
Sample records for depositos parafinicos estatico

  1. Desain Premi dan Manfaat Asuransi Deposito

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    Said Kelana Asnawi


    Full Text Available Paper ini memuat desain penentuan premi asuransi deposito dengan mempertimbangkan pinalti bagi perilaku moral hazard dan memberikan sanggahan teoritis terhadap pendapat yang meragukan kebaikan asuransi deposito. Sanggahan ini didasarkan pada desain premi jika mempertimbangkan pinalti bagi perilaku moral hazard. Sanggahan ini merujuk pada manfaat asuransi berupa penurunan penarikan serta laba bank yang positip dan manfaat sosial yang diperoleh pemerintah. Key Word: asuransi deposito, incentive compatible plan, moral hazard, camel rating, Option Theory-Jump Process, Benefit Sosial Pemerintah

  2. Perilaku Konsumsi Upaya Meningkatkan Potensi Produk Deposito di Bank Syariah

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    Tri Mulanto


    Full Text Available Perbankan syari’ah saat ini telah memiliki payung hukum yang kuat dengan hadirnya undang-undang nomor 21 tahun 2008 tentang perbankan syari’ah. Hal ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi dari perbankan syari’ah yang semakin diminati oleh banyak kalangan.Bank syari’ah membutuhkan dana dalam menjalankan produk pembiayaannya. Deposito merupakan salah satu produk penghimpunan di bank syariah. Deposito di bank syariah terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Walaupun demikian bank syariah tetap harus meningkatkan produk deposito, untuk mencapai market share 5 persen. Untuk meningkatkan volume deposito bank syariah perlu memahami bentuk perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Dari data yang ada kontribusi dana pihak ketiga bank syariah diberikan oleh produk deposito sebesar 71,15 persen.Penulisan ini menggunakan jenis deskriptif kualitatif, Batasan dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada produk deposito di bank syari’ah perilaku konsumen.Tulisan ini menggunakan studi pustaka kajian dari berbagai sumber. Hasil dari tulisan ini bahwa deposito di bank syariah terus mengalami perkembangan, pada tahun 2015 pertumbuhan deposito di bank syariah mencapai 4,12 persen. Perilaku konsumsi memiliki banyak faktor dan bisa memberi pengaruh terhadap peningkatan produk deposito di bank syariah. Sehingga bank syariah perlu memahami perilaku konsumsi masyarakat dalam upaya meningkatkan potensi pengembangan produk deposito di bank syariah.potensi pengembangan produk pembiayaan mudharabah di bank syari’ah masih sangat besar.Potensi pengembangan produk deposito masih sangat besar dan sangat luas. Bank of Shariah now has a solid legal with the presence of the law number 21 in 2008 about Bank of Shariah.  This adversely affects the existence of the Shari'ah Bank that increasingly catches interest many people. Bank of Shari'ah requires funds in running financing products. Deposits are ones’ product accumulation in Islamic banks. Deposits in Islamic banks continued to grow

  3. Analisis Pengaruh Monetary Policy Shock Terhadap Jumlah Deposito Perbankan Islam Dalam Sistem Perbankan Ganda: Studi Kasus Indonesia Dan Malaysia

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    Ade Mutiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin menguji secara empiris, apakah perilaku nasabah perbankan Islam di Indonesia dan di Malaysia terpengaruh oleh kebijakan moneter yang dikeluarkan oleh bank sentral pada masingmasing negara. Selain itu, apakah negara dengan karakteristik ekonomi dan kebijakan yang hampir sama – Indonesia dan Malaysia -, akan menghasilkan perilaku nasabah terhadap deposito perbankan Islam yang sama atau tidak. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yang pertama , metode ekonometrika VAR (Vector Auto Regression yang bila terjadi kointegrasi pada data yang stasioner di 1st difference akan dilanjutkan pada VECM (Vector Error Correction Models dan yang kedua, analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam terhadap variabel-variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini pada periode Januari 2005 sampai dengan Desember 2009. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang variabel moneter di Indonesia berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Berbeda dengan di Malaysia di mana variable moneter tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Begitupun hasil analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam di kedua negara. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa deposito perbankan Islam di Indonesia lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter, dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Malaysia.JEL Classifications : E41, E52, G21.Keywords : Kebijakan Moneter; Deposito; Perbankan Islam; VECM; Elastisitas.

  4. Sviluppo e utilizzo di un sistema per l’archiviazione, la revisione e il deposito di tesi elettroniche e dissertazioni destinato alle Università

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    David Edelman


    Full Text Available La North Carolina State University ha sviluppato un sistema completamente automatizzato per il deposito, la revisione e l’archiviazione digitale delle tesi di laurea e delle dissertazioni, chiamato ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. Il sistema ETD migliora l’accessibilità e sostanzialmente riduce i tempi richiesti per sottoporre i lavori, se paragonato ai metodi di deposito cartacei, da parte dei gruppi coinvolti nella valutazione e nel processo di approvazione delle tesi / dissertazioni: studenti, membri del comitato di valutazione, diplomati, curatori di tesi, archivisti (per esempio bibliotecari universitari e ricercatori.


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    Donni Juni Priansa


    Full Text Available Abstract - Banks are business entities that raise funds from the public and channel them to the public in the form of credit or other forms. Associated with the function of the banking, deposit and ATM services are two important things that are often considered by consumers. This study aims to analyze the influence of deposits interest rates and ATM services to brand equity, as well as the influence of deposits interest rates, ATM services, and brand equity on consumer's decision to become a customer. This study uses descriptive and explanatory survey, with primary data obtained from questionnaires. The population of this research is consumers that’s become customers at PT Bank Jabar Banten Tbk Branch Office and utilizing deposits and ATM services. The unit of analysis in the study were 40 samples were obtained by using the formula Slovin, while sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using path analysis with SPSS 20.00. The results showed that the deposits interest rates and ATM services has positive dan significant effect on brand equity. The study also found that deposits interest rates, ATM services, and brand equity has a positive and significant effect on the consumer's decision to become a customer at PT Bank Jabar Banten Tbk Main Branches.   Keyword: Deposits Interest Rates, ATM Services, and Consumer's Decision     Abstrak - Bank adalah badan usaha yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkannya kembali dalam bentuk kredit dan atau bentuk-bentuk lainnya. Terkait dengan fungsi perbankan tersebut, suku bunga deposito dan layanan ATM merupakan dua hal penting yang sering dipertimbangkan oleh konsumen untuk menjadi nasabah bank. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh suku bunga deposito dan layanan ATM terhadap ekuitas merek, juga pengaruh suku bunga deposito, layanan ATM, dan ekuitas merek terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk menjadi nasabah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode

  6. Non cardiopatic and cardiopatic beta thalassaemic patients: quantitative and qualitative cardiac iron deposition evaluation with MRI; Pazienti {beta} talassemici non cardiopatici e cardiopatici: valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa del deposito di ferro cardiaco con RM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macarini, Luca; Marini, Stefania; Scardapane, Arnaldo [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). DIMIMP-Sezione di Diagnostica per Immagini; Pietrapertosa, Anna [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). MIDIM-Cattedra di Ematologia II; Ettore, Giovanni Carlo [Foggia Univ., Foggia (Italy). Cattedra di Radiologia


    thalassaemic groups, with more widespread distribution in cardiopatic patients. Conclusions: We found cardiac iron deposition also in non-cardiopatic {beta} thalassaemic patients and a qualitative difference in cardiac iron distribution between non-cardiopatic and cardiopatic patients. The qualitative evaluation of cardiac iron deposition was useful for an easier classification of the disease, bypassing the SI quantitative value which is affected by the extremely uneven distribution of iron deposition and by the sampling technique used. MR evaluation of non-cardiopatic thalassaemic patients may be useful to evaluate early iron deposition and to establish the most suitable chelation therapy. [Italian] Scopo: La cardiomiopatia e' una delle maggiori complicanze della {beta} talassemia major ed e' legata al sovraccarico di ferro conseguente alla necessaria terapia trasfusionale. Scopo del nostro studio e' quello di valutare con la RM se esistono differenze di intensita' di segnale o di distribuzione del deposito di ferro cardiaco tra pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia non cardiopatici e pazienti con {beta} talassemia cardiopatici, per verificare se esiste un rapporto tra cardiopatia e deposito di ferro. Materiale e metodi: Abbiamo studiato 20 pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia major, di cui 10 non cardiopatici e 10 cardiopatici, e 10 soggetti volontari sani, che hanno rappresentato il gruppo controllo. Nei pazienti talassemici sono stati considerati i valori di ferritina sierica e, con esame ecocardiografico, la frazione di eiezione del ventricolo sinistro. Tutti i pazienti sono stati studiati con apparecchiatura RM da 1,5 Tesla con sequenze cardio-sincronizzate GE cine-RM pesate in T2*, SE pesate in T1 e GE pesate in T2*. In tutti i casi, utilizzando una ROI di dimensioni adeguate, sono stete calcolate l'intensita' di segnale (SI) del miocardio e del muscolo scheletrico, il rapporto d'intensita' di segnale (SIR) miocardio

  7. Polymers pipeline study (PP and PEAD) for paraffin deposits inhibition: static (contact angle) and with flow (depolarization of the petroleum fluorescence); Estudo de dutos polimericos (PP e PEAD) para inibicao de depositos parafinicos: estatico (angulo de contato) e com fluxo (despolarizacao da fluorescencia do petroleo)

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    Quintella, Cristina M.; Castro, Martha T.P.O.; Musse, Ana Paula S. [Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA (Brazil)


    This work evaluated the formation of paraffin deposits as a function of the chemical constitution of the pipeline walls. Two low cost polymers, available in the Brazilian market either as solids or as extruded films, were studied: polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (PEAD). The static interfacial interactions were evaluated by contact angle and showed that the interaction between crude oil and PEAD was 16% stronger than with PP. For the dynamic studies a flow cell was developed in order to observe mainly the boundary layers. The paraffin deposits were identified through the decrease of the intermolecular alignment within the flowing oil. PEAD proved to be 43% more efficient that PP in interacting with the crude oil. Under flowing conditions, the chemical interfacial effects became more pronounced due to the molecular effects overcoming the hydrodynamic effects. Photos of the cell walls showed globular paraffin deposits on PEAD and their absence on PP. As both polymers are linear, the higher tendency of PEAD to yield paraffin deposits was attributed to the absence of lateral branches of methyl groups. There by PP was found to be better than PEAD to avoid paraffin deposition. (author)

  8. Measurements and Clinical Findings on Thorotrast Deposits in the Kidney; Mesures et Observations Cliniques Faites sur des Depots de Thorotrast dans le Rein; 0418 0417 041c 0414 ; Determinaciones y Datos Clinicos Relativos a los Depositos Renales de Torotrasto

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    Oberhausen, E.; Muth, H.; Grillmaier, R. [Institut Fuer Biophysik der Universitaet des Saarlandes, Homburg (Saar), Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    thorotrast dans le rein. Il n'en faut pas moins s'attendre a trouver de nombreux malades dont les reins contiennent des depots de thorotrast car le thorotrast a ete utilise tres souvent comme substance opaque dans les pyelographies retrogrades. Dans les conditions normales, tout le thorotrast aurait du etre emporte par l'urine. Cependant, si l'application a ete faite sous forte pression ou qu'il y eut a l'epoque une infection renale, il se peut qu'une partie du thorotrast se soit deposee dans les tissus. Il est possible qu'un nombre important de ces depots ne puisse etre identifie sur les radiographies, car ils ressemblent beaucoup a des depots de calcium dans le rein et il faut une certaine experience pour distinguer les depots de calcium des depots de thorotrast. Au cours des dernieres annees, les auteurs, en collaboration avec des urologues, ont pu reperer sept cas de ce genre. Lorsqu'il n'y avait de depot que dans un seul'rein, ce qui etait le- cas chez six sujets, on a procede a l'ablation de l'organe. L'examen histol ogique a'revele cinq carcinomes ainsi'qu'une degenerescence tres poussee d'un rein. D'apres les observations des auteurs, il faut entre 20 et 25 annees pour qu'un carcinome se developpe. Dans deux cas, il a ete possible d'examiner le sujet dans l'anthropogamraametre et de doser les{sup r}adionucleides contenus dans l'urine et le thoron contenu dans l'air exhale. Ces dosages ont ete effectues avant et apres la nephrectomie. On a egalement mesure les rayons gamma emis par l'organe isole. Ces diverses mesures ont permis de proceder a une evaluation de la dose de rayonnements. (author) [Spanish] Los trabajos publicados acerca de los depositos de torotrasto en el sistema reticuloendotelial y de los datos clinicos obtenidos son bastante abundantes. En cambio, son contados los casos de depositos renales de toro- trasto descritos en la bibliografia. Sin embargo, es de suponer que hay muchos pacientes con estos ultimos depositos, ya que el torotrasto se utilizo con

  9. Groundwater Assessment Study for 50 Communities in Southeastern New Hampshire. Appendixes (United States)


    warlso dePosito : ’ i" rim ’" "% .g~ iowf J.IA APe1o1013 : MW......................... .5. 17.8 : ortsimo xx^ mae aesesClay &IA slit, Crw...3.3 3.3 CE131 10. X164. Alt 83 Mt 23 M Usbvtwntk. gin................9 7 ~ * ~3~~~ 9.2 90omeolidtad deposito , I JAd1Sd 𔃺, n15-4. Alt. XIP -%. 2 w se...YIELD - Amount of groundwater that can be withdirawn from an aquifer on a sustained basis econc-nically and legally , without impairing the native

  10. Iriyaweb 3, portal web de una asociación cultural


    Sagardoy Antoñazas, Borja


    El proyecto consiste en la renovacion (rediseño y nueva construccion) del portal web de la asociacion de la tamborrada Iriyarena, que organiza la Unibertsitateko Danborrada. El actual sitio es un sitio estatico que necesita una actualizacion hacia un entorno dinamico. Dado que Iriyarena es una asociacion sin animo de lucro, todas las herramientas que se empleen deben ser de codigo abierto y gratuito que incluya los principales estandares web.

  11. Electrodeposition of Ni-Mo nanoparticles for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction; Electrodepositacion de nanoparticulas de Ni-Mo para la electrocatalisis de la reaccion de evolucion de hidrogeno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Videa, M.; Crespo, D.; Casillas, G.; Zavala, G. [Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    This work reports on the generation of nickel- molybdenum deposits from the application of direct current in an electrolytic bath composed of a basic solution of NiSO{sub 4}, Na{sub 2}MoO{sub 4} and Na{sub 3}C{sub 6}H5O7. The working electrodes used were 1mm diameter vitreous carbon discs and carbon felt. The catalytic activity of the deposits was evaluated with cyclic voltamperometry in a 0.72M solution of H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Deposits were generated on the vitreous carbon discs, which showed catalytic activity for the HER. Deposits were obtained with better properties, showing a pulse of 200 mA/cm{sup 2}. The 42 mA/cm{sup 2} pulse experiments with varying durations showed that their catalytic capacities are better than expected, in spite of the use of small quantities of charge obtained with 90 ms and 300s. Low activity was observed in the absence of MoO{sub 4}{sup 2-} in the electrolytic bath during the electrodeposition process, indicating the importance of the presence of Mo to the catalytic activity. The deposits were inspected using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Though the electrodeposition on carbon felt is possible, the experiments were not reproducible because control over the active area of the electrode is difficult to achieve. NiMo nanoparticles on carbon filter fibers can be obtained using pulses with sufficient intensity and duration. [Spanish] En este trabajo se reporta la generacion de depositos de niquel-molibdeno mediante la aplicacion de corriente directa en un bano electrolitico compuesto por una solucion basica de NiSO{sub 4}, Na{sub 2}MoO{sub 4} y Na{sub 3}C{sub 6}H5O7. Se utilizaron como electrodos de trabajo discos de carbon vitreo de 1mm de diametro y fieltro de carbono. La actividad catalitica de los depositos fue evaluada mediante voltamperometria ciclica en una solucion 0.72M de H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Sobre los electrodos de carbon vitreo se generaron depositos que mostraron actividad catalitica para la REH. Depositos con mejores propiedades

  12. The effects of canopy cover on throughfall and soil chemistry in two forest sites in the Mexico City air basin; Los efectos de la cobertura de dosel en disminucion y la quimica del suelo en dos lugares de bosque en la cuenca de aire de la Ciudad de Mexico

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    Perez-Suarez, M. [Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (IPICYT), San Luis Potosi, S.L.P. (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Fenn, M.E. [United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Fire Laboratory, Riverside, California (United States); Cetina-Alcala, V.M.; Aldrete, A. [Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Edo. de Mexico (Mexico)


    Throughfall and soil chemistry were compared in two sites with differing atmospheric deposition: Desierto de los Leones National Park (high atmospheric deposition) and Zoquiapan National Park (low atmospheric deposition). Throughfall fluxes of NO{sub 3}-, SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, Ca, Mg and K were compared under two canopy cover types: Abies religiosa Schl. (fir) and Pinus hartwegii Lindl. (pine), in comparison with sites without cover canopy, e.g. forests clearings. Throughfall fluxes decreased in the following order: fir > pine > forest clearing. Nitrogen balance under canopy of fir and pine resulted in negative values for net throughfall of NH{sub 4}+ at Desierto de los Leones and Zoquiapan, while NO{sub 3}-, only resulted in negative values under canopy cover at the low deposition site. With few exceptions, concentrations of total C, N and S, soluble SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, and Ca{sub 2}+ were higher in soil under fir canopies than under pine or in forest clearings. In polluted sites, the densely foliated fir canopies generally resulted in higher throughfall fluxes and soil accumulation of N, S and Mg compared to pine canopies or open areas. The elevated atmospheric depositions affect the functional process of forest ecosystem, particularly the throughfall and nutrients intern cycle, and these effects depend of the cover and present tree species. [Spanish] El escurrimiento foliar y la quimica del suelo fueron comparados en dos sitios con diferente deposito atmosferico: el Parque Nacional Desierto de los Leones (alto deposito atmosferico) y el Parque Nacional Zoquiapan (bajo deposito atmosferico). Se compararon los flujos de NO{sub 3}-, SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, Ca, Mg y K en el escurrimiento foliar bajo el dosel de dos especies de arboles: Abies religiosa Schl. (oyamel) y Pinus hartwegii Lindl. (pino), en comparacion con sitios sin cobertura, es decir en claros del bosque. Los flujos disminuyeron en el siguiente orden: oyamel >pino >claros. El consumo de N del dosel resulto en

  13. The use of multivariate analysis to link sediment contamination and toxicity data to establish sediment quality guidelines: an example in the Gulf of Cadiz (Spain); El uso del analisis multivariante en la union de datos de toxicidad y contaminacion para establecer guias de calidad de sedimento: Un ejemplo en la Bahia de Cadiz (Espana)

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    Del Valls, T. Angel; Forja, Jesus M [Departamento de Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz, (Spain); Gomez-Parra, Abelardo [Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucia, CSIC, Puerto Real, Cadiz, (Spain)


    which biological effects have been shown to be minimal (mg kg{sup -}1 dry sediment), are: Hg, 0.25; Ag, 0.78; Pb, 66.80; Cr, 101.2; LAS, 2.6. [Spanish] Para evaluar la calidad de los sedimentos marinos en el Golfo de Cadiz, los datos provenientes de concentraciones quimicas y respuestas de toxicidad en sedimentos fueron unidos usando el analisis ultivariante. Las muestras de sedimentos fueron recogidas sinopticamente en siete estaciones de dos ecosistemas litorales en el Golfo de Cadiz (cinco en la Bahia de Cadiz y dos en las marismas del rio Barbate) y fueron sujetas a seis tests de toxicidad de forma independiente y replicada, asi como a analisis quimicos. Los efectos toxicos en los sedimentos se chequearon utilizando tres fases operativas del sedimento: sedimento bruto, utilizando el anfipodo Microdeutopus gryllotalpa (10 d estatico: supervivencia) y la almeja de estuario Ruditapes philippinarum (48 h estatico: enterramiento); extracto de sedimento, utilizando larvas del bivalvo de estuario Crassostrea angulata (48 h estatico: supervivencia) y del pez marino Sparus aurata (48 h estatico: supervivencia); y agua intersticial, utilizando poblaciones del rotifero de estuario Brachionus plicatilis (7 d estatico: decaimiento de la poblacion) y de la bacteria marina Photobacterium phosphoreum (Microtox ). Para evaluar los niveles de contaminacion se determinaron las concentraciones en los sedimentos de carbono organico, 14 metales traza (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ag, Hg, As, Sn, V, Ni, Co y Cr) y el detergente alquibencenosulfonato lineal (LAS). Los resultados de los ensayos de toxicidad se compararon mediante relaciones de respuesta entre las diferentes estaciones, demostrando una concordancia general entre los valores de toxicidad determinados en todos los tests, excepto en el caso de la toxicidad en el agua intersticial (principalmente debido a mezclas de metales traza toxicas). Los datos obtenidos en los ensayos quimicos y de toxicidad se ensamblaron utilizando tecnicas

  14. 78 FR 28701 - Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant to Executive Order 12978 (United States)


    ... property and interests in property were blocked pursuant to the Order: 1. ARBOLEDA ARROYAVE, Pedro Nicholas (a.k.a. ARBOLEDA ARROYAVE, Pedro Nicolas), c/o DEPOSITO POPULAR DE DROGAS S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/ o...., Bogota, Colombia; Cedula No. 11352426 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]. 4. DUQUE MARTINEZ, Diego Fernando...

  15. Deposito Diademate: Augustine’s Emperors

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    Peter Iver Kaufman


    Full Text Available To assist colleagues from other disciplines who teach Augustine’s texts in their core courses, this contribution to the Lilly Colloquium discusses Augustine’s assessments of Emperors Constantine and Theodosius. His presentations of their tenure in office and their virtues suggest that his position on political leadership corresponds with his general skepticism about political platforms and platitudes. Yet careful reading of his revision of Ambrose’s account of Emperor Theodosius’s public penance and reconsideration of the last five sections of his fifth book City of God—as well as a reappraisal of several of his sermons on the Psalms—suggest that he proposes a radical alternative to political conformity relevant to undergraduates’ conventional expectations of society’s progress and their parts in it.

  16. Deposito pretensado – Örebro

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    Eriksson, Kurt


    Full Text Available El nuevo depósito elevado de Örebro, se halla ubicado en el centro de la ciudad y por tanto ha tenido que considerarse cuidadosamente su composición exterior. Debido al gran volumen, unos 9.000 m3, y una altura de unos 50 m entre el suelo y el nivel superior de aguas, la solución cilíndrica con soportes dispuestos circularmente o de paredes cilíndricas hubiese resultado excesivamente masiva. El hormigón pretensado permitió llegar a una estructura más ligera y de línea más elegante, cuya forma se fue perfilando desde los primeros tanteos.

  17. Corrosion of high temperature resisting alloys exposed to heavy fuel ash; Corrosion de aleaciones resistentes a altas temperaturas expuestas a ceniza de combustoleo pesado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wong Moreno, Adriana del Carmen


    aleaciones de diferente tipo (aceros de baja y media aleacion, aceros inoxidables ferriticos y austeniticos, aleaciones base niquel y una aleacion FeCrAl del tipo ODS) expuestas a temperaturas elevadas (580 grados Celsius - 900 grados Celsius) a 15 depositos de ceniza con diferente potencial corrosivo, los cuales fueron colectados de la zona de alta temperatura de calderas de centrales termoelectricas. Los estudios posteriores a los ensayos de corrosion consistieron en el analisis por microscopia electronica de barrido apoyada con microanalisis de las probetas corroidas, con el fin de determinar el efecto de Na, V y S sobre la corrosividad de los depositos de ceniza y el efecto de los principales elementos aleantes sobre la resistencia a la corrosion de las aleaciones. Tales efectos son ampliamente documentados y discutidos para apoyar los mecanismos propuestos de degradacion que estan operando. El analisis global de los resultados generados ha permitido proponer un modelo para explicar el mecanismo global de corrosion de aleaciones expuestas a altas temperaturas de depositos de ceniza. El modelo propuesto, complementa el elaborado por Wilson, ampliamente aceptado para vanadatos fundidos, en cuanto a que por un lado, considera el efecto de la presencia de sulfato de sodio (ademas de los compuestos de vanadio) en los depositos, y por otro, lo extiende a temperaturas mas altas que el punto de fusion de los compuestos de vanadio constituyentes de los depositos. Ambos aspectos involucran el considerar el papel que el proceso de difusion de especies tiene sobre la degradacion y la capacidad de proteccion de la aleacion. La investigacion realizada permitio confirmar lo establecido por el modelo de Wilson para depositos con alto contenido de vanadio y muy bajo contenido de azufre, a las temperaturas proximas al punto de fusion de los compuestos de vanadio que los constituyen. El desarrollo de los procesos de deterioro metalico que se incluyen en el modelo propuesto fue documentado

  18. Cannon Reservoir Human Ecology Project. Volume 1. Euro-American Pioneer Settlement Systems in the Central Salt River Valley of Northeast Missouri. (United States)


    code, replacing the more cumbersome legal along with their exact ages, occupation, state of birth, description and facilitating computer manipulation...redeemable only in specie. 1834, although final liquidation of all accounts was not The state bank became the federal government deposito - completed...simple legal cases and disputes, acted as public notaries, and performed mar- riages. One of their number was appointed each year by the county court

  19. Influence of thermosiphonic flow with the height tank relative to a flat solar collector; Influencia del flujo termosifonico con la altura del termotanque relativo a un colector solar plano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrera C, Enrique; Arias T, Jorge E; Lugo L, Raul; Cano M, Francisco J [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In this work the effect of the height of the storage tank, with respect to a solar collector is studied. In order to obtain an adequate operation of the thermosiphonic flow system, the storage tank must be located above the upper part of the solar collector, although the height it has not been specified. In order to study this aspect, we studied the operation of a flat solar collector, in thermosiphonic regime, heated with a source of artificial energy (solar simulator based on tungsten lamps). The temperature profiles of storage deposit (temperature stratification) were analyzed as a function of different storage tank heights, which influence the storage tank temperatures profile and the inlet and outlet water temperature of the solar collector. These experiments also affect the thermosiphonic flow and, therefore the efficiency of the solar collector. In each experiment the same solar radiation level was used, which let us make sensitive comparisons regarding just the parameters of interest. The results obtained are reported. [Spanish] En este trabajo, se estudia el efecto de la altura del deposito de almacenamiento, respecto de un colector solar. Se sabe que para que se obtenga un funcionamiento adecuado de un sistema de flujo termosifonico, el deposito debe situarse por encima del colector solar, aunque no se ha especificado, cual puede ser una mejor altura. Con el fin de estudiar esta problematica en el presente trabajo se investigo el funcionamiento de un colector solar plano, en regimen termosifonico, accionado con una fuente de energia artificial (simulador solar basado en lamparas de tungsteno); se analizan los perfiles de temperatura del deposito de almacenamiento como funcion de las diferentes alturas estudiadas, los cuales son claves en el perfil de temperatura del agua de entrada y salida del colector solar, del flujo termosifonico alcanzado y por tanto de la eficiencia del colector solar. En cada experimento realizado, se utilizo el mismo nivel de

  20. Current Practice in the Management of High-Bevel Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; La Pratique Courante de Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique; 0421 041e 0412 0420 0415 041c 0415 041d 041d 042b 0414 0 ; Metodos Corrientes de Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Actividad Aplicados en los Estados Unidos de America

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, Bruce F.; Doud, Edward; Tomlinson, R. E. [General Electric Company, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Richland, WA (United States)


    contenu de reservoir pour le stocker dans un autre. On a constate une radioactivite dans le terrain entourant les reservoirs defectueux, mais cette radioactivite n'a pas atteint l'eau outerraine. Un cinquieme reservoir a ete mis hors service parce qu'on a constate une deformation du revetement d'acier. A Savannah River, on a construit des citernes d'acier ordinaire dans des caves en beton. Quatre de ces citernes ont presente de petites fissures laterales a la suite d'une corrosion dans les zones a soudures. La faible quantite de dechets qui avait suinte a travers les fissures a ete recuperee dans la cave et remise dans les citernes. Le suintage a maintenant cesse et les reservoirs sont toujours en usage. A Idaho Falls, ce sont des citernes d'acier inoxydable construites dans des caves en beton. Leur utilisation ne s'est heurtee a aucun probleme et on n'a pas constate de defaillance des recipients. Ainsi, la methode courante de stockage des solutions radioactives donne des resultats excellents puisqu'elle empeche que des quantites appreciables de radioactivite ne s'echappent dans le milieu ambiant; mais on continue a penser qu'on pourrait trouver un meilleur procede d'un cout raisonnable pour assurer le stockage de longue duree des matieres radioactives. (author) [Spanish] En un principio, se atendio a la necesidad de confinar en lugar seguro los productos de fision y elementos transurinicos radiactivos construyendo grandes depositos subterraneos. Este sencillo procedimiento sigue aplicandose .en la actualidad, habiendose acumulado mas de 70 milliones de gallones de soluciones radiactivas en unos 200 depositos subterraneos pertenecientes a la Comision de Energia Atomica de los Estados Unidos. Se utilizan depositos de muy diferentes tipos. Esta variedad es consecuencia de la diversidad de las cantidades y composiciones de los desechos que han de almacenarse, de las condiciones ambientales de los diferentes lugares de almacenamiento y de los criterios tecnicos aplicados. Los

  1. JPRS Report, Proliferation Issues (United States)


    every kind to all such activities. It is a public-sector institution of a scientific, technical, and industrial character, legally incorporated and...reactors’ radioactive waste and to subsequently entomb it in special deposito - ries. But this way of eliminating this expensive substance is inexpedient...Edition p 6 [Article by Vladimir Trofimov, candidate of Historical Sciences of the Russian Foreign Ministry Legal Depart- ment under the "Opinion" rubric

  2. Latin America Report (United States)


    Agrarian Reform title with rights transferable under any legal form after authorization by MIDINRA [Minister of Agricultural-Livestock Development and...Government’s Domestic Indebtedness In Billions of Guaranis --- DEPOSITOS EN EL BCP (i) PRESTAMOS DEL BCP (2) s-\\’"v- FUENTE:BCP (3) DEUDANETAO...immediate commitments to the financial entities, there would be no lack of legal causes in this country to demand that Paraguay pay, even though over

  3. L'abitato dell'Età del Bronzo di S. Giovanni in Triario (Bologna

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    Giacomo Vinci


    Full Text Available Questo articolo riassume i risultati delle ricerche condotte a S. Giovanni in Triario nella pianura a Nord-Est di Bologna, mettendo insieme numerosi dati di natura diversa provenienti dalla documentazione di vecchi scavi di emergenza, l'analisi aerofotografica e dalle recenti indagini condotte sul sito costituite da ricognizioni di superficie e carotaggi manuali. Grazie alle nuove indagini condotte sul deposito stratigrafico e allo studio di un consistente campione di manufatti rendono ora possibile delineare gli elementi cronologici.

  4. JPRS Report, Near East & South Asia (United States)


    construction, road networks, energy sources in the area, and social and legal studies on the settlement of this large Regarding the extent to which differences...with their request: that I hear them the withdrawal. In fact, I will say to you that if such a depositos ind khee hear tm ocrisis occurs in the banks...the prosecutor. be granted to persons who report violators of Article 1, if a 5. Legal action shall be instituted by a prosecutor they can furnish

  5. Substrate temperature study in the crystallinity of BaTiO{sub 3} thin films; Estudio de la temperatura de crecimiento sobre la cristalinidad en peliculas delgadas de BaTiO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marquez-Herrera, Alfredo [Coordinacion Academica Region Altiplano (COARA), Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Eric Noe; Zapata-Torres, Martin Guadalupe [Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Unidad Legaria, Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico)]. E-mails:;; Cruz-Jauregui, Maria de la Paz [Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Melendez-Lira, Miguel angel [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Ferroelectric thin films of BaTiO{sub 3} (BTO) were grown on quartz and nichrome substrates using a BaTiO{sub 3} target by RF-Sputtering technique. It was studied the effect of the substrate temperature in the crystallization of the material. These samples were compared with films deposited at room temperature and heat treated out of the growth Chamber. Their crystallinity were studied by X-ray diffraction. Additionally, the optical characterizations were carried out by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The growth of thin films with substrate temperature allows the obtaining of crystalline materials at temperatures below those reported by other authors. [Spanish] Peliculas delgadas Ferroelectricas de BaTiO{sub 3} (BTO) se depositaron a partir de un blanco de BaTiO{sub 3} mediante la tecnica de RF-Sputtering (erosion catodica por radio frecuencia) sobre substratos de nicromel y cuarzo. Se estudio el efecto de la temperatura de sustrato in-situ en la cristalinidad del material durante su deposito. Estas muestras fueron comparadas con peliculas depositadas a temperatura ambiente y tratadas termicamente posterior al deposito fuera de la camara de crecimiento. El estudio de la cristalinidad fue realizado mediante la tecnica de difraccion de rayos-X. Adicionalmente, se llevaron a cabo caracterizaciones opticas mediante un espectrofotometro UV-Vis. El crecimiento de peliculas delgadas con temperatura de sustrato permite la obtencion de materiales cristalinos a temperaturas por debajo de las reportadas por otros autores.

  6. Effect of V addition on the hardness, adherence and friction coefficient of VC coatings produced by thermo-reactive diffusion deposition


    Fredy Alejandro Orjuela-Guerrero; José Edgar Alfonso-Orjuela; Jhon Jairo Olaya-Flórez


    Se produjeron recubrimientos de carburo de vanadio (VC) sobre sustratos de acero AISI H13 y acero AISI D2 mediante deposito termoreactiva/ difusión (TRD) con el fin de evaluar sus propiedades mecánicas como una función del contenido de vanadio. Los recubrimientos se producen con diferentes porcentajes de concentración de ferrovanadio. La composición química de los recubrimientos se determinó mediante fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF), la estructura cristalina se analizó utilizando difracción de ...

  7. Estudio fotogramétrico del depósito de agua de Canteras


    Aparicio Cirre, María M.


    El Deposito de Agua de Canteras, forma parte de una manzana limitada entre las calles Trujillo, Tornavacas, Cestona y carretera del cementerio, por la cual se accede al inmueble. Y por su parte trasera está limitada por las canteras romanas. El Depósito de Agua está formado principalmente por dos naves, una longitudinal y otra transversal, en planta tiene forma de “t”. Las dimensiones de la nave longitudinal donde se almacena el agua son: 2naves x 9,8m de largo x 5,7m de ancho x 2,4m de pr...

  8. Buchi neri nel mio bagno di schiuma l’enigma di Einstein

    CERN Document Server

    Vishveshwara, C V


    "Le bolle stavano turbinando tutto intorno a me e massaggiavano il mio corpo ... Mentre me la godevo in questo fantastico bagno di bolle, i miei occhi si fecero pesanti e mi lasciaii trasportare in un dormiveglia sublimamente estatico". Così inizia l’incontro di Alfie con una vasca da bagno eccezionale e rivelatrice, acquistata da un vicino misterioso di nome Al. L’Enigma di Einstein, ovvero buchi neri nel mio bagno di schiuma, racconta la storia della teoria della gravitazione, dai suoi primordi fino agli ultimi sviluppi in astrofisica, focalizzandosi sulla teoria della relatività generale di Albert Einstein e sulla fisica dei buchi neri. Tramite conversazioni avvincenti e diagrammi scarabocchiati su tovaglioli di carta, si susseguono a ruota i rudimenti della relatività, dello spazio-tempo e di molti aspetti della fisica moderna. In scenette narrate con abilità pedagogica e notevole talento letterario, il lettore s’imbatterà nelle lezioni informali che un astrofisico cosmopolita tiene al suo amic...

  9. Sistem Informasi Koperasi Modul Simpanan Berbasis Android Terintegrasi Berbasis Web

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    Putu Erick Pursana


    Full Text Available Sistem informasi koperasi berbasis android terintegrasi dengan aplikasi berbasis web merupakan aplikasi yang di buat untuk memudahkan kolektor dalam melakukan transaksi dengan anggota koperasi, pada aplikasi koperasi berbasis android terdapat fitur transaksi pada simpanan seperti transaksi simpanan pokok, transaksi simpanan wajib dan transaksi simpanan tabungan, dana aplikasi koperasi berbasis web memiliki fitur transaksi simpanan pokok, wajib, tabungan, deposito, bunga simpanan serta report harian dan report bulanan. Aplikasi koperasi berbasis web di buat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML dan PHP serta basis data MySQL, sedangkan aplikasi koperasi berbasis android dibuat menggunakan metode Hybrid yaitu gabungan dari JAVA Native dengan metode Web View.   Kata Kunci : Koperasi, Sistem Informasi, Android, PHP, Web View

  10. Prevention of criticality accidents. Fuel elements storage; Prevencion de accidentes de criticidad. Almacenamiento de elementos combustibles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canavese, S I; Capadona, N M


    Before the need to store fuel elements of the plate type MTR (Materials Testing Reactors), produced with enriched uranium at 20% in U235 for research reactors, it requires the design of a deposit for this purpose, which will give intrinsic security at a great extent and no complaints regarding its construction, is required. (Author). [Espanol] Partiendo de la necesidad de almacenar elementos combustibles tipo placa MTR (Materials Testing Reactors), producidos con uranio enriquecido al 20% en U235 para reactores de investigacion, se requiere el diseno de un deposito para tal fin que brinde esencialmente un alto grado de seguridad intrinseca y que no ofrezca complicaciones en cuanto a su construccion. (Autor).


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    Jonni Manurung


    Full Text Available This study has something as a purpose to building the empirical models and the new hypothesis between the broad money, surpluses or fiscal deficit, the general price index or inflation rate, demand for monetary base and demand for bank deposit. This study also head for optimal interest rate for bank deposit at the given value of broad money, surplus or fiscal deficit, general price index, demand for monetary base, and demand for bank deposit. The model build consist to balance central bank, intertemporal budget constraint at the maximum expected utility for hold monetary base and bank deposit. The evaluation of the surplus or fiscal deficit stabilization is with the alteration of the requirement reserve ratio, Gross Domestic Product, general price index and interest rate. The results of the study show that the requirement reserve ratio, Gross Domestic Product, general price index and interest rate is very respect to surplus or deficit fiscal. The contribution requirement reserve ratio and interest rate for surplus or deficit fiscal are relatively high. This results show that the clower constraint model can explain the necessary of fiscal and monetary coordinate. Fiscal policy still weak and cause the real business cycle slow down, high inflation and interest rate. The other hands, monetary policy is very strong and cause fiscal surplus is relatively high. The prudent of government and monetary authority are needed to build the fiscal and monetary policy for create the dynamic economy, lower inflation, requirement reserve ratio and interest rate, and the monetary and fiscal dynamic equilibrium. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Studi ini bertujuan membuat model empiris dan hipotesis baru tentang faktor-faktor broad money, surplus dan defisit fiskal, tingkat bunga secara umum, atau tingkat inflasi, permintaan uang primer dan deposito. Selain itu studi ini juga mencari tingkat suku bunga deposito optimal pada nilai tertentu dari faktor-faktor tersebut


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    Ahmad Furqon


    Waqf uang saat ini menjadi fokus kajian yang menarik di kalangan masyarakat Islam. Salah satu bank yang menjalankan waqf uang adalah BSM. Ada beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kajian ini: (1 Penyebaran informasi waqf uang masih relatif terbatas dibandingkan dengan kekayaan media dan peng­alaman yang dimiliki oleh bank, (2 BSM tidak memiliki meja khusus yang dapat melayani pelanggan yang datang ke bank untuk mendaftarkan waqf uang sehingga ketika pelanggan datang untuk mendaftarkan waqf uang petugas layanan pelanggan dan petugas bank akan melayani mereka tanpa nadzir dan saksi; dan (3 Dua model investasi wakaf uang di bank: sektor riil untuk pem­bangunan rumah bersalin, dan sektor finansial, di mana uang didepositkan dalam Deposito Syariah Mandiri.

  13. Mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfide-bearing tailings from silver mines in the Taxco, Mexico area to evaluate their potential environmental impact

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Talavera Mendoza, Oscar [Escuela Regional de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Taxco, Guerrero (Mexico); Yta, Miriam [Universidad Tecnologica de Tulancingo, Tulancingo, Hidalgo (Mexico); Moreno Tovar, Raul [Instituto de Ciencias Basicas e Ingenierias, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo (Mexico); Dotor Almazan, Azucena; Flores Mundo, Nestor [Escuela Regional de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Taxco, Guerrero (Mexico); Duarte Gutierrez, Carlos [Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)


    Six sulfide-bearing, flotation tailings dams and one waste-rock dump from epithermal Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu deposits in Taxco, Guerrero have been mineralogically and geochemically characterized to evaluate their potential environmental impact. Primary phases are dominated by quartz and rock fragments with scarce feldspar, barite and ferromagnesian. Calcite is found in the less oxidized tailings. Primary sulfides are pyrite and sphalerite with some pyrrothite, galena, chalcopyrite, Ag-sulfosalts and arsenopyrite. In oxidized zones, sulfides are low or absent. Secondary phases are widespread and include gypsum, chalcocite, keoheite, nimite, hetaerolite, jarosite, smithsonite, bernalite, epsonite, rozenite, pickeringite, hexahydrite, bassanite, boyleite, hematite, scorodite, cryptocrystalline and amorphous precipitates and poorly crystallized Fe-oxyhydroxides. EDS analysis suggests that adsorption is important in the retention of metals. All Taxco tailings and waste-rock dumps show high concentrations of total Ag (9.5 74.2 mg/kg), Cd (1.0-780 mg/kg), Cu (71.8-1320 mg/kg), Fe (2.49-25.1%), Mn (18.6-13 800 mg/kg), Pb (780-43 700 mg/kg), V (2.0-127 mg/kg), Zn (380->10 000 mg/kg) and As (19.0-11 800 mg/kg) exceeding the regional background concentrations in crop soils. Contents of water-soluble metals are heterogeneous but contain significant amounts of toxic metals (e.g. Cd = <0.005-19.2 mg/L; Cu <0.025-63 mg/L; Fe = >0.025-1105 mg/L; Pb = <0.025-0.655 mg/L; As <0.010-1.79 mg/L), particularly from highly oxidized zones. The release is primarily controlled by pH. Sulfide oxidation and generation of AMD are coupled by dissolution, neutralization via calcite, reprecipitation and adsorption. [Spanish] Seis depositos de jales y un terrero resultantes de la explotacion de los depositos epitermales de Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu de la region de Taxco, Guerrero han sido caracterizados mineralogicamente (microscopia optica, MEB y XRD) y geoquimicamente (EDS, metales totales y solubles en agua) para estimar

  14. Acid Deposition Maps in Spain; Mapas de Deposito Acido en Espana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artinano, B; Cabal, H; Garcia, C


    Animal and monthly deposition velocity and total sulfur deposition maps have been performed for the peninsular Spain for 1992 by using the inferential method. To do this, updated databases with high space and time resolution, for land uses (CORINE) and meteorological information from analysis modelling for the same year, have been utilized. The final result are deposition maps in a 5x5 Km{sup 2} grid which allow to assess the methodology used in Europe to obtain the maps of excedances over the critical loads of pollutants. (Author) 32 refs.

