
Sample records for dioxide skogen som

  1. The forest as a historic source and sink for carbon dioxide; Skogen som historisk kaella respektive saenka foer koldioxid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kander, A [Lund Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Economic History


    The aim of the present project is to quantify the changes in the growing stock of timber between 1800 and 1985 in order to find out under which periods and to what extent the forest has served as a source resp. sink for carbon dioxide. These data are compared to the carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of fossil fuels under the same period. Another goal of the project is to find the order of magnitude of the effect of other potential sinks and sources for carbon dioxide. 32 refs, 9 figs, 1 tab

  2. Evaluering som kvalitetsstøtte og mål som guide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levinsen, Karin Tweddell; Sørensen, Birgitte Holm


    Dette kapitel omhandler sammenhængen mellem det didaktiske design og evalueringspraksisser som aktivite der understøtter elevernes læring både som proces og produkt. Først gøres der rede for de anvendte begreber, og der argumenteres for, at formative og summative evalueringer kan forstås som...

  3. Studerende som co-creators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Line Palle

    En kogebog blev udviklet med studerende som co-creators på 3 moduler om innovation, skriftlig kommunikation og praktik med redigering. Healeys model om student-partnerships blev anvendt som fundament......En kogebog blev udviklet med studerende som co-creators på 3 moduler om innovation, skriftlig kommunikation og praktik med redigering. Healeys model om student-partnerships blev anvendt som fundament...

  4. Mobning som socialt begreb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schott, Robin May


    Artiklen analyserer mobning i skolen som et socialt fænomen snarere end som en relation mellem individuelle mobbere og deres ofre. Denne tilgang afspejler nyere forskning, der har fokuseret på mobningens sociale dynamik, og står derved i modsætning til den individualistisk tilgang, der ellers har...... domineret feltet. Jeg undersøger tre definition af mobning: 1) mobning som en form for individuel aggression, 2) mobning som en slags samfundsmæssig vold og 3) mobning som en form for dysfunktionel gruppedynamik og kommer med et forslag til en ny definition....

  5. Leg som ustyrlig deltagelseskultur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Herdis


    - og spilteoretikere Johan Huizinga og Roger Caillois. Deres teorier og begrebsdannelser har været brugt til at påpege leg dels som et æstetisk baseret betydningssystem, dels som et affektivt og stemningsbaseret oplevelsessystem samt endelig som et socialt baseret relationssystem. I artiklen vælger vi...... at fokusere på leg som et socialt baseret relationssystem og yderligere zoome ind på et af legens systemiske væsenstræk, nemlig brugen af regulerbare regelsæt, som legerne uden ’politi’ forhandler sig frem til før, under og efter legen. Fælles for Huizinga og Caillois er, at de knytter leg uløseligt sammen...

  6. Musik som analogi og metafor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    Indeholder underkapitlerne: 2.5.1 Musik som analogi 2.5.2 Musik som metafor 2.5.3 Musikkens psykologiske funktioner - en taxonomi og metaforisk lytning til fire baroksatser......Indeholder underkapitlerne: 2.5.1 Musik som analogi 2.5.2 Musik som metafor 2.5.3 Musikkens psykologiske funktioner - en taxonomi og metaforisk lytning til fire baroksatser...

  7. Kulturen som krænkelsens virkelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Steen


    En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth.......En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth....

  8. Evaluering af tre projekter i Socialstyrelsens Forældreprogram - Resultatresumé

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Luna Kragh; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer


    ADHD og ADHD-lignende udfordringer er nogle af de mest udbredte former for psykiske proble-mer hos børn og unge (Dick & Ferguson, 2015). Forskning finder, at diagnosen kan stilles hos mindst 5 pct. af en børneårgang, hvilket svarer til 1-2 børn i hver skoleklasse (Polanczyk m.fl., 2007, 2014......; Thomas m.fl., 2015; Willcutt, 2012). Samtidig er ADHD og ADHD-lignende udfordrin-ger forbundet med negative konsekvenser, som har både en personlig pris og en samfundsmæs-sig pris, som fx behov for ekstra støtte i skolen eller særlige skoletilbud, forøget brug af sundhedsydelser og sociale ydelser og...... arbejdsmarkedet, et problempræget forhold til egne børn samt angst, depression og tidlig død (Loeber & Burke, 2011; Skogen & Torvik, 2013). I dag betragtes ADHD som en langvarig eller kronisk sygdom, men mestringsfremmende indsatser kan hjælpe forældre, børn og unge til bedre at håndtere symptomer på ADHD samt...

  9. Boken som medium


    Pelle, Snickars


    I slutet av september 2011 presenterade Amazon ett ny slags surfplatta, Kindle Fire. Till skillnad från företagets tidigare läsplattor, som (nästan) enbart handlat om läsning på skärm, var detta en Kindle som behärskade hela det samtidsmediala spektrat. Under ledning av Amazons VD Jeff Bezos var själva lanseringen av Kindle Fire visserligen en ganska platt historia. Bezos är ingen estradör och en föga karismatisk företagsledare med än mindre publikreaktioner gör inte någon succé – eller som e...

  10. Gipskroppe som performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Henrik


    Analyse af den Kgl. Afstøbningssamlings nøgne gipsfigurer og samlingens nedtur igennem historien, med Judith Butler og andres performativitetsteorietiske begrebsapparat som metode.......Analyse af den Kgl. Afstøbningssamlings nøgne gipsfigurer og samlingens nedtur igennem historien, med Judith Butler og andres performativitetsteorietiske begrebsapparat som metode....

  11. Supervision som undervisningsform i voksenspecialundervisningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, René


    Supervision som undervisningsform i voksenspecialundervisningen. Procesarbejde i undervisning af voksne.......Supervision som undervisningsform i voksenspecialundervisningen. Procesarbejde i undervisning af voksne....

  12. Komponist som kirkefader?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    En diskussion primært af Karl Barths anvendelse Mozart in sin Kirchliche Dogmatik under læren om "das Nichtige", som en slags løsning på theodicé-problemet.......En diskussion primært af Karl Barths anvendelse Mozart in sin Kirchliche Dogmatik under læren om "das Nichtige", som en slags løsning på theodicé-problemet....

  13. Forskere som nano-arkitekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Morten Muhlig; Andersen, Ebbe Sloth


    Dna er et fantastisk byggemateriale, som ud fra enkle principper kan samle sig selv til umådeligt komplicerede strukturer. Forskerne udnytter nu disse egenskaber til at lave deres egne, hjemmedesignede dna-strukturer, som kan tænkes anvendt i mange forskellige sammenhænge. Udgivelsesdato: juli...

  14. Intelligent design som videnskab?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Søren Harnow


    Diskuterer hvorvidt intelligent design kan betegnes som videnskab; argumenterer for at dette grundet fraværet af klare demarkationskriterier næppe kan afvises.......Diskuterer hvorvidt intelligent design kan betegnes som videnskab; argumenterer for at dette grundet fraværet af klare demarkationskriterier næppe kan afvises....

  15. Yoga som terapeutisk aktivitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broge, Julie Wolf


    Artiklen præsenterer yoga som terapeutisk aktivitet til børn og unge med særlige behov. Den gavnlige virkning af yoga uddybes.......Artiklen præsenterer yoga som terapeutisk aktivitet til børn og unge med særlige behov. Den gavnlige virkning af yoga uddybes....

  16. Auto-fotografi som metode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Mette


    Artiklen sætter fokus på auto-fotografi som metode i arbejdsmiljøforskningen. Den organisationsæstetiske tilgang, som metoden ofte forbindes med, udfordres med afsæt i en performativ og aktørnetværks-teoretisk position. Gennem en analyse af et enkelt auto-fotografi vises hvordan en artikulation af...

  17. Værk som handling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jalving, Camilla

    , er det stadig kun ved at blive en del af kunsthistoriens metode. Bogen afdækker derfor først begrebets skiftende betydninger fra J.L. Austins sprogfilosofi til Judith Butlers kønsteori og afprøver derefter, hvordan det kan bruges som metode i kunsthistorien og spores som tema i billedkunsten. Det...

  18. Statistikeren skiftede spor som 49-årig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sølund, Sune; Rootzén, Helle


    En uddannelse til coach har ændret Helle Rototzens liv. Som 49-årig forlod hun et forskerliv på deltid til fordel for en karriere som DTU's eneste kvindelige institutdirektør.......En uddannelse til coach har ændret Helle Rototzens liv. Som 49-årig forlod hun et forskerliv på deltid til fordel for en karriere som DTU's eneste kvindelige institutdirektør....

  19. Interaktionsforskning som metode i erhvervsforskningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goldschmidt, Lars; Elkjær-Larsen, Jens Kr.

    aktionsforskningen er ikke konsolideret som én fælles forskningstradition. Der er derimod udviklet en række forskningsmetodiske tilgange såsom: Aktionsforskning, Action science,Sociologisk fantasi, Bruger/borger involvering i udviklingsprojekter, Dialogforskning, Reflectivepractice, Action learning, Appreciative...... inquiry, Communities of Inquiry in Communities ofpractice, Clinical inquiry (Baskerville 1996). Metoderne er udviklet i relation til det felt eller problemstilling, som forskergrupperne var engagerede i, og kun enkelte er tænkt ind i enerhvervsforskningskontekst. Denne mangfoldighed har ført til, at det...

  20. Straf som penibel ledelsesform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Hanne; Bjerg, Helle


    Kan klasseledelse fungere uden muligheden for at straffe? Kan man have en skole uden straf? Hvis man ser tilbage på skolens historie, ser svaret ud til at være nej. Skolen som institution ser ud til at være uløseligt forbundet med disciplinering af eleverne til at gøre noget, som de ikke nødvendi...

  1. Lannister som statsminister

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Der er fuld skrue på intriger, sex og død i Game of Thrones. Det er stærkt underholdende og kan også ses som et billede på de moderne politiske spil. Hvem er seriens Putin? Og hvilken politisk leder ligner Prins Joffrey?......Der er fuld skrue på intriger, sex og død i Game of Thrones. Det er stærkt underholdende og kan også ses som et billede på de moderne politiske spil. Hvem er seriens Putin? Og hvilken politisk leder ligner Prins Joffrey?...

  2. Diagnoser som styringshybrider

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bossen, Claus; Danholt, Peter; Ubbesen, Morten Bonde


    - Relaterede Grupper (DRG). DRG er et internationalt udbredt system til at knytte patienter og deres behandlingsomkostninger sammen i faste kategorier med henblik på at måle hospitalers produktivitet. Med afsæt i Science-Technology-Studies (STS)-feltet analyserer artiklen, hvorledes diagnoser overskrider deres......, hvordan DRG-systemet alternativt kan anskues som en samfundsudviklende infrastruktur, idet det forsamler og skaber gensidigt involverende interaktioner imellem politiske, administrative og sundhedsprofessionelle domæner. En sådan indsigt bidrager til en udvidet forståelse af infrastrukturers roller som...

  3. Filosofisk terapi som social atilpasning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Anders Dræby

    Den dominerende psykopatologi forstår psykiske lidelser som udtryk for en patologisk utilpassethed, og psykoterapiens mål bliver normalisering gennem social og psykisk gentilpasning. Eksistentiel fænomenologi forstår lidelsen som etisk vildfarelse i det normale, og terapiens knytter an begreber o...

  4. Fantasy som religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen, Markus


    Artiklen redegør for George Lucas' religionspædagogiske projekt med Star Wars og jediismens brug af Star Wars som religiøs tekst i en fantasybaseret religion. Afslutningsvist gives en række forslag til hvordan man kan anvende Star Wars og jediismen i folkeskolens religionsundervisning.......Artiklen redegør for George Lucas' religionspædagogiske projekt med Star Wars og jediismens brug af Star Wars som religiøs tekst i en fantasybaseret religion. Afslutningsvist gives en række forslag til hvordan man kan anvende Star Wars og jediismen i folkeskolens religionsundervisning....

  5. Kollektivet som korrektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøjer, Jo; Hutters, Camilla


    I Danmark har de unge individuel valgfrihed, når det kommer til valget af videregående uddannelse. Der er ikke nogen uddannelsespligt - valget er op til den unge. Den etablerede uddannelsesvejledning initierer et selvarbejde, hvorunder de unge anspores til at arbejde individuelt med at træffe det...... rette uddannelsesvalg. De unge oplever uddannelsesvalget som et ensomt og belastende arbejde. Så hvad sker der, når unge kollektivt reflekterer over at skulle vælge uddannelse? Artiklen præsenterer fortælleværksteder som metode til kollektive korrektioner af neoliberal regulering....

  6. Fokusgruppeinterview som led i en evalueringsproces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen-Mølgaard, Hanna; Harrit, Ole


    Teoretiske begrundelser og perspektiver, responsiv-konstruktivistisk evaluering, fokusgruppeinterview som led i BIKVAmodellen, eksempler, vurdering og perspektivering......Teoretiske begrundelser og perspektiver, responsiv-konstruktivistisk evaluering, fokusgruppeinterview som led i BIKVAmodellen, eksempler, vurdering og perspektivering...

  7. Karlstads universitet - Ut i skogen, vad ska jag dit och göra? : En rapport om skapandet av ett unikt monterkoncept


    Bergman, Karin; Jernberg, Jonna


    Sammanfattning Mässor förekom som fenomen redan under medeltiden och har allt sedan dess använts som en kanal för försäljning och marknadsföring. Idag tävlar företag och organisationer om mässbesökares uppmärksamhet genom att skapa attraktiva montrar med vinnande koncept som ska locka människor och få dem att lägga företagsnamnet på minnet. Detta är vad Karlstads universitet haft i åtanke då de utformat beskrivningen till detta projekt. Bakgrunden till projektet är att universitetet finns r...

  8. Kakkelovnen som arkiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duedahl, Poul


    "Folk gjorde såmænd klogt i at gøre som jeg - jeg bruger kakkelovnen som arkiv" gentog tidligere konseilspræsident J.C. Christensen (1856-1930) ofte over for venner og bekendte. Selv destruerede han de fleste af sine breve, mens han var i live, og i mange år troede man, at hans dagbøger blev bræn...... anledning til nogle refleksioner over, hvad man skal stille op med dem; hvad det er, der får folk til at skrive dagbøger og hvad det er, der får folk til at skille sig af med dem igen....

  9. "Hvem er som jeg blandt Guder?"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Søren


    En hymne fra Dødehavsrullerne beskriver en persons opstigning til himlen, hvor den pågældende får tildelt overmenneskelig indsigt, som giver ham autoritet til at belære sine tilhængere på jorden. Hymnen analyseres, og der foretages en kritisk gennemgang af Israel Knohls bog "The Messiah Before Je...... Jesus", som hævder at teksten skulle handle om et medlem af Qumran-menigheden, som blev dræbt i Jerusalem og senere hævdedes at være opstået fra de døde....

  10. Byen som bevægelsesgrund?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højbjerre Larsen, Signe


    Parkour er en bevægelseskultur der ikke udfolder sig i afgrænsede rum eller på bestemte tidspunkter. Den er i stedet betinget af at byens rum anvendes som bevægelsesgrund. Parkourudøvernes særegne brug af byrummet kalder på opmærksomhed og analytisk undren: Hvordan kan vi forstå et fænomen som pa...

  11. Gruppeeksamen som strategisk kommunikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Tem Frank; Bang, Janne


    Artiklen har fokus på at skabe et grundlag for en teoretisk diskussion af gruppeeksamen som den bedste og mest egnede form for eksamen, når problembaseret læring er mål og middel i regi af Aalborg Universitet.......Artiklen har fokus på at skabe et grundlag for en teoretisk diskussion af gruppeeksamen som den bedste og mest egnede form for eksamen, når problembaseret læring er mål og middel i regi af Aalborg Universitet....

  12. Artikelskrivning som eksamensform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Domino Østergaard


    Full Text Available I denne artikel vil vi diskutere, hvordan studerendes arbejde med udformning af en videnskabelig artikel som afsæt for summativ evaluering af undervisningsmoduler, kan bidrage såvel til de studerendes oplevelse af motivation som til oplevelse af, at de gives muligheder for at udvikle konkrete aka­demiske kompetencer. Vi tager udgangspunkt i en række teoretiske over­vejelser, der knytter den summative evaluering til begreber som autentiske rammer, kompetenceudvikling og motivation. Disse overvejelser supplerer vi med resultaterne af en konkret undersøgelse af et pilotforsøg gen­nem­ført ved 2. semester på kandidatuddannelsen i Idræt på Aalborg Uni­versitet. I relation til to kursusmoduler har de studerende udarbejdet en videnskabelig artikel med afsæt i indsamlet empiri. Undersøgelsen viser, at de studerende i altovervejende grad er positive over for artikelskrivning som udgangspunkt for deres evaluering. Undersøgelsen viser videre, at de studerende oplever en følelse af motivation ved bl.a. at arbejde med selv­valgte problemstillinger. Hvorvidt de studerende faktisk udviklede kom­­petencer i forløbet, som de ikke kunne udvikle ved andre evalueringsformer, er fortsat ikke afdækket men vil være et naturligt næste genstandsfelt for undersøgelse.     In this paper we discuss how setting students a scientific paper to write as part of their course module summative assessment may help motivate students and contribute to their academic competencies. We depart from theoretical considerations that connect summative evaluation to concepts of authentic frameworks, competence development and motivation, and instead argue that writing a scientific paper as part of evaluation may be both motivational to students and provide a framework for developing competencies. We supplement these observations by presenting the results from a study conducted in a 2nd semester master programme in sport science at Aalborg University, Denmark

  13. Introduktionslæger som vejledere - hvorfor?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skaarup, Anne Marie; Ringsted, Charlotte Vibeke


    Statusartiklen har til hensigt at beskrive det pædagogiske rationale for at anvende introduktionslæger som vejledere, holdningen blandt introduktionslæger og speciallæger til at bruge introduktionslæger som vejledere, og hvilke ulemper der kan identificeres, og hvordan de eventuelt kan overvindes...

  14. Tavs viden som led i vidensdiskursen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens


    Bidraget giver en  erkendelsesteoretisk tilgang til tavs viden som ressource i en teknologisk forandringsproces. Der tages udgangspunkt i, at tavs viden ikke kan betragtes uden at forholde sig til den mere generelle og historiske vidensdiskurs, som igen indgår i en kontekst af relationer mellem e...

  15. Sociale medier som læringsredskaber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lill Ingstad


    Full Text Available Kan sociale medier anvendes som læringsredskaber til støtte for sociale, kollaborative processer, der er udfordrende og motiverende, og som samtidig understøtter (fremmedsprogstilegnelsen?Artiklen diskuterer eksempler på fagdidaktiske udfordringer i sprogundervisningen på CBS med fokus på engelsk.

  16. "Tryllefløjten" som musik-historisk allegori

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jørgen I.


    Musikhistorie, Mozarts "Tryllefløjten", Mozart som historisk fænomen, oplysningstid, frimureri, musik og religion......Musikhistorie, Mozarts "Tryllefløjten", Mozart som historisk fænomen, oplysningstid, frimureri, musik og religion...

  17. Tema 1: Robotdidaktik. Læringsrobotter som indhold i undervisningen.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Jørgen Hansen


    Full Text Available Robotter er en teknologi som i disse år bevæger sig ind i skolen. Spørgsmålet er med hvilken didaktisk begrundelse og dermed læringsmæssig relevans man kan arbejde med robotter i skolen? Hvorfor skal eleverne beskæftige sig med robotter? Dette spørgsmål er en opgave for didaktikken at svare på, hvilket sætter robotdidaktik på didaktikkens landkort. I artiklen undersøges en række didaktiske designs fra projektet Fremtek,hvor lærere bl.a. har eksperimenteret med at udvikle undervisningsforløb med humanidrobotter – en slags læringsrobotter -­‐ som omdrejningspunkt (Majgaard 2014. Robotters funktion som indhold i disse didaktiske design analyseres ud fra Frede V. Nielsens fire indholdskategorier: indhold som fænomen, som realia og kontekst, som aktivitet og metode og som personligog social erfaringsfelt. Målet er at udvikle en kritisk og kreativ refleksion over og diskussion af robotteknologi som mål og middel i skolen og andre uddannelsesinstitutioner og bidrage til udvikling af en robotdidaktik, der kan støtte og vejlede undervisere i at foretage didaktiske valg og kvalificere eksperimenter med robotter i undervisningen.

  18. Tema 1: Robotdidaktik. Læringsrobotter som indhold i undervisningen.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Jørgen Hansen


    Full Text Available Robotter er en teknologi som i disse år bevæger sig ind i skolen. Spørgsmålet er med hvilken didaktisk begrundelse og dermed læringsmæssig relevans man kan arbejde med robotter i skolen? Hvorfor skal eleverne beskæftige sig med robotter? Dette spørgsmål er en opgave for didaktikken at svare på, hvilket sætter robotdidaktik på didaktikkens landkort. I artiklen undersøges en række didaktiske designs fra projektet Fremtek,hvor lærere bl.a. har eksperimenteret med at udvikle undervisningsforløb med humanidrobotter – en slags læringsrobotter -­‐ som omdrejningspunkt (Majgaard 2014. Robotters funktion som indhold i disse didaktiske design analyseres ud fra Frede V. Nielsens fire indholdskategorier: indhold som fænomen, som realia og kontekst, som aktivitet og metode og som personligog social erfaringsfelt. Målet er at udvikle en kritisk og kreativ refleksion over og diskussion af robotteknologi som mål og middel i skolen og andre uddannelsesinstitutioner og bidrage til udvikling af en robotdidaktik, der kan støtte og vejlede undervisere i at foretage didaktiske valg og kvalificere eksperimenter med robotter i undervisningen.

  19. Rwanda - eller hvor som helst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne, Charlotte Kærgaard; Weis, Rikke Lise


    Sundhedspersonalets rolle under konflikter er ofte et springende punkt, ikke mindst fordi intellektuelle og hermed også uddannet sundhedspersonale ikke sjældent er blandt ofrene i konflikten, som vi har set det med eksemplet i Rwanda.......Sundhedspersonalets rolle under konflikter er ofte et springende punkt, ikke mindst fordi intellektuelle og hermed også uddannet sundhedspersonale ikke sjældent er blandt ofrene i konflikten, som vi har set det med eksemplet i Rwanda....

  20. Informatikken som utopi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jørgen Poulsen


    Full Text Available Medieforskerne mødte den nye informationsteknologi med be- tydelig skepsis i begyndelsen af 1980érne. Nu synes pendu- let at være i et andet yderpunkt og utopierne omkring in- formatikkens muligheder blomstrer. Denne artikel forsøger at se informationsteknologien i et socialt perspektiv, i forhold til brugen af andre medier, især TV og radio, og ikke som en kraft "i sig selv". Vores behov for at udføre nye kommunikative handlinger vil være afgørende for infor- matikkens succes. Og her véd vi faktisk moget: I analysen af behovene og deres sociale kontekst (som visse informa- tikutopister synes at glemme synes indsigterne fra de sid- ste 20 års positivestiske og kritiske medieforskning at være brugbare.

  1. Kunst som metode i interaktiv forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Julie Borup

    for at påvirke feltet og skabe ny viden i interaktionsprocesser, bygger dette på en antagelse om, at interaktion mellem mennesker betjener sig af såkaldte medier for kommunikation og læring (Säljö 2003:196, Bruner 1996:76). I denne forståelse kan et medium eksempelvis være sproget, skriften, praksisrutiner, men...... et medium kan også være kunst og kunstværker. Kunstværker kan ses som et udtryk for en given kulturs antagelser om virkeligheden (Bruner 1996:), men også som en provokation eller udfordring til denne virkelighedsopfattelse (Darsø 2004). I forlængelse heraf kan kunst og kunstværker ses som...

  2. Some Learning Properties of Modular Network SOMs (United States)

    Takeda, Manabu; Ikeda, Kazushi; Furukawa, Tetsuo

    The Modular Network Self-Organizing Map (mnSOM) is a generalization of the SOM, where each node represents a parametric function such as a multi-layer perceptron or another SOM. Since given datasets are, in general, fewer than nodes, some nodes never win in competition and have to update their parameters from the winners in the neighborhood. This is a process that can be regarded as interpolation. This study derives the interpolation curve between winners in simple cases and discusses the distribution of winners based on the neighborhood function.

  3. Poster som et pædagogisk redskab i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagger, Bettan; Kelly, Hélène


    Som undervisere har vi gode erfaringer med, at de studerende anvender posters som redskab for formidling af viden. Posterne bruges som udgangspunkt for en mundtlig formidling af faglige perspektiver til de øvrige studerende. Formålet med at anvende formidling ved hjælp af en poster i...

  4. Idrætten som social generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kural, René


    Med henvisning til to svømmehaller i hhv. Manchester og Berlin illustrerers det, hvorledes idrætten, store sportslige begivenheder og sportsfaciliteterne kan fungere som social generator for hele byafsnit.......Med henvisning til to svømmehaller i hhv. Manchester og Berlin illustrerers det, hvorledes idrætten, store sportslige begivenheder og sportsfaciliteterne kan fungere som social generator for hele byafsnit....

  5. Tv-fiktion som tværmedial oplevelsesdesign

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil


    konstrueres og et bestemt handlingsforløb simuleres, fra de mere kulørte og parapsykologisk funderede fremgangmetoder i serier som The Profiler og Medium, til mere realistiske praksiser som i Rejseholdet og CSI. Og jeg vil endvidere lave en sammenlignende analyse med virkelighedens gerningsstedsefterforskning...

  6. Videokameraet som etnografisk redskab online og offline

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rehder, Mads Middelboe


    “Med udgangspunkt i et visuelt feltarbejde såvel online som offline, på YouTube og i New York City, beskæftiger dette kapitel sig med kameraet som medieringsteknologi, med fokus på levende billeder. Det diskuteres, hvordan kameraets multiple anvendelsesmuligheder empirisk og metodisk kan skabe...... forskellige muligheder og begrænsninger i et feltarbejde, samt hvordan det visuelle materiale kan variere som resultat af disse forskellige anvendelser. Den indledende del af kapitlet består af en beskrivelse af det empiriske felt online på YouTube, og det diskuteres, hvordan et online felt relaterer sig til...

  7. Queer eller manden som ideal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sjørup, Karen


    Forestillingen om barnet som den i kønslig forstand renvaskede tavle er fejlagtig og selvmodsigende. I stedet bør forældre og samfund give børn ballast til at begive sig ud i livet uden for mange normative direktiver.......Forestillingen om barnet som den i kønslig forstand renvaskede tavle er fejlagtig og selvmodsigende. I stedet bør forældre og samfund give børn ballast til at begive sig ud i livet uden for mange normative direktiver....

  8. Fællesskab som fællesgørende bevægelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khawaja, Iram


    man kan tale om, og som noget, der konstant forhandles. 3. Fællesskab som situeret og forbundet med subjektivering 4. Fællesskab som hverken overindividuel eller subjektiv bevægelse og 5. Fællesskab som forbundet med belonging. Artiklen bevæger sig imellem teoretisk og empirisk analyse og inddrager et...... fokus på belonging som en central dimension i forståelsen af konstruktionen af fællesskaber....

  9. Musikterapi som samværsform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Det kan være svært for mennesker med omfattende demenssymptomer at deltage i aktiviteter eller samvær med andre – og uden interaktion med andre kan det være svært at få dækket psykosociale behov. Der er derfor brug for samvær og aktiviteter som er specielt tilrettelagt for at opfylde psykosociale...... erfaringer indenfor demensområdet. Der vil i foredraget blive taget udgangspunkt i praksiserfaring som musikterapeut på Plejehjemmet Caritas samt i et forskningsprojekt om individuel musikterapi, hvorfra der bliver vist videoeksempler....

  10. Fænomenologisk dekonstruktion som udspørgning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keller, Kurt Dauer

    Merleau-Ponty skelner udspørgning (interrogation) fra de dominerende opfattelser af refleksion, dialektik og intuition. Udspørgning må betragtes som hans bud på den begrebs- og traditionskritik, Heidegger kaldte ”destruktion”, og som Derrida førte videre under den mere adækvate betegnelse...

  11. Brands som ideologiske parasitter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    De store, stærke brands, som rager op over alle andre som repræsentanter for nogle værdier, der bliver lagt vægt på i samfundet, kalder Douglas Holt for ikoniske. Vi snakker Coca Cola, Nike, Apple ligaen. For at opnå en sådan status er brandingen nødt til at holde et vågent øje med tendenser og...

  12. Selvskade som selvteknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Anna Lanken; Rasmussen, Svend Aage


    livshandlinger” – selvskade som social lidelse. Herefter argumenterer forfatterne med udgangspunkt i et feltstudie af Helen Gremillion for vigtigheden af at kaste et kritisk blik på behandlingskultur. Denne kritik videreføres i et afsnit om den postmoderne udfordring i forhold til selvskade. Afslutningsvis...

  13. Varehusbesøget som fornøjeligt hverdagsdrama

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouchet, Julie Kirstine Linderoth; Jantzen, Christian


    Artiklen analyserer de koreografiske, scenografiske og dramaturgiske virkemidler, som IKEA har anvendt til at skabe et succesfuldt oplevelsesdesign.......Artiklen analyserer de koreografiske, scenografiske og dramaturgiske virkemidler, som IKEA har anvendt til at skabe et succesfuldt oplevelsesdesign....

  14. Digitalisering som kulturpolitik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Niels Dichov


    Begreberne kulturarv, digitalisering og formidling drøftes generelt som væsentlige nutidsagendaer i lyset af en treeninghed af teknologi, demokrati og kultur. Digital formidling af kulturarv belyses i forhold til en længere dobbbeltsporet forskningskontekst mellem IKT og humaniora og ses primært...

  15. IKT som empowerment af lærer og elever!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, René B.; Binggeli, Andreas


    I denne korte artikel ønsker vi at pege på at ikt kan fungere som empowerment for både lærere og elever i skolen. It optræder i forvejen i alt for mange menneskers bevidsthed som en barriere eller som en sten i den pædagogiske sundhedssandal. Vi har begge på egen krop oplevet at arbejdet med ny t...

  16. Kan Batman dateres? Om massekommunikasjonen som kulturhistorie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Frederik Dahl


    Full Text Available Hans Frederik Dahls artikel er et bud på om massekommunikationen kan tænkes ind i kulturhistorien.Første halvdel af artiklen fremhæver de prob- lemer, det rejser, når massekommunikation med dens karakteristika i form af serialitet, triviatitet og internationalitet skal reflekteres i forhold til en kulturhistorisk tradition, som normalt tænker i begreber som tidsånd, kunstnerisk originalitet og nationalt særpræg. Sidste halvdel focuserer på tre centrale aspekter ved massekommunikationen, som også er af- gørende for dens kulturhistorie: dens nære forbindelse til musikken, dens internationale karakter og dens konstante tilbagevenden til tidligere pro- dukter.

  17. Kan Batman dateres? Om massekommunikasjonen som kulturhistorie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Frederik Dahl


    Full Text Available Hans Frederik Dahls artikel er et bud på om massekommunikationen kan tænkes ind i kulturhistorien.Første halvdel af artiklen fremhæver de prob- lemer, det rejser, når massekommunikation med dens karakteristika i form af serialitet, triviatitet og internationalitet skal reflekteres i forhold til en kulturhistorisk tradition, som normalt tænker i begreber som tidsånd, kunstnerisk originalitet og nationalt særpræg. Sidste halvdel focuserer på tre centrale aspekter ved massekommunikationen, som også er af- gørende for dens kulturhistorie: dens nære forbindelse til musikken, dens internationale karakter og dens konstante tilbagevenden til tidligere pro- dukter.

  18. Om filmteori og filmhistorie: Stumfilmen som eksempel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casper Tybjerg


    Full Text Available Tilbage til filmene og filmmagerne siger Casper Tybjerg i denne artikel. Han plæderer dog ikke nødvendigvis for en tilbagevending til "gammel- dags filmhistorieskrivning" og til en fokusering kun på film som æstetik og kunst. Med udgangspunkt i konkrete overvejelser over den danske stumfilm og gennemgang af væsentlige nyere filmhistoriske værker og teorier polemiserer han mod det han opfatter som upræcise og meget abstrakte kulturalistiske positioner, som enten glemmer de konkrete film eller overbetoner det blot formelle i filmhistorien. Samtidig tegner han også et levende billede af den kultur og de betingelser den tidlige film blev til i.

  19. Kierkegaard som eksistentiel fænomenolog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kierkegaard som eksistentiel fænomenolog er en antologi, som fremhæver de fænomenologiske aspekter i Kierkegaards beskrivelser af de grundlæggende fænomener i den menneskelige tilværelse. Den fokuserer på Kierkegaards anskuelse af mennesket som en konkret eksisterende person, et tænkende, følende...... og handlende subjekt, der altid har til opgave at forholde sig til sig selv, sin omverden og de andre. Bogen behandler for det første Kierkegaards eget fænomenologiske projekt og hans analyser af angst, fortvivlelse, blufærdighed, samvittighed, selvbedrag og autenticitet. For det andet hans forhold...... til samtidens eksistentielle tænkning (bl.a. Schelling og Poul Martin Møller) og ikke mindst hans forhold til eftertidens eksistentielle tænkning (bl.a. Jaspers, Wittgenstein, Agampen og Zisek). Og for det tredje Kierkegaards betydning for den senere eksistentielle psykologi og psykiatri....

  20. Evaluation of Strontium Selectivity by Sandia Octahedral Molecular Sieves (SOMS).

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rigali, Mark J.; Stewart, Thomas Austin


    Sandia National Laboratories has collaborated with Pleasanton Ridge Research Company (PRRC) to determine whether Sandia Octahedral Molecular Sieves (SOMS) and modified SOMs materials can be synthesized in large batches and produced in granular form. Sandia National Laboratories tested these SOMS and its variants based in aqueous chemical environments for an application-based evaluation of material performance as a sorbent. Testing focused primarily on determining the distribution coefficients (K d ) and chemical selectivity SOMs for alkali earth (Sr) ions in aqueous and dilute seawater solutions. In general the well-crystallized SOMS materials tested exhibited very high K d values (>10 6 ) in distilled water but K d values dropped substantially (%7E10 2 -10 3 ) in the dilute seawater (3%). However, one set of SOMS samples (1.4.2 and 1.4.6) provided by PRRC yielded relatively high K d (approaching 10 4 ) in dilute seawater. Further examination of these samples by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of at least two phases at least one of which may be accounting for the improved K d values in dilute seawater. Evaluation of Strontium Selectivity by Sandia Octahedral Molecular Sieves (SOMS) January 20, 2016

  1. Multi-SOM: an Algorithm for High-Dimensional, Small Size Datasets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shen Lu


    Full Text Available Since it takes time to do experiments in bioinformatics, biological datasets are sometimes small but with high dimensionality. From probability theory, in order to discover knowledge from a set of data, we have to have a sufficient number of samples. Otherwise, the error bounds can become too large to be useful. For the SOM (Self- Organizing Map algorithm, the initial map is based on the training data. In order to avoid the bias caused by the insufficient training data, in this paper we present an algorithm, called Multi-SOM. Multi-SOM builds a number of small self-organizing maps, instead of just one big map. Bayesian decision theory is used to make the final decision among similar neurons on different maps. In this way, we can better ensure that we can get a real random initial weight vector set, the map size is less of consideration and errors tend to average out. In our experiments as applied to microarray datasets which are highly intense data composed of genetic related information, the precision of Multi-SOMs is 10.58% greater than SOMs, and its recall is 11.07% greater than SOMs. Thus, the Multi-SOMs algorithm is practical.

  2. Industrirobotten som servomekanisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Torben


    ). Bevægeleddene er typisk enten roterende drejeled, eller lineære forskydningsled. Rotationen eller forskydningen mellem to bevægeled varetages af en servostyret motor. Selve robotarmen er forbundet til robottens base gennem et bevægeled (servoakse) som bærer hele armen - det vil sige alle armens elementer og...

  3. Krisen som udfordring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højrup, Thomas


    Om Thorupstrand Kystfiskerlaug, Han Herred Puljefiskeri og Han Herred Havbådes innovative bidrag til en samlet indsats for at sikre kystfiskeriet i Skagerrak fra åben strand som en levende og håndværksbåret kystkultur i Danmark. Den venturekapitalistiske højkonjunktur, regeringens privatiseringsp...

  4. Det nordiske som brandværdi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Kommunikation spiller en vigtig rolle for, hvilke associationer forbrugeren har til brandet. Og da brand image består af summen af alle corporate aktiviteter, er der ifølge Roncha især én fællesnævner, som styrker strategierne bag nordisk brand management: Opbygningen af et globalt og konsistent...... brand under en nordisk designparaply, fordi design i mange år reelt har været en integreret del af det kulturelle og samfundsmæssige liv i Skandinavien. Men ikke alle nordiske designere, er tilfredse med de stilistiske associationer og begrænsninger, som er vokset op omkring det nordiske brand. Derfor...... er det også vigtigt at arbejde aktivt på at udvikle dets symbolske værdi. Der er ifølge Roncha en unik chance for at skabe et bæredygtigt brand, som ikke kun handler om bestemte stilarter eller kunstneriske værdier, men også om kvalitet og innovation. Udgivelsesdato: April...

  5. Corporate film som værktøj til employer branding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Heidi


    En corporate film kan ses som organisationens autoritative tekst kommunikeret i en enkelt digital fortælling. I denne artikel belyses corporate film som genre fra henholdsvis kommunikationsdirektørens, forskerens, det kreative bureau og filmskaberens side.......En corporate film kan ses som organisationens autoritative tekst kommunikeret i en enkelt digital fortælling. I denne artikel belyses corporate film som genre fra henholdsvis kommunikationsdirektørens, forskerens, det kreative bureau og filmskaberens side....

  6. Insulin som trickster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Aske Juul


    grænser nedbrydes i en konstant penetrering af huden, når blodsukkeret måles eller insulinen indsprøjtes. Insulin analyseres som en tricksterfigur, der udøver et grænsearbejde på kroppen, leger med dens kategorier og vender forholdet mellem gift og medicin, frihed og ufrihed, kunstighed og naturlighed...

  7. Kroppen som monitor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filges, Tine


    Tine Filges tager fat i de unges brug og forhold til porno, og har som en central pointe, at unge langt fra er en homogen gruppe. Der er væsentlige forskelle i unges forhold til deres krop. Dette lyder måske banalt og indlysende, men det er en pointe, der ofte glemmes i den offentlige debat om unge...... og deres kroppe. Abstract: Unges kroppe forbindes ofte med risici og farer. Vi lurer farer alle steder, og medierne er fulde af overskrifter: Fedmeepidemier. Unge med åreforkalkning. Druk. Porno. Spiseforstyrrelser. Selvskadende adfærd. I takt med at kroppen monitoreres, er den i stigende grad blevet...... koloniseret af en bekymret hær af forskere, forældre, pædagoger og terapeuter. Vi spørger ængsteligt: Vil de unge lave deres krop om livet igennem? Vil de virkelig have plastik i brysterne? Vil den næste generation tage Viagra som 18-årige? Kan unge indgå i intime relationer, når de er vokset op med porno på...

  8. Music playlist generation by assimilating GMMs into SOMs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balkema, Wietse; van der Heijden, Ferdinand

    A method for music playlist generation, using assimilated Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) in self organizing maps (SOMs) is presented. Traditionally, the neurons in a SOM are represented by vectors, but in this paper we propose to use GMMs instead. To this end, we introduce a method to adapt a GMM

  9. Om dass-sætninger som afficeret eller efficeret objekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holsting, Alexandra


    Temaet for nærværende artikel er en diskussion af muligheden for at fastlægge en tysk dass-sætnings semantiske funktion som afficeret eller efficeret objekt , når den optræder i rollen som komplement for verber, der har såvel en afficerende som en efficerende betydningsvariant, hvorved dass......-sætningen i det første tilfælde betegner et forhold, matrixsætningens subjektsreferent reagerer på, og i det andet indholdet af en ytring, der fremsættes af matrixsætningens subjektsreferent. Jeg går i artiklen særligt ind i diskussionen om, hvorvidt dass-sætningens modus kan tjene som formel indikation på...... den semantiske funktion, dvs. om en dass-sætning i konjunktiv utvetydigt kan tilskrives en funktion som efficeret objekt for matrixsætningsverbet....

  10. Udvidelsen af relationsfeltets didaktik – med religionsundervisningen som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovmand, Keld

    beskrive denne dobbeltbevægelse som en almen fagdidaktik (Nielsen 1998 [1994]) eller – med inspiration fra Klafki – en relationsfeltets didaktik (Nielsen 2012). Dobbeltblikket på didaktikken som et relationsfelt kan kvalificeres ved hjælp af de fire kriterier for indholdsvalg, som er udformet af Frede V...... specificere indhold (DuFour & Marzano 2011). Referencer DuFour, Richard & Marzano, Robert J. 2011: Leaders of learning. How district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Hattie, John 2009: Visible learning. A synthesis of over 800 meta...

  11. Ole Rømer som enevældens administrator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    En gennemgang af Ole Rømers liv med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og hans deltagelse eller mangel på samme i det politiske spil.......En gennemgang af Ole Rømers liv med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og hans deltagelse eller mangel på samme i det politiske spil....

  12. Sprog som musikalsk notation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl

    Artiklen behandler sprogbrug som supplement til noderne fra barokken og frem; Fluxus og Scratch Orchestra; den engelske Verbal Anthology; Stockhausens brug af verbal notation før tekst-samlingerne; detaljerede analyser af de to samlinger. Der konkluderes bla. om forskellige grader af fastlæggelse...

  13. Distribution of peptidergic populations in the human dentate gyrus (somatostatin [SOM-28, SOM-12] and neuropeptide Y [NPY]) during postnatal development. (United States)

    Cebada-Sánchez, S; Insausti, R; González-Fuentes, J; Arroyo-Jiménez, M M; Rivas-Infante, E; Lagartos, M J; Martínez-Ruiz, J; Lozano, G; Marcos, P


    The postnatal development of the human hippocampal formation establishes the time and place at which we start autobiographical memories. However, data concerning the maturation of the neurochemical phenotypes characteristic of interneurons in the human hippocampus are scarce. We have studied the perinatal and postnatal changes of the dentate gyrus (DG) interneuron populations at three rostrocaudal levels. Immunohistochemically identified neurons and fibers for somatostatin (SOM-12 and SOM-28) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the co-localization of SOM-28 and NPY were analyzed. In total, 13 cases were investigated from late pregnancy (1 case), perinatal period (6 cases), first year (1 case), early infancy (3 cases), and late infancy (2 cases). Overall, the pattern of distribution of these peptides in the DG was similar to that of the adult. The distribution of cells was charted, and the cell density (number of positive cells/mm(2)) was calculated. The highest density corresponded to the polymorphic cell layer and was higher at pre- and perinatal periods. At increasing ages, neuron density modifications revealed a decrease from 5 postnatal months onward. In contrast, by late infancy, two immunoreactive bands for SOM-28 and NPY in the molecular layer were much better defined. Double-immunohistochemistry showed that NPY-positive neurons co-localized with SOM-28, whereas some fibers contained only one or other of the neuropeptides. Thus, this peptidergic population, presumably inhibitory, probably has a role in DG maturation and its subsequent functional activity in memory processing.

  14. Schelling og Nietzsche som kritikere af Descartes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liisberg, Sune


    : 'Hvad er det første for mig' - og svaret var: 'Det er jeg selv'. Cogito-argumentet, der implicerer en forudgående beslutning om at drage alt i tvivl, manifesterer således en historisk enestående 'frigørelse fra al autoritet' (Schelling). Ifølge Schelling - der ligesom Schopenhauer og Nietzsche havde...... blik for, at cogito-argumentet og dets problemer har med dets sprogbundethed at gøre - er ytringsdimensionen nu helt afgørende for cogito-argumentets meningsfuldhed, da allerede 'den blotte tanke 'Jeg er' kan forstås som en indre ytring og forudsætter et talende jeg'. Nietzsche henleder opmærksomheden...... på, at 'eftersom Descartes formulerer cogito-argumentet sprogligt, kan det ikke være nogen umiddelbar, første erkendelse'. Nietzsche antager nemlig, at Descartes selv fejlagtigt betragtede cogito-argumentet som en umiddelbar vished - altså strengt taget ikke som et argument. Men Descartes blev...

  15. Deep SOMs for automated feature extraction and classification from big data streaming (United States)

    Sakkari, Mohamed; Ejbali, Ridha; Zaied, Mourad


    In this paper, we proposed a deep self-organizing map model (Deep-SOMs) for automated features extracting and learning from big data streaming which we benefit from the framework Spark for real time streams and highly parallel data processing. The SOMs deep architecture is based on the notion of abstraction (patterns automatically extract from the raw data, from the less to more abstract). The proposed model consists of three hidden self-organizing layers, an input and an output layer. Each layer is made up of a multitude of SOMs, each map only focusing at local headmistress sub-region from the input image. Then, each layer trains the local information to generate more overall information in the higher layer. The proposed Deep-SOMs model is unique in terms of the layers architecture, the SOMs sampling method and learning. During the learning stage we use a set of unsupervised SOMs for feature extraction. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on large data sets such as Leukemia dataset and SRBCT. Results of comparison have shown that the Deep-SOMs model performs better than many existing algorithms for images classification.

  16. Portræt af litteraturkritikeren som ungt menneske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schatz-Jakobsen, Claus


    Artiklen præsenterer den amerikanske litteraturkritiker Geoffrey Hartmans tidlige forfatterskab og fremdrager dets selvbiografiske undertekst som nødvendig effekt af den unge Hartmans fascination af den engelske romantiker William Wordsworths forfatterskab.......Artiklen præsenterer den amerikanske litteraturkritiker Geoffrey Hartmans tidlige forfatterskab og fremdrager dets selvbiografiske undertekst som nødvendig effekt af den unge Hartmans fascination af den engelske romantiker William Wordsworths forfatterskab....

  17. Børn med diagnoser som pædagogisk-psykologisk udfordring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøttcher, Louise


    hovedsageligt vanskelighederne ud fra en social vinkel. Den artikels dialektiske balancegang mellem de to positioner vil udfolde en forståelse af diagnoser som ADHD eller autismespektrumforstyrrelser, som tager udgangspunkt i at en eller flere biologiske afvigelser meget vel kan være den oprindelige årsag til...... hvordan uoverensstemmelsen mellem barnet og omgivelserne skaber problemer og udfordringer, kan diagnosen blive nyttig. Nemlig som dialektisk redskab til at analysere de psykologiske og pædagogiske udviklingsmæssige konsekvenser af at have en psykisk udviklingsforstyrrelse af typen ASD eller ADHD – frem...

  18. Turistkort som geografisk kommunikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Christian


      Kort har længe spillet en central rolle i turisters ferieplanlægning og aktiviteter på feriestedet, og forventes at gøre det i fremtiden, suppleret med andre kilder til geografisk information. Men først i forbindelse med introduktionen af GIS og mobile applikationer som telefon og GPS er den...

  19. Som at noget lettede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berliner, Peter; Glendøs, Mia


    Den høje voldsrate i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) forklares ofte ud fra alkoholmisbrug og affektive handlinger. I denne artikel vises det gennem en kvantitativ og kvalitativ undersøgelse, at den episodiske vold må forstås som symptomer på strukturel vold. Den strukturelle vold er en kontekst, der ...

  20. Interaktiv forskning som samarbejdsdrevet innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinez, Laia


    Hovedformålet med denne artikel er at formidle nogle af de metodiske overvejelser, som jeg har gjort mig om samspillet mellem forskere og praktikere i forbindelse med gennemførelsen af mit Ph.d.-projekt om innovationsledelse i danske kommuner....

  1. Gruppen som container og potentielt læringsrum gennem refleksion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søbirk, Helle Henni


    Al psykomotorisk intervention foregår i en relation mellem den psykomotoriske terapeut og individ eller gruppe. Derfor anses relations- og refleksionskompetencer som fagpersonlige kernekompetencer i den psykomotoriske praksis og er et centralt formål med "anvendte grupper" som hhv. udviklings-, t...

  2. CEMSKUM - Anvendelighed som isoleringsmateriale i bygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport om mulighederne for at anvende Cemskum som isoleringsmateriale i bygningskonstruktioner, udarbejdet af Cemsystems I/S under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  3. «Halvdød av frost, men levende og beredt». Speiderbevegelsen som disiplineringsprosjekt


    Schaanning, Espen


    I det som gjerne betegnes som speidernes Bibel, Scouting for Boys (1908), løftet speiderbevegelsens grunnlegger, Robert Baden-Powell (1857–1941), fram personer som alle speidergutter burde ha som forbilder. Et slikt forbilde beskrives slik: «Den romerske soldaten fra gamle dager, som ble stående på sin post da Pompeii ble begravd av lava og aske fra vulkanen Vesuv, viste lojalitet mot sin plikt. De har funnet liket hans og kan se hvordan han holdt hånden foran munn og nese for ikke å bli kval...

  4. Lekfull kreativitet. Fysiska användargränssnitt som erbjuder social och fysisk interaktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brooks, Eva Irene


    I den här artikeln presenteras en studie som ägde rum under två år i fem olika förskolor i Danmark och som inkluderade 55 barn. Specifikt undersökte vi hur fysiska användargränssnitt kan stötta social och fysisk interaktion. Studien applicerade en design-baserad metodologi som följde en iterativ,......, cyklisk process. Analysen visade att fysiska gränssnitt som främjar utforskande aktiviteter, verbala interaktioner och samarbete har en potential att erbjuda lekfulla lärande situationer som understödjer fria men också guidade aktiviteter....

