
Sample records for destination des collectivites

  1. Élaboration d’indicateurs pour l’évaluation des collectivités-amies des aînés au Canada : démarche et résultats

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    H. Orpana


    Full Text Available Introduction : En 2006, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS a lancé le projet mondial « Villes-amies des aînés » afin de favoriser un vieillissement actif. Si un grand nombre d’initiatives « amies des aînés » ont été mises en oeuvre au Canada, on dispose de peu d’information sur l’efficacité et les résultats des initiatives des collectivités-amies des aînés (CAA. En outre, les intervenants affirment qu’ils n’ont pas la capacité et les outils nécessaires pour élaborer et réaliser des évaluations relatives à leurs initiatives de CAA. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada a mis au point des indicateurs pour l’évaluation des initiatives de CAA dans de nombreuses collectivités canadiennes. Ces indicateurs, destinés à répondre aux différents besoins des collectivités, ne sont pas conçus pour faire l’évaluation de répercussions collectives ou pour rendre possible une comparaison entre collectivités. Méthodologie : Une démarche de consultation itérative fondée sur des données probantes a été employée pour l’élaboration d’indicateurs relatifs aux CAA. Elle a nécessité une revue de la littérature et une analyse du contexte. Deux rondes de consultation auprès d’experts et d’intervenants clés ont été menées, ce qui a permis de classer les indicateurs potentiels en fonction de leur importance, de leur capacité à être mis en pratique et de leur faisabilité. Une liste définitive d’indicateurs et de mesures potentielles a ensuite été mise au point, en fonction des résultats de ces consultations et de considérations clés relatives aux politiques. Résultats : Trente-neuf indicateurs répartis en huit domaines relevant des CAA et quatre indicateurs relevant des résultats liés à la santé et aux conditions sociales à long terme ont été sélectionnés. Tous sont conformes à l’objectif énoncé, à savoir l’évaluation des

  2. Recueillir des données probantes à l'échelle des collectivités pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet contribue à la collecte, à l'échelle des collectivités, de données probantes sur les souvenirs des victimes de violations des droits de la personne. Il vise aussi à trouver des stratégies de reconstruction post-atrocités dans un cadre local sûr. Enfin, l'équipe a créé un site Web et produit plusieurs publications.

  3. Environnement alimentaire de la vente au détail et expériences de magasinage dans les collectivités des Premières nations du nord des provinces

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    Kristin Burnett


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cet article porte sur l'environnement de la vente d’aliments dans les collectivités des Premières nations du nord des provinces, en particulier sur la concurrence éventuelle dans la vente au détail de la North West Company (NWC ainsi que sur les expériences d'achats alimentaires de la population vivant dans le Nord canadien. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé deux méthodologies pour évaluer l’environnement alimentaire de la vente au détail dans le Nord. D’abord, nous avons cartographié les détaillants en alimentation du Nord afin d’examiner le degré de concurrence au détail dans les régions nordiques, en prêtant une attention particulière aux collectivités qui ne sont pas accessibles à l’année par la route. Ensuite, nous avons enquêté auprès des personnes vivant dans les collectivités du Nord canadien à propos de leurs expériences d’achat au détail et de magasinage. Résultats : Cinquante‑quatre pour cent des collectivités du nord des provinces et du Grand Nord n’avaient aucune épicerie en concurrence avec la NWC. Les provinces comptant les plus fortes proportions de collectivités nordiques sans concurrence dans la vente au détail étaient l’Ontario (87 %, la Saskatchewan (83 % et le Manitoba (72 %. Les participants au sondage (n = 92 ont fait état de leurs préoccupations quant à leurs expériences d'achat dans trois grands secteurs : le coût des aliments, la qualité et la fraîcheur des aliments et la disponibilité de certains aliments. Conclusion : La concurrence dans la vente au détail est limitée dans le nord des provinces. Au Manitoba, en Saskatchewan et en Ontario, la NWC ne fait face à aucune concurrence dans au moins 70 % des collectivités nordiques. Les consommateurs du Nord canadien considèrent que les aliments nutritifs sont peu abordables, et ils souhaitent avoir accès à un plus grand choix d’aliments périssables en bon état.

  4. L’exercice fédéré des compétences locales. À propos de la fonction de «chef de file» en droit des collectivités territoriales français

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    Cédric Groulier


    Full Text Available La révision constitutionnelle du 28 mars 2003 a introduit dans le droit des collectivités territoriales un dispositif que l’on pourrait qualifier d’exercice fédéré des compétences locales. Selon l’article 72 alinéa 5 de la Constitution, lorsque l’exercice d’une compétence nécessite le concours de plusieurs collectivités territoriales, la loi peut autoriser l’une d’entre elles ou un de leurs groupements à organiser les modalités de leur action commune, autrement dit à exercer les fonctions de chef de file. À travers cette figure du chef de file, la Constitution semble admettre un principe de superposition entre collectivités territoriales, dérogeant à la règle de l’interdiction des tutelles entre collectivités, liée à leur liberté d’administration. Toutefois, la portée effective de ce nouveau dispositif repose sur sa mise en œuvre législative : or, le législateur fait montre d’une grande réserve, sans doute injustifiée, qui maintient l’idée de superposition entre collectivités à l’état de virtualité.

  5. Collectivités locales et responsabilité sociale des organisations : quelle impulsion ?

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    Catherine Bodet


    Full Text Available L'expérimentation du Bilan Sociétal, mise en place par Rennes Métropole dans des associations rennaises, montre comment s'organisent, se pilotent et se financent des initiatives en matière d'évaluation, dans le cadre de l'orientation d'une politique de développement durable et de responsabilité sociale territoriale. Les collectivités locales visent à favoriser de nouvelles formes de contractualisation entre les différents acteurs dans l'optique d'une co-construction d'une politique de développement durable territoriale. Cette expérimentation donne des pistes pour imaginer de nouveaux outils d'évaluation dans le cadre d'une économie plurielle.This paper presents the Bilan Sociétal experimentation in Rennes associations, realised by Rennes Métropole. It shows that local communities try to favour new forms of contracting between actors in the framework of the sustainable development and local social responsibility policies orientation. It shows however that this experimentation gives tracks to imagine new evaluation tools in a plural economy.

  6. Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  7. Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... les collectivités et les victimes individuelles de violations massives des droits de la personne ... Asian Justice and Rights Foundation ... Policy in Focus publishes a special issue profiling evidence to empower women in the labour market.

  8. Décentralisation,pouvoir local et droits des femmes

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    transfert de compétences aux collectivités locales, la loi 96-09 ... dans trois dispositions à propos des organes des collectivités locales que le. Code fait allusion aux ... les élus locaux, Les secteurs cibles d'intervention prioritaires sont l'accès ...

  9. Adaptation aux changements climatiques dans deux collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les collectivités les plus pauvres et les plus marginalisées au Maroc se trouvent dans des régions arides et semi-arides. Leur survie et leur sécurité alimentaire dépendent dans une large part de l'agriculture. Ces régions, qui sont déjà périodiquement frappées par la sécheresse, connaîtront une variabilité du climat accrue ...

  10. Accès à l'eau : des solutions techniques et sociales aident des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Grâce à la modélisation par ordinateur faisant appel à des techniques de pointe et à la consultation des collectivités, l'organisme bolivien Agua Sustentable a trouvé des solutions politiques à des conflits qui auraient pu s'avérer désastreux au sujet de l'accès à l'eau. Cet organisme de recherche subventionné par le CRDI a ...

  11. « Très transformés, très emballés et très mauvais pour la santé... mais à faible risque » : exploration des liens entre sécurité des aliments et salubrité des aliments dans les collectivités

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    Kelsey A. Speed


    Full Text Available Introduction : L’insécurité alimentaire et les maladies d’origine alimentaire constituent des enjeux importants au Canada, et on peut considérer les mesures de santé publique prises pour les résoudre comme des facteurs qui façonnent l’environnement alimentaire. De nouvelles données probantes allant dans le sens d'une interrelation entre ces deux domaines, l’objectif de cette étude était d'explorer comment, en Colombie-Britannique (Canada, les efforts en matière de sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et les pratiques de salubrité des aliments (ainsi que les problèmes de santé de la population associés peuvent se recouper, puis d’interpréter ces résultats pour concevoir et construire un environnement alimentaire plus sain. Méthodologie : Nous avons mené 14 entrevues auprès d’informateurs clés (praticiens des secteurs de la sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et de la salubrité des aliments en Colombie-Britannique et procédé à une analyse descriptive qualitative pour trouver les points d’intersection entre ces deux secteurs. Résultats : Les participants ont fait état de quatre modalités de convergence entre les deux secteurs. Ils ont signalé comment les pratiques quotidiennes de leur secteur visant à promouvoir des aliments sûrs ou sains pouvaient être favorisées ou entravées par les activités de l’autre secteur, en partie car les politiques passées, disparates, ne tenaient pas compte des nombreux effets sur la santé en lien avec l'alimentation et car certains types de produits alimentaires, comme les fruits et légumes frais, peuvent être considérés à la fois comme risqués et bénéfiques. Enfin, ils ont souligné que les deux secteurs travaillent à l’atteinte d’un même but, soit celui d’améliorer la santé de la population, même si leur optique se révèle légèrement différente. Conclusion : La sécurité alimentaire et la salubrité des aliments sont connectées de

  12. Les dépenses interdites des collectivités locales The Forbidden Expenses of Local Entities

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    Jean-François Boudet


    Full Text Available Les différentes réformes dites de « décentralisation » entreprises en France notamment depuis 1982 laisseraient entendre que les collectivités locales ont toute latitude dans la gestion de leurs compétences et de leurs finances. Il n’en rien, car, au-delà de dépenses obligatoires, les collectivités locales se voient interdire certaines dépenses. Le caractère unitaire de l’Etat expliquerait cette interdiction.In France, since 1982, the so-called “decentralisation” reforms would imply that local governments are independent with regard to the management of their resources and budget. This is not the case: aside from mandatory expenses, a few expenditures are forbidden to local governments. The unitary character of the State would explain this interdiction.

  13. Renforcement de l'autonomie des collectivités au moyen des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette subvention permettra au ministère des Communications et des Technologies de l'information de l'Égypte ainsi qu'au fonds spécial réservé aux TI de consolider le modèle actuel des clubs de TI en Égypte, par l'entremise de services d'assistance sur demande, d'activités de formation à l'intention du personnel des ...

  14. Les collectivités : une source de déchets organiques et une voie de valorisation de la chaleur pour la méthanisation agricole ?

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    LEVASSEUR, Pascal ; CHARPIOT, Alicia ; LE GUEN, Gaëlle


    Full Text Available Un des intérêts de la méthanisation est qu'elle peut participer à un recyclage extrêmement rentable des déchets. De fait, les collectivités ont un rôle à jouer dans ce processus car elles génèrent de nombreux types de déchets. Mais dans quelles mesures leur participation est-elle actuellement intéressante ? La volonté d'aboutir à une plus grande efficacité induit des changements de comportement de la part des foyers et des institutions. Quels sont-ils?

  15. Caractérisation physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    environnement. Les eaux souterraines constituent une ressource en eau douce des collectivités rurales. Cependant, l'eau captée peut contenir des éléments pouvant avoir des effets indésirables sur la santé, comme des microorganismes pathogènes, des ... exploite pour son alimentation en eau potable la nappe profonde.

  16. Exclusion, violence et interventions communautaires dans des villes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pourquoi les collectivités urbaines où il existe des conditions d'exclusion sociale similaires affichent-elles des degrés de violence différents ? Des travaux visant à explorer cette question seront menés dans six villes de taille moyenne ou de grande taille du Costa Rica et du Salvador. Les chercheurs s'efforceront de ...

  17. Publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants : examen de la portée de l’exposition, du pouvoir et des répercussions selon le contexte

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    Rachel Prowse


    Full Text Available Introduction : La publicité alimentaire a des répercussions sur les connaissances et les comportements alimentaires des enfants ainsi que sur leur santé. La réglementation actuelle au Canada est axée sur la restriction des aspects promotionnels de la publicité alimentaire, mais elle accorde peu d’attention, voire aucune, à l’endroit où se fait l’expérience alimentaire des enfants. Il est essentiel de comprendre où s’inscrit la publicité alimentaire dans le quotidien des enfants pour pouvoir les protéger. Notre étude fait état de la littérature sur la publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants au Canada en fonction du contexte. Méthodologie : L’auteure a consulté des bases de données pour trouver des travaux de recherche canadiens portant sur l’exposition des enfants et des jeunes (de 2 à 17 ans à la publicité alimentaire, sur le pouvoir et les répercussions que celle-ci peut avoir sur les enfants dans différents contextes et sur la façon dont la réglementation actuelle peut en atténuer l'effet sur les enfants. Ont été sélectionnées les études en anglais, examinées par des pairs et publiées entre 2000 et 2016. Résultats : Vingt-cinq études se sont intéressées à l’exposition des enfants à la publicité alimentaire et au pouvoir ou aux répercussions qu’elle peut avoir sur ceux-ci à la maison (par la télévision ou Internet (n = 12, dans les écoles publiques (n = 1, dans les épiceries (n = 8, dans les restaurants rapides (n = 2 et en général (n = 2. Les tendances de la recherche révèlent que les aliments malsains ciblent les enfants par différentes techniques promotionnelles, qui se chevauchent selon les contextes. Il existe plusieurs lacunes en matière de recherche dans ce domaine, ce qui donne un portrait incomplet et potentiellement sous-estimé de la publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants au Canada. Les données probantes disponibles indiquent que les approches canadiennes

  18. Transformation des feuilles de palmier en bois | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... Grâce à la création de la Egyptian Society for the Endogenous Development of Local Communities (EGYCOM) [Société égyptienne pour le développement endogène des collectivités locales], il collabore maintenant étroitement avec des artisans et des fermiers des plus pauvres villages d'Égypte. L'un des ...

  19. Des solutions communautaires au problème des déchets en Indonésie

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    19 oct. 2010 ... Tant les collectivités que les divers ordres de gouvernement ont à leur disposition un outil appelé Informed Choice Catalogue (ICC), qui leur permet de faire ... Son personnel fournit donc des conseils sur les recherches nécessaires et sur l'exécution du projet HP3 et met à profit les enseignements tirés des ...

  20. Régler le cas des rejets miniers qui polluent l'environnement | CRDI ...

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    sensibiliser les gouvernements, l'industrie et les citoyens aux effets néfastes des rejets miniers sur l'environnement et sur la santé des collectivités locales;; mettre au point des méthodes efficaces pour lutter contre la pollution engendrée par les rejets miniers; établir des techniques de remise en état des sites d'exploitation ...

  1. Des chercheurs insistent sur l'importance de favoriser la résilience ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des chercheurs ont examiné la vulnérabilité des ménages et des scénarios futurs en matière de cultures dans deux collectivités rurales du Cap-Oriental et du Limpopo, qui font partie des provinces les plus vulnérables aux catastrophes naturelles en Afrique du Sud. Ils ont constaté que les changements climatiques risquent ...



    Kovacs , Yves; Forestier , Ségolène; Lahidji , Ulf; Stevens , Barrie; Radisch , Jack; Schieb , Pierre-Alain


    18 p.; International audience; Méthodologie En coopération avec le gouvernement Japonais, le programme de l'OCDE sur l'avenir a entrepris en 2006 une évaluation de la politique Japonaise en matière de gestion des inondations. L'équipe sélectionnée par l'OCDE en charge de cette évaluation était composée d'experts indépendants. Suite à une étude préliminaire, l'équipe d'experts s'est déplacée au Japon pour interviewer des membres du gouvernement, des collectivités locales, des associations non ...

  3. Résultats de recherche | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pollution de l'environnement ... Les collectivités des hautes terres d'Éthiopie font face à ce qui paraît être un problème simple : la pénurie alimentaire. ... ce qui tue les mères et les enfants en Éthiopie, afin de sauver des vies tout en veillant à ce que l'argent destiné à la santé publique soit dépensé de façon judicieuse.

  4. Renforcement des droits fonciers communautaires et réactions aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    De telles menaces qui planent sur les droits fonciers et environnementaux des collectivités sont un indice de tensions plus grandes au sein de l'appareil d'État et du système de justice. Dans ce ... Des droits internationaux aux pratiques locales : la réforme constitutionnelle et la participation en Amérique latine. Ce projet ...

  5. Des idées novatrices et vivifiantes : le Canada prend les devants en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 janv. 2011 ... Des chercheurs de l'Université du Québec à Montréal ont été parmi les premiers à innover dans ce domaine en réalisant des études qui ont fait date sur la contamination par le mercure au Brésil, ainsi que dans des collectivités des Premières nations dans le nord du Canada et dans les milieux humides du ...

  6. Des chercheurs palestiniens appliquent les leçons de l'évaluation à ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 févr. 2011 ... L'institut a recensé les terres et les ressources naturelles dont dispose le peuple palestinien et les répercussions que cela suppose sur l'économie et sur les collectivités locales. Les chercheurs ont interrogé des dirigeants locaux et des ménages et étudié des images satellite, pour analyser aussi bien les ...

  7. Des collectivités forestières du Nigeria prennent des mesures pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 juin 2016 ... Des drones survolant le delta. La région du delta du fleuve Volta, au Ghana, est particulièrement vulnérable au changement climatique. Voir davantageDes drones survolant le delta ...

  8. Perception du risque et vulnérabilité des milieux humides sur la côte ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ils repéreront et évalueront les facteurs de stress associés aux changements climatiques pour ensuite analyser les facteurs qui influent sur la gestion des milieux humides et sur la perception des risques au sein des collectivités locales. Cette analyse débouchera sur l'élaboration de lignes directrices pour encourager les ...

  9. De la gestion patrimoniale des réseaux d’assainissement aux techniques alternatives de gestion des eaux pluviales, une nouvelle histoire à écrire pour la gestion intégrée des eaux urbaines

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    CHERQUI, Frédéric


    Full Text Available Le patrimoine des ouvrages alternatifs de gestion des eaux pluviales ne cesse de s’accroître depuis maintenant plusieurs décennies. Pour les collectivités, organiser le recensement et développer des méthodes pour optimiser le fonctionnement et l’exploitation sur le long terme de ces ouvrages devient donc une préoccupation majeure. À partir du retour d'expérience de la Métropole de Lyon et des connaissances issues de la gestion la patrimoniale des réseaux d’assainissement, cet article permet d'identifier les questions émergentes et d'apporter des premiers éléments de réponse pour la mise en œuvre de la gestion patrimoniale des ouvrages alternatifs de gestion des eaux pluviales.

  10. Gestion des risques

    CERN Document Server

    Louisot, Jean-Paul


    Depuis le début du lie siècle, la gestion des risques connaît une véritable révolution culturelle. Jusqu'alors fonction technique, centrée autour de l'achat de couverture d'assurances, elle est devenue une discipline managériale et transversale : une valise d'instruments que chaque manager doit connaître et appliquer quels que soient son domaine de compétence et ses missions au sein de l'organisation. En effet, la gestion des risques est une culture qui doit être assimilée par chacun des acteurs. C'est précisément l'ambition des 101 questions rassemblées dans cet ouvrage : apporter à chaque manager d'entreprise, de collectivité, d'établissement de santé..., des réponses claires au " pourquoi " et au " comment " : Comment identifier les risques ? Comment analyser les risques ? Quels sont les objectifs de la gestion des risques ? Une carte des risques pour quoi faire ? Pourquoi faut-il financer les risques ? Les entreprises ont-elles des responsabilités pénales ? En quoi consiste la gestion...

  11. Le savoir offre aux jeunes des milieux urbains d'autres possibilités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 août 2016 ... Un examen approfondi de la violence juvénile permet de dégager diverses solutions pour prévenir la criminalité, notamment des ressources de soutien en santé mentale, le renforcement de la confiance au sein de la collectivité, le maintien des jeunes à l'école et la création de possibilités d'emploi.

  12. Prévention des catastrophes naturelles à l'échelle des collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 juin 2012 ... Grâce à un outil de planification à l'échelle locale créé avec l'appui du CRDI, des ... hors de danger, et ce, au moyen des données générées grâce au SIGA. ... ÉTUDE DE CAS — Amérique latine : Un point de départ pour le ...

  13. Étude comparative des transferts financiers intergouvernementaux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Aux Philippines, on estime à 14 % la proportion d'écoliers qui souffrent de malnutrition aiguë. Les écoles offrent des voies stratégiques et ciblées pour fournir une alimentation nutritive aux enfants et, indirectement, à leurs familles et leurs collectivités. Un projet de recherche d'une durée de trois ans (de 2012 à 2015) a mis ...

  14. L'amélioration du milieu urbain et la réinstallation sont des moyens ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    18 févr. 2015 ... Quelle est l'efficacité des efforts déployés en Afrique du Sud pour améliorer ses centres urbains, modifier ses environnements urbains et espaces publics, donner des services aux victimes de violence et faire participer directement les collectivités touchées par la violence aux mesures de réduction de la ...

  15. Un numéro spécial de Policy in Focus met en vedette des projets ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    20 avr. 2016 ... Les auteurs abordent les préoccupations relatives à la protection sociale en explorant tant les impacts positifs que les effets négatifs non intentionnels des transferts en espèces sur les ménages et les collectivités, tout en faisant la lumière sur certains des problèmes persistants associés aux transferts en ...

  16. OMEGA Thau : outil de management environnemental et de gestion de l'avertissement des pollutions microbiologiques du bassin de Thau


    Brocard, Gilles; Derolez, Valerie; Serais, Ophelie; Fiandrino, Annie; Lequette, Camille; Lescoulier, Christophe; Benedetti, Murielle; Couton, Prunelle; Marty, Delphine


    Le projet OMEGA Thau (Outil de Management Environnemental et de Gestion de l’Avertissement de la lagune de Thau) est un programme de recherche et développement, à maîtrise d'ouvrage du Syndicat Mixte du Bassin de Thau, associant des scientifiques, des autorités et collectivités locales ainsi que des professionnels de la conchyliculture. Il vise à élaborer un outil d'aide à la décision des gestionnaires pour orienter les investissements publics sur le bassin versant, afin d'obtenir une qualité...

  17. La revendication des hautes terres du Cambodge | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 févr. 2011 ... À Ratanakiri, les villageois ont établi le genre de plan dont nous avons besoin, selon la classification des divers types de sol qu'on trouve dans la forêt. » « Nous voulons aider la collectivité à protéger ses ressources naturelles », ajoute-t-il. « Nous avons bien vu que la forêt est son moyen de subsistance.

  18. La viabilité des bidonvilles | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 oct. 2010 ... En effet, un projet pilote en cours dans le quartier révèle qu'il est possible de mettre à profit la créativité et l'énergie latentes grâce à quelques ... dans le désespoir; la criminalité et la toxicomanie risquent alors d'augmenter, de même que les chances que se dressent des murs entre les collectivités. C'est ...

  19. Intérêt des collectivités pour l'implantation d'arbres nourriciers dans les parcs urbains : le cas de Villa El Salvador, au Pérou

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    Lafontaine, M.


    Full Text Available Intérêt des collectivités pour l'implantation d'arbres nourriciers dans les parcs urbains : le cas de Villa El Salvador, au Pérou. A study was conducted in Villa El Salvador, Peru, in order to evaluate the interest of local community members in establishing food trees within neighbourhood public green areas. Focus groups and semi-directed interviews conducted with the community actors allowed to identify their perceptions regarding the role these trees could play, the most appropriate management methods for their establishment and maintenance, as well as the best ways of allocating their products. SWOT ( Strength - Weaknesses – Opportunities- Threats and AHP (Analytical Hierarchisation Process analyses permitted to identify the most important favourable and restrictive factors affecting the long-term success of this production strategy. Results show that the possibility of harvesting edible products for family consumption, neighbourhood food aid programs or sale would motivate the inhabitants to contribute to the activities related to the establishment and maintenance of food trees. However, in order to be successful, the implementation of food trees within public green areas has to be in line with neighbourhood policies developed by the local population and to carefully anticipate possible sources of conflicts.

  20. Cogestion des ressources naturelles en dépit de différences ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Si le projet proposé vise les collectivités Yshiro du Paraguay, un volet sera mené au Labrador en collaboration avec la nation innue et le gouvernement des Inuits du Nunatsiavut. Les trois cas combinés permettront de généraliser et de faire passer à grande échelle les résultats de la recherche sous forme de techniques et ...

  1. Les changements climatiques menacent l'écosystème des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 août 2014 ... Des chercheurs aident les collectivités de pêcheurs du littoral du nord-ouest du Pérou à préserver un trésor de l'écosystème et à s'adapter à un milieu plus hostile. Les mangroves de Tumbes, au nord-ouest du Pérou, servent d'habitat à plus de 150 espèces animales, dont le notoire singe hurleur.

  2. Le rôle des chefs traditionnels au Ghana : un modèle inspirant ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 févr. 2011 ... Avec ses partenaires du Sud, avec aussi le soutien du Centre de recherches pour le développement international ( CRDI ), organisme canadien, Ray a étudié le rôle des chefs traditionnels au Ghana dans la lutte contre le VIH et le sida. Les collectivités politiques antérieures au colonialisme sont une ...

  3. Les effets des grandes exploitations minières sur les collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 juil. 2011 ... Il fixe également des normes environnementales qui, souvent, sont supérieures ... des dangers que l'exploitation pourrait entraîner pour l'environnement. ... ÉTUDE DE CAS — Inde : Suivi de la santé et du bien-être dans la ...

  4. L'analyse de cycles de vie (ACV des systèmes d’assainissement : un outil complémentaire d’aide à la décision

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    RISCH, Eva


    Full Text Available Dans le domaine de l’assainissement, l’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV se positionne de plus en plus comme un outil décisionnel du choix des filières de traitement et de leur gestion technique. Cet article nous présente ici les résultats d’ACV obtenus en petites et moyennes collectivités pour des stations d’épuration à boues activées en très faible charge et des filtres plantés de roseaux.

  5. : tous les projets | Page 528 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Programme: Santé des mères et des enfants. Financement total : CA$ 2,758,665.00. Adaptation aux changements climatiques dans deux collectivités rurales du Maroc (en plaine et en montagne). Projet. Les collectivités les plus pauvres et les plus marginalisées au Maroc se trouvent dans des régions arides et semi-arides.

  6. Appui au réseautage et au renforcement des télécentres ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En Afrique de l'Ouest francophone, les télécentres luttent pour atteindre la viabilité financière tout en demeurant au diapason des collectivités, une situation qui tient au fait qu'ils ont accès à un moins grand nombre de ressources en ligne et à une communauté d'utilisateurs plus restreinte que les télécentres anglophones.

  7. Intégration des TIC dans la gouvernance locale au Sénégal | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Intégration des TIC dans la gouvernance locale au Sénégal. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le contexte de la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action du Somment mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI). Ce plan met l'accent entre autres sur la nécessité d'un partenariat public-privé pour permettre aux collectivités africaines un ...

  8. Communication des organisations, territoires et TIC au cœur du changement et du développement durable


    Debos , Franck; BOILLOT , F


    Il s'agit d'une réflexion issue des travaux de recherche d'une des axes du laboratoire I3M; Notre point de départ est que l’organisation, – entreprises, collectivités, ONG, institution territoriale, etc.—, tend à se revendiquer écocitoyenne, ce qui sous-tend qu’elle s’arroge un rôle d’animateur de territoire, facteur d’innovation et de changement dans le domaine public, professionnel mais aussi privé (De Backer, 1998 ; Cohen-Bacrie, 2006). Dans un contexte de crises économiques répétitives de...

  9. Le financement de l'éducation dans les collectivités locales, quels ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le financement de l'éducation dans les collectivités locales, quels défis ? Marie Elisabeth Dembélé. Abstract. This article aims to analyse the support provided by the state to local collectivities in Mali, to target the expenditure categories included in the funding and observe their appropriation by the beneficiaries of education ...

  10. Branding Sicily as Gastronomically Attractive Destination, viewed by Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza


    Kalinina, Anastasia


    The object of the study was to investigate the opportunity of destination brand-ing through the tool of its gastronomy. In order to render concrete to the topic I chose a popular destination – Sicily and Sicilian gastronomy. It is a fact that the theme of gastronomic direction in tourism and the role of gastronomy in des-tination branding is not developed at all. Besides, personally I have been always attracted by gastronomic experiences in tourism. So it was a challenge for my-self to explor...

  11. Traduction audiovisuelle : quand le sous-titrage à destination des personnes sourdes et malentendantes se rencontrent dans le film "Le Prénom"


    Horii, Anaïk


    La traduction audiovisuelle est riche en méthodes de traduction : doublage, voice over, sur-titrage, audiodescription, etc. Ce mémoire se concentre sur la méthode du sous-titrage ainsi que sur celle du sous-titrage à destination des personnes sourdes et malentendantes. Le but était de comparer ces deux méthodes de traduction interlinguistique (dans les deux cas pour un public germanophone) en s'attardant sur les références culturelles ainsi que sur les langages populaire, familier et argotiqu...

  12. Stratégies fondées sur les citoyens - collaboration avec les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans le cadre de ce projet, on cherchera à comprendre le climat d'insécurité au sein des collectivités touchées par la violence à Medellín, en Colombie, du point de vue de ceux qui le vivent (les populations vulnérables). Travaillant de concert avec des membres de la collectivité, les chercheurs relèveront les principaux ...

  13. Examen des facteurs de réussite d'un développement rural durable ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Examen des facteurs de réussite d'un développement rural durable grâce au modèle intégré de coopératives. Ce projet concerté examinera le rôle que pourrait jouer le modèle intégré de coopératives pour réduire la pauvreté et favoriser le développement dans les collectivités rurales de l'Afrique. Plus précisément, il vise ...

  14. Adaptation socioculturelle des collectivités de caboclos aux marées ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les caboclos d'Amazonie ont constaté que les marées extrêmes (appelées lançantes) dans les plaines d'inondation de l'estuaire de l'Amazone, au Brésil, avaient changé au cours des trente dernières années. Ces changements ont eu un effet négatif sur les cultures traditionnelles, mais une incidence positive sur ...

  15. Service public local des déchets ménagers. A la recherche d'indicateurs de performance.

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    Gérard Bertolini


    Full Text Available Comme les autres services publics, celui relatif à la gestion locale des déchets ménagers a besoin d’évaluer ses performances et doit en rendre compte. L’évaluation en question passe par la définition de critères et la sélection d’indicateurs, qui permettent de mesurer les progrès d’une collectivité et d’établir des comparaisons entre collectivités. La performance comporte de multiples facettes, qui appellent une évaluation multicritères. A la lumière d’une analyse de faisabilité et de pertinence, l’article propose un système d’indicateurs peu nombreux et assez simples constituant un tableau de bord.As other public services, the municipal waste service needs to evaluate its performances and is accountable for its results. This evaluation requires the definition of criteria and the selection of indicators in order to measure the  progress and to allow comparisons with other municipal waste services too. Because the performance has many facets, a multi-criteria approach will be used. In the light of an analysis of feasibility and relevance, the paper puts forwards few, quite simple and complementary indicators which are gathered up into a synoptic table and make up an instrument panel.

  16. Renforcement de la résilience des collectivités de montagne ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé le centre du Népal le 25 avril 2015, causant plus de 8 700 pertes de vie et plus de 22 000 blessés. Des centaines de milliers de maisons ont été réduites en ruines, quelque 15 000 immeubles gouvernementaux et 288 797 immeubles résidentiels ont ...

  17. Impact des eaux de réalimentation sur la qualité des eaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    eaux du barrage, destinées à la réalimentation. Le modèle hydrodispersif établi permettra de suivre l'évolution du chimisme des eaux de réalimentation et leur impact sur les eaux souterraines de la nappe du massif dunaire de. Bouteldja dans la région de Bordj Ali Bey. 4.1 Détermination des paramètres hydrodispersifs. La.

  18. Formation en TIC destinée aux personnes handicapées en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Formation en TIC destinée aux personnes handicapées en Amérique latine. En Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, les personnes handicapées représentent environ 10 % de la population. La population de cette région affiche des taux de pauvreté et de chômage élevés; assurer des moyens de subsistance décents aux ...

  19. Partenariat Canada-Caraïbes sur l'adaptation des collectivités aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Mettre en place des réseaux scientifiques et professionnels qui font progresser la ... climatiques en consolidant les structures institutionnelles et de gouvernance. ... ont conclu un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  20. Traits morphologiques des graines et vigueur des jeunes plants de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    écologique du Sénégal afin de pouvoir sélectionner une meilleure semence qui sera destinée aux programmes de développement des énergies renouvelables. Journal of Applied Biosciences 88:8249– 8255. ISSN 1997–5902 ...

  1. Incidence de la hausse des taxes sur le tabac et du prix des produits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé ... New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all.

  2. Traits morphologiques des graines et vigueur des jeunes plants de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    écologique du Sénégal afin de pouvoir sélectionner une meilleure semence qui sera destinée aux programmes de développement des énergies renouvelables. Morphological traits of seeds and seedling vigor of two sources of Jatropha curcas L. in ...

  3. Comprendre les décisions d'adaptation des collectivités vivant dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2011 ... Ce projet vise à renforcer les capacités locales permettant de déterminer et de concevoir des options techniques, institutionnelles et stratégiques appropriées. Selon une analyse de données sur le climat, le taux moyen de précipitation a considérablement diminué dans les montagnes, tandis que la ...

  4. Communication des organisations, territoires et TIC au coeur du changement et du développement durable


    DEBOS, Franck; BOILLOT, Florence


    Notre point de départ est que l'organisation, ' entreprises, collectivités, ONG, institution territoriale, etc.', tend à se revendiquer écocitoyenne, ce qui sous-tend qu'elle s'arroge un rôle d'animateur de territoire, facteur d'innovation et de changement dans le domaine public, professionnel mais aussi privé (De Backer, 1998 ; Cohen-Bacrie, 2006). Dans un contexte de crises économiques répétitives depuis l'éclatement de la bulle Internet en 2000 avec comme points d'orgue la crise des « Subp...

  5. Rendre les collectivités rurales mieux à même de réduire au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... Les chercheurs ont découvert que les collectivités pastorales, bien qu'elles soient particulièrement touchées par la brucellosis, connaissent très peu cette maladie. On contracte cette zoonose très contagieuse en consommant le lait non pasteurisé ou la viande insuffisamment cuite d'un animal infecté ou en ...

  6. Incidence de la hausse des taxes sur le tabac et du prix des produits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé publique et à la réduction de la charge de morbidité et de mortalité liée au tabagisme ...

  7. Ajout d’équivalents des groupes alimentaires au Questionnaire canadien de fréquence alimentaire II pour estimer l’Indice canadien de saine alimentation-2005

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    Maria McInerney


    Full Text Available Introduction : Il a été prouvé qu’un régime alimentaire de piètre qualité augmente le risque de maladies chroniques courantes susceptibles de nuire à la qualité de vie et d'alourdir le fardeau qui pèse sur le système de santé. Les recommandations fondées sur des données probantes du Guide alimentaire canadien (GAC fournissent des conseils nutritionnels destinés à améliorer la qualité du régime alimentaire. L’Indice canadien de saine alimentation (ICSA, un outil de mesure de la qualité du régime alimentaire, permet d'évaluer la conformité au GAC. Le Questionnaire canadien de fréquence alimentaire II (QFA-C II [Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II, C-DHQ II], mis au point récemment, pourrait quant à lui servir à estimer l’ICSA au sein de la population canadienne si on pouvait ajouter à sa base de données sur les éléments nutritifs les équivalents des groupes alimentaires (correspondant aux portions du GAC. Nous décrivons dans cet article des méthodes destinées à enrichir cette base de données sur les éléments nutritifs du QFA-C II en vue d’estimer l’ICSA. Méthodologie : Nous avons créé des équivalents des groupes alimentaires à partir de données provenant de diverses bases de données sur les aliments et les éléments nutritifs, en particulier l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes, cycle 2.2 Nutrition de 2004. Nous avons ajouté ces variables à la base de données sur les éléments nutritifs du QFA-C II. Nous avons déterminé les scores de l’ICSA et avons effectué des analyses descriptives pour les participants qui ont répondu au QFA-C II dans le cadre d’une étude transversale canadienne. Résultats : Le score moyen de l’ICSA dans notre échantillon de 446 adultes de 20 à 83 ans était de 64,4 (écart-type : 10,8. Les femmes, les non-fumeurs et les personnes ayant un niveau de scolarité supérieur au secondaire ont obtenu de manière statistiquement

  8. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Du principe de l’art et de sa destination sociale, 1865



    Introduction par Anne-Marie Bouchard Amalgamant le devenir historique des classes sociales (aristocratie et bourgeoisie) et le devenir social des formes de l’art (art pour l’art et art social), Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) propose dans Du principe de l’art et de sa destination socialeune lecture très personnelle de l’histoire de l’art des Égyptiens à Courbet, de laquelle il prétend extraire « la théorie la plus complète de l’art ». 1. Gustave Courbet, Les Casseurs de pierres, 1849 Œuvr...

  9. La prévention et le traitement des infections bactériennes chez les enfants aspléniques ou hypospléniques (United States)


    L’asplénie, qu’elle soit fonctionnelle ou anatomique, s’associe à un accroissement du risque d’infection potentiellement fatale ou constituant un danger de septicémie postsplénectomie (SPS). En raison du risque accru de bactériémie par des bactéries encapsulées chez les enfants aspléniques, la vaccination visant à prévenir une infection au Streptococcus pneumoniae, à l’Haemophilus influenzae de type b (Hib) et au Neiserria meningitidis est recommandée. Malgré la prévalence croissante de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant, on recommande aussi l’usage de pénicilline prophylactique chez les enfants aspléniques de moins de cinq ans, et pendant au moins un an après une splénectomie. La poursuite de la prophylaxie antibiotique après cette période dépend de la situation clinique de chaque enfant et de la prévalence de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant au sein de la collectivité. Lorsque des enfants aspléniques font de la fièvre ou présentent des symptômes non spécifiques, ils devraient faire l’objet d’une évaluation immédiate. Si on présume la présence de septicémie bactérienne, il faut procéder à une analyse du sang et des autres liquides organiques pertinents et entreprendre sur-le-champ une antibiothérapie à large spectre par voie parentérale, laquelle doit agir également contre les souches de S pneumoniae présentes dans la collectivité. Chez les enfants aspléniques souffrant d’une septicémie foudroyante à S pneumoniae, le taux de mortalité est élevé, malgré l’utilisation rapide d’une antibiothérapie convenable, d’où l’importance des mesures préventives.

  10. Le destin des jeux : Héritage et filiation


    Parlebas, Pierre


    Il y a deux siècles, en 1807, l’auteur réputé d’un Dictionnaire des jeux de l’enfance et de la jeunesse chez tous les peuples, Jean Adry, affirmait dans sa préface : « Les jeux des enfants, du peuple surtout, sont les mêmes à Paris, à Londres, à Petersbourg, au Caire, à Constantinople, à Ispahan et à Pékin. » Le constat se veut péremptoire : les jeux seraient identiques dans tous les endroits de la planète. Et notre auteur d’ajouter : « Ce qu’il y a de plus étonnant, ces jeux sont absolument ...

  11. Le projet de développement au service de la sécurité alimentaire des consommateurs : pour une approche territoriale


    Brégeot, Ghislain; Chéneau-Loquay, Annie


    6 pages; International audience; Aujourd'hui, une grande partie des interventions réalisées par les acteurs étrangers (ONG et autres acteurs associatifs, Organisations internationales, Coopérations bilatérales, collectivités territoriales) dans les pays en développement est réalisée sous forme d'aide à projet. Or, la mise en place de ces projets ne prend pas toujours en compte les objectifs "annexes" de lutte contre la pauvreté ou la sécurité alimentaire.

  12. Mécanique des fluides fondements et applications

    CERN Document Server

    Cengel, Yunus A


    La mécanique des fluides est un outil performant qui permet d'expliquer les phénomènes qui nous entourent de l'échelle microscopique à l'échelle macroscopique. Elle est aussi à la base du développement de nombreuses technologies. Cet ouvrage à destination des étudiants donne une vision complète de la mécanique des fluides. Bien que la mécanique des fluides puisse souvent paraître rébarbative aux yeux des étudiants, cet ouvrage valorise ce domaine d'enseignement en l'illustrant de nombreux exemples issus de l'ingénierie navale, l'aéronautique, la météorologie, etc.

  13. Adaptation aux changements climatiques des bassins versants en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les résultats de recherche seront diffusés dans des publications scientifiques à comité de lecture, dans le cadre d'une interaction critique avec la sphère des politiques, ainsi qu'à l'occasion d'un institut d'été destiné aux chercheurs et ... The Trustees of Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE).

  14. Etude de l'évolution des éléments précurseurs d'eutrophisation des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans le cadre du suivi de la qualité des eaux de surface destinées à la potabilisation, l'évolution des éléments précurseurs d'eutrophisation (matières azotées et phosphorées) du barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou a été investiguée durant la période de septembre 2012 à décembre 2012. Les paramètres chimiques ont été ...

  15. Destination Personality: An Application of Brand Personality to Tourism Destinations


    Ekinci, Yuksel; Hosany, Sameer


    In an increasingly competitive tourism market place, destination marketers face the challenge of attracting tourists through destination branding and destination personality building practices. As places become substitutable, destination personality, defined as the set of human characteristics associated with a destination, is seen as a viable metaphor for crafting a destination’s unique identity. At the conceptual level, the importance of destination personality has been widely acknowledged,...

  16. The Sleeper and the Spindle de Neil Gaiman : quand les reines prennent leur destin en main

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    Stéphanie Schneider


    Full Text Available Dans le recueilintitulé "Rags and Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales", chaque auteur choisissait un conte qui l’avait particulièrement touché (soit inspiré, émerveillé ou profondément agacé, le désossait et le reconstruisait à l’attention des jeunes lecteurs actuels. Ainsi, réécrit d’un point de vue contemporain, chacun des contes du recueil se propose, tout en rendant hommage aux textes sources, de soulever un débat particulier. Nous axerons le nôtre autour du destin des personnages féminins.

  17. Changements climatiques | Page 38 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    environnement en Angola, un bénéficiaire de subvention de longue date du CRDI conjugue des observations obtenues par satellite et des données recueillies grâce à des moyens traditionnels auprès de collectivités. Read more about Compter ...

  18. Résultats de recherche | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Adaptation aux changements climatiques dans deux collectivités rurales du Maroc (en plaine et en montagne). Les collectivités les plus pauvres et les plus marginalisées au Maroc se trouvent dans des régions arides et semi-arides. Leur survie et leur sécurité alimentaire dépendent dans une large part de l'agriculture.

  19. Les i-jumelages au service de la solidarité internationale et du développement local

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    Florence Durand-Tornare


    Full Text Available L’association « Villes internet » propose depuis plusieurs années aux collectivités françaises de mettre en action des i-jumelages. L’idée est simple : utiliser Internet comme vecteur pour la construction de ces nouvelles solidarités internationales entre acteurs locaux, collectivités locales et acteurs du tiers secteur non marchand. Il s’agit de mettre très concrètement en place via Internet de nouveaux modes de co-développement, basés sur des logiques de réciprocité, d’échanges de savoir et...

  20. Bajenu Gox : une approche communautaire pour la santé des mères ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    initiative de Bajenu Gox à l'amélioration de la santé des mères et des enfants dans tout le Sénégal. L'ancien président Abdoulye Wade a fondé ce programme communautaire destiné aux travailleurs de la santé en vue de donner à des femmes ...