  15. Acid Deposition Maps in Spain; Mapas de Deposito Acido en Espana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artinano, B.; Cabal, H.; Garcia, C. [CIEMAT. Madrid (Spain)


    Annual and monthly deposition velocity and total sulfur deposition maps have been performed for the peninsular Spain for 1992 by using the inferential method. To de this, updated database with high space and time resolution, for land uses (CORINE) and meteorological information from analysis modelling for the same year, have been utilized. The final result are deposition maps in a 5 x 5 km``2 grid which allow to assess the methodology used in Europe to obtain the maps of excedance over the critical loads of pollutants. (Author) 32 refs.

  16. The natural gas market in North-America. The evolution of the Mexican gas industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angevine, Gerry [Canadian Energy Research Institute (Canada)


    This study by Petro Consultants of Houston suggests that Mexican gas can compete with United States gas. First, the resource base is relatively immature and prospects are good for the discovery of large pools with low per unit finding, development and production costs. Second, the resources are considered to be producible using conventional methods. There were 11 basins to consider for Mexico in this survey. [Spanish] Este estudio realizado por Petro Consultants sugiere que el gas mexicano puede competir con el gas de los Estados Unidos. Primero, la base del recurso esta relativamente inmadura y los prospectos para el descubrimiento de grandes depositos son buenos, con costos unitarios de localizacion, desarrollo y produccion bajos. Segundo, se considera que los recursos son capaces de producir usando metodos convencionales. Existian 11 cuencas por considerar en Mexico, en este estudio.

  17. Extraction, identification and quantification of heavy metals in Venice lagoon sediments using toxicity tests with microorganisms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Passarini, F.; Rampazzo, G.; Volpi Ghirardini, A.; Sperni, L.; Salizzato, M.; Pavoni, B. [Venice Univ., Venice (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Ambientali


    Sediments are the major sink for metal pollutants in the aquatic ecosystem but also an important source for the release of them in the water. In order to assess the contribution of heavy metals to the total sediment toxicity, a methodology that permits to integrate the chemical approach with a direct toxicological approach has been ste up. Toxicological results using Microtox test are compared with analytical results. [Italian] I sedimenti sono il principale deposito per contaminanti metalli nel''ecosistema acquatico, ma anche una fonte importnate di rilascio nell'acqua. Al fine di valutare il contributo dei metalli pesanti alla tossicita' totale del sedimento, e' stata messa a punto una metodologia che permette di integrare l'appoccio chimico con un approccio tossicologico diretto. I risultati dei test di tossicita' Microtox vengono confrontati con i risultati analitici.

  18. Treatment of paraffin problems in petroleum production with chemicals; Tratamento de problemas parafinicos com agentes quimicos na producao de petroleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jennings, David; Yin, Ralph; Weispfennig, Klaus; Newberry, Mike [Baker Petrolite, Sugar Land, TX (United States)


    Paraffin problems can greatly reduce production of certain crude oils, if correct methods to control the problems are not used. These problems are primarily related to flow line deposition and reduction in crude oil flow properties caused by wax network growth. Deep water production and production of high-wax content crude oils can be especially problematic. Much of the petroleum production in Brazil falls in these categories: in the Campos Basin and in Bahia. Paraffin problems can be controlled with diverse methods. These methods include use of: pigging, insulation, heating, and chemicals. Sometimes, the use of chemicals can be very practical, alone or in combination with other methods. This paper discusses the use of chemicals for the treatment of paraffin problems. Three types of treatments are discussed: prevention of deposition in flow lines with paraffin inhibitors; improvement in flow properties of crude oils with pour point depressants, and removal of paraffin deposits with dispersants. The discussion includes the physical effects of the treatment chemicals and field examples. (author)

  19. El deposito de materiales de la Edad del Bronce de Gamonedo (Asturias

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    Miguel Ángel de BLAS CORTINA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El desprendimiento de tierras en un talud en las proximidades de Gamonedo —en la zona oriental de Asturias— puso al descubierto un depósito de materiales metálicos integrado por un hacha plana, una decena de lingotes de fundición y varios fragmentos metálicos informes. El lote puede considerarse como una ocultación de productos semiacabados, con un probable carácter de tesaurización. En el territorio donde se produjo el hallazgo son frecuentes las formaciones cupríferas, algunas explotadas ya durante la Edad del Bronce (Mina del Aramo, con las que pudiera guardar relación el depósito de Gamonedo. Los análisis espectrográficos de los materiales establecieron la composición de cobre con arsénico característica del Bronce Antiguo de la Península. A partir de estos datos y del estudio tipológico del conjunto podría fecharse el depósito de Gamonedo hacia mediados del segundo milenio a. de J. C.ABSTRACT: A landslide in a talus near Gamonedo —in the eastern of Asturias— discovered a hoard of metal objects constiting of a flat axe, some ten smelted ingots and various metal fragments. The hoard can be considered as a stash of unfinished products (in a store. In the territory where the find was discovered copper formations are frequent, some already exploited from the Bronze Age (the Aramo mine to which the Gamonedo hoard migth be related. Analyses by spectrographic of the objects established their composition as bein of copper with traces of arsenic characteristic of the Early Bronze Age of the Peninsula. From this data and the type study of the whole of Gamonedo hoard can be dated situated around the middle of the second millenium B.C.

  20. New developments in the analysis and measurement of thicknesses by {beta}-particle excitation of X fluorescent rays; Nouveaux developpements de l'analyse et de la mesure des epaisseurs par excitation des raies de fluorescence X au moyen de particules {beta}; Novye usovershenstvovaniya analiza i izmereniya plotnosti putem vozbuzhdeniya fluorestsiruyushchikh spektrov rentgenovskogo lucha beta-chastitsami; Nuevos adelantos en el analisis y la medicion de espesores mediante la excitacion de rayos X por particulas beta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinelli, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France); Seibel, G [Institut de Recherches de la Siderurgie, St-Germain-en-Laye (France)


    The method of analysing and measuring the thickness of deposits by {beta}-X fluorescence which we previously described has been further developed. Using Pm{sup 147} and Kr{sup 85} sources, it is possible to reduce the background observed with Sr{sup 90}. We quote the results obtained for various thickness measurements of metal deposits, an analysis of the solutions, and the continuous measurement of calcium and iron in core samples. We describe experiments made for analysis of the X-radiation by crystal. (author) [French] Le procede d'analyse et de mesure des epaisseurs de depots par fluorescence {beta}-X que nous avons precedemment decrit a fait l'objet de nouveaux developpements. L'emploi de sources de {sup 147}Pm et de {sup 85}Kr permet de reduire le bruit de fond que l'on observe avec le {sup 90}Sr. Nous donnons les resultats obtenus pour diverses mesures d'epaisseurs de depots metalliques, l'analyse des solutions et la mesure en continu du calcium et du fer dans les carottes de minerais. Nous decrivons les essais effectues en vue d'analyser le rayonnement X au moyen d'un cristal. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han introducido nuevos perfeccionamientos en su procedimiento de analisis y de medicion de espesores de depositos por fluorescencia de rayos X excitada por particulas beta. La utilizacion de fuentes de {sup 147}Pm y de {sup 85}Kr permite reducir la actividad de fondo que se observa empleando {sup 90}Sr. Los autores exponen los resultados obtenidos en materia de mediciones de espesores de depositos metalicos, analisis de soluciones y medicion continua del calcio y del hierro en muestras de minerales extraidas por sondeo. Tambien describen los ensayos realizados con miras a analizar los rayos X por medio de un cristal. (author) [Russian] Protsess analiza i izmereniya plotnosti sloev putem fluorestsiruyushchikh beta- i rentgenovskikh luchej, kotoryj opisyvalsya nami ran'she, byl predmetom novykh usovershenstvovanij. Ispol'zovanie istochnikov prometeya-147 i


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    Agung Yulianto


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis informasi asimetri keuangan dan non-keuangan. Dalam mengukur kondisi bank, pelanggan akan mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin mengenai kinerja keuangan. Sampelnya terdiri dari 90 orang staf manajemen bank dan 300 pelanggan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan ekspektasi antara pelanggan, tabungan pelanggan, giro pelanggan, pendanaan pelanggan dan manajemen dalam hal pengiriman informasi keuangan. Sementara itu ada perbedaan antara deposito pelanggan dan manajemen This study aims at analysing financial and non-financial asymmetry information. The sample consists of 90 people of the bank management staff and 300 bank customers. The results of the study show that there is no expectation gap between customers, customers’saving, customers’giro, customers’ funding, and management in terms of financial information delivery. Meanwhile, there is a gap between customers’ deposit and management.

  2. Model Optimisasi Portofolio Investasi Mean-Variance Tanpa dan Dengan Aset Bebas Risiko pada Saham Idx30

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    Basuki Basuki


    Full Text Available Dalam paper ini, model optimisasi portofolio investasi Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko, atau disebut model dasar dari Markowitz telah dikaji untuk mendapatkan portofolio optimum.Berdasarkan model dasar dari Markowitz, kemudian dilakukan studi lebih lanjut pada model Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko. Selanjutnya, kedua model tersebut digunakan untuk menganalisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada beberapa saham IDX30. Dalam paper ini diasumsikan bahwa proporsi sebesar 10% diinvestasikan pada aset bebas risiko, berupa deposito yang memberikan return sebesar 7% per tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada lima saham yang dipilih didapatkan grafik permukaan efisien dari optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko, berada lebih tinggi dibandingkan optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko. Dalam hal ini menunjukkan bahwa portofolio investasi kombinasi dari aset bebas risiko dan aset tanpa bebas risiko, lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan portofolio investasi yang hanya pada aset tanpa bebas risiko.


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    Full Text Available Se obtuvieron cuatros clases de polvos deshidratados de mora encapsulados con maltodextrina utilizando secado por vibro-fluidizacion (VF, por aspersion (SD vacio (VD y liofilizacion (FD. Se determinaron los datos de de humedad de equilibrio de los polvos de pulpa de mora con 18% de maltodextrina a temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 y 50°C usando el metodo estatico gravimetrico para el intervalo de actividad de agua entre Los valores experimentales del contenido de humedad de equilibrio en funcion de la actividad de agua fueron ajustados con el modelo de Boer (GAB hallandose una buena concordancia entre los valores experimentales y los calculados. El calor isosterico de sorcion, calculado utilizando la ecuacion de Clausius.Clapeyron a partir de los datos de equilibrio, se incremento con el aumento de la temperatura y fue ajustado con una relacion exponencial. Para muestras de polvos liofilizadas, vibrofluidizadas y a vacio, el calor de sorcion fue menor (mas negativo que los calculados para muestras secas en el secador por aspersion. La teoria de la compensacion entalpia-entropia fue aplicada a las isotermas de sorcion y de las graficas de AH contra AS se obtuvieron las temperaturas isocineticas, indicando un proceso de sorcion controlado por la entalpia.

  4. Current instabilities under HF electron gas heating in semiconductors with negative differential conductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurevich, Yu. G.; Logvinov, G. N. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Laricheva, N. [Datmouth College, New Hampshire (United States); Mashkevich, O. L. [Kharkov University, Kharkov (Ukraine)


    A nonlinear temperature dependence of the kinetic coefficients of semiconductor plasma can result in the appearance of regions of negative differential conductivity (NDC) in both the high-frequency (HF) and static current-voltage characteristics (CVC). In the present paper the formation of the static NDC under simultaneous electron gas heating by HF and static electric field is studied. As is shown below, in this case the heating electromagnetic wave has a pronounced effect on the appearance of NDC caused by the overheating mechanisms and the type of the static CVC as a whole. [Spanish] Una dependencia no lineal de la temperatura de los coeficientes cineticos del plasma del semiconductor puede llevar a la aparicion de regiones con conductividad diferencial negativa (CDN) en las caracteristicas corriente voltaje (CCV) de alta frecuencia (AF) y estatica. En este articulo se estudia la formacion de la CDN estatica bajo la accion simultanea del calentamiento del gas de electrones por AF y el campo electrico estatico. Como se muestra mas adelante, en este caso la onda electromagnetica que calienta a los electrones ejerce un fuerte efecto en la aparicion de la CDN; que se obtiene por mecanismos de sobrecalentamiento, y en el tipo de CCV estatica.

  5. Development of static photovoltaic concentrator modules with diffuse reflector; Desenvolvimento de modulos fotovoltaicos concentradores estaticos com refletor difuso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sehn Febras, Filipe


    The aim of this work was to manufacture and to characterize prototypes of flat static concentrator modules, called MEC-P. This concentrator consists of strings of bifacial cells and a white reflecting plane. Then the reflected radiation can reach the rear face of the bifacial cells. Two prototypes had been manufactured: prototype A, with 615 mm x 315 mm x 60 mm, and prototype B, with 615 mm x 365 x mm x 60 mm, considering length, width and height. These dimensions are based on previous work of optimization of the MEC-P, and the difference between prototype A and prototype B is the distance between the most external string and the edge of the module. Commercial white paints had been tested on the reflecting plane. The best result is achieved with the paint named Hammerite{sup R}, with averaged reflectance above 90 % for wavelengths from 400 nm to 1050 nm. The selected paint was aged in external conditions and in an ultraviolet radiation accelerated aging chamber. It was observed a reflectance degradation from its original value after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Nevertheless, when the sample painted was exposed to UV radiations under a glass plate laminated with ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), the reflectance of the samples remained the same. The prototypes had been installed in Porto Alegre, 48 deg tilted to the horizontal, with the strings toward east-west or north-south. To characterize the prototypes, solar cells had been installed to measure the incident irradiance in six regions of the prototypes and to evaluate the operating temperature. Taking into account the optical concentration (C{sub OP}) for the worst irradiance on the rear face of the bifacial cell, we observed that the prototype B with strings toward the north-south shows the larger C{sub OP} and mainly, constant during the period with higher irradiance for cloudless days. MEC-P prototypes presented operating 18 temperatures from 15 deg C to 26 deg C above the ambient temperature, similar to the temperature in conventional modules. (author)

  6. Coupling of Nod1D and HOTCHANNEL: static case; Acoplamiento de Nod1D y HOTCHANNEL: caso estatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez T, A.M. [IPN-ESFM, 07738 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Ovando C, R. [IIE-Gcia. de Energia Nuclear, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    In this work the joining of the programs Nod1D and HOTCHANNEL, developed in the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and in the Electrical Research Institute (IIE) respectively is described. The first one allows to study the neutronic of a nuclear reactor and the second one allows to carry out the analysis of hot channel of a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). Nod1 D is a program that it solves by nodal methods type finite element those diffusion equations in multigroup, and it is the static part of Nod Kin that it solves the diffusion equation in their time dependent part. For another side HOTCHANNEL is based on a mathematical model constituted by four conservation equations (two of mass conservation, one of motion quantity and one of energy), which are solved applying one discretization in implicit finite differences. Both programs have been verified in independent form using diverse test problems. In this work the modifications that were necessary to carry out to both for obtaining a coupled program that it provides the axial distribution of the neutron flux, the power, the burnup and the void fraction, among others parameters as much as neutronic as thermal hydraulics are described. Those are also mentioned limitations, advantages and disadvantages of the final product to which has been designated Nod1 D-HotChn. Diverse results for the Cycle 1 of the Laguna Verde Unit 1 reactor of the Nucleo electric central comparing them with those obtained directly with the CoreMasterPresto code are provided. (Author)

  7. L'impatto potenziale dell'ECU privato sulla stabilità di cambio globale ed europea. (The private ECU’s potential impact on global and European exchange rate stability

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    H. JAGER


    Full Text Available Questo articolo esamina i potenziali vantaggi e svantaggi della creazione di mercati ben sviluppati European Currency Unit (ECU di deposito e di credito nell'ambito della CEE. I principali svantaggi potenziali sono la maggiore velocità di creazione dell'ECU e del Sistema monetario (SME movimenti intra europeo dei depositi ECU . I vantaggi potenziali dovrebbero includere una migliore efficienza nei mercati monetari , un impulso a una maggiore integrazione monetaria e coordinamento politico nello SMEThis article examines the potential advantages and disadvantages of the creation of well-developed European Currency Unit (ECU deposit and credit markets within the EEC. The major potential disadvantages are the higher speed of ECU creation and of intra-European Monetary System (EMS movements of ECU deposits. The potential advantages would include improved efficiency in the money markets, an impetus to greater monetary integration and policy co-ordination in the EMS.JEL: F15, F36, E42

  8. Strategi Pengembangan Portofolio Produk Investasi Bank ABC

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    Sampor Ali


    Full Text Available This article particularly aimed to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the investment products. Assessing the environmental factors that affect the attractiveness of the industry and the business Strength of investment product in wealth management division in GE matrix provides recommendations of the alternative strategy for investment products in the future. The formulation of strategies product development was carried out using a portfolio analysis of Matrix General Electric (GE. The GE Matrix showed that the deposit product and retirement savings were in the first quadrant while attraction or interest in the industry was still high. Savings products were in quadrant II Planning, indicating that the company had a high business strength, but the attractiveness of the industry for these categories was in the normal position. The bancassurance products, bonds and mutual funds were in quadrant III where at this phase of the company business Strength was in the normal position, and the attractiveness of the market or industry was also in the normal position. Strategies for the development of deposits and retirement savings products included the market development and product development strategies. Savings Product Planning used penetration and product development whereas the Bancassurance products, bonds and mutual funds used market penetration strategy.Keywords: bank, wealth management, portfolio analysis, GE matrixAbstrak: Penelitian bertujuan melakukan analisa kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang serta ancaman produk investasi. Mengkaji faktor lingkungan yang memengaruhi daya tarik industri dan kekuatan bisnis produk investasi di divisi wealth management dalam bentuk matrik portofolio produk, sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi strategi alternatif terhadap produk investasi di masa depan. Rumusan strategi pengembangan portofolio menggunakan Matriks General Electric (GE. Hasil Matriks GE menunjukkan bahwa produk deposito dan

  9. Regret Aversion Bias dan Risk Tolerance Investor Muda Jakarta dan Surabaya

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    Yohnson Yohnson


    investor muda Surabaya dan UPH mewakili investor muda Jakarta. Penelitian akan dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental dan design penelitiannya adalah 2 x 2 x 2 (between subject dengan variabel pertama adalah experienced regret (deposito vs. saham, variabel kedua adalah anticipated regret (deposito vs. saham, dan variabel ketiga adalah risk tolerance (rendah dan tinggi. Hanya risk tolerance yang mempengaruhi keputusan investasi para investor muda di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Regret aversion bias tidak terjadi pada perilaku investor muda di Indonesia. Hal ini diduga adanya karakter unik dan cara pandang yang berbeda investor Indonesia dengan investor negara lain. Kata kunci: risk tolerance, experienced regret, anticipated regret, investor bias

  10. Spanish radioactive lignites, nature and solubility of the uranium; Lignitos radiactivos espanoles, naturaleza y solubilizacion del uranio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Josa, J M; Merino, J L; Villoria, A [Direccion de Plantas Piloto e Industriales, Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain)


    The authors describe the features of some 70 samples of radioactive lignites from various places in Spain (Huesca, Lerida, Teruel, Galicia and Murcia) with uranium contents varying between 20 and 1200 ppm. They carried out experiments on extraction of the uranium from these ores both by direct treatment and after roasting to eliminate organic matter and bring about concentration. The acid method was considered for leaching of the uranium from the substances in question using agitation and static bed techniques. Investigations were also carried out on the effect of the variables represented by grain size, amount of acid, temperature time and oxidants, in addition to those involved in the roasting process. (author) [Spanish] Los autores presentan las caracteristicas de unas 70 muestras de lignitos radiactivos procedentes de distintos puntos de Espana (Huesca, Lerida, Teruel, Galicia y Murcia) con leyes de uranio comprendidas entre 20 y 1200 ppm. El beneficio del uranio de estos minerales se ha abordado por tratamiento directo y despues de someterlos a tostacion, lo que elimino la materia organica y produjo enriquecimiento. La lixiviacion del uranio de los productos indicados se considero por via acida, utilizando tecnicas de agitacion y de lecho estatico. Se investigo la influencia de las variables tamano de grano, dosis de acido, temperatura, tiempo y oxidante, ademas de las implicadas en los procesos de tostacion. (author)

  11. Deposit of thin films for Tokamaks conditioning; Deposito de peliculas delgadas para acondicionar Tokamaks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valencia A, R


    As a main objective of this work, we present some experimental results obtained from studying the process of extracting those impurities created by the interaction plasma with its vessel wall in the case of Novillo tokamak. Likewise, we describe the main cleaning and conditioning techniques applied to it, fundamentally that of glow discharge cleaning at a low electron temperature (<10 eV), both in noble and reactive gases, as well as the conditioning by thin film deposits of hydrogen rich amorphous carbon (carbonization) leading to a reduction in the plasma resistivity from 8.99 x 10{sup -6} to 4.5 x 10{sup -6} {omega}-m, thus taking the Z{sub ef} value from 3.46 to 2.07 which considerably improved the operational parameters of the machine. With a view to justifying the fact that controlled nuclear fusion is a feasible alternative for the energy demand that humanity will face in the future, we review in Chapter 1 some fundamentals of the energy production by nuclear fusion reactions while, in Chapter 2, we examine two relevant plasma wall interaction processes. Our experimental array used to produce both cleaning and intense plasma discharges is described in Chapter 3 along with the associated diagnostics equipment. Chapter 4 contains a description of the vessel conditioning techniques followed in the process. Finally, we report our results in Chapter 5 while, in Chapter 6, some conclusions and remarks are presented. It is widely known that tokamak impurities are generated mainly by the plasma-wall interaction, particularly in the presence of high potentials between the plasma sheath and the limiter or wall. Given that impurities affect most adversely the plasma behaviour, understanding and controlling the impurity extraction mechanisms is crucial for optimizing the cleaning and wall conditioning discharge processes. Our study of one impurity extraction mechanism for both low and high Z in Novillo tokamak was carried out though mass spectrometry, optical emission spectroscopy and plasma resistivity measurement. Such mechanism depends fundamentally on the mass of the ions that interact with the wall during the plasma current formation phase. The reaction products generated by the glow discharge plasma, created in a calibrated mixture of methane-hydrogen during the hydrogenated amorphous carbon film deposit on the vessel wall of Novillo tokamak, were determined by mass spectrometry. By way of measuring the emission lines of the carbon and oxygen impurities in intense discharges, the time required by the plasma to interact with the wall was estimated. In addition to it, the temporal conduct of the emission line intensity of these impurities was observed by means of an intensified CCD detector. Once an {approx} 10 % of helium was introduced in the operating gas of the tokamak discharges, a 25-42 eV time variation of the electron temperature was measured using the intensity ratio technique. (Author)

  12. Espadas y puñales del bronce final: el depósito de armas de Puertollano (Ciudad Real

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    Montero Ruiz, Ignacio


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the technological study of a new Late Bronce Age hoard found in Puertollano (Ciudad Real. This hoard is a singular found in the context of Iberian Peninsula due to the number of items (14 swords and daggers and 1 fragment of ferrule and all of them are weapons. Elemental analysis by PIXE shows a Copper-Tin alloy with very low impurity pattern. A general comment about the real use of this weapons is included.

    Se presenta el estudio tecnológico de un nuevo depósito del Bronce Final aparecido en Puertollano (Ciudad Real. Compuesto exclusivamente por armas (14 espadas y puñales y un fragmento de regatón constituye un deposito singular entre los conocidos en la Península ibérica. Se incluyen los análisis de composición mediante técnica PIXE que indican que todas las piezas son bronces binarios Cu-Sn con bajo nivel de impurezas. Se discute sobre la funcionalidad y uso práctico de estas producciones armamentísticas.

  13. Pulsed and Static Neutron Measurements in Light-Water and Heavy-Water Exponentials; Mesures par les Methodes Pulsee et Statique dans les Ensembles Exponentiels a Eau Legere et a Eau Lourde; Izmerenie impul'snykh i staticheskikh nejtronov v ehksponentsial'nykh ustanovkakh s obychnoj i tyazheloj vodoj; Mediciones por los Metodos Pulsados y Estaticos en Conjuntos Exponenciales de Agua Ligera y Agua Pesada

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    Parkinson, T. F.; Perez, R. B.; Fry, D. N.; Hartley, R. H.; Smith, S. P.D.; Diaz, N. J. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States)


    etant le laplacien geometrique du systeme equivalent sans reflecteur avec gain reflecteur. Modele C: On imagine un systeme sans reflecteur a deux groupes avec gain reflecteur. En comparant les constantes de decroissance obtenues par calcul et par voie experimentale, on constate que seul le modele A assure une concordance satisfaisante. On peut en tirer les conclusions ci-apres: 1. La presence du reflecteur a una grande influence sur la physique du systeme puise. L'hypothese selon laquelle on admet un gain reflecteur n'est pas toujours valable. 2. La valeur de la constante de decroissance {lambda} depend etroitement de la valeur admise pour la probabilite d'absence de fuite de neutrons rapides. Les experiences indiquent que la methode des neutrons puises permet de determiner k{sub {infinity}} pour des ensembles heterogenes de petites dimensions. Des travaux sont en cours sur des barres d'uranium creuses qui permettent de simuler l'emploi de fluides de refroidissement organiques. (author) [Spanish] Desde hace tiempo se recurre a experimentos exponenciales para determinar el laplaciano material de un medio multiplicador. En fecha mas reciente se ha comenzado a utilizar la tecnica de los neutrones pulsados para medir los valores propios del tiempo, {lambda}, de los que puede deducirse k{sub {infinity}}. Este ultimo metodo presenta la ventaja de que permite el empleo de reticulados mas pequefios que el metodo exponencial estatico. Sin embargo, para establecer la validez del metodo pulsado, es preciso comparar sus resultados con los obtenidos mediante los metodo estaticos. Los autores han efectuado estas mediciones en sistemas con y sin reflector, utilizando H{sub 2}O y D{sub 2}O en calidad de moderador; en los experimentos emplearon un tanque de 1 m de diametro. La correlacion entre las constantes de decrecimiento medidas y los parametros pertinentes del sistema se efectuo empleando un modelo teorico modificado de un solo grupo (denominado modelo A). El valor de {lambda} se

  14. Absorbing materials of thin film for photovoltaic structures prepared by the process of pyrolytic spraying; Materiales absorbedores en pelicula delgada para estructuras fotovoltaicas preparados por el proceso de rocio pirolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calixto Rodriguez, Manuela


    InS{sub 2}, SnS{sub 2} y SnS por la tecnica de rocio pirolitico. Se analizaron las propuestas estructurales, opticas y electricas de estas peliculas para determinar el conjunto de parametros de deposito con los cuales se obtienen las mejores propiedades fisicas para la aplicacion de las mismas en estructuras fotovoltaicas. Se encontro que la relacion molar en solucion de los compuestos de partida y la temperatura de deposito son los parametros dominantes en el proceso de crecimiento de las peliculas. Para el deposito de peliculas delgadas se sulfuro de indio se usaron acetato de indio y N, N-dimetil tiourea como compuestos precursores de In y S, respectivamente. Se obtuvieron peliculas policristalinas del compuesto In{sub 2}S{sub 3} empleando temperaturas de substrato, Ts, entre 400 y 450 grados centigrados, y soluciones de acetato de indio y N, N-dimetil tiourea con relaciones molares (In:S) de 1:8 y 1:1. La brecha de energia, Eg, de estas peliculas varia de 2.04 a 2.67 eV, y el valor de la conductividad en obscuridad, D, varia de 10-7 a 1 (cm)-1 en funcion de la relacion molar en solucion. Se encontro que las peliculas depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S 1:8 son de naturaleza intrinseca independientemente de Ts, mientras que las depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S =1:1 y Ts 400 grados Celsius poseen conductividad tipo-n. Empleando una relacion molar de In:S = 1:1 y Ts = 500 grados centigrados se obtiene el compuesto In{sub 2}O{sub 3} policristalino cuyas propiedades opticas y electricas son: Eg 3 eV y D=11 (cm)-1, con conductividad electrica tipo-n. Las peliculas depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S = 1:1 y Ts 450 grados centigrados son las que tienen las caracteristicas apropiadas para su uso como material tipo-n en estructuras fotovoltaicas (Eg=2 eV y D=1-1 com-1).

  15. Teatri della memoria: una ricerca sulle mediatiche domestiche

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    Olimpia Affuso


    Full Text Available Questo contributo ruota intorno ai risultati di una ricerca collettiva che riguarda i rapporti fra alcuni oggetti della casa e le memorie di chi li raccoglie. Il tema di sfondo della ricerca è molto ampio. Nelle case ci sono mobili e soprammobili, fotografie e manifesti, quadri, e infiniti altri oggetti. Possiamo dire che la casa intera è un deposito di “mnemoteche”, di teche della memoria, che è la stessa disposizione dello spazio domestico a fungere da dispositivo mnestico. Rispetto a tutto ciò, abbiamo scelto quelli che hanno a che fare con il mondo dei media. Ci siamo occupati cioè di come vengono raccolti, selezionati, conservati, usati e scartati oggetti come libri, dischi, videocassette, CD e DVD, e anche file sui computer, telefonini e lettori portatili (audio-video. Si tratta di un insieme di oggetti la cui analisi consente di comprendere sia diversi aspetti dei rapporti che le persone intrattengono con le proprie memorie, sia alcuni dei modi in cui spazi privati e pubblici si interconnettono. Poiché questi prodotti hanno a che fare con le industrie mediali, abbiamo chiamato l’insieme di questi oggetti mediateche domestiche.

  16. Project of energy saving in compressed air; Proyecto de ahorro de energia en aire comprimido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Automatizacion, Productividad y Calidad S.A. de C.V. Puebla, (Mexico)


    The objective of this project is to reduce the operation costs by means of the energy saving through the use of the compressed air system. For this purpose the solenoid valves controlled per time and the manually acted valves of sphere must be replaced by pneumatic purges that remove from the system the condensed humidity without discharging air and which act automatically when the water reaches the level of unloading in its deposit. The pressure level is the reduction of the operation rank of pressure in the compressors, satisfying the operation requirements of the process equipment. [Spanish] El objetivo de este proyecto es reducir el costo de operacion mediante el ahorro de energia en la utilizacion del sistema de aire comprimido. Para ello se tienen que remplazar las valvulas solenoides controladas por tiempo y valvulas de esfera actuadas manualmente por purgas neumaticas que remueven del sistema la humedad condensada sin descargar aire y que actuan en forma automatica al alcanzar el agua el nivel de descarga en su deposito. El nivel de presion es la reduccion del rango de operacion de presion de los compresores, satisfaciendo los requerimientos de operacion de los equipos de proceso.

  17. Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas dan Lempung di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Asmoro Widagdo


    Full Text Available Desa Cihonje di Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, memiliki sumber daya mineral seperti emas dan tanah liat kaolin. Kedua mineral ini telah dilakukaneksploitasi oleh masyarakat setempat. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ini telah memberikan kemakmuran bagi warga setempat. Namun, upaya pertambangan tidak dalam kondisi baik dan masih belum berlisensi. Penggalian emas dan tanah liat di sekitar area perumahan telah membawa dampak yang sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keselamatan para penambang dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini pada potensi bencana yang mungkin menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat setempat dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. observasi lapangan ini dilakukan dengan memetakan lokasi operasi pertambangan, perubahan lingkungan dilakukan deskripsi, mengambil gambar dan wawancara dengan penduduk dan para penambang. pertambangan emas primer mengambil urat mineral dengan membuat sumur vertikal dan horizontal. sumur ini sangat dalam dan mencapai puluhan meter. Hal ini telah mengancam keselamatan para penambang, mengganggu penggunaan lahan sebagai daerah pertanian, yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan sumber air tanah, menyebabkan tanah longsor dan mencemari sumber air sungai. pertambangan emas sekunder pada deposito aluvial di tepi sungai telah menyebabkan kerusakan lahan pertanian, erosi sungai dan pencemaran air. Pertambangan tanah liat telah menyebabkan perubahan dalam pengaturan lingkungan dan potensi longsor.

  18. Thickness calculation software of the thermal insulation in facilities using thermal solar energy; Software para el calculo de espesores del aislante termico en instalaciones de aprovechamiento de energia solar termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Portillo Jimenez, Canek [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    It is presented a software application for calculating the thickness of the thermal insulation used in various facilities where there are thermal systems using solar energy. The software facilitates the calculation of the thermal cover thickness over components such as pipes (flat or round), storage and other devices that require thermal protection, installed in outdoors or indoors. The software was programmed in Visual Basic by following the technical specifications of the current regulations in the field. Application examples are performed, obtaining certain results that are discussed briefly. [Spanish] Se presenta un software de aplicacion para el calculo de los espesores de los aislantes termicos, utilizados en diferentes instalaciones donde existen sistemas de aprovechamiento termico de energia solar. El software facilita el calculo del grosor del recubrimiento termico en componentes tales como: tuberias (planas o circulares), depositos acumuladores y otros aparatos que necesiten proteccion termica, instalados en exteriores o en interiores. El software fue programado en Visual Basic siguiendo las especificaciones tecnicas de la normatividad vigente en la materia. Se realizan ejemplos de aplicacion, donde se obtienen ciertos resultados de los cuales se hace una breve discusion.

  19. Radioactive waste facility as environmental preservation factor; Deposito de rejeitos radioativos como agente de preservacao ambiental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heilbron Filho, P.F.L.; Xavier, Ana Maria [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The objective of this article is to show, in a resumed way, the many aspects involved in the selection, licensing and construction of a repository for the safe disposal of low and intermediate radioactive level wastes in Brazil where from we conclude that a repository is for sure an agent of environmental preservation. (author) 22 refs., 9 figs., 9 tabs.; e-mail: paulo at


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    S.E. Metcalfe


    Full Text Available Los depósitos superficiales alrededor de las márgenes de la cuenca lacustre cerrada de Zacapu, Michoacán (19 ̊51'N, 101°40' W han sido examinados como parte de una investigación del cambio ambiental del cuaternario tardío en el centro de México. Las diatomitas lacustres están intercaladas con arenas de playas, suelos pantanosos orgánicos y depósitos coluviales. Esta secuencia refleja fluctuaciones en el nivel del lago y cambios en la importancia relativa de los procesos lacustres y terrestres en la cuenca. El examen de estas secciones sobre la base del ambiente de las fuentes de sedimento, usando diferentes técnicas, provee un medio de evaluar la importancia relativa de factores específicos, tales como el cambio climático o el impacto del hombre, que causan las fluctuaciones registrados por los depósitos.

  1. Radioactive waste facility as environmental preservation factor; Deposito de rejeitos radioativos como agente de preservacao ambiental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loes, Rosa Helena Zago [Instituto Nacional de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA), Brasilia, DF (Brazil)


    When the capsule of cesium was open ten years ago, in Goiania/GO, provoked a radiologic accident of great consequences for the population. After that, the government, the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear Energy, Brazilian CNEN, the non-governmental organizations and the population began a big mobilization to solve this problem. The result was the construction of the Final Deposit for Radioactive Wastes. (author) 2 refs.; e-mail: rloes at

  2. Methodology for probability of failure assessment of offshore pipelines; Metodologia qualitativa de avaliacao da probabilidade de falha de dutos rigidos submarinos estaticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pezzi Filho, Mario [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In this study it is presented a methodology for assessing the likelihood of failure for every failure mechanism defined for carbon steel static offshore pipelines. This methodology is aimed to comply with the Integrity Management policy established by the Company. Decision trees are used for the development of the methodology and the evaluation of the extent and the significance of these failure mechanisms. Decision trees enable also the visualization of the logical structure of algorithms which eventually will be used in risk assessment software. The benefits of the proposed methodology are presented and it is recommended that it be tested on static offshore pipelines installed in different assets for validation. (author)

  3. BNI aperta e in cooperazione: come e perché

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    Luca Bellingeri


    Full Text Available A seguito della crisi economica che ha colpito l'Italia negli ultimi anni si è avuta una contrazione delle risorse economiche messe a disposizione delle biblioteche italiane, specialmente di quelle dipendenti dal MIBACT.  In tale contesto, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze e l'agenzia bibliografica nazionale che da essa dipende hanno subito un ridimensionamento del loro prodotto, la Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana, condizionata dalla grave contrazione del numero degli addetti alla sua redazione. La ricerca di soluzioni per far fronte alla difficile situazione ha portato a due importanti decisioni che fanno perno sul concetto di natura di servizio pubblico e sul principio della cooperazione. La prima ha portato alla pubblicazione della Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana in forma libera e gratuita sul sito della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, a decorrere dallo scorso 30 maggio, consentendo alla BNI di mettersi al passo con le principali bibliografie nazionali europee. La seconda consiste nell'avvio di un progetto collaborativo che, seppur confermando il coordinamento bibliografico, la gestione informatica ed il controllo redazionale finale alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, si basa sull'apporto di alcune biblioteche di poli SBN dotate di precise caratteristiche di copertura da deposito legale e di specializzazione disciplinare, dando vita ad una Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana cooperativa.


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    Sueli Bacchi Machado


    Full Text Available

    A determinação dos locais ótimos para instalação de terminais (depósitos, armazéns de triagem e distribuição de carga, numa rede logística, é um problema clássico que tem gerado um grande numero de trabalhos de pesquisa. No entanto, ao se considerar o custo logístico global, que inclui as despesas de transporte, de triagem, de coleta/entrega e de estoque, a estratégia ótima de distribuição vai variar com o tipo de produto, os fluxos, os tempos, etc. Em alguns casos será mais conveniente efetuar as entregas através de viagens diretas industrias/consumidor; noutros, a distribuição via deposito se apresentara como a mais adequada.O modelo apresentado neste trabalho procura resolver simultaneamente: (a o problema de localizar K terminais numa rede logística; (b se1ecionar a estratégia ótima de distribuição para cada par produtor/consumidor, considerando transferência direta ou distribuição consolidada via um dos terminais. O método heurístico desenvolvido mostrou-se adequado, tendo sido testado em redes diversas, de porte elevado.

  5. Uranium deposits obtention for fission chambers; Obtencion de depositos de uranio para fabricacion de camaras de fision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artacho Saviron, E


    The obtention of uranium deposits of the required quality for small cylindrical fission chambers presents some difficulties. With the method of electroplating here described the uniformity, reproducibility and adherence of the obtained deposits were satisfactory. (Author) 6 refs.


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    Fadli Ferdiansyah


    Full Text Available Inflation is one of the effects of a prolonged economic crisis that hit the country. Inflation is a situation where there is an increase in general prices which continuesover the  long term. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the money supply, interrst rate, deposit interest rate and exchange rate (Rp/USD of the inflation in 2006 – 2011.6 The result of this study suges that the suppy of money have no significant positive effect on inflation. SBI rate have positive and significant effect on inflation. Deposit have rate and no significant negative effect on inflation. Exchange Rate have no significant negative effect on inflation. Keywords : Money Supply, Interest Rates, Deposit Interest Rates, Exchange Rate    (IDR /USD, Multiple  Linear Regression, Inflation

  7. Petrologia e geoquimica do deposito vanadifero da Fazenda Novo Amparo, associado ao complexo mafico-ultramafico Rio Jacare, Bahia


    Edilene Pereira Gomes


    Resumo: O Complexo Rio Jacaré, situado no interior do Estado da Bahia, trata-se de um conjunto de rochas máfico-ultramáficas com cerca de 40km de extensão por 1km de largura, possuindo a mais importante reserva de magnetita vanadífera do país. Geotectonicamente, o Complexo Rio Jacaré situa-se ao longo de uma grande zona de falha, sendo limitado por entidades geológicas bastante distintas: a oeste representada por vulcânicas que compõem parte da Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Contendas Mirante e...

  8. Efecto e influencia de los certificados de depositos reprogramados (cdr`s) durante 1999-2000 en el mercado ecuatoriano


    Leon Cercado, Alejandra; Triana Villanueva, Milton


    Por ser los certificados de depósitos (CDR) instrumentos financieros que surgieron como respuesta a la crisis que experimentó la economía ecuatoriana durante el año 1999, al producirse un alza incontrolable de la cotización del sucre respecto del dólar que desembocó en un nuevo modelo de dolarización y en cuyo proceso también la banca en general se vió afectada con el cierre de varios bancos que presentaban problemas de íliquidez y mala administración de sus recursos, el análisis efectuado de...

  9. Evaluation of kerma rate in radioactive waste disposal; Avaliacao da taxa de kerma em deposito de rejeitos radioativos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosa, Rodolfo O.; Silva, Joao C.P.; Santos, Joao R. dos, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This study aims to assess the progression of kerma rate levels in the air due to the increase of collection, storing and storage of radioactive waste in the new building (after expansion) of the radioactive waste disposal (RWD) of the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Brazil. This review is carried out every six months at IEN with thermoluminescent dosimeter lithium fluoride LiF: Mg, Cu, P (TLD-100H). Here are the average values of kerma rate for the period 2008- 2012. In this context, the methodology used for selection and choices of detectors used in dosimeters is presented. The detectors were chosen through homogeneity criteria of the pack, standardization factor and coefficient of variation (CV%). The monitoring points and the exposure time of the detectors are chosen considering various factors, including the rate of occupation and indoor and outdoor positions to RWD. These evaluations showed that the contribution of the new waste disposal in increasing kerma rate of IEN, has proved to be insignificant, that is, the presence of RWD does not contribute to increased environmental kerma rate in the region around this installation.


