical research is progressing, and diagnostic criteria for the pre-dementia stage of Alzheimer's disease were suggested. In France, the outstanding Alzheimer plan 2008-2012 should play an important role in enhancing the understanding of Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's syndromes and related disorders.

  16. Symptoms of Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... tested for celiac disease and if negative the test should be repeated on a periodic basis. These conditions include insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (requiring insulin therapy), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Turner’s syndrome, Williams syndrome, Graves disease and Sjogren’s disease. what turns ...

  17. At Risk for Kidney Disease? (United States)

    ... Heart Disease Mineral & Bone Disorder Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most ... blood vessels in your kidneys. Other causes of kidney disease Other causes of kidney disease include a genetic ...

  18. Heart Disease in Hispanic Women (United States)

    ... Heart Disease in Women Heart Disease in Hispanic Women “I thought it couldn’t be true,” says ... disease is their No. 1 killer. Why Hispanic women? While heart disease doesn’t discriminate, you could ...

  19. Illegal Drugs and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Illegal Drugs and Heart Disease Updated:May 3,2018 Most illegal drugs can ... Alcohol and Heart Disease Caffeine and Heart Disease Tobacco and Heart Disease ...

  20. Clinical epidemiology and disease burden of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (United States)

    Perumpail, Brandon J; Khan, Muhammad Ali; Yoo, Eric R; Cholankeril, George; Kim, Donghee; Ahmed, Aijaz


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined as the presence of hepatic fat accumulation after the exclusion of other causes of hepatic steatosis, including other causes of liver disease, excessive alcohol consumption, and other conditions that may lead to hepatic steatosis. NAFLD encompasses a broad clinical spectrum ranging from nonalcoholic fatty liver to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), advanced fibrosis, cirrhosis, and finally hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). NAFLD is the most common liver disease in the world and NASH may soon become the most common indication for liver transplantation. Ongoing persistence of obesity with increasing rate of diabetes will increase the prevalence of NAFLD, and as this population ages, many will develop cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease. There has been a general increase in the prevalence of NAFLD, with Asia leading the rise, yet the United States is following closely behind with a rising prevalence from 15% in 2005 to 25% within 5 years. NAFLD is commonly associated with metabolic comorbidities, including obesity, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome. Our understanding of the pathophysiology of NAFLD is constantly evolving. Based on NAFLD subtypes, it has the potential to progress into advanced fibrosis, end-stage liver disease and HCC. The increasing prevalence of NAFLD with advanced fibrosis, is concerning because patients appear to experience higher liver-related and non-liver-related mortality than the general population. The increased morbidity and mortality, healthcare costs and declining health related quality of life associated with NAFLD makes it a formidable disease, and one that requires more in-depth analysis. PMID:29307986

  1. Hypertensive heart disease (United States)

    ... page: // Hypertensive heart disease To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Hypertensive heart disease refers to heart problems that occur because of ...

  2. Kikuchi-fujimoto disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đokić Milomir


    Full Text Available Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KFD, also know as histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is a benign disorder characterized histologically by necrotic foci surrounded by histiocytic aggregates, and with the absence of neutrophils. KFD was recognized in Japan, where it was first described in 1972. The disease is most commonly affecting young women. The cause of the disease is unknown, and its exact pathogenesis has not yet been clarified. Many investigators have postulated viral etiology of KFD, connecting it with Epstein Barr virus, human herpes simplex virus 6 parvo B 19, but also with toxoplasmic infection. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease is usually manifested with lymphadenopathy and high fever, and is associated with lymphopenia splenomegaly, and hepatomegaly with abnormal liver function tests arthralgia, and weight loss. The disease has the tendency of spontaneous remission, with mean duration of three months. Single recurrent episodes of KFD have been reported with many years’ pauses between the episodes. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease may reflect systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, and self-limited SLE-like conditions. Final diagnosis could only be established on the basis of typical morphological changes in the lymph node, and lymph node biopsy is needed for establishing the diagnosis. Lymphadenopathy in a patient with fever of the unknown origin could provide a clue to the diagnosis of lymphoma, tuberculosis, metastatic carcinoma, toxoplasmosis and infectious mononucleosis. As KFD does not have any classical clinical features and laboratory characteristics, it may lead to diagnostic confusion and erroneous treatment. We described a case of KFD, and suggested that this disease should be considered as a possible cause of fever of the unknown origin with lymphadenopathy.