  1. Document d'information

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Des chercheurs de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, au Costa Rica, examineront les raisons pour lesquelles des collectivités urbaines présentant des conditions d'exclusion sociale similaires affichent des degrés de violence différents. L'étude permettra de comparer six villes de tailles différentes du ...

  2. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 mars 2018 ... Établir un registre de santé reproductive normalisé en Jordanie pour améliorer la santé des mères et des enfants. L'absence de données fiables limite la capacité des fournisseurs de soins, des planificateurs et des membres de la collectivité à prendre des décisions éclairées pouvant avoir une incidence ...

  3. Implications for Utilizing YouTube based Community Interactions for Destination Marketing


    Sambhanthan, Arunasalam; Thelijjagoda, Samantha; Tan, Joseph


    In recent time, YouTube has evolved into a powerful medium for social interaction. Utilizing YouTube for enhancing marketing endeavors is a strategy practiced by marketing professionals across several industries. This paper rationalizes on the different ways and means of leveraging YouTube-based platforms for effective destination marketing by the hospitality industry (hotels). More specifically, the typology of virtual communities is adapted to evaluate the YouTube platform for effective des...

  4. Eau, terre et vie : Communication participative pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans domaine de la recherche sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, les meilleurs modèles sont ceux qui, lors de la prise de décision et de l'identification du projet de recherche et des paramètres de développement, intègrent la participation des membres de la collectivité, des équipes de recherche ou de ...

  5. plantes hotes et detection des mouches des fruits en periode hors ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ces zones, nous avons utilisé la technique du piégeage à l'aide des parapheromones (Methyl Eugenol destiné à attirer les mâles de .... quatre (4) Combretum micrantum ont constitué le matériel végétal utilisé au cours de cette étude. MATERIEL ANIMAL. Bactrocera dorsalis et Ceratitis cosyra ont été les deux espèces de ...

  6. Advancing Destination Image

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Florian; Josiassen, Alexander; Assaf, A. George


    Knowledge of the mental representations that individuals hold about tourist destinations are important to understand their intentions. These mental destination representations have often been investigated by applying the concept of destination image. This study argues that the extant literature...... is often rather atheoretical and lacks operational rigor. These are major shortcomings which undoubtedly hinder the development of academic and managerial insights. In response, this study draws on contemporary psychology to develop the destination content model, comprising three informational components...... held in individuals‘ minds about destinations. The present study further outlines preferable methods and measures for each component, thus aiding researchers to investigate mental destination representations...

  7. Les bienfaits pour la santé et la prédominance du sucre dans les céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants au Canada

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    Monique Potvin Kent


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude vise à comparer le contenu nutritionnel et les bienfaits pour la santé des céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants et celles non destinées aux enfants et à évaluer la prédominance du sucre ajouté dans ces produits. Méthodologie : Nous avons recueilli des données sur le contenu nutritionnel de 262 céréales pour déjeuner vendues dans les cinq principales chaînes d’alimentation à Ottawa (Ontario et à Gatineau (Québec. Pour chaque céréale, nous avons pris en note les cinq premiers ingrédients et la quantité de sucres ajoutés indiqués sur la liste des ingrédients. Les diverses marques de céréales ont été ensuite classées en deux catégories, soit « plus saines » ou « moins saines », à l’aide du modèle de profil nutritionnel du Royaume-Uni. Nous avons évalué chaque céréale en fonction de divers critères afin de déterminer si elle était destinée ou non aux enfants. Des comparaisons statistiques ont été établies entre les céréales destinées aux enfants et les autres. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des céréales pour déjeuner, 19,8 % étaient destinées aux enfants et contenaient beaucoup moins de gras et de gras saturés. Ces céréales avaient une teneur en sodium et en sucre significativement plus élevée et une teneur en fibres et en protéines plus faible, et elles étaient trois fois plus susceptibles d’être classées comme « moins saines » par rapport aux céréales non destinées aux enfants. Aucune des céréales destinées aux enfants n’était sans sucre et, pour 75 % d’entre elles, le sucre occupait le deuxième rang dans la liste des ingrédients. Six entreprises de céréales pour déjeuner possédaient une gamme de produits destinés aux enfants composée entièrement de céréales « moins saines ». Conclusion : Il est nécessaire d’adopter un règlement qui limite le marketing alimentaire ciblant les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 17

  8. Changements climatiques | Page 37 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French. Dans domaine de la recherche sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, les meilleurs modèles sont ceux qui, lors de la prise de décision et de l'identification du projet de recherche et des paramètres de développement, intègrent la participation des membres de la collectivité, des équipes de recherche ou ...

  9. Agriculture et environnement | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French. Dans domaine de la recherche sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, les meilleurs modèles sont ceux qui, lors de la prise de décision et de l'identification du projet de recherche et des paramètres de développement, intègrent la participation des membres de la collectivité, des équipes de recherche ou ...

  10. fortification des farines tropicales par l'introduction de proteines ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2Université d'Abomey Calavy, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Bénin ... valeur recommandée par le Codex Alimentarius pour ce type de complément alimentaire destiné aux enfants. ..... neurotransmission, coagulation sanguine et.

  11. Briser le cercle vicieux de la pauvreté en Éthiopie | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Avec l'aide du Centre de recherches pour le développement international du ... sur le logement, les installations sanitaires, la nutrition et la santé de la collectivité. ... Des photographies aériennes montrent que la surface des terres cultivées a ...

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 26 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Projet de recherche sur les sexospécificités et les TIC en Afrique (GRACE) ... Bilan social des services sanitaires dans les collectivités de deux districts de l' ... Les subtilités des interactions entre les technologies de l'information et de la ...

  13. L’équité au cœur des politiques climatiques : l’exemple des négociations relatives au climat et de la recherche de solutions à la crise énergétique

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    Loïc Aubrée


    Full Text Available L’article débat de la question de l’équité dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Il établit un parallèle entre le développement pris au niveau international de la négociation entre Etats d’une part, et la pauvreté au niveau d’une collectivité d’autre part. Dans les deux cas, il s’agit à la fois d’un principe moral essentiel, mais aussi d’une condition centrale des consensus et donc de la réussite des politiques face au défi climatique. La question de l’équité renvoie aussi très vite au changement nécessaire des modes de vie vers plus de sobriété.The article debates Equity Issues in the Climate Change debate is debated. A parallel is set between the development issues at the international level of negotiations between States, and poverty alleviation at the local community level. In both cases, the discussions stem from an essential moral principle, but also as a requisite for consensus and thus a condition of success of climate change policies to combat Climate Change. The issue of equity brings also forward the necessary modification of consumption patterns, into more frugal modes.

  14. Vers des modèles de services juridiques de base viables et pouvant ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    17 mai 2016 ... 6 Par exemple, Opportunidades, au Mexique, rejoint environ le quart de la population; Bolsa Familia, au Brésil, rejoint 12 millions de familles; et le Kecamatan Development Programme, en Indonésie, procure des subventions destinées à de modestes projets d'infrastructure à la moitié des villages ruraux.

  15. Le risque naturel, l'élu et l'ingénieur dans les Pyrénées Ariégeoises


    Antoine , Jean-Marc; Desailly , Bertrand


    International audience; En France, comme dans la plupart des pays alpins, la gestion des risques naturels est confiée à un service d'Etat spécialisé : le service de Restauration des Terrains en montagne (RTM). De ce fait, ce service est devenu l'interlocuteur privilégié des élus et des collectivités locales en matière de risques naturels spécifiques à la montagne.

  16. Local energy policies: Planning devices and coaching tools - Example of the French case; Politiques energetiques locales: Dispositifs de planification et outils d'accompagnement - Exemple du cas francais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chanard, Camille; de Sede-Marceau, Marie-Helene


    Collectivities traditionally have multiple responsibilities linked to energy. They act directly on the energy chain (production-distribution-consumption) through their heritage, but also on the tripych space-environment-society, in particular through their planning choices. Hence, all the public policies are concerned by the energy theme. However, collectivities seem to suffer from an information deficit, both on planning devices that can be mobilized and on the territory features. This article proposes to realise an overview tour of the coaching tools that can be used by the French territories collectivities to build efficient energy policies. [French] Les collectivites ont traditionnellement des responsabilites multiples en lien avec l'energie. Elles agissent directement sur la chaine energetique (production-distribution-consommation) a travers leur patrimoine, mais aussi sur le triptyque espace-environnement-societe, en particulier a travers leurs choix d'amenagement. Ainsi, toutes les politiques publiques sont concernees par la thematique ' energie '. Cependant, les collectivites semblent souffrir d'un deficit d'information, tant sur les dispositifs de planification pouvant etre mobilises que sur les caracteristiques du territoire. Cet article propose de realiser un tour d'horizon de l'ensemble des outils d'accompagnements pouvant etre mobilises par les collectivites territoriales francaises pour construire des politiques energetiques efficaces.

  17. Un essai réussi : l'approche participative pour les pâturages de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 oct. 2010 ... À mesure qu'elle s'ouvrait à une économie de marché, la Mongolie a restitué la ... définissant les modes de gestion des pâturages et des ressources connexes. ... La cogestion permet aux collectivités pauvres d'avoir accès aux ... points saillants de la table ronde internationale des économistes en chef.

  18. AGRICULTURE DURABLE De nouvelles pratiques sont source de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 nov. 2010 ... Depuis 1970, les travaux de recherche soutenus par le CRDI ont permis à des agriculteurs et à des collectivités de pays en développement d'adopter des pratiques agricoles durables. Le résultant? Une productivité accrue, un recul de la pauvreté, une plus grande sécurité alimentaire et un environnement ...

  19. Réduire la pollution dans les bidonvilles de Jakarta: Haryanti ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 déc. 2010 ... Collectivités et administrations locales se concertent pour résoudre les problèmes Chaque année, des dizaines de milliers de migrants, provenant surtout des zones rurales, affluent vers Jakarta en quête de travail et d'une vie meilleure. La plupart se retrouvent dans des bidonvilles tels que Penjaringan, ...

  20. Experience on country brand website and the formation of tourist des-tination image: a study in Iceland

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    Dirceu Tornavoi de Carvalho


    Full Text Available The research aims to verify if the experience with country brands website influences the image and attractiveness of a touristic destination in the consumers’ minds as also in their intention to visit the destination. A pre-test/post-test pre-experimental study with a 30 undergraduate students sample in a university of São Paulo was conducted. The treatment consisted of exposing the subjects to the Iceland official touristic site. The dependent variables were the touristic attractiveness perception and the intention to visit Iceland. The evaluation of the browsing experience was measured using scales of online consumer behavior literature. The two hypotheses were: (1 that positive online experience positively influences the destination image formation and (2 positively influences the intention of visit, were supported by statistical means comparison tests before and after treatment. The content analysis of the open question, performed after treatment, showed the effect that the knowledge acquired by pleasurable navigation have in shaping the image and increasing the intention of visiting a touristic destination.

  1. Accès à l'eau

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Grâce à la modélisation par ordinateur faisant appel à des techniques de pointe et à la consultation des collectivités, l'organisme bolivien Agua Sustentable a trouvé des solu- tions politiques à des conflits qui auraient pu s'avérer désastreux au sujet de l'accès à l'eau. Cet organisme de recherche subventionné par le CRDI ...

  2. Compte-rendu des journées des rencontres orales en ligne pour l'apprentissage les 22-23 juin 2007, The Open University, Royaume-Uni

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    Marie-Noëlle Lamy


    Full Text Available L'association Baal-CUP (British Association for Applied Linguistics avec Cambridge University Press finance régulièrement des journées destinées à susciter des débats entre une vingtaine de chercheurs très actifs d'un domaine bien ciblé. Soutenue par Baal-CUP, l'Open Universitya organisé en juin dernier deux journées sur le thème des rencontres orales en ligne pour l'apprentissage (Spoken Online Learning Events ou Sole. Sole a réuni principalement mais non exclusivem...

  3. Biodiversité des emballages-feuilles végétales utilisées dans l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 30, 2013 ... 3: Laboratoire d'Écologie Appliquée, Département d'Aménagement et de Gestion des .... aliments semi-solides ou solides destinés à être ..... sémi-liquide, pâteux, solide) et en groupes ..... La prolifération des déchets.

  4. Destination Marketing and Management


    Kocková, Jitka


    Work presents the theoretical aspects of destination management and marketing. It defines the destination management and sustainable development of tourism. The work is applied to destination management and destination marketing in region Sokolovsko. For this destiaci is proposed marketing strategy and marketing mix.

  5. Les TIC permettent d'accroître l'équité en santé en Jordanie | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 oct. 2013 ... L'un des problèmes les plus graves auxquels se heurtent les collectivités rurales est le manque d'accès à des services de santé de qualité et à de l'information adéquate en matière de santé.

  6. Rethinking Destination Image

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Josiassen, Alexander; Kock, Florian; Assaf, Albert G.

    A central research question in tourism management concerns tourist’s choice of specific destinations. The present article reviews the extant literature on destination image. From this review we suggest that individuals have a multitude of destination associations – the total imagery which relates....... The article further provides an extensive review of the literature with regard to the definitions, dimensionality, antecedents, and outcomes of the focal concepts as well as geographical scope of destination imagery and image studies and methodologies. This review has led to a novel understanding...

  7. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Vietnam : Les communes du Vietnam ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    16 déc. 2010 ... Les communes du Vietnam progressent grâce à l'information Au Vietnam, un système de suivi communautaire de la pauvreté s'appuie sur des enquêtes officielles afin de mieux cibler les pauvres. Les données supplémentaires permettent d'améliorer la vie des collectivités, celle des femmes en particulier.

  8. Ressources libres et qualité du téléenseignement en Asie | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche sera menée par un réseau réunissant des universités, des organismes de formation et des collectivités d'apprentissage rurales de onze pays, certains ayant une expérience du téléenseignement (en Indonésie, au Japon, en Malaisie, aux Philippines et au Pakistan) et d'autres qui sont novices dans le ...

  9. Résultats de recherche | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  10. Ce que nous faisons | Page 71 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  11. Conflit, déplacements et reconstruction après-guerre : le cas de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    30 nov. 2015 ... La guerre cause des pertes aux personnes, aux familles et aux collectivités. Les survivants ont souvent perdu terre, foyer, biens, moyen de subsistance et réseau. Ils ont de la difficulté à obtenir du crédit, des soins de santé, de la formation, des services sanitaires et d'autres services afin de rebâtir leur vie.

  12. Impact of Tourist Perceptions, Destination Image and Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Conceptual Model

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    R Rajesh


    Full Text Available The objective this research paper is develops a destination loyalty theoretical model by using tourist perception, destination image and tourist satisfaction. These study analysis components, attributes, factor influencing the destination image and examine the tourist satisfaction and determinants of destination loyalty. This is a conceptual paper attempts at evaluating recent empirical on destination image, tourist satisfaction and loyalty. The conceptual framework model is developed on the basis of existing theoretical and empirical research in the field of destination marketing. The models include four constructs. Tourist Perception constructs has been influenced by factors like Historical and Cultural Attractions, Destination Affordability, Travel Environment, Natural Attractions, Entertainments and Infrastructure. Destination image construct has been influenced by factors like Infrastructure & Facilities, Heritage Attractions, Natural Made Attractions, Destination Safety & Cleanness, Friendly Local Community & Clam Atmosphere, Rejuvenation and Service Price and Affordability. The satisfaction construct has been influenced by factors like Entertainments, Destination Attractions and Atmosphere, Accommodation, Food, Transportation Services and Shopping. The destination loyalty construct has influenced by intentions to revisit, word of mouth promotion and recommending to others . The earlier study result reveals that tourist perception, destination image and tourist satisfaction directly influence destination loyalty. The outcomes of the study have significant managerial implications for destination marketing managers.

  13. Destination image and key drivers of perceived destination attractiveness

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    Josip Mikulić


    Full Text Available In this exploratory study authors combine several approaches to explore the images of two highly attractive tourist destinations: Hawai’i and Croatia. Two convenience samples were used: the image of Hawai’i was measured among Croatian undergraduate business students, and the image of Croatia was measured among Hawaiian tourism students. Functional and psychological image components were assessed at both a holistic and the attribute level. In addition, an importance-perception analysis was performed to assess the degree to which the destination image at the attribute level coincides with the students’ perception of an optimal destination. Finally, the authors conduct an importance grid analysis to explore the key drivers of the overall perceived destination attractiveness. The results provide a detailed insight into the images of Croatia and Hawaii, and reveal several interesting differences between the two student samples.

  14. A Research for Determining the Relationship between Destination Image and Destination Personality

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    Savaş Artuğer


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between destination image and destination personality. The sample group of the study consisted of tourists visiting Alanya district of Antalya province between June and August 2013. A brand personality scale developed by Aaker (1997 and a survey used for grading the destination image were used as tools for collecting data which were obtained from a total of 395 tourists for the application. Descriptive analyses such percentage, frequency, factor analysis (confirmatory and explanatory as well as statistical tests such as the reliability analysis were used for analyzing the obtained data. In addition the relationship between destination image and destination personality was analyzed with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEMAt the conclusion of the study there appeared to be negative and very weak relationship between affective image and destination personality while the relationship between cognitive image and destination personality appeared to be positive and strong. In addition Aaker’s (1997 5 dimensional brand personality grading turned out to be 4 dimensions. These dimensions were determined as excitement, ruggedness, competence and sincerity

  15. Methodology for Assessing Disruptions (MAD) Game Part I: Report and Analysis (United States)


    scientifique en chef (BSC) de RDDC et au Réseau des scientifiques en chef (CSNet). Elle pourra également intéresser d’autres intervenants de la...collectivité des S & T au sein de RDDC et des organisations partenaires des FC, notamment le Chef du Développement des Forces et les centres de guerres...creativity of the DRDC S&T professionals in developing futuristic systems that could provide an operational advantage to our CF partners. Part II of the

  16. The Influence of Destination Image on Medical Tourist’s Intention for Future Destination Choice

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    Norhaslin Abu Hassan


    Full Text Available This study proposed to explore how the image of a destination could influence medical tourists in choosing a destination as their future medical and tourism destination choice. Scholars argued that destination image had a significant relationship with behavioral intentions. Destination image influence not only the decision-making process but also conditions after-decision-making behaviors of tourists. In the current study context, the future destination choice behavior referred to the intention to revisit the previous destination and the intention to spread the positive word-of-mouth to others. For this study, inbound medical tourists from private hospitals registered with Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC in Penang, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor in Malaysia will be approached quantitatively by survey questionnaires. This study will contribute to an understanding of the significant factors influencing medical tourists’ intention for future destination choice.

  17. Adaptation de collectivités africaines aux changements climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Mis en oeuvre par des organisations non gouvernementales, les projets adopteront une démarche d'apprentissage par la pratique et viseront à trouver des façons de communiquer l'information au sujet des changements ... Managing Risk, Reducing Vulnerability and Enhancing Productivity under a Changing Climate.

  18. La place des enfants dans l'économie nationale | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... La place des enfants dans l'économie nationale .... en œuvre « plusieurs politiques de protection sociale » destinées à mettre ces groupes à ... health service provision and the monitoring of pregnant women, new mothers, chi.

  19. Élaboration d'une stratégie de lutte intégrée contre la pollution de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Élaboration d'une stratégie de lutte intégrée contre la pollution de l'eau à Yorito, au Honduras. Le Honduras connaît des problèmes chroniques de gestion des eaux usées et des déchets solides. Dans le cadre de réformes de décentralisation effectuées récemment, un projet de gestion des déchets axé sur la collectivité ...

  20. Experience on country brand website and the formation of tourist des-tination image: a study in Iceland


    Dirceu Tornavoi de Carvalho; Luciana Brandão Ferreira; Flávio Notomi Kanazawa; Priscilla Mendes Machado; Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi


    The research aims to verify if the experience with country brands website influences the image and attractiveness of a touristic destination in the consumers’ minds as also in their intention to visit the destination. A pre-test/post-test pre-experimental study with a 30 undergraduate students sample in a university of São Paulo was conducted. The treatment consisted of exposing the subjects to the Iceland official touristic site. The dependent variables were the touristic attractiveness perc...

  1. Exploration d’un système interfacique et de ses dynamiques : application au tourisme de réunions et de congrès

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christofle S.


    Full Text Available Le tourisme de réunions et de congrès fait se rassembler en un lieu nodal, durant au moins deux jours, des personnes issues d’horizons géographiques variés mais aux intérêts communs. Le système interfacique congressuel se structure autour de la réunion, interface immatérielle, qui prend place dans le palais des congrès, interface matérielle, et met en contact différents acteurs : congressistes, organisateurs, prestataires de services, collectivités territoriales. Ce système ouvert, localisé, s’articule autour de trois grands types d’interfaces, intra-réticulaires, inter-réseaux et réseaux-territoires dans le cadre de stratégies économiques, de destination et de développement territorial. Quatre grands effets sont induits : la diffusion et l’appropriation d’une information neuve, l’accélération de l’innovation et de l’expérimentation, la création d‘une expérience communautaire, le développement de la valeur.

  2. Informatisation de la gestion des compétences : évaluation de la démarche dans une collectivité territoriale


    Bachelet, Catherine; Galey, Béatrice


    Notion répandue mais difficile à cerner, la gestion des compétences peut être définie comme une instrumentation sur laquelle les acteurs professionnels de la GRH se fondent pour instruire leurs décisions de gestion (Gilbert, 2003). Constituée d'un « ensemble de pratiques visant à acquérir, stimuler et réguler les compétences des salariés » (Defélix et Retour, 2003), elle permet d'améliorer l'adéquation entre les compétences nécessaires et les compétences disponibles, pour optimiser la compéti...

  3. The Impact of Destination Exposure in Reality Shows on Destination Image, Familiarity, and Travel Intention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stacia Reviany Mege


    Full Text Available The increasing popularity of reality shows renders them as potential media for tourism promotion. However, there is limited research regarding the impact of destination exposure in reality shows. This study aimed to investigate the impact of destination exposure in television reality shows on destination image, familiarity, and travel intention. To test the hypotheses, a within subject experiment was conducted. A worldwide popular reality show, The Amazing Race, was used as a stimulus for the participants. The results revealed that, in general, both cognitive and affective destination im- ages were rated higher after watching the reality show. Furthermore, familiarity with the destination and travel intention to the destination increased after watching the destination in the reality show. The result of this study will be useful for destination marketing organization and the government to explore alternative promotional media and aid the promotion of tourism destination.

  4. Diasporas, transnationalisme et engagement : tamouls et cinghalais ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Diasporas, transnationalisme et engagement : tamouls et cinghalais au Canada et leurs liens avec le Sri Lanka. Ce projet examinera le rôle du financement et des réseaux de la diaspora dans le conflit ethnopolitique au Sri Lanka, en étudiant les réseaux des collectivités transnationales tamoule et cinghalaise au Canada ...

  5. Villes résilientes : aider les citadins vulnérables à s'adapter aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 mars 2018 ... Phone Credit: Mads Nissen / Panos. Alors que les villes s'étendent, le changement climatique exacerbe le stress exercé sur les collectivités pauvres déjà mises à l'épreuve par la croissance sauvage et l'insuffisance des services municipaux. Bon nombre de ces endroits faisant partie des centres urbains ...

  6. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Chili : Santé, environnement et culture ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 janv. 2011 ... Un regain de vie pour les collectivités Mapuche. Les populations autochtones sont parmi les plus pauvres et les plus marginalisées de la planète. Ce sont elles aussi qui sont les plus tributaires, pour leur bien-être, de milieux sains et durables. Au Chili, des chercheurs et des organisations mapuches, ...

  7. Making Strategies in Destination Branding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    da Silva Oliveira, Eduardo


    The need for strategic thinking in destination branding has been demanded regarding the challenges tourism destinations are facing nowadays, such as at the digital level. The utilization of Information Communication Technology by tourism destinations, when well-articulated with a destination

  8. Les rues fermées : du collectif à la collectivité. Regards croisés Nantes/Recife Gated streets: from social affinity to community. Crossed looks Nantes/Recife

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fanny Vuaillat


    Full Text Available Cet article propose une analyse des rues fermées, publiques ou privées, dans deux contextes différents, Nantes en France et Recife au Brésil. Ce double regard analytique permet de s’extraire des effets de contextes pour tenter de percevoir le sens commun de ces rues dans la fabrique de la ville fermée. À partir d’une série d’observations et d’entretiens auprès de responsables techniques ou politiques des pouvoirs publics locaux, ainsi qu’auprès d’habitants, plusieurs rues fermées servent à appréhender la manière dont l’installation d’un obstacle au passage instaure une frontière qui impose un rapport négocié, non exempt de frictions, du collectif à constituer à la collectivité. Cette limite ne sert pas tant un entre-soi affinitaire, qu’elle ne préserve des intérêts communs, pour lesquels il s’agit de former un collectif. Il faut donc trouver un équilibre, qui s’avère être soit frictionnel, soit établi sur la base d’un consensus a minima. Mais les pouvoirs publics, avec un discours ambigu, laissent des marges de manœuvre à une négociation en initiant une gouvernance urbaine sur les bases de frontières, physiques et juridiques, malléables et poreuses.The article analyses restricted and gated streets in both different context, Nantes in France and Recife in Brazil. This double analysis minimizes the effects of context and tries to perceive generic meaning in the restricted city. Starting from observations and interviews with the representatives of local authorities and the dwellers, several examples are used to understand the installation of an obstacle which creates a border and imposes negotiation (not necessarily free from tensions between the dwellers group to be formed and the local authorities. This limit preserves a community of interest, more than a social affinity community. This kind of stability can be frictional or based on a soft consensus. Nevertheless, the ambiguous view of the

  9. La traite des femmes d’Europe de l’Est en Italie


    Andrijasevic, Rutvica


    Les études féministes sur le trafic des femmes pour l’industrie du sexe ont, pour la plupart, concerné les conditions de vie et de travail des femmes « trafiquées » lorsqu’elles arrivent dans le pays de destination. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, le débat féministe sur le trafic s’apparente aux anciens débats sur la prostitution, mettant l’accent sur des thèmes comme la violence contre les femmes et le travail sexuel. L’article propose de détourner l’attention toujours trop centrée sur les conditions d...

  10. Blessures liées à une chute chez les aînés canadiens entre 2005 et 2013 : une analyse de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes

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    M. T. Do


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nous décrivons l’épidémiologie et les tendances des blessures liées à une chute chez les aînés canadiens de 65 ans et plus selon le sexe et l’âge, ainsi que les circonstances et les conséquences de ces blessures. Méthodologie: Nous avons utilisé des données représentatives tirées des échantillons de 2005, de 2009-2010 et de 2013 de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes afin de calculer le nombre et les taux de blessures liées à une chute pour chaque année d’enquête. Nous avons combiné, dans la mesure du possible, les données d’au moins deux échantillons afin d’estimer la proportion de blessures liées à une chute par type de blessure, partie du corps affectée, type d’activité et type de traitement. Résultats: Le taux de blessures liées à une chute chez les aînés est passé de 49,4 à 58,8 pour 1 000 personnes entre 2005 et 2013, période durant laquelle le nombre de blessures liées à une chute a de façon générale augmenté de 54 %. Les femmes ont présenté des taux plus élevés que les hommes pour toutes les années d’enquête, ces taux augmentant avec l’âge. La tendance à la hausse dans les taux de blessures liées à une chute était plus marquée chez les femmes et les plus jeunes. Les cassures et les fractures (37 % ont été les blessures les plus courantes, et l’épaule et le bras (16 % ont été les parties du corps les plus couramment affectées. Plusieurs blessures liées à une chute se sont produites alors que la personne marchait sur une surface non enneigée ou glacée (45 %. Plus de 70 % des aînés qui ont cherché à obtenir des soins médicaux pour leur blessure se sont rendus au service d’urgence d’un hôpital. Conclusion: Compte tenu de l’augmentation du nombre et des taux de blessures liées à une chute au fil du temps, la surveillance des tendances et des profils de ces dernières demeure nécessaire.

  11. Les destins divergents des régionalismes flamands et francophones : une perspective historique

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    Geoffrey Pion


    Full Text Available Les tensions entre francophones et néerlandophones tournant autour d'une régionalisation de compétences fédérales ne sont pas nouvelles et s'inscrivent dans un lent processus de poussée régionaliste émanant aussi bien du sud que du nord du pays depuis près d'un siècle. Nous reviendrons dans cet article sur l'histoire politique et électorale du régionalisme en Belgique. Nous montrerons comment des poussées régionalistes régulières ont transformé l’État belge unitaire en un État décentralisé dans lequel le fédéral a perdu peu à peu ses prérogatives. L’hypothèse principale qui sous-tend cet article est que les partis régionalistes ont connu des succès électoraux temporaires (1919-21, 1936, 1965-77, 2009- ?, suivis de déclins dès que les revendications régionalistes des opinions étaient satisfaites. La vague suivante repose alors sur un approfondissement des revendications régionalistes. Dans ce cadre, nous insisterons en particulier sur le soutien croissant des partis régionalistes au nord du pays contrastant avec l'absence de parti régionaliste wallon depuis le milieu des années 1980. Nous montrons enfin que les vagues régionalistes successives reposent sur des géographies à chaque fois renouvelées, à l’exception notable du rôle d’Anvers au sein du mouvement flamand.The tensions between French-speaking and Dutch-speaking communities in Belgium about the regionalization of federal competences are not new and have to be understood in the long history of regionalism. This article tells the history and the geography of regional waves in Belgium. We will in particular show how these successive regionalist fevers have progressively reshaped the Belgian Central State into a federal State where regions gain in competences over the time. The main hypothesis is that regionalist parties have gone through temporary electoral successes (1919-21, 1936, 1965-77, 2009-?, followed by long period of decline as

  12. Recours aux TIC pour résoudre les problèmes d'eau en Ouganda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent grandement aider les collectivités à se préparer et à s'adapter aux effets des changements climatiques. Divers projets rendent compte de l'utilité de recourir à de nouvelles technologies (telles que le téléphone mobile) et à des technologies classiques ...

  13. Nutrition et sécurité alimentaire dans les hautes terres du Vietnam et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nutrition et sécurité alimentaire dans les hautes terres du Vietnam et de la Thaïlande. La malnutrition demeure un problème grave au Vietnam et en Thaïlande, surtout dans les hautes terres, où vivent la plupart des minorités ethniques. Ces collectivités connaissent actuellement des changements socioéconomiques ...

  14. Recours aux TIC pour résoudre les problèmes d'eau en Ouganda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 janv. 2012 ... Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent grandement aider les collectivités à se préparer et à s'adapter aux effets des changements climatiques. Divers projets rendent compte de l'utilité de recourir à de nouvelles technologies (telles que le téléphone mobile) et à des ...

  15. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Chili : Santé, environnement et culture autochtone

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 janv. 2011 ... Au Chili, des chercheurs et des organisations mapuches, parrainés par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), travaillent en collaboration afin de mieux gérer l'environnement local et d'améliorer la santé de la collectivité. Ce faisant, ils ont conçu une approche novatrice du ...

  16. Sami tourism in destination development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Lise Smed


    through stakeholder collaboration in Jokkmokk, Sweden and Kautokeino, Norway. The study indicates that collaboration between destination marketing organisations and Sami stakeholders has been initiated and has improved destination marketing. Conflicts relating to indigenous identity and land use are more......Indigenous tourism has become an important component of the tourism industry. Previous indigenous tourism research has indicated three conflict areas that can have an impact on destination development - internal conflicts over indigenous identity, the use of indigenous culture in destination...... marketing, and land-use conflicts. To varying degrees these areas of conflict have been found to impact local and regional destination development in northern Europe. This paper draws on case studies to understand how conflicts in Sami tourism in local and regional destination development are addressed...

  17. Santé des mères et des adolescentes en Afrique de l'Ouest : vers ...

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    Un nombre élevé de femmes et d'adolescentes continuent de mourir en couches au Niger et au Bénin. Le défi réside dans la façon de régler ce problème. Ce projet vise à améliorer la piètre qualité des services de santé destinés aux mères et aux adolescentes afin de trouver une solution durable à la mortalité évitable.


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    Full Text Available The present research aims at contributing to the field of Online Communication for tourism destinations. It provides a study on online communication of Romanian main tourism destinations, focusing on DMOs’ websites completeness in terms of contents and on their capability to respond to users’ needs. The results of the current research show that the Romanian Destination Websites offer a poor online experience for users, in terms of content, functionalities and fail to fully satisfy the needs and wants of potential tourists. This study is important for establishing the strategies for developing the tourism destination management in Romania.

  19. Débats d'experts sur la réaction des femmes à la crise économique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 nov. 2010 ... Les expertes invitées Devaki Jain et Diane Elson ont traité des répercussions de l'actuelle crise économique mondiale sur les femmes des pays en développement, et présenté le programme économique en sept points de Casablanca Dream destiné à aider les femmes à se sortir de la pauvreté.


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    Karmen Andrea MEZEI


    Full Text Available Tourism development has environmental and social consequences upon local and global communities. The impact of tourism must be kept within certain limits which are set up by sustainable tourism. Meanwhile the viability of the investment must be assured. Tourism development matrix is the tourist destination. Destination management must ensure the balance between economic, social, cultural, and environmental activities. Competitive destination management organization means a harmonious combination between planning, lobby, coordination and marketing (promotion. The recommendation of an integrated meta plan for Romanian balneal spa could be the choice for a successful tourism development.

  1. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique (United States)

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  2. A Research for Determining the Relationship between Destination Image and Destination Personality


    Savaş Artuğer; Burçin Cevdet Çetinsöz


    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between destination image and destination personality. The sample group of the study consisted of tourists visiting Alanya district of Antalya province between June and August 2013. A brand personality scale developed by Aaker (1997) and a survey used for grading the destination image were used as tools for collecting data which were obtained from a total of 395 tourists for the application. Descriptive analyses such percentage, frequenc...

  3. Le groupe de travail EPNAC

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    MOLLE, Pascal


    Full Text Available En France, les procédés de traitement des eaux usées des petites et moyennes collectivités sont en constante évolution et leur diversité augmente fortement. Constitué à l'initiative d'Irstea, le groupe de travail EPNAC a pour objectif de mutualiser et de diffuser une information technique et cohérente sur ces procédés auprès des acteurs de l'assainissement.

  4. Predicting Tourist Loyalty to a Small Emerging Destination – The Importance of Destination Image

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    Bình Nghiêm-Phú


    Full Text Available In the Southeast Asia region, Vietnam is a developing country and also a developing tourism destination. The number of international tourists to Vietnam has been increasing in recent years. However, the post-trip issues (e.g., not returning, bad word-of-mouth have become the focal points of many arguments. Based on the existing literature, this study devel- oped and tested a theoretical model to predict international tourists’ loyalty to Vietnam from a combination of destination image, tourist motivation, and overall trip satisfaction. The findings revealed that destination image significantly and positively predicted tourists’ overall satisfaction with the trip and their loyalty to the country in the future. Tourist motiva- tion had some weak but significant effects on both overall trip satisfaction and destination loyalty when tested separately; however, the effect on overall trip satisfaction could not be observed when controlled by destination image. Implications were discussed for Vietnam and other small emerging destinations.

  5. Generating Multi-Destination Maps. (United States)

    Zhang, Junsong; Fan, Jiepeng; Luo, Zhenshan


    Multi-destination maps are a kind of navigation maps aimed to guide visitors to multiple destinations within a region, which can be of great help to urban visitors. However, they have not been developed in the current online map service. To address this issue, we introduce a novel layout model designed especially for generating multi-destination maps, which considers the global and local layout of a multi-destination map. We model the layout problem as a graph drawing that satisfies a set of hard and soft constraints. In the global layout phase, we balance the scale factor between ROIs. In the local layout phase, we make all edges have good visibility and optimize the map layout to preserve the relative length and angle of roads. We also propose a perturbation-based optimization method to find an optimal layout in the complex solution space. The multi-destination maps generated by our system are potential feasible on the modern mobile devices and our result can show an overview and a detail view of the whole map at the same time. In addition, we perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our method, and the results prove that the multi-destination maps achieve our goals well.

  6. Claudie Haignere a presente le lundi 5 mai 2003 la candidature de la France a l'implantation d'ITER a Philippe Busquin, commissaire europeen a la Recherche

    CERN Multimedia


    Claudie Haignere a precise les assurances et les engagements de la France, notamment sur le plan financier, en rappelant les montants sur lesquels les collectivites locales se sont deja engagees par des votes, a la hauteur de 447 M d'euros.

  7. Communications en cas de catastrophe faisant appel aux TIC pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Communications en cas de catastrophe faisant appel aux TIC pour les collectivités vulnérables des Caraïbes. De récents événements survenus dans les Caraïbes ont mis en relief les insuffisances des mesures régionales et nationales de préparation aux catastrophes. On manque particulièrement de systèmes d'alerte ...

  8. : tous les projets | Page 584 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Ce projet examinera le rôle du financement et des réseaux de la diaspora dans le conflit ethnopolitique au Sri Lanka, en étudiant les réseaux des collectivités transnationales tamoule et cinghalaise au Canada et leurs liens avec le Sri Lanka. Date de début : 4 janvier 2007. End Date: 22 juillet 2010. Sujet: SRI LANKA ...

  9. Résultats de recherche | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    avoir accès à des matières premières agricoles. La région dispose d'un réseau de distribution et d'un réseau de vente au détail peu développés. Projet. Production de la pomme de terre et accroissement de la sécurité alimentaire des collectivités ...

  10. Tanzanie | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cinq ans après avoir remis en service ses premiers ordinateurs recyclés et leur avoir trouvé un nouveau nid, l'organisation non gouvernementale Computers ... la participation des collectivités et des responsables locaux aux principales décisions et aux efforts déployés pour améliorer les services de santé peut améliorer le ...

  11. Integrated model of destination competitiveness

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    Armenski Tanja


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to determine the weakest point of Serbian destination competitiveness as a tourist destination in comparation with its main competitors. The paper is organized as follows. The short introduction of the previous research on the destination competitiveness is followed by description of the Integrated model of destination competitiveness (Dwyer et al, 2003 that was used as the main reference framework. Section three is devoted to the description of the previous studies on competitiveness of Serbian tourism, while section four outlines the statistical methodology employed in this study and presents and interprets the empirical results. The results showed that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and created resources than in destination management while, according to the Integrated model, Serbia is less competitive in demand conditions that refer to the image and awareness of the destination itself.

  12. Destination memory in social interaction: better memory for older than for younger destinations in normal aging? (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Raffard, Stéphane; Fasotti, Luciano; Allain, Philippe


    Destination memory, a memory component allowing the attribution of information to its appropriate receiver (e.g., to whom did I lend my pen?), is compromised in normal aging. The present paper investigated whether older adults might show better memory for older destinations than for younger destinations. This hypothesis is based on empirical research showing better memory for older faces than for younger faces in older adults. Forty-one older adults and 44 younger adults were asked to tell proverbs to older and younger destinations (i.e., coloured faces). On a later recognition test, participants had to decide whether they had previously told some proverb to an older/younger destination or not. Prior to this task, participants reported their frequency of contact with other-age groups. The results showed lower destination memory in older adults than in younger adults. Interestingly, older adults displayed better memory for older than for younger destinations. The opposite pattern was seen in younger adults. The low memory for younger destinations, as observed in older adults, was significantly correlated with limited exposure to younger individuals. These findings suggest that for older adults, the social experience can play a crucial role in the destination memory, at least as far as exposure to other-age groups is concerned.

  13. Bâle 3 : Quels impacts sur le financement des pays émergents ?


    Figuet, Jean-Marc; Humblot, Thomas; Lahet, Delphine


    La persistance de crises bancaires démontre l'incapacité des établissements de crédit à s'autoréguler. De ce fait, le Comité de Bâle étend largement le périmètre de la nouvelle règlementation prudentielle. Sur la base de la littérature sur les déterminants des flux de capitaux transfrontières et d'un GMM système, cet article analyse l'impact potentiel de l'accord Bâle 3 sur les flux de capitaux bancaires provenant des banques de 16 pays industrialisés à destination d'un panel de 30 pays émerg...


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    Ni Made - Asti Aksari


    Full Text Available Bali's economy has grown rapidly since a decade ago. This is possible because tourism is growing continuously. However, tourism growth is not optimal because of insufficient promotion and tourism destination identity is unclear.  The growth of Web 2.0 as a platform to share travel information has prompted tourism bodies to pay closer attention to how their destinations are perceived by target markets. Set within the context of the emergence of Web 2.0, a platform designed to enable users to generate and share information on the Internet, this paper evaluates the relationship between destination identity and destination image and adopts the view that a successful destination brand relies on the congruence between destination identity and destination image. The elements of destination identity are composed from the supply side and the elements of destination image are composed from the consumer side. The objective of exploring the alignment between these two perspectives is to propose a model to encourage the alignment of these two perspectives and evaluate the effectiveness of a destination branding strategy.

  15. Gérer la communication numérique communale guide pratique 2.0 à destination des communes

    CERN Document Server

    Allard, Philippe


    Pour une meilleure communication numérique des communes.La ville, la commune 2.0 existe bel et bien. Souvent, les sites-vitrines d''autrefois ont laissé la place à d''authentiques sites web pensés et conçus pour englober un maximum de fonctionnalités. En suivant l''évolution des comportements et usages des citoyens, la commune reste au plus proche de ceux-ci, et c''est bien là son intérêt.Une communication numérique beaucoup plus large, qui englobe notamment la gestion de la présence et de l''activité sur les réseaux sociaux, est un gage de démocratie.Chaque concept est introduit par une déf

  16. Network Analysis of Cooperation in Tourism Destinations

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    Gajdošík Tomáš


    Full Text Available Globalisation on the tourism market causes that the competition is not formed only between stakeholders in a destination, but more and more it is created among destinations. Therefore tourism stakeholders in a destination have to act together and cooperate. The cooperative behaviour of destination stakeholders is seen as a main prerequisite of applying the cooperative destination management, which influences the competitiveness of destination on tourism market.

  17. A Model of Tourism Destination Competitiveness: The case of the Italian Destinations of Excellence

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    Gianluca Goffi


    Full Text Available Tourism worldwide is becoming increasingly competitive. Competitiveness has been associated in the tourism literature as a critical element for the success of tourism destinations. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying and analyzing the various factors that influence the competitiveness of tourism destinations. The paper extends the Richie & Crouch (2000 model and develops a set of indicators that considers the different issues concerning tourism competitiveness. The indicators are focused on the various dimensions of sustainability. The paper offers insights into the model, each determinant has been extensively described. The aim of the paper is to test whether and to what extent the current set of indicators integrated into the present model can help explaining the competitiveness of a tourism destination. The model is tested on a unique dataset of 610 Italian Destinations of Excellence. Principal Component Analysis is applied on the responses to the items measuring destination competitiveness.

  18. Paramètres d’évaluation des programmes de prévention des blessures chez les jeunes travailleurs occupant des professions à haut risque : examen de la portée de la littérature

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    Jennifer Smith


    ésentait une méthode destinée à élaborer des paramètres permettant de prédire les taux de blessure. Conclusion. Des paramètres spécifiques à l’évaluation des programmes de prévention des blessures chez les jeunes travailleurs sont nécessaires, car les paramètres actuels sont insuffisants pour prévoir la diminution du nombre de blessures en lien avec la mise en place de programmes. De notre analyse ressort une étude apte à constituer un modèle pertinent pour les recherches futures visant à élaborer des paramètres de base valides destinés aux jeunes travailleurs, afin de les appliquer ensuite aux programmes de prévention es blessures chez les jeunes.