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    Untung Setiono


    (Automatic Teller Machine dan EDC (Electronic Data Capture. Di tahun 2012 perusahaan membeli software tandem dari vendor luar negeri dimana menghabiskan dana USD 3,4 juta, dengan pembelian ini maka dari itu penting untuk di teliti: 1 kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan, 2 kebijakan modal kerja  perusahaan dan 3 hubungan kinerja keuangan perusahaan berdasarkan dua kebijakan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, mengukur hubungan variabel struktur modal dan modal kerja perusahaan. Pada penelitian telah menemukan: 1 kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan sejalan dengan teori Pecking Order, dimana perusahaan lebih menggunakan dana modal sendiri sebelum menggunakan hutang jangka panjang pada pihak lain, 2 kebijakan modal kerja perusahaan kurang efisien, dikarenakan sebagian besar asset lancar adalah dalam bentuk deposito berjangka bulanan dan bahkan melebihi hutang lancer itu sendiri, dan 3 hubungan antara hutang jangka pendek dan rasio likuiditas adalah negative, sedangkan total hutang (jangka pendek dan jangka panjang berkorelasi positif dengan rasio solvabilitas/leverage perusahaan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan manajemen untuk lebih mengurangi asset lancer mereka dan lebih menggunakan asset tersebut untuk investasi jangka panjang, bukan hanya untuk deposito berjangka.Kata kunci: ATM, EDC, regresi, struktur modal, kinerja keuangan

  11. Evaluation of external exposure in a radioactive waste deposit; Avaliacao da exposicao externa em um deposito de rejeitos radioativos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Sergio Quinet de; Pereira, Wagner de Souza; Py Junior, Delcy de Azevedo; Dores, Luis Augusto de Carvalho Bresser; Dantas, Marcelino Vicente de Almeida; Silva, Ana Claudia Antunes; Garcia Filho, Oswaldo, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: marcelino@inb.go.b, E-mail:, E-mail: [Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (UTM/INB), Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil). Unidade de Tratamento de Minerio


    The ore treatment unit (OTU) of Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB), located at Caldas municipality - Minas Gerais, Brazil, posses a radioactive deposit, coming mainly from the chemical processing of monazite sands for obtention of 'rare earths'. The main components of these waste are the 'torta II (thorium rich residues) and the 'mesothorium' ({sup 228}Ra rich residues) - conditioned in steel drums (200 liters), plastic pumps (100 liters) or underground silos. These loaders are deposited in waste loading warehouses existent at the OTU and periodic evaluations of the external exposure rates (mR/h) are part of the 'Programa de Monitoracao Radiologica Ocupacional' of the unit. This paper presents a brief history of origins of this waste deposit and the material found there, and also the result of a routine monitoring of the external exposure rates

  12. Effect of V addition on the hardness, adherence and friction coefficient of VC coatings produced by thermo-reactive diffusion deposition

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    Fredy Alejandro Orjuela-Guerrero


    Full Text Available Se produjeron recubrimientos de carburo de vanadio (VC sobre sustratos de acero AISI H13 y acero AISI D2 mediante deposito termoreactiva/ difusión (TRD con el fin de evaluar sus propiedades mecánicas como una función del contenido de vanadio. Los recubrimientos se producen con diferentes porcentajes de concentración de ferrovanadio. La composición química de los recubrimientos se determinó mediante fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF, la estructura cristalina se analizó utilizando difracción de rayos X (XRD, la morfología se caracterizó usando microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM, la dureza se midió a través de nanoindentaciòn, y las propiedades tribológicas mediante la prueba de bola sobre disco. El análisis XRF indicó que los recubrimientos crecidos en acero D2 disminuyó el porcentaje atómico de vanadio cuando el recubrimiento se produce con 20% de ferrovanadio. El análisis XRD estableció que los recubrimientos eran policristalinos, con una estructura cúbica. Las imágenes de SEM revelaron que los recubrimientos crecidos en acero D2 eran más compactos que los crecidos en el acero H13. Finalmente, las pruebas de desgaste establecieron que el coeficiente de fricción disminuyó con un aumento de vanadio en el recubrimiento.

  13. Short-Lived Radioisotope Production, Processing, Distribution and Applications in Korea; Production, Traitement, Distribution et Applications des Radioisotopes a Courte Periode En Coree; ПРОИЗВОДСТВО КОРОТКОЖИВУЩИХ ИЗОТОПОВ В КОРЕЕ, ИХ ОБРАБОТКА, РАССЫЛКА И ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ; Produccion, Elaboracion, Distribuciony Aplicacion de Radioisotopos de Periodo Corto en Corea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuk Kim, Chong [Department of Chemistry, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    isotopos en diversas esferas. La mas importante es el empleo de {sup 24}Na para detectar fugas en depositos de almacenamiento de aguas destinadas al riego. Como en Corea del Sur existen casi 1500 depositos de esta clase, la deteccion de las fugas constituye un problema de gran importancia economica. El mismo isotopo se aplica tambien en estudios metabolicos en casos de hipertension y para investigar el mecanismo de mezcla en sistemas en fase liquido-liquido. Todos estos estudios se realizan con exito y resultan poco onerosos. (author) [Russian] Opisyvaetsja proizvodstvo, obrabotka i rassylka korotkozhivushhih izotopov Issledovatel'skim institutom po atomnoj jenergii Korei. Rassmatrivajutsja izotopy Na{sup 24}, Cu{sup 64}, K{sup 42}, Mo{sup 90}, W{sup 187}, kolloidnoe zoloto Au{sup 198}, Br{sup 82m}, J{sup 128}. V doklade rassmatrivaetsja takzhe vopros o primenenii jetih izotopov v razlichnyh otrasljah v Koree. Naibolee vazhnym javljaetsja primenenie Na{sup 24} dlja obnaruzhenija utechki iz irrigacionnyh vodohranilishh. Tak kak v Juzhnoj Koree imeetsja priblizitel'no 1500 takih vodohranilishh, obnaruzhenie utechki predstavljaet soboj obshhegosudarstvennuju problemu. Na{sup 24} primenjaetsja takzhe dlja metabolicheskih issledovanij pri gipertonii i dlja izuchenija mehanizma smeshenija vzaimosmeshivagaihsja sistem gadkostg zhidkost'. (author)

  14. The humic matter as natural inhibitor of CaCO{sub 3} in cooling water system; Las sustancias humicas como inhibidores naturales del CaCO{sub 3}, en sistemas de enfriamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Celada Murillo, Ana Teresa [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    Important problems are presented in cooling water systems by the formation of mineral deposits on the heat transference equipment. Calcium carbonate (CaCO{sub 3}) is one of the minerals that more deposits produces. The CaCO{sub 3} scale is controlled by the addition of sulfuric acid and chemical inhibitors with phosphates (among the most utilized). These chemicals bring an environmental impact because they are associate with eutrophication of water bodies. In order to contribute to the decrease of the use of these chemical additives, this investigation proposes the utilization of humic matter as natural inhibitor of CaCO{sub 3}, precipitation. Humic matter is a complex organic molecule present in water-and soils by the degradation of plants and animals dead. Humic matter participates in ionic interchange complex and adsorption reactions with metallic ions. Inhibition of CaCO{sub 3} precipitation was observed in synthetic and naturals water solutions (well water, river water and treated wastewater). These solutions contained typical concentrations of calcium and alkalinity of makeup and circulation water of cooling systems in electrical power plants in Mexico. The CaCO{sub 3} precipitation in these solutions was induced by the addition of NaOH 0.1 N in continuos form (pH critical method), in absence and presence of humic matter. Time and NaOH volume were registered. Increase of CaCO{sub 3} nucleation time was evident in presence of humic matter. In the synthetic solutions, the nucleation time was increased 30-40%; while in the natural watery solutions (well water) the humic inhibited the CaCO{sub 3} precipitation during 120 minutes of experimentation. [Spanish] En la instalacion de sistemas solares para enfriamiento que emplean agua se presentan problemas importantes por la formacion de depositos minerales sobre equipos de transferencia de calor. El carbonato de calcio (CaCO{sub 3}) es uno de los minerales que mas depositos produce. Con el fin de disminuir su





    de distintos tipos de residuos sólidos, ya que por cada tonelada del material extraído de la mina un 98% es descartado. El volumen total de residuos mineros producidos anualmente en el país, como relaves de flotación y ripios de lixiviación, ha mostrado un marcado crecimiento (128% y 926% para relaves y ripios, respectivamente, en un período de 11 años), tanto por la disminución sostenida en las leyes de los minerales disponibles como por el aumento en la escala de los procesos de explotación...

  16. Hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease: imaging aspects and biological behavior; Doenca de deposito de hidroxiapatita: aspectos por imagem e comportamento biologico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Aquino, Danilo Olavarria; Pinto, Alexandre de Lavra; Costa, Mauro Jose Brandao da; Fanelli, Vania A. [Hospital Sao Francisco, Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Abud, Lucas Giansante [Sao Paulo Univ., Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    Objective: to demonstrate, using imaging methods (x-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US), the phases of hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease in joints, particularly in the shoulder, from the silent phase to the intra-osseous migration of calcifications and radiologic follow-up examinations showing complete remission after physical therapy. Material and method: we evaluated 27 joints (25 shoulders, one hip and one elbow) of patients followed-up with radiographs. Patients extremely symptomatic and refractory to treatment were referred to MRI or US. Results: total remission of calcifications was observed in 15 joints after treatment - 14 shoulders and one elbow. In two joint, migration of the calcification to bone was observed: one to the bursa subdeltoidea, one to biceps tendon, one to subcoracoid recess and one to the interior of the infra spinal muscle. In two cases MRI and CT scans showed a high inflammatory process triggered by the disease. Conclusion: hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease affects multiple joints and can vary from asymptomatic to extremely symptomatic. Imaging methods show all phases of the disease, including the migratory phase. In general, the use of x-ray is enough for the diagnosis and follow-up. MRI and CT provide a more accurate diagnosis in the active phase of the disease. In this paper, remission was seen with physiotherapy (iontophoresis) in 55% of the cases. (author)

  17. Alteraciones hipocampales y cambios cognitivos preceden al deposito de placas amiloides en un modelo murino de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Juan Beauquis


    Full Text Available Existen múltiples evidencias de alteraciones neuronales y gliales en etapas avanzadas de la enfemedad de Alzheimer con abundantes depósitos cerebrales de beta amiloide, aunque hay pocos datos de cambios tempranos que podrían contribuir al desarrollo de la enfermedad. Evaluamos alteraciones morfológicas neuronales y gliales, y cambios cognitivos y emocionales tempranos en ratones transgénicos PDAPP-J20 (Tg, portadores del gen humano de APP (amyloid precursor protein mutado, a los 5 meses de edad, aún sin depósitos amiloides en el hipocampo y con niveles bajos de péptidos amiloides cerebrales. Mediante inmunohistoquímica para NeuN, los Tg presentaron menor número de neuronas piramidales y granulares en el hipocampo, junto con un menor volumen de la estructura, en comparación con los controles no transgénicos. La neurogénesis se encontró afectada, evidenciada por reducido número de neuronas DCX+ en el giro dentado. En la región CA3, hubo una menor densidad de sinaptofisina sugiriendo alteraciones sinápticas entre neuronas granulares y piramidales, sin cambios en la densidad de espinas dendríticas en CA1. Utilizando microscopía confocal, observamos una disminución del número de astrocitos GFAP+ con una reducción de la complejidad celular, sugiriendo atrofia glial. Se detectó un déficit cognitivo (reconocimiento de localización novedosa de un objeto y un aumento de la ansiedad (campo abierto en los Tg, con aumento en los núcleos c-Fos+ en amígdala, evidenciando el papel de la emocionalidad en los inicios de la enfermedad. El estudio de las alteraciones iniciales en la enfermedad amiloide podría contribuir al desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico temprano y de terapéutica preventiva.

  18. Comparison of the Economic Aspects of the Treatment and Storage of Fission Products from Installations Processing Irradiated Natural Uranium; Aspects Economiques Compares du Traitement et du Stockage des Produits de Fission Issus des Usines de Traitement de l'Uranium Naturel Irradie; Sravnitel'nye ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki i khraneniya produktov deleniya, poluchaemykh na zavodakh po pererabotke obluchennogo prirodnogo urana; Aspectos Economicos Comparados del Tratamiento y del Almacenamiento de los Productos de Fision que Salen de las Plantas de Tratamiento de Uranio Natural Irradiado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thiriet, L.; Lesur, P.; Giraud, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Paris (France); Wanlin, J. [Societe Saint-Gobain Techniques Nouvelles, Paris (France)


    reservoirs pouvant etre construits, et on determine la taille et la cadence optimales de leur mise en service, compte tenu des caracteristiques des produits de fission a stocker et pour diverses capacites de l'usine de traitement de l'uranium naturel irradie. Ils montrent que, si le cout de stockage depend des hypotheses faites sur la duree de vie des installations, le taux d'interet, les frais d'exploitation, le choix de la politique optimale par contre (tailles et cadences de mise en service) est independant de ces hypotheses et n'est lie qu'a la loi de variation du cout des reservoirs selon leur taille. On obtient ainsi le cout optimise de stockage indefini de ces effluents. Dans une troisieme partie, les auteurs comparent a cette solution du stockage indefini d'autres politiques possibles de gestion des produits de fission: vitrification et separation du Cs et du Sr. Ils situent economiquement ces diverses alternatives et esquissent des solutions possibles a long terme. (author) [Spanish] Despues de recordar las principales practicas administrativas que suelen aplicarse a los productos de fision, los autores exponen sucintamente las caracteristicas tecnicas esenciales de las instalaciones de almacenamiento en acero inoxidable (en medio acido) utilizadas en Francia y analizan la estructura de sus costos. Muestran hasta que punto esos costos dependen de la radiactividad de las soluciones almacenadas y del calor que desprenden. En la segunda parte de la memoria se examina el costo del almacenamiento segun las dimensiones de los depositos que pueden construirse, se determinan las dimensiones optimas de estos depositos y se indica el ritmo mas conveniente para su puesta en servicio teniendo en cuenta las caracteristicas de los productos de fision que es preciso almacenar y las diversas capacidades de las plantas de tratamiento de uranio natural irradiado. Se demuestra que si bien el costo del almacenamiento depende de algunas hipotesis (duracion de la vida util de las

  19. Windows with selective covering to the solar radiation based in copper for saving energy; Ventanas con recubrimiento selectivo a la radiacion solar basado en cobre que permiten el ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Correa, Genaro; Almanza, Rafael [Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    savings and the necessary strategies for such aim, based on the geographic region. [Spanish] Se presentan los resultados de un esfuerzo por contribuir al desarrollo de nuevos elementos constructivos acordes a las necesidades bioclimaticas de las edificaciones en Mexico que propicien el ahorro de energia. Se desarrollaron ventanas con dos tipos de recubrimientos, uno exclusivamente de oxido cuproso (Cu{sub 2}O), y otro resultado del deposito sucesivo de una pelicula de sulfuro cuprico (CuS) sobre otra de oxido cuproso. El segundo tipo de ventanas presento un adecuado control al paso de la radiacion infrarroja, lo que permite reducir aun mas la cantidad de radiacion calorifica que pasa a traves de la ventana. Durante las condiciones de calentamiento, estas ventanas dejan pasar en el peor de los casos, la mitad del calor, reduciendo la carga termica al interior de la habitacion o del edificio. Durante condiciones de enfriamiento, la ventana permite la salida del calor a la mitad de la velocidad, manteniendo durante mas tiempo la temperatura de confort del interior. Los recubrimientos de los mencionados compuestos de cobre fueron fabricados en los laboratorios de los Institutos de Ingenieria y Fisica de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Se utilizo la tecnica de erosion ionica o sputtering de un blanco de cobre 99.999% con ayuda de un plasma compuesto de argon (70%) y oxigeno (30%), que posibilita la oxidacion del cobre y el deposito del Cu{sub 2}O. Se utilizo un sustrato de vidrio flotado comercial de 600x400 mm., este tamano del vidrio estuvo determinado por las limitaciones de espacio de nuestra camara de deposito. La ventana asi obtenida presenta una agradable coloracion amarillenta y gran luminosidad, sin embargo, en el infrarrojo cercano, unicamente bloquea el 50%. Para las propiedades deseadas de control termico era necesario reducir aun mas el paso del calor. Para ello se incorporo una pelicula de sulfuro cuprico con la cual fue posible alcanzar

  20. Innovating a solar concentrator of static reflector and movable center for heat processes; Un concentrador solar innovador de reflector estatico y foco movil para procesos de calor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez, V.; Pujol, R.; Moia, A.


    The development of a solar thermal collector with fixed reflector and tracking absorber, especially designed for supplying process heat in industrial processes and solar cooling is described. the final solution consists in a mesh of 32 Sydney evacuates tubes with a total aperture of 24 m{sup 2} and maximum focus length of about 800 mm. With this design it is expected to reach about 40% annual averaged efficiency (referred to beam radiation at latitude of 39 degree centigrade) with temperatures in the range from 120 to 150 degree centigrade. At moment the first prototype is starting operation. (Author)

  1. Dimensional verification and location of the reactive static compensator in 220 kV; Verificacion del dimensionamiento y ubicacion del compensador estatico de reactivos en 220 kV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandez Krekeler, Ubaldo [Administracion Nacional de Electricidad (ANDE), Asuncion (Paraguay)]. E-mail:; Cardozo Sanchez, Freddy [Mirant Americas (United States)


    This work presents a determination verification of the compensation range and the location of reactive static compensator (RSC) in 220 kV. The verification is accomplished by analyses of the RSC effects in relation to the losses, loading and system voltage stability. The needed compensation range is investigated in full details, whereas that the required conversion level is directly related to this range. It is concluded that the RSC installation, foreseen for 2002, might be postponed for 2005/10 still without reinforcements in 500 kV. The Limpio substation seems to be the more suitable location in relation to the most analysed cases.

  2. Disposal of Radioactive Waste in the Subsurface of the Federal Republic of Germany: Geological and Hydro-Geological Problems; Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs dans le Sous-Sol de la Republique Federale d'Allemagne: Problemes Geologiques et Hydrogeologiques; 041f 041e 0414 ; Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en el Subsuelo de la Republica Federal de Alemania Problemas Geologicos e Hidrogeologicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wagner, R.; Richter, W. [Bundesanstalt fuer Bodenforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    The geological and hydrogeological problems related to the subsurface disposal of radioactive wastes in the Federal Republic of Germany are outlined. Special consideration is given to the possibility of storing solid and liquid wastes in the salt-domes widespread in the north-west, and of injecting liquid waste into deep reservoirs containing briny water and located in favourable geologic structures. (author) [French] Les auteurs decrivent les problemes geologiques et hydrogeologiques que pose, dans la Republique federale d'Allemagne, l'elimination des dechets radioactifs dans le sous-sol. Ils examinent notamment la possibilite d'emmagasiner des dechets solides et liquides dans les salines, qui abondent dans la partie nord-ouest et d'injecter des dechets liquides dans de profonds reservoirs d'eau saline, situes dans des formations geologiques presentant des conditions favorables. (author) [Spanish] Los autores exponen los problemas geologicos e hidrogeologicos que plantea la evacuacion de desechos radiactivos en el subsuelo de la Republica Federal de Alemania. Examinan sobre todo la posibilidad de almacenar desechos solidos y liquidos en los domos de sal, muy abundantes en el noroeste del pais, y de inyectar desechos liquidos en depositos profundos de agua salobre situados en estructuras geologicas que presentan condiciones favorables. (author) [Russian] Privoditsja opisanie geologicheskih i gidrogeologicheskih problem, svjazannyh s podzemnym udaleniem radioaktivnyh othodov v Federal'noj Respublike Germanii. Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja vozmozhnosti skladirovanija tverdyh i zhidkih othodov v soljanyh kupolah, imejushhihsja v bol'shom kolichestve v severo- zapadnoj chasti Germanii, i zahoronenija zhidkih othodov v glubokie rezervuary, soderzhashhie solenye vody i raspolozhennye v podhodjashhih geologicheskih strukturah. (author)

  3. Determinacion de periodos fundamentales del suelo mediante vibraciones ambientales en el municipio de Humacao, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Cintron Aponte, Rommel

    La tecnica de Nakamura ha sido utilizada a nivel mundial para determinar periodos fundamentales del suelo. La tecnica consiste en calcular y graficar cocientes espectrales H/V de vibraciones ambientales registradas sobre el suelo. Mediciones de vibraciones ambientales fueron tomadas en 151 lugares dentro del municipio de Humacao, localizado al este de Puerto Rico. Los datos se procesaron utilizando espectros de Fourier y espectros de potencia. La tecnica fue validada al compararla con los resultados de cocientes espectrales H/V de registros de sismos debiles y tambien con una modelacion numerica realizada con datos de un ensayo "downhole". Las graficas de los cocientes espectrales H/V fueron divididas en casos y grupos, los cuales dependen de la facilidad para identificar el periodo fundamental pico y amplitudes en frecuencias menores de 1 Hz, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos espectros fueron comparados y se concluye que los mismos se complementan para proveer resultados mas confiables. Se crearon mapas de periodos fundamentales, factores de amplitud, isoperiodos y clasificacion sismica de sitio. Los mapas de isoperiodos fueron realizados en las zonas mas pobladas sobre depositos de suelo. El mapa de periodos fundamentales del suelo mostro buena correlacion con la geologia local. El mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de periodos de sitio fue comparado con el mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de barrenos geotecnicos. El mapa de clasificacion obtenido de periodos puede sobreestimar un poco algunas clasificaciones del suelo. Sin embargo, este mapa puede proveer un estimado aproximado de la velocidad de onda de corte promedio del suelo hasta una profundidad de 100 pies (30 metros).

  4. Measurements of atmospheric fallout in Argentina; Determinacion del fallout atmosferico en la Republica Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canoba, A C; Lopez, F O; Bruno, H A


    With the purpose of studying the radioactive fallout present in Argentina from atmospheric nuclear explosions tests that have been conducted recently, an environmental monitoring program, outside the influence of nuclear facilities of Argentina, was undertaken during 1996 and 1997. The levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were analysed in samples of air, deposited material (rainwater), milk, an average meal of a standard man and food. During this period, a total of 630 radiochemical analysis were performed on 325 samples of the different matrices described. The concentration levels of the radionuclides analysed in the different environmental matrices are presented and are compared with the values obtained in the environmental monitoring program done during the period 1960-1981. (author) 3 refs., 9 tabs. [Espanol] Con el proposito de estudiar la precipitacion radiactiva presente en la Republica Argentina, debido al ensayo de armas nucleares en la atmosfera realizadas en el pasado, se implemento el muestreo ambiental fuera de la zona de influencia de las instalaciones nucleares de la Argentina durante los anios 1996 y 1997. Se determinaron las concentraciones de cesio 137 y estroncio 90 en muestras de aire, deposito de material radiactivo (agua de lluvia), leche, dieta promedio de un individuo estandar y en alimentos varios. Se realizaron, durante el periodo mencionado, un total de 630 determinaciones radioquimicas sobre 325 muestras de las diferentes matrices mencionadas. Se presentan los niveles de concentracion de los radionucleidos analizados en las distintas matrices ambientales y se comparan los valores obtenidos en los monitoreos realizados durante el periodo 1960-1981. (autor)

  5. Transformaciones edaficas y diageneticas de los depositos aluviales distales del mioceno de la cuenca de Madrid, area de Paracuellos de Jarama

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    Alonso-Zarza, A. Mª


    Full Text Available The distal aluvial fan and the palustrine deposits of the Paracuellos de Jarama area display a variety of specific pedogenic and diagenetic features. The processes affecting these sediments were controlled by: the sedimentary environment, the lithology and initia1 texture of the sediments and by the pedogenic-diagenetic environment in which the transformations occurred. Thus, in the distal alluvial areas (PEL profile the first processes were the formation of thin carbonate laminae and sepiolite, further, these deposits were silicified and later, a spheroidal dolomite is formed on the opaline chert. In lacustnne environments (UPC profile, drying and root activity led to the formation of palustrine carbonates that were silicified, and the initial texture and structure were preserved. The silicification consisted on a pseudomorphic replacement that produced mainly opal whereas quartz was formed mostly by cementation and ageing of previous opal. In both environments, when the silicification occurs on sepiolite, or micrite with sepiolite, atypical microfibrous opal is produced. This replacement can lead to the release of Mg, favounng a later formation of dolomite on the opaline chert, with evidence of bacteria1 activity. Al1 these processes occurred in a shallow phreatic or even vadose environment.Los depósitos distales de los abanicos aluviales arcósicos y también los carbonatos palustres del área de Paracuellos de Jarama presentan rasgos muy específicos debidos a los procesos edáficos y diagenéticos que han sufrido. Los procesos que han afectado a estos sedimentos, y su intensidad, estuvieron controlados por: el ambiente sedimentario, la litología y textura/estructura inicial del material y también por el ambiente pedogénico- diagenético superficial en el que se han desarrollado las transformaciones. Así, en las lutitas de las zonas distales de los abanicos (perfil PEL se forman inicialmente láminas de carbonato edáfico y sepiolita, posteriormente tiene lugar la silicificación y, a continuación, la formación de dolomías esencialmente esferoidales. En ambientes lacustres (perfil UPC, la intensa desecación y la actividad biológica conducen a la formación de calizas palustres que posteriormente se silicifican conservando la textura y estructura. La silicificación es, en gran parte, un reemplazamiento pseudomórfico que origina principalmente ópalo, mientras que el cuarzo se forma por cementación y también por envejecimiento del ópalo. En ambos ambientes, cuando la silicificación se produce sobre arcillas, probablemente sepiolíticas, o sobre carbonatos muy ricos en sepiolita, se generan ópalos atípicos de microestructura fibrosa. Este proceso puede liberar magnesio, que posteriormente puede ser utilizado para la formación de dolomita de posible origen bacteriano sobre el sílex opalino (perfil PEL. Todos estos procesos tuvieron lugar en ambiente freático somero o incluso vadoso.

  6. The return, devolution and deposit systems (RDDS), what do they involve?; Los sistemas de deposito devolucion y retorno (SDDR), Que implican?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanz de Siria Alvarez, L.


    The return, devolution and deposit systems (RDDS), what do they involve?. In this article, we try to clarify these doubts about SDDR (Return, Devolution and Deposit Systems) and show the differences between obligations regarding domestic packages and industrial ones. In addition to this, it is important to know if we are treating pure waste or a re-usable product. One of the most unknown features in the 11/97 Law of Packages and Remainders of Packages are the RDDS. This is because of the large number of obligations and the small area of action that they have. Because of that, application of this system is practically null as an alternative to the integrated management systems (IMS). (Author)

  7. Financial compensation owed to municipalities that host radioactive waste disposal; Compensacao financeira devida aos municipios que hospedem depositos de rejeitos radioativos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Renata Amaral da


    This work aims to perform calculation about the financial compensation due to municipalities with viability for construction of radioactive waste deposits fro, low and medium activity. It was used as methodology the frameweork of normative act in the Resolution n. 96, August 10th, 2010. ('Model of Calculation for Financial Compensation due to Municipalities') where there are establidhed the parameters for the wastes, the facilities and the deployment sites. The calculation was made according with interim storage or definitive disposal of solid wastes, e.e. personal protection equipment (gloves, shoes, masks etc) resins and filters used in waste water treatment from nuclear and radioactivity facilities. SOme examples of countries in which compensation, financial or not, was practiced in favor of municipalities due to construction of waste deposits were sown and in some cases, the way that occurred the negotiation bweween the stakeholders. Were also presented other forms of financial compensation in Brazil due to large-scale industrial activities that result in potential risk for the surrounding population and environment, as oil and natural gas, hydropower plants and mining. Were used the waste inventory designed by RMBN project (Waste Repository of Low and Medium Activity) developed in CDTN (2009) which presents the implementation of a repository for disposal of radioactive waste. Based on these data it was possible to develop a case study, establishing four scenarios for initial/interim storage and final disposal of wastes. The results reached monthly values that ranged from 2,6 to 79,8 thousand Brazilian Reais, from which it was performed a critical analysis of the range of parameters and the apportionment of the amount due. Likewise, these values were compared with the budget revenues of some previously selected municipalities and were examined divergent points in the normative act as well. (author)

  8. Impact of hydrotreaters ammonium chloride salt deposition of refinery operations; Formacao de depositos de sais de amonio em Unidades de Hidrotramento (HDT'S)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandes, Nelmo Furtado; Cunha, Fabiana A; Alvise, Paulo Pio [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Fouling and consequent under deposit corrosion caused by ammonium salts, especially ammonium chloride, have serious impact on the reliability of operation of various process units. In hydrotreating units salt deposition on heat exchanger tubes causes a decrease in heat transfer efficiency, decrease hydrotreating efficiency, increased pressure drops, and corrosion. This paper will discuss the causes of ammonium chloride fouling,methods to help prevent and/or mitigate the fouling, and provide a case history demonstrating the effects of ammonium chloride formations in one refinery operation. (author)

  9. I certificati di deposito nel sistema bancario degli Stati Uniti: esperienze e prospettive. (The CD in American banking: a retrospect and prospect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. HETH


    Full Text Available The negotiable time certificate of deposit (CD has played an important role in the competitive struggle of commercial banks in the US since 1961, enabling them to tap sources of funds they had neglected since the banking reforms of the 1930s. The aggressive employment of the CD has already brought about various changes in banking practices, and may lead to further modifications in the functions performed by commercial banks and in the banking structure. The present article is devoted to the CD phenomenon as it affects the role of commercial banks as financial intermediaries and the structure of the banking industry. The effects of interest rate regulation on the development of the CD as a potential source of funds is also considered. The author concludes that the emergence of the CD, while overcoming some of the barriers to effective competition in the financial markets, has highlighted the continued existence of others.JEL: G21, G23

  10. Optimum geometry for boiler soot blowers nozzles; Geometria optima de toberas para deshollinadores de caldera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinoza Garza, Jesus; Garcia Tinoco, Guillermo J; Martinez Flores, Jose Oscar [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    For boiler soot blowing converging-diverging nozzles are employed, whose function is to convert thermal energy of a gas into kinetic energy to remove the deposits that adhere to the heat exchanger surfaces. In this paper are described the experimental equipment and the methods for flow, dynamic pressure, discharge velocity and air expansion factor calculation in each nozzle, as a function of its design geometry, utilizing air from a five stage centrifugal compressor. The graphic analysis of the results, concludes that the most efficient nozzles are not the ones than develop the greatest velocity, but the ones of highest dynamic pressure at the outlet. The nozzle geometry that allows obtaining the maximum dynamic air pressure at the discharge is A{sub 2}/A{sub g}=1.3676 [Espanol] Para el deshollinado de calderas se utilizan las toberas convergentes-divergentes, cuya funcion es convertir la energia termica de un gas en energia cinetica para remover los depositos que se adhieren a las superficies de intercambio de calor. En este trabajo se describen el equipo experimental y los metodos de calculo para flujo, presion dinamica, velocidad a la descarga y factor de expansion del aire en cada tobera, como funcion de su geometria de diseno. Durante la experimentacion se evaluaron siete disenos diferentes de toberas, empleando aire de un compresor centrifugo de cinco etapas. Del analisis grafico de los resultados, se concluye que las toberas mas eficientes no son las que desarrollan mayor velocidad sino las de mayor presion dinamica de la salida. La geometria de tobera que permite obtener la maxima presion dinamica del aire a la descarga es A{sub 2}/A{sub g} = 1.3676.

  11. Optimum geometry for boiler soot blowers nozzles; Geometria optima de toberas para deshollinadores de caldera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinoza Garza, Jesus; Garcia Tinoco, Guillermo J.; Martinez Flores, Jose Oscar [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    For boiler soot blowing converging-diverging nozzles are employed, whose function is to convert thermal energy of a gas into kinetic energy to remove the deposits that adhere to the heat exchanger surfaces. In this paper are described the experimental equipment and the methods for flow, dynamic pressure, discharge velocity and air expansion factor calculation in each nozzle, as a function of its design geometry, utilizing air from a five stage centrifugal compressor. The graphic analysis of the results, concludes that the most efficient nozzles are not the ones than develop the greatest velocity, but the ones of highest dynamic pressure at the outlet. The nozzle geometry that allows obtaining the maximum dynamic air pressure at the discharge is A{sub 2}/A{sub g}=1.3676 [Espanol] Para el deshollinado de calderas se utilizan las toberas convergentes-divergentes, cuya funcion es convertir la energia termica de un gas en energia cinetica para remover los depositos que se adhieren a las superficies de intercambio de calor. En este trabajo se describen el equipo experimental y los metodos de calculo para flujo, presion dinamica, velocidad a la descarga y factor de expansion del aire en cada tobera, como funcion de su geometria de diseno. Durante la experimentacion se evaluaron siete disenos diferentes de toberas, empleando aire de un compresor centrifugo de cinco etapas. Del analisis grafico de los resultados, se concluye que las toberas mas eficientes no son las que desarrollan mayor velocidad sino las de mayor presion dinamica de la salida. La geometria de tobera que permite obtener la maxima presion dinamica del aire a la descarga es A{sub 2}/A{sub g} = 1.3676.

  12. Evaluation of nickel-rich alloys for the electrolytic generation of hydrogen in an alkaline medium; Evaluacion de aleaciones ricas en niquel para la generacion electrolitica de hidrogeno en medio alcalino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortiz Verdin, A.A.; Ortega Borges, R.; Trejo Cordova, G.; Meas Vong, Y. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, S.C., Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The simultaneous electrodeposition of Ni with metals such as Zn to form alloys enables obtaining surfaces with high electrocatalytic activity or particular characteristics that resist wear and abrasion. This work presents the results of the study of the electrochemical characterization of different types of nickel electrodeposition and compositions, used as cathodes, and measurements of the electrocatalytic activity in the release of hydrogen in an alkaline medium. Curves I through IV were generated, which were potentiostatically obtained in a nitrogen atmosphere in a NaOH alkaline solution. The morphology of the deposits was evaluated with sweep electron micrscopy(SEM). The results enabled evaluating its potential application as electrode materials for the generation of electrolytic hydrogen in alkaline medium, given the good electrocatalytic activity of nickel-rich materials. [Spanish] El electrodeposito simultaneo del Ni, con metales como el Zn para formar aleaciones, permite obtener superficies con elevada actividad electrocatalitica o con caracteristicas particulares de resistencia al desgaste y abrasion. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio de la caracterizacion electroquimica de los electrodepositos a base de niquel de diferente naturaleza y composicion utilizandolos como catodos midiendo la actividad electrocatalitica con respecto a la reaccion de desprendimiento de hidrogeno (RDH) en medio alcalino. Se realizaron curvas I vs V obtenidas potenciostaticamente bajo atmosfera de nitrogeno en una solucion alcalina de NaOH. La morfologia de los depositos se evaluo mediante SEM (microscopio electronico de barrido). Los resultados permiten evaluar su potencial aplicacion como materiales de electrodo para la generacion electrolitica de hidrogeno en medio alcalino, dada la buena actividad electrocatalitica de los materiales ricos en niquel.

  13. Effect of the blades and seals system wear on steam turbine efficiency and power; Efecto del desgaste del sistema de alabes y sellos sobre la eficiencia y potencia de las turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Amezcua, Alfonso; Kubiak Szyszka, Janusz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The implementation of a method for steam turbine evaluation through the measured geometry in the flow channel and its operating conditions, is presented. This method, previously developed, allows the identification and quantification of the power and efficiency loss due to the wear of its elements (worn or bent blades, worn seals, deposits, etc.); the benefit that is obtained is a more precise knowledge on the turbine behavior and a basis is acquired to give priority to the maintenance work, from the stand point of energy utilization. In this paper, the power and efficiency loss of a 300 MW steam turbine is located and evaluated, a sensibility analysis is presented for the typical elements that cause the deterioration of the efficiency in this type of turbines. [Espanol] Se presenta la implementacion de un metodo de evaluacion de turbinas de vapor a partir de la geometria medida del canal de flujo y sus condiciones de operacion. Este metodo, previamente desarrollado, permite identificar y cuantificar las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia debido al desgaste de sus elementos (alabes desgastados o doblados, sellos desgastados, depositos, etcetera); el beneficio que se obtiene es un conocimiento mas preciso del comportamiento de la turbina y que se tiene una base para dar prioridad a los trabajos de mantenimiento desde el punto de vista de aprovechamiento de la energia. En este articulo se localizan y evaluan las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia de una turbina de vapor de 300 MW, ademas, se presenta un analisis de sensibilidad para los elementos tipicos que originan el deterioro de la eficiencia en este tipo de turbinas.

  14. Palinology and stratigraphic sequences of the well ELS-1, Laguna Salada, B.C., Mexico; Palinologia y secuencias estratigraficas del pozo ELS-1, Laguna Salada, B.C., Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helenes Escamilla, Javier [CICESE, Ensenada, B.C. (Mexico)


    Palinological analysis of 16 samples from the well ELS-1 in Laguna Salada, allows recognition of environmental changes in the drilled section. No age assignments are made because of the low diversity of the palinological assemblages recovered. These assemblages include species with ages from Campanian to Pleistocene. The cretaceous forms indicate reworking from a cretaceous unit within the Colorado river drainage basin. Integration of the palinological, lithological and well log data permit the recognition of three main cycles. The lower one is regressive and contains mostly fluvial to deltaic shallow marine sediments. The intermediate cycle is transgressive-regressive, contains the maximum flooding surface of the section studied and represents an interval of strong tectonic movements with well developed marine transgressions. The upper cycle is also transgressive-regressive, with lagoon and distal alluvial fan deposits. [Spanish] El analisis palinologico de 16 muestras del pozo: ELS-1 del proyecto geotermico de Laguna Salada permite reconocer cambios ambientales en la seccion perforada. La baja diversidad de los conjuntos palinologicos recuperados impide determinar edades. Se observan especies indicadoras de edades desde Campaniese hasta Pleistoceno. Las formas cretacicas indican retrabajo de alguna unidad cretacica dentro de la cuenca del rio Colorado. La integracion de datos palinologicos, litologicos y de registros geofisicos, permite reconocer tres ciclos principales. El ciclo inferior es regresivo y contiene principalmente sedimentos fluviales a deltaicos de niveles bajos del mar. El ciclo intermedio, es transgresivo-regresivo, contiene la superficie de inundacion maxima de toda la seccion estudiada y representa una etapa de movimientos tectonicos fuertes con transgresiones marinas bien desarrolladas. El ciclo superior tambien es transgresivo-regresivo, con depositos lagunares y de abanicos aluviales distales.

  15. A magnetic survey of mineral resources in northeastern Cuba

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batista Rodriguez, Jose Alberto [Instituto Superior Minero Metalurgico de Moa (Cuba)


    Interpretation of the aeromagnetic survey of northeastern Cuba at scale 1 50 000 is presented. Mainly ophiolitic rocks are characterized by a high magnetic response. The aeromagnetic data was reduced to the pole and the horizontal and vertical gradients, as well as the upward continuation were calculated. To define areas of serpentinized ultrabasic rocks at surface and depth, the magnetic field transformations were interpreted. We discuss lateral extension of outcrops, thickness variation of the ophiolitic rocks, basement extension and fault zones. Hydrothermal alterations indicate associated precious metal secondary mineralization. Operations are planned to limit damage to mining by siliceous material in Fe+Ni laterites. [Spanish] Cuba, en la cual afloran fundamentalmente rocas ofioliticas caracterizadas por un alto grado de magnetizacion. Los datos aeromagneticos fueron reducidos al polo y luego se realizaron los calculos de gradientes horizontales y verticales y la continuacion analitica ascendente. A partir de los resultados de estas transformaciones se delimitaron zonas donde predominan las rocas ultrabasicas serpentinizadas tanto en superficie como en profundidad, definiendose la extension lateral de estas rocas por debajo de las rocas que afloran en superficie. Tambien se estimaron las variaciones de los espesores de las rocas ofioliticas, el basamento de las rocas que afloran, la presencia de estructuras disyuntivas, y se proponen nuevas estructuras de este tipo. Por ultimo se delimitan las zonas de alteracion hidrotermal, lo cual posee gran importancia, ya que con las mismas se pueden vincular mineralizaciones de metales preciosos. Ademas, su delimitacion en depositos lateriticos permite orientar los trabajos de explotacion minera, teniendo en cuenta el dano que causa al proceso metalurgico la presencia de material silicio en las lateritas Fe+Ni.

  16. Effect of the blades and seals system wear on steam turbine efficiency and power; Efecto del desgaste del sistema de alabes y sellos sobre la eficiencia y potencia de las turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Amezcua, Alfonso; Kubiak Szyszka, Janusz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The implementation of a method for steam turbine evaluation through the measured geometry in the flow channel and its operating conditions, is presented. This method, previously developed, allows the identification and quantification of the power and efficiency loss due to the wear of its elements (worn or bent blades, worn seals, deposits, etc.); the benefit that is obtained is a more precise knowledge on the turbine behavior and a basis is acquired to give priority to the maintenance work, from the stand point of energy utilization. In this paper, the power and efficiency loss of a 300 MW steam turbine is located and evaluated, a sensibility analysis is presented for the typical elements that cause the deterioration of the efficiency in this type of turbines. [Espanol] Se presenta la implementacion de un metodo de evaluacion de turbinas de vapor a partir de la geometria medida del canal de flujo y sus condiciones de operacion. Este metodo, previamente desarrollado, permite identificar y cuantificar las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia debido al desgaste de sus elementos (alabes desgastados o doblados, sellos desgastados, depositos, etcetera); el beneficio que se obtiene es un conocimiento mas preciso del comportamiento de la turbina y que se tiene una base para dar prioridad a los trabajos de mantenimiento desde el punto de vista de aprovechamiento de la energia. En este articulo se localizan y evaluan las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia de una turbina de vapor de 300 MW, ademas, se presenta un analisis de sensibilidad para los elementos tipicos que originan el deterioro de la eficiencia en este tipo de turbinas.

  17. Study of the combined action of gamma radiation and static electric fields in human cells; Estudo da acao combinada de radiacao gama e campo eletrico estatico em celulas humanas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moron, Michelle Mendes


    The basic principle of radiotherapy is the one of maximizing damage to the tumor, while minimizing it in neighboring health tissues. Several strategies have been worked out aiming at increasing cellular radiosensitivity, and among them is the use of exogenous fields. Our goal in this work is the study in human cells of the effect resulting from the association of irradiation with exposure to exogenous static electric fields. The T47D cell line of breast cancer cells was irradiated with gammas in the 0 - 8 Gy doses range. The corresponding survival curve provided information on the radiosensitivity of this cell line. The rate of cell deaths per Gray in the 0 - 8 Gy range exhibited a maximum at 2 Gy, which corresponds to the most efficient irradiation dose. The viability of this T47D cells exposed to both gamma radiation and 1.250 V/cm static electric field (SEF) was about 12% lower than when only irradiated. The sole exposure of the cells to SEF by 24 and 72 hours didn't induce toxicity. Immunofluorescence runs carried out in irradiated normal MRC5 cell line of human lung fibroblast, without and with exposition to a SEF, have quantified the expression of the y- H2AX histone. The amount of phosphorylated histones was approximately 40% higher after irradiation with 2 Gy plus exposure to a SEF by 1 hour, showing that the electric field negatively interfered in the repairing process of the DNA double strand breaks. The flow cytometry analysis with FACS allowed the investigation of a possible interference of radiation and SEF in the cell distributions among the cellular cycle phases. It was found that in T47D cells treated with 1 and 2 Gy by 24 hours the SEF also negatively interfered in the DNA repairing process, as evidenced by the higher accumulation of cells in the S phase. Therefore, it would be possible to conclude that static and exogenous electric fields are able of negatively interfering in the cellular repair and, presumably, in DNA repair. (author)

  18. Solar still with ejector: Experimental phase; Destilador solar con eyector: Fase experimental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales, Juan R; Lopez, Raymundo; Diaz, Alen; Lara, Araceli; Lizardi, Arturo [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    temperatura adecuada se doto al simulador de una resistencia de 500 W. El tirante se selecciono de 5 cm. Para que la resistencia de calefaccion pudiera estar completamente sumergida. La caseta se construyo con paredes de acrilico y la parte superior por dos paneles de vidrio de 3 mm de espesor formando un angulo de 20 grados respecto de la horizontal de modo que se ajuste a la latitud del lugar del ensayo, la Ciudad de Mexico. El eyector tiene una longitud de 25 cm y una seccion transversal de 19 mm; y se monta a lo largo de la caseta cuidando que se posicion quede ligeramente por encima del tirante. El fluido motor, en este caso agua, se hace circular por el eyector por medio de un deposito presurizado con aire. El gasto se regula con una valvula de aguja y cada carga del tanque permite una operacion de 60 min. La presion en el tanque externo al eyector (deposito presurizado) permite desarrollar una carga de 40 m columna de agua. El agua en el colector se lleva a una temperatura uniforme y constante de 40 grados Celsius, se espera que todo el medio del eyector alcance la temperatura senalada y se hace circular agua a 20 grados Celsius por el eyector. La operacion del simulador es intermitente. Los resultados se presentan en una tabla y muestran que el funcionamiento del destilador asistido por el eyector puede ser mejorado en forma notable.