  5. Kongehuset som varemærke og nationalt symbol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn Sørensen, Anders


    Kongehuset er ikke bare et nationalt symbol. Det er også et varemærke, som der er al mulig grund til at beskytte og vogte nidkært over. Kronen har nemlig god brandmæssig værdi.......Kongehuset er ikke bare et nationalt symbol. Det er også et varemærke, som der er al mulig grund til at beskytte og vogte nidkært over. Kronen har nemlig god brandmæssig værdi....

  6. Validering som kommunikationsfärdighet till par där kvinnan har vaginism


    Bernling, Marit; Munck af Rosenschöld, Lisa


    Vaginism är ett sexuellt problem som förekommer hos kvinnor och som i tidigare utvärderade behandlingar betraktats som kvinnans problem. Forskning inom området vaginism är begränsad och kunskap om parrelationens roll för vidmakthållandet av problematiken och upplevd relationstillfredsställelse saknas. Studiens syfte var att utforma en parbehandling där kommunikationsinterventionen validering lärs ut som färdighet, utforska om det fanns ett intresse för deltagande, samt utvärdera om behandling...

  7. Safety evaluation and bacterial community of kung-som using PCR-DGGE technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sutanate Saelao


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the safety of kung-som which was distributed in local markets and using PCR-DGGE technique to identify microflora in kung-som. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB were found at counts of more than 7 log CFU g-1 in all samples and the total viable counts were about 5-8 log CFU g-1 . Bacillus cereus and yeasts were detected at around 2 log CFU g-1 and 5-6log CFU g-1, respectively. For DGGE analysis, LAB and coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS bacteria dominated over other microorganisms. The sequencing of the DNA bands from DGGE gels corresponding to kung-som samples showed the presence of LAB as the major microflora in the products, namely: Lactobacillus farciminis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus garvieae, Tetragenococcus halophilus and Weissella thailandensis. In addition, Staphylococcus carnosus was detected in kung-som as minor microflora. These dominant strains would allow the development of defined starter cultures for improving the quality of kung-som.

  8. E-tiviteter som eksamensform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anette Grønning


    Full Text Available Med udgangspunkt i faget "Digital kommunikation på arbejde" præsenterer og diskuterer denne artikel en række anvendte digitale eksamensformer (e-tiviteter. E-tiviteterne er udarbejdet på baggrund af Gilly Salmons 5-fase-model og e-tivitetskoncept. Den anvendte e-læringsplatform er Blackboard, som de studerende og underviseren kender i forvejen. I artiklen præsenteres fagets e-tiviteter og undervisningsforløbet med e-tiviteter som eksamensform diskuteres. En række fordele og ulemper ved at veksle mellem offline- og online-aktiviteter (blended learning bliver behandlet. Det konkluderes, at de studerendes engagement og motivation kan øges ved at koble e-tiviteter sammen med eksamensformen "80% tilstedeværelse og aktiv deltagelse". Desuden fremhæves det, at aktivitetsniveauet mellem lektionerne og forberedelsesomfaget øges, ligesom de studerende motiveres til higher order thinking ved fx at tage ansvar for egen læring, udføre analyse og indgå i processen med kritisk refleksion. Endelig muliggør online-forløbet, at hele processen dokumenteres i faget til gavn for både underviser og studerende.

  9. Medborgerskab som skolefag i Malaysia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tiemensma, Britt Due; Hald, Anne Mette


    Globalisering og internationalisering indgår med selvfølgelighed i uddannelsessektorens begrebsverden. Men hvad mener vi egentlig, når vi bruger begreberne? Benyttes de som abstrakte talemåder, for at vi skal kunne forholde os til uoverskueligheden i den aktuelle udvikling, eller kan begreberne k...

  10. Ole Rømer som enevældens administrator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    En biografisk skitse af Ole Rømers virke med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og rådgiver for Christian V. Hans virke analyseres på baggrund af en ny forståelse for den tidlige enevældes politiske kultur.......En biografisk skitse af Ole Rømers virke med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og rådgiver for Christian V. Hans virke analyseres på baggrund af en ny forståelse for den tidlige enevældes politiske kultur....

  11. Krisekommunikation som model for virksomhedsretorik?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Rasmus Kjærgaard


    kommunikativt konstitueret fænomener. Her argumenterer jeg for en analytisk syntese mellem framingteorier og det såkaldte CCO-paradigme, til sammen kan hjælpe krisekommunikationsteorierne med at slippe den aprioriske tilgang til kriser ved at forstå såvel kriser og organisationer som resultatet af kommunikative...

  12. Identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liang Meiyan; Shen Jingling; Wang Guangqin [Beijing Key Lab for Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037 (China)], E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:


    Absorption spectra of six illicit drugs were measured by using the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy technique in the range 0.2-2.6 THz and then clustered with self-organization feature map (SOM) artificial neural network. After the network training process, the spectra collected at another time were identified successfully by the well-trained SOM network. An effective distance was introduced as a quantitative criterion to decide which cluster the new spectra were affiliated with.

  13. Identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Meiyan; Shen Jingling; Wang Guangqin


    Absorption spectra of six illicit drugs were measured by using the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy technique in the range 0.2-2.6 THz and then clustered with self-organization feature map (SOM) artificial neural network. After the network training process, the spectra collected at another time were identified successfully by the well-trained SOM network. An effective distance was introduced as a quantitative criterion to decide which cluster the new spectra were affiliated with

  14. Skønlitteraturen som opposition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Pelle Oliver


    Troels Troels-Lund er kendt som foregangsmanden i den første kulturhistoriske bølge i Danmark fra omkring 1880. Hans form for kulturhistorie vandt imidlertid aldrig for alvor faghistorikernes anerkendelse, og Troels-Lund blev udgrænset. Denne artikel går tilbage til 1870’erne og indeholder en ana...

  15. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  16. Subsurface oxidation for micropatterning silicon (SOMS). (United States)

    Zhang, Feng; Sautter, Ken; Davis, Robert C; Linford, Matthew R


    Here we present a straightforward patterning technique for silicon: subsurface oxidation for micropatterning silicon (SOMS). In this method, a stencil mask is placed above a silicon surface. Radio-frequency plasma oxidation of the substrate creates a pattern of thicker oxide in the exposed regions. Etching with HF or KOH produces very shallow or much higher aspect ratio features on silicon, respectively, where patterning is confirmed by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and optical microscopy. The oxidation process itself is studied under a variety of reaction conditions, including higher and lower oxygen pressures (2 and 0.5 Torr), a variety of powers (50-400 W), different times and as a function of reagent purity (99.5 or 99.994% oxygen). SOMS can be easily executed in any normal chemistry laboratory with a plasma generator. Because of its simplicity, it may have industrial viability.

  17. Utholdenhetstrening i fotball: En analyse av smålagsspill brukt som utholdenhetstrening


    Lorvik, Knut


    Utholdenhet er en fysisk egenskap som har betydning for fotballprestasjonen. Det viser flere studier. Helgerud (et al. 2001) fant signifikante forbedringer i forhold til flere fysiske mål som ble testet. Impellizzeri (et al. 2008) fant i sin studie at en forbedring i VO2max påvirket kortpasningsferdighetene positivt. I denne oppgaven har jeg fokusert på utholdenhetstrening i fotball og har to problemstillinger. Den første problemstillingen handler om hvilke studier som er gjort av utholde...

  18. Kina som stormagt i Arktis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørup Sørensen, Camilla Tenna

    I slutningen af januar 2018 offentliggjorde Kina sin længe ventede Arktisstrategi. Den står som en foreløbig kulmination på de senere års udvikling af et mere selvsikkert, proaktivt og sofistikeret kinesisk diplomati i Arktis. Beijing har intensiveret bestræbelserne på at etablere stærke og...

  19. Fermi field and Dirac oscillator in a Som-Raychaudhuri space-time (United States)

    de Montigny, Marc; Zare, Soroush; Hassanabadi, Hassan


    We investigate the relativistic dynamics of a Dirac field in the Som-Raychaudhuri space-time, which is described by a Gödel-type metric and a stationary cylindrical symmetric solution of Einstein field equations for a charged dust distribution in rigid rotation. In order to analyze the effect of various physical parameters of this space-time, we solve the Dirac equation in the Som-Raychaudhuri space-time and obtain the energy levels and eigenfunctions of the Dirac operator by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We also examine the behaviour of the Dirac oscillator in the Som-Raychaudhuri space-time, in particular, the effect of its frequency and the vorticity parameter.

  20. Værdibasering som kommunal praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ostrowski, Kasper


    og tværkommunale forskelle foranlediget af kommunalreformen i Danmark. Begrebet ’værdibaseret ledelse’ gestaltes ofte med en både frustrerende lethed og på fascinerende vis som fænomen. Dette har ansporet min interesse for i denne afhandling at undersøge, hvorledes værdibaseret ledelse kan forstås...

  1. Sæbeopera som Forestillingsgenererende Teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waltorp, Karen


    Gennem en række empiriske eksempler fra Mauretanien, Danmark og Sydafrika analyserer artiklen dramaserier på tv som en art social teknologi, der tillader infor- manterne at generere forestillinger om andre liv og andre verdener, der på én gang er langt væk og tæt på. 'Soap operas' produceret i USA...

  2. Feltarbejde som læringsrum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Lisbeth Revsbæk


    artiklen beskrives, hvordan refleksionsrum og metakommunikative processer opleves af studerende, og hvilken betydning disse rum får for deres forståelse af såvel egne som uddannelsens læreprocesser. Artiklen er en del af en antologi, der tager sit udgangspunkt i de mange rum mellem uddannelse og profession......, databearbejdning, feltarbejde og teaching lab....

  3. Løgnene er ikke så nemme at huske som sandheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertelsen, Bettina


    Formålet med denne artikel er at belyse og diskutere, hvordan og hvorvidt prostituion kan forstås som et socialt problem. Dette vil jeg gøre gennem en teoretisk diskussion og analyse af prostitution som et socialt problem belyst ud fra konkrete projekterfaringer. Erfaringerne stammer dels fra...

  4. Machinima som kreativ praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frølunde, Lisbeth


    Video: Machinima som Kreativ Praksis. Videoen fortæller om de overordnede temaer i et forskningsprojekt der undersøgte nye former for online multimedie- og filmproduktion og fællesskaber med fokus på 'machinima' animation. Studiet af machinima var en del af et større dansk projekt og et nordisk f...... forskningprojekt om virtuelle verdener og teknologiudvikling, 2010-13. Videoen er præsenteret på Audiovisual Thinking nr. 7 under temaet: Den kreative økonomi....

  5. [Study on mechanism of SOM stabilization of paddy soils under long-term fertilizations]. (United States)

    Luo, Lu; Zhou, Ping; Tong, Cheng-Li; Shi, Hui; Wu, Jin-Shui; Huang, Tie-Ping


    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was applied to study the structure of soil organic matter (SOM) of paddy soils under long-term different fertilization treatments. The aim was to clarify the different distribution of SOM between different fertilization methods and between topsoil and subsoil, and to explore the stability mechanism of SOM under different fertilization treatments. The results showed that the content of topsoil organic carbon (SOC) was the highest under organic-inorganic fertilizations, with the increment of SOC by 18.5%, 12.9% and 18.4% under high organic manure (HOM), low organic manure (LOM) and straw returning (STW) respectively compared with no fertilization treatment (CK). The long-term fertilizations also changed the chemical structure of SOM. As compared with CK, different fertilization treatments increased the functional group absorbing intensity of chemical resistance compounds (aliphatic, aromaticity), carbohydrate and organo-silicon compounds, which was the most distinctive under treatments of HOM, LOM and STW. For example, the absorbing intensity of alkyl was 0.30, 0.25 and 0.29 under HOM, LOM and STW, respectively. These values were increased by 87% , 56% and 81% as compared with that under CK treatment. The functional group absorbing intensity of SOM in the topsoil was stronger than that in the subsoil, with the most distinctive difference under HOM, LOM and STW treatments. The present research indicated that the enhanced chemical resistance of functional group of SOM may contribute to the high contents of SOC in the paddy soils under long-term organic-inorganic fertilizations, which also suggested a chemical stabilization mechanism of SOM in the paddy soils.

  6. Supply Chain Management som interaktionel praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Leo Feddersen; Lund, Anders


    I dette bidrag undersøger vi Supply Chain Management som en interaktionel praksis forankret i kommunikation. Med udgangspunkt i e-mail korrespondancer undersøger vi, hvordan køber-leverandør forholdet kommunikativt konstitueres mellem to danske SMVer og deres kinesiske leverandører. Det...

  7. Får - ett miljövänligt alternativ som ogräsbekämpning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl; Sintorn, Kim


    Erfarenhetsutbyte omkring fårbete som ogräsbekämpning var bland annat på dagordningen då svenska och danska greenkeepers som helt eller delvis sköter sina banor pesticidfritt möttes på Furesö Golfklubb den 4 maj i år.......Erfarenhetsutbyte omkring fårbete som ogräsbekämpning var bland annat på dagordningen då svenska och danska greenkeepers som helt eller delvis sköter sina banor pesticidfritt möttes på Furesö Golfklubb den 4 maj i år....

  8. Perception som forståelsens grundlag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Charlotte Marie Bisgaard


    sprogpsykologisk som sense-making procedurer. Perception har ifølge William James at gøre med personers forståelser. Monets katedralmalerier fra Rouen og Cézannes billeder fra Aix-en Provence samt hans Selvportræt med Bowlerhat (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek) sammenholdes med Merleau-Pontys Perceptionens Primat og...

  9. Massemedier som forum for politisk debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Bo; Trapp, Leila


    Ifølge normative teorier om politisk offentlighed og demokrati bør der i deliberative demokratier som det danske foregå en bred offentlig debat, inden politikere træffer beslutninger. Debatten, der i dagens Danmark hovedsagelig foregår i massemedierne, skal blandt andet sikre, at alle synspunkter...

  10. Modelling bare fallow SOM dynamics on a Chernozem soil in Central Germany (United States)

    Franko, Uwe; Merbach, Ines


    The level of our process understanding about carbon and nitrogen fluxes in soils becomes visible at extreme situations like bare fallow soils. The observed dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in the top soil on a 28 years old fallow experiment on Haplic Chernozem in Bad Lauchstädt (Germany) was modelled using the Candy Carbon Balance (CCB) model that in its standard version was previously validated with LTFE data from Central Europe and a tillage experiment in Austria. For this study we selected two treatments of the fallow experiment in Bad Lauchstädt where the soil was kept bare with mechanical or chemical treatments. For this extreme land use (no input of fresh organic matter) the CCB model was improved to include the SOC related change of soil physical parameters and a dynamic handling of the physically stabilized soil organic matter (SOM) pool. The results from observation and modelling reflected the increased SOM turnover due to soil tillage for carbon as well as nitrogen and thus confirmed the modelling approach for non-tillage in CCB. The added sub model for the dynamics of physically stabilized SOM was also verified. The long term stabilized SOM is very important on this site. The modelled size of the physically stabilized SOC pool was about 55% of total SOC and reduced only slowly during the nearly three decades but the implementation of this effect resulted in improved simulation results. Thus we conclude that scenarios that lead to bigger changes of SOM stocks require a modelling approach that acknowledges the interaction between SOM and soil physical properties.

  11. Mindfulness som smertehåndteringsredskab for kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Kold; Vedsted-Hansen, Hanne; Hansen, Tia G. B.


    Endometriose er en kronisk underlivssygdom med smerter og en række afledte problemer, som ikke nødvendigvis kan behandles med lægelige tiltag. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en mindfulness-baseret tilgang med fokus på smertehåndtering kan anvendes til denne klientgruppe. I vestlig terapeutisk...... sammenhæng kan mindfulness karakteriseres som nærvær, observation og beskrivelse af sansninger uden vurdering eller reaktion. Mindfulness-træning har effekt mod andre typer stress og kroniske smerter, og artiklen opridser et koncept til anvendelse ved endometriose. Konceptet belyses med en case, hvor...

  12. Brands som brikker i konstruktionen af identitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Forbrug spiller en vigtig rolle i produktionen af mening og værdier, som kan skabe og vedligeholde både forbrugerens personlige og sociale verden - og derfor er reklame også en vigtig kilde til disse symbolske betydninger. Udgivelsesdato: juni...

  13. Djævelen som Guds advokat - Nietzsche, filosofien og Paulus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pallesen, Carsten


    Artiklen tegner et dobbeltportræt af Paulus og Nietzsche ud fra en række nyere diskussioner om Nietzsches syn på Paulus hos aktuelle Nietzscheforskere, men også med udblik til den Paulus-renæssance, som har fundet sted i filosofien. Med det sidste tænkes navnlig på den franske filosof Alain Badious...... tese om Paulus som universalismens tænker. Artiklen fremhæver, hvordan hermeneutiske, kommunikationsteoretiske og semiotiske tilgange i den nyere tyske forskning navnlig hos Werner Stegmaier har ændret synet på forholdet mellem Nietzsches ’tegn’ (Dionysos, Zarathustra, ’anti-krist’) over for Nietzsches...... retfærdiggørelse ved troen. Nietzsches forhold til kristendommen er ikke kun bestemt af negative vurderinger, men tillige af en ambivalent taknemmelighed, som når han i den sene fase af forfatterskabet på en gang identificerer sig med Dionysos og ’den korsfæstede’....

  14. "Vi har ikke noget at sige, men vi gør det så koncentreret som muligt"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kamma Overgaard

    mellemposition mellem på den ene side Arthur C. Dantos udråbelse af postmodernismen som The End of Art og Fredric Jamesons kritiske udlægning af den postmoderne kunst som simulerende og hans begrædelse af en tabt autenticitet - og på den anden side Linda Hutcheons langt mere positive definering af det...... postmoderne som ironisk og parodisk og dermed nytænkende og metareflekterende. Herudfra karakteriserer jeg De Unge Vilde som ironikere ud fra Søren Kierkegaards karakteristisk af ironikeren som en mellemfase mellem det æstetiske og det etiske livsstadie. Videre argumenterer jeg for, at Dantos ’end of art...

  15. On the Relationship between Variational Level Set-Based and SOM-Based Active Contours (United States)

    Abdelsamea, Mohammed M.; Gnecco, Giorgio; Gaber, Mohamed Medhat; Elyan, Eyad


    Most Active Contour Models (ACMs) deal with the image segmentation problem as a functional optimization problem, as they work on dividing an image into several regions by optimizing a suitable functional. Among ACMs, variational level set methods have been used to build an active contour with the aim of modeling arbitrarily complex shapes. Moreover, they can handle also topological changes of the contours. Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) have attracted the attention of many computer vision scientists, particularly in modeling an active contour based on the idea of utilizing the prototypes (weights) of a SOM to control the evolution of the contour. SOM-based models have been proposed in general with the aim of exploiting the specific ability of SOMs to learn the edge-map information via their topology preservation property and overcoming some drawbacks of other ACMs, such as trapping into local minima of the image energy functional to be minimized in such models. In this survey, we illustrate the main concepts of variational level set-based ACMs, SOM-based ACMs, and their relationship and review in a comprehensive fashion the development of their state-of-the-art models from a machine learning perspective, with a focus on their strengths and weaknesses. PMID:25960736

  16. From poverty to power? Brasiliansk sosialpolitikk som soft power-ressurs


    Flatjord, Inger-Marie


    Grunnet markant fattigdomsreduksjon det siste tiåret, har Brasil gått fra å være det klassiske eksemplet på et land med stor fattigdom og enorme sosiale forskjeller, til å innta en posisjon som foregangsland i den globale utviklingsdiskursen. Landets sosialpolitikk har høstet annerkjennelse fra både FN og Verdensbanken, og Brasil opplever en stor etterspørsel fra utviklingsland som vil lære av landets sosialpolitiske erfaringer. I lys av dette har jeg i denne oppgaven analysert hvordan landet...

  17. Djur som en del i omvårdnad : En litteraturstudie


    Jirback, Fia; Olsson, Malin


    Bakgrund: Äldre på boende idag kan känna att de saknar sociala interaktioner med vårdpersonal, familj eller vänner. För att uppleva god livskvalitet krävs bland annat trygghet, sociala interaktioner och aktiviteter. Djur kan användas som behandlingsmetod i vården i form av Animal-Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT). Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sällskapsdjurs betydelse för äldres livskvalitet på äldreboende. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en allm...

  18. Time travel in the homogeneous Som-Raychaudhuri Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paiva, F.M.; Reboucas, M.J.; Teixeira, A.F.F.


    Properties of the rotating Som-Raychaudhuri homogeneous space-time are investigated: time-like and null geodesics, causality features, horizons and invariant characterization. An integral representation of its five isometries is also discussed. (author) [pt

  19. Historiens Mening som et Kreativt Produkt - En Analyse av Camille Paglias "The Birth of the Western Eye"


    Kyllingstad, Elisabeth


    Dette prosjektet er en metodisk tilnærming til Camille Paglias filosofiske historietekst ”The Birth of the Western Eye”. Sexual Personae – Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1991) er en revidert versjon av doktorgradsavhendlingen hennes, som hun forsvarte i 1974. Den forteller om det Paglia identifiserer som grunnleggende drivkrefter i det vestlige mennesket, og dets kunstneriske produksjon. På denne måten kan verket leses som en guide gjennom vestlig tenkning så vel som kun...

  20. Snehvides Billede som virkelighedsteater

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøgholt, Ida


    nyere affektforskning, der er rettet mod kunstens henvendelsesformer og virkninger (bl.a. Massumi og Deleuze), markeres der en interesseforskydning fra følelse til affekt. Det får den konsekvens, at forklaringer på hvordan kunst fungerer og virker ikke søges i tilskuerens følelsesregistreringer men...... affektive henvendelsesform, henter jeg inspiration i aktør-netværks teorien (Latour) og denne teoris materialitets- og tingsbegreb. Den kølige form for virkelighedsteater, som Snehvides Billede repræsenterer, vil ikke vække tilskuerens trang til at gribe ind i virkeligheden. Den vil snarere, via affekt...

  1. Hvordan ser den ost ud, som De ikke ved, De vil elske om to år?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grunert, Klaus G.


    Kender de Deres "latente behov"? Det gør De selvfølgelig ikke. Det er jo definitionen af begrebet: Et latent behov er et behov, som man ikke ved, at man har, men som kommer til overfladen, når man møder det rigtige produkt, som opfylder netop dette behov. Latente behov vedrører derfor den ost, vi...

  2. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  3. Filosofisk terapi som træning til døden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    Den eksistentielfænomenologiske terapi deler den opfattelse med stoicismen, at filosofiens hovedopgave er at hjælpe mennesket med at finde vej i en problematisk verden. Oplægget udforsker desuden et overlap, som består i den indsigt, at terapeutisk udfrielse fra menneskelig lidelse til livsduelig......Den eksistentielfænomenologiske terapi deler den opfattelse med stoicismen, at filosofiens hovedopgave er at hjælpe mennesket med at finde vej i en problematisk verden. Oplægget udforsker desuden et overlap, som består i den indsigt, at terapeutisk udfrielse fra menneskelig lidelse til...

  4. Forholdet mellem public relations og marketing som ledelsesfunktioner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James E. Grunig


    Full Text Available I forsommeren 1993 tildelte Dansk Public Relations Forening årets PR- pris til mesterkommunikatøren Lars Larsen, Jysk Sengetøjslager/Larsen Rejser. I motiveringen hedder det, at Lars Larsen hædres for "en prisvær- dig Public Relations indsats, der kan motivere til en øget anvendelse af Public Relations i den danske forretningsverden". Blandt PR-foreningens medlemmer vakte pristildelingen en vis furore; et indlæg i foreningens blad PRspektiv invendte, at Lars Larsen driver "publicity" (dvs. et reklame- værktøj - "Præcis den slags PR, som vi i mange år har arbejdet på at distancere Public Relation-begrebet fra". Lars Larsen selv sagde, at han slet ikke skelner mellem Public Relations, PR og markedsføring. Et andet indlæg i bladet argumenterede for, at det ikke længere giver mening at adskille begreberne Public Relations og markedsføring, fordi grænsen mellem det offentlige og det private ude i virkeligheden er mere og mere flydende. James Grunigs artikel, der søger at afklare forholdet mellem PR og marketing teoretisk og praktisk, er derfor brændende aktuelt, ikke mindst for PR-fagets bestræbelser på at blive anerkendt som en respek- tabel profession. Den blev præsenteret som foredrag under Grunigs Dan- marksbesøg i marts 1993, er redigeret af Kim Schrøder og oversat fra engelsk af Kenja Henriksen.

  5. Rousseau som modsvar til forceret talentudvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Nielsen, Jens Christian


    pædagogisk syn på børn og unges udvikling. Men dette syn er nu under pres. Det kommer for eksempel til udtryk, når en international idrætsaktør som FC Barcelona vil oprette elitært orienterede fodboldakademier for børn ned til 6-årsalderen i Danmark. Men inspireret af filosoffen Jean-Jacques Rousseau og...

  6. Livsvalg konceptualiseret som dynamisk realisering af livsbaner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schnieber, Anette


    De valgsituationer, man i daglig tale kender som ”tilværelsens store valg”, mangler definition i den psykologiske litteratur, og det er således ikke klart, hvorvidt og evt. hvorledes disse valg adskiller sig fra andre typer. I artiklen gives en definition af ”de store valg”, og de adskilles fra...

  7. Læring som improviseret udvikling af praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinck, Lars


    Med afsæt i forfatterens fænomenografiske studie af amerikanske musikeres oplevelse af det at jamme diskuterer artiklen, hvorvidt jam-bandets spontant improviserende praksis kan give ny forståelse af rytmiske musikeres læring som et overordnet socialt fænomen. Ved at betragte jam-bandets praksis i...

  8. Feedback i professionsuddannelsen som pædagog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rold, Mette; Bjørnshave, Inge Andrea


    Feedback som begreb er her og nu kommet i søgelyset på de videregående uddannelser, fordi mange studerende, blandt andet i medierne, tilkendegiver at de ikke modtager nok feedback i forhold til den undervisning, de modtager. Dette paper er udgangspunkt for en fælles diskussion om netop dette....

  9. Selvrefleksion som uddannelsesgreb – en kritisk diskussion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feilberg, Casper


    Hvordan kan ureflekteret motivation gribe forstyrrende ind i de studerendes videnskabelige arbejde, og hvordan kan man som vejleder forholde sig til disse private forhold på en både faglig og etisk forsvarlig måde? I artiklen vises eksempler på, at studerende nemt kan komme til at agere ud fra ur...

  10. A new design for SLAM front-end based on recursive SOM (United States)

    Yang, Xuesi; Xia, Shengping


    Aiming at the graph optimization-based monocular SLAM, a novel design for the front-end in single camera SLAM is proposed, based on the recursive SOM. Pixel intensities are directly used to achieve image registration and motion estimation, which can save time compared with the current appearance-based frameworks, usually including feature extraction and matching. Once a key-frame is identified, a recursive SOM is used to actualize loop-closure detecting, resulting a more precise location. The experiment on a public dataset validates our method on a computer with a quicker and effective result.

  11. Fiskeren som forsvant? En studie av avfolking, overbefolking og endringsprosesser i norsk fiskerinæring


    Johnsen, Jahn Petter


    Hva er en fisker? Dette er det sentrale spørsmålet i denne avhandlinga. Spørsmålet er utgangspunkt for å utforske endringsprosesser i fiskerinæringa, både i fortida og i samtida. På bakgrunn av dette drøfter avhandlinga hvilke oppfatninger, forståelser og beskrivelser som til enhver tid benyttes til å definere hva fiskere er i ulike sammenhenger. Undersøkelsen starter i det som kan kalles rekrutteringsdiskursen i fiske, som nettopp handler om hva fiskere er og hvordan de skapes...

  12. Feedback som indgang til læringsprocessen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Preben Olund


    Feedback har til formål at forbedre dine studerendes færdigheder i et fag. Feedback skal tage udgangspunkt i den studerendes nuværende færdigheder og inkludere anvisninger på, hvordan den studerende fremadrettet kan arbejde for at opfylde et ønsket læringsmål. Måden hvorpå du som underviser...

  13. Applications of Self-Organising Map (SOM) for prioritisation of endemic zones of filariasis in Andhra Pradesh, India. (United States)

    Murty, Upadhayula Suryanaryana; Rao, Mutheneni Srinivasa; Sriram, K; Rao, K Madhusudhan


    Entomological and epidemiological data of Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) was collected from 120 villages of four districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. Self-Organising Maps (SOMs), data-mining techniques, was used to classify and prioritise the endemic zones of filariasis. The results show that, SOMs classified all the villages into three major clusters by considering the data of Microfilaria (MF) rate, infection, infectivity rate and Per Man Hour (PMH). By considering the patterns of cluster, appropriate decision can be drawn for each parameter that is responsible for disease transmission of filariasis. Hence, SOM will certainly be a suitable tool for management of filariasis. The detailed application of SOM is discussed in this paper.

  14. Molecular characterization of charcoal to identify adsorbed SOM and assess the effectiveness of common SOM-removing pretreatments prior to radiocarbon dating

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wagner, T.V.; Mouter, A.K.; Parsons, J.R.; Sevink, J.; van der Plicht, J.; Jansen, B.

    A significant part of our knowledge on Holocene landscape development and associated human history in northwestern Europe is based on radiocarbon dating of charcoal originating from podzols. However, these soils are characterized by leaching of soil organic matter (SOM) that may adsorb to older

  15. Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics determined by stable isotope techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerzabek, M. H.


    Being aware of limitations and possible bias the 13 C natural abundance technique using the different 13 C enrichments in plants with differing photosynthetic pathways in a powerful tool to quantify turnover processes, both in long-term field studies and short-term laboratory experiments. Special care is needed in choosing reference plots and the proper number of replicate samples. The combination of 13 C and 14 C measurements has a high potential for a further improvement of isotope techniques in SOM studies. Natural abundance of 15 N is less powerful with respect to quantification of SOM processes than the isotope dilution technique. However its usefulness could be distinctly improved by introducing other stable isotopes into the studies.(author)

  16. Surhetsvariasjoner som følge av nedtapping av et regulert vann.


    Selmer-Olsen, A. R.


    Det har vært utført analyser og lagringsforsøk med prøver av tørrlagt bunnmateriale fra Trevatn tatt våren 1976. Prøver tatt ute i terrenget om høsten etter en lang tørr sommer viste stort sett samme bilde som prøvene fra våren etter lagring i laboratoriet under aerobe betingelser. Tabell 2 viser hvordan pH og SO4-S varierer med Iagringsbetingelsene. Oksydasjonsprosessene som slikt materiale blir utsatt for ved lufttilgang over et lengre tidsrom kan resultere i utvasking av meget sure forbind...

  17. Changes in SOM composition and stability to microbial degradation over time in response to wood chip ash fertilisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Mette; Saarsalmi, Anna; Peltre, Clement


    spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) analysis of bulk soil samples. Ash fertilisation of forest soils affected SOM composition in the O-horizon, but not in the top 5 cm of the mineral soil. The pH and biodegradability of SOM were increased in the O-horizon. The changes in SOM composition consisted of enrichment of Fe...... in Denmark, where ash had been spread at different times. Changes in SOM biodegradability were estimated based on an incubation experiment, expressed as percentage of initial carbon. Changes in SOM composition were characterised using thermal analysis and Fourier transform mid-infrared photoacoustic......- and Al-oxides/hydroxides, depletion of carboxylic and aromatic groups and lower thermal stability in soils with older and greater ash application. Ash fertilisation increased soil pH, either right after ash application or through a buffering effect of the ash on acidification caused by decomposing...

  18. [SOMS-2: translation into portuguese of the screening for Somatoform Disorders]. (United States)

    Fabião, Cristina; Costa E Silva, Carolina; Fleming, Manuela; Barbosa, António


    The diagnosis of Somatization Disorder (SD) requires the presence of somatic medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) which must be assessed so that organic diseases may be excluded. SOMS-2 is a self-report measure for SD that assesses medically unexplained symptoms by requiring participants to answer affirmatively and qualify any of the complaints as MUS, only if they have obtained from his doctor the opinion that the said complaint is not due to an organic disease. According to the authors, original SOMS-2 has a good internal consistency with Cronbach's a = .87 and a good correlation between selfratings and interview (r = .75). After obtaining the author's permission, translation from and into English has been made by experienced translators. The resulting questionnaire has been used on a small group of patients. Afterwards the items in which there were difficulties in understanding during the pretest were identified and experienced practitioners were asked for suggestions. The resulting version was answered by 123 primary health care patients (sample I). After some modifications of the SOMS-2, another group of 190 primary health care patients answered the questionnaire (sample II). Most patients, in the first sample, found it difficult to understand that, in order to answer affirmatively it was necessary to answer three questions: 1) is the symptom present? 2) has your doctor found no clear causes for the symptom? 3) does the symptom affect your well-being? The difficulties in understanding items 21 and 45 (pre-test) were confirmed. Items 11, 28 and 38 were more easily understood when worded differently. In sample I, less than 5% of positive answers were given to items 20, 21, 23, 40, 43, 45, and 51. Probably because of the low education level of the Portuguese population which this sample reflects, difficulties in carrying out the instructions given at the beginning made it advisable to modify the SOMS-2, so that the three implicit questions in each question of the

  19. Ulikhet som impuls for nye oppdagelser i dans: Å tøye både muskler og meninger gjennom mangfold i Danselaboratoriet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tone Pernille Østern


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen har forfatterne fokus på hvordan ulikhet mellom mennesker kan fungere som en impuls som bidrar til meningsskaping, nye oppdagelser og transformasjon i improvisasjon i dans. Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i Østerns avhandling ”Meaning-making in the Dance Laboratory. Exploring dance improvisation with differently bodied dancers” (2009. I artikkelen vever forfatterne sammen sine ulike stemmer. Tone Pernille Østerns perspektiv er som initiativtaker og tidligere koreograf-dansepedagog i Danselaboratoriet, mens Elen Øyens perspektiv er som danser i den samme gruppen. Øyen er danser og rullestolbruker. Hovedkonklusjonen i artikkelen er at gjennom å forstå ulikhet som en verdi og impuls til å møtes og skape i improvisasjon i dans, så kan deltakerne i gruppen gjennomgå kraftfulle transformative endringsprosesser når det gjelder synet på ”den andre”. Dette har en betydning som går langt ut over det konkrete, kunstneriske undervisningsrommet. ”Den andre” forstås i artikkelen som en konstruksjon som både muliggjør adskillelse og utestenging fra et fellesskap, men også som en mulighet til å forstå at ”den andre” ikke nødvendigvis er, eller skal være, som meg.

  20. SOM storage and pool distribution in forest soils along climatic and altitudinal gradients across Switzerland (United States)

    Gosheva, Sia; Müller, Mirjam; Walthert, Lorenz; Zimmermann, Stephan; Niklaus, Pascal A.; González Domínguez, Beatriz R.; Abiven, Samuel; Hagedorn, Frank


    Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role for a number of soil and ecosystem functions. Yet our quantitative understanding of the main driving factors is uncertain. SOM consists of a continuum of compounds ranging from slightly altered plant residues, known as particulate OM (POM) to mineral-associated OM (mOM). POM is the most rapidly cycling and hence vulnerable fraction of SOM. Therefore, it might respond particularly sensitive to climate change. In grassland soils, SOM content as well as the contribution of POM was found to increase with increasing elevation, which suggests that climate exerts a major control on SOM stability and storage. Little is known, however, for forest soils where a substantial fraction of POM is stored in the organic layer. In our study based on 1000 soil profiles, we explore the controlling factors of SOM stocks and the distribution of POM in the organic layer as well as within mineral soils in forests across Switzerland. We hypothesize that (i) elevation and hence climate have rather negligible effects on carbon (C) stocks, but exert large effects on SOM quality (contribution of POM, SOM depth distribution, and C/N ratio); (ii) furthermore, we postulate to find an elevational effect on C stocks in the organic layer but not in the mineral soil. We examined SOM stocks in the organic layer and the mineral soil of 1000 soil profiles. Mineral soils (0-20cm) from a subset of 54 sites were separated into free light fraction and occluded light fraction, representing POM, while fine heavy fraction and coarse heavy fraction represented the mineral-associated OM. The sites, all located in Swiss forests, were distributed along a great elevational gradient ranging between 277 and 2207 m a.s.l., and spanning a gradient in mean annual temperatures (MAT) from 0.6 to 11.9 °C, and mean annual precipitation (MAP) from 704 to 2340 mm. Our results indicate that POM and C/N ratio are more closely related to elevation and climate compared to mOM. For C

  1. Rushdie som symbol på blasfemi mod islam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Brian Arly


    Vil man forstå dødsdommen over Rushdie, skal man forstå billederne om Iran, der er konstrueret af Rushdie i De Sataniske Vers. Det handler om Rushdies brug af forskellige narrativer, eksempelvis brugen af begrebet 'Jahilia', som er velkendt af alle muslimer, der anvendes til at karakterisere Mekk...

  2. Sansning som redskab og metode for faget Modedesign

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ræbild, Ulla


      Abstract / dansk Intentionen i denne afhandling er at undersøge, hvornår og hvordan designere anvender sansemæssig viden og kompetence i deres arbejdsproces, for igennem denne afdækning at kunne foretage en eksplicitering og artikulation af sansning som redskab og metode i designprocessen. Afha...

  3. Socialpædagogik iagttaget som et socialt praksisfelt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Janne Hedegaard


    Ved at iagttage socialpædagogers situerede handlinger i praksis er det muligt at opnå viden om de forståelser, socialpædagoger handler på grundlag af, og som sætter betingelser for brugernes handle- og livsmuligheder. Men brugerne er ikke blot underlagt socialpædagogers betydningskonstruktioner...

  4. Pave Benedikt XVI som social kritiker og moderniseringsteoretiker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    former for kritik af det moderne projekt, en kritik som deler mange lighedspunkter med Frankfurterskolen. Disse ligheder kom blandt andet til syne i Kardinal Ratzingers berømte debat med Habermas, men ligeledes i nogle af hans seneste skrifter, især hans meget omtalte tredje encyklik, Caritas in Veritate...

  5. 40 år gamle kvinner som bruker hormonregimer – sunne utvalg eller risikogrupper?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sidsel Graff-Iversen


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGFormålet med denne artikkelen var å studere brukerne av kombinerte antikonsepsjonsmidler, regimer med progesteronalene og østrogensubstitusjon blant norske 40-åringer. Var det først og fremst lavrisikogrupper – friske ogrøykfrie kvinner – som brukte p-piller av kombinasjonstype, slik gjeldende anbefalinger råder til? Var progesteronbrukerneet utvalg av særlig helsebevisste kvinner? Hvor utbredt var bruken av østrogen i denne aldersgruppen?Var det tegn til at østrogenbrukerne er en “healthy selection”, slik utenlandske studier har vist?Materialet er fra 40-åringsundersøkelser i 11 norske fylker i tiden 1997-99. Resultatene viser at 3,5% avkvinnene brukte kombinerte antikonseptiva og at disse utgjorde et “sunt utvalg” med lave andeler røykere og godhelse. De 9,4% av kvinnene som brukte progesteron alene, skilte seg derimot lite fra premenopausale kvinner utenhormonbruk. De 2,4% av kvinnene som brukte østrogen, hadde mindre god helse, høyere andel røykere og lavereutdanningsnivå, sammenlignet med premenopausale kvinner. Men sammenligning innen gruppen av post- og perimenopausalekvinner viste ingen vesentlig forskjell mellom østrogenbrukerne og andre. Resultatet fra den førstekontrollerte studien av østrogen og hjertesykdom kom i 1998, men førte ikke til noen påviselig forskjell i seleksjonentil østrogenbruk fra 1997 til 1999.Konklusjonen er at kvinnene som brukte kombinerte antikonseptiva i 40-årsalderen var en “sunn seleksjon” itråd med det som blir anbefalt, mens de som brukte progesteron alene skilte seg lite ut fra kvinner som ikke bruktehormoner. Kvinner som brukte østrogen i denne unge alderen, sto fram som en helsemessig risikogruppe imaterialet som helhet, men skilte seg lite ut fra andre antatt post- eller perimenopausale kvinner i 40-årsalderen.Graff-Iversen, S. 40-year old female sex hormone users: healthy selections or risk groups? Results fromhealth surveys in 11 Norwegian

  6. Musik som værk og handling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vandsø, Anette

    Denne bog handler om den nye musik som både har værkkarakter men også en udpræget handlingskarakter. Her sys på symaskiner og smadres violiner, men hvad gør det ved værkkarakteren? ved værkanalysen ? og ved 'musikken'? På baggrund af disse spørgsmål tilbyder bogen en grundlagsteoretisk gentænkning...

  7. Studiemiljøundersøgelse som empowerment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keller, Hanne Dauer; Jensen, Annie Aarup


    Artiklen fokuserer på det metodemæssige i at arbejde med studiemiljø og studiemiljøundersøgelser i en kvalitativ, procesorienteret form, der står i kontrast til de traditionelle kvantitative metoder. En alternativ organisering med de studerende som ansvarlige aktører gav andre, mere nuancerede da...... datatyper og aktiverede de studerende i forhold til at påvirke eget studiemiljø....

  8. Data splitting for artificial neural networks using SOM-based stratified sampling. (United States)

    May, R J; Maier, H R; Dandy, G C


    Data splitting is an important consideration during artificial neural network (ANN) development where hold-out cross-validation is commonly employed to ensure generalization. Even for a moderate sample size, the sampling methodology used for data splitting can have a significant effect on the quality of the subsets used for training, testing and validating an ANN. Poor data splitting can result in inaccurate and highly variable model performance; however, the choice of sampling methodology is rarely given due consideration by ANN modellers. Increased confidence in the sampling is of paramount importance, since the hold-out sampling is generally performed only once during ANN development. This paper considers the variability in the quality of subsets that are obtained using different data splitting approaches. A novel approach to stratified sampling, based on Neyman sampling of the self-organizing map (SOM), is developed, with several guidelines identified for setting the SOM size and sample allocation in order to minimize the bias and variance in the datasets. Using an example ANN function approximation task, the SOM-based approach is evaluated in comparison to random sampling, DUPLEX, systematic stratified sampling, and trial-and-error sampling to minimize the statistical differences between data sets. Of these approaches, DUPLEX is found to provide benchmark performance with good model performance, with no variability. The results show that the SOM-based approach also reliably generates high-quality samples and can therefore be used with greater confidence than other approaches, especially in the case of non-uniform datasets, with the benefit of scalability to perform data splitting on large datasets. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Faktorer som påverkar barndödligheten i Etiopien


    Östman, Hanna


    Temat för detta examensarbete är barndödlighet i Etiopien. Syftet är att undersöka den höga småbarnsdödligheten, orsakad av diarré och malaria. Detta är ett beställningsarbete för organisationen PADet, som har ett samarbete med yrkeshögskolan Arcada. Med småbarn menas i denna studie, barn under fem år. Frågeställningarna för arbetet är, Vilka är de främsta orsakerna som påverkar småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och malaria? Och Vad görs idag för att minska på småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och ...

  10. Specialet som glasloft – hvorfor får mandlige studerende bedre specialekarakterer?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen


    Full Text Available Selvom de mandlige universitetsstuderende ikke klarer sig bedre end kvinderne frem til specialet, får de gennemsnitligt bedre specialekarakterer. Artiklens analyser viser, at det hverken handler om specialevejlederens køn eller om typen af universitetsstudium. Mulige forklaringer, som det er værd for kommende forskning at forfølge, er dels generel diskrimination af kvindelige specialestuderende og dels de studerendes møde med specialet, hvor kønnenes livssituation og/eller deres reaktioner på rollen som specialestuderende kan være forskellige.

  11. Studerendes caseundersøgelser som omdrejningspunkt for forskningsbaseret holdundervisning

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    Nina Bonderup Dohn


    Full Text Available Artiklen indledes med en diskussion af, hvori forskningsbaseret undervisning (FU består. Vi bestemmer FU som undervisning, hvor studerende involveres som aktive deltagere i processen med at producere ny viden ved brug af forskningsmetode. Vores overordnede forskningsspørgsmål lyder: Hvilke muligheder giver et didaktisk design baseret på, at de studerende inddrages som bidragydere til forskningsprocessen, for at realisere de forskellige begrundelser for forskningsbaseret undervisning? Hvilke problemstillinger viser der sig i forsøget herpå? Spørgsmålet undersøges med fokus på læringsteoretiske begrundelser og filosofiske begrundelser for FU. Vi rapporterer resultater fra et følgeforskningsprojekt i et undervisningsforløb, designet ud fra vores bestemmelse af FU. I diskussionen argumenterer vi for, at de læringsteoretiske begrundelser har rimelige muligheder for at realiseres med det didaktiske design, mens de filosofiske begrundelser kræver mere understøttelse. Resultaterne peger på en række problemstillinger og barrierer for realiseringen af FU (i en bestemmelse som vores og af begrundelserne for FU. Blandt disse er, at det didaktiske design indebærer en uvant arbejds- og studieform for de studerende, at der kan være en spænding mellem studieordningens faglige mål og FU (i en bestemmelse som vores, og at studerendes instrumentalistiske, erhvervsrettede mål kan være en barriere for realisering af de filosofiske begrundelser for FU. The article starts with a short discussion of different views on research-based teaching (RT. We characterize RT as teaching where students are involved as active participants in the process of producing new knowledge through the use of research methods. Our overall research question is: What possibilities does a pedagogical design based on involving students as contributors to the research process offer for realizing the different reasons for RT? What problems can arise? The research question

  12. Digital portfolio som metode og pædagogik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Hanne; Luplau Schnefeld, Mette


    Artiklen præsenterer erfaringer med digital portfolio som didaktik og metode. Fokus er på kobling mellem didaktiske læreprocesser på en grunduddannelse og så understøttelse af disse via brug af en digital portfolio. Portfolioen adskiller en række forskellige dokumentsamlinger i privat og offentlig...

  13. Luhmanns masmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system Luhmanns massmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system [Luhmann’s mass-media theory and Internet as an artificial intelligent semiotic system

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    Peter Kåhre


    Full Text Available Artikeln diskuterar hur en modern form av AI-programmering, som kallas Konnektionism i en design som kallas Distribuerad AI (DAI, påverkar den uppfattning Luhmann har om massmediernas roll för den andra ordningens observationer. DAI använder noder för att skapa aktivitet i systemen och inte de koder som styr processerna i den klassiska eller symboliska formen av AI. Luhmanns teori kan utvecklas genom att ersätta systemens koder med noder som förändras beroende på i vilken relation de står till andra noder. På så sätt kan kommunikationsbegreppet utvecklas så att det också omfattar systemens interaktioner med omvärlden. Det skapar en bättre förutsättning för att observationsmöjligheter direkt uppstår genom systemens relationer till omvärlden. Internet och AI-programmerade söksystem och robotar kan då fungera som ett artificiellt semiotiskt system som skapar möjligheter att göra observationer.The article discusses how a modern form of AI programming, known as Connectionism in a design known as Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI, affects the perception Luhmann has on mass media's role concerning second-order observations. DAI uses nodes to create activity in the systems and not the codes used by the Classic or Symbolic form of AI. Luhmann’s theory can be developed by replacing the systems codes with nodes that change depending on their relations to other nodes. In this way, we can reformulate the concept of communication, so that it includes the systems interactions with the environment. It creates better conditions so that observing opportunities may arise directly from these interactions. Internet and AI-programmed search systems and robots can then act as an artificial semiotic system that creates opportunities for making observations.

  14. Som i et spejl - Hans Egede-receptionen gennem tre hundrede år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Kathrine


    stor, og længe ville man ikke vide af Hans Egede, der - skønt født i Norge - opfattedes som dansk. Først efter 1945, hvor Norge i kølvandet på Danskehjælpen under Anden Verdenskrig omsider forsonede sig med Danmark, tog man atter Hans Egede til sig. Blandt større mindesmærker, som er blevet til siden...... 1945, kan nævnes Nicolai Schiølls ungdommelige statue af grønlandsmissionæren i det centrale Oslo (1965) og Axel Revolds monumentale udskmykning af kirken i Hans Egedes nordnorske fødeby Harstad (1958). I Danmark, hvor sorgen over tabet af Norge var stor, var man i årene efter 1814 meget...... tilbageholdende med at omklamre tidligere norske landsmænd som Hans Egede. Først hen mod slutningen af 1800-tallet begyndte forbeholdene at smelte et efter et. Den definitive omdefinering af den dansk-norske 1700-tals patriot til national dansk kirkefyrste kom med opstillingen 1913 af hans statue ved Marmorkirken...

  15. Den Pædagogiske Refleksionsmodel som sammenhængskraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voergaard Poulsen, Bettina; Lucht, Camill; Vibholm Persson, Stine

    Den Pædagogiske Refleksions Model (PRM) illustrerer de vidensdimensioner, der indgår i en kvalificeret klinisk beslutning. I projektet 'Sammenhæng på TVÆRS i fremtidens sygeplejeuddannelse (PÅ TVÆRS)" indgår PRM som pædagogisk greb. Der undersøges om PRM skaber sammenhæng for studerendes læring i...

  16. Sociale teknologier og web 2.0 som vidensmedier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johannsen, Carl Gustav


    Artiklen fokuserer på effekten af brugen af sociale teknologier i folkebibliotekerne med fokus på i hvilken udstrækning de sociale teknologier lader sig forstå og analysere som vidensmedier, kommunikationsmønstre ved brug af sociale medier, de sociale mediers virkninger i undervisningssammenhænge...... og endelig de kulturpolitiske konsekvenser af bibliotekernes inddragelse af sociale teknologier....