  19. Destination Networks as a Tool for Minimizing the Risk and Improving the Performance of a Destination

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    Holešinská Andrea


    Full Text Available The management of a tourist destination in the form of networks is considered to be one of the possible approaches to destination governance structures. The concept of destination governance is based on the cooperation between actors from the public and private sectors. It is known that public–private relationships built on trust, joint risk taking and based on informal structures have a positive impact on the level of growth at a tourist destination. The aim of this paper is to quantify to what extent each of the determinants of the DMO success participate in the total destination performance, and thus point out the factors of a potential risk.

  20. Internal Brand Management of Destination Brands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cox, Natasha; Gyrd-Jones, Richard; Gardiner, Sarah


    Achieving a consistent brand experience across a destination and all brand-touch points is a major challenge in destination branding efforts. Strategies to manage the complexity of coordination across multiple network stakeholders are therefore critical for destination management organisations....... However, theories to inform these strategies are limited. This paper proposes that internal brand management theory provides a framework to explore strategies that may increase operator buy-in to the destination brand, thus creating a more consistent brand experience for visitors. Semi......-structured interviews with members of a destination brand network indicate that highly centralised networks hinder operator buy-in to the destination brand. Informal communication via more personalised sub-networks rather than directive leadership appear to facilitate knowledge sharing and create support mechanisms...

  1. Les bases de données : outils de stockage et d'exploitation des échantillonnages piscicoles

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    Full Text Available L'étude des relations espèces-environnement à différentes échelles d'espace et de temps impose la manipulation de grands volumes de données et la confrontation de différents types d'informations (biologiques et environnementales. Afin d'optimiser la gestion informatique des données écologiques, plusieurs bases de données (correspondant à des données de structures différentes ont été élaborées sur micro-ordinateur en utilisant des systèmes de gestion de bases de données différents autour desquels ont été développées des applications spécifiques destinées à faciliter et compléter la gestion de l'information, depuis la saisie des données jusqu'à l'obtention des tableaux à analyser.

  2. Résultats de recherche | Page 34 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet d'une durée de deux ans proposera et amorcera des stratégies fondées sur les données probantes en vue de créer des occasions d'emploi décentes et de soutenir l'entrepreneuriat face à la croissance ... Innovations en apprentissage numérique pour les réfugiés syriens et les collectivités d'accueil.

  3. Rompre le cycle de la pauvreté urbaine | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2010 ... De même, à Jakarta, un programme de conversion des sédiments des caniveaux en briques a permis de transformer un risque pour la santé publique en une ressource qui joue un rôle social tout en produisant un revenu pour la collectivité. David, un récupérateur de déchets de Cochabamba, est venu ...

  4. Rapport financier trimestriel pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 30

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sophie Comeau

    30 sept. 2011 ... politiques, de chercheurs et de collectivités de par le monde. ..... Financement : le CRDI est visé par l'Examen stratégique et ... Le Conseil des gouverneurs a amorcé la planification du recrutement du nouveau président.

  5. Les faits, une arme contre la pauvreté

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    L'engagement politique est essentiel à la viabilité du CBMS. .... La stratégie de mise en oeuvre du CBMS, qui consiste à faire participer les collectivités ...... travailleurs, de promouvoir l'emploi et de mettre sur pied des foires de recrutement.

  6. The use of probe characteristics in plasma in the presence of a magnetic field (1960); Utilisation des caracteristiques de sondes dans des plasmas en presence de champ magnetique (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brunet, A; Geller, R; Leroy, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In this article we recall the principal methods of interpretation of probe characteristics in plasma in the presence of magnetic fields. Our purpose is to resume and to present the methods in such a form as to be immediately applicable in a particular case. This article is therefore principally useful to experimenters. Finally we expose our practical view points by comparing of experimental methods. (author) [French] Dans cet article, nous rappelons les principales methodes d'interpretation des caracteristiques de sonde dans des plasmas en presence de champs magnetiques. Notre but est de resumer et de presenter sous forme inmediatement applicable ces methodes. Cet article est donc destine aux experimentateurs. Enfin, nous developpons nos etudes pratiques sur la question en etablissant des comparaisons experimentales entre les methodes. (auteur)

  7. Tourist destination image

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    Korićanin Maja


    Full Text Available In taking an advantages in tourism seems that image of specific tourist destination play an important role. This is very complex process but also a target for a wide list of potential stakeholders - not only organizations in this industry. Paper discuss a few relevant issues in connection to importance as well as development process of creating an image of tourist destination including well known Anhold model.

  8. Promoting tourism destination image

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Govers (Robert); F.M. Go (Frank); K. Kumar (Kuldeep)


    textabstractThis article examines the role of tourism promotion as a component of destination image formation. It reports the findings of a study in which 1,100 respondents from around the globe described their previsit perceived image of seven sample destinations, as well as the information sources


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    Heike BÄHRE


    Full Text Available Bucovina is a cultural landscape in the triangle bordered between the Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. Based on a theoretical planning approach in destination marketing management, Bucovina is to be regarded as a destination situated at the end of the involvement stage of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC. Literature, internet research, qualitative interviews, and on site-observations depict Bucovina as a travel destination. The authors explore the impact of the financial crisis on Bucovina and forecast the destination trend for the next few years. Finally, they give recommendations for development of the Bucovina region in a sustainable, rapid and regulated manner.

  10. Destination brand experience and visitor behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattsson, Jan; Sørensen, Flemming; Barnes, Stuart


    Destination branding has developed considerably as a topic area in the last decade with numerous conceptualizations focusing on different aspects of the brand. However, a unified view has not yet emerged. This paper examines destination branding via a new conceptualization, destination brand expe...

  11. Statistical analysis of tourism destination competitiveness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Attilio Gardini


    Full Text Available The growing relevance of tourism industry for modern advanced economies has increased the interest among researchers and policy makers in the statistical analysis of destination competitiveness. In this paper we outline a new model of destination competitiveness based on sound theoretical grounds and we develop a statistical test of the model on sample data based on Italian tourist destination decisions and choices. Our model focuses on the tourism decision process which starts from the demand schedule for holidays and ends with the choice of a specific holiday destination. The demand schedule is a function of individual preferences and of destination positioning, while the final decision is a function of the initial demand schedule and the information concerning services for accommodation and recreation in the selected destinations. Moreover, we extend previous studies that focused on image or attributes (such as climate and scenery by paying more attention to the services for accommodation and recreation in the holiday destinations. We test the proposed model using empirical data collected from a sample of 1.200 Italian tourists interviewed in 2007 (October - December. Data analysis shows that the selection probability for the destination included in the consideration set is not proportional to the share of inclusion because the share of inclusion is determined by the brand image, while the selection of the effective holiday destination is influenced by the real supply conditions. The analysis of Italian tourists preferences underline the existence of a latent demand for foreign holidays which points out a risk of market share reduction for Italian tourism system in the global market. We also find a snow ball effect which helps the most popular destinations, mainly in the northern Italian regions.

  12. Guide d'exploitation des filières de traitement par boues activées


    Boutin, C.; Caquel, O.; Dimastromatteo, N.,; Dumaine, J.,; Fernandes. G.,; Gervasi, C.; Parotin, S.; Prost Boucle, S.; Tscherter, C.


    / Ce guide, à destination des maîtres d'ouvrage et des exploitants, a pour objet de présenter de façon synthétique, les modalités d'exploitation courante d'une station d'épuration par boues activées de capacité < 600 kg DBO5/jour (soit 10 000 équivalents habitants (EH)), et dimensionnée dans le domaine de charge de l'aération prolongée (Cm < 0,1 kg DBO5 /kg MVS/jour). Conçu au fil de l'eau, il recense, tant pour la file eau que pour la file boues, l'ensemble des tâches d'exploitation courante...

  13. Programmes de conception de pages Web (article en arabe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    aux collectivités. Raisons pour lesquelles sont testés dix programmes dans une optique débutant, notamment HTML, script JAVA et autres. Testes qui ont permis de dégager les avantages et inconvénients de chacun des programmes cités.

  14. Gestion de l'eau — Des collectivités relèvent le défi de fournir de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... On a cru longtemps que la solution consistait à augmenter l'approvisionnement en eau par des moyens technologiques comme la construction de barrages, le détournement de cours d'eau et le dessalement. Mais cela ne suffit pas : pour répondre aux besoins, il faut aussi une meilleure gestion de l'eau et ...

  15. Gestion de l'eau — Des collectivités relèvent le défi de fournir de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... Ces recherches montrent clairement, en outre, que l'accès à l'eau de ... Zusammenarbeit (l'agence de coopération technique allemande) et de .... un accord : aucun détournement n'aurait lieu sans travaux scientifiques à l'appui. ... prometteur pour le règlement des différends internationaux relatifs à l'eau.

  16. Storing and evacuation of solid radioactive waste (1960); Stockage et evacuation des dechets radioactifs solides (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pomarola, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The object of this paper is to present the plans under consideration for the final destination of solid radioactive wastes. 1) It is first of all necessary to provide in each centre an organised temporary storage dump. Several types of temporary dumps are suitable and can coexist in the same area; on the ground, in buildings; in basements. 2) Definitive storage. To accomplish a definitive storage arrangement it is necessary, as a function of the activity and the conditioning of the wastes, to define: - the site and the means of transport considered both inside and outside nuclear centres. The solution adopted depends on the above imperatives, and plans for definitive storage on the ground, under ground and in the sea are examined successively. Economic considerations play a large part in the decision reached. (author) [French] La presente communication a pour objet les solutions envisagees pour une destination finale des dechets radioactifs solide. 1) Il est tout d'abord necessaire de prevoir, dans chaque centre, un stockage provisoire organise. Plusieurs types de stockage previsoire peuvent convenir et coexister sur une meme aire; stockage sur le sol; stockage en batiment; stockage en sous-sol. 2) Stockage definitif. La realisation d'un stockage definitif rend necessaire, en fonction de l'activite et du conditionnement des dechets, la definition: - du site et des modes de transports envisages a l'interieur et a l'exterieur des Centres Nucleaires. Le choix des solutions decoule des imperatifs ci-dessus et on examine successivement le stockage definitif, - sur le sol; dans le sous-sol; en mer. Les considerations d'ordre economique constituent un facteur important dans le choix de la solution. (auteur)

  17. Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le deuxième volume de cette série examine l'organisation, le fonctionnement et le rôle des télécentres communautaires. Il décrit l'expérience des télécentres dans de nombreuses collectivités, généralement situées en milieu rural, et analyse les structures et les mécanismes de gestion mis en place pour les appuyer.

  18. Food Sovereignty and Uncultivated Biodiversity in South Asia ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2007 ... Les auteurs mettent cette pratique en pleine lumière et démontrent la valeur des systèmes de production et de consommation alimentaires qui sont localisés plutôt que mondialisés. Issu d'une recherche sur le terrain très poussée réalisée en Inde et au Bangladesh en y associant des collectivités agricoles, ...

  19. Analyse des effets de deux modalités de constitution des groupes dans un dispositif hybride de formation à distance

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    Christian Depover


    Full Text Available Cette étude porte sur les effets de deux modalités de constitution des groupes (spontané versus contrasté dans un dispositif hybride de formation à distance destiné à des étudiants universitaires. Les scénarios d’apprentissage mis en œuvre à l’occasion de cette expérience reposent sur l’utilisation des cartes conceptuelles comme support au travail collaboratif. Les résultats observés n’ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de différence quant à la densité conceptuelle des cartes ou au nombre d’unités de sens produites. Par contre, il apparaît que les unités de sens qui concernent les activités de planification et les commentaires métacognitifs sont nettement plus nombreuses au sein des groupes constitués par pairage contrasté. Une corrélation positive entre l’intensité des interactions à l’intérieur du forum et la densité conceptuelle des cartes produites a également été mise en évidence pour les groupes constitués sur la base d’un pairage contrasté. En ce qui concerne le pairage spontané, nos résultats indiquent que les paires constituées témoignent d’un comportement plus homogène, se révèlent plus collaboratives et consacrent moins d’effort à la planification du travail de groupe.

  20. Destination memory in traumatic brain injuries. (United States)

    Wili Wilu, Amina; Coello, Yann; El Haj, Mohamad


    Destination memory, which is socially driven, refers to the ability to remember to whom one has sent information. Our study investigated destination memory in patients with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Patients and control participants were invited to tell proverbs (e.g., "the pen is mightier than the sword") to pictures of celebrities (e.g., Barack Obama). Then they were asked to indicate to which celebrity they had previously told the proverbs. Besides the assessment of destination memory, participants performed a binding task in which they were required to associate letters with their corresponding location. Analysis demonstrated less destination memory and binding in patients with TBIs than in controls. In both populations, significant correlations were observed between destination memory and performances on the binding task. These findings demonstrate difficulty in the ability to attribute information to its appropriate destination in TBI patients, perhaps owing to difficulties in binding separate information together to form a coherent representation of an event in memory.


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    Liliana HÎNCU


    Full Text Available Tourism is a dynamic phenomenon, which is in continuous change. The tourism market is in constant transformation due to competition and growing. Tourist destinations, is facing many challenges in order to enter and remain on the market. Thus tourist destination is a well-defined service which is an assembly designed to meet tourists. The marketing mix includes the following elements: product, price, distribution, promotion. Tourists come to this area because of monasteries, some of which are included in UNESCO and are recognized nationally and internationally. Thus Romanian tourists choose this tourist destination just for a weekend. To prolong the stay of both foreigners and Romanians, as well as to attract a large number of tourists is necessary to develop tourism products type tours: 5-6 days for visiting the tourist area of Radauti. These products must contain an offer as varied and diverse, so every day contain different activities and be adjusted, for example by age segments. Linked pricing policy usually access tariffs are differentiated between Romanian and foreign tourists, being lower in the first category. Travel agencies prefer to organize package tours on request only devise some that distribute them internally and externally. There are initiatives to promote tourism area Radauti, due to the high attractiveness among destinations in Romania. Thus, this must be considered a tourist destination tourism brand renowned nationally and internationally.

  2. Destination bonding: Hybrid cognition using Instagram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arup Kumar Baksi


    Full Text Available Empirical research has identified the phenomenon of destination bonding as a result of summated physical and emotional values associated with the destination. Physical values, namely natural landscape & other physical settings and emotional values, namely the enculturation processes, have a significant role to play in portraying visitors’ cognitive framework for destination preference. The physical values seemed to be the stimulator for bonding that embodies action or behavior tendencies in imagery. The emotional values were the conditions that lead to affective bonding and are reflected in attitudes for a place which were evident in text narratives. Social networking on virtual platforms offers the scope for hybrid cognitive expression using imagery and text to the visitors. Instagram has emerged as an application-window to capture these hybrid cognitions of visitors. This study focuses on assessing the relationship between hybrid cognition of visitors expressed via Instagram and their bond with the destination. Further to this, the study attempts to examine the impact of hybrid cognition of visitors on the behavioral pattern of prospective visitors to the destination. The study revealed that sharing of visual imageries and related text by the visitors is an expression of the physico-emotional bonding with the destination. It was further established that hybrid cognition strongly asserts destination bonding and has been also found to have moderating impact on the link between destination bonding and electronic-word-of-mouth.

  3. Treatment and storage of contaminated materials; Traitement et stockage des materiels contamines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, P; Pomarola, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The ultimate disposal of radioactive wastes sets an important problem which has been partly solved. France has temporarily adopted the following method: 1) Volume reduction, 2) Fixation of the activity in non leakable solids standing all temporarily or ultimate kinds of storing. According to those two basic principles the authors have presented: - a decontamination plant allowing maximum recovery of materials, - the plans of an installation devised for carrying out radioactive waste volume reduction and conditioning. Both of them are being built at Saclay. (author) [French] La destination finale des residus radioactifs pose un probleme imparfaitement resolu. La France a adopte, comme solution d'attente, le processus ci-dessous: 1) Reduction des volumes, 2) Confinement de l'activite dans des solides non lechables et pouvant resister a tous modes de stockage provisoire ou definitif. A partir des idees directrices, MM. CERRE et POMAROLA ont presente: - un batiment de decontamination permettant de recuperer le maximum de materiaux, - un projet d'installation visant a la reduction du volume des dechets radioactifs et leur conditionnement. Ces deux installations sont en cours d'execution a Saclay. (auteur)

  4. Community Assessment of Natural Food Sources of Vitamin A ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce manuel constitue un guide pratique qui aide à évaluer, étape par étape, divers aspects des sources alimentaires naturelles de vitamine A dans une collectivité. C'est un document essentiel pour tout programme de recherche qui cherche à lutter contre la carence en vitamine A.

  5. Destination and source memory in Huntington's disease. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Caillaud, Marie; Verny, Christophe; Fasotti, Luciano; Allain, Philippe


    Destination memory refers to the recall of the destination of previously relayed information, and source memory refers to the recollection of the origin of received information. We compared both memory systems in Huntington's disease (HD) participants. For this, HD participants and healthy adults had to put 12 items in a black or a white box (destination task), and to extract another 12 items from a blue or a red box (source task). Afterwards, they had to decide in which box each item had previously been deposited (destination memory), and from which box each item had previously been extracted (source memory). HD participants showed poorer source as well as destination recall performance than healthy adults in the proposed tasks. Correlation analysis showed that destination recall was significantly correlated with episodic recall in HD participants. Destination memory impairment in HD participants seems to be considerably influenced by their episodic memory performance. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  6. Un organisme de surveillance presse la société civile de se mettre à ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 oct. 2010 ... Un organisme canadien de surveillance d'Internet, qui a récemment aidé à ... risquent aussi de mettre en danger les personnes et les collectivités qu'ils ... Cette étude fournit des preuves que la sécurité de l'information est un ...

  7. Isolation thermique et acoustique des bâtiments réglementation, produits, mise en oeuvre

    CERN Document Server

    Bureau Veritas


    Les impératifs d’efficacité énergétique et de confort acoustique dans les bâtiments entraînent de nouvelles réponses constructives et une évolution considérable des matériaux et procédés d’isolation. Tenant compte des derniers DTU parus, ce guide regroupe dans un même volume l’essentiel des dispositions techniques de mise en oeuvre des systèmes d’isolation thermique et phonique des bâtiments. Ainsi cet ouvrage : • apporte l’éclairage nécessaire à la compréhension des réglementations thermique et acoustique ; • définit les exigences à atteindre concernant l’isolement aux bruits aériens intérieurs et extérieurs, les niveaux de bruits de chocs et d’équipements, ainsi que le traitement acoustique des parties communes ; • détaille les techniques d’isolation des toitures étanchées et des couvertures ; • décrit l’isolation thermique des murs par l’intérieur et par l’extérieur. Ce manuel pratique est destiné aux maîtres d’ouvrage et promoteurs qui y tr...

  8. Revisiting tourist behavior via destination brand worldness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murat Kayak


    Full Text Available Taking tourists’ perspective rather than destination offerings as its core concept, this study introduces “perceived destination brand worldness” as a variable. Perceived destination brand worldness is defined as the positive perception that a tourist has of a country that is visited by tourists from all over the world. Then, the relationship between perceived destination brand worldness and intention to revisit is analyzed using partial least squares regression. This empirical study selects Taiwanese tourists as its sample, and the results show that perceived destination brand worldness is a direct predictor of intention to revisit. In light of these empirical findings and observations, practical and theoretical implications are discussed.

  9. Tâches à distance et remédiation en anglais langue étrangère : Réflexion sur des entrées à considérer pour la conception d’outils pédagogiques ajustés aux besoins des apprenants

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    Cédric Brudermann


    Full Text Available Cet article propose de revenir sur la conception et l’utilisation d’un outil de médiation à distance – l’« assistant pédagogique en ligne » – dans un dispositif de formation destiné à des apprenants non spécialistes des langues étrangères (LANSAD de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Une expérience avec collecte et quantification de données a été mise en place pour évaluer le potentiel de ces outils de guidage à distance sur le processus d’appropriation de l’anglais langue étrangère (L2 auprès de trois groupes d’apprenants (B1/B2 de cette université. Nous reviendrons tout d’abord dans ce qui suit sur une expérience visant à recueillir des données destinées à être ultérieurement utilisées pour développer un outil de (remédiation en ligne. Nous poursuivrons par une présentation des modalités d’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais L2 qui ont été développées à la suite de l’analyse de ces données. Nous finirons par donner les premiers résultats que nous avons pu obtenir concernant l’impact des modalités de suivi à distance qui ont été conçues sur le processus d’appropriation de l’anglais langue étrangère.

  10. Destination Memory in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease


    El Haj, Mohamad; Postal, Virginie; Le Gall, Didier; Allain, Philippe


    In order to assess their destination memory, sixteen patients with probable mild Alzheimer Disease (AD), sixteen older adults and 16 young adults were asked to tell facts to pictures. On a subsequent task, they were asked to remember whether they had previously told that fact to that face or not. AD patients showed poorer destination recall than the older adults, and the older adults showed poorer destination recall than the young adults. Our results suggest that destination memory is highly ...

  11. Communiquer les risques associés au climat aux collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 mai 2015 ... Le Vietnam est particulièrement vulnérable aux changements climatiques et à la hausse du niveau des océans qui en découle, puisqu'une partie importante de sa population vit dans les basses terres des deltas et le long de la côte, des zones à haut risque. En 2011, d'importantes inondations ont ...

  12. Asie du sud | Page 10 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue English. Read more about Comparaison des politiques fiscales et réglementaires pour prévenir les maladies non transmissibles en Inde. Langue French. Read more about Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. Langue ...

  13. Asie centrale | Page 77 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. Langue French. Read more about How Communities Deal with Traumatic Memory: Lessons from Aceh and Timor-Leste. Langue English. Read more about Réduction des ...

  14. Stratégie d'échantillonnage pour la campagne nationale de recherche des résidus de médicaments dans l'eau


    Py , Jean-Sébastien; Rosin , Christophe; Hollard , Caroline; Clavos , Marie-Christelle; Rimlinger , Nicole; Piat , Adeline; Garnier , Alexandra; Munoz , Jean-François


    National audience; De nombreuses études nationales et internationales ont mis en évidence la présence dans l'eau des rivières de médicaments à l'état de traces, et leurs effets biologiques sur les écosystèmes. En France, des campagnes exploratoires de mesure de la contamination des ressources superficielles (eaux de surface et eaux souterraines) utilisées pour la production d'eaux destinées à la consommation humaine (EDCH) sur trois bassins hydrographiques du territoire français ont montré la...

  15. Travail en cours — Internet sans fil dans le secteur rural de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    3 févr. 2011 ... Sept ans peuvent faire toute une différence. Pendant cette période, un projet visant à amener des villages du sud de l'Inde à l'ère de l'information s'est mérité des prix et a donné à 50 000 utilisateurs « d'information » d'une dizaine de collectivités un accès Internet et téléphonique sans fil à haute vitesse.

  16. Physique des particules introduction aux concepts et au formalisme du modèle standard

    CERN Document Server

    Clément, Benoit


    Cet ouvrage propose une introduction à la physique des particules pour tout étudiant de niveau M1, qu'il se destine à la physique théorique ou non. Il présente la physique des particules de manière abordable sans occulter les concepts formels sur lesquels elle repose. Les rappels de mécanique relativiste et du formalisme de Lagrange permettent de comprendre la nature et le comportement des particules à très haute énergie. Enfin, les règles de Feynman offrent une description simple de leurs interactions. Chaque chapitre est complété par des exercices corrigés. Dans cette seconde édition, actualisée, le chapitre sur les champs classiques et quantiques libres a été entièrement refondu pour aborder les problématiques liées à la mécanique relativiste, et de nouveaux exercices ont été ajoutés.

  17. Destination image: Origins, Developments and Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Dominique Ferreira Lopes


    Full Text Available Over the last few decades, tourism has become one of the main sectors of the global economy, not only because of its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP of different countries, but also because of the employment it generates. Since 2009, however, the results of tourism have been severely affected by the economic and financial crisis and it is now essential to analyze the key elements of tourist consumer behavior. In this context, the image that a destination transmits to the market becomes one of the elements which influence tourists the most when choosing a tourist destination. The authors therefore aim to identify the main elements that characterize the image of a tourist destination, as well as their implications for the management of tourist destinations.


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    I Ketut Surya Diarta


    Full Text Available Globally, competition among tourism destinations is more stringent in getting foreign tourists, including Bali. One effort to win the competition is increasing destination brand equity through maintaining its influencing factors and gaining tourist positive behavior toward destination. This effort, in long run, will increase and stabilize destination revenue and sustainability. This research aims to analyze factors influencing brand equity of Bali as a tourism destination. This research was conducted in Bali’s five major tourism objects. The 240 foreign tourists were chosen as respondents through convenience sampling technique. Data were analyzed using factor analysis. The results showed that factors that significantly influenced Bali brand equity were: symbolic and experiential benefit factor, direct and indirect destinations attributes, destination reliability and tangibility, assurance and empathy, brand destinations recognition and recall, destinations common psychological attributes, destination common functional attributes, unique functional attributes, behavioral loyalty, destination awareness, and attitudinal loyalty. Given the fluctuative nature of brand equity, Bali needs a consistent effort to maintain or to enhance brand equity of Bali as a tourism destination. Maintaining the dominant factors that influence the strength of brand equity can be used as a basis to develop destination branding strategy to expand market segment,  choose the right target market, and anchoring destination position in world market competition.

  19. Construction d’un outil pour évaluer le degré d’intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre-François Coen


    Full Text Available Après un bref survol des enjeux liés à l’intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement, cet article présente le processus de construction d’un instrument (les Vignettes de situation pour l’intégration des TIC ou Visi-TIC destiné à évaluer le degré d’intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement. Il présente les différentes étapes d’élaboration et de validation de cet outil. Proposé en deux variantes (française/allemande pour des élèves âgés de 6 à 7 ans jusqu’à 18 ans, ce nouvel outil s’appuie sur le modèle systémique de l’innovation de Depover et Strebelle (1997, et présente l’avantage d’envisager l’intégration des TIC dans une dynamique de changement.

  20. Role of specific geographic landscapes in city break destinations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Štetić Snežana


    Full Text Available Urban tourist destinations or City Break destinations are representing one of main destination products on tourist market. City Break destinations are big cities, administrative, economic and political centers of states and regions. These cities are 'open' 24 hours per day, seven days in week. Inside these tourist destination we can find different range of products (culture, entertainment, recreation, leisure, history, modern infrastructure. In these destinations season is not present and it lasts trough out the year. Promotional campaigns in City Break destinations are truing to create distinguished images in tourists mind as also as on investors, consumers and future residents. They emphasize advantages that those cities are delivering to their consumers, but often we forget that all these cities are having specific geographic landscapes. In the era of limiting of mass tourism to preserve resources for future generations and emphasizing the importance of sustainable development for tourism perspectives, the importance of specific geographic landscapes inside urban destinations for their further development as tourist destinations an their overall development is slightly neglected.

  1. Destination memory in social interaction: Better memory for older than for younger destinations in normal aging?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Raffard, S.; Fasotti, L.; Allain, P.


    Destination memory, a memory component allowing the attribution of information to its appropriate receiver (e.g., to whom did I lend my pen?), is compromised in normal aging. The present paper investigated whether older adults might show better memory for older destinations than for younger

  2. Nepal as a destination for Finnish travelers - Service Design


    Rayamajhi, Subash; Nepali, Manoj


    Destination marketing is an important tool to attract travellers to the destination in this fast growing economic sector of tourism industry. The main factor which should be considered during destination marketing is customer environment where the customer experience, product and prices act as the value cluster for the traveller. The second factor includes competitor environment where destination should keep itself most popular among its competitor destinations to attract a significant share ...

  3. Consommation des produits écologiques et inégalités sociales. Le cas tunisien

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    Ridha Abdmouleh


    Full Text Available Le public tunisien méconnaît l’existence des produits écologiques sur le marché local, mais exprime en même temps son intention d’en consommer. Cette disposition résulte de la prise de conscience des enjeux écologiques et du sentiment d’implication vis-à-vis de l’environnement et de la collectivité. Le capital financier et culturel n’est pas non plus étranger à ce désir. Les produits écologiques demeurent-ils perçus comme une sorte de luxe et un privilège réservés aux classes sociales aisées ? Finalement, en dépit de sa bonne cause, la problématique environnementaliste n’échappe pas au découpage de classes et à la reproduction des inégalités sociales, d’où la nécessité de reconsidérer les conceptions et les relations traditionnelles entre les sphères économiques et sociales et la sphère environnementale. The study demonstrates the Tunisian public’s ignorancethat ecological products exist on the local market as well as the public’s willingness to consume them. Thispreference results from a growing awareness of ecological issues as well as a perceived need to get involved vis-à-vis the environment and the community. It is also depending on the individual’s financial and cultural capitals. The question is whether ecological products remain a luxury and a privilege restricted to the affluent social class. Despite its noble cause, the environmentalist issue can escape neither from class categorization nor from the reproduction of social injustices. As a result, traditional conceptions and relations between the economic and social spaces and the environmental space need to be reconsidered.

  4. Review of Literature of the Rural Heritage Tourism Destination

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    Kadi Alaa J.


    Full Text Available Rural heritage tourism destination management is an essential knowledge area that should be investigated to achieve sustainable destination, especially for an emerging destination. The goal of this process is to ensure that these elements are thoroughly inspected and rigidly organized due to the main concepts, theories, methods and approaches mentioning different perspectives to tackle these certain elements. In order to cope with the complexity of the relation between the destination elements and its characteristics and sequence of the maturity of the selected destination, all that needs in-depth knowledge to assist the researchers in developing and improving different types of approaches and tools, and in structuring and assessing the destination. We develop a neat backbone literature review concerning the all aspects of the sustainable rural heritage tourism destination. We review the existing methods, approaches and theories applied on the relative field, and further study the relevant challenges that have been the target of investigation in the academic literature. The paper is intended to be the newest and the most important existing study on the topic of rural heritage emerging tourism destination. The results are particularly relevant to practitioners seeking a better grasp on managing tourism destination as well as achieving sustainability in tourism destinations. As a major finding of the review, the results strongly suggest the need for more practitioner-oriented and industry-driven empirical studies in the area of flexible managerial framework to cope with special and dynamic characteristics of different tourism destinations.

  5. Climate Change | Page 19 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language English. Read more about Amélioration de la capacité d'adaptation des collectivités rurales de la vallée du Mantaro (au Pérou) aux sécheresses, aux inondations et au gel. Language French. Read more about Enhancing Resilience of Rural Communities to Drought, Floods and Frost in the Mantaro Valley, Peru.

  6. De nouvelles manières de composer avec les inondations au Cap ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Université du Cap, mettent en relief les difficultés à surmonter en matière de gouvernance à l'échelon communautaire. Les collectivités sont souvent représentées par des comités formés d'activistes bénévoles. Le rôle de ces ...

  7. Publications | Page 157 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Avec nos livres, nos articles, nos publications de recherche et nos études, nous visons à accroître l'impact de nos investissements et à promouvoir la recherche au service du développement. Nous communiquons les ... Research for Development in the Dry Arab Region : The Cactus Flower. Les collectivités établies sur des ...

  8. Far East Asia | Page 79 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Renforcer la résilience dans les collectivités touchées par le tsunami (Inde et Sri Lanka). Language French. Read more about Strengthening Resilience in Tsunami-affected Communities (India and Sri Lanka). Language English. Read more about Projet de réseau des télécentres au Sri Lanka. Language ...

  9. Destination Memory for Emotional Information in Older Adults

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Fasotti, L.; Allain, P.


    Background/Study Context: Destination memory, remembering the destination of the information that one tells, shows significant age-related decline. In the present paper, the authors sought to determine whether destination memory can be improved in older adults using emotional stimuli. This aim was

  10. The influence of social media in destination choice


    Tham, Min-En Aaron


    The aim of this research is to investigate the influence of social media in destination choice. The evolution of social media within tourism has provided further impetus towards destination information search and image formation. To this end, existing studies have presented the influence of social media at destination micro-levels, such as accommodation and restaurants. At a macro-level, some studies have investigated the influence of social media on a destination. However, current scope is l...

  11. A Dual Process Approach to Understand Tourists’ Destination Choice Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Florian; Josiassen, Alexander; Assaf, Albert


    Most studies that investigate tourists' choices of destinations apply the concept of mental destination representations, also referred to as destination image. The present study investigates tourists’ destination choice processes by conceptualizing how different components of destination image...... are mentally processed in tourists' minds. Specifically, the seminal dual processing approach is applied to the destination image literature. By doing this, we argue that some components of mental destination representations are processed systematically while others serve as inputs for heuristics...... that individuals apply to inform their decision making. Understanding how individuals make use of their mental destination representations and how they color their decision-making is essential in order to better explain tourist behavior....

  12. Influence des engrais de type NPK sur l’oviposition d’Aedes aegypti

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    Darriet F.


    Full Text Available Les engrais sont des associations de minéraux destinées à apporter aux plantes des compléments nutritifs nécessaires à leur croissance. Les engrais modernes de type NPK combinent les trois éléments de base que sont l’azote (N, le phosphore (P et le potassium (K. Dans cette étude de laboratoire réalisée dans des tunnels expérimentaux, nous avons étudié l’influence de solutions aqueuses contenant différentes concentrations en engrais NPK sur l’oviposition de femelles d’Aedes aegypti. Les résultats ont montré que les solutions contenant les concentrations en NK = 17-33 mg/l et P = 23-47 mg/l attiraient significativement plus de femelles gravides que l’eau osmosée seule (P 0,05. Ces résultats suggèrent que certaines teneurs en engrais NPK peuvent influencer le comportement de ponte du moustique Ae. aegypti.


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    Svetlana Mihić


    Full Text Available This paper examines the concept of the destination in strategic tourism develop- ment. It will then look at international best practice and how the SVP/ Hudson Model can be used as a tool to shape the planning, management and marketing of tourism destinations. This analysis will include a review of the critical success factors from lea- ding destinations and in particular, the role of and need for innovation. The concept ofinnovation in tourism will be examined and examples of how innovation has been used in a range of European destinations will be considered in detail. This will include evi- dence from key stakeholders, as well as analysis of the PR and media interest generated by an innovative approach to tourism destination development. The paper will examine key issues such as branding and positioning, along with the importance of clear strate- gic planning, having an effective destination management organisation and delivering benefits to the host community. In an increasingly competitive marketplace the need for destinations to ‘’stand out in a crowd” is essential. International benchmarking is vital to understand how well you are doing compa- red with your competitors whilst innovation ensures that the competitive edge is always maintained. The paper will include detailed case studies, consideration of the concepts of in- novation and benchmarking and focus on the main lessons for destinations in emerging tourism economies

  14. Destination competitivenes: A challenging process for Serbia

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    Tanja Armenski


    Full Text Available The degree to which a country can benefit from its tourism industry depends largely on this competitive position on the international tourist market. Therefore, it is very important for one destination to realise its real competitive position on the tourism market as well as to address its weaknesses comparing them to its major competitors. There are different models for measuring the competitiveness. Among all, we follow the framework of authors Dwyer, Livaic and Mellor (2003, so called Integrated model of destination competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to present the model of destination competitiveness and results of the survey, based on indicators associated with the model. The results showed that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and created resources than in destination management while, according to the Integrated model, Serbia is less competitive in demand conditions, which refer to the image and awareness of the destination itself.

  15. Cross-border shopping and tourism destination marketing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu


    This article addresses the economic impact that cross-border shopping has on the local tourism industry and the ways that cross-border shopping is taken advantage of in tourism destination marketing. Southern Jutland–situated in Denmark just north of the German border, where border shops situated......-border shopping into tourism destination marketing strategies. The results have wider relevance for other border regions.......This article addresses the economic impact that cross-border shopping has on the local tourism industry and the ways that cross-border shopping is taken advantage of in tourism destination marketing. Southern Jutland–situated in Denmark just north of the German border, where border shops situated...... just south of the same border enable Danes to capitalize on the lower value added tax levels in Germany–is utilized as an illustrative case example. The data was collected by analysing the relevant tourism destination marketing material and via interviews with local destination marketing organizations...

  16. Destination Competitiveness: a Framework for Future Research


    Gruescu, Ramona; Nanu, Roxana; Pirvu, Gheorghe


    We identify the competitive advantage of a tourist destination from a double perspective: the critical contribution of the employees and the ICT impact on promoting and selling the destination. Research methodology includes "bottom to top" analysis of the mentioned indicators. Thus, results include the eficientisation of tourist businesses and destinations due to both human element development and ICT. Two essential basis of the competitive advantage are isolated: differentiation and cost adv...

  17. Destination Competitiviness: A Framework for Future Research


    Gruescu, Ramona; Nanu, Roxana; Pirvu, Gheorghe


    The paper envisages aspects concerning identification of the competitive advantage of a tourist destination from a double perspective: the critical contribution of the employees and the ICT impact on promoting and selling the destination. Research methodology includes ‘bottom to top’ analysis of the mentioned indicators. Thus, results include the eficientisation of tourist businesses and destinations due to both human element development and ICT technologies. Two essential basis of the compet...

  18. Cultural Centre, Destination Cultural Offer and Visitor Satisfaction

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    Benxiang Zeng


    Full Text Available This paper aims to establish the link between tourists’ perceptions on cultural offers and their overall satisfaction, and explore the implication of this link for sustainable tourist destination management. Assessing online customers’ reviews, this study identifies a positive correlation between visitors’ perspectives and experiences at the on-site cultural centre and visitors’ destination satisfaction. It suggests that the on-site cultural centre plays a critical role in building up visitors’ perception on cultural attributes of the destination, and its impact on visitor satisfaction is a double-edged sword. Visitors’ positive perspectives on the cultural centre enhance visitors’ experiences and contribute to their destination satisfaction; however, not only does a negative perspective on their cultural and spiritual experience compromise visitors’ satisfaction, but also subsequent negative online reviews damage the destination image and discourage visitor return/visit. The findings help destination management organisations to better understand visitors’ preference for cultural centres and therefore to improve visitors’ cultural experience. This paper appeals for further study of on-site cultural centres’ role in forming destination cultural attributes, and of social media’s potential in enriching cultural experience.


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    I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama


    Full Text Available The strength of the senior traveler segment is the high purchasing power the length of stay in a destination, making this market segment increasingly important in present and future. Consequently, this research aims to establish a model of motivation and its relationship with the image of Bali as an international tourism destination, especially from the perspective of senior tourists. This research employed survey method and utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques. Factor analysis condensed various indicators into several key indicators to form a model with goodness of fit. Indicators representing push motivation variable include the improvement of health/fitness and the drive to perform physical exercise. Indicators representing destination identity variable include the culture and nature of Bali. Indicators representing destination creation variable include the service quality of travel agencies and service quality of travel guides. Indicators representing destination image variable include the image of cultural uniqueness and holiday atmosphere of Bali. The survey in this study involved 400 respondents of senior tourists, exclusively only foreign nationals. Goodness of fit is affirmed on the results of the analysis model, which answered the hypothesis that push motivation and destination creation affect destination images.

  20. eWOM, Revisit Intention, Destination Trust and Gender


    Abubakar, Abubakar Mohammed; Ilkan, Mustafa; Al-Tal, Raad Meshall; Eluwole, Kayode


    This article investigates the impact of eWOM on intention to revisit and destination trust, and the moderating role of gender in medical tourism industry. Result from structural equation modeling (n=240) suggests the following: (1) that eWOM influences intention to revisit and destination trust; (2) that destination trust influences intention to revisit; (3) that the impact of eWOM on intention to revisit is about 1.3 times higher in men; (4) that the impact of eWOM on destination trust is ab...

  1. Destination Strategy Marketing Analysis for Seaside Tourism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HUO Jiaying


    Seaside tourism has become one of the popular tourism destinations to the tourists. It is necessary for manager to study the strategy marketing of seaside tourism destination to promote the seaside tourism. This paper examines the characteristics of seaside tourism and uses the SWOT to analyze the strengths, weakness, opportunities and treats of seaside tourism. Then, the challenges of seaside tourism destination are introduced and should be noticed by the marketing managers.

  2. Tourist destination choice: A bibliometric study

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    Claudio Sunao Saito


    Full Text Available This bibliometric study aims to understand the main subjects, approaches, and theoretical references related to travel destination choice. The Scopus database, statistical software, and citation analysis defined the relevance and prestige of the articles, authors, models, and theoretical foundations, based on the number of citations in later articles. The results demonstrate that there are a diversity of perspectives and approaches related to the topic and the articles can be grouped into studies related to decision models or destination choice, motivating factors for tourism, personal characteristics or factors, destination characteristics and attractiveness, scope of the intended trip (holiday, size, distance, duration of the trip, etc., travel experiences (humor, feelings during the trip, post-purchase evaluations, etc., influence of the destination’s image, and influence of information/communication on the travel destination choice. The results also indicate a difference regarding the origin of the articles (countries/institution, authors, and theoretical references used in research related to the topic.

  3. Management of sustainable tourism destination through stakeholder cooperation

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    Božena Krce Miočić


    Full Text Available Destination presents a set of different organizations and individuals who can work towards realising the same objectives or their objectives can be diametrically opposed. Harmonisation of such objectives in a unique strategic development of the entire destination is usually taken over by destination management organization (DMO established to accomplish the mentioned objective. The opposed interests in such a system as complex as tourism result in the degradation of space and society in which tourism takes place. Therefore sustainable development in tourism represents a primary concept of development today. Tourism is a fast growing phenomenon and its sustainable development represents a necessity. Besides the positive economic outputs of tourism, we should also mention its negative impact on the particular destination, the environmental degradation to some extent, as well as socio-economic elements of local community. Accordingly, multi-stakeholder concept in destination management should include all interest and influential groups in tourism development planning. Such integrated destination management connects all stakeholders independent from influence or interest powers to participate directly or indirectly in creating and implementing the quality tourism development. This concept’s basic function is connecting and coordinating stakeholders with different interests within a tourism destination, in order to create quality product and a recognizable destination image, and to achieve a long-term sustainable competitiveness on the market. However, based on the stakeholder approach, the most emphasized issue in sustainable tourism development concept is the government that holds a key role in socio-economic development. In this paper, we analysed current involvement of stakeholders in Zadar County tourism development and examined their interest in future involvement in sustainable destination development. Based on the analysis of focus group


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    Doriana, MORAR


    Full Text Available Considering the fat that a rate of up to 70% of tourists visiting Romania have a professional motivation, the present papers intends to provide an overview of the advantages held by Romania for offering tourists the proper conditions for spending quality time in this emerging country. Within the present article, the authors provide to readers an overview regarding destination branding, business travel and the critical elements in achieving economic advantages over competing regions/countries; the article emphasizes the fact that -intelligently exploited-, business tourism can be an element of prosperity within the tumultuous period of time through which Romania and other emerging states are crossing nowadays. The results of this paper work are focused on the identifying, analysing and correlating the main factors that can influence a destination' development through its propulsion as a brand destination for business tourism. Generally speaking, the paper approaches aspects regarding business tourism. The methodology used in order to write the present article is limited to the collection and processing empirical data and information. In this regard, the literature in the field has been reviewed, so that the authors could identify and expose the importance of destination branding through business travel for sustainable development in Romania.