  19. Solid-liquid equilibrium data acquisitions for paraffin systems through thermometry and thermodynamic modeling with modified UNIFAC; Obtencao de dados de equilibrio solido-liquido para sistemas parafinicos via termometria e modelagem termodinamica com UNIFAC modificado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbosa Junior, Wellington; Queiroga, Renan Nobrega Gadelha; Nascimento, Mairon Antonio Hosannah do; Souza, Carlson Pereira de; Chiavone-Filho, Osvaldo [Rio Grande do Norte Univ., Natal, RN (Brazil). Programa de Pos-graduacao em Engenharia Quimica]. E-mail:


    In the petroleum industry a great problem found is the formation of solids during the production, transport and the storage, which are mainly paraffins. It was mainly used the thermometry for determination of paraffin formation, or the solubility of paraffin in the other hydrocarbon solvent as function of the composition. The gas chromatography was used to determine if the system light hydrocarbon and paraffin form solid solution, applying a simplified analytical method with thermostatized filtration and glass syringe. The experimental data obtained was used with the aid of the modified UNIFAC model for representing both the liquid and solid solution phases in equilibrium. (author)

  20. Stress analysis in the last stage blade of a geothermal turbine under different excitation conditions; Analisis de esfuerzos en el alabe de la ultima etapa de turbina geotermica bajo diferentes condiciones de excitacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez Alcazar, Rony Ediberto


    The blades of the steam turbines operate below severe conditions of pressure, temperature and steam flow, and at high rotary speeds too. These excitements generate states of stress, which depending on its magnitude and time of application; they can threaten the structural reliability of these mechanical components. In this work a stress analysis is realized in a blade L-0 of a geothermal turbine of low pressure, by means of the finite element method, by the aim to determine the states of static stress caused by the combined action of the centrifugal force and pressure of system flow, and dynamic stresses caused by the harmonic fluctuation in the steam flow. The analysis is realized under two superficial conditions in the blade: without presence of superficial damage and with presence of erosion in the bottom part of the trailing edge. The combined action of these conditions of stress is evaluated by means of an analysis of fatigue. This allows knowing the influence of the stress calculated, on the useful life of the blade. [Spanish] Los alabes de turbinas de vapor operan bajo condiciones severas de presion, temperatura y flujo de vapor, asi como a altas velocidades rotativas. Estas excitaciones generan estados de esfuerzos, que dependiendo de su magnitud y tiempo de aplicacion, pueden amenazar la confiabilidad estructural de estos componentes mecanicos. En este trabajo se realiza un analisis de esfuerzos en un alabe L-0 de una turbina geotermica de baja presion, mediante el metodo de elemento finito, con el objetivo de determinar los estados de esfuerzos estaticos causados por la accion combinada de la carga por fuerza centrifuga y presion de flujo de vapor, y esfuerzos dinamicos causados por la fluctuacion armonica en el flujo de vapor. El analisis se realiza bajo dos condiciones superficiales en el alabe: sin presencia de dano superficial y con presencia de erosion en la parte inferior del borde de salida. La accion combinada de estos estados de esfuerzos se

  1. Virtual reality in simulation of operational procedures in radioactive waste deposits; Realidade virtual na simulacao de procedimentos operacionais em depositos de rejeitos radioativos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freitas, Victor Goncalves Gloria


    One of the biggest problems in the nuclear area are still the radioactive waste generated in the various applications of this form of energy, all these tailings are stored in warehouses that often are monitored and restructured for better allocation of then. These tailings are stored until it is safe to release into the environment. This work presents a methodology based on virtual reality, for the development of virtual deposits of radioactive waste in order to enable virtual simulations in these deposits. As application will be developed virtually the nuclear waste repository located at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering IEN/CNEN. The development of a virtual warehouse, more specifically, makes it possible to simulate/train the allocation and reallocation of materials with low and medium level of radioactivity, seen the possibility of locomotion of virtual objects and dynamic calculation of the rate of radiation in this environment. Using this methodology it also possible know the accumulated dose, by the virtual character, during the procedures run in the virtual environment. (author)

  2. Valoración ecotoxicológica de algunos de los principales grupos terapéuticos encontrados en depositos SIGRE de oficinas de farmacia

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    Margarita Lobo Alonso


    Full Text Available La protección del medio ambiente es uno de los principales retos de la sociedad actual. Con este objetivo a lo largo de los últimos años, la Unión Europea (UE ha ido aprobando normativas que establecen normas de carácter medioambiental que deben cumplir los medicamentos de uso humano y veterinario para su registro por las agencias reguladoras. Para reducir al máximo posibles impactos negativos sobre el medio ambiente, la industria farmacéutica ha constituido un sistema de gestión exclusivo para los envases de medicamentos, vacíos o con restos, que se generan en los domicilios españoles. El Sistema Integrado de Gestión y Recogida de Envases (SIGRE del sector farmacéutico, es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro creada para la recogida y gestión de los residuos de medicamentos que los ciudadanos generan.En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio piloto sobre los envases depositados por la población en dos oficinas de farmacia situadas en la localidad de Coslada en Madrid, realizando una revisión bibliográfica de los efectos ecotoxicológicos de los grupos terapéuticos más frecuentemente encontrados en los depósitos SIGRE en este estudio.


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    Nelson Moraga B


    Full Text Available Se estudia el transporte de calor y de oxígeno por difusión en pilas de compostajes provenientes de tratamiento de aguas municipales. El modelo 3-D transiente incluye la generación de calor originada por microorganismos y por la descomposición de la celulosa. El sistema de ecuaciones acopladas de difusión de calor y materia se resuelve con el método de volúmenes finitos. Los resultados predicen la variación en el tiempo de la distribución de temperatura y oxígeno. El análisis de los resultados permite proponer un nuevo sistema para el almacenamiento de lodos con el fin de evitar su autoignición.Heat and oxygen transport by diffusion in sewage sludge piles obtained from water treatment is studied. The 3D unsteady mathematical model incorporates the heat generated by microorganisms and by cellulose decomposition. The coupled heat and mass diffusion equations system of partial differential equations is solved by the finite volume method. The results obtained allow predicting the time history of temperature and oxygen concentration distributions. Results analysis suggests a new way to build the solid waste compost piles.

  4. Sedimentologia y paleogeografía de la secuencia de deposito Aptiense inferior (Facies Urgón) en la subcuenca de Las Parras. (Teruel)


    Clariana, M. P.; Meléndez Hevia, Alfonso; Soria, Ana Rosa


    The Lower Aptian D.S. is made up of materials which settled in shallow carbonate ramp enviroments. This sequence shows a retrogradational evolution, that is, from internal to mid ramp enviroments. The vertical evolution of this sequence and its sedimentological features allowed us to differenciate three system tracts (L.S.T, T.S.T and H.S.T). The Low System Tract appears only in the western area of the basin and it consits of facies of typical shallow marine enviroments. Transgressive System ...

  5. Superficial characterization and zircaloy-2 electrochemistry with hydrothermal deposit of platinum; Caracterizacion superficial y electroquimica de zircaloy-2 con deposito hidrotermal de platino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras R, A.; Arganis J, C. R.; Medina A, A. L. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Gris C, M. M., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Carretera Cardel-Nautla Km 42.5, Alto Lucero, Veracruz (Mexico)


    The combustible elements of the boiling water nuclear reactors (BWR) are formed by zircaloy-2 tubes that contain in their interior UO{sub 2} pellets. With the objective of mitigating the speed of crack growth by IGSCC to a minimum negative impact on the BWR operation, General Electric developed the noble metals chemical addition (NMCA), in where noble metals particles as Pt, Pd, and Rh, are deposited on the surface of the metal to catalyze the recombination of H{sub 2} and O{sub 2}. Hydrogen is also injected to have it in excess and to favor this recombination (HWC) and zinc to reduce dose. In this work was oxidized zircaloy-2 low similar conditions to the HWC, platinum was deposited starting from a solution of Na{sub 2}Pt(OH){sub 6} with 30 ppm of Pt, in refined samples and without polishing, they were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersed spectroscopy, XPS and electrochemistry, by means of Tafel curves and cyclical polarization. On the zircaloy surface was found a ZrO{sub 2} layer that remains under the different study conditions. Under HWC conditions is the oxides formation, possibly complex oxides of zirconium, iron and tin. After the platinum deposit these oxides decrease forming the sub-oxides: Zr{sub 2}O, Zr O, Zr{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The Tafel curves indicates the reduction of the oxygen of the sample with platinum and the cyclical polarization curves show that the reactions that happen on the zircaloy electrodes are not dur to located corrosion. (Author)


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    Ícaro Agostino


    Full Text Available A tendência mundial de ênfase na saúde e nos benefícios que os ingredientes alimentícios nutritivos podem trazer para a qualidade de vida aconselha o uso de farinhas mistas para promover a formulação de alimentos mais saudáveis, rico em fibras e outros componentes que o caracterizam como alimento funcional. O presente estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo coletar informações a respeito de técnicas de extrusão para obtenção de “snacks” enriquecidos, relacionando com os documentos de patentes depositados, bem como estabelecer quais os países detentores desta tecnologia. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir da associação de códigos da Classificação Internacional de Patentes com palavras-chave sobre o tema, no banco de dados Espacenet, resultando em 70 patentes. As informações encontradas foram compiladas em gráficos e discutidas. O uso desta tecnologia foi evidenciado principalmente na China, uma vez que o Brasil não tem tradição no consumo de “snacks” e ainda busca recursos no concernente a inovação. O Brasil não possui patentes associadas a produção de “snacks”. A matéria prima mais utilizada foi a farinha de trigo, seguindo o polvilho. O deposito das patentes começaram a partir dos anos 80 e vem crescendo. Diante do cenário analisado, pode-se observar a crescente tendência mundial desta tecnologia e sua promissora associação ao enriquecimento de alimentos utilizando o processo de extrusão e as microalgas.


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    Sri Murdiati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kesehatan bank dilihat dari kategori CAMEL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus di PD BPR BKK Banjarharjo.Dalam menguji hipotesis digunakan alat analisis CAMEL. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu modal pada 2008 sampai 2010 termasuk dalam kriteria sehat. ROA meningkat 2008 sampai 2010 dengan kriteria sehat bagi biaya operasional yang dikeluarkan oleh pendapatan operasional yang seimbang. Rasio Kas tahun 2008 sampai 2010 termasuk dalam kriteria sehat berarti bank memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola asset yang digunakan untuk membayar kewajiban. LDR mengalami tren yang signifikan selama tahun 2008 sampai 2010 sehingga dana yang diterima bank untuk meningkatkan baik tabungan, deposito berjangka, modal inti, yang berarti kemampuan bank untuk meningkatkan penyaluran kredit, IRR menunjukan nilai positif dalam menghadapi resiko pasar.Pengembangan tingkat kesehatan pada tahun 2008 sampai 2010 untuk komponen Capital, Assets, Laba dan Likuiditas meningkat. The goal of this research is to analyze the healtiness of banks seen from CAMEL category. The research applied a case study in PD BPR BKK Banjarharjo. The hypotheses tested using CAMEL analysis tools. The result of the study is that the modal used 2008 until 2010 is consideredin a healthy criteria. The increasing ROA in 2008 until 2010 is considered healthy criteria for operational expenses incurred by the operating income. Such condition meant that the banks are able to manage the assets which are used to pay the obligations. The significant increasing of LDR over the years 2008 until 2010 makes the received funds by the bank to increase the savings deposits, time deposits and the core capital. As the recunts, the banks are able to increase credit disstribution. More over, the IRR showed a positive values in the face of market risks and the development of healthy levels in 2008 until 2010 for the components of Capital, Assets, Earnings and


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    Afif Amirillah


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out the factors that can cause the efficiency value difference of Islamic Banking in In-donesia. The data at this research is monetary data of Islamic Banking. It was obtained from Bank of Indonesia. Then, it was divided into input and output variables. The determination of input output variables at this research uses Value Added Approach. Its input output variables consist of Demand Deposits, Saving Deposits, Time Depo-sits, Paid -In Capital, Placement at Bank ofIndonesia, Inter Bank Assets, Mudharabah, Musyara kah, Murabahah, Istishna, Ijarahand Qardh. This research used Data Envelopment Analysis method. This method has a strength that is having the capability to measure inefficiency input output variables, so that, the variable can have the efficiency. This research has resulted Islamic Banking efficiency in Indonesia, but it does not include BPRS. The mean efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia is 99,94%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari faktor –faktor penyebab perbedaan nilai efisiensiperbankan syariah di Indo-nesia yang dibandingkan secara relatif untuk setiap periode. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggu-nakan data keuangan perbankan syariah yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia kemudian dibagi menjadi variabel input dan output. Penentuan variabel input dan output pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Value Added Approach. Variabel input outputnyaterdiri dari : Giro iB, Tabungan iB, Deposito iB, Modal disetor, Pen-empatan padaBank Indonesia, Penempatan pada bank lain, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah,Istishna, Ijarah dan Qardh. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis yang mempunyai kel-ebihan dalam menghitung efisiensi untuk setiap variabel input outputyang mengalami inefisiensi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indoenesia (tidak termasuk BPRS. Efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indonesia mengalami efisiensi rata-rata sebesar 99,94%.


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    Najeeb Zada


    Full Text Available The recent financial crisis resulted destructive effects on finance industry. Islamic financial industry (IFI is still naïve and largely untested in the face of a major financial turmoil. Major issues and uncertainties of the insolvency of IFI include the issue of moral hazard, government bailouts, excessive risk taking and deposit insurance. This paper addresses the issue of crisis management in IFI from the perspective of al-Siyasah al-Shar’iyyah and attempts to derive public policy guidelines that are useful in developing a timely and efficient crises management framework for Islamic finance industry. By using qualitative methods, the study found that the global financial crisis resulted in great destruction of financial institution. Although Islamic finance was quite immune to the global crisis as compared to its conventional peer, concerns still exist. It is time that Islamic finance industry learns from the financial woes of the rest of the world. =========================================== Krisis keuangan baru-baru ini mengakibatkan efek destruktif pada industri keuangan. Industri keuangan Islam (IKI masih naif dan sebagian besar belum teruji dalam menghadapi gejolak keuangan besar. Isu utama dan ketidakpastian dari kebangkrutan IKI meliputi moral hazard, dana talangan pemerintah, pengambilan risiko yang berlebihan dan asuransi deposito. Makalah ini membahas isu manajemen krisis dalam IKI dari perspektif al-Siyasah al-Shar'iyyah dan berusaha mendapatkan pedoman kebijakan publik yang bermanfaat dalam mengembangkan kerangka kerja manajemen krisis yang tepat waktu dan efisien bagi IKI. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, studi ini menemukan bahwa krisis keuangan global mengakibatkan kehancuran besar bagi industri keuangan. Meskipun keuangan Islam cukup kebal terhadap krisis global dibandingkan dengan keuangan konvensional, kekhawatiran masih ada. Sudah saatnya industri keuangan Islam belajar dari krisis keuangan dari seluruh dunia.

  10. Synthesis of polyisoprene and its evaluation as reducer of flow loss temperature of paraffinic drilling fluid; Sintese de poliisopreno e sua avaliacao como redutor da temperatura de perda de fluidez de fluido de perfuracao parafinico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palermo, Luiz Carlos; Pires, Renata V.; Sant' Anna, Monica; Cardoso, Jaciene J.F.; Lucas, Elizabete F. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/ Instituto de Macromoleculas/ Laboratorio de Macromoleculas e Coloides na Industria de Petroleo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)], e-mail:


    N-paraffin fluids are widely used in drilling oil wells. However, under low temperature, such as those found in deep water, they lose their ability to flow due to solidification of paraffins. In order to keep the fluid flowing, isoparaffins are added to fluids. Nevertheless, the safety of the process is affected, due to its low flash point, especially during the storage in platforms offshore. This paper aims to obtain polymeric additives that can reduce the flow loss temperature of the n-paraffin fluid, replacing the isoparaffin, without affecting its rheological properties. So, oligomers/polymers based on isoprene were synthesized and the rheological behavior of the products and their mixtures with n-paraffin, as a function of decreasing temperature, was evaluated. Products from chemical degradation of natural rubber (NR) were also evaluated. The results showed that samples presenting relatively low molar mass, about 5,000 g/mol, exhibited good performance. When obtaining product by polymerization, a chain transfer agent must be used. (author)

  11. Impact of hydrotreaters ammonium chloride salt deposition of refinery operations; Formacao de depositos de sais de amonio em Unidades de Hidrotramento (HDT'S)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandes, Nelmo Furtado; Cunha, Fabiana A.; Alvise, Paulo Pio [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Fouling and consequent under deposit corrosion caused by ammonium salts, especially ammonium chloride, have serious impact on the reliability of operation of various process units. In hydrotreating units salt deposition on heat exchanger tubes causes a decrease in heat transfer efficiency, decrease hydrotreating efficiency, increased pressure drops, and corrosion. This paper will discuss the causes of ammonium chloride fouling,methods to help prevent and/or mitigate the fouling, and provide a case history demonstrating the effects of ammonium chloride formations in one refinery operation. (author)

  12. Design of a chamber for deposit of thin films by laser ablation; Diseno de una camara para el deposito de peliculas delgadas por ablacion laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chirino O, S


    The present work has as purpose to design a vacuum chamber, to the one that is denominated chamber of ablation, in which were carried out deposits of thin films using the well-known technique as laser ablation. To fulfill the purpose, the work has been distributed in the following way: in the chapter 1 there are discussed the generalities of the technique of ablation laser for the obtaining of materials in form of thin film, in the chapter 2 the basic concepts of the vacuum technology are mentioned that includes among other things, systems to produce vacuum and vacuum gages and in the chapter 3 the design of the chamber is presented with the accessories and specific systems. (Author)

  13. Gravity flow deposits of the Maceio Formation - Alagoas Basin, NE of Brazil; Depositos de fluxos gravitacionais da Formacao Maceio - Bacia de Alagoas, NE do Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arienti, Luci Maria [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES). Gerencia de Sedimentologia e Petrologia]. E-mail:


    This work deals with the Aptian rift section of Maceio Formation (Albian), Alagoas Basin, Northeast of Brazil, using data from outcrops and wells (Tabuleiro dos Martins Field). Studies of facies, process, depositional systems, facies tract and sequences were performed to characterize hyperpicnal turbidities; of which sediments were directly input by catastrophic river floods. Sequence stratigraphy concepts can be used for rift-section analysis, considering the concept of - climate systems tracts - and the result is an excellent correlation between deposit types and climate conditions. Transgressive system tracts (TTS) related to humid periods represent phases of high siliciclastic input into the basin, resulting on sandstone turbidity sequences, typically enriched by continental organic matter. In contrast, later high stand system tracts (LHST), corresponding to arid conditions, are dominated by muddy lacustrine deposits, enriched by algalic organic matter and showing mud cracks. Locally, low stand system tracts (LST) dominated by evaporites are found in restricted areas. Climate and tectonics were the main controlling factors of the architecture and frequency of the sequences. This study showed that an integrated approach, using outcrops and subsurface data, is a powerful tool to understand facies and depositional process, sequences and their stacking pattern on continental- rift deposits. (author)

  14. Radiation protection in transference of radioactive wastes among buildings of an intermediary deposit; Radioprotecao na transferencia de rejeitos radioativos entre edificios de um deposito intermediario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitake, Malvina Boni; Suzuki, Fabio Fumio, E-mail: mbmitake@ipen.b, E-mail: ffsuzuki@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/-CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Gerencia de Radioprotecao


    This paper describes the planning of radioprotection realized for transfer operation of radioactive wastes from two old buildings for a one of the new buildings. For planning purposes the operation was divided into nine stages and, for evaluation of collective dose, it was considered various relevant factors. The result of radioprotection optimization it was expected a total collective dose of 58.6 mSv per person. The measured dose per dosemeter of direct reading was of 3.9 mSv per person. These difference among the values is due to conservative factors used in the calculation

  15. Characterization of the voltage control systems and speed of a synchronous machine of high power for short circuit testing; Caracterizacion de los sistemas de control de voltaje y velocidad de una maquina sincrona de alta potencia para pruebas de corto circuito

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Segura Ozuna, Victor Octavio; Hernandez Rodriguez, Isaura Victoria; Alcaide Godinez, Indira Xochiquetzal; Garduno Ramirez, Raul; Montero Cervantes, Julio Cesar [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Ruiz Rodriguez, Genaro; Martinez Torres; Ricardo [CFE-LAPEM, Irapuato, Guanajuato (Mexico)


    electricos, segun lo requiere la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) en Mexico. La GCC opera alternativamente como motor y generador; al operar como motor, el control de velocidad durante el arranque, la aceleracion, la reaceleracion y el frenado se llevan a cabo mediante un convertidor de frecuencia estatico (CFES). De modo complementario, el controlador de voltaje maneja la potencia de excitacion para controlar el voltaje de terminal cuando la GCC opera como generador y regula la corriente de excitacion cuando la GCC opera como motor. En comparacion con los sistemas de regulacion de voltaje.

  16. Theorical and experimental study of the induced forces by the mixed, divergent, convergent and straight labyrinth of seal systems on the steam turbines, gas turbines and compressor rotors; Estudio teorico-experimental de las fuerzas inducidas por los sistemas de sellos de laberinto rectos, convergentes, divergentes y mixtos sobre los rotores de turbinas de vapor, turbinas de gas y compresores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salazar San Andres, Octavio Ramon


    demuestran que el modelo es capaz de dar una vision cualitativa y cuantitativa de las fuerzas y los coeficientes de rigidez y amortiguamiento de los sellos de laberinto con las geometrias antes mencionadas, tanto para el rotor estatico como en operacion. Por otra parte se recomienda llevar a cabo mas experimentacion con equipo instalado en plantas termoelectricas y en especial en turbinas de vapor con capacidades iguales o superiores a los 300 MW, donde las altas presiones y los sellos localizados en la parte superior de los alabes, vuelven mas susceptibles a las maquinas para autoinducir vibraciones subsincronas.

  17. Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere - sezione lavoro Ord. 17 marzo 2013, dr Martorana S contro SSC s.r.l.

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    Calogero Massimo Cammalleri


    Full Text Available Lavoro (controversie – licenziamento intimato dopo ­l'entrata in vigore della legge n. 183 del 2010 - termine di 270 giorni per il deposito del ricorso – applicabilità – proroga del primo termine di impugnazione di 60 giorni di cui al d.l. n. 225 del 2010 – inapplicabi­lità* Lavoro (controversie – area della tutela obbligatoria - licenziamento intimato prima del­l'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012 - giudizio in­staurato successivamen­te – nuovo rito - applicabilità.* Lavoro (rapporto – licenziamento intimato prima del­l'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012 – giudizio in­staurato successivamente – art. 18 nuovo testo – applicabilità – esclusione.* Benché l'art. 2, co. 54 D.L. 29 dicembre 2010, n. 225 abbia differito al 31 dicembre 2011 l'efficacia della modifica del primo comma dell'art. 6 legge n. 604 del 1966 - relativa al termi­ni di decadenza di 60 giorni per la impugnazione con qualsiasi atto scritto, anche extragiudi­ziale, idoneo a rendere nota la volontà del lavoratore di impugnare il licenziamento stesso - in ragione dell'espressa limitazione dell'ambito di applicazione della proroga al solo predetto termine di sessanta giorni ed al solo primo comma dell'art. 6 legge n. 604 del 1966, sia invece, efficace la previsione del termine decadenziale dei 270 giorni per l'impugnativa giudiziale dei licenziamenti già assoggettati all'applicazione del termine decadenziale di 60 giorni. Alla controversia di impugnazione del licenziamento, il cui ricorso sia stato depositato suc­cessivamente all'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012, si applica il nuovo rito speciale, ancorché il licenziamento sia sia perfezionato in data anteriore.* Alla controversia di impugnazione del licenziamento intimato prima dell'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012, ancorchè regolata dal nuovo rito speciale, continua il testo dell'art. 18 della legge n. 300 del 1970 vigente alla data di intimazione

  18. Preparation of Impervious Pyrolytic Carbon Coatings and Application to Dispersed Fuels; Preparation de revetements de carbone pyrolytique etanches - applications aux combustibles disperses; Prigotovlenie nepronitsaemogo uglerodnogo piroliticheskogo pokrytiya dlya dispergirovannogo topliva; Preparacion de revestimientos estancos de carbono piroutico: aplicacion a los combustibles nucleares dispersos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auriol, A.; David, C. [Battelle Memorial Institute, Geneve (Switzerland); Fillatre, A.; Kurka, G.; Le Boulbin, E.; Rappeneau, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique (France)


    A method of depositing pyrolytic carbon, which adheres well to a graphite support and is gas-tight, was developed and the physical properties of the deposit were evaluated. The fluidized bed technique was used in applying this method of coating to fissile granules of uranium oxide and uranium carbide. After explaining the conditions for coating the granules, the authors examined their macrostructure, microstructure and permeability. Their behaviour at high temperature was investigated with a view to using them in a reactor. (author) [French] Une methode de deposition de carbone pyrolydque adherant bien au graphite support et etanche aux gaz a ete mise au point. Les proprietes physiques du depot ont ete evaluees. Cette methode de revetement a ete transposee a des granules fissiles d'oxyde et de carbure d'uranium en utilisant la technique du lit fluidise. Apres avoir precise les conditions de revetement de ces granules, on etudie leur macrostructure, leur microstructure, ainsi que leur permeabilite. Le comportement de ces granules a haute temperature a ete examine en vue de leur utilisation eventuelle dans un reacteur. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han elaborado un metodo para depositar carbono pirolitico que se adhiere fuertemente al soporte de grafito y es estanco a los gases. Han determinado las propiedades de dicho deposito. Este metodo de revestimiento fue aplicado a granulos fisionables de oxido y de carburo de uranio, utilizando la tecnica del lecho fluidificado. Despues de determinar las condiciones en que se efectua el revestimiento de esos granulos, los autores estudiaron su macroestructura y su microestructura, asi como su permeabilidad. Examinaron tambien su comportamiento a temperatura elevada, con miras a utilizarlos oportunamente en los reactores. (author) [Russian] Razrabotan metod osazhdeniya piroliticheskogo ugleroda, khorosho pokryvayushchego grafitovuyu osnovu s polucheniem nepronitsaemogo dlya gazov pokrytiya. Otseneny fizicheskie svojstva

  19. Campania: territorio e città di fronte alla sfida della logistica

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    Giuseppe Mazzeo


    Full Text Available All’interno del sistema territoriale meridionale la Regione Campania si presenta come un polo importante nel settore del trasporto e dello smistamento delle merci. Questo ruolo si è venuto rinforzando in seguito alla realizzazione di infrastrutture dedicate alla logistica, connesse ad infrastrutture di supporto. Il sistema campano presenta punte di eccellenza di livello nazionale che possono incentivare il ruolo della Regione in questo settore, ma presenta anche fattori negativi che possono rallentare il decollo del settore. Si fa riferimento alle strozzature infrastrutturali e gestionali che ne inceppano l’efficienza, ma anche alla debolezza del sistema produttivo regionale che non garantisce una massa critica locale alla logistica campana. Un terzo aspetto è la mancanza di un chiaro disegno di programmazione degli investimenti e una maggiore chiarezza dei ruoli da assegnare alle diverse iniziative, nate soprattutto sulla base di spinte localistiche non coordinate. Il paper analizza la situazione della logistica territoriale in Campania e delle sue interrelazioni territoriali individuando punti di forza e di debolezza e potenziali fattori evolutivi. Gli aspetti della logistica che vengono affrontati sono di tipo territoriale e si differenziano da quelli della logistica urbana per la quantità di merci movimentate e per la concentrazione in pochi poli strategici, in quanto queste piattaforme logistiche richiedono attrezzature specializzate e ampi spazi per la movimentazione e il deposito. L’analisi del rapporto tra territorio e logistica individua quelli che sono i principali elementi di interconnessione e, spesso, di crisi, nell’uso dello spazio fisico, in ragione degli obiettivi a volte divergenti tra il governo del territorio ed i soggetti economici. Si passa successivamente ad analizzare lo stato del movimento merci in relazione alla portualità mediterranea e lo stato del sistema logistico campano (non ancora definito in tutte le

  20. {sup 210}Pb as tracer of environmental processes; El {sup 210}Pb como trazador de procesos ambientales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia-Orellana, Jordi [Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain); Sanchez-Cabeza, Joan-Albert [Organismo Internacional de la Energia Atomica, Vienna (Austria); Medio Marino, Laboratorios del [Monaco


    {sup 210}Pb is a radionuclide naturally occurring radioactive belonging to the chain of {sup 238}U. Its half-life is T{sub 1/2} = 22.23 {+-} 0.12 yr. There is some discrepancy in the order of 0.1% of this value and, therefore, not significantly affect the results of the chronology, affected by sources of much greater uncertainty. Assuming that {sup 210}Pb can be detected up to about 5 times its half-life, we can expect that {sup 210}Pb can provide useful information for the last 100 years or so, although this depends on the analytical techniques used and the precision of the assay. {sup 210}Pb plays an important role in the study of the environment as it is present in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. This tracer has been used successfully in the study of biogeochemical processes in the oceans, atmospheric deposition and anthropogenic pollution, sedimentary processes and sediment geochronology. [Spanish] El {sup 210}Pb es un radionuclido de origen natural perteneciente a la cadena radiactiva del {sup 238}U. Su periodo de semidesintegracion es de T{sub 1/2} = 22.23 {+-} 0.12 yr. Existen ciertas discrepancias del orden del 0.1% sobre este valor y, por lo tanto, no afectan de forma relevante a los resultados de la cronologia, afectada por fuentes de incertidumbre mucho mayores. Asumiendo que el {sup 210}Pb puede ser detectado hasta unas 5 veces su periodo de semidesintegracion, podemos esperar que el {sup 210}Pb pueda proporcionar informacion util durante los ultimos 100 anos aproximadamente, si bien esto depende de las tecnicas analiticas utilizadas y la precision del ensayo. El {sup 210}Pb juega un papel importante en el estudio del medio ambiente ya que esta presente tanto en la atmosfera, la litosfera y la hidrosfera. Este trazador de procesos ambientales ha sido utilizado con exito en el estudio de procesos biogeoquimicos en los oceanos, deposito atmosferico y contaminacion antropogenica, procesos sedimentarios y geocronologia de sedimentos.

  1. Deposit of bilayers of LiNiO{sub 2}/alumina by laser ablation; Deposito de bicapas de LiNiO{sub 2}/alumina por ablacion laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez I, J.; Escobar A, L.; Camps, E. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Camacho L, M.E. [UAEM, Facultad de Quimica, 50000 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    Thin films of lithium nickel oxide (LiNiO{sub 2}) were deposited on silicon substrates at two substrate temperatures: ambient temperature and 165 C ; varying in each case the fluence from 3 up to 20 J/cm{sup 2}. The used target got ready starting from the solid state reaction between NiO and Li{sub 2}O this last in excess of 50% in weight, with the purpose of obtaining stoichiometric LiNiO{sub 2}. Later to the deposit it was carried out a thermal treatment to all the films at 300 C by 2 hours, with the purpose of improving the crystalline structure of the deposited material. The deposits were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, showing for all the films a wide band with a maximum approximately in 550 cm{sup -1} for the deposits not thermally treated and in 500 cm{sup -1} for the deposits with thermal treatment. Bilayers of LiNiO{sub 2}/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} were deposited, to be used as cathode material in rechargeable micro batteries, those results of the Raman spectroscopy didn't show variation in the intensity, position and wide of the band shown for the LiNiO{sub 2}. On the other hand the deposits were also analyzed by infrared spectroscopy with the purpose of confirming the Raman results. (Author)

  2. Electrolytic installation in order to obtain deuterium and to fill the pressure deposits; Instalacion electrolitica para la obtencion de deuterio y llenado de depositos a preseion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cordero Lopez, F; Tanarro Sanz, A


    In order to obtain deuterium to feed the ion sources of the accelerators an easy and automatic electrolytic installation has been prepared. this installation and a small compressor designed and constructed for this purpose permit to fill deposits of 1 or 2 liters capacity with deuterium, till a 4 atmosphere pressure in few hours of operation. The electrolytic cell has V shape and permits operation with 3 cc heavy water only as it has small dead volume; the electrodes are platinum and as electrolyte an OH Na solution in a proportion of 15 w/o is used. (Author) 3 refs.

  3. Deposit of thin films of nitrided amorphous carbon using the laser ablation technique; Deposito de peliculas delgadas de carbono amorfo nitrurado utilizando la tecnica de ablacion laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rebollo, P.B.; Escobar A, L.; Camps C, E. [Departamento de Fisica, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, C.P. 52045 Salazar, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Haro P, E.; Camacho L, M.A. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa (Mexico); Muhl S, S. [Instituto de Investigacion en Materiales, UNAM (Mexico)


    It is reported the synthesis and characterization of thin films of amorphous carbon (a-C) nitrided, deposited by laser ablation in a nitrogen atmosphere at pressures which are from 4.5 x 10 {sup -4} Torr until 7.5 x 10 {sup -2} Torr. The structural properties of the films are studied by Raman spectroscopy obtaining similar spectra at the reported for carbon films type diamond. The study of behavior of the energy gap and the ratio nitrogen/carbon (N/C) in the films, shows that the energy gap is reduced when the nitrogen incorporation is increased. It is showed that the refraction index of the thin films diminish as nitrogen pressure is increased, indicating the formation of graphitic material. (Author)

  4. Preparation of coherent deposits of metallic titanium and zirconium by fused salts electrolysis. Preparacion de depositos coherentes de titanio y circonio metalicos por electrolisis de sales fundidas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perillo, P.M.; Botbol, J. (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Departamento de Desarrollo de Procesos, Buenos Aires (Argentina))


    The production of coherent deposits of metallic titanium and zirconium bath composition and operating conditions were studied. The cathode was a striated iron cylinder and a graphite crucible served as anode. K[sub 2]TiF[sub 6] and K[sub 2]ZrF[sub 6] dissolved in fused NaCl at 800 degree centigree may be electrolyzed under an insert gas atmosphere. It was found that the deposits depend on the electrolytic composition of the bath while other variables in the studied values do not influence significantly. (Author) 11 refs.

  5. Quantitative physic behavior of fine soils: collapsible aeolian and expansive residual; Comportamiento fisico cuantitativo de los suelos finos: eolicos colapsibles y residuales expansivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeevaert-Wiechers, L. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    apoyan sobre ellos. De ahi la necesidad de conocer los parametros cuantitativos que rigen el comportamiento estatico y dinamico de este tipo de suelos en relacion con los cambios ambientales de humedad. La investigacion basica es importante y necesaria en mecanica de suelos e ingenieria de cimentaciones, y debera efectuarse en los diferentes tipos de suelos que se encuentran en la naturaleza. Se muestran las curvas de compresibilidad de sedimentos eolicos finos, asi como curva de colapsos por hidratacion de suelo tipo loessial. Se presenta una figura de la relacion de colapsos, de esfuerzos y finalmente se da una tabla de los elementos.

  6. Superficial characterization by XP S of silver nanoparticles and their hydrothermal deposit over zircaloy; Caracterizacion superficial por XPS de nanoparticulas de plata y su deposito hidrotermal sobre zircaloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras R, A.; Gutierrez W, C.; Martinez M, I.; Medina A, A. L., E-mail: [ININ, Departamento de Tecnologia de Materiales, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The analysis technique of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XP S) is sensitive exclusively to the first layers of the solids surface, which allows obtaining information about the chemical, physical and electronic properties of them. The combustible elements of the boiling water nuclear reactors (BWR) are formed by zircaloy pipes that contain in their interior pellets or uranium dioxide. In this work is studied the zircaloy surface, oxidized zircaloy under similar conditions to those of a reactor BWR type and oxidized zircaloy with a hydrothermal deposit of silver nanoparticles and zinc. The silver deposit is a proposal of the Materials Technology Department of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ) in Mexico, which has the same objective that the noble metals deposit (Pt, Pd, and Rh) that is practiced in some of the reactors BWR, in order to mitigating the speed of crack growth for IGSCC in stainless steels 304 Ss. (Author)

  7. Storm water detention tanks in Barcelona; Los depositos de retencion de aguas pluviales de Barcelona: un nuevo enfoque en la lucha contra las inundaciones y la proteccion medioambiental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pere Malgrat i Bregolat, P.; Verdejo, J. M.; Vilalta i Cambra, A.


    Storm water detention tanks are being implemented at first as a solution to the urban flooding problem and afterwards a second function was added to reduce the pollution of the sewerage waters before its overflow to the receiving bodies because these spills can contribute with up to 50% of the total pollution spilled. These solutions are often cheaper and have less impact on the urban activities than the classical solutions such as trunk sewers. In Spain, Barcelona was the first city to build this tanks to avoid flooding and also to reduce the contamination to the receiving waters, with a total volume of 492.200 m''3, operated by Clavegueram de Barcelona (Clabsa). These works have meant a big improvement in the management of the wet weather flows in Barcelona. These tanks have increased the capacity of the sewerage system and decreased the combined sewer overflows to the receiving waters (Besos river and Mediterranean sea). Another advantage is the protection of WWTP against flow variations. The environmental improvement achieved with the tanks is so hug that can even reduce the contamination spilled to the receiving waters around 30% and avoid the destruction of some ecosystems. Also, the contaminated sediments trapped in the detention tank are sen to to the WWTP so the don't reach the receiving waters. Also. the urban space close to the relieving waters are becoming more appreciated for leisure so the recovery and protection of these waters is a must. (Author)

  8. Argentine regulatory experience concerning radiation protection in industrial gammagraphy; Experiencia regulatoria argentina en gammagrafia industrial en materia de radioproteccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ermacora, Marcela G [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Industrial gammagraphy has always been responsible for the highest rates of radiological incidents in almost every part of the world. This is mainly due to the high activities of the radioactive sources used, which are constantly transported in the equipment that contains them between the storage and the areas of work, and is also due to workload pressures which may induce to negligence in following the operational procedures, if a strong Safety Culture does not exist. The purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of the Argentine Regulations relating to radiation protection to control this practice and to contribute in this way to reduce the associated risks. In addition, some incidents occurred in Argentina during the latest years, the causes that led to those events and their relation to the in observance of the regulations in force, their consequences and the measures taken to repair them are described. Finally, the importance of the role that education and training has in the strengthening of Safety Culture, key element of all undertaking, is highlighted. (author) [Spanish] La gammagrafia industrial siempre fue responsable de los mayores indices de accidentes radiologicos en casi todo el mundo. Esto se debe principalmente a las altas actividades de las fuentes radiactivas utilizadas, las cuales son transportadas constantemente en los equipos que las contienen entre el deposito y las areas de trabajo, y a presiones de carga de trabajo que pueden inducir a descuidos en el seguimiento de los procedimientos de operacion, si no existe una Cultura de la Seguridad arraigada. El proposito de este trabajo es presentar los aspectos principales de la reglamentacion argentina en materia de radioproteccion para controlar esta practica y de esta manera contribuir a reducir los riesgos asociados. Asimismo, se describen algunos incidentes ocurridos en argentina durante los ultimos anios, las causas que condujeron a dichos sucesos y su relacion con el incumplimiento

  9. Nuclear magnetic resonance system with continuous flow of polarized water to obtain the traceability to static magnetic fields; Sistema de ressonancia magnetica nuclear com fluxo continuo de agua polarizada para obtencao da rastreabilidade para campos magneticos estaticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Ramon Valls; Nazarre, Diego Joriro, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    We have developed a system to obtain the traceability of field or magnetic induction intensity in the range of 2 μT up to 2 T, even in the presence of magnetic field gradients or noisy environments. The system is based on a nuclear magnetic resonance magnetometer, built in streaming water. The calibration procedure of a coil for magnetic field generation is described, as well as the results obtained and the estimated uncertainty (author)

  10. Factors influencing the organic matter extraction from the coal by using the process of liquefaction in static system; Fatores que influenciam a extracao da materia organica do carvao mineral atraves do processo de liequefacao em sistema estatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assis, Livia Mari; Lancas, Fernando Mauro


    This work describes the liquefaction process for extraction of the organic matter from coal, presently researched in Brazil, particularly with supercritical fluids. The extraction can be a future economically viable and environmentally correct alternative for supplying the emerging necessities of fuels, pharmaceuticals and chemicals sources.

  11. Seagulls control method by falcons in sanitary landfills in Coll Cardus (Spain); Gestion de la poblaciond e gaviotas en el deposito controlado de Coll Cardus mediante el empleo de halcones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    AlvarezmBlanco, H.


    A seagull control method through falconry in the engineered landfill of HERA-TRATESA in Barcelona is presented. First, the general problem of vectors is approached, followed by seagull monitoring. Previously used means of scaring seagulls are compared to the present one, in which trained hawks are used. The gull's characteristic behaviour, which makes them so difficult to manage, is used as a means of forcing them to categorise the landfill as an uninteresting feeding zone. The different phases of this initiative are commented on. A period of around three weeks is usually enough to change the seagulls' global behaviour. (Author) 9 refs.