  17. Lyd som kommunikation. En tværfaglig forskningsoversigt og en dagsorden for medieforskningen

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    Klaus Bruhn Jensen


    Full Text Available Lyden har ikke noget videnskabeligt hjem – i modsætning til f.eks. faste og levende billeder, der traditionelt er blevet studeret af henholdsvis kunsthistorien og filmvidenskaben. Denne artikel giver en oversigt over de mange, meget forskellige slags forskning om lyd. Formålet er at stimulere og kvalificere mere medieforskning om lyd. Hovedvægten ligger på lyd som kommunikation i og omkring medierne – som en kilde til mening og en ressource i social og kulturel handling, snarere end på lyd i et teknisk eller akustisk perspektiv (se f.eks. Plomp, 2002. Første del af artiklen gennemgår forskellige humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige tilgange til lydens tre grundformer – tale, musik og soundscapes eller lydmiljøer. Det midterste afsnit diskuterer den tidligere forsknings relevans for forskellige slags medier; artiklen skelner her mellem tre grader af medier. Og artiklens sidste del samler de tværfaglige indsigter i en dagsorden for (meget mere medieforskning om lyd som kommunikation.

  18. Lyd som kommunikation. En tværfaglig forskningsoversigt og en dagsorden for medieforskningen

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    Klaus Bruhn Jensen


    Full Text Available Lyden har ikke noget videnskabeligt hjem – i modsætning til f.eks. faste og levende billeder, der traditionelt er blevet studeret af henholdsvis kunsthistorien og filmvidenskaben. Denne artikel giver en oversigt over de mange, meget forskellige slags forskning om lyd. Formålet er at stimulere og kvalificere mere medieforskning om lyd. Hovedvægten ligger på lyd som kommunikation i og omkring medierne – som en kilde til mening og en ressource i social og kulturel handling, snarere end på lyd i et teknisk eller akustisk perspektiv (se f.eks. Plomp, 2002. Første del af artiklen gennemgår forskellige humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige tilgange til lydens tre grundformer – tale, musik og soundscapes eller lydmiljøer. Det midterste afsnit diskuterer den tidligere forsknings relevans for forskellige slags medier; artiklen skelner her mellem tre grader af medier. Og artiklens sidste del samler de tværfaglige indsigter i en dagsorden for (meget mere medieforskning om lyd som kommunikation.

  19. Infiltrationsanæstesi som postoperativ smertebehandling ved hoftenær femurfraktur - et igangværende studie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Rune Dueholm


    pertrochantær femurfraktur og collum femoris fraktur inkluderes. 50 patienter indgår i hver af de to diagnose-grupper (to delstudier). Ved randomisering tildeles patienterne hhv. Ropivacain eller placebo (NaCl), der gives som 1 peroperativ og 6 postoperative bolusinstillationer via et kateter, som fjernes efter...

  20. Adversary phase change detection using S.O.M. and text data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Speed, Ann Elizabeth; Doser, Adele Beatrice; Warrender, Christina E.


    In this work, we developed a self-organizing map (SOM) technique for using web-based text analysis to forecast when a group is undergoing a phase change. By 'phase change', we mean that an organization has fundamentally shifted attitudes or behaviors. For instance, when ice melts into water, the characteristics of the substance change. A formerly peaceful group may suddenly adopt violence, or a violent organization may unexpectedly agree to a ceasefire. SOM techniques were used to analyze text obtained from organization postings on the world-wide web. Results suggest it may be possible to forecast phase changes, and determine if an example of writing can be attributed to a group of interest.

  1. Arbejdspladsen som læringsmiljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Vibeke; Hoyrup Pedersen, Steen

    Læring på arbejdspladsen er kommet i fokus både nationalt og internationalt som et stadigt vigtigere svar på videnssamfundets hurtigt eskalerende behov for kompetenceudvikling. Selvfølgelig kan arbejdspladslæring ikke erstatte de formaliserede erhvervs- og efteruddannelser, men arbejdspladsen er...... Workplace Learning. Konsortiet gennemfører i perioden 2001-2004 et større forskningsprogram, der udforsker læreprocesser i arbejdslivet og i samspillet mellem arbejdspladser og det formelle uddannelsessystem. Forskningsprogrammet er finansieret af Undervisningsministeriet og fokuserer primært på de...

  2. Rommet som den tredje pedagog - En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning - med fokus på estetisk virksomhet


    Krokstad, Inger Elisabeth


    Masteroppgaven «Rommet som den tredje pedagog i tre Reggio Emilia-inspirerte barnehager. En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning –med fokus på estetisk virksomhet» har til hensikt å bidra til økt kunnskap om estetisk virksomhet som er forbundet med Reggio Emilias tanke om rommet som den tredje pedagog. Avhandlingens problemstilling er: Hvilke mønster kan identifiseres i barnehagepedagogens forståelse av rommet som den tredje pedagog-med fokus på estetisk virksomhet? ...

  3. SINs and SOMs: Neural microcircuits for size tuning in the zebrafish and mouse visual pathway.

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    Alison J. Barker


    Full Text Available In many animals, a fast and reliable circuit for discriminating between predator-sized objects and edible (prey-sized objects is necessary for survival. How are receptive fields in visual brain areas organized to extract information about size? Recent studies from the zebrafish optic tectum and the mouse visual cortex suggest de novo shaping of receptive fields by subtypes of inhibitory neurons. Del Bene et al. (2010 describe a population of GABAergic neurons in the zebrafish optic tectum (Superficial Interneurons, SINs that are necessary for size filtering during prey capture. Adesnik et al. (2012 describe a somatostatin-expressing interneuron population (SOMs that confers surround suppression on layer II/III pyramidal cells in mouse V1. Strikingly both the SINs and the SOMs, display size-dependent response properties. Increasing visual stimulus size increases excitatory input to these neurons. Dampening SIN or SOM activity alters tuning of neighboring circuits such that they lose preference for small objects. Both results provide exciting evidence for mechanisms of size filtering in visual circuits. Here we review the roles of the SINs and the SOMs and speculate on the similarity of such spatial filters across species.

  4. Som Energia: sostenibilitat energètica i cooperativisme


    Duran i Grant, Alexandre; Huijink, Gijsbert; Roselló, Marc


    La cooperativa Som Energia és una organització innovadora en el sector energètic a casa nostra. Proposa una forma de fer diferent de la de les empreses tradicionals del sector: ven energia renovable certificada, no té ànim de lucre i busca el bé comú. La proposta treballa per la sostenibilitat energètica.

  5. Bysykler : perspektiver på bysykkelordninger som en del av en bærekraftig bytransport og urban identitet


    Langfeldt, Tuva


    SAMMENDRAG - Byutviklingen er de senere årene preget av grønne visjoner og planlegging for levende og bærekraftige byer. Et viktig ledd i denne utviklingen er menneskelig bevegelse og mobilitet, og det ses flere og flere steder med nye øyne på hvordan mobiliteten i byen kan og bør være. Fokus på sykkel som framkomstmiddel har blitt stadig mer populært, i Europa som USA, og som et resultat av behov for en mer syklende og mindre bilkjørende befolkning er det dukket opp bysykkelordninger i bå...

  6. Content Management som platform og pædagogisk strategi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Kim Bach; Rasmussen, Steen Cnops


    Med afsæt i konkrete erfaringer på pædagoguddannelsen argumenteres der for, at implementeringen af it-systemer og udviklingen af de ansattes it-kompetencer bør tage afsæt i en pædagogisk tænkning, som prioriterer enkelthed og brugervenlighed højt....

  7. DUT som didaktisk felt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvortrup, Ane; Keiding, Tina B.


    undervisningsformer. [Abstract in English] The paper presents a systematic categorization of 115 papers published in the Danish Journal for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (DUT) from 2006 to 2013. The aim is to explore which didactic topics the journal deals with and how it contributes to the Danish...... the scholarship of teaching and learning. The categorization shows that most of the contributions deal with teaching methods. A subsequent analysis shows that the contributions almost exclusively deal with active and social teaching methods (teaching as experience and teaching as interaction)......(In Danish and English) Artiklen foretager en systematisk kategorisering og analyse af de bidrag, som har været bragt i Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift (DUT) fra 2006-2013. Formålet er at undersøge, hvilke didaktiske temaer tidskriftet har været optaget af og at diskutere mulige...

  8. Importancia del conteo de células somáticas en la calidad de la leche


    Hernández Reyes, Juan Manuel; Bedolla Cedeño, José Luís Carlos


    Este trabajo es una revisión sobre la importancia de las células somáticas en la calidad de la leche. Las células somáticas son, entre otras, células blancas propias del organismo que le sirven como defensa a la glándula mamaria de la vaca contra organismos patógenos. La determinación del contenido de células somáticas de la leche del tanque, o de los cuartos de la glándula mamaria de las vacas, es el medio auxiliar de diagnóstico más importante para juzgar el estado de salud de la ubre de un...

  9. Soil Response to Natural Vegetation Dynamics During the Late Holocene in Minnesota, USA, and Implications for SOM Accumulation and Loss (United States)

    Mason, J. A.; Kasmerchak, C. S.; Keita, H.; Gruley, K. E.


    We studied soil response to late Holocene shifts in the dynamic boundary between forest and grassland, in two contrasting landscapes of Minnesota, USA. On both the glaciated landscape of northwestern Minnesota and steep bedrock slopes of southeastern Minnesota, forest has replaced grassland in the late Holocene (after 4 ka in the NW, during at least the last few 100 yr in the SE). Two distinct soil morphologies coexist in essentially the same climate and parent materials, Mollisols with deep SOM accumulation under grassland and Alfisols with most SOM in thin A horizons under forest. Organic carbon stocks of the Mollisols we sampled (to 1 m depth) are at least 50% greater than those of the Alfisols; thus, replacement of grassland by forest involves substantial SOM loss. Ultimately, the transition from Alfisols to Mollisols can probably be explained by much lower proportions of belowground SOM addition, and possibly less bioturbation, under forest; however, the timescale of this change is of great interest. Mollisols and transitional soils occur under forest today near the 19th century location of the vegetation boundary in NW Minnesota, and in certain slope positions in SE Minnesota. Stable C isotope profiles within those soils record the transition from C4 or mixed C3/C4 vegetation (tallgrass prairie or savanna) to C3 forest vegetation. Combined with 14C dating these data demonstrate a substantial lag in loss of the Mollisol morphology—thick SOM-rich A horizons with highly stable aggregates—after forest occupation. In fact, these thick A horizons may persist even when C4 grass-derived SOM has largely been replaced by SOM added after forest occupation. We are exploring possible explanations for this persistence in NW Minnesota. In SE Minnesota, it is likely related to parent material rich in dolomite fragments, with stable aggregation and SOM accumulation favored by abundant Ca2+and Mg2+. This parent material effect results in localization of high SOM

  10. Reklamen som pastiche. Om Dansk Sygeplejeråds annoncekampagne efteråret 1986

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    Gunhild Agger


    Full Text Available Der er flere og flere medieproducenter, der anser modtagerne for at besidde en vis tekstuel intelligens. Fra detektivpasticher som Dick Spanner og Batman over den konstant genreparodierende "Moon- lighting" (De heldige helte til Poul og Nulles respektløse faktion "I sandhedens Tjeneste" leges der med betydningsdannelsen. Seerne/læserne indbydes til selv at spille ping-pong med billeder og tekst. Gunhild Agger analyserer her denne tendens, sådan som den kom- mer til udtryk inden for reklamen: Anker Jørgensen som James Bond, og kondomer til Prinsessen på Ærten! Mest indgående beskæftiger hun sig med Dansk Sygeplejeråds brug af myten om sygeplejersken i en annoncekampagne op mod overenskomstforhandlingerne i 1987. Gunhild Agger nøjes ikke med en indholdsanalyse af annoncerne, men beskriver hele kampagnen: Dansk Sygeplejeråds hensigter med frem- stødet, kampagnens lancering over for den tre-dobbelte målgruppe, læsernes formodede reception, og kampagnens politiske og holdnings- mæssige effekter.

  11. Programproduktion som Kritisk Teori – eller tv-teksten som industriel iscenesættelse

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    John Caldwell


    Full Text Available Denne artikel peger på nødvendigheden af en revurdering af den tre-delte model, som Fiske og Gripsrud har fremført, ved at vise, hvorledes ‘sekundære’ og ‘tertiære’ tv-tekster uafladeligt bevæger sig eller rejser hen imod en ‘primær’ tekstuel status i det amerikan- ske multikanals-»flow«. En detaljeret gennemgang af industriens tekstuelle praksis – programbegivenheder, network-branding, ka- nallogoer, filmene bag filmen, pressemateriale på video, salgsma- teriale og tilgrænsende digitale medier – viser hvorledes industrien teoretiserer sine egne vilkår direkte på skærmen, og dermed også hvordan publikum vejledes igennem en sådan offentlig cirkulation af »inside«-viden om tv-systemet. Artiklen er oversat af Henrik Bødker.

  12. Fjernsynet som shaman: Om store mediebegivenheders transformative virkninger

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    Daniel Dayan


    Full Text Available Den direkte transmission af levende begivenheder har altid været TV- mediets særlige styrke, hvad enten det drejer sig om fodboldkampe, Lørdagskanalen eller kongebrylluper. Medieforskerne har da også interesseret sig for fjernsynets formidling af sportsbegivenheder og der er blevet lavet analyser af Kanaludsendelserne. Men hverken i Danmark eller andre steder har forskerne fundet det interessant at undersøge de store, ceremonielle mediebegivenheder. Det er Dayan & Katz´ projekt at udfylde dette tomrum i medie- og kul- turforskningen: Hvad er det, der fascinerer millioner ved disse TV- ceremonier, der ofte ikke blot henvender sig til et enkelt lands seere, men transmitteres til og ses af store dele af verden? Hvordan fungere disse begivenheder - hvad enten det drejer sig om Præsident Kennedys begravelse, Sadats besøg i Jerusalem, Månelandingen eller Watergate- høringerne - ideologisk, og hvilke interesser tjener de dermed i den politiske offentlighed? I denne artikel, der er et bearbejdet uddrag af den bog, projektet skal munde ud i, beskæftiger Dayan & Katz sig især med det de kalder "transformative" mediebegivenheder, dvs. TV-ceremonier der markerer, at et samfund står ved en tærskel mellem den herskende orden og en ny mulig orden, og som selv er et aktivt og aktiverende bidrag til forvand- lingen af kulturelle opfattelser og værdier. Artiklens perpektiv er udpræget tværvidenskabeligt, idet der trækkes på såvel kulturantropologiske (Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Turner som filosofiske (Bakhtin, Baudrillard, sprogteoretiske (Austin og traditionelt samfunds- videnskabelige/mediesociologiske (Boorstin arbejder. I artiklens første halvdel foretages der en afgrænsning af transformative over for andre ceremonielle begivenheder. I anden halvdel gennemgås de fem faser, som udgør transformative begivenheders typiske struktur. Artiklen er bearbejdet af Jørgen Bang og Kim Schrøder. Den er oversat af Kim Schrøder.

  13. Distinct roles of SOM and VIP interneurons during cortical Up states

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    Garrett T. Neske


    Full Text Available During cortical network activity, recurrent synaptic excitation among pyramidal neurons is approximately balanced by synaptic inhibition, which is provided by a vast diversity of inhibitory interneurons. The relative contributions of different interneuron subtypes to inhibitory tone during cortical network activity is not well understood. We previously showed that many of the major interneuron subtypes in mouse barrel cortex are highly active during Up states (Neske et al., 2015; while fast-spiking (FS, parvalbumin (PV-positive cells were the most active interneuron subtype, many non-fast-spiking (NFS, PV-negative interneurons were as active or more active than neighboring pyramidal cells. This suggests that the NFS cells could play a role in maintaining or modulating Up states. Here, using optogenetic techniques, we further dissected the functional roles during Up states of two major NFS, PV-negative interneuron subtypes: somatostatin (SOM-positive cells and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP-positive cells. We found that while pyramidal cell excitability during Up states significantly increased when SOM cells were optogenetically silenced, VIP cells did not influence pyramidal cell excitability either upon optogenetic silencing or activation. VIP cells failed to contribute to Up states despite their ability to inhibit SOM cells strongly. We suggest that the contribution of VIP cells to the excitability of pyramidal cells may vary with cortical state.

  14. Sporløs – Om biologi, identitet og slægten som fjernsyn [Find My Family - On biology, identity and kinship on television] Sporløs – Om biologi, identitet og slægten som fjernsyn

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    Birgitta Frello


    Full Text Available During recent years, the Danish public service television station (DR has launched several documentary serials that focus on kinship and genealogy. Genealogy makes ‘good TV’ because it enables an immediate identification with the protagonist of the programme. Furthermore, the protagonist’s personal story can function as a vehicle for telling other stories. However, the way kinship is depicted in the serials presupposes that a person’s knowledge about her biological kin equals knowledge about her personal identity. The article analyses the serial Find my Family (Danish: Sporløs, discussing the naturalisation of biological kin and the possible consequences of the conceptualisation of kinship that is taken for granted in the serial.DR har i de senere år lanceret flere programserier, som har slægt og slægtsforskning som fokus. Slægtsprogrammer er ’godt fjernsyn’ i den forstand, at de giver mulighed for en umiddelbar identifikation med hovedpersonen, samtidig med at dennes historie kan bruges som løftestang for andre historier. Imidlertid anlægger programmerne en vinkel på slægten, som forudsætter, at et øget kendskab til den biologiske slægt automatisk medfører et øget kendskab til den personlige identitet. Denne selvfølgeliggørelse af den biologiske slægts betydning problematiseres i artiklen, og med udgangspunkt i Sporløs diskuteres mulige implikationer og konsekvenser af den forståelse af slægten, som programmerne tager udgangspunkt i og tager for givet.

  15. Livsstil som tv-underholdning

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    Christa Lykke Christensen


    Full Text Available Livsstilsprogrammer har siden slutningen af 1990’erne domineret programfladen i den tidlige prime time på de danske public service-kanaler DR og TV 2. Dermed er emner, som figurerer i bl.a. magasiner og ugeblade, massivt rykket ind på tv’s sendeflade. Bolig, have, mad, ferie, krop og sundhed er indholdet i programmer, der både vil informere, give gode råd og underholde seerne. Artiklen fokuserer på underholdningsdimensionen i tre kategorier af livsstilsprogrammer og undersøger elementer, der kan tænkes at fremme motivationen for at se dem. Her lægges vægten på hhv. vidensperspektivets kompetenceaspekt og livsstilsbegrebets imaginative muligheder i relation til drømmen om ’det gode liv’ og ønsket om den forjættende forandring. Artiklen diskuterer endvidere, hvorledes public service-fjernsynet med disse livsstilsprogrammer har suppleret dets oplysende funktion med en opdaterende funktion, og hvordan dets tidligere kulturelt dannende funktion i kraft af disse programmers karakter af manual kan opfattes som en slags livsstilsguide i forhold til markedets forbrugsmuligheder. Lifestyle as TV entertainment Since the late 1990s lifestyle programmes have dominated early prime time on the Danish public service channels, DR and TV 2. For this reason topics that have traditionally figured in magazines extensively have entered television programming. House, garden, vacation, body, and health form the content of programmes which aim to both inform, advise and entertain viewers. The article primarily focuses on the aspects of entertainment in three main lifestyle categories and is concerned with elements that might promote viewers’ motivation for watching such programmes. Importance is attached to the competence aspect of knowledge and to the imaginative possibilities connected to the idea of lifestyle, related to daydreams, ideas of ‘the good life’, and a desire for promising change. Furthermore, the article discusses how public

  16. Livsstil som tv-underholdning

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    Christa Lykke Christensen


    Full Text Available Livsstilsprogrammer har siden slutningen af 1990’erne domineret programfladen i den tidlige prime time på de danske public service-kanaler DR og TV 2. Dermed er emner, som figurerer i bl.a. magasiner og ugeblade, massivt rykket ind på tv’s sendeflade. Bolig, have, mad, ferie, krop og sundhed er indholdet i programmer, der både vil informere, give gode råd og underholde seerne. Artiklen fokuserer på underholdningsdimensionen i tre kategorier af livsstilsprogrammer og undersøger elementer, der kan tænkes at fremme motivationen for at se dem. Her lægges vægten på hhv. vidensperspektivets kompetenceaspekt og livsstilsbegrebets imaginative muligheder i relation til drømmen om ’det gode liv’ og ønsket om den forjættende forandring. Artiklen diskuterer endvidere, hvorledes public service-fjernsynet med disse livsstilsprogrammer har suppleret dets oplysende funktion med en opdaterende funktion, og hvordan dets tidligere kulturelt dannende funktion i kraft af disse programmers karakter af manual kan opfattes som en slags livsstilsguide i forhold til markedets forbrugsmuligheder. Lifestyle as TV entertainment Since the late 1990s lifestyle programmes have dominated early prime time on the Danish public service channels, DR and TV 2. For this reason topics that have traditionally figured in magazines extensively have entered television programming. House, garden, vacation, body, and health form the content of programmes which aim to both inform, advise and entertain viewers. The article primarily focuses on the aspects of entertainment in three main lifestyle categories and is concerned with elements that might promote viewers’ motivation for watching such programmes. Importance is attached to the competence aspect of knowledge and to the imaginative possibilities connected to the idea of lifestyle, related to daydreams, ideas of ‘the good life’, and a desire for promising change. Furthermore, the article discusses how public

  17. Proactive Review som læringsrum for online-ledere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolbæk, Ditte


    . Kapitlet undersøger, hvordan online lederen kan lære af erfaringer skabt i hans/hendes online team. Kapitlet tager udgangspunkt i Engeströms virksomhedsteori og Proactive Review som praksisser for, hvordan ledere konkret kan lære sammen med deres team (Kolbæk 2011). Kapitlet udvikler en model for lederens...... læring på basis af ovenstående teorier. Da læring og kommunikation i teamet foregår online, er det nærliggende at benytte netnografi som metodisk tilgang. Kapitlet undersøger online lederens læringsrum i en global IT virksomhed, hvor Proactive Reviews er implementeret i flere end 40 lande......, at medarbejdere og ledere opholder sig i forskellige lande, og at de kun sjældent eller måske aldrig mødes fysisk, men altid samarbejder og kommunikerer online. Kapitlet kalder det online teams og online ledelse. Dette kapitel fokuserer på lederens læring i et læringsrum, hvor ledelse og samarbejde foregår online...

  18. Bærme (DDGS) som proteinfoder til malkekøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sehested, Jakob; Sørensen, Martin Tang; Weisbjerg, Martin Riis


    DDGS er et proteinrigt fodermiddel fra produktionen af bio-etanol baseret på korn og majs, og det forventes på markedet i stigende mængder. Kornbaseret DDGS kan være et godt proteinfoder som uden negativ effekt på mælkeproduktion eller -kvalitet kan indgå med 15 % af rationens tørstof og kan...

  19. How the type of pyrogenic organic matter determines the SOM quality in amended soils (United States)

    Merino, Agustin; Gartzia-Bengoetxea, Nahia; Morangues, Lur; Arias-Gonzalez, Ander


    Charred biomass can be used as an organic amendment and to enhance the C sink capacity of soils. There are two types of by-products containing pyrogenic OM that could be used to improve in agricultural or forestry, biochar and wood ash. Due to their different heating conditions under which it is produced (pyrolysis, combustion and different temperatures, feedstocks,..), the properties of this pyrogenic OM might be highly variable, which could affect the SOM quality and the C sink capacity of the amended soil. The purpose of this study was to assess how SOM quality is influenced by pyrogenic organic matter with different degree of carbonization. Biochar and bottom wood ash were added to two Atlantic forest soils (Pinus radiata, 12 °C, 1200 mm) with different texture, clayey loam and sandy loam. The experiment consisted in a randomized block trials, in which different doses of biochar (0, 3, 9, 18 Mh ha-1) and wood ash (0, 1.5, 4.5, and 9 Mg ha-1) were added. The Biochar applied (pH: 9.8; C: 87 %) was produced by the pyrolysis of Myscanthus sp. at 450°C in a Pyreg® pyrolysis unit. The bottom wood ash (pH: 10.6; C: 30 %) was produced by combustion in a biomass power plant. The aromatization/carbonization was lightly higher in biochar than in wood ash. This latter by-product, in addition to the black carbon, it also contained mineral ash, as well as unburnt or lightly charred plant biomass. The evolution of soil chemical and SOM properties were monitored over three years by solid state Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and 13C CPMAS NMR. These techniques were applied in bulk samples and also in fractions of different densityes. The changes in microbial activity were studied by analysis of microbial biomass C and basal respiration and soil microbial community. Three years after applications the SOM content increased lightly in the treatment receiving the highest doses of biochar and wood ash, specially in the clay loam soil. SOM in the treated soils displayed a

  20. Impact of Fe(III)-OM complexes and Fe(III) polymerization on SOM pools reactivity under different land uses (United States)

    Giannetta, B.; Plaza, C.; Zaccone, C.; Siebecker, M. G.; Rovira, P.; Vischetti, C.; Sparks, D. L.


    Soil organic matter (SOM) protection and long-term accumulation are controlled by adsorption to mineral surfaces in different ways, depending on its molecular structure and pedo-climatic conditions. Iron (Fe) oxides are known to be key regulators of the soil carbon (C) cycle, and Fe speciation in soils is highly dependent on environmental conditions and chemical interactions with SOM. However, the molecular structure and hydrolysis of Fe species formed in association with SOM is still poorly described. We hypothesize the existence of two pools of Fe which interact with SOM: mononuclear Fe(III)-SOM complexes and precipitated Fe(III) hydroxides. To verify our hypothesis, we investigated the interactions between Fe(III) and physically isolated soil fractions by means of batch experiments at pH 7. Specifically, we examined the fine silt plus clay (FSi+C) fraction, obtained by ultrasonic dispersion and wet sieving. The soil samples spanned several land uses, including coniferous forest (CFS), grassland (GS), technosols (TS) and agricultural (AS) soils. Solid phase products and supernatants were analyzed for C and Fe content. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis were also performed. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was used to assess the main C functional groups involved in C complexation and desorption experiments. Preliminary linear combination fitting (LCF) of Fe K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra suggested the formation of ferrihydrite-like polymeric Fe(III) oxides in reacted CFS and GS samples, with higher C and Fe concentration. Conversely, mononuclear Fe(III) OM complexes dominated the speciation for TS and AS samples, characterized by lower C and Fe concentration, inhibiting the hydrolysis and polymerization of Fe (III). This approach will help revealing the mechanisms by which SOM pools can control Fe(III) speciation, and will elucidate how both Fe

  1. Feature combination analysis in smart grid based using SOM for Sudan national grid (United States)

    Bohari, Z. H.; Yusof, M. A. M.; Jali, M. H.; Sulaima, M. F.; Nasir, M. N. M.


    In the investigation of power grid security, the cascading failure in multicontingency situations has been a test because of its topological unpredictability and computational expense. Both system investigations and burden positioning routines have their limits. In this project, in view of sorting toward Self Organizing Maps (SOM), incorporated methodology consolidating spatial feature (distance)-based grouping with electrical attributes (load) to evaluate the vulnerability and cascading impact of various part sets in the force lattice. Utilizing the grouping result from SOM, sets of overwhelming stacked beginning victimized people to perform assault conspires and asses the consequent falling impact of their failures, and this SOM-based approach viably distinguishes the more powerless sets of substations than those from the conventional burden positioning and other bunching strategies. The robustness of power grids is a central topic in the design of the so called "smart grid". In this paper, to analyze the measures of importance of the nodes in a power grid under cascading failure. With these efforts, we can distinguish the most vulnerable nodes and protect them, improving the safety of the power grid. Also we can measure if a structure is proper for power grids.

  2. Specialestuderendes læringsudfordringer i vejledningen - nudging som handlemulighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hanne Nexø; Juul Jensen, Christina


    teoretiske afsæt er generiske læringsudfordringer i vejledningsprocesser, hvor læring opstår, når de studerende passerer en læringsudfordring. Vejledere kan bruge forståelsen af læringsudfordringer til at ”nudge”- plante en idé – som en måde at få studerende til at passere læringsudfordringerne....

  3. Pædagogiske læreplaner som redskab til evaluering, læring og kvalitetsudvikling?

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    Poul Skov Dahl


    Full Text Available Den nyligt afsluttede, landsdækkende evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner har vist, at pædagogiske læreplaner indtil nu har været en faglig succes i dagtilbuddene. Men den viser også, at evalueringsarbejdet endnu spiller en begrænset rolle i arbejdet. Hvis de pædagogiske læreplaner fremadrettet skal forblive en succes og medvirke til at udvikle den pædagogiske praksis, er evalueringskapacitet et vigtigt omdrejningspunkt. Med systematisk evaluering som en integreret del af arbejdet med de pædagogiske læreplaner har de - som en form for ”systemtænknings-redskab -” potentiale til at være løftestang for organisatorisk læring i dagtilbuddet - den læring, som er en forudsætning for kvalitetsudviklingen af den pædagogiske praksis. Vi sætter i denne artikel fokus på sammenhængen mellem pædagogiske læreplaner, evaluering og organisatorisk læring i dagtilbuddene.

  4. Empowerment som frigørelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Pernille Tanggaard


    Empowerment er et at tidens modeord, og sættes i forbindelse med vidt forskellige termer eksempelvis personlighedsudvikling, borgerinddragelse og styringsideologi. Begrebet empowerment rummer efterhånden så mange betydninger, at man kan diskuterer selve essensen – i dette kapitel gøres dog et...... forsøg og forskellige dele af begrebet udfoldes. Direkte oversat betyder empowermemt at bemyndige eller sætter i stand til. Empowerment er et ofte anvendt begreb indenfor sundhedsvidenskab og i tilrettelæggelse af sundhedsfremmende initiativer. Begrebet bliver ofte defineret og benyttet forskelligt alt...... efter det bagvedliggende ideologiske perspektiv, og derfor er udgangspunktet i dette kapitel også at illustrerer forskellige ”blikke på empowerment”. Derudover inddrages to eksempler; studier af lokalsamfund og borgerinddragelse og ’den motiverende samtale’ som illustration på, hvilke udfordringer, der...

  5. Med øjeblikket som udgangspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind

    Artiklen er motiveret af, at Meads temporale analyser tilsyneladende ikke har fået den plads og opmærksomhed, de fortjener, og formålet er at argumentere for, at disse er afgørende for forståelsen af helt centrale aspekter i hans tænkning. Meads udgangspunkt for sin analyse af temporalitet er en...... perspektiv på identitet og social interaktion i hans socialpsykologi. Denne artikels formål er således dobbelt og er for det første at præsentere og diskutere Meads temporale perspektiv som en relevant indgang og nøgle til hans socialpsykologi og sideløbende hermed for det andet at argumentere for, at de...... temporale analyser er centrale for at få greb om Meads genialitet....

  6. Det retlige sprog som virkelighedsskabende - graviditetsvært kontra surrogatmoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Frank Høgholm


    I dag er det undtagelsen, at kvinden, der bærer graviditeten og føder barnet i et surrogati-arrangement, er genetisk relateret til barnet. I artiklen foreslås som en supplerende betegnelse til surrogatmoder derfor betegnelsen: graviditetsvært. Valget af en retlig betegnelse til beskrivelse af fak...

  7. Yrkesforberedelse eller fagopplæring med fagbrev? Med design og håndverk som kontekst

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    Bjørn Magne Aakre


    Full Text Available Artikkelen drøfter forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring med utgangspunkt i den kombinerte studieretningen formgivingsfag som ble innført i Norge i 1994. I 2006 ble den delt i et programfag under studiespesialiserende fag, og et nytt yrkesfaglig program med betegnelse design og håndverk. Hvilke interesser lå til grunn for endringene, hvor dyptgripende ble de og hvilke overveieleser kan en gjøre i ettertid om forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring? Artikkelen søker å svare på spørsmålene ut fra relevante dokumenter og to kvantitative undersøkelser med elever og lærere som informanter. Artikkelen konkluderer med at innholdet forble nokså likt, antall elever ble halvert og at frafallet økte. Det konkluderes videre med at mange forhold bidrar til å legitimere et fag og dets innhold som henholdsvis skolefag, vitenskapsfag eller yrkesfag. Legitimeringen preges ofte av motstridende motiver og interesser, og sjelden bare faglige begrunnelser.

  8. Litteraturarbete i ett svenska som andraspråksklassrum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Economou


    Full Text Available AbstractThis article considers the role of reading fiction in Swedish as a second language instruction. The study examines how a group of advanced second language learners in a Swedish upper secondary school read, interpret and discuss a contemporary Swedish novel, how they interact with the text and with each other in relation to the text. Furthermore, it analyses which forms of reading the students use. It is a qualitative, empirical study based on field studies, transcriptions of tape recorded interaction and of written texts. The results indicate that second language learners in this context have a positive attitude towards reading and discussing what they read using several forms of reading. They often compare the content of the text to their own lives. One conclusion is that literature teaching and literature can be integrated into one Swedish subject in order to create even more meaningful interactions between students from different backgrounds. Another is that literature can be a means of language development as well as personal development.Keywords: Second language learners, literature pedagogy and didactics, forms of reading, democracy. SammandragDenna artikel handlar om skönlitteraturens roll i skolämnet svenska som andraspråk. Studien undersöker hur en grupp avancerade andraspråksinlärare i en svensk gymnasieskola läser, tolkar och diskuterar en modern svensk roman och hur de interagerar med texten och med varandra i relation till texten. Dessutom analyseras vilka läsarter som eleverna använde sig av. Den är en kvalitativ, empirisk studie som baseras på fältstudier, transkriptioner av inspelade boksamtal och elevtexter. Resultaten visar att andraspråkseleverna hade en positiv attityd till boksamtal och de använde sig av flera läsarter. De jämförde ofta texten till sina egna liv och erfarenheter.  En slutsats är att litteraturundervisning och litteraturarbete skulle kunna integreras i ett gemensamt ämne så att

  9. Faktorer som förklarar miljövänligt beteende hos unga vuxna


    Rikner, Amanda


    Människors miljörelaterade beteenden behöver förbättras. I studien undersöktes unga vuxna universitetsstuderandes syn på klimatproblematiken. En enkät delades ut som mätte miljövänligt beteende, ansvarskänsla, tillit till forskning, upplevelse av att kunna påverka och kunskap när det gäller klimatproblematiken. Deltagarna fick också beskriva anledningar som möjliggör eller förhindrar en förbättring av klimatproblematiken. Deltog gjorde 97 personer. Resultatet visade på signifikanta samband me...

  10. BIM som Informationsbärare in i Förvaltningen : En studie vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp


    Svens, Therése


    BIM, Building Information Modeling, börjar vinna mark inom byggbranschen i Sverige och är en vedertagen process i vart och vartannat byggprojekt. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp står inför både upprustningar av sina anläggningar och nyproduktion av bland annat kontor, verkstad och hotell. BIM framstår nu som en lukrativ metod för att dra ner på projektkostnaderna, men även för att få ytterligare ordning och struktur på den enorma mängd dokumentation som ackumulerat under de dryga trettio åren av drift. ...

  11. Forskeres arbejde med oplevelser af børns tegninger som forskningsmetode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj


    , experiences, intentions and engagement that may be difficult to articulate verbally. Research can include children’s art and drawings to study phenomena such as children’s feelings, emotions, experiences, intentions and engagements. Transparency of the ways in which art and drawings in specific ways...... at gøre rede for hvordan forskerens sanselige og æstetiske oplevelser af børns tegninger kan gøres transparente ved at tegninger betragtes som ’æstetiske objekter’ som led i forskningsprocessen. In art and drawing children can visually express phenomena in their mind such as feelings, emotions...... contribute to knowledge is a challenge in research. The aim of this article is to describe and discuss how the construct ‘aesthetic object’ may offer researchers an approach to children’s art and drawings that can explicitly include the researcher’s sensory and aesthetic experiences as knowledge....

  12. Betyder modellering det samme i naturfag som i matematik?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejersbo, Lisser Rye


    Med de nye målformuleringer og læseplaner bruges udtrykket modellering nu både indenfor naturfag og matematik. Matematiklærere, som er vant til at arbejde med modellering tror måske, at det betyder det samme begge steder, men det behøver slet ikke at være tilfældet. Måske vi trænger til en...

  13. Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Clusters of Ozonesonde Profiles to Evaluate Climatologies and Create Linkages between Meteorology and Pollution (United States)

    Stauffer, R. M.; Thompson, A. M.; Young, G. S.; Oltmans, S. J.; Johnson, B.


    Ozone (O3) climatologies are typically created by averaging ozonesonde profiles on a monthly or seasonal basis, either for specific regions or zonally. We demonstrate the advantages of using a statistical clustering technique, self-organizing maps (SOM), over this simple averaging, through analysis of more than 4500 sonde profiles taken from the long-term US sites at Boulder, CO; Huntsville, AL; Trinidad Head, CA; and Wallops Island, VA. First, we apply SOM to O3 mixing ratios from surface to 12 km amsl. At all four sites, profiles in SOM clusters exhibit similar tropopause height, 500 hPa height and temperature, and total and tropospheric column O3. Second, when profiles from each SOM cluster are compared to monthly O3 means, near-tropopause O3 in three of the clusters is double (over +100 ppbv) the climatological O3 mixing ratio. The three clusters include 13-16% of all profiles, mostly from winter and spring. Large mid-tropospheric deviations from monthly means are found in two highly-populated clusters that represent either distinctly polluted (summer) or clean O3 (fall-winter, high tropopause) profiles. Thus, SOM indeed appear to represent US O3 profile statistics better than conventional climatologies. In the case of Trinidad Head, SOM clusters of O3 profile data from the lower troposphere (surface-6 km amsl) can discriminate background vs polluted O3 and the meteorology associated with each. Two of nine O3 clusters exhibit thin layers ( 100s of m thick) of high O3, typically between 1 and 4 km. Comparisons between clusters and downwind, high-altitude surface O3 measurements display a marked impact of the elevated tropospheric O­­3. Days corresponding to the high O3 clusters exhibit hourly surface O3 anomalies at surface sites of +5 -10 ppbv compared to a climatology; the anomalies can last up to four days. We also explore applications of SOM to tropical ozonesonde profiles, where tropospheric O3 variability is generally smaller.

  14. Multi-digit handwritten sindhi numerals recognition using som neural network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandio, A.A.; Jalbani, A.H.; Awan, S.A.


    In this research paper a multi-digit Sindhi handwritten numerals recognition system using SOM Neural Network is presented. Handwritten digits recognition is one of the challenging tasks and a lot of research is being carried out since many years. A remarkable work has been done for recognition of isolated handwritten characters as well as digits in many languages like English, Arabic, Devanagari, Chinese, Urdu and Pashto. However, the literature reviewed does not show any remarkable work done for Sindhi numerals recognition. The recognition of Sindhi digits is a difficult task due to the various writing styles and different font sizes. Therefore, SOM (Self-Organizing Map), a NN (Neural Network) method is used which can recognize digits with various writing styles and different font sizes. Only one sample is required to train the network for each pair of multi-digit numerals. A database consisting of 4000 samples of multi-digits consisting only two digits from 10-50 and other matching numerals have been collected by 50 users and the experimental results of proposed method show that an accuracy of 86.89% is achieved. (author)

  15. Minihusfellesskap som verkemiddel i stadsutvikling av Undredal


    Underdal, Brita


    Små bygdesamfunn i Noreg slit med nedgang i folketalet, og det går ut over utvikling, handel og trivsel hjå dei som vert verande i bygda. I verste fall blir bygdene heilt fråflytta, husa forfell og naturressursane går til spille. Dette kan vere framtidsbiletet til Undredal om ikkje noko vert gjort. På 20 år har folketalet gått ned frå 130 innbyggjarar til 70. Dersom utviklinga ikkje stagnerer, vil bygda snart vere tom for fastbuande. Oppgåva stiller difor spørsmålet: Korleis kan ein auk...

  16. Esplenectomia subtotal para tratamento do hipodesenvolvimento somático e sexual secundário a esplenomegalia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andy Petroianu

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: "Nanismo esplênico" é condição clínica decorrente de processo imunitário relacionado ao baço e tem como tratamento preconizado a esplenectomia total. Seguindo uma linha de pesquisa voltada ao estudo da esplenectomia subtotal em diferentes afecções, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento somático de pacientes portadores deste hipodesenvolvimento esplenomegálico, submetidos à esplenectomia subtotal com preservação do pólo superior esplênico irrigado apenas pelos vasos esplenogástricos. MÉTODO: Quatro pacientes masculinos (14, 14, 16 e 17 anos com esplenomegalia (três de etiologia esquistossomática e um com cirrose auto-imune e retardo do desenvolvimento somático e sexual foram submetidos à esplenectomia subtotal. As indicações para cirurgia foram sangramento de varizes do esôfago e pancitopenia. RESULTADOS: Em todos os casos houve retomada do crescimento e após um ano eles já se encontravam dentro da faixa de desenvolvimento somático e sexual compatível com a idade. CONCLUSÃO: O hipodesenvolvimento esplenomegálico não é decorrente da presença do baço, mas de seu crescimento; a esplenectomia subtotal é um procedimento adequado para tratar o retardo de desenvolvimento somático e sexual por esplenomegalia.

  17. Sundhed som tema på den pædagogiske dagsorden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Ulla; Schulz, Anette


    Dagtilbud og skole fremhæves i de nationale mål for danskernes sundhed som vigtige indsatsmiljøer (Regeringen, 2014). I dette kapitel berøres indledningsvist dagtilbuddets og skolens sundhedsfremmende rolle. Herefter præsenteres en række cases, hvor to faktorer har været særligt afgørende for at ...

  18. Det moderne projekt – og portfolioen som en af mange succesteknologier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik


    I artiklen diskuteres portfolioen i lyset af den canadiske fi losof Taylors begreber om rationel selvkontrol og ekspressiv artikulering som forskellige udtryk for det moderne. En række pædagogiske succesteknologier problematiseres og afsluttende foreslås en kommunitarisk forståelse af det...

  19. Praksisnær skoleudvikling og PLC som strategisk udviklingsaktør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ole; Bach, Anna


    I det følgende belyses, hvorledes PLC kan udvikles som strategisk udviklingsaktør og understøtte praksisnær skoleudvikling. Vi ønsker at belyse hvorledes Bekendtgørelsens overordnede intentioner kan få retning og rammer og dermed medvirke til, at hele det pædagogiske personale indgår i skoleudvik......I det følgende belyses, hvorledes PLC kan udvikles som strategisk udviklingsaktør og understøtte praksisnær skoleudvikling. Vi ønsker at belyse hvorledes Bekendtgørelsens overordnede intentioner kan få retning og rammer og dermed medvirke til, at hele det pædagogiske personale indgår i...... skoleudviklingen. I den forbindelse er det vores erfaring, at PLC kan spille en central rolle i forbindelse med den praksisnære og lokale skoleudvikling. Erfaringerne bygger især på udviklings- og forskningsprojekter fra kommunerne Kolding, København, Roskilde og Tårnby. Der har været tale om praksisnære...


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    Gregorius Satia Budhi


    Full Text Available Basketball World has grown rapidly as the time goes on. This is signed by many competition and game all over the world. With the result there are many basketball players with their different playing characteristics. Demand for a coach or scout to look for or search great players to make a solid team as a coach requirement. With this application, a coach or scout will be helped in analyzing in decision making. This application uses Self Organizing Maps algorithm (SOM for Cluster Analysis. The real NBA player data is used for competitive learning or training process and real player data from Indonesian or Petra Christian University Basketball Players is used for testing process. The NBA Player data is prepared through cleaning process and then is transformed into a form that can be processed by SOM Algorithm. After that, the data is clustered with the SOM algorithm. The result of that clusters is displayed into a form that is easy to view and analyze. This result can be saved into a text file. By using the output / result of this application, that are the clusters of NBA player, the user can see the statistics of each cluster. With these cluster statistics coach or scout can predict the statistic and the position of a testing player who is in the same cluster. This information can give a support for the coach or scout to make a decision. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dunia bola basket telah berkembang dengan pesat seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Hal ini ditandai dengan munculnya berbagai macam dan jenis kompetisi dan pertandingan baik dunia maupun dalam negeri. Sehingga makin banyak dilahirkannya pemain berbakat dengan berbagai karakteristik permainan yang berbeda. Tuntutan bagi seorang pelatih/pemandu bakat, untuk dapat melihat secara jeli dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tim untuk membentuk tim yang solid. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi ini, maka akan membantu proses analisis dan pengambilan keputusan bagi pelatih maupun pemandu bakat Aplikasi ini

  1. Sinéreses cromossômicas: projeto de complementaridade semiósica entre som e cor

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    Eufrásio Prates


    Full Text Available O trabalho de Basbaum transita, transdisciplinarmente, pelos campos da neurologia cognitiva, arte, fí­sica, matemática, tecnologia, misticismo e teosofia, trazidos à baila para compor a teia da sinestesia ontológica do cromo-som, complexo indissociável e simultâneo de som e cor, como busca de interconexões originárias entre som e cor a partir da esfera da primeiridade peirciana, da constituição mesma do fenômeno sinestésico. Palavras-chave Sinestesia, primeiridade. Abstract The work of Basbaum as a research on the originary interconnections between sound and color based upon the Peircian firstness sphere concern, the constitution of the synesthesic phenomenon itself , goes transdisciplinarly through the fields of cognitive neurology, arts, physics, mathematics, technology, mysticism and theosophy, all of them with regard to the weaving of the ontological; synesthesia of the chromosound, an indissociable and simultaneous complex ofsound and color. Keywords Synesthesic phenomenon, Peircian firstness.

  2. Innovativ formidling af førsteårsstuderende som et design-based research-forløb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ole Eggers Bjælde


    Full Text Available 14 videoproduktioner, 4 tegneserier, 3 filmfortællinger, 2 sange, 2 nyhedsindslag, 2 børnebøger, 2 facebook-sider, 1 novelle og 1 toiletrulle var blandt resultaterne, da 112 førsteårsstuderende i det obligatoriske kursus Astrofysik på fysikuddannelsen på Aarhus Universitet blev deltagere i et learning design-forløb, som en del af deres eksamen i kurset. Målet med forløbet var dels at sætte fokus på faglig formidling som en væsentlig kompetence blandt universitetsstuderende, men samtidig også at bringe værdier som kreativitet og innovation i spil. Forløbet var tilrettelagt efter principperne for design-based research, og publikationen her sætter fokus på intention, implementering, realisering og perspektivering af det underliggende design med henblik på forbedring af designet til fremtidig brug samt på en vurdering af forløbets samlede impact.

  3. Kombineret laser Doppler flowmetri og spectrophotometri som metode til vurdering af mikrocirculation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berggren Olsen, Mette; Sørensen, Hanne Birke; Houlind, Kim Christian

    Kombineret laser Doppler flowmetri og spectrophotometri som metode til vurdering af mikrocirculation Berggren, MB, reservelæge, Karkirurgisk Afdeling, Kolding,; Houlind, K, lektor, afdelingslæge, Ph.d., Karkirurgisk afdeling, Kolding, kim...

  4. John Deweys pædagogik som filosofisk livskunst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    De senere år har der været forøget fokus på John Deweys slægtskab med antikkens filosofiske tradition. Oplægget stiller i den forbindelse skarpt på spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt og hvordan det giver mening at forstå Deweys pædagogiske filosofi i sammenhæng med Hellenismens og Romerrigets filosofiske...... livskunst. Er det med andre ord muligt at begribe Deweys pædagogik som en særlig form for filosofisk livskunst?...

  5. Aktionslæring som metode til udvikling af inkluderende praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, Janne; Maltzahn, Lene Nyboe


    Kapitlet handler om, hvordan genkendelige hverdagspraksisser i daginstitutioner i nogle tilfælde ekskluderer børn, mens andre praksisser understøtter, at børn kan tage del i fællesskaber. Med afsæt i en konkret case argumenteres der for, at aktionslæring som metode kan gøre det muligt for pædagog...

  6. Technology Marketing using PCA , SOM, and STP Strategy Modeling


    Sunghae Jun


    Technology marketing is a total processing about identifying and meeting the technological needs of human society. Most technology results exist in intellectual properties like patents. In our research, we consider patent document as a technology. So patent data are analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Self Organizing Map (SOM) for STP(Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning) strategy modeling. STP is a popular approach for developing marketing strategies. We use STP strategy m...

  7. Velfærdsteknologi og læringsteknologi med MOOC som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Heilesen, Simon


    Kapitlet redegører for ‘Velfærdsteknologi’ i forhold til begrebet 'læringsteknologi’. Læringsteknologi bestemmes som velfærdsteknologi udfoldet inden for uddannelsessystemet. Ligesom velfærdsteknologi indføres læringsteknologi med multiple dagsordener, hvor hensigterne både er at tilskynde den læ...

  8. Teamcoaching som kvalificering af Cooperative Learning på læreruddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Henrik


    Projektet tager med et systemisk udgangspunkt et blik på coachingens muligheder som kvalificerende redskab for de studerendes tilegnelse af teoretiske og praktiske færdigheder i udviklingen af Cooperative Learning. Der er et teoretisk udgangspunkt i Luhmann og Vygotsky ligesom forskellige stadier i...... udviklingen fra gruppe til team skildres....

