
Sample records for discussions anwendung molekularbiologischer

  1. Application of molecular biological methods in groundwater and drinking water analysis. Papers and discussions; Anwendung molekularbiologischer Verfahren in der Grund- und Trinkwasseranalytik. Textbeitraege und Diskussionsergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuhlmann, B.; Preuss, G. (eds.)


    Water management and water supply make demands on microbiology which so far were difficult to meet. However, new molecular-biological methods were developed by ecologically oriented scientists which open up new options in groundwater and freshwater analysis. [German] Aus dem Bereich der Wasserwirtschaft und -versorgung werden vermehrt Anforderungen und Fragen an die Mikrobiologie gestellt, die bisher aufgrund der eingeschraenkten methodischen Moeglichkeiten nur unzureichend beantwortet werden konnten. In unterschiedlichen, meist oekologisch orientierten Forschungsbereichen wurden jedoch neue, im Wesentlichen molekularbiologische Methoden entwickelt, die auch in Hinblick auf die mikrobiologische Untersuchung des Grund- und Trinkwassers neue Perspektiven eroeffneten. (orig.)

  2. Klare Regeln - effiziente und effektive FMEA-Anwendung


    Schloske, Alexander


    Der Vortrag beschreibt klare Regeln zur effizienten und effektiven FMEA-Anwendung. - Denkmodelle für die verschiedenen FMEA-Arten (System-FMEA, Konstruktions-FMEA, Prozess-FMEA) - Anwendungsbereiche und FMEA-Planung - Strukturierung von FMEAs - Funktionen, Produktmerkmale und Prozessmerkmale - Risikoanalyse - Maßnahmendefinition - Risikobewertung - Präsentation von FMEAs - FMEA als "lebendes Dokument".

  3. Hydrogen in motor car engineering. Production, storage, uses; Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik. Erzeugung, Speicherung, Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eichlseder, H.; Klell, M.


    The book presents a general outline of the various aspects of properties, production, storage and application of hydrogen at university level. The focus is on the thermodynamic aspects of hydrogen storage andon its applications in transportation and power supply. In particular, car engines and fuel cells are gone into, and the state of the art is outlined with reference to research projects of TU Graz university and HyCentA. Apart from the technical aspects, also the history and possible future trends are presented. [German] Dieses Buch bietet einen allgemeinen Ueberblick ueber die verschiedenen Aspekte von Eigenschaften, Erzeugung, Speicherung und Anwendung von Wasserstoff auf Hochschulniveau. Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Thermodynamik der Speicherung von Wasserstoff sowie auf der Anwendung in der Verkehrstechnik und in der Energietechnik. Speziell wird die Anwendung in der Verbrennungskraftmaschine und in der Brennstoffzelle behandelt, wobei mit Bezug auf Forschungsvorhaben an der TU Graz und dem HyCentA der aktuelle Stand der Technik fundiert dargestellt wird. Neben einer technischen Vertiefung werden auch die geschichtliche und die moegliche kuenftige Entwicklung angesprochen.

  4. Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer NMR-Methoden: Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern und Metabonomics


    Büchler, Silke


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern, sowie die Etablierung von Metabonomics-Studien an Flüssigzellkulturen und Reispflanzen.

  5. IFRS 8 OPERATING SEGMENTS: Eine Untersuchung der erstmaligen Anwendung in der Schweiz


    Meyer, C; Weiss, S


    Seit dem 1. Januar 2009 sind kotierte IFRS-Anwender verpflichtet, eine Segmentberichterstattung nach IFRS 8 zu erstellen. Anhand einer Analyse der Geschäftsberichte 2009 der an der SIX Swiss Exchange kotierten Unternehmen soll ein Überblick über die erstmalige Anwendung von IFRS 8 "Operating Segments" in der Schweiz gewonnen werden.

  6. Anwendung stabiler Isotope zur Beschreibung des mikrobiellen Abbaus organischer Schadstoffe in kontaminierten Aquiferen


    Vieth, Andrea


    Der mikrobielle in-situ Abbau organischer Schadstoffe ist mit einer Änderung der Isotopenverhältnisse (12C/13C; H/D) verbunden. Das Ausmaß der Isotopenfraktionierung ist abhängig von der initialen biochemischen Reaktion und variiert mit der Größe des Substratmoleküls bzw. der Anzahl der Kohlenstoff- bzw. Wasserstoffatome. Für die Anwendung dieses Isotopenkonzepts zur Beschreibung des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Schadstoffen im Grundwasser muss ausgeschlossen werden können, dass andere Prozesse ei...

  7. Hydrogen in motor car engineering. Production, storage, use. 3. rev. ed.; Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik. Erzeugung, Speicherung, Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eichlseder, Helmut [Technische Univ., Graz (Austria). Inst. fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik; Klell, Manfred [HyCentA Research GmbH, Graz (Austria)


    The book outlines the various aspects of properties, generation, storage and uses of hydrogen. The focus is on the thermodynamics of hydrogen storage and on its applications in vehicle engineering and energy engineering. Using the example of current research projects of TU Graz university and HyCentA, the state of the art is presented in some detail. The sections on fuel cells for automotive power generation, hydrogen/methane mixtures and legal and safety aspects have been updated. [German] Dieses Buch bietet einen allgemeinen Ueberblick ueber die verschiedenen Aspekte von Eigenschaften, Erzeugung, Speicherung und Anwendung von Wasserstoff. Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Thermodynamik der Speicherung von Wasserstoff sowie auf der Anwendung in der Fahrzeugtechnik und in der Energietechnik. Mit Bezug zu Forschungsvorhaben an der TU Graz und dem HyCentA wird der aktuelle Stand der Technik fundiert dargestellt. Aktualisiert und ergaenzt wurden vor allem die Abschnitte ueber Brennstoffzellen zur Stromerzeugung fuer Elektroantriebe, ueber Gemische aus Wasserstoff und Methan sowie ueber Fragen von Recht und Sicherheit.

  8. Intravenous administration of iodinated, non-ionic, low or isoosmolar contrast media: safety aspects; Intravenoese Anwendung von jodiertem, nichtionischem, nieder- bis isoosmolarem Kontrastmittel: Sicherheitsaspekte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metz-Schimmerl, S.; Metz, V.; Schima, W.; Herold, C. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik und Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut fuer Klinische und Experimentelle Radiologie, Wien (Austria); Domanovits, H. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Notfallmedizin Wien, Wien (Austria)


    It iss the purpose of this review to provide information about the safe use of intravenously administered, iodinated, non-ionic, low or isoosmolar contrast media for radiological examinations, how to avoid adverse events, and how to react professionally in case of an anaphylactic reaction. Methods of prophylaxis and therapy for anaphylactic and chemotoxic effects of contrast media administration as well as absolute and relative contraindications are discussed. Medico-legal considerations of contrast agent administration, informed consent of patients, and methods of risk management for undesired contrast media reactions are considered in this article. Establishment of administration standards for contrast media is of tremendous importance to standardize radiological procedures. This basic radiological documentation is part of the institutional and individual legal safety management. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, Kenntnisse zur sicheren Anwendung von intravenoes applizierten, jodierten, nichtionischen, nieder- bis isoosmolaren Roentgen-Kontrastmitteln zu vermitteln, um bei deren Verwendung unerwuenschte Wirkungen zu vermeiden oder im Falle eines anaphylaktischen Kontrastmittelzwischenfalls rasch und effektiv zu handeln. Neben Methoden der Verhuetung und Behandlung anaphylaktischer und chemotoxischer Wirkungen der Kontrastmittelgabe werden Einschraenkungen der Anwendung bei unterschiedlichen klinischen Bildern eroertert. Rechtliche Ueberlegungen zur Kontrastmittelanwendung, das Aufklaerungsgespraech und Praeventivmassnahmen zum Risiko-Management unerwuenschter Kontrastmittelwirkungen sind beruecksichtigt. Die Festlegung von Anwendungstandards fuer Kontrastmittel dient der Normierung medizinischen Vorgehens. Eine solche radiologische Basisdokumentation ist teil der institutionellen und individuellen rechtlichen Absicherung. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vesna Šendula Jengić


    Full Text Available In der Arbeit wird über die Phänomene der Aggressivität und Gewalt bei Menschen diskutiert, wobei man besonderen Wert auf die Personen mit seelischen Störungen legt. Krisenzustände und Gewaltverhalten gibt es nicht nur in der Psychiatrie. Es kann immer zu einem solchem Zustand und Verhalten kommen und jeder kann unter bestimmten Umständen sowohl Opfer als auch Täter sein. Multikausalität und Komplexität sowie auch individuelle Umstände und situationsbezogene Faktoren, welche zum Gewaltverhalten führen können, haben nur geringen Prognosekraft. Statistische Indikatoren andererseits können falsch positive und falsch negative Ergebnisse verbergen, wobei ein Fehler in der Einschätzung das Risiko zum Erscheinen eines Verhaltens drastisch erhöhen oder zum unrechtfertigten Entziehung der Freiheit führen kann. Zwangsmaβnahmen in der Psychiatrie sind nur ausnahmsweise anzuwenden, und zwar, wenn ein gefährliches Verhalten direkt das Leben und die Gesundheit einer Person oder einer Umgebung gefährdet. Darüber hinaus ist die Dauer von Zwangsmaβnahmen auch beschränkt. Die Gesetzesregulative, insbesondere das Gesetz über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 76/2014 und die Ordnung über die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen gegenüber den Personen mit schwierigen seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 16/2015, dient als zusätzlicher Schutz der Rechte dieser Patientengruppe und schreibt die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen sowie auch die Vorgehensweise. Zusätzliche Richtlinien und Vorgehensstrategien wurden auch von den Gesellschaften für Psychiatrie gegeben. In der Arbeit wird betont, dass bessere Bedingungen, Infrastruktur und Arbeitskräfte sowie auch ständige Entwicklung und Bewertung der Arbeitsqualität in der Psychiatrie erforderlich sind. Abschlieβend werden Standards und ethische Fragen in Betracht gezogen, wie

  10. Methandiid-basierte Cabenkomplexe: Von ihrer Synthese und elektronischen Struktur zur Anwendung in Bindungsaktivierungsreaktionen und katalytischen Umsetzungen


    Weismann, Julia


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung des Sulfonyl-stabilisierten Methandiids 20-Li2 als Ligand in Übergangsmetallkomplexen. Dabei konnte 20-Li2 mit ver-schiedenen Übergangsmetallhalogeniden in Salzmetathesereaktionen umgesetzt werden. Insgesamt wiesen die synthetisierten Methandiid-basierten Komplexe flexible Bindungsverhältnisse bezüglich der MC-Bindung und unterschiedliche Koordinationsmodi der Sulfonyl-Gruppe auf, die die Stabilität und Reaktivität der Komplexe signif...

  11. Evaluation von Bildungssoftware im Spannungsfeld von Objektivität und praktischer Anwendung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cornelia Biffi


    Full Text Available Das Angebot an Bildungs- bzw. Lernsoftware umfasst eine breite Palette von sehr unterschiedlichen Produkten. Eigentliche Unterrichtssoftware, die speziell für den Unterricht hergestellt und auf Lehrmittel und Curriculum abgestimmt ist, gibt es kaum. Im Projekt «Lernsoftware Evaluation» des Pestalozzianums Zürich ermitteln Lehrpersonen die Qualität von Bildungssoftware, indem sie diese im Unterricht einsetzen und anhand eines Kriterienrasters beurteilen. Eine Analyse der in der Evaluation generierten Daten belegt die Problematik des Anspruchs einer objektiven Qualitätsbeurteilung. Es werden die Probleme bei der Anwendung von Kriterienraster und Beurteilungsmodus aufgezeigt und ermittelt, worin die subjektiven Qualitätsmassstäbe der Evaluierenden begründet sind. Diese Ausführungen sind Teil eines Forschungsprojekts für die Weiterentwicklung einer theoretisch fundierten, aber dennoch praxisnahen Evaluation von Bildungssoftware.

  12. Biofuels - Properties and application experience; Biokraftstoffe - Eigenschaften und Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmiedel, H.P.


    The European Union wants to promote the use of renewable raw materials also in the traffic sector in order to meet the internationally committed reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time a new market shall be created for farming and jobs shall be secured. Fatty acid methyl esters in the diesel market and ethanol and ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) in gasoline are discussed as compounds that can be produced from renewable raw materials and be applied as fuels in the short term. This literature survey deals with the extent of CO{sub 2} / greenhouse gas emission reductions, the availability of biofuels and summarizes the economical and technical experiences obtained so far with their application. The use of pure vegetable oils, dimethylether and pyrolysis oil is also briefly covered. (orig.) [German] Die EU will auch im Verkehrsbereich den Einsatz nachwachsender Rohstoffe foerdern, um die international zugesagte Reduzierung der Kohlendioxid-Emissionen zu erreichen. Gleichzeitig sollen damit der Landwirtschaft ein neuer Markt eroeffnet und Arbeitsplaetze gesichert werden. Fettsaeuremethylester fuer den Dieselbereich sowie Ethanol und Ethyltertiaerbutylether (ETBE) fuer Ottokraftstoff werden als Verbindungen genannt, die aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen gewonnen und kurzfristig als Kraftstoff eingesetzt werden koennen. Die vorliegende Literaturstudie beleuchtet den Umfang der CO{sub 2}- bzw. Klimagasreduktion, die Verfuegbarkeit der Biokraftstoffe und fasst die oekonomischen und technischen Erfahrungen zusammen, die bisher in ihrer Anwendung erhalten wurden. Die Nutzung von reinen Pflanzenoelen, Dimethylether und Pyrolyseoel wird gestreift. (orig.)

  13. Status reports on the development and application of acoustic emission analysis. Proceedings; Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse. Beitraege

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This proceedings-CD comprises 20 papers presented at the 17. Kolloquium Schallemission (Acoustic Emission Colloquium) at Bad Schandau. The following subjects were discussed: 1. Acoustic emission analysis of tensile tests on standard test specimens of different wood materials; 2. Application of pattern recognition methods for damage analyses of fibre-reinforced plastics; 3. Acoustic emission analysis for measuring crack growth in finned armor steel under dynamic load; 4. Acoustic emission analysis with zonal sound location: Test objects, test results and evaluation of acoustic emission signals; 5. Acoustic emission analysis in overall fatigue testing of a wind rotor blade; 6. Laboratory methods for assessing the sensitivity of acoustic emission sensors; 7. Acoustic emission analysis in burst tests of cast aluminium casings; 8. Visualization of acoustic emission localizations; 9. Threshold-independent and complete recording of characteristics and wave forms of transient and continuous acoustic emission; 10. Characterization of wide-band acoustic emission sensors; 11. Handling of large data volumes in acoustic emission analysis, a contribution to the development of algorithms; 12. Acoustic emission analysis and ultrasonic analysis for the characterization of crack networks in saline rock. One of the papers is available as a separate record in this database. [German] Diese Tagungs-CD enthaelt 20 Vortraege, die auf dem 17. Kolloquium Schallemission in Bad Schandau gehalten wurden. Die Themen waren: 1. Schallemissionsanalyse von Zugversuchen an Standardpruefkoerpern aus unterschiedlichen Holzwerkstoffen; 2. Anwendung von Mustererkennungsverfahren zur Schadensanalyse in faserverstaerkten Kunststoffen; 3. Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse zur Ermittlung des Risswachstums bei schwingender Beanspruchung von geripptem Bewehrungsstahl; 4. Schallemissionspruefung mit zonaler Ortung Pruefobjekte, Pruefergebnisse und Nachbewertung von Schallemissionssignalen; 5

  14. Molecular imaging techniques in magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear imaging; Molekulare Bildgebung in der Magnetresonanztomographie und der Nuklearmedizin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoegemann, D.; Basilion, J.P.; Weissleder, R. [Center for Molecular Imaging Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charleston, MA (United States)


    The identification of genetic and biochemical changes allows a more conclusive characterization and classification of disease. Up to now this information is mostly obtained through in vitro analysis after resection or biopsy by immunohistopathology and molecular biology. There is a definite need for non-invasive detection and repeated monitoring of such changes in experimental research as well as in clinical trials. Therefore, it is necessary to develop radiological imaging techniques that not only visualize morphologic and physiologic alterations, but track genetic and biochemical processes. This short review reports some of the various ongoing research projects that address this problem and provide some very promising approaches. (orig.) [German] Die Bestimmung genetischer und biochemischer Veraenderungen erlaubt in zunehmendem Masse die eindeutige Charakterisierung und Klassifikation von Erkrankungen. Bisher ist hierzu in der Regel eine gezielte immunohistopathologische oder molekularbiologische In-vitro-Analyse nach Resektion oder Entnahme einer Biopsie erforderlich. In der experimentellen Forschung wie auch in der klinischen Anwendung sind bildgebende Verfahren wuenschenswert, die eine nichtinvasive Detektion und ein wiederholt durchfuehrbares Monitoring gewaehrleisten. Aus diesem Grunde ist die Entwicklung radiologischer Untersuchungsmethoden erforderlich, die ueber die morphologischen und physiologischen Veraenderungen hinaus eine Beurteilung der genetischen und biochemischen Vorgaenge ermoeglichen. In diesem kurzen Uebersichtsartikel werden einige der zahlreichen aktuellen Forschungsprojekte zusammengefasst, die sich mit diesem Problem beschaeftigen und inzwischen aussichtsreiche Techniken zur Verfuegung stellen. (orig.)

  15. Application of C-arm computed tomography in cardiology; Kardiale Anwendung der C-Arm-Computertomographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rieber, J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Innenstadt, Abteilung fuer Kardiologie, Medizinische Poliklinik, Muenchen (Germany); Rohkohl, C. [Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Lehrstuhl fuer Mustererkennung, Department Informatik, Erlangen (Germany); Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Forchheim, Forchheim (Germany); Lauritsch, G. [Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Forchheim, Forchheim (Germany); Rittger, H. [Krankenhaus Coburg, Abteilung fuer Kardiologie, Coburg (Germany); Meissner, O. [Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Forchheim, Forchheim (Germany); Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    C-arm computed tomography is currently being introduced into cardiac imaging and offers the potential for three-dimensional imaging of the cardiac anatomy within the interventional environment. This detailed view is necessary to support complex interventional strategies, such as transcutaneous valve replacement, interventional therapy of atrial fibrillation, implantation of biventricular pacemakers and assessment of myocardial perfusion. Currently, the major limitation of this technology is its insufficient temporal resolution which limits the visualization of fast moving parts of the heart. (orig.) [German] Durch die Entwicklung der C-Arm-Computertomographie- (CACT-)Angiographie ist es erstmals moeglich, waehrend einer Herzkatheteruntersuchung eine detaillierte dreidimensionale Darstellung der kardialen Anatomie zu erhalten. Derartige zusaetzliche Informationen koennten die Durchfuehrung der immer komplexer werdenden Strategien der interventionellen Kardiologie wirkungsvoll unterstuetzen. Hierzu zaehlen u. a. der transkutane Klappenersatz, die interventionelle Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern, die Implantation biventrikulaerer Schrittmacher sowie die Beurteilung der Myokardperfusion. Die derzeit groesste Limitation dieser Methode ist die relativ geringe zeitliche Aufloesung, die aufgrund der Bewegung des Herzens die Anwendung dieser Technologie einschraenkt. (orig.)

  16. Physiological and technical limitations of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) - consequences for clinical use; Physiologische und technische Grenzen der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie und die damit verbundenen Konsequenzen fuer die klinische Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wuestenberg, T. [Neurologische Klinik der Charite, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany); Neurologische Klinik der Charite, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin, Schumannstrasse 20/21, 10117, Berlin (Germany); Jordan, K. [Institut fuer Psychologie II, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany); Giesel, F.L. [Abteilung fuer onkologische Diagnostik und Therapie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg (Germany); Villringer, A. [Neurologische Klinik der Charite, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany)


    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is the most common noninvasive technique in functional neuroanatomy. The capabilities and limitations of the method will be discussed based on a short review of the current knowledge about the neurovascular relationship. The focus of this article is on current methodical and technical problems regarding fMRI-based detection and localization of neuronal activity. Main error sources and their influence on the reliability and validity of fMRI-methods are presented. Appropriate solution strategies will be proposed and evaluated. Finally, the clinical relevance of MR-based diagnostic methods are discussed. (orig.) [German] Die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) ist eines der wichtigsten Verfahren der funktionellen Neuroanatomie. Aufbauend auf einer kurzen Darstellung des aktuellen Wissensstands bzgl. des Zusammenhangs zwischen lokaler neuronaler Aktivitaet und haemodynamischer Reaktion werden ausgewaehlte Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen des Verfahrens fuer die klinische Anwendung diskutiert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Darstellung der derzeitigen methodischen und technischen Einschraenkungen hinsichtlich einer fMRT-basierten Detektion und Lokalisierung neuronaler Aktivitaet. Es werden die Hauptfehlerquellen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Reliabilitaet und Validitaet des Verfahrens erlaeutert und aktuelle Loesungsansaetze diskutiert. Abschliessend erfolgt eine Bewertung der aktuellen klinischen Relevanz funktioneller MR-Diagnosemethoden. (orig.)

  17. Application of the EC pressure equipment directive in the gas industry; Die Anwendung der EG-Druckgeraeterichtlinie in der Gaswirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bueschel, K. [Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V., Bonn (Germany); John, M. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). DVGW-Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut; Wasser, U. [Bundesverband der Deutschen Gas- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany)


    The EC Pressure Equipment Directive primarily concerns that broad range of equipment that falls under the Equipment Safety Act and its regulations on pressure vessels, boilers etc. Meanwhile, however, the mainstream view is that also some equipment of the gas industry is affected although its pipeline systems have been excluded from the Directive. The interpretation of the Directive must take into account this background in order to reach satisfactory conclusions in the actual application of the Directive to the components of the gas industry. (orig.) [German] Die EG-Druckgeraeterichtlinie betrifft primaer jenes grosse Geraetespektrum, das unter das Geraetesicherheitsgesetz und dessen Verordnungen zu Druckbehaeltern, Dampfkesseln etc. faellt. Inzwischen herrscht jedoch die Meinung vor, dass auch bestimmte Anlagenteile der Gaswirtschaft erfasst werden, obwohl deren Rohrleitungssysteme von der Richtlinie ausgenommen worden sind. Die Auslegung der Richtlinie muss diesen Hintergrund beachten, um zu befriedigenden Aussagen bei ihrer konkreten Anwendung auf die Komponenten der Gaswirtschaft zu gelangen. (orig.)

  18. Molekularbiologische Analyse der genetischen Diversität des Melitaea athalia / celadussa-Komplexes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) unter Anwendung der ISSR-PCR auf Art-, Unterart- und Populationsebene


    Achtelik, Gerdo


    Mit Hilfe der ISSR-PCR wurde erstmalig eine großräumige Populationsanalyse bei einer Tagfalterart am Beispiel von Melitaea athalia vorgenommen. Es konnten fünf verwandte Arten der Nymphalidae - Melitaea diamina, M. cinxia und M. aurelia sowie Boloria euphrosyne und Issoria lathonia - untereinander sowie gegenüber M. athalia differenziert werden. 90 Primer wurden geprüft, 8 Primer amplifizierten allein für M. athalia 410 Marker. Bei allen Taxa wurde eine sehr hohe Polymorphismusrat...

  19. Molekularbiologische Analyse der genetischen Diversität des \\(\\textit {Melitaea athalia}\\) / \\(\\it celadussa\\)-Komplexes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) unter Anwendung der ISSR-PCR auf Art-, Unterart- und Populationsebene


    Achtelik, Gerdo


    Mit Hilfe der ISSR-PCR wurde erstmalig eine großräumige Populationsanalyse bei einer Tagfalterart am Beispiel von \\(\\it {Melitaea athalia}\\) vorgenommen. Es konnten fünf verwandte Arten der Nymphalidae - \\(\\it {Melitaea diamina}\\), \\(\\textit {M. cinxia}\\) und \\(\\textit {M. aurelia}\\) sowie \\(\\it {Boloria euphrosyne}\\) und \\(\\textit {Issoria lathonia}\\) - untereinander sowie gegenüber \\(\\textit {M. athalia}\\) differenziert werden. 90 Primer wurden geprüft, 8 Primer amplifizierten allein für \\(...

  20. Critical discussion on the "observed" water balances of five sub-basins in the Everest region (United States)

    Chevallier, P.; Eeckman, J.; Nepal, S.; Delclaux, F.; Wagnon, P.; Brun, F.; Koirala, D.


    The hydrometeorological components of five Dudh Koshi River sub-basins on the Nepalese side of the Mount Everest have been monitored during four hydrological years (2013-2017), with altitudes ranging from 2000 m to Everest top, areas between 4.65 and 1207 km², and proportions of glaciated areas between nil and 45%. This data set is completed with glacier mass balance observations. The analysis of the observed data and the resulting water balances show large uncertainties of different types: aleatory, epistemic or semantic, following the classification proposed by Beven (2016). The discussion is illustrated using results from two modeling approaches, physical (ISBA, Noilhan and Planton, 1996) and conceptual (J2000, Krause, 2001), as well as large scale glacier mass balances obtained by the way of a recent remote sensing processing method. References: Beven, K., 2016. Facets of uncertainty: epistemic uncertainty, non-stationarity, likelihood, hypothesis testing, and communication. Hydrological Sciences Journal 61, 1652-1665. doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1031761 Krause, P., 2001. Das hydrologische Modellsystem J2000: Beschreibung und Anwendung in groen Flueinzugsgebieten, Schriften des Forschungszentrum Jülich. Reihe Umwelt/Environment; Band 29. Noilhan, J., Planton, S., 1989. A single parametrization of land surface processes for meteorological models. Monthly Weather Review 536-549.

  1. The integrity concept and its implementation; Das Integritaetskonzept und seine praktische Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, E.; Herter, K.H.; Schuler, X. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). MPA; Koenig, G. [EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Neckarwestheim (Germany)


    , dass fuer die Gewaehrleistung von Bruchausschluss die Beherrschung der Ursachen von im Betrieb moeglichen Schaedigungsmechanismen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Im Gegensatz dazu stellt das ''Integritaetskonzept'' als Umsetzung des Basissicherheitskonzepts unter Beruecksichtigung der jeweiligen anlagenspezifischen Voraussetzungen ein geschlossenes Gesamtkonzept dar, das der Notwendigkeit einer mehrstufigen Absicherung und ''laufender'' Aktualisierung Rechnung traegt. Das Integritaetskonzept ist Bestandteil des Alterungsmanagements fuer mechanische Komponenten und Systeme. Am Beispiel der Speisewasserleitung innerhalb Containment der Anlage GKN 1 wird dessen praktische Anwendung zum Nachweis der Integritaet aufgezeigt. (orig.)

  2. Gerbstoffe aus Potentilla officinalis wirken entzündungshemmend im UV-Erythem-Test und bei Anwendung auf atopischer Haut. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Julia; Wölfle, Ute; Schempp, Christoph M; Casetti, Federica


    Das Rhizom von Potentilla officinalis (PO) ist reich an Gerbstoffen und wird traditionell zur äußerlichen Behandlung von Entzündungen der Haut und der Schleimhäute verwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestätigung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von PO mittels eines UV-Erythem-Tests und einer klinischen Anwendungsstudie bei atopischer Haut. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung eines PO-Extrakts (standardisiert auf 2 % Trockensubstanz) wurde in einer prospektiven, randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie mit 40 gesunden Erwachsenen im UV-Erythem-Test im Vergleich zu 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat untersucht. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven nicht kontrollierten Studie wurde die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der 2 % PO-Creme an zwölf Erwachsenen und zwölf Kindern mit atopischer Haut nach Anwendung über zwei Wochen in einem definierten Testareal anhand eines Teil-SCORAD untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Beeinflussung der Hautrötung im Testareal photometrisch gemessen. Im UV-Erythem-Test zeigte die PO-Creme eine signifikante Reduktion des Erythemindex im Vergleich zum Vehikel. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Verums entsprach der der 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat-Creme. Die klinische Studie bei Atopikern zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme des Teil-SCORAD und des Erythems im Testareal. Es wurden keine Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen beobachtet. PO als 2%ige Zubereitung besitzt entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften und ist wirksam und gut verträglich auf atopischer Haut. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Application of radioactive substances in research in nuclear medicine: current trends and radiation exposure to the study subjects; Anwendung radioaktiver Stoffe in der nuklearmedizinischen Forschung: aktuelle Trends und Strahlenexposition der Probanden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minkov, V.; Schwarz, E.R.; Bauer, B.; Nosske, D.; Erzberger, A.; Brix, G. [Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Inst. fuer Strahlenhygiene, Abt. fuer Medizinische Strahlenhygiene, Neuherberg (Germany)


    the studies showed, for the period of evaluation, an overall trend towards reduction. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde die Anwendung radioaktiver Stoffe am Menschen in der nuklearmedizinischen Forschung und die damit fuer die Probanden verbundene Strahlenexposition analysiert. Methodik: Hierzu wurden die zwischen 1997 und 1999 vom Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz zusammen mit dem Bundesinstitut fuer Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte begutachteten Antraege nach paragraph 41 Strahlenschutzverordnung ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Der Schwerpunkt der begutachteten Studien zur diagnostischen Anwendung radioaktiver Stoffe hat sich seit 1998 von onkologischen auf neurologisch/psychiatrische Fragestellungen verlagert, wobei die Anzahl der PET-Studien stetig zunahm. Der Anteil der in diagnostische Studien einbezogenen gesunden Probanden ist von 7 auf 22% angestiegen. Therapeutische Anwendungen radioaktiver Stoffe nahmen seit 1997 um das Dreifache zu, wobei der Schwerpunkt im Bereich der Radioimmuntherapie und der endovaskulaeren Brachytherapie lag. Fuer bis zu 49% der untersuchten gesunden Probanden war die effektive Dosis hoeher als 5 mSv, fuer bis zu 6% dieser Probanden lag sie ueber 20 mSv. Bis zu 22% der Patienten erhielten im Rahmen diagnostischer Studien eine effektive Dosis von 20-50 mSv. Eine Ueberschreitung der 50-mSv-Grenze trat bei bis zu 3% der Patienten auf. Schlussfolgerungen: Trotz zunehmender Anwendung der PET behaelt die konventionelle Nuklearmedizin ihre Bedeutung in der medizinischen Forschung. Weiterentwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Radiochemie und Molekularbiologie fuehrten zu einer zunehmenden Bedeutung der Radioimmuntherapie. Die Evaluierung neuer Radiopharmaka und die Erweiterung der biomedizinischen Grundlagenforschung resultierte in einem Anstieg des Anteils der in die Studien einbezogenen gesunden Probanden. Die studienbedingte Strahlenexposition der Probanden zeigte fuer den ausgewerteten Zeitraum insgesamt einen ruecklaeufigen Trend

  4. The new radiation protection ordinance from the viewpoint of the researcher in nuclear medicine; Die neue Strahlenschutzverordnung aus der Sicht des in der Forschung taetigen Nuklearmediziners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiners, Chr.; Lassmann, M. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. Wuerzburg (Germany)


    After the new radiation protection ordinance has come into effect with July 20th, 2001 the approval process for application of radiation substances or ionizing radiation in medical research changed considerably with respect to the responsibility of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as the approval authority, the participation of an approved ethic committee, the inclusion of an expert for medical physics for planning and execution of the study as well as stricter regulations for cover clause. On the contrary, existing regulations have been facilitated since the effective dose limit for volunteers has been increased from 10 to 20 mSv and a central procedure for approval of multicenter studies has been introduced. Moreover, the application of radioactive substances or ionizing radiation for research in people without or with restricted legal capacity is no more totally prohibited. At present, changes of the radiation protection ordinance and the atomic law cover clause ordinance with respect to medical research are in discussion. (orig.) [German] Nach In-Kraft-Treten der neuen Strahlenschutzverordnung vom 20.07.2001 ergeben sich wesentliche Aenderungen des Genehmigungsverfahrens fuer die Anwendung radioaktiver Stoffe oder ionisierender Strahlung in der medizinischen Forschung bezueglich der Zustaendligkeit des Bundesamts fuer Strahlenschutz als Genehmigungsbehoerde, der Einschaltung einer akkreditierten Ethikkommission, der Hinzuziehung eines Medizinphysik-Experten bei der Studien-Planung und -Anwendung sowie verschaerfter Regelungen zur Deckungsvorsorge. Eine gewisse Erleichterung bisher bestehender Regelungen ist in der Erhoehung des Grenzwerts der effektiven Dosis fuer Probanden von 10 auf 20 mSv sowie dem zentralen Genehmigungsverfahren fuer Multizenter-Studien zu sehen. Ausserdem ist eine Anwendung radioaktiver Stoffe oder ionisierender Strahlung in der Forschung an geschaeftsunfaehigen und beschraenkt geschaeftsfaehigen Probanden nicht mehr voellig

  5. MR implant labelling and its use in clinical MRI practice; MR-Implantatkennzeichnungen und ihre Anwendung in der klinischen MRT-Praxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muehlenweg, M. [Krankenhaus Martha-Maria Halle-Doelau, Institut fuer Radiologie, Halle (Saale) (Germany); Schaefers, G. [MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen (Germany)


    Before a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, implants in patients must be cleared for MR safety in order to exclude the risk of possible severe injuries and implant malfunction in an MR environment. The general contraindication for measurements of patients with implants still applies; however, in the recent past a way has been found to legally circumvent this contraindication. For this purpose special conditions are required: explicit implant identification and the original manufacturer's labelling are necessary, the required conditions for conditionally MR safe implants must be assured and a risk-benefit analysis with appropriate explanation to the patient has to be performed. This process can be very complex as the implants are often poorly documented and detailed information on the implant MR labelling is also often outdated or not easy to interpret. This article provides information about legal and normative principles of MR measurement of patients with implants. The possible physical interactions with implants will be briefly dealt with as well as possible strategies for better identification and investigation of implants and MR labelling. General approaches for minimizing the risk will be discussed using some examples. The second part deals with the content of MR implant labelling and the current test standards. Furthermore, the additional information from the operating instructions of the MR scanner that are necessary for the interpretation of the MR implant labelling, will be explained. The article concludes with an explanation of the current pattern for MR labelling of implants from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and an exemplary application. (orig.) [German] Implantate in Patienten muessen vor einer MR-Untersuchung auf MR-Sicherheit abgeklaert werden, um moegliche z. T. schwere Verletzungen und Implantatfehlfunktionen in einer MR-Umgebung weitestgehend auszuschliessen. Es gilt unveraendert die generelle Kontraindikation von

  6. Chemical gas sensors based on functionalized self-actuated piezo-resistive cantilevers


    Filenko, Denys


    Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt in der Anwendung funktionalisierter Mikrocantilever mit integrierter bimorpher Aktuation und piezo-resistiver Detektion als chemische Gassensoren für den schnellen, tragbaren und preisgünstigen Nachweis verschiedener flüchtiger Substanzen. Besondere Beachtung erfährt die Verbesserung der Cantilever-Arbeitsleistung durch den Betrieb in speziellen Modi. Weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Untersuchung von spezifischen Sorptionswechselwirkungen und Anwendung von...

  7. Environmental protection by cost minimization: Least Cost Planning for traffic. Includes a guide for the application in local communities; Umweltentlastung durch Kostenminimierung: Least Cost Planning im Verkehr. Mit Leitfaden fuer die Anwendung in Kommunen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bracher, T.; Diegmann, V.; Eckart, C.F.; Liwicki, M.; Lobenberg, G.; Wetzel, C. [Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, Verkehrs- und Umweltplanung mbH (IVU), Berlin (Germany); Bergmann, M.; Uricher, A.; Lueers, A. [Oeko-Institut, Inst. fuer Angewandte Oekologie e.V., Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany); Becker, U.; Karl, G.; Karl, B.; Voellings, A. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Verkehrsoekologie


    den Energiesektor entwickelte Least Cost Planning zu uebertragen. Auf der Basis einer Analyse der in der Literatur dokumentierten Ansaetze und der vorhandenen Bewertungsverfahren fuer oeffentliche Massnahmen wurden Anforderungen an Methodik und Entwicklung eines verbesserten Bewertungsverfahrens formuliert. Dieses muss verkehrsmitteluebergreifend (intermodal) und verkehrsuebergreifend (integriert) sein. Das entwickelte Verfahren ermoeglicht erstens die Darstellung der Verkehrsausgaben und Einnahmen einer Stadt im Jahresueberblick, und zweitens die vergleichende Bewertung von Planungsvarianten. Dies wurde anhand verschiedener Varianten fuer die Erschliessung eines Gewerbegebiets im Norden Freiburgs illustriert. Dabei wurden drei Varianten untersucht: die Verlaengerung einer Stadtbahnstrecke, die Verdichtung des Busverkehrsnetzes und die Einrichtung von Service-Stationen und weitere Foerdermassnahmen fuer den Fahrradverkehr. Neben den Berechnungen von Einnahmen und Ausgaben fuer jede Variante wurde eine uebersichtliche Darstellung von Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrsnachfrage, die Belastung mit Luftschadstoffen und Laerm sowie den Flaechenverbrauch entwickelt. Im Ergebnis schneidet die Erschliessung mit dem Fahrrad tendenziell guenstig ab. Der Abschlussbericht umfasst drei Baende sowie einen Leitfaden zur Anwendung des Verfahrens in Kommunen. Dazu gehoert ein Satz Tabellen im Excel Format, der die leichte Anwendung ermoeglicht. (orig.)

  8. Lehrbuch Guided Imagery in Music (GIM)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maack, Carola; Geiger, Edith Maria

    Guided Imagery in Music (GIM) ist eine musikpsychotherapeutische Methode, bei welcher der Patient eine Auswahl meist klassischer Musik in einem entspannten Zustand hört und sein Erleben (= Imaginationen) der Therapeutin mitteilt. Theoretische Hintergründe, klinische Anwendung, sowie methodenspezi......Guided Imagery in Music (GIM) ist eine musikpsychotherapeutische Methode, bei welcher der Patient eine Auswahl meist klassischer Musik in einem entspannten Zustand hört und sein Erleben (= Imaginationen) der Therapeutin mitteilt. Theoretische Hintergründe, klinische Anwendung, sowie...

  9. Fracking in the conflict area between energy and environmental policy. The discussion in Germany and the Netherlands by comparison; Fracking im Spannungsfeld zwischen Energie- und Umweltpolitik. Die Diskussion in Deutschland und den Niederlanden im Vergleich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kontny, Kerstin


    The shale gas production using the so-called fracking method represents for opponents the use of a high-risk technology. Proponents see it, however a technological advance, and the answer to current energy issues. For the citizens of a country, the debate involves mainly uncertainties, the technology is still associated with risks that are not only difficult to assess for the layman. Due to these uncertainties, there is a danger that scientific evidence for political purposes are exploited. Particularly exciting is therefore the question of how the subject is discussed in different countries. In Fracking in the conflict area between energy and environmental policies are the debates in natural gas country Netherlands and the country of energy transition, Germany are compared. Kerstin Kontry's research put emphasis on the parties to the debate actors, the course of the debate and the issues are discussed. The main question is to what extent the discussions are shaped by national factors. [German] Die Schiefergasfoerderung mit Hilfe der sogenannten Fracking-Methode stellt fuer Gegner die Anwendung einer Hochrisikotechnologie dar, Befuerworter sehen darin hingegen einen technologischen Fortschritt und die Antwort auf derzeitige Energiefragen. Fuer die Buerger eines Landes birgt die Debatte vor allem Unsicherheiten, ist die Technologie doch mit Risiken verbunden, die nicht nur fuer den Laien schwer einzuschaetzen sind. Aufgrund dieser Unsicherheiten droht die Gefahr, dass wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse fuer politische Zwecke instrumentalisiert werden. Besonders spannend ist daher die Frage, wie die Thematik in unterschiedlichen Laendern diskutiert wird. In Fracking im Spannungsfeld zwischen Energie- und Umweltpolitik werden die Debatten im Erdgasland Niederlande und dem Land der Energiewende, Deutschland, verglichen. Den Schwerpunkt legt Kerstin Kontny dabei auf die an der Debatte beteiligten Akteure, den Verlauf der Debatte sowie die behandelten Themen. Dabei

  10. Advances in radiographic NDI of pipe systems; Fortschritte bei der Durchstrahlungspruefung von Rohrleitungssystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morgner, W. [NSQ HAUK, Ludwigshafen (Germany); Hauk, T. [NSQ HAUK, Ludwigshafen (Germany); Tschachlov, V. [NSQ HAUK, Tomsk (Russian Federation)


    The paper discusses the application of a small-sized betatron and its operational parameters, and its uses for very small angle tomography of medium-filled pipes or a thick weld. Other aspects discussed are the handling of large numbers of X-ray images by means of an X-ray manipulator, film digitalization, and data management of imaging data. (orig./MM) [Deutsch] Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Anwendung eines Kleinbetatrons und seiner Leistungsparameter, damit durchgefuehrte Durchstrahlungspruefungen an mediumgefuellten Rohren und eine an einer dicken Schweissnaht realisierte Wenigwinkeltomographie. Bezueglich der Beherrschung einer Grosszahl von Roentgenaufnahmen wird ueber einen Roentgenmanipulator, die Filmdigitalisierung und das Datenmanagement von Bilddaten berichtet. (orig./MM)

  11. PEM-fuel cells for mobile application. Sub task: development of electrocatalysts. Final report; PEM-Brennstoffzelle fuer mobile Anwendung. Teilprojekt: Katalysatorenentwicklung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Starz, K A


    PEM fuel cells are gaining increasing importance for use in automotive application. The goal of the research program reported here was to develop the basic technology and components for PEMFC stacks for use in transport applications. The sub-task of Degussa was to develop improved electrocatalysts for PEMFC single cells and stacks. The technical objectives of the research project were met. Electrocatalysts, characterized by a high Pt-dispersion, high surface area and excellent activity, were developed. With this material, considerable progress was made to reduce the total platinum loading of PEMFC cells and stacks to about 0,5 mgPt/cm{sup 2}. With this value, the goal of the program (<0,8 mg/cm{sup 2}) was significantly surpassed. Additionally, higher power densities of >0.4 W/cm{sup 2} were achieved at Degussa for hydrogen/air and reformate/air operation of the PEMFC. A CO-tolerant anode electrocatalyst, exhibiting a CO-tolerance of up to 100 ppm CO, enables the operation of PEMFC stacks with on-board generated methanol reformate. The performance of the new electrocatalyst materials was verified by DaimlerChrysler in a PEMFC demonstration stack at the end of the program. (orig.) [Deutsch] PEM-Brennstoffzellen gewinnen fuer die mobile Anwendung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Im Rahmen des hier beschriebenen Leitprojektes sollten die Basistechnologien fuer den Einsatz der PEM-Brennstoffzelle im mobilen Bereich (Elektrotraktion) entwickelt werden. Das Teilprojekt der Degussa befasst sich mit der Entwicklung von verbesserten Elektrokatalysatoren fuer PEM-Brennstoffzellenstacks. Die technischen Arbeitsziele des Vorhabens wurden erreicht. So konnten Elektrokatalysatoren bereitgestellt werden, die sich durch eine hohe Pt-Dispersion, eine grosse Pt-Oberflaeche sowie eine sehr gute Aktivitaet auszeichnen. Mit diesen Elektrokatalysatoren gelang es, die Platinbeladung der PEM-Elektroden (Anode und Kathode) erheblich abzusenken. Mit einer Gesamtplatinbeladung von 0,5 mg/cm{sup 2

  12. Screening of additives for the production of ice pulp for application in normal cooling and freezing; Screening von Zusatzstoffen zur Herstellung von Eisbrei fuer die NK-/TK-Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruebeling, Jascha; Eiseler, Jens [Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (Germany). Inst. fuer Kaelte-, Klima- und Umwelttechnik


    The project investigated non-toxic additives for production of ice slurry. Ice slurry is an environment-friendly refrigerant that is increasingly used as a substitute for conventional refrigerants. In view of rising energy prices and an impending tax on climate-relevant refrigerants, ice slurry may soon be used for chilling of food in supermarkets. For this, ice slurry of about 0 C is required for normal cooling and of about -25 C for deep freezing. A very fine-grained, pumpable ice slurry is obtained with glucose as an additive, or with sodium chloride in eutectic concentration with small amounts of ethanol for deep freezing. Ethanol will refine the coarse crystal structure of the eutectic sodium chloride / water mixture and will also reduce the freezing point. Further, the method of primary crystallisation on a crystallised additive was developed. An industrial plant working by this principle will have less disturbances and wear during ice slurry production. [German] Die Projektarbeit befasste sich mit der Untersuchung lebensmittelvertraeglicher Additive zur Herstellung von Eisbrei. Eisbrei gilt als umweltfreundlicher Kaeltetraeger, der zunehmend in verschiedenen Bereichen zur Anwendung kommt und herkoemmliche Kaeltemittel ersetzen kann. Aufgrund steigender Energiekosten sowie einer eventuell anstehenden Besteuerung treibhauswirksamer Kaeltemittel, kann Eisbrei zukuenftig zur Kuehlung von Lebensmitteln in Supermaerkten verwendet werden. Dazu wird Eisbrei mit ca. 0 C fuer die Normalkuehlung, beziehungsweise mit ca. -25 C fuer die Tiefkuehlung benoetigt. Mit Glucose als Zusatzstoff laesst sich ein sehr feinkoerniger und damit pumpbarer Eisbrei fuer die Normalkuehlung erzeugen. Bei der Tiefkuehlung ist Natriumchlorid in einer eutektischen Konzentration mit geringen Mengen Ethanol empfehlenswert. Ethanol verfeinert die grobe Kristallstruktur des reinen eutektischen Natriumchlorid-Wasser-Gemisches und senkt den Gefrierpunkt. Des Weiteren wurde das Verfahren der

  13. Composting of biological waste. Processes and utilisation; Bioabfallkompostierung. Verfahren und Verwertung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gronauer, A.; Claassen, N.; Ebertseder, T.; Fischer, P.; Gutser, R.; Helm, M.; Popp, L.; Schoen, H.


    The project investigated environmentally compatible concepts for procesing and utilisation of biological waste by means of composting and spreading on agricultural and gardening plots. The project comprised three parts: Composting techniques, applications of compost in agriculture and gardening, and applications in landscaping. This volume comprises all three reports. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Die umweltschonende Aufbereitung und Verwertung von Bioabfall durch Kompostierung und Rueckfuehrung auf landwirtschaftliche und gaertnerische Flaechen wurde untersucht. Dieses Projekt war dreigeteilt in die Bereiche der Kompostierung selbst, der Anwendung des Komposts in der Landwirtschaft und seiner Anwendung im Gartenbau sowie im Garten- und Landschaftsbau (GaLa-Bau). Die vorliegende Schrift enthaelt die genannten drei Teilberichte. (orig./SR)

  14. Graded thermal insulation layer systems; Gradierte Waermedaemmschichtsysteme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leushake, U.; Krell, T. [Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Koeln (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoff-Forschung


    Graded thermal insulation systems reduce local stresses between two layers. Grading usually involves a concentration variation in a second phase but may also involve variations of the microstructure or chemical composition. The contribution discusses the application of this technique for thermal protection of turbine blades in aircraft propulsion systems. [Deutsch] Mit Hilfe gradierter Waermeschichtsysteme ist es moeglich die lokalen Spannungen zwischen zwei Schichten zu verringern. Die Gradierung umfasst meistens eine Variation des Gehaltes einer zweiten Phase, kann aber auch die Variation der Mikrostruktur oder der chemischen Zusammensetzung beinhalten. In diesem Beitrag wird auf die Anwendung als thermischer Schutz von Turbinenschaufeln fuer Flugtriebwerke eingegangen.