  12. Design and fabrication of a chamber for the deposit of thin films by laser ablation; Diseno y fabricacion de una camara para el deposito de peliculas delgadas por ablacion laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chirino O, S.; Escobar A, I.; Camps C, E.; Garcia E, J.I. [Departamento de Fisica, ININ, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The laser ablation technique is an alternative for the obtention of thin films which is less expensive, more reliable, efficient and with some advantages with respect to conventional processes. On of the most important components which forms a laser ablation system is the vacuum chamber, that has as general purposes the following: a) To carry out studies about plasma such as optical emission spectroscopy and measurements by deflectometry. b) To carry out an In situ monitoring about the film growth through the reflectivity measurements of the combination substrate-film. c) To deposit thin films of different materials such as oxides, carbon, metals, etc. In this work it is showed how the vacuum chamber was designed and made to perform the store of thin films by laser ablation and for characterising the formed plasma as a result of the ablation process. The chamber design was enough versatile that will allow to add it more accessory just making it simple modifications. Its cost was very cheap more or less one twentieth of a commercial chamber. (Author)

  13. Technological upgrade of static system excitation of a hydraulic generator of 700 Mwats of the Hydroelectric Power Station Guri; Actualizacion tecnologica del sistema de excitacion estatico de un generador hidraulico de 700 MVA de la Central Hidroelectrica de Guri

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras, Romy; Guevara, Olivia [C.V.G. Electrificacion del Caroni, C.A. (EDELCA) (Venezuela)


    The Generating Units of 700 Mwatts of the Guri Plant from EDELCA are equipped with static excitation systems of analogue technology that using the closure and field's opening switch as a mechanism for the respective processes of excitation and generator dropout. This operational pattern, although functional, has been discontinuing by existing producers because of the inconvenience involved in the management of energy stored in field generator during the dropout. Alternatively, the manufacturers employ a technique of dropout without opening the switch field, based on return to the excitation transformer the energy contained in the field generator. This paper summarizes the EDELCA initiative to upgrade technologically their Generating Units, converting the excitement and dropout switch without opening the field. The project started with a phase of preliminary tests that showed the feasibility of the change and ended with the final implementation of the new scheme in a first unit (Generator n. 15). The results were successful, covering the expectations of the company, so it was decided to continue the project, extending it to the rest of the Generating Units. (author)

  14. Chemical modeling of formation water of the active Luna, Tabasco; Modelacion quimica de aguas de formacion del activo Luna, Tabasco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan R, Rosa M; Portugal M, Enrique; Arellano G, Victor M. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Martinez A, Ana E; Ascencio C, Fernando [Petroleos Mexicanos (Mexico)


    From the data of chemical composition of the water, the chemical equilibrium at a given temperature can be modeled for, later, obtain the saturation indexes of characteristic minerals with the intention of knowing or predict which phases can form the deposits. The Gerencia de Productividad de Pozos (GPP) of the Subdivision of Technology and Professional Development (STDP) of PEMEX, has among its objectives to promote studies tending to solve problematic that affect the wells productivity, reason why it showed interest in making a study of chemical modeling of formation waters of the Active Luna, in order to know the saturation state of the main mineral phases. This way a joint project was executed in 1997 among the GPP, the Active of Production Luna of PEMEX and the Gerencia de Geotermia of the IIE. The objectives of the project were: (a) sampling and physicochemical characterization of waters pertaining to oil wells of the Actives of Production Luna, and (b) modeling of the chemical equilibrium at well head and deposit conditions to obtain saturation indexes of characteristic minerals of hydrothermal systems, in order to predict the mineral phases that can be found in superficial and deep incrustations. [Spanish] A partir de los datos de composicion quimica del agua, pude modelarse el equilibrio quimico a una temperatura dada para, posteriormente, obtener los indices de saturacion de los minerales caracteristicos con el objeto de conocer o predecir cuales fases pueden formar los depositos. La Gerencia de Productividad de Pozos (GPP) de la Subdireccion de Tecnologia y Desarrollo Profesional (STDP) de Pemex, tiene entre sus objetivos promover estudios tendientes a resolver problematicas que impactan la productividad de los pozos, por lo que mostro interes en realizar un estudio de modelacion quimica de las aguas de formacion del Activo Luna, con el proposito de conocer el estado de saturacion de las principales fases minerales. De esta forma se realizo un proyecto

  15. Dalla stratigrafia all’archeologia dell’architettura. Alcune recenti esperienze del laboratorio senese

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    Parenti, Roberto


    Full Text Available The author presents three lines of investigation, developed in the University of Siena by the study of some hundreds of historical buildings. The study of depositional processes and products allows us to interpret the dynamics of depositional environments and to establish a chronological framework.This time framework is provided by different aspects of stratigraphy and allows us to interpret building activities in terms of dynamic evolving environments. The record of buildings activities and climatic-pollution processes through historical time is held in these walls along with evidence of the different lime mortars. Our aim is to calibrate the “tools” that could be used to connect the analysis of lime mortar to building activities. Lime mortars could be considered as a perfect dating material for the historical building activities, because it must be freshly prepared every time you need it (it couldn’t be reused, even for the smallest intervention. With the help of a computer we will obtain a rectified photography as simulation where a virtual model works as a mathematics formula. So that we would say that, with the virtual reality,we can either “rebuild” an outline of a building in a precise moment of its history, or we can examine and study all the theories related with the analysis of the material structure, and, eventually,we might understand either the theories will be right or not.L’autore presenta tre delle linee di ricerca sviluppate dal Laboratorio senese, risultato della prassi operativa su alcune centinaia di edifici. La prima è una riflessione sulla complessità del processo di formazione del deposito stratificato, sulle strategie da seguire nell’esecuzione dell’indagine e sulla necessità di un ‘progetto conoscitivo’ preliminare all’indagine stessa. La seconda linea di ricerca affronta lo studio delle malte. L’obiettivo è quello di calibrare gli strumenti che possono essere impiegati per ricorrere all

  16. L’apertura della ricerca scientifica: il caso LUISS

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    Maria Teresa Nisticò


    Full Text Available IT Il Movimento OA, nato all’interno del mondo accademico, facilita la condivisione e la crescita della conoscenza scientifica mediante il libero accesso ai risultati della ricerca. Tra le due strategie principali volte a garantire pubblicazioni ad accesso aperto, la Green road è pienamente rappresentata dagli Institutional Repositories. In Italia la storia degli archivi istituzionali è fortemente caratterizzata e guidata dall’attività dalla CRUI, in particolare dal Gruppo di lavoro per l’OA nato con lo scopo di dare attuazione ai principi della Dichiarazione di Berlino, punto cardine del movimento Open Access. In questo contesto, la LUISS partecipa al progetto di sperimentazione di harvesting automatico delle tesi di dottorato da parte delle Biblioteche Nazionali Centrali di Firenze e di Roma – Magazzini Digitali - ed attua una precisa politica di archiviazione per garantire il rispetto della normativa vigente in tema di Deposito legale. I suoi archivi istituzionali, LUISSearch e LUISSThesis, riguardano la descrizione e la documentazione rispettivamente della ricerca scientifica d’ateneo ad accesso aperto - con particolare riguardo per la collezione delle tesi di dottorato - e degli elaborati discussi nelle sedute di laurea dell’Università, offrendo l’accesso al testo integrale qualora consentito dai candidati.EN The purpose of OA movement, born within the academic world, is to facilitate the sharing and the growth of scientific knowledge through open access to research results. Between the two main strategies meant to ensure open access publishing, the Green road is fully represented by the Institutional Repositories. In Italy the history of institutional repositories is strongly characterized and driven by the activity of CRUI, in particular by the Working Group for OA formed with the purpose of giving effect to the principles of the Declaration of Berlin, cornerstone of the Open Access movement. In this context, LUISS

  17. Production of hydrogen with methane decomposition using Ni-Mn/Ce-ZrO{sub 2} catalysts; Produccion de hidrogeno via descomposicion de metano mediante catalizadores de Ni-Mn/Ce-ZrO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz, C; Hernandez-Pichardo, M L; Valenzuela, M A [Instituto Politecnico Nacional-ESIQIE, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Del Angel, P; Montoya de la Fuente, J.A. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The catalytic decomposition of methane makes it possible to obtain CO and CO{sub 2} free hydrogen, which is a desirable characteristic for fuel cell applications. In addition, this method simultaneously obtains diverse carbon nanostructures with a large variety of applications. This work prepared catalysts with different Ni contents supported by Ce-Zr mixed oxides and doped with manganese to promote activity. The supports were synthesized with surfactant-assisted coprecipitation. The Ni and Mn deposits were performed using conventional impregnation for evaluation in the methane decomposition catalyst at 500 degrees Celsius. It was observed that with the incorporation of 1% of Mn into the Ni0 active phase, the conversion of methane into hydrogen and carbon nanostructures increased. The results of reduction at the programmed temperature indicate that the addition of Mn enables the formation of different NiO{sub x} species, increasing dispersion and the degree of reduction to Ni0. Analyses with electron and transmission microscopy show the formation of distinct species of carbon, including nanotubes, nanofibers and concentric onion-like structures, as well as a significant formation of encapsulated Ni0 particles. [Spanish] La descomposicion catalitica de metano permite la obtencion de hidrogeno libre de CO y CO{sub 2}, lo cual es una caracteristica deseable para su aplicacion en celdas de combustible. Ademas, por esta ruta, simultaneamente se obtienen diversas nanoestructuras de carbono con una gran variedad de aplicaciones. En este trabajo se prepararon catalizadores con diferentes contenidos de Ni soportados en oxidos mixtos Ce-Zr y se doparon con manganeso como promotor de actividad. Los soportes se sintetizaron por coprecipitacion asistida por surfactante y el deposito del Ni y del Mn se efectuo por impregnacion convencional para su evaluacion en la descomposicion catalitica de metano a 500 grados centigrados. Se observo que mediante la incorporacion de 1% de Mn a

  18. Production and characterization of nickel nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes by electroless and its application to hydrogen storage; Produccion y caracterizacion de nanoparticulas de niquel sobre nanotubos de carbono por electroless y su aplicacion en el almacenamiento de hidrogeno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueroa-Torres, Mayra Zyzlila; Dominguez-Rios, Carlos [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico); Cabanas-Moreno, Jose Gerardo; Suarez-Alcantara, Karina [Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales, ESFM-IPN, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Aguilar-Elguezabal, Alfredo [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)


    The search for an appropriate storage system for the transportation industry to enable implementing the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier has become a strategic research concern. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are potentially interesting materials for the storage of hydrogen. This work investigates the deposition condition for dispersing nickel nanoparticles in one single step using the electroless technique on the surface of carbon nanotubes. It also studied the influence on the ability to store hydrogen. The materials were characterized using sweep electron and transmission microscopy. The surface areas of the materials were determined with nitrogen adsorption isotherms. The hydrogen storage capacity was studied at a temperature of 77 K and atmospheric pressure, as well as at 303 K and pressures of de 0.1-5 MPa. The results show that highly dispersed spherical nickel nanoparticles were obtained on carbon nanotubes with an average size of 3-9 nm. The addition of nickel on carbon nanotubes significantly improves the hydrogen storage capacity, finding that at 303 K and 5 MPa the increment factor was as much as twice that of nanotubes without nickel. [Spanish] La busqueda de un sistema de almacenamiento apropiado para la industria del transporte se ha convertido en un tema estrategico de investigacion para poder implementar el uso del hidrogeno como portador de energia. Los nanotubos de carbono (NTC) son materiales potencialmente interesantes en el almacenamiento de hidrogeno. En este trabajo se investigaron las condiciones de deposito para dispersar en un solo paso nanoparticulas de niquel por la tecnica de electroless sobre la superficie de los nanotubos de carbono y se estudio su influencia en la capacidad de almacenamiento de hidrogeno. Los materiales se caracterizaron por microscopia electronica de barrido y transmision. Mediante isotermas de adsorcion de nitrogeno se determino el area superficial de los materiales. La capacidad de almacenamiento de hidrogeno se

  19. The primary extinction and static Debye-Waller factor in the characterization of textured nickel by X-ray diffraction; La extincion primaria y el factor estatico de Debye-Waller en la caracterizacion de niquel con textura mediante difraccion de rayos X

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kryshtab, T.; Palacios G, J. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas, Av. IPN s/n, 07738 Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Cadena A, A. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Quimica e Industrias Extractivas, Av. IPN s/n, 07738 Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Kryvko, A., E-mail: [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Unidad Zacatenco, 07360 Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    The texture analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD) implies measurement of pole figures (Pf) from the diffracted intensities considering the model of kinematical dispersion. The extinction phenomenon results in a decrease of diffracted intensity and that in turn in a decrease of pole densities (Pds). The phenomenon appears in the kinematical theory of XRD as the primary extinction and the secondary extinction to characterize the loss of intensity of kinematical dispersion. In turn, the static Debye-Waller factor is an integral characteristic of defects in crystals that is introduced in the kinematical theory of XRD and also is used in dynamical theory of XRD. In this work the correlation between the primary extinction coefficient and the static Debye-Waller factor in the case of textured nickel was determined. The value of static Debye-Waller factor was determined from the value of the calculated primary extinction coefficient. For the evaluation there were used Pds in the maxima of Pf obtained for 111 and 200 reflections with Mo Kα radiation, and the Pds in the maxima of Pf obtained for the first and second orders of these reflections with Cu Kα and Co Kα radiations. There were calculated the dislocation densities in grains using values of static Debye-Waller factor and the extinction coefficients. The dislocation densities calculated from these two characteristics are practically equal. (Author)

  20. Predictive mapping using GIS to locate epithermal gold deposits at Cabo de Gata (Prov. of Almeria, Spain); Cartografia predictiva mediante SIG de depositos epitermales de oro en Cabo de Gata, Almeria, Espana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rogol-Sanchez, J. P.; Chica-Olmo, M.; Rodriguez-Galiano, V.; Pardo-Iguzquiza, E.


    The main aim of mineral potential mapping is to generate predictive maps showing the spatial distribution of a numerical index of favour ability for the presence of a mineral deposit of the type sought. We have studied the mineral favorability for epithermal gold deposits in the Cabo de Gata volcanic field in the Province of Almeria in Spain. Predictive maps deriving from the models suggest the presence of several potentially favourable zones. The performance of predictive maps is similar in most cases. Nevertheless, data-driven methods are able to capture more readily the spatial distribution of known gold occurrences in the area. (Author) 32 refs.

  1. Analysis and evaluation of the main factors that influence the growing of the electrical power consumption in the national electrical sector, period 2000-2005; Analisis y evaluacion de los principales factores que influyen en el crecimiento del consumo de energia electrica en el sector electrico nacional, periodo 2000-2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aguilar Luna, Luis Miguel


    With the purpose of avoiding the installation of new transmission lines, some researches have proposed the installation of SIFLETCA devices. Therefore in this thesis, different models in steady state of diverse SIFLETCA devices are described, such as: compensator variable series (VSC), static compensator of VArs (SCV), transformer phase shifter (TPS), transformer with changer under load (TWCL) and the universal controller of power flows (UCPF). In addition, it is developed in this thesis the equations used in the Jacobean of the method Newton-Raphson, to solve power flows including SIFLETCA devices. The different applications that are obtained when installing a device, such as prevention of flows in ring, electronic barrier, increment in the transmission capacity and specification of the power flow in transmission lines. On the other hand in the thesis, an analysis of sensitivities of a power system in steady state is developed. Also the control parameters are proposed in the thesis for which the sensitivities are calculated. Also, a performance index is used to measure the degree of congestion of an electrical system. In calculating the sensitivities the obtained results of the power flows are utilized. Four electrical networks are used to find where each SIFLETCA device must be located to reduce the congestion in the system. Also, the method developed in the thesis is compared with a method of sensitivities that uses DC flows, for validation and to show the advantages of using the Newton method in power flows. [Spanish] Con el fin de evitar instalar nuevas lineas de transmision, algunos investigadores han propuesto la instalacion de los dispositivos SIFLETCA. Por lo tanto en esta tesis, se describe diferentes modelos en estado estacionario de diversos dispositivos SIFLETCA, siendo: compensador serie variable (CSV), compensador estatico de VArs (CEV), transformador desfasador (TD), transformador con cambiador bajo carga (TTC) y el controlador universal de flujos

  2. Calculation of sensitivities in electrical systems with SIFLETCA devices; Calculo de sensibilidades en sistemas electricos con dispositivos SIFLETCA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rubio Marroquin, Gabriel Omar


    With the purpose of avoiding the installation of new transmission lines, some researches have proposed the installation of SIFLETCA devices. Therefore in this thesis, different models in steady state of diverse SIFLETCA devices are described, such as: compensator variable series (VSC), static compensator of VArs (SCV), transformer phase shifter (TPS), transformer with changer under load (TWCL) and the universal controller of power flows (UCPF). In addition, it is developed in this thesis the equations used in the Jacobean of the method Newton-Raphson, to solve power flows including SIFLETCA devices. The different applications that are obtained when installing a device, such as prevention of flows in ring, electronic barrier, increment in the transmission capacity and specification of the power flow in transmission lines. On the other hand in the thesis, an analysis of sensitivities of a power system in steady state is developed. Also the control parameters are proposed in the thesis for which the sensitivities are calculated. Also, a performance index is used to measure the degree of congestion of an electrical system. In calculating the sensitivities the obtained results of the power flows are utilized. Four electrical networks are used to find where each SIFLETCA device must be located to reduce the congestion in the system. Also, the method developed in the thesis is compared with a method of sensitivities that uses DC flows, for validation and to show the advantages of using the Newton method in power flows. [Spanish] Con el fin de evitar instalar nuevas lineas de transmision, algunos investigadores han propuesto la instalacion de los dispositivos SIFLETCA. Por lo tanto en esta tesis, se describe diferentes modelos en estado estacionario de diversos dispositivos SIFLETCA, siendo: compensador serie variable (CSV), compensador estatico de VArs (CEV), transformador desfasador (TD), transformador con cambiador bajo carga (TTC) y el controlador universal de flujos

  3. Technological characterization of a mineral deposit. A case study: the niobium of Catalao I, Goias State, Brazil; Caracterizacao tecnologica de um deposito mineral. Um estudo de caso: o niobio de Catalao I, Goias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sant` Agostino, Lilia Mascarenhas


    This thesis presents a contribution to the subject of ore technological characterization integrated to orebody context, regarding sample, ore characteristics, ore types definition and distribution through the mineral occurrence, and ore reserves modeling using technological parameters. A professional experience in this specialization based a conceptual discussion of the matter, supported by a practical approach. The initial approach is the subject definition, and it`s importance for technological and economical feasibility studies, in all phases of mining research and development, as a tool for beneficiation alternatives definition. The multidisciplinary aspect of the knowledge involved for ore characterization is remarked, considering that is an interface segment to be conduced interactively with others. It is an applied mineralogy, that needs some geological and some ore dressing imputes. After the general considerations about importance and applicability, it follows a methodological approach of laboratory procedures and analytical techniques, as a result of practical experience acquired in the study of several ores. The main points discussed are related with criterion to organized laboratory preparation scheme and to select appropriated analytical techniques, without detailing them, for what some specialized bibliography is indicated. Finalizing the theoretical explanation, there is a concise description about computers resources for 3D orebody modeling, and integrated software applied for geology and mining. For illustration, it is exposed a complex ore case study: niobium mineralization associated with the alkaline-carbonatitic occurrence of Catalao I, located in Goias State, Brazil. Besides the explanation of laboratory procedures and methods applied, results treatment and interpretation are emphasized, under both characterization and economic point of view. (author) 135 refs., 57 figs., 38 tabs.

  4. Sedimentological analysis of the Estefaniense de Tineo basin (Asturias): example of coal deposits in alluvial fans. Analisis sedimentologico de la cuenca Estefaniense de Tineo (Asturias): ejemplo de depositos de carbon en abanicos aluviales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos Garcia, J.A. (Empresa Nacional ADARO, Madrid (Spain))


    A sedimentological analysis of the Stephanian deposits of Tineo Basin is carried out. Three unities are established (Basal Breachs, Intermediate Unit and Conglomerate Unit) by means of lithological, mining and sedimentological criteria, which represent larger episodes in the filling of the basin. The first episode corresponds to the initial configuration of the basin, with coarse grained breccia deposits related to steep slopes (Basal Breccia). The second and more complex (Intermediate Unit), is represented by four larger sequences (stages from UI-1 to UI-4, La Prohida Zone) which show secondary tectonic pulsations. At this moment the sedimentation is carried out in several subbasins separated by palaeoreliefs or thresholds. The third episode corresponds to a strong reactivation of the northern edge of the basin, with deposition of the Conglomeratic Unit. The filling of the basin is assimilated to a pattern of alluvial fans in a tectonically-active basin, in which the coal deposition look place during calm (tranquil) periods when a large alluvial fan flanked by coalescent smaller sized fans developed along the northern margin of the basin. 24 refs., 9 figs.

  5. Technological characterization of a mineral deposit. A case study: the niobium of Catalao I, Goias State, Brazil; Caracterizacao tecnologica de um deposito mineral. Um estudo de caso: o niobio de Catalao I, Goias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sant`Agostino, Lilia Mascarenhas


    This thesis presents a contribution to the subject of ore technological characterization integrated to orebody context, regarding sample, ore characteristics, ore types definition and distribution through the mineral occurrence, and ore reserves modeling using technological parameters. A professional experience in this specialization based a conceptual discussion of the matter, supported by a practical approach. The initial approach is the subject definition, and it`s importance for technological and economical feasibility studies, in all phases of mining research and development, as a tool for beneficiation alternatives definition. The multidisciplinary aspect of the knowledge involved for ore characterization is remarked, considering that is an interface segment to be conduced interactively with others. It is an applied mineralogy, that needs some geological and some ore dressing imputes. After the general considerations about importance and applicability, it follows a methodological approach of laboratory procedures and analytical techniques, as a result of practical experience acquired in the study of several ores. The main points discussed are related with criterion to organized laboratory preparation scheme and to select appropriated analytical techniques, without detailing them, for what some specialized bibliography is indicated. Finalizing the theoretical explanation, there is a concise description about computers resources for 3D orebody modeling, and integrated software applied for geology and mining. For illustration, it is exposed a complex ore case study: niobium mineralization associated with the alkaline-carbonatitic occurrence of Catalao I, located in Goias State, Brazil. Besides the explanation of laboratory procedures and methods applied, results treatment and interpretation are emphasized, under both characterization and economic point of view. (author) 135 refs., 57 figs., 38 tabs.


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    Mila Fauziah


    Full Text Available The policy by the Bank of Indonesia to decrease interest rate of  Bank Indonesia’s certificate, from 11,82% in 2008 to 4,20% in 2012 causes the declination of the interest rate for  the bank products such as savings, deposit, and giro.  In 2008–2013, Bank “X” which is government owned, and has the second largest asset in Indonesia unfortunately has the customer loyalty level lower than of Bank “Y”.  Bank “Y” is chosen as the Best of Indonesian Bank Loyalty Championship for conventional bank savings product category, which was organized by Indonesian Bank Loyalty Award (IBLA.   To maintain the continuance of the company as well as the banking activities, customer loyalty is one the main keys.   In this regard, the objective of the research is to analyze the factors that influence the customer loyalty.  The data is analyzed using descriptive statistic and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. The result of the research shows that the customer satisfaction variable, switching barriers, and brand activation are significantly affected by customer’s loyalty.  Reliability attribute, responsiveness, empathy and tangible are capable to influence the customer’s satisfaction.  The interpersonal relationship indicators, alternative attractiveness and switching cost influence the switching barriers.       Keywords: brand activation, switching barriers, customers’ satisfaction and loyaltyAbstrakKebijakan Bank Indonesia menurunkan tingkat suku bunga Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI pada tahun 2008 sebesar 11,82% menjadi 4,20% pada tahun 2012, membuat suku bunga produk perbankan seperti tabungan, deposito dan giro cenderung menurun. Bank “X” merupakan bank milik negara yang memiliki asset terbesar kedua di Indonesia sejak 2008 hingga tahun 2013, namun tingkat loyalitas nasabah Bank “X”selalu menjadi runner up masih kalah dengan loyalitas nasabah Bank “Y” yang terpilih sebagai The Best of Indonesian Bank Loyalty

  7. Antisipasi Pelarian Dana Asing ke Luar Negeri Melalui Perlindungan Kontraktual Pembukaan Rahasia Bank

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    Tarsisius Murwaji


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN akan dimulai akhir tahun 2015 ini. Pada pelaksanaan MEA, kompetisi perbankan Indonesia dengan negara-negara lain dalam merebut investor tidak dapat dihindari lagi. Di kalangan MEA, ternyata hanya Indonesia yang memasukkan pengaturan rahasia bank ke ranah hukum pidana, sedangkan negara lainnya memasukkannya ke ranah hukum perdata, yaitu hukum perjanjian (contract law. Dengan perbedaan pengaturan tersebut, para investor tentunya akan lebih tertarik untuk menyimpan dananya pada bank-bank negara-negara tetangga, bahkan nasabah kreditur bank-bank Indonesia berpotensi untuk memindahkan dana yang sudah disimpan ke bank-bank negara-negara tetangga. Akibat pengaturan Indonesia ini, besar potensi terjadi pelarian dana yang sudah ditempatkan dalam produk-produk bank di Indonesia baik dalam bentuk tabungan, deposito, atau obligasi bank ke negara ASEAN lainnya. Pemilik dana besar yang merasa tidak dilindungi akan memilih Bank Penampung Dana Proyek (Escrow Account Bank di luar Indonesia, sedangkan posisi Bank Indonesia hanya sekedar bank pelaksana/pembayar proyek. Dengan demikian, Departemen Hukum dan Perundang-undangan, Bank Indonesia, dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan harus mengambil langkah cepat mengharmonisasikan pengaturan pembukaan rahasia bank dalam rangka MEA. Harmonisasi yang dimaksud tidak harus merubah pengaturan rahasia bank dari hukum pidana menjadi perdata, melainkan melalui perlindungan kontraktual yang diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia, yang mengatur ulang mekanisme pembukaan rahasia bank. Abstract The realization of the Asean Economic Community (AEC at the end of 2015 will mark the beginning of banking sector competition for investors among ASEAN countries. In this regard, Indonesia is the only country that classifies the matters of bank secrecy regulation under criminal law, whereas other countries classify it under civil law, commonly known as contract law. This difference makes insvestors more inclined to


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    Dewi Astuti


    ekonomi justru memperberat jatuhnya nilai mata uang rupiah karena mereka menahan sejumlah tunai rupiah dan uang tunai dolar Amerika. Untuk menanggulangi hal ini pemerintah Indonesia memberikan jaminan keamanan bagi nasabah bank agar mereka bersedia melepas uang tunai di rumah dan mendepositokannya di bank. Dengan demikian roda perekonomian diharapkan dapat berputar kembali dengan lebih baik. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat perbedaan-perbedaan perilaku pelaku ekonomi terhadap asset finansialnya karena adanya perbedaan jenis profesi dan perbedaan keadaan ekonomi yang terjadi serta sejauh mana antisipasi mereka terhadap kebijakan yang diberikan pemerintah di bidang perbankan Januari 1998. Kata kunci : kebijakan pemerintah dibidang perbankan, deposito.

  9. Deposition and characterization of thin films of materials with application in cathodes for lithium rechargeable micro batteries; Deposito y caracterizacion de peliculas delgadas de materiales con aplicacion en catodos para microbaterias recargables de litio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez I, J [UAEM, Facultad de Quimica, 50000 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this thesis work is reported the deposition and characterization of thin films of materials of the type LiMO{sub 2}, with M=Co and Ni, which have application in cathodes for micro-batteries of lithium ions. In the last years some investigators have reported that the electrochemical operation of the lithium ions batteries it can improve recovering the cathode, in bundle form, with some metal oxides as the Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}; for that the study of the formation of thin films in bilayer form LiMO{sub 2}/AI{sub 2}O{sub 3} is of interest in the development of lithium ions micro batteries. The thin films were deposited using the laser ablation technique studying the effect of some deposit parameters in the properties of the one formed material, as: laser fluence, substrate temperature and working atmosphere, with the purpose of optimizing it. In the case of the LiCoO{sub 2} it was found that to use an inert atmosphere of argon allows to obtain the material with the correct composition. Additionally, with the use of a temperature in the substrate of 150 C is possible to obtain to the material with certain crystallinity grade that to the subjected being to a post-deposit thermal treatment at 300 C for three hours, it gives as result a totally crystalline material. In the case of the thin films of LiNiO{sub 2}, it was necessary to synthesize the oxide starting from a reaction of solid state among nickel oxide (NiO) and lithium oxide (Li{sub 2}O) obtaining stoichiometric LiNiO{sub 2}. For the formation of the thin films of LiNiO{sub 2} it was used an argon atmosphere and the laser fluence was varied, the deposits were carried out to two different substrates temperatures, atmosphere and 160 C. In both cases the material it was recovered with an alumina layer, found that this layer didn't modify the structural properties of the base oxide (LiCoO{sub 2} and LiNiO{sub 2}). (Author)

  10. The Cementation of Boron to Steels by the Method of Electrolytic Deposition; Cementation Electrolytique d'Aciers par le Bore; Tsementirovanie bora v stali putem ehlektroliticheskogo osazhdeniya; Cementacion de Aceros con Boro por Deposito Electrolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, M. [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)


    This report describes a fabricating method for cementation of a control rod with boron. The cementing is carried out by electrolysis of fused borax at about 900 Degree-Sign C, the steel rod to be cemented acting as a cathode, and the graphite electrode as an anode. As the electrolysis progresses, boron is deposited on/the steel rod and diffused into it. When suitable conditions of electrolysis exist, a case of the steel rod with as much as 20% boron content can easily be obtained. The kinds of steel investigated were carbon steel, stainless steels, high chrome steel etc., and each of them showed good results. (author) [French] L'auteur expose une methode de fabrication d'une barre de commande en acier cemente par le bore. La cementation est effectuee par l'electrolyse de borax fondu a environ 900 Degree-Sign C, la barre d'acier a cementer formant cathode et une electrode en graphite constituant l'anode. Au cours du processus d 'electrolyse, le bore se depose sur la barre d'acier et est diffuse dans le metal. Lorsque l'electrolyse s'effectue dans les conditions requises, on peut obtenir facilement une barre d'acier dont la teneur en bore atteint jusqu'a 20%. Les recherches ont porte sur des aciers tels que les aciers au carbone ordinaires, les aciers inoxydables, les aciers refractaires au chrome, etc. et on a obtenu de bons resultats pour chacun de ces aciers. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe un metodo de obtencion de barras de control cementadas con boro. La cementacion se efectua por electrolisis de borax fundido a unos 900 Degree-Sign C. Como catodo se emplea la barra de acero que se desea cementar y como anodo, un electrodo de grafito. Conforme progresa la electrolisis, el boro se deposita sobre la barra de acero y penetra en la misma por difusion. Si las condiciones en que se efectua la electrolisis son adecuadas, se logra facilmente la cementacion de la barra de acero, que alcanza un contenido de hasta 20% de boro. Entre los aceros investigados, figuran aceros al carbono, aceros inoxidables, acero de elevado contenido de cromo, etc.; todos ellos dan resultados satisfactorios. (author) [Russian] Privoditsja metod izgotovlenija upravljajushhego sterzhnja s cementirovaniem bora. Jetot process osushhestvljaetsja posredstvom jelektroliza rasplavlennogo tetrabornokislogo natrija pri temperature okolo 900 Degree-Sign S . Obrabatyvaemyj stal'noj sterzhen' sluzhit katodom, v k a chestve anoda ispol'zuetsja grafitovyj jelektrod. V processe jelektroliza bor osazhdaetsja na stal'noj sterzhen' i diffundiruet v sta l'. Pri podhodjashhih uslovijah jelektroliza legko udaetsja poluchit' stal'noj sterzhen', soderzhashhij po 20% bora. Issledovalis' sledujushhie tipy stali: uglerodistaja, nerzhavejushhie, hromistaja i t.d. , vo vseh sluchajah byli polucheny polozhitel'nye rezul'taty. (author)

  11. Deposition and characterization of thin films of materials with application in cathodes for lithium rechargeable micro batteries; Deposito y caracterizacion de peliculas delgadas de materiales con aplicacion en catodos para microbaterias recargables de litio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez I, J. [UAEM, Facultad de Quimica, 50000 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this thesis work is reported the deposition and characterization of thin films of materials of the type LiMO{sub 2}, with M=Co and Ni, which have application in cathodes for micro-batteries of lithium ions. In the last years some investigators have reported that the electrochemical operation of the lithium ions batteries it can improve recovering the cathode, in bundle form, with some metal oxides as the Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}; for that the study of the formation of thin films in bilayer form LiMO{sub 2}/AI{sub 2}O{sub 3} is of interest in the development of lithium ions micro batteries. The thin films were deposited using the laser ablation technique studying the effect of some deposit parameters in the properties of the one formed material, as: laser fluence, substrate temperature and working atmosphere, with the purpose of optimizing it. In the case of the LiCoO{sub 2} it was found that to use an inert atmosphere of argon allows to obtain the material with the correct composition. Additionally, with the use of a temperature in the substrate of 150 C is possible to obtain to the material with certain crystallinity grade that to the subjected being to a post-deposit thermal treatment at 300 C for three hours, it gives as result a totally crystalline material. In the case of the thin films of LiNiO{sub 2}, it was necessary to synthesize the oxide starting from a reaction of solid state among nickel oxide (NiO) and lithium oxide (Li{sub 2}O) obtaining stoichiometric LiNiO{sub 2}. For the formation of the thin films of LiNiO{sub 2} it was used an argon atmosphere and the laser fluence was varied, the deposits were carried out to two different substrates temperatures, atmosphere and 160 C. In both cases the material it was recovered with an alumina layer, found that this layer didn't modify the structural properties of the base oxide (LiCoO{sub 2} and LiNiO{sub 2}). (Author)

  12. Deposit of thin films of TiN, a-C, Ti/TiN/a-C by laser ablation; Deposito de peliculas delgadas de TiN, a-C, Ti/TiN/a-C por ablacion laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mejia, I.S.; Escobar A, L.; Camps, E.; Romero, S. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de mexico (Mexico); Muhl, S. [IIM, UNAM, A.P. 364, 01000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    Thin films of titanium nitride (TiN), amorphous carbon (a-C), as well as bilayers of Ti/TiN/a-C were deposited by means of the laser ablation technique. It was investigated the effect that it has the laser fluence used to ablation the targets in the structure and mechanical properties of the TiN deposited films. The TiN obtained films have a preferential orientation in the direction (200). The results show that the hardness of this material is influenced by the laser fluence. It is observed that the hardness is increased in an approximately lineal way with the increment of the fluence up to 19 J/cm{sup 2}. The films of amorphous carbon present hardness of the order of 11.2 GPa. Likewise it was found that the multilayers of Ti/TiN/aC presented a bigger hardness that of its individual components. (Author)

  13. Thin films of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) obtained through chemical vapor deposition assisted by plasma; Peliculas delgadas de carbono amorfo hidrogenado (a-C:H) obtenidas mediante deposito quimico de vapores asistido por plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mejia H, J.A.; Camps C, E.E.; Escobar A, L.; Romero H, S.; Chirino O, S. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Muhl S, S. [IIM-UNAM, 04510 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    Films of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) were deposited using one source of microwave plasma with magnetic field (type ECR), using mixtures of H{sub 2}/CH{sub 4} in relationship of 80/20 and 95/05 as precursory gases, with work pressures of 4X10{sup -4} to 6x10{sup -4} Torr and an incident power of the discharge of microwaves with a constant value of 400 W. It was analyzed the influence among the properties of the films, as the deposit rate, the composition and the bonding types, and the deposit conditions, such as the flow rates of the precursory gases and the polarization voltage of the sample holders. (Author)

  14. Analisis Pengaruh Return on Asset (ROA, Biaya Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO, Suku Bunga, Financing to Deposits Ratio (FDR dan Non Performing Financing (NPF Terhadap Tingkat Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah (Studi Empiris pada Bank Um

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    Nana Novianti


    Full Text Available Level of profit sharing given by Islamic Banks which is one factor public appeal to save funds in the products of Islamic Banks but in level of profit sharing for giving of Islamic Banks still refers to the rate of Conventional Banks. Still referring to Conventional Bank interest rates make people still think that the same Islamic Banks with Conventional Banks. This research purpose to analyze the effect of financial ratios and interest rate to the level of profit sharing of mudharabah deposits Islamic Banks in Indonesia. The population used is the quarterly financial statements throughout Islamic Banks in Indonesia 2011-2013. Selection of the samples tested in this study using purposive sampling method, 6 selected Islamic Banks. Analysis tools in this study is used multiple regression analysis using SPSS 19.0 software. The variables used in this study are Return On Asset (ROA, BOPO, Interest Rate, Financing To Deposits Ratio (FDR and Non Performing Financing (NPF as the independent variable, and level of profit sharing mudaraba deposits as the dependent variable. Partial results show that Return On Asset (ROA and Financing To Deposits Ratio (FDR significant positive effect on level of profit sharing mudaraba deposits while the BOPO, Interest Rate and Non Performing Financing (NPF have no effect.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v5i1.2333

  15. Descripción del diseño y construcción de un deposito de hormigón pretensado para 80.000 m2 de capacidad de gas natural licuado. España

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    Fernández de la Reguera, Ramón


    Full Text Available La construcción de un nuevo depósito de 80.000 m3>/sup> de capacidad para almacenamiento de gas natural licuado en la Planta que la Empresa Nacional del Gas, S A. (ENAGAS tiene en Barcelona, ha sido realizada por la Empresa Auxiliar de la Industria, S/A. (AUXINI en Agrupación Temporal con PRELOAD SISTEMAS. Esta obra, una de las últimas realizaciones mundiales en el sector, consistente en doble pared de hormigón pretensado, ha permitido a AUXINI constituirse en una de las empresas líderes de la joven y dinámica tecnología criogénica, aportando soluciones constructivas adecuadas para este tipo de depósitos. En el trabajo que sigue se hace hincapié en la descripción del depósito indicando los pormenores constructivos del mismo, tales como la construcción y montaje de la chapa del muro interno, así como el pretensado horizontal tipo Preload utilizado, además de otros procedimientos constructivos como la elevación de la cúpula, la soldadura de la chapa 9% Ni, etc. Este depósito incorpora los últimos requisitos de seguridad que se exigen en el Proyecto de ese tipo de almacenamiento y, por las numerosas innovaciones que se han introducido durante su construcción, ha constituido una obra pionera en su género y de carácter mundial.

  16. Formation of catalyst deposits in flue gas slide valves at an FCC unit: an experimental solution; Formacao de depositos de catalisador em valvula corredica dos gases de combustao de unidade de FCC: uma experiencia de solucao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Luiz Eduardo Magalhaes Correa da; Rodrigues, Jayme Thadeu [PETROBRAS (Brazil). Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini


    We describe flue gas slide valve sticking at the FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) Unit Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP/PETROBRAS). Findings show that this sticking was due to the formation of catalyst deposits below the slide valve guides. A retrospective survey has suggested that what caused troubleshooting was dragging by medium steam in the cat cracker. We present a theoretical formulation to account for catalyst deposit formation, as well as some points that should be observed in order to minimize the problem. (author) 13 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.

  17. Technological characterization of new clay deposits in the south region of Amapa, Brazil aiming applications in the ceramic industry; Caracterizacao tecnologica de novos depositos de argilas da regiao sul do Amapa visando aplicacoes na industriav ceramica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Adriano Lima da; Luna, Carlos Bruno Barreto; Chaves, Alexsandra Cristina; Neves, Gelmires de Araujo, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UAEMa/CCT/UFCG), PB (Brazil). Unidade Academica de Engenharia de Materiais


    The objective of the present work was to characterize two new Clay deposits (A and B) from the south region of Amapa state, aiming to establish their adequate uses as ceramic raw materials and to promote the potential of the ceramic industry in the region. Were prepared specimens by uniaxial pressing, being applied a two phase pressing of 13,4 MPa and 20 MPa, respectively. The samples were dried in an oven at 110 deg C, and submitted to burning at 850, 1000 and 1200 deg C. Were determined linear firing shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity and modulus of flexural modulus of rupture, as well as mineralogical evolution after burning. Finishing, the microstructure of the sintered clay at 1200 deg C was evaluated in a scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the clay A presented a better mechanical development, having a red coloration and, therefore, potential to the red ceramic industry. On the other hand, the clay B presented a light color, due to a low content of iron oxide and, therefore, having potential as refractory raw material. In general, one clay is suitable to be used in white ceramic and the other in red ceramic. (author)

  18. Effect of glycerin and formic acid in the efficiency of deposit on Zn-Ni, obtained by electrodeposition; Efeito da glicerina e do acido formico na eficiencia de deposito da liga Zn-Ni, obtido atraves de eletrodeposicao

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    Pedroza, G.A.G.; Souza, C.A.C.; Lima, L.R.P.A.; Ferreira, D.M. [Universidade Federal da Bahia - Escola Politecnica, BA (Brazil)


    Additives are added to the electrodeposition of metal coatings to improve the characteristics of the deposit. However, the objective was to investigate the effect of adding glycerin and formic acid in the deposition efficiency and deposit structure of zinc-nickel alloy obtained by electrodeposition. The depositions were made at a galvanostatic current density of 10 mA/cm{sup 2} to obtain a deposit of about 5 mm in thickness. The deposition efficiency was determined through measures of mass, chemical composition of the deposit in the presence and absence of additives was examined by X-ray Spectrometer Fluorescence (XRF) and surface characterization of coatings was performed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The high levels of glycerin (0,07 M) and formic acid (0,26 M) in bath deposition increased the deposition efficiency of around 10% to 12% by mass, respectively. (author)

  19. Critical Survey of the Analysis of Microscopic Distribution of some Bone-Seeking Radionuclides and Assessment of Absorbed Dose; Analyse de la Distribution Microscopique de Radionucleides Osteophiles et Determination de la Dose Absorbee; Kriticheskij obzor dannykh analiza mikroskopicheskogo raspredeleniya otkladyvayushchikhsya v kostyakh radioizotopov i opredelenie pogloshchennoj dozy; Estudio Critico de la Distribucion Microscopica de Algunos Radionuclidos Osteofilos y Evaluacion de la Dosis Absorbida

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    Jee, W. S.S.


    distribucion completa en el espacio y en el tiempo de una dosis en un tejido oseo dado representa una labor improba. La distribucion microscopica de los radionuclidos osteofilos (radio-226, estroncio-90, plutonio-239 y radiotorio-228) en el esqueleto ilustran nitidamente la complejidad del problema. Se describen, con referencia al radio y al plutonio, las caracteristicas de la dosis inicial de irradiacion y las caracteristicas alteradas con el transcurso del tiempo, insistiendose particularmente en la falta de uniformidad de la distribucion de la dosis en los huesos y en diferentes lugares dentro de' un tejido oseo determinado. Por ejemplo, los depositos superficiales maximos de plutonio en la trabecula vertebral son 1,5 veces mas activos que las concentraciones maximas en la trabecula de la metafisis femoral. Las razones entre las dosis provenientes de depositos superficiales de plutonio en diversos lugares del femur distal son: trabecula de la metafisis, 3; endostio, 2,6; trabecula de la epffisis, 1,5; conductos de Havers, 1,2; periostio, 1. El deposito superficial maximo localizado en las trabeculas vertebrales es de 35 a 66 veces mayor que la dosis media calculada que corresponde a la cantidad retenida en todo el organismo. La alteracion de la localizacion inicial no uniforme del radio y del plutonio con el tiempo se examina en relacion con el caracter de la renovacion celular del tejido oseo y con la perdida del radionuclido por intercambio a largo plazo. Por ultimo, un ejemploi de medicion de las dosis locales de irradiacion debidas al plutonio y al radio, en el que se tiene en cuenta el volumen de las celulas irradiadas, que se relaciona con la cantidad retenida en todo el organismo y con la incidencia de tumores, se utiliza para evaluar la toxicidad del plutonio referida al radio y demostrar la utilidad de algunos conocimientos acerca de la distribucion microscopica de la dosis de irradiacion. (author) [Russian] Proizvodilos' issledovanie detal'nogo mikroskopicheskogo

  20. Avaliação de Revestimentos de Liga de Níquel 625 Depositados pelo Processo Eletroescória

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    Soraia Simões Sandes

    Full Text Available Resumo A aplicação de revestimentos de ligas de níquel é comumente realizada na indústria de petróleo e gás para aumento da vida de equipamentos em ambientes agressivos, dado que este procedimento melhora a resistência à corrosão, sem um aumento significativo do custo de produção quando comparado com equipamentos maciços fabricados com outras ligas. Normalmente, as juntas são soldadas pelos processos de eletrodos revestidos, MIG/MAG ou TIG. Neste aspecto, o processo eletroescória realiza deposições com elevada energia de soldagem e baixa diluição, podendo ser uma opção interessante, uma vez que proporciona uma elevada produtividade, permitindo a soldagem com aplicação de apenas uma camada. O presente trabalho avalia propriedades mecânicas, microestruturais e de corrosão de revestimentos de liga de níquel 625 depositada em aço carbono ASTM A516 Grau 70 pelo processo eletroescória, tanto na condição como soldado quanto tratado termicamente. A deposição foi realizada com uma e duas camadas sobre chapas de dimensão 50x400x400 mm, na posição plana e energia de soldagem média de 11,7 kJ/mm. Após a soldagem realizou-se tratamento térmico a 620°C por 10 horas, sendo esta condição comparada ao estado de como soldado. Os ensaios de dobramento não indicaram evidências de defeitos. A avaliação microestrutural realizada por microscopia ótica (MO, eletrônica de varredura (MEV e eletrônica de transmissão (MET mostrou uma microestrutura austenítica para o depósito com pequena fração volumétrica de fases secundárias e o tratamento térmico de alívio de tensões não promoveu mudanças significativas nas propriedades. Na região de grãos grosseiros da zona termicamente afetada (RGGZTA foi observada a ocorrência de ferrita pró-eutetóide, perlita e bainita para o depósito com 1 camada e basicamente ferrita e perlita refinadas para o deposito com 2 passes devido às baixas taxas de resfriamento

  1. The Barreiras Group in the Northeastern coast of the State of Bahia, Brazil: depositional mechanisms and processes

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    ção superior é composta por sedimentos areno-cascalhosos que incluem depositos subaquosos, de fluxos de detritos e de fluxos de detritos verdadeiros. As características desses depósitos sugerem uma deposição em um contexto deposicional mais distal, em relação à porção basal do grupo, inferido por uma maior ocorrência de depósitos de fluxo aquoso e pela presença, ainda que rara, de macroformas de acrescimento para jusante. Além do controle climático, a deposição do Grupo Barreiras foi fortemente influenciada pelo tectonismo intraplaca, que vem afetando a plataforma sul-americana a partir do Mioceno Médio e que marca o início da ação neotectônica no Brasil.