  9. Effect of variable soil texture, metal saturation of soil organic matter (SOM) and tree species composition on spatial distribution of SOM in forest soils in Poland. (United States)

    Gruba, Piotr; Socha, Jarosław; Błońska, Ewa; Lasota, Jarosław


    In this study we investigated the effect of fine (ϕclay (FF) content in soils, site moisture, metal (Al and Fe) of soil organic matter (SOM) and forest species composition on the spatial distribution of carbon (C) pools in forest soils at the landscape scale. We established 275 plots in regular 200×200m grid in a forested area of 14.4km(2). Fieldwork included soil sampling of the organic horizon, mineral topsoil and subsoil down to 40cm deep. We analysed the vertical and horizontal distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, as well as the quantity of physically separated fractions including the free light (fLF), occluded light (oLF) and mineral associated fractions (MAF) in the mineral topsoil (A, AE) horizons. Distribution of C in soils was predominantly affected by the variation in the FF content. In soils richer in the FF more SOC was accumulated in mineral horizons and less in the organic horizons. Accumulation of SOC in mineral soil was also positively affected by the degree of saturation of SOM with Al and Fe. The increasing share of beech influenced the distribution of C stock in soil profiles by reducing the depth of O horizon and increasing C stored in mineral soil. The content of FF was positively correlated with the content of C in MAF and fLF fractions. The content of oLF and MAF fractions was also positively influenced by a higher degree of metal saturation, particularly Al. Our results confirmed that Al plays an important role in the stabilization of SOM inside aggregates (CoLF) and as in CMAF fractions. We also found a significant, positive effect of beech on the CfLF and fir on the CoLF content. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. High dimension feature extraction based visualized SOM fault diagnosis method and its application in p-xylene oxidation process☆

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ying Tian; Wenli Du; Feng Qian


    Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) is an important chemical raw material. P-xylene (PX) is transformed to terephthalic acid (TA) through oxidation process and TA is refined to produce PTA. The PX oxidation reaction is a complex process involving three-phase reaction of gas, liquid and solid. To monitor the process and to im-prove the product quality, as wel as to visualize the fault type clearly, a fault diagnosis method based on self-organizing map (SOM) and high dimensional feature extraction method, local tangent space alignment (LTSA), is proposed. In this method, LTSA can reduce the dimension and keep the topology information simultaneously, and SOM distinguishes various states on the output map. Monitoring results of PX oxidation reaction process in-dicate that the LTSA–SOM can wel detect and visualize the fault type.

  11. Claus Beck-Nielsen som spøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Med Brian Grahams artikel “Sympathy for the Spectres: The Double Nature of Blake’s Spectral Figures in Jerusalem” forbliver vi inden for den litterære tradition, men bevæger os en smule længere frem i tiden. Graham retter blikket mod William Blakes forfatterskab og påpeger, at Blakes univers er...... feministisk synsvinkel – er spøgelserne dobbelte: de spiller en rolle i kristendommens historie, samtidig med at de spiller en kontrasterende sympatisk rolle i den universelle strid mellem Blakes ”male and female powers”, denne evige strid mellem disse to poler ses af Blake som grundlaget for al skabelse og...

  12. Brand management og den refleksive forbruger - med semiotik som hjælpedisciplin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


      Kritisk eftertanke er et væsentligt træk ved den refleksive forbruger - ofte parret med en vis negativitet overfor et brand, en reklame eller forbrugerisme i al almindelighed. Den refleksive forbrugertype kommer til udtryk hos for eksempel en anti-branding guru som Naomi Klein og hendes...... bestseller bog "No Logo" eller i græsrodsbevægelsen Adbusters ( ), der efterhånden i mange år har udsendt et månedsmagasin med kritik af forbrugersamfundet og al dets reklame og branding. Disse anti-forbrugs og anti-branding bevægelser udspringer af, og er identifikationspunkter...... - den refleksive forbruger skal have noget, der kan "brande" ham som anderledes end alle mainstreamforbrugerne. Den refleksive forbruger er med andre ord en Feinschmecker og i lighed med - eller måske rettere i endnu højere grad end - alle andre forbrugere signalerer den refleksive forbruger sin...

  13. Embriogênese somática em cana-de-açúcar e aspectos morfoanatômicos


    Melo, Emanuelle Ferreira


    O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar os efeitos de diferentes tipos de explantes e reguladores de crescimento nas diferentes fases da embriogênese somática de cana-de-açúcar, cultivar RB867515 e caracterizar anatomicamente as fases deste processo nesta cultivar. Além disso, foi avaliada a regeneração in vitro, via embriogênese somática, nas cultivares RB855536 e RB92579. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foram avaliados o uso de dois tipos de explantes iniciais: folhas imaturas e ápices ...

  14. Nordkapp som bærekraftig destinasjon - Et case-studie av aktørers drivere og barrierer


    Berg, Marianne; Røkholt, Solveig


    Tittelen på oppgaven er “Nordkapp som bærekraftig destinasjon: Et case-studie av aktørers drivere og barrierer”. Vi har utviklet problemstillingen: “Hvilke drivere og barrierer ligger til grunn for utviklingen av et bærekraftig reiseliv blant aktørene på destinasjon Nordkapp?” Temaet vi ønsker å ta for oss er derfor bærekraftig destinasjonsutvikling på naturdestinasjoner. Bærekraft er en tematikk som må tas hensyn til for reiselivets overlevelsesevne. For å undersøke dette har vi brukt et kva...

  15. Skrivehandlinger som redskab til klar faglig formidling på PharmaSchool

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Katja Årosin


    Denne artikel beskriver et pilotprojekt fra 2013, som havde til formål at øge opmærksomheden på klar skriftlig faglig formidling hos undervisere og studerende i kurset Dynamisk Biokemi på PharmaSchool ved Københavns Universitet (KU). På baggrund af en grundig behovsafdækning udviklede en akademisk...

  16. Spatial Heterogeneity of SOM Concentrations Associated with White-rot Versus Brown-rot Wood Decay. (United States)

    Bai, Zhen; Ma, Qiang; Dai, Yucheng; Yuan, Haisheng; Ye, Ji; Yu, Wantai


    White- and brown-rot fungal decay via distinct pathways imparts characteristic molecular imprints on decomposing wood. However, the effect that a specific wood-rotting type of fungus has on proximal soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation remains unexplored. We investigated the potential influence of white- and brown-rot fungi-decayed Abies nephrolepis logs on forest SOM stocks (i.e., soil total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N)) and the concentrations of amino sugars (microbial necromass) at different depths and horizontal distances from decaying woody debris. The brown-rot fungal wood decay resulted in higher concentrations of soil C and N and a greater increase in microbial necromass (i.e., 1.3- to 1.7-fold greater) than the white-rot fungal wood decay. The white-rot sets were accompanied by significant differences in the proportions of the bacterial residue index (muramic acid%) with soil depth; however, the brown-rot-associated soils showed complementary shifts, primarily in fungal necromass, across horizontal distances. Soil C and N concentrations were significantly correlated with fungal rather than bacterial necromass in the brown-rot systems. Our findings confirmed that the brown-rot fungi-dominated degradation of lignocellulosic residues resulted in a greater SOM buildup than the white-rot fungi-dominated degradation.

  17. Victoria's Secret : Märket som skapade en drömvärld och blev till en framgångssaga


    Jonsson, Christine; Stenlo, Andrea


    Victoria’s Secret grundades 1977 i Kalifornien, USA. Idag har märket, som främst säljer underkläder, nått en enorm popularitet. I USA finns det, hösten 2014, över 1 000 butiker. Företagets främsta sätt att marknadsföra sig på är genom dess modeshow – The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show - som sänds en gång per år på CBS. Den påkostade showen blandar modevisningen, som är uppdelad i ett antal olika teman, med uppträdanden av de för tillfället mest populära artisterna.      Syftet med uppsatsen ä...

  18. Emma Bentz: I stadens skugga. Den medeltida landsbygden som arkeologiskt forskningsfält

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    Anmeldelse af doktordisputats, Lunds Universitet. Afhandlingen omhandler etableringen af den middelalderlige landbebyggelse som arkæologisk forskningsfelt fra 1930érne til i dag samt etableringen og vedligeholdelsen af et forskningsfelt indenfor den humanistiske videnskab....

  19. BECCS as a climate measure. A report on carbon dioxide storage from biomass in a Swedish-Norwegian perspective; BECCS som klimataatgaerd. En rapport om koldioxidlagring fraan biomassa i ett svensk-norskt perspektiv

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlsson, Henrik; Bystroem, Lennart; Wiklund, Josef


    As the economic costs for combating the threat of climate change are considerable, accurate priorities have to be set and economic efficiency must be sought. On this basis, this report aims at examining the Swedish and Norwegian opportunities and potential for geologic storage of carbon dioxide from biomass, or BECCS (Bio Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage). So-called biogenic carbon dioxide is part of the renewable carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is extracted from the atmosphere into trees and crops as they grow, and is released when they are combusted or decompose. Therefore, biogenic carbon dioxide does not contribute to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On the contrary, these emissions may become part of the solution to the climate problem. When carbon dioxide that has been captured from the atmosphere by biomass is stored geologically, a flow of carbon from the atmosphere into the underground is created. With a scientific term, this is called negative emissions, or permanent carbon dioxide sinks. Since we already today have a level of 390 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and this level is rising by 2 ppm per year, negative emissions are vital if we are to achieve climate targets such as 350 or 400 ppm. Due to the large amount of biomass that is processed in the pulp industry as well as the use of biomass for energy production, there are several and large point sources of biogenic carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden. The 61 largest Swedish plants are together emitting more than 31 million tons of biogenic carbon dioxide per year. In Norway, these industries are significantly smaller with the major point emissions of biogenic carbon amounting to less than 2 million tons per year. Because of this the continued analysis focuses on Swedish emissions. However, there are very good opportunities for carbon dioxide storage in the Norwegian part of the North Sea. This is not the case in Sweden. Suitable conditions for carbon dioxide storage are

  20. Chemical characterization of soil organic matter in a Chesapeake Bay salt marsh: analyzing microbial and vegetation inputs to SOM (United States)

    Bye, E.; Schreiner, K. M.; Abdulla, H. A.; Minor, E. C.; Guntenspergen, G. R.


    Coastal wetlands play a critical role in the global carbon cycle. These ecosystems sequester and store carbon, known as "blue carbon," at a rate two or three orders of magnitude larger than other terrestrial ecosystems, such as temperate, tropical, and boreal forests. Anthropogenic changes to the climate are threatening blue carbon stores in coastal wetland ecosystems. To understand and predict how these important carbon stores will be affected by anthropogenic climate changes, it is necessary to understand the formation and preservation of soil organic matter (SOM) in these ecosystems. This study will present organic geochemical data from two sediment cores collected from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center site on a salt marsh in Maryland along the Chesapeake Bay. One core is from a location that recently transitioned from a C4 to C3 plant regime, currently dominated by the sedge Shoenplectis americanus. The second core is from a C4 plant (Spartina patens) dominated location in the marsh. The organic geochemistry of these 100 cm deep sediment cores was studied through multiple bulk analyses including stable isotopes, elemental ratios, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solid-state magic-angle-spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and compound specific lignin-phenol analysis. By using comprehensive chemical characterization techniques, this study aims to discern between vegetation- and microbially-derived inputs to SOM in blue carbon ecosystems. The results show a general increase in the aromatic content with a concomitant decrease of carbohydrates with depth in both cores. However, substantial differences between the two cores, indicates differing inputs and/or stabilization mechanisms within SOM formed from different vegetation regimes. Further compound specific work will help to elucidate the specific source of compounds within each compound class, in surface and deep SOM, and additionally can help provide evidence for different

  1. The cohesive energy of uranium dioxide and thorium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Childs, B.G.


    Theoretical values have been calculated of the heats of formation of uranium dioxide and thorium dioxide on the assumption that the atomic binding forces in these solids are predominantly ionic in character. The good agreement found between the theoretical and observed values shows that the ionic model may, with care, be used in calculating the energies of defects in the uranium and thorium dioxide crystal structures. (author)

  2. Extraction of Uranium Using Nitrogen Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide for Spent Fuel Reprocessing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kayo Sawada; Daisuke Hirabayashi; Youichi Enokida [EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603 (Japan)


    For the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels, a new method to extract actinides from spent fuel using highly compressed gases, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide was proposed. Uranium extraction from broken pieces, whose average grain size was 5 mm, of uranium dioxide pellet with nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide was demonstrated in the present study. (authors)

  3. Hvad kan du tilbyde mig som muslim, præst?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovsgaard, Steen


    . islam og kristendom var jeg i 1995 inviteret til et møde med en stor gruppe muslimer i Gellerup. Det var et debatmøde om islam og kristendom, hvor skoleleder og imam Abdul Wahid Pedersen og jeg skulle komme med oplæg og debattere. Og så kunne der efterfølgende stilles spørgsmål fra salen. Det var hér...... andre mennesker, eller om Gud elsker dig og vil ha’ noget med dig at gøre, den dag må du love mig at komme tilbage. For så har jeg noget at tilbyde dig. Indtil da må du nøjes med islam!” Et sådant svar ville ganske vist ha’ været længere, men der ville også ha’ været mere for den unge muslim at tænke på...... og overkommelige krav, som stilles dig i islam. Selv her har du svigtet og er skyldig! Skyldig til dom og til straf!”. Og hvis så muslimen skulle finde på at sige, at han da bestemt har opfyldt Guds vilje iflg. islam, så kan vi jo passende fortælle ham, at de krav som stilles i islam kun er en bleg...

  4. Børnetegninger som orienteringsspor og forskningsdata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj


    orientation and to discuss how children’s art and drawings can be approached as research data. The construct of children’s art and drawings are comprised of a double approach: Children’s drawings are conceptualized as articulations of not yet thematized emotions, experiences and meaningfulness...... hvordan de er blevet anvendt i forskning samt diskuterer forskellige perspektiver på tegninger som forskningsmateriale og anvendelse af tegninger i forskning. The article aims to illustrate how children’s art and drawings can produce knowledge of children’s personal, experience-based and gendered...... and the articulations include use and learning of visual socio-cultural codes and symbols. The construct comprise an existential-phenomenological and a socio-cultural learning oriented approach. A variation of examples is presented to illustrate the use of children’s drawings in research and to discuss the introduced...

  5. Knowledge-based approach for functional MRI analysis by SOM neural network using prior labels from Talairach stereotaxic space (United States)

    Erberich, Stephan G.; Willmes, Klaus; Thron, Armin; Oberschelp, Walter; Huang, H. K.


    Among the methods proposed for the analysis of functional MR we have previously introduced a model-independent analysis based on the self-organizing map (SOM) neural network technique. The SOM neural network can be trained to identify the temporal patterns in voxel time-series of individual functional MRI (fMRI) experiments. The separated classes consist of activation, deactivation and baseline patterns corresponding to the task-paradigm. While the classification capability of the SOM is not only based on the distinctness of the patterns themselves but also on their frequency of occurrence in the training set, a weighting or selection of voxels of interest should be considered prior to the training of the neural network to improve pattern learning. Weighting of interesting voxels by means of autocorrelation or F-test significance levels has been used successfully, but still a large number of baseline voxels is included in the training. The purpose of this approach is to avoid the inclusion of these voxels by using three different levels of segmentation and mapping from Talairach space: (1) voxel partitions at the lobe level, (2) voxel partitions at the gyrus level and (3) voxel partitions at the cell level (Brodmann areas). The results of the SOM classification based on these mapping levels in comparison to training with all brain voxels are presented in this paper.

  6. Toward a new task assignment and path evolution (TAPE) for missile defense system (MDS) using intelligent adaptive SOM with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). (United States)

    Wang, Chi-Hsu; Chen, Chun-Yao; Hung, Kun-Neng


    In this paper, a new adaptive self-organizing map (SOM) with recurrent neural network (RNN) controller is proposed for task assignment and path evolution of missile defense system (MDS). We address the problem of N agents (defending missiles) and D targets (incoming missiles) in MDS. A new RNN controller is designed to force an agent (or defending missile) toward a target (or incoming missile), and a monitoring controller is also designed to reduce the error between RNN controller and ideal controller. A new SOM with RNN controller is then designed to dispatch agents to their corresponding targets by minimizing total damaging cost. This is actually an important application of the multiagent system. The SOM with RNN controller is the main controller. After task assignment, the weighting factors of our new SOM with RNN controller are activated to dispatch the agents toward their corresponding targets. Using the Lyapunov constraints, the weighting factors for the proposed SOM with RNN controller are updated to guarantee the stability of the path evolution (or planning) system. Excellent simulations are obtained using this new approach for MDS, which show that our RNN has the lowest average miss distance among the several techniques.

  7. Indução e desenvolvimento de calos e embriões somáticos em mamoeiro


    Almeida,Eliane Pires de; Oliveira,Roberto Pedroso de; Dantas,Jorge Luis Loyola


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer um protocolo para a indução e desenvolvimento de calos e embriões somáticos em mamoeiro (Carica papaya L. cv. Tainung n.1). Foram utilizados quatro tipos de explantes (hipocótilo com folhas cotiledonares, hipocótilo, folhas cotiledonares e epicótilo) e duas condições de cultivo (escuro e 16 horas de luz). A indução e o desenvolvimento de calos foram avaliados nos meios de cultura ½MS2, ½MS10 e HMH e a indução e o desenvolvimento de embriões somático...

  8. Differences in SOM decomposition and temperature sensitivity among soil aggregate size classes in a temperate grasslands. (United States)

    Wang, Qing; Wang, Dan; Wen, Xuefa; Yu, Guirui; He, Nianpeng; Wang, Rongfu


    The principle of enzyme kinetics suggests that the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition is inversely related to organic carbon (C) quality, i.e., the C quality-temperature (CQT) hypothesis. We tested this hypothesis by performing laboratory incubation experiments with bulk soil, macroaggregates (MA, 250-2000 μm), microaggregates (MI, 53-250 μm), and mineral fractions (MF, temperature and aggregate size significantly affected on SOM decomposition, with notable interactive effects (Ptemperature in the following order: MA>MF>bulk soil >MI(P classes (P temperature is closely associated withsoil aggregation and highlights the complex responses of ecosystem C budgets to future warming scenarios.

  9. En teoretisk utdyping av rom og materialitet som pedagogisk ressurs i barnehagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solveig Nordtømme


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article is a theoretical exploration with the aim of discussing an ontological basis for space and materiality as educational resources in kindergarten. Attention is directed on children’s play experiences interacting with space and materiality, and how children use and create space. The metaphors front stage, space in between, and backstage (inspired from Erving Goffman, 1969, which form the study's main findings, are used as the backdrop for the issue and analyzes. The empirical material used in this exploration has been collected with an ethnographic methodological approach in two kindergartens. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s (1962 focus on bodily experience and presence in space, along with concepts from Latour’s (2005 actor-network theory, is used to explore the data. The article contributes with theoretical tools for professionals in kindergarten teaching, to shed light on the importance of space, materiality and play in children's everyday life in kindergarten.Sammendrag: Denne artikkelen diskuterer et ontologisk grunnlag og er en teoretisk utforskning av rom og materialitet som en pedagogisk ressurs i barnehagen. Oppmerksomheten er rettet mot barns lekeerfaringer i samspill med rom og materialitet, og hvordan barn bruker og skaper rom. Metaforene hovedrom, mellomrom, og bakrom (inspirert fra Erving Goffman, 1969, som danner studiens hovedfunn, blir brukt som et bakteppe for problemstilling og analyser av det empiriske materialet fra to barnehager. Maurice Merleau-Ponty publikasjoner The Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty, 1962 med sitt fokus på kroppslig erfaring i levd rom, blir brukt sammen med begreper fra Latours aktør-nettverksteori (Latour 2005 til å utforske hvordan rom og materialitet kan være pedagogiske ressurser. Artikkelens kunnskapsbidrag er å presentere et teoretisk verktøy for barnehageprofesjonen og kunnskaper om lekens betydning i barns hverdag i barnehagen.

  10. Combined effect of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide gases on mold fungi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kochurova, A.I.; Karpova, T.N.


    Sulfur dioxide at 0.08% killed Penicillium expansum, Stemphylium macrosporium, and Botrytis cinerea within 24 hours. At 0.2%, it killed P. citrinum, Alternaria tenuis, and Fusarium moniliforme. Sulfur dioxide (at 0.04%) and Sulfur dioxide-carbon dioxide mixtures (at 0.02 and 5% respectively) completely suppressed the growth of P. citrinum, P. expansum, P. rubrum, A. tenuis, S. macrosporium, B. cinerea, and F. moniliforme in laboratory experiments. 1 table.

  11. Carbon dioxide as chemical feedstock

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Aresta, M


    ... Dioxide as an Inert Solvent for Chemical Syntheses 15 Alessandro Galia and Giuseppe Filardo Introduction 15 Dense Carbon Dioxide as Solvent Medium for Chemical Processes 15 Enzymatic Catalysis in Dense Carbon Dioxide 18 Other Reactions in Dense Carbon Dioxide 19 Polymer Synthesis in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 20 Chain Polymerizations: Synt...

  12. Tidlige brukere av alkohol – hvem er de? Kjennetegn ved ungdom som starter tidlig med alkohol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anders Grimsmo


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGDebutalder med alkoholrus er en sterk prediktor for senere alkoholbruk. I denne undersøkelsen har visammenliknet de som starter med alkohol tidlig og før det er kulturelt akseptert, med ungdommenesom begynner i konfirmasjonsalder og de som utsetter alkoholdebuten. Vi finner at gruppen sombegynner tidlig ikke bare bryter de lokale tradisjonene for alkoholkonsum, men er i opposisjon tilnormer og autoriteter generelt. Alkohol er et positivt symbol for gruppen og det å ruse seg et ritualesom gir mening i deres miljø. Hjemmet står i den sterkeste posisjonen til å kunne utsette ungdommensalkoholdebut. Vi skisserer hvilke implikasjoner dette bør ha for strategien i det forebyggende arbeidet.

  13. Inducción de la embriogénesis somática en mango de hilacha (Mangifera indica L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Perea Dallos


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se estudió el establecimiento de un medio de cultivo para la inducción de la embriogénesis somática a partir de embriones cigóticos y tejido nucelar de frutos inmaduros de mango de hilacha. Se ensayaron nueve tratamientos de desinfección resultantes de la combinación de tres concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (2,5, 3,5 y 4,5%, aplicadas durante tres intervalos de tiempo (30, 45 ó 60 min. El medio de cultivo para la inducción de la embriogénesis somática se estableció probando 18 medios de cultivo, cinco adicionados con 0, 0,5, 1,0, 2,0 y 3,0 mg/L de 2,4-D y 13 medios suplementados con 0, 0,5, 1,0, 1,5 y 2,0 mg/L de TDZ en combinación con 0, 1,0 y 2,0 mg/L de 2,4-D.  Adicionalmente, se experimentó con cuatro medios de cultivo adicionados con 0, 0,5, 1,0 y 2,0 mg/L de ácido giberélico para la germinación de los embriones somáticos. Mediante observación, se estudió la influencia de las diferentes concentraciones de ácido diclorofenoxiacético y de thidiazurom sobre los explantes utilizados; adicionalmente, se evaluó la formación de las diferentes etapas de la embriogénesis somática. Por medio de cortes histológicos, se estableció el origen de los embriones somáticos y las diferencias, a nivel celular, entre cada uno de sus estadios. Se estudió el proceso de formación del callo friable y embriogénico. Todos los tratamientos de desinfección fueron igualmente efectivos, pero se recomienda el uso de una concentración de 4,5 % de  hipoclorito de sodio, durante 60 minutos. El medio de cultivo más favorable para la inducción de la embriogénesis somática fue el que contenía 0,5 mg/L de TDZ y 1 mg/L de 2,4-D; y para la germinación, el carente de reguladores de crecimiento. En los medios de cultivo suplementados únicamente con 2,4-D se formaron embriones indirectos, mientras que en los que contenían 2,4-D más TDZ se observaron embriones directos e indirectos, de acuerdo con el regulador

  14. Por que a percussão de uma mola produz o mesmo som de “pistolas laser” do filme Star Wars?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jair Lúcio Prados Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Ao se bater lateralmente em uma mola metálica esticada, é produzido  um sibilo,  um  efeito  sonoro  que  se  tornou parte da cultura atual devido à sua popularização como o som de uma “pistola laser” no filme Star Wars. O sibilo ocorre devido à dispersão do som em um metal, mas a revisão de obras didáticas de ensino médio e superior mostra que a discussão desse fenômeno não está presente. Apresentamos uma atividade experimental possível de ser conduzida no ensino médio, a fim de detectar o sibilo e analisá-lo em um programa de edição de som. A análise gráfica permitiu determinar, de forma aproximada, que há uma relação inversamente proporcional entre a frequência do som que se propaga na mola e o tempo de detecção.

  15. Bearing performance degradation assessment based on time-frequency code features and SOM network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yan; Tang, Baoping; Han, Yan; Deng, Lei


    Bearing performance degradation assessment and prognostics are extremely important in supporting maintenance decision and guaranteeing the system’s reliability. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes a novel feature extraction method for the degradation assessment and prognostics of bearings. Features of time-frequency codes (TFCs) are extracted from the time-frequency distribution using a hybrid procedure based on short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) theory. An alternative way to design the health indicator is investigated by quantifying the similarity between feature vectors using a self-organizing map (SOM) network. On the basis of this idea, a new health indicator called time-frequency code quantification error (TFCQE) is proposed to assess the performance degradation of the bearing. This indicator is constructed based on the bearing real-time behavior and the SOM model that is previously trained with only the TFC vectors under the normal condition. Vibration signals collected from the bearing run-to-failure tests are used to validate the developed method. The comparison results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed TFCQE indicator over many other traditional features in terms of feature quality metrics, incipient degradation identification and achieving accurate prediction. Highlights • Time-frequency codes are extracted to reflect the signals’ characteristics. • SOM network served as a tool to quantify the similarity between feature vectors. • A new health indicator is proposed to demonstrate the whole stage of degradation development. • The method is useful for extracting the degradation features and detecting the incipient degradation. • The superiority of the proposed method is verified using experimental data. (paper)

  16. Legalisering som lösning? Erfarenheter av holländsk eutanasipraxis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, Th.A.


    Fastän vi lever i ett Europa som växer samman, så fortsätter dock många gränser att bestå. Vissa skillnader förblir eller har i de förgångna årtiondena till och med blivit djupare. Dödshjälpsdebatterna i Holland och Skandinavien ger oss ett exempel. Två stater med till stor del lika kultur, men

  17. Process for sequestering carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide (United States)

    Maroto-Valer, M Mercedes [State College, PA; Zhang, Yinzhi [State College, PA; Kuchta, Matthew E [State College, PA; Andresen, John M [State College, PA; Fauth, Dan J [Pittsburgh, PA


    A process for sequestering carbon dioxide, which includes reacting a silicate based material with an acid to form a suspension, and combining the suspension with carbon dioxide to create active carbonation of the silicate-based material, and thereafter producing a metal salt, silica and regenerating the acid in the liquid phase of the suspension.

  18. Indução de embriogênese somática em cana-de-açúcar RB935744

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo de Oliveira Almeida


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta morfogênica do genótipo RB935744 à indução de embriogênese somática com subsequente regeneração dos embriões. Segmentos transversais de folhas jovens medindo 2-3 mm de espessura foram cultivados em meio MS sólido contendo três diferentes concentrações de ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D para indução de calos embriogênicos. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando 31.5 µM L-1 de 2,4-D em 45 ou 60 dias de incubação em meio de indução, realizando de um a três subcultivos e incubando em meio de regeneração por 15 a 45 dias. Este resultado mostra que o protocolo de embriogênese somática para o genótipo RB935744 necessita de ajustes para se alcançar uma satisfatória produção de embriões somáticos.

  19. Engelsk som tredjespråk: Har lærere kompetanse til å støtte flerspråklighet?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Dahl


    Full Text Available Denne artikkelen handler om norske engelsklæreres kompetanse i å arbeide med barn som har et annet morsmål enn norsk, og som lærer engelsk som fremmedspråk. Problemstillingene er "Hva slags utdanning og kunnskap innen flerspråklighet har engelsklærere i Norge?," "I hvilken grad føler engelsklærere i Norge seg forberedt på å undervise i flerkulturelle og flerspråklige klasserom?" og "Hvilken type kunnskap, ferdigheter og ressurser føler de behov for?". Vi presenterer resultater fra en nasjonal spørreundersøkelse hvor i alt 176 engelsklærere deltok. I tillegg presenterer vi resultater fra fokusintervjuer med i alt fire lærere fra to skoler. Resultatene viser at selv om engelsklærerne til en viss grad føler seg forberedt på arbeid med elever som ikke har norsk som morsmål, har svært få av dem utdanning som fokuserer på flerspråklighet. Svarene fra spørreundersøkelsen og fra intervjuene viser at engelsklærerne gjerne vil ha mer kompetanse på dette området. Vi vil derfor understreke betydningen av utdanning i teori og praksis om flerspråklig utvikling og flerkulturell utdanningsteori, og ikke minst betydningen av tilgang til faglig utvikling som fokuserer på flerspråklighet i skolen og i samfunnet for engelsklærere i Norge.Nøkkelord: engelsklærere, kompetanse, språkpedagogisk kunnskap,flerspråklighet, lærerutdanningAbstractThis paper examines the extent to which English teachers in Norway are prepared to work with children whose mother tongue is not Norwegian, and who are acquiring English as a foreign language. The research questions are “What type of education and knowledge in the area of multilingualism do English teachers in Norway have?,” To what extent do English teachers in Norway feel they are prepared to teach in a multicultural and multilingual classroom?,” and “What kinds of knowledge, skills and resources do they feel a need for?” We present the results of a national survey completed by 176

  20. Faults detection approach using PCA and SOM algorithm in PMSG-WT system

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    Mohamed Lamine FADDA


    Full Text Available In this paper, a new approach for faults detection in observable data system wind turbine - permanent magnet synchronous generator (WT-PMSG, the studying objective, illustrate the combination (SOM-PCA to build Multi-local-PCA models faults detection in system (WT-PMSG, the performance of the method suggested to faults detection in system data, finding good results in simulation experiment.

  1. Förändring av förpackning som utökning av marknadsmixen : En studie av fem snabbrörliga konsumentvaror inom livsmedelsbranschen


    Sandström, Carolina; Eriksson, Sofie


    Denna uppsats behandlar förändring av förpackning som en möjlig utökning av produktkategorin i Kotler & Kellers utvidgade marknadsmix. I marknadsmixen behandlas förpackningen som statisk under en varas livstid och studiens syfte var att se om förpackningsförändringar istället bör ske vid flertalet tillfällen. Genom existerande litteratur identifierades tre centrala begrepp som ansågs betydelsefulla för studien; förpackning, förändring av förpackning och differentiering. Fem olika företag ...

  2. Arbeid som berører : en studie av miljøarbeideres møter med ungdom på ungdomshjem


    Viervang, Irene


    Master i sosialt arbeid Det er miljøarbeideres fortellinger om relasjonen og møtet med ungdommer på institusjon som mitt blikk er rettet mot i denne studien. Det settes derfor søkelys på interaksjonen mellom miljøarbeideren og ungdommer, og spesielt hvordan denne berører miljøarbeideren. Dette er en kvalitativ undersøkelse hvor jeg intervjuer syv miljøarbeidere som arbeider på fire forskjellige ungdomshjem. Alle informantene hadde sosialfaglig utdanning og praksiserfaring fr...

  3. Inducción de la embriogénesis somática en mango de hilacha (Mangifera indica L.)


    Margarita Perea Dallos


    En esta investigación se estudió el establecimiento de un medio de cultivo para la inducción de la embriogénesis somática a partir de embriones cigóticos y tejido nucelar de frutos inmaduros de mango de hilacha. Se ensayaron nueve tratamientos de desinfección resultantes de la combinación de tres concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (2,5, 3,5 y 4,5%), aplicadas durante tres intervalos de tiempo (30, 45 ó 60 min). El medio de cultivo para la inducción de la embriogénesis somática se estable...

  4. Importance of ocean circulation in ecological modeling: An example from the North Sea (United States)

    Skogen, Morten D.; Moll, Andreas


    There is an increasing number of ecological models for the North Sea around. Skogen and Moll (2000) [Skogen, M.D., Moll, A. 2000. Interannual variability of the North Sea primary production: comparison from two model studies. Continental Shelf Research 20 (2), 129-151] compared the interannual variability of the North Sea primary production using two state-of-the-art ecological models, NORWECOM and ECOHAM1. Their conclusion was that the two models agreed on an annual mean primary production, its variability and the timing and size of the peak production. On the other hand, there was a low (even negative dependent of area) correlation in the production in different years between the two models. In the present work, these conclusions are brought further. To try to better understand the observed differences between the two models, the two ecological models are run in an identical physical setting. With such a set-up also the interannual variability between the two models is in agreement, and it is concluded that the single most important factor for a reliable modeling of phytoplankton and nutrient distributions and transports within the North Sea is a proper physical model.

  5. Classification of titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macias B, L.R.; Garcia C, R.M.; Maya M, M.E.; Ita T, A. De; Palacios G, J.


    In this work the X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (Sem) and the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy techniques are used with the purpose to achieve a complete identification of phases and mixture of phases of a crystalline material as titanium dioxide. The problem for solving consists of being able to distinguish a sample of titanium dioxide being different than a titanium dioxide pigment. A standard sample of titanium dioxide with NIST certificate is used, which indicates a purity of 99.74% for the TiO 2 . The following way is recommended to proceed: a)To make an analysis by means of X-ray diffraction technique to the sample of titanium dioxide pigment and on the standard of titanium dioxide waiting not find differences. b) To make a chemical analysis by the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy via in a microscope, taking advantage of the high vacuum since it is oxygen which is analysed and if it is concluded that the aluminium oxide appears in a greater proportion to 1% it is established that is a titanium dioxide pigment, but if it is lesser then it will be only titanium dioxide. This type of analysis is an application of the nuclear techniques useful for the tariff classification of merchandise which is considered as of difficult recognition. (Author)


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Nichlas Permin

    Der har i Danmark de seneste årtier været en eksplosiv vækst i antallet af mennesker, der stilles en ADHD-diagnose. Der eksisterer et væld af forskellige bud på forklaringer på dette fænomen. Lige fra epidemiologiske og medicinske tolkninger, der peger på, at mennesker generelt er blevet mere syge...... at forbinde psykiske lidelser, herunder i væsentlig grad ADHD, som en risikofaktor for kriminalitet, antisocial adfærd, misbrug og en række andre sociale problemer. Med interesse i dette komplekse fænomen belyses empirisk den sociale og kulturelle forudsætning for ADHD-diagnosen i Kriminalforsorgens...... institutioner i en kulturanalytisk og socialkonstruktivistisk optik. Afhandlingen undersøger, hvordan ADHD og kriminalitet diskursivt kobles sammen af voksne kriminelle med en ADHD-diagnose og frontmedarbejdere i Kriminalforsorgen....

  7. Med fodbold som "hook" - et udviklingsprojekt på tværs af grænser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Bodil; Greve, Charlotte


    Artiklen beskriver et socialt innovationsprojekt som udspringer af et samarbejde mellem de to fodboldklubber: Premier League-fodboldklubben West Ham United fra East London og fodboldklubben AC Horsens & de to uddannelsesinstitutioner: VIA University College, Pædagoguddannelsen i Gedved og Univers...

  8. Palaeocene-early Eocene inversion of the Phuquoc-Kampot Som Basin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fyhn, Michael B. W.; Pedersen, Stig A.S.; Boldreel, Lars Ole


    /Pb analysis is used to unravel the basin history. This reveals a hitherto unknown earliest Palaeogene basin inversion associated with the Luconian suturing to SE Asia and the shutdown of palaeo-Pacific subduction underneath SE Asia. The Phuquoc–Kampot Som Basin and the Khorat Basin in Thailand constitute...... the erosional remnants of a larger basin that covered large parts of SE Asia in Late Mesozoic time, and subsequently became segregated during earliest Palaeogene inversion and erosion. Inversion was focused along the several hundred kilometres long Kampot and Khmer–Chanthaburi fold belts that confine...

  9. Embriogénesis somática secundaria en el genotipo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) inifap 1 y su descripción histológica


    Lázaro, A. Alejandro; Azpeitia-Morales, A.; Sáenz-Carbonell, L.; Mirafuentes Hernández, F.


    La embriogénesis somática aplicada para la propagación clonal de plantas de cacao, aun es de baja eficiencia, por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la respuesta de los cotiledones procedentes de embriones somáticos primarios como fuente de explante para inducir embriogénesis somática secundaria (ESS) en presencia de fitohormonas y sin estas en el genotipo de cacao inifap 1, asi como describir los eventos de la ESS desde los 30 hasta los 240 días de cultivo. El uso de las fi...

  10. Embriogénesis somática secundaria en el genotipo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) inifap 1 y su descripción histológica


    A. Alejandro-Lázaro; A. Azpeitia-Morales; L. Sáenz-Carbonell; F . Mirafuentes Hernández


    La embriogénesis somática aplicada para la propagación clonal de plantas de cacao, aun es de baja eficiencia, por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la respuesta de los cotiledones procedentes de embriones somáticos primarios como fuente de explante para inducir embriogénesis somática secundaria (ESS) en presencia de fitohormonas y sin estas en el genotipo de cacao inifap 1, asi como describir los eventos de la ESS desde los 30 hasta los 240 días de cultivo. El uso de l...

  11. Er internethandel kommet for at blive? Eller er det bare krisen som kradser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    I de seneste dage har Jyllandsposten sat fokus på, at omsætningen i den danske detailhandel falder, der fyres, der spares, og det bliver endnu værre i de kommende måneder og år. I artiklen udråbes finanskrisen, som den store skurk, men er det nu den fulde sandhed?...

  12. Efeitos do som basal em fendas glóticas Effects of vocal fry incomplete glottal closure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geovana de Paula Bolzan


    Full Text Available TEMA: som basal em fendas glóticas. PROCEDIMENTOS: participaram desta pesquisa dois sujeitos do sexo feminino, com idades entre 20 e 40 anos e diagnóstico otorrinolaringológico de fenda em ampulheta. Houve gravação da emissão sustentada da vogal /a/ e exame videolaringoestroboscópico, imediatamente a seguir, os sujeitos realizaram o som basal em três séries de 15 repetições, e foram submetidos a novo exame laríngeo e gravação da vogal. Os dados pré e pós-realização do som basal foram submetidos às analises acústica, perceptivo-auditiva e videolaringoestroboscópica, realizadas por juízes (três fonoaudiólogas e três otorrinolaringologistas, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: em ambos os sujeitos, houve melhora no fechamento glótico e amplitude de vibração da mucosa das pregas vocais; piora no tipo de voz; aumento das medidas de ruído e de Jitter. CONCLUSÃO: o som basal promoveu redução das fendas glóticas e aumento da amplitude de vibração da mucosa das pregas vocais; piora do tipo de voz, que ficou mais ruidoso; aumento das medidas de ruído e de Jitter, sugerindo irregularidade vibratória, provavelmente devido ao efeito do ajuste do som basal ao mobilizar intensamente a mucosa.BACKGROUND: vocal fry in incomplete glottal closure. PROCEDURE: two individuals aged between 20 and 40 years old presenting an otolaryngological diagnosis of ampoule chink were part of the study. A recording of the sustained emission of /a/ vowel took place, as well as a videostroboscopic examination. Right after, the individuals completed the vocal fry in three series of 15 repetitions, being submitted to a new laryngeal examination and to the vowel’s recording. Both pre-vocal and post vocal fry data were assessed through acoustic, perceptive-auditive and videostroboscopic analysis, carried out by judges (three speech and language pathologists and three otolaryngologists, respectively. RESULTS: for both individuals, there was an improvement

  13. Method and aparatus for flue gas cleaning by separation and liquefaction of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdelmalek, F.T.


    This patent describes a method for recovering sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and cleaning flue gases emitted from power plants. It comprises: electronically treating the flue gases to neutralize its electrostatic charges and to enhance the coagulation of its molecules and particles; exchanging sensible and latent heat of the neutralized flue gases to lower its temperature down to a temperature approaching the ambient temperature while recovering its separating the flue gas in a first stage; cooling the separated enriched carbon dioxide gas fraction, after each separation stage, while removing its vapor condensate, then compressing the enriched carbon dioxide gas fraction and simultaneously cooling the compressed gas to liquefy the sulfur dioxide gas then; allowing the sulfur dioxide gas to condense, and continuously removing the liquefied sulfur dioxide; compressing he desulfurized enriched carbon dioxide fraction to further increase its pressure, and simultaneously cooling he compressed gas to liquefy the carbon dioxide gas, then; allowing the carbon dioxide gas to condense and continuously removing the liquefied carbon dioxide; allowing the light components of the flue gas to be released in a cooling tower discharge plume

  14. Bilderboken ur ett genusperspektiv : En bilderboksanalys av tre svenska böcker som utmanar stereotypa könsroller


    Malmqvist, Hanna


    Syftet med denna studie är att se hur några bilderböcker utmanar de stereotypa könsrollerna. Jag kommer att granska hur pojkar och flickor framställs ur ett genusperspektiv och även titta på hur text och bild kompletterar varandra, med hjälp av Nikolajevas (2000) analysmodell för bilderböcker. Jag har valt att analysera tre stycken böcker och två av dessa har pojkar som huvudkaraktärer och en har en flicka som huvudkaraktär. Med den medvetenhet man har idag kring genus så kan dessa böcker var...

  15. Konstruktionen af it-systemet ”Digitalisering – Udsatte Børn og Unge” som løsningen på problemer i den socialfaglige sagsbehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fahnøe, Kristian


    Denne artikel undersøger hvordan it-systemet ”Digitalisering – Udsatte Børn og Unge” (DUBU) konstrueres som løsning på problemer på området vedrørende udsatte børn og unge. It-systemet, der skal bidrage til digitalisering af den kommunale sagsbehandling på området, er udviklet i et nationalt...... at løse via digitalisering, der fremstår som en simpel løsning. Med det afsæt undersøges to påstande om it-DUBU, der i forbindelse med udviklingen og implementeringen fremstiller systemet som relevant og attraktiv for kommunerne. Den først påstand er, at digitaliseringen med DUBU kan reducere udgifterne...

  16. Embriogénesis somática secundaria en el genotipo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L. inifap 1 y su descripción histológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Alejandro-Lázaro


    Full Text Available La embriogénesis somática aplicada para la propagación clonal de plantas de cacao, aun es de baja eficiencia, por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la respuesta de los cotiledones procedentes de embriones somáticos primarios como fuente de explante para inducir embriogénesis somática secundaria (ESS en presencia de fitohormonas y sin estas en el genotipo de cacao inifap 1, asi como describir los eventos de la ESS desde los 30 hasta los 240 días de cultivo. El uso de las fitohormonas ácido 2,4-Diclorofenoxiácetico (2,4-D y thidiazuron (TDZ son importantes para inducir la embriogénesis somática (ES primaria en cacao. Adicionalmente para generar la ESS se han utilizado fitohormonas. En la presente investigación, fueron establecidos cuatro tratamientos con fregmentos de cotiledón, con 2,4-D y TDZ en forma combinada e independiente, incluyendo un testigo sin fitohormonas. Los resultados mostraron, que los fragmentos de cotiledón cultivados sin fitohormonas favorece la ESS, obteniendo un promedio de seis embriones somáticos secundarios (ESs a los 210 días de cultivo contra uno para el tratamiento suplementado con TDZ. El meristemo apical y radicular se presentó en un periodo de 240 días, se observaron embriones somáticos con estructuras externas como: cotiledones, ápices y raíces. Los resultados mostraron que la exclusión del 2,4-D y el thidiazuron no son importantes para inducir la ESS. El mayor número de ESs se encontró en un medio desprovisto de fitohormonas por lo que esta información es relevante, debido a que los explantes de cotiledones procedentes de embriones somáticos primarios, generan mayor número de ESs en esta especie. Estos resultados constituyen el primer reporte de la inducción de la ESs sin fitohormonas.

  17. Lean i Norge : opplever norske bedrifter som er mer lean, større økning i kundetilfredshet enn de som er mindre lean?


    Fagereng, Hanne Eline; Askevold, Elisabeth Cathrine


    Vi ønsker å måle i hvor stor grad norske bedrifter har implementert lean, og for å måle grad av lean har vi utviklet et rammeverk basert på lean teori. Hovedformålet med lean er å øke kundeverdi med minst mulig ressursbruk, anstrengelse, energi, utstyr, tid, plass, material og kapital (Womack, Roos and Jones 2007). Vi vil utforske om høyere grad av lean fører til mer tilfredse kunder enn de som har lavere grad av lean. Altså om hovedformålet med lean blir oppnådd hvis man implementerer lean i...

  18. Tv-serien som vor tids roman?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jakob Isak


    Artiklen gør rede for de forbindelseslinjer, der er mellem den nyere amerikanske tv-serie og en række andre udtryksformer (fx radiospillet og spillefilmen) for dernæst at fokusere på tv-seriens slægtskab med romanen. Alene i Danmark har såvel kulturjournalister som forskere påpeget ligheder de...... to udtryksformer imellem, og artiklen vil forsøge at skabe et overblik over berøringsfladerne og parallellerne. Artiklens tese er, at sammenligningen er gangbar i forhold til en række parametre – særligt hvis man indsnævrer de i udgangspunktet temmelig heterogene og vidtfavnende udtryksformer ”romanen” og ”tv......-serien” og fokuserer på bestemte eksempler og strømninger samt på bestemte distributions-, brugs- og oplevelsesformer (særligt DVD-udgivelsen ifm. tv-serier fx). Eksemplerne er primært fra en række nyere amerikanske tv-serier fra The Sopranos (HBO, 1999-2007) og frem, og artiklen vil afslutningsvist påpege...

  19. Fysisk träning som vård av muskuloskeletala störningar bland datorarbetande : - en litteraturöversikt


    Renvall, Ralf


    Sammandrag: Ämnet för denna litteraturöversikt är fysisk träning som vård av muskuloskeletala funktionsstörningar bland datorarbetande. Dessa arbetsrelaterade muskuloskeletala funktionsstörningar är mycket vanliga. Arbetsförhållandena nuförtiden gör att tiden som används vid datorn förlängs och att minska belastningen med endast rätt arbetsergonomi kan orsaka andra problem. Förlängda arbetspass, låg variation i muskelns kontraktionsnivå och ökad monotoni kan bli följden av optimerad erg...

  20. Carbon dioxide dangers demonstration model (United States)

    Venezky, Dina; Wessells, Stephen


    Carbon dioxide is a dangerous volcanic gas. When carbon dioxide seeps from the ground, it normally mixes with the air and dissipates rapidly. However, because carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air, it can collect in snowbanks, depressions, and poorly ventilated enclosures posing a potential danger to people and other living things. In this experiment we show how carbon dioxide gas displaces oxygen as it collects in low-lying areas. When carbon dioxide, created by mixing vinegar and baking soda, is added to a bowl with candles of different heights, the flames are extinguished as if by magic.

  1. Carbon Dioxide Embolism during Laparoscopic Surgery (United States)

    Park, Eun Young; Kwon, Ja-Young


    Clinically significant carbon dioxide embolism is a rare but potentially fatal complication of anesthesia administered during laparoscopic surgery. Its most common cause is inadvertent injection of carbon dioxide into a large vein, artery or solid organ. This error usually occurs during or shortly after insufflation of carbon dioxide into the body cavity, but may result from direct intravascular insufflation of carbon dioxide during surgery. Clinical presentation of carbon dioxide embolism ranges from asymptomatic to neurologic injury, cardiovascular collapse or even death, which is dependent on the rate and volume of carbon dioxide entrapment and the patient's condition. We reviewed extensive literature regarding carbon dioxide embolism in detail and set out to describe the complication from background to treatment. We hope that the present work will improve our understanding of carbon dioxide embolism during laparoscopic surgery. PMID:22476987

  2. Med ordet som våpen. Husittane og ålmenta


    Øystese, Martin Berland


    I denne oppgåva har eg undersøkt korleis husittane såg på ålmenta i Bøhmen tidleg på 1400-talet. Gjennom song, talar og propaganda skapa dei ei ålmente som var særs open for si tid, og skulle stå seg mot fem krosstog send frå den katolske kyrkja. Deira lære skulle endre Bøhmens historie dei neste 200 åra. The Hussite movement occurred in a volatile period. After ending the papal schism in the Catholic Church, the Conciliar Movement searched for ways to again unif...

  3. Carbon dioxide sensor (United States)

    Dutta, Prabir K [Worthington, OH; Lee, Inhee [Columbus, OH; Akbar, Sheikh A [Hilliard, OH


    The present invention generally relates to carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensors. In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensor that incorporates lithium phosphate (Li.sub.3PO.sub.4) as an electrolyte and sensing electrode comprising a combination of lithium carbonate (Li.sub.2CO.sub.3) and barium carbonate (BaCO.sub.3). In another embodiment, the present invention relates to a carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensor has a reduced sensitivity to humidity due to a sensing electrode with a layered structure of lithium carbonate and barium carbonate. In still another embodiment, the present invention relates to a method of producing carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensors having lithium phosphate (Li.sub.3PO.sub.4) as an electrolyte and sensing electrode comprising a combination of lithium carbonate (Li.sub.2CO.sub.3) and barium carbonate (BaCO.sub.3).

  4. Nanoparticulate cerium dioxide and cerium dioxide-titanium dioxide composite thin films on glass by aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, Uzma; Dunnill, Charles W.; Parkin, Ivan P.


    Two series of composite thin films were deposited on glass by aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD)-nanoparticulate cerium dioxide and nanoparticulate cerium dioxide embedded in a titanium dioxide matrix. The films were analysed by a range of techniques including UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis by X-rays. The AACVD prepared films showed the functional properties of photocatalysis and super-hydrophilicity. The CeO 2 nanoparticle thin films displaying photocatalysis and photo-induced hydrophilicity almost comparable to that of anatase titania.