  15. Scratch resistance and localised damage characteristics of polymer surfaces - a review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briscoe, B.J. [Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY (United Kingdom); Sinha, S.K. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (Singapore)


    The ''Scratch Test'' is, arguably, the earliest and amongst the now most widely used techniques for evaluating a wide range of surface mechanical properties. Some of the areas where this test has been successfully used in the engineering field, both by research and industry, include the determination of the relative hardness of materials, characterizations of coatings, paints and thin-films, modeling of the wear of materials and the estimation of different material deformation characteristics when subjected to hard asperity damage. In this paper we have reviewed the ''state-of-the-art'' in the scratch method for polymeric materials. The paper provides some important theoretical models that have been developed in the field of scratching for material property characterizations. Results from different types of scratch tests (macro, micro and nano scales) on a range of polymeric materials are presented with critical discussion on the usefulness of each result. Finally, various areas for further research in scratching of polymer surfaces have been identified. (Abstract Copyright [2003], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] Der ''Ritztest'' ist wohl das aelteste und mit am meisten verwendete Verfahren zur Beurteilung von oberflaechenmechanischen Eigenschaften. Zu den technischen Bereichen, in denen dieser Test sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Industrie erfolgreich Anwendung gefunden hat, zaehlen die Bestimmung der relativen Materialhaerte, die Charakterisierung von Beschichtungen, Lackierungen und Duennschichten, die Modellierung des Werkstoffverschleisses sowie die Abschaetzung verschiedener Werkstoffverformungsparameter bei Beanspruchung durch harte Rauheitsspitzen. Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt den gegenwaertigen Stand der Anwendung des Ritzverfahrens fuer polymere Materialien. Er enthaelt wichtige theoretische Modelle, die fuer die Anwendung des Ritzens zur Charakterisierung von

  16. Encouraging Classroom Discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Joseph McKee


    Full Text Available Classroom discussion has the potential to enhance the learning environment and encourages students to become active participants in the educational process. Student participation in classroom discussion has been shown to significantly improve the student learning experience. Research suggests that classroom discussion is an effective method for encouraging student classroom participation and for motivating student learning beyond the classroom. Participation in classroom discussion encourages students to become active collaborators in the learning process, while at the same time providing instructors with a practical method of assessing student learning. Classroom discussion is an effective tool for developing higher-level cognitive skills like critical thinking. Despite the potential discussion holds for student learning, many in academia lament the lack of participation in the classroom. The lack of student participation in classroom discussion is not a recent problem; it is one that has frustrated instructors for decades. Instructors report that some of the more current methods for encouraging classroom discussion can be exasperating and at times non-productive. This two-year study of 510 college and university students provides insight into the reasons why some students do not participate in classroom discussion. This study, which also elicited input from sixteen college and university professors and two high school teachers, offers some suggestions for creating and encouraging an environment conducive to student participation in the classroom.

  17. Composting of biological waste. Processes and utilisation. Summary report; Bioabfallkompostierung. Verfahren und Verwertung. Kurzfassung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gronauer, A.; Claassen, N.; Ebertseder, T.; Fischer, P.; Gutser, R.; Helm, M.; Popp, L.; Schoen, H.


    The project investigated environmentally compatible concepts for processing and utilisation of biological waste by means of composting and spreading on agriculataural and gardening plots. The project comprised three parts: Composting techniques, applications of compost in agriculture and gardening, and applications in landscaping. This volume comprises the summaries of the three part-projects. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Die umweltschonende Aufbereitung und Verwertung von Bioabfall durch Kompostierung und Rueckfuehrung auf landwirtschaftliche und gaertnerische Flaechen wurde untersucht. Dieses Projekt war dreigeteilt in die Bereiche der Kompostierung selbst, der Anwendung des Komposts in der Landwirtschaft und seiner Anwendung im Gartenbau sowie im Garten- und Landschaftsbau (GaLa-Bau). Die vorliegende Schrift enthaelt die Zusammenfassung der genannten drei Teilberichte. (orig./SR)

  18. Influence of molecularbiological techniques upon nuclearmedical methods; Einfluss molekularbiologischer Verfahren auf nuklearmedizinische Methoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haberkorn, U. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Klinik fuer Radiologie, Univ. Heidelberg (Germany)


    Basic research delivers information concerning new molecular structures with potential use as target structures for diagnosis and therapy with further need for selection and evaluation by the methods of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology using in part nuclear medical techniques for estimation of gene function and regulation. Pharmacogenomic will identify new surrogate markers as potential new radiotracers for follow-up of therapies. New therapeutical approaches will need biodistribution studies in the preclinical stage and techniques for evaluation of efficiency. At least, biotechnological techniques such as phage display may be suitable to develop new biomolecules for isotope related diagnostics and therapy. (orig.)

  19. LGBT Roundtable Discussion: Meet-up and Mentoring Discussion (United States)


    The LGBT+ Physicists group welcomes those who identify as gender sexual minorities, as LGBTQQIAAP+, or as allies to participate in a round-table discussion on mentoring physicists. The session will provide an opportunity to learn and discuss successful mentoring strategies at different career stages for physicists in all environments, including academia, industry, etc. Attendees are encouraged to attend a social event to follow the panel to continue to network. Allies are especially welcome at this event to learn how to support and mentor LGBT+ physicists.

  20. Discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sutcliffe, W.G.


    This is an edited transcript of the recorded discussions that followed the presentation of each paper and on the general comments at the conclusion of the session. No attempt was made to identity those who offered comments or asked questions

  1. Discussion in Postsecondary Classrooms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Curt Dudley-Marling


    Full Text Available Spoken language is, arguably, the primary means by which teachers teach and students learn. Much of the literature on language in classrooms has focused on discussion that is seen as both a method of instruction and a curricular outcome. While much of the research on discussion has focused on K-12 classrooms, there is also a body of research examining the efficacy of discussion in postsecondary settings. This article provides a review of this literature in order to consider the effect of discussion on student learning in college and university classrooms, the prevalence of discussion in postsecondary settings, and the quality of discussion in these settings. In general, the results of research on the efficacy of discussion in postsecondary settings are mixed. More seriously, researchers have not been explicit about the meaning of discussion and much of what is called discussion in this body of research is merely recitation with minimal levels of student participation. Although the research on discussion in college and university classrooms is inconclusive, some implications can be drawn from this review of the research including the need for future researchers to clearly define what they mean by “discussion.”

  2. Promoting Discussion in Peer Instruction: Discussion Partner Assignment and Accountability Scoring Mechanisms (United States)

    Chou, Chih-Yueh; Lin, Pin-Hsun


    Peer instruction (PI) involves students answering questions and peer discussion learning activities. PI can enhance student performance and engagement in classroom instruction. However, some students do not engage in the discussions. This study proposes two mechanisms, discussion partner assignment and accountability scoring mechanisms, to form…

  3. Fundamentals of ecology. Vol. 2. Grundlagen der Oekologie. Bd. 2. Standorte und Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Odum, E P


    The following topics are discussed: freshwater flora and fauna; marine ecosystems; shelf, krill, mangroves, and coral reefs; terrestrial biota and biogeographic regions; deciduous wood, grassland, desert; microbial-ecological perspectives: taxonomy, efficiency, turnover; aquaculture, agriculture, forestry; types, cost, and phases of environmental pollution; specific population ecology of humans.

  4. Modern engine management using neuronal nets; Modernes Motormanagement mit Neuronalen Netzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, R O


    The author focuses on the theoretical analysis, description and extension of neuronal control technology and its applications in engine management. Definitions and methods are presented for forward and recurrent nets. The fundamentals of control technology are described, and neuronal methods for modelling and control are presented. The first part of the report ends with a stability calculation which leads to the extension of existing learning methods. The second part discusses neuronal methods in the control of an external combustion engine. The investigated engine system is described, the combustion process is analyzed, and the fundamentals of engine management are presented. Ignition point and momentum control are presented as examples to illustrate the applicability of neuronal methods. [German] Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die theoretische Aufarbeitung, Darstellung und Erweiterung der neuronalen Regelungstechnik und ihre moegliche Anwendung im Motormanagement. Im grundlagenorientierten Teil wurden zuerst die wichtigsten Definitionen und Verfahren fuer vorwaertsgekoppelte und rekurrente Netze praesentiert. Anschliessend folgte eine kurze Einfuehrung in die Regelungstechnik, bevor ausfuehrlich verschiedene Methoden zur neuronalen Modellierung und Regelung vorgestellt wurden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit endete mit einer Stabilitaetsbetrachtung und einer darauf aufbauenden Erweiterung der bestehenden Lernverfahren. Der zweite Teil beschaeftigte sich mit der Anwendung der neuronalen Methoden in der Steuerung eines Verbrennungsmotors. Zur Motivation wurde das betrachtete System genau beschrieben, die Verbrennung analysiert und die Grundlagen des Motormanagements vorgestellt. Beispielhaft wurden im letzten Kapitel die Zuendzeitpunkt- und die Momentenregelung herausgegriffen und an ihnen die Anwendbarkeit der neuronalen Verfahren aufgezeigt. (orig.)

  5. Simulation of pendulum shock experiments on a passenger car front axle; Simulation von Pendelschlagversuchen an einer PKW-Vorderachse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sporer, L.; Witt, R.; Muehlbauer, R. [BMW Group, Muenchen (Germany)


    The contribution describes the development and application of a method for simulating loads resulting from misuse on car body components. The development of the method and its validation by experiments are described, and its application in the development of the BMW-5 series is gone into. [German] Der Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode zur Simulation von Missbrauchsbelastungen an Fahrwerkskomponenten. Im ersten Abschnitt ist die systematische Entstehung der Methode und die Absicherung der Simulationsergebnisse durch Ersatzversuche dargestellt. In den folgenden Abschnitten steht die Anwendung der Methode in der Fahrwerksentwicklung bei BMW am Beispiel der Vorderachse der aktuellen 5-er Baureihe im Vordergrund. Das Deformationsverhalten einzelner Lenker bzw. die Schadenskette an der gesamten Achse werden sowohl fuer den seitlichen, als auch fuer den frontalen Pendelschlag aufgezeigt. (orig.)

  6. Learning through Discussions (United States)

    Ellis, Robert A.; Calvo, Rafael; Levy, David; Tan, Kelvin


    Students studying a third-year e-commerce subject experienced face-to-face and online discussions as an important part of their learning experience. The quality of the students' experiences of learning through those discussions is investigated in this study. This study uses qualitative approaches to investigate the variation in the students'…

  7. Neuro-Enhancement — klinische, soziale und ethische Dimensionen: Kognitive Leistungssteigerung in Kindheit und Jugend

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nagel, S.K.; Nagel, Saskia Kathi


    Der als Neuro-Enhancement bezeichnete Einsatz meist verschreibungspflichtiger Medikamente oder Technologien zur Steigerung kognitiver Leistungen und Verbesserung affektiver Zustände bei Gesunden findet in den letzten Jahren vermehrt Anwendung. Skeptiker befürchten allerdings eine zunehmende

  8. Session 1 - discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wells, C.; Richards, K.M.; McKerrow, J.F.


    This discussion session of the Landfill Gas-Energy and Environment 90 Conference covered the landfill gas potential, the setting up of the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation; anticipated developments in the post 1998 period, the problem of smell for those who live near a landfill, and the length of time a landfill site is productive in terms of gas evolution. Relevant regulations in California are briefly discussed. (author)

  9. Handbuch Stahl Auswahl, Verarbeitung, Anwendung

    CERN Document Server

    Bleck, Wolfgang


    Stahl ist der wichtigste Konstruktionswerkstoff. Im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Fahrzeugbau, Schiffbau, Stahlbau und in vielen anderen Industriebereichen ist er durch keinen anderen Werkstoff zu ersetzen. Für jeden Anwendungszweck gibt es passende Stahlsorten am Markt zu kaufen. Die Feinabstimmung der gewünschten Eigenschaften kann im weiteren Verarbeitungsprozess vorgenommen werden, bis der Werkstoff optimal den gewünschten Produktanforderungen entspricht. Die Anzahl der Möglichkeiten ist sehr groß und somit auch die Schwierigkeit, den genau passenden Stahl zu finden bzw. zu erzeugen. Das vorliegende Handbuch hilft Ihnen, dieses Problem zu lösen. Es zeigt u.a. - mit welchen systematischen Ansätzen und Hilfsmitteln Sie die in Frage kommende Stahlsorte eingrenzen können - die wichtigsten produktrelevanten Eigenschaften und Lieferformen - die werkstoffgerechte Weiterverarbeitung durch umformende und spanende Fertigungsprozesse und Wärmebehandlung - hunderte Anwendungsbeispiele aus Maschinen- und Anlage...

  10. Summary discussions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ritchie, R.H.


    Remarks intended to highlight topics of importance for future research were made by three of the participants at the conclusion of the Seminar. A brief listing is given of topics discussed by each of these rapporteurs

  11. Focus group discussions

    CERN Document Server

    Hennink, Monique M


    The Understanding Research series focuses on the process of writing up social research. The series is broken down into three categories: Understanding Statistics, Understanding Measurement, and Understanding Qualitative Research. The books provide researchers with guides to understanding, writing, and evaluating social research. Each volume demonstrates how research should be represented, including how to write up the methodology as well as the research findings. Each volume also reviews how to appropriately evaluate published research. Focus Group Discussions addresses the challenges associated with conducting and writing focus group research. It provides detailed guidance on the practical and theoretical considerations in conducting focus group discussions including: designing the discussion guide, recruiting participants, training a field team, moderating techniques and ethical considerations. Monique Hennink describes how a methodology section is read and evaluated by others, such as journal reviewers or ...

  12. UIS Baden-Wuerttemberg. AJA project. Application of JAVA-based solutions in environment, transport and administration. Phase II 2001; UIS Baden-Wuerttemberg. Projekt AJA. Anwendung JAVA-basierter Loesungen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Verkehr und Verwaltung. Phase II 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mayer-Foell, R.; Keitel, A.; Geiger, W. (eds.)


    Information and communication technology facilitates data acquisition, recording, evaluation and transmission in many fields of society, but even experts tend to get lost in the flood of data that are available. In order to make it possible to integrate new technological developments in information systems, the Minister of Environment and Transportation continues the project AJA (''Application of JAVA-based solutions'') which was started in 2000. AJA is a sequel to the GLOBUS project which was terminated in 1999. (GLOBUS - Globale Umweltsachdaten im UIS Baden-Wuerttemberg und anderen Systemen). [German] Die Bereiche Umwelt, Verkehr und Verwaltung profitieren bei der Erhebung, Erfassung, Auswertung, Darstellung und Weitergabe ihrer Daten in hohem Masse von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (IuK). Manche Darstellungsweisen und Berechnungen werden dadurch erst moeglich. Uebergreifende Zusammenhaenge koennen mit Hilfe der IuK aufgezeigt werden. Die Verwaltung muss Technologien einsetzen, wie sie in der Wirtschaft fuer die Zusammenfuehrung von verteilten Unternehmensdaten verwendet werden, um Entscheidungs grundlagen fuer die Unternehmenspolitik zu liefern (z.B. Data Warehouse). In solchen ''Warenhaeusern von Daten'' finden sich oft nur Experten zurecht. Unsere Herausforderung ist es, diese komplexen Zusammenhaenge nicht nur dem Experten, sondern auch dem Buerger auf moeglichst einfache und wirtschaftliche Weise zu vermitteln. Dem Buerger ist der freie Zugang zu Informationen ueber die Umwelt zu ermoeglichen. Wir sind damit auf dem Wege zu einem Marktplatz von Daten und Informationen fuer den Buerger und die Verwaltung. Um neue technologische Entwicklungen in Informationssystemen einsetzen zu koennen, fuehrt das Ministerium fuer Umwelt und Verkehr (UVM) das 2000 begonnene FuE-Vorhaben AJA ''Anwendung JAVA-basierter Loesungen'' fort. AJA baut auf dem 1999 abgeschlossenen Vorhaben GLOBUS (Globale

  13. Plutonium roundtable discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penneman, R.A.


    The roundtable discussion began with remarks by the chairman who pointed out the complicated nature of plutonium chemistry. Judging from the papers presented at this symposium, he noticed a pattern which indicated to him the result of diminished funding for investigation of basic plutonium chemistry and funding focused on certain problem areas. Dr. G.L. silver pointed to plutonium chemists' erroneous use of a simplified summary equation involving the disproportionation of Pu(EV) and their each of appreciation of alpha coefficients. To his appreciation of alpha coefficients. To his charges, Dr. J.T. Bell spoke in defense of the chemists. This discussion was followed by W.W. Schulz's comments on the need for experimental work to determine solubility data for plutonium in its various oxidation states under geologic repository conditions. Discussion then turned to plutonium pyrachemical process with Dana C. Christensen as the main speaker. This paper presents edited versions of participants' written version

  14. Literature Discussion as Positioning: Examining Positions in Dialogic Discussions in a Third-Grade Classroom (United States)

    Wee, Jongsun


    The purpose of the study is to examine positions of students and a teacher in dialogic discussion. In this study, dialogic discussion was defined with Bakhtin's (1981) dialogism, Nystrand's (1997) explanation of dialogically organized instruction, and Mercer's (1995) explanation of Exploratory Talk. Studies about literature discussion in…

  15. Human Cloning: Let's Discuss It. (United States)

    Taras, Loretta; Stavroulakis, Anthea M.; Ortiz, Mary T.


    Describes experiences with holding discussions on cloning at a variety of levels in undergraduate biology courses. Discusses teaching methods used and student reactions to the discussions. Contains 12 references. (WRM)

  16. Environmental criteria for building site selection; Umweltkriterien bei der Standortsuche fuer Bauvorhaben

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Locher, B [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)


    The author of the present paper provides information on the application of ecological standards as part of the regulation of development planning. (HW) [Deutsch] Die Autorin gibt in ihrem Vortrag Hinweise auf die Anwendung von oekologischen Standards als Regelungsbestandteile fuer die Bauleitplanung. (HW)

  17. Definition and coding of surface catchment areas: problems and solutions; Ausgrenzung und Verschluesselung oberirdischer Einzugsgebiete: Probleme und Loesungsansaetze

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolff, A.; Mehl, D. [biota - Institut fuer Oekologische Forschung und Planung GmbH, Guestrow (Germany); Klitzsch, S. [Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Guestrow (Germany). Abt. Wasser und Boden


    Due to certain hydrographic situations there are some difficulties in application of the LAWA-directive 'Coding of catchment areas and streams'. In this paper, solutions are shown by means of examples from the federal state of Mecklenburg-Pomerania. Priorities of streams influenced by lakes and the Baltic Sea, branched and linked streams, urban streams and catchment areas without surface run-off were discussed. (orig.) [German] Die Anwendung der LAWA-Richtlinie zur Gebietsbezeichnung und Verschluesselung von Fliessgewaessern stoesst bei Vorliegen bestimmter hydrographischer Konstellationen auf Schwierigkeiten. Anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern werden Loesungswege zur entsprechenden Problembehandlung aufgezeigt. Wesentliche Schwerpunkte sind daher durchflossene Seen, verzweigte und vernetzte Fliessgewaesser, Fliessgewaesser im staedtischen Bereich, die Problematik der Binnenentwaesserungsgebiete sowie Gewaesser im Ostseerueckstau. (orig.)

  18. Neue Indikatoren zur Bestimmung der arithmetischen Regierungskonkordanz

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bochsler, Daniel; Sciarini, Pascal


    auf proportionalität wird regierungskonkordanz zu einem doppelkopf: einerseits inklusivität andererseits proportionalität INTERESSANT Anwendung auf Hypothese, dass hohe Regierungskonkordanz zu häufigeren Nutzung direktdemokratischer Instrumente führt (///ich hätte es eher andersrum vermutet, aber egal...

  19. Round Table Discussion on EASTWEST

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Tkacheva


    Full Text Available The discussion is focused on various aspects of interrelations between East and West. Its participants discuss the problems of the increasing tourist flows from China and the specific characteristics of Chinese tourists. The future development of tourism in the Baikal region is formulated, and the peculiarities of ethno tourism and its prospects are discussed.

  20. Panel discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The panel discussion at the 10th Allianz Forum on 'Technology and Insurance' dealt with the following topics: New technologies: energy conversion (coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy); infrastructure (transport, data processing); basic products (metallic materials, chemical products, pharmaceutical products); integrated products (microprocessors, production line machines) as well as new risks: political; general economic (financing, market structure); insurance-related, dangers to persons and property; reduction of risks. (orig.) [de

  1. Summary of group discussions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A key aspect of the workshop was the interaction and exchange of ideas and information among the 40 participants. To facilitate this activity the workshop participants were divided into five discussions groups. These groups reviewed selected subjects and reported back to the main body with summaries of their considerations. Over the 3 days the 5 discussion groups were requested to focus on the following subjects: the characteristics and capabilities of 'good' organisations; how to ensure sufficient resources; how to ensure competence within the organisation; how to demonstrate organisational suitability; the regulatory oversight processes - including their strengths and weaknesses. A list of the related questions that were provided to the discussion groups can be found in Appendix 3. Also included in Appendix 3 are copies of the slides the groups prepared that summarised their considerations

  2. Emotional discussions reduce memory recall. (United States)

    Soleti, Emanuela; Wright, Daniel B; Curci, Antonietta


    People often discuss events they have seen and these discussions can influence later recollections. We investigated the effects of factual, emotional, and free retelling discussion on memory recollections of individuals who have witnessed an event. Participants were shown a video, made an initial individual recall, participated in one of the three retelling conditions (emotional versus factual versus free) or a control condition, and then recalled the event individually again. Participants in the factual and free retelling conditions reported more items not previously recalled than participants in the control condition did, while the emotional condition did not show the same advantage. Participants in all three retelling conditions failed to report more previously recalled items as compared with the control condition. Finally, a memory conformity effect was observed for all three retelling conditions. These findings suggest that eyewitnesses' discussions may influence the accuracy of subsequent memory reports, especially when these discussions are focused on emotional details and thoughts.

  3. Mechanical/thermal dehydration - a new process for treatment of peat and coal; Mechanisch/Thermische Entwaesserung - ein neues Verfahren zur Veredelung von Torf und Kohlen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergins, C; Berger, S; Strauss, K [Dortmund Univ. (Germany); Elsen, R O [RWE Energie, Essen (Germany); Erken, M [Rheinbraun AG, Koeln (Germany); Bielfeldt, F B [Dieffenbacher, Eppingen (Germany)


    In order to keep German brown coal competitive, new technologies for enhanced efficiency of power generation from brown coal were developed in the past few years. At a water content of 50-60 percent by weight, much energy is lost for evaporation. Reduction of the water content will incur a 5 percent effiency enhancement. A new process was developed at Dortmund university, i.e. mechanical/thermal dehydration in which the water contained in brown coal is removed by heat and mechanical pressure. The process is described, and its applicability for other moist fuels, e.g. peat or waste from the paper and wood processing industry ist discussed. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Damit Braunkohle in Deutschland als heimischer und subventionsfreier Energietraeger diesen Stellenwert behaupten und in Zukunft weiter ausbauen kann, wurde in den letzten Jahren verstaerkt die Entwicklung neuer Technologien zur Effizienzsteigerung der Braunkohleverstromung vorangetrieben. Bei der Verbrennung von Braunkohlen mit Wassergehalten von 50-60 Gew.-% ist in herkoemmlichen Kraftwerken ein erheblicher Teil des Energieinhaltes zur Verdampfung des Wassers mit Hilfe von heissen Rauchgasen in sogenannten Mahltrockungsanlagen erforderlich. Durch eine energetisch guenstige Reduzierung des Wassergehaltes vor der Verbrennung sind hier Wirkungsgradsteigerungen um bis zu 5 Prozentpunkte moeglich. Ein neues, fuer diese Aufgabenstellung einsetzbares Verfahren ist das am Lehrstuhl Energieprozesstechnik und Stroemungsmechanik der Universitaet Dortmund entwickelte Mechanisch/Thermische Entwaesserungsverfahren (MTE-Verfahren). Durch die kombinierte Anwendung von Waerme und mechanischem Druck laesst sich das in der Kohle enthaltene Wasser in fluessiger Form entfernen. Neben der Darstellung des MTE-Verfahrens am Beispiel von Braunkohle soll im folgenden auch auf die Moeglichkeiten der Anwendung des Verfahrens fuer andere feuchte Brennstoffe wie Torf und Abfaelle aus der Papier- und Holzverarbeitung eingegangen werden

  4. Physik gestern und heute: Visualisierung mit der Schlierenmethode (United States)

    Heering, Peter


    Der Name des österreichischen Forschers Ernst Mach ist heute noch mit der Schallgeschwindigkeit verbunden. Diese Auszeichnung resultiert aus Machs Untersuchungen, wie sich Projektile mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit durch die Luft bewegen. Gerade in jüngster Zeit hat die Anwendung derartiger Methoden durch technische Modifikationen wieder einen Aufschwung erfahren.

  5. Communication of technical building systems. Fundamentals; Kommunikation technischer Gebaeudesysteme. Grundlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kranz, H.R. [Siemens AG, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    In chapter 17 of the anthology about building control the communication between and with technical building systems is described. The following aspects are discussed: From the matrix cable to the standard bus, data transmission, communication terms, components of communication systems, type of data transmission, types of connection, networks, protocols, the ISO/OSI reference model, application of automation in the field of communication, services and profiles, communication objects. (BWI) [Deutsch] Kapitel 17 des Sammelbandes ueber Building Control ist dem Thema der Kommunikation zwischen und mit technischen Gebaeudesystemen gewidmet. In diesem Zusammenhang werden folgende Themen angesprochen: Vom Matrixkabel zum Standard-Bus; Daten-Transport; Kommunikations-Begriffe; Komponenten der Kommunikations-Systeme; Art der Datenuebertragung; Verbindungsarten, Netze, Protokolle; Das ISO/OSI Referenzmodell; Automation als Anwendung in der Kommunikation; Dienste und Profile; Kommunikationsobjekte. (BWI)

  6. Anwendung des autogenen Trainings im Kindesalter


    Sühling, Nikola


    The autogenic training was developed by J.H.Schulz in the period between 1912-1920 based on the experiences of his hypnosis patients. These reported of a regular occurrence of certain perceptions at the beginning of the treatment. J.H.Schulz derived six exercises from this experience, through which the patient is said to get relaxed. Among others these exercises contain the idea to get warm and heavy arms and legs. Furthermore, physical reactions in the abdomen, thorax and the head will be in...

  7. Stimmrehabilitation und Psychotherapie - Anwendung bei Lehrern


    Niebudek-Bogusz, E; Śliwinska-Kowalska, M


    Voice disorders in teachers are not only a serious medical but also social and economic problem in Poland. It has been shown that teachers are at risk of developing occupational dysphonia which account for over 25% of all occupational diseases diagnosed in Poland. Voice problems affects psychological wellbeing of teachers, while psychological factors may induce escalation of voice pathologies in this professional group. The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of phoniatric treatment i...

  8. Summary of discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document provides summaries of the discussions occurred during the second international workshop on the indemnification of nuclear damage. It concerns the second accident scenario: a fire on board of a ship transporting enriched uranium hexafluoride along the Danube River. (A.L.B.)

  9. Vorgehensmodelle in Deutschland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuhrmann, Marco; Linssen, Oliver


    sich die Anwendung von Vorgehensmodellen über die Zeit entwickelt hat. Die Studie hat gezeigt, dass eine Vielzahl von Vorgehensmodellen im Einsatz ist. Obwohl ein Trend weg von großen Standards zu beobachten ist, werden sowohl agile wie auch klassische Ansätze angewendet. Die Studie zeigt auch, dass...

  10. Summary and Discussion. (United States)

    Hetherington, E. Mavis


    Summarizes and discusses results of the longitudinal study that comprises this monograph issue. Results concern: (1) marital, parent-child, and sibling relationships in families with single and remarried mothers; (2) the relationship between parenting style and adolescent adjustment; and (3) the relationship between marital transitions and…

  11. Climate Prediction Center: ENSO Diagnostic Discussion (United States)

    Organization Search Go Search the CPC Go Expert Assessments ENSO Diagnostic Discussion Archive About Us Our Assessments > ENSO Diagnostic Discussion El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion PDF : English Version Spanish Version Adobe PDF Reader (Click icon for Adobe PDF Reader) Word: English Version

  12. 33 CFR 240.5 - Discussion. (United States)


    ... CREDIT FOR FLOOD CONTROL § 240.5 Discussion. Discussion of this legislation is contained in the Conference Report, H.R. Rpt. No. 99-1013, which accompanies H.R. 6. The House passed version of the bill... compatible work completed by local interests. The Senate passed version authorized crediting of compatible...

  13. TÜV - Zertifizierungen in der Life Science Branche (United States)

    Schaff, Peter; Gerbl-Rieger, Susanne; Kloth, Sabine; Schübel, Christian; Daxenberger, Andreas; Engler, Claus

    Life Sciences [1] (Lebenswissenschaften) sind ein globales Innovationsfeld mit Anwendungen der Bio- und Medizinwissenschaften, der Pharma-, Chemie-, Kosmetik- und Lebensmittelindustrie. Diese Branche zeichnet sich durch eine stark interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung aus, mit Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und Einsatz von Ausgangsstoffen aus der modernen Biologie, Chemie und Humanmedizin sowie gezielter marktwirtschaftlich orientierter Arbeit.

  14. Intertextuality in Text-Based Discussions (United States)

    Ismail, Hamidah Mohd; Majid, Faizah Abd


    One of the main issues often discussed among academics is how to encourage active participation by students during classroom discussions. This applies particularly to students at the tertiary level who are expected to possess creative and critical thinking skills. Hence, this paper reports on a study that examined how these skills were…

  15. Students' Perceptions of Online Discussions, Participation and E-Moderation Behaviours in Peer-Moderated Asynchronous Online Discussions (United States)

    Ghadirian, Hajar; Fauzi Mohd Ayub, Ahmad; Salehi, Keyvan


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between students' perceptions of online discussions, participation and e-moderation behaviours in peer-moderated asynchronous online discussions. Using survey data, the learning system's activity log and discussion transcripts, the authors analysed how 84 learners' perceptions of online…

  16. Chinese women's participation in fertility discussions. (United States)

    Li, L


    In an attempt to better understand the process through which the family planning (FP) programs and socioeconomic developments in China affect fertility, women's participation in fertility discussions with their husbands are examined as an intermediate factor in a study based on results of a random survey of 6654 ever-married women of reproductive age from 7 cities and 30 counties of Guangdong. First, it must be noted that Chinese couples do have individual choices (albeit quite limited ones) about their fertility; they can choose to follow or ignore government policy or they can choose to remain childless. The present study has 3 major hypotheses: 1) the more a woman is involved in fertility discussions with her husband, the fewer children she will have; 2) urban women with a higher educational status will be more likely to have such discussions; and 3) women who are contacted individually by FP personnel are more likely to be involved in fertility discussions. After a discussion of data collection and variables (number of living children, education of wife and husband, age at marriage, residence, living with parents, contacted by FP personnel, and discussion with husband), the results are presented in terms of zero-order correlation coefficients indicating their relationships. The bivariate analysis supported the hypotheses. Multiple regression analysis showed that age at marriage, education of wives and husbands, FP contacts, and participation in discussions remain significant fertility determinants (but the correlation between fertility and residence becomes trivial). A further regression model indicated that a woman's educational attainment is the most significant positive indication of their participation in fertility discussions. These results imply that as women's status continues to improve in China and the deeply-rooted patriarchal tradition loses hold, increased gender equity and education will influence a fertility decline. FP personnel could also

  17. Semiology of aphasias: a critical discussion / Semiologia das afasias: uma discussão crítica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana do Carmo Novaes Pinto


    Full Text Available The article discusses the semiology of aphasias, which started being developed in the 19th century by Broca and Wernicke. We do not provide an exhaustive list of symptoms and syndromes to address the theme, since we aim to critically discuss why the semiology of aphasias is still based mainly on organic perspectives in clinical practice and scientific research. We also discuss the contributions of Luria and Jakobson to a better understanding of how language is affected in aphasias and how Modern Linguistics, in special the Discursive Neurolinguistics, may enlighten the debate. We analyze some data to illustrate the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the above mentioned approaches and also discuss the excessive strength that classifications have in the clinical context.

  18. Discussion on Papers 11 - 13

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haws, E.; Matthews, M.E.; Wilson, E.M.; Charles-Jones, S.; Allen, R.F.; Young, R.M.; O'Connor, B.


    The discussion covered the following topics: the nature of boulder clay for foundations; navigation through the barrage; the construction of sluice caissons; government subsidies for construction costs; the effect of wave action on river banks; allowances for reflected energy in hydrodynamic models; water quality in impounded pools; sediment deposition. Separate abstracts have been prepared for the three papers under discussion. (UK)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A A Abbasova


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the importance of selecting the optimal methods of stimulation and motivation for learning. In modern conditions it is very important that the teacher did not give the students ready knowledge, but pointed out the way for the acquisition of knowledge, taught them to gain knowledge. This demands from the philologist the choice of effective forms of working with texts of different types and styles of speech, listening, speaking. In this connection a special attention should be paid to the lessons of speech development. There is a special group of methods to stimulate the development of communicative competence. Among them, the method of discussion, which is increasingly being used during the Russian language lessons. The specificity of using this method in class for teaching Russian as a foreign language, its basic functions (teaching, developing, educating are considered. The key rules for conducting a discussion at the Russian language classes, the main and additional functions-roles of the teacher, the participants, the minute-taker are analyzed. The advantages of the discussion in Russian in comparison to the discussion in the students’ native language are summarized.

  20. Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an Bibliotheken: Prozessfindung am Beispiel wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken im deutschsprachigen Raum

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    Birte Lindstädt


    Full Text Available Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement ist ein unternehmerisches Konzept aus der Betriebswirtschaft, das insbesondere in der Konsumgüterindustrie zur Anwendung kommt. Der damit verbundene Prozess richtet das gesamte unternehmerische Handeln an einzelnen Produkten oder Produktgruppen und den damit verbundenen Kundenbedürfnissen aus. Die Anwendung des Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken erfordert eine Anpassung des Managementprozesses auf die Erfordernisse einer öffentlichen Einrichtung mit kulturellem Bildungsauftrag. In einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek erfüllt das Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement zwei wichtige Funktionen: Zum einen sollen bestehende Produkte laufend überprüft und an die strategischen Ziele und Kundenbedürfnisse angepasst werden (Produktmanagement, zum anderen bedarf es einer kontinuierlichen Marktbeobachtung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte im Rahmen der strategischen Ziele (Innovationsmanagement. Im Folgenden werden auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche und der Analyse von sechs Anwendungsbeispielen die wichtigsten Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung eines Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements aufgezeigt sowie ein optimierter Prozess dargestellt, wie Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken ein- und durchgeführt werden kann.

  1. Radiological differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis; Radiologische Differenzialdiagnose der rheumatoiden Arthritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wick, M.C.; Klauser, A.S. [Medizinische Universitaet Innsbruck, Department Radiologie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Establishing an early and reliable diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is of major importance but can be a great clinical challenge leading to direct therapeutic consequences. No single epidemiological, genetic, clinical, serological or radiological test exists which can exclusively diagnose RA. In general diagnosis of RA includes a case history, clinical signs, laboratory abnormalities and radiological examinations, viz. conventional radiography of the joints of the hands and feet. This review summarizes the most important radiological features of RA and the radiological findings of its closest differential diagnoses. (orig.) [German] Eine fruehe Diagnosestellung bei rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) stellt eine grosse klinische Herausforderung dar, da sich daraus unmittelbare therapeutische Konsequenzen ableiten. Es gibt keinen epidemiologischen, genetischen, klinischen, serologischen oder radiologischen Test, mit dessen alleiniger Anwendung die Diagnose der RA definitiv gestellt werden kann. Die Diagnose der RA erfolgt durch die Kombination von Patientenanamnese, klinischen Zeichen und serologischen Biomarkern in Zusammenschau mit der radiologischen Diagnostik, allen voran der Anwendung konventioneller Roentgenbilder der Haende und Fuesse. In diesem Uebersichtsartikel werden die wichtigsten radiologischen Merkmale zur Diagnose der RA und der diagnostisch haeufigsten Differenzialerkrankungen dargestellt. (orig.)

  2. Supporting Teacher Reflection through Online Discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiening Ruan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this case study was to investigate online discussion as a means to promote critical reflection. The study was conducted during a semester-long graduate course on issues related to literacy instructional strategies. The participants in the study were four reading education candidates. During the semester they participated in online discussion about course readings and reflected on their own teaching experiences. The data sources were the online discussion postings, responses to questionnaires, and interviews. The results suggest that technology-mediated discussion strengthens the learning community, facilitates sharing of professional experience among participants, and enhances teacher reflection. The results also point to the multi-faceted nature of teacher reflection.

  3. Open Education Week Panel Discussion


    Doolittle, Peter; Hart, Heath; Hartman, Greg; Seyam, Mohammed; Walz, Anita R.


    Introduction by Julie Speer, Associate Dean for Research & Informatics. Open remarks by Anita Walz, Assessment, Open Education & Online Learning Environments Librarian. Mohammed Seyam discusses the value of openly licensed material as a student, research, and graduate assistant. Heath Hart reflects on his adoption of an open educational resource and a (subscribed) online textbook in, “A Rousing Success and an Unmitigated Disaster.” Greg Hartman discusses his experiences authoring open-source ...

  4. Framing Classroom Discussion of Same-Sex Marriage (United States)

    Hand, Michael


    Assuming that the issue of same-sex marriage should be discussed in schools, how should the discussion be framed? Michael Hand first distinguishes this question from the related but distinct question of whether discussion on this topic should be steered. He then examines three possible frames for discussion of same-sex marriage: the perfectionist…

  5. Use of global context for handling noisy names in discussion texts of a homeopathy discussion forum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukta Majumder


    Full Text Available The task of identifying named entities from the discussion texts in Web forums faces the challenge of noisy names. As the names are often misspelled or abbreviated, the conventional techniques have failed to detect the noisy names properly. In this paper we propose a global context based framework for handling the noisy names. The framework is tested on a named entity recognition system designed to identify the names from the discussion texts in a homeopathy diagnosis discussion forum. The proposed global context-based framework is found to be effective in improving the accuracy of the named entity recognition system.

  6. Methodenangemessene Gütekriterien in der qualitativ-interpretativen Forschung


    Flick, Uwe


    Ziele dieses Beitrages sind Darstellung und vergleichende Diskussion verschiedener Strategien zur Absicherung von Daten und Interpretationen bei der Anwendung qualitativ-interpretativer Verfahren: Kodifizierte Vorgehensweisen bei der Interpretation, kommunikative sowie Handlungsvalidierung und schließlich die Triangulation verschiedener Methoden sollen dazu beitragen, qualitative Verfahren und ihre Resultate vom Vorwurf des Spekulativen und Beliebigen zu befreien. Mit dieser Darstellung solle...

  7. Separate treatment of turbid water from sludge treatment; Separate Behandlung von Truebwaessern aus der Schlammbehandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boehm, B.; Arnold, E.; Wilderer, P.A. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Garching (Germany). Lehrstuhl und Pruefamt fuer Wasserguete- und Abfallwirtschaft


    In semi-technical investigations, discontinuous activated sludge processes and biofilm processes for the nitrification of sludge water were compared. Both processes were found to be equally suited for this application. (orig.) [German] In halbtechnischen Untersuchungen wurden diskontinuierlich betriebene Belebtschlamm- und Biofilmverfahren zur Nitrifikation von Schlammwaessern gegenuebergestellt. Es zeigte sich, dass beide Verfahren gleichermassen fuer diese Anwendung geeignet sind. (orig.)

  8. Discussing Diabetes with Your Healthcare Provider (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Diabetes Discussing Diabetes with Your Healthcare Provider Past Issues / Fall 2009 Table of Contents Diabetes Medicines—Always Discuss Them with Your Healthcare Provider ...

  9. Discussion on Papers 5 - 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strongman, C.P.; Jones, R.; Moorhead, H.


    The topics raised in discussion included: the performance of the generator sets; the movement of sediments and the effect on beach levels; monitoring near-bed sediments; the erosion of barrage materials by suspended solids; sediment transport models; the accuracy of hydrographic and other surveys; the relative ornithological importance of the estuary with respect to others in the United Kingdom. Separate abstracts were prepared for each of the three papers under discussion. (UK)

  10. [Computer mediated discussion and attitude polarization]. (United States)

    Shiraishi, Takashi; Endo, Kimihisa; Yoshida, Fujio


    This study examined the hypothesis that computer mediated discussions lead to more extreme decisions than face-to-face (FTF) meeting. Kiesler, Siegel, & McGuire (1984) claimed that computer mediated communication (CMC) tended to be relatively uninhibited, as seen in 'flaming', and that group decisions under CMC using Choice Dilemma Questionnaire tended to be more extreme and riskier than FTF meetings. However, for the same reason, CMC discussions on controversial social issues for which participants initially hold strongly opposing views, might be less likely to reach a consensus, and no polarization should occur. Fifteen 4-member groups discussed a controversial social issue under one of three conditions: FTF, CMC, and partition. After discussion, participants rated their position as a group on a 9-point bipolar scale ranging from strong disagreement to strong agreement. A stronger polarization effect was observed for FTF groups than those where members were separated with partitions. However, no extreme shift from their original, individual positions was found for CMC participants. There results were discussed in terms of 'expertise and status equalization' and 'absence of social context cues' under CMC.

  11. Online discussion: Enhancing students' critical thinking skills (United States)

    Rathakrishnan, Mohan; Ahmad, Rahayu; Suan, Choo Ling


    Online discussion has become one of the important strategies for the teacher to teach the students to think critically when conveying their ideas and become more proactive and creative. In this paper, padlet online discussion communication was conducted to examine its effectiveness in enhancing critical thinking. In this study, there are two types of critical thinking: macro and micro critical thinking. A total of 70 Universiti Utara Malaysia Management Foundation Programme students involved in this experimental research design. The students in treatment class are divided to few groups. Every group uses padlet online discussion to discuss the topic given. All the group members discuss and write their ideas in padlet. Ideas that are posted in padlet will be displayed in front of the class so that the entire group in the treatment class could see the given ideas. Paul's (1993) model was used to analyze student's macro and micro critical thinking in padlet online discussion and communication. The finding shows that students who used padlet online discussion backchannel communication have greater macro and micro critical thinking level than students who do not use online discussion.

  12. Panel discussion : contract design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vallas, A.; Vegh, G.; McGee, M.; Zaremba, T.; Seshan, A.; Harricks, P.; Bertoldi, L.; Taylor, R.


    This session presented highlights of the comments of 8 panelists who discussed the issue of contract design. The new electricity market in Ontario has introduced the energy trader, who enters into a contract with the consumer, based on the spot price set by the Independent Electricity Market Operator. Every contract has a fixed price payer as well as floating-price payers. If the floating price for a given amount of energy is higher than the fixed price, then the consumer gets the difference. Confusion, however, arises with the purchase of retail physical power in the market, particularly in deciding a fixed rate that the consumer will be paying. Different billing options were also discussed with emphasis on mid to large retail customers that have portfolios in the tens of MW and up to 100 MW or more. figs

  13. Panel discussion : contract design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallas, A. [Sempra Energy Trading, Toronto, ON (Canada); Vegh, G. [MacLeod Dixon, Toronto, ON (Canada); McGee, M. [Energy Profiles Ltd., Etobicoke, ON (Canada); Zaremba, T. [Direct Energy Marketing, Calgary, AB (Canada); Seshan, A. [Larson and Toubro Information Technology, Toronto, ON (Canada); Harricks, P. [Gowlings, Toronto, ON (Canada); Bertoldi, L. [Borden Ladner Gervais, Toronto, ON (Canada); Taylor, R. [Hydro One Networks Inc., Markham, ON (Canada)


    This session presented highlights of the comments of 8 panelists who discussed the issue of contract design. The new electricity market in Ontario has introduced the energy trader, who enters into a contract with the consumer, based on the spot price set by the Independent Electricity Market Operator. Every contract has a fixed price payer as well as floating-price payers. If the floating price for a given amount of energy is higher than the fixed price, then the consumer gets the difference. Confusion, however, arises with the purchase of retail physical power in the market, particularly in deciding a fixed rate that the consumer will be paying. Different billing options were also discussed with emphasis on mid to large retail customers that have portfolios in the tens of MW and up to 100 MW or more. figs.

  14. Discussion Graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiciman, Emre; Counts, Scott; Gamon, Michael


    , time and other confounding factors, few of the studies that attempt to extract information from social media actually condition on such factors due to the difficulty in extracting these factors from naturalistic data and the added complexity of including them in analyses. In this paper, we present......Much research has focused on studying complex phenomena through their reflection in social media, from drawing neighborhood boundaries to inferring relationships between medicines and diseases. While it is generally recognized in the social sciences that such studies should be conditioned on gender...... a simple framework for specifying and implementing common social media analyses that makes it trivial to inspect and condition on contextual information. Our data model—discussion graphs—captures both the structural features of relationships inferred from social media as well as the context...

  15. Discussion on Papers 8 - 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, R.; Wilson, E.A.; Gibson, P.


    Questions raised in the discussion are reported. These concerned: the Treasury discount rate for the construction of such a project; the CO 2 benefits of tidal schemes in developing countries; the criteria for deciding the total installed capacity of the scheme; the Government review of the cost-benefit analysis; the benefit arising from the elimination of nitrogen and sulphur oxides; security of supply; carbon tax projections. The only response reported is on the question of criteria for deciding the total installed capacity. Separate abstracts have been prepared on the three papers under discussion. (UK)

  16. Cutting with laser beams and water jets. Schneiden mit Laserstrahlung und Wasserstrahl; Anwendung, Erfahrungen, Ausblick

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Engemann, B.K.; Herbrich, H.; Kessler, B.; Langemann, M.


    Cutting with laser beams and water jets left the laboratory stage about 20 years ago and has been used commercially in the last few years to an increasing extent. Both techniques offer a fast and low-cost option for producing materials and components that cannot, or only with difficulty, be worked with mechanical separation methods. The book discusses: Equipment and systems for beam generation; control systems and auxiliary systems; process fundamentals and parameters; applications. The book attempts a comprehensive review of the fields of application of both systems as well as a list of the systems now available on the market. (orig./RHM). 131 figs.

  17. Konzeptionelle Entwicklung innovativer Bremssysteme


    Schwankl, L.


    Im Rahmen des hier vorgestellten Kooperationsprojekts wurden vorhandene elektromagnetische Bremsen nach konstruktionsmethodischen Gesichtspunkten überarbeitet. Nach einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem bestehenden System wurde unter Anwendung unterschiedlichster Kreativitätstechniken eine große Anzahl von neuen Lösungsvorschlägen erarbeitet und dokumentiert. Bereits in den frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung wurden die relevanten, produktbestimmenden Eigenschaften mittels einfacher An...

  18. Discussion paper 'Natural Gas for Sale'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The information in this report must support a discussion on policy starting points for the structure of natural gas tariffs in the Netherlands. The discussion will be held within EnergieNed (the association for energy distribution companies in the Netherlands) in the light of recent developments in the energy distribution sector in Europe

  19. Summaries of discussion groups and closeout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Beam Instrumentation Workshop registrants selected the following topics for group discussions: Commercial technology and beam instrumentation, 4th generation light source instrumentation, feedback systems, beam loss monitors, calibration methods, high resolution and highly stable BPM methods, challenges in beam profiling. Summaries of these discussion sessions are listed in the article that follows

  20. WORKSHOP: Discussion, debate, deliberation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jeliazkova, Margarita I.


    Discussing, deliberating and debating are a core part of any democratic process. To organise these processes well, a great deal of knowledge and skill is required. It is not simple to find a good balance between a number of elements: appropriate language and terminology; paying attention to solid

  1. Does a Discussion by Any Other Name Sound the Same? Teaching Discussion in Three ELA Methods Courses (United States)

    Alston, Chandra L.; Danielson, Katie A.; Dutro, Elizabeth; Cartun, Ashley


    Facilitating discussions in English Language Arts can develop students' skills as speakers and listeners and their ability to engage with diverse perspectives. However, classroom observations often demonstrate a lack of student talk, raising questions about the complexity of facilitating discussion and teachers' opportunities to learn and hone the…

  2. From clay bricks to deep underground storage; vom lehmziegel bis zum tiefenlager -- anwendung von ton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This booklet issued by the Swiss National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste NAGRA takes a look at the use of clay strata for the storage of radioactive wastes in deep-lying repositories. First of all, a geological foray is made concerning the history of the use of clay and its multifarious uses. The characteristics of clay and its composition are examined and its formation in the geological past is explained. In particular Opalinus clay is looked at and the structures to be found are discussed. The clay's various properties and industrial uses are examined and its sealing properties are examined. Also, Bentonite clay is mentioned and work done by Nagra and co-researchers is noted.