  2. Chemical signature of two Permian volcanic ash deposits within a bentonite bed from Melo, Uruguay

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    Liane M. Calarge


    Full Text Available A Permian bentonite deposit at Melo, Uruguay is composed of a calcite-cemented sandstone containing clay pseudomorphs of glass shards (0-0.50 m overlying a pink massive clay deposit (0.50-2.10m. The massive bed is composed of two layers containing quartz and smectite or pure smectite respectively. The smectite is remarkably homogeneous throughout the profile: it is a complex mixed layer composed of three layer types whose expandability with ethylene glycol (2EG 1EG or 0EG sheets in the interlayer zone which correspond to low-, medium- and high-charge layers respectively varies with the cation saturating the interlayer zone. The smectite homogeneity through the profile is the signature of an early alteration process in a lagoonal water which was over saturated with respect to calcite. Compaction during burial has made the bentonite bed a K-depleted closed system in which diagenetic illitization was inhibited. Variations in major, REE and minor element abundances throughout the massive clay deposit suggest that it originated from two successive ash falls. The incompatible element abundances are consistent with that of a volcanic glass fractionated from a rhyolite magma formed in a subduction/collision geological context.Um depósito Permiano de bentonita em Melo, Uruguai,é composto por um arenito com cimento calcítico contendo pseudomorfos de argila sobre detritos vítreos(0-0.50 m superpostos a um deposito maciço de argila rosado (0.50-2.10 m. A camada maciça é composta por dois níveis contendo quartzo e esmectita ou esmectita pura, respectivamente. A homogeneidade de esmectita ao longo do perfil é notável: trata-se de um interestratificado composto de três tipos de camadas, cuja expansibilidade com etileno-glicol (folhas 2EG, 1EG ou 0EG na zona interfoliar correspondentes a camadas com baixa, média e alta carga, respectivamente variam com o tipo de cátion que satura a zona interfoliar. A homogeneidade da esmectita ao longo do perfil

  3. Dry storage of MTR spent fuel from the Argentine radioisotope production reactor RA-3; Proyecto de compactado y reubicacion de los elementos combustibles quemados del RA-3 en el deposito de combustibles MTR del Centro Atomico Ezeiza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Marco, A; Gillaume, E J; Ruggirello, G; Zaweruchi, A [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Martin (Argentina). Unidad de Actividad Combustibles Nucleares


    The nuclear fuel elements of the RA-3 reactor consist in 19 rectangular fuel plates held in position by two lateral structural plates. The whole assembly is coupled to the lower nozzles that fits in the reactor core grid. The inner plates are 1.5 mm thick, 70.5 mm wide and 655 mm long and the outer plates are 100 mm longer. The fuel plates are formed by a core of an AI-U alloy co-laminated between two plates of Al. Enrichment is 90% {sup 235}U. After being extracted from the reactor, the fuel elements have been let to cool down in the reactor storage pool and finally moved to the storage facility. This facility is a grid of vertical underground channels connected by a piping system. The system is filled with processed and controlled water. At the present the storage capacity of the facility is near to be depleted and some indications of deterioration of the fuel elements has been detected. Due to the present status of the facility and the spent fuel stored there, a decision has been taken to proceed to modify the present underwater storage to dry storage. The project consist in: a) Decontamination and conditioning of the storage channels to prepare them for dry storage. b) Disassembly of the fuel elements in hot cells in order to can only the active fuel plates in an adequate tight canister. c) The remnant structural pieces will be treated as low level waste. (author). 10 figs.

  4. Hazard and socioenvironmental weakness: radioactive waste final disposal in the perception of the Abadia de Goias residents, GO, Brazil; Risco e vulnerabilidade socioambiental: o deposito definitivo de rejeitos radioativos na percepcao dos moradores de Abadia de Goias

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    Pereira, Elaine Campos


    The work searches into the hazard and the weakness which involves the community around the radioactive waste final disposal, localized in Abadia de Goias municipality, Goias state, Brazil. In order to obtain a deep knowledge on the characteristic hazards of the modernity, the sociological aspects under discussion has been researched in the Anthony Giddens and Ulrich Beck works. The phenomenon was analyzed based on the the subjective experiences of the residents, which live there for approximately 16 years. This temporal analysis is related to the social impact suffered by the residents due to the radioactive wastes originated from the radiation accident with 137 cesium in Goiania, GO, Brazil, in 1987. In spite of the local security, they identified the disposal as a hazard source, although the longer time residents have been better adaptation. The weakness of the local is significant by the proximity of residences near the area of the radioactive waste final disposal. (author)

  5. L’economia napoletana e il commercio internazionale tra ‘800 e ‘900: I Magazzini Generali e il Deposito Franco = The Neapolitan economy and international trade between 800 and 900: The Magazzini Generali and the Free Warehouse

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    Serena Potito


    Full Text Available I Magazzini Generali, creati su modello dei docks inglesi e dei magazzini francesi -e regolamentati da una legge del 1871- si diffusero nelle maggiori città italiane, con alterna fortuna: comune era lo scopo di provvedere alla custodia delle merci, rilasciando speciali titoli di commercio, e di agevolare l’incontro tra produttore e acquirente, riducendo i tempi di negoziazione. Essi sono, dunque, da annoverare fra gli strumenti commerciali con cui si intendeva intensificare e favorire i traffici di merci nel periodo in cui il commercio internazionale su larga scala andava riducendo le barriere tra paesi, accompagnato dallo sviluppo e ammodernamento delle infrastrutture. Nell’ambito del dibattito sul tentativo italiano di ritagliarsi un ruolo durante la prima globalizzazione -con la crescita della liberalizzazione del commercio internazionale e, nello stesso tempo, lo sviluppo del protezionismo moderno- la presente ricerca mette a fuoco l’esperienza della costituzione dei Magazzini Generali di Napoli, per alcuni decenni i più importanti d’Italia. La Società Meridionale dei Magazzini Generali ne assunse la gestione nel 1874 e -attraverso lo studio di testimonianze dell’epoca, degli Atti del Consiglio Comunale e della Camera di Commercio, di dati di bilancio presenti nell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli- questo saggio ne ripercorre l’iter costitutivo e le vicende dei primi anni. Oltre a offrire un quadro della situazione politica ed economica del Mezzogiorno d’Italia, ed in particolare di Napoli, nella congiuntura economica tra fine ‘800 e inizio ‘900, emergono spunti interessanti relativi all’ammodernamento delle infrastrutture portuali cittadine, e alla questione della creazione di un punto franco (uno degli ipotetici cardini dello sviluppo industriale della città: in un quadro di occasioni mancate ed ostacoli legati alle caratteristiche del processo storico, dal confronto con economie di differenti realtà europee.The Magazzini Generali, created on the model of the British docks and of the French magasins généraux -and regulated by an Act of 1871- became widespread in major Italian cities, with varying success: common purpose was to provide for the custody of the goods, issuing special bonds trade, and to facilitate the meeting between producer and buyer, reducing the time of negotiation. They are -therefore- to be counted among the commercial tools with which it was intended to intensify and facilitate the traffic of goods in the period in which international trade -on a large scale- was reducing the barriers between countries, accompanied by the development and modernization of infrastructure. In the debate on the Italian attempt to carve out a role during the first globalization -with the growth of international trade liberalization and, at the same time, the development of modern protectionism- the present research focuses on the experience of the constitution of Magazzini Generali of Naples, for several decades the most important ones in Italy. The Società Meridionale of Magazzini Generali took over the management in 1874 and -through the study of contemporary testimonies, of the Acts of the City Council and of the Chamber of Commerce, of balance sheet data present in the State Archives of Naples- this essay traces its incorporation process and the events of the early years. In addition to providing an overview of the political and economic situation of Southern Italy, especially in Naples, during the economic situation between the end of '800 and '900, interesting ideas emerge relating to the modernization of port infrastructure, and about the question of creating a free point (one of the hypothetical cornerstones of the industrial development of the city: in a framework of missed opportunities and of obstacles related to the characteristics of the historical process, by comparing with the economies of different European realities.

  6. L’economia napoletana e il commercio internazionale tra ‘800 e ‘900: I Magazzini Generali e il Deposito Franco = The neapolitan economy and international trade between 800 and 900: The Magazzini Generali and the Free Warehouse

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    Serena Potito


    Full Text Available Resumo I Magazzini Generali, creati su modello dei docks inglesi e dei magazzini francesi e regolamentati da una legge del 1871 si diffusero nelle maggiori città italiane, con alterna fortuna: comune era lo scopo di provvedere alla custodia delle merci, rilasciando speciali titoli di commercio, e di agevolare l’incontro tra produttore e acquirente, riducendo i tempi di negoziazione. Essi sono, dunque, da annoverare fra gli strumenti commerciali con cui si intendeva intensificare e favorire i traffici di merci nel periodo in cui il commercio internazionale su larga scala andava riducendo le barriere tra paesi, accompagnato dallo sviluppo e ammodernamento delle infrastrutture. Nell’ambito del dibattito sul tentativo italiano di ritagliarsi un ruolo durante la prima globalizzazione con la crescita della liberalizzazione del commercio internazionale e, nello stesso tempo, lo sviluppo del protezionismo moderno la presente ricerca mette a fuoco l’esperienza della costituzione dei Magazzini Generali di Napoli, per alcuni decenni i più importanti d’Italia. La Società Meridionale dei Magazzini Generali ne assunse la gestione nel 1874 e attraverso lo studio di testimonianze dell’epoca, degli Atti del Consiglio Comunale e della Camera di Commercio, di dati di bilancio presenti nell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli questo saggio ne ripercorre l’iter costitutivo e le vicende dei primi anni. Oltre a offrire un quadro della situazione politica ed economica del Mezzogiorno d’Italia, ed in particolare di Napoli, nella congiuntura economica tra fine ‘800 e inizio ‘900, emergono spunti interessanti relativi all’ammodernamento delle infrastrutture portuali cittadine, e alla questione della creazione di un punto franco (uno degli ipotetici cardini dello sviluppo industriale della città: in un quadro di occasioni mancate ed ostacoli legati alle caratteristiche del processo storico, dal confronto con economie di differenti realtà europee. Abstract The Magazzini Generali, created on the model of the British docks and of the French magasins généraux and regulated by an Act of 1871 became widespread in major Italian cities, with varying success: common purpose was to provide for the custody of the goods, issuing special bonds trade, and to facilitate the meeting between producer and buyer, reducing the time of negotiation. They are therefore to be counted among the commercial tools with which it was intended to intensify and facilitate the traffic of goods in the period in which international trade on a large scale was reducing the barriers between countries, accompanied by the development and modernization of infrastructure. In the debate on the Italian attempt to carve out a role during the first globalization with the growth of international trade liberalization and, at the same time, the development of modern protectionism the present research focuses on the experience of the constitution of Magazzini Generali of Naples, for several decades the most important ones in Italy. The Società Meridionale of Magazzini Generali took over the management in 1874 and through the study of contemporary testimonies, of the Acts of the City Council and of the Chamber of Commerce, of balance sheet data present in the State Archives of Naples this essay traces its incorporation process and the events of the early years. In addition to providing an overview of the political and economic situation of Southern Italy, especially in Naples, during the economic situation between the end of '800 and '900, interesting ideas emerge relating to the modernization of port infrastructure, and about the question of creating a free point (one of the hypothetical cornerstones of the industrial development of the city: in a framework of missed opportunities and of obstacles related to the characteristics of the historical process, by comparing with the economies of different European realities.

  7. Determining internal movement costs at a warehouse using activity-based costing: offshore petroleum production application; Determinacao dos custos de movimentacao interna de um deposito utilizando a metodologia de custeio baseado em atividades: aplicacao a producao de petroleo offshore

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    Azevedo, Italo Ricardo Moreira de [Brasil Supply S.A., Vitoria, ES (Brazil); Leal, Jose Eugenio [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), RJ (Brazil)


    As from the flexibilization of the petroleum monopoly, which took place in the second half of the 1990's, the petroleum and gas sector in Brazil has undergone a series of changes that have directly impacted the commercial relations among the companies in the sector. The increases in operational efficiency and reduction of costs have become basic factors for the companies wishing to compete in this market. This paper presents a study whose objective is to map, model, and determine the costs involved in the process for internal movement in a warehouse used as logistics support to offshore petroleum production. Based on the description of the internal movement process for product storage, the main resources are identified. Then, a mathematical model based on Activity-Based Costing is draw up, in which the results generated comprise the values for internal movement costs for each type of product moved in the warehouse. (author)

  8. Sedimentary cyclicity in early Pleistocene, evaporitic, playa-lake lacustrine deposits in the Guadix-Baza basin (Betic Cordillera, Spain); Ciclicidad sedimentaria en depositos lacustres evaporiticos tipo playa-lake del Pleistoceno inferior en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Betica, Espana)

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    Garcia Aguilar, J. M.; Guera-Menchan, A.; Serrano, F.; Palmqvist, P.


    The Guadix-Baza basin (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) contains in its eastern sector an early Pleistocene (Gelasian and lowermost Calabrian) sedimentary unit that was deposited in a shallow lacustrine environment. Given that the chronological limits of this unit lie between 2.5 and 1.6 Ma BP, the thickness of its preserved sediments (400 m) and high sedimentation rate (44.4 cm/ka) are remarkable. Numerous sedimentary cycles marked by an alternation of marls and sands are commonly found in the marginal sectors and marls and gypsum in the central sector, which would owe their origins to permanent flooding and evaporation/ re-flooding phases due to global climatic changes. Spectral analyses carried out using Fourier transform have revealed the existence of temporary frequencies associated with sedimentary cycles of between 0.2 and 5.2 ka. The origin of these cycles may be associated with variations in solar radiation and oscillations in the Moons orbital position, which would induce global climatic changes resulting in the rise and fall of the water table of the lake. Autocorrelation analyses conducted separately on the marly and evaporitic levels support this conclusion, as they indicate the existence of significant direct correlations between about 4 to 12 sedimentary cycles, which would correspond to repetitions of the stratigraphic series over a time span of 1.3 to 4 ka. (Author)

  9. Characterization of the electrochemical behavior of coating by steel welding 308l and in presence of noble metals deposits; Caracterizacion del comportamiento electroquimico de recubrimiento por soldadura de acero 308L y en presencia de depositos de metales nobles

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    Piedras, P.; Arganis J, C. R., E-mail: [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this work the oxide deposits and noble metals deposit were characterized (Ag and Pt) on a coating of stainless steel 308l that were deposited by the shield metal arc welding (SMAW) on steel A36 by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The extrapolation of Tafel technique was also used to obtain the corrosion potential (Ec) for the pre-rusty steel and for the samples with deposits of Pt and Ag under conditions of hydrogen water chemistry (HWC), demonstrating that this parameter diminishes with the presence of this deposits. (Author)

  10. Levels of Tritium in a Variety of New Zealand Waters and Some Tentative Conclusions from these Results; Concentration du tritium dans diverses eaux de Nouvelle-Zelande et conclusions provioires tirees des resultats obtenus; Urovni tritiya v razlichnykh vodakh novoj Zelandii i predvaritel'noe zaklyuchenie po etim rezul'tatam; Concentraciones de tritio en diferentes aguas de Nueva Zelandia y conclusiones provisionales basadas en los resultados obtenidos

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    Bainbridge, A E; O' Brien, B J [Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Gracefield (New Zealand)


    grifo en el Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, a fin de calcular el tiempo de permanencia de las aguas en el deposito artesiano del Valle de Hutt. Se expone un numero limitado de resultados de las mediciones de tritio en nieves alpinas y en aguas de pozo geotermicas, aguas oceanicas y aguas de lluvia caidas sobre Wellington. (author) [Russian] Bol'shoe kolichestvo razlichnykh prob prirodnykh vod bylo otobrano dlya izucheniya s tsel'yu opredelit' izbytok tritiya. Seriya izmerenij tritiya v vodakh Akataravy bliz Vellingtona s aprelya 1956 po dekabr' 1960 goda pokazali nalichie v dozhdevykh vodakh, vypadayushchikh v Novoj Zelandii, tritiya, voznikshego v rezul'tate ispytaniya atomnykh bomb. Sravnenie ehtogo urovnya soderzhaniya tritiya s izmereniyami, proizvedennymi s vodoprovodnoj vodoj v Institute yadernykh issledovanij, bylo ispol'zovano dlya opredeleniya vremeni khraneniya vody v artezianskom bassejne KHut-Vallej. Budet predstavleno nekotoroe chislo rezul'tatov izmerenij tritiya v podzemnykh vodakh, v okeane, v dozhdevykh vodakh Vellingtona i v al'pijskikh snegakh. (author)

  11. Analyzing ground ozone formation regimes using a principal axis factoring method: A case study of Kladno (Czech Republic) industrial area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malec, L.; Skacel, F. [Department of Gas, Coke and Air Protection, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, (Czech Republic)]. E-mail:; Fousek, T. [Institute of Public Health, District of Central Czech Republic, Kladno (Czech Republic); Tekac, V. [Department of Gas, Coke and Air Protection, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, (Czech Republic); Kral, P. [Institute of Public Health, District of Central Czech Republic, Kladno (Czech Republic)


    ). Segundo, interpretamos un conjunto de datos mediante el analisis factorial (FA) para examinar las diferencias entre los procesos de generacion de ozono entre las epocas de verano e invierno. Para evitar la dependencia de la temperatura de las variables, asi como para describir los procesos troposfericos de lavado de las sustancias contaminantes, utilizamos el contenido de vapor de agua en vez del parametro de humedad relativa, empleado muy a menudo. De esta manera fuimos capaces de definir con exito los diferentes procesos de generacion de ozono y posteriormente estimarlos junto con la descomposicion espacial de sus precursores. La temperatura elevada del aire, la radiacion y el bajo contenido de agua estan relacionados con los episodios de contaminacion en verano, mientras que la radiacion y la velocidad del viento resultan ser los parametros mas importantes durante el invierno. Resulto en mayores flujos de escurrimiento foliar y acumulacion en el suelo de N, S, y Mg comparado con doseles de pino o areas abiertas. El elevado deposito atmosferico altera los procesos funcionales del ecosistema, particularmente el escurrimiento foliar y el ciclo interno de nutrientes, y este efecto depende de la cobertura y especie arborea.

  12. Developments in the technology for the combustion of water emulsions in Mexican fuel oil; Desarrollos en la tecnologia para la combustion de emulsiones agua en combustoleo mexicano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diego, Antonio Marin; Martinez Flores, Marco A.; Tamayo Flores, Gustavo; Alarcon Quiroz, Ernesto; Melendez Cervantes, Carlos [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    sulfurico que, al emitirse, tambien afecta la visibilidad de la pluma y puede condensarse, originado corrosion e incrementar la acumulacion de depositos de las calderas. La investigacion experimental se realizo en una base comparativa, entre pruebas de combustion de combustoleo , con emulsiones en donde se vario la concentracion de agua y el tamano de la gota de esta. Se muestra un diagrama de alimentacion de combustible y de preparacion de emulsiones en horno piloto. Y se da una grafica del efecto de la concentracion de agua de las emulsiones en la emision de particulas.El articulo contiene figuras de las cenosferas producidas por la combustion de combustoleo (500x) y las producidas por la combustion con 5% de agua (500x). Tambien muestra graficas del efecto del tamano de gota de agua de emulsiones en la emision de particulas, de la reduccion del trioxido de azufre con productos de magnesio soluble en el agua de emulsiones, y de la acidez libre de particulas con neutralizadores de magnesio soluble en el agua de emulsiones.

  13. Stability of tailings ponds in the mining district of Mazarron (SE Spain): potential risks for the Moreras Rambla; Estudio de estabilidad en depositos de lodos del Distrito Minero de Mazarron (SE Espana): Riesgos potenciales sobre la Rambla de Las Moreras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Acosta, J. A.; Martinez-Martinez, S.; Martinez-Pagan, P.; Zornoza, R.; Carmona, D. M.; Faz, A.


    We have used geochemical, geophysical and geotechnical techniques to identify and quantify the environmental risks of the San Cristobal and Las Moreras tailing ponds, which have been left since the closing down of Pb-Zn mining activities in a semi-arid Mediterranean area. The results show that the tailings ponds present a potential risk to nearby ecosystems because of their high acidity, high salinity and high concentrations of metals, especially Pb and Zn contain. If the pond dams were to fail or if erosion carried dry sludge to the surrounding areas, the result would be pollution, acidification, salinization, compaction and nutrient depletion of the soil, thus reducing the biodiversity of the area. Geoelectrical tomography has shown the depth of the deposits, their volume and the geomorphology of the basement. The profiles reveal that in none of the pseudo-sections are there any regions betraying cracks that might affect the stability of the structures. In fact, geotechnical studies indicate that on a large scale both ponds are stable. Nevertheless, if we contemplate circular rupture and seismic action in the San Cristobal pond, the safety factor values become critical. It is recommended, therefore, that periodic inspections should be carried out to assess moisture, upsurges and settlements in the dam. To reduce erosion of the surface sludge in the tailing ponds we suggest the application of alkaline and organic remediation so as to improve their geochemical characteristics and encourage the establishment of natural vegetation. (Author) 48 refs.

  14. Zirconium oxide deposits (ZrO{sub 2}) and titanium oxide (TiO{sub 2}) on 304l stainless steel; Depositos de oxido de circonio (ZrO{sub 2}) y oxido de titanio (TiO{sub 2}) sobre acero inoxidable 304L

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davila N, M. L.


    This research project aims to carry out the surface and electrochemical characterization to obtain the optimum conditions of the hydrothermal deposits of zirconium oxide ZrO{sub 2} (baddeleyite) and titanium oxide TiO{sub 2} (anatase and rutile phases) on 304l stainless steel, simulating an inhibiting protective layer. 304l steel specimens were cut, pre-oxidized in water at a temperature of 288 degrees Celsius and 8 MPa, similar to those of a typical BWR conditions. From the titanium oxide anatase crystalline phase, the rutile phase was obtained by a heat treatment at 1000 degrees Celsius. The Sigma-Aldrich pre-oxidized powders and steel 304l were characterized using techniques of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersive energy, chemical mapping and Raman spectrometry. The pre-oxidized steel has two oxide layers, an inner layer with nano metric crystals and another outer of larger crystals to 1μm, with the formation of hematite and magnetite, this predominating. The surface that contacted the sample holder has larger crystals. Hydrothermal deposits were carry out from suspensions of 10, 100 and 1000 ppm, of the crystal phases of anatase, rutile and baddeleyite, on the pre-oxidized steel at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius for 2 and 7 days, samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersive energy, Raman spectrometry and Tafel polarization. The suspension to 1000 ppm for 7 days coated surface most; the baddeleyite deposit is noticed more homogeneous than anatase and rutile. The deposit is favored when hematite and magnetite crystals are larger. The chemical mapping on deposits show that even after being immersed in water to 288 degrees Celsius during 30 days, the deposits are still present although a loss is observed. A reference electrode was assembled to conduct electrochemical tests of Tafel able to withstand a temperature of 288 degrees Celsius and pressure of 8 MPa. The baddeleyite deposit presented the electrochemical corrosion potential versus standard electrode of hydrogen (ECP{sub EEH}) more negative, between -35 and -79 mV{sub EEH}), is indicating that it has the greatest capacity to mitigate the stress corrosion, this at a temperature of 288 degrees Celsius. However at a lower temperature, between 250 and 150 degrees Celsius the rutile coating is having a negative ECP{sub EEH} between -100 and -150 mV{sub EEH}. The cathodic slopes of Tafel curves show that deposits are fulfilling their inhibitor functions. In some cases the anodic part of Tafel curve has a section where the potential remains constant while varying the current, suggesting the formation of oxides. (Author)

  15. Spectral gamma-ray signature of fluvial deposits: a case study from the Late Permian Rio do Rasto Formation, Parana Basin, Brazil; Assinatura gamaespectrometrica de depositos fluviais: estudo de caso na Formacao do Rio do Rasto, Permiano Superior da Bacia do Parana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sowek, Guilherme Arruda, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Programa de Pos-graduacao em Geologia; Ferreira, Francisco Jose Fonseca; Vesely, Fernando Farias, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia. Setor de Ciencias da Terra; Berton, Fabio, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil)


    Fluvial channel-fill deposits form highly heterogeneous hydrocarbon reservoirs. The study of outcrop analogs can help in the characterization of these heterogeneities, which are usually not detected by subsurface geophysical methods. The aim of this research is to compare outcrop log signatures with grain size trends and depositional elements of the fluvial deposits of the Late Permian Rio do Rasto Formation. A series of vertical gamma-ray logs were assembled in two outcrops in order to: 1) characterize log-facies in a succession composed of alternated flood plain, channel fill and eolian strata; 2) define within-channel spectral gamma-ray variability of a mixed-load composite point bar deposit and its relationship with grain size trends and lithofacies; 3) correlate log signatures observed in the outcrop sections with deep exploratory wells drilled several tens of kilometers from the study area. The results of this study show that gamma-ray logs have good correlation with grain size trends and that different depositional elements have distinct signatures. On the other hand, point bar deposits exhibit strong lateral changes in log signature due variations in grain size and mud content within lateral accretion strata. Although frequent, the classic bell-shaped log motif was not always detected, which means that the amount of fluvial channel-fill deposits recognized in subsurface can be underestimated. Similar log signatures were detected in the boreholes, at least in the closest ones, helping in paleoenvironmental interpretation in the subsurface. (author)

  16. Evaluation of the mineralogical characterization of several smectite clay deposits of the state of Paraiba, Brazil using statistical analysis of variance; Avaliacao da caracterizacao mineralogica de diversos depositos de argilas esmectiticas do estado da Paraiba utilizando analise estatistica de variancia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gama, A.J.A.; Menezes, R.R.; Neves, G.A.; Brito, A.L.F. de, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil)


    Currently over 80% of industrialized bentonite clay produced in Brazil in sodium form for use in various industrial applications come from the deposits in Boa Vista - PB. Recently they were discovered new bentonite deposits situated in the municipalities of Cubati - PB, Drawn Stone - PB, Sossego - PB, and last in olive groves - PB, requiring systematic studies to develop all its industrial potential. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate chemical characterization several deposits of smectite clays from various regions of the state of Paraíba through the analysis of statistical variance. Chemical analysis form determined by fluorescence x-ray (EDX). Then analyzes were carried out of variance statistics and Tukey test using the statistical soft MINITAB® 17.0. The results showed that the chemical composition of bentonite clay of new deposits showed different amounts of silica, aluminum, magnesium and calcium in relation clays in Boa Vista, and clays imported. (author)

  17. Geological setting, isotope studies (C, O and Pb) and associated metals in the Tocantinzinho gold deposit, Tapajos domain, Tapajos-Parima Province; Contexto geologico, estudos isotopicos (C, O e Pb) e associacao metalica do deposito aurifero Tocantinzinho, dominio Tapajos, Provincia Tapajos-Parima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villas, Raimundo Netuno Nobre [Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil); Santiago, Erika Suellen Barbosa; Castilho, Marilia Portela, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias. Programa de Pos-graduacao em Geologia e Geoquimica


    The Tocantinzinho ore deposit is located along a NW-SE-trending lineament, southwestern of Itaituba (Para, Brazil), and is the largest known gold deposit of the Tapajos Province. The host Tocantinzinho granite is essentially isotropic and dominated by syenogranites and monzogranites that have been weakly to moderately altered by hydrothermal fluids. Microclinization (earliest), chloritization, sericitization, silicification and carbonatization (latest) are the main types of alteration. Most mineralization was contemporaneous with the sericitization/silicification and is represented by sulfide- and gold-bearing veinlets which locally occur as stockwork. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena are the most common sulfides. Among the ore metals, Cu, Pb and Zn present the highest contents, but Mo, As and Bi locally show anomalous concentrations. The relationship of Au with Cu, Pb or Zn is at random and the Au/Ag ratios range from 0.05 to 0.5. The higher the sulfide contents, the higher the Au concentrations, though it occurs mainly included in pyrite. Zircon monocrystals from the Tocantinzinho granite yielded an average Pb-Pb age of 1982 {+-}8Ma and may represent an earlier event of the Creporizao magmatic arc. {delta}{sup 13}C{sub PDB} values for calcite from the carbonatization stage fall dominantly between -3.45 and -2.29 Per-Mille-Sign , being compatible with a deep crustal source that may include carbonatite reservoirs. In turn, {delta}{sup 18}O{sub SMOW} values vary from +5.97 to +14.10 Per-Mille-Sign , being indicative of magmatic derivation, although the less positive values suggest contribution from surficial waters. Unpublished fluid inclusion study reveals the presence of aquo-carbonic fluids, whose CO{sub 2} could have been dissolved in the granitic magma rather than being related to the shear zone. The available data allow the Tocantinzinho deposit to be classified as a granite-hosted, intrusion-related gold deposit. (author)

  18. A Procedure for the Determination of Alpha-Emitting Plutonium in Urine Using a Solid-State Counter; Methode de Determination du Plutonium Emetteur Alpha Present dans l'Urine, au Moyen d'un Compteur a Semi-Conducteurs; Metod opredeleniya al'fa-izlucheniya plutoniya v moche s pomoshch'yu poluprovodnikovogo schetchika; Procedimiento para Determinar la Actividad Alfa del Plutonio en la Orina con Ayuda de un Contador de Estado Solido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandalls, F. J.; Morgan, A. [Health Physics and Medical Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    . La methpde qu'ils ont finalement adoptee consiste a incinerer l'urine et a dissoudre le residu dans de l'acide chlorhydrique. A partir de cette solution,' le plutonium (IV) est coprecipite avec du cupferrate de fer et extrait au moyen de chloroforme. Apres evaporation de celui-ci, le residu est oxyde et dissous dans l'acide chlorhydrique, puis le fer est extrait au moyen d'ether di-isopropy- lique. La phase aqueuse contenant le plutonium est evaporee et dissoute dans une solution de sulfate acide d'ammonium, d'ou le plutonium est depose par electrolyse sur de l'acier inoxydable. Au stade du depot . electrolytique, on recueille dans l'ensemble 84 {+-} 7% du plutonium contenu. Le plutonium depose par electrolyse est mesure au moyen d'un detecteur a semi-conducteur (diode a jonction au silicium) dans un compteur concu a cette fin. Le faible mouvement propre de ce type de compteur est encore efficacement reduit si l'on ne compte que les particules alpha ayant des energies comprises entre 4,2 et 5,4 MeV. La bonne resolution que l'on peut obtenir avec de minces couches de plutonium deposees par electrolyse permet d'utiliser ce canal etroit en ne faisant que de faibles pertes de rendement de comptage. En ne comptant que dans cette gamma d'energies peu etendue, l'activite due a la presence de reactifs et d'autres agents de contamination emetteurs alpha residuels dans l'urine, qui n'est pas entierement decontaminee, se trouve egalement reduite de moitie et atteint un peu plus de 0,01 pc par echantillon preleve sur les urines recueillies pendant 24 h. La limite de detection a l'aide de cette methode est d'environ 0, 025 pc de {sup 239}Pu. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe un metodo para determinaciones corrientes de plutonio en la orina. Tambien resume las investigaciones que llevaron a establecer este procedimiento y en las que se compararon diversas tecnicas de concentracion, purificacion y deposito electrolitico del plutonio. Con arreglo al procedimiento adoptado en

  19. Measurements of Void Effects in the Zero-Power Critical Facility NORA; Mesures de l'Effet Cavitaire dans l'Ensemble Critique NORA de Puissance Zero; Izmerenie vliyaniya pustot v kriticheskoj ustanovke nulevoj moshchnosti NORA; DeterminaciOn de los Efectos de CavitaciOn en el Conjunto Critico NORA de Potencia Nula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bryhn-Ingebrigtsen, K.; Eriksen, V. O.; Schatvet, J.; Ukkestad, A.; Wood, J. I.; Ofjord, K. [Kjeller Research Establishment (Norway)


    influencia de los vacios sobre la reactividad asume particular importancia en los reactores de agua hirviente. La distribucion no uniforme de los vacios aconseja investigar y comprender la ley de variacion espacial del efecto cavitario sobre la reactividad. En la instalacion NORA se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental del efecto cavitario en condiciones fisicamente 'limpias'. En las zonas tubulares comprendidas entre las barras de combustible y sus envolturas se crean cavidades por inyeccion de aire comprimido. En los experimentos de barra unica, los efectos de reactividad son tan pequeflos que es preferible producir periodicamente impulsos oscilantes en el volumen cavitario y analizar la modulacion de potencia correspondiente para obtener los coeficientes de reactividad equivalentes. En el caso de las barras multiples, los experimentos se efectuan por procedimientos estaticos. Los autores describen la tecnica experimental y dan ejemplos de su aplicacion en la determinacion de los efectos cavitarios para una sola barra, las interacciones en el caso de las barras alrededor de las cuales se han formado cavidades y los efectos de las cavidades creadas en toda la extension del cuerpo. (author) [Russian] Vliyanie pustot na velichinu reaktivnosti v aktivnoj zone reaktora igraet ochen' vazhnuyu rol' v kipyashchikh reaktorakh. Neravnomernoe raspredelenie pustot delaet ne- obkhodimym izuchenie i uyasnenie prostranstvennoj zavisimosti vliyaniya pustot na velichinu reaktivnosti. Izuchalos' vliyanie pustot pri chistykh v fizicheskom otnoshenii usloviyakh v ustanovke NORA. EHkrany, okruzhayushchie kazhdyj otdel'nyj toplivnyj stringer, opredelyayut kol'tsevye Oblasti, v kotorykh sozdayutsya pustoty putem vvedeniya vozdukha pod davleniem. V opytakh s otdel'nym sterzhnem ehffekty reaktivnosti nastol'ko maly, chto predpoch- titel'no periodicheski izmenyat' ob{sup e}m pustoty i analizirovat' sootvetstvuyushchuyu modulyatsiyu ehnergii s tsel'yu poluchit' ehkvivalent reaktivnosti. Opyty s

  20. Simulation of an active filter for compensation of reactive power and suppression of harmonic currents in the phases and in the neuter of an unbalanced three-phase system of 4 wires; Simulacion de un filtro activo para compensacion de potencia reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas en las fases y en el neutro de un sistema trifasico de 4 kilos desbalanceado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mino Aguilar, Gerardo


    conocimiento en filtros activos de potencia usados en los puntos de acoplamiento comun entre las fuentes de C.A. y las cargas no lineales formadas por convertidores estaticos de CA/CD, para la supresion de corrientes armonicas y compensacion instantanea de la potencia reactiva. Partiendo de los filtros activos que solo afectan las tres corrientes balanceadas de los sistemas trifasicos de 3 hilos, se llega al tema de esta tesis, cuyo objetivo es resolver el problema de la compensacion reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas tanto en las tres fases como tambien en el neutro de los sistemas trifasicos de 4 hilos. La contribucion principal de esta tesis es el diseno, analisis y simulacion de un filtro activo que ademas de suprimir corrientes armonicas y compensacion del factor de potencia en las tres fases de un sistema trifasico desbalanceado, tambien tiene la capacidad para remover la corriente que circula en el neutro, debido al desbalance de las corrientes de fase. Este diseno se basa en la extension de la teoria de la potencia reactiva instantanea que incluye la existencia de los componentes de secuencia cero en las corrientes de fase. Se propone en la tesis un novedoso filtro basado en un inversor trifasico de 4 ramas, 3 ramas de fase y una rama de neutro, que hasta el mejor conocimiento del autor no ha sido reportado en la literatura. Se hace uso de un numero extenso de resultados de simulacion para probar la validez de este filtro, cuyo comportamiento es superior a los filtros para supresion de corrientes en el neutro existentes en la literatura, de los cuales tambien se presenta un estudio comparativo. La tesis tambien incluye un analisis matematico y grafico de los componentes simetricos en sistemas balanceados y desbalanceados a efecto de conocer la naturaleza de las corrientes armonicas de secuencia cero. Se incluye un apartado sobre causas y efectos del problema de la contaminacion armonica.

  1. The Beginnings and Development of the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatrix Darmstaedter


    Arciduca Francesco Ferdinando d’Asburgo-Este (1863-1914 è stato portato, dopo la sua uccisione, al museo imperiale a Vienna. Dal 1916/17 in poi il famoso storico dell’arte Julius von Schlosser (1866-1938 e il suo successore Hermann Julius Hermann (1869-1953 hanno organizzato una delle più importanti collezioni e esibizioni dedicata esclusivamente a strumenti musicali antichi. Hanno assemblato strumenti preziosi del XVI secolo che facevano parte della stanza delle curiosità dell´Arciduca Ferdinando II (1529- 1595, oggetti raccolti da membri della dinastia Obizzi nel castello di Catajo e oggetti recentemente acquisiti legati alla tradizione Viennese di costruzione di strumenti musicali. Nel 1920 Schlosser ha scritto un catalogo completo della nuova collezione che è considerato la prima pubblicazione sistematica e scientifi ca di strumenti musicali antichi in Austria. Negli anni successivi Schlosser ha cercato di allargare l’inventario di oggetti e la collezione, che si è inoltre arricchita di preziosi esemplari originariamente situati nel Deposito imperiale di mobili di corte (Hofmobiliendepot e di strumenti musicali abbandonati nelle residenze imperiali come il castello di Laxenburg. Il contributo esamina fonti inedite che documentano la prima storia della collezione, affronta il tema dell’esposizione ampliata del 1920, discute l´orientamento tematico della collezione e i principi di didattica museale che ne risultarono. Inoltre, il contributo esamina la posizione della collezione e la sua strategia nel contesto di altri musei con la stessa tematica.

  2. Evolution evidence of a basic fluid to an acid based in the analysis of hydrothermal alteration of the geothermic field of the Azufres, Michoacan; Evidencias de evolucion de un fluido basico a acido a partir del analisis de la alteracion hidrotermal del campo geotermico de los Azufres, Michoacan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Partida, Eduardo [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    zoneamiento evolutivo para los calcosilicatos predominando las zeolitas hacia la cima y la epidota-clinozoicita en los niveles mas profundos. Le sobreyace una zona de argilitizacion que domina las manifestaciones hidrotermales superficiales. En algunas zonas, se tiene la asociacion caolinita-alunita-azufre nativo-cuarzo (zona argilica avanzada) formada por la interaccion vapor-acuifero someros. En el sistema geotermico de Los Azufres el protofluido esta ligado a una salmuera clorurado-sodica de caracter neutro que propicia una alteracion hidrotermal propilitica profunda (zona productoras) y se caracteriza por tener una permeabilidad secundaria debido al fracturamiento. A profundiad el yacimiento es a liquido dominante presurizado para evolucionar a vapor en su parte mas somera. El cambio gradual de la fase liquida a vapor se da por ebullicion a profundidades del orden de 1,200 a 1,500 m, y esta acompanado por cambios igualmente presentes en la mineralogia de alteracion hidrotermal. Ella pasa de propilitica a argilica por un proceso de oxidacion-acidificacion, en donde la participacion de gases, principalmente de CO{sub 2}, es importante. De acuerdo a las caracteristicas fisicoquimicas de la salmuera y la evolucion en las fases parageneticas, el yacimiento de Los Azufres pudiera ser un modelo de comportamiento hidrotermal en el deposito de las menas que se dan por ebullicion y oxidacion de los fluidos hidrotermales fosiles de baja sulfidacion.

  3. Assessing the environmental impact of colliery tailings according to the Qe index: Cinera Matallana coalfield (Eastern Sector), Leon. Evaluacion del impacto ambiental de los depositos de esteril en la mineria del carbon segun el indice Qe: cuenca de Cinera-Matallana (sector Oriental), Leon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Redondo Vega, J.M. (Univ. Leon, Leon (Spain). Dep. Geogr.)


    The general aim of this study is to assess a particular mining area, namely the eastern sector of the Cinera Matallana coalfield, according to the nature of its spoil tips and by applying the Qe index of assessment. The article attempts to find a method by which it will be possible to rearrange the land in the vicinity of coalfields.

  4. High flow air sampling for determination of alpha long half-life emitters: area monitoring of a radioactive material disposal; Amostragem de ar de alto fluxo para determinacao de alfa emissores de meia vida longa: monitoracao de area em um deposito de material radioativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, W.S. [Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (SR/FCN/INB), Itatiaia, RJ (Brazil). Servico de Radioprotecao. Fabrica do Combustivel Nuclear; Kelecom, A. [Universidade Federal Fluminense (LARARA-PLS/GETA/UFF), Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Radiobiologia e Radiometria Pedro Lopes dos Santos. Grupo de Estudos em Temas Ambientais


    The Ore Treatment Unit (UTM) is a mine and closed uranium plant, located in Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It has a radioactive material disposal composed primarily of pie II and mesothorium. It is stored in six sheds designated C-01, C-02, C-05, C-06, C-07 and C-09. This study aims to present the high flow area monitoring program and results obtained in 2009. The threshold derived from concentration in the air was 0.25 Bq m{sup -3}. The average of the activity concentrations in 2009 were: for C-01 1.17 Bq m{sup -3}; C-02 0.006 Bq m{sup -3}; C-05 1.98 Bq m{sup -3}; C-06 2.14 Bq m{sup -3}; C-07 0.34 Bq m{sup -3} and C-09 0,025 Bq m{sup -3}. Such values indicate that the control stay is an important factor in occupational workers' control, as well as the use of EPI's and behavioral care, besides radioprotection training to allow the access to the areas. No worker, supervisor or visitor reached the limit research.