  3. Rheumatic Disease Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Liver Diseases. (United States)

    Utiyama, Shirley R R; Zenatti, Katiane B; Nóbrega, Heloisa A J; Soares, Juliana Z C; Skare, Thelma L; Matsubara, Caroline; Muzzilo, Dominique A; Nisihara, Renato M


    Autoimmune liver diseases (ALDs) are known to be associated with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs) and their autoantibodies. We aimed to study the prevalence of SARDs and related autoantibodies, as well as their prognostic implications in a group of patients with ALDs. This was a cross-sectional study. Sixty patients with ALDs (38.3% with autoimmune hepatitis; 11.7% with primary biliary cirrhosis; 25% with primary sclerosing cholangitis and 25% with overlap syndrome) were studied for the presence of SARDs and their autoantibodies. There was autoimmune rheumatic disease in 20% of the studied sample. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were the commonest (11.6% and 5%, respectively). Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) were present in 35% of the patients, followed by anti-Ro (20.0%); anti-nucleosome (18.3%); rheumatoid factor (10%) anti-CCP (8.3%); anti-RNP (8.3%); anti-ds-DNA (6.6%); anti-La (3.3%); anti-Sm (3.3%), anti-ribosomal P (3.3%). Anti-Ro (p = 0.0004), anti-La (p = 0.03), anti-RNP (p = 0.04) and anti-Sm (p = 0.03) were commonly found in patients with SARD, but not anti-DNA, anti-nucleosome and anti-ribosomal P. No differences were found in liver function tests regarding to the presence of autoantibodies. There was a high prevalence of SARD and their autoantibodies in ALD patients. Anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP and anti-Sm positivity points to an association with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The presence of autoantibodies was not related to liver function tests.

  4. Mad Cow Disease (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Mad Cow Disease KidsHealth / For Parents / Mad Cow Disease What's ... Is Being Done About It Print About Mad Cow Disease Mad cow disease has been in the ...

  5. Membrane microparticles and diseases. (United States)

    Wu, Z-H; Ji, C-L; Li, H; Qiu, G-X; Gao, C-J; Weng, X-S


    Membrane microparticles (MPs) are plasma membrane-derived vesicles shed by various types of activated or apoptotic cells including platelets, monocytes, endothelial cells, red blood cells, and granulocytes. MPs are being increasingly recognized as important regulators of cell-to-cell interactions. Recent evidences suggest they may play important functions not only in homeostasis but also in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases such as vascular diseases, cancer, infectious diseases and diabetes mellitus. Accordingly, inhibiting the production of MPs may serve as a novel therapeutic strategy for these diseases. Here we review recent advances on the mechanism underlying the generation of MPs and the role of MPs in vascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and pathogen infection.

  6. Cardiovascular disease in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis in a developing country

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila S. V. Silva


    Full Text Available Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death among patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD. The present study was undertaken to identify the main cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in 160 patients with ESRD on hemodialysis (HD in Brazil. Their mean age was 47 ± 39 years. The main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases were arterial hypertension (89.4%, dyslipidemia (78.3%, low high-density lipoprotein levels (84.2% and low physical activity (64.1%. Family history of coronary insufficiency and high low-density lipoprotein levels were significantly associated with coronary artery disease (P = 0.005 and P = 0.029, respectively. Sedentary life style, diabetes mellitus, secondary hyperparathyroidism and hyperglycemia also showed a significant association with the underlying vascular disease (P = 0.017, P = 0.039, P = 0.037 and P = 0.030, respectively. Hypercalcemia, hypertension and black race were factors significantly associated with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (P = 0.01, P = 0.0013 and P = 0.024, respectively. Our study shows that the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases in patients with ESRD were left ventricular hypertrophy, atherosclerotic disease, valvular disease and coronary artery disease. Hypertension and dyslipidemia were the common risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases. The present study was undertaken to identify the main cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in 160 patients with ESRD on HD in a single center in Brazil.

  7. Lyme Disease (For Kids) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Lyme Disease KidsHealth / For Kids / Lyme Disease What's in this article? Ticks Want to Suck ... and summer, you might hear about something called Lyme disease. It has nothing to do with limes, but ...