  5. Source and destination memory: two sides of the same coin? (United States)

    Lindner, Isabel; Drouin, Héloïse; Tanguay, Annick F N; Stamenova, Vessela; Davidson, Patrick S R


    Whereas source memory involves remembering from whom you have heard something, destination memory involves remembering to whom you have told something. Despite its practical relevance, destination memory has been studied little. Recently, two reports suggested that generally destination memory should be poorer than source memory, and that it should be particularly difficult for older people. We tested these predictions by having young and older participants read sentences to two examiners (destination encoding) and listen to sentences read by two examiners (source encoding), under intentional (Experiment 1) or incidental encoding (Experiments 2 and 3). Only in Experiment 3 (in which cognitive demands during destination encoding were increased) was destination memory significantly poorer than source memory. In none of the experiments were older adults inferior to the young on destination or source memory. Destination- and source-memory scores were significantly correlated. Item memory was consistently superior for sentences that had been read out loud (during destination encoding) versus those that had been heard (during source encoding). Destination memory needs not always be poorer than source memory, appears not to be particularly impaired by normal ageing and may depend on similar processes to those supporting source memory.

  6. The impact of e-WOM on destination image, attitude toward destination and travel intention




    Electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is a new development of word of mouth by using social media platform to interact in the internet. Current studies only examine the model on its own basis by using theory planned behavior (TPB). Based on this idea, this research is trying to examine the model of e-WOM, Destination Image, Attitude Toward Destination together to reveal which factor that give the greater effects against travel intention both direct effect, indirect effects and total effects. The s...

  7. Portfolio analysis of a destination's tourism "product line" (United States)

    Harold Daniel


    If we think of a tourist destination as a platform from which a variety of tourist experiences can be delivered, we could conceptualize these experiences as the "product line" offered by or associated with the tourist destination. That conceptualization enables the manager of the destination to employ the logic and discipline associated with product line...

  8. Evaluating Tourist Destination Performance: Expanding the Sustainability Concept

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    Wenbin Luo


    Full Text Available Performance evaluations are a critical tool in promoting the sustainability of tourist destinations. The literature shows a lack of consensus on basic terminology and definitions of destination performance. While research focuses on business efficiency, areas such as development effectiveness, social equality, and environmental integrity are still not well understood, even though these are salient elements of sustainable development. This paper provides a framework for evaluating destination performance under the 4E rubric of economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental quality, which reflects a more holistic and effective destination performance. The information entropy weight method and a multi-factor comprehensive evaluation model are developed and applied to an international destination, Zhangjiajie, China, which was selected as a case study to test the framework developed. Results show that the economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental quality aspects should be considered when evaluating tourism development performance. The empirical analysis shows that based on these criteria, Zhangjiajie’s destination performance improved measurably during the test period from 2005 to 2009. The results indicate that significant events, natural disasters, and financial crises influence performance most.

  9. Le marché mondial de la propriété intellectuelle : Droits des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Destiné aux groupes indigènes, aux activistes et aux décideurs qui oeuvrent dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle et à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la préservation de la diversité biologique et culturelle de notre planète, ce volume constitue un exposé précieux et révélateur de l'une des questions les plus ...

  10. CLUNY, Note sur le Recueil des chartes de l’abbaye de Cluny d’Auguste Bernard et Alexandre Bruel.

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    Sébastien Barret


    Full Text Available Les six volumes issus des efforts conjugués d’Auguste Bernard (1811-1868 et Alexandre Bruel (1841-1920 forment la base des actes clunisiens intégrés aux CBMA ; ils ont aussi été le fondement de nombreuses études historiques clunisiennes et bourguignonnes. Œuvre collective entamée par Bernard et poursuivie par Bruel qui n’a pu en venir à bout, le Recueil a tout naturellement fait l’objet de compléments et de travaux d’ampleurs variables destinés à le parfaire ; ainsi, le chanoine Maurice Cha...

  11. : tous les projets | Page 100 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Projet. Ce projet vise à promouvoir les politiques fondées sur des données probantes pour améliorer la production de bétail, la durabilité de l'environnement et la santé dans les collectivités rurales de l'Altiplano bolivien. Région: Bolivia. Programme: Food, Environment, and Health. Financement total : CA$ 1,200,000.00.

  12. Une voix dans un chœur risque de n’être point entendue. André Gide et La Nouvelle Revue française, 1908-1914

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koffeman, M.N.; Wittmann, Jean-Michel


    Cet article étudie la tension entre l’individualisme gidien et la collectivité littéraire que forme la première Nouvelle revue française. Entreprise commune par excellence, la revue gagne à être considérée dans son ensemble. Une lecture des sommaires de la NRF relativise le rôle de Gide et met en

  13. Résultats de recherche | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le chômage persistant chez les jeunes qui vivent dans des collectivités à faible revenu (on les appelle aussi " jeunes à risque ") est relié en partie au mauvais fonctionnement du marché du travail dans les pays en développement. Projet. -. Bourse de recherche postdoctorale sur l'Amérique centrale et les Caraïbes au ...

  14. À la recherche d’innovations dans l’enseignement du FLE destinées aux étudiants sinophones en mobilité interuniversitaire : le cas de Taïwan

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    LEE Hsin-I


    Full Text Available Un nombre croissant d’étudiants sinophones vient en France pour poursuivre ses études. Afin de préciser les problèmes rencontrés, nous avons effectué des enquêtes auprès d’un échantillon de 90 étudiants taïwanais de diverses disciplines, durant les années universitaires 2013 et 2014, avant le départ et pendant le séjour en France. La question linguistique est souvent un problème majeur, mais elle n’est pas la seule. Les étudiants vont également faire l’expérience des différences culturelles. De plus, l’adaptation à la méthodologie universitaire soulève des difficultés. Notre conclusion consiste à proposer dans l’enseignement du FLE à Taïwan des innovations pédagogiques destinées à mieux préparer en amont les étudiants et ainsi leur permettre de mieux s’adapter au système éducatif français.

  15. Réduction du risque de pollution de l'eau dans les collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... l'équipe du projet produira des cartes des zones cruciales indiquant le ... potable et à produire une stratégie régionale de gestion intégrée de l'eau. ... en plus intenses se multiplient en raison des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes.

  16. Destination Memory and Cognitive Theory of Mind in Alzheimer's Disease. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Gély-Nargeot, Marie-Christine; Raffard, Stéphane


    Destination memory, or the ability to remember the destination to whom a piece of information was addressed, is found to be compromised in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our paper investigated the relationship between destination memory and theory of mind in AD since both destination memory and theory of mind are social abilities that require processing attributes of interlocutors. Mild AD participants and controls were administered tasks tapping destination memory, affective theory of mind, and 1st and 2nd order cognitive theory of mind. Relative to controls, AD participants showed compromise in destination memory and 2nd order cognitive theory of mind, but preserved performance on affective and 1st order cognitive theory of mind. Significant correlations were observed between destination memory, and 1st and 2nd order cognitive theory of mind in AD participants and controls. By demonstrating a relationship between compromises in 2nd order theory of mind and in destination memory, our work highlights links between social cognition and memory functioning in AD.

  17. Destination memory impairment in older people. (United States)

    Gopie, Nigel; Craik, Fergus I M; Hasher, Lynn


    Older adults are assumed to have poor destination memory-knowing to whom they tell particular information-and anecdotes about them repeating stories to the same people are cited as informal evidence for this claim. Experiment 1 assessed young and older adults' destination memory by having participants tell facts (e.g., "A dime has 118 ridges around its edge") to pictures of famous people (e.g., Oprah Winfrey). Surprise recognition memory tests, which also assessed confidence, revealed that older adults, compared to young adults, were disproportionately impaired on destination memory relative to spared memory for the individual components (i.e., facts, faces) of the episode. Older adults also were more confident that they had not told a fact to a particular person when they actually had (i.e., a miss); this presumably causes them to repeat information more often than young adults. When the direction of information transfer was reversed in Experiment 2, such that the famous people shared information with the participants (i.e., a source memory experiment), age-related memory differences disappeared. In contrast to the destination memory experiment, older adults in the source memory experiment were more confident than young adults that someone had shared a fact with them when a different person actually had shared the fact (i.e., a false alarm). Overall, accuracy and confidence jointly influence age-related changes to destination memory, a fundamental component of successful communication. (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. Dark Tourism and Destination Marketing


    Jahnke, Daniela


    This thesis is about the dark tourism and destination marketing. The aim of the thesis is to display how these two terms can be combined. The term dark tourism is a relatively new research area; therefore the thesis will provide an outlook of the current situation of dark tourism. It starts with the beginning of dark tourism and continuous to the managerial aspects of dark tourism sites. The second part of the theoretical background is about destination marketing. It provides an overvie...


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    Lina Georgieva ANASTASSOVA


    Full Text Available Within the context of enormous competition on the international tourist market, destination branding is getting an increasing importance as a way to attract more tourists and visitors. There is an overall trend away from product features towards lifestyle or value systems which reveals that the consumer of today makes choices based on whether or not a product fits into her or his lifestyle and whether a destination represents  a desirable tourist experience. After theoretical literature review on brand identity, the results of a festival visitors’ opinion survey about “Include the city” festival’s contribution to the brand identity of Burgas city are discussed. The survey methodology includes descriptive statistics, Z-score method in order to classify in groups visitor’s opinion as well as content analysis of visitors’ opinion. Three research hypotheses are checked and suggestions about the festival’s marketing contribution in three aspects to the brand identity extension of urban destination Burgas are presented.


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    Ariadna Ioana JURAVLE (GAVRA


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to identify the destination image of Bucovina among Romanian tourists. Bucovina is one of the most important tourist destinations of Romania, it is located in the North Eastern region of Romania and tourism has the potential to provide significant support for economic development of this region. This economic development may occur if the elements of tourism are well-managed. One of the factors influencing the success of a destination is its image. Earlier studies showed the importance of destination image, even though no studies have been conducted for Bucovina to identify the image of this destination. To implement this study, we used survey as the research method and the questionnaire as our research tool. We conducted the content analysis of responses to open questions. The items were included into a broader questionnaire although this article comprises just the qualitative research in which we included emergent coding.

  1. Établissement d'une coalition visant l'amélioration des services de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Inde devient de plus en plus populaire en tant que destination où obtenir des services de santé d'excellente qualité. Or, la piètre situation en matière de santé maternelle dans le pays en dit long sur les priorités nationales de santé publique. L'État de l'Uttar Pradesh a le taux de mortalité maternelle le plus élevé du pays, ...

  2. Destination and source memory in Huntington's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Caillaud, M.; Verny, C.; Fasotti, L.; Allain, P.


    Destination memory refers to the recall of the destination of previously relayed information, and source memory refers to the recollection of the origin of received information. We compared both memory systems in Huntington's disease (HD) participants. For this, HD participants and healthy adults

  3. Measuring Tourism Risk Impacts on Destination Image

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    Wen-Qi Ruan


    Full Text Available This study develops and tests an integrated model of the moderated mediation of risks (man-made and natural disasters that explains the associations between the benefits of tourism and the destination image. The study also considers how tourists are influenced by natural disasters and provides empirical evidence to predict the hypothesis models. The results of a study of 635 foreign tourists indicate that the tourism risks of man-made disasters positively influence the tourists’ experienced benefits and feeling experience. Foreign tourists’ risk evaluation may have a positive effect on their benefit and feeling experience and, thus, may link to the destination image. Somewhat as expected, the moderating effect of tourist benefit is found to strengthen the relationship between feeling experience and the destination image. Alternatively, foreign tourists’ feeling experiences foster a positive link between tourism risk and destination image. The implications of the moderated mediation results are discussed.

  4. Online information Impact in the virtual destination image formation

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    Célia Maria Conceição Salmim Rafael


    Full Text Available The influence of the destination image in the decision process and choice of destination by tourists is transverse to its intangible nature. Recent studies expand and modify the conventional image constructs specifying information sources transmitted through the internet. The scenario resulting from the literature review allows us to understand the importance of experience for touristic activity and theoretical proposition of virtual tourism as "virtual tourist experience", its determinants and its implications for the overall image destination formation. This study presents a literature review base to the empiric research proposal whose general objective comprises the analysis of the influence of factors, such as interactivity, in online communication and contact with virtual tourism experiences online in image destination formation and image destination.

  5. Méthode d'estimation des tassements des sols fins sous les remblais d'infrastructures ferroviaires pour lignes à grande vitesse (United States)

    Said Alami, Soukaina; Reiffsteck, Philippe; Cuira, Fahd


    Le besoin de maîtriser les déformations des sols sous les remblais destinés à recevoir les structures de lignes à grande vitesse, en fait un enjeu important pour ces projets. Toutefois, de nombreuses difficultés ont été soulevées liées principalement au grand nombre d'incertitudes qui entourent le phénomène. En effet, la caractérisation géologique et géotechnique dépend de sondages et d'essais où le risque de remaniement est important et dont l'interprétation est, souvent, délicate. Cet article présente une procédure de calcul qui permettrait en pratique d'évaluer le tassement sous remblai avec une bonne précision et qui a été validée sur un certain nombre d'ouvrages. Pour cela, des corrections sont introduites aux méthodes usuelles de calcul permettant d'approcher les valeurs mesurées sur chantier.

  6. Rural Tourism – Evaluating the Quality of Destination

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    Ryglová Kateřina


    Full Text Available This paper concerns the topic of rural destination quality from the viewpoint of tourism development. The research exploring crucial quality factors from the viewpoint of demand is presented. Rural tourism participants attribute the highest significance to Destination cleanliness and Sense of security. The evaluation of the importance of most research quality factors is not dependent on gender and on the contrary, the importance of 16 quality factors depends on the visitor´s age. In the case of the factor of “Friendly acceptance by the locals”, the most significant influence on the visitor´s return to the destination was confirmed. On the contrary, this impact was not proven for the factor of “Level of prices of services and goods in the destination”. The research and the successive factor analysis revealed 6 dimensions representing the rural destination quality: Services, Image, Transportation, Well-being, Information/Communication and Attractions/ Experiences; Well-being was identified as the most important. This was consecutively confirmed by the analysis of the quality factors’ impact on the visitor´s overall satisfaction and loyalty to the destination. The research findings provide the theory with topical destination quality dimensions as well as contribute to better understanding of visitor´s behavioural mechanisms in rural areas.

  7. New HOLIDAY Destination Decision Making; a Singapore perspective


    Bhagchandani, Neeraj Vishindas


    Singaporeans are known to have high disposable incomes and come from one of the more influential economies in Asia. Singaporeans have a sizeable impact on the world’s tourism industry. Thus, it is not surprising that they are the target of many tourism destination marketing organizations. Influencing this segment bears great international interest. Existing research identifies the many methods new destinations enter the holiday maker’s mind and move along the destination decision making p...

  8. Destination image, image at destination. Methodological aspects

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    Pablo Díaz-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Today, the part played by the image in the development of tourism, and, specially, as a diffe- rentiation element of a destination area is widely acknowledged. This is reflected to a great extent in the literature that focuses its interest on identifying the variables that motivate the purchase or stimulate the decision process. However, the reference to feedback processes or image control mechanisms as well as their creation, is surprising. An approach model to these processes will be exposed in this article.

  9. Promotion as a Tool in Sustaining the Destination Marketing Activities

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    Ivo Mulec


    Full Text Available Promoting the tourism destination in the right and best possible way is today one of vital marketing activities of all Destination Management Organizations. Only successful promotion can entice and attract potential travelers to visit the destination. The number of new destinations is increasing every year and some of them are quite similar. Market segmentation is one of the starting points for devising marketing strategy. Only by presenting the destination to the right segment of potential clients in the right way will a destination maximize the effectiveness of its marketing and promotion. Tourism destination marketers will continue to face considerable challenges in the future: they will have to take account of the needs, wants and expectations of more mature and knowledgeable customers, and the corresponding need for more up-to-date and reliable information upon which to base decision-making. In the future only marketing which includes collaborative dimensions will meet its objectives fully.

  10. Monitoring System of Sustainable Development in Cultural and Mountain Tourism Destinations

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    Jurigova Zuzana


    Full Text Available Tourism destinations are vulnerable to negative impacts of tourism development and thus require a sustainable approach. It is significant mainly in destinations with fragile environments such as cultural destinations with their historical value and mountain destinations with specific natural conditions. The aim of this paper is to propose the monitoring system for sustainable development of cultural and mountain destinations based on the critical scientific literature review. The added value of this work resides in defining specific indicators (creating monitoring system for measurement of sustainability in cultural routes and mountain destinations.

  11. Assessing the effectiveness of consumer narratives for destination marketing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tussyadiah, Iis; Park, S.; Fesenmaier, D.R.


    Using tourists' stories to promote destinations is believed to be an innovative approach in destination marketing. This study conceptualizes and investigates the effectiveness of such an approach. This study supports the underlying premise of introducing narrative in marketing, that is......, the narrative reasoning that human beings possess with which they can retrieve information better through a story. Furthermore, it is argued that the increased knowledge of a destination will have a stronger effect on the intention to visit a destination if the audiences can identify themselves with the story...

  12. Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban Destinations: Does Space Matter?

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    Ibon Aranburu


    Full Text Available Policy makers and tourism developers must understand visitors’ mobility behavior and how they consume space and tourism resources in order to set up sustainable cultural tourism destinations. With this in mind, it should also be pointed out that the mobility patterns of tourists in urban destinations are mainly located in the city center (spatial centrality, the analysis of which enables us to define “how central” the resources (museums, monuments, etc. are and what the interactions between them are. Comprehending which factors influence visitors’ urban mobility behavior is key to understanding tourists’ consumption of space and their connections with the tourism assets of the city. Furthermore, when tourists visit a destination, they make a mental representation of the destination, constructing a mental map of it. Thus, tourists consume not only spaces but also the image of a city/destination. Moreover, the latter influences the former. The quality of surrounding architecture and urbanism plays a crucial role in enhancing the experiential value of a destination and influencing space consumption preferences. Clearly, visitors are more likely to use/consume environments that are easily navigated and mentally legible. In order to explore these patterns, a real experiment was performed based on visitor behavior in the city of Bilbao. In addition, the central places of Bilbao were determined and an analysis of the spatial interaction between cultural sites was performed, making use of a new methodology based on GPS technologies, network analysis, and surveys. This methodology is the main contribution of this work. The results suggest that (1 easy mobility (walkability, accessibility, different transport modes of the visited space facilitates the tourist experience; (2 simple and eligible mental maps of the city that are easily perceived by visitors facilitate the rapid consumption of the tourist destination; and (3 the centrality of the

  13. Capability Challenges in the Human Domain for Intelligence Analysis: Report on Community-Wide Discussions with Canadian Intelligence Professionals (United States)


    consultation ont discuté avec des membres de la collectivité canadienne du renseignement. Cette recherche repose sur une étude antérieure d’un; − Conduct social network analysis research of the intelligence community to identify any gaps in collaboration; 10.2.2 - Developing a...DRDC Toronto. Fischhoff, B., & Chauvin, C. (Eds.). (2011). Intelligence Analysis: Behavioral and Social Scientific Foundations (Committee on

  14. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Burkina Faso : Apprendre à ne pas être pauvre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 déc. 2010 ... Qu'est-ce qu'une collectivité d'un pays pauvre comme le Burkina Faso peut bien retirer de mieux connaître son état de pauvreté ? .... Représenter les données par des illustrations faciles à comprendre (une par indicateur — taille de la population, santé et nutrition, installations sanitaires, éducation) sur ...

  15. Les régions et les pays | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au CRDI, nous finançons la recherche qui permet aux pays en développement de créer le savoir et les solutions nécessaires pour apporter des changements durables. Nos quatre bureaux régionaux collaborent étroitement avec les collectivités qu'ils desservent en Asie, en Afrique, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, ...

  16. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Équateur (les pesticides) : L'intoxication par les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 janv. 2011 ... Le projet s'est déroulé dans trois collectivités (La Libertad, Santa Martha de Cuba et San Pedro de Piartal) où les chercheurs ont entrepris un ambitieux programme combinant les données dela recherche et l'intervention active en vue d'améliorer la vie des familles agricoles. Dans un premier temps, les ...

  17. Optimisation des trajectoires verticales par la methode de la recherche de l'harmonie = (United States)

    Ruby, Margaux

    Face au rechauffement climatique, les besoins de trouver des solutions pour reduire les emissions de CO2 sont urgentes. L'optimisation des trajectoires est un des moyens pour reduire la consommation de carburant lors d'un vol. Afin de determiner la trajectoire optimale de l'avion, differents algorithmes ont ete developpes. Le but de ces algorithmes est de reduire au maximum le cout total d'un vol d'un avion qui est directement lie a la consommation de carburant et au temps de vol. Un autre parametre, nomme l'indice de cout est considere dans la definition du cout de vol. La consommation de carburant est fournie via des donnees de performances pour chaque phase de vol. Dans le cas de ce memoire, les phases d'un vol complet, soit, une phase de montee, une phase de croisiere et une phase de descente, sont etudies. Des " marches de montee " etaient definies comme des montees de 2 000ft lors de la phase de croisiere sont egalement etudiees. L'algorithme developpe lors de ce memoire est un metaheuristique, nomme la recherche de l'harmonie, qui, concilie deux types de recherches : la recherche locale et la recherche basee sur une population. Cet algorithme se base sur l'observation des musiciens lors d'un concert, ou plus exactement sur la capacite de la musique a trouver sa meilleure harmonie, soit, en termes d'optimisation, le plus bas cout. Differentes donnees d'entrees comme le poids de l'avion, la destination, la vitesse de l'avion initiale et le nombre d'iterations doivent etre, entre autre, fournies a l'algorithme pour qu'il soit capable de determiner la solution optimale qui est definie comme : [Vitesse de montee, Altitude, Vitesse de croisiere, Vitesse de descente]. L'algorithme a ete developpe a l'aide du logiciel MATLAB et teste pour plusieurs destinations et plusieurs poids pour un seul type d'avion. Pour la validation, les resultats obtenus par cet algorithme ont ete compares dans un premier temps aux resultats obtenus suite a une recherche exhaustive qui a

  18. Tourist destination image and consumer behaviour: The case of the Azores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Maria Pascoal Melo


    Full Text Available Destinations are currently seeking to become more distinctive in an increasingly competitive market in which image is a decisive element in tourists’ destination selection. This study sought to understand the Azores’ overall image as a tourist destination in major source markets and to ascertain these markets’ level of satisfaction and behavioural intentions concerning the archipelago. The literature review in this paper addresses the definition of tourist destination image and the issue of satisfaction, since these influence intention to return and/or intention to recommend tourist destinations. The results indicate that (1 overall image influences satisfaction and intention to recommend and/or return to tourist destinations and (2 satisfaction influences intention to recommend and/or return to tourist destinations. This study also verified that most tourists are very satisfied with the Azores, as well as having a quite positive overall image of this destination.

  19. Destination Quality Perception in the Context of Different Behavioural Characteristics of Visitors

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    Ryglová Kateřina


    Full Text Available Visitors’ perceptions of the quality of a tourism destination are fundamental for effective destination management and marketing. This paper deals with the topic of destination quality from the viewpoint of demand, i.e. from the viewpoint of a destination visitor. The results of perceiving the destination quality partial factors in the context of different behavioural characteristics of a visitor are presented, particularly, the way how spending and organizing a holiday influences the perception of destination quality factors (Kruskal-Wallis test. The research nineteen factors were designed on the basis of contemporary theories and on qualitative research. Some important quality aspects related to tourism were identified and assessed for the Czech population. The primary data were obtained through a questionnaire survey with quota sampling (n = 1097. The dependence of destination quality perception on the way of spending the holiday was revealed in the case of 8 factors (e.g., Availability of transportation to the destination, Availability and quality of information; Additional infrastructure, Sense of security, Destination cleanliness, Uniqueness of destination, Price level in the destination, Cultural monuments. The significant differences identified among various groups of respondents are described in detail in this study. The research findings contribute to better understanding of the behavioural mechanism and can be used by destination managers to design communication strategies for different segments of consumers for individual destinations to improve their competiveness.

  20. Branding Serbia as a Tourist Destination on the Global Market

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    Ivan Paunović


    Full Text Available Destination branding has become one of the most popular contemporary topics, both among tourism practitioners and politicians, because there is strong evidence that strong national destination brand supports commercial brands in industries related to tourism. Therefore, factors that influence destination brand loyalty are of crucial importance for understanding and promoting the brand. Building brand loyalty is not just about repeat buying, but also about building customers emotional attachment to the brand. Global growth and diversification of tourist markets has transformed destinations from “vacation industry” concept, to “industry of experience” concept.The study performed statistical tests with a goal to analyze the factors influencing brand loyalty in Serbia: age, length of stay and daily spending. Additionally, sub-brand loyalty levels are presented (by major destinations inside Serbia, markets of origin and by major themes for travel in order to identify groups of tourists that are more loyal, and the ones that are less loyal to the destination brand of Serbia. The study results and recommendations should be used as a contribution towards designing national and regional destination marketing strategies.

  1. The Process of Managing a Destination in Lower and Upper Austria

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    Bobková Markéta


    Full Text Available The focus of the submitted article is to introduce the findings of author’s research in the area of destination management process conducted in the developed (Alpine tourist destinations in the year of 2014. The theoretical part based on a literature review summarizes current knowledge dealing with the destination management process in terms of approaches and research findings. Problems influencing either positively or negatively this process, e.g. financing, legislation or cooperation among stakeholders are also defined. The practical application part includes an analysis of model destinations in Lower Austria and Upper Austria and presents the results of qualitative research conducted in these destinations. The collected information can be used to design methods leading to the improvement of the destination management process in tourist less developed destinations.

  2. Le renforcement des systèmes de santé | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 avr. 2013 ... Le résultat : les collectivités ont obtenu de meilleurs services de ... et d'audit social; les plans et les priorités seront ainsi ancrés dans le contexte local. .... du projet Stratégies de mise en place de l'assurance-maladie pour une ...

  3. The idea of destination brand licensing and the question of its effectiveness


    Michal Zemla


    Purpose – Destination branding is one of the most popular topics among tourism destinations researchers and practitioners however recent research revealed that it doesn’t have a clear concept. The purpose of presented paper is to enhance the destination branding theory by introducing some new elements taken from other popular concepts used in destination management into destination branding theory. The concept of destination brand licensing was undertaken as a response to several critical arg...

  4. The quality of tourism destination – integrated quality management

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    Ida Vajčnerová


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the quality of tourism services. It mentions various ways of approaching quality management, such as the standards of quality, systems based on ISO standards and systems of complex quality management. It describes approaches applied in the Czech Republic and points out the difficulty keeping the quality in tourism. Tourism services are not offered individually, which is why it is necessary to assess the quality of a whole complex of services within the frame of a tourism product or a tourist destination. The level of tourists' satisfaction is not based on the quality of individual tou­rism services or a destination product but it arises from their overall impression which is formed from the hospitality of local inhabitants, the willingness of employees, the cleanness of the environment, security and so on. The presumption of maintaining the quality of a destination is a unified approach of all participants in tourism development that can be reached by various forms of cooperation. Crea­ting a strategic alliance is one of such possibilities. The main objective of the article is to introduce the European system of Integrated Quality Management (IQM and the tool for assessing the qua­li­ty in a destination “Qualitest”. The Integrated Quality Management is an approach based on the cooperation of all areas taking part in tourism development in a destination. The qua­li­ty is assessed in a complex way with respect to tourism development impacts on local inhabitants and the environment. “Qualitest” is made of 16 indexes that are focused on the quality of a destination and the quality of a product. Each index is evaluated by three indicators that asses the quality of conditions (QPCI, the quality of management (QMI and the quality of a destination performance (QPI. These indicators combine qualitative as well as quantitative values. The precondition for using “Qualitest” in our destinations is the existence of a

  5. Destination Information Management System for Tourist


    Abdulhamid, Shafii Muhammad; Usman, Gana


    The use of information and communication technology in our day to day activities is now unavoidable. In tourism developments, destination information and management systems are used to guide visitors and provide information to both visitors and management of the tour sites. In this paper, information and navigation system was designed for tourists, taking some Niger state of Nigeria tourism destinations into account. The information management system was designed using Java Applet (NetBeans I...

  6. Destination Brand: Membangun Keunggulan Bersaing Daerah


    Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi


    All successful brands have social, emotional and identity value to users: they have personalities and enhance the perceived utility, desirability and quality of a product. Every country, regional or state should build destination brand for competitive advantage. A destination brand can be developed in a variety of ways, most obviously in advertising, through direct marketing, personal selling, on websites and in brochures, but also through public and media relations, and through the co-operat...

  7. Chapitre 3. Histoire des humanités numériques


    Sinatra, Michaël E.; Vitali-Rosati, Marcello


    Parallèlement à l’histoire du développement d’Internet et du web, une autre histoire est fondamentale pour comprendre les enjeux de l’édition numérique : celle des humanités numériques. Il y a encore quelques décennies, on pouvait penser que les ordinateurs et les technologies numériques étaient destinés uniquement aux sciences dures, les sciences exactes dont le calcul et les mathématiques sont les principaux outils. Cette idée est manifestement fausse aujourd’hui : le numérique habite l’ens...

  8. Vers les systèmes radio mobiles de 4e génération Évolutions technologiques des normes 3GPP

    CERN Document Server

    Martins, Philippe; Martins, Philippe


    Destiné aux étudiants de cycle Master, aux ingénieurs et aux enseignants-chercheurs, ce livre décrit les protocoles et le fonctionnement des réseaux cellulaires depuis la troisième génération jusqu'aux évolutions les plus récentes. L'ouvrage commence par une revue des notions fondamentales nécessaires à la compréhension du sujet et donne une vision d'ensemble des versions (releases) du 3GPP pour les communications radiomobiles. Il décrit ensuite les interfaces radio UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA+ et LTE en insistant sur leurs différences et leurs points communs, les avancées et les inconvénients de

  9. Decontamination of irradiated-fuel processing waste using manganese dioxide hydrate; Decontamination des effluents de traitement des combustibles irradies par le bioxyde de manganese hydrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J M; Gaudier, J F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule


    The 'manganese dioxide' process is designed to replace the 'calcium carbonate' treatment for low and medium activity wastes. The objective to attain during the research for a new process was the diminution of the volume of the sludge without decreasing the decontamination factor of the wastes. The new process involves addition in series of twice over 100 ppm of Mn{sup 2+} in the waste which has previously been made basic and oxidizing; the precipitate formed in situ is separated after each addition. The process has the advantage of increasing the decontamination of strontium. The treatment can be used in a plant including two decantation units and has given effective results when applied in such a plant. (author) [French] Le procede au ''bioxyde de manganese'' est destine a remplacer le traitement ''carbonate de calcium'' dans les effluents de moyenne activite. L'objectif poursuivi lors de la recherche d'un procede nouveau etait de diminuer le volume des boues sans diminuer le facteur de decontamination des effluents. Le nouveau traitement consiste a effectuer en cascade sur les effluents rendus basiques et oxydants une double precipitation de 100 ppm de Mn{sup 2+} avec separation intermediaire du precipite. Il presente en outre l'avantage d'ameliorer la decontamination en strontium. Le traitement est utilisable dans la chaine des deux decanteurs et a donne satisfaction lors de son exploitation industrielle. Le volume des boues seches a ete reduit d'un facteur 3 a 4 par rapport au traitement carbonate. (auteur)

  10. Smart tourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness


    Boes, Kim; Buhalis, Dimitrios; Inversini, Alessandro


    Purpose\\ud – Grounded in service-dominant (S-D) logic, the purpose of this paper is to explore the core components of smartness to present a framework for the development of the smart tourism destination.\\ud \\ud Design/methodology/approach\\ud – The paper explores the core components of smartness through case study analysis of well-established smart cities.\\ud \\ud Findings\\ud – The paper conceptualises smartness and argues ICT, leadership, innovation and social capital supported by human capit...

  11. Moderating Effects of Craftourism on Place Attachment and Destination Loyalty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arup Kumar Baksi


    Full Text Available Practice of traditional handicrafts play a significant role in enhancing destination attractiveness. Visitors assign considerable weightage to local craft practices to satisfy their desire to participate in the learning and production process, a case of role-reversal. Promoting this scope of role-reversal has been used by the Destination Marketing Organizations as differentiators. Craftourism has gained considerable momentum. This paper focuses on examining the moderating effects of craftourism on place attachment and destination loyalty. Dimensions of craftourism were identified by applying suitable statistical procedure. The results revealed craftourism, with option for visitors to enact role-reversal, improves the chances of destination loyalty following antecedent effects of place attachment. Keywords: craftourism, place attachment, destination loyalty, visitor, moderating

  12. Destination Memory Impairment in Older People


    Gopie, Nigel; Craik, Fergus I. M.; Hasher, Lynn


    Older adults are assumed to have poor destination memory— knowing to whom they tell particular information—and anecdotes about them repeating stories to the same people are cited as informal evidence for this claim. Experiment 1 assessed young and older adults’ destination memory by having participants tell facts (e.g., “A dime has 118 ridges around its edge”) to pictures of famous people (e.g., Oprah Winfrey). Surprise recognition memory tests, which also assessed confidence, revealed that o...

  13. Research on Psychological Carrying Capacity of Tourism Destination

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Fan Zhiyong; Zhong Sheng


    As a part of the carrying capacity system of tourism destination,tourism psychological carrying capacity and its makeup are very important indexes which reflect the harmonious development of tourism destination develops harmoniously,but the academy has not paid enough attention to them.Based on the concept and connotation of psychological carrying capacity,this paper explains the influencing factors which affect the psychological capacity of the tourist and the resident after the acknowledged concept,and then designs a harmonious development model of tourism destination.Finally,it offers some countermeasures against the overloading psychological capacity.

  14. Destination: Alumni Relations (United States)

    Scully, Maura King


    Increasingly today, with the growing and sophisticated skill set alumni professionals need to get the job done, alumni relations has become a destination career rather than a stop along the way. Modern alumni relations is "so much more than homecoming and punch-and-cookie receptions." It's marketing, volunteer management, and social networking. To…

  15. Destination memory and cognitive theory of mind in normal ageing. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Raffard, Stéphane; Gély-Nargeot, Marie-Christine


    Destination memory is the ability to remember the destination to which a piece of information has been addressed (e.g., "Did I tell you about the promotion?"). This ability is found to be impaired in normal ageing. Our work aimed to link this deterioration to the decline in theory of mind. Forty younger adults (M age = 23.13 years, SD = 4.00) and 36 older adults (M age = 69.53 years, SD = 8.93) performed a destination memory task. They also performed the False-belief test addressing cognitive theory of mind and the Reading the mind in the eyes test addressing affective theory of mind. Results showed significant deterioration in destination memory, cognitive theory of mind and affective theory of mind in the older adults. The older adults' performance on destination memory was significantly correlated with and predicted by their performance on cognitive theory of mind. Difficulties in the ability to interpret and predict others' mental states are related to destination memory decline in older adults.

  16. Innovations and networking fostering tourist destination development in Slovakia

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    Gajdošík Tomáš


    Full Text Available The paper focuses on the implementation of innovations and networking in the sector of tourism in two Slovak mountain destinations of international significance. The main objective of the paper is to identify and evaluate how innovations and networking contribute to tourist destination development in Slovakia. The implementation of institutional innovation resulted in the establishment of formal and informal networks. The developed networks consist of representatives of all sectors co-ordinating all relevant stakeholders. Formal and informal networks and the collaboration among stakeholders have launched other types of innovations in the tourism sector. The interactions and intensity of relations among stakeholders are analysed by network analysis. Destinations are compared with the network of the same size and density through quantitative network characteristics. Based on empirical research we investigate the impact of networks and innovations on tourist destination development. Due to the synergy effect of networking and implementation of multiple innovations, tourist destination development is observed.

  17. Interactive visual exploration and analysis of origin-destination data (United States)

    Ding, Linfang; Meng, Liqiu; Yang, Jian; Krisp, Jukka M.


    In this paper, we propose a visual analytics approach for the exploration of spatiotemporal interaction patterns of massive origin-destination data. Firstly, we visually query the movement database for data at certain time windows. Secondly, we conduct interactive clustering to allow the users to select input variables/features (e.g., origins, destinations, distance, and duration) and to adjust clustering parameters (e.g. distance threshold). The agglomerative hierarchical clustering method is applied for the multivariate clustering of the origin-destination data. Thirdly, we design a parallel coordinates plot for visualizing the precomputed clusters and for further exploration of interesting clusters. Finally, we propose a gradient line rendering technique to show the spatial and directional distribution of origin-destination clusters on a map view. We implement the visual analytics approach in a web-based interactive environment and apply it to real-world floating car data from Shanghai. The experiment results show the origin/destination hotspots and their spatial interaction patterns. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

  18. Effects of Films and Television Dramas on Destination Image

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    Pars Şahbaz


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is bring up the effects of films and television dramas on destination image. Image is a picture and a imagery which ia about destination and also image affects the purchase decision making. The population of the study contains domestic tourists who visited Mardin. The result of the study suggests that there is a substantive relationship between destination images and films and television dramas.

  19. Transformations in destination texture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia


    This article takes heterogeographical approaches to understand Bollywood-induced destination transformations in Switzerland. Positioned within the theoretical field of mediatized mobility, the study contextualizes Bollywood-induced tourism in Europe the concept of texture. Textural analysis (base...

  20. The role of brand destination experience in determining revisit intention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattsson, Jan; Barnes, Stuart; Sørensen, Flemming

    Destination branding has developed considerably as a topic area in the last decade with numerous conceptualizations focusing on different aspects of the brand. However, a unified view has not yet emerged. This paper examines destination branding via a new conceptualization, brand destination...... experience, which provides a more holistic and unified view of the brand destination. The research uses a logistic regression model to determine the role of satisfaction and brand experience in determining revisit intentions. The study also examines differences among subgroups and four brand experience sub...

  1. Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les écoles offrent des voies stratégiques et ciblées pour fournir une alimentation nutritive aux enfants et, indirectement, à leurs familles et leurs collectivités. Un projet de recherche d'une durée de trois ans (de 2012 à 2015) a mis au point et à l'essai un modèle de nutrition intégrée en milieu scolaire comprenant du ...

  2. Planifier pour réussir — Le Projet d'interventions essentielles en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 oct. 2011 ... Des femmes veillant tendrement sur les enfants qu'elles portent dans leurs bras sont assises côte à côte sur les bancs de bois à l'entrée de la clinique de Mvomero, petite collectivité rurale de la Tanzanie. À l'intérieur, un professionnel de la santé, Y.E. Kapito, examine doucement un nourrisson afin de ...

  3. La gouvernance axée sur la collaboration : une solution pour la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2013 ... Les données transmises par satellite et l'information obtenue auprès des collectivités ont été recueillies et interprétées de manière à ce qu'elles puissent ... et d'inondations est en voie de devenir le point de contact unique pour les résidents, ce qui réduira le chevauchement de voies de communication.

  4. Relance de l'aquaculture au Sri Lanka

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    cas de risque et de mettre au point des systèmes de dépuration (c'est-à-dire de purification au moyen d'eau de mer stérilisée). Un élément primordial du projet de recherche consiste à protéger la population contre les contaminants (aussi bien naturels que d'origine anthropique). Pour que les collectivités puissent exploiter ...

  5. Communiquer ! les bibliothécaires, les décideurs et les journalistes

    CERN Document Server


    L'enjeu de la communication en direction des élus, des décideurs, mais aussi des journalistes, est devenu vital pour les bibliothèques : il s'agit de donner à voir aux tutelles leurs activités, de rendre intelligible leur stratégie de développement, de construire une image institutionnelle forte. De quels moyens dispose la bibliothèque pour faire la preuve du bien-fondé de son existence ? Comment communiquer en direction d'un élu municipal ou régional, d'un responsable politique de la bibliothèque ? Que peut apporter une bonne collaboration avec des journalistes, avec les partenaires naturels ou hiérarchiques au sein de l'université ou de la collectivité territoriale ? Comment utiliser à bon escient les méthodes du lobbying et du marketing, ou l'emploi des réseaux sociaux ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions abordées ici.

  6. Territorialisation de l’action publique d’appui à la création d’activités en Rhône-Alpes et en Auvergne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BONNAUD, Agnès


    Full Text Available La création d’emplois et d’activités nouvelles au sein des territoires ruraux est un enjeu majeur pour l’action publique. En région Rhône-Alpes et Auvergne, de nombreux dispositifs d’appui et d’accompagnement se sont mis en place à toutes les échelles, par des acteurs divers, collectivités locales ou associations, menant des actions coordonnées ou pas. À partir de ces exemples, cet article nous propose d’analyser le déploiement récent de ces politiques locales et régionales d’accueil et les perspectives de progression de l’action publique territorialisée en faveur de l’accueil de populations et d’activités.

  7. Aider les collectivités riveraines de l'Amazone à composer avec les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 nov. 2013 ... Selon Kátia Fernandes, de l'IRI, à l'Université Columbia, ces données sont insuffisantes pour une étude à long terme. Elle estime que des données recueillies sur une plus longue période montreront clairement ce qui se produit au chapitre des marées dans l'estuaire de l'Amazone. Même les liens existant ...

  8. What marketing strategy for destinations with a negative image?


    Seraphin, Hugues; Gowreesunkar, Vanessa; Hugues Seraphin


    Purpose\\ud This concluding article filters out meaningful marketing strategies that aim at re-positioning and re-establishing struggling tourism destinations with negative image. Drawing from a collection of case studies around the world, the article provides evidences from post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations to finally anchor the overall conclusion of the theme issue.\\ud \\ud Design\\ud The article summarizes key issues faced by destinations plagued with a negative imag...

  9. Exploring Familiarity and Destination Choice in International Tourism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lee, G.; Tussyadiah, Iis


    tourists' characteristics and the destination choices. The results indicate that (1) teens and people in their 50s and above were interested in visiting more popular places, (2) tourists who are more familiar with Japan tended to visit less popular destinations, and (3) tourists with more travel...

  10. Critical success factors of a business tourism destination: Supply side analysis


    Milandrie Marais; Engelina du Plessis; Melville Saayman


    Orientation: Globally, destinations offer various products and services to visitors featuring different attributes and characteristics, making each destination unique. The critical success factors (CSFs) of each of these destinations may differ, making the management process more complex. Research purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify the CSFs for business tourism destinations in South Africa from a supply viewpoint. Motivation for the study: Because of the importance of...

  11. Competitiveness Benchmarking of Tourist Destinations in the Czech Republic and Slovenia


    Ricková, Karla


    This diploma thesis deals with the benchmarking method and its practical use in continuous process of destinations' competitiveness enhancement. It describes the importance of tourism for destination's development and increasing need of its management, in order to become more competitive. Revealing the key factors of success that are created by destinations' competitive advantages enables destinations to keep or even to strengthen their position on the international tourism market. The main g...


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    Violeta Milenkovska


    Full Text Available In times when competition between countries in the world is stronger, in order to attract as many tourists as possible, and strengthening their brand as a tourist destination, Republic of Macedonia started to build and strengthen its tourism brand. Due to the enormous competition, traditional destinations maintain and improve their brand through new innovative tourist attractions. On the contrary, the new tourist destinations strongly attack potential tourists with intention of gaining a better position on the tourist market. The subject of this paper is Macedonia as a tourist destination seen through the prism of promotional activities that Agency for promotion and support tourism in Republic of Macedonia realized in period 2009– 2012. This paper presents an action research conducted on a sample of 65 tourist stockholders (travel agencies and hotels in Macedonia in 2012. In this study it will be analyzed what other countries have undertaken regarding the aspect of promotion of their tourist product, concerning promotion of their tourist destination and what Macedonia has undertaken and should undertake regarding that aspect.