  5. Effect of microbial enzyme allocation strategies on stoichiometry of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition (United States)

    Wutzler, Thomas


    We explored different strategies of soil microbial community to invest resources into extracellular enzymes by conceptual modelling. Similar to the EEZY model by Moorhead et al. (2012), microbial community can invest into two separate pools of enzymes that depolymerize two different SOM pools. We show that with assuming that a fixed fraction of substrate uptake is allocated to enzymes, the microbial dynamics decouples from decomposition dynamics. We propose an alternative formulation where investment into enzymes is proportional to microbial biomass. Next, we show that the strategy of optimizing stoichiometry of decomposition flux according to microbial biomass stoichiometry yield less microbial growth than the strategy of optimizing revenue of the currently limiting element. However, both strategies result in better usage of the resources, i.e. less C overflow or N mineralization, than the strategy of equal allocation to both enzymes. Further, we discuss effects of those strategies on decomposition of SOM and priming at different time scales and discuss several abstractions from the detailed model dynamics for usage in larger scale models.

  6. Spontane strategier i innovationsnetværk: materialitetens betydning for stabiliseringen af virtuelle verdner som professionelt kommunikationsmedie [Spontaneous strategies in innovation networks: The importance of materiality in stabilising virtual worlds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil Husted


    Full Text Available Megen forskning har beskæftiget sig med, hvordan sociale og organisatoriske processer ændres, når de finder sted i virtuelle rum. Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i innovationsprocesser, hvor aktører forsøger at etablere virtuelle verdner som platform for professionel kommunikation, men i stedet for at fokusere på kommunikationsprocesser internt i virtuelle verdner vil artiklen stille spørgsmålstegn ved dikotomien mellem den fysiske og den virtuelle verden og undersøge materialitetens betydning for organiseringen af det virtuelle. Ved at anlægge et perspektiv inspireret af Aktør Netværks Teori vil artiklen argumentere for, at fysiske steder og objekter ikke blot fungerer som kontekst for innovationsprocesser, men tværtimod inddrages som strategiske ressourcer, der aktivt medskaber de virtuelle verdner. Empirisk funderes analysen i fem danske virksomheder og viser, hvordan virksomhederne benytter sig af fysiske steder og objekter som strategisk ressource i innovationsprocessen. Hermed bidrager artiklen til litteraturen omkring innovation inden for nye medier såsom virtuelle verdner.

  7. Sandia octahedral molecular sieves (SOMS): structural and property effects of charge-balancing the M(IV)-substituted (M = Ti, Zr) Niobate framework. (United States)

    Nyman, May; Tripathi, Akhilesh; Parise, John B; Maxwell, Robert S; Nenoff, Tina M


    Sandia octahedral molecular sieves (SOMS) is an isostructural, variable composition class of ion exchangers with the general formula Na(2)Nb(2-x)M(IV)(x)O (6-x)(OH)(x).H(2)O (M(IV) = Ti, Zr; x = 0.04-0.40) where up to 20% of the framework Nb(V) can be substituted with Ti(IV) or Zr(IV). This class of molecular sieves is easily converted to perovskite through low-temperature heat treatment (500-600 degrees C). This report provides a detailed account of how the charge imbalance of this Nb(V)-M(IV) substitution is compensated. X-ray powder diffraction with Rietveld refinement, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, (23)Na MAS NMR, and (1)H MAS NMR were used to determine how the framework anionic charge is cation-balanced over a range of framework compositions. All spectroscopic evidence indicated a proton addition for each M(IV) substitution. Evidences for variable proton content included (1) increasing OH observed by (1)H MAS NMR with increasing M(IV) substitution, (2) increased infrared band broadening indicating increased H-bonding with increasing M(IV) substitution, (3) increased TGA weight loss (due to increased OH content) with increasing M(IV) substitution, (4) no variance in population on the sodium sites (indicated by Rietveld refinement) with variable composition, and (5) no change in the (23)Na MAS NMR spectra with variable composition. Also observed by infrared spectroscopy and (23)Na MAS NMR was increased disorder on the Nb(V)/M(IV) framework sites with increasing M(IV) substitution, evidenced by broadening of these spectral features. These spectroscopic studies, along with ion exchange experiments, also revealed the effect of the Nb(V)/M(IV) framework substitution on materials properties. Namely, the temperature of conversion to NaNb(1-x)M(IV)(x)O(3) (M = Ti, Zr) perovskite increased with increasing Ti in the framework and decreased with increasing Zr in the framework. This suggested that Ti stabilizes the SOMS framework and Zr destabilizes

  8. Arbejdsmiljøseminarer som en metode til at skabe motivation, ansvar og ejerskab til sikkerhedsarbejdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Louise


    arbejdsmiljøseminarer som en ny metode til på en meningsfuld måde systematisk at involvere mellemlederne og de ansatte i virksomhedernes sikkerhedsarbejde og dermed potentielt at fremme deres motivation, ansvar og ejerskab til dette. Arbejdsmiljøseminarer tager udgangspunkt i de ansattes faglige ekspertise og...

  9. Does Carbon Dioxide Predict Temperature?


    Mytty, Tuukka


    Does carbon dioxide predict temperature? No it does not, in the time period of 1880-2004 with the carbon dioxide and temperature data used in this thesis. According to the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) carbon dioxide is the most important factor in raising the global temperature. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that carbon dioxide truly predicts temperature. Because this paper uses observational data it has to be kept in mind that no causality interpretation can be ma...

  10. Molybdenum dioxide-molybdenite roasting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabacky, B.J.; Hepworth, M.T.


    A process is disclosed for roasting molybdenite concentrates directly to molybdenum dioxide. The process comprises establishing a roasting zone having a temperature of about 700 0 C. to about 800 0 C., introducing into the roasting zone particulate molybdenum dioxide and molybdenite in a weight ratio of at least about 2:1 along with an oxygen-containing gas in amount sufficient to oxidize the sulfur content of the molybdenite to molybdenum dioxide

  11. Pyrochemical reduction of uranium dioxide and plutonium dioxide by lithium metal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Usami, T.; Kurata, M.; Inoue, T.; Sims, H.E.; Beetham, S.A.; Jenkins, J.A.


    The lithium reduction process has been developed to apply a pyrochemical recycle process for oxide fuels. This process uses lithium metal as a reductant to convert oxides of actinide elements to metal. Lithium oxide generated in the reduction would be dissolved in a molten lithium chloride bath to enhance reduction. In this work, the solubility of Li 2 O in LiCl was measured to be 8.8 wt% at 650 deg. C. Uranium dioxide was reduced by Li with no intermediate products and formed porous metal. Plutonium dioxide including 3% of americium dioxide was also reduced and formed molten metal. Reduction of PuO 2 to metal also occurred even when the concentration of lithium oxide was just under saturation. This result indicates that the reduction proceeds more easily than the prediction based on the Gibbs free energy of formation. Americium dioxide was also reduced at 1.8 wt% lithium oxide, but was hardly reduced at 8.8 wt%

  12. Carbon dioxide and future climate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitchell, J M


    The addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere due to burning fossil fuel is discussed. The release rate of carbon dioxide has been growing since at least 1950 at an average rate of 4.3% per year. If all known fossil fuel reserves in the world are consumed, a total of between 5 and 14 times the present amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be released. The oceans would then be unlikely to withdraw the proportion of perhaps 40% which they are believed to have withdrawn up to the present. The increase in the atmosphere would be in excess of 3 times or conceivably ten times the present amount. If the reserves are used up within a few hundred years, more than half the excess carbon dioxide would remain in the atmosphere after a thousand years. The ''greenhouse'' effect of carbon dioxide is explained. The simulation with numerical models of the effects of carbon dioxide on atmospheric radiation fluxes is discussed. An estimated increase in the average annual temperature of the earth of 2.4 to 2.9C is given for doubling the carbon dioxide content; also a 7% increase in global average precipitation. The effect of increasing carbon dioxide on global mean temperature is viewed in the perspective of the glacial-interglacial cycles. The warming effect of carbon dioxide may induce a ''super-interglacial'' on the present interglacial which is expected to decline toward a new ice age in the next several thousand years. Finally it is proposed that it may be necessary to phase out the use of fossil fuels before all the knowledge is acquired which would necessitate such an action.

  13. Effects of fermentation time and low temperature during the production process of Thai pickled fish (pla-som) on the viability and infectivity of Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae. (United States)

    Onsurathum, Sudarat; Pinlaor, Porntip; Haonon, Ornuma; Chaidee, Apisit; Charoensuk, Lakhanawan; Intuyod, Kitti; Boonmars, Thidarut; Laummaunwai, Porntip; Pinlaor, Somchai


    Contamination of a popular fermented fish dish, pla-som, by Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae (OVMC) is a possible cause of carcinogenic liver fluke infection in Thailand. Affected individuals are at risk of bile duct cancer, which is a major health problem for people in the Greater Mekong Subregion. In order to investigate concerns about food safety, we studied the effects of fermentation time and low temperature on the viability and infectivity of OVMC during the pla-som production process. Pla-som was prepared at room temperature for up to 1 week in duplicate experiments using cyprinid freshwater fish obtained from an O. viverrini-endemic area. OVMC were then isolated and identified under a stereomicroscope. Complete and viable OVMC were found on days 1-4 of fermentation, while their morphology was degenerated thereafter. After OVMC were fed to hamsters, the percentage of the worm recovery after 1 to 2 months of infection was 52%, 44.7%, 11.3% and 1% for days 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In order to measure the effect of low temperature on OVMC, fish were kept in a refrigerator (4 °C) for up to five days and then subsequently fermented for three days. In fish stored in a refrigerator for 1 and 2 days, viable OVMC were clearly observed and were able to infect hamsters, a worm-recovery percentage of 3.3% and 12.7%, respectively. By contrast, in pla-som prepared from fish stored for 3 to 5 days, OVMC were degenerated and could not infect the host. In conclusion, pla-som fermentation for more than four days and refrigerating fish for three days before pla-som processing can prevent O. viverrini infection. This study may increase awareness of fermented-fish dish preparation to prevent liver fluke infection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Som, fúria, crítica e audiência: aspectos da recepção da série Som & fúria, de Fernando Meirelles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura analisar aspectos da recepção da minissérie Som & fúria, exibida pela Rede Globo de Televisão em 2009. Produzida em conjunto com a O2 Filmes, a minissérie narra a história de uma trupe teatral que adapta obras do dramaturgo inglês William Shakespeare. Ao mesmo tempo em que recebeu críticas extremamente positivas da crítica jornalística, Som & fúria alcançou baixos números de audiência para os padrões da Globo, o que levou a seu cancelamento após apenas uma temporada. Consideramos que as referências à literatura shakespeariana e a presença da linguagem teatral na minissérie podem ter provocado um ruído de comunicação com o público, minimizando, assim, as possibilidades de diálogo e de construção de uma relação afetiva entre o programa e uma audiência mais abrangente. Utilizamos principalmente os conceitos de dialogismo e carnavalização (BAKHTIN, 2010; STAM, 1992 e a abordagem cognitivista aplicada a produtos audiovisuais (BORDWELL, 2007; PUCCI, 2012 na tentativa de compreender essa discrepância entre a recepção do público e da crítica. Procuramos contribuir, assim, para os estudos de recepção de audiovisuais, considerando os diversos atores que compõem o público e seus locus recepcionais, suas particularidades e as influências que determinam a forma através qual eles se relacionam com produtos culturais diversos.

  15. Charcoal as an alternative energy carrier. Pt. 2: Conversion of biomass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holstad, A


    Terrestrial biomass, residues from forestry, agriculture and farming can be converted by biochemical or thermochemical techniques to fuels. The charcoal yield depends on the raw materials, moisture contents, the temperature of carbonisation and the processing equipment. The yield is reduced by 2 - 3% when using softwood and furthermore with higher temperature of carbonisation. Generally charcoal contains 80 - 90% carbon, 0,5 - 10% ash and 7 - 30% volatile matter. Theoretically the following products are obtained when pyrolising wood: 34,7% Charcoal, 24,9% H/sub 2/O, 10,9% CO/sub 2/, 4,15 CO, 1,6% Methanol, 5,9% Acetic Acid and 17,9% Tar. Units for production of charcoal are large and small kilns, transportable Thomas retorts and Cornell retorts with a production of 1,3 - 6 tons charcoal/day, and the large Lambiotte retort, multiple-hearth furnaces and fluidized-bed reactors. Interesting is also the new equipment of Skogens Kol in Sweden. These large units have a production capacity of 16 - 80 tons charcoal/day. Important production parameters include charcoal yield, labour requirements, air pollution and cost. Based on these parameters the Cornell retort is considered the best unit for production of small quantities of charcoal and Skogens Kol seems to be the most interesting large unit. 17 drawings, 14 tables.

  16. Uranium dioxide pellets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zawidzki, T.W.


    Sintered uranium dioxide pellets composed of particles of size > 50 microns suitable for power reactor use are made by incorporating a small amount of sulphur into the uranium dioxide before sintering. The increase in grain size achieved results in an improvement in overall efficiency when such pellets are used in a power reactor. (author)

  17. Designtænkning som didaktisk metode: Læringsdesign for teknologisk forestillingskraft og handlekraft

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rikke Berggreen Paaskesen


    Full Text Available Det er et problem, at undervisere, lærerstuderende og elever ikke bliver mødt med tilstrækkelig inspiration, metoder og design til, hvorledes de kan anvende teknologier i undervisningen på måder der understøtter teknologisk forestillingskraft, handlekraft og kritisk-kreativ teknologisk dannelse. Dette forsøger denne artikel at adressere gennem at tilbyde forståelsesramme, struktur, procesmodel og konkret case-eksempel for hvorledes man kan arbejde med designtænkning som didaktisk metode til udformning læringsdesign for kritisk-kreativ teknologisk forestillingskraft og handlekraft. Artiklen kobler designtænkning og læringsdesign sammen til designtænkende læringsdesign for undervisere og læringsdesign for designtænkning for studerende og elever. Disse formater beskrives dernæst som åbne didaktisk-pædagogiske læringsdesign og centrale strukturer, elementer og faser fremstilles og beskrives. Pædagogisk tænkning for kritisk-kreativt medborgerskab inddrages til at underbygge modellens didaktisk-pædagogiske potentiale. Designtænkende læringsdesign for demokratisk dannelse præsenteres dernæst gennem en konkret case Future-Tech-Town Year 2060. I konklusionen udvides perspektivet til uddannelsesarbejde med læringsdesign der sigter mod kritisk-kreative fremtids-skabere med teknologier.

  18. Titanium dioxide modified with various amines used as sorbents of carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kapica-Kozar, Joanna; Pirog, Ewa; Kusiak-Nejman, Ewelina; Wrobel, Rafal J.; Gesikiewicz-Puchalska, Andzelika; Morawski, Antoni W.; Narkiewicz, Urszula; Michalkiewicz, Beata


    In this study, titanium dioxide was modified with various amines through hydrothermal treatment for adsorption of CO_2. The carbon dioxide adsorption performance of the prepared samples was measured using an STA 449 C thermo-balance (Netzsch Company, Germany). The morphological structures, functional groups and elemental compositions of the unmodified and amine-modified titanium dioxide sorbents were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR/DR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The results showed that modification of TiO_2 with amines through hydrothermal treatment is a simple method to prepare CO_2 sorbents with high adsorption capacities. Moreover, the results revealed that TEPA-modified titanium dioxide shoved the highest adsorption capacity, enabling an increase in CO_2 uptake from 0.45 mmol CO_2 g"-"1 in the case of raw TiO_2 to 1.63 mmol CO_2 g"-"1. This result could be indirectly related to the fact that TEPA has the highest amino group content among the three amines used in our research. Additionally, durability tests performed by cyclic adsorption-desorption revealed that TEPA modified titanium dioxide also possesses excellent stability, despite a slight decrease in adsorption capacity over time. (authors)

  19. En bok for meg? Litteraturvalg med knyttneveprøven som metode.


    Nyhus, Mari


    Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven har følgende problemstilling: Kan elever gjennom en strukturert metode klare å finne egnet litteratur på biblioteket på egenhånd? Studien oppgaven bygger på har til hensikt å undersøke om elever klarer å finne seg egnet litteratur på skolebiblioteket på egenhånd. Forskning viser at elever som leser på egenhånd for å utvikle lesingen sin, trenger tekster på et umiddelbart lesenivå. Det vil si at elevene skal forstå og kunne avkode 94% av ordene de leser. (Frost ...

  20. Grønland som del af den bibelske fortælling - en 1700-tals studie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Kathrine


     For missionærerne i Grønland som for de fleste andre i 1700-tallet var Bibelen en historisk sand fortælling om verden, der omfattede hele verdenshistorien fra Skabelsen til de sidste tider. Bibelen var ikke bare en sand historie om fortiden, den var også en sand historie om nutiden og om fremtid...

  1. Different chemical composition of free light, occluded light and extractable SOM fractions in soils of Cerrado and tilled and untilled fielfds, Minas Gerais, Brazil: a pyrolysis-GC/MS study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buurman, P.; Roscob, R.


    To investigate both the effect of land-use systems on SOM characteristics and the effect of occlusion in aggregates on chemical composition of the occluded fraction, SOM fractions of soils under Cerrado, no-tillage and conventional tillage, were investigated. Free light, occluded light and

  2. Fokus på fremme af livskvalitet og trivsel hos personer med demens gennem læringsmodel med musikterapi og Dementia Care Mapping som det fælles omdrejningspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, Aase Marie

    . Beskrivelse af den metode som er anvendt Metodisk er projektet tilrettelagt som et casestudie af et musikterapiforløb. I læringsmodellen tages afsæt i Tom Kitwoods teori og værdigrundlag om en personorienteret omsorg. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) anvendes i læringsforløbet til at belyse de relationelle møder......, der opstår i musikterapien. Samtidig anvendes DCM som pædagogisk metode i feedbackprocessen med omsorgsgiverne, hvor der arbejdes på at give omsorgsgiverne redskaber til at bruge musik aktivt i deres interaktion med personer med demens i forskellige samværssituationer. Projektets teoretiske...

  3. Arbejdsmiljøseminarer som et redskab til at skabe motivation, ansvarlighed og ejerskab til arbejdet omkring forebyggelse af ulykker i små-, mellemstore og store virksomheder, såvel blandt ansatte som deres ledere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Louise; Kines, Pete


    af arbejdsulykker. Vellykkede arbejdsmiljøseminarer kan være en metode til skabe motivation, ansvarlighed og ejerskab samt at mindske den modstand, der kan være imod forandringerne. Med andre ord at arbejde med nogle af de processer, som kan være svære at få indblik i og overskud til at arbejde med i...

  4. Effect of sulfur dioxide partial pressure on the reaction of iodine, sulfur dioxide and water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Hayato; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Kasahara, Seiji; Kubo, Shinji; Onuki, Kaoru


    Effect of sulfur dioxide partial pressure on the reaction of iodine, sulfur dioxide and water, which is a unit reaction in the IS process for thermochemical hydrogen production, was studied experimentally at 323 K under iodine saturation. Quasi-equilibrium state was observed in the presence of sulfur dioxide gas at constant pressure. The composition of the poly-hydriodic acid solution formed was discussed assuming an ideal desulfurization by the reverse reaction of the Bunsen reaction. The value of HI/(HI+H 2 O) of the desulfurized solution was large at high sulfur dioxide pressure and reached the maximum of 15.7 ± 0.3 mol%. (author)

  5. «Ikke stå som en slapp potet» - elevsynspunkter på opplæring i muntlige ferdigheter

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    Sigrun Svenkerud


    Full Text Available Tema for artikkelen er arbeid med muntlige ferdigheter. Jeg studerer hva elever mener de lærer om muntlige ferdigheter og hvordan de erfarer dette arbeidet, inkludert hva slags veiledning og støtte elevene får underveis i arbeids-prosessen. Analysen baserer seg på enkeltintervjuer med tolv elever, sju jenter og fem gutter på 9. trinn (15 år fra to skoler. Resultatet viser at arbeidet med muntlige ferdigheter hovedsakelig består i elevframføringer, som er en relativt fri og elevaktiv arbeidsform. Elevene får lite undervisning og veiledning fra lærerne underveis i arbeidet, og det forventes at de kan arbeide selvstendig. Det er selve utførelsen av de muntlige framføringene elevene definerer som muntlige ferdigheter. Elevene er opptatt av å framstå som frie og sikre talere, og mange øver seg på framføringene hjemme. De har få eksempler på hva de har lært, og få svar på hva de trenger kunnskap om. Det kan være et uttrykk for elevenes begrensede innsikt i kunnskapsområdet for muntlige ferdigheter, men også for at de mangler et begrepsapparat for å formidle hva de kan. For videre arbeid med muntlighet ligger det en utfordring i å utvikle et eksplisitt og bredere repertoar i undervisningsformer knyttet til muntlige ferdigheter.

  6. 46 CFR 169.732 - Carbon dioxide alarm. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Carbon dioxide alarm. 169.732 Section 169.732 Shipping... Control, Miscellaneous Systems, and Equipment Markings § 169.732 Carbon dioxide alarm. Each carbon dioxide alarm must be conspicuously identified: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS—VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE BEING RELEASED.” ...

  7. 40 CFR 180.1195 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Titanium dioxide. 180.1195 Section 180.1195 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PESTICIDE PROGRAMS... Titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance for residues in or on...

  8. Discursos em disputa: uma leitura alternativa acerca dos dilemas da ação internacional na Somália durante a década de 1990

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Regina Fernandez Y Garcia Moreno


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda os dilemas enfrentados pelos atores internacionais nas operações de paz levadas a cabo na Somália na década de 1990. Busca-se evidenciar as narrativas divergentes articuladas pelos Estados Unidos e pelas Nações Unidas vis-à-vis o "Outro" somali. Sugere-se que os principais dilemas experimentados pela ONU e pelos Estados Unidos na Somália não foram de natureza técnica, concernente a problemas de coordenação entre as principais forças envolvidas, como usualmente se argumenta. Diferentemente, argumenta-se que existiu uma disputa de natureza política entre os Estados Unidos e a ONU na Somália, amparada por discursos distintos sobre o "Outro" somali.

  9. 46 CFR 108.627 - Carbon dioxide alarm. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Carbon dioxide alarm. 108.627 Section 108.627 Shipping... EQUIPMENT Equipment Markings and Instructions § 108.627 Carbon dioxide alarm. Each carbon dioxide alarm must be identified by marking: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE BEING RELEASED” next to...

  10. Tester og testtilbakemeldinger som direkte bidragsytere til dypere læring blant studenter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrik Herrebrøden


    Full Text Available Denne artikkelen diskuterer forskning som tilsier at tester og testtilbakemeldinger kan bidra til dypere læring blant studenter. Testing har vist seg å forbedre langtidshukommelsen av innlært kunnskap sammenlignet med repetert lesing, noe som kalles for testeffekten. For at testeffekten skal optimaliseres, bør tester utformes med mål om å bidra til dyp prosessering av innlært kunnskap. Testtilbakemeldingers rolle i utdanning kan være å bidra til økt metakognitiv selvregulering blant studenter. For at selvregulering skal promoteres best mulig, bør testtilbakemeldinger inneholde utdypende informasjon. Samlet ser tester og testtilbakemeldinger ut til å være nyttige læringsverktøy og potensielle bidragsytere til dypere læring blant studenter.AbstractThis article discusses research supporting that tests and test feedback are learning tools that may promote deeper learning among students. Testing improves long-term retention of knowledge compared to repeated study, a phenomenon known as the testing effect. In order to promote the testing effect, tests should facilitate deep processing of knowledge among students. Test feedback has the potential to increase students’ metacognitive self-regulation. For this type of metacognition to be enhanced, feedback should contain elaborate information. Conclusively, tests and test feedback appear to be valuable learning tools and potential promoters of deeper learning.

  11. 21 CFR 73.2575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.2575 Section 73.2575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 73.2575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive titanium dioxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements...

  12. Influencia del tipo e intensidad de luz en la formación y multiplicación de embriones somáticos de soya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Liusvert Pérez Pérez


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Influence of light type and intensity on induction and proliferation of somatic embryos in soybean Resumen: La embriogénesis somática representa una alternativa para la regeneración de plantas, sobre la cual influyen diversos factores durante el cultivo in vitro. Entre estos, las condiciones de iluminación durante la formación de embriones somáticos es determinante. Sin embargo, no existen trabajos que refieran el efecto de la luz solar en la formación de embriones somáticos de soya. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del tipo e intensidad de luz en la formación y multiplicación de embriones somáticos de soya cultivar INCASoy-27. Para ello, cotiledones inmaduros de 3,0-4,0 mm de longitud fueron colocados en medio de cultivo con 40 mg.l-1 de ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético, sacarosa 3% y pH 7,0 en cámaras de crecimiento con luz artificial e intensidades luminosas de 5-10 µmol.m-2.s-1 y 68-73 µmol.m-2.s-1, y en cámaras de crecimiento con luz solar con 50-65µmol.m-2.s-1. El mayor número de cotiledones embriogénicos (95,31 se obtuvo en condiciones de luz artificial con alta intensidad luminosa. La mayor formación de embriones somáticos se obtuvo en luz artificial (9,65 y luz solar (8,45 respectivamente con alta intensidad luminosa. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la multiplicación de los embriones somáticos, al emplear ambas fuente de luz con alta intensidad luminosa. Esta es la primera referencia sobre formación y multiplicación de embriones somáticos de soya con empleo de luz solar. Palabras clave: Cultivo de tejido; embriogénesis somática; fotoperíodo; Glycine max. Abstract: The somatic embryogenesis represents an alternative for the regeneration of plants, in which influence diverse factors during the cultivation. Among these factors, the conditions of illumination during the induction of somatic embryos are determinant. However, works not exist that refer the effect

  13. Optimering av nanocellulosa för tillämpning som papperstyrkeadditiv


    Englöf, Johan


    Syftet med projektet var att undersöka hur homogeniserings förhållanden (tryck antal passager och därmed energiinsatsen) vid framställning av MFC (mikrofibrillär cellulosa), från enzymatiskt förbehandlade pappersmassafibrer påverkar hållfastheten av papper förstärkt med MFC. Arbetsgivaren för projektet var Innventia och det laborativa arbetet har utförts i deras lokaler. Fördelen med att använda MFC som tillsats i papper är att arket blir starkare [1]. Detta medför att en mindre mängd materia...

  14. Carbon Dioxide Removal via Passive Thermal Approaches (United States)

    Lawson, Michael; Hanford, Anthony; Conger, Bruce; Anderson, Molly


    A paper describes a regenerable approach to separate carbon dioxide from other cabin gases by means of cooling until the carbon dioxide forms carbon dioxide ice on the walls of the physical device. Currently, NASA space vehicles remove carbon dioxide by reaction with lithium hydroxide (LiOH) or by adsorption to an amine, a zeolite, or other sorbent. Use of lithium hydroxide, though reliable and well-understood, requires significant mass for all but the shortest missions in the form of lithium hydroxide pellets, because the reaction of carbon dioxide with lithium hydroxide is essentially irreversible. This approach is regenerable, uses less power than other historical approaches, and it is almost entirely passive, so it is more economical to operate and potentially maintenance- free for long-duration missions. In carbon dioxide removal mode, this approach passes a bone-dry stream of crew cabin atmospheric gas through a metal channel in thermal contact with a radiator. The radiator is pointed to reject thermal loads only to space. Within the channel, the working stream is cooled to the sublimation temperature of carbon dioxide at the prevailing cabin pressure, leading to formation of carbon dioxide ice on the channel walls. After a prescribed time or accumulation of carbon dioxide ice, for regeneration of the device, the channel is closed off from the crew cabin and the carbon dioxide ice is sublimed and either vented to the environment or accumulated for recovery of oxygen in a fully regenerative life support system.

  15. 21 CFR 582.1240 - Carbon dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Carbon dioxide. 582.1240 Section 582.1240 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) ANIMAL DRUGS....1240 Carbon dioxide. (a) Product. Carbon dioxide. (b) Conditions of use. This substance is generally...

  16. 21 CFR 73.1575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.1575 Section 73.1575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Drugs § 73.1575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. (1) The color additive titanium dioxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements...

  17. Perspectives in the use of carbon dioxide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aresta Michele


    Full Text Available The mitigation of carbon dioxide is one of the scientific and technological challenges of the 2000s. Among the technologies that are under assessment, the recovery of carbon dioxide from power plants or industrial flue gases plays a strategic role. Recovered carbon dioxide can be either disposed in natural fields or used. The availability of large amounts of carbon dioxide may open new routes to its utilisation in biological, chemical and innovative technological processes. In this paper, the potential of carbon dioxide utilisation in the short-, medium-term is reviewed.

  18. 21 CFR 73.575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.575 Section 73.575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Foods § 73.575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity. (1) The color additive titanium dioxide is synthetically prepared TiO2, free from admixture with other substances. (2) Color...

  19. 21 CFR 73.3126 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.3126 Section 73.3126 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Medical Devices § 73.3126 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive titanium dioxide (CAS Reg. No. 13463-67-7), Color Index No. 77891, shall...

  20. Carbon dioxide conversion over carbon-based nanocatalysts. (United States)

    Khavarian, Mehrnoush; Chai, Siang-Piao; Mohamed, Abdul Rahman


    The utilization of carbon dioxide for the production of valuable chemicals via catalysts is one of the efficient ways to mitigate the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is known that the carbon dioxide conversion and product yields are still low even if the reaction is operated at high pressure and temperature. The carbon dioxide utilization and conversion provides many challenges in exploring new concepts and opportunities for development of unique catalysts for the purpose of activating the carbon dioxide molecules. In this paper, the role of carbon-based nanocatalysts in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide and direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from carbon dioxide and methanol are reviewed. The current catalytic results obtained with different carbon-based nanocatalysts systems are presented and how these materials contribute to the carbon dioxide conversion is explained. In addition, different strategies and preparation methods of nanometallic catalysts on various carbon supports are described to optimize the dispersion of metal nanoparticles and catalytic activity.

  1. Uso do ultra-som para punção venosa central em paciente obeso com adenomegalia cervical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaderson Wollmeister


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATICA E OBJETIVOS: As técnicas clássicas para punção venosa central são realizadas com base em referências anatômicas de superfície e conhecimento da anatomia vascular da região em que se realizará a punção. O uso do ultra-som permite a realização da punção sob visão direta das estruturas vasculares, peri-vasculares e da agulha de punção. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever o uso do ultra-som no auxílio de acesso venoso central em paciente obeso e com adenomegalias. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, branco, 28 anos, 1,70 m, 120 kg, com diagnóstico de linfoma de Hodgkin esclerose nodular. Solicitado ao Serviço de Anestesiologia do Hospital Governador Celso Ramos, punção de veia jugular interna direita guiada por ultra-som devido à presença de gânglio supraclavicular que prejudicava a referência anatômica de punção e à obesidade do paciente. Após a obtenção da melhor imagem a veia jugular interna esquerda foi puncionada e colocado um cateter venoso de triplo lúmen. A punção foi única, com progressão fácil do cateter e realizada sem complicações. CONCLUSÕES: O uso da ultra-sonografia para punção venosa central pode evitar complicações tornando o procedimento mais seguro para o paciente.

  2. Carbon dioxide and climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Global climate change is a serious environmental concern, and the US has developed ''An Action Agenda'' to deal with it. At the heart of the US effort is the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which has been developed by the Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) of the Federal Coordinating Council for Sciences, Engineering, and Technology (FCCSET). The USGCRP will provide the scientific basis for sound policy making on the climate-change issue. The DOE contribution to the USGCRP is the Carbon Dioxide Research Program, which now places particular emphasis on the rapid improvement of the capability to predict global and regional climate change. DOE's Carbon Dioxide Research Program has been addressing the carbon dioxide-climate change connection for more than twelve years and has provided a solid scientific foundation for the USGCRP. The expansion of the DOE effort reflects the increased attention that the Department has placed on the issue and is reflected in the National Energy Strategy (NES) that was released in 1991. This Program Summary describes projects funded by the Carbon Dioxide Research Program during FY 1991 and gives a brief overview of objectives, organization, and accomplishments. The Environmental Sciences Division of the Office of Health and Environmental Research, Office of Energy Research supports a Carbon Dioxide Research Program to determine the scientific linkage between the rise of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide, and climate and vegetation change. One facet is the Core CO 2 Program, a pioneering program that DOE established more than 10 years ago to understand and predict the ways that fossil-fuel burning could affect atmospheric CO 2 concentration, global climate, and the Earth's biosphere. Major research areas are: global carbon cycle; climate detection and models of climate change; vegetation research; resource analysis; and, information and integration

  3. Antibotulinal efficacy of sulfur dioxide in meat. (United States)

    Tompkin, R B; Christiansen, L N; Shaparis, A B


    The addition of sodium metabisulfite as a source of sulfur dioxide delayed botulinal outgrowth in perishable canned comminuted pork when it was temperature abused at 27 degree C. The degree of inhibition was directly related to the level of sulfur dioxide. Levels greater than 100 microgram of sulfur dioxide per g were necessary to achieve significant inhibition when a target level of 100 botulinal spores per g was used. Sodium nitrite partially reduced the efficacy of the sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide offers a new option for the control of botulinal outgrowth in cured or noncured meat and poultry products. PMID:6996613

  4. Hodgkin's disease following thorium dioxide angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gotlieb, A I; Kirk, M E [McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec (Canada). Dept. of Pathology; Hutchison, J L [Montreal General Hospital, Quebec (Canada)


    Hodgkin's disease occurred in a 53-year-old man who, 25 years previously, had undergone cerebral angiography, for which thorium dioxide suspension (Thorotrast) was used. Deposits of thorium dioxide were noted in reticuloendothelial cells in various locations. An association between thorium dioxide administration and the subsequent development of malignant tumours and neoplastic hematologic disorders has previously been reported.

  5. 21 CFR 184.1240 - Carbon dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Carbon dioxide. 184.1240 Section 184.1240 Food and... Substances Affirmed as GRAS § 184.1240 Carbon dioxide. (a) Carbon dioxide (empirical formula CO2, CAS Reg. No.... The solid form, dry ice, sublimes under atmospheric pressure at a temperature of −78.5 °C. Carbon...

  6. Balancing atmospheric carbon dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goreau, T.J. (Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Univ. of the West Indies (JM))


    Rising carbon dioxide and global temperatures are causing increasing worldwide concern, and pressure towards an international law of the atmosphere is rapidly escalating, yet widespread misconceptions about the greenhouse effect's inevitability, time scale, and causes have inhibited effective consensus and action. Observations from Antarctic ice cores, Amazonian rain forests, and Carribean coral reefs suggest that the biological effects of climate change may be more severe than climate models predict. Efforts to limit emissions from fossil-fuel combustion alone are incapable of stabilizing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide requires coupled measures to balance sources and sinks of the gas, and will only be viable with large-scale investments in increased sustainable productivity on degraded tropical soils, and in long-term research on renewable energy and biomass product development in the developing countries. A mechanism is outlined which directly links fossil-fuel combustion sources of carbon dioxide to removal via increasing biotic productivity and storage. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis suggests that such measures are very affordable, costing far less than inaction. (With 88 refs.).

  7. Balancing atmospheric carbon dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goreau, T J [Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Univ. of the West Indies (JM)


    Rising carbon dioxide and global temperatures are causing increasing worldwide concern, and pressure towards an international law of the atmosphere is rapidly escalating, yet widespread misconceptions about the greenhouse effect's inevitability, time scale, and causes have inhibited effective consensus and action. Observations from Antarctic ice cores, Amazonian rain forests, and Carribean coral reefs suggest that the biological effects of climate change may be more severe than climate models predict. Efforts to limit emissions from fossil-fuel combustion alone are incapable of stabilizing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide requires coupled measures to balance sources and sinks of the gas, and will only be viable with large-scale investments in increased sustainable productivity on degraded tropical soils, and in long-term research on renewable energy and biomass product development in the developing countries. A mechanism is outlined which directly links fossil-fuel combustion sources of carbon dioxide to removal via increasing biotic productivity and storage. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis suggests that such measures are very affordable, costing far less than inaction. (With 88 refs.).

  8. Experimental nitrogen dioxide poisoning in cattle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cutlip, R C


    Experimental nitrogen dioxide inhalation has been reported to produce signs and lesions typical of field cases of bovine pulmonary adenomatosis (BPA) as described by Monlux et al, and Seaton. Similar lesions have been produced in mice and guinea pigs. These studies were conducted because of the similarities between silo-filler's disease of man, caused by nitrogen dioxide, and BPA. Since previous studies involved inadequate numbers of cattle, a more critical evaluation of the effects of nitrogen dioxide was needed. This project was designed to study the clinical and pathologic alterations induced in cattle by repeated exposure to nitrogen dioxide gas.

  9. Self-organizing maps of Kohonen (SOM) applied to multidimensional monitoring data of the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Affonso, Gustavo S.; Pereira, Iraci M.; Mesquita, Roberto N. de; Bueno, Elaine I.


    Multivariate statistics comprise a set of statistical methods used in situations where many variables are database space subsets. Initially applied to human, social and biological sciences, these methods are being applied to many other areas such as education, geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and many others. This spectra expansion was possible due to recent technological development of computation hardware and software that allows high and complex databases to be treated iteratively enabling further analysis. Following this trend, the neural networks called Self-Organizing Maps are turning into a powerful tool on visualization of implicit and unknown correlations in big sized database sets. Originally created by Kohonen in 1981, it was applied to speech recognition tasks. The SOM is being used as a comparative parameter to evaluate the performance of new multidimensional analysis methodologies. Most of methods require good variable input selection criteria and SOM has contributed to clustering, classification and prediction of multidimensional engineering process variables. This work proposes a method of applying SOM to a set of 58 IEA-R1 operational variables at IPEN research reactor which are monitored by a Data Acquisition System (DAS). This data set includes variables as temperature, flow mass rate, coolant level, nuclear radiation, nuclear power and control bars position. DAS enables the creation and storage of historical data which are used to contribute to Failure Detection and Monitoring System development. Results show good agreement with previous studies using other methods as GMDH and other predictive methods. (author)

  10. Self-organizing maps of Kohonen (SOM) applied to multidimensional monitoring data of the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Affonso, Gustavo S.; Pereira, Iraci M.; Mesquita, Roberto N. de, E-mail: rnavarro@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Bueno, Elaine I., E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Sao Paulo (IFSP), SP (Brazil)


    Multivariate statistics comprise a set of statistical methods used in situations where many variables are database space subsets. Initially applied to human, social and biological sciences, these methods are being applied to many other areas such as education, geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and many others. This spectra expansion was possible due to recent technological development of computation hardware and software that allows high and complex databases to be treated iteratively enabling further analysis. Following this trend, the neural networks called Self-Organizing Maps are turning into a powerful tool on visualization of implicit and unknown correlations in big sized database sets. Originally created by Kohonen in 1981, it was applied to speech recognition tasks. The SOM is being used as a comparative parameter to evaluate the performance of new multidimensional analysis methodologies. Most of methods require good variable input selection criteria and SOM has contributed to clustering, classification and prediction of multidimensional engineering process variables. This work proposes a method of applying SOM to a set of 58 IEA-R1 operational variables at IPEN research reactor which are monitored by a Data Acquisition System (DAS). This data set includes variables as temperature, flow mass rate, coolant level, nuclear radiation, nuclear power and control bars position. DAS enables the creation and storage of historical data which are used to contribute to Failure Detection and Monitoring System development. Results show good agreement with previous studies using other methods as GMDH and other predictive methods. (author)

  11. Aplicaciones de la embriogénesis somática para la propagación y mejora de Quercus ilex L. y Pinus spp.


    Blasco Carlos, Miquel


    Esta tesis está enfocada a la aplicación de la embriogénesis somática para la conservación y mejora de Quercus ilex L., Pinus pinaster Aiton y Pinus pinea L., especies forestales representativas de los bosques de la Península Ibérica. La propagación clonal mediante embriogénesis somática (ES) es la herramienta más adecuada para la propagación de genotipos de élite y para la implementación de la llamada silvicultura multivarietal. Además los cultivos embriogénicos son explantos adecuados para ...

  12. Clustering self-organizing maps (SOM) method for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA as the main cause of cervical cancer disease (United States)

    Bustamam, A.; Aldila, D.; Fatimah, Arimbi, M. D.


    One of the most widely used clustering method, since it has advantage on its robustness, is Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) method. This paper discusses the application of SOM method on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA which is the main cause of cervical cancer disease, the most dangerous cancer in developing countries. We use 18 types of HPV DNA-based on the newest complete genome. By using open-source-based program R, clustering process can separate 18 types of HPV into two different clusters. There are two types of HPV in the first cluster while 16 others in the second cluster. The analyzing result of 18 types HPV based on the malignancy of the virus (the difficultness to cure). Two of HPV types the first cluster can be classified as tame HPV, while 16 others in the second cluster are classified as vicious HPV.

  13. Absorption of carbon dioxide in waste tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hobbs, D.T.


    Air flow rates and carbon dioxide concentrations of air entering and exiting eight H-Area waste tanks were monitored for a period of one year. The average instanteous concentration of carbon dioxide in air is within the range reported offsite, and therefore is not affect by operation of the coal-fired power plant adjacent to the tank farm. Waste solutions in each of the tanks were observed to be continuously absorbing carbon dioxide. The rate of absorption of carbon dioxide decreased linearly with the pH of the solution. Personnel exposure associated with the routine sampling and analysis of radioactive wastes stored at SRP to determine the levels of corrosion inhibitors in solution could be reduced by monitoring the absorption of carbon dioxide and using the relationship between pH and carbon dioxide absorption to determine the free hydroxide concentration in solution

  14. Embriogénesis somática en papa cvs. Atlantic y Fritolay-1867

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. C. Sánchez-Enciso


    Full Text Available El empleo del cultivo in vitro de células y tejidos vegetales para la obtención de embriones somáticos, se considera como un método eficiente para la propagación de un número de especies de importancia agronómica y hortícola, entre las que se encuentra la papa Solanum tuberosum L. El objetivo del presente estudio fue la obtención de células embriogénicas a partir de explantes de mesófilo de hoja de papa cultivares Fritolay-1867 y Atlantic. La formación de embriones somáticos de papa ‘Fritolay-1867’ se promovió cuando en el medio de cultivo se utilizó thidiazuron a una concentración de 1.0 mg·litro-1 como regulador del crecimiento, los cuales se cultivaron en medio que contenía sales de Murashige y Skoog complementados con vitaminas, carbohidratos y antioxidantes, incubándose inicialmente durante ocho semanas en oscuridad y posteriormente durante fotoperíodos de 16 h luz a una intensidad de 44 µmol·s-1·m-2 y a una temperatura de 26±1 °C durante 60 días. A las nueve semanas se obtuvieron los primeros inicios de germinación de los embriones con un 5 %, desarrollando en plantas completas

  15. Serous otitis media (S.O.M.). A bacteriological study of the ear canal and the middle ear

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cabenda, S. I.; Peerbooms, P. G.; van Asselt, G. J.; Feenstra, L.; van der Baan, S.


    A bacteriological study of the middle-ear effusions and the ear canals in children with chronic serous otitis media (S.O.M.) was performed. Sixty-eight children (127 ears) were investigated. From this study it appeared that cleansing of the ear canal with 0.5% chlorhexidine in 70% ethanol for 30 s

  16. Musikterapi som bidrag til en tværfaglig og personcentreret demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    blive belyst i kapitlet og videre anvendt i en argumentation for, at der i omsorgsarbejde med mennesker, som har vanskeligt ved at indgå i fællesskaber pga. en demenssygdom, kan inddrages viden om hvordan netop fællesskab og samvær styrkes af musik. Det indebærer ikke blot viden om, hvad musik er, f...... for overbehandling med antipsykotisk medicin, samt stress og udbrændthed hos de nærmeste omsorgsgivere. Kan vores viden, om hvordan musik kan skabe samvær og er grundlæggende i den menneskelige kommunikation, anvendes i denne sammenhæng? I de nationale retningslinjer for demens anbefaler Sundhedsstyrelsen ’ikke...

  17. Carbon dioxide production in animal houses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Søren; Blanes-Vidal, Victoria; Joergensen, H.


    cellars are emptied regularly in a four weeks interval. Due to a high and variable carbon dioxide production in deep straw litter houses and houses with indoor storage of manure longer than four weeks, we do not recommend to calculate the ventilation flow based on the carbon dioxide concentration......This article deals with carbon dioxide production from farm animals; more specifically, it addresses the possibilities of using the measured carbon dioxide concentration in animal houses as basis for estimation of ventilation flow (as the ventilation flow is a key parameter of aerial emissions from...... animal houses). The investigations include measurements in respiration chambers and in animal houses, mainly for growing pigs and broilers. Over the last decade a fixed carbon dioxide production of 185 litres per hour per heat production unit, hpu (i.e. 1000 W of the total animal heat production at 20o...

  18. Sorg som relation og emotion – konturerne af en kritik af den tiltagende patologisering af sorgen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Michael Hviid


    Vi oplever i disse år en stadig større interesse for sorgen som genstandsfelt for forskellige forskningsmæssige initiativer og satsninger samt en stadig mere intensiveret kamp for de ressourcer, der følger med denne udvikling. Selvom vi altid skal byde ny viden velkommen, så bør vi også være vars...

  19. Overskridende læring - ADHD problematikken som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Karen-Lis; Mørck, Line Lerche


    ADHD er en problematik, der i tiltagende grad fylder i medierne, i forældres bevidsthed, i klasseværelserne, i PPR-praksis og i den specialpædagogiske indsats. ADHD-problematikken er omstridt, og der er således mange forskellige perspektiver på, hvordan vi skal forstå ADHD. Er det udtryk for en...... patologisering af uro? Eller er der tale om genetisk betingede kognitive vanskeligheder med opmærksomhed og impulskontrol? Skyldes ADHD en forkert produktion og koncentration af sporstoffer i hjernen? Eller skyldes det, at kreativitet ikke i samme grad som tidligere kan rummes i skolernes klasseværelser? Er der...... handlesammenhæng, hvor de deltager” (Højholt, 1996: 62), søger vores tilgang på engang bedre både at forstå og fremme børns udvikling. Efter introduktion af teori om overskridende læring eksemplificerer vi tilgangen med to empiriske cases om 5. klasse-drengen, Anton, der ikke ønsker at tage sin medicin mod ADHD og...

  20. Florence Nightingale som symbolsk overgangsfigur i lærebøger for sygeplejersker - et lille stykke sygeplejehistorie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Emmy Brandt


    Artiklen er et lille indlæg om, hvordan man har anvendt Florence Nightingale i danske lærebøger for sygeplejersker som en legitimeringsfigur i forbindelse med forandringer inden for det danske hospitalsvæsen. Perioden, der behandles, er tiden før og efter skiftet til den kliniske medicin i Danmark...

  1. Reducing carbon dioxide to products (United States)

    Cole, Emily Barton; Sivasankar, Narayanappa; Parajuli, Rishi; Keets, Kate A


    A method reducing carbon dioxide to one or more products may include steps (A) to (C). Step (A) may bubble said carbon dioxide into a solution of an electrolyte and a catalyst in a divided electrochemical cell. The divided electrochemical cell may include an anode in a first cell compartment and a cathode in a second cell compartment. The cathode may reduce said carbon dioxide into said products. Step (B) may adjust one or more of (a) a cathode material, (b) a surface morphology of said cathode, (c) said electrolyte, (d) a manner in which said carbon dioxide is bubbled, (e), a pH level of said solution, and (f) an electrical potential of said divided electrochemical cell, to vary at least one of (i) which of said products is produced and (ii) a faradaic yield of said products. Step (C) may separate said products from said solution.


    Scott, F.A.; Mudge, L.K.


    A process of purifying raw, in particular plutonium- and fission- products-containing, uranium dioxide is described. The uranium dioxide is dissolved in a molten chloride mixture containing potassium chloride plus sodium, lithium, magnesium, or lead chloride under anhydrous conditions; an electric current and a chlorinating gas are passed through the mixture whereby pure uranium dioxide is deposited on and at the same time partially redissolved from the cathode. (AEC)

  3. 46 CFR 97.37-9 - Carbon dioxide alarm. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Carbon dioxide alarm. 97.37-9 Section 97.37-9 Shipping... Markings for Fire and Emergency Equipment, Etc. § 97.37-9 Carbon dioxide alarm. (a) All carbon dioxide alarms shall be conspicuously identified: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS—VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE BEING...

  4. 46 CFR 78.47-9 - Carbon dioxide alarm. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Carbon dioxide alarm. 78.47-9 Section 78.47-9 Shipping... and Emergency Equipment, Etc. § 78.47-9 Carbon dioxide alarm. (a) All carbon dioxide alarms shall be conspicuously identified: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS—VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE BEING RELEASED.” (b) [Reserved] ...

  5. 46 CFR 196.37-9 - Carbon dioxide alarm. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Carbon dioxide alarm. 196.37-9 Section 196.37-9 Shipping... Markings for Fire and Emergency Equipment, etc. § 196.37-9 Carbon dioxide alarm. (a) All carbon dioxide alarms shall be conspicuously identified: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS—VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE BEING...

  6. Dor torácica no transtorno de pânico: sintoma somático ou manifestação de doença arterial coronariana?


    Soares Filho,Gastão Luiz Fonseca; Valença,Alexandre Martins; Nardi,Antonio Egidio


    O transtorno do pânico (TP) pertence ao grupo dos transtornos de ansiedade caracterizado por repetidos e inesperados ataques de pânico, nos quais predominam os sintomas somáticos e intensa apreensão relacionada à idéia de perda de controle ou morte iminente. Entre os sintomas somáticos que o paciente pode apresentar, a dor torácica exerce papel preponderante, reforçando a idéia de que ele esteja desenvolvendo problema cardiovascular grave, ameaçador à vida, levando à repetida busca por atendi...