  8. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Patients with Parkinson's Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis CareMAP: Movimientos y Caídas, Parte 2 What Are Some Strategies for Problems with Urination? Caregiver ...

  9. Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) Credit: NIAID Some classic histopathologic changes ... as Mycobacterium leprae . Why Is the Study of Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) a Priority for NIAID? At the ...

  10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease and non-digestive tract diseases. (United States)

    Chen, Ying


    Over the past decade, incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) showed an increasing trend resulting from factors, including lifestyle and dietary habits; however, both etiology and pathological mechanisms remain controversial. GERD occurs as a result of a variety of mechanisms and there is no single factor. Symptoms of GERD are often non-typical, with a likelihood of being overlooked by non-gastroenterology professionals. Therefore, improving GERD awareness in non-gastroenterology practitioners, along with early diagnosis and treatment, provide potential benefit to clinicians and patients alike. Increasing evidence suggests GERD has specific connections with a variety of non-digestive tract conditions, may contribute an aggravating compounding effect on other diseases, prolong hospitalization, and increase subsequent medical costs. This review considers and emphasizes the association between GERD and non-digestive tract conditions, including atrial fibrillation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, primary pulmonary fibrosis and energy metabolism related to diet.

  11. Lyme Disease in West Virginia: An Assessment of Distribution and Clinicians' Knowledge of Disease and Surveillance. (United States)

    Singh, Sarah; Parker, David; Mark-Carew, Miguella; White, Robert; Fisher, Melanie


    Lyme disease case misclassification, a top public health concern, may be attributed to the current disconnect between clinical diagnosis and surveillance. This study examines Lyme disease distribution in West Virginia (WV) and determines clinicians' knowledge of both disease and surveillance. Lyme disease surveillance data for 2013 were obtained from the WV Bureau for Public Health. A validated survey, distributed to clinicians at an academic medical center, assessed clinicians' knowledge of disease diagnosis and surveillance. There were 297 adult Lyme disease cases of which 83 were confirmed. Clinician survey responses resulted in a correct response rate of 70% for Lyme disease knowledge questions. Fewer than half of all clinicians were aware of the surveillance criteria for confirming Lyme disease cases. Neither medical specialty nor previous treatment of patients with Lyme disease were significantly associated with clinicians' knowledge of the disease. Clinicians in WV are familiar with symptoms and clinical management of Lyme disease. However, they are less knowledgeable about diagnosis and public health surveillance comprising reporting and confirming cases of the disease. Clinicians and public health authorities should collaborate more closely to promote education and awareness as a key step to successfully reducing the burden of Lymne disease.

  12. Extrapyramidal disease

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    2010380 Evaluation non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and its influence on ability of daily living. WANG Rongfei(王荣飞),et al. Dept Neurol,1st Hosp,Guangzhou Med Coll,Guangzhou 510000. Chin J Neurol 2010;43(4):273-276. Objective To evaluate the non-motor symptoms (NMS) in Parkinson’s disease (PD),and its influence on ability of daily living (ADL) in PD

  13. Elm diseases (United States)

    John W. Peacock


    Dutch elm disease was found in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1930, and is now in most of the contiguous 48 states. The disease is caused by a fungus that has killed millions of wild and planted elms. Losses have been the greatest in the eastern United States. The fungus attacks all elms, but our native species, American, slippery, and rock elm have little or no resistance to the...

  14. Functional bowel disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rumessen, J J; Gudmand-Høyer, E


    Twenty-five patients with functional bowel disease were given fructose, sorbitol, fructose-sorbitol mixtures, and sucrose. The occurrence of malabsorption was evaluated by means of hydrogen breath tests and the gastrointestinal symptoms, if any, were recorded. One patient could not be evaluated...... because of lack of H2 production. Based on a cut-off level of 10 ppm rise of H2 concentration, malabsorption was apparent in 13 patients, in 7 of which the calculated absorption capacities were below 15 g. In contrast, in patients given 50 g of sucrose, malabsorption could not be detected. Ingestion...... with functional bowel disease. The findings may have direct influence on the dietary guidance given to a major group of patients with functional bowel disease and may make it possible to define separate entities in this disease complex....