  3. Three discussions on object-oriented typing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens


    This paper summarizes three discussions conducted at the ECOOP'91 W5 Workshop on "Types, Inheritance, and Assignments" Tuesday July 16, 1991 in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by the authors.......This paper summarizes three discussions conducted at the ECOOP'91 W5 Workshop on "Types, Inheritance, and Assignments" Tuesday July 16, 1991 in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by the authors....

  4. Viewer Discussion is Advised. Video Clubs Focus Teacher Discussion on Student Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth A. van Es


    Full Text Available Video is being used widely in professional development. Yet, little is known about how to design video-based learning environments that are productive for teacher learning. One promising model is a video club (Sherin, 2000. Video clubs bring teachers together to view and analyze video segments from one another’s classrooms. The idea is that by watching and discussing video segments focused on student thinking, teachers will learn practices for identifying and analyzing noteworthy student thinking during instruction and can use what they learn to inform their instructional decisions. This paper addresses issues to consider when setting up a video club for teacher education, such as defining goals for using video, establishing norms for viewing and discussing one another’s teaching, selecting clips for analysis, and facilitating teacher discussions. Si consiglia la discussione tra osservatori. Nei Video Club gli insegnanti mettono a fuoco le modalità con cui gli studenti apprendono.Il video è stato ampiamente utilizzato per la formazione professionale. Tuttavia poche sono le conoscenze relative alla progettazione di ambienti di apprendimento basati su video che siano efficaci per la formazione degli insegnanti. Un modello promettente è il “video club” (Sherin, 2000. Video club uniscono insegnanti che guardano ed analizzano insieme segmenti video delle proprie rispettive classi. L'idea è che gli insegnanti, guardando e discutendo segmenti video centrati sul pensiero degli alunni, imparino ad adottare durante l’insegnamento pratiche d'identificazione e analisi di pensieri degli alunni degni di nota e possano poi utilizzare ciò che hanno imparato nelle decisioni didattiche. Questo articolo affronta le questioni da considerare quando si configura un video club per la formazione degli insegnanti, come ad esempio la definizione di obiettivi per l'utilizzo dei video, le norme per la visione e discussione dei rispettivi video, la selezione

  5. Discussion 2: David Dobbs


    Dobbs, David; Murray-Rust, Peter; Hatcher, Jordan; Pollock, Rufus


    David Dobbs writes on science, medicine and culture. He has contributed to a diversity of publications, including Scientific American, Slate magazine, Wired, Audubon, Atlantic Monthly, and the New York Times magazine. He has also authored a number of books. Other participants in this discussion were Peter Murray-Rust, Jordan Hatcher, and Rufus Pollock.

  6. Empowerment: a conceptual discussion. (United States)

    Tengland, Per-Anders


    The concept of 'empowerment' is used frequently in a number of professional areas, from psychotherapy to social work. But even if the same term is used, it is not always clear if the concept denotes the same goals or the same practice in these various fields. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the discussion and to find a plausible and useful definition of the concept that is suitable for work in various professions. Several suggestions are discussed in the paper, for example control over life or health, autonomy, ability, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and freedom, and it is concluded that there are two plausible complementary uses, one as a goal and one as a process or approach. Empowerment as a goal is to have control over the determinants of one's quality of life, and empowerment as a process is to create a professional relation where the client or community takes control over the change process, determining both the goals of this process and the means to use.

  7. Practical radiation protection of the patient in radiological diagnostics; Praktischer Strahlenschutz am Patienten in der radiologischen Diagnostik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiebich, M. [Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Institut fuer Medizinische Physik und Strahlenschutz, Giessen (Germany)


    The use of radiation protection equipment can reduce the radiation exposure of patients. The aim was to show which patient shields should be used for the different types of examination. The results of multiple studies were compiled and analyzed and recommendations made for the use of patient shields. The absolute dose values and the protective effect were considered. Radiological protection should be used in many investigations; particularly in the case of CT investigations, a reasonable dose reduction potential exists due to the higher radiation dose. Based on these recommendations, workflow changes in some types of investigation are expected due to the use of additional patient shields. (orig.) [German] Durch die Verwendung von Strahlenschutzmitteln kann die Strahlenexposition von Patienten reduziert werden. Es soll dargestellt werden, welche Strahlenschutzmittel bei welchen Untersuchungen eingesetzt werden sollen. Die Ergebnisse von Studien wurden zusammengestellt, analysiert und daraus Empfehlungen fuer die Anwendung von Strahlenschutzmitteln erstellt. Dabei wurden die absoluten Dosiswerte und die Schutzwirkung beruecksichtigt. Bei vielen Untersuchungen sind Strahlenschutzmittel anzuwenden, insbesondere bei CT-Untersuchungen besteht aufgrund der hoeheren Strahlendosis ein gutes Dosisreduktionspotenzial. Aufgrund der Empfehlungen ist bei einigen Untersuchungsarten mit veraenderten Arbeitsablaeufen aufgrund der Anwendung weiterer Strahlenschutzmittel zu rechnen. (orig.)

  8. Ray effects in the discrete-ordinate solution for surface radiation exchange

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liou, B T [Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan (Taiwan, Province of China); Wu, C Y [Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan (Taiwan, Province of China)


    A study of the application of the discrete-ordinate method (DOM) with remedy for the ray effects to the solution of surface radiation exchange is presented in this paper. The remedy for the ray effects is achieved by dividing the radiative intensity into the attenuated incident and the medium emitting components. To demonstrate the application of the technique, this work considers radiative heat transfer in a two-dimensional cylindrical enclosure filled with a nearly transparent medium. The results obtained by the present DOM are in excellent agreement with those by the radiosity/irradiation method. (orig.). With 4 figs., 3 tabs. [Deutsch] In der Arbeit wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie die Stoerstrahlungseffekte bei Anwendung der Methode der diskreten Ordinaten auf die Berechnung des Energietausches zwischen Oberflaechenstrahlern vermieden werden koennen. Dies laesst sich durch Aufspaltung der Strahlungsintensitaet in die abgeschwaechte einfallende und die vom Medium emittierte Komponente erreichen. Als Beispiel fuer die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens dient der Waermeaustausch durch Strahlung in einem zweidimensionalen zylindrischen Behaeltnis, das mit einem nahezu transparenten Medium befuellt ist. Die mit der modifizierten Methode erhaltenen Ergebnisse stimmen ausgezeichnet mit jenen nach dem klassischen Brutto-Verfahren ueberein. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dražen Tripalo


    Full Text Available In der Arbeit wird die Gesetzesregulative hinsichtlich der Lage schuldunfähiger Täter aus der Perspektive des materiellen Strafrechtes und des Strafprozessrechtes sowie auch aus der Perspektive des Gesetzes über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen dargestellt. Ebenfalls wird die Anwendung genannter Gesetzesvorschriften in der Rechtsprechung durch die Analyse von 25 rechtskräftigen Strafurteilen gegenüber schuldunfähigen Personen besprochen. Das Ziel dieser Darstellung und Analyse ist es, sowohl Best-Practice-Beispiele richterlicher Rechtsprechung als auch falsche Urteile und die Abweichungen zwischen ihnen festzustellen, um die Qualität der Urteile zu sichern und die Rechtsprechung anzugleichen. Die Urteile werden hinsichtlich der Anwendung von Gesetzesbegriffen, Vollständigkeit der Rechtsprechung, Begründung der Entscheidungen über Verhandlungen in Abwesenheit des Angeklagten, Form der Ausführung des Angeklagten und der Entscheidungen über Kosten analysiert. Besonderen Wert legt man in der Arbeit der Qualität von Entscheidungen über die Anordnung psychiatrischer Behandlung, weil diese Entscheidungen sehr oft nicht klar auf Gesetzesmerkmale hinweisen und ungenügend begründet sind.

  10. Discussion on nuclear issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrlova, Z.


    Treatment of the radioactive waste and utilisation of the ionisation radiation. Interesting contributions to two topics appeared in conference of Slovak Nuclear Society in Casta-Papiernicka in May 2012. The members from the female section 'Women in nuclear sector; were discussing in particular of the mind-set of Europeans to radioactive waste and novelties in nuclear medicine. (author)

  11. Discussion on Papers 14 - 16

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charles-Jones, S.; Muirhead, S.; Wilson, E.A.; Jefferson, M.; Binnie, C.J.A.; O'Connor, B.A.; Rothwell, P.; Cowie, D.


    Further observations were made on the great potential for tidal power developments in NW Australia. Discussion on the Severn Barrage paper and environmental effects of tidal power plants centred mainly around the impact on bird populations. The topics covered were: the adaptability of birds to changes in their environment with particular reference to the importance of inter-tidal areas for wildfowl and wading birds in the United Kingdom; the creation of mudflats as replacement feeding areas for wading birds; whether there is a danger that pressure from the construction industry might result in a barrage being built before the uncertainties in the environmental impact assessment are removed. Separate abstracts have been prepared for the three papers under discussion. (UK)

  12. Kombinierte elektromagnetische Vollwellen- und strahlbasierte Simulationen von Fahrzeugantennen in virtuellen Testfahrten


    Mocker-Henning, Marina


    In dieser Arbeit werden elektromagnetische Untersuchungen von Fahrzeugantennen für verschiedene Dienste in virtuellen Testfahrten unter Anwendung einer Kombination aus Vollwellen- und Ray Tracing- Methoden simulativ durchgeführt. Es werden verschiedene Vollwellen- Lösungsverfahren und -Lösermethoden vorgestellt und verglichen. Für die Berechnung der Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen im mobilen Szenario wird ein Ray Tracing Programm entwickelt, das für eine hohe Berechnungsgeschwindigkeit...

  13. Physician-patient discussions of controversial cancer screening tests. (United States)

    Dunn, A S; Shridharani, K V; Lou, W; Bernstein, J; Horowitz, C R


    Screening mammography for younger women and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement have controversial benefits and known potential adverse consequences. While providing informed consent and eliciting patient preference have been advocated for these tests, little is known about how often these discussions take place or about barriers to these discussions. We administered a survey to medical house staff and attending physicians practicing primary care. The survey examined physicians' likelihood of discussing screening mammography and PSA testing, and factors influencing the frequency and quality of these discussions. For the three scenarios, 16% to 34% of physicians stated that they do not discuss the screening tests. The likelihood of having a discussion was significantly associated with house staff physicians' belief that PSA screening is advantageous; house staff and attending physicians' intention to order a PSA test, and attending physicians' intention to order a mammogram; and a controversial indication for screening. The most commonly identified barriers to discussions were lack of time, the complexity of the topic, and a language barrier. Physicians report they often do not discuss cancer screening tests with their patients. Our finding that physicians' beliefs and intention to order the tests, and extraneous factors such as time constraints and a language barrier, are associated with discussions indicates that some patients may be inappropriately denied the opportunity to choose whether to screen for breast and prostate cancer.

  14. Panel discussion: Nuclear cardiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwaiger, M.


    The panel discussion opened with a question concerning whether true quantification of myocardial sympathetic presynaptic function or receptor density can be obtained with currently available radiopharmaceuticals. What are the relative advantages of the two general approaches that have been proposed for quantification: (1) The assessment of tracer distribution volume in tissue following bolus injection and (2) quantification based on tracer displacement kinetics following administration of excess unlabeled tracer. It was pointed out that tracer kinetics for the delineation of presynaptic and postsynaptic binding sites by radiopharmaceuticals or radiolabeled receptor antagonists are rather complex, reflecting several physiologic processes that are difficult to separate. Several approaches were examined. The possibility of regional definition of receptor density by PET was questioned and it was noted that regions of interest can be applied to calculate regional receptor kinetics. However, due to the limited spatial resolution of PET, only average transmural values can be determined. The discussion then turned to the discrepancy between the known sparse parasympathetic innervation of the heart and the high density of muscarinic receptors observed with PET. Experiences with MIBG imaging were reported, including uptake in the transplanted heart and interaction of drugs with MIBG uptake

  15. Discussion on Papers 3 and 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, H.; Haigh, G.W.R.; Jenkins, E.


    The topics raised in the discussion covered: the accuracy of the cost estimates for the project; the number of sluices to be used; factors controlling the selection of steel or concrete for caisson construction and the design life of the caissons; the type of gates and lock mechanism; shipping traffic forecasts; and the effect of the barrage on port operations. Separate abstracts have been prepared for the two papers under discussion. (UK)

  16. Discussion groups on the Internet: journaling. (United States)

    Till, J E


    Interactive communication on the Internet, as illustrated by the e-mail-based breast cancer discussion group, provides an alternative to the telephone, the fax machine and regular mail, and is a resource for communications research, the potential of which is only beginning to be appreciated. At least some of the messages posted to such discussion groups could be regarded as a form of "journaling". Such messages are eminently suitable for qualitative data analysis.

  17. The Science of Drug Use: Discussion Points (United States)

    ... The Science of Drug Use: Discussion Points The Science of Drug Use: Discussion Points Email Facebook Twitter ... was last updated February 2017 Related Topics Addiction Science Adolescent Brain Comorbidity College-Age & Young Adults Criminal ...

  18. Lunch to discuss IDRC's programming

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    chantal Taylor

    Page 1. Description: Lunch to discuss IDRC's programming. Date: 2017-02-10. Attendees: 2 (IDRC 1). Location: Ottawa. Total: $79.92. Comments: 2016-2017 Hospitality Expense. Reports for Jean Lebel, President.

  19. Physician–Patient Discussions of Controversial Cancer Screening Tests (United States)

    Dunn, Andrew S.; Shridharani, Kanan V.; Lou, Wendy; Bernstein, Jeffrey; Horowitz, Carol R.


    Background Screening mammography for younger women and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement have controversial benefits and known potential adverse consequences. While providing informed consent and eliciting patient preference have been advocated for these tests, little is known about how often these discussions take place or about barriers to these discussions. Methods We administered a survey to medical house staff and attending physicians practicing primary care. The survey examined physicians’ likelihood of discussing screening mammography and PSA testing, and factors influencing the frequency and quality of these discussions. Results For the three scenarios, 16% to 34% of physicians stated that they do not discuss the screening tests. The likelihood of having a discussion was significantly associated with house staff physicians’ belief that PSA screening is advantageous; house staff and attending physicians’ intention to order a PSA test, and attending physicians’ intention to order a mammogram; and a controversial indication for screening. The most commonly identified barriers to discussions were lack of time, the complexity of the topic, and a language barrier. Conclusions Physicians report they often do not discuss cancer screening tests with their patients. Our finding that physicians’ beliefs and intention to order the tests, and extraneous factors such as time constraints and a language barrier, are associated with discussions indicates that some patients may be inappropriately denied the opportunity to choose whether to screen for breast and prostate cancer. PMID:11165455

  20. Summary of presentations and discussions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeuchi, Mitsuo


    In December 2007, the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence discussed its theme entitled 'Link between research, development and demonstration (RD and D) and stakeholder confidence'. It was remarked that regulators need a technical demonstration to aid in evaluating the safety case. Local stakeholders appreciate the opportunity to visualise technological arrangements. In both cases, demonstration adds to confidence in the feasibility of solutions. Some believe there is an important role for analogues in communication with stakeholders, if handled with integrity. To explore and benchmark current practices, it was decided to hold a topical session at the 9. regular meeting of the FSC on 4 June 2008 regarding the use of analogues for confidence building. The session opened with an introductory presentation by the session rapporteur. This incorporated input provided for the purpose by FSC members in cooperation with their country's representative to the NEA RWMC 'Integration Group on the Safety Case'. Three speakers then presented the various uses of analogues by implementers, regulators and scientists to build their own confidence; a fourth speaker dealt with the experience of using natural analogues in public information. The presentations addressed the use of analogues in the field of geological disposal of high-level waste (HLW) and long-lived intermediate level (ILW-LL) radioactive waste. Then the FSC participants split into two working groups for discussion. The outcome of these discussions was reported in plenary on 6 June 2008 and it was agreed to publish proceedings of the session. The present summary, prepared by the session rapporteur with input from the NEA Secretariat, captures the main points heard in the course of the event. It combines data from the formal presentations and remarks made in discussion. The latter represent viewpoints expressed by a group whose primary focus is not natural analogues but rather stakeholder interests. The summary and viewpoints

  1. Animating Geometry Discussions with Flexigons. (United States)

    McClintock, Ruth


    Presents activities with 10- and 4-straw flexigons, an object created by stringing together lengths of plastic drinking straws with nylon fishing line. Discusses several geometric theorems that can be demonstrated with flexigons. (MKR)

  2. Stimulating Collaboration and Discussion in Online Learning Environments. (United States)

    Clark, Jim


    Discussion of the advantages of online learning environments (OLEs) for distance education focuses on the importance of collaboration and discussion to make the students feel more central to the learning process. Presents methods to stimulate collaboration and discussion in OLEs. (Author/LRW)

  3. Ontology-based topic clustering for online discussion data (United States)

    Wang, Yongheng; Cao, Kening; Zhang, Xiaoming


    With the rapid development of online communities, mining and extracting quality knowledge from online discussions becomes very important for the industrial and marketing sector, as well as for e-commerce applications and government. Most of the existing techniques model a discussion as a social network of users represented by a user-based graph without considering the content of the discussion. In this paper we propose a new multilayered mode to analysis online discussions. The user-based and message-based representation is combined in this model. A novel frequent concept sets based clustering method is used to cluster the original online discussion network into topic space. Domain ontology is used to improve the clustering accuracy. Parallel methods are also used to make the algorithms scalable to very large data sets. Our experimental study shows that the model and algorithms are effective when analyzing large scale online discussion data.

  4. Discussion with CERN Directorate

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva


    Please note that the Discussion with CERN Directorate will be transmitted also in the following rooms: Council Chamber - 503-1-001 IT Amphitheatre - 31-3-004 Prevessin 774-R-013 Simultaneous interpreting into French and English will be available in the Main Auditorium. Une interprétation simultanée en français et en anglais sera disponible dans l'amphithéâtre principal.

  5. The Use of Dream Discussions in Counseling. (United States)

    Miller, Mark J.; And Others


    Reviews the historical underpinnings of dream theories and suggests that discussions of dreams in counseling can aid in setting up and maintaining therapeutic contact with clients. A number of theoretical positions on the function of dreams are discussed. Specific dream counseling techniques are also delineated. (JAC)

  6. Results and discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The author deals with the experimental study of sorption, desorption and vertical migration of radionuclides in Sr-85 and Cs-137 in selected soil samples from around of NPP Bohunice and NPP Mochovce and other localities of the Slovakia. The influence of different materials [concurrent ions (K + , Ca 2+ , NH 4 + , pH), organic matter (peat) and zeolite, humidity] on kinetic of sorption and desorption of strontium and cesium as well as distribution coefficient (K D ) and transfer coefficients in followed samples of soils were followed. Obtained adsorption isotherm are presented and discussed. Using the Tessiere's sequential extraction analysis a gross variability in binding of radionuclides on soils was found. The obtained results were processed with the correlation analysis and the compartment model

  7. International Discussion Meeting on High-Tc Superconductors

    CERN Document Server


    In the past two years conferences on superconductivity have been characterized by the attendance of hundreds of scientists. Consequently, the organizers were forced to schedule numerous parallel sessions and poster presentations with an almost unsurveyable amount of information. It was, therefore, felt that a more informal get-together, providing ample time for a thourough discussion of some topics of current interest in high-temperature superconductivity, was timely and benefitial for leading scientists as well as for newcomers in the field. The present volume contains the majority of papers presented at the International Discussion Meeting on High-Tc Superconductors held at the Mauterndorf Castle in the Austrian Alps from February 7 to 11, 1988. Each subject was introduced in review form by a few invited speakers and then discussed together with the contributed poster presentations. These discussion sessions chaired by selected scientists turned out to be the highlights of the meeting, not only because all ...

  8. Learning through synchronous electronic discussion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kanselaar, G.; Veerman, A.L.; Andriessen, J.E.B.


    This article reports a study examining university student pairs carrying out an electronic discussion task in a synchronous computer mediated communication (CMC) system (NetMeeting). The purpose of the assignment was to raise students' awareness concerning conceptions that characterise effective

  9. 19 CFR 177.27 - Oral discussion of issues. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Oral discussion of issues. 177.27 Section 177.27....27 Oral discussion of issues. Any party authorized to request a ruling under the provisions of § 177.23 may request an opportunity for oral discussion of the issues presented in the request. The oral...

  10. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  11. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  12. Substitution of R502 in existing refrigerating, air-conditioning and heat pump systems with refrigerants of low ozone depletion potential in the Federal Republic of Germany; Ersatz von R 502 in bestehenden Kaelte-, Klima- und Waermepumpenanlagen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch Kaeltemittel mit geringerem Ozonabbaupotential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The technical basics and the state of engineering for the substitution of R502 in existing refrigeration systems are described and explained. The report contains an overview of the current applications of R502 in the FRG, the presentation and discussion of existing substitutes, the presentation and valuations of research and experiences with the adaptation to alternative refrigerants, the presentation of the required infrastructure and a discussion of the technical feasibility. The conversion of existing systems to refrigerants of lower ozone depletion potential is in conclusion valuated with regard to its technical feasibility, environmental relevance and economic efficiency. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es werden die technischen Grundlagen und der Stand der Technik zum Ersatz von R502 in bestehenden Kaelteanlagen dargestellt und erlaeutert. Der Bericht beinhaltet einen Ueberblick ueber die derzeitige Anwendung von R502 in der BRD, die Vorstellung und Diskussion existierender Ersatzstoffe, die Darstellung und Bewertung der Forschung und Erfahrungen zu Umruestungen auf Ersatzstoffe, die Vorstellung der erforderlichen Infrastruktur und die Diskussion der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit. Die Umstellung bestehender Anlagen auf Kaeltemittel mit geringerem Ozonabbaupotential wird abschliessend hinsichtlich der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit, der Umweltrelevanz und der Wirtschaftlichkeit bewertet. (orig.)

  13. Quality of energy consultancy services - Requirements, criteria for evaluation, and a case report; Energieberatungsqualitaet - Anforderungen, Messung und ein Fallbeispiel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hausser, K.


    The article initially pictures an optimized model of energy consultancy and continues with explaining an instrument available for quality assessment of services in general, (SERVQUAL), presenting approaches for modifying this tool so as to make it applicable to evaluating the quality of energy consultancy activities. Finally, the capabilities of the modified tool are discussed referring to a case study in an electric utility, the Neckarwerke Stuttgart. (orig./CB) [German] Energieberatung durch Energieversorgungsunternehmen wird in Deutschland fast flaechendeckend angeboten. Im Beitrag wird zuerst aufgezeigt, welche Anforderungen eine optimale Energieberatung erfuellen muss. Danach wird ein Instrument vorgestellt, das die Qualitaet von Dienstleistungen im allgemeinen misst und im Rahmen der o.g. Arbeit so weiterentwickelt wurde, dass es von nun an auch als Instrument zur Messung der Qualitaet von Energieberatung im Besonderen dienen kann: SERVQUAL (von SERVice QUALity). Zuletzt werden die Ergebnisse praesentiert, die in der o.g. Untersuchung unter Anwendung von SERVQUAL bei den Neckarwerken Stuttgart erzielt wurden. (orig./RHM)

  14. Life cycle assessment of alternative sewage sludge disposal methods; Oekobilanz von Klaerschlammentsorgungsalternativen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fehrenbach, H. [Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung (ifeu), Heidelberg (Germany)


    At present there are three principal options for sewage sludge disposal in use or under discussion: agricultural utilisation - landfilling - cold pretreatment prior to disposal or utilisation (e.g., composting or fermentation) - thermal pretreatment prior to disposal or utilisation (e.g., monocombustion, co-combustion, pyrolysis, gasification). 10% of sewage sludge is currently combusted, 60% is landfilled, and 30% is used for agriculture. The ifeu Institute has carried out several studies which examine and compare the environmental impact of sewage sludge disposal options. [Deutsch] Zur Entsorgung bzw. Verwertung von Klaerschlamm stehen derzeit drei grundsaetzliche Optionen in Anwendung oder werden diskutiert: - Landwirtschaftliche Verwertung - Deponierung - kalte Vorbehandlung vor Deponierung oder Verwertung (z.B. Kompostierung oder Vergaerung) - thermische Vorbehandlung vorn Deponierung oder Verwertung (z.B. Mono- oder Mitverbrennung, Pyrolyse, Vergasung). Verbrannt werden gegenwaertig etwa 10%, 60% deponiert und 30% landwirschaftlich verwertet. Das ifeu-Institut hat in verschiedenen Arbeiten die Umweltauswirkungen von Klaerschlammentsorgungsoptionen untersucht und gegenuebergestellt. (orig./SR)

  15. Computerunterstützte Sacherschließung mit dem Digitalen Assistenten (DA-2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imma Hinrichs


    Full Text Available Wir beschreiben den Digitalen Assistenten DA-2, den wir zur Unterstützung der Sacherschliessung im IBS-Verbund implementiert haben. Diese webbasierte Anwendung ist eine vollständige Neuimplementierung, welche die Erkenntnisse des Vorgängersystems bei der Zentralbibliothek Zürich berücksichtigt. Wir stellen Überlegungen zur Zukunft der Sacherschliessung an und geben eine Übersicht über Projekte mit ähnlichen Zielsetzungen, die Sacherschließung mit Computerunterstützung effizienter und besser zu gestalten.   We describe the digital assistant DA-2 which we have implemented to support the subject indexing process in the IBS-Verbund. This web-based service is a new implementation from scratch based on the lessons learned with its predecessor used by the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. We also discuss the future of intellectual subject indexing and we give an overview on related projects also aiming at digitizing and economizing this challenging process.

  16. Public Energy Education: Issues for Discussion. Draft. (United States)

    Public Energy Education Task Force.

    This paper was intended to stimulate discussion of energy education issues at a conference on energy issues. The discussion ranges through numerous topics at issue in energy education including public energy awareness, definition of public education, the distinction between public education and public relations, and the presentation of a model…

  17. Language-Rich Discussions for English Language Learners (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Anderson, Richard C.; Nguyen-Jahiel, Kim


    A study involving 75 Spanish-speaking fifth graders from a school in the Chicago area investigated whether a peer-led, open-format discussion approach, known as Collaborative Reasoning, would accelerate the students' English language development. Results showed that, after participating in eight discussions over a four-week period, the CR group…

  18. General discussion of feasibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calori, F.


    Fundamentals, objectives and parameters of feasibility studies in the field of nuclear power project planning are discussed in a general way. Technical and economic problems to be considered are pointed out. In special cases, IAEA offers its aid and support. (UA) [de

  19. Review: Anja Weiß (2001). Rassismus wider Willen. Ein anderer Blick auf eine Struktur sozialer Ungleichheit


    Bremer, Helmut


    Die Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Debatte um Rassismus und Interkulturalität sowie zur Anwendung qualitativer Forschungsverfahren im Rahmen der Theorie BOURDIEUs. Rassismus und Anti-Rassismus werden nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern als eine Dimension sozialer Ungleichheit, die in eine umfassende Theorie sozialer Ungleichheit eingebunden werden muss. Vorgeschlagen wird BOURDIEUs Konzept von Habitus, Feld und Kapital. Das ermöglicht einen anderen Blick auf das Phänomen. Rassismus reproduzi...

  20. Trennung und Rekombination von Ladungsträgern in Solarzellen mit nanostrukturierter ZnO-Elektrode


    Tornow, Julian


    In dieser Arbeit werden Elektroden aus hydrothermal auf leitfähigem Glassubstrat (Leitglas) abgeschiedenen ZnO-Nanostangen betrachtet. Die Elektroden selbst sind für sichtbares Licht transparent und werden für eine Anwendung als Solarzelle mit einer lichtabsorbierenden Schicht sensibilisiert; hier sind das entweder metallorganische Farbstoffmoleküle (N3) oder eine nur wenige Nanometer dicke Schicht aus Indiumsulfid. Für die elektrische Kontaktierung der sensibilisierten Elektrode wird entwed...

  1. Introduction of a Diagnosis Related Groups’ Case Flat Rate System: Hopes and Fears (einfuerhrng eines drg-fallpauschalensystems - hoffnungen und aengste) (United States)


    Anwendung und Pflege des neuen Systems dienen soil, wenn die entscheidenden Vorgaben bereits durch die Deckelung gegeben sind. Oder denkt man an den...Software und die da- mit verbundenen Lizenzgebuhren, sondern auch in der Folge um die Schulung der Mitarbeiter sowie die Pflege und Weiterentwicklung...sung an die medizinische Entwicklung" sowie von "Verfahren zur laufen- den Pflege des VergOtungssystems" gesprochen. Es mossen jedoch klare

  2. Semiologia das afasias: uma discussão crítica Semiology of aphasias: a critical discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana do Carmo Novaes Pinto


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a semiologia das afasias, que teve início no século XIX com Broca e Wernicke. Não é nosso objetivo fornecer uma lista exaustiva de sintomas e síndromes para tratar do tema, já que buscamos discutir criticamente por que a semiologia das afasias ainda se baseia principalmente em perspectivas orgânicas na prática clínica e na pesquisa científica. Também discutimos as contribuições de Luria e de Jakobson para uma melhor compreensão de como a linguagem está comprometida nas afasias e como a Lingüística Moderna, sobretudo a Neurolingüística Discursiva, pode iluminar o debate. Analisamos alguns dados para ilustrar os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos das referidas abordagens e discutimos ainda o peso excessivo que as classificações têm no contexto clínico.The article discusses the semiology of aphasias, which started being developed in the 19th century by Broca and Wernicke. We do not provide an exhaustive list of symptoms and syndromes to address the theme, since we aim to critically discuss why the semiology of aphasias is still based mainly on organic perspectives in clinical practice and scientific research. We also discuss the contributions of Luria and Jakobson to a better understanding of how language is affected in aphasias and how Modern Linguistics, in special the Discursive Neurolinguistics, may enlighten the debate. We analyze some data to illustrate the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the above mentioned approaches and also discuss the excessive strength that classifications have in the clinical context.

  3. Expanding the Possibilities of Discussion: A Strategic Approach to Using Online Discussion Boards in the Middle and High School English Classroom (United States)

    Ruday, Sean


    This paper focused on whether the use of online discussion boards can enhance the quality of interaction in the middle and high school English classroom, covering both the characteristics of online discussion boards and potential negative effects of their features. The features of online discussion boards, their effects, and how these boards…

  4. Choice Orientations, Discussions, and Prospects. (United States)

    Raywid, Mary Anne


    Examining the contemporary school choice debate yields arguments that are education, economics, governance, and policy driven. To "break the exclusive franchise," school districts are increasingly sponsoring school operation and education services supplied by multiple sources, and states are discussing sponsorship of schools by entities…

  5. Challenges to code status discussions for pediatric patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherine E Kruse

    Full Text Available In the context of serious or life-limiting illness, pediatric patients and their families are faced with difficult decisions surrounding appropriate resuscitation efforts in the event of a cardiopulmonary arrest. Code status orders are one way to inform end-of-life medical decision making. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the extent to which pediatric providers have knowledge of code status options and explore the association of provider role with (1 knowledge of code status options, (2 perception of timing of code status discussions, (3 perception of family receptivity to code status discussions, and (4 comfort carrying out code status discussions.Nurses, trainees (residents and fellows, and attending physicians from pediatric units where code status discussions typically occur completed a short survey questionnaire regarding their knowledge of code status options and perceptions surrounding code status discussions.Single center, quaternary care children's hospital.203 nurses, 31 trainees, and 29 attending physicians in 4 high-acuity pediatric units responded to the survey (N = 263, 90% response rate. Based on an objective knowledge measure, providers demonstrate poor understanding of available code status options, with only 22% of providers able to enumerate more than two of four available code status options. In contrast, provider groups self-report high levels of familiarity with available code status options, with attending physicians reporting significantly higher levels than nurses and trainees (p = 0.0125. Nurses and attending physicians show significantly different perception of code status discussion timing, with majority of nurses (63.4% perceiving discussions as occurring "too late" or "much too late" and majority of attending physicians (55.6% perceiving the timing as "about right" (p<0.0001. Attending physicians report significantly higher comfort having code status discussions with families than do nurses or trainees

  6. Discussion on Soft Computing at FLINS '96

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruan, D.; Wal, A.J. van der


    This is a report on the discussion about soft computing (SC) during FLINS'96. The discussion is based on the five questions formulated by X. Li, viz. (1) What is SC? (2) What are the characteristics of SC? (3) What are the principal achievements of SC? (4) What are the typical problems of SC and

  7. Discussion Club "Profitable Heritage"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Tkacheva


    Full Text Available The authors and participants of the project and the expert community analyze the problems related to the realization of a big-scale concept of renovation of the historical center “Irkutsk Quarters”. They discuss preservation of wooden architecture of the city, changes in social functions of the territory, inclusion of the new facilities in the fabric of the area, as well as the problems of the territory’s tourist function and preservation of the identity of Irkutsk downtown.

  8. Conflicting perspectives compromising discussions on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Groarke, J


    Healthcare professionals, patients and their relatives are expected to discuss resuscitation together. This study aims to identify the differences in the knowledge base and understanding of these parties. Questionnaires examining knowledge and opinion on resuscitation matters were completed during interviews of randomly selected doctors, nurses and the general public. 70% doctors, 24% nurses and 0% of a public group correctly estimated survival to discharge following in-hospital resuscitation attempts. Deficiencies were identified in doctor and nurse knowledge of ethics governing resuscitation decisions. Public opinion often conflicts with ethical guidelines. Public understanding of the nature of cardiopulmonary arrests and resuscitation attempts; and of the implications of a \\'Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR)\\' order is poor. Television medical dramas are the primary source of resuscitation knowledge. Deficiencies in healthcare professionals\\' knowledge of resuscitation ethics and outcomes may compromise resuscitation decisions. Educational initiatives to address deficiencies are necessary. Parties involved in discussion on resuscitation do not share the same knowledge base reducing the likelihood of meaningful discussion. Public misapprehensions surrounding resuscitation must be identified and corrected during discussion.

  9. Discussion of Minos Mine operating system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pan, B.


    The MINOS (mine operating system), which is used in the majority of British collieries, provides central control at the surface for the machinery and environmental equipment distributed throughout the mine. Installed equipment, including face machinery, conveyors, pumps, fans and sensors are connected to local outstations which all communicate with the control system via a single run of signal cable. The article discusses the system particularly its use in the Automated Control System of Underground Mining Locomotives (ACSUML). The discussion includes the use of MINOS to improve wagon identification, the operating principle of ACSUML and the possibilities of a driverless locomotive. 2 figs.

  10. Another Discussion about Academic Corruption (United States)

    Changgeng, Li


    Academic corruption is a commonplace matter about which all people are clearly aware. However, people often overlook many hidden or latent manifestations of academic corruption. This article discusses eight of these manifestations: indiscriminate use of the academic team spirit, the proliferation of "word games," deliberate attacks on…

  11. The Effect of Instructional Methods (Lecture-Discussion versus Group Discussion) and Teaching Talent on Teacher Trainees Student Learning Outcomes (United States)

    Mutrofin; Degeng, Nyoman Sudana; Ardhana, Wayan; Setyosari, Punaji


    The aim of this study is to examine difference in the effect of instructional methods (lecture-discussion versus group discussion) and teaching talent on teacher trainees student learning outcomes. It was conducted by a quasi-experimental design using the factorialized (2 x 2) version of the nonequivalent control group design. The subjects were…

  12. 33 CFR 214.6 - Discussion. (United States)


    ... providing emergency supplies of clean drinking water. Sewage treatment and disposal, and other sanitary... with contamination of water used in its process is not eligible. The drinking water used by the people... SUPPLIES OF DRINKING WATER § 214.6 Discussion. (a) The amendment provides for furnishing emergency supplies...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Kovalev


    Full Text Available Necessity of improvement of the system pertaining to distribution of limited resources obligatory leads to reduction of state interference in these processes. While discussing the economic design in socialism in the period of 1920–1930 the Austrian school presented significant arguments against any interference in resource distribution. Socialists’ objections (initial idea of socialism as money-free economy; possibility to determine price structure that excludes deficit and glut in the market fail to pass theoretical and time testing. The existing opinion that the Austrians are losers in this discussion is related to their permanent additional arguments without acknowledging their own mistakes that had been made in their previous discussions and declaring that their opponents occupy positions at the second line of the defense. Last works of Austrian representatives re-consider final results of the discussion about the possibility of economic design in socialism taking into account changes in general approach to evaluation of the results of scientific discussion

  14. Dynamical networks of influence in small group discussions. (United States)

    Moussaïd, Mehdi; Noriega Campero, Alejandro; Almaatouq, Abdullah


    In many domains of life, business and management, numerous problems are addressed by small groups of individuals engaged in face-to-face discussions. While research in social psychology has a long history of studying the determinants of small group performances, the internal dynamics that govern a group discussion are not yet well understood. Here, we rely on computational methods based on network analyses and opinion dynamics to describe how individuals influence each other during a group discussion. We consider the situation in which a small group of three individuals engages in a discussion to solve an estimation task. We propose a model describing how group members gradually influence each other and revise their judgments over the course of the discussion. The main component of the model is an influence network-a weighted, directed graph that determines the extent to which individuals influence each other during the discussion. In simulations, we first study the optimal structure of the influence network that yields the best group performances. Then, we implement a social learning process by which individuals adapt to the past performance of their peers, thereby affecting the structure of the influence network in the long run. We explore the mechanisms underlying the emergence of efficient or maladaptive networks and show that the influence network can converge towards the optimal one, but only when individuals exhibit a social discounting bias by downgrading the relative performances of their peers. Finally, we find a late-speaker effect, whereby individuals who speak later in the discussion are perceived more positively in the long run and are thus more influential. The numerous predictions of the model can serve as a basis for future experiments, and this work opens research on small group discussion to computational social sciences.

  15. Round table discussion during session 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mays, C.


    The round table discussions of the second session of the FSC Belgium Workshop addressed the following questions: - Do local stakeholders have, internally or externally, all the expertise they need in order to address the issues raised by radioactive waste management projects? - Do institutional stakeholders have all the expertise they need to take local impacts into account? - What kinds of expert input are sought and attained by the different stakeholders? - Were any formal methods used to aid local partnerships perform technology assessments? Or other types of assessment? - How to maintain the knowledge and expertise achieved by the stakeholders? Discussion took place after the plenary presentations, at tables grouping Belgian stakeholders and FSC delegates. As in Session I, most of the round table discussion focussed specifically on the experience of the local partnerships. Many insights were shared about the nature and role of expertise in complex decision making. They are summarised below, on the basis of the feedback provided to the plenary by each round table. Some of these insights can be generalised to other contexts. All in all, a profile emerged of the local partnerships as a unique and effective tool to deal with knowledge issues in managing risk. (author)

  16. Preoperative Surgical Discussion and Information Retention by Patients. (United States)

    Feiner, David E; Rayan, Ghazi M


    To assess how much information communicated to patients is understood and retained after preoperative discussion of upper extremity procedures. A prospective study was designed by recruiting patients prior to undergoing upper extremity surgical procedures after a detailed discussion of their operative technique, postoperative care and treatment outcomes. Patients were given the same 20-item questionnaire to fill out twice, at two pre operative visits. An independent evaluator filled out a third questionnaire as a control. Various discussion points of the survey were compared among the 3 questionnaires and retained information and perceived comprehension were evaluated. The average patients' age was 50.3 (27-75) years The average time between the two surveys preoperative 1 and preoperative 2 was 40.7 (7-75) days,. The average patient had approximately 2 years of college or an associate's degree. Patients initially retained 73% (52-90%) of discussion points presented during preoperative 1 and 61% (36-85%) of the information at preoperative 2 p = .002. 50% of patients felt they understood 100% of the discussion, this dropped to only 10% at their preoperative 2 visit. 15% of our patients did not know what type of anesthesia they were having at preoperative 2. A communication barrier between patients and physicians exists when patients are informed about their preoperative surgical discussion. The retention of information presented is worsened with elapsing time from the initial preoperative discussion to the second preoperative visit immediately prior to surgery. Methods to enhance patients' retention of information prior to surgery must be sought and implemented which will improve patients' treatment outcome.

  17. Round table discussion during session 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aebersold, M.


    The round table discussions of the first session of the Belgium Workshop addressed the following questions: - Accepting or refusing a person, an institution or a grouping as a legitimate Stakeholder who makes the decision and how? - How are the local partnerships built and organised? - How to obtain community support for the partnership's legitimate decisions/findings? - Experience teaches that no decision is reached solely by formal and legal processes. What role do informal processes play? - How can the informal procedures be accepted? Do they need to be made explicit? Discussion took place after the plenary presentations, at tables grouping Belgian stakeholders and FSC delegates. After the discussion, each table's findings were reported to the plenary. Most of the discussion concerned the local partnerships. Important findings were that the statutes for the partnerships were developed by the partnerships themselves and there were no legally binding rules handed down by the federal level. The partnerships are part of an informal process. A legally binding participation (i.e. within the EIA) will be initiated at a later stage. As the partnerships function outside of the formal legal procedure, they can function in a more flexible way. It was noted that the partnerships make recommendations, but it is not clear what the government will do with these recommendations. It was also argued that the process may cause conflicts between neighboring communities. As in other contexts visited by the FSC, the importance of the right of veto of the community was stressed, although this may cause a conflict between technical suitability and social acceptance. Access of the community to the local partnership is necessary. Finally it was accepted that time is needed to explain the recommendations to the broader community before any decisions are taken. (author)

  18. Discussing Ethical Issues in the Classroom: Leveraging Pedagogical Moments that May Otherwise Undermine Important Discussions (United States)

    Simpson, Douglas J.; Hull, William J., Jr.


    The authors identify, examine, and clarify three kinds of hindrances (dismissive/evasive tactics, logical stoppers, and ad hominem arguments) to teaching about ethical issues in P-12 schools. In discussing these three types of obstacles, they stress that the barriers themselves provide both challenges and opportunities for teachers. Indeed, they…

  19. Sensors - technology and application. Sensoren - Technologie und Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The development of sensors could not keep pace with the progress made in microelectronics. The monolithic integration of sensor and signal processing circuits was realised in some cases. More development is needed though before they can be applied in microelectronics, household appliances and automobiles. Descriptions are supplied of: new materials and technologies for sensors, sensor systems, sensors for mechanical parameters, temperatures, chemical paramters and sensors on magnetic basis.

  20. Smoothed Bootstrap und seine Anwendung in parametrischen Testverfahren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Handschuh, Dmitri


    Full Text Available In empirical research, the distribution of observations is usually unknown. This creates a problem if parametric methods are to be employed. The functionality of parametric methods relies on strong parametric assumptions. If these are violated the result of using classical parametric methods is questionable. Therefore, modifications of the parametric methods are required, if the appropriateness of their assumptions is in doubt. In this article, a modification of the smoothed bootstrap is presented (using the linear interpolation to approximate the distribution law suggested by the data. The application of this modification to statistical parametric methods allows taking into account deviations of the observed data distributions from the classical distribution assumptions without changing to other hypotheses, which often is implicit in using nonparametric methods. The approach is based on Monte Carlo method and is presented using one-way ANOVA as an example. The original and the modified statistical methods lead to identical outcomes when the assumptions of the original method are satisfied. For strong violations of the distributional assumptions, the modified version of the method is generally preferable. All procedures have been implemented in SAS. Test characteristics (type 1 error, the operating characteristic curve of the modified ANOVA are calculated.

  1. Einfluss hochfrequenter Felder des Mobilfunks auf das blutbildende System in vitro


    Gläser, Katharina


    Elektromagnetische Felder (EMF) sind in der Umwelt des Menschen allgegenwärtig. Unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Frequenzen bilden sie die Grundlage zahlreicher Technologien und begegnen uns im Alltag in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen. Eine sehr wichtige Anwendung von EMF ist die mobile Kommunikation. Die hierfür verwendeten Frequenzen liegen im hochfrequenten Bereich und variieren mit dem Mobilfunkstandard. Weit verbreitet ist die GSM- und UMTS-Modulation der zweiten (2G) und dritten Gener...

  2. Generative Fertigung im Maschinenbau - industrieller 3D-Druck auf dem Weg in die Serienproduktion


    Müller, Bernhard


    3D-Druck ist aktuell medial omnipräsent, sein Potential für echte industrielle Anwendungen, v. a. im Maschinenbauumfeld, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Der Vortrag gibt einen fundierten Einblick in den Stand der Technik zum industriellen 3D-Druck (Generative Fertigung , Additive Manufacturing) und zeigt spezifische Potentiale mit industrieller Relevanz auf. Dabei werden ebenso Praxisbeispiele aus heutiger Anwendung in der Industrie gezeigt als auch Zukunftsszenarien für potentielle Anwendungen e...

  3. Bestimmung der optimalen Array-Apertur für die Ultraschallprüfung von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen


    Kurras, Martin


    Für die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Kohlenstofffaserverbundwerkstoffen (CFK) wird häufig die Ultraschallprüfung verwendet. Neben dem klassischen Ultraschallverfahren findet dabei auch die Phased Array Technologie Anwendung. Hierbei wird zwischen zwei Verfahren unterschieden: dem handelsüblichen Phased Array oder Conventional Phased Array (CPA) und dem tomographischen Sampling Phased Array (SPA). Der Einsatz von Phased Arrays im Zusammenhang mit Linear-Scan-Technik und das sich daraus ergeben...

  4. Ketal-Synthese mit Brønsted-aciden ionischen Flüssigkeiten als Katalysator in zweiphasigen Reaktionssystemen


    Thomann, Michael


    In dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Produktion von 2,2-Dimethoxypropan (DMP) aus Aceton und Methanol unter Verwendung von Brønsted-aciden ionischen Flüssigkeiten (BAILs) als Katalysator in einer flüssig-flüssig Zweiphasenreaktion entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wurde die Anwendung des neuartigen Zweiphasenprozesses in der Herstellung von Ketalen aus höhermolekularen linearen Ketonen, insbesondere 2-Butanon, und Methanol demonstriert. Im Unterschied zu bisher publizierten Verfahren ...

  5. Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2010 Jahresbericht Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramm

    CERN Document Server

    Dombrowski, Saskia


    In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland überwachen die Länderbehörden die Einhaltung der Vorschriften für das Inverkehrbringen und die Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln. 2010 wurden bundesweit 2558 Handelsbetriebe sowie 4909 land- und forstwirtschaftliche sowie Gartenbau-Betriebe kontrolliert. Darüber hinaus haben Kontrollstellen fast 100 Tausend Pflanzenschutzgeräte überprüft und die physikalischen, chemischen und technischen Eigenschaften von 157 Pflanzenschutzmitteln untersucht. Der vorliegende Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse dieser Kontrollen zusammen.

  6. Do-it-yourself-Fragebogen-App am Beispiel des Fragebogens zur Erfassung des Stimmlichen Selbstkonzepts


    Lehnert, B


    Hintergrund: Validierte Fragebögen ergänzen die Anamnese. Gegenüber der klassischen Anwendung mit Stift und Papier kann die Befragung mit mobilen Computern Vorteile haben: Erfassung, Auswertung und Dokumentation sind weniger zeit- und fehleranfällig. Durch das elektronische Interface kann unklares Antwortverhalten vermieden werden (keine Kreuzchen zwischen den Kästchen etc.). Ein Mobiltelefon kann beliebig viele Fragebögen bevorraten und passt doch in die Kitteltasche.Papierformen der Frageb...

  7. Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Wirtschaft. Vollstudie


    Müller, Simon C.; Böhm, Markus; Schröer, Marina; Bahkirev, Alexander; Baiasu, Bogdan-Cristian; Krcmar, Helmut; Welpe, Isabell M.