  13. The evolution of destination branding: A review of branding literature in tourism

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    Marta Almeyda-Ibáñez


    Full Text Available Tourism is a promise and destinations communicate the credibility of that promise by means of destination brands. Branding has become a key tool for tourism destinations to make explicit the complexity of experiences to be expected by tourists visiting a destination. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of various issues associated with tourism destination branding. It brings together a wide range of debates in the generic marketing literature, places them alongside the nuances of tourism, and thereby identifies unique challenges of branding in tourism destination contexts. Finally, a case study of USP based national tourism branding campaigns in the Caribbean is presented.

  14. Tourist destination branding on social networks

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    Radenković-Šošić Bojana


    Full Text Available Social networks have become the modern means of communication. Intensive electronic word of mouth to mouth (eWOM leads to faster sharing of experiences, and the creation of positive and negative attitudes. On the other hand, branding of tourist destinations has become one of the most powerful resources in the implementation of marketing strategies in tourism. The aim of this study, which is based on primary research, is to examine the concept of electronic word of mouth, as well as the role of social networks in the process of branding tourist destinations.

  15. Clarifications regarding medical tourism destinations marketing

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    STANCIOIU Aurelia-Felicia


    Full Text Available The development of new types of tourism (stand-alone, connected or components, from marketing experience, implies a broad spectrum of challenges, which, placed in a planned background, has the purpose the creation and then, the development of tourism products that correspond, at least, to consumers’ expectations. In order to optimize the new type of tourism, it is necessary to be correlated with the relevant resources of the destination, which, harmonized, can lead to the elaboration of destination marketing strategies, in this situation being the medical tourism, component of health tourism.

  16. Tourists' Transformation Experience: From Destination Architecture to Identity Formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ye, Helen Yi; Tussyadiah, Iis


    Today’s tourists seek unique destinations that could associate with their self identity in a profound way. It is meaningful for destinations to design unique physical elements that offer transformational travel experiences. This study aims at identifying how tourists encounter architecture...... in a destination and if architecture facilitates tourists’ self transformation. Based on narrative structure analysis by deconstruction of travel blog posts, the results suggest that tourists perceive architectural landscape as an important feature that reflects destinations’ identity. Four different interaction...

  17. Predicting Individual Trip Destinations With Artificial Potential Fields.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zonta, A.; Smit, S.K.; Haasdijk, Evert


    This paper presents a method to model the intended destination of a subject in real time, based on a trace of position information and prior knowledge of possible destinations. In contrast to most work in this field, it does so without the need for prior analysis of habitual travel patterns. The

  18. A study of switch circuits for use as safety devices in nuclear reactors; Etude de circuits de commutation destines a la securite des reacteurs nucleaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hantcherian, V [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author reviews briefly a few basic assemblies using electromagnetic relays for safety circuits in nuclear reactors; he then studies the use of static relays with a shorter time of response, based on impedance changes in a self-inductance consisting of a coil with a magnetic core having a rectangular hysteresis cycle. The author examines in particular the way in which it functions and the method of determining the parameters. (author) [French] L'auteur apres avoir examine sommairement en revue quelques montages de base des circuits de securite des reacteurs nucleaires utilisant des relais electromecaniques, etudie l'emploi des relais statiques a plus grande vitesse de reponse bases sur la variation d'impedance que presente une self-inductance realisee a l'aide d'une bobine enroulee autour d'un noyau magnetique a cycle d'hysteresis rectangulaire. En particulier, il en examine le mode de fonctionnement et la determination des parametres. (auteur)

  19. Vacuum brazing of metals (1961); Brassure sous vide des metaux (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lapujoulade, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have studied brazing in vacuum aiming its application for the making of containers and apparatus meant for high vacuum (p < 10{sup -8} torr). We first define the wettability of a brazing alloy on a metal and we remind the influence of the various parameters which act on this wettability (nature of the solid, of the liquid, geometrical and physicochemical state of the surface, metallurgical reactions occurring at the interface, temperature, time). We give then the results of the tests carried out in order to determine the conditions of wettability in vacuum of some brazing alloys on metals which can be used for the above mentioned apparatus (stainless steel, aluminium, bronze, titanium, zirconium, kovar, nickel, copper). (author) [French] Nous avons etudie la brasure sous vide en vue de son application a la construction d'enceintes et apparelilage destines a l'obtention des vides eleves (p < 10{sup -8} torr). Nous definissons d'abord la mouillabilite d'une brasure sur un metal et nous rappelons l'influence des differents parametres qui agissent sur cette mouillabilite (nature du solide, du liquide, etat geometrique et physico-chimique de la surface, reactions metallurgiques a l'interface, temperature, temps). Nous donnons ensuite les resultats des essais effectues dans le but de determiner les conditions de mouillabilite sous vide de certaines brassures sur des metaux utilisables dans les constructions mentionnees ci-dessus (acier inoxydable, bronze d'aluminium, titane, zirconium, kovar, nickel, cuivre). (auteur)

  20. [Role of context recall in destination memory decline in normal aging]. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Allain, Philippe


    Until recently, little was known about destination memory, or memory for the destination of outputted information. In the present work, this memory was evaluated in 32 older adults and 36 younger adults, who had to associate proverbs to pictures of famous people and decide, on a subsequent recognition task, whether they had previously told that proverb to that face or not. When deciding about the destination, participants had to provide contextual judgment, that is, whether each picture had been previously exposed in color or in black and white. Participants also performed a neuropsychological battery tapping episodic memory and executive functions. Findings showed poor destination recall in older participants. Destination recall in older adults was reliably predicted by with their context recall. Destination memory seems to be particularly affected by aging, a deterioration that can be related to deficits in processing contextual features during encoding.

  1. Categorization of Destinations and Formation of Mental Destination Representations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kano Glückstad, Fumiko; Kock, Florian; Josiassen, Alexander


    , a disruptive biclustering approach advanced by recent developments of Bayesian relational modeling. This new approach, for the first time in tourism research, allows to design and conduct a segmentation analysis by simultaneously biclustering multiple datasets consisting of cases and variables in a parallel...... format. We demonstrate how the new analytical framework can be applied to analyze and compare patterns of associations which individuals have of multiple destinations. Subsequently, this paper elaborates potential contributions the Bayesian relational modeling framework makes to the tourism research...

  2. Rapport d’étape – Le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes : un système de surveillance des blessures dynamique et novateur

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    J. Crain


    Full Text Available Ce rapport d’étape sur le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes (SCHIRPT, un système de surveillance des blessures et des empoisonnements utilisé par les services d’urgence, décrit le résultat de la migration d’un processus d’entrée et de codage des données centralisé vers le processus décentralisé de l’eSCHIRPT, réalisée en 2011. Ce système sécurisé accroît la souplesse et la rapidité globales du SCHIRPT, attributs clés d’un système de surveillance efficace. La plate-forme intégrée de l’eSCHIRPT permet une entrée de données et un accès aux données en temps quasi réel, comprend des outils conviviaux de gestion et d’analyse des données et facilite la communication et la connectivité au sein du réseau du SCHIRPT grâce à un centre de collaboration en ligne. L’essai pilote mené actuellement sur les outils automatisés de contrôle de données et d’analyse des tendances – destinés à surveiller et à mettre en évidence les données d’entrée à partir de critères prédéfinis (par exemple un nouveau produit de consommation – révèle le potentiel de détection rapide des nouveaux dangers, enjeux et tendances que possède l’eSCHIRPT.

  3. Catalyseurs et procédés catalytiques utilisés dans la production des grands intermédiaires pétrochimiques. Situation actuelle et futur Catalysts and Catalytic Processes Used for the Production of the Major Petrochemical Building Blocks. Present Situation and the Future

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    Boitiaux J. P.


    Full Text Available La pétrochimie représente une part modeste du marché des catalyseurs, mais les dix dernières années ont vu des améliorations substantielles des catalyseurs et des procédés utilisés. Ces améliorations ont permis de mieux répondre à la demande en grands intermédiaires pétrochimiques. Cette évolution est bien illustrée par les hydrogénations, autour du vapocraquage destiné à produire des oléfines, par le reformage catalytique et les procédés satellites destinés à produire des aromatiques et par les nouveaux procédés de déshydrogénation, métathèse, oligomérisation. . . qui permettent de mieux équilibrer le marché des oléfines. Petrochemicals account for a modest share of the market for catalysts, but there have been substantial improvements in the catalysts and processes used in the last ten years. These improvements have brought about a better response to the demand for major petrochemical building blocks. This trend is clearly illustrated by hydrogenations in the field of steam cracking to produce olefins, by catalytic reforming and satellite processes to produce aromatics, and by new processes such as dehydrogenation, metathesis and oligomerization which provide better balance to the market for olefins.

  4. Διπλωματία καὶ διπλωματική. Τὸ παράδειγμα τῆς Jussio

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    Τηλέμαχος Κ. ΛΟΥΓΓΗΣ


    Full Text Available   T. C. Lounghis Diplomatie et Diplomatique; l'exemple de la Jussio Le problème des relations entre Byzance et l'Occident relève de l'extension de la notion des états étrangers au détriment de l'empire oecuménique. Au fur et à mesure que recule la souveraineté byzantine en Occident, la diplomatie devient forcément plus active, ayant à résoudre des problèmes toujours plus compliqués. Ce sont les documents diplomatiques de la haute époque, mentionnés dans les sources littéraires et juridiques qui peuvent constituer des indices des intentions de la diplomatie impériale envers l'Occident. Ainsi la jussio, tout en étant au début un document d'usage intérieur adressé à de hauts fonctionnaires impériaux, devient un document adressé à des potentats étrangers, avant de disparaître vers la fin du VIIIe siècle. La jussio est succédée dans l'usage intérieur de l'empire par les documents σάκρα, ὁρισμός, πρόσταξις. De même, le document keleusis, qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec la jussio, est un document adressé à des groupes sociaux à l'intérieur de l'empire, avant de devenir aussi un document de politique étrangère destiné toujours à des collectivités ethniques. Le grand tournant dans l'histoire de la diplomatie byzantine a lieu au VIIIe siècle, lorsque l'Eglise de Rome fait sécession de l'empire byzantin, lorsque l'Occident entier acquiert son indépendance politique et lorsque les documents jussio et keleusis se confondent pour un instant quant à leurs destinataires et contenu. L'histoire de la diplomatie byzantine envers l'Occident n'est qu'une réadaptation constante par des procédés de ce genre aux réalités nouvelles qui surgissaient à chaque instant. C'est pour cela que la distinction entre les documents diplomatiques n'est pas toujours facile.

  5. Promoting tourism destinations: A strategic marketing approach


    Soteriades, Marios D.; Avgeli, Vasiliki A.


    This paper provides an outline of principal marketing strategy issues and their application in promoting tourism destinations. It provides an overview of a report prepared for the Tourism Promotion Committee (T.P.C.) of Heraklion District, Crete. In the context of the tourist industry, the ‘product’ is an experience achieved through the combination of a diverse range of products and services. Nowadays tourism destinations face new and increasing marketing challenges arising from changing tour...

  6. Marketing of adventure tourism destination in Nepal


    Baral, Nirajan


    Adventure tourism is one of the key factors of the Nepalese tourism industry. The main aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to clarify the current situation and challenges for developing adventure tourism in Nepal and to evaluate the importance of appropriate marketing strategies. The thesis also focuses on promoting adventure tourism activities and rural tourism destinations. The objective of the thesis was to explore Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve as an adventure tourism destination at internationa...

  7. The perception of destination competitiveness by tourists


    Amaya-Molinar, Carlos Mario; Sosa-Ferreira, Ana Pricila; Ochoa-Llamas, Ileana; Moncada-Jiménez, Pedro


    Based on a review of the academic literature this study identifies some of the most frequently mentioned factors and indicators in the field of a tourist destination competitiveness to design a survey subsequently conducted among tourists in Cancun, México. An exploratory factor analysis was performed with the collected data; the result was the reduction from twelve competitiveness factors most commonly mentioned in academic literature to five: Destination marketing and attractions, Destinati...

  8. Place à l'adaptAction | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 févr. 2011 ... Place à l'adaptAction — Protéger les collectivités côtières du nord du Maroc par Mary O'Neill Les régions rurales de la côte du nord-est du Maroc sont de plus en plus vulnérables aux effets des changements climatiques. Une équipe de recherche internationale réalise une étude participative dans deux ...

  9. Publications | Page 49 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'exploitation aurifère artisanale et à petite échelle est la source la plus importante d'émissions de mercure causées par l'homme et a même dépassé la combustion du charbon. Participation des collectivités urbaines à la lutte contre la dengue en Amérique latine. La recherche montre qu'une démarche intégrée de lutte ...

  10. Destination Motivation, Cultural Orientation, and Adaptation: International Students' Destination-Loyalty Intention (United States)

    Jamaludin, Nor Lelawati; Sam, David Lackland; Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim


    This study aims to understand factors predicting destination-loyalty intention in international education. A sample of 378 long-term (n = 195) and short-term (n = 183) international students participated in the study carried out in 2014 through an on-line survey at the University of Bergen, Norway. Using a series of hierarchical regression…

  11. Virtual Community Based Destination Marketing with YouTube

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sambhanthan, Arunasalam; Thelijjagoda, Samantha; Good, Alice


    YouTube has now evolved into a powerful medium for social interaction. Utilizing YouTube for enhancing marketing endeavours is a strategy practiced by marketing professionals across several industries. This paper rationalizes on the different strategies of leveraging YouTube-based platforms...... for effective destination marketing by the hospitality industry (hotels) and provides insights on the critical drivers and challenges embedded within YouTube-based community interactions for destination marketing. The comments made by YouTube users have been subjected to a content analysis and the results...... are reported under the five broad clusters of virtual communities. More broadly, the typology of virtual communities is adapted to evaluate the YouTube platform for effective destination marketing....

  12. Electrotechnique les enroulements des machines électriques, différents types, spécificités, conception, placement

    CERN Document Server

    Abdessemed, Rachid


    L'ouvrage est une présentation détaillée des différents types d'enroulement des machines électriques (tournantes et transformateurs), explicitant leurs domaines d'utilisation, leurs avantages et inconvénients respectifs ainsi que leurs spécificités. Ce panorama est accompagné d'une méthode généralisée de conception. Il est complété par l'exposé des méthodes de mise en encoches manuelles et automatisées qui leurs sont associées. Le document est élaboré avec un minimum de texte au profit d'une illustration évolutive permettant une assimilation efficace. Les enroulements sont représentés sous une forme originale, simple et aisément assimilable. Le livre est principalement destiné aux étudiants du domaine électrotechnique intéressés par la conception et la fiabilité des machines électriques. Par son caractère didactique et son accessibilité aux élèves des écoles techniques, il sera également d'une grande utilité pour un large public professionnel allant du technicien à l'in...

  13. L'émancipation des femmes et des collectivités africaines par l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    a aidée à plus que décupler son rendement. Sa récolte étant trop abondante pour être entièrement écoulée au bord de la route, son mari a entrepris d'aller la vendre en ville. Au final, grâce à cette « amélioration », celui-ci ...

  14. Recherche et renforcement des capacités au profit des collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI lance un nouveau projet dans la région de l'ANASE. L'honorable Chrystia Freeland, ministre du Commerce international, a annoncé le lancement d'un nouveau projet financé par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI). Voir davantageLe CRDI lance un nouveau projet dans la région ...

  15. Competitiveness of Serbia as a tourist destination: Analysis of selected key indicators

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    Popesku Jovan


    Full Text Available To achieve the favourable competitiveness position, tourist destination has to offer quality experiences to tourists that can make the destination more attractive compared to other tourist destinations. The role of destination management is to exploit and develop existing resources by using clear and effective strategies for developing tourism products and creating additional value of tourist experience. The first step of analysis is to define destination competitiveness by using the indicators which will review and give the guidelines for improvement of competitive position. This paper discusses the tourist destinations' competitiveness and indicators for its measurement with a special reference to Serbia. Tourism development of Serbia is a big chance for overall economic development of the country. Current competitive position of Serbian tourism on international market is not satisfactory and this paper is trying to analyze and to point out the reasons of Serbia's tourism low competitiveness. Conclusions about the competitive positioning of Serbia as a tourist destination are drawn out firstly based on the relevant studies as well as on the Serbian Tourism Development Strategy. The results of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (WEF TTCI reports for Serbia are also presented. Based on own research, this paper is also showing the results related to competitiveness of Serbia as a tourist destination in terms of two groups of indicators: natural, cultural and historical resources as well as destination management. According to the results, Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and historical resources comparing to the role of destination management.


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    Adina Nicoleta CANDREA


    Full Text Available Sport event tourism is a huge and growing global industry with important economic implications for both the sport, the event and the impact of travel and tourism related benefits on host destinations. A primary function of a sport event is to provide the host community with an opportunity to secure high prominence in the tourism market place. However, international or regional prominence may be gained with significant social and environmental costs. Hosting sport events has been a focus of destination marketers as a strategy to enhance its destination image and differentiate its tourism products. Communities are attracted to hosting sport events to draw marketing benefits that will contribute to the success of the destination in the long run by creating awareness, improving their image with visitors and attracting tourism business to generate future inbound travel. As such, destination images can be influenced by the hosting of a sport event and the attributes associated with this event. The purpose of this paper is to outline the role of sport event tourism in the promotion of tourist destinations. A case study has been chosen in order to illustrate the interdependence between event and destination marketing: Braşov, hosting the winter edition of The European Youth Olympic Festival in 2013. The paper includes a series of recommendations for destination managers in order to maximise the benefits of this event and take this opportunity to promote Braşov on the international market.

  17. Komparasi Destination Branding dalam Official Website Negara Singapura-Malaysia-Indonesia

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    Ryan Pratama Sutanto


    Full Text Available High profit income has attracted South Asian countries to compete in the fields of tourism marketing. Destination branding as a differentiating factor is an alternative approach in marketing communication. The purpose of this research is to make a comparison study of destination branding application in Singapore's, Malaysia's and Indonesia's tourism official websites. Destination branding in websites as part of promotion campaigns is a strategy used by each country to promote tourism to consumers worldwide. This research uses qualitative method, and involves experts in the fields of Information Technology (IT and Visual Communication Design. Each website's elements contributes in the success of a country's destination branding and influences its brand image.

  18. Protection des régions semi-arides contre les chocs climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2016 ... Définition de mésadaptation. Elizabeth Carabine, chercheuse à ... Elle a soutenu que l'inaction délibérée devrait être considérée comme une mésadaptation si elle contribue à augmenter les risques climatiques et les résultats négatifs pour les gens et les collectivités. Selon elle, il faudrait se pencher ...

  19. Nécrose pancréatique infectieuse des salmonidés : évaluation de méthodes destinées à couper la transmission par l'oeuf

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    Full Text Available Des ovules de truites Arc-en-Ciel ont été fécondés par des spermatozoïdes de la même espèce traités par l'iode suivant différents protocoles afin de couper la transmission de la nécrose pancréatique infectieuse (NPI des salmonidés. L'efficacité de l'iode a été évaluée en parallèle par neutralisation du virus en 1 mn. Le protocole conseillé pour la solution d'iode disponible dans le commerce (ovules égouttés, puis recouverts de solution- iodée et sperme ajouté immédiatement a d'abord été utilisé. A pH compris entre 5 et 8 et pour des concentrations en iode de 15, 25 et 35 mg/l, le pourcentage de fécondation est inférieur à 10 et ne remonte qu'à pH 9 (69 % pour 25 mg/l. Par contre, l'efficacité contre le virus décroît rapidement pour des pH supérieurs à 7, et aucun pH n'a permis de concilier efficacité et innocuité. Le même protocole'utilisé avec 10 spermes individuels a montré des différences de sensibilité individuelle marquées (pourcentages de fécondation de 1,6 à 37 % pour 25 mg/l d'iode à pH8, qui ne sont pas en corrélation avec la qualité des spermes appréciée par la concentration de la protéine de membrane 42 kDa dans le liquide séminal. Les différents essais de préincubation du sperme (de quelques secondes à 1 minute ont donné des rendements de fécondation nuls, sauf pour un large excès de sperme, qui entraînait aussi la perte de l'efficacité de l'iode contre le virus. Deux expériences de transmission expérimentale ont été réalisées en incubant les spermatozoïdes avec du virus concentré. L'élimination systématique des oeufs morts et anormaux suivie d'une désinfection externe des oeufs (50 mg/l d'iode, 15 mn avant l'éclosion n'a pas permis dé couper la transmission, ce qui laisse supposer que le virus peut être transmis sans infecter l'embryon de façon létale.


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    Silaghi Simona


    Full Text Available In today's global economy, each place competes with other places for economic benefits. Destination has become a product that has to be promoted and sold in the most advantageous terms. The work bellow is an analysis of "brand equity" concept for touristic destinations, as found in the specific literature. Destination brands differ from product brands, major distinction being given by their stability/ instability. Brands of products are stable; this constant is maintained by the use of quality standards. Even in case of services, situation can be controlled, as quality standards could be perpetuated by a franchise system. Destinations are not depending on a single person, who decides, but a variety of them, economic agents, businesses, institutions and local population that can create/print form and structure changes of the destination. The concept de brand equity applied for touristic destinations, is something relatively recent. The dimensions of a brand for touristic destinations are: awareness, image, loyalty, quality and value. All these dimensions build the branding equity of a destination. There is interdependency, between quality, image, loyalty and value. In order to determine the perception in regards to the quality of tourism services in Romania, in 2010 a comprehensive study was done among the inhabitants of Oradea city. Through this study we have pursued several objectives: to assess the importance of service characteristics, performance evaluation of tourism services in Romania, tourism personnel evaluation, in terms of evaluation and performance, perception of the quality-price ratio for Romania, compared with other tourist destinations. We call on the exploratory study conducted, as the value of the dimension- destination of the brand equity is given by the price-quality ratio. Using an explorative study on the market of Oradea city, it was highlighted the connection between perception of touristic services, estimation price

  1. Komparasi Destination Branding dalam Official Website Negara Singapura-Malaysia-Indonesia


    Ryan Pratama Sutanto; Listia Natadjaja; Erandaru .


    High profit income has attracted South Asian countries to compete in the fields of tourism marketing. Destination branding as a differentiating factor is an alternative approach in marketing communication. The purpose of this research is to make a comparison study of destination branding application in Singapore's, Malaysia's and Indonesia's tourism official websites. Destination branding in websites as part of promotion campaigns is a strategy used by each country to promote tourism to consu...

  2. Renforcer la résilience dans les collectivités touchées par le tsunami ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Lors du tsunami qui a frappé l'Asie du Sud en décembre 2004, des études ont indiqué qu'une épaisse végétation côtière, telles les mangroves, avait permis de sauver des vies et de réduire les pertes matérielles en servant de barrières naturelles. Par ailleurs, des villageois, comme ceux de Nallavadu dans le territoire de ...

  3. Aphasie : Contraintes vs Gouvernement, le cas des clusters

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    Prince Typhanie


    Full Text Available L'objet de ce travail est de comprendre les processus phonologiques qui structurent le langage : pathologique ou non. Notre approche apparie phonologie et aphasiologie. Nous proposons ici une analyse de ces processus phonologiques à travers l'étude des groupes consonantiques dans les structures syllabiques dont ils dépendent. Le cas des clusters apparaît essentiel dans cette problématique. Cet objet n'est que trop peu exploité dans les travaux aphasiologiques alors qu'il s'avère central dans les approches phonologiques par les problèmes représentationnels qu'il pose : relations ou absence de relations entre les consonnes, hétérosyllabicité ou ambisyllabicité. Notre étude prend en compte : - une dimension segmentale : à travers la notion de complexité, - une dimension syllabique : par les relations de gouvernement imposées sur les représentations phonologiques. Nous postulons que ce n'est qu'en considérant l'interrelation de ces dimensions que l'on peut produire une explication des désordres phonologiques observés en pathologie et montrer que des régularités émergent. Dans cet article, nous exposons les traitements proposées à l'aphasie à travers deux cadres phonologiques : la Théorie de l'Optimalité [OT] et la Théorie des Contraintes et des Stratégies de Réparation [TCSR]. Il s'agit d'observer les apports et limites rencontrés par ces modèles. Ensuite, à partir de la Phonologie du Gouvernement, cadre dans lequel nous nous situons, depuis [KLV : 1985] jusqu'à [Scheer : 2010], nous analysons les données et exposons une explication des phénomènes tant au niveau segmental que syllabique. L'étude est basée sur un échantillon de 15 aphasiques (Broca, Wernicke, Conduction de l'unité Neuro- Vasculaire du CHU de Nantes : tous souffrent d'une aphasie consécutive à une lésion cérébrale. Les données ont été récoltées au maximum 72h après le traumatisme à partir d'un protocole expérimental destiné

  4. Sochi Market Analysis as a Health Tourism Destination

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    Nadezhda K. Serdyukova


    Full Text Available The article considers major characteristics of Sochi market as a health tourism destination, analyses the structure of resort collective accommodation facilities, dynamics of tourist flows and their structure, prevailing kinds of tourism and estimates tourist flows of health tourism in Sochi in 2008-2012. The authors indicate major characteristics and trends of Sochi tourist market development and the prospects of Sochi development as a health tourism destination. The percent of health tourist flow in the general tourist flow of Sochi and the percent of domestic tourist flow in the sector of collective accommodation facilities are estimated. The authors came to the conclusion that to develop tourism in Sochi in post-Games period, it is necessary to promote Sochi as a health tourism destination.

  5. Collectivités et exploitation minière au Canada et dans le monde ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... des conditions appropriées aux compagnies minières; d'empêcher le développement de projets susceptibles de nuire à des zones qui ont une importance écologique, économique et culturelle; et de plaider en faveur de politiques venant améliorer l'efficacité du développement minier et réduire les risques qu'il présente.

  6. The Branding of Kharkov City as a Tourist Destination

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    Danko Nataliya I.


    Full Text Available On the basis of analyzing publications and documents of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, the authors clarified the concept of «tourist destination»; considered and clarified the concept of «brand of the tourist destination»; suggested the mechanism for development of the brand of the tourist destination. The existing brand of Kharkiv – «Kharkiv – smart city» – has been analyzed and it was concluded that this brand is promising and successful for educational tourism, for attracting foreign students and scholars – connoisseurs of new technologies and science fiction. The direction of further work on the brand of Kharkiv city as a tourist destination is to enhance the already existing brand «Kharkiv – smart city» by introducing a set of marketing communications, aggressive advertising campaign in Ukrainian and international media and travel exhibitions. Besides, it is considered to be promising to design brands intended for other target segments of consumers – «Kharkiv – historic city», «Kharkiv – sport city», etc., which will lead to a synergistic effect in the tourism industry of Kharkiv. Prospects for further research in this direction are studying new strategic directions of development of Kharkiv city as a tourist destination

  7. Complexity in built environment, health, and destination walking: a neighborhood-scale analysis. (United States)

    Carlson, Cynthia; Aytur, Semra; Gardner, Kevin; Rogers, Shannon


    This study investigates the relationships between the built environment, the physical attributes of the neighborhood, and the residents' perceptions of those attributes. It focuses on destination walking and self-reported health, and does so at the neighborhood scale. The built environment, in particular sidewalks, road connectivity, and proximity of local destinations, correlates with destination walking, and similarly destination walking correlates with physical health. It was found, however, that the built environment and health metrics may not be simply, directly correlated but rather may be correlated through a series of feedback loops that may regulate risk in different ways in different contexts. In particular, evidence for a feedback loop between physical health and destination walking is observed, as well as separate feedback loops between destination walking and objective metrics of the built environment, and destination walking and perception of the built environment. These feedback loops affect the ability to observe how the built environment correlates with residents' physical health. Previous studies have investigated pieces of these associations, but are potentially missing the more complex relationships present. This study proposes a conceptual model describing complex feedback relationships between destination walking and public health, with the built environment expected to increase or decrease the strength of the feedback loop. Evidence supporting these feedback relationships is presented.


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    Full Text Available Thus, uncontrollable elements such as nice weather, nature/scenery, accessibility, transformed into controllable elements such as pleasant environment, relaxing atmosphere, infrastructure, can create a favourable artistic image that would determine the tourist to pick the destination. Uncontrollable elements such as local culture, diversity of sport activities, of restaurant, cafes etc. that can increase the value of a destination, transformed into controllable elements such as historical sites, events (cultural activities, festivals etc. form an environment where “there are plenty of things to do” and can create a favourable psychological image that will make the tourist return to this destination. The transformation of these attributes into advantages for the tourist, so that a destination can be differentiated, takes places within a positioning strategy.

  9. Réduction du risque de pollution de l'eau dans les collectivités ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Reducing the Risk of Water Pollution in Vulnerable Coastal Communities of Cartagena, Colombia: Responding to Climate Change. The coastal area of Cartagena, an important tourist destination in Colombia, is home to several poor communities that rely on artisanal fishing (small-scale, traditional fishing techniques) and.


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    Ban Olimpia


    Full Text Available The image of a destination is more than a distinguishing element; it is a component of the supply and brings more value to it. The image of a destination can be the decisive component, while the other elements re relatively alike (1. The image of a tourist destination is strongly connected to the image of a country, the image of a nation and the image of a place. The image of a place is formed for a receiver naturally by accumulating experiences with that place, the use of the sources of personal and impersonal information. For the transmitter, the image is the result of some direct and indirect actions. The branding of the place is the conscientious and coordinated process of an image achievement. In the paper there are presented some examples of actions of image research, an essential step having in view the branding or re-branding It is presented a study of the citizens of Oradea regarding their perception of tourist Romania.

  11. Destination Characteristics that Drive Hotel Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Assaf, A. George; Josiassen, Alexander; Woo, Linda


    , government support, disposable income, and number of international arrivals within a tourism destination. Results indicate that the most important barriers to hotel performance are the competition among accommodation providers, tax rate and fuel price. We argue for the need for hotel providers to develop......The increased market saturation and competition in both domestic and international tourism destinations have renewed interest among hotel operators in identifying the key drivers of hotel performance. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of hotel performance...... strategies that take cognisance of the key drivers and barriers to enhancing hotel performance in an ever-changing global tourism sector....

  12. Destination memory in Alzheimer's Disease: when I imagine telling Ronald Reagan about Paris. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Postal, Virginie; Allain, Philippe


    Destination memory refers to remembering the destination of information that people output. This present paper establishes a new distinction between external and internal processes within this memory system for both normal aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Young adults, older adults, and mild AD patients were asked either to tell facts (i.e., external destination memory condition) or to imagine telling facts (i.e., internal destination memory condition) to pictures of famous people. The experiment established three major findings. First, the destination memory performance of the AD patients was significantly poorer than that of older adults, which in turn was poorer than that of the young adults. Furthermore, internal destination processes were more prone to being forgotten than external destination memory processes. In other words, participants had more difficulty in remembering whether they had previously imagined telling the facts to the pictures or not (i.e., imagined condition) than in remembering whether they had previously told the facts to the pictures or not (i.e., enacted condition). Second, significant correlations were detected between performances on destination memory and several executive measures such as the Stroop, the Plus-Minus and the Binding tasks. Third, among the executive measures, regression analyses showed that performance on the Stroop task was a main factor in explaining variance in destination memory performance. Our findings reflect the difficulty in remembering the destination of internally generated information. They also demonstrate the involvement of inhibitory processes in destination memory. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty intention: A Structural and Categorical Analysis

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    Guerreiro, M.


    Full Text Available This study explores the relationship between travel satisfaction and destination loyalty intention. The research was conducted with 486 tourists visiting Arade, a Portuguese tourist destination. Taking as the basis the use of structural equation modelling (SEM, the results substantiate the importance of tourism satisfaction as a determinant of destination loyalty. Also, a categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA provides a detailed analysis of this cause-effect relationship by establishing that greater levels of satisfaction (measured by overall satisfaction in terms of holiday experience, destination ttributes and met expectations result in increased likelihood of future repeat visits and a keen willingness to recommend the destination to others. Clusters of tourists were also identified and characterized in relation to satisfaction levels and loyalty intentions. These analyses provide a useful background in the planning of future tourist marketing strategies.

  14. Éthiques & mythes de la création : du mystère des pierres à la pêche errante

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    Sylvie Dallet


    Full Text Available Lourd comme une pierre, fluide comme l’eau, chatoyant comme la vie, le mythe a une vie concrète et spirituelle protéiforme. On peut le « regarder de tous côtés sans déception », selon la définition du peintre chinois Liu Dan donne à propos des rochers qu’il aime à dessiner. Les êtres humains, lancés par un pertuis de chair dans le chaos du monde, acceptent leurs destins collectifs par ces formes en résonnance. Naître au monde, c’est refuser et accepter tout à la fois des contractions et des contradictions mythiques, qui vont nourrir aléatoirement une substance intime. Le nu, le naître et la force des choses sont extraordinairement liés aux lieux de vie et au pouvoir des transformations. Répondre à la question “qui invente les mythes?” est donc un exercice difficile : la vérité est la seule chose que l’on peut inventer, sera ma première réponse. Le mythe répond à une nécessité explicative du monde et sa forme concrète participe d’une énigme pérenne du vivant.

  15. Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness

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    Kateřina Ryglová


    Full Text Available The paper is dedicated to the issues of rural tourism with regard to the visitor’s loyalty towards the destination in a sustainable development context. Particularly, the findings of the research focused on exploring mutual relations among quality dimensions of the rural destination, overall satisfaction of the visitor, and his or her loyalty towards the destination are presented. A structural model was used to explore the relations among quality dimensions, overall satisfaction, and loyalty in the specific environment of the Czech Republic (inland European country, EU member, until 1989 a socialist country, nearly 93% municipalities with fewer than 3000 inhabitants. The research results allow deeper understanding of the visitor’s behavior and the factors influencing the loyalty towards the destination. The significance order of the dimensions according to their direct influence on the required loyalty towards the destination, i.e., coming back to the destination and spreading positive references to the destination, is as follows: 1. well-being, 2. image, 3. services. We conclude that overall satisfaction directly influences loyalty towards the destination.

  16. Une année d’immersion dans un dispositif de formation aux technologies : prise de conscience du potentiel éducatif des TICE, intentions d’action et changement de pratique

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    Daniel Peraya


    Full Text Available Cette contribution traite des effets d’un dispositif de formation hybride destiné à des étudiants de première année de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation. La recherche se base sur une analyse qualitative de 66 rapports réflexifs d’étudiants rédigés dans le cadre d’un dispositif dont l’approche pédagogique se veut immersive et située. Cette approche favorise une meilleure compréhension du potentiel des TICE (médiation épistémique ainsi que, dans certains cas, un changement d’attitude par rapport à celles-ci (médiation posturale et, dans d’autres cas, un transfert d’usage à diverses sphères d’activité : académique, professionnelle ou personnelle (médiation praxéologique.

  17. Holiday Destination Choice Behavior Analysis Based on AFC Data of Urban Rail Transit

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    Chang-jun Cai


    Full Text Available For urban rail transit, the spatial distribution of passenger flow in holiday usually differs from weekdays. Holiday destination choice behavior analysis is the key to analyze passengers’ destination choice preference and then obtain the OD (origin-destination distribution of passenger flow. This paper aims to propose a holiday destination choice model based on AFC (automatic fare collection data of urban rail transit system, which is highly expected to provide theoretic support to holiday travel demand analysis for urban rail transit. First, based on Guangzhou Metro AFC data collected on New Year’s day, the characteristics of holiday destination choice behavior for urban rail transit passengers is analyzed. Second, holiday destination choice models based on MNL (Multinomial Logit structure are established for each New Year’s days respectively, which takes into account some novel explanatory variables (such as attractiveness of destination. Then, the proposed models are calibrated with AFC data from Guangzhou Metro using WESML (weighted exogenous sample maximum likelihood estimation and compared with the base models in which attractiveness of destination is not considered. The results show that the ρ2 values are improved by 0.060, 0.045, and 0.040 for January 1, January 2, and January 3, respectively, with the consideration of destination attractiveness.

  18. Re-motivation in tourist destinations, redistribution and power

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    Carmen Díaz Domínguez


    Full Text Available Tourist destinations are constantly required to renew their products, services and projected image. This is possible, among other processes, through business innovation and co-management between tour operators and administrations in order to reach markets. This paper focusses on case studies of two specialised agrotourism businesses located in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, and shows how innovation in products is limited when tour operators also come to control the supply of small and medium-sized companies, at least in destinations where mass tourism predominate. Here remotivation is presented as a means of providing the tourist with local supply in the destination in a way that allows it to stand out, aid the creation of local businesses and products, enrich the tourist experience and redistribute the profits of tourism across the area.

  19. Modelling the Image Research of a Tourism Destination

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    Nicolae Teodorescu


    Full Text Available The problematic area of the tourism destination image has a high expansion in marketing, the efforts of its conceptualization and phenomenalism being remarkable among specialists. In this context, the authors propose a systemic approach, the result of which refers to a model regarding the image research of a tourism destination, whose validation has been attained using Transalpina destination. The model created by the authors envisages morphological features and specific functional relationships, which are consistent with the marketing theory, and, in context, with the consumer behaviour theory. The conceptualmethodological solutions are magnified by applicative-experimental validations, which enhance the theoretical and practical valences of the created model. The main direction of developing the elaborated model consists in efforts of formalization and abstracting, in the perspective offered by several scientific disciplines.

  20. YouTube's Role in Destination Image Creation

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    Hrvoje Jakopović


    Full Text Available Contemporary promotion of tourist destinations represents a challenge and gives rise to many questions in a regard to numerous ways of communicating and transferring information. With concern to modern communication practices in society and due to fast-paced lifestyle, individuals are looking for information online and are making decisions based on available Internet data. Attracting tourists through traditional promotional techniques such as brochures, leaflets, printed guidebooks, fairs and festivals are unsufficient with a respect to the rising number of online users. Promotion of tourism is based on destination image which is created through direct or mediated experience and projected on the minds of individuals. It is greatly dependent on available information mostly visual. YouTube is a popular video sharing site that counts over one billion users. It gives open access to a great number of videos and therefore could have an important role in promoting tourist destinations. The website was firstly used for non-commercial purposes but today it is very attractive for advertisers. The author examines phenomena of YouTube and its potential for destination image creation. The aim of this article is to give an insight on characteristics of promotional videos used for tourism and to explore how various national and local tourist boards can use them on YouTube. The author identifies the public relations profession’s role in creation of promotional audio-visual material.

  1. Bridging knowledge capital with tourism destination stakeholders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    d'Ambrosio, Luigi; Madsen, Jan Halberg; Wejrum, Lone Møller


    Backgorund: - The background of this paper is a student initiated study trip to the area of Campi Flegrei (Italy) in April 2014. The authors of this paper participated as lecturers and arranged meetings with a variety of tourism- and hospitality organizations operating in the destination. Through...... with their own research including data collection under the supervision of the lecturers. Methods/data: - The methodology of this study is based on a qualitative investigation of local tourism and hospitality stakeholders that operate in the destination collected by lecturers/researchers and students through...

  2. Destination visual image and expectation of experiences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ye, H.; Tussyadiah, Iis


    A unique experience is the essence of tourism sought by tourists. The most effective way to communicate the notion of a tourism experience at a destination is to provide visual cues that stimulate the imagination and connect with potential tourists in a personal way. This study aims...... at understanding how a visual image is relevant to the expectation of experiences by deconstructing images of a destination and interpreting visitors' perceptions of these images and the experiences associated with them. The results suggest that tourists with different understandings of desirable experiences found...

  3. Tourism destination development in Thailand

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pongajarn, Chalermpat


    Informed by actor-network theory (ANT), this research aims at improving understanding of the nature of tourism destinations in Thailand and their development by investigating through three main notions: ordering, materiality and multiplicity. These notions enabled to study how tourism

  4. La gestion des conflits sur les pompes à main dans les villages du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 févr. 2011 ... Pour faire face à cette situation, le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) finance un projet qui se déroule dans le bassin ... Ce projet se distingue par son approche participative qui met à contribution les membres de la collectivité locale dès le départ », souligne Kibi. L'objectif ...

  5. Exploration Space Suit Architecture and Destination Environmental-Based Technology Development (United States)

    Hill, Terry R.; McFarland, Shane M.; Korona, F. Adam


    This paper continues forward where EVA Space Suit Architecture: Low Earth Orbit Vs. Moon Vs. Mars left off in the development of a space suit architecture that is modular in design and could be reconfigured prior to launch or during any given mission depending on the tasks or destination. This space suit system architecture and technologies required based on human exploration (EVA) destinations will be discussed, and how these systems should evolve to meet the future exploration EVA needs of the US human space flight program. A series of exercises and analyses provided a strong indication that the Constellation Program space suit architecture, with its maximum reuse of technology and functionality across a range of mission profiles and destinations, is postured to provide a viable solution for future space exploration missions. The destination environmental analysis demonstrates that the modular architecture approach could provide the lowest mass and mission cost for the protection of the crew, given any human mission outside of low-Earth orbit. Additionally, some of the high-level trades presented here provide a review of the environmental and nonenvironmental design drivers that will become increasingly important as humans venture farther from Earth. The presentation of destination environmental data demonstrates a logical clustering of destination design environments that allows a focused approach to technology prioritization, development, and design that will maximize the return on investment, largely independent of any particular design reference mission.

  6. Destination brands and website evaluation: a research methodology

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    J Fernández-Cavia


    Full Text Available Introduction:The World Wide Web has become the primary instrument used by tourists in order to search for information. As a result, tourism websites pertaining to destinations need to be appealing and must convey their brand image in an appropriate, effective manner. However, there is no methodology in place to assess the quality and communicative effectiveness of destination websites that is scientifically sound and universally accepted. The development of such a methodology is one of the tasks we have proposed within the framework of the research project: “New strategies for advertising and promoting Spanish tourism brands online” (CSO2008-02627, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Method: The project team have developed an interdisciplinary, all-embracing analysis template combining certain automated analyses with other qualitative and quantitative ones. The template comprises a total of 12 subject areas and 154 indicators prepared on the basis of contributions from prominent experts in each of the fields of work. This article sets out the analysis methodology drawn up and possible applications are given. Results: The primary aim of the project is to provide an assessment methodology that would make it possible to optimise destination brand websites, thus providing a tool to support the work of public tourism destination managers.

  7. Tourist Information Search and Destination Choice in a Digital Age

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristian Steen Jacobsen, Jens; Munar, Ana Maria


    word-of-mouth, Web 1.0 sources and own experience are highly resilient and influential when tourists to a well-known destination area decide where to spend their summer holiday. Moreover, results indicate a complementary nature of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. In this context of destination decision......This study provides empirical evidence of self-reported impacts of selected electronic and other information sources on international tourists' destination choices regarding a popular, mature and mainstream summer holiday location. It is shown that traditional information provisions such as direct...

  8. Human Resources Development and ICT Contribution to the Tourist Destination Competitiveness


    Ramona Gruescu; Roxana Nanu; Anca Tanasie


    The paper envisages aspects concerning identification of the competitive advantage of a tourist destination from a double perspective: the critical contribution of the employees and the ICT impact on promoting and selling the destination. Research methodology includes „bottom to top” analysis of the mentioned indicators. Thus, results include the eficientisation of tourist businesses and destinations due to both human element development and ICT technologies. Two essential basis of the compet...

