
Sample records for densidad media parte

  1. Densidad de la madera de Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex Laws) en tres localidades de Argentina




    Se estudió el ancho de anillo, la densidad básica de la madera y su variación y la relación entre ancho de anillo y densidad en Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex. Laws) creciendo en tres localidades de la Patagonia andina argentina. El ancho de anillo obtenido se corresponde con una conífera de rápido crecimiento, mientras que la densidad media es levemente menor que la de la especie creciendo en los sitios de origen en Estados Unidos. Ring-width growth, wood specific gravity and its variation, a...

  2. Stomatal distribution, stomatal density and daily leaf movement in Acacia aroma (Leguminosae Distribución y densidad estomática y movimiento diario de la hoja en Acacia aroma (Leguminosae

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    Marcelo P. Hernández


    Full Text Available Acacia aroma Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. grows in the Chacoan and Yungas Biogeographic Provinces, Argentina. It has numerous medicinal applications, sweet and edible fruits, and it may be used as forage. The objective of the present contribution was to analyse the stomatal distribution and stomatal density on the secondary leaflet surfaces, in different parts of the leaf, and at different tree crown levels, establishing the leaf movement and environmental condition relationships. The work was performed with fresh material and herbarium specimens, using conventional anatomical techniques. Stomatal distribution on the secondary leaflet surfaces was established, and differences in stomatal density among basal, medium and apical leaflets were found. A decrease in stomatal density from the lower level to the upper level of the tree crown would be connected with that. The stomatal distribution and density appear related to the secondary leaflet shape and its position on the secondary rachis, interacting with the daily secondary leaflets and leaf movement, and the weather conditions. It is interesting that the medium value of stomata density were found in the middle part of the leaf and at the middle level of the tree crown. Original illustrations are given.Acacia aroma crece en las Provincias Biogeográficas Chaqueña y de las Yungas, Argentina. Este árbol posee numerosas aplicaciones en medicina popular, sus frutos son comestibles y puede ser usada como forraje. Los objetivos de la presente contribución fueron: establecer la distribución y densidad de los estomas en el folíolo secundario, en distintos folíolos secundarios de la misma hoja y en los folíolos secundarios de las hojas de la parte basal, media y superior de la copa del árbol, estableciendo relaciones con el movimiento diario de las hojas y condiciones ambientales. Para el estudio se utilizó material fresco y ejemplares de herbario empleando técnicas de anatomía convencionales. Se

  3. Variación de la densidad aparente en órdenes de suelos de Costa Rica

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    Alfredo Alvarado


    Full Text Available Este estudio se basa en la información de densidad aparente de 111 perfiles de suelos, representativos de los principales órdenes de suelo descritos por varios autores en Costa Rica. El ámbito de variación de la densidad aparente en los suelos estudiados es alto y osciló entre 0,53 y 2,00 Mg m-3. En general, los valores tendieron a aumentar con la profundidad del suelo debido a la reducción de la actividad biológica desarrollada en el horizonte A. Cuando no se encuentran capas compactadas, el horizonte enriquecido con arcilla eluviada (B2t de Ultisoles y Alfisoles presenta un incremento de la densidad aparente. Los valores bajos de densidad aparente en Andisoles se relacionan con el origen del material parental y en el caso de los Vertisoles con la densidad de partículas de la fracción esmectítica dominante.

  4. Influência da densidade do solo no desenvolvimento inicial do pinhão-manso cultivado em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico

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    Tatiane Ohland


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da densidade do solo no desenvolvimento inicial da cultura do pinhão-manso. O experimento foi realizado em vasos de 10,6 dm³, em casa de vegetação. O solo utilizado foi o Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico de textura argilosa, coletado em Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, composto por cinco níveis de densidade do solo (1,08; 1,22; 1,36; 1,50 e 1,64 kg dm-3, com quatro repetições. Após 120 dias da emergência das plantas, foram efetuadas as avaliações biométricas e as relativas ao do tecido vegetal. Houve redução de 25% da altura das plantas, na densidade de 1,64 kg dm-3, quando,comparada com a da densidade de 1,08 kg dm-3. Para o comprimento radicular, a redução foi de aproximadamente 24 , 35 , 54 e 66 % para as densidades de 1,22; 1,36; 1,50 e 1,64 kg dm-3 respectivamente, quando comparadas com o da densidade de 1,08 kg dm-3. A limitação do desenvolvimento da parte aérea ocorreu a partir da densidade estimada de 1,26 kg dm-3, com redução do número de folhas, da área foliar e da produção de matéria seca da parte aérea. O desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e o conteúdo de P e K nas plantas de pinhão-manso reduziram-se linearmente com o aumento da densidade do solo.

  5. La calidad de la densidad urbana en Bogotá

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    Óscar Alfonso Roa


    Full Text Available Para alojar a la creciente población de Bogotá, desde mediados del siglo pasado se prefiere aumentar la densidad en zonas residenciales que la expansión metropolitana. En este artículo se hace un análisis de la ocupación del perímetro bogotano que no se limita a los gradientes de densidad sino que integra medidas de su calidad que captan la desigualdad en materia de densidad, dotación pública, espacios libres y mezcla social. El índice resultante es una medida alternativa de la segregación socio-espacial.

  6. La materia en condiciones extremas de densidad y temperatura


    Morones Ibarra, José Rubén


    El estudio de las propiedades de la materia cuando se encuentra sometida a condiciones extremas de temperatura y presión ha llamado la atención de los físicos nucleares y de partículas elementales debido a la importancia que este tema tiene para conocer las condiciones iniciales del universo. En los primeros instantes del Gran Estallido (Big Bang) el universo era una región muy pequeña del espacio y por lo tanto su densidad y temperatura eran enormes. Para ente...

  7. Influencias de la densidad y podas sobre la producción de Pinus taeda L. a los 7 años de edad.

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    Rubén Costas


    Full Text Available En un ensayo con 3 niveles de densidad y 12 tratamientos de poda, se evaluaron los efectos de la densidad, la altura de poda, el número de levantes de poda y la interacción entre la densidad y las podas sobre la producción de la masa de Pinus taeda L. a los 7 años de edad. Las variables evaluadas fueron el diámetro a la altura de pecho medio (DAP, la altura media, el volumen individual, el volumen por unidad de superficie, el área basal, el diámetro máximo sobre muñón (DMSM, el coeficiente de forma de Girard (CFG, el diámetro de ramas (DRBC y el ángulo de inserción de las ramas (ARBC en la base de la copa. En los tratamientos con mayor densidad de plantación se observaron mayores volúmenes por unidad de superficie, área basal y CFG que en los tratamientos con menor densidad. Estos produjeron mayores DAP, volúmenes individuales, DMSM, DRBC y ARBC que los tratamientos con mayores densidades. Los tratamientos con menores alturas finales de poda produjeron mayores DAP, volúmenes individuales, área basal y volúmenes por unidad de superficie que los tratamientos con mayores alturas de poda. Los menores DMSM se obtuvieron con alturas finales de poda de 3,30 m y 4,40 m realizadas a los 4 años de edad y los mayores DMSM ocurrieron al no efectuarse podas a los 5 años hasta 5,50 m y 6,60 m. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los valores medios de DRBC, ARBC y CFG producidos por los 12 tratamientos de poda. La interacción entre densidad y los tratamientos de poda no fue significativa para ninguna de las variables respuestas.

  8. Estudo da densidade óssea na esclerodermia sistêmica

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    da Silva H.C.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. A osteopenia em pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica foi descrita, radiologicamente, em mãos e, por densidade óssea, no terço proximal e distal do rádio. A redução da massa óssea, nesses pacientes, tem sido atribuída à isquemia, imobilização e à menopausa precoce. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a densidade óssea na coluna, região proximal do fêmur e corpo todo de pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica. PACIENTES E MÉTODO. Foram examinadas 25 pacientes caucasóides, sem outras condições que pudessem afetar o metabolismo ósseo. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 48 ± 12 anos, e o tempo de doença, de 7 ± 7 anos; 13 estavam na pós-menopausa há 8 ± 8 anos. A medida de massa óssea foi realizada na coluna, região proximal do fêmur e corpo todo, utilizando-se densitômetro de dupla emissão com fonte de raios X (Lunar - modelo DPX. RESULTADOS. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na densidade óssea das regiões avaliadas nas pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica e as mulheres-controle pareadas para a idade, peso, altura e anos de menopausa. A densidade óssea das pacientes com forma limitada não foi diferente daquelas com a forma difusa. Pacientes com calcinose apresentaram menor densidade óssea na região proximal do fêmur que aquelas sem calcinose. CONCLUSÕES. Os autores concluíram que pacientes com esclerodermia sistêmica não apresentam perda de massa óssea. Portanto, a esclerodermia não é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de osteoporose generalizada.

  9. Características tecnológicas de 16 maderas del Estado de Tamaulipas, que influyen en la fabricación de tableros de partículas y de fibras

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    M. Fuentes-Salinas


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se evaluaron cuatro características de 16 maderas de la selva baja caducifolia del sur del estado de Tamaulipas, México, con el propósito de determinar la posibilidad de usarlas para la fabricación de tableros de partículas y tableros de fibras. Las maderas estudiadas fueron: Myrcianthes fragrans, Phoebe tampicensis, Casimiroa pringley, Acacia berlandieri, Drypetes lateriflora, Esenbeckia berlandieri, Lysiloma divaricata, Robinsonella discolor, Sapindus saponaria, Harpalyce arborescens, Wimmeria concolor, Krugiodendrom ferreum, Ebanopsis ebano, Pithecellobium pallens, Zanthoxylum fagara y Cordia boissieri. Las características evaluadas fueron la longitud de fibra, la relación longitud-diámetro de fibra, conocida como coeficiente de Péteri, la densidad básica, el pH y la razón de compresión que se requiere para fabricar tableros de partículas de densidad media y tableros de fibras duras. Las maderas evaluadas presentaron un rango de longitud de fibra de 653 a 1,229 μ, el Coeficiente de Péteri resultó desde 43.14 hasta 82.45. El rango del pH para las maderas fue de 5.06 a 7.64. La densidad básica mostró un rango de 0.56 a 0.97 g·cm-3. Con los valores obtenidos y su análisis, se consideró que de manera individual 11 maderas pueden ser aptas para la fabricación de tableros de partículas de densidad media. Haciendo mezclas de maderas, pueden aprovecharse hasta 12 especies. En lo que respecta a tableros de fibras duras y extraduras, se considera que se pueden fabricar con todas las maderas.

  10. Incidencia de las plazas urbanas sobre el comportamiento térmico del entorno en alta densidad edilicia. El caso de la ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina.

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    susana Stocco


    Full Text Available Las plazas concebidas bajo el concepto de “plaza jardín” -modelo dominante en las ciudades de Latinoamérica- generan efectos microclimáticos a escala urbana y edilicia dado que actúan como fuente de enfriamiento nocturno. En contextos de baja y media densidad, dicho efecto está asociado fundamentalmente al diseño de la plaza: núcleo central predominantemente semi-sellado alrededor del cual se distribuyen áreas verdes a modo de bosques y prados. Sin embargo, en el caso de la ciudad de Mendoza-Argentina, la tendencia a la redensificación del tejido urbano, como estrategia de control del crecimiento urbano, limita los beneficios que proporcionan las configuraciones actuales de plazas. Es por ello que este trabajo evalúa el impacto de incrementar la dimensión de la plaza en el comportamiento térmico de la misma y su influencia sobre el microclima del entorno mediato, como alternativa para potenciar sus beneficios en áreas urbanas de alta densidad. Con tal fin, se seleccionaron tres casos de estudio, dos de ellos de una superficie equivalente a una manzana urbana –10000m2–, emplazados en entornos de media y alta densidad, y un caso de mayor superficie -40000m2-, inserto en un contexto de alta densidad. Tales casos fueron monitoreados térmicamente en la estación verano, durante un periodo de 21 días, mediante el uso de microadquisidores de datos del tipo HOBO H08-003-02. Se caracterizaron las condiciones radiativas a partir de la determinación del factor de visión de cielo (SVF. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, al incrementar las dimensiones de la “plaza jardín”, sus diferentes estructuras -núcleo central, bosque, prado- presentan menores temperaturas respecto a su entorno durante todo el día. En consecuencia, constituye una estrategia eficiente para mejorar las prestaciones del espacio abierto respecto a sus efectos microclimáticos en entornos urbanos de alta densidad. Si bien dicha

  11. Including Media in Field Research and Becoming Part of the Science Media (United States)

    Pelto, M. S.


    There are two primary strategies that I have pursued over the last decade to engage the media, policy makers, and public; after two decades of typical scientific publication methods. An effective method to engage the media with our ongoing 32 year glacier field research program has been to invite media members to join us in the field. From climate videographers to traditional reporters we have had a member of the media with us in nine of the last ten field seasons; two in 2015. The resulting stories have led to several awards for the journalists and an ongoing relationship with our research program. The second part of this science research communication strategy is to have readily available material on specific topics for the media to utilize; this requires social media outreach. The primary outlet media find is the AGU Blog: From a Glacier's Perspective. This blog pubishes two articles a week on a specific glacier's response to climate change. The blog yields on average a media contact on every fourth blog post in 2015. The contacts revolve around specific local glacier information published on the blog. The goal of each blog post is to tell a story about how each glacier is impacted by climate change.

  12. Moldagem por compressão a frio do polietileno de ultra alto peso molecular. Parte 1: influência do tamanho, distribuição e morfologia da partícula na densidade a verde Cold compression molding of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene. Part 1: influence of the size, distribution and morphology of particles on the green density

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    Bernadete A. Bittencourt


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram investigadas as características de amostras de pó de polietileno de ultra alto peso molecular (PEUAPM, tais como porosidade, morfologia, tamanho médio e distribuição de partícula, que são importantes na moldagem por compressão a frio. Também foi avaliada a influência dessas características na densidade a verde de pré-formas. As amostras dos pós foram caracterizadas por calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC, análise granulométrica, absorção de óleo, área superficial, porosimetria de mercúrio, fluidez do pó, densidade de compactação, densidade aparente e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. Através das técnicas de caracterização estudadas ficou evidenciado que as características da partícula citadas anteriormente, assim como o parâmetro de densificação (DP, que é função direta da porosidade interparticular, favorecem a densidade a verde relativa (DVR e consequentemente a tensão de resistência à flexão (TRF.In this paper an investigation was made of the characteristics of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE powder samples, including porosity, particles average size, size distribution and morphology, which are important in cold compression molding. The influence of these characteristics on the green density of molded pre-shapes was also investigated. The UHMWPE powder samples were characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC, granulometric analysis, oil absorption, surface area, mercury porosity, density compaction, apparent density and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. The characterization techniques used demonstrate that the UHMWPE particles characteristics cited above as well as the densification parameter (DP, which is a direct function of the interparticles porosity, affect the relative green density (RGD and hence, the flexural tensile strength (FTS.

  13. Estudio de un oscilador de densidad mediante medidas de potencial eléctrico


    Rincon,N.E.; Fajardo,F.


    Un oscilador de densidad u oscilador salino, es un sistema no lineal que presenta cambios alternantes del sentido de flujo en el tiempo, como efecto de las restricciones espaciales entre dos fluidos de diferente densidad. Los fluidos están en recipientes separados, los cuales están interconectados por medio de un tubo capilar vertical. En este trabajo se construye un oscilador de densidad para estudiar la influencia de la variación de algunos de sus parámetros sobre las oscilaciones en el sen...

  14. Media and public relation. Part of emergency planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jurkovic, I.A.; Debrecin, N.; Feretic, D.; Skanata, D.


    In the event of an emergency, media relation should be considered as one of the most important functions in emergency management. Individuals should be trained to be able to provide factual information to the media and the citizens during nuclear emergencies. Media can be also acquainted with the scope, ways and means of providing information related to nuclear emergencies during the predefined and regular media training or workshops, or as a part of regular training routine of involved organizations and institutions. This paper is through various approaches trying to present one of the possible ways that media and public relation can be treated during the emergencies and inside the developed emergency plans and procedures. It also represents an idea, based on the authors' experience, on a way in which things can be organized in the Croatian Technical Support Center when it comes to the media/public relation issue. (author)

  15. Impacto del CO2 sobre la densidad celular en seis cepas de microalgas marinas

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    Alberto I. Oscanoa Huaynate


    Full Text Available Debido a la gran facilidad con que las microalgas pueden capturar el CO2 del medio ambiente, resulta interesante evaluar la cantidad y tiempo de ingreso de éste a los cultivos masivos, con la fi nalidad de aumentar la densidad celular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los tiempos de inyección del mencionado gas, durante la producción de biomasa que conlleve a una mayor densidad celular, evaluando además, la variación del pH sin alterar la calidad del cultivo. A partir de seis cepas obtenidas del Banco de Germoplasma del Instituto del Mar del Perú, se realizaron cultivos tipo batch de 300L en invernadero, el tiempo de cultivo de la fase exponencial donde se realizaron las pruebas fue de tres días. Los datos se procesaron mediante el análisis del parámetro pendiente de la regresión lineal. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad celular es inversamente proporcional al tiempo de inyección de CO2 al cultivo. La mayor densidad celular, en las diferentes cepas, se obtuvo a los 5min, excepto para las cepas Chaetoceros gracilisy Nannochloris maculata, las cuales obtienen la mayor densidad a los 10 y 15min, respectivamente. La variación de pH tendió hacia la acidez, en un rango de 8 a 4, sin alterar la densidad celular, por el contrario, los cultivos permanecieron libres de contaminantes. En conclusión, los resultados permiten establecer tiempos adecuados de inyección del CO2, los cuales fortalecen la fase de crecimiento exponencial aumentando la densidad poblacional en un 30% sobre lo establecido en esta fase.

  16. Elevada densidade de semeadura aumenta a produtividade da soja? Respostas da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa

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    Fabiano André Petter


    Full Text Available Resumo Estudos recentes têm abordado o uso da prática da elevada densidade de semeadura na cultura da soja. Entretanto, os resultados práticos dessa técnica são divergentes. Assim, pesquisas nesse campo são importantes para elucidar os efeitos diretos dessa prática de manejo, como, por exemplo, a interferência no uso da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA. Portanto, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a dinâmica da RFA em diferentes densidades de cultivo na cultura da soja. Para tanto, conduziu-se um experimento a campo com delineamento em blocos casualizados com os tratamentos distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 3 × 5: três cultivares de soja RR® (P98Y12, TMG 132 e M-Soy 9056 e cinco densidades de semeadura (20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 plantas∙m–2 com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados massa seca da parte aérea, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa no dossel inferior (RFA-I e superior (RFA-S, intercepção da RFA, taxa de crescimento da cultura (TCC, taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR, taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL, eficiência de uso da radiação (EUR, coeficiente de extinção luminosa (k, índice de colheita de grãos (ICG, peso de 1.000 grãos e produtividade. Independentemente do cultivar, as densidades de 20 e 30 plantas∙m–2 proporcionaram os maiores valores de TAL, TCR, k, ICG e produtividade. Apenas o uso dos parâmetros EUR, TCC e RFA interceptada não fornece informações sólidas para predizer a eficiência do cultivo adensado na cultura da soja. As densidades de cultivo tradicionalmente utilizadas se sobrepõem às demais quanto à qualidade da RFA no dossel e produtividade da soja.

  17. Densidad de sitios para anidar y su uso por dos especies de pájaro carpintero (Melanerpes rubricapillus y M. chrysauchen (Piciformes: Picidae en un gradiente urbano de Costa Rica

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    Luis Sandoval


    Full Text Available Examiné la densidad de sustratos potencialmente utilizables para anidar por parte de dos especies de pájaros carpinteros (Melanerpes rubricapillus y M. chrysauchen, a lo largo de un gradiente urbano, así como la densidad de sus nidos, haciendo una búsqueda exhaustiva en tres sitios en Golfito, Costa Rica. El área urbana y semi-urbana tuvo la menor densidad de sustratos naturales. La densidad de nidos fue mayor en el área semi-urbana que en los otros dos sitios, posiblemente debido a una mayor abundancia de carpinteros. Los nidos se distribuyeron de forma agrupada, indicando a una mayor preferencia de los carpinteros por anidar en sustratos naturales. Una remoción de los sustratos artificiales podría causar una disminución de la población de ambas especies de carpinteros.

  18. Nutrient leaching when soil is part of plant growth media (United States)

    Soils can serve as sorbents for phosphorus (P) within plant growth media, negating the need for artificial sorbents. The purpose of this study was to compare soils with different properties, as part of plant growth media, for their effect on nutrient levels in effluent. Four soils were mixed with sa...

  19. Época e densidade de semeadura afetando a produção de Capim Piatã e Brachiaria ruziziensis em consórcio com soja

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    Eduardo Andrea Lemus Erasmo


    Full Text Available O sistema de consórcio entre culturas é usado em muitas partes do mundo, em geral, tem se mostrado mais produtivo que o monocultivo. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a densidade e época de semeadura de Brachiária brizantha cv. BRS Piatã e Brachiaria ruziziensis em consorcio com a cultura da soja. O estudo foi conduzido em condições de campo na estação experimental da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial de (2 x 2 x 3 + 4, com quatro repetições, correspondendo a duas épocas de semeadura da Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã e Brachiaria ruziziensis, duas densidades de semeadura da braquiária e a braquiária crescida isoladamente nas duas densidades e épocas testadas. 140 dias após o plantio da soja foram determinados o número de perfilhos, altura, massa seca da parte aérea; massa seca foliar e massa seca do colmo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste Tukey. O cultivo da braquiária em consórcio com a soja promoveu a redução de todos os parâmetros avaliados. O aumento da densidade de semeadura promoveu redução no perfilhamento, e aumento na produção de matéria seca.

  20. Metodologia para estudo do volume e densidade absoluta da placenta humana de termo

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    Del Nero Ulisses


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar duas metodologias para o cálculo do volume placentário em gestações normais de termo: a do princípio de Arquimedes e a do volume do cilindro, para estimar a densidade absoluta da placenta. Definir a metodologia mais adequada para o cálculo do volume e densidade placentários, que se relacione com o peso e classificação do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 50 placentas provenientes de gestações de termo sem complicações e calculados o volume e a densidade absoluta placentários: a pelo princípio de Arquimedes e b na suposição de que a placenta seria uma secção de cilindro com duas alturas diferentes do bolo placentário: com a altura média e com a altura da média aritmética do centro e extremidades. As densidades absolutas placentárias foram calculadas pelo quociente entre o peso ao ar da placenta e os diferentes volumes. RESULTADOS: a maioria das gestantes eram multíparas, idade média de 25,4 anos, volume placentário médio entre 547,8 e 610 cmsuperscript three e densidade média entre 0,94 e 1,14 g/cmsuperscript three, dependendo da metodologia empregada. CONCLUSÕES: a metodologia mais adequada para estimar o volume placentário no termo foi a do princípio de Arquimedes, pela melhor correlação com o peso dos recém-nascidos, o índice placentário e a classificação do peso dos recém-nascidos em relação à idade gestacional.

  1. Cultivo de cachama blanca en altas densidades y en dos sistemas cerrados

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    Germán Poleo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la tolerancia de la cachama blanca, Piaractus brachypomus, a cultivos en altas densidades en sistemas cerrados. Novecientos alevines de 44,3±26 g de peso, se distribuyeron en seis tanques de concreto, con 4,8 m³ de agua. Tres tanques presentaron cero recambio de agua (SCR, y en otros tres, el agua se hizo circular a través de un bioclarificador (SRA. Ambos tratamientos presentaron fuerte aireación para mantener los sólidos en suspensión y suministrar aire. Los peces se alimentaron a saciedad con pienso comercial por 192 días. Los parámetros de calidad de agua como: oxígeno disuelto, amonio total, nitritos, nitratos, alcalinidad, dureza, temperatura y pH, se midieron semanalmente. Los peces en el SCR crecieron a una tasa de 2,34±0,05 g por día, y tuvieron conversión alimenticia de 1,5±0,06, densidad final de 12,96±0,53 kg m-3, y peso final de 449,5±99 g. En el SRA, los peces crecieron 2,33±0,03 g por día, con conversión alimenticia de 1,6±0,07, densidad final de 12,13±1,12 kg m-3, y peso final de 446,5±10 g. La cachama blanca puede ser cultivada en sistemas cerrados con cero recambio de agua en altas densidades.

  2. Influencia de la densidad y del confinamiento con geotextil en columnas de grava


    Miranda Manzanares, Marina


    RESUMEN: El tratamiento con columnas de grava es uno de los métodos de mejora del terreno empleados habitualmente para la cimentación de terraplenes o estructuras sobre suelos blandos. El estudio realizado en esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en analizar: - La influencia de la densidad de la grava de la columna - El empleo de columnas ensacadas con geotextil. El análisis de la influencia de la densidad de la grava se ha realizado mediante ensayos realizados en laboratorio en modelo reducido con d...

  3. Influencia de la densidad y del confinamiento con geotextil en columnas de grava


    Miranda Manzanares, Marina


    El tratamiento con columnas de grava es uno de los métodos de mejora del terreno empleados habitualmente para la cimentación de terraplenes o estructuras sobre suelos blandos. El estudio realizado en esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en analizar: - La influencia de la densidad de la grava de la columna - El empleo de columnas ensacadas con geotextil. El análisis de la influencia de la densidad de la grava se ha realizado mediante ensayos realizados en laboratorio en modelo reducido con dos densid...

  4. Densidade de estocagem na engorda de camarão-branco cultivado em sistema de biofloco

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    Charles Fróes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a densidade de estocagem ideal para o cultivo de camarão-branco, em sistema de biofloco sem renovação de água. Foram realizados dois experimentos inteiramente casualizados, com três repetições para cada tratamento. No primeiro, juvenis de camarão-branco, com peso médio inicial de 1,23±0,09 g, foram cultivados a densidades de estocagem de 833, 1.250, 1.667, 2.083 e 2.500 camarões por m³. No segundo experimento, o peso médio inicial foi de 6,32±0,7 g, e as densidades foram de 566, 833, 1.111, 1.388 e 1.667 camarões por m³. Os melhores resultados de produtividade, com médias de 9,92 e 10,77 kg m-3, foram obtidos com 1.667 e 1.111 camarões por m³, respectivamente, no primeiro e segundo experimentos. O aumento da densidade de estocagem afeta o crescimento e a sobrevivência do camarão-branco em sistema de biofloco.

  5. Respuesta fisiológica del ñame espino (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir a las densidades de siembra

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    Dairo J. Pérez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la respuesta fisiológica del ñame espino (Dioscorea rotundata cv. brasilero en función del incremento de las densidades de siembra, bajo la oferta ambiental del Sinú medio. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Córdoba (Montería, Colombia, donde se evaluaron las densidades de siembra de 45.455, 30.303, 22.727 y 10.101 plantas/ha; bajo un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con tres repeticiones. Las variables de respuestas consideradas fueron la fotosíntesis neta (Pn, medida en tres etapas fenológicas (vegetativa, inicio y final de tuberización; y los índices de crecimiento: tasa absoluta de crecimiento (TAC, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRC e índice de área foliar (IAF. La Pn no varió entre las densidades de siembra (p≤0,05, pero después de la etapa vegetativa, se redujo en promedio un 19,14% para el inicio y final de la tuberización. La TAC y la TRC tuvieron similar tendencia, se incrementaron desde la etapa vegetativa, pero esta última se redujo al final del cultivo. La TAN comenzó a decrecer desde la etapa vegetativa con un leve incremento al final del ciclo. El IAF se incrementó significativamente a partir de la tuberización, para las densidades de siembra superiores a 10.101 plantas/ha, alcanzando valores entre 3,08 y 4,03. Se concluye que los índices de crecimiento a excepción del IAF y la Pn, no variaron entre las densidades de siembra, probablemente por la capacidad de la especie de regular su actividad fisiológica en función de la densidad de siembra.

  6. Densidades divergentes y segregación socio-espacial en la Bogotá de hoy: un análisis a partir de un índice de calidad de la densidad


    Alfonso R, Óscar A


    La densidad poblacional de Bogotá es bastante diversa al decir de la amplitud de su rango, siendo el mínimo una persona por hectárea y el máximo de 622/ha. Las densidades más elevadas serían la opción más eficiente y socialmente deseable ante la disyuntiva de la densificación o la expansión metropolitana. El problema radica en si tal opción está dotada de la mejor calidad. El objetivo es demostrar que esto no ocurre pues al vincular tres factores que determinan la calidad de la oc...

  7. Participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos na produtividade do arroz irrigado, em função da densidade de semeadura

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    Eduardo do Valle Lima


    Full Text Available Entre as práticas culturais a serem consideradas na implantação da cultura do arroz destaca-se a densidade de semeadura, que deve estabelecer, em grande parte, a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos nos componentes da produção, possibilitando a obtenção da máxima produtividade. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos na produtividade de grãos de arroz, cv. IAC 102, no sistema irrigado por inundação, em função da densidade de semeadura. O experimento foi desenvolvido sob túnel plástico, em Botucatu (SP, em caixas d'água de cimento amianto de 500 L, contendo Neossolo Flúvico Ta Eutrófico, com profundidade de 30 cm. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As densidades de semeadura foram: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 600 sementes viáveis por m², em 4 linhas de 1 m por caixa, espaçadas com 20 cm. A elevação da densidade de semeadura diminui o afilhamento e proporciona a maior participação dos colmos principais, porém, não resultando em incremento de produtividade, devido à plasticidade das plantas de arroz, que proporciona o ajustamento dos componentes da produção.

  8. Sistema Computacional para Ajuste de Funções Densidade de Probabilidade

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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo iniciar, implementar e validar um projeto de construção de um sistema computadorizado para ajuste de funções densidade de probabilidade. O FitFD foi desenvolvido utilizando-se a linguagem de programação Java. Como ambiente de desenvolvimento foram utilizadas a IDE (Integrated Development Environment Netbeans 7.1 e a JDK 7.3 (Java Development Kit. Os testes do sistema foram realizados em ambiente Windows. Foram implementadas no sistema as seguintes funções densidade de probabilidade: Weibull (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, 3P truncada, hiperbólica (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, 3P truncada, log-logística (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, logística generalizada, Fatigue life (2P e 3P e Frechet (2P e 3P. O sistema desenvolvido auxilia os usuários na definição e escolha da fdp que melhor atenda suas necessidades, contudo melhorias são necessárias. O projeto iniciado mostrou-se eficiente para ajustes de funções de densidade probabilidade.

  9. Densidad y anatomia de la madera en familias mejoradas de sauces en Argentina

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    Silvia Monteoliva


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue la evaluación de densidad y anatomía de la madera en siete familias de sauces, con vistas a seleccionar clones aptos para la producción de madera para usos sólidos y papel. Se cruzaron progenitores de cinco especies de sauces (S. babylonica, S. alba, S. nigra, S. amygdaloides y S. matsudana, obteniéndose 1800 individuos producto de cruzamientos controlados y polinización abierta, dentro del programa de mejoramiento de sauces del INTA. A los 34 meses se efectuó una primera selección por criterios de crecimiento, sanidad y forma. De esta primera fase de mejoramiento se seleccionaron 218 genotipos sobre los cuales se evaluaron las características anatómicas cuantitativas y la densidad de la madera. Los resultados indican que ninguna familia presenta buenos resultados en todas las propiedades. En una selección priorizando el vigor, la familia 08.09 presentó las siguientes características: buen crecimiento en diámetro (6,1 cm, fibras largas y de pared gruesa (850 µm y 2,22 µm, pocos vasos ( y densidad intermedia a baja (350 kg.m-3. Priorizando el rendimiento, material fibroso e indirectamente la resistencia, las familias 08.01 y 08.07 presentaron: densidad relativamente alta (403 - 397 kg.m-3, fibras largas (836 - 864 µm, vasos pequeños (46 - 45 µm y bajo crecimiento en diámetro (3 - 2,85 cm. Los cruzamientos donde intervienen las especies Salix nigra, S. amygdaloides y S. matsudana se destacaron ya que presentan buenos crecimientos y las mejores combinaciones xilológicas para diferentes destinos industriales.

  10. Densidade de plantio, crescimento, produtividade e qualidade das frutas de morangueiro "Camino Real" em hidroponia

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    Isabelita Pereira Portela


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar o efeito da densidade de plantio sobre o crescimento da planta, a produtividade e características químicas relacionadas à qualidade organoléptica das frutas da cultivar de morangueiro Camino Real em sistema hidropônico do tipo NFT, diferentes densidades de plantio foram avaliadas: 15,0; 12,5; 10,7 e 9,3 plantas m-2, correspondentes ao espaçamento entre plantas de 0,25; 0,30; 0,35 e 0,40 m, sendo fixado o espaçamento entre linhas de 0,18 m. O sistema NFT foi constituído por bancadas de telhas de fibrocimento de 1,10 x 2,44 m, considerando-se cada ondulação côncava da telha como um canal de cultivo. O transplante foi realizado em 26-04-2010, encerrando-se o experimento em 05-01-2011. Avaliaram-se a matéria fresca e seca de folhas, coroa, raízes e frutas, a área foliar, o número de frutas e o peso médio das frutas. Amostras das frutas foram analisadas em relação ao teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST e à acidez total titulável (ATT. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o crescimento e a produtividade individual das plantas da cultivar de morangueiro Camino Real não são afetados pela elevação da densidade de plantio, no intervalo entre 9,3 e 15,0 plantas m-2. O crescimento e a produtividade por unidade de área, bem como a concentração de sólidos solúveis totais e a relação SST/ATT apresentam resposta linear ao incremento da densidade de plantio. Sugere-se a adoção da densidade de 12,5 plantas m-2, que proporcionaria rendimento mais elevado (2,79 kg m-2 de frutas com adequadas características organolépticas e redução no número de mudas necessárias, em relação à densidade de 15,0 plantas m-2. Existe a necessidade de desenvolver estudos adicionais com a cultivar Camino Real, a fim de promover adaptações no sistema e verificar a viabilidade econômica de seu cultivo em hidroponia.

  11. Densidad mineral ósea en una muestra de jóvenes chilenos practicantes de diversas modalidades deportivas

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    Rossana Gómez-Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Objetivos: a Comparar la densidad mineral ósea de una muestra de jóvenes chilenos practicantes de diversas modalidades deportivas y b Analizar la densidad mineral ósea en función de la maduración biológica. Métodos: Se estudiaron 146 adolescentes de sexo masculino, con un rango de edad entre 10 a 18 años. Se organizaron cinco grupos de trabajo: Grupo control (escolares n= 40, Canotaje (n= 30, Ciclismo (n=14, Fútbol (n=28 y Natación (n=34. Se evaluó el peso, estatura, altura tronco-cefálica. Se calculó el índice de Masa Corporal y la maduración biológica por medio de años de pico de velocidad de crecimiento. La densidad mineral ósea de cuerpo total y el porcentaje de grasa corporal se determinó por medio de la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía. Resultados: Los adolescentes que practicaban fútbol evidenciaron mayor densidad mineral ósea (1,23±0,12g/cm 2 en relación a los jóvenes del ciclismo (0,99±0,11g/cm 2 , canotaje (1,09±0,17g/cm 2 , natación (1,10±0,11g/cm 2 y al grupo control de escolares (1,04±0,14g/ cm 2 (p<0.001. Hubo diferencias entre los tres niveles de maduración biológica en las cuatro modalidades deportivas y en el grupo control (p<0.001. La mayor densidad mineral ósea en función de la maduración somática se observó en los futbolistas. Conclusión: Los adolescentes que practican fútbol evidenciaron mayor densidad mineral ósea con relación a las demás modalidades deportivas y con relación al grupo control, además la maduración somática juega un papel relevante en el incremento de densidad mineral ósea, en especial en los futbolistas. Los resultados sugieren desarrollar actividades físico- deportivas de alto impacto antes, durante y después de producirse la maduración biológica en adolescentes de edad escolar.

  12. Densidades de plantio e doses de biofertilizante na produção de capim-limão Density and biofertilizer levels for lemon grass production

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    Arie F Blank


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de densidades de plantio e doses de biofertilizante comercial na produção de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. Stapf. O experimento foi implantado em parcelas subdivididas com três repetições, colocando-se nas parcelas as densidades de plantio (33.333, 49.382, 55.555 e 111.111 plantas ha-1 e nas subparcelas as doses de biofertilizante (0; 20; 40 e 60 t ha-1. Foram realizadas nove colheitas em intervalos de 42 dias. Avaliou-se a sobrevivência, a altura de planta, o número de perfilhos por touceira, a massa seca por touceira e da parte aérea, o teor e o rendimento de óleo essencial. O teor de óleo essencial não foi influenciado pelas densidades de plantio e doses de biofertilizante. A densidade crescente resultou em regressões lineares crescentes para o rendimento de óleo essencial e a massa seca da parte aérea e em uma regressão linear decrescente para a massa seca por touceira. A dose de biofertilizante resultou em regressões lineares crescentes para o rendimento de óleo essencial e a massa seca por touceira e da parte aérea. A densidade de 111.111 plantas ha-1 (0,30 x 0,30 m e a dose de biofertilizante de 60 t ha-1 no primeiro ano de cultivo poderão ser recomendados para produção do capim-limão.The aim of this work was to evaluate the plant density and biofertilizer levels on lemon grass (Cymbopogom citratus (D.C. Stapf. The experiment was installed in split plot design with three replications, having plant density as plots (33,333; 49,382; 55,555 and 111,111 plants ha-1 and biofertilizer doses as sub plots (0; 20; 40; 60 t ha-1 year-1. Nine cuttings were realized using an interval of 42 days between cuttings. We evaluated survival, plant height, number of tillers per plant, dry weight per plant and of biomass yield, essential oil content and yield. The essential oil content was not influenced by the plant densities and biofertilizer doses. The crescent density resulted in


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    Felipe Rafael Garc\\u00E9s-Fiallos


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar las enfermedades, el rendimiento y sus componen - tes en líneas de fréjol bajo tres distanciamientos de siembra. El trabajo se realizó durante la época seca del año 2011, en la Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo (UTEQ, Quevedo, Ecuador. Se determinó la incidencia y severidad de la roya ( Uromyces appendiculatus y mustia hilachosa ( Rizoctonia solani en los estadíos R7 (formación en legumbres y R8 (llenado de legumbres, y después de la cosecha la incidencia de las pudriciones radiculares ( Macrophomina phaseolina y R. solani . Los componentes de rendimiento (número de nudos, legumbres, granos, granos por legumbre, legumbres estériles y granos por planta y peso de granos. Se empleó un Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA con doce tratamientos y tres repeticiones, con arreglo factorial de 4 (líneas promisorias x 3 (planta/m. Para la comparación entre las medias de los tratamientos se empleó la prueba de Tukey al 5% de probabilidad del error. Las líneas promisorias de fréjol EVG 06-103 y SER-03 presentaron menor intensidad de enfermedades. Un aumento en la densidad poblacional causó un acrecentamiento en la intensidad de la roya. Las líneas SER-08 y SER-03 obtuvieron la mayor productividad según la mayoría de componentes de rendimiento y peso de granos. Finalmente, el incremento de la densidad de plantas promovió reducción significativa en el número de legumbres, granos y granos por legumbre por planta, contrario al aumento observado en el peso de granos

  14. Densidad, estructura de tallas y actividad reproductiva del caracol rosado Eustrombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae en Banco Chinchorro, México

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    Yuself R Cala


    Full Text Available Eustrombus gigas es uno de los recursos pesqueros costeros más valiosos en la región del Caribe y constituye un molusco con un elevado valor estético y ecológico. En esta investigación se evalúa su densidad total, densidad de adultos, la estructura de tallas y frecuencia de evidencias reproductivas en Banco Chinchorro, México, periodo 2009-2010; durante tres períodos (de lluvias, seca y de frentes fríos en tres zonas: Norte, Centro y Sur. La densidad total para el área de estudio varió de 127ind./ha en lluvias a 384ind./ha en seca, la menor densidad se presentó en la zona Norte del Banco (198ind./ha y la mayor en la zona Sur (385ind./ha. La densidad de caracoles adultos fue baja (6.11ind./ha en seca y 8.33ind./ha en lluvias y 5.55, 7.05 y 8.33ind./ha para las zonas Centro, Sur y Norte, respectivamente. Las densidades de adultos estuvieron por debajo del umbral mínimo necesario para mantener la reproducción. El 42% de la población es vulnerable a la pesca (Lsi≥200mm; sin embargo, solo 2.2% de la población alcanza un Gl>15mm. Solo se observaron seis evidencias de reproducción durante el período de estudio, lo que señala la presencia del efecto Allee en la población y la urgente necesidad del cierre de su pesquería. Se proponen tres puntos importantes para el manejo de la especie: cierre de la pesca, monitoreo de la población y la implementación refugios pesqueros

  15. Viabilidade econômica de estocagem de alevinos de carpa comum (Cyprinus Carpio Var. Specularis no inverno em alta densidade

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    Graeff Álvaro


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o efeito econômico de povoamento de alevinos I de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio L., no inverno em alta densidade, com suplementação artificial e adubação química. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (5; 10; 15 e 20 peixes/m² e nove repetições. Os peixes foram estocados com peso e comprimento médios de 0,48 g e 3,15 cm, respectivamente, em todos tratamentos, por 45 dias de idade. As dietas foram formuladas com 27% de PB e 2925 kcal/kg de ração, sendo fornecidas diariamente, em duas vezes, na quantidade de 3% do peso vivo. O comportamento das variáveis explicativas em função dos tratamentos foi estudado por intermédio da análise de regressão. Os resultados para o comprimento e peso médio final nas densidades de 5; 10; 15 e 20 foram 8,67; 8,06; 7,81 e 7,47 cm e 3,64; 2,80; 2,31 e 2,25 g, respectivamente. O comportamento do peso em função das densidades estudadas é descrito pela equação de regressão quadrática Y= 4,41 - 0,29 X + 0,0077X² . O comportamento do comprimento e da conversão alimentar, em função das densidades, é explicado por regressão linear, por intermédio das equações Y= 5,83 - 0,077X e Y= 0,9978 + 0,0844X, respectivamente. A sobrevivência foi de 98,41; 97,61; 97,35 e 97,21%, respectivamente, nas densidades de 5 a 20. Em condições similares, pode-se recomendar todas as densidades estudadas e, economicamente, a lucratividade da atividade é crescente com o aumento da densidade, havendo diminuição do custo médio ou unitário.

  16. Regional Media Education Centers (For Non-Professionals in the Media Fields) in the European Part of Russia (United States)

    Levitskaya, Anastasia


    In the European parts of Russia (Archangelsk, Belgorod, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kazan, Krasnodar, Penza, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Smolensk, Taganrog, Tambov, Tver, Tolyatti and so on.) there is a lot of pedagogues, who strive to develop media competence among different age groups with different social status. More and more media…


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    Rodolfo Martiarena


    Full Text Available mayor incremento en crecimiento de la plantación puede causar variación en las propiedades físicas de la madera, pudiendo disminuir la calidad de la misma para la industria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos de raleo sobre el crecimiento y densidad de la madera de Pinus taeda implantado en Misiones, Argentina (25º 59’S - 54º24’O. La plantación se estableció en 1985 con densidad inicial de 1644 pl.ha-1y se manejó con tres intensidades de raleo (0, 33 y 66 % del área basal del testigo sin ralear, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar (3 bloques. A los 20 años se efectuó tala rasa, cuyas densidades eran 711 (0 %, 364 (33 % y 122 (66 % plantas por hectárea, momento en el cual se seleccionaron 45 árboles para determinar la densidad básica de la madera. La misma se determinó a través de la realización de 2.700 probetas. El crecimiento de la plantación fue afectado por la intensidad de raleo, registrando diámetros promedio de 28,7, 34,8 y 45,9 cm, respectivamente, en los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo. El volumen de la plantación, al momento del apeo, fue superior en el tratamiento sin raleo, no obstante el tratamiento 66 % de raleo generó mayor cantidad de madera de grandes dimensiones. La densidad básica como promedio simple y ponderado por volumen no presentó diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Los valores de densidad ponderada fueron de 0,406, 0,418 y 0,420 para los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo, respectivamente, mientras que el análisis de correlación entre diámetro y densidad no fue significativo. El estudio mostró que la intensidad de raleo puede ser manejada para maximizar la producción, manteniendo idéntica la calidad de la madera para la industria.


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    Rodolfo Martiarena


    Full Text Available El mayor incremento en crecimiento de la plantación puede causar variación en las propiedades físicas de la madera, pudiendo disminuir la calidad de la misma para la industria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos de raleo sobre el crecimiento y densidad de la madera de Pinus taeda implantado en Misiones, Argentina (25º 59’S - 54º24’O. La plantación se estableció en 1985 con densidad inicial de 1644 pl.ha -1 y se manejó con tres intensidades de raleo (0, 33 y 66 % del área basal del testigo sin ralear, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar (3 bloques. A los 20 años se efectuó tala rasa, cuyas densidades eran 711 (0 %, 364 (33 % y 122 (66 % plantas por hectárea, momento en el cual se seleccionaron 45 árboles para determinar la densidad básica de la madera. La misma se determinó a través de la realización de 2.700 probetas. El crecimiento de la plantación fue afectado por la intensidad de raleo, registrando diámetros promedio de 28,7, 34,8 y 45,9 cm, respectivamente, en los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo. El volumen de la plantación, al momento del apeo, fue superior en el tratamiento sin raleo, no obstante el tratamiento 66 % de raleo generó mayor cantidad de madera de grandes dimensiones. La densidad básica como promedio simple y ponderado por volumen no presentó diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Los valores de densidad ponderada fueron de 0,406, 0,418 y 0,420 -3 para los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo, respectivamente, mientras que el análisis de correlación entre diámetro y densidad no fue significativo. El estudio mostró que la intensidad de raleo puede ser manejada para maximizar la producción, manteniendo idéntica la calidad de la madera para la industria.

  19. Densidad de desarrollo alta y baja en Puerto Rico (United States)

    William A. Gould; Sebastian Martinuzzi; Olga M. Ramos Gonzalez


    Este mapa demuestra la distribución de terrenos de alta y baja densidad de desarrollo urbano en Puerto Rico (Martinuzzi et al. 2007). El mapa fue creado mediante el analisis de un mosaico de imagenes de satelite Landsat ETM+ de los años 2000 – 2003. La clasificacion no supervisada ISODATA (“Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique”) (ERDAS 2003) fue utilizada...

  20. Comparación de las densidades de Annelida en diferentes paisajes de la Amazonía colombiana

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    Miguel Antonio Molano Molano


    de Tarapacá, la correlación se presentó con: la humedad, densidad aparente, y porosidad. Se infiere de las observaciones realizadas en las zonas donde se efectuaron los muestreos que la densidad de Annelida esta influenciada más por el uso al que es sometido el suelo que por el tipo de paisaje donde éste se encuentra. Adicionalmente, se reporta la presencia de Hirudinida en tres sitios diferentes, dentro del perfil edáfico.

  1. Comportamento de poedeiras criadas a diferentes densidades e tamanhos de grupo em ambiente enriquecido

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    Danilo Florentino Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar diferenças comportamentais entre poedeiras criadas sob diferentes densidades e tamanhos de grupo, em condições de ambiente enriquecido. Foram utilizadas poedeiras Isa Brown com idade entre 30 e 32 semanas alojadas em galpões de escala reduzida e distorcida. As aves foram criadas durante 28 dias, em baias com cama de maravalha, poleiro e ninho. Foram avaliados dois tamanhos de grupos (6 e 12 aves e duas densidades de criação (774 e 1.440 cm² por ave, em arranjo fatorial com três repetições. Em amostras de vídeo de 15 min, foram registrados as frequências e os tempos de expressão dos comportamentos: arrumar penas, banho de areia, bater asas, beber água, bicar, coçar a cabeça, ciscar, comer, empoleirar, esticar perna, perseguir, sentar e visitar o ninho. Foram observados efeitos significativos dos tratamentos e da interação entre eles. O grupo de seis aves manifestou aumento da frequência de comportamentos que indicam maior frustração das aves, independentemente da densidade. O tamanho de grupo é o fator mais importante para o bem-estar das aves.



    Ana Mar\\u00EDa Castagnino; Karina Elizabeth D\\u00EDaz; Patricia Sastre V\\u00E1zquez; Mar\\u00EDa Bel\\u00E9n Rosini; Silvina Sasale


    La densidad y tamaño de plántulas con cepellón en la producción de espárrago verde. Con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del tamaño de la celda utilizada para la obtención de plántulas de espárrago y la densidad o marco de plantación empleado, sobre la producción de turiones, se evaluó en invernadero tres tamaños de celda: 1) PG: grande (70 cm³), 2) PM: mediana (30 cm³) y 3) PCh: pequeña (20 cm³) y tres densidades (35 714 (D1); 23 810 (D2) y 17 857 (D3) plantas/ha). Se efectuó un traba...

  3. Division of the momentum of electromagnetic waves in linear media into electromagnetic and material parts. (United States)

    Saldanha, Pablo L


    It is proposed a natural and consistent division of the momentum of electromagnetic waves in linear, non-dispersive and non-absorptive dielectric and magnetic media into material and electromagnetic parts. The material part is calculated using directly the Lorentz force law and the electromagnetic momentum density has the form epsilon(0)E x B, without an explicit dependence on the properties of the media. The consistency of the treatment is verified through the obtention of a correct momentum balance equation in many examples and showing the compatibility of the division with the Einstein's theory of relativity by the use of a gedanken experiment. An experimental prediction for the radiation pressure on mirrors immersed in linear dielectric and magnetic media is also made.

  4. Estabilidad fenotípica y densidades de planta de genotipos de estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert. en la región Caribe de Colombia

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    Jarma Orozco Alfredo


    Full Text Available Los estudios de estabilidad fenotípica son importantes para la siembra de genotipos que muestranun adecuado comportamiento en una o varias zonas. Estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert. es una especierecientemente introducida en Colombia, por tanto, los estudios sobre su adaptación en áreas productorasdel país son escasos. Esta planta se caracteriza por sintetizar glucósidos de diterpeno altamenteedulcorantes con bajo aporte calórico. El presente estudio se realizó en Montería (8º 52' N y 76º 48'O, Colombia, con el objeto de determinar la estabilidad fenotípica de los genotipos Morita 1 y Morita 2de estevia, sembrados en tres densidades de plantas (25, 12.5 y 6.25 plantas/m2 y dispuestos en undiseño de bloques completos al azar, en tres épocas de siembra en el Caribe húmedo de Colombia. Losresultados más importantes señalan que Morita 2, en densidades de 25 plantas/m2, registró los mejoresíndices de estabilidad para el rendimiento de hoja seca/ha (Pig = 0; Pid = 0. Por su parte, éste mismogenotipo presentó una mayor relación hoja/tallo (1.17 ± 0.3 y mayor contenido de glucósidos totales(0.1586 ± 0.024 cuando la radiación solar fue mayor y las densidades eran entre 12.5 y 25 plantas/m2.

  5. Densidade de plantas em arroz de terras altas irrigado por aspersão

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    Douglas Castilho Gitti


    Full Text Available A utilização da população ideal de plantas no campo, para determinada condição de clima, solo, cultivar e tratos culturais conduz a mais alta produtividade por área. Assim, este experimento objetivou avaliar no município de Selvíria, MS, em solo originalmente sob vegetação de cerrado, quatro cultivares de arroz de terras altas (IAC 202, Primavera, Cirad 141 e Best 2000 e cinco densidades de semeadura (100, 150, 200, 250 e 300 sementes viáveis m-2, irrigados por aspersão, durante os anos agrícolas de 2005/06 e 2006/07. Os cultivares Best 2000, Cirad 141 e IAC 202 são passíveis de indicação para cultivo com irrigação por aspersão. O cultivar Primavera não é recomendado para cultivo com irrigado por aspersão, principalmente em áreas com alta fertilidade do solo, por causa dos altos índices de acamamento. A densidade de 100 sementes viáveis m-2 é a mais indicada para os cultivares avaliados, quando cultivados em condições de irrigação por aspersão. O aumento da densidade de semeadura ocasionou redução no tamanho das panículas. Os cultivares avaliados apresentaram valores adequados de rendimento de benefício e de grãos inteiros.

  6. Efecto de budesonida sobre la densidad y el metabolismo óseo en niños asmáticos

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    Paoli de Valeri Mariela


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar el efecto de la administración de budesonida inhalado sobre la densidad, el contenido mineral y el metabolismo óseo en niños asmáticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado de septiembre de 1996 a julio de 1997, en el que se estudiaron 38 niños y niñas de entre 6 y 11 años de edad, seleccionados de la consulta externa de neumonología infantil del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. Se constituyeron tres grupos: nueve niños asmáticos tratados con budesonida inhalado (300 µg/día en promedio durante más de seis meses, (grupo A, 14 niños asmáticos que no recibieron tratamiento esteroideo (grupo B y 15 niños no asmáticos (grupo C. A todos se les practicó una evaluación ósea con marcadores de formación y resorción y con una medición de la densidad (DMO y el contenido mineral óseo (CMO. Se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, se realizó análisis de varianza, y se utilizaron las pruebas de Fisher y Scheffé para comparación de medias. RESULTADOS: En los grupos estudiados (A, B y C los niveles séricos de calcio fueron 9.1±0.3; 9.6±0.4; 9.3±0.6 mg/ml; los de osteocalcina fueron 14.8±4.6; 13.0±2.5; 11.9±3.4 ng/dl; los de telopéptido carboxiterminal del colágeno tipo I (ICTP fueron 19.6±16.5; 14.2±15.4; 13.0±18.3 µg/l; la DMO fue de 0.67±0.06; 0.68±0.06; 0.69±0.06 g/cm², y el CMO fue de 1 158.8±217.4; 1 106.4±256.1; 1 176.5±240.5 g, respectivamente. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos. CONCLUSIONES: La administración de budesonida inhalada en dosis de 100 a 400 µg/día por un periodo de seis meses no produce modificaciones en la densidad y en el metabolismo óseo en niños asmáticos.

  7. Medición comparativa de la densidad urinaria: tira reactiva, refractómetro y densímetro


    Costa, Christian Elías; Bettendorff, Carolina; Bupo, Sol; Ayuso, Sandra; Vallejo, Graciela


    Introducción. La densidad urinaria se utiliza en la clínica para evaluar la capacidad renal de concentrar y diluir la orina. Se puede medir mediante tres métodos: urodensímetro (UD), refractómetro (RE) y tiras reactivas (TR). Objetivo. Evaluar la exactitud de diferentes métodos de medición de la densidad urinaria. Diseño del estudio. Transversal, comparativo, con recolección prospectiva de datos. Material y métodos. Se analizaron 156 muestras de orina de pacientes pediátricos, durante abril y...

  8. Media education and media influence on youth


    LILÁK, Karel


    Bachelor´s work is focused on the questions of the medial education and the medias themselves. This work also investigate with the influence of the action of medias to the students of apprenticeship. The first part of the theoretical work has generally explains what is media education, what is its significance for society and for the benefit of education in school. They are given functions, types and objectives of media education and communications capabilities via the media. The second part ...

  9. Dendrogramas de densidade para Hovenia dulcis Thunberg na região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Gerson Luiz Selle


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi elaborar dendrogramas para o manejo de densidade (DMD, em populações de Hovenia dulcis localizadas na região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações de dois povoamentos, com idades de 25 anos, localizado na Fundação de Pesquisa Agropecuária (FEPAGRO e de uma população de árvores livres, com DAPs variando de 5 a 45 cm, localizado no campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, RS. Nos povoamentos sob concorrência, os dados foram coletados em árvores dos estratos dominante, intermediário e dominado, pelo método da densidade pontual. As árvores livres de concorrência foram coletadas sob a forma de censo. Como conclusão obteve-se que o modelo de Reineke ajustou-se satisfatoriamente para estimar as linhas de densidade de fechamento do dossel e de autodesbaste, com os coeficientes angulares se aproximando de -1,5, comprovando que a lei da potência de -3/2 de autodesbaste foi contemplada e que a hipótese postulada por Reineke tambem foi satisfeita. A densidade populacional, para a lotação do dossel, foi de 42,5% do número máximo de árvores, sendo possível construir diagramas para o manejo da densidade, dos 5 aos 31 cm de diâmetro da árvore de área basal média.

  10. Avaliação dos efeitos da adição de sal e da densidade no transporte de tambaqui

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    Gomes Levy de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram testar a eficiência do sal como redutor de estresse e verificar a melhor densidade de transporte de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomun em caixas de plástico adaptadas. No primeiro experimento foram testadas diferentes concentrações de sal de cozinha (NaCl na água; no segundo, o transporte foi realizado por três horas em caixas de plástico de 200 L estocadas com diferentes densidades de peixe, com 8 g de sal/L de água. O cortisol plasmático dos peixes sofreu aumento significativo após o transporte no tratamento sem sal e com 2 g de sal/L de água, retornando para níveis normais após 96 horas. A glicose plasmática dos peixes sofreu aumento após o transporte em todas as concentrações de sal testadas, com exceção da com 8 g/L de água, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Nos peixes transportados no segundo experimento, com 8 g de sal/L de água, não foi verificada mudança significativa no cortisol plasmático, mas a glicose aumentou significativamente em todas as densidades após o transporte, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Houve mortalidade de 11% em uma das repetições da densidade de 200 kg/m³ de água. Para o transporte com 8 g de sal/L de água, a densidade máxima deve ser de 150 kg/m³ de água. Nesta densidade os parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade de água se mantêm com características adequadas, as respostas ao estresse são mínimas e não há mortalidade.

  11. Estabilidad fenotípica y densidades de planta de genotipos de estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert. en la región Caribe de Colombia

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    Alfredo Jarma Orozco


    Full Text Available Los estudios de estabilidad fenotípica son importantes para la siembra de genotipos que muestran un adecuado comportamiento en una o varias zonas. Estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert. es una especie recientemente introducida en Colombia, por tanto, los estudios sobre su adaptación en áreas productoras del país son escasos. Esta planta se caracteriza por sintetizar glucósidos de diterpeno altamente edulcorantes con bajo aporte calórico. El presente estudio se realizó en Montería (8° 52' N y 76° 48' O, Colombia, con el objeto de determinar la estabilidad fenotípica de los genotipos Morita 1 y Morita 2 de estevia, sembrados en tres densidades de plantas (25, 12.5 y 6.25 plantas/m² y dispuestos en un diseño de bloques completos al azar, en tres épocas de siembra en el Caribe húmedo de Colombia. Los resultados más importantes señalan que Morita 2, en densidades de 25 plantas/m², registró los mejores índices de estabilidad para el rendimiento de hoja seca/ha (Pig = 0; Pid = 0. Por su parte, éste mismo genotipo presentó una mayor relación hoja/tallo (1.17 ± 0.3 y mayor contenido de glucósidos totales (0.1586 ± 0.024 cuando la radiación solar fue mayor y las densidades eran entre 12.5 y 25 plantas/m².

  12. Prácticas de Física: Medición de masas. Determinación de densidades con la balanza hidrostática


    Beléndez, Augusto; Bernabeu, Guillermo; Vera Guarinos, Jenaro; Pastor Antón, Carlos; Martín García, Agapito


    El objetivo de esta práctica es conocer los distintos métodos de pesada y el empleo del método de la tara constante para determinar la densidad de líquidos y sólidos con la balanza hidrostática, utilizando un líquido patrón. Se trata de obtener la densidad de un líquido utilizando un picnómetro y un líquido de referencia (agua destilada). Se determinará primero la masa del picnómetro lleno de agua destilada y después lleno con el líquido problema. Se obtendrá la densidad relativa del líquido ...