    Selten zuvor haben neuartige Konzepte und Technologien überall auf der Welt so schnell und weitreichend gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anwendung gefunden wie digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Smartphones in den letzten zehn Jahren. Meilensteine der Entwicklung waren der Beginn der Digitalisierung ganzer Bibliotheken beginnend mit dem Jahr 2005 und die Markteinführung des iPhones im Jahr 2007. Die digitale Transformation stellt Politik und Wirtschaft vor große Herausforderungen. Für eine fu...

  8. Rückstandsanalytische Untersuchungen für eine aktualisierte Bewertung des Einsatzes hormonal wirksamer Leistungsförderer in der Tiermast


    Lange, Iris Gudrun


    Bei der Anwendung hormonal wirksamer Leistungsförderer in der Tiermast in Form von Implantationspräparaten ist die Einhaltung der "Guten Veterinärpraxis" unabdingbar. Gelangen Implantationsstellen in die Nahrungskette, können ganze Chargen von Fleischprodukten kontaminiert werden. Das höchste Gefährdungspotential geht dabei von Trenbolonacetatpräparaten aus, gefolgt von Östradiol bzw. Östradiolbenzoat, Testosteronpropionat und Progesteron. Eine Evaluierung von Zeranol war diesbezüglich im Rah...

  9. Ein Richdata-Konzept für Virtuelle Realität dargestellt am Beispiel der Fahrzeugkonfiguration


    Ni, Cheng


    Die Integration ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für den VR-Einsatz im industriellen Entwicklungs- und Produktionsprozess. Ausgereifte integrierte VR-Lösungen benötigen vielfältige Informationsformen, um neben der visuellen Szene auch die Beschreibung, Logik, Überwachung und Kontrollierbarkeit des zu integrierenden Prozesses in der VR-Anwendung darzustellen. In VR wurden sie allerdings bisher nicht in der gleichen Intensität wie die Erzeugung, Verarbeitung und Anzeige von Geometrieda...

  10. Vergleichende Kraft-Dehnungs- und Dauerlastversuche mit kieferorthopädischen Gummizügen und pseudoelastischen Ni-Ti-Federn


    Buch, Stefan


    Bei einer Behandlung mit festsitzenden Apparaturen stehen für Zahnverschiebungen in mesio-distaler Richtung und zur Okklusionseinstellung seit 1993 als Alternative zu Gummiringen aus Latex Zugfedern aus der Nickel-Titan-Legierung Sentalloy zur Verfügung. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt die materialtechnischen Besonderheiten der beiden Werkstoffe auf und beschreibt die Vor- und Nachteile in der klinischen Anwendung der Gummizüge und der Federn. Es wurden Gummizüge aus Latex von Ormco Dental...

  11. Nuclear waste under glass, further discussion (United States)

    O'Keefe, J. A.; Barkatt, A.; Glass, B. P.; Alterescu, S.

    J. J. Crovisier and J. Honnorez [1988] discuss an article by W. W. Maggs, “Mg May Protect Waste Under Glass” [Maggs, 1988] summarizing work by A. Barkatt (Catholic University, Washington, D.C.), B. P. Glass (University of Delaware, Newark), and S. Alterescu and J. A. O'Keefe (NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, Md.). We found that seawater is orders of magnitude less corrosive t h an fresh water in attacking tektite glass; traced the protective effect to the presence of magnesium, at a level of about 1.3 g/L in seawater; and suggested that the effect might be useful in protecting nuclear waste glasses from corrosion.Crovisier and Honnorez first make the point that the rate of corrosion of glass is, in principle, a function of the ratio of surface area 5 to the effective volume V. This concept, which is usually discussed in American literature under the name of S/V effects, is discussed by Crovisier and Honnorez in terms of the “permeability of the environment.” These effects have been carefully considered throughout our work (see, for example, Barkatt et al. [19867rsqb;). It turns out that in the sea the effective S/V is so small that the effects referred to by Crovisier and Honnorez can be ignored.

  12. Discussion meet on electroanalytical techniques and their applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, S.K.; Gopinath, N.; Govindan, R.


    Electrochemistry is truly an interdisciplinary science and plays an important role in different branches of science and technology. The present Discussion Meet on ElectroAnalytical Techniques (DM- ELANTE-2008) is focused on the update of various electroanalytical techniques which have brought out a substantial change in electroanalytical chemistry. The aim of this Discussion Meet is to provide a forum to all the electroanalytical scientists to discuss their recent findings and information, learn from the mutual experiences and interests, and to promote cooperation both nationally and internationally. It is proposed to have tutorial lectures as well as invited talks during the Discussion Meet on various electroanalytical techniques including Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Spectro-electrochemistry, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM), Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM), Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) etc. Papers relevant to INIS are indexed separately

  13. Helping Students Discuss Race Openly (United States)

    Landsman, Julie


    One way teachers can disrupt inequities is by doing the work to foster discussions in which students talk about race--and racism--honestly together. Teachers also need to be ready to talk with students sensitively when the subject of race comes up spontaneously--in a student's work, connected to events outside school, or in response to a…

  14. Unseen Discussions: Artist@Hotmail.Com. (United States)

    Huberman, Anthony

    For the recent exhibition "Greater New York: New Art in New York Now," the Education Department at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, a large museum located in the Long Island City section of Queens, New York, organized a unique email-based discussion. The museum set up an e-mail address for most participating artists using the free…

  15. Males Are Not as Active as Females in Online Discussion: Gender Differences in Face-to-Face and Online Discussion Strategies (United States)

    Tsai, Meng-Jung; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Hou, Huei-Tse; Tsai, Chin-Chung


    This study examined the gender difference in students' perceived discussion strategies in face-to-face and online asynchronous contexts. A survey of 363 university students and follow-up interviews of 20 participants was conducted to examine any gender differences within each context and between the two contexts. The Discussion Strategies Scale…

  16. Determination of specific concentration variations of atmospheric trace elements in precipitation as a method for the estimation of spatial deposition into the soil by use of statistical methods; Ermittlung spezifischer Konzentrationsverlaeufe atmosphaerischer Spurenbestandteile in Niederschlaegen als Methode zur Abschaetzung des flaechenhaften Stoffeintrags in den Boden unter Anwendung statistischer Methoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Busch, U. [Dortmund Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Statistik; Vautz, W. [Institut fuer Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie (ISAS), Dortmund (Germany); Klockow, D. [Institut fuer Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie (ISAS), Dortmund (Germany); Urfer, W. [Dortmund Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Statistik


    Witterungsdaten - und die genauere Abschaetzung der raeumlichen Verteilung von Stoffkonzentrationen in Niederschlaegen. Schliesslich wird ein Interpolationsverfahren fuer Depositionsdaten vorgeschlagen, das die geschaetzten Parameter dieser Modelle und Witterungsdaten als zusaetzliche Information verwendet. Seine Anwendung auf die Daten von 1992 ergibt erste Depositionskarten. Der Bericht schliesst mit einigen Vorschlaegen, wie die Ergebnisse aus diesem Projekt in zukuenftigen Untersuchungen zur trockenen Deposition verwendet werden koennten. (orig.)

  17. Analyzing Social Media Relationships in Context with Discussion Graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiciman, Emre; Choudhury, Munmun De; Counts, Scott


    We present discussion graphs, a hyper-graph-based representation of social media discussions that captures both the structural features of the relationships among entities as well as the context of the discussions from which they were derived. Building on previous analyses of social media network...... and pseudo-cliques, when applied to the analysis of textual social media content. We apply our framework across several domains captured in Twitter, including the mining of peoples' statements about their locations and activities and discussions of the U.S. 2012 elections....

  18. Evaluating Critical Thinking in Computer Mediated Communication Discussions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faizah Mohamad


    Full Text Available This paper presents an investigation of whether computer mediated communication (CMC can develop critical thinking in language classrooms. The research was conducted at a university branch campus in Malaysia over a period of 12 weeks. It involved three groups of learners in which each group was exposed to different discussion modes. The first group was exposed to a CMC discussion mode, the second group was exposed to a mixed mode of CMC and face-to-face (F2F discussions and the third group had only the face-to-face mode of discussion. The critical thinking development in these three conditions was evaluated based on the content analysis method used by Newman, Johnson, Cochrane and Webb (1995. This research reports the findings which hopefully will give some insight to other teaching practitioners who are interested in incorporating IT in their classrooms

  19. Using Text Mining to Characterize Online Discussion Facilitation (United States)

    Ming, Norma; Baumer, Eric


    Facilitating class discussions effectively is a critical yet challenging component of instruction, particularly in online environments where student and faculty interaction is limited. Our goals in this research were to identify facilitation strategies that encourage productive discussion, and to explore text mining techniques that can help…

  20. Discussion record of the workshop on nonlocal transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, K.; Itoh, S.-I.; Stroth, U.; Iwasaki, T.; Yagi, M.; Fukuyama, A.


    The discussion on the problem of the transient response and nonlocal transport is reported. Problem of the transient response is surveyed, and several approaches are reviewed. The formulation based on the nonlocal transport is discussed. Example of the analysis is presented. Future study is identified. (author)

  1. The Framing Discussion: Connecting Student Experience with Mathematical Knowledge (United States)

    Henning, John E.; Balong, Megan


    This article introduces the framing discussion, an informal discussion of a mathematical problem that takes place at the beginning of a lesson or unit. The purpose of the framing discussion is to assess student knowledge, motivate student interest, and to serve as a basis for guiding students to more formal mathematical knowledge. The article…

  2. Panel discussion on laboratory accelerator programs: present and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, B.


    The present SLAC accelerator program is summarized briefly, and the future of electron-positron colliders is discussed. Present activities discussed include the PEP storage ring, the SPEAR storage ring, the Linear Accelerator, and the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) project. Future prospects include a larger scale linear collider. The stability requirements on acceleration are briefly discussed

  3. Summary discussion: An integrated advanced tokamak reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauthoff, N.R.


    The tokamak concept improvement workshop addressed a wide range of issues involved in the development of a more attractive tokamak. The agenda for the workshop progressed from a general discussion of the long-range energy context (with the objective being the identification of a set of criteria and ''figures of merit'' for measuring the attractiveness of a tokamak concept) to particular opportunities for the improvement of the tokamak concept. The discussions concluded with a compilation of research program elements leading to an improved tokamak concept

  4. Maintaining Live Discussion in Two-Stage Open Peer Review (United States)

    Sandewall, Erik


    Open peer review has been proposed for a number of reasons, in particular, for increasing the transparency of the article selection process for a journal, and for obtaining a broader basis for feedback to the authors and for the acceptance decision. The review discussion may also in itself have a value for the research community. These goals rely on the existence of a lively review discussion, but several experiments with open-process peer review in recent years have encountered the problem of faltering review discussions. The present article addresses the question of how lively review discussion may be fostered by relating the experience of the journal Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) which was an early experiment with open peer review. Factors influencing the discussion activity are identified. It is observed that it is more difficult to obtain lively discussion when the number of contributed articles increases, which implies difficulties for scaling up the open peer review model. Suggestions are made for how this difficulty may be overcome. PMID:22363282

  5. Discusses the core competence of professional information agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Tao; Wang Wensheng


    This paper analyzes the connotation of core competence theory, Discusses the definition, composition and main aspects of the theory in professional information agency, And analyzes the core competence of an authoritative information agency-Energy Information Administration, discusses the main measures of improving core competencies in professional information agency. (authors)

  6. Roundtable discussion: Materials management issues supporting licensing renewal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this technical session is to discussion the relationships between nuclear materials management/procurement engineering and plant license renewal. The basis for the discussion is DG-1009 'Standard format and content of technical information for applications to renew nuclear power plant operating licenses', dated 12/90

  7. Discussion Strategies for the Inclusion of ALL Students (United States)

    Weih, Timothy G.


    Student-centered discussion strategies are described in this article in pursuance of insuring that ALL student voices have a chance to be heard in the classroom. Discussion strategies that are presented include the following: The 10 Second Rule, Think-Pair-Share, Quick Writes, Recorder-Reporter, and K-W-L.

  8. Management's discussion and analysis | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Nov 2, 2010 ... As discussed later, the variance from budget relates to accounting ... projects or programs (see Note 10 of the Notes to the Financial Statements, page 76). ... is based on generally accepted management accounting principles ...

  9. Predicted summary of panel discussion on smart instruments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorber, R.E.


    The following is a hypothetical account of a panel discussion on Smart Instruments. It enumerates topics that are likely to covered in the actual discussion. A smart instrument may be defined as one that performs smart functions or as one that contains a computer of some sort. Neither definition is perfect. Smart functions might include, but are not limited to: automated data logging (reading, location, time); transfer (downloading) logged data to outside computer; computer assisted, remote calibration; linearity and dead time correction; performance trending; self diagnosis of faults; detector probe recognition; automated beta factor application; and automatic range selection. These smart functions are discussed

  10. Radon in dwellings and lung cancer - a discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stranden, E.


    A discussion of the lung cancer risk associated with radon exposure inside dwellings is presented. The risk factors found for miners are discussed and modified according to the lower mean breathing rates inside dwellings and the differences in atmosphere. Statistical information on the lung cancer incidence in the Norwegian population indicates that a 'doubling exposure rate' of radon daughters inside dwellings may be about 2-3 WLM/yr. This corresponds to a radon concentration of about 10-15 pCi/l. These values are used in a discussion of the consequences of a future reduction of the mean ventilation rates in modern houses. (author)

  11. Discourse Integration Guided by the "Question under Discussion" (United States)

    Clifton, Charles, Jr.; Frazier, Lyn


    What makes a discourse coherent? One potential factor has been discussed in the linguistic literature in terms of a Question under Discussion (QUD). This approach claims that discourse proceeds by continually raising explicit or implicit questions, viewed as sets of alternatives, or competing descriptions of the world. If the interlocutor accepts…

  12. The Role of Oncology Nurses in Discussing Clinical Trials. (United States)

    Flocke, Susan A; Antognoli, Elizabeth; Daly, Barbara J; Jackson, Brigid; Fulton, Sarah E; Liu, Tasnuva M; Surdam, Jessica; Manne, Sharon; Meropol, Neal J


    To describe oncology nurses' experiences discussing clinical trials with their patients, and to assess barriers to these discussions.
. A qualitative study designed to elicit narratives from oncology nurses. 
. Community- and academic-based oncology clinics throughout the United States.
. 33 oncology nurses involved in direct patient care in community-based and large hospital-based settings. The sample was drawn from members of the Oncology Nursing Society. 
. In-depth interviews were conducted and analyzed using a 
immersion/crystallization approach to identify themes and patterns. The analyses highlight specific issues, examples, and contexts that present challenges to clinical trial discussions with patients.
. Oncology nurses view their roles as patient educators and advocates to be inclusive of discussion of clinical trials. Barriers to such discussions include lack of knowledge and strategies for addressing patients' common misconceptions and uncertainty about the timing of discussions.
. These data indicate that enabling nurses to actively engage patients in discussions of clinical trials requires educational interventions to build self-efficacy and close knowledge gaps. 
. Oncology nurses can play a critical role in advancing cancer care by supporting patients in decision making about clinical trial participation. This will require training and education to build their knowledge, reduce barriers, and increase their self-efficacy to fulfill this responsibility in various clinical settings.

  13. CERN in discussions with its neighbours

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN recently invited local partners, elected representatives, and representatives of local administrations and associations to an information and discussion evening, giving those invited an opportunity to raise various topics linked to CERN’s presence in the local area. On Tuesday, 20 October the Globe of Science and Innovation took on a distinctly regional flavour when some 60 representatives of local administrations and public bodies in Switzerland and France as well as teachers, heads of local schools and chairs of local associations attended an information and discussion evening at the invitation of the Director-General. In his opening address, the Director-General underlined CERN’s commitment to transparency and the desire to enhance its communication with the local community. This address was followed by four presentations. Philippe Bloch, head of the Physics Department, explained the scientific goals of the LHC and the L...

  14. Discussion of participation possibilities at KEK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gill, D.R.


    A group of physicists at TRIUMF have been meeting regularly to discuss options for involvement in experiments that relate closely to the physics that would be undertaken at the KAON Factory. At a meeting held to discuss possibilities for work at KEK in the light of the new facilities that are under construction or proposed as part of the JHP, the topics considered ranged from the ion source to kaon beams. They included measurements of kaon-nucleon elastic and inelastic scattering in the 1600 to 2000 MeV range; transport of polarized proton beams through synchrotrons; the development of laser pumped polarized ion sources and volume cusp H - sources; studies of the problems that high intensity beams will present for the maintenance of H - stripping foils; collaboration on radioactive beam facilities; production of hypernuclei; low energy kaon scattering; and new types of detectors

  15. D 3.6 Africa: Discussion report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mandrup, Thomas


    in general, sub-matter experts, experts on peace and conflict studies, and practitioners in crisis management. A total of eighteen speakers explored the effectiveness of international assistance to the four African examples from different perspectives, drawing a rather pessimistic picture of the current......One round-table event was organised within the framework of Work Package III, part of the IECEU project. The events focused on the WP3’s four case studies: Libya, CAR, South Sudan and DRC. This report provides information on the round-table event and presents the main points of discussion...... that emerged during it. The round-table discussion and the subsequent seminar on the Effectiveness of International Assistance and Local Ownership in the four case studies was organised by the Royal Danish Defence College on 31 October-1. November 2016. The round-table participants included experts on Africa...

  16. Wässrige Nanosuspensionen zur pulmonalen Applikation


    Scherließ, Holger


    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung einer Nanosuspensionsformulierung zur inhalativen Anwendung mit dem schwerlöslichen Antimykotikum Itraconazol untersucht. Viele der neu entwickelten pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffe sind nach der Arzneibuchdefinition als schwerlöslich, sehr schwer löslich oder gar praktisch unlöslich einzuteilen. Das bedingt in der Praxis häufig Probleme in der Bioverfügbarkeit und stellt eine große Herausforderung für die Galenik dar. Die Herstellung der Nan...

  17. Investigations on the effect of creep stress on the thermal properties of metallic materials; Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Zeitstandbeanspruchung auf die thermischen Eigenschaften metallischer Werkstoffe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radtke, U [Univ. Dortmund (Germany); Crostack, H A [Univ. Dortmund (Germany); Winschuh, E [Siemens KWU, Offenbach (Germany)


    Using thermal wave analysis with front side infrared detection on sample material damaged by creep, one examines whether the creep stress has an effect on the thermal material properties and to what effect this can be used to estimate the remaining service life. (orig.) [Deutsch] Unter Anwendung der Waermewellenanalyse mit frontseitiger Infrarotdetektion auf zeitstandgeschaedigtes Probenmaterial wird untersucht, ob die Zeitstandbeanspruchung einen Einfluss auf die thermischen Werkstoffeigenschaften hat und inwieweit dieser zur Abschaetzung der Restlebensdauer genutzt werden kann. (orig.)

  18. capital. A discussion paper

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Chojnacka


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to confront certain propositions presented in Lesław Niemczyk’s publication Rachunkowość finansowa aktywów kompetencyjnych i kapitału intelektualnego. Nowy dział rachunkowości(Accounting for Competence Assets and Intellectual Capital. A New Area in Accounting with ideas published in other studies. The authors discuss issues concerning firm value, selected definitions of intellectual capital, as well as certain methods of intellectual capital measurement and valuation. Other problems analysed include accounting for and reporting of intellectual capital and similarities and differences between the way those issues are presented in Polish and in international studies as well as in existing legal regulations and standards.

  19. 19 CFR 177.4 - Oral discussion of issues. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Oral discussion of issues. 177.4 Section 177.4... TREASURY (CONTINUED) ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS General Ruling Procedure § 177.4 Oral discussion of issues. (a... issue or issues involved should indicate that desire in writing at the time the ruling request is filed...

  20. Panel Discussion: Creating a Spirit of Inquiry in the Classroom (United States)

    Leh, Sandra Kundrik; Melincavage, Sharon M.


    A paucity of published literature exists related to the use of panel discussion as a teaching strategy. This article describes the panel discussion, the underpinnings of constructivism and the use of panel discussion to create a constructivist classroom environment. Details of planning, evaluating, and challenges of a panel discussion are also…

  1. Structural Changes in Online Discussion Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Yang; Medaglia, Rony


    Social networking platforms in China provide a hugely interesting and relevant source for understanding dynamics of online discussions in a unique socio-cultural and institutional environment. This paper investigates the evolution of patterns of similar-minded and different-minded interactions ov...

  2. Maps of student discussions about sustainability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindahl, Mats; Bruun, Jesper; Linder, Cedric

    We use a combination of network analysis (NA), text-mining (TM) techniques, and thematic discourse analysis (TDA) to characterise and compare student discussions about sustainable development. Three student groups at three different times were analysed. The analysis entails an iterative design...

  3. Analyzing online political discussions: Methodological considerations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vergeer, M.R.M.; Hermans, E.A.H.M.


    Online political discussions are thought to lead to more political engagement and empowerment of peripheral groups in society and thereby contributing to deliberative citizenship. Because people have increased opportunities to voice their political opinions and publish these for a potentially large

  4. Final plenary discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Federline, M.


    Rapporteur, chose to highlight other themes and issues from the seminar that appeared to be: - important for successful D and D; - worth further work in an international context; - controversial and worthy of further debate. The five main themes selected were as follows: - stakeholder involvement and communication; - strategy selection; - waste management and clearance; - funding and costs; - satisfying social demands. Various issues were identified under each one of these five themes and, in order to make best use of the time available for discussion, participants were invited to vote on the issues of most importance to them. Subsequent discussion was then focussed on the issues so identified. (author)

  5. The debate about death: an imperishable discussion?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In this concise review we discuss some of the complex edges of the concept of death that arose after the notorious advances in science and medicine over the last 50 years, in which the classical cardio-pulmonary criteria have led to the neurological criteria of death. New complicated questions like the definition of death and the operational criteria for diagnosing it have arisen and we think that they are far from being adequately and satisfactorily solved. A number of important issues -like the reliability and differences between cardio-pulmonary versus brain based criteria of death, if death is an event or a process, the meaning of integration and irreversibility- have not yet received sufficient attention. Here we have approached the death problem from two (biological complex system perspectives: the organism level and the cellular-molecular level. We also discuss issues from a third systemic approach, that is, the entire society, thus involving legal, religious, bioethical and political aspects of death. Our aim is to integrate new perspectives in order to promote further discussion on these critical yet frequently neglected issues

  6. Classroom Voting Questions to Stimulate Discussions in Precalculus (United States)

    Cline, Kelly; Zullo, Holly; Huckaby, David A.; Storm, Christopher; Stewart, Ann


    Classroom voting can be an effective way to stimulate student discussions. In this pedagogy, the instructor poses a multiple-choice question to the class, and then allows a few minutes for consideration and small-group discussion before students vote, either with clickers, cell phones, or a non-electronic method. After the vote the instructor…

  7. Voicing on Virtual and Face to Face Discussion (United States)

    Yamat, Hamidah


    This paper presents and discusses findings of a study conducted on pre-service teachers' experiences in virtual and face to face discussions. Technology has brought learning nowadays beyond the classroom context or time zone. The learning context and process no longer rely solely on face to face communications in the presence of a teacher.…

  8. Qualitative discussion of quantitative radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berger, H.; Motz, J.W.


    Since radiography yields an image that can be easily related to the tested object, it is superior to many nondestructive testing techniques in revealing the size, shape, and location of certain types of discontinuities. The discussion is limited to a description of the radiographic process, examination of some of the quantitative aspects of radiography, and an outline of some of the new ideas emerging in radiography. The advantages of monoenergetic x-ray radiography and neutron radiography are noted

  9. Political discussions with family and friends

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levinsen, Klaus; Yndigegn, Carsten


    Young people's engagement in political discussions with parents and friends represents a significant component of the political socialization process and can be seen as an activity where they learn some very basic democratic skills. Based on data from qualitative interviews and a questionnaire su...

  10. Assessing Online Discussions: A Holistic Approach (United States)

    Wang, Yu-mei; Chen, Der-Thanq


    This article reports a holistic approach to assessing online discussions. This holistic approach integrates three assessment methods: assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. Assessment of learning directly examines students' learning products to decide whether they have achieved the expected learning through…

  11. Shaping stereotypical behaviour through the discussion of social stereotypes. (United States)

    Smith, Laura G E; Postmes, Tom


    In two studies, we demonstrate that small group discussions change the extent to which an activated stereotype affects performance in a relevant domain. In Study 1, female participants were asked why men are (or are not) better than them at maths. They generated their answers individually or through group discussion, and their subsequent maths performance was highest when they collectively challenged the stereotype and lowest when they collectively affirmed the stereotype. When participants affirmed the stereotype through discussion, they used more theories which supported the validity of the stereotype, compared to the individual thought condition; and consensus mediated the effect of group discussion on performance (relative to individual rumination). In Study 2, male and female participants affirmed or challenged the stereotype in same-gender discussion groups. After affirming the stereotype, women's performance decreased relative to their baseline scores and men's performance was 'lifted'. In contrast, when they challenged the stereotype, there was no difference between the performance of men and women on the maths test. This pattern of effects was mediated by confidence in mathematical ability. The findings support the idea that topical small group discussions can, in the short term, differentially alter the impact that stereotypes have on performance. ©2010 The British Psychological Society.

  12. Best Friends’ Discussions of Social Dilemmas (United States)

    McDonald, Kristina L.; Malti, Tina; Killen, Melanie; Rubin, Kenneth H.


    Peer relationships, particularly friendships, have been theorized to contribute to how children and adolescents think about social and moral issues. The current study examined how young adolescent best friends (191 dyads; 53.4% female) reason together about multifaceted social dilemmas and how their reasoning is related to friendship quality. Mutually-recognized friendship dyads were videotaped discussing dilemmas entailing moral, social-conventional and prudential/pragmatic issues. Both dyad members completed a self-report measure of friendship quality. Dyadic data analyses guided by the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model indicated that adolescent and friend's reports of friendship qualities were related to the forms of reasoning used during discussion. Friends who both reported that they could resolve conflicts in a constructive way were more likely to use moral reasoning than friends who reported that their conflict resolution was poor or disagreed on the quality of their conflict resolution. The findings provide evidence for the important role that friendship interaction may play in adolescents’ social and moral development. PMID:23666555

  13. Best friends' discussions of social dilemmas. (United States)

    McDonald, Kristina L; Malti, Tina; Killen, Melanie; Rubin, Kenneth H


    Peer relationships, particularly friendships, have been theorized to contribute to how children and adolescents think about social and moral issues. The current study examined how young adolescent best friends (191 dyads; 53.4% female) reason together about multifaceted social dilemmas and how their reasoning is related to friendship quality. Mutually-recognized friendship dyads were videotaped discussing dilemmas entailing moral, social-conventional and prudential/pragmatic issues. Both dyad members completed a self-report measure of friendship quality. Dyadic data analyses guided by the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model indicated that adolescent and friend reports of friendship qualities were related to the forms of reasoning used during discussion. Friends who both reported that they could resolve conflicts in a constructive way were more likely to use moral reasoning than friends who reported that their conflict resolution was poor or disagreed on the quality of their conflict resolution. The findings provide evidence for the important role that friendship interaction may play in adolescents' social and moral development.

  14. Quality assurance from the point of view of the gas and water suppliers; Qualitaetssicherung aus Sicht der Gas- und Wasserversorger

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schiltknecht, M. [SVGW, Abt. Gas, Zurich (Switzerland); Girsberger, W. [SVGW, Abt. Gas, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Considerable misgivings concerning the quality assurance systems exist among the energy supply enterprises. However, the proper utilisation of these systems creates cost transparency, increases economic efficiency and promotes customer satisfaction. A working group comprising representatives of the insular works and the propane-air producers for peak demand have critically examined the quality requirements in the field of product, operation, application and management of the gas supply on the basis of a well-defined performance commission. The evaluation of the enquiry at the member plants showed that, especially concerning the gas quality, network management, operational security and the organisational procedures, a demand for an efficient quality management exists. For a long-term execution of the service commission a certification according to ISO 9000-Series is recommended. (orig.) [Deutsch] In den Energieversorgungsunternehmen bestehen erhebliche Bedenken ueber die Nuetzlichkeit von Qualitaetssicherungssystemen. Deren richtige Anwendung schafft jedoch Kostentransparenz, steigert die Wirtschaftlichkeit und foerdert die Kundenzufriedenheit. Eine Arbeitsgruppe aus Vertretern der Inselwerke und der Propan-Luft-Spitzendeckung hat sich bei definiertem Leistungsauftrag mit den Qualitaetsanforderungen in den Bereichen Produkt, Betrieb, Anwendung und Management der Gasversorgung auseinandergesetzt. Die Auswertung der Umfrage bei den Mitgliedwerken zeigte, dass besonders bei der Gasqualitaet, der Netzbewirtschaftung, der Betriebssicherheit und der betrieblichen Ablauforganisation ein Bedarf an effizienter Qualitaetsbewirtschaftung besteht. Zur langfristigen Erfuellung des Dienstleistungsauftrages empfiehlt sich die Zertifizierung nach der ISO-9000er-Reihe. (orig.)

  15. Interactions between industrial organic pollutants and rhizosphere components and documentation of material streams in plant-based wastewater treatment plants - laboratory experiments; Wechselwirkungen industrieller organischer Schadstoffe mit Rhizosphaerenkomponenten und Bilanzierung von Stoffstroemen in Pflanzenklaeranlagen - Laborversuche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plugge, J.


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the suitability of plant/soil systems for cleaning organically polluted effluents and to assess the influence of plant growth and dissolved humic substances on processes leading to the elimination of organic pollutants. This involved an examination of sorption interactions between selected pollutants on the one hand and sand and root material on the other, use of vertically irrigated plant-bearing sand columns for simulating real plant-based wastewater treatment plants, assessment of the cleaning efficiency of these systems with respect to the employed model pollutants and determination of the contamination of the filter material and plants with pollutants. Radiotracer techniques were used to determine pollution paths of phenanthrene and its microbial degradation in the model system. [German] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Eignung von Pflanze/Boden-Systemen zur Reinigung carbochemisch belasteter Abwaesser untersucht und der Einfluss eines Pflanzenbewuchses sowie geloester Huminstoffe auf die Prozesse, die zur Entfernung organischer Schadstoffe fuehren, bewertet. Die Bearbeitung dieses Themas umfasste Untersuchungen zu Sorptionswechselwirkungen ausgewaehlter Schadstoffe mit Sand- und Wurzelmaterial, die Anwendung vertikal durchstroemter, bepflanzter Sandsaeulen zur Nachbildung realer Pflanzenklaeranlagen, die Erfassung der Reinigungseffizienz dieser Systeme fuer die Modellschadstoffe sowie die Bestimmung der Schadstoffkontamination des Filtermaterials und der Pflanzen. Unter Anwendung der Radiotracertechnik erfolgte darueber hinaus die Bestimmung der Schadstoffpfade von Phenanthren einschliesslich des mikrobiellen Abbaus im Modellsystem. (orig.)

  16. Focus group discussion in mathematical physics learning (United States)

    Ellianawati; Rudiana, D.; Sabandar, J.; Subali, B.


    The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity in Mathematical Physics learning has helped students perform the stages of problem solving reflectively. The FGD implementation was conducted to explore the problems and find the right strategy to improve the students' ability to solve the problem accurately which is one of reflective thinking component that has been difficult to improve. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by using single subject response in Physics student. During the FGD process, one student was observed of her reflective thinking development in solving the physics problem. The strategy chosen in the discussion activity was the Cognitive Apprenticeship-Instruction (CA-I) syntax. Based on the results of this study, it is obtained the information that after going through a series of stages of discussion, the students' reflective thinking skills is increased significantly. The scaffolding stage in the CA-I model plays an important role in the process of solving physics problems accurately. Students are able to recognize and formulate problems by describing problem sketches, identifying the variables involved, applying mathematical equations that accord to physics concepts, executing accurately, and applying evaluation by explaining the solution to various contexts.

  17. Summary of the presentations and discussions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massaut, Vincent


    The first two presentations were given by specialists in human science, and focused more on the ethical aspects of the funding for decommissioning. Some new aspects or approaches were presented, which allowed to highlight the egalitarian and utilitarian approaches of inter-generational equity. The different ethical principles led to conclude on the need of a democratic debate on the subject, and the need of ethical guidance at international level. Some other key points, like the preservation of competences, funding and resources, were also considered in the light of the inter-generational community. The session was concluded by a presentation on the application of the ethical principles for the funding. Session 2: Actual experience in funding. The various mechanisms for funding have been analyses on their principle, current practice and merits. Three main aspects were analysed: How funds are raised? How are the funds managed? How to disburse when needed? The actual experience in different countries showed different mechanisms and return of experience. Session 3: Uncertainties. In most large industrial projects (construction, civil works, aerospace...), the return of experience shows that overrun (in time and cost) is a rather general tendency. But it depends on the type of project, on the degree of innovation, etc. Some means to avoid these overrun were presented. In the case of D and D, the main uncertainties affecting funding can be found in: cost estimate, inflow of resources, management of resources, time factor: when will the costs occur? Moreover, these uncertainties sources can also be inter-linked. One of the conclusions from this analysis is that the existing uncertainties in funding are good reasons not to postpone decommissioning operations to a too distant future. Presentations on return of experience were presented by several countries. Plenary discussions: The plenary discussions allowed to tackle the different aspects presented during the day. Some

  18. Irish Culinary Manuscripts and Printed Books:a Discussion


    Mac Con Iomaire, Máirtín; Cashman, Dorothy


    This paper provides a discussion of Irish Culinary Manuscripts and Printed Cookbooks. It covers Gaelic hospitality and aristocratic hospitality, setting the background for the Anglo-Irish households from which many manuscripts emerge. It charts the growing sources of information on Irish culinary history. It outlines Barbara Wheaton's framework for reading historic cookbooks and discusses the growing manuscript cookbook collection in the National Library of Ireland.

  19. Frequency of Faith and Spirituality Discussion in Health Care. (United States)

    Bergamo, David; White, Dawn


    Faith and spirituality are important in the lives of many individuals, and therefore, many patients. This study was performed to determine whether faith and spirituality are active part of the healthcare field and patients' receipt of these sometimes delicate topics. The nuances of the concepts of faith, spirituality, and religion and their implications in the healthcare setting are discussed. Benefits and detriments of faith and spirituality are reviewed in terms of how they relate to the health of the patient and to the healthcare field. With the focus of healthcare shifting to holistic care, this conversation may be more necessary than ever in practice, yet it seems many providers are not discussing these matters with patients. The study analyzes whether healthcare providers are discussing these topics with patients and how the discussion is received or would be received by patients. Findings demonstrate the infrequency of the discussion regardless of the fact that the majority of patients consider themselves faithful or spiritual. This study was approved by the Clarkson University Institutional Review Board on June 18, 2104.

  20. Technical discussions II - Flow cytometric analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cunningham, A; Cid, A; Buma, AGJ

    In this paper the potencial of flow cytometry as applied to the aquatic life sciences is discussed. The use of flow cytometry for studying the ecotoxicology of phytoplankton was introduced. On the other hand, the new flow cytometer EUROPA was presented. This is a multilaser machine which has been

  1. Doctors discussing religion and spirituality: A systematic literature review. (United States)

    Best, Megan; Butow, Phyllis; Olver, Ian


    Discussion of religion and/or spirituality in the medical consultation is desired by patients and known to be beneficial. However, it is infrequent. We aimed to identify why this is so. We set out to answer the following research questions: Do doctors report that they ask their patients about religion and/or spirituality and how do they do it? According to doctors, how often do patients raise the issue of religion and/or spirituality in consultation and how do doctors respond when they do? What are the known facilitators and barriers to doctors asking their patients about religion and/or spirituality? A mixed qualitative/quantitative review was conducted to identify studies exploring the physician's perspective on discussion of religion and/or spirituality in the medical consultation. We searched nine databases from inception to January 2015 for original research papers reporting doctors' views on discussion of religion and/or spirituality in medical consultations. Papers were assessed for quality using QualSyst and results were reported using a measurement tool to assess systematic review guidelines. Overall, 61 eligible papers were identified, comprising over 20,044 physician reports. Religion and spirituality are discussed infrequently by physicians although frequency increases with terminal illness. Many physicians prefer chaplain referral to discussing religion and/or spirituality with patients themselves. Such discussions are facilitated by prior training and increased physician religiosity and spirituality. Insufficient time and training were the most frequently reported barriers. This review found that physician enquiry into the religion and/or spirituality of patients is inconsistent in frequency and nature and that in order to meet patient needs, barriers to discussion need to be overcome. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. Case-based discussion supporting learning and practice in optometry. (United States)

    Bullock, Alison; Barnes, Emma; Ryan, Barbara; Sheen, Nik


    To enhance continuing professional development and address the risk that professional isolation poses, the UK General Optical Council introduced a requirement for all optometrists to engage in at least one case-based discussion per 3 year cycle of continuing education. In this paper, we explore participants' impression of the acceptability, effectiveness and long-term impact-on-practice of case-based discussion as a mode of continuing education. Case-based discussion participants attended an evening session comprising a lecture and a group discussion. They completed three questionnaires: prior to the session, immediately post-session and 3-4 months post-session. We coded the questionnaires to allow matching. Seventy-five case-based discussion groups were held with 379 participants; 377 completed both pre- and post-questionnaires and 331 (88%) returned a follow-up questionnaire. Case-based discussions were an acceptable method of learning, with many preferring it to distance-learning. Prior to the event, women, employees and part-time workers were more likely to have concerns about participating. In terms of learning, gaps in knowledge were more likely to be revealed in those who work in isolation. The respondents highlighted social aspects, reassurance of practice as well as new learning. Participants significantly improved self-confidence ratings in all key learning areas. At three months post-session, the majority (75%) self-reported that they had implemented their intended changes to practice. The evaluation showed that participants felt that case-based discussion developed their knowledge, notably for sole practitioners, and influenced later workplace practice. The peer interaction of this mode of continuing education can combat professional isolation. © 2014 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2014 The College of Optometrists.

  3. Opportunity to discuss ethical issues during clinical learning experience. (United States)

    Palese, Alvisa; Gonella, Silvia; Destrebecq, Anne; Mansutti, Irene; Terzoni, Stefano; Morsanutto, Michela; Altini, Pietro; Bevilacqua, Anita; Brugnolli, Anna; Canzan, Federica; Ponte, Adriana Dal; De Biasio, Laura; Fascì, Adriana; Grosso, Silvia; Mantovan, Franco; Marognolli, Oliva; Nicotera, Raffaela; Randon, Giulia; Tollini, Morena; Saiani, Luisa; Grassetti, Luca; Dimonte, Valerio


    Undergraduate nursing students have been documented to experience ethical distress during their clinical training and felt poorly supported in discussing the ethical issues they encountered. Research aims: This study was aimed at exploring nursing students' perceived opportunity to discuss ethical issues that emerged during their clinical learning experience and associated factors. An Italian national cross-sectional study design was performed in 2015-2016. Participants were invited to answer a questionnaire composed of four sections regarding: (1) socio-demographic data, (2) previous clinical learning experiences, (3) current clinical learning experience quality and outcomes, and (4) the opportunity to discuss ethical issues with nurses in the last clinical learning experience (from 0 - 'never' to 3 - 'very much'). Participants and research context: Participants were 9607 undergraduate nursing students who were attending 95 different three-year Italian baccalaureate nursing programmes, located at 27 universities in 15 Italian regions. Ethical considerations: This study was conducted in accordance with the Human Subject Research Ethics Committee guidelines after the research protocol was approved by an ethics committee. Overall, 4707 (49%) perceived to have discussed ethical issues 'much' or 'very much'; among the remaining, 3683 (38.3%) and 1217 (12.7%) students reported the perception of having discussed, respectively, 'enough' or 'never' ethical issues emerged in the clinical practice. At the multivariate logistic regression analysis explaining 38.1% of the overall variance, the factors promoting ethical discussion were mainly set at the clinical learning environment levels (i.e. increased learning opportunities, self-directed learning, safety and nursing care quality, quality of the tutorial strategies, competences learned and supervision by a clinical nurse). In contrast, being male was associated with a perception of less opportunity to discuss ethical issues

  4. Examining the Doctoral Thesis: A Discussion (United States)

    Carter, Susan


    The examination of doctoral theses controls an important academic threshold, yet practices are often private, codes non-specific, and individuals isolated. This article adds to recent investigation of the examination culture by reporting informal panel discussion amongst a total of 23 University of Auckland (New Zealand) faculty members as to…

  5. Workplace Mobbing: A Discussion for Librarians (United States)

    Hecker, Thomas E.


    Workplace mobbing occurs in libraries but is usually unrecognized and unchecked because the phenomenon has not been described and given a name. This discussion provides the library profession with an overview but also with specific background details to assist with recognizing mobbing and preventing severe harm to employees and organizations.

  6. Student Partisan Identity and Online Discussions (United States)

    Clark, Christopher H.


    Political division in the United States is the subject of much analysis in the fields of political science and psychology. While political partisanship looms large over discussions of the national political climate's influence on schools and classrooms, very little work exists that directly examines the effects of high school students' political…

  7. Resources for Education and Outreach Activities discussion session

    CERN Document Server

    Barney, David; The ATLAS collaboration; Bourdarios, Claire; Kobel, Michael; Kourkoumelis, Christine; Melo, Ivan; Rangel-Smith, Camila; Alexopoulos, Angelos


    Over the past few years a variety of resources have been developed, by individuals and groups, to support Education & Outreach activities in particle physics. Following short (five-minute) presentations by six speakers, a discussion session allowed the audience to go further in depth in activities they found particularly interesting. This paper presents brief overviews from each of the six speakers, followed by a summary of the ensuing discussion

  8. Performance-based regulation. Panel Discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Youngblood, Robert; Bier, Vicki M.; Bukowski, Richard W.; Prasad Kadambi, N.; Koonce, James F.


    Full text of publication follows: Performance-based regulation is a part of the NRC's Strategic Plan and is realizing steady progress in conceptual development for actual applications. For example, high-level, conceptual guidelines have been proposed that would apply to reactors, materials, and waste areas. Performance-based approaches are also being applied in other regulated industries such as FAA and OSHA. The discussion will include comments from speakers from different parts of the nuclear industry and other industries regarding benefits and weaknesses of performance-based regulation. (authors)

  9. Axelrod model: accepting or discussing (United States)

    Dybiec, Bartlomiej; Mitarai, Namiko; Sneppen, Kim


    Agents building social systems are characterized by complex states, and interactions among individuals can align their opinions. The Axelrod model describes how local interactions can result in emergence of cultural domains. We propose two variants of the Axelrod model where local consensus is reached either by listening and accepting one of neighbors' opinion or two agents discuss their opinion and achieve an agreement with mixed opinions. We show that the local agreement rule affects the character of the transition between the single culture and the multiculture regimes.

  10. Die Entwicklung des Eigentums- und Gesellschaftsrechts in Estland / Ilmar Selge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selge, Ilmar, 1954-


    Õigusaktide tõlked: ROW nr. 6, lk. 181-190 (tlk. Ilmar Selge) - Gesetz der Republik Estland über die Grundlagen der Eigentumsreform ; Beschluss des Obersten Rates der Republik Estland über die Anwendung des Gesetzes über die Grundlagen der Eigentumsreform ; Bodenreformgesetz der Republik Estland ; Beschluss des Obersten Rates der Republik Estland über das Inkrafttreten des Bodenreformgesetz der Republik Estland. ROW nr. 10, lk. 307-310 (tlk. Ilmar Selge) - Gesetz der Republik Estland über ausländische Investitionen ; Unternehmenseinkommensteuergesetz (Auszug)

  11. Die Grundlagen der Fernsehtechnik: Systemtheorie und Technik der Bildübertragung (United States)

    Mahler, Gerhard

    Umfassende Einführung in die Grundlagen der Bewegtbild-Übertragung von den Anfängen bis zum heutigen Stand des digitalen Fernsehens mit einer aus der Praxis entstandenen systemtheoretischen Analyse. Die kompakte und anschaulich bebilderte Darstellung mit elementaren mathematischen Beschreibungen macht es dem Leser leicht, sich in die Bildübertragungstechnik einzuarbeiten. Thematische Einheiten erweitern den Wissensstoff - u.a. zu den Themen visuelle Wahrnehmung, mehrdimensionale Signaldarstellung, Farbmetrik, Digitalisierung, Elektronenoptik - und zeigen deren Anwendung auf die elektronische Bildübertragung.

  12. Haftung des "Director" einer englischen "Limited" gemäß § 64 GmbHG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringe, Georg


    Für die Frage, ob und inwiefern auf EU-Auslandsgesellschaften inländisches Insolvenz- bzw. Gläubigerschutzrecht angewandt werden kann, differenziert der EuGH in seiner Entscheidung zwischen Vorschriften, die die Gründung der Gesellschaft und solchen, welche die spätere Tätigkeit betreffen. Wolf-G......-Georg Ringe (JZ 2016, 573) untersucht die Konsequenzen einer solchen Differenzierung und widerspricht dem Ergebnis des EuGH, der zur Anwendung des (insolvenzrechtlich qualifizierten) § 64 GmbHG im Fall einer englischen Limited kommt....

  13. Einfluss der Etch-and-Rinse-Technik auf Adper Easy Bond


    Kunstmann, Thorsten


    Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es die Auswirkungen der Etch-and-Rinse-Technik auf die Randqualität von Kompositfüllungen bei Anwendung des selbstätzenden Bondingsystems Adper Easy Bond zu untersuchen. An 64 extrahierten menschlichen Molaren wurden tiefe Klasse-II-Kavitäten präpariert, deren approximale Begrenzung unterhalb der Schmelz-Zement-Grenze lag. Diese wurden in acht Gruppen aufgeteilt, jeweils mit 8 Zähnen pro Gruppe, und mittels verschiedener Bonding-Techniken mit Kompositfüllungen...

  14. Transonic and Supersonic Phenomena in Turbomachines: Proceedings of the Propulsion and Energetics (68th)(B) Specialists’ Meeting Held in Munich, Germany on 10-12 September 1986 (United States)


    Saiatain a tbeavodyutaaiclly equivalent ialot caat41tiaa a separate amalyots was 2048 3 � &C 0.5 0.0 0.5. 1.0 .5 oz. 0.0 1.5 rigux x1Gaato im n w...Zeitschrittverfahren VDI -Forschungsheft 686, S. 5-24 VDI -Verlag, DUsseldorf (1978) [3] Kiock, R. The Transonic Flow Through a Plane Turbine Cascade Lehthaus, F. as...Amecke, J. Anwendung der tranasonischen Ahnlichkeitsregel auf die Str~mung durch ebene Schaufelgitter VDI -Forachungsheft 540, S. 16-28 VDI -Verlag

  15. Alice, Greenfoot, and Scratch--A Discussion (United States)

    Utting, Ian; Cooper, Stephen; Kolling, Michael; Maloney, John; Resnick, Mitchel


    This article distills a discussion about the goals, mechanisms, and effects of three environments which aim to support the acquisition and development of computing concepts (problem solving and programming) in pre-University and non-technical students: Alice, Greenfoot, and Scratch. The conversation started in a special session on the topic at the…

  16. A Discussion of Future Time Perspective (United States)

    McInerney, Dennis M.


    A growing area of research in educational psychology is future time perspective and its relationship to desired educational outcomes. This article discusses and critiques five reviews of current research on future time perspective. Key questions addressed are when do individuals begin to articulate a future, how far into the future does this…

  17. PROFIBUS-DP. Fundamentals and hints for users; PROFIBUS-DP. Grundlagen, Tips und Tricks fuer Anwender

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popp, M.