  5. Application of the Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb and Sm-Nd systems on the Salobe 3A polymetallic deposit, Carajas Mineral Province, Para, Brazil; Aplicacao dos sistemas Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb e Sm-Nd do deposito polimetalico do Salobo 3A, Provincia Mineral de Carajas, Para

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mellito, Katia Maria


    The Salobo 3A polymetallic Cu (Au-Mo-Ag) deposit, located in the northern part of the Carajas Mineral Province, Para, consists of a metavolcano-sedimentary sequence represented by iron formation, amphibolite, schist and quartzite of the Igarape Salobo Group. This rock sequence rest uncomformably on the gneissic basement of the Xingu Complex. The copper mineralization hosted by iron formation consists of bornite-chalcocite and bornite-chalcopyrite disseminations associated with magnetite. The geochronological data determined through the application of the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb methods, contribute to characterize the complex evolution of both the geological setting and the cupriferous mineralization of the Salobo deposit. The 3.11-2.92 Ga interval (T{sub DM}, Sm-Nd, whole rock) represents the age of the igneous protholith of the gneiss. The {epsilon}{sub Nd} values calculated for the time of the gneiss formation (2859 Ma) vary between +1.02 and -1.08, and indicate a short period between the mantle-crust differentiation epoch and the gneiss formation. Moreover, the {epsilon}{sub Nd} parameter suggest a mantle source with late crustal contamination. The application of the leaching technique allows a gradual extraction of Pb at each leaching step and it was applied to chalcocite and magnetite. The 2762 {+-} 180 Ma and 2776 {+-} 240 Ma ages determined on those minerals are interpreted to be close to the epoch of the formation of the copper mineralization with Uu and Th enrichment and of the iron formation deposition, respectively, in a conventional setting. The leaching technique was also applied to tourmaline from gneiss and quartzite, and the age near to 2400 Ma was attributed to its formation. The random variability of the Pb isotope compositions of the tourmaline together with its petrographic characteristics suggest the boron source is not associated with the metassedimentary rocks of the Igarape Salobo Group. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron attributed to schists yielded an age of 2426 {+-} 13 Ma, ({sup 143} Nd/{sup 144} Nd){sub 0} equal to 0.50936 and MSWD of 1.125, for the formation of the minerals biotite-grunerite-garnet. Transamazonic ages obtained in magnetite from brecciated iron formation (2172{+-} 230 Ma, Pb-Pb) and chloritized gneisses (2135 3{+-}Ma, Rb-Sr, whole rock), are interpreted as related to greenschist facies metamorphic processes. As copper sulfides, gold, molybdenite fill fractured rocks affected by shearing and low grade metamorphism, it is possible that minerals were remobilized, at least in part, during the Transamazonian. The {sup 87} Sr/{sup 86} Sr initial ratio of 0.728 for the Rb-Sr reference isochron shows that such a event affected rocks with sifnificant crustal residence. The high and random {sup 87} Sr/{sup 86} Sr ratios found for tourmaline and carbonate reflect the influence of rocks with significant crustal residence. In conclusion, the analyses of the isotopic data are in accordance with a syngenetic origin for the Salobo copper primary mineralization, and had a polycyclic evolution associated with the Carajas-Cinzento strike-slip system at the northern portion of the Carajas Mineral Province. (author)

  6. Area monitoring in a deposit of radioactive material: high flux air sampling for determination of long half-life alpha emitters; Monitoracao de area em um deposito de material radioativo: amostragem de ar de alto fluxo para determinacao de alfa emissores de meia vida longa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, Wagner de S.; Py Junior, Delcy de A.; Dores, Luis A. de C.B.; Antunes, Ana Claudia da Silva; Garcia Filho, Oswaldo; Oliveira, Sergio Quinet de; Dantas, Marcelino V.A. [Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (UTM/INB), Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil). Unidade de Tratamento de Minerio; Kelecom, Alphonse, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia. Lab. de Radiobiologia e Radiometria Pedro Lopes dos Santos


    The present paper presents the program of high-flux monitoring and the results obtained in the year 2009. The derivative limit (LD) of air concentration was of 0.25 Bq/m{sup 3}. The permanence control is a important factor in the occupational control of workers, and also the use of EPs the behavioural cares, and the radioprotection training for allowing the access to those areas. Neither workers, inspector nor visitors reached the limit of investigation

  7. Motion model for a charged particle in a plasma during the interaction of an electromagnetic pulse elliptically polarized propagating in the direction of a static and homogeneous magnetic field; Modelo del movimiento de una particula cargada en un plasma durante la interaccion de un pulso electromagnetico elipticamente polarizado propagandose en la direccion de un campo magnetico estatico y homogeneo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez R, F. [UAEM, Facultad de Ciencias, 50000 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Ondarza R, R. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    An analytic model is presented for the description of the motion of a charged particle in the interaction of an elliptically electromagnetic pulse polarized propagating along a static and homogeneous external magnetic field in a plasma starting from the force equation. The method allows to express the solution in terms of the invariant phase, obtaining differential equations for the trajectory of the accelerated particle by means of an electromagnetic pulse of arbitrary and modulated width by an encircling Gaussian. The numerical solutions reported in this work can find varied applications, for example in the physics of the interaction laser-plasma, in the acceleration of particles, in hot plasma and in radioactive effects. (Author)

  8. Characterization of Zn-bearing chlorite by Moessbauer and infrared spectroscopy - occurrence associated to the Pb-Zn-Ag deposits of Canoas, PR, Brazil; Caracterizacao de clorita portadora de Zn por espectroscopia Moessbauer e espectroscopia infravermelho - uma ocorrencia associada ao deposito de Pb-Zn-Ag de Canoas, PR, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imbernon, Rosely Aparecida Liguori [Universidade de Sao Paulo (EACH/USP), SP (Brazil). Escola de Artes, Ciencias e Humanidades; Blot, Alain [Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Paris (France); Pereira, Vitor Paulo [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias; Franco, Daniel Ribeiro, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Observatorio Nacional do Brasil (COGE/ON), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao de Geofisica


    In order to provide new insights on mineralogical aspects of geochemical mapping/natural processes related to the chlorite formation (e.g. crystallochemistry and mechanisms of formation of these materials, which has been applied in different studies of environmental profiles), we investigated chlorite samples associated to the Pb-Zn-Ag sulfide ore from Canoas 1 deposit (Vale do Ribeira, state of Parana, Brazil). By means of Moessbauer (MS) and infrared (IV) spectroscopy, we addressed some issues as those related to the chloritization processes, as well as how Zn would be incorporated into its crystalline structure. Results carried out by ME and IV spectroscopy clearly pointed out for a chlorite occurrence, which in fact incorporates Zn into its structure and also alters the structural patterns for this mineral. Moreover, ME data sets indicated the presence of Fe which is located only in octahedral sites, in trans-configuration, and the Zn emplacement by the chloritization process also occurs in the brucite layer. (author)

  9. Assessing the potential toxicity of marine sediments found in petroleum industry areas: A new approach based on responses of postlarval shrimp; Evaluacion del potencial de toxicidad de sedimentos marinos en areas de la industria petrolera: Un nuevo metodo basado en respuestas de postlarvas de camarones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evangelista, A.J.A.; Nascimento, I.A.; Pereira, S.A.; Lopes, M.B.N.L.; Martins, L.K.P. [Laboratorio de Bio Marinha e Biomonitoramento IBIO-UFBA, Campus Universitario de Ondina, Salvador (Brazil); Fillmann, G [Plymouth Marine Laboratory, West Hoe, PL (United Kingdom)


    impacted and relatively unperturbed environments, but also to separate the different degrees of impact among areas subjected to petroleum industry activities in the coastal environment. [Spanish] Se evaluo la toxicidad de sedimentos del area del noreste de la Bahia de Todos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil, para evaluar el impacto ambiental inducido por 50 anos de actividad industrial petrolera (Petrobras). Se recolectaron muestras de sedimento durante un ano, con intervalos de tres meses, en cuatro sitios relacionados con areas de extraccion (Ilha das Fontes, estacion 4), transporte (Ilhas de Madre de Deus y Pati, estaciones 2 y 3) y refinacion del petroleo (RELAM, estacion 1). Dos estaciones de referencia (5 y 6) se localizaron fuera del area de influencia del petroleo, al sur de la bahia. Se llevaron a cabo bioensayos estaticos por 96 h, usando postlarvas (PL) de Lytopenaeus vannamei con 7 a 8 dias de desarrollo. El ensayo fue realizado en contenedores con 200 g de sedimento superficial (1 cm de profundidad) y 2 L de agua (agua de mar filtrada, 28 ppm de salinidad, 27 {+-} C y DO bajo saturacion). Se alimentaron 15 PL en los contenedores diariamente con 60 nauplios de Artemia salina. Se monitorearon parametros quimicos. La mortalidad y la ganancia en peso seco fueron tomadas como parametros de validacion (end point). Los datos de mortalidad obtenidos de los sedimentos de las estaciones de Petrobras no mostraron diferencias significativas, en comparacion con las estaciones de referencia; sin embargo, la ganancia en peso seco mostro diferencias significativas entre estaciones. El valor maximo se alcanzo en la estacion 1 (refineria RELAM). Las estaciones 2 y 3 de las areas de transporte de petroleo no mostraron diferencias significativas. Para evaluar la sensibilidad de la prueba del sedimento para detectar contaminacion por la industria petrolera, los datos de toxicidad fueron considerados en terminos de niveles de hidrocarburos analizados en dichos sedimentos en las areas de

  10. Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harteck, P; Dondes, S [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (United States)


    initiales dans le systeme; reactions apres fixation d'une certaine quantite d'azote; et enfin cinetique d'equilibre sous irradiation. Les auteurs etudient les conditions de formation de N{sub 2}0{sub 5}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} et O{sub 3}, ainsi que leurs effets sur l'ensemble du processus. (author) [Spanish] En las investigaciones que, por espacio de varios anos, se vienen realizando, en el Instituto Politecnico Rensselaer y en el Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven sobre la fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores, se utiliza directamente la energia de las particulas de retroceso de fision como radiaciones ionizantes; para ello, se dispersa uranio-235 en fibras de vidrio de cinco mieras de diametro aproximadamente . Los autores determinaron los efectos de la temperatura y de la presion, asi como la influencia de la razon nitrogeno/oxigeno, sobre el valor de G 'para la fijacion del nitrogeno y publicaron un informe sobre sus trabajos, que se resumen brevemente en la presente memoria. Las mencionadas investigaciones se realizaron utilizando sistemas estaticos;, mas recientemente, se emplearon tanto sistemas estaticos como de circulacion. En los primeros se ha prestado particular atencion a los efectos ejercidos por la intensidad de la radiacion sobre la cinetica del equilibrio alcanzado en presencia de radiaciones, habiendose comprobado que en las mezclas en que: la razon de nitrogeno a oxigeno es de 4 : 1 y de 2 : 1, la formacion de N0{sub 2} y de N{sub 2}O continua hasta el agotamiento total del oxigeno presente. Actualmente funciona un sistema de circulacion continua en un circuito' colocado en el interior del reactor de Brookhaven. Los autores analizan los efectos de los siguientes factores: temperatura, presion, razon nitrogeno/oxi geno e intensidad de la radiacion; todos estos datos seran de utilidad para disenar un futuro reactor de quimica nuclear. El actual sistema funciona a la presion de 10 atmosferas y 150{sup o}C. La temperatura es funcion de la energia de

  11. The impact of triggering mechanism on flow dynamics and depositional geometry: results from an experimental study of non-conservative density currents; Influencia do mecanismo de iniciacao na dinamica dos fluxos e na geometria dos depositos gerados: observacoes obtidas a partir de estudo experimental de correntes de densidade nao-conservativas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manica, Rafael [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre (Brazil). Inst. de Pesquisas Hidraulicas. Nucleo de Estudos de Correntes de Densidade]. E-mail:; Del Rey, Antonio Cosme; Maestri, Rogerio Dornelles; Borges, Ana Luiza de Oliveira; Viana, Adriano Roessler


    This study presents 28 physical simulations of non-conservative density currents used to evaluate their depositional patterns. Two different triggering mechanisms were used: lock gate and fluid injection. The impact of specific gravity, material type and grain size on the mixture were also checked. Dynamic and geometric features, such as head velocity and head/body height, were recorded. Results show flow velocity increase as concentration grows; deposition volumes present a general tendency to exponential decline with distance; the grain size range of the deposits decreases towards the distal portion of the channel. The results obtained have showed the efficiency of physical modeling in the study of turbidites in allowing correlations to be defined between currents and deposition patterns. (author)

  12. Model of the motion of a charged particle into a plasma during the interaction of an electromagnetic pulse elliptically polarized propagating in the direction of a static and homogeneous magnetic field; Modelo del movimiento de una particula cargada en un plasma durante la interaccion de un pulso electromagnetico elipticamente polarizado propagandose en la direccion de un campo magnetico estatico y homogeneo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez R, F. [UAEM, A.P. 2-139, 50000 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Ondarza R, R. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    An analytical model for the description of the movement of a charged particle in the interaction of an electromagnetic pulse elliptically polarized propagating along of a static and homogeneous external magnetic field in a plasma starting from the force equation is presented. The method allows to express the solution in terms of the invariant phase, obtaining differential equations for the trajectory of the accelerated particle by means of an electromagnetic pulse of arbitrary amplitude and modulated by an encircling Gaussian. The numerical solutions reported in this work can find varied applications, for example in the physics of the interaction laser-plasma, in the acceleration of particles, in hot plasma and in radiative effects. (Author)

  13. Electrochemical study of oxygen reduction reaction in Pt/C catalysts synthesized by photo-deposition; Estudio electroquimico de la reaccion de reduccion de oxigeno en catalizadores de Pt/C sintetizados por fotodeposito

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez-Galindo, J. A.; Ruiz-Camacho, B.; Valenzuela-Zapata, M. A.; Gonzalez-Huerta, R. G. [IPN, ESIQIE, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    interaccion entre estos dos componentes ha recibido mucha atencion en los ultimos anos. Esta interaccion es considerada como la responsable en los efectos de crecimiento de la estructura y la disminucion de la dispersion de las particulas del metal sobre el soporte, provocando un bajo desempeno global y un menor tiempo de vida util de la pila. Las propiedades del soporte se ven acentuadas en los catalizadores catodicos, donde se lleva a cabo la reaccion de reduccion de oxigeno por las condiciones de operacion que se tienen, actualmente se estan investigando sintesis que mejoren la interaccion metal-soporte y asi aumentar el tiempo de vida de la pila de combustible. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio electroquimico de catalizadores de tamano nanometrico de platino soportado en carbon (Pt/C) sintetizados por el metodo de Foto-deposito Quimico para determinar su efecto catalitico y estabilidad en la reaccion de reduccion de oxigeno en medio acido. Se utilizo como precursor de platino el C{sub 10}H{sub 14}O{sub 4}Pt (Pt(acac)2). El estudio electroquimico se realizo con las tecnicas de voltamperometria ciclica y electrodo de disco rotatorio observando que los catalizadores sintetizados presentan un comportamiento similar al Pt ETek. El estudio cinetico mostro un potencial a circuito abierto de 0.96 V, con una pendiente de Tafel de 73 mV dec-1 y a una corriente de 0.1 mA cm-2 se tiene un potencial de 0.91 V. Los autores agradecen el apoyo al ICYTDF (proyecto PICS08-37) y al IPN (Proyecto SIP-20090433).

  14. Reduction of the harmonic propagation in three-phase systems using active compensation; Reduccion de la propagacion armonica en sistemas trifasicos empleando compensacion activa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras Ordaz, Marco Antonio


    filter in the ring network in order to get the best reduction with the smallest power capacity. The research includes topic related with the detection of characteristic and non-characteristic harmonics, the use of shunt active filters connected directly to the network, and harmonic reduction in electric systems. [Spanish] Con el desarrollo de dispositivos semiconductores y la proliferacion de cargas no lineales basadas en convertidores de potencia estaticos, la calidad de la energia electrica en sistemas de transmision, distribucion y consumo se ha visto afectada. Los armonicos de tension presentes en un sistema de distribucion son principalmente el resultado de las corrientes armonicas generadas por las cargas no lineales y su efecto sobre la impedancia del sistema de distribucion. Existen varios problemas generados por la presencia de armonicos de corriente y tension en sistemas de distribucion de potencia; uno de estos problemas es el fenomeno de la propagacion armonica que ha tomado relevancia en los sistemas de distribucion y consumo. Este fenomeno se ha manifestado por la amplificacion de armonicos de tension en lineas de distribucion, generando niveles de distorsion que afectan a la instalaciones electricas, y afectando la vida util de algunos equipos (motores de CA, transformadores, bancos de capacitores, etc.). Ademas hay una reduccion en la capacidad de transmision de potencia en las lineas de distribucion. La propagacion armonica es causada principalmente por la resonancia serie/paralelo entre la impedancia de la linea, los transformadores y los bancos de correccion de factores de potencia instalados a lo largo de la linea de distribucion y los equipos de los consumidores. Los filtros pasivos no han sido una solucion suficiente porque la propagacion armonica puede ocurrir cuando no existe carga en la red electrica, y las frecuencias de resonancia pueden no corresponder a armonicos caracteristicos. Este problema ha sido resuelto por medio del uso de filtros

  15. Study and characterization of noble metal deposits on similar rusty surfaces to those of the reactor U-1 type BWR of nuclear power station of Laguna Verde; Estudio y caracterizacion de depositos de metales nobles sobre superficies oxidadas similares a las del reactor de la Central de Laguna Verde (CNLV) U1 del tipo BWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores S, V. H.


    In the present investigation work, were determined the parameters to simulate the conditions of internal oxidation reactor circulation pipes of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde in Veracruz. We used 304l stainless steel cylinders with two faces prepared with abrasive paper of No. 600, with the finality to obtain similar surface to the internal circulation piping nuclear reactor. Oxides was formed within an autoclave (Autoclave MEX-02 unit B), which is a device that simulates the working conditions of the nuclear reactor, but without radiation generated by the fission reaction within the reactor. The oxidation conditions were a temperature of 280 C and pressure of 8 MPa, similar conditions to the reactor operating in nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde in Veracruz, Mexico (BWR conditions), with an average conductivity of 4.58 ms / cm and 2352 ppb oxygen to simulate normal water chemistry NWC. Were obtained deposits of noble metal oxides formed on 304l stainless steel samples, in a 250 ml autoclave at a temperature range of 180 to 200 C. The elements that were used to deposit platinum-rhodium (Pt-Rh) with aqueous Na{sub 2}Pt (OH){sub 6} and Na{sub 3}Rh (NO{sub 2}){sub 6}, Silver (Ag) with an aqueous solution of AgNO{sub 3}, zirconium (Zr) with aqueous Zr O (NO{sub 3}) and ZrO{sub 2}, and zinc (Zn) in aqueous solution of Zn (NO{sub 3}){sub 2} under conditions of normal water chemistry. Also there was the oxidation of 304l stainless steel specimens in normal water chemistry with a solution of Zinc (Zn) (NWC + Zn). Oxidation of the specimens in water chemistry with a solution of zinc (Zn + NWC) was prepared in two ways: within the MEX-02 autoclave unit A in a solution of zinc and a flask at constant temperature in zinc solution. The oxides formed and deposits were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, elemental field analysis and X-ray diffraction. By other hand was evaluated the electrochemical behavior of the oxides formed on the surface of 304l stainless steel in normal water chemistry, zirconium deposits on these oxides and deposits formed in a flask at constant temperature in solution of zinc, with power noise technique and electrochemical tafel extrapolation technique. Finally, were presented the results to the nuclear as an alternative mitigation effort stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and thus give support to the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde in the action of existing corrosion phenomenon. (Author)

  16. Evaluation of radon and their daughters concentration and estimative of effective dose in a waste deposits at the ore treatment unity of INB/Pocos de Caldas, Brazil; Avaliacao da concentracao de radonio e seus filhos e estimativa de dose efetiva em um deposito de rejeitos na unidade de tratamento de minerios da INB/Caldas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dantas, Marcelino V.A.; Garcia Filho, Oswaldo; Antunes, Marcos M.; Junior, Joao V.S.; Py Junior, Delcy A., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (UTM/INB), Caldas, MG (Brazil). Unidade de Tratamento de Minerios; Pereira, Wagner S. [Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (UTM/INB), Caldas, MG (Brazil). Unidade de Tratamento de Minerios; Universidade Federal Fluminense (IB/UFF), Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia. Lab. de Radiobiologia e Radiometria Pedro Lopes dos Santos


    This paper conducts a surveillance of radon and their short half-life daughters gas concentration, inside the warehouse due to these gas inhalation. The results showed that the average concentration inside the warehouse ix approximately 700 Bq/m{sup 3} and the effective dose of an IOE, related to that concentration would be 5.0 mSv/year, therefore being 4 times lower than the established limit of 20 mSv/year

  17. Fussy control for the operation of an electric energy generation system based in type PEM fuel cells; Control difuso para la operacion de un sistema de generacion de energia electrica basado en celdas de combustible tipo PEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Roman, Miguel


    senales de control conservando la via directa del lazo de control del esquema de control original. Se realizaron pruebas en todo el rango de operacion, para el analisis del desempeno del controlador PID convencional y el controlador PID difuso, introduciendo senales en forma de escalon en la demanda de potencia. Se valido el desempeno del sistema de generacion en funcion de la minimizacion de un indice de error y de la forma suave de la senal de control hacia los actuadores. Se analizo el grado de acoplamiento dinamico entre los lazos de control y se disenaron compensadores de interaccion estaticos con los metodos mas comunes encontrados en la bibliografia: ideal, simplificado e inverso. Se realizaron pruebas para el analisis del compensador ante cambios en la referencia para la presion del anodo, presion del catodo y temperatura de la celda, se diseno tambien un compensador difuso para llevar a cabo el analisis en todo el rango de operacion.

  18. Concentration in activity of {sup 137} Cs, {sup 40} K, {sup 232} Th, {sup 226} Ra in waste deposits of the benefits of minerals in the State of Zacatecas; Concentracion en actividad de {sup 137} Cs, {sup 40} K, {sup 232} Th, {sup 226} Ra en depositos de desecho del beneficio de minerales en el Estado de Zacatecas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leal, B.; Mireles, F.; Quirino, L.; Davila, I.; Ramirez, F. [UAZ, A.P. 579C, 98068 Zacatecas (Mexico)


    The necessity to report the changes in the contained radionuclides in the terrestrial crust, or those deposited by the atomic tests around the world, becomes clear when observing the use of material of waste of those mines. With the purpose of quantifying the concentration in activity its were meet a series of waste samples in mines of the municipalities of Zacatecas, Fresnillo, Guadalupe and Veta Grande of the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. The analysis was carried out by gamma spectrometry with a HPGe detector with a resolution of 1.9 keV corresponding to an energy of 1.33 MeV calibrated in efficiency and energy by means of a certified standard multi nuclide in activity with identical geometry to that of the samples. The times of count are of 80000 seconds, with the purpose of to reduce the relative uncertainties and to define well the interest regions. The activity of {sup 226} Ra and {sup 232} Th is obtained through the one {sup 214} Bi and {sup 228} Ac respectively, the concentration was also measured in activity of the one {sup 40} K and the {sup 137} Cs in units of Bq kg{sup -1}. (Author)

  19. Application of the optimum reactive power dispatch to the cost establishment for the support voltage in a power electrical system for generalized dispatch; Aplicacion del despacho optimo de potencia reactiva al establecimiento del costo por el soporte de voltaje en un sistema electrico de potencia con despacho centralizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan Gomez, Sergio Baruch


    for voltage support of each generator is formed by a fixed and a variable cost. The fixed cost is calculated from the annual recovery factor of the capital invested in the generator. The variable cost depends on the operation conditions and on the cost for loss of opportunity of the generator. To determine the total cost for the voltage support of generators, it is considered that the market of active power has already been solved previously through an economic dispatch of active power. The systems used for the evaluation of the developed program are: a 5 nodes system and the IEEE 30 nodes system. [Spanish] Los cambios en las estructuras de los sistemas electricos de esquemas verticales a esquemas horizontales ha provocado que los sistemas esten formados por cuatro segmentos: generacion, transmision, distribucion y comercializacion. Bajo este esquema el operador del sistema es el encargado de administrar y operar de manera economica y segura al sistema. Una de las tareas principales de esta organizacion junto con la red de transmision es la de realizar el movimiento de potencia desde los centros de generacion hasta los puntos de consumo, no obstante para poder llevar a cabo esta actividad se necesita un conjunto de servicios auxiliares. En un esquema horizontal, el soporte de voltaje por parte de los generadores es considerado como un servicio auxiliar, el cual es necesario para la operacion del sistema. Si bien la compensacion de potencia reactiva en un sistema electrico se debe realizar de manera local a traves de compensacion en derivacion, compensadores estaticos, condensadores sincronos y transformadores con cambiador en derivacion bajo carga, debido a que el transmitir flujos de potencia reactiva desde los generadores provoca un incremento en las perdidas del sistema de transmision; sin embargo aunque la funcion principal de los generadores sincronos es la produccion de potencia activa, de manera implicita estos generan potencia reactiva bajo ciertas condiciones

  20. Reassessment of Seismic Design and Noise Simulation using Finite Element Calculation of the Condensate Storage Tank of Cofrentes NPP according to standard API-650 11th Ed; Reevaluacion del diseno Sismico mediante Simulacion de Fluidos y Calculo por Elementos Finitos del Deposito del Almacenamiento de Condensado de Central Nuclear de Cofrentes conforme a la norma API-650 11th Ed

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarti Fernandez, F.; Gavilan Moreno, C.; Paez Ortega, E.


    There have been several dynamic simulations in which I analyzed: fluid-structure interaction effect of the wave, studying stress, vibration modes and possible effects of structural instability. After this process to make the changes in the tank to comply with the new rules and updated seismic conditions were designed. were performed.

  1. Ecotoxicological assessment of some of the main therapeutic groups present in the ‘SIGRE’ containers at pharmacies Valoración ecotoxicológica de algunos de los principales grupos terapéuticos encontrados en depositos SIGRE de oficinas de farmacia Avaliação ecotoxicológica de alguns dos principais grupos terapêuticos encontrados em depósitos SIGRE de farmácias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jimena García Lobo


    Full Text Available Protecting the environment is one of the main challenges of modern society. To this aim, especially in recent years, the European Union (EU has approved legislation establishing the environmental standards that must be met by medicinal products for human and veterinary use, in order to be registered by the regulatory agencies. To minimize as far as possible negative impacts on the environment, the Pharmaceutical Industry has provided a management system exclusively for both empty pharmaceutical packaging and that still containing medicines accumulated in Spanish homes. The Integrated System of Management and Collection of Packaging Waste (SIGRE in the Pharmaceutical Industry is a non-profit organization created for the collection and management of pharmaceutical waste accumulated by citizens in their homes.This study has carried out a pilot project by monitoring the pharmaceutical packaging deposited by the population in containers at two Pharmacies located in the town of Coslada in Madrid. A literature review was also conducted of the ecotoxicological effects of the therapeutic groups most frequently found in the SIGRE containers in this study.La protección del medio ambiente es uno de los principales retos de la sociedad actual. Con este objetivo a lo largo de los últimos años, la Unión Europea (UE ha ido aprobando normativas que establecen normas de carácter medioambiental que deben cumplir los medicamentos de uso humano y veterinario para su registro por las agencias reguladoras. Para reducir al máximo posibles impactos negativos sobre el medio ambiente, la industria farmacéutica ha constituido un sistema de gestión exclusivo para los envases de medicamentos, vacíos o con restos, que se generan en los domicilios españoles. El Sistema Integrado de Gestión y Recogida de Envases (SIGRE del sector farmacéutico, es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro creada para la recogida y gestión de los residuos de medicamentos que los ciudadanos generan.En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio piloto sobre los envases depositados por la población en dos oficinas de farmacia situadas en la localidad de Coslada en Madrid, realizando una revisión bibliográfica de los efectos ecotoxicológicos de los grupos terapéuticos más frecuentemente encontrados en los depósitos SIGRE en este estudio.A proteção do meio ambiente é um dos principais desafios da sociedade atual. Com esse objetivo, ao longo dos últimos anos, a União Europeia (UE tem aprovado regulamentos que estabelecem normas de âmbito ambiental que devem ser respeitadas pelos medicamentos de uso humano e veterinário para que os mesmos possam ser registados pelas agências reguladoras. Para minimizar ao máximo possíveis impactos negativos sobre o meio ambiente a indústria farmacêutica desenvolveu um sistema de gestão para embalagens de medicamentos, vazias ou com restos, que são originados nos lares espanhóis. O Sistema Integrado de Gestão e Recolha de Embalagens (SIGRE do sector farmacêutico é uma organização sem fins lucrativos criada para a recolha e gestão de resíduos de medicamentos gerados pelos cidadãos.Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um estudo piloto sobre as embalagens depositadas pela população em duas farmácias localizadas na localidade de Coslada em Madrid realizando-se uma revisão bibliográfica dos efeitos ecotoxicológicos dos grupos terapêuticos mais frequentemente encontrados nos depósitos SIGRES deste estudo.

  2. Hot corrosion of the steel SA213-T22 and SA213-TP347H in 80% V{sub 2}O{sub 5}-20%Na{sub 2}SO{sub 4} mixture; Corrosion por depositos salinos de los aceros SA213-T22 y SA213-TP347H en presencia de una mezcal 80%V{sub 2} O{sub 5}-20%Na{sub 2}SO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeraya, F; Martinez-Villafane, A; Gaona, C; Romero, M A; Malo, J M


    Many hot corrosion problems in industrial and utility boilers are caused by molten salts. The corrosion processes which occur in salts are of an electrochemical nature, and so they can be studied using electrochemical test methods. In this research, electrochemical techniques in molten salt systems have been used for the measurements of molten corrosion processes. Electrochemical test methods are described here for a salt mixture of 80%V{sub 2}O{sub 5}-20%NaSO{sub 4} at 540-680 degree centigree. To establish better the electrochemical corrosion rate measurements for molten salt systems, information from electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization curves, such as polarization resistance and Tafeol slopes were used in this study to generate corrosion rate data. The salt was contained in a quartz crucible inside a stainless retort. The atmosphere used was air. A thermocouple sheathed with quartz glass was introduced into the molten salt for temperature monitoring and control. Two materials were tested in the molten mixture: SA213-T22 and SA213-TP347H steels. The corrosion rates values obtained using electrochemical methods were around 0.58-7.14 mm/yr (22.9-281 mpy). The corrosion rate increase with time. (Author) 7 refs.

  3. Fire vegetative ash and erosion in the Mediterranean areas. State of the art and future perspectives (United States)

    Pereira, Paulo; Cerdà, Artemi


    -84-370-7887-8. Deposito Legal: V-3541-2010. Pereira, P., Cerdà, A., Úbeda, X., Mataix-Solera, J. Arcenegui, V., Zavala, L. (2013a) Modelling the impacts of wildfire on ash thickness in a short-term period, Land Degradation and Development, (In Press), DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2195 Pereira, P., Cerdà, A., Úbeda, X., Mataix-Solera, J., Jordan, A. Burguet, M. (2013b) Effects of fire on ash thickness in a Lithuanian grassland and short-term spatio-temporal changes, Solid Earth Discussions,4, 1545-1584. Pereira, P., Úbeda, X. (2010) Spatial variation of heavy metals released from ashes after a wildfire, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 18(1), 13-22. Pereira, P., Úbeda, X., Martin, D. (2012) Fire severity effects on ash chemical composition and water-extractable elements, Geoderma, 191, 105-114.

  4. Radioactive Waste Control at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell; Traitement des Dechets Radioactifs au Centre de Recherche sur l'Energie Atomique de Harwell; 041a 041e 041d 0422 0420 041e 041b 042c 0417 0410 0423 0414 ; Control de Desechos Radiactivos en el A.E.R.E., Harwell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burns, R. H. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (United Kingdom)


    stockes; on construit une nouvelle usine, qui comprendra des installations pour le traitement chimique, l'echange des ions et l'evaporation. Les impuretes chimiques qui se produisent au cours des processus de traitement sont evacuees dans la mer apres filtrage. Les dechets solides contamines sont stockes ou evacues dans la mer. Il importe de reduire le volume des dechets dans toute la mesure du possible; parmi les methodes appliquees a cet effet, il y a lieu de signaler le paquetage sous pression, la fusion et l'incineration des combustibles. De petites quantites de substances radioactives sont evacuees dans l'atmosphere par des dispositifs d'echappement. D'ordinaire, l'epuration de l'air evacue se fait au moyen de filtres a grand rendement ou de systemes de nettoyage par liquide. On controle regulierement les dispositifs d'echappement et ce controle est complete par l'examen d'echantillons preleves dans toute la region. (author) [Spanish] El autor describe los procedimientos empleados en las instalaciones de Harwell para el control y el tratamiento de desechos radiactivos. Los efluentes liquidos de gran volumen y bajo nivel de actividad se someten a tratamiento utilizando metodos de coagulacion mediante fosfatos y se descargan en el Tamesis. Los desechos de nivel medio de actividad, una vez separados, se someten a un tratamiento quimico en dos faces y seguidamente se les hace pasar a traves de columnas de vermiculita. Se ha comprobado que esta ultima operacion permite separar el radiocesio, lo cual no puede lograrse eficazmente con los metodos de precipitacion empleados. Los residuos liquidos de elevado nivel de actividad pasan a depositos de almacenaje; se esta construyendo una nueva instalacion en la que se combinaran los procedimientos de tratamiento quimico, intercambio ionico y evaporacion. Los lodos quimicos que se producen en los procesos de tratamiento son hundidos en el mar en recipientes especiales, una vez separada por filtracion el agua que contienen. Los

  5. Self-diffusion in volume and at the grain-boundaries of gamma-iron of high purity (99.99%); Autodiffusion en volume et aux joints de grains du fer gamma de haute purete (99,99 %); Ob'emnaya samodiffuziya i samodiffuziya na poverkhnosti granul zheleza u vysokoj chistoty (99,99%); Autodifusion en volumen y en los limites intergranulares del hierro gamma de elevada pureza (99,99 por ciento)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacombe, P; Guiraldenq, P; Leymonie, C [Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines, Paris (France)


    'ici avait ete appliquee uniquement a la diffusion en volume. En fait les auteurs montrent que l'on peut, par mesure de l'activite globale restante en fonction de la profondeur de penetration, distinguer la part de l'activite due a l'autodiffusion en volume de celle due a l'autodiffusion intergranulaire. L'interet de la methode est donc de suivre en continu sur un meme echantillon le passage de l'autodiffusion en volume a l'autodiffusion intergranulaire. Cette methode nouvelle a ete appliquee a la mesure des constantes d'autodiffusion en volume dans le fer gamma entre 1.260 Degree-Sign et 918 Degree-Sign C et celle aux joints des grains entre 1.020 Degree-Sign et 918 Degree-Sign C. (author) [Spanish] En vista de las dificultades que presenta la medicion exacta de los coeficientes de autodifusion, tanto masica como intergranular, en ciertos intervalos de temperatura en los que ambos fenomenos coexisten, los autores han vuelto a estudiar el metodo clasico de seccionamiento. Efectivamente, han comprobado que para un solido semi-infinito, la concentracion de atomos radiactivos C (x{sub n}), despues de la difusion, a la distancia x{sub n} del deposito radiactivo inicial es una funcion simple de la actividad global que queda en la muestra despues de una abrasion hasta la profundidad x{sub n}. Esta conclusion surge de la generalizacion de la formula de GRUZIN, que hasta ahora solo se habia aplicado a la difusion en volupien. Los autores han demostrado que, midiendo la actividad global que queda en funcion de la profundidad de penetracion, se puede distinguir la parte de la actividad debida a la autodifusion masica, de la actividad atribuible a la autodifusion intergranular. Por lo tanto, el interes del metodo estriba en que permite observar de modo continuo en una misma muestra la transicion de la autodifusion masica a la autodifusion intergranular. Los autores han aplicado este nuevo metodo a la medicion, en el hierro en fase gamma, de las constantes de autodifusion masica entre

  6. The ash in forest fire affected soils control the soil losses. Part 2. Current and future research challenges (United States)

    Pereira, Paulo; Cerdà, Artemi


    cenizas y el ecosistema suelo, In: Cerdà, A. Jordan, A. (eds) Actualización en métodos y técnicas para el estudio de los suelos afectados por incendios forestales, 345-398. Càtedra de Divulgació de la Ciència. Universitat de Valencia. ISBN: 978-84-370-7887-8. Deposito Legal: V-3541-2010. Pereira, P., Úbeda, X. 2010. Spatial variation of heavy metals released from ashes after a wildfire, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 18(1), 13-22. Pereira, P., Ubeda, X., Martin, D. 2012. Fire severity effects on ash chemical composition and water-extractable elements, Geoderma, 191, 105-114. Pereira, P., Úbeda, X., Martin, D., Mataix-Solera, J., Guerrero, C. 2011. Effects of a low prescribed fire in ash water soluble elements in a Cork Oak (Quercus suber) forest located in Northeast of Iberian Peninsula, Environmental Research, 111(2), 237-247. Stoff, C.R., Wesseling, J.G., Ritsema, C.J. 2011. Effects of ash on soil water retention, Geoderma, 159(3-4), 276-285. Woods, S.W., Balfour, V.N. 2010. The effects of soil texture and ash thickness on the post-fire hydrological response from ash-covered soils, Journal of Hydrology, 393, 274-286.