  15. [Tick borne diseases]. (United States)

    Holzer, B R


    It is known for many years that tick-borne diseases have worldwide a high economical impact on farming industry and veterinary medicine. But only in the last twenty years the importance of such diseases were notified in human medicine by the medical community and the public with emerging of the tick borne encephalitis virus and the description of Borrelia burgdorferi. It is often forgotten that many other infectious agents as bacteria, virus, Rickettsia or protozoa can be transmitted by ticks. Such diseases are rarely diagnosed in Europe either they are overlooked and misdiagnosed or they are connected with special professional activities. The development of new regions for tourism with different out door activities (adventure trips, trekking, hunting) leads to an exposure to different tick borne diseases, which are often misdiagnosed.

  16. Diverticular disease: A therapeutic overview (United States)

    Tursi, Antonio


    Formation of colonic diverticula, via herniation of the colonic wall, is responsible for the development of diverticulosis. When diverticulosis becomes symptomatic, it becomes diverticular disease. Diverticular disease is common in Western and industrialized countries, and it is associated with numerous abdominal symptoms (including pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation). Standard medical therapies with antibiotics are currently recommended for patients affected by diverticular disease. However, changing concepts on the pathophysiology of the disease suggest that diverticular disease may share many of the hallmarks of inflammatory bowel diseases. On this basis, the addition of therapies using mesalazine and probiotics may enhance treatment efficacy by shortening the course of the disease and preventing recurrences. PMID:21577292

  17. Management of pilonidal disease. (United States)

    Kallis, Michelle P; Maloney, Caroline; Lipskar, Aaron M


    Pilonidal disease, and the treatment associated with it, can cause significant morbidity and substantial burden to patients' quality of life. Despite the plethora of surgical techniques that have been developed to treat pilonidal disease, discrepancies in technique, recurrence rates, complications, time to return to work/school and patients' aesthetic satisfaction between treatment options have led to controversy over the best approach to this common acquired disease of young adults. The management of pilonidal disease must strike a balance between recurrence and surgical morbidity. The commonly performed wide excision without closure has prolonged recovery, while flap closures speed recovery time and improve aesthetics at the expense of increased wound complications. Less invasive surgical techniques have recently evolved and are straightforward, with minimal morbidity and satisfactory results. As with any surgical intervention, the ideal treatment for pilonidal disease would be simple and cost-effective, cause minimal pain, have a limited hospital stay, low recurrence rate and require minimal time off from school or work. Less invasive procedures for pilonidal disease may be favourable as an initial approach for these patients reserving complex surgical treatment for refractory disease.

  18. Developmental orthopaedic diseases in foals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Şİrİn, Özlem; Alkan, Zeki


    Developmental Orthopaedic Diseases (DOD) is seen frequently in horses which completed their maturity. Osteochondrosis, physitis, angular limb deformities, flexural deformities, juvenil arthritis, cervical vertebral anomalies, cuboidal bone abnormalities are problems investigated under Developmental Orthopaedic Diseases title. This diseases can develop single or some together in fast growing, heavy animals (especially Arabian and English Thoroughbreds). Multifactorial causes of this diseases etiopathogenesis can be listed as genetic predisposition, trauma, nutrition, vitamins/minerals and endocrine disorders. But the exact causes of these diseases are not known. In this review detailed information are given about the diseases mentioned above

  19. Coronary heart disease mortality after irradiation for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boivin, J.F.; Hutchison, G.B.


    The authors conducted a study designed to evaluate the hypothesis that irradiation to the heart in the treatment for Hodgkin's disease (HD) is associated with increased coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality. This report describes 957 patients diagnosed with HD in 1942-75 and analyzes follow-up findings through December 1977. Twenty-five coronary heart disease deaths have been observed, and 4258.2 person-years of experience at risk have been accrued. The relative death rate (RDR), defined as the CHD mortality for heart-irradiated subjects divided by the mortality for nonirradiated subjects, was estimated. After adjustment for the effect of interval of observation, age, stage, and class, the RDR estimate is 1.5 but does not differ significantly from unit

  20. Parkinson's disease and anxiety


    Walsh, K; Bennett, G


    There has been a recent surge of interest in the subject of anxiety in patients with Parkinson's disease. Up to 40% of patients with Parkinson's disease experience clinically significant anxiety. This anxiety may be a psychological reaction to the stress of the illness or may be related to the neurochemical changes of the disease itself. Antiparkinsonian drugs may have a role in the pathogenesis of the anxiety. The anxiety disorders in Parkinson's disease patients appear to be clustered in th...