    PROFIBUS-DP is one of the most common field buses for industrial communication. The author provides competent help in using this technology. He describes 32 of the most common errors found in certification tests and shows how they can be remedies. Fundamentals and enhancements of PROFIBUS-DP are presented. PROFIBUS-DP telegrams for data interpretation are discussed at length, as are extensive GSD files. Particular emphasis is given to the projecting and commissioning of a system and practical guides for installation. (orig.) [Deutsch] PROFIBUS-DP gehoert zu den am haeufigsten eingesetzten Feldbussen fuer die industrielle Kommunikation. Der Autor bietet in diesem umfassenden Werk kompetente Unterstuetzung bei der Anwendung dieser Feldbustechnik. Es werden 32 der haeufigsten Fehler, die bei Zertifizierungstests festgestellt wurden, beschrieben und Wege zu ihrer Behebung dargestellt. Die Grundlagen von PROFIBUS-DP werden erlaeutert und die PROFIBUS-Erweiterungen vorgestellt. PROFIBUS-DP-Telegramme zur Interpretation des Datenverkehrs werden genauso detailliert erklaert wie eine umfangreiche GSD-Datei. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist die Projektierung und Inbetriebnahme einer Anlage und den praxisgerechten Aufbaurichtlinien gewidmet. (orig./GL)

  18. European Stirling forum 2000. Proceedings; Europaeisches Stirling Forum 2000. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document comprises all 42 papers presented at the 'European Stirling Forum 2000', held in Osnabrueck on February 22-24, 2000. Among others, the following subjects were discussed: Thermodynamics, new developments, Stirling engines, free piston heat pumps, flow optimisation of regenerators for Stirling engines, simulation for modelling of flow and heat transfer in the gas cycle of Stirling engines, design and performance, Stirling refrigerators, economic efficiency of biomass Stirling engines, power control of a Stirling CHP system, a Stirling refrigerator for ultralow temperatures in the refrigeration industry. [German] Das vorliegende Dokument enthaelt alle (42) Beitraege der Referenten des 'Europaeischen Stirling Forums 2000', das vom 22. bis 24. Februar 2000 in Osnabrueck stattgefunden hat. Einige der behandelten Themenschwerpunkte im Zusammenhang mit der Stirling-Maschine waren die Thermodynamik, neue Entwicklungen des Kreisprozesses, Heissgasmotoren, Freikolben-Waermepumpe, stroemungstechnische Optimierung von Regeneratoren fuer Stirling-Maschinen, Simulation zur Modellierung der Stroemung und Waermeuebertragung im Gaskreislauf von Stirling-Maschinen, Entwurf und Betriebsverhalten, Stirling-Kaeltemaschine, Wirtschaftlichkeit von Biomasse-Stirlingmotoren, Leistungsregelung eines Stirling-Blockheizkraftwerks, Anwendung eines Stirling-Kuehlers, zum Ultratiefkuehlen in der Kuehlindustrie. (AKF)

  19. Criteria for assembly of in vivo measuring systems using high-resolution {gamma}-spectroscopy for evaluation of incorporated radionuclides; Kriterien zum Aufbau von In Vivo Messsystemen zur hochaufloesenden {gamma}-Spektrometrie inkorporierter Radionuklide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahl, W. [GSF Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    The paper reviews the available, fundamental measuring methods relying on {gamma}-spectroscopy for their possible application in whole-body and partial-body counters for detection of manifold incorporation of radionuclides. Particular emphasis is placed on the response functions of various detectors, the assembly, the differentiated radioactivity distribution in the body, the various components of background activity and the corresponding suppression mechanisms, and possible ways of using the energy dependence for optimised detection of specific {gamma} energies in a given body region. Criteria and relations as well as their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Diese Arbeit prueft die zur Verfuegung stehenden grundlegenden, {gamma}-spektroskopischen Messmethoden auf deren moegliche Anwendung im Spektrum der Ganz- und Teilkoerperzaehler zum Nachweis der mannigfach inkorporierten Radionuklide. Insbesondere wird eingegangen auf die Response Funktionen verschiedener Detektoren, die Anordnung, die differenzierte Aktivitaetsverteilung im Koerper, die verschiedenen Untergrundkomponenten und deren Unterdrueckungsmechanismen sowie die Beeinflussung durch die Energieabhaengigkeit zum optimalen Nachweis spezifischer {gamma}-Energien an einem bestimmten Ort am Koerper. Kriterien und Relationen sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile werden diskutiert. (orig.)

  20. Functional brain imaging - baric and clinical questions; Funktionelle Bildgebung in der Psychiatrie - Fragestellungen der Klinik und der Forschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mager, T. [Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Muenchen Univ. (Germany); Moeller, H.J. [Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Muenchen Univ. (Germany)


    The advancing biological knowledge of disease processes plays a central part in the progress of modern psychiatry. An essential contribution comes from the functional and structural brain imaging techniques (CT, MRI, SPECT, PET). Their application is important for biological oriented research in psychiatry and there is also a growing relevance in clinical aspects. This development is taken into account by recent diagnostic classification systems in psychiatry. The capabilities and limitations of functional brain imaging in the context of research and clinic will be presented and discussed by examples and own investigations. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Fortschritt in der Psychiatrie der letzten Jahre ist eng verknuepft mit neuen biologischen Erkenntnissen ueber Krankheitsprozesse. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag hierzu leistet die moderne funktionelle und strukturelle Bildgebung, deren Anwendung ein wichtiger Bestandteil biologischer Forschung ist und zunehmend auch an klinischer Bedeutung gewinnt. In den neuen Klassifikationssystemen der Psychiatrie wird diese Entwicklung beruecksichtigt. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen funktioneller Bildgebung fuer die Psychiatrie werden mit Blick auf die Klinik und wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen im folgenden anhand von Beispielen und eigenen Untersuchungen skizziert und diskutiert. (orig.)

  1. Conflict and Consensus in Teacher Candidates' Discussion of Ethnic Autobiography. (United States)

    Florio-Ruane, Susan; deTar, Julie

    A Future Teachers' Autobiography Club discussion group/research project invited six elementary teacher candidates to read, write about, and discuss ethnic autobiography in order to foster and investigate the potential of peer discussion in teacher learning. Using a selected list of six autobiographies, the researcher hosted monthly dinner…

  2. Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Discussion: Real and Perceived Achievement Differences (United States)

    Johnson, Genevieve Marie; Buck, George H.


    Students in an introductory educational psychology course used two WebCT communication tools (synchronous chat and asynchronous discussion) to discuss four case studies. In response to the item, "I learned the case studies best when using," 39 students selected synchronous chat and 51 students selected asynchronous discussion. Students who…

  3. Required Discussion Web Pages in Psychology Courses and Student Outcomes (United States)

    Pettijohn, Terry F., II; Pettijohn, Terry F.


    We conducted 2 studies that investigated student outcomes when using discussion Web pages in psychology classes. In Study 1, we assigned 213 students enrolled in Introduction to Psychology courses to either a mandatory or an optional Web page discussion condition. Students used the discussion Web page significantly more often and performed…

  4. Panel discussion on the future of particle physics

    CERN Multimedia

    Perkins, Donald Hill; Veltman, Martinus J G; Okun, Lev Borisovich; Aymar, Robert; Weinberg, Steven; Darriulat, Pierre; Glashow, Sheldon Lee; van der Meer, S; Gianotti, F; Antoniadis, Ignatios; Schopper, Herwig Franz; Llewellyn Smith, Christopher Hubert; Telegdi, Valentine Louis; Bellettini, Giorgio; Soergel, Volker


    The projects that are to be undertaken by CERN in future are discussed in this paper. The discovery of Higgs at LHC and R&D at CLIC are reported. The introduction of Higgs bosons gave rise to new problems such as mass hierarchy and electroweak symmetry breaking. Solutions to the above problems using physics beyond standard model are also reported in this paper. The paper also discusses about the long-time scale associated to the projects.

  5. General discussion (of all topics from the meeting)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potter, P.E.; Burns, W.G.; Sellers, R.M.


    In the general discussion at the conclusion of the iodine workshop, Harwell, September 1985, the importance of the study of all aspects of iodine chemistry was emphasised. The necessity of establishing a data-base for radiolysis, hydrolysis and oxidation rates was proposed. Studies of iodine chemistry will aid the prediction of the magnitude of possible volatile iodine releases in design basis and severe accidents in PWRs. The management and control of such situations was discussed. (UK)

  6. testing a consensus conference method by discussing

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 10, 2000 ... Objectives: To test the recommended consensus conference methods in Tanzania by discussing the management ... “wrong”, based on recommendations advocated in western ..... future scenarios sponsored the conference.

  7. Does Feedback Influence Student Postings to Online Discussions?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katrina A. Meyer, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Feedback theory proposes that feedback influences the behavior of a system and its parts and that is governed by rules. This exploratory study attempts to test this theory in a graduate-level class on leadership theory. Twelve students were asked to participate in five online discussions, each lasting one week. The questions for each discussion were selected to be provocative and rich, without having any correct answer. At the end of the discussion, students were asked to indicate which posting and poster they felt was “best” or most valuable and why they felt the posting was “best.” There is mixed evidence that the voting influenced subsequent postings; some individuals did improve while others were consistently good or poor posters. Students selected postings that were (in declining frequency of occurrence: thoughtful or thought-provoking, well written or justified, uplifting, presented new information, same as their own opinions, changed me, or complex. These reasons are similar to those of the instructor, although the students’ difficulty in choosing and rationalizing a choice and the frequency at which students chose posts that captured their own thoughts and opinions are of some concern. This study provides some evidence that these graduate students could evaluate their own discussions without the instructor intruding or dictating an evaluation scheme, although this may not be true for other groups of online students.

  8. The industrial application of fracture mechanics concepts discussed at the background of international standards and guidelines; Die industrielle Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Bewertungsvorschriften und Regelwerke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zerbst, U. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung; Langenberg, P. [Ingenieurbuero fuer Werkstofftechnik, Aachen (Germany)


    Many features from the background for an intensified application of fracture mechanics concepts in many industries world-wide. These include requirements for a permanent increase of the level of performance of technical components and structures by the introduction of new materials, joining technologies and design principles, the problem of ageing components and life extension, an increased emphasis on non-destructive in-service inspection combined with improved NDT techniques, and also a number of failure events caused by fatigue and fracture The aim of the present paper is to give a brief state-of-the-art review on how fracture mechanics is applied in different industrial branches today. This is based on standards and guidelines in the aerospace industry, in the nuclear and fossil power generation, in the chemical and petrochemical and the pipeline industry, in civil engineering, offshore technique and other fields. Based on the review an outlook is given on a future development that would be reasonable and desirable from the point of view of a basically unified philosophy of fracture mechanics application. (orig.) [German] Die Erhoehung der Leistungsparameter vieler Maschinen und Anlagen verbunden mit dem Einsatz neuer Werkstoffe, Fuegeverfahren und Konstruktionsprinzipien, der Betrieb vieler Strukturen ueber ihre projektierte Lebensdauer hinaus, technische Verbesserungen und ein durchgaengigerer Einsatz zerstoerungsfreier Defektpruefverfahren, aber auch immer wieder einmal auftretende Schadensfaelle bilden den Hintergrund fuer die zunehmende Nutzung bruchmechanischer Bewertungsvorschriften in der industriellen Praxis. Die vorliegende Studie zieht eine momentane Bilanz dieser Entwicklung am Beispiel von Fachbereichsstandards der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie, der konventionellen und Kernkrafttechnik, der Chemie und Petrochemie, der Pipelineindustrie, des Stahlbaus, der Offshore-Technik und anderer Bereiche. Ausgehend von dieser Bestandsaufnahme wird ein Ausblick auf die weitere Entwicklung versucht, wie sie vom Standpunkt eines moeglichst einheitlichen Anwendungskonzeptes fuer die bruchmechanische Bauteilbewertung sinnvoll und wuenschenswert erscheint. (orig.)

  9. Automatic Annotation Method on Learners' Opinions in Case Method Discussion (United States)

    Samejima, Masaki; Hisakane, Daichi; Komoda, Norihisa


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to annotate an attribute of a problem, a solution or no annotation on learners' opinions automatically for supporting the learners' discussion without a facilitator. The case method aims at discussing problems and solutions in a target case. However, the learners miss discussing some of problems and solutions.…

  10. Discussion on AI Technology in Information Library Design


    日比野, 省三; Shozo, HIBINO; 中京大学社会学部


    This paper deals with the discussion on the importance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology in planning and designing a library information system in the near future. First of all, the history of Library and Information Science is reviewed and it is identified that the key technology in the future library will be AI as a mega-trend. After reviewing the concepts of AI technology, a model of a Knowledge-Base system is discussed as a case study, using micro-PROLOG.

  11. Leases – Public Discussion of a New Common Standard


    Valášková, Mariana


    The paper focus on the importance of public discussion for developing a new common standard in case of topical lease accounting. To stimulate the public discussion the IASB and the FASB have done several outreach activities and going to continue in obtaining more views from stakeholders

  12. Designing museum exhibits that facilitate visitor reflection and discussion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skydsgaard, Morten Arnika; Andersen, Hanne Møller; King, Heather


    This paper explores how four design principles (curiosity, challenge, narratives and participation) facilitate reflection and discussion among young visitors in the issues-based exhibition Dear, Difficult Body. The investigation is based on a mixed-method approach combining questionnaire and inte......This paper explores how four design principles (curiosity, challenge, narratives and participation) facilitate reflection and discussion among young visitors in the issues-based exhibition Dear, Difficult Body. The investigation is based on a mixed-method approach combining questionnaire...... and interview data. The implementation of design principles resulted in a variety of exhibits which variously prompted reflection and discussion on the part of visitors. Exhibits with narratives, for example, here defined as both personal and expert narratives, were found to be effective in facilitating...... personal reflection but also prompted discussion. Participation, defined as including both physical interaction with exhibits, and dialogic interaction between visitors, facilitated the sharing of ideas and feelings between visitors. Exhibits with elements of curiosity and challenge were found to attract...

  13. An exploratory discussion on business files compilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Chunying


    Business files compilation for an enterprise is a distillation and recreation of its spiritual wealth, from which the applicable information can be available to those who want to use it in a fast, extensive and precise way. Proceeding from the effects of business files compilation on scientific researches, productive constructions and developments, this paper in five points discusses the way how to define topics, analyze historical materials, search or select data and process it to an enterprise archives collection. Firstly, to expound the importance and necessity of business files compilation in production, operation and development of an company; secondly, to present processing methods from topic definition, material searching and data selection to final examination and correction; thirdly, to define principle and classification in order to make different categories and levels of processing methods available to business files compilation; fourthly, to discuss the specific method how to implement a file compilation through a documentation collection upon principle of topic definition gearing with demand; fifthly, to address application of information technology to business files compilation in view point of widely needs for business files so as to level up enterprise archives management. The present discussion focuses on the examination and correction principle of enterprise historical material compilation and the basic classifications as well as the major forms of business files compilation achievements. (author)

  14. Synthetic biology analysed tools for discussion and evaluation

    CERN Document Server


    Synthetic biology is a dynamic, young, ambitious, attractive, and heterogeneous scientific discipline. It is constantly developing and changing, which makes societal evaluation of this emerging new science a challenging task, prone to misunderstandings. Synthetic biology is difficult to capture, and confusion arises not only regarding which part of synthetic biology the discussion is about, but also with respect to the underlying concepts in use. This book offers a useful toolbox to approach this complex and fragmented field. It provides a biological access to the discussion using a 'layer' model that describes the connectivity of synthetic or semisynthetic organisms and cells to the realm of natural organisms derived by evolution. Instead of directly reviewing the field as a whole, firstly our book addresses the characteristic features of synthetic biology that are relevant to the societal discussion. Some of these features apply only to parts of synthetic biology, whereas others are relevant to synthetic bi...

  15. Discussion Meetings | Events | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Academy supports discussion meetings of small groups of scientists from within India and outside organized by a ... Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Spintronic Materials ... Recent advances in operator theory and operator algebras

  16. English Proficiency and Participation in Online Discussion for Learning (United States)

    Leung, Steve


    Does English proficiency affect participation in online discussion? This study polled 14 students from a postgraduate online course that require online discussion. The students are divided into groups according to their home language spoken and self-assessed English proficiency, and measure against their participation level in the required…

  17. Using Discussions to Promote Critical Thinking in an Online Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nega Debela


    Full Text Available This paper examines how the discussion tool is used to promote critical thinking in an online environment at Marshall University. The significance of critical thinking in higher education has been brought to attention at both national and local levels. The paper studies the use of discussions as an approach to promote critical thinking in a number of English as a Second Language (ESL courses offered by Marshall University's Graduate School of Education and Professional Development (GSEPD program. At the end of the semester, a qualitative survey was developed to identify the effectiveness of such discussions, and the opportunities for improvement. The survey was sent to all students in these three classes. These students were all full time teachers in Elementary and Secondary schools in West Virginia. Out of 21 students, 15 of them have responded to the three questions asked in the survey. Almost all the respondents have found discussion helpful in enhancing learning and critical thinking. Most students support the involvement of an online instructor in the online discussion, and faculty members involved in these discussions function as helpers in the development of critical thinking skills.

  18. Discussing spirituality with patients: a rational and ethical approach. (United States)

    McCord, Gary; Gilchrist, Valerie J; Grossman, Steven D; King, Bridget D; McCormick, Kenelm E; Oprandi, Allison M; Schrop, Susan Labuda; Selius, Brian A; Smucker, D O William D; Weldy, David L; Amorn, Melissa; Carter, Melissa A; Deak, Andrew J; Hefzy, Hebah; Srivastava, Mohit


    This study was undertaken to determine when patients feel that physician inquiry about spirituality or religious beliefs is appropriate, reasons why they want their physicians to know about their spiritual beliefs, and what they want physicians to do with this information. Trained research assistants administered a questionnaire to a convenience sample of consenting patients and accompanying adults in the waiting rooms of 4 family practice residency training sites and 1 private group practice in northeastern Ohio. Demographic information, the SF-12 Health Survey, and participant ratings of appropriate situations, reasons, and expectations for physician discussions of spirituality or religious beliefs were obtained. Of 1,413 adults who were asked to respond, 921 completed questionnaires, and 492 refused (response rate = 65%). Eighty-three percent of respondents wanted physicians to ask about spiritual beliefs in at least some circumstances. The most acceptable scenarios for spiritual discussion were life-threatening illnesses (77%), serious medical conditions (74%) and loss of loved ones (70%). Among those who wanted to discuss spirituality, the most important reason for discussion was desire for physician-patient understanding (87%). Patients believed that information concerning their spiritual beliefs would affect physicians' ability to encourage realistic hope (67%), give medical advice (66%), and change medical treatment (62%). This study helps clarify the nature of patient preferences for spiritual discussion with physicians.

  19. Online discussions with pregnant and parenting adolescents: perspectives and possibilities. (United States)

    Valaitis, Ruta K; Sword, Wendy A


    The Internet is an innovative strategy to increase public participation. It is important to include pregnant and parenting teens' perspectives when planning programs to meet their needs. This qualitative study explored online discussions as a strategy to enhance participation by this population. Findings showed that online communication was preferred over face-to-face group discussions. Being anonymous online encouraged open and honest feedback. Participants experienced various forms of social support, however, there was an overall lack of teen involvement online. Strategies to engage adolescents in online discussions and reduce barriers are discussed. Strategies included the use of teen moderators, home computer access, technical support, and engagement in naturally flowing online discussions to meet social support needs. Blending researchers' with teens' needs for social support in an online environment is encouraged. With careful planning and design, online communications can result in mutual benefits for researchers, service providers, and pregnant and parenting adolescents.

  20. Religious Observance by Muslim Employees: A Framework for Discussion. (United States)

    Commission for Racial Equality, London (England).

    This paper discusses the relationship between the religious practices of Muslim employees and the requirements of the workplace. It is designed to provide information on the norms of Islam and the difficulties involved in its workplace practice, and to propose suggestions for resolving these difficulties that can form the basis for discussion and…

  1. Searching for Intertextual Connections in Small Group Text Discussion (United States)

    Chi, Feng-ming


    This paper reports the sources for and intentions of intertextuality made by 10 groups of Taiwanese university students in the process of discussing two American stories. Two types of data, small group text discussions and oral interviews, were gathered. The results indicated that participants used diverse sources of intertextual links, and with…

  2. Increasing Student Participation in Online Group Discussions via Facebook (United States)

    Miller, Scott T.


    A comparison study between two different methods of conducting online discussions in an introductory astronomy course was performed to determine if the use of Facebook as an online discussion tool has an impact on student participation as well as student response time. This study shows that students using Facebook for their online discussions…

  3. Use of fracture mechanics in the US industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Landes, J.D. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Materialforschung


    The modern fracture mechanics technology began in the US in the 1960's. It was developed in response to failure problems that could not be explained by current technology. Some segments of the US industry were quick to embrace this new technology. The period of 1960 to middle 1980's marked a time of active fracture mechanics research in the US industry. From this various codes and assessment procedures have been developed to apply the fracture mechanics approach to evaluate the safety and reliability of critical structural components. This report discusses the US industry use of fracture mechanics. It considers the historical developments, some of the fracture mechanics tools that are available and present practices. Several different industry segments that have used the fracture mechanics approach are considered. These include aerospace, military, power generation, petrochemical and pipelines, metal producers, and construction/transportation. Their current use of the fracture mechanics methods involves the implementation of codes and procedures, the development of software packages, the use of outside consulting groups and some in-house research efforts. (orig.) [German] Die Entwicklung der modernen Bruchmechanik in den USA begann in den 1960er Jahren im Zusammenhang mit einer Reihe von Versagensfaellen, die auf konventionelle Weise nicht erklaert werden konnten. Die neuen Ansaetze wurden von einigen Branchen schnell aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt. Die Periode von 1960 bis in die Mitte der 1980er Jahre markiert eine Zeit intensiver Forschungsarbeit in der amerikanischen Industrie. Eine Reihe von Codes und Vorschriften zur Bewertung der Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit gefaehrdeter Strukturen hat ihren Ursprung in dieser Zeit. Der vorliegende Aufsatz thematisiert die Anwendung bruchmechanischer Methoden in der Industrie der USA anhand historischer Aspekte, des heute verfuegbaren Instrumentariums der Bauteilbewertung und der gaengigen Praxis bei der

  4. A licensing discussion: SMRs in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Vos, M.


    The CNSC (Canadian AECB) is ready to regulate Small Modular Reactors (SMR) facilities in Canada. The CNSC is well situated to engage with proponents of SMR reactors in design reviews or licensing discussions. A risk-informed (graded) approach is possible in many instances for reactors but it is not a relaxation of requirements. The vendor design review process helps reduce regulatory risks by encouraging early engagement.

  5. Discussing three pillars of corporate governance




    This paper is a meaningful attempt to critically analyze the cohesion and relationship between three fundamental pillars of the corporate governance system: the shareholders, the board of directors and the employees. We present the characteristics of each pillar and discuss its relevance in corporate governance. A couple of world-renowned corporate governance models are considered. A synthetic conclusion is drawn based on information presented.

  6. 'Subjektives' und 'objektives' Wissen in der audiologischen Diagnose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egbert, Maria

    sozial-psychologischen Barrieren (z.B. Stigma) die Interaktion zwischen Audiologen und Patienten selten erfolgreich verläuft. Ein Hauptproblem liegt darin, die 'objektive' Hördiagnose, (erstellt durch ein Audiogramm) in Zusammenhang zu bringen mit den 'subjektiven' Hörbeschreibungen des Patienten. Da der...... Audiologe sowohl auf die objektive als auch auf die subjektive Darstellung angewiesen ist, widmet sich diese Studie anhand von authentischen Videoaufnahmen diesen Diskrepanzen. Als methodischer Rahmen für die Anwendung der Ergebnisse werden die Ansätze "User-Centred Design" und "Social Innovation...

  7. Speziation von Gadolinium-MRT-Kontrastmitteln in Umweltmatrizes


    Lindner, Uwe


    Gd-Kontrastmittel werden in der Medizin für die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) benötigt, um einen besseren Bildkontrast zu erzielen. Nach der Anwendung gelangen diese Arzneimittel über das Abwasser in die Klärwerke und von dort in die jeweiligen anliegenden Oberflächengewässer. Somit wird es notwendig, den Verbleib der Gd-MRT-Kontrastmittel in der Umwelt zu verfolgen und aufzuklären. In dieser Arbeit werden für die Analyse von Umweltproben Methoden zur Speziesanalytik von Gd-Kontrastmitteln ...

  8. Examining how discussing underrepresentation may mediate female engagement in physics (United States)

    Lock, Robynne M.; Tompkins, Reganne; Hazari, Zahra


    Despite the large number of female students taking high school physics, only about a fifth of physics bachelor's degrees are awarded to women. In a previous study, we tested five factors commonly proposed to positively impact female students' choice of a physical science career using multivariate matching methods on national survey data. Four of these factors (having a single-sex class, having female scientist guest speakers, having a female physics teacher, and discussing the work of female scientists) were found to have no effect. The only factor found to have a positive effect was the explicit discussion of the underrepresentation of women in physics. In order to explore this further, a case study of the classes of one teacher reported to discuss the underrepresentation of women was conducted. Two classroom underrepresentation discussions were recorded, students and teacher were interviewed, and relevant student work was collected. Analyzing the case study data, we report on how discussing underrepresentation may mediate female engagement in physics.

  9. MR-Imaging optimisation of the articular hip cartilage by using a T{sub 1}-weighted 3-dimensional gradient-echo sequence and the application of a hip joint traction; Magnetresonanztomographische Optimierung der Hueftknorpeldarstellung durch die Wahl einer T{sub 1}-Volumen-Gradienten-Echo-Sequenz und die Anwendung einer Hueftgelenkstraktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenberg, R. [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik und Poliklinik; Bernd, L. [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik und Poliklinik; Wrazidlo, W. [ATOS-Praxisklinik, Heidelberg (Germany). Radiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Drs. Lederer, Schneider und Wrazidlo; Lederer, W. [ATOS-Praxisklinik, Heidelberg (Germany). Radiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Drs. Lederer, Schneider und Wrazidlo; Schneider, S. [ATOS-Praxisklinik, Heidelberg (Germany). Radiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Drs. Lederer, Schneider und Wrazidlo


    Images of three animal cadaver hips, 8 dissected patient femoral heads and 18 hip joints of human corpses, all either with arthrosis stage I-III or artificial cartilage defects, were compared with their corresponding anatomic sections. Additional histomorphologic examinations of the arthrotic cartilages were conducted, and MR-Imaging of 20 healthy and 21 arthrotic patient hips was performed using a specific traction method. Using a T{sub 1}-weighted 3-dimensional gradient-echo sequence and a traction of the hip joint, it was possible due to the low-signal imaging of the joint space to separate in vivo the high-signal femoral head cartilage from the high-signal acetabular cartilage. In horizontal position of the phase-encoding parameter, minimisation of the chemical-shift artifact, mainly in the ventro-lateral areas, was accomplished. MRI measurements of the articular cartilage widths showed significant correlations (p < 0.001) with the corresponding anatomic sections. At the same time the T{sub 1} 3-dimensional gradient-echo sequence of the lateral femoral head with r = 0.94 showed the lowest deviations of the measurements. It was possible with MR-Imaging to distinguish four cartilage qualities. (orig./MG) [Deutsch] Im experimentellen Teil der Studie wurden den MRT-Bildern von drei Kadavertierhueften, 8 resezierten Patientenhueftkoepfen und 18 Leichenhueftgelenken, an denen entweder artifizielle Knorpeldefekte gesetzt wurden oder die ein Koxarthrose-Stadium I-III aufwiesen, die korrespondierenden makroskopischen Kryomikrotomschnitte zugeordnet. Bei den Koxarthrosen erfolgten zusaetzliche histomorphologische Knorpeluntersuchungen. Im klinischen Teil der Studie wurden 20 gesunde und 21 arthrotische Probandenhueftgelenke mit einem speziellen Traktionsverfahren untersucht. Unter Anwendung einer T{sub 1}-Volumen-Gradienten-Echo-Sequenz und einer Traktion am zu untersuchenden Hueftgelenk konnte in vivo durch die signalarme Darstellung des Gelenkspaltes der

  10. Earth Summit Science, policy discussed (United States)

    Leath, Audrey T.

    The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, the “Earth Summit,” convenes in Rio de Janeiro on June 3. President Bush has pledged to attend part of the 2-week conference. The highlight of the summit will be the signing of an international framework convention to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The final elements of the agreement were negotiated in New York last week by representative of 143 countries. In anticipation of the Rio conference, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held two standing-roomonly hearings, reviewing the scientific basis for global warming due to greenhouse gases and discussing the details of the proposed convention.

  11. Reconceptualising Moderation in Asynchronous Online Discussions Using Grounded Theory (United States)

    Vlachopoulos, Panos; Cowan, John


    This article reports a grounded theory study of the moderation of asynchronous online discussions, to explore the processes by which tutors in higher education decide when and how to moderate. It aims to construct a theory of e-moderation based on some key factors which appear to influence e-moderation. It discusses previous research on the…

  12. Teacher’s Mathematical Communication Profile in Facilitating and Guiding Discussion (United States)

    Umami, R.; Budayasa, I. K.; Suwarsono, St.


    Teacher’s communication skill plays an important role, one of which is to guide a class discussion for teaching purposes. This study aimed to investigate a teacher’s mathematical communication profile in facilitating and guiding a class discussion. This study is qualitative. A junior teacher of high school (i.e., a teacher with 1 to 5 year teaching experience) teaching mathematics at X-Social Class was selected as the subject of this study. The data was collected by observing the teacher’s mathematical communication in facilitating and guiding a discussion with the rules of sinus as the teaching material, and it was followed by a deep interview. The result showed that the junior teacher facilitated and guided a class discussion include providing responses (answer) addressing students’ difficulties and providing chances for students to propose and explain their ideas and be active in discussion. The junior teacher provides responses at sharp, optimal, and specific manner. In addition, she provides chances for her students to explain their thinking and have a discussion in anticipative, observative, selective, and connective manner. However, the study found that some of high-school teachers develop mathematical communication skills and use them to develop students’ mathematical communication skills.

  13. Impact of discussion on preferences elicited in a group setting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milne Ruairidh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The completeness of preferences is assumed as one of the axioms of expected utility theory but has been subject to little empirical study. Methods Fifteen non-health professionals was recruited and familiarised with the standard gamble technique. The group then met five times over six months and preferences were elicited independently on 41 scenarios. After individual valuation, the group discussed the scenarios, following which preferences could be changed. Changes made were described and summary measures (mean and median before and after discussion compared using paired t test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Semi-structured telephone interviews were carried out to explore attitudes to discussing preferences. These were transcribed, read by two investigators and emergent themes described. Results Sixteen changes (3.6% were made to preferences by seven (47% of the fifteen members. The difference between individual preference values before and after discussion ranged from -0.025 to 0.45. The average effect on the group mean was 0.0053. No differences before and after discussion were statistically significant. The group valued discussion highly and suggested it brought four main benefits: reassurance; improved procedural performance; increased group cohesion; satisfying curiosity. Conclusion The hypothesis that preferences are incomplete cannot be rejected for a proportion of respondents. However, brief discussion did not result in substantial number of changes to preferences and these did not have significant impact on summary values for the group, suggesting that incompleteness, if present, may not have an important effect on cost-utility analyses.

  14. Engaging in Online Group Discussions Using Facebook to Enhance Social Presence (United States)

    Miller, S. T.


    A comparison study between two different methods of conducting online discussions in an introductory astronomy course was performed to determine if the use of Facebook as an online discussion tool has an impact on student participation as well as student response time. This study shows that students using Facebook for their online discussions participated more frequently and responded more quickly than students using a traditional online discussion forum.

  15. Safety goals for nuclear power plants: a discussion paper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report includes a proposed policy statement on safety goals for nuclear power plants published by the Commission for public comment and a supporting discussion paper. Proposed qualitative goals and associated numerical guidelines for nuclear power-plant accident risks are presented. The significance of the goals and guidelines, their bases and rationale, and their proposed mode of implementation are discussed

  16. A framework for discussion on the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document outlines the measures the government of Canada proposes to take in order to make Canada the world's most environmentally friendly country. The reflection and discussion that this document generates will influence the order of priority in the final action plan

  17. Women in the workplace: a panel discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perrin, E.V.; Hunt, V.R.; Murray, F.J.; Krekel, S.; Allan, R.R.


    The following topics are discussed: problems of women in the workplace; public policy concerning human reproduction; toxic effects of lead in human populations; health hazards of occupational radiation exposure; reproductive hazards on the job; considerations for protecting the unborn; and legal implications

  18. Finding Malicious Cyber Discussions in Social Media (United States)


    automatically filter cyber discussions from Stack Exchange, Reddit, and Twitter posts written in English. Criminal hackers often use social media...monitoring hackers on Facebook and in private chat rooms. As a result, system administrators were prepared to counter distributed denial-of-service

  19. Coal economics and taxation discussed at symposium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Some of the highlights from the Symposium on Coal Economics and Taxation Symposium, Regina Saskatchewan May 7-9, 1978, sponsored by the Coal Association of Canada are presented. Investment, provincial policy, sources of funds, uncertainty, tax policies, and operating costs are discussed.

  20. Percutaneous biopsy of non-palpable breast lesions with the advanced breast biopsy instrumentation (ABBI): analysis of indication strategies; Perkutane stereotaktische Biopsie nicht palpabler Mammalaesionen mit dem Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation (ABBI) System: kritische Evaluation der Indikationsstellung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wedegaertner, U.; Otto, U.; Buitrago-Tellez, C.; Bremerich, J.; Bongartz, G. [Basel Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Oertli, D. [Basel Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Chirurgie; Torhorst, J. [Basel Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Pathologie


    Purpose: To compare the indications for biopsy with and without the use of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System. Material and methods: Biopsies using the ABBI were performed in 62 patients with 64 non-palpable evident mammographic lesions. The initial decision for biopsy was made by non-radiologists due to suspicious microcalcifications (n=53) and masses (n=11). The indication was retrospectively reassessed by adopting the BI-RADS classification by three radiologists in consensus. The positive predictive value (PPV) of both indication strategies was assessed and compared. Results: Biopsies adopting ABBI were performed without major side-effects and were diagnostic. Carcinoma was present in 14 lesions: nine specimens were diagnosed as DCIS and five as invasive carcinomas. For the 50 benign lesions histology revealed mastopathies (26/50) and fibroadenomas (8/50) as the most frequent diagnosis. The positive predictive value (PPV) for the initial indication was 22%, whereas PPV for BI-RADS based indications (categories 4 and 5) was 31%. Conclusion: ABBI enables stereotactically-guided procedures that result in representative and diagnostic biopsies. Standardized criteria like BI-RADS improve the PPV and should be a mandatory part of mammographic evaluation. Radiologists should remain involved in the decision making. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Perkutane stereotaktische Biopsien mit dem ABBI stellen eine neue Alternative in der Abklaerung nicht palpabler Mammalaesionen dar. Es soll die Indikationsstellung mit und ohne Anwendung des Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) analysiert werden. Material und Methoden: Insgesamt wurde bei 62 Patientinnen mit 64 Laesionen eine Biopsie mit dem ABBI System durchgefuehrt. Die primaere Indikation zur ABBI Biopsie wurde von Nicht-Radiologen aufgrund von Mikrokalzifikationen in 53 Faellen und einer unklaren Verdichtung in 11 Faellen gestellt. Zusaetzlich erfolgte eine retrospektive Indikationsstellung der biopsierten

  1. Axial nonimaging characteristics of imaging lenses: discussion. (United States)

    Siew, Ronian


    At observation planes away from the image plane, an imaging lens is a nonimaging optic. We examine the variation of axial irradiance with distance in image space and highlight the following little-known observation for discussion: On a per-unit-area basis, the position of the highest concentration in image space is generally not at the focal plane. This characteristic is contrary to common experience, and it offers an additional degree of freedom for the design of detection systems. Additionally, it would also apply to lenses with negative refractive index. The position of peak concentration and its irradiance is dependent upon the location and irradiance of the image. As such, this discussion also includes a close examination of expressions for image irradiance and explains how they are related to irradiance calculations beyond the image plane. This study is restricted to rotationally symmetric refractive imaging systems with incoherent extended Lambertian sources.

  2. A Thematic Analysis of Online Discussion Boards for Vasectomy. (United States)

    Samplaski, Mary K


    To examine posts on Internet discussion groups related to vasectomies, and identify common ideas through a structured theme analysis. Internet discussion boards were identified using the search term "vasectomy." Three discussion boards were identified as having the most posts and were chosen for analysis. Using an iterative and structured analysis process, each post was analyzed using thematic analysis in 3 steps (open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) to determine common themes. A total of 129 posts were analyzed. The most common posts related to changes in sexual function after vasectomy. The second most common theme was pain after vasectomy. There were also posts about considerations before vasectomy, planning for postvasectomy care, what to expect after vasectomy, potential issues after vasectomy and how to manage these, and feelings about vasectomy. Some of the information present did not have a factual basis. Posts dedicated to postvasectomy pain and sexual dysfunction were of the highest quantity. There was no medical provider input to these discussion boards. Educational efforts should be targeted to these areas and should include a health-care professional. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. DisVis: Visualizing Discussion Threads in Online Health Communities. (United States)

    Nakikj, Drashko; Mamykina, Lena


    An increasing number of individuals turn to online health communities (OHC) for information, advice and support about their health condition or disease. As a result of users' active participation, these forums store overwhelming volumes of information, which can make access to this information challenging and frustrating. To help overcome this problem we designed a discussion visualization tool DisVis. DisVis includes features for overviewing, browsing and finding particular information in a discussion. In a between subjects study, we tested the impact of DisVis on individuals' ability to provide an overview of a discussion, find topics of interest and summarize opinions. The study showed that after using the tool, the accuracy of participants' answers increased by 68% (p-value = 0.023) while at the same time exhibiting trends for reducing the time to answer by 38% with no statistical significance (p-value = 0.082). Qualitative interviews showed general enthusiasm regarding tools for improving browsing and searching for information within discussion forums, suggested different usage scenarios, highlighted opportunities for improving the design of DisVis, and outlined new directions for visualizing user-generated content within OHCs.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abbasova, A.A.


    Full Text Available This article is about how to the importance of selecting the optimal methods of stimulation and motivation to learn. In modern conditions it is very important that the teacher gave the students ready knowledge, and pointed the way for the acquisition of knowledge, taught to acquire knowledge. This requires the selection of effective forms of language and literature work with texts of different types and styles of speech, listening, speaking. In this regard, special attention should be given lessons of speech development. There is a special group of methods to stimulate the development of communicative competence. Among them, and the method of discussion, which is increasingly being used in the classroom in the Russian language

  5. Open discussions on nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the first part, economic prospects in the world and in the European Community and their repercussions on energy demand are examined. Supply structure and growth scenari are outlined. Present and potential contribution of nuclear energy to energy supply is developed. The pros and cons are given. In the second part is examined how the production and use of various form of energy including nuclear energy, can affect health and the environment, with special reference to waste of all kinds. Safety problems and risk of accidents are examined in both non nuclear and nuclear sectors. Prospects for a low energy society and economic and social implications of the use of new forms of energy are also discussed

  6. Scaffolding scientific discussion using socially relevant representations in networked multimedia (United States)

    Hoadley, Christopher M.


    How do students make use of social cues when learning on the computer? This work examines how students in a middle-school science course learned through on-line peer discussion. Cognitive accounts of collaboration stress interacting with ideas, while socially situated accounts stress the interpersonal context. The design of electronic environments allows investigation into the interrelation of cognitive and social dimensions. I use on-line peer discussion to investigate how socially relevant representations in interfaces can aid learning. First, I identify some of the variables that affect individual participation in on-line discussion, including interface features. Individual participation is predicted by student attitudes towards learning from peers. Second, I describe the range of group outcomes for these on-line discussions. There is a large effect of discussion group on learning outcomes which is not reducible to group composition or gross measures of group process. Third, I characterize how students (individually) construct understanding from these group discussions. Learning in the on-line discussions is shown to be a result of sustained interaction over time, not merely encountering or expressing ideas. Experimental manipulations in the types of social cues available to students suggest that many students do use socially relevant representations to support their understanding of multiple viewpoints and science reasoning. Personalizing scientific disputes can afford reflection on the nature of scientific discovery and advance. While there are many individual differences in how social representations are used by students in learning, overall learning benefits for certain social representations can be shown. This work has profound implications for design of collaborative instructional methods, equitable access to science learning, design of instructional technology, and understanding of learning and cognition in social settings.

  7. Development and application of a NaNiCl{sub 2}-battery for industrial trucks regarding the requirements cycle life, safety and reliability. Final report; Entwicklung und Erprobung einer NaNiCl{sub 2}-Batterie fuer Flurfoerderzeuge unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Aspekte Lebensdauer, Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boehm, H.; Beyermann, G.; Bulling, M.


    Two NaNiCl{sub 2}-battery types including the battery controller and peripheral equipment have been developed for the application in fork lift trucks and driverless transportation. The batteries have been tested and evaluated on bench testing as well as in fork lift trucks and driverless trucks in practical application. The field tests have been performed by the subcontractors Still, Mercedes-Benz and Indumat. All test results have shown that the NaNiCl{sub 2}-battery (ZEBRA-battery) is well suited for the application in industrial traction. A series development together with a cost reduction programme have to be performed ahead of the introduction of the ZEBRA-battery into the market for industrial traction batteries. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wurden zwei NaNiCl{sub 2}-Batterietypen, eine fuer die Anwendung in Gabelstaplern, die andere fuer den Einsatz in fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS), einschliesslich des Batteriesteuergeraetes und der Batterieperipherie entwickelt. Die Batterien wurden auf Teststaenden im Labor sowie in Gabelstaplern und FTS unter Praxisbedingungen erprobt. Der praktische Einsatz erfolgte bei den Unterauftragnehmern Still, Mercedes-Benz und Indumat. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die NaNiCl{sub 2}-Batterie (ZEBRA-Batterie) fuer die Anwendung in Gabelstaplern und FTS geeignet ist. Insbesondere wurde nachgewiesen, dass die NaNiCl{sub 2}-Batterie im Gegensatz zu anderen Batteriesystemen einen Zweischichtbetrieb von Gabelstaplern ohne Batteriewechsel ermoeglicht. Vor Einfuehrung der ZEBRA-Batterie in den Flurfoerdermarkt muss die Serienentwicklung bei gleichzeitiger Senkung der Herstellkosten durchgefuehrt werden. (orig.)

  8. Batteries for energy storage. Examples, strategies, solutions; Batterien als Energiespeicher. Beispiele, Strategien, Loesungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fahlbusch, Eckhard (ed.)


    This book presents the variety of battery technologies and describes their mobile and stationary applications and uses. The major social project of the energy transition requires a holistic approach that takes into account especially the issues of energy saving and efficiency in addition to the power generation and distribution from renewable resources. In addition, the book provides an outlook on the further development possibilities of battery technology and battery applications. Improved battery technology is an important factor to help electromobility and stationary applications of batteries as distributed energy storage breakthrough. Not least, the importance and the need for the recycling of batteries and the variety of battery technologies are presented that have the greatest importance in terms of resource conservation and resource security. [German] Dieses Buch stellt die Vielfalt der Batterietechnologien vor und beschreibt ihre mobilen und stationaeren Anwendungs- und Einsatzmoeglichkeiten. Das gesellschaftliche Grossprojekt der Energiewende bedarf einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung, die neben der Energiegewinnung und -verteilung aus Erneuerbaren Ressourcen besonders Fragen der Energiespeicherung und -effizienz beruecksichtigt. Daneben bietet das Buch einen Ausblick auf die weiteren Entwicklungsmoeglichkeiten der Batterietechnologien und Batterieanwendungen. Eine verbesserte Batterietechnik ist ein wichtiger Faktor, um der Elektromobilitaet und der stationaeren Anwendung von Batterien als dezentrale Energiespeicher zum Durchbruch zu verhelfen. Nicht zuletzt werden die Bedeutung und die Notwendigkeit des Recyclings von Batterien und der Vielfalt von Batterietechnologien dargestellt, die im Hinblick auf die Ressourcenschonung und die Ressourcensicherheit groesste Bedeutung haben.

  9. Summary of contribution to the ICANS-X panel discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowman, C.D.


    In this paper the author discusses spallation source development in general. He discusses the future relationship between spallation sources and emphasizes that each laboratory is unique and that all laboratories lose by pushing toward some norm rather than by taking advantage of each labs individuality. He illustrates this by some remarks about the challenge to Los Alamos from other spallation sources and by suggesting a response

  10. WGOE Discussion topic introduction: Counterfeit, Suspect, and Fraudulent parts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorp, John


    This presentation (slides) provided an introduction to CSFI discussion. It presents: 1 - the many faces of counterfeiting (design and intellectual property, manufacturing and fabrication, product control, branding and document fraud), 2 - the key messages from the June 3, 2010 US-NRC Commission Briefing, 3 - the Regulator's role in ensuring nuclear plant safety, 4 - the CSFI survey status, 5 - the questions to be discussed during the meeting

  11. Business challenges in the vendor community. Panel Discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamm, Steve; Sauger, John; Marano, Mark; Shave, Dana; Pierce, Robert; Smiarowski, Michael W.


    Full text of publication follows: The nuclear business community is undergoing immense changes and challenges due to consolidation of the power industry and plant owners, shifts in the needs of plant owners, addition of new competitors, loss of old competitors, aging of the workforce, loss of personnel to competing industries, and the advances in electronic communications. These changes have significantly perturbed existing business models and relationships in the nuclear industry as well as the broader power, engineering, construction, equipment, and commodities fields. Vendors have responded to these challenges in a number of different ways. The participants for this panel have been selected from a diverse set of vendor organization types so that a broad spectrum of evaluation and approaches will be discussed. The participants in this panel discussion will provide insights into their views of the challenges to a successful nuclear business. They will provide insights into the expectations and approaches by each party in the client vendor relationship. Also discussed will be an overview of the strategies that each panelist views as potential success paths to nurture and grow the client-vendor relationship today with their insights into the future. (authors)

  12. Young Scientists Discuss Recent Advances, Future Challenges. (United States)

    Baum, Rudy M.


    Discusses a National Academy of Science forum at which a group of outstanding young researchers in astronomy, molecular and developmental biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, atmospheric science, and materials science met for three days of formal presentations and informal conversations. Provides a short synopsis of major speakers. (MVL)

  13. Questioning as Facilitating Strategies in Online Discussion (United States)

    Wang, Yu-Mei


    Facilitation of online discussions presents a challenge to online learning instructors. Unlike in face-to-face courses, students in online learning do not have physical contacts with instructors. They might view instructors as authoritarian figures and perceive instructor's comments as impersonal. This article details the author's personal…

  14. Measuring Skill in Games : Several Approaches Discussed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dreef, M.R.M.; Borm, P.E.M.; van der Genugten, B.B.


    An aspect of casino games that in general leads to discussions among both participants and spectators, is the relative extent to which a player can positively influence his results by making appropriate strategic choices.This question is closely related to the issue of how to distinguish between

  15. Discussion on control room habitability assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Bing; Chen Yingying; Xiao Jun; Yang Duanjie; Cui Hao


    The discussion on control room envelope integrity, source term analysis in habitability assessments and other impact factors for dose consequence is provided combined with regulatory requirements and the current status of domestic NPPs. Considering that the infiltration is an important factor for control room habitability assessment, CRE integrity test should be performed to demonstrate the CRE's infiltration characteristics. The consequence assessment should be performed based on different DBAs and different pathways, such as pathways internal to the plant. (authors)

  16. Effectively Using Discussion Boards to Engage Students in Introductory Leadership Courses (United States)

    Smith, Deborah N.


    This article discusses the use of online asynchronous discussion boards as a valuable tool for connecting students to leadership concepts, theories, and models in introductory leadership survey courses. Recommendations are given for designing effective discussion boards that engage students and enhance their learning. Student outcomes include…

  17. Contribution to the european discussion on the energy strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Revol, H.; Valade, J.


    If no change occurs, the European Union will cover in 2020, 70% of its energy need by importation, for 50% today. This situation leads to a discussion on the energy dependence. In this context the European Commission provoked a discussion by publishing a ''green book'' on the european strategy concerning the energy supply. This document presents the point of view of the Senate Energy Study Group. (A.L.B.)