  7. Application of Sodium-24 to Flow-Rate Measurements and Leak Detection; Applications du Sodium-24 a des Mesures de Debits et de Recherches de Fuites; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ НАТРИЯ-24 ПРИ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯХ ПОТОКОВ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ УТЕЧКИ; Aplicaciones del Sodio-24 a la Medicion de Caudales y Deteccion de Escapes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guizerix, J.; Cornuet, R. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, Grenoble (France)


    colimados, trazando en diferentes fechas curvas precisas de isoactividad. La evolucion en el tiempo de la zona de actividad, en la que se cree que se han producido escapes, ha permitido distinguirla de las zonas sospechosas debido a las tuberias o a los lugares de fuerte adsorcion del indicador. Un deposito de plomo estanco, situado entre dos pisos, debajo de las baldosas de un cuarto de aseo, estaba destinado a recoger las aguas procedentes de los posibles escapes en las instalaciones hidraulicas del piso superior. A fin de determinar los escapes, se aplico sobre el deposito agua marcada con {sup 24}Na. La dificultad de las investigaciones se debe a la superposicion de las manchas de actividad a la entrada y salida del escape, asi como al bajo caudal de dicho escape, que era de 1 cm{sup 3}/min. Por analisis exacto de la evolucion de la mancha de actividad mediante curvas de isoactividad, se ha podido determinar en 15 h el lugar en que se habia producido el escape. Con el proposito de determinar los posibles escapes del orden de 1 1/h entre un circuito de agua de refrigeracion y un circuito de acetato de celulosa, cuyos caudales conocidos son del orden de 5 m{sup 3}/h, un estudio preliminar ha permitido fijar el tiempo de transito maximo de las ondas de actividad en cada uno de esas circuitos. Se ha comprobado que un escape de esa. indole puede detectarse inyectando en un circuito de agua 15 me de MNa, y extrayendo 3 1 de acetato durante 20 min. El caudal del escape puede determinarse mediante el indice de recuento de esta actividad y el de una parte alicuota de la actividad total inyectada, determinada en las mismas condiciones geometricas. Se ha utilizado el 'metodo de los dos maximos' para medir el caudal de agua en un circuito cerrado; la circulacion se obtiene mediante un termosifon, que funciona a 350 Degree-Sign C a una presion de 180 kg/cm{sup 2}. Se efectuo una inyeccion cuasi-puntiforme de 0,5 me de carbonato de sodio marcado con {sup 24}Na; la medicion del tiempo

  8. Radiochemical Determination of Plutonium for Radiological Purposes; Determination Radiochimique du Plutonium a des Fins Radiologiques; Radiokhimicheskoe opredelenie plutoniya dlya tselej radiologii; Determinacion Radioquimica del Plutonio con Fines Radiologicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, J. M.; Beasley, T. M. [Chemical Laboratory, Hanford Laboratories, General Electric Company, Richland, WA (United States)


    pouvoir comparer'la sensibilite de differentes methodes d'analyse. Les auteurs decrivent la dissolution complete d'echantillons d'excreta, de sols, d'os, de tissus et de vegetaux en insistant sur la necessite d'eviter la formation de composes refractaires du plutonium qui sont difficilement solubles. Ils examinent les methodes analytiques employees pour doser le plutonium contenu dans ces substances, notamment la coprecipitation, l'extraction par partage) la chromato- graphie sur echangeurs d'ions et l'emploi d'isotopes du plutonium pour la determination des quantites produites par analyse de l'energie des particules alpha. A l'aide de statistiques du comptage, les auteurs comparent les sensibilites obtenues dans le comptage de particules alpha de faible energie au moyen de chambres d'ionisation, de compteurs proportionnels, de compteurs a diode et d'emulsions nucleaires. L'analyse isotopique du plutonium par spectrometrie alpha, les techniques des emulsions nucleaires et le comptage par scintillateur liquide sont traites dans le memoire. A propos des echantillons completement inactifs, les auteurs etudient l'emploi d'entraineurs non isotopiques en tant que source d'activite etrangere ainsi que les degres de contamination du milieu ambiant par du plutonium recemment releves dans le monde entier. Ils examinent deux possibilites comme futures methodes de dosage du plutonium, lorsqu'on veut obtenir une plus grande sensibilite: il s'agit de l'analyse par activation et du comptage des fragments de fission. (author) [Spanish] Los autores examinan los procedimientos utilizados anteriormente y en la actualidad para la determinacion de cantidades de plutonio del orden de los micro-microgramos en muestras biologicas y del medio ambiente. Estudian especialmente el analisis de las excreta. Han calculado los indices de excrecion urinaria probables adoptando valores arbitrarios para el deposito de plutonio, de una manera que facilita la comparacion de las sensibilidades analiticas de

  9. Tritium Studies in the United States. Geological Survey; Le tritium dans les etudes entreprises par le Service Geologique des Etats-Unis; Izuchenie tritiya v svyazi s geologicheskim obsledovaniem ssha; El tritio en los estudios del Servicio Geologico de los Estados Unidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlston, C W; Thatcher, L L [United States Geological Survey, Washington, DC (United States)


    hydrogeno-etileno son las mas satisfactorias. Se ha estudiado el enriquecimiento electrolitico con el proposito de mejorar la reproductibilidad del metodo y de evaluar los factores de separacion en diferentes condiciones experimentales. Se ha encontrado un prodecimiento que permite recuperar regularmente el 75 por ciento del tritio. Los principales trabajos efectuados en el terreno consisten en: 1. Un estudio realizado con ayuda de tritio en la llanura costera de Nueva Jersey, el cual indica que debajo del nivel freatico el agua aparece dispuesta en capas de diferentes edades. 2. Estudios en dos macizos autoctonos diferentes con el fin de determinar el comportamiento del tritio precipitado a raiz de los ensayos termonucleares realizados en 1958. 3. Utilizacion del tritio para determinar la renovacion del agua subterranea en las areniscas terciarias subyacentes a los altiplanos semiaridos de Nuevo Mexico. 4. Un estudio del contenido de tritio en las aguas subterraneas de la llanura del Snake River-en Idaho, que se lleva a cabo en procura de datos sobre la edad, los caudales y la direccion de cir, culacion del agua. 5. La determinacion de la capacidad de un deposito subterraneo proximo a Carlsbad, Nuevo Mexico, usando tritio industrial como indicador. (author) [Russian] Upravlenie geologicheskogo obsledovaniya provodit issledovatel'skuyu programmu kak po linii laboratornogo analiza tritiya, tak i v tselom ryade proektov na mestakh, napravlennykh na izuchenie vozmozhnoj foli tritiya v gidrologicheskikh izyskaniyakh. Laboratornye issledovaniya byli predprinyaty s tsel'yu usovershenstvovaniya tekhniki otschetov impul'sov gazovoj fazy, a takzhe s tsel'yu razrabotki prostykh priborov, prisposoblennykh dlya vypolneniya programmy dolgosrochnogo gidrologicheskogo obsledovaniya . Izuchenie razlichnykh prigodnykh dlya scheta gazovykh smesej pokazyvaet na preimushchestva smesej' vodoroda s ehfirom i vodoroda s ehtilenom. Bylo izucheno ehlekroliticheskoe obogashchenie s tsel

  10. Preparation of Uranium Dioxide by Electrochemical Reduction in Ammonium Carbonate Solutions and Subsequent Precipitation; Preparation de bioxyde d'uranium par reduction electrochimique dans des solutions de carbonate d'ammonium et precipitation; Prigotovlenie dvuokisi urana metodom ehlektrokhimicheskogo vosstanovleniya v rastvore karbonata ammoniya s posleduyushchim osazhdeniem; Preparacion de dioxido de uranio por reduccion electroquimica en soluciones de carbonato amonico u precipitacion subsiguiente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pravdic, V.; Branica, M.; Pucar, Z. [Department of Physical Chemistry, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Serbia)


    tecnologicos. Se construyo una celda electrolitica de cloruro de polivinilo duro con catodo de mercurio de aproximadamente 2,5dm{sup 2} de superficie y anodos de platino. El catolito estaba separado del anolito por membranas de intercambio cationico. El catolito se hizo circular entre dos depositos de 50 1 y se dirigio hacia el catodo de mercurio sometido a una agitacion energica. El potencial del mercurio se mantuvo constante en -1,5 V comprobandolo con un electrodo patron de Ag/AgCl/KCl (sat.). El rendimiento de la corriente es aproximadamente el 90% y la energia consumida para el proceso de reduccion esde unos 0,8 kWh/kg de dioxido de uranio. Una vez terminada la electrolisis, se inicio la precipitacion calentando simplemente a 70 deg. C la solucion limpida de color verde obscuro, en otro recipiente de vidrio de 60 1 de capacidad. A partir de 50 1 de solucion de catolito se obtuvo por centrifugacion 1 kg de producto (conteniendo alrededor de un 20% de agua). El analisis por culombimetria de la razon O/U dio resultados siempre comprendidos entre 2,04 y 2,09. El procedimiento descrito permite precipitar selectivamente el oxido hidratado de uranio (IV) observandose que la razon O/U en el precipitado es independiente del grado que haya alcanzado la reduccion. Analizando el polvo por difraccion de rayos X , se pudo identificar el producto como la fase alfa del dioxido de uranio. Se estan realizando experimentos de sinterizacion y caracterizacion del dioxido de uranio obtenido de esta manera a fin de comprobar en que medida responde a las especificaciones para combustibles nucleares ceramicos. (author) [Russian] Dlya polucheniya bol'shego kolichestva materiala, neobkhodimogo dlya tekhnologicheskikh ispytanij, sdelana popytka rasshirit' masshtab protsessa. Byl skonstruirovan ehlektrolizer iz tverdogo polivinil- khlorida s rtutnym katodom okolo 2,5dm''2 i platinovymi anodami. Katodnyj rastvor otdelyalsya ot anodnogo kationoobmennymi membranami. Katodnyj rastvor tsirkuliroval mezhdu

  11. Some recent developments in the application of radioisotope techniques in Australia; Progres recents dans l'application des methodes radioisotopiques en Australie; Poslednie dostizheniya v oblasti primeneniya radioizotopov v Avstralii; Recientes progresos realizados en Australia en las aplicaciones tecnicas de los radioisotopos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gregory, J N [Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Sutherland, N.S.W. (Australia)


    contadores de centelleo callibrados instalados debajo del agua. Los experimentos pusieron de relieve que la corriente resultaba mas afectada por el viento que por cualquier otro factor. En ausencia de viento, una proporcion considerable del agua caliente retornaba a la central al cabo de tres o cuatro horas, circulando por la superficie del deposito. Ello puso de manifiesto que el sistema de admision del agua se habia proyectado incorrectamente, por lo que hubo de modificarse. El autor describe asimismo un estudio del esquema de circulacion de las soluciones de azucar bruto en un tanque Bach de sedimentacion. Despues de haber sido tratada con cal, la solucion caliente penetra en el tanque por una tuberia de alimentacion que desemboca en la parte superior del mismo, en tanto que la solucion clarificada se estrae por tuberias situadas a seis niveles distintos. Los solidos precipitados se extraen por la parte inferior. Se inyecto una solucion conteniendo 5 milicuries de bromo-82 en la tuberia de alimentacion y el paso del indicador se midio cuantitativamente a medida que aparecia en las seis tuberias de salida, utilizando detectores de centelleo blindados. Un estudio de la distribucion de la actividad dentro de cada tuberia, en funcion del tiempo, permitio formarse una idea clara de las caracteristicas de la corriente en el tanque de sedimentacion. Por ultimo, el autor estudia el rendimiento de la operacion de mezcla en un mezclador de tipo espiral. (author) [Russian] V dannom dokumente daetsya opisanie nekotorykh rabot, vypolnennykh sektsiej izotopov Komissii po atomnoj ehnergii Avstralii za poslednie dva goda, osobenno v svyazi s promyshlennymi ehksperimentami i ispytaniyami, provedennymi v dannoj oblasti v sotrudnichestve s drugimi organizatsiyami. Bylo provedeno issledovanie skhemy potokov v okhladitel'nom bassejne ehlektrostantsii s ispol'zovaniem joda-131 v vide mechenykh atomov. Potok vody byl proslezhen kolichestvenno vo vsem bassejne ob{sup e}mom v 200000000 gallonov s

  12. Study of multilevel inverters with extended functions; Estudio de inversores multinivel con funciones ampliadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda Vidales, Homero


    strategies to implement the modulation and programming technique. [Spanish] Desde 1980 los convertidores multinivel han sido parte fundamental en equipos de electronica de potencia tales como variadores de velocidad para motores de induccion. En las ultimas decadas las aplicaciones de estos convertidores se extendieron a otras funciones tales como vehiculos electricos, sistemas de transmision de energia y equipos acondicionadores de red. En la actualidad los convertidores multinivel han ganado un espacio muy importante en aplicaciones de media y alta tension gracias a sus caracteristicas que presentan. Especialmente en acondicionadores de red los cuales son equipos de electronica de potencia que se basan en convertidores estaticos. Entre las principales aplicaciones de los acondicionadores de red son la compensacion de armonicas en corriente y/o tension, la generacion de potencia reactiva y la compensacion de desviaciones en la magnitud de tension. La contaminacion armonica en la red electrica es uno de los problemas mas severos y cabe mencionar que en la mayoria de los paises industrializados no existe cargo alguno que penalice la generacion y propagacion armonica. Sin embargo, es necesario hacer un estudio y proponer soluciones que ayuden a reducir los efectos ocasionados por la generacion de armonicas en corriente y/o tension. Una solucion a este problema son los filtros activos, que se encuentran dentro de los acondicionadores de red, los cuales ayudan a reducir la cantidad de armonicos que circulan en la red electrica. Sin embargo en sistemas de media y alta tension se complica la utilizacion de estos equipos ya que los dispositivos de potencia que componen a los convertidores convencionales (dos niveles) no soportan altos niveles de tension y corriente simultaneamente. Como una solucion a estos problemas surgen los inversores multinivel. Los inversores multinivel son equipos que operan con bajos niveles de tension en las fuentes de CD y los dispositivos semiconductores

  13. The physics design of EBR-II; Physique du reacteur EBR-II; Fizicheskij raschet ehksperimental'nogo reaktora - razmnozhitelya EVR-II; Aspectos fisicos del reactor EBR-II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W. B. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    notamment l'introduction de taux de reactivite normaux et anormaux, les consequences des effets supposes de reactivite, a partir du comportement physique de l'alliage combustible et de la structure du reacteur, ainsi que par extrapolation des experiences faites sur TREAT au systeme EBR-II. Il examine le probleme de la fusion du coeur de EBR-II. (author) [Spanish] La memoria informa sobre los calculos del comportamiento estatico, dinamico y a largo plazo de la reactividad del reactor reproductor experimental EBR-II, asi como sobre los resultados y analisis de los experimentos criticos en seco del EBR-II y de los experimentos simulados en el reactor de potencia cero ZPR-III. Insiste particularmente en los problemas de fisica del reactor que, en la elaboracion del proyecto, siguen a la eleccion del modelo, pero preceden a la construccion y puesta en marcha del reactor. Presenta diversos analisis del reactor desde el punto de vista de la seguridad y formula consideraciones sobre la evaluacion de los riesgos y su influencia sobre el diseno del reactor. El trabajo explica tambien la manera de emplear los datos obtenidos en los experimentos arriba citados. Estos experimentos, su analisis y sus predicciones teoricas constituyen la base para determinar el comportamiento fisico del reactor. La memoria estudia detalladamente las limitaciones inherentes a la aplicacion de los datos experimentales al funcionamiento del reactor de potencia. Ello incluye datos precisos sobre as dimensiones del cuerpo, el enriquecimiento de la aleacion combustible, o de ambos factores; el establecimiento de una reactividad adecuada para el reactor funcionando o detenido, la determinacion de la variacion de los coeficientes de reactividad en funcion de la temperatura de funcionamiento y de la potencia generadora y detalles de la distribucion de la potencia y del flujo en diversos puntos de la estructura del reactor. La memoria expone tambien el problema general que supone transferir a la verdadera geometria

  14. The Permanent Disposal of Highly Radioactive Wastes by Incorporation into Glass; Elimination Permanente de Dechets Hautement Radioactifs par Incorporation dans le Verre; 041e 041a 041e 041d 0427 0414 ; La Evacuacion Permanente de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad Incorporandolos en Vidrio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watson, L. C.; Aikin, A. M.; Bancroft, A. I. [Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (Canada)


    tratamiento quimico. Se ha, ensayado el sistema produciendo un vidrio que contiene hasta 50 curies de productos de fision de cinco a seis anos de edad por kilogramo. El procedimiento es intermitente y trabaja en partidas de cuatro kilogramos. Se ha demostrado que los productos de fision pueden ser incorporados al vidrio en forma eficaz y segura. El estudio de los muchos problemas que encierra el almacenaje permanente o la evacuacion del vidrio de alto nivel radiactivo ha llevado a la conclusion de que deberia ser enterrado en el suelo o almacenado en depositos subterraneos artificiales. En estas condiciones es siempre posible, caso de que sea necesario, proceder a un nuevo control de los desechos. Si la evacuacion se efectua enterrando los desechos, los productos de fision se liberan sobre todo mediante lixiviacion por las aguas subterraneas. Asi pues, es importante saber la velocidad con que los productos de fision se difundiran mediante este procedimiento. Se ha reunido buen numero de datos sobre la lixiviacion por agua en el laboratorio, y se ha encontrado que la velocidad de difusion depende de la composicion del vidrio. En todas las composiciones que se ensayaron las mediciones demostraron que la velocidad de lixiviacion de los productos de fision contenidos en el vidrio disminuye con el tiempo. Despues de varios meses de inmersion en agua la velocidad de difusion para vidrios de diversas composiciones era de 10{sup -4} por ciento aproximadamente por ano para una semiesfera de vidrio de dos kilogramos de peso. Los datos obtenidos han sido empleados para calcular la velocidad con que se difunden los productos de fision incorporados a vidrio en las grandes cantidades en que se acumularan como resultado del funcionamiento de los reactores generadores de energia. (author) [Russian] V Chok River prodolzhaetsja razrabotka processa zakljuchenija v steklo vysokoradioaktivnyh othodov, poluchaemyh v rezul'tate operacij po himicheskoj pererabotke, dlja okonchatel'nogo ih udalenija

  15. Sample Preparations Used in Biomedical Research and Training at the Special Training Division of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies; Methodes de Preparation d'Echantillons Employees dans la Recherche et la Formation Biologiques et Medicales a la Division de Formation Speciale de l'Institut d'Etudes Nucleaires d'Oak Ridge; Prigotovlenie obraztsov dlya biomeditsinskikh issledovanij i dlya uchebnykh tselej v otdele spetsial'noj podgotovki okridzhskogo instituta yadernykh issledovanii; Metodos de Preparacion de Muestras Aplicados en las Investigaciones Biomedicas y en la Capacitacion Profesional de la Division de Formacion Especial del Instituto de Estudios Nucleares de Oak Ridge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akers, L. K. [Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    ambientales lleva a cabo una labor considerable de preparacion de muestras muy delgadas que permiten alcanzar una resolucion mas elevada de los espectros alfa. Para ello se utilizan procedimientos de deposito electrolitico a partir de mezclas disolventes. Se efectuan mediciones con una bateria especial de contadores Fairstein-Frisch de rejilla conectados a un analizador de 512 canales para el registro simultaneo de mas de un espectro. Tambien se utilizan detectores de estado solido y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con detectores de rejilla y de semiconductores. (author) [Russian] Pri osushhestvlenii issledovatel'skih i uchebnyh programm Otdela special'noj podgotovki ispol'zujut samye raznoobraznye metody prigotovlenija obrazcov. Oni vkljuchajut kak prostye derzhateli istochnikov, naprimer metallicheskie, kartonnye i plastmassovye, tak i ustrojstva dlja osazhdenija, v kotoryh ispol'zujutsja derzhateli iz nerzhavejushhej stali i steklovolokna, a takzhe special'nye derzhateli istochnikov dlja izmerenija obrazcov v zhidkostnyh schetchikah. Krome jetih metodov, razrabotan rjad metodov, predstavljajushhih osobyj interes pri izuchenii biomedicinskih problem. Odnim iz naibolee vazhnyh iz jetih metodov javljaetsja ispol'zovanie kataliticheskogo sinteza benzola, kotoryj razrabotan do takoj stepeni, chto obshhij vyhod sostavljaet bolee 90% . Jetot sintez mozhno ispol'zovat' dlja uglerodnyh soedinenij, predstavljajushhih interes pri provedenii jeksperimentov s indikatornymi kolichestvami i izuchenii problem opredelenija vozrasta. Poskol'ku sintez svjazan s polucheniem dvuokisi ugleroda na odnoj stadii i s gidrataciej metallicheskogo karbida na drugoj stadii, ego mozhno ispol'zovat' libo dlja izmerenija ugleroda-14 ili tritija, libo ih odnovremennogo izmerenija vo vremja jeksperimentov s dvojnym mecheniem. Znachitel'naja rabota prodelana v oblasti aktivacionnogo analiza biologicheskih materialov, v chastnosti, po osushhestvleniju radiojekologicheskih programm Otdela. Opisyvajutsja

  16. Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belter, W. G. [United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC (United States)


    autor se refiere luego a las investigaciones sobre la posibilidad de utilizar determinadas formaciones geologicas, tales como estructurasesalinas, estanques permeables profundos y rocas cristalinas impermeables para el deposito o la evacuacion definitiva de solidos calcinados o de ciertos tipos de desechos liquidos. Examyea los planes propuestos para experimentar en el terreno con una sal de actividad analoga a la que se da en condiciones industriales. Alude brevemente al programa de perforaciones exploratorias que se ejecuta en la planta de Savannah River para determinar la posibilidad de almacenar desechos envejecidos, del primer ciclo, en el suelo rocoso de la region y menciona los resultados preliminares. Hace una referencia somera a los estudios tecnicos que, con proyecciones al futuro, se estan llevando a cabo en Oak Ridge con miras a evaluar los riesgos y las ventajas economicas que presentan los distintos metodos de tratamiento, almacenamiento y evacuacion definitiva de desechos Ifquidos y solidos de elevada radiactividad. Examina la funcion de esta evaluacion tecnica dentro del conjunto de la planificacion de futuros programas de tratamiento y evacuacion de desechos. (author) [Russian] Ogranichenija, prisushhie bakam dlja hranenija othodov vysokoj aktivnosti, a imenno vozmozhnost' utechki i neobhodimost' peremeshhenija zhidkih othodov v techenie soten let priveli v Soedinennyh Shtatah k razrabotke obshirnoj issledovatel'skoj i jeksperimental'noj programmy s cel'ju sozdanija prakticheski primenimyh tehnologicheskih sistem dlja okonchatel'nogo udalenija jetih materialov. Daetsja opisanie programmy Otdelenija po razrabotke reaktorov Komissii po atomnoj jenergii v svjazi s budushhim razvitiem jadernoj jenergetiki. Kratko rezjumirujutsja dolgosrochnye programmy obrabotki othodov v centrah po proizvodstvu plutonija v Hjenforde i Savanna River v sootvetstvii s osobennostjami ih mestoraspolozhenija. Izuchaetsja celyj rjad metodov po ''prevrashheniju v tverdoe

  17. Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bair, W. J.; Tombropoulos, E. G.; Park, J. F. [Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, WA (United States)


    144}CeO{sub 2}, des rats et des chiens retenaient moins de 10% des doses de {sup 144}Ce-{sup 144}Pr relevees chez des animaux non exposes. (author) [Spanish] La distribucion tisular y la excrecion de los isotopos radiactivos inhalados varian segun el estado qufmico y el tamafio de las particulas de los aerosoles. En estudios efectuados con perros, 30 dfas despues de la inhalacion de nitrato de plutonio, el 70% de la cantidad de sustancia radiactiva contenida en el organismo se deposita en los pulmones, el 10% en el hfgado y el 15% en el esqueleto. Despues de la inhalacion de aerosoles de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2}, con un diametro medio de particulas (DMP) de 0,12 {mu}, el 71% de la sustancia radi- activa contenida en el organismo se deposita en los pulmones, el 3% en los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales, el 4,4% en los musculos, el 1,3% en el esqueleto, en tanto que el 20% se distribuye uniformemente en los tejidos restantes. Despues de la inhalacion de aerosoles de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2} con un DMP de 0,3 a 0,6 {mu}, los pulmones contienen el 98%, los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales el 1%, aproximadamente, y los demas tejidos el 1% restante. Estos datos y los resultados del analisis de la orina y de las heces indican la importancia relativa de las tres vias de eliminacion de los isotopos radiactivos que se depositan por inhalacion en los pulmones, esto es, ascension por la traquea como resultado de la accion ciliar, seguida de excrecion por las heces, paso a traves de la membrana alveolar y redistribucion en otros tejidos con excrecion gradual por la orina y deposito en los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales que acumulan las sustancias inhaladas insolubles. Se han ensayado agentes terapeuticos que se juzgo favorecerian la eliminacion de los radioisotopos depositados en los pulmones por vias que impidiesen la acumulacion en otros tejidos, tal vez mas radiosensibles. Se han utilizado en particular agentes de quelacion, agentes humectantes, irritantes y preparados simpatomimeticos

  18. On the Behaviour of Radioisotopes Incorporated in Glass Blocks; Le Comportement des Radioisotopes Vitrifies; O Povedenii Radioaktivnyh Izotopov, Lokalizovannyh v Steklovidnyh Blokah; Comportamiento de los Radioisotopos Vitrificados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zimakov, P. V.; Kulichenko, V. V.; Duhovich, F. S.; Salamatmn, B. A.


    montre que les radioisotopes des couches superficielles ont tortement tendance a passer a l'etat gazeux. Etant donne les nombreux facteurs qui agissent sur les blocs pendant un entreposage prolonge, il convient de veiller specialement a la composition chimique de ces blocs (tondants) et aux conditions de leur preparation, si l'on veut eviter toute fuite de radioisotopes dans les blocs enfouis. A cet egard, l'emploi de composes du titane comme fondant presente un interet particulier. (author) [Spanish] Debido al largo periodo de semidesintegracion de algunos isotopos, es preciso llegar a fijarlos en forma segura por tiempo indefinido, lo cual exige estudiar el comportamiento a largo plazo de tales isotopos en los bloques vitreos, teniendo presente factores tales como el autocalentamiento, la irradiacion reciproca y la influencia del medio ambiente. Si se procura reducir el volumen de los bloques para depositarlos bajo tierra y limitar la volatilidad de los isotopos en el curso de su preparacion (temperatura maxima: 120 Degree-Sign C), se obtienen bloques de estructura carente de homogeneidad. No se trata de verdaderos vidrios, sino de compuestos de aspecto vitreo. Las propiedades de estos bloques y su capacidad de fijar los productos de fision dependen sobre todo de su composicion quimica (cantidad y naturaleza de fundente), de las condiciones de preparacion y del almacenamiento ulterior. La elevacion de la temperatura a consecuencia del calor desprendido en los bloques fuertemente radiactivos depositados bajo tierra provoca modificaciones quimicas y fisicas de su estructura e influye mucho en su capacidad de fijacion de los isotopos, especialmente en su superficie. El riesgo de lixiviacion suele aumentar cuando la temperatura supera los 40OeC. Por lo tanto, es preciso evitar las temperaturas excesivas en los depositos. Asimismo, la eievada densidad de las radiaciones emitidas por los bloques ejerce una influencia apreciable en las alteraciones de la estructura de los

  19. New Frontiers for Non-Destructive Testing in the Nuclear Age; Perspectives des Essais Non Destructifs a l'Ere Nucleaire; ''Novye rubezhi'' nedestruktivnykh ispytanij v yadernyj vek; Nuevas Posibilidades de los Ensayos No Destructivos en la Era Nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballard, D. W. [Sandia Laboratory Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    electromagneticos, se establecen otros nuevos para comprobar si el equipo retine los requisitos necesarios tanto en e l aspecto estatico como en el dinamico. Esos metodos ultrarrapidos y de elevado poder de resolucion constituyen en realidad las nuevas fronteras del ensayo no destructivo, y a ellos se refiere fundamentalmente la presente memoria. Entre los modernos metodos de ensayo que se estudian se cuenta el uso de rayos infrarrojos para verificar el estado de las soldaduras y la inspeccion cinematorradiografica de las estructuras durante los ensayos de vibracion para verificar su comportamiento dinamico. Hay que tener tambien muy en cuenta la importancia de una localizacion eficaz de los escapes para que el combustible de los reactores pueda utilizarse en condiciones de seguridad. Se examina un metodo de inspeccion de piezas revestidas, basado en el empleo de gas radiactivo, con el que se pueden medir fugas de incluso 10{sup -12} cm{sup 3}/s, esto es, de 1 cm{sup 3} cada 500 anos. Otro medio eficaz que puede utilizarse actualmente es la radiografia dinamica con gran ampliacion, basada en el uso de tubos vidicon sensibles a los rayos X. Se estudia asimismo un nuevo metodo analogo al indicado, (cinesonograffa); con este metodo, la obtencion de imagenes se realiza por medios ultrasonicos y no radiograficos. Para terminar, se procura estudiar el equipo totalmente automatico y ultrarrapido que habra de prepararse para exploracion a gran velocidad. Ese equipo supone la aplicacion simultanea de varios metodos de ensayo no destructivo. Los metodos basados en el empleo de rayos infrarrojos, los electromagneticos y los de microondas combinados con la exploracion gobernada por cinta magnetica se utilizan para obtener imagenes de la produccion; esas imagenes pueden ser televisadas o registradas a distancia. Se examinan los parametros de ensayo, las posibilidades de indicacion y los sistemas de comprobacion continua. Esas posibilidades se han estudiado ya en laboratorio y ahora hay que

  20. The Formation of Polymeric Products in Reactions of Polyvalent Recoil Atoms; Formation de Polymeres lors de Reactions Provoquees par des Atomes de Recul Polyvalents; Obrazovanie polimernykh produktov pri reaktsiyakh polivalentnykh atomov otdachi; Formacion de Polimeros en las Reacciones de Atomos de Retroceso Polivalentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dzantiev, B. G.; Stukan, R. A.; Shvedchikov, A. P.; Shishkov, A. V. [Institut Himicheskoj Fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    lorsque cette teneur est de 10 a 15%. On constate que la forme de la courbe qui exprime le rendement en polymere marque par {sup 14}C en fonction de la composition du systeme ne subit aucune modification lorsqu'on augmente l'intensite de la dose et du flux. (author) [Spanish] Una de las caracteristicas de las reacciones de atomos calientes, obtenidoscomo resultado de las transformaciones nucleares, es su capacidad de formar polimeros marcados. Esta tendencia es especialmente acusada en el caso de los atomos de retroceso polivalentes, en el que el rendimiento del polimero suele alcanzar un valor del orden del 90% de la actividad total. Los autores investigaron la formacion de productos polimerizados marcados durante el proceso de estabilizacion quimica de los atomos de retroceso azufre-35 y carbono-14, obtenidos en las reacciones nucleares respectivas {sup 35}Cl(n, p){sup 35}S y {sup 14}N(n, p) {sup 14}C en fase gaseosa y liquida. Puede suponerse que en el procesodeestabili- zacion los atomos calientes del carbono originan la formacion de birradicales metilenicos que, por su capacidad de reaccion, tienen un comportamiento muy parecido al del azufre atomico. Las investigaciones se efectuaron con hidrocarburos parafinicos (CH{sub 4}, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}) y ciclicos (ciclohexano, ciclohexeno, benceno). Irradiaron sistemas binarios compuestos por el hidrocarburo, por una parte, y por dadores de atomos calientes del {sup 35}F y del {sup 14}C, por la otra. En calidad de dadores se utilizaron compuestos de CCl{sub 4}, HCl y amoniaco. La irradiacion se efectuo en un reactor de tipo IRT-1000, con un flujo de 10{sup 11} a 10{sup 12} neutrones termicos/cm{sup 2} * s. Los autores demuestran que para diversos compuestos en fase liquida, del 60 al 90% del azufre-35 se estabiliza en forma de polimero, cuyo rendimiento depende de la composicion, pasando por un maximo cuando la relacion entre los componentes tiende a ser equimolecular. En fase gaseosa el rendimiento del polimero representa

  1. New Instruments and Principles for the Dimensional Measurement and Measurement of Spacing of Reactor Components; Nouveaux Instruments et Procedes de Mesure des Dimensions et de l'Espacement des Elements d'un Reacteur; Novye pribory i printsipy izmereniya razmerov i raspolozheniya komponentov reaktora; Nuevos Instrumentos y Principios para Medir las Dimensiones y la Separacion Entre Componentes de Reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, P. [Institut Dr. Foerster, Reutlingen, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    la practica. Se examina la medicion de recubrimientos no magneticos aplicados sobre materiales magneticos, se explican los principios de la medicion (metodos de campo magnetico con corriente continua y alterna) y se describen instrumentos para medir recubrimientos no magneticos de espesor comprendido entre 3 {mu}m y 20 mm. Se analiza el problema especial de medir depositos de estelita sobre paredes ferrnicas de recipientes de reactor. Se estudia la medicion de recubrimientos no conductores, aplicados sobre metales no ferrosos. Se explica el principio de medicion (corrientes de Foucault), se describe un instrumento destinado a este fin y se dan ejemplos tfpicos de. mediciones. El autor examina tambien la medicion de dimensiones ffsicas de los componentes metalicos de reactores, sin elementos en contacto con los mismos y describe diversos metodos aplicables a metales ferrosos y no ferrosos (metodo del campo magnetico con corriente continua y alterna, metodo de corrientes de Foucault), Se describen instrumentos y se dan ejemplos de mediciones a distancia del diametro, ovalidad, distorsion, etc., de componentes de reactor. Se exponen metodos para medir la separacion entre tales componentes, en la zona radiactiva del reactor. Se describe un instrumento para registrar perfiles de superficies y para indicacion directa de valores de aspereza ('Rauhtiefe', 'Glaettungstiefe', valor promedio y valor cuadratico medio). Se analizan ejemplos tfpicos del empleo de este instrumento para componentes de reactor. Se presta especial atencion a la posibilidad de usar un captador pequeno y de aplicaciones multiples mediante manipuladores en zonas y en materiales radiactivos. Se analiza el aumento de la aspereza superficial en funcion de la dosis de irradiacion. (author) [Russian] Full text: Rassmatrivaetsja izmerenie tolshhiny listov i tolshhiny stenok trub i kontejnerov iz austenitnyh i cvetnyh metallov. Obsuzhdajutsja dva metoda beskontaktnogo izmerenija tolshhiny stenok: a) metod

  2. Automatic Sample and Data Processing in Studies of Calcium Metabolism in Rats; Traitement Automatique des Echantillons et des Donnees dans l'Etude du Metabolisme Calcique chez le Rat; Avtomaticheskaya obrabotka obraztsov i dannykh pri izuchenii obmena kal'tsiya u krysy; Tratamiento Automatico de las Muestras y de los Datos en el Estudio del Metabousmo del Calcio en la Rata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onkelinx, C.; Richelle, L. J.; Debras, J. [Universite de Liege (Belgium)


    discutees, particulierement en ce qui concerne les conditions statistiques de comptage, verifiees par l'ordinateur lors de chaque calcul de mesure. Traitement des donnees: celui-ci est confie a un ordinateur electronique IBM 7040, auquel on fournit le programme de calcul et l'ensemble des donnees brutes de l'experimentation sous forme de cartes perforees, pour chaque animal individuellement. Leur traitement s'effectue en trois etapes: 1. transformation des donnees brutes et calcul de l'ecart-type des mesures de chaque echantillon; 2. analyse de la courbe de la radioactivite specifique du plasma en fonction du temps et calcul de son expression mathematique; verification de rajustement de la courbe theorique aux mesures experimentales; 3. resolution du modele complet par le calcul des differents parametres. Les resultats sont, d'une part, imprimes en clair sur papier et, d'autre part, perfores sur cartes par l'ordinateur en vue d'un traitement ulterieur. Les avantages de l'ordinateur electronique sur les calculateurs analogiques sont discutes dans le cas du probleme considere. (author) [Spanish] El estudio del metabolismo del calcio en la rata, en funcion de la edad o de diversos tratamientos, exige realizar experimentos con grandes grupos de animales. Para estos estudios es preciso, por una parte, observar la evolucion temporal de la concentracion en el suero de una dosis de {sup 45}Ca indicador, inyectado por vfa intravenosa, y por otra, establecer un balance quimico y radioqufmico. La combinacion de estos dos tipos de datos y su tratamiento matematico conduce a la resolucion de un modelo general para el metabolismo del calcio, que permite conocer el volumen de los compartimientos intercambiables y la magnitud de los distintos factores, tales como la absorcion intestinal, la excrecion renal e intestinal, y el deposito del calcio en los huesos, asf como su perdida. Los autores describen los metodos automaticos de medicion de las muestras y de tratamiento de los datos, cuyo

  3. Radioactive Metrology Methods in the USSR; Methodes de metrologie de la radioactivite en URSS; Metody metrologii radioaktivnosti v SSSR; Metodos de Metrologia de la Radiactividad Aplicados en la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aglintsev, K K; Bochkarev, V V; Grablevskij, V N; Karavaev, F M


    constituees par un melange comprime de RaBr{sub 2} et de Be en poudre avec un rapport en poids Ra/Be = 1 : 6. Les sources Pu-{alpha}-Be sont formees d'un alliage (PuBe{sub 13}) de ces deux metaux. (author) [Spanish] Los autores estudian los procedimientos que se emplean en la Union Sovietica, y especialmente en el Instituto de Metrologia ''Mendeleev'' de Leningrado, para la determinacion - con ayuda de aparatos normalizados - de las unidades de medida utilizadas en la esfera de la radiactividad (curie, equivalente gramo del Ra, roentgen y rad). En la Union Sovietica se producen actualmente dos clases de fuentes patron: 1. Fuentes modelo que sirven para llevar a cabo trabajos de contraste por comparacion de otros preparados radiactivos, asi como para el calibrado de aparatos radiometricos y de monitores de radiaciones; 2. Fuentes de control, destinadas exclusivamente a la verificacion del funcionamiento de los aparatos de medicion y al control de la reproducibilidad de las indicaciones facilitadas por los mismos. Las fuentes a modelo se preparan depositando electroliticament e emisores adecuados (U natural, U{sup 233}, Pu{sup 239}, Am{sup 241}) sobre platino. Pueden suministrarse fuentes cuyas actividades se encuentren comprendidas entre 30 y 10{sup 6} desintegraciones por minuto. En cuanto a las fuentes a de control, se obtienen mediante deposito electrolitico de Pu{sup 239} en una capa cuya masa especifica abarca de 3 X 10{sup -9} a 0.7 mg/cm{sup 2}; estos valores corresponden a actividades de 10 y 10{sup 8} desintegracione s por minuto, respectivamente. Para las fuentes{beta} modelo, se eligen radionuclidos que proporcionan una gama de energias limite de 0.018 a 2.3 MeV. Las fuentes {beta} de control estan constituidas por Sr{sup 90} + Y{sup 90}, TI{sup 204} o Pm{sup 147}. Las actividades de estas fuentes abarcan de 20 a 10{sup 9} desintegracione s por minuto. Las fuentes {gamma} modelo estan formadas por Ra, So{sup 60} o Cs{sup 137}. Los limites inferior y superior de la

  4. A Multi-Scaler Recording System and its Application to Radiometric ''Off-Line'' Analysis; Systeme d'Enregistrement a Echelles de Comptage Multiples et son Appucation aux Analyses Radlometriques Hors Circuit; Mul'tiskalyarnaya registriruyushchaya sistema i ee primenenie k radiometricheskim i ''vnelinejnym'' analizam; Un Sistema de Registro de Multiples Escalimetros y su Aplicacion al Analisis Radiometrico Discontinuo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bisby, H. [Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    diverses bandes et cartes perforees, par des machines a imprimer - en serie ou en parallele - ou sur bande magnetique. En outre, il est possible de verifier le bon fonctionnement de tout le systeme d'enregistrement, y compris celui de chaque echelle de comptage, grace a un dispositif entierement automatique qui ne gene en aucune maniere le fonctionnement des autres appareils. Les auteurs concluent que la qualite du controle quantitatif dans une installation depend de la rapidite et de l'efficacite des analyses d'echantillons en laboratoire. Selon toute probabilite, la mise au point dans l'avenir de dispositifs non incorpores dans le circuit sera possible et permettra d'obtenir de meilleurs resultats qu'un appareillage incorpore. Les auteurs passent en revue les caracteristiques souhaitables de l'appareillage destine a un laboratoire comme celui dont il est question ici et montrent par un exemple la valeur d'un appareillage par secteurs et d'un systeme souple et complet d'enregistrement des donnees. Les progres possibles des techniques de traitement des donnees dont ils ont parle permettront peut-etre d'organiser un service completement automatique. (author) [Spanish] Mucho se ha hecho durante los ultimos anos en las grandes plantas de recuperacion con objeto de disponer de un sistema continuo de instrumentos para el analisis del contenido y de las caracteristicas de la corriente de materiales de un proceso. Ahora bien, esos instrumentos desempenan un papel mas bien cualitativo en el control general de la planta. La informacion cuantitativa que requieren los servicios de control y contabilidad exige el uso eficiente de tecnicas e instrumentos de laboratorio para el analisis exacto de muestras representativas tomadas de la corriente de materiales. Esas tecnicas, sobre todo las que implican sistemas de recuento de impulsos, pueden automatizarse utilizando los instrumentos modernos descritos en la memoria, con los cuales se obtienen datos numericos de depositos electronicos

  5. Application of Nuclear Radiation to Textile Materials and Processes. Radiation-induced graft copolymerization of vinyl monomers and fibrous polymers; Applications des rayonnements aux textiles. Formation radiochimique de copolymeres ''greffes'' par l'action de monomeres vinyliques sur des polymeres en fibre; Primenenie yadernogo izlucheniya v tekstil'noj promyshlennosti. Obrazovanie privitykh sopolimerov iz vinilovykh monomerov i voloknistykh polimerov pod dejstviem izlucheniya; Aplicaciones de las radiaciones nucleares a los procesos y materiales textiles. Copolimerizacion por injerto radioinducida de monomeros vinilicos y de polimeros fibrosos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armstrong, Jr., A. A.; Rutherford, H. A. [University of North Carolina at Raleigh, NC (United States)


    fibrosos que son relativamente inestables frente a las radiaciones son los que con mayor facilidad adicionan los compuestos vinflicos. Esos materiales son los celulosicos, los esteres de celulosa, las poliamidas y el polipropileno. La adicion del monomero al substrato fibroso tiene lugar, al parecer, por accion de radicales libres y, como ya se ha indicado, es posible irradiar primero el material y conseguir despues el injerto exponiendo el material irradiado al vapor del monomero. Se ha procurado determinar la vida de los radicales libres, y aunque ha resultado dificil obtener cifras exactas, se ha podido comprobar que pueden subsistir en algunas fibras por espacio de 15 a 20 h despues de la irradiacion, incluso a la temperatura ambiente. Las pruebas experimentales parecen indicar tambien que el tiempo de difusion del monomero en los puntos correspondientes a los radicales libres, en el injerto subsiguiente a la irradiacion, varia segun la fibra. El algodon modificado por adicion de poliacrilonitrilo constituye una fibra que presenta una resistencia casi perfecta a la accion de los microorganismos. Solo se precisa un deposito de un 3,5% y el material conserva el aspecto y el tacto del algodon no tratado. El producto obtenido es de calidad superior al que se consigue con la adicion de acrilonitrilo en presencia de peroxido de hierro como catalizador. El polipropeno puede ser injertado en distintos monomeros, dando una fibra que puede ser teSida por los procedimientos usuales. No obstante, por el momento la solidez al lavado de los materiales injertados y tenidos no es satisfactoria para un producto comercial. La resistencia del hilo de acetato de celulosa, asi como su modulo de elasticidad pueden incrementarse por adicion de poliacrilonitrilo, pero otros monomeros no dan resultados comparables. Existen indicios de que la calidad de la fibra puede ser mejorada mediante un compuesto, en particular por lo que se refiere a su resistencia en estado humedo. Los autores estiman

  6. Multidimensional Gamma-Ray Spectrometry and its Use in Biology; La Spectrometry Gamma Multidimensionnelle et son Application en Biologie; Mnogomernaya spektrometriya gamma-luchej i ee ispol'zovanie v biologii; La Espectrometria Gamma Multidimensional y su Empleo en Biologia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, J. M.; Kornberg, H. A. [Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA (United States)


    rodeando dichos detectores conotro detector anular de anticoincidencias (un cristal de NaI(Tl) de 11 Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half pulg de espesor, con un diametro interior de 6 Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half pulg). Un analizador multidimensional de 4096 canales mide en coincidencia los dos rayos gamma segfin su energia y almacena los datos en el piano de la memoria de 64 x 64 canales, en tanto que las fisiones no coincidentes se almacenan solo en los ejes de dicha memoria. Esto reduce eficazmente la actividad de fondo y la interferencia debida al efecto Compton en varios ordenes de magnitud y mejora considerablemente la selectividad. La medicion directa por espectrometria gamma de los radionficlidos presentes como vestigios en muestras biolfigicas se ha visto obstaculizada por la presencia de cantidades relativamente grandes de {sup 40}K natural, cuya radiacifin gamma de 1,41 MeV dificulta esas mediciones. Como la mayorfa de los radionuclidos se desintegran por emision de dos o mas rayos gamma en cascada, la nueva tecnica permite una medicion selectiva directa y su campo de aplicacion es mas amplio. Por ejemplo, permite medir facilmente el {sup 22}Na (radionflclido natural producido por accion de los rayos cosmicos), el {sup 134}Cs y el {sup 137}Cs (productos de fision) a los niveles (en algunos casos de 1 desint/minx kg) en que se hallan presentes en la carne, en el pescado, en otros productos alimenticios y en la orina, haciendo posible los estudios sobre la relacion absorcion-excrecion. Esta tecnica podrfa aplicarse a los estudios con indicadores y serfa de especial utilidad para la medicion simultanea de la absorcion, el deposito y la renovacion en el cuerpo de diversos compuestos adecuadamente marcados; combinada con el analisis por activacion neutronica, permite realizar mediciones de muchos elementos presentes en los tejidos y en la sangre en cantidades del orden de algunas partes por 10{sup -9}. (author) [Russian] Mnogomernaja spektrometrija gamma-luchej javljaetsja novym

  7. Nuclear Materials Management in Relation to Safety and Criticality Control: A Study of Non-Inherently Safe Systems; La Gestion des Matieres Nucleaires dans ses Rapports avec la Securite et le Controle de la Criticite; Etude des Systemes a Securite Non Inherente; Obrashchenie s yadernymi materialami s uchetom bezopasnosti i kontrolya za kritichnost'yu. izuchenie sistem dopolnitel'noj avarijnoj zashchity; La Administracion de Materiales Nucleares y sus Relaciones con la Seguridad y el Control de la Criticidad; Estudio de los Sistemas de Seguridad No Inherente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fruchard, Y. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Marcoule (France)


    control, enteramente basada en la administracion de los materiales, resulta imposible. Examinemos las relaciones que existen entre la administracion y la seguridad nuclear en el caso especial de una planta de tratamiento por via acuosa de combustibles irradiados (combustibles a base de uranio natural). Desde el punto de vista del control de la criticidad, una planta de esta clase puede dividirse en tres partes: En la primera, donde se tratan soluciones bastante diluidas, lo que hay que controlar es la concentracion. Este control es facil (analisis y contadores neutronicos) pero resulta en cambio dificil asegurarse de que no se forman depositos: aunque la experiencia haya demostrado que no son muy peligrosos, el hecho bien conocido de un balance de materiales deficitario sigue siendo una preocupacion en lo que respecta a la criticidad. En esta primera parte, la administracion de los materiales, aun imperfecta, tiene una importancia primordial para la seguridad. En la segunda parte se tratan soluciones concentradas y precipitados humedos. Es la parte donde debe aplicarse una geometria segura. La administracion de los materiales tiene menos interes directo pero sigue siendo un factor importante de seguridad (en caso de intervencion, de limpieza de los aparatos, etc.). En la tercera parte, donde se tratan productos secos, es preciso controlar la masa. La administracion no presenta dificultades especiales. A este esquema se superpone una parte menos espectacular pero que desde el punto de vista de la seguridad tiene muchisima importancia: es la parte donde se efectuan los reciclados y el tratamiento de los desechos. Basta examinar la lista de los accidentes de criticidad en los Estados Unidos para comprobar que de cada seis, cinco estan mas o menos directamente relacionados con el tratamiento de desechos. Si examinamos estos accidentes con mas atencion comprobaremos que en la mayoria de los casos una de sus causas ha sido un defecto en la administracion de los materiales