  9. Destination Attributes and Chinese Outbound Tourism to Europe


    Andreu, Rosario; Claver-Cortés, Enrique; Quer, Diego


    China is one of the fastest growing outbound tourism markets. Europe is an attractive destination for Chinese tourists. However, Europe still accounts for a small percentage of Chinese outbound tourism. If European countries want to benefit from this market, they should pay attention to Chinese tourists’ preferences. This article contributes to the understanding of Chinese outbound tourism by analyzing those destination attributes that can influence the number of Chinese tourists received. Fr...

  10. Development of Diversified Tourism Destination Products – A Case Study of Tourism Destination, Municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria

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    Elena PETKOVA


    Full Text Available In this paper, it is argued that there is a variety of products and accordingly a diversity of types of tourism in the municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria: urban and "non-urban", mass and specialized, tourism based on natural and anthropogenic, on tangible and intangible resources. In this regard, diverse tourism products of the destination may be offered to its visitors, which to a greater extent meets their various needs and contributes to the sustainable tourism development. Thus, the aim of the paper is to reveal whether tourism professionals in Sofia are aware of the possibilities for combining various types of tourism and promoting the diversified destination tourism product among local and foreign visitors.


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    Francisco Vicente Sales Melo


    Full Text Available Since its advent, the Internet has become an important tool for tourism. Furthermore, some studies tend to indicate that this may contribute directly to the process of identity formation of a tourism destination. Thus, this paper investigates how websites can help in promoting the identity of tourist destinations on the Internet. The study is characterized as exploratory qualitative in nature, which is constituted from a desk research. It was possible to verify that the website is a key means for managing the identity of a tourist destination, as this can help visitors to form a positive image of the place being visited from the information that makes up the identity of the destination.

  12. Tourism destination image of Russia in the perspective of the portuguese market

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    Liliya Arslanova


    Full Text Available In recent decades the importance of destination image has been increasingly analyzed and it is generally considered to be vital in the marketing of destinations. It can be noted that the tourism industry in Russia has not been the subject of a great deal of research with regard to its destination image. Therefore the purpose of this work is to assess Russia’s destination image in the perspective of Portuguese people. The research instrument was an online questionnaire, comprised of open-ended and closed questions. A combination of two software programs, NVivo and IBM SPSS Statistics 21, was employed to analyze the data. This exploratory study suggests that Portuguese peoples’ perceptions of Russia are mostly favorable and they have a high awareness about Russia’s destination features.

  13. Un Serious Game pour la mise en évidence des processus communicationnels médecin-patient lors d'une consultation médicale


    Guo, Jing; Singer, Nicolas


    Les jeux sérieux sont de plus en plus utilisés dans le domaine de la santé. Les recherches sont en majorité dédiées au développement de logiciels éducatifs pour la formation à la médecine, ou pour aider au rétablissement des patients. Nous décrivons ici un prototype de jeu sérieux destiné à former des internes de médecine générale à la consultation médicale, en insistant sur les talents communicationnels à développer plutôt que sur la capacité à réaliser un diagnostic. Le jeu simule le proces...

  14. Orientations pour l'intégration des TICE dans l'enseignement du français en Syrie. L'exemple du centre de documentation pédagogique de Damas.

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    Christelle Demange-Ducrot


    Full Text Available Le secteur éducatif syrien souhaite orienter son action vers les nouvelles technologies de l'information et la sensibilisation du public scolaire aux applications de l'informatique dans le domaine éducatif et en particulier dans le cadre de l'enseignement des langues. Dans l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues, les apports des TICE sont nombreux, mais là où elles apportent sans doute la plus grande plus-value, c'est lors de la mise en place de projets de classe motivants et valorisants, intégrés à des projets de communication authentique. Partant de ce constat, le Centre de Documentation Pédagogique de Damas forme les enseignants de français syriens à l'intégration des TICE dans des projets pédagogiques de classe mettant en œuvre des activités créatives et stimulantes pour communiquer en français. Jusqu'alors, les formations ont centré leurs efforts sur les bases de l'environnement informatique et de la bureautique, avec pour parti pris l'utilisation de logiciels libres. L'année 2005 marquera le lancement et l'expérimentation du dispositif de formation continue à distance destiné aux professeurs de français dans le domaine des TICE.

  15. Analysis of solids by spark-source mass spectrometry; Analyse des solides au spectrometre de masse a etincelles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stefani, R; Desjardins, M; Brun, J C; Cornu, A; Bourguillot, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Spark source mass spectrometer MS7 has been designed to determine traces of impurities in solids without standards. An atlas of 12 000 lines, assembled in the Grenoble laboratory, allows a quick investigation of mass spectra, notwithstanding their complexity due to multiply charged and polyatomic darkening. Photometric measurements increase accuracy calibration curve is known for each photo-plate. Further, reproducibility is better, if random fluctuations of matrix line darkening are corrected. So far, in a concentration range of 0,01 to 1 000 ppm (atomic), reproducibility is approximately 20 per cent, but absolute value of results depends on 'sensitivity coefficients'. (authors) [French] Le spectrometre de masse a etincelles, de type MS7, est destine a l'analyse chimique de traces dans les solides, sans echantillons etalons. L'emploi de catalogues de 12 000 raies, elabores au laboratoire, permet un depouillement rapide des spectres, malgre leur complexite due aux ionisations multiples et aux associations d'atomes. Le niveau d'apparition d'une impurete donne une estimation de sa teneur, mais la valeur du renseignement depend de la preparation des electrodes et de la connaissance plus ou moins approfondie des processus d'ionisation dans l'etincelle et de noircissement des emulsions photographiques. Les mesures photometriques augmentent la precision des resultats, si l'on determine systematiquement la courbe de noircissement de chaque plaque. De meme la reproductibilite est amelioree si l'on tient compte des fluctuations statistiques du noircissement de l'emulsion par les ions de la matrice. Actuellement, les concentrations mesurees dans le domaine de 0,01 a 1000 ppm atomiques sont reproductibles a 20 pour cent pres, mais leur valeur absolue n'est assuree qu'a un coefficient 3 pres. Des etudes sont en cours pour calibrer l'appareil en valeur absolue, par une determination des coefficients de sensibilite a partir d'echantillons etalons. (auteurs)

  16. Destination Information System for Bandung City Using Location-Based Services (LBS) on Android (United States)

    Kurniawan, B.; Pranoto, H.


    Bandung is a city in West Java, Indonesia with many interesting locations to visit. For most favourite destinations, we can easily look for it on Google and we will find some blogs there discussing about related content. The problem is we can not guarantee that the destination is frequented by visitor. In this research, we utilizes an application to help everyone choosing destination frequented by visitor. The use of information technology in the form of picture, maps, and textual on Android application makes it possible for user to have information about destination with its visitor in a period of time. If destination has visit history, selection of proper destination will be given with fresh informations. This application can run well on Android Lollipop (API Level 21) or above with a minimum RAM of 2 GB since it will compare two coordinates for every data. The use of this app make it possible to access information about location with its visitor history and could help choosing proper destinations for the users.

  17. Comparing Destination Image and Loyalty between First-time and Repeat-visit Tourists

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    Mohamad M.


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to investigate the difference between destination image and loyalty among first-time and repeat-visit tourists. The study was undertaken to examine aspects of underlying factors of destination image that influenced tourists’ willingness to recommend Malaysia to their friends and relatives as well as spread positive word-of-mouth to others. In addition, it was to ascertain the relationship between destination image and loyalty among first-time and repeat-visit tourists. The data was collected at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at the departure hall using self-administered questionnaires. 248 usable questionnaires were returned and analysed. The findings of the study revealed that both groups of tourists perceived Malaysia as providing a nature-based destination. The study also empirically proved that both first-time and repeat-visit tourists were willing to disseminate positive word-of-mouth and recommend Malaysia to their friends and relatives as a vacation destination to visit. However, there was a significant difference in destination loyalty between first-visit and repeat-visit tourists.

  18. Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le foreur des tiges du cacaoyer ( Eulophonotus myrmeleon Felder : Lepidoptera, Cossidae). Implications dans la stratégie de protection de la cacaoculture en Côte d'Ivoire.

  19. Smart tourism destination triggers consumer experience: the case of Porto

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    Pedro Liberato


    Full Text Available Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the increasing importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs in smart tourism destinations, in their integration in the activity of the tourism companies, and in their interaction with visitors/tourists. In summary, it is intended to evaluate in the city of Porto how the use of technology before, during and after the visit influences the tourist experience. Design/methodology/approach - The authors empirically investigate the importance of using ICTs during tourism experience, assess the access/availability of ICT at the destination and its importance in tourist’s decisions. It is analyzed if the applications and/or information available on the internet are important and positively influence the tourism experience in Porto, that is, the degree of tourist satisfaction. The empirical evidence is based on a quantitative analysis, using a data set involving 423 tourists in the city of Porto. Findings - The importance of the internet access at the destination, especially in places like airports and hotels, since most tourists are primarily using their mobile devices and computers during the trip, and the existing information technologies available in the destination (internet, smartphones or other mobile devices and applications are considered very important in explaining tourists’ experience. Originality/value - This study identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the technological strategies, providing useful information for destination management, discussing innovation in tourism, and proposing a framework that empirically evaluates how technological components used in smart tourism destinations can improve tourists’ experiences.

  20. Social Media Strategies and Destination Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munar, Ana Maria


    This study provides insights into social media practices and strategic considerations used by destination management organizations (DMOs). It examines a theoretical model of generic social media strategies for destination management and applies qualitative methods to analyze the social media...... initiatives of DMOs of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and the Scandinavian Tourist Board Asia/Pacific in the Nordic European Region. The study provides empirical evidence of emerging social media strategies among DMOs and confirms the growing importance of these new media. The findings point...... to the conflicting relationship between corporate culture and social media culture, the challenges innovative communication tools present for traditional management structures, poor levels of formalization and the lack of a knowledge base which results in ad-hoc decision making. Overall, the paper discusses...

  1. Moldovan Perception of Greece as a Tourism Destination

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    Stela Cazacu


    Full Text Available Purpose: This research study analyzes Moldovans' intentions to visit Greece, and their perceptions of Greece's image as a tourism destination, according to the following dimensions: (1 environmental beauty and convenience, (2 country's citizens, (3 place and architectural structure, (4 shopping and tourist accommodation and (5 similarity of the local culture and cuisine with the Moldovan one. The goal is split into four objectives. Design/methodology/approach: For attaining the goal, a self-administered questionnaire was delivered. The empirical study was conducted in the capital of Moldova. The findings are based upon a sample of 139 respondents. Findings: The findings reveal that, overall, Greece's image as a tourist destination among Moldovan consumers is partially positive. The perceptions of the tourism dimensions were evaluated in the descending order as follows: place and architectural structure, shopping and tourist accommodation, environmental beauty and convenience, country's citizens and similarity of the local culture and cuisine with the Moldovan one. Research limitations/implications: As it was undertaken only in the capital of Republic of Moldova and because most respondents are young people and females, the findings of this investigation do not absolutely reflect the perceptions of all Moldovans. Also, because the number of respondents is small, it is not representative of the whole Moldovan population. Hence, the results might not be very realistic and accurate. Originality/value: This study provides insightful theoretical implications and practical recommendations in creating marketing strategies that would help in managing and improving Greece's image as a destination among Moldovan tourists. Also, no study, at least to the researcher's knowledge, has evaluated Greece's image as a destination among Moldovan consumers. Finally, due to the increasing number of Moldovan tourists in Greece, it is important that Greece grasps this

  2. Droit et accès des femmes à l'eau et aux systèmes d'assainissement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 mai 2012 ... Axe de recherche Le projet vise à améliorer les services d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement fournis aux femmes vivant dans les collectivités à faible revenu de New Delhi, de même qu'à favoriser de meilleurs rapports entre les habitants et les administrations locales.

  3. Study of behavior, preferences and attitudes visitors tourist destinations Tara

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    Rakić Mirjana


    Full Text Available One of the strategic development of the Serbian economy is tourism. Tourist destinations Tara has great tourism potential. The starting assumption for the development of tourism and creating a tourist destination brand of Tara is the analysis of image of tourism, and this is exactly the subject of the current paper. The image analysis includes the examination of preferences, attitudes and behavior of visitors to this tourist destination. This research is exploratory, but may be a useful starting point for further, more comprehensive research on which the results would be based upon serious analysis and making relevant decisions.

  4. Medical Tourist's Perception in Selecting their Destination: A Global Perspective. (United States)

    Sarwar, Abdullah Am; Manaf, Noorhazilah A; Omar, Azura


    The need for better healthcare has grown significantly in recent years. In addition, the rising healthcare costs in the U.S. and in many European countries have forced many patients to seek medical treatment abroad, which has created the demand for medical tourism. With little yet known as to the perception of a medical tourist's destination selection, this study aims to explore medical tourist's perception in selecting their destination while going for medical treatment. Realizing the current need to examine closely the perception of medical tourists, this study had conducted a secondary study to collect data for assessing and identification of the key factors on patient's perception and destination selection criteria. The result confirms the existence of a very strong relationship between cost, service quality, treatment types and availability and marketing impact on the perception of the medical tourists' in selecting their medical tourism destination. This study offers support for the proposed conceptual model and an empirical basis for comparison in future research.

  5. Santé des adolescents et des jeunes au Burkina Faso : état des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il s'est agi d'une étude évaluative ayant utilisé une revue documentaire associée à une interview des acteurs clés et un atelier de validation et d'identification des interventions pertinentes pour un plan stratégique national. La situation de la santé des adolescents et des jeunes est caractérisée par des grossesses précoces ...

  6. Students in Action: Engaging Students with Destination Stakeholders


    Craggs, Ruth; Gorman, Catherine; Griffin, Kevin; mottiar, ziene; Quinn, Deirdre; Quinn, Bernadette; Ryan, Theresa


    The Students in Action Project in the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism was established in 2012 as a way of engaging students and working with stakeholders in a destination. The overall aim of the project was to immerse students in an active collaborative learning environment within the destination to identify ways in which tourism could be enhanced. In the 2014/2015 academic year the project involved over 300 students from a variety of programmes and modules working with local sta...

  7. Amenity migration: the migratory phenomenon in mountain tourism destinations

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    Lía Domínguez de Nakayama


    Full Text Available Since long time ago population dynamics in Argentina has been linked to migration. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that no research has found migration to be due to positive attractors. Almost every research presents migration as the unavoidable outcome of constraining environmental conditions. Recently a new type of migration has come to be, linked with tourism, which has received the denomination of amenity migration, and has as its subjects people who, after being tourist in a certain destination, decide to come back to it as dwellers. They can stay either for the season or the whole year. This movement produces important effects in the collective profile of tourism destinations. This article intends to study demographic and social processes quickened in mountain tourism destinations by this peculiar kind of migration, with a case study in two Argentinean cities San Martín de los Andes (Neuquén y Villa General Belgrano (Córdoba. Documental research and in-depth interviews with migrants as well as natives enables an preliminary understanding of the way this kind of migration affects socio cultural configuration in destination places as well as relationship amongst residents and newcomers and sustainability policies for local development.

  8. Tradition as an initiator of rural tourism destinations development

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    Antić Aleksandar


    Full Text Available Rural tourism is a form of tourism that best illustrates the importance of tradition in the development of tourist destinations. Music, dance, clothing, culinary specialties of local cuisine, unique natural beauty and the very mentality and hospitality of people in rural areas, represent some of the factors that influence the tourist's consciousness when choosing this type of holiday. The research is focused on the main hypothesis that the tradition is an initiator of rural tourism destinations development. Furthermore, this would imply positive effects in the field of tourism and economy in general and the economy of the region. The goal of the paper is to show the importance of tradition in the cultural identity of rural areas and potentials of tradition in the role of initiating rural tourism destinations development. The interview with staff members in Pozarevac Tourism Organization has helped in the SWOT analysis of the observed rural destination. An empirical research is conducted on a random sample of 232 participants in order to highlight the benefits of rural tourism development in Pozarevac and its surrounding area. The data were processed in SPSS program (version 17.0.

  9. La fabrique des sciences des institutions aux pratiques

    CERN Document Server

    Benninghoff, Martin; Crettaz von Roten, Fabienne; Merz, Martina


    Aujourd'hui, les façons de produire, d'organiser, d'évaluer et d'utiliser les savoirs sont en profond débat. De plus en plus, l'Etat, la société civile et l'économie tentent d'influencer les activités des universités et des laboratoires de recherche. Ces développements mettent à l'épreuve tout à la fois les fondements des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche, l'autonomie des institutions scientifiques, la définition des frontières des savoirs et l'acceptation des sciences. Dans des contextes suisses et européens, cet ouvrage s'intéresse aux manières dont les sciences et les technologies sont fabriquées, en analysant leurs institutions et les pratiques. A partir d'une approche relationnelle, les sciences et les technologies sont conçues comme des phénomènes profondément sociaux, culturels et politiques. Une telle démarche déstabilise les visions parfois idéalisées et stéréotypées de la construction des savoirs. Des études de cas détaillées décrivent des phénomè...

  10. Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la qualité de l’eau potable des petits réseaux : facteurs explicatifs et développement d'outils de gestion


    Scheili, Anna


    Cette thèse est consacrée à la détermination des facteurs responsables de la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la qualité de l’eau potable dans les petits réseaux de distribution et au développement d’outils de gestion destinés aux opérateurs. Afin de réaliser cette thèse, des études de cas ont été conduites dans 25 petites municipalités (population inférieure à 5 000 habitants) de deux provinces Canadiennes (Québec et Terre-Neuve et Labrador). Le premier chapitre présente un portrait spatio-t...

  11. DeNASA: Destination-Naive AS-Awareness in Anonymous Communications

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    Barton Armon


    Full Text Available Prior approaches to AS-aware path selection in Tor do not consider node bandwidth or the other characteristics that Tor uses to ensure load balancing and quality of service. Further, since the AS path from the client’s exit to her destination can only be inferred once the destination is known, the prior approaches may have problems constructing circuits in advance, which is important for Tor performance. In this paper, we propose and evaluate DeNASA, a new approach to AS-aware path selection that is destination-naive, in that it does not need to know the client’s destination to pick paths, and that takes advantage of Tor’s circuit selection algorithm. To this end, we first identify the most probable ASes to be traversed by Tor streams. We call this set of ASes the Suspect AS list and find that it consists of eight highest ranking Tier 1 ASes. Then, we test the accuracy of Qiu and Gao AS-level path inference on identifying the presence of these ASes in the path, and we show that inference accuracy is 90%. We develop an AS-aware algorithm called DeNASA that uses Qiu and Gao inference to avoid Suspect ASes. DeNASA reduces Tor stream vulnerability by 74%. We also show that DeNASA has performance similar to Tor. Due to the destination-naive property, time to first byte (TTFB is close to Tor’s, and due to leveraging Tor’s bandwidth-weighted relay selection, time to last byte (TTLB is also similar to Tor’s.

  12. Partners and innovation in American destination marketing organizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zach, Florian


    Innovation and interorganizational collaboration have been identified as important elements of competitive tourism strategies. This study proposes a model that relates aspects of organizational settings and collaboration to the success of innovation within the organization. In particular, this st......Innovation and interorganizational collaboration have been identified as important elements of competitive tourism strategies. This study proposes a model that relates aspects of organizational settings and collaboration to the success of innovation within the organization. In particular......, this study focuses on destination marketing organizations (DMOs) as they collaborate with destination businesses to assist in the development of new services in marketing the destination. A national survey among American DMOs indicates that partner collaboration is a significant driver of visitor......-orientated innovation. Specifically, innovation success was found to be driven solely by the development of market-oriented rather than strategyoriented new services, indicating that many of the American DMOs respond to visitor changes at the expense of providing new services that somehow do not fit within current...

  13. Stakeholder cooperation in implementation of the sustainable development concept: Montenegrin tourist destinations

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    Ljiljana Pjerotic


    Full Text Available The importance of involving diverse stakeholders in tourism planning is receiving growing recognition. Tourism destination planning is a complex process, due to the existence of a wide variety of stakeholders with a wide range of opinions, multiple problem visions and different interests. Despite the complexity of the planning process one feature acknowledged for successful destination management planning is high level of stakeholder cooperation. The paper examines the level of stakeholder cooperation on the specific example of the sustainable development concept implementation in Montenegrin tourism. It starts with two hypotheses: first, the development level of instruments for managing tourist destination depends on stakeholder cooperation level in a particular destination, and second, implementation of the sustainable development concept is positively correlated with the development of instruments for managing tourist destination. The results have indicated poor implementation of tourism development plans and low level of stakeholder cooperation.

  14. Destination Memory in Korsakoff's Syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Kessels, R.P.C.; Matton, C.; Bacquet, J.E.; Urso, L.; Cool, G.; Guidez, F.; Potier, S.; Nandrino, J.L.; Antoine, P.


    BACKGROUND: Context memory, or the ability to remember the context in which an episodic event has occurred (e.g., where and when an event took place), has been found to be compromised in Korsakoff's syndrome. This study examined whether a similar deficit would be observed for destination memory,

  15. Destination memory in Korsakoff's syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Kessels, R.P.C.; Matton, C.; Bacquet, J.E.; Urso, L.; Cool, G.; Guidez, F.; Potier, S.; Nandrino, J.L.; Antoine, P.


    Background: Context memory, or the ability to remember the context in which an episodic event has occurred (e.g., where and when an event took place), has been found to be compromised in Korsakoff's syndrome. This study examined whether a similar deficit would be observed for destination memory,

  16. How to develop sustainable tourism in rural destinations in Serbia

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    Štetić Snežana


    Full Text Available The classical distinction between countries of tourist offer and countries of tourist demand has already been surpassed considering that many countries of tourist demand (USA, Germany, Great Britain … earn much more from tourism than the countries of tourist offer (Italy, Greece, Portugal …. The changes in customers' behaviour are reflected through restructuring of tourist movements towards new destinations. What is essential in creating, promoting and marketing tourist destinations for the specific tourism forms development is the identification of all the positive and negative factors that influence the development of these destinations. Converting a potential into a tourist destination depends on many factors both in qualitative and in quantitative sense. Discovering an area of preserved environment that also possesses attractive motifs presents the beginning of the possible tourist destination creating. Further 'destiny' of a tourist destination depends on its planning and development intensity. Rural tourism is a significant component of integral and sustainable development and revitalization of the village, as well as a component that is missing in stimulating the local market development for agricultural and non-agricultural activities in the country, along with a special stimulation to employment. Serbia possesses remarkable natural resources and other potentials for the development of all forms of rural tourism. However, rural tourism in Serbia is an insufficiently organized field that is not being developed adequately to the possibilities available to it. That is why this paper wants to point out the potential opportunities for the development of rural tourism in Serbia through sustainable development and correct performance policy on both national and international tourist market.

  17. Managements and marketing in Korca tourist destination

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    Esmeralda Shkira


    Full Text Available Tourism is characterized as being a sector that stands out as one of the business activities with the greatest potential for worldwide expansion and as an engine for economic growth. If at the national level, the appeal of tourism is significant, on the local level this sector presents itself as an essential tool in regional development, as a means to avoid regional desertification and stagnation, stimulating the potential of more undeveloped regions. In such a competitive sector as tourism, companies should develop synergies and achieve competitive advantage. This paper reports on experiences and activities that are taken in destination management and marketing in Korça tourist region. Primarily it is told about importance of management and the role of marketing in the development of tourist destination and how to be combined them to grow up competitive advantages. Then are described all main problems of destination management and marketing in Korça region and all problems that are viewed in tourist villages of this region. In the end is suggested a model that can be used to develop sustainable tourism, to grow up profits and to reduce negative impacts that would come from this industry.


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    Gabriela ARIONESEI


    Full Text Available Nowadays, tourism destinations are more and more determined to build a unique and competitive identity and image in consumers’ minds. Even though the marketing of tourism destinations has been awarded an intended purpose, in practice there is a lack of steadiness, sometimes an unexplained deficiency of empirical academic research. In some countries, many without "a tradition in tourism", building a marketing strategy for travel destinations is based on artificial and without substance images/perceptions of real and potential tourists. The paper describes the role of marketing in the domain of tourism, emphasizing the importance of public relations in the promotion process of the region of Bucovina.

  19. A visual analysis of a cultural tourism destination | Eringa | Research ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... can help to frame the experience in all three stages. For that reason it is advisable for destinations to employ some kind of visual identity system management to package the city image into a clear brand. Keywords: European Capital of Culture, Leeuwarden 2018, Chinese visitors, destination branding, flanking research ...

  20. Analysis of tourism destination image influence on satisfaction e loyalty to sun and sea tourism destinations: A study in Natal/RN

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    Márcio Marreiro das Chagas


    Full Text Available This paper analysis tourism destination image influences on satisfaction and loyalty to Sun and Sea tourism destinations, investigating Natal/RN as a case. Quality dimensions were control variables. Therefore, it was conducted an exploratory and descriptive research with quantitative analytical approach. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire addressed to International tourists at the Augusto Severo International Airport. The composition was a simple random sampling by reaching the final number of 300 international tourists interviewed. Among the main results, it was noted that nine are the dimensions of perceived Quality of Sun and Sea segment, it means, Beaches, Public Equipment, Restaurants, Transportation, Information and Finance Services, Hotel Equipment, Diversity of Restaurants and Food, Complementary Services and Access to the hotel and Tourism Attractions, Urban and Natural Scenery. From the results, it was concluded that tourism destination image influences satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, quality seems to be other important dimension for the satisfaction and loyalty process.

  1. Stakeholder Colaboration in Tourism Destination Planning – The Case of Montenegro

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    Pjerotić Ljiljana


    Full Text Available The importance of involving diverse stakeholders in tourism planning is receiving growing recognition. Effective tourism destination planning is a complex process, due to the existence of a wide variety of stakeholders with a wide range of opinions, multiple problem visions and different interests. Despite the complexity of the planning process one feature acknowledged for successful destination management planning is a high level of stakeholder engagement and cooperation. The implementation and success of a tourism plan often relies on the support of destination stakeholders.

  2. Cosmopolitanism Influence on Destination Image: An Analysis of São Paulo City

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    Felipe Nasrallah Bedran


    Full Text Available This study aimed to find out how cosmopolitanism influences the destination image building. To accomplish this objective we interviewed foreign people, who know São Paulo, a city with national and international importance, due to its structure, economy, size, population and by its intense cultural and business life. This work reviewed cosmopolitanism that is the desire to know other cultures, besides his native one. This leads to an intention to travel through different regions, countries, to deepen in other societies and try to blend into it. Thus, one has particular characteristics, which influence the way one lives and consume products. The destination image can be defined as the sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has about a destination. To understand how cosmopolitanism influences the destination image, two approaches were used. A qualitative approach used interviews with professionals from SPTuris, as well as personal interviews with foreign tourists at the airport., This data was analyzed using content analysis. The quantitative approach included a survey with 205 foreigners. Data was analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics, ANOVA and structural equation modeling. The result showed that cosmopolitanism and income influences the affective aspect in the destination image formation. It also showed that the stay purpose influenced the cognitive aspect, and that the length of stay influenced both aspects of the destination image. The research result showed that the cosmopolitanism influences mainly the affective aspect of São Paulo destination image. 

  3. The destinal question of language

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    Saitya Brata Das


    Full Text Available How can we think the destinal place of language in the essentially historical condition of our existence if such historicity cannot be understood on the basis of the labor of negativity alone? The attempt is made here to think language in a more originary manner, as non-negative finitude, that affirms what is outside dialectical-speculative closure, what is to come. The notion of 'destinal' itself is thus transformed. No longer being merely a categorical grasp of "entities presently given", language is an originary exposure to the event of arrival in its lightning flash. Destiny appears as that of the messianic arrival of the 'not yet' which is not a telos that the immanent movement of historical reason reaches by an irresistible force of the negative. This essay reads Schelling, Heidegger and Kierkegaard to think language as a "place" of exposure to the non-teleological destiny that may erupt even today, here and now, without any given conditionality.Como nós podemos pensar o lugar destinal da linguagem na condição essencialmente histórica de nossa existência se tal historicidade não pode ser entendida com base apenas no trabalho da negatividade? Faz-se aqui a tentativa de pensar a linguagem de um modo mais originário, como finitude não negativa, que afirma o que se encontra fora do fechamento dialético-especulativo, o que está por vir. A própria noção de 'destinal' é então transformada. Não sendo mais apenas uma apreensão categorial de "entidades presentemente dadas", a linguagem é uma exposição originária ao evento da chegada em seu instante iluminador. O destino aparece como o da chegada messiânica do 'ainda não' que não é um telos que o movimento imanente da razão histórica atinge por meio de uma irresistível força do negativo. Este ensaio lê Schelling, Heidegger e Kierkegaard para pensar a linguagem como um "lugar" de exposição ao destino não teológico que pode irromper mesmo hoje, aqui e agora, sem


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    Olimpia BAN


    Full Text Available The image of the tourist destination plays an essential role in the decision making process regarding the choice of a holiday. Image has a crucial role in the success of the destination because it influences the consumers’ satisfaction and helps in drawing up a promotion strategy for the positioning/repositioning on a certain market, branding/rebranding the tourist destination. Information from different sources contribute to the formation of the image of a certain destination, information which can be distributed into: the promotion performed by the destination; the other’s opinions (direct or indirect; mass-media and the popular culture. We intended to investigate Romania’s image a a tourist destination among the Turkish students. The results showed that the students had very poor knowledge of our country.

  5. Tourism Destination Management (Case Study in Department of Culture and Tourism Pasuruan Regency

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    Sony Manggala Putra


    Full Text Available The tourism sector as one of the leading sectors in Pasuruan still faces many obstacles. The constraints associated with conditions that require improvement on tourist destination related to the presence of infrastructure, zoning, the gap between the tourism destination in the West and the East area, up to the level of visitation which has decreased from year to year. The aims of the studi were to describe and analyze Tourism Destination Management conducted by Department of Culture and Tourism Pasuruan at Banyu Biru and Ranu Grati object to become competitive and sustainable tourism destination. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study method locus in the Department of Culture and Tourism Pasuruan. The results of this study indicate that the tourism destination management of Banyu Biru and Ranu Grati when reviewed in terms of competitiveness, still needs a lot of improvement related to the presence of tourism facilities and the quality of employees as service providers. In terms of sustainability, it shows that the synergy between the regional government and tourism stakeholders need to be improved. The need for the establishment of cooperation with third parties in management of tourism destination in Banyu Biru and Ranu Grati, can be used to optimize the carrying capacity and tourist destination marketing system at Banyu Biru and Ranu Grati in order to compete in a competitive and sustainable way Keywords: tourism destination management, competitiveness, sustainability

  6. Évaluation de l'efficacité de la collaboration État-collectivités dans la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La violence urbaine est causée par de nombreux facteurs, qui exigent des interventions à la fois à court et à long terme. Beaucoup de pays affectent des ressources énormes à la lutte contre ce que les gouvernements croient être les causes profondes de cette violence. Ces interventions prennent souvent la forme de ...

  7. Destination Personality, Satisfaction, And Tourist Future Behavior: The Case Of North Cyprus


    Rostampour, Mehrnoush


    ABSTRACT: Going through application of destination personality in North Cyprus and finding about the essence of its relation to tourist satisfaction, and tourist behavior, considering the moderating effect of tourist motivation on relation between destination personality and tourist satisfaction as the main aim of this study. This study focused on two aims: 1) the relationship between destination personality adopted from Aaker (1997) personality scale in tourism realm _ North Cyprus_ due ...

  8. Brand Equity of a Tourist Destination

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    Hwa-Kyung Kim


    Full Text Available In the current climate of severe competition among tourist destinations, the importance of brand equity in tourism marketing is increasing. This study looks at the impact of branding in relation to the largest group of inbound overseas tourists to South Korea, the Chinese. Data for the current study were obtained from a survey of tourists visiting Seoul from the Greater China region, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and the Chinese living in Southeast Asia. The survey was conducted in popular sightseeing spots, four and five-star hotels in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, and the Incheon International Airport. The respondents were selected randomly, with effort expended to avoid any potential bias in the composition of the sample. Out of a total of 385 distributed questionnaires, 350 (China 191, Hong Kong 71, Taiwan 68, others 20 were selected as valid and finally used in the analysis. The results of this study suggest that price and word of mouth have beneficial effects on perceived quality, publicity, and brand awareness, and advertisement has beneficial effects on brand image. We also found that brand awareness and perceived quality have impacts on brand image, and brand image is related to brand loyalty. This is a pioneering study on the relationships between influencing factors, destination brand equity and its elements, and brand loyalty, with respect to Seoul, South Korea, as a tourism destination for tourists from China.

  9. Destinations matter: The association between where older adults live and their travel behavior. (United States)

    Chudyk, Anna M; Winters, Meghan; Moniruzzaman, Md; Ashe, Maureen C; Gould, Joanie Sims; McKay, Heather


    The positive effect of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases and age-related disabilities, such as mobility-disability, are widely accepted. Mobility is broadly defined as the ability of individuals to move themselves within community environments. These two concepts -physical activity and mobility - are closely linked and together contribute to older adults living healthy, independent lives. Neighborhood destinations may encourage mobility, as older adults typically leave their homes to travel to specific destinations. Thus, neighborhoods with a high prevalence of destinations may provide older adults an attractive opportunity to walk, instead of drive, and thereby obtain incidental physical activity. We know surprisingly little about the specific types of destinations older adults deem relevant and even less about destinations that support the mobility of older adults with low income. Accessible neighborhood destinations may be especially important to older adults with low income as they are more likely to walk as a primary travel mode. Conversely, this population may also be at increased risk of functional impairments that negatively affect their ability to walk. As a means to fill this information gap we aimed to better understand the mobility habits of older adults with low income. Thus, our specific objectives were to: (1) describe the types of destinations older adults with low income most commonly travel to in one week; and (2) determine the association between the prevalence of neighborhood destinations and the number of transportation walking trips these individuals make (average per day). We conducted a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling older adults with low income residing within Metro Vancouver, Canada. We assessed participant travel behavior (frequency, purpose, mode, destination) using seven-day travel diaries and measured the prevalence of neighborhood destinations using the Street Smart Walk Score. We

  10. Tourism experience, destination and event management

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    Vitić Andriela


    Full Text Available The paper tend to show some of the challenges of matured and world-known tourism destination, as well some of the modalities in keeping and increasing a level of Honolulu cluster's competitiveness. Accordingly, specific tourism experience as socio-cultural dimension of destination competitiveness was evaluated. A core of the paper is primary research of tourism event "Brunch on the Beach" Honolulu, Hawaii, that was done in 2004. Data for analysis were collected during the internship that author did in the City and Country - Honolulu. Internship was a part of JFDP scholarship received by the American Councils for International Educations (ACIE. George Washington University was the institution where the author completed the most of specialization and which gave a support for the internship organization. Questionnaire method was used for the research, while SPSS software was used for data analyses.

  11. Tombes et cimetières éthiopiens : des rois, des saints, des anonymes1


    Derat, Marie-Laure


    L’histoire des tombes et cimetières éthiopiens, dans la longue durée, en est encore à ses balbutiements. Si les tombes des saints et des rois nous sont un peu mieux connus grâce à des textes témoignant à la fois des enjeux entourant les sépultures de ces personnages hors du commun et des soins apportés à leur inhumation, en revanche, les cimetières ordinaires échappent encore largement à l’enquête, en grande partie parce que le commun des mortels est inhumé dans l’anonymat et dans un grand dé...

  12. The power of social media storytelling in destination branding.


    Lund, Niels Frederik; Cohen, S.A.; Scarles, C.


    A large part of the global population is now connected in online social networks in social media where they share experiences and stories and consequently influence each other’s perceptions and buying behaviour. This poses a distinct challenge for destination management organisations, who must cope with a new reality where destination brands are increasingly the product of people’s shared tourism experiences and storytelling in social networks, rather than marketing strategies. This article s...

  13. Tourism Tax: Public Spending and Taxation in Tourism Destinations


    Candela Guido; Castellani Massimiliano; Mussoni Maurizio


    In this paper we investigate the effects of a Keynesian policy in tourists destinations where tourism products are mainly sold through «direct sales» (decentralized solution) and the tourism market equilibrium is characterized by sticky prices and unemployment (coordination failure). A Keynesian demand policy is a Pareto improving solution with respect to the organization of sales by Tour operators or Destination managers (centralized solution), since tourism firms are not worse-off in terms ...

  14. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Face à ce constat, le défi de la recherche serait la détermination du niveau actuel de contamination des légumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l'État serait l'initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport à une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides. Mots-clés : pratiques paysannes, ...

  15. La convergence des rôles respectifs des relationnistes et des journalistes influence-t-elle la perception qu'ils ont les uns des autres?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valentini, Chiara


    la convergence des rôles respectifs des praticiens des relations publiques et des journalistes a un effet favorable sur la perception qu’ils ont les uns des autres. L’effet est plus marqué chez les praticiens des relations publiques, car leur vision de la profession en journalisme correspond à celle...

  16. Mécanique des sols et des roches

    CERN Document Server

    Vullier, Laurent; Zhao, Jian


    La mécanique des sols et la mécanique des roches sont des disciplines généralement traitées séparément dans la littérature. Pour la première fois, un traité réunit ces deux spécialités, en intégrant également les connaissances en lien avec les écoulements souterrains et les transferts thermiques. A la fois théorique et pratique, cet ouvrage propose tout d'abord une description détaillée de la nature et de la composition des sols et des roches, puis s'attache à la modélisation de problèmes aux conditions limites et présente les essais permettant de caractériser les sols et les roches, tant d'un point de vue mécanique qu'hydraulique et thermique. La problématique des sols non saturés et des écoulements multiphasiques est également abordée. Une attention particulière est portée aux lois de comportement mécanique et à la détermination de leurs paramètres par des essais in situ et en laboratoire, et l'ouvrage offre également une présentation détaillée des systèmes de classi...

  17. Evaluating Bloemfontein’s image as a tourist destination: A tour operator’s perspective

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    AJ Strydom


    Full Text Available Tour operators have been identified as vital information sources influencing the images and decision-making processes of tourists. Bloemfontein is situated in Central South Africa.  Tourism marketers believe that the city is an ideal stopover destination for national tour operators  en route to other destinations.  Research was conducted among national tour operators in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town to determine their perceptions of Bloemfontein and whether they regard the city as a tourist or stopover destination.  The research indicates that the city is not regarded as a tourist destination, but is seen as an ideal stopover destination which could be included in future tour itineraries.  It is currently excluded because operators are unfamiliar with the tourism offering(s of Bloemfontein due to insufficient marketing by the tourism officials of the city.

  18. Attitudes des éleveurs et sensibilité des systèmes d'élevage face aux sécheresses dans les Alpes françaises

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    Laurent Dobremez


    Full Text Available Les systèmes d'élevage des Alpes françaises sont fortement exposés au changement climatique annoncé et la plupart subissent déjà des épisodes de sécheresse depuis le début des années 2000. Face à ces aléas, les éleveurs ont mis en œuvre un certain nombre de leviers et envisagent d'en activer d'autres à l'avenir. Des enquêtes en exploitation ont permis d’identifier ces leviers. Leur analyse permet de caractériser les attitudes des éleveurs face aux sécheresses et d’évaluer l’évolution de la sensibilité de leurs systèmes d’élevage. A l'exception des exploitations disposant de surfaces irriguées importantes, toutes les exploitations cherchent d'abord à contourner l’aléa. Elles ont recours aux achats de fourrage pour compenser la baisse des récoltes destinées aux stocks hivernaux, mais à des degrés divers selon la durée de l’hivernage. Pour les périodes de pâturage, les éleveurs de haute montagne et les systèmes laitiers des Alpes du nord jouent avant tout sur un système résistant grâce à l’agrandissement et au surdimensionnement des pâtures par rapport aux besoins du troupeau. Les exploitations pastorales des Alpes du sud misent aussi sur une diversité de surfaces et une certaine latitude dans la conduite technique pour s'adapter aux conditions de l'année. Une succession répétée d’années sèches pourrait se traduire par des ruptures plus radicales dans les systèmes d’élevage. Il faut aussi garder à l’esprit que le changement climatique n'est qu'un des facteurs influençant les modes de transformation des exploitations.Livestock farming systems in the French Alps are particularly exposed to the predicted climate change and most of them have already experienced periods of drought since the beginning of the 2000s. Faced with this risk, livestock farmers have put in place a certain number of measures and envisage introducing others in the future. For the present study, surveys were

  19. Le « bassin des carènes » et le service technique des constructions navales à Balard : un exemple de cité scientifique à Paris

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    Valérie Gaudard


    Full Text Available Le « bassin des carènes » à Balard abrite un ensemble cohérent d’édifices techniques, scientifiques et administratifs destinés à l’étude du comportement des navires et de leur propulsion en toutes situations. Créé à l’initiative de l’ingénieur Bertin et inauguré en 1906, le premier bassin, en béton, comptait alors parmi les quatre plus grands bassins du monde. À partir de 1932, Perret frères édifient une véritable cité scientifique : bâtiment administratif (IMH 1965, laboratoires, plusieurs bassins sont élevés en béton armé, avec un même soin accordé à l’ensemble.The ‘bassin des carènes’, the ship testing tank situated at Balard, in Paris, comprises a coherent ensemble of technical , scientific and administrative buildings devoted to the study of ships and their propulsion in different situations. The facility was first created in 1906 at the instigation of the engineer Bertin. At this date, the towing tank, constructed in reinforced concrete, was one of the four largest in the world. From 1932, the Perret brothers were commissioned to provide other constructions, completing an authentic scientific complex or ‘city’. This included the administrative building (given historic monument protection in 1932 and several other tanks, all constructed in reinforced concrete and with the same attention to detail.

  20. Bassins – versants et décentralisation administrative : esquisse de comparaison France/Espagne

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    Sylvie Clarimont


    Full Text Available En France comme en Espagne, le bassin-versant devient le territoire de gestion de l’eau avant la mise en œuvre de mesures de décentralisation administrative. Son institutionnalisation est beaucoup plus précoce en Espagne (1926 qu’en France (1964. Confédérations hydrographiques et agences de bassin sont des établissements publics, placés sous tutelle ministérielle. Les premières sont créées pour améliorer la mobilisation de la ressource et son allocation dans un contexte d’augmentation de la demande. Les secondes doivent répondre aux problèmes croissants de pollution des eaux. Depuis les années 80, toutes deux sont confrontées à l’affirmation de collectivités territoriales dotées de compétences nouvelles en matière de gestion des eaux.

  1. Marketing everything and theming sameness: Urban destination marketing in contemporary Europe

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    Heeley John


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the academic and practitioner literature on urban destination marketing, suggesting that it contains within it a dominant paradigm which the author characterises as 'the theory of marketing competitive advantage'. As such, this theory requires towns and cities to differentiate themselves through the provision of unique products, based on which they subsequently undertake branding, market positioning, distribution and other activities through bespoke destination marketing organisations (DMOs. Practice is then contrasted with theory by reference to a discordant strad of the literature as well as the actual destination marketing currently being undertaken in 60 European towns and cities. The theory of marketing competitive advantage is shown to be an ideal which rarely translates into practice. Irrespective of whether or not a town or city possesses competitive advantage, DMO destination marketing gravitates almost inexorably towards a 'marketing of everything'. Such an approach, in turn, reduces to a bland and monolithic 'theming of urban sameness', all of which is diametrically opposite to what one would expect to be the case as per the theory of marketing competitive advantage. The author contends that this gap between theory and practice matters, necessitating a rethinking of how academics and practitioners should in future seek to explain or otherwise account for urban destination marketing.