  18. More comprehensive discussion of CRC screening associated with higher screening. (United States)

    Mosen, David M; Feldstein, Adrianne C; Perrin, Nancy A; Rosales, A Gabriella; Smith, David H; Liles, Elizabeth G; Schneider, Jennifer L; Meyers, Ronald E; Elston-Lafata, Jennifer


    Examine association of comprehensiveness of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening discussion by primary care physicians (PCPs) with completion of CRC screening. Observational study in Kaiser Permanente Northwest, a group-model health maintenance organization. A total of 883 participants overdue for CRC screening received an automated telephone call (ATC) between April and June 2009 encouraging CRC screening. Between January and March 2010, participants completed a survey on PCPs' discussion of CRC screening and patient beliefs regarding screening. receipt of CRC screening (assessed by electronic medical record [EMR], 9 months after ATC). Primary independent variable: comprehensiveness of CRC screening discussion by PCPs (7-item scale). Secondary independent variables: perceived benefits of screening (4-item scale assessing respondents' agreement with benefits of timely screening) and primary care utilization (EMR; 9 months after ATC). The independent association of variables with CRC screening was assessed with logistic regression. Average scores for comprehensiveness of CRC discussion and perceived benefits were 0.4 (range 0-1) and 4.0 (range 1-5), respectively. A total of 28.2% (n = 249) completed screening, 84% of whom had survey assessments after their screening date. Of screeners, 95.2% completed the fecal immunochemical test. More comprehensive discussion of CRC screening was associated with increased screening (odds ratio [OR] = 1.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.03-2.21). Higher perceived benefits (OR = 1.46, 95% CI = 1.13-1.90) and 1 or more PCP visits (OR = 5.82, 95% CI = 3.87-8.74) were also associated with increased screening. More comprehensive discussion of CRC screening was independently associated with increased CRC screening. Primary care utilization was even more strongly associated with CRC screening, irrespective of discussion of CRC screening.

  19. To discuss illicit nuclear trafficking

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balatsky, Galya I [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Severe, William R [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Wallace, Richard K [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The Illicit nuclear trafficking panel was conducted at the 4th Annual INMM workshop on Reducing the Risk from Radioactive and Nuclear Materials on February 2-3, 2010 in Washington DC. While the workshop occurred prior to the Nuclear Security Summit, April 12-13 2010 in Washington DC, some of the summit issues were raised during the workshop. The Communique of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit stated that 'Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.' The Illicit Trafficking panel is one means to strengthen nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. Such a panel promotes nuclear security culture through technology development, human resources development, education and training. It is a tool which stresses the importance of international cooperation and coordination of assistance to improve efforts to prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking. Illicit trafficking panel included representatives from US government, an international organization (IAEA), private industry and a non-governmental organization to discuss illicit nuclear trafficking issues. The focus of discussions was on best practices and challenges for addressing illicit nuclear trafficking. Terrorism connection. Workshop discussions pointed out the identification of terrorist connections with several trafficking incidents. Several trafficking cases involved real buyers (as opposed to undercover law enforcement agents) and there have been reports identifying individuals associated with terrorist organizations as prospective plutonium buyers. Some specific groups have been identified that consistently search for materials to buy on the black market, but no criminal groups were identified that specialize in nuclear materials or isotope

  20. Group Discussion and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. (United States)

    Bouas, Kelly S.; Komorita, S. S.


    Face-to-face discussion has been shown to increase cooperation behavior in social dilemmas. Two general explanations of this effect were tested: group identity and perception of consensus. Female undergraduate students (N=160) participated in four-person groups in one of four experimental conditions. Findings indicate the most plausible…

  1. The Problem of Retraction in Critical Discussion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krabbe, Erik C. W.


    In many contexts a retraction of commitment is frowned upon. For instance, it is not appreciated, generally, if one withdraws a promise or denies an earlier statement. Critical discussion, too, can easily be disrupted by retractions, if these occur too frequently and at critical points. But on the

  2. Bladder cancer discussed on the internet: a systematic analysis of gender differences of initial posters on an online discussion board. (United States)

    Lippka, Yannick; Patschan, Oliver; Todenhöfer, Tilmann; Schwentner, Christian; Gutzeit, Andreas; Merseburger, Axel S; Horstmann, Marcus


    To evaluate gender differences of initial posters in threads dealing with bladder cancer on an online discussion board. 529 threads opened between 09/2005 and 03/2012 were screened on the largest German speaking bladder cancer online discussion board. 366 threads fulfilled the requirements for this study. Gender, age, number, status of concern and oncological situation of initiating posters as well as their motives and language style were analyzed following a standardized protocol. Threads were initiated in 45% (164/366) by men and in 55% (202/366) by women. Mean age of male initiating posters was 50 years and of female posters 44 years (p posters asked for medical information or therapeutic recommendations regarding diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. However, women significantly more often expressed their wish for emotional support (p = 0.034) and in tendency wanted to share their experiences with others (p = 0.057). Language analysis revealed that women significantly more often used a tentative language style than men (p = 0.003). Even though women are less often affected by bladder cancer, they are more active -especially for their concerned family members - on the evaluated discussion board than men. Whereas both genders equally often ask for medical information, women more often want to share their experiences and look for emotional support.

  3. Critically Review and Discuss Major Issues in“Financing Small Businesses”

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    MA Ming-lu


    The main purpose of this essay is to discuss and study the financing issues related to small business, and there is analysis about different financing methods, which divides them into internal and external sources. The essay examines the literature, mainly journal articles, on the financing issues related to internal and external financing and compare them and discuss about their advantages and disadvantages. And in order to make the points clear, it relates to some real cases of small companies financing methods, which helps to put the discussion in proper context.

  4. Gaming

    CERN Document Server

    Duke, Richard D


    Als Richard Duke sein Buch ""Gaming: The Future's Language"" 1974 veröffentlichte, war er ein Pionier für die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Planspielen in Politik, Strategieentwicklung und Management. Das Buch wurde zu einem viel zitierten Standardwerk. 2014 feiert die von Richard D. Duke gegründete International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) ihr 45-jähriges Bestehen. Gleichzeitig legt Richard D. Duke eine überarbeitete Auflage seines Klassikers vor.   Inhaltsverzeichnis TABLE OF CONTENTSAcknowledgments Preface SECTION I1. The ProblemSECTION II2. Modes of Human Communication3. Mode

  5. Local Dynamic Map als modulares Software Framework für Fahrerassistenzsysteme (United States)

    Reisdorf, P.; Auerswald, A.; Wanielik, G.


    Moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme basieren auf der Verarbeitung von Informationen, welche durch die Umfeldwahrnehmung mit unterschiedlicher Sensorik erfolgt. Neben den Informationen aus dem eigenen Fahrzeug ergeben sich durch unterschiedliche Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten (Car2Car, Car2X,...) erweiterte Umfeldwahrnehmungen (siehe Abb. 1). Diese Daten gilt es aufbereitet und zielorientiert einer Anwendung zur Verfügung zu stellen, was mit Hilfe einer Local Dynamic Map (LDM) erfüllt werden kann. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung beschreibt den Aufbau, Verwendungszweck und Eigenschaften einer entwickelten LDM und geht auf einige Applikationen ein, die mit Hilfe dieser realisiert wurden.

  6. OER research agenda discussion for Open Education 2006 (29/9) discussing the development of a research agenda for Open Educational Resources

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Bateman, P


    Full Text Available stream_source_info Bateman_2006_D.pdf.txt stream_content_type text/plain stream_size 17977 Content-Encoding UTF-8 stream_name Bateman_2006_D.pdf.txt Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8     International Institute for Educational... Planning OER Research Agenda Discussion  for OpenEducation2006 (29/9) Discussing the development of a research agenda for Open  Educational Resources Convened by the IIEP Co­facilitated by  Peter Bateman (AVU)  and  Kim...

  7. Friedreich's ataxia cardiomyopathy: case based discussion and management issues.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hanley, A


    Cardiac involvement is common in Friedreich\\'s Ataxia and is a common cause of premature death. Evidence regarding treatment of congestive heart failure in patients with Friedreich\\'s Ataxia is lacking. The case of a 31-year-old male with advanced Friedreich\\'s Ataxia who presented with an acute diarrhoeal illness and features of acute heart failure is discussed. We then review the reported cardiac manifestations of Friedreich\\'s Ataxia and discuss management options.

  8. Online Discussion about Sexuality Education in Schools (United States)

    Broadbear, James T.; Broadbear, Barbara C.


    Sexuality education in schools continues to be a controversial issue although public debate has seemingly calmed in recent years. Dialogue about the value and purpose of sexuality education for adolescents can provide health education specialists a better understanding of public opinion and online discussion may be a potentially ideal way to…

  9. Power generation from landfill gas workshop discussion of Session 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loning, A.; Bevan, G.; Moss, H.


    The discussion following presentations on the UK Dept. of Energy's involvement with power generation form landfill gas and the UK Government's attitude to pollution prevention from landfill gas power production is presented. The discussion focusses particularly on the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation. (UK)

  10. Talking about history: discussions in a middle school inclusive classroom. (United States)

    Okolo, Cynthia M; Ferretti, Ralph P; MacArthur, Charles A


    In this study, we examined the nature of whole-class discussion and teachers' instruction during discussion about historical topics in one inclusive, middle-grade classroom. We videotaped and analyzed 4 lessons to determine the nature of discussion sequences, rates of participation, and instructional challenges encountered by the teacher and students. We triangulated our analysis of observational data with teacher interviews. The results showed high rates of student participation, with no differences between students with and without disabilities. The teacher initiated and controlled the discussion, and nearly all student responses were from teacher to student rather than from student to student. The teacher encountered three challenges in developing students' understanding, and we identify specific practices she used to address these challenges. Based on students' response to measures administered by project staff and on their scores on statewide tests, this teacher's practices seemed to be highly effective.

  11. Defensible space in the news: public discussion of a neglected topic (United States)

    Jayne Fingerman Johnson; David N. Bengston; David P. Fan


    Managers have an opportunity during times of peak media coverage of wildfire to expand the discussion about defensible space from the current focus on vegetation clearing to include the full range of activities a homeowner can undertake to mitigate damage. Currently, news media discussion of wildfire is overwhelmingly dominated by firefighting, and discussion of...

  12. PET and SPECT investigations in Alzheimer's disease; Nuklearmedizin und Demenz - Anwendung bei Morbus Alzheimer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asenbaum, S. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Wien (Austria); Abteilung fuer klinische Neurologie, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090, Wien (Austria)


    Nuclear medicine offers a wide range of possibilities to investigate dementia. Various SPECT and PET tracers will be introduced in this article first. Different questions concerning evaluation of dementia are discussed taking Alzheimer's disease (AD) as an example. It is important to perform nuclear medicine investigations on high technical level, using standardized methods as statistical parametric mapping (SPM) for evaluation. If neuroprotective therapies are available, an early diagnosis, the determination of risk factors and longitudinal investigations will be the focus of interest and the main goal of nuclear medicine. Apart from measuring cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism the development of new ligands, concerning the cholinergic system and the visualization of amyloid plaques, is of great importance. (orig.) [German] Nuklearmedizin bietet bei der Erfassung und Beurteilung eines dementiellen Prozesses eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungsmoeglichkeiten. Anhand des Morbus Alzheimer (DAT) werden in dem vorliegenden Artikel neben einer kurzen Schilderung der zur Verfuegung stehenden Methoden die verschiedenen nuklearmedizinisch relevante Fragestellungen angefuehrt, zu deren Beantwortung die funktionelle Bildgebung Informationen liefern kann. Durch den Einsatz bestimmter, standardisierter Auswerteverfahren wie statistical parametric mapping (SPM) ist es moeglich, entscheidende Hinweise zur Diagnose und Differenzialdiagnose der DAT zu erlangen. In Zukunft werden, insbesondere bei einer Verfuegbarkeit neuroprotektiver Therapien, eine moeglichst fruehe Diagnosestellung und die Erfassung von Risikofaktoren sowie die Moeglichkeit einer Verlaufsbeobachtung in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses und in das Zentrum nuklearmedizinischer Untersuchungen ruecken. Vor allem fuer diese Anforderungen ist neben der qualitaetsvollen Untersuchung von zerebraler Perfusion und Glukosestoffwechsel eine Weiterentwicklung spezieller Liganden v. a. das cholinerge System betreffend und

  13. QCD under extreme conditions: an informal discussion

    CERN Document Server

    Fraga, E.S.


    We present an informal discussion of some aspects of strong interactions un- der extreme conditions of temperature and density at an elementary level. This summarizes lectures delivered at the 2013 and 2015 CERN – Latin-American Schools of High-Energy Physics and is aimed at students working in experi- mental high-energy physics.

  14. Assessment factors for human health risk assessment: a discussion paper

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeire TG; Stevenson H; Pieters MN; Rennen M; Slob W; Hakkert BC; Nederlandse organisatie voor; CSR; LEO; TNO-ITV


    The general goal of this discussion paper is to contribute towards further harmonisation of the human health risk assessment. It discusses the development of a formal, harmonised set of default assessment factors. The status quo with regard to assessment factors is reviewed. Options are presented

  15. Argumentative Bluff in Eristic Discussion: An Analysis and Evaluation


    van Laar, Jan Albert


    How does the analysis and evaluation of argumentation depend on the dialogue type in which the argumentation has been put forward? This paper focuses on argumentative bluff in eristic discussion. Argumentation cannot be presented without conveying the pretence that it is dialectically reasonable, as well as, at least to some degree, rhetorically effective. Within eristic discussion it can be profitable to engage in bluff with respect to such claims. However, it will be argued that such bluffi...

  16. The ethics of research using electronic mail discussion groups. (United States)

    Kralik, Debbie; Warren, Jim; Price, Kay; Koch, Tina; Pignone, Gino


    The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss the ethical considerations that have confronted and challenged the research team when researchers facilitate conversations using private electronic mail discussion lists. The use of electronic mail group conversations, as a collaborative data generation method, remains underdeveloped in nursing. Ethical challenges associated with this approach to data generation have only begun to be considered. As receipt of ethics approval for a study titled; 'Describing transition with people who live with chronic illness' we have been challenged by many ethical dilemmas, hence we believe it is timely to share the issues that have confronted the research team. These discussions are essential so we can understand the possibilities for research interaction, communication, and collaboration made possible by advanced information technologies. Our experiences in this study have increased our awareness for ongoing ethical discussions about privacy, confidentiality, consent, accountability and openness underpinning research with human participants when generating data using an electronic mail discussion group. We describe how we work at upholding these ethical principles focusing on informed consent, participant confidentiality and privacy, the participants as threats to themselves and one another, public-private confusion, employees with access, hackers and threats from the researchers. A variety of complex issues arise during cyberspace research that can make the application of traditional ethical standards troublesome. Communication in cyberspace alters the temporal, spatial and sensory components of human interaction, thereby challenging traditional ethical definitions and calling to question some basic assumptions about identity and ones right to keep aspects of it confidential. Nurse researchers are bound by human research ethics protocols; however, the nature of research by electronic mail generates moral issues as well as ethical

  17. Panel discussion: In vivo pet modeling and data analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koeppe, R.A.


    Following the first afternoon session on in vivo PET modeling and data analysis, a panel assembled to discuss in greater detail some of the issues pertinent to the kinetic analysis of PET data. The discussion was opened with a comment on some of the diofficulties of PET imaging in the study of neurotransmitter and receptor systems, including resolution limitations, image distortions, and levels of nonspecific binding. Dr. Hutchins reiterated that the imaging distortions predicted by his simulation studies include both open-quotes scaleclose quotes and open-quotes shape open-quotes distortions. Then the panel discussed the issue of registration of functional (PET) and anatomic (MRI or CT) images. The use of an anatomic image as a road map or guide to where one is in the physiologic PET image is a very important part of performing PET studies. It is at least as important to align a dynamic PET sequence internally, from frame to frame, as it is to align the PET study to an anatomic study. If a dynamic imaging procedure will take 30-90 min or more, a method is needed to assure that the patient has not moved substantially during the procedure or that the movement can be accounted for. Several possibilities were discussed. The next topic considered the issue of model complexity versus model reduction. If a model is too complex, it cannot provide accurate estimates of the model parameters due to the lack of identifiability of individual parameters. Modeling approaches such as simplifying the model to two parameters and changing the experimental protocol to provide more information so model simplification is not necessary were discussed on the basis of the tradeoff between procedural complexity and quality of information

  18. Substitution of the CFCs R-11, R-13, R-503, R-13B1, R-113, R-114 and R-12B1 in existing refrigerating, air-conditioning and heat pump systems with refrigerants of low ozone depletion potential in the Federal Republic of Germany. Status report; Ersatz der FCKW R11, R13, R503, R13B1, R113, R114, und R12B1 in bestehenden Kaelte-, Klima- und Waermepumpenanlagen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch Kaeltemittel mit geringem Ozonabbaupotential. Statusbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The technical basics and the state of the art for the substitution of the CFC refrigerants R-11, R-13, R-503, R-13B1, R-113, R-114 and R-12B1 in existing refrigeration systems are described and explained. The report contains an overview of the current applications of these refrigerants in the FRG, a review and discussion of existing substitutes, the presentation and evaluation of research and experiences with the conversion to alternative refrigerants, the presentation of the required infrastructure and a discussion of the technical feasibility. The conversion of existing systems to refrigerants of lower ozone depletion potential is in conclusion evaluated with regard to its technical feasibility, environmental relevance and economic efficiency. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es werden die technischen Grundlagen und der Stand der Technik zum Ersatz der FCKW-Kaeltemittel R11, R13, R503, R13B1, R113, R114 und R12B1 in bestehenden Kaelteanlagen dargestellt und erlaeutert. Der Bericht beinhaltet einen Ueberblick ueber die derzeitige Anwendung dieser Kaeltemittel in der BRD, die Vorstellung und Diskussion existierender Ersatzstoffe, die Darstellung und Bewertung der Forschung und Erfahrungen zu Umruestungen auf Ersatzstoffe, die Vorstellung der erforderlichen Infrastruktur und die Diskussion der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit. Die Umstellung bestehender Anlagen auf Kaeltemittel mit geringerem Ozonabbaupotential wird abschliessend hinsichtlich der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit, der Umweltrelevanz und der Wirtschaftlichkeit bewertet. (orig.)

  19. 9. university discussion meeting on energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Eight conference papers are presented which discussed the following topics: 1. Energy and environment - conflict or harmony; 2. A common electricity market within the European Community - from the point of view of the German electricity industry; 3. Radioactive waste in nuclear engineering; 4. Effects of electric and magnetic fields on humans; 5. Classroom ventilation; 6. The polluted atmosphere - potential effects on the global climate; 7. Environment-centered marketing, a challenge to a household appliances supplier; 8. High-temperature superconductors - perspectives for application. (UA) [de

  20. Summary of discussions on the next project at RCNP, Osaka University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A meeting was held in May 1985 to discuss what should be the next project of RCNP (Research Center for Nuclear Physics), Osaka University, in relation with other similar projects in Japanese Universities or institutes. About 70 researchers from various universities and institutes in Japan gathered and discussed new nuclear physics projects including a 300 MeV cyclotron. Before entering discussions some short reports conserning selection of machine, requirement from physical studies or political problems were presented. And some selected commentators gave short comments for active discussions. All these reports and comments are included in this collective report. (Aoki, K.)

  1. Assessment factors for human health risk assessment: A discussion paper

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeire, T.; Stevenson, H.; Pieters, M.N.; Rennen, M.; Slob, W.; Hakkert, B.C.


    The general goal of this discussion paper is to contribute toward the further harmonization of human health risk assessment. It first discusses the development of a formal, harmonized set of assessment factors. The status quo with regard to assessment factors is reviewed, that is, the type of

  2. Literary Discussions and Advanced Speaking Functions: Researching the (Dis)Connection (United States)

    Donato, Richard; Brooks, Frank B.


    This study investigated the discourse of class discussion in the advanced undergraduate Spanish literature course. Motivating this study was the need for research to determine how discussion in advanced undergraduate literature courses provides discourse opportunities to students to develop advanced language functions, as defined in the ACTFL…

  3. Predictors of Quality Verbal Engagement in Third-Grade Literature Discussions (United States)

    Young, Chase


    This study investigates how reading ability and personality traits predict the quality of verbal discussions in peer-led literature circles. Third grade literature discussions were recorded, transcribed, and coded. The coded statements and questions were quantified into a quality of engagement score. Through multiple linear regression, the…

  4. Some Themes in the Discussion of the Quality of Life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Røpke, Inge


    Abstract This paper is motivated by the need to discuss the quality of life as a part of the background for devising environmental strategies. When environmental strategies are devised, it is often more or less tacitly assumed that we should try to avoid measures that imply a decrease in the level....... The critical perspective is developed by dealing with welfare or the quality of life: what does it mean to have a good life? On the basis of this discussion, the relationship between consumption and welfare can then be assessed. The approach to the discussion of the quality of life in this paper is first...... with the different themes in the discussion of the quality of life. The point of departure is taken in some critical considerations related to the traditional conceptualization of welfare. After that, some inspiration from the debate on basic needs is outlined and supplemented with some reflections on the dual...

  5. Theses "Discussion" Sections: A Structural Move Analysis (United States)

    Nodoushan, Mohammad Ali Salmani; Khakbaz, Nafiseh


    The current study aimed at finding the probable differences between the move structure of Iranian MA graduates' thesis discussion subgenres and those of their non-Iranian counterparts, on the one hand, and those of journal paper authors, on the other. It also aimed at identifying the moves that are considered obligatory, conventional, or optional…

  6. Principles for Community College Finance: Discussion Paper. (United States)

    Keating, Joseph P.

    In preparation for the 1987 demise of the current community college funding mechanism in California, this discussion paper reviews the current fiscal situation in the state and considers the needs that should be addressed in the finance mechanism that would become effective in July 1987. Background information is presented on the history of the…

  7. Discussing epigenetics in Southern California (United States)


    With the goal of discussing how epigenetic control and chromatin remodeling contribute to the various processes that lead to cellular plasticity and disease, this symposium marks the collaboration between the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) in France and the University of California, Irvine (UCI). Organized by Paolo Sassone-Corsi (UCI) and held at the Beckman Center of the National Academy of Sciences at the UCI campus December 15–16, 2011, this was the first of a series of international conferences on epigenetics dedicated to the scientific community in Southern California. The meeting also served as the official kick off for the newly formed Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism at the School of Medicine, UCI ( PMID:22414797

  8. COINCO Strategy 2025 - Discussion Paper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Per Homann; Jensen, Anne; Stroschein, Christoph

     The regions and cities in the COINCO-corridor Oslo-Göteborg-Malmö-Copenhagen-Berlin have worked out a strategy proposal which is presented in this discussion paper. Behind the strategy is a political will to utilize mutual strengths and together become a leading player in a globalized world, based...... on matters essential to development - ‘hard' issues such as transport infrastructure and ‘soft' issues on improving cooperation within business, administration and knowledge production. The synergy of COINCO will have to come from collaboration among businesses. Supporting cooperation between existing...... to be institutionally supported. Therefore a number of knowledge institutions have to be formed organized around the ‘triple helix'-principle - a tight collaboration between business, administration and knowledge producers, especially universities. Also new ways of collaboration have to be explored - ‘network...

  9. Student decision making in large group discussion (United States)

    Kustusch, Mary Bridget; Ptak, Corey; Sayre, Eleanor C.; Franklin, Scott V.


    It is increasingly common in physics classes for students to work together to solve problems and perform laboratory experiments. When students work together, they need to negotiate the roles and decision making within the group. We examine how a large group of students negotiates authority as part of their two week summer College Readiness Program at Rochester Institute of Technology. The program is designed to develop metacognitive skills in first generation and Deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) STEM undergraduates through cooperative group work, laboratory experimentation, and explicit reflection exercises. On the first full day of the program, the students collaboratively developed a sign for the word ``metacognition'' for which there is not a sign in American Sign Language. This presentation will focus on three aspects of the ensuing discussion: (1) how the instructor communicated expectations about decision making; (2) how the instructor promoted student-driven decision making rather than instructor-driven policy; and (3) one student's shifts in decision making behavior. We conclude by discussing implications of this research for activity-based physics instruction.

  10. Exploring public attitudes towards approaches to discussing costs in the clinical encounter. (United States)

    Danis, Marion; Sommers, Roseanna; Logan, Jean; Weidmer, Beverly; Chen, Shirley; Goold, Susan; Pearson, Steven; Donley, Greer; McGlynn, Elizabeth


    Patients' willingness to discuss costs of treatment alternatives with their physicians is uncertain. To explore public attitudes toward doctor-patient discussions of insurer and out-of-pocket costs and to examine whether several possible communication strategies might enhance patient receptivity to discussing costs with their physicians. Focus group discussions and pre-discussion and post-discussion questionnaires. Two hundred and eleven insured individuals with mean age of 48 years, 51 % female, 34 % African American, 27 % Latino, and 50 % with incomes below 300 % of the federal poverty threshold, participated in 22 focus groups in Santa Monica, CA and in the Washington, DC metro area. Attitudes toward discussing out-of-pocket and insurer costs with physicians, and towards physicians' role in controlling costs; receptivity toward recommended communication strategies regarding costs. Participants expressed more willingness to talk to doctors about personal costs than insurer costs. Older participants and sicker participants were more willing to talk to the doctor about all costs than younger and healthier participants (OR = 1.8, p = 0.004; OR = 1.6, p = 0.027 respectively). Participants who face cost-related barriers to accessing health care were in greater agreement than others that doctors should play a role in reducing out-of-pocket costs (OR = 2.4, p = 0.011). Participants did not endorse recommended communication strategies for discussing costs in the clinical encounter. In contrast, participants stated that trust in one's physician would enhance their willingness to discuss costs. Perceived impediments to discussing costs included rushed, impersonal visits, and clinicians who are insufficiently informed about costs. This study suggests that trusting relationships may be more conducive than any particular discussion strategy to facilitating doctor-patient discussions of health care costs. Better public understanding of how medical

  11. Budgeting in an Academic Library: A Lively Lunch Discussion


    Wikoff, Karin


    Are you always seeking to improve budgeting in your academic library? Are you fascinated by the challenge of predicting costs for subscriptions? I went on an "Academic Library Budgeting Roadshow," and had discussions with peers at seven other institutions. In this session, I will present a summary of my findings, then pose the same questions to the group. We'll discuss everything from the budget process and timeline, to allocating funds, to predicting subscription costs, to what you do if you...

  12. A Constructivist Model of Mentoring, Coaching, and Facilitating Online Discussions (United States)

    Murphy, Karen L.; Mahoney, Sue E.; Chen, Chun-Ying; Mendoza-Diaz, Noemi V.; Yang, Xiaobing


    This case study of an online graduate course determines the message characteristics of the instructor, volunteer teaching assistants, and students in online discussions, and proposes a mentoring, coaching, and facilitating model for online discussions. The researchers developed a coding system based on the literature of mentoring, coaching, and…

  13. Example Postings' Effects on Online Discussion and Cognitive Load (United States)

    Jin, Li


    This study investigated the effects of example-postings on students' cognitive load and performance in online discussions. Cognitive overload was assumed had caused the problem of the lack of reflective and thoughtful contributions in student discussions. The theoretical foundation supporting the use of example-postings aiming at reduce…

  14. Identity Presentation: The Construction of Identity in Asynchronous Discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian Morgan


    Full Text Available This study examines the use of e-mail as a tool for long term discussion between teachers and grade six students. E-mail messages between grade six students and teachers were collected over the course of one academic year. Methods of conversation analysis within a framework of social practice are used to examine the data. While identity is more readily constructed and more fully developed in contexts which allow for physical embodiment such as face-to-face discussion, this analysis found that identity can be constructed in a context that does not provide for the physical embodiment of identity: Identity was constructed using the social, cultural, and technological tools provided and supported by e-mail to develop social practices germane to the e-mail discussion. This study has implications for further understanding the relation between identity, goals, constraints and affordances, and the collaborative creation of social practices in asynchronous computer mediated communication. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803185

  15. Optical coherence tomography and low-frequency mechanics: A moderated discussion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freeman, Dennis M. [Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States); Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States); Ruggero, Mario A. [Knowles Hearing Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (United States)


    The following is an edited transcript of a recorded discussion session on the topics of “Optical Coherence Tomography” and “Low-Frequency Mechanics”. The discussion, moderated by the authors, took place at the 12{sup th} International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing held at Cape Sounio, Greece, in June 2014. All participants knew that the session was being recorded. In view of both the spontaneous nature of the discussion and the editing, however, this transcript may not represent the considered or final views of the participants, and may not represent a consensus of experts in the field. The reader is advised to consult additional independent publications.

  16. Egypt--United States cooperative energy assessment: report on preliminary discussions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Egyptian and U.S. Government representatives met in Cairo during the period of February 14-22, 1978 to discuss a cooperative Egypt-U.S. assessment of the energy demand and supply options available to Egypt. This report summarizes those preliminary discussions. The discussions accomplished the following: the background and objectives of the U.S. initiative for a cooperative energy assessment with Egypt were explained; Egyptian electric energy activities and their priorities were presented; methods under consideration for the systematic identification and assessment of energy options available to Egypt were explained; the cooperation of Egyptian energy resource and planning organizations was assured; and arrangements to carry out the cooperative assessment were planned.

  17. Students' Learning in Asynchronous Discussion Forums: A Meta-Analysis (United States)

    Martono, Fkipuntan; Salam, Urai


    Asynchronous discussion forums are among the most preferred tools chosen to foster learning opportunities and knowledge construction. To reveal the cognitive engagement evidenced in the transcripts of the discussion forums, this study presents 51 papers. 17 papers reported research on students' attitude toward the use of ICT for learning, 16…

  18. ThemeStreams: Visualizing The Stream Of Themes Discussed In Politics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rooij, O.; Odijk, D.; de Rijke, M.


    The political landscape is fluid. Discussions are always ongoing and new "hot topics" continue to appear in the headlines. But what made people start talking about that topic? And who started it? Because of the speed at which discussions sometimes take place this can be difficult to track down. We

  19. Vaccine Hesitancy in Discussion Forums: Computer-Assisted Argument Mining with Topic Models. (United States)

    Skeppstedt, Maria; Kerren, Andreas; Stede, Manfred


    Arguments used when vaccination is debated on Internet discussion forums might give us valuable insights into reasons behind vaccine hesitancy. In this study, we applied automatic topic modelling on a collection of 943 discussion posts in which vaccine was debated, and six distinct discussion topics were detected by the algorithm. When manually coding the posts ranked as most typical for these six topics, a set of semantically coherent arguments were identified for each extracted topic. This indicates that topic modelling is a useful method for automatically identifying vaccine-related discussion topics and for identifying debate posts where these topics are discussed. This functionality could facilitate manual coding of salient arguments, and thereby form an important component in a system for computer-assisted coding of vaccine-related discussions.

  20. Discussion on the electromagnetic calorimeters of ATLAS and CMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aleksa, Martin, E-mail: [CERN, Geneva 23, 1211 Geneva (Switzerland); Diemoz, Marcella [INFN Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, 00185 Rome (Italy)


    This document summarizes a discussion on the electromagnetic calorimeters of ATLAS and CMS, two experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), that took place at the 13th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation in February 2013. During the discussion each electromagnetic calorimeter and its performance was described in response to ten questions chosen to cover a wide range from the design and construction of the calorimeters over the calibration and performance to their role in the discovery of the Higgs boson and upgrade plans.

  1. Discussions of the uranium geology working groups IGC, Sydney

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report is divided into six working group discussions on the following subjects: 1) Chemical and physical mechanisms in the formation of uranium mineralization, geochronology, isotope geology and mineralogy; 2) Sedimentary basins and sandstone-type uranium deposits; 3) Uranium in quartz-pebble conglomerates; 4) Vein and similar type deposits (pitchblende); 5) Other uranium deposits; 6) Relation of metallogenic, tectonic and zoning factors to the origin of uranium deposits. Each working group paper contains a short introductory part followed by a discussion by the working group members

  2. The Topology of a Discussion: The #Occupy Case.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Floriana Gargiulo

    Full Text Available We analyse a large sample of the Twitter activity that developed around the social movement 'Occupy Wall Street', to study the complex interactions between the human communication activity and the semantic content of a debate.We use a network approach based on the analysis of the bipartite graph @Users-#Hashtags and of its projections: the 'semantic network', whose nodes are hashtags, and the 'users interest network', whose nodes are users. In the first instance, we find out that discussion topics (#hashtags present a high structural heterogeneity, with a relevant role played by the semantic hubs that are responsible to guarantee the continuity of the debate. In the users' case, the self-organisation process of users' activity, leads to the emergence of two classes of communicators: the 'professionals' and the 'amateurs'.Both the networks present a strong community structure, based on the differentiation of the semantic topics, and a high level of structural robustness when certain sets of topics are censored and/or accounts are removed.By analysing the characteristics of the dynamical networks we can distinguish three phases of the discussion about the movement. Each phase corresponds to a specific moment of the movement: from declaration of intent, organisation and development and the final phase of political reactions. Each phase is characterised by the presence of prototypical #hashtags in the discussion.

  3. The power of words: discussing decision making and prognosis. (United States)

    Dizon, Don S; Politi, Mary C; Back, Anthony L


    One of the most important skills in medicine is communication. It lies at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship, and is particularly important when one has been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening condition. Words are powerful and too often can be interpreted in ways not intended. In our session at the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, we discuss the communication of cancer and ways we might want to consider discussions regarding treatment options and prognosis. We recognize that all patients are different and that approaches should be individualized, to reflect each person's needs (what they want to know) while respecting their limits (how much they want to know). We discuss the concept of shared decision making, and how it can be used when there is uncertainty in what treatments may (or may not) accomplish. Finally, we discuss the skills that constitute a toolkit for communication, which we hope can be tailored to meet the variable needs of those we are caring for and by doing so, can be of help to clinicians in their own practices. In the era of personalized medicine, treatments may become more complex, and more options may be available. We hope to encourage providers to welcome patients as active participants in their care by sharing information, requesting their input, and by engaging them in important processes such as advance care planning-to ensure their needs and wishes are respected in the present and for whatever may come in the future.

  4. Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment Prevention School Policy. A Discussion Paper (United States)

    Montana Office of Public Instruction, 2005


    This paper provides a background and discussion regarding the need for school policy and procedures to prevent bullying, intimidation and harassment in schools. The paper is intended to focus discussion on the responsibility of school boards, administrators and staff in making the school environment a safe place for all students. In so doing,…

  5. A discussion of the relativistic equal-time equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chengrui, Q.; Danhua, Q.


    Ruan Tu-nan et al have proposed an equal-time equation for composite particles which is derived from Bethe-Salpeter (B-S) equation. Its advantage is that the kernel of this equation is a completely definite single rearrangement of the B-S irreducible kernel without any artificial assumptions. In this paper we shall give a further discussion of the properties of this equation. We discuss the behaviour of this equation as the mass of one of the two particles approaches the limit M 2 → infinite in the ladder approximation of single photon exchange. We show that up to order O(α 4 ) this equation is consistent with the Dirac equation. If the crossed two photon exchange diagrams are taken into account the difference between them is of order O(α 6 ). (author)

  6. Finding Malicious Cyber Discussions in Social Media (United States)


    reverse engineering, security, malware , blackhat) were labeled as cyber and posts on non- cyber topics (e.g., astronomy, electronics, beer, biology, mu...firewall, hash, infect, inject, install, key, malicious, malware , network, obfuscate, overflow, packet, password, payload, request, risk, scan, script...cyber vulnerabilities (e.g., malware , overflow, attack). The keyword system lacked the keywords used in Heartbleed discussions, and thus suffered from

  7. Discussion as media and tool in PBL project-groups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spliid, Claus Monrad


    on the discussions which groups undertake in their pursuit of problem-solutions fulfilling assessed real-world needs as well as meeting the requirements of the educational program, it is concluded that discussions serve as a media for achieving learning and as a tool for developing skills essential for professional......The Aalborg PBL Model encourages project-management as a way for students to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their study-projects. This paper looks into how the development of conversation skills relates to project-management as well as other factors. Through analysis of interviews focusing...

  8. Experts discuss unconventional conflicts in the Americas | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jul 10, 2015 ... Experts discuss unconventional conflicts in the Americas ... in illicit activities — like drug smuggling and illegal mining — that destabilize societies and ruin lives. ... Social exclusion and "violences" in Central American cities.

  9. Developing Mathematical Knowledge Through Class Discussion: One Teacher's Struggles in Implementing Reform


    Nelson, Rebecca S.


    The purpose of this case study was to examine the experience of one secondary mathematics teacher during his efforts to facilitate mathematical discussions in a secondary algebra class. Class discussions and interviews were documented and analyzed to investigate the patterns of discussion, the teacher's role in facilitating discussion, and the struggles encountered by the teacher through his attempts to enact reform-oriented strategies. The investigation focused on the teacher's vision for ...

  10. Round-table discussion on food irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The possibilities of using radiation for food preservation as a way of alleviating the food deficiency problem in a large part of the world has been studied for some 20 years. Since the idea was recognized as a viable one, scientists had to develop it along three levels: firstly, the technological problems and economic viability had to be faced; at the same time tests had to be initiated to prove the wholesomeness of the irradiated foodstuffs, and then public acceptance and confidence in the end product had to be established. Work is proceeding along these three lines and in some cases, success has been won on all fronts. In others, it is continuing. As a FLASHBACK to the situation TWO YEARS AGO, we thought it interesting to reprint excerpts from a round-table discussion at which scientists from five countries sat down to discuss the pros and cons of food irradiation. ost at the gathering was Dr. Rocco Basson, Director of Chemistry at Pelindaba, South Africa, and the man responsible for directing radiation processing in that country. With him were Dr. Lapidot, Head of the Radiation and Engineering and Processing Section of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission at Soreq; Dr. Saint-Lebe of the Radioagronomy Service, French Atomic Energy Commission, at Cadarache; Dr. Ulmann, then Director of the Food Irradiation Pilot Plant at Wageningen in Holland; and Mr. Roy Hickman, leader of the International Project in the Field of Irradiation, sponsored by the FAO, IAEA and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, centred at Karlsruhe in Germany. (author)

  11. Supporting Collaborative Learning and E-Discussions Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques (United States)

    McLaren, Bruce M.; Scheuer, Oliver; Miksatko, Jan


    An emerging trend in classrooms is the use of networked visual argumentation tools that allow students to discuss, debate, and argue with one another in a synchronous fashion about topics presented by a teacher. These tools are aimed at teaching students how to discuss and argue, important skills not often taught in traditional classrooms. But how…

  12. A Learner-led, Discussion-based Elective on Emerging Infectious Disease. (United States)

    Mathias, Clinton


    Objective. To implement a learner-led, discussion-based course aimed at exposing second-year pharmacy learners to the study of emerging infectious diseases from a global health perspective and to assess the role and importance of pharmacists in the management of disease outbreaks. Design. Learners examined literature pertinent to an emerging infectious disease in a 3-credit, discussion-based course and participated in peer discussion led by a designated learner. Instructional materials included journal articles, audio-visual presentations, documentaries, book chapters, movies, newspaper/magazine articles, and other materials. Learning outcomes were measured based on the ability of learners to perform critical thinking and analysis, communicate with their peers, and participate in class discussions. Assessment. The course was offered to 2 consecutive cohorts consisting of 14 and 16 learners, respectively. Overall, every learner in the first cohort achieved a final grade of A for the course. In the second cohort, the overall grade distribution consisted of grades of A, B, and C for the course. Learner evaluations indicated that the active-learning, discussion-based environment significantly enhanced interest in the topic and overall performance in the course. Conclusion. The elective course on emerging infectious diseases provided in-depth exposure to disease topics normally not encountered in the pharmacy curriculum. Learners found the material and format valuable, and the course enhanced their appreciation of infectious diseases, research methodology, critical thinking and analysis, and their roles as pharmacists.

  13. Discussion on teaching reform of environmental planning and management (United States)

    Zhang, Qiugen; Chen, Suhua; Xie, Yu; Wei, Li'an; Ding, Yuan


    The curriculum of environmental planning and management is an environmental engineering major curriculum established by the teaching steering committee of environmental science and engineering of Education Ministry, which is the core curriculum of Chinese engineering education professional certification. It plays an important role in cultivating environmental planning and environmental management ability of environmental engineering major. The selection and optimization of the course teaching content of environmental planning and management were discussed which including curriculum teaching content updating and optimizing and teaching resource system construction. The comprehensive application of teaching method was discussed which including teaching method synthesis and teaching method. The final combination of the assessment method was also discussed which including the formative assessment normal grades and the final result of the course examination. Through the curriculum comprehensive teaching reform, students' knowledge had been broadened, the subject status and autonomy of learning had been enhanced, students' learning interest had been motivated, the ability of students' finding, analyzing and solving problems had been improved. Students' innovative ability and positive spirit had been well cultivated.

  14. A discussion of the several types of two-stroke-cycle engines (United States)

    Venediger, Herbert J


    This report discusses different types of two-stroke engines as well as the three most important design factors: volume of scavenge and charge delivery, scavenging process (scavenging result), and result of charge. Some of the types of engines discussed include: single cylinder with crank-chamber scavenge pump and auxiliary suction piston linked to working connecting rod; and two cylinder engines with a rotary scavenge pump arrangement. Three and four cylinder engines are also discussed in various designs.

  15. Strategic principles workshops: Discussion drafts and workshop notes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste-Management in the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for disposing of this nation`s spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste in a manner that protects the health and safety of the public and the quality of the environment. Although embodied in the Federal repository program that began with studies in the late 1950s, this mission was explicitly established by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and reaffirmed by the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987. To fulfill our mission, we are developing a waste management system consisting of a geologic repository for permanent disposal deep beneath the surface of the earth, a facility for monitored retrievable storage, and a system for transporting the waste. This discussion draft was developed to help involve parties affected by or interested in the waste-management program in the formulation of the basic principles on which the program will be based. It reviews existing objectives, policies, and strategic principles under which the system is currently being developed. Then discussed are issues of strategic importance for which additional strategic principles may be needed. For these issues in particular, views from affected and interested parties is solicited, but comments regarding alternative approaches to the issues presented as well as suggestions for additional issues will also be welcome. Finally, background information on the waste-management program pertinent to the issues discussion is presented.

  16. Strategic principles workshops: Discussion drafts and workshop notes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste-Management in the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for disposing of this nation's spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste in a manner that protects the health and safety of the public and the quality of the environment. Although embodied in the Federal repository program that began with studies in the late 1950s, this mission was explicitly established by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and reaffirmed by the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987. To fulfill our mission, we are developing a waste management system consisting of a geologic repository for permanent disposal deep beneath the surface of the earth, a facility for monitored retrievable storage, and a system for transporting the waste. This discussion draft was developed to help involve parties affected by or interested in the waste-management program in the formulation of the basic principles on which the program will be based. It reviews existing objectives, policies, and strategic principles under which the system is currently being developed. Then discussed are issues of strategic importance for which additional strategic principles may be needed. For these issues in particular, views from affected and interested parties is solicited, but comments regarding alternative approaches to the issues presented as well as suggestions for additional issues will also be welcome. Finally, background information on the waste-management program pertinent to the issues discussion is presented

  17. Discussing the theological grounds of moral principles. (United States)

    Heller, Jan C


    Discussing the theological beliefs that ground Catholic moral principles can make some people uncomfortable, even while others will appreciate it. But these reactions will sometimes be revealed not as the emotions they are, but as objections to the relative independence or dependence of morality on foundational beliefs. In the end, context should dictate whether one displays the theological beliefs that ground Catholic moral principles.

  18. [Discussion on logistics management of medical consumables]. (United States)

    Deng, Sutong; Wang, Miao; Jiang, Xiali


    Management of medical consumables is an important part of modern hospital management. In modern medical behavior, drugs and medical devices act directly on the patient, and are important factors affecting the quality of medical practice. With the increasing use of medical materials, based on practical application, this article proposes the management model of medical consumables, and discusses the essence of medical materials logistics management.

  19. 75 FR 8427 - Civil Supersonic Aircraft Panel Discussion (United States)


    ... entitled, ``State of the Art of Supersonics Aircraft Technology--What has progressed in science since 1973... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Civil Supersonic Aircraft Panel Discussion AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of meeting participation...

  20. Notes on a methodological discussion: autobiography, critique and time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunvor Løkken


    Full Text Available After having tried for some time to overview the contemporary field of qualitative research to give a lecture for a professorship in that area, my idea at the outset of writing this article was to address whether changes in qualitative research should be viewed as recurrent revolutions as highlighted by Denzin and Lincoln (2000; 2005, or as a field of continuing key themes and long-standing tensions, as conceptualized by Atkinson, Coffey and Delamont (2003. However, during my writing, after one detour into the May 2009 issue of Current Sociology and a second detour into the July 2009 issue of Qualitative Research, my attention focused on to how critical debate and review are displayed in different methodological positions of qualitative research. In my reading, the discussion in Current Sociology between main stream and postmodern methodological positioning revealed an utterly one-way feminist critique; this was also the case in one of three book reviews of The Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005 in the referred issue of Qualitative Research. My puzzle over this critical stance, and my third detour, into Yvonne Lincoln’s discussion of twenty-five years of qualitative and new paradigm research in the January 2010 Issue of Qualitative Inquiry, helped evolve the following notes on a methodological discussion. The notes are partly structured by a temporal narrative over personally lived qualitative research, and partly by an epistemological narrative of a methodological discussion, interwoven with the passing of time when writing.

  1. Parents' views on childhood obesity: qualitative analysis of discussion board postings. (United States)

    Appleton, Jessica; Fowler, Cathrine; Brown, Nicola


    Childhood obesity is an increasing concern for parents and health professionals alike. Parents' perception of obesity as a current health issue for their children is important for the everyday parenting and health choices parents make. As parents are frequently going online to seek and exchange information about parenting and child health, asynchronous online discussion forums provide an opportunity to investigate their perceptions and concerns. Understanding parents' perceptions, beliefs and attitudes is important in any childhood obesity prevention and intervention. To explore parents' perceptions, perspectives and concerns regarding childhood obesity expressed on asynchronous online discussion forums. A qualitative descriptive approach using template analysis to analyse a novel data collection strategy of 34 purposefully sampled threads from two Australian-based asynchronous online discussion forums. Parents on the discussion forum displayed an understanding of childhood obesity as a public health concern, the discussion incorporated issues such as providing a healthy diet and lifestyle for children. Parents shared their own opinions and experiences that challenged or conceded to the status quo of the discussion. Parents discussed the role of health professionals in obesity prevention. There were varied opinions on the relevance of health professionals, particularly nurses, monitoring of growth and risk of obesity. This exploratory study highlights that parents perceive childhood obesity as an important public health concern, and that they understand the key public health messages of prevention and intervention. Yet, for many it is difficult to successfully implement these messages into their everyday lives. Health professionals need to play a key role in providing non-judgemental, innovative support and advice to parents to successfully implement prevention and intervention strategies.


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    Igor Fernandes Oliveira


    Full Text Available The present article attempts to discussions around the relationship between ethics and political activism within Marxism. Thus, we have chosen to discuss the theme from the classic texts of Marx and Gramsci. Despite the clear limitation of the number of authors discussed, it can be argued that the problems and solutions raised by Marx and Gramsci cross the Marxist debate in general, allowing therefore to glimpse some dilemmas and opportunities related to the central issue in the field.

  3. O ambiente está adequado? Prosseguindo com a discussão The environment is suited? Pursuing the discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliane Figueiredo Fonseca


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a Análise Ergonômica Experiencial do Ambiente Construído (AEE, em continuidade à discussão da Avaliação Ergonômica do Ambiente Construído proposta por Villarouco. Visa contribuir para o processo de concepção de ambientes construídos, a partir da interface entre duas metodologias de análise: Intervenção Ergonomizadora e Abordagem Experiencial da Avaliação Pós-Ocupação. Seu foco nos aspectos físicos, funcionais, cognitivos e culturais das demandas dos usuários do ambiente construído possibilita uma compreensão mais apurada das relações humano-ambiente e contribui para a concepção de ambientes mais responsivos e humanizados.This article introduces the theme of Built Environment Ergonomics Experiential Evaluation (EEE, and discusses the proposals on the subject by Villarouco. It aims to contribute to the design process of built environments from the interface between two methods of analysis: Ergonomics Intervention and Experiential Post-Occupancy Evaluation. Its focus on the physical, functional, cognitive and cultural demands of the users of built environment enables a more accurate understanding of the relationships between human beings and the environment and contributes to the design of more responsive and humanized environments.