  13. Efecto de abono orgánico y densidad de siembra en crecimiento y producción de papa china (Colocasia esculenta L.

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    Nilsen Leonardo Lasso-Rivas


    Full Text Available La papa china es un cultivo importante para los habitantes de la región Pacífica colombiana, este cultivo posee una dinámica de producción fluctuante con rendimientos promedio por debajo de su potencial. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de abono orgánico (gallinaza y la densidad de siembra en el crecimiento y la producción de papa china en la vereda Zacarías, Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. El diseño experimental consistió en un arreglo de bloques completamente al azar con un arreglo de parcelas divididas, con tres densidades de siembra (100 cm x 50 cm, 60 cm x 60 cm, y 50 cm x 40cm y tres niveles de fertilización orgánica (alta 3 kg planta-1, media 2 kg planta-1, y baja 1 kg planta-1. Los resultados mostraron que la distancia de siembra es el factor que afecta de manera significativa las variables de desarrollo inicial de las plantas (altura de la planta, número de hojas y circunferencia del tallo. Para las variables de producción (longitud, circunferencia y peso del cormo se encontró que con la distancia de siembra de 100 cm x 50 cm se obtuvo el mejor desarrollo de producción de cormos, y la dosis de fertilización alta resultó en mejor desarrollo en la producción en las plantas.

  14. Comprehension of digital media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ju Hwan


    This book is divided four parts. The first part describes media and mark on sign and media, what is the sign?, interpretation of sign and semiotics. The second part is for production sign theory and origin of digital revolution such as the problem of origin of digital revolution, homogeneity of producing goods and sign : triple triangle model for production sign theory, triple triangle model for producing goods, triple triangle model of producing sign and triple triangle model of art works. The third parts deals with development of the media and meaning of digital revolution with four changes : invention of letter, appearance of printed media and establishment modernity, appearance electronic media and mess media and appearance of digital media. The last part mentions ontology of world wide web.

  15. Comprehension of digital media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ju Hwan


    This book is divided four parts. The first part describes media and mark on sign and media, what is the sign?, interpretation of sign and semiotics. The second part is for production sign theory and origin of digital revolution such as the problem of origin of digital revolution, homogeneity of producing goods and sign : triple triangle model for production sign theory, triple triangle model for producing goods, triple triangle model of producing sign and triple triangle model of art works. The third parts deals with development of the media and meaning of digital revolution with four changes : invention of letter, appearance of printed media and establishment modernity, appearance electronic media and mess media and appearance of digital media. The last part mentions ontology of world wide web.

  16. Evaluación de densidades de siembra en tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill en invernadero

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    Jos\\u00E9 Cruz Carrillo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se realizó de junio a diciembre del 2001 en el módulo de horticultura protegida del Instituto Tecnológico Agropecuario de Oaxaca No. 23 ubicado en la ex Hacienda de Nazareno, Xoxocotlan, Oax., con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de tres densidades de plantación en el desarrollo vegetativo y producci ón de diferentes híbridos de tomate con crecimiento indeterminado cultivados bajo invernadero. Los híbridos de tomate fueron el SXT, DRW3410 y SXT0289. No hubo diferencia estad ística para los híbridos, sólo para densidades de plantación, obteniendo los mejores rendimientos 5,3 plantas/m2 y 4 plantas/ m2 con 17,52 y 17,37 kg/m2, respectivamente, lo que represent ó en promedio un rendimiento de 151,6 t/ha.

  17. Densidade populacional de Pratylenchus spp. em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. e sua influência na disponibilidade e na qualidade da forragem

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    Cassia de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivando avaliar a densidade populacional de Pratylenchus brachyurus e Pratylenchus zeae, associados à Brachiaria brizantha, B. decumbens e B. humidicola, e sua influência na disponibilidade e na qualidade da forragem, realizou-se este trabalho. O experimento foi conduzido na Agropecuária Hisaeda, em Terenos, MS. Coletaram-se amostras de solo, raízes e parte aérea, em dez repetições ao acaso, de 1 m² cada, dos seguintes tratamentos: Bom, Intermediário e Ruim, caracterizados visualmente, considerando-se a percentagem de material verde das plantas. As densidades de P. brachyurus e P. zeae foram avaliadas nas amostras de solo e raízes. Na parte aérea, avaliou-se a disponibilidade de matéria seca dos materiais verde, morto e da rebrota, estado nutricional das plantas e qualidade da forragem. A fertilidade do solo foi determinada em todas as unidades amostrais. Ambos os nematoides foram identificados em todas as amostras, com maior número nas raízes (entre 87-311 P. brachyurus e 1-61 P. zeae.10 g-1 que no solo (de 0-8 P. brachyurus a 1-39 P. zeae.200 cm-3, no entanto, não houve diferenças significativas, na quantidade de espécimes, entre os tratamentos. Considerando-se que essas forrageiras são perenes e hospedam Pratylenchus spp., há tendência ao aumento da população desses patógenos, ao longo do tempo, podendo se tornar um sério problema fitossanitário.

  18. Intervalo hídrico ótimo e densidade crítica de um Latossolo Amarelo coeso sob diferentes usos no ecossistema Tabuleiro Costeiro

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    Camila Brasil Dias

    Full Text Available RESUMO Os impactos do uso e do manejo na qualidade física do solo têm sido quantificados, utilizando-se o intervalo hídrico ótimo e a densidade crítica do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO e a densidade crítica de um Latossolo Amarelo coeso, dos Tabuleiros Costeiros do Recôncavo da Bahia, submetido a diferentes usos e manejo do solo. Foram selecionadas três áreas, sobre solo coeso típico, submetidas aos seguintes usos e manejos: mata nativa (Mata Atlântica; pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf, em estado de degradação, e cana-de-açúcar, com subsolagem no sulco de plantio. Foram retiradas em cada área 40 amostras com estrutura indeformada, na porção central de cada horizonte (A e AB. Foram determinados nessas amostras, após serem submetidas a dez valores de tensão e pressão, a umidade, a resistência à penetração e a densidade do solo. Na área cultivada com cana, a coleta das amostras foi feita nas linhas de plantio, onde foi realizada a subsolagem. O intervalo hídrico ótimo do horizonte A, da mata, e do Ap, da cana-de-açúcar foram semelhantes e, ambos, maiores que na pastagem. Já no horizonte AB, o IHO da cana-de-açúcar foi maior que o da mata e, o desta, maior que o da pastagem. Os horizontes A e Ap apresentaram valores de densidade crítica maiores que os de AB para todos os usos avaliados. O uso que apresentou maior frequência de valores de densidade do solo acima da densidade crítica foi a pastagem.

  19. Media Framing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Rasmus T.


    The concept of media framing refers to the way in which the news media organize and provide meaning to a news story by emphasizing some parts of reality and disregarding other parts. These patterns of emphasis and exclusion in news coverage create frames that can have considerable effects on news...... consumers’ perceptions and attitudes regarding the given issue or event. This entry briefly elaborates on the concept of media framing, presents key types of media frames, and introduces the research on media framing effects....

  20. Avaliação da Densidade dos anestésicos locais e da combinação com adjuvantes: estudo em laboratório Evaluación de la densidad de los anestésicos locales y de la combinación con adyuvantes: estudio en laboratorio Assessment of the densities of local anesthetics and their combination with adjuvants: an experimental study

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    Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Uma das mais importantes propriedades físicas que afetam o nível da analgesia obtida após a injeção subaracnoidea de um anestésico local é sua densidade relativa à densidade do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR a 37°C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a densidade das soluções de anestésicos locais com e sem glicose e a combinação de anestésico local com adjuvantes a 20°C, 25°C e 37°C em avaliação laboratorial. MÉTODO: A densidade (g.mL-1 foi medida como auxílio de um densímetro DMA 450, sensível a ± 0,00001 g.mL-1. A densidade e suas variações com a temperatura foram obtidas de todos os anestésicos locais e suas combinações com opioides a 20°C, 25°C e 37°C. A solução é hiperbárica se sua densidade excede a 1,00099, a solução é hipobárica quando a densidade está abaixo de 1,00019 e é isobárica quando a densidade é maior que 1,00019 e menor que 1,00099. RESULTADOS: Ambos, anestésicos locais e adjuvantes, exibem diminuição da densidade quando se aumenta a temperatura. A 37°C, todas as soluções que contêm glicose são hiperbáricas. Na ausência de glicose, todas as soluções são hipobáricas. A 37°C, morfina, fentanil, sufentanil e clonidina são hipobáricas. CONCLUSÕES: A densidade dos anestésicos locais e adjuvantes diminui com o aumento da temperatura e aumenta com a adição de glicose. O conhecimento da baricidade, densidade relativa, ajuda na seleção do anestésico local mais adequado e dos adjuvantes para uso subaracnoideo.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Una de las más importantes propiedades físicas que afectan el nivel de la analgesia obtenida después de la inyección subaracnoidea de un anestésico local, es su densidad relativa a la densidad del líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR a 37°C. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la densidad de las soluciones de anestésicos locales con y sin glucosa y la combinación de anestésico local con


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    Jesus Lopez Elias


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha incrementado el interés en sandía injertada sobre portainjertos tolerantes a Fusarium. En virtud de que la densidad de plantación es un factor determinante en el grado de competencia entre las plantas y de que el rendimiento por planta disminuye a medida que la densidad por unidad de superficie se incrementa, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de tres densidades de plantación, en hileras a 2.0 m de separación con plantas espaciadas a 1.25, 1.55 y 2.00 m, sobre la producción y calidad de sandía sin semilla híbrido ‘Tri-X 313’, injertada sobre bule (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina Standl. híbrido ‘Emphasis’. El experimento se desarrolló utilizando un diseño en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Las densidades de plantación evaluadas no influyeron sobre la producción de sandía sin semilla, híbrido ‘Tri-X 313’, injertada sobre L. siceraria; Sin embargo, las plantas injertadas mostraron una disminución del rendimiento por superficie con respecto de aquellas sin injertar, que varió del 10 al 24%, por lo que su uso está restingido a suelos con problemas de estrés causado principalmente por enfermedades. El peso promedio del fruto se incrementó en un 10% con el espaciamiento a 2.00 m. Asimismo, el número de frutos por planta disminuyó significativamente a medida que la densidad se incrementó. Los resultados en sandía injertada no fueron positivos por unidad de superficie; sin embargo, se obtuvo mayor producción por planta a menor densidad de plantación (mayor espaciamiento. Dado el incremento en los costos de producción al utilizar plantas injertadas, existe ventaja en el uso de menor densidad de plantación (mayor espaciamiento, pudiendose usar hasta un 50% menos densidad de plantación que en sandía sin injertar, sin afectar significativamente la producción y la

  2. Avaliação da macroporosidade e da densidade de partículas do solo através da microtomografia de raios-x

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    A. Macedo


    Full Text Available A Ciência do Solo procura compreender e modelar os fenômenos ocorridos no solo, principalmente na zona não saturada. Como o entendimento de muitos desses fenômenos exige determinações em escalas que permitam incorporar aos modelos a variabilidade de poros e agregados, desenvolveu-se, na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária, um tomógrafo de raios-X, de resolução micrométrica, com o objetivo de se obterem imagens, de forma não-destrutiva, de amostras de solo, com resolução espacial igual ou inferior a 100 μm. Foi possível projetar e construir um equipamento, de alta resolução, com baixo custo, comparativamente aos equipamentos comerciais disponíveis, cujos preços são proibitivos para aplicações em solo. Obtiveram-se imagens de amostras de solos com estrutura deformada, compostos por agregados de 212 a 250 μm, nos quais foram identificados poros medindo 100 μm ou menos. Poros dessas dimensões foram visualizados, também, em tomografias de amostras compostas de grãos de areia de 1 mm e capilares de vidro com diâmetros internos de 100, 200 e 300 μm. Tomografias de amostras não deformadas de solos evidenciaram, além de poros de 200 a 800 μm, partículas de alta densidade não-detectáveis com a tomografia de resolução milimétrica.

  3. Suicide and the media. Part III: Theoretical issues. (United States)

    Blood, R W; Pirkis, J


    The body of evidence suggests that there is a causal association between nonfictional media reporting of suicide (in newspapers, on television, and in books) and actual suicide, and that there may be one between fictional media portrayal (in film and television, in music, and in plays) and actual suicide. This finding has been explained by social learning theory. The majority of studies upon which this finding is based fall into the media "effects tradition," which has been criticized for its positivist-like approach that fails to take into account of media content or the capacity of audiences to make meaning out of messages. A cultural studies approach that relies on discourse and frame analyses to explore meanings, and that qualitatively examines the multiple meanings that audiences give to media messages, could complement the effects tradition. Together, these approaches have the potential to clarify the notion of what constitutes responsible reporting of suicide, and to broaden the framework for evaluating media performance.

  4. Media identities and media-influenced indentifications Visibility and identity recognition in the media

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    Víctor Fco. Sampedro Blanco


    Full Text Available The media establish, in large part, the patterns of visibility and public recognition of collective identities. We define media identities as those that are the object of production and diffusion by the media. From this discourse, the communities and individuals elaborate media-influenced identifications; that is, processes of recognition or banishment; (rearticulating the identity markers that the media offer with other cognitive and emotional sources. The generation and appropriation of the identities are subjected to a media hierarchisation that influences their normalisation or marginalisation. The identities presented by the media and assumed by the audience as part of the official, hegemonic discourse are normalised, whereas the identities and identifications formulated in popular and minority terms are marginalised. After presenting this conceptual and analytical framework, this study attempts to outline the logics that condition the presentation, on the one hand, andthe public recognition, on the other hand, of contemporary identities.

  5. Densidad de sitios para anidar y su uso por dos especies de pájaro carpintero (Melanerpes rubricapillus y M. chrysauchen (Piciformes: Picidae en un gradiente urbano de Costa Rica

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    Luis Sandoval


    Full Text Available Examiné la densidad de sustratos potencialmente utilizables para anidar por parte de dos especies de pájaros carpinteros (Melanerpes rubricapillus y M. chrysauchen, a lo largo de un gradiente urbano, así como la densidad de sus nidos, haciendo una búsqueda exhaustiva en tres sitios en Golfito, Costa Rica. El área urbana y semi-urbana tuvo la menor densidad de sustratos naturales. La densidad de nidos fue mayor en el área semi-urbana que en los otros dos sitios, posiblemente debido a una mayor abundancia de carpinteros. Los nidos se distribuyeron de forma agrupada, indicando a una mayor preferencia de los carpinteros por anidar en sustratos naturales. Una remoción de los sustratos artificiales podría causar una disminución de la población de ambas especies de carpinteros.Density of nesting sites and their use by two woodpecker species (Melanerpes rubricapillus y M. chrysauchen (Piciformes: Picidae along an urban gradient, Costa Rica. I examined the density of nesting substrates potentially used by two woodpeckers (Melanerpes rubricapillus and M. chrysauchen along an urban gradient, and their nest density in three sites with different human intervention in Golfito, Costa Rica. The urban and semi-urban sites had the lowest abundance of natural substrates for nesting, as expected by the effect of urban development. Nest abundance was greater in the semiurban site than in other sites, possibly in relation with a greater abundance of woodpeckers. Nests had a grouping distribution, which might reflect the preference of woodpeckers for nesting in natural substrates. The reduction of artificial and natural substrates in urban areas could decrease density population of these two woodpecker species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (Suppl. 1: 351-355 Epub 2009 November 30.

  6. Densidad y estructura poblacional de Cebus capucinus curtus (Primates: Cebidae y Bradypus variegatus gorgon (Pilosa: Bradypodidae, en Isla Gorgona , Colombia

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    Mario Fernando Garcés-Restrepo


    Full Text Available En Isla Gorgona se registran dos subespecies endémicas de mamíferos arbóreos, el Mono capuchino de pecho blanco (Cebus capucinus curtus y el Perezoso de tres dedos de garganta marrón (Bradypus variegatus gorgon, especies importante para la conservación debido a su carácter endémico y papel ecológico como dispersores de semillas en el PNN Gorgona. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre la ecología poblacional de estas dos subespecies, utilizando el método de muestreo por distancia con transectos lineales para establecer la densidad, además se describió la estructura etaria general de cada población con base en los muestreos y observaciones directas. La densidad de C. capucinus curtus en isla Gorgona fue de 170,6 ind/km² (IC 95%=122,0-238,4 ind/km² mientras que para B. variegatus gorgon fue de 2,6 ind/km² (IC 95%=1,3-4,9 ind/km². El registro de densidad de C. capucinus curtus en isla Gorgona es el más alto para la especie en todo su rango de distribución geográfica, mientras que el de B. variegatus gorgon es el más bajo reportado para la especie. La alta densidad de C. capucinus curtus estaría relacionada con un efecto sinérgico entre la baja depredación natural y la continua disponibilidad de alimento, mientras que la baja densidad de B. variegatus gorgon estaría relacionada con la presión de caza realizada en el pasado, la baja tasa reproductiva de la especie y una pandemia ocurrida en el año 2005. Se recomienda el monitoreo constante de las poblaciones y estudios de salud poblacional para B. variegatus gorgon.

  7. Estructura y densidad de la red de caminos en la Reserva de la Biosfera Mariposa Monarca

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    María Isabel Ramírez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Por ser parte fundamental de uno de los fenómenos de migración e hibernación más sorprendentes y llamativos del mundo, la Reserva de la Biosfera Mariposa Monarca (RBMM se ha convertido en una de las áreas naturales protegidas más emblemáticas de nuestro país. Sin embargo, sigue enfrentándose a serios problemas de fragmentación, perturbación y pérdida de sus bosques. Uno de los elementos del paisaje que más se ha reconocido como causa y efecto de la perturbación y pérdida de espacios forestales son los caminos. Utilizando mosaicos elaborados con fotografías aéreas digitales de marzo de 2003, escala 1:20 000, y recorridos en campo registrados con GPS, se identificaron 20 574 km de caminos dentro de los límites de la RBMM; 55% del ellos son brechas y 37% veredas, ambos abiertos específicamente para el aprovechamiento forestal. Las carreteras pavimentadas y las terracerías representan, respectivamente, 2 y 6% de la red. Esos 2 574 km de caminos se traducen en una densidad promedio de 4.7 km/km2. No obstante, el análisis a nivel de predio revela valores de densidad aún más altos, especialmente en el lado michoacano, que alcanzan hasta 13.6 km/km2. Asimismo, multiplicando los respectivos tipos de caminos por su ancho promedio de lecho, se encontró que 880 ha de la Reserva están ocupadas por caminos, lo cual tiene serias repercusiones sobre la vegetación, el suelo, la red de drenaje y la accesibilidad a los recursos.

  8. Desenvolvimento de mudas de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.em função do recipiente e do tipo e densidade de substratos

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    M.S. Maggioni


    Full Text Available Uma das etapas mais importantes na produção do manjericão é o desenvolvimento das mudas. Nesta etapa, o cuidado com o recipiente e o substrato é essencial, pois afetam diretamente o crescimento e a arquitetura do sistema radicular, bem como, o fornecimento de nutrientes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. influenciadas pelo tipo e densidade de diferentes substratos, cultivadas em bandejas de poliestireno com diferentes números de células. O experimento foi conduzido na área de Jardinocultura da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD em Dourados - MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições, sendo os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 3x3x5, sendo três tipos de bandejas de poliestireno expandido com 72, 128 e 200 células com volumes internos de 124,3; 44,8 e 17,7 mL, respectivamente. Três tipos de substratos comerciais (PlantMax Florestais®; Tropstrato Vida Verde® e PlantMax Hortaliças HA®, e cinco densidades de substratos (0,36; 0,42; 0,48; 0,54 e 0,60 kg dm-3. Decorridos 78 dias após a emergência das plantas avaliou-se alturas das plantas, massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e sistema radicular, e comprimento de raízes. A produção de mudas comerciais de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. foi melhor com o uso do substrato Tropstrato Vida Verde® na bandeja de 72 células associado com a densidade de 0,47 kg dm-3.

  9. Stocking density of “Pseudoplatystoma” spp. surubim reared in cages Densidade de estocagem do surubim "Pseudoplatystoma" spp. cultivado em tanque-rede

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    Daniel Vieira Crepaldi


    Full Text Available This work aimed to determine the effect of stocking density on the biomass production, final weight, feed conversion and survival rate of Pseudoplatystoma spp. surubim reared in floating net cages under three initial stocking densities. Twelve floating net cages located in a 47-ha reservoir were stocked with 35, 70 and 105 fish/m3 averaging 50 g from April to August 1999. At the end of the experimental period (105 days, the final average weights of the treatments were 197.4, 171.15, and 161.45 g, respectively. The highest final mean weight was reached at the lowest initial density. No significant effects of initial stocking density were observed on survival (95.97, 97.80 and 96.73%, respectively and feed conversion rates (1.49; 1.60 e 1.56; respectively. The final biomass of 87.93, 157.67, and 220.46 kg were affected by the initial stocking density. At higher storage densities, the individual weight gain decreased, but the final biomass increased significantly.Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar o efeito da densidade de estocagem na produção, no ganho de peso, na conversão alimentar e na sobrevivência do surubim Pseudoplatystoma spp. cultivado em tanques-rede, sob três diferentes densidades de estocagem iniciais. Doze tanques-rede foram instalados em uma represa de 47 ha e estocados com 35, 70 e 105 alevinos de surubim/m3, com peso médio de 50g, no período de abril a agosto de 1999. Ao final de 105 dias de experimento, os pesos finais médios para os tratamentos foram 197,4; 171,15 e 161,45 g, respectivamente. O maior peso médio foi alcançado no tratamento de menor densidade. As sobrevivências (95,97; 97,80 e 96,73%, respectivamente e a conversão alimentar (1,49; 1,60 e 1,56:1, respectivamente não foram afetadas pela densidade de estocagem inicial. As biomassas finais foram 87,93; 157,67 e 220,46 kg, respectivamente, com efeito significativo da densidade de estocagem inicial. Com o aumento da densidade de estocagem, houve redu

  10. Formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electrónica para grafeno delta dopado

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    Francisco J. López-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Establecemos las bases para el estudio del efecto de una línea extendida de impurezas sobre una placa d e grafeno. Mediante el uso de análisis dimensional y la propuesta de una ecuación de Poisson bidimensional, obtenemos las formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electrónica de este problema.

  11. Efecto de la densidad de explantes y el volumen de medio de cultivo sobre la multiplicación in vitro de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L. variedades Brigitta y Legacy

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    Mario Rodríguez Beraud


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar la multiplicación in vitro de dos variedades de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L., “Brigitta” y “Legacy”, en respuesta a cinco densidades de explantes (5, 10, 15, 20 y 25 y cuatro volúmenes de medio (10, 20, 30 y 40 mL utilizando para ambas variedades el medio WPM (Woody Plant Medium en un diseño completamente al azar con 20 tratamientos y 12 repeticiones por tratamiento. Transcurrido 45 días se evaluó: altura de brote, número de brotes/explante, número de nudos/brote y número de brotes/frasco. Brigitta obtuvo la mayor altura del brote en tratamientos con densidades y volúmenes elevados, mientras que Legacy obtuvo el mayor promedio de altura del brote con densidades intermedias y volúmenes elevados. En cuanto al número de brotes/explante, el volumen de medio no influyó en la variedad Brigitta, en cambio, altas densidades la afectaron significativamente, mientras que en Legacy el máximo número de brotes se alcanzó con densidades bajas y volúmenes intermedios. En relación al número de nudos por explante Brigitta obtuvo los valores más bajos comparados con Legacy, pero en ambas variedades se produjo una disminución del número de nudos con menores volúmenes de medio. Para el número de brotes por frasco Brigitta obtuvo las mayores respuestas con densidades elevadas, superando los 40 brotes por frasco. En cambio, en Legacy el resultado máximo se obtuvo con la densidad 25 explantes en 30 mL de medio. Por lo tanto, se concluye que ambas variedades fueron influenciadas tanto por el volumen del medio como la densidad de explantes.

  12. Densidad de la madera en clones de Eucalyptus por densitometría de rayos X

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    Bibiana Arango


    Full Text Available En el Brasil y en diversos países se han verificado avances significativos en la silvicultura clonal intensiva con diferencias marcadas entre clones de especies e híbridos de Eucalyptus en lo referente a los parámetros de crecimiento y desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, en los últimos años, se introdujo el concepto de uso múltiplo del leño de los árboles con la utilización de la madera como fuente de celulosa y papel, madera sólida y otras aplicaciones como estrategia de aumento de la rentabilidad del emprendimiento forestal. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el índice de uniformidad de la madera y la variación de la densidad en el sentido radial por densitometría de rayos X de árboles de 8 años de edad de clones de Eucalyptus grandis y E. grandis x urophylla, buscando posibilitar la optimización de su uso. Por sus características silviculturales se seleccionaron los 5 mejores clones de la especie e híbrido de las plantaciones clonales localizadas en el municipio de San Miguel de Arcanjo-SP de la Cia Suzano de Celulosa y Papel. Se caracterizaron 3 modelos de variación radial de la densidad y la formación de 3 tipos de madera (juvenil, de transición y adulta; el valor medio de densidad aparente de la madera en los clones fue de 0,46 y 0,54 g/cm3, para el Eucalyptus grandis y E. grandis x urophylla, respectivamente.

  13. Efecto del color y de la densidad del polietileno de fundas para cubrir el racimo sobre dimensiones, presentación y calidad poscosecha de frutos de banano y plátano

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    Alfonso Vargas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del color (azul, verde y rojo y densidad (baja y alta del polietileno de fundas protectoras del racimo de Musa en 4 experimentos de banano (Musa AAA y en 1 de plátano (Musa AAB realizados en fincas comerciales del Caribe de Costa Rica. El peso del racimo y el intervalo de días del embolse a la cosecha no difirieron entre los colores (p>0,4116 ni entre las densidades (p>0,2583 de las fundas. La apariencia del racimo presentó diferencias entre colores (p0,0669 y densidades (p>0,2370 de las fundas. La longitud del fruto central de las manos antes mencionadas tampoco presentó diferencias entre colores (p>0,1446 y solo varió con la densidad en la segunda y cuarta mano del experimento 3 (p0,0899 y entre las densidades (p>0,0606 de las fundas. El porcentaje de acidez presentó diferencias (p<0,0001 entre colores solamente en el experimento 1. Los resultados indican que generalmente, bajo las condiciones agroclimáticas y de manejo propias de Caribe costarricense, no hubo efecto del color ni de la densidad del polietileno evaluados sobre los racimos y frutos de banano y plátano.

  14. Variação da densidade básica da madeira de progênies de Eucalyptus urophylla em dois locais.

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    Maria Aparecida Mourão Brasil


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Estudou-se neste trabalho a variação da densidade básica da madeira entre procedências e progênies de eucalipto plantados em duas localidades. As progênies de Eucalyptus urophylla originárias da ilha de Timor na Indonésia foram plantadas em Belo Oriente (MG e Linhares (ES no delineamento de blocos compactos em famílias (compact family blocks com 3 repetições no espaçamento de 3,0 x 2,0m. Após 4 anos as  árvores  foram amostradas ao nível do DAP com a sonda Pressler e sua densidade básica determinada pelo método do máximo teor de umidade. Os resultados mostraram que as progênies tiveram  comportamento similar nos dois locais. A maior variação entre progênies ocorreu naquelas provenientes da região Oebaha II. Os valores médios de densidade básica* das progênies não foram diferentes das procedências brasileiras utilizadas como testemunhas no experimento.

  15. Aplicación de relaciones de densidad-diámetro y de área potencial aprovechable en bosques de Nothofagus Dombeyi (mirb.) Oerst, como herramientas de planificación silvícola .


    Cruz Johnson, Pablo Christian


    Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis de doctorado fue analizar la aplicación de relaciones de densidad ¿ diámetro en bosques de Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) oerst, para la localidad del Río Mirta en la XI Región de Chile, como herramientas de planificación silvícola. El método de análisis consistió en la generación de una muestra de densidad¿diámetro a partir de la que se determinó el índice de densidad máximo (IDmax) a partir del cual se estimaron las máximas densidades que la especie podría alc...



    Maria Vera Lúcia Moreira Leitão Cardoso; Gabrielle Gama Teixeira Lima; Leiliane Martins Farias


    El objetivo fue evaluar el método de recolección de orina algodón en contacto con la genital y colector urinario para realización de la densidad urinaria en recién nacidos. Estudio de intervención, cuantitativo, con 61 recién nacidos seleccionados de manera no probabilística. Llevado a cabo en unidad neonatal de Fortaleza-Ceará, Brasil, en 2010. La mayoría nació a término (31/50, 8%) y sexo masculino (33/54%). Los datos de medición de la densidad urinaria con algodón y colector señalaron dife...

  17. Algoritmo recursivo funcional para verificación y monitoreo de la densidad de números primos

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    Omar Iván Trejos Buriticá


    Full Text Available El presente artículo formula una solución recursiva, usando programación funcional, para la verificación y monitoreo de la densidad de los números primos que corresponde a la cantidad de números primos que se encuentran en un rango determinado. A partir de este planteamiento se hacen algunas reflexiones en torno a la relación entre matemática y programación de computadores así como alrededor de las tendencias que se notan en la estimación progresiva de la densidad de los números primos cuando se hacen algunas modificaciones en los rangos de evaluación. El propósito de este artículo es poner a consideración de los lectores una solución simple y ágil en la solución del problema planteado así como las reflexiones que de allí se derivan.

  18. Stereotypes in media and media literacy among young people

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    Đerić Ivana


    Full Text Available Young people, the most common consumers of media content, bear out the view that media shapes people’s lives. Therefore we must not underestimate the effect media exerts on young people’s values and behavioral patterns. Television is the medium which draws children and young people for the greatest part of their free time. Regardless whether television programs are described as positive or negative, whether they abound with stereotypes or not, it is important that young people develop a critical attitude towards them so that they may resist different forms of media manipulation. The paper discusses how stereotypes are generated and used by media and the manners in which stereotypical concepts affect young people’s attitudes. It highlights the importance of the development of media literacy which implies a critical attitude towards media images and discourses, the development of criteria for the selection and evaluation of information broadcast by media, the development of skills in interpreting and understanding stereotypical concepts and familiarity with alternative forms of media culture. The paper draws special attention to the issue of media education. The conclusion is that schools should offer media literacy as part of their curriculum and in it possible solutions to the problems discussed. .

  19. Parents and the media: causes and consequences of parental media socialization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Notten, N.J.W.R.


    Media literacy is an important part of socialization and with media use becoming ever more essential in modern society, research on parental media socialization is vital. This study proposes the intergenerational transmission of parent’s media competencies, as a specific kind of cultural

  20. Fra massemedier til mediesystem - om kodediskussionen i systemteoretisk medieforskning [From mass media to media system - code discussions in systems theoretical media research

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    Mikkel Fugl Eskjær


    Full Text Available Systems theoretical media research raises the question whether the mass media constitute a unified institution, or whether the media, due to their internal differences, should be considered individually and independent of each other. By inscribing the media in a general social theory, systems theory conceptualises the media as an autonomous functional system. This intention is most clearly illustrated by the efforts to identify a shared code for the entire media system. Based on the media theory of Niklas Luhmann, this paper offers a critical presentation of the code discussion within systems theoretical media research. The first part of the paper briefly introduces the systems theoretical notion of a code as well as Luhmann’s definition of the media system as organised and regulated by the code of information. The second part presents a number of alternative suggestions and definitions of the media system’s code, which both indicate the scope of systems theoretical media research, but also point to some of the limitations in the systems theoretical approach. In the last part, the paper takes a critical look at the systems theoretical code discussion by arguing that a too narrow focus on code definitions is blocking a more productive investigation of the conditions, evolution, and autonomy of the media system.

  1. Relaci??n entre la masa muscular, la densidad mineral ??sea, la fuerza muscular, la aptitud funcional y la calidad muscular en personas mayores


    Pati??o Villada, Fredy Alonso


    294 p. La tesis pretende determinar la frecuencia de la sarcopenia y osteporosis , problemas que afectan a la salud de las personas mayores, y analizar la relaci??n entre la masa muscular, la densidad mineral ??sea (DMO), la fuerza muscular, la aptitud funcional y la calidad muscular (CM). La muestra estudiada fue la formada por un grupo de 83 hombres y 175 mujeres mayores de Le??n (Espa??a). El estudio transversal eval??a ??ndices de masa grasa y densidad mineral ??sea y niveles d...

  2. Linear density analysis of bone repair in rats using digital direct radiograph Análise de densidade linear para reparo ósseo em ratos utilizando radiografia digital direta

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    Ricardo de Oliveira Bozzo


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to assess bone density measurements for analysis of repairing fractures in rats using direct digital radiography under Dexamethasone effects. Thirty (30 young adult male Wistar rats were used, with an average weight of 200g, which were submitted to general anesthetics by ethyl ether. One rib of each animal was fractured by surgical technique. The rats were divided into 2 groups, named Control group - intraperitoneal administration of saline solution 1 hour prior to operation, and Group 1: intraperitoneal administration of Dexamethasone 0.1mg/Kg of weight 1 hour prior to operation, and two postoperative doses every 12 hours. The animals were sacrificed at 2, 3, 4, 7 and 14 days. The parts containing the hemi-thorax with the fractured rib were removed and submitted to direct digital radiography, where the linear density of the two extremities of the fracture were analyzed by the Digora System. The results showed that in the control group and in Group 1 there was a gradual and significant increase in linear density. The method used made it feasible to supply data that were statistically significant in assessing the gain in bone density during the period of time analyzed. In conclusion, direct digital radiograph is useful for bone density analysis for fracture repairing. The dose of Dexamethasone was not sufficient to alter the gain in bone density at the extremities of fracture.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar densidade linear utilizando o sistema de radiografia digital direta intrabucal para verificar o ganho de densidade óssea em fraturas de ratos sob os efeitos da Dexametasona. Trinta (30 ratos Wistar machos, adultos jóvens de 200 g em média foram usados. Os animais foram submetidos á anestesia geral por inalação de éter etílico e 01 costela de cada animal foi fraturada através de técnica cirúrgica. Os ratos foram divididos em grupos de 03 repetições para cada grupo em cada período de tempo

  3. Transformation of Adolescent Peer Relations in the Social Media Context: Part 2-Application to Peer Group Processes and Future Directions for Research. (United States)

    Nesi, Jacqueline; Choukas-Bradley, Sophia; Prinstein, Mitchell J


    As social media use becomes increasingly widespread among adolescents, research in this area has accumulated rapidly. Researchers have shown a growing interest in the impact of social media on adolescents' peer experiences, including the ways that the social media context shapes a variety of peer relations constructs. This paper represents Part 2 of a two-part theoretical review. In this review, we offer a new model for understanding the transformative role of social media in adolescents' peer experiences, with the goal of stimulating future empirical work that is grounded in theory. The transformation framework suggests that the features of the social media context transform adolescents' peer experiences by changing their frequency or immediacy, amplifying demands, altering their qualitative nature, and/or offering new opportunities for compensatory or novel behaviors. In the current paper, we consider the ways that social media may transform peer relations constructs that often occur at the group level. Our review focuses on three key constructs: peer victimization, peer status, and peer influence. We selectively review and highlight existing evidence for the transformation of these domains through social media. In addition, we discuss methodological considerations and key conceptual principles for future work. The current framework offers a new theoretical perspective through which peer relations researchers may consider adolescent social media use.

  4. Desarrollo de un sistema de suspensión magnética para la determinación de densidad de líquidos


    Centeno González, Luz María; Castillo Castañeda, Eduardo; Becerra Santiago, Luis Omar; Rochín García, Alberto


    La densidad es una magnitud derivada de las magnitudes de base masa y longitud, está definida como masa por unidad de volumen y su unidad en el Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) es el kg/m3. En las últimas cinco décadas, en el ámbito de la metrología primaria, se han desarrollado sistemas de suspensión magnética para la determinación de densidad de fluidos, lo que ha permitido realizar investigaciones sobre las características físicas de líquidos y gases. El presente trabajo tiene como o...


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    Ana Mar\\u00EDa Castagnino


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del tamaño de la celda utilizada para la obtención de plántulas de espárrago y la densidad o marco de plantación empleado, sobre la producción de turiones, se evaluó en invernadero tres tamaños de celda: 1 PG: grande (70 cm3, 2 PM: mediana (30 cm3 y 3 PCh: pequeña (20 cm3 y tres densidades (35 714 (D1; 23 810 (D2 y 17 857 (D3 plantas/ha. Se efectuó un trabajo en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía, en Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. La plantación en el campo se efectuó en noviembre 2002, setenta días después de la siembra del almácigo con plántulas con cepellón. La cosecha se realizó del 25/09 al 18/10 del año 2006, en el cuarto año desde la plantación, con una frecuencia de cosecha de día por medio. Se realizó un análisis de la varianza, con un diseño completamente al azar y considerando como factor: el tamaño de las plántulas que provenían de cada contenedor y tres densidades. En el segundo año evaluado, la densidad D1 fue la de mayor producción (4450 kg/ha netos totales y mayor cantidad de turiones (380 166. Las plantas provenientes de los dos mayores tamaños de celda produjeron 4 t/ha netas en promedio. Las bandejas de siembra de tamaño G y D1 resultaron más apropiados para la producción de espárrago ya que permitieron obtener el mayor rendimiento en peso y número, y obtener un mejor aparato radical.

  6. Transformation of Adolescent Peer Relations in the Social Media Context: Part 1-A Theoretical Framework and Application to Dyadic Peer Relationships. (United States)

    Nesi, Jacqueline; Choukas-Bradley, Sophia; Prinstein, Mitchell J


    Investigators have long recognized that adolescents' peer experiences provide a crucial context for the acquisition of developmental competencies, as well as potential risks for a range of adjustment difficulties. However, recent years have seen an exponential increase in adolescents' adoption of social media tools, fundamentally reshaping the landscape of adolescent peer interactions. Although research has begun to examine social media use among adolescents, researchers have lacked a unifying framework for understanding the impact of social media on adolescents' peer experiences. This paper represents Part 1 of a two-part theoretical review, in which we offer a transformation framework to integrate interdisciplinary social media scholarship and guide future work on social media use and peer relations from a theory-driven perspective. We draw on prior conceptualizations of social media as a distinct interpersonal context and apply this understanding to adolescents' peer experiences, outlining features of social media with particular relevance to adolescent peer relations. We argue that social media transforms adolescent peer relationships in five key ways: by changing the frequency or immediacy of experiences, amplifying experiences and demands, altering the qualitative nature of interactions, facilitating new opportunities for compensatory behaviors, and creating entirely novel behaviors. We offer an illustration of the transformation framework applied to adolescents' dyadic friendship processes (i.e., experiences typically occurring between two individuals), reviewing existing evidence and offering theoretical implications. Overall, the transformation framework represents a departure from the prevailing approaches of prior peer relations work and a new model for understanding peer relations in the social media context.

  7. Qualidade de chapas de partículas de madeira aglomerada fabricadas com resíduos de uma indústria de celulose.

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    Cristiane Pedrazzi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de chapas aglomeradas fabricadas com resíduos da madeira de Eucalyptus saligna, resultantes da picagem das toras para a confecção de cavacos utilizados na produção de celulose. As chapas foram produzidas com dois tipos de resíduos, palitos e serragem, sendo utilizados puros. O adesivo usado foi à base de uréia-formaldeído em proporções de 4; 8 e 12%, com base na massa seca das partículas, e as densidades nominais das chapas foram de 0,55; 0,65 e 0,75 g/cm3. Foram avaliadas propriedades de flexão estática, ligação interna, arrancamento de parafusos, absorção d'água e inchamento em espessura. Os valores obtidos das propriedades de flexão estática, ligação interna e arrancamento de parafusos aumentaram com a densidade da chapa, assim como com o teor de adesivo, independentemente do tipo de resíduo. No caso da absorção d'água, os valores aumentaram com a redução da densidade, tanto para chapas produzidas com partículas tipo palitos como para serragem. Para inchamento em espessura, os valores aumentaram com a diminuição do teor de adesivo, sem considerar o do tipo de resíduo utilizado. Os resultados permitem concluir que, usando-se tanto partículas tipo palitos quanto serragem com maiores percentagens de adesivo e maiores densidades, podem ser produzidas chapas com qualidade satisfatória.

  8. Cobertura plástica e densidade de plantio na qualidade das frutas de Physalis peruviana L.

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    Pedro Henrique Abreu Moura


    Full Text Available RESUMO Physalis peruviana L. é uma espécie pertencente à família Solanaceae, que vem sendo incorporada em plantios de pequenas frutas, com alto potencial produtivo para regiões subtropicais. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a qualidade das frutas de P. peruviana L., produzidas com ou sem cobertura plástica sobre o dossel das plantas e em duas densidades de plantio (0,5 e 1,0 m entre plantas, sendo de 3,0 m o espaçamento entre linhas. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, com seis blocos e dez plantas por parcela. Foram avaliadas as características qualitativas das frutas, como coloração, quantidade de antocianinas totais, vitamina C, cinzas, sólidos solúveis totais, sacarose, glicose, açúcares totais, acidez titulável, firmeza e umidade. A maior densidade de plantio e o plantio sem cobertura plástica sobre o dossel das plantas resultaram em melhor qualidade das frutas de P. peruviana L.

  9. Resposta da soja e do eucalipto ao aumento da densidade do solo e a doses de fósforo Soybean and eucalyptus response to increased soil density and phosphorus doses

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    Marco Aurélio Vitorino Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O uso agrícola e o manejo de solos de Cerrado frequentemente causam sua compactação, reduzindo sua porosidade e disponibilidade de água e nutrientes, com efeito negativo sobre o crescimento e o desenvolvimento das culturas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da densidade do solo e de doses de P no crescimento da soja e do eucalipto em solos com diferentes texturas: um Latossolo Vermelho (LV muito argiloso e outro Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA textura média. Em vasos plásticos de 1,8 L, com 1,6 dm³ de solo, foram testadas, para o LV, as densidades de 0,90, 1,10 e 1,30 kg dm-3 e as doses de 0, 100, 200, 400 e 800 mg dm-3 de P, e para o LVA, as densidades de 1,30, 1,50 e 1,70 kg dm-3 e as doses de 0, 75, 150, 300 e 600 mg dm-3 de P. As plantas de soja e de eucalipto foram colhidas 40 e 80 dias após a semeadura, respectivamente. Foram avaliadas: matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA e de raízes (MSR, acúmulo de P na MSPA (P-PA e MSR (P-R, nas duas espécies, e altura do eucalipto. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento da densidade do solo influenciou negativamente no crescimento da soja e do eucalipto, especialmente no solo LV e nas maiores doses de P; a resposta das plantas às doses de P aplicadas foi menor com o aumento da densidade do solo; e o aumento da densidade foi mais prejudicial ao crescimento do eucalipto - espécie mais eficiente na recuperação do P aplicado aos solos. De modo geral, o efeito negativo do aumento da densidade dos solos sobre a produção de MSPA das espécies, nas doses menores de P, é compensado quando as maiores doses de P são aplicadas.Agriculture and soil management in the Cerrado can cause soil compaction, resulting in decreased porosity and water and nutrient availability, with a negative impact on plant growth and development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil density and phosphorus doses (P on soybean and eucalyptus grown in two Cerrado oxisols with

  10. Palmito de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes cultivado bajo diferentes densidades de laurel (Cordia alliodora

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    Johnny Montenegro


    Full Text Available Se evalu6 el incremento en altura y gro- SOT de rebrotes, la altura del tallo dominante, la alliodoproducci6n de palmito y el numero de rebrotes diapOT cepa en plantaciones sin y bajo 2 poblacio- domines de laurel (92 y 370 arboles/ha y el efecto ofdel sombreamiento, en la zona Atlantica de Costa Rica. Se observ6 un mayor incremento en el diametro y la altura de los rebrotes en el monocultivo (P=0.0403, P=0.0033 respectiva- mente unicamente en los estadios iniciales de crecimiento. Una mayor altura del tallo princi- pal (P=0.0143se observ6 en la asociaci6n con haraltas densidades de arboles de laurel. EI nume- ro de rebrotes pOT cepa fue mayor (P=0.05 en maxilas parcelas sin la presencia de arboles. Las ma- yores producciones de palmito fueron encon- whetradas en el monocultivo y con 92 arboles ha/(P=O.O 117, determinandose un menor ren- dimiento con mayores niveles de intercepci6n de luz fotosinteticamente activa pOT parte del estrato arb6reo (r=0.68, P=0.0415. Los ingre- monosos fueron mayores en el tratamiento sin arbo- les, los cuales ejercieron un efecto negativo so- bre el rendimiento productivo del cultivo.

  11. Modeling and inversion of PS-wave moveout asymmetry for tilted TI media: Part 2: Dipping TTI layer

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Dewangan, P.; Tsvankin, I.

    Dipping transversely isotropic layers with a tilted symmetry axis (TTI media) cause serious imaging problems in fold-and-thrust belts and near salt domes. The modified PP + PS = SS method introduced in Part 1 is applied to the inversion...

  12. Densidade das células do endotélio corneano em olhos de cães à microscopia especular

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    João Antonio Tadeu Pigatto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se examinar a superfície posterior do endotélio corneano e realizar análise morfométrica das células endoteliais da córnea de olhos normais de cães à microscopia especular. Procedeu-se à morfometria avaliando-se a área celular média e a densidade endotelial. Ambos os olhos de dez cães, sem raça definida, machos ou fêmeas, com 6 anos de idade, com peso médio de 15 kg, eutanasiados por razões não relacionadas a este estudo foram estudados. Os olhos foram avaliados para determinar as condições de higidez e transportados ao laboratório em câmara úmida. Valendo-se de microscópio especular de contato o endotélio corneano foi examinado. Obteve-se 3 imagens da região central de cada córnea. Realizou-se a análise morfométrica valendo-se de software adequado para determinação da área celular média e da densidade endotelial. A área celular média foi 395 ± 36 µm² e a densidade endotelial 2555 ± 240 células/mm². O presente estudo demonstrou que o endotélio de bulbos oculares normais de cães é similar ao endotélio de indivíduos da espécie humana.


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    Thiago Henriques Fontenelle


    Full Text Available A Região Oceânica do município de Niterói (RJ tem sido objeto de intensa especulação imobiliária nas últimas décadas, associando o ideário de paisagens naturais e qualidade de vida a um modelo de habitações predominantemente voltado para população de alto padrão aquisitivo. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva analisar a expansão tanto do perímetro urbano como da densidade de domicílios da região no período entre 1976 e 2010, associando ainda a situação atual com o zoneamento urbano-ambiental vigente. A análise histórica, a geoestatística e um conjunto variado de geotecnologias foram as principais ferramentas utilizadas para produção e análise de dados. Em conjunto com estas ferramentas, é proposta uma metodologia alternativa de tratamento de dados censitários e avaliação de densidades de domicílios por unidade de área. Os resultados demonstram o crescimento de 112% da área urbanizada da Região Oceânica, enquanto o número de domicílios cresceu na ordem de 600%, remontando ao processo interligado de avanço tanto via expansão em área quanto via aumento de densidade. Em comparação com o zoneamento, há esgotamento para incorporação de novas áreas perimetrais, o que aponta para um aprofundamento ainda maior do aumento de densidades demográficas nas próximas décadas assim como da pressão sobre os geossistemas costeiros.

  14. Efeito da densidade máxima teórica na dosagem e no comportamento mecânico de mistura asfáltica tipo CBUQ

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    Kamilla Lima Vasconcelos


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    A partir da densidade aparente dos agregados, da densidade aparente do corpo-de-prova compactado e da densidade máxima teórica (DMT determinam-se as características volumétricas de uma mistura asfáltica e, em vários métodos, sua dosagem quanto ao teor de ligante a ser empregado. Diferentes procedimentos na determinação da DMT podem levar a resultados distintos, acarretando em parâmetros volumétricos também distintos. No Brasil, a DMTé comumente calculada através de uma ponderação das densidades reais dos materiais constituintes da mistura. Neste trabalho, além do cálculo da DMT, são investigados dois procedimentos de laboratório para sua determinação: (i norma americana ASTM D 2041, que utiliza uma bomba de vácuo (método Rice e, (ii método utilizando querosene. São discutidas possíveis diferenças nos valores de DMT obtidos pelos procedimentos, avaliando a influência das diferenças nos parâmetros volumétricos e, conseqüentemente, na escolha do teor de projeto. Por fim, o comportamento mecânico das misturas cujo teor de ligante foi determinado pelos três métodos foi avaliado por meio dos ensaios de resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência e vida de fadiga a tensão controlada.

  15. New media technologies and mass media reform processes

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    Tomić Boban


    Full Text Available This paper reviews and assesses the chances for survival and development of the media in Serbia and ib the region, from the perspective of new information and communication technologies (ICT applied in media business. In the paper theoretical method is used and harmonized with the needs of describing the problems and the observed processes and phenomena, as well as empirical method which is used for collecting and interpreting concrete facts and data on the observed processes and phenomena. The starting point lies in the fact that modern media is definitely, more and more, dependent on new technologies. A part of the new technologies is used in the process of collecting, selecting and editing media content, while the other part of the technology is used in the process of dissemination and propulsion of media content to the mass audience, and also in the feedback function as well. The technology revolution, which we describe, started with mp3, jpg and avi files, and continues with internet broadcasting, social networks, cloud technologies and new digital platforms which are used by today's media for distribution of media content. The particularity of the media in the region lies in the fact that they operating in the societes with delay of political and economic transition, so all the productive resources of society, due to this backlog, are slower adapted to the new conditions of business in the digital era. The consequences that have arisen from such dynamics of development make many media in Serbia and the region quite dysfunctional, especially those who were exposed during this transition to long-standing legal, economic and program crises. That is why most of the existing media in Serbia, especially small ones, are unprepared for modernization and they are not ready for re-modeling in accordance with the new technological circumstances.

  16. Rearing of fat snook (“Centropomus parallelus” at different stocking densities Criação do robalo-peva ("Centropomus parallelus" submetido a diferentes densidades de estocagem

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    Pedro Carlos da Silva Serralheiro


    Full Text Available Studies on the effect of stocking density on the growth of fat snook Centropomus parallelus were conducted in floating net cages in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, in Ubatuba City. Juveniles weighing 32.53 ± 6.54 g were stocked in densities of 20 and 40 fish/m3 and appraised for 160 days. Fish were fed commercial diet with 40% of crude protein, supplied twice a day, at the rate of 3% biomass of each tank-net. The environmental variables (water temperature, oxygen level, salinity and transparency were according to the parameters considered ideals for the species. Survival and the apparent feed conversion were not different (p <0.05 between the treatments. The mean final weights, specific growth rate and daily gain weight, indicated that the treatment of lower density was (p <0.05 superior to higher density. In relation to total weight gain, an accretion was observed of 98.6 and 87.9 g for the densities of 20 and 40 fishes/ m3, respectively. However, final biomass was superior (p<0.05 for the treatment with higher density, demonstrating a straight relationship between density and biomass production observed in the fish farming.Estudos sobre o efeito da densidade de estocagem na sobrevivência e no desempenho produtivo do robalo-peva Centropomus parallelus, criado em tanque-rede, foram realizados no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, em Ubatuba. Juvenis pesando 32,53 ± 6,54 g foram estocados em densidades de 20 e 40 peixes/m3 e avaliados durante 160 dias. Os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial com 40% de proteína bruta, fornecida duas vezes ao dia, à taxa de 3% da biomassa de cada tanque-rede.. As variáveis ambientais (temperatura da água, teor de oxigênio, salinidade e transparência mantiveram-se dentro dos parâmetros considerados ideais para a espécie. Em relação à sobrevivência e a conversão alimentar aparente, não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p<0.05 entre os tratamentos. As médias de

  17. Avaliação da densidade mineral óssea em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal Bone mineral density evaluation in inflammatory bowel disease patients

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    Fabiana Lígia Lora


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal têm maior prevalência de redução da densidade mineral óssea em comparação às pessoas saudáveis. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a densidade mineral óssea em uma população de pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal. MÉTODOS: Noventa pacientes de 20 a 50 anos de idade, do ambulatório de doença inflamatória intestinal do Serviço de Gastroenterologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, foram selecionados para avaliação. Desses, 76 completaram todas as etapas de avaliação. A densitometria foi realizada da coluna lombar e fêmur direito em aparelho Hologyc QDR 1000/W. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal tiveram significativa redução da densidade mineral óssea, avaliada por massa óssea em números absolutos (g/cm², em todas as regiões avaliadas, colo do fêmur, fêmur total e coluna lombar. As variáveis analisadas como, índice de atividade de doença, uso de corticóide, cirurgias prévias, índice de massa corpórea e falta de atividade física, não demonstraram correlação com a massa óssea, ou seja, não influenciaram os resultados da densidade mineral óssea no grupo estudado de doentes com doença inflamatória intestinal. CONCLUSÃO: Densidade mineral óssea reduzida foi encontrada nos pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal do Ambulatório de Doença Inflamatória Intestinal do Serviço de Gastroenterologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, mais pronunciadamente nos pacientes com doença de Crohn, semelhante ao descrito na literatura. Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas mostrou correlação com a densidade mineral óssea.BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease patients have shown greater reduction of the bone mineral density compared to healthy people. AIM: To evaluate the bone mineral density in a population of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Ninety


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    Fabio Bakker Isaias


    Full Text Available O volume, a densidade básica e o peso da matéria seca da madeira de oitenta e quatro árvores, de sete famílias de polinização aberta, procedência de Mountain Pine Ridge (MPR, Belize, de Pinus tecunumanii (Schwd Eguiluz e Perry foram estimados aos 12 e 17 anos de idade em experimento instalado em Planaltina, Distrito Federal. Para todos os parâmetros avaliados, houve diferenças significativas entre famílias, exceto para densidade básica, medidas aos 17 anos de idade. Aos 12 anos de idade, foram testados dois métodos de avaliação para densidade básica da madeira; um com os três melhores indivíduos da parcela, e outro com todos indivíduos da parcela. As médias de densidade foram de 0,425 g/cm3 e 0,424 g/cm3, praticamente iguais para as duas amostragens. A correlação da densidade básica entre as idades foi positiva e significativa, mostrando um ganho de 0,031 g/cm3 em 5 anos. A herdabilidade da densidade básica calculada aos 12 anos de idade, em nível individual, para família e dentro de família, considerando-se a amostragem com três e seis indivíduos, foi de respectivamente 0,43, 0,81, 0,33 e 0,47, 0,63, 0,37. Como conclusão, as seleções para densidade básica devem ser feitas preferencialmente em idades quando a competição entre os indivíduos ainda não atingiu níveis elevados. Ganhos consideráveis podem ser obtidos na seleção de indivíduos ou famílias dentro da população de MPR, Belize, na região do Cerrado. Será necessário trabalhar com populações de maior base genética.

  19. Densidade de estocagem e salinidade da água na larvicultura do pacamã Stocking density and water salinity on pacamã larviculture

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    Ronald Kennedy Luz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da densidade de estocagem e da salinidade da água, na larvicultura do pacamã Lophiosilurus alexandri, alimentado com náuplios de Artemia sp. Foram utilizadas três densidades de estocagem: 20, 40 e 60 larvas L-1 (D20, D40 e D60, respectivamente. Para cada densidade testaram-se três índices de salinidade da água: água doce (S0, 2‰ (S2 e 4‰ (S4, em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x3, com três repetições. Foram analisados: crescimento, sobrevivência, mortalidade, canibalismo, produtividade e níveis de amônia não ionizada. As concentrações de amônia não ionizada foram maiores nas densidades D40 e D60. Aos dez dias de alimentação, o peso foi afetado negativamente em D40 e D60 associado à maior salinidade da água (S4. A maior sobrevivência foi obtida no tratamento D20S2, enquanto os menores valores foram registrados em relação à salinidade S4, independentemente da densidade testada. Foram verificadas baixas taxas de mortalidade e ausência de canibalismo. A produção de juvenis também foi influenciada pelos fatores avaliados. Larvas de L. alexandri podem ser criadas, durante os dez primeiros dias de alimentação exógena, em água doce ou a 2‰ com maior produção de juvenis na densidade D60.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of stocking density and water salinity levels on Lophiosilurus alexandri (pacamã larvae rearing fed with Artemia sp. nauplii. Three stocking densities were used: 20, 40 and 60 larvae L-1 (D20, D40 and D60, respectively. For each density, three different levels of salinity were tested: freshwater (S0, 2‰ (S2 and 4‰ (S4, in a completely randomized design, in a 3x3 factorial scheme, with three replications. The growth, survival, mortality, cannibalism, production and nonionized ammonia levels were evaluated. The nonionized ammonia levels were higher at D40 and D60. At 10 days of feeding, the

  20. A Influência da Prensagem a Quente nas Propriedades dos Painéis de Fibras de Alta Densidade, Aquando do seu Revestimento por Películas

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    Idalina Domingos


    Full Text Available Um conjunto de painéis de fibras de alta densidade, colados com uma resina de melamina/ureia-formaldeído, foi submetido a operações de prensagem a quente, de modo a estudar a influência desta operação nas propriedades do substrato. Usou-se uma prensa de pratos, a uma pressão que permitisse um contacto firme entre os painéis e os pratos da prensa. Foi desenvolvido um plano experimental para três temperaturas diferentes de 95, 180 e 210 º C e dois tempos de prensagem, de 22 e 35 segundos, para cada uma delas. Os painéis foram fabricados com fibras de pinho (Pinus pinaster a uma densidade média de 930 kg/m3 e espessura média de 6,7 mm. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as operações de pós-fabrico dos painéis de alta densidade resultaram numa ligeira melhoria do módulo de elasticidade, da tensão de rotura à flexão estática e da resistência interna dos painéis usados como substrato. Observou-se também uma ligeira diminuição da humidade de equilíbrio e espessura dos painéis, bem como um aumento da densidade e do inchamento, com o aumento da temperatura e tempo de prensagem.

  1. Anatomía y densidad o peso específico de la madera


    León Hernández, Williams J.


    El presente trabajo trata sobre la relación que existe entre las características anatómicas de la madera y su densidad o peso específico. Tomando en consideración la importancia de esta propiedad física y su relación con otras propiedades físico-mecánicas de la madera, es necesario conocer cuáles son los elementos celulares que influyen sobre la misma. En el caso de maderas de coníferas, las características de las traqueidas definen el valor promedio y el patrón de variac...

  2. Qualidade das chapas de partículas aglomeradas fabricadas com resíduos do processamento mecânico da madeira de Pinus elliottii (Engelm..

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    Lourdes Patricia Elias Dacosta


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades mecânicas de chapas de madeira aglomerada, confeccionados com resíduos de Pinus elliottii Engelm., resultantes do processamento mecânico da madeira. As chapas foram produzidas com dois tipos de resíduos, cavaco e maravalha, utilizados puros ou misturados. O adesivo utilizado foi à base de uréia-formaldeído em proporções de 4, 8 e 12% com base no peso seco das partículas de madeira, e as densidades nominais das chapas foram de 0,6 e 0,7 g/cm3. Foram avaliadas as propriedades de flexão estática, ligação interna e arrancamento de parafuso. Os valores das propriedades de flexão estática aumentaram com a proporção de maravalha, com a densidade da chapa, e com o teor de adesivo. Pode-se concluir que, usando as partículas do tipo maravalha, misturadas com maiores percentagens de adesivo e maiores densidades, são obtidas chapas com qualidade satisfatória.

  3. Contrast media osmolality and plasma volume changes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hine, A.L.; Lui, D.; Dawson, P.; Middlesex Hospital, London


    A theoretical and experimental study of the plasma volume expansion consequent on the hyperosmolality of contrast media is presented. In the case of the ratio 1.5 media theory and experiment coincide closely but in the case of the ratio 3 media the observed changes exceed the predicted. It is proposed that this is due partly to the slower diffusion of the ratio 3 media out of the intravascular space and partly due to the fact that the osmotic load presented by these media is greater than would be expected from a study of their commercial solutions in which osmolality is reduced by molecular aggregation. The implications for the relative haemodynamic effects of different contrast media are discussed. The osmotic effects of contrast media also play a part in determining the image quality achievable in intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IV-DSA). It is predicted that ratio 3 contrast media will give better quality images in IV-DSA than ratio 1.5 media. (orig.)