  7. Conseqüências da falência de um Estado: pirataria nas águas da Somália




    Anos de falência estatal culminam no

    desenvolvimento, na costa da Somália, do maior pólo

    de pirataria do mundo.

  8. Modeling soil organic matter (SOM) from satellite data using VISNIR-SWIR spectroscopy and PLS regression with step-down variable selection algorithm: case study of Campos Amazonicos National Park savanna enclave, Brazil (United States)

    Rosero-Vlasova, O.; Borini Alves, D.; Vlassova, L.; Perez-Cabello, F.; Montorio Lloveria, R.


    Deforestation in Amazon basin due, among other factors, to frequent wildfires demands continuous post-fire monitoring of soil and vegetation. Thus, the study posed two objectives: (1) evaluate the capacity of Visible - Near InfraRed - ShortWave InfraRed (VIS-NIR-SWIR) spectroscopy to estimate soil organic matter (SOM) in fire-affected soils, and (2) assess the feasibility of SOM mapping from satellite images. For this purpose, 30 soil samples (surface layer) were collected in 2016 in areas of grass and riparian vegetation of Campos Amazonicos National Park, Brazil, repeatedly affected by wildfires. Standard laboratory procedures were applied to determine SOM. Reflectance spectra of soils were obtained in controlled laboratory conditions using Fieldspec4 spectroradiometer (spectral range 350nm- 2500nm). Measured spectra were resampled to simulate reflectances for Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and EnMap spectral bands, used as predictors in SOM models developed using Partial Least Squares regression and step-down variable selection algorithm (PLSR-SD). The best fit was achieved with models based on reflectances simulated for EnMap bands (R2=0.93; R2cv=0.82 and NMSE=0.07; NMSEcv=0.19). The model uses only 8 out of 244 predictors (bands) chosen by the step-down variable selection algorithm. The least reliable estimates (R2=0.55 and R2cv=0.40 and NMSE=0.43; NMSEcv=0.60) resulted from Landsat model, while Sentinel-2 model showed R2=0.68 and R2cv=0.63; NMSE=0.31 and NMSEcv=0.38. The results confirm high potential of VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy for SOM estimation. Application of step-down produces sparser and better-fit models. Finally, SOM can be estimated with an acceptable accuracy (NMSE 0.35) from EnMap and Sentinel-2 data enabling mapping and analysis of impacts of repeated wildfires on soils in the study area.

  9. 27 CFR 24.319 - Carbon dioxide record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Carbon dioxide record. 24..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.319 Carbon dioxide record. A proprietor who uses carbon dioxide in still wine shall maintain a record of the laboratory tests conducted to...

  10. Synaptic properties of SOM- and CCK-expressing cells in dentate gyrus interneuron networks. (United States)

    Savanthrapadian, Shakuntala; Meyer, Thomas; Elgueta, Claudio; Booker, Sam A; Vida, Imre; Bartos, Marlene


    Hippocampal GABAergic cells are highly heterogeneous, but the functional significance of this diversity is not fully understood. By using paired recordings of synaptically connected interneurons in slice preparations of the rat and mouse dentate gyrus (DG), we show that morphologically identified interneurons form complex neuronal networks. Synaptic inhibitory interactions exist between cholecystokinin (CCK)-expressing hilar commissural associational path (HICAP) cells and among somatostatin (SOM)-containing hilar perforant path-associated (HIPP) interneurons. Moreover, both interneuron types inhibit parvalbumin (PV)-expressing perisomatic inhibitory basket cells (BCs), whereas BCs and HICAPs rarely target HIPP cells. HICAP and HIPP cells produce slow, weak, and unreliable inhibition onto postsynaptic interneurons. The time course of inhibitory signaling is defined by the identity of the presynaptic and postsynaptic cell. It is the slowest for HIPP-HIPP, intermediately slow for HICAP-HICAP, but fast for BC-BC synapses. GABA release at interneuron-interneuron synapses also shows cell type-specific short-term dynamics, ranging from multiple-pulse facilitation at HICAP-HICAP, biphasic modulation at HIPP-HIPP to depression at BC-BC synapses. Although dendritic inhibition at HICAP-BC and HIPP-BC synapses appears weak and slow, channelrhodopsin 2-mediated excitation of SOM terminals demonstrates that they effectively control the activity of target interneurons. They markedly reduce the discharge probability but sharpen the temporal precision of action potential generation. Thus, dendritic inhibition seems to play an important role in determining the activity pattern of GABAergic interneuron populations and thereby the flow of information through the DG circuitry. Copyright © 2014 the authors 0270-6474/14/348197-13$15.00/0.

  11. Sol-gel growth of vanadium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Speck, K.R.


    This thesis examines the chemical reactivity of vanadium (IV) tetrakis(t-butoxide) as a precursor for the sol-gel synthesis of vanadium dioxide. Hydrolysis and condensation of the alkoxide was studied by FTIR spectroscopy. Chemical modification of the vanadium tetraalkoxide by alcohol interchange was studied using 51 V NMR and FTIR. Vanadium dioxide thin films and powders were made from vanadium tetrakis(t-butoxide) by standard sol-gel techniques. Post-deposition heating under nitrogen was necessary to transform amorphous gels into vanadium dioxide. Crystallization of films and powders was studied by FTIR, DSC, TGA, and XRD. Gel-derived vanadium dioxide films undergo a reversible semiconductor-to-metal phase transition near 68C, exhibiting characteristic resistive and spectral changes. The electrical resistance decreased by two to three orders of magnitude and the infrared transmission sharply dropped as the material was cycled through this thermally induced phase transition. The sol-gel method was also used to make doped vanadium dioxide films. Films were doped with tungsten and molybdenum ions to effectively lower the temperature at which the transition occurs

  12. Report of the Carbon Dioxide Committee II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Carbon Dioxide Committee was given the task of preparing a suggestion of the acts aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the sinks of carbon in Finland. Emissions of all greenhouse gases were in 1990 80 million tons. calculated as carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide emissions were about 58 million tons of the total. The increase of forest resources binds carbon from the atmosphere and reduces thereby net emissions of Finland at present by nearly 30 million tons of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions will grow during the next decades, unless strong measures to control them will not be taken. As a result of the Commissions examination, acts will be needed both in the production of energy and in its consumption. Emissions can be reduced by replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy, bioenergy and other renewable energy sources. Saving of energy and improvement of energy efficiency will limit carbon dioxide emissions. The Commission has made suggestions both to change the structure of energy production and to control the consumption of energy. (orig.)

  13. Carbon Dioxide as Secondary Refrigerant in Supermarkets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Hans Jørgen Høgaard

    Resume I forbindelse med udfasning af HCFC- og HFC-kølemidlerne er opstået stor interesse for anvendelse af naturlige kølemidler samt indirekte køling i forbindelse med køling i supermarkeder. Som sekundært kølemiddel med faseskift kan kuldioxid anvendes. I supermarkeder med køleanlægget placeret...

  14. Fatigue Level Estimation of Bill Based on Acoustic Signal Feature by Supervised SOM (United States)

    Teranishi, Masaru; Omatu, Sigeru; Kosaka, Toshihisa

    Fatigued bills have harmful influence on daily operation of Automated Teller Machine(ATM). To make the fatigued bills classification more efficient, development of an automatic fatigued bill classification method is desired. We propose a new method to estimate bending rigidity of bill from acoustic signal feature of banking machines. The estimated bending rigidities are used as continuous fatigue level for classification of fatigued bill. By using the supervised Self-Organizing Map(supervised SOM), we estimate the bending rigidity from only the acoustic energy pattern effectively. The experimental result with real bill samples shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  15. Fra onlinefællesskaber til onlinenetværk: Facebook som augmentering af den sociale virkelighed [From online communities to online networks: Facebook as an augmentation of social reality] Fra onlinefællesskaber til onlinenetværk: Facebook som augmentering af den sociale virkelighed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jakob Linaa Jensen


    Full Text Available Denne artikel diskuterer Facebook-fænomenet som et symptom på, at sociale anvendelser af nettet bevæger sig fællesskabsorienterede til netværksorienterede. Hvor man i nettets tidlige år ofte brugte nettet til at møde nye mennesker med samme interesser eller holdninger som én selv, er det i dag mere udbredt at skabe og vedligeholde forbindelser med ens eksisterende sociale netværk. Det vises også i artiklen, hvordan Facebooks succes blandt andet kan tilskrives, at det for brugerne opfylder fem funktioner, som man tidligere skulle benytte sig af en række forskellige tjenester for at varetage: selvfremstilling, venskab, objektdeling, publicering og det, jeg vil kalde ”sjette sans”. Herigennem bidrager Facebook til at forstærke eksisterende sociale relationer, det jeg kalder en augmentering af den sociale virkelighed.This article discusses the Facebook phenomenon, using it as an example of how the most dominant social use of the Internet today is network-based rather than community-based. In the early years of the Internet, online communities were popular fora for meeting new people with related interests or opinions. Today, the dominant social use is to create and maintain relationships with your existing social network. It is also demonstrated that the success of Facebook, is dependent, among other factors, upon the fulfilment of five social functions for the users: self-presentation, friendship, object sharing, publication, and having a “sixth sense”. Thus, Facebook contributes to an enhancement of existing social relationships offline, what I call an augmentation of social reality.

  16. Chemoselective alternating copolymerization of limonene dioxide and carbon dioxide : a new highly functional aliphatic epoxy polycarbonate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, C.; Sablong, R.J.; Koning, C.E.

    The alternating copolymerization of biorenewable limonene dioxide with carbon dioxide (CO2) catalyzed by a zinc β-diiminate complex is reported. The chemoselective reaction results in linear amorphous polycarbonates that carry pendent methyloxiranes and exhibit glass transition temperatures (Tg) up

  17. Survival and growth of Salmonella and Vibrio in som-fak, a Thai low-salt garlic containing fermented fish product

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernbom, Nete; Ng, Yin; Paludan-Müller, Christine


    and potential growth of Salmonella enterica serovar Weltevreden, S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, Vibrio cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus as influenced by the preservation parameters (sodium chloride, garlic and lactic acid) present in the Thai fermented fish product som-fak. The inhibitory effects of sodium...... chloride (0–4%), garlic (0–10%) and lactic acid (pH levels as in som-fak) were measured in modified brain heart infusion (BHI) broth at 30 °C. All bacteria were inhibited by 8–10% sodium chloride. Salmonella grew in all concentrations of garlic whereas Vibrio spp. were inhibited by 1.0–1.5%. Lactic acid...... was inhibitory at levels above 1.5%. The combinations of sodium chloride, lactic acid and garlic showed a distinct hurdle effect in the broth system. Neither S. Enteritidis, V. cholerae nor V. parahaemolyticus grew in garlic (0.5–1%), regardless of the level of sodium chloride (0.5–4% (w/v)), when lactic acid (0...

  18. Conseqüências da falência de um Estado: pirataria nas águas da Somália

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available

    Anos de falência estatal culminam no

    desenvolvimento, na costa da Somália, do maior pólo

    de pirataria do mundo.

  19. Three-dimensional ordered titanium dioxide-zirconium dioxide film-based microfluidic device for efficient on-chip phosphopeptide enrichment. (United States)

    Zhao, De; He, Zhongyuan; Wang, Gang; Wang, Hongzhi; Zhang, Qinghong; Li, Yaogang


    Microfluidic technology plays a significant role in separating biomolecules, because of its miniaturization, integration, and automation. Introducing micro/nanostructured functional materials can improve the properties of microfluidic devices, and extend their application. Inverse opal has a three-dimensional ordered net-like structure. It possesses a large surface area and exhibits good mass transport, making it a good candidate for bio-separation. This study exploits inverse opal titanium dioxide-zirconium dioxide films for on-chip phosphopeptide enrichment. Titanium dioxide-zirconium dioxide inverse opal film-based microfluidic devices were constructed from templates of 270-, 340-, and 370-nm-diameter poly(methylmethacrylate) spheres. The phosphopeptide enrichments of these devices were determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The device constructed from the 270-nm-diameter sphere template exhibited good comprehensive phosphopeptide enrichment, and was the best among these three devices. Because the size of opal template used in construction was the smallest, the inverse opal film therefore had the smallest pore sizes and the largest surface area. Enrichment by this device was also better than those of similar devices based on nanoparticle films and single component films. The titanium dioxide-zirconium dioxide inverse opal film-based device provides a promising approach for the efficient separation of various biomolecules. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Efecto de la morfología de los embriones somáticos en la regeneración de plantas de soya (Glycine max L. Merrill)


    Pérez-Pérez, Jorge L.; García-Rodríguez, Lourdes; Veitía-Rodríguez, Novisel; Bermúdes-Caraballoso, Idalmis; Collado-López, Raúl; Torres-Rodríguez, Damaris


    Los protocolos establecidos para la regeneración de plantas vía embriogénesis somática en soya (Glycine max L. Merrill), son específicos para un número reducido de cultivares, lo que requiere de nuevos estudios que permitan disponer de protocolos más eficientes y reproducibles en un mayor número de genotipos. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto del tipo de morfología de los embriones somáticos en la germinación y conversión a planta en soya cultivar ʻIncasoy-27ʼ. Se emplearon...

  1. Indução e desenvolvimento de calos e embriões somáticos em mamoeiro Papaya callus and somatic embryo induction and development


    Eliane Pires de Almeida; Roberto Pedroso de Oliveira; Jorge Luis Loyola Dantas


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer um protocolo para a indução e desenvolvimento de calos e embriões somáticos em mamoeiro (Carica papaya L. cv. Tainung n.1). Foram utilizados quatro tipos de explantes (hipocótilo com folhas cotiledonares, hipocótilo, folhas cotiledonares e epicótilo) e duas condições de cultivo (escuro e 16 horas de luz). A indução e o desenvolvimento de calos foram avaliados nos meios de cultura ½MS2, ½MS10 e HMH e a indução e o desenvolvimento de embriões somático...

  2. Sobre la letra rayada. en torno a la articulación de los códigos somáticos y lingüísticos




    Se pretende considerar elproceso de inscripción en el cuerpo, de las huellas de su relación con otros cuerpos, las cuales corifigurarian un código somático primario que -en un proceso de subjetivación normal-se articularia con el código lingüístico. Si el código somático tiene comofunción la expresión del sentido, sobre el lingüístico recae lafunción de expresión de la significación. De esta manera, la palabra se plantea como el sepulcro del sentido y cuna del significado. A...

  3. Carbon dioxide: emissions and effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, I M


    This review provides a comprehensive guide to work carried out since 1978 in the many disciplines involved in this complex issue. Possible scenarios for carbon dioxide emissions, sources and sinks in the carbon cycle and for climatic changes are examined. The current concensus (by no means unanimous) of specialists on this issue appears to be that a continuation of reduced trends in energy consumption since 1973 is likely to double the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration to 600 ppmv during the latter part of the next century. However, a higher demand scenario, requiring an upper limit of coal production, would bring forward the doubling to about the middle of the next century. Current climatic models predict that such a concentration of carbon dioxide would cause an average global warming of from 1.0 to 4.5/sup 0/C which might be delayed by the thermal inertia of the oceans. A warming due to estimated increases in carbon dioxide should, if the model results are correct, become apparent at the end of this century. Regional climatic changes are likely to vary considerably and prove disadvantageous to some regions and beneficial to others. Different strategies for dealing with the carbon dioxide issue are considered: no response, alleviation, countermeasures and prevention. It is concluded that uncertainties do not justify either the use of carbon dioxide disposal and other technical fixes at present or a policy of no further growth in fossil fuel consumption. On the other hand, major efforts to conserve energy would give more time to adapt to changes. The alleviation of climatic impacts and other desirable dual-benefit measures are advocated in addition to continuing international, interdisciplinary research on all aspects.

  4. Uranium Dioxide Powder Flow ability Improvement Using Sol-Gel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juanda, D.; Sambodo Daru, G.


    The improvement of flow ability characteristics of uranium dioxide powder has been done using sol-gel process. To anticipate a pellet mass production with uniform pellet dimension, the uranium dioxide powder must be have a spherical form. Uranium dioxide spherical powder has been diluted in acid transformed into sol colloidal solution. To obtain uranium dioxide spherical form, the uranium sol-colloidal solution has been dropped in a hot paraffin ( at the temperature of 90 0 C) to form gelatinous colloid and then dried at 800 0 C, and sintered at the temperature of 1700 0 C. The flow ability of spherical uranium dioxide powder has been examined by using Flowmeter Hall (ASTM. B. 213-46T). The measurement result reveals that the spherical uranium dioxide powder has a flow ability twice than that of unprocessed uranium dioxide powder

  5. 'Vi kan rejse og pille lige så godt som de derude.' Kartoffelavlerdansk i det østlige Canada

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kühl, Karoline


    Citatet i overskriften vil sandsynligvis efterlade læseren i tvivl om hvad denne artikel handler om. Ytringen er nordamerikansk dansk som det tal(t)es i den lille by New Denmark i provinsen New Brunswick i det østlige Canada, og den handler såmænd om kartoffelavl. New Denmark er et enestående eks...

  6. Ultra-som terapêutico contínuo térmico em modelo experimental de ciatalgia Continuous thermic therapeutic ultrasound in sciatica experimental model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Polican Ciena


    Full Text Available O ultra-som é um recurso fisioterapêutico que pode atuar na redução dos sintomas da ciatalgia. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a eficácia do ultra-som terapêutico, no modo contínuo, em duas diferentes densidades de potência (0,5 W/cm² e 1 W/cm², na redução do quadro álgico em ratos submetidos a modelo experimental de ciatalgia. Foram utilizados 20 ratos, divididos em 3 grupos: G1 (n=6 submetido à ciatalgia e a tratamento placebo; G2 (n=7 submetido à ciatalgia e tratado com ultra-som com 0,5 W/cm²; e G3 (n=7 submetido à ciatalgia e tratado com ultra-som com 1 W/cm². A ciatalgia foi provocada por lesão cirúrgica de compressão do nervo no membro posterior direito de todos os animais. O tratamento na região do procedimento cirúrgico, iniciado no 3º dia pós-operatório, consistiu em 10 sessões diárias de 5 minutos. Verificou-se a dor pelo do tempo de elevação da pata (TEP durante a marcha, medido pré-cirurgia e em mais cinco momentos. Os resultados mostram aumentos no TEP em todos os grupos após a lesão; e, naqueles tratados com ultra-som terapêutico, houve diminuição significativa da TEP, restaurando-se os valores iniciais, sendo mais precoce e intensa em G2. Conclui-se que a entrega na forma continua do ultra-som terapêutico foi eficaz na redução da dor ciática.Therapeutic ultrasound is a physical therapy resource for relieving sciatic pain. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of continuous therapeutic ultrasound in two different power densities (0,5 W/cm² and 1 W/cm², on reducing pain in rats submitted to a sciatica experimental model. Twenty rats were used, divided into 3 groups: G1 (n=6 submitted to sciatica and placebo treatment; G2 (n=7 submitted to sciatica and treated with 0.5 W/cm² ultrasound; and G3 (n=7, submitted to sciatica and treated with 1 W/cm² ultrasound. Sciatica was provoked by surgical nerve compression on the right posterior limb of all animals. Treatment on the

  7. Dissolution of uranium dioxide in supercritical carbon dioxide modified with tri-n-butyl phosphate-hydrogen peroxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanekar, A.S.; Pathak, P.N.; Mohapatra, P.K.; Manchanda, V.K.


    Direct dissolution of uranium dioxide in supercritical carbon dioxide modified with tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) has been attempted. The effects of TBP concentration and pressure on the extraction of uranium have been studied. Addition of hydrogen peroxide in the modifier enhances the dissolution/extraction of uranium. (author)

  8. Nitrogen dioxide exposures inside ice skating rinks. (United States)

    Brauer, M; Spengler, J D


    OBJECTIVES. The common operation of fuel-powered resurfacing equipment in enclosed ice skating rinks has the potential for producing high concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Exposures to these gaseous combustion products may adversely affect the health of those inside the rink. Little information is available on pollutant concentrations under normal operating conditions. METHODS. One-week average nitrogen dioxide concentrations in 70 northeastern US rinks were measured with passive samplers during normal winter season conditions. RESULTS. The median nitrogen dioxide level inside rinks was 180 ppb, more than 10 times higher than the median outdoor concentration. One-week average nitrogen dioxide concentrations above 1000 ppb were measured in 10% of the rinks. CONCLUSIONS. Considering that short-term peak concentrations were likely to have reached two to five times the measured 1-week averages, our results suggest that nitrogen dioxide levels were well above short-term air quality guidelines and constitute a public health concern of considerable magnitude. PMID:8129060

  9. Capacitance-Assisted Sustainable Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Mineralisation. (United States)

    Lamb, Katie J; Dowsett, Mark R; Chatzipanagis, Konstantinos; Scullion, Zhan Wei; Kröger, Roland; Lee, James D; Aguiar, Pedro M; North, Michael; Parkin, Alison


    An electrochemical cell comprising a novel dual-component graphite and Earth-crust abundant metal anode, a hydrogen producing cathode and an aqueous sodium chloride electrolyte was constructed and used for carbon dioxide mineralisation. Under an atmosphere of 5 % carbon dioxide in nitrogen, the cell exhibited both capacitive and oxidative electrochemistry at the anode. The graphite acted as a supercapacitive reagent concentrator, pumping carbon dioxide into aqueous solution as hydrogen carbonate. Simultaneous oxidation of the anodic metal generated cations, which reacted with the hydrogen carbonate to give mineralised carbon dioxide. Whilst conventional electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction requires hydrogen, this cell generates hydrogen at the cathode. Carbon capture can be achieved in a highly sustainable manner using scrap metal within the anode, seawater as the electrolyte, an industrially relevant gas stream and a solar panel as an effective zero-carbon energy source. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  10. Research Progress in Carbon Dioxide Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery (United States)

    Wang, Keliang; Wang, Gang; Lu, Chunjing


    With the rapid development of global economy, human beings have become highly dependent upon fossil fuel such as coal and petroleum. Much fossil fuel is consumed in industrial production and human life. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions have been increasing, and the greenhouse effects thereby generated are posing serious threats to environment of the earth. These years, increasing average global temperature, frequent extreme weather events and climatic changes cause material disasters to the world. After scientists’ long-term research, ample evidences have proven that emissions of greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide have brought about tremendous changes to global climate. To really reduce carbon dioxide emissions, governments of different countries and international organizations have invested much money and human resources in performing research related to carbon dioxide emissions. Manual underground carbon dioxide storage and carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery are schemes with great potential and prospect for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Compared with other schemes for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, aforementioned two schemes exhibit high storage capacity and yield considerable economic benefits, so they have become research focuses for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. This paper introduces the research progress in underground carbon dioxide storage and enhanced oil recovery, pointing out the significance and necessity of carbon dioxide-driven enhanced oil recovery.

  11. Energy efficient solvent regeneration process for carbon dioxide capture (United States)

    Zhou, Shaojun; Meyer, Howard S.; Li, Shiguang


    A process for removing carbon dioxide from a carbon dioxide-loaded solvent uses two stages of flash apparatus. Carbon dioxide is flashed from the solvent at a higher temperature and pressure in the first stage, and a lower temperature and pressure in the second stage, and is fed to a multi-stage compression train for high pressure liquefaction. Because some of the carbon dioxide fed to the compression train is already under pressure, less energy is required to further compress the carbon dioxide to a liquid state, compared to conventional processes.

  12. Deposition of carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In Norway, there is currently a debate about whether or not to build gas power stations. To meet the possibility of reduced emission quotas for carbon dioxide in the future, current interest focuses on the incorporation of large-scale separation and deposition of carbon dioxide when such plants are planned. A group of experts concludes that this technology will become self-financing by means of environmental taxes. From the environmental point of view, taxes upon production are to be preferred over taxes on consumption

  13. Carbon Dioxide for pH Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wagonner, R.C.


    Cardox, the major supplier of carbon dioxide, has developed a diffuser to introduce carbon dioxide into a water volume as small bubbles to minimize reagent loss to the atmosphere. This unit is integral to several configurations suggested for treatment to control alkalinity in water streams.

  14. Carbon dioxide sequestration by mineral carbonation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huijgen, W.J.J.


    The increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, mainly caused by fossil fuel combustion, has lead to concerns about global warming. A possible technology that can contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is CO2 sequestration by mineral carbonation. The basic concept

  15. Process for the preparation of uranium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watt, G.W.; Baugh, D.W. Jr.


    An actinide dioxide, e.g., uranium dioxide, plutonium dioxide, neptunium dioxide, etc., is prepared by reacting the actinide nitrate hexahydrate with sodium dithionite as a first step; the reaction product from this first step is a novel composition of matter comprising the actinide sulfite tetrahydrate. The reaction product resulting from this first step is then converted to the actinide dioxide by heating it in the absence of an oxygen-containing atmosphere (e.g., nitrogen) to a temperature of about 500 0 to about 950 0 C for about 15 to about 135 minutes. If the reaction product resulting from the first step is, prior to carrying out the second heating step, exposed to an oxygen-containing atmosphere such as air, the resultant product is a novel composition of matter comprising the actinide oxysulfite tetrahydrate which can also be readily converted to the actinide dioxide by heating it in the absence of an oxygen-containing atmosphere (e.g., nitrogen) at a temperature of about 400 0 to about 900 0 C for about 30 to about 150 minutes. Further, the actinide oxysulfite tetrahydrate can be partially dehydrated at reduced pressures (and in the presence of a suitable dehydrating agent such as phosphorus pentoxide). The partially dehydrated product may be readily converted to the dioxide form by heating it in the absence of an oxygen-containing atmosphere (e.g., nitrogen) at a temperature of about 500 0 to about 900 0 C for about 30 to about 150 minutes. 16 claims

  16. Nitrogenfiksering som en episodisk proces i opstrømnings-området i det østlige tropiske Stillehav

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens Tang

    organismer i en lang række områder, hvor man hidtil ikke troede nitrogenfiksering forekom, og det globale kvælstofregnskab er kommet i bedre balance. Næringsrige opstrømnings-områder, som Humboldt-strømmen langs Chile og Peru, har indtil for nylig ikke været steder, hvor man anså denne proces...

  17. A Fucking Tragedy - Krimien som vor tids tragedie? Arne Dahls Europa Blues og Jan Arnalds Övervåld

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Peter


    Artiklen indkredser historisk det halvt opløste genrebegreb 'tragedie' og diskuterer det i forhold til det mere modstandsdygtige og åbne begreb om det tragiske' som en særskilt modalitet. Det sker i sidste ende for at godtgøre, at også den moderne, avancerede krimi - in casu svenske Arne Dahls Eu...

  18. O Estudo de Colisões através do Som

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cavalcante Marisa Almeida


    Full Text Available O experimento proposto neste artigo permite ao professor de Física estabelecer uma metodologia computacional para o estudo de movimentos e, particularmente, do coeficiente de restituição em colisões através do espectro sonoro emitido por impactos sucessivos de uma esfera em uma superfície plana. O método de medida sugerido, além de requerer um equipamento de fácil acesso, propicia adequada precisão, como revelam os dados obtidos, já que a aquisição é realizada através de placas de som de microcomputadores pessoais, com tempos de resolução, hoje, da ordem de 23 mis para taxas de amostragem de até 44 Khz. Utilizamos um software de análise do espectro sonoro que apresenta o sinal na forma de gráfico de freqüência versus tempo, livremente disponível na Internet e com uma ampla disponibilidade de recursos.

  19. Cadmium Telluride-Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite for Photodegradation of Organic Substance. (United States)

    Ontam, Areeporn; Khaorapapong, Nithima; Ogawa, Makoto


    Cadmium telluride-titanium dioxide nanocomposite was prepared by hydrothermal reaction of sol-gel derived titanium dioxide and organically modified cadmium telluride. The crystallinity of titanium dioxide in the nanocomposite was higher than that of pure titanium dioxide obtained by the reaction under the same temperature and pressure conditions, showing that cadmium telluride induced the crystallization of titanium dioxide. Diffuse reflectance spectrum of the nanocomposite showed the higher absorption efficiency in the UV-visible region due to band-gap excitation of titanium dioxide. The nanocomposite significantly showed the improvement of photocatalytic activity for 4-chlorophenol with UV light.

  20. Recuperative supercritical carbon dioxide cycle (United States)

    Sonwane, Chandrashekhar; Sprouse, Kenneth M; Subbaraman, Ganesan; O'Connor, George M; Johnson, Gregory A


    A power plant includes a closed loop, supercritical carbon dioxide system (CLS-CO.sub.2 system). The CLS-CO.sub.2 system includes a turbine-generator and a high temperature recuperator (HTR) that is arranged to receive expanded carbon dioxide from the turbine-generator. The HTR includes a plurality of heat exchangers that define respective heat exchange areas. At least two of the heat exchangers have different heat exchange areas.

  1. Thermoexpanded graphite modification by titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semko, L.S.; Gorbik, P.P.; Chujko, O.O.; Kruchek, Ya.Yi.; Dzyubenko, L.S.; Orans'ka, O.Yi.


    A method of the synthesis of thermoexpanded graphite (TEG) powders coated by titanium dioxide is developed. The conversion of n-buthylorthotitanate into TiO 2 on the TEG surface is investigated. The optimal parameters of the synthesis and the structure of titanium dioxide clusters on the TEG surface are determined

  2. Differences in SOM decomposition and temperature sensitivity among soil aggregate size classes in a temperate grasslands.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Wang

    Full Text Available The principle of enzyme kinetics suggests that the temperature sensitivity (Q10 of soil organic matter (SOM decomposition is inversely related to organic carbon (C quality, i.e., the C quality-temperature (CQT hypothesis. We tested this hypothesis by performing laboratory incubation experiments with bulk soil, macroaggregates (MA, 250-2000 μm, microaggregates (MI, 53-250 μm, and mineral fractions (MF, MF>bulk soil >MI(P <0.05. The Q10 values were highest for MA, followed (in decreasing order by bulk soil, MF, and MI. Similarly, the activation energies (Ea for MA, bulk soil, MF, and MI were 48.47, 33.26, 27.01, and 23.18 KJ mol-1, respectively. The observed significant negative correlations between Q10 and C quality index in bulk soil and soil aggregates (P<0.05 suggested that the CQT hypothesis is applicable to soil aggregates. Cumulative C emission differed significantly among aggregate size classes (P <0.0001, with the largest values occurring in MA (1101 μg g-1, followed by MF (976 μg g-1 and MI (879 μg g-1. These findings suggest that feedback from SOM decomposition in response to changing temperature is closely associated withsoil aggregation and highlights the complex responses of ecosystem C budgets to future warming scenarios.

  3. Difficult colonoscopy: air, carbon dioxide, or water insufflation? (United States)

    Chaubal, Alisha; Pandey, Vikas; Patel, Ruchir; Poddar, Prateik; Phadke, Aniruddha; Ingle, Meghraj; Sawant, Prabha


    This study aimed to compare tolerance to air, carbon dioxide, or water insufflation in patients with anticipated difficult colonoscopy (young, thin, obese individuals, and patients with prior abdominal surgery or irradiation). Patients with body mass index (BMI) less than 18 kg/m 2 or more than 30 kg/m 2 , or who had undergone previous abdominal or pelvic surgeries were randomized to air, carbon dioxide, or water insufflation during colonoscopy. The primary endpoint was cecal intubation with mild pain (less than 5 on visual analogue scale [VAS]), without use of sedation. The primary end point was achieved in 32.7%, 43.8%, and 84.9% of cases with air, carbon dioxide and water insufflation ( P carbon dioxide, and water insufflation ( P carbon dioxide for pain tolerance. This was seen in the subgroups with BMI 30 kg/m 2 .

  4. O corpo no teatro de animação: contribuições da educação somática na formação do ator


    Coelho, Marcelle Teixeira


    Esse estudo aborda possíveis contribuições da Educação Somática no trabalho corporal do ator no Teatro de Animação. A pesquisa baseou-se na prática pedagógica desenvolvida por Jo Lacrosse e Claire Heggen, professores da École Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette, em Charleville- Mézières, França. Ambos os professores utilizam três abordagens somáticas Método Feldenkrais, Eutonia e Técnica de Alexander como suporte para o trabalho corporal do ator animador. As teorias desenvolvida...

  5. Effects of sulfur dioxide on vegetation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Whitby, G S


    A discussion is presented on the effects of sulfur dioxide on vegetation as observed at Trail, British Columbia. The investigation was carried out over a period of eight years, 1929 to 1937. The concentration of sulfur dioxide at the United States border was carefully determined throughout the crop season at a point 16 miles from the source of sulfur dioxide. Maximum and average concentrations in part per million are given. The sulfur content of vegetation was determined and was found to diminish as the distance from the smelter increased. It was determined that the sulfur content may rise to four times the normal amount without injurious effect. This is particularly so with prolonged low concentration. The effect on the soil was determined by measuring soluble sulfate, pH and exchangeable bases. The soil near the plant was affected, but this fell off rapidly with increase in distance so that eight miles from the smelter the soil was substantially normal. No effect on water supplies was found. An appreciable retardation in growth, as determined by annular rings, was noted for trees exposed to the sulfur dioxide. This effect was lost following installation of sulfur dioxide control at Trail. Conifers were found more susceptible during periods of active growth than when dormant. Also, transplanted conifers were more severly affected than native trees. Seedlings were less resistant that older trees.

  6. Technology of getting of microspheric thorium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balakhonov, V.G.; Matyukha, V.A.; Saltan, N.P.; Filippov, E.A.; Zhiganov, A.N.


    There has been proposed a technique for getting granulated thorium dioxide from its salts solutions according to the cryogenic technology by the method of a solid phase conversion. It includes the following operations: dispersion of the initial solution into liquid nitrogen and getting of cryogranules of the necessary size by putting oscillations of definite frequency on a die device and by charging formed drops in the constant electric field; solid phase conversion of thorium salts into its hydroxide by treating cryogranules with a cooled ammonia solution, drying and calcination of hydroxide granules having got granulated thorium dioxide. At the pilot facility there have been defined and developed optimum regimes for getting granulated thorium dioxide. The mechanism of thorium hydroxide cryogranules conversion into thorium dioxide was investigated by the thermal analysis methods. (author)

  7. Electrochemical reduction of sulfur dioxide in sulfolane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vorob' ev, A.S.; Gavrilova, A.A.; Kolosnitsyn, V.S.; Nikitin, Yu.E.


    Solutions of sulfur dioxide in aproptic media are promising electrolyte oxidizing agents for chemical current sources with anodes of active metals. This work describes the electrochemical reduction of sulfur dioxide in sulfolane in a lithium halide supporting electrolyte which was investigated by the methods of voltamperometry and chronopotentiometry. The dependence of the current of the cathodic peak on the concentration of the supporting electrolyte salts, sulfur dioxide and water, was studied. On the basis of the data obtained, a hypothesis was advanced on the nature of the limiting step. The investigation showed that at low polarizing current densities, a substantial influence on the reduction of sulfur dioxide in sulfolane in a lithium halide supporting electrolyte is exerted by blockage of the electrode surface by sparingly soluble reaction products.

  8. Method for carbon dioxide sequestration (United States)

    Wang, Yifeng; Bryan, Charles R.; Dewers, Thomas; Heath, Jason E.


    A method for geo-sequestration of a carbon dioxide includes selection of a target water-laden geological formation with low-permeability interbeds, providing an injection well into the formation and injecting supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO.sub.2) and water or bine into the injection well under conditions of temperature, pressure and density selected to cause the fluid to enter the formation and splinter and/or form immobilized ganglia within the formation.

  9. Amperometric sensor for carbon dioxide: design, characteristics, and perforance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.; Pletcher, D.; Warburton, P.R.G.; Gibbs, T.K.


    A new sensor for atmospheric carbon dioxide is described. It is an amperometric device based on a porous electrode in a three-electrode cell and the electrolyte is a copper diamine complex in aqueous potassium chloride. The platinum cathode, held at constant potential, is used to detect the formation of Cu 2+ following the change in the pH of the solution when the sensor is exposed to an atmosphere containing carbon dioxide. The sensor described is designed to monitor carbon dioxide concentrations in the range 0-5%, although with some modifications, other ranges would be possible. The response to a change in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is rapid (about 10s) while the monitored current is strongly (but nonlinearly) dependent on carbon dioxide concentration. Unlike other amperometric devices for carbon dioxide, there is no interference from oxygen although other acid gases would lead to an interfering response

  10. Híbridos somáticos obtenidos por fusión de protoplastos entre Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. tuberosum y la especie silvestre Solanum circaeifolium Bitter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Espejo


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de obtener híbridos somáticos interespecíficos, se fusionaron protoplastos de la especie tetraploide Solanum tuberosum y de la especie silvestre diploide Solanum circaeifolium utilizando polietilenglicol. Los productos de fusión fueron cultivados en el medio V-KM suplementado con albúmina de suero bovino. Las primeras divisiones celulares ocurrieron a los 3 a 4 días de cultivo. Después de la formación de colonias se observó una rápida proliferación de callos, a partir de los cuales se regeneraron 19 plantas. El análisis molecular usando RAPD, confirmó que los regenerantes presentaban segmentos de ADN de ambos parentales, sugiriendo su posible naturaleza de híbridos somáticos. Las observaciones del número de cromosomas indicaron que todos los híbridos fueron aneuploides. En condiciones de invernadero, los regenerantes derivados de la fusión de protoplastos, mostraron características morfológicas intermedias entre las líneas parentales. Este estudio muestra la producción de híbridos somáticos de papa con el método de fusión presentado.

  11. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels: adapting to uncertainty

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, K; Winter, R C; Bergman, M K


    If present scientific information is reasonable, the world is likely to experience noticeable global warming by the beginning of the next century if high annual growth rates of fossil-fuel energy use continue. Only with optimistic assumptions and low growth rates will carbon-dioxide-induced temperature increases be held below 2/sup 0/C or so over the next century. Conservation, flexible energy choices, and control options could lessen the potential effects of carbon dioxide. Though perhaps impractical from the standpoint of costs and efficiency losses, large coastal centralized facilities would be the most amenable to carbon dioxide control and disposal. Yet no country can control carbon dioxide levels unilaterally. The USA, however, which currently contributes over a quarter of all fossil-fuel carbon dioxide emissions and possesses a quarter of the world's coal resources, could provide a much needed role in leadership, research and education. 70 references.

  12. Carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery in Canada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDonald, S.; Manbybura, F.; Sparks, N.


    This paper examines the potential for carbon dioxide as a major miscible solvent in Canada and describes Shell Canada's carbon dioxide exploration efforts over the last few years. Enhanced oil recovery, specifically miscible flooding, has been recognized as a technically and economically feasible method for adding reserves and productive capacity to Canada's light and medium oil. The fiscal regime has been altered by both the federal and provincial governments to encourage miscible flooding development. As a result many projects have been initiated with others being evaluated and designed. This paper analyzes the history and the direction of miscible flooding in the United States, where carbon dioxide is becoming the predominant miscible solvent. The potential for future use of carbon dioxide in Canada is specifically addressed: potential oil recovery solvent supply, and economics. Shell's carbon dioxide exploration play currently underway is also discussed.

  13. Carbon Dioxide Detection and Indoor Air Quality Control. (United States)

    Bonino, Steve


    When building ventilation is reduced, energy is saved because it is not necessary to heat or cool as much outside air. Reduced ventilation can result in higher levels of carbon dioxide, which may cause building occupants to experience symptoms. Heating or cooling for ventilation air can be enhanced by a DCV system, which can save energy while providing a comfortable environment. Carbon dioxide concentrations within a building are often used to indicate whether adequate fresh air is being supplied to the building. These DCV systems use carbon dioxide sensors in each space or in the return air and adjust the ventilation based on carbon dioxide concentration; the higher the concentration, the more people occupy the space relative to the ventilation rate. With a carbon dioxide sensor DCV system, the fresh air ventilation rate varies based on the number ofpeople in the space, saving energy while maintaining a safe and comfortable environment.

  14. New technology for carbon dioxide at high pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassina, Bazaze; Raouf, Zehioua; Menial, A. H.


    Carbon dioxide has long been the nemesis of environmentalists because of its role in global warming, but under just the right conditions-namely, high pressure and high temperature its one of nature's best and most environmentally benign solvents. Decaf-coffee lovers, for instance, benefit from its ability to remove caffeine from coffee beans.During the last few years, carbon dioxide has also made inroads in the dry-cleaning industry, providing a safe cleaning alternative to the chemical perchloroethylene. But it's on the high-tech front that carbon dioxide may make its biggest impact. T here are huge opportunities. Scientists have known for more than a century that at 75 times atmospheric pressure and 31 degree centigrade, carbon dioxide goes into and odd state that chemists called s upercritical . What's interesting to industry is that supercritical carbon dioxide may be an enabling technology for going to smaller dimensions.(Author)

  15. Selective free radical reactions using supercritical carbon dioxide. (United States)

    Cormier, Philip J; Clarke, Ryan M; McFadden, Ryan M L; Ghandi, Khashayar


    We report herein a means to modify the reactivity of alkenes, and particularly to modify their selectivity toward reactions with nonpolar reactants (e.g., nonpolar free radicals) in supercritical carbon dioxide near the critical point. Rate constants for free radical addition of the light hydrogen isotope muonium to ethylene, vinylidene fluoride, and vinylidene chloride in supercritical carbon dioxide are compared over a range of pressures and temperatures. Near carbon dioxide's critical point, the addition to ethylene exhibits critical speeding up, while the halogenated analogues display critical slowing. This suggests that supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent may be used to tune alkene chemistry in near-critical conditions.

  16. Classification of titanium dioxide; Clasificacion del dioxido de titanio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macias B, L.R. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Garcia C, R.M.; Maya M, M.E. [Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico de Mexico, Mexico (Mexico); Ita T, A. De [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico (Mexico); Palacios G, J. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico)


    In this work the X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (Sem) and the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy techniques are used with the purpose to achieve a complete identification of phases and mixture of phases of a crystalline material as titanium dioxide. The problem for solving consists of being able to distinguish a sample of titanium dioxide being different than a titanium dioxide pigment. A standard sample of titanium dioxide with NIST certificate is used, which indicates a purity of 99.74% for the TiO{sub 2}. The following way is recommended to proceed: a)To make an analysis by means of X-ray diffraction technique to the sample of titanium dioxide pigment and on the standard of titanium dioxide waiting not find differences. b) To make a chemical analysis by the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy via in a microscope, taking advantage of the high vacuum since it is oxygen which is analysed and if it is concluded that the aluminium oxide appears in a greater proportion to 1% it is established that is a titanium dioxide pigment, but if it is lesser then it will be only titanium dioxide. This type of analysis is an application of the nuclear techniques useful for the tariff classification of merchandise which is considered as of difficult recognition. (Author)

  17. Modeling and calculation of open carbon dioxide refrigeration system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Yufei; Zhu, Chunling; Jiang, Yanlong; Shi, Hong


    Highlights: • A model of open refrigeration system is developed. • The state of CO 2 has great effect on Refrigeration capacity loss by heat transfer. • Refrigeration capacity loss by remaining CO 2 has little relation to the state of CO 2 . • Calculation results are in agreement with the test results. - Abstract: Based on the analysis of the properties of carbon dioxide, an open carbon dioxide refrigeration system is proposed, which is responsible for the situation without external electricity unit. A model of open refrigeration system is developed, and the relationship between the storage environment of carbon dioxide and refrigeration capacity is conducted. Meanwhile, a test platform is developed to simulation the performance of the open carbon dioxide refrigeration system. By comparing the theoretical calculations and the experimental results, several conclusions are obtained as follows: refrigeration capacity loss by heat transfer in supercritical state is much more than that in two-phase region and the refrigeration capacity loss by remaining carbon dioxide has little relation to the state of carbon dioxide. The results will be helpful to the use of open carbon dioxide refrigeration

  18. Trading coalbed methane for carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenberger, L.S.


    This article discusses a proposal for reducing methane emissions in coal mining activities and at the same time reducing the burden on utilities to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Emission credits would be issued to mines that recover the methane for use. These credits could then be bought by utilities and exchanged for the right to emit carbon dioxide

  19. Carbon dioxide, the feedstock for using renewable energy (United States)

    Hashimoto, K.; Kumagai, N.; Izumiya, K.; Kato, Z.


    Extrapolation of world energy consumption between 1990 and 2007 to the future reveals the complete exhaustion of petroleum, natural gas, uranium and coal reserves on Earth in 2040, 2044, 2049 and 2054, respectively. We are proposing global carbon dioxide recycling to use renewable energy so that all people in the whole world can survive. The electricity will be generated by solar cell in deserts and used to produce hydrogen by seawater electrolysis at t nearby desert coasts. Hydrogen, for which no infrastructures of transportation and combustion exist, will be converted to methane at desert coasts by the reaction with carbon dioxide captured by energy consumers. Among systems in global carbon dioxide recycling, seawater electrolysis and carbon dioxide methanation have not been performed industrially. We created energy-saving cathodes for hydrogen production and anodes for oxygen evolution without chlorine formation in seawater electrolysis, and ideal catalysts for methane formation by the reaction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen. Prototype plant and industrial scale pilot plant have been built.

  20. Caracterização da preferência sistemática por um som em casos de desvio fonológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keske-Soares, Marcia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o sistema fonológico de cinco crianças com preferência sistemática por um som de acordo com os estudos de Weiner (1981 e Yavas e Hernandorena (1989, 1991. A amostra está composta por cinco sujeitos (quatro meninos e uma menina, com idade de 6: 4 (S1, 4: 11 (S2, 4: 4 (S3, 5: 5 (S4 e 5: 1 (S5. Os dados de fala foram snalisados através da avaliação fonológica. Para análise da fala utilizaram-se análises contrastiva e de traços. Os sesultados obtidos na análise dos dados de fala dos cinco sujeitos são descritos e comparados aos padrões identificados pelos autores acima citados quanto à preferência sistemática por um som. O S1 apresenta preferência por /s/e/z/, afetando a classe das fricativas; S2, por /f/ e /v/, substituindo fricativas e plosivas; S3, por /t/ e /d/, afetando as fricativas; S4 por /k/ e /g/ afetando plosivas e fricativas; S5, pela global /?/, substituindo fricativas e plosivas. Conclui-se que os resultados confirmam que o nível do desvio é variável, com o sistema fonológico ininteligível devido á perda de contraste. Porém, é necessário estudar um número maior de sujeitos e saber o tipo de desordem para atentar para o diagnóstico e a terapia. Além disso, é importante que os terapeutas da fala, ao detectarem e tratarem o desvio fonológico, conheçam as características dos sistemas com preferência sistemática por um som

  1. 40 CFR 180.444 - Sulfur dioxide; tolerances for residues. (United States)


    ... § 180.444 Sulfur dioxide; tolerances for residues. A tolerance is established as follows for sulfite residues of the fungicide sulfur dioxide (determined as (SO2)) in or on the following raw agricultural... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sulfur dioxide; tolerances for...

  2. Carbon dioxide absorbent and method of using the same (United States)

    Perry, Robert James [Niskayuna, NY; Lewis, Larry Neil [Scotia, NY; O'Brien, Michael Joseph [Clifton Park, NY; Soloveichik, Grigorii Lev [Latham, NY; Kniajanski, Sergei [Clifton Park, NY; Lam, Tunchiao Hubert [Clifton Park, NY; Lee, Julia Lam [Niskayuna, NY; Rubinsztajn, Malgorzata Iwona [Ballston Spa, NY


    In accordance with one aspect, the present invention provides an amino-siloxane composition comprising at least one of structures I, II, III, IV or V said compositions being useful for the capture of carbon dioxide from gas streams such as power plant flue gases. In addition, the present invention provides methods of preparing the amino-siloxane compositions are provided. Also provided are methods for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in a process stream employing the amino-siloxane compositions of the invention as species which react with carbon dioxide to form an adduct with carbon dioxide. The reaction of the amino-siloxane compositions provided by the present invention with carbon dioxide is reversible and thus, the method provides for multicycle use of said compositions.

  3. E-Læring som pedagogisk virkemiddel for innlæring av anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi i sykepleierutdanningen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mona Elisabeth Meyer


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for studien er at naturvitenskaplige fag, særlig anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi (AFB, oppleves som vanskelig for sykepleierstudentene. Hensikten var å undersøke om læringsverktøyet e-læring, i form av nettester, kan være et effektivt virkemiddel til innlæring av og påvirke læringsutbyttet i AFB.Førsteårsstudentene i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Akershus fikk et spørreskjema med 23 spørsmål som ble besvart anonymt.Resultatet av studentundersøkelsen viste at nettoppgavene ble mye brukt, og at studentene mente de ga et godt læringsutbytte. Nettoppgaver med umiddelbar feedback gir stor studentaktivitet og «time-on-task». Testene kan tette hullet mellom det studentene forventes å kunne og det de faktisk kan, og egner seg til faktafag som m å pugges og forstås. E-læring kan gi god hjelp til studenters strukturering av tid, læringsstrategier og selvregulering.Læringsutbyttet av nettester diskuteres i lys av nytten av umiddelbar feedback i et pedagogisk perspektiv.AbstractThe starting point of the study is that the natural sciences, particularly anatomy, physiology and biochemistry (collectively known as APB, are often difficult subjects for nursing students. The aim was to investigate whether e-learning tools, in terms of web services, can be an effective educational tool and affect learning outcomes in APB.First year students in the Bachelor's degree program in nursing at Akershus University College of Applied Sciences received a questionnaire with 23 questions, which were answered anonymously.The results of the student survey showed that online tasks were widely used, and that students felt they resulted in good learning outcomes. Online training with immediate feedback shows great student activity and “time-on-task.” These tests can close the gap between what the students are expected to know and what they actually do, and is suitable for factual subjects requiring both memorization and

  4. Hydrodynamic Controls on Carbon Dioxide Efflux from Inland Waters (United States)

    Long, H. E.; Waldron, S.; Hoey, T.; Newton, J.; Quemin, S.