  4. Fuel ethanol discussion paper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In recognition of the potential benefits of ethanol and the merits of encouraging value-added agricultural development, a committee was formed to develop options for the role of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the further development of the ethanol industry in Ontario. A consultation with interested parties produced a discussion paper which begins with an outline of the role of ethanol as an alternative fuel. Ethanol issues which require industry consideration are presented, including the function of ethanol as a gasoline oxygenate or octane enhancer, environmental impacts, energy impacts, agricultural impacts, trade and fiscal implications, and regulation. The ethanol industry and distribution systems in Ontario are then described. The current industry consists of one ethanol plant and over 30 retail stations. The key issue for expanding the industry is the economics of producing ethanol. At present, production of ethanol in the short term depends on tax incentives amounting to 23.2 cents/l. In the longer term, a significant reduction in feedstock costs and a significant improvement in processing technology, or equally significant gasoline price increases, will be needed to create a sustainable ethanol industry that does not need incentives. Possible roles for the Ministry are identified, such as support for ethanol research and development, financial support for construction of ethanol plants, and active encouragement of market demand for ethanol-blended gasolines

  5. NIR - State of the risk discussion today

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldermann, C.; Bernhardt, J.H.; Brueggemeyer, H.; Leitgeb, N.; Reichardt, R.; Steinmetz, M.


    The actual state of knowledge on health risks of non-ionizing radiation is discussed on an international as well as a national basis. Emphasis is given to EMF risks when using mobile phones on the one hand, and to the dangers from natural and artificial UV radiation on the other. Furthermore, a comprehensive compilation is given of national laws and regulations for telecommunication and mobile phones in Germany. (Orig.)

  6. Students' Use of Self-Regulatory Tool and Critical Inquiry in Online Discussions (United States)

    Bai, Hua


    Facilitating students' critical thinking in asynchronous discussions is important in online learning environments. Since students need to be self-regulated in online learning, the instructors are expected to scaffold students by providing structure and guidance. This paper discusses critical inquiry in two groups of students' online discussions.…

  7. Connections between Men and Health: discussing some scratches of masculinity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andréia Burille


    Full Text Available In this article seeks to discuss the connections between men and health addressing some scratches of masculinity. At first, bring up some data from the thematic seminar "Being a man today: discussing some scratches masculinity," presented at the International Seminar Reviews Routes III, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2011. Therefore, we discuss the process of male socialization and scores some aspects of everyday life that can endanger / or scratch threaten masculinity, such as seeking care and even the aging process itself. It is noted that the heteronormative masculinity configures itself as the hegemonic model, stand out among other models. So, being a man is to fulfill roles and prescriptions which are rooted in a society that is structured on the basis of gender, even for this have to endanger your health.

  8. Social and legal dimensions discussion of conscientious refusal in Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Even though the discussion of conscientious objection, the refusal of military service due to individual’s moral values or religious beliefs, is new in Turkey, the subject has become the focus of intense interest. The discussion of conscientious objection in Turkey has come the to the fore with the heated debates between the glorification of the dynamics of Turkish social structure towards military service and the critique of militarism and conscientious objection’s legal dimensions, as well. Since the reduction of discussions in this context in Turkey to the legal dimension is the ignorance of social reality constituting basis to the legal dimension, the subject is examined with reference to the social and historical outlook on this issue and the study is built on dimensions.

  9. Background discussion document on energy in New Brunswick, 1990-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Outline of the role of governments and the private sector in energy development and detailed discussion of energy supply and demand, including indigenous and imported energy supplies and projections of electrical energy demand to 2000. Energy efficiency and conservation is presented as a cornerstone and major initiative to help meet the expected energy needs of the future. A number of major projects being considered in the electrical energy development area are outlined for the 1990s. Details are given on environmental effects and the need for sustainable development. The report concludes with a discussion of transportion and the need for R D. This document is the initial step in the development of a provincial energy policy and is intended to serve as a background discussion paper for the public consultation process.

  10. Teaching Anthropology to "Nonelite" Students: A Beginning Discussion. (United States)

    Newman, Stanley M.


    Describes a strategy for designing an introductory course in cultural anthropology for "nonelite" students. Discusses the thematic approach to teaching anthropology. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using the culture concept as an analytical tool to understand culturally different behaviors. (JS)

  11. Experts' discussion on reactor safety research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The experts' discussion on reactor safety research deals with risk analysis, political realization, man and technics, as well as with the international state of affairs. Inspite of a controversy on individual issues and on the proportion of governmental and industrial involvment in reactor safety research, the continuation and intensification of corresponding research work is said to be necessary. Several participants demanded to consider possible 'conventional accidents' as well as a stronger financial commitment by the industry in this sector. The ratio 'man and technics' being an interface decisive for the proper functioning or failure of complex technical systems requires even more research work to be done. (GL) [de

  12. Pre-screening Discussions and Prostate-Specific Antigen Testing for Prostate Cancer Screening. (United States)

    Li, Jun; Zhao, Guixiang; Hall, Ingrid J


    For many men, the net benefit of prostate cancer screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests may be small. Many major medical organizations have issued recommendations for prostate cancer screening, stressing the need for shared decision making before ordering a test. The purpose of this study is to better understand associations between discussions about benefits and harms of PSA testing and uptake of the test among men aged ≥40 years. Associations between pre-screening discussions and PSA testing were examined using self-reported data from the 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Unadjusted prevalence of PSA testing was estimated and AORs were calculated using logistic regression in 2014. The multivariate analysis showed that men who had ever discussed advantages of PSA testing only or discussed both advantages and disadvantages were more likely, respectively, to report having had a test within the past year than men who had no discussions (ptesting with their healthcare providers were more likely (AOR=2.75, 95% CI=2.00, 3.79) to report getting tested than men who had no discussions. Discussions of the benefits or harms of PSA testing are positively associated with increased uptake of the test. Given the conflicting recommendations for prostate cancer screening and increasing importance of shared decision making, this study points to the need for understanding how pre-screening discussions are being conducted in clinical practice and the role played by patients' values and preferences in decisions about PSA testing. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Engaging Young People: Deliberative Preferences in Discussions About News and Politics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cynthia Peacock


    Full Text Available The Internet affords users a unique and low-cost way to engage with news, politics, and one another. Although young people are the most likely age cohort to go online, it is questionable whether young people take advantage of the Internet as a deliberative space. We examine the way college students perceive the online world as a venue for political discussion by analyzing responses from six focus groups conducted with college students across the United States. Using deliberative theory as a guide, we examine focus group participants’ thoughts about political discussion both online and offline. Our findings indicate that young people’s preferences for online discussions about politics and the news consistently link to the ideals of deliberation. Young people prefer engaging with others who are knowledgeable and remain flexible and calm during discussions. Goals for engaging in conversations about politics primarily revolved around sharing information and opinions. Participants preferred civil discourse that focuses on commonalities rather than differences between people. This study provides greater insight into how the rising generation currently engages with politics and the news and reasons why many people hesitate to participate in online discussions about public affairs.

  14. Venkatapuram's Capability theory of Health: A Critical Discussion. (United States)

    Tengland, Per-Anders


    The discussion about theories of health has recently had an important new input through the work of Sridhar Venkatapuram. He proposes a combination of Lennart Nordenfelt's holistic theory of health and Martha Nussbaum's version of the capability approach. The aim of the present article is to discuss and evaluate this proposal. The article starts with a discussion of Nordenfelt's theory and evaluates Venkatapuram' critique of it, that is, of its relativism, both regarding goals and environment, and of the subjectivist theory of happiness used. Then the article explains why Nordenfelt's idea of a reasonable environment is not a problem for the theory, and it critiques Venkatapuram's own incorporation of the environment into the concept of health, suggesting that this makes the concept too wide. It contends, moreover, that Venkatapuram's alternative theory retains a problem inherent in Nordenfelt's theory, namely, that health is conceived of as a second-order ability. It is argued that health should, instead, be defined as first-order abilities. This means that health cannot be seen as a capability, and also that health cannot be seen as a meta-capability of the kind envisioned by Venkatapuram. It is, furthermore, argued that the theory lacks one crucial aspect of health, namely, subjective wellbeing. Finally, the article tries to illustrate how health, in the suggested alternative sense, as first-order abilities, fits into Nussbaum's capability theory, since health as an 'actuality' is part of all the 'combined capabilities' suggested by Nussbaum. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Turbulence models development and engineering applications; Turbulenzmodellentwicklung und ingenieurtechnische Anwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Groetzbach, G.; Ammann, T.; Dorr, B.; Hiltner, I.; Hofmann, S.; Kampczyk, M.; Kimhi, Y.; Seiter, C.; Woerner, M.; Alef, M.; Hennemuth, A.


    The FLUTAN code is used for analyzing the decay heat removal in new reactor concepts. The turbulence models applied in FLUTAN are improved by the development of the TURBIT code. TURBIT serves for a numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow. (orig.)

  16. Discussion paper : offshore wind facilities renewable energy approval requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper discussed a proposed shoreline exclusion zone for offshore wind projects in Ontario. Considerations relevant to offshore wind projects and the protection of human health, cultural heritage, and the environment were also discussed. The paper was prepared in order to provide greater clarity to renewable energy developers and to Ontario residents about the offshore wind policy that is currently being considered by the Ontario Government. Feedback received from the discussion paper will be used to propose policy and associated regulatory amendments. A 5 km shoreline exclusion zone for all offshore wind facilities was proposed. Some projects may be required to be located beyond the proposed exclusion zone. Proposed developments within the exclusion zone must meet all applicable requirements, including those related to cultural and natural heritage. The zone will establish a distance between drinking water intakes, and ensure that sediment dredging and other construction-related activities do not impact drinking water quality, and ensure that potential noise levels are within acceptable levels. The zone will establish a distance between near-shore activities and wind facilities, and also help to maintain the ecological health of inland waters. Guidelines and technical requirements for wind facility operators were also included.

  17. Discussion Note: Contemporary Philosophy Versus the Free Society

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tibor R. Machan


    Full Text Available Some libertarians are impatient with philosophical discussions and even dismiss philosophy as not needed to make the case for the free society. I dispute this and indicate why. As many have found, even to dismiss philosophy, one needs a bit of it!

  18. Discussing a Philosophical Background for the Ethnomathematical Program (United States)

    Vilela, Denise Silva


    This article examines the extent to which Wittgenstein's analytical framework may be relevant to philosophical reflection on ethnomathematics. The discussion develops Bill Barton's suggestion that a philosophical basis for the ethnomathematical program should include and explain culturally different mathematics systems, and the coexistence of…

  19. Literacy: a discussion of graphocentrism in microculture


    Michelle Donizeth Euzébio; Anderson Jair Goulart; Angelita Darela Mendes


    This study focuses on the characterization of graphocentrism in microculture. We aim to describe, based on literacy studies, the presence of written language in the life of socially and historically situated subjects, thematizing the axiological capital of less favored socioeconomic contexts. Subjects are children undergoing schooling process, living in a district of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Discussions on the theme are based on Barton (1994), Barton, Hamilton and Ivanic (2000),...

  20. Discussion on data access services of WAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Aigui; Wang Lu; Wu Wenjing; Chen Gang


    Traditional storage system has been unable to meet the demand of computing. WAN storage systems face many problems since the complexity of WAN. This paper in-depth discusses on data interoperability, data prediction, active data service and semantic-based data access according to the characteristics of high energy physics applications. To eliminate isolated island, improve performance and simplify usage, it will be better to meet the demands of high energy physics applications. (authors)

  1. Strategies in Managing Rapport in Classroom Discussion


    Reski Reski


    This paper aims to find out the strategies, applied by students in classroom interaction particularly in discussion, to maintain their interpersonal rapport as well as to enhance their rapport management with their fellow students. There are five strategies based on Spencer-Oatey (2008) that the interactants apply in social interactions. The strategies are request, compliments, apologies, gratitude and disagreement. The research is done to see whether the students realize the management of ra...

  2. The Current Discussion on Men and Masculinities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available In the past gender specific problems were mainly discussed in a female perspective. In the meantime there is a rising attentiveness in the living conditions of men and their coping strategies within critical life events. In this paper an appropriate frame of reference is outlined which can be used in those areas of social work where men are already discovered as a target group with special difficulties and needs.

  3. 'Breaking Good News': Neurologists' experiences of discussing SUDEP with patients in Scotland. (United States)

    Nisbet, Tom; Turbull, Sue; Mulhern, Sharon; Razvi, Saif


    Since the findings of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) in 2010, clinicians working in Scotland have been advised to discuss the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with patients immediately or soon after a diagnosis of epilepsy is made. A thematic analysis was used to describe the experiences discussing SUDEP of 10 clinicians (six Consultant Neurologists and four Neurology Registrars) working in Scotland. Contrary to previous research, clinicians appear to be routinely discussing SUDEP in a standardized fashion with newly diagnosed patients and the FAI appears to have instigated this change in practice. Clinicians are ambivalent about the practice and whether this is a Breaking Bad News (BBN) experience. Clinicians appear to anticipate that patients will be anxious or distressed discussing SUDEP, despite their experiences that patients do not react this way. There are further concerns that the pressure to discuss SUDEP, as a result of the FAI, hinders effective communication of the SUDEP message. Implications for guideline development are discussed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Suppression and repression: A theoretical discussion illustrated by a movie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Lucia de Souza Campos Paiva


    Full Text Available The first translations of Freud's work into Portuguese have presented problems because they were not translated from the German language. More than a hundred years after the beginning of Psychoanalysis, there are still many discussions on Freud's metapsychology and a considerable difficulty in obtaining a consensus on the translation of some concepts. This paper refers back to Freud's concepts of primal repression, repression and suppression. In order to discuss such concepts, we have made use of a film, co-produced by Germans and Argentineans, which is named "The Song in me" (Das Lied in mir, released to the public in 2011 and directed by Florian Micoud Cossen. Through this motion picture, the following of Freud's concepts are analyzed, and the differentiation between them is discussed: suppression and repression, as well as the importance of their precise translation.

  5. Discussing Picturebooks across Perceptual, Structural and Ideological Perspectives (United States)

    Youngs, Suzette; Serafini, Frank


    Classroom discussions of multimodal texts, in particular historical fiction picturebooks, offer an interpretive space where readers are positioned to construct meanings in transaction with the written language, visual images, and design elements created by authors, illustrators and publishers (Serafini & Ladd, 2008; Sipe, 1999). This study was…

  6. Designating the MVP: Facilitating Classroom Discussion about Texts (United States)

    Strom, Carolyn


    This teaching tip highlights a strategy that assists teachers in structuring classroom discussions about texts. Specifically, this conversational technique helps students think and talk about a text beyond its literal meaning. During classroom conversations that employ this strategy, teachers help students extend their overall understanding of a…

  7. Analyzing different HPCI operation modes simulated with ATHLET-CD regarding possible core degradation phenomena in Fukushima-Daiichi unit 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bratfisch, Christoph; Koch, Marco K. [Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (Germany). Reactor Simulation and Safety Group


    For extented application and analyses of the severe accident code ATHLET-CD, the course of the invessel accident in Unit 3 of Fukushima-Daiichi is simulated in the frame of the research project SUBA as a part of the BMBF sponsored collaborative project WASA-BOSS (Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung von Severe Accident Codes - Bewertung und Optimierung von Stoerfallmassnahmen). Investigations, carried out by TEPCO, had shown that the High-Pressure Coolant Injection system (HPCI) might have stopped earlier than expected. A parameter variation was performed to analyze the impact of the tripped HPCI injection regarding the thermohydraulic behaviour as well as the core degradation phenomena.

  8. Optimization of environment compatible analysis methods for mineral hydrocarbons in the soil; Optimierung umweltvertraeglicher Analysenverfahren fuer Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffe im Boden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flachowsky, J.; Borsdorf, H. [eds.] [UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Loehmannsroeben, H.G.; Roch, T. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany); Leopom, P. [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Reimers, C. [Technische Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg (Germany); Matz, G.; Kuebler, J. [MOBILAB GmbH, Hamburg (Germany); Christall, B. [SOFIA GmbH, Berlin (Germany); Hahn, M.; Matschiner, H. [Elektrochemie Halle GmbH (Germany); Baermann, A. [Dr. Baermann und Partner Mikroanalytik, Hamburg (Germany)


    This paper describes several analytical methods for the quantitative chemical analysis of mineral oil hydrocarbons in soils. The measuring methods are investigated on accuracy, errors, sample preparation methods, analysis of reference materials and real materials. (SR) [Deutsch] Mit dieser Schrift praesentiert die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt der Oeffentlichkeit Ergebnisse zu alternativen umweltvertraeglichen Bestimmungsmethoden fuer Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffe in Boeden. Es war in erster Linie das Ziel aller beteiligten Forscher und Entwickler, die heute noch in der Anwendung befindliche Vorschrift nach DIN 38409 H18 zur Analytik von Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffen durch eine sowohl umweltfreundliche als auch insgesamt aussagekraeftige Methode zu substituieren. (orig.)

  9. The 'Magic Light': A Discussion on Laser Ethics. (United States)

    Stylianou, Andreas; Talias, Michael A


    Innovations in technology and science form novel fields that, although beneficial, introduce new bio-ethical issues. In their short history, lasers have greatly influenced our everyday lives, especially in medicine. This paper focuses particularly on medical and para-medical laser ethics and their origins, and presents the complex relationships within laser ethics through a three-dimensional matrix model. The term 'laser' and the myth of the 'magic light' can be identified as landmarks for laser related ethical issues. These ethical issues are divided into five major groups: (1) media, marketing, and advertising; (2) economic outcomes; (3) user training; (4) the user-patient/client relationship; and (5) other issues. In addition, issues arising from two of the most common applications of lasers, laser eye surgery and laser tattoo removal, are discussed. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the use of medical and para-medical lasers has so greatly influenced our lives that the scientific community must initiate an earnest discussion of medical laser ethics.

  10. Discussion on ``Teaching the Second Law'' (United States)

    Silbey, Robert; Beretta, Gian Paolo; Cengel, Yunus; Foley, Andrew; Gyftopoulos, Elias P.; Hatsopoulos, George N.; Keck, James C.; Lewins, Jeffery; Lior, Noam; Nieuwenhuizen, Theodorus M.; Steinfeld, Jeffrey; von Spakovsky, Michael R.; Wang, Lin-Shu; Zanchini, Enzo


    This article reports an open discussion that took place during the Keenan Symposium "Meeting the Entropy Challenge" (held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 5, 2007) following the short presentations—each reported as a separate article in the present volume—by Joseph Smith Jr., Howard Butler, Andrew Foley, Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli, Bernhardt Trout, Jeffery Lewins, Enzo Zanchini, and Michael von Spakovsky. All panelists and the audience were asked to address the following questions • Why is the second law taught in so many different ways? Why so many textbooks on thermodynamics? Why so many schools of thought? • Some say that thermodynamics is limited to equilibrium, others that it extends to nonequilibrium. How is entropy defined for nonequilibrium states?


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marwito Wihadi


    Full Text Available High Intermediate-2 students’ brief responses in a discussion forum cause a long-expected discussion last in a couple of minutes in mixed-ability classes, depicting a minority of students are overtly dominant, while others are precisely passive. What yields discussions endure immaturely stems from both unclear roles of participants and their inadequate techniques to expand both interactions and spoken discourse. Therefore, Teacher-researcher assigned each participant in a discussion group of three to put reflection into practice, referring to the self-selected and discussed topics. The data were gained through non-participant observations, in which the teacher-researcher observed and recorded a singled-out group. A sample recording was, subsequently, transcribed and analyzed regarding with the number of exchanges in a five-minute discussion intake and the number of content words that students generated. It was found that employing reflective techniques, students were able to keep a particular topic being discussed at full. As a result, the number of content words multiplied. These findings resulted classroom teachers in insightful use of reflective techniques as one of the ways to proliferate students’ benefits in a discussion forum. Adequately practiced, students would be able to employ the techniques preponderantly, multiplying interactions among discussion members.

  12. Videogames em bibliotecas: discussões em jogo


    Vieira, Ricardo Q.; Passos, Jeane dos R.; Rockiki, Cristiane C.


    The inclusion of video games in libraries, the transition of society based on printed information for the multimedia society, the risks and benefits of video games in learning and socialization of children and youth are discussed. Through literature, it is possible to notice that there is no consensus among researchers on this issue, but the transformation of postmodern identity adds to the information consumption in multimedia format, which was detected as a common behaviour in the U.S. libr...

  13. A Discussion of Art Therapy as a Science. (United States)

    Gantt, Linda M.


    Examines four factors that may cause art therapists to reject the scientific method. Gives an overview of historical developments in science to provide a background for a discussion of each factor. Includes material from anthropology, psychoanalysis, and alternative health care. Offers suggestions for training art therapists in scientific…

  14. Older Academics and Career Management: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (United States)

    Larkin, Jacqui; Neumann, Ruth


    The academic workforce is among the oldest (Commonwealth of Australia, 2005) and arguably has the most highly qualified professionals within Australia. Yet career management for this group is seldom discussed. This paper considers Australia's ageing academic work-force and the human resource management challenges and implications this poses for…

  15. 76 FR 9636 - Notice of Open Public Hearing and Roundtable Discussion (United States)


    ... U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION Notice of Open Public Hearing and Roundtable Discussion AGENCY: U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. ACTION: Notice of open public hearing... following hearing and roundtable discussion of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Name...

  16. Discussing the Greenhouse Effect: Children's Collaborative Discourse Reasoning and Conceptual Change. (United States)

    Mason, Lucia; Santi, Marina


    Investigates fifth-grade students' conceptual changes toward the greenhouse effect and global warming due to sociocognitive interaction developed in small and large group discussion in an authentic classroom context during an environmental education unit. Classroom discussions led the children to integrate new scientific knowledge into their…

  17. How to conduct focus groups: researching group priorities through discussion. (United States)


    Focus groups serve to uncover priorities and beliefs of a target group, but health project designers do not always take the time to seek this information beforehand. Focus groups also allow various local subgroups to communicate their concerns before the project starts. Focus groups can also breed ideas and dialogue that individual interviews cannot and they provide baseline information so managers can determine if attitudes or priorities have resulted from the project. Diverse people have different beliefs, e.g., women who have young children view oral rehydration therapy differently from women with no children. Project designers can use these basic differences to arrive at some conclusions about general attitudes. Focus group facilitators should have a discussion outline to help keep the group on the topic of concern. They should limit sessions to 60-90 minutes. Each focus groups should include 8-10 people. It is important to have members of various community subgroups in each group. Yet group designers should be careful not to include within the same group, those who may intimidate other people in the group, e.g., in situations where farmers depend on middlemen, farmers may not be open if middlemen are also in the focus group. Facilitators should launch each session with an attempt to encourage the members to be open and to feel comfortable. For example, in Malawi, a facilitator leads her focus group discussions with songs. Stories are another icebreaker. It is important that all focus groups centering around a certain project discuss the same topics. Facilitators need to stress to the group that all discussions are to be kept confidential. The designers should also carefully word the questions so that facilitators will not impart their bias. Facilitators should not direct the group to certain conclusions, but instead keep the discussions focused.

  18. Discussing dementia-related behaviors during medical visits for people with Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Hunsaker, Amanda E; Schmidt, Karen; Lingler, Jennifer H


    Research suggests that caregivers appreciate support from primary care physicians (PCPs) regarding dementia care; however, there remains a need for studies examining the role that PCPs play in behavior management. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively characterize the discussion on dementia-related behaviors (DRBs) during PCP visits and compare findings to an independently administered assessment of DRBs exhibited within a period of 4 weeks prior to the PCP visit. Twenty-five PCP visits of persons with dementia, in which caregivers coattended the visit, were audio-recorded and analyzed for occurrence of DRB discussion. Disruptive behaviors were reported by 80% of caregivers via independent assessment, yet discussed in 23% of medical visits. Dementia-related behavior discussion occurred in visits where caregivers independently reported significantly higher behavior frequency and behavior-related burden. Implications of findings for ways PCPs can assist the caregiver in behavior management are discussed.

  19. Brain plasticity, memory, and aging: a discussion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bennett, E.L.; Rosenzweig, M.R.


    It is generally assumed that memory faculties decline with age. A discussion of the relationship of memory and aging and the possibility of retarding the potential decline is hampered by the fact that no satisfactory explanation of memory is available in either molecular or anatomical terms. However, this lack of description of memory does not mean that there is a lack of suggested mechanisms for long-term memory storage. Present theories of memory usually include first, neurophysiological or electrical events, followed by a series of chemical events which ultimately lead to long-lasting anatomical changes in the brain. Evidence is increasing for the biochemical and anatomical plasticity of the nervous system and its importance in the normal functioning of the brain. Modification of this plasticity may be an important factor in senescence. This discussion reports experiments which indicate that protein synthesis and anatomical changes may be involved in long-term memory storage. Environmental influences can produce quantitative differences in brain anatomy and in behavior. In experimental animals, enriched environments lead to more complex anatomical patterns than do colony or impoverished environments. This raises fundamental questions about the adequacy of the isolated animal which is frequently being used as a model for aging research. A more important applied question is the role of social and intellectual stimulation in influencing aging of the human brain.

  20. Accelerating Cleanup: Focus on 2006. Discussion draft

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This executive summary addresses the activities associated with the National Transuranic (TRU) Program managed by the Carlsbad Area Office (CAO). The CAO programmatically reports to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management and receives administrative support through the Albuquerque Operations Office. The mission of the Carlsbad Area Office (CAO) is to protect human health and the environment by opening and operating the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for site disposal of TRU waste and by establishing an effective system for management of TRU waste from generation to disposal. It includes personnel assigned to the CAO, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site operations, and other activities associated with the National TRU Program. The CAO develops and directs implementation of the program, while the DOE Headquarters establishes policy and guidelines. The CAO assesses compliance with the program guidance, as well as the commonality of activities and assumptions among all the sites. Since the development of the February 28, 1997, database used to develop this Discussion Draft, the opening of the WIPP facility for receipt of Contact Handled waste has been delayed from November 1997 to May 1998. This slippage is significant enough to require a change in the milestones and volumes included in the documents to be reviewed by our stakeholders. Changes have been incorporated into this Discussion Draft and its supporting Project Baseline Summaries (PBSs)

  1. Panel discussion: Chemistry aspects of pet radiotracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kilbourn, M.R.


    A panel discussion on the radiotracer development process opened with a question regarding the role of toxicological studies in the process of obtaining a physician-sponsored Investigational New Drug (IND) for a new radiopharmaceutical. Panel members were uniformly supportive of new radiotracer development, expressing their opinions that the regulatory hurdles were there but could be overcome. Several institutions are actively working with regulatory agencies to determine just what toxicology data are relevant to new radiopharmaceutical development in the PET field. The FDA is beginning to understand that the pharmacology of PET tracer doses may be completely different from what is usually important in drug trials. The second part of the panel discussion centered on the role, if any, of the pharmaceutical companies in new radiotracer development. It was pointed out that what the radiochemist is looking for in a radiopharmaceutical is different from what these companies are searching for in a therapeutic drug. Panel and audience members responded to the question: What would a pharmaceutical company gain from collaboration with radiopharmaceutical research laboratories? Several examples were given such as providing crucial data from humans rather than animals; determining individualized drug doses to maximize the therapeutic index of a new drug regimen; and replacing the large amounts of time and money currently invested by drug companies in the radiolabeling and evaluation of metabolites of new drugs

  2. Personality Interactions and Scaffolding in On-Line Discussions (United States)

    Nussbaum, E. Michael; Hartley, Kendall; Sinatra, Gale M.; Reynolds, Ralph E.; Bendixen, Lisa D.


    The potential of on-line discussions to prompt greater reflection of course material is often stymied by a tendency of students to agree with one another rather than to formulate counter-arguments. This article describes an experiment using note starters and elaborated cases to encourage counter-argumentation and examines interactions with…

  3. 19 CFR 181.95 - Oral discussion of issues. (United States)


    ... the advance ruling request is filed. Such a discussion will only be scheduled when, in the opinion of the Customs personnel by whom the advance ruling request is under consideration, a conference will be... be so bound in writing. The conference will not conclude with the issuance of an advance ruling...

  4. Analyzing the Learning Process of an Online Role-Playing Discussion Activity (United States)

    Hou, Huei-Tse


    Instructional activities based on online discussion strategies have gained prevalence in recent years. Within this context, a crucial research topic is to design innovative and appropriate online discussion strategies that assist learners in attaining a deeper level of interaction and higher cognitive skills. By analyzing the process of online…

  5. The metal failure cases discussed

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupton, P


    The metal failure cases discussed by P. Gupton (Monsanto Chem. Co.) at a joint meeting of the American Society of Metals (ASM) and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers Calgary Section (Calgary 1978) include a high-temperature (1775/sup 0/-1800/sup 0/F) failure in an HK 40 outside heater tube in a synthesis gas steam-methane reformer, resulting in two major fissures caused by carbonization and oxide deposits with high carbon and lead contents due to the use of remelt scrap material with high lead content; separation of a support pad from a 30 in. pipeline due to corrosion caused by molybdenum-peroxide action; oxidation of a section of 180/sup 0/ U-bend in a thermal ethylene cracking furnace due to fluxing reaction of a high sodium and calcium feed which collected in the return bed; stress corrosion cracking of an austenitic stainless cracker tube from high temperature and electrolytic attack; and other cases of metal failure caused by weld quality problems, use of contaminated material and inadequate designs, processing, and fabrication.

  6. Improving English Speaking Ability Through Classroom Discussion


    Afrizal, M


    Speaking is one of important parts in teaching language because it includes one of four basic language skills. Nevertheless, in MA NU BANAT Kudus, the writer found that most of students there still get the difficulties in studying speaking. It may be caused by the method used in teaching English, especially speaking. Classroom Discussion is a method that can be applied in teaching English, especially to improve the ability of speaking. In this method, hopefully, the students get a big opportu...

  7. E-Moderation of Synchronous Discussions in Educational Settings: A Nascent Practice (United States)

    Schwarz, Baruch B.; Asterhan, Christa S.


    E-moderation has been a common practice in asynchronous discussions of postsecondary courses. We consider here e-moderation of synchronous discussions in the school context. We adopt a design research approach to elaborate an environment, the Argunaut system, that fits the reality of classrooms in which moderation of several small-group…

  8. Students with Reading Disabilities Participating in Literature Discussions: A Case Study (United States)

    O'Brien, Elysha Patino


    This qualitative case study addressed a lack of research concerning literature discussions for students with learning disabilities in reading. Fourth and fifth grade students with reading disabilities participated in twice-weekly literature discussions, 30-to-60 minutes each, for 12 weeks. The students attended a Title I school and most were…

  9. Teaching Business Cases Online through Discussion Boards: Strategies and Best Practices (United States)

    Rollag, Keith


    What are the most effective and efficient ways to teach business cases online, specifically in asynchronous electronic discussion boards? This article describes several design strategies and approaches used by instructors at Babson College to structure and facilitate online case discussions in our blended Fast Track MBA program. (Contains 3 notes,…

  10. Discussion on CRM applications in irradiation processing enterprise

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zhiling; Tang Yuxin; Xiao Rong; Cao Qingsui


    The necessity of customer relationship management (CRM) in irradiation processing enterprises is discussed on the basis of the competition status of irradiation industry and the CRM framework. In the meantime, an idiographic method of how to create the CRM system is put forward aimed at the present situation of irradiation industry. (authors)

  11. Understanding Protein Synthesis: An Interactive Card Game Discussion (United States)

    Lewis, Alison; Peat, Mary; Franklin, Sue


    Protein synthesis is a complex process and students find it difficult to understand. This article describes an interactive discussion "game" used by first year biology students at the University of Sydney. The students, in small groups, use the game in which the processes of protein synthesis are actioned by the students during a…

  12. Content Analysis Coding Schemes for Online Asynchronous Discussion (United States)

    Weltzer-Ward, Lisa


    Purpose: Researchers commonly utilize coding-based analysis of classroom asynchronous discussion contributions as part of studies of online learning and instruction. However, this analysis is inconsistent from study to study with over 50 coding schemes and procedures applied in the last eight years. The aim of this article is to provide a basis…

  13. Collaborative Reasoning: Language-Rich Discussions for English Learners (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Dougherty Stahl, Katherine A.


    Collaborative Reasoning (CR) is a peer-led, small group discussion approach that aims to promote intellectual and personal engagement in elementary school classrooms. In CR, students read a text that raises an unresolved issue with multiple and competing points of view. Students are expected to take positions on a big question, support the…

  14. The nuclear power discussion in change. Nuclear controversy has shifted

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt-Kuester, Wolf J.; Popp, Manfred


    The public discussion on nuclear energy is not focused on power plant safety anymore. A globally good safety statistic and years of information activity on safety technology provided progress, even though all incidents are still discussed with great dedication. Nevertheless the field of disposal receives more prominence in public discussions since 1976; reprocessing of irradiated fuels and storage of nuclear waste follow the topic of nuclear power plants with temporary shift. During a long preparation time technical and operational know-how was gathered for both fields that is now available for use on large technical scale. For the entire disposal complex exists a comprehensive concept prepared by the federal government, which has to be put into practice together with the industry. The priority assignment for a dialogue with the public is to comprehensively inform on extend and quality of problem solutions and to highlight that even here the safety of the biological-cycle is the guiding principle for all considerations.

  15. Allocation of Playing Time within Team Sports--A Problem for Discussion (United States)

    Lorentzen, Torbjørn


    The background of the article is the recurrent discussion about allocation of playing time in team sports involving children and young athletes. The objective is to analyse "why" playing time is a topic for discussion among parents, coaches and athletes. The following question is addressed: Under which condition is it "fair" to…

  16. Summary of discussions at the ''HIGH pT'' session

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tannenbaum, M.J.


    A summary of the discussion at the HIGH p T session is presented. There was a clear consensus at this session that Jets and Jet Phenomena in Relativistic Heavy Ion collisions would best be studied using leading particles, in the same way that these phenomena were originally mapped out in p-p collisions. The new topic of ''Jet Quenching in Nuclei'' was extensively discussed. It was clear that this proposed phenomenon could also be studied by measuring fragmentation functions in Deeply Inelastic Lepton-Nucleus Scattering; but there was controversy over whether the effect should be seen in proton-Nucleus reactions. Other hard-scattering phenomena, including ''Mini-jets,'' single particle inclusive production, the ''Cronin Effect,'' and direct photon production, are mentioned. 26 refs., 3 figs

  17. A Proposed Model for Authenticating Knowledge Transfer in Online Discussion Forums (United States)

    Tucker, Jan P.; YoungGonzaga, Stephanie; Krause, Jaclyn


    Discussion forums are often utilized in the online classroom to build a sense of community, encourage collaboration and exchange, and measure time on task. A review of the literature revealed that there is little research that examines the role of the online discussion forum as a mechanism for knowledge transfer. Researchers reviewed 21 course…

  18. Anyone Can Become a Troll: Causes of Trolling Behavior in Online Discussions


    Cheng, Justin; Bernstein, Michael; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Leskovec, Jure


    In online communities, antisocial behavior such as trolling disrupts constructive discussion. While prior work suggests that trolling behavior is confined to a vocal and antisocial minority, we demonstrate that ordinary people can engage in such behavior as well. We propose two primary trigger mechanisms: the individual's mood, and the surrounding context of a discussion (e.g., exposure to prior trolling behavior). Through an experiment simulating an online discussion, we find that both negat...

  19. Teacher Centers and Advisory Work. A Panel Discussion. (United States)

    Apelman, Maja; And Others

    Highlights of a panel discussion on advisory work and how it relates to teacher centers and inservice education programs are contained in this transcript. The role of an advisor in a teacher center is to act as a helper, counselor, confidant, and supportive professional to teachers who seek their services. An important function of the advisor is…

  20. Creating Discussions with Classroom Voting in Linear Algebra (United States)

    Cline, Kelly; Zullo, Holly; Duncan, Jonathan; Stewart, Ann; Snipes, Marie


    We present a study of classroom voting in linear algebra, in which the instructors posed multiple-choice questions to the class and then allowed a few minutes for consideration and small-group discussion. After each student in the class voted on the correct answer using a classroom response system, a set of clickers, the instructor then guided a…

  1. 25 CFR 1000.225 - Are meetings or discussions mandatory? (United States)


    ... FUNDING AGREEMENTS UNDER THE TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNMENT ACT AMENDMENTS TO THE INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Waiver of Regulations § 1000.225 Are meetings or discussions mandatory? No, a meeting with the...

  2. Disgust discussed: introduction to the special section. (United States)

    Pole, Nnamdi


    The author introduces a special section of Psychological Bulletin devoted to the study of disgust. After discussing conflicts between its supposed role as a basic emotion and its more recently understood involvement in responding to moral transgressions, the author summarizes 3 articles contained in the special section. Widen and Russell (2013) present a developmental account of disgust highlighting the ages at which children experience, express, understand, verbalize, and recognize disgust. The article shows that disgust is present early but that recognition of disgust in others is considerably delayed. Chapman and Anderson (2013) review evidence pertaining to the question of whether genuine disgust is elicited by moral transgressions. Their review covers data from self-report, brain imaging, facial behavior, and implicit measures gathered from both experimental and correlational studies. They conclude that moral transgressions elicit genuine disgust. Russell and Giner-Sorolla (2013) ask what types of moral transgressions are most likely to elicit pure disgust. They find that moral transgressions involving body violations are more likely than others to elicit such disgust. Moreover, they suggest that disgust elicited by body violations is likely to be more resistant to modification by context, situation, and efforts at rationalization. Taken together, the reviews support the view that rudiments of disgust to physical objects are present early in life but later become adapted to social influence and new moral purposes. Social implications are discussed. © 2013 American Psychological Association

  3. Energy literacy in Alberta : a collective challenge : discussion and framework

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, J.


    The actions needed to advance energy literacy in Alberta were discussed. Advancing Energy Literacy in Alberta (AELA) is a process that supports the objectives of Alberta's energy strategy through the development of a multi-stakeholder process that will lead to better energy information, education and outreach initiatives for the province's large and diverse audience. Advancing energy literacy is in the interest of the energy community and the economic well being of the province. Strategies for launching an energy literacy program were also discussed. tabs.

  4. Peer Observation of Rounds Leads to Collegial Discussion of Teaching. (United States)

    Pierce, J Rush; Rendón, Patrick; Rao, Deepti


    Faculty in the Division of Hospital Medicine provide most of the clinical teaching for learners at our institution. The majority of these faculty are Assistant Professors with limited formal instruction in clinical teaching. Previous Divisional strategies to improve clinical teaching ability included discussion of effective teaching behaviors, developing written expectations for teaching faculty, and instituting seminars on effective clinical teaching. Heretofore, the Division had not utilized a direct observation exercise. We developed a direct observation exercise to encourage discussion of teaching techniques and contemplation of change. Using a social learning model, we developed a peer-to-peer observation followed by a nonevaluative discussion. We created a tool for describing teaching behaviors in 5 domains that were similar to or different from the usual behavior of the observing peer: learner presentations, team leadership, bedside teaching, professionalism, and other. After the observation, the observing and observed faculty met to discuss observed teaching behaviors. Both faculty members discussed and then recorded any teaching behaviors that they planned to adopt or change. We implemented this intervention in a 22-member Academic Division of Hospital Medicine at a tertiary care medical center in the United States. A high proportion were junior faculty and graduates of our residency program. We reviewed records of 28 of 31 observations that were completed during the initial 9-month period of implementation and later surveyed faculty. The exercise resulted in planned changes in teaching behaviors that included instituting new methods to improve teaching team leadership, triaging of patients seen on rounds, faculty behaviors during oral presentations, giving real-time feedback, use of technology and humor, demonstrating physical examination findings, and modeling professional behaviors. Faculty later reported adoption of new teaching behaviors that were

  5. Anyone Can Become a Troll: Causes of Trolling Behavior in Online Discussions. (United States)

    Cheng, Justin; Bernstein, Michael; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Leskovec, Jure


    In online communities, antisocial behavior such as trolling disrupts constructive discussion. While prior work suggests that trolling behavior is confined to a vocal and antisocial minority, we demonstrate that ordinary people can engage in such behavior as well. We propose two primary trigger mechanisms: the individual's mood, and the surrounding context of a discussion (e.g., exposure to prior trolling behavior). Through an experiment simulating an online discussion, we find that both negative mood and seeing troll posts by others significantly increases the probability of a user trolling, and together double this probability. To support and extend these results, we study how these same mechanisms play out in the wild via a data-driven, longitudinal analysis of a large online news discussion community. This analysis reveals temporal mood effects, and explores long range patterns of repeated exposure to trolling. A predictive model of trolling behavior shows that mood and discussion context together can explain trolling behavior better than an individual's history of trolling. These results combine to suggest that ordinary people can, under the right circumstances, behave like trolls.

  6. Discuss on luminescence dose data analysis technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Xinhua; Xiao Wuyun; Ai Xianyun; Shi Zhilan; Liu Ying


    This article describes the development of luminescence dose data measurement and processing technology. General design planning of luminescence dose data measurement and processing technology is put forward with the diverse demands. The emphasis is focused on dose data processing method, luminescence curve analysis method, using of network, mechanics of communication among computers, data base management system of individual dose in this paper. The main methods and skills used in this technology as well as their advantages are also discussed. And it offers general design references for development luminescence dose data processing software. (authors)

  7. Public Spaces For The Discussion Of Peru.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cynthia E. Milton.


    Full Text Available In theaftermath of civil conflict and a truth commission into twenty years of violence (19802000, Peru is presently engaged in the difficult task of establishing overarching narratives that provide frameworks for organizing personal and collective memories in the few public spaces available for the discussion of this recent past. This article looks at two public spaces, a series of performative events in Ayacucho duringthe submission of the truth commission's Final Report, and Lima's memorysite, The Eye that Cries. One contentious memory is over who are appropriate victims and heroes to remember.

  8. Methodological challenges in qualitative content analysis: A discussion paper. (United States)

    Graneheim, Ulla H; Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Lundman, Berit


    This discussion paper is aimed to map content analysis in the qualitative paradigm and explore common methodological challenges. We discuss phenomenological descriptions of manifest content and hermeneutical interpretations of latent content. We demonstrate inductive, deductive, and abductive approaches to qualitative content analysis, and elaborate on the level of abstraction and degree of interpretation used in constructing categories, descriptive themes, and themes of meaning. With increased abstraction and interpretation comes an increased challenge to demonstrate the credibility and authenticity of the analysis. A key issue is to show the logic in how categories and themes are abstracted, interpreted, and connected to the aim and to each other. Qualitative content analysis is an autonomous method and can be used at varying levels of abstraction and interpretation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Factors Affecting Patients' Preferences for and Actual Discussions About End-of-Life Care. (United States)

    Fakhri, Shoaib; Engelberg, Ruth A; Downey, Lois; Nielsen, Elizabeth L; Paul, Sudiptho; Lahdya, Alexandria Z; Treece, Patsy D; Curtis, J Randall


    Discussions about end-of-life care are often difficult for patients and clinicians, and inadequate communication poses a barrier to patients receiving the care they desire. To understand factors that facilitate end-of-life care discussions that guide interventions to improve care. We examined baseline data from an ongoing randomized trial to evaluate associations between patients' self-reported desire for, and occurrence of, discussions about end-of-life care and factors influencing these discussions. Factors included emotional symptoms and barriers and facilitators to discussions. The sample included patients with serious illness (n = 473) and their primary or specialty care clinicians (n = 128). Regression analyses were adjusted for confounders and clustered patients under clinicians. Patients who endorsed each of three barriers to discussions were less likely to have had a discussion with their clinician (P-values ranging from communication about end-of-life care is associated with patient factors including communication barriers and facilitators and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Understanding these factors may facilitate design of effective communication interventions. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Roundtable discussion on the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Balabanova, Dina; Safreed-Harmon, Kelly


    Health systems experts from around the world discuss why they were meeting at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research while people were dying of Ebola in West Africa.......Health systems experts from around the world discuss why they were meeting at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research while people were dying of Ebola in West Africa....

  11. The Use of Computer-Mediated Communication To Enhance Subsequent Face-to-Face Discussions. (United States)

    Dietz-Uhler, Beth; Bishop-Clark, Cathy


    Describes a study of undergraduate students that assessed the effects of synchronous (Internet chat) and asynchronous (Internet discussion board) computer-mediated communication on subsequent face-to-face discussions. Results showed that face-to-face discussions preceded by computer-mediated communication were perceived to be more enjoyable.…

  12. Increasing participation and improving the quality of discussions in seventh-grade social studies classes


    Smith, Burleigh M.; Schumaker, Jean B.; Schaeffer, Janae; Sherman, James A.


    An experiment was conducted to evaluate procedures to improve classroom discussions in seventh-grade social studies classes. An increased number of students participated in discussions when rules were stated for discussions, students were praised for their contributions, the teacher restated or paraphrased students' contributions aloud or on the blackboard, the teacher planned an outline of discussion questions, student contributions to discussions were recorded and were used to determine par...

  13. Round table discussion of future Solar Neutrino Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The discussion of the future neutrino program includes a critique of the chlorine-37 experiment and the necessary continued effort, the astronomical and cosmological implications of the various nonstandard models, future programs in laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations on reaction cross sections, opacities, convections, and observations of elemental abundances on the Sun and the meteorites, and lastly the program in solar neutrino research

  14. Discussion on the electronic problems of straw vertex detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xi Deming


    The measurement of the characteristic time of the output waveform of straw vertex detector, the design of its high resolution and high counting rate readout system and the problems of the charge and time calibrations are discussed

  15. Discovering Central Practitioners in a Medical Discussion Forum Using Semantic Web Analytics. (United States)

    Rajabi, Enayat; Abidi, Syed Sibte Raza


    The aim of this paper is to investigate semantic web based methods to enrich and transform a medical discussion forum in order to perform semantics-driven social network analysis. We use the centrality measures as well as semantic similarity metrics to identify the most influential practitioners within a discussion forum. The centrality results of our approach are in line with centrality measures produced by traditional SNA methods, thus validating the applicability of semantic web based methods for SNA, particularly for analyzing social networks for specialized discussion forums.

  16. Panel Discussion : Report of the APS Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues (United States)

    Atherton, Tim; Barthelemy, Ramon; Garmon, Savannah; Reeves, Kyle; APS Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues Team

    Following the presentation of the findings and recommendations of the APS Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues (C-LGBT) by Committee Chair Michael Falk, a panel discussion will be held featuring several members of the committee. The discussion will focus on how APS can best ensure the recommendations of the committee are carried out in a timely fashion and other ideas on future APS efforts toward LGBT inclusion in physics. Discussion topics will also include the research and other input that shaped the committee's findings and recommendations.

  17. Online discussion forums with embedded streamed videos on distance courses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicenc Fernandez


    Full Text Available Existing literature on education and technology has frequently highlighted the usefulness of online discussion forums for distance courses; however, the majority of such investigations have focused their attention only on text-based forums. The objective of this paper is to determine if the embedding of streamed videos in online discussion forums generates educational dialogue and consequently the feedback that students need in a Management Accounting Course. The findings suggest some interesting issues, such as: students prefer text answers except in complex questions, and videos never replace text commentaries and explanations, but rather complement them.

  18. A critical discussion of the physics of wood–water interactions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybring, Emil Engelund; Thygesen, L. G.; Svensson, Staffan


    This paper reviews recent findings on wood–water interaction and puts them into context of established knowledge in the field. Several new findings challenge prevalent theories and are critically discussed in an attempt to advance current knowledge and highlight gaps. The focus of this review...... is put on water in the broadest concept of wood products, that is, the living tree is not considered. Moreover, the review covers the basic wood–water relation, states and transitions. Secondary effects such as the ability of water to alter physical properties of wood are only discussed in cases where...