  2. Creation of the competition's profile of Serbia as a tourism destination

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    Ubavić Predrag


    Full Text Available During the last several decades tourism has more and more significant role in economic and social development of other countries, as well as in everyday life of a contemporary man. The Republic of Serbia, also, tends to use valorization of its touristic potentials to realize numerous objectives of its economic and general social development. Number of destinations that offer their tourist products on the tourist market increases, leading to intensified competition. Competitiveness is emphasized as a crucial issue in contemporary tourism, as destinations strive to be better than competitors. Observed from today's perspective we can come to a general conclusion that Serbia as a touristic destination, still hasn't taken adequate competitive position regarding other tourist destinations in the region. The aim of this paper is to point out the necessity of repositioning the present competitive position of Serbia to make it, within as short time period as possible, an attractive tourist destination on the regional and international tourist market. With adequate implementation of theoretical concepts and chosen research methods this paper is expected to enrich domestic professional literature from this field, also to point out new possibilities of Serbian tourism development to creators and those who carry out such economic and touristic politics.

  3. Consuming post-disaster destinations: The case of Sichuan, China


    Biran, Avital; Liu, W.; Li, G.; Eichhorn, V.


    Addressing the call for a better understanding of tourist behavior in relation to post-disaster destinations, this study explores the motivations and intentions of potential domestic tourists (from non-hit areas) to visit Sichuan, China in the aftermath of an earthquake. Drawing on dark tourism theories, this study offers a more comprehensive insight into the consumption of post-disaster destinations, aiming to capture the impact of the changes to the destination’s attributes on tourist behav...

  4. L’encadrement territorial des subjectivités juvéniles

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    Ingrid Voléry


    Full Text Available On sait peu de choses de la manière dont les services étatiques déconcentrés, les collectivités territoriales et les acteurs de la société civile désignent les conduites problématiques, puis élaborent des prises en charge de l’enfance et de l’adolescence parfois éloignées des orientations nationales. Cet article se centre sur l’étude d’un cas : le Contrat Éducatif Local, qui offre la possibilité d’étudier concrètement la structuration de critères d’appréciation ne bénéficiant pas réellement de formalisation préalable (première partie. La recherche conduite montre la place que les travailleurs sociaux et les animateurs occupent à la fois dans la désignation des conduites problématiques des enfants et des jeunes et dans leur encadrement. Aux marges des orientations nationales et des réglementations locales, ils ont en effet élaboré un mode de gestion prévisionnelle s’appuyant sur la normalisation des subjectivités (deuxième partie. Au-delà du cas analysé, l’article montre combien le régime d’action publique territoriale réorganise les configurations relationnelles à partir desquelles les professionnels construisent des savoirs, définissent le périmètre des conduites qui appellent un redressement public et le régime de régulation qui s’y rapporte (troisième partie.Regional Assistance of At –Risk Youth and their Varieties of Individual Experience: Beginnings, Development, and Consequences of Post-Policy Management of Social RelationshipsLittle is known about the ways in which the local offices of the French national government, local governments themselves, and groups or associations of citizens designate what constitutes problematic behavior and then define assistance programs for children and teenagers—programs often quite different from national objectives. This article focuses on a case-study : the Contrat Éducatif Local (Local Agreement on Child Education, which allows us to

  5. Exploring the Personality Traits of Portugal as a Tourist Destination: Perspective of the Czech Market

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    Manuela Guerreiro


    Full Text Available The personality of a destination is vital to build a coherent destination brand and strengthen the place identity. Furthermore, brand personality appears in literature as a strategic axis that can be explored by tourist destinations in order to differentiate themselves from competitors. Since a brand encompasses not only functional but also symbolic elements, its image, as perceived by consumers, can be assessed with respect to both its functional and psychological components. Hence, this exploratory study investigates the brand personality of Portugal as a tourist destination, from the perspective of the Czech market, through a destination image approach. The online survey instrument included open-ended items to depict functional and psychological destination features and additional questions to characterize the profile of a sample of Czech university students. The main findings of this research highlight positive personality traits that are related to the brand of Portugal, which suggest its potential as a vacation destination for the Czech market under study.

  6. Good, Better, Best Practise – A Comparative Analysis of Official Destination Websites

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    Candice Louw


    Full Text Available The uplifting financial impact that tourism may have on local and global economies of scale has resulted in tourists becoming a highly sought-after commodity capable of turning almost any tourism destination and its attractions into thriving exports. With the rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs and the introduction of smart technologies in particular, however, tourism has become not only more accessible, but arguably also more competitive with an online, try-before-youbuy tourism experience now becoming a reality. Subsequently, the battle is no longer for top offline destination only, but also for online destination of choice. An opportunity thus exists for Official Destination Websites (ODWs to take advantage of these, and additional opportunities, to enhance a prospective tourist’s online, pre-tourism experience. By analysing seven of the world’s most popular destinations’ capital city ODWs, one comes to realise that ODWs have become an integrated, rather than independent, part of facilitating tourism. As such, the importance of developing, implementing and maintaining an ODW to increase the likelihood of a possible tourist conversion from mere browser to buyer is highlighted. Finally, the similarities and differences between the analysed ODWs are also listed in an attempt to guide prospective tourism destinations in their endeavour to establish a new ODW, as well as allowing destinations with an existing ODW to possibly implement improvements.

  7. Good, Better, Best Practise – A Comparative Analysis of Official Destination Websites

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    Candice Louw


    Full Text Available The uplifting financial impact that tourism may have on local and global economies of scale has resulted in tourists becoming a highly sought-after commodity capable of turning almost any tourism destination and its attractions into thriving exports. With the rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs and the introduction of smart technologies in particular, however, tourism has become not only more accessible, but arguably also more competitive with an online, try-before-you-buy tourism experience now becoming a reality. Subsequently, the battle is no longer for top offline destination only, but also for online destination of choice. An opportunity thus exists for Official Destination Websites (ODWs to take advantage of these, and additional opportunities, to enhance a prospective tourist’s online, pre-tourism experience. By analysing seven of the world’s most popular destinations’ capital city ODWs, one comes to realise that ODWs have become an integrated, rather than independent, part of facilitating tourism. As such, the importance of developing, implementing and maintaining an ODW to increase the likelihood of a possible tourist conversion from mere browser to buyer is highlighted. Finally, the similarities and differences between the analysed ODWs are also listed in an attempt to guide prospective tourism destinations in their endeavour to establish a new ODW, as well as allowing destinations with an existing ODW to possibly implement improvements.

  8. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 sept. 2017 ... ... de Biochimie et Immunologie Appliquée, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Biologiques, Alimentaires et .... l'intoxication des agriculteurs et des consommateurs, ... source d'alimentation en eau et au pouvoir d'achat des.

  9. Study of thermocouples for control of high temperatures; Etude de thermocouples pour le reperage des hautes temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villamayor, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Faculte des Sciences de l' Universite de Lyon - 69 (France)


    Previous works have shown that the tungsten-rhenium alloys thermocouples were a good instrument for control of high temperatures. From its, the author has studied the W/W 26 per cent and W 5 per cent Re/W 26 per cent Re french manufactured thermocouples and intended for control of temperatures in nuclear reactors until 2300 deg. C. In 'out-pile' study he determines the general characteristics of these thermocouples: average calibration curves, thermal shocks influence, response times, and alloys allowing the cold source compensation. The evolution of these thermocouples under thermal neutron flux has been determined by 'in-pile' study. The observations have led the author to propose a new type of thermocouples settled of molybdenum-columbium alloys. (author) [French] Des travaux anterieurs ont montre que les thermocouples des alliages tungstene-rhenium etaient susceptibles de reperer avec precision des hautes temperatures. A partir de la, l'auteur a etudie las thermocouples W/W 26 pour cent Re et W 5 pour cent Re/W 26 pour cent Re de fabrication francaise et destines au controle des temperatures dans les reacteurs nucleaires, jusqu'a 2300 deg. C Dans l'etude 'hors-pile' il a determine les caracteristiques generales de ces thermocouples: courbes d'etalonnage moyen, influence des chocs thermiques, temps de reponse, et alliages assurant la compensation de soudure froide. L'etude 'en-pile' a permis de rendre compte de l'evolution de ces thermocouples sous flux neutroniques. Les phenomenes observes ont conduit l'auteur a proposer un nouveau type de thermocouples constitues d'alliages molybdene-niobium. (auteur)

  10. Modelisation des effets physico-techniques pour la conception des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    automatisation dans les installations industrielles a besoin d'une régulation automatique des commandes des processus technologiques pour lesquelles certaines contraintes sont à relever compte tenu des exigences des innovations scientifiques de ...

  11. Personal values, subjective well-being and destination-loyalty intention of international students. (United States)

    Jamaludin, N L; Sam, D L; Sandal, G M; Adam, A A


    What are the factors that predict international students' destination-loyalty intention? This is the main question this paper addresses, using an online survey among 396 (short-term, N = 182) and (long-term, N = 214) international students at a Norwegian university. Structural equation model-AMOS was conducted to examine relationships among personal values, subjective well-being and destination-loyalty intentions. The results showed that: (1) universalism was positively related to subjective well-being for short-term students; and (2) subjective well-being was positively related to destination-loyalty intention for all groups. We found that relatively stable and happy individuals might be important for ensuring destination-loyalty intentions. Results also indicated that personal values that emphasize justice and equity are also important for short-term international students' well-being.

  12. Improving the profile of the European tourist destinations through the European tourism indicators system

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    Laura CISMARU


    Full Text Available Within the most recent European Policy for Tourism, the competitiveness of the European tourism industry is directly linked to the image of Europe and to its perception, as a collection of sustainable and high-quality tourist destinations. In such context, improving the profile of the European tourist destinations has become a main target. During the last years, the European Commission focused on the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Several projects were developed, the most recent one introducing a practical tool - the European Tourism Indicators System (ETIS for the sustainable development of destinations. The present paper advances the idea that such tool can be successfully used in order to achieve the goal of improving the profile of the European tourist destinations.

  13. Vecteurs Singuliers des Theories des Champs Conformes Minimales (United States)

    Benoit, Louis

    En 1984 Belavin, Polyakov et Zamolodchikov revolutionnent la theorie des champs en explicitant une nouvelle gamme de theories, les theories quantiques des champs bidimensionnelles invariantes sous les transformations conformes. L'algebre des transformations conformes de l'espace-temps presente une caracteristique remarquable: en deux dimensions elle possede un nombre infini de generateurs. Cette propriete impose de telles conditions aux fonctions de correlations qu'il est possible de les evaluer sans aucune approximation. Les champs des theories conformes appartiennent a des representations de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Virasoro, une extension centrale de l'algebre conforme du plan. Ces representations sont etiquetees par h, le poids conforme de leur vecteur de plus haut poids, et par la charge centrale c, le facteur de l'extension centrale, commune a toutes les representations d'une meme theorie. Les theories conformes minimales sont constituees d'un nombre fini de representations. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent des theories unitaires dont les representation forment la serie discrete de l'algebre de Virasoro; leur poids h a la forme h_{p,q}(m)=[ (p(m+1) -qm)^2-1] (4m(m+1)), ou p,q et m sont des entiers positifs et p+q= 2. Ces representations possedent un sous-espace invariant engendre par deux sous-representations avec h_1=h_{p,q} + pq et h_2=h_{p,q} + (m-p)(m+1-q) dont chacun des vecteurs de plus haut poids portent le nom de vecteur singulier et sont notes respectivement |Psi _{p,q}> et |Psi_{m-p,m+1-q}>. . Les theories super-conformes sont une version super-symetrique des theories conformes. Leurs champs appartiennent a des representation de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Neveu-Schwarz, une des deux extensions super -symetriques de l'algebre de Virasoro. Les theories super -conformes minimales possedent la meme structure que les theories conformes minimales. Les representations sont elements de la serie h_{p,q}= [ (p(m+2)-qm)^2-4] /(8m(m+2)) ou p,q et m sont

  14. Dynamiques Territoriales et Proximité Environnementale : le cas du Risque d'Inondation

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    Christophe Beaurain


    Full Text Available Si l'approche par la proximité a préférentiellement été appliquée aux formes productives localisées, elle n'en demeure pas moins féconde pour analyser les modes de coordination entre acteurs se situant en marge du monde de la production. Tel est l'objet de cet article qui explore les formes de construction territoriale entre différentes collectivités confrontées à une préoccupation commune : le risque d'inondation. Outre cet aspect analytique, cette contribution tente de montrer en quoi l'élargissement de l'examen des formes de proximité à des acteurs et objets nouveaux (environnement, risques, collectivités territoriales et ménages suscite une nouvelle actualité concernant les formes de proximité géographique.Despite the dominance of localised productive forms concerns, a growing number of contributions tend to apply the proximity approach to multiple fields. This is particularly the case when territorial construction is concerned, that involves consumers, municipalities or local governments. This paper explores forms of local co-ordination between different municipalities confronted with a common preoccupation: the flood hazard. Besides this analytic aspect, our second objective is to demonstrate that the integration of new actors and objects within the proximity field (environment, hazards, municipalities and households arouses a topical enlightenment as regards the importance of forms of geographical proximity from a co-ordination perspective.

  15. Diverging fortunes? Economic well-being of Latinos and African Americans in new rural destinations. (United States)

    Crowley, Martha; Lichter, Daniel T; Turner, Richard N


    The geographic diffusion of Latinos from immigrant gateways to newly-emerging rural destinations is one of the most significant recent trends in U.S. population redistribution. Yet, few studies have explored how Latinos have fared in new destinations, and even fewer have examined economic implications for other minority workers and their families. We use county-level data from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census and the 2006-2010 American Community Survey to compare the changing economic circumstances (e.g., employment and unemployment, poverty, income, and homeownership) of Latinos and African Americans in new Latino boomtowns. We also evaluate the comparative economic trajectories of Latinos in new destinations and established gateways. During the 1990s, new rural destinations provided clear economic benefits to Latinos, even surpassing African Americans on some economic indicators. The 2000s, however, ushered in higher rates of Latino poverty; the economic circumstances of Latinos also deteriorated more rapidly in new vis-à-vis traditional destinations. By 2010, individual and family poverty rates in new destinations were significantly higher among Latinos than African Americans, despite higher labor force participation and lower levels of unemployment. Difference-in-difference models demonstrate that in both the 1990s and 2000s, economic trajectories of African Americans in new Latino destinations largely mirrored those observed in places without large Latino influxes. Any economic benefits for Latinos in new rural destinations thus have not come at the expense of African Americans. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  16. Development Strategies for Tourism Destinations: Tourism Sophistication vs. Resource Investments


    Rainer Andergassen; Guido Candela


    This paper investigates the effectiveness of development strategies for tourism destinations. We argue that resource investments unambiguously increase tourism revenues and that increasing the degree of tourism sophistication, that is increasing the variety of tourism related goods and services, increases tourism activity and decreases the perceived quality of the destination's resource endowment, leading to an ambiguous effect on tourism revenues. We disentangle these two effects and charact...

  17. Long Journey Travel to Tourist Destination: A Review Paper

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    Shahrin Norkamaliah


    Full Text Available Tourists are now more open in selecting tourist destination. The number of holiday trips were growing rapidly. There were various promotions available to attract tourists to travel either within or outside the country. Travel distance is not an obstacle for tourists to travel, regardless of local and foreign destination. This study will be conducted to identify the motivation of long journey travel that involves push and pull factors. The long journey involves distance, cost and the type of transportation used to get to the destination. For this purpose a comprehensive review and discussion on previous sources which involved a variety of secondary data sources will be used to meet every need of the study objectives. The finding showed that the travel distance was dependent on the motivation for tourists to travel and the type of transport they want to use. Mode of transport used has advantages and disadvantages for long journey travel depending on traveller choice.


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    Full Text Available Romania, as tourism destination with its component micro-destinations (Muntenia, Oltenia, Banat - Crişana, Transylvania, Bucovina, Maramureş, Moldavia and Dobrogea, possesses many tourism attractions and at the same time has a real tourism potential. The fact that it is not included among the Europe’s „valuable” destinations represents a loss both for its inhabitants and for Europeans in general, too. One of the reasons is the lack of an image consolidated by identity elements or / and simply the lack of image that would represent the starting point for development of appropriate tourism products (developing a strategy. This paper proposes, starting from the image perceived by the inhabitants about their own destination – based on the example of Transylvania – to emphasize the importance and also the role of the destination image in developing the main directions of actions and, especially, in developing the strategy for the specific tourism products.

  19. Grief Tourism on Destination Image Formation: Afyonkarahisar and Başkomutan National Historical Park

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    Burhan KILIÇ


    Full Text Available The diversification of supply sources owned causes differences between destinations and special interest which is shaped for demand leads to become tourism widespread. In Turkey, there are many destinations where different features exist together. By means of alternative tourism types, various destinations and tourism types emerge. When all the events happened during the Independence War are considered in terms of national heritage, Afyonkarahisar is an important centre among grief tourism destinations. In research related to image components of Afyonkarahisar, confectionery, food products, and thermal tourism are the values of this destination that come to mind first. When the city is considered in terms of tourism, by highlighting the thermal tourism, the slogan “The Capital of Thermal Tourism” has been used. However it is hard to say that thermal tourism has a success taking the research into consideration. Therefore either other tourism values will be used to support the slogan available or with the work of a new image, a new image destination image will be created. The aim of this study is to eliminate the current negativity of Afyonkarahisar province’s destination image, strengthen the image and examine the availability of grief tourism which is one of the heritage tourism types so as to increase its market share

  20. Tourists’ Satisfaction at Trijuginarayan: An Emerging Spiritual and Adventure Tourist Destination in Garhwal Himalaya India

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    S.C. Bagri


    Full Text Available Tourists’ satisfaction has been acknowledged as one of the most important elements of competitive advantage and formulating effective destination management strategies because it is a reliable standard to evaluate performance of tangible and intangible elements of tourism products and services. The purpose of this study is to investigate tourists’ satisfaction by examining the relationship between destination attribute importance and performance in a tourist destination. Trijuginarayan, an emerging spiritual and adventure tourist destination located in Garhwal Himalaya in Uttarakhand state of India was selected as the study area for this research. Importance-Performance Analysis was employed to examine the relationship between importance and performance of various destination attributes. Results revealed that attributes related to tourism product of spiritual and cultural nature, atmosphere and climate, a variety of tourist activities, hospitality and safety are significant factors in determining tourist satisfaction, whereas basic facilities such as accommodation, transportation, tourism infrastructure and hygiene and sanitation at destination are of significant importance in satisfaction evaluation. Findings also reveal that tourists were satisfied with the core products, but were dissatisfied with basic tourist facilities offered at the destination. The findings alert concerned tourism stakeholders for outlining effective strategies for holistic development and improving performance of attributes in a given destination.

  1. Diversity, Flexibility And Identity Mechanisms For Recycling Mature Tourist Destinations

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    Biel Horrach Estarellas


    Full Text Available Globalizing dynamic sources are making of tourist destinations, spaces each time more homogeneous, unable to respond to the tourist’s new motivation and to the specific characteristics of the territory and the local landscape. Tourist space has gone through changes, resulting in conurbations without urban structure that require new planning patterns. Despite predictions, which determine a declining process or a post-stagnation, there is a high potential of reconversion of obsolete tourist destinations based on its typological characteristics and its interaction with the territory. The new challenges faced by tourist activity: diversity of tourist resources, travel flexibility and the differentiation of the destination from the rest by enhancing its identity, are methodologically tackled by testing regional tourist dynamics experimented in one of the most paradigmatic cases of tourist coastline development, Majorca Island.

  2. Utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excréta et des eaux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les responsables de ce projet piloteront l'application et l'adaptation des principes directeurs relatifs à l'utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excreta et des eaux grises en agriculture et en aquaculture (Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture), que ...

  3. Migrant pupils’ scientific performance: the influence of educational system features of origin and destination countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dronkers, J.; Levels, M.; de Heus, M.


    Background Earlier studies using a double perspective (destination & origin) indicate that several macro-characteristics of both destination and origin countries affect the educational performance of migrant children. This paper explores the extent to which educational system features of destination

  4. "Forget to whom you have told this proverb": directed forgetting of destination memory in Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte; Allain, Philippe; Fasotti, Luciano; Antoine, Pascal


    Destination memory is the ability to remember the receiver of transmitted information. By means of a destination memory directed forgetting task, we investigated whether participants with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) were able to suppress irrelevant information in destination memory. Twenty-six AD participants and 30 healthy elderly subjects were asked to tell 10 different proverbs to 10 different celebrities (List 1). Afterwards, half of the participants were instructed to forget the destinations (i.e., the celebrities) whereas the other half were asked to keep them in mind. After telling 10 other proverbs to 10 other celebrities (List 2), participants were asked to read numbers aloud. Subsequently, all the participants were asked to remember the destinations of List 1 and List 2, regardless of the forget or remember instructions. The results show similar destination memory in AD participants who were asked to forget the destinations of List 1 and those who were asked to retain them. These findings are attributed to inhibitory deficits, by which AD participants have difficulties to suppress irrelevant information in destination memory.

  5. Calculation of pole profiles for the design of particle accelerators magnets. Equivalent current and conformal representation methods; Calcul de profils polaires destines a des aimants d'accelerateurs de particules. Methode des courants et methode des transformations conformes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaidane, S [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    These two methods allow the determination of the shape of the poles in magnets, for a given field distribution in the air-gap. First method: The principle of the method consists to create the desired law of field by means of current sheets in which one can adjust the density given in a polynomial form. For the right distribution of these currents, the equipotential corresponding to the magnetic potential of the excitation coils is calculated. The pole profile of the H or C magnet identified with this equipotential line will finally take the place of the distribution of the current sheets used in the calculation. Steel permeability is assumed to be infinite and Foucault current effects are neglected in the case of variable fields. Second method: It consists to find a conformal representation that maps the pole profile plane upon the upper half of another plane where the equipotentials are two half straight lines, and where the field problems are easier to solve. Steel permeability is also considered to be infinite and the coils far from the pole faces. This known method has been applied to be compared with the first one. (author) [French] Ces deux methodes consistent a determiner la forme des pieces polaires d'aimants pour une distribution de champ determinee a l'avance dans l'entrefer. Premiere methode: Le principe de la methode consiste a creer la loi de champ desiree par l'intermediaire de nappes de courant dont on peut ajuster la densite exprimee sous une forme polynominale. Pour une distribution convenable de ces courants, on calcule l'equipotentielle correspondant au potentiel magnetique des bobines d'excitation. Le profil polaire d'un aimant en H ou C identifie a l'equipotentielle se substitue finalement a la repartition des nappes de courant utilisee dans la methode de calcul. La permeabilite de l'acier est supposee infinie et les courants de Foucault sont negliges dans le cas des champs variables. Seconde methode: Elle consiste a trouver une transformation

  6. La place de l’automobile dans le développement des stations

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    Paul Smith


    Full Text Available Dès le début du XXe siècle, les stations de la côte normande deviennent une destination privilégiée pour des automobilistes parisiens. L’article prend l’exemple de Deauville, « capitale balnéaire de l’automobile » relancée à la Belle époque par Eugène Cornuché, pour examiner l’impact du nouveau moyen de transport sur l’urbanisme et sur l’architecture de la station. Il s’attache également à cerner le rôle joué à Deauville par les grands constructeurs de l’entre-deux-guerres, en particulier André Citroën.From the beginning of the twentieth century, the seaside resorts of the Normandy coast became a favourite destination for Parisian owners of motor cars. The article looks at the example of Deauville, described as the “seaside capital of the motor car”, and examines the impact of the new means of locomotion on the resort’s planning and architecture. It also draws attention to the part played by some of France’s major manufacturers — André Citroën in particular — in the development and reputation of Deauville between the two wars.

  7. City Image – As Tourism Destination

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    Stanciulescu Gabriela Cecilia


    Full Text Available Tourism is a competitive industry, even on a global scale. If access to a destination or attraction is too complicated, time consuming, expensive or not providing adequate capacity, even the most spectacular attraction will remain a secret to most tourists, as they will prefer competitive alternatives” (Smiths, 2003. And to continue this, it is considered that „that cultural differences and uniqueness are important if one wants cultural products to become a commercial success” (Lindenberg, 2004. When cultural tourists are looking to experiment or to improve their knowledge, the question is: “Which are the best strategies and practices to market that experience and knowledge for the cultural tourists” (Kantanen, 2005. This paper will be dedicated to presenting city tourist destinations, their marketing and market positioning, also to analyze the way in which potential customers’ perception is built and how the process can be influenced, and to analyze the way the tourist product is assembled.

  8. Tourists and Local Stakeholders Attitudes Towards Offer and Market Position of Tourist Destination Budva

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    Marković Ana Tripković


    Full Text Available There are various definitions of tourist destination. All of them define tourist destination as an area with specific tourist facilities and attractions, (primary and secondary elements which tourists choose as their journey goal. Budva individually represents the largest tourist destination due to number of arrivals and overnight stays. During its life cycle Budva has gone through different phases as a tourist destination. This thesis implies that it is not enough to use only common quantitative indicator of visitor number to define proper the position of tourist destination and predict further development. This text is based on a comparative analysis of the attitudes of tourists and local stakeholders in the three field researches, conducted in the period between 2015 and 2016. The thesis comes to the conclusion that the actual growth is based on meeting the needs of existing markets and tourists. On the other side, aspect of desired market position disagrees with scores of tourist offer elements- which should be input for improvement and preparation for the next stage in the destination development.

  9. Competitiveness as an Indicator of Sustainable Development of Tourism: Applying Destination Competitiveness Indicators to Ethiopia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wondowossen, T.A.; Nakagoshi, N.; Yukio, Y.; Jongman, R.H.G.; Dawit, A.Z.


    Competitiveness can be applied to predict the economic sustainability of tourism in destinations which has been measured in terms of leakages and linkage related to employment and income generation opportunities to the destinations. This article examines destination competitiveness of Ethiopia based

  10. Thermal neutron flux measurements using neutron-electron converters; Mesure de flux de neutrons thermiques avec des convertisseurs neutrons electrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Meur, R; Lecomte, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The operation of neutron-electron converters designed for measuring thermal neutron fluxes is examined. The principle is to produce short lived isotopes emitting beta particles, by activation, and to measure their activity not by extracting them from the reactor, but directly in the reactor using the emitted electrons to deflect the needle of a galvanometer placed outside the flux. After a theoretical study, the results of the measurements are presented; particular attention is paid to a new type of converter characterized by a layer structure. The converters are very useful for obtaining flux distributions with more than 10{sup 7} neutrons cm{sup -2}*sec{sup -1}. They work satisfactorily in pressurized carbon dioxide at 400 Celsius degrees. Some points still have to be cleared up however concerning interfering currents in the detectors and the behaviour of the dielectrics under irradiation. (authors) [French] On examine le fonctionnement de convertisseurs neutrons electrons destines a des mesures de flux de neutrons thermiques. Le principe est de former par activation des isotopes a periodes courtes et a emission beta et de mesurer leur activite non pas en les sortant du reacteur, mais directement en pile, utilisant les electrons emis pour faire devier l'aiguille d'un galvanometre place hors flux. Apres une etude theorique, on indique des resultats de mesures obtenus, en insistant particulierement sur un nouveau type de convertisseur, caracterise par sa structure stratifiee. Les convertisseurs sont tres interessants pour tracer, des cartes de flux a partir de 10{sup 7} neutrons cm{sup -2}*s{sup -1}. Ils sont utilisables pour des flux de 10{sup 14} neutrons cm{sup -2}*s{sup -1}. Ils fonctionnent correctement dans du gaz carbonique sous pression a 400 C. Des points restent cependant a eclaircir concernant les courants parasites dans les detecteurs et le comportement des dielectriques pendant leur irradiation. (auteur)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques (FSA), Université d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC), 01 BP 526 Cotonou Bénin. Email : 2Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, Centre de Recherches Agricoles d'Agonkanmey (CRA-A),. Laboratoire des Sciences du Sol, Eau et Environnement (LSSEE).

  12. Events as a Framework for Tourist Destination Branding – Case Studies of Two Cultural Events in Croatia

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    Klara Trošt


    Full Text Available Events have become an increasingly significant component of destination branding. Many destinations throughout the world have developed events portfolios as a strategic initiative to attract tourists and to reinforce their brand. In this paper, the focus of research will be on tourist destination branding by means of events. The relationship between events and destination branding is examined through six phases of the process of building a destination brand identity with the use of events. When it comes to destination branding, a need for an analysis of strategic documents of destination development imposes because event tourism strategies help destinations plan how to use events in a tourism role. The purpose of this study is to examine which factors are of the top priorities when using events as a marketing approach. The method of case study will be used, by which two cultural events which take place in the Republic of Croatia will be analyzed, namely, “Špancirfest” in Varaždin and “Trka na prstenac” in Barban. Varaždin and Barban are on different levels in their branding work. The different sizes and locations of the destinations naturally affect the operating procedures. This article may be of interest to destination marketers and event organizers, especially in developing destinations which intend to differentiate themselves from the competitive market.

  13. Branding Prince Edward County as a Gastronomic Niche Tourism Destination: A Case Study


    Geneviève Brisson; Rocci Luppicini


    Increasingly, gastronomy is playing a role in people's motivation for travel, and destinations are making food and beverages their main attraction. This study explored the growing field of gastronomic tourism, a type of niche tourism, through the theoretical framework of destination branding theory. Using a qualitative case study research design, this research examined the branding of the emergent region of Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada as a gastronomic niche tourism destination from ...

  14. A personal tourism navigation system to support traveling multiple destinations with time restrictions


    Maruyama, Atsushi; Shibata, Naoki; Murata, Yoshihiro; Yasumoto, Keiichi; Ito, Minoru


    We propose a personal navigation system (called PNS) which navigates a tourist through multiple destinations efficiently. In our PNS, a tourist can specify multiple destinations with desired arrival/stay time and preference degree. The system calculates the route including part of the destinations satisfying tourist's requirements and navigates him/her. For the above route search problem, we have developed an efficient route search algorithm using a genetic algorithm. We have designed and imp...

  15. variabilite des productions et des revenus des exploitations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), UMR Innovation,. Montpellier, France. Doubangolo COULIBALY, Email RESUME. La durabilité des systèmes de production à base de coton dans un contexte de variabilité des prix aux producteurs et de ...

  16. Le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations…

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    Icart Jean-Claude


    Full Text Available Comme le souligne un récent rapport du Haut comité de santé publique, le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations demeure une question d’actualité. Si les études ne révèlent plus de signes évocateurs de carence, au plus des problèmes de déficiences pour certains groupes à risque, des interrogations, demeurent malgré le contexte d’abondance, concernant la couverture des besoins, laquelle pourrait s’avérer inférieure aux valeurs considérées comme satisfaisantes.

  17. Innovative Governance Strategies in Meetings Destination Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Larson, Mia


    Innovative Governance Strategies in Meetings Destination Networks Introduction, problem statement and aims of the study Collaborative regional networks has been long considered as a must in successful tourism development (Dredge & Jenkins 2003) owing to benefits such as scale and scope economics......, as well as joint planning and coordination of supply facilities. However, the setting up and governance of destination networks is paved with managerial challenges, including, among others: the balancing of conflicting stakeholder interest (Wilkinson & March 2008), and bridging over the gap between...... the bureaucratic culture of public administration and the marketing culture adopted by private tourism firms (Palmer 1996). This regional coordinating role must be undertaken in spite of limited ownership, budget or power to control how individual firms deliver (D’Angella & Go 2007). Furthermore, various actors...

  18. Cognitive components of rural tourism destination images

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kokkali, Panagiota; Koutsouris, Alex; Chrysochou, Polymeros

    This paper aims at exploring issues related to rural tourism destination image focusing on TDI cognitive components. By means of empirical research addressing tourists visiting the Lake Plastiras area, Central Greece, the cognitive components of the area's TDI were identified along with their eff......This paper aims at exploring issues related to rural tourism destination image focusing on TDI cognitive components. By means of empirical research addressing tourists visiting the Lake Plastiras area, Central Greece, the cognitive components of the area's TDI were identified along......; (3) visitors can be classified in four clusters according the cognitive factors; (4) tourists' clusters differ in terms of age, education and income as well as number of visits and perception of the area's attractiveness. Such findings point towards the need of both a new strategy for the area...

  19. Application des TIC à l'atténuation des effets des catastrophes dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Amérique centrale est souvent aux prises avec des inondations et des ... (SIG) et de traitement des images, afin de cartographier les dangers et de modéliser les ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  20. Medical Tourist’s Perception in Selecting their Destination: A Global Perspective (United States)

    Sarwar, Abdullah AM; Manaf, Noorhazilah A; Omar, Azura


    Background: The need for better healthcare has grown significantly in recent years. In addition, the rising healthcare costs in the U.S. and in many European countries have forced many patients to seek medical treatment abroad, which has created the demand for medical tourism. With little yet known as to the perception of a medical tourist’s destination selection, this study aims to explore medical tourist’s perception in selecting their destination while going for medical treatment. Methods: Realizing the current need to examine closely the perception of medical tourists, this study had conducted a secondary study to collect data for assessing and identification of the key factors on patient’s perception and destination selection criteria. Results: The result confirms the existence of a very strong relationship between cost, service quality, treatment types and availability and marketing impact on the perception of the medical tourists’ in selecting their medical tourism destination. Conclusion: This study offers support for the proposed conceptual model and an empirical basis for comparison in future research. PMID:23113218

  1. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique (United States)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité.
Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants.
Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant.
Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  2. La gestion des résultats des entreprises innovantes


    Dumas, Guillaume


    Cette thèse s’intéresse à la gestion des résultats dans le cadre des entreprises innovantes. Elle est constituée de trois articles. Dans le premier, il s’agit d’examiner si les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés et si le stade de développement des innovations influence cette gestion des résultats. Il apparaît que les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés à la hausse. Cette gestion ne semble intervenir qu’au cours de l’activité d’innovation (c’est-à-dire lorsque les entr...

  3. Etude des erreurs d'estimation des populations par la méthode des captures successives (DeLURY, 2 captures et des captures-recaptures (PETERSEN

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    Full Text Available L'estimation des populations naturelles par capture-recapture et par captures successives est souvent entachée d'erreur car, dans de nombreux cas, l'hypothèse fondamentale d'égalité des probabilités de captures pour tous les individus dans le temps et dans l'espace n'est pas respectée. Dans le cas des populations de poissons envisagés ici, les captures ont lieu par la pêche électrique. On a pu chiffrer l'ordre de grandeur des erreurs systématiques faites sur l'estimation des peuplements, en fonction des conditions particulières, biotiques et abiotiques, des différents milieux inventoriés.

  4. Risques et impacts environnementaux des retenues d’altitude pour la production de neige de culture dans un contexte de changement climatique

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    Stéphanie Gaucherand


    Full Text Available Les retenues d’altitude sont des ouvrages hydrauliques implantés dans les stations de loisirs de montagne et destinés à créer une réserve d’eau, dédiée principalement à la production de neige de culture. Leur implantation en altitude en fait indubitablement des retenues spécifiques, subissant et induisant des risques et des impacts sur leur environnement anthropique et écologique. Le Cemagref a engagé un projet de recherche sur la sûreté des retenues d’altitude. Le présent article est issu de ces travaux et vise à établir un état des lieux des risques liés aux retenues d’altitude et de leurs impacts sur l’environnement. Il replace le développement des retenues d’altitude dans leurs contextes sociétal, social et environnemental. Il développe ensuite les risques et impacts des retenues d’altitude, en focalisant son analyse sur les différents risques et aléas spécifiques auxquels sont exposés les ouvrages, et sur les différents impacts environnementaux liés à la réalisation et la gestion des retenues.Mountain reservoirs are hydraulic structures implanted in recreational mountain resorts designed to provide a water reserve mainly used for the production of artificial snow. Their implantation in high-altitude zones makes them highly specific reservoirs subjected to and inducing risks and impacts on their human and ecological environment. Based on in-depth bibliographic and field research, Cemagref has launched a study on mountain reservoirs. The present article aims to establish the current state of the risks related to mountain reservoirs and their impacts on the environment, placing the development of mountain reservoirs in their societal, social, and environmental contexts. It will then develop mountain reservoir risks and impacts, focusing on the specific risks and uncertainties to which these structures are exposed, and the different environmental impacts related to the construction and management of

  5. The Sustainable Management of a Tourism Destination in Ireland: A Focus on County Clare




    Tourism destination management has significant importance in controlling many impacts of tourism, thus insuring its sustainability. Destination management requires the integration of different planning tools, approaches and concepts that help shape the management and daily operation of tourism related activities. This study examines the sustainable management of a tourism destination, focusing on County Clare, Ireland. Qualitative interviews were conducted with tourism stake...


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    Berislav Bolfek


    Full Text Available Branding in tourism is a process that selects a particular destination by its characteristics, thus creating destination identity. The greatest success in this process is achieved by emphasizing authenticity, where Slavonia has great potential. By creating international recognisability of the region, a brand attracts investments and a skilled labour force, thus indirectly having a positive effect on export growth. Values that should draw the attention of both domestic and foreign tourists, i.e. values that are sufficiently attractive to bring tourists, are embedded in the brand. These values should be realistically based. Although Slavonia is an underdeveloped region in terms of tourism, it has a realistic perspective to become a desirable tourist destination. The paper provides analysis of the results of the conducted primary research about the perception that tourists have about Slavonia as a tourist destination. One of the goals was to determine the key components and areas that would be used in the future as a foundation for the definition of a unique brand identity of Slavonia and creation of a desirable tourist environment in this area. Based on the conducted research, clear indicators reflect the opinion of tourists which makes Slavonia unique and attractive, being at the same time elements of its unique brand identity. The results showed that the possible strong driving force of tourism development in Slavonia may include products such as rural tourism, thematic events, special interests (cycling, hiking, fishing and hunting, religious tourism, health and nautical tourism. Another conclusion that was made during the research is that Slavonia should aim at the target population. Thus, segmentation results in several target groups such as tourists with special interests, tourists preferring cultural heritage and other traditional values, nature lovers, recreational athletes and athletes. The aim was to gather data that could be used in the

  7. De la théorie des opérateurs aux fondements de la mécanique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Rinkel, Jean-Marc


    Ce livre est destiné aux étudiants en sciences, mathématiques ou physiques, au niveau master. La formalisation de l’infiniment petit de la mécanique quantique est un miracle d’abstraction, d’étonnement et d’émerveillement. Autant le développement de la physique classique (mécaniques newtonienne, lagrangienne, hamiltonienne et relativités) est lié à celui de la géométrie et du calcul tensoriel, autant l’émergence et le développement de la mécanique quantique sont liés à la théorie des espaces de Hilbert et à la théorie de la mesure. Dès lors qu’une observable (ce qui est accessible à une mesure expérimentale) est représentée par un opérateur sur un espace de Hilbert, les mathématiques se chargent de construire des mesures de probabilité sur le spectre de cet opérateur et ces mesures de probabilités deviennent une réalité physique dans les lois de transition de Born. Cet ouvrage décrit de façon précise le passage des mathématiques que l’on vient d’évoquer, �...


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    Dunja Demirović


    Full Text Available Tourist destinations are now faced with increased competition at the market and holders of tourist policy and offers have realized that understanding the factors that contribute to a better positioning in the market place, and therefore the competitiveness, is of crucial importance for further development. The aim of this paper is to determine how much Vojvodina is competitive as a rural tourism destination, and to assess the current state of all the factors that affect/could affect the competitiveness of rural tourism destinations in Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia. The total of 136 tourism experts were interviewed, and we concluded that the key resources and attraction of rural areas in Vojvodina are rated better than the macro and industry-related factors. This suggests that a rural development strategy should have a special bond with resources and attractions of the destination, that priority should be given to maintaining all aspects of safety and security, continuous improvement of services, diversity of culinary products, as well as the application of the principles of sustainability in environmental management. The work of national and provincial institutions should have the aim to ensure that the destination has a clear idea of where it is going and what it takes to become successful in the long term.

  9. Multi-Destination Cognitive Radio Relay Network with SWIPT and Multiple Primary Receivers

    KAUST Repository

    Al-Habob, Ahmed A.


    In this paper, we study the performance of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) technique in a multi-destination dual-hop underlay cognitive relay network with multiple primary receivers. Information transmission from the secondary source to destinations is performed entirely via a decode- and-forward (DF) relay. The relay is assumed to have no embedded power source and to harvest energy from the source signal using a power splitting (PS) protocol and employing opportunistic scheduling to forward the information to the selected destination. We derive analytical expressions for the outage probability assuming Rayleigh fading channels and considering the energy harvesting efficiency at relay, the source maximum transmit power and primary receivers interference constraints. The system performance is also studied at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values where approximate expressions for the outage probability are provided and analyzed in terms of diversity order and coding gain. Monte-Carlo simulations and some numerical examples are provided to validate the derived expressions and to illustrate the effect of various system parameters on the system performance. In contrast to their conventional counterparts where a multi- destination diversity is usually achieved, the results show that the multi-destination cognitive radio relay networks with the SWIPT technique achieve a constant diversity order of one.


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    Daliborka Blazeska


    Full Text Available Taking into consideration that the tourism is extremely important for any country including Republic of Macedonia, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the tourist destinations and increasing of their attractiveness. So winners in the field of tourism will be those countries that have attractive tourist destination that will attract a lot of visitors. In this paper is defined the relationship between the factors of attractiveness of the destination and the achieving of competitiveness. In order to become competitive in the global market, the tourist destination has to be innovative and to continually search for new competitive advantages. Those kind of competitive advantages enable stable and long-term sustainable development of the tourist destination. In this paper special emphasis is put to the monitoring of the quality of the tourist destination with constant inquiries of the tourists (domestic and foreign regarding the most important segments of the quality of the tourist product which they are using, in order to perceive the satisfaction or the eventual dissatisfaction in order to be taken concrete strategies for the following period. The obtained results clearly confirm the dissatisfaction with the road infrastructure and signalization, the price of the services and the conditions for the stay, as well as the additional attractions that were expected to get.

  11. A Novel Evaluation Approach for Tourist Choice of Destination Based on Grey Relation Analysis

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    Xudong Guo


    Full Text Available The decision-making process of choosing an ideal tourism destination is influenced by a number of psychological and nonpsychological variables. Tourists need a method to quickly and easily select a suitable destination. Driven by this practical decision issue, a novel approach of tourist destination evaluation, grey relation analysis (GRA, is developed and applied to the ranking evaluation of Taiwan tourism destinations in China. In the evaluating process, we apply entropy to calculate the weight of each index, which is a more objective method of calculating weights. The results of the study indicate that although the same size is small and the distribution of data is unknown, GRA can still be successfully used in evaluating tourist destinations. In addition, we compare the GRA results with the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS and show that more accurate ranking results can be obtained.