    Intensive research has been undertaken on carbon dioxide efflux from lakes, estuaries and oceans, but much less attention has been given to rivers and streams, especially lower order streams. River systems are often over-saturated with carbon dioxide and so tend to act as sources of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. It has been thought that rivers act as pipes carrying this terrestrial carbon to the oceans. However, recent studies have shown that a significant amount of the carbon is reprocessed within the system in a series of transformations and losses. Fluvial evasion of carbon dioxide is now recognised to be a significant component of carbon cycles, however the factors controlling carbon dioxide efflux and its magnitude remain poorly understood and quantified. This research aims to quantify, and better understand the controls on, freshwater carbon dioxide evasion. Data are presented here from field measurements that commenced in Sept 2013 in two contrasting Scottish rivers: the River Kelvin which has a large (335 km.sq) part-urban catchment with predominantly non-peat soils and Drumtee Water, a small (9.6 km.sq) rural catchment of peat soils and agricultural land. Using a floating chamber with the headspace connected to an infrared gas analyser to measure changes in carbon dioxide concentration, efflux rates from 0.22 - 47.4 μmol CO2/m.sq/sec were measured, these close to the middle of the range of previously reported values. At one site on the River Kelvin in May 2013 an influx of -0.61 - -3.53 μmol CO2/m.sq/sec was recorded. Whereas previous research finds carbon dioxide efflux to increase with decreasing river size and a more organic-rich soil catchment, here the controls on carbon dioxide evasion are similar across the contrasting catchments. Carbon dioxide evasion shows seasonality, with maximum fluxes in the summer months being up to twice as high as the winter maxima. Linear regression demonstrates that evasion increases with increased flow velocity

  5. Long-Term Patterns in the Population Dynamics of Daphnia longispina, Leptodora kindtii and Cyanobacteria in a Shallow Reservoir: A Self-Organising Map (SOM) Approach. (United States)

    Wojtal-Frankiewicz, Adrianna; Kruk, Andrzej; Frankiewicz, Piotr; Oleksińska, Zuzanna; Izydorczyk, Katarzyna


    The recognition of long-term patterns in the seasonal dynamics of Daphnia longispina, Leptodora kindtii and cyanobacteria is dependent upon their interactions, the water temperature and the hydrological conditions, which were all investigated between 1999 and 2008 in the lowland Sulejow Reservoir. The biomass of cyanobacteria, densities of D. longispina and L. kindtii, concentration of chlorophyll a and water temperature were assessed weekly from April to October at three sampling stations along the longitudinal reservoir axis. The retention time was calculated using data on the actual water inflow and reservoir volume. A self-organising map (SOM) was used due to high interannual variability in the studied parameters and their often non-linear relationships. Classification of the SOM output neurons into three clusters that grouped the sampling terms with similar biotic states allowed identification of the crucial abiotic factors responsible for the seasonal sequence of events: cluster CL-ExSp (extreme/spring) corresponded to hydrologically unstable cold periods (mostly spring) with extreme values and highly variable abiotic factors, which made abiotic control of the biota dominant; cluster CL-StSm (stable/summer) was associated with ordinary late spring and summer and was characterised by stable non-extreme abiotic conditions, which made biotic interactions more important; and the cluster CL-ExSm (extreme/summer), was associated with late spring/summer and characterised by thermal or hydrological extremes, which weakened the role of biotic factors. The significance of the differences between the SOM sub-clusters was verified by Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Dunn tests. The importance of the temperature and hydrological regimes as the key plankton-regulating factors in the dam reservoir, as shown by the SOM, was confirmed by the results of canonical correlation analyses (CCA) of each cluster. The demonstrated significance of hydrology in seasonal plankton dynamics

  6. Radiation induced sulfur dioxide removal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielewski, A.G.


    The biggest source of air pollution is the combustion of fossil fuels, were pollutants such as particulate, sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen oxides (NO x ), and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are emitted. Among these pollutants, sulfur dioxide plays the main role in acidification of the environment. The mechanism of sulfur dioxide transformation in the environment is partly photochemical. This is not direct photooxidation, however, but oxidation through formed radicals. Heterogenic reactions play an important role in this transformation as well; therefore, observations from environmental chemistry can be used in air pollution control engineering. One of the most promising technologies for desulfurization of the flue gases (and simultaneous denitrification) is radiation technology with an electron accelerator application. Contrary to the nitrogen oxides (NO x ) removal processes, which is based on pure radiation induced reactions, sulfur dioxide removal depends on two pathways: a thermochemical reaction in the presence of ammonia/water vapor and a radiation set of radiochemical reactions. The mechanism of these reactions and the consequent technological parameters of the process are discussed in this paper. The industrial application of this radiation technology is being implemented in an industrial pilot plant operated by INCT at EPS Kaweczyn. A full-scale industrial plant is currently in operation in China, and two others are under development in Japan and Poland. (author)

  7. The biomonitoring and bioremediation of toxic water resulting from municipal waste storage of Somârd, Sibiu county


    Ioan C. Oprea; Dana Malschi; Liviu O. Muntean


    This paper presents information from the specialty literature and laboratory experimental results on biomonitoring, phytoextraction, biodegradation, and biotransformation of toxic water pollutants at the biotechnology laboratory of the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering. The study was conducted in laboratory micro tanks with contaminated water from the municipal landfill water storage pit with toxic bund of Somârd/Medias, Sibiu County, in order to research and develo...

  8. More bad news about carbon dioxide emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stonehouse, D.


    The affect that increased carbon dioxide concentrations has on plants and animals was discussed. Most research focuses on the impacts that carbon dioxide concentrations has on climatic change. Recent studies, however, have shown that elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by burning fossils fuels changes the chemical structure of plants and could lead to significant disruptions in ecological food chains. High carbon dioxide levels cause plants to speed up photosynthesis, take in the gas, and use the carbon to produce more fibre and starch while giving off oxygen as a byproduct. As plants produce more carbon, their levels of nitrogen diminish making them less nutritious for the insects and animals that feed on them. This has serious implications for farmers, as pests would have to eat more of their crops to survive. In addition, farmers would have to supplement livestock with nutrients

  9. Canticum Novum: música sem palavras e palavras sem som no pensamento de Santo Agostinho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Mammì


    Full Text Available NO De Magistro, Santo Agostinho coloca a reza e o canto numa posição similar, à margem das funções imediatamente comunicativas da linguagem. A reflexão agostiniana sobre a reza se baseia nos hábitos cristãos da leitura, da oração e da meditação silenciosas. Há sobre o canto, na prática igualmente inovadora do jubilus, melodia sem palavra destinada aos momentos mais intensos e gaudiosos da liturgia. A oração silenciosa e o jubilus são temas recorrentes da literatura patrística, mas Agostinho os aborda de maneira original, desenhando, a partir das palavras sem som da oração e do som sem palavra do jubilus, o perfil de um discurso interior, que não se destina aos homens, mas a Deus.IN HIS De Magistro Saint Augustine places prayer and song on a similar level, alongside the language immediately communicative functions. His considerations on prayer are grounded on the Christian habits of silent reading, prayer and meditation; those on song, on the equally innovating practice called jubilus, which is melody without words designed for the intensest and most joyous liturgical moments. Silent prayer and jubilus are recurring topics in patristic literature, but Augustine deals with them in an original way, drawing from the soundless words of prayer and the wordless sound of jubilus an inner discourse, addressed not to men but to God.

  10. Carbon dioxide absorbent and method of using the same (United States)

    Perry, Robert James; O'Brien, Michael Joseph


    In accordance with one aspect, the present invention provides a composition which contains the amino-siloxane structures I, or III, as described herein. The composition is useful for the capture of carbon dioxide from process streams. In addition, the present invention provides methods of preparing the amino-siloxane composition. Another aspect of the present invention provides methods for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in a process stream employing the amino-siloxane compositions of the invention, as species which react with carbon dioxide to form an adduct with carbon dioxide.

  11. Carbon dioxide absorbent and method of using the same

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perry, Robert James; O' Brien, Michael Joseph


    In accordance with one aspect, the present invention provides a composition which contains the amino-siloxane structures I, or III, as described herein. The composition is useful for the capture of carbon dioxide from process streams. In addition, the present invention provides methods of preparing the amino-siloxane composition. Another aspect of the present invention provides methods for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in a process stream employing the amino-siloxane compositions of the invention, as species which react with carbon dioxide to form an adduct with carbon dioxide.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. V. Adamchuck


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is the analysis of the influence of annealing in an inert atmosphere on the electrical properties and structure of non-stoichiometric tin dioxide films by means of impedance spectroscopy method. Non-stoichiometric tin dioxide films were fabricated by two-step oxidation of metallic tin deposited on the polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates by DC magnetron sputtering. In order to modify the structure and stoichiometric composition, the films were subjected to the high temperature annealing in argon atmosphere in temperature range 300–800 °С. AC-conductivity measurements of the films in the frequency range 20 Hz – 2 MHz were carried out. Variation in the frequency dependencies of the real and imaginary parts of the impedance of tin dioxide films was found to occur as a result of high-temperature annealing. Equivalent circuits for describing the properties of films with various structure and stoichiometric composition were proposed. Possibility of conductivity variation of the polycrystalline tin dioxide films as a result of аnnealing in an inert atmosphere was demonstrated by utilizing impedance spectroscopy. Annealing induces the recrystallization of the films, changing in their stoichiometry as well as increase of the sizes of SnO2 crystallites. Variation of electrical conductivity and structure of tin dioxide films as a result of annealing in inert atmosphere was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Analysis of the impedance diagrams of tin dioxide films was found to be a powerful tool to study their electrical properties. 

  13. Monitoring carbon dioxide in mechanically ventilated patients during hyperbaric treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregård, Asger; Jansen, Erik


    Measurement of the arterial carbon dioxide (P(a)CO(2)) is an established part of the monitoring of mechanically ventilated patients. Other ways to get information about carbon dioxide in the patient are measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide (P(ET)CO(2)) and transcutaneous carbon dioxide (PTCCO2......). Carbon dioxide in the blood and cerebral tissue has great influence on vasoactivity and thereby blood volume of the brain. We have found no studies on the correlation between P(ET)CO(2) or P(TC)CO(2), and P(a)CO(2) during hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)....

  14. Towards understanding of carbon stocks and stabilization in volcanic ash soils in natural Andean ecosystems of northern Ecuador

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tonneijck, F.H.; Jansen, B.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Verstraten, J.M.; Sevink, J.; de Lange, L.


    Volcanic ash soils contain very large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) per unit area. Consequently, they constitute potential sources or sinks for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Whether soils become a net carbon source or sink with climate and/or land-use change depends on the stability of

  15. 27 CFR 26.222 - Still wines containing carbon dioxide. (United States)


    ... carbon dioxide. 26.222 Section 26.222 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND... ISLANDS Formulas for Products From the Virgin Islands § 26.222 Still wines containing carbon dioxide. (a) General. Still wines may contain not more than 0.392 gram of carbon dioxide per 100 milliliters of wine...

  16. 27 CFR 26.52 - Still wines containing carbon dioxide. (United States)


    ... carbon dioxide. 26.52 Section 26.52 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND... ISLANDS Formulas for Products From Puerto Rico § 26.52 Still wines containing carbon dioxide. (a) General. Still wines may contain not more than 0.392 gram of carbon dioxide per 100 milliliters of wine; except...

  17. Machoideal och/eller meningslös underhållning? : Om fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan med fokus på maskulinitet och publiken som meningsskapare.


    Olsson, Eva


    Uppsatsen undersöker fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan, med fokus på maskulinitet. Föreställningarna och bilderna kring maskulinitet som kan urskiljas i intervjupersonernas berättelser, knyts till R.W. Connells teoretiska ramverk kring hegemonisk maskulinitet och de hierarkiska relationerna mellan olika maskuliniteter. Vidare resoneras det kring hur berättelserna exemplifierar en syn på mediepublik som aktiva meningsskapare, då intervjupersonerna tar fasta på olika as...

  18. Efecto del pH, la luz y la concentración de sacarosa en la Embriogénesis somática de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisette Valverde Cerdas


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo una investigación con el fin de establecer la metodología adecuada para inducir embriogénesis somática en cacao, a partir de semillas maduras. Se estudió el efecto del pH, la luz y la concentración de sacarosa sobre la respuesta embriogénica. Los dos cultivares mostraron diferente respuesta morfogénica y en ambos, estuvo influenciada por el pH, la luz y la concentración de sacarosa. La mejor respuesta embriogénica se obtuvo con un pH de 6,7. El número de embriones producidos fue mayor bajo condiciones de oscuridad que en presencia de luz. La formación de callo y la diferenciación de embriones somáticos estuvo directamente influenciada por la concentración de azúcar en el medio de cultivo. La mayor cantidad de embriones se obtuvo con niveles de sacarosa entre 4% y 6% para el híbrido UF-613xIMC-67 y niveles entre 2% y 4% de sacarosa para el cultivar CATIE-1000. Se presento una embriogénesis somática directa. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la necesidad de continuar realizando estudios con esta especie.

  19. Metabolic effects of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) insufflation during ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Metabolic effects of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) insufflation during laparoscopic surgery: changes in pH, arterial partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (PaCo 2 ) and End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO 2 ) ... Respiratory adjustments were done for EtCO2 levels above 60mmHg or SPO2 below 92% or adverse haemodynamic changes.

  20. Efeitos do ultra-som de baixa intensidade na veia auricular de coelhos Effects of low intensity ultrasound in the auricular vein of rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Araújo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a ação do ultra-som na veia auricular de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Vinte coelhos foram divididos em dois grupos de dez animais diferindo com relação ao local da aplicação, do ultra-som, o modo e o intervalo de tempo para a análise histopatológica (3 e 7 dias. Os animais foram submetidos à aplicação de ultra-som contínuo e pulsado em dois segmentos venosos da orelha previamente determinados. Cada animal foi o seu próprio controle. Empregou-se a freqüência de 3MHz, intensidade de 3W/cm² nos ciclos pulsado e contínuo por 10 minutos, de forma estacionária. O grupo I foi submetido a eutanásia após 3 dias e o grupo II em 7 dias contemplando a fase aguda do processo inflamatório. Empregou-se o teste exato de Fisher e o teste de Mc Nemar para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se trombose venosa e aumento de linfócitos de forma significativa (p= 0,032 nos grupos tratados com o modo contínuo. O modo pulsado não provocou efeitos deletérios. Outros achados foram congestão, edema, hemorragia e lesão da parede vascular. CONCLUSÕES: O ultra-som pulsado não provoca qualquer alteração na parede vascular nas condições do experimento.O ultra-som contínuo induz a trombose venosa e aumento dos linfócitos de forma significativa.PURPOSE: The purpose of this experimental work was evaluate the effects of low intensity in the auricular vein of rabbits. METHODS: Twenty rabbits were divided in two groups of ten animals. The groups differed about the place where the continuous and pulsed ultrasound were applied and the period that the material was collected for the morphologic examination (3 and 7 days. Acoustic coupling gel was used on marginal ear vein, each animal underwent continuous and pulsed ultrasound treatment, in segments previously marked with indelible ink. Each animal provided its own control. Ultrasound was used in the frequency of 3MHz, intensity of 3W/cm² in the pulsed and continuous modes during 10min

  1. Preliminary study of varietal susceptibility to sulfur dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, J.E.; Xerikos, P.B.


    The injury response of plants to air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, is known to vary in severity and type for different varieties or cultivars of a species. Differences in the susceptibility of soybean varieties to sulfur dioxide have previously been noted, but sufficient information is not available concerning the sulfur dioxide resistance of varieties commonly grown in the Midwest. Results are reported from preliminary experiments concerning acute sulfur dioxide effects on 12 soybean varieties. The injury symptoms ranged from cream colored necrotic lesions (generally on younger leaves) to a reddish brown necrotic stipling (on older leaves). Differences in the severity of symptom development for the varieties was evident on both the younger and older leaves. No injury was apparent with three of the varieties

  2. On reaction of titanium polonides with carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, A.S.; Malyshev, M.L.; Reznikova, N.F.


    The reaction between titanium polonides and carbon dioxide has been studied by comparing titanium polonide thermal resistance in vacuum and in carbon dioxide. The investigation has shown that titanium mono- and semipolonides fail at temperatures below 350 deg C. Temperature dependence of polonium vapor pressure prepared at failure of the given polonides is determined by the radiotensiometry in carbon dioxide. Enthalpy calculated for this dependence is close to the enthalpy of elementary polonium evaporation in vacuum

  3. Array of titanium dioxide nanostructures for solar energy utilization (United States)

    Qiu, Xiaofeng; Parans Paranthaman, Mariappan; Chi, Miaofang; Ivanov, Ilia N; Zhang, Zhenyu


    An array of titanium dioxide nanostructures for solar energy utilization includes a plurality of nanotubes, each nanotube including an outer layer coaxial with an inner layer, where the inner layer comprises p-type titanium dioxide and the outer layer comprises n-type titanium dioxide. An interface between the inner layer and the outer layer defines a p-n junction.

  4. Effects of carbon dioxide on Penicillium chrysogenum: an autoradiographic study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, A.G.; Ho, C.S.


    Previous research has shown that dissolved carbon dioxide causes significant changes in submerged penicillin fermentations, such as stunted, swollen hyphae, increased branching, lower growth rates, and lower penicillin productivity. Influent carbon dioxide levels of 5 and 10% were shown through the use of autoradiography to cause an increase in chitin synthesis in submerged cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum. At an influent 5% carbon dioxide level, chitin synthesis is ca. 100% greater in the subapical region of P. chrysogenum hyphae than that of the control, in which there was no influent carbon dioxide. Influent carbon dioxide of 10% caused an increase of 200% in chitin synthesis. It is believed that the cell wall must be plasticized before branching can occur and that high amounts of dissolved carbon dioxide cause the cell to lose control of the plasticizing effect, thus the severe morphological changes occur

  5. Metoder til indsamling af internetmateriale og deres effekt på senere analyser - med Facebook som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Ditte; Brügger, Niels; Sandvik, Kjetil


    enhver forsker og studerende vil møde, når Facebook i dets dynamiske online form bliver gjort til analyseobjekt gennem arkivering. Konkret illustreres det, hvordan fire specifikke arkiveringsmetoder af webmateriale på hver deres måde giver både begrænset og privilegeret adgang til de originale data og......I dette kapitel undersøges og diskuteres der, hvordan forskellige former for arkivering af digitalt materiale har forskellige implikationer for, hvilke analyser der kan foretages. Dette eksemplificeres med udgangspunkt i webstedet Facebook, og kapitlet diskuterer de metodologiske udfordringer, som...

  6. Predator-induced reduction of freshwater carbon dioxide emissions (United States)

    Atwood, Trisha B.; Hammill, Edd; Greig, Hamish S.; Kratina, Pavel; Shurin, Jonathan B.; Srivastava, Diane S.; Richardson, John S.


    Predators can influence the exchange of carbon dioxide between ecosystems and the atmosphere by altering ecosystem processes such as decomposition and primary production, according to food web theory. Empirical knowledge of such an effect in freshwater systems is limited, but it has been suggested that predators in odd-numbered food chains suppress freshwater carbon dioxide emissions, and predators in even-numbered food chains enhance emissions. Here, we report experiments in three-tier food chains in experimental ponds, streams and bromeliads in Canada and Costa Rica in the presence or absence of fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and invertebrate (Hesperoperla pacifica and Mecistogaster modesta) predators. We monitored carbon dioxide fluxes along with prey and primary producer biomass. We found substantially reduced carbon dioxide emissions in the presence of predators in all systems, despite differences in predator type, hydrology, climatic region, ecological zone and level of in situ primary production. We also observed lower amounts of prey biomass and higher amounts of algal and detrital biomass in the presence of predators. We conclude that predators have the potential to markedly influence carbon dioxide dynamics in freshwater systems.

  7. Changes in plasma potassium concentration during carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perner, A; Bugge, K; Lyng, K M


    Hyperkalaemia with ECG changes had been noted during prolonged carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in pigs. We have compared plasma potassium concentrations during surgery in 11 patients allocated randomly to undergo either laparoscopic or open appendectomy and in another 17 patients allocated randomly...... to either carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum or abdominal wall lifting for laparoscopic colectomy. Despite an increasing metabolic acidosis, prolonged carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum resulted in only a slight increase in plasma potassium concentrations, which was both statistically and clinically insignificant....... Thus hyperkalaemia is unlikely to develop in patients with normal renal function undergoing carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery....

  8. Effect of sulfur dioxide on proteins of the vegetable organism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reckendorfer, P; Beran, F


    Experiments were performed to determine the effects of sulfur dioxide on red clover in a controlled environment. An increase in the concentration of sulfur dioxide caused a significant decrease in the digestible protein. However, after the sulfur dioxide was discontinued, there was a decrease in the indigestible protein. The leaves showed an increase in spotting with an increase in sulfur dioxide concentration. Chemical analysis of the soil revealed a higher sulfur content in these experiments.

  9. Process for the preparation of uranium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watt, G.W.; Baugh, D.W. Jr.


    A method for the preparation of actinide dioxides using actinide nitrate hexahydrates as starting materials is described. The actinide nitrate hexahydrate is reacted with sodium dithionite, and the product is heated in the absence of oxygen to obtain the dioxide. Preferably, the actinide is uranium, plutonium or neptunium. (LL)

  10. Phase equilibrium condition of marine carbon dioxide hydrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Shi-Cai; Liu, Chang-Ling; Ye, Yu-Guang


    Highlights: ► CO 2 hydrate phase equilibrium was studied in simulated marine sediments. ► CO 2 hydrate equilibrium temperature in NaCl and submarine pore water was depressed. ► Coarse-grained silica sand does not affect CO 2 hydrate phase equilibrium. ► The relationship between equilibrium temperature and freezing point was discussed. - Abstract: The phase equilibrium of ocean carbon dioxide hydrate should be understood for ocean storage of carbon dioxide. In this paper, the isochoric multi-step heating dissociation method was employed to investigate the phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide hydrate in a variety of systems (NaCl solution, submarine pore water, silica sand + NaCl solution mixture). The experimental results show that the depression in the phase equilibrium temperature of carbon dioxide hydrate in NaCl solution is caused mainly by Cl − ion. The relationship between the equilibrium temperature and freezing point in NaCl solution was discussed. The phase equilibrium temperature of carbon dioxide hydrate in submarine pore water is shifted by −1.1 K to lower temperature region than that in pure water. However, the phase equilibrium temperature of carbon dioxide hydrate in mixture samples of coarsed-grained silica sand and NaCl solution is in agreement with that in NaCl solution with corresponding concentrations. The relationship between the equilibrium temperature and freezing point in mixture samples was also discussed.

  11. Health Endpoint Attributed to Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollutants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Background Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas, released from burning of coal, high-sulfur coal,s and diesel fuel. Sulfur dioxide harms human health by reacting with the moisture in the nose, nasal cavity and throat and this is the way by which it destroys the nerves in the respiratory system. Objectives The aim of this study was to focus on identifying the effects associated with sulfur dioxide on health in Ahvaz, Iran. Materials and Methods Data collections were performed by Ahvaz meteorological organization and the department of environment. Sampling was performed for 24 hours in four stations. Methods of sampling and analysis were according to US environmental protection agency (EPA guideline. Afterwards, we processed the raw data including instruction set correction of averaging, coding and filtering by Excel software and then, the impact of meteorological parameters were converted as the input file to the AirQ model. Finally, we calculated the health effects of exposure to sulfur dioxide. Results According to the findings, the concentration of sulfur dioxide in Ahvaz had an annual average of 51 μg/m3. Sum of the numbers of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases attributed to sulfur dioxide was 25 cases in 2012. Approximately, 5% of the total hospital admissions for respiratory disease and respiratory mortality happened when sulfur dioxide concentration was more than 10 mg/m3. Conclusions According to the results of this study, this increase could be due to higher fuel consumption, usage of gasoline in vehicles, oil industry, and steel and heavy industries in Ahwaz. The risk of mortality and morbidity were detected at the current concentrations of air pollutants.

  12. Carbon dioxide fluid-flow modeling and injectivity calculations (United States)

    Burke, Lauri


    At present, the literature lacks a geologic-based assessment methodology for numerically estimating injectivity, lateral migration, and subsequent long-term containment of supercritical carbon dioxide that has undergone geologic sequestration into subsurface formations. This study provides a method for and quantification of first-order approximations for the time scale of supercritical carbon dioxide lateral migration over a one-kilometer distance through a representative volume of rock. These calculations provide a quantified foundation for estimating injectivity and geologic storage of carbon dioxide.

  13. Supercritical carbon dioxide: a solvent like no other

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jocelyn Peach


    Full Text Available Supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2 could be one aspect of a significant and necessary movement towards green chemistry, being a potential replacement for volatile organic compounds (VOCs. Unfortunately, carbon dioxide has a notoriously poor solubilising power and is famously difficult to handle. This review examines attempts and breakthroughs in enhancing the physicochemical properties of carbon dioxide, focusing primarily on factors that impact solubility of polar and ionic species and attempts to enhance scCO2 viscosity.

  14. Carbon Dioxide Absorption Heat Pump (United States)

    Jones, Jack A. (Inventor)


    A carbon dioxide absorption heat pump cycle is disclosed using a high pressure stage and a super-critical cooling stage to provide a non-toxic system. Using carbon dioxide gas as the working fluid in the system, the present invention desorbs the CO2 from an absorbent and cools the gas in the super-critical state to deliver heat thereby. The cooled CO2 gas is then expanded thereby providing cooling and is returned to an absorber for further cycling. Strategic use of heat exchangers can increase the efficiency and performance of the system.

  15. Tunaweza - Vi kan! : Om att använda drama som metod för att stärka unga flickors självkänsla i ett utvecklingsland


    Åman, Julia


    I detta examensarbete behandlar jag hur man kan använda drama som metod för att stärka unga flickors självkänsla i ett utvecklingsland. Arbetet kretsar kring de erfarenheter jag fick när jag gjorde mitt konstnärliga examensarbete som dramainstruktör på en grundskola i Tanzania. I kapitel ett, två och tre redogör jag för hur kvinnors situation ser ut i Tanzania, lyfter fram hur fysisk bestraffning påverkar ett barns självkänsla, och framhäver att åsikterna gällande effekt...

  16. The carbon dioxide thermometer and the cause of global warming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calder, Nigel


    Carbon dioxide in the air may be increasing because the world is warming. This possibility, which contradicts the hypothesis of an enhanced greenhouse warming driven by manmade emissions, is here pursued in two ways. First, increments in carbon dioxide are treated as readings of a natural thermometer that tracks global and hemispheric temperature deviations, as gauged by meteorologists' thermometers. Calibration of the carbon dioxide thermometer to conventional temperatures then leads to a history of carbon dioxide since 1856 that diverges from the ice-core record. Secondly, the increments of carbon dioxide can also be accounted for, without reference to temperature, by the combined effects of cosmic rays, El Nino and volcanoes. The most durable effect is due to cosmic rays. A solar wind history, used as a long-term proxy for the cosmic rays, gives a carbon dioxide history similar to that inferred from the global temperature deviations. (author)

  17. Sorption kinetics of cesium on hydrous titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altas, Y.; Tel, H.; Yaprak, G.


    Two types of hydrous titanium dioxide possessing different surface properties were prepared and characterized to study the sorption kinetics of cesium. The effect of pH on the adsorption capacity were determined in both type sorbents and the maximum adsorption percentage of cesium were observed at pH 12. To elucidate the kinetics of ion-exchange reaction on hydrous titanium dioxide, the isotopic exchange rates of cesium ions between hydrous titanium dioxides and aqueous solutions were measured radiochemically and compared with each other. The diffusion coefficients of Cs + ion for Type1 and Type2 titanium dioxides at pH 12 were calculated as 2.79 x 10 -11 m 2 s -1 and 1.52 x 10 -11 m 2 s -1 , respectively, under particle diffusion controlled conditions. (orig.)

  18. Thorium dioxide: properties and nuclear applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belle, J.; Berman, R.M.


    This is the sixth book on reactor materials published under sponsorship of the Naval Reactors Office of the United States Department of Energy, formerly the United States Atomic Energy Commission. This book presents a comprehensive compilation of the most significant properties of thorium dioxide, much like the book Uranium Dioxide: Properties and Nuclear Applications presented information on the fuel material used in the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor core

  19. Thorium dioxide: properties and nuclear applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belle, J.; Berman, R.M. (eds.)


    This is the sixth book on reactor materials published under sponsorship of the Naval Reactors Office of the United States Department of Energy, formerly the United States Atomic Energy Commission. This book presents a comprehensive compilation of the most significant properties of thorium dioxide, much like the book Uranium Dioxide: Properties and Nuclear Applications presented information on the fuel material used in the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor core.

  20. Carbon dioxide stripping in aquaculture. part 1: terminology and reporting (United States)

    Colt, John; Watten, Barnaby; Pfeiffer, Tim


    The removal of carbon dioxide gas in aquacultural systems is much more complex than for oxygen or nitrogen gas because of liquid reactions of carbon dioxide and their kinetics. Almost all published carbon dioxide removal information for aquaculture is based on the apparent removal value after the CO2(aq) + HOH ⇔ H2CO3 reaction has reached equilibrium. The true carbon dioxide removal is larger than the apparent value, especially for high alkalinities and seawater. For low alkalinity freshwaters (<2000 μeq/kg), the difference between the true and apparent removal is small and can be ignored for many applications. Analytical and reporting standards are recommended to improve our understanding of carbon dioxide removal.

  1. The immunomodulatory effects of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles. (United States)

    Lappas, Courtney M


    Due to their characteristic physical, chemical and optical properties, titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are attractive tools for use in a wide range of applications. The use of nanoparticles for biological applications is, however, dependent upon their biocompatibility with living cells. Because of the importance of inflammation as a modulator of human health, the safe and efficacious in vivo use of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles is inherently linked to a favorable interaction with immune system cells. However, both titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles have demonstrated potential to exert immunomodulatory and immunotoxic effects. Titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are readily internalized by immune system cells, may accumulate in peripheral lymphoid organs, and can influence multiple manifestations of immune cell activity. Although the factors influencing the biocompatibility of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles with immune system cells have not been fully elucidated, nanoparticle core composition, size, concentration and the duration of cell exposure seem to be important. Because titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are widely utilized in pharmaceutical, commercial and industrial products, it is vital that their effects on human health and immune system function be more thoroughly evaluated. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Internal friction in uranium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulin Filho, Pedro Iris


    The uranium dioxide inelastic properties were studied measuring internal friction at low frequencies (of the order of 1 Hz). The work was developed in the 160 to 400 deg C temperature range. The effect of stoichiometry variation was studied oxidizing the sample with consequent change of the defect structure originally present in the non-stoichiometric uranium dioxide. The presence of a wide and irregular peak due to oxidation was observed at low temperatures. Activation energy calculations indicated the occurrence of various relaxation processes and assuming the existence of a peak between - 80 and - 70 deg C , the absolute value obtained for the activation energy (0,54 eV) is consistent with the observed values determined at medium and high frequencies for the stress induced reorientation of defects. The microstructure effect on the inelastic properties was studied for stoichiometric uranium dioxide, by varying grain size and porosity. These parameters have influence on the high temperature measurements of internal friction. The internal friction variation for temperatures higher than 340 deg C is thought to be due to grain boundary relaxation phenomena. (author)

  3. Carbon dioxide capture and storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durand, B.


    The author first highlights the reasons why storing carbon dioxide in geological formations could be a solution in the struggle against global warming and climate change. Thus, he comments various evolutions and prospective data about carbon emissions or fossil energy consumption as well as various studies performed by international bodies and agencies which show the interest of carbon dioxide storage. He comments the evolution of CO 2 contributions of different industrial sectors and activities, notably in France. He presents the different storage modes and methods which concern different geological formations (saline aquifers, abandoned oil or gas fields, not exploitable coal seams) and different processes (sorption, carbonation). He discusses the risks associated with these storages, the storable quantities, evokes some existing installations in different countries. He comments different ways to capture carbon dioxide (in post-combustion, through oxy-combustion, by pre-combustion) and briefly evokes some existing installations. He evokes the issue of transport, and discusses efficiency and cost aspects, and finally has few words on legal aspects and social acceptability

  4. Carbonic acid as a reserve of carbon dioxide on icy moons: The formation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a polar environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, Brant M.; Kaiser, Ralf I.; Strazzulla, Giovanni


    Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) has been detected on the surface of several icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn via observation of the ν 3 band with the Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer on board the Galileo spacecraft and the Visible-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer on board the Cassini spacecraft. Interestingly, the CO 2 band for several of these moons exhibits a blueshift along with a broader profile than that seen in laboratory studies and other astrophysical environments. As such, numerous attempts have been made in order to clarify this abnormal behavior; however, it currently lacks an acceptable physical or chemical explanation. We present a rather surprising result pertaining to the synthesis of carbon dioxide in a polar environment. Here, carbonic acid was synthesized in a water (H 2 O)-carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) (1:5) ice mixture exposed to ionizing radiation in the form of 5 keV electrons. The irradiated ice mixture was then annealed, producing pure carbonic acid which was then subsequently irradiated, recycling water and carbon dioxide. However, the observed carbon dioxide ν 3 band matches almost exactly with that observed on Callisto; subsequent temperature program desorption studies reveal that carbon dioxide synthesized under these conditions remains in solid form until 160 K, i.e., the sublimation temperature of water. Consequently, our results suggest that carbon dioxide on Callisto as well as other icy moons is indeed complexed with water rationalizing the shift in peak frequency, broad profile, and the solid state existence on these relatively warm moons.

  5. Specialestuderendes læringsudfordringer i vejledningen - nudging som handlemulighed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanne Nexø Jensen


    Full Text Available Specialeskrivere møder læringsudfordringer i skriveprocessen. Hvilke læringsudfordringer, det er, og hvordan studerende og vejledere hånd-terer dem, er artiklens fokus. Empirien er videooptagede vejlednings-møder, hvor der er minimum to optagelser for hver vejleder og stude-rendes forløb. Det teoretiske afsæt er generiske læringsudfordringer i vejledningsprocesser, hvor læring opstår, når de studerende passerer en læringsudfordring. Vejledere kan bruge forståelsen af læringsudfor-dringer til at ”nudge”- plante en idé – som en måde at få studerende til at passere læringsudfordringerne. MA students writing up their final theses encounter a variety of conceptual thresholds during the process. The focus of this article is the identification of different kinds of conceptual threshold, and how the students overcome these obstacles. Video recordings of student supervision meetings provide the data for the analysis. For each supervisor – supervisee at least two recordings are considered. We go on to discuss how supervisors can make use of a conceptual thresholds approach, and nudge students in ways that will help them move on more easily.

  6. Specialestuderendes læringsudfordringer i vejledningen - nudging som handlemulighed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanne Nexø Jensen


    Full Text Available Specialeskrivere møder læringsudfordringer i skriveprocessen. Hvilke læringsudfordringer, det er, og hvordan studerende og vejledere hånd-terer dem, er artiklens fokus. Empirien er videooptagede vejlednings-møder, hvor der er minimum to optagelser for hver vejleder og stude-rendes forløb. Det teoretiske afsæt er generiske læringsudfordringer i vejledningsprocesser, hvor læring opstår, når de studerende passerer en læringsudfordring. Vejledere kan bruge forståelsen af læringsudfor-dringer til at ”nudge”- plante en idé – som en måde at få studerende til at passere læringsudfordringerne.  MA students writing up their final theses encounter a variety of conceptual thresholds during the process. The focus of this article is the identification of different kinds of conceptual threshold, and how the students overcome these obstacles. Video recordings of student supervision meetings provide the data for the analysis. For each supervisor – supervisee at least two recordings are considered. We go on to discuss how supervisors can make use of a conceptual thresholds approach, and nudge students in ways that will help them move on more easily.

  7. Determination of sulfur dioxide by a radiorelease method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sriman Narayanan, S.; Rao, V.R.S. (Indian Inst. of Tech., Madras. Dept. of Chemistry)


    A radiorelease technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide using radiochlor /sup 36/Cl-amine-T is described. Methods for the elimination of interference from coexisting gases are also reported. 1-40 ppm sulfur dioxide can be determined.

  8. Determination of sulfur dioxide by a radiorelease method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sriman Narayanan, S.; Rao, V.R.S.


    A radiorelease technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide using radiochlor 36 Cl-amine-T is described. Methods for the elimination of interference from coexisting gases are also reported. 1-40 ppm sulfur dioxide can be determined. (author)

  9. Pressure pumping of carbon dioxide from soil (United States)

    E. S. Takle; J. R. Brandle; R. A. Schmidt; R. Garcia; I. V. Litvina; G. Doyle; X. Zhou; Q. Hou; C. W. Rice; W. J. Massman


    Recent interest in atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide have heightened the need for improved accuracy in measurements of fluxes of carbon dioxide from soils. Diffusional movement has long been considered the dominant process by which trace gases move from the subsurface source to the surface, although there has been some indication that atmospheric pressure...

  10. Validación de la versión española de la escala Screening for Somatoform Symptoms-2 para la evaluación de síntomas somáticos en Atención Primaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margalida Gili


    Conclusiones: La versión española de la SOMS-2 constituye un instrumento de cribado eficaz, útil y de fácil administración para la evaluación de los trastornos somatomorfos en AP. Los resultados de sensibilidad, especificidad y consistencia interna son similares a los de estudios previos de validación de la SOMS-2 en otras lenguas europeas.

  11. Behaviour of uranium dioxide in liquid nitrogen tetraoxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobets, L.V.; Klavsut', G.N.; Dolgov, V.M.


    Interaction kinetics of uranium dioxide with liquid nitrogen tetroxide at 25-150 deg C has been studied. It is shown that in the temperature range studied NO[UO 2 (NO 3 ) 3 ] is the final product of the reaction. With the increase of specific surface of uranium dioxide and with the temperature increase the degree of oxide transformation increases. Uranium dioxide-liquid N 2 O 4 interaction proceeds in the diffusion region. Seeming activation energies and rate constants of the mentioned processes are calculated. Effect of nitrogen trioxide additions on transformation kinetics is considered

  12. Reaction of yttrium polonides with carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, A.S.; Khokhlov, A.D.; Reznikova, N.F.


    It has been proved that heating of yttrium and tantalum in carbon dioxide to 500 and 800 0 C alters the gas phase composition, causing formation of carbon monoxide and reduction of oxygen content. A study of the thermal stability of yttrium polonides in carbon dioxide showed that yttrium sesqui- and monopolonides decompose at 400-430 0 C. The temperature dependence of the vapor pressure of polonium obtained upon decomposition of the referred polonides has been determined in a carbon dioxide environment radiotensometrically. The enthalpy of the process calculated from this dependence is close to the enthalpy of vaporization of elemental polonium in vacuo. The mechanism of the reactions has been suggested

  13. Reaction of titanium polonides with carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, A.S.; Malyshev, M.L.; Reznikova, N.F.


    It has been ascertained that heating titanium and tantalum in carbon dioxide to temperatures of 500 or 800 0 C alters the composition of the gas phase, causing the advent of carbon monoxide and lowering the oxygen content. Investigation of the thermal stability of titanium polonides in a carbon dioxide medium has shown that titanium mono- and hemipolonides are decomposed at temperatures below 350 0 C. The temperature dependence of the vapor pressure of polonium produced in the decomposition of these polonides in a carbon dioxide medium have been determined by a radiotensimetric method. The enthalpy of the process, calculated from this relationship, is close to the enthalpy of vaporization of elementary polonium in vacuo

  14. Characterization of interstitial lung disease in chest radiographs using SOM artificial neural network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo-Marques, P.M. de; Ambrosio, P.E.; Pereira, R.R. Jr.; Valini, R. de A.; Salomao, S.C.


    This paper presents an automated approach to apply a self-organizing map (SOM) artificial neural network (ANN) as a tool for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction to recognize and characterize radiologic patterns of interstitial lung diseases in chest radiography. After feature extraction and dimensionality reduction a multilayer perceptron (MLP) ANN is applied for radiologic patterns classification in normal, linear, nodular or mixed. A leave-one-out methodology was applied for training and test over a database containing 17 samples of linear pattern, 9 samples of nodular pattern, 9 samples of mixed pattern and 18 samples of normal pattern. The MLP network provided an average result of 88.7% of right classification, with 100% of right classification for linear pattern, 55.5% for nodular pattern, 77.7% for mixed pattern and 100% for normal pattern. (orig.)

  15. End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) can replace methods for measuring partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen


    We compared end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) with partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in domestic pigs anesthetized for neuroscience. There was good agreement between ETCO2 and PCO2 under both hypocapnia, normocapnia, and hypercapnia conditions. ETCO2 saves time by continually providing...

  16. Carbon dioxide elimination and regeneration of resources in a microwave plasma torch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uhm, Han S.; Kwak, Hyoung S.; Hong, Yong C.


    Carbon dioxide gas as a working gas produces a stable plasma-torch by making use of 2.45 GHz microwaves. The temperature of the torch flame is measured by making use of optical spectroscopy and a thermocouple device. Two distinctive regions are exhibited, a bright, whitish region of a high-temperature zone and a bluish, dimmer region of a relatively low-temperature zone. The bright, whitish region is a typical torch based on plasma species where an analytical investigation indicates dissociation of a substantial fraction of carbon dioxide molecules, forming carbon monoxides and oxygen atoms. The emission profiles of the oxygen atoms and the carbon monoxide molecules confirm the theoretical predictions of carbon dioxide disintegration in the torch. Various hydrocarbon materials may be introduced into the carbon dioxide torch, regenerating new resources and reducing carbon dioxide concentration in the torch. As an example, coal powders in the carbon dioxide torch are converted into carbon monoxide according to the reaction of CO_2 + C → 2CO, reducing a substantial amount of carbon dioxide concentration in the torch. In this regards, the microwave plasma torch may be one of the best ways of converting the carbon dioxides into useful new materials. - Highlights: • Carbon dioxide gas produces a plasma-torch by making use of 2.45 GHz microwaves. • The temperature measurement of torch flame by optical spectroscopy. • Disintegration of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen atom. • Emission profiles of carbon monoxide confirm disintegration theory. • Conversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide in the plasma torch. - This article presents carbon-dioxide plasma torch operated by microwaves and its applications to regeneration of new resources, eliminating carbon dioxide molecules.

  17. Dose-response relationships of acute exposure to sulfur dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Englehardt, F.R.; Holliday, M.G.


    Acute toxicity effects of sulphur dioxide are reviewed, and the derivation of a dose-lethality curve (presented as LC 50 vs. time) for human exposure to sulphur dioxide is attempted for periods ranging from ten seconds to two hours. As an aid to assessment of the hazards involved in operating heavy water manufacturing facilities, the fact that sulphur dioxide would be produced by the combustion of hydrogen sulphide was briefly considered in an appendix. It is suggested that sulphuric acid, a much more toxic substance than sulphur dioxide, may also be formed in such an event. It is concluded, therefore, that an overall hazard evaluation may have to address the contributory effects of sulphuric acid. (author)

  18. Preliminary results on the influence of mineralogy on the turnover rates of SOM from different Hungarian soils (United States)

    Zacháry, Dóra; Szalai, Zoltán; Jakab, Gergely; Németh, Tibor; Sipos, Péter; Filep, Tibor


    Fine textured soils generally considered containing more microbial biomass, and having a lower rate of biomass turnover and organic matter decomposition than coarse textured soils. In spite of this, several recent studies have shown contradicting trends. For example, the relative importance of different clay minerals for stabilizing SOM remains an open question. The aim of this study is to evaluate soil mineralological effect on the turnover of SOM by identifying and quantifying soil phyllosilicates. Our samples are derived from C3 forests and C3 croplands from different sites of Hungary. C4 maize residues are added to the soils in order to get natural 13C enrichment as tracer for the young carbon. Bulk samples of the soils from 0 to 20 cm depth were collected. The samples were dried at room temperature and preincubated in the dark for 4 months at 20 °C. The basic soil properties (pH, cation exchange capacity) were analysed after 2 mm sieving and homogenization. The amount of total C and N in the soils and maize residues were analysed using NDIR-chemiluminescent analyzer (Tekmar Dohrman Apollo 9000N). Particle size distribution was determined by laser diffraction (Fritsch Analysette MicroTec 22 plus) and particle imaging method (Malvern Morphologi G3-ID). The mineralological composition of the samples was determined by X-ray diffraction (Philips PW 1730 X-ray diffractometer). Moist soil equivalent to 400 g dry soil mixed with 2 g maize leaves is kept in air tight glass chambers for 183 days at 20°C. The leaves had previously been dried at 60 °C, were cut into pieces and sieved through a 2 mm mesh. The evolved CO2 is trapped by 10 mL 2 M NaOH, which is exchanged on day 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 and subsequently every 31 days. The fractional abundance of 13C of the soils, the plant material and the evolved CO2 is measured with isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific Delta V IRMS). Our work show the preliminary results on the link between phyllosilicate

  19. The carbon dioxide content in ice cores - climatic curves of carbon dioxide. Zu den CO sub 2 -Klimakurven aus Eisbohrkernen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyke, H.E.


    The 'greenhouse effect', which implies a temperature of 15 deg C as against -18 deg C, owes its effect to 80% from water (clouds and gaseous phase) and to 10% from carbon dioxide, besides other components. Whereas water is largely unaccounted for, carbon dioxide has been postulated as the main cause of anticipated climatic catastrophe. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has risen presently to such levels that all previous figures seem to have been left far behind. The reference point is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air bubbles trapped in ice cores of Antartic and Greenland ice dated 160 000 years ago, which show much lower values than at present. A review of the most relevant publications indicates that many basic laws of chemistry seem to have been left largely unconsidered and experimental errors have made the results rather doubtful. Appropriate arguments have been presented. The investigations considered should be repeated under improved and more careful conditions. (orig.).

  20. Mechanism of the toxic action of sulfur dioxide on plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikolaevskii, V S; Miroshnikova, A T; Firger, V V; Belokrylova, L M


    Experiments were performed to determine the effects of sulfur dioxide on U CO2 metabolism and photosynthesis in fescue and timothy grass and in maple and barberry branches. The free radical inhibitors, ascorbic acid and thiourea, were found to decrease the damaging effects of the sulfur dioxide. These results indicated that the processes involved are of the free-radical chain type. Even at low sulfur dioxide concentrations, photosphosphorylation and carbon dioxide assimilation were inhibited. In addition, starch and protein as well as the formation of polymeric substances were also inhibited.

  1. Supercritical carbon dioxide for textile applications and recent developments (United States)

    Eren, H. A.; Avinc, O.; Eren, S.


    In textile industry, supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), possessing liquid-like densities, mostly find an application on textile dyeing processes such as providing hydrophobic dyes an advantage on dissolving. Their gas-like low viscosities and diffusion properties can result in shorter dyeing periods in comparison with the conventional water dyeing process. Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing is an anhydrous dyeing and this process comprises the usage of less energy and chemicals when compared to conventional water dyeing processes leading to a potential of up to 50% lower operation costs. The advantages of supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing method especially on synthetic fiber fabrics hearten leading textile companies to alter their dyeing method to this privileged waterless dyeing technology. Supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) waterless dyeing is widely known and applied green method for sustainable and eco-friendly textile industry. However, not only the dyeing but also scouring, desizing and different finishing applications take the advantage of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). In this review, not only the principle, advantages and disadvantages of dyeing in supercritical carbon dioxide but also recent developments of scCO2 usage in different textile processing steps such as scouring, desizing and finishing are explained and commercial developments are stated and summed up.

  2. Plant growth and physiology of vegetable plants as influenced by carbon dioxide environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Tadashi


    In order to obtain basic knowledge on the increased giving of carbon dioxide to vegetables, the carbon dioxide environment in growing houses was analyzed, and the physiological and ecological properties of vegetables cultivated in carbon dioxide environment were elucidated. To improve the carbon dioxide environment, giving increased quantity of carbon dioxide, air flow, ventilation, and others were examined. The concentration of carbon dioxide began to decrease when the illumination intensity on growing layer reached 1 -- 1.5 lux, owing to the photo-synthetic activity of vegetables, and decreased rapidly at 3 -- 5 lux. The lowering of carbon dioxide concentration lowered the photo-synthesis of vegetables extremely, and the transfer of synthesized carbohydrate to roots was obstructed. The effect suffered in low carbon dioxide concentration left some aftereffect even after ventilation and the recovery of carbon dioxide concentration. But this aftereffect was not observed in case of cucumber. To improve carbon dioxide environment, the air flow or ventilation required for minimizing the concentration lowering was determined, but giving increased quantity of carbon dioxide was most effective. The interaction of carbon dioxide concentration and light was examined regarding the effect on photo-synthesis, and some knowledge of practical application was obtained. The effect of giving more carbon dioxide was more remarkable as the treatment was given to younger seedlings and in the period when the capacity of absorbing assimilation products was higher. (Kako, I.)