  4. Media Pluralism and Diversity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    In the western world, a diverse and pluralistic media landscape is deemed essential for democracy. But how universal is media pluralism as a concept underpinning media policies? To what extent do normative approaches, regulatory dimensions and monitoring systems differ throughout the world......? Adopting a truly global, theoretical and multidisciplinary perspective, Media Pluralism and Diversity advances our understanding of media pluralism across the globe. It compares metrics developed in different parts of the world to assess levels of, or threats to, media pluralism. It identifies common...

  5. [Media and children's well-being]. (United States)

    Paavonen, E Juulia; Roine, Mira; Korhonen, Piia; Valkonen, Satu; Pennonen, Marjo; Partanen, Jukka; Lahikainen, Anja Riitta


    Watching television, video and computer games, and internet constitute a significant part of children's leisure time. High media exposure, however, increases the risk of psychosocial symptoms in children, such as aggressions, difficulties of behavioral regulation and concentration. In particular, media violence is thought to be harmful for children's well-being. Although the risks associated with media exposure may at least partly reflect the accumulation of social risk factors, they also seem to have an independent role as a factor increasing the symptoms. It is likely that the adverse effects of media can be lessened by providing guidance for parents.

  6. Processamento radiográfico - câmara escura portátil: relação entre filtro de luz e densidade de base + véu

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    TAMBURÚS José Roberto


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito sobre a densidade de base + véu de filmes radiográficos, decorrente do uso da luz filtrada pelo polímero acrílico utilizado nas câmaras portáteis para processamento radiográfico. Filmes Kodak Ultra-speed e Ektaspeed Plus foram colocados no interior de uma câmara desse tipo e submetidos durante cinco minutos às condições de iluminação natural e artificial em que elas são rotineiramente utilizadas. Depois disso, os filmes foram processados pelo método temperatura-tempo em câmara escura convencional, juntamente com filmes dos mesmos grupos de sensibilidade que serviram como controle. Os valores densitométricos obtidos das amostras dos filmes foram analisados pelo teste de Mann-Whitney que indicou ao nível de 1% de significância, que os filmes submetidos às condições da câmara portátil apresentaram densidades de base + véu maiores em relação aos grupos controle. Os resultados mostraram que o filme Ektaspeed Plus apresentou valores maiores de densidade de base + véu em comparação com o filme Ultra-speed e que, embora o acrílico filtre a luz de forma similar ao filtro Kodak GBX 2, a maior intensidade de luz no interior da câmara escura portátil ocasionou o aumento na densidade de base + véu.

  7. Características agronómicas de la soya en función de las densidades de siembra y profundidad de deposición de abono

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    Jorge Wilson Cortez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las características agronómicas de la soya sembrada en Sistema de Siembra Directa, en función de las densidades de siembra (15, 16 y 20 plantas por metro y la profundidad de deposición de abono (11, 14 y 17 cm. El experimento fue realizado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Rural, UNESP/Jaboticabal, utilizando, en el delineamiento, parcelas subdivididas en bloques al acaso, con cuatro repeticiones. Características agronómicas de la soya analizadas: número de días de aparición, índice de aparición, porcentaje de daños, altura de plantas, altura de inserción de la primera vaina, vainas por planta, granos por vaina, porcentaje de plantas sobrevivientes y productividad. Los resultados indicaron que el número de días de aparición, índice de aparición y el porcentaje de daños, no fueron influenciados por las densidades y la profundidad de deposición de abono. Los daños por insectos y aves fueron del orden de 30% de plantas atacadas. La altura de plantas, altura de inserción de la primera vaina, vainas por planta y granos por vaina no variaron en relación a la densidad y profundidad de deposición de abono. La productividad de la soya (5.146 kg ha-1 fue semejante en las densidades y profundidades de deposición de abono.

  8. Efecto del sustrato sobre las propiedades biológicas en la planta de fresa Effect of growth media on biological properties in strawberry plants

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    Fátima Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto que diferentes sustratos ejercen sobre las características microbiológicas en la rizosfera de la planta de fresa en un sistema de cultivo sin suelo cerrado. Se ensayaron 3 sustratos: compost de corcho más cascarilla de arroz 1:1 v:v (CC, turba (T y fibra de coco (FC. Se evaluó la comunidad microbiana y las propiedades químicas de los sustratos. El CC presentó valores de pH significativamente superiores a la FC y a la T y una densidad de bacterias copiotrofas, Bacillus sp. y actinomycetes oligotrofos superior a la de la T, tanto al inicio del ensayo como a los 2.5 meses de cultivo. La T mostró una densidad de hongos superior al CC, tanto al inicio del ensayo como a los 2.5 meses de cultivo. El sustrato de FC mostró a los 2.5 meses de cultivo mayor densidad de bacterias copiotrofas, Pseudomonas fluorescentes y hongos en la rizosfera que en la no rizosfera.The aim of this research was to study the effect of different growth media on the microbiologic characteristics in rhizosphere of strawberry plants in closed soilless growing systems. We used 3 substrates: composted cork and rice hulls (CC (1:1 v:v, peat (P and coir fiber (CF. Chemical variables and microbial community profile of the growth media were evaluated. The CC showed a higher pH than CF and P. At the beginning and at two and a half months after transplantation, copiotrophic bacteria, Bacillus sp. and oligotrophic actinomycetes were higher in CC than in P. At the beginning and at two and a half months after transplantation fungi were higher in P than in CC. At two and a half months after transplantation, in CF copiotrophic bacteria, fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. and fungi were higher in rhizosphere than in non-rhizosphere substrate.

  9. Produção e qualidade de rosas em três densidades de plantio e uso de soluções conservantes com sacarose na colheita de rosas


    Bastos, Fernanda Espíndola Assumpção


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade das cultivares de rosa Avalanche‟ e Carola‟, de coloração branca e vermelha, respectivamente, em três densidades de plantio bem como a qualidade e conservação pós-colheita da cultivar Carola‟, no município de Lages-SC. O experimento referente à densidade de plantio foi implantado em janeiro de 2013, no campus da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), com espaçamento de 1,0 m entre fileiras e de 30, 40 e 50 c...

  10. Relação das propriedades mecânicas e densidade de postes de madeira de eucalipto com seu estado de deterioração

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    Rafael Colombo Abruzzi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta correlações obtidas entre propriedades mecânicas, densidade e o estado de deterioração de postes de eucalipto novos e retirados de serviço. O estado de deterioração foi determinado por inspeções em campo de postes da rede de distribuição de energia elétrica no sul do Brasil. Postes em diferentes estados de deterioração foram retirados da rede para os ensaios de flexão estática e medidas de densidade. Os testes mecânicos indicaram que os valores médios da resistência a flexão e da rigidez decrescem com o estado de deterioração do eucalipto. Entretanto, verificou-se uma grande variação nessas medidas com diferentes classes de deterioração apresentando resistência mecânica residual similar. Esse comportamento pode ser explicado pela influência da densidade da madeira nas correlações entre propriedades mecânicas e o estado de deterioração dos postes. Madeiras menos densas podem apresentar baixa resistência mecânica residual mesmo sem apresentar sinais de deterioração. O estudo da caracterização da madeira de eucalipto indicou que o estado de deterioração avaliado pela inspeção em campo, por si só não é um bom indicativo para prever a durabilidade das estruturas de madeiras, fazendo-se necessária uma análise preliminar da densidade da mesma.

  11. Productividad de una plantación de espárrago verde (Asparagus officinalis var. altilis L. con diferentes tamaños de “arañas” y densidades, en su séptimo año

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    J. Marina


    Full Text Available El espárrago es un cultivo rústico que tradicionalmente se ha iniciado mediante el sistema tradicional de “arañas”. El presente ensayo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la productividad total y comercial de una plantación de espárrago verde al séptimo año desde la plantación. El ensayo de 1.728 m2 está ubicado en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UNCPBA (36º 48’ latitud Sur y 59º 51’ longitud Occidental, en Azul, Argentina. La plantación, iniciada el 12/09/2003, se evaluó en el período 17/09/2010-01/11/2010. Las variables estudiadas fueron: tamaños de “arañas” grandes (AG > 200 g, medianas (AM 100-200 g y pequeñas (AP 0,05. El rendimiento general del ensayo fue PFT: 19.758 y PFN: 10.018 kg/ha; mientras que NTT: 483.425 y NTC: 477.200. En PFT se observaron diferencias significativas (p 0,05, siendo la media en PFN: 9.910 kg/ha. En densidad y en tamaño de “arañas” los resultados difirieron de los encontrados 2 años anteriores en los que se destacaron mayor densidad y tamaño grande; efectos atribuibles a la competencia intraespecífica.

  12. Productividad de una plantación de espárrago verde (Asparagus officinalis var. altilis L. con diferentes tamaños de “arañas” y densidades, en su séptimo año

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    A. M. Castagnino


    Full Text Available El espárrago es un cultivo rústico que tradicionalmente se ha iniciado mediante el sistema tradicional de “arañas”. El presente ensayo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la productividad total y comercial de una plantación de espárrago verde al séptimo año desde la plantación. El ensayo de 1.728 m2 está ubicado en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UNCPBA (36º 48’ latitud Sur y 59º 51’ longitud Occidental, en Azul, Argentina. La plantación, iniciada el 12/09/2003, se evaluó en el período 17/09/2010-01/11/2010. Las variables estudiadas fueron: tamaños de “arañas” grandes (AG > 200 g, medianas (AM 100-200 g y pequeñas (AP 0,05. El rendimiento general del ensayo fue PFT: 19.758 y PFN: 10.018 kg/ha; mientras que NTT: 483.425 y NTC: 477.200. En PFT se observaron diferencias significativas (p 0,05, siendo la media en PFN: 9.910 kg/ha. En densidad y en tamaño de “arañas” los resultados difirieron de los encontrados 2 años anteriores en los que se destacaron mayor densidad y tamaño grande; efectos atribuibles a la competencia intraespecífica.

  13. Social Media - An Important Part of the Promotional Mix


    Ciprian Pavel


    The 21st century is witnessing an explosion of Internet-based messages transmitted through these media. They have become a major factor in influencing various aspects of consumer behavior including awareness, opinions, information acquisition, attitudes, purchase behavior, and post-purchase communication and evaluation. The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companie...

  14. "Estudo comaparativo das densidades radiográficas de diferentes filmes periapicais obtidas por meio da análise computadorizada em valores de alumínio-equivalente"


    Felipe Paes Varoli


    RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi obter as densidades radiográficas de diferentes filmes periapicais por meio de um programa computadorizado que utiliza a imagem equivalente em alumínio (alumínio-equivalente). Avaliaram-se os filmes Agfa Dentus M2 “Comfort”, Kodak InSight, Kodak Ektaspeed Plus, Kodak Ultra-speed e Kodak D. Todos foram expostos aos raios X juntamente com um escalímetro de Alumínio, variando-se o tempo de exposição (0,1 a 1 segundo). Após a leitura das densidades radiográfica...

  15. Número floral, clima, densidad poblacional de Xylocopa spp. (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae y polinización del maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa

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    airon M Da Silva


    Full Text Available La influencia del número de flores en la antesis del maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. y de los factores climáticos sobre la actividad polinizadora y densidad poblacional de las abejas del género Xylocopa fue estudiada en condiciones de campo. El menor porcentaje de formación de frutos (14.3% se observó cuando había menos de 0.8 flores en la antesis/m linear de "soporte". Entre 0.8 y 1.2 flores en antesis/m linear de "soporte" se observó aumento en el porcentaje de frutos formados y en el número de visitas por parte de la abeja. Con más de 1.2 flores en la antesis/m linear de "soporte", hubo menor porcentaje de frutos formados en función del número de visitas de la abeja. La mayor densidad de Xylocopa spp. (49 abejas/ha/hora se observó entre las 14: 00 y 15: 00 hr cuando los factores climáticos como la temperatura, la humedad relativa del aire y la insolación obtuvieron valores en torno de 26 °C, 55% y 0.56, respectivamente. Temperatura y humedad relativa del aire arriba de esos valores redujeron la densidad de Xylocopa spp., mientras que con mayor insolación fue verificado aumento en la misma.The relationship of weather conditions, passion fruit vines (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa flower number, density of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp., Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae and effective pollinization was studied in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Low levels of viable fruits (14.3% were observed when there were less flowers/ row (< 0.8 flowers in anthesis/ linear meter. When densities of flowers in anthesis were between 0.8 and 1.2, there was a higher proportion of viable flowers and more visits by Xylocopa spp. (maximum: seven visits/ flower. Above 1.2 flowers in anthesis/ linear meter there was a linear increase in the proportion of viable fruits and visits by Xylocopa spp. However; numbers were lower than in days with 0.8-1.2 flowers in anthesis/ linear meter. The highest bee density (ca. 49 bees/ ha/ hr was between 2

  16. Época e Densidade de Semeadura de Aveia Preta (Avena strigosa Schreb. e Azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam. no Alto Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina

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    Flaresso Jefferson Araújo


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido na Epagri, Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, SC, com o objetivo de determinar a época e a densidade de semeadura de Avena strigosa Schreb. (aveia preta e Lolium multiflorum Lam. (azevém. Os tratamentos foram avaliados por três anos, dispostos num delineamento de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas com três repetições. As épocas de semeadura para as duas espécies foram: Época 1 - meados de março; Época 2 - meados de abril; Época 3 - meados de maio; Época 4 - meados de junho. As densidades de sementes puras viáveis foram: aveia preta, 60, 80 e 100 kg/ha; azevém, 15, 25 e 35 kg/ha. A aveia preta foi menos produtiva e mais precoce que o azevém. Para as duas espécies, não houve diferença significativa entre as densidades de semeaduras. A melhor época de implantação das espécies foi em meados de abril.

  17. Densidade populacional de raposa-do-campo Lycalopex vetulus (Carnivora, Canidae em áreas de pastagem e campo sujo, Campinápolis, Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    Ednaldo C. Rocha


    Full Text Available Diante da crescente descaracterização do Bioma Cerrado em função da expansão da fronteira agropecuária na região central do Brasil, torna-se importante avaliar a capacidade de adaptação das espécies ao ambiente antropizado. Neste sentido, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estimar e comparar a densidade populacional da raposa-do-campo Lycalopex vetulus (Lund, 1842 em duas áreas com diferentes graus de alteração, pastagem e campo sujo, em Campinápolis, Mato Grosso. Para tanto, no período entre agosto a novembro de 2005, foram efetuados censos noturnos ao longo de transectos lineares, totalizando percursos de 129,8 km na área de campo sujo e 62,08 km na área de pastagem. Estimativas de densidade populacional foram geradas utilizando o programa Distance 5.0, sendo que o modelo e ajuste mais adequados aos dados foram half-normal + hermite. Foram obtidas 23 e 52 detecções de raposas-do-campo nas áreas de campo sujo e pastagem, respectivamente. A densidade populacional de raposa-do-campo na área de pastagem (D=4,28 indivíduos/km²; IC=2,69 - 6,82 foi maior que na área de campo sujo (D=1,21 indivíduos/km²; IC=0,73 - 2,01, fato que deve estar relacionado, principalmente, com a disponibilidade de alimento e redução de potenciais predadores. Por apresentar uma dieta composta principalmente de cupins, especialmente os dos gêneros Syntermes e Cornitermes, a raposa-do-campo encontra na área de pastagem uma base alimentar abundante e estável. Além disto, a simplificação ambiental, em função da implantação de pastagens acaba por reduzir, ou até mesmo eliminar, animais que são potenciais predadores de raposas-do-campo, como Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815, favorecendo o aumento da densidade populacional da espécie neste tipo de ambiente. Por fim, características adaptativas apresentadas pela raposa-do-campo têm permitido que esta espécie sobreviva, inclusive apresentando elevada densidade

  18. Riqueza e densidade de aves que nidificam em cavidades em plantações abandonadas de eucalipto

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    Hugo de Siqueira Pereira


    Full Text Available Monoculturas de árvores, como as de espécies de eucalipto, têm substituído florestas naturais, impactando a fauna pela perda de habitat e recursos. Diversas espécies de aves necessitam de ocos em árvores para nidificar. A falta de recursos como cavidades formadas pela degradação da árvore ou locais apropriados para serem criadas cavidades leva a diminuição na abundância das populações destas espécies. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de comparar a riqueza e a densidade de aves que nidificam em ocos em áreas de plantação de eucalipto abandonadas com áreas de vegetação nativa em duas unidades de conservação em Minas Gerais. Em cada tipo de vegetação de cada reserva foram estabelecidos 25 pontos, nas quais foi utilizado o método de contagem por remoção para o levantamento das espécies de aves. A riqueza de espécies de aves de cada área foi estimada por Jackniffe e a densidade foi estimada através do método de máxima verossimilhança; modelos candidatos que poderiam influenciar a abundância das aves foram avaliados utilizando-se o Critério de Informação Akaike (AIC. Os resultados mostraram que a riqueza de espécies foi maior nas áreas de florestas nativas e que a densidade foi significantemente mais alta nas áreas de florestas nativas, e que o tipo de vegetação e a hora do dia influenciam na abundância e detecção das aves. Esses resultados indicam que as plantações de eucaliptos influenciam negativamente a comunidade de aves que nidificam em ocos, provavelmente por causa da falta de cavidades ou de sub-bosque. Plantações de eucaliptos normalmente não substituem as florestas nativas e seu uso deve ser controlado em áreas de conservação.

  19. Densidad de población y su efecto sobre el rendimiento de papa

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    Rodríguez Loyla


    Full Text Available

    En dos localidades del departamento

    de Cundinamarca, el Centro Agropecuario Marengo

    (Mosquera, 2.550 m.s.n.m y el Centro ICA San

    Jorge (Soacha, 3.100 m.s.n.m, se evaluó el efecto de

    la densidad de población (50.000, 125.000, 200.000,

    275.000 y 350.000 plantas∙ha


    -1 sobre el rendimiento

    de tubérculos en


    Solanum tuberosum L. variedad Parda

    pastusa aplicando el postulado de Duncan (1958. La

    competencia entre plantas determinó la respuesta del

    rendimiento de tubérculos por planta y por hectárea.

    En todas las categorías del tubérculo evaluadas se encontraron

    relaciones lineales negativas para el rendimiento

    por planta en función de la densidad, lo cual

    sustenta la

  20. A Ligadura Tubária é Fator de Risco para a Redução da Densidade Mineral Óssea em Mulheres na Pós-menopausa?

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    Zabaglia Silval Fernando Cardoso


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar a densidade mineral óssea de mulheres menopausadas com e sem o antecedente de laqueadura tubária e avaliar quais fatores nos dois grupos poderiam estar associados à densidade mineral óssea no fêmur e coluna lombar. Métodos: foram incluídas 70 pacientes em cada grupo, no ano de 1998, do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. As mulheres responderam um questionário sobre características clínicas e reprodutivas e foram submetidas à densitometria óssea (Lunar DPX no fêmur e coluna lombar. Os dados foram analisados por meio dos testes t de Student, exato de Fisher, c² de Pearson, t com correção de Bonferroni e regressão múltipla. Resultados: a média etária das laqueadas foi de 53,2 anos e das não-laqueadas de 52,6 anos, com média da idade à menopausa de 48 anos, semelhante nos dois grupos. As médias de idade à cirurgia foi 33,7 anos, com tempo decorrido da cirurgia de 18 anos. A média da densidade mineral óssea para o fêmur e coluna lombar não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos. A distribuição percentual em categorias de T-score do fêmur e coluna lombar não mostrou diferenças significativas nos dois grupos. Na regressão múltipla, observou-se que a idade mostrou uma associação inversa e o índice de massa corporal uma associação direta com a densidade mineral óssea no fêmur. Para a coluna lombar, cor não-branca, paridade, idade à menopausa, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal mostraram uma associação direta e a idade à menarca uma associação inversa com a densidade mineral óssea. Conclusão: a laqueadura tubária não ocasionou redução na massa óssea em mulheres na pós-menopausa.

  1. Efecto de cuatro manejos del suelo sobre la densidad de raíces absorbentes en durazno [prunus pérsica (l batsch] a 10 cm de profundidad

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    Andrés Gómez


    Full Text Available El árbol de Durazno (P. pérsica está constituido por dos partes estructurales: una epigea, conformada por el tronco que soporta el sistema caulinar, y otra hipogea que constituye el sistema radicular. Este último, de acuerdo con la base morfoanatómica y las funciones específicas, presenta varios tipos de raíces: absorbentes, de transición y de conducción. Las absorbentes (de color blanquecino translúcido son fisiológicamente muy activas y representanentre el 80 y el 85% de la totalidad del sistema radical. Aunque las raícesde los árboles frutales se desarrollan siguiendo un patrón genético, algunas condiciones medio ambientales producen variaciones morfológicas en su desarrollo. En este trabajo se estudió la densidad del aparato radical absorbente en el cultivo de Durazno (variedad Dorado, a 10 cm de profundidad. Se empleó la técnica volumen del cilindro, en función del manejo del suelo, utilizando 2 tipos de coberturas (cobertura viva, cobertura muerta, control dearvenses con herbicida y un referente tradicional con labranza. Los resultados mostraron que la cobertura con material vegetal muerto, sobre el suelo (10 cm de profundidad bajo el diámetro de la copa del árbol (160 cm, generóun mayor desarrollo del sistema radicular, evidente en una mayor densidad.


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    V. Vázquez-Valdivia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de tratamientos integrales de manejo en huertos con altas densidades de plantación sobre el vigor, crecimiento vegetativo, floración, producción, época de producción y peso del fruto de árboles de mango 'Ataulfo'. Se seleccionó un huerto de mango 'Ataulfo' bajo condiciones de riego con alta densidad de plantación y se aplicaron tratamientos de manejo integrado (MI diferentes que incluyen: poda, (ligera o moderada, riego (aplicación o suspensión, fertilización (en etapas fenológicas específicas aplicaciones de nitratos o urea desbiuretizada al follaje para promover brotación vegetativa o floración y Paclobutrazol al suelo. Los resultados mostraron que con los tres sistemas integrales de manejo se obtuvieron beneficios en diversos aspectos; ya que se controló el tamaño del árbol, se obtuvo una floración y una cosecha anticipada en alrededor de 30 días en comparación al testigo, lo que permitió alcanzar mejores precios al producir fuera de la época normal. El rendimiento de los tres paquetes fue superior en ambos años en comparación al testigo; el rendimiento acumulado de dos cosechas en el testigo fue de 75.65 kg·árbol-1, mientras que en los paquetes varió de 149.40 a 163.59 kg. El peso promedio de los frutos no fue afectado por los tratamientos evaluados. El paquete que se recomienda aplicar es el número uno ya que es el que tuvo mayor rendimiento acumulado y es el más económico de los tres.

  3. Tillering dynamics of Tanzania guinea grass under nitrogen levels and plant densities=Dinâmica de perfilhamento do capim-tanzânia sob doses de nitrogênio e densidades de plantas

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the influence of nitrogen levels (N and plant density (D on the tillering dynamics of Tanzania guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with 12 treatments and two replicates in a factorial scheme (4 × 3 with four levels of N (0, 80, 160 or 320 kg ha-1 N and three plant densities (9, 25, and 49 plant m-². Higher number of tillers was observed in the treatment with 9 plants m-² and under higher levels of N, especially in the second and third generations. Still, the N influenced quadratically the appearance rate of basal and total tillers, which were also affected by plant density and interaction N × D. However, the appearance rate of aerial tiller was not influenced by factors evaluated. The mortality rate of total tiller was influenced quadratically by the nitrogen levels and plant densities. The mortality rate of basal tiller responded quadratically to plant density, whereas the mortality rate of aerial tiller increased linearly with fertilization. Pastures with low or intermediate densities fertilized with nitrogen, presented a more intense pattern of tiller renewal. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de doses de nitrogênio (N e densidades de plantas (D sobre a dinâmica de perfilhamento do capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq.. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com 12 tratamentos e duas repetições em esquema fatorial 4 × 3, com quatro doses de N (0, 80, 160 ou 320 kg ha-1 ano-1 e três densidades de plantas (9, 25 ou 49 plantas m-². O número de perfilhos foi maior na densidade de 9 plantas m-² e nas maiores doses de N, principalmente na segunda e terceira gerações. O N influenciou quadraticamente as taxas de aparecimento de perfilhos basilares e totais, que também foram influenciadas pela densidade de plantas e pela interação N × D. A taxa de aparecimento de perfilhos aéreos, no entanto, não foi influenciada pelos fatores

  4. The Effects of Frequency of Media Utilization on Decision Making of Media Choice (United States)

    Gotoh, Yasushi


    The purpose of this study is to use the Analytic Hierarchy Process in order to identify how frequency of media use in daily life affects decision-making in media choice. 276 university students took part in this research, They were asked to prioritize their ways of obtaining information about current affairs using sets of media such as TV, books,…


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    Rodrigo Gonzales Vega


    Full Text Available La cocona es una especie vegetal nativa de América Tropical, cuyos frutos maduros son ricos en hierro, vitamina B5 (Niacina, se utilizan en la preparación de jugos, refrescos, jarabes y ensaladas. El estudio se realizó en el Campo Experimental “El Dorado” de Estación Experimental San Roque, del INIA Loreto con el objetivo principal de determinar el mejor distanciamiento para establecer plantaciones comerciales de Solanum sessiliflorum dunal “Cocona”, en condiciones de suelos no inundables o de altura. Se evaluaron cuatro densidades de siembra 2,0m x 2,0m; 1,5m x 1,5m, 2,0m x 1,0 y 1,5m x 1,0m. Las variables evaluadas fueron el número de frutos, peso de frutos y rendimiento de frutos por cada tratamiento en estudio, el diseño experimental utilizado fue Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA, con cuatro repeticiones, los datos fueron analizados mediante el Análisis de Variancia y Prueba Estadística de Tukey, usando el software SPSS, versión 10. De los resultados Obtenidos se determinó que la densidad 1,5m x 1,0m (6 666 plantas/ha, produjo el mejor rendimiento con 14 600 kg/ha de fruto, superando significativamente a los tratamientos 2m x 1,0, 1,5m x 1,5m y 2,0 x 2,0m, que alcanzaron rendimientos de fruto de 12020, 11 330 y 10 570 kg/ha, respectivamente. Se concluye que la densidad de siembra influye en el rendimiento de fruto, así a menor número de plantas, mayor número y peso de fruto por planta se obtiene un menor rendimiento de fruto/ha.



    Tadej Praprotnik


    The article presents the phenomena of new communication technologies. It exposes the role of social media (Web 2.0) and sketches some global trends within the field of new media. It further outlines basic characteristics of traditional mass communication and consumption of media products, and as a counter-part presents interactive nature of a new media and the phenomena of user-generated media contents. The main focus of the article is the process of digitalization and its influence on import...

  7. Densidad, crecimiento y supervivencia de juveniles de Lyropecten (Nodipecten nodosus (Pteroida: Pectinidae en cultivo suspendido en el Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela

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    Vanessa Acosta


    Full Text Available El efecto de la densidad sobre el crecimiento y la supervivencia de juveniles del pectínido Lyropecten nodosus se estudió en condiciones de cultivo intermedio en el Golfo de Cariaco, Estado Sucre, Venezuela (diciembre 93 - julio 94. Se evaluaron seis densidades de siembra (7, 15, 30, 60, 125 y 250 ejemplares/cesta con una longitud y una masa seca inicial de 9.4 + 0.18 mm y 0.007 + 0.0026 g, respectivamente. Los juveniles fueron colocados en cestas japonesas "pearl nets" y posteriormente suspendidas en un "long line" a 8 m de profundidad. Los patrones de crecimiento en cada uno de los compartimientos del soma fueron similares, pero con magnitudes diferentes e inversamente proporcionales a la densidades de cultivo; sin embargo, la supervivencia no fue afectada significativamente, sugiriendo que la competencia intraespecífica de los organismos en cultivo provocó un estrés notable, aunque insuficiente para causar mortalidad. Los resultados y estrategias proyectadas para el cultivo intermedio de L. nodosus sugieren un procedimiento de disminución de la densidad de organismos a través de desdobles sucesivos en un período de cultivo de seis meses obteniendo tallas cercanas a los 50 mm para comenzar el cultivo de engorde.The effect of culture density on growth and survival of juveniles was studied in the scallop Lyropecten nodosus with intermediate hanging cultures in Golfo de Cariaco, Sucre state, Venezuela, from December 1993 to July 1994. Six spat-densities (7, 15, 30, 60, 125 and 250 scallops/nets were evaluated. The initial shell height and dry mass tissue were 9.4 + 0.18 mm and 0.007 + 0.0026 g, respectively. The specimens were placed into pearl nets and suspended in a long line at 8 m depth. Growth patterns of somatic tissue were similar, but with different magnitudes and inverse proportionality to culture density. No effect of density was observed on survival. These results suggest that intraspecific competition of cultivated scallops

  8. Análisis biomecánico de los fijadores internos


    Blas Imperio Romano Melissari; Eduardo Rodolfo Deri Fabri; Juan Carlos Lantero Bustelo; Alberto Fernández Dell' Oca


    En este trabajo se estudió el comportamiento mecánico de la cuarta familia de implantes metálicos empleados para la fijación de fracturas (osteosíntesis), denominados fijadores internos, comparándolos en igualdad de condiciones con las placas atornilladas. En la primer etapa se armaron varios montajes con materiales artificiales de diferentes densidades para simular los distintos tipos de hueso Para simular el hueso esponjoso, se emplearon espumas de media densidad (6720) y de baja densidad (...


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    Juan F. Saldarriaga


    Full Text Available La determinación de la densidad de partícula es un requisito necesario para abordar el estudio hidrodinámico de un material en contactores de lecho móvil. La medida de este parámetro se complica cuando las partículas son de forma irregular. En este trabajo se emplearon dos técnicas: compactación del material por compresión mecánica y una alternativa que contempla el potencial de la porosimetría de mercurio para la determinación de propiedades superficiales y estructurales. Se observó que los resultados mediante compactación por compresión mecánica son superiores a los esperados. Sin embargo, los valores obtenidos por porosimetría de mercurio son más acordes con los esperados. Por ejemplo en el aserrín se obtiene un valor de 500 kg/m3, muy similar al valor de la madera original (502 kg/m3. Los valores obtenidos por este procedimiento representan adecuadamente la relación entre masa y volumen de la partícula, y por tanto son válidos para la caracterización fluidodinámica de la biomasa.

  10. 32 CFR Appendix D to Part 247 - AFIS Print Media Directorate (United States)


    ... for word processing or desktop publishing. All other PMD publications should be requisitioned through... Directorate (PMD), an element of AFIS, develops, publishes, and distributes a variety of print media products.../defenselink/afis/. B. Use of materials published by print media directorate. With the exception of copyrighted...

  11. Digital radiographic evaluation of optical density of porcelains used for fabrication of inlay/onlay prosthesis Avaliação da densidade óptica de porcelanas usadas para confecção de próteses inlay/onlay por meio de radiografia digital

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    Júlio Cezar de Melo Castilho


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article was to compare the mean value of optical density of four porcelains commonly used for fabrication of inlay/onlay prostheses using direct digital radiograph. The sample consisted of 20 2-mm thick porcelain specimens (measured by digital pachymeter: Empress (Ivoclair, Simbios (Degussa, Vita Omega 900 and Vitadur Alpha (Vita Zahnfabrik. The values of optical density of the specimens were expressed in millimeters aluminum equivalent (mm eq Al. The samples were X-rayed using two charge coupled devices (CCD - RVG (Trophy - Visualix (Gendex and a phosphor plate system - Digora (Soredex. The optical density reading was performed with Image Tool 1.28 in a total of 110 measurements. Statistical analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in all materials studied (p Objetivo desse trabalho é comparar valores médios de densidade óptica de quatro porcelanas comumente utilizadas para confecção de inlay/onlay por meio da densidade óptica usando radiografia digital. A amostra constou de 20 corpos de prova com espessura de 2mm (mensurados em paquímetro digital das porcelanas: Empress (Ivoclair, Simbios (Degussa, Vita Omega 900 e Vitadur Alpha (Vita Zahnfabrik. Os valores de densidade óptica das amostras foram expressos em milímetros equivalente em alumínio (mm eq Al. Os espécimes foram radiografados, utilizando dois sistemas de dispositivo de carga acoplada (CCD - RVG (Trophy - Visualix (Gendex e um sistema de placa de fósforo - Digora (Soredex. A leitura da densidade óptica foi realizada no programa Image Tool 1.28 totalizando 110 medições. As leituras de densidade ópticas foram feitas no programa Image Tool 1.28 totalizando 110 mensurações. A análise estatística demonstrou que houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a densidade óptica das porcelanas estudadas independentemente do sistema de radiografia empregado (p < 0,05. A porcelana Omega 900 obteve 1,8988mmeq

  12. Movimento e inativação do metribuzin em materiais de dois solos, sob diferentes densidades aparentes Movement and inactivation of metribuzin in two soil materials with different bulk densities

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    L.E.F. Fontes


    Full Text Available Numa série de ensaios em laboratório e casa-de-vegetação, estudou-se a mobilidade e a inativação do herbicida metribuzin em materiais de um Latossolo e de um Podzólico representativos de duas regiões do Estado de Minas Gerais, em função de diferentes densidades aparentes. Ensaios biológicos foram utilizados para medir a inativação e a mobilidade do metribuzin nos diferentes solos e densidades. A densidade aparente alterou de forma pronunciada a quantidade de herbicida lixiviado através das colunas dos materiais dos solos estudados. Quanto maior a densidade, menor a quantidade de herbicida lixiviado. A quantidade de herbicida que permaneceu biologicamente ativo ao longo da coluna foi diretamente relacionada com a densidade, em cada solo. A mobilidade do metribuzin no material do Latossolo foi maior que no de Podzólico, em consequência de maior atividade coloidal deste.The leaching and inactivation of metribuzin were studied with materials of two mineral soilsat different bulk densities. Plastic tubing of' 7.25 cm diameter and 10 cm height were filled up with different amounts of soil to get different bulk densities. One kg/ha of a.i. of metribuzin placed on the surface are a of the column was le ached through these soil colums using 250 ml of water. The cotyledon disk bioassay method was used to detect the metribuzin leachet. The biological active metribuzin in the soil colunn at different depths, and the inativation abil ity of the soils were determined using the assay with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. as test-plant. The increase of bulk density reduced the leaching and enhanced the biologically active metribuzin in the soil column. Metribuzin was more mobil in the Red -yellow Lato ssol and more inactivated in the Red-yellow Podzolic soils.

  13. The necessity of a media literacy module within journalism or media studies curricula


    Fidelia Van der Linde


    Media today is more omnipresent covering all aspects of society, ranging from historical to topical to social and political, thereby forming an integral part of people’s lives. In the South African context, the introduction of democracy, coupled with numerous global technological developments, has dramatically altered the media landscape rendering it more liberal with an increased exponential content. In most democratic countries media literacy education is considered the preferred alternativ...

  14. Mass Media Forces in Our society. Second Edition. (United States)

    Voelker, Francis H.; Voelker, Ludmila A.

    The primary purpose of this book is to help the public become more aware and critical in their selection and appraisal of the media. Part 1 consists of a single essay by Theodore Peterson that gives a historical perspective on the development of the mass media in the United States. Part 2 deals with the print and electronic media: magazines, photo…

  15. Acúmulo e distribuição de nutrientes em Eucalyptus grandis sob diferentes densidades populacionais

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    F. P. Leite


    Full Text Available Em experimento realizado na região de Santa Bárbara (MG, avaliou-se o efeito da densidade populacional de plantas (DP sobre as relações nutricionais de Eucalyptus grandis. Os tratamentos consistiram de sete DP, variando de 500 a 5.000 plantas por ha-1. As avaliações, realizadas em julho de 1994, quando as plantas tinham 31 meses de idade, consistiram da coleta e análise química de amostras de tecidos vegetais dos componentes da parte aérea de uma árvore média de cada parcela e da serrapilheira. Determinaram-se as concentrações e calcularam-se os conteúdos e a eficiência de utilização de N, P, K, Ca, e Mg. As relações entre os conteúdos de P, N, K e Mg na biomassa da parte aérea, os coeficiente de utilização (CUB de P, Ca e Mg pelo tronco e a DP foram mais bem descritas por equações quadráticas. O conteúdo de Ca relacionou-se de modo linear, e os CUB de K e N não foram alterados com a DP. Analisando o balanço de nutrientes, observou-se que as quantidades de P disponível, K e Ca trocáveis existentes no solo (camada de 0 a 195 cm não seriam suficientes para suprir a demanda nutricional das plantas em um novo ciclo de crescimento, até a idade de 31 meses, em DP superiores a 833 árvores por ha-1.

  16. New Media and Leadership: Social Media and Open Organizational Communication

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    Viorica Pauș


    Full Text Available This paper aims to identify and analyze the extent to which new media have penetrated the Romanian organizations’ internal communication and have influenced the leadership. We intend also to consider how social media becomes a tool for organizational communication and contributes to the creation of a new kind of leadership associated with open communication. We start from the premise that new media and social media can contribute to the leader’s mission to create around him a vision and makes others to share this vision. In terms of open communication, the external image of organization reflects, in part, leadership practices within the organization. It is about the exercise of the shared collective leadership (Don Tapscott, 1996 that should strengthen the organization position.

  17. Efeito da Densidade de Criação e do Sexo Sobre o Empenamento, Incidência de Lesões na Carcaça e Qualidade da Carne de Peito de Frangos de Corte

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    Garcia RG


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações experimentais da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da densidade de criação e do sexo sobre o empenamento, incidência de lesões na carcaça e a qualidade de carne de peito de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1950 pintos de corte sexados, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial com 3 densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m² e dois sexos com 5 repetições, sendo que uma foi destinada exclusivamente para reserva, criados até os 42 dias de idade. Aos 28, 35 e 42 dias foram amostradas 3 aves por repetição para a determinação do empenamento através da porcentagem de penas e 10 aves para a determinação do escore de empenamento. Também aos 42 dias de idade todas as aves foram identificadas na pata com anilhas numeradas e submetidas à avaliação da incidência de lesões na pele. Foram escolhidas ao acaso 5 aves por repetição para a determinação da qualidade da carne de peito. Pode-se concluir que o aumento na densidade de criação promoveu uma diminuição na velocidade de empenamento e, conseqüentemente, uma maior incidência de lesões na carcaça. O comprimento, a largura e a espessura do peito foram menores para as aves criadas na maior densidade, e a perda de peso por cozimento foi maior para as aves criadas na maior densidade.

  18. Calculation of electromagnetic fields in electric machines by means of the finite element. Algorithms for the solution of problems with known total densities. Pt. 2; Calculo de campos electromagneticos en maquinas electricas mediante elemento finito. Algoritmos para la solucion de problemas con densidades totales conocidas. Pt. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, Mauricio F [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article is based in the electromagnetic modeling presented in the first part. Here are only considered the magnetic systems or electric systems in closed regions with moving or axial symmetry, whose total current density or total electric load density is known. The algorithms that have been implanted in the software CLIIE-2D of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) are developed in order to obtain numerical solutions for these problems. The basic systems of algebraic equations are obtained by means of the application of the Galerkin method in the discreteness of the finite element with first order triangular elements. [Espanol] Este articulo se basa en la modelacion electromagnetica presentada en la primera parte. Aqui solo se consideran sistemas magneticos o sistemas electricos en regiones cerradas con simetria translacional o axial, cuya densidad de corriente total o densidad de carga electrica total es conocida. Se desarrollan los algoritmos que se han implantado en el programa de computo CLIIE-2D, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) con el fin de obtener soluciones numericas para estos problemas. Los sistemas basicos de ecuaciones algebraicas se obtienen mediante la aplicacion del metodo de Galerkin en la discretizacion de elemento finito con elementos triangulares de primer orden.

  19. Calculation of electromagnetic fields in electric machines by means of the finite element. Algorithms for the solution of problems with known total densities. Pt. 2; Calculo de campos electromagneticos en maquinas electricas mediante elemento finito. Algoritmos para la solucion de problemas con densidades totales conocidas. Pt. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, Mauricio F. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article is based in the electromagnetic modeling presented in the first part. Here are only considered the magnetic systems or electric systems in closed regions with moving or axial symmetry, whose total current density or total electric load density is known. The algorithms that have been implanted in the software CLIIE-2D of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) are developed in order to obtain numerical solutions for these problems. The basic systems of algebraic equations are obtained by means of the application of the Galerkin method in the discreteness of the finite element with first order triangular elements. [Espanol] Este articulo se basa en la modelacion electromagnetica presentada en la primera parte. Aqui solo se consideran sistemas magneticos o sistemas electricos en regiones cerradas con simetria translacional o axial, cuya densidad de corriente total o densidad de carga electrica total es conocida. Se desarrollan los algoritmos que se han implantado en el programa de computo CLIIE-2D, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) con el fin de obtener soluciones numericas para estos problemas. Los sistemas basicos de ecuaciones algebraicas se obtienen mediante la aplicacion del metodo de Galerkin en la discretizacion de elemento finito con elementos triangulares de primer orden.


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    Emilio Guerra-Bugueño


    Full Text Available El estudio evaluó, económicamente, la respuesta de densidades de plantación y marcos de espaciamiento de Eucalyptus globulus establecido con fines pulpables. La técnica de Montecarlo se usó para examinar el efecto de las variaciones de precios y la tasa de descuento sobre la rentabilidad. El ensayo fue realizado en el Valle Central de la IX Región de Chile. Los tratamientos fueron: 1,000 árboles·ha-1(T1; 1,428 árboles·ha-1 (T2; 1,667 árboles·ha-1 (T3 y 2,000 árboles·ha-1 (T4. El volumen de producción de cada tratamiento se midió a la edad de cosecha (10 años y posteriormente se realizó un análisis financiero, para obtener la rentabilidad (valor actual neto [VAN], valor económico del suelo [VES] y tasa interna de retorno [TIR]. Los mayores valores de VAN se obtuvieron con el T1 (US$ 330·ha-1 y T4 (US$ 322·ha-1. Los pronósticos obtenidos para el VAN de T1 mostraron una probabilidad de ocurrencia de 73 %, resultando ser la opción menos riesgosa para la inversión. Los mayores rendimientos volumétricos (T4 y T3 no propician las mayores rentabilidades, pues el incremento de la densidad de plantación aumenta los costos por unidad de planta con relación al manejo de suelos, control de malezas y fertilización.

  1. Disfuncionalidad antioxidante de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL) en pacientes diabéticos descompensados


    Awad, Fernanda; Contreras-Duarte, Susana; Molina, Patricia; Quiñones, Verónica; Serrano, Valentina; Abbott, Eduardo; Maiz, Alberto; Busso, Dolores; Rigotti, Attilio


    Introducción: las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL) tienen un importante efecto protector cardiovascular mediado por su función durante el transporte reverso del colesterol, así como por otras actividades, incluyendo una significativa acción antiinflamatoria y antioxidante. La funcionalidad antiinflamatoria y antioxidante de las HDL está alterada en los pacientes diabéticos crónicos estables, aunque no existe mayor información en caso de una crisis hiperglicémica. Objetivo: determinar si d...

  2. Social Media Use in Cancer Care. (United States)

    Watson, Joni


    To describe the increasing professional use of social media within oncology health care practice. Peer-reviewed and lay publications. Social media has changed the communication landscape over the last 15 years. An integral part of worldwide culture, oncology health care professionals can utilize social media to listen, learn, engage, and co-create to advance cancer care. Nurses must be aware of the professional uses for social media, how to use the media, and where to find evidence supporting health care social media efforts within cancer care. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Propriedades termofísicas de soluções-modelo similares a sucos: parte II Thermophysical properties of model solutions similar to juice: part II

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    Sílvia Cristina Sobottka Rolim de Moura


    Full Text Available Propriedades termofísicas, densidade e viscosidade de soluções-modelo similares a sucos foram determinadas experimentalmente. Os resultados foram comparados aos preditos por modelos matemáticos (STATISTICA 6.0 e obtidos da literatura em função da sua composição química. Para definição das soluções-modelo, foi realizado um planejamento estrela, mantendo-se fixa a quanti-dade de ácido (1,5% e variando-se a água (82-98,5%, o carboidrato (0-15% e a gordura (0-1,5%. A densidade foi determinada em picnômetro. A viscosidade foi determinada em viscosímetro Brookfield modelo LVF. A condutividade térmica foi calculada com o conhecimento das propriedades difusividade térmica e calor específico (apresentados na Parte I deste trabalho MOURA [7] e da densidade. Os resultados de cada propriedade foram analisados através de superfícies de respostas. Foram encontrados resultados significativos para as propriedades, mostrando que os modelos encontrados representam as mudanças das propriedades térmicas e físicas dos sucos, com alterações na composição e na temperatura.Thermophysical properties, density and viscosity of model solutions similar to juices were experimentally determined. The results were compared to those predicted by mathematical models (STATISTIC 6.0 and to values mentioned in the literature, according to the chemical composition. A star planning was adopted to define model solutions composition; fixing the acid amount in 1.5% and varying water (82-98.5%, carbohydrate (0-15% and fat (0-1.5%. The density was determined by picnometer. The viscosity was determined by Brookfield LVF model viscosimeter. The thermal conductivity was calculated based on thermal diffusivity and specific heat values (presented at the 1st . Part of this paper - MOURA [7] and density. The results of each property were analyzed by the response surface method. The found results were significant, indicating that the models represent the changes of

  4. Modern Media Criticism and Media Literacy Education: The Opinions of Russian University Students (United States)

    Fedorov, Alexander; Levitskaya, Anastasia


    The authors analyze the results of two universities students' survey aimed at finding out the respondents' media competence levels. The findings confirm a general tendency, that commonly, less than a quarter of the young audience reveals a high level development of the media competence's motivational index. A considerably larger part of…

  5. Evangelization, media and marketing: provocation to debate


    Murad, Afonso Tadeu; FAJE; ISTA


    This article develops a reflection on the relationship between evangelization, media and marketing, especially in Catholic circles. In the first part, we present the six dimensions of Christian religious experience that are part of evangelization: mystical, ritual, ethics, Cognitive (intellectual), communal and missionary. The article also shows that these dimensions come in different concentration on multiple agents acting in religious media. In the second part, serving up the contribution o...

  6. Inner Security in Media from the perspective of social science and media studies

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    Oliver Bidlo


    Full Text Available Security and entertainment are moving closer together. The term Securitainment expresses in this context, the mediation of security through entertainment formats. This will open a new space for Internal Security, which includes its own actors and patterns of interpretation. This space is portrayed in the media and follows the logic of media for attention but is also part of the process of social control. The mass media are therefore an instance of the design of internal security, social control and an interpretation producer. Mass media become actors of the internal security. They provide a symbolic representation of security.

  7. Media, journalism, objectivity

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    Vlajki Emil


    Full Text Available This is the text around the themes: Media and Journalism, are confronted two directions of opinions: humanism and elitism. Humanism believes that media and journalism must be metaphysically objective: able to tell the truth regardless of time, place and terms of events. Another approach, elitism, is connected with Hegel's philosophy of history. Hegel's conceptual apparatus includes: Idea, History dialectic, 'cunning mind,' self- development and self-realization. In this context, media and journalism are considered as organic unity, an inseparable part of some dialectical totality. More specifically media and journalism can be objective only if they defend concrete ideological assumptions of society to which they belong. Any other understanding of these two concepts is non-objective, mere moralizing and / or demagoguery.

  8. Social Media in the Dental School Environment, Part B: Curricular Considerations. (United States)

    Spallek, Heiko; Turner, Sharon P; Donate-Bartfield, Evelyn; Chambers, David; McAndrew, Maureen; Zarkowski, Pamela; Karimbux, Nadeem


    The goal of this article is to describe the broad curricular constructs surrounding teaching and learning about social media in dental education. This analysis takes into account timing, development, and assessment of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to effectively use social media tools as a contemporary dentist. Three developmental stages in a student's path to becoming a competent professional are described: from undergraduate to dental student, from the classroom and preclinical simulation laboratory to the clinical setting, and from dental student to licensed practitioner. Considerations for developing the dental curriculum and suggestions for effective instruction at each stage are offered. In all three stages in the future dentist's evolution, faculty members need to educate students about appropriate professional uses of social media. Faculty members should provide instruction on the beneficial aspects of this communication medium and help students recognize the potential pitfalls associated with its use. The authors provide guidelines for customizing instruction to complement each stage of development, recognizing that careful timing is not only important for optimal learning but can prevent inappropriate use of social media as students are introduced to novel situations.

  9. Pro Android Media Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets

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    Every, Shawn


    Mobile devices have evolved to focus on rich media production and consumption. Developers of mobile applications are able to create applications that allow people to play, capture, and share media in a variety of new ways on mobile devices. The popularity of Android has soared in part because the platform offers developers a rich set of capabilities including access to media capturing and playback functions. Pro Android Media provides concise and clear instruction on how to utilize the media APIs made available through Android to create dynamic apps. It takes you from a simple means to gain ac


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    Alyssa Jackson


    Full Text Available A readership study, employing an online survey (n = 275, was conducted to determine the reading preferences of students, faculty, staff, and alumni for the student magazine and web site of a technological university. The print version (53% was preferred over the online version (22%, with 25% having no preference. Internet and social media were the preferred news media with Facebook dominating all other sites. Few had downloaded the app (7%, despite the fact that 92% owned smartphones. Attitudes toward news were positive and predictive of reading specific sections. Reading the technology section was significantly related to being “part of my daily habit,” “part of my civic duty,” “helpful in making choices,” and negatively related to “inconvenient.” Additional qualitative responses are discussed.

  11. Nutrient uptake by greenhouse net melonAcúmulo de nutrientes e rendimento de óleo em plantas de girassol influenciados pelo vigor dos aquênios e pela densidade de semeadura

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    Silvana da Silva Cardoso


    Full Text Available For presenting more commercial value, the net melon (Cucumis melo L. var reticulatus Naud. has been an option of greenhouse planting for the horticulturists. This work was carried out in Piracicaba, Brazil with the aim of evaluating the nutrient uptake from this melon cultivated in greenhouse. To obtain the nutrients accumulation in the different stages of the plant development, plants were collected in the transplant day (seedling, in the vegetative stage, in the beginning of the flowering stage, in the beginning and in the middle of fruit production period and in the harvest period. It was verified that the greatest increase of nutrient uptake happened between the beginning of the flowering and the beginning of the fruit production. The greatest dry matter accumulation happened between the beginning of the fruit production and the middle of fruit production period. The decrescent order of nutrients accumulated in the above ground part of the plant was: potassium > nitrogen > calcium > magnesium > sulphur > phosphorus > iron > manganese > zinc > copper ~ boron. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o acúmulo de nutrientes e o rendimento de óleo dos aquênios em plantas de girassol produzidas sob a influência do vigor dos aquênios e da densidade de semeadura. Para isto, foi instalado um experimento no campo experimental no município de Seropédica/RJ, em outubro de 2006, com três distintos lotes de aquênios de girassol cv Embrapa 122 V2000, classificados como de baixo, de médio e de alto vigor, sob duas densidades de semeadura (45.000 e 75.000 sementes ha-1. Aos 20, 60 e 100 dias após a semeadura (DAS, foram coletadas as plantas para avaliação da massa de matéria seca e do acúmulo de nitrogênio, de fósforo, de potássio e de cálcio, no caule, nas folhas e nos capítulos. Nas plantas coletadas aos 100 DAS, foi feita também a avaliação do rendimento de aquênios (kg ha-1, do teor de óleo e do rendimento de óleo (kg ha-1. Observou

  12. Resposta de híbridos de milho irrigado à densidade de plantas em três épocas de semeadura Response of irrigated corn hybrids to plant density in three sowing dates

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    Paulo Regis Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available A determinação da densidade ótima de semeadura do milho, além de ser influenciada pelas características dos híbridos, pelo nível de fertilidade do solo e pela disponibilidade hídrica, pode também variar de acordo com a época da semeadura, uma vez que ela afeta o crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta. Com o objetivo de determinar a densidade ótima de planta em híbridos de milho com elevado potencial de rendimento de grãos, em três épocas de semeadura, com relação a rendimento de grãos, componentes do rendimento e outras características agronômicas, foram feitos quatro experimentos na região fisiográfica da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, município de Eldorado do Sul, com suplementação hídrica por aspersão. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro híbridos (Pioneer 3063, Pioneer 3207, XL 212 e Cargill 901, quatro densidades de plantas (50, 70, 90 e 110.000 pl/ha e de três épocas de semeadura (agosto, outubro e dezembro. Não há resposta à densidade de plantas dos híbridos de milho testados nas épocas de semeadura de agosto e dezembro. O aumento na densidade de plantas somente foi vantajosa na semeadura de outubro, quando se obtiveram maiores rendimentos de grãos na densidade de 70.000 pl/ha, independentemente do híbrido avaliado, nas duas estações de crescimento.Plant density response of corn besides influenced by hybrids traits, soil fertility level and water availability, could also vary with sowing date, since it affects plant growth and development. With the objective of determining the most adequate plant density of corn hybrids with high potential grain yields, in three sowing dates, in relation to grain yields, yield components and other agronomic traits, four experiments were conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with complementary irrigation. The treatments were composed by four hybrids (Pioneer 3063, Pioneer 3207, XL 212 and Cargill 901, four plant densities (50, 70, 90 and 110

  13. Densidade do solo, atributos químicos e sistema radicular do milho afetados pelo pastejo e manejo do solo

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    V. R. Silva


    Full Text Available A integração lavoura-pecuária é uma alternativa de renda dos produtores no sul do Brasil. Entretanto, o pisoteio animal e, ou, o preparo de solo podem compactá-lo, prejudicando o crescimento radicular e a produtividade das plantas. Estudaram-se os efeitos do pisoteio animal em regime de pastejo contínuo durante o inverno/primavera e do impacto do plantio direto e do preparo convencional de solo no estado de compactação, atributos químicos e distribuição radicular. Em Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo de textura superficial franca, foi implantada uma pastagem de estação fria composta por aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb e azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.. A carga animal variou conforme o crescimento da pastagem. Em dezembro de 1996, foi implantada a cultura do milho (Zea mays L. para a produção de silagem, usando os seguintes tratamentos: plantio direto na área não pastejada, plantio direto após o pastejo, preparo convencional de solo na área não pastejada e preparo convencional de solo após pastejo. As avaliações apresentadas neste estudo são referentes ao terceiro ano de cultivo, no qual houve um período de pastejo de 107 dias. Aos 45 dias da emergência do milho, foram abertas trincheiras (100 x 40 cm para visualizar a distribuição do sistema radicular e coletar amostras de solo, a cada 5 cm, para caracterização química e determinação da densidade do solo e de raízes. Ao longo do perfil (0-40 cm, o desenho da distribuição de raízes indicou maior quantidade de raízes no preparo convencional de solo, concordando com os resultados de densidade de raízes. O pisoteio animal não teve efeito sobre as características físicas, possivelmente pelo fato de o resíduo da pastagem permanecer próximo a 1,0 Mg ha-1 de matéria seca. A densidade do solo no plantio direto, na camada de 5-10 cm, foi de 1,41 Mg m-3, tanto na área pastejada como na não pastejada. No preparo convencional de solo, esses valores foram de 1,15 Mg m-3

  14. Densidade e diversidade fenotípica de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas em solos de mineração de bauxita, em reabilitação Density and phenotypic diversity of endophytic nitrogen fixing bacteria in soils under rehabilitation after bauxite mining

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    R. Melloni


    Full Text Available Bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas contribuem para o desenvolvimento das plantas por meio da fixação biológica do nitrogênio, produção e liberação de substâncias reguladoras do crescimento vegetal, podendo, assim, facilitar a revegetação de solos degradados por atividades antrópicas. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre as populações destas bactérias em solos ou plantas de áreas de mineração. Objetivando avaliar o efeito de diferentes tipos de vegetação e tempo de reabilitação de áreas degradadas por mineração de bauxita na densidade e diversidade de algumas espécies de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, realizaram-se, em duas épocas, amostragens de solo, de dois ambientes distintos, submetidos a diferentes processos de reabilitação. A densidade, avaliada pelo número mais provável, utilizando os meios de cultura: NFb, JNFb e Fam, para Azospirillum brasilense e A. lipoferum, Herbaspirillum spp. e A. amazonense, respectivamente, variou de 0 a 2,0 x 10(4 bactérias por grama de solo e mostrou que o tipo de vegetação influiu nas populações destas bactérias. Foram encontradas densidades maiores em solos revegetados com gramíneas: braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens, capim-azevém (Lolium multiflorum e capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora. Contudo, estas densidades podem ser consideradas baixas, se comparadas às de solos agrícolas, e não apresentaram relação com o tempo de reabilitação da área. Foram encontrados 36 fenótipos culturais em meio batata, entre os 72 isolados obtidos dos três meios de cultura utilizados. A partir destes, foram formados sete grandes grupos com similaridade superior ou igual a 63 %, dos quais cinco, representando 62,5 % do total de isolados obtidos, continham as estirpes-tipo de Burkholderia brasilensis, Herbaspirillum seropedicae e Azospirillum spp. (A. brasilense, A. amazonense, A. lipoferum, A. irakense. Apesar da baixa densidade, este grupo de bactérias apresentou alta

  15. Media Sosial yang Dibenci yang Ditakuti


    Errika Dwi Setya Watie


    Social media users came from every part of society. The presence and acceptance of social media, of course, not only have an impact on the lives of individual users directly, but it is also have an impact on the lives of the state concerned. It should be understood, that the mass media has the ability to build the image and opinions in the minds of users. Currently there are 6 types of social media are present in the community. the negative impact of social media in fact also present along wi...

  16. Efeito da Densidade de Criação e do Sexo Sobre o Empenamento, Incidência de Lesões na Carcaça e Qualidade da Carne de Peito de Frangos de Corte


    Garcia RG; Mendes AA; Garcia EA; Nääs IA; Moreira J; Almeida ICL; Takita TS


    O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações experimentais da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da densidade de criação e do sexo sobre o empenamento, incidência de lesões na carcaça e a qualidade de carne de peito de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1950 pintos de corte sexados, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial com 3 densidades (10, 13 e 16 ...


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    Mainor Rojas


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de densidad creciente de Meloidogyne exigua sobre el desarrollo de plantas de almácigo. Se trasplantaron plántulas de café variedad caturra a bolsas de polietileno con 1335 cm3 de sustrato desinfectado, para establecer un ensayo con diseño de bloques completos al azar, con 8 repeticiones. Los tratamientos aplicados consistieron de poblaciones iniciales (Pi de 0; 0,125; 0,25; 0,5; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32 y 64 huevos+J2/ cm3 de sustrato, aplicadas un mes después del trasplante. El modelo y=m+(1-m ZP-T aplicado 234 días después del trasplante para la altura, diámetro, número de nudos y peso fresco aéreo, indicó que el límite de tolerancia (T fue de 0,66; 0,06; 0,13 y 0,88 huevos+J2/cm3, respectivamente; la producción mínima relativa (m fue de 0,79; 0,79; 0,33 y 0,54 respectivamente, a Pi iguales o mayores a 64 huevos+J2/cm3. El índice de agallas alcanzó el máximo a partir de una Pi de 2; el pico máximo de nematodos en el suelo y las raíces se alcanzó con Pi entre 2 y 4; mientras la tasa máxima de reproducción fue de 114 con Pi de 0,125. Se concluyó que la densidad crítica fue cercana a cero huevos/cm3 de sustrato como población inicial, y que el almácigo se debe desarrollar libre de nematodos, ya que aún con Pi bajas se puede alcanzar la máxima población en corto tiempo.

  18. Densidade de estocagem no desempenho de larvas de tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L., durante a reversão sexual Stocking density effect on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. fry performance during sex reversal

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    Luís Eduardo Ferrari Sanches


    Full Text Available Para estudar os efeitos da densidade de estocagem no desempenho de larvas de tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, durante a fase de reversão sexual em águas verdes, foram estocadas 1.500 larvas com peso médio de 12,41mg e comprimento total médio de 9,38mm em tanques-rede de 12,5 litros, nas densidades de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 larvas/litro, em delineamento totalmente aleatório com 4 repetições. Essas foram tratadas com ração comercial fina com 43% de PB, contendo 60mg de metiltestosterona/kg, 6 vezes por dia, durante 28 dias. O aumento da densidade resultou em menor peso e comprimento médios finais, definidos por modelos de regressão. O efeito da densidade sobre a diminuição do crescimento se evidenciou a partir da terceira semana de criação. A biomassa total e a conversão alimentar mostraram-se incrementadas com o aumento da densidade. A sobrevivência, o fator de condição e o coeficiente de variação foram independentes da densidade. Conclui-se que 2 larvas/litro devem ser usadas, quando se objetiva produção de alevinos maiores; mas densidades maiores podem ser utilizadas, obtendo-se alevinos menores, porém incrementando a biomassa total.To study the effects of stocking density on the performance of newborn fries of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, during sex reversal stage in green waters, 1500 fries were stocked with 12.41mg of average weight and 9.38mm of total average length in hapas of 12,5 litres, at densities of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 fries/litre, in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. They were fed with a fine commercial diet containing 43% CP, and 60mg of methyltestosterone/kg, six times a day, during 28 days. The density increase resulted in lower final average weight and length defined by regression models. The effect of density on the growth decrease started to be significative on the second week of rearing, while the total biomass and feed conversion were increased with the density increase

  19. Efeito da densidade de estocagem no cultivo de tainha, Mugil platanus (Günther, 1880 em laboratório Effect of stocking density on laboratory rearing of mullet fingerlings, Mugil platanus (Günther, 1880

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    Marcelo Borges Tesser


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o efeito da densidade de estocagem sobre a produção de alevinos de Mugil platanus em laboratório. Foram testadas cinco densidades de estocagem em duplicata: 1, 3, 5, 10 e 15 tainhas/L. Os peixes foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia, sendo oferecido alimento na proporção de 10% do peso vivo de cada tanque. O melhor crescimento foi observado para os animais cultivados na menor densidade de estocagem (1 alevino/L. Observaram-se neste tratamento a melhor qualidade de água e a maior sobrevivência. Por outro lado, o maior número de animais foi produzido na densidade de 10 alevinos/L; entretanto, isto foi obtido às custas de uma menor qualidade da água, que se refletiu em uma redução no crescimento e na sobrevivência. No caso de produção comercial, os alevinos de M. platanus poderiam ser cultivados em uma densidade de estocagem entre 3 e 5 alevinos/L; contudo, a taxa de troca de água deveria ser mais elevada, para manter a concentração de amônia mais baixa do que aquela observada neste trabalhoThe effect of stocking density on production of Mugil platanus fingerlings in laboratory was analyzed. Five stocking densities were evaluated: 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 mullet/L. After 28 days, the highest growth rate was reported for animals reared at the lowest stocking density (1 mullet/L. Survival rate and water quality were also higher at the lowest stocking density. Although more fingerlings were produced at 10 mullet/L, greater number of animals decreased the water quality, which was reflected in their reduced growth and survival rates. M. platanus fingerlings should be reared in commercial production at intermediate stocking densities (3-5 mullet/L but higher water exchange rates are recommended for lower ammonia concentration

  20. Promoting Media Literacy’ as Practicing “Media Reform”: Reflecting on Personal Experiences

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    Hui-Ju Tsai


    Full Text Available This paper assesses conceptions and practices in critical media literacy. In particular, it focuses on teaching experience and the processes which combine the educator’s reflection of theories of the ‘public sphere’, ‘media literacy’, and ‘communication civil rights’. The paper is divided into three main parts. The first of four sections will briefly cover the history of media reform and the relationship between the media reform movement and critical media literacy lessons in community colleges. It will connect this to the idea of ‘turn to the public’. The meaning and position of ‘media literacy’ in the broad media reform movement will also be analyzed. Following this, in the second section, conceptualizations of the ‘public sphere’, ‘public pedagogy’, and ‘critical media literacy pedagogy’ will be developed. Finally, three stages of the lesson design and practical interactions will be examined dialectically. In particular, the community college field research on my teaching experience will be described in the third section, and the suggestions, reflections and conclusions from the research will be examined in the last section.

  1. Social media audits achieving deep impact without sacrificing the bottom line

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    Gattiker, Urs E


    Social media is quickly becoming important to most businesses, but many managers, professionals, and marketing experts are unsure about the practicalities of social media marketing and how to measure success. Social Media Audits gives people dealing with social business in their working life a guide to social media marketing, measurement, and how to evaluate and improve the use of social media in an organizational context. This book consists of three parts, the first of which introduces the reader to concepts and ideas emerging in social media. The second part considers the need to shift from

  2. Efecto de la densidad de semillas en la germinación de Isolatocereus dumortieri y Myrtillocactus geometrizans, cactáceas columnares endémicas de México Effect of seed density on germination of Isolatocereus dumortieri and Myrtillocactus geometrizans, endemic columnar cacti species from Mexico

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    Joel Flores


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la densidad de semillas en la germinación de 2 cactáceas columnares: Isolatocereus dumortieri y Myrtillocactus geometrizans. Se utilizaron 5 tratamientos de densidad de semillas (1, 5, 10, 20 y 50 semillas. Isolatocereus dumortieri mostró menor porcentaje de germinación con el aumento de la densidad, mientras que la germinación de M. geometrizans no fue afectada por la densidad de semillas. Estos resultados sugieren que las plántulas de I. dumortieri podrían competir por recursos.The effect of seed density on the germination of 2 columnar cactus species (Isolatocereus dumortieri and Myrtillocactus geometrizans was evaluated using 5 seed density treatments (1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 seeds. Isolatocereus dumortieri had a lower germination percentage with increasing seed density; germination of M. geometrizans was not affected by seed density. These results suggest that I. dumortieri seedlings might compete for resources with siblings.

  3. Metais pesados, densidade e atividade microbiana em solo contaminado por rejeitos de indústria de zinco


    Dias-Júnior,H. E.; Moreira,F. M. S.; Siqueira,J. O.; Silva,R.


    As atividades relacionadas com mineração e indústria metalúrgica são responsáveis pela poluição de extensas áreas de solo em todo o mundo, sendo seus efeitos ainda pouco conhecidos nas condições brasileiras. No presente trabalho, os teores totais e solúveis em água de metais pesados, a densidade e a atividade microbiana foram avaliados em 1996, em sete locais de uma área de deposição de rejeitos da industrialização de zinco, em elevado estádio de degradação, e num local fora da área contamina...

  4. Demografia e densidade de perfilhos de capim-braquiária sob pastejo em lotação intermitente

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    Jorge Nunes Portela


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de intensidades de pastejo e de frequências de desfolha na demografia e densidade de perfilhos de capim-braquiária (Urochloa decumbens syn. Brachiaria decumbens sob lotação intermitente. Foram avaliados duas intensidades de pastejo (5 e 10 cm de altura pós-pastejo e duas frequências de desfolha (período de descanso até que o dossel atingisse 95 e 100% de interceptação luminosa, IL, de agosto de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial com quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se as densidades populacionais e as taxas de aparecimento e sobrevivência de perfilhos basais (DPPb, TAPb e TSPb, respectivamente e aéreos+basais (DPPab, TAPab e TSPab. As maiores TAPb e TAPab, no outono, foram obtidas nos pastos desfolhados a 10 cm. Porém, no final da primavera e no verão, a intensidade de 5 cm resultou em maiores taxas, que promoveram maior DPPb. No verão, a TSPb foi maior para pastos manejados à intensidade de 10 cm. O manejo da pastagem que resulta em maiores DPPab, TAPab e TSPab, durante as épocas de rápido crescimento dos pastos, é o de 10 cm de intensidade de pastejo e 95% de IL de frequência de desfolha.

  5. Um dispositivo simples para a determinação simultânea e contínua da densidade de líquidos e da concentração de suspensões líquidas A simple device for on-line determinations of liquid density and suspension concentration

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    Sabrina S. Paes


    Full Text Available Um dispositivo para a determinação automática da densidade e da concentração de partículas em suspensões líquidas foi desenvolvido, usando suspensões de amido de mandioca como modelo. As determinações das propriedades foram baseadas na medição da força de empuxo que a suspensão líquida exerce sobre uma bóia de plástico esférica, submersa na mesma e conectada a um sistema eletrônico de medição de força. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o dispositivo é um excelente densímetro e pode ser usado com sucesso para a determinação da concentração de suspensões líquidas de partículas, quando a relação entre concentração de sólidos e a densidade da suspensão é conhecida. Resultados da medida de densidade de líquidos com o dispositivo, como o glicerol com 99% de pureza e um óleo de soja comercial ficaram muito próximos dos valores citados na literatura e medidos por picnometria.A simple device was developed to determinate simultaneously the density and the concentration of particle suspensions. Cassava starch suspensions were used as a model to carry out the experiments and to develop the equipment. The determinations were based on the measure of the force suffered by a spherical plastic buoy immersed in the suspension under study. This force was transmitted to a force measure electronic cell by means of a metal stem. The experimental results showed that the device developed is a very good densimeter, which can be used to determine suspension concentration with good accuracy, when the relation between density and suspension concentration is known. Results of glycerin and a commercial soy oil density measures were in good agreement with the ones obtained in the literature and by picnometry technique, respectively.

  6. Non-equilibrium thermochemical heat storage in porous media: Part 1 – Conceptual model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagel, T.; Shao, H.; Singh, A.K.; Watanabe, N.; Roßkopf, C.; Linder, M.; Wörner, A.; Kolditz, O.


    Thermochemical energy storage can play an important role in the establishment of a reliable renewable energy supply and can increase the efficiency of industrial processes. The application of directly permeated reactive beds leads to strongly coupled mass and heat transport processes that also determine reaction kinetics. To advance this technology beyond the laboratory stage requires a thorough theoretical understanding of the multiphysics phenomena and their quantification on a scale relevant to engineering analyses. Here, the theoretical derivation of a macroscopic model for multicomponent compressible gas flow through a porous solid is presented along with its finite element implementation where solid–gas reactions occur and both phases have individual temperature fields. The model is embedded in the Theory of Porous Media and the derivation is based on the evaluation of the Clausius–Duhem inequality. Special emphasis is placed on the interphase coupling via mass, momentum and energy interaction terms and their effects are partially illustrated using numerical examples. Novel features of the implementation of the described model are verified via comparisons to analytical solutions. The specification, validation and application of the full model to a calcium hydroxide/calcium oxide based thermochemical storage system are the subject of part 2 of this study. - Highlights: • Rigorous application of the Theory of Porous Media and the 2nd law of thermodynamics. • Thermodynamically consistent model for thermochemical heat storage systems. • Multicomponent gas; modified Fick's and Darcy's law; thermal non-equilibrium; solid–gas reactions. • Clear distinction between source and production terms. • Open source finite element implementation and benchmarks

  7. Social media for non-profit organizations in Vietnam


    Nguyen, Thy


    The thesis presents about social media in general and social media for non-profit organizations in Vietnam in particular. The writer wanted to explore the disadvantages that non-profits in Vietnam face when using social media and search for recommendations which helps them to use it more efficiently. In the theoretic part, core concepts related to social media were introduced, namely, definition of social media, its types, the popular platforms, situation of social media in Vietnam, pros...


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    Cleber Morais Guimarães


    Full Text Available

    The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of maize hybrids cultivated under different population densities in narrow row spacing (0.45 m. Two field experiments were installed to evaluate six commercial hybrids (A 2555, A 2288, AG 9010, AG 6690, P 30F88 and Valent grown in five plant densities (40,000; 53,000; 71,000; 84,000; and 97,000 plants per hectare, in Goiânia and Jataí, Goiás State, during the growing season of 2002/2003. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks, arranged in a 6x5 factorial design with four replicates. In the Goiânia experiment, the treatments were carried out using a split plot design. In the experiment of Goiânia, the treatments were carried out using a split plot design. The means of ear insertion, plant height, stalk lodging, ear length, ear diameter, corncob diameter, kernels per ear, weight of 100 kernels and grain yield was significantly influenced by plant density in both experiments. Grain yield was increased for plant densities higher than 70,000 plants per hectare, indicating that the use of narrow row spacing associated to the presence of shorter plant stature hybrids, favors enhancements in plant density. The grain yield was significantly affected by the interaction between hybrid and plant density in both fields. This indicates that, depending of the hybrid, the reduction of row spacing to 0.45 m is a managing practice that allows an increment in the sowing density.

    KEY-WORDS: Zea mays; cultivar; plant arrangement; agronomic trait; grain yield.

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de híbridos de milho (A 2555, A 2288, AG 9010, AG 6690, P 30F88 e Valent, cultivados em diferentes densidades populacionais (40 mil, 53 mil, 71 mil, 84 mil e 97 mil plantas por hectare e sob espaçamento reduzido

  9. Understanding Citizenship, Understanding Social Media? The effects of digital media on citizenship understanding and political participation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ohme, Jakob; Albæk, Erik

    Is there a connection between increased use of digital media and changing patterns of political participation? This study tests how use of online media for different purposes (social interaction, creative expression, online news use, social media news use) is related to three types of political...... participation. It examines whether mobilizing effects are partly indirect due to different understandings of citizenship (dutiful, optional, individual, collective) that may be fostered by digital media use. The study is based on a survey of a sample of the Danish population (n=1322), including data from two...... online survey waves and a smartphone-based media diary that documents respondents’ social media use. Results indicate support for a new pathway to participation, but the relationship depends on whether citizens are socialized in a digital media environment....

  10. Comparação de três sistemas digitais em relação à densidade óptica de cimentos de ionômetro de vidro = Comparison of three digital systems in relation to the optical density of glass ionomer cements

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    Hehn, Lisiane


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar três sistemas digitais, dois do tipo placas ópticas e um sensor, quanto à densidade óptica de três cimentos de ionômero de vidro restauradores. Materiais e Método: Foram obtidas imagens radiográficas dos corpos de prova confeccionados com cada um dos materiais, em espessuras de 1, 2, 3 e 4 mm, posicionados entre as metades de um pré-molar humano, extraído e seccionado no sentido mésio-distal. As medidas de densidade óptica, em valores de pixels, foram realizadas de acordo com as especificações do sistema correspondente ao receptor de imagem utilizado e analisadas por meio do teste não-paramétrico de Friedman (a = 1%. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas nas médias dos valores de densidade óptica entre os sistemas digitais. As maiores médias foram determinadas no sistema CYGNUS, seguido pelo DENOPTIX e menores valores para o DIGORA (p = 0,01. Entretanto, não se observou diferenças estatísticas quando comparadas as médias das variações de densidade óptica decorrentes do aumento na espessura do corpo de prova. Conclusão: Portanto, pode-se concluir que, apesar de diferirem quanto aos valores de densidade óptica, os sistemas testados apresentam padrões semelhantes quando expressam a variação em função da espessura do material utilizado

  11. Acknowledging the dilemmas of intrusive media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathieu, David; Finger, Juliane; Dias, Patrcia


    Part of the stakeholder consultation addressed strategies that media audiences are developing to cope with pressures and intrusions in a changing media environment, characterised by digitalisation and interactive possibilities. We interviewed ten stakeholders representing interests such as content...... production, media literacy, media regulation, and activism. Consulting with these stakeholders left the impression that pressures and intrusions from media lack widespread acknowledgement, and that little is known about audiences’ strategies to cope with media. Even when intrusions are acknowledged, we find...... no consensual motivation, nor any clear avenue for action. Therefore, we have analysed different discursive positions that prevent acknowledging or taking action upon the pressures and intrusions that we presented to these stakeholders. The discursive positions are outlined below....

  12. Densidades de siembra de dos variedades comerciales de crisantemo, Chrysantemum morifolium Ramat en Piendamo (Cauca

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    Posada D. Adolfo


    Full Text Available The behavior and agricultural characteristics of two kinds of Chrysanthemum (White Marble and Yellow Polaris were evaluated in terms of yield and quality of the product. Two different kinds of planting systems were applied (single stem and pinched stem. The experimental design in randomized whole blocks for each variety and system including four density treatments (80, 90, 110 and 115 sterns per 1.05 m2 was repeated six times. The experimental unit was of 2.10 m2; 1.26 m2 were harvested. A strong discrepancy between the quantity and quality of the product was observed. The highest yields were obtained with densities of 110 and 115 stems per 1.05 m2. However, the experimental units dis not always met both requirements of a diameter greater than seven cm and three or more marketable flowers per stem. If maximizing production of acceptable bunches is taken as a decision variable, a density of 90 sterns per 1.05 m2 with a 3/3/2/2/2/3/3 arrangement with pinched stern for Yellow Polar is seems a better alternative. As for White Marble, it would be better to have 80 stems per 1.05 m2 with a 3/2/2/2/2/2/3 arrangement in the single stem, but the probability of acceptance is only 0.666. In addition, White Marble showed more susceptibility to dwarfism.Se evaluó el comportamiento y características agronómicas asociadas con el rendimiento y la calidad del producto en las variedades White Marble y Yellow Polaris, en los sistemas de tallo único y tallo despuntado. El diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar para cada variedad y sistema incluía cuatro tratamientos de densidad (80, 90, 110 Y 115 tallos por 1.05 m2, con seis repeticiones. La unidad experimental fue de 2.10 m2, cosechando 1. 26m2(1.05 x 1.20. Se observó marcado antagonismo entre la cantidad y la calidad del producto comercial. Los mayores rendimientos se obtuvieron con densidades de 110 y 115 tallos por 1.05 m2, pero no siempre la producción cumplía con los requisitos de di

  13. Produção da bananeira 'Nanicão' em diferentes densidades de plantas e sistemas de espaçamento Yield of 'nanicão' banana at different plant densities and spacing systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Alexio Scarpare Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o efeito de diferentes densidades de plantio e sistemas de espaçamento sobre a produção da bananeira 'Nanicão', avaliando-se os primeiros quatro ciclos. Quatro densidades (3.333, 2.222, 1.666 e 1.333 plantas ha-1 e dois sistemas de espaçamento (retângulo e triângulo foram testados para as condições de Piracicaba,SP. O aumento da densidade de 1.333 para 3.333 plantas ha-1 diminuiu a massa do cacho em 15% a 20%, em decorrência do menor número de frutos por cacho, massa e tamanho do fruto. A produção foi sempre maior com o aumento da densidade, porém não ocorreu o mesmo quanto à produtividade. Até o terceiro ciclo, a produtividade das plantas no tratamento de maior densidade superou a das demais. No quarto ciclo, não houve diferença de produtividade entre as plantas, nas densidades testadas, em razão do aumento na duração do ciclo de produção do plantio mais denso. Comparado com o retângulo, o sistema de espaçamento em triângulo promoveu maior massa do cacho no primeiro ciclo e produtividade levemente superior ao longo dos quatro ciclos.The objective of this research was to study the effect of different planting densities and spacing systems on the yield of the 'Nanicão' banana, evaluating the first four cycles. Four density (3,333; 2,222; 1,666 and 1,333plants ha-1 and two spacing systems (rectangle and triangle were tested for the conditions of Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The increase of the density of 1,333 to 3,333 plants ha-1 decreased bunch weight in 15% to 20%, due to reduction in number of fruit by bunch and fruit size. The yield was always higher as the density increased; however, there was not the same behavior for the productivity. Until the third cycle, the highest plant density overcame the productivity of the others. In the fourth cycle there was no difference in productivity among the densities, due to the increase in the duration of crop cycle in the highest

  14. Social media marketing as a part of effective online strategy in small businesses. Case сompany: Amani Dress


    Kozhushko, Kristina


    In the world of today, where we have a tendency towards globalization, the role of social media is growing rapidly and it is expanding and increasing the diversity of communication channels in the global network. More and more people are spending a meaningful part of their daily life by surfing the Internet. Consequently, it reflects business in general and has a crucial impact on small organizations in particularly. Based on this, it is important for all businesses to understand the role of ...

  15. Ten Rules for Dealing with Negative Contributions in Social Media

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    Adriana Stránská


    Full Text Available Social media is becoming a key part of business communication strategy. Despite all the advantages, social media also poses a threat to business reputation. Dissatisfied customers can reach a large audience and share their negative experiences with others. This paper deals with the impact of social media on the practice of public relations. The goal of the paper is to formulate a set of rules for dealing with negative contributions and generally with crisis communication in social media. It is based on two surveys. Individual interviews with social media experts are the core part of the analysis. They are complemented by questioning of consumers to get deeper insight into complaining behavior via social media. The defined set of rules provides a useful tool for the social media crisis management.

  16. Social Media in the Dental School Environment, Part A: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations for Use. (United States)

    Spallek, Heiko; Turner, Sharon P; Donate-Bartfield, Evelyn; Chambers, David; McAndrew, Maureen; Zarkowski, Pamela; Karimbux, Nadeem


    Social media consist of powerful tools that impact not only communication but relationships among people, thus posing an inherent challenge to the traditional standards of who we are as dental educators and what we can expect of each other. This article examines how the world of social media has changed dental education. Its goal is to outline the complex issues that social media use presents for academic dental institutions and to examine these issues from personal, professional, and legal perspectives. After providing an update on social media, the article considers the advantages and risks associated with the use of social media at the interpersonal, professional, and institutional levels. Policies and legal issues of which academic dental institutions need to be aware from a compliance perspective are examined, along with considerations and resources needed to develop effective social media policies. The challenge facing dental educators is how to capitalize on the benefits that social media offer, while minimizing risks and complying with the various forms of legal constraint.

  17. Cobertura do solo e estoque de nutrientes de duas leguminosas perenes, considerando espaçamentos e densidades de plantio Soil cover and nutrient accumulation of two perennial legumes as functions of spacing and planting densities

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    A. Perin


    Full Text Available O estabelecimento de leguminosas herbáceas perenes nos sistemas de produção constitui ainda um desafio, principalmente por apresentarem crescimento inicial lento. Para viabilizar sua implantação, este trabalho objetivou determinar as taxas de cobertura do solo, produção de matéria seca, teores e acumulação de N, P e K das leguminosas herbáceas perenes galáxia (Galactia striata e cudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides, considerando espaçamentos e densidades de plantio. O experimento, instalado em dezembro/98 na Embrapa Agrobiologia, Seropédica (RJ, constou do delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 x 4, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram das espécies galáxia e cudzu tropical, plantadas em dois espaçamentos entre sulcos de plantio (25 e 50 cm e quatro densidades de plantas (5, 10, 15 e 20 plantas m-1. A densidade adequada para a rápida cobertura do solo para cudzu tropical e galáxia foi de 10 plantas m-1, no espaçamento de 25 cm entre os sulcos de plantio. A maior produção de matéria seca e acumulação de N, P e K na parte aérea das plantas foram evidenciadas apenas no primeiro corte, sendo os maiores valores obtidos no espaçamento de 25 cm e na densidade de 10 plantas m-1. O espaçamento de 25 cm com 10 plantas m-1 foi a combinação mais adequada para a plena formação da cobertura viva do solo com cudzu tropical e galáxia.The establishment of herbaceous perennial leguminous in production systems is still a challenge, mainly because of the slow initial growth. Evaluations of the soil cover ratio, dry matter production, contents and accumulations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium of the herbaceous perennial Galactia striata and Pueraria phaseoloides, sown in different densities and row spacing, aimed at making their establishments feasible. The experiment was conducted in December/98 at Embrapa Agrobiologia, Seropédica (RJ, in a completely randomized block design, as a factorial

  18. The effects of media on sleep. (United States)

    Van den Bulck, Jan


    The media are an important part of young people's lives, but television, computer games, Internet use, cellular phone use, and even book reading threaten healthy sleep. Adults do not fully comprehend the ways in which young people use various media. Media use is a type of behavior that may displace sleep time or shorten it. Media content may lead to overexcitement or cause recurring nightmares. The cellular telephone is a particular threat. Parents may also use media excessively, establishing an unhealthy environment that may lead to sleep dysfunction in children and adolescents. Therefore, anticipatory guidance for healthy behavioral changes should be focused on the family.

  19. Influencia de los glucocorticoides inhalados sobre la densidad mineral ósea y el metabolismo óseo

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    Fernando D. Saraví


    Full Text Available Los glucocorticoides inhalados (GCI constituyen hoy un tratamiento de primera línea del asma bronquial. Los efectos sistémicos de los GCI, como la supresión del eje hipotalámico- hipofisario-adrenal, son en general menores que los de los glucocorticoides orales. Sin embargo, existe el riesgo de efectos adversos sobre el hueso a largo plazo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar los datos publicados acerca de los efectos de los GCI sobre los marcadores del metabolismo óseo y la densidad mineral ósea en adultos y en pacientes pediátricos. Aunque los estudios examinados no proporcionan resultados uniformes, en términos generales sugieren que los GCI pueden afectar al metabolismo y a la densidad mineral ósea, en particular 1 cuando se administran a dosis elevadas (más de 400 µg/día en niños y más de 800 µg/día en adultos; 2 en pacientes pediátricos, en los que también pueden afectar al crecimiento en estatura; 3 en pacientes cuya ingesta de calcio y vitamina D es inadecuada, y 4 en mujeres postmenopáusicas sin terapia de reposición hormonal. En general, a dosis terapéuticamente equivalentes, la beclometasona tiene mayor efecto deletéreo sobre el hueso que la budesonida, y esta mayor que la fluticasona. Además de la precaución obvia de utilizar la menor dosis eficaz, se proponen como medidas preventivas: 1 la adecuada instrucción sobre el uso de los aerosoles; 2 el uso de cámaras de inhalación; 3 el enjuague bucal tras la administración de GCI, y 4 ajustes o suplementos dietéticos para asegurar una adecuada ingesta de calcio y vitamina D.

  20. SPSSI research summary on media violence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anderson, C.A.; Bushman, B.J.; Donnerstein, E.I.; Hummer, T.A.; Warburton, W. I.


    Media use among children has increased sharply in recent years, due, in part, to a significant increase in multimedia portable devices. On average, U.S. children aged 8-18 spend more than 7 hours a day engaging with media. Governments, professional bodies, and citizens have become increasingly

  1. ¿Los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de sus profesores?

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    Elvia Sánchez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es caracterizar el nivel de victimi - zación de 3.226 estudiantes de educación básica y media, de grados sexto a once, de colegios oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá, desde su percepción de las manifestaciones de maltrato y / o agresión por parte de sus profesores. El instrumento “Maltrato a estudiante por parte del profesor” consta de 20 ítems de respuesta politómica y en él se describe la frecuencia con la que los estudiantes son víctimas de las manifestaciones de violencia y / o agresión evaluadas. Se presentan los resultados del análisis estadístico descriptivo de los datos usando el modelo de teoría de respuesta al ítem de crédito parcial generalizado. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación señalan que, aunque es poco frecuente, los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de algunos de sus profesores.

  2. Caracterización de la composición y fluctuaciones en la densidad y diversidad de los ensambles planctónicos en cuatro humedales de Tarapacá

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    Esteban Quinan


    Full Text Available La limnología de los humedales interiores en Tarapacá presenta ciclos productivos altamente dependientes de las lluvias estivales y las condiciones fisicoquímicas del medio. Entre 2013 y 2015 se estudiaron ensambles planctónicos de dos lagunas de evaporación y dos quebradas, durante dos temporadas productivas y dos vegetativas, junto con esto se observaron las condiciones fisicoquímicas asociadas. Los resultados mostraron que el fitoplancton en general estuvo dominado por diatomeas y solo en una quebrada por algas verdes, mientras que el zooplancton presentó composiciones muy distintas entre las lagunas y entre las quebradas, con importantes variaciones temporales. En lagunas las densidades altas de zooplancton asociaron positivamente con sólidos disueltos totales y su diversidad inversamente con la temperatura, por su parte la diversidad de fitoplancton mantuvo una relación inversa con la riqueza de zooplancton.

  3. Integrating social media and social marketing: a four-step process. (United States)

    Thackeray, Rosemary; Neiger, Brad L; Keller, Heidi


    Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that allows individuals to create, collaborate, and share content with one another. Practitioners can realize social media's untapped potential by incorporating it as part of the larger social marketing strategy, beyond promotion. Social media, if used correctly, may help organizations increase their capacity for putting the consumer at the center of the social marketing process. The purpose of this article is to provide a template for strategic thinking to successfully include social media as part of the social marketing strategy by using a four-step process.

  4. El niño, oscilación del sur (ENOS, con relación a la transmisión de malaria, densidad y paridad de An. albimanus y An. darlingi (diptera: culicidae en dos regiones de Colombia

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    Ricardo Mantilla


    Full Text Available

    Una fuerte asociación ha sido registrada entre los incrementos en la transmisiónas forzadas por el fenómeno El Niño. Entre las posibles explicaciones para esta asociación está el efecto del clima sobre la dinámica de población de vectores, por ejemplo, generando cambios en la densidad y en las tasas de sobrevivencia de la población, y en la cantidad y calidad de sitios de reproducción, como también a través de cambios en el período de incubación extrínseco del parásito dentro del vector. Con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de ENOS sobre la densidad y paridad de Anopheles albimanus y An. darlingi, y su relación con la transmisión de malaria, se realizó un estudio longitudinal en Chocó y Casanare. En cada área se seleccionaron dos localidades y se realizaron muestreos entomológicos durante una semana cada mes, desde finales de 1997 hasta 1999. Este período cubrió los eventos El Niño 1997 -1998 y La Niña 1998 - 2000. En las localidades de Chocó se observó un importante incremento en el número de casos de malaria durante el evento ENOS, asociado con la temperatura. No se observó una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre los casos de malaria y la precipitación o la humedad relativa. La relación entre el incremento de malaria durante El Niño y las variables entomológicas no fue evidente. La densidad y paridad de ambas especies de vectores fluctuaron durante el período de estudio y no se encontró una asociación significativa entre estas variables y los factores climáticos como la temperatura. La precipitación y la humedad relativa. La densidad de larvas de An. albimanus fluctuó durante el estudio, y mostró altas densidades alrededor de julio - agosto. No se observó asociación entre la densidad de larvas con la densidad de adultos o las variables climáticas. El efecto del evento ENOS sobre las poblaciones de vectores

  5. Media and (Demythologization

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    Damir Kukić


    Full Text Available The media participate in the creation of new myths in modern society. Some of these myths have been created in the entertainment industry as well as in celebrity culture. The new media stars, regardless of the period of their popularity, function as part of the star strategy. However, as an element of the cultural matrix, the media also participate in the process of creating new political myths. In ethno-national and closed societies the myths function as a fundamental component for the unification of a nation and the definition of its identity. In such a context, their role is to create an image of the world, by shaping images from the past, in which people from other cultures and nations are presented as enemies.

  6. Social Media Strategies for School Principals (United States)

    Cox, Dan; McLeod, Scott


    The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe, analyze, and interpret the experiences of school principals who use multiple social media tools with stakeholders as part of their comprehensive communications practices. Additionally, it examined why school principals have chosen to communicate with their stakeholders through social media.…

  7. Liquid Subjects: News Media and Public Political Pedagogy (United States)

    Piotrowski, Marcelina; Ruitenberg, Claudia


    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between news media and political education within consumer society. We argue that political education today needs to be understood as part of consumerism and media culture, in which individuals selectively expose themselves to and scrutinize various media representations not only of…

  8. Fukushima and follow-up. Media coverage, public opinion, political consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolling, Jens; Arlt, Dorothee


    The study includes the following contributions: Introduction: An earth quake and its (political) consequences; Part 1: Nuclear energy in the historical-comparative perspective: The largest assumable reevaluation? Loss of confidence in nuclear power. Part 2: Reactions of the media in Germany: German nuclear phase-out made in Japan? Risk perception in case of accident. Part 3: International comparison of the media reactions: Framing Fukushima. The nuclear disaster as topic of the international communication. Emotionalized reporting? Energy sources in the media reporting. Changes due to Fukushima? Part 4: Reactions of the public on the nuclear disaster and the media reporting: Fukushima effects in Germany? Risk reporting and risk perception. The influence of the reactor accident on the nuclear risk perception and the general environmental awareness of the public. On the influence of the nuclear disaster of Fukushima and the appraisement of different energy sources in Germany.

  9. Social Media Cocreation Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Larson, Mia


    This paper explores how social media becomes a part of integrated marketing communications of festival organizations. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the co-creation of festival experiences online by comparing managerial strategies and communicative patterns of three large....... Based on the empirical findings, we propose an analytical framework to improve our understanding of the management of social media communications, offering three distinct value co-creation strategies in a festival context....

  10. Media and the ageing body

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Givskov, Cecilie; Petersen, Line Nybro


    In this introductory article we offer a frame for understanding the relationship between the ageing body and the media as the focus for this special issue. As societies age, issues of representations of old bodies and people’s practices and embodied experiences with media technologies requires...... with this duality: the changing sociocultural conditions for the ageing body and the changing authority of media and its role for the ageing body. Finally, we briefly introduce the articles that are part of the special issue ‘The ageing body and the media’....

  11. Gender, Social Change and the Media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The book introduces the recent complex development trajectory of Nepal. The first part consist of a number of specialist contributions on gender, social change and media; while the second is focused more specifically on the role of art and theater in its societal context.......The book introduces the recent complex development trajectory of Nepal. The first part consist of a number of specialist contributions on gender, social change and media; while the second is focused more specifically on the role of art and theater in its societal context....

  12. Avaliação da densidade óptica da superfície oclusal através de radiografias digitalizadas e sua relação com a presença de lesões de cárie em molares decíduos = Occlusal surface optical density measurement in digitized radiographs and the presence of caries in deciduous molars

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    Dutra, Giovana Martins Cezar


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho de dois sistemas de medição de densidade óptica numa amostra composta por segundos molares decíduos, assim como relacionar a presença de lesão de cárie dentinária na superfície oclusal de segundos molares decíduos com os valores de densidade óptica desta superfície, utilizando dois programas de computador. Para isso foi realizada a medição da densidade óptica de 28 radiografias padronizadas de segundos molares decíduos em dois programas de computador diferentes. Os resultados obtidos com o programa Digora® for Windows 2. 1 foram comparados com os obtidos no programa Image Tool for Windows 3. 0. Ainda, os valores de densidade óptica encontrados foram relacionados aos diagnósticos obtidos com o exame dos dentes no estereomicroscópio. Os programas Digora e Image Tool apresentaram valores de densidade óptica semelhantes, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Ainda, a densidade óptica observada nos dentes que não apresentavam lesões de cárie dentinárias na superfície oclusal foi diferente daquela cujos dentes possuiam lesão em dentina (p = 0,035. Entretanto, com os resultados obtidos neste estudo não foi possível estabelecer intervalos de densidade óptica correspondentes a superfícies oclusais com presença ou ausência de lesões de cárie em dentina

  13. The adoption of social media and social media marketing by dentists in South Africa. (United States)

    Snyman, L; Visser, J H


    The purpose of the study was to identify and understand social media usage behaviour of dentists in South Africa, in general and in particular as part of their marketing strategy and to consider the potential determinants associated with these behaviours. Dentists who are members of the South African Dental Association were requested to anonymously complete an online questionnaire. Apart from demographic information, respondents were asked to report on their use of social media and their adoption of social media marketing. One-on-one interviews were also conducted with three dentists, to gain a deeper understanding of their adoption of this marketing option. South African dentists have started to embrace social media and 50.2% interact through these channels at least once a day. The most popular social media platforms are GooglePlus and Facebook. Respondents use social media mainly for personal purposes, including staying connected to family and friends.. Only 13.2% of those responding currently use social media as a marketing tool, but the majority (83.5%) predict that such usage will increase in future. Social media marketing is a growing trend and will become more significant in future. Although respondents used social media regularly for personal purposes, most are only now starting to use it as a marketing tool.

  14. Estimativa da capacidade de campo pela curva de retenção e pela densidade de fluxo da água

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    Alexsandro dos Santos Brito


    Full Text Available A capacidade de campo é um parâmetro de inegável relevância para o manejo adequado da irrigação. A partir da determinação confiável do conteúdo de água no solo na capacidade de campo, pode-se otimizar a produtividade das culturas agrícolas, maximizando a eficiência do uso da água pelas plantas e evitando a contaminação do lençol freático por lixiviação de fertilizantes e agroquímicos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de campo (a pelo cálculo da densidade de fluxo da água durante o processo de redistribuição no experimento clássico de determinação desse parâmetro e (b a partir de uma dada tensão da água na curva de retenção, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo textura média, localizado em área experimental da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Para isso, instalaram-se no solo, até a profundidade de 1,9 m, 60 tubos de acesso a uma sonda de nêutrons, numa rede de malha quadrada de 5 m (6 x 10 pontos amostrais, e, adjacente a cada tubo, dois tensiômetros, um a 0,75 m e outro a 0,85 m de profundidade. Nos 60 pontos (locais amostrais, desenvolveu-se um experimento similar ao experimento clássico de determinação da capacidade de campo, no qual o solo foi devidamente submetido a uma lâmina de infiltração visando à saturação do seu perfil; sua superfície, coberta com lona plástica para evitar fluxo de água através dela; e a redistribuição da água, monitorada até a profundidade de 0,8 m durante 20 dias. Observou-se que o conteúdo de água correspondente a uma densidade de fluxo de 1,0 mm dia-1 é a melhor estimativa da capacidade de campo para esse solo, uma vez que as densidades de fluxo de 0,1 e 0,01 mm dia-1, também recomendadas para estimar a capacidade de campo, são muito baixas, a ponto de não terem sido alcançadas neste estudo. Quanto aos resultados obtidos pelo método baseado na curva de


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    Alexandra Elena POȘTOACĂ


    Full Text Available This article represents a short overview of the media landscape for the banking category in Romania in 2012. Unlike the other categories (for example FMCG – fast moving consumer goods, the banking category is more complex because every bank can communicate for a wider range of products (credits, deposits, packages dedicated to students, pensioners and other types of banking products. In the first part of this paper, there will be presented some theoretical notions about media planning and media analyses in order for the lecturer to easily go through the second part of the article. The second part of the paper will only refer to TV analyses. This media channel owns the highest budget share in our category, and also in the media mix of every important player, active in the Romanian market. The analyses will show which bank communicated most effectively, which is the most important spender on TV, what banking products had the largest budget allocated, which is the pattern for this category when it comes to allocating audience points for each day interval and so on. The starting point of this analyses is based on the secondary data obtained from InfoSys+ which is the world’s leading TV analyses software, used in more than 29 countries by 8000+ users.

  16. The 2016 Amatrice seismic sequence in the Media

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    Gemma Musacchio


    Full Text Available Media's power in setting the public’s agenda for discussion can affect perception and debate upon disasters. In the frame of a dialogical approach to science communication, we challenge here the paradigm for which issues that experts considered valuable are not in the Media's agenda. We studied the way Media addressed the Amatrice 2016 sequence and discuss story-telling. Specific indicators were analyzed to assess to what extent the scientific coverage, risk reduction and damage issues are covered. First results show that Media do think valuable to provide public with an in-depth scientific coverage and refers to authoritative sources. As time goes by and aftershocks Magnitude decreases a more reflexive thinking is triggered; news stories include more risk reduction indicators than damage. Although memory of past earthquakes is always part of the story one month after the main shock risk reduction disappear from the media agenda. We also explored the level of public engagement in risk reduction and found out that Media still seem not believe that citizens should be active part of the debate upon their own safety.

  17. Spin in the Media - the Media in a (self-Spin?

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    Nete Nørgaard Kristensen


    Full Text Available The article focuses on the discussion of spin in the Danish media, especially during the 2005 election campaign, in which spin was a prominent issue amongst journalists. The main argument is that this is not primarily an expression of a professional, self-reflective con- sciousness regarding the shifts in the relationship between the media, society and politics. Rather, it is an expression of a self-legitimizing meta-discourse that might, however, fail to see the more structurally rooted tendencies that spin is part of - a mediatization of politics - presenting new perspectives and challenges for both politics and the media. These perspectives appear to disintegrate in the comprehen- sive but often one-dimensional and self-centered discourse of jour- nalists and communication experts, wherein they proclaim every political, communicative initiative as spin in the hunt for the disclosure of political facade.

  18. Managing social media in festivals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larson, Mia; Gyimóthy, Szilvia

    media carry many opportunities; on the other hand, their strategic use is paved with a number of challenges. Many managers are overwhelmed and lack a full appreciation or knowledge about the potentials of social media such as how to control content, timing and frequency of information (Muniz & Schau......, 2007; Meerman Scott, 2010). The current disorientation of practitioners yielded a vast body of consultancy literature and airport bestsellers advocating success recipes for dealing strategically with social media (see for example Falls & Decker 2011; Bradley & McDonald 2011). On the other hand......, there exists very little published research that conceptualizes this field and provides empirical analyses of how social media becomes a part of integrated marketing communications. The purpose of this paper is to address this research gap and to explore how festival organisations use social media to rearrange...

  19. Dynamic composite elastic medium theory. Part II. Three-dimensional media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaelin, B.; Johnson, L.R.


    Non-self-consistent and self-consistent methods of estimating velocity and attenuation of P waves and S waves at all frequencies for heterogeneous media with three-dimensional inclusions are formulated using the scattering functions of the individual inclusions. The methods are the generalization of methods for one-dimensional media presented in the first paper of this series. The specific case of spherical inclusions is calculated with the exact scattering function and compared with several low frequency approximations. The self-consistent estimates are consistent with Berryman close-quote s low frequency approximation. We present spectra and wave forms of materials with solid and liquid inclusions in a solid matrix. The results show that the exact scattering functions are required to adequately describe wave propagation at all frequencies. The analysis of liquid inclusions demonstrates that viscous damping may become important only if scattering attenuation due to spherical pores is small

  20. Forest products industry in a digital age: Factors affecting social media adoption (United States)

    Kathryn Gazal; Iris Montague; Rajendra Poudel; Jan Wiedenbeck


    The use of social media as a marketing tool has increased significantly in recent years. However, limited information is available regarding social media use in the US forest products industry or social media adoption at the organizational level, especially within the business-to-business context. This study presents part two of a two-part series of articles that look...

  1. Staging Urban Interactions with Media Facades

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin; Dalsgaard, Peter; Ebsen, Tobias


    Using media façades as a subcategory of urban computing, this paper contributes to the understanding of spatial interaction, sense-making, and social mediation as part of identifying key characteristics of interaction with media façades. Our research addresses in particular the open-ended but fra......Using media façades as a subcategory of urban computing, this paper contributes to the understanding of spatial interaction, sense-making, and social mediation as part of identifying key characteristics of interaction with media façades. Our research addresses in particular the open......-ended but framed nature of interaction, which in conjunction with varying interpretations enables individual sense-making. Moreover, we contribute to the understanding of flexible social interaction by addressing urban interaction in relation to distributed attention, shared focus, dialogue and collective action....... Finally we address challenges for interaction designers encountered in a complex spatial setting calling for a need to take into account multiple viewing and action positions. Our research-through-design approach has included a real-life design intervention in terms of the design, implementation...

  2. LES MISÉRABLES IN THE MEDIA: AN ESSAY IN FOUR PARTS. Part I. Very Successful Performances: from Kitsch to artistic potential

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    Miceli Sergio


    Full Text Available Famous Italian scientist Sergio Miceli examines the phenomenon of adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel in audio and audiovisual media, from radio theater productions of O.Welles and French "classic" films of the 1930s, for example, directed by R.Bernard and music composed by A .Honegger, to the modern on-screen interpretations of C.Lelouch and B.August, miniseries of director J.Dayan and animated films: VHS – TV – DVD. The researcher proposes to consider the video-recording of live performance in theater like a reproductive medium adaptation. Author stops especially on music of the Italian composer A.Cicognini in the second post-war Italian film of R.Freda, on work of the Hollywood composer A.North in L.Milestone’s movie, on the one of the first television version directed by J.-P. le Chanois with music of J. van Parys, and on the biggest Les Misérables TV version (3 hours and 40 minutes directed by R.Hossein, 1983 (composer M.Magne. In addition, unprecedented in the history and hyper-mass case of adaptation of a literary opus is confirmed via many musicals, musical shows, flash mobs, comics, shows staged in colleges, "interpretations" on YouTube, etc. (Part III. The last Part (IV is entirely dedicated to Les Misérables on stage and in movie musicals.

  3. Extrude Hone deburring with X-base media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillespie, L.K.


    Small precision mechanisms must have burr-free, sharp-edged parts to operate well. Controlling the size of burrs can lower burr removal costs and improve edge repeatability. Study results indicated that with conventional tooling approaches, Extrude Hone deburring with x-base media removes more material from the hole than desired and is less repeatable than required on precision miniature parts. With this media, the process is most applicable to precision miniature parts with burrs less than 25.4 thick, allowable hole size changes equal to burr thickness, and allowable hole size repeatability of +-0.2 times the actual average hole size change.

  4. Digital Humanities and networked digital media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Finnemann, Niels Ole


    This article discusses digital humanities and the growing diversity of digital media, digital materials and digital methods. The first section describes the humanities computing tradition formed around the interpretation of computation as a rule-based process connected to a concept of digital...... materials centred on the digitisation of non-digital, finite works, corpora and oeuvres. The second section discusses “the big tent” of contemporary digital humanities. It is argued that there can be no unifying interpretation of digital humanities above the level of studying digital materials with the help...... of software-supported methods. This is so, in part, because of the complexity of the world and, in part, because digital media remain open to the projection of new epistemologies onto the functional architecture of these media. The third section discusses the heterogeneous character of digital materials...

  5. Fra massemedier til mediesystem - om kodediskussionen i systemteoretisk medieforskning Fra massemedier til mediesystem - om kodediskussionen i systemteoretisk medieforskning [From mass media to media system - code discussions in systems theoretical media research

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    Mikkel Fugl Eskjær


    Full Text Available Systemteoretisk medieforskning rejser spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt massemedierne udgør en samlet institution, eller om medierne, i kraft af deres indbyrdes forskelle, skal betragtes uafhængigt af hinanden. Ved at indskrive medierne i en generel samfundsteori fremstiller systemteorien medierne som et autonomt funktionssystem. Denne bestræbelse kommer tydeligst til udtryk i identifikationen af en fælles kode for massemediernes system. Med udgangspunkt i Niklas Luhmanns medieteori foretager nærværende artikel en kritisk gennemgang af den systemteoretiske medieforsknings kodediskussion. Første del præsenterer kort systemteoriens kodebegreb og Luhmanns bestemmelse af mediesystemet som organiseret omkring koden information. Den midterste del gennemgår en række alternative forslag til denne kodedefinition, hvilket illustrerer omfanget, men også nogle af begrænsningerne, ved systemteoretisk medieforskning. Sidste del foretager en kritisk diskussion af systemteoriens kodeproblematik og viser, hvordan en ensidig kodefokusering står i vejen for en fortsat udforskning af vilkårene for mediesystemets udvikling og autonomi.Systems theoretical media research raises the question whether the mass media constitute a unified institution, or whether the media, due to their internal differences, should be considered individually and independent of each other. By inscribing the media in a general social theory, systems theory conceptualises the media as an autonomous functional system. This intention is most clearly illustrated by the efforts to identify a shared code for the entire media system. Based on the media theory of Niklas Luhmann, this paper offers a critical presentation of the code discussion within systems theoretical media research. The first part of the paper briefly introduces the systems theoretical notion of a code as well as Luhmann’s definition of the media system as organised and regulated by the code of information. The second part

  6. European media law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Castendyk, O.; Dommering, E.; Scheuer, A.


    European Union legislation concerning electronic communications media is firmly established as an essential part of the law in the field in Europe. From relevant provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights and the EC Treaty to numerous directives, the most recent being the Audiovisual

  7. Densidade de plantio na produtividade e nos teores de nutrientes nas folhas e frutos da bananeira cv. Thap Maeo Plants density on yield and nutrients concentration in leaves and fruits of banana cv. Thap Maeo

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    Adônis Moreira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da densidade de plantio na produtividade, tempo de colheita e teores dos nutrientes nas folhas e nos frutos de bananeira cv. Thap Maeo (AAB cultivada em Manaus (AM. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos fatores: três densidades de plantio (1.111; 1.667 e 3.333 plantas ha-1 e duas épocas de colheita (primeiro e segundo ciclos. Os resultados do primeiro e segundo ciclos mostraram incremento significativo da produtividade, com aumento da densidade de plantio. O tempo médio para colheita dos cachos foi menor na densidade de 1.111 plantas ha-1 (1º ciclo, 338 e 2º ciclo, 401 dias. Na média das densidades e independentemente do ciclo, os teores de macronutrientes nos frutos apresentaram a ordem de: K>N>P>Mg>Ca=S, enquanto a dos micronutrientes foi: 1º ciclo - Cl>Fe>Mn=B>Zn>Cu e 2º ciclo - Cl>Fe>Zn>B=Mn>Cu.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of plants density on yield, period of harvest and nutrients concentration in leaves and fruits of banana cv. Thap Maeo (AAB, cultivated in Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil. The experiment was conduced in a randomized blocks, with three replicates. Treatments were comprised of planting density (1,111; 1,667 and 3,333 plants ha-1, and two cycles of harvest (sub treatments. The results obtained from 1st cycle and 2nd cycle showed significant increase in the yield per unit area as the employed plant density increased. The shortest average period to harvest banana bunches (1st cycle, 338 days and 2nd cycle, 401 days was observed for the lower density (1,111 plants ha-1. Pooled data of density and cycles showed that exportation of macronutrients through the fruits was, in order: K>N>P>Mg>Ca=S, while in micronutrients was: 1st cycle - Cl>Fe>Mn=B>Zn>Cu, and 2nd cycle - Cl>Fe>Zn>B=Mn>Cu.

  8. Sistemas de labranza y densidades de la batata: calidad del suelo y de las raíces tuberosas.

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    Maiby Pérez-Darniz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de sistemas de labranza y densidades de siembra en la calidad de las raíces tuberosas de batata (Ipomoea batata (L Lamb.. El estudio se realizó en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, en el año 2014. Se determinaron los grados de severidad de la degradación del suelo y su correspondencia con las escalas de preferencia basadas en el peso unitario y dimensiones de la raíz tuberosa. Se usó un arreglo en franjas, donde los sistemas de labranza (SL fueron asignados a las parcelas, y las densidades de siembra (Ds a las franjas. Los SL consistieron en labranza vertical con cincel (LC, con arado de disco (LA, convencional con tres pases de rastra de disco (LCo y mínima con un pase de rastra de disco (LM. Las Ds fueron de 0,25 cm (D1 y 0,15 cm (D2 en la hilera. La calidad física del suelo fue superior en los tratamientos de LA. De estos, la combinación con la distancia de siembra más larga (LA-D1 favoreció la mayor calidad postcosecha del cultivo. Al contrario, en los tratamientos con cincel se promovió la menor aceptación del consumidor. La ligera a moderada severidad de la degradación del suelo no explicó la variación de la calidad postcosecha. Se in ere sobre la menor tasa de movimiento de agua en LC, que promovió un exceso de humedad y la más baja calidad de la raíz tuberosa.

  9. Femicide in media

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    Mršević Zorica


    Full Text Available Media in Serbia explain femicide usually as caused by poverty and alcoholism. This style is gender blind and socially stereotyped because of neglected gender aspects of male violence against women. Particular problem is lack of problematizing obvious social “permission” of male violence. Femicide is regularly presented as an incident, allegedly impossible for anticipation rather than tragic epilogue of long lasting male violence against women which as such exists as a part of traditional gender social relations and roles. Media overlook that alcohol and poverty may only contribute to intensification of already existing, widely accepted domination of men and subordination of women. Media reports as a rule didn’t enter deeper into problems of institutional and social context in which is perpetrated long lasting violence as prefacing femicide. Media also never criticize the social behavior of neighbors, relatives and all others informed on the domestic violence, but rather avoid „mixing“into privacy matters. Thus violence escalates without barriers, eventually developed in femicide, murder a woman, victim of this, decades long lasting violence.

  10. Subsidizing Media Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kammer, Aske; Hobel, Emil

    When the Danish Parliament revised the media-subsidy framework in 2013/2014, one of the new initiatives was the introduction of a pool of funding earmarked to establishing and developing new news media – the so-called “innovation fund”. So, as the news industry struggles to keep journalism a viable...... and economically sustainable activity, the institutionalization of financial support for media innovation constitute one way for policy makers to bring (parts of) the journalistic environment up-to-date with the digital age, thereby improving the conditions for an informed citizenry in the future (Kammer...... scrutinizes the practical administration of the innovation fund in the first two years of its existence, analyzing all applications for innovation subsidies in 2014 and 2015 as well as all acceptance and rejection letters. With this empirical material and a combination of quantitative and qualitative...

  11. Benefits of social media for nurses and service users. (United States)

    Betton, Victoria is deputy; Tomlinson, Victoria

    People with mental health problems are increasingly using social media channels as part of their recovery and to improve their lives. This article discusses social media and how it can be used to complement healthcare, offers useful tips on using social media, and explores case studies for nurses to use in clinical practice.

  12. Regenerating an Arsenic Removal Iron-Based Adsorptive Media System, Part 1: The Regeneration Process (United States)

    Adsorptive media technology is a frequently used method of removing arsenic by small water systems because of its simplicity and efficiency. Current practice is to replace the media when it no longer reduces arsenic below the USEPA drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL) ...

  13. Visual communication on social media Case: Suomen Partiolaiset


    Tuominen, Enni


    The purpose of this study was to investigate what kind of visual messages the Central Association of Scouts and Guides in Finland use in their social media, how the messages are perceived and how they could be optimized. The theoretical part explains the key concepts of social media and how it is used among Finnish youth. The chosen social media platforms, Instagram and Twitter are also looked into, fol-lowed by chapters explaining the science of studying social media monitoring, visual m...

  14. Desenvolvimento e produção da bananeira 'grande naine' sob diferentes densidades de plantio em região com ocorrência natural de sigatoka-negra

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    Edson Shigueaki Nomura


    Full Text Available A alta densidade de plantio de algumas cultivares de bananeira é uma prática utilizável para aumentar a produtividade, sobretudo em regiões afetadas pela Sigatoka. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produção de bananeiras 'Grande Naine' cultivadas em diferentes densidades de plantio para a convivência com a Sigatoka-Negra no Vale do Ribeira-SP. Para isso, foi instalado pomar de bananeiras produzidas in vitro da 'Grande Naine', em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2, sendo cinco densidades (2.500; 2.222; 2.000; 1.667 e 1.111 plantas.ha-1 e dois ciclos de produção. A severidade da Sigatoka-Negra foi monitorada semanalmente, utilizando o método de Estado da Evolução (EE e para o seu controle foram definidas pela segunda progressão consecutiva da severidade e/ou aumento superior a 200 pontos de uma semana para a outra. De cada parcela, oito plantas foram avaliadas quanto à altura, diâmetro do pseudocaule, número de folhas ativas no florescimento e na colheita, massa fresca dos frutos comercializáveis, produtividade, número de pencas e frutos no cacho, massa fresca total e por frutos da 2ª penca, comprimento e diâmetro de frutos da 2ª penca. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, e as médias, quando significativas, foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (5% de probabilidade. Diante das condições experimentais, conclui-se que o adensamento não influenciou no desenvolvimento em altura da planta e no diâmetro do pseudocaule de bananeira 'Grande Naine'. O adensamento de plantas proporcionou maiores produtividades de bananeira 'Grande Naine' nas condições do Vale do Ribera-SP.

  15. Motivations for Sharing Tourism Experiences through Social Media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munar, Ana Maria; Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen


    Social media are increasingly relevant as part of tourism practices affecting destinations and businesses. Based on a destination-specific survey, this study charts and explores summer holidaymakers' motivations for social media contributions and their willingness to share content through various...

  16. Estrés abiótico en maíz : efectos sobre la variabilidad poblacional del crecimiento de las plantas, la partición de biomasa y el desarrollo reproductivo en genotipos contrastantes en su tolerancia a la densidad


    Rossini, María de los Angeles


    Los sistemas de producción de maíz (Zea mays L.)en secano con altas densidades de siembra promueven procesos de competencia intra-específica desde etapas tempranas del desarrollo. Existen diferencias genotípicas en la evolución temporal de la variabilidad poblacional del crecimiento de las plantas (indicativa de la intensidad de la competencia intra-específica)en cultivos con densidades de siembra contrastantes. Sin embargo, esta información es escasa en cultivos bajo estrés hídrico y nitroge...

  17. Análise comparativa da densidade de neurônios em áreas corticais de diferentes raças de cães

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    Alessandra Esteves


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas e comparadas as densidades neuronais do córtex cerebral de três raças de cães, com tipos constitucionais e aptidões funcionais característicos e distintos entre si. Dos encéfalos foram retirados fragmentos das diferentes áreas do córtex cerebral, correspondentes ao sistema límbico, visual, auditiva, motor, paladar, olfato e à área somestésica. Através de contagem visual-manual, foram buscados dados comparativos, entre áreas cerebrais versus raça associando tipos constitucionais versus aptidão funcional. Os fatores raças, áreas funcionais e hemisférios cerebrais podem ser variáveis dependentes entre si, pois foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em valores correspondentes à média de densidade de neurônios das áreas estudadas nas diferentes raças, bem como entre os hemisférios cerebrais. Os resultados permitem concluir que a distribuição quantitativa de neurônios nas diferentes áreas corticais estudadas mostra diferenças significativas que estabelecem correlações com as aptidões funcionais e respectivos tipos constitucionais das raças enfocadas.

  18. Weibo or Weixin? Gratifications for Using Different Social Media


    Gan , Chunmei; Wang , Weijun


    Part 1: Digital Services; International audience; Social media has experienced great changes in recent years. Various social media platforms emerge and develop significantly. Why users choose to use some particular social media becomes a major concern. Through adopting uses and gratifications theory, this study aims to explore gratifications sought from using two popular social media: Weibo and Weixin. Data was collected by eighteen in-depth interviews and content analysis was conducted for d...

  19. Media education as a system of health personalities software in media-information space

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    Ye. M. Velykodna


    Full Text Available The main purpose of the article is to outline the problems of health and human security in the media­information education space. Media education as a system of values formation under conditions of medial ­ information educational environment focused on developing and providing protective functions in their close interdependence. Training is aimed at creating conditions for the development of spiritual subjects of education, promotion of positive changes in their personal development. Protective aimed at improving the social protection of business education in the destructive tendencies in society , to neutralize the impact of negative factors media. The most important part of media education in the context of ensuring the health of the individual is the formation of values education activity as the basis of spiritual health. It is shown that meaningful use sens formative influence of media­information space determines the priority position of media education as a factor in providing mental health of the individual. Formation of mental health is associated with the conscious assimilation of certain belief systems of the world. According media education focuses not on broadcast ready «moral absolutes «, and the simulation of specific situations in which the individual is necessary to self­determination regarding fundamental values and principles of implementing these values in life.

  20. Cultivo de células mesenquimais do sangue de cordão umbilical com e sem uso do gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque Blood mesenchymal stem cell culture from the umbilical cord with and without Ficoll-Paque density gradient method

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    Rosa Sayoko Kawasaki-Oyama


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Implantação de técnicas de isolamento e cultivo de células-tronco mesenquimais do sangue de cordão umbilical humano, com e sem uso de gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque (d=1,077g/ml. MÉTODOS: Dez amostras de sangue de cordão umbilical humano de gestação a termo foram submetidas a dois procedimentos de cultivo de células-tronco mesenquimais: sem gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque e com gradiente de densidade. As células foram semeadas em frascos de 25cm² a uma densidade de 1x10(7células nucleadas/cm² (sem Ficoll e 1,0x10(6 células mononucleares/cm² (com Ficoll. As células aderentes foram submetidas a marcação citoquímica com fosfatase ácida e reativo de Schiff. RESULTADOS: No procedimento sem gradiente de densidade Ficoll, foram obtidas 2,0-13,0x10(7 células nucleadas (mediana=2,35x10(7 e, no procedimento com gradiente de densidade Ficoll, foram obtidas 3,7-15,7x10(6 células mononucleares (mediana=7,2x10(6. Em todas as culturas foram observadas células aderentes 24 horas após o início de cultivo. As células apresentaram morfologias fibroblastóides ou epitelióides. Na maioria das culturas houve proliferação celular nas primeiras semanas de cultivo, mas após a segunda semana, somente três culturas provenientes do método sem gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque mantiveram crescimento celular, formando focos confluentes de células. Essas culturas foram submetidas a várias etapas de tripsinização para espalhamento ou subdivisão e permaneceram em cultivo por períodos que variaram de dois a três meses. CONCLUSÃO: Nas amostras estudadas, o isolamento e cultivo de células-tronco mesenquimais do sangue de cordão umbilical humano pelo método sem gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque foi mais eficiente do que o método com gradiente de densidade Ficoll-Paque.OBJECTIVES: Implantation of cell separation and mesenchymal stem cell culture techniques from human umbilical cord blood with and without using the

  1. Qualidade nutricional de cenoura e alface cultivadas em Mossoró-RN em função da densidade populacional Nutritional quality of carrot and lettuce grown in Mossoró-RN, Brazil, as affected by plant densities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Bezerra Neto


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado durante o período de junho a setembro de 2003, na área experimental do departamento de Ciências Vegetais da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA, em Mossoró-RN, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de densidades populacionais de cenoura e de alface, em segundo, cultivo na qualidade nutricional desses cultivos em sistema de consorciação em faixa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com três repetições. As populações de referência para o cultivo solteiro (PRCS foram de 500.000 plantas.ha-1 para a cenoura e de 250.000 plantas.ha-1 para a alface, que corresponderam à densidade populacional de 100%. Os tratamentos foram resultantes da combinação de quatro populações de cenoura (40%, 60%, 80% e 100% da PRCS com quatro populações de alface (40%, 60%, 80% e 100% da PRCS. As características avaliadas nas raízes da cenoura foram firmeza, conteúdo de vitamina C, carotenóides totais e beta-caroteno, e nas folhas da alface firmeza, conteúdo de vitamina C, carotenóides totais e clorofila total. Foram utilizadas a cv Brasília (cenoura e a cv. Tainá (alface. As associações de densidades populacionais de cenoura e alface não afetaram qualquer característica de ambas as culturas. Porém, as densidades populacionais da cenoura influenciaram as características da cenoura, e as densidades de alface afetaram as características da folha de alface. A firmeza, conteúdo de vitamina C e de beta-caroteno nas raízes da cenoura diminuíram com o aumento da densidade deste cultivo, enquanto que o conteúdo de carotenóides totais aumentou com o incremento na densidade populacional desta cultura. Mesmo comportamento decrescente também foi observado no conteúdo de vitamina C, carotenóides totais e de clorofila total nas folhas de alface com o aumento da densidade populacional de alface.The experiment was carried

  2. Using Social Media to Support Clinical Education. (United States)

    Jackson, Jennifer


    Social media has been used increasingly as part of nursing education. Nurse educators at a large, multisite teaching hospital used social media to support clinical teaching. A series of educational images was created by nurse educators and shared across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This campaign coincided with in-unit clinical education. Nurse educators can consider using social media as an adjunct to clinical teaching, especially in large hospital settings. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2017;48(12):541-542. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  3. Use of social media in the classroom


    Kobal, Maruša


    In the thesis I examined the use of social media in the classroom at school. In the first part I presented the use of social networks in the European Union and information literacy in Slovenia. I presented, more specifically, social software and selected currently the most popular social networks and the one, used for educational purposes. I also presented good and bad sites of social media, according to teachers who already use social media in the learning process. I also collected examples ...

  4. Foundations of Social Media Marketing


    Constantinides, Efthymios


    The Social Media have changed the power structures in the marketplace; evidence points to a major power migration taking place and to emergence of a new breed of powerful and sophisticated customer, difficult to influence, persuade and retain The paper outlines the nature, effects and present status of the Social Media, underlying their role as customer empowerment agents. It explains their aptitude and possible roles as part of the corporate Marketing strategy and identifies different ways o...

  5. Learning and Teaching Art: Through Social Media (United States)

    Castro, Juan Carlos


    Social media practices are increasingly woven into the everyday lives of teens and adults, becoming a significant part of how they relate, know, and learn. In this article, I present findings from a design-based research study that explored how the dynamics of learning and teaching art shift through social media. Learning and teaching through…

  6. ¿Los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de sus profesores?


    Elvia Sánchez-Jiménez; Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo


    El objetivo del presente artículo es caracterizar el nivel de victimi - zación de 3.226 estudiantes de educación básica y media, de grados sexto a once, de colegios oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá, desde su percepción de las manifestaciones de maltrato y / o agresión por parte de sus profesores. El instrumento “Maltrato a estudiante por parte del profesor” consta de 20 ítems de respuesta politómica y en él se describe la frecuencia con la que los estudiantes son víctimas de las manifestacion...

  7. Propagating discontinuities in ionized porous media

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaijeveld, F.


    Ionized porous media swell or shrink under changing osmotic conditions. Examples of such materials are shales, clays, hydrogels and tissues. The materials are represented as a multi-phase material consisting of a solid part and a fluid part with fixed charges embedded in the solid matrix and counter

  8. Talking about a revolution: climate change and the media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shanahan, Mike


    The paper reviews how the media reports on, and what people think about, climate change in different parts of the world. The issue has never been higher on the media's agenda, yet problems persist in the way it is reported. While the media is not entirely to blame, it can do much to improve its telling of climate change stories.

  9. Reflexões acerca das nanotecnologias e as novas densidades técnicas-científicas-informacionais na agricultura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soraia de Fátima Ramos


    Full Text Available As pesquisas sobre os potenciais usos das nanotecnologias no agronegócio suscitam enormes dúvidas sobre os reais benefícios ou malefícios em relação à adoção desta inovação. Daí a preocupação desta investigação em incluir as ciências humanas nos debates sobre a difusão das nanotecnologias. Pressupõe-se que, dada a efetiva incorporação dos novos produtos e processos nanotecnológicos, irá se configurar um aprofundamento das densidades técnicas-científicas- informacionais no espaço agrário brasileiro.

  10. The culture of social media at work place: Case study in the City of Medan


    Juliandi, Azuar


    Internet-based social media has become a part of life of the public society in this era. Many people use Facebook, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Blogs and other social media to interact with each other. With social media, people exchange information and share experiences in cyberspace. Furthermore, at the present, social media is already becoming a part of the organizational culture in work place. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the culture of social media and knowledge transfer, t...

  11. Successful social media marketing on Instagram. Case @minoshoes


    Nummila, Mia


    The subject of this thesis is successful social media marketing on Instagram, and how to effectively use Instagram to build a strong brand and reach more customers. As a part of this study a case study of MI.NO shoes was conducted. The objective here was to deepen the company’s understanding of Instagram marketing and how the company can use it to improve its sales and customer communication. The theoretical part of this study consists of general information about social media and social ...

  12. Media and information literacy is lifelong education component

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    Gudilina Svetlana


    Full Text Available Mass communications play an important role in lifelong education. Therefore there is a need for formation of media and information literacy at students. The article also describes the features of the European approach to media and information literacy. The necessity of introduction of integrated media education in formal education for the development of metasubject skills needed for further learning and professional training throughout life. The following priority tasks of media education which are identified through experimental research are under discussion: formation of critical thinking, development of information security skills, ethics, etiquette, morality and responsibility. To implement an integrated media education, the strategic actions are: inclusion of the concept of “media education” or “media and information literacy” in the regulations for the formal education, a need to create media education environment as a part of education environment of education institutions, including media education training of students in activity of pedagogical institutions.

  13. Social Media Marketing Strategy for Warere Hotels


    Varakas, Essi


    Social media has become a huge part of the people to people communication, which also reaches out to the business world. Social media can be a very effective marketing channel, especially in hospitality business, where the image marketing is one of the core objects. Nowadays people don’t follow the traditional way of marketing the same way as for example 10 years ago. With right actions in social media channels, the company can gain a lot of visibility, therefor it’s important to plan the ...

  14. Religious communication and hegemony of mass media

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    Petrushkevych Maria Stefanivna


    Full Text Available Religious communication is the complex object of scientific research that involves existential component and the inextricable link with relevant historical trends. Mass culture and the information society put pressure on modern religious communication. Media is actively integrating into the system of religious communication. Hegemony of mass communication is realized through the media and religious communicative system becomes the part of this hegemony. Peculiarities of religious communication processes are conditioned by consciousness of itself impact and the need to integrate into the media system.

  15. A densidade básica e característica anatômicas variam radialmente na madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae). Basic density and anatomical features vary in the radial direction in the wood of Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae).


    Camila Moura SANTOS; Israel Luiz de LIMA; Eduardo Luiz LONGUI; Diego ROMEIRO; Antonio Carlos Scatena ZANATTO; Eurípedes MORAIS; Marcelo ZANATA; Sandra Monteiro Borges FLORSHEIM


    Estudos sobre variações nas dimensões celulares de espécies arbóreas de clima tropical são escassos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variação da densidade básica e da anatomia no sentido radial da madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. Coletaram-se cinco indivíduos da espécie, provenientes da Estação Experimental Luiz Antônio (SP). Os métodos empregados nas análises foram os usualmente utilizados em pesquisas de densidade e anatomia de madeira. De acordo com os result...

  16. Business reputation and social media: A primer on threats and responses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Horn, Ine Schulze; Taros, Torben; Dirkes, Sven; Hüer, Lucas; Rose, Maximilian; Tietmeyer, Raphael; Constantinides, Efthymios


    With the emergence of the interactive web (or Web 2.0), social media applications gained enormous popularity among internet users, forcing businesses to adapt their marketing strategies and engage with social media as part of their marketing toolbox. Social media has empowered the public and

  17. Person Recognition in Social Media Photos


    Oh, Seong Joon; Benenson, Rodrigo; Fritz, Mario; Schiele, Bernt


    People nowadays share large parts of their personal lives through social media. Being able to automatically recognise people in personal photos may greatly enhance user convenience by easing photo album organisation. For human identification task, however, traditional focus of computer vision has been face recognition and pedestrian re-identification. Person recognition in social media photos sets new challenges for computer vision, including non-cooperative subjects (e.g. backward viewpoints...

  18. The Strategic Imperative for the Use of Social Media in Health Care. (United States)

    Kotsenas, Amy L; Arce, Makala; Aase, Lee; Timimi, Farris K; Young, Colleen; Wald, John T


    Although health care lags behind many other industries in adopting social media as part of a business strategy, the Mayo Clinic recognized the importance of these applications more than a decade ago. In addition to typical media relations and marketing tactics, the Mayo Clinic has successfully used social media as part of an overall program to support the strategic imperatives of the institution. Copyright © 2017 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. The social dimension of modern media space and its content

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    V L Mouzykant


    Full Text Available The article describes the nature of the relationships between subjects of the modern media space as a part of an open social system. The authors analyze the consequences of growth of media consumption, the Internet influence on the behavior of Russians and methods to measure the emerging media space and social networks.

  20. New media coming to Vumilia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Jessica


    with a steady increase in television ownership. Moreover, cheaper handsets in general, and smart phones in particular, have made Internet and social media available to a growing part of the Kenyan population. Kenya is often referred to as one of the countries on the African continent that is in the forefront....... Nonetheless, it is equally important to recognise that there are variations within this general urban/rural divide, as categories such as gender, age and class do influence people’s access to and use of media. Moreover, rural and urban areas are naturally connected in numerous ways and thus exchange between......In the last two decades, the media landscape has changed rapidly in Kenya. In the 1990s, the Kenyan media market was deregulated, resulting in a substantial increase of private FM stations and TV stations. In recent years, the enormous uptake of mobile telephones has taken place parallel...

  1. Examination of the mass media process and personal factors affecting the assessment of mass media-disseminated health information. (United States)

    Avcı, Kadriye; Çakır, Tülin; Avşar, Zakir; Üzel Taş, Hanife


    This study examined the mass media and personal characteristics leading to health communication inequality as well as the role of certain factors in health communication's mass media process. Using both sociodemographic variables and Maletzke's model as a basis, we investigated the relationship between selected components of the mass communication process, the receiving of reliable health information as a result of health communication, and the condition of its use. The study involved 1853 people in Turkey and was structured in two parts. The first part dealt with questions regarding sociodemographic characteristics, the use of the mass media and the public's ability to obtain health information from it, the public's perception of the trustworthiness of health information, and the state of translating this information into health-promoting behaviours. In the second part, questions related to the mass communication process were posed using a five-point Likert scale. This section tried to establish structural equation modelling using the judgements prepared on the basis of the mass media model. Through this study, it has been observed that sociodemographic factors such as education and age affect individuals' use of and access to communication channels; individuals' trust in and selection of health information from the programme content and their changing health behaviours (as a result of the health information) are related to both their perception of the mass communication process and to sociodemographic factors, but are more strongly related to the former. © The Author(s) 2014.

  2. A framework for designing complex media facades

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halskov, Kim; Ebsen, Tobias


    Spatial, low-resolution media facades integrated into buildings pose specific design challenges. We provide a conceptual framework for addressing how content for a media façade may be designed taking into account the specific qualities of the display of media façade interfaces: scale, shape, pixel...... configuration, pixel shape, and light quality. We address how these qualities of the interface may be investigated using a repertoire of design tools in different modalities ranging form physical models over mixed reality models to virtual representations. As the main case we present and discuss five design...... tools used in the design of the media façade of a 300 metres long low-resolution curvilinear media façade part of the Danish pavilion at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai....

  3. Social Media & English Learners' Academic Literacy Development (United States)

    Shin, Dong-shin


    Social media are becoming a critical part of communication in everyday lives and are a common form of communication for many students in and outside of school. Accordingly, English learner (EL) students are using social media-based communication to gather information, maintain friendships, and express multiple identities. Considering that social…


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    María A. Puerto


    Full Text Available Se han realizado cálculos de primeros principios para de terminar las propiedades estructurales y electrónicas del estroncio en sus fases de cristalización Im-3m y Fm-3m dentro del formalismo de la Teoría del Funcional de la Densidad (DFT. Esto se hizo a partir del método de ondas planas aumentadas y linealizadas en la versión de potencial completo (FP-LAPW con la aproximación de gradiente generalizado (GGA. Se encontró que la configuración más estable es la Fm-3m , con una constante de red a 0 = 11,38 bohr , energía de cohesión E o = - 0,107 Ry y módulo de volumen B 0 = 113 GPa . A partir de la densidad de esta dos y la estructura de bandas de energía se evidenció el carácter metálico de este elemento para ambas estructuras cristalinas. Se predice una posible transición de fase estructural de la Fm-3m a la Im-3m bajo una presión de 178 GPa .

  5. Learning and Collective Knowledge Construction with Social Media: A Process-Oriented Perspective (United States)

    Kimmerle, Joachim; Moskaliuk, Johannes; Oeberst, Aileen; Cress, Ulrike


    Social media are increasingly being used for educational purposes. The first part of this article briefly reviews literature that reports on educational applications of social media tools. The second part discusses theories that may provide a basis for analyzing the processes that are relevant for individual learning and collective knowledge…

  6. Utrikesbevakning : – påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?


    Andrésson, Charlotta


    Abstract Title: Foreign news coverage. Does the media influence the action in international crises? (Utrikesbevakning. Påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?) Number of pages: 39 Author: Charlotta Andrésson Tutor: Professor Lowe Hedman Course: Media and Communication Studies C University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Date of submission: 2007-01-03, autumn term of 2006 Purpose/Aim The purpose of the essay is partly to e...

  7. Digital Media's Transformative Role in Education: Beyond Potential to Essential (United States)

    Chien, Ming-tso


    Achieving effective learning via digital media continues to be a major concern in contemporary education. The daily use of all forms of digital media is part of our lives and therefore becomes a key component of education. Educators must consider the process of digital media curriculum as a learning model and form of experience adapted to…

  8. Media Education Initiatives by Media Organizations: The Uses of Media Literacy in Hong Kong Media (United States)

    Chu, Donna; Lee, Alice Y. L.


    As more media organizations have engaged in media education, this paper investigates the goals and practices of these activities. This article coins media education initiatives by media organizations with the term "media-organization media literac"y (MOML). Four MOML projects in Hong Kong were selected for examination. Built on critical…

  9. Learning and Collective Knowledge Construction With Social Media: A Process-Oriented Perspective (United States)

    Kimmerle, Joachim; Moskaliuk, Johannes; Oeberst, Aileen; Cress, Ulrike


    Social media are increasingly being used for educational purposes. The first part of this article briefly reviews literature that reports on educational applications of social media tools. The second part discusses theories that may provide a basis for analyzing the processes that are relevant for individual learning and collective knowledge construction. We argue that a systems-theoretical constructivist approach is appropriate to examine the processes of educational social media use, namely, self-organization, the internalization of information, the externalization of knowledge, and the interplay of externalization and internalization providing the basis of a co-evolution of cognitive and social systems. In the third part we present research findings that illustrate and support this systems-theoretical framework. Concluding, we discuss the implications for educational design and for future research on learning and collective knowledge construction with social media. PMID:26246643

  10. Social Media, Education and Data Sharing (United States)

    King, T. A.; Walker, R. J.; Masters, A.


    Social media is a blending of technology and social interactions which allows for the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Social media started as conversations between groups of people, now companies are using social media to communicate with customers and politicians use it to communicate with their constituents. Social media is now finding uses in the science communities. This adoption is driven by the expectation of students that technology will be an integral part of their research and that it will match the technology they use in their social lifes. Students are using social media to keep informed and collaborate with others. They have also replaced notepads with smart mobile devices. We have been introducing social media components into Virtual Observatories as a way to quickly access and exchange information with a tap or a click. We discuss the use of Quick Response (QR) codes, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), unique identifiers, Twitter, Facebook and tiny URL redirects as ways to enable easier sharing of data and information. We also discuss what services and features are needed in a Virtual Observatory to make data sharing with social media possible.

  11. Theoretical and Methodological Functions Media Influence on Adolescents

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    Jelena Maksimović


    Full Text Available The study of the media and their relationship to changes in educational trends is very important and popular phenomenon. Today's youth live and grow up with the media as an integral part of their own socialization. The subject of the research is to study the theoretical and methodological influence of the media on adolescents. The research results confirmed the hypothesis that most adolescents use television and the Internet, to develop social media behaviors of adolescents and certain forms of antisocial behavior (violence, aggression, that young people want to look up to celebrities who are promoted by the media, that the physical inactivity of children increased due to greater exposure to the media, and social network (Facebook has a negative role in the young (p <0,01.

  12. The Role of Media in Society


    Sãvescu (Ghenghea) Elena


    Our study will analyze, in a quite light manner the media roles in society. Of course, a throwback in time, at the moment of appearance of the first newspaper, was necessary. The second part of the study comprises a series of items related by the current passing transformations regardless of media type. Thus, nowadays, the press is more interested in getting the financial gains, than in its role as a main source of information.

  13. Staging Urban Interactions with Media Facades

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin; Dalsgaard, Peter; Ebsen, Tobias


    Using media façades as a subcategory of urban computing, this paper contributes to the understanding of spatial interaction, sense-making, and social mediation as part of identifying key characteristics of interaction with media façades. Our research addresses in particular the open......-ended but framed nature of interaction, which in conjunction with varying interpretations enables individual sense-making. Moreover, we contribute to the understanding of flexible social interaction by addressing urban interaction in relation to distributed attention, shared focus, dialogue and collective action......, and reflective evaluation of a 180 m2(1937 square feet) interactive media façade in operation 24/7 for more than 50 days....

  14. Media Literacy, Education & (Civic) Capability: A Transferable Methodology (United States)

    McDougall, Julian; Berger, Richard; Fraser, Pete; Zezulkova, Marketa


    This article explores the relationship between a formal media educational encounter in the UK and the broad objectives for media and information literacy education circulating in mainland Europe and the US. A pilot study, developed with a special interest group of the United Kingdom Literacy Association, applied a three-part methodology for…

  15. A densidade básica e característica anatômicas variam radialmente na madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae. Basic density and anatomical features vary in the radial direction in the wood of Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camila Moura SANTOS


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre variações nas dimensões celulares de espécies arbóreas de clima tropical são escassos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variação da densidade básica e da anatomia no sentido radial da madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. Coletaram-se cinco indivíduos da espécie, provenientes da Estação Experimental Luiz Antônio (SP. Os métodos empregados nas análises foram os usualmente utilizados em pesquisas de densidade e anatomia de madeira. De acordo com os resultados foram constatadas altas correlações entre densidade básica, comprimento de fibra, espessura da parede da fibra, diâmetro de vaso e frequência de vaso com a distância da medula. A densidade básica da madeira é altamente dependente do comprimento das fibras, espessura da parede das fibras e diâmetro dos vasos, ocorrendo aumento no sentido da medula para a casca.Studies on variations in cell sizes of tree species in tropical climate are scarce. Thus, the aim was characterize the radial variation of basic density and wood anatomy of Astronium graveolens Jacq. Five specimens were collected at the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station,(SP. Sstandard methods for studying the density and wood anatomy were employed. According to the results we observed high correlation among basic density,fiber length, fiber wall thickness, vessel diameter and vessel frequency with distance fromthe pith. The wood density is highly dependent on fiber length, fiber wall thicknessand vessel diameter, there was an increase towards the pith to bark.

  16. Nutrient Leaching When Soil Is Part of Plant Growth Media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sally D. Logsdon


    Full Text Available Soils can serve as sorbents for phosphorus (P, negating the need for artificial sorbents. The purpose of this study was to compare soils with different properties for their effect on nutrient levels in effluent. Four soils were mixed with sand and packed into columns 0.5 m long, with or without compost on the surface. Infiltration and effluent concentrations were measured before and after growing plants [Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt. Engelm. and bluegrama grasses (Bouteloua gracilis H.B.K. and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.]. The growth media with compost at the surface had higher nutrient levels than the media without the compost, but the final effluent nitrate concentrations post-harvest were significantly lower for columns with the compost blanket (59 vs. 86 mg L−1. All of the nitrate concentrations were high (many >100 mg L−1 due to mineralization and nitrogen fixation. The final effluent P concentrations before planting were significantly higher in the soil with the most sand (0.71 mg L−1, and after harvest in the mixture that contained the high soil P levels (0.58 mg L−1. Some soils (high in aluminum or calcium were adequate sorbents for P without additions of other sorbents, but soils often generated too much nitrate in effluent.

  17. Fluid transfers in fractured media: scale effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bour, Olivier


    As there has been a growing interest in the study of fluid circulations in fractured media for the last fifteen years, for example for projects of underground storage of different waste types, or to improve water resources, or for exploitation of underground oil products or geothermal resources, this research thesis first gives a large overview of the modelling and transport properties of fractured media. He presents the main notions related to fluid transfers in fractured media (structures of fracture networks, hydraulic properties of fractured media), and the various adopted approaches (the effective medium theory, the percolation theory, double porosity models, deterministic discrete fracture models, equivalent discontinuous model, fractal models), and outlines the originality of the approach developed in this research: scale change, conceptual hypotheses, methodology, tools). The second part addresses scale rules in fracture networks: presentation of fracture networks (mechanical aspects, statistical analysis), distribution of fracture lengths and of fracture networks, length-position relationship, modelling attempt, lessons learned and consequences in terms of hydraulic and mechanical properties, and of relationship between length distribution and fractal dimension. The third part proposes two articles published by the author and addressing the connectivity properties of fracture networks. The fifth chapter reports the application to natural media. It contains an article on the application of percolation theory to 2D natural fracture networks, and reports information collected on a site [fr

  18. Ten Rules for Dealing with Negative Contributions in Social Media


    Adriana Stránská; Václav Stříteský


    Social media is becoming a key part of business communication strategy. Despite all the advantages, social media also poses a threat to business reputation. Dissatisfied customers can reach a large audience and share their negative experiences with others. This paper deals with the impact of social media on the practice of public relations. The goal of the paper is to formulate a set of rules for dealing with negative contributions and generally with crisis communication in social media. It...

  19. Forragem hidropônica de milheto: produção e qualidade nutricional em diferentes densidades de semeadura e idades de colheita Hydroponic millet forage: production and naurishing quality in different sowing densities and harvest ages

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    Liziany Müller


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade nutricional da forragem hidropônica de milheto, realizou-se um experimento no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM - RS, identificando a densidade adequada de sementes e a idade ideal de colheita. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado; os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial 4x2, constituídos por quatro densidades de semeadura (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 e 2,0kg m-2 e duas colheitas (10 e 20 dias. Não foi observada significância à interação densidade x idade de colheita para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. A estatura, a fitomassa seca, a hemicelulose e a lignina não foram influenciadas pela densidade de semeadura. O aumento da densidade de semeadura promoveu incremento na fitomassa fresca e no teor de proteína bruta e redução nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido e em celulose. A colheita aos 10 dias permitiu maiores valores de fitomassa fresca e seca, de hemicelulose, de celulose e menores valores de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, e de lignina. Em relação à proteína bruta, não foi observada diferença significativa para as colheitas aos 10 e 20 dias. Pode-se sugerir o cultivo da forragem hidropônica de milheto, com densidade de semeadura de 2kg m-2, e colheita aos 10 dias, para se obter boa produção com qualidade nutricional.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different harvest dates and sowing densities on growth and bromatological composition of hydroponic millet forage. The experiment was carried out in the Crop Production of the Universidade Federal of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. A randomized experimental design was used. Treatments consisted of four sowing densities (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0kg seed m-2 and two harvest dates (10 and 20 days after germination distributed in a 4x2 factorial scheme. There was no interaction between sowing densities and harvest date for all analyzed variables

  20. Media Sosial Sebagai Strategi Gerakan Bali Tolak Reklamasi


    Kade Galuh, I Gusti Agung Ayu


    : Using case study, as well as new social movement and cyberprotest framework, this paper aims to see the infl uence of social media characteristics to the process of grassroots democracy. Social media is viewed as part of the new social movement strategy. Its characteristics such as form, content, and users affect the development of public reasoning and refl ection on Benoa Bay reclamation issue. The result shows that social media facilitates the strategy of reasoning andrefl ection in the m...

  1. How Social Media Recruitment Influences Organizational Social Responsibility


    Gabriel-Andrei BREZOIU


    More and more employers declare they used or plan to use social media throughout human resources management processes. On one side, it is part of employer branding policy to offer relevant information to people about how it is to work in that organisation, including social media channels. On the other side, these means are really attractive regarding targeting options and reaching a wide range of applicants at a low cost. This paper summarizes the main evolutions of social media use in busine...

  2. Acting on Media: Influencing, Shaping and (ReConfiguring the Fabric of Everyday Life

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    Sigrid Kannengießer


    Full Text Available Computerization, digitalization and datafication are by far no neutral or self-dependent occurrences. They are, to a large degree, co-determined by heterogeneous actors who reflect about, construct, configure, manipulate or even control media. The contributors to this issue put the spotlight on these actors and investigate how they influence, shape and (reconfigure broader social constellations. Instead of exploring what people do with media, the articles focus on the many ways individuals, civil society initiatives, corporations and social movements act on media. The notion of acting on media denotes the efforts of a wide range of actors to take an active part in the molding of media organizations, infrastructures and technologies that are part of the fabric of everyday life. Therefore, by conceptualizing acting on media as a form of political action, the issue aims to contribute to ongoing discussions on the media practice paradigm.

  3. Mediatization: Theorizing the Interplay Between Media, Culture, and Society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hepp, Andreas; Hjarvard, Stig; Lundby, Knut


    with the complex relationship between changes in media and communication on the one hand and changes in various fields of culture and society on the other. We conclude that the emergence of the concept of mediatization is part of a paradigmatic shift within media and communication research.......In response to Deacon and Stanyer’s article ‘Mediatization: Key Concept or Conceptual Bandwagon?’, we argue that they build their criticism on a simplified methodology. They mistake a media-centered approach for a media-centric one, and they do not capture how mediatization research engages...

  4. Distribución y densidad de moluscos invasores de la familia Thiaridae en diferentes ambientes dulceacuícolas de Tabasco, México


    Trinidad-Ocaña, Cinthia; Miranda-Vidal, José F.; Juárez-Flores, Juan; Barba-Macías, Everardo


    Resumen Antecedentes: Melanoides tuberculata y Tarebia granifera son especies invasoras que se caracterizan por colonizar y establecerse fácilmente en nuevas áreas, además de desplazar a las especies nativas. Objetivos: Determinar la distribu ción y densidad de las especies invasoras de Thiaridos en ambientes dulceacuícolas (arroyos, ríos y lagunas) de Tabasco, México. Métodos: Se realizó el registro de variables físico-químicas de la columna de agua y sedimento y recolecta de organismos...


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    Tadej Praprotnik


    Full Text Available The article presents the phenomena of new communication technologies. It exposes the role of social media (Web 2.0 and sketches some global trends within the field of new media. It further outlines basic characteristics of traditional mass communication and consumption of media products, and as a counter-part presents interactive nature of a new media and the phenomena of user-generated media contents. The main focus of the article is the process of digitalization and its influence on important social system: media industry and production. Digitalization and growth of social media have challenged the news industry, so the latter has to adjust its media production to the rising power of independent publishers on social media platforms, as well as to users, which became publishers themselves, the so-called prosumers. The process of multimedia production is described through various types of inclusion promised in the technological formats. This article also highlights the transformed “intimacy” of new media cultures, which presents further evidence of new, unstable, and to some respect blurring divisions between the public and private spheres of communication. Several positive and negative consequences of digitalization on media landscape are enumerated. There are problems concerning transparency, accountability and professionalism of media production. Digital media has speed up the process of media production, journalists are faced with lack of time. Journalists as multitasking professionals are becaming the norm. The article exposes social activities manifested on social media (networks. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, are becoming news platforms for spreading information and news among users. Moreover, social media has become a powerful tool for publishers and journalists, as it enables them to augment or to keep their audience. Since social networks are usually used to accomplish interpersonal rather than professional goals

  6. Influence of radiographic contrast media on phagocytosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rasmussen, F.; Georgsen, J.; Grunnet, N.; Aalborg Sygehus


    To evaluate the influence of radiographic contrast media (CM) on human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PML), the ability of these cells to ingest latex particles after in vitro exposure to five different radiographic contrast media was investigated. All CM inhibited the phagocytic properties of PML. The inhibition was dose dependent. The inhibitory effect was partly due to hyperosmolality but CM specific inhibition was also evident. (orig.)

  7. Distributed continuous media streaming - Using redundant hierarchy (RED-Hi) servers


    Shah, Mohammad Ahmed


    ABSTRACT: The first part of this thesis provides a survey of continuous media serves, including discussions on streaming protocols, models and techniques. In the second part, a novel distributed media streaming system is introduced. In order to manage the traffic in a fault tolerant and effective manner a hierarchical topology, so called redundant hierarchy (RED-Hi) is used. The proposed system works in three steps, namely, object location, path reservation and object delivery. Simulations ar...

  8. Influencia de la densidad en el crecimiento de juveniles de Colossoma macropomum, en jaulas flotantes. Río Nanay, Loreto, Perú


    Ruiz Frias, Angel; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Pezo Díaz, Roberto; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Bendayán Acosta, Nora Yonny; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Tirado Herrera, Emérita Rosabel; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Sánchez Vela, Carol Margareth; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Cubas Guerra, Rossana; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Burga Cabrera, Adriana del Pilar; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Cardama C., José Antonio; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Sánchez H., Sandra Milagros; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; MarinhoTorres, Lonnye; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Fababa Ríos, Denis; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Arbildo Ortiz, Humberto; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    Se evaluó la influencia de tres densidades de cultivo sobre el crecimiento de juveniles de consumo humano en jaulas flotantes, en monocultivo (gamitana, Colossoma macropomum), con tratamientos (T1: 5, T2: 10 y T3: 15 peces/m3) en el caño San Pedro, cuenca baja del río Nanay, Loreto, Perú. En el monocultivo (2008), se utilizaron noventa peces que fueron alimentados con una dieta extrusada de 22% de proteína bruta, con una tasa de alimentación de 4% de la biomasa de cada jaula. Se monitorearon ...

  9. Proyecto de un plan de negocio mediante el reciclaje del PEBD (polietileno de baja densidad) en el Estado de México


    Bravo Mena, Rubén


    El siguiente trabajo tiene como propósito abordar la problemática de la generación de residuos sólidos en las diferentes poblaciones del país, en específico en el Estado de México, aportando datos sobre las cantidades de desechos sólidos que se generan, su composición y manejo. Con el paso del tiempo la población de México ha aumentado la densidad poblacional, y con esto, la eliminación de residuos sólidos se han tornado difícil. De manera tal que, para la presente investiga...

  10. Media Komunitas dan Media Literacy

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    Pawito .


    Full Text Available Abstract:This essay deals with community media in relation to media literacy. After a short discussion on a number of community media characters is made the essay goes further with somewhat detail theoretical presumptions of the roles of media community with respect primarily to the development as Amartya Sen mentioned about. The author suggests that community media may play some significant roles in the development including (a disseminating information (from varieties of perspective, (b facilitating public discussion, (c helping to reach solutions of problems, (d encouraging participations, and (e encouraging the development of media literacy. Regarding the last point the author remarks that media community may have a dual-roles i.e facilitating community’s member in media participation and facilitating community’s member in media education.

  11. Leveduras de processos de bioetanol: potencial para a produção de cerveja especial com mosto de alta densidade


    Renata Maria Christofoleti Furlan


    A crescente demanda por cervejas especiais tem levado o setor a buscar inovações. No âmbito da fermentação, as leveduras constituem o ponto crucial, tanto no que se refere à tolerância aos estresses do processo quanto no que tange à produção dos compostos aromáticos da bebida. Processos cervejeiros com mosto de alta densidade (high-gravity (HG)) impõem condições mais estressantes às leveduras devido à maior pressão osmótica no início da fermentação e maior teor alcoólico ao final da mesma. Le...

  12. Spasialisasi dan Konglomerasi Media Pada Kelompok Kompas Gramedia

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    Elisabeth Rotua Simamora


    Full Text Available Spatialization is a part of the political economy. Media realize theta it is the process of overcoming the constraints of space and time through its two forms of renewal of corporate power, that is horizontal and vertical concentration. The growth of media is becoming the trend of economy and politic in the media industry and expanding the corporae ownership. By having a literatures study used, the writer found that mass media development nowdays is not only the company's abilities to provide and satisfy the information and entertainment needs which match the society needs, however it also developes the other business interest’s orientations.

  13. Desenvolvimento de afilhos e componentes do rendimento em genótipos de trigo sob diferentes densidades de semeadura Tiller development and yield components in wheat genotypes under different seeding densities

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    Igor Pirez Valério


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o padrão de desenvolvimento de afilhos em genótipos de trigo contrastantes para esse caráter, em diferentes densidades de semeadura, bem como seus efeitos sobre os componentes do rendimento de grãos. O experimento foi conduzido no Município de Capão do Leão, RS, em 2006. Dez cultivares de trigo, selecionadas com base na capacidade de afilhamento, foram utilizadas em delineamento de parcelas divididas, com a parcela composta pelo fator cultivar, e as subparcelas pelas densidades de semeadura, com 50, 200, 350, 500 e 650 sementes aptas por metro quadrado. Observou-se que a senescência de afilhos esteve diretamente relacionada ao potencial de afilhamento dos genótipos. Os genótipos com elevada capacidade de afilhamento apresentaram efeito mais pronunciado da senescência, com o aumento da densidade de semeadura. O melhor ajuste dos componentes do rendimento foi obtido por meio da adequada densidade de semeadura, que deve ser realizada com base no potencial de afilhamento dos genótipos. Além disto, o efeito compensatório de genótipos com reduzido potencial de afilhamento é resultante de maior massa de grãos por espiga, em detrimento do número de espigas por unidade de área.The objective of this work was to determine the developmental pattern of tillers in wheat genotypes showing contrasting number of tillers. The genotypes were tested under different seeding densities, in order to evaluate their effect on grain yield components. The experiment was performed in Capão do Leão County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 2006. Ten wheat cultivars, selected by their tillering ability, were tested in a split plot design, where plots were formed by the genotype (cultivar, and subplots by different seeding densities: 50, 200, 350, 500 and 650 seeds per square meter. Results indicated that tiller senescence is directly correlated to tillering potential of the genotypes, and genotypes with higher

  14. Polymedia and Ethnography: Understanding the Social in Social Media

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    Mirca Madianou


    Full Text Available In this essay I argue that social media need to be understood as part of complex environments of communicative opportunities which I conceptualize as polymedia. This approach shifts our attention from social media as discrete platforms to the ways users navigate environments of affordances in order to manage their social relationships. Ethnography emerges as the most appropriate method to capture the relational dynamics that underpin social media practices within polymedia.

  15. Exploring elderly people’s relationships with new media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Givskov, Cecilie; Christensen, Christa Lykke

    focuses on how the new digital media environment influences the daily lives of elderly people and the meaning they attribute to ageing. The first specific focus of ours is on how elderly people relate to new media and how media for interpersonal communication influence and shape elderly people’s social...... and mediatization to get closer to an understanding of how media on one hand are naturalized elements of elderly people’s everyday life serving a variety of purposes and on the other hand influence and set the agenda of what seems important to elderly people to be interested in and concerned about. We propose......The background of this proposal is a newly established Danish research project on the representation of ageing in the media and elderly people ́s media use. It investigates ways in which elderly people’s media practices and interpretations shape the experience of ageing. Part of this project...

  16. Filthy or fashionable? Young people's perceptions of smoking in the media. (United States)

    Watson, N A; Clarkson, J P; Donovan, R J; Giles-Corti, B


    Research has shown that the media over-estimates smoking rates and often associates smoking with favorable attributes or situations. Given that the media plays a large role in influencing youth culture, portrayal of smoking in the media is of concern. In order to explore young people's perceptions of smoking imagery in the media, 16 focus groups were conducted with 117 school students. Participants were asked to rate smoking images selected from audio-visual and print media, and to discuss their perceptions of these images. The results showed that young people perceived smoking in these media selections to be normal and acceptable. They identified with the stress-relieving and social aspects of smoking, despite being well aware of the harmful health effects. Its acceptability as part of a 'cool' image was also noted. Positive images of smoking in the media have the potential to down-play the serious health consequences of smoking by portraying it in a way that young people interpret as a normal part of everyday life. They may also encourage a more neutral or tolerant attitude towards smoking among young people and therefore act to counteract other health promotion efforts to reduce teenage smoking.

  17. Enacting archetypes in movies : grounding the unconscious mind in emotion-driven media

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chang, H.; Ivonin, L.; Diaz, M.; Català, A.; Chen, W.; Rauterberg, G.W.M.


    The concept of emotion-driven media integrates affective computing into developing new types of digital media by including the human spectator as an essential part of the whole system. Enactive media, as a landmark in this direction, provides a theoretical basis that is rooted in the enactivist

  18. Social Media Literacy as an IEP Intervention for Social and Emotional Learning (United States)

    Probst, Donnell


    Media literacy and special education communities have largely ignored the impact of digital media useonspecial education students with Autism spectrum disorder and Emotional and Behavioral Disorder. This paper investigates the possibility of using social media literacy education as part of an individualized education plan (IEP) intervention for…

  19. Community Alert: Using Text Messaging and Social Media to Improve Campus Emergency Planning (United States)

    Connolly, Maureen


    This article describes emergency management and the part that social media technologies and mobile messaging have made when they are included as part of the campus emergency plan. Administrators have found that ample notification and preparedness must be built into campus communication systems. Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook…

  20. The relevance of the social context for media coverage of victims


    Pavićević Olivera; Bulatović Aleksandra


    Media coverage of human suffering caused by trauma, illness, poverty and disasters worldwide takes up a significant part of media coverage and affects the identity of all actors, both active and passive. Media presentation shapes our thinking and reasoning at the group level, and has far reached impact. The social context of media reporting on victims is shaped by the capacity of the social system to recognize, acknowledge, strengthen and protect the victim...

  1. From Augmentation Media to Meme Media. (United States)

    Tanaka, Yuzuru

    Computers as meta media are now evolving from augmentation media vehicles to meme media vehicles. While an augmentation media system provides a seamlessly integrated environment of various tools and documents, meme media system provides further functions to edit and distribute tools and documents. Documents and tools on meme media can easily…

  2. Proposal of New Rewritable Printing Media Using Electrophoresis and Confirmation of Its Mechanism (United States)

    Hoshino, Yasushi; Ogura, Masahiro; Sano, Takayuki


    A new rewritable printing media using electrophoresis and selective heating is proposed to contribute to the reduction in paper consumption by printers. The mechanism is that when a heated part of the rewritable media is melted, white particles in that part of the media are able to move by electrophoresis. The media is initialized by heating its entire surface under the condition of voltage application and imaging is carried out by selective heating under the condition of an applied reversed-polarity voltage. Using a mixture system of carnauba wax and particles coated with titanium oxide (TiO2), the feasibility of the mechanism is confirmed.

  3. Efecto de la densidad de inóculo en la multiplicación y diferenciación de suspensiones celulares embriogénicas en el cultivar híbrido de banano FHIA-18 (Musa spp. AAAB

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    Luis A. Barranco Olivera


    Full Text Available La obtención de un sistema de regeneración eficiente por medio de la embriogénesis somática en las Musaceas, es hoy una gran herramienta ante los enormes problemas que presenta este género con el ataque de enfermedades como la sigatoka negra. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar las densidades celulares adecuadas para las etapas de multiplicación de suspensiones celulares embriogénicas y formación de los embriones somáticos en medios de cultivo líquidos. Como material vegetal se usaron brotes inmaduros de la inflorescencia masculina de Musa AAAB, cv. FHIA-18. Los resultados demostraron que es posible el establecimiento de suspensiones celulares homogéneas a partir de embriones somáticos en etapa globular, y obtener los mayores volúmenes de biomasa celular al multiplicar dichas suspensiones con una densidad del 3% del volumen de células sedimentadas. A partir del decimoquinto día en el medio de cultivo de formación de embriones comenzaron a formarse estructuras compuestas por proembriones y embriones somáticos en etapa globular; entre las densidades estudiadas los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con 100 mgMF en la cual se formaron 1 871 ES.l-1 con un peso de 248 mgMF.l-1

  4. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart": Part 1 (United States)

    Trier, James


    Comedy Central's popular program "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" is the best critical media literacy program on television, and it can be used in valuable ways in the classroom as part of a media literacy pedagogy. This Media Literacy column provides an overview of the show and its accompanying website and considers ways it might be used in the…

  5. Use of social media for recruitment


    Brožová, Aneta


    This thesis focuses on the usage of social media in the recruitment of employees. Its aim is to propose an improved strategy for a selected company and subsequently verify this proposal. In the theoretical part, the study explains the areas of human resources management and its development, defines social media and presents statistics and as a latter, it reveals the principles of social recruiting, where all the prior mentioned areas meet. It also describes the functionality of the most widel...

  6. Social Media Management Strategies for Organizational Impression Management and their Effect on Public Perception


    Benthaus, Janek; Risius, Marten; Beck, Roman


    With the growing importance of social media, companies increasingly rely on social media management tools to analyze social media activities and to professionalize their social media engagement. In this study, we evaluate how social media management tools, as part of an overarching social media strategy, help companies to positively influence the public perception among social media users. A mixed methods approach is applied, where we quantitatively analyze 15 million user-generated Twitter m...

  7. Social media management and media environment

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    Šiđanin Iva


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the system of services that social media management can offer to a variety of users. As social media systems are emerging, social media management can strengthen teams in social media and help to manage numerous social channels and distribution of social information from one place. Social media management is a system of procedures that are used to manage the flow of information in the environment of social media. This involves connecting with social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Ecademy, YouTube and many others, then the aggregation and management of social data. Social media management services are analysed through various fields, such as managing multiple social media profiles, mail scheduling and filtering, reporting and analytics. Social media management enables managing personal business through social media, which contributes to a significant reduction in expenditures. The paper also discusses the importance of social media management in marketing activities and various forms of social promotion, which allow companies to easily reach their customers.

  8. Bedtime Electronic Media Use and Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (United States)

    Mazurek, Micah O; Engelhardt, Christopher R; Hilgard, Joseph; Sohl, Kristin


    The purpose of this study was to better understand the use of screen-based media at bedtime among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study specifically examined whether the presence of media devices in the child's bedroom, the use of media as part of the bedtime routine, and exposure to media with violent content just before bedtime were associated with sleep difficulties. Parents of 101 children with ASD completed questionnaires assessing their children's sleep habits, bedroom media access (including television, video game devices, and computers), and patterns of nighttime media use (including timing of media exposure and violent media content). Children with ASD who used media as part of the bedtime routine showed significantly greater sleep onset latency than those who did not (39.8 vs 16.0 minutes). Similarly, children who were exposed to media with violent content within the 30-minute period before bedtime experienced significantly greater sleep onset delays and shorter overall sleep duration. In contrast, the mere presence of bedroom media was not associated with either sleep onset latency or sleep duration. Overall, these findings indicate that incorporating television and video games into the bedtime routine is associated with sleep onset difficulties among children with ASD. Exposure to violent media before bed is also associated with poor sleep. Families of children with ASD should be encouraged to regulate and monitor the timing and content of television and video game use, whether or not such devices are physically present in the child's bedroom.


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    Nebojsa Randjelovic


    Full Text Available A great many government organizations, charities, advocacy groups, consulting firms and media organizations are expending enormous amounts of resources because they all agree with the premise that media are a powerful educator for cultural values and attitudes. Social learning theory, cultivation and media dependency theory all support that premise, as does a body of work in the rehabilitation literature. In the small world of advertising the results of this study suggest that images of people with disabilities in advertising are a bigger part of the overall advertising environment than they were in 2001 despite the difficulties associated with contextual elements in an ad, and the public outrage/civil suits. But if we compare the appearance rate for AI advertising, as part of the total advertising environment, to the percentage of adults classified as disabled in the total U.S. population based, people with disabilities are very much under-represented (1.7% from this study as compared to 12% according to the 2009 Disability Compendium. If equal representation is the goal, we are not there yet. If acceptance of the use of disabled portrayals in general product advertising on the part of the advertising industry is the goal, then much progress has been made.

  10. Rendimiento de plantas de tomate injertadas y efecto de la densidad de tallos en el sistema hidropónico Yield of tomato crop as a result of grafting and shoot density in hydroponic system

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    Roberta M.N. Peil


    Full Text Available El cultivo de tomate en primavera con baja densidad inicial de plantas y luego aumentar-se la densidad efectiva mediante el desarrollo de tallos laterales, cuando las integrales diarias de radiación son altas, parece ser una manera prometedora de incrementar el número de frutos m-2 y uniformizar el tamaño del fruto; y presenta la ventaja adicional de requerir-se un menor número de plantas para la superficie de cultivo. Por lo tanto, se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo cuyo objetivo ha sido evaluar los efectos de la densidad de tallos sobre el rendimiento y la uniformidad de los frutos de un cultivo de tomate injertado y no injertado. El cultivo se realizó de marzo a julio de 1998, en las condiciones de invernadero en Almería (sudeste español. La densidad inicial de plantación fue de 2,4 y 3,0 plantas m-2, en el caso de las plantas no injertadas, que presentaban un único tallo en el transplante; y 1,2 plantas m-2 en las plantas injertadas, que tenían dos tallos (2,4 tallos m-2. A partir del mes de abril, mediante el desarrollo de tallos laterales (cuando el tratamiento así lo exigía se pasó a tener las siguientes densidades: 2,4; 3,0 y 3,5 tallos m-2 (plantas injertadas y no injertadas; y 3,0 plantas no injertadas m-2 a un tallo durante todo el ciclo. Los resultados muestran que plantas de tomate injertadas y transplantadas a dos tallos tuvieron igual producción total, pero frutos de tamaño más uniforme, que plantas no injertadas transplantadas a un tallo y con doble densidad de plantas. Dentro del rango de 2,4 a 3,5 tallos m-2, una mayor densidad de tallos aumentó la producción precoz y dio un tamaño más uniforme de frutos, no afectando su peso promedio y la producción total. La adición de tallos laterales (3,0 tallos m-2 supuso una reducción de un 20% en el rendimiento total, pero vino acompañada por un ahorro de un 21% y de un 39% en el número de plantas no injertadas e injertadas, respectivamente, necesarias para la misma

  11. La Media Literacy nella prospettiva finlandese, nordica ed europea

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    Sol-Britt Arnolds-Granlund


    Full Text Available Nel secolo scorso, e in special modo negli ultimi dieci anni, la questione dei media e, in particolare, il tema della media literacy ha attratto l’interesse delle autorità, degli studiosi e di altri responsabili nel settore educativo. Nel tempo sono entrati in uso molti concetti, ma sfortunatamente senza che ne venisse fornita una definizione, nella maggior parte dei casi. Questo articolo si focalizza sulla media literacy, su come può essere definita e sul significato di concetti affini utilizzati nel contesto finlandese. Inoltre viene discussa la relazione tra i concetti di media literacy e digital literacy e la collocazione della media literacy nei curricula scolastici in Finlandia. Il contributo affronta anche il problema della valutazione della media literacy nelle politiche istituzionali e chiude con un accenno alle prospettive future di ricerca nel campo dell’educazione ai media. Trattandosi di un lavoro di ampio respiro sulla media literacy, si riferisce sia a iniziative politiche che ai risultati della ricerca e alle pratiche educative.

  12. Classroom strategies in teaching the media

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    Reijo Kupiainen


    Full Text Available Th is article is based on Chapter 5 of my book Media and Digital Literacies in Secondary School (2013. The chapter has been shortened and rewritten in some parts for the article. The article focuses on different classroom strategies identified during the ethnographic school research in one of the Finnish secondary schools carried out during the academic year 2009–2010. The study indicates that teachers analyse and produce media texts as key strategies in media education. In the article, I will give examples of an advertisement project, a soap opera drama, an animation project, a "life career assignment" and a newspaper strategy in different learning settings. All examples indicate that media education needs to build a strong bridge between youth and school culture and that technology in the school follows the content of learning.

  13. Variação radial da retratibilidade e densidade básica da madeira de Eucalyptus saligna Sm. Radial variation of shrinkage and specific gravity in Eucalyptus saligna Sm. wood

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    José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira


    Full Text Available A ultra-estrutura e a composição química da madeira, bem como suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, variam significativamente entre espécies, entre árvores de uma mesma espécie e, mesmo, entre diferentes partes de uma mesma árvore. Com este trabalho objetivou-se o estudo dos parâmetros de retratibilidade e de densidade básica da madeira Eucalyptus saligna, com idade de 16 anos, proveniente de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas, de Colombo, Paraná. As amostras foram retiradas à altura do DAP de quatro posições eqüidistantes a partir da medula em direção à periferia, correspondendo a 0, 33, 66 e 100%, com dimensões nominais de 1,0 x 2,0 x 3,0 cm, sendo a última dimensão no sentido longitudinal. Elas foram mantidas em câmara fechada com ventilação, próximo de soluções salinas supersaturadas, com o objetivo de proporcionar diferentes condições de umidade relativa. Uma vez atingidas as distintas condições de umidade de equilíbrio, as amostras foram secas em estufa a 105 ºC e obtidos os dados de retratibilidade e densidade básica da madeira nas posições mencionadas. Constataram-se valores de contração volumétrica mais baixos na região medular, apresentando um acréscimo para as demais posições. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os coeficientes das contrações lineares nas direções tangencial e radial. O fator anisotrópico foi consideravelmente mais elevado na região medular, decrescendo substancialmente em direção ao alburno. A densidade básica não mostrou sinais efetivos de estabilidade, apesar de mostrar tendência de aumento em direção à periferia do tronco.The ultra structure and chemical composition of wood, as well as its physical and mechanical properties vary significantly among species, trees of a given species and even among different parts of a given tree. This work aimed to study the parameters of shrinkage and basic density of 16-year-old Eucalyptus saligna wood

  14. Citizen Journalism in Cyber Media: Protection and Legal Responsibility Under Indonesian Press Law


    Prahassacitta, Vidya


    Phenomena of citizen journalism had accepted and become part of cyber media. Cyber media owned and managed by press companies had featured citizen journalists’ information, critics, opinions, and news. Citizen journalism was part of freedom of expression. However, in Indonesia’s press law concept, it was not part of the national press. This created legal issues regarding protection and legal responsibility aspects for both parties. A qualitative research was conducting to solving these issues...





    La inmiscibilidad observada en películas de polietileno ramificado de baja densidad (PEBD) fue investigada mediante técnicas de análisis instrumental (FTIR, DRX, DSC, TGA, SEC-GPC, SEM-EDX) y reometría (DMA, Reómetro Capilar). Se determinó que la inmiscibilidad ocurre por la aparición de microentidades generadas por un polímero indeseable que se encuentra en menor proporción en la mezcla, caracterizado por tener diferentes propiedades morfológicas y reológicas con respecto al PEBD prime, que ...

  16. Densidad mineral ósea y adecuación de la dieta en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis


    Fernando Carrasco; Marcelo Cano; Jean Camousseigt; Pamela Rojas; Jorge Inostroza; Rubén Torres


    Introducción: La desnutrición es común en la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), junto a una menor masa muscular y densidad mineral ósea (DMO), aumentando el riesgo de morbilidad. Objetivo: Comparar la composición corporal (CC), DMO y el contenido mineral óseo (CMO) entre pacientes con ERC y sujetos sanos, relacionándolos con ingesta energética, de macro y micronutrientes. Métodos: Se evaluó CC en 30 pacientes en hemodiálisis y 28 voluntarios sanos con DEXA. Los pacientes llenaron tres registros ...

  17. Muito além de direitas e esquerdas: os giros e a densidade dos regimes democráticos na América do Sul

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    Renata Peixoto de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende inicialmente dialogar com a literatura existente sobre processos de redemocratização e consolidação democrática Sul-Americana, entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990. Com base nesta discussão teórica elementar sobre as novas democracias na região, é proposta uma reavaliação conceitual e analítica aplicada ao entendimento do contexto democrático contemporâneo. Recentemente, as análises se centram nos giros, para a esquerda e para a direita, e suas consequências e implicações. Neste artigo se pretende a superação de uma análise dicotômica simplista, entendendo que estes giros ideológicos fazem parte de uma trama mais complexa, de giros maiores e períodos mais abrangentes, que se referem à própria densidade de nossos regimes democráticos. Assim, seria possível uma melhor compreensão das distintas fases, objetivos e dilemas enfrentados por nossas democracias nas últimas três décadas e, principalmente, avançar para um melhor entendimento do período em que nos encontramos.

  18. Safety in online media – freedom of the media; safety of media actors and media education


    Moeller, Ch


    In this paper, prepared for the international conference ‘Mass Media – Society – Education: Media Safety Problems’ at the Chelyabinsk State University’s Department for Journalism and Media Education from September 30 – October 3, 2013, I would like to address three dimensions of media safety and security in online media.

  19. Impact of Anonymity and Identity Deception on Social Media eWOM


    Kapoor , Payal ,; Gunta , Srinivas


    Part 4: Information Sharing on Social Media; International audience; Brand-related consumer to consumer communication, eWOM, is taking place in many forms across the social media space. Rules that governed credibility assessment of brand-related communication, WOM, in the Face to Face context may vary on social media, specifically because of anonymity that is afforded on different social media sites. The current study looks closely on the impact of anonymity in typical eWOM behaviour context ...


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    Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol


    Full Text Available Foi instalado um experimento em condições de campo, em um Latossolo Vermelho escuro, epi-eutrófico, textura argilosa, em Selvíria-MS, com arroz de sequeiro cv. IAC 201, estudando-se três espaçamentos entre fileiras (30, 40 e 50 cm e três densidades de semeadura (100, 150 e 200 sementes viáveis/m2. Foram avaliadas a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea no momento do florescimento e determinados os teores e quantidades de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S absorvidos, assim como a eficiência de utilização de nutrientes. A redução do espaçamento entre fileiras aumentou a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e a quantidade de nutrientes absorvidos. A variação da densidade de semeadura não afetou os parâmetros estudados. A redução do espaçamento entre fileiras proporcionou maior eficiência de utilização do Ca e diminuiu a do N e Mg. Os teores de nutrientes na matéria seca da parte aérea não foram afetados pela variação do espaçamento entre fileiras.A field experiment was conducted in a clayey Dark Red Latosol in Selviria, MS, Brazil, to study the effect of three row spacings (30, 40 and 50 cm and three seed densities (100, 150 and 200 viable seeds/m2 on plant dry matter yield, macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S uptake at flowering, and the nutrient use efficiency. A decrease in row spacing led to an increase in shoot dry matter production and nutrient uptake. There was no effect of plant densities on dry matter or nutrient uptake. The decrease in row spacing allowed a higher Ca use efficiency, but not for N and Mg. The concentration of the macronutrients in the shoots was not affected by spacing.

  1. Ion exchange studies with ferrocyanide molybdate and zirconium phosphate in mixed solvent media. Part 1: Synthesis of the exchangers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramaswamy, M.; Sunder Rajan, N.S.


    The present research forms the first part of the series on the investigation of the ion exchange behaviour of ferrocyanide molybdate(FeMo) and zirconium phosphate(ZrP) in water-alcohol and water-dioxane media. Since the above exchangers are not available indigenously, they were synthesized following published methods. That the reported methods of synthesis yield products with reproducible characteristics, were checked. pH titration of these two preparations in aqueous media showed that FeMo is a stronger acid than ZrP, the former, moreover, in its Cs + and Na + forms commence dissolving at pH values close to 5 and 2 respectively, and are completely dissolved at pH values 7.5 and 2.85 respectively. Titration curves with ZrP further indicated that as the pH increases, there occurs a reversal in the order of arrangement of Na + and Cs + curves, which reversal is attributed to a corresponding reversal of selectivity. Finally, both the chemical analysis and pH titration of FeMo confirm the existence of 4 replaceable H + ions corresponding to H 4 Fe(CN) 6 , a constituent of ferrocyanide molybdate, while those of ZrP are consistent with the empirical formula Zr(HPO 4 ) 2 .4.5 H 2 O, having two replaceable H + ions. (auth.)

  2. Densidade, germinação e flora do banco de sementes no solo, no final da estação seca, em uma área de caatinga, Quixadá, CE

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    Costa Rafael Carvalho da


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva conhecer a densidade, riqueza e curva de germinação do banco de sementes no solo em uma área de caatinga. Em uma única amostragem aleatória, no final da estação seca (outubro/novembro/1999 dentro da área de 1ha, foram coletadas 100 amostras de solo na serrapilheira à profundidade de 05cm, e 80 amostras na profundidade de 5-10cm. A área estudada localiza-se na Fazenda Não Me Deixes (RPPN - Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, município de Quixadá, CE. Foram calculadas a densidade de sementes e a curva de germinação do banco, pelo método de emergência de plântulas. Também foi feita a determinação da composição florística baseada principalmente na morfologia das plântulas. A densidade total do banco foi 807 sem.m-2. Na serrapilheira, 0-5cm e 5-10cm foram encontradas 352 sem.m-2, 304 sem.m-2 e 108 sem.m², respectivamente. Quanto à curva de germinação, mais de 88% das sementes germinaram nas quatro primeiras semanas, porém algumas sementes continuaram germinando por até 14 semanas. Foram determinadas 40 morfoespécies diferentes de plântulas. A germinação de cerca de 88% das sementes nas primeiras quatro semanas indica que a maioria das sementes da caatinga estão aptas a germinar no início das chuvas e possivelmente devem perder a dormência, se tiverem, no decorrer do período seco.


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    Paublo Javier Bravo Bravo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de la densidad de siembra y el número de poda de ejes en el cultivo de pepino (Cucumis sativus. Se estudiaron tres distancias de siembra 1.0x0.2, 1.0x0.4 y 1.0x 0.6 m y la poda de ejes productivos dejando 1, 2 y 3 ejes por planta. La poda se realizó a los 30 días después del trasplante. Se evaluaron las características del fruto de diámetro (cm, longitud (cm, peso (g, fruto por planta y rendimiento por hectárea. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron en un diseño de bloques al azar y los datos se analizaron mediante análisis de varianza. Se obtuvo diferencias para la variable rendimiento/hectárea con respecto al resto de las variables evaluadas.

  4. Trust to mass-media: micro- and macrolevel

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    A. S. Kavyerina


    Full Text Available Trust is the basic element of civil society.For the last decades Ukrainian social institutions, including mass media, suffering of the crisis of trust. Public informing, socialization, formation of public opinion are the main functions of mass media. Mass media takes part in a lot of social processes and spheres of society. Accuracy of the information, compliance with standards,objectivity and trust of the audience are very important because of the influence of the mass media. The paper deals with various interpretations of trust and theories of N.Luhmann, P. Sztompka and A. Seligmen, thatemphasize the importance of trust during the transformation of society. Also author considers the approaches to defining levels of trust. Attention was focused on two levels – the micro-level which represents personal trust and the macro-level with institutional trust. Author analyzes mass media as a social institution and considers social media as a type of mass media, which has its own unique characteristics such as high level of the informational participation, lack of the law regulation and the organizational structure. These characteristics bring to the foreground figure of the author. So the social media covers both levels of forming a trusting relationship with audience – micro and macrolevel.

  5. Evaluating a Passive Social Media Citizensourcing Innovation


    Loukis , Euripidis; Charalabidis , Yannis; Androutsopoulou , Aggeliki


    Part 4: Application Areas and Evaluation; International audience; Governments initially used social media mainly in order to disseminate information to the public about their activities, services, policies and plans. Then they started using social media also in order to collect from citizens useful information, knowledge, opinions and ideas concerning the problems and needs of modern societies and more recently in order to apply crowdsourcing ideas in the public sector context and promote ‘ci...

  6. Pertumbuhan Stek Cabang Bambu Petung (Dendrocalamus asper pada Media Tanah, Arang Sekam dan Media Kombinasinya

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    Full Text Available Recently, the utilization of bamboo is more extensive, but the attention towards its regeneration is not sufficient. The use of stem or branch cuttings are more practical and having more benefits and promising because the cutting materials are more available, easier to gain, cheaper, undamaging the source clump, faster in the taking time, and easier in the clump formation. The common rooting media used is top soil (the fertile part of upper layer soil. Recently, it is quite hard to provide top soil in a large number. Thus, it is important to find an alternative source in order to decrease the use of top soil that is by mixing the top soil media with other materials. The media used were soil media, husk charcoal, and the mixture of soil and husk charcoal (2:1. The branch cuttings used were branches of petung bamboo taken from 2 years old amboo, with 2-3 cm in diameter, and 2 nodus in length. The treatment was done by giving some variations in the soil media, the husk charcoal,and the mixture of soil and huskcharcoal. The mixture of soil and huskcharcoal media gave a significant influencet o the length of sprout variable,but it did not give significant influence to the number of sprout, the length of root, and the percentage of rooting.

  7. "Nosotros también somos parte del pueblo": gaitanismo, empleados y la formación histórica de la clase media en Bogotá, 1936-1948

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    Ricardo López


    Full Text Available Si bien el gaitanismo ha sido uno de los temas más debatidos en la historiografía colombiana, sorprende la poca cantidad de estudios que se han preocupado por la formación histórica de la clase media durante los años treinta y cuarenta del siglo XX. Más aún, la mayoría de los estudios sobre el populismo en América Latina ofrecen pocas herramientas teóricas o analíticas para comprender las experiencias de aquellos sujetos históricos que se entendieron como parte de una clase media, pues estos análisis asumen una categorización binaria entre "el pueblo y la oligarquía". Al estudiar el caso colombiano, este ensayo intenta mostrar cómo los empleados del sector de servicios se apropiaron de discursos, prácticas e ideas del gaitanismo para identificarse como hombres pertenecientes a una clase media y, como tal, al "pueblo gaitanista". Así, y explorando nuevos documentos históricos de organizaciones políticas de la clase media, este artículo invita a una relectura de la consolidación del populismo gaitanista como práctica política y la formación de una clase media durante los años treinta y cuarenta en Colombia.

  8. Desempenho de cultivares e híbridos de milheto em solo submetido a compactação

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    Christianne V. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o crescimento aéreo e radicular de cultivares e híbridos de milheto em solo submetido a quatro níveis de compactação do solo. Foram utilizados sete híbridos de milheto - Pennisetum glaucum L. (40425, 40853, 41312, 51499, 60018, 60019 e ADR7010 e as variedades ADR300 e ADR500; aos 30 dias após o plantio determinaram-se as massas da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, a densidade do comprimento radicular e o diâmetro médio radicular. Na densidade de 1,74 Mg m-3 as cultivares e híbridos de milheto apresentaram uma redução elevada da massa verde da parte aérea, massa seca da parte aérea, altura de plantas e área foliar. Os híbridos 40853 e 60019 apresentaram comportamento inferior aos demais híbridos e cultivares na produção de matéria verde e seca da parte aérea e altura de plantas na densidade de 1,65 Mg m-3. As cultivares ADR500 e ADR300 e os híbridos 40425 e 51499 se destacaram na produção de massa verde e seca e altura de plantas na densidade de 1,65 kg m-3. A maior densidade de comprimento radicular média entre as cultivares de milheto foi verificada na densidade do solo de 1,46 Mg m-3. A cultura do milheto demonstrou potencial como planta descompactadora do solo.

  9. An Analysis of the Social Media Presence of the Brands

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    Full Text Available Brands need to be close to consumers. The pursuing of this objective convinced an increasing number of companies to start using social media tools, such as social networks or blogs, in order to communicate with a great number of consumers. Hence, social media is rapidly turning into an important part of the brand communication strategy. The power of social media marketing can help the companies to create brand awareness and also to enhance the consumers’ engagement with a brand. Nowadays people seem to enjoy being part of an online brand community. Building a strong social media presence is an efficient way to generate high visibility for the brand. But the companies looking to reach greater exposure for their brand have to vie with dozens of other brands that seek to gain the same consumers’ attention. This is why the authenticity and the credibility are essential aspects that increase the chances of success. Based on the investigation of secondary data sources, this paper aims to analyze the social media presence of some of the most successful brands in Romania. Looking at some examples of social media marketing campaigns, this paper will outline the importance and the impact of such practices for the long-lasting customer relationship and the brand image.

  10. Media Portrayals of Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. (United States)

    Carlyle, Kellie E; Scarduzio, Jennifer A; Slater, Michael D


    Preventing intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health priority. An important component of designing prevention programs is developing an understanding of how media portrayals of health issues influence public opinion and policy. To better understand the ways in which media images may be informing our understanding of IPV, this study content analyzed portrayals of IPV in news media articles. Stratified media outlets were used to obtain a representative sample of daily newspapers based on their designated market areas. Researchers created constructed months using weeks from each season across a 2-year period. The first part of the study investigated quantitative differences in the coverage of female and male perpetrators (n = 395) and identified several areas where coverage differed. The second part of the study qualitatively examined coverage of female perpetrators (n = 61) to provide a richer description of such coverage. This study contributes to our understanding of female perpetrators and how these portrayals may contribute to the larger gender symmetry debate surrounding female aggressors. Implications for public health policy and research are discussed. © The Author(s) 2014.

  11. Media Literacy in Times of Media Divides

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    Kaja Žuran


    Full Text Available We live in a post-modern society, an information society, a society based around knowledge and participation, and above all in a media society. In a media culture where media holds a dominant position, we cannot overlook the emerging idea of a ‘media divide’ within the frame of media education, media literate individuals and the expansion of the traditional concept of media literacy. Firstly, we are in an era of technological revolution, and it is time to consider the meaning and function of media and how we experience it in our everyday life. Secondly, as a society we are subject to intense media invasion and we all need to learn how to use it to our benefit and apply a critical and autonomous perspective towards selecting media content. Otherwise the media divide between the media literate and illiterate will widen; but is there even a chance to overcome the supposed divide between those who are formally media educated and those who are not?

  12. Bones, body parts, and sex appeal: An analysis of #thinspiration images on popular social media. (United States)

    Ghaznavi, Jannath; Taylor, Laramie D


    The present study extends research on thinspiration images, visual and/or textual images intended to inspire weight loss, from pro-eating disorder websites to popular photo-sharing social media websites. The article reports on a systematic content analysis of thinspiration images (N=300) on Twitter and Pinterest. Images tended to be sexually suggestive and objectifying with a focus on ultra-thin, bony, scantily-clad women. Results indicated that particular social media channels and labels (i.e., tags) were characterized by more segmented, bony content and greater social endorsement compared to others. In light of theories of media influence, results offer insight into the potentially harmful effects of exposure to sexually suggestive and objectifying content in large online communities on body image, quality of life, and mental health. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Differences between Perceived Usefulness of Social Media and Institutional Channels by Undergraduate Students (United States)

    Garcia, Leandro Sumida; Silva, Camila Mariane Costa


    Social media technologies were introduced among the modern society and are part of its routine in many ways--knowledge acquisition and sharing, interpersonal relationships, media diffusion--sometimes complementing and even substituting tools that were specifically designed for similar activities. This research compares social media sites and…

  14. Structure of media and communication companies in Ecuador

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    Gabriela Coronel-Salas


    Full Text Available The lack of information about the media landscape in Ecuador has prompted the Department of Communication Sciences at the Private Technical University of Loja to map the country's media, production companies, and advertising and public relations agencies. The need for a database on communication issues is still latent in Ecuador. Some public and private agencies have made some contributions to the construction of physical or virtual repositories, but the data provided have been limited to basic, often outdated, contact information. Based on a sample of over one thousand media companies, this study describes their structure, legal and corporate organisation, geographical location, contents, reach, and provided services. This study is an approximation to the country’s media reality and is part of a wider research project entitled “Mapa de la Comunicación de Ecuador” (“Ecuador’s Media Map”.

  15. Variação do incremento anual ao longo do fuste de Pinus taeda L. em diferentes idades e densidades populacionais.

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    César Martins Andrade


    Full Text Available A variação do crescimento anual em diferentes alturas do fuste de Pinus taeda L. foi estudada por meio da análise de tronco em árvores do estrato dominante e médio. Foram coletadas secções transversais ao longo do fuste de 9 árvores-amostra, tomadas na base, à altura do peito (DAP, e após, a cada metro. A amostragem foi constituída de 4 árvores provenientes de Canela, Rio Grande do Sul, em floresta com 17 anos de idade, submetida a um desbaste, e 5 árvores de Ponte Alta do Norte, Santa Catarina, em floresta com 34 anos, submetida a cinco desbastes. Os resultados, expressos na forma percentual do incremento em área basal na posição "i", sobre o incremento em área basal ao nível do DAP, mostraram a forte variação na deposição anual de lenho ao longo do fuste em função da densidade populacional, caracterizando os efeitos da competição e da liberação pela execução do desbaste. Árvores sujeitas à competição mostraram maior crescimento nas partes superiores do fuste, enquanto que árvores sob menor concorrência apresentaram maior crescimento em posições inferiores, facilmente identificadas pela forma e inclinação das curvas de incremento.

  16. Importance of Strategic Social Media Marketing

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    Simona VINEREAN


    Full Text Available Technological innovation has grown at an unprecedented rate over the past couple of decades, creating multiple opportunities for marketing in online settings. The proliferation of social media helps customers become more empowered and engaged in their brand interactions, while also providing them with new tools in their search, evaluation, choice and purchases of marketing offerings. Consequently, these developments are influencing marketing practices, both strategically, and tactically. Nowadays, social media has developed in an essential part of marketing strategy for its ability to generate co-created value, to interactively connect brands to consumers, to monitor brand-related discussions and sentiments, to guide consumers in the decision-making process, to instigate customer-to-customer interactions, and transform consumers into brand advocates. The purpose of this paper is to examine the strategic opportunities of social media marketing for organizations. By providing a comprehensive conceptualization and definition of social media marketing, this research outlines its role in advertising, Customer Relationship Management, and e-Word-of-Mouth.

  17. CLASES MEDIAS Y VULNERABILIDAD A LA POBREZA. Reflexiones desde América Latina

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    Luis F. López-Calva


    Full Text Available A partir de una definición de clase media que incluye a personas con baja probabilidad de caer en pobreza, este artículo presenta algunas tendencias para América Latina. El porcentaje de personas en clase media ha aumentado de 21.9% en 2000 a 34.3% en 2012, y desde el 2009 el tamaño de la clase media es mayor que el porcentaje de personas en pobreza. No obstante, formar parte de la clase media en América Latina sigue siendo una posición privilegiada. Los grupos en pobreza y vulnerabilidad concentran aún alrededor de dos terceras partes de la población total de la región. En este sentido, la región no se puede considerar una sociedad de clase media, al menos no por el momento.

  18. Pengaruh Media Sosial Line Webtoon Terhadap Minat Membaca Komik Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Riau


    Putri, Destya Maya; Lubis, Evawani Elysa


    The development of social media today accommodate a variety of works. Ideas in the form of photos, videos and writings and even potrait and comics including the types of works that can be found on various social media. Social media both content and characteristics of social media is quite diverse, most social media is a place to socialize, share opinions and chatting through chat but social media a little different is LINE Webtoon. LINE Webtoon is a digital comic reading app that is part of L...

  19. Basic specific gravity and anatomy of Peltophorum dubium wood as a function of provenance and radial position. Densidade aparente e anatomia da madeira de Peltophorum dubium em função da procedência e posição radial.

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    Israel Luiz de LIMA


    Full Text Available We studied the wood of Peltophorum dubium (Spreng. Taub. (Fabaceae, popularly known in Brazil as canafístula, from two seed provenances with different climates. The trees were planted in a third place and cut when 28 years old. Based on differences in seed origins, we hypothesized that some differences would be observed in wood density and anatomical features between provenances and that the radial variation pattern would also differ. However, we did not observe any differences in basic specific gravity or anatomical features between the provenances, which may partly be explained by the conservative nature of wood compared with the external characteristics more susceptible to environmental stresses. In fact, based on the literature and our previous findings, radial variation in P. dubium was similar to that found in many native species, including, for example, increase in basic specific gravity, length and wall thickness of the fibers, increase in vessel diameter and decrease in vessel frequency toward the bark. Based on our results, it can be concluded that P. dubium has high plant adaptability in different locations and that consistency in the quality of its wood can be maintained between provenances, with concomitant implications for both production and use. Estudamos a madeira de Peltophorum dubium (Spreng. Taub. (Fabaceae, popularmente conhecida no Brasil como canafístula, a partir de duas procedências de sementes com diferentes climas. As árvores foram plantadas em um terceiro lugar e cortadas aos 28 anos. Com base nas diferentes origens das sementes, hipotetizamos que diferenças seriam observadas na densidade aparente e características anatômicas da madeira entre as procedências e que o padrão de variação radial também diferisse. No entanto, não foram observadas quaisquer diferenças na densidade aparente ou nas características anatômicas entre as procedências, o que pode em parte ser explicado pela natureza conservativa

  20. Variação do teor de umidade e da densidade básica na madeira de sete espécies de eucalipto Variation of the moisture content and specific gravity in the wood of seven eucalypt species

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    José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira


    Full Text Available As variações de umidade e da densidade do lenho das árvores são as principais causas dos defeitos de secagem, como o empenamento e fendilhamento das peças de madeira. Os tipos de madeira presentes em um tronco estão relacionados com as variações dessas duas importantes propriedades físicas. Os gradientes de umidade e da densidade da madeira de sete espécies de eucalipto foram avaliados nas direções radial e longitudinal do tronco de árvores recém-abatidas. Os resultados apontaram uma maior homogeneidade de distribuição de umidade dentro das árvores de E. paniculata e E. citriodora, indicada pelos coeficientes de variação e desvio-padrão. O diferencial de umidade da madeira nas regiões internas do tronco de E. paniculata e E. citriodora foi de 20% e de E. urophylla e E. grandis, de 80%. A densidade básica da madeira aumentou na direção radial do tronco, e cada espécie de eucalipto apresentou um modelo de variação.The occurrence of high moisture and density gradients inside of the tree is related with drying defects, especially those characterized by warp and split of the wood. The unequal behavior of wood pieces due to variation of these two properties can be attributed to differences within the wood that constitutes the log. Considering the importance of knowing the moisture and density gradients in eucalyptus trees, this work had as objective evaluating the variations of the moisture content and specific gravity in the radial and longitudinal directions of the trees of seven eucalypts species. Based on the results concerning the moisture distribution inside the tree, there was a great homogeneity in the species of E. paniculata and E. citriodora, sustained by the low values of variation coefficient and standard deviation. In these species, the moisture differential among the inner and outer parts of the log rarely reached 20%, while for the logs of E. urophylla and E. grandis, this diferencial reached 80%. In spite of


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    William Aperador


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el estudio de las propiedades electroquímicas de las películas anódicas porosas, crecidas sobre la aleación de aluminio AA 2024-T3, obtenidas con la técnica de corriente directa (DC con densidades de corriente de 10, 15 y 20 mA/cm² en una solución de H2SO4. El análisis morfológico se realizó con microscopia de fuerza atómica (AFM y permitió identificar que el aumento en la densidad de corriente genera mayor homogeneidad de la superficie y disminución en los valores de rugosidad. Con la medida de microdureza Vickers, se determinó que los anodizados mejoran su resistencia mecánica frente al sustrato. Para evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión se utilizaron la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y las curvas de polarización Tafel. A partir de estas técnicas se determinó que el aumento en la densidad de corriente forma películas que incrementan la resistencia a la corrosión. Adicionalmente se modeló el comportamiento electroquímico de las películas producidas y se hizo la correlación con las imágenes obtenidas por microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM.Neste artigo apresenta-se o estudo das propriedades eletroquímicas dos filmes anódicos porosos crescidos sobre a liga de aluminio AA 2024-T3, obtidos com a técnica de corrente direta (DC com densidades de corrente de 10, 15 e 20 mA/cm² em uma solução de H2SO4. A análise morfológica realizou-se com microscopia de força atómica (AFM e permitiu identificar que o aumento na densidade de corrente gera maior homogeneidade da superficie e diminuição nos valores de rugosidade. Com a medida de microdureza Vickers, determinou-se que os anodizados melhoram a sua resistência mecánica em frente ao substrato. Para avaliar a resistência à corrosâo utilizaram-se a técnica de espectroscopia de impedáncia eletroquímica (EIS e as curvas de polarização Tafel. A partir destas técnicas determinou-se que o aumento na

  2. The research of the level of social media addiction of university students


    Gazi, Mehmet Ali; Çetin, Muharrem; Çakı, Caner


    Nowadays, social media hasbecome an indispensable part of our daily lives. Although there are many usefulapplications of social media, the excessive use of this medium led to livepersonal, social and occupational problems. With these problems, it began tolead social media addiction which describes as a new kind of addiction. ın thisregard, the survey will be applied 350 students who study at communicationfaculty of ınonu university through social media selected via simple randomsampling onlin...



    Alexandra Elena POȘTOACĂ; Dorian – Laurențiu FLOREA


    This article represents a short overview of the media landscape for the banking category in Romania in 2012. Unlike the other categories (for example FMCG – fast moving consumer goods), the banking category is more complex because every bank can communicate for a wider range of products (credits, deposits, packages dedicated to students, pensioners and other types of banking products). In the first part of this paper, there will be presented some theoretical notions about media planning a...

  4. Media space of the modern school

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    Anna A. Vakneeva


    Full Text Available What should be the media of a modern education institution? How is the educational organization supposed to be represented in social media? What methods of increasing the level of media literacy of teachers and students should optimally use?As the purpose of this study the authors can see in the development and presentation of an optimal model of media space for modern educational institutions which will take into account not only the changes in the education process, but also the needs of the modern audience – teachers, students, parents, and educational partners. The resources of “Moscow e-school” become part of the educational media sphere of modern educational organizations.Resources and methods: resources of an educational institution, namely, social media, blogs and microblogs, users’ accounts, channels, educational platforms, which present the work of educators. The importance of analyzing media of the modern educational institution is that media-education serves as a pedagogical system, allowing the use of modern techniques and technologies through the development of critical thinking, which occurs under the influence of information flows. In this regard, there is a need for the comprehensive approach to the media organization in the modern school. An integral element of the complex approach is the creation of conditions for the development of media literacy for teachers and learners.The result of this research is the optimal model of media space for the modern school, which includes social networking profiles, microblogging, blogs, users’ accounts, and web resources, each of which has its own purpose and functional features.As a conclusion we can note that one of the core values of the media model is the development of creative and critical thinking, the acquisition of experience and tools of media, independent search, the ability to use information flows for the effective communication, solving educational and cognitive



    Ricky Firmansyah; Iis Saidah


    ABSTRACT The media is very important component of communication process. The effectiveness of media is very influential on extent to which a communication role will be accepted by the audience with fast and precise, or vice versa. E-Learning is present as ICT based learning media that allows students and teachers interact in different places. Web Based Learning (WBL) is used as one part of the E-Learning. This study focuses on designing web-based ICT as a learning medium that is used for ...

  6. [Chronic otitis mediaChronic Otitis Media]. (United States)

    Kohles, N; Schulz, T; Eßer, D


    There are 2 different kinds of chronic otitis media: Otitis media chronica mesotympanalis and otitis media chronica epitympanalis (cholesteatoma). The incidence of chronic otitis media as reported in literature differs in a wide range. The incidence rates vary between 0.45 and 46%. Both, otitis media chronica mesotympanalis and cholesteatoma, lead to eardrum perforation due to lengthy and recurring inflammations. Furthermore, chronic otitis media is characterized by frequently recurring otorrhea and conductive hearing loss. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  7. How Social Media Recruitment Influences Organizational Social Responsibility

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    Gabriel-Andrei BREZOIU


    Full Text Available More and more employers declare they used or plan to use social media throughout human resources management processes. On one side, it is part of employer branding policy to offer relevant information to people about how it is to work in that organisation, including social media channels. On the other side, these means are really attractive regarding targeting options and reaching a wide range of applicants at a low cost. This paper summarizes the main evolutions of social media use in businesses in general, but also in recruitment, in particular. Moreover, we consider the ethical implications and possible solutions.


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    Full Text Available Civilization change is a necessity. Culture as one formers also experienced dynamic civilization. Changes in form and content (content takes place not in a vacuum but in a variety of contextual quadrants. The era of modernity with the development of industry and capitalism climate has led to one part in cultural homogenization. Public spaces which in essence is a classless into an entity that has a value of commodities. Shift function of public spaces including public frequency in packs of popular culture has been a challenge for the creation of the public who have media literacy skills. With media literacy, public to understand what has been done for the public media and to the public .Keywords : public frequency , media literacy, cultural homogeneity, Castration

  9. Densidade do sistema radicular da bananeira 'Pacovan' sob irrigação por aspersão Root system density of 'Pacovan' banana plant under sprinkler irrigation

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    Raimundo Lacerda Filho


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi realizado no município de Governador Dix-Sept Rosado, microrregião Açu-Apodi, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, tendo como objetivo verificar os efeitos do sistema de irrigação por aspersão na densidade do sistema radicular da bananeira 'Pacovan'. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram duas amostragens por planta, realizadas do lado contrário ao da emissão da inflorescência, formando um ângulo de 45º. Em cada amostragem, foram realizadas quatro retiradas do material de solo a distâncias de 20 cm, sendo a primeira a 30 cm e a última a 90 cm do pseudocaule. A análise dos dados demonstrou que ocorreu redução linear no peso fresco e na densidade de comprimento de raízes da bananeira em função da profundidade do solo. Em relação à distância do pseudocaule da bananeira, tanto o peso fresco quanto a densidade de comprimento de raízes não mostraram resultados significativos.The present work was conducted at Governador Dix-Sept Rosado County, microregion Açu-Apodi, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and its objective was to study the effects of sprinkler irrigation system on the density of the root system of 'Pacovan' banana plants. The experiment followed a completely randomized block design, in a split-plot scheme, with five replications. The treatments were two sampling groups, taken per plant, and in the opposite side of the inflorescence emission, forming between them an angle of 45°. In each sampling group, four samples containing soil material were collected at intervals of 20 cm, so the first was distant 30 cm and the last 90 cm from the pseudostem. Data analysis showed that occurred a linear reduction in root fresh weight and in lenght of roots density, in replications to soil depth. For the distance from the plant pseudostem there were no significant differences between samples, both

  10. Doença celíaca em tratamento: avaliação da densidade mineral óssea Celiac disease under treatment: evaluation of bone mineral density

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    Cecília Noronha de Miranda Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar a densidade mineral óssea de crianças e adolescentes com doença celíaca em tratamento com controles sadios, e avaliar exames laboratoriais relacionados com o metabolismo do cálcio. MÉTODOS: foram estudados 30 pacientes com doença celíaca em dieta isenta de glúten, 17 crianças e 13 adolescentes, e 23 indivíduos saudáveis. Todos os pacientes e controles realizaram a densidade mineral óssea (DEXA, Lunar. Os pacientes realizaram dosagem sérica de cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, magnésio, fosfatase alcalina e paratormônio. RESULTADOS: a média de peso, estatura e densidade mineral óssea dos adolescentes com doença celíaca foi menor do que dos controles (pOBJECTIVE: the present study was designed to compare the bone mineral density of children and adolescents with celiac disease to the bone mineral density of controls, and to evaluate laboratory analysis of calcium metabolism of celiac disease patients. METHODS: thirty celiac disease patients (17 children, 13 adolescents, on a gluten-free diet, and 23 healthy subjects were studied. Tests of bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (DEXA, Lunar were performed in all patients and controls. Laboratory analysis of calcium metabolism was performed in all patients. RESULTS: mean weight and height of adolescents with celiac disease were lower than mean weight and height of controls (p<0.05. Bone mineral density in adolescents with celiac disease was significantly reduced if compared to controls (p=0.015, whereas no significant difference was found among children with celiac disease and controls. The number of adolescents who had started a gluten-free diet after the age of 2 years was higher than in children (p=0.003. Serum levels of ionized calcium, total calcium and parathormone were normal. CONCLUSIONS: the one mineral density of adolescents with celiac disease was lower than controls; whereas, no difference was found between the bone mineral density of

  11. Growing media constituents determine the microbial nitrogen conversions in organic growing media for horticulture. (United States)

    Grunert, Oliver; Reheul, Dirk; Van Labeke, Marie-Christine; Perneel, Maaike; Hernandez-Sanabria, Emma; Vlaeminck, Siegfried E; Boon, Nico


    Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy food diet, however, the eco-sustainability of the production of these can still be significantly improved. European farmers and consumers spend an estimated €15.5 billion per year on inorganic fertilizers and the production of N-fertilizers results in a high carbon footprint. We investigated if fertilizer type and medium constituents determine microbial nitrogen conversions in organic growing media and can be used as a next step towards a more sustainable horticulture. We demonstrated that growing media constituents showed differences in urea hydrolysis, ammonia and nitrite oxidation and in carbon dioxide respiration rate. Interestingly, mixing of the growing media constituents resulted in a stimulation of the function of the microorganisms. The use of organic fertilizer resulted in an increase in amoA gene copy number by factor 100 compared to inorganic fertilizers. Our results support our hypothesis that the activity of the functional microbial community with respect to nitrogen turnover in an organic growing medium can be improved by selecting and mixing the appropriate growing media components with each other. These findings contribute to the understanding of the functional microbial community in growing media and its potential role towards a more responsible horticulture. © 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.

  12. Making use of New Media for pan-European Crisis Communication


    Nilsson, Susanna; Brynielsson, Joel; Granåsen, Magdalena; Hellgren, Charlotte; Lindquist, Sinna; Lundin, Mikael; Narganes Quijano, Maribel; Trnka, Jiri


    Social or new media have over the past years become an integrated part of human communication, both as a means to establish and maintain social relationships, but also as a means of sharing and co-creating information. New media comes with an array of possibilities for individuals as well as organisations, corporations and authorities. Within the field of crisis communication new media possibilities, such as online sharing and social networking, has had an impact on the way crisis information...

  13. Composición química de la morera (morus alba), para uso en la alimentación animal: densidades y frecuencias de poda


    Carlos Boschini F.; Herbert Dormond H.; Alvaro Castro H.


    Composición química de la morera (Morus alba), para uso en la alimentación animal: densidades y frecuencias de poda. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la Estación Experimental de Ganado Lechero Alfredo Volio Mata, Cartago, Costa Rica. Las muestras fueron obtenidas de una plantación de morera dividida en tres lotes, con un distanciamiento entre plantas de 60, 90 y 120 cm entre hileras y plantas. Cada parcela se uniformó en dos alturas de poda, 30 y 60 cm sobre el n...

  14. Fitorremediação de solo contaminado com trifloxysulfuron-sodium por diferentes densidades populacionais de feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis (L. DC. Phytoremediation of the herbicide trifloxysulfuron-sodium by different populacional densities of jack bean(Canavalia ensiformis (L. DC.

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    José Barbosa dos Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a fitorremediação do solo contaminado pelo herbicida trifloxysulfuron-sodium a campo, pela espécie de adubo verde Canavalia ensiformis (feijão-de-porco cultivada em diferentes densidades populacionais. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos pela combinação entre quatro densidades de plantio da espécie vegetal feijão-de-porco (0; 8; 20; e 32 plantas m-2 e duas doses do trifloxysulfuron-sodium (0,00 e 15,00 g ha¹. Cinco dias após o preparo do solo, o trifloxysulfuron-sodium foi aplicado antes da semeadura da espécie fitorremediadora, a qual foi mantida na área por 65 dias. Após esse período a área experimental foi novamente sulcada e fertilizada sendo cultivado feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Vermelho Coimbra, espécie sensível ao trifloxysulfuron-sodium. Aos 45 dias após a semeadura do feijão avaliou-se a altura e a biomassa seca da parte aérea das plantas e ao final do ciclo da cultura, foram determinados o rendimento de grãos, o número de vagens por planta e o peso de 100 sementes. O cultivo prévio de C. ensiformis nas densidades populacionais de 8, 20 ou 32 plantas m-2 promoveu a remediação do herbicida. A densidade populacional mínima de C. ensiformis que proporciona maior rendimento de grãos à cultura do feijão é de 20 plantas m-2.This study aimed to evaluate the phytoremediation of the herbicide trifloxysulfuron-sodium in field, by Canavalia ensiformis cultivated in different populacional density. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, in a factorial scheme 4 x 2, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of the combination of four sowing densities (0; 8; 20; and 32 plants m-2 and two rates of trifloxysulfuron-sodium (0.00 and 15.00 g ha¹. Five days after soil preparation trifloxysulfuron-sodium was applied, before C. ensiformis sowing

  15. Islamic and Western perspectives on applied media ethics

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    Saadia Izzeldin Malik


    Full Text Available This study discusses the compatibility of Islamic theories of ethics with Western theories of ethics regarding the ethics of global journalism. The study examines Western and Islamic approaches and perspectives on ethics and applied ethics in the field of journalism. Central to the discussion are global journalism values of freedom of expression, individual right for privacy, public right to know, and the global clashing values of media ownership vs. freedom, and consumerism values vs. media values of social responsibility. These clashing media values are part of the broader practices of newsgathering and news reporting that encompass many ethical dilemmas in the field of media and journalism. The study concludes by discussing Western perspectives on character education. It also provides an Islamic moral perspective based on character education as an approach compatible with the Western perspective on moral education. This perspective will help reconcile global clashing media values.

  16. Like, comment, share and all that jazz : social media as communication and marketing tool case: Social media marketing approaches used by MaiJazz music festival


    Tanaskovic, Nenad


    Master's thesis in International hotel and tourism management Social networks have become an integral part of everyday life for many. With an increasing number of companies using social media to communicate and build relationships with their customers, social media might be considered as the newest element of the marketing mix. The thesis’ objective is to explore the use of social media communication tools used by the jazz music festival, MaiJazz, in Stavanger, to define key...


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    Full Text Available Innovation can take a lot of forms in firms. Large companies are more willing to innovate due to a higher potential than SMEs. In social media, SMEs have equal chances to make a difference. In this paper I aim to present a social media overview, emphasizing the benefits and characteristics of these platforms and the way they can represent a huge innovation for SMEs and in the second part to discuss the case of Romania in relation with social media from the perspective of innovation.

  18. Mass media and the development of pre-reading of preschool children


    GALATÍKOVÁ, Zuzana


    This thesis maps mass media, especially television broadcasting and electronic devices with connection to the Internet, in the lives of pre-school children, and investigates the relationship between mass media and development of initial reading skills. The theoretical part analyses existing literature relevant to pre-school child development elementary reading and mass media, while the empirical research makes an independent investigation into this phenomenon in society using questionnaires f...

  19. Media Accounts of School Performance: Reinforcing Dominant Practices of Accountability (United States)

    Baroutsis, Aspa


    Media reportage often act as interpretations of accountability policies thereby making the news media a part of the policy enactment process. Within such a process, their role is that of policy reinforcement rather than policy construction or contestation. This paper draws on the experiences of school leaders in regional Queensland, Australia, and…

  20. Social Media Marketing Plan for Lakeside Cafe


    Saari, Mona


    The principles of marketing have always been about connecting with consumers at the right place at the right time. Nowadays that means meeting them where they are spending a lot of their time already: online. Engaging with brands has become a part of the buyer decision process. Social media effects consumers’ decisions to purchase more than ever before. This thesis aimed to create a social media marketing plan for a Finnish tourism company called Lakeside Cafe. The plan was based on the SOSTA...

  1. Study of the density of ganglion cells in the terminal bowel of rats with anorectal malformations Estudo da densidade das células ganglionares no intestino terminal de ratos portadores de anomalia anorretal

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    Maurício Macedo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To study the ganglion cells (GC in the terminal bowel of rats with ethylenethiourea (ETU induced anorectal malformations (ARM. METHODS: The animals were divided into three groups: Group A - normal fetuses from pregnant rats that were not administered ETU; Group B - fetuses without ARM born from pregnant rats that were administered ETU and Group C - fetuses with ARM born from pregnant rats that received ETU. ETU was administered on the 11th day of pregnancy at the dose of 125 mg/kg body weight by gastric gavage. The rats had cesarean section on the 21st day of gestation. The fetuses’ terminal bowel tissue was analyzed by immunohistochemistry to demonstrate ganglion cells. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found between groups A, B and C regarding ganglion cell densities. Group A had the highest cell density, followed by Group B and the lowest density was found in Group C. CONCLUSION: Ganglion cell densities are decreased in the terminal bowel of rats with ARM.OBJETIVO: Estudar as células ganglionares (CG no intestino terminal de ratos portadores de anomalia anorretal (AAR induzida pela etilenotiouréia (ETU. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: Grupo A - fetos normais, obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais não foi administrada ETU; Grupo B - fetos não portadores de AAR obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais foi administrada ETU e Grupo C - fetos portadores de AAR obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais foi administrada ETU. A ETU foi administrada no décimo primeiro dia de gestação na dose de 125 mg/Kg, por gavagem. As ratas foram submetidas à laparotomia e histerotomia para retirada dos fetos no vigésimo primeiro dia de gestação. O intestino terminal dos fetos foi retirado e analisado por imunohistoquímica para pesquisa de CG. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos A, B e C quanto à densidade de CG. O grupo A apresentou a maior densidade

  2. La densidad urbana como variable de análisis de la ciudad: El caso de Cuenca, Ecuador

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    M. Augusta Hermida


    Full Text Available El debate teórico sobre la ciudad dispersa versus la ciudad compacta, en el mundo y particularmente en América Latina, pone en la palestra los aspectos clave necesarios para proponer un nuevo modelo de ciudad, donde la calidad de vida de las presentes y futuras generaciones sea el punto focal de reflexión. A través del estudio del estado del arte sobre el tema se concluye que el regreso a la ciudad compacta es la alternativa para un posible desarrollo sustentable en las ciudades intermedias de América Latina. En el caso de Cuenca, se concentra el estudio en las densidades de la ciudad desde los años cincuenta hasta nuestros días. Sorprende comprobar que Cuenca fue una ciudad compacta con alta calidad de vida pero que, paulatinamente, se está expandiendo innecesariamente, con todos los problemas que ello implica.

  3. Desensitization to media violence: links with habitual media violence exposure, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive behavior. (United States)

    Krahé, Barbara; Möller, Ingrid; Huesmann, L Rowell; Kirwil, Lucyna; Felber, Juliane; Berger, Anja


    This study examined the links between desensitization to violent media stimuli and habitual media violence exposure as a predictor and aggressive cognitions and behavior as outcome variables. Two weeks after completing measures of habitual media violence exposure, trait aggression, trait arousability, and normative beliefs about aggression, undergraduates (N = 303) saw a violent film clip and a sad or a funny comparison clip. Skin conductance level (SCL) was measured continuously, and ratings of anxious and pleasant arousal were obtained after each clip. Following the clips, participants completed a lexical decision task to measure accessibility of aggressive cognitions and a competitive reaction time task to measure aggressive behavior. Habitual media violence exposure correlated negatively with SCL during violent clips and positively with pleasant arousal, response times for aggressive words, and trait aggression, but it was unrelated to anxious arousal and aggressive responding during the reaction time task. In path analyses controlling for trait aggression, normative beliefs, and trait arousability, habitual media violence exposure predicted faster accessibility of aggressive cognitions, partly mediated by higher pleasant arousal. Unprovoked aggression during the reaction time task was predicted by lower anxious arousal. Neither habitual media violence usage nor anxious or pleasant arousal predicted provoked aggression during the laboratory task, and SCL was unrelated to aggressive cognitions and behavior. No relations were found between habitual media violence viewing and arousal in response to the sad and funny film clips, and arousal in response to the sad and funny clips did not predict aggressive cognitions or aggressive behavior on the laboratory task. This suggests that the observed desensitization effects are specific to violent content.

  4. The role of the media in risk communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lichtenberg, J.; MacLean, D.


    This paper analyses the origins of risk communication; why the role of the media is difficult to study; the relationship between media coverage and public opinion; the relationship between media coverage and 'reality'; some dilemmas for journalists; the politics of risk communication. More research needs to be done on this issue. Because of the complexities advances will depend partly on cooperation among risk analysts, communications experts, political theorists and philosophers; in any case, progress is likely to be slow and the research costly. The paper demonstrates: It matters greatly that journalists and the rest of us understand the context and the consequences of press coverage of risk issues. (orig./HSCH)


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    Carlos Henríquez


    Full Text Available En un suelo cultivado con café en Juan Viñas, Costa Rica, se determinó la resistencia a la penetración (con 2 tipos de penetrómetros y al corte tangencial, densidad aparente, humedad gravimétrica y temperatura en la superficie y a 15 cm de profundidad; se eligieron y georeferenciaron 3 puntos dentro de un lote de 0,35 ha en un Dystrudept ubicado en Juan Viñas, Costa Rica. Los valores de resistencia a la penetración en la superficie fueron 1,60 y 0,30 MPa con el tipo de penetrómetro "Chatillón" y "Soil-Test" respectivamente, en tanto que los obtenidos a 15 cm fueron de 0,73 y 0,15 MPa en el mismo orden; asimismo, el contenido de humedad gravimétrica fue de 30,37 y 42,08%, respectivamente. A pesar de que también se encontraron mayores valores en la superficie que a los 15 cm, tanto para la resistencia al corte tangencial (0,028 y 0,025 Mpa como para la densidad aparente(0,98 y 0,93 Mg.m-3 respectivamente, estas diferencias no fueron significativas. Los valores de resistencia a la penetración de ambos tipos de penetrómetros correlacionaron positivamente entre sí (0,65**. La densidad aparente y la resistencia a la penetración medidas con el aparato "Chatillón" guardaron una correlación positiva (0,41+, lo cual concuerda con el hecho de que ambas variables son utilizadas para diagnosticar problemas de compactación. Se encontró además una correlación negativa entre la resistencia a la penetración y el contenido de humedad (-0,68** y una correlación positiva entre esta última variable y la temperatura (0,41+. Con base en los resultados de este estudio, se logró constatar que la superficie del suelo del lote evaluado presentó una mayor compactación que a la profundidad de 15 cm, lo cual se puede relacionar con 2 aspectos: el tránsito humano intenso sobre la plantación, producto de las prácticas agrícolas realizadas en el cultivo, y en cierta forma el menor valor de humedad presentado.

  6. The relevance of the social context for media coverage of victims

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    Pavićević Olivera


    Full Text Available Media coverage of human suffering caused by trauma, illness, poverty and disasters worldwide takes up a significant part of media coverage and affects the identity of all actors, both active and passive. Media presentation shapes our thinking and reasoning at the group level, and has far reached impact. The social context of media reporting on victims is shaped by the capacity of the social system to recognize, acknowledge, strengthen and protect the victim. As an aspect of this capacity, media coverage of victims is indicator of victimization visibility. This paper discusses nature of media reporting as a phenomenon appearing in various forms as per given sources of victimization, and the ethical aspects of media presentation of victims. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the critical analysis of the media coverage of victims, by reconsidering an increased visibility of victims and their suffering, which is generated by media reporting, and whose dominant characteristic is presenting victims in the interpretative and performing manner.

  7. Filter Media Tests Under Simulated Martian Atmospheric Conditions (United States)

    Agui, Juan H.


    Human exploration of Mars will require the optimal utilization of planetary resources. One of its abundant resources is the Martian atmosphere that can be harvested through filtration and chemical processes that purify and separate it into its gaseous and elemental constituents. Effective filtration needs to be part of the suite of resource utilization technologies. A unique testing platform is being used which provides the relevant operational and instrumental capabilities to test articles under the proper simulated Martian conditions. A series of tests were conducted to assess the performance of filter media. Light sheet imaging of the particle flow provided a means of detecting and quantifying particle concentrations to determine capturing efficiencies. The media's efficiency was also evaluated by gravimetric means through a by-layer filter media configuration. These tests will help to establish techniques and methods for measuring capturing efficiency and arrestance of conventional fibrous filter media. This paper will describe initial test results on different filter media.

  8. Perilaku Pengguna Media Sosial beserta Implikasinya Ditinjau dari Perspektif Psikologi Sosial Terapan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mulawarman Mulawarman


    Full Text Available Social media becomes a new tool for many areas to perform functions and works, such as political campaign media, advertising, and teaching. However, the use of social media nowadays also raises excessive effects which could be serious problems if it was not overcame as soon as possible. There are some social media usage behaviors that should be observed, such as selfie, cyber bullying, online shopping, user-personalization, and shared- culture. Through the study of social psychology, it is expected that readers have more comprehensive perspective in looking at the phenomenon of social media hegemony as part of contemporary social reality.

  9. Exploring How Digital Media Technology Can Foster Saudi EFL Students' English Language Learning (United States)

    Altawil, Abdulmohsin


    Digital media technology has become an integral part of daily life for almost all young students, and for the majority of Saudi EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. Digital media technology may not be limited to one or two kinds; it has various types such as software and programs, devices, application, websites, social media tools, etc.…

  10. Cinema and Media Studies: Snapshot of an "Emerging" Discipline (United States)

    Gabbard, Krin


    Cinema and media studies have been a prominent part of American academy since the 1960s and at a few universities since the 1910s, but it was only in the mid-1990s that the field was declared to be an emerging discipline. A discussion on the state of cinema and media studies is presented as they stand on the verge of being officially recognized as…

  11. Managing Media: Segmenting Media Through Consumer Expectancies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matt Eastin


    Full Text Available It has long been understood that consumers are motivated to media differently. However, given the lack of comparative model analysis, this assumption is without empirical validation, and thus, the orientation of segmentation from a media management perspective is without motivational grounds. Thus, evolving the literature on media consumption, the current study develops and compares models of media segmentation within the context of use. From this study, six models of media expectancies were constructed so that motivational differences between media (i.e., local and national newspapers, network and cable television, radio, and Internet could be observed. Utilizing higher order statistical analyses the data indicates differences across a model comparison approach for media motivations. Furthermore, these differences vary across numerous demographic factors. Results afford theoretical advancement within the literature of consumer media consumption as well as provide media planners’ insight into consumer choices.

  12. Frames and metaphors on social media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte

    The role of social media in giving voice to public opinion is impossible to ignore. Increasingly, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are used for the mobilisation of action against public figures, corporations and organisations which have attracted negative public attention. For the social...... actors suffering this treatment, such actions may have devastating consequences.While previous studies have demonstrated that this mobilisation is in part the result of the real-time nature of social media, which allows for ‘rapid mass self-communication’ (Van der Meer & Verhoeven 2013) and the instant...... the conceptual grounding of frames in instances of organisational and personal action that is deemed reproachful on social media. By examining a corpus of entries posted on Facebook in connection with two major organisational crises, the study confirms previous findings and demonstrates that the strength...

  13. Reliable and unproductive? Stereotypes of older employees in corporate and news media

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kroon, A.C.; van Selm, M.; ter Hoeven, C.L.; Vliegenthart, R.

    Older employees face a severe employability problem, partly because of dominant stereotypes about them. This study investigates stereotypes of older employees in corporate and news media. Drawing on the Stereotype Content Model, we content analysed newspaper coverage and corporate media of 50

  14. Emotions Trump Facts: The Role of Emotions in on Social Media: A Literature Review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyvärinen, Hissu; Beck, Roman


    Emotions are an inseparable part of how people use social media. While a more cognitive view on social media has initially dominated the research looking into areas such as knowledge sharing, the topic of emotions and their role on social media is gaining increasing interest. As is typical to an ...

  15. Stress responses of juvenile matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus after transport in a closed system under different loading densities Respostas de estresse de matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus juvenil após transporte em sistema fechado sob diferentes densidades de carga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janessa Sampaio de Abreu


    Full Text Available Optimum loading density for the transport of matrinxã juveniles was investigated in a closed system with plastic bags. Transport was conducted for 4 h with fish (23.5± 0.4g and 11.6 (0.08cm starved for 24h at loading densities of 83g L-1 (D1, 125g L-1 (D2, 168g L-1 (D3 and 206g L-1 (D4. Fish were sampled before transport (BT, after transport (AT and 24h AT. The water quality was monitored before capturing fish in depuration tanks, after transport in plastic bags and in recovery tanks. Water oxygen decreased to values below 4mg L-1 in D2, D3 and D4, temperature was around 32°C, pH 6.5-6.78, total ammonia 1.09-1.7mg L-1, un-ionized ammonia 3.58-9.33x10³mg L-1 and alkalinity 134-165mg CaCO3 L-1. Blood cortisol and glucose concentrations increased in fish of all densities AT and recovered the BT levels 24h after arrival. Osmolality did not change AT but increased 24h AT in fish of all densities whereas plasma chloride decreased inversely to the loading densities after the procedure. Hematocrit decreased 24h AT in fish of all densities but no differences were verified in the number of erythrocytes. No mortality was registered in any treatment during the next week after transport. Matrinxã demonstrated to be a crowding tolerant-species in transport operations besides tolerating low levels of oxygen in the water.Neste estudo, foram investigadas as densidades de carga adequadas para transporte de matrinxãs juvenis em sistema fechado com sacos plásticos. O transporte de 4h foi feito com peixes (23,5±0,4g; 11,6 (0,08cm em jejum por 24h, em densidades de 83g L-1 (D1, 125g L-1 (D2, 168g L-1 (D3 e 206g L-1 (D4. Os peixes foram amostrados antes do transporte (AT, logo após o transporte (chegada (DT e 24h depois. A qualidade da água foi monitorada antes da captura dos peixes nos tanques de depuração, após o transporte nos sacos plásticos e nos tanques de recuperação. O oxigênio da água diminuiu para valores inferiores a 4mg L-1 em D2, D3 e D4

  16. Use of Social Media to Find Suitable Applicants in the Advertising Industry


    Rana, Gerina


    The research question of this study is; do firms in the advertising industry use social media to attract or find suitable applicants for jobs in their companies? The aim is to find out if social media is being used by companies as a part of recruitment in Advertising Agencies and also to find out what types of media are being used and what kind of positive and negative aspects of social media exists? From survey done though questionnaires, different answers were collected and it was fou...

  17. Determinación de densidades urbanas sostenibles en base a metodología relativa al acceso solar: caso área metropolitana de Mendoza, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jimena Gómez Piovano


    Full Text Available Uno de los retos actuales a nivel de diseño y planificación urbana consiste en la trasformación de las urbes actuales en modelos de ciudades que contemplen el cuidado del medio ambiente y la mejora de la calidad de vida de los habitantes. Los estudios realizados denotan que los conglomerados de baja densidad poblacional son los más contaminantes (Cepeda y Mardaras, 2004; Norman, Maclean, Asce & Kennedy, 2006 en consecuencia una de las mejoras urbanas a fomentar es la densificación de las ciudades. No obstante, los niveles poblacionales no son únicos y estándares, sino que deben encontrarse en relación con las características propias de cada sector. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar una metodología de cálculo que permita determinar niveles poblacionales máximos contemplando los requerimientos bioclimáticos de la ciudad y garantizando el acceso al sol más igualitario para todos los habitantes de la urbe. La misma es aplicada en el Área Metropolita de Mendoza y denota que las dimensiones de las manzanas y el ancho de las calles limitan la capacidad constructiva del sector y, en consecuencia, la cantidad de personas albergable. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de las densidades poblaciones máximas para los distintos sectores, las que varían entre los 49 y 400 habitantes por hectárea, siendo las manzanas angostas con calles estrechas las de menor capacidad.

  18. Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings (United States)

    Goh, Tiong T.; Sun, Pei-Chen


    Unstructured data in social media is as part of the "big data" spectrum. Unstructured data in Social media can provide useful insights into social phenomena and citizen opinions, both of which are critical to government policy and businesses decisions. Teachers of business intelligence and analytics commonly use quantitative data from…

  19. Media relations after the introduction of social media


    Mesila, Helin


    In the light of the popularity of social media on one hand, and the contradictive relationships between journalists and public relations practitioners on the other hand, the thesis studies media relations after the introduction of social media. The study focuses on media relations in Estonian public relations scenery. The research answers to the questions: - What are media relations today? - What are the functions of social media and media relations in organizational communication? ...

  20. Recommending access control decisions to social media users


    Misra, Gaurav; Such, Jose M.


    Social media has become an integral part of the Internet and has revolutionized interpersonal communication. The lines of separation between content creators and content consumers have blurred as normal users have platforms such as social media sites, blogs and microblogs at their disposal on which they can create and consume content as well as have the opportunity to interact with other users. This change has also led to several well documented privacy problems for the users. The privacy pro...

  1. The role of fantasy in social media use

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjøllund, Niels-Peder Osmundsen


    The main objective of this article is to ask how the use of social media influences the formation the formation of the subject and thereby to explore aspects of a psychoanalytical theoretical framework for analysis, that could point to transformational features in the formation of discourses...... and how these influences young people's way of appropriating information. This article framework is part of a larger research project which examines digital youth and their use of social media in everyday life and education. The article will investigate the following questions, "How does social media use...... and technological interfacing affect the formation of the subject?" And "What consequences does the use of social media and the technological interfacing have on how we as human subjects appropriate and disseminate information?" My analysis of the questions above are inspired by Jacques Lacan and his...

  2. Media Framing of Third Sector Activities in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Anker Brink; Lilleør, Anton Sylvest

    innovation framed by European news media? The analysis is one part of the deliverable D2.3 ‘Images of the Third Sector’ of the ITSSOIN project. D2.3 has been conceptualised to evaluate perceptions of media and citizens attitudes towards the third sector. Both perspectives are published as distinct...... and independent papers. Readers also interested in the citizen perception find more insights in the publication ‘Empirical analyses of citizen perceptions of the third sector in Europe’. The introduction (section 1) demonstrates that little relevant media research has been published specifically on third sector...... of this kind. The media content analysis (section 2) summarizes the major trends in mediated discourse on third sector activities in the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom 2003-2013. These tendencies are related to social innovation policy...

  3. Diferentes densidades de estocagem na larvicultura do trairão Hoplias lacerdae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i1.1366 Different stocking densities in trairão (Hoplias lacerdae larvae rearing - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i1.1366

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Célia Portella


    Full Text Available O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o efeito da densidade de estocagem na larvicultura do trairão. Larvas com sete dias de vida foram submetidas a quatro densidades de estocagem: 10, 30, 60 e 90 larvas/L. Foram utilizados 16 recipientes com volume útil de 5 L cada, dotados de aeração constante e dispostos em sistema de banho termostatizado. Cada tratamento teve quatro repetições. As unidades experimentais foram cobertas com lona plástica preta para manter o ambiente interno escuro, sendo descobertas somente para o manejo diário. Ao final do experimento, após 15 dias de alimentação com náuplios de Artemia, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05 de crescimento dos animais nas diferentes densidades. Esse mesmo resultado também foi observado com relação às taxas de sobrevivência, de mortalidade e de canibalismo. A utilização da maior densidade de estocagem resultou em maior produção de larvas de trairão, possibilitando a criação mais intensiva da espécie nessa faseThis experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the stocking density on trairao larvae rearing. Seven days old larvae were submitted to four different stocking densities: 10, 30, 60 and 90 larvae/L. Sixteen vessels with 5 L each supplied with constant aeration were kept in a thermostatic bath. Each treatment had four replications. In order to keep the internal environment dark, all the experimental units were covered with a black plastic and it was uncovered only during the daily management. At the end of the experiment, after 15 days of feeding with Artemia nauplii, no significant differences were found (P > 0.05 on growth among the evaluated densities. The same results were also registered for the survival, mortality and cannibalism rates. Higher stocking density resulted in higher production of trairao larvae rearing, allowing intensive rearing of this species in this phase

  4. Konser Musik di Media: “Common Culture”, Anti-otentisitas dan Budaya Populer


    al Qadri, M. Ridha


    This article lengthens music concert phenomenon and its reproduction at media. With many perspectives of culture, music concert is reviewed in form of cultural experiences, especially about common culture, media culture, anti authenticity, and popular culture. In this article, entire trend and theoretical observation explored by find beginning references in evaluate contemporary cultural identity of popular music. In fact, the next development of music and media industries are part of complex...

  5. An acoustic eikonal equation for attenuating VTI media

    KAUST Repository

    Hao, Qi


    We present an acoustic eikonal equation governing the complex-valued travel time of P-waves in attenuating, transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI). This equation is based on the assumption that the Pwave complex-valued travel time is independent of the Swave velocity parameter v in Thomsen\\'s notation and the attenuation coefficient A in the Thomsen-type notation for attenuating VTI media. We combine perturbation theory and Shanks transform to develop practical approximations to the attenuating acoustic eikonal equation, capable of admitting analytical description of the attenuation in homogeneous media. For a horizontal, attenuating VTI layer, we also derive non-hyperbolic approximations for the real and imaginary parts of the complex-valued reflection travel time.

  6. "The Trashmaster": Literacy and New Media (United States)

    Merchant, Guy


    In large parts of the developed world, increased connectivity has led to changes in the communicational landscape. Meaning-making associated with new media disturbs established ways of describing and defining literacy, leading some academics and educators to identify "new literacies" as a distinct break from traditional and predominantly…

  7. Michael Faraday, media man. (United States)

    Fara, Patricia


    Michael Faraday was an enthusiastic portrait collector, and he welcomed the invention of photography not only as a possible means of recording observations accurately, but also as a method for advertising science and its practitioners. This article (which is part of the Science in the Industrial Revolution series) shows that like many eminent scientists, Faraday took advantage of the burgeoning Victorian media industry by posing in various roles.

  8. SOCIAL MEDIA (United States)


  9. Metais pesados, densidade e atividade microbiana em solo contaminado por rejeitos de indústria de zinco

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    H. E. Dias-Júnior


    Full Text Available As atividades relacionadas com mineração e indústria metalúrgica são responsáveis pela poluição de extensas áreas de solo em todo o mundo, sendo seus efeitos ainda pouco conhecidos nas condições brasileiras. No presente trabalho, os teores totais e solúveis em água de metais pesados, a densidade e a atividade microbiana foram avaliados em 1996, em sete locais de uma área de deposição de rejeitos da industrialização de zinco, em elevado estádio de degradação, e num local fora da área contaminada, considerado como referência, no estado de Minas Gerais. Todos os locais contaminados apresentaram elevados teores de metais pesados totais e solúveis em água, atingindo, respectivamente, os seguintes valores máximos, em mg kg-1: 11.969 e 726 de Zn; 109 e 18 de Cd; 1.016 e 0 de Pb e 887 e 8 de Cu. Todas as características biológicas avaliadas foram afetadas pelos elevados teores de metais com exceção do número de amonificadores. O C-biomassa apresentou redução acima de 80% em quatro locais contaminados em relação ao local fora da área contaminada. A respiração basal do solo foi maior no local contaminado coberto com Andropogon sp. e menor nos sítios sem vegetação. O número de actinomicetos e de fungos cultiváveis foi menos afetado pela contaminação que o número total de bactérias. Azospirillum spp. foram detectados apenas no local de referência. Oxidantes de amônio foram verificados em somente dois locais que continham vegetação, enquanto os oxidantes de nitrito foram detectados na maioria dos locais amostrados. Verificou-se a tendência de maior densidade e atividade microbiana nos locais contaminados e com algum tipo de vegetação. A concentração total e solúvel de Zn, de Cd e de Cu correlacionou-se fracamente com as características biológicas, exceto para o qCO2, o qual se mostrou promissor como indicador da contaminação com esses metais. Os dados indicaram uma interação qu

  10. Taking a Break. Some Thoughts about Media Consumption

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mira Moshe


    Full Text Available This article examines the structural characteristics of media consumption as a routine break from habitual activity. While acknowledging the existence and importance of “taking a breather” in everyday life, one may ask if and when it is possible to characterize taking a break in today’s media field. The “media break” refers to communications consumption that is not directed at finding out what is occurring in the outside world, correlating between parts of the social and/or political system or responding to the environment and/or passing on the social heritage to the next generation. During the media breather, individuals cut themselves off from their obligations to surveillance, adaptation, connection, continuity, and enlistment. They isolate themselves from systemic constraints and needs and delay any overt contribution to the system. The media break can occur at any hour of the day, or even several times a day. In light of the contribution of routine activity to the stability of the social fabric, this article suggests that media consumption of the “breather” type can provide a structural basis for social stability.

  11. Counting to Nowhere: Social Media Adoption and Use as an Opportunity for Public Scholarship and Engagement


    Katy E. Pearce


    Counting social media site users is popular yet fraught with challenges. Scholars can help illuminate public discussion of social media use. An open access journal like Social Media + Society provides a platform for scholarly public engagement. This essay highlights some of the challenges of understanding social media adoption and suggests opportunities for scholars to become part of public deliberation.

  12. Effects of a peer-led media literacy curriculum on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes toward sexual behavior and media portrayals of sex. (United States)

    Pinkleton, Bruce E; Austin, Erica Weintraub; Cohen, Marilyn; Chen, Yi-Chun Yvonnes; Fitzgerald, Erin


    The United States has the highest rates of teenage pregnancy and birth in the Western industrialized world, and research indicates that television and other mass media are important sources of sexual information for young people. The purpose of this study was to determine if a teen-led, media literacy curriculum focused on sexual portrayals in the media would increase adolescents' awareness of media myths concerning sex, decrease the allure of sexualized portrayals, and decrease positive expectancies for sexual activity. A posttest-only quasi-experiment with control groups was conducted at 22 school and community sites in Washington state (N = 532). The intervention, a 5-lesson media literacy curriculum targeted primarily to middle school students, encouraged sexual abstinence because of federal government funding requirements. Adolescents evaluated the program positively, with 85% rating it as better than other sex education programs. Compared to control-group participants, students were less likely to overestimate sexual activity among teens, more likely to think they could delay sexual activity, less likely to expect social benefits from sexual activity, more aware of myths about sex, and less likely to consider sexual media imagery desirable. The results showed that media literacy has promise as part of a sex education program by providing adolescents with a cognitive framework necessary to understand and resist the influence of media on their decision making concerning sex.

  13. Media Usage in Post-Secondary Education and Implications for Teaching and Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Gidion


    Full Text Available The Web 2.0 has permeated academic life. The use of online information services in post-secondary education has led to dramatic changes in faculty teaching methods as well as in the learning and study behavior of students. At the same time, traditional information media, such as textbooks and printed handouts, still form the basic pillars of teaching and learning. This paper reports the results of a survey about media usage in teaching and learning conducted with Western University students and instructors, highlighting trends in the usage of new and traditional media in higher education by instructors and students. In addition, the survey comprises part of an international research program in which 20 universities from 10 countries are currently participating. Further, the study will hopefully become a part of the ongoing discussion of practices and policies that purport to advance the effective use of media in teaching and learning.

  14. Social Media and HIV: A Systematic Review of Uses of Social Media in HIV Communication. (United States)

    Taggart, Tamara; Grewe, Mary Elisabeth; Conserve, Donaldson F; Gliwa, Catherine; Roman Isler, Malika


    Social media, including mobile technologies and social networking sites, are being used increasingly as part of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and treatment efforts. As an important avenue for communication about HIV, social media use may continue to increase and become more widespread. The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive systematic review of the current published literature on the design, users, benefits, and limitations of using social media to communicate about HIV prevention and treatment. This review paper used a systematic approach to survey all literature published before February 2014 using 7 electronic databases and a manual search. The inclusion criteria were (1) primary focus on communication/interaction about HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), (2) discusses the use of social media to facilitate communication, (3) communication on the social media platform is between individuals or a group of individuals rather than the use of preset, automated responses from a platform, (4) published before February 19, 2014, and (5) all study designs. The search identified 35 original research studies. Thirty studies had low or unclear risk of at least one of the bias items in the methodological quality assessment. Among the 8 social media platform types described, short message service text messaging was most commonly used. Platforms served multiple purposes including disseminating health information, conducting health promotion, sharing experiences, providing social support, and promoting medication adherence. Social media users were diverse in geographic location and race/ethnicity; studies commonly reported users aged 18-40 years and users with lower income. Although most studies did not specify whether use was anonymous, studies reported the importance of anonymity in social media use to communicate about HIV largely due to the stigma associated with HIV. The ability to share and receive information about HIV was

  15. Social Media and HIV: A Systematic Review of Uses of Social Media in HIV Communication (United States)

    Grewe, Mary Elisabeth; Conserve, Donaldson F; Gliwa, Catherine; Roman Isler, Malika


    Background Social media, including mobile technologies and social networking sites, are being used increasingly as part of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and treatment efforts. As an important avenue for communication about HIV, social media use may continue to increase and become more widespread. Objective The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive systematic review of the current published literature on the design, users, benefits, and limitations of using social media to communicate about HIV prevention and treatment. Methods This review paper used a systematic approach to survey all literature published before February 2014 using 7 electronic databases and a manual search. The inclusion criteria were (1) primary focus on communication/interaction about HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), (2) discusses the use of social media to facilitate communication, (3) communication on the social media platform is between individuals or a group of individuals rather than the use of preset, automated responses from a platform, (4) published before February 19, 2014, and (5) all study designs. Results The search identified 35 original research studies. Thirty studies had low or unclear risk of at least one of the bias items in the methodological quality assessment. Among the 8 social media platform types described, short message service text messaging was most commonly used. Platforms served multiple purposes including disseminating health information, conducting health promotion, sharing experiences, providing social support, and promoting medication adherence. Social media users were diverse in geographic location and race/ethnicity; studies commonly reported users aged 18-40 years and users with lower income. Although most studies did not specify whether use was anonymous, studies reported the importance of anonymity in social media use to communicate about HIV largely due to the stigma associated with HIV. The ability to share and

  16. Finding people and their utterances in social media


    Weerkamp, W.; Chen, H.-H.; Efthimiadis, E.N.; Savoy, J.; Crestani, F.; Marchand-Millet, S.


    The increase in usage of content creation platforms of various forms, has led to a huge number of people sharing their utterances. These so-called social media are attractive for many applications, and offering access to the information contained in them is the goal of my research. Given the two main ingredients of social media, people and their utterances, I explore ways of improving finding either of these. My research is divided into three parts: (i) finding utterances; (ii) finding people...

  17. The social media cocktail party : A qualitative study of how companies and organizations communicate online


    Ryrhagen, Sarah


    Due to the development of, and the opportunities that social media provides for different groups in society, companies and organizations are encouraged to be present on, and be a part of the new social media landscape. This research examines how five companies and five organizations use social media as a tool to create relationships with individuals, and what role social media plays in the daily communication work. The social media platforms discussed in this research companies and organizati...

  18. Scientific uncertainty in media content: Introduction to this special issue. (United States)

    Peters, Hans Peter; Dunwoody, Sharon


    This introduction sets the stage for the special issue on the public communication of scientific uncertainty that follows by sketching the wider landscape of issues related to the communication of uncertainty and showing how the individual contributions fit into that landscape. The first part of the introduction discusses the creation of media content as a process involving journalists, scientific sources, stakeholders, and the responsive audience. The second part then provides an overview of the perception of scientific uncertainty presented by the media and the consequences for the recipients' own assessments of uncertainty. Finally, we briefly describe the six research articles included in this special issue. © The Author(s) 2016.


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    Alexandru Lucian MIHAI


    Full Text Available Media relations in sport mean maintenance of networks and positive relationships with people in the media to obtain positive media exposure for a sport product (informal and formal information sessions with media representatives. Because of the pervasive influence the media has on marketing success, sport marketers must make concerted efforts to create a positive relationship between their sport event and the media. They may accomplish this by providing the media with press releases, having news conferences, having media-day events (in which the media are invited to interact with the players, coaches, and administrators, providing media guides for the respective sport events and so on. Each of these activities promotes active involvement from the media, which will subsequently contribute to relationship building with the community.

  20. Emphasis on the Impact of Asynchronous Media

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ICTs and their utilization is one of the most pertinent issues in the education industry today. ... The paper pointed out specific impact of asynchronous ICT media in ... The paper finally noted that the struggle to be part of the digital world is ...

  1. Estimación de la densidad de la madera aserrada de conífera mediante técnicas no destructivas de arranque de tornillos y penetrómetro y su aplicación en la estimación del módulo de elasticidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Palacios Monteagudo, José


    Full Text Available The results of probing 395 sawn pieces of Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L. and Laricio pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii from Spanish sources are presented. Specimens had a cross section from 150 x 200 mm, 150 x 250 mm, and 200 x 250 mm. The Screw Withdrawal Force Meter (SWFM developed by the Wood NDT Laboratory of the University of Western Hungary, in Sopron, and the Pilodyn 6J Wood Tester by Proceq, are the items of equipment used to measure screw withdrawal force and penetration depth, respectively. Based on our results, this paper concludes that for structural coniferous timber the density values estimated from probing measurements are reliable. There is a positive correlation between non-destructive parameters and density (a coefficient of determination r2 of 48.5% to 49.9% is obtained. The authors believe that it is possible to use probing with ultrasonic methods as a good combined nondestructive technique to improve the results of visual grading and modulus of elasticity assessment, at least as an additional parameter in structural sawn timber.Se han efectuado medidas indirectas de la densidad de la madera mediante métodos no destructivos, como la penetración de una varilla con penetrómetro o el arranque de tornillos, sobre probetas procedentes de 395 vigas de tamaño estructural de Pinus radiata D. Don (155, Pinus sylvestris L (120, y Pinus nigra Arn (120. El objeto es tratar de establecer una metodología, para la estimación en obra de la densidad, cuando se realizan tareas de mantenimiento, rehabilitación o restauración. Se han obtenido relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre los valores obtenidos en los ensayos no destructivos y la densidad real de las piezas. Se proponen tres modelos para la estimación de la densidad basados en el resultado del ensayo no destructivo de arranque de tornillos con coeficientes de determinación (R2 de 48,5%, 49,5% y 49,9%. Por ultimo, se plantea

  2. An Intervention for the Negative Influence of Media on Body Esteem (United States)

    Haas, Cheryl J.; Pawlow, Laura A.; Pettibone, Jon; Segrist, Dan J.


    Since research suggests that media pressure to be thin causes individuals to have negative feelings about their appearances, this research aimed to test whether exposing college students to some common myths about female images in the media may be part of the solution to fostering a healthier body image. In this study, a 2 (Group: Experimental or…

  3. Variación de las Características Anatómicas y de la Densidad Básica de la Madera en Árboles de Pinus Caribaea Morelet Varo Hondurensis Barret y Golfari en Función del Espaciamiento de Plantación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vásquez Correal Angela María


    incremento menos acentuado hasta el 10° anillo; el ancho, diámetro del lumen y espesor de la pared de las traqueídas, también presentaron cambios acentuados hasta el 7° anillo de crecimiento, con diferencias marcadas para las traqueídas del leño inicial y del tardío en todos los anillos de crecimiento. No se verificaron diferencias significativas entre las clases de diámetro de los árboles y los tratamientos de espaciamiento, para los parámetros anatómicos analizados, definiéndose la transición periodo juvenil-adulto entre el 7° y el 10° anillo de crecimiento. La variación del espesor de los anillos de crecimiento, en el sentido médula-corteza, en las muestras de madera de las 3 clases de diámetro y los 3 espaciamientos, presentó una reducción del espesor de los anillos hasta el 2°-3° año, seguido por un incremento hasta el 5°-6 ° año para alcanzar un valor estable a los 11 años. Se observó un mayor espesor de los anillos de crecimiento en los árboles de la clase dominante, con una disminución gradual para los individuos de las clases intermedia y dominada. La densidad básica media de la madera presento valores de 0,39. 0,43 y 0,41g/cm 3 en los tratamientos 6(3, 01,5m, 8(3, 02,5m y 10(3.03, 5m, respectivamente, con una media para la variedad de 0,41g/cm 3. En general, hubo una disminución del valor de la densidad básica de la madera en el 60-8° anillo de crecimiento, con un posterior aumento en los años siguientes y una tendencia a la estabilización hasta el año 14°. No se verificaron diferencias significativas entre las clases de diámetro de los árboles y los tratamientos de espaciamiento, para esta característica.

  4. Traditional and New Media Convergence on Philippine Noontime Show, Eat Bulaga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arceo Genina Mariel M.


    Full Text Available The Philippines is still moving towards the direction of merging Traditional and New Media. Some TV formats had been affected by the rise of social media although a big part of the Filipino populace is still into watching Television as their source of information. Almost all of the shows in the Philippines are available online and in mainstream television to cater viewers who wish to watch their favorite shows anytime and anywhere. Social Media Trends had helped and invaded the mainstream media on creating content for the viewers. Even social media sensations have paved its way to mainstream media by being televised on the news and segments as guests to a show. Giving these shows high ratings with an online social media star is a sign of things to come. This study is a condensed version of a research that examines how a 36-year-old noontime show being viewed by older generation has penetrated social media and has attracted younger viewers. It also aimed to know what really happen when traditional and new media integrates. Initial findings show that media convergence is absolutely more than a technology shift as most people know it.

  5. Social Media Management Strategies for Organizational Impression Management and their Effect on Public Perception

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benthaus, Janek; Risius, Marten; Beck, Roman


    strategy, help companies to positively influence the public perception among social media users. A mixed methods approach is applied, where we quantitatively analyze 15 million user-generated Twitter messages containing information about 45 large global companies highly active on Twitter, as well as almost......With the growing importance of social media, companies increasingly rely on social media management tools to analyze social media activities and to professionalize their social media engagement. In this study, we evaluate how social media management tools, as part of an overarching social media...... 160 thousand corresponding messages sent from these companies via their corporate Twitter accounts. Additionally, we conducted interviews with six social media experts to gain complementary insights. By these means, we are able to identify significant differences between different social media...

  6. Relationship between biomass and parasite density of Mediorhynchus emberizae (Acanthocephala: Gigantorhynchidae parasites of Paroaria dominicana (Passeriformes: Emberizidae of the State of Bahia, Brazil Relação entre biomassa e densidade parasitária de Mediorhynchus emberizae (acanthocephala: gigantorhynchidae parasito de Paroaria dominicana (passeriformes: emberizidae do estado da Bahia, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano R. Carvalho


    Full Text Available During the study of the metazoan parasites of Paroaria dominicana (Linnaeus, 1758, eight infrapopulations of Mediorhynchus emberizae (Rudolphi, 1819, were collected in the medium third of the small intestine, with parasite intensities ranging from one to ten specimens. Differences among the average values of the biomass, volume of the eggs, volume of the testicles and the parasite density of the infrapopulations were statistically tested in order to detect variations of these parameters in function of parasite density. Was observed that the acanthocephalans biomass increased with the volume of the intestine and also that the parasite density increased with the parasite intensity in the infrapopulations. It was verified that the increase of the parasite intensity was accompanied by the decrease of the mean biomass of the parasites. Decrease of the volume of the eggs was verified with the increase of the density and of the parasite intensity. The results of the present work could suggested the occurrence of density-dependent factors and the decrease of testicles volume and the biomass of the males with the increase of the parasite density in the infrapopulations of M. emberizae in the intestine of P dominicana.Durante o estudo dos metazoários parasitos de Paroaria dominicana (Linnaeus, 1758, oito infrapopulações de Mediorhynchus emberizae (Rudolphi, 1819, foram coletadas no terço médio do intestino delgado, com intensidades parasitárias variando de um a dez espécimes. Diferenças entre os valores médios da biomassa, volume dos ovos, volume dos testículos e da densidade parasitária das diferentes infrapopulações foram estatisticamente testadas com o objetivo de detectar variações desses parâmetros em função da densidade parasitária. Foi observado que a biomassa de acantocéfalos aumentou com o volume do intestino e também que a densidade dos parasitos aumentou com a intensidade parasitária nas infrapopulações. Verificou-se que

  7. Simulación del haz de electrones en un TEM como flujo de partículas cargadas

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    Alberto Hernández-Valle


    Full Text Available Se simuló el comportamiento de un haz de electrones en un Microscopio Electrónico de Transmisión (TEM en función del voltaje de aceleración, la corriente de excitación de las lentes y la permeabilidad relativa de las piezas polares, por medio del software COMSOL Multiphysics versión 4.2a. Los resultados mostraron una baja velocidad vertical en los electrones dispersos, los cuales fueron filtrados por los diafragmas. Además, los gráficos expusieron que la densidad del flujo magnético aumentó con el incremento en la permeabilidad magnética de las piezas polares. Además, un aumento en la densidad del flujo magnético incrementó el ángulo de los electrones divergentes y redujo su velocidad vertical. Finalmente, las observaciones demostraron que el número de electrones que entran en el sistema no afecta el comportamiento general del haz ni la magnitud de la densidad del flujo magnético.

  8. Moving Circles: mobile media and playful identities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.L. de Lange (Michiel)


    textabstractThe mobile phone has become part of our everyday lives with astonishing speed. Over four billion people now have access to mobile phones, and this number keeps increasing. Mobile media technologies shape how we communicate with each other, and relate to the world. This

  9. Application of social media tools by retailers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alarcon-del-Amo, M.d.C.; Lorenzo-Romero, C.; Constantinides, Efthymios; Eldon, Y.L.; Loh, S.; Evans, C.; Lorenzi, F.


    The chapter explores the factors influencing the adoption process and the degree of engagement of the social media as part of the online marketing strategy by Spanish retailers. A retail industry survey identifies four different segments of retailers depending on the level of implementation of


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    Nuriyatul Lailiyah


    The results showed several findings, namely: construction of identity in social media take the positive part of identity in the real world, informants consistently set a certain image in the social media in match to their expectations, social media became a mean of users personal branding. Informants also divided into two categories: first, the group that consistently maintain the image they were trying to build. second, groups that occasionally appeared different from the image they wanted to construct.

  11. La influencia del calcio, vitamina D y magnesio en la osteoporosis y sus efectos en la densidad ósea: revisión sistemática


    Torralbo Ruiz, Pablo


    RESUMEN: Objetivo: conocer la influencia de la nutrición (calcio, vitamina D y magnesio) en la prevención y el tratamiento de la osteoporosis en mayores de 18 años, y cómo afecta a la densidad mineral ósea (DMO). Métodos: Se realizó la búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed, PEDro y Medline en busca de ensayos controlados aleatorizados desde el año 2009 hasta julio de 2014. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: sujetos mayores de 18 años, sometidos a intervenciones nutricionales...

  12. Do pharmacists use social media for patient care? (United States)

    Benetoli, Arcelio; Chen, Timothy F; Schaefer, Marion; Chaar, Betty; Aslani, Parisa


    Background Social media are frequently used by consumers and healthcare professionals. However, it is not clear how pharmacists use social media as part of their daily professional practice. Objective This study investigated the role social media play in pharmacy practice, particularly in patient care and how pharmacists interact online with patients and laypeople. Setting Face-to-face, telephone, or Skype interviews with practising pharmacists (n = 31) from nine countries. Method In-depth semi-structured interviews; audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analysed. Main outcome measure Two themes related to the use of social media for patient care: social media and pharmacy practice, and pharmacists' online interactions with customers and the public. Results Most participants were community pharmacists. They did not provide individualized services to consumers via social media, despite most of them working in a pharmacy with a Facebook page. No participant "friended" consumers on Facebook as it was perceived to blur the boundary between professional and personal relationships. However, they occasionally provided advice and general health information on social media to friends and followers, and more commonly corrected misleading health information spread on Facebook. Short YouTube videos were used to support patient counselling in community pharmacy. Conclusions Participants recognized the potential social media has for health. However, its use to support patient care and deliver pharmacy services was very incipient. Pharmacists as medicine experts are well equipped to contribute to improvements in social media medicines-related information, learn from consumers' online activities, and design new ways of delivering care to communities and individuals.

  13. Monogenoidea (Dactylogyridae em tilápias-do-nilo cultivadas sob diferentes densidades de estocagem em tanques-rede Monogenoidea (Dactylogyridae in Nile tilapia cultured under different stocking densities in cages

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    N.G. Marengoni


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se a prevalência e a intensidade de infecção por Monogenoidea em tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus cultivadas sob diferentes densidades de estocagem em tanques-rede de 4m³. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos - densidades (D de D1=250, D2=300, D3=350 e D4=400 peixes/m³, três repetições por tratamento, utilizando-se 360 peixes capturados e analisados no período de fevereiro a junho de 2003. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água foram mensalmente monitorados. Observaram-se prevalências de 52,8; 62,5; 69,4; 83,3; 58,3% e intensidade média parasitária de 112,8; 65,7; 274,0; 97,8; 100,2 de Dactylogyrus sp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae. Não houve relação da prevalência e intensidade de infecção com a densidade de cultivo, porém foi verificado efeito quadrático (PThe prevalence and infection intensity of Monogenoidea in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus cultivated under different stocking densities in 4m³ cages were evaluated. The experiment was designed in sample random sampling with four treatments - densities (D of D1=250, D2=300, D3=350, and D4=400 fish/m³- and three repetitions, using 360 fish captured and analyzed during the period from February to June 2003. Physiochemical parameters of the water were monthly monitored. Prevalences of 52.8; 62.5; 69.4; 83.3; and 58.3% and parasitic mean intensities of 112.8; 65.7; 274.0; 97.8; and 100.2 Dactylogyrus sp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae were observed. No relationship between the prevalence and infection intensity with the cultivation density was found. However, quadratic effect was verified (P<0.05 related to the parasitic intensity in function of the month. High mean intensity of infection (274 and high prevalence (83.3% were verified in the months in that the temperature and the transparency of the water oscillated below the recommended limits for the thermal comfort and well-being of tilapia.


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    Adrian Liviu IVAN


    Full Text Available An important part of the reform of the intelligence community is felt in the opening linked with the widening spectrum of methods and spaces which can be used to collect and analyse dates and information. One of these methods that produce large mutations in the system is connected to the world of social media which proves to be a huge source of information. Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT, the newest member of the family INT's, is undoubtedly a separate domain, a practice rooted in the work of the intelligence community. This paper proposes a general characterization of the most important aspects of Social Media Intelligence, a brand new way for the intelligence community to collect and analyse information for national security purposes (but not only in the context of the current global challenges. Moreover, the work is focused in identifying the further limitations and opportunities of this practice in the upcoming decade.

  15. Wave propagation on a plasma media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres-Silva, H.; Villarroel-Gonzalez, C.; Reggiani, N.; Sakanaka, P.H.


    Chiral-media and ferrite media have been studied over the last decade for many applications. Chiral-media have been examined as coating for reducing radar cross section, for antennas and arrays, for antenna radomes in waveguides and for microstrip substrate. Here, we examine a chiral-plasma medium, where the plasma part of the composite medium is non-reciprocal due to the external magnetic field, to find the general dispersion relation giving the ω against K behavior, vector phasor Helmholtz based equations are derived. We determine the modal eigenvalue properties in the chiral-plasma medium, which is doubly anisotropic. For the case of waves which propagate parallel to the magnetic field is a cold magnetized chiro-plasma. We compare our results with the typical results obtained for a cold plasma. Also we obtain the chiral-Faraday rotation which can be compared with the typical Faraday rotation for a pair of right-and left-handed circularly polarized waves. (author). 5 refs., 2 figs

  16. Cultural Context In Process Of Mining Data From Social Media – Recommendations Based On Literature Review

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    Joanna Michalak


    Full Text Available Social media is nothing else than a modern communication channel that carry a lot of advantages, such as their reach or range. Social media has such a big power of its reach that a single post, tweet, or "broad" start to matter globally. With globalization, we have seen an increase in usage of social media everywhere. This means that communication is being conducted across the borders or different countries, continents or even cultures. It is an desirable effect, however the social media user across the world differs in respect to their culture and data shows that significant differences exist in a way people in the world social media. However, in order to be well prepared to dig in social media, the question should be post whether the cultural context affects the activity of users. If so, it is appropriate to prepare data filters to include some specific criteria. In first part authors apply the Cross - Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM in social media data to specify the process of data analysis. Second part focuses on recommendations about cultural context in mining social media.

  17. An acoustic eikonal equation for attenuating transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis

    KAUST Repository

    Hao, Qi


    Seismic-wave attenuation is an important component of describing wave propagation. Certain regions, such as gas clouds inside the earth, exert highly localized attenuation. In fact, the anisotropic nature of the earth induces anisotropic attenuation because the quasi P-wave dispersion effect should be profound along the symmetry direction. We have developed a 2D acoustic eikonal equation governing the complex-valued traveltime of quasi P-waves in attenuating, transversely isotropic media with a vertical-symmetry axis (VTI). This equation is derived under the assumption that the complex-valued traveltime of quasi P-waves in attenuating VTI media are independent of the S-wave velocity parameter υS0 in Thomsen\\'s notation and the S-wave attenuation coefficient AS0 in Zhu and Tsvankin\\'s notation. We combine perturbation theory and Shanks transform to develop practical approximations to the acoustic attenuating eikonal equation, capable of admitting an analytical description of the attenuation in homogeneous media. For a horizontal-attenuating VTI layer, we also derive the nonhyperbolic approximations for the real and imaginary parts of the complex-valued reflection traveltime. These equations reveal that (1) the quasi SV-wave velocity and the corresponding quasi SV-wave attenuation coefficient given as part of Thomsen-type notation barely affect the ray velocity and ray attenuation of quasi P-waves in attenuating VTI media; (2) combining the perturbation method and Shanks transform provides an accurate analytic eikonal solution for homogeneous attenuating VTI media; (3) for a horizontal attenuating VTI layer with weak attenuation, the real part of the complex-valued reflection traveltime may still be described by the existing nonhyperbolic approximations developed for nonattenuating VTI media, and the imaginary part of the complex-valued reflection traveltime still has the shape of nonhyperbolic curves. In addition, we have evaluated the possible extension of the

  18. Expansión estacionaria del plasma producido por un pulso de láser sobre una microesfera


    Sanz Recio, Javier


    Para obtener energía de fusión mediante el láser, es necesario comprimir una microesfera a densidades muy altas (diez mil veces la densidad inicial), calentando al mismo tiempo un pequeño núcleo central del blanco a temperaturas del orden de 10 KeV. El problema queda dividido en dos partes bien diferenciadas cuando existe una superficie de ablación que separa el problema interior que es no estacionario y el problema exterior,, el cual se puede tomar cuasi estacionario si la densidad crítica d...

  19. E-Everything and the School Library Media Specialist: Grist for the Mill (Part 2). (United States)

    Barron, Daniel D.


    Discusses electronic books and the need for school library media specialists to merge information literacy and library skills with technology skills. Highlights include advancing technology for electronic books; helpful Web sites, including Project Gutenburg; and reader software. (LRW)

  20. Basic density and pulp yield relationship with some chemical parameters in eucalyptus trees Densidade e rendimento em polpa celulósica e sua relação com alguns parâmetros químicos no eucalipto

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    Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of basic density and pulp yield correlations with some chemical parameters, in order to differentiate an homogeneous eucalyptus tree population, in terms of its potential for pulp production or some other technological applications. Basic density and kraft pulp yield were determined for 120 Eucalyptus globulus trees, and the values were plotted as frequency distributions. Homogenized samples from the first and fourth density quartiles and first and fourth yield quartiles were submitted to total phenols, total sugars and methoxyl group analysis. Syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G and syringaldehyde/vanillin (S/V ratios were determined on the kraft lignins from wood of the same quartiles. The results show the similarity between samples from high density and low yield quartiles, both with lower S/G (3.88-4.12 and S/V (3.99-4.09 ratios and higher total phenols (13.3-14.3 g gallic acid kg-1 . Woods from the high yield quartile are statistically distinguished from all the others because of their higher S/G (5.15 and S/V (4.98 ratios and lower total phenols (8.7 g gallic acid kg-1 . Methoxyl group and total sugars parameters are more adequate to distinguish wood samples with lower density.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicabilidade de correlações entre rendimento em polpa e densidade básica com alguns parâmetros químicos, para diferenciar uma população homogênea de árvores de eucalipto, em termos de capacidade de produção de polpa celulósica ou de outras aplicações. Determinou-se a densidade básica e o rendimento em polpa celulósica em 120 árvores de Eucalyptus globulus, e os resultados foram representados como distribuição de freqüências. Na madeira das árvores dos primeiro e quarto quartis de densidade e de rendimento, determinaram-se os teores de fenóis totais, açúcares totais e grupos metoxílicos. Nas respectivas ligninas kraft determinaram-se as razões seringilo

  1. Fukushima and follow-up. Media coverage, public opinion, political consequences; Fukushima und die Folgen. Medienberichterstattung, Oeffentliche Meinung, Politische Konsequenzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolling, Jens; Arlt, Dorothee (eds.)


    The study includes the following contributions: Introduction: An earth quake and its (political) consequences; Part 1: Nuclear energy in the historical-comparative perspective: The largest assumable reevaluation? Loss of confidence in nuclear power. Part 2: Reactions of the media in Germany: German nuclear phase-out made in Japan? Risk perception in case of accident. Part 3: International comparison of the media reactions: Framing Fukushima. The nuclear disaster as topic of the international communication. Emotionalized reporting? Energy sources in the media reporting. Changes due to Fukushima? Part 4: Reactions of the public on the nuclear disaster and the media reporting: Fukushima effects in Germany? Risk reporting and risk perception. The influence of the reactor accident on the nuclear risk perception and the general environmental awareness of the public. On the influence of the nuclear disaster of Fukushima and the appraisement of different energy sources in Germany.

  2. Media Seduction in Modern Society of Spectacle and Manipulation

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    Nenad Vertovšek


    Full Text Available Media influence on almost all aspects of our lives, have caused major changes in the way of living and perceiving the world each individual. They have become a very important part of everyday functioning and aware of this, they are skillfully trying to use it to manipulate and seduce the public in the name of profit and capital. Media product crisis in which public disclaims ethical values and blame Others for our problems. From McLuhan and Chomsky to Debord, a deeper understanding of the mass media - helps uncover the basics of seduction through the media. and Detect the basis of “society of the spectacle” dominated by artificially created stars and half-truths. It is absurd that the manipulation of reality serve to create a different, virtual and digital reality, which would ultimately represent “true reality”.

  3. Menjaga Kontinuitas pada Saat Pengambilan Gambar dalam Media Film

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    Johanes Baptista Permadi


    Full Text Available Film media is a new media to communicate. However, the communication way in this movie is different from other media communication visual. Continuity is a crucial element in communicating through visual media, and sometimes continuity in a film is parted in a scene. The cause of losing continuity needs to be observed more, so there will be a method to anticipate losing continuity of a film in pre-production stage or in preparation stage before actual shooting. The data gained from students’ assignments in ‘Cinematography for Animation’ subject, which close to problem formulation. After the data is gained and compared, there will be experiment using simulation towards application software 3D to find alternative about continuity. The result covers the shooting way to keep continuity and a brave preparation in pre-production stage or before shooting. 

  4. Social Media: It's What Students Do (United States)

    Kelm, Orlando R.


    In assessing the application of social media on the teaching of business communication, this article looks at MBA student use of blogs, online photo database contributions, and video contributions to YouTube channels. These assignments were part of their course activities, which included a 2-week study tour in China. The article looks at these…

  5. Superfund TIO videos: Set B. Community relations, communicating with the media and presenting technical information. Part 9. Audio-Visual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The videotape is divided into three sections. Section 1 discusses the Superfund Community Relations (CR) Program and its history and objectives. Community Relations requirements as defined by CERCLA for Superfund actions are outlined. Community Relations requirements, the nature of community involvement in CR plans, effective CR techniques, and the roles of the OSC, RPM, and EPA Community Relations Coordinator (CRC) are discussed. Section 2 (1) describes the media's perspective on seeking information; (2) identifies five settings and mechanisms for interacting with the media; (3) offers good media-relations techniques; and (4) lists tips for conducting media interviews. Section 3 outlines techniques for presenting technical information, describes how to be prepared to address typical issues of community concern, and identifies the four key elements in handling tough questions

  6. We the Media Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the People

    CERN Document Server

    Gillmor, Dan


    In We the Media, nationally acclaimed newspaper columnist and blogger Dan Gillmor shows how anyone can produce the news, using personal blogs, internet chat groups, email, and a host of other tools. He tells the story of this emerging phenomenon and sheds light on this deep shift in how we make--and consume--the news. Journalism in the 21st century will be fundamentally different from the Big Media oligarchy that prevails today. We the Media casts light on the future of journalism, and invites us all to be part of it.

  7. Social Media and Customer Retention: Implications for the Luxury Beauty Industry


    Stokinger, Ellen; Ozuem, Wilson


    Social media has become an integrated part of everyday life, but its entry into the luxury goods industry\\ud has been far from easy. The use of social media in the luxury beauty industry has caused many heated\\ud debates as it is seen as a form of interference in the exclusivity of luxury brands by limiting the physical\\ud and sensual contact between brand and customer. The purpose of this chapter is to provide some insights\\ud into how social media impacts the cosmetics industry. Further, th...

  8. Teaching Tweeting: Recommendations for Teaching Social Media Work in LIS and MSIS Programs (United States)

    Simons, Rachel N.; Ocepek, Melissa G.; Barker, Lecia J.


    A combination of public relations, marketing, advertising, and information and communication technologies, social media work is an increasingly important part of information professionals' jobs. This paper reports on a survey-based study of 49 information professionals who routinely use social media in their work. Respondents provided information…

  9. The decline of natural sciences in the culture of mass media (United States)

    Elías, Carlos


    This study sets out to determine if the interest in and study of natural sciences is declining in western countries as scientists currently contend. Part one demonstrates how survey results reveal a decline of interest in scientific news in the EU. Part two explores the decline of interest further through examining data such as the number of students interested in scientific subjects and scientific careers. I explore the hypothesis that the lack of interest in scientific subjects is influenced by the culture of the mass media, and the manner in which the media covers scientific items. I examine a range of media outlets, from reality TV shows and TV series, to movies and the press. Many aspects of this paper have been discussed in depth in my book published in 2008: La razón estrangulada (Reason Strangled: the Crisis of Science in Contemporary Society).

  10. Densidade global de solos medida com anel volumétrico e por cachimbagem de terra fina seca ao ar Bulk density of soil samples measured in the field and through volume measurement of sieved soil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Van Raij


    Full Text Available Em laboratórios de rotina de fertilidade do solo, a medida de quantidade de terra para análise é feita em volume, mediante utensílios chamados "cachimbos", que permitem medir volumes de terra. Admite-se que essas medidas reflitam a quantidade de terra existente em volume de solo similar em condições de campo. Essa hipótese foi avaliada neste trabalho, por doze amostras dos horizontes A e B de seis perfis de solos. A densidade em condições de campo foi avaliada por anel volumétrico e, no laboratório, por meio de cachimbos de diversos tamanhos. A cachimbagem revelou-se bastante precisa. Os valores de densidade global calculada variaram de 0,63 a 1,46g/cm³ para medidas de campo e de 0,91 a 1,33g/cm³ para medidas com cachimbos. Portanto, a medida de laboratório subestimou valores altos de densidade e deu resultados mais elevados para valores de campo mais baixos.In soil testing laboratories, soil samples for chemical analysis are usually measured by volume, using appropriate measuring spoons. It is tacitly assumed that such measurements would reflect amounts of soil existing in the same volume under field conditions. This hypothesis was tested, using 12 soil samples of the A and B horizons of six soil profiles. Bulk density in the field was evaluated through a cylindrical metal sampler of 50cm³ and in the laboratory using spoons of different sizes. Measurements of soil volumes by spoons were quite precise. Values of bulk density varied between 0.63 and 1.46g/cm³ for field measurements and between 0.91 and 1.33g/cm³ for laboratory measurements with spoons. Thus, laboratory measurements overestimated lower values of bulk densities and underestimated the higher ones.

  11. A cultural evolution approach to digital media

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Acerbi, A.


    Digital media have today an enormous diffusion, and their influence on the behaviour of a vast part of the human population can hardly be underestimated. In this review I propose that cultural evolution theory, including both a sophisticated view of human behaviour and a methodological attitude to


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    Full Text Available No Brasil têm-se usado densidades de plantio relativamente baixas para a obtenção de frutos grandes, com reflexos negativos na produtividade da cultura do abacaxi. No entanto, frutos cada vez menores têm sido comercializados no mercado internacional, o que poderá também ocorrer no mercado nacional. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de altas densidades em sistemas de plantio em filas duplas sobre a produção quantitativa e qualitativa de abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne, sob condições de sequeiro. Densidades de plantio, variando de 51.280 plantas/ha a 100.000 plantas/ha, foram estudadas em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições e doze tratamentos, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, correspondendo a quatro combinações de espaçamentos entre linhas duplas e entre linhas simples na fila dupla (90cm x 40 cm, 90 cm x 30 cm, 80 cm x 30 cm , 70 cm x 30 cm e três espaçamentos entre plantas nas linhas de plantio (30 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm. A análise de variância determinou diferença estatística apenas para a produtividade, em função do espaçamento entre plantas na linha de plantio, sendo mais elevada para o espaçamento de 20 cm. O peso do fruto, as suas dimensões e a sua qualidade (açucares, acidez, teor de suco, relação açúcares/acidez não foram significativamente influenciados pelas densidades de plantio estudadas, mantendo-se dentro dos padrões da cultivar. Para cada aumento de 10.000 plantas por hectare, a produtividade cresceu em 8,27 t/ha e o peso médio do fruto caiu 102 g. Nas condições ambientais dos Tabuleiros Costeiros do Norte da Bahia, a cultura do abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne apresenta potencial para uso em altas densidades de plantio, mesmo em cultivo de sequeiro, podendo-se atingir produtividade acima de 80t/ha e peso médio do fruto superior a 1,0 kg.In Brazil, relatively low planting densities have been used to obtain large fruits, with negative effects on pineapple

  13. Compactación potencial en dos suelos de la parte plana del Valle del Cauca. Parte II

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    García Luis Fernando


    Full Text Available Muestras de los primeros 20 cm de la superficie de dos suelos (Calciustol y Haplustol, los dos vérticos mezclados francosos isohipertérmicos con pendiente 0.5%, en diferentes cultivos en el CIAT-Palmira, fueron compactados en el aparato de Richards en dos condiciones de humedad (0.1 bar y 0.5 bar para medir el punto de máxima compactación, estimado a través de la variación de la densidad aparente, la tasa de difusión de oxígeno, la porosidad de aireación, la conductividad hidráulica saturada y el módulo de ruptura. Se incluyeron dos testigos bajo cobertura de bosque natural en los mismos suelos y se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial (2 suelos x 2 usos x 2 humedades con tres repeticiones. Para la comparación de medias se utilizó la prueba de Duncan (P < 0.05. Los suelos cultivados fueron potencialmente más susceptibles a la compactación que los de bosque, a pesar de que los primeros presentaban un contenido promedio de 4% de M.O. En condiciones de alta humedad (0.1 bar los suelos cultivados presentaron igualmente mayor potencial de compactación. Calciustol resultó con mayor potencial a la compactación, independientemente del uso. El estudio sugiere que los altos contenidos de M.O no siempre evitan la degradación por trãfico de maquinaria en condiciones de alto contenido de humedad.

  14. Analyzing Public Discourse: Using Media Content Analysis to Understand the Policy Process (United States)

    Saraisky, Nancy Green


    One of the most basic and obvious sources of data for education policy analysis is text. This article discusses content analysis as an important part of the methodological toolbox for elucidating patterns and trends about education policy. Focusing specifically on media, I show how media content analysis can produce nuanced insights about the ways…

  15. To Watch or to Read? The Respective Influence of Televised Political Debates and Media Debate Coverage on Citizen Learning (United States)

    Kunde, Meg


    Courses: Media and Politics, Political Communication, Political Rhetoric, Media Effects. Objective: By taking part in a classroom activity, students will explore how cognitive frames and media frames play a role in learning from political debates.

  16. U.S. Media and Thai Society. (United States)

    Thongprayoon, Boonchan; Hill, L. Brooks

    A study investigated the effects of U.S. mass media on three dimensions of Thai society: lifestyles, social problems, and value conflict. A total of 100 two-part questionnaires were distributed to Thai students at southwestern public universities in the United States. Forty males and 28 females, whose lengths of stay in the United States varied…

  17. Komunikasi Krisis di Era New Media dan Social Media


    Prastya, Narayana Mahendra


    New media and social media have changed the practice of public relations. One area that changed is crisis communication. Because of these new technologies, crisis can be more complex. The pace of information, the uncertainty, and the rumors, are increasing. Public relations practitioners should include the new media and social media use in their crisis communication plan. Before doing that, public relations practitioners should change their mindset about social media and new media. The first ...

  18. Consumer Trust in and Emotional Response to Advertisements on Social Media and their Influence on Brand Evaluation


    Ivanete Schneider Hahn; Flavia Luciane Scherer; Kenny Basso; Marindia Brachak dos Santos


    Social media is becoming an important part of an organization's media strategy. This study examines the effects of trust and consumer emotional response to advertisements on brand evaluation in an online social media context. The study used a survey method, and the studied population consisted of 927 Brazilian social media users (Facebook subscribers). The results showed the following: (1) the emotional response to advertising on social media had a positive influence on brand evaluation; and ...

  19. Social media marketing strategy of Yerevan brandy company

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    S.A. Movsisyan


    Full Text Available This is quantitative and qualitative study based on secondary data. The secondary data includes daily, monthly, quarterly data of Yerevan Brandy company's social media websites and annual data of Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube companies. The data was obtained from Alexa, Wolframalpha, Similarweb, Socialbakers, Quintly, Fanpage Karma, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. The research paper consists of six parts: Introduction, Objectives and Methods, Experimental Section, Results and Analysis, Conclusion, References. The first part of the research paper presents the top social media sites in Armenia. The second part describes the type of data and analysis methods, objectives of the research paper. The third part presents the variables and software used in this study. The fourth part introduces the top keywords from search engines sending traffic to Ararat Brandy website, top 5 linking sites to Ararat Brandy website, total visits of website from October, 2015 to March, 2016, website traffic by countries (Q1, 2016, traffic sources (Q1, 2016, the analysis of Ararat Museum Facebook page performance, the analysis of Facebook posts by page metrics, Ararat Armenian Brandy's total Facebook fans, % change, change per weekday, Facebook fans by country, Facebook fans relative change in 2016, simple ordinary least squares (OLS linear regression analysis. Finally, the paper proposes recommendations for improving the Ararat Brandy's website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube pages' performance.

  20. Intercultural and Media Education on Art Classes (United States)

    Borges, Maria José; Chaves, Anabela; Costa, Manuela; Pereira, Emília Sá


    Visual art, music and literature, are part of the culture. Thus Art shows the interactions between different cultures. The aim of the article is to present some activities to include intercultural issues in Art and Mother Language classes. Art classes also give the opportunity to do Media Education.

  1. Media education and media enlightenment as attributes of information society

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    Лилия Борисовна Белоглазова


    Full Text Available The article deals with the problem of the functioning of media-education and media-enlightenment in modern society. Focuses on the impact of this socio-cultural phenomenon on consciousness of members of the Information Society. Are the main characteristics of media-education and media-education and media-enlightenment. Concludes that media-education and media-enlightenment forms unscientific and anti-scientific thinking and style speech.

  2. A histerectomia simples realizada no menacme e a densidade mineral óssea da mulher na pós-menopausa Pre-menopausal simple hysterectomy and post-menopausal female bone mineral density

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    João Daniel Hobeika


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a densidade mineral óssea de mulheres na pós-menopausa, com o antecedente de histerectomia com conservação ovariana bilateral, realizada no menacme, comparadas a um grupo de mulheres com menopausa natural, não histerectomizadas. Tratou-se de um estudo de corte transversal, com trinta mulheres na pós-menopausa e histerectomizadas no menacme e 102 mulheres menopausadas naturalmente, comparando-se as respectivas densitometrias ósseas, em nível do fêmur e coluna lombar. A análise mostrou que as variáveis idade e índice de massa corporal estavam fortemente associadas à densidade mineral óssea do fêmur e da coluna lombar, sendo o índice de massa corporal diretamente e a idade inversamente associados. Posteriormente, as trinta mulheres histerectomizadas, foram pareadas por idade e índice de massa corporal, com trinta mulheres não-histerectomizadas, não apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significantes da densidade mineral óssea. Esses resultados sugerem que a histerectomia com conservação ovariana bilateral, realizada em mulheres no menacme, não parece ocasionar redução adicional da massa óssea, quando avaliadas na pós-menopausa.This study aimed to evaluate the bone mineral density (BMD of post-menopausal women with previous pre-menopausal hysterectomy including bilateral ovarian conservation compared to a group of non-hysterectomized women with natural menopause. Data from a cross-sectional study of 30 pre-menopausally hysterectomized women evaluated in the post-menopause were compared with 102 naturally post-menopausal women, analyzing their respective bone densitometry, measuring the femoral and lumbar spinal BMD. Multiple regression analysis of the 132 women showed that age and body mass index (BMI were heavily associated with femoral and lumbar spinal BMD, BMI directly associated, and age inversely associated with BMD. In addition, 30 hysterectomized women were matched by age and BMI to the

  3. Icelandic media firms viewed from the perspective of agency theory

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    Guðbjörg Hildur Kolbeins


    Full Text Available It has previously been proposed that agency theory (principal-agent approach might be applied to media organizations to understand how media owners make sure that their companies are managed according to their wishes. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to investigate: a whether agency theory is applicable to three Icelandic media companies, and b how the theory manifests itself in the management practices of these companies. The media companies that were examined were: the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV ohf., 365 miðlar ehf. and Árvakur hf. Qualitative interviews were conducted with three editors-in-chief, two CEOs/publishers, the director general of RÚV and the news director of RÚV in May of 2012. Two of the interviewees were also part- owners of the media companies. The results indicated that it is, indeed, possible to analyze management practices of media organizations from the perspective of agency theory. However, it varies how much the companies are driven by profit maximization, for instance – on which agency theory places an optimum emphasis. The media house 365 miðlar ehf. turned out to be the best example of how the underlying constructs of agency theory are incorporated into the management practices of a media organization.

  4. Regenerating an Arsenic Removal Iron-Based Adsorptive Media System, Part 2: Performance and Cost (United States)

    The replacement of exhausted, adsorptive media used to remove arsenic from drinking water accounts for approximately 80% of the total operational and maintenance (O/M) costs of this commonly used small system technology. The results of three, full scale system studies of an on-s...

  5. Pemerintahan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla Menurut Kacamata 5 Media Massa di Indonesia

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    Theresia D Wulandari


    Full Text Available Mass media has strong impact to public interest and has formed public perception on issues based on news they published. One of the most popular issues was one year period of Jokowi-Kalla presidential leadership in October 20, 2015. Evaluation, achievement, and reflection of both President and vice president who raise Nawacita program are assumed as indicators of success of them in leading Indonesia. Media objectivity in mass media is the main key in this research because objectivity is very important. The research used quantitative analysis by Robert Entman framing method. It was conducted by text analysis to editorial of five printed media, i.e: Jawa Pos, Kompas, Media Indonesia, Republika, and Tempo, published at October 20, 2015. The research also employs interview and observe secondary sources to as a part of contectual analysis. The result shows objectivity and imparsiality of five printed media in Indonesia in covering Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla presidential leadership. It is shown how media preserve Jokowi-Kalla performance in their 1st year governance as news object.

  6. Clareo con selección de árboles de porvenir sobre regenerado post-incendio de elevada densidad de pino carrasco en el Parque Regional del Sureste.


    Orduña Rubio, Berta


    Se presenta una experiencia sobre una masa de pino carrasco de 10 años de edad y elevada densidad (más de 10.000 pies/ha), en estado de monte bravo a bajo latizal, originada tras un incendio ocurrido en una repoblación (monte “Casa Eulogio”; Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid). Se seleccionaron 400 pies/ha de porvenir, apeándose todos los pies vecinos en un radio de 1 ó 2 m para favorecer su desarrollo. Todo ello, en un contexto de restricciones económicas que obliga a buscar fórmulas que optimicen el...

  7. Risk factors for osteoporotic fractures and low bone density in pre and postmenopausal women Factores de riesgo para fractura por osteoporosis y baja densidad ósea en mujeres en la pre y post menopausia Fatores de risco para fratura por osteoporose e baixa densidade óssea em mulheres na pré e pós-menopausa

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    Marcelo M Pinheiro


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and analyze risk factors associated to osteoporosis and low-trauma fracture in women. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including a total of 4,332 women older than 40 attending primary care services in the Greater São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between 2004 and 2007. Anthropometrical and gynecological data and information about lifestyle habits, previous fracture, medical history, food intake and physical activity were obtained through individual quantitative interviews. Low-trauma fracture was defined as that resulting from a fall from standing height or less in individuals 50 years or older. Multiple logistic regression models were designed having osteoporotic fracture and bone mineral density (BMD as the dependent variables and all other parameters as the independent ones. The significance level was set at pOBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y analizar los factores de riesgo asociados con osteoporosis y fractura por bajo impacto entre mujeres. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 4.332 mujeres encima de 40 años de edad provenientes de atención primaria de salud en el área metropolitana de la gran Sao Paulo, SP, entre 2004 2007. Datos antropométricos y ginecológico y relativos a hábitos de vida, fractura previa, antecedentes personales, ingestión alimentaria y actividad física fueron evaluados por medio de entrevista individual y cuantitativa. Fractura por bajo impacto fue definida como decurrente de caída de la propia altura o menos en individuos con más de 50 años de edad. Modelos de regresión multivariada y logística analizaron, respectivamente, la densidad ósea y la fractura por osteoporosis, como variables dependientes y todas las otras como independientes. El nivel de significancia estadística establecido fue pOBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar os fatores de risco associados com osteoporose e fratura por baixo impacto entre mulheres. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado

  8. Sensitive Media

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    Malinowska Anna


    Full Text Available The paper engages with what we refer to as “sensitive media,” a concept associated with developments in the overall media environment, our relationships with media devices, and the quality of the media themselves. Those developments point to the increasing emotionality of the media world and its infrastructures. Mapping the trajectories of technological development and impact that the newer media exert on human condition, our analysis touches upon various forms of emergent affect, emotion, and feeling in order to trace the histories and motivations of the sensitization of “the media things” as well as the redefinition of our affective and emotional experiences through technologies that themselves “feel.”

  9. Sleep and Media Screens in Pediatric Ages

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    Filipe Cerca


    Full Text Available Introduction: Sleep plays an essential role in children’s physical, emotional and behavioral health. Understanding the sleep architecture, sleep duration requirements as well as the interference of media screens activity with sleep across pediatric ages is essential in order to provide an adequate anticipatory guidance for the children’s parents. Objectives: To review current knowledge on sleep physiology with a particular focus in sleep duration requirements across pediatric ages and on the influence of media screen activity on children and adolescent sleep. Methods: Revision of meta-analysis research studies, systematic reviews, standards of clinical orientation and original research published in Portuguese or English between 01/2000 and 08/2017 on Pubmed / Medline using the following MeSH terms: sleep; sleep requirements; sleep physiology; media screen; child and neurodevelopment. Development: Sleep architecture and sleep duration requirements undergo constant change with age. Despite interindividual differences, optimal sleep duration intervals as well as nap times, which constitute an essential component of children’s sleep, should be followed. Along children’s age progression, other parameters need to be considered in order to maintain optimal sleep quality. The restriction of media screen use at bedtime assumes special relevance, as there is growing evidence pointing towards an association between shortened sleep time and the misuse of screen devices. Adolescents represent a particularly vulnerable population to media screens effects. Importantly, screen overuse and media content may be responsible for higher propensity for obesity, risky behavior, depression, impaired academic performance, decreased social skills and attention difficulties. Conclusion: Anticipatory guidance for parents addressing sleep optimization and media exposure should be routinely provided as a part of health follow-up. Physicians should be capacitated to

  10. The Western Way? Democracy and the Media Assistance Model

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    Daire Higgins


    Full Text Available International media assistance took off during a time where the ideological extremes of USA vs. USSR were set to disappear. Following the Cold War, international relations focused on democracy building, and nurturing independent media was embraced as a key part of this strategy. Fukayama called it the ‘End of History’, the fact that all other ideologies had fallen and Western style democracy was set to become the one common ideology. The US and UK led the way in media assistance, with their liberal ideas of a free press, bolstered by free market capitalism. America was the superpower, and forged the way around the globe with its beacon of democracy. Under that guiding light they would bring truth, accuracy, freedom of expression and independent reporting to the countries which had so long lived under the shadow of communism, or authoritarian media systems. This is what propelled and justified American foreign policy, and their media assistance, for many years. Much work was thus carried out in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet satellites, but many now question the impact and legacy of these projects. When the US and UK spoke of media assistance they seemed to mean ‘free market’. These days, the ‘democracy promoters’ focus has turned more to Africa and the Middle East. The ideology is apparently the same: to help establish and support democracy with a stronger and more independent media. But with Western economies, and their media systems, in crisis, the relevance of this media assistance model is questioned. This essay looks at the history of media assistance and the ongoing debate on the impact of media assistance over the long term, its motives and the new balance of power appearing in international media development.

  11. Efeito da densidade de estocagem do quinguio, Carassius auratus L., 1758 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae, em suas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento Stocking density effect on goldfish, Carassius auratus L., 1758 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae fry, during its initial development phases

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    Christiano Rodrigues Schamber


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da densidade de estocagem sobre o desenvolvimento do quinguio, Carassius auratus (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae em suas fases iniciais. Foram utilizados 300 larvas (Lt = 7,00 mm, distribuídas em 20 aquários (12-L. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (0,50; 1,00; 1,50 e 2,00 larvas/L e cinco repetições. A alimentação utilizada foi à base de náuplios de Artemia sp. (fornecida de forma proporcional a densidade e ração com 40% de proteína bruta (fornecida à vontade. Observou-se aumento linear (p0,001 pelas diferentes densidades de estocagem utilizadas. Os valores dos parâmetros físico-químicos permaneceram nos níveis adequados para o cultivo de peixes, embora os valores de pH tenham apresentado redução linear (pThis experiment aimed to evaluate the influence of stocking density on the goldfish, Carassius auratus (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae development, during its initial phases. 300 fry (Lt.: 7.00 mm were distributed in 20 12-liter aquariums. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with four treatments (0.50; 1.00; 1.50 and 2.00 fry/liter and five replications. Food consisted of Artemia sp nauplii (supplied proportionally to density and rations with 40% raw protein, given ad libitum. While the biomass per aquarium linear increase (p0.001. On the other hand, quadract effect (p 0.001 by the different stocking densities. The physical-chemical parameters rates remained at adequate levels for fish culture, although pH values suffered linear decrease (pCarassius auratus fry culture can use such density during its initial development phases.

  12. Assessment of wind potential at three sites in the state of Durango; Evaluacion del potencial eolico en tres sitios del estado de Durango

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saldana Flores, Ricardo; Miranda Miranda, Ubaldo


    As part of the activities of the project Laboratorio Nacional para la Evaluacion de los Recursos Renovables en Mexico (LERM), a preliminary estimate of the wind potential in three sites of Durango state was carried out, Lerdo (103 degrees 31 minutes 28 seconds W, 25 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds N and 1140 m altitude), Guadalupe Victoria (104 degrees 07 minutes W, 24 degrees 27 minutes N and 2000 m altitude) and Santiago Papasquiaro (105 degrees 25 minuets 09 seconds W, 25 degrees 02 minutes 38 seconds N and 1720 m altitude). The following results were obtained from data analysis: Lerdo, measurement period February 2009 to January 2010 (20 m height), monthly wind speed average 1.790 to 2.960 m/s, mean power density 11.730 to 45.044 W/m{sup 2}, Guadalupe Victoria, measurement period March 2009 to February 2010 (50 m height), monthly wind speed average 3.200 to 6.440 m/s, mean power density 37.024 to 241.968 W/m{sup 2}; and Santiago Papasquiaro, measurement period April to August 2009 (30 m height), monthly wind speed average 2.290 to 4.320 m/s, mean power density 23.313 to 127.353 W/m{sup 2}. [Spanish] Como parte de las actividades desarrolladas dentro del proyecto Laboratorio Nacional para la Evaluacion de los Recursos Energeticos Renovables en Mexico (LERM), se llevo a cabo la estimacion preliminar del potencial eolico en tres sitios de interes del estado de Durango, Lerdo (103 grados 31 minutis 28 segundos O, 25 grados 32 minutos 10 segundos N y 1140 m de altitud), Guadalupe Victoria (104 grados 07 minutos O, 24 grados 27 minutos N y 2000 m de altitud) y Santiago Papasquiaro (105 grados 25 minutos 09 segundos O, 25 grados 02 minutos 38 segundos N y 1720 m de altitud). Analizando la informacion obtenida en diferentes periodos de medicion se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: Lerdo, periodo de medicion de febrero de 2009 a enero de 2010 a 20 m de altura, velocidad promedio mensual del viento entre 1.790 y 2.960 m/s, densidad de potencia media entre 11.730 y 45

  13. Media Use Patterns of Young Men: Findings from the Youth Attitude Tracking Study 2 (United States)


    information about the benefits to be derived from military service. In either case, effective military advertising strategy is determined in part by the...To develop an effective advertising strategy , various questions need to be answered about media use patterns of young men, particularly in terms of...what the relevant media are, but also to know whether media use is related to advertising awareness. To develop a successful advertising strategy , it is

  14. Social Media Sites (United States)

    Media Sites Site Registration Contact Us Search Home > AF Sites > Social Media Sites Social Media Welcome to the Air Force social media directory! The directory is a one-stop shop of official Air Force social media pages across various social media sites. Social media is all about

  15. Factores de riesgo modificables o no, relacionados con la densidad mineral ósea en mujeres de edad mediana Modifiable or not factors related to mineral bone density in middle aged women

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    Cossette Díaz Socorro


    Full Text Available Introducción: en Cuba no existen datos nacionales acerca de la prevalencia de osteoporosis. Los cambios demográficos mundiales hacen necesaria la investigación y la difusión de la información relativas a la osteoporosis. Objetivo: identificar posibles diferencias en la densidad mineral ósea, de acuerdo con la presencia de factores de riesgo modificables o no, en mujeres de edad mediana. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con 259 pacientes que asistieron a la consulta ClimOs en el Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, del cual se excluyeron las mujeres con osteoporosis secundaria. La densidad mineral ósea se determinó mediante absorciometría dual de rayos x en antebrazo distal y columna lumbar. Las pacientes se dividieron en 2 categorías: aquellas con densidad mineral ósea normal que se ubicaron en el grupo I, y las que presentaron baja densidad mineral ósea (osteopenia y/o osteoporosis constituyeron el grupo II. Para establecer diferencias entre grupos se emplearon las pruebas t de student y chi cuadrado, con un nivel de significación del 5 %. Se utilizó la regresión logística múltiple para el análisis de la densidad mineral ósea, integrando ambas regiones estudiadas. Resultados: al unir los resultados de la densitometría realizada en antebrazo y columna lumbar, de las 259 mujeres de edad mediana, el 72,2 % tenía baja masa ósea, que incluye a 99 pacientes (38,2 % con osteopenia, y 88 (34,0 % con diagnóstico de osteoporosis, solo 72 mujeres (27,8 % tuvieron una masa ósea normal. Al aplicar la regresión logística múltiple a las variables estadísticamente significativas: edad, color de la piel, antecedente patológico familiar de fractura, función ovárica, índice de masa corporal, hormona folículo estimulante, hormona luteinizante y estradiol, las que se asociaron con una mayor probabilidad de tener densidad mineral ósea disminuida fueron: color de la piel blanca (Odds Ratio= 3,949, p= 0

  16. Características agronômicas da mamoneira afetadas pelo método de condução de plantas e densidade de semeadura

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    Samuel Luiz Fioreze

    Full Text Available RESUMO A cultura da mamona possui grande potencial para o cultivo em condições brasileiras, contudo, deve-se buscar métodos cada vez mais eficientes de manejo da cultura, a fim de atingir altas produtividades e introduzir de modo definitivo a cultura no sistema agrícola nacional. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as características agronômicas e a produtividade da mamoneira em função do método de condução de plantas e da densidade de cultivo. O estudo foi conduzido em condições de campo no ano agrícola de 2010, utilizando a cultivar IAC 2028, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2x3 com quatro repetições. O primeiro fator foi composto por duas densidades de semeadura (26666 e 111111 plantas ha-1, enquanto o segundo fator foi composto por três métodos de condução de plantas (testemunha, poda parcial e poda+desbrota. Ao final do desenvolvimento da cultura, foram determinadas as características agronômicas das plantas, os componentes da produção e a produtividade. A poda + desbrota proporcionou melhoria dos caracteres agronômicos, sem afetar a produtividade e reduziu o ciclo da cultura em até 30 dias. Este comportamento, aliado à maturação uniforme, pode proporcionar a colheita mecanizada da cultura, além de proporcionar o cultivo da mamoneira em janelas de cultivo na safrinha, sem prejudicar a implantação da safra seguinte. O cultivo adensado de plantas de mamona limitou a emissão de ramos produtivos secundários sem afetar a produtividade, revelando elevada plasticidade fenotípica no desenvolvimento da cultura.

  17. Updating citizenship? The effects of digital media use on citizenship understanding and political participation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ohme, Jakob


    Is there a connection between increased use of digital media and changing patterns of political participation? This study tests how the use of online media for different purposes (social interaction, creative expression, online news use, social media news use) is related to three types of political...... participation. It examines whether mobilizing effects are partly indirect due to different understandings of citizenship (dutiful, optional, individual, collective) that may be fostered by digital media use. The study is based on a survey of a sample of the Danish population (n = 1322), including data from two...... online survey waves and a smartphone-based media diary that documents respondents’ social media use. Results indicate support for a new pathway to participation, but the relationship depends on whether citizens are socialized in a digital media environment....

  18. Dissolving the School Space: Young People's Media Production in and outside of School (United States)

    Kupiainen, Reijo


    Young people bring their own media and literacy practices to school as an important part of their identity, taste and social life. These practices are changing the media ecology of schools, making the physical boundaries of schools more permeable and creating new, unofficial spaces at school. During peer-based learning, the enhanced media…

  19. Differences between Perceived Usefulness of Social Media and Institutional Channels by Undergraduate Students (United States)

    Sumida Garcia, Leandro; Costa Silva, Camila Mariane


    Purpose: This research aims to compare the preference of social media sites and institutional communication channels of a higher education institution by confronting elements that form perceived usefulness and user satisfaction with the system. Social media technologies are a part of the routine of the modern society in many diverse ways,…

  20. Media evolution and ‘epi-technic’ digital media: Media as cultural selection mechanisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Mogens


    The explosive development of new digital media technologies is often described as a media evolution but hardly ever is the concept of ‘media evolution’ taken at face value. This article takes up that challenge by combining cultural evolution theories with medium theory. The article argues that bi...

  1. Bridging Media with the Help of Players (United States)

    Nitsche, Michael; Drake, Matthew; Murray, Janet

    We suggest harvesting the power of multiplayer design to bridge content across different media platforms and develop player-driven cross-media experiences. This paper first argues to partially replace complex AI systems with multiplayer design strategies to provide the necessary level of flexibility in the content generation for cross-media applications. The second part describes one example project - the Next Generation Play (NGP) project - that illustrates one practical approach of such a player-driven cross-media content generation. NGP allows players to collect virtual items while watching a TV show. These items are re-used in a multiplayer casual game that automatically generates new game worlds based on the various collections of active players joining a game session. While the TV experience is designed for the single big screen, the game executes on multiple mobile phones. Design and technical implementation of the prototype are explained in more detail to clarify how players carry elements of television narratives into a non-linear handheld gaming experience. The system describes a practical way to create casual game adaptations based on players' personal preferences in a multi-user environment.

  2. Using social media to communicate child health information to low-income parents. (United States)

    Stroever, Stephanie J; Mackert, Michael S; McAlister, Alfred L; Hoelscher, Deanna M


    The objective of this study was to determine the value of using social media to communicate child health information to low-income parents. We evaluated qualitative data obtained through focus groups with low-income, predominantly Hispanic parents. Results were mixed; lack of time and credibility were the primary objections parents cited in using social media to obtain information about their children's health. Social media has value as part of an overall communication strategy, but more work is needed to determine the most effective way to use this channel in low-income populations.

  3. Performance of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus fed varying dietary L-carnitine levels at different stocking densities Desempenho de juvenis de pregado (Scophthalmus maximus em função da densidade de estocagem e de níveis dietéticos de L-carnitina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Fernando Magalhães Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Commercial farming of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus at high stocking densities may lead to growth depression and increasing production costs. Moreover, the high levels of accumulated waste in an intensive system may cause rapid deterioration of water quality, which may undermine the production. L-carnitine is known as a growth-enhancer which shows promise as mitigator of crowding effects. The effects of stocking densities (4, 8, 11 and 14 kg m² on growth performance, feed utilization and body composition were evaluated during 75 days on turbot (75.6 ± 2.8 g fed two dietary L-carnitine levels (40 or 240 mg kg¹. At the end of the feeding trial, total ammonia excretion (TAN was measured postprandially for 24h. Specific growth rate and weight gain decreased with increasing stocking density. Fish held at 4 kg m² had higher final body weight (94-96 g than fish held at higher densities (80-87 g. Protein efficiency ratio was higher in fish held at 4 kg m² (1.33-1.36, in comparison to fish stocked at 8 kg m² (0.98 or 14 kg m² (0.45. Voluntary feed intake decreased from 0.70 to 0.56% BW with increasing stocking density. Dietary L-carnitine supplementation did not affect growth performance and body composition, except for body L-carnitine content which increased from 75 to 128 mg kg¹ BW with supplementation. Fish fed 240 mg L-carnitine supplements had lower TAN that the ones fed 40 mg L-carnitine (p A aquicultura de pregado (Scophthalmus maximus utilizando elevadas densidades pode reduzir o crescimento e aumentar os custos de produção. Elevados níveis de metabolitos gerados nestes sistemas intensivos provocam rápida deterioração da qualidade da água, podendo também comprometer a performance da produção. A L-carnitina atua como potenciadora do crescimento parecendo ser promissora por atenuar alguns desses efeitos. Os efeitos de densidades (4, 8, 11 e 14 kg m² no desempenho do crescimento, composição corporal foram avaliados em pregados

  4. Modeling of flow in faulted and fractured media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oeian, Erlend


    The work on this thesis has been done as part of a collaborative and inter disciplinary effort to improve the understanding of oil recovery mechanisms in fractured reservoirs. This project has been organized as a Strategic University Program (SUP) at the University of Bergen, Norway. The complex geometries of fractured reservoirs combined with flow of several fluid phases lead to difficult mathematical and numerical problems. In an effort to try to decrease the gap between the geological description and numerical modeling capabilities, new techniques are required. Thus, the main objective has been to improve the ATHENA flow simulator and utilize it within a fault modeling context. Specifically, an implicit treatment of the advection dominated mass transport equations within a domain decomposition based local grid refinement framework has been implemented. Since large computational tasks may arise, the implicit formulation has also been included in a parallel version of the code. Within the current limits of the simulator, appropriate up scaling techniques has also been considered. Part I of this thesis includes background material covering the basic geology of fractured porous media, the mathematical model behind the in-house flow simulator ATHENA and the additions implemented to approach simulation of flow through fractured and faulted porous media. In Part II, a set of research papers stemming from Part I is presented. A brief outline of the thesis follows below. In Chapt. 1 important aspects of the geological description and physical parameters of fractured and faulted porous media is presented. Based on this the scope of this thesis is specified having numerical issues and consequences in mind. Then, in Chapt. 2, the mathematical model and discretizations in the flow simulator is given followed by the derivation of the implicit mass transport formulation. In order to be fairly self-contained, most of the papers in Part II also includes the mathematical model

  5. Modeling of flow in faulted and fractured media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oeian, Erlend


    The work on this thesis has been done as part of a collaborative and inter disciplinary effort to improve the understanding of oil recovery mechanisms in fractured reservoirs. This project has been organized as a Strategic University Program (SUP) at the University of Bergen, Norway. The complex geometries of fractured reservoirs combined with flow of several fluid phases lead to difficult mathematical and numerical problems. In an effort to try to decrease the gap between the geological description and numerical modeling capabilities, new techniques are required. Thus, the main objective has been to improve the ATHENA flow simulator and utilize it within a fault modeling context. Specifically, an implicit treatment of the advection dominated mass transport equations within a domain decomposition based local grid refinement framework has been implemented. Since large computational tasks may arise, the implicit formulation has also been included in a parallel version of the code. Within the current limits of the simulator, appropriate up scaling techniques has also been considered. Part I of this thesis includes background material covering the basic geology of fractured porous media, the mathematical model behind the in-house flow simulator ATHENA and the additions implemented to approach simulation of flow through fractured and faulted porous media. In Part II, a set of research papers stemming from Part I is presented. A brief outline of the thesis follows below. In Chapt. 1 important aspects of the geological description and physical parameters of fractured and faulted porous media is presented. Based on this the scope of this thesis is specified having numerical issues and consequences in mind. Then, in Chapt. 2, the mathematical model and discretizations in the flow simulator is given followed by the derivation of the implicit mass transport formulation. In order to be fairly self-contained, most of the papers in Part II also includes the mathematical model

  6. Development of a positioning strategy for a product to the millennials using the social media


    Shetty, Sachidanand


    The aim of the diploma paper is to develop a positioning strategy for a product to the millennials using the social media. The diploma paper consists of three main parts. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical analysis which focusses on the concepts of positioning strategy, Factors which can influence a positioning strategy, development of a positioning strategy in the context of Social media and theoretical frameworks which can help in developing a positioning strategy. The second...

  7. Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media : Case: Diamo oy


    Laakso, Heidi


    The purpose of this study was to increase the amount of new likes of Diamo Oy in the social media network site Facebook, eventually aiming for the creation of new customer relationships, increased visibility of the company and into strictly increasing purchasing of their products. The theoretical part of the study consists of the role of content production in the social media field and customer relationship management, of which particularly customer acquisition and retention are discussed mor...


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    Daniel Burtic


    Full Text Available We wonder why the creative economy concept causes so much passion, excitement and so high expectations. Because imagination, creativity, competence, fantasy, individual talent, ingenuity were and still are today catalysts that led to society development. How does creative economy, that seems to promise so much, distinguish from other economic stamps which imprinted the human community in the course of history? These are some of the questions we will try to answer in this paper work, having in mind as objective the study of communication processes and mass-media. Generally, the research over mass-media system considered that the content analysis may provide the means to understand the society we live in. In terms of methodology, starting from the observation of mass-media industry and economy actuality, we propose to make an analysis of content. We will raise issues regarding concept definition and delimitation, historical development and media industry analysis from an economical perspective, analyzing the opinions of some other researchers about these subjects. We will try to present the concepts we support having in light some reference paper works and to illustrate with realities from Romanian and international mass-media economy. We will go through literature and we will try to support with empirical data the subjects discussed in theory. To achieve these things, we will use relevant statistical and official data of other researchers. In the examination of mass-media economy we will study economical models, comparative analysis and analysis of international organizations positions. In the current situation, mass-media is part of a technological and economic transformation, like the whole society is. An economical approach of media industry is important today both from the scientific and practical point of view. Most of the decisions taken by the factors that lead the businesses in media sector are largely influenced by financial resources

  9. [Impacts of computer- and media usage on the personality development of children and young people]. (United States)

    Süss, D


    The psychosocial development of children and the youth today is embedded in a media society. Socialization is understood as an interaction between the individual and its environment. Media are used to accomplish developmental tasks and media literacy has become a developmental task in itself. The presence of media in all social subsystems of every day life alters the general socialization processes, like the integration into peergroups or the detaching from the parents. Media can play the role of resources or the role of risk factors for the development. Empirical research shows that children's access to media is more and more enhanced and an increasing amount of time is spent with screen media. Media socialization of the young people takes on the mode of self education, but children are dependent on adults to prevent negative media effects such as Internet addiction. If media usage is part of an environment which is adequat for children's wellbeeing, the psychosocial development will not be affected negatively by the media.

  10. Brand Pages on Social Media. What for? Exploratory evidence from digital marketing managers


    Tsimonis, Georgios; Dimitriadis, Sergios


    Considering the rapid development of social media and their penetration in business marketing actions, the changes brought to the firm-customer interactions, and that social interactions are enhanced by social media, it is reasonable to ask a) what actions companies take, what their motivations are, what policies and strategies they follow, and what outcomes do they expect; and b) what social benefits arise from the use of such social media channels. The present work is a part of a study whic...



    Ina Nur Ratriyana


    The effect of globalization on communication process appears especially in digital media which made communication exchange faster. Cultural process also create homogenization of product choice, when global brand looks more familiar than local brand. Internet and social media give an opportunity for consumer to access the product information and interact with them. Interactivity as part of digital media offers unlimited access and the power of word of mouth in terms of internet and social medi...

  12. Strategies for media literacy: Audiovisual skills and the citizenship in Andalusia

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    Ignacio Aguaded-Gómez


    Full Text Available Media consumption is an undeniable fact in present-day society. The hours that members of all social segments spend in front of a screen take up a large part of their leisure time worldwide. Audiovisual communication becomes especially important within the context of today’s digital society (society-network, where information and communication technologies pervade all corners of everyday life. However, people do not own enough audiovisual media skills to cope with this mass media omnipresence. Neither the education system nor civic associations, or the media themselves, have promoted audiovisual skills to make people critically competent when viewing media. This study aims to provide an updated conceptualization of the “audiovisual skill” in this digital environment and transpose it onto a specific interventional environment, seeking to detect needs and shortcomings, plan global strategies to be adopted by governments and devise training programmes for the various sectors involved.

  13. Participant design: towards sustainable marketing in an age of conflicting media logics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hermes, J.; Koch, K.


    The media are an integral part of how advanced societies are controlled. After almost a century of ‘broadcasting’, a new media logic can be seen to have emerged. It is not centralized, nor does it appear to depend on manipulative power (such as the priming and framing of news and thereby the agenda

  14. Attitudes of a Sample of English, Maltese and German Teachers towards Media Education (United States)

    Lauri, M. A.; Borg, J.; Gunnel, T.; Gillum, R.


    Media education forms part of the National Minimum Curriculum of England, Malta and Germany. Teacher training courses differ greatly in how teachers are prepared to teach media education. In this paper we shall investigate the attitudes of a sample of teachers trained in England, Malta and in Germany towards their perceived importance of media…

  15. Trolling new media: violent extremist groups recruiting through social media


    Chang, Mark D.


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited With the advent and subsequent growth of several new media technologies, violent extremist groups have incorporated social media into recruiting strategies. How are violent extremist groups using social media for recruiting? This thesis explores several new media technologies—websites, blogs, social media, mobile phones, and online gaming—to determine if violent extremist groups rely on social media for recruiting. By comparing the com...

  16. The Use of Social Media in Orphan Drug Development. (United States)

    Milne, Christopher-Paul; Ni, Wendi


    Social media has transformed how people interact with one another through the Internet, and it has the potential to do the same for orphan drug development. Currently, social media influences the orphan drug development process in the following three ways: assisting the study of orphan diseases, increasing the awareness of orphan disease, and playing a vital role in clinical trials. However, there are some caveats to the utilization of social media, such as the need to protect patient privacy by adequately de-identifying personal health information, assuring consistent quality and representativeness of the data, and preventing the unblinding of patient group assignments. Social media has both potential for improving orphan drug development and pitfalls, but with proper oversight on the part of companies, support and participation of patients and their advocacy groups, and timely guidance from regulatory authorities, the positives outweigh the negatives for this powerful and patient-centric tool. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Media education. (United States)

    Strasburger, Victor C


    The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that exposure to mass media (eg, television, movies, video and computer games, the Internet, music lyrics and videos, newspapers, magazines, books, advertising) presents health risks for children and adolescents but can provide benefits as well. Media education has the potential to reduce the harmful effects of media and accentuate the positive effects. By understanding and supporting media education, pediatricians can play an important role in reducing harmful effects of media on children and adolescents.

  18. Problematic Social Media Use: Results from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample. (United States)

    Bányai, Fanni; Zsila, Ágnes; Király, Orsolya; Maraz, Aniko; Elekes, Zsuzsanna; Griffiths, Mark D; Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Demetrovics, Zsolt


    Despite social media use being one of the most popular activities among adolescents, prevalence estimates among teenage samples of social media (problematic) use are lacking in the field. The present study surveyed a nationally representative Hungarian sample comprising 5,961 adolescents as part of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). Using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) and based on latent profile analysis, 4.5% of the adolescents belonged to the at-risk group, and reported low self-esteem, high level of depression symptoms, and elevated social media use. Results also demonstrated that BSMAS has appropriate psychometric properties. It is concluded that adolescents at-risk of problematic social media use should be targeted by school-based prevention and intervention programs.

  19. The Greek media and the Kosovo crisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Kondopoulou


    Full Text Available The NATO air attacks (24/3/99-10/6/99 as an instrument of force against Serbia to terminate the abuse of the Albanian population in Kosovo, albeit supported by a significant part of the international community, were received much differently in Greece. Key to the climate of strong disagreement with the campaign was the role of the Greek media. The true reason behind the offensive was, according to them, the change in the geopolitical map to the advantage of the West, and in particular the USA. The underlying argument of this paper is that in the Kosovo crisis the media, Greek (and international, projected their own environment. It is particularly apt to examine the Greek case because of its very unique perspective that differentiated the coverage in Greece - a NATO member country - from the overall world media view. Also, the discussion is pertinent because Greek media coverage disagreed with the official government position, which although advocating a diplomatic resolution of the crisis, had to support the Alliance's decision to bomb Serbia. Furthermore, study of this case is significant because the clash of the Greek media view with the mainstream pro-NATO coverage found in many other countries generated negative views on Greece and its media on the international level. An examination of media content reveals that despite any differences concerning political or other factors, and regardless of the variations in the phrasing of the anti-NATO arguments, the overall media perspective exhibited a unanimous opposition to the bombing campaign. By placing the emphasis more or less on the same thematic areas as the world media, but by crucially reversing the line of reasoning (e.g. the refugee problem was blamed on the NATO bombing raids and not on Serbian atrocities, the Greek media invariably remained anti-war, anti-NATO and anti-Albanian in many particular cases, and in principle pro-Serb throughout. A study of the general media and the specific

  20. Density and body size of the larval stages of the invasive golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei in two neotropical rivers Densidade e tamanho dos estágios larvais do molusco invasor mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei em dois rios neotropicais

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    Vivianne Eilers


    populacionais e tamanho dos diferentes estágios das larvas planctônicas do molusco invasor mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei, nos rios Paraguai e Miranda; MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado entre fevereiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2005. Amostras mensais de plâncton foram acompanhadas pela análise de características físicas, químicas e biológicas da água; RESULTADOS: O rio Miranda apresentou maiores valores de cálcio, pH, alcalinidade, condutividade e fósforo total. A densidade das larvas variou entre 0-24 indivíduos.L-1 no rio Paraguay, com o máximo em março de 2004, enquanto no rio Miranda, a densidade variou entre 0-9 indivíduos.L-1, com o máximo em fevereiro de 2004. Larvas não foram encontradas nos meses mais frios, maio e junho. Nenhuma correlação significativa foi encontrada entre as características ambientais e densidades das larvas. Somente larvas com valvas foram encontradas. As formas "D" e veliger foram mais abundantes; a forma umbonada foi rara no rio Miranda. Valores médios dos tamanhos dos estágios "D", veliger e umbonada foram, respectivamente, 111, 135 e 152 µm, no rio Paraguai, e 112, 134 e 154 µm no rio Miranda. A análise de Componentes Principais indicou relações positivas entre o comprimento da forma "D" e a relação sólidos suspensos inorgânicos:orgânicos, enquanto relações negativas foram indicadas entre o comprimento da forma "D" e concentrações de cálcio e clorofila-; CONCLUSÕES: As larvas foram encontradas no plâncton durante a maior parte do ano, com a exceção dos meses mais frios. A densidade de larvas e o tamanho foram similares nos dois rios. Não foram registrados efeitos positivos da disponibilidade de alimento ou da concentração de cálcio sobre o tamanho das larvas. Esta espécie pode ser adaptada a crescer em ambientes com altas concentrações de sedimentos.

  1. Parâmetros sangüíneos de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 alimentados com dietas suplementadas com cromo trivalente em duas densidades de estocagem = Hematological parameters of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 fed diets supplemented with trivalent chromium in two stocking densities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Yudi Fujimoto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com cromo trivalente (0, 6, 12 e 18 mg kg-1 de ração sobre as variáveis hematológicas de Piaractus mesopotamicus, mantidos em duas densidades de estocagem (4 e 20 kg m-3. Os mantidos na maior densidade e alimentados com dietas suplementadas com 0 e 6 mg de cromo kg-1apresentaram redução do número de linfócitos circulantes, sugerindo má adaptação a essa condição de alta densidade. Nas dietas suplementadas com 12 e 18 mg kg-1, tal efeito não foi observado, porém verificou-se aumento do número de trombócitos no tratamento com 12 mg de cromo kg-1. A inexistência de diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, aos 30 dias, sugere a adaptação dos peixes ao tipo de alimento e à situação de alta densidade. Portanto, nas condições deste ensaio, a suplementação com 12 e 18 mg de cromo kg-1 é interessante como estratégia alimentar durante 15 dias.This work evaluated the effects of chromium supplementation on thehematological parameters of Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 maintained in two stocking densities. Fish were fed diets supplemented with 0, 6, 12 and 18 mg trivalent chromium kg-1 dry ration and maintained at 4 and 20 kg m-3. The fish under high stockingdensity and fed diets supplemented with 0 and 6 mg kg-1 showed reduction in the number lymphocytes, which suggests non-adaptation to this condition of high density. This was not observed in fish fed diets supplemented with 12 and 18 mg chromium kg-1, but an increasein the number of thrombocytes was evident. The lack of difference between treatments after 30 days may suggest a possible adaptation of fish to the situation. It can be added that supplementation with 12 and 18 mg chromium kg-1 is an interesting feeding strategy for aperiod of 15 days.

  2. Streaming and digital media understanding the business and technology

    CERN Document Server

    Rayburn, Dan


    Steaming and Digital Media gives you a concise and direct analysis to understand a scalable, profitable venture, as well as the common and hidden pitfalls to avoid in your business. By focusing on both the business implications and technical differences between online video and traditional broadcast distribution, you will learn how to gain significant time-to-market and cost-saving advantages by effectively using streaming and digital media technologies. As part of the NAB Executive Technology Briefing series, the book is geared towards the manager or executive and no technical prerequisite is

  3. From Analog to Digital Medias in Early Childhood Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Erika Zimmer


    Research aims: The aim of the study is to explore how the encounters between children and their educators alter when the media changes from analog to digital. Relationship to previous research works Tablets and other handheld, electronic devices has become part of everyday life in kindergartens....... Research shows that there are both potential pedagogical difficulties and possibilities connected to using digital media (ex. Thestrup 2015, Tække and Paulsen 2014) Theoretical and conceptual framework: The study is a single case study of an educational experiment (Flyvbjerg 2006). It is carried out...

  4. Effects of compost media on growth and flowering of parviflorous garden pansy (Viola x wittrockiana Gams.. Part I. Plant growth and conformation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agnieszka Zawadzińska


    Full Text Available The aim of the studies was to determine the effects of media with composts, based on sewage sludge and potato pulp, on the growth and conformation of the cultivar 'Butterfl y Yellow with Blotch'. In the experiment 14 potting media, including 12 media made of 4 composts, were tested. The percentage of compost mixed with sphagnum peat was 25%, 50% and 75%. The components of particular composts were as follows: I - municipal sewage sludge 70% and straw 30%; II - municipal sewage sludge 70% and sawdust 30%; III - municipal sewage sludge 35%, potato pulp 35% and straw 30%; IV - municipal sewage sludge 35%, potato pulp 35% and sawdust 30%. Two control potting media were used: 1 - sphagnum peat with Osmocote Exact Lo-Start at the dose 5 g×dm-3, and 2 - sphagnum peat with Azofoska at the dose 2.5 g×dm-3. There was no top-dressing during cultivation. The potting media used for pansy cultivation were rich in essential nutrients and in certain media macroelement content exceeded the limits recommended for the species with great nutrient requirements. The effects of the media on the growth, conformation and foliage of pansies depended on compost composition and its pecentage in a medium. The composts used for the media were found to be suitable for pansy cultivation. Despite smaller leaf rosettes in comparison with control plants, the pansies from compost media grew well and showed no disease symptoms.

  5. Comparative prevalence of otitis media in children living in urban slums, non-slum urban and rural areas of Delhi. (United States)

    Chadha, Shelly K; Gulati, Kriti; Garg, Suneela; Agarwal, Arun K


    The study aimed to determine the prevalence and profile of otitis media in different parts of a city, i.e. non-slum urban areas, urban slums and rural areas. A door to door survey was conducted in identified areas of Delhi. A total of 3000 children (0-15 years) were randomly selected and examined for presence of otitis media. These children were equally distributed in the three areas under consideration. Data was analyzed to establish the prevalence of different types of otitis media. Chi-square test was then applied to compare disease prevalence among the three areas. 7.1% of the study population was identified with otitis media, which includes CSOM (4.26%), OME (2.5%) and ASOM (0.4%). In the non-slum urban parts of the city, 4.6% children had otitis media. This was significantly lower compared to 7% children in rural parts of Delhi and 9.9% in urban slums of the city. The prevalence of CSOM was considerably higher in slum areas (7.2%) as compared with rural (3%) and non-slum urban areas (2.6%). Ear infections are significantly more common in urban slums as compared to non-slum city areas and rural parts of Delhi. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Aterosclerosis subclínica y perfil metabólico en mujeres asintomáticas de edad media, con TSH ≥ 2,5 uUI/mL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa M. Pando-Álvarez


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo subclínico puede contribuir al desarrollo de patologías cardiovasculares y se ha demostrado que a partir de niveles de TSH >2,5uUI/mL se desarrolla disfunción endotelial. Objetivos: Determinar el grosor de la íntima media carotídea (GIMC, la presencia de placas en carótidas y el perfil metabólico en mujeres de edad media asintomáticas con TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL y compararlas con aquellas con niveles <2,5 uUI/mL. Diseño: Estudio transversal y analítico. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo e Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Mujeres sin historia de enfermedad tiroidea, cardiovascular o diabetes. Intervenciones: En 60 mujeres sin historia de enfermedad tiroidea, cardiovascular o diabetes, con edad promedio de 53,8 ± 5,8 años, se determinó la tirotropina (TSH, colesterol total (CT, colesterol de densidad alta (HDL, triglicéridos (Tg, glucosa (G basal y a los 120 minutos (TTGO, insulina basal (Ins-B; se calculó las fracciones de colesterol de densidad baja (LDL, el nivel de insulinorresistencia (HOMA-IR, la presión arterial, perímetro de cintura abdominal, el índice de masa corporal (IMC y el GIMC mediante ecoDoppler. Principales medidas de resultados: TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL, perfil metabólico y su relación con GIMC. Resultados: El 38,3% presentó TSH ≥2,5 y 61,7% TSH <2,5 uUI/mL. El 56% de mujeres con TSH ≥2,5 y 65% con TSH <2,5 uUI/ml fueron hipertensas, sin diferencia estadística. El perfil lipídico, G basal, Ins-B e índice HOMA-IR fueron semejantes en ambos grupos. Se observó niveles significativamente más altos del IMC, G a los 120 minutos, el GIMC en carótida izquierda y el mayor entre ambas carótidas en las mujeres con TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL (p=0,03, p=0,01, p=0,008 y p=0,02, respectivamente. La presencia de placas en la carótida izquierda y en al menos una de las carótidas fue significativamente más frecuente entre aquellas con

  7. Associação de força e nível de atividade física à densidade mineral óssea na pós-menopausa

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    Cristiane Fialho Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: o exercício físico atua melhorando a densidade mineral óssea DMO por gerar deformidades nesse tecido e estimular remodelação. OBJETIVO: verificar a associação entre força muscular e nível de atividade física à densidade mineral óssea DMO utilizando testes de força de bíceps, de sentar e levantar, dinamometria de mãos, história pregressa de atividade física e nível de atividade física, avaliado pelo pedômetro com a DMO em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, descritivo que mensurou a densidade mineral óssea pela absorção de dupla energia de raios X DXA da coluna lombar L1-L4, fêmur e antebraços em 62 mulheres saudáveis no pós-menopausa, com média de 56,82 ± 4,02 anos de idade. Foi aplicado questionário para atividade física pregressa e realizada contagem diária de passos pedômetro. A força muscular foi medida pelos testes de dinamometria de mãos, de 30 segundos de bíceps bilateral e de sentar e levantar da cadeira em 30 segundos. Realizou-se registro alimentar de três dias para mensuração da ingestão diária de cálcio e vitamina D. RESULTADOS: os indivíduos apresentaram altos níveis de atividade física, porém baixa ingestão diária de cálcio e vitamina D. Não foi verificada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre força muscular nos dois grupos estudados, com DMO diminuída e DMO normal. O grupo com DMO diminuída apresentou maior número de passos diários e menor peso quando comparado com o grupo com DMO normal. Foram observadas várias correlações positivas de baixa magnitude, embora significantes, entre a densitometria e a força muscular p < 0,50. CONCLUSÃO: os autores descreveram risco cinco vezes e meia maior em mulheres não praticantes de atividade física da adolescência até a idade adulta e de apresentarem redução da DMO em comparação com as mulheres que apresentaram DMO normal.

  8. Social media as marketing tool for SMEs: opportunities and challenges


    Blerta Rugova; Burim Prenaj


    Social media is a phenomenon that has transformed the interaction and communication of individuals throughout the world. Especially, social networking websites are very popular and have become daily practice in a lot of people’s lives. These sites have made significant impact on the individual’s life. However, social media is not only a communication tool for amusement, but it is also an important part of marketing strategies in business life. There is a constant rise in social networking and...

  9. Media Entrepreneurship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khajeheian, Datis


    Media Entrepreneurship has been an ambiguous, unclear and controversial concept and despite of growing academic efforts in the last decade, it is still a poorly defined subject. This paper is an effort to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive definition of media entrepreneurship. Firstly......, a literature review conducted and entrepreneurship, media, opportunity and innovation as building blocks of media entrepreneurship explained. Then by using of a mixed of bibliographic method and a Delphi method with multi-stage analysis process, a consensual definition of media entrepreneurship proposed...... entrepreneurship....

  10. Grand Narrative Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Wacana Konflik Sepak Bola di Media Cetak

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    Afdal Makkuraga Putra


    Full Text Available Eradication of corruption has been a grand narrative since the early of reformation era. Mass media became part of the preservation of the grand narrative. Grand narrative is the main narration which becomes basis and universal character since it can be used as standard to measure and assess other narratives. This study analyzes grand narrative of corruption eradication in Indonesia soccer conflict in print media by using critical discourse by Norman Fairclough as research method. The result shows that media preserved grand narrative of corruption eradication through image projection of corruptors as common enemy. The spread of anti-corruption information through mass media carried out continuously and sustainably is a manifestation of the commitment to fight corruption. Information provided by media does not only explains the state’s loss but up to the development of its completion.

  11. Social media marketing českých mobilních operátorů


    Samková, Barbora


    The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of presentation of the company in an environment of social media with a focus on Twitter, to determine whether the presence of the company in this environment can affect (positively) brand perception and finally to recommend how the company should communicate on Twitter. The theoretical part describes definitions and the basic principles of social media and social media marketing based on the knowledge gained from literature, surveys and st...

  12. Sleaze, Slur... and the Search for a Sanitized Identity: Bhojpuri Media at a Crossroads

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    Madhusri Shrivastava


    Full Text Available This article offers perspectives on those who control the Bhojpuri media industry in Mumbai, India, and delimit what is to be shown. Bhojpuri is a dialect of Hindi spoken in parts of the north Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The influx of migrants from these regions to different parts of India has led to a resurgence of interest in the Bhojpuri media, and has drawn fly-by-night operators to the industry. To cater to the migrants’ needs, ribald action romances are produced; but this very bawdiness hamstrings attempts to widen the audience base. The article examines the issues that plague the industry, and explores the ways in which the industry is struggling to carve a sanitized, yet distinctive identity. Keywords: Bhojpuri; media industry; ribald; sanitized; migrants

  13. Social Media Marketing – why businesses need to use it and how


    Ola Agbaimoni; Lilach Bullock


    The goal of this article is to show how and why it is important for businesses to not only understand social media marketing, but to also include it as an integral part of their marketing strategies. In this article will be set out some basic strategies for how to be successful in social media marketing and conclude with a more in-depth look at Facebook.

  14. Características tecnológicas de la madera de Sac-Chacah de Campeche en diferentes zonas del árbol

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    T. Martínez Trinidad


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad ampliar el conocimiento de las características tecnológicas de la madera de Dendropanax arboreus (L. Planch & Decne. Para lo cual se realizó un estudio anatómico, se determinaron las propiedades físicas, la madera de tensión y los índices de calidad de pulpa para papel, y se calcularon a partir de la densidad las propiedades mecánicas. Se utilizaron muestras de madera de siete alturas y tres zonas de la sección transversal de cinco árboles. Los vasos presentaron placa perforada escaleriforme, longitud de 959.48µ y diámetro de 73.31µ; y las fibras una longitud de 1343.73µ, un diámetro de 27.73µ y un grosor de pared de 4.68µ. La madera presentó densidad básica media (0.44 g⋅cm-3, contracción volumétrica total media (11.17 %, contracciones lineales altas (7.0 T y 4.14 %R, relación de anisotropía baja (1.69, índices de calidad de pulpa para papel buenos y las propiedades mecánicas resultaron de bajas a muy bajas. La madera de tensión se encontró en forma dispersa y aislada. En general, no se presentó una tendencia marcada por parte de las variables analizadas en los diferentes diámetros o alturas estudiadas. En función de los resultados, la madera presenta un amplio espectro de utilización excepto para usos estructurales.

  15. Social media and professionalism: a retrospective content analysis of Fitness to Practise cases heard by the GDC concerning social media complaints. (United States)

    Neville, P


    Introduction Since 2013, all General Dental Council (GDC) registrants' online activities have been regulated by the GDC's social media guidelines. Failure to comply with these guidelines results in a Fitness to Practise (FtP) complaint being investigated.Aims This study explores the prevalence of social media related FtP cases investigated by the GDC from 1 September 2013 to 21 June 2016.Method Documentary analysis of social media related FtP cases published on the GDC's website was undertaken. All cases that met the study's inclusion criteria were analysed using a quantitative content analysis framework.Findings It was found that 2.4% of FtP cases published on the GDC website during that period were related to breaches of the social media guidelines. All of the cases investigated were proven and upheld. Most of those named in the complaints were dental nurses and the most common type of complaint was inappropriate Facebook comments.Conclusions The low incidence rate should be interpreted with caution, being illustrative of the types of issues that might arise rather than the volume. The GDC will need to remain vigilant in this area and ensure that social media awareness training is an active part of CPD for all the dental team.


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    Maria S. Petrushkevych


    Full Text Available Purpose. The aim of the work is to determine the features of media culture that bind it with mass culture and mass communications and have the most significant effect on the general principles of the religious mass communication. In addition, the objective is to identify the skills system and traits of mass human that are necessary for using media culture. Methodology. The methodological basis is related to structuring, analytical analysis and synthesis of media features; highlighting phenomena that illustrate modern communicative situation; characteristics of media trends influence for the specific functioning of religious communication. Scientific novelty. Main part of the work is devoted to the analysis of the progressive media culture, mass-media and their main features, design of religious communication in this culture. Media gradually form the appearance of religious communication quietly, especially the mass one, they adapt the modern religious discourse to rates of transfer and perception of information. Modern believer gets a lot of different kinds of religious information, on any subject, any explanation of the religious question, with respect to any religion. Such volume of religious information and the speed with which a person receives it, does not usually make it religious or spiritually advanced, but only informed. Spiritual perfection and religious development, religious communication is possible only when the customer is aware of media culture and way of seeing the ultimate goal of such communications using the Mass Media. So far these mechanisms are perfectly designed in traditional religious communication. Phenomena, that reflects the dramatic changes in the communicative environment are: mediatization of body and mind, the new practice of processing / reading information, the phenomenon of simultaneous perception of a large number of information channels – similar or different. Features of media culture that connect it with


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    Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel


    Full Text Available In the era of after reformation, Indonesia has developed rapidly enough in political sector and mass media freedom. In the local level such as in Bangli Regency, Bali Province, the fight among political actors on the printed mass media took place when the general election to vote for the regent was held. The general election which was held to vote for the regent was full of dynamism in which the candidates fought against one another on the longer mass media. The problems of the present study are as follows: (1 what was the fight among political actors on the printed media when the general election was held to vote the regent of Bangli Regency in 2010 like?; (2 the factors leading to it?; and (3 what was the impact and meaning of the fight among the political actors on the printed media? The theories used in the present study were the theory of discourse of relation of knowledge and power, the theory of the impact of media such as the agenda setting, the theory of framing, the theory of media text analysis, the theory of hegemony, and the theory of capital. The research method used was the qualitative approach with critical paradigm.  The forms of the fight among political actors took place in the arenas of news articles, advertorials, advertisements, and paid articles. The fight taking place in these arenas started from the fight for the self-image of the actors to the political issue. The factors leading to it was political factor, economic factor, and mass media. The fight among the political actors affected political sector, economic sector, and cultural sector. The fight among the political actors on the printed media contained pragmatic meaning of the media and political actors, the image, popular life style, and change of political culture in Bangli. 

  18. [Media for 21st century--towards human communication media]. (United States)

    Harashima, H


    Today, with the approach of the 21st century, attention is focused on multi-media communications combining computer, visual and audio technologies. This article discusses the communication media target and the technological problems constituting the nucleus of multi-media. The communication media is becoming an environment from which no one can escape. Since the media has such a great power, what is needed now is not to predict the future technologies, but to estimate the future world and take to responsibility for future environments.


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    Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o efeito do espaçamento entre fileiras (30, 40 e 50 cm e da densidade de semeadura (100, 150 e 200 sementes viáveis/m2 quanto a qualidade industrial de grãos do arroz de sequeiro cv. IAC 201. Dessa forma, foi instalado um experimento em condições de campo, em um Latossolo Vermelho escuro, epi-eutrófico, textura argilosa, em Selvíria, MS. Para tanto, foram avaliados os rendimentos de grãos, no benefício, grãos inteiros e quebrados. A variação do espaçamento e da densidade de semeadura não afetou o rendimento de benefício. O aumento da densidade de semeadura aumentou a porcentagem de grãos quebrados. Os rendimentos de grãos inteiros e quebrados não foram influenciados pela variação do espaçamento entre fileiras.A field experiment was carried out on a clayey Dark Red Latosol in Selvíria, MS, Brazil, to study the effect of three row spacings (30, 40 and 50 cm and three plant densities (100, 150 and 200 viable seeds/m2 on the hulling yield and the percentage of undamaged grains. There was no effect of row spacings and plant densities on hulling yield. Increasing plant population led to an increase of broken grains. The percentage of undamaged and broken grains were not affected by row spacing.

  20. Media Ecology

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    Marina Ašković


    Full Text Available Does the trend in which electronic media are gradually becoming extension of human body have to move towards full enslavement of a human and his personality, or the same human will unpredictably, with the aid of his personal media literacy, exit the whirls of media and technological censorships? Personality crisis is closely related to the crisis of language no matter how contradicted to global ideology of transnational transhumanism it may seem. Considering the fact that recent media presentations of the world are based on commercialization of environmentalism, philosophical and aesthetic thought appears as an important subject of ecology. As media mediates, the scenery of civilized living increasingly becomes more appealing even though it derives from commercial and political background. Consequently, the future of humanity depends by large on the philosophy of media. Media have to truly ecologise returning the humanum to its essence making it into the extension of the natural world.


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    Delma Araceli Gastelum-Osorio


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la solución nutritiva Steiner (SN a 25, 50, 75 y 100 % de su concentración original, en combinación con 4, 6 y 8 plantas·m-2 en un diseño experimental completamente al azar sobre el rendimiento y desarrollo de Physalis peruviana L. La investigación se condujo bajo invernadero de junio de 2010 a julio de 2011. Se cultivó el ecotipo Colombia en bolsas de plástico negro con tezontle y riego por goteo. Se evaluaron las variables rendimiento, número de frutos por planta, peso de frutos con cáscara y sin ella, y peso promedio del fruto. Para conocer la absorción nutrimental del cultivo se realizaron muestreos de hoja en etapa vegetativa (EV y etapa reproductiva (ER, y se determinaron los contenidos de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn y B. Las variables de calidad fueron sólidos solubles totales (SST; °Brix y pH del fruto. Se observaron diferencias significativas para las variables de rendimiento. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo con la SN completa con 8 plantas·m-2. Con la SN al 75 y 100 % con 4 plantas·m-2 se obtuvo el mayor peso individual de fruto. En la EV la SN afectó la concentración de N, K, Mg, Fe y B, y la densidad influyó en la concentración de K. Durante la ER hubo diferencias en la concentración de K, P, Mg y Mn, debidas a la SN, y el Fe fue afectado por la densidad. Los SST y el pH del fruto no mostraron diferencias significativas.

  2. Monitoreo de cambios en la densidad de cobertura forestal en bosque templado usando fotografías aéreas digitales de alta resolución

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    José López García


    Full Text Available Se utilizaron series multitemporales de fotografías aéreas digitales de alta resolución de pequeño formato para evaluar los cambios en la densidad de cobertura forestal en un bosque templado. Una combinación de técnicas convencionales y adaptadas de fotogrametría y fotointerpretación fueron utilizadas para establecer un método específico de evaluación.  Este método ha sido probado en un periodo de doce años (1999-2011 en la zona núcleo de la Reserva de la Biósfera Mariposa Monarca, localizada en los estados de México y Michoacán, en México, usando mosaicos ortorectificados como mapas base para evaluar cambios bienales. Las imágenes fueron fotointerpretadas de manera tradicional marcando los cambios sobre acetatos, colocados sobre las imágenes impresas, creando así nuevos polígonos. Estos fueron transferidos directamente de los acetatos al ortomosaico a través de la pantalla de la computadora, usando al menos tres puntos de control, cumpliendo así con el principio de triangulación radial. El bosque fue separado en las siguientes clases de cobertura forestal: cerrada, semi-cerrada, semi-abierta, abierta y deforestada. La evaluación en la exactitud en la clasificación de densidad de cobertura fue estimada a través de muestreos en campo, empleando matrices de confusión, siendo del 95%. A partir de 2003, este método ha sido utilizado para determinar el pago por servicios ambientales. Dicho pago, junto con una gran interacción con las comunidades, se ha traducido en una reducción en la degradación forestal y la deforestación en la zona núcleo de la Reserva.

  3. Media Education and Media Criticism in the Educational Process in Russia (United States)

    Fedorov, Alexander; Levitskaya, Anastasia


    Media criticism and media education have a lot in common. For example, both media education and media criticism attach great importance to the development of analytical thinking of the audience. Indeed, one of the most important tasks of media education is precisely to teach the audience not only to analyze media texts of any types, but also to…

  4. What Makes You Tick? An Empirical Study of Space Science Related Social Media Communications Using Machine Learning (United States)

    Hwong, Y. L.; Oliver, C.; Van Kranendonk, M. J.


    The rise of social media has transformed the way the public engages with scientists and science organisations. `Retweet', `Like', `Share' and `Comment' are a few ways users engage with messages on Twitter and Facebook, two of the most popular social media platforms. Despite the availability of big data from these digital footprints, research into social media science communication is scant. This paper presents the results of an empirical study into the processes and outcomes of space science related social media communications using machine learning. The study is divided into two main parts. The first part is dedicated to the use of supervised learning methods to investigate the features of highly engaging messages., e.g. highly retweeted tweets and shared Facebook posts. It is hypothesised that these messages contain certain psycholinguistic features that are unique to the field of space science. We built a predictive model to forecast the engagement levels of social media posts. By using four feature sets (n-grams, psycholinguistics, grammar and social media), we were able to achieve prediction accuracies in the vicinity of 90% using three supervised learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, linear classifier and decision tree). We conducted the same experiments on social media messages from three other fields (politics, business and non-profit) and discovered several features that are exclusive to space science communications: anger, authenticity, hashtags, visual descriptions and a tentative tone. The second part of the study focuses on the extraction of topics from a corpus of texts using topic modelling. This part of the study is exploratory in nature and uses an unsupervised method called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to uncover previously unknown topics within a large body of documents. Preliminary results indicate a strong potential of topic model algorithms to automatically uncover themes hidden within social media chatters on space related issues, with


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    Ana V Frontini


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza, mediante densidad óptica (DO, residuos glucídicos en glomérulos y túbulos contorneados proximales, superficiales y yuxtamedulares, de dos líneas de ratas diabéticas: eSS y eSMT al año de edad. 10 ratas macho eSS, 12, eSMT y 10, Wistar (controles fueron estudiadas con distintas lectinas (PNA, RCA, Con-A, DBA, SBA, WGA y UEA-I. La densidad óptica (DO fue determinada mediante el Programa Image-pro Plus versión 1.1, estableciéndose rangos para la evaluación de la reacción cromogénica (> 200 = 0 (negativa; entre 150 y 200 = 1-2 (débil o moderada positividad, y < 150 = 3 (fuerte positividad. Los principales resultados diferenciales fueron registrados: (a en los glomérulos superficiales: WGA: eSMT (DO=3 versus eSS y Wistar (DO = 1-2, y UEA-I y Con-A: Wistar (DO= 3 versus líneas diabéticas (DO =1-2; (b en los glomérulos yuxtamedulares: WGA: Wistar y eSMT (DO = 3 versus eSS (DO= 1-2, UEA-I: líneas diabéticas (DO= 3 versus Wistar (DO=1-2, y Con-A: Wistar (DO =3 versus líneas diabéticas (DO = 1-2, y (c en las células de los túbulos proximales yuxtamedulares: WGA y Con-A: líneas diabéticas (DO=1-2 versus Wistar (DO= 3, y UEA-I: eSS (DO=3 versus eSMT y Wistar (DO=1-2. Las diferencias entre ratas diabéticas y controles podrían atribuirse a su dismetabolismo, y las de las líneas diabéticas entre sí, a sus distintos orígenes. Asimismo, podrían señalar alteraciones en la filtración y en procesos tubulares intracelulares, coincidiendo con trabajos previos acerca de una nefropatía en evolución a esta edad en eSS y eSMT.

  6. Geographic Media Literacy (United States)

    Lukinbeal, Chris


    While the use of media permeates geographic research and pedagogic practice, the underlying literacies that link geography and media remain uncharted. This article argues that geographic media literacy incorporates visual literacy, information technology literacy, information literacy, and media literacy. Geographic media literacy is the ability…

  7. SOCIAL MEDIA SECURITY (United States)



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    Fairuziah Bader Alkatiri


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: Otitis media is an inflammation of part or all of the mucosa of the middle ear, Eustachian tube, mastoid antrum, and mastoid cells. Patients with middle ear disease often comes as a chronic stage that causes hearing loss and expense secretions. Patients complain of hearing loss that disrupt the function of the social, educational and professional. School-age children may show poor results at school. One type of otitis media is chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM, which is a chronic infection of the middle ear with tympanic membrane perforation and discharge of secretions from the middle ear continuous or intermittent, usually accompanied by hearing loss. Secretions may be thin or thick, clear or in the form of pus. CSOM formerly called otitis media with perforated. Diagnosis is made by history, physical examination. Two types of classification that is often used is CSOM types of benign and malignant types, and based on the activity of secretions out. Management of sudden deafness include conservative with some medical therapy depends on the type of CSOM and accompanying complications. Case: Male patient, 47 years old, came with complaints of discharge from the left ear since 1 month ago. Discharge yellowish-white, slightly viscous, odorless, out a little, and not itchy. Patients with a history of diabetes. Patients admitted before the water could get into the ear while swimming in the sea. At the present status and status generalist within normal limits. On the left ear found mucopurulent secretions. On the left tympanic membrane perforation in the visible region of the central part postero superior. Keywords:otitis, chronic, ear.

  9. Exposure to media predicts use of dietary supplements and anabolic-androgenic steroids among Flemish adolescent boys. (United States)

    Frison, Eline; Vandenbosch, Laura; Eggermont, Steven


    This study examined whether different types of media affect the use of dietary proteins and amino acid supplements, and intent to use anabolic-androgenic steroids. A random sample of 618 boys aged 11-18 years from eight schools in the Flemish part of Belgium completed standardized questionnaires as part of the Media and Adolescent Health Study. The survey measured exposure to sports media, appearance-focused media, fitness media, use of dietary supplements, and intent to use anabolic-androgenic steroids. Data were analyzed using logistic regressions and are presented as adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI); 8.6 % indicated to have used dietary proteins, 3.9 % indicated to have used amino acid supplements, and 11.8 % would consider using anabolic-androgenic steroids. After adjusting for fitness activity, exposure to fitness media was associated with the use of dietary proteins (OR = 7.24, CI = 2.25-23.28) and amino acid supplements (5.16, 1.21-21.92; 44.30, 8.25-238). Intent to use anabolic-androgenic steroids was associated with exposure to fitness media (2.38, 1.08-5.26; 8.07, 2.55-25.53) and appearance-focused media (6.02, 1.40-25.82; 8.94, 1.78-44.98). Sports media did not correlate with the use of dietary supplements and intent to use anabolic-androgenic steroids. Specific types of media are strong predictors of the use of supplements in adolescent boys. This provides an opportunity for intervention and prevention through the selection of fitness media as a communication channel. Health practitioners should also be aware that the contemporary body culture exerts pressure not only on girls but also on boys.

  10. Generalized Optical Theorem Detection in Random and Complex Media (United States)

    Tu, Jing

    The problem of detecting changes of a medium or environment based on active, transmit-plus-receive wave sensor data is at the heart of many important applications including radar, surveillance, remote sensing, nondestructive testing, and cancer detection. This is a challenging problem because both the change or target and the surrounding background medium are in general unknown and can be quite complex. This Ph.D. dissertation presents a new wave physics-based approach for the detection of targets or changes in rather arbitrary backgrounds. The proposed methodology is rooted on a fundamental result of wave theory called the optical theorem, which gives real physical energy meaning to the statistics used for detection. This dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first part significantly expands the theory and understanding of the optical theorem for arbitrary probing fields and arbitrary media including nonreciprocal media, active media, as well as time-varying and nonlinear scatterers. The proposed formalism addresses both scalar and full vector electromagnetic fields. The second contribution of this dissertation is the application of the optical theorem to change detection with particular emphasis on random, complex, and active media, including single frequency probing fields and broadband probing fields. The first part of this work focuses on the generalization of the existing theoretical repertoire and interpretation of the scalar and electromagnetic optical theorem. Several fundamental generalizations of the optical theorem are developed. A new theory is developed for the optical theorem for scalar fields in nonhomogeneous media which can be bounded or unbounded. The bounded media context is essential for applications such as intrusion detection and surveillance in enclosed environments such as indoor facilities, caves, tunnels, as well as for nondestructive testing and communication systems based on wave-guiding structures. The developed scalar

  11. Editorial: Pedagogical Media Ecologies

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    Dorothee M. Meister


    Full Text Available From educational gaming through portable e-readers to cell phones, media are interpenetrating educational spaces and activities. Accordingly, understanding media in environmental or ecological terms has become increasingly important for education internationally. In North America, for example, the centenary of McLuhan’s birth has focused attention on approaches to media – whether oral, textual, electronic or digital– as a kind of environment in which education takes place. In parts of Europe, the so-called mediatic turn – following on the linguistic and iconic turns – has similarly emphasized the role of media as a condition for the possibility of educational activities and programs. With a few exceptions1 the papers in this special issue were first presented at the conference «Educational Media Ecologies: International Perspectives» which took place at the University of Paderborn, Germany, on March 27–28, 2012.2 The event was an interdisciplinary and transatlantic endeavor to bring together a wide range of perspectives on various issues relevant to educational media ecologies,3 and on related debates on mediation, medialization, mediatization, and mediality.4 The purpose of this volume, like the conference, is to foster and deepen international dialogue in the area of educational media. Areas of research and scholarship relevant to this dialogue include educational media, media literacy, educational philosophy, and media and cultural studies. The contributions, described below, put conceptual issues as well as social practices and applications at the center of the debate. Klaus Rummler opens the issue by clarifying the concept of ecology itself. Referencing a range of work over the past 50 years, Rummler describes how ecological models have been cast in sociological, semiotic, cultural, mediatic and other terms, and he explains the implications of these various perspectives for the study of educational contexts. Rummler also

  12. Social media and the surgeon. (United States)

    Margolin, David A


    As the Internet has matured, social media has developed and become a part of our everyday life. Whether it is Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn, we now communicate with each other and the world in a very different manner. As physicians, and specifically colon and rectal surgeons, it is important that we understand this new technology, learn its limitations, and utilize it to foster growth of our practice, trade, and potentially result in better patient care.

  13. Densidade e diversidade fenotípica de bactérias diazotróficas não simbióticas em solos da Reserva Biológica Serra dos Toledos, Itajubá (MG

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    Talita Filomena Silva


    Full Text Available Bactérias diazotróficas não simbióticas (BDNS atuam no desenvolvimento das plantas por meio da fixação biológica de nitrogênio e também pela produção e liberação de substâncias reguladoras do crescimento vegetal. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a densidade e diversidade fenotípica desse grupo de bactérias em fragmentos de solo da Reserva Biológica Serra dos Toledos e entorno, em Itajubá/MG. Essa reserva localiza-se na Área de Proteção Ambiental da Mantiqueira, constituindo-se em uma importante área de recarga e de abrigo à flora e fauna endêmicas. Amostras de solo superficial foram coletadas em áreas com diferentes declividades na reserva, em épocas representativas das estações de inverno (setembro/2006 e verão (abril/2007. A densidade, avaliada pelo número mais provável, utilizando os meios de cultura NFb, JNFb e Fam, para Azospirillum spp., Herbaspirillum spp. e A. amazonense, respectivamente, variou de 0,12 a 75,60 (NMP x 10(5 bactérias g-1 solo seco. Foram obtidos 172 e 174 isolados, respectivamente para as amostras de inverno e verão, dos quais 30 e 55 % apresentaram similaridade igual ou superior a 70 % com as estirpes-tipo Azospirillum brasilense, A. amazonense, A. lipoferum, Herbaspirillum seropedicae e Burkholderia brasilensis. O resultado do comportamento dos isolados com base na tolerância à salinidade nem sempre foi semelhante ao obtido pelas características fenotípicas culturais a 70 % de similaridade, sendo indicado para estudos complementares de diversidade desses organismos. As BDNS apresentam potencial de utilização em estudos de avaliação da qualidade e sustentabilidade de ecossistemas. No entanto, apesar da alta densidade e diversidade fenotípica em solos da reserva, maiores valores foram obtidos no entorno, evidenciando o efeito positivo da cobertura vegetal do tipo gramíneas sobre elas, independentemente da variação climática.

  14. Problematic Social Media Use: Results from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample.

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    Fanni Bányai

    Full Text Available Despite social media use being one of the most popular activities among adolescents, prevalence estimates among teenage samples of social media (problematic use are lacking in the field. The present study surveyed a nationally representative Hungarian sample comprising 5,961 adolescents as part of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD. Using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS and based on latent profile analysis, 4.5% of the adolescents belonged to the at-risk group, and reported low self-esteem, high level of depression symptoms, and elevated social media use. Results also demonstrated that BSMAS has appropriate psychometric properties. It is concluded that adolescents at-risk of problematic social media use should be targeted by school-based prevention and intervention programs.

  15. The role of authenticity in electoral social media campaigns

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G. Grow (Gabrielle); J.R. Ward (Janelle)


    textabstractAuthenticity is a popular buzzword in electoral politics: Electoral candidates and politicians are expected to be authentic in their public interactions. Since 2008, campaigning via social media has become an integral part of elections in the United States, and continues to gain


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    Zifwen Zifwen


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The purpose of the study is to identify the category of advertising expenditure and media habit on media advertising, especially on television and print ad such as newspapers, magazines and tabloids. The Data were collected  from Nielsen Media Research (NMR data base from a number of cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta,Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Medan,Palembang and Makassar. There are three different type of data used to acquire the secondary data for the study: (1  Telescope (data collected for rating analysis January 1st, 2005 to March 31st, 2005, (2 Print scope (data collected from the readership of magazines, tabloids and newspaper January 1st, 2004 to December 31st, 2004 and (3 Ad quest (data collected from advertising expenditure for all categories. The data were collected, calculated and analyzed from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2004. The purpose of the study is to uncover the trend of advertising budget from all categories on the television and print ads, in order to describe the consumption tendency of the people within advertising media. Index analysis and Biplot were used to analyze the data. Based on the result of advertising expenditure analysis of data, showing that all categories were completely different in the utilization of the media for advertisement. Some categories used mix media to support their campaign and others used a single media. Characteristic of the categories were strongly involved in the decision making in way of choosing and using the advertising media. The result of consumer media analysis found that the people habit were completely different and unique in media consumption. Different of age, sex and social economic status can create a different habit in term of hobbies and desire within the channel, programme, newspaper, magazines and the tabloids. Finally, to create an effective and efficient advertising activity

  17. Social media and digital technology use among Indigenous young people in Australia: a literature review


    Rice, Emma S.; Haynes, Emma; Royce, Paul; Thompson, Sandra C.


    Introduction The use of social media and digital technologies has grown rapidly in Australia and around the world, including among Indigenous young people who face social disadvantage. Given the potential to use social media for communication, providing information and as part of creating and responding to social change, this paper explores published literature to understand how Indigenous Australian youth use digital technologies and social media, and its positive and negative impacts. Metho...

  18. Instagram's Social Media Influencers: A study of Online Popularity From Source Credibility to Brand Attitude


    Granjon, Valentin; Benedic, Romain


    Social Media Influencers (SMIs) and their sponsored posts on the Social Media represent a growing part of tomorrow’s digital marketing landscape. Marketers hire them to recommend their products to their large audiences through friendly and engaging social media posts. To please marketers, increasing and maintaining their audience size is of the utmost importance. Consequently, number of followers, likes, and comments have become the metrics of SMIs success. However, recent contradictory publi...

  19. El papel de la densidad y la proporción sexual de adultos en la fecundidad de Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae en jaulas de cría masiva

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    Full Text Available La cría de insectos para control biológico aumentativo requiere conocer los factores que afectan la fecundidad para optimizar la producción masiva. En ge - neral, las prácticas empleadas se basan en los resultados de experiencias exitosas. Sin embargo, en muchos casos la verificación de esas prácticas en condiciones dis - tintas a las de su origen carece de soporte cuantitativo publicado y suele pasar por alto la variación derivada del manejo de los operarios (condición estándar. El ob - jetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la fecundidad del barrenador de la caña de azúcar Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius, en función del número de adultos y de la proporción sexual (número de hembras / número de adultos en jaulas de cría, en condiciones de producción estándar. En 25 jaulas se registraron número y sexo de las mariposas y número de huevos obtenido. Los resultados mostraron que la fecundidad óptima se obtiene con valores intermedios de densidad y con proporción sexual sesgada a machos. Se sugiere que el control conjunto de densidad y proporción sexual incre - menta la eficiencia en las posturas de huevos. El presente trabajo es el primero en cuantificar ambos factores en condiciones de cría masiva y revela que las prácticas comúnmente extendidas necesitan de estudios de mayor profundidad.

  20. Qualidade de raízes de cenoura em sistemas consorciados com alface sob diferentes densidades populacionais Quality of carrot roots in intercropped systems with lettuce under different planting densities

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    Aurélio P. Barros Júnior


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado de junho a setembro de 2003, em campo da ESAM, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade de raízes de cenoura (Brasília em sistemas consorciados com alface (Tainá sob diferentes densidades populacionais. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram resultantes da combinação de quatro populações de cenoura [(40%, 60%, 80% e 100% da população recomendada no cultivo solteiro (PRCS] com quatro populações de alface (40%, 60%, 80% e 100% da PRCS. As características avaliadas nas raízes da cenoura foram acidez total titulável (ATT, sólidos solúveis totais (SST, açúcares totais (ACT pH, relação sólidos solúveis totais e acidez total titulável, além da produtividade comercial da cenoura e da alface. Ocorreu interação significativa entre as densidades populacionais das culturas componentes na ATT das raízes da cenoura. Houve aumento no conteúdo de SST e no pH à medida que se aumentou a densidade populacional de cenoura. Houve também um aumento na produtividade comercial de raízes de cenoura e na produtividade da alface com o aumento de suas densidades populacionais, respectivamente. A variação na população de cenoura não afetou a produtividade da alface, mas a variação na população da alface afetou negativamente a produtividade comercial da cenoura. Entre as características avaliadas, as que se correlacionaram de maneira significativa com a produtividade comercial de cenoura, foram as concentrações de sólidos solúveis totais e açucares totais, evidenciando assim, que estes atributos podem ser considerados representativos da qualidade de raízes da cenoura.The experiment was carried out from June to September 2003, in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, to evaluate the quality of carrot roots (cv. Brasília in intercropped systems with lettuce (cv. Tainá under different planting