  12. Injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans des milieux fissures (United States)

    Mnif, Thameur

    Le travail presente ici est un bilan du travaux de recherche effectues sur l'injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans lu milieux fissures. Un certain nombre de coulis a base de ciment Portland et microfin ont ete selectionnes afin de caracteriser leur capacite a penetrer des milieux fissures. Une partie des essais a ete menee en laboratoire. L'etude rheologique des differents melanges a permis de tester l'influence de l'ajout de superplastifiant et/ou de fumee de silice sur la distribution granulometrique des coulis et par consequent sur leur capacite a injecter des colonnes de sable simulant un milieu fissure donne. La classe granulometrique d'un coulis, sa stabilite et sa fluidite sont apparus comme les trois facteurs principaux pour la reussite d'une injection. Un facteur de finesse a ete defini au cours de cette etude: base sur la classe granulometrique du ciment et sa stabilite, il peut entrer dans la formulation theorique du debit d'injection avant application sur chantier. La deuxieme et derniere partie de l'etude presente les resultats de deux projets de recherche sur l'injection realises sur chantier. L'injection de dalles de beton fissurees a permis le suivi de l'evolution des pressions avec la distance au point d'injection. L'injection de murs de maconnerie a caractere historique a montre l'importance de la definition de criteres de performance des coulis a utiliser pour traiter un milieu donne et pour un objectif donne. Plusieurs melanges peuvent ainsi etre predefinis et mis a disposition sur le chantier. La complementarite des ciments traditionnels et des ciments microfins devient alors un atout important. Le choix d'utilisation de ces melanges est fonction du terrain rencontre. En conclusion, cette recherche etablit une methodologie pour la selection des coulis a base de ciment et des pressions d'injection en fonction de l'ouverture des fissures ou joints de construction.

  13. Interfon

    CERN Multimedia



    En collaboration avec TMT Energies Nouvelles Nous vous invitons Le jeudi 6 mai à 18h00 au Business center (Technoparc de St-Genis-Pouilly)   à une présentation d’un nouveau système de Chauffage par Ionisation   Ce nouveau système de chauffage peut chauffer une maison ou un appartement de 100 m2 pour moins de 400 euros par an et offre les avantages suivants : Il est parmi les plus petits du marché et peut aussi bien équiper des installations individuelles que des petites collectivités Ne fonctionne que sur des émetteurs de chaleurs à eau (radiateurs ou planchers chauffants) Ne dégage aucune émanation ni champ magnétique. Aucun risque d’incident, pas de pollution par rejet de fumées ou de matières nocives. Est conçu de telle sorte que le risque de panne est totalement nul , avec un...

  14. La gouvernance des risques naturels et la problematique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depuis quelques années, la gouvernance des risques naturels dus aux inondations remet en cause les processus de mise en oeuvre des politiques urbaines et la qualité de la structure des aménagements dans les grandes villes du Golfe de Guinée. La perception de la gouvernance et l'application des politiques de ...

  15. 78 FR 48046 - Safety Zone; Kuoni Destination Management Fireworks; San Diego, CA (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Kuoni Destination Management Fireworks; San Diego, CA AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS... waters of the San Diego Bay in support of the Kuoni Destination Management Fireworks Display on August 6... Guard's ability to protect the public from the potential hazards associated with fireworks displays...

  16. Destination memory in schizophrenia: "Did I told Elvis Presley about the thief?" (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Altman, Rosalie; Bortolon, Catherine; Capdevielle, Delphine; Raffard, Stéphane


    Destination memory refers to the ability to remember to whom a piece of information was previously transmitted. Our paper assessed this ability in schizophrenia. Twenty-five patients with schizophrenia and 25 control participants told proverbs (e.g., "send a thief to catch a thief") to pictures of celebrities (e.g., Elvis Presley). Afterward, participants had to indicate to which celebrity they had previously said the proverbs. Participants also completed a binding task in which they were required to associate letters with their corresponding context (i.e., location). Analysis revealed worse destination memory and binding in patients with schizophrenia than in controls. In both populations, destination memory was significantly correlated with performances on the binding task. Our findings suggest difficulty in the ability to attribute information to its appropriate destination in schizophrenia. This difficulty may be related to compromise in binding separate cues together to form a coherent representation of an event in memory. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.





    ABSTRACTStudies that measure the brand equity of destination brands by using the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model in a developing country context are scarce. The present study investigates the destination brand equity of the Lahore Fort by employing the CBBE model in a developing country context of Pakistan. Following the positivist tradition, we adopted a survey-based approach to collect data from 237 tourists visiting the Lahore Fort. Data were collected through a questionnaire deve...

  18. The allure of new immigrant destinations and the Great Recession in the United States. (United States)

    Ellis, Mark; Wright, Richard; Townley, Matthew


    In the 1990s, the immigrant population in the United States dispersed to non-traditional settlement locations (what have become known as "new immigrant destinations"). This paper examines whether the allure of new destinations persisted in the 2000s with a particular focus on the internal migration of the foreign born during the recent deep recessionary period and its aftermath. Three specific questions motivate the analysis. First, are immigrants, much like the US-born population, becoming less migratory within the country over time? Second, is immigrant dispersal from traditional gateways via internal migration continuing despite considerable economic contraction in many new destination metropolitan areas? Third, is immigration from aboard a substitute for what appears to be declining immigrant internal migration to new destinations? The findings reveal a close correlation between the declining internal migration propensity of the US-born and immigrants in the last two decades. We also observe parallels between the geographies of migration of native- and foreign-born populations with both groups moving to similar metropolitan areas in the 1990s. This redistributive association, however, weakened in the subsequent decade as new destination metropolitan areas lost their appeal for both groups, especially immigrants. There is no evidence to suggest that immigration from abroad is substituting for the decline in immigrant redistribution through internal migration to new destinations. Across destination types the relationship between immigration from abroad and the internal migration of the foreign born remained the same before, during, and after the Great Recession.

  19. The Impact of the Hotel Industry on the Competitiveness of Tourism Destinations in Hungary

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    Albert Tóth Attila


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on a complex question from the perspective of the hotel industry. It tries to draw attention to the importance of hotels, enhancing it on the basis of the tourism destination competitiveness models and introducing the role and place of the hotel industry in the most important models. The hotel industry research evaluates the most important tourism destinations of Hungary on the micro-regional level that justifies the importance and contribution of the hotels and accommodations to competitiveness and success of tourism destinations with exact results. As a result of the research, the micro-regional destinations can be ranged within three groups in Hungary. In the first group of the most developed and most competitive tourism destinations, the hotel industry plays a very important role. In these regions, the hotel industry has a significant effect not only on competitiveness of tourism but also on general development of the regions. In the second group, which can be still called tourism destination, tourism and the hotel industry both play a significant role, but only the competitiveness of tourism can be considered good, the effects of the tourism on general development of the region can be proved only to a lesser extent. In the third group, the effects of tourism and the hotel industry can only be experienced to a lesser extent. The majority of these regions are not considered to be attractive tourism destinations for tourists any more.

  20. Approches substantives de l’économie : des outils pour l’étude des organisations d’économie sociale

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    Andreia Lemaître


    Full Text Available Les approches traditionnelles des organisations d’économie sociale (OES se centrent le plus souvent sur leur dimension socioéconomique, les analysant comme des initiatives privées non-lucratives produisant des biens et services, dans un rapport de contingence à leur environnement. Dans l’article, nous défendons une approche des OES fondée sur leur double dimension, socioéconomique et politique. Nous les envisageons aussi comme des institutions, capables d’action sur leur contexte, comme des voies d’expression collective s’inscrivant de manière spécifique dans l’espace public et pouvant interagir avec la régulation publique. L’article a pour objectif de démontrer la pertinence de la grille polanyienne pour appréhender cette double dimension, à travers la mobilisation de deux concepts : d’une part celui d’encastrement politique et, d’autre part, celui de l’articulation des différentes formes d’intégration, mis en avant à travers l’adoption d’une définition substantive de l’économie. Parmi ces formes, le principe de l’administration domestique est très peu évoqué dans la littérature sur la pensée de Polanyi. Pourtant, l’administration domestique renvoie à ce que la littérature féministe contemporaine appelle le « travail domestique » ou encore le care, à savoir la production, principalement assurée par les femmes, de biens et services gratuits destinés à leurs proches. Une relecture de ce principe dans le cadre des rapports sociaux de sexes démontre tout son intérêt dans les OES, particulièrement celles qui sont impliquées dans l’aide à la personne, où l’entourage proche est régulièrement mobilisé.The traditional approaches of the social economy organizations (SEO generally focus on their socioeconomic dimension, analyzing them as private non-profit initiatives producing goods and services, in a contingent relation with their environment. In this article, we suggest

  1. “Forget to Whom You Have Told This Proverb”: Directed Forgetting of Destination Memory in Alzheimer's Disease (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte; Allain, Philippe; Fasotti, Luciano; Antoine, Pascal


    Destination memory is the ability to remember the receiver of transmitted information. By means of a destination memory directed forgetting task, we investigated whether participants with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) were able to suppress irrelevant information in destination memory. Twenty-six AD participants and 30 healthy elderly subjects were asked to tell 10 different proverbs to 10 different celebrities (List 1). Afterwards, half of the participants were instructed to forget the destinations (i.e., the celebrities) whereas the other half were asked to keep them in mind. After telling 10 other proverbs to 10 other celebrities (List 2), participants were asked to read numbers aloud. Subsequently, all the participants were asked to remember the destinations of List 1 and List 2, regardless of the forget or remember instructions. The results show similar destination memory in AD participants who were asked to forget the destinations of List 1 and those who were asked to retain them. These findings are attributed to inhibitory deficits, by which AD participants have difficulties to suppress irrelevant information in destination memory. PMID:25918456

  2. The Sustainable Management of a Tourism Destination in Ireland: A Focus on County Clare

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    Full Text Available Tourism destination management has significant importance in controlling many impacts of tourism, thus insuring its sustainability. Destination management requires the integration of different planning tools, approaches and concepts that help shape the management and daily operation of tourism related activities. This study examines the sustainable management of a tourism destination, focusing on County Clare, Ireland. Qualitative interviews were conducted with tourism stakeholders. Additionally a theoretical framework incorporating the various elements that emerged from the theory was also utilised to examine existing tourism strategies and plans. Stakeholders all agreed it would be an advantage to have a Destination Management Office (DMO lead that would coordinate destination management. However, it was found many tourism visions lack consistency and a timeframe with only a few addressing sustainability itself. Also the multiple regulations and guidelines identified by the framework were not communicated effectively to both stakeholders and policy makers when managing tourism in County Clare.

  3. Sustainability as an Identity Factor of Tourist Destinations at Websites:Does the Consumer Care?


    Francisco Vicente Sales Melo; Salomão Alencar de Farias


    When choosing a vacation destination, consumers consider various factors, such as culture, natural attractions, history and points of interest, among others. In this article we analyze whether the question of sustainability is a determining factor in the choice of tourist destinations. Therefore, the article investigates the relationship of the identity of tourist destinations, as presented at their official websites, according to sustainability characteristics, the evaluation of the destinat...


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    Angela BOTEZATU


    Full Text Available City daily overexertion impels tourists wish to travel. Rural tourism behavior is determined by a set of motivational factors that makes him appreciate favorable tourist destinations. In order to analyze and assess the opinions and attitudes of tourists in rural areas we realized a market survey, the results being presented in the article below. Future trends, the growth rate of market depend largely on the wishes and intentions of goods or services consumers. This study involves the engagement of a number of 658 respondents, which were interviewed to determine the basic motivations in choosing countryside. The working methods used were analysis, synthesis and questionnaire survey as a research method. Results refer to the following: about 59 percent, spend up to 10% of annual income for vacations and travel, for rural tourism this amount is much lower; the association of the term „rural tourism” in the local tourist mind, oscillates among „a villa” in rural areas or „active vacation” (biking, hiking, riding, swimming or hunting; customer loyalty is one of the goals of marketing activities undertaken in hostels or other travel service providers. In conclusion, we mention that the variety of motivational factors in choosing tourist destinations in rural areas drive this type of tourism.

  5. "Forget to whom you have told this proverb'': Directed forgetting of destination memory in Alzheimer's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Haj, M.; Gandolphe, M.C.; Allain, P.; Fasotti, L.; Antoine, P.


    Destination memory is the ability to remember the receiver of transmitted information. By means of a destination memory directed forgetting task, we investigated whether participants with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) were able to suppress irrelevant information in destination memory. Twenty-six AD


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    Petris Sorina


    Full Text Available Since 2003, New European Union Member States have made large capital inflows, which led to a credit crunch and recession. Whether they are foreign direct investment, or banking flows, capital inflows ultimately affect GDP, depending on how they are invested. In the specialty literature, analysis of capital flows was done especially in terms of their structure, with a lack of analysis in terms of final destination of capital inflows. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of capital inflows on GDP in the New Member States of the European Union (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia over the last economic cycle. Based on experiences of the new Member States during the recent boom and crisis, the paper studies the impact of capital inflows on GDP growth, inflows channeled to economic sectors, such as real estate and corporate investment sector. The results of this research tries to highlight the extent to which the final destination of capital flows is important for the evolution of GDP.

  7. The final destination of the sludges; Destination finale des boues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rat, D. [Ministere de l' Agriculture et de la Peche, 75 - Paris (France). Direction de l' espace rural et de la foret; Guitton Bernet, I. [HSD Ernst and Young Tour Ersnt andYoung, 92 - Paris-La Defense (France); Jacquinot, B. [Bertin Technologies, 78 - Montigny le Bretonneux (France); Ribeyron, J. [CETIM, 93 - Saint-Ouen (France); Maillot, M. [AM ECO Industries, 30 - Salindres (France); Noel, A. [SYPREA, 75 - Paris (France); Seutin, H. [Vinci Environnement, Rueil Malmaison (France); Buson, Ch. [GES, 35 - Noyal sur Vilaine (France); Solains Ezquerra, R.; Myrope, A. [Lurgi (Germany); Chabrier, J.P. [Sechage Thermique des Boues, 78 - le Pecq (France); Oudenne, D. [Nesa Productlne de Umicore Engineering, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Cauvin, A. [IKOS Environnement, 76 - Blangy sur Bresle (France); Wacquez, M.L. [TERIS, 78 - Plaisir (France)


    This conference deals with the following topics: the impacts and the stakes around the regulation context and the future of the sludges management; the project management; the processing choice and the valorization; the possible certifications for the sludges; the agricultural valorization; the interests of the thermal valorization; the other possibilities of valorization. (A.L.B.)

  8. The Determinants of Tourist Use of Public Transport at the Destination

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    Aaron Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Of all the activities associated with tourism, transport is the one that creates most pollution. However, the mobility of tourists at their destination is an activity that has so far received very little attention from researchers in comparison with that afforded to the transport mode used to travel from their point of origin to their destination. This paper provides new evidence about the use of public transport by tourists at their final destination. The study is based on data obtained from a survey conducted with tourists (N = 4336 on the Costa Daurada (Catalonia, a Mediterranean sun and beach resort. The empirical analysis is based on estimations made using a multinomial model of the transport mode chosen by tourists to travel to the Costa Daurada combined with another model that estimated the probability of them using public transport during their stay. The results show that the tourists who arrived by private car were the ones who least used public transport at the destination. This was despite the fact that these tourists had the profile that made them most likely to use this type of transportation. On the other hand, although the tourists who arrived by plane had the profile that made them least likely to use public transport, they were the ones who used it most. It is, therefore, possible to conclude that, in addition to tourist profile, another key factor in deciding whether tourists will use public transport at their destination is whether they will take their own car.

  9. Youth destinations associated with objective measures of physical activity in adolescents. (United States)

    Cradock, Angie L; Melly, Steven J; Allen, Joseph G; Morris, Jeffrey S; Gortmaker, Steven L


    Limited availability of desirable destinations within walkable distances and unsuitable weather may adversely affect physical activity among adolescents on weekends. This study examines evidence for associations between objective measures of local environment and physical activity levels of adolescents. Students (n=152, 59% male; mean age, 13.7 years) from 10 neighborhoods with schools in four communities wore TriTrac-R3D accelerometers recording physical movements on weekends. Minute-by-minute data were summed over 15-minute intervals providing estimates of proportion of time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and (log) mean physical activity levels on weekends (n=7,506 intervals). Objective measures of neighborhood characteristics were calculated using geographic information systems including average daily traffic, housing density, open space, and density of employees per square kilometer in youth destinations. Linear mixed models were fit examining associations between neighborhood environmental variables and accelerometer measures of physical activity, controlling for time, day, age, body mass index, gender of respondent, race/ethnicity, precipitation, and temperature deviation. On weekends, the presence of greater densities of employees in neighborhood destinations serving youth (beta=3.96, p=0.050) was directly associated with MVPA, independent of student characteristics. Young people attending schools in neighborhoods characterized by greater densities of employees in destinations for youth are more physically active on weekends. Compared with neighborhoods with lower densities, attending a school in neighborhoods with higher densities of employees in potential destinations for youth may contribute to participation in an additional 30 minutes of MVPA per day on weekends.

  10. Destination memory and familiarity: better memory for conversations with Elvis Presley than with unknown people. (United States)

    El Haj, Mohamad; Omigie, Diana; Samson, Séverine


    Familiarity is assumed to exert a beneficial effect on memory in older adults. Our paper investigated this issue specifically for destination memory, that is, memory of the destination of previously relayed information. Young and older adults were told familiar (Experiment 1) and unfamiliar (Experiment 2) proverbs associated with pictures depicting faces of celebrities (e.g., Elvis Presley) or unknown people, with a specific proverb assigned to each face. In a later recognition task, participants were presented with the previously exposed proverb-face pairs and for each pair had to decide whether they had previously relayed the given proverb to the given face. In general, destination performance was found to be higher for familiar than for unfamiliar faces. However while there was no difference between the two groups when the proverbs being relayed were unfamiliar, the advantage of face familiarity on destination memory was present only for older adults when the proverbs being relayed were familiar. Our results show that destination memory in older adults is sensitive to familiarity of both destination and output information.

  11. Éloge du décor : l’église Saint-Jean-Bosco à Paris, sanctuaire national du père des orphelins

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    Valérie Gaudard


    Full Text Available Architecte méconnu, D. Rotter élève en 1933 le sanctuaire national de l’ordre de Saint-Jean-Bosco, soixantième chantier du cardinal Verdier. Élément d’un projet plus vaste de bâtiments destinés à l’éducation des jeunes défavorisés, l’église en béton armé, à la silhouette proche de l’église du Raincy, frappe par l’originalité, la richesse et la bonne conservation de son décor. Bessac et Gaudin signent une partie du décor dû pour l’essentiel à Mauméjean Frères. Cet unicum parisien contient l’un des derniers décors figurés d’église avant leur disparition après-guerre.

  12. Optimization of fuel cycles: marginal loss values; Optimisation des cycles de combustibles: valeurs marginales des pertes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaussens, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 75 - Paris (France); Lasteyrie, B de; Doumerc, J [Compagnie pour l' Etude et la Realisation de Combustibles Atomiques, 75 - Paris (France)


    comme definitivement perdue, alors que le reste pourrait etre recupere et recycle. Le cout eleve des pertes, recyclees ou non, d'autant plus eleve que l'uranium est plus enrichi, exige qu'il en soit tenu compte dans l'optimisation generale des cycles de combustible. Il importe donc de determiner leur niveau le plus souhaitable economiquement, aux diverses etapes d'elaboration du combustible nucleaire. Mais en France et dans d'autres pays, la production de matieres fissiles est geree par l'Etat, tandis que la fabrication de l'element combustible est effectuee par l'industrie privee. Les criteres d'optimisation et l'interet economique accorde aux pertes sont donc differents pour les deux parties de la chaine de fabrication. Pour tenter neanmoins d'atteindre un optimum conforme a l'interet collectif sans intervenir dans la politique de prix de l'entreprise, on peut utiliser la propriete des couts marginaux d'etre egaux entre eux a l'optimum, pour un volume de production donne. On peut donc ajuster le niveau des pertes pour realiser cette egalite des couts marginaux dont le calcul est plus facile a obtenir de la firme que la justification des prix eux-memes. On s'apercoit d'ailleurs que, bien qu'axee essentiellement sur les pertes, cette analyse globale peut conduire a une meilleure utilisation d'autres facteurs de production. On donne un expose theorique et des exemples pratiques de cette methode d'optimisation economique dans le cadre de la fabrication d'elements combustibles destines a des reacteurs du type: uranium naturel, moderes au graphite et refroidis par le gaz carbonique. (auteurs)

  13. Optimization of fuel cycles: marginal loss values; Optimisation des cycles de combustibles: valeurs marginales des pertes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaussens, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 75 - Paris (France); Lasteyrie, B. de; Doumerc, J. [Compagnie pour l' Etude et la Realisation de Combustibles Atomiques, 75 - Paris (France)


    'uranium doit etre consideree comme definitivement perdue, alors que le reste pourrait etre recupere et recycle. Le cout eleve des pertes, recyclees ou non, d'autant plus eleve que l'uranium est plus enrichi, exige qu'il en soit tenu compte dans l'optimisation generale des cycles de combustible. Il importe donc de determiner leur niveau le plus souhaitable economiquement, aux diverses etapes d'elaboration du combustible nucleaire. Mais en France et dans d'autres pays, la production de matieres fissiles est geree par l'Etat, tandis que la fabrication de l'element combustible est effectuee par l'industrie privee. Les criteres d'optimisation et l'interet economique accorde aux pertes sont donc differents pour les deux parties de la chaine de fabrication. Pour tenter neanmoins d'atteindre un optimum conforme a l'interet collectif sans intervenir dans la politique de prix de l'entreprise, on peut utiliser la propriete des couts marginaux d'etre egaux entre eux a l'optimum, pour un volume de production donne. On peut donc ajuster le niveau des pertes pour realiser cette egalite des couts marginaux dont le calcul est plus facile a obtenir de la firme que la justification des prix eux-memes. On s'apercoit d'ailleurs que, bien qu'axee essentiellement sur les pertes, cette analyse globale peut conduire a une meilleure utilisation d'autres facteurs de production. On donne un expose theorique et des exemples pratiques de cette methode d'optimisation economique dans le cadre de la fabrication d'elements combustibles destines a des reacteurs du type: uranium naturel, moderes au graphite et refroidis par le gaz carbonique. (auteurs)

  14. Tourist Profile and Destination Brand Perception: The Case of Cape Town, South Africa

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    Ikechukwu O. Ezeuduji


    Full Text Available Tourists pay for destination brands. This study checked for the relationships between tourists’ profile and how they perceived the destination brand of Cape Town. A questionnaire survey of 220 tourists visiting Cape Town was done. This study found that repeat visit, age of tourist, length of stay, and tourist origin, have significant influences on how tourists visiting Cape Town perceived the destination. The top three destination attributes of Cape Town (cognitive images, which enhance visitor experience satisfaction are (1 the overall level of service quality at facilities in Cape Town, (2 the city being one of the best places the tourists have visited, and (3 the destination’s good value for money. The top three emotional valuations of destination attributes (affective images which enhance visitor experience satisfaction in Cape Town include (1 memorable visit, (2 valuable visit, and (3 friendly and hospitable population. It is therefore recommended that tourism businesses in Cape Town develop relationship marketing tools to attract and retain its tourists segments of loyal, advanced in age, long-staying and domestic tourists. Results from this research could be compared with related findings in the international arena and have related implications, especially for developing economies

  15. Destination memory and deception: when I lie to Barack Obama about the moon. (United States)

    Haj, Mohamad El; Saloppé, Xavier; Nandrino, Jean Louis


    This study investigates whether deceivers demonstrate high memory of the person to whom lies have been told (i.e., high destination memory). Participants were asked to tell true information (e.g., the heart is a vital organ) and false information (e.g., the moon is bigger than the sun) to pictures of famous people (e.g., Barack Obama) and, in a subsequent recognition test, they had to remember to whom each type of information had previously been told. Participants were also assessed on a deception scale to divide them into two populations (i.e., those with high vs. those with low deception). Participants with high tendency to deceive demonstrated similar destination memory for both false and true information, whereas those with low deception demonstrated higher destination memory for lies than for true information. Individuals with a high tendency to deceive seem to keep track of the destination of both true information and lies to be consistent in their future social interactions, and thus to avoid discovery of their deception. However, the inconsistency between deceiving and the moral standard of individuals with a low tendency to deceive may result in high destination memory in these individuals.

  16. Bucharest: Analysis of an ‘old’ destination with a new tourism identity

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    Aurelia-Felicia Stăncioiu


    Full Text Available To be able to promote itself efficiently on the market, a destination, given the marketing perspective – has to be aware about the authentic and crucial elements of its own identity as being the only way to transfer, virtually and materially, of what it has best – the social-cultural and artistic identity (which, from a tourist perspective, represents its perceived image, along with psychological and artistic image of the destination. Hence without a detailed knowledge of this aspect, the promotion leads to a presentation of a distorted image of the destination which, in time, can distort the socio-cultural identity of the inhabitants of that region. To build the image of a destination (a notoriously long and complex process, begins with the need to profoundly understand tourists’ complexity of expectations (both functional and psychological and, on their basis, to use these as attributes of the destination in order to improve attractiveness. In Romania’s case such an aspect gains more importance due to the fact that, after the 1989, young generation, an important population segment, seem to register a continuous and dangerous process of “identity erosion”, which over time could result into disconnecting from the essence of the Romanian spirit, not being able to understand or even ignoring sense of belonging, sense of identity, heritage and “tourism heritage”.

  17. Good, Better, Best Practise – A Comparative Analysis of Official Destination Websites

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    Candice Louw


    Full Text Available The uplifting financial impact that tourism may have on local and global economies of scale has resulted in tourists becoming a highly sought-after commodity capable of turning almost any tourism destination and its attractions into thriving exports. With the rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs and the introduction of smart technologies in particular, however, tourism has become not only more accessible, but arguably also more competitive with an online, try-before-you-buy tourism experience now becoming a reality. Subsequently, the battle is no longer for top offline\tdestination only, but also for online destination of choice. An opportunity thus exists for Official Destination Websites (ODWs to take advantage of these, and additional opportunities, to enhance a\tprospective tourist’s online, pre-tourism experience. By analysing seven of the world’s most popular destinations’ capital city ODWs, one comes to realise that ODWs have become an integrated, rather than independent, part of facilitating tourism. As such, the importance of developing, implementing and maintaining an ODW to increase the likelihood of a possible tourist conversion from mere browser to buyer is highlighted. Finally, the similarities and differences between the analysed ODWs are also listed in an attempt to guide prospective tourism destinations in their endeavour to establish a new ODW, as well as allowing destinations with an existing ODW to possibly implement improvements.


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    D Slimani


    Full Text Available Des couches minces du titane pur ont été déposées avec la méthode de pulvérisation cathodique sur des substrats en acier, type FF80 K-1 contenants ~1% mass. en carbone. La réaction entre les deux parties du système substrat-couche mince est activée avec des traitements thermiques sous vide dans l’intervalle de températures de 400 à900°Cpendant 30 minutes. Les Spectres de diffraction de rayons x confirment l’inter- diffusion des éléments  chimiques du système résultants la formation et la croissance des nouvelles phases en particulier le carbure binaire TiC ayant des caractéristiques thermomécaniques importantes. L’analyse morphologique des échantillons traités  avec le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB montre l’augmentation du flux de diffusion atomique avec la température de recuit, notamment la diffusion du manganèse et du fer vers la surface libre des échantillons aux températures élevées provoquant la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques des revêtements contrairement au premiers stades d’interaction où on a obtenu des bonnes valeurs de la microdureté.

  19. An empirical survey on perceived value from tourism destination based on brand equity model: A case study of Qeshm Island

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    Vahid Qaemi


    Full Text Available Tourism destination brand equity is defined as all assets (or debts of brands provided with name and symbol of tourism destination to make changes in value services of experiences. In many cases, brand equity is more than physical assets. This survey performs an investigation to identify effective factors in tourism destination equity, cause and affects relationships, and proposes a model for perceived value of tourism destination. The proposed study is performed in one of free islands named Gheshm. The preliminary results indicate that there is a positive relationship between tourism destination brand awareness and destination brand equity, tourism destination brand image, destination brand equity and tourism destination brand loyalty.

  20. Destination website quality, users’ attitudes and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences

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    Jano Jiménez-Barreto


    Full Text Available Purpose - An official destination website (ODW is a key component for tourist’s decision-making processes. ODW acts as a direct channel where users may share experiences and opinions about previous or future travels. At the same time, it drives user participation in destination branding activities. In this context, it is crucial to identify how the destination website, using Web 2.0 technologies, could motivate user’s participation with the brand. The purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate a model that posits the destination website quality as a determinant factor to predict users’ attitudes toward the website and their willingness to participate in co-creation experiences. Design/methodology/approach - Using a combined qualitative and quantitative method, this paper provides an exploratory research that examines the role of destination website quality on attitudes toward the website and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Findings - Findings confirm that there is a direct and significant relationship between website quality, attitudes toward the website and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Moreover, attitudes toward the website partially mediate relationships between destination website quality and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Originality/value - The literature of value co-creation is trying to identify which factors drive consumer’s participation with brands across different consumption contexts. This study provides evidence that confirms, from a tourism destination website point of view, that website quality is one of these key factors that motives user’s co-creation with a destination.


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    Nemanja Tomić


    Full Text Available The main goal of this study is to explore factors which influence city destination choice among young people in Serbia. In order to achieve this we conducted a survey consisting of 20 different items influencing the choice of city destination. Afterwards the principal component exploratory factor analysis (EFA was carried out in order to extract factors. T-test and ANOVA test were also used to determine if there is a difference between different gender and age groups in terms of which factors influence their choice of a city destination. The results indicate four motivating factors extracted by factor analysis, from which Good hospitality and restaurant service seems to be the major motivating factor. The results also show that respondents belonging to the age group of under 25 give more importance to Information and promotion as well as to Good hospitality and restaurant service than those belonging to older age groups. The same two factors are also more important to females than males.

  2. Promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat inclusif des jeunes et des femmes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le projet vise à analyser la contribution réelle et potentielle de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif au bien-être des jeunes et des femmes en Côte d'Ivoire, au Burkina Faso et au Kenya. Après un état des lieux de la pratique de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif dans chacun des pays ciblés, l'équipe de recherche étudiera son incidence sur ...

  3. Mobility behaviour related to tourism: Methodic study to record the mobility behaviour of tourists in their destinations; Mobilitaetsverhalten im Tourismus: Methodenstudie zur Erfassung des Mobilitaetsverhaltens von Touristen am Aufenthaltsort

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, M.S. [Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode (Germany). Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Tourismusmanagement; Gross, S. [Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode (Germany). Professur fuer Management von Verkehrstraegern; Freyer, W. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Tourismuswirtschaft


    Empirical research relating to tourism and mobility is urgently needed to provide a contribution to a sustainable coping strategy with the tourist traffic. The following article develops a method to record the mobility behaviour of the tourists in a destination. The method has been tested in a field test and is based on an examination of well-known sources of information in tourism and traffic regarding their usability. Thus, statements about the still sporadic existing indicators of the mobility of tourists on site can be done. The results show this method enables to data collection on the mobility and travel behaviour of tourists in their destinations and to use this data in traffic engineering or traffic politics for taking measures with respect to the data. (orig.)

  4. Destination Brand Equity, Satisfaction And Revisit Intention: An Application In TRNC As a Tourism Destination


    Sarvari, Neda Gholizadeh


    ABSTRACT: This study revisits the previous studies carried out by several researchers on Customer – Based Brand Equity with an intension to further investigate the applications and testing of the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model in relation to destination branding. The study specifically examines the effects of Brand Equity Dimensions (Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Value, Brand Quality and Brand Image) on Tourists Satisfaction and ultimately on Future Behaviours that result i...

  5. Understanding Family Migration in Rural South Africa: Exploring Children's Inclusion in the Destination Households of Migrant Parents. (United States)

    Bennett, Rachel; Hosegood, Victoria; Newell, Marie-Louise; McGrath, Nuala


    Despite the removal of restrictions on movement and increasing female participation in migration, only a minority of migrant parents in South Africa include their children in their destination household. Quantitative analyses of the circumstances in which children accompany a migrant parent have been limited by the lack of available data that document family arrangements from the perspective of more than one household. This paper uses data about members of rural households in a demographic surveillance population in KwaZulu-Natal and a linked sample survey of adult migrants to examine factors associated with children's inclusion in the destination household of migrant parents, analyse the timing and sequence of children's moves to parental destination households, and describe the composition of parental origin and destination households. The findings confirm that in contemporary South Africa, only a small percentage (14%) of migrants' children who are members of the parental origin household are also members of the parental destination household. Membership of the parental destination household is associated with parental characteristics and the child's age, but not measures of socio-economic status, and children most commonly migrate several years after their migrant parent. Children included in the destination household of migrant fathers frequently live in small households, which also include their mother, whereas children included in the destination household of migrant mothers live in larger households. This study contributes to understanding the contexts of children's inclusion in parental destination households in South Africa and demonstrates the potential of data collected in migrants' origin and destination households.

  6. The relation between personality traits and psychographic positions of travel destinations


    Ismailov, Amet


    Master's thesis in International hotel and tourism management Understanding potential visitors is one of the fundamental tasks for researchers and businesses, destination marketing organizations as well as many other stakeholders in tourism domain. Despite the fact that Internet has become one of the major marketing channels for hospitality and tourism, researchers indicate that there is a notable gap in understanding how to effectively use social media in travel destination marketing. The...

  7. Medical Tourism Destination SWOT Analysis: A Case Study of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and India

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    Wong Kee Mun


    Full Text Available The growth of global medical tourism in the recent years had spurred the interest of many governments to join in the bandwagon, particularly from Asia. Using the SWOT analytical model, this paper provides pertinent comparative analysis of the medical tourism destinations here being Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and India. Each destination possesses its own value propositions to convince the demands of medical tourists. Malaysia and Thailand have a good mixture of elements (medical, tourism and wellness to be an excellent medical tourism destination while Singapore and India need further development in some of these elements. Meeting or exceeding the medical tourists’ expectations and requirements are the priority of medical tourism destination marketers in ensuring a successful medical tourism industry development.


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    Roxana - Andreea SARAGEA


    Full Text Available In the context of increased competition on the international tourism market, the assessment of destination image has become a research subject for both managers aiming to improve destination positioning and academic researchers. In order to obtain a competitive advantage, every tourist destination must identify, maintain and reinforce, through appropriate marketing policies, unique items that form and build over time "the destination' s image". Accordingly, the ultimate target of the tourist destinations' promoters should be to achieve a high level of coincidence between the promoted or projected image and the perceived image of the destination, held by potential and actual tourists. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to illustrate promotional techniques and methods used by the authorities of the Canary Islands over the years (projected image, and to identify, through a survey among the citizens of Braşov, the image that they have of the Canary Islands (perceived image.

  9. Integration of industrial risk in regional policy management. Possibilities of evaluation; L'integration du risque industriel dans les politiques de gestion territoriales. Possibilites d'evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubert, Philippe; Pages, Pierre


    Since the responsibility for risk management depends more and more on regional factors, evaluation methods and management regulations are not developed enough. This study start from the fact that an important methods exist for evaluation transport of dangerous materials in cities, risk analysis and emergency plans related to classified installations, management of quality of water, 'chronic' industrial risks at local and regional level, probabilistic estimation for industrial plants. The objective is in fact to show what risk analysis could bring to the municipality, the city or the region. [French] Alors que la responsabilite de la maitrise du risque repose de plus en plus sur les collectivites territoriales, soit dans la mouvance naturelle de la decentralisation, soit par des textes specifiques, les moyens d'evaluation et les regles de gestion sont encore tres peu developpes. Cette etude part du fait qu'un materiel important existe cependant: evaluations sur le transport des matieres dangereuses dans les villes, etudes de danger et plans d'intervention associes a la legislation sur les installations classees, gestion de la qualite de l'eau par les agences de bassin, bilans des risques industriels 'chroniques' a l'echelle locale ou regionale, evaluations probabilistes sur des objets industriels. L'objet est donc de montrer ce que peuvent apporter ces analyses dans l'evaluation du risque accidentel dans la collectivite, la ville ou, a cause des implications des strategies de prevention, le departement ou la region. L'heterogeneite de la qualite et de la quantite des resultats que l'on peut attendre en fonction des divers types de risques et de consequences est d'abord mise en valeur. Malgre leurs incertitudes, des modeles existent qui permettent de calculer les victimes d'accidents industriels 'types'. Pour les installations classees et les transports de matieres dangereuses, le calcul du risque est loin d'etre systematique, mais il est pratique. Un second domaine

  10. Implementing existing theories in developing a gastronomic tourism destination : case Kyrö Distillery Company


    Ala-Lahti, Erkka


    The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to provide points of development for the subject company Kyrö Distillery Company in the developing of a gastronomic tourism destination. The subject company mainly operates as a distillery, but it has promising tourism potential in the field of gastronomic tourism. The company and the restaurant located in the destination, Kyrönmaan matkailunedistämiskeskus, also operate as a tourism destination providing tours and tastings of the company. The objecti...

  11. "The Social Destination": How Social Media Influences the Organisational Structure and Leadership of DMOs


    Mihaela Jucan; Cornel Jucan; Ilie Rotariu


    The paper deals with the most important changes that have occurred in business because of social media and its impact on organisations and leadership in recent years. It seeks to synthesize existing research, theories and concepts, in order to understand "social destinations", and to provide a bridge from past research to future success. Becoming a "social destination" is a strategic and tactical leadership and management issue and the paper will present the importance of destination leadersh...

  12. Ecotourism Destinations in Romania

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    Iuliana Ioana Merce


    Full Text Available Romania has about 800 protected areas, which now covers about 5% of the country. Most ecotourism destinations are located within or adjacent to these protected areas such as Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, northern communities National Park, Yosemite National Park, Apuseni Natural Park. In Romania there are still non-fragmented forest, and over a third of the population of bears, wolves and lynx in Europe, unique paradise of birds in the Danube Delta, more than 12 000 caves and, not least, full of authentic local traditions. Ecotourism allows recovery and conservation of the country's natural capital.

  13. Prise en charge des urgences au service d'accueil des urgences ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: La prise en charge des patients dans les services d'accueil des urgences est une des meilleures vitrines d'un système de santé. En Afrique subsaharienne, la gestion des urgences se heurte à des difficultés humaines et matérielles. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer les difficultés de prise en charge au Service ...


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    Zoran Strezovski


    Full Text Available The main aim of the paper is about festivals in the southern west city in the Republic of Macedonia – Ohrid, empirical research of influence of the Ohrid summer festival on Ohrid tourism destination branding. Its strength to attract foreign tourist and the role of Ohrid municipality and tourism stockholders to use festival as a tool to attract more foreign tourist and branding Ohrid as a tourism destination. Nowadays, many tourist organization develop strategy for creating or support festivals on their destination. The festivals have strong influence of the destination attracting many foreign tourist. Some cities are branding as a festival cities, attract over million visitors per year. Ohrid summer festival as a member of European festival association, is the most important festival in Ohrid city but also in the country. The festival has the role to promote and present culture achievements from the country but also it is attractive factor for foreign tourist to visit Ohrid city and the region in the summer period. It is held from 12 of July until 20 of August each year. Ohrid municipality should incorporate Ohrid summer festival and other festivals in general promotion on Ohrid city. It should support and create new festivals.This paper presents an action research conducted on a sample of 150 foreign visitors on Ohrid summer festival during the festival from 12 July till 20 august 2010.

  15. Role of destination management in strengthening the competitiveness of Croatian tourism

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    Irena Bosnić


    Full Text Available Tourism today is marked by various social-economic trends. Croatia as a tourist destination is present on the networked international tourism market, which imposes daily adjustments to varying conditions on the market, primarily through improvement of the competitiveness of its own tourism offer. An important precondition for forming such an offer is an effective system for managing a tourist destination or destination management. With its accession to the European Union, Croatia has become a part of the European tourist market, which is a boost for tourism but also challenging, as it needs to stay true to its identity and maintain its uniqueness. Due to Croatia’s new macroenvironment, conditions and rapidly changing consumer requirements on the global tourism market, as well as global economic and political instability, which has not left the European Union unscathed, strategic operational planning and clear guidance for the future development of tourism in Croatia are essential. Thus, the goal of this paper is to emphasize the importance and functionality of destination management for the development of competitiveness of Croatian tourism, with emphasis on strategic managing of its development and review the challenges and adaptations to the conditions on the European tourism market.

  16. Factors Influencing Perceived Crowding of Tourists and Sustainable Tourism Destination Management

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    Qian Jin


    Full Text Available Studies on tourists crowding are developed to explore the perception of crowding, and these studies indicate crowding influence on sustainable development of tourist destinations. This study aims to reveal the influential factors of tourists’ perceived crowding. We obtained data from interviewing over 400 tourists and five senior tourism officials in Xi’an, China. This study firstly applies factor analysis to identify the constructed variables of tourists’ motivations from the principle component analysis. It then examines the correlation between nationality and perceived crowding. Consequently, a multiple regression is used to identify the connection between motivations and perceived crowding. The results of the study indicate nationality and motivation as two significant influential factors to perceived crowding management. This study also shows that management in tourist destinations would benefit from provision of the authentic travel experience integrated with zoning the travel destination.

  17. Vacation Behaviour: Frequency, Destination Choice and Expenditures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rouwendal, J.; van Loon, R.R.


    The authors study the probability of taking a vacation, foreign or domestic, and the expenditures of Dutch households on vacations. The paper first provides a brief review of Dutch vacation behaviour over the past 30 years. It then presents the results of statistical models for destination choice

  18. Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des prestataires de santé des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... des prestataires interrogés avaient respectivement une bonne connaissance des facteurs de risque et des moyens de dépistage. Les signes évocateurs et les examens complémentaires nécessaires au diagnostic du cancer du sein étaient connus par 15,3 % des prestataires. La définition du cancer du sein et les moyens ...

  19. Destination Marketing through a Utility Business Model: The Case of Cyprus


    Machlouzarides, Haris


    Traditional business models that used to govern the operations of travel and tourism businesses defined in a rigid way their functional areas and the relationships among them. The advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has driven the transformation of these business models into novel destination marketing models. The Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) recognising the need of establishing an explicit model for managing the process of destination marketing has developed an in...

  20. A Common Probe Design for Multiple Planetary Destinations (United States)

    Hwang, H. H.; Allen, G. A., Jr.; Alunni, A. I.; Amato, M. J.; Atkinson, D. H.; Bienstock, B. J.; Cruz, J. R.; Dillman, R. A.; Cianciolo, A. D.; Elliott, J. O.; hide


    Atmospheric probes have been successfully flown to planets and moons in the solar system to conduct in situ measurements. They include the Pioneer Venus multi-probes, the Galileo Jupiter probe, and Huygens probe. Probe mission concepts to five destinations, including Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, have all utilized similar-shaped aeroshells and concept of operations, namely a 45-degree sphere cone shape with high density heatshield material and parachute system for extracting the descent vehicle from the aeroshell. Each concept designed its probe to meet specific mission requirements and to optimize mass, volume, and cost. At the 2017 International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), NASA Headquarters postulated that a common aeroshell design could be used successfully for multiple destinations and missions. This "common probe"� design could even be assembled with multiple copies, properly stored, and made available for future NASA missions, potentially realizing savings in cost and schedule and reducing the risk of losing technologies and skills difficult to sustain over decades. Thus the NASA Planetary Science Division funded a study to investigate whether a common probe design could meet most, if not all, mission needs to the five planetary destinations with extreme entry environments. The Common Probe study involved four NASA Centers and addressed these issues, including constraints and inefficiencies that occur in specifying a common design. Study methodology: First, a notional payload of instruments for each destination was defined based on priority measurements from the Planetary Science Decadal Survey. Steep and shallow entry flight path angles (EFPA) were defined for each planet based on qualification and operational g-load limits for current, state-of-the-art instruments. Interplanetary trajectories were then identified for a bounding range of EFPA. Next, 3-degrees-of-freedom simulations for entry trajectories were run using the entry state