  3. The role of renewable bioenergy in carbon dioxide sequestration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, C.M. [Hawaii Natural Energy Inst., Honolulu, HI (United States)


    The use of renewable resources represents a sound approach to producing clean energy and reducing the dependence on diminishing reserves of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, the widespread interest in renewable energy in the 1970s, spurred by escalating fossil fuel prices, subsided with the collapse of energy prices in the mid 1980s. Today, it is largely to reverse alarming environmental trends, particularly the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, rather than to reduce the cost of energy, that renewable energy resources are being pursued. This discussion focuses on a specific class of renewable energy resources - biomass. Unlike most other classes of renewable energy touted for controlling atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, e.g., hydro, direct solar, wind, geothermal, and ocean thermal, which produce usable forms of energy while generating little or no carbon dioxide emissions, bioenergy almost always involves combustion and therefore generates carbon dioxide; however, if used on a sustained basis, bio-energy would not contribute to the build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide because the amount released in combustion would be balanced by that taken up via photosynthesis. It is in that context, i.e., sustained production of biomass as a modern energy carrier, rather than reforestation for carbon sequestration, that biomass is being discussed here, since biomass can play a much greater role in controlling global warming by displacing fossil fuels than by being used strictly for carbon sequestration (partly because energy crop production can reduce fossil carbon dioxide emissions indefinitely, whereas under the reforestation strategy, carbon dioxide abatement ceases at forest maturity).

  4. 27 CFR 27.42a - Still wines containing carbon dioxide. (United States)


    ... carbon dioxide. 27.42a Section 27.42a Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND... On Imported Distilled Spirits, Wines, and Beer Wines § 27.42a Still wines containing carbon dioxide. Still wines may contain not more than 0.392 gram of carbon dioxide per 100 milliliters of wine; except...

  5. The formation of ethane from carbon dioxide under cold plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xiuling; Zhang Lin; Dai Bin; Gong Weimin; Liu Changhou


    Pulsed-corona plasma has been used as a new method for ethane dehydrogenation at low temperature and normal pressure using carbon dioxide as an oxidant. The effect of carbon dioxide content in the feed, power input, and flow rate of the reactants on the ethane dehydrogenation has been investigated. The experimental results show that the conversion of ethane increases with the increasing in the amount of carbon dioxide in the feed. The yield of ethylene and acetylene decreases with the increasing in the yield of carbon monoxide, indicating that the increased carbon dioxide leads to the part of ethylene and acetylene being oxidized to carbon monoxide. Power input is primarily an electrical parameter in pulsed-corona plasma, which plays an important role in reactant conversion and product formation. When the power input reaches 16 W, ethane conversion is 41.0% and carbon dioxide conversion is 26.3%. The total yield of ethylene and acetylene is 15.6%. The reduced flow rate of feed improves the conversion of ethane, carbon dioxide and the yield of acetylene, and induces carbon deposit as well

  6. Biofixation of Carbon dioxide by Chlamydomonas sp. in a Tubular Photobioreactor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H Hadiyanto


    Full Text Available The biogas production from anaerobic digestion is a potential fuel for power generators application, if biogas can be upgraded to the same standards as fossil natural gas by CO2, H2S, and other non-combustible component removal. Microalgae Chlamydomonas sp. has potency to biofix the carbon dioxide and can be used as an additional food ingredient. The variations of flow rate and carbon dioxide concentration in the process resulting different value of biomass production and carbon dioxide biofixation. Biomass production at 40% carbon dioxide concentration obtained 5.685 gr/dm3 at 10% carbon dioxide concentration obtained 4.892 gr/dm3. The greatest value of carbon dioxide absorption occurs at a 40% concentration amounting to 12.09%. The rate of growth and productivity of microalgae tend to rise in 10% and 20% (%v carbon dioxide concentration, but began started a constant at 30% and 40% (%v carbon dioxide concentration. Biomass production tends to increase in light conditions while a constant in dark conditions. This study used Chlamydomonas sp. as media culture and performed on bubble column and tubular reactor with 6 litres of culture medium at a temperature of 28oC and atmospheric pressure.

  7. Absorption of ozone, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide by petunia plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elkiey, T.; Ormrod, D.P.


    Petunia plants (Petunia hybrida Vilm.) of three varieties with differing air pollutant sensitivities were grown in controlled environments and the absorption rates of ozone (O/sub 3/), sulfur dioxide (SO/sub 2/) and nitrogen dioxide (NO/sub 2/) determined during single gas and mixed gas exposures. Additional experiments were conducted to evaluate effects of duration of exposure, leaf age, and plant growth stage on absorption of O/sub 3/. Absorption of all pollutants from single gases or the mixture was generally greater for the more sensitive varieties. Absorption from single gases was generally greater than from the mixed gases. Absorption rates tended to decrease gradually throughout the day and from day to day with continuous exposure. Absorption of O/sub 3/ was proportional to exposure concentration and decreased with time at differing rates for each variety. More O/sub 3/ was absorbed by older than younger leaves and by plants at the early vegetative stage compared with those in the prefloral stage.

  8. Semiconductor-Based Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide: Stepping Towards Artificial Photosynthesis. (United States)

    Pang, Hong; Masuda, Takuya; Ye, Jinhua


    The photoelectrochemical (PEC) carbon dioxide reduction process stands out as a promising avenue for the conversion of solar energy into chemical feedstocks, among various methods available for carbon dioxide mitigation. Semiconductors derived from cheap and abundant elements are interesting candidates for catalysis. Whether employed as intrinsic semiconductors or hybridized with metallic cocatalysts, biocatalysts, and metal molecular complexes, semiconductor photocathodes exhibit good performance and low overpotential during carbon dioxide reduction. Apart from focusing on carbon dioxide reduction materials and chemistry, PEC cells towards standalone devices that use photohybrid electrodes or solar cells have also been a hot topic in recent research. An overview of the state-of-the-art progress in PEC carbon dioxide reduction is presented and a deep understanding of the catalysts of carbon dioxide reduction is also given. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Indoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide from burning solid fuels for cooking and heating in Yunnan Province, China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Seow, Wei Jie; Downward, George S; Wei, Hu; Rothman, Nathaniel; Reiss, Boris; Xu, Jun; Bassig, Bryan A; Li, Jihua; He, Jun; Hosgood, H Dean; Wu, Guoping; Chapman, Robert S; Tian, Linwei; Wei, Fusheng; Caporaso, Neil E; Vermeulen, Roel; Lan, Qing


    The Chinese national pollution census has indicated that the domestic burning of solid fuels is an important contributor to nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) emissions in China. To characterize indoor NO2 and SO2 air concentrations in relation to solid fuel use and stove ventilation

  10. Terpolymerization of ethylene, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide (United States)

    Johnson, R.; Steinberg, M.

    This invention relates to high molecular weight terpolymer of ethylene, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide stable to 280/sup 0/C and containing as little as 36 mo1% ethylene and about 41 to 51 mo1% sulfur dioxide, and to the method of producing said terpolymer by irradiation of a liquid and gaseous mixture of ethylene, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide by means of Co-60 gamma rays or an electron beam, at a temperature of about 10 to 50/sup 0/C, and at a pressure of about 140 to 680 atmospheres, to initiate polymerization.

  11. Investigation of transformation of uranium hexafluoride into dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galkin, N.P.; Veryatin, U.D.; Yakhonin, I.F.; Logunov, A.F.; Dymkov, Yu.M.


    The process of transformation of uranium hexafluoride into dioxide using the method of pyrohydrolysis by steam-hydrogen mixture in a boiling layer using uranium dioxide granules applicable for production of fuel elements is considered. Technological parameters and equipment of the process are described, intermediate stages and process products are considered. Physicochemical and physicomechanical properties of the obtained uranium dioxide granules are given. The results of metallographical investigations into solid products of pyrohydrolysis in phase transformations at certain stages of the process as well as test on vibration packing of the obtained granules in fuel cans are presented


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David A. Green; Brian S. Turk; Raghubir P. Gupta; Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz; Douglas P. Harrison; Ya Liang


    Sodium based sorbents including sodium carbonate may be used to capture carbon dioxide from flue gas. A relatively concentrated carbon dioxide stream may be recoverable for sequestration when the sorbent is regenerated. Electrobalance tests indicated that sodium carbonate monohydrate was formed in a mixture of helium and water vapor at temperatures below 65 C. Additional compounds may also form, but this could not be confirmed. In the presence of carbon dioxide and water vapor, both the initial reaction rate of sodium carbonate with carbon dioxide and water and the sorbent capacity decreased with increasing temperature, consistent with the results from the previous quarter. Increasing the carbon dioxide concentration at constant temperature and water vapor concentration produced a measurable increase in rate, as did increasing the water vapor concentration at constant carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. Runs conducted with a flatter TGA pan resulted in a higher initial reaction rate, presumably due to improved gas-solid contact, but after a short time, there was no significant difference in the rates measured with the different pans. Analyses of kinetic data suggest that the surface of the sodium carbonate particles may be much hotter than the bulk gas due to the highly exothermic reaction with carbon dioxide and water, and that the rate of heat removal from the particle may control the reaction rate. A material and energy balance was developed for a cyclic carbonation/calcination process which captures about 26 percent of the carbon dioxide present in flue gas available at 250 C.

  13. Rapport fra VIOL-projektet, Del 2: Technological literacy som udfordring for professioner og uddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rapporten ”Technological literacy som udfordring for professioner og uddannelse” er del af den samlede afrapportering af projektet ”Velfærdsteknologi, Innovation, Omsorg og Læring” (VIOL). VIOL-projektet er gennemført i et samarbejde mellem University College Sjælland (UCSJ) og Roskilde Universitet...... (RUC) og er støttet af Den Europæiske Socialfond. Projektet er gennemført i perioden januar 2013 til og med februar 2015. Rapporten ”Technological literacy - analyser og erfaringsopsamling på tværs af professioner” samler og formidler en tværgående analyse af projektets erfaringer og resultater med...... særligt fokus på analyser og fortolkninger af ”technological literacy” på tværs af professioner og ud-dannelser....

  14. Online lektiehjælp – Udvikling af en vejledningsdidaktik med pædagogisk designforskning som metode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Jørgen Hansen


    Full Text Available Lektievejledning er en pædagogisk praksis i rivende udvikling med fokus på at støtte elever i at forstå og håndtere udfordringer i deres lektiearbejde. Lektievejledning er på den politiske dagsorden i skole og ungdomsuddannelser og tilbydes både internt af uddannelsesinstitutionerne samt af private og offentlige aktører. Men lektievejledning er ikke etableret som et teoretisk felt eller som en særlig vejledningskompetence. Der er således behov for at begrebsliggøre og udvikle teori om, hvad lektievejledning er, og hvordan vejledningsformen didaktisk kan håndteres. Mere konkret er ud-fordringen at udvikle et nuanceret fagsprog samt en modellering af feltet til forklaring af lektievejledningens komplekse praksis med det mål at udvikle og kvalificere lektievejledning som pædagogisk teori og pædagogisk prak-sis. Denne artikel præsenterer resultatet af et forskningsprojekt, hvis mål er at udvikle en vejledningsdidaktik, herunder metoder, modeller og materialer for lektievejledning i regi af Lektier Online. Lektier Online er en organisation ved Statsbiblioteket i Århus, der tilbyder en online lektiecafe, hvor bl.a. gymnasie-elever kan få hjælp af frivillige universitetsstuderende. Dette didaktiske de-sign er et eksempel på, hvordan digitalisering og ny teknologi er en katalysator for udvikling af nye innovative læringsmiljøer og læringstilbud, der åbner fleksible og stedsuafhængige rum for læring, giver mulighed for samspil med aktører uden for skolens formelle rammer, og som er båret af integration af digitale teknologier i læringssituationen. Artiklen beskriver forskningsproces-sen med at indkredse en vejledningsdidaktik for lektiehjælp samt udviklingen, konceptualiseringen, afprøvningen og evalueringen af en række vejlednings-modeller på grundlag af forskningsmetoden Pædagogisk designforskning og dens tradition for brugerdreven innovation. Artiklen beskriver for det første resultatet af forskningsprocessen i form


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report is an overview on the subject of carbon dioxide as a starting material for organic syntheses of potential commercial interest and the utilization of carbon dioxide as a substrate for fuel production. It draws extensively on literature sources, particularly on the report of a 1999 Workshop on the subject of catalysis in carbon dioxide utilization, but with emphasis on systems of most interest to us. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is an abundant (750 billion tons in atmosphere), but dilute source of carbon (only 0.036 % by volume), so technologies for utilization at the production source are crucial for both sequestration and utilization. Sequestration--such as pumping CO{sub 2} into sea or the earth--is beyond the scope of this report, except where it overlaps utilization, for example in converting CO{sub 2} to polymers. But sequestration dominates current thinking on short term solutions to global warming, as should be clear from reports from this and other workshops. The 3500 million tons estimated to be added to the atmosphere annually at present can be compared to the 110 million tons used to produce chemicals, chiefly urea (75 million tons), salicylic acid, cyclic carbonates and polycarbonates. Increased utilization of CO{sub 2} as a starting material is, however, highly desirable, because it is an inexpensive, non-toxic starting material. There are ongoing efforts to replace phosgene as a starting material. Creation of new materials and markets for them will increase this utilization, producing an increasingly positive, albeit small impact on global CO{sub 2} levels. The other uses of interest are utilization as a solvent and for fuel production and these will be discussed in turn.

  16. 40 CFR 52.1876 - Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. 52.1876 Section 52.1876 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS...: Nitrogen dioxide. (a) The condition to EPA's approval of the oxides of nitrogen State Implementation Plan...

  17. Carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect: an unresolved problem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, I M


    This paper evaluates current scientific literature concerned with the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The extent and possible causes of natural variations in global climate are outlined as a background to potential variations due to human activity. Estimates are given on relative contributions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere due to fossil fuel combustion, deforestation and other land modifications. The possibility of a rise in global temperature as a result of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is discussed including model predictions, natural factors which could compensate for or emphasize a warming effect, and the implications if extensive warming actually occurred. Carbon dioxide disposal is discussed but there appears to be no practicable long-term means of accomplishing this. It is concluded that there is no evidence of a rise in global temperature due to carbon dioxide at present. Predictions, which involve a high degree of uncertainty, indicate that the global temperature could rise appreciably in the next century. An increase in precipitation rate is also expected.

  18. It is time to put carbon dioxide to work

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lipinsky, E.S. [Battelle, Columbus, OH (United States)


    The need to control emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the subject of vigorous debate at this time. There is growing evidence that rising levels of carbon dioxide increase global warming, with perhaps highly adverse impacts for the human economy. There are calls for carbon taxes and other harsh measures. Japan has established a national goal of holding carbon dioxide emissions in the year 2000 to 1990 levels. I hope that this conference will be a turning point in the United States position on this issue. The current major end uses for CO{sub 2} include refrigeration, beverage carbonation, soda ash production, fire fighting, and urea fertilizer production. They are all based on chemistry that would not surprise a good chemist of the 19th century. Consumption of carbon dioxide in synthesis of industrial chemicals is limited. Usually one explains low production of chemicals from a candidate feedstock in terms of poor availability, price, purity, or reactivity. We can eliminate the first three as the causes of the underutilization of carbon dioxide.

  19. Carbon Dioxide Insufflation Increases Colonoscopic Adenoma Detection Rate Compared With Air Insufflation. (United States)

    Mills, Christopher D; McCamley, Chere; Swan, Michael P


    To determine the effect of carbon dioxide insufflation on the most important outcome measure of colonoscopic quality: adenoma detection rate (ADR). Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in males and females in Australia. Carbon dioxide has in recent times become the insufflation methodology of choice for screening colonoscopy for bowel cancer, as this has been shown to have significant advantages when compared with traditional air insufflation. Endoscopies performed over a period of 9 months immediately before and after the implementation of carbon dioxide insufflation at endoscopy centers were eligible for inclusion. The difference in ADR between the carbon dioxide and air insufflation methods was statistically significant, with an increased ADR in the carbon dioxide group. The superiority of carbon dioxide insufflation was sustained with a logistic regression model, which showed ADR was significantly impacted by insufflation method. Carbon dioxide insufflation is known to reduce abdominal pain, postprocedural duration of abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and analgesic requirements. This study represents for the first time the beneficial effect of carbon dioxide insufflation upon the key quality colonoscopy indicator of ADR.

  20. Electrocatalytic process for carbon dioxide conversion (United States)

    Masel, Richard I.; Salehi-Khojin, Amin; Kutz, Robert


    An electrocatalytic process for carbon dioxide conversion includes combining a Catalytically Active Element and a Helper Polymer in the presence of carbon dioxide, allowing a reaction to proceed to produce a reaction product, and applying electrical energy to said reaction to achieve electrochemical conversion of said carbon dioxide reactant to said reaction product. The Catalytically Active Element can be a metal in the form of supported or unsupported particles or flakes with an average size between 0.6 nm and 100 nm. The reaction products comprise at least one of CO, HCO.sup.-, H.sub.2CO, (HCO.sub.2).sup.-, H.sub.2CO.sub.2, CH.sub.3OH, CH.sub.4, C.sub.2H.sub.4, CH.sub.3CH.sub.2OH, CH.sub.3COO.sup.-, CH.sub.3COOH, C.sub.2H.sub.6, (COOH).sub.2, (COO.sup.-).sub.2, and CF.sub.3COOH.

  1. Application of a systematic methodology for sustainable carbon dioxide utilization process design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plaza, Cristina Calvera; Frauzem, Rebecca; Gani, Rafiqul

    than carbon capture and storage. To achieve this a methodology is developed to design sustainable carbon dioxide utilization processes. First, the information on the possible utilization alternatives is collected, including the economic potential of the process and the carbon dioxide emissions...... emission are desired in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. Using this estimated preliminary evaluation, the top processes, with the most negative carbon dioxide emission are investigated by rigorous detailed simulation to evaluate the net carbon dioxide emissions. Once the base case design...

  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Blood: MedlinePlus Lab Test Information (United States)

    ... this page: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Blood To use the sharing features ... this page, please enable JavaScript. What is a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Blood Test? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an ...

  3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing (United States)

    Ren, Fan (Inventor); Pearton, Stephen John (Inventor)


    A high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) capable of performing as a CO.sub.2 or O.sub.2 sensor is disclosed, hi one implementation, a polymer solar cell can be connected to the HEMT for use in an infrared detection system. In a second implementation, a selective recognition layer can be provided on a gate region of the HEMT. For carbon dioxide sensing, the selective recognition layer can be, in one example, PEI/starch. For oxygen sensing, the selective recognition layer can be, in one example, indium zinc oxide (IZO). In one application, the HEMTs can be used for the detection of carbon dioxide and oxygen in exhaled breath or blood.

  4. Carbon dioxide flux measurements from a coastal Douglas-fir forest floor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drewitt, G.B.


    This thesis examined the process that affects the exchange of carbon between the soil and the atmosphere with particular attention to the large amounts of carbon stored in soils in the form of decaying organic matter. This forest floor measuring study was conducted in 2000 at a micro-meteorological tower flux site in a coastal temperature Douglas-fir forest. The measuring study involved half hourly measurements of both carbon dioxide and below-ground carbon dioxide storage. Measurements were taken at 6 locations between April and December to include a large portion of the growing season. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements of carbon dioxide flux above the forest floor over a two month period in the summer and the autumn were compared with forest floor measurements. Below-ground carbon dioxide mixing ratios of soil air were measured at 6 depths between 0.02 to 1 m using gas diffusion probes and a syringe sampling method. Maximum carbon dioxide fluxes measured by the soil chambers varied by a factor of 3 and a high spatial variability in soil carbon dioxide flux was noted. Forest floor carbon dioxide fluxes measured by each of the chambers indicated different sensitivities to soil temperature. Hysteresis in the flux temperature relationship over the year was evident. Reliable below-canopy EC measurements of the forest floor carbon dioxide flux were difficult to obtain because of the every low wind speeds below the forest canopy. The amount of carbon dioxde present in the soil increased rapidly with depth near the surface but less rapidly deeper in the soil. It was suggested that approximately half of the carbon dioxide produced below-ground comes from between the soil surface and the first 0.15 m of depth. Carbon dioxide fluxes from the floor of a Douglas-fir forest were found to be large compared to other, less productive ecosystems

  5. RICCI and matter collineations of som-roy chaudhary symmetric space time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramzan, M.; Ahmed, Y.; Mufti, M.


    This paper is devoted to explore the RICCI and MCs (Matter Collineations of the Som-Ray Chaudhary spacetime. The spacetime under consideration is one of the spatially homogeneous and rotating spacetimes. Collineations are the some kinds of the Lie symmetries. To discuss the required collineations we have used the RICCI and energy momentum tensors. As the RICCI tensor is formulated from the metric tensor, it must possess its symmetries. RCs (RICCI Collineations) leads to conservation laws. On the other hand for the distribution of matter in the spacetimes, the symmetries of energy momentum tensor or MCs provides conservation laws on matter field. Throughout this paper, these collineations are discussed by vanishing Lie derivative of RICCI and energy momentum tensors respectively. Complete solution of the RCs and MCs equations, which are formed in the result of vanishing Lie derivative are explored. Studying all these collineations in the said spacetime, it has been shown that RCs of the spacetime form an infinite dimensional vector space where as MCs are Killing vector fields. (author)

  6. 40 CFR 52.728 - Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. [Reserved] 52.728 Section 52.728 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR...: Nitrogen dioxide. [Reserved] ...

  7. Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Benefit of High-Speed Railway in Terms of Carbon Tax

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fu Yanbing


    Full Text Available This paper calculates the carbon dioxide mitigation benefit of high-speed railway based on the carbon dioxide tax policy. We define the carbon dioxide emission system boundary for high-speed railway in its whole life cycle and estimate the life cycle carbon dioxide inventories during its construction, application, and recovery stages. And then we establish a theoretical model to calculate the life cycle carbon dioxide mitigation quantity for high-speed railway when compared with road transport and then calculate its carbon dioxide mitigation benefit. The numerical example shows that the carbon dioxide mitigation benefit of high-speed railway is better than that of road transport from the whole life cycle perspective.

  8. 'De digitale elever' som genstand for ledelse af læring i folkeskolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenbøg, Sofie


    Mange børn er i dag allerede fra en tidlig alder erfarne teknologibrugere. Denne omstændighed har fået flere folkeskoler til at medtænke elevernes digitale erfaringer og kompetencer fra fritidslivet som centrale ressourcer i undervisningen. Kapitlet undersøger, hvordan ’de digitale elever’ på...... forskellige måder gøres til genstand for ledelse på en skole, der arbejder med at inddrage elevernes digitale erfaringer og kompetencer gennem digitalt projektarbejde. Kapitlet viser, at der knytter sig en lang række kausale antagelser og forhåbninger til de digitale elever, og at disse virker bestemmende...... for både lærerens ledelsesopgave og rollefordelingen mellem lærer og elever i det digitale projektarbejde. Disse antagelser og forhåbninger diskuteres kritisk i lyset af nyere studier af folkeskoleelevers digitale kompetencer....

  9. Kinetic of formation for single carbon dioxide and mixed carbon dioxide and tetrahydrofuran hydrates in water and sodium chloride aqueous solution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sabil, K.M.; Duarte, A.R.C.; Zevenbergen, J.F.; Ahmad, M.M.; Yusup, S.; Omar, A.A.; Peters, C.J.


    A laboratory-scale reactor system is built and operated to measure the kinetic of formation for single and mixed carbon dioxide-tetrahydrofuran hydrates. The T-cycle method, which is used to collect the kinetic data, is briefly discussed. For single carbon dioxide hydrate, the induction time

  10. Slurried solid media for simultaneous water purification and carbon dioxide removal from gas mixtures (United States)

    Aines, Roger D.; Bourcier, William L.; Viani, Brian


    A slurried solid media for simultaneous water purification and carbon dioxide removal from gas mixtures includes the steps of dissolving the gas mixture and carbon dioxide in water providing a gas, carbon dioxide, water mixture; adding a porous solid media to the gas, carbon dioxide, water mixture forming a slurry of gas, carbon dioxide, water, and porous solid media; heating the slurry of gas, carbon dioxide, water, and porous solid media producing steam; and cooling the steam to produce purified water and carbon dioxide.

  11. Decontamination of radioactive clothing using microemulsion in carbon dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoo, Jaeryong; Jang, Jina; Park, Kwangheon; Kim, Hongdoo; Kim, Hakwon [Kyunghee Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Yim, Sanghak; Yoon, Weonseob [Ulchin Nuclear Power Site, Ulchin (Korea, Republic of)


    Nuclear power is intrinsically a clean energy source due to its high energy density and low generation of waste. However, as the nuclear industry grows, a variety of radioactive wastes are increased gradually. Major subjects include contaminated components, tools, equipment, containers and facilities as well as nuclear waste such as uranium scrap and radioactive clothing. The radioactive waste can be classified by its creation. There are Trans-Uranium Nuclides (TRU), Fission Products (FP) and corrosion products. Nuclear decontamination has become an important issue in the nuclear industry. The conventional methods have some problems such as the production of secondary wastes and the use of toxic solvents. We need to develop a new method of decontamination and suggest a use of microemulsion in carbon dioxide to overcome these disadvantages. The microemulsion is the clear solution that contains the water, surfactant and carbon dioxide. The surfactant surrounded the droplet into carbon dioxide and this state is thermodynamically stable. That is, the microemulsion has a structure similar to that of a conventional water-based surfactant system. Generally, the size of droplet is about 5 {approx} 10nm. The microemulsion is able to decontaminate radioactive waste so that the polar substance is removed by water and the non-polar substance is removed by carbon dioxide. After the decontamination process, the microemulsion is separated easily to surfactant and water by decreasing the pressure under the cloud point. This way, only radioactive wastes are left in the system. Cleaned carbon dioxide is then collected and reused. Thus, there are no secondary wastes. Carbon dioxide is considered an alternative process medium. This is because it is non-toxic, non-flammable, inexpensive and easy to handle. Additionally, the tunable properties of carbon dioxide through pressure and temperature control are versatile for use in extracting organic materials. In this paper, we examine the

  12. Decontamination of radioactive clothing using microemulsion in carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Jaeryong; Jang, Jina; Park, Kwangheon; Kim, Hongdoo; Kim, Hakwon; Yim, Sanghak; Yoon, Weonseob


    Nuclear power is intrinsically a clean energy source due to its high energy density and low generation of waste. However, as the nuclear industry grows, a variety of radioactive wastes are increased gradually. Major subjects include contaminated components, tools, equipment, containers and facilities as well as nuclear waste such as uranium scrap and radioactive clothing. The radioactive waste can be classified by its creation. There are Trans-Uranium Nuclides (TRU), Fission Products (FP) and corrosion products. Nuclear decontamination has become an important issue in the nuclear industry. The conventional methods have some problems such as the production of secondary wastes and the use of toxic solvents. We need to develop a new method of decontamination and suggest a use of microemulsion in carbon dioxide to overcome these disadvantages. The microemulsion is the clear solution that contains the water, surfactant and carbon dioxide. The surfactant surrounded the droplet into carbon dioxide and this state is thermodynamically stable. That is, the microemulsion has a structure similar to that of a conventional water-based surfactant system. Generally, the size of droplet is about 5 ∼ 10nm. The microemulsion is able to decontaminate radioactive waste so that the polar substance is removed by water and the non-polar substance is removed by carbon dioxide. After the decontamination process, the microemulsion is separated easily to surfactant and water by decreasing the pressure under the cloud point. This way, only radioactive wastes are left in the system. Cleaned carbon dioxide is then collected and reused. Thus, there are no secondary wastes. Carbon dioxide is considered an alternative process medium. This is because it is non-toxic, non-flammable, inexpensive and easy to handle. Additionally, the tunable properties of carbon dioxide through pressure and temperature control are versatile for use in extracting organic materials. In this paper, we examine the

  13. Measurement of nitrogen dioxide in the air

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shaw, J T


    The Hersch electrolytic nitrogen dioxide generator has been used to provide accurately known weights of nitrogen dioxide and hence to evaluate a calibration factor for the colorimetric reagent described by Saltaman for the determination of this gas. A method of testing whether the electrolytic generator was giving a quantitative output of NO/sub 2/ is described. The work has confirmed Saltman's value of 0.72 for the calibration factor. An assertion that the calibration factor is dependent on the concentration of nitrogen dioxide sampled, is re-examined and dismissed, the observations being re-interpreted on a simple basis. A tentative suggestion is made as to why, in recent work by Stratmann and Buck, a calibration factor equal to unity has been found. 8 references, 4 figures, 1 table.

  14. Adverse effects of the automotive industry on carbon dioxide emissions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mpho Bosupeng


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effects of the automotive industry on carbon dioxide emissions for the period from 1997 to 2010 for diverse economies, as well as the relationships between carbon dioxide discharges and output. The study applies cointegration and causality tests to validate these associations. The results of the Johansen cointegration test depict long-run associations between the quantity of passenger cars and carbon dioxide emissions in France, Sweden, Spain, Hungary and Japan. In addition, significant relations were observed between output and carbon dioxide discharges in Spain, Canada, India and Japan. Changes in output had substantial impact on emissions in Germany, Canada and India. The results also show that the number of passenger cars influences the magnitude of emissions in multiple economies. In conclusion, the automotive industry has to be considered in policies that aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

  15. Oxidation suppressing device for steel materials in carbon dioxide cooled reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawakami, Haruo


    Purpose: To effectively reduce impurity hydrogens in carbon dioxide. Constitution: At least three gas chambers are arranged serially each by way of a valve in a gas flow channel branched from a primary carbon dioxide coolant circuits. Then, a polymeric partition membrane having higher permeation rate for hydrogen than for carbon dioxide, e.g., made of polytrifluorochloroethylene is disposed between first and second gas chambers and, further, the first and the third gas chambers are connected each by way of a valve to the primary carbon dioxide coolant circuit to constitute a gas recovery channel. Carbon dioxide is caused to flow through the channel by means of a pump disposed between the second and third gas chambers, hydrogen as impurity passed through the partition walls is concentrated and discharged out of the channel, while the carbon dioxide with reduced hydrogen content is returned from the first and the third gas chambers to the circuit. (Sekiya, K.)

  16. Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) as green solvents for carbon dioxide capture (United States)

    Mulia, Kamarza; Putri, Sylvania; Krisanti, Elsa; Nasruddin


    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES), consisting of choline chloride and a hydrogen bonding donor (HBD) compound, in terms of carbon dioxide absorption. Solubility of carbon dioxide in NADES was found to be influenced HBD compound used and choline chloride to HBD ratio, carbon dioxide pressure, and contact time. HBD and choline/HBD ratios used were 1,2-propanediol (1:2), glycerol (1:2), and malic acid (1:1). The carbon dioxide absorption measurement was conducted using an apparatus that utilizes the volumetric method. Absorption curves were obtained up to pressures of 30 bar, showing a linear relationship between the amount absorbed and the final pressure of carbon dioxide. The choline and 1,2-propanediol eutectic mixture absorbs the highest amount of carbon dioxide, approaching 0.1 mole-fraction at 3.0 MPa and 50°C. We found that NADES ability to absorb carbon dioxide correlates with its polarity as tested using Nile Red as a solvatochromic probe.

  17. Production of uranium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hart, J.E.; Shuck, D.L.; Lyon, W.L.


    A continuous, four stage fluidized bed process for converting uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ) to ceramic-grade uranium dioxide (UO 2 ) powder suitable for use in the manufacture of fuel pellets for nuclear reactors is disclosed. The process comprises the steps of first reacting UF 6 with steam in a first fluidized bed, preferably at about 550 0 C, to form solid intermediate reaction products UO 2 F 2 , U 3 O 8 and an off-gas including hydrogen fluoride (HF). The solid intermediate reaction products are conveyed to a second fluidized bed reactor at which the mol fraction of HF is controlled at low levels in order to prevent the formation of uranium tetrafluoride (UF 4 ). The first intermediate reaction products are reacted in the second fluidized bed with steam and hydrogen at a temperature of about 630 0 C. The second intermediate reaction product including uranium dioxide (UO 2 ) is conveyed to a third fluidized bed reactor and reacted with additional steam and hydrogen at a temperature of about 650 0 C producing a reaction product consisting essentially of uranium dioxide having an oxygen-uranium ratio of about 2 and a low residual fluoride content. This product is then conveyed to a fourth fluidized bed wherein a mixture of air and preheated nitrogen is introduced in order to further reduce the fluoride content of the UO 2 and increase the oxygen-uranium ratio to about 2.25

  18. Combustion systems and power plants incorporating parallel carbon dioxide capture and sweep-based membrane separation units to remove carbon dioxide from combustion gases (United States)

    Wijmans, Johannes G [Menlo Park, CA; Merkel, Timothy C [Menlo Park, CA; Baker, Richard W [Palo Alto, CA


    Disclosed herein are combustion systems and power plants that incorporate sweep-based membrane separation units to remove carbon dioxide from combustion gases. In its most basic embodiment, the invention is a combustion system that includes three discrete units: a combustion unit, a carbon dioxide capture unit, and a sweep-based membrane separation unit. In a preferred embodiment, the invention is a power plant including a combustion unit, a power generation system, a carbon dioxide capture unit, and a sweep-based membrane separation unit. In both of these embodiments, the carbon dioxide capture unit and the sweep-based membrane separation unit are configured to be operated in parallel, by which we mean that each unit is adapted to receive exhaust gases from the combustion unit without such gases first passing through the other unit.

  19. Dielectric properties of zirconium dioxide-based ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladimirova, O.S.; Gruzdev, A.I.; Koposova, Z.L.; Lyutsareva, L.A.


    This paper studies the dielectric properties of materials based on stabilized zirconium dioxide with Co 3 O 4 additions possessing a high temperature-coefficient of resistance. These materials are promising for manufacturing resistance temperature gages that work under an oxidizing atmosphere at 370-1270 degrees K. The obtained results indicate the possibility of developing temperature gases possessing highsensitivity from stabilized zirconium dioxide with Co 3 O 4 additions

  20. Catalyst retention in continuous flow with supercritical carbon dioxide

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stouten, S.C.; Noel, T.; Wang, Q.; Hessel, V.


    This review discusses the retention of organometallic catalysts in continuous flow processes utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide. Due to its innovative properties, supercritical carbon dioxide offers interesting possibilities for process intensification. As a result of safety and cost

  1. Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming: A Failed Experiment (United States)

    Ribeiro, Carla


    Global warming is a current environmental issue that has been linked to an increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. To raise awareness of the problem, various simple experiments have been proposed to demonstrate the effect of carbon dioxide on the planet's temperature. This article describes a similar experiment, which…

  2. 40 CFR 52.1676 - Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. 52.1676 Section 52.1676 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS...: Nitrogen dioxide. (a) The requirements of § 52.14(c)(3) of this chapter as of May 8, 1974 (39 FR 16347...

  3. 40 CFR 52.1576 - Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. 52.1576 Section 52.1576 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS... strategy: Nitrogen dioxide. (a) The requirements of § 52.14(c)(3) of this chapter as of May 8, 1974 (39 FR...

  4. Uranium dioxide. Sintering test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Description of a sintering method and of the equipment devoted to uranium dioxide powder caracterization and comparison between different samples. Determination of the curve giving specific volume versus pressure and micrographic examination of a pellet at medium pressure [fr

  5. A review on photo-thermal catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ee Teng Kho


    Full Text Available The conversion of carbon dioxide into value-added products is of great industrial and environmental interest. However, as carbon dioxide is relatively stable, the input energy required for this conversion is a significant limiting factor in the system's performance. By utilising energy from the sun, through a range of key routes, this limitation can be overcome. In this review, we present a comprehensive and critical overview of the potential routes to harvest the sun's energy, primarily through solar-thermal technologies and plasmonic resonance effects. Focusing on the localised heating approach, this review shortlists and compares viable catalysts for the photo-thermal catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide. Further, the pathways and potential products of different carbon dioxide conversion routes are outlined with the reverse water gas shift, methanation, and methanol synthesis being of key interest. Finally, the challenges in implementing such systems and the outlook to the future are detailed. Keywords: Carbon dioxide conversion, Photo-thermal, Plasmonic catalysis, Solar thermal

  6. Efecto del genotipo sobre la regeneración in vitro de Stevia rebaudiana a través de embriogénesis somática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esther Julia Naranjo


    Full Text Available Stevia rebaudiana (Asteraceae, es una planta de gran importancia económica debido a sus propiedades medicinales y a la presencia de compuestos endulzantes en sus hojas, los cuales pueden sustituir la sacarosa en gran variedad de productos utilizados por personas con problemas de diabetes y obesidad. Con el propósito de estandarizar un método de propagación eficiente y efectivo para diferentes genotipos de Stevia cultivados en Colombia, en la presente investigación se evaluó el efecto sobre la inducción y desarrollo de embriones somáticos de diferentes combinaciones de los reguladores de crecimiento vegetal 2,4-D, IAA, IBA, 2iP y Zeatina, además de los suplementos adenina y agua de coco en el medio de cultivo basal Murashige y Skoog (1962, adicionado con glutamina. Con la combinación 2,4-D (18.09 µM y 2iP (7.38 µM se obtuvo el mayor número embriones somáticos por explante con características bien definidas. El genotipo tuvo un efecto significativo en la repuesta embriogénica, en el genotipo "SRQ-93" se logró la formación y el desarrollo de embriones somáticos, mientras que en los genotipos "Bertoni" y "Morita II", solo se obtuvo callo embriogénico y no embriogénico respectivamente. La conversión a plántulas se alcanzó en el medio de regeneración conteniendo GA3 (0.29 µM y carbón activado.

  7. Balance and forecasts of french carbon dioxide emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper strikes the balance of carbon dioxide emissions in France between 1986 and 1991 and gives forecasts till 2010. Since 1986, France has reduced its efforts for energy conservation and air pollution by carbon dioxide begins to growth again in connection with consumption growth in transport area, development of computer and simulation needs

  8. Fixation of carbon dioxide into dimethyl carbonate over ... (United States)

    A titanium-based zeolitic thiophene-benzimidazolate framework has been designed for the direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from methanol and carbon dioxide. The developed catalyst activates carbon dioxide and delivers over 16% yield of DMC without the use of any dehydrating agent or requirement for azeotropic distillation. Prepared for submission to Nature Scientific reports.

  9. Desenvolvimento motor e crescimento somático de crianças com diferentes contextos no ensino infantil


    Rodrigues, Décio; Avigo, Eric Leal; Leite, Marlon Magnon Valdevino; Bussolin, Robson Alves; Barela, José Angelo


    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de diferentes contextos no desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras fundamentais e no crescimento somático de crianças no ensino infantil. Participaram deste estudo 50 crianças: 25 tiveram educação física com um professor da área e 25 crianças tiveram atividades com o professor responsável pela turma. Crianças foram avaliadas no início e final do ano letivo quanto a dados antropométricos, dobras cutâneas, medidas de atividade física e realizaram...

  10. Thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene/titanium dioxide nanocomposite fibers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esthappan, Saisy Kudilil; Kuttappan, Suma Kumbamala; Joseph, Rani


    Highlights: ► Wet synthesis method was used for the synthesis of TiO 2 nano particles. ► Mechanical properties of polypropylene fibers were increased by the addition of TiO 2 nanoparticles. ► Thermal stability of polypropylene fiber was improved significantly by the addition of TiO 2 nano particles. ► TiO 2 nanoparticles dispersed well in polypropylene fibers. -- Abstract: Titanium dioxide nanoparticles were prepared by wet synthesis method and characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies. The nanotitanium dioxide then used to prepare polypropylene/titanium dioxide composites by melt mixing method. It was then made into fibers by melt spinning and subsequent drawing. Mechanical properties of the fibers were studied using Favimat tensile testing machine with a load cell of 1200 cN capacity. Thermal behavior of the fibers was studied using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. Scanning electron microscope studies were used to investigate the titanium dioxide surface morphology and crosssection of the fiber. Mechanical properties of the polypropylene fiber was improved by the addition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Incorporation of nanoparticles improves the thermal stability of polypropylene. Differential scanning calorimetric studies revealed an improvement in crystallinity was observed by the addition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

  11. Intraosseous Venography with Carbon Dioxide in Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: Carbon Dioxide Retention in Renal Veins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komemushi, Atsushi; Tanigawa, Noboru; Kariya, Shuji; Kojima, Hiroyuki; Shomura, Yuzo; Tokuda, Takanori; Nomura, Motoo; Terada, Jiro; Kamata, Minoru; Sawada, Satoshi


    The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of gas retention in the renal vein following carbon dioxide intraosseous venography in the prone position and, while citing references, to examine its onset mechanisms. All percutaneous vertebroplasties performed at our hospital from January to December 2005 were registered and retrospectively analyzed. Of 43 registered procedures treating 79 vertebrae, 28 procedures treating 54 vertebrae were analyzed. Vertebral intraosseous venography was performed using carbon dioxide as a contrast agent in all percutaneous vertebroplasty procedures. In preoperative and postoperative vertebral CT, gas retention in the renal vein and other areas was assessed. Preoperative CT did not show gas retention (0/28 procedures; 0%). Postoperative CT confirmed gas retention in the renal vein in 10 of the 28 procedures (35.7%). Gas retention was seen in the right renal vein in 8 procedures (28.6%), in the left renal vein in 5 procedures (17.9%), in the left and right renal veins in 3 procedures (10.7%), in vertebrae in 22 procedures (78.6%), in the soft tissue around vertebrae in 14 procedures (50.0%), in the spinal canal in 12 procedures (42.9%), and in the subcutaneous tissue in 5 procedures (17.9%). In conclusion, in our study, carbon dioxide gas injected into the vertebra frequently reached and remained in the renal vein.

  12. Preliminary assessment of air quality for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and lead in the Netherlands under European legislation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Breugel PB van; Buijsman E; LLO


    The current air quality in the Netherlands for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and lead has been assessed in the context of limit values, margins of tolerance and the assessment thresholds used in the first daughter directive for air quality of the European

  13. Relationship between Sampling Distance and Carbon Dioxide Emission under Oil Palm Plantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ai Dariah


    Full Text Available A carbon dioxide emission on peatland under oil palm plantation was highly varied due to many factors involved. The objectives of the research were to evaluate the effect of sampling distance from center of oil palm tree on Carbon dioxide flux, and to study the factors that cause variability of carbon dioxide flux on peatland under oil palm plantation. The study was conducted on peatland at Arang-Arang Village, Kumpek Ulu Sub-District, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province, on six-years old oil palm plantation. The study was conducted in the form of observational exploratory. Emission measurements were performed on 5 selected oil palm trees at points within 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 cm from the center of trunk. Carbon dioxide flux was measured using (IRGA, Li-COR 820. The results showed that there was significant correlation between the distance of sampling from center of oil palm tree and Carbon dioxide flux. The farther distance from the tree, the more decreased of Carbon dioxide flux . Before applying fertilizer, variability of soil fertility was not significantly correlated with the flux of Carbon dioxide, so the difference of Carbon dioxide flux based on distance sampling can be caused by root distribution factor. After fertilizer application, variability of Carbon dioxide flux under the oil palm tree were not only affected by differences in root distribution but also greatly influenced by fertilization.

  14. Carbon dioxide elimination and regeneration of resources in a microwave plasma torch. (United States)

    Uhm, Han S; Kwak, Hyoung S; Hong, Yong C


    Carbon dioxide gas as a working gas produces a stable plasma-torch by making use of 2.45 GHz microwaves. The temperature of the torch flame is measured by making use of optical spectroscopy and a thermocouple device. Two distinctive regions are exhibited, a bright, whitish region of a high-temperature zone and a bluish, dimmer region of a relatively low-temperature zone. The bright, whitish region is a typical torch based on plasma species where an analytical investigation indicates dissociation of a substantial fraction of carbon dioxide molecules, forming carbon monoxides and oxygen atoms. The emission profiles of the oxygen atoms and the carbon monoxide molecules confirm the theoretical predictions of carbon dioxide disintegration in the torch. Various hydrocarbon materials may be introduced into the carbon dioxide torch, regenerating new resources and reducing carbon dioxide concentration in the torch. As an example, coal powders in the carbon dioxide torch are converted into carbon monoxide according to the reaction of CO2 + C → 2CO, reducing a substantial amount of carbon dioxide concentration in the torch. In this regards, the microwave plasma torch may be one of the best ways of converting the carbon dioxides into useful new materials. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Adverse effects of the automotive industry on carbon dioxide emissions


    Mpho Bosupeng


    This study aims to determine the effects of the automotive industry on carbon dioxide emissions for the period from 1997 to 2010 for diverse economies, as well as the relationships between carbon dioxide discharges and output. The study applies cointegration and causality tests to validate these associations. The results of the Johansen cointegration test depict long-run associations between the quantity of passenger cars and carbon dioxide emissions in France, Sweden, Spain, Hungary and Japa...

  16. The removal of phenols from oily wastewater by chlorine dioxide


    Hsu, Chung-Jung


    Treatability studies were performed on oily wastewaters produced by petroleum and canning industries. Chlorine dioxide was used for the removal of phenolic compounds from these oily wastewaters. Most of phenolic compounds can be destroyed by chlorine dioxide within 15 minutes if CI02-to-phenol ratios of higher than 5.0 are provided. Factors such as pH, temperature, and COD have little effect on phenol removal. The effectiveness of chlorine dioxide treatment depends critic...

  17. Phase behaviour for the (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl acrylate) and (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate) systems at temperatures from (313.2 to 393.2) K and pressures from (5 to 31) MPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byun, Hun-Soo; Jang, Yoon-Seok; Yoo, Ki-Pung


    The solubility curves for the (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl acrylate) and (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate) systems were determined by a static view cell apparatus at five temperatures (313.2, 333.2, 353.2, 373.2, and 393.2) K as well as pressures up to 31.43 MPa. Two {carbon dioxide + (meth)acrylate} systems had continuous critical mixture curves with maxima in pressure located between the critical temperatures of carbon dioxide and 2-phenoxyethyl (meth)acrylate. The solubility of 2-phenoxyethyl (meth)acrylate in the {carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl (meth)acrylate} systems increases as the temperature increases at a fixed pressure. The (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl acrylate) and (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate) systems exhibit type-I phase behaviour. The experimental results for the (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl acrylate) and (carbon dioxide + 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate) systems correlate with the Peng-Robinson equation of state using a van der Waals one-fluid mixing rule including two adjustable parameters. The critical properties of 2-phenoxyethyl acrylate and 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate were predicted with the Joback and Lee-Kesler method.

  18. Influence of the power level of an ultra-sonic system on dental cavity preparation Influência do nível de potência de um sistema de ultra-som em preparos cavitários

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Érika Botelho Josgrilberg


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the shape of dental cavities made with the CVDentus® system using different ultrasound power levels. One standard cavity was made on the buccal aspect of 15 bovine incisors with a CVDentus® cylindrical bur (82142. The sample was divided into three groups: G1 - ultrasound with power II; G2 - ultrasound with power III; and G3 - ultrasound with power IV. A standardizing device was used to obtain standardized preparations and ultrasound was applied during one minute in each dental preparation. The cavities were sectioned in the middle, allowing observation of the cavity’s profile with a magnifying glass, and width and depth measurement using the Leica Qwin program. The Kruskal-Wallis (p O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o formato dos preparos cavitários realizados com o sistema CVDentus® utilizando potências variadas do ultra-som. Uma cavidade padronizada foi realizada na face vestibular de 15 incisivos bovinos utilizando as pontas cilíndricas CVDentus® (82142. A amostra foi dividida em 3 grupos: G1 - ultra-som com potência II; G2 - ultra-som com potência III; e G3 - ultra-som com potência IV. Foi utilizada uma máquina padronizadora de preparos cavitários e o ultra-som foi aplicado durante 1 minuto em cada preparo. As cavidades foram seccionadas no centro, permitindo a visualização do perfil cavitário em uma lupa estereoscópica, e esse foi medido em largura e profundidade por meio do programa Leica Qwin. O teste estatístico Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0,05 e o método de Dunn demonstraram diferenças entre os formatos das cavidades produzidas com as potências III e IV. Entretanto, as cavidades realizadas com a potência III apresentaram dimensões semelhantes às da ponta utilizada. Concluiu-se que a potência indicada pelo fabricante (III é a mais adequada para uso do sistema CVDentus®.

  19. 40 CFR 415.220 - Applicability; description of the titanium dioxide production subcategory. (United States)


    ... titanium dioxide production subcategory. 415.220 Section 415.220 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... SOURCE CATEGORY Titanium Dioxide Production Subcategory § 415.220 Applicability; description of the titanium dioxide production subcategory. This subpart applies to discharges to waters of the United States...

  20. Carbon dioxide sequestration by aqueous mineral carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerdemann, Stephen J.; Dahlin, David C.; O' Connor, William K.; Penner, Larry R.


    The dramatic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution has caused concerns about global warming. Fossil-fuel-fired power plants contribute approximately one third of the total human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide. Increased efficiency of these power plants will have a large impact on carbon dioxide emissions, but additional measures will be needed to slow or stop the projected increase in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By accelerating the naturally occurring carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals it is possible to sequester carbon dioxide in the geologically stable mineral magnesite (MgCO3). The carbonation of two classes of magnesium silicate minerals, olivine (Mg2SiO4) and serpentine (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4), was investigated in an aqueous process. The slow natural geologic process that converts both of these minerals to magnesite can be accelerated by increasing the surface area, increasing the activity of carbon dioxide in the solution, introducing imperfections into the crystal lattice by high-energy attrition grinding, and in the case of serpentine, by thermally activating the mineral by removing the chemically bound water. The effect of temperature is complex because it affects both the solubility of carbon dioxide and the rate of mineral dissolution in opposing fashions. Thus an optimum temperature for carbonation of olivine is approximately 185 degrees C and 155 degrees C for serpentine. This paper will elucidate the interaction of these variables and use kinetic studies to propose a process for the sequestration of the carbon dioxide.