  19. The Cowam-Spain initiative: summary of FSC round table discussion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaver, K.


    Following the presentation of the COWAM-Spain initiative, participants discussed four questions. The notes of the different following questions are presented: what is the appropriate role for scientific experts in a dialogue with the local population? What can the leading governmental agencies do to demonstrate and follow through with commitment to a genuine stakeholder involvement process? Would you agree that safety is everyone's concern an it will come naturally from a healthy democratic discussion? How to create multiple opportunities for people to be engaged in the process in ways that suit their needs and constraints? (A.L.B.)

  20. Concluding remarks: Faraday Discussion on chemistry in the urban atmosphere. (United States)

    Jimenez, Jose L


    This article summarises the Concluding remarks from the Faraday Discussion on Chemistry in the Urban Atmosphere. The following themes are addressed: (a) new results that inform our understanding of the evolving sources and composition of the urban atmosphere ("News"); (b) results that identify gaps in our understanding that necessitate further work ("Gaps"); (c) the emerging instrumentation revolution and some of the challenges that it brings; (d) the structural issues of insufficient support for the analysis of field campaigns; and (e) some important areas that were missing from this Faraday Discussion and that should receive an increasing focus in the future.

  1. Panel discussion on rock mechanics issues in repository design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bieniawski, Z.T.; Kim, K.S.; Nataraja, M.


    The panel discussion was introduced by Mr. Z.T.(Richard) Bieniawski and then continued with five additional speakers. The topics covered in the discussion included rock mechanics pertaining to the design of underground facilities for the disposal of radioactive wastes and the safety of such facilities. The speakers included: Mr. Kun-Soo Kim who is a specialist in the area of rock mechanics testing during the Basalt Waste Isolation Project; Dr. Mysore Nataraja who is the senior project manager with the NRC; Dr. Michael Voegele who is the project manager for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) on the Yucca Mountain Project; Dr. Edward Cording who is a member of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board; and Dr. Hemendra Kalia who is employed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and coordinates various activities of testing programs at the Yucca Mountain Site

  2. [Violent computergames: distribution via and discussion on the Internet]. (United States)

    Nagenborg, Michael


    The spread and use of computer-games including (interactive) depictions of violence are considered a moral problem, particularly if played by children and youths. This essay expresses an opinion on H. Volper's (2004) demand of condemning certain contents by media ethics. At the same time, an overview on the spread and use of "violent games" by children and youths is offered. As a matter of fact, the share of these titles in the complete range must not be estimated too high, certain titles on the other hand are extremely wide-spread. Finally, Fritz's and Fehr's thesis of the cultural conflict "computer game" (2004) is discussed, demonstrated at the example of the discussion on the Internet, and on the basis of this thesis a mediating position between the two cultures including audience ethics (Funiok 1999) is presented.

  3. Electricity exports: Discussion of provincial economic benefits and costs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A review was conducted by the British Columbia Energy Council to assess the economic and social impacts of the export of long-term firm electricity to the USA and the distribution of these impacts. The objectives of, and the differences between, benefit-cost and socio-economic impact analysis are discussed as they apply to potential electricity export projects. Provincial export project review requirements (project justification, environmental impacts, socio-economic impact assessment) and proposed legislative changes are first reviewed. The concepts and objectives of value added, economic rent, opportunity costs, economic (benefit-cost) analysis, and socio-economic impact analysis are explained. Employment issues including unemployed labor, employment benefits, and regional and occupational considerations are then discussed, as well as transfers to various levels of government in the form of taxes, subsidies, resource royalties, and depletion costs. 8 refs., 4 tabs

  4. Victims' barriers to discussing domestic violence in clinical consultations: a qualitative enquiry. (United States)

    Othman, Sajaratulnisah; Goddard, Chris; Piterman, Leon


    Victims of domestic violence frequently attend health care facilities. In many cases, their abusive experience is neither disclosed nor discussed during clinical consultations. This study examined the barriers faced by women when discussing abuse with health care providers, specifically in cases involving Malaysian women with a history of domestic violence. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews was conducted with 10 women with a history of domestic violence residing at a shelter. Purposive sampling was conducted until data saturation. Using the grounded theory approach of analysis, themes that emerged from these interviews were then further analyzed to examine the barriers faced by these women. Women who experienced domestic violence faced multiple barriers while discussing their accounts of abuse with others. Values placed on the privacy of domestic violence; upholding the traditional gender roles; preserving the family unity; minimizing the abuse, the feeling of shame, self-blame; and fearing their abuser generally create internal barriers when discussing their encounters of abuse with health care providers. The perceived unknown role of health care professionals when dealing with patients experiencing domestic violence as well as the previous negative experiences in clinical consultations acted as external barriers for discussing abuse with health care providers. Women with domestic violence experiences faced internal and external barriers to discussing their abuse during clinical consultations. Physicians and health care providers must consider domestic violence in consultations with female patients. A good doctor-patient relationship that encompasses empathy, confidence, trust, support, assurance, confidentiality, and guidance can help patients with abusive backgrounds overcome these barriers, leading to the disclosure and discussion of their abusive encounters. Proper education, guidelines, and support for health care providers are required to help

  5. Table talk: How mothers and adolescents across socioeconomic status discuss food. (United States)

    Fielding-Singh, Priya; Wang, Jennifer


    This article reports findings from a qualitative study of food practices among families of differing socioeconomic circumstances. Using in-depth interviews from sixty-two families in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2015-2016, we find socioeconomic differences in how mothers and adolescents talk about food. Across SES, mothers and adolescents engage in discussions about healthy eating. However, these conversations are more commonplace and embedded within high-SES family life than among low-SES families. Beyond conversations about 1) healthy eating, the topics of 2) food quality and 3) price are discussed to varying degrees across SES. Within high-SES families, frequent discussions of healthy eating are paired with dialogue highlighting the importance of consuming higher quality food. Price is largely absent as a topic of conversation among high-SES families. On the other end of the socioeconomic spectrum, low-SES mothers and adolescents frequently engage in conversations about price when discussing food. Mentions of food quality are rare, but when they do occur, they underscore important trade-offs between food's healthiness, quality and price. Given prior research showing the impact of dialogue between parents and adolescents on adolescents' dietary behaviors, these findings help us understand how family discussions contribute to shaping adolescents' approaches to food. An important implication is that high-SES families' discussions of food quality may strengthen messages about healthy eating, while conversations about affordability within low-SES families may highlight financial barriers to healthy eating. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. WTC. A discussion on built space regeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Mihăilă


    Full Text Available Before 9/11 WTC was an international landmark. The definition of the two high-rise buildings identity, their tourist, social, visual and economic significance, disappeared with the destruction of their materiality. As a result, the contemplative visual and unwritten discourse of the Lower Manhattan disappeared together with the architectural, urban, technological essence and also with the philosophy of stability and equilibrium of a prosperous society. At the social-mental level this event triggers a crisis in personal and collective consciences (of the American Nation but also of the Nations, and a crisis of humanity. The architectural - urban and ideas competition organized to select the best urban-social-architectural concept proved to be a difficult task. Not only it had to “fill” a particular place on earth, but it also needed to configure a philosophy of place that would ‘heal” the wounds of the local and international communities, namely the lack of security and prosperity brought on by a no longer hidden technology of aggression bringing cities and communities under threats never experienced before at times of peace. In its first part the article discusses the competition, proposals and the finalized urban project. The particular challenges related to the selection of design in the case of WTC are doubled by a certain complexity related to the institutional arrangements common to most large urban development projects. It is also clear that there is interdependency between the project governance and the project results. These aspects are discussed in the second part of the article.

  7. IRIS Toxicological Review of Trichloroethylene (Interagency Science Discussion Draft) (United States)

    EPA is releasing the draft report, Toxicological Review of Trichloroethylene, that was distributed to Federal agencies and White House Offices for comment during the Science Discussion step of the IRIS Assessment Development Process. Comments received from other Federal agencies ...

  8. Discussing the possibility of observation of parity violation in heavy ion collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voloshin, Sergei A.


    It was recently argued that in heavy ion collisions the parity could be broken. This paper addresses the question of the possibility of the experimental detection of the effect. We discuss how parity violating effects would modify the final particle distributions and how one could construct variables sensitive to the effect, and which measurement would be the (most) conclusive. Discussing different observables we also discuss the question of whether the ''signals'' can be faked by ''conventional'' effects (such as anisotropic flow, etc.) and make estimates of the signals

  9. Discussion of management review in nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Hongwei; Li Juan; Wang Jing; Zhang Hui; Wang Yanqi; Tian Feng


    According to the nuclear safety regulations and guidelines in China, the information of the IAEA and the NRC, this paper discusses the origin, purpose, method and report of the management review, the basic concepts and requirements. In order to identify the difference between the management review and the internal quality assurance audit, the paper also compares their purpose, nature, the pursuant documents, and etc. (authors)

  10. Discussion on the genesis of Zhongchuan uranium deposit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yulong; Zhang Chengzhong


    Through elaborating the geological setting, deposit and orebody geological charactors and hydrological features, the ore controlling factors are analysed and the genesis of Zhongchuan uranium deposit is discussed in the way of deposit occurrence, mineral asembleage and matalization ages. It is believed that uranium deposit was formed under the regional uplifting background with the exogenous mechanism and its genesis belongs to surface leaching. (authors)

  11. Small discussion of electromagnetic wave anomalies preceding earthquakes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Six brief pieces on various aspects of electromagnetic wave anomalies are presented. They cover: earthquake electromagnetic emanations; the use of magnetic induction information for earthquake forecasting; electromagnetic pulse emissions as pre-earthquake indicators; the use of magnetic sensors to determine medium-wavelength field strength for earthquake prediction purposes; magnetic deviation indicators inside reinforced-concrete buildings; and a discussion of the general physical principles involved.

  12. Discussing Animal Rights and Animal Research in the Classroom. (United States)

    Herzog, Harold A.


    Reviews two prominent philosophical justifications for animal liberation and describes a simulation that facilitates class discussion of animal research issues. Students reported that the exercise increased their awareness of the issues and of the complexity of making ethical decisions. (DB)

  13. A discussion of molecular biology methods for protein engineering

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Zawaira, A


    Full Text Available A number of molecular biology techniques are available to generate variants from a particular start gene for eventual protein expression. The authors discuss the basic principles of these methods in a repertoire that may be used to achieve...

  14. Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siemens, R.; Timney, M.; Leitch, C.; Koolen, C.; Garnett, A.


    The two annotated bibliographies present in this publication document and feature pertinent discussions toward the activity of modeling the social edition, first exploring reading devices, tools and social media issues and, second, social networking tools for professional readers in the Humanities.

  15. Assessment of regulatory effectiveness. Peer discussions on regulatory practices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report arises from the seventh series of peer discussions on regulatory practices entitled 'Assessment of Regulatory Effectiveness'. The term 'regulatory effectiveness' covers the quality of the work and level of performance of a regulatory body. In this sense, regulatory effectiveness applies to regulatory body activities aimed at preventing safety degradation and ensuring that an acceptable level of safety is being maintained by the regulated operating organizations. In addition, regulatory effectiveness encompasses the promotion of safety improvements, the timely and cost effective performance of regulatory functions in a manner which ensures the confidence of the operating organizations, the general public and the government, and striving for continuous improvements to performance. Senior regulators from 22 Member States participated in two peer group discussions during March and May 1999. The discussions were focused on the elements of an effective regulatory body, possible indicators of regulatory effectiveness and its assessment. This report presents the outcome of these meetings and recommendations of good practices identified by senior regulators, which do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the nominating Member States, the organizations they belong to, or the International Atomic Energy Agency. In order to protect people and the environment from hazards associated with nuclear facilities, the main objective of a nuclear regulatory body is to ensure that a high level of safety in the nuclear activities under its jurisdiction is achieved, maintained and within the control of operating organizations. Even if it is possible to directly judge objective safety levels at nuclear facilities, such safety levels would not provide an exclusive indicator of regulatory effectiveness. The way the regulatory body ensures the safety of workers and the public and the way it discharges its responsibilities also determine its effectiveness. Hence the

  16. Discussion and acceptance of technology-induced risks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esser, R.


    The Gesellschaft fuer Sicherheitswissenschaft (GfS) chose as the main topic of its 7th International Summer Symposium held from May 26-28, 1986 the question of how our highly industrialized society, which not only lives on industry's efficiency, but also has to live with its technological risks, copes with this challenge. About 200 experts gathered for the seminar and discussed about 30 lectures presented, dealing with subjects such as: Technological risks between law and practice; - Risk minimization as a public good; - Risks and related problems, and safety science; - Do the institutionalized procedures create more safety. (orig./HP) [de

  17. Creative Research Methods - a reflective online discussion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Leary


    Full Text Available In November 2013, the Institute of Advanced Studies (University of Warwick hosted a meeting of interdisciplinary colleagues interested in Creative Research Methods. The aspirations were to kick-start the debate at Warwick and create a platform from which researchers can develop projects that embrace new forms of intellectual enquiry and knowledge production. Following the meeting, several of the attendees agreed to develop some of the discussion points and briefly responded to a number of questions in an online document over a period of a few weeks. This paper is the result of that real space and online collaboration.

  18. Discussion of some issues in risk study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu Jingyuan; Liu Yuanzhong


    The concept of risk, the methods for assessing risk and the acceptability of risk are discussed. The emphasis was laid on the three components for complete description of a risk: scenario, probability and consequence of an event. The disadvantages of the concept and presentation of risk used in some risk analysis were pointed out. The paper emphasized that it is necessary to explicitly consider the multi-dimensionality of risk in the assessment and management of risk. Several important factors influencing the acceptability of risk and the methodology for evaluating the acceptability of risk were also described

  19. End of life discussion in an academic family health team in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reta French


    Full Text Available Background: End-of-life (EOL discussions remain difficult in non-terminal patients as death is often perceived as a taboo and uncertainty. However, the call for proper EOL discussions has recently received public attention and media coverage. Evidence also reveals that non-terminal patients are more satisfied with health-care encounters when EOL has been discussed. Objectives and Methods: The objective of this study was to explore the prevalence of EOL discussions in non-terminal adult patients, the perceived barriers to such discussions and suggested methods for improvement. A study mixed-methods study was performed by a group of PGY1 family medicine residents in an academic health team in Kingston, Ontario. Results: EOL discussion was performed in a very small proportion of non-terminal patient encounters. Compared with attending physicians, residents were less likely to discuss EOL issues and reported more perceived barriers. Conclusion: Our findings reflect the need for an early and open approach in conducting EOL discussion for non-terminal healthy patients.

  20. Communication and patient participation influencing patient recall of treatment discussions. (United States)

    Richard, Claude; Glaser, Emma; Lussier, Marie-Thérèse


    Patient recall of treatment information is a key variable towards chronic disease (CD) management. It is unclear what communication and patient participation characteristics predict recall. To assess what aspects of doctor-patient communication predict patient recall of medication information. To describe lifestyle treatment recall, in CD primary care patients. Observational study within a RCT. Community-based primary care (PC) practices. Family physicians (n=18): practicing >5 years, with a CD patient caseload. Patients (n=159): >40 years old, English speaking, computer literate, off-target hypertension, type II diabetes and/or dyslipidaemia. Patient characteristics: age, education, number of CDs. Information characteristics: length of encounter, medication status, medication class. Communication variables: socio-emotional utterances, physician dominance and communication control scores and PACE (ask, check and express) utterances, measured by RIAS. Number of medication themes, dialogue and initiative measured by MEDICODE. Recall of CD, lifestyle treatment and medication information. Frequency of lifestyle discussions varied by topic. Patients recalled 43% (alcohol), 52% (diet) to 70% (exercise) of discussions. Two and a half of six possible medication themes were broached per medication discussion. Less than one was recalled. Discussing more themes, greater dialogue and patient initiative were significant predictors of improved medication information recall. Critical treatment information is infrequently exchanged. Active patient engagement and explicit conversations about medications are associated with improved treatment information recall in off-target CD patients followed in PC. Providers cannot take for granted that long-term off-target CD patients recall information. They need to encourage patient participation to improve recall of treatment information. © 2016 The Authors. Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Gender-specific Regulatory Challenges to Product Approval: a panel discussion. (United States)

    McGregor, Alyson J; Barr, Helen; Greenberg, Marna R; Safdar, Basmah; Wildgoose, Peter; Wright, David W; Hollander, Judd E


    On May 13, 2014, a 1-hour panel discussion session titled "Gender-specific Regulatory Challenges to Product Approval" was held during the Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference, "Gender-specific Research in Emergency Medicine: Investigate, Understand, and Translate How Gender Affects Patient Outcomes." The session sought to bring together leaders in emergency medicine (EM) research, authors, and reviewers in EM research publications, as well as faculty, fellows, residents, and students engaged in research and clinical practice. A panel was convened involving a representative from the Office of Women's Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, two pharmaceutical executives, and a clinical EM researcher. The moderated discussion also involved audience members who contributed significantly to the dialogue. Historical background leading up to the session along with the main themes of the discussion are reproduced in this article. These revolve around sex- and gender-specific research, statistical analysis of sex and gender, clinical practice, financial costs associated with pharmaceutical development, adaptive design, and specific recommendations on the regulatory process as it affects the specialty of EM. © 2014 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

  2. Energy summit discussions with Federal Chancellor Merkel - potential legislative consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, W.


    The energy summit discussions held by Federal Chancellor Merkel are to converge in a consistent energy policy concept by late 2007. The second summit held on October 9, 2006 was prepared by three working groups. Working Group 1 was to handle 'International Aspects', Working Group 2, the 'National Aspects of Energy Supply', and Working Group 3, finally, 'Research and Energy Efficiency'. The reports dealing with international aspects and with research and energy efficiency were in the focus of discussions at the summit. The report about national aspects had not yet reached the level of maturity required for discussion. None of the reports contained anything under the headings of 'Setting aside the Gorleben Moratorium' and 'Continued Exploration of the Salt Dome for a Repository' and 'Extension of the Plant Life of Our Nuclear Power Plants'. This sounds very easy and is urgently required, but it is neither announced nor seriously debated in politics. If these legislative measures were taken and the rhetoric about the broad energy mix turned into energy policy reality, many problems in climate protection, in energy supply continuity, and in competitive electricity supply could be solved more easily. (orig.)

  3. A Thematic Analysis of Online Discussion Boards for Brachial Plexus Injury. (United States)

    Morris, Marie T; Daluiski, Aaron; Dy, Christopher J


    Patients with brachial plexus injury (BPI) and their family members contribute to Internet discussion groups dedicated to BPI. We hypothesized that a thematic analysis of posts from BPI Internet discussion groups would reveal common themes related to the BPI patient experience, providing topics for patient education and counseling. Internet discussion boards were identified using the search term "brachial plexus injury support group" in Google, Bing, and Yahoo! search engines. Two discussion boards had substantially more posts than other Web sites and were chosen for analyses. Posts from January 1, 2015, through January 1, 2016, were examined. Using an iterative and established process, 2 investigators (M.T.M. and C.J.D) independently analyzed each post using thematic analysis in 3 steps (open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) to determine common themes. In this process, each post was reviewed 3 times. A total of 328 posts from the 2 leading discussion boards were analyzed. Investigators reached a consensus on themes for all posts. One central theme focused on emotional aspects of BPI. Four other central themes regarding information support were identified: BPI disease, BPI treatment, recovery after BPI treatment, and process of seeking care for BPI. Examination of posts on Internet support groups for BPI revealed recurring concerns, questions, and opinions of patients and their family members. The most common themes related to disease information, treatment, recovery, and the emotional element of BPI. These findings provide a helpful starting point in refining topics for patient education and support that are targeted on patients' interests and concerns. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Improving Argumentation through Goal Instructions in Asynchronous Online Discussions (United States)

    Prudchenko, Yekaterina


    Argumentation incorporated into class discussions can improve students' problem solving skills and enhance their epistemic and conceptual understanding. Research indicates students sometimes need scaffolding such as goal instructions to improve their argumentation skills. This study examined the effectiveness of different types of goal…

  5. Emission trading: A discussion paper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Emission trading is a market-based incentive program designed to control air emissions in which a cap is placed on the total quantity of pollutants allowed to be emitted in an airshed. Appropriate shares of this amount are allocated among participating emission sources, and participants can buy or sell their shares. Advantages of emission trading include its potential to achieve air emission targets at a lower cost than the traditional command and control approach, and its ability to accommodate economic growth without compromising environmental quality. A study was conducted to evaluate the potential use of emission trading programs to achieve emission reduction goals set for nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and sulfur oxides. Emission trading programs in the USA are reviewed and a set of factors important for the success of emission trading are identified. Key policy and design issues related to an emission trading program are identified, explained, and discussed. Administrative issues are then analyzed, such as legislative authority, monitoring and enforcement requirements, and trading between jurisdictions. A preliminary assessment of emission trading for control of NOx and VOC in the Lower Fraser Valley indicates that emission trading would be feasible, but legislative authority to implement such a program would have to be introduced

  6. Theoretical and experimental discussion of Ixion, a possible thermonuclear device

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boyer, K; Hammel, J E; Longmire, C L; Nagle, D; Ribe, F L; Riesenfeld, W B [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Theoretical discussions of the diamagnetic effects and of the mirror enhancement brought about by the ion centrifugal force are presented and experiments are discussed. The successive operation of three models of Ixion are reported. The models differ primarily in the ranges of electric and magnetic fields which were used and in the series inductances of the electrical leads which in each case connected Ixion to energized capacitor banks. The first two models are with metallic center electrodes, while the latest version, Ixion III, has a 'plasma center electrode' It is believed that these experiments demonstrate the containment of a rotating plasma, although impurities are limiting the energy that can be contained.

  7. Discussion of the duality in three dimensional quantum field theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma, Chen-Te, E-mail:


    We discuss the duality in three dimensional quantum field theory at infrared limit. The starting point is to use a conjecture of a duality between the free fermion and the interacting scalar field theories at the Wilson–Fisher fixed point. The conjecture is useful for deriving various dualities in three dimensions to obtain a duality web. The study is also interesting for understanding the dualities, or equivalence of different theories from the perspective of the renormalization group flow. We first discuss the “derivation” without losing the holonomy. Furthermore, we also derive these dualities from the mean-field study, and consider the extension of the conjecture or dualities at finite temperature.

  8. Discussion of CoSA: Clustering of Sparse Approximations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armstrong, Derek Elswick [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The purpose of this talk is to discuss the possible applications of CoSA (Clustering of Sparse Approximations) to the exploitation of HSI (HyperSpectral Imagery) data. CoSA is presented by Moody et al. in the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (“Land cover classification in multispectral imagery using clustering of sparse approximations over learned feature dictionaries”, Vol. 8, 2014) and is based on machine learning techniques.

  9. The role of qualitative discussion in problem solving

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cerny, V.


    The paper contributes to the methodology of problem solving in physics. We argue that the task of solving a problem does not end by obtaining the result. We claim that a question like 'Why the result came out as it did?' can be meaningfully posed and that deeper understanding of the subject comes out as a result of a discussion on possible answers to such a question (Author)

  10. From prejudice to reasonable judgement: integrating (moral) value discussions in university courses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aalberts, J.M.C.; Koster, E.; Boschhuizen, R.


    The central question addressed in this article is how (moral) values discussions in university courses can be integrated in a systematic way. Discussion of (moral) values is fundamental to the Dublin descriptor about judgement formation in use in European universities. To integrate this descriptor

  11. Using Television Sitcoms to Facilitate Asynchronous Discussions in the Online Communication Course (United States)

    Tolman, Elizabeth; Asbury, Bryan


    Asynchronous discussions are a useful instructional resource in the online communication course. In discussion groups students have the opportunity to actively participate and interact with students and the instructor. Asynchronous communication allows for flexibility because "participants can interact with significant amounts of time between…

  12. The Hampstead Clinic at work. Discussions in the Diagnostic Profile Research Group. (United States)

    Koch, Ehud


    Minutes of the Hampstead Clinic's Diagnostic Profile Research Group during a fifteen-month period (1964-1965) are reviewed and discussed. A wide range of topics were considered and discussed, with a special focus on the affective life, object relations, and ego function of atypical children in comparison to the early ego functions and differentiation of normal and neurotic children. These lively clinical and theoretical discussions and their implications for therapeutic work with a wide range of children, demonstrate the multifaceted leadership and contributions of Anna Freud as teacher, clinician, and thinker, and of the Hampstead Clinic as a major center for psychoanalytic studies.

  13. Factors associated with advance care planning discussions by area agency on aging care managers. (United States)

    Hazelett, Susan; Baughman, Kristin R; Palmisano, Barbara R; Sanders, Margaret; Ludwick, Ruth E


    Initiating advance care planning (ACP) discussions in the home may prevent avoidable hospitalizations by elucidating goals of care. Area agencies on aging care managers (AAACMs) work in the home with high-risk consumers. To determine which AAACM characteristics contribute to an increased frequency of ACP discussions. Cross-sectional investigator-generated surveys administered to AAACMs at 3 AAAs in Ohio. Of 289 AAACMs, 182 (63%) responded. The more experience and comfort AAACMs felt with ACP discussions, the more likely they were to initiate ACP discussions. It may be necessary to build interactive educational experiences where, for example, AAACMs are asked to fill out their own advance directives and/or facilitate others in ACP discussions to improve experience and comfort with ACP discussions.

  14. The influence of group discussion on performance judgments: rating accuracy, contrast effects, and halo. (United States)

    Palmer, Jerry K; Loveland, James M


    The authors investigated the effect of group discussion, such as may occur formally in panel interview scenarios, assessment centers, or 360-degree feedback situations, on judgments of performance. Research on group polarization suggests that the effect of group discussion combined with raters' preexisting impressions of ratees or interviewees should result in an extremitization of impressions. Thus, the authors hypothesized that group discussion would (a) make ratings less accurate, (b) polarize impressions that were already good or poor as reflected by greater contrast effects, and (c) increase positive halo. Results indicated that group discussion resulted in less accurate ratings and greater contrast effects. Additional analyses suggested that group discussion increased positive halo. The authors discuss implications for research on group or panel judgments.

  15. Summary of the ACAT Round Table Discussion: Open-source, knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carminati, Federico; Perret-Gallix, Denis; Riemann, Tord


    Round table discussions are in the tradition of ACAT. This year's plenary round table discussion was devoted to questions related to the use of scientific software in High Energy Physics and beyond. The 90 minutes of discussion were lively, and quite a lot of diverse opinions were spelled out. Although the discussion was, in part, controversial, the participants agreed unanimously on several basic issues in software sharing: • The importance of having various licensing models in academic research; • The basic value of proper recognition and attribution of intellectual property, including scientific software; • The user respect for the conditions of use, including licence statements, as formulated by the author. The need of a similar discussion on the issues of data sharing was emphasized and it was recommended to cover this subject at the conference round table discussion of next ACAT. In this contribution, we summarise selected topics that were covered in the introductory talks and in the following discussion

  16. Summary of the ACAT round table discussion. Open-source, knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carminati, Federico; Perret-Gallix, Denis; Riemann, Tord


    Round table discussions are in the tradition of ACAT. This year's plenary round table discussion was devoted to questions related to the use of scientific software in High Energy Physics and beyond. The 90 minutes of discussion were lively, and quite a lot of diverse opinions were spelled out. Although the discussion was, in part, controversial, the participants agreed unanimously on several basic issues in software sharing: (i) The importance of having various licensing models in academic research; (ii) The basic value of proper recognition and attribution of intellectual property, including scientific software; (iii) The user respect for the conditions of use, including licence statements, as formulated by the author. The need of a similar discussion on the issues of data sharing was emphasized and it was recommended to cover this subject at the conference round table discussion of next ACAT. In this contribution, we summarise selected topics that were covered in the introductory talks and in the following discussion.

  17. Summary of the ACAT round table discussion. Open-source, knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carminati, Federico [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Perret-Gallix, Denis [LAPP/IN2P3, CNRS, Annecy-le-Vieux, (France); Riemann, Tord [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany)


    Round table discussions are in the tradition of ACAT. This year's plenary round table discussion was devoted to questions related to the use of scientific software in High Energy Physics and beyond. The 90 minutes of discussion were lively, and quite a lot of diverse opinions were spelled out. Although the discussion was, in part, controversial, the participants agreed unanimously on several basic issues in software sharing: (i) The importance of having various licensing models in academic research; (ii) The basic value of proper recognition and attribution of intellectual property, including scientific software; (iii) The user respect for the conditions of use, including licence statements, as formulated by the author. The need of a similar discussion on the issues of data sharing was emphasized and it was recommended to cover this subject at the conference round table discussion of next ACAT. In this contribution, we summarise selected topics that were covered in the introductory talks and in the following discussion.

  18. Faraday Discussions meeting Catalysis for Fuels. (United States)

    Fischer, Nico; Kondrat, Simon A; Shozi, Mzamo


    Welcome to Africa was the motto when after more than 100 years the flag ship conference series of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Faraday Discussions was hosted for the first time on the African Continent. Under the fitting topic 'Catalysis for Fuels' over 120 delegates followed the invitation by the conference chair Prof. Graham Hutchings FRS (Cardiff Catalysis Institute), his organizing committee and the co-organizing DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis c*change (). In the presentations of 21 invited speakers and 59 posters, cutting edge research in the field of catalysis for fuels, designing new catalysts for synthetic fuels, hydrocarbon conversion in the production of synthetic fuels and novel photocatalysis was presented over the two-day meeting. The scene was set by the opening lecture of Prof. Enrique Iglesias (UC Berkeley) and wrapped-up with the concluding remarks by Philip Gibson (SASOL).

  19. Umberto Eco on Libraries: A Discussion of "De Biblioteca." (United States)

    Winter, Michael F.


    Discusses a scholar's reactions to libraries made by Umberto Eco in "De Biblioteca." Topics addressed include functions of libraries, including collecting; accessibility of materials; the scholar's creative use of libraries, and discovering materials not looked for or known about; North American research libraries; photocopying; and…

  20. Argumentative Bluff in Eristic Discussion : An Analysis and Evaluation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Laar, Jan Albert

    How does the analysis and evaluation of argumentation depend on the dialogue type in which the argumentation has been put forward? This paper focuses on argumentative bluff in eristic discussion. Argumentation cannot be presented without conveying the pretence that it is dialectically reasonable, as

  1. Analyzing discussions on twitter: Case study on HPV vaccinations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kaptein, R.; Boertjes, E.; Langley, D.


    In this work we analyze the discussions on Twitter around the Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations. We collect a dataset consisting of tweets related to the HPV vaccinations by searching for relevant keywords, by retrieving the conversations on Twitter, and by retrieving tweets from our user

  2. Sharing and Discussing News in Private Social Media Groups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Swart, Joëlle; Peters, Chris; Broersma, Marcel


    and their associated following, sharing and discussion practices. Specifically, it studies the role of news in six focus groups consisting of people who know each other offline and simultaneously communicate regularly through private Facebook or WhatsApp groups, and who interact primarily in relation...

  3. Discussing Dementia-Related Behaviors During Medical Visits for People With Alzheimer’s Disease (United States)

    Hunsaker, Amanda E.; Schmidt, Karen; Lingler, Jennifer H.


    Research suggests that caregivers appreciate support from primary care physicians (PCPs) regarding dementia care; however, there remains a need for studies examining the role that PCPs play in behavior management. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively characterize the discussion on dementia-related behaviors (DRBs) during PCP visits and compare findings to an independently administered assessment of DRBs exhibited within a period of 4 weeks prior to the PCP visit. Twenty-five PCP visits of persons with dementia, in which caregivers coattended the visit, were audio-recorded and analyzed for occurrence of DRB discussion. Disruptive behaviors were reported by 80% of caregivers via independent assessment, yet discussed in 23% of medical visits. Dementia-related behavior discussion occurred in visits where caregivers independently reported significantly higher behavior frequency and behavior-related burden. Implications of findings for ways PCPs can assist the caregiver in behavior management are discussed. PMID:20147601

  4. Supporting Inferential Thinking in Preschoolers: Effects of Discussion on Children's Story Comprehension (United States)

    Collins, Molly F.


    Research Findings: This study examines the effects of low- and high-cognitive demand discussion on children's story comprehension and identifies contributions of discussion, initial vocabularies, and parent reading involvement. A total of 70 English learner preschoolers took baseline vocabulary tests in Portuguese and English, were randomly…

  5. Involvement of nurses in end-of-life discussions for severely disabled children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zaal-Schuller, I. H.; Willems, D. I.; Ewals, F.; van Goudoever, J. B.; de Vos, M. A.


    In children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD), discussions about end-of-life decisions (EoLDs) are comparatively common. Nurses play a crucial role in the care for these children, yet their involvement in EoLD discussions is largely unknown. The objective of this research

  6. Interspinöse Implantate in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie - eine Frage der Indikation: Ein Fallbericht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Decristoforo I


    Full Text Available Ein 77-jähriger Patient war wegen manifester neurogener Claudicatio spinalis bei bekannter lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose in 3 Segmenten an einer auswärtigen Institution mit perkutanen interspinösen Implantaten versorgt worden, wonach sich die klinische Symptomatik nicht änderte. Erst die mikrochirurgische Dekompression und die Entfernung der Platzhalter führten zu einer deutlichen Besserung der Beschwerden und Verlängerung der schmerzfreien Gehstrecke. Anhand dieses Falles wird die Verwendung von interspinösen Platzhaltern beleuchtet. In der bisherigen klinischen Anwendung fehlen noch die Langzeitergebnisse. Eine korrekte Indikationsstellung zur Intervention bei Spinalkanalstenose ist Voraussetzung für ein zufriedenstellendes postoperatives Ergebnis.

  7. Logfile-Analysen zur Evaluation der didaktischen Einbettung von CSCL-Systemen - am Beispiel der CommSy-Nutzung in offenen Seminaren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Klein


    Full Text Available In unserem Beitrag evaluieren wir die didaktische Einbettung einer CSCL-Anwendung anhand von Logfile-Analysen. Dazu betrachten wir exemplarisch die Nutzung des webbasierten Systems CommSy in einer projektorientierten Lehrveranstaltung, die wir als offenes Seminar charakterisieren. Wir erzielen zwei Ergebnisse: (1 Wir geben Hinweise zur Gestaltung des Nutzungskontexts eines CSCL-Systems sowie zur Unterstützung seiner anfänglichen und kontinuierlichen Nutzung. (2 Wir beschreiben die Analyse von Nutzungsanlässen und -mustern sowie von NutzerInnentypen anhand von Logfiles. Dabei können Logfile-Analysen zur Validierung weiterer Evaluationsergebnisse dienen, sind selbst jedoch nur in Kombination mit zusätzlichen Informationen zum Nutzungskontext interpretierbar.

  8. Aspectos dos tempos verbais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Helena V. Battaglia


    Full Text Available In diesem Aufsatz werde ich zwei Tempora der Vergangenheit im Deutschen behandeln, das Doppelperfekt und das Doppelplusquamperfekt. Ein Grund dafür, gerade diese beiden Formen zu beschreiben, liegt darin, daß sie einerseits in den Grammatiken kaum berücksichtigt werden, in entsprechenden linguistischen Arbeiten aber einen neuen Aufschwung bekommen haben. Für die Beschreibung beziehe ich mich überwiegend auf die Arbeiten von HAUSER-SUIDA & HOPPE-BEUGEL (1972, EROMS (1984, THIEROFF (1992 und VATER (1994. Die Formen werden zuerst rein formal und dann in ihrer Bedeutung und Anwendung beschrieben, ergänzt durch Beispiele, die den oben genannten. Arbeiten entnommen wurden.

  9. Die Relevanz des Gruppendiskussionsverfahrens und der dokumentarischen Methode für die medienpädagogische Professionsforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Welling


    Full Text Available Ausgehend von der Notwendigkeit einer qualitativ-empirisch fundierten medienpädagogischen Professionsforschung erörtert der Beitrag, wie das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren für diesen Zweck nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Anhand der exemplarischen Rekonstruktion medienpädagogischer Orientierungsmuster von in der offenen Jugendarbeit tätigen Pädagogen/-innen mit Hilfe der dokumentarischen Methode wird die praktische Anwendung des Verfahrens demonstriert und kritisch reflektiert. Dabei wird u. a. deutlich, dass das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren gut geeignet ist, zur Schliessung existierender Lücken der medienpädagogischen Professionsforschung beizutragen und gleichzeitig einen vielversprechenden Ansatz zur Entwicklung einer regelmässig eingeforderten reflexiven Professionalisierung zu leisten vermag.

  10. Die biene und ihre produkte in der kunst und im alltagsleben (Fruhchristliche und byzantinische Zeit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liveri Angeliki


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in zwei Teile geteilt: den kunst- und kulturhistorischen Teil. Im ersten Teil werden Darstellungen uber Bienen Bienenzucht, Honig und Wachs seit der fruhchristlichen bis zur spatbyzantinischen Zeit vorgefuhrt. Daher ist es als Beitrag in der "Ikonographie" der Biene wahrend dieser Zeit zu verstehen. Im kulturhistorischen Teil werden Informationen uber die Bienenzucht, den Handel mit Honig und Wachs sowie ihre vielfaltige Anwendung von der byzantinischen Gesellschaft an Hand der primaren Quellen, des Standes der Forschung und der archaologischen Funden erwahnt. Damit ist erwunscht ein moglichst gutes Bild der byzantinischen Bienenzucht wieder zu geben und die Nutzung der Bienenprodukte in Byzanz anschaulich zu machen.

  11. Survey of legislation applicable in Germany for implementation of the EC Directive on environmental audits; Ueberblick ueber die in Deutschland fuer die Ausfuehrung der EG-Umwelt-Audit-Verordnung geltenden Rechtsvorschriften

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The brochure presents a comprehensive survey of the relevant legislation applicable in Germany to implementation of the EC Directive on environmental auditing. Readers interested in performing such auditing at one glance will find in this compiulation all relevant laws and regulations in full text that are to be observed for implementation of this novel environmental auditing instrument. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Diese Broschuere vermittelt einen umfassenden Ueberblick ueber die in Deutschland fuer die Ausfuehrung der EG-Umwelt-Audit-Verordnung geltenden Rechtsvorschriften. Damit wird fuer alle Interessenten ein rascher Zugriff auf die Rechtstexte, die zur praktischen Anwendung des neuartigen Umwelt-Audit-Instruments notwendig sind, ermoeglicht. (orig./RHM)

  12. Solar-aided air conditioning through sorption. Final report. Phase 2; Solar unterstuetzte Klimatisierung ueber Sorption. Endbericht zur Phase 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laevemann, E; Kessling, W; Peltzer, M


    The present article reports on possibilities of using solar energy for cooling buildings. It contains the following chapters: Current state of research and development; room air conditioning; planning and results of the studies; theory; experimental studies on the sorption dehumidifier; development of exchange surfaces; development of solution distributors; cooling of exchange surfaces; construction of a sorption dehumidifier. (HW) [Deutsch] Die Arbeit berichtet ueber Moeglichkeiten der Anwendung von Solarenergie zur Kuehlung von Gebaeuden. Die Arbeit enthaelt folgende Kapitel: - Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung - Raumklimatisierung - Planung und Ergebnis der Untersuchungen - Theorie - Experimentelle Untersuchungen am Sorptionsentfeuchter - Entwicklung von Austauschflaechen - Entwicklung von Loesungsverteilern - Kuehlung von Austauschflaechen - Konstruktion eines Sorptionsentfeuchters. (HW)

  13. Nothing stays ever the same. Stationary fuel cells, the revolution in domestic and industrial power supply; Nichts bleibt, wie es ist.... Revolution der Energieversorgung in der Haustechnik und Industrie mit stationaeren Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Helmut Kaiser Unternehmensberatung (HKU), an organisation that claims to be a leading consultant in the fields of environmental engineering, energy engineering, health and life science, investigated the current trends in stationary fuel cell applications world-wide. The study covers market and technology forecasts and an analysis of the competitive standing of suppliers world-wide. [German] Die Helmut Kaiser Unternehmensberatung (HKU), nach eigenen Angaben weltweit eines der fuehrenden Forschungs- und Beratungsunternehmen in der Umwelt-, Energietechnik sowie Gesundheit (Life Science), untersuchte in einer neuen Studie die Entwicklung der Brennstoffzellen in der stationaeren Anwendung weltweit. Die Studie umfasst Markt- und Technologieprognosen sowie eine Wettbewerbsanalyse der Anbieter weltweit. (orig.)

  14. Discussion on the thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids (United States)


    Increasing interests have been paid to nanofluids because of the intriguing heat transfer enhancement performances presented by this kind of promising heat transfer media. We produced a series of nanofluids and measured their thermal conductivities. In this article, we discussed the measurements and the enhancements of the thermal conductivity of a variety of nanofluids. The base fluids used included those that are most employed heat transfer fluids, such as deionized water (DW), ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol, silicone oil, and the binary mixture of DW and EG. Various nanoparticles (NPs) involving Al2O3 NPs with different sizes, SiC NPs with different shapes, MgO NPs, ZnO NPs, SiO2 NPs, Fe3O4 NPs, TiO2 NPs, diamond NPs, and carbon nanotubes with different pretreatments were used as additives. Our findings demonstrated that the thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids could be influenced by multi-faceted factors including the volume fraction of the dispersed NPs, the tested temperature, the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, the size of the dispersed NPs, the pretreatment process, and the additives of the fluids. The thermal transport mechanisms in nanofluids were further discussed, and the promising approaches for optimizing the thermal conductivity of nanofluids have been proposed. PMID:21711638

  15. Student-Moderated Discussion Boards in a Graduate Online Course (United States)

    McRay, Jeni; Goertzen, Brent; Klaus, Kaley


    This application brief describes a "Module Discussant" activity assigned in an online graduate-level leadership theory course. The assignment was designed to stimulate higher-level thinking, apply leadership theory to practice, and foster extensive communication among students in the online learning environment using a common learning…

  16. Engaging Communities using a MOOC combined with Public Library Discussions (United States)

    Ackerman, S. A.; Mooney, M. E.; Morrill, J.; Handlos, Z.; Morrill, S.


    A massive open online course, or MOOC, is an noncredit education activity that delivers learning content to anyone with access to the Internet. Individual courses are generally free of charge, while a certificate can have small costs. The University of Wisconsin-Madison has exploring the use of MOOC as part of its Wisconsin Idea. In the 2015, a series of MOOCs focusing on the environment were offered via Coursera. One of those MOOCS was "Changing Weather and Climate of the Great Lakes Region." This 4-week course features a new season each week through short lectures and activities covering Great Lakes weather, observed changes in the climate, and societal impacts of climate change. ( The MOOC conveyed information from NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) Weather-Ready Nation initiative as well as findings from the recent National Climate Assessment and the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI). The course was organized by members of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies; material included discussion, videos for lectures as well as guest lecturers. There were also weekly visits by the course team to 21 public libraries throughout the state of WI. The library collaboration as facilitated by WiLS (Wisconsin Library Services -, who organized the application and selection process. The public libraries hosted local residents and course instructors in discussions of course content in the context of their communities as well as strategies to mitigate the climate change impacts. This presentation will discuss the public library discussions experience and the our evaluation of the impact of including a face-to-face component in the MOOC activity on engagement and learning.

  17. Discussing Benefits and Risks of Tracheostomy: What Physicians Actually Say. (United States)

    Hebert, Lauren M; Watson, Anne C; Madrigal, Vanessa; October, Tessie W


    When contemplating tracheostomy placement in a pediatric patient, a family-physician conference is often the setting for the disclosure of risks and benefits of the procedure. Our objective was to compare benefits and risks of tracheostomy presented during family-physician conferences to an expert panel's recommendations for what should be presented. We conducted a retrospective review of 19 transcripts of audio-recorded family-physician conferences regarding tracheostomy placement in children. A multicenter, multidisciplinary expert panel of clinicians was surveyed to generate a list of recommended benefits and risks for comparison. Primary analysis of statements by clinicians was qualitative. Single-center PICU of a tertiary medical center. Family members who participated in family-physician conferences regarding tracheostomy placement for a critically ill child from April 2012 to August 2014. We identified 300 physician statements describing benefits and risks of tracheostomy. Physicians were more likely to discuss benefits than risks (72% vs 28%). Three broad categories of benefits were identified: 1) tracheostomy would limit the impact of being in the PICU (46%); 2) perceived obstacles of tracheostomy can be overcome (34%); and 3) tracheostomy optimizes respiratory health (20%). Risks fell into two categories: tracheostomy involves a big commitment (71%), and it has complications (29%). The expert panel's recommendations were similar to risks and benefits discussed during family conferences; however, they suggested physicians present an equal balance of discussion of risks and benefits. When discussing tracheostomy placement, physicians emphasized benefits that are shared by physicians and families while minimizing the risks. The expert panel recommended a balanced approach by equally weighing risks and benefits. To facilitate educated decision making, physicians should present a more extensive range of risks and benefits to families making this critical

  18. Blended e-learning Design: Discussion of Cultural Issues


    Ahmed A Al-Hunaiyyan; Salah AL-Sharhan; Nabeel Al-Huwail


    Blended e-learning is becoming an educational issue especially with the new development of e-learning technology and globalization. Educators as the question: can we design these systems to accommodate different cultural groups and various learning strategies. This paper addresses some design issues when selecting a blended e-learning approach; it discusses some cultural elements that affect the design of blended e-learning. The paper also explores issues related to learning design, then emph...

  19. Activity, content, contributors, and influencers of the twitter discussion on urologic oncology. (United States)

    Borgmann, Hendrik; Loeb, Stacy; Salem, Johannes; Thomas, Christian; Haferkamp, Axel; Murphy, Declan G; Tsaur, Igor


    To analyse the activity, content, contributors, and influencers of the Twitter discussion on urologic oncology. We performed a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative Twitter analysis for the hashtags #prostatecancer, #bladdercancer, #kidneycancer, and #testicularcancer. Symplur was used to analyse activity over different time periods and the top influencers of the Twitter discussion. Tweet Archivist and Twitonomy analysis tools were used to assess characteristics of content and contributors. Twitter discussion on urologic oncology in 2014 contained 100,987 tweets created by 39,326 participants. Mean monthly tweet activity was 6,603±2,183 for #prostatecancer, 866±923 for #testicularcancer, 457±477 for #bladdercancer and 401±504 for #kidneycancer. Twitter activity increased by 41% in 2013 and by 122% in 2014. The content analysis detected awareness, cancer, and risk as frequently mentioned words in urologic oncology tweets. Prevalently used related hashtags were the general hashtag #cancer, awareness hashtags, and the respective cancer/urology tag ontology hashtags. Contributors originated from 41 countries on 6 continents and had a mean of 5,864±4,747 followers. They tweeted from platforms on exclusively mobile devices (39%) more frequently than from desktop devices (29%). Health care organizations accounted for 58% of the top influencers in all cancers. The largest proportion of physicians were among the #prostatecancer and #kidneycancer (each 9%) influencers and individual contributors were most frequent in the discussion on #kidneycancer (57%) and #testicularcancer (50%). There is a significant and growing activity in the Twitter discussion on urologic oncology, particularly on #prostatecancer. The Twitter discussion is global, social, and mobile, and merits attention of stakeholders in health care as a promising communication tool. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Ombud’s Corner: Respect@CERN - the discussion has started…

    CERN Multimedia

    Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill


    The on-going campaign Respect@CERN was re-launched this year on Tuesday 5 May with a discussion forum led by Alan Richter, an expert consultant in ethics and diversity. Seeing so many colleagues in the Council Chamber for this kick-off event was a clear indication of interest in the topic as well as a willingness to engage in promoting a respectful workplace. Now, the discussion continues through the dedicated website.   “Accelerating Respect @ CERN” was the thought-provoking title of the kick-off event of our campaign and, indeed, the speaker presented several ways of achieving workplace respect with a selection of models that provided us with a springboard for the conversation to start. Participants were invited through an interactive survey to consider four of the building blocks that serve to shape a respectful working place: swift and deep trust; awareness of possible unconscious bias; awareness of cultural differences in ways to address conflict; and an appreciative...