
Sample records for denitrification produktion von

  1. Konzepte und Methoden zur Qualitätssicherung bei der Produktion von hypertextuellen Online-Lernumgebungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Swertz


    Full Text Available Die didaktische Ontologie der Webdidaktik ermöglicht die Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen und Ergebnissen bei der Produktion von Online- Lernumgebungen. Die Qualität wird durch die am pädagogischen Prozess beteiligten Menschen bestimmt. Der Qualitätssicherungsprozess kann durch Software unterstützt werden. Für diese Prozesse der Qualitätssicherung bringt der Autor Beispiele aus dem Lerndorf ( und der Lernumgebung des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt geförderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt «Zentrum für Umweltwissen und Bildung» (ZUB.

  2. Regulatorische Anforderungen an die Produktion und Qualität pflanzlicher Arzneimittel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hagels, Hansjörg


    Full Text Available Entwicklung, Zulassung, Produktion sowie die Vermarktung und der Vertrieb von Arzneimitteln unterliegen in Europa harmonisierten Regularien, die im Gemeinschaftskodex für Humanarzneimittel (Richtlinie 2001/83/EG zusammengefasst sind und auch pflanzliche Arzneimittel einschließen. Bevor Pflanzensammler/anbauer oder Extrakthersteller sich mit der Entwicklung oder auch Produktion von Arzneimittel-Ausgangs- und Rohstoffen beschäftigen ist es deshalb unumgänglich, diese Regularien zu beherrschen und in die Prozesse einzuarbeiten, um eine langfristige konstruktive Kooperation mit pharmazeutischen Unternehmen als Kunden sicher zu stellen.

  3. Untersuchung der Produktion charmhaltiger Mesonen in der Photon-Photon-Streuung mit dem OPAL-Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Patt, Jochen


    Die Produktion von Charm-Quarks in der Photon-Photon-Streuung wird ueber den Nachweis charmhaltiger Mesonen untersucht. Die Arbeit basiert auf den Daten, die mit dem OPAL-Detektor am Elektron-Positron-Speicherring LEP am CERN in Genf in den Jahren von 1989 bis 1998 aufgenommen worden sind. Anhand des Charmonium-Zustandes Chi(c2) wird die Resonanzproduktion von Charm-Quarks untersucht und die Zwei-Photon-Breite des Chi(c2)-Mesons wird gemessen. Geladene D*-Mesonen werden zur Untersuchung der offenen Produktion von Charm-Quarks benutzt. Der Anteil des direkten und des einfach-aufgeloesten Produktionsmechanismus, differentielle D*-Wirkungsquerschnitte, der totale Charm-Wirkungsquerschnitt sowie die Charm-Strukturfunktion des Photons werden bestimmt.

  4. Die Rolle von RANK-Ligand und Osteoprotegerin bei Osteoporose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hofbauer LC


    Full Text Available Receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF- κB ligand (RANKL, sein zellulärer Rezeptor RANK und der Decoy-Rezeptor Osteoprotegerin (OPG stellen ein essentielles Zytokinsystem für die Zellbiologie von Osteoklasten dar. Verschiedene Untersuchungen belegen die Bedeutung von Störungen des OPG/RANKL/RANK-Systems bei der Pathogenese metabolischer Knochenerkrankungen. In dieser Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Störungen des OPG/RANKL/RANK-Systems bei verschiedenen Osteoporoseformen dargestellt. Östrogenrezeptor- (ER- Agonisten wie 17 β-Östradiol, Raloxifen und Genistein stimulieren die osteoblastäre Produktion von OPG durch Aktivierung von ER- α in vitro, während Lymphozyten von Patientinnen mit Östrogenmangel RANKL überexprimieren. Die parenterale Gabe von OPG vermag den mit Östrogenmangel assoziierten Knochenverlust im Tiermodell und in einer kleineren klinischen Studie zu verhindern. Glukokortikoide und Immunsuppressiva steigern gleichzeitig die RANKL-Expression und hemmen die OPG-Produktion in osteoblastären Zellen in vitro. Glukokortikoide sind auch in vivo imstande, die OPG-Serumspiegel deutlich zu reduzieren. Dagegen hemmen biomechanische Reize in vitro die RANKL-Produktion und steigern die OPG-Produktion. Ein Fehlen dieser biomechanischen Reize bei längerer Immobilisierung kann daher den RANKL/OPG-Quotienten steigern, während die tierexperimentelle Immobilisierungs-Osteoporose durch die parenterale Gabe von OPG gemildert werden kann.

  5. Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an Bibliotheken: Prozessfindung am Beispiel wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken im deutschsprachigen Raum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birte Lindstädt


    Full Text Available Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement ist ein unternehmerisches Konzept aus der Betriebswirtschaft, das insbesondere in der Konsumgüterindustrie zur Anwendung kommt. Der damit verbundene Prozess richtet das gesamte unternehmerische Handeln an einzelnen Produkten oder Produktgruppen und den damit verbundenen Kundenbedürfnissen aus. Die Anwendung des Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken erfordert eine Anpassung des Managementprozesses auf die Erfordernisse einer öffentlichen Einrichtung mit kulturellem Bildungsauftrag. In einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek erfüllt das Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement zwei wichtige Funktionen: Zum einen sollen bestehende Produkte laufend überprüft und an die strategischen Ziele und Kundenbedürfnisse angepasst werden (Produktmanagement, zum anderen bedarf es einer kontinuierlichen Marktbeobachtung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte im Rahmen der strategischen Ziele (Innovationsmanagement. Im Folgenden werden auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche und der Analyse von sechs Anwendungsbeispielen die wichtigsten Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung eines Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements aufgezeigt sowie ein optimierter Prozess dargestellt, wie Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken ein- und durchgeführt werden kann.

  6. Musikalsk Produktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Pia; Højlund, Marie Koldkjær; Lasse, Nielsen

    En lærebog for gymnasiet om musikalsk produktion med computeren som kreativt værktøj, som i musik til film og TV, remix, Hip hop mv.......En lærebog for gymnasiet om musikalsk produktion med computeren som kreativt værktøj, som i musik til film og TV, remix, Hip hop mv....

  7. Kundenorientierte Produktentwicklung mit Hilfe von Quality Function Deployment (QFD)


    Schloske, Alexander


    Die Produktentwicklung von heute muss in immer kürzeren Zeiträumen kunden- und kostenorientierte Produkte entwickeln. Zur systematischen Unterstützung dieser Aufgabe im Rahmen der Produktentwicklung wird die Methode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) eingesetzt. Die konsequente Umsetzung der Stimme des Kunden in die Sprache des Unternehmens gelingt mit Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Die Methode wertet systematisch Kundenanforderungen an Produkte aus und führt zu innovativen Lösungen, die s...

  8. Biologischer Anbau von Strauchbeeren


    Schmid, Andi


    Das Merkblatt enthält auf Österreich angepasste, praxisnahe Informationen zur Produktion von hochwertigen Strauchbeeren wie Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren und Heidelbeeren. Weiterhin: übersichtliche Hinweise zur Planung, Standortwahl, Sortenauswahl, Bodenvorbereitung und Pflanzung, Bewässerung, Nährstoffversorgung, Witterungsschutz, Beikrautregulierung, Ernte und Lagerung. (Diese Publikation enthält spezifische Informationen für Österreich)

  9. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Nutzerintegration in der Produktentwicklung:Eine Systematik zur Anpassung von Methoden zur Nutzerintegration


    Reinicke, Tamara


    Die Entwicklung nutzerfreundlicher Produkte wird heutzutage oft gefordert. Dabei werden vor allem ergonomische Aspekte in den Vordergrund gerückt. Doch wie kann man, abgesehen von den präzisen ergonomischen Richtlinien und Regeln ein Produkt an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer anpassen? Wie sehen die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer aus? Durch die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt Nutzerintegrationsmethodik, wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, auf systematische Weise nutzerfreundliche Produkte zu entwickeln. Die wichtigste ...

  10. Mass Customization og Postponement - strategier og modeller for integreret produktion og distribution af kundespecifikke produkter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage U.; Janus, Pagh


    Mass Customization er et produktionskoncept, der søger at kombinere masseproduktion og enkeltstyksproduktion på en sådan måde, at det er muligt at "masseproducere" kundespecifikke produkter. Postponement er i denne forbindelse et centralt begreb, idet det vedrører placeringen af dekoblingspunktet...... ("customer order decoupling point"), dvs. placeringen af det lager, hvorfra efterfølgende produktion og distribution er styret af kundespecifikke produkter. I artiklen fokuseres på, at hvis produktion og distribution ikke opfattes som to sekventielle systemer, men som ét integreret system, så opstår der en...

  11. Kunden- und wettbewerbsorientierte Produktentwicklung mit QFD: Kundenorientierte Produktentwicklung mit Hilfe von Quality Function Deployment (QFD)


    Schloske, Alexander


    Die Produktentwicklung von heute muss in immer kürzeren Zeiträumen kunden- und kostenorientierte Produkte entwickeln. Zur systematischen Unterstützung dieser Aufgabe im Rahmen der Produktentwicklung wird die Methode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) eingesetzt. Die konsequente Umsetzung der Stimme des Kunden in die Sprache des Unternehmens gelingt mit Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Die Methode wertet systematisch Kundenanforderungen an Produkte aus und führt zu innovativen Lösungen, die s...

  12. Hvem skal reparere vores produkter?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard


    En af strategierne til at realisere et mere cirkulært samfund med en højere ressourceeffektivitet er at sikre produkter længere levetid ved at gøre det lettere at få produkter repareret, og ved at virksomheder systematisk bruger erfaringer fra service, reparationer og kundeklager til at give dere...

  13. Fremtidens produktion - på mikro og nano niveau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Nørgaard

    Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter. Efterhån......Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter...

  14. Digital produktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen sætter fokus på digital produktion, som er en stærk læringsform, der faciliterer elevernes læreprocesser og kvalificerer elevernes faglige læringsresultater. Det sker når lærerne udarbejder didaktiske rammedesign, hvor eleverne arbejder selvstændigt inden for dette rammedesign, og hvor mål og...... procesevaluering stilladserer elevernes faglige proces. I digitale produktionsprocesser arbejder eleverne iterativt, de udvikler ejerskab til produktionen og fastholder selv deres læreprocesser. It’s multimodalitet, elevernes kollaborative tilgange, videndeling mellem eleverne og elevernes uformelle lege- og...... elevernes digitale produktion er lærernes didaktiske rammesætning og stilladserende tilgange. Her lægger lærerne op til, at eleverne som didaktiske designere i relation til rammesætningen skal organisere og planlægge deres læreprocesser, inddrages i målsætning, evaluering og valg af digitale ressourcer...

  15. XML-basierte Produkt- und Prozessdaten für die Leittechnik-Projektierung (United States)

    Schleipen, Miriam

    Für die Überwachung und Steuerung hochkomplexer Produktionsprozesse werden Prozessleitsysteme eingesetzt. Ständige Veränderungen zwingen Produktionsbetriebe wandlungsfähig zu sein. Entsprechend muss auch die Technik diese Flexibilität unterstützen. Jede Veränderung des Produktionsprozesses muss eingeplant, die Anlagen neu konfiguriert und projektiert werden. Dabei müssen auch neue Prozessbilder für die Bedien- und Steuerungssysteme erstellt werden. Am Fraunhofer IITB wurde ein Engineering-Framework entwickelt, das das Leitsystem automatisch projektiert und die zugehörige Prozessvisualisierung generiert. In diesem Beitrag wird das Modul vorgestellt, dass die Prozessabbilder erstellt. Neben der Visualisierung von Anlagen werden auch laufende Prozesse und bearbeitete Produkte dargestellt. So können beispielsweise Identsysteme mit der Leittechnik gekoppelt werden.

  16. Lean hos masskundanpassande producenter : Att masskundanpassa produkter effektivt


    Makdisi, Jacob; Suddek, Nawras


    Massproduktion har varit viktigt för producerande företag genom många decennier. Massproduktionär förmågan att kunna producera och erbjuda stora volymer till låga priser. Utvecklingenav kunders efterfrågan har däremot den senaste tiden gått mot kundanpassade produkter. Priset förväntas ligga på samma nivå som massproducerade produkter. Utmaningen förföretagen är att kunna massproducera samtidigt som kunders varierande behov tillgodoses. Kundanpassning innebär att produkter utformas och produc...

  17. Produktion og afsætning af nicheprodukter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jonas Baungaard; Hansen, Henning Otte


    . Egnsmærker opnår generelt en merpris på 20-30 pct. Det er dog bemærkelsesværdigt, at landmanden “kun” har omkring 13 pct. af forbrugerkronen på Lammefjords-kartofler. Her er der tale om unikke produkter, hvor det i praksis udelukkende er landmanden og landmandens placering og produktion, som skaber de unikke...

  18. Einfluß einer In-vitro- und In-vivo-Cholesterol-Modulation in Hirnmembranen auf die zellulären Effekte von Amyloid-beta-Peptid


    Kirsch, Christopher


    Die exzessive Bildung und Ablagerung von aggregiertem Amyloid beta-Peptid im Gehirn von Alzheimer Patienten wird allgemein als zentrales Ereignis im Rahmen des Neurodegenerationsprozesses der Alzheimer Demenz betrachtet. Der Amyloid-Stoffwechsel ist dabei in sehr vielfältiger Weise mit dem zellulären Cholesterol-Stoffwechsel verknüpft. Hohe Cholesterolspiegel in spezifischen Membrandomänen wie Lipid-Rafts forcieren sehr wahrscheinlich die zelluläre Produktion als auch die Fibrillogenese von A...

  19. Designprocesser og digital produktion:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pilgaard, Michal; Lembcke, Steen

    Der er fokus på Fab-Labs som ramme for en social læringskontekst i folkeskolen, hvor elever sammen med lærere og pædagoger får mulighed for at udforske teknologier og fremstille digitale produkter og produktioner. I læringsmiljøet hvor designprocessen og den digitale fabrikation udfoldes...

  20. Enantioselektivität und Isotopendiskriminierung - Zur Analytik von 1,2-Propandiol und 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanon (Furaneol)


    Hartlieb, Ariane


    Aussagekräftige Methoden zur Authentizitätsbewertung sind unerlässlich, um so-wohl einen fairen Handel als auch das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in die Qualität von Lebensmitteln zu gewährleisten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, anhand der Parameter 'Enantioselektivität' und 'Iso-topendiskriminierung' Methoden zur Authentizitätskontrolle von Schaumweinen und Erdbeeren, beides Produkte mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Handelswert, zur Verfügung zu stellen. Um unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit in der Praxi...

