
Sample records for dependencia angular da

  1. Prevalencia de la dependencia funcional en personas mayores


    Gázquez Linares, José Jesús; Pérez Fuentes, Mª del Carmen; Mercader Rubio, Isabel; Molero Jurado, Mª del Mar


    La consecuencia más inmediata del envejecimiento de la población actual, es el incremento de la dependencia. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo, es dar a conocer la prevalencia del nivel de dependencia para las actividades básicas e instrumentales en la población mayor de 60 años, en función del género, estado civil y la edad, seleccionando una muestra total de 1.222 personas. El nivel de dependencia es mayor entre las mujeres para casi todas las actividades básicas, siendo también las personas...

  2. Factores psicosociales en la recaída de la dependencia al alcohol: Un análisis de ruta

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    Fabiola Alejandra Useche Torrealba


    Full Text Available Introducción: El consumo de alcohol causa alrededor del 6% de muertes a nivel mundial y se espera que el 70% de los pacientes en recuperación recaigan en los primeros seis meses de tratamiento. Esto, aunado a la aceptación social de esta sustancia y su fácil acceso, hacen necesario estudiar las variables asociadas a la recaída. Objetivo: Estudiar la influencia de variables sociodemográficas y psicosociales, sobre la recaída de la dependencia al alcohol. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de campo, transversal y explicativa-correlacional, con la participación de 180 miembros de Alcohólicos Anónimos de Venezuela. Resultados: Participaron 87 mujeres y 93 hombres, con un promedio de 50 años. El índice de recaída fue de 18%, con un promedio de 130 meses de abstinencia. Se encontraron altos niveles de apoyo social, autoeficacia y autoestima, así como valores intermedios de estrés, impulsividad y resiliencia. Las variables estudiadas se asociaron con el tiempo en abstinencia (R = 0.615; p < 0.05 explicando el 35% de la varianza total. La edad (β = 0.57; p = 0.00, autoestima (β = -0.156; p = 0.02, apoyo social (β = 0.148; p = 0.02 y sexo (β = -0.135; p = 0.03 fueron las variables con mayor eficacia en la ruta principal. Conclusiones: El modelo propuesto se cumplió parcialmente. Es necesario profundizar el estudio de relaciones no planteadas entre las variables moderadoras, y si estas tienen otras que las modifiquen. Se recomienda enfatizar el abordaje de las variables que resultaron relevantes en la prevención de la recaída.

  3. Estereotipos sobre la vejez y niveles de dependencia


    Fern??ndez-Jim??nez, Carolina


    El presente trabajo analiza c??mo se percibe el mayor en la actualidad seg??n su nivel de dependencia. Entendida ??sta como necesidad de ayuda para la realizaci??n de las actividades de la vida diaria, se quiso determinar si la percepci??n de ciertos atributos asociados estereot??picamente a la vejez, est?? condicionada por el nivel de apoyo requerido. Los resultados indican que existe una relaci??n entre la percepci??n de ciertos rasgos vinculados a la tercera edad y el grado de dependencia....

  4. Dependencia funcional y bienestar en personas mayores institucionalizadas

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    María Teresa Rodríguez Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el bienestar emocional de las personas mayores de 60 años en relación al grado de dependencia funcional. Como indicadores del bienestar se evalúan los niveles de depresión (Yesavage y ansiedad (STAI-R, la satisfacción vital (CSV y la ansiedad ante la muerte (DAS. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal en un grupo de personas mayores de 60 años (n=103. Los datos se han recogido usando cuestionarios estandarizados. Para el análisis de los datos se han utilizado correlaciones bivariadas entre las principales medidas, análisis univariado (ANOVA y la prueba de Bonferroni para comprobar las diferencias significativas entre los grupos (p< .05. Los resultados indican que se encuentran diferencias significativas entre los grupos de dependencia para la edad, deterioro cognitivo, depresión y ansiedad ante la muerte. En conclusión, se encuentra una relación directa entre el grado de dependencia funcional y el nivel de malestar emocional.

  5. Estudo radiológico do valor angular da cifose torácica em adolescentes Estudio radiológico del valor angular de la cifosis torácica en adolescentes Radiological study of the angular value of thoracic kyphosis in adolescents

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    Juan Javier Moreira Moreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar a diferença dos valores angulares da cifose torácica utilizando como vértebra terminal cranial diferentes níveis (T2 a T5. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas radiografias em perfil de cem adolescentes voluntários saudáveis da Escola Industrial do Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI de Ribeirão Preto (SP, com prévia autorização dos pais ou responsáveis. Foram excluídas as radiografias de dez indivíduos por falhas na qualidade. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: mensuração da cifose torácica pelo método de Cobb, utilizando T2, T3, T4 ou T5 como vértebra terminal cranial e T12 como vértebra terminal caudal. RESULTADOS: foram avaliados 90 indivíduos (46 do sexo masculino e 44 do feminino, com idade variando de 13 a 15 anos (média 14±6. O valor angular da cifose torácica nos diferentes níveis variou entre 45º (T2-T12 e 35º (T5-T12 no sexo masculino, e valor angular entre 43º(T2-T12 e 30º (T5-T12 no sexo feminino. CONCLUSÃO: foi observada diferença constante de aproximadamente 5º quando comparados os valores angulares da cifose torácica utilizando diferentes níveis (T2 a T5 como vértebra terminal cranial.OBJETIVO: determinar la diferencia de los valores angulares de la cifosis torácica usando como vértebra terminal craneal, diferentes niveles (T2 a T5. MÉTODOS: fueron evaluadas radiografías en perfil de cien adolescentes voluntarios saludables de la Escola Industrial do Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI de Ribeirão Preto (SP, con previa autorización de sus padres o responsables. Fueron excluidas radiografías de diez individuos por fallas de resolución. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: la medida de la cifosis torácica por el método de Cobb, usando T2,T3,T4 y T5 como vértebra terminal craneal y T12 como vértebra terminal caudal. RESULTADOS: fueron evaluados 90 individuos (46 hombres y 44 mujeres, con edades que varían de 13 a 15 años (media 14±6. El valor angular de la cifosis torácica en los





    El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los esquemas desadaptativos tempranos presentes en estudiantes universitarios con dependencia emocional hacia su pareja. Se tomó una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 569 universitarios (32.16% hombres y 67.84% mujeres, con edad media de 19.9 años de edad (DT= 2.43), a quienes se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Dependencia Emocional y el Cuestionario de Esquemas (YSQ-11f). El análisis de regresión logística arrojó un modelo conformado por esquemas de...

  7. Calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la relación entre la calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer. Es un estudio descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo. Participaron 192 cuidadores familiares de pacientes con Alzheimer pertenecientes al programa Cuidado a Cuidadores® de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, la Fundación Acción Familiar Alzheimer Colombia y la Asociación Colombiana de Alzheimer. Se aplicaron el instrumento "Calidad de vida versión familiar" de Betty Ferrell, quien define la calidad de vida desde las dimensiones física, psicológica, social y espiritual, y el Índice de Barthel (IB, que mide el grado de dependencia funcional del paciente. La calidad de vida general de los cuidadores obtuvo una puntuación media. El bienestar físico y espiritual presentó una tendencia positiva, mientras que el bienestar psicológico y social de este grupo poblacional mostró una tendencia negativa con riesgo de alteración a futuro. El grado de dependencia funcional del paciente con Alzheimer se encontró en dependencia total a severa, con mayor compromiso en actividades de aseo y arreglo personal. En el estudio no se encontró correlación estadística entre la calidad de vida y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer.

  8. Dependencia financiera en las participaciones federales de los estados fronterizos mexicanos

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    Jorge Ibarra Salazar


    Full Text Available Los estados mexicanos ubicados en la frontera norte de México enfrentan una evolución económica y demográfica que contrasta con el resto del país. En este artículo pruebo la hipótesis de que tales diferencias hacen que las haciendas públicas estatales fronterizas muestren un menor grado de dependencia en las participaciones federales en comparación con el resto de los estados mexicanos. Para demostrar tal hipótesis, propongo y estimo dos modelos de regresión lineal para explicar las variaciones en el grado de dependencia financiera estatal, empleando una base de datos que combina series de tiempo anuales (de 1993 a 1999 para 31 estados mexicanos. Los resultados muestran evidencia de que las entidades fronterizas tienen un menor grado de dependencia en comparación con las del resto del país. Tal resultado sugiere modificaciones en el campo de las relaciones fiscales intergubernamentales



    Barraca, J.


    El artículo presenta información sobre una modalidad de dependencia emocional –para la que se acuña el término “Síndrome de Fortunata”– que designa un tipo de relaciones afectivas que determinadas mujeres desarrollan repetidamente hacia hombres casados. En el síndrome son identificables varios patrones de conducta y varias actitudes características, como la fuerte y duradera dependencia emocional y la fidelidad hacia ese hombre, la ambivalencia de sentimientos hacia la pareja ofic...

  10. Acerca de los estilos cognitivos: dependencia- independencia de campo

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    Anibal Meza


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una breve revisión de la literatura sobre los Estilos Cognitivos de Dependencia- Independencia del Campo (De-le. Se hace notar la ausencia de investigaciones peruanas sobre el tema y se delimita al ámbito de la temática De-le. Se da cuenta del origen de la De-le como constructo, anclándolo al interior del constructo mayor "diferenciación psicológica". Se reseñan los modos de evaluación y se enlistan las características de la De-le como estilos cognitivos (son dimensiones penetrantes del funcionamiento individual, son variables de proceso antes que de contenido y constituyen una dimensión bipolar y de valor neutral. Se ven las relaciones De-le -conducta interpersonal: tipo de orientación interpersonal, responsividad a claves sociales e intereses y respuestas interpersonales típicas. Finalmente, se examinan los orígenes ontogenético (restringiendo la revisión a efectos de entrenamiento y la crianza infantil y cultural de la De-le.

  11. Análisis económico del comportamiento de la dependencia por regiones

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    Herranz Peinado, Patricia


    Full Text Available Se puede considerar al fenómeno de la dependencia como un tema de fervienteactualidad, aunque bien es cierto que la necesidad de cuidado de aquellas personas que nopueden hacer por sí mismas las actividades más comunes de la vida diaria no es nada nuevo. Enla primera parte de este trabajo analizamos los perfiles sociales, económicos y de salud de estecolectivo mediante el estudio de la Encuesta sobre Discapacidades, Deficiencias y Estados deSalud de 1999, tomando las variables que mejor describan dicho estado y, enfatizando en ladificultad de seleccionar las variables que distinguen a los dependientes del resto dediscapacitados, se estudia el comportamiento económico por regiones. En la segunda parte seanaliza el coste de la dependencia bajo criterios diferentes tras la aprobación de la Ley dePromoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia y,por último, se presenta una valoración teórica de la “deuda implícita” que el Estado adquierecon la cobertura de dependencia

  12. Dependencia Afectiva y Género: Perfil Sintomático Diferencial en Dependientes Afectivos Españoles

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    María de la Villa Moral Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se ofrece un análisis clínico y psicosocial de la Dependencia Afectiva descrita como un tipo de dependencia sentimental caracterizada por la manifestación de comportamientos adictivos de apego patológico en la relación interpersonal. Se han evaluado los factores sintomáticos diferenciales de 78 casos diagnosticados de dependencia afectiva mediante el Test de Dependencias Sentimentales (TDS-100 con respecto a la población general (N=311. Según el perfil hallado se comprueba que los dependientes afectivos experimentan una dependencia pura con posesividad y manifestación de craving y abstinencia, presentan desajustes afectivos en forma de sentimientos negativos (culpa, vacío emocional, miedo al abandono e inescapabilidad emocional, manifiestan conflictos de Identidad (pseudosimbiosis y usan un locus de control externo. En población clínica se ha hallado que los varones son más buscadores de sensaciones y se muestran más inflexibles (Yo rígido y las mujeres emplean más mecanismos de negación y no afrontamiento con conciencia de problema nula o distorsionada.

  13. Dependencia funcional y su relación con la mortalidad general en adultos mayores. México: 2001-2015


    Daniel Lozano Keymolen; Bernardino Jaciel Montoya Arce; Sergio Cuauhtémoc Gaxiola Robles Linares; Yuliana Gabriela Román Sánchez


    Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es estimar las probabilidades de transición entre los diversos grados de dependencia funcional, así como la capacidad predictiva de dicha dependencia para la mortalidad general de hombres y mujeres de 65 años y más residentes en México. Métodos: Mediante probabilidades se calculan transiciones entre diversos grados de dependencia funcional y, con modelos de riesgos proporcionales de Cox, se estiman los riesgos relativos de mortalidad. Resultados: Los ...


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    Jorge Barraca Mairal


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta información sobre una modalidad de dependencia emocional –para la que se acuña el término “Síndrome de Fortunata”– que designa un tipo de relaciones afectivas que determinadas mujeres desarrollan repetidamente hacia hombres casados. En el síndrome son identificables varios patrones de conducta y varias actitudes características, como la fuerte y duradera dependencia emocional y la fidelidad hacia ese hombre, la ambivalencia de sentimientos hacia la pareja oficial (rencor por la creencia de que le ha arrebatado algo propio, pero también deseos de ser ella, de emularla o, incluso, de llevarse bien, el cuestionamiento de la validez de la unión del hombre con la otra mujer y la fantasía reiterada de que las circunstancias cambiarán y ambos acabarán juntos. Además de delimitar e ilustrar este tipo de relaciones, sus peculiaridades y sus diferencias respecto de otras situaciones con las que podría confundirse, se hipotetizan algunas posibles causas de esta forma de dependencia emocional y se presentan varias estrategias para ayudar a las mujeres que quieren terminar con esta modalidad de vinculación afectiva.

  15. El perfil de la dependencia en España: un análisis de la encuesta de discapacidades de 1999

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    Rosa Gispert Magarolas


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En los próximos años se producirá un importante envejecimiento demográfico en España y con ello habrá un mayor nivel de comorbilidad, discapacidad y dependencia. El objetivo del trabajo es estimar el perfil de la dependencia , a partir del nivel de gravedad de las diferentes discapacidades padecidas por la población española. Métodos: Se utilizó la Encuesta sobre Discapacidades, Deficiencias y Estado de Salud de 1999 del INE, que incluye 36 discapacidades específicas y su gravedad (de 0:ausencia de discapacidad a 4: no puede realizar. Se agruparon 5 tipos de discapacidad, se calculó la gravedad media de cada tipo y se agregó en 5 grados de dependencia. Para relacionar cada discapacidad específica con la gravedad se realizó un análisis de correspondencias simples. Para identificar los perfiles de dependencia, se realizó un análisis de correspondencias múltiples y uno de clusters teniendo en cuenta la edad, el sexo, tipos de discapacidad y grado de dependencia. Resultados: Se observó asociación entre la gravedad y las discapacidades específicas (mayor gravedad en los que sufren limitaciones en las actividades de la vida diaria. La dependencia se caracterizó en cinco grupos: los de menor dependencia son preferentemente de edades medias, varones y con discapacidades sensoriales y entre las personas con dependencia más elevada predominan mujeres, mayores de 80 años y las discapacidades de movilidad y en las actividades de la vida diaria. Conclusiones: Se identifican cinco grupos de personas dependientes y este estudio permite estimar su frecuencia global dentro de la población, lo que puede ser de gran utilidad para estimar los recursos necesarios para su atención.

  16. Evolución del deterioro cognitivo y el nivel de dependencia en pacientes mayores de 65 años ingresados en un hospital de agudos: relación con las variables sociodemográficas

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    Mª José Calero-García


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo de este trabajo es establecer y estudiar la evolución de las etapas de deterioro cognitivo y los niveles de dependencia en pacientes mayores de 65 años, ingresados en un hospital de agudos, así como la relación entre estos dos factores y las diferentes variables demográficas. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de dependencia experimenta una caída repentina en el momento de la admisión, que evoluciona hacia una recuperación leve en el momento del alta, continuando esta recuperación en el domicilio posteriormente al alta, pero sin llegar a los niveles independentistas antes de la admisión. Además, se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a edad, estado civil y nivel educativo. De una manera general, nuestros resultados proporcionan evidencia sobre el hecho de que las personas especialmente propensas al aumento de la dependencia funcional y el deterioro cognitivo severo durante el ingreso hospitalario son los ancianos hombres, mayores de 80 años de edad, sin estudios y viudos.

  17. Propuesta de formulación financiero-actuarial de un seguro de dependencia y acercamiento a una aplicación práctica

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    Mª Manuela Segovia


    Full Text Available En los países industrializados, convergen dos fenómenos demográficos, la longevidad y la escasa natalidad, que provocan un envejecimiento de la población y con ello una serie de procesos sociales que son necesarios atender. Uno de ellos, es la cobertura de la dependencia de las personas mayores, entendiendo por dependencia, la necesidad de ayuda para realizar las tareas básicas de la vida diaria. España se encuentra en la actualidad en plena discusión parlamentaria para regular mediante ley la dependencia y cubrir el avance de este problema que en los próximos años se verá agravado por nuestra evolución demográfica y social. Esta ley pretende establecer las bases para su atención mediante un seguro de dependencia, bien de cobertura pública por parte del Estado o bien por aseguradoras privadas. El trabajo presentado en este congreso forma parte de un estudio amplio sobre la dependencia en España y abordará una aproximación a la formulación actuarial de un seguro de dependencia partiendo del uso de cadenas de Markov para un modelo de múltiples estados, y un acercamiento a la aplicación práctica mediante el análisis de datos sobre discapacidad de nuestro país.

  18. El mundo afectivo de adultos mayores en situación de dependencia y sus cuidadores

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    Juana Rosa Hidalgo-Martinola


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar la relación interpersonal entre cuidadores informales primarios y adultos mayores en situación de dependencia, a partir, de un estudio de casos múltiples. Se empleó la metodología cualitativa y el método etnometodológico. Se seleccionaron tres casos, por la presencia de diferentes grados de dependencia en los adultos mayores. Las técnicas empleadas fueron: entrevista en profundidad, escala de evaluación funcional y la observación abierta.Los principales resultados muestran que las relaciones interpersonales entre un cuidador informal primario y un adulto mayor en situación de dependencia, actualizan la historia de la relación anterior, generando vivencias de frustración y/o satisfacción en función de la dinámica pasada. Este proceso primario adquiere más trascendencia que las propias habilidades comunicativas en la relación y marcan una vivencia de la relación, que en algunos casos, se diferencia de la vivencia de la labor del cuidado.


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    Tomás Aznar Concepción


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El nivel de autonomía para las actividades del cuidado personal en personas mayores y la necesidad de apoyo no cubiertas dependen de diferentes factores poco conocidos en nuestro medio. Los cuidados en la dependencia se facilitan principalmente por el sistema informal de cuidados. El propósito del estudio es estimar la prevalencia de dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal y los factores asociados, e identificar los factores asociados con las necesidades de cuidados no cubiertas en personas dependientes, en población mayor de 75 años de Zaragoza. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra representativa de la población no institucionalizada mayor de 75 años, en una Zona de Salud de Zaragoza, en el año 1998 (n=351. Los datos se cumplimentaron a través de una entrevista directa. Se utilizó el índice de Katz para valorar la capacidad funcional para las actividades del cuidado personal y un cuestionario ad hoc para el apoyo informal y el resto de variables. El apoyo informal, las características sociodemográficas, autopercepción de salud y depresión (Escala de Depresión de Yesavage se consideraron como variables independientes. Se aplicó la regresión logística para identificar los factores asociados a la dependencia y necesidades de cuidados no cubiertas. Resultados: La prevalencia de dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal es de un 37,3%. Las variables que predicen la dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal son una mala percepción de salud, depresión establecida, ser mujer y ser mayor de 85 años. La prevalencia de necesidades de apoyo no cubiertas en personas dependientes para las actividades del cuidado personal es de 22,1%. El apoyo informal lo presta la familia. Ser mujer y vivir sola se presenta como un factor de riesgo para no tener las necesidades cubiertas, así como también no estar deprimido. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de personas mayores con

  20. Dependencia y necesidades de cuidados no cubiertas de las personas mayores de una zona de salud de Zaragoza

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    Tomás Aznar Concepción


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El nivel de autonomía para las actividades del cuidado personal en personas mayores y la necesidad de apoyo no cubiertas dependen de diferentes factores poco conocidos en nuestro medio. Los cuidados en la dependencia se facilitan principalmente por el sistema informal de cuidados. El propósito del estudio es estimar la prevalencia de dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal y los factores asociados, e identificar los factores asociados con las necesidades de cuidados no cubiertas en personas dependientes, en población mayor de 75 años de Zaragoza. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra representativa de la población no institucionalizada mayor de 75 años, en una Zona de Salud de Zaragoza, en el año 1998 (n=351. Los datos se cumplimentaron a través de una entrevista directa. Se utilizó el índice de Katz para valorar la capacidad funcional para las actividades del cuidado personal y un cuestionario ad hoc para el apoyo informal y el resto de variables. El apoyo informal, las características sociodemográficas, autopercepción de salud y depresión (Escala de Depresión de Yesavage se consideraron como variables independientes. Se aplicó la regresión logística para identificar los factores asociados a la dependencia y necesidades de cuidados no cubiertas. Resultados: La prevalencia de dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal es de un 37,3%. Las variables que predicen la dependencia para las actividades del cuidado personal son una mala percepción de salud, depresión establecida, ser mujer y ser mayor de 85 años. La prevalencia de necesidades de apoyo no cubiertas en personas dependientes para las actividades del cuidado personal es de 22,1%. El apoyo informal lo presta la familia. Ser mujer y vivir sola se presenta como un factor de riesgo para no tener las necesidades cubiertas, así como también no estar deprimido. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de personas mayores con

  1. Modelización de la dependencia del número de siniestros. Aplicación a Solvencia II


    Castañer, Anna


    En este trabajo se estudia el efecto de la dependencia entre dos subcarteras en el requerimiento de capital obligatorio (SCR) por primas y reservas en una cartera de seguros no vida. Para ello, la dependencia se establece entre el número de siniestros de cada subcartera, que se modeliza mediante un choque común. A continuación, se plantean diversas opciones para el cálculo de la distribución del coste total en la cartera agregada, obteniéndose fórmulas explícitas en algunos casos. Finalmente,...

  2. Determination of the angular dependence of the detector matrix Matrix X-evolution of IBA; Determinacion de la dependencia angular del detector matricicial Matrix-X-evolution de IBA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mateos, J. C.; Luis, F. J.; Sanchez, G.; Herrados, M.


    The objective of this work consists in determining the correction for the angular dependence of the detector-Evolution Matrix x matrix (IBA, Germany), when used in the multi cube dummy (IBA, Germany), verification of treatment VMAT IMRT, using the software OP'IMRT (IBA, Germany).

  3. Abordagem da dependencia de substancias psicoativas na adolescencia: reflexao etica para a enfermagem

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    Cecilia Nogueira Valenca


    Full Text Available O uso indiscriminado de drogas entre os jovens cresce progressivamente no Brasil e no mundo. Este estudo objetivou refletir acerca da abordagem ética da enfermagem na atenção a adolescentes usuários de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. Trata-se de um estudo teórico de caráter reflexivo fundamentado em uma revisão bibliográfica do tipo narrativa, utilizando livros e artigos científicos. Emergiram reflexões sobre a dependência de substâncias psicoativas em expansão na adolescência que culminaram na discussão sobre a abordagem ética da enfermagem ao adolescente usuário de drogas. O enfermeiro pode priorizar uma assistência voltada para a promoção da saúde do adolescente em uma perspectiva emancipatória dos jovens na prevenção do uso de drogas. Concluiu-se que o enfermeiro deve realizar uma abordagem ética aos adolescentes dependentes químicos, considerando seu contexto e sua subjetividade.

  4. Fatores de risco para dependência de álcool em adolescentes Factores de riesgo en adolescentes con dependencia al alcohol Risk factors for alcohol dependence in adolescents

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    Leandro Rozin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores de risco para dependência do álcool na adolescência. MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa com 21 artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2009, capturados nas bases de dados LILACS, BVS, MEDLINE, COCHRANE e IBECS com as palavras-chave: adolescência, risco para dependência e álcool. RESULTADOS: Há evidências de que o álcool é a droga mais consumida por adolescentes, com início entre 14 a 16 anos. Os fatores de risco para dependência estão relacionados ao início precoce do uso, influência da mídia, relacionamento conturbado com os pais, uso por membro da família, abuso sexual, violência doméstica, baixa autoestima, curiosidade, pressão de colegas, entre outros. Apontam a vulnerabilidade genética para a dependência do álcool e controvérsias em relação ao gênero e classe social. CONCLUSÃO: Os serviços de saúde devem incorporar estratégias preventivas de identificação de riscos para a dependência, controle e acompanhamento específicos ao grupo de adolescentes dependentes.OBJETIVO: Identificar los factores de riesgo en adolescentes con dependencia al alcohol. MÉTODOS: Revisión integrativa realizada con 21 artículos publicados entre 2000 y 2009, identificados en las bases de datos LILACS, BVS, MEDLINE, COCHRANE e IBECS con las palabras-clave: adolescencia, riesgo a dependencia y alcohol. RESULTADOS: Hay evidencias de que el alcohol es la droga más consumida por adolescentes, con inicio entre 14 a 16 años. Los factores de riesgo para la dependencia están relacionados al inicio precoz del uso, influencia de los medios de comunicación, relacionamiento conturbado con los padres, uso por un miembro de la familia, abuso sexual, violencia doméstica, baja autoestima, curiosidad, presión de colegas, entre otros. Apuntan la vulnerabilidad genética para la dependencia al alcohol y controversias en relación al género y clase social. CONCLUSIÓN: Los servicios de salud deben incorporar estrategias

  5. Funcionalidad y grado de dependencia en los adultos mayores institucionalizados en centros de bienestar

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    Elveny Laguado Jaimes

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: La funcionalidad en el adulto mayor constituye un eje principal para los programas orientados a fortalecer el envejecimiento activo; ante el incremento de este grupo poblacional, las enfermedades como factor que limita la capacidad física, mental y social requieren acciones de control que disminuyan la dependencia que contribuye a un deterioro mayor. Objetivo: Determinar la funcionalidad y grado de dependencia en el adulto mayor institucionalizado como información básica para el diseño de un programa de intervención específica. Metodología: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con una muestra de 60 adultos mayores institucionalizados y seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico. Resultados: predomina el rango de edad de 75-84 años, un 26,66% de 60 adultos mayores y el género masculino con mayor frecuencia (53,33%. Por lo que respecta a la escolaridad, el 53,3% estudiaron primaria. Contacto familiar con la familia, el 70%; tiempo de institucionalización de los adultos mayores, el mayor tiempo (55% de 1 a 5 años. Predominan los problemas cardiovasculares en el 34% de los adultos mayores. Valoración funcional: predomina el género masculino con dependencia leve (26,66% y como independiente un 25% del género femenino. La valoración del grado de autonomía en el género masculino evidencia un grado de autonomía 1, con un 30% con respecto al género femenino, que tiene un grado de autonomía 3, con el 16,66%, sin significación estadística. Conclusiones: Se observa el predominio del género masculino en los adultos mayores institucionalizados y con dependencia leve, y al contrario en las mujeres, donde la frecuencia de independencia es mayor. En la autonomía predomina un grado mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres.

  6. La inexactitud de la relación de dependencia demográfica. Análisis del caso argentino (2001-2010

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    Fernando Ariel Manzano


    Full Text Available La relación de dependencia demográfica es una medida de la carga de dependencia demográfica muy difundida. Dentro de la bibliografía relacionada se presupone una relación inversa entre este indicador y el crecimiento económico de un país; sin embargo, se destaca la carencia de especificaciones conceptuales y teóricas que respondan acerca de este vínculo. Sólo se detallan definiciones operativas sobre su forma de cálculo, en base a un criterio estrictamente biológico, estableciendo que todas las personas entre 14 y 64 años inclusive son potenciales activos (sin distinción, mientras que la población fuera de este rango de edad es considerada potencialmente inactiva o dependiente. La hipótesis propuesta es que la relación de dependencia demográfica resulta un indicador insuficiente para estimar la carga real de dependencia económica, debido a que no considera la dinámica real del mercado laboral. Se toman dos índices complementarios propuestos por Chackiel (2000 para cuantificar la subvaluación de la carga de dependencia demográfica. La fuente utilizada corresponde a los censos nacionales de población de los años 2001 y 2010 de Argentina, que reflejan periodos opuestos en términos de capacidad de absorción de mano de obra y sensibilidad de la población a participar en la actividad económica.

  7. Programa de Prevención de la Dependencia y Envejecimiento Activo: Un Modelo de Formación de Psicohabilidades en un entorno B-Learning


    Alcolado Santos, Julio; López Carrasco, Raquel


    Un estilo de vida vitalista o en su defecto los programas de envejecimiento activo, son las mejores herramientas para la prevención de la dependencia causada por el envejecimiento. Con la evolución del ciclo vital se agudizan las enfermedades no trasmisibles (ENT), que generan la dependencia. Es posible crear programas de prevención de la dependencia y el fomento del envejecimiento activo, a través de una formación en modalidad b-learning. La plataforma de formación Moodle, en sus versiones 1...

  8. Gestión documental para un centro de valoración de la dependencia


    Diego Regidor, Raúl


    Gestión documental para un centro de valoración de la dependencia. Desarrollo del software que permite gestionar toda la documentación que el Centre de Vida Independent emplea en sus procesos de negocio.

  9. Articulación del sistema para la autonomía y atención a la dependencia: estructura administrativa


    Lantarón Barquín, David


    El signo defensivo de la nueva Ley reguladora de las situaciones de dependencia ha podido en cierta medida contener la dimensión del consiguiente aparato administrativo estatal de articulación del Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia, salvedad hecha acaso del dispositivo consultivo. No obstante lo anterior, cabe señalar que este andamiaje administrativo no resulta nada despreciable, detectándose en la norma al menos cuatro tipos de previsiones: puntuales refere...

  10. y la dependencia de las remesas

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    Humberto Márquez Covarrubias


    Full Text Available Existe un enfoque teórico nuevo de la migración internacional y el desarrollo en México. Más allá de la visión de los organismos internacionales, analiza el papel asignado a las remesas en la precaria estabilidad socioeconómica del país, según el esquemavdenominado modelo de desarrollo basado en las remesas. En aras de un análisis comprensivo, se revisan tres dimensiones: a la exportación de fuerza de trabajo barata; b el papel de la migración laboral en la reestructuración productiva estadounidense y c la función asignada a las remesas en la economía mexicana. El argumento central es que el desarrollo basado en las remesas agudiza la dependencia de éstas, sin asociarse a mecanismos que promuevan el crecimiento local, regional o nacional.

  11. Crisis de los cuidados, Ley de Dependencia y confusión semántica

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    Serrano Pascual, Amparo


    Full Text Available The condition of dependence, inherent to all human being, has been regulated politically and institutionally on the basis of a series of assumptions which articulate a gender construction of care. These a priori’s could be subject to an overhaul due to the implementation of political initiatives, such as the Dependency Act as it could induce to a socialization of moral duties with regard to dependency, a visibility of competences and skills required for care and a review of the “gender” of work. This article debates, from a gender perspective, the potential of this Act and its contribution to the fight for giving a meaning to care. This analysis is based on field work, consisting of 20 in-depth interviews with key persons, with the view to study the semantic battles between the various players which participated in the elaboration of the Act.La condición de dependencia, inmanente a todo ser humano, ha sido regulada política e institucionalmente en base a una serie de supuestos incuestionables que articulan una construcción sexualizada de los cuidados. Estos a priori podrían verse revisados con la implementación de iniciativas políticas como la Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de Dependencia (Ley de Dependencia o LAAD al poderse inducir una socialización de las obligaciones morales frente a la dependencia, una visibilización de las competencias y destrezas que reclaman los cuidados, y una revisión del “sexo” del trabajo. Este artículo discute, desde una perspectiva de género, el potencial herético de esta Ley y su contribución a una pugna por el sentido acerca de los cuidados. Para ello, este análisis crítico de la LAAD se apoya además en un trabajo de campo consistente en la realización de 20 entrevistas a informantes clave, con el que se trata de indagar en las luchas por el sentido entre diversos actores que participaron en la elaboraci



    Herrero-Montes, Manuel; Olavarría-Beivide, Encarnación; Parás-Bravo, Paula; Cacidedo-González, Raquel; Revuelta-Arroyo, Rosana; Gómez-Muñoz, Isabel


    Objetivos Determinar la prevalencia puntual de lesiones relacionadas con la dependencia (LRD) en pacientes hospitalizados en el Hospital Sierrallana/ Tres Mares (HSLL), Cantabria. Clasificar las lesiones según los criterios propuestos por el Grupo Nacional para el Estudio y Asesoramiento en Ulceras por Presión y Heridas Crónicas (GNEAUPP) en su documento técnico Nº II (mayo 2014). Métodos Estudio de prevalencia. Población: Pacientes ingresados en el área de hospitalización del ...

  13. Síntomas depresivos como factor de riesgo de dependencia en adultos mayores Depressive symptoms as a risk factor for dependence in elderly people

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    José Alberto Ávila-Funes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la relación entre síntomas depresivos y dependencia funcional. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal con 1 880 adultos mayores evaluados en 2001 y 2003. Se determinaron los síntomas depresivos con una versión modificada de la Escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos y la dependencia con las escalas de Lawton y Brody, y Katz. La dependencia implicó la asistencia y ayuda para realizar alguna de las actividades interrogadas. Los análisis multifactoriales probaron el nexo entre síntomas depresivos y desarrollo de dependencia. RESULTADOS: En 2001, 37.9% mostró síntomas depresivos. En 2003, 6.1 y 12.7% desarrollaron dependencia para al menos una de las actividades básicas (ABVD e instrumentales de la vida diaria (AIVD, respectivamente. En el análisis multivariado, los síntomas depresivos fueron factor de riesgo sólo para dependencia en las AIVD. CONCLUSIONES: Los síntomas depresivos favorecen el desarrollo de dependencia funcional. Es necesario su reconocimiento sistemático durante la evaluación clínica del adulto mayor.OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between depressive symptoms and dependence in activities of daily living. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Participants, aged 70 to 104 (n= 1 880, were evaluated twice (2001 and 2003. Depressive symptoms were established by a modified version of Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale, whereas functional dependence was assessed with Lawton & Brody and Katz scales. Dependence implies the attendance and assistance of another person to accomplish the activity. Multivariate regression analyses were used to determine the effect of depressive symptoms on incident dependence. RESULTS: At baseline, 37.9% had depressive symptoms. After two years, 6.1 and 12.7% developed functional dependence for one or more ADL and IADL, respectively. Multivariate analyses showed that depressive symptoms were a risk factor to the development of functional

  14. Desarrollo legislativo de protección por dependencia. Oportunidades del sector privado: Caso de Castilla y León


    Mª Cristina Fernández Ramos; J. Iñaki De la Peña Esteban


    RESUMEN: En España, la intensidad del envejecimiento de la población difiere entre regiones. Las más envejecidas entre las que se encuentra la Comunidad de Castilla y León, deberían ser las más interesadas en desarrollar la normativa sobre dependencia. En este trabajo analizamos el desarrollo normativo existente en Castilla y León con el fin de encontrar aquellas lagunas de cobertura de dependencia que padecen sus habitantes. Con lo anterior se determinan los nichos de mercado en los que el ...

  15. Tendencias en la calidad de vida en países con dependencia mineral

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    Luis J. González Oquendo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir tendencias a partir de algunos indicadores de calidad de vida en el conjunto de países de dependencia mineral. A partir de gráficos Box-Plot e índices de correlación, se procedió a la descripción de tendencias estadísticas para realizar precisiones en torno a la calidad de vida -analizada a través del índice de desarrollo humano [ÍDH] y componentes- y variables económicas [exportaciones minerales como porcentaje del total de exportaciones y del producto interno bruto] y demográficas [fecundidad, mortalidad infantil]. Aunque no se precisó alguna correlación estadística entre el porcentaje de exportaciones minerales como parte del PIB con el ÍDH o alguno de sus componentes, se encontró relación significativa con el porcentaje como parte del total de exportaciones aunque -en su relación con el IDH y con el índice de logro educativo- sólo había relaciones inversas de carácter leve. En relación con las variables demográficas, sólo se encontró relaciones leves entre el porcentaje de exportaciones minerales sobre exportaciones totales con la tasa de fecundidad total y la tasa de mortalidad infantil, sin que se haya encontrado alguna significatividad en la tasa de mortalidad de niños menores de 5 años. Se precisó que, aunque la mayor parte de los países con dependencia mineral poseen valores ÍDH medio, los valores reflejan fuertes diferencias regionales, distribuciones asimétricas positivas matizadas en lo referente a las exportaciones minerales y dispersión desigual de los valores ÍDH, siendo mayor entre los países de alta dependencia mineral.

  16. Una visión económica de la dependencia desde la perspectiva de la salud

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    Segovia González, Mª Manuela


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de los tipos de enfermedades que inciden en la población dependiente española, obteniendo su incidencia por Comunidades Autónomas y por sexo. Centrándonos en los costes directos de la dependencia, se obtiene el gasto medio sanitario de cada enfermedad y se analiza el coste sanitario de la dependencia frente al coste sanitario total en cada CCAA.ABSTRACT A descriptive analysis of the types of diseases that affect to long-term care population from Spain is done. We obtain the incidence by regions and by sex. Focusing on direct costs, average expenditure for each disease is estimated. Finally, health cost of long-term care and total health care costs in each region is compared

  17. Estilo cognitivo de dependencia-independencia de campo y proceso lector


    Kirchner, Teresa


    Este estudio trata de determinar si se dan relaciones de covariación entre la aptitud de reestructuración (una de las manifestaciones del constructo «Dependencia-Independencia de campo» (DIC) y el proceso lector.La DIC es uno de los Estilos Cognitivos surgidos a raíz de las investigaciones que sobre la percepción de la verticalidad realizaban Witkin y Asch a finales de los años 40, y que derivó finalmente en un modelo explicativo de las diferencias individuales, basado en el grado de diferenc...

  18. Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados

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    Rubén González-Rodríguez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: la medición de la situación de dependencia es un acto fundamental para las diferentes administraciones públicas con competencias en el campo de la salud y de los servicios sociales, para así poder planificar de forma idónea las políticas encaminadas a la atención e intervención en este ámbito. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los instrumentos de valoración de la situación de dependencia más utilizados en España, informando de su contenido y sus campos de aplicación más relevantes. Del mismo modo, conocer en qué se diferencian estas escalas de medida, del baremo de valoración de dependencia utilizado como puerta de acceso al Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia. Método: este estudio se lleva a cabo mediante una revisión bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos: Dialnet, Scopus, SciELO y Conclusiones: Tras la pertinente revisión de la literatura existente, los resultados apuntan a que, a causa de la variabilidad de contextos en los que se enmarcan las situaciones de dependencia, existen una gran variedad de instrumentos de medida.

  19. Estado de la discapacidad y la dependencia en pacientes afiliados a la Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles


    Sánchez Muñoz, Carolina


    El aumento del número de pacientes con patologías crónicas relacionadas con el envejecimiento de la población sitúan la discapacidad y la dependencia en un lugar principal entre los problemas socio-sanitarios actuales. La Organización Nacional de la Salud sitúa la discapacidad visual entre los primeras causas de discapacidad a nivel mundial. El presente estudio analiza la situación de la dependencia entre la población mayor de edad con discapacidad visual por ceguera legal afilada a l...


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    Daiver Cardona Salgado


    Full Text Available Para determinar la dependencia estructural entre los mercados bursátiles colombiano y estadounidense, se usaron las pérdidas de los índices Col20, Dow Jones y Standard & Poors 500 como variables. La metodología desarrollada siguió los lineamientos de los modelos de dinámica multivariados, basados en la cópula y propuestos por Chen y Fan (2006. Se encontró que los dos mercados presentan una moderada dependencia y que, de acuerdo con el modelo CAPM, el riesgo sistemático que comparten es bajo y ofrecen posibilidades de diversificación. Además, se encontró que es baja la probabilidad de que ambos mercados experimenten pérdidas extremas conjuntamente.

  1. Dependencia versus autodeterminación: Una ley para quién


    Fernández, Pedro


    El autor de este artículo, director de la Federación de asociaciones a favor de las personas con discapacidad intelectual del País Vasco, analiza el contenido que, en la fase de redacción correspondiente a octubre de 2006, caracteriza al proyecto de Ley de Dependencia. Aunque muestra su confianza por que al final se reconocerán en la Ley las necesidades de apoyo para la autonomía personal que requieren las personas con discapacidad intelectual o mental para hacer efectivo un grado satisfactor...

  2. Tipología de la dependencia de las personas con discapacidad atendidas en centros residenciales, de día y ocupacionales.

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    Samuel Fernández Fernández


    Full Text Available El estudio analiza el nivel de dependencia o necesidad de ayuda de las personas atendidas en Centros de Día, Ocupacionales y Residenciales. El análisis incluye el cálculo de la dependencia global de los usuarios para una serie de factores y tipos de centro y el contraste de diferencias entre estos últimos. Como resultado apreciamos que la dependencia de la muestra analizada se sitúa en un 62.22%, siendo los usuarios de Centros de Día y Residenciales los que presentan valores más altos, debido fundamentalmente a la dificultad para la realización de actividades domésticas, la comunicación y la autonomía personal. El estudio nos permite establecer perfiles de autonomía/dependencia de los usuarios en los distintos servicios en que son atendidos, lo que resulta de gran utilidad para organizar los programas formativos previstos por la Ley de Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en Situación de Dependencia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tipology of the dependence of people with disabilities attend in residencial care, day centres and vocational training centres. The aim of this study is to analyze the level of dependence or need of aid of the people attended in Residential, Day Centers and Vocational Training Centers. The analysis includes the calculation of the global dependence of the users for each factor and type of center and the contrast of differences among these last. As a consequence of the study we appreciate that the dependence of the sample analyzed is situated in a 62.22%, being the users of the Day Centers and Residential the ones that present higher values, due fundamentally to the difficulty for the execution of Domestic Activities, Communication and Personal Autonomy. The study carried out permits us to establish profiles of autonomy/dependence of the users in the different services in wich they are attended, what results of great utility to organize the common

  3. La atención a la dependencia como motor de desarrollo económico

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    Díaz Díaz, Belén


    Full Text Available The aging of the population in most developed countries makes necessary to establish action policies to ensure care for this population. In order to achieve this aim, the idea that allocating money to dependency is a expenditure must be banished and consider it as an investment that contributes to economic development and can be quantified in terms of impact on employment generation and wealth. This study analyses the economic impact of the dependency care (given through residential care centres or day care centres in the region of Cantabria (Spain, as well as of the Home Care System. Dependency care generates directly 24 jobs for every million EUR invested by the Administration in this sector. If we include the indirect and induced impact, the job creation rises to 36 jobs, with the consequent effect in production, consumption and tax revenues.El envejecimiento de la población en la mayoría de los países desarrollados marca la necesidad de establecer políticas de actuación que garanticen la atención a dicha población. Para ello, se debe desterrar la idea de que los recursos destinados a la dependencia son un gasto, considerarlos como una inversión que contribuye al desarrollo económico y que puede cuantificarse en términos de impacto en la generación de empleo y riqueza. Este estudio analiza el impacto económico del conjunto de centros de atención a la dependencia (tanto residenciales como de atención diurna en la región de Cantabria (España, así como del Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio. De manera directa, la atención a la dependencia genera 24 empleos por cada millón de euros invertido por la Administración en el sector. Si incluimos el impacto indirecto e inducido, esta generación de empleo se eleva a 36, con el consiguiente efecto sobre la producción, el consumo y la recaudación de impuestos.

  4. Modelización financiero-actuarial de un seguro de dependencia = Long Term Care Insurance Actuarial Model

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    Herranz Peinado, Patricia


    Full Text Available España ha seguido la tendencia de otros países en cuanto a la cobertura de las personas dependientes, es decir, aquellas que necesitan ayuda para realizar las tareas básicas de la vida diaria, y lo ha hecho mediante la aprobación de la Ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de Dependencia, que se basa en la financiación pública. A pesar de los esfuerzos para el desarrollo de la Ley, ésta no está dando los frutos que debiera haber dado y se hace necesaria la existencia de productos privados de cobertura que puedan atender a las necesidades de aquellos que los demandan. Dado los escasos estudios que sobre este tema existen todavía en nuestro país, el establecer una aproximación a las primas de un seguro privado de dependencia puede servir de referencia para el análisis de su comercialización por parte de las aseguradoras. En este trabajo se trata de analizar una serie de cuestiones que den respuesta a dos objetivos. Por una parte, establecer un modelo financiero-actuarial que sirva como apoyo en el diseño de productos privados que cubran la dependencia y, por otra, realizar una aproximación a las bases técnicas actuariales que lleven a la cuantificación de las primas. = Spain has followed the trend of other countries about long term care, that is, people who need help to perform the basic tasks of daily living. In December 2006, Spanish Parliament approved the law called Ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de Dependencia, with public financing. This law is not producing the expected results, and it makes necessary the existence of private insurance. Currently, there are few studies on long term care in our country. An approach to premiums of a private insurance can serve as reference for the studies by insurers. This work tries to study a series of questions responding simultaneously to two goals, establishing an actuarial model and, on

  5. El tratamiento actuarial de los periodos de carencia y el contraseguro de primas en el seguro de dependencia.

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    Ricote Gil, Fernando.


    Full Text Available La dependencia es un estado en el que se encuentran las personas que por razones ligadas a la falta o la pérdida de autonomía física, psíquica o intelectual tienen necesidad de asistencia y/o atención significativa para la realización los actos corrientes de la vida diaria. Dentro de la iniciativa privada, el sector asegurador juega un importante papel para la prestación de garantías derivadas de esta cobertura. Un aspecto fundamental en el estudio de esta cobertura es la consideración de los periodos de carencia y el tratamiento del contraseguro de primas durante los mismo. Se analiza el riesgo actuarial y su tratamiento en esta cobertura y la incidencia en la valoración actuarial de las primas por prestaciones de dependencia.

  6. La dependencia estatal en programas para jóvenes: ¿estigma o factor de protección?

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    Marina Medan


    Full Text Available En este artículo sostengo que ciertos programas sociales destinados a jóvenes de sectores populares consideran que la asistencia estatal produce una forma de dependencia que protege a sus beneficiarios y beneficiarias de riesgos circundantes. Así, aunque las condicionalidades para acceder a la asistencia sean incumplidas, los sujetos beneficiarios no son excluidos de los programas. Enfocarse en la dimensión etaria de los jóvenes y las jóvenes y en el posicionamiento crítico de los agentes hacia el Estado, permite discutir la tradicional afirmación de que la dependencia solo se despliega peyorativamente. El debate pretende contribuir a comprender las recientes transformaciones de políticas sociales en Latinoamérica. Analizo datos surgidos de observaciones participantes y entrevistas a agentes y sujetos beneficiarios de programas de prevención del delito juvenil y de inclusión social implementados en el Gran Buenos Aires, entre 2008 y 2012.

  7. La dependencia estatal en programas para jóvenes: ¿estigma o factor de protección?

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    Marina Medan


    Full Text Available En este artículo sostengo que ciertos programas sociales destinados a jóvenes de sectores populares consideran que la asistencia estatal produce una forma de dependencia que protege a sus beneficiarios y beneficiarias de riesgos circundantes. Así, aunque las condicionalidades para acceder a la asistencia sean incumplidas, los sujetos beneficiarios no son excluidos de los programas. Enfocarse en la dimensión etaria de los jóvenes y las jóvenes y en el posicionamiento crítico de los agentes hacia el Estado, permite discutir la tradicional afirmación de que la dependencia solo se despliega peyorativamente. El debate pretende contribuir a comprender las recientes transformaciones de políticas sociales en Latinoamérica. Analizo datos surgidos de observaciones participantes y entrevistas a agentes y sujetos beneficiarios de programas de prevención del delito juvenil y de inclusión social implementados en el Gran Buenos Aires, entre 2008 y 2012.

  8. Aspectos políticos de la dependencia financiera en los municipios mexicanos

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    Jorge Ibarra Salazar


    Full Text Available La literatura especializada ha estudiado el im- pacto de las modi caciones en las instituciones scales el Sistema Nacional de Coordinaci n Fiscal (1980 y las reformas constitucionales al art - culo 115 (1983 y 1999 sobre el grado de depen- dencia nanciera de los gobiernos municipales y el desempe o gubernamental. Aunado a ello, el entorno pol tico ha probado ser un determinante importante en dicho desempe o. En efecto, des- de el enfoque de la econom a pol tica, diferen- tes estudios documentan los efectos del entorno pol tico y las instituciones scales en variables scales tales como el gasto y la deuda en go- biernos nacionales y subnacionales. Con base en cuatro variables la a liaci n pol tica del alcalde, la a liaci n pol tica del gobernador, la composi- ci n de los congresos locales y la celebraci n de elecciones locales , los autores construyen indi- cadores de con uencia pol tica a escala munici- pal y estudian la in uencia sobre la dependencia nanciera del grado de uni caci n del gobierno municipal, tanto con respecto al gobierno esta- tal como con respecto al congreso local, adem s de considerar la a liaci n pol tica del alcalde y el ciclo electoral local. A trav s de su enfoque anal tico y sus hallazgos emp ricos, este art culo ampl a el alcance de los estudios emp ricos sobre dependencia municipal scal. As mismo, aporta al campo de la econom a pol tica y sus estudios sobre las nanzas p blicas subnacionales.

  9. Dependencia funcional y enfermedades crónicas en ancianos mexicanos Functional dependence and chronic disease in older Mexicans

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    Melba Barrantes-Monge


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de dependencia funcional y las enfermedades crónicas que se le asocian. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El estudio se realizó de junio a diciembre de 2004 en el Departamento de Geriatría del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, en México, DF. Los datos de las variables se obtuvieron de la información de la encuesta para el Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM, realizada con base en la Ley de Información Estadística y Geográfica,Capítulo V,Artículo 38.Se incluyó un total de 4 872 personas mayores de 65 años, a quienes se les interrogó sobre ayuda para las actividades básicas de la vida diaria (AVD y actividades instrumentales (AIVD de la vida diaria; así como sobre la presencia de enfermedad crónica. RESULTADOS: De los mayores de 65 años, 24% resultó dependiente en AVD y 23% en AIVD. Las enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con dependencia funcional en actividades básicas e instrumentadas fueron las enfermedades articular y cerebrovascular, el deterioro cognitivo y la depresión. CONCLUSIÓN: La prevalencia de dependencia funcional es alta enlos mayores de 65 años.Este estudio demuestra cuáles enfermedades crónicas están asociadas con la dependencia. Es necesario desarrollar medidas orientadas al tratamiento y prevención de estas entidades crónicas que se asociaron con dependencia funcional.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of functional dependence in older Mexicans and associated chronic conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted between June and December 2004 in the Geriatric Department of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City. The data for the variables were obtained from the information in the National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico survey (ENASEM.The survey was based on the law for statistical and geographic information,Chapter V

  10. Prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en pacientes en tratamiento renal sustitutivo: dependencia y actitudes ante el abandono

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    Marta García Pascual

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en pacientes en diálisis, el grado de dependencia y la predisposición para dejar de fumar. Material y Método: Se incluyeron un total de 157 pacientes en diálisis peritoneal y hemodiálisis. Se realizó un registro a cada uno de los pacientes, con datos relacionados con su historia médica y tratamiento. Se identificó la situación actual en relación al consumo, y se administró una batería de cuestionarios. Resultados: La prevalencia de exfumadores fue de 42.04% y la de fumadores activos del 15.28%. Presentando la mayor parte de ellos un consumo diario moderado y un grado de dependencia leve en el 70.8% de los casos. Conclusion: Más de la mitad de los fumadores activos en nuestra población se encuentran motivados y preparados para el abandono, por lo que se recomienda establecer medidas facilitadoras promuevan el abandono.

  11. Perfil cognitivo de la dependencia emocional en estudiantes universitarios en Medellín, Colombia


    Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia; Jaller Jaramillo, Cristina; González Calle, Ana María; Díaz León, Zoraya Tatiana; De la Ossa, Daniela


    El objetivo de este estudio fue la identificación del perfil cognitivo de los estudiantes universitarios con dependencia emocional. Ésta se plantea como un patrón orientado al otro como fuente de satisfacción y seguridad personal, donde el perfil cognitivo les llevaría a interpretar los hechos de manera diferente, basándose en cubrir sus necesidades emocionales insatisfechas. Se tomó una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 569 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados arrojaron un modelo que ...

  12. Análisis de las causas de dependencia en las relaciones fabricante distribuidor de los canales de comercialización

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    Javier Oubiña Barbolla


    Full Text Available El sector minorista de los canales de distribución de productos de gran consumo en España, al igual que en otros muchos países, está experimentando un intenso proceso de concentración que afecta a las relaciones de poder existentes entre fabricantes y distribuidores. La literatura relativa al poder establecer como principal base del mismo la dependencia que muestra una organización frente a otra debido a la necesidad de utilizar los recursos proporcionados por la segunda compañía para conseguir sus objetivos. En el presente trabajo, se analizan los factores que determinan la dependencia del fabricante respecto al distribuidor, entre los cuales destacan por su importancia el volumen de ventas, las inversiones específicas en la transacción y el poder compensador.

  13. Comparação da fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos paraespinhais e da cinemática angular da coluna entre indivíduos com e sem dor lombar Comparison of electromyographic fatigue of erector spinae muscles and angular kinematic of spine between individuals with and without low back pain

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    Marcio Massao Kawano


    Full Text Available Indivíduos com dor lombar têm redução na força e na resistência dos músculos paraespinhais. A avaliação da fadiga e da resistência dos músculos paraespinhais é importante, uma vez que tem sido reportado que indivíduos com lombalgia desenvolvem um déficit no condicionamento físico que influencia na força e na função do tronco. Além disso, ainda é incerto a relação da fadiga dos paraespinhais e o ângulo de flexão anterior de tronco. Os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar a fadiga em indivíduos com e sem dor lombar e correlacionar a fadiga com o ângulo de flexão anterior de tronco. O grupo lombalgia foi composto por dez indivíduos com diagnóstico médico exclusivo de lombalgia. O grupo controle foi composto por dez indivíduos que possuíam características físicas semelhantes. Inicialmente avaliou-se a flexão anterior de tronco dos indivíduos pelo método angular de Whistance. A fadiga dos músculos paraespinhais foi avaliada nas alturas de L1 e L5 por meio da eletromiografia de superfície em duas cargas: 50 e 75% da contração isométrica voluntária máxima. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que o grupo lombalgia apresentou menor força durante os testes de contração isométrica voluntária máxima (P Subjects with low back pain have reduction in strength and endurance of the erector spinae muscles. The assessment of the fatigue and the endurance of these muscles is important, once it has been reported that individuals with low back pain develop a deficit in physical conditioning which influences on trunk strength and function. Moreover, the relationship between back muscles fatigue and trunk forward flexion is still unclear. The aims of this study were to compare fatigue between individuals with and without low back pain and to correlate the muscles fatigue with the angle of trunk forward flexion. The low back pain group consisted of ten low back pain subjects. The control group was composed by ten subjects

  14. Dependencia emocional, estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés y depresión en mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja de la ciudad de Chiclayo


    Castillo Hidalgo, Efren Gabriel


    Determina la relación entre dependencia emocional, estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés y depresión. La muestra de tipo no paramétrica estuvo conformada por 126 mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja que acudieron a una entidad forense de la ciudad de Chiclayo. Se utilizó la ficha de datos sociodemográficos y detección de violencia, el inventario de dependencia emocional, el inventario de respuestas de afrontamiento para adultos, y el inventario de depresión de Beck-II. El análisis de los ...


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    Beatriz Carolina Crisorio


    Full Text Available Frente al gran reto del momento, los países de América Latina y el Caribe están impulsando diferentes propuestas de integración regional. Para comprender qué fuerzas se conjugan en Argentina para que se acerque a proyectos tan diversos como MERCOSUR o el Banco del Sur, es necesario tomar en cuenta los distintos elementos que han influido en su devenir histórico. En tal sentido hay que considerar los cambios económicos y políticos ocurridos en el escenario internacional a partir de la caída del Muro de Berlín. Del mismo modo, es necesario analizar los distintos sectores económico-sociales que han podido influir en el proceso de toma de decisiones, o bien aquellos sectores subordinados que sufrieron sucesivas políticas económicas de orientación neoliberal desde los años setenta. El desafío es avanzar en la construcción de un modelo de crecimiento autosustentado, que no olvide la redistribución de la riqueza y que apoyándose en el impulso regional intente reducir el problema de la dependencia económica -en especial la deuda externa- política, y fortalezca la democracia participativa y cultural.

  16. Valoración de las necesidades de cuidados del paciente durante la hemodiálisis y su relación con el grado de dependencia

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    María del Carmen López Toledano


    Full Text Available Introducción: En la actualidad, el paciente en hemodiálisis tiene más edad, comorbilidad añadida y algún grado de dependencia. Esta situación ha hecho que su atención en las unidades de diálisis sea cada más compleja, relacionándose a menudo grado de dependencia con mayor necesidad de cuidados de enfermería. Sin embargo, no existen estudios donde se evidencie este hecho de forma concreta. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el grado de dependencia de los pacientes en hemodiálisis y su relación con las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería durante la sesión. Pacientes y Métodos: Se estudiaron 88 pacientes en hemodiálisis, del Servicio de Nefrología del HURS de Córdoba, mediante un diseño observacional analítico. Para evaluar el grado de dependencia se utilizó el "Test Delta", y el "Índice de Katz". Para analizar la demanda de cuidados se usó una parrilla de actividades de enfermería durante la sesión, de elaboración propia. Resultados: La edad media fue 64,87 años y en el índice de comorbilidad se encontró una mediana de 7 (rango 0-12. Cuando se analizaron los resultados del Test Delta, comprobamos que el 69,3% presentaban algún tipo de dependencia, mientras que con el Índice de Katz la presentaban el 72,7%, encontrándose entre ambos una buena correlación (r=0,866 p<0,01. Se encontró correlación entre la edad y las actividades de enfermería (r=0,331, p<0,01, el índice de comorbilidad (r=0,726, p<0,01 y el Test Delta (r= 0,244, p<0,05. También se encontró correlación entre las actividades de enfermería y el Delta , (r=0,483, p<0,05, el Katz (r=0,405 p<0,01 y el índice de comorbilidad (r=0,380 p<0,01. A su vez el índice de comorbilidad se correlacionó con el Delta (r=0,320 p<0,05 y el índice de Katz (r= 0,276 p<0,01. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que a mayor grado de dependencia, indistintamente del instrumento utilizado, mayor necesidad de cuidados. De igual manera, a m

  17. Dependencia Estructural en los mercados Bursátiles de Colombia y Estados Unidos, una aproximación usando cópulas

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    Cardona Salgado Daiver


    Full Text Available

    Para determinar la dependencia estructural entre los mercados bursátiles colombiano y 
    estadounidense, se usaron las pérdidas de los índices Col20, Dow Jones y Standard & 
    Poors 500 como variables. La metodología desarrollada siguió los lineamientos de los 
    modelos de dinámica multivariados, basados en la cópula y propuestos por Chen y Fan 
    (2006. Se encontró que los dos mercados presentan una moderada dependencia y que, 
    de acuerdo con el modelo CAPM, el riesgo
    sistemático que comparten es bajo y ofrecen posibilidades de diversificación. Además, se 
    encontró que es baja la probabilidad de que ambos mercados experimenten pérdidas 
    extremas conjuntamente.

  18. Diez tesis de bachillerato en psicología de la Universidad Católica sobre fármaco-dependencia

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    Roberto Lerner Stein


    Full Text Available El autor revisa 10 tesis de Bachillerato en Psicología presentados en la Universidad Católica y relacionados con el tema de la fármaco-dependencia. Luego de resumir cada uno de los trabajos se presenta algunas observaciones sobre las tendencias de investigación en ese campo.

  19. La confianza, la satisfacción, las normas relacionales, el oportunismo y la dependencia como antecedentes del compromiso organizacional del trabajador

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    Sonia San Martín Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los determinantes más importantes del compromiso afectivo, normativo y de continuidad del trabajador con la empresa. Nuestra propuesta contempla tanto antecedentes de tipo relacional o interpersonal (confianza, satisfacción y normas relacionales como de tipo económico (oportunismo empresarial y dependencia. El contraste de las hipótesis propuestas, con una muestra de trabajadores mexicanos, indica que tanto el compromiso afectivo como el normativo inciden en el de continuidad; la satisfacción, las normas relacionales y la percepción de oportunismo son los principales antecedentes del compromiso afectivo; y la confianza y la dependencia lo son del compromiso normativo. Por otra parte, la confianza y las normas relacionales contribuyen al aumento de la satisfacción laboral, mientras que los antecedentes del compromiso afectivo lo hacen también, indirectamente, en el compromiso normativo. Estos resultados arrojan interesantes implicaciones para el ámbito académico y profesional.

  20. Professional AngularJS

    CERN Document Server

    Karpov, Valeri


    A comprehensive guide to AngularJS, Google's open-source client-side framework for app development. Most of the existing guides to AngularJS struggle to provide simple and understandable explanations for more advanced concepts. As a result, some developers who understand all the basic concepts of AngularJS struggle when it comes to building more complex real-world applications. Professional AngularJS provides a thorough understanding of AngularJS, covering everything from basic concepts, such as directives and data binding, to more advanced concepts like transclusion, build systems, and auto

  1. Iniciación religiosa e interiorización de la dependencia en «Las Metamorfosis» de Apuleyo de Madaura (libro XI

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    Full Text Available El objetivo fundamental de este artículo consiste en analizar y explicar, a través del libro XI de la novela apuleyana, aspectos significativos de los usos religiosos y de su comportamiento en el imaginario de una sociedad. En este sentido las religiones de misterios pueden llegar, en su complejidad y a través de sus diversas máscaras, a simbolizar la integración de las fuerzas del cosmos, presentando un sistema de representación y de integración global del mundo y de la sociedad. La universalidad de las mismas es el escenario en donde los fieles creen que conseguirán la igualdad prometida, aunque ficticia, ya que en realidad implica una sumisión y dependencia de las órdenes y dictados de los dioses, en nuestro caso de la diosa Isis, cuya supremacía y soteriología garantizará a los fieles la protección y salvación en esta vida y en el más allá. El análisis del léxico de dependencia, presente en todo el texto, desvela a nivel simbólico-religioso las relaciones sociales propias de la sociedad romana, reforzandorenovando, a través de los nuevos valores proporcionados por el isismo, el control ideológico sobre los creyentes-fieles, hasta el punto de interiorizar estas relaciones de dependencia y considerarlas como igualitarias en un horizonte de dominación-sumisión.

  2. Evaluación del estilo cognitivo «Dependencia/independencia de campo» en el contexto de los problemas de ansiedad

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    Juan Manuel Ramos Martín


    Full Text Available Su sencillez, comodidad y cualidades psicométricas hacen del GEFT un instrumento atractivo para valorar la Dependencia de Campo. Ha sido utilizado, entre otras áreas, en el contexto de los problemas de ansiedad, observándose una relación no con el "rasgo", pero sí con el "estado" de ansiedad. Nosotros lo hemos utilizado con una muestra de 79 sujetos, junto con el ISRA, para veri¬ficar si la Dependencia de campo es un factor de vulnerabilidad para la ansiedad y, con 53 sujetos, para ver si tiene repercusión en el aprovechamiento terapéutico. Resultados: los Dependientes tienen unos niveles de ansiedad mayores (p=0,018. El tratamiento beneficia más a los Independientes, y lo hace en el sistema de respuesta cognitivo (p=0,047. Se aconseja atomizar el constructo en subprocesos que permitan una mejor identificación de los mecanismos implicados en la desventaja que presentan los Dependientes de campo ante los problemas de ansiedad.

  3. Output control of da Vinci surgical system's surgical graspers. (United States)

    Johnson, Paul J; Schmidt, David E; Duvvuri, Umamaheswar


    The number of robot-assisted surgeries performed with the da Vinci surgical system has increased significantly over the past decade. The articulating movements of the robotic surgical grasper are controlled by grip controls at the master console. The user interface has been implicated as one contributing factor in surgical grasping errors. The goal of our study was to characterize and evaluate the user interface of the da Vinci surgical system in controlling surgical graspers. An angular manipulator with force sensors was used to increment the grip control angle as grasper output angles were measured. Input force at the grip control was simultaneously measured throughout the range of motion. Pressure film was used to assess the maximum grasping force achievable with the endoscopic grasping tool. The da Vinci robot's grip control angular input has a nonproportional relationship with the grasper instrument output. The grip control mechanism presents an intrinsic resistant force to the surgeon's fingertips and provides no haptic feedback. The da Vinci Maryland graspers are capable of applying up to 5.1 MPa of local pressure. The angular and force input at the grip control of the da Vinci robot's surgical graspers is nonproportional to the grasper instrument's output. Understanding the true relationship of the grip control input to grasper instrument output may help surgeons understand how to better control the surgical graspers and promote fewer grasping errors. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Uncertainty principle for angular position and angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franke-Arnold, Sonja; Barnett, Stephen M; Yao, Eric; Leach, Jonathan; Courtial, Johannes; Padgett, Miles


    The uncertainty principle places fundamental limits on the accuracy with which we are able to measure the values of different physical quantities (Heisenberg 1949 The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory (New York: Dover); Robertson 1929 Phys. Rev. 34 127). This has profound effects not only on the microscopic but also on the macroscopic level of physical systems. The most familiar form of the uncertainty principle relates the uncertainties in position and linear momentum. Other manifestations include those relating uncertainty in energy to uncertainty in time duration, phase of an electromagnetic field to photon number and angular position to angular momentum (Vaccaro and Pegg 1990 J. Mod. Opt. 37 17; Barnett and Pegg 1990 Phys. Rev. A 41 3427). In this paper, we report the first observation of the last of these uncertainty relations and derive the associated states that satisfy the equality in the uncertainty relation. We confirm the form of these states by detailed measurement of the angular momentum of a light beam after passage through an appropriate angular aperture. The angular uncertainty principle applies to all physical systems and is particularly important for systems with cylindrical symmetry

  5. Lordose lombar: estudo dos valores angulares e da participação dos corpos vertebrais e discos intervertebrais Lumbar lordosis: a study of angle values and of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs role

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    Luiz Henrique Fonseca Damasceno


    Full Text Available Foi estudado, em indivíduos normais, o valor angular da lordose lombar e a participação dos corpos vertebrais e discos intervertebrais na sua composição. Foram avaliadas as radiografias da coluna lombar de 350 indivíduos normais e assintomáticos com a idade variando de 18 a 50 anos (média 29,0 anos ± 8,24, sendo 143 homens e 207 mulheres. Foram medidas a curvatura lombossacra (L1S1 e a curvatura lombolombar (L1L5. As medidas das curvaturas lombares e dos seus componentes apresentaram grande variabilidade. Foram observados valores médios de -61° para a curvatura lombossacra e de -45° para a curvatura lombolombar. As medidas dos corpos vertebrais apresentaram valores cifóticos para L1, neutros para L2, e progressivamente lordóticos de L3 a L5. Os discos intervertebrais apresentaram angulação lordótica progressiva desde L1-L2. Os elementos caudais da curvatura, discos intervertebrais L4-L5 e L5-S1 e o corpo vertebral L5 corresponderam a quase 60% medida angular da curvatura lombossacra. Foi observada diferença significante entre os sexos masculino e feminino para as medidas das curvaturas lombares, e dos corpos vertebrais L2 e L4, tendo sido observados valores maiores no sexo feminino. Foram observadas diferenças relacionadas à idade na medida das curvaturas lombares e dos corpos vertebrais.The angular value of lumbar lordosis and the role of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs in its constitution were studied in normal individuals. X-Ray images of lumbar spine were studied in 350 normal and asymptomatic individuals, ages ranging from 18 to 50 years old (average 29.0 years old ± 8.24, being 143 males and 207 females. The lumbosacral (L1S1 and the lumbolumbar (L1L5 curves were measured. Measurements for lumbar curves and their components presented a large variation. Average values of -61º were seen for lumbosacral curve and of -45º for lumbolumbar curve. Vertebral bodies measurements presented kyphotic values for L1

  6. Idoneidad del baremo de valoración de la situación de dependencia para determinar el ingreso en una residencia pública de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Óscar Álvarez López

    Full Text Available Objetivo: valorar el nivel de dependencia de los usuarios ingresados en una residencia pública del Servicio Regional de Bienestar Social, comparando los resultados obtenidos a través del Baremo de Valoración propuesto por la Ley, el Índice de Barthel y el Instrumento de Clasificación Funcional del Residente (basado en el RAI-NH 2.0. Método: descriptivo observacional, incluyendo todos los ingresos que se produjeron en el centro el primer año de estudio, y reevaluando los casos discordantes al año. Conclusiones: el baremo oficial ha clasificado con mayores niveles de dependencia a un porcentaje elevado de usuarios.

  7. Dependencia del café Coffea arabica L. var. Colombia por la micorriza vesiculo-arbuscular

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    Estrada M. Guillermo


    Full Text Available

    In this work it was determined the degree of dependence of the Colombia variety for VAM with different P levels. For that were made two bioassay in nutritional solutions, using river sand as substrate, and in natural soil, and uninfected, coming from Darién (Valle coffee zone. Treatments using nutritional solutions formed a factorial 2 by 5, with and without inoculation plus 5 P levels (20, 30, 40, 50 and 80 ppm. Glomus manihot was inoculated having 200 spores per plant, applied to the root when the were transplanted, Random complete blocks in split plots was the design used. Determinations were made at 60, 120 and 180 days after transplants were made. Results in nutritional solutions showed that small coffee plants var. Colombia, have different dependence degrees to the 20 and 30 P ppm and were absolutely dependent to VAM. In soil, at 180 days, the development of inoculated plants was greater for all P levels, In uninfected soil the plants do not take P and do not grow, except in they were inoculated; such high VAM dependence was evident also in high P levels.

    Para determinar el grado de dependencia de la variedad Colombia por MVA a diferentes niveles de P se realizaron 2 bioensayos: en soluciones nutritivas, con arena de río como sustrato, y en suelo natural y des infestado procedente de la zona cafetera de Darién - Valle. Los tratamientos en soluciones nutritivas conformaron un factorial 2 x 5 con y sin inoculo y 5 niveles de P (20, 30, 40, 50 y 80 ppm; en suelo, un factorial de 4 x 5 sustrato-condición de suelo y 5 niveles de P (5, 15, 30, 50 Y80 ppm. Se inoculó con Glomus manihot a razón de 200 esporas/planta, aplicadas a la raíz al momento del trasplante. En ambos ensayos se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo en parcelas divididas. Se efectuaron determinaciones a los 60, 120 y 180 días después del trasplante a bolsa. En soluciones nutritivas, las plantas presentaron grados de dependencia diversos: a

  8. Utilización de Internet y dependencia a teléfonos móviles en adolescentes


    Julio Ruiz-Palmero; José Sánchez-Rodríguez; Juan Manuel Trujillo-Torres


    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo ha sido analizar el uso que los adolescentes realizan de Internet y los teléfonos móviles. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo, para la muestra se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 10 centros educativos, registrando 874 encuestas. Los adolescentes utilizan masivamente la Red, accediendo a la misma cada vez más a través del teléfono móvil, no aparecen casos llamativos de dependencia en el empleo del teléfono móvil. Otro de los problemas detectados ha sido el ...

  9. Daño cerebral adquirido: percepción del familiar de las secuelas y su malestar psicológico

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    Elena López de Arróyabe Castillo


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la percepción que el familiar tiene de los problemas de la persona afectada por un daño cerebral adquirido y su asociación a sus propios síntomas de estrés, depresión y duelo. Participaron 223 familiares (cuidadores principales. Se desarrolló un inventario de 36 secuelas percibidas estructuradas en 6 factores: déficits cognitivos y sensoriales, cambios de personalidad, dependencia, actividad disminuida, trastornos emocionales y autoconciencia y percepción social disminuida. Los resultados mostraron que las secuelas percibidas tienen relativamente poco impacto en el malestar psicológico del familiar. Las secuelas con mayor asociación a los síntomas psicológicos fueron dependencia, asociada significativamente a sentimientos actuales de duelo, y la actividad disminuida, que se asocia a las respuestas involuntarias de estrés de aproximación y alejamiento. Estos datos contradicen la literatura que sostiene la relación causal entre secuelas percibidas y síntomas en los familiares, sugiriendo otro tipo de factores implicados.

  10. Valoración de la sobrecarga en el cuidador del paciente con algún grado de dependencia hospitalizado en el servicio de neurocirugía del hospital universitario Erasmo Meoz entre octubre y noviembre del año 2005

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    Johanna Gallo


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de Valorar la Sobrecarga en el cuidador del paciente con algún grado de dependencia hospitalizado en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz (HUEM, durante el periodo comprendido entre octubre a noviembre del año 2005 se desarrolló el presente estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 22 cuidadores de los pacientes con algún grado de dependencia atendidos en el servicio de neurocirugía del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de los cuales la muestra estuvo constituida por 13 cuidadores que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. En el cual se aplico el instrumento el índice de Barthel para la caracterización de los pacientes de acuerdo a la edad, sexo, diagnostico medico, régimen de salud y valoración del grado de dependencia; así mismo se aplicó el instrumento escala de Zarit para la caracterización de los cuidadores de acuerdo a la edad, sexo, escolaridad, parentesco, estado laboral actual, horas del cuidado al día. Se observó que el perfil característico del paciente es una mujer de 46 años o más; vinculado y con diagnóstico médico de Lesión Ocupando Espacio (LOE o Trauma Craneoencefalico (TCE. El nivel de dependencia más frecuente fue la dependencia total seguido por la dependencia grave. El cuidador es por lo regular, una mujer de 36 a 45 años, con algún grado de estudio, sin empleo actual que cuida más de seis horas diarias al paciente que por lo general es un familiar directo.

  11. Consideraciones sobre la naturaleza de los núcleos sintácticos. Hacia una representación sintáctica de dependencias

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    Marina Lloberes


    Full Text Available En el análisis sintáctico automático, la definición de criterios lingüísticos para gramáticas basadas en conocimiento lingüístico permite de desarrollar recursos coherentes y consistentes. La construcción de EsTxala y CaTxala, dos gramáticas de dependencias del español y del catalán para FreeLing (un entorno de herramientas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, se ha llevado a cabo según el diseño previo de un repertorio de criterios ecléctico y crítico en relación con algunos de los formalismos lingüísticos implementados en el análisis automático del lenguaje, la Gramática de Dependencias y la Gramática Generativa. El objetivo de dicho repertorio es facilitar la coherencia y la consistencia de la representación sintáctica en el desarrollo de gramáticas para el análisis sintáctico automático.

  12. Las políticas sociales de dependencia en España: contribuciones y consecuencias para los ancianos y sus cuidadores informales

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    Bibiana Escuredo


    Full Text Available Se presenta la evolución de la protección social de la dependencia en España desde la década de los noventa hasta el momento actual y se plantean las consecuencias de la falta de acuerdo político respecto a las medidas a implementar. Se analizan los elementos en los que se basan las políticas de dependencia, resaltando sus aspectos positivos y negativos, así como las consecuencias para los ancianos y sus cuidadores informales. También se pone de manifiesto cómo, ante la posibilidad de quiebra del papel de la familia en el cuidado de los dependientes, se están implementando políticas que tienen como objetivo reforzar el rol cuidador de la familia y que se enmarcan dentro de la denominada "Conciliación de la Vida Familiar y Laboral". Estas políticas, más allá de sus contribuciones positivas, implican también importantes costes personales y de oportunidad para los cuidadores informales.

  13. ¿Cómo actúan las empresas frente a la dependencia económica del auditor?: el papel del comité de auditoría

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    Estíbaliz Biedma López


    Full Text Available La dependencia económica del auditor respecto de su cliente es considerada una amenaza para su independencia. El comité de auditoría puede actuar como salvaguarda, sin embargo, es una medida creada por la empresa auditada y de ella depende que cuente con las características necesarias para ser eficaz. Este trabajo analiza si las empresas gradúan el nivel de independencia del comité de auditoría dependiendo del nivel de dependencia económica de su auditor. Aplicando la técnica de datos de panel a una muestra de empresas españolas cotizadas entre los años 1998 y 2005, los resultados confirman la existencia de una relación significativa entre el nivel de independencia del comité de auditoría y el nivel de dependencia económica del auditor, siendo las empresas con auditores menos dependientes las que forman comités más independientes. Estos resultados suponen una importante contribución a la literatura previa en tanto que aportan evidencia sobre la estrategia seguida por las empresas en el diseño conjunto de mecanismos de garantía de la calidad de la información financiera. Asimismo, se han obtenido teniendo en cuenta algunas de las limitaciones metodológicas que han sido señaladas como principales obstáculos en las investigaciones sobre gobierno corporativo, tales como la endogeneidad y la heterogeneidad inobservable.

  14. Seleção de famílias de feijoeiro resistente à antracnose e à mancha-angular Selection of common bean families resistant to anthracnose and angular leaf spot

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    Marcelo Geraldo de Morais Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar famílias de feijoeiro com resistência a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum e Phaeoisariopsis griseola e com outros fenótipos agronômicos desejáveis. As famílias utilizadas foram obtidas do cruzamento entre a linhagem H91, portadora de três alelos de resistência à antracnose, com três famílias F2:5 resistentes à mancha-angular, derivadas da cultivar Jalo EEP 558. Foi utilizado o delineamento látice quadrado em todos os experimentos. Inicialmente, foram avaliadas 144 famílias F2:3, no inverno de 2004, em Lavras, MG, com base no tipo de grão. Foram selecionadas 80 famílias F2:4 e avaliadas com a testemunha BRSMG Talismã, no período das águas de 2004/2005, no mesmo local. Considerando-se o tipo de grão e a resistência à mancha-angular e antracnose, foram mantidas 48 famílias F2:5, que foram avaliadas na seca de 2005, em Lavras e Lambari, MG. Essas 48 famílias passaram por inoculação das raças 2047, 73 e 1545 de C. lindemuthianum, para verificação da presença dos alelos de resistência Co-4², Co-5 e Co-7, respectivamente. Foram identificados genótipos da maioria das 48 famílias, quanto à reação à antracnose, das quais se destacaram quatro, em relação ao tipo de grão semelhante ao 'Carioca', de porte ereto, produtividade elevada e resistência à mancha-angular.The objective of this work was to select common bean families resistant to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and Phaeoisariopsis griseola and, also, with superior agronomical traits. Families used were obtained from crosses of H91 lineage, bearer of three alleles resistant to anthracnose, and F2;5 families derived from the cultivar Jalo EEP 558, which is resistant to angular leaf spot. Square lattice design was used in all experiments. Initially the F2:3 families (144 were evaluated in the winter of 2004, in Lavras county, MG, Brazil, based on grain type. Eighty families (F2:4 were selected and evaluated with the check

  15. Estudo comparativo dos parâmetros angulares da marcha humana em ambiente aquático e terrestre em indivíduos hígidos adultos jovens Comparative study of the angular parameters of human gait in water and land media in young higid adults

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    Danieli Isabel Romanovitch Ribas


    Full Text Available Há um grande interesse em estudar o movimento humano dentro da água, uma vez que o meio já é utilizado para treinamento e reabilitação devido às diferentes propriedades mecânicas que oferece. No entanto, há uma carência de estudos sobre as características biomecânicas do andar em ambiente aquático. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar as variáveis angulares do joelho e tornozelo da marcha em ambiente aquático, e compará-las com o ambiente terrestre. Fizeram parte deste estudo dezenove adultos do sexo masculino, saudáveis, com média de idade de 24 anos. Os indivíduos caminharam em ambiente terrestre e em seguida no ambiente aquático com a água ao nível do processo xifóide do esterno, com velocidade auto-selecionada e confortável. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a cinemetria. As variáveis angulares analisadas apresentaram diferenças significativas em ambiente aquático quando comparadas com as do ambiente terrestre. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo contribuem para um melhor entendimento do andar no AA no contexto de treinamento e reabilitação.There is a great interest to study the human movement under water, once it is a means has been utilized as an alternative way for both training and rehabilitation value owing to different mechanical proprieties it offers. However, there is some information about the biomechanical characteristics of shallow water walking. For collection of the data the cinemetry was used. The present study aims purpose the determination angular characteristics knee and ankle during walking in water and comparing it to the standard of the gait done on land. They were part of this nineteen healthy adults of the sex male with mean 24 years. The individuals walked on land and water with xiphoid process level, with self-selected comfortable walking speeds. The variables joint angles investigated was differences considerably between in shallow water on land. The results in the

  16. Optical Angular Momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arimondo, Ennio


    For many years the Institute of Physics has published books on hot topics based on a collection of reprints from different journals, including some remarks by the editors of each volume. The book on Optical Angular Momentum, edited by L Allen, S M Barnett and M J Padgett, is a recent addition to the series. It reproduces forty four papers originally published in different journals and in a few cases it provides direct access to works not easily accessible to a web navigator. The collection covers nearly a hundred years of progress in physics, starting from an historic 1909 paper by Poynting, and ending with a 2002 paper by Padgett, Barnett and coworkers on the measurement of the orbital angular momentum of a single photon. The field of optical angular momentum has expanded greatly, creating an interdisciplinary attraction for researchers operating in quantum optics, atomic physics, solid state physics, biophysics and quantum information theory. The development of laser optics, especially the control of single mode sources, has made possible the specific design of optical radiation modes with a high degree of control on the light angular momentum. The editors of this book are important figures in the field of angular momentum, having contributed to key progress in the area. L Allen published an historical paper in 1999, he and M J Padgett (together with M Babiker) produced few years ago a long review article which is today still the most complete basic introduction to the angular momentum of light, while S M Barnett has contributed several high quality papers to the progress of this area of physics. The editors' choice provides an excellent overview to all readers, with papers classified into eight different topics, covering the basic principles of the light and spin and orbital angular momentum, the laboratory tools for creating laser beams carrying orbital angular momentum, the optical forces and torques created by laser beams carrying angular momentum on

  17. Análisis psicométrico del test de dependencia de videojuegos (TDV) en población peruana


    Salas, Edwin; Universidad San Martín de Porres; Merino, César; Universidad San Martín de Porres; Chóliz, Mariano; Universidad de Valencia; Marco, Clara; Universidad de Valencia


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es validar en población peruana, el Test de Dependencia de Videojuegos (TDV) (Chóliz & Marco, 2011). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que se trata de una herramienta confiable y válida. Se encontró una sola estructura factorial, en lugar de cuatro dimensiones, como plantearon los autores del TDV. Este factor podría denominarse genéricamente: adicción a videojuegos, y podría servir como evidencia de la existencia de este trastorno, que coin...

  18. Validación de un instrumento de medición de cuidados según dependencia y riesgo en pacientes en terapia de hemodiálisis crónica

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    María Cecilia Arechabala Mantuliz


    Full Text Available Los instrumentos de categorización de pacientes son útiles porque permiten asignar los profesionales y recursos materiales de acuer- do con el perfil real de los pacientes. El objetivo del presente estudio es adecuar y validar el instrumento “ Categorización de usuarios según dependencia y riesgo de cuidados ” (CUDYR en hemodiálisis crónica (HDC. El instrumento para pacientes en HDC se denominó “ CUDYR-DIAL ” y quedó constituido por dos subescalas y catorce ítems. La muestra estuvo conformada por 150 pacientes seleccionados en forma estratificada y al azar de cinco unidades de diálisis, a los que se les aplicó un total de 620 veces el CUDYR-DIAL. Se encontró que todos los ítems muestran correlaciones significativas (> 0,3 con el puntaje total obtenido en la escala, y que la confiabilidad de la escala se mantiene estable al ir eliminando uno a uno los ítems, fluctuando entre 0,86 y 0,87. La confiabilidad total del instrumento muestra un alfa de Cronbach de 0,878. Los usuarios en HDC presentan cuatro perfiles de dependencia (parcial a total y riesgo (mediano a alto. Se concluye que el instrumento CUDYR-DIAL presenta una buena confiabilidad y constituye un aporte para la categorización de pacientes en HDC según dependencia y riesgo.

  19. Dependencia de la historia en la economía. Una revisión de literatura.

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    Alejandro Gaviria


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una revisión del concepto de dependencia de la historia y la irreversibilidad del tiempo en la literatura económica. Se presenta un inventario de ejemplos artificiales en los que eventos aleatorios afectan los resultados finales y la historia no puede reducirse al desarrollo de lo inevitable. Nos concentramos principalmente en ejemplos y aplicaciones recientes que, si bien no son necesariamente mejores que sus predecesores, permiten un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos a través de los cuales la historia deja su huella. El artículo analiza modelos determinísticos y estocásticos, presenta algunas ilustraciones empíricas y ofrece algunas conclusiones generales.

  20. Angular correlation methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferguson, A.J.


    An outline of the theory of angular correlations is presented, and the difference between the modern density matrix method and the traditional wave function method is stressed. Comments are offered on particular angular correlation theoretical techniques. A brief discussion is given of recent studies of gamma ray angular correlations of reaction products recoiling with high velocity into vacuum. Two methods for optimization to obtain the most accurate expansion coefficients of the correlation are discussed. (1 figure, 53 references) (U.S.)


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    Juan Manuel López Zafra


    Full Text Available El envejecimiento de las sociedades económicamente avanzadas se plasma en un incremento significativo de la población mayor de 65 años, y entre las características de tales poblaciones destaca el hecho de su elevado grado de dependencia; podemos definir esta situación como la necesidad de ayuda o asistencia que requiere una persona para la realización de sus actividades más habituales o comunes. A lo largo de las próximas páginas se caracterizará en primer lugar tal envejecimiento, derivado del desarrollo económico de los países occidentales durante el último tercio del siglo pasado y acompañado de importantes mejoras sanitarias con el consiguiente incremento en la esperanza de vida, entre otras cuestiones. A continuación nos centraremos en la situación de dependencia, sus características socio-económicas y sus implicaciones en el Estado del Bienestar, para finalizar con una breve exposición de las posibles soluciones privadas a la situación planteada. Posteriormente se muestran las principales conclusiones. Aging of economically advanced societies is reflected in a significant increase in the population over 65, and between the characteristics of such populations highlights the fact its high degree of dependence, which is defined as the need for help or assistance that requires a person to perform its usual or common activities. Throughout the following pages aging will be characterized as derived from economic development in Western countries during the last third of the last century and accompanied by significant health improvements with a consequent increase in life expectancy, among other issues. Here we will focus on the situation of dependency, their socio-economic characteristics and their implications for the welfare state, ending with a brief discussion of possible private solutions to the situation set out. The main conclusions are finally shown.

  2. Influência da alteração da dimensão vertical de oclusão na postura da cabeça e da coluna cervical, em voluntários edêntulos portadores de disfunção temporomandibular, tratados com aparelhos oclusais planos


    João Paulo dos Santos Fernandes


    Resumo: O objetivo neste trabalho foi analisar a influência da dimensão vertical de oclusão na postura da coluna cervical e da cabeça por meio de aferições de medidas angulares craniocervicais. Foram selecionados 17 voluntários desdentados totais, com sinais clínicos de diminuição de dimensão vertical de oclusão, portadores de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular e usuários de próteses totais, inscritos no cadastro de pacientes do CETASE (Centro de Estudos e Tratamento das Alteraç...

  3. La vivencia de la dependencia en un consumidor de drogas psicoactivas The experience of the dependence to a psychoactive drug in a consumer drug

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    Liliana Basso Musso


    Full Text Available Investigación cualitativa, de trayectoria fenomenológica, siguiendo el referencial sociológico de Schutz, cuyo objetivo es conocer la vivencia del fenómeno de la dependencia o adicción, en un consumidor de drogas psicoactivas en tratamiento en un Centro Abierto, teniendo como base las siguientes preguntas orientadoras: ¿Cómo se inició la experiencia de consumo de drogas? ¿Cuáles fueron los motivos para consumir drogas? ¿Cómo se va instalando la dependencia a ellas? ¿Cómo se dio cuenta que se había hecho dependiente a la droga? En el discurso de los consumidores se identificaron siete categorías del referencial de Shutz, que muestran aspectos significativos de la vivencia. Al analizarlas se pudo comprender al tipo vivido del consumidor de drogas psicoactivas que presenta adicción y el entendimiento de los motivos existenciales que influyeron en la instalación de esta dependencia, profundizándose así el conocimiento del fenómeno, lo que permitirá otorgarles un mejor cuidado.Qualitative, phenomenological research following Schutz, referential sociological, whose objective is to know the experience of the phenomenon of dependence or addiction to a consumer of drugs in treatment in an open centre, based on the following questions guide path: How do you start drug experience? What were the reasons for drug use? You how is it installing dependence to them? How gave account which had become dependent drug? The speech of consumers identified seven categories Schutz, referential, that showing significant aspects of the experience. To analyze them lived type drugs featuring addiction and understanding of the existential reasons that influenced the installation of this dependency, deepening the understanding of the phenomenon, thereby granting consumer could understand better care.

  4. Optical angular momentum and atoms. (United States)

    Franke-Arnold, Sonja


    Any coherent interaction of light and atoms needs to conserve energy, linear momentum and angular momentum. What happens to an atom's angular momentum if it encounters light that carries orbital angular momentum (OAM)? This is a particularly intriguing question as the angular momentum of atoms is quantized, incorporating the intrinsic spin angular momentum of the individual electrons as well as the OAM associated with their spatial distribution. In addition, a mechanical angular momentum can arise from the rotation of the entire atom, which for very cold atoms is also quantized. Atoms therefore allow us to probe and access the quantum properties of light's OAM, aiding our fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions, and moreover, allowing us to construct OAM-based applications, including quantum memories, frequency converters for shaped light and OAM-based sensors.This article is part of the themed issue 'Optical orbital angular momentum'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  5. Optical angular momentum and atoms (United States)


    Any coherent interaction of light and atoms needs to conserve energy, linear momentum and angular momentum. What happens to an atom’s angular momentum if it encounters light that carries orbital angular momentum (OAM)? This is a particularly intriguing question as the angular momentum of atoms is quantized, incorporating the intrinsic spin angular momentum of the individual electrons as well as the OAM associated with their spatial distribution. In addition, a mechanical angular momentum can arise from the rotation of the entire atom, which for very cold atoms is also quantized. Atoms therefore allow us to probe and access the quantum properties of light’s OAM, aiding our fundamental understanding of light–matter interactions, and moreover, allowing us to construct OAM-based applications, including quantum memories, frequency converters for shaped light and OAM-based sensors. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Optical orbital angular momentum’. PMID:28069766

  6. Más allá de las limitaciones económicas y legales de la dependencia: caso de Castilla y León

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    María Cristina Fernández Ramos


    Full Text Available La falta de autonomía es una situación que se presenta con mayor frecuencia dentro del colectivo de personas mayores. Para paliarlo en España se encuentra vigente la Ley de Dependencia, donde se confiere un grado de gestión de prestaciones al sector privado y a las Comunidades Autónomas. Entre ellas, Castilla y León debido a su población tan envejecida debiera ser uno de los territorios más interesados en desarrollar la normativa relativa a la dependencia. Por otra parte, el momento económico actual ha dado como resultado fuertes recortes del gasto público. En particular, el capítulo de Atención a la Dependencia ha sido especialmente afectado. Además, el incremento en los precios de los servicios que se prestan en este ámbito, lleva a considerar que las ayudas públicas no son suficientes. Por ello, se deberían estudiar opciones que las complementen. El desarrollo normativo de la dependencia otorga un derecho subjetivo de carácter universal a los individuos y otorga a las empresas, la seguridad jurídica necesaria para poder operar en los mercados. Del estudio del marco normativo tanto a nivel estatal como a nivel regional, se puede concluir que es factible desarrollar productos financieros y actuariales que limen las diferencias entre los territorios de las comunidades autónomas. The lack of independence is a frequent problem faced by the elderly population. In order to combat this situation, the Spanish Dependent Persons´ Law decrees that benefits for elderly people be managed by the private sector and/or local government. Among the Spanish regions, Castilla and León being a region with one of the highest number of elderly citizens in the Spanish state, has a vested interest in providing adequate coverage for the elderly. The current economic climate has led to severe cuts in public spending. Spending on Dependent Persons´ benefits has been particularly affected. As the result of a concurrent increase in the cost of those

  7. Explicación de la dependencia emocional a partir de la autoestima y de las estrategias de afrontamiento.


    Alonso Fernández, Raquel


    El presente estudio nace del interés en profundizar en la dependencia emocional y comprobar cómo se relacionan con la autoestima y las estrategias de afrontamiento. El fin de este trabajo es fundar hallazgos que trasciendan para que así ofrezcan una nueva vía para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas y, para ello, se indaga acerca de las variables comentadas. Han participado en el estudio 76 personas de nacionalidad española y con edades comprendidas entre los 19 y 27 años. Se han ...

  8. Angular Momentum in Dwarf Galaxies

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    Del Popolo A.


    Full Text Available We study the “angular momentum catastrophe” in the framework of interaction among baryons and dark matter through dynamical friction. By means of Del Popolo (2009 model we simulate 14 galaxies similar to those investigated by van den Bosch, Burkert and Swaters (2001, and calculate the distribution of their spin parameters and the angular momenta. Our model gives the angular momentum distribution which is in agreement with the van den Bosch et al. observations. Our result shows that the “angular momentum catastrophe” can be naturally solved in a model that takes into account the baryonic physics and the exchange of energy and angular momentum between the baryonic clumps and dark matter through dynamical friction.

  9. Melhoramento do feijoeiro comum com grão tipo carioca, visando resistência à antracnose e à mancha angular Breeding of common bean with carioca type grain for the resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot

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    Mansuêmia Alves Couto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se no trabalho, selecionar linhagens de feijoeiro comum que reunissem, além da alta produtividade, porte ereto e grãos do tipo Carioca, também a resistência à antracnose e à mancha angular. O material experimental constituiu-se de 143 linhagens oriundas de três famílias segregantes F1:4RC2 {[(G2333 X ESAL 696 X ESAL 696] X CI 140}. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos em três localidades da região sul de Minas Gerais, avaliando-se a produção, o tipo de grão, o porte e a reação à mancha angular. A reação à antracnose foi determinada a partir de inoculações de plantas jovens de cada linhagem, com as raças 2047 e 1545, mantidas em câmara de nevoeiro por três dias e transferidas para casa de vegetação com irrigação por aspersão, a cada quatro horas. Selecionaram-se quatro linhagens com alta produtividade, porte mais arbustivo, grãos tipo carioca e com resistência à mancha angular (nota até 4. Uma das linhagens selecionada possui o alelo Co-4², outras duas possuem o alelo Co-7 de resistência à antracnose e a última, embora seja suscetível à antracnose, possui resistência à mancha angular (nota 3,97 e maior produtividade de grãos.Aiming to select common bean lines with high grain yield, Carioca grain type, upright plant habit and resistant to anthracnose and angular leaf spot, 143 lines were selected from three families of the cross F1:4RC2 {[(G2333 X ESAL 696 X ESAL 696] X CI 140}. The promising lines were selected based on the agronomical traits in four field experiments, set up in three places in Southern MG State using the square lattice design. The reaction of each line to the anthracnose was evaluated by inoculating the seedlings using the races 1545 and 2047, and kept in humid chamber during three days, and then moved to greenhouse with sprinkle irrigation every four hours. Four lines with high grain yield, upright plant habit, Carioca grain type, and resistance to angular leaf spot (score up

  10. Data-oriented development with AngularJS

    CERN Document Server

    Waikar, Manoj


    This book helps beginner-level AngularJS developers organize AngularJS applications by discussing important AngularJS concepts and best practices. If you are an experienced AngularJS developer but haven't written directives or haven't created custom HTML controls before, then this book is ideal for you.

  11. AngularJS web application development

    CERN Document Server

    Darwin, Peter Bacon


    The book will be a step-by-step guide showing the readers how to build a complete web app with AngularJSJavaScript developers who want to learn AngularJS for developing web apps. Knowledge of JavaScript and HTML is expected. No knowledge of AngularJS is required.

  12. Angular momentum of dwarf galaxies (United States)

    Kurapati, Sushma; Chengalur, Jayaram N.; Pustilnik, Simon; Kamphuis, Peter


    Mass and specific angular momentum are two fundamental physical parameters of galaxies. We present measurements of the baryonic mass and specific angular momentum of 11 void dwarf galaxies derived from neutral hydrogen (HI) synthesis data. Rotation curves were measured using 3D and 2D tilted ring fitting routines, and the derived curves generally overlap within the error bars, except in the central regions where, as expected, the 3D routines give steeper curves. The specific angular momentum of void dwarfs is found to be high compared to an extrapolation of the trends seen for higher mass bulge-less spirals, but comparable to that of other dwarf irregular galaxies that lie outside of voids. As such, our data show no evidence for a dependence of the specific angular momentum on the large scale environment. Combining our data with the data from the literature, we find a baryonic threshold of ˜109.1 M⊙ for this increase in specific angular momentum. Interestingly, this threshold is very similar to the mass threshold below which the galaxy discs start to become systematically thicker. This provides qualitative support to the suggestion that the thickening of the discs, as well as the increase in specific angular momentum, are both results of a common physical mechanism, such as feedback from star formation. Quantitatively, however, the amount of star formation observed in our dwarfs appears insufficient to produce the observed increase in specific angular momentum. It is hence likely that other processes, such as cold accretion of high angular momentum gas, also play a role in increasing the specific angular momentum.

  13. Seleção de linhagens de feijão rosinha de boa cocção, resistentes à antracnose e mancha angular Selection of pink grain common bean lines with good cooking ability, resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot

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    Diego Velásquez Faleiro e Silva


    Full Text Available Cultivares de feijoeiro com grão rosinha foram de grande importância, no passado, e ainda hoje, mesmo com a preferência pelo grão carioca, há nichos de mercado para feijões do grupo Rosinha. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi selecionar linhagens de feijoeiro comum com grão rosinha, alta produção de grãos, rápido cozimento e resistentes à antracnose e à mancha angular. A partir de cinco famílias F8 superiores, provenientes do cruzamento entre os genitores Rosinha Maria da Fé e ESAL 693, foram extraídas 143 linhagens as quais foram avaliadas na safra das águas de 2005/2006 em Lavras (MG. Dessas, manteve-se 99 linhagens que foram avaliadas em Lavras e Lambari (MG, na safra da seca de 2006. As 24 linhagens selecionadas foram novamente avaliadas nos dois locais, no inverno de 2006. Os caracteres avaliados foram produção e tipo de grão, tempo de cocção, reação à mancha angular e também, foi realizado o teste de resistência ao patótipo 65 de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Nas linhagens, observaram-se variabilidade genética para todos os caracteres avaliados, altas estimativas dos coeficientes de herdabilidade, assegurando elevados ganhos com a seleção. Foram selecionadas quatro linhagens com alta produção, tipo de grão ideal, com rápido tempo de cocção e resistência à mancha angular e à antracnose.Common bean cultivars with pink grain type used to be very important, although there is still some market spot for them. The objective of the research was to select common bean lines with pink grain, high grain yield with good cooking ability, and resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot. One hundred and forty three lines were selected from five F8 segregant families derived from the cross Rosinha Maria da Fé x ESAL 693. Those lines were evaluated in the rainy season of 2005/2006 at Lavras county, MG State. Ninety nine lines were kept and tested in the dry season of 2006 at Lavras and Lambari. The 24

  14. A proposed measurement of optical orbital and spin angular momentum and its implications for photon angular momentum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elliot Leader


    Full Text Available The expression for the total angular momentum carried by a laser optical vortex beam, splits, in the paraxial approximation, into two terms which seem to represent orbital and spin angular momentum respectively. There are, however, two very different competing versions of the formula for the spin angular momentum, one based on the use of the Poynting vector, as in classical electrodynamics, the other related to the canonical expression for the angular momentum which occurs in Quantum Electrodynamics. I analyze the possibility that a sufficiently sensitive optical measurement could decide which of these corresponds to the actual physical angular momentum carried by the beam. Keywords: Photon, Angular momentum, Laser optics, Particle physics

  15. AngularJS : yksisivuisen web-sovelluksen käyttöliittymän toteutus AngularJS:llä


    Suomijoki, Juha


    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin mikä on AngularJS-JavaScript-ohjelmistokehys ja miten se soveltuu yksisivuisen web-sovelluksen käyttöliittymän toteutukseen. AngularJS on vuonna 2012 julkaistu Googlen ylläpitämä JavaScript-ohjelmistokehys, joka on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti yksisivuisten web-sovellusten kehittämiseen. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa tutkittiin mikä AngularJS on ja mitkä ovat AngularJS:n keskeiset konseptit ja sovelluskomponentit. Tarkastelu pohjautui AngularJS:stä kirjoitettu...

  16. Quark Orbital Angular Momentum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burkardt Matthias


    Full Text Available Definitions of orbital angular momentum based on Wigner distributions are used as a framework to discuss the connection between the Ji definition of the quark orbital angular momentum and that of Jaffe and Manohar. We find that the difference between these two definitions can be interpreted as the change in the quark orbital angular momentum as it leaves the target in a DIS experiment. The mechanism responsible for that change is similar to the mechanism that causes transverse single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering.

  17. Tratamiento especializado del abuso o dependencia del alcohol

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    Josep M. Suelves


    Full Text Available Fundamentos.El Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD impulsó la prevención y el tratamiento de los trastornos por uso de drogas ilegales, y ahora abarca los trastornos por uso de alcohol. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una estimación de las personas en tratamiento especializado por alcohol en la red pública. Métodos.Se revisan documentos del PNSD, del sistema de información sobre drogodependencias de Cataluña y del de Barcelona. Para Cataluña y Barcelona se presentan datos de 1991 a 2010. Resultados.Para el conjunto de España hay información disponible desde hace pocos años, con exhaustividad y validez variable. En Catalunya, el número de admisiones a tratamiento por alcohol notificadas se incrementó: el alcohol causa anualmente más del 40% del total de admisiones a tratamiento en la red de drogodependencias; la edad media es de 44 años y el 23% son mujeres. En Barcelona las admisiones a tratamiento por alcohol superan las 2.000 al año, suponiendo 217 por 100.000 habitantes mayores de 15 años varones y 67 en mujeres. Conclusiones.Los datos disponibles sugieren que por lo que respecta al alcohol el sistema de información sobre drogas ha de desarrollarse más en España, resolviendo problemas metodológicos. Los datos disponibles para Cataluña sugieren que la red de atención a drogas ha permitido abordar la necesidad asistencial por dependencia al alcohol conjuntamente con la de drogas ilegales. Esta información es relevante, pues apenas existen datos de tratamiento referidos a la población.

  18. Rotations and angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyborg, P.; Froyland, J.


    This paper is devoted to the analysis of rotational invariance and the properties of angular momentum in quantum mechanics. In particular, the problem of addition of angular momenta is treated in detail, and tables of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are included

  19. Deformidade angular do rádio e da ulna tratada pela distração osteogênica percutânea dinâmica - Relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rezende C.M.F.


    Full Text Available O exame de um cão de quatro meses de idade, macho, sem raça definida, com peso de 5,7kg mostrou que ele se apoiava com os cotovelos e apresentava desvio acentuado bilateral do rádio e da ulna. Ao exame radiográfico, observou-se fratura proximal bilateral do rádio. Após avaliações clínica e radiológica foi indicada a osteotomia corretiva e distração osteogênica do membro anterior esquerdo. O procedimento cirúrgico constou de osteotomia na diáfise proximal do rádio e ulna e emprego de fixadores externos compostos por quatro pinos de Kirschner e duas barras metálicas rosqueadas, configurando um fixador tipo II, bilateral uniplanar dinâmico. Antes da fixação dos pinos com acrílico, os fragmentos ósseos fraturados foram separados em aproximadamente 0,5cm. Após 10 dias, iniciou-se a distração de 1,0mm/dia durante 30 dias. A consolidação da fratura foi observada radiograficamente aos 67 dias após a intervenção, quando o aparelho foi removido. Procedimento semelhante foi realizado no membro anterior direito, quando o animal se encontrava com 16 meses de idade. Foi necessária a retirada de uma cunha óssea de aproximadamente 1,0cm para a correção angular. Atualmente, o cão mostra apoio normal do membro anterior esquerdo e discreto desvio valgus do direito devido à quebra do implante.

  20. A proposed measurement of optical orbital and spin angular momentum and its implications for photon angular momentum (United States)

    Leader, Elliot


    The expression for the total angular momentum carried by a laser optical vortex beam, splits, in the paraxial approximation, into two terms which seem to represent orbital and spin angular momentum respectively. There are, however, two very different competing versions of the formula for the spin angular momentum, one based on the use of the Poynting vector, as in classical electrodynamics, the other related to the canonical expression for the angular momentum which occurs in Quantum Electrodynamics. I analyze the possibility that a sufficiently sensitive optical measurement could decide which of these corresponds to the actual physical angular momentum carried by the beam.

  1. Fragilidad y su asociación con mortalidad, hospitalizaciones y dependencia funcional en mexicanos de 60 años o más (United States)

    de León González, Enrique Díaz; Pérez, Héctor Eloy Tamez; Hermosillo, Hugo Gutiérrez; Rodríguez, Javier Armando Cedillo; Torres, Gabriela


    Fundamento y objetivo Determinar la asociación entre fragilidad y mortalidad, dependencia funcional, caídas y hospitalizaciones en el Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM). Sujetos y métodos Estudio prospectivo poblacional en México en el que se seleccionaron sujetos de 60 años o más, que fueron evaluados en las variables de fragilidad durante la primera vuelta del estudio en el año 2001 y que incluyó: dificultad para levantarse de una silla después de haber estado sentado(a) durante largo tiempo, pérdida de peso de 5 kilogramos o más en los últimos dos años y falta de energía. Los sujetos fueron catalogados como robustos, prefrágiles y frágiles cuando tenían cero, una o dos de las características anteriores, respectivamente. La mortalidad, hospitalizaciones, caídas y dependencia funcional fueron evaluadas en la segunda vuelta del estudio en el año 2003. Se calculó el riesgo relativo para cada una de las complicaciones, así como análisis multivariado con regresión de Cox para el caso de mortalidad y regresión logística para el resto. Resultados Los estados de prefragilidad y fragilidad se asociaron independientemente con mortalidad, con índices de riesgo ajustados de 1,61 (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC 95%] 1,01-2,55) y 1,94 (IC 95% 1,20-3,13), respectivamente. Sólo el estado de fragilidad se asoció independientemente con hospitalización y dependencia funcional, con una razón de momios ajustada de 1,53 (IC 95% 1,13-2,07) y 3,07 (IC 95% 1,76-5,34), respectivamente. No hubo asociación entre los estados de prefragilidad y fragilidad con caídas. Conclusión El estado de fragilidad se asocia independientemente con mortalidad, hospitalizaciones y disfuncionalidad en actividades básicas de la vida diaria en los siguientes dos años en población mexicana. PMID:21612803

  2. AngularJS Performance: A Survey Study


    Ramos, Miguel; Valente, Marco Tulio; Terra, Ricardo


    AngularJS is a popular JavaScript MVC-based framework to construct single-page web applications. In this paper, we report the results of a survey with 95 professional developers about performance issues of AngularJS applications. We report common practices followed by developers to avoid performance problems (e.g., use of third-party or custom components), the general causes of performance problems in AngularJS applications (e.g., inadequate architecture decisions taken by AngularJS users), a...

  3. Angular Positioning Sensor for Space Mechanisms (United States)

    Steiner, Nicolas; Chapuis, Dominique


    Angular position sensors are used on various rotating mechanisms such as solar array drive mechanisms, antenna pointing mechanisms, scientific instruments, motors or actuators.Now a days, potentiometers and encoders are mainly used for angular measurement purposes. Both of them have their own pros and cons.As alternative, Ruag Space Switzerland Nyon (RSSN) is developing and qualifying two innovative technologies of angular position sensors which offer easy implementation, medium to very high lifetime and high flexibility with regards to the output signal shape/type.The Brushed angular position sensor uses space qualified processes which are already flying on RSSN's sliprings for many years. A large variety of output signal shape can be implemented to fulfill customer requirements (digital, analog, customized, etc.).The contactless angular position sensor consists in a new radiation hard Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) based on the Hall effect and providing the angular position without complex processing algorithm.

  4. Instant AngularJS starter

    CERN Document Server

    Menard, Dan


    Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This book is written in an easytoread style, with a strong emphasis on realworld, practical examples. Stepbystep explanations are provided for performing important tasks.This book is for web developers familiar with JavascriptIt doesn't cover the history of AngularJS, and it's not a pitch to convince you that AngularJS is the best framework on the entire web. It's a guide to help you learn everything you need to know about AngularJS in as few pa

  5. AngularJS testing cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Bailey, Simon


    This book is intended for developers who have an understanding of the basic principles behind both AngularJS and test-driven development. You, as a developer, are interested in eliminating the fear related to either introducing tests to an existing codebase or starting out testing on a fresh AngularJS application. If you're a team leader or part of a QA team with the responsibility of ensuring full test coverage of an application, then this book is ideal for you to comprehend the full testing scope required by your developers. Whether you're new to or are well versed with AngularJS, this book

  6. Variation in angular velocity and angular acceleration of a particle in rectilinear motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mashood, K K; Singh, V A


    We discuss the angular velocity and angular acceleration associated with a particle in rectilinear motion with constant acceleration. The discussion was motivated by an observation that students and even teachers have difficulty in ascribing rotational motion concepts to a particle when the trajectory is a straight line. We present some details of our observations. A formal derivation of ω and α is presented which reveals ‘surprising’ and non-intuitive aspects, namely non-monotonic behaviour with an associated extremum. The special case of constant velocity is studied and we find that angular acceleration associated with it also has an extremum. We discuss a plausible source of difficulty. (paper)

  7. Fission fragment angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenne, D. De


    Most of the energy released in fission is converted into translational kinetic energy of the fragments. The remaining excitation energy will be distributed among neutrons and gammas. An important parameter characterizing the scission configuration is the primary angular momentum of the nascent fragments. Neutron emission is not expected to decrease the spin of the fragments by more than one unit of angular momentum and is as such of less importance in the determination of the initial fragment spins. Gamma emission is a suitable tool in studying initial fragment spins because the emission time, number, energy, and multipolarity of the gammas strongly depend on the value of the primary angular momentum. The main conclusions of experiments on gamma emission were that the initial angular momentum of the fragments is large compared to the ground state spin and oriented perpendicular to the fission axis. Most of the recent information concerning initial fragment spin distributions comes from the measurement of isomeric ratios for isomeric pairs produced in fission. Although in nearly every mass chain isomers are known, only a small number are suitable for initial fission fragment spin studies. Yield and half-life considerations strongly limit the number of candidates. This has the advantage that the behavior of a specific isomeric pair can be investigated for a number of fissioning systems at different excitation energies of the fragments and fissioning nuclei. Because most of the recent information on primary angular momenta comes from measurements of isomeric ratios, the global deexcitation process of the fragments and the calculation of the initial fragment spin distribution from measured isomeric ratios are discussed here. The most important results on primary angular momentum determinations are reviewed and some theoretical approaches are given. 45 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs

  8. Angular Acceleration without Torque? (United States)

    Kaufman, Richard D.


    Hardly. Just as Robert Johns qualitatively describes angular acceleration by an internal force in his article "Acceleration Without Force?" here we will extend the discussion to consider angular acceleration by an internal torque. As we will see, this internal torque is due to an internal force acting at a distance from an instantaneous center.

  9. Angular-momentum transport in nuclear collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolschin, G.; Ayik, S.; Noerenberg, W.


    Among the various relaxation processes that can be observed in heavy-ion collisions, the dissipation of relative angular momentum into intrinsic angular momentum of the fragments attracts increasing attention. Here we present a transport theoretical description of angular-momentum and mass transport that allows for a transparent interpretation of the data. (orig.) [de

  10. AngularJS test-driven development

    CERN Document Server

    Chaplin, Tim


    This book is for developers who want to learn about AngularJS development by applying testing techniques. You are assumed to have a basic knowledge and understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and AngularJS.


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    J. Iñaki de la Peña


    Full Text Available Una de las contingencias para causar la prestación en un plan de pensiones es la dependencia en grado de severa o gran dependencia. Su inclusión en las especificaciones conlleva la necesidad de realizar una serie de consideraciones para ser contemplada como contingencia.El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar la metodología para incorporar esta prestación en un plan de pensiones que ya se encuentre implantado y tenga en cuenta la mortalidad inherente al dependiente severo o gran dependiente. Esto conduce a un sistema que permite una equivalencia financiero-actuarial que determine la prestación actuarialmente equivalente para el beneficiario fijándose un factor de conversión equivalente. De este modo se consigue un sistema justo y equitativo con cada situación personal del dependiente, entendido como una adaptación de la pensión a la situación biométrica del beneficiario favoreciendo el aspecto social de la prestación. One of the contingencies into a pension plan is the dependence in high degrees (severe or great dependence. The inclusion into the pension scheme asks a series of considerations to face this contingency. The aim of this work is to develop the methodology to incorporate this benefit into a pension plan that is running and bears in mind the different mortality rates between the beneficiary and the dependent. Upon this point of view, the system allows a financial - actuarial equivalence to determine the equivalent benefit for the beneficiary under an equivalent actuarial factor. Thus, there is obtained an equitable system according to every personal situation. That is doing an adjustment of the benefit under biometric situation of the beneficiary adding a social aspect to the pension plan.

  12. Natural roller bearing fault detection by angular measurement of true instantaneous angular speed (United States)

    Renaudin, L.; Bonnardot, F.; Musy, O.; Doray, J. B.; Rémond, D.


    The challenge in many production activities involving large mechanical devices like power transmissions consists in reducing the machine downtime, in managing repairs and in improving operating time. Most online monitoring systems are based on conventional vibration measurement devices for gear transmissions or bearings in mechanical components. In this paper, we propose an alternative way of bearing condition monitoring based on the instantaneous angular speed measurement. By the help of a large experimental investigation on two different applications, we prove that localized faults like pitting in bearing generate small angular speed fluctuations which are measurable with optical or magnetic encoders. We also emphasize the benefits of measuring instantaneous angular speed with the pulse timing method through an implicit angular sampling which ensures insensitivity to speed fluctuation. A wide range of operating conditions have been tested for the two applications with varying speed, load, external excitations, gear ratio, etc. The tests performed on an automotive gearbox or on actual operating vehicle wheels also establish the robustness of the proposed methodology. By the means of a conventional Fourier transform, angular frequency channels kinematically related to the fault periodicity show significant magnitude differences related to the damage severity. Sideband effects are evidently seen when the fault is located on rotating parts of the bearing due to load modulation. Additionally, slip effects are also suspected to be at the origin of enlargement of spectrum peaks in the case of double row bearings loaded in a pure radial direction.

  13. Angular momentum from tidal torques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, J.; Efstathiou, G.; Cambridge Univ., England)


    The origin of the angular momentum of bound objects in large N-body simulations is studied using three sets of models. One model with white-noise initial conditions is analyzed as well as two in which the initial conditions have more power on large scales, as predicted in models with cold dark matter. The growth and distribution of angular momentum in individual objects is studied and it is found that the specific angular momentum distribution of bound clumps increases in a near linear fashion with radius while the orientation of the angular momentum in the inner high-density regions is often poorly correlated with that of the outer parts. It is also found that the dimensionless spin parameter is insensitive to the initial perturbation spectrum and has a median value of about 0.05. 61 references

  14. Transverse and longitudinal angular momenta of light

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bliokh, Konstantin Y., E-mail: [Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Nonlinear Physics Centre, RSPhysE, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 (Australia); Nori, Franco [Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Physics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040 (United States)


    We review basic physics and novel types of optical angular momentum. We start with a theoretical overview of momentum and angular momentum properties of generic optical fields, and discuss methods for their experimental measurements. In particular, we describe the well-known longitudinal (i.e., aligned with the mean momentum) spin and orbital angular momenta in polarized vortex beams. Then, we focus on the transverse (i.e., orthogonal to the mean momentum) spin and orbital angular momenta, which were recently actively discussed in theory and observed in experiments. First, the recently-discovered transverse spin  angular momenta appear in various structured fields: evanescent waves, interference fields, and focused beams. We show that there are several kinds of transverse spin angular momentum, which differ strongly in their origins and physical properties. We describe extraordinary features of the transverse optical spins and overview recent experiments. In particular, the helicity-independent transverse spin inherent in edge evanescent waves offers robust spin–direction coupling at optical interfaces (the quantum spin Hall effect of light). Second, we overview the transverse orbital angular momenta of light, which can be both extrinsic and intrinsic. These two types of the transverse orbital angular momentum are produced by spatial shifts of the optical beams (e.g., in the spin Hall effect of light) and their Lorentz boosts, respectively. Our review is underpinned by a unified theory of the angular momentum of light based on the canonical momentum and spin densities, which avoids complications associated with the separation of spin and orbital angular momenta in the Poynting picture. It allows us to construct a comprehensive classification of all known optical angular momenta based on their key parameters and main physical properties.

  15. Grau de dependência de idosos hospitalizados conforme o sistema de classificação de pacientes Grado de dependencia de ancianos hospitalizados, según el sistema de clasificación de pacientes Degree of dependence of hospitalized elderly according to the patients' classification system

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    Janete de Souza Urbanetto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o grau de dependência dos idosos internados, conforme o sistema de classificação de pacientes; e identificar fatores relacionados à dependência dos pacientes para o cuidado de enfermagem. Delineamento transversal, com amostra de 161 pacientes idosos avaliados no início, meio e final da hospitalização, pela escala de classificação de pacientes. Identificou-se prevalência na classificação intermediária (52,2%; associação estatística significativa da faixa etária de 80 a 100 anos com as classes intermediária e semi-intensiva; 40% dos classificados com cuidados semi-intensivos tiveram o óbito como desfecho. O processo de envelhecimento deve determinar cuidados de enfermagem específicos para esse grupo populacional, garantindo a qualidade da assistência.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el grado de dependencia de los ancianos hospitalizados, de acuerdo con el sistema de clasificación de pacientes, e identificar los factores relacionados con la dependencia del paciente a la atención de enfermería. Estudio transversal con una muestra de 161 pacientes de edad avanzada evaluados al inicio, mitad y final de la hospitalización, con la escala de clasificación de pacientes. Fue identificada prevalencia en la clasificación intermedia (52,2%; se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las edades de 80 a 100 años y las clases medias y semi-intensivo; y 40% de los ancianos clasificados como de atención semi-intensiva tuvieran la muerte como resultado. El proceso de envejecimiento debe determinar los cuidados de enfermería específicos para este grupo de población, asegurando la calidad de la atención.The study aimed to evaluate the degree of dependency of elderly inpatients, according to the classification system of patients, and to identify factors related to patient dependency to nursing care. Cross-sectional study with a sample of 161 elderly patients evaluated at the

  16. Angular trap for macroparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aksyonov, D.S.


    Properties of angular macroparticle traps were investigated in this work. These properties are required to design vacuum arc plasma filters. The correlation between trap geometry parameters and its ability to absorb macroparticles were found. Calculations allow one to predict the behaviour of filtering abilities of separators which contain such traps in their design. Recommendations regarding the use of angular traps in filters of different builds are given.

  17. Angular momentum in general relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cresswell, A.; Zimmerman, R.L.; Oregon Univ., Eugene


    It is argued that the correct expressions for the angular momentum flux carried by gravitational radiation should follow directly from the momentum currents. Following this approach, the authors compute the angular momentum associated with several different choices of energy-momentum prescriptions. (author)

  18. Utilización de Internet y dependencia a teléfonos móviles en adolescentes

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    Julio Ruiz-Palmero


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal del presente trabajo ha sido analizar el uso que los adolescentes realizan de Internet y los teléfonos móviles. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo, para la muestra se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 10 centros educativos, registrando 874 encuestas. Los adolescentes utilizan masivamente la Red, accediendo a la misma cada vez más a través del teléfono móvil, no aparecen casos llamativos de dependencia en el empleo del teléfono móvil. Otro de los problemas detectados ha sido el del tiempo de conexión a Internet, que aumenta de manera significativa al igual que destacan otros estudios similares. Es fundamental potenciar el papel de familias y centros educativos para dotar a los jóvenes de estrategias que les permitan realizar unos usos adecuados.

  19. Autonomía y atención de los ancianos en situación de dependencia en España: Una cita entre generaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isolina Dabove


    Full Text Available La realidad pone de manifiesto que la vida humana es múltiple, diversa y, en verdad, muy compleja. En su haber encontramos, niños y viejos; varones y mujeres; ricos, pobres; sanos y enfermos; razas distintas. Como nunca antes había sucedido existen, incluso, familias enteras envejecidas y multigeneracionales. Pero también, conviven personas de edad con capacidades diferentes, discapacitadas, o en situación de dependencia. Este último grupo en particular, requiere de condiciones fácticas y normativas especiales, para garantizar su desarrollo en términos de justicia. Condiciones que, si bien son reconocidas por los actores sociales (Estado, particulares, sociedad; suelen quedar arrinconadas detrás de un discurso utópico: hermoso…, pero impracticable. Es precisamente este mismo escenario ambivalente el que da origen a toda una serie de prácticas negativas discriminatorias contra la vejez, que impactan sobre todo, sus esferas de autonomía, libertad e igualdad y en el ejercicio de sus derechos fundamentales. Por ello, no sin razón se ha dicho ya que, en el Derecho actual, los ancianos terminan convirtiéndose en los nuevos sujetos débiles del sistema. En este trabajo se intentará mostrar desde muna perspectiva iusfilosófica, el alcance jurídico del modelo de acción español referido a la autonomía y atención de las personas de edad en situación de dependencia, plasmado por la Ley Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre. Se observarán las razones iusfilosóficas que le dieron origen y su relación con los derechos fundamentales, el Estado Constitucional de Derecho y el Derecho Europeo. Por último, se estudiarán las posibilidades de recepción de este modelo por parte del Derecho de la Ancianidad argentino y su contribución a la elaboración de una convención Internacional sobre los derechos de las personas de edad, actualmente en discusión. Reality shows that human life is multiple, diverse, and, indeed, very complex. We can find

  20. Análisis de la integración y dependencia de las políticas monetarias de la Unión Europea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen González Velasco


    Full Text Available En este artículo se efectúa un análisis de la integración y dependencia de las políticas monetarias de la Unión Europea y, en concreto, de las políticas monetarias de la Unión Económica yMonetaria y de la zona no euro para el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 1999 y Septiembre 2009. Se aplica la metodología de la cointegración de Engle y Granger (1987 y de Johansen(1988 para contrastar la hipótesis de la paridad de tipos de interés no cubierta y se llega a la conclusión de que ambas políticas están cointegradas porque mantienen una relación de equilibrio a largo plazo. También se deduce una dependencia de la política del Banco de Inglaterra de la política del Banco Central Europeo, lo que confirma la importancia y el liderazgo de la Unión Económica y Monetaria.This study is to investigate the long-run relationship and dependence between the UME´s monetary policy and non-euro zone´s monetary policy for the period from January 4, 1999 to September 30, 2009. We use cointegration methodology to test the Uncovered Interest Parity Hypothesis and the results indicate a long-run cointegration and empirical evidence testifies a leader-follower pattern between the two central banks. According to this pattern, the Bank of England does follow the European Central Bank.

  1. Cronotopos de una nación distópica: el nacimiento de la "dependencia" en México durante el Porfiriato tardío


    Lomnitz, Claudio


    Este artículo desarrolla una nueva aproximación a la antropología y la historia de las fronteras internacionales. Propone una tipología y una caracterización fenomenológica de dos clases de cruces de frontera que emergen junto con la nueva relación de dependencia económica y política que se desarrolla entre México y los Estados Unidos en el último cuarto del siglo XIX. Los nuevos cruces de frontera involucran el desarrollo de nuevos "cronotopos", en otras palabras, nuevas y concurrentes matri...

  2. “La metodología feminista en los estudios de la dependencia emocional. Sesgos y repercusiones en el ámbito científico "


    García Barrera, Kemberli


    La presente tesis tiene por objetivo, desde una perspectiva metodológica, identificar si en el estudio científico de la dependencia emocional se incorporan las aportaciones de la metodología feminista para evitar los sesgos de género. En los cuatro capítulos que la componen, se presenta el contexto teórico, epistemológico, histórico y contextual de los Estudios con Perspectiva de Género que dan origen a la metodología feminista, lo cual nos permitió identificar su pertinencia en estudios cien...

  3. Orbital angular momentum in phase space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rigas, I.; Sanchez-Soto, L.L.; Klimov, A.B.; Rehacek, J.; Hradil, Z.


    Research highlights: → We propose a comprehensive Weyl-Wigner formalism for the canonical pair angle-angular momentum. → We present a simple and useful toolkit for the practitioner. → We derive simple evolution equations in terms of a star product in the semiclassical limit. - Abstract: A comprehensive theory of the Weyl-Wigner formalism for the canonical pair angle-angular momentum is presented. Special attention is paid to the problems linked to rotational periodicity and angular-momentum discreteness.

  4. Angular momentum projected wave-functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bengtsson, R.; Haakansson, H.B.


    Angular momentum projection has become a vital link between intrinsic model-wavefunctions and the physical states one intends to describe. We discuss in general terms some aspects of angular momentum projection and present results from projection on e.g. cranking wavefunctions. Mass densities and spectroscopic factors are also presented for some cases. (author)

  5. Management of Angular Cheilitis in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fajriani Fajriani


    Full Text Available Objective : Angular cheilitis is a type of oral soft tissue disease that can occur in children and adults, the condition is characterized by cracks and inflammation on both corners of the mouth. Although this disease can not cause severe disorder, it quite disturbs one's activity and physical appearance. Mild Angular cheilitis will recover itself over times. However severe conditions can cause pain and bleeding. This paper aims to inform colleagues about management of angular cheilitis in children.

  6. Management of angular cheilitis for children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fajriani Fajriani


    Full Text Available Angular cheilitis is one type of oral soft tissue disease that can occur in both children and adults, the condition is characterized by cracks and inflammation in both corners of the mouth. Although this disease does not cause severe disruption but quite disturbing activity and also one's physical appearance. Angular cheilitis light will disappear on their own over time.Severe conditions that can cause pain and bleading. aims to give feedback on peers about managment angular cheilitis in children.

  7. High angular resolution at LBT (United States)

    Conrad, A.; Arcidiacono, C.; Bertero, M.; Boccacci, P.; Davies, A. G.; Defrere, D.; de Kleer, K.; De Pater, I.; Hinz, P.; Hofmann, K. H.; La Camera, A.; Leisenring, J.; Kürster, M.; Rathbun, J. A.; Schertl, D.; Skemer, A.; Skrutskie, M.; Spencer, J. R.; Veillet, C.; Weigelt, G.; Woodward, C. E.


    High angular resolution from ground-based observatories stands as a key technology for advancing planetary science. In the window between the angular resolution achievable with 8-10 meter class telescopes, and the 23-to-40 meter giants of the future, LBT provides a glimpse of what the next generation of instruments providing higher angular resolution will provide. We present first ever resolved images of an Io eruption site taken from the ground, images of Io's Loki Patera taken with Fizeau imaging at the 22.8 meter LBT [Conrad, et al., AJ, 2015]. We will also present preliminary analysis of two data sets acquired during the 2015 opposition: L-band fringes at Kurdalagon and an occultation of Loki and Pele by Europa (see figure). The light curves from this occultation will yield an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution along the path of ingress and egress. We will conclude by providing an overview of the overall benefit of recent and future advances in angular resolution for planetary science.

  8. The ‘Junta de Dependencias de Extranjeros’ (1714-1800: The socio-political background of a historical institution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Crespo Solana


    Full Text Available This paper sets out to analyze the Junta de Dependencia de Extranjeros, an institution that was created within the framework of the government reforms that characterized the reign of Phillip V after the war of Spanish succession in order to monitor and control the activity of foreign merchants settled in numerous Spanish cities. During its operative period this institution developed a strong links and effective lines of communication with foreign merchant communities resident in Spain. This study is based on primary sources such as the documentation generated by the Junta, which included requests and complaints lodged by merchants and merchant communities as well as reports on the appointment of foreign consuls. These sources are preserved in the State sections of the Archivo Histórico Nacional de Madrid and the Archivo General de Simancas. The correspondence of the representatives of merchant communities in Spain has also been used, as well as affidavits and population censuses preserved in the Provincial Archives of Madrid, Cadiz and Murcia. These sources have been interrogated in order to establish the stances and discourses adopted by both the Spanish government and the foreign merchants settled in those cities that sent representatives to the offices of Spain’s central government. The requests and complaints filed by foreign merchants and consuls in this context demonstrate the strength of their communities, which had been granted substantial privileges during the second half of the seventeenth century, and to which the Junta responded with a high degree of understanding. The Junta’s conciliatory stance was linked not only to pressure exerted by foreign ambassadors, but also to limitations established by the peace treaties signed by Spain. The Junta de Dependencia de Extranjeros clearly adopted a radically different position to that of Charles II’s fiercely protectionist government, and generally responded favourably to requests from

  9. Radiofrequency encoded angular-resolved light scattering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buckley, Brandon W.; Akbari, Najva; Diebold, Eric D.


    The sensitive, specific, and label-free classification of microscopic cells and organisms is one of the outstanding problems in biology. Today, instruments such as the flow cytometer use a combination of light scatter measurements at two distinct angles to infer the size and internal complexity...... of cells at rates of more than 10,000 per second. However, by examining the entire angular light scattering spectrum it is possible to classify cells with higher resolution and specificity. Current approaches to performing these angular spectrum measurements all have significant throughput limitations...... Encoded Angular-resolved Light Scattering (REALS), this technique multiplexes angular light scattering in the radiofrequency domain, such that a single photodetector captures the entire scattering spectrum from a particle over approximately 100 discrete incident angles on a single shot basis. As a proof...

  10. Angular integrals in d dimensions.


    Somogyi, G.


    We discuss the evaluation of certain d dimensional angular integrals which arise in perturbative field theory calculations. We find that the angular integral with n denominators can be computed in terms of a certain special function, the so-called H-function of several variables. We also present several illustrative examples of the general result and briefly consider some applications.

  11. Angular integrals in d dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Somogyi, Gabor


    We discuss the evaluation of certain d-dimensional angular integrals which arise in perturbative field theory calculations. We find that the angular integral with n denominators can be computed in terms of a certain special function, the so-called H-function of several variables. We also present several illustrative examples of the general result and briefly consider some applications.

  12. Angular integrals in d dimensions (United States)

    Somogyi, Gábor


    We discuss the evaluation of certain d-dimensional angular integrals which arise in perturbative field theory calculations. We find that the angular integral with n denominators can be computed in terms of a certain special function, the so-called H-function of several variables. We also present several illustrative examples of the general result and briefly consider some applications.

  13. Angular momentum projected semiclassics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasse, R.W.


    By using angular momentum projected plane waves as wave functions, we derive semiclassical expressions for the single-particle propagator, the partition function, the nonlocal density matrix, the single-particle density and the one particle- one hole level density for fixed angular momentum and fixed z-component or summed over the z-components. Other quantities can be deduced from the propagator. In coordinate space (r, r') the relevant quantities depend on vertical stroker - r 3 vertical stroke instead of vertical stroker - r'vertical stroke and in Wigner space (R, P) they become proportional to the angular momentum constraints δ(vertical strokeRxPvertical stroke/ℎ - l) and δ((RxP) z /ℎ - m). As applications we calculate the single-particle and one particle- one hole level densities for harmonic oscillator and Hill-Wheeler box potentials and the imaginary part of the optical potential and its volume integral with an underlying harmonic oscillator potential and a zero range two-body interaction. (orig.)

  14. Influência da resolução e da distância da câmera nas medidas feitas pelo software de avaliação postural (sapo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yomara Lima Mota


    Full Text Available O erro na medida de um sistema de avaliação da postura está relacionado com a digitalização, a resolução da câmera, a distância da câmera em relação ao voluntário estudado, entre outros. Estes erros somam-se no procedimento metodológico e muitos deles não são possíveis evitar, porém devem ser conhecidos e quantificados. OBJETIVO: Quantificar o erro na medida realizada pelo SAPO (Software para avaliação postural em diferentes situações experimentais. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 16 fotos de um manequim de 1,40m articulado nos planos anterior, posterior, lateral direita e lateral esquerda com câmeras de 3,2 e 12,0 megapixels, posicionadas a 3,0m e a 5,0m de distância do manequim. Para a quantificação do erro, foram calculadas as diferenças das medidas obtidas por meio do SAPO com as medidas feitas diretamente no manequim. Apenas um avaliador realizou o registro das imagens, porém a digitalização no software dos pontos demarcados no manequim foi realizada por três digitalizadores, sendo dois inexperientes e um experiente. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios das medidas horizontais, verticais, angulares e de distância são próximos de zero, embora algumas variáveis angulares apresentem valores maiores, como nas medidas de ângulo Q direito e esquerdo. A câmera com resolução de 3,2 megapixels posicionada a 3m apresentou o menor erro. CONCLUSÃO: O SAPO é um método acurado para uso clínico; são necessários estudos para verificar a influência do plano de posicionamento do voluntário em relação à câmera, o efeito do reposicionamento e da palpação nas medidas oferecidas pelo software.

  15. Análisis, optimización, mejora y aplicación del análisis de dependencias. Analyzing, enhancing, optimizing and applying dependency analysis


    Ballesteros Martínez, Miguel


    Los analizadores de dependencias estadísticos han sido mejorados en gran medida durante los últimos años. Esto ha sido posible gracias a los sistemas basados en aprendizaje automático que muestran una gran precisión. Estos sistemas permiten la generación de parsers para idiomas en los que se disponga de un corpus adecuado sin causar, para ello, un gran esfuerzo en el usuario final. MaltParser es uno de estos sistemas. En esta tesis hemos usado sistemas del estado del arte, para mostrar una se...

  16. Valoración de la hipnosis clásica en el tratamiento del trastorno de dependencia al alcohol en pacientes del C.R.A.


    Abad Terán, Leopoldo Patricio


    Este estudio fue motivado por la necesidad de encontrar una técnica alternativa no tradicional, que sea de fácil manejo y barata, ante la pobreza de resultados terapéuticos en pacientes con dependencia al alcohol; decidimos utilizar la "Hipnosis Clásica" como herramienta terapéutica para provocar el trance hipnótico, ya logrado este se utilizó imaginería, relacionando con bienestar personal, familiar y laboral, cabe recalcar qu en ningún momento se mencionó las palabras alcoholismo, adicción,...

  17. Angular integrals in d dimensions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Somogyi, Gabor


    We discuss the evaluation of certain d dimensional angular integrals which arise in perturbative field theory calculations. We find that the angular integral with n denominators can be computed in terms of a certain special function, the so-called H-function of several variables. We also present several illustrative examples of the general result and briefly consider some applications. (orig.)

  18. Angular integrals in d dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Somogyi, Gabor


    We discuss the evaluation of certain d dimensional angular integrals which arise in perturbative field theory calculations. We find that the angular integral with n denominators can be computed in terms of a certain special function, the so-called H-function of several variables. We also present several illustrative examples of the general result and briefly consider some applications. (orig.)

  19. Análisis del impacto de las decisiones en el ámbito de la dependencia mediante mapas cognitivos borrosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ester Gutiérrez Moya


    Full Text Available El Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia (SAAD fue creado con el fin de proporcionar un marco de protección a las personas en situación de dependencia. La prioridad de las prestaciones en servicios frente a las económicas, según la Ley, y la gestión eficiente de los recursos públicos destinados al SAAD hacían prever retornos económicos, como la generación de empleo. Las variables que influyen en la implantación del SAAD son extremadamente complejas y dinámicas, existiendo múltiples relaciones entre las mismas. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la problemática de satisfacer una demanda creciente de protección al mínimo coste y aprovechar los retornos económicos mediante la lógica borrosa (mapa cognitivo borroso. Esta técnica se configura como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones en este ámbito, porque permite analizar la evolución de las variables causales hasta un estado de equilibrio. Para ello, se han ideado 4 escenarios (E1:Envejecimiento, E2: Envejecimiento y prestaciones en servicios, E3: Envejecimiento y prestaciones económicas, E4: Envejecimiento y prestación económica para cuidados en el entorno familiar, con el fin de analizar la evolución de las variables, especialmente el gasto público y el empleo. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos destacan: el envejecimiento es determinante en el incremento del gasto en todos los escenarios, pero solamente en E1 y E2 se genera empleo. La prestación residencial no se altera, ni siquiera en E2. La teleasistencia aumenta en todos los escenarios y la prestación económica por asistente personal aumenta en E1 y E2.

  20. Mapeamento de QTLs para reação ao oídio e mancha-angular do feijoeiro-comum em diferentes locais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melo Leonardo Cunha


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram mapear, em diferentes locais, marcadores RAPD ligados a QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci de reação do feijoeiro-comum ao oídio e à mancha-angular, avaliar a interação de QTLs por locais e comparar os métodos de mapeamento e regressão múltipla no processo de detecção de QTLs. Foram avaliadas 196 linhagens recombinantes, oriundas do cruzamento entre as cultivares Carioca e Flor de Mayo, em duas épocas de cultivo: época da seca, para mancha-angular, e inverno para oídio, nos anos de 1996, 1997 e 1998, em dois locais de Minas Gerais. Foram conduzidos sete experimentos de avaliação fenotípica utilizando o delineamento experimental em látice quadrado simples. Os resultados mostraram que a interação QTLs por locais foi significativa, mas foram identificados alguns QTLs com maior estabilidade. O método da regressão múltipla detectou maior número de marcadores ligados a QTLs do que o processo de mapeamento por intervalo composto; não houve concordância entre os resultados apresentados pelos dois métodos. Os marcadores que se mostraram mais estáveis e promissores para serem utilizados em programas de seleção assistida foram OPR02-832, OPD08-759 e OPN10-851 para reação a oídio; OPN02-436, e OPN07-1072 para reação à mancha-angular.

  1. Correction of the angular dependence of MatriXX Evolution detectors and its impact in the IMRT and VMAT treatment validation; Correccion de la dependencia angular de los detectores del MatriXX Evolution y su impacto en la validacion de tratamientos de IMRT y VMAT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casares Magaz, O.; Seongheon, K.; Hernandez Armas, J.; Papanikolaou, N.


    The purpose of the study was to create detector element-specific angular correction factors for each detector of the MatriXX planar ion chamber array and compare them to vendor-default angular correction factors. Additionally, the impact of both factors on gamma index was quantified using two corrections. The correction factor of each element is determined irradiating the detector at different incidences by the ratio of the calculated expected dose to the MatriXX measured dose as a gantry angle function. To evaluate its impact, sixty-five pre-irradiated patient-specific dose validations were re-analyzed using the gamma index with: 3%/3 mm, 2%/2 mm, 1%/1 mm criteria. The factors for 6 MV were found to differ (7%) from the default ones for specific angles particularly for 85 degree centigrade to 95 degree centigrade. For 10 MV, differences (1.0%) existed when correction factors were created using various ROI's. Two corrections were proposed, absolute differences for 3%/3 mm, 2%/2 mm, and 1%/1 mm were up to 1.5%, 4.2% and 4.1% ( p < 0.01), respectively. Large differences in the default and specific factors were noted for 6 MV and lead to improvement of the absolute gamma index value of up to 4.2%. In general, gamma index value increases for patient specific dose validations when using device specific factors. (Author)

  2. Angular distribution of oriented nucleus fission neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barabanov, A.L.; Grechukhin, D.P.


    Calculations of anisotropy of angular distribution of oriented 235 U nuclei thermal fission neutrons have been carried out. the neutrons were assumed to evaporate isotropically by completely accelerated fragements in the fragment system with only its small part, i. e. fission-producing neutrons, emitted at the moment of neck break. It has been found out that at low energies of neutrons Esub(n)=1-2 MeV the sensitivity of the angular distribution anisotropy to variations of spectrum of neutron evaporation from fragments and the magnitude of a share of fission-producing neutrons reaches approximately 100%, which at high energies, Esub(n) > 5 MeV it does not exceed approximately 20%. Therefore the angular distribution of fast neutrons to a greater degree of confidence may be used for restoring the angular distribution anisotropy of fragments while the angular distribution of low energy neutrons may be used for deriving information on the fission process, but only in case 6f the experiment accuracy is better than approximately 3%

  3. Responsive web design with AngularJS

    CERN Document Server

    Patel, Sandeep Kumar


    If you are an AngularJS developer who wants to learn about responsive web application development, this book is ideal for you. Responsive Web Design with AngularJS is intended for web developers or designers with a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  4. Whole-body angular momentum during stair ascent and descent. (United States)

    Silverman, Anne K; Neptune, Richard R; Sinitski, Emily H; Wilken, Jason M


    The generation of whole-body angular momentum is essential in many locomotor tasks and must be regulated in order to maintain dynamic balance. However, angular momentum has not been investigated during stair walking, which is an activity that presents a biomechanical challenge for balance-impaired populations. We investigated three-dimensional whole-body angular momentum during stair ascent and descent and compared it to level walking. Three-dimensional body-segment kinematic and ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected from 30 healthy subjects. Angular momentum was calculated using a 13-segment whole-body model. GRFs, external moment arms and net joint moments were used to interpret the angular momentum results. The range of frontal plane angular momentum was greater for stair ascent relative to level walking. In the transverse and sagittal planes, the range of angular momentum was smaller in stair ascent and descent relative to level walking. Significant differences were also found in the ground reaction forces, external moment arms and net joint moments. The sagittal plane angular momentum results suggest that individuals alter angular momentum to effectively counteract potential trips during stair ascent, and reduce the range of angular momentum to avoid falling forward during stair descent. Further, significant differences in joint moments suggest potential neuromuscular mechanisms that account for the differences in angular momentum between walking conditions. These results provide a baseline for comparison to impaired populations that have difficulty maintaining dynamic balance, particularly during stair ascent and descent. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. O estresse físico e a dependência de exercício físico El estrés físico y la dependencia de ejercicio físico Physical stress and physical exercise dependence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanna K.M. Antunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar os escores referentes à escala de dependência de exercício, qualidade de vida, bem como os escores indicativos de humor em atletas de corrida de aventura (CA. Participaram deste estudo 17 atletas de ambos os gêneros com histórico de prática da modalidade de pelo menos três anos, com experiência em provas nacionais e internacionais e que figuram nas primeiras posições do ranking brasileiro. A média (± desvio-padrão da idade, altura, massa corporal, índice de massa corpórea (IMC e consumo de oxigênio foram: 31,11 ± 6,30 anos; 1,73 ± 0,07cm; 70,75 ± 7,96kg; 23,48 ± 1,48kg/m² e 58,70 ± 6,63ml.min¹.kg¹, respectivamente. Os voluntários responderam aos seguintes questionários: Escala de Dependência de Exercício (EDE, Idate Traço e Estado, Profile of Mood States (POMS, SF-36 Pesquisa em Saúde e Questionário de Padrão Social. Os resultados revelaram que os escores observados na EDE foram indicativos de dependência de exercício; já os questionários de humor revelaram ansiedade moderada, enquanto o POMS não detectou escores indicativos de distúrbios de humor. Quanto à qualidade de vida, a média das oito dimensões referentes ao questionário SF-36 se mostrou acima de 85%, sugerindo que, apesar de haver dependência de exercício, parece que esse fato não foi capaz de promover alterações significativas no estado de humor e na qualidade de vida. Esses dados sugerem que atletas de CA apresentam dependência de exercício não associada aos distúrbios de humor.El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido el de verificar los escores referentes a la escala de dependencia de ejercicio, calidad de vida, así como los escores indicativos de humor en atletas de Carrera de Aventura (CA. Participaron de este estudio 17 atletas de ambos géneros con histórico de práctica de la modalidad de por lo menos tres años, con experiencia en pruebas nacionales e internacionales y que figuran


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stewart, Kyle R.; Brooks, Alyson M.; Bullock, James S.; Maller, Ariyeh H.; Diemand, Jürg; Wadsley, James; Moustakas, Leonidas A.


    We use high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study the angular momentum acquisition of gaseous halos around Milky-Way-sized galaxies. We find that cold mode accreted gas enters a galaxy halo with ∼70% more specific angular momentum than dark matter averaged over cosmic time (though with a very large dispersion). In fact, we find that all matter has a higher spin parameter when measured at accretion than when averaged over the entire halo lifetime, and is well characterized by λ ∼ 0.1, at accretion. Combined with the fact that cold flow gas spends a relatively short time (1-2 dynamical times) in the halo before sinking to the center, this naturally explains why cold flow halo gas has a specific angular momentum much higher than that of the halo and often forms ''cold flow disks.'' We demonstrate that the higher angular momentum of cold flow gas is related to the fact that it tends to be accreted along filaments.

  7. Orbital angular momentum exchange in post-collision interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    van der Burgt, P.J.M.; van Eck, J.; Heideman, H.G.M.


    The authors study the exchange of orbital angular mementum between the scattered and the ejected electron. The angular distribution of electrons ejected by the He (2s 2 ) 2 S autoionizing state after its excitation via the He (2s2p 2 ) 2 D resonance is measured. Taking into accout interference with electrons from the direct ionization of helium, the authors are able to show that the measured anisotropic angular distribution is the result of an orbital angular momentum exchange during the post-collision interaction

  8. Angular Momentum (United States)

    Shakur, Asif; Sinatra, Taylor


    The gyroscope in a smartphone was employed in a physics laboratory setting to verify the conservation of angular momentum and the nonconservation of rotational kinetic energy. As is well-known, smartphones are ubiquitous on college campuses. These devices have a panoply of built-in sensors. This creates a unique opportunity for a new paradigm in…

  9. Angular distributions in quasi-fission reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luetzenkirchen, K.; Kratz, J.V.; Lucas, R.; Poitou, J.; Gregoire, C.; Wirth, G.; Bruechle, W.; Suemmerer, K.


    Angular distributions for fission-like fragments were measured in the systems 50 Ti, 56 Fe + 208 Pb by applying an off-line KX-ray activation technique. The distributions d 2 sigma/dTHETAdZ exhibit forward-backward asymmetries that are strongly Z-dependent. They result from a process (quasi-fission) which yields nearly symmetric masses in times comparable to the rotational period of the composite system. A method for obtaining the variance of the tilting angular momentum, K 0 2 , from these skewed, differential angular distributions is described. The results indicate that the tilting mode is not fully excited in quasi-fission reactions. The results are compared to the sum of the variances of all statistical spin components, measured via γ-multiplicities. Integration of the angular distributions d 2 sigma/dTHETAdZ over all values of Z yields integral angular distributions dsigma/dTHETA and dsigma/dΩ symmetric around 90 0 . The associated unusually large anisotropies do not at all provide an adequate basis for tests or modifications of the transition state theory. A deconvolution of d 2 sigma/dTHETAdZ is performed with gaussian distributions depending on rotational angles ΔTHETA extending over a range of up to 540 0 . From the mean values a time scale for the evolution of K 0 is calculated. (orig.)

  10. Photon beam polarization and non-dipolar angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peshkin, M.


    Angular distributions of ejecta from unoriented atoms and molecules depend upon the polarization state of the incident x-rays as well as upon the dynamics of the physical systems being studied. I recommend a simple geometrical way of looking at the polarization and its effects upon angular distributions. The polarization is represented as a vector in a parameter space that faithfully represents the polarization of the beam. The simple dependence of the angular dependence of the angular distributions on the polarization vector enables easy extraction of the dynamical information contained in those angular distributions. No new physical results emerge from this geometrical approach, but known consequences of the symmetries appear in an easily visualized form that I find pleasing and that has proved to be useful for planning experiments and for analyzing data

  11. Beam Angular Divergence Effects in Ion Implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horsky, T. N.; Hahto, S. K.; Bilbrough, D. G.; Jacobson, D. C.; Krull, W. A.; Goldberg, R. D.; Current, M. I.; Hamamoto, N.; Umisedo, S.


    An important difference between monomer ion beams and heavy molecular beams is a significant reduction in beam angular divergence and increased on-wafer angular accuracy for molecular beams. This advantage in beam quality stems from a reduction in space-charge effects within the beam. Such improved angular accuracy has been shown to have a significant impact on the quality and yield of transistor devices [1,12]. In this study, B 18 H x + beam current and angular divergence data collected on a hybrid scanned beam line that magnetically scans the beam across the wafer is presented. Angular divergence is kept below 0.5 deg from an effective boron energy of 200 eV to 3000 eV. Under these conditions, the beam current is shown analytically to be limited by space charge below about 1 keV, but by the matching of the beam emittance to the acceptance of the beam line above 1 keV. In addition, results of a beam transport model which includes variable space charge compensation are presented, in which a drift mode B 18 H x + beam is compared to an otherwise identical boron beam after deceleration. Deceleration is shown to introduce significant space-charge blow up resulting in a large on-wafer angular divergence. The divergence effects introduced by wafer charging are also discussed.

  12. Dependencia, restricción externa y transferencia de excedente en la Argentina (1970-2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariano Treacy


    Full Text Available En la historia argentina reciente, la emergencia de la restricción externa ha reflejado la incompatibilidad de sostener un proceso de crecimiento económico con elevación del poder adquisitivo de los salarios de los trabajadores sin experimentar problemas de desequilibrios en el sector externo. En este trabajo se intentará encuadrar estos límites en un marco de relaciones de dependencia que estructuran la economía mundial en países centrales, semiperiféricos y periféricos. Dado que las transformaciones del sistema mundial en los últimos cuarenta años han provocado una actualización y perfeccionamiento de los mecanismos por los cuales se transfiere el excedente desde las economías periféricas hacia las economías centrales, se elaborará un Índice Sintético de Transferencia de Excedente que permita caracterizar la salida de capitales en la Argentina en el período 1970-2013. Así, se intentará vincular la re-emergencia de la restricción externa con las características estructurales de la economía, de su articulación con la economía mundial y de la transferencia de excedente.

  13. Ghost Imaging Using Orbital Angular Momentum

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    赵生妹; 丁建; 董小亮; 郑宝玉


    We present a novel encoding scheme in a ghost-imaging system using orbital angular momentum. In the signal arm, object spatial information is encoded as a phase matrix. For an N-grey-scale object, different phase matrices, varying from 0 to K with increment n/N, are used for different greyscales, and then they are modulated to a signal beam by a spatial light modulator. According to the conservation of the orbital angular momentum in the ghost imaging system, these changes will give different coincidence rates in measurement, and hence the object information can be extracted in the idler arm. By simulations and experiments, the results show that our scheme can improve the resolution of the image effectively. Compared with another encoding method using orbital angular momentum, our scheme has a better performance for both characters and the image object.%We present a novel encoding scheme in a ghost-imaging system using orbital angular momentum.In the signal arm,object spatial information is encoded as a phase matrix.For an N-grey-scale object,different phase matrices,varying from 0 to π with increment π/N,are used for different greyscales,and then they are modulated to a signal beam by a spatial light modulator.According to the conservation of the orbital angular momentum in the ghost imaging system,these changes will give different coincidence rates in measurement,and hence the object information can be extracted in the idler arm.By simulations and experiments,the results show that our scheme can improve the resolution of the image effectively.Compared with another encoding method using orbital angular momentum,our scheme has a better performance for both characters and the image object.

  14. Angular momentum in general relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prior, C.R.


    The definition of angular momentum proposed in part I of this series (Prior. Proc. R. Soc. Lond.; A354:379 (1977)) is investigated when applied to rotating black holes. It is shown how to use the formula to evaluate the angular momentum of a stationary black hole. This acts as a description of a background space on which the effect of first matter and then gravitational perturbations is considered. The latter are of most interest and the rate of change of angular momentum, dJ/dt, is found as an expression in the shear induced in the event horizon by the perturbation and in its time integral. Teukolsky's solutions (Astrophys. J.; 185:635 (1973)) for the perturbed component of the Weyl tensor are then used to find this shear and hence to give an exact answer for dJ/dt. One of the implications of the result is a direct verification of Bekenstein's formula (Phys. Rev.; 7D:949 (1973)) relating in a simple way the rate of change of angular momentum to the rate of change of mass caused by a plane wave. A more general expression is also given for dM/dt. Considering only stationary perturbations, it is shown how to generalize the definition of angular momentum so as to include information about its direction as well. Three problems are particularly discussed - a single moon, two or more moons and a ring of matter causing the perturbation - since they provide illustrations of all the main features of the black hole's behaviour. In every case it is found that the black hole realigns its axis of rotation so that the final configuration is axisymmetric if possible; otherwise is slows down completely to reach a static state. (author)

  15. Jet angularity measurements for single inclusive jet production (United States)

    Kang, Zhong-Bo; Lee, Kyle; Ringer, Felix


    We study jet angularity measurements for single-inclusive jet production at the LHC. Jet angularities depend on a continuous parameter a allowing for a smooth interpolation between different traditional jet shape observables. We establish a factorization theorem within Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) where we consistently take into account in- and out-of-jet radiation by making use of semi-inclusive jet functions. For comparison, we elaborate on the differences to jet angularities measured on an exclusive jet sample. All the necessary ingredients for the resummation at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy are presented within the effective field theory framework. We expect semiinclusive jet angularity measurements to be feasible at the LHC and we present theoretical predictions for the relevant kinematic range. In addition, we investigate the potential impact of jet angularities for quark-gluon discrimination.

  16. Avaliação angular do equilíbrio sagital em pacientes obesos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alynson Larocca Kulcheski


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Tendo em vista a pouca quantidade de informações a respeito das alterações degenerativas e patológicas da coluna vertebral realizou-se este estudo com objetivo de avaliar e quantificar os valores angulares do equilíbrio sagital na população obesa. MÉTODOS: Foram medidos os ângulos de incidência pélvica (IP, versão pélvica (VP e declive sacral (DS. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes, sendo 19 do sexo feminino e 11 do sexo masculino, no ano de 2012 que aguardavam realização de cirurgia bariátrica. A média de idade foi de 33 anos. O IMC médio foi de 41 kg/m², sendo que o valor médio para os homens foi de 43 kg/m² e das mulheres 39 kg/m². O IP médio foi de 57°. O VP foi de 19°. O DS foi de 38°. O valor da incidência pélvica e da versão pélvica ficou em média acima do encontrado na população com índice de massa corporal normal. Já o valor do declive sacral encontra-se na média da população. CONCLUSÕES: Cada vez mais o equilíbrio sagital vem ganhando espaço na avaliação da coluna vertebral. Faz-se necessário literatura mais vasta e aumento do conhecimento médico das patologias e comorbidades que podem alterar o equilíbrio sagital em seus pacientes, como a obesidade.

  17. Proposta metodológica para a avaliação da técnica da pedalada de ciclistas: estudo de caso Methodological proposal for evaluation of the pedaling technique of cyclists: a case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Diefenthaeler


    Full Text Available No estudo da biomecânica do ciclismo diversas técnicas têm sido utilizadas para descrever e compreender o movimento da pedalada. O objetivo deste estudo é propor uma metodologia para a avaliação de ciclistas sob o ponto de vista das forças aplicadas no pedal. Um ciclista de elite foi avaliado por meio de um protocolo que consistiu em alterar o selim em quatro diferentes posições (deslocado para cima, para baixo, para frente e para trás a partir da posição de referência, especificamente, aquela adotada para treinamento pelo ciclista. A mudança no ajuste do selim foi de 1 cm. A bicicleta do atleta foi acoplada a um ciclossimulador magnético. A carga do teste foi normalizada por um critério fisiológico (segundo limiar ventilatório, simulando o ritmo de prova do atleta. O pedal direito foi substituído por um pedal bidimensional instrumentado para registrar as forças normal e tangencial. A média do impulso angular da força efetiva foi calculada a partir de dez ciclos consecutivos de pedalada. As mudanças na posição do selim modificaram o impulso da força efetiva em relação à posição de referência. Sendo assim, o protocolo é eficaz e pode ser aplicado em diferentes situações.Many techniques have been used in biomechanics to describe the cycling movement. The purpose of this study is to proposal a specific methodology to evaluation the forces applied on the pedal. An experienced elite cyclist was submitted to a protocol which consisted of four different saddle positions (upward, downward, forward, and backward assuming as reference position the one used by the cyclist in training and competition. The displacement of the saddle was of 1cm in all tests. The individual's bicycle was connected to a magnetic cycle simulator. The load was normalized by a physiological criterion (ventilatory threshold, to simulate the cyclist's race rhythm. The right regular pedal was replaced by a 2D instrumented pedal to record the force

  18. Transverse angular momentum in topological photonic crystals (United States)

    Deng, Wei-Min; Chen, Xiao-Dong; Zhao, Fu-Li; Dong, Jian-Wen


    Engineering local angular momentum of structured light fields in real space enables applications in many fields, in particular, the realization of unidirectional robust transport in topological photonic crystals with a non-trivial Berry vortex in momentum space. Here, we show transverse angular momentum modes in silicon topological photonic crystals when considering transverse electric polarization. Excited by a chiral external source with either transverse spin angular momentum or transverse phase vortex, robust light flow propagating along opposite directions is observed in several kinds of sharp-turn interfaces between two topologically-distinct silicon photonic crystals. A transverse orbital angular momentum mode with alternating phase vortex exists at the boundary of two such photonic crystals. In addition, unidirectional transport is robust to the working frequency even when the ring size or location of the pseudo-spin source varies in a certain range, leading to the superiority of the broadband photonic device. These findings enable one to make use of transverse angular momentum, a kind of degree of freedom, to achieve unidirectional robust transport in the telecom region and other potential applications in integrated photonic circuits, such as on-chip robust delay lines.

  19. Staggering of angular momentum distribution in fission (United States)

    Tamagno, Pierre; Litaize, Olivier


    We review here the role of angular momentum distributions in the fission process. To do so the algorithm implemented in the FIFRELIN code [?] is detailed with special emphasis on the place of fission fragment angular momenta. The usual Rayleigh distribution used for angular momentum distribution is presented and the related model derivation is recalled. Arguments are given to justify why this distribution should not hold for low excitation energy of the fission fragments. An alternative ad hoc expression taking into account low-lying collectiveness is presented as has been implemented in the FIFRELIN code. Yet on observables currently provided by the code, no dramatic impact has been found. To quantify the magnitude of the impact of the low-lying staggering in the angular momentum distribution, a textbook case is considered for the decay of the 144Ba nucleus with low excitation energy.

  20. Exposing Library Services with AngularJS


    Jakob Voß; Moritz Horn


    This article provides an introduction to the JavaScript framework AngularJS and specific AngularJS modules for accessing library services. It shows how information such as search suggestions, additional links, and availability can be embedded in any website. The ease of reuse may encourage more libraries to expose their services via standard APIs to allow usage in different contexts.

  1. Experimental determination of high angular momentum states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barreto, J.L.V.


    The current knowledge of the atomic nucleus structure is summarized. A short abstract of the nuclear properties at high angular momentum and a more detailed description of the experimental methods used in the study of high angular momenta is made. (L.C.) [pt

  2. Accelerated rotation with orbital angular momentum modes

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Schulze, C


    Full Text Available . As the angular acceleration takes place in a bounded space, the azimuthal degree of freedom, such fields accelerate periodically as they propagate. Notably, the amount of angular acceleration is not limited by paraxial considerations, may be tailored for large...

  3. A dinâmica da família que coabita e cuida de um idoso dependente La dinámica de la familia que coabita y cuida de un familiar anciano dependiente The dynamics of the family that lives with and takes care of an elderly dependent relative

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Salgueiro


    Full Text Available Associado à progressão do envelhecimento, constata-se uma diminuição de algumas capacidades funcionais e um aumento da vulnerabilidade. A dependência acaba por surgir, sendo a família a principal instituição de apoio. Parece-nos assim pertinente questionar: qual a relação entre a dinâmica familiar e o coabitar e cuidar de um familiar idoso dependente? O objectivo foi, analisar o funcionamento da família cuidadora, relacionando o nível de dependência do familiar idoso e a idade dos cuidadores com a dinâmica familiar. Desenvolveu-se um estudo correlacional e transversal, com amostra intencional constituída por 80 famílias e 143 cuidadores. Usámos uma escala de avaliação do nível de dependência aos idosos e outra de avaliação da coesão e adaptabilidade familiar (FACES III. Conclui-se que o nível de dependência do idoso não altera a coesão e adaptabilidade familiar, contudo, o grupo etário do cuidador altera a dinâmica familiar, induzindo um potencial patológico.Asociado a la progresión del envejecimiento se constata una disminución de algunas capacidades funcionales y un aumento de la vulnerabilidad. La dependencia acaba por surgir, sendo la familia la principal institución de apoyo. Nos parece así pertinente cuestionar: cual es la relación entre la dinámica familiar y el coabitar y cuidar de un familiar anciano dependiente? El objetivo fue analizar el funcionamento de la familia cuidadora, relacionando el nivel de dependencia del familiar anciano y la edad de los cuidadores con la dinamica familiar. Se desarrollo un estudio correlacional y transversal con la muestra intencional constituida por 80 familias y 143 cuidadores. Usamos una escala de avaliación de nivel de dependencia a los ancianos y otra de avaliación de la coesión y la adaptabilidad familiar (FACES III. Se concluye que el nivel de dependencia del anciano no altera la coesión y adaptabilidad familiar, con todo, el grupo etario del cuidador

  4. Staggering of angular momentum distribution in fission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamagno Pierre


    Full Text Available We review here the role of angular momentum distributions in the fission process. To do so the algorithm implemented in the FIFRELIN code [?] is detailed with special emphasis on the place of fission fragment angular momenta. The usual Rayleigh distribution used for angular momentum distribution is presented and the related model derivation is recalled. Arguments are given to justify why this distribution should not hold for low excitation energy of the fission fragments. An alternative ad hoc expression taking into account low-lying collectiveness is presented as has been implemented in the FIFRELIN code. Yet on observables currently provided by the code, no dramatic impact has been found. To quantify the magnitude of the impact of the low-lying staggering in the angular momentum distribution, a textbook case is considered for the decay of the 144Ba nucleus with low excitation energy.

  5. História da enfermagem psiquiátrica e a dependência química no Brasil: atravessando a história para reflexão Historia de la enfermería psiquiátrica y la dependencia química en el Brasil: atravesando la historia para la reflexión History of the psychiatric nursing and chemical dependency in Brazil: crossing the history for reflection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Márcia dos Santos Reinaldo


    Full Text Available A formação do enfermeiro em Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e na área de dependências químicas norteia a discussão desse artigo, tendo em vista a complexidade dos problemas relacionados ao ensino de enfermagem, saúde mental, psiquiatria e álcool e drogas. Trata-se de um artigo de revisão de literatura onde as autoras compilaram fontes primárias e secundárias sobre o tema e, a partir da leitura do material bibliográfico, fizeram análises e reflexões acerca dos atravessamentos históricos que permeiam a história da Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e a dependência química no Brasil. Os resultados apontam para uma evolução do tema álcool e drogas dada a magnitude do problema na sociedade contemporânea. Em relação à Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, o ensino apresenta mudanças devidas à evolução histórica da psiquiatria que devem ser consideradas durante a formação do profissional enfermeiro. Ambas as temáticas encontram pontos de aproximação e distanciamento conforme o contexto em que são analisadas.La formación del enfermero en enfermería psiquiátrica y en el área de dependencias químicas, orienta la discusión de este artículo teniendo a la vista la complejidad de los problemas relacionados con la enseñanza de enfermería, salud mental, psiquiátrica, alcohol y drogas. Se trata de un artículo de revisión de la literatura donde las autoras compilaron fuentes primarias y secundarias sobre el tema y a partir de la lectura del material bibliográfico se realizaron análisis y reflexiones acerca de los acontecimientos históricos que permean la historia de la enfermería psiquiátrica y la dependencia química en el Brasil. Los resultados apuntan para una evolución del tema alcohol y drogas debido a la magnitud del problema en la sociedad contemporánea. En relación a la enfermería psiquiátrica, la enseñanza presenta cambios debido a la evolución histórica de la psiquiátrica que deben ser consideradas durante la formaci

  6. Angular distributions of sputtered particles from NiTi alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neshev, I.; Hamishkeev, V.; Chernysh, V.S.; Postnikov, S.; Mamaev, B.


    The angular distributions of sputtered Ni and Ti from a polycrystalline NiTi (50-50%) alloy are investigated by Auger electron spectroscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. A difference in the angular distributions is observed with Ni being sputtered preferentially near the surface normal. A computer program for the calculation of the angular distributions of constituents sputtered from binary targets is created and used. The mechanisms responsible for the observed differences in the angular distributions are discussed. It is found that the collisional cascade theory is not directly applicable to the results of the constituents' angular distributions obtained in the presence of oxygen. The fitted coefficients of bombardment-induced segregation are found to be greater than the experimentally obtained ones. (author)

  7. Angular distributions in pre-equilibrium reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatterjee, A.; Gupta, S.K.; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay


    A new model is proposed for calculating angular distributions in preequilibrium reactions. In this model, as in the model of Feshbach et al. the system consisting of target plus projectile initially branches into two sets of states with either no particle in the continuum (multistep compound states) or with at least one particle in the continuum (multistep direct states). The two chains of states are treated independently by solving two sets of master equations. The multistep compound emission is assumed to be isotropic while the angular distribution of the multistep direct emission is described using the fast particle model of Mantzouranis et al. The angular distributions for 14.6 MeV neutrons calculated using this model are found to be in better agreement with the data than the fast particle model. (author)

  8. Smoothed dissipative particle dynamics with angular momentum conservation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Müller, Kathrin, E-mail:; Fedosov, Dmitry A., E-mail:; Gompper, Gerhard, E-mail:


    Smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD) combines two popular mesoscopic techniques, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) methods, and can be considered as an improved dissipative particle dynamics approach. Despite several advantages of the SDPD method over the conventional DPD model, the original formulation of SDPD by Español and Revenga (2003) [9], lacks angular momentum conservation, leading to unphysical results for problems where the conservation of angular momentum is essential. To overcome this limitation, we extend the SDPD method by introducing a particle spin variable such that local and global angular momentum conservation is restored. The new SDPD formulation (SDPD+a) is directly derived from the Navier–Stokes equation for fluids with spin, while thermal fluctuations are incorporated similarly to the DPD method. We test the new SDPD method and demonstrate that it properly reproduces fluid transport coefficients. Also, SDPD with angular momentum conservation is validated using two problems: (i) the Taylor–Couette flow with two immiscible fluids and (ii) a tank-treading vesicle in shear flow with a viscosity contrast between inner and outer fluids. For both problems, the new SDPD method leads to simulation predictions in agreement with the corresponding analytical theories, while the original SDPD method fails to capture properly physical characteristics of the systems due to violation of angular momentum conservation. In conclusion, the extended SDPD method with angular momentum conservation provides a new approach to tackle fluid problems such as multiphase flows and vesicle/cell suspensions, where the conservation of angular momentum is essential.

  9. Manifest rotation symmetric expressions for angular momentum eigenfunctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eeg, J.O.; Wroldsen, J.


    Manifest rotation symmetric expressions for eigenfunctions for spin s, orbital angular momentum l and total angular momentum j = l+s, .... , /l-s/ in terms of (2j+1) x (2s+1) multipole transition matrices (MTM) is given. These matrices, which are irreducible tensor matrices, have an algebra together with ordinary spin matrices for spin s and spin j. Explicit expressions for MTM's and their algebra are given for angular momenta <-3. By means of some examples it is shown that within this formalism angular integrations in central field problems will be simplified considerably. Thus the formalism turns out to be very useful for instance for calculations within the MIT-bag and also within spin-spin interactions in atomic physics. (Auth.)

  10. The angular momentum dependence of complex fragment emission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sobtka, L.G.; Sarantites, D.G.; Li, Z.


    Large fragment (A > 4) production at high angular momentum is studied via the reaction, 200 MeV 45 Sc + 65 Cu. Comparisons of the fragment yields from this reaction (high angular momentum) to those from 93 Nb + Be (low angular momentum) are used to verify the strong angular momentum dependence of large fragment production predicted by equilibrium models. Details of the coincident γ-ray distributions not only confirm a rigidly rotating intermediate but also indicate that the widths of the primary L-wave distributions decrease with increasing symmetry in the decay channel. These data are used to test the asymmetry and L-wave dependence of emission barriers calculated from a rotating, finite range corrected, liquid drop model. 21 refs., 10 figs

  11. Concepts of radial and angular kinetic energies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Jens Peder; Schleich, W.P.


    We consider a general central-field system in D dimensions and show that the division of the kinetic energy into radial and angular parts proceeds differently in the wave-function picture and the Weyl-Wigner phase-space picture, Thus, the radial and angular kinetic energies are different quantities...

  12. Angular momentum conservation for uniformly expanding flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayward, Sean A


    Angular momentum has recently been defined as a surface integral involving an axial vector and a twist 1-form, which measures the twisting around the spacetime due to a rotating mass. The axial vector is chosen to be a transverse, divergence-free, coordinate vector, which is compatible with any initial choice of axis and integral curves. Then a conservation equation expresses the rate of the change of angular momentum along a uniformly expanding flow as a surface integral of angular momentum densities, with the same form as the standard equation for an axial Killing vector, apart from the inclusion of an effective energy tensor for gravitational radiation

  13. Inefficient Angular Momentum Transport in Accretion Disk Boundary Layers: Angular Momentum Belt in the Boundary Layer (United States)

    Belyaev, Mikhail A.; Quataert, Eliot


    We present unstratified 3D MHD simulations of an accretion disk with a boundary layer (BL) that have a duration ˜1000 orbital periods at the inner radius of the accretion disk. We find the surprising result that angular momentum piles up in the boundary layer, which results in a rapidly rotating belt of accreted material at the surface of the star. The angular momentum stored in this belt increases monotonically in time, which implies that angular momentum transport mechanisms in the BL are inefficient and do not couple the accretion disk to the star. This is in spite of the fact that magnetic fields are advected into the BL from the disk and supersonic shear instabilities in the BL excite acoustic waves. In our simulations, these waves only carry a small fraction (˜10%) of the angular momentum required for steady state accretion. Using analytical theory and 2D viscous simulations in the R - ϕ plane, we derive an analytical criterion for belt formation to occur in the BL in terms of the ratio of the viscosity in the accretion disk to the viscosity in the BL. Our MHD simulations have a dimensionless viscosity (α) in the BL that is at least a factor of ˜100 smaller than that in the disk. We discuss the implications of these results for BL dynamics and emission.

  14. Angular cheilitis: A clinical and microbial study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nirima Oza


    Full Text Available Aims: The aim of the present study was to examine clinical types and microbiological flora isolated from angular chelitis. Materials and Methods: An eroded and/or erythematous, with or without fissure formation, nonvesicular lesion radiating from the angle of the mouth was considered to be angular chelitis. A sample of the present study comprised of 40 patients having unilateral or bilateral angular chelitis and 20 healthy individuals without any lip lesions. Clinical examination was done. In both test and control groups, the sample for microbial analysis was obtained from angle of the mouth. Results: Clinically, four types of angular cheilitis lesions were found, Type I, II, III, and IV. The most common type of lesion found was Type I lesion. Microorganisms isolated from the lesion were Staphylococcus aureus, Candida or Streptococci in 33 (82.5% cases either in pure culture or mixed culture. Among these 33 patients, S. aureus was found in 25 (75.5% cases, Candida in 16 (48.4% cases, and Streptococci in 5 (13.5% cases, respectively. Out of 16 cases positive for Candida, in 13 cases further isolation of Candida was possible. Candida albicans was found in 6 cases and Candida stellastodia in 7 cases. In majority of the dentulous and edentulous patients, S. aureus showed profuse growth. Conclusions: There are microorganisms associated with angular cheilitis.

  15. Mastering AngularJD for .NET developers

    CERN Document Server

    Majid, Mohammad Wadood


    This book is envisioned for traditional developers and programmers who want to develop client-side applications using the AngularJS framework and ASP.NET Web API 2 with Visual Studio. .NET developers who have already built web applications or web services and who have a fundamental knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS and want to explore single-page applications will also find this guide useful. Basic knowledge of AngularJS would be helpful.

  16. Angular Spectra of Polarized Galactic Foregrounds


    Cho, Jung; Lazarian, A.


    It is believed that magnetic field lines are twisted and bend by turbulent motions in the Galaxy. Therefore, both Galactic synchrotron emission and thermal emission from dust reflects statistics of Galactic turbulence. Our simple model of Galactic turbulence, motivated by results of our simulations, predicts that Galactic disk and halo exhibit different angular power spectra. We show that observed angular spectra of synchrotron emission are compatible with our model. We also show that our mod...

  17. Efficient evaluation of angular power spectra and bispectra (United States)

    Assassi, Valentin; Simonović, Marko; Zaldarriaga, Matias


    Angular statistics of cosmological observables are hard to compute. The main difficulty is due to the presence of highly-oscillatory Bessel functions which need to be integrated over. In this paper, we provide a simple and fast method to compute the angular power spectrum and bispectrum of any observable. The method is based on using an FFTlog algorithm to decompose the momentum-space statistics onto a basis of power-law functions. For each power law, the integrals over Bessel functions have a simple analytical solution. This allows us to efficiently evaluate these integrals, independently of the value of the multipole l. In particular, this method significantly speeds up the evaluation of the angular bispectrum compared to existing methods. To illustrate our algorithm, we compute the galaxy, lensing and CMB temperature angular power spectrum and bispectrum.

  18. Angular dispersion and deflection function for heavy ion elastic scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Zhen; Han Jianlong; Hu Zhengguo; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


    The differential cross sections for elastic scattering products of 17 F on 208 Pb have been measured. The angular dispersion plots of ln(dσ/dθ) versus θ 2 are obtained from the angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross sections. Systematical analysis on the angular dispersion for the available experimental data indicates that there is an angular dispersion turning angle at forward angular range within the grazing angle. This turning angle can be clarified as nuclear rainbow in classical deflection function. The exotic behaviour of the nuclear rainbow angle offers a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomena. (authors)

  19. Frame dependence of spin-one angular conditions in light front dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakker, Bernard L. G.; Ji Chuengryong


    We elaborate the frame dependence of the angular conditions for spin-1 form factors. An extra angular condition is found in addition to the usual angular condition relating the four helicity amplitudes. Investigating the frame dependence of angular conditions, we find that the extra angular condition is in general as complicated as the usual one, although it becomes very simple in the q + =0 frame involving only two helicity amplitudes. It is confirmed that the angular conditions are identical in frames that are connected by kinematical transformations. The high-Q 2 behavior of the physical form factors and the limiting behavior in special reference frames are also discussed

  20. On the angular momentum in star formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horedt, G.P.


    The author discusses the rotation of interstellar clouds which are in a stage immediately before star formation. Cloud collisions seem to be the principal cause of the observed rotation of interstellar clouds. The rotational motion of the clouds is strongly influenced by turbulence. Theories dealing with the resolution of the angular momentum problem in star formation are classified into five major groups. The old idea that the angular momentum of an interstellar cloud passes during star formation into the angular momentum of double star systems and/or circumstellar clouds, is developed. It is suggested that a rotating gas cloud contracts into a ring-like structure which fragments into self-gravitating subcondensations. By collisions and gas accretion these subcondensations accrete into binary systems surrounded by circumstellar clouds. Using some rough approximations the authors find analytical expressions for the semi-major axis of the binary system and for the density of the circumstellar clouds as a function of the initial density and of the initial angular velocity of an interstellar cloud. The obtained values are well within the observational limits. (Auth.)


    Gotterer, Gerald S.; Thompson, Thomas E.; Lehninger, Albert L.


    Angular light-scattering studies have been carried out on suspensions of isolated rat liver mitochondria. The angular scatter pattern has a large forward component, typical of large particles. Changes in dissymmetry and in the intensity of light scattered at 90° have been correlated with changes in optical density during the course of mitochondrial swelling and contraction. Such changes can be measured at mitochondrial concentrations much below those required for optical density measurements. Changes in mitochondrial geometry caused by factors "leaking" from mitochondria, not detectable by optical density measurements, have been demonstrated by measuring changes in dissymmetry. Angular light-scattering measurements therefore offer the advantages of increased sensitivity and of added indices of changes in mitochondrial conformation. PMID:19866589

  2. Angular correlations and high energy evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovner, Alex; Lublinsky, Michael


    We address the question of to what extent JIMWLK evolution is capable of taking into account angular correlations in a high energy hadronic wave function. Our conclusion is that angular (and indeed other) correlations in the wave function cannot be reliably calculated without taking into account Pomeron loops in the evolution. As an example we study numerically the energy evolution of angular correlations between dipole scattering amplitudes in the framework of the large N c approximation to JIMWLK evolution (the 'projectile dipole model'). Target correlations are introduced via averaging over an (isotropic) ensemble of anisotropic initial conditions. We find that correlations disappear very quickly with rapidity even inside the saturation radius. This is in accordance with our physical picture of JIMWLK evolution. The actual correlations inside the saturation radius in the target QCD wave function, on the other hand, should remain sizable at any rapidity.

  3. Generation of angular-momentum-dominated electron beams from a photoinjector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Yin-E.; Piot, Philippe; Kim, Kwang-Je; Barov, Nikolas; Lidia, Steven; Santucci, James; Tikhoplav, Rodion; Wennerberg, Jason


    Various projects under study require an angular-momentum-dominated electron beam generated by a photoinjector. Some of the proposals directly use the angular-momentum-dominated beams (e.g. electron cooling of heavy ions), while others require the beam to be transformed into a flat beam (e.g. possible electron injectors for light sources and linear colliders). In this paper, we report our experimental study of an angular-momentum-dominated beam produced in a photoinjector, addressing the dependencies of angular momentum on initial conditions. We also briefly discuss the removal of angular momentum. The results of the experiment, carried out at the Fermilab/NICADD Photoinjector Laboratory, are found to be in good agreement with theoretical and numerical models

  4. Nuclear spin measurement using the angular correlation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schapira, J.-P.

    The double angular correlation method is defined by a semi-classical approach (Biendenharn). The equivalence formula in quantum mechanics are discussed for coherent and incoherent angular momentum mixing; the correlations are described from the density and efficiency matrices (Fano). The ambiguities in double angular correlations can be sometimes suppressed (emission of particles with a high orbital momentum l), using triple correlations between levels with well defined spin and parity. Triple correlations are applied to the case where the direction of linear polarization of γ-rays is detected [fr

  5. Notes on the quantum theory of angular momentum

    CERN Document Server

    Feenberg, Eugene


    This classic, concise text has served a generation of physicists as an exceptionally useful guide to the mysteries of angular momenta and Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients. Derived from notes originally prepared to assist graduate students in reading research papers on atomic, molecular, and nuclear structure, the text first reviews the basic elements of quantum theory. It then examines the development of the fundamental commutation relations for angular momentum components and vector operators, and the ways in which matrix elements and eigenvalues of the angular momentum operators are worked out f

  6. Automated Angular Momentum Recoupling Algebra (United States)

    Williams, H. T.; Silbar, Richard R.


    We present a set of heuristic rules for algebraic solution of angular momentum recoupling problems. The general problem reduces to that of finding an optimal path from one binary tree (representing the angular momentum coupling scheme for the reduced matrix element) to another (representing the sub-integrals and spin sums to be done). The method lends itself to implementation on a microcomputer, and we have developed such an implementation using a dialect of LISP. We describe both how our code, called RACAH, works and how it appears to the user. We illustrate the use of RACAH for several transition and scattering amplitude matrix elements occurring in atomic, nuclear, and particle physics.

  7. Mortalidade por dependência de álcool no Brasil: 1998 - 2002 Mortalidad por dependencia de alcohol en el Brasil: 1998 - 2002 Alcohol-dependence mortality in Brazil: 1998 - 2002

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leticia Marín-León


    Full Text Available Para analisar a mortalidade por dependência de álcool no Brasil (1998-2002 utilizando-se a causa básica de morte das estatísticas oficias, consideraram-se os óbitos decorrentes de "transtornos mentais e comportamentais devidos ao uso de álcool" (F10 da Classificação Internacional de Doenças CID-10. Em 2002 ocorreram 4580 óbitos masculinos e 515 femininos por dependência de álcool, correspondendo a 0,8% das mortes masculinas e 0,1% das femininas. Esses valores representaram 83,3% dos óbitos por distúrbios mentais nos homens e 34,8% nas mulheres. O coeficiente médio anual no período 1998-2002 foi de 5,8 óbitos/100.000 homens, com variações por faixa etária, sendo maior entre os de 45 a 54 anos (16,0 óbitos/100.000 homens. Comparando-se o Brasil com o Canadá, essa mortalidade, embora inferior, especialmente nas mulheres, é muito mais precoce; 46% dos casos ocorreram entre 15 e 44 anos. A Região Sudeste apresentou a maior taxa de mortalidade masculina (6,6 óbitos/100.000 homens. Apontam-se os fatores de subestimação da mortalidade neste estudo. Trata-se de óbitos evitáveis e os homens jovens na Região Sudeste são o grupo prioritário na promoção da saúde e programas de recuperação.Para analizar la mortalidad por dependencia de alcohol en el Brasil (1998-2002, utilizándose la causa básica de muerte de las estadísticas oficiales, se consideraron las muertes decurrentes de "trastornos mentales y de comportamiento debidos al uso de alcohol" (F10 de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades CID-10. En 2002 ocurrieron 4580 muertes masculinas y 515 femeninos por dependencia de alcohol, correspondiendo al 0,8% de las muertes masculinas y al 0,1% de las femeninas. Esos valores representan el 83,3% de las muertes por disturbios mentales en los hombres y el 34,8% en las mujeres. El coeficiente medio anual en el período 1998-2002 fue el de 5,8 muertes/100.000 hombres, con variaciones por gurpo de edad, siendo mayor

  8. Rusia: de la omnipotencia a la dependencia


    Ana Teresa Gutiérrez del Cid


    En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de transformación que tuvo lugar en la Unión Soviética durante la época de la denominada perestroika . Un especial énfasis se hace en la revisión de las políticas económicas que se llevaron a cabo en la Unión Soviética y que finalmente desembocaron en una serie de errores que condujeron al estancamiento burocrático y a la caída de la productividad. Sin embargo, el proceso de restauración capitalista que se impuso a partir del año 1992, desp...

  9. ¿Cómo actúan las empresas frente a la dependencia económica del auditor?: el papel del comité de auditoría

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estíbaliz Biedma López


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTLiterature states that the auditor’s economic bond on a client company could undermine auditor independence. One of the primary functions of an audit committee is to safeguard auditor independence. However, the audit committee is a mechanism within the governance structure of the client firm. Therefore, it depends on this firm that its audit committee possesses the characteristics necessary to be effective. This study analyses whether firms’ decision regarding the degree of independence of the audit committee is determined by the level of economic dependence of their auditors. By mean of a panel data analysis in a sample of Spanish companies between 1998 and 2005, results confirm the existence of a significant relation between the level of independence of the audit committee and the degree of economic dependence of the auditor.Moreover, firms with auditors less economically dependent are those which establish more independent audit committees. These results represent an important contribution to previous literature as provide evidence concerning the strategy followed by firms in the joint design of mechanisms which guarantee the quality of financial reporting system. In addition, they were obtained taking into consideration some of the methodological limitations that have been identified as major obstacles in research on corporate governance, such as endogeneity and unobservable heterogeneity.RESUMENLa dependencia económica del auditor respecto de su cliente es considerada una amenaza para su independencia. El comité de auditoría puede actuar como salvaguarda, sin embargo, es una medida creada por la empresa auditada y de ella depende que cuente con las características necesarias para ser eficaz. Este trabajo analiza si las empresas gradúan el nivel de independencia del comité de auditoría dependiendo del nivel de dependencia económica de su auditor. Aplicando la técnica de datos de panel a una muestra de empresas espa

  10. Análisis de la calidad de vida en pacientes en hemodiálisis ambulatoria y su relación con el nivel de dependencia

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    Tamara Albañil Frías


    Full Text Available Introducción: Se ha asociado una baja calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS en pacientes en hemodiálisis (HD con ser mujer, mayor edad, estado civil, situación laboral, etc. Sin embargo, no existen muchos estudios que profundicen sobre la interacción entre deterioro cognitivo, calidad de vida, ancianidad y HD, motivo por el cual nos planteamos la realización de este estudio. Objetivo: Analizar la CVRS de los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica sometidos a tratamiento sustitutivo con HD ambulatoria y su relación con el nivel de dependencia. Pacientes y Métodos: Se evaluó la CVRS a 43 pacientes en HD del centro periférico de diálisis del HURS de Córdoba, mediante el cuestionario de salud SF-36. Para el análisis de dependencia se utilizó la escala de Karnofsky. También se recogieron variables sociodemográficas y el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson (ICC. Resultados: Con respecto a la CVRS se encontró: Función física 49.6±30, Salud general 40.4±22, Rol físico 50.5±34.4, Rol emocional 81.7±28.3, Dolor corporal 55.6±31.9, Vitalidad 51.4±31.5, Función social 58.43±36, Salud mental 69.6±22.8. Respecto a la escala de Karnosfky fue de 76.5±24.7 puntos (el 55.8% de los pacientes eran capaces de realizar actividades normales, el 34.9% eran incapaces de trabajar y el 9.4% eran incapaces de autocuidarse. Se encontró correlación de la edad con la escala de Karnofsky (r=-0.58, p<0.01 y con el ICC (r=0.81, p<0.01; del ICC con Karnofsky (r=-0.54, p<0.01, la dimensión salud mental (r=0.36, p<0.05, la dimensión función física (r=-0.43, p <0.01 y la dimensión función social (r= -0.31, p<0.05. Conclusiones: Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que los pacientes estudiados presentan peor CVRS, con bajas puntuaciones en todas las dimensiones del SF-36 en comparación con los valores de referencia de la población general española. Entre ellas, la dimensión rol físico es la más afectada, seguida de la funci

  11. Cuidado realizado pelo cuidador familiar ao idoso dependente, em domicílio, no contexto da estratégia de Saúde da Família

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciane Almeida Floriano


    Full Text Available Estudio exploratorio-descriptivo de abordaje cualitativo que tuvo como objetivo describir cómo los cuidadores familiares realizan la atención a las personas mayores en situación de dependencia. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con 24 cuidadores en sus hogares. Los resultados indicaron que la atención a las personas mayores en situación de dependencia desarrollados, es una actividad que lleva a cambios en la vida de los cuidadores, que puede generar un estrés físico, emocional y social. La enfermería como elemento clave de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, debe estar atento a las necesidades de los mayores dependientes, y, más cerca de los cuidadores con el fin de orientar y supervisar la atención prestada, con el fin de apoyar la atención integral para, es decir, las personas mayores y sus familias.

  12. Angular momentum alignment in molecular beam scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Treffers, M.A.


    It is shown how the angular momentum alignment in a molecular beam can be determined using laser-induced fluorescence in combination with precession of the angular momenta in a magnetic field. After a general analysis of the method, some results are presented to illustrate the possibilities of the method. Experimental data are presented on the alignment production for Na 2 molecules that made a collision induced angular momentum transition. Magnitude as well as direction of the alignment have been determined for scattering with several scattering partners and for a large number of scattering angles and transitions. The last chapter deals with the total alignment production in a final J-state, i.e. without state selection of the initial rotational state. (orig.)

  13. Yksisivuisten web-sovellusten kehittäminen Angular 2 -sovelluskehyksellä


    Kujala, Miika


    Yksisivuiset web-sovellukset ovat yleistyneet viime vuosina. Niiden kehityksessä hyödynnetään usein JavaScript-sovelluskehystä. Angular 2 on Google:n kehittämä JavaScript-sovelluskehys. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella Angular 2 -sovelluskehystä ja sen soveltuvuutta yksisivuisten web-sovellusten ke- hityksessä. Tutkielmassa käydään läpi Angular 2 -sovelluskehyksen ominaisuuksia sekä Angular 2 -sovelluskehyksen käytössä ilmeneviä etuja ja haittoja.

  14. Design and Implementation of a Digital Angular Rate Sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhen Peng


    Full Text Available With the aim of detecting the attitude of a rotating carrier, the paper presents a novel, digital angular rate sensor. The sensor consists of micro-sensing elements (gyroscope and accelerometer, signal processing circuit and micro-processor (DSP2812. The sensor has the feature of detecting three angular rates of a rotating carrier at the same time. The key techniques of the sensor, including sensing construction, sensing principles, and signal processing circuit design are presented. The test results show that the sensor can sense rolling, pitch and yaw angular rate at the same time and the measurement error of yaw (or pitch angular rate and rolling rate of the rotating carrier is less than 0.5%.

  15. Angular Accelerating White Light

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Dudley, Angela L


    Full Text Available wavelength dependence. By digitally simulating free-space propagation on the SLM, The authors compare the effects of real and digital propagation on the angular rotation rates of the resulting optical fields for various wavelengths. The development...

  16. Angular momentum dependence of the distribution of shell model eigenenergies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yen, M.K.


    In the conventional shell model calculation the many-particle energy matrices are constructed and diagonalized for definite angular momentum and parity. However the resulting set of eigenvalues possess a near normal behavior and hence a simple statistical description is possible. Usually one needs only about four parameters to capture the average level densities if the size of the set is not too small. The parameters are essentially moments of the distribution. But the difficulty lies in the yet unsolved problem of calculating moments in the fixed angular momentum subspace. We have derived a formula to approximate the angular momentum projection dependence of any operator averaged in a shell model basis. This approximate formula which is a truncated series in Hermite polynomials has been proved very good numerically and justified analytically for large systems. Applying this formula to seven physical cases we have found that the fixed angular momentum projection energy centroid, width and higher central moments can be obtained accurately provided for even-even nuclei the even and odd angular momentum projections are treated separately. Using this information one can construct the energy distribution for fixed angular momentum projection assuming normal behavior. Then the fixed angular momentum level densities are deduced and spectra are extracted. Results are in reasonably good agreement with the exact values although not as good as those obtained using exact fixed angular momentum moments. (Diss. Abstr. Int., B)

  17. A Novel Permanent Magnetic Angular Acceleration Sensor

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    Hao Zhao


    Full Text Available Angular acceleration is an important parameter for status monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotary machinery. Therefore, we developed a novel permanent magnetic angular acceleration sensor, which is without rotation angle limitations and could directly measure the instantaneous angular acceleration of the rotating system. The sensor rotor only needs to be coaxially connected with the rotating system, which enables convenient sensor installation. For the cup structure of the sensor rotor, it has a relatively small rotational inertia. Due to the unique mechanical structure of the sensor, the output signal of the sensor can be directed without a slip ring, which avoids signal weakening effect. In this paper, the operating principle of the sensor is described, and simulated using finite element method. The sensitivity of the sensor is calibrated by torsional pendulum and angle sensor, yielding an experimental result of about 0.88 mV/(rad·s−2. Finally, the angular acceleration of the actual rotating system has been tested, using both a single-phase asynchronous motor and a step motor. Experimental result confirms the operating principle of the sensor and indicates that the sensor has good practicability.

  18. AngularJS yksisivuisen web-applikaation kehitysalustana


    Karhu, Tuomo


    Yksisivuiset web-applikaatiot (SPA-sovellukset) ovat yleistyneet viimeisten kymmenen vuoden aikana, ja näiden avulla on ollut mahdollista tuoda verkkosivuston käyttökokemus lähemmäksi aitojen ohjelmasovellusten vastaavaa. Yksisivuisten web-applikaatioitten kehitystyöhön tarkoitetuista sovelluskehyksistä AngularJS on yksi käytetyimmistä ja suosituimmista. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää miten AngularJS-sovelluskehys soveltuu SPA-sivustojen kehitykseen sovelluskehittäjän näkökulmasta, sekä mi...

  19. Measurement of angular distribution of cosmic-ray muon fluence rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Jeng-Wei; Chen, Yen-Fu; Sheu, Rong-Jiun; Jiang, Shiang-Huei


    In this work a Berkeley Lab cosmic ray detector was used to measure the angular distribution of the cosmic-ray muon fluence rate. Angular response functions of the detector at each measurement orientation were calculated by using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code, where no energy attenuation was taken into account. Coincidence counting rates were measured at ten orientations with equiangular intervals. The muon angular fluence rate spectrum was unfolded from the measured counting rates associated with the angular response functions using both the MAXED code and the parameter adjusting method.

  20. Angular momentum content of galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaya, E.J.; Tully, R.B.


    A schema of galaxy formation is developed in which the environmental influence of large-scale structure plays a dominant role. This schema was motivated by the observation that the fraction of E and S0 galaxies is much higher in clusters than in low-density regions and by an inference that those spirals that are found in clusters probably have fallen in relatively recently from the low-density regions. It is proposed that the tidal field of the Local Supercluster acts to determine the morphology of galaxies through two complementary mechanisms. In the first place, the supercluster can apply torques to protogalaxies. Galaxies which collapsed while expanding away from the central cluster decoupled from the external tidal field and conserved the angular momentum that they acquired before collapse. Galaxies which formed in the cluster while the cluster collapsed continued to feel the tidal field. In the latter case, the spin of outer collapsing layers can be halted and reversed, and tends to cancel the spin of inner layers. The result is a reduction of the total angular momentum content of the galaxy. In addition, the supercluster tidal field can regulate accretion of fresh material onto the galaxies since the field creates a Roche limit about galaxies and material beyond this limit is lost. Any material that has not collapsed onto a galaxy by the time the galaxy falls into a cluster will be tidally stripped. The angular momentum content of that part of the protogalactic cloud which has not yet collapsed . continues to grow linearly with time due to the continued torquing by the supercluster and neighbors. Galaxies at large distances from the cluster core can continue to accrete this high angular momentum material until the present, but galaxies that enter the cluster are cut off from replenishing material

  1. QCD angular correlations for muon pair production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kajantie, K.; Raitio, R.; Lindfors, J.


    Angular distributions of muons are discussed in the framework of a QCD treatment of muon pair production in hadron-hadron collisions. The predicted angular effects are independent of the infrared behavior of QCD. Measuring them will permit one to determine whether the origin of the large transverse momentum of the pair is in the quark transverse momenta or in a constituent-constituent subprocess. (author)

  2. Electronic orbital angular momentum and magnetism of graphene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Ji, E-mail:


    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of graphene electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field is calculated and corresponding magnetic moment is used to investigate the magnetism of perfect graphene. Variation in magnetization demonstrates its decrease with carrier-doping, plateaus in a large field, and de Haas–van Alphen oscillation. Regulation of graphene's magnetism by a parallel electric field is presented. The OAM originates from atomic-scale electronic motion in graphene lattice, and vector hopping interaction between carbon atomic orbitals is the building element. A comparison between OAM of graphene electrons, OAM of Dirac fermions, and total angular momentum of the latter demonstrates their different roles in graphene's magnetism. Applicability and relation to experiments of the results are discussed. - Highlights: • Orbital angular momentum of graphene electrons is calculated. • Orbital magnetic moment of graphene electrons is obtained. • Variation in magnetization of graphene is calculated. • Roles of different kinds of angular momentum are investigated.

  3. Angular momentum in QGP holography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brett McInnes


    Full Text Available The quark chemical potential is one of the fundamental parameters describing the quark–gluon plasma produced by sufficiently energetic heavy-ion collisions. It is not large at the extremely high temperatures probed by the LHC, but it plays a key role in discussions of the beam energy scan programmes at the RHIC and other facilities. On the other hand, collisions at such energies typically (that is, in peripheral collisions give rise to very high values of the angular momentum density. Here we explain that holographic estimates of the quark chemical potential of a rotating sample of plasma can be very considerably improved by taking the angular momentum into account.

  4. Large-uncertainty intelligent states for angular momentum and angle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goette, Joerg B; Zambrini, Roberta; Franke-Arnold, Sonja; Barnett, Stephen M


    The equality in the uncertainty principle for linear momentum and position is obtained for states which also minimize the uncertainty product. However, in the uncertainty relation for angular momentum and angular position both sides of the inequality are state dependent and therefore the intelligent states, which satisfy the equality, do not necessarily give a minimum for the uncertainty product. In this paper, we highlight the difference between intelligent states and minimum uncertainty states by investigating a class of intelligent states which obey the equality in the angular uncertainty relation while having an arbitrarily large uncertainty product. To develop an understanding for the uncertainties of angle and angular momentum for the large-uncertainty intelligent states we compare exact solutions with analytical approximations in two limiting cases

  5. Power calculation of linear and angular incremental encoders (United States)

    Prokofev, Aleksandr V.; Timofeev, Aleksandr N.; Mednikov, Sergey V.; Sycheva, Elena A.


    Automation technology is constantly expanding its role in improving the efficiency of manufacturing and testing processes in all branches of industry. More than ever before, the mechanical movements of linear slides, rotary tables, robot arms, actuators, etc. are numerically controlled. Linear and angular incremental photoelectric encoders measure mechanical motion and transmit the measured values back to the control unit. The capabilities of these systems are undergoing continual development in terms of their resolution, accuracy and reliability, their measuring ranges, and maximum speeds. This article discusses the method of power calculation of linear and angular incremental photoelectric encoders, to find the optimum parameters for its components, such as light emitters, photo-detectors, linear and angular scales, optical components etc. It analyzes methods and devices that permit high resolutions in the order of 0.001 mm or 0.001°, as well as large measuring lengths of over 100 mm. In linear and angular incremental photoelectric encoders optical beam is usually formulated by a condenser lens passes through the measuring unit changes its value depending on the movement of a scanning head or measuring raster. Past light beam is converting into an electrical signal by the photo-detecter's block for processing in the electrical block. Therefore, for calculating the energy source is a value of the desired value of the optical signal at the input of the photo-detecter's block, which reliably recorded and processed in the electronic unit of linear and angular incremental optoelectronic encoders. Automation technology is constantly expanding its role in improving the efficiency of manufacturing and testing processes in all branches of industry. More than ever before, the mechanical movements of linear slides, rotary tables, robot arms, actuators, etc. are numerically controlled. Linear and angular incremental photoelectric encoders measure mechanical motion and

  6. Angular analysis of $\\Lambda_{b} \\rightarrow \\Lambda \\mu^{+}\\mu^{-}$

    CERN Multimedia

    Chatzikonstantinidis, Georgios


    The angular analysis of the rare baryon decay of $\\Lambda_{b}\\rightarrow \\Lambda (\\rightarrow p\\pi^{-})\\mu^{+}\\mu^{-}$ in high $q^{2}$ is presented. The dataset that is used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb$^{-1}$ of pp - collision data collected at centre-of-mass energies between 7 and 13 TeV by the LHCb detector in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016. Angular observables are determined using a moment analysis of the angular distribution.

  7. Angular momentum of circularly polarized light in dielectric media


    Mansuripur, Masud


    A circularly polarized plane-wave is known to have no angular momentum when examined through Maxwell's equations. This, however, contradicts the experimentally observed facts, where finite segments of plane waves are known to be capable of imparting angular momentum to birefringent platelets. Using a superposition of four plane-waves propagating at slightly different angles to a common direction, we derive an expression for the angular momentum density of a single plane-wave in the limit when...

  8. La influencia de las técnicas de fisioterapia en la disminución de la dependencia a la insulina en diabetes mellitus tipo I


    Silva, Denise França


    [ES] El objetivo principal de ese estudio es saber si la utilización de ejercicios físicos aeróbicos que se realizan en los deportes radicales más apropiados a la edad de la población de jóvenes diagnosticados de DM1 en nuestra muestra, según los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), comprendida entre 10 años y 20 años de edad en Portugal, se disminuyen la dependencia de la insulina en estos jóvenes con DM1 y si mejoran su calidad de vida. Con la obtención de medidas válidas...

  9. Angular momentum of circularly polarized light in dielectric media (United States)

    Mansuripur, Masud


    A circularly polarized plane-wave is known to have no angular momentum when examined through Maxwell’s equations. This, however, contradicts the experimentally observed facts, where finite segments of plane waves are known to be capable of imparting angular momentum to birefringent platelets. Using a superposition of four plane-waves propagating at slightly different angles to a common direction, we derive an expression for the angular momentum density of a single plane-wave in the limit when the propagation directions of the four beams come into alignment. We proceed to use this four-beam technique to analyze the conservation of angular momentum when a plane-wave enters a dielectric slab from the free space. The angular momentum of the beam is shown to decrease upon entering the dielectric medium, by virtue of the fact that the incident beam exerts a torque on the slab surface at the point of entry. When the beam leaves the slab, it imparts an equal but opposite torque to the exit facet, thus recovering its initial angular momentum upon re-emerging into the free-space. Along the way, we derive an expression for the outward-directed force of a normally incident, finite-diameter beam on a dielectric surface; the possible relationship between this force and the experimentally observed bulging of a liquid surface under intense illumination is explored.

  10. Angular momentum conservation law in light-front quantum field theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chiu, Kelly Yu-Ju; Brodsky, Stanley J.; /SLAC /Stanford U.


    We prove the Lorentz invariance of the angular momentum conservation law and the helicity sum rule for relativistic composite systems in the light-front formulation. We explicitly show that j 3 , the z -component of the angular momentum remains unchanged under Lorentz transformations generated by the light-front kinematical boost operators. The invariance of j 3 under Lorentz transformations is a feature unique to the front form. Applying the Lorentz invariance of the angular quantum number in the front form, we obtain a selection rule for the orbital angular momentum which can be used to eliminate certain interaction vertices in QED and QCD. We also generalize the selection rule to any renormalizable theory and show that there exists an upper bound on the change of orbital angular momentum in scattering processes at any fixed order in perturbation theory.

  11. Sorting and quantifying orbital angular momentum of laser beams

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Schulze, C


    Full Text Available We present a novel tool for sorting the orbital angular momentum and to determine the orbital angular momentum density of laser beams, which is based on the use of correlation filters....

  12. The mass and angular momentum of reconstructed metric perturbations (United States)

    van de Meent, Maarten


    We prove a key result regarding the mass and angular momentum content of linear vacuum perturbations of the Kerr metric obtained through the formalism developed by Chrzarnowski, Cohen, and Kegeles (CCK). More precisely, we prove that the Abbott-Deser mass and angular momentum integrals of any such perturbation vanish when that perturbation was obtained from a regular Fourier mode of the Hertz potential. As a corollary we obtain a generalization of previous results on the completion of the ‘no string’ radiation gauge metric perturbation generated by a point particle. We find that for any bound orbit around a Kerr black hole, the mass and angular momentum perturbations completing the CCK metric are simply the energy and angular momentum of the particle ‘outside’ the orbit and vanish ‘inside’ the orbit.

  13. High Angular Momentum Rydberg Wave Packets (United States)

    Wyker, Brendan


    High angular momentum Rydberg wave packets are studied. Application of carefully tailored electric fields to low angular momentum, high- n (n ˜ 300) Rydberg atoms creates coherent superpositions of Stark states with near extreme values of angular momentum, ℓ. Wave packet components orbit the parent nucleus at rates that depend on their energy, leading to periods of localization and delocalization as the components come into and go out of phase with each other. Monitoring survival probability signals in the presence of position dependent probing leads to observation of characteristic oscillations based on the composition of the wave packet. The discrete nature of electron energy levels is observed through the measurement of quantum revivals in the wave packet localization signal. Time-domain spectroscopy of these signals allows determination of both the population and phase of individual superposition components. Precise manipulation of wave packets is achieved through further application of pulsed electric fields. Decoherence effects due to background gas collisions and electrical noise are also detailed. Quantized classical trajectory Monte-Carlo simulations are introduced and agree remarkably well with experimental results.

  14. The Angular Momentum of Baryons and Dark Matter Halos Revisited (United States)

    Kimm, Taysun; Devriendt, Julien; Slyz, Adrianne; Pichon, Christophe; Kassin, Susan A.; Dubois, Yohan


    Recent theoretical studies have shown that galaxies at high redshift are fed by cold, dense gas filaments, suggesting angular momentum transport by gas differs from that by dark matter. Revisiting this issue using high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamics simulations with adaptive-mesh refinement (AMR), we find that at the time of accretion, gas and dark matter do carry a similar amount of specific angular momentum, but that it is systematically higher than that of the dark matter halo as a whole. At high redshift, freshly accreted gas rapidly streams into the central region of the halo, directly depositing this large amount of angular momentum within a sphere of radius r = 0.1R(sub vir). In contrast, dark matter particles pass through the central region unscathed, and a fraction of them ends up populating the outer regions of the halo (r/R(sub vir) > 0.1), redistributing angular momentum in the process. As a result, large-scale motions of the cosmic web have to be considered as the origin of gas angular momentum rather than its virialised dark matter halo host. This generic result holds for halos of all masses at all redshifts, as radiative cooling ensures that a significant fraction of baryons remain trapped at the centre of the halos. Despite this injection of angular momentum enriched gas, we predict an amount for stellar discs which is in fair agreement with observations at z=0. This arises because the total specific angular momentum of the baryons (gas and stars) remains close to that of dark matter halos. Indeed, our simulations indicate that any differential loss of angular momentum amplitude between the two components is minor even though dark matter halos continuously lose between half and two-thirds of their specific angular momentum modulus as they evolve. In light of our results, a substantial revision of the standard theory of disc formation seems to be required. We propose a new scenario where gas efficiently carries the angular momentum generated

  15. Comportamento angular do andar de crianças com síndrome de Down após intervenção com equoterapia Angular kinematics of the gait of children with Down's syndrome after intervention with hippotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F Copetti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito de um programa de equoterapia no comportamento angular do tornozelo e joelho de crianças com síndrome de Down (SD. MÉTODO: Fizeram parte do estudo três crianças do sexo masculino com média de idade de 7,3 anos (±2,08. As análises foram realizadas intra-sujeitos, sendo o pós-teste realizado após treze sessões de tratamento. As intervenções com equoterapia tiveram duração de cinqüenta minutos, com intervalos de sete dias. A análise do andar foi realizado pelo Sistema Peak MotusTM. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se alterações significativas para a articulação do tornozelo para todos os sujeitos. Para a articulação do joelho, diferenças foram verificadas em momentos distintos do ciclo, não apresentando uma tendência observável. CONCLUSÃO: A equoterapia promoveu alterações positivas no comportamento angular da articulação do tornozelo, com pouco efeito sobre o joelho.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of a program of horseback riding therapy on the angular kinematics of the ankle and knee in children with Down's syndrome. METHOD: The study group was composed of three male children with a mean age of 7.3 years (±2.08. The analyses were done individually and the post-test was performed after thirteen treatment sessions. The duration of each horseback riding therapy session was fifty minutes, and the interval between sessions was seven days. The gait analysis was carried out using the Peak MotusTM system. RESULTS: Statistical differences in ankle joint were observed for all subjects. For knee joint, differences were found at different moments of the cycle, without presenting any observable trend. CONCLUSION: Horseback riding therapy produced positive changes in the angular behavior of the ankle and little effect on the knee.

  16. A systematic construction of microstate geometries with low angular momentum (United States)

    Bena, Iosif; Heidmann, Pierre; Ramírez, Pedro F.


    We outline a systematic procedure to obtain horizonless microstate geometries that have the same charges as three-charge five-dimensional black holes with a macroscopically-large horizon area and an arbitrarily-small angular momentum. There are two routes through which such solutions can be constructed: using multi-center Gibbons-Hawking (GH) spaces or using superstratum technology. So far the only solutions corre-sponding to microstate geometries for black holes with no angular momentum have been obtained via superstrata [1], and multi-center Gibbons-Hawking spaces have been believed to give rise only to microstate geometries of BMPV black holes with a large angular mo-mentum [2]. We perform a thorough search throughout the parameter space of smooth horizonless solutions with four GH centers and find that these have an angular momentum that is generally larger than 80% of the cosmic censorship bound. However, we find that solutions with three GH centers and one supertube (which are smooth in six-dimensional supergravity) can have an arbitrarily-low angular momentum. Our construction thus gives a recipe to build large classes of microstate geometries for zero-angular-momentum black holes without resorting to superstratum technology.

  17. Effect of nutritional intake towards Angular cheilitis of orphanage children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurdiani Rakhmayanthie


    Full Text Available Introduction: Angular cheilitis is one of the oral manifestations of iron, vitamin B12, and folate deficiency. This manifestation frequently seen in people at first and second decade. The purpose of this study was to obtain the prevalence of angular cheilitis and its classifications related to the nutritional intake level in 6-18 years old children. Methods: This research was a descriptive study with 53 children between 6-18 years old from Muhammadiyah Orphanage Bandung as the samples. The oral cavity was examined clinically and their food consumption in a week was noted in Food Recall 24 hours and Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ in order to measure their nutritional intake level. Results: There are 23 children with angular cheilitis. 13% has iron and folate deficiencies, and 87% has iron, vitamin B12, and folate deficiencies. Angular cheilitis types that has been found are Type I (39%, Type II (48% and Type III (13%. Conclusion: The prevalence of angular cheilitis in 6-18 years old children in Muhammadiyah Orphanage Bandung was moderately high, most of them were having iron, vitamin B12, and folate deficiencies. Type II angular cheilitis was the most frequently seen.

  18. Learning web development with Bootstrap and AngularJS

    CERN Document Server

    Radford, Stephen


    Whether you know a little about Bootstrap or AngularJS, or you're a complete beginner, this book will enhance your capabilities in both frameworks and you'll build a fully functional web app. A working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required to fully get to grips with Bootstrap and AngularJS.

  19. Rotational speedups accompanying angular deceleration of a superfluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, L.J.


    Exact calculations of the angular deceleration of superfluid vortex arrays show momentary speedups in the angular velocity caused by coherent, multiple vortex loss at the boundary. The existence and shape of the speedups depend on the vortex friction, the deceleration rate, and the pattern symmetry. The phenomenon resembles, in several ways, that observed in pulsars

  20. Angular momentum transport with twisted exciton wave packets (United States)

    Zang, Xiaoning; Lusk, Mark T.


    A chain of cofacial molecules with CN or CN h symmetry supports excitonic states with a screwlike structure. These can be quantified with the combination of an axial wave number and an azimuthal winding number. Combinations of these states can be used to construct excitonic wave packets that spiral down the chain with well-determined linear and angular momenta. These twisted exciton wave packets can be created and annihilated using laser pulses, and their angular momentum can be optically modified during transit. This allows for the creation of optoexcitonic circuits in which information, encoded in the angular momentum of light, is converted into excitonic wave packets that can be manipulated, transported, and then reemitted. A tight-binding paradigm is used to demonstrate the key ideas. The approach is then extended to quantify the evolution of twisted exciton wave packets in a many-body, multilevel time-domain density functional theory setting. In both settings, numerical methods are developed that allow the site-to-site transfer of angular momentum to be quantified.

  1. Total angular momentum from Dirac eigenspinors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szabados, Laszlo B


    The eigenvalue problem for Dirac operators, constructed from two connections on the spinor bundle over closed spacelike 2-surfaces, is investigated. A class of divergence-free vector fields, built from the eigenspinors, are found, which, for the lowest eigenvalue, reproduce the rotation Killing vectors of metric spheres, and provide rotation BMS vector fields at future null infinity. This makes it possible to introduce a well-defined, gauge invariant spatial angular momentum at null infinity, which reduces to the standard expression in stationary spacetimes. The general formula for the angular momentum flux carried away by the gravitational radiation is also derived

  2. Investigation of angular and axial smoothing of PET data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daube-Witherspoon, M.E.; Carson, R.E.


    Radial filtering of emission and transmission data is routinely performed in PET during reconstruction in order to reduce image noise. Angular smoothing is not typically done, due to the introduction of a non-uniform resolution loss; axial filtering is also not usually performed on data acquired in 2D mode. The goal of this paper was to assess the effects of angular and axial smoothing on noise and resolution. Angular and axial smoothing was incorporated into the reconstruction process on the Scanditronix PC2048-15B brain PET scanner. In-plane spatial resolution and noise reduction were measured for different amounts of radial and angular smoothing. For radial positions away from the center of the scanner, noise reduction and degraded tangential resolution with no loss of radial resolution were seen. Near the center, no resolution loss was observed, but there was also no reduction in noise for angular filters up to a 7 degrees FWHM. These results can be understood by considering the combined effects of smoothing projections across rows (angles) and then summing (backprojecting). Thus, angular smoothing is not optimal due to its anisotropic noise reduction and resolution degradation properties. However, uniform noise reduction comparable to that seen with radial filtering can be achieved with axial smoothing of transmission data. The axial results suggest that combined radial and axial transmission smoothing could lead to improved noise characteristics with more isotropic resolution degradation

  3. On the Angular Momentum Loss of Tropical Cyclones: An f-Plane Approximation (United States)

    Kang, Hyun-Gyu; Cheong, Hyeong-Bin; Kim, Won-Ho


    The angular momentum for ideal axisymmetric tropical cyclones on the f-plane is investigated with a focus on the total-volume integrated quantity. Budget analysis of the momentum equation at cylindrical coordinates shows that a tropical cyclone loses angular momentum during its development and mature stages due to the dynamical difference between the viscous inward-flow near the surface and the angular momentum conserving outward-flow aloft. The total relative angular momentum of a tropical cyclone, as a result, can be negative (i.e., implying anticyclonic rotation as a whole) despite intense cyclonic wind in the tropospheric layers. This anticyclonic rotation was measured in terms of the super-rotation ratio, the ratio of total relative angular momentum to the planetary angular momentum. Simulations with the numerical model of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) version 3.4.1 was found to be in favor of the theoretical angular-momentum budget analysis. It was revealed in the numerical simulations that the super-rotation ratio was negative, indicating a sub-rotation, as was predicted by analysis. The sub-rotation ratio was found to be less than one percent for typical tropical cyclones. To show the angular momentum decrease even in the decaying stage, numerical simulations where the thermal forcing by sea surface temperature switched off in the mature stage were carried out. In support of the angular momentum budget analysis, the results indicated that the angular momentum also decreases for a while soon after the forcing was eliminated.

  4. Lidar Orbital Angular Momentum Sensor (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The recognition in recent decades that electromagnetic fields have angular momentum (AM) in the form of not only polarization (or spin AM) but also orbital (OAM) has...

  5. Schmidt decomposition for non-collinear biphoton angular wave functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedorov, M V


    Schmidt modes of non-collinear biphoton angular wave functions are found analytically. The experimentally realizable procedure for their separation is described. Parameters of the Schmidt decomposition are used to evaluate the degree of the biphoton's angular entanglement. (paper)

  6. Premature closure of the distal ulna in the dog. A case report; Fechamento prematuro da placa epifisária distal da ulna em um cäo. Descriçäo de um caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, Andréa Pacheco Batista; Araújo, Roberto Baracat de; Sampaio, Romeu; Del Carlo, Ricardo Junqueira; Pompermayer, Luiz Gonzaga


    A case of premature closure of the distal ulna in a ten-month-old crossbred dog is described. Diagnosis was suggested by clinical signs including lameness, angular deformity of the forelimb, and pain [Portuguese] Descreve-se um caso de fechamento prematuro da placa epifisária distal da ulna em um cäo sem raça definida e de aproximadamente dez meses de idade. O diagnóstico clínico baseou-se na sintomatologia de claudicaçäo, deslocamento lateral do membro torácico direito e sensibilidade dolorosa. Os exames radiográficos confirmaram o diagnóstico (AU)

  7. Modeling of the angular dependence of plasma etching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Wei; Sawin, Herbert H.


    An understanding of the angular dependence of etching yield is essential to investigate the origins of sidewall roughness during plasma etching. In this article the angular dependence of polysilicon etching in Cl 2 plasma was modeled as a combination of individual angular-dependent etching yields for ion-initiated processes including physical sputtering, ion-induced etching, vacancy generation, and removal. The modeled etching yield exhibited a maximum at ∼60 degree sign off-normal ion angle at low flux ratio, indicative of physical sputtering. It transformed to the angular dependence of ion-induced etching with the increase in the neutral-to-ion flux ratio. Good agreement between the modeling and the experiments was achieved for various flux ratios and ion energies. The variation of etching yield in response to the ion angle was incorporated in the three-dimensional profile simulation and qualitative agreement was obtained. The surface composition was calculated and compared to x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The modeling indicated a Cl areal density of 3x10 15 atoms/cm 2 on the surface that is close to the value determined by the XPS analysis. The response of Cl fraction to ion energy and flux ratio was modeled and correlated with the etching yields. The complete mixing-layer kinetics model with the angular dependence effect will be used for quantitative surface roughening analysis using a profile simulator in future work.

  8. Twisted molecular excitons as mediators for changing the angular momentum of light (United States)

    Zang, Xiaoning; Lusk, Mark T.


    Molecules with CN or CN h symmetry can absorb quanta of optical angular momentum to generate twisted excitons with well-defined quasiangular momenta of their own. Angular momentum is conserved in such interactions at the level of a paraxial approximation for the light beam. A sequence of absorption events can thus be used to create a range of excitonic angular momenta. Subsequent decay can produce radiation with a single angular momentum equal to that accumulated. Such molecules can thus be viewed as mediators for changing the angular momentum of light. This sidesteps the need to exploit nonlinear light-matter interactions based on higher-order susceptibilities. A tight-binding paradigm is used to verify angular momentum conservation and demonstrate how it can be exploited to change the angular momentum of light. The approach is then extended to a time-dependent density functional theory setting where the key results are shown to hold in a many-body, multilevel setting.

  9. Helicons in uniform fields. II. Poynting vector and angular momenta (United States)

    Stenzel, R. L.; Urrutia, J. M.


    The orbital and spin angular momenta of helicon modes have been determined quantitatively from laboratory experiments. The current density is obtained unambiguously from three dimensional magnetic field measurements. The only approximation made is to obtain the electric field from Hall Ohm's law which is usually the case for low frequency whistler modes. This allows the evaluation of the Poynting vector from which the angular momentum is obtained. Comparing two helicon modes (m = 0 and m = 1), one can separate the contribution of angular momentum of a rotating and non-rotating wave field. The orbital angular momentum is important to assess the wave-particle interaction by the transverse Doppler shift of rotating waves which has not been considered so far.

  10. Angular distributions of ions channeled in the Si crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrovic, S.; Korica, S.; Kokkoris, M.; Neskovic, N.


    In this study we analyze the angular distributions of Ne 10+ ions channeled in the Si crystals. The ion energy is 60 MeV and the crystal thickness is varied from 286 to 3435 nm. This thickness range corresponds to the reduced crystal thickness range from 0.5 to 6, i.e. from the second to the twelfth rainbow cycle. The angular distributions were obtained via the numerical solution of the ion equations of motion and the computer simulation method. The analysis shows that the angular distribution has a periodic behavior. We also analyze the transmission patterns corresponding to the angular distributions. These patterns should be compared to the experimental patterns obtainable by a two-dimensional position sensitive detector. We demonstrate that, when the ion beam divergence is sufficiently large, i.e. much larger than the critical angle for channeling, the channeling star effect occurs in the transmission patterns

  11. Reexamination of fission fragment angular distributions and the fission process: Formalism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bond, P.D.


    The theory of fission fragment angular distributions is examined and the universally used expression is found to be valid only under restrictive assumptions. A more general angular distribution formula is derived and applied to recent data of high spin systems. At the same time it is shown that the strong anisotropies observed from such systems can be understood without changing the essential basis of standard fission theory. The effects of reaction mechanisms other than complete fusion on fission fragment angular distributions are discussed and possible angular distribution signatures of noncompound nucleus formation are mentioned

  12. Gravitomagnetism and angular momenta of black-holes


    Marcelo Samuel Berman


    We review the energy contents formulae of Kerr-Newman black-holes, where gravitomagnetic energy term comes into play (Berman 2004, 2006a,b). Then, we obtain the angular momenta formulae, which include the gravitomagnetic effect. Three theorems can be enunciated: (1) No black-hole has its energy confined to its interior; (2) Rotating black-holes do not have confined angular momenta; (3) The energy density of a black-hole is not confined to its interior. The difference between our calculation a...

  13. Control of Angular Intervals for Angle-Multiplexed Holographic Memory (United States)

    Kinoshita, Nobuhiro; Muroi, Tetsuhiko; Ishii, Norihiko; Kamijo, Koji; Shimidzu, Naoki


    In angle-multiplexed holographic memory, the full width at half maximum of the Bragg selectivity curves is dependent on the angle formed between the medium and incident laser beams. This indicates the possibility of high density and high multiplexing number by varying the angular intervals between adjacent holograms. We propose an angular interval scheduling for closely stacking holograms into medium even when the angle range is limited. We obtained bit error rates of the order of 10-4 under the following conditions: medium thickness of 1 mm, laser beam wavelength of 532 nm, and angular multiplexing number of 300.

  14. Angular absorption of iridium - ICW12 needles: practical considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szymczyk, W.; Lesiak, J.


    An analysis was made of two potential sources of error in Ir 192 dosimetry: the effect of angular absorption and the differences in the ionization constants found in literature. Corrections for selfabsorption in the ICW12 iridium source were determined from measurements and calculations. It was found that the decrease in the dose caused by the angular absorption in the central therapeutic area of a typical implantation can exceed 5 percent. The need for employing the concept of ''constant exposure rate'' is stressed as well as that for using angular absorption in the form of absorption. 13 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab. (author)

  15. Data compilation of angular distributions of sputtered atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamura, Yasunori; Takiguchi, Takashi; Tawara, Hiro.


    Sputtering on a surface is generally caused by the collision cascade developed near the surface. The process is in principle the same as that causing radiation damage in the bulk of solids. Sputtering has long been regarded as an undesirable dirty effect which destroys the cathodes and grids in gas discharge tubes or ion sources and contaminates plasma and the surrounding walls. However, sputtering is used today for many applications such as sputter ion sources, mass spectrometers and the deposition of thin films. Plasma contamination and the surface erosion of first walls due to sputtering are still the major problems in fusion research. The angular distribution of the particles sputtered from solid surfaces can possibly provide the detailed information on the collision cascade in the interior of targets. This report presents a compilation of the angular distribution of sputtered atoms at normal incidence and oblique incidence in the various combinations of incident ions and target atoms. The angular distribution of sputtered atoms from monatomic solids at normal incidence and oblique incidence, and the compilation of the data on the angular distribution of sputtered atoms are reported. (K.I.)

  16. The INCAS Project: An Innovative Contact-Less Angular Sensor (United States)

    Ghislanzoni, L.; Di Cintio, A.; Solimando, M.; Parzianello, G.


    Angular Positions sensors are widely used in all spacecrafts, including re-entry vehicles and launchers, where mechanisms and pointing-scanning devices are required. The main applications are on mechanisms for TeleMeasure (TM) related to the release and deployment of devices, or on rotary mechanisms such as Solar Array Drive Mechanism (SADM) and Antenna Pointing Mechanism (APM). Longer lifetime (up to 7- 10 years) is becoming a new driver for the coming missions and contact technology sensors often incur in limitations due to the wear of the contacting parts [1].A Self-Compensating Absolute Angular Encoder was developed and tested in the frame of an ESA's ARTES 5.2 project, named INCAS (INnovative Contact-less Angular Sensor). More in particular, the INCAS sensor addresses a market need for contactless angular sensors aimed at replacing the more conventional rotary potentiometers, while featuring the same level of accuracy performances and extending the expected lifetime.

  17. Angular Distribution of GRBs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. G. Balázs


    Full Text Available We studied the complete randomness of the angular distribution of BATSE gamma-ray bursts (GRBs. Based on their durations and peak fluxes, we divided the BATSE sample into 5 subsamples (short1, short2, intermediate, long1, long2 and studied the angular distributions separately. We used three methods to search for non-randomness in the subsamples: Voronoi tesselation, minimal spanning tree, and multifractal spectra. To study any non-randomness in the subsamples we defined 13 test-variables (9 from Voronoi tesselation, 3 from the minimal spanning tree and one from the multifractal spectrum. We made Monte Carlo simulations taking into account the BATSE’s sky-exposure function. We tested therandomness by introducing squared Euclidean distances in the parameter space of the test-variables. We recognized that the short1, short2 groups deviate significantly (99.90%, 99.98% from the fully random case in the distribution of the squared Euclidean distances but this is not true for the long samples. In the intermediate group, the squared Euclidean distances also give significant deviation (98.51%.

  18. On Dunkl angular momenta algebra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feigin, Misha [School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow,15 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QW (United Kingdom); Hakobyan, Tigran [Yerevan State University,1 Alex Manoogian, 0025 Yerevan (Armenia); Tomsk Polytechnic University,Lenin Ave. 30, 634050 Tomsk (Russian Federation)


    We consider the quantum angular momentum generators, deformed by means of the Dunkl operators. Together with the reflection operators they generate a subalgebra in the rational Cherednik algebra associated with a finite real reflection group. We find all the defining relations of the algebra, which appear to be quadratic, and we show that the algebra is of Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) type. We show that this algebra contains the angular part of the Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian and that together with constants it generates the centre of the algebra. We also consider the gl(N) version of the subalgebra of the rational Cherednik algebra and show that it is a non-homogeneous quadratic algebra of PBW type as well. In this case the central generator can be identified with the usual Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian associated with the Coxeter group in the harmonic confinement.

  19. Isotropic gates and large gamma detector arrays versus angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iacob, V.E.; Duchene, G.


    Angular information extracted from in-beam γ ray measurements are of great importance for γ ray multipolarity and nuclear spin assignments. In our days large Ge detector arrays became available allowing the measurements of extremely weak γ rays in almost 4π sr solid angle (e.g., EUROGAM detector array). Given the high detector efficiency it is common for the mean suppressed coincidence multiplicity to reach values as high as 4 to 6. Thus, it is possible to gate on particular γ rays in order to enhance the relative statistics of a definite reaction channel and/or a definite decaying path in the level scheme of the selected residual nucleus. As compared to angular correlations, the conditioned angular distribution spectra exhibit larger statistics because in the latter the gate-setting γ ray may be observed by all the detectors in the array, relaxing somehow the geometrical restrictions of the angular correlations. Since the in-beam γ ray emission is anisotropic one could inquire that gate setting as mentioned above, based on anisotropic γ ray which would perturb the angular distributions in the unfolded events. As our work proved, there is no reason to worry about this if the energy gate runs over the whole solid angle in an ideal 4π sr detector, i.e., if the gate is isotropic. In real quasi 4π sr detector arrays the corresponding quasi isotropic gate preserves the angular properties of the unfolded data, too. However extraction of precise angular distribution coefficient especially a 4 , requires the consideration of the deviation of the quasi isotropic gate relative to the (ideal) isotropic gate

  20. Heteromodal conceptual processing in the angular gyrus. (United States)

    Bonner, Michael F; Peelle, Jonathan E; Cook, Philip A; Grossman, Murray


    Concepts bind together the features commonly associated with objects and events to form networks in long-term semantic memory. These conceptual networks are the basis of human knowledge and underlie perception, imagination, and the ability to communicate about experiences and the contents of the environment. Although it is often assumed that this distributed semantic information is integrated in higher-level heteromodal association cortices, open questions remain about the role and anatomic basis of heteromodal representations in semantic memory. Here we used combined neuroimaging evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to characterize the cortical networks underlying concept representation. Using a lexical decision task, we examined the processing of concepts in four semantic categories that varied on their sensory-motor feature associations (sight, sound, manipulation, and abstract). We found that the angular gyrus was activated across all categories regardless of their modality-specific feature associations, consistent with a heteromodal account for the angular gyrus. Exploratory analyses suggested that categories with weighted sensory-motor features additionally recruited modality-specific association cortices. Furthermore, DTI tractography identified white matter tracts connecting these regions of modality-specific functional activation with the angular gyrus. These findings are consistent with a distributed semantic network that includes a heteromodal, integrative component in the angular gyrus in combination with sensory-motor feature representations in modality-specific association cortices. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. AngularJS in the Wild: A Survey with 460 Developers


    Ramos, Miguel; Valente, Marco Tulio; Terra, Ricardo; Santos, Gustavo


    To implement modern web applications, a new family of JavaScript frameworks has emerged, using the MVC pattern. Among these frameworks, the most popular one is AngularJS, which is supported by Google. In spite of its popularity, there is not a clear knowledge on how AngularJS design and features affect the development experience of Web applications. Therefore, this paper reports the results of a survey about AngularJS, including answers from 460 developers. Our contributions include the ident...

  2. Measurement crankshaft angular speed of an OM403 engine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Biočanin Stojko


    Full Text Available In this paper, the methodology of the measurement of the angular speed of the crankshaft of a ten-cylinder diesel OM403 engine is presented, with regular and irregular engine operation. The angular velocity was measured under laboratory conditions, on already installed measuring equipment from the laboratory and on the break of a well known brand-Schenck, by using an optoelectronic incremental rotary encoder, a data acquisition module and the LabVIEW software for synchronization and management of the measuring equipment. The goal of this paper is to give a practical contribution to researches of measuring of crankshaft angular speed of the crankshaft engine OM 403.

  3. Studying AGN Jets At Extreme Angular Resolution (United States)

    Bruni, Gabriele


    RadioAstron is a 10m antenna orbiting on the Russian Speckt-R spacecraft, launched in 2011. Performing radio interferometry with a global array of ground telescopes, it is providing record angular resolution. The Key Science Project on AGN polarization is exploiting it to study in great detail the configuration of magnetic fields in AGN jets, and understand their formation and collimation. To date, the project has already achieved the highest angular resolution image ever obtained in Astronomy, and detected brightness temperatures exceeding the ones predicted by theory of AGN.

  4. Interpreting angular momentum transfer between electromagnetic multipoles using vector spherical harmonics. (United States)

    Grinter, Roger; Jones, Garth A


    The transfer of angular momentum between a quadrupole emitter and a dipole acceptor is investigated theoretically. Vector spherical harmonics are used to describe the angular part of the field of the mediating photon. Analytical results are presented for predicting angular momentum transfer between the emitter and absorber within a quantum electrodynamical framework. We interpret the allowability of such a process, which appears to violate conservation of angular momentum, in terms of the breakdown of the isotropy of space at the point of photon absorption (detection). That is, collapse of the wavefunction results in loss of all angular momentum information. This is consistent with Noether's Theorem and demystifies some common misconceptions about the nature of the photon. The results have implications for interpreting the detection of photons from multipole sources and offers insight into limits on information that can be extracted from quantum measurements in photonic systems.

  5. Positron annihilation and perturbed angular correlation studies of radiation damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Jiazheng; Li Anli; Xu Yongjun; Wang Zhiqiang; Zhou Dongmei; Zheng Yongnan; Zhu Shengyun; Iwata, T.


    The positron annihilation and perturbed angular correlation techniques have been employed to study radiation damage in Si and Nb. The results obtained by the positron annihilation are consistent with those given by the perturbed angular correlation

  6. Analysis of angular momentum properties of photons emitted in fundamental atomic processes (United States)

    Zaytsev, V. A.; Surzhykov, A. S.; Shabaev, V. M.; Stöhlker, Th.


    Many atomic processes result in the emission of photons. Analysis of the properties of emitted photons, such as energy and angular distribution as well as polarization, is regarded as a powerful tool for gaining more insight into the physics of corresponding processes. Another characteristic of light is the projection of its angular momentum upon propagation direction. This property has attracted a special attention over the past decades due to studies of twisted (or vortex) light beams. Measurements being sensitive to this projection may provide valuable information about the role of angular momentum in the fundamental atomic processes. Here we describe a simple theoretical method for determination of the angular momentum properties of the photons emitted in various atomic processes. This method is based on the evaluation of expectation value of the total angular momentum projection operator. To illustrate the method, we apply it to the textbook examples of plane-wave, spherical-wave, and Bessel light. Moreover, we investigate the projection of angular momentum for the photons emitted in the process of the radiative recombination with ionic targets. It is found that the recombination photons do carry a nonzero projection of the orbital angular momentum.

  7. Perturbed angular correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabris, J.D.


    The electric quadrupolar interaction in some hafnium complexes, measured at the metal nucleus level is studied. For that purpose, the technique of γ-γ perturbed angular correlation is used: the frequencies of quadrupolar interaction are compared with some hafnium α-hydroxicarboxilates, namely glycolate, lactate, mandelate and benzylate; the influence of the temperature on the quadrupolar coupling on the hafnium tetramandelate is studied; finally, the effects associated with the capture of thermal neutrons by hafnium tetramandelate are examined locally at the nuclear level. The first group of results shows significant differences in a series of complexes derived from glycolic acid. On the other hand, the substitution of the protons in hafnium tetramandelate structure by some alkaline cations permits to verify a correlation between the variations in the quadrupolar coupling and the electronegativities of the substituent elements. Measurements at high temperatures show that this complex is thermally stable at 100 and 150 0 C. It is possible to see the appearance of two distinct sites for the probe nucleus, after heating the sample at 100 0 C for prolonged time. This fact is attributed to a probable interconversion among the postulated structural isomers for the octacoordinated compounds. Finally, measurements of angular correlation on the irradiated complex show that there is an effective destruction of the target molecule by neutron capture [pt

  8. Angular Spacing Control for Segmented Data Pages in Angle-Multiplexed Holographic Memory (United States)

    Kinoshita, Nobuhiro; Muroi, Tetsuhiko; Ishii, Norihiko; Kamijo, Koji; Kikuchi, Hiroshi; Shimidzu, Naoki; Ando, Toshio; Masaki, Kazuyoshi; Shimizu, Takehiro


    To improve the recording density of angle-multiplexed holographic memory, it is effective to increase the numerical aperture of the lens and to shorten the wavelength of the laser source as well as to increase the multiplexing number. The angular selectivity of a hologram, which determines the multiplexing number, is dependent on the incident angle of not only the reference beam but also the signal beam to the holographic recording medium. The actual signal beam, which is a convergent or divergent beam, is regarded as the sum of plane waves that have different propagation directions, angular selectivities, and optimal angular spacings. In this paper, focusing on the differences in the optimal angular spacing, we proposed a method to control the angular spacing for each segmented data page. We investigated the angular selectivity of a hologram and crosstalk for segmented data pages using numerical simulation. The experimental results showed a practical bit-error rate on the order of 10-3.

  9. Angular dependence of EEDF in ion-beam plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudin, S.V.


    In a previous paper the results of measurements of electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in ion-beam plasma created by low energy broad ion beam had been presented regardless of the angular dependence of the electron distribution. The present work is specifically aimed towards elucidating the spatial structure of the EEDF in the ion-beam plasma. To solve this problem combination of the techniques of cylindrical probe, large plate probe (5 x 5 mm) and two-grid enegoanalyzer was used. Directional operation of the probes makes possible measurement of angular dependence of electron distribution function which is anisotropic in high energy region. To optimize the construction of the probe-analyzer, experiments with grids were performed, which had different size, mesh, and transparency, under different potentials, and with different distances between grids. Numerical simulation of the analyzer was performed too. It is derived that optimal design for measurements in isotropic plasma is the most plate, thin two-grid probe with maximum angular covering. Investigation of angular dependence of EEDF has shown that the distribution of trapped electrons is completely isotropic, whereas in the energy range of var-epsilon > e var-phi pl (var-phi pl - plasma potential) a strong anisotropy of the EEDF is observed

  10. Solution of neutron transport equation using Daubechies' wavelet expansion in the angular discretization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Liangzhi; Wu Hongchun; Zheng Youqi


    Daubechies' wavelet expansion is introduced to discretize the angular variables of the neutron transport equation when the neutron angular flux varies very acutely with the angular directions. An improvement is made by coupling one-dimensional wavelet expansion and discrete ordinate method to make two-dimensional angular discretization efficient and stable. The angular domain is divided into several subdomains for treating the vacuum boundary condition exactly in the unstructured geometry. A set of wavelet equations coupled with each other is obtained in each subdomain. An iterative method is utilized to decouple the wavelet moments. The numerical results of several benchmark problems demonstrate that the wavelet expansion method can provide more accurate results by lower-order expansion than other angular discretization methods

  11. Initial angular momentum and flow in high energy nuclear collisions (United States)

    Fries, Rainer J.; Chen, Guangyao; Somanathan, Sidharth


    We study the transfer of angular momentum in high energy nuclear collisions from the colliding nuclei to the region around midrapidity, using the classical approximation of the color glass condensate (CGC) picture. We find that the angular momentum shortly after the collision (up to times ˜1 /Qs , where Qs is the saturation scale) is carried by the "β -type" flow of the initial classical gluon field, introduced by some of us earlier. βi˜μ1∇iμ2-μ2∇iμ1 (i =1 ,2 ) describes the rapidity-odd transverse energy flow and emerges from Gauss's law for gluon fields. Here μ1 and μ2 are the averaged color charge fluctuation densities in the two nuclei, respectively. Interestingly, strong coupling calculations using anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) techniques also find an energy flow term featuring this particular combination of nuclear densities. In classical CGC the order of magnitude of the initial angular momentum per rapidity in the reaction plane, at a time 1 /Qs , is |d L2/d η |≈ RAQs-3ɛ¯0/2 at midrapidity, where RA is the nuclear radius, and ɛ¯0 is the average initial energy density. This result emerges as a cancellation between a vortex of energy flow in the reaction plane aligned with the total angular momentum, and energy shear flow opposed to it. We discuss in detail the process of matching classical Yang-Mills results to fluid dynamics. We will argue that dissipative corrections should not be discarded to ensure that macroscopic conservation laws, e.g., for angular momentum, hold. Viscous fluid dynamics tends to dissipate the shear flow contribution that carries angular momentum in boost-invariant fluid systems. This leads to small residual angular momentum around midrapidity at late times for collisions at high energies.

  12. Angular dependence of Auger signals from a GaAs (111) surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnard, W.O.


    This dissertation is concerned with the angular dependence of the L 3 M 4 M 4 1067 eV Ga and L 3 M 4 M 4 1228 eV As Auger electron signals from a (111) GaAs surface, using a system which is equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyser. Following a detailed discussion of the Auger process, a review is given of angular effects in the emission excitation and detection of Auger signals. Present theories are discussed and an empirical theory is developed to test the experimental results obtained in this study. The experimental procedures and equipment used are presented. It was found that the Auger signals show a strong variation with the angle of rotation about the normal of a GaAs surface. Furthermore, the nature of the angular spectra of the Ga and As signals are interchanged when the electron beam incident surface is changed from (111) to (111). The main features of the angular variation of the quasi-elastic backscattered signal is reflected in the corresponding Ga and As Auger angular spectra. The angular dependence of the quasi-elastic backscattered signal can be explained semi-quantitatively in terms of the empirical theory. Theoretical arguments are presented which suggest that the Auger signals should show an angular dependence similar to the quasi-elastic backscattered signal. Evidence was found that geometric screening-off of underlying atoms by surface and near surface atoms influence the Auger yield

  13. Depth of origin and angular spectrum of sputtered atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vicanek, M.; Jimenez Rodriguez, J.J.; Sigmund, P.


    A theoretical analysis is presented of the depth of origin of atoms sputtered from a random target. The physical model aims at high energy sputtering under linear cascade conditions and assumes a dilute source of recoil atoms. The initial distribution of the recoils is assumed isotropic, and their energy distribution is E -2 like without an upper or lower cutoff. The scattering medium is either infinite or bounded by a plane surface. Atoms scatter according to the m=0 power cross section. Electronic stopping is ignored. The sputtered flux, differential in depth of origin, ejection energy and ejection angle has been evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation and by five distinct methods of solution of the linear Boltzmann equation reaching from continuous slowing down neglecting angular scattering to the P 3 approximation and a Gram-Charlier expansion going over spatial moments. The continuous slowing down approximation used in previous work leads to results that are identical to those found from a scheme that only ignores angular scattering but allows for energy loss straggling. Moreover, these predictions match more closely with the Monte Carlo results than any of the approximate analytical schemes that take account of angular scattering. The results confirm the common assertion that the depth of origin of sputtered atoms is determined mainly by the stopping of low energy recoil atoms. The effect of angular scattering turns out to be astonishingly small. The distributions in depth of origin, energy, and angle do not depend significantly on whether the scattering medium is a halfspace or an infinite medium with a reference plane. The angular spectrum comes out only very slightly over cosine from the model as it stands, in agreement with previous experience, but comments are made on essential features that are not incorporated in the physical model but might influence the angular spectrum. (orig./WL)

  14. Physics from angular projection of rectangular grids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Ashmeet


    In this paper, we present a mathematical model for the angular projection of a rectangular arrangement of points in a grid. This simple yet interesting, problem has both scholarly value and applications for data extraction techniques to study the physics of various systems. Our work may help undergraduate students to understand subtle points in the angular projection of a grid and describes various quantities of interest in the projection with completeness and sufficient rigour. We show that for certain angular ranges, the projection has non-distinctness, and calculate the details of such angles, and correspondingly, the number of distinct points and the total projected length. We focus on interesting trends obtained for the projected length of the grid elements and present a simple application of the model to determine the geometry of an unknown grid whose spatial extensions are known, using measurement of the grid projection at two angles only. Towards the end, our model is shown to have potential applications in various branches of physical sciences, including crystallography, astrophysics, and bulk properties of materials. (paper)

  15. Optical Torque Wrench: Angular Trapping, Rotation, and Torque Detection of Quartz Microparticles (United States)

    La Porta, Arthur; Wang, Michelle D.


    We describe an apparatus that can measure the instantaneous angular displacement and torque applied to a quartz particle which is angularly trapped. Torque is measured by detecting the change in angular momentum of the transmitted trap beam. The rotational Brownian motion of the trapped particle and its power spectral density are used to determine the angular trap stiffness. The apparatus features a feedback control that clamps torque or other rotational quantities. The torque sensitivity demonstrated is ideal for the study of known biological molecular motors.

  16. Angular distribution of atoms ejected by laser ablation of different metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konomi, I.; Motohiro, T.; Asaoka, T.


    Angular distributions of 13 different metals ejected by laser ablation using fourth harmonics (wavelength=266 nm) of neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser and a fluence close to near-threshold value (2.3 J/cm 2 ) have been investigated with a high angular resolution. The angular distribution which is characterized by the exponent n of cos n θ distribution showed very broad range of values between 3 and 24 for different metals. A simple relation that the exponent n is proportional to the square root of particle atomic weight as reported previously has not been observed. Instead, a general trend has been found that the metals with higher sublimation energy such as Ta and Zr show narrower angular distribution than those with lower sublimation energy such as Sn and In. While the sublimation energy of metals has a great influence on the angular distribution of ejected atoms, a simple consideration suggests that their thermal conductivity and specific heat have little effect on it.

  17. Participación en el mercado laboral español de las personas con discapacidad y en situación de dependencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata de analizar la participación en el mercado laboral español de las personas con discapacidad y en situación de dependencia. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen las características sociodemográfi cas de ambos grupos haciendo especial énfasis en aspectos tales como la edad, el sexo, la educación o el tipo de discapacidad padecida. El análisis estadístico de la participación en este mercado se realiza mediante la estimación de modelos logit de elección binaria en donde se evalúa el impacto de cada una de las características anteriormente descritas sobre la posibilidad de participar en el mercado de trabajo. Se formulan cuatro modelos según el fenómeno y el sexo. La validez de los resultados obtenidos se evalúa mediante el uso de curvas COR.

  18. Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing over Visible Light Communication Systems (United States)

    Tripathi, Hardik Rameshchandra

    This thesis proposes and explores the possibility of using Orbital Angular Momentum multiplexing in Visible Light Communication system. Orbital Angular Momentum is mainly applied for laser and optical fiber transmissions, while Visible Light Communication is a technology using the light as a carrier for wireless communication. In this research, the study of the state of art and experiments showing some results on multiplexing based on Orbital Angular Momentum over Visible Light Communication system were done. After completion of the initial stage; research work and simulations were performed on spatial multiplexing over Li-Fi channel modeling. Simulation scenarios which allowed to evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Received Power Distribution, Intensity and Illuminance were defined and developed.

  19. Angular-momentum-dominated electron beams and flat-beam generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Yin-e


    In the absence of external forces, if the dynamics within an electron beam is dominated by its angular momentum rather than other effects such as random thermal motion or self Coulomb-repulsive force (i.e., space-charge force), the beam is said to be angular-momentum-dominated. Such a beam can be directly applied to the field of electron-cooling of heavy ions; or it can be manipulated into an electron beam with large transverse emittance ratio, i.e., a flat beam. A flat beam is of interest for high-energy electron-positron colliders or accelerator-based light sources. An angular-momentum-dominated beam is generated at the Fermilab/NICADD photoinjector Laboratory (FNPL) and is accelerated to an energy of 16 MeV. The properties of such a beam is investigated systematically in experiment. The experimental results are in very good agreement with analytical expectations and simulation results. This lays a good foundation for the transformation of an angular-momentum-dominated beam into a flat beam. The round-to-flat beam transformer is composed of three skew quadrupoles. Based on a good knowledge of the angular-momentum-dominated beam, the quadrupoles are set to the proper strengths in order to apply a total torque which removes the angular momentum, resulting in a flat beam. For bunch charge around 0.5 nC, an emittance ratio of 100 ± 5 was measured, with the smaller normalized root-mean-square emittance around 0.4 mm-mrad. Effects limiting the flat-beam emittance ratio are investigated, such as the chromatic effects in the round-to-flat beam transformer, asymmetry in the initial angular-momentum-dominated beam, and space-charge effects. The most important limiting factor turns out to be the uncorrelated emittance growth caused by space charge when the beam energy is low, for example, in the rf gun area. As a result of such emittance growth prior to the round-to-flat beam transformer, the emittance ratio achievable in simulation decreases from orders of thousands to

  20. Angular-momentum-dominated electron beams and flat-beam generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Yin-e [Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States)


    In the absence of external forces, if the dynamics within an electron beam is dominated by its angular momentum rather than other effects such as random thermal motion or self Coulomb-repulsive force (i.e., space-charge force), the beam is said to be angular-momentum-dominated. Such a beam can be directly applied to the field of electron-cooling of heavy ions; or it can be manipulated into an electron beam with large transverse emittance ratio, i.e., a flat beam. A flat beam is of interest for high-energy electron-positron colliders or accelerator-based light sources. An angular-momentum-dominated beam is generated at the Fermilab/NICADD photoinjector Laboratory (FNPL) and is accelerated to an energy of 16 MeV. The properties of such a beam is investigated systematically in experiment. The experimental results are in very good agreement with analytical expectations and simulation results. This lays a good foundation for the transformation of an angular-momentum-dominated beam into a flat beam. The round-to-flat beam transformer is composed of three skew quadrupoles. Based on a good knowledge of the angular-momentum-dominated beam, the quadrupoles are set to the proper strengths in order to apply a total torque which removes the angular momentum, resulting in a flat beam. For bunch charge around 0.5 nC, an emittance ratio of 100 ± 5 was measured, with the smaller normalized root-mean-square emittance around 0.4 mm-mrad. Effects limiting the flat-beam emittance ratio are investigated, such as the chromatic effects in the round-to-flat beam transformer, asymmetry in the initial angular-momentum-dominated beam, and space-charge effects. The most important limiting factor turns out to be the uncorrelated emittance growth caused by space charge when the beam energy is low, for example, in the rf gun area. As a result of such emittance growth prior to the round-to-flat beam transformer, the emittance ratio achievable in simulation decreases from orders of thousands to

  1. Aspectos Farmacológicos y Socioculturales del consumo de hoja de coca en indígenas Koguis respecto al consumo de cocaína en ambientes urbanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katiuska Vera Zambrano


    Full Text Available La investigación compara los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del consumo de la hoja de coca en indígenas Kogui de la Sierra Nevadade Santa Marta en Colombia frente a los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del  consumo de cocaína en los ambientes urbanos, relacionados con los conceptos de tolerancia y dependencia a sustancias psicoactivas. Los resultados aportan al desarrollo  y diseño de programas de prevención, tratamiento y reducción de riesgo y daño en fármaco dependencia, al igual que sugiere la inclusión de aspectos relevantes en futuras políticas sociales de prevención en drogas.

  2. New approach to determine the angular transmission in zero-degree magnetic spectrometers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benlliure, J.; Pereira-Conca, J.; Schmidt, K.H.


    A new method to estimate the angular transmission in zero-degree magnetic spectrometers is presented. This method is based on a parameterisation of the angular aperture of the spectrometer for any possible value of the magnetic rigidity of the transmitted particles. This parameterisation of the angular aperture together with a description of the kinematics of the reaction mechanism allows to determine the angular transmission analytically, avoiding tedious Monte-Carlo calculations. The analytical solutions are implemented for residual nuclei produced in fission, projectile-fragmentation and fusion-evaporation reactions. (orig.)

  3. Quantum entanglement of high angular momenta. (United States)

    Fickler, Robert; Lapkiewicz, Radek; Plick, William N; Krenn, Mario; Schaeff, Christoph; Ramelow, Sven; Zeilinger, Anton


    Single photons with helical phase structures may carry a quantized amount of orbital angular momentum (OAM), and their entanglement is important for quantum information science and fundamental tests of quantum theory. Because there is no theoretical upper limit on how many quanta of OAM a single photon can carry, it is possible to create entanglement between two particles with an arbitrarily high difference in quantum number. By transferring polarization entanglement to OAM with an interferometric scheme, we generate and verify entanglement between two photons differing by 600 in quantum number. The only restrictive factors toward higher numbers are current technical limitations. We also experimentally demonstrate that the entanglement of very high OAM can improve the sensitivity of angular resolution in remote sensing.

  4. Factorial correlators: angular scaling within QCD jets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peschanski, R.


    Factorial correlators measure the amount of dynamical correlation in the multiplicity between two separated phase-space windows. We present the analytical derivation of factorial correlators for a QCD jet described at the double logarithmic (DL) accuracy. We obtain a new angular scaling property for properly normalized correlators between two solid-angle cells or two rings around the jet axis. Normalized QCD factorial correlators scale with the angular distance and are independent of the window size. Scaling violations are expected beyond the DL approximation, in particular from the subject structure. Experimental tests are feasible, and thus would be welcome. (orig.)

  5. El factor de constreñimiento y su dependencia de las dimensiones en probetas de fractura DC(T

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donoso, J. R.


    Full Text Available The Common Format Equation constraint factor, Ω*, introduced by Donoso and Landes, is analyzed in terms of its dependence on crack length and thickness, in disk-shaped compact specimens, DC(T. Numerical analysis of the load-displacement behavior of blunt-notched DC(T specimens, and experimental evaluation of pre-cracked DC(T specimens of various thickness, allows one to obtain the values of Ω* in terms of the thickness-to-ligament ratio, B/b, as a measure of the degree of size-induced constraint in this geometry.

    El factor de constreñimiento de la Ecuación del Formato Común, Ω*, desarrollado por Donoso y Landes, se analiza en términos de su dependencia de la longitud de grieta y el espesor, en probetas de geometría disco-compacta, DC(T. El análisis numérico del comportamiento carga-desplazamiento de probetas DC(T, con entalla roma, y la evaluación experimental de probetas DC(T prefisuradas, con diferentes espesores, permite obtener los valores de Ω*, en función del cociente espesor/ligamento, B/b, como una medida del grado de constreñimiento inducido por la relación de tamaños en esta geometría.

  6. Angular momentum projection with Pfaffian

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oi, M.


    Recent developments to rewrite the Onishi formula for an evaluation of the so-called norm overlap kernel necessary in angular momentum projection are to be discussed. The essential ingredients in the development, that is, the Fermion coherent states, the Grassmann numbers, and the Pfaffian, are explained. (author)

  7. Angular distribution of sputtered atoms from Al-Sn alloy and surface topography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhenxia; Pan Jisheng; Zhang Jiping; Tao Zhenlan


    If an alloy is sputtered the angular distribution of the sputtered atoms can be different for each component. At high ion energies in the range of linear cascade theory, different energy distributions for components of different mass in the solid are predicted. Upon leaving the surface, i.e. overcoming the surface binding energy, these differences should show up in different angular distributions. Differences in the angular distribution are of much practical interest, for example, in thin-film deposition by sputtering and surface analysis by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. Recently our experimental work has shown that for Fe-W alloy the surface microtopography becomes dominant and determines the shape of the angular distribution of the component. However, with the few experimental results available so far it is too early to draw any general conclusions for the angular distribution of the sputtered constituents. Thus, the aim of this work was to study further the influence of the surface topography on the shape of the angular distribution of sputtered atoms from an Al-Sn alloy. (Author)

  8. Isotropic gates in large gamma detector arrays versus angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iacob, V.E.; Duchene, G.


    The quality of the angular distribution information extracted from high-fold gamma-gamma coincidence events is analyzed. It is shown that a correct quasi-isotropic gate setting, available at the modern large gamma-ray detector arrays, essentially preserves the quality of the angular information. (orig.)

  9. The Effects of Isokinetic Strength Training on Strength at Different Angular Velocities: a Pilot Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuğba Kocahan


    Conclusion: It was shown that angular velocity is important in isokinetic training, and that training at high angular velocities provides strength increases at lower angular velocities, but would not increase strength at angular velocities above the training level. For this reason, it is thought that in the preparation of an isokinetic strength training protocol, angular velocities need to be taken into account. For any athlete, the force at the angular velocity required in her/his sports branch needs to be considered.

  10. The dependence of the period on the angular amplitude of a simple ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The timing of the oscillation was done as the bob passed through its rest position. The time for 50 oscillations was recorded for different lengths and angular amplitudes. It was observed that the period depends on length and angular amplitude of the pendulum. The variation of the period with the angular amplitude is not a ...

  11. On Angular Sampling Methods for 3-D Spatial Channel Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fan, Wei; Jämsä, Tommi; Nielsen, Jesper Ødum


    This paper discusses generating three dimensional (3D) spatial channel models with emphasis on the angular sampling methods. Three angular sampling methods, i.e. modified uniform power sampling, modified uniform angular sampling, and random pairing methods are proposed and investigated in detail....... The random pairing method, which uses only twenty sinusoids in the ray-based model for generating the channels, presents good results if the spatial channel cluster is with a small elevation angle spread. For spatial clusters with large elevation angle spreads, however, the random pairing method would fail...... and the other two methods should be considered....

  12. The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (United States)

    Harrington, Kathleen; Marriage, Tobias; Ali, Aamir; Appel, John; Bennett, Charles; Boone, Fletcher; Brewer, Michael; Chan, Manwei; Chuss, David T.; Colazo, Felipe; hide


    The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is a four telescope array designed to characterize relic primordial gravitational waves from inflation and the optical depth to reionization through a measurement of the polarized cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the largest angular scales. The frequencies of the four CLASS telescopes, one at 38 GHz, two at 93 GHz, and one dichroic system at 145217 GHz, are chosen to avoid spectral regions of high atmospheric emission and span the minimum of the polarized Galactic foregrounds: synchrotron emission at lower frequencies and dust emission at higher frequencies. Low-noise transition edge sensor detectors and a rapid front-end polarization modulator provide a unique combination of high sensitivity, stability, and control of systematics. The CLASS site, at 5200 m in the Chilean Atacama desert, allows for daily mapping of up to 70% of the sky and enables the characterization of CMB polarization at the largest angular scales. Using this combination of a broad frequency range, large sky coverage, control over systematics, and high sensitivity, CLASS will observe the reionization and recombination peaks of the CMB E- and B-mode power spectra. CLASS will make a cosmic variance limited measurement of the optical depth to reionization and will measure or place upper limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, down to a level of 0.01 (95% C.L.).

  13. Calidad de Vida de Cuidadores de Pacientes Hospitalizados, nivel de dependencia y red de apoyo Quality of life for caregivers of patients hospitalized level of dependence and support network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Covarrubias Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la Calidad de Vida de Cuidadores de Pacientes Hospitalizados y la relación al Nivel de Dependencia y Red de Apoyo. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo correlacional, muestra de 106 cuidadores de pacientes hospitalizados en un Hospital público de San Luis Potosí, seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se aplicó el Instrumento Calidad de Vida del Cuidador Informal, Índice Katz, y el coeficiente de correlación Pearson como prueba hipótesis. Resultados: Predominaron mujeres cuidadoras cuya edad promedio fue 42 años, casadas, escolaridad primaria, ocupación en labores del hogar, parentesco de hijas, esposas y madres. Los hombres cuidadores en menor proporción, cuidaban a hijos o esposa; los receptores del cuidado en su mayoría fueron hombres con edad promedio de 55 años, predominaron los totalmente dependientes. La calidad de vida fue alta, pero en el indicador relaciones interpersonales con familiares y amigos presentaron nivel medio y bajo; se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre calidad de vida media, dependencia moderada y dependencia leve. Conclusiones: Existen repercusiones en la calidad de vida de los cuidadores en aspectos emocionales y sociales debido a modificaciones del entorno y organización de actividades diarias y el cuidado, se refleja separación de amistades debido a dedicación a esta tarea, destaca la familia como apoyo principal.Objective: to determine the quality of life for caregivers of patients hospitalized and the relationship to the level of dependence and Support Network. Methods: Study descriptive correlational, shows 106 caregivers of patients hospitalized in a public hospital in San Luis Potosi selected by non-probabilistic sampling, the instrument was administered Quality of Life of the informal caregivers, Index Katz, and the correlation coefficient Pearson as test hypotheses. Results: Predominated women caregivers whose average age was 42

  14. Galaxy angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, L.A.


    In order to test the theories which purport to explain the origin of galaxy angular momentum, this study presents new data for about 1000 individual galaxies in eight rich clusters. The clusters which are studied include Virgo, A 119, A 400, A 1656 (Coma), A 2147, A 2151 (Hercules), A 2197, and A 2199. Selected samples of these data are used to investigate systematic alignment effects in clusters of galaxies and to investigate the intrinsic ellipticities of E, SO, and spiral galaxies. The following new results are reported: Galaxies in the cluster A 2197 show a significant alignment effect (chi 2 probability less than 0.0002), and the preferential direction of alignment corresponds approximately to the major axis of the overall cluster elongation. None of the other seven clusters show any significant alignment trends. The spiral galaxy samples in four clusters (Virgo, A 1656, A 2151, and A 2197) were large enough to analyze the number distributions of forward and reverse winding spirals. Large and small spiral galaxies have identical ellipticity distributions. Large E and SO galaxies tend to be more spherical, and small E and SO galaxies more flattened. The intrinsic ellipticities of E, SO, and spiral galaxies are the same for galaxies in the ''field'' and for galaxies in rich clusters. Six models of galaxy formation are reviewed, and the major []mphasis is placed on how each model explains the origin of galaxy angular momentum. (Diss. Abstr. Int., B)

  15. Dependencia funcional y dolor crónico asociados a la calidad de vida del adulto mayor/ Functional dependence and chronic pain associated with the quality of life among the elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ara Mercedes Cerquera Córdoba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: En la medida que la población va envejeciendo, la presencia de enfermedades crónicas, dolores y discapacidades va aumentando; estas afecciones cuentan con un bajo pronóstico de cura, lo cual lleva a complicaciones en el desempeño de las actividades de la vida diaria, dificul- tando la independencia y la autonomía de quien las padece. Actualmente más de 868 millones de personas superan los 60 años. Se habla de casi un 12 % del total de la población mundial, y para el año 2050, se estima que haya un incremento del 21 %, equiparando el porcentaje de los menores de 15 años. Esta proyección supone nuevos retos sociales y una respuesta del sistema de salud, que permita favorecer entre los envejecidos, procesos de adaptabilidad y crecimiento psicosocial. Objetivo: Identificar la asociación existente entre la dependencia funcional entendida como aquella condición de imposibilidad por deterioro físico y cognitivo, que tiene el sujeto para valerse por sus propios medios y el dolor al cual hace referencia, aquella experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable causada por injuria real o potencial a un tejido. Método: Para el presente artículo se efectuó una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como Redalyc, Google académico, Ebsco, Medline, entre otras, donde fueron seleccionados 60 artículos que estuviesen incluidos en revistas indexadas. Resultados: Se encuentra una gran prevalencia de estudios que reportan que el envejecimiento asociado al dolor evidencia mayor nivel de dependencia funcional en el adulto mayor

  16. Information content in B→VV decays and the angular moments method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dighe, A.; Sen, S.


    The time-dependent angular distributions of decays of neutral B mesons into two vector mesons contain information about the lifetimes, mass differences, strong and weak phases, form factors, and CP violating quantities. A statistical analysis of the information content is performed by giving the ''information'' a quantitative meaning. It is shown that for some parameters of interest, the information content in time and angular measurements combined may be orders of magnitude more than the information from time measurements alone and hence the angular measurements are highly recommended. The method of angular moments is compared with the (maximum) likelihood method to find that it works almost as well in the region of interest for the one-angle distribution. For the complete three-angle distribution, an estimate of possible statistical errors expected on the observables of interest is obtained. It indicates that the three-angle distribution, unraveled by the method of angular moments, would be able to nail down many quantities of interest and will help in pointing unambiguously to new physics. (author)

  17. AngularJS directives

    CERN Document Server

    Vanston, Alex


    This book uses a practical, step-by-step approach, starting with how to build directives from the ground up before moving on to creating web applications comprised of multiple modules all working together to provide the best user experience possible.This book is intended for intermediate JavaScript developers who are looking to enhance their understanding of single-page web application development with a focus on AngularJS and the JavaScript MVC frameworks.It is expected that readers will understand basic JavaScript patterns and idioms and can recognize JSON formatted data.

  18. Operator theory of angular momentum nad orientational auto-correlation functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, M.W.


    The rigorous relation between the orientational auto-correlation function and the angular momentum autocorrelation function is described in two cases of interest. First when description of the complete zero THz- spectrum is required from the Mori continued fraction expansion for the angular momentum autocorrelation function and second when rotation/translation effects are important. The Mori-Evans theory of 1976, relying on the simple Shimizu relation is found to be essentially unaffected by the higher order corrections recently worked out by Ford and co-workers in the Markov limit. The mutual interaction of rotation and translation is important in determining the details of both the orientational and angular momentum auto-correlation function's (a.c.f.'s) in the presence of sample anisotropy or a symmetry breaking field. In this case it is essential to regard the angular momentum a.c.f. as non-Markovian and methods are developed to relate this to the orientational a.c.f. in the presence of rotation/translation coupling. (author)

  19. Earth Rotation and Coupling to Changes in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (United States)

    Rosen, Richard D.; Frey, H. (Technical Monitor)


    The research supported under the contract dealt primarily with: (a) the mechanisms responsible for the exchange of angular momentum between the solid Earth and atmosphere; (b) the quality of the data sets used to estimate atmospheric angular momentum; and (c) the ability of these data and of global climate models to detect low-frequency signals in the momentum and, hence, circulation of the atmosphere. Three scientific papers reporting on the results of this research were produced during the course of the contract. These papers identified the particular torques responsible for the peak in atmospheric angular momentum and length-of-day during the 1982-93 El Nino event, and, more generally, the relative roles of torques over land and ocean in explaining the broad spectrum of variability in the length-of-day. In addition, a tendency for interannual variability in atmospheric angular momentum to increase during the last several decades of the 20th century was found in both observations and a global climate model experiment.

  20. Chirality and angular momentum in optical radiation (United States)

    Coles, Matt M.; Andrews, David L.


    This paper develops, in precise quantum electrodynamic terms, photonic attributes of the “optical chirality density,” one of several measures long known to be conserved quantities for a vacuum electromagnetic field. The analysis lends insights into some recent interpretations of chiroptical experiments, in which this measure, and an associated chirality flux, have been treated as representing physically distinctive “superchiral” phenomena. In the fully quantized formalism the chirality density is promoted to operator status, whose exploration with reference to an arbitrary polarization basis reveals relationships to optical angular momentum and helicity operators. Analyzing multimode beams with complex wave-front structures, notably Laguerre-Gaussian modes, affords a deeper understanding of the interplay between optical chirality and optical angular momentum. By developing theory with due cognizance of the photonic character of light, it emerges that only the spin-angular momentum of light is engaged in such observations. Furthermore, it is shown that these prominent measures of the helicity of chiral electromagnetic radiation have a common basis in differences between the populations of optical modes associated with angular momenta of opposite sign. Using a calculation of the rate of circular dichroism as an example, with coherent states to model the electromagnetic field, it is discovered that two terms contribute to the differential effect. The primary contribution relates to the difference in left- and right-handed photon populations; the only other contribution, which displays a sinusoidal distance dependence corresponding to the claim of nodal enhancements, is connected with the quantum photon number-phase uncertainty relation. From the full analysis, it appears that the term “superchiral” can be considered redundant.

  1. Revolution evolution: tracing angular momentum during star and planetary system formation (United States)

    Davies, Claire Louise


    Stars form via the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds during which time the protostellar object contracts by over seven orders of magnitude. If all the angular momentum present in the natal cloud was conserved during collapse, stars would approach rotational velocities rapid enough to tear themselves apart within just a few Myr. In contrast to this, observations of pre-main sequence rotation rates are relatively slow (∼ 1 - 15 days) indicating that significant quantities of angular momentum must be removed from the star. I use observations of fully convective pre-main sequence stars in two well-studied, nearby regions of star formation (namely the Orion Nebula Cluster and Taurus-Auriga) to determine the removal rate of stellar angular momentum. I find the accretion disc-hosting stars to be rotating at a slower rate and contain less specific angular momentum than the disc-less stars. I interpret this as indicating a period of accretion disc-regulated angular momentum evolution followed by near-constant rotational evolution following disc dispersal. Furthermore, assuming that the age spread inferred from the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram constructed for the star forming region is real, I find that the removal rate of angular momentum during the accretion-disc hosting phase to be more rapid than that expected from simple disc-locking theory whereby contraction occurs at a fixed rotation period. This indicates a more efficient process of angular momentum removal must operate, most likely in the form of an accretion-driven stellar wind or outflow emanating from the star-disc interaction. The initial circumstellar envelope that surrounds a protostellar object during the earliest stages of star formation is rotationally flattened into a disc as the star contracts. An effective viscosity, present within the disc, enables the disc to evolve: mass accretes inwards through the disc and onto the star while momentum migrates outwards, forcing the outer regions of the

  2. Simulation and experimental studies of a double-fiber angular displacement sensor (United States)

    Zhu, Ruixue; Jing, Ruiping; Cheng, Yongjin


    A novel optical fiber angular displacement sensor is reported in this study. It gets the rotating angle of an object by means of the intensity modulation of a reflected light. The sensor probe, which is composed of an emitting fiber and a receiving fiber that are aligned along the vertical direction closely, is fixed directly on the rotating object. The measurements for axial displacement and angular displacement were operated separately. In particular, measurements for angular displacement were performed when the reflector is placed at different distances from the sensor probe separately. There is an excellent linearity between the angular displacement and the sensor output power. The results indicate that the larger the distance between the sensor probe and the reflector, the higher sensitivity the angular displacement sensor has. A theoretical model of the sensor is also developed and the simulate computation demonstrates that the theoretical results are in accordance with the experimental ones. The linear sensing range is ±7.2°, and the maximum sensitivity is 13.71%/deg. Furthermore, the hysteresis and the reproducibility of the measurement of the sensor are investigated. The designed sensor provides a kind of simple and effective method for measuring the angular displacement of a shaft system in practice due to its small size, light weight, good linearity and reproducibility.

  3. Prediction of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Reaction Wheel Assembly Angular Momentum Using Regression Analysis (United States)

    DeHart, Russell


    This study determines the feasibility of creating a tool that can accurately predict Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) reaction wheel assembly (RWA) angular momentum, weeks or even months into the future. LRO is a three-axis stabilized spacecraft that was launched on June 18, 2009. While typically nadir-pointing, LRO conducts many types of slews to enable novel science collection. Momentum unloads have historically been performed approximately once every two weeks with the goal of maintaining system total angular momentum below 70 Nms; however flight experience shows the models developed before launch are overly conservative, with many momentum unloads being performed before system angular momentum surpasses 50 Nms. A more accurate model of RWA angular momentum growth would improve momentum unload scheduling and decrease the frequency of these unloads. Since some LRO instruments must be deactivated during momentum unloads and in the case of one instrument, decontaminated for 24 hours there after a decrease in the frequency of unloads increases science collection. This study develops a new model to predict LRO RWA angular momentum. Regression analysis of data from October 2014 to October 2015 was used to develop relationships between solar beta angle, slew specifications, and RWA angular momentum growth. The resulting model predicts RWA angular momentum using input solar beta angle and mission schedule data. This model was used to predict RWA angular momentum from October 2013 to October 2014. Predictions agree well with telemetry; of the 23 momentum unloads performed from October 2013 to October 2014, the mean and median magnitude of the RWA total angular momentum prediction error at the time of the momentum unloads were 3.7 and 2.7 Nms, respectively. The magnitude of the largest RWA total angular momentum prediction error was 10.6 Nms. Development of a tool that uses the models presented herein is currently underway.

  4. Continuous particle spectra and their angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sastry, Ch.V.; Jain, R.K.; Rama Rao, J.; Ernst, J.; Machner, H.


    The angular distribution of continuous particle spectra in pre-equilibrium reactions is still an unsolved problem, particularly so at forward angles. In the present work, the angular distributions of alpha particles emitted in (α, α',x) reactions in the target elements gold and rhodium have been studied in detail. Alpha particle beams of energy 60 MeV from the Variable Energy Cyclotron of Calcutta were used in these experiments. The theoretical calculations were done using an extended exciton model of Kalbach incorporated into the Computer Code PRECO-D2. The formalism used in the exciton model was modified to include division of pre equilibrium cross section into multi-step direct (MSD) and multi-step compound (MSC) components. These MSD and MSC cross sections were used to calculate the angular distributions in terms of Legendre polynomials whose coefficients are given by simple phenomenological relations. Even with a reasonable set of parameters, the agreement between theory and experiment was far from satisfactory at forward angles. Similar conclusion was also drawn in the case of continuous particle spectra of deuterons in (d, d'x) reactions at 25 MeV in various targets. (author). 10 refs., 2 figs

  5. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  6. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung; Go, Dongwook; Manchon, Aurelien; Haney, Paul M.; Stiles, M. D.; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Lee, Kyung-Jin


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  7. Comparison of experimental and calculated neutron emission spectra and angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruppelaar, H.; Akkermans, J.M.


    Experimental and calculated neutron emission spectra and angular distributions have been intercompared for 14.6-MeV neutron-induced reactions. The experimental data, measured by Hermsdorf et al., cover 34 elements in a large mass range. To calculate the differential neutron scattering cross sections a unified model of preequilibrium neutron emission was used, in which the generalized master equation of Mantzouranis et al. was solved with a fast exact matrix method, recently introduced by Akkermans. For the scattering kernel a three-term Legendre polynomial representation was adopted, which was either derived from the differential free nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section or fitted to obtain optimal agreement with the set of experimental data of Hermsdorf et al. The results of the last-mentioned calculation are quite acceptable in view of the fact that only two global parameters have been to describe the angular distributions of all experimental data. The report contains tables and graphs of the calculated Legendre coefficients and graphs of energy-averaged angular distributions for all 34 elements. It is further shown that improvements in the energy and angular distributions could be obtained by means of adjustment of the level-density parameters of the individual residual nuclei. Finally a short discussion is devoted to the problems of fitting angular distributions at backward angles by varying the model parameters or the specification of the initial condition. It is indicated that the so-called preequilibrium phase of the nuclear reaction actually consists of two different stages, the first one generating the forward-peaked angular distributions and the second one showing angular distributions symmetric about 90 0

  8. Angular Momentum and Galaxy Formation Revisited (United States)

    Romanowsky, Aaron J.; Fall, S. Michael


    Motivated by a new wave of kinematical tracers in the outer regions of early-type galaxies (ellipticals and lenticulars), we re-examine the role of angular momentum in galaxies of all types. We present new methods for quantifying the specific angular momentum j, focusing mainly on the more challenging case of early-type galaxies, in order to derive firm empirical relations between stellar j sstarf and mass M sstarf (thus extending earlier work by Fall). We carry out detailed analyses of eight galaxies with kinematical data extending as far out as 10 effective radii, and find that data at two effective radii are generally sufficient to estimate total j sstarf reliably. Our results contravene suggestions that ellipticals could harbor large reservoirs of hidden j sstarf in their outer regions owing to angular momentum transport in major mergers. We then carry out a comprehensive analysis of extended kinematic data from the literature for a sample of ~100 nearby bright galaxies of all types, placing them on a diagram of j sstarf versus M sstarf. The ellipticals and spirals form two parallel j sstarf-M sstarf tracks, with log-slopes of ~0.6, which for the spirals are closely related to the Tully-Fisher relation, but for the ellipticals derives from a remarkable conspiracy between masses, sizes, and rotation velocities. The ellipticals contain less angular momentum on average than spirals of equal mass, with the quantitative disparity depending on the adopted K-band stellar mass-to-light ratios of the galaxies: it is a factor of ~3-4 if mass-to-light ratio variations are neglected for simplicity, and ~7 if they are included. We decompose the spirals into disks and bulges and find that these subcomponents follow j sstarf-M sstarf trends similar to the overall ones for spirals and ellipticals. The lenticulars have an intermediate trend, and we propose that the morphological types of galaxies reflect disk and bulge subcomponents that follow separate, fundamental j sstarf

  9. Angular momentum of phonons and its application to single-spin relaxation (United States)

    Nakane, Jotaro J.; Kohno, Hiroshi


    We reexamine the relaxation process of a single spin embedded in an elastic medium, a problem studied recently by Garanin and Chudnovsky (GC) [Phys. Rev. B 92, 024421 (2015), 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.024421] from the viewpoint of angular-momentum transfer. Using Noether's theorem, we identify two distinct angular momenta of the medium, one Newtonian discussed by GC and the other field-theoretical, both of which consist of an orbital part and a spin part. For both angular momenta, we found that the orbital part is as essential as the spin part in the relaxation process. In particular, the angular-momentum transfer from the (real) spin to the Newtonian orbital part may be considered as an incipient rotation that leads to the Einstein-de Haas effect.

  10. Low-dimensional organization of angular momentum during walking on a narrow beam. (United States)

    Chiovetto, Enrico; Huber, Meghan E; Sternad, Dagmar; Giese, Martin A


    Walking on a beam is a challenging motor skill that requires the regulation of upright balance and stability. The difficulty in beam walking results from the reduced base of support compared to that afforded by flat ground. One strategy to maintain stability and hence avoid falling off the beam is to rotate the limb segments to control the body's angular momentum. The aim of this study was to examine the coordination of the angular momentum variations during beam walking. We recorded movement kinematics of participants walking on a narrow beam and computed the angular momentum contributions of the body segments with respect to three different axes. Results showed that, despite considerable variability in the movement kinematics, the angular momentum was characterized by a low-dimensional organization based on a small number of segmental coordination patterns. When the angular momentum was computed with respect to the beam axis, the largest fraction of its variation was accounted for by the trunk segment. This simple organization was robust and invariant across all participants. These findings support the hypothesis that control strategies for complex balancing tasks might be easier to understand by investigating angular momentum instead of the segmental kinematics.

  11. Angular distributions of particles sputtered from polycrystalline platinum by low-energy ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chernysh, V.S.; Eckstein, W.; Haidarov, A.A.; Kulikauskas, V.S.; Mashkova, E.S.; Molchanov, V.A.


    The results of an experimental study and a computer simulation with the TRIM.SP code of the angular distributions of atoms sputtered from polycrystalline platinum under 3-9 keV Ne + bombardment at normal ion incidence are presented. It was found that angular distributions of sputtered atoms are overcosine and that their shape is practically independent of an ion energy. Comparison with the previously obtained data for He + and Ar + ions have shown that the shape of the angular distribution does not depend on the bombarding ion species. Good agreement between experimental results and computer simulation data was found. Computer simulations of the partial angular distributions of Pt atoms ejected due to various sputtering mechanisms for Ne ion bombardment were performed and the comparison with corresponding data for He and Ar bombarding was made. The role of different mechanisms in the formation of angular distributions of sputtered atoms has been analyzed

  12. Orbital-angular-momentum entanglement in turbulence

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Hamadou Ibrahim, A


    Full Text Available The turbulence-induced decay of orbital-angular-momentum (OAM) entanglement between two photons is investigated numerically and experimentally. To compare our resultswith previouswork,we simulate the turbulent atmosphere with a single phase screen...

  13. Orbital angular momentum of a high-order Bessel light beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volke-Sepulveda, K; Garces-Chavez, V; Chavez-Cerda, S; Arlt, J; Dholakia, K


    The orbital angular momentum density of Bessel beams is calculated explicitly within a rigorous vectorial treatment. This allows us to investigate some aspects that have not been analysed previously, such as the angular momentum content of azimuthally and radially polarized beams. Furthermore, we demonstrate experimentally the mechanical transfer of orbital angular momentum to trapped particles in optical tweezers using a high-order Bessel beam. We set transparent particles of known dimensions into rotation, where the sense of rotation can be reversed by changing the sign of the singularity. Quantitative results are obtained for rotation rates. This paper's animations are available from the Multimedia Enhancements page

  14. A Core Set Based Large Vector-Angular Region and Margin Approach for Novelty Detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiusheng Chen


    Full Text Available A large vector-angular region and margin (LARM approach is presented for novelty detection based on imbalanced data. The key idea is to construct the largest vector-angular region in the feature space to separate normal training patterns; meanwhile, maximize the vector-angular margin between the surface of this optimal vector-angular region and abnormal training patterns. In order to improve the generalization performance of LARM, the vector-angular distribution is optimized by maximizing the vector-angular mean and minimizing the vector-angular variance, which separates the normal and abnormal examples well. However, the inherent computation of quadratic programming (QP solver takes O(n3 training time and at least O(n2 space, which might be computational prohibitive for large scale problems. By (1+ε  and  (1-ε-approximation algorithm, the core set based LARM algorithm is proposed for fast training LARM problem. Experimental results based on imbalanced datasets have validated the favorable efficiency of the proposed approach in novelty detection.

  15. Photoelectron and ICD electron angular distributions from fixed-in-space neon dimers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahnke, T; Czasch, A; Schoeffler, M; Schoessler, S; Kaesz, M; Titze, J; Kreidi, K; Grisenti, R E; Staudte, A; Jagutzki, O; Schmidt, L Ph H; Semenov, S K; Cherepkov, N A; Schmidt-Boecking, H; Doerner, R


    We report on molecular frame angular distributions of 2s photoelectrons and electrons emitted by interatomic Coulombic decay from neon dimers. We found that the measured angular distribution of the photoelectron strongly depends on the environment of the cluster. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with frozen core Hartree-Fock calculations. The ICD electrons show slight variations in their angular distribution for different kinetic energies

  16. Perfil e grau de dependência de idosos e sobrecarga de seus cuidadores Perfil y grado de dependencia de personas de la tercera edad y sobrecarga de sus cuidadores Profile and degree of dependency of the elderly and overload of their caregivers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Meika Uesugui


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil e o grau de dependência de idosos usuários de um Centro de Internação Domiciliar, bem como o perfil e a sobrecarga em seus cuidadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório e descritivo composto por amostra de 31 idosos e 31 cuidadores. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista no domicílio, com aplicação de questionário semiestruturado, contendo variáveis sóciodemográficas. Para avaliação do grau de dependência dos idosos, foram utilizados o Índice de Katz e Escala de Lawton e a sobrecarga dos cuidadores foi mensurada com base na Escala Zarit Burden Interview. RESULTADOS: Foi revelado percentual elevado de idosos com dependência total para atividades básicas e instrumentais da vida diária, sendo a variável estatisticamente significativa em relação à sobrecarga dos cuidadores e a percepção sobre seu estado de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: A análise das variáveis estudadas pode contribuir para o delineamento de propostas de intervenção baseada nas reais necessidades do grupo estudado.OBJETIVO: Analizar el perfil y el grado de dependencia de personas de la tercera edad usuarios de un Centro de Internamiento Domiciliario, así como el perfil y la sobrecarga en sus cuidadores. MÉTODOS: Estudio exploratorio y descriptivo compuesto por una muestra de 31 personas de la tercera edad y 31 cuidadores. La recolección de datos se realizó por medio de entrevista en el domicilio, con aplicación de un cuestionario semiestructurado, conteniendo variables sociodemográficas. Para la evaluación del grado de dependencia de las personas de la tercera edad, fueron utilizados el Índice de Katz y la Escala de Lawton y la sobrecarga de los cuidadores fue mensurada con base en la Escala Zarit Burden Interview. RESULTADOS: Fue revelado un porcentaje elevado de personas de la tercera edad con dependencia total para actividades básicas e instrumentales de la vida diaria, siendo la variable estad

  17. Fatores de risco para dependência após trauma crânio-encefálico Factores de riesgo para la dependencia despues del trauma crâneo-encefálico Risk factors for dependency after traumatic brain injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Márcia Cardoso de Sousa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: identificar entre as características das vítimas de trauma crânio-encefálico contuso (idade, sexo, escolaridade, antecedentes, tempo de internação, complicações pós-traumáticas e indicadores da gravidade do trauma e lesão craniana fatores de risco para prognóstico desfavorável. MÉTODOS: análise de 63 vítimas, com idade entre 12 e 65 anos, em seguimento ambulatorial em centro para atendimento de trauma, entre 6 meses e 3 anos após evento traumático. Utilizando-se a regressão logística múltipla foi construído um modelo para condição funcional. RESULTADOS: indivíduos que alcançaram pontuação 5 no máximo Abbreviated Injury Scale da região cabeça tiveram 4,89 vezes mais chance de dependência quando comparados com os que apresentaram escore menor. Vítimas internadas durante 12 dias ou mais mostraram 5,76 vezes mais chance para se tornarem dependentes em relação às demais. CONCLUSÃO: os fatores de risco para dependência foram o máximo Abbreviated Injury Scale da região cabeça e o tempo de internação.OBJETIVO: identificar entre las características de las víctimas con trauma encéfalo craneano (edad, sexo, escolaridad, antecedentes, tiempo de internamiento, complicaciones post traumáticas e indicadores de gravedad del trauma y lesión craneana factores de riesgo para pronóstico desfavorable. METODOS: análisis de 63 víctimas, con edades entre 12 y 65 años, con seguimiento ambulatorio en un centro de atención de trauma, entre 6 meses a 3 años posteriores al evento traumático. Se utilizó la regresión logística múltiple y fue construido un modelo para condición funcional. RESULTADOS: los individuos que alcanzaron puntuación de 5 como máximo en la Abbreviated Injury Scale de la región de la cabeza tuvieron 4,89 veces más oportunidad de dependencia que los que presentaron menor escore. Las víctimas internadas durante 12 días o más mostraron 5,76 veces más oportunidad de tornarse

  18. Angular momentum transport and evolution of lopsided galaxies (United States)

    Saha, Kanak; Jog, Chanda J.


    The surface brightness distribution in the majority of stellar galactic discs falls off exponentially. Often what lies beyond such a stellar disc is the neutral hydrogen gas whose distribution also follows a nearly exponential profile at least for a number of nearby disc galaxies. Both the stars and gas are commonly known to host lopsided asymmetry especially in the outer parts of a galaxy. The role of such asymmetry in the dynamical evolution of a galaxy has not been explored so far. Following Lindblad's original idea of kinematic density waves, we show that the outer part of an exponential disc is ideally suitable for hosting lopsided asymmetry. Further, we compute the transport of angular momentum in the combined stars and gas disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We show that in a pure star and gas disc, there is a transition point where the free precession frequency of a lopsided mode, Ω - κ, changes from retrograde to prograde and this in turn reverses the direction of angular momentum flow in the disc leading to an unphysical behaviour. We show that this problem is overcome in the presence of a dark matter halo, which sets the angular momentum flow outwards as required for disc evolution, provided the lopsidedness is leading in nature. This, plus the well-known angular momentum transport in the inner parts due to spiral arms, can facilitate an inflow of gas from outside perhaps through the cosmic filaments.

  19. Molecular frame and recoil frame angular distributions in dissociative photoionization of small molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucchese, R R; Carey, R; Elkharrat, C; Houver, J C; Dowek, D


    Photoelectron angular distributions in the dipole approximation can be written with respect to several different reference frames. A brief review of the molecular frame and recoil frame are given. Experimentally, one approach for obtaining such angular distributions is through angle-resolved coincidence measurements of dissociative ionization. If the system dissociates into two heavy fragments, then the recoil frame angular distribution can be measured. Computed molecular frame and recoil frame photoelectron angular distributions are compared to experimental data for the Cl 2p ionization of CH 3 Cl.

  20. A Missile-Borne Angular Velocity Sensor Based on Triaxial Electromagnetic Induction Coils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jian Li


    Full Text Available Aiming to solve the problem of the limited measuring range for angular motion parameters of high-speed rotating projectiles in the field of guidance and control, a self-adaptive measurement method for angular motion parameters based on the electromagnetic induction principle is proposed. First, a framework with type bent “I-shape” is used to design triaxial coils in a mutually orthogonal way. Under the condition of high rotational speed of a projectile, the induction signal of the projectile moving across a geomagnetic field is acquired by using coils. Second, the frequency of the pulse signal is adjusted self-adaptively. Angular velocity and angular displacement are calculated in the form of periodic pulse counting and pulse accumulation, respectively. Finally, on the basis of that principle prototype of the sensor is researched and developed, performance of measuring angular motion parameters are tested on the sensor by semi-physical and physical simulation experiments, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the sensor has a wide measuring range of angular velocity from 1 rps to 100 rps with a measurement error of less than 0.3%, and the angular displacement measurement error is lower than 0.2°. The proposed method satisfies measurement requirements for high-speed rotating projectiles with an extremely high dynamic range of rotational speed and high precision, and has definite value to engineering applications in the fields of attitude determination and geomagnetic navigation.

  1. Spatial Angular Compounding for Elastography without the Incompressibility Assumption


    Rao, Min; Varghese, Tomy


    Spatial-angular compounding is a new technique that enables the reduction of noise artifacts in ultrasound elastography. Previous results using spatial angular compounding, however, were based on the use of the tissue incompressibility assumption. Compounded elastograms were obtained from a spatially-weighted average of local strain estimated from radiofrequency echo signals acquired at different insonification angles. In this paper, we present a new method for reducing the noise artifacts in...

  2. Problems of angular momentum projection in nuclear physics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sorensen, R A [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA)


    In nuclear models approximate wave functions are often used which do not have sharp angular momentum as required of the exact wave functions. It seems obvious that model wave functions of this type should be improved by projection onto states of good angular momentum. It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss the technical difficulties of projection (which can be formidable for many particle systems), but rather to present in an elementary way certain fundamental ambiguities in the use of projection. An application to high spin states near the yrast line is suggested.

  3. Angular momentum fuctuation energy in the cranking model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodman, A.L.


    Angular momentum is approximately projected from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov cranked (HFBC) wave functions. At each J the projected energy is Esub(proj)approximately Esub(HFBC). The spin-dependent fluctuation ΔJ includes contributions from Jsub(y) and Jsub(z) as well as Jsub(x). There are no correlations in the three angular momentum components. Projected energies are calculated for 168 170 Yb and 174 Hf. When compared to experimental energies, the projected spectra are less compressed than the HFBC spectra. At low spins the projected and experimental energies are in good agreement. (Aut.)

  4. Four Cases of Angular Cheilitis in Orthodontic Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Kafaie


    Full Text Available Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the skin and mucosa to either external or internal factors. It can be divided to two forms of irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Nickel is one of the most common materials that causes allergic contact dermatitis and is widely used in orthodontic appliances. The inflammatory reaction to this metal in orthodontics is usually stomatitis and angular cheilitis is very rare. We report 4 cases of angular cheilitis in orthodontic patients and discuss about their causes and treatments.

  5. Angular distributions of nucleons emitted in high energy hadron-nucleus collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strugalski, Z.


    Angular distributions of ''fast'' protons, of kinetic energy from about 20 to about 400 MeV, emitted in pion-xenon nucleus collisions at 3.5 GeV/c momentum were studied in two groups of events - when particles are produced and when particle production does not occur. The distributions are practically the same in both the groups of events and in subgroups of events with various multiplicities of emitted protons. Comparison of angular distributions of protons emitted in pion-xenon nucleus collisions at 3.5 GeV/c momentum with corresponding angular distributions of protons emitted in proton-emulsion collisions at 300-400 GeV/c momentum is performed. Results obtained allow to conclude that average value of the nucleon emission angle and the nucleon angular distributions do not depend practically on the nuclear matter layer thickness the incident hadron collided with. Fast nucleons emitted from the target nucleus seem did not interact inside the parent nucleus. Fast nucleon angular distributions do not depend on the energy of incident hadron, they are the same for pion-nucleus and for proton-nucleus collisions as well

  6. Microstructural evolution of bainitic steel severely deformed by equal channel angular pressing. (United States)

    Nili-Ahmadabadi, M; Haji Akbari, F; Rad, F; Karimi, Z; Iranpour, M; Poorganji, B; Furuhara, T


    High Si bainitic steel has been received much of interest because of combined ultra high strength, good ductility along with high wear resistance. In this study a high Si bainitic steel (Fe-0.22C-2.0Si-3.0Mn) was used with a proper microstructure which could endure severe plastic deformation. In order to study the effect of severe plastic deformation on the microstructure and properties of bainitic steel, Equal Channel Angular Pressing was performed in two passes at room temperature. Optical, SEM and TEM microscopies were used to examine the microstructure of specimens before and after Equal Channel Angular Pressing processing. X-ray diffraction was used to measure retained austenite after austempering and Equal Channel Angular Pressing processing. It can be seen that retained austenite picks had removed after Equal Channel Angular Pressing which could attributed to the transformation of austenite to martensite during severe plastic deformation. Enhancement of hardness values by number of Equal Channel Angular Pressing confirms this idea.

  7. Multichannel system for angular distribution measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burjan, V.; Kroha, V.; Putz, K.

    A description is given of the individual blocks of the spectrometric apparatus used for measuring the angular distribution of particle spectra and excitation functions of (d,p) reactions at an electrostatic accelerator and the U-120 M cyclotron, both operating at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences at Rez. Main attention was devoted to attaining maximum energy resolution at a high measurement efficiency, this by installing 8 independent spectrometric chains allowing simultaneous measurement of angular distribution in 8 points of the beam. The semiconductor detectors were cooled to -40 degC to -60 degC, which significantly reduced the level of inherent detector noise. An energy resolution of 13 keV was attained using Tesla detectors at a particle energy of 11 MeV. A brief review of data processing and software is given. (B.S.)

  8. Recursive generation of Cartesian angular momentum coupling trees for SO(3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherborne, B.S.; Stedman, G.E.


    Two computer algorithms are evaluated for the reduction of angular momentum coupling trees with vector (j=1) terminals with a Cartesian choice of basis as used in nonlinear optics. Rather than employ advanced tensor algebra, both methods essentially iterate in distinct ways the basic techniques of angular momentum coupling. Turbo Pascal programs implementing these algorithms are presented and compared. The accompanying analysis integrates the Cartesian tensor approach and the diagrammatic approach to the solution of problems in nonlinear optics. The programs generate TeX files for the relevant angular momentum diagrams. (orig.)

  9. Angular momentum transfer in deep inelastic heavy ion collisions. Part 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbosa, V.C.; Soares, P.C.; Oliveira, Edgar C. de; Gomes, Luiz Carlos


    The Fokker-Planck equation which describes the angular momentum transfer in deep inelastic heavy ion collisions is solved by a stochastic simulation procedure. The fusion cross section calculation is discussed. The calculations show that the critical orbital angular momentum does not play such a special role as in the deterministic case. The results of all the angular momentum transfer and their fluctuations are calculated and compared with experimental results for the reactions 86 Kr+ 154 Sm at 610 MeV, 165 Ho+ 148 Sm, and 165 Ho+ 176 Yb at 1400 MeV. (Author) [pt

  10. Helicon modes in uniform plasmas. III. Angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stenzel, R. L.; Urrutia, J. M.


    Helicons are electromagnetic waves with helical phase fronts propagating in the whistler mode in magnetized plasmas and solids. They have similar properties to electromagnetic waves with angular momentum in free space. Helicons are circularly polarized waves carrying spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum due to their propagation around the ambient magnetic field B 0 . These properties have not been considered in the community of researchers working on helicon plasma sources, but are the topic of the present work. The present work focuses on the field topology of helicons in unbounded plasmas, not on helicon source physics. Helicons are excited in a large uniform laboratory plasma with a magnetic loop antenna whose dipole axis is aligned along or across B 0 . The wave fields are measured in orthogonal planes and extended to three dimensions (3D) by interpolation. Since density and B 0 are uniform, small amplitude waves from loops at different locations can be superimposed to generate complex antenna patterns. With a circular array of phase shifted loops, whistler modes with angular and axial wave propagation, i.e., helicons, are generated. Without boundaries radial propagation also arises. The azimuthal mode number m can be positive or negative while the field polarization remains right-hand circular. The conservation of energy and momentum implies that these field quantities are transferred to matter which causes damping or reflection. Wave-particle interactions with fast electrons are possible by Doppler shifted resonances. The transverse Doppler shift is demonstrated. Wave-wave interactions are also shown by showing collisions between different helicons. Whistler turbulence does not always have to be created by nonlinear wave-interactions but can also be a linear superposition of waves from random sources. In helicon collisions, the linear and/or orbital angular momenta can be canceled, which results in a great variety of field topologies. The work

  11. Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) Focal Plane Development (United States)

    Chuss, D. T.; Ali, A.; Amiri, M.; Appel, J.; Bennett, C. L.; Colazo, F.; Denis, K. L.; Dunner, R.; Essinger-Hileman, T.; Eimer, J.; hide


    The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) will measure the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background to search for and characterize the polarized signature of inflation. CLASS will operate from the Atacama Desert and observe approx.70% of the sky. A variable-delay polarization modulator provides modulation of the polarization at approx.10Hz to suppress the 1/f noise of the atmosphere and enable the measurement of the large angular scale polarization modes. The measurement of the inflationary signal across angular scales that spans both the recombination and reionization features allows a test of the predicted shape of the polarized angular power spectra in addition to a measurement of the energy scale of inflation. CLASS is an array of telescopes covering frequencies of 38, 93, 148, and 217 GHz. These frequencies straddle the foreground minimum and thus allow the extraction of foregrounds from the primordial signal. Each focal plane contains feedhorn-coupled transition-edge sensors that simultaneously detect two orthogonal linear polarizations. The use of single-crystal silicon as the dielectric for the on-chip transmission lines enables both high efficiency and uniformity in fabrication. Integrated band definition has been implemented that both controls the bandpass of the single-mode transmission on the chip and prevents stray light from coupling to the detectors.

  12. Measuring Average Angular Velocity with a Smartphone Magnetic Field Sensor (United States)

    Pili, Unofre; Violanda, Renante


    The angular velocity of a spinning object is, by standard, measured using a device called a tachometer. However, by directly using it in a classroom setting, the activity is likely to appear as less instructive and less engaging. Indeed, some alternative classroom-suitable methods for measuring angular velocity have been presented. In this paper,…

  13. Singularity in the Laboratory Frame Angular Distribution Derived in Two-Body Scattering Theory (United States)

    Dick, Frank; Norbury, John W.


    The laboratory (lab) frame angular distribution derived in two-body scattering theory exhibits a singularity at the maximum lab scattering angle. The singularity appears in the kinematic factor that transforms the centre of momentum (cm) angular distribution to the lab angular distribution. We show that it is caused in the transformation by the…

  14. Time variations of the angular momentum of the sun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schatten, K.H.


    Time variations of density models of the Sun are investigated. This is an attempt to estimate the changing moment of inertia of the Sun in order to calculate the internal solar angular velocity based upon Newton's equation of motion. Previous estimates of dI/dt disagree with those based upon central densities in a homologously contracting model. It is shown that the homologously contracting model leads to large errors in dI/dt. Based upon an integration of Sears's solar model, dI/dt=-5.5 x 10 34 gm cm 2 s -1 . This suggests a core angular velocity of /sub thetar-italic/ = (0.15 +- 0.03) x 10 -3 s -1 , corresponding to a period of 0.5 +- 0.1 days, assuming a constant angular velocity with time. The brackets indicate a weighting which is discussed

  15. Self-Adjoint Angular Flux Equation for Coupled Electron-Photon Transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liscum-Powell, J.L.; Lorence, L.J. Jr.; Morel, J.E.; Prinja, A.K.


    Recently, Morel and McGhee described an alternate second-order form of the transport equation called the self adjoint angular flux (SAAF) equation that has the angular flux as its unknown. The SAAF formulation has all the advantages of the traditional even- and odd-parity self-adjoint equations, with the added advantages that it yields the full angular flux when it is numerically solved, it is significantly easier to implement reflective and reflective-like boundary conditions, and in the appropriate form it can be solved in void regions. The SAAF equation has the disadvantage that the angular domain is the full unit sphere and, like the even- and odd- parity form, S n source iteration cannot be implemented using the standard sweeping algorithm. Also, problems arise in pure scattering media. Morel and McGhee demonstrated the efficacy of the SAAF formulation for neutral particle transport. Here we apply the SAAF formulation to coupled electron-photon transport problems using multigroup cross-sections from the CEPXS code and S n discretization

  16. Self-adjoint angular flux equation for coupled electron-photon transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liscum-Powell, J.L.; Prinja, A.K.; Morel, J.E.; Lorence, L.J. Jr.


    Recently, Morel and McGhee described an alternate second-order form of the transport equation called the self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) equation that has the angular flux as its unknown. The SAAF formulation has all the advantages of the traditional even- and odd-parity self-adjoint equations, with the added advantages that it yields the full angular flux when it is numerically solved, it is significantly easier to implement reflective and reflective-like boundary conditions, and in the appropriate form it can be solved in void regions. The SAAF equation has the disadvantage that the angular domain is the full unit sphere, and, like the even- and odd-parity form, S n source iteration cannot be implemented using the standard sweeping algorithm. Also, problems arise in pure scattering media. Morel and McGhee demonstrated the efficacy of the SAAF formulation for neutral particle transport. Here, the authors apply the SAAF formulation to coupled electron-photon transport problems using multigroup cross sections from the CEPXS code and S n discretization

  17. How we are building a complex Angular 2 application at Inspire

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    In this talk, at first we will talk about some basic and advanced Angular 2 concepts, then we will share our experiences with Angular 2 that we had so far while building a complex library and web applications at Inspire.

  18. Relação entre idade e variação da flexibilidade de bailarinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Huber da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se o comportamento da flexibilidade, após 8 semanas de aplicação da técnica de alongamento por Facilitação Neuromuscular Proprioceptiva em bailarinas, tem relação com suas idades. A amostra foi obtida de forma intencional, composta por 11 bailarinas na faixa etária de 13 a 16 anos. Realizou-se avaliação da flexibilidade angular dos movimentos de flexão (com o joelho estendido, abdução e rotação externa do quadril através da goniometria e da flexibilidade linear com a Caixa de Sentar e Alcançar de Wells, antes e após o período experimental de oito semanas, com duas intervenções semanais, utilizando a técnica de FNP. Para análise, usou-se estatística descritiva, teste t e correlação linear de Pearson. Adotou-se significância de 5%. Somente a variação da rotação externa e da Caixa de Sentar e Alcançar, durante o período experimental, apresentaram correlação estatisticamente significativa com a idade das bailarinas, porém, essa correlação ainda assim foi bastante fraca. Pode-se perceber que praticamente não houve relação entre a variação da flexibilidade com a idade da amostra.

  19. Satellite Angular Velocity Estimation Based on Star Images and Optical Flow Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giancarmine Fasano


    Full Text Available An optical flow-based technique is proposed to estimate spacecraft angular velocity based on sequences of star-field images. It does not require star identification and can be thus used to also deliver angular rate information when attitude determination is not possible, as during platform de tumbling or slewing. Region-based optical flow calculation is carried out on successive star images preprocessed to remove background. Sensor calibration parameters, Poisson equation, and a least-squares method are then used to estimate the angular velocity vector components in the sensor rotating frame. A theoretical error budget is developed to estimate the expected angular rate accuracy as a function of camera parameters and star distribution in the field of view. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is tested by using star field scenes generated by a hardware-in-the-loop testing facility and acquired by a commercial-off-the shelf camera sensor. Simulated cases comprise rotations at different rates. Experimental results are presented which are consistent with theoretical estimates. In particular, very accurate angular velocity estimates are generated at lower slew rates, while in all cases the achievable accuracy in the estimation of the angular velocity component along boresight is about one order of magnitude worse than the other two components.

  20. Nuclear level density variation with angular momentum induced shape transition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, Mamta


    Variation of Nuclear level density (NLD) with the excitation energy and angular momentum in particular has been a topic of interest in the recent past and there have been continuous efforts in this direction on the theoretical and experimental fronts but a conclusive trend in the variation of nuclear level density parameter with angular momentum has not been achieved so far. A comprehensive investigation of N=68 isotones around the compound nucleus 119 Sb from neutron rich 112 Ru (Z=44) to neutron deficient 127 Pr (Z= 59) nuclei is presented to understand the angular momentum induced variations in inverse level density parameter and the possible influence of deformation and structural transitions on the variations on NLd

  1. La absorción de radiación electromagnética: sus bases físicas y aplicaciones


    Delgado Rivera, Jesús Alberto


    Este escrito presenta la absorción de radiación electromagnética (EM) como un fenómeno fundamental en las pérdidas dieléctricas, control de procesos industriales, determinación de compuestos químicos y fuente alterna de energía no contaminante. Con base en la bibliografía citada, se ha buscado un enfoque conciso para mostrar la dependencia existente entre la permitividad relativa (Er) respecto de la frecuencia angular (w) de la intensidad de campo eléctrico aplicado, enunciamos la ley de ...

  2. Gamma-gamma angular correlation measurement in the 100 Ru

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kenchian, G.


    An angular correlation automatic spectrometer with two Ge(Li) detectors has been developed. The spectrometer moves automatically, controlled by a microcomputer. The gamma-gamma directional angular correlations of coincidence transitions have been measured in 100 Ru nuclide, following the β + and electron capture of 100 Rh. The 100 Rh source has been produced with 100 Ru(p,n) 100 Rh reaction, using the proton beam of the Cyclotron Accelerator insiding in 100 Ru isotope. (author)

  3. Shape coexistence in 72Kr at finite angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almehed, Daniel; Walet, Niels R.


    We investigate shape coexistence in a rotating nucleus. We concentrate on the case of 72 Kr which exhibits an interesting interplay between prolate and oblate shaped states as a function of angular momentum. The calculation uses the local harmonic version of the method of self-consistent adiabatic large-amplitude collective motion. We analyse how the collective behaviour of the system changes with angular momentum and we focus on the role of non-axial shapes

  4. A neural circuit for angular velocity computation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel B Snider


    Full Text Available In one of the most remarkable feats of motor control in the animal world, some Diptera, such as the housefly, can accurately execute corrective flight maneuvers in tens of milliseconds. These reflexive movements are achieved by the halteres, gyroscopic force sensors, in conjunction with rapidly-tunable wing-steering muscles. Specifically, the mechanosensory campaniform sensilla located at the base of the halteres transduce and transform rotation-induced gyroscopic forces into information about the angular velocity of the fly's body. But how exactly does the fly's neural architecture generate the angular velocity from the lateral strain forces on the left and right halteres? To explore potential algorithms, we built a neuro-mechanical model of the rotation detection circuit. We propose a neurobiologically plausible method by which the fly could accurately separate and measure the three-dimensional components of an imposed angular velocity. Our model assumes a single sign-inverting synapse and formally resembles some models of directional selectivity by the retina. Using multidimensional error analysis, we demonstrate the robustness of our model under a variety of input conditions. Our analysis reveals the maximum information available to the fly given its physical architecture and the mathematics governing the rotation-induced forces at the haltere's end knob.

  5. Modelo integrador para personas con adicción a sustancias psicoactivas


    Espada Salado, Sheila; Fernández Rodríguez, Francisco; Laporte Puig, Mireia


    Los trastornos por abuso de drogas constituyen en la actualidad uno de los problemas de salud pública más importantes. El abuso de una sustancia conlleva el daño físico, el daño psicológico y el daño social, tanto para la persona que consume la droga como para los demás. En el campo de la salud mental normalmente no hay un factor único que explique la patología y en el de las adicciones en particular no hay una razón única por la dependencia, sino que son varios los factores [g...

  6. Canonical three-body angular basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matveenko, A.V.


    Three-body problems are basic for the quantum mechanics of molecular, atomic, or nuclear systems. We demonstrate that their variational solution for rotational states can be greatly simplified. A special choice of coordinates (hyperspherical) and of the kinematics (body-fixed coordinate frame) allows one to choose basis functions in a form that makes the angular coupling trivial. (author)

  7. Angular overlap model in actinides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gajek, Z.; Mulak, J.


    Quantitative foundations of the Angular Overlap Model in actinides based on ab initio calculations of the crystal field effect in the uranium (III) (IV) and (V) ions in various crystals are presented. The calculations justify some common simplifications of the model and fix up the relations between the AOM parameters. Traps and limitations of the AOM phenomenology are discussed

  8. Angular overlap model in actinides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gajek, Z.; Mulak, J. (Polska Akademia Nauk, Wroclaw (PL). Inst. Niskich Temperatur i Badan Strukturalnych)


    Quantitative foundations of the Angular Overlap Model in actinides based on ab initio calculations of the crystal field effect in the uranium (III) (IV) and (V) ions in various crystals are presented. The calculations justify some common simplifications of the model and fix up the relations between the AOM parameters. Traps and limitations of the AOM phenomenology are discussed.

  9. Marketing en dispositivos m??viles, comportamiento del consumidor y estrategias de mercado = Mobile marketing, consumer behaviour and market strategies


    Alonso de Linaje D??ez, Marta


    Desde su creaci??n en el a??o 1973, el m??vil y todo lo relacionado con el mismo ha sufrido un crecimiento imparable. Ha habido una gran evoluci??n tanto en los hardware de los dispositivos m??viles como en las prestaciones que estos ofrecen. El consumidor de contenido m??vil emplea cada vez m??s este dispositivo que le facilita el d??a a d??a tanto en el trabajo como en su vida cotidiana, produci??ndose un incremento de la dependencia de las personas hacia estos aparatos. Debido a esto, las ...

  10. Angular circulation speed of tablets in a vibratory tablet coating pan. (United States)

    Kumar, Rahul; Wassgren, Carl


    In this work, a single tablet model and a discrete element method (DEM) computer simulation are developed to obtain the angular circulation speed of tablets in a vibratory tablet coating pan for range of vibration frequencies and amplitudes. The models identify three important dimensionless parameters that influence the speed of the tablets: the dimensionless amplitude ratio (a/R), the Froude number (aω2/g), and the tablet-wall friction coefficient, where a is the peak vibration amplitude at the drum center, ω is the vibration angular frequency, R is the drum radius, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The models predict that the angular circulation speed of tablets increases with an increase in each of these parameters. The rate of increase in the angular circulation speed is observed to decrease for larger values of a/R. The angular circulation speed reaches an asymptote beyond a tablet-wall friction coefficient value of about 0.4. Furthermore, it is found that the Froude number should be greater than one for the tablets to start circulating. The angular circulation speed increases as Froude number increases but then does not change significantly at larger values of the Froude number. Period doubling, where the motion of the bed is repeated every two cycles, occurs at a Froude number larger than five. The single tablet model, although much simpler than the DEM model, is able to predict the maximum circulation speed (the limiting case for a large value of tablet-wall friction coefficient) as well as the transition to period doubling.

  11. Angular dependence of the nanoDot OSL dosimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerns, James R.; Kry, Stephen F.; Sahoo, Narayan; Followill, David S.; Ibbott, Geoffrey S.


    Purpose: Optically stimulated luminescent detectors (OSLDs) are quickly gaining popularity as passive dosimeters, with applications in medicine for linac output calibration verification, brachytherapy source verification, treatment plan quality assurance, and clinical dose measurements. With such wide applications, these dosimeters must be characterized for numerous factors affecting their response. The most abundant commercial OSLD is the InLight/OSL system from Landauer, Inc. The purpose of this study was to examine the angular dependence of the nanoDot dosimeter, which is part of the InLight system. Methods: Relative dosimeter response data were taken at several angles in 6 and 18 MV photon beams, as well as a clinical proton beam. These measurements were done within a phantom at a depth beyond the build-up region. To verify the observed angular dependence, additional measurements were conducted as well as Monte Carlo simulations in MCNPX. Results: When irradiated with the incident photon beams parallel to the plane of the dosimeter, the nanoDot response was 4% lower at 6 MV and 3% lower at 18 MV than the response when irradiated with the incident beam normal to the plane of the dosimeter. Monte Carlo simulations at 6 MV showed similar results to the experimental values. Examination of the results in Monte Carlo suggests the cause as partial volume irradiation. In a clinical proton beam, no angular dependence was found. Conclusions: A nontrivial angular response of this OSLD was observed in photon beams. This factor may need to be accounted for when evaluating doses from photon beams incident from a variety of directions.

  12. Distribution of the angular momentum in the Galaxy and M31

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Einasto, J.; Traat, P.


    The angular momentum distribution of the Galaxy and of the Andromeda galaxy M31 has been calculated separately for the disk and halo population. The disk was approximated with a ring. The distribution of the angular momentum in the disk and the halo is different

  13. Diffraction by a plane angular sector, a new derivation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thokild B.


    An alternative derivation is given for the exact solution to the scattering problem in which a Hertz dipole illuminates a perfectly conducting plane angular sector. Specifically, the Ohm-Rayleigh method is used rather than that of Satterwhite (1969)......An alternative derivation is given for the exact solution to the scattering problem in which a Hertz dipole illuminates a perfectly conducting plane angular sector. Specifically, the Ohm-Rayleigh method is used rather than that of Satterwhite (1969)...

  14. Effects of angular misalignment on optical klystron undulator radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mishra, G., E-mail:; Prakash, Bramh; Gehlot, Mona


    In this paper ,we analyze the important effects of optical klystron undulator radiation with an angular offset of the relativistic electron beam in the second undulator section. An anlytical expression for the undulator radiation is obtained through a transparent and simple procedure.It is shown that the effects of the angular offset is more severe for longer undulator lengths and with higher dispersive field strengths.Both these effects are less pronounced for undulators with large K values.

  15. Massive star formation by accretion. II. Rotation: how to circumvent the angular momentum barrier? (United States)

    Haemmerlé, L.; Eggenberger, P.; Meynet, G.; Maeder, A.; Charbonnel, C.; Klessen, R. S.


    Context. Rotation plays a key role in the star-formation process, from pre-stellar cores to pre-main-sequence (PMS) objects. Understanding the formation of massive stars requires taking into account the accretion of angular momentum during their PMS phase. Aims: We study the PMS evolution of objects destined to become massive stars by accretion, focusing on the links between the physical conditions of the environment and the rotational properties of young stars. In particular, we look at the physical conditions that allow the production of massive stars by accretion. Methods: We present PMS models computed with a new version of the Geneva Stellar Evolution code self-consistently including accretion and rotation according to various accretion scenarios for mass and angular momentum. We describe the internal distribution of angular momentum in PMS stars accreting at high rates and we show how the various physical conditions impact their internal structures, evolutionary tracks, and rotation velocities during the PMS and the early main sequence. Results: We find that the smooth angular momentum accretion considered in previous studies leads to an angular momentum barrier and does not allow the formation of massive stars by accretion. A braking mechanism is needed in order to circumvent this angular momentum barrier. This mechanism has to be efficient enough to remove more than two thirds of the angular momentum from the inner accretion disc. Due to the weak efficiency of angular momentum transport by shear instability and meridional circulation during the accretion phase, the internal rotation profiles of accreting stars reflect essentially the angular momentum accretion history. As a consequence, careful choice of the angular momentum accretion history allows circumvention of any limitation in mass and velocity, and production of stars of any mass and velocity compatible with structure equations.

  16. Characteristic evolutions in numerical relativity using six angular patches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reisswig, Christian; Bishop, Nigel T; Lai, Chi Wai; Thornburg, Jonathan; Szilagyi, Bela


    The characteristic approach to numerical relativity is a useful tool in evolving gravitational systems. In the past this has been implemented using two patches of stereographic angular coordinates. In other applications, a six-patch angular coordinate system has proved effective. Here we investigate the use of a six-patch system in characteristic numerical relativity, by comparing an existing two-patch implementation (using second-order finite differencing throughout) with a new six-patch implementation (using either second- or fourth-order finite differencing for the angular derivatives). We compare these different codes by monitoring the Einstein constraint equations, numerically evaluated independently from the evolution. We find that, compared to the (second-order) two-patch code at equivalent resolutions, the errors of the second-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of about 2, and the errors of the fourth-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of nearly 50

  17. Characteristic evolutions in numerical relativity using six angular patches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reisswig, Christian [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm (Germany); Bishop, Nigel T [Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Africa, PO Box 392, Unisa 0003, South Africa (South Africa); Lai, Chi Wai [Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Africa, PO Box 392, Unisa 0003, South Africa (South Africa); Thornburg, Jonathan [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm (Germany); Szilagyi, Bela [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm (Germany)


    The characteristic approach to numerical relativity is a useful tool in evolving gravitational systems. In the past this has been implemented using two patches of stereographic angular coordinates. In other applications, a six-patch angular coordinate system has proved effective. Here we investigate the use of a six-patch system in characteristic numerical relativity, by comparing an existing two-patch implementation (using second-order finite differencing throughout) with a new six-patch implementation (using either second- or fourth-order finite differencing for the angular derivatives). We compare these different codes by monitoring the Einstein constraint equations, numerically evaluated independently from the evolution. We find that, compared to the (second-order) two-patch code at equivalent resolutions, the errors of the second-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of about 2, and the errors of the fourth-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of nearly 50.

  18. El ejercicio de los derechos de ciudadanía y de la persona personalidad por los menores de edad: Análisis particular del reconocimiento de la situación de dependencia en España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Fernanda Moretón Sanz


    Full Text Available La efectiva entrada en vigor de la Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en situación de Dependencia, y la puesta en funcionamiento del SAAD (Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia con la subsiguiente aprobación de los modelos de Solicitud de Reconocimiento de la Situación de Dependencia y del Derecho a las Prestaciones del sistema, plantean ciertas cuestiones prácticas dignas de atención. En particular, en este trabajo se revisarán las consecuencias derivadas de la calificación del derecho subjetivo de ciudadanía consagrado en dicha Ley 39/2006, así como las correspondientes a su universalización. La mencionada y novedosa —para el Derecho civil español— categoría legal de los derechos subjetivos de ciudadanía, invita a la reflexión sobre su analogía a los de la personalidad. En puridad, alguna de las manifestaciones de este derecho de ciudadanía afectan a la esfera más íntima de la persona, cuestión que sumada a otros extremos deja entrever cierta asimilación entre ambos y, por ende, su ejercicio por el menor maduro sin intervención de los titulares de la patria potestad o tutores. Por tanto tendremos en cuenta varios aspectos relevantes: la capacidad de obrar de los menores y el ámbito de actuación reconocido por el ordenamiento jurídico español; las consideraciones técnicas y jurisprudenciales sobre el ejercicio de los derechos de la personalidad y, por último, el propio procedimiento administrativo común donde se atribuye capacidad efectiva a los menores. De este modo, una de las hipótesis de estudio cuestionará los actuales términos de la solicitud de reconocimiento de dependencia ya que no hay obstáculos legales a su suscripción sin la asistencia de sus representantes legales. Adicionalmente, se afrontará el tratamiento jurídico que la Ley brinda a los niños y niñas en situación de dependencia y los requisitos

  19. Problems of angular momentum projection in nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorensen, R.A.


    In nuclear models approximate wave functions are often used which do not have sharp angular momentum as required of the exact wave functions. It seems obvious that model wave functions of this type should be improved by projection onto states of good angular momentum. It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss the technical difficulties of projection (which can be formidable for many particle systems), but rather to present in an elementary way certain fundamental ambiguities in the use of projection. An application to high spin states near the yrast line is suggested. (Auth.)

  20. Gamma-ray angular distribution and correlation measurement. II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Twin, P.J.


    Angular correlations of γ-rays following nuclear reactions depend, in general, on some alignment of the γ-emitting initial state. The methods of alignment are briefly discussed and then the techniques and experimental methods associated with direct angular distributions, particle-gamma correlations, gamma-gamma correlations and linear polarization correlations are dealt with. Finally the inherent ambiguities which arise when different spin and delta values give identical correlations are discussed for the simple direct and particle-gamma correlations together with the question whether the larger information content of gamma-gamma and linear polarization correlations can resolve these ambiguities. (Auth.)

  1. Angular distribution of diffuse reflectance from incoherent multiple scattering in turbid media. (United States)

    Gao, M; Huang, X; Yang, P; Kattawar, G W


    The angular distribution of diffuse reflection is elucidated with greater understanding by studying a homogeneous turbid medium. We modeled the medium as an infinite slab and studied the reflection dependence on the following three parameters: the incident direction, optical depth, and asymmetry factor. The diffuse reflection is produced by incoherent multiple scattering and is solved through radiative transfer theory. At large optical depths, the angular distribution of the diffuse reflection with small incident angles is similar to that of a Lambertian surface, but, with incident angles larger than 60°, the angular distributions have a prominent reflection peak around the specular reflection angle. These reflection peaks are found originating from the scattering within one transport mean free path in the top layer of the medium. The maximum reflection angles for different incident angles are analyzed and can characterize the structure of angular distributions for different asymmetry factors and optical depths. The properties of the angular distribution can be applied to more complex systems for a better understanding of diffuse reflection.

  2. Nutritional status, oral hygiene and Angular cheilitis in schoolchildren in Cianjur district, West Java

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    Fatimah Boenjamin Partakusuma


    Full Text Available Background: Angular cheilitis is a lesion at the corner of the mouth. Clinically, it is visible as an erythema and ulceration that occasionally extend beyond the vermillion border onto the skin. Anemia in children is an issue of global nutritional problems that need attention. The objectives of the study  was to determine the association between nutritional status, oral hygiene  and angular cheilitis in elementary schoolchildren in District of Cianjur. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 349 schoolchildren in five Subdistrict of Cianjur. Angular cheilitis status was determined based on the criteria set by Ohman (1986. Anhropometric status was determined by CDC BMI-for-age percentile growth chart. Anemia status was determine by the level of hemoglobin concentration using the HemoCue device. Oral hygiene was measured by OHI-S index. Results: The prevalence of angular cheilitis, anemia, wasting and poor oral hygiene were: 62.5%, 12,6%, 20.6%, and 67.3%, respectively. There are no relationships between  anthropometric status, oral hygiene and angular cheilitis. (p> 0.05. However there is a relationship significant relationship beween anemia and angular cheilitis (p <0.05. Logistic regression test showed that anemia is a risk factor on the occurrence of angular cheilitis. Conclusion: Anemia is a factor on the occurrence of angular cheilitis in schoolchildren in Cianjur.

  3. Angular momentum in non-relativistic QED and photon contribution to spin of hydrogen atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Panying; Ji Xiangdong; Xu Yang; Zhang Yue


    We study angular momentum in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED). We construct the effective total angular momentum operator by applying Noether's theorem to the NRQED lagrangian. We calculate the NRQED matching for the individual components of the QED angular momentum up to one loop. We illustrate an application of our results by the first calculation of the angular momentum of the ground state hydrogen atom carried in radiative photons, α em 3 /18π, which might be measurable in future atomic experiments.

  4. Polarization-Dependent Measurements of Molecular Super Rotors with Oriented Angular Momenta (United States)

    Murray, Matthew J.; Toro, Carlos; Liu, Qingnan; Mullin, Amy S.


    Controlling molecular motion would enable manipulation of energy flow between molecules. Here we have used an optical centrifuge to investigate energy transfer between molecular super rotors with oriented angular momenta. The polarizable electron cloud of the molecules interacts with the electric field of linearly polarized light that angularly accelerates over the time of the optical pulse. This process drives molecules into high angular momentum states that are oriented with the optical field and have energies far from equilibrium. High resolution transient IR spectroscopy reveals the dynamics of collisional energy transfer for these super excited rotors. The results of this study leads to a more fundamental understanding of energy balance in non-equilibrium environments and the physical and chemical properties of gases in a new regime of energy states. Results will be presented for several super rotor species including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and acetylene. Polarization-dependent measurements reveal the extent to which the super rotors maintain spatial orientation of high angular momentum states.

  5. Angular dependence of dose equivalent response of an albedo neutron dosimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, B.A.; Boswell, E.; Schwartz, R.B.


    The ANSI provides procedures for testing the performance of dosimetry services. Although neutron dose equivalent angular response studies are not now mandated, future standards may well require that such studies be performed. Current studies with an albedo dosimeter will yield information regarding the angular dependence of dose equivalent response for this type of personnel dosimeter. Preliminary data for bare 252 Cf fluences show a marked decrease in dosimeter reading with increasing angle. The response decreased by an approximate factor of four. For the horizontal orientation, the same response was noted from both positive and negative angles. However, for the vertical orientation, the response was unexplainably assymetric. We are also examining the response of the personnel badge in moderated 252 Cf fluences. Responses from the moderated and unmoderated 252 Cf fields and theoretical calculations of the neutron angular response will be compared. This information will assist in building a data base for future comparisons of neutron angular responses with other neutron albedo dosimeters and phantoms

  6. Two-dimensional angular momentum in the presence of long-range magnetic flux

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackiw, R.; Redlich, A.N.


    It is shown that eigenvalues of two-dimensional angular momentum remain integer valued in the magnetic field of a solenoid, contrary to published assertions that they are modified by the flux. For a vortex, flux does contribute, and the angular momentum can fractionize, as asserted in the literature, provided phases of wave functions are chosen consistently with the solenoid problem. Long-range effects of flux, the distinction between orbital and canonical angular momentum, and interactions with Cooper pairs are essential to this argument

  7. Photofragment angular momentum distribution beyond the axial recoil approximation: Predissociation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuznetsov, Vladislav V.; Vasyutinskii, Oleg S.


    We present the quantum mechanical expressions for the angular momentum distribution of the photofragments produced in slow predissociation. The paper is based on our recent theoretical treatment [J. Chem. Phys. 123, 034307 (2005)] of the recoil angle dependence of the photofragment multipole moments which explicitly treat the role of molecular axis rotation on the electronic angular momentum polarization of the fragments. The electronic wave function of the molecule was used in the adiabatic body frame representation. The rigorous expressions for the fragment state multipoles which have been explicitly derived from the scattering wave function formalism have been used for the case of slow predissociation where a molecule lives in the excited quasibound state much longer than a rotation period. Possible radial nonadiabatic interactions were taken into consideration. The optical excitation of a single rotational branch and the broadband incoherent excitation of all possible rotational branches have been analyzed in detail. The angular momentum polarization of the photofragments has been treated in the high-J limit. The polarization of the photofragment angular momenta predicted by the theory depends on photodissociation mechanism and can in many cases be significant

  8. A Very Fast and Angular Momentum Conserving Tree Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marcello, Dominic C.


    There are many methods used to compute the classical gravitational field in astrophysical simulation codes. With the exception of the typically impractical method of direct computation, none ensure conservation of angular momentum to machine precision. Under uniform time-stepping, the Cartesian fast multipole method of Dehnen (also known as the very fast tree code) conserves linear momentum to machine precision. We show that it is possible to modify this method in a way that conserves both angular and linear momenta.

  9. A Very Fast and Angular Momentum Conserving Tree Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marcello, Dominic C., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Center for Computation and Technology Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States)


    There are many methods used to compute the classical gravitational field in astrophysical simulation codes. With the exception of the typically impractical method of direct computation, none ensure conservation of angular momentum to machine precision. Under uniform time-stepping, the Cartesian fast multipole method of Dehnen (also known as the very fast tree code) conserves linear momentum to machine precision. We show that it is possible to modify this method in a way that conserves both angular and linear momenta.

  10. Dependência química e prevenção à “recaída”

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    Fátima Büchele


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria con un abordaje cuali-cuantitativo, el cual posibilitó hacer un levantamiento de los factores considerados de riesgo para las reacaidas según la visión de los entrevistados en la Unidad de Dependencia Química del Instituto de Psiquiatría de Santa Catarina. Para la colecta de los datos se aplicó un cuestionario en la forma de entrevista a una muestra de 25 usuarios internados en la misma unidad, durante el período de abril a mayo del 2003. El objetivo fue levantar las situaciones de riesgo que los dependientes químicos reconocen como signos y síntomas siendo que estos los llevan a una recaida. Entre tanto, presentamos los resultados obtenidos donde se demuestran algunos factores de riesgo para la recaida que contribuyen con el área de dependencia química en este sentido.

  11. Continuous theta burst stimulation of angular gyrus reduces subjective recollection.

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    Yasemin Yazar

    Full Text Available The contribution of lateral parietal regions such as the angular gyrus to human episodic memory has been the subject of much debate following widespread observations of left parietal activity in healthy volunteers during functional neuroimaging studies of memory retrieval. Patients with lateral parietal lesions are not amnesic, but recent evidence indicates that their memory abilities may not be entirely preserved. Whereas recollection appears intact when objective measures such as source accuracy are used, patients often exhibit reduced subjective confidence in their accurate recollections. When asked to recall autobiographical memories, they may produce spontaneous narratives that lack richness and specificity, but can remember specific details when prompted. Two distinct theoretical accounts have been proposed to explain these results: that the patients have a deficit in the bottom-up capturing of attention by retrieval output, or that they have an impairment in the subjective experience of recollection. The present study aimed to differentiate between these accounts using continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS in healthy participants to disrupt function of specific left parietal subregions, including angular gyrus. Inconsistent with predictions of the attentional theory, angular gyrus cTBS did not result in greater impairment of free recall than cued recall. Supporting predictions of the subjective recollection account, temporary disruption of angular gyrus was associated with highly accurate source recollection accuracy but a selective reduction in participants' rated source confidence. The findings are consistent with a role for angular gyrus in the integration of memory features into a conscious representation that enables the subjective experience of remembering.

  12. The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) (United States)

    Harrington, Kathleen; Marriange, Tobias; Aamir, Ali; Appel, John W.; Bennett, Charles L.; Boone, Fletcher; Brewer, Michael; Chan, Manwei; Chuss, David T.; Colazo, Felipe; hide


    The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is a four telescope array designed to characterize relic primordial gravitational waves from in ation and the optical depth to reionization through a measurement of the polarized cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the largest angular scales. The frequencies of the four CLASS telescopes, one at 38 GHz, two at 93 GHz, and one dichroic system at 145/217 GHz, are chosen to avoid spectral regions of high atmospheric emission and span the minimum of the polarized Galactic foregrounds: synchrotron emission at lower frequencies and dust emission at higher frequencies. Low-noise transition edge sensor detectors and a rapid front-end polarization modulator provide a unique combination of high sensitivity, stability, and control of systematics. The CLASS site, at 5200 m in the Chilean Atacama desert, allows for daily mapping of up to 70% of the sky and enables the characterization of CMB polarization at the largest angular scales. Using this combination of a broad frequency range, large sky coverage, control over systematics, and high sensitivity, CLASS will observe the reionization and recombination peaks of the CMB E- and B-mode power spectra. CLASS will make a cosmic variance limited measurement of the optical depth to reionization and will measure or place upper limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, down to a level of 0.01 (95% C.L.).

  13. Mass and Angular Distributions of Charged Dihadron Production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cummings, Mary Clare [Michigan U.


    Experiment 711, conducted at Fermilab. provided a unique handle towards understanding valence quark scattering by studying pairs of single. charged, high transverse momentum hadrons produced in collisions of 800 GeV /c protons on fixed metal targets. The apparatus consisted of a double-arm spectrometer. calorimetrically triggered. with high momentum resolution and a large angular acceptance for all charge states of particle pairs. The experiment was designed to select those hadron pairs that carrted most of the momentum and energy of the underlying scattered quarks and gluons. The charge of such "leading" hadrons is correlated with the charge of the quark that produced it. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) assumes that the scattering behavior of quarks ts independent of their charge, or "flavour": Experiment 711 could test this assumption. Tilis dissertation descrtbes the analysis of the mass and angular distributions of hadron pair production for three separate charge states: +-, ++ and --. The angular distributions are found to deviate from theory predictions of flavour symmetry. Also. the mass cross sections indicate ratios of positive to negative hard-scattered particles that are larger than expected from theory. These results could warrant reconsideration of the assumptions and approximations currently made in leading-order QCD calculations.

  14. Angular momentum and incident-energy dependence of nucleus-nucleus interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, S.


    The purpose of this paper is to understand intuitively the origin of the angular momentum and incident-energy dependence of the nucleus-nucleus interaction on the basis of the totally- antisymmetrized many-body theory. With the aim of understanding the structure of the nucleus-nucleus interaction, we show first that the nucleus-nucleus interaction can be written by the use of the density-distribution function and the phase-space distribution function instead of using the many-body wave function itself. And we show that the structure change of the density-distribution function with the increase of the angular momentum causes the angular momentum dependence of the nucleus-nucleus interaction and that the incident-energy dependence of the nucleus-nucleus interaction originates from the structure change of the phase-space distribution function

  15. Angular Momentum Transport in Turbulent Flow between Independently Rotating Cylinders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paoletti, M. S.; Lathrop, D. P.


    We present measurements of the angular momentum flux (torque) in Taylor-Couette flow of water between independently rotating cylinders for all regions of the (Ω 1 , Ω 2 ) parameter space at high Reynolds numbers, where Ω 1 (Ω 2 ) is the inner (outer) cylinder angular velocity. We find that the Rossby number Ro=(Ω 1 -Ω 2 )/Ω 2 fully determines the state and torque G as compared to G(Ro=∞)≡G ∞ . The ratio G/G ∞ is a linear function of Ro -1 in four sections of the parameter space. For flows with radially increasing angular momentum, our measured torques greatly exceed those of previous experiments [Ji et al., Nature (London), 444, 343 (2006)], but agree with the analysis of Richard and Zahn [Astron. Astrophys. 347, 734 (1999)].

  16. Vector parametrization, partial angular momenta and unusual commutation relations in physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gatti, Fabien; Nauts, Andre


    When studying an N-particle system by means of N-1 vectors i.e., by means of a vector parametrization, one unavoidably comes across several angular momenta: not only the total angular momentum of the system but also the various partial angular momenta corresponding to the motion of the various vectors. All these momenta can, in addition, be referred to a variety of reference frames. The use of vector parametrizations and partial angular momenta in physics greatly simplifies the classical as well as quantum expressions of the kinetic energy. The present paper is devoted to a detailed and rigorous study of the partial angular momenta and the various commutation relations they satisfy, in particular the unusual commutation relations whose origin is traced back to the very structure of the coordinate changes used to define the Body-Fixed (BF) frames. The direct quantization of the classical expressions of the kinetic energy obtained in the context of various vector parametrizations is also given in detail. It turns out to be an efficient extension of well-known quantization procedures to the case where supernumerary quasi-momenta are used. As an illustration, the case of a four-particle system is treated in detail for a particular choice of the BF frames. Finally, the analogies between the classical and quantum approaches are emphasized

  17. Phase-space distributions and orbital angular momentum

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    Pasquini B.


    Full Text Available We review the concept of Wigner distributions to describe the phase-space distributions of quarks in the nucleon, emphasizing the information encoded in these functions about the quark orbital angular momentum.

  18. On the complex angular momentum theory of scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thylwe, K.-E.


    A contribution to the theory of complex angular momentum techniques in the field of atomic and molecular collisions is given. A new, flexible representation of the scattering amplitude on the basis of realistic assumptions for the behaviour of the S matrix in the complex angular momentum plane is derived. The representation has the form of a sum of steepest-descent integrals, S-matrix residue terms and a symmetry-type background integral. The flexibility is due to the presence of two integer parameters which may be chosen conveniently so as to make the residue sums sufficiently convergent and to minimise the total number of important terms. (author)

  19. Angular momenta of fission fragments in the {alpha}-accompanied fission of {sup 252}Cf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jandel, M.; Kliman, J.; Krupa, L.; Morhac, M. [Slovak Academy of Sciences, Department of Nuclear Physics, Bratislava (Slovakia); Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Dubna (Russian Federation); Hamilton, J.H.; Kormicki, J.; Ramayya, A.V.; Hwang, J.K.; Luo, Y.X.; Fong, D.; Gore, P. [Vanderbilt University, Department of Physics, Nashville, TN (United States); Ter-Akopian, G.M.; Oganessian, Yu.Ts.; Rodin, A.M.; Fomichev, A.S.; Popeko, G.S. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Dubna (Russian Federation); Daniel, A.V. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States); Rasmussen, J.O.; Macchiavelli, A.O.; Stoyer, M.A. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States); Donangelo, R.; Cole, J.D.


    For the first time, average angular momenta of the ternary fission fragments {sup 100,102}Zr, {sup 106}Mo, {sup 144,146}Ba and {sup 138,140,142}Xe from the {alpha}-accompanied fission of {sup 252}Cf were obtained from relative intensities of prompt {gamma}-ray transitions with the use of the statistical model calculation. Average values of the angular momenta were compared with the corresponding values for the same fission fragments from the binary fission of {sup 252}Cf. Results indicate the presence of a decreasing trend in the average values of angular momenta induced in ternary fission fragments compared to the same binary fission fragments. On the average, the total angular momentum extracted for ternary fission fragments is {proportional_to}1.4{Dirac_h} lower than in binary fission. Consequently, results indicate that the mechanism of the ternary {alpha}-particles emission may directly effect an induction of angular momenta of fission fragments, and possible scenarios of such mechanisms are discussed. Further, the dependence of the angular momenta of {sup 106}Mo and {sup 140}Xe on the number of emitted neutrons from correlated pairs of primary fragments was obtained also showing a decreasing dependence of average angular momenta with increasing number of emitted neutrons. Consequences are briefly discussed. (orig.)

  20. Design, Development and Testing of a Semicircular Type Capacitive Angular Position Sensor

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    Nikhil GAURAV


    Full Text Available A low cost semicircular type capacitive angular position sensor has been designed, developed and tested. It is made of two semicircular parallel plates where one plate is fixed and another plate is connected with the rotor whose angular position is to be measured. When the angular position of the rotor changes with respect to the fixed plate, the overlapping area between the two plates of the capacitor is varied causing a change in capacitance value. Capacitance variation obtained due to the change in angular position is in the nano farad range. For signal conditioning, series R-L-C resonating circuit instead of conventional bridge circuit has been used to convert the sensor capacitance variation in to voltage. Experimental result shows that the capacitance for change in angular position 0º-180º increases linearly and for 180º-360º it decreases linearly. To get a linearly increasing response of same slope for the full scale of 0º-360º, a suitable linearising circuit has been designed, developed and tested. Sensor output along with the signal conditioning shows good linearity and repeatability.

  1. Effects of Wall-Normal and Angular Momentum Injections in Airfoil Separation Control (United States)

    Munday, Phillip M.; Taira, Kunihiko


    The objective of this computational study is to quantify the influence of wall-normal and angular momentum injections in suppressing laminar flow separation over a canonical airfoil. Open-loop control of fully separated, incompressible flow over a NACA 0012 airfoil at $\\alpha = 9^\\circ$ and $Re = 23,000$ is examined with large-eddy simulations. This study independently introduces wall-normal momentum and angular momentum into the separated flow using swirling jets through model boundary conditions. The response of the flow field and the surface vorticity fluxes to various combinations of actuation inputs are examined in detail. It is observed that the addition of angular momentum input to wall-normal momentum injection enhances the suppression of flow separation. Lift enhancement and suppression of separation with the wall-normal and angular momentum inputs are characterized by modifying the standard definition of the coefficient of momentum. The effect of angular momentum is incorporated into the modified coefficient of momentum by introducing a characteristic swirling jet velocity based on the non-dimensional swirl number. With this single modified coefficient of momentum, we are able to categorize each controlled flow into separated, transitional, and attached flows.

  2. Quality of the restricted variation after projection method with angular momentum projection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, Tomas R.; Egido, J.L.; Robledo, L.M.; Rodriguez-Guzman, R.


    Recently, the restricted angular momentum variation after projection method, using the quadrupole degree of freedom as a variational coordinate in conjunction with effective interactions of the Skyrme or Gogny type, has been used very successfully to study a variety of phenomena concerning the quadrupole degree of freedom. In this paper, we study the quality of such an approach by considering additional degrees of freedom as variational coordinates: the hexadecapole moment and the fluctuations on the quadrupole moment, particle number, and angular momentum operators. The study has been performed with the Gogny interaction (D1S parametrization) for the nuclei 32 Mg and 34 Mg. The results of the angular momentum projection and the subsequent generator coordinate calculations show that the extra degrees of freedom considered are irrelevant for the description of the lowest lying states for each angular momentum

  3. Spatial and Angular Resolution Enhancement of Light Fields Using Convolutional Neural Networks (United States)

    Gul, M. Shahzeb Khan; Gunturk, Bahadir K.


    Light field imaging extends the traditional photography by capturing both spatial and angular distribution of light, which enables new capabilities, including post-capture refocusing, post-capture aperture control, and depth estimation from a single shot. Micro-lens array (MLA) based light field cameras offer a cost-effective approach to capture light field. A major drawback of MLA based light field cameras is low spatial resolution, which is due to the fact that a single image sensor is shared to capture both spatial and angular information. In this paper, we present a learning based light field enhancement approach. Both spatial and angular resolution of captured light field is enhanced using convolutional neural networks. The proposed method is tested with real light field data captured with a Lytro light field camera, clearly demonstrating spatial and angular resolution improvement.

  4. Angular distribution of ejected electrons from 20 keV He+ impact on He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokoro, N.; Takenouchi, S.; Urakawa, J.; Oda, N.


    The angular distributions of ejected electrons in the energy range 5-70 eV have been measured at angles from 30 to 150 0 for 20 keV He + impact on He. The angular dependence of excitation cross sections of autoionisation states 2s 2 1 S and 2p 2 1 D+2s2p 1 P are in good agreement with previous data measured by Bordenave-Montesquieu et al (Phys. Rev.; A25:245 (1982)). The continuous parts of the electron spectra show symmetrical angular distributions around 90 0 in the laboratory frame for low-energy electrons (< approximately equal to 30 eV). These angular distributions are discussed in connection with the molecular autoionisation mechanism. (author)

  5. Analytical scheme calculations of angular momentum coupling and recoupling coefficients (United States)

    Deveikis, A.; Kuznecovas, A.


    We investigate the Scheme programming language opportunities to analytically calculate the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Wigner 6j and 9j symbols, and general recoupling coefficients that are used in the quantum theory of angular momentum. The considered coefficients are calculated by a direct evaluation of the sum formulas. The calculation results for large values of quantum angular momenta were compared with analogous calculations with FORTRAN and Java programming languages.

  6. Analytical scheme calculations of angular momentum coupling and recoupling coefficients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deveikis, A.; Kuznecovas, A.


    We investigate the Scheme programming language opportunities to analytically calculate the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Wigner 6j and 9j symbols, and general recoupling coefficients that are used in the quantum theory of angular momentum. The considered coefficients are calculated by a direct evaluation of the sum formulas. The calculation results for large values of quantum angular momenta were compared with analogous calculations with FORTRAN and Java programming languages


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Sánchez González


    Full Text Available La investigación examina la vulnerabilidad socioespacial de las personas mayores en la ciudad de Granada. La metodología combina aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos, como el análisis de bases de datos de población, de una encuesta a las personas de 65 años y más, y la elaboración de una cartografía a escala de barrios y secciones. Los resultados indican que los factores dependencia vulnerable, exclusión social y discapacidad explican la vulnerabilidad socioespacial de las personas ancianas, que se agudiza por el envejecimiento biológico y demográfico, y los contextos ambientales precarios para envejecer en el lugar (pobreza, problemas en la vivienda y barrio, abandono y falta de ayuda. La distribución espacial del índice de vulnerabilidad del envejecimiento demuestra que los ancianos vulnerables se concentran en los barrios del centro histórico y barrios marginados de la periferia, donde se registran problemas de accesibilidad a los servicios sociales y de salud. Se prevé que la población anciana vulnerable se incremente por el envejecimiento, la carencia de servicios, la falta de prevención y la ausencia de planificación gerontológica.

  8. IUE spectrophotometry of the DA4 primary in the short-period white dwarf-red dwarf spectroscopic binary Case 1 (United States)

    Sion, E. M.; Guinan, E. F.; Wesemael, F.


    Low-resolution ultraviolet International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra of the DA white dwarf Case 1 are presented. The spectra show the presence of the 1400 A feature, already discovered in several other DA stars, and of a shallower trough in the 1550-1700 A range. A model atmosphere analysis of the ultraviolet energy distribution of the Ly-alpha red wing yields T(e) = 13,000 + or - 500 K. Possible interpretations of the 1400 A feature are reviewed. Case 1 is the coolest white dwarf found in a short-period, detached white dwarf-red dwarf binary, and its cooling time is consistent with estimates of the efficiency of angular momentum removal mechanisms in the phases subsequent to common envelope binary evolution.

  9. Angular analysis of charged and neutral B -> K mu(+) mu(-) decays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Affolder, A.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves, A. A.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; An, L.; Anderlini, L.; Anderson, J.; Andreassen, R.; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, J. E.; Appleby, R. B.; Gutierrez, O. Aquines; Archilli, F.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Aslanides, E.; Auriemma, G.; Baalouch, M.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J. J.; Badalov, A.; Balagura, V.; Baldini, W.; Barlow, R. J.; Barschel, C.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Batozskaya, V.; Bauer, Th.; Bay, A.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Belogurov, S.; Belous, K.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Onderwater, G.; Pellegrino, A.


    The angular distributions of the rare decays B+ -> K+mu(+)mu(-) and B-0 -> K-S(0)mu(+)mu(-) are studied with data corresponding to 3 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity, collected in proton-proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV centre-of-mass energies with the LHCb detector. The angular distribution is

  10. Analysis of elderly population living in nursing homes in relation with their independence in dayling living Valoración de la institucionalización de los sujetos ancianos en relación a su dependencia, en función de la capacidad para las actividades de la vida diaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Ponce


    Full Text Available

    The increasing number of elderly people who live in nursing homes drove us to consider the possibility of a particular form of growing old in these institutions. Analyzing the results obtained with a functional scale to assess the activities of daily living (A.D.L., allowed us to know the functional abilities of this elderly population, the community dwellers and the nursing homes residents. The dependency profile for A.D.L. was obtained for each group, and also the correlation coeficients. We obtained the the regresion lines to interpret and discuss graphic and statistically the apparently low functional capacity of nursing homes residents. We conclude that the dependency is high when increasing the age, being higher in the females than in the males. The health status and type of residency were correlated with lower dependency. And even being lower the number of nursing home residents than the community dwellers, when these are healthy, the dependency is higher in the nursing home residents, than in the community dwellers. We could not observe any statistical correlation with the previous kind of job.
    KEY WORDS: Aged. Nursing homes. Activities of daily living. Questionnaires.

    El incremento del número de personas de edad avanzada que viven en residencias para ancianos nos indujo a considerar la posible existencia de una forma particular de envejecimiento en este tipo de instituciones. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos con una escala de valoración funcional de las actividades de la vida diaria (A.V.D., permitió conocer la capacidad funcional de los ancianos tanto institucionalizados, como no-institucionalizados. En cada grupo se obtuvo el perfil de dependencia para las A.V.D., así como sus coeficientes de correlación. Se obtuvieron las rectas de regresión lineal para poder interpretar y discutir gráfica y estadísticamente la aparentemente baja capacidad funcional de la población institucionalizada. Se

  11. Angular filter refractometry analysis using simulated annealing [An improved method for characterizing plasma density profiles using angular filter refractometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angland, P.; Haberberger, D.; Ivancic, S. T.; Froula, D. H.


    Here, a new method of analysis for angular filter refractometry images was developed to characterize laser-produced, long-scale-length plasmas using an annealing algorithm to iterative converge upon a solution. Angular filter refractometry (AFR) is a novel technique used to characterize the density pro files of laser-produced, long-scale-length plasmas. A synthetic AFR image is constructed by a user-defined density profile described by eight parameters, and the algorithm systematically alters the parameters until the comparison is optimized. The optimization and statistical uncertainty calculation is based on a minimization of the χ2 test statistic. The algorithm was successfully applied to experimental data of plasma expanding from a flat, laser-irradiated target, resulting in average uncertainty in the density profile of 5-10% in the region of interest.

  12. Angular dispersion and energy loss of H+ and He+ in metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cantero, Esteban


    In this master thesis the effects produced when a light ion beam traverses a thin metallic film were studied.In particular, the interactions of low energy (E ≤ 10 keV) light ions (H + ,H 2 + , D + , He + ) with monocrystalline and also polycrystalline gold samples were investigated.In first place, the dependence of the stopping power with projectiles' velocity was studied, analyzing the threshold effect in the excitation of the 5d electrons in the channelling regime for energies between 0,4 and 9 keV.Next, the angular dispersion of ions in polycrystalline and monocrystalline films was measured and analyzed.Comparisons for different energies and projectiles were done, studying molecular and isotopic effects.Using Lindhard's channeling theory, a scale law for the angular dispersion of angles greater than the critical angle was found.Additionally, the angular dependence of the energy loss and the energy loss straggling of protons transmitted through monocrystals were measured.To explain the angular variations of these magnitudes a theoretical model based on the electronic density fluctuations inside the channel was developed [es

  13. Variation of level density parameter with angular momentum in 119Sb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, Mamta; Kailas, S.


    Nuclear level density (NLD), a basic ingredient of Statistical Model has been a subject of interest for various decades as it plays an important role in the understanding of a wide variety of Nuclear reactions. There have been various efforts towards the precise determination of NLD and study its dependence on excitation energy and angular momentum as it is crucial in the determination of cross-sections. Here we report our results of theoretical calculations in a microscopic framework to understand the experimental results on inverse level density parameter (k) extracted for different angular momentum regions for 119 Sb corresponding to different γ-ray multiplicities by comparing the experimental neutron energy spectra with statistical model predictions where an increase in the level density with the increasing angular momentum is predicted. NLD and neutron emission spectra dependence on temperature and spin has been studied in our earlier works where the influence of structural transitions due to angular momentum and temperature on level density of states and neutron emission probability was shown

  14. Time-dependent angular distribution of sputtered particles from amorphous targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamura, Yasunori


    Using the time-evolution computer simulation code DYACAT, the time-dependent behavior of sputtering phenomena has been investigated. The DYACAT program is based on the binary collision approximation, and the cascade development in solids is followed time-evolutionally. The total sputtering yield, the angular distribution and the energy distribution of sputtered atoms are calculated as a function of time for 1 keV Ar→Cu, where the angle of incidence is the inverse surface normal. It is found that the angular distribution of the prompt collisional phase of the sputtering process shows an under-cosine and that the corresponding energy spectrum has a peak near 10 eV. The slow collisional phase of 1 keV Ar→Cu will start after 3x10 -14 s, and its angular distribution shows an over-cosine distribution. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eumarjorit Andrea González Roscigno


    Full Text Available La dependencia a sustancias ilícitas es un problema del ámbito mundial, que afecta a la población independientemente de la edad, sexo, cultura o estrato social; algunos de los factores que mantienen el consumo de sustancias son los trastornos de personalidad y los daños en los lóbulos frontales, a su vez, estos últimos podrían ser un elemento que explica las alteraciones en los patrones de personalidad. El objetivo de este artículo, en primer lugar, es determinar la influencia de la dependencia a sustancias sobre los trastornos de personalidad y la sintomatología frontal y en segundo lugar, relacionar la sintomatología frontal y los trastornos de personalidad en personas dependientes a sustancias. En la investigación de la que parte este texto, participaron 110 personas, 55 dependientes a sustancias y 55 de población no clínica, quienes llenaron las escalas ISP y MCMI-III. Dentro de los resultados se halló que las personas dependientes a sustancias presentan mayor daño en los lóbulos pre-frontales y alta probabilidad de desarrollar trastornos de personalidad, además existen relaciones significativas entre los trastornos de personalidad y las dificultades en las actividades cotidianas relacionadas con las funciones del lóbulo prefrontal. Los trastornos que más se presentan en la población clínica son el Antisocial, Evitativo y Depresivo, éstos se asocian al deterioro en el lóbulo frontal del cerebro, principalmente en las áreas que atañen a las capacidades de control emocional, y en las funciones ejecutivas. Se concluye que los daños en el lóbulo frontal y la tendencia al desarrollo de trastornos de personalidad se ven influenciados por la dependencia a sustancias, existiendo a su vez correlaciones altamente significativas entre ambas variables.

  16. Existence of black holes due to concentration of angular momentum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khuri, Marcus A. [Department of Mathematics, Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, NY 11794 (United States)


    We present a general sufficient condition for the formation of black holes due to concentration of angular momentum. This is expressed in the form of a universal inequality, relating the size and angular momentum of bodies, and is proven in the context of axisymmetric initial data sets for the Einstein equations which satisfy an appropriate energy condition. A brief comparison is also made with more traditional black hole existence criteria based on concentration of mass.

  17. Angular integration and inter-projection correlation effects in CT reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, C.R.; Pele, N.J.


    CT reconstruction algorithms require snap-shot projections of an object. In order to minimize scan times, CT scanners rotate continuously which, in turn, prevents the acquisition of snap-shot projections. Acquired projections are integrals over angular position and may be correlated inter-projection. This paper shows that angular integration and inter-projection correlation introduce a radially dependent degradation of the spatial resolution and cause the image noise to vary non-linearly with radial position

  18. Coincident-inclusive electrofission angular correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arruda Neto, J.D.T.


    A method for the joint analysis of coincident and inclusive electrofission data, in order to minimize effects of the model dependence of data interpretation, is developed. Explicit calculations of the (e,e'f) angular correlations are presented. The potentialities of the method to the study of sub- and near-barrier properties of the fission process, and to the study of the giant resonances fission mode, are discussed. (Author) [pt

  19. Angular dependence of shallow dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, J.L.


    The theoretical response of a detector is discussed and compared to measurements of shallow dose with tissue and phantom response detectors. A definite energy dependent angular response of dose and measurement was observed which could not be explained by simple trigonometric arguments. The response is back scatter dependent and must be considered in detector design and dose measurements. It is not possible for standard detectors to follow this response

  20. Calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer Family caretaker quality of life and dependence of the patient with Alzheimer disease Qualidade de vida do cuidador familiar e dependência do paciente com Alzheimer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la relación entre la calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer. Es un estudio descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo. Participaron 192 cuidadores familiares de pacientes con Alzheimer pertenecientes al programa Cuidado a Cuidadores® de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, la Fundación Acción Familiar Alzheimer Colombia y la Asociación Colombiana de Alzheimer. Se aplicaron el instrumento “Calidad de vida versión familiar” de Betty Ferrell, quien define la calidad de vida desde las dimensiones física, psicológica, social y espiritual, y el Índice de Barthel (IB, que mide el grado de dependencia funcional del paciente. La calidad de vida general de los cuidadores obtuvo una puntuación media. El bienestar físico y espiritual presentó una tendencia positiva, mientras que el bienestar psicológico y social de este grupo poblacional mostró una tendencia negativa con riesgo de alteración a futuro. El grado de dependencia funcional del paciente con Alzheimer se encontró en dependencia total a severa, con mayor compromiso en actividades de aseo y arreglo personal. En el estudio no se encontró correlación estadística entre la calidad de vida y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer.The purpose of the study was to establish the relation between the quality of life of the family caregiver and the level of dependence of the patient with Alzheimer. It is a co-relational descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach having participation of 192 family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer; they are part of the Cuidado a Cuidadores® (Care for Caregivers program of the Nursing Faculty of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Fundación Acción Familiar Alzheimer Colombia (Alzheimer Colombia Family Action Foundation and the Asociación Nacional de Alzheimer

  1. Verification of angular dependence in MOSFET detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Clayton H.; Shorto, Julian M.B.; Siqueira, Paulo T.D.; Nunes, Maíra G.; Silva Junior, Iremar A.; Yoriyaz, Hélio


    In vivo dosimetry is an essential tool for quality assurance programs, being a procedure commonly performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) or diodes. However, a type of dosimeter that has increasing popularity in recent years is the metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) detector. MOSFET dosimeters fulfill all the necessary characteristics to realize in vivo dosimetry since it has a small size, good precision and feasibility of measurement, as well as easy handling. Nevertheless, its true differential is to allow reading of the dose in real time, enabling immediate intervention in the correction of physical parameters deviations and anticipation of small anatomical changes in a patient during treatment. In order for MOSFET dosimeter to be better accepted in clinical routine, information reporting performance should be available frequently. For this reason, this work proposes to verify reproducibility and angular dependence of a standard sensitivity MOSFET dosimeter (TN-502RD-H) for Cs-137 and Co-60 sources. Experimental data were satisfactory and MOSFET dosimeter presented a reproducibility of 3.3% and 2.7% (1 SD) for Cs-137 and Co-60 sources, respectively. In addition, an angular dependence of up to 6.1% and 16.3% for both radioactive sources, respectively. It is conclusive that MOSFET dosimeter TN-502RD-H has satisfactory reproducibility and a considerable angular dependence, mainly for the Co-60 source. This means that although precise measurements, special attention must be taken for applications in certain anatomical regions in a patient. (author)

  2. Verification of angular dependence in MOSFET detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Clayton H.; Shorto, Julian M.B.; Siqueira, Paulo T.D.; Nunes, Maíra G.; Silva Junior, Iremar A.; Yoriyaz, Hélio, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    In vivo dosimetry is an essential tool for quality assurance programs, being a procedure commonly performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) or diodes. However, a type of dosimeter that has increasing popularity in recent years is the metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) detector. MOSFET dosimeters fulfill all the necessary characteristics to realize in vivo dosimetry since it has a small size, good precision and feasibility of measurement, as well as easy handling. Nevertheless, its true differential is to allow reading of the dose in real time, enabling immediate intervention in the correction of physical parameters deviations and anticipation of small anatomical changes in a patient during treatment. In order for MOSFET dosimeter to be better accepted in clinical routine, information reporting performance should be available frequently. For this reason, this work proposes to verify reproducibility and angular dependence of a standard sensitivity MOSFET dosimeter (TN-502RD-H) for Cs-137 and Co-60 sources. Experimental data were satisfactory and MOSFET dosimeter presented a reproducibility of 3.3% and 2.7% (1 SD) for Cs-137 and Co-60 sources, respectively. In addition, an angular dependence of up to 6.1% and 16.3% for both radioactive sources, respectively. It is conclusive that MOSFET dosimeter TN-502RD-H has satisfactory reproducibility and a considerable angular dependence, mainly for the Co-60 source. This means that although precise measurements, special attention must be taken for applications in certain anatomical regions in a patient. (author)

  3. New method for evaluation of cervical vertebral maturation based on angular measurements. (United States)

    Alhadlaq, Adel M; Al-Shayea, Eman I


    To investigate the validity of a new approach to assess the cervical vertebral maturation based on angular measurements of the lower border concavity of cervical vertebral bodies. Hand-wrist and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 197 male subjects with age range of 10-15 years attending the orthodontic clinic at King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were utilized. The study was carried out between September 2009 and May 2011. The study sample was divided into 6 groups (group 1: 10 years to group 6: 15 years) based on the chronological age of the subject. The skeletal age of the subjects was determined using Greulich and Pyle's standard radiographic atlas, and skeletal maturation was assessed by Fishman's skeletal maturity indicators. The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) of subjects was determined using angular measurements of the second, third, and fourth cervical vertebral bodies. The validity of the newly developed method was assessed by examining the correlation between CVM stages determined by the angular measurements and the skeletal maturation level as determined by the standard hand-wrist methods. A significant correlation (r=0.94) was found between the angular CVM stages and the skeletal age determined by Greulich and Pyle's atlas from hand-wrist radiographs. Also, a high correlation (r=0.94) was found between the angular CVM stages and the Fishman's hand-wrist skeletal maturity indicators. The new angular measurement approach to determine CVM is valid and has the potential to be applied in assessing skeletal maturity level in growing male children.

  4. Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in ultra-thin metasurfaces with arbitrary topological charges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouchard, Frédéric; De Leon, Israel; Schulz, Sebastian A.; Upham, Jeremy; Karimi, Ebrahim, E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, 25 Templeton, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Canada (Canada); Boyd, Robert W. [Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, 25 Templeton, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Canada (Canada); Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 (United States)


    Orbital angular momentum associated with the helical phase-front of optical beams provides an unbounded “space” for both classical and quantum communications. Among the different approaches to generate and manipulate orbital angular momentum states of light, coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum allows a faster manipulation of orbital angular momentum states because it depends on manipulating the polarisation state of light, which is simpler and generally faster than manipulating conventional orbital angular momentum generators. In this work, we design and fabricate an ultra-thin spin-to-orbital angular momentum converter, based on plasmonic nano-antennas and operating in the visible wavelength range that is capable of converting spin to an arbitrary value of orbital angular momentum ℓ. The nano-antennas are arranged in an array with a well-defined geometry in the transverse plane of the beam, possessing a specific integer or half-integer topological charge q. When a circularly polarised light beam traverses this metasurface, the output beam polarisation switches handedness and the orbital angular momentum changes in value by ℓ=±2qℏ per photon. We experimentally demonstrate ℓ values ranging from ±1 to ±25 with conversion efficiencies of 8.6% ± 0.4%. Our ultra-thin devices are integratable and thus suitable for applications in quantum communications, quantum computations, and nano-scale sensing.

  5. Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in ultra-thin metasurfaces with arbitrary topological charges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouchard, Frédéric; De Leon, Israel; Schulz, Sebastian A.; Upham, Jeremy; Karimi, Ebrahim; Boyd, Robert W.


    Orbital angular momentum associated with the helical phase-front of optical beams provides an unbounded “space” for both classical and quantum communications. Among the different approaches to generate and manipulate orbital angular momentum states of light, coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum allows a faster manipulation of orbital angular momentum states because it depends on manipulating the polarisation state of light, which is simpler and generally faster than manipulating conventional orbital angular momentum generators. In this work, we design and fabricate an ultra-thin spin-to-orbital angular momentum converter, based on plasmonic nano-antennas and operating in the visible wavelength range that is capable of converting spin to an arbitrary value of orbital angular momentum ℓ. The nano-antennas are arranged in an array with a well-defined geometry in the transverse plane of the beam, possessing a specific integer or half-integer topological charge q. When a circularly polarised light beam traverses this metasurface, the output beam polarisation switches handedness and the orbital angular momentum changes in value by ℓ=±2qℏ per photon. We experimentally demonstrate ℓ values ranging from ±1 to ±25 with conversion efficiencies of 8.6% ± 0.4%. Our ultra-thin devices are integratable and thus suitable for applications in quantum communications, quantum computations, and nano-scale sensing.

  6. Resenha de KURTZ, Marcus J. Latin American State Building in Comparative: social foundations of institutional order. New York: Cambrigde University Press/Ohio University Press, 2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Makino


    Full Text Available Resumo  Em seu livro, Kurtz tenta entender a atual diferença nas capacidades estatais de Argentina, Uruguai, Chile e Peru a partir de uma perspectiva institucionalista, sendo fortemente influenciada pela noção de dependência de trajetória. Dois momentos teriam sido cruciais nessa trajetória: as relações de trabalho (livre ou servil à época da independência administrativa e o timing da incorporação das massas ao processo eleitoral. Palavras-chave capacidade estatal, dependência da trajetória, América Latina  --- Abstract In his book, Kurtz analyzes the current diferences in the state capacity of Argentina, Uruguay, Chili and Peru from na institutionalist perspective under strong influence of the notion of path dependence. Two moments would have been crucial in their state-building: the labor relations (free or servile by the time of their administrative independence and the timing of universalization of vote. Key words state-building, path dependence, Latin American --- Resumen En su libro, Kurtz intenta entender la actual diferencia en las capacidades estatales de Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Perú a partir de una perspectiva institucionalista, destacadamente influenciada por la noción de dependencia de la trayectoria. Dos momentos habrían sido cruciales en esa trayectoria: las relaciones de trabajo (libre o serviles a la época de la independencia administrativa y el timing de la incorporación de las masas al proceso electoral. Palabras-clave capacidad estatal, dependencia da trayectoria, América Latina ---

  7. Mitigation of radiation-pressure-induced angular instability of a Fabry–Perot cavity consisting of suspended mirrors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagano, Koji, E-mail: [KAGRA Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-Ha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582 (Japan); Enomoto, Yutaro; Nakano, Masayuki [KAGRA Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-Ha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582 (Japan); Furusawa, Akira [Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan); Kawamura, Seiji [KAGRA Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-Ha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582 (Japan)


    To observe radiation pressure noise in optical cavities consisting of suspended mirrors, high laser power is necessary. However, because the radiation pressure on the mirrors could cause an angular anti-spring effect, the high laser power could induce angular instability to the cavity. An angular control system using radiation pressure as an actuator, which was previously invented to reduce the anti-spring effect for the low power case, was applied to the higher power case where the angular instability would occur. As a result the angular instability was mitigated. It was also demonstrated that the cavity was unstable without this control system. - Highlights: • High laser power could cause angular instability to a suspended Fabry–Perot cavity. • To mitigate the instability, the control system using radiation pressure is applied. • Mitigating the radiation-pressure-induced angular instability is demonstrated. • It is also confirmed that the cavity would be unstable without the control system.

  8. Angular distributions of intermediate mass fragments emitted in 30 MeV/u 40Ar induced reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gou Quanbu; Zhu Yongtai; Xu Hushan; Wei Zhiyong; Lu Jun; Zhang Yuhu; Wang Qi; Li Songlin; Wu Zhongli


    The angular distributions of intermediate mass fragments with charge numbers from 3 to 24 emitted in 30 MeV/u 40 Ar + 58,64 Ni and 115 In reactions over an angular range of 5 degree-140 degree have been measured. In different angular region an exponential distribution function dσ/dΩ = N exp(-θ/α) was used to fit the measured angular distributions. The decay factor α which can be connected with the interaction time τ and the factor N which is related to the intensity of the emission sources have been extracted. The relationship of α(Z) and N(Z) with Z for different reaction systems and different angular regions has been discussed. The different behavior of dσ/dΩ, α(Z), and N(Z) for the three studied reaction systems exists mainly in the middle and backward angular regions. The dependencies of angular distributions on isospin and the size of reaction systems have also been discussed

  9. Nuclear level density parameter 's dependence on angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, Mamta; Kailas, S.


    Nuclear level densities represent a very important ingredient in the statistical Model calculations of nuclear reaction cross sections and help to understand the microscopic features of the excited nuclei. Most of the earlier experimental nuclear level density measurements are confined to low excitation energy and low spin region. A recent experimental investigation of nuclear level densities in high excitation energy and angular momentum domain with some interesting results on inverse level density parameter's dependence on angular momentum in the region around Z=50 has motivated us to study and analyse these experimental results in a microscopic theoretical framework. In the experiment, heavy ion fusion reactions are used to populate the excited and rotating nuclei and measured the α particle evaporation spectra in coincidence with ray multiplicity. Residual nuclei are in the range of Z R 48-55 with excitation energy range 30 to 40 MeV and angular momentum in 10 to 25. The inverse level density parameter K is found to be in the range of 9.0 - 10.5 with some exceptions

  10. Angular parallelization of a curvilinear Sn transport theory method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haghighat, A.


    In this paper a parallel algorithm for angular domain decomposition (or parallelization) of an r-dependent spherical S n transport theory method is derived. The parallel formulation is incorporated into TWOTRAN-II using the IBM Parallel Fortran compiler and implemented on an IBM 3090/400 (with four processors). The behavior of the parallel algorithm for different physical problems is studied, and it is concluded that the parallel algorithm behaves differently in the presence of a fission source as opposed to the absence of a fission source; this is attributed to the relative contributions of the source and the angular redistribution terms in the S s algorithm. Further, the parallel performance of the algorithm is measured for various problem sizes and different combinations of angular subdomains or processors. Poor parallel efficiencies between ∼35 and 50% are achieved in situations where the relative difference of parallel to serial iterations is ∼50%. High parallel efficiencies between ∼60% and 90% are obtained in situations where the relative difference of parallel to serial iterations is <35%

  11. The γ-ray angular distribution in fast neutron inelastic scattering from iron (United States)

    Beyer, Roland; Dietz, Mirco; Bemmerer, Daniel; Junghans, Arnd R.; Kögler, Toni; Massarczyk, Ralph; Müller, Stefan; Schmidt, Konrad; Schwengner, Ronald; Szücs, Tamás; Takács, Marcell P.; Wagner, Andreas


    The angular distribution of γ-rays emitted after inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from iron was determined at the n ELBE neutron time-of-flight facility. An iron sample of natural isotopic composition was irradiated by a continuous photo-neutron spectrum in the energy range from about 0.1 up to 10 MeV. The de-excitation γ-rays of the four lowest excited states of 56Fe and the first excited state of 54Fe were detected using a setup of five high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors and five LaBr3 scintillation detectors positioned around the sample at 30°, 55°, 90°, 125° and 150° with respect to the incoming neutron beam. The resulting angular distributions were fitted by Legendre polynomials up to 4th order and the angular distribution coefficients a2 and a4 were extracted. The angular distribution coefficients of three transitions in 56Fe are reported here for the first time. The results are applied to a previous measurement of the inelastic scattering cross section determined using a single HPGe detector positioned at 125°. Using the updated γ-ray angular distribution, the previous cross section results are in good agreement with reference data.

  12. Semiclassical analysis of the Wigner 12j symbol with one small angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Liang


    We derive an asymptotic formula for the Wigner 12j symbol, in the limit of one small and 11 large angular momenta. There are two kinds of asymptotic formulas for the 12j symbol with one small angular momentum. We present the first kind of formula in this paper. Our derivation relies on the techniques developed in the semiclassical analysis of the Wigner 9j symbol [L. Yu and R. G. Littlejohn, Phys. Rev. A 83, 052114 (2011)], where we used a gauge-invariant form of the multicomponent WKB wave functions to derive asymptotic formulas for the 9j symbol with small and large angular momenta. When applying the same technique to the 12j symbol in this paper, we find that the spinor is diagonalized in the direction of an intermediate angular momentum. In addition, we find that the geometry of the derived asymptotic formula for the 12j symbol is expressed in terms of the vector diagram for a 9j symbol. This illustrates a general geometric connection between asymptotic limits of the various 3nj symbols. This work contributes an asymptotic formula for the 12j symbol to the quantum theory of angular momentum, and serves as a basis for finding asymptotic formulas for the Wigner 15j symbol with two small angular momenta.

  13. Whole-body angular momentum during stair walking using passive and powered lower-limb prostheses. (United States)

    Pickle, Nathaniel T; Wilken, Jason M; Aldridge, Jennifer M; Neptune, Richard R; Silverman, Anne K


    Individuals with a unilateral transtibial amputation have a greater risk of falling compared to able-bodied individuals, and falling on stairs can lead to serious injuries. Individuals with transtibial amputations have lost ankle plantarflexor muscle function, which is critical for regulating whole-body angular momentum to maintain dynamic balance. Recently, powered prostheses have been designed to provide active ankle power generation with the goal of restoring biological ankle function. However, the effects of using a powered prosthesis on the regulation of whole-body angular momentum are unknown. The purpose of this study was to use angular momentum to evaluate dynamic balance in individuals with a transtibial amputation using powered and passive prostheses relative to able-bodied individuals during stair ascent and descent. Ground reaction forces, external moment arms, and joint powers were also investigated to interpret the angular momentum results. A key result was that individuals with an amputation had a larger range of sagittal-plane angular momentum during prosthetic limb stance compared to able-bodied individuals during stair ascent. There were no significant differences in the frontal, transverse, or sagittal-plane ranges of angular momentum or maximum magnitude of the angular momentum vector between the passive and powered prostheses during stair ascent or descent. These results indicate that individuals with an amputation have altered angular momentum trajectories during stair walking compared to able-bodied individuals, which may contribute to an increased fall risk. The results also suggest that a powered prosthesis provides no distinct advantage over a passive prosthesis in maintaining dynamic balance during stair walking. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Probabilistic calculation for angular dependence collision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villarino, E.A.


    This collision probabilistic method is broadly used in cylindrical geometry (in one- or two-dimensions). It constitutes a powerful tool for the heterogeneous Response Method where, the coupling current is of the cosine type, that is, without angular dependence at azimuthal angle θ and proportional to μ (cosine of the θ polar angle). (Author) [es

  15. Spin and intrinsic angular momentum; application to the electromagnetic field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paillere, P.


    Within the framework of the field theory governed by a Lagrangian, function of the tensor quantities and their covariant first derivatives, and starting with the third order intrinsic angular momentum tensor obtained from a variational principle, the intrinsic angular momentum vector of the electromagnetic field in vacuum is determined. This expression leads to spin matrices for the electromagnetic field, with unity as eigenvalue, thus allowing to bridge the gap between continuous physics and quantum physics. 6 refs

  16. Amplitude damping channel for orbital angular momentum

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Dudley, Angela L


    Full Text Available Since the pioneering work on the entanglement of the orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light, much attention has been devoted to the subject, with particular attention into the quantum aspects of information processing using OAM. Furthermore...

  17. Rotating Hele-Shaw cell with a time-dependent angular velocity (United States)

    Anjos, Pedro H. A.; Alvarez, Victor M. M.; Dias, Eduardo O.; Miranda, José A.


    Despite the large number of existing studies of viscous flows in rotating Hele-Shaw cells, most investigations analyze rotational motion with a constant angular velocity, under vanishing Reynolds number conditions in which inertial effects can be neglected. In this work, we examine the linear and weakly nonlinear dynamics of the interface between two immiscible fluids in a rotating Hele-Shaw cell, considering the action of a time-dependent angular velocity, and taking into account the contribution of inertia. By using a generalized Darcy's law, we derive a second-order mode-coupling equation which describes the time evolution of the interfacial perturbation amplitudes. For arbitrary values of viscosity and density ratios, and for a range of values of a rotational Reynolds number, we investigate how the time-dependent angular velocity and inertia affect the important finger competition events that traditionally arise in rotating Hele-Shaw flows.

  18. Measuring average angular velocity with a smartphone magnetic field sensor (United States)

    Pili, Unofre; Violanda, Renante


    The angular velocity of a spinning object is, by standard, measured using a device called a tachometer. However, by directly using it in a classroom setting, the activity is likely to appear as less instructive and less engaging. Indeed, some alternative classroom-suitable methods for measuring angular velocity have been presented. In this paper, we present a further alternative that is smartphone-based, making use of the real-time magnetic field (simply called B-field in what follows) data gathering capability of the B-field sensor of the smartphone device as the timer for measuring average rotational period and average angular velocity. The in-built B-field sensor in smartphones has already found a number of uses in undergraduate experimental physics. For instance, in elementary electrodynamics, it has been used to explore the well-known Bio-Savart law and in a measurement of the permeability of air.

  19. Angular velocity determination of spinning solar sails using only a sun sensor

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    Kun Zhai


    Full Text Available The direction of the sun is the easiest and most reliable observation vector for a solar sail running in deep space exploration. This paper presents a new method using only raw measurements of the sun direction vector to estimate angular velocity for a spinning solar sail. In cases with a constant spin angular velocity, the estimation equation is formed based on the kinematic model for the apparent motion of the sun direction vector; the least-squares solution is then easily calculated. A performance criterion is defined and used to analyze estimation accuracy. In cases with a variable spin angular velocity, the estimation equation is developed based on the kinematic model for the apparent motion of the sun direction vector and the attitude dynamics equation. Simulation results show that the proposed method can quickly yield high-precision angular velocity estimates that are insensitive to certain measurement noises and modeling errors.

  20. Angular dependence of response of dosimeters exposed to an extended radioactive source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manai, K.; Trabelsi, A.; Madouri, F.


    This study was carried out to investigate the exposure angular dependence of dosimeters response when exposed to the extended gamma source of an irradiation facility. Using analytical and Monte Carlo analysis, we show that dosimeters response has no angular dependence as claimed by a previous study. The dose rate formula we derived takes into account the path length of the photons in the dosimeter. Experimental data have been used to validate our analytical and Monte Carlo methods. Furthermore, the effects on the dosimeters responses in relation to their sizes response of their size and geometry and orientation have been investigated and, within statistical errors, no angular dependence was found. - Highlights: • We investigate the exposer angle dependence of dosimeter response to a gamma source. • Analytical and Monte Carlo analyses show no angular dependence as claimed by others. • We derive the dose rate formulae taking into account the path length of photons. • Analytical and Monte Carlo models have been validated using experimental data

  1. The role of angular momentum conservation law in statistical mechanics

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    I.M. Dubrovskii


    Full Text Available Within the limits of Khinchin ideas [A.Y. Khinchin, Mathematical Foundation of Statistical Mechanics. NY, Ed. Dover, 1949] the importance of momentum and angular momentum conservation laws was analyzed for two cases: for uniform magnetic field and when magnetic field is absent. The law of momentum conservation does not change the density of probability distribution in both cases, just as it is assumed in the conventional theory. It is shown that in systems where the kinetic energy depends only on particle momenta canonically conjugated with Cartesian coordinates being their diagonal quadric form,the angular momentum conservation law changes the density of distribution of the system only in case the full angular momentum of a system is not equal to zero. In the gas of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field the density of distribution also varies if the angular momentum is zero [see Dubrovskii I.M., Condensed Matter Physics, 2206, 9, 23]. Two-dimensional gas of charged particles located within a section of an endless strip filled with gas in magnetic field is considered. Under such conditions the angular momentum is not conserved. Directional particle flows take place close to the strip boundaries, and, as a consequence, the phase trajectory of the considered set of particles does not remain within the limited volume of the phase space. In order to apply a statistical thermodynamics method, it was suggested to consider near-boundary trajectories relative to a reference system that moves uniformly. It was shown that if the diameter of an orbit having average thermal energy is much smaller than a strip width, the corrections to thermodynamic functions are small depending on magnetic field. Only the average velocity of near-boundary particles that form near-boundary electric currents creating the paramagnetic moment turn out to be essential.

  2. Utilização da biofotogrametria para a avaliação da flexibilidade de tronco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Perin


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a ginástica rítmica (GR é uma modalidade de ginástica que requer alto grau de flexibilidade, em virtude dos movimentos complexos que são requeridos. OBJETIVO: esta pesquisa objetivou comparar o teste de sentar e alcançar (TSA e a técnica de biofotogrametria como indicadores de flexibilidade de tronco, em praticantes iniciantes de GR. METODOLOGIA: a amostra contou com 60 meninas (de cinco a 11 anos de idade de um universo de 110, todas matriculadas em um centro de iniciação esportiva no estado do Paraná. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de novembro do ano de 2009. Para a comparação TSA com a biofotogrametria, foram traçados os ângulos de flexão da pelve (WP, flexão da coluna lombar (WC e flexão do total do tronco (WT. RESULTADOS: o resultado médio atingido pelas participantes na escala do TSA foi de 27,75cm. Encontrou-se forte correlação do ângulo WT com o TSA. Por ser uma composição de WC e WP, o WT possibilita uma visualização global da distância do tronco até os membros inferiores quando ocorre a flexão durante o teste. Por isso, as correlações entre os ângulos são boas e significativas. CONCLUSÃO: uma vez que o TSA apresenta alguns fatores intervenientes que podem mascarar o seu resultado, a biofotogrametria é discutida como um teste que permite observar, através de imagens fotográficas e cálculos angulares, dados fidedignos para a mensuração de flexibilidade e compensações musculares não identificadas normalmente.

  3. The angular gamma flux in an iron slab shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penkuhn, H.


    The angular distribution of the photon energy and dose rate flux in a plane iron shield is investigated assuming an isotropic volume source. Near the shield axis (cos phi approximately 1, with phi=angle between shield axis and gamma direction) the angular spectrum is strongly space-dependent. For large phi, space-independent fits are given. Source energies from 0.662 to 6 MeV and penetrations from 6 to 60 cm are treated and the results are compared with a similar investigation on normal concrete. The differences iron-concrete are appreciable only for the lowest source energy

  4. Síndrome del cuidador quemado: aportaciones de la ASC


    Domínguez Díaz, Ainhoa


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, Especialização em Animação Sociocultural El presente trabajo está centrado dentro del estudio del síndrome de Burnout en los cuidadores de personas dependientes que reciben prestaciones reconocidas en la Ley de Dependencia, siendo desarrollado en el ámbito del 2º Ciclo de Estudios del Mestrado en Ciencias da Educaçāo, especializaçāo en Animaçāo Sociocultural, cursado na Universidade Tras-os-Montes, Escola de Ciências Humanas e Sociais no Pól...

  5. Angular-momentum-bearing modes in fission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moretto, L.G.; Peaslee, G.F.; Wozniak, G.J.


    The angular-momentum-bearing degrees of freedom involved in the fission process are identified and their influence on experimental observables is discussed. The excitation of these modes is treated in the ''thermal'' limit, and the resulting distributions of observables are calculated. Experiments demonstrating the role of these modes are presented and discussed. 61 refs., 12 figs

  6. Estimativa do coeficiente da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em função do índice de área foliar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Silva


    Full Text Available A cana-de-açúcar vem sendo alvo de pesquisas ultimamente no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de técnicas viáveis para a prática da irrigação. Em função disso, esse trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a relação entre índice de área foliar (IAF e o coeficiente da cultura (Kc. Para tal, foi montado um experimento com cana-de-açúcar na região de Rio Largo, Alagoas, em que se mediu o IAF em dois ciclos de cultivo e ajustou-se o Kc às condições climáticas locais, no período de fevereiro de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009. Os resultados mostraram relação significativa entre o Kc e o IAF, em que a regressão polinomial quadrática utilizada na estimativa do Kc apresentou bom ajuste com r2 de 0,9342, índice de concordância (d de 0,9827, raiz quadrada do erro médio (RMSE de 0,0492 e erro padrão de estimativa (EPE de 0,539. A correlação entre o Kc real e o estimado pelo IAF teve coeficiente angular (b de 0,9997 e r2 de 0,9665, indicando que os valores estimados estiveram dentro da ordem de grandeza para a cana-de-açúcar. Assim, o método de regressão polinomial quadrática é viável para esta finalidade e apresenta-se como ferramenta bastante prática para o manejo da irrigação.

  7. The angular ordering in soft-gluon emission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tesima, K.


    The way to evaluate multi-parton cross-sections systematically is discussed. In the leading-double-log approximation in QCD, the successive emission of soft gluons is at successively smaller angles. The angular ordering, however, is violated in the next-to-leading order

  8. Generation of vertical angular momentum in single, double, and triple-turn pirouette en dehors in ballet. (United States)

    Kim, Jemin; Wilson, Margaret A; Singhal, Kunal; Gamblin, Sarah; Suh, Cha-Young; Kwon, Young-Hoo


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the vertical angular momentum generation strategies used by skilled ballet dancers in pirouette en dehors. Select kinematic parameters of the pirouette preparation (stance depth, vertical center-of-mass motion range, initial shoulder line position, shoulder line angular displacement, and maximum trunk twist angle) along with vertical angular momentum parameters during the turn (maximum momentums of the whole body and body parts, and duration and rate of generation) were obtained from nine skilled collegiate ballet dancers through a three-dimensional motion analysis and compared among three turn conditions (single, double, and triple). A one-way ('turn') multivariate analysis of variance of the kinematic parameters and angular momentum parameters of the whole body and a two-way analysis of variance ('turn' × 'body') of the maximum angular momentums of the body parts were conducted. Significant 'turn' effects were observed in the kinematic/angular momentum parameters (both the preparation and the turn) (p <  0.05). As the number of turns increased, skilled dancers generated larger vertical angular momentums by predominantly increasing the rate of momentum generation using rotation of the upper trunk and arms. The trail (closing) arm showed the largest contribution to whole-body angular momentum followed by the lead arm.

  9. Di-jet production and angular correlations in DIS at NLO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaliflian-Marian, J.


    Angular correlations are a sensitive probe of the dynamics of QCD at high energy. In particular azimuthal angular correlations between two hadrons produced in Deeply Inelastic Scattering (DIS) of a virtual photon on a hadron or nucleus offer the best environment in which to investigate high gluon density (gluon saturation) effects expected to arise at small x. Here we give a progress report on our derivation of Next to Leading Order (NLO) corrections to di-jet (di-hadron) production in DIS. (author)

  10. Orbital and angular motion construction for low thrust interplanetary flight (United States)

    Yelnikov, R. V.; Mashtakov, Y. V.; Ovchinnikov, M. Yu.; Tkachev, S. S.


    Low thrust interplanetary flight is considered. Firstly, the fuel-optimal control is found. Then the angular motion is synthesized. This motion provides the thruster tracking of the required by optimal control direction. And, finally, reaction wheel control law for tracking this angular motion is proposed and implemented. The numerical example is given and total operation time for thrusters is found. Disturbances from solar pressure, thrust eccentricity, inaccuracy of reaction wheels installation and errors of inertia tensor are taken into account.

  11. On the angular distributions of the heavy products of (HI, xn) reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sagajdak, R.N.


    The effects of neutron evaporation and scattering in the target on the angular distribution of the heavy products of (HI, xn) reactions is considered. Based on the analysis of the experimental angular distributions and their calculated parameters a simple phenomenological approach to the description of these distributions is proposed. The calculated distributions are compared with the experimental ones cited in the literature. The possibilities of using the proposed approach to calculate the integrated angular distributions of heavy products and to determine the efficiency of collecting (HI, xn) reaction products under the conditions of the kinematic separation of recoil nuclei are outlined. 28 refs.; 9 figs

  12. Combined spatial/angular domain decomposition SN algorithms for shared memory parallel machines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunter, M.A.; Haghighat, A.


    Several parallel processing algorithms on the basis of spatial and angular domain decomposition methods are developed and incorporated into a two-dimensional discrete ordinates transport theory code. These algorithms divide the spatial and angular domains into independent subdomains so that the flux calculations within each subdomain can be processed simultaneously. Two spatial parallel algorithms (Block-Jacobi, red-black), one angular parallel algorithm (η-level), and their combinations are implemented on an eight processor CRAY Y-MP. Parallel performances of the algorithms are measured using a series of fixed source RZ geometry problems. Some of the results are also compared with those executed on an IBM 3090/600J machine. (orig.)

  13. Simple method for evaluating Goldstone diagrams in an angular momentum coupled representation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuo, T.T.S.; Shurpin, J.; Tam, K.C.; Osnes, E.; Ellis, P.J.


    A simple and convenient method is derived for evaluating linked Goldstone diagrams in an angular momentum coupled representation. Our method is general, and can be used to evaluate any effective interaction and/or effective operator diagrams for both closed-shell nuclei (vacuum to vacuum linked diagrams) and open-shell nuclei (valence linked diagrams). The techniques of decomposing diagrams into ladder diagrams, cutting open internal lines and cutting off one-body insertions are introduced. These enable us to determine angular momentum factors associated with diagrams in the coupled representation directly, without the need for carrying out complicated angular momentum algebra. A summary of diagram rules is given

  14. Projection methods for the analysis of molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grum-Grzhimailo, A.N.; Lucchese, R.R.; Liu, X.-J.; Pruemper, G.; Morishita, Y.; Saito, N.; Ueda, K.


    A projection method is developed for extracting the nondipole contribution from the molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions of linear molecules. A corresponding convenient parametric form for the angular distributions is derived. The analysis was performed for the N 1s photoionization of the NO molecule a few eV above the ionization threshold. No detectable nondipole contribution was found for the photon energy of 412 eV

  15. There are many ways to spin a photon: Half-quantization of a total optical angular momentum. (United States)

    Ballantine, Kyle E; Donegan, John F; Eastham, Paul R


    The angular momentum of light plays an important role in many areas, from optical trapping to quantum information. In the usual three-dimensional setting, the angular momentum quantum numbers of the photon are integers, in units of the Planck constant ħ . We show that, in reduced dimensions, photons can have a half-integer total angular momentum. We identify a new form of total angular momentum, carried by beams of light, comprising an unequal mixture of spin and orbital contributions. We demonstrate the half-integer quantization of this total angular momentum using noise measurements. We conclude that for light, as is known for electrons, reduced dimensionality allows new forms of quantization.

  16. Spacecraft angular velocity estimation algorithm for star tracker based on optical flow techniques (United States)

    Tang, Yujie; Li, Jian; Wang, Gangyi


    An integrated navigation system often uses the traditional gyro and star tracker for high precision navigation with the shortcomings of large volume, heavy weight and high-cost. With the development of autonomous navigation for deep space and small spacecraft, star tracker has been gradually used for attitude calculation and angular velocity measurement directly. At the same time, with the dynamic imaging requirements of remote sensing satellites and other imaging satellites, how to measure the angular velocity in the dynamic situation to improve the accuracy of the star tracker is the hotspot of future research. We propose the approach to measure angular rate with a nongyro and improve the dynamic performance of the star tracker. First, the star extraction algorithm based on morphology is used to extract the star region, and the stars in the two images are matched according to the method of angular distance voting. The calculation of the displacement of the star image is measured by the improved optical flow method. Finally, the triaxial angular velocity of the star tracker is calculated by the star vector using the least squares method. The method has the advantages of fast matching speed, strong antinoise ability, and good dynamic performance. The triaxial angular velocity of star tracker can be obtained accurately with these methods. So, the star tracker can achieve better tracking performance and dynamic attitude positioning accuracy to lay a good foundation for the wide application of various satellites and complex space missions.

  17. Mechanical evidence of the orbital angular momentum to energy ratio of vortex beams. (United States)

    Demore, Christine E M; Yang, Zhengyi; Volovick, Alexander; Cochran, Sandy; MacDonald, Michael P; Spalding, Gabriel C


    We measure, in a single experiment, both the radiation pressure and the torque due to a wide variety of propagating acoustic vortex beams. The results validate, for the first time directly, the theoretically predicted ratio of the orbital angular momentum to linear momentum in a propagating beam. We experimentally determine this ratio using simultaneous measurements of both the levitation force and the torque on an acoustic absorber exerted by a broad range of helical ultrasonic beams produced by a 1000-element matrix transducer array. In general, beams with helical phase fronts have been shown to contain orbital angular momentum as the result of the azimuthal component of the Poynting vector around the propagation axis. Theory predicts that for both optical and acoustic helical beams the ratio of the angular momentum current of the beam to the power should be given by the ratio of the beam's topological charge to its angular frequency. This direct experimental observation that the ratio of the torque to power does convincingly match the expected value (given by the topological charge to angular frequency ratio of the beam) is a fundamental result.

  18. Angular Magnetoresistance of Nanowires with Alternating Cobalt and Nickel Segments

    KAUST Repository

    Mohammed, Hanan


    Magnetization reversal in segmented Co/Ni nanowires with varying number of segments was studied using angular Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements on isolated nanowires. The MR measurements offer an insight into the pinning of domain walls within the nanowires. Angular MR measurements were performed on nanowires with two and multiple segments by varying the angle between the applied magnetic field and nanowire (−90° ≤θ≤90°). The angular MR measurements reveal that at lower values of θ the switching fields are nearly identical for the multisegmented and two-segmented nanowires, whereas at higher values of θ, a decrease in the switching field is observed in the case of two segmented nanowires. The two segmented nanowires generally exhibit a single domain wall pinning event, whereas an increased number of pinning events are characteristic of the multisegmented nanowires at higher values of θ. In-situ magnetic force microscopy substantiates reversal by domain wall nucleation and propagation in multisegmented nanowires.

  19. Energy spectrum and angular distribution of prompt cosmic-ray muons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castagnoli, C; Picchi, P [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Turin (Italy). Lab. di Cosmo-Geofisica; Turin Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica Generale); Castellina, A; D' Ettorre Piazzoli, B; Mannocchi, G; Vernetto, S [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Turin (Italy). Lab. di Cosmo-Geofisica


    The energy spectrum and angular distribution of atmospheric prompt muons are calculated by using an integral solution for production of charmed particles, their decay and muon transport in the atmosphere. Current experimental information from accelerator and theoretical ideas about charm cross-section and semi-leptonic decay are used to give a reference prompt muon spectrum to compare with that from conventional sources (..pi.. and K decay). The obtained differential spectrum has an energy dependence which approaches that of the primary cosmic rays. The integral intensity of prompt muons is equal to the conventional one at about 250 TeV. The angular distribution is found to be practically flat in the range (0/80)/sup 0/ irrespective of the muon energy. On the basis of this analysis we estimate that accurate measurements of muon energy spectrum and angular distribution at energies greater than 10 TeV should allow one to obtain useful information regarding charm hadroproduction cross-section in the 100 TeV region.

  20. Angular Magnetoresistance of Nanowires with Alternating Cobalt and Nickel Segments

    KAUST Repository

    Mohammed, Hanan; Corte-Leon, H.; Ivanov, Yurii P.; Moreno, J. A.; Kazakova, O.; Kosel, Jü rgen


    Magnetization reversal in segmented Co/Ni nanowires with varying number of segments was studied using angular Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements on isolated nanowires. The MR measurements offer an insight into the pinning of domain walls within the nanowires. Angular MR measurements were performed on nanowires with two and multiple segments by varying the angle between the applied magnetic field and nanowire (−90° ≤θ≤90°). The angular MR measurements reveal that at lower values of θ the switching fields are nearly identical for the multisegmented and two-segmented nanowires, whereas at higher values of θ, a decrease in the switching field is observed in the case of two segmented nanowires. The two segmented nanowires generally exhibit a single domain wall pinning event, whereas an increased number of pinning events are characteristic of the multisegmented nanowires at higher values of θ. In-situ magnetic force microscopy substantiates reversal by domain wall nucleation and propagation in multisegmented nanowires.

  1. Angular and linear momentum of excited ferromagnets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yan, P.; Kamra, A.; Cao, Y.; Bauer, G.E.W.


    The angular momentum vector of a Heisenberg ferromagnet with isotropic exchange interaction is conserved, while under uniaxial crystalline anisotropy the projection of the total spin along the easy axis is a constant of motion. Using Noether's theorem, we prove that these conservation laws persist

  2. Microscopic analysis of angular momentum projected HFB-states in terms of interacting bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ring, P.; Pannert, W.


    Angular momentum- and number-projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) wavefunctions for transitional and deformed Rare Earth nuclei are analyzed in terms of Fermion pairs coupled to angular momenta L = 0(S), 2(D), 4(G), ... The Fermion space is truncated to contain only S-D or S-D-G pairs. The variation is carried out before and after angular momentum projection and with different truncations. The influence of the truncation on physical quantities such as moments of inertia, quadrupole moments or pair transfer matrix elements is discussed. 21 references

  3. Angular distribution of photofission fragments in 238U at 5.43 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuniyoshi, S.; Mafra, O.Y.; Renner, C.; Goldemberg, J.


    The angular distribution of photofission fragments of 238 U, produced by 5.43 MeV monochromatic photons from the eta,γ reaction in sulphur, has been measured using glass plates as detectors. In the analysis of the results only the contributions from the (J sup(π), K) 1= (1 - ,0), (1 - ,1) and (2 + ,0) terms were considered. The coefficients of the angular distributions of the fission fragments were obtained. An analysis of the data available in the literature on the angular distribution near the photofission threshold is also presented

  4. Mass resolved angular distribution of fission products in 20Ne + 232Th reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, R.; Sodaye, S.; Sudarshan, K.; Kumar, Amit; Guin, R.


    Mass resolved angular distribution of fission products was measured in 20 Ne + 232 Th reaction at beam energy of 120 MeV. A preliminary analysis of the angular distribution data of fission products shows higher average anisotropy compared to that calculated using statistical theory. A signature of rise in anisotropy near symmetry, as reported in earlier studies in literature, is also seen. Further study is in progress to get more detailed information about the contribution from non-compound nucleus fission and dependence of angular anisotropy on asymmetry of mass division

  5. Angular distribution of photofission fragments in 238U at 5.43 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuniyoshi, Susumo


    The angular distribution of photofission fragments of 238 U, produced by 5.43 MeV monochromatic photons from the η,γ reaction in sulphur, has been measured using glass plates as detectors. In the analysis of the results only the contributions from the (J π , K) 1= (1 - ,0), (1 - ,1) and (2 + ,0) terms were considered. The coefficients of the angular distributions of the fission fragments were obtained. An analysis of the data available in the literature on the angular distribution near the photofission threshold is also presented. (author)

  6. Angular Distributions of Sputtered Atoms from Semiconductor Targets at Grazing Ion Beam Incidence Angles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekowski, M.; Burenkov, A.; Martinez-Limia, A.; Hernandez-Mangas, J.; Ryssel, H.


    Angular distributions of ion sputtered germanium and silicon atoms are investigated within this work. Experiments are performed for the case of grazing ion incidence angles, where the resulting angular distributions are asymmetrical with respect to the polar angle of the sputtered atoms. The performed experiments are compared to Monte-Carlo simulations from different programs. We show here an improved model for the angular distribution, which has an additional dependence of the ion incidence angle.

  7. O efeito do uso de mochila na cinemática da marcha de crianças =The effect of backpack use in children’s gait kinematics


    Flores, Felipe


    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar diferenças cinemáticas na marcha de crianças com e sem o uso de mochila. Materiais e métodos: Foi analisada a marcha de 4 crianças, todas com 9 anos de idade, com e sem o uso de mochila, utilizando-se de equipamentos de análise biomecânica. O percentual de carga da mochila utilizada pelos sujeitos do estudo foi controlado e foram analisados os parâmetros de tempo dos passos, a velocidade da marcha e a variação angular do joelho. Resulta...

  8. Angular power spectrum in publically released ALICE events (United States)

    Llanes-Estrada, Felipe J.; Muñoz Martinez, Jose L.


    We study the particles emitted in the fireball following a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision with the traditional angular analysis employed in cosmology and earth sciences, producing Mollweide plots of the number and pt distribution of a few actual, publically released ALICE-collaboration events and calculating their angular power spectrum. We also examine the angular spectrum of a simple two-particle correlation. While this may not be the optimal way of analyzing heavy ion data, our intention is to provide a one to one comparison to analysis in cosmology. With the limited statistics at hand, we do not find evidence for acoustic peaks but a decrease of Cl that is reminiscent of viscous attenuation, but subject to a strong effect from the rapidity acceptance which probably dominates (so we also subtract the m = 0 component). As an exercise, we still extract a characteristic Silk damping length (proportional to the square root of the viscosity over entropy density ratio) to illustrate the method. The absence of acoustic-like peaks is also compatible with a crossover from the QGP to the hadron gas (because a surface tension at domain boundaries would effect a restoring force that could have driven acoustic oscillations). Presently we do not understand a depression of the l = 6 multipole strength; perhaps ALICE could reexamine it with full statistics.

  9. Enhanced angular overlap model for nonmetallic f -electron systems (United States)

    Gajek, Z.


    An efficient method of interpretation of the crystal field effect in nonmetallic f -electron systems, the enhanced angular overlap model (EAOM), is presented. The method is established on the ground of perturbation expansion of the effective Hamiltonian for localized electrons and first-principles calculations related to available experimental data. The series of actinide compounds AO2 , oxychalcogenides AOX , and dichalcogenides UX2 where X=S ,Se,Te and A=U ,Np serve as probes of the effectiveness of the proposed method. An idea is to enhance the usual angular overlap model with ab initio calculations of those contributions to the crystal field potential, which cannot be represented by the usual angular overlap model (AOM). The enhancement leads to an improved fitting and makes the approach intrinsically coherent. In addition, the ab initio calculations of the main, AOM-consistent part of the crystal field potential allows one to fix the material-specific relations for the EAOM parameters in the effective Hamiltonian. Consequently, the electronic structure interpretation based on EAOM can be extended to systems of the lowest point symmetries or/and deficient experimental data. Several examples illustrating the promising capabilities of EAOM are given.

  10. The perturbed angular correlation method - a modern technique in studying solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unterricker, S.; Hunger, H.J.


    Starting from theoretical fundamentals the differential perturbed angular correlation method has been explained. By using the probe nucleus 111 Cd the magnetic dipole interaction in Fesub(x)Alsub(1-x) alloys and the electric quadrupole interaction in Cd have been measured. The perturbed angular correlation method is a modern nuclear measuring method and can be applied in studying ordering processes, phase transformations and radiation damages in metals, semiconductors and insulators

  11. Desigualdades en los servicios de protección de la dependencia para personas mayores Inequalities in protection services for elderly dependent individuals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josep de Andrés-Pizarro


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la protección de la dependencia en España, especialmente en lo que respecta a las personas ancianas y los servicios sociales, resaltando los aspectos de desigualdad social. La discapacidad afecta al 32,2% de los mayores (un 35,9% de mujeres y llega a más del 50% entre los mayores de 80 años. Ante esta problemática emergente, el Estado de Bienestar sigue dando una tímida respuesta, con un gasto público mucho menor que los países de nuestro entorno y un subdesarrollo de los servicios de atención sociosanitaria de larga duración (especialmente los no residenciales que genera situaciones de desprotección y de desigualdad para la mayoría de las personas dependientes y para las que asumen su cuidado. La separación entre sistemas sanitario y social y la diversidad derivada de nuestro modelo autonómico determinan profundas diferencias en lo que respecta a los derechos de acceso, las puertas de entrada, las prestaciones, los costes y las fuentes de financiación y las culturas de los profesionales que los integran. Consolidar como derecho subjetivo, universal y garantizado la protección de la dependencia es un elemento fundamental para avanzar hacia la reducción de las desigualdades expresadas anteriormente y no perpetuar un modelo de atención a las familias que está en la base de la discriminación de género.This article analyses social welfare attention for dependence in Spain, especially with respect to old people and social services, with emphasis on social inequality. Disability affects 32.2% of older people (women 35.9%, which rises to 50% for people over 80. Faced with this growing problem, the welfare system continues to provide a timid response, which is expressed in public spending on this field that is much lower than that of the countries around us, which leads to insufficient development of long-term social and health care services (particularly non-residential services and gives rise to situations

  12. Angular distribution in ternary cold fission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delion, D.S.; J.W. Goethe Univ., Frankfurt; Sandulescu, A.; J.W. Goethe Univ., Frankfurt; Greiner, W.


    We describe the spontaneous ternary cold fission of 252 Cf, accompanied by 4 He, 10 Be and 14 C. The light cluster decays from the first resonant eigenstate in the Coulomb potential plus a harmonic oscillator potential. We have shown that the angular distribution of the emitted light particle is strongly connected with its deformation and the equatorial distance. (author)

  13. Creating high-purity angular-momentum-state Rydberg atoms by a pair of unipolar laser pulses (United States)

    Xin, PeiPei; Cheng, Hong; Zhang, ShanShan; Wang, HanMu; Xu, ZiShan; Liu, HongPing


    We propose a method of producing high-purity angular-momentum-state Rydberg atoms by a pair of unipolar laser pulses. The first positive-polarity optical half-cycle pulse is used to prepare an excited-state wave packet while the second one is less intense, but with opposite polarity and time delayed, and is employed to drag back the escaping free electron and clip the shape of the bound Rydberg wave packet, selectively increasing or decreasing a fraction of the angular-momentum components. An intelligent choice of laser parameters such as phase and amplitude helps us to control the orbital-angular-momentum composition of an electron wave packet with more facility; thus, a specified angular-momentum state with high purity can be achieved. This scheme of producing high-purity angular-momentum-state Rydberg atoms has significant application in quantum-information processing.

  14. The azimuthal component of Poynting's vector and the angular momentum of light (United States)

    Cameron, Robert P.; Speirits, Fiona C.; Gilson, Claire R.; Allen, L.; Barnett, Stephen M.


    The usual description in basic electromagnetic theory of the linear and angular momenta of light is centred upon the identification of Poynting's vector as the linear momentum density and its cross product with position, or azimuthal component, as the angular momentum density. This seemingly reasonable approach brings with it peculiarities, however, in particular with regards to the separation of angular momentum into orbital and spin contributions, which has sometimes been regarded as contrived. In the present paper, we observe that densities are not unique, which leads us to ask whether the usual description is, in fact, the most natural choice. To answer this, we adopt a fundamental rather than heuristic approach by first identifying appropriate symmetries of Maxwell's equations and subsequently applying Noether's theorem to obtain associated conservation laws. We do not arrive at the usual description. Rather, an equally acceptable one in which the relationship between linear and angular momenta is nevertheless more subtle and in which orbital and spin contributions emerge separately and with transparent forms.

  15. Gamma-ray multiplicity measurements and angular momentum transfer in deeply inelastic collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perrin, N.; Peter, J.


    In DIC, the part of the initial orbital angular momentum l which is transferred into internal angular momenta Δl of the fragments depends on the degree of cohesion of the composite system. The (few) measured gamma-rays multiplicities are compared to those observed for similar compound nuclei and for fission fragments. Δl increases with the kinetic energy relaxation. For medium-mass systems, the cohesion varies continuously from the rolling to the sticking situation when the decay time of the composite system increases. The rigid body situation is obtained for a small part of the relaxed events. For heavy systems, rigid rotation seems to be much more common, which will allow to extract information on the deflection function. The time needed to reach the rigid situation is intermediate between those of kinetic energy relaxation and mass asymmetry relaxation. An additional angular momentum can be added in the fragments, due to a bending mode at the scission-point, like in fission. That can explain the observed low anisotropy of the gamma-rays angular distribution

  16. Study of the mode of angular velocity damping for a spacecraft at non-standard situation (United States)

    Davydov, A. A.; Sazonov, V. V.


    Non-standard situation on a spacecraft (Earth's satellite) is considered, when there are no measurements of the spacecraft's angular velocity component relative to one of its body axes. Angular velocity measurements are used in controlling spacecraft's attitude motion by means of flywheels. The arising problem is to study the operation of standard control algorithms in the absence of some necessary measurements. In this work this problem is solved for the algorithm ensuring the damping of spacecraft's angular velocity. Such a damping is shown to be possible not for all initial conditions of motion. In the general case one of two possible final modes is realized, each described by stable steady-state solutions of the equations of motion. In one of them, the spacecraft's angular velocity component relative to the axis, for which the measurements are absent, is nonzero. The estimates of the regions of attraction are obtained for these steady-state solutions by numerical calculations. A simple technique is suggested that allows one to eliminate the initial conditions of the angular velocity damping mode from the attraction region of an undesirable solution. Several realizations of this mode that have taken place are reconstructed. This reconstruction was carried out using approximations of telemetry values of the angular velocity components and the total angular momentum of flywheels, obtained at the non-standard situation, by solutions of the equations of spacecraft's rotational motion.

  17. Monitoring Location and Angular Orientation of a Pill (United States)

    Schipper, John F.


    A mobile pill transmitter system moves through, or adjacent to, one or more organs in an animal or human body, while transmitting signals from its present location and/or present angular orientation. The system also provides signals from which the present roll angle of the pill, about a selected axis, can be determined. When the location coordinates angular orientation and the roll angle of the pill are within selected ranges, an aperture on the pill container releases a selected chemical into, or onto, the body. Optionally, the pill, as it moves, provides a sequence of visually perceptible images. The times for image formation may correspond to times at which the pill transmitter system location or image satisfies one of at least four criteria. This invention provides and supplies an algorithm for exact determination of location coordinates and angular orientation coordinates for a mobile pill transmitter (PT), or other similar device that is introduced into, and moves within, a GI tract of a human or animal body. A set of as many as eight nonlinear equations has been developed and applied, relating propagation of a wireless signal between either two, three, or more transmitting antennas located on the PT, to four or more non-coplanar receiving antennas located on a signal receiver appliance worn by the user. The equations are solved exactly, without approximations or iterations, and are applied in several environments: (1) association of a visual image, transmitted by the PT at each of a second sequence of times, with a PT location and PT angular orientation at that time; (2) determination of a position within the body at which a drug or chemical substance or other treatment is to be delivered to a selected portion of the body; (3) monitoring, after delivery, of the effect(s) of administration of the treatment; and (4) determination of one or more positions within the body where provision and examination of a finer-scale image is warranted.

  18. Angular distribution of ejected electrons from 20 keV He/sup +/ impact on He

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tokoro, N.; Takenouchi, S.; Urakawa, J.; Oda, N. (Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan). Research Lab. of Nuclear Reactor)


    The angular distributions of ejected electrons in the energy range 5-70 eV have been measured at angles from 30 to 150/sup 0/ for 20 keV He/sup +/ impact on He. The angular dependence of excitation cross sections of autoionisation states 2s/sup 2/ /sup 1/S and 2p/sup 2/ /sup 1/D+2s2p /sup 1/P are in good agreement with previous data measured by Bordenave-Montesquieu et al (Phys. Rev.; A25:245 (1982)). The continuous parts of the electron spectra show symmetrical angular distributions around 90/sup 0/ in the laboratory frame for low-energy electrons (angular distributions are discussed in connection with the molecular autoionisation mechanism.

  19. Practical scaling law for photoelectron angular distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Dongsheng; Zhang Jingtao; Xu Zhizhan; Li Xiaofeng; Fu Panming; Freeman, R.R.


    A practical scaling law that predicts photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) is derived using angular distribution formulas which explicitly contain spontaneous emission. The scaling law is used to analyze recent PAD measurements in above-threshold ionization, and to predict results of future experiments. Our theoretical and numerical studies show that, in the non-relativistic regime and long-wavelength approximation, the shapes of PADs are determined by only three dimensionless numbers: (1) u p ≡U p /(ℎ/2π)ω, the ponderomotive number (ponderomotive energy in units of laser photon energy); (2) ε b ≡E b /(ℎ/2π)ω, the binding number (atomic binding energy in units of the laser photon energy); (3) j, the absorbed-photon number. The scaling law is shown to be useful in predictions of results from strong-field Kapitza-Dirac effect measurements; specifically, the application of this scaling law to recently reported Kapitza-Dirac diffraction is discussed. Possible experimental tests to verify the scaling law are suggested

  20. Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation on Large and Medium Angular Scales (United States)

    Houghton, Anthony; Timbie, Peter


    This grant has supported work at Brown University on measurements of the 2.7 K Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB). The goal has been to characterize the spatial variations in the temperature of the CMB in order to understand the formation of large-scale structure in the universe. We have concurrently pursued two measurements using millimeter-wave telescopes carried aloft by scientific balloons. Both systems operate over a range of wavelengths, chosen to allow spectral removal of foreground sources such as the atmosphere, Galaxy, etc. The angular resolution of approx. 25 arcminutes is near the angular scale at which the most structure is predicted by current models to be visible in the CMB angular power spectrum. The main goal is to determine the angular scale of this structure; in turn we can infer the density parameter, Omega, for the universe as well as other cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble constant.

  1. Observation of elastic scattering effects on photoelectron angular distributions in free Xe clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehrwall, G; Tchaplyguine, M; Gisselbrecht, M; Lundwall, M; Feifel, R; Rander, T; Schulz, J; Marinho, R R T; Lindgren, A; Sorensen, S L; Svensson, S; Bjoerneholm, O


    We report an observation of substantial deviations in the photoelectron angular distribution for photoionization of atoms in free Xe clusters compared to the case of photoionization of free atoms. The cross section, however, seems not to vary between the cluster and free atoms. This observation was made in the vicinity of the Xe 4d Cooper minimum, where the atomic angular distribution is known to vary dramatically. The angular distribution of electrons emitted from atoms in the clusters is more isotropic than that of free atoms over the entire kinetic energy range studied. Furthermore, the angular distribution is more isotropic for atoms in the interior of the clusters than for atoms at the surface. We attribute this deviation to elastic scattering of the outgoing photoelectrons. We have investigated two average cluster sizes, ≥ 4000 and 1000 and found no significant differences between these two cases

  2. Orbital angular momentum of photons, plasmons and neutrinos in a plasma (United States)

    Mendonca, J. T.; Thidé, Bo; Then, H.; Ali, S.


    We study the exchange of angular momentum between electromagnetic and electrostatic waves in a plasma, due to the stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscatering processes [1]. Angular momentum states for plasmon and phonon fields are introduced for the first time. We demonstrate that these states can be excited by nonlinear wave mixing, associated with the scattering processes. This could be relevant for plasma diagnostics, both in laboratory and in space. Nonlinearly coupled paraxial equations and instability growth rates are derived. The characteristic features of the plasmon modes with finite angular momentum are also discussed. The potential problem is solved and the angular momentum is explicitly calculated [2]. Finally, it is shown that an electron-neutrino beam, propagating in a background plasma, can be decomposed into orbital momentum states, similar to that of photon states. Coupling between different neutrino states, in the presence of a plasma vortex, is considered. We show that plasma vorticity can be transfered to the neutrino beam, which is relevant to the understanding of the neutrino sources in astrophysics. [1] J.T. Mendonca et al., PRL 102, 185005 (2009). [2] S. Ali and J.T. Mendonca, PoP (2009) submitted. [3] J.T. Mendonca and B. Thide, Europhys. Lett. 84, 41001 (2008).

  3. Angular mining conveyor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sender, A; Mura, A; Liduchowski, L; Zok, P; Skolik, W; Szyngiel, S; Rojek, H; Gajda, B; Major, M; Stanislawski, P; Sliwiok, H; Sikora, J


    Angular mining conveyor provided with a drag chain extending along the axis of its path of movement, and a corner member, inside which the drag chain is led in a forced way, characterized in that the drag chain, where its path curves around the corner member, is located by supporting of the vertical links of the chain along the required curved section of the conveyor path around said corner member, and the supporting line of the links is so chosen, that, within the said curved section of the conveyor path, a space is maintained between the vertical end surface of the scrapers and the outer curved surface of the radially inner side wall of a corner trough associated with the corner member, through which corner trough the scrapers pass. 10 figs.

  4. Analogies between optical and quantum mechanical angular momentum. (United States)

    Nienhuis, Gerard


    The insight that a beam of light can carry orbital angular momentum (AM) in its propagation direction came up in 1992 as a surprise. Nevertheless, the existence of momentum and AM of an electromagnetic field has been well known since the days of Maxwell. We compare the expressions for densities of AM in general three-dimensional modes and in paraxial modes. Despite their classical nature, these expressions have a suggestive quantum mechanical appearance, in terms of linear operators acting on mode functions. In addition, paraxial wave optics has several analogies with real quantum mechanics, both with the wave function of a free quantum particle and with a quantum harmonic oscillator. We discuss how these analogies can be applied.This article is part of the themed issue 'Optical orbital angular momentum'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  5. Angular momentum projection of cranked PNC wave function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Yong


    In studying the properties of nuclear higher-spin states, not only the K-mixture needed to be taken into account, but also the Coriolis interaction (the cranking term) should be introduced. The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry, and the projection of the single-particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number. This makes the theoretical calculation somewhat complicated. However, considering some intrinsic symmetry in a nucleus, it is not very difficult to apply the angular momentum projection technique to the PNC wave functions including the cranking components (the cranked PNC wave functions). The fundamental expressions for calculating the nuclear energy spectra and the electromagnetic properties are deduced and evaluated in theory, consequently the feasibility of actualizing the present scheme is made clear

  6. Angular signatures, and a space-borne measurement concept

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerstl, S.A.W.


    The nature and value of angular signatures in remote sensing are reviewed with emphasis on the canopy hot-spot as a directionally localized angular signature and an important special case of a BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function). A new concept is presented that allows hot spot measurements from space by using active (laser) illumination and bistatic detection. The detectors are proposed as imaging array sensors that are circulating the illumination source (or vice versa) and are connected with it through tethers in space which also provide the directional controls needed so that the entire system becomes pointable like a search light. Near infrared or IR operation in an atmospheric transmission winodw is envisioned with night-time data acquistion. Detailed feasibility and systems analyses have yet to be performed.

  7. Uma teoria da justiça libertarista: contribuições de Nozick e Steiner


    Mateus, Jorge Daniel Martins


    Dissertação de mestrado em Filosofia Política Esta dissertação é um estudo analítico e comparativo das propostas de justiça libertarista de Robert Nozick e Hillel Steiner. Nela, serão analisadas questões essenciais para o libertarismo, a começar pela sua pedra angular: o princípio da propriedade de si. A propriedade de si surge como direito universal prescrito a cada indivíduo para que usufrua de plenos poderes sobre si próprio, seus dotes e talentos, excluindo todos os outros ...

  8. Unidentified angular recurrent ulceration responsive to antiviral therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahmi Amtha


    Full Text Available Background: Recurrent ulcer on angular area is usually called stomatitis angularis. It is caused by many factors such as vertical dimension reduce, vitamin B12, and immune system deficiency, C. albicans and staphylococcus involvement. Clinically is characterized by painful fissure with erythematous base without fever. Purpose: to describe an unidentified angular ulcer proceeded by recurrent ulcers with no response of topical therapy. Case: An 18-years old male came to Oral Medicine clinic in RSCM who complained of angular recurrent ulcers since 3 years ago which developed on skin and bleed easily on mouth opening. Patient had fever before the onset of ulcers. Large, painful, irregular ulcers covered by red crustae on angular area bilaterally. Patient has been treated with various drugs without improvement and lead to mouth opening limitation. Intra oral shows herpetiformtype of ulcer and swollen of gingival. Case management: Provisional diagnosis was established as viral infection thus acyclovir 200 mg five times daily for two weeks and topical anti inflammation gel were administered. Blood test for IgG/IgM of HSV1 and HSV2 were non reactive, however ulceration showed a remarkable improvement. The ulcers healed completely after next 2 weeks with acyclovir. Conclusion: The angular ulceration on above patient failed to fulfill the criteria of stomatitis angularis or herpes labialis lesion. However it showed a good response to antiviral. Therefore, unidentified angular ulceration was appointed, as the lesion might be triggered by other type of human herpes virus or types of virus that response to acyclovir.Latar belakang: ulser rekuren pada sudut mulut biasanya disebut stomatitis angularis. Kelainan ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti berkurangnya dimensi vertikal, defisiensi vitamin B12 dan sistem kekebalan tubuh, infeksi C. albicans serta staphylococcus. Secara klinis kelainan ini ditandai dengan fisur sakit pada sudut mulut dengan dasar

  9. Fission fragment angular distribution in the reaction 28Si+176Yb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, R.; Sudarshan, K.; Sharma, S.K.; Reddy, A.V.R.; Pujari, P.K.; Dutta, D.; Goswami, A.; Ramachandran, K.


    Fission fragment angular distribution has been measured in the reaction 28 Si+ 176 Yb at beam energies of 145 and 155 MeV to investigate the contribution from non-compound nucleus fission. Experiments were carried out at BARC-TIFR Pelletron-LINAC accelerator facility, Mumbai. Experimental angular anisotropies in this reaction were observed to be higher than those calculated using statistical theory, indicating contribution from non-compound nucleus fission in this reaction. (author)

  10. Macroscopic angular-momentum stages of Bose-Einstein condensates in toroidal traps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benakli, M.; Raghavan, S.; Smerzi, A.; Fantoni, S.; Shenoy, S.R.


    We study the stability of a rotating repulsive-atom Bose-Einstein condensate in a toroidal trap. The resulting macroscopic angular-momentum states with integer vorticity l spread radially, lowering rotational energies. These states are robust against vorticity-lowering decays, with estimated metastability barriers capable of sustaining large angular momenta (1 < or ∼ 10) for typical parameters. We identify the centrifugally squashed l-dependent density profile as a possible signature of condensate rotation and superfluidity. (author)

  11. Angular anisotropy parameters for sequential two-photon double ionization of helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, I A; Kheifets, A S


    We evaluate photoelectron angular anisotropy /3-parameters for the process of sequential two-photon double electron ionization of helium within the time-independent lowest order perturbation theory (LOPT). Our results indicate that for the photoelectron energies outside the interval (E slow , E fast ), where E slow = ω - IP He + and E fast ω - IP He , there is a considerable deviation from the dipole angular distribution thus indicating the effect of electron correlation.

  12. A two-dimensional wide-angle proton spectrometer with improved angular resolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Su; Deng, Yanqing; Ge, Xulei; Fang, Yuan; Wei, Wenqing; Gao, Jian; Liu, Feng; Chen, Min; Liao, Guoqian; Li, Yutong; Zhao, Li; Ma, Yanyun


    We present an improvement design of a two-dimensional (2D) angular-resolved proton spectrometer for wide-angle measurement of proton beams from high-intensity laser-solid interactions. By using a 2D selective entrance pinhole array with different periods in orthogonal axes, the angular resolution along one dimension is improved by a factor of 6.7. This improvement provides the accessibility to detect the spatial fine structures of the proton energy spectrum.

  13. A plasma solenoid driven by an Orbital Angular Momentum laser beam


    Nuter, R.; Korneev, Ph.; Thiele, I.; Tikhonchuk, V.


    A tens of Tesla quasi-static axial magnetic field can be produced in the interaction of a short intense laser beam carrying an Orbital Angular Momentum with an underdense plasma. Three-dimensional "Particle In Cell" simulations and analytical model demonstrate that orbital angular momentum is transfered from a tightly focused radially polarized laser beam to electrons without any dissipative effect. A theoretical model describing the balistic interaction of electrons with laser shows that par...

  14. A two-dimensional wide-angle proton spectrometer with improved angular resolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Su [Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (Ministry of Education) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Deng, Yanqing [Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (Ministry of Education) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); Ge, Xulei [Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (Ministry of Education) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Fang, Yuan; Wei, Wenqing; Gao, Jian; Liu, Feng; Chen, Min [Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (Ministry of Education) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Liao, Guoqian; Li, Yutong [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Zhao, Li [State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Ma, Yanyun [College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); and others


    We present an improvement design of a two-dimensional (2D) angular-resolved proton spectrometer for wide-angle measurement of proton beams from high-intensity laser-solid interactions. By using a 2D selective entrance pinhole array with different periods in orthogonal axes, the angular resolution along one dimension is improved by a factor of 6.7. This improvement provides the accessibility to detect the spatial fine structures of the proton energy spectrum.

  15. O efeito do uso de mochila na cinemática da marcha de crianças

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flores, Felipe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar diferenças cinemáticas na marcha de crianças com e sem o uso de mochila. Materiais e métodos: Foi analisada a marcha de 4 crianças, todas com 9 anos de idade, com e sem o uso de mochila, utilizando-se de equipamentos de análise biomecânica. O percentual de carga da mochila utilizada pelos sujeitos do estudo foi controlado e foram analisados os parâmetros de tempo dos passos, a velocidade da marcha e a variação angular do joelho. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas do uso de mochila nos parâmetros de marcha avaliados da população desse estudo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a recomendação de que a massa das mochilas não ultrapasse o valor de 10% da massa corporal para crianças estudantes do ensino fundamental, parece confirmar-se como verdadeiro, pois não acarretou, de maneira geral, alterações significativas nos padrões cinemáticos testados neste estudo.

  16. Fragile black holes and an angular momentum cutoff in peripheral heavy ion collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McInnes, Brett, E-mail: [Centro de Estudios Cientificos (CECs), Valdivia (Chile); National University of Singapore (Singapore)


    In collisions of heavy ions at extremely high energies, it is possible for a significant quantity of angular momentum to be deposited into the Quark-Gluon Plasma which is thought to be produced. We develop a simple geometric model of such a system, and show that it is dual, in the AdS/CFT sense, to a rotating AdS black hole with a topologically planar event horizon. However, when this black hole is embedded in string theory, it proves to be unstable, for all non-zero angular momenta, to a certain non-perturbative effect: the familiar planar black hole, as used in most AdS/CFT analyses of QGP physics, is 'fragile'. The upshot is that the AdS/CFT duality apparently predicts that the QGP should always become unstable when it is produced in peripheral collisions. However, we argue that holography indicates that relatively low angular momenta delay the development of the instability, so that in practice it may be observable only for peripheral collisions involving favorable impact parameters, generating extremely large angular momenta. In principle, the result may be holographic prediction of a cutoff for the observable angular momenta of the QGP, or perhaps of an analogous phenomenon in condensed matter physics.

  17. Análise cinemática da marcha de pessoas com paralisia cerebral, classificadas segundo critérios do Comitê Paralímpico Internacional modalidade Atletismo


    Rodrigues, Janaina de Oliveira


    Estudos referentes à análise da marcha correlacionada ao desporto paralímpico como na modalidade atletismo são escassos. Neste cenário, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar quantificar e comparar as alterações cinemáticas de parâmetros lineares e angulares da marcha humana, entre grupos com paralisia cerebral, classificados segundo critérios do Comite Paralimpico Internacional, em classes: T35 diplégicos, T36 atetóides e atáxicos e T37 hemiplégicos. Foram realizadas medidas de variáve...

  18. Study at high angular momentum of the reflection asymmetry in the 218 Ra transition nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aiche, M.


    The investigations concerning the 218 Ra nuclei at high angular momentum are discussed. The aim of the study is to enlarge the knowledge on the octupolar phenomena and to analyse its evolution as a funcion of the angular momentum. The 218 Ra nuclei is obtained from the ( 14 C, 4n) reaction. The gamma angular distribution and the gamma-gamma coincidence were measured by means of the Chateau de Cristal multicounter. The reflection asymmetric mean field theory and the bosons interaction model were applied to analyze the data and obtain the structure at high angular moments. The results show the existence of dipole-octupole correlations in the nuclei [fr

  19. Determining misorientation of graphite grains from the angular dependence of X-ray emission spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belavin, V. V.; Okotrub, A. V.; Bulusheva, L. G.; Kotosonov, A. S.; Vyalykh, D. V.; Molodtsov, S. L.


    Angular-resolved X-ray absorption spectra were measured for pyrolytic graphite samples of various quality. A new approach to determining the misorientation of graphite grains in polycrystalline samples is proposed, which is based on calculations of the angular dependence of the relative intensity of a peak corresponding to the π* state for a normal distribution of grains. The experimental values are used to construct theoretical angular dependences using partial densities of the π* and σ* states determined from the nonempirical calculations for graphite

  20. Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Transition Metal Dioxide Anions - a joint experimental and theoretical study (United States)

    Iordanov, Ivan; Gunaratne, Dasitha; Harmon, Christopher; Sofo, Jorge; Castleman, A. W., Jr.


    Angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) studies of the MO2- (M=Ti, Zr, Hf, Co, Rh) clusters are presented for the first time along with theoretical calculations of their properties. We confirm previously reported non-angular PES results for the vertical detachment energies (VDE), vibrational energies and geometric structures of these clusters and further explore the effect of the 'lanthanide contraction' on the MO2- clusters by comparing the electronic spectra of 4d and 5d transition metal dioxides. Angular-resolved PES provides the angular momentum contributions to the HOMO of these clusters and we use theoretical calculations to examine the HOMO and compare to our experimental results. First-principles calculations are done using both density functional theory (DFT) and the coupled-cluster, singles, doubles and triples (CCSD(T)) methods.

  1. Spatial Angular Compounding Technique for H-Scan Ultrasound Imaging. (United States)

    Khairalseed, Mawia; Xiong, Fangyuan; Kim, Jung-Whan; Mattrey, Robert F; Parker, Kevin J; Hoyt, Kenneth


    H-Scan is a new ultrasound imaging technique that relies on matching a model of pulse-echo formation to the mathematics of a class of Gaussian-weighted Hermite polynomials. This technique may be beneficial in the measurement of relative scatterer sizes and in cancer therapy, particularly for early response to drug treatment. Because current H-scan techniques use focused ultrasound data acquisitions, spatial resolution degrades away from the focal region and inherently affects relative scatterer size estimation. Although the resolution of ultrasound plane wave imaging can be inferior to that of traditional focused ultrasound approaches, the former exhibits a homogeneous spatial resolution throughout the image plane. The purpose of this study was to implement H-scan using plane wave imaging and investigate the impact of spatial angular compounding on H-scan image quality. Parallel convolution filters using two different Gaussian-weighted Hermite polynomials that describe ultrasound scattering events are applied to the radiofrequency data. The H-scan processing is done on each radiofrequency image plane before averaging to get the angular compounded image. The relative strength from each convolution is color-coded to represent relative scatterer size. Given results from a series of phantom materials, H-scan imaging with spatial angular compounding more accurately reflects the true scatterer size caused by reductions in the system point spread function and improved signal-to-noise ratio. Preliminary in vivo H-scan imaging of tumor-bearing animals suggests this modality may be useful for monitoring early response to chemotherapeutic treatment. Overall, H-scan imaging using ultrasound plane waves and spatial angular compounding is a promising approach for visualizing the relative size and distribution of acoustic scattering sources. Copyright © 2018 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Characterization of the Bell-Shaped Vibratory Angular Rate Gyro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junfang Fan


    Full Text Available The bell-shaped vibratory angular rate gyro (abbreviated as BVG is a novel shell vibratory gyroscope, which is inspired by the Chinese traditional bell. It sensitizes angular velocity through the standing wave precession effect. The bell-shaped resonator is a core component of the BVG and looks like the millimeter-grade Chinese traditional bell, such as QianLong Bell and Yongle Bell. It is made of Ni43CrTi, which is a constant modulus alloy. The exciting element, control element and detection element are uniformly distributed and attached to the resonator, respectively. This work presents the design, analysis and experimentation on the BVG. It is most important to analyze the vibratory character of the bell-shaped resonator. The strain equation, internal force and the resonator's equilibrium differential equation are derived in the orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. When the input angular velocity is existent on the sensitive axis, an analysis of the vibratory character is performed using the theory of thin shells. On this basis, the mode shape function and the simplified second order normal vibration mode dynamical equation are obtained. The coriolis coupling relationship about the primary mode and secondary mode is established. The methods of the signal processing and control loop are presented. Analyzing the impact resistance property of the bell-shaped resonator, which is compared with other shell resonators using the Finite Element Method, demonstrates that BVG has the advantage of a better impact resistance property. A reasonable means of installation and a prototypal gyro are designed. The gyroscopic effect of the BVG is characterized through experiments. Experimental results show that the BVG has not only the advantages of low cost, low power, long work life, high sensitivity, and so on, but, also, of a simple structure and a better impact resistance property for low and medium angular velocity measurements.

  3. Angular velocity of a sphere in a simple shear at small Reynolds number (United States)

    Meibohm, J.; Candelier, F.; Rosén, T.; Einarsson, J.; Lundell, F.; Mehlig, B.


    We analyze the angular velocity of a small neutrally buoyant spheroid log rolling in a simple shear. When the effect of fluid inertia is negligible the angular velocity ω equals half the fluid vorticity. We compute by singular perturbation theory how weak fluid inertia reduces the angular velocity in an unbounded shear, and how this reduction depends upon the shape of the spheroid (on its aspect ratio). In addition we determine the angular velocity by direct numerical simulations. The results are in excellent agreement with the theory at small but not too small values of the shear Reynolds number Res, for all aspect ratios considered. For the special case of a sphere we find ω /s =-1 /2 +0.0540 Res3 /2 where s is the shear rate. The O (Res3 /2) correction differs from that derived by Lin et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 44, 1 (1970), 10.1017/S0022112070001659], who obtained a numerical coefficient roughly three times larger.

  4. Neutron-fragment angular correlations in /sup 235/U(n/sub th/,f)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franklyn, C.B.


    Neutron-fragment angular correlations in /sup 235/U(n/sub th/,f) as a function of neutron energy and fragment mass are presented. The results obtained in this experiment, together with data for neutron-neutron angular correlations, are compared with a Monte Carlo simulation of the fission process incorporating both a scission neutron component and an anisotropic neutron emission component

  5. Wigner Functions and Quark Orbital Angular Momentum


    Mukherjee, Asmita; Nair, Sreeraj; Ojha, Vikash Kumar


    Wigner distributions contain combined position and momentum space information of the quark distributions and are related to both generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs). We report on a recent model calculation of the Wigner distributions for the quark and their relation to the orbital angular momentum.

  6. W UMa stars and angular momentum loss

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vilhu, O.; Rahunen, T.


    The structure and evolution of W UMa stars is still unsolved although considerable progress has been achieved in recent years. The authors aim is to find out whether it is possible to obtain more extreme mass ratios, what is the angular momentum needed and what is the time scale. (Auth.)

  7. Mass and angular distributions of the reaction products in heavy ion collisions (United States)

    Nasirov, A. K.; Giardina, G.; Mandaglio, G.; Kayumov, B. M.; Tashkhodjaev, R. B.


    The optimal reactions and beam energies leading to synthesize superheavy elements is searched by studying mass and angular distributions of fission-like products in heavy-ion collisions since the evaporation residue cross section consists an ignorable small part of the fusion cross section. The intensity of the yield of fission-like products allows us to estimate the probability of the complete fusion of the interacting nuclei. The overlap of the mass and angular distributions of the fusion-fission and quasifission products causes difficulty at estimation of the correct value of the probability of the compound nucleus formation. A study of the mass and angular distributions of the reaction products is suitable key to understand the interaction mechanism of heavy ion collisions.

  8. Angular-momentum-assisted dissociation of CO in strong optical fields (United States)

    Mullin, Amy; Ogden, Hannah; Murray, Matthew; Liu, Qingnan; Toro, Carlos


    Filaments are produced in CO gas by intense, chirped laser pulses. Visible emission from C2 is observed as a result of chemical reactions of highly excited CO. At laser intensities greater than 1014 W cm-2, the C2 emission shows a strong dependence on laser polarization. Oppositely chirped pulses of light with ω0 = 800 nm are recombined spatially and temporally to generate angularly accelerating electric fields (up to 30 THz) that either have an instantaneous linear polarization or act as a dynamic polarization grating that oscillates among linear and circular polarizations. The angularly accelerating linear polarization corresponds to an optical centrifuge that concurrently drives molecules into high rotational states (with J 50) and induces strong-field dissociation. Higher order excitation is observed for the time-varying laser polarization configuration that does not induce rotational excitation. The results indicate that the presence of rotational angular momentum lowers the threshold for CO dissociation in strong optical fields by coupling nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. Support from NSF CHE-1058721 and the University of Maryland.

  9. Angular deflection of rotary nickel titanium files: a comparative study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianluca Gambarini


    Full Text Available A new manufacturing method of twisting nickel titanium wire to produce rotary nickel titanium (RNT files has recently been developed. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the new manufacturing process increased the angular deflection of RNT files, by comparing instruments produced using the new manufacturing method (Twisted Files versus instruments produced with the traditional grinding process. Testing was performed on a total of 40 instruments of the following commercially available RNT files: Twisted Files (TF, Profile, K3 and M2 (NRT. All instruments tested had the same dimensions (taper 0.06 and tip size 25. Test procedures strictly followed ISO 3630-1. Data were collected and statistically analyzed by means ANOVA test. The results showed that TF demonstrated significantly higher average angular deflection levels (P<0.05, than RNT manufactured by a grinding process. Since angular deflection represent the amount of rotation (and consequently deformation that a RNT file can withstand before torsional failure, such a significant improvement is a favorable property for the clinical use of the tested RNT files.

  10. Shocks in the relativistic transonic accretion with low angular momentum (United States)

    Suková, P.; Charzyński, S.; Janiuk, A.


    We perform 1D/2D/3D relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of accretion flows with low angular momentum, filling the gap between spherically symmetric Bondi accretion and disc-like accretion flows. Scenarios with different directional distributions of angular momentum of falling matter and varying values of key parameters such as spin of central black hole, energy and angular momentum of matter are considered. In some of the scenarios the shock front is formed. We identify ranges of parameters for which the shock after formation moves towards or outwards the central black hole or the long-lasting oscillating shock is observed. The frequencies of oscillations of shock positions which can cause flaring in mass accretion rate are extracted. The results are scalable with mass of central black hole and can be compared to the quasi-periodic oscillations of selected microquasars (such as GRS 1915+105, XTE J1550-564 or IGR J17091-3624), as well as to the supermassive black holes in the centres of weakly active galaxies, such as Sgr A*.

  11. Narrow-band 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 and 24 cycles/360o angular frequency filters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simas M.L.B.


    Full Text Available We measured human frequency response functions for seven angular frequency filters whose test frequencies were centered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 or 24 cycles/360º using a supra-threshold summation method. The seven functions of 17 experimental conditions each were measured nine times for five observers. For the arbitrarily selected filter phases, the maximum summation effect occurred at test frequency for filters at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 cycles/360º. For both 16 and 24 cycles/360º test frequencies, maximum summation occurred at the lower harmonics. These results allow us to conclude that there are narrow-band angular frequency filters operating somehow in the human visual system either through summation or inhibition of specific frequency ranges. Furthermore, as a general result, it appears that addition of higher angular frequencies to lower ones disturbs low angular frequency perception (i.e., 1, 2, 3 and 4 cycles/360º, whereas addition of lower harmonics to higher ones seems to improve detection of high angular frequency harmonics (i.e., 8, 16 and 24 cycles/360º. Finally, we discuss the possible involvement of coupled radial and angular frequency filters in face perception using an example where narrow-band low angular frequency filters could have a major role.

  12. Plasmonic angular tunability of gold nanoparticles generated by fs laser ablation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pace, M.L.; Guarnaccio, A.; Ranù, F. [CNR, ISM UOS Tito Scalo, Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo (PZ) 85050 (Italy); Trucchi, D. [CNR, ISM UOS Montelibretti, Via Salaria km 29.300, Monterotondo Scalo, (RM) 00015 (Italy); Orlando, S., E-mail: [CNR, ISM UOS Tito Scalo, Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo (PZ) 85050 (Italy); Mollica, D.; Parisi, G.P. [CNR, ISM UOS Tito Scalo, Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo (PZ) 85050 (Italy); Medici, L.; Lettino, A. [CNR, IMAA, Area della Ricerca di Potenza -Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo, (PZ) 85050 (Italy); De Bonis, A.; Teghil, R. [Dipart. di Scienze,Università della Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano 10, Potenza, 85100 (Italy); Santagata, A. [CNR, ISM UOS Tito Scalo, Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo (PZ) 85050 (Italy)


    Highlights: • fs pulsed laser ablation as a technique to produce nanoparticles. • Nanoparticle distribution as an evidence for plasmonic tunable resonances. • Correlation between angular distribution of deposited nanoparticles and specific plasmonic resonances. - Abstract: With the aim to study the influence of deposition parameters on the plasmonic properties of gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) deposited by ultra-short ablation, we have focused our attention in evaluating how their size distribution can be varied. In this work, the role played by the NPs’ angular distribution, agglomeration and growth is related to the resulting optical properties. UV–vis-NIR absorption spectra together with Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-ray microdiffraction observations are presented in order to show how the angular distribution of fs laser ablation and deposition of Au NPs provides different plasmonic properties which can be beneficial for several aims, from optoelectronic to biosensor applications.

  13. Limits to evaporation residue cross sections from fission and particle decay at high angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, J.O.


    In recent years there has been great interest in nuclear properties at very high angular momentum. The heavy-ion (HI),xnγ reaction and to a lesser extent the (HI,xn,ypγ) reactions, have so far offered the most powerful experimental technique for their study. Measurements on the resolved discrete γ-rays from the decay of yrast or near-yrast states has lead to considerable understanding of states with angular momenta up to a little over 20h and in a few special cases as high as 37 h. To investigate nuclei at still higher angular angular momenta one can study the so called 'continuum γ-rays', which cannot be resolved by present techniques because so many pathways are involved. The author considers the factors which determine the upper limits of the angular momenta for which continuum γ-ray studies can be usefully employed and how one may gain information beyond these limits

  14. Angular distribution and rotations of frame in vector meson decays into lepton pairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palestini, Sandro


    We discuss how the angular distribution of lepton pairs from decays of vector mesons depends on the choice of reference frame, and provide a geometrical description of the transformations of the coefficients of the angular distribution. Invariant expressions involving all coefficients are discussed, together with bounds and consistency relations.

  15. Dual electromagnetism: helicity, spin, momentum and angular momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bliokh, Konstantin Y; Nori, Franco; Bekshaev, Aleksandr Y


    The dual symmetry between electric and magnetic fields is an important intrinsic property of Maxwell equations in free space. This symmetry underlies the conservation of optical helicity and, as we show here, is closely related to the separation of spin and orbital degrees of freedom of light (the helicity flux coincides with the spin angular momentum). However, in the standard field-theory formulation of electromagnetism, the field Lagrangian is not dual symmetric. This leads to problematic dual-asymmetric forms of the canonical energy–momentum, spin and orbital angular-momentum tensors. Moreover, we show that the components of these tensors conflict with the helicity and energy conservation laws. To resolve this discrepancy between the symmetries of the Lagrangian and Maxwell equations, we put forward a dual-symmetric Lagrangian formulation of classical electromagnetism. This dual electromagnetism preserves the form of Maxwell equations, yields meaningful canonical energy–momentum and angular-momentum tensors, and ensures a self-consistent separation of the spin and orbital degrees of freedom. This provides a rigorous derivation of the results suggested in other recent approaches. We make the Noether analysis of the dual symmetry and all the Poincaré symmetries, examine both local and integral conserved quantities and show that only the dual electromagnetism naturally produces a complete self-consistent set of conservation laws. We also discuss the observability of physical quantities distinguishing the standard and dual theories, as well as relations to quantum weak measurements and various optical experiments. (paper)

  16. Angular Momentum Transport in Quasi-Keplerian Accretion Disks ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    R. Narasimhan (Krishtel eMaging) 1461 1996 Oct 15 13:05:22

    Keplerian accretion disk yield results that are inconsistent with the generally accepted model. If correct, the ideas proposed by Hayashi &. Matsuda would radically alter our understanding of the nature of the angular momentum transport in the disk, ...

  17. Validación de la versión española del Test Stroop de Alcohol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Sánchez-López


    Full Text Available El sesgo atencional para el alcohol se ha mostrado útil para identificar a personas con consumo patológico así como a personas dependientes con altas probabilidades de recaída. El objetivo de este trabajo fue validar la versión española del Test Stroop de Alcohol diseñado para evaluar el sesgo atencional en pacientes dependientes del alcohol. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 173 participantes divididos en dos grupos: Un grupo de pacientes (n = 88 cumpliendo criterios de dependencia alcohólica y un grupo control (n = 85 con riesgo bajo de consumo de alcohol, que realizaron el Test de palabras y colores de Stroop (Stroop clásico, el Test de Stroop neutro y el Test de Stroop de Alcohol. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las interferencias para el Stroop Clásico y el Stroop de Alcohol. Los pacientes con dependencia, en comparación a los participantes control, mostraron mayores interferencias para estímulos de contenido alcohólico que para estímulos de contenido neutro. Este efecto fue explicado por un sesgo atencional para información relacionada con el alcohol en pacientes con dependencia. Se calcularon curvas COR, observándose áreas bajo la curva estadísticamente significativas para las interferencias del Stroop clásico y del Stroop de alcohol. Este trabajo sirvió para validar la versión española del Test Stroop de Alcohol para evaluar sesgos atencionales hacia el alcohol en personas con problemas de consumo y dependencia alcohólica.

  18. Vector correlation analysis for inelastic and reactive collisions between partners possessing spin and orbital angular momentum. (United States)

    Balint-Kurti, Gabriel G; Vasyutinskii, Oleg S


    A general reactive collision of the type A + B --> C + D is considered where both the collision partners (A and B) or the products (C and D) may possess internal, i.e., spin, orbital or rotational, angular momenta. Compact expressions are derived using a rigorous quantum mechanical analysis for the angular momentum anisotropy of either of the products (C or D) arising from an initially polarized distribution of the reactant angular momentum. The angular momentum distribution of the product is expressed in terms of canonical spherical tensors multiplied by anisotropy-transforming coefficients c(K(i)q(k))(K)(K(r),L). These coefficients act as transformation coefficients between the angular momentum anisotropy of the reactants and that of the product. They are independent of scattering angle but depend on the details of the scattering dynamics. The relationship between the coefficients c(K(i)q(k))(K)(K(r),L) and the body-fixed scattering S matrix is given and the methodology for the quantum mechanical calculation of the anisotropy-transforming coefficients is clearly laid out. The anisotropy-transforming coefficients are amenable to direct experimental measurement in a similar manner to vector correlation and alignment parameters in photodissociation processes. A key aspect of the theory is the use of projections of both reactant and product angular momenta onto the product recoil vector direction. An important new conservation rule is revealed through the analysis, namely that if the state multipole for reactant angular momentum distribution has a projection q(k) onto the product recoil vector the state multipoles for the product angular momentum distribution all have this same projection. Expressions are also presented for the distribution of the product angular momentum when its components are evaluated relative to the space-fixed Z-axis. Notes with detailed derivations of all the formulas are available as Supporting Information.

  19. Angular distribution in proton-hydrogen charge-transfer collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glembocki, O.; Halpern, A.M.


    Theoretical angular distributions for p-H charge transfer to the 1s state for energies of 1 keV and above have been examined and compared for three approximation schemes: the plane-wave Born approximation of Jackson and Schiff (JS), the Coulomb projected Born approximation of Geltman (G), and the distorted-wave eikonal approximation of one of the authors (D). The sharp dip in the forward distribution characteristic of JS is found to exist in G and D as well. As expected, G and D give identical results for all but the lowest energies. In the cases of G and D the dip, which is located close to that of JS, disappears and then reappears as the energy rises. Analytic high-energy limits for the angular dependence in both the JS and G cases have been found and are discussed

  20. Investigating pointing tasks across angularly coupled display areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hennecke, Fabian; De Luca, Alexander; Nguyen, Ngo Dieu Huong


    Pointing tasks are a crucial part of today’s graphical user interfaces. They are well understood for flat displays and most prominently are modeled through Fitts’ Law. For novel displays (e.g., curved displays with multi-purpose areas), however, it remains unclear whether such models for predicting...... that the target position affects overall pointing speed and offset in both conditions. However, we also found that Fitts’ Law can in fact still be used to predict performance as on flat displays. Our results help designers to optimize user interfaces on angularly coupled displays when pointing tasks are involved....... user performance still hold – in particular when pointing is performed across differently oriented areas. To answer this question, we conducted an experiment on an angularly coupled display – the Curve – with two input conditions: direct touch and indirect mouse pointer. Our findings show...

  1. BAO from Angular Clustering: Optimization and Mitigation of Theoretical Systematics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crocce, M.; et al.


    We study the theoretical systematics and optimize the methodology in Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) detections using the angular correlation function with tomographic bins. We calibrate and optimize the pipeline for the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 dataset using 1800 mocks. We compare the BAO fitting results obtained with three estimators: the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE), Profile Likelihood, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The MLE method yields the least bias in the fit results (bias/spread $\\sim 0.02$) and the error bar derived is the closest to the Gaussian results (1% from 68% Gaussian expectation). When there is mismatch between the template and the data either due to incorrect fiducial cosmology or photo-$z$ error, the MLE again gives the least-biased results. The BAO angular shift that is estimated based on the sound horizon and the angular diameter distance agree with the numerical fit. Various analysis choices are further tested: the number of redshift bins, cross-correlations, and angular binning. We propose two methods to correct the mock covariance when the final sample properties are slightly different from those used to create the mock. We show that the sample changes can be accommodated with the help of the Gaussian covariance matrix or more effectively using the eigenmode expansion of the mock covariance. The eigenmode expansion is significantly less susceptible to statistical fluctuations relative to the direct measurements of the covariance matrix because the number of free parameters is substantially reduced [$p$ parameters versus $p(p+1)/2$ from direct measurement].

  2. Measurement of the angular distribution of neutron-proton scattering at 10 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haight, R.C.; Bateman, F.B.; Grimes, S.M.; Brient, C.E.; Massey, T.N.; Wasson, O.A.; Carlson, A.D.; Zhou, H.


    The relative angular distribution of neutrons scattered from protons was measured at an incident neutron energy of 10 MeV at the Ohio University Accelerator Laboratory. An array of 11 detector telescopes at laboratory angles of 0 to 60 degrees was used to detect recoil protons from neutron interactions with a CH 2 (polypropylene) target. Data for 7 of these telescopes were obtained with one set of electronics and are presented here. These data, from 108 to 180 degrees for the center-of-mass scattering angles, have a small slope which agrees better with angular distributions predicted by the Arndt phase shifts than with the ENDF/B-VI angular distribution

  3. Effects of ultrashort laser pulses on angular distributions of photoionization spectra. (United States)

    Ooi, C H Raymond; Ho, W L; Bandrauk, A D


    We study the photoelectron spectra by intense laser pulses with arbitrary time dependence and phase within the Keldysh framework. An efficient semianalytical approach using analytical transition matrix elements for hydrogenic atoms in any initial state enables efficient and accurate computation of the photoionization probability at any observation point without saddle point approximation, providing comprehensive three dimensional photoelectron angular distribution for linear and elliptical polarizations, that reveal the intricate features and provide insights on the photoionization characteristics such as angular dispersions, shift and splitting of photoelectron peaks from the tunneling or above threshold ionization(ATI) regime to non-adiabatic(intermediate) and multiphoton ionization(MPI) regimes. This facilitates the study of the effects of various laser pulse parameters on the photoelectron spectra and their angular distributions. The photoelectron peaks occur at multiples of 2ħω for linear polarization while  odd-ordered peaks are suppressed in the direction perpendicular to the electric field. Short pulses create splitting and angular dispersion where the peaks are strongly correlated to the angles. For MPI and elliptical polarization with shorter pulses the peaks split into doublets and the first peak vanishes. The carrier envelope phase(CEP) significantly affects the ATI spectra while the Stark effect shifts the spectra of intermediate regime to higher energies due to interference.

  4. Wealth of information derivable from Evaporation Residue (ER) angular momentum distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madhavan, N.


    Understanding fusion-fission dynamics is possible by studying the fission process, or, alternatively, by studying the complementary fusion-evaporation process. Though the latter method is difficult to implement, requiring sophisticated recoil separators/spectrometers for selecting the ERs in the direction of the primary beam, it provides more clarity with better accuracy and is indispensible for probing the pre-saddle region in heavy nuclei. Super Heavy Element (SHE) search crucially depends on understanding the fusion-fission process, the choice of entrance channel and excitation energy of the Compound Nucleus (CN), ER cross-section and, more importantly, the angular momenta populated in ERs which survive fission. The measurement of ER angular momentum distributions, through coincidence technique involving large gamma multiplicity detector array and recoil separator, throws up a wealth of information such as, nuclear viscosity effects, limits of stability of ERs, shape changes at high spins, snapshot of frozen set of barriers using a single-shot experiment and indirect information about onset of quasi-fission processes. There is a paucity of experimental data with regard to angular momentum distributions in heavy nuclei due to experimental constraints. In this talk, the variety of information which could be derived through experimental ER angular momentum distributions will be elaborated with examples from work carried out at IUAC using advanced experimental facilities. (author)

  5. Measuring the Angular Velocity of a Propeller with Video Camera Using Electronic Rolling Shutter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yipeng Zhao


    Full Text Available Noncontact measurement for rotational motion has advantages over the traditional method which measures rotational motion by means of installing some devices on the object, such as a rotary encoder. Cameras can be employed as remote monitoring or inspecting sensors to measure the angular velocity of a propeller because of their commonplace availability, simplicity, and potentially low cost. A defect of the measurement with cameras is to process the massive data generated by cameras. In order to reduce the collected data from the camera, a camera using ERS (electronic rolling shutter is applied to measure angular velocities which are higher than the speed of the camera. The effect of rolling shutter can induce geometric distortion in the image, when the propeller rotates during capturing an image. In order to reveal the relationship between the angular velocity and the image distortion, a rotation model has been established. The proposed method was applied to measure the angular velocities of the two-blade propeller and the multiblade propeller. The experimental results showed that this method could detect the angular velocities which were higher than the camera speed, and the accuracy was acceptable.

  6. Correlation between Angular Widths of CMEs and Characteristics of Their Source Regions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, X. H.; Feng, X. S. [State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Feng, H. Q. [Institute of Space Physics, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang, Henan 471934 (China); Li, Z. [Institute of Space Weather, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044 (China)


    The angular width of a coronal mass ejection (CME) is an important factor in determining whether the corresponding interplanetary CME (ICME) and its preceding shock will reach Earth. However, there have been very few studies of the decisive factors of the CME’s angular width. In this study, we use the three-dimensional (3D) angular width of CMEs obtained from the Graduated Cylindrical Shell model based on observations of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ( STEREO ) to study the relations between the CME’s 3D width and characteristics of the CME’s source region. We find that for the CMEs produced by active regions (ARs), the CME width has some correlations with the AR’s area and flux, but these correlations are not strong. The magnetic flux contained in the CME seems to come from only part of the AR’s total flux. For the CMEs produced by flare regions, the correlations between the CME angular width and the flare region’s area and flux are strong. The magnetic flux within those CMEs seems to come from the whole flare region or even from a larger region than the flare. Our findings show that the CME’s 3D angular width can be generally estimated based on observations of Solar Dynamics Observatory for the CME’s source region instead of the observations from coronagraphs on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory and STEREO if the two foot points of the CME stay in the same places with no expansion of the CME in the transverse direction until reaching Earth.

  7. On angular distribution of nucleus fission fragments by fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barabanov, A.L.; Grechukhin, D.P.


    Evaluation of amplitudes of quadrupole and hexadecapole components of angular distribution of nucleus fission fragments by neutrons with the energies E n < or approx. 6 MeV is conducted. Stability of this amplitude to permeability optical coefficient variations for neutrons is revealed. It is shown, that the ratio of these amplitudes as well as the character of their dependence on the target nucleus orientation degree are sensitive to the type of fission probability distribution along K projection if fissile nucleus J spin to the fragment scattering axis. This sensitivity may be used for fragment angular distribution anisotropy formation statistical model verification

  8. Angular interpolations and splice options for three-dimensional transport computations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abu-Shumays, I.K.; Yehnert, C.E.


    New, accurate and mathematically rigorous angular Interpolation strategies are presented. These strategies preserve flow and directionality separately over each octant of the unit sphere, and are based on a combination of spherical harmonics expansions and least squares algorithms. Details of a three-dimensional to three-dimensional (3-D to 3-D) splice method which utilizes the new angular interpolations are summarized. The method has been implemented in a multidimensional discrete ordinates transport computer program. Various features of the splice option are illustrated by several applications to a benchmark Dog-Legged Void Neutron (DLVN) streaming and transport experimental assembly

  9. Quantitatively measuring the orbital angular momentum density of light : Presentation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Dudley, Angela L


    Full Text Available the orbital angular momentum density of light Angela Dudleya, Christian Schulzeb, Igor Litvina, Michael Duparréb and Andrew Forbes*a,c,d a CSIR National Laser Centre, PO Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa; b Institute of Applied Optics, Friedrich...., “Generation of high-order Bessel beams by use of an axicon,” Opt. Commun. 177(1-6), 297–301 (2000). [3] Sztul, H. I. and Alfano, R. R., “The Poynting vector and angular momentum of Airy beams,” Opt. Express 16(13), 9411–9416 (2008). [4] Allen, L...

  10. Adaptive Angular Sampling for SPECT Imaging


    Li, Nan; Meng, Ling-Jian


    This paper presents an analytical approach for performing adaptive angular sampling in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. It allows for a rapid determination of the optimum sampling strategy that minimizes image variance in regions-of-interest (ROIs). The proposed method consists of three key components: (a) a set of close-form equations for evaluating image variance and resolution attainable with a given sampling strategy, (b) a gradient-based algor...

  11. Angular multiplexing holograms of four images recorded on photopolymer films with recording-film-thickness-dependent holographic characteristics (United States)

    Osabe, Keiichi; Kawai, Kotaro


    In this study, angular multiplexing hologram recording photopolymer films were studied experimentally. The films contained acrylamide as a monomer, eosin Y as a sensitizer, and triethanolamine as a promoter in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix. In order to determine the appropriate thickness of the photopolymer films for angular multiplexing, photopolymer films with thicknesses of 29-503 μm were exposed to two intersecting beams of a YVO laser at a wavelength of 532 nm to form a holographic grating with a spatial frequency of 653 line/mm. The diffraction efficiencies as a function of the incident angle of reconstruction were measured. A narrow angular bandwidth and high diffraction efficiency are required for angular multiplexing; hence, we define the Q value, which is the diffraction efficiency divided by half the bandwidth. The Q value of the films depended on the thickness of the films, and was calculated based on the measured diffraction efficiencies. The Q value of a 297-μm-thick film was the highest of the all films. Therefore, the angular multiplexing experiments were conducted using 300-μm-thick films. In the angular multiplexing experiments, the object beam transmitted by a square aperture was focused by a Fourier transform lens and interfered with a reference beam. The maximum order of angular multiplexing was four. The signal intensity that corresponds to the squared-aperture transmission and the noise intensity that corresponds to transmission without the square aperture were measured. The signal intensities decreased as the order of angular multiplexing increased, and the noise intensities were not dependent on the order of angular multiplexing.

  12. Effects of angular momentum dissipation on fluctuations of excitation functions in heavy-ion collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kun, S.Yu.; Noerenberg, W.; Technische Hochschule Darmstadt


    We study the effect from dissipation of relative angular momentum on fluctuations of exitations functions in dissipative heavy-ion collisions. Dissipation and fluctuation of relative angular momentum modify and smooth the time-angle localization of the roating dinuclear system. The secondary maxima in the energy correlation function of the cross-section are shifted to smaller values of the energy difference, the shift depending on the relaxation time and the diffusion coefficient for the angular-momentum dissipation. The results are illustrated for the collision 28 Si(E lab =130MeV)+ 48 Ti. (orig.)

  13. Method of separation of air showers initiated by γ-quanta and protons using Cherenkov light angular characteristics in combination and angular resolution estimate for an array of several optical telescopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anokhina, A.M.; Galkin, V.I.; Ivanenko, I.P.; Roganova, T.M.


    Computer simulation of optical characteristics of air showers was carried out. On the basis of multidimensional analysis of Cherenkov light angular distribution possibility is considered to distinguish γ-showers from proton showers. Also an estimate for angular resolution is given for an array of five optical telescopes situated at Mt.Aragats. 7 refs.; 10 figs.; 11 tabs

  14. A Role for the Left Angular Gyrus in Episodic Simulation and Memory. (United States)

    Thakral, Preston P; Madore, Kevin P; Schacter, Daniel L


    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies indicate that episodic simulation (i.e., imagining specific future experiences) and episodic memory (i.e., remembering specific past experiences) are associated with enhanced activity in a common set of neural regions referred to as the core network. This network comprises the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and left angular gyrus, among other regions. Because fMRI data are correlational, it is unknown whether activity increases in core network regions are critical for episodic simulation and episodic memory. In the current study, we used MRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to assess whether temporary disruption of the left angular gyrus would impair both episodic simulation and memory (16 participants, 10 females). Relative to TMS to a control site (vertex), disruption of the left angular gyrus significantly reduced the number of internal (i.e., episodic) details produced during the simulation and memory tasks, with a concomitant increase in external detail production (i.e., semantic, repetitive, or off-topic information), reflected by a significant detail by TMS site interaction. Difficulty in the simulation and memory tasks also increased after TMS to the left angular gyrus relative to the vertex. In contrast, performance in a nonepisodic control task did not differ statistically as a function of TMS site (i.e., number of free associates produced or difficulty in performing the free associate task). Together, these results are the first to demonstrate that the left angular gyrus is critical for both episodic simulation and episodic memory. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Humans have the ability to imagine future episodes (i.e., episodic simulation) and remember episodes from the past (i.e., episodic memory). A wealth of neuroimaging studies have revealed that these abilities are associated with enhanced activity in a core network of neural regions, including the hippocampus, medial prefrontal

  15. Electron angular distribution axial channeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khokonov, A.Kh.; Khokonov, M.Kh.


    Angular distributions of ultra-relativistic electrons are calculated in the assumption about presence of statistical equilibrium. Analysis is based on numerical solution of Fokker-Planck type kinetic equation. It is shown that in contrast to case of amorphous medium, the multiple scattering at axial channeling of negative particles results in self-focusing of the initial beam particles and due to it number of electrons moving at an angles to the chain, which are smaller, than critical angle of channeling, may increase by several times as compared to the initial one

  16. Control of Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum Orientation with an Optical Centrifuge (United States)

    Ogden, Hannah M.; Murray, Matthew J.; Mullin, Amy S.


    We use an optical centrifuge to trap and spin molecules to an angular frequency of 30 THz with oriented angular momenta and extremely high rotational energy and then investigate their subsequent collision dynamics with transient high resolution IR spectroscopy. The optical centrifuge is formed by combining oppositely-chirped pulses of 800 nm light, and overlapping them spatially and temporally. Polarization-sensitive Doppler-broadened line profiles characterize the anisotropic kinetic energy release of the super rotor molecules, showing that they behave like molecular gyroscopes. Studies are reported for collisions of CO2 super rotors with CO2, He and Ar. These studies reveal how mass, velocity and rotational adiabaticity impact the angular momentum relaxation and reorientation. Quantum scattering calculations provide insight into the J-specific collision cross sections that control the relaxation. NSF-CHE 105 8721.

  17. Modelling of atmospheric effects on the angular distribution of a backscattering peak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powers, B.J.; Gerstl, S.A.W.


    If off-nadir satellite sensing of vegetative surfaces is considered, understanding the angular distribution of the radiance exiting the atmosphere in all upward directions is of interest. Of particular interest is the discovery of those reflectance features which are invariant to atmospheric perturbations. When mono-directional radiation is incident on a vegetative scene a characteristic angular signature called the hot-spot is produced in the solar retro-direction. The remotely sensed hot-spot is modified by atmospheric extinction of the direct and reflected solar radiation, atmospheric backscattering, and the diffuse sky irradiance incident on the surface. It is demonstrated, however, by radiative transfer calculations through model atmospheres that at least one parameter which characterizes the canopy hot-spot, namely its angular half width, is invariant to atmospheric perturbations. 7 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab

  18. Wigner Functions and Quark Orbital Angular Momentum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukherjee Asmita


    Full Text Available Wigner distributions contain combined position and momentum space information of the quark distributions and are related to both generalized parton distributions (GPDs and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs. We report on a recent model calculation of the Wigner distributions for the quark and their relation to the orbital angular momentum.

  19. [Sensitivity of four representative angular cephalometric measures]. (United States)

    Xü, T; Ahn, J; Baumrind, S


    Examined the sensitivity of four representative cephalometric angles to the detection of different vectors of craniofacial growth. Landmark coordinate data from a stratified random sample of 48 adolescent subjects were used to calculate conventional values for changes between the pretreatment and end-of-treatment lateral cephalograms. By modifying the end-of-treatment coordinate values appropriately, the angular changes could be recalculated reflecting three hypothetical situations: Case 1. What if there were no downward landmark displacement between timepoints? Case 2. What if there were no forward landmark displacement between timepoints? Case 3. What if there were no Nasion change? These questions were asked for four representative cephalometric angles: SNA, ANB, NAPg and UI-SN. For Case 1, the associations (r) between the baseline and the modified measure for the three angles were very highly significant (P < 0.001) with r2 values no lower than 0.94! For Case 2, however, the associations were much weaker and no r value reached significance. These angular measurements are less sensitive for measuring downward landmark displacement than they are for measuring forward landmark displacement.

  20. Orbital angular momentum of general astigmatic modes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Visser, Jorrit; Nienhuis, Gerard


    We present an operator method to obtain complete sets of astigmatic Gaussian solutions of the paraxial wave equation. In case of general astigmatism, the astigmatic intensity and phase distribution of the fundamental mode differ in orientation. As a consequence, the fundamental mode has a nonzero orbital angular momentum, which is not due to phase singularities. Analogous to the operator method for the quantum harmonic oscillator, the corresponding astigmatic higher-order modes are obtained by repeated application of raising operators on the fundamental mode. The nature of the higher-order modes is characterized by a point on a sphere, in analogy with the representation of polarization on the Poincare sphere. The north and south poles represent astigmatic Laguerre-Gaussian modes, similar to circular polarization on the Poincare sphere, while astigmatic Hermite-Gaussian modes are associated with points on the equator, analogous to linear polarization. We discuss the propagation properties of the modes and their orbital angular momentum, which depends on the degree of astigmatism and on the location of the point on the sphere