  1. A new generation of medium-voltage switchboards and circuit-breakers; Eine neue Generation von Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen und -leistungsschaltern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saemann, D.; Weichert, R.; Werner, S. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Bereich Energieuebertragung und -verteilung


    Todays market and the trend towards globalization of business both call for new products. The authors describe the new generation of medium-voltage switchgears and circuit-breakers, along with the benefit they bring for customers. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Der Markt und die Globalisierung des Geschaeftes fordern neue Produkte. Die Verfasser beschreiben die neue Generation von Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen und -schaltern sowie deren Nutzen fuer die Anwender. (orig./RHM)

  2. Hints on cost- and energy saving during lime-sand brick production; Hinweise zur Kosten- und Energieeinsparung bei der Kalksandstein-Produktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eden, W.


    The publication contains hints for reduction of energy consumption and cost in lime-sand brick production. The information was compiled by Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie e.V. and was derived from technical discussions of the master seminars on production technology of the years 1995 - 2000, consultations form member organizations, or from other sources. [German] Diese Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung von Hinweisen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Kostensenkung bei der KS-Produktion und soll eine Hilfestellung bei entsprechenden Rationalisierungsmassnahmen in den Mitgliedsunternehmen sein. Die hier aufgefuehrten Hinweise und Anregungen entstammen den Fachdiskussionen der Meisterseminare zur Produktionstechnik aus den Jahren 1995 bis 2000, Beratungsgespraechen fuer Mitgliedsunternehmen oder wurden dem Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie eV freundlicherweise fuer die Gemeinschaftsarbeit zur Verfuegung gestellt. (orig.)

  3. Individualisierte Produkte im Fokus der intergrierten Produktentwicklung


    Baumberger, C.;Gahr, A.


    Individualisierte Produkte stellen neue Herausforderungen an die Produktentwicklung – vornehmlich im Bereich der Produktstrukturplanung, der kundenindividuellen Produktadaption und dem Zielkostenmanagement. Diese Themen werden am Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 582 behandelt.

  4. Enzymatisk omestring til produktion af biodiesel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjerbæk, Lene


      Biodiesel er i dag sammen med bioethanol et bud på, hvordan transportsektoren kan nedbringe sin netto CO2-emission til atmosfæren og lagrene af fossilt brændstof kan strækkes. På verdensplan forventes der en produktion af biodiesel på 7,9 mio. tons i 2007. Ved den industrielle fremstilling af...... biodiesel benyttes i dag kemiske katalysatorer såsom H2SO4, NaOH, MeONa eller KOH, der efterfølgende fjernes fra den producerede biodiesel med store mængder vand og derved produceres store mængder spildevand. Ved at benytte enzymer i processen kan man reducere mængden af spildevand, der skal renses. Enzymer...... benyttes ikke i de eksisterende processer, men det forventes, at udviklingen af processerne vil øge deres anvendelse i biodieselproduktion. I artiklen præsenteres fordele og ulemper ved anvendelse af enzymer til biodiesel produktion....

  5. Ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų pasiūlos veiksniai Lietuvoje


    Pažemeckienė, Ligita


    Tyrimo objektas – ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų pasiūlos veiksniai. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėjus ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų pasiūlos pokyčius, identifikuoti jų gamybos, perdirbimo ir realizavimo problemas bei pasiūlyti sprendimo būdus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) identifikuoti ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų rinkų ypatumus, ištirti jų tarpusavio ryšius; 2) nustatyti ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų pasiūlos veiksnius; 3) išanalizuoti ekologiškų grūdų ir jų produktų pasiūlos p...

  6. Wirkung mineralischer N-Düngung auf Blatterträge und Scopolamingehalte von Duboisia sp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oster, Sabine


    Full Text Available Duboisia wird als Rohstofflieferant für Scopolamin verwendet. Dieses Tropanalkaloid wird aus dem Blattmaterial von Duboisia Arthybriden gewonnen und dient als Wirkstoff zur Therapie der Reisekrankheit sowie als Ausgangsstoff für partialsynthetische Anticholinergika. Für die effiziente Produktion sind hohe Erträge an Biomasse bei möglichst hohem Wirkstoffgehalt wünschenswert. Eine der abiotischen Einflussgrößen ist die Stickstoffernährung. Der hier beschriebene Freilandversuch stellt den Einfluss von vier unterschiedlich hohen N-Düngungsgaben (0 kg N/ha, 100 kg N/ha, 200 kg N/ha, 100+100 kg N/ha mit Kalkammonsalpeter (KAS auf drei Genotypen dar. Die N-Düngung zeigte keinen Einfluss auf den Scopolamingehalt, jedoch stieg mit erhöhter N-Menge die Biomasse signifikant an.

  7. Modstandssvejsning, Forskning og udvikling på Institut for Produktion og Ledelse, DTU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Niels


    Modstandssvejsning finder udbredt anvendelse i industriel produktion af automobiler, fly, elektronik, radiatorer, containere, pumper m.m. til sammenføjning af ens og forskellige metaller (f.eks. C-stål, højstyrkestål, kobber, sølv, nikkel, aluminium og titan legeringer).......Modstandssvejsning finder udbredt anvendelse i industriel produktion af automobiler, fly, elektronik, radiatorer, containere, pumper m.m. til sammenføjning af ens og forskellige metaller (f.eks. C-stål, højstyrkestål, kobber, sølv, nikkel, aluminium og titan legeringer)....

  8. Denitrification by Rhizobium meliloti

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosen, A


    Rhizobium meliloti strains were investigated for their denitrification activity as free-living cells and in nodules on lucerne (Medicago sativa) roots. They were also investigated for presence of nitrous oxide reductase (nos) activity and for genes using a nosZ probe derived from the Pseudomonas stutzeri. To decide whether R. meliloti strains used as inoculants contribute to the total denitrification activity in a lucerne ley, strains with different denitrifying capacities were used in field and laboratory experiments. The nitrate reduction activity of R. meliloti during anaerobic respiration was compared with that of a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A great diversity in the denitrification activity was found within strains of R. meliloti, and four of thirteen investigated strains showed an obvious denitrification activity. Two denitrifying bacteria were used as references, one strain each of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and P. aeruginosa. All but one of the R. meliloti strains hybridized to the PstI-fragment of the nosZ-gene from P. stutzeri. Two sizes of the hybridizing fragment, 5 and 7 kb, were noticed. Nos activity was only shown in three R. meliloti strains, and these were all characterized by a high denitrification activity. The potential denitrification activity was about 20, 40, and 80 times higher than the actual denitrification activity for lucerne, fallow, and grass, respectively. The potential denitrification activity was almost the same in lucerne and grass planted soils. Compared with the unplanted soil, the presence of lucerne roots in the soil increased the actual denitrification activity, while roots of both plant species, grass and lucerne, increased the potential denitrification activity in the soil. 32 refs, 7 figs, 1 tab

  9. Studies on calibration and validation of data provided by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment GOME on ERS-2 (CAVEAT). Final report; Studie zur Kalibrierung und Validation von Daten des Global Ozone Monitoring Experiments GOME auf ERS-2 (CAVEAT). Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burrows, J.P.; Kuenzi, K.; Ladstaetter-Weissenmayer, A.; Langer, J. [Bremen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Umweltphysik; Neuber, R.; Eisinger, M. [Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung, Potsdam (Germany)


    The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) was launched on 21 April 1995 as one of six scientific instruments on board the second European remote sensing satellite (ERS-2) of the ESA. The investigations presented here aimed at assessing and improving the accuracy of the GOME measurements of sun-standardized and absolute radiation density and the derived data products. For this purpose, the GOME data were compared with measurements pf terrestrial, airborne and satellite-borne systems. For scientific reasons, the measurements will focus on the medium and high latitudes of both hemispheres, although equatorial regions were investigated as well. In the first stage, operational data products of GOME were validated, i.e. radiation measurements (spectra, level1 product) and trace gas column densities (level2 product). [German] Am 21. April 1995 wurde das Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) als eines von insgesamt sechs wissenschaftlichen Instrumenten an Bord des zweiten europaeischen Fernerkundungssatelliten (ERS-2) der ESA ins All gebracht. Das Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, die Genauigkeit der von GOME durchgefuehrten Messungen von sonnennormierter und absoluter Strahlungsdichte sowie der aus ihnen abgeleiteten Datenprodukte zu bewerten und zu verbessern. Dazu sollten die GOME-Daten mit Messungen von boden-, flugzeug- und satellitengestuetzten Systemen verglichen werden. Aus wissenschaftlichen Gruenden wird der Schwerpunkt auf Messungen bei mittleren und hohen Breitengraden in beiden Hemisphaeren liegen. Jedoch wurden im Laufe des Projektzeitraumes auch Regionen in Aequatornaehe untersucht. Im ersten Schritt sollen operationelle Datenprodukte von GOME validiert werden. Dieses sind Strahlungsmessungen (Spektren, Level1-Produkt) und Spurengas-Saeulendichten (Level2-Produkt). (orig.)

  10. Physicochemical properties influencing denitrification rate and microbial activity in denitrification bioreactors (United States)

    Schmidt, C. A.


    The use of N-based fertilizer will need to increase to meet future demands, yet existing applications have been implicated as the main source of coastal eutrophication and hypoxic zones. Producing sufficient crops to feed a growing planet will require efficient production in combination with sustainable treatment solutions. The long-term success of denitrification bioreactors to effectively remove nitrate (NO¬3), indicates this technology is a feasible treatment option. Assessing and quantifying the media properties that affect NO¬3 removal rate and microbial activity can improve predictions on bioreactor performance. It was hypothesized that denitrification rates and microbial biomass would be correlated with total C, NO¬3 concentration, metrics of organic matter quality, media surface area and laboratory measures of potential denitrification rate. NO¬3 removal rates and microbial biomass were evaluated in mesocosms filled with different wood treatments and the unique influence of these predictor variables was determined using a multiple linear regression analysis. NO3 reduction rates were independent of NO¬3 concentration indicating zero order reaction kinetics. Temperature was strongly correlated with denitrification rate (r2=0.87; Q10=4.7), indicating the variability of bioreactor performance in differing climates. Fiber quality, and media surface area were strong (R>0.50), unique predictors of rates and microbial biomass, although C:N ratio and potential denitrification rate did not predict actual denitrification rate or microbial biomass. Utilizing a stepwise multiple linear regression, indicates that the denitrification rate can be effectively (r2=0.56;pdetergent fiber and surface area alone are quantified. These results will assist with the widespread implementation of denitrification bioreactors to achieve significant N load reductions in large watersheds. The nitrate reduction rate as a function of groundwater temperature for all treatments

  11. Utilisation potential of products of microbial coal liquefaction. Final report; Verwertungspotential der Produkte der mikrobiellen Kohleverfluessigung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koepsel, R.; Schmiers, H.; Grosse, S.; Weber, A.


    Ever since the discovery in the 1980s that microorganisms are capable of converting coal into soluble products research groups all over the world have been exploring the bioconversion of coal. It was at an advance stage of the present integrated project, which initially only involved microbiology research groups, that the need for a chemical working group with knowledge and experience in the area of coal chemistry and structural analysis of coal was recognised. The task of the chemical working group was to provide knowledge on the chemical nature of bioconversion products and the chemical processes of coal bioconversion. This involved identifying structural changes occurring in the feed coal as well as in its constituent humic acids and macromolecular matrix as a result of the activity of coal degrading microorganisms. [German] Nachdem Anfang der achtziger Jahre entdeckt wurde, dass sich Kohlen durch Mikroorganismen in loesliche Produkte ueberfuehren lassen, agieren weltweit Forschergruppen auf dem Gebiet der Biokonversion von Kohle. In einem fortgeschrittenen Bearbeitungsstadium des Verbundprojektes, an dem zunaechst nur mikrobiologische Arbeitsgruppen beteiligt waren, wurde die Notwendigkeit erkannt, eine chemische Arbeitsgruppe mit Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen auf den Gebieten der Kohlechemie und der Strukturanalytik von Kohlen zu integrieren. Aufgabenstellung der chemischen Arbeitsgruppe war und ist es, Erkenntnisse ueber die chemische Natur der Biokonversionsprodukte und die chemischen Ablaeufe der mikrobiellen Kohlekonversion bereitstellen. Die Aufgabenstellung umfasst die Aufklaerung der strukturellen Veraenderung der Einsatzkohle sowie ihrer Komponenten Huminsaeuren und makromolekulare Matrix durch die Einwirkung kohleabbauender Mikroorganismen. (orig.)

  12. Overførsel af viden ved flytning af produktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Erik Skov; Riis, Jens Ove; Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum


    Empiriske studier i tre industrielle virksomheder har afsløret, at selv virksomheder med mange års erfaring i at overføre produktion til andre lande hovedsagelig fokuserer på planlægning af den fysiske overflytning af produktionsudstyr og fokuserer på den eksplicitte viden, der er tilknyttet prod...

  13. Projektering av produktions- och lagerhall


    Englund, Elin


    Detta examensarbete är utfört åt Ingenjörsbyrå Mathias Smeds. Syftet med arbetet var att projektera en hallbyggnad som skulle fungera som produktions- och lagerhall åt företaget i fråga och åt andra företag som köper delar i hallen. I arbetet ingår att uppgöra bygglovshandlingar, en byggsättsbeskrivning, en jämförelse mellan energikällor och enkel kostnadskalkyl. Efter diskussioner och möten med beställaren blev resultatet en hall med limträstomme och med NR-takstolar som vindsbjälklag. Y...

  14. Sushi i Frankrike: Produkter og konsepter


    Iversen, Audun; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen


    - Dette er tredje delrapport om produkter og konsepter innen sushi. De to første omhandlet det norske og det tyske markedet for sushi. Dette notatet er basert på intervjuer med franske produsenter, distributører, restaurantkjeder og en kjede som driver shop-in-shop-produksjon av sushi for Carrefour. I Frankrike har vi sett et marked som skiller seg en del fra det norske og tyske. Fokuset på kvalitet og spiseopplevelse synes større enn i Tyskland. Dette ser vi både i butikkutvalget og i...

  15. Das Konzept der nackten Ionen am Beispiel der Reaktion von Pseudohalogenidionen mit Schwefeldioxid


    Blecher, Oliver


    Das Konzept der 'nackten' Ionen wird am Beispiel der Reaktion von Pseudohalogenidsalzen mit SO2 diskutiert. Dabei werden die Verbindungen (CH3)4N+SO2CN-, (CH3)4N+OCN- · SO2, (CH3)4N+SCN- · SO2, (CH3)4N+SO2N3- und (CH3)4N+Br- · Br2 · 2 SO2 dargestellt und anhand ihrer Schwingungs- und NMR-Spektren charakterisiert. Die Zersetzung des (CH3)4N+SO2CN- wird untersucht und die Produkte (CH3)4N+HSO4- · SO2 und ((CH3)4N+)2S2O72- · 2 SO2 durch Schwingungsspektren und Röntgenstrukturanalysen nachgewiese...

  16. Denitrification across landscapes and waterscapes: A synthesis (United States)

    Seitzinger, S.; Harrison, J.A.; Böhlke, J.K.; Bouwman, A.F.; Lowrance, R.; Peterson, B.; Tobias, C.; Van Drecht, G.


    Denitrification is a critical process regulating the removal of bioavailable nitrogen (N) from natural and human-altered systems. While it has been extensively studied in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems, there has been limited communication among denitrification scientists working in these individual systems. Here, we compare rates of denitrification and controlling factors across a range of ecosystem types. We suggest that terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems in which denitrification occurs can be organized along a continuum ranging from (1) those in which nitrification and denitrification are tightly coupled in space and time to (2) those in which nitrate production and denitrification are relatively decoupled.In aquatic ecosystems, N inputs influence denitrification rates whereas hydrology and geomorphology influence the proportion of N inputs that are denitrified. Relationships between denitrification and water residence time and N load are remarkably similar across lakes, river reaches, estuaries, and continental shelves.Spatially distributed global models of denitrification suggest that continental shelf sediments account for the largest portion (44%) of total global denitrification, followed by terrestrial soils (22%) and oceanic oxygen minimum zones (OMZs; 14%). Freshwater systems (groundwater, lakes, rivers) account for about 20% and estuaries 1% of total global denitrification. Denitrification of land-based N sources is distributed somewhat differently. Within watersheds, the amount of land-based N denitrified is generally highest in terrestrial soils, with progressively smaller amounts denitrified in groundwater, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and estuaries. A number of regional exceptions to this general trend of decreasing denitrification in a downstream direction exist, including significant denitrification in continental shelves of N from terrestrial sources. Though terrestrial soils and groundwater are responsible for much

  17. Medienbildung und Schulkultur. Implikationen der Verbindung von Medienbildung und Schulkultur für die Medienpädagogik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nina Grünberger


    Full Text Available Gegenwärtig werden häufig Fragen nach der Konstituierung der Medienpädagogik als Disziplin gestellt und Antwortversuche aus je unterschiedlicher Perspektive formuliert. Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt einen solchen Versuch durch die Diskussion von Implikationen weitreichender Medialisierungsprozesse für die «Disziplinierung» der Medienpädagogik und ihrer Forschungsfelder am Beispiel von Schule als genuin pädagogischem Ort. Die Zusammenführung einer poststrukturalistisch gedachten Medienbildung und einer damit einhergehenden Entdichotomisierung von Subjekt und Welt respektive Subjekt und Medien mit dem Konzept der Schulkultur und einem damit verbundenen holistischen Blick auf das Schulgefüge eröffnet eine neue, produktive und gleichsam kritische Perspektive, ohne dabei jeweils auf eine vereinfachte Gesellschaftskritik zurück zu fallen. Dies stellt bisherige medienpädagogische Theoreme und insbesondere das Medienkompetenzkonzept, das über den medienpädagogischen Wirkungskreis hinaus auch in anderen Kontexten etabliert ist, in Frage. So wird eine neue Perspektive auf Medienpädagogik und ihre Ziele eröffnet, die nicht vorschnell in Abgrenzungsmechanismen unterschiedlicher medienpädagogischer Schulen verfällt, sondern zu aller erst eine «offene» sein will.

  18. Innovationsteorier og geografisk forankrede produkter i nærkontakt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stoye, Monica


    sted. Hele eller dele af produktionen er således ikke flytbar.           Langt de fleste af de geografisk forankrede produkter er fødevarer (Stoye 2001). Størstedelen stammer fra små (til dels meget små) virksomheder, der oftest er placerede i landdistrikterne, og hvor der typisk arbejdes meget...

  19. Denitrification

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Payne, W. J


    .... After an introduction on the discovery of the denitrification process and the development of research into it, the author considers successively the four anerobic, reductive steps that comprise...

  20. Potential Denitrification: Concept and Conditions of its Measurement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Denitrification plays important roles in nitrogen cycling and management affecting both the environment and agricultural systems. Potential denitrification has a role in comparison of denitrification magnitudes in different soils. This paper discusses the concept of potential denitrification in relation to denitrification rate and ...

  1. Co-combustion of sewage sludge; Mitverbrennung von Klaerschlamm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thome-Kozmiensky, K.J. [Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany). Fachgebiet Abfallwirtschaft


    Thermal sewage disposal pursues the following aims: destruction of organic pollutants contained in the sludge; concentration and removal or almost complete fixation of inorganic pollutants in the residue matrix; minimisation of the mass solid residue; production of useful products; utilisation of the caloric content. The thermal treatment chain should be as short as possible; intermediate stages in separate reactors such as digestion, drying, degasification or gasification should be avoided if the material is ultimately to be combusted. The present paper examines and assesses the co-combustion of sewage sludge. [Deutsch] Mit der thermischen Klaerschlammentsorgung werden folgende Ziele verfolgt: - Zerstoerung der im Schlamm enthaltenen organischen Schadstoffe, - Konzentration und Ausschleusung oder weitestgehende Fixierung der anorganischen Schadstoffe in die Reststoffmatrix, - Minimierung der Masse an festen Restabfaellen, - Herstellung verwertbarer Produkte, - Nutzung des Waermeeinhalts. Die thermische Behandlungskette sollte moeglichst kurz sein; Zwischenschritte wie Faulung, Trocknung, Ent- oder Vergasung in getrennten Reaktoren sollten vermieden werden, wenn letztendlich doch verbrannt wird. Das Verfahren der Mitverbrennung von Klaerschlamm wird hier untersucht und bewertet. (orig./SR)

  2. Modulare und durchgängige Produktmodelle als Erfolgsfaktor zur Bedienung einer Omni-Channel-Architektur - PLM 4.0 (United States)

    Golovatchev, Julius; Felsmann, Marcus

    Mit der Transformation der Wertschöpfungsstrukturen von Utility 1.0 zu Utility 4.0 erfolgt offensichtlich auch eine Veränderung des Produkts. Vor dem Hintergrund disruptiver Technologien (IoT, Big Data, Cloud, Robotics etc.) und auch gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen entstehen ständig neue Geschäftsmodelle und Produkte, die über die reine Versorgungsdienstleistung (z. B. Strom) hinausgehen. Dabei muss der wertvolle Rohstoff Produktdaten für smarte Produkte durchgängiger und schneller nutzbar gemacht werden. Die modularen und durchgängigen Produktstrukturen leisten einen Beitrag zur Beherrschung von Komplexität und stellen somit einen wesentlichen Hebel für erfolgreiche Produktentwicklung und -management dar. In diesem Beitrag werden Ansätze beschrieben, wie es den vor der Herausforderung Utility 4.0 stehenden Unternehmen gelingen kann, Smart-Energy-Produkte so zu modellieren, dass sie die Interoperabilität der einzelnen Produktionsmodule sicherstellt und ein Ende-zu-Ende-Management ermöglicht.

  3. Von Start-ups lernen - Methoden und Entwicklungsprozesse, die Jungunternehmen erfolgreich machen (United States)

    Böhme, Eckhart

    Die Start-up-Bewegung bringt beständig sog. Disruptoren hervor, die jede Branche betreffen und so gut wie keinen Lebensbereich auslassen. Diese Jungunternehmen, insbesondere aus der Softwarebranche, verfügen zwar nicht über Ressourcen wie etablierte Unternehmen, sie sind jedoch agil, "hungrig", können frei von "Ballast" agieren und treiben die Digitalisierung aller Branchen voran. Aber auch Start-ups können nicht einfach ungetestete Ideen in erfolgreiche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen umwandeln und ihren Erfolg dem Zufall überlassen. Erfolgreiche Jungunternehmen folgen vielmehr einem strukturierten Prozess, um marktgetestete Nutzenversprechen und Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln. Zunehmend adaptieren etablierte Unternehmen innovative Entwicklungsprozesse und Methoden. Die Fragestellung für Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVUs) lautet, welche Methoden, Werkzeuge und Entwicklungsprozesse, die heute bei vielen Start-ups eingesetzt werden, sie aufgreifen können, um das Unternehmen gegenüber Disruptoren robust zu machen?



    Åkerblom, Jacob


    Denna jämförelsestudie ämnar att undersöka marknadens leverantörer av nätverksutrustning de- finierade som Software Defined Wide Area Networks(SD-WAN). SD-WAN är en innovativ teknik som applicerar virtualisering och Software defined networking koncept i Wide Area Networks (WAN) för att skapa kostnadseffektiva nätverk. Studien har utförts på företaget Curitiba som idag arbetar med konsulttjänster inom utvalda WAN-optimering och SD-WAN-produkter. Arbetets syfte är att utvärdera SD-WAN-lösningar...

  5. Semiokapitalismus und imperiale Kontrollgesellschaft Zur Digitalisierung der Produktion am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang Neurath


    Full Text Available Wolfgang Neurath analysiert angesichts des kybernetischen Semiokapitalismus und des durch ihn entstandenen "Kognitariats" in welcher Art und Weise digitale Produktions- und Wertschöpfungsprozesse am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zur Kontrolle eingesetzt werden ...

  6. Distributed denitrification in a northeastern agricultural landscape (United States)

    Anderson, T. R.; Groffman, P. M.; Walter, M. T.


    Denitrification may be an important sink of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) in eastern US watersheds. Denitrification occurs primarily under anaerobic conditions by heterotrophic microbes, and is therefore expected to be vigorous in wet soils containing large amounts of organic carbon. Actual rates of denitrification, however, have been difficult to quantify, and remain one of the critical unresolved N processes at the landscape scale. We measured denitrification rates in situ along hydrologic flow paths and across gradients of hydroperiodicities, i.e., frequencies and durations of saturated conditions, at Cornell University's Teaching & Research Center in Harford, NY (an active dairy farm). Denitrification rates were measured monthly using the 15N push-pull method from 14 mini-piezometers arrayed along a gradient of hydroperiodicity as indicated by a soil topographic index (STI). Measured rates of denitrification were spatially variable across sites and ranged from undetectable to over 4500 μg N/kg soil/day with a mean of 572 ± 167 μg N/kg soil/day. Mean rates of denitrification increased with STI, which ranged from 8.7 to 23.0 across our mini-piezometer sites. This relationship was used to estimate denitrification rates across the landscape and resolve a missing piece of the N budget for the farm. Only 14% of the farm fell into areas of STI greater than 8.7; however, denitrification in these areas account for more than 60% of the missing N balance for the entire landscape. Improved understanding of the distribution and magnitudes of denitrification in agricultural landscapes has good potential to facilitate new, novel, and better management practices for controlling N loading to streams and rivers. Indeed, the very areas that appear to have a propensity to harbor denitrification, i.e., areas prone to be wet, are often artificially drained as part of standard agricultural practices which reduces the frequency that these areas are likely to be anaerobic and

  7. Treatment of domestic wastewater by anaerobic denitrification ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    for the denitrification process could be deduced from the. pH variation. The alkalinity and pH increased in heterotrophic and H2-based autotrophic denitrification because nitrite reduction consumed protons (H+). Proton consumption is illustrated in Equations (1 to 4) (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). Heterotrophic denitrification.

  8. Data Curation oder (Retro Digitalisierung ist mehr als die Produktion von Daten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus Kempf


    Full Text Available Nahezu jede Bibliothek, die über Altbestand verfügt, beschäftigt sich heute mit dem Thema Digitalisierung. Dabei wird oftmals übersehen, dass die dauerhafte und möglichst nutzerfreundliche Bereitstellung (und letztlich die Archivierung der erzeugten Daten organisatorische Anforderungen ganz eigener Art an die bestandshaltende Institution stellt. Anders als bei analogen Materialien ist es mit dem sachgerechten Vorhalten und der Ausgabe des Sammelguts in buchklimatisch möglichst einwandfreien Räumlichkeiten nicht getan. Elektronische Dokumente, egal welcher Herkunft, welchen Umfangs, Typs und Inhalts, verlangen – weitgehend unabhängig von ihrer tatsächlichen Inanspruchnahme – ein aktives und extrem aufwändiges Datenmanagement sowie eine intensive Datenpflege. Dazu kommen der Betrieb und das regelmäßige Update der für das Datenangebot notwendigen Hard- und Software. Dieses Tun wird in der angelsächsischen Bibliothekswelt gemeinhin mit dem Begriff „digital curation“ oder „data curation“, manchmal auch mit „data stewardship“ umschrieben. Organisationsstrukturen und Arbeitsabläufe (Geschäftsgänge des digitalen Servicekonzepts der Bibliothek müssen darauf ausgelegt sein, die notwendigen personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen müssen dafür eingeplant und bereitgestellt werden. In deutschen Bibliotheken wird diesem wesentlichen Aspekt des digitalen Arbeitens nach wie vor viel zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, dabei ist er für die Qualität des (digitalen Servicekonzepts und seiner Nutzerakzeptanz von herausragender Bedeutung. In dem Beitrag sollen vor dem Hintergrund der langjährigen Erfahrungen in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (BSB die Dimension und Komplexität des Problems aufgezeigt sowie mittlerweile praxiserprobte Lösungsansätze vorgestellt werden. Today almost every library with historic collections faces the question of digitisation. However, it is often ignored that a long-term and

  9. Studies on denitrification performance of tricking filters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruediger, A.


    Trickling filters are one of the oldest methods of biological waste water purification, widely used ever since they were first developed. These filters are mostly used for aerobic purification of water as highly polluted or lightly polluted reactors. While these systems are very useful for the elemination of organic pollution and the nitrification of the waste waters, denitrification of the whole plant poses considerable problems. The question is in how far trickling filters can be used as denitrification reactors. The conditions of successful denitrification in trickling filters is investigated, denitrification performance is established. Studies were conducted in laboratory, semi-industrial and industrial scale. (BBR) [de

  10. Påsætning af PCR produkter på gel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Mikrobakken vises. Der påsættes 2 l bluejuice i 5 brønde. Pipetten og dens indstilling vises. Pipetten indstilles på 8 l og der tilsættes PCR produkter til de 5 brønde. Gelen vises i elektroforesekaret, og det forklares at vi skal have en markør i brønd 1 og vores prøver i de næste 5 brønde...

  11. In a hurdle race to the energy transition. From transformations, reforms and innovations; Im Huerdenlauf zur Energiewende. Von Transformationen, Reformen und Innovationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brunnengraeber, Achim; Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria (eds.) [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)


    The term of the energy transition will not be translated as it travels around the world. He points to the urgency of the conversion of the energy supply for electricity, heat and mobility through renewable energies. Faster than many had expected the energy revolution has reached a pace of expansion, especially in the electricity sector, which many did not expect. However, it is not a voluntary measure, but is forced by the proneness of unsustainable production methods and lifestyles. It is also not a foregone conclusion. The many new initiatives, policies and programs are in competition with an old, fossil and nuclear energy system. From the hurdles that have already been taken in this race, the pace of expansion, innovation as well as the necessary reforms and diverse challenges of the energy transition, this book is dealing. [German] Der Begriff der Energiewende wird bei seinem Lauf um die Welt nicht uebersetzt. Er weist auf die Dringlichkeit der Umstellung der Energieversorgung bei Strom, Waerme und Mobilitaet durch erneuerbare Energien hin. Schneller als von vielen erwartet hat die Energiewende vor allem im Strombereich ein Ausbautempo erreicht, mit dem viele nicht gerechnet hatten. Sie ist allerdings keine freiwillige Massnahme, sondern wird durch die Krisenhaftigkeit von nicht nachhaltigen Produktions- und Lebensweisen erzwungen. Sie ist auch kein Selbstlaeufer. Die vielfaeltigen neuen Initiativen, Massnahmen und Programme befinden sich im Wettbewerb mit einem alten, fossilen und nuklearen Energiesystem. Von den Huerden, die in diesem Wettlauf bereits genommen wurden, vom Tempo des Ausbaus, von Innovationen sowie von den notwendigen Reformen und vielfaeltigen Herausforderungen der Energiewende handelt dieses Buch.

  12. Denitrification of acid wastes from uranium purification processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, F.E.; Francis, C.W.; Francke, H.C.; Strohecker, J.W.


    Laboratory and pilot-plant investigations have shown the technical feasibility of removing nitrates from neutralized acid wastes from uranium purification processes by biological denitrification, a dissimilatory process in which the nitrate ion is reduced to nitrogen gas by specific bacteria. The process requires anaerobic conditions and an organic carbon source, as well as other life-sustaining constituents. These denitrification studies produced process design information on a columnar denitrification plant and on continuous-flow, stirred-bed reactors. Denitrification, using packed columns, was found to be desirable for soluble salts, such as those of sodium and ammonium; denitrification, using stirred reactors, was found to be desirable for mixtures containing insoluble salts, such as those of calcium and aluminum. Packed columns were found to have denitrification rates ranging up to 122 grams of nitrate per day per cubic decimeter of column volume; stirred-bed reactors have been shown to have reaction rates near 10 grams of nitrate per day per cubic decimeter of reactor volume. The continuous-flow, stirred-bed reactors were selected for scaleup studies because of the solids-removal problems associated with packed columns when operating on feeds containing high concentrations of insoluble salts or ions which form insoluble salts with the products of the denitrification reaction

  13. Molecular Approaches to Studying Denitrification (United States)

    Voytek, M. A.


    Denitrification is carried out by a diverse array of microbes, mainly as an alternative mode of respiration that allows the organisms to respire using oxidized N compounds instead of oxygen. A common approach in biogeochemistry to the study of the regulation of denitrification is to assess activity by mass balance of substrates and products or direct rate measurements and has intrinsically assumed resource regulation of denitrification. Reported rates can vary significantly even among ecosystems characterized by similar environmental conditions, thus indicating that direct control by abiotic factors often is not sufficient to predict denitrification rates accurately in natural environments. Alternatively, a microbiological approach would proceed with the identification of the organisms responsible and an evaluation of the effect of environmental factors on the biochemical pathways involved. Traditional studies have relied on culturing techniques, such as most probable number enrichments, and have failed to assess the role of the predominately uncultivable members of the microbial community. A combination of biogeochemical measurements and the assessment of the microbial community is necessary and becoming increasingly possible with the development and application of molecular techniques. In order to understand how the composition and physiological behavior of the microbial community affects denitrification rates, we use a suite of molecular techniques developed for phylogenetic and metabolic characterization of denitrifying communities. Molecular tools available for quantifying denitrifying bacteria and assessing their diversity and activity are summarized. Their application is illustrated with examples from marine and freshwater environments. Emerging techniques and their application to ground water studies will be discussed.

  14. Denitrification in human dental plaque

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verstraete Willy


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Microbial denitrification is not considered important in human-associated microbial communities. Accordingly, metabolic investigations of the microbial biofilm communities of human dental plaque have focused on aerobic respiration and acid fermentation of carbohydrates, even though it is known that the oral habitat is constantly exposed to nitrate (NO3- concentrations in the millimolar range and that dental plaque houses bacteria that can reduce this NO3- to nitrite (NO2-. Results We show that dental plaque mediates denitrification of NO3- to nitric oxide (NO, nitrous oxide (N2O, and dinitrogen (N2 using microsensor measurements, 15N isotopic labelling and molecular detection of denitrification genes. In vivo N2O accumulation rates in the mouth depended on the presence of dental plaque and on salivary NO3- concentrations. NO and N2O production by denitrification occurred under aerobic conditions and was regulated by plaque pH. Conclusions Increases of NO concentrations were in the range of effective concentrations for NO signalling to human host cells and, thus, may locally affect blood flow, signalling between nerves and inflammatory processes in the gum. This is specifically significant for the understanding of periodontal diseases, where NO has been shown to play a key role, but where gingival cells are believed to be the only source of NO. More generally, this study establishes denitrification by human-associated microbial communities as a significant metabolic pathway which, due to concurrent NO formation, provides a basis for symbiotic interactions.

  15. Quality management and reduction of processing time through automised preforming in the rotorblade manufacturing for wind turbines; Teilautomatisiertes preforming zur Qualitaetssicherung und Verkuerzung von Fertigungszeiten bei der Herstellung von Rotorblaettern von Windenergieanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doersch, C.; Ohlendorf, J.H.; Gebauer, I.; Mueller, D.H. [Bremer Institut fuer Konstruktionstechnik, Universitaet Bremen (Germany); Weigel, L. [Abeking Rasmussen Rotec GmbH and Co. KG, Lemwerder (Germany)


    Verkuerzung der Fertigungszeit sowie der zunehmende Qualitaetsanspruch an die Rotorblaetter eine immer staerkere Rolle einnehmen. Um diese Ansprueche erfuellen zu koennen, beschaeftigen sich das Bremer Institut fuer Konstruktionstechnik und das Unternehmen Abeking and Rasmussen Rotec GmbH and Co KG unter anderem mit der Handhabung und Erstellung von sogenannten Preforms, dies sind trockene, textile Halbzeuglagen, die als vorgeformter Lagenstapel in den Fertigungsprozess des Rotorblattes eingebracht werden. Mit Hilfe der Technologie des Preformings ist es moeglich, Bereiche der Fertigung zu parallelisieren. Dies ist ein grosser Vorteil bei der Produktion, da aufgrund der notwendigen Temperzeiten, alle anderen Fertigungsschritte moeglichst zeitoptimiert gestaltet werden muessen, um kurze Zykluszeiten zu realisieren. Betrachtet werden soll die Handhabung von textilen Halbzeugen, insbesondere das preforming und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Faserverbundfertigung. Ebenfalls sollen die Aspekte der Qualitaetssicherung in Verbindung mit dem preforming aufgezeigt werden und moegliche Ansaetze zu einer Teilautomatisierung gegeben werden. (Abstract Copyright [2007], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  16. Case note: EuGH (Az. C-137/09 (Marc Michel Josemans/Burgemeester van Maastricht): Verbot des Zutritts zu Coffeeshops für nicht in den Niederlanden ansässige Personen)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Purnhagen, K.


    Die Coffeeshops in den Niederlanden sind Einrichtungen, deren Haupttätigkeit im Verkauf von Marihuana und Haschisch besteht. Der Besitz dieser Cannabis-Produkte zum persönlichen Gebrauch ist straffrei und ihr Verkauf wird von den Behörden geduldet. Nach den staatsanwaltlichen Richtlinien dürfen in

  17. Assessment of denitrification process in lower Ishikari river system, Japan. (United States)

    Jha, Pawan Kumar; Minagawa, Masao


    Sediment denitrification rate and its role in removal of dissolved nitrate load in lower Ishikari river system were examined. Denitrification rate were measured using acetylene inhibition technique on the sediment samples collected during August 2009-July 2010. The denitrification rate varied from 0.001 to 1.9 μg Ng(-1) DM h(-1) with an average value of 0.21 μg Ng(-1) DM h(-1) in lower Ishikari river system. Denitrification rate showed positive correlation with dissolved nitrate concentration in the river basin, indicating overlying water column supplied nitrate for the sediment denitrification processes. Nutrient enrichment experiments result showed that denitrification rate increased significantly with addition of nitrate in case of samples collected from Barato Lake however no such increase was observed in the samples collected from Ishikari river main channel and its major tributaries indicating that factors other than substrate concentration such as population of denitrifier and hydrological properties of stream channel including channel depth and flow velocity may affects the denitrification rate in lower Ishikari river system. Denitrification rate showed no significant increase with the addition of labile carbon (glucose), indicating that sediment samples had sufficient organic matter to sustain denitrification activity. The result of nutrient spiraling model indicates that in- stream denitrification process removes on an average 5%d(-1) of dissolve nitrate load in Ishikari river. This study was carried out to fill the gap present in the availability of riverine denitrification rate measurement and its role in nitrogen budget from Japanese rivers characterize by small river length and high flow rate. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Denitrification in groundwater at uranium mill tailings sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goering, Timothy J.; Groffman, Armando; Thomson, Bruce


    Nitrates are a major contaminant in groundwater at many Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) sites. Microbial denitrification, the transformation of nitrate to nitrogen gas, may be occurring in groundwater at several UMTRA sites. Denitrification is a biologically mediated process whereby facultative anaerobes use nitrate for respiration under anaerobic conditions. Denitrifying bacteria are ubiquitous in soils, sediments, and water. Denitrification requires nitrate, organic carbon, oxygen-limiting conditions, and trace nutrients, especially phosphorus. The lack of organic carbon is the most common limiting factor for denitrification. Denitrification occurs under a limited range of temperature and pH. The uranium milling processes used at UMTRA sites provided a readily available source of carbon and nitrates for denitrifying bacteria. At the Maybell, Colorado, site, the denitrifying organisms Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium and Acinetobacter were identified in core samples of materials from beneath the tailings. In addition, microcosm experiments simulating aquifer conditions beneath the tailings pile showed an average 40 percent decrease in nitrate concentrations over 13 days. At the New Rifle, Colorado, site, aquifer conditions appear favorable for denitrification. Nitrate and organic carbon are readily available in the groundwater, and redox conditions beneath and downgradient of the tailings pile are relatively anoxic. Downgradient from the tailings, total nitrogen is being removed from the groundwater system at a greater rate than the geochemically conservative anion, chloride. This removal may be due to denitrification and adsorption of ammonium onto clay and silt particles. (author)

  19. Denitrification in groundwater at uranium mill tailings sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goering, Timothy J [Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Groffman, Armando [Roy F. Weston, Inc., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Thomson, Bruce [University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Nitrates are a major contaminant in groundwater at many Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) sites. Microbial denitrification, the transformation of nitrate to nitrogen gas, may be occurring in groundwater at several UMTRA sites. Denitrification is a biologically mediated process whereby facultative anaerobes use nitrate for respiration under anaerobic conditions. Denitrifying bacteria are ubiquitous in soils, sediments, and water. Denitrification requires nitrate, organic carbon, oxygen-limiting conditions, and trace nutrients, especially phosphorus. The lack of organic carbon is the most common limiting factor for denitrification. Denitrification occurs under a limited range of temperature and pH. The uranium milling processes used at UMTRA sites provided a readily available source of carbon and nitrates for denitrifying bacteria. At the Maybell, Colorado, site, the denitrifying organisms Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium and Acinetobacter were identified in core samples of materials from beneath the tailings. In addition, microcosm experiments simulating aquifer conditions beneath the tailings pile showed an average 40 percent decrease in nitrate concentrations over 13 days. At the New Rifle, Colorado, site, aquifer conditions appear favorable for denitrification. Nitrate and organic carbon are readily available in the groundwater, and redox conditions beneath and downgradient of the tailings pile are relatively anoxic. Downgradient from the tailings, total nitrogen is being removed from the groundwater system at a greater rate than the geochemically conservative anion, chloride. This removal may be due to denitrification and adsorption of ammonium onto clay and silt particles. (author)

  20. Process-related aspects to the co-combustion of wastes in rotary kilns; Verfahrenstechnische Gesichtspunkte zur Mitverbrennung von Abfaellen in Drehrohroefen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Endres, G. [Pillard Feuerungen GmbH, Taunusstein (Germany)


    Apart from large quantities of energy, the cement industry also depends for the manufacture of its product on certain raw materials such as limestone, marl, alum earth etc. which are typically produced by open pit mining. As a consequence, cement works in the course of time become surrounded with holes of different depth in the Earth`s surface which are later used for the disposal of household waste. Interestingly, the chemical composition of this household waste is not substantially different from that of the raw materials initially extracted from the Earth for the purpose of cement manufacture. Moreover, in contravention of medium-term trends in legislation on surface landfilling this dumped waste contains chemically bound energy. What could be more obvious, therefore, than to consider using household waste as a raw material and energy source for cement burning? [Deutsch] Die Zementindustrie benoetigt zur Herstellung ihres verkaufsfaehigen Produkts neben grossen Mengen von thermischer Energie insbesondere Rohstoffe wie Kalkstein, Mergel, Tonerde usw., die typischerweise im Tagebau gewonnen werden, es entstehen in der Nachbarschaft von Zementwerken also mehr oder weniger tiefe Loecher in der Erdoberflaeche, die in vielen Faellen bereits wieder zur Deponierung von Siedlungsabfaellen genutzt werden. Diese Siedlungsabfaelle unterscheiden sich in der chemischen Zusammenarbeit ihrer Asche interessanterweise nicht sehr von den Rohstoffen, die fuer die Zementproduktion aus der Erde gegraben werden, desweiteren enthalten sie chemisch gebundene Waermeenergie, was gemaess der mittelfristigen Gesetzeslage einer oberirdischen Deponierung eigentlich entgegensteht. Was liegt also naeher, als ueber eine Nutzung dieser Abfaelle als Rohstoff und Energietraeger im Zementbrennprozess nachzudenken? (orig.)

  1. Anforderungen des Nicht-Elektrischen Explosionsschutzes im Produktentwicklungsprozess


    Herbst, Sabrina; Engelmann, Frank; Grote, Karl-Heinrich


    Einleitung Der Faktor Zeit nimmt in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft einen bedeutsamen Platz in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen unseres Lebens und Wirkens ein. Beispielsweise verbreiten sich Nachrichten weltweit innerhalb von Minuten, Reisezeiten verkürzen sich von Tagen auf mehrere Stunden (Kurpjuweit 2013) und die Hersteller von Unterhaltungselektronik verkürzen die Produktlebenszyklen um neue Produkte schneller am Markt zu platzieren (Scheimann 2011). Die Reduzierung des Produktlebens...

  2. Dimensioning and recalculation of activation systems of several different processes; Bemessung und Nachrechnung von Belebungsanlagen verschiedener Verfahrensweisen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wichern, M.


    In this research paper, several calculation models for the description of biological nitrogen elimination and enhanced biological phosphorous elimination are developed. The steady-state methods are suitable to be used both for the design and simulation and for the extension/optimisation of biological wastewater treatment plants. All developed models are checked for their practical utility; the calculation results are counterchecked with proved models and experimental data. COD approaches for the modelling of intermittent and alternating denitrification and for the Juelich wastewater treatment method were developed. Apart from average and maximum ammonium and nitrate nitrogen effluent values, it is possible to consider states of limited BOD during the denitrification intervals. The model for Cascade denitrification is able to present any number of cascade steps with a free distribution of the influent and the return sludge flow to the denitrification cassettes. Apart from the nitrate nitrogen input, additional oxygen input and internal recycle flows are considered, in order to gain hints about the plant operation with optimal nitrate reduction by using the oxygen balances (BOD). For the design and steady simulation of wastewater treatment plants, the COD-Model calculates the hydrolysis of hardly degradable COD, the denitrification capacity with consideration of rapidly and slowly degradable COD, heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass in the influent, the oxygen input, and the autotrophic endogenous respiration. The model for enhanced biological P-Elimination offers the chance to consider denitrifying and non-denitrifying PAOs and their storage substances (PHA), as well as different decay rates, gain rates, and denitrification performances of the two heterotropic groups. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Berechnungsmodelle zur Beschreibung der biologischen Stickstoffelimination und vermehrten biologischen Phosphorelimination

  3. Plant effects on soil denitrification - a review of potential mechanisms (United States)

    Malique, Francois; Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus; Dannenmann, Michael


    Denitrification is a microbial process occurring in soils, both producing and consuming the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (NO), competing for nitrate with plants and hydrological leaching pathways, removing nutrients and reactive nitrogen from the biosphere, and closing the global nitrogen cycle. Despite its obvious importance, denitrification remained among the least well quantified biogeochemical processes in soils. This is due to enormous methodological difficulties involved in the direct quantification of soil microbial denitrification rates (mainly with regard to the terminal product N2) and the denitrification nitrogen gas product ratios (NO:N2O:N2), Plants may affect denitrification through a myriad of mechanisms such as e.g., competition for nitrate and water, through oxygen consumption, by regulating litter quality and changing soil pH, and via the exudation of labile carbon or secondary plant compounds involved in shaping the rhizospheric microbial community. However, plant effects on denitrification so far hardly were quantified so that the actual extent of plant control on denitrification is largely unknown. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on mechanisms how plants can affect denitrification rates and N gas product ratios in soils at temporal scales from hours to days and years. We review earlier research to quantify plant effects on denitrification as well as critically discuss the limited methods currently available to quantify plant-soil-denitrifier interactions. Finally, we provide pointers to use plants as tools to manage denitrification, e.g. to improve N use efficiency in agricultural ecosystems and to minimize soil nitrous oxide emissions.

  4. Using natural biomass microorganisms for drinking water denitrification. (United States)

    Costa, Darleila Damasceno; Gomes, Anderson Albino; Fernandes, Mylena; Lopes da Costa Bortoluzzi, Roseli; Magalhães, Maria de Lourdes Borba; Skoronski, Everton


    Among the methods that are studied to eliminate nitrate from drinking water, biological denitrification is an attractive strategy. Although several studies report the use of denitrifying bacteria for nitrate removal, they usually involve the use of sewage sludge as biomass to obtain the microbiota. In the present study, denitrifying bacteria was isolated from bamboo, and variable parameters were controlled focusing on optimal bacterial performance followed by physicochemical analysis of water adequacy. In this way, bamboo was used as a source of denitrifying microorganisms, using either Immobilized Microorganisms (IM) or Suspended Microorganisms (SM) for nitrate removal. Denitrification parameters optimization was carried out by analysis of denitrification at different pH values, temperature, nitrate concentrations, carbon sources as well as different C/N ratios. In addition, operational stability and denitrification kinetics were evaluated. Microorganisms present in the biomass responsible for denitrification were identified as Proteus mirabilis. The denitrified water was submitted to physicochemical treatment such as coagulation and flocculation to adjust to the parameters of color and turbidity to drinking water standards. Denitrification using IM occurred with 73% efficiency in the absence of an external carbon source. The use of SM provided superior denitrification efficiency using ethanol (96.46%), glucose (98.58%) or glycerol (98.5%) as carbon source. The evaluation of the operational stability allowed 12 cycles of biomass reuse using the IM and 9 cycles using the SM. After physical-chemical treatment, only SM denitrified water remained within drinking water standards parameters of color and turbidity. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Warming can boost denitrification disproportionately due to altered oxygen dynamics.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annelies J Veraart

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Global warming and the alteration of the global nitrogen cycle are major anthropogenic threats to the environment. Denitrification, the biological conversion of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen, removes a substantial fraction of the nitrogen from aquatic ecosystems, and can therefore help to reduce eutrophication effects. However, potential responses of denitrification to warming are poorly understood. Although several studies have reported increased denitrification rates with rising temperature, the impact of temperature on denitrification seems to vary widely between systems. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We explored the effects of warming on denitrification rates using microcosm experiments, field measurements and a simple model approach. Our results suggest that a three degree temperature rise will double denitrification rates. By performing experiments at fixed oxygen concentrations as well as with oxygen concentrations varying freely with temperature, we demonstrate that this strong temperature dependence of denitrification can be explained by a systematic decrease of oxygen concentrations with rising temperature. Warming decreases oxygen concentrations due to reduced solubility, and more importantly, because respiration rates rise more steeply with temperature than photosynthesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results show that denitrification rates in aquatic ecosystems are strongly temperature dependent, and that this is amplified by the temperature dependencies of photosynthesis and respiration. Our results illustrate the broader phenomenon that coupling of temperature dependent reactions may in some situations strongly alter overall effects of temperature on ecological processes.

  6. Linking denitrification and infiltration rates during managed groundwater recharge. (United States)

    Schmidt, Calla M; Fisher, Andrew T; Racz, Andrew J; Lockwood, Brian S; Huertos, Marc Los


    We quantify relations between rates of in situ denitrification and saturated infiltration through shallow, sandy soils during managed groundwater recharge. We used thermal methods to determine time series of point-specific flow rates, and chemical and isotopic methods to assess denitrification progress. Zero order denitrification rates between 3 and 300 μmol L(-1) d(-1) were measured during infiltration. Denitrification was not detected at times and locations where the infiltration rate exceeded a threshold of 0.7 ± 0.2 m d(-1). Pore water profiles of oxygen and nitrate concentration indicated a deepening of the redoxocline at high flow rates, which reduced the thickness of the zone favorable for denitrification. Denitrification rates were positively correlated with infiltration rates below the infiltration threshold, suggesting that for a given set of sediment characteristics, there is an optimal infiltration rate for achieving maximum nitrate load reduction and improvements to water supply during managed groundwater recharge. The extent to which results from this study may be extended to other managed and natural hydrologic settings remains to be determined, but the approach taken in this study should be broadly applicable, and provides a quantitative link between shallow hydrologic and biogeochemical processes.

  7. The relationship between anammox and denitrification in the sediment of an inland river

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Sheng, E-mail: [Eco-environmental Protection Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, No. 1000 Jinqi Road, Shanghai 201403 (China); Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 (Japan); Borjigin, Sodbilig; Riya, Shohei; Terada, Akihiko; Hosomi, Masaaki [Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 (Japan)


    This study measured the microbial processes of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and denitrification in sediment sampled from two sites in the estuary of an inland river (Koisegawa River, Ibaragi prefecture, Japan) using a nitrogen isotope pairing technique (IPT). The responses of anammox and denitrification activities to temperature and nitrate concentration were also evaluated. Further, to elucidate the correlation between anammox and denitrification processes, an inhibition experiment was conducted, using chlorate to inhibit the first step of denitrification. Denitrification activity was much higher than anammox activity, and it reached a maximum at the surface layer in February 2012. Denitrification activity decreased as sediment depth increased, and a similar phenomenon was observed for anammox activity in the sediment of site A, where aquatic plants were absent from the surroundings. The activities of both denitrification and anammox were temperature-dependent, but they responded differently to changes in incubation temperature. Compared to a linear increase in denitrification as temperature rose to 35 °C, the optimal temperature for anammox was 25 °C, after which the activity decreased sharply. At the same time, both anammox and denitrification activities increased with NO{sub 3}{sup −} concentration. The Michaelis–Menten kinetic constants (V{sub max} and K{sub m}) of denitrification were significantly higher than those of the anammox process. Furthermore, anammox activity decreased accordingly when the first step of denitrification was inhibited, which probably reduced the amount of the intermediate NO{sub 2}{sup −}. Our study provides the first direct exploration of the denitrification-dependent correlation of anammox activity in the sediment of inland river. - Highlights: • The activity of denitrification in river sediment was much higher than anammox. • Denitrification and anammox respond differently to changes in temperature.

  8. Modelling the soil nitrogen denitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budoi, G.H.; Danuso, F.; Giovanardi, R.; Gavriluta, A.; Alexandrescu, A.; Bireescu, L.


    The paper presents the differential equations used to compute the daily amounts of N denitrified and to compute the amount of N denitrified in a given period of time. It shows also the equations which compute the correction factors of the maximum denitrification rate as a function of soil temperature (F td ), moisture (F md ) and pH (F pHd ), original equations used by NICROS - nitrogen crop simulation model to describe the influence of these abiotic factors. The temperature factor, F td . The optimum temperature for denitrification is between 25-37 o C. The process is slow at temperatures below 10 o C, there is an increased inhibition below 5 o C and stop completely at 0 o C. The maximum temperature for denitrification is practically that which limits the soil microbiological activity, generally 75 o C. The following relations are used to compute the F td factor: F td 1/(1 + e -0,3347 tmed+ 4,99 ) if t med ≤ 37; F td = 1 - (t med - 37)/38 if 75 > t med > 37; F td = 0 if t med ≥ 75, where t med is the average daily soil temperature. The moisture factor, F md . The denitrification has maximum intensity at soil water saturation, U sat , and stop below 80 % from U sat . F md = 0 if soil moisture U s ≤ 0,8*U sat , and F md = (U s - 0,8*U sat )/(U sat - 0,8*U sat ) if U s > 0,8*U sat . The pH factor, F pHd . Denitrification takes place at pH between 4-9 and is maximum at pH between 7-8. The relations used to compute the F pHd factor are: F pHd = 1/(1 + e -3,1923 pH + 18,87 ) if pH ≤ 8; F pHd = (9 - pH) when pH is between 8-9, and F pHd = 0 if pH > 9. Refs. 6 (author)

  9. Application of the inter-line PCR for the analyse of genomic rearrangements in radiation-transformed mammalian cell lines; Anwendung der Inter-Line PCR zur Analyse von genomischen Veraenderungen in strahlentransformierten Saeugerzellinien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leibhard, S.; Smida, J. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Strahlenbiologisches Inst.; Eckardt-Schupp, F.; Hieber, L. [GSF-Inst. fuer Strahlenbiologie, Oberschleissheim (Germany)


    Repetitive DNA sequences of the LINE-family (long interspersed elements) that are widely distributed among the mammalian genome can be activated or altered by the exposure to ionizing radiation [1]. By the integration at new sites in the genome alterations in the expression of genes that are involved in cell transformation and/or carcinogenesis may occur [2, 3]. A new technique - the inter-LINE PCR - has been developed in order to detect and analyse such genomic rearrangements in radiation-transformed cell lines. From the sites of transformation- or tumour-specific changes in the genome it might be possible to develop new tumour markers for diagnostic purpose. (orig.) [Deutsch] Repetitive DNA-Sequenzen der LINE-Familie, die weit verbreitet im Genom von Saeugerzellen vorkommen, koennen durch Exposition mit ionisierender Strahlung aktiviert und veraendert werden [1]. Durch eine Neu- bzw. Reintegration an anderen Positionen im Genom kann es zu bedeutenden Veraenderungen im Genom der Zelle kommen. Die Expression von Genen, die bei den Prozessen der Zelltransformation bzw. der Karzinogenese beteiligt sind, kann dadurch veraendert werden [2, 3]. Mithilfe der von uns entwickelten Inter-LINE PCR und der anschliessenden Analyse der veraenderten Produktmuster nach gelelektrophoretischer Auftrennung koennen solche `genomic rearrangements` unter Beteiligung von LINE-Elementen untersucht und naeher charakterisiert werden. Durch Klonierung und Sequenzierung transformations- bzw. tumorspezifischer PCR-Produkte sollte es moeglich sein Tumormarker fuer diagnostische Zwecke zu entwickeln. Die Methode wurde fuer die Analyse von Zellen des Syrischen Hamster aufgebaut, sie ist jedoch universell fuer alle Saeuger anwendbar. (orig.)

  10. Development of a method for in situ measurement of denitrification in aquifers using 15N tracer tests and membrane inlet mass spectrometry (United States)

    Eschenbach, W.; Well, R.; Flessa, H.; Walther, W.; Duijnisveld, W. H. M.


    took wa-ter samples at regular intervals with an automated sampling device over 5 days. A small part of the sample was directly conducted in the membrane inlet of our mass spectrometer and the other part was collected in serum bottles which were immediately sealed with rubber septa and stored for later measurement by isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). Results available up to now showed for both types of measurement a linear increase of deni-trification products (15(N2O+N2)) over time. At the end of our laboratory test we measured up to 270 and 2400 µg/L 15(N2O+N2) in the water samples from the supplemented aquifer mate-rial of 3 and 7 m depth respectively. Because of the online measurement with MIMS we were able to see during the experiment if and when the production of the labeled denitrification products started. Later-on this approach will be used in the field. Here, the MIMS-technique will be especially advantageous, because the success of tracer test can be immediately seen during in situ sampling. Results of excess-N2 measurements at the monitoring wells within the two aquifers showed a range of 0 to 30 mg L-1 excess-N2 and a RP between 0 and 100%. References: Konrad, C. (2007): Methoden zur Bestimmung des Umsatzes von Stickstoff, dargestellt für drei Pleistozäne Grundwasserleiter Norddeutschlands, PhD thesis, Dresden Univ. of Techn., Germany, 157 pp.

  11. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition influences denitrification and nitrous oxide production in lakes. (United States)

    McCrackin, Michelle L; Elser, James J


    Microbially mediated denitrification is an important process that may ameliorate the effects of nitrogen (N) loading by permanently removing excess N inputs. In this study, we measured the rate of denitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) production during denitrification in sediments from 32 Norwegian lakes at the high and low ends of a gradient of atmospheric N deposition. Denitrification and N2O production rates averaged 41.7 and 1.1 micromol N x m(-2) x h(-1), respectively, for high-deposition lakes. There was no detectable denitrification or N2O production in low-deposition lakes. Epilimnetic nitrate concentration was strongly correlated with denitrification rate (r2 = 0.67). We also measured the denitrification rate in response to experimental additions of organic carbon, nitrate, and phosphorus. Experimental nitrate additions stimulated denitrification in sediments of all lakes, regardless of N deposition level. In fact, the rate of denitrification in nitrate-amended treatments was the same magnitude for lakes in both deposition areas. These findings suggest that lake sediments possess considerable capacity to remove nitrate and that this capacity has not been saturated under conditions of chronic N loading. Further, nitrous oxide was nearly 3% of the total gaseous product during denitrification in high-deposition lakes, a fraction that is comparable to polluted marine sediments. Our findings suggest that, while lakes play an important role in N removal in the landscape, they may be a source of N2O emissions, especially in areas subject to elevated N inputs.

  12. Ketal-Synthese mit Brønsted-aciden ionischen Flüssigkeiten als Katalysator in zweiphasigen Reaktionssystemen


    Thomann, Michael


    In dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Produktion von 2,2-Dimethoxypropan (DMP) aus Aceton und Methanol unter Verwendung von Brønsted-aciden ionischen Flüssigkeiten (BAILs) als Katalysator in einer flüssig-flüssig Zweiphasenreaktion entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wurde die Anwendung des neuartigen Zweiphasenprozesses in der Herstellung von Ketalen aus höhermolekularen linearen Ketonen, insbesondere 2-Butanon, und Methanol demonstriert. Im Unterschied zu bisher publizierten Verfahren ...

  13. Commensality and Labor in Terminal Ubaid Northern Mesopotamia


    Kennedy, Jason R.


    In der neueren anthropologischen Forschung zu Kommensalität wird betont, dass der Verzehr von Nahrungsmitteln soziale Beziehungen und soziale Identitäten kreiert und vermittelt. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, die häufig vernachlässigten Bereiche Produktion und Arbeit in die Forschung zu Kommensalität einzubeziehen. Ich erörtere kommensale Beziehungen, die durch den Verzehr von Lebensmitteln im Rahmen von Gemeinschatsarbeit entstanden, anhand dreier nordmesopotamischer Fundorte der ausgehe...

  14. Untersuchungen zu mummy, kette und Interaktionspartnern bei der Entwicklung des Drosophila Nervensystems


    Strunk, J.M. (Judith)


    Die Dissertation beinhaltet genetische, funktionelle und phänotypische Analysen von Mutationen, die zu Defekten der Musterbildung des embryonalen ZNS von Drosophila melanogaster führen. Das Gen mummy wurde im Bereich 26D7 lokalisiert und codiert eine UDP-N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMIN-PYROPHOSPHORYLASE. MUMMY katalysiert eine Reaktion, deren Produkt, das UDP-N-Acetylglucosamin, Grundbaustein für Glycosylierung und GPI-Ankersynthese ist. Effekte von mummy auf diese Prozesse konnten dargestellt werden. Für...

  15. A simple model for simultaneous methanogenic-denitrification systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garibay-Orijel, C.; Ahring, Birgitte Kiær; Rinderknecht-Seijas, N.


    We describe a useful and simple model for studies of simultaneous methanogenic-denitrification (M-D) systems. One equation predicts an inverse relationship between the percentage of electron donor channeled into dissimilatory denitrification and the loading ratio X given by grams degradable COD per...

  16. Lean-Prinzipien für verbesserte Kosteneffizienz: Instandhaltungseffizienz durch Lean Maintenance


    Bandow, G.; Schmidt, A.


    Die Bedeutung der Instandhaltung nimmt weiter zu. In einem Lean Umfeld mit einer immer verschwendungsärmeren Produktion stehen nicht nur die Kosteneffizienz und Verfügbarkeit der Produktionsmittel im Fokus. Unplanmäßige Stillstände kosten Geld und gefährden häufig auch Personal und Produkt. Lean Maintenance vermeidet Verschwendung und optimiert so die Effektivität und Effizienz der Instandhaltung. Das zielgerichtete Zusammenspiel von Menschen, Prozessen und Technik garantiert dabei den Erfolg...

  17. Regelungen im Verkehr mit Lebensmitteln und Bedarfsgegenständen in Deutschland (United States)

    Thomas, Gundula; Freund, Astrid; Gründig, Friedrich

    Im Zuge der Globalisierung von Produktion und Handel ändert sich auch der Charakter der Vorschriften im Lebensmittelrecht. Zunehmend treten internationale Rechtsbestimmungen, Abkommen, Standards und andere Normen an die Stelle nationaler Regelungen.

  18. Microbial ecology of denitrification in biological wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Lu, Huijie; Chandran, Kartik; Stensel, David


    Globally, denitrification is commonly employed in biological nitrogen removal processes to enhance water quality. However, substantial knowledge gaps remain concerning the overall community structure, population dynamics and metabolism of different organic carbon sources. This systematic review provides a summary of current findings pertaining to the microbial ecology of denitrification in biological wastewater treatment processes. DNA fingerprinting-based analysis has revealed a high level of microbial diversity in denitrification reactors and highlighted the impacts of carbon sources in determining overall denitrifying community composition. Stable isotope probing, fluorescence in situ hybridization, microarrays and meta-omics further link community structure with function by identifying the functional populations and their gene regulatory patterns at the transcriptional and translational levels. This review stresses the need to integrate microbial ecology information into conventional denitrification design and operation at full-scale. Some emerging questions, from physiological mechanisms to practical solutions, for example, eliminating nitrous oxide emissions and supplementing more sustainable carbon sources than methanol, are also discussed. A combination of high-throughput approaches is next in line for thorough assessment of wastewater denitrifying community structure and function. Though denitrification is used as an example here, this synergy between microbial ecology and process engineering is applicable to other biological wastewater treatment processes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Exploring the Denitrification Proteome of Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Olaya-Abril


    Full Text Available Denitrification is a respiratory process that produces nitrous oxide as an intermediate, which may escape to the atmosphere before its reduction to dinitrogen through the nitrous oxide reductase NosZ. In this work, the denitrification process carried out by Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222 has been explored through a quantitative proteomic analysis. Under anaerobic conditions, with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, the synthesis of all the enzymes involved in denitrification, the respiratory nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide reductases, was increased. However, the periplasmic and assimilatory nitrate reductases decreased. Synthesis of transporters for alcohols, D-methionine, sulfate and copper, most of the enzymes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and proteins involved in other metabolic processes like lysine catabolism, fatty acids degradation and acetyl-CoA synthesis, was increased during denitrification in P. denitrificans PD1222. As consequence, an enhanced production of the central metabolite acetyl-CoA was observed. After establishing the key features of the denitrification proteome, its changes by the influence of a competitive electron acceptor, oxygen, or competitive nitrogen source, ammonium, were evaluated.

  20. Bioavailability of very finely distributed metallic platinum in the lungs and first orienting studies on effects. Part 2; Bioverfuegbarkeit von feinstverteiltem metallischem Platin in der Lunge und erste orientierende Wirkungsuntersuchungen (VPT 09; 2. Teil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Emmendoerffer, A [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Platinum is emitted from automotive catalytic converters in particulate form. The first organ to be exposed to it after its uptake by the organism is the lung. Lung macrophages therefore constitute the first barrier of the immune system which can to react to platinum. In this study the production of nitrogen oxides and cytokines was studied. These parameters play an important role in the initiation of inflammation and in the maintenance of chronic inflammatory processes that can lead to fibrosis of the lung. [Deutsch] Platin wird partikulaer aus Automobilabgaskatalysatoren emittiert. Das erste Zielorgan fuer eine Aufnahme im Organismus ist deshalb die Lunge. Die Lungenmakrophagen stellen also die erste Barriere des Immunsystems dar, das auf Platin reagieren kann. In vitro wurde die Produktion von Stickoxiden und Zytokinen untersucht. Diese Parameter spielen eine Rolle bei der Initiation von Entzuendungen und auch bei der Aufrechterhaltung chronisch entzuendlicher Prozesse, die in der Lunge zu einer Fibrose fuehren koennen. (orig.)

  1. Bioavailability of very finely distributed metallic platinum in the lungs and first orienting studies on effects. Part 2; Bioverfuegbarkeit von feinstverteiltem metallischem Platin in der Lunge und erste orientierende Wirkungsuntersuchungen (VPT 09; 2. Teil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Emmendoerffer, A. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Platinum is emitted from automotive catalytic converters in particulate form. The first organ to be exposed to it after its uptake by the organism is the lung. Lung macrophages therefore constitute the first barrier of the immune system which can to react to platinum. In this study the production of nitrogen oxides and cytokines was studied. These parameters play an important role in the initiation of inflammation and in the maintenance of chronic inflammatory processes that can lead to fibrosis of the lung. [Deutsch] Platin wird partikulaer aus Automobilabgaskatalysatoren emittiert. Das erste Zielorgan fuer eine Aufnahme im Organismus ist deshalb die Lunge. Die Lungenmakrophagen stellen also die erste Barriere des Immunsystems dar, das auf Platin reagieren kann. In vitro wurde die Produktion von Stickoxiden und Zytokinen untersucht. Diese Parameter spielen eine Rolle bei der Initiation von Entzuendungen und auch bei der Aufrechterhaltung chronisch entzuendlicher Prozesse, die in der Lunge zu einer Fibrose fuehren koennen. (orig.)

  2. Solar energy systems in modernized buildings; Solarenergienutzung bei der Sanierung von Gebaeuden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voss, K. [Fraunhofer-Inst. fuer Solare Energiesysteme, Freiburg (Germany). Gruppe Solares Bauen


    The statistics of residential buildings in Germany is of extraordinary distinctness: About 70% of the houses are more than 25 years old and the construction rate is about 1% per annum. In most neighbouring European countries the situation is similar. Predictions show that almost 60% of the building stock of the year 2020 is already erected today. The conclusions: The present building stock is essential for the burden of the environment not only today but also tomorrow. Measures saving energy and protecting the climate must include the already existing houses. Solar concepts especially suited for the renovation of old housing should be more promoted. Technically mature products, architecturally and economically attractive and integrated concepts and convincing examples of practical applications are prerequisites for successful advances into this direction. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die statistische Analyse des Bestands an Wohngebaeuden in Deutschland spricht eine deutliche Sprache: Rund 70% der Gebaeude sind aelter als 25 Jahre; die Neubaurate liegt um 1% pro Jahr. In den meisten europaeischen Nachbarlaendern ist die Situation vergleichbar. Eine Hochrechnung auf das Jahr 2020 belegt, dass schon heute knapp 60% des dann vorliegenden Gebaeudebestands existieren. Fazit: Der Gebaeudebestand von heute bestimmt die Umweltbelastung von heute und morgen. Massnahmen zur Energieeinsparung und fuer einen wirkungsvollen Klimaschutz muessen vordringlich am Gebaeudebestand ansetzen. Unter dem Blickwinkel einer Verbreitung der Solartechnik ist offensichtlich, dass Solarkonzepten, die speziell an die Belange der Sanierung im Bestand angepasst sind, eine grosse Bedeutung zukommt. Voraussetzungen fuer einen erfolgreichen Weg in diesen Markt sind technisch ausgereifte Produkte, architektonisch und wirtschaftlich attraktive Gesamtkonzepte sowie ueberzeugende Beispiele aus der Praxis. (orig.)

  3. Denitrification in the water column of the central Baltic Sea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Tage; De Brabandere, Loreto; Hall, Per O. J.


    Removal of fixed nitrogen in the water column of the eastern Gotland Basin, central Baltic Sea, was studied during two cruises in September 2008 and August 2010. The water column was stratified with anoxic sulfidic bottom water meeting oxic nitrate containing water at the oxic–anoxic interface......3 or sulfide concentrations were converted to in situ rates using the measured water column concentrations of NO3 and sulfide and the actual measured relations between NO3 and sulfide concentrations and enitrification rates. In situ denitrification ranged from 0.24 to 15.9 nM N2 h1. Assuming...... area. Even with an active denitrification layer of 3–6 m thickness the pelagic denitrification per unit area clearly exceeded sediment denitrification rates elsewhere in the Baltic Sea. When extrapolated to the entire Baltic Proper (BP) denitrification in the water column was in the range of 132...

  4. Use of bioreactor landfill for nitrogen removal to enhance methane production through ex situ simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and in situ denitrification. (United States)

    Sun, Xiaojie; Zhang, Hongxia; Cheng, Zhaowen


    High concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO 3 - -N) derived from ex situ nitrification phase can inhibit methane production during ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification bioreactor landfill. A combined process comprised of ex situ simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND) in an aged refuse bioreactor (ARB) and in situ denitrification in a fresh refuse bioreactor (FRB) was conducted to reduce the negative effect of high concentrationsof NO 3 - -N. Ex situ SND can be achieved because NO 3 - -N concentration can be reduced and the removal rate of ammonium-nitrogen (NH 4 + -N) remains largely unchanged when the ventilation rate of ARB-A2 is controlled. The average NO 3 - -N concentrations of effluent were 470mg/L in ex situ nitrification ARB-A1 and 186mg/L in ex situ SND ARB-A2. The average NH 4 + -N removal rates of ARB-A1 and ARB-A2 were 98% and 94%, respectively. Based on the experimental data from week 4 to week 30, it is predicted that NH 4 + -N concentration in FRB-F1 of the ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification process would reach 25mg/L after 63weeks, and about 40weeks for the FRB-F2 of ex situ SND and in situ denitrification process . Ex situ SND and in situ denitrification process can improve themethane production of FRB-F2. The lag phase time of methane production for the FRB-F2 was 11weeks. This phase was significantly shorter than the 15-week phases of FRB-F1 in ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification process. A seven-week stabilizationphase was required to increase methane content from 5% to 50% for FRB-F2. Methane content in FRB-F1 did not reach 50% but reached the 45% peak after 20weeks. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Type II1 factors satisfying the spatial isomorphism conjecture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cameron, Jan; Christensen, Erik; Sinclair, Allan M.


    Det vises at hvis et par af von Neumann algebraer er tilstrækkeligt tæt på hinanden i Hausdorff-metrikken, og den ene er en II1 faktor, som er et krydset produkt af en abelsk von Neumann algebra med en gruuppvirkning af en gruppe men triviel begrænset kohomologi, så er de to algebraer unitært...

  6. Denitrification and inference of nitrogen sources in the karstic Floridan Aquifer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. B. Heffernan


    Full Text Available Aquifer denitrification is among the most poorly constrained fluxes in global and regional nitrogen budgets. The few direct measurements of denitrification in groundwaters provide limited information about its spatial and temporal variability, particularly at the scale of whole aquifers. Uncertainty in estimates of denitrification may also lead to underestimates of its effect on isotopic signatures of inorganic N, and thereby confound the inference of N source from these data. In this study, our objectives are to quantify the magnitude and variability of denitrification in the Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA and evaluate its effect on N isotopic signatures at the regional scale. Using dual noble gas tracers (Ne, Ar to generate physical predictions of N2 gas concentrations for 112 observations from 61 UFA springs, we show that excess (i.e. denitrification-derived N2 is highly variable in space and inversely correlated with dissolved oxygen (O2. Negative relationships between O2 and δ15NNO3 across a larger dataset of 113 springs, well-constrained isotopic fractionation coefficients, and strong 15N:18O covariation further support inferences of denitrification in this uniquely organic-matter-poor system. Despite relatively low average rates, denitrification accounted for 32 % of estimated aquifer N inputs across all sampled UFA springs. Back-calculations of source δ15NNO3 based on denitrification progression suggest that isotopically-enriched nitrate (NO3 in many springs of the UFA reflects groundwater denitrification rather than urban- or animal-derived inputs.

  7. Einführung in die Konstruktionsmethodik (United States)

    Linke, Petra; Weidermann, Frank

    Für die Entwicklung eines konkurrenzfähigen Produktes ist eine sehr gute Idee von entscheidender Bedeutung. Eine mittelmäßige Idee, konstruktiv gut umgesetzt reicht beim heutigen Verdrängungswettbewerb nicht mehr, um am Markt bestehen zu können. Rund 80% der Kosten eines Produktes werden in der Konstruktion festgelegt. Deshalb steht am Anfang einer Produktentwicklung immer eine intensive Ideenfindung. Der konstruktive Entwicklungsprozess ist dann weiter gegliedert in Planen und Klären der Aufgabe, Konzipieren, Entwerfen und Ausarbeiten.

  8. Impact of chloride on denitrification potential in roadside wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lancaster, Nakita A.; Bushey, Joseph T.; Tobias, Craig R.; Song, Bongkeun; Vadas, Timothy M.


    Developed landscapes are exposed to changes in hydrology and water chemistry that limit their ability to mitigate detrimental impacts to coastal water bodies, particularly those that result from stormwater runoff. The elevated level of impervious cover increases not only runoff but also contaminant loading of nutrients, metals, and road salt used for deicing to water bodies. Here we investigate the impact that road salt has on denitrification in roadside environments. Sediments were collected from a series of forested and roadside wetlands and acclimated with a range of Cl − concentrations from 0 to 5000 mg L −1 for 96 h. Denitrification rates were measured by the isotope pairing technique using 15 N–NO 3 − , while denitrifying community structures were compared using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of nitrous oxide reductase genes (nosZ). Chloride significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited denitrification in forested wetlands at a Cl − dosage of 2500 or 5000 mg L −1 , but the decrease in denitrification rates was less and not significant for the roadside wetlands historically exposed to elevated concentrations of Cl − . The difference could not be attributed to other significant changes in conditions, such as DOC concentrations, N species concentrations, or pH levels. Denitrifying communities, as measured by T-RFs of the nosZ gene, in the roadside wetlands with elevated concentration of Cl − were distinctly different and more diverse compared to forested wetlands, and also different in roadside wetlands after 96 h exposures to Cl − . The shifts in denitrifying communities seem to minimize the decrease in denitrification rates in the wetlands previously exposed to Cl. As development results in more Cl − use and exposure to a broad range of natural or manmade wetland structures, an understanding of the seasonal effect of Cl on denitrification processes in these systems would aid in design or mitigation of the effects on

  9. Evaluation, testing and further development of PV systems in Indonesia. Final report; Evaluation, Erprobung und Weiterentwicklung von PV-Systemen in Indonesien. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Preiser, K.; Schweizer-Ries, P.; Kuhmann, J.; Adib, R.


    The Indonesian government initiated the World's biggest decentralised rural electrification programme with PV systems, the so-called 50 MW PV programme, which is to provide 10 million households with PV systems within the next decade. The report describes the financing, distribution strategies, organisation of maintenance work, and training. The focus will be on locally produced components, with cooperation of German organisations. [German] Indonesien besteht aus mehr als 17.500 Inseln, so dass die Ausdehnung der nationalen Netze auf verschiedene Barrieren stoesst. Dort gibt es ungefaehr 23 Millionen Haushalte, die nicht an das nationale Stromnetz angeschlossen sind. Um diese zu ueberwinden, hat die indonesische Regierung das weltweit groesste dezentrale rurale Elektrifizierungsprogramm mit Photovoltaik, das sogenannte 50 MW PV-Programm, ins Leben gerufen. Im Rahmen dieses Programmes sollen in den naechsten zehn Jahren eine Million Haushalte mit Photovoltaik versorgt werden. Welchen Einfluss dabei nicht-technische Aspekte, wie Finanzierungssysteme, Verbreitungsstrategien, Organisation von Wartungsarbeiten, Ausbildung der Programmakteure auf die Zufriedenheit der Nutzer mit den gelieferten Energiedienstleistungen hat und wie diese eine dauerhaften Betrieb und eine nachhaltige Verbreitung dieser Technologie foerdern koennen, war Gegenstand detaillierter Untersuchungen. Grossen Wert legten wir auf Tests lokal produzierter Komponenten und Systeme, mit dem Ziel den beteiligten Firmen die Verbesserung der Qualitaet ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu ermoeglichen. Neben verschiedenen Projekterfolgen ist sicherlich erwaehnenswert, dass initiiert durch unsere Taetigkeiten, ein deutscher Ladereglerhersteller die Produktion seiner Regler in Zusammenarbeit mit einer indonesischen Firma ausweiten konnte. (orig.)

  10. SNCR method of flue gas denitrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuropka, J. [Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw (Poland). Instytut Inzynierii Ochrony Srodowiska


    Current achievements in experiments on selective non-catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides from flue gases were presented. Some basic parameters of denitrification process (temperature of reaction, contact time, molar ratio of agents, additions to reacting substances) which influence the rate of nitrogen oxides emission from flue gases were analysed. On the basis of conducted experiments with calcium hydroxide and urea or calcium carbonate and urea on full-scale FGD installation on WP-120 boiler it was found that SNCR method can be applied to simultaneous denitrification and desulfurisation of flue gases. 27 refs., 10 figs.

  11. Demonstration of a production-integrated process for utilization of effluents and organic residues for active cooling of must and wine at the Herrenhof wine and sparkling wine production plant; Demonstration eines produktionsintegrierten Verfahrens zur Verwertung von Abwaessern und organischen Reststoffen zur Aktivkuehlung von Most und Wein auf dem Wein- und Sektgut Herrenhof

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, D.H.; Dobelmann, J.K.


    Viniculture differs from agriculture in that only the must is utilized, while the main part of the grape biomass is discarded. These residues, as well as the effluents with their high concentration of organic matter, should be utilized as well. [German] In der Landwirtschaft produzierte Biomasse stellt das Primaerelement der brancheninternen Wertschoepfungskette dar. Eine Ausnahme hierzu stellt die Situation bei der Weinerzeugung dar, hier wird nach der Kelterung der Trauben nur der biomassen- und kohlenstoffarme Most der weiteren Verarbeitung zu Wein zugefuehrt. Der Hauptteil der in den Traubenschalen und Kernen enthaltene Biomasse, sowie das gesamte Beerenfleisch und organische Trube werden fuer die Produktion nicht genutzt. Ziel eines angepassten Konzeptes muss es im Sinne eines produktionsintegrierten Konzeptes von daher sein, diese Rueckstaende zusammen mit den anfallenden organisch hoch belasteten Abwaessern einer energetischen Verwertung zuzufuehren. (orig.)

  12. Heterotrophic Anodic Denitrification in Microbial Fuel Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jakub Drewnowski


    Full Text Available Nowadays, pollution caused by energy production systems is a major environmental concern. Therefore, the development of sustainable energy sources is required. Amongst others, the microbial fuel cell (MFC seems to be a possible solution because it can produce clean energy at the same time that waste is stabilized. Unfortunately, mainly due to industrial discharges, the wastes could contain nitrates, or nitrates precursors such ammonia, which could lead to lower performance in terms of electricity production. In this work, the feasibility of coupling anodic denitrification process with electricity production in MFC and the effect of the nitrates over the MFC performance were studied. During the experiments, it was observed that the culture developed in the anodic chamber of the MFC presented a significant amount of denitrificative microorganisms. The MFC developed was able to denitrify up to 4 ppm, without affecting the current density exerted, of about 1 mA/cm2. Regarding the denitrification process, it must be highlighted that the maximum denitrification rate achieved with the culture was about 60 mg·NO3−·L−1·h−1. Based on these results, it can be stated that it is possible to remove nitrates and to produce energy, without negatively affecting the electrical performance, when the nitrate concentration is low.

  13. Implication of using different carbon sources for denitrification in wastewater treatments. (United States)

    Cherchi, Carla; Onnis-Hayden, Annalisa; El-Shawabkeh, Ibrahim; Gu, April Z


    Application of external carbon sources for denitrification becomes necessary for wastewater treatment plants that have to meet very stringent effluent nitrogen limits (e.g., 3 to 5 mgTN/L). In this study, we evaluated and compared three carbon sources--MicroC (Environmental Operating Solutions, Bourne, Massachusetts), methanol, and acetate-in terms of their denitrification rates and kinetics, effect on overall nitrogen removal performance, and microbial community structure of carbon-specific denitrifying enrichments. Denitrification rates and kinetics were determined with both acclimated and non-acclimated biomass, obtained from laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor systems or full-scale plants. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the use of MicroC for denitrification processes, with maximum denitrification rates (k(dmax)) of 6.4 mgN/gVSSh and an observed yield of 0.36 mgVSS/mgCOD. Comparable maximum nitrate uptake rates were found with methanol, while acetate showed a maximum denitrification rate nearly twice as high as the others. The maximum growth rates measured at 20 degrees C for MicroC and methanol were 3.7 and 1.2 day(-1), respectively. The implications resulting from the differences in the denitrification rates and kinetics of different carbon sources on the full-scale nitrogen removal performance, under various configurations and operational conditions, were assessed using Biowin (EnviroSim Associates, Ltd., Flamborough, Ontario, Canada) simulations for both pre- and post-denitrification systems. Examination of microbial population structures using Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) throughout the study period showed dynamic temporal changes and distinct microbial community structures of different carbon-specific denitrifying cultures. The ability of a specific carbon-acclimated denitrifying population to instantly use other carbon source also was investigated, and the chemical-structure-associated behavior patterns observed

  14. The kinetics of denitrification in permeable sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evrard, Victor; Glud, Ronnie N.; Cook, Perran L. M.


    Permeable sediments comprise the majority of shelf sediments, yet the rates of denitrification remain highly uncertain in these environments. Computational models are increasingly being used to understand the dynamics of denitrification in permeable sediments, which are complex environments...... on sediments taken from six shallow coastal sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The results showed that denitrification commenced rapidly (within 30 min) after the onset of anoxia and the kinetics could be well described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with half saturation constants (apparent K...... in cohesive sediments despite organic carbon contents one order of magnitude lower for the sediments studied here. The ratio of sediment O-2 consumption to V-max was in the range of 0.02-0.09, and was on average much lower than the theoretical ratio of 0.8. As a consequence, models implemented...

  15. Studies on benthic denitrification in the Chwaka Bay mangrove ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Spatial variations in denitrification rates were due to variations in concentration levels of organic matter and possibly to disproportionate competition for inorganic nitrogen between denitrifiers and benthic autotrophs among sites. There were no seasonal differences in denitrification rates. Results from the present study ...

  16. Oxygen requirement for denitrification by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. (United States)

    Zhou, Z; Takaya, N; Sakairi, M A; Shoun, H


    The effects of dioxygen (O2) on the denitrification activity of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum MT-811 in fed-batch culture in a stirred jar fermentor were examined. The results revealed that fungal denitrifying activity requires a minimal amount of O2 for induction, which is repressed by excess O2. The optimal O2 supply differed between the denitrification substrates : 690 micromol O2 x h(-1) (g dry cell wt.)(-1) for nitrate (NO3-) and about 250 micromol O2 x h(-1) (g dry cell wt.)(-1) for nitrite (NO2-). The reduction of NO3- required more O2 than that of NO2- . With an optimal O2 supply, 80% and 52% of nitrogen atoms in NO3- and NO2-, respectively, were recovered as the denitrification product N2O. These features of F. oxysporum differ from those of bacterial denitrifiers that work exclusively under anoxic conditions. The denitrification activity of F. oxysporum MT-811 mutants with impaired NO3- assimilation was about double that of the wild-type strain, suggesting competition for the substrate between assimilatory and dissimilatory types of NO3- reduction. These results showed that denitrification by F. oxysporum has unique features, namely, a minimal O2 requirement and competition with assimilatory NO3-.

  17. Elementspurenbestimmung in Solarsilicium


    Balski, Matthias Michael


    Verunreinigungen von Fremdelementen können den Wirkungsgrad von Solarzellen schon im Spurenbereich beeinträchtigen. Die Kenntnis der Verunreinigungen in Si ist entscheidend für die Produkt- und Produktionskontrolle neuer Solarzellenmaterialien. In dieser Arbeit wurden Analysenmethoden mit unterschiedlichen Messverfahren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ansprüche der Solarindustrie entwickelt, verbessert, charakterisiert und verglichen. Mit der Sektorfeld-Massenspektrometrie (SFMS) mit i...

  18. Gerechtigkeit, ethische Subjektivität und Alterität. Zu den normativen Implikationen der Philosophie von Emmanuel Levinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seitz Sergej


    Full Text Available Obwohl seit einiger Zeit ein verstärktes Forschungsinteresse an Emmanuel Levinas’ Denken des Politischen, verbunden mit einer genaueren Inblicknahme der zentralen Begriffe des Dritten und der Gerechtigkeit aufgekommen ist, blieb bislang unklar, inwiefern aus Levinas’ intrinsisch ‚ethischem‘ Denken in konkreterer Weise normative Konsequenzen zu ziehen sind. Diesem Desiderat versucht der vorliegende Beitrag nachzukommen. Das Levinas’sche Gerechtigkeitsdenken wird dabei so eingeführt, dass es zugleich als alternativer Entwurf und als produktive kritische Provokation für gegenwärtige Gerechtigkeitstheorien lesbar wird. Ausgehend von einer Rekonstruktion des alteritären Verständnisses ethischer Subjektivität, wie es Levinas insbesondere in Jenseits des Seins erarbeitet, wird ausgelotet, wie tragfähig Levinas’ ethische Konzeption plural alteritär durchfurchter Subjektivität für normative Gerechtigkeitsfragen ist. Aus einer Reflexion auf den Begriff des ‚Dritten‘ werden einige konkrete Konsequenzen für das Denken gerechter Institutionen gezogen.

  19. Biological nitrate removal from water and wastewater by solid-phase denitrification process. (United States)

    Wang, Jianlong; Chu, Libing


    Nitrate pollution in receiving waters has become a serious issue worldwide. Solid-phase denitrification process is an emerging technology, which has received increasing attention in recent years. It uses biodegradable polymers as both the carbon source and biofilm carrier for denitrifying microorganisms. A vast array of natural and synthetic biopolymers, including woodchips, sawdust, straw, cotton, maize cobs, seaweed, bark, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), polycaprolactone (PCL), polybutylene succinate (PBS) and polylactic acid (PLA), have been widely used for denitrification due to their good performance, low cost and large available quantities. This paper presents an overview on the application of solid-phase denitrification in nitrate removal from drinking water, groundwater, aquaculture wastewater, the secondary effluent and wastewater with low C/N ratio. The types of solid carbon source, the influencing factors, the microbial community of biofilm attached on the biodegradable carriers, the potential adverse effect, and the cost of denitrification process are introduced and evaluated. Woodchips and polycaprolactone are the popular and competitive natural plant-like and synthetic biodegradable polymers used for denitrification, respectively. Most of the denitrifiers reported in solid-phase denitrification affiliated to the family Comamonadaceae in the class Betaproteobacteria. The members of genera Diaphorobacter, Acidovorax and Simplicispira were mostly reported. In future study, more attention should be paid to the simultaneous removal of nitrate and toxic organic contaminants such as pesticide and PPCPs by solid-phase denitrification, to the elucidation of the metabolic and regulatory relationship between decomposition of solid carbon source and denitrification, and to the post-treatment of the municipal secondary effluent. Solid-phase denitrification process is a promising technology for the removal of nitrate from water and wastewater. Copyright © 2016

  20. Inhibition of existing denitrification enzyme activity by chloramphenicol (United States)

    Brooks, M.H.; Smith, R.L.; Macalady, D.L.


    Chloramphenicol completely inhibited the activity of existing denitrification enzymes in acetylene-block incubations with (i) sediments from a nitrate-contaminated aquifer and (ii) a continuous culture of denitrifying groundwater bacteria. Control flasks with no antibiotic produced significant amounts of nitrous oxide in the same time period. Amendment with chloramphenicol after nitrous oxide production had begun resulted in a significant decrease in the rate of nitrous oxide production. Chloramphenicol also decreased (>50%) the activity of existing denitrification enzymes in pure cultures of Pseudomonas denitrificans that were harvested during log- phase growth and maintained for 2 weeks in a starvation medium lacking electron donor. Short-term time courses of nitrate consumption and nitrous oxide production in the presence of acetylene with P. denitrificans undergoing carbon starvation were performed under optimal conditions designed to mimic denitrification enzyme activity assays used with soils. Time courses were linear for both chloramphenicol and control flasks, and rate estimates for the two treatments were significantly different at the 95% confidence level. Complete or partial inhibition of existing enzyme activity is not consistent with the current understanding of the mode of action of chloramphenicol or current practice, in which the compound is frequently employed to inhibit de novo protein synthesis during the course of microbial activity assays. The results of this study demonstrate that chloramphenicol amendment can inhibit the activity of existing denitrification enzymes and suggest that caution is needed in the design and interpretation of denitrification activity assays in which chloramphenicol is used to prevent new protein synthesis.

  1. Correlations between in situ denitrification activity and nir-gene abundances in pristine and impacted prairie streams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, David W.; Trippett, Clare; Dodds, Walter K.; O'Brien, Jonathan M.; Banner, Eric B.K.; Head, Ian M.; Smith, Marilyn S.; Yang, Richard K.; Knapp, Charles W.


    Denitrification is a process that reduces nitrogen levels in headwaters and other streams. We compared nirS and nirK abundances with the absolute rate of denitrification, the longitudinal coefficient of denitrification (i.e., K den , which represents optimal denitrification rates at given environmental conditions), and water quality in seven prairie streams to determine if nir-gene abundances explain denitrification activity. Previous work showed that absolute rates of denitrification correlate with nitrate levels; however, no correlation has been found for denitrification efficiency, which we hypothesise might be related to gene abundances. Water-column nitrate and soluble-reactive phosphorus levels significantly correlated with absolute rates of denitrification, but nir-gene abundances did not. However, nirS and nirK abundances significantly correlated with K den , as well as phosphorus, although no correlation was found between K den and nitrate. These data confirm that absolute denitrification rates are controlled by nitrate load, but intrinsic denitrification efficiency is linked to nirS and nirK gene abundances. - Denitrification efficiency best correlated to nirS and nirK gene abundances.

  2. Regulation and role of epiphytic nitrification and denitrification in macrophyte-dominated systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, Peder G.


    This thesis examines mechanisms regulating bacterial nitrification and denitrification in attached microbial communities on surfaces of aquatic macrophytes. It also evaluates the role of epiphytic nitrification and denitrification for the nitrogen turnover in macrophyte-dominated nutrient-rich freshwater. Epiphytic nitrification is promoted in light and epiphytic denitrification occurs mainly in dark, because the metabolic activity of the aquatic macrophyte and its epiphytes induce in light high and in dark low oxygen concentrations in epiphytic communities. Epiphytic nitrification and denitrification are also affected by the physical and chemical characteristics of the aquatic macrophyte. The spatial distribution of nitrification in emergent macrophyte wetlands is related to the species composition of the emergent vegetation, possibly because of a macrophyte species-related release of organic nitrification inhibitors. Contrasting to nitrifying bacteria, which are lithotrophic, denitrifying bacteria use organic substances as an energy source and are therefore stimulated by the release of organic matter from aquatic macrophytes. Epiphytic communities support more denitrification in nutrient-rich than in nutrient-poor environments. In lakes and ponds, epiphytic denitrification is higher at sheltered locations than at locations exposed to wind-induced water movements or currents. In flowing water, epiphytic denitrification occurs mainly at low oxygen concentrations in the surrounding water. However, because aquatic macrophytes impede water flow and induce low oxygen concentrations in dark, epiphytic denitrification can be present within dense vegetation despite of high oxygen concentrations in the surrounding water. Epiphytic nitrification is almost unaffected by flow conditions, and can occur both in light and in dark. In shallow-water systems such as treatment wetlands, aquatic macrophytes often provide most of the accessible surface area for attached nitrifying and

  3. Denitrification pathways and rates in the sandy sediments of the Georgia continental shelf, USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingall Ellery


    Full Text Available Denitrification in continental shelf sediments has been estimated to be a significant sink of oceanic fixed nitrogen (N. The significance and mechanisms of denitrification in organic-poor sands, which comprise 70% of continental shelf sediments, are not well known. Core incubations and isotope tracer techniques were employed to determine processes and rates of denitrification in the coarse-grained, sandy sediments of the Georgia continental shelf. In these sediments, heterotrophic denitrification was the dominant process for fixed N removal. Processes such as coupled nitrification-denitrification, anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation, and oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification-denitrification were not evident over the 24 and 48 h time scale of the incubation experiments. Heterotrophic denitrification processes produce 22.8–34.1 μmole N m-2 d-1 of N2 in these coarse-grained sediments. These denitrification rates are approximately two orders of magnitude lower than rates determined in fine-grained shelf sediments. These lower rates may help reconcile unbalanced marine N budgets which calculate global N losses exceeding N inputs.

  4. Effect of Volatile Fatty Acids and Trimethylamine on Denitrification in Activated Sludge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eilersen, Ann Marie; Henze, Mogens; Kløft, Lene


    The effect of volatile fatty acids and trimethylamine on denitrification activity of activated sludge was studied in laboratory batch experiments. Formic acid had no effect on the denitrification rates. Acetic acid, n-butyric acid and trimethylamine all enhanced the rates. Acetate is the compound...... wastewaters from fish, potato and onion industries all stimulated denitrification. Reject water from anaerobic treatment of excess sludge had no significant effect on the denitrification processes. For isobutyric, isovaleric and n-valeric acid the undissociated compounds appear to act as the inhibitor...... with the strongest effect, n-butyric acid has a moderate effect, while TMA only have a small effect in stimulating the rates. Propionic, isobutyric, n-valeric, isovaleric and caproic acid inhibit denitrification, nitrate reduction being more inhibited than nitrite reduction. The inhibitor concentration, KI, at which...

  5. Effect of growing plants on denitrification at high soil nitrate concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haider, K.; Mosier, A.; Heinemeyer, O.


    The availability of plant rhizosphere C deposits and its influence on microbial denitrification is not clearly defined. Conflicting reports as to the influence of plants and root exudation on denitrification continue to appear in the literature. The results of the authors earlier phytotron study indicated that denitrification was not stimulated in soils planted with corn or wheat compared to unplanted soils. Lower nitrate concentrations in the planted soils, however, may have led to misinterpretation of this data. A second study was conducted, to evaluate the effect of actively growing plants on denitrification where the NO 3 7 content of planted soils was maintained similar to unplanted soils. Simultaneously the C fixed by corn (Zea mays) and the fate of fertilizer N applied to the soil during the growing season were quantified. The corn was grown in a phytotron under a continuous supply of 14 CO 2 in 15 N fertilized soils to which 15 N-NO 3 - was added periodically during the growing season. The results of these studies showed that denitrification was not stimulated in soils planted with corn during active plant growth phase even when soil NO 3 - was relatively high. Denitrification was, however, greater in corn planted than unplanted soil when the recoverable root biomass began to decrease. Less N was immobilized and net 15 N immobilization was lower in planted soils than in unplanted soils. As denitrification was lower in planted soils during the time of active plant growth, the study suggests that root exudates did not stimulate either process

  6. Anaerobic columnar denitrification of high nitrate wastewater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, C.W.; Malone, C.D.


    Anaerobic columns were used to test the effectiveness of biological denitrification of nitrate solutions ranging in concentration from 1 to 10 kg NO 3 /m 3 . Several sources of nitrate (Ca(CNO 3 ) 2 , NaNO 3 , NH 4 NO 3 , and actual nitrate wastes from a UO 2 fuel fabrication plant) were evaluated as well as two packing media. The packing media were anthracite coal particles, whose effective diameter size ranged between 2 and 3 mm, and polypropylene Raschig rings 1.6 x 1.6 diameter. The anthracite coal proved to be the better packing media as excessive hydraulic short circuiting occurred in a 120 x 15 cm diameter glass column packed with the polypropylene rings after 40 days operation. With anthracite coal, floatation of the bed occurred at flow rates greater than 0.80 cm 3 /s. Tapered columns packed with anthracite coal eliminated the floatation problem, even at flow rates as high as 5 cm 3 /s. Under optimum operating conditions the anthracite coal behaved as a fluidized bed. Maximum denitrification rates were 1.0--1.4 g NO 3 /m 3 /s based on initial bed volume. Denitrification kinetics indicated that rates of denitrification became substrate inhibited at nitrate concentrations greater than 6.5 kg NO 3 /m 3 Anaerobic columns packed with anthracite coal appear to be an effective method of nitrate disposal for nitrate rich wastewater generated at UO 2 fuel fabrication plants and fuel reprocessing facilities. (U.S.)

  7. Denitrification in the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.; Noronha, R.J.; Reddy, C.V.G.

    deficits because the approach requires denitrification to be restricted to Persian Gulf water. A method involving oxidative ratios has been modified and used to calculate nitrate deficits. The deficits so calculated lie between the values reported earlier...

  8. Testing our understanding of Arctic denitrification using MIPAS-E satellite measurements in winter 2002/2003

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Davies


    Full Text Available Observations of gas-phase HNO3 and N2O in the polar stratosphere from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding aboard the ENVISAT satellite (MIPAS-E were made during the cold Arctic winter of 2002/2003. Vortex temperatures were unusually low in early winter and remained favourable for polar stratospheric cloud formation and denitrification until mid-January. MIPAS-E observations provide the first dataset with sufficient coverage of the polar vortex in mid-winter which enables a reasonable estimate of the timing of onset and spatial distribution of denitrification of the Arctic lower stratosphere to be performed. We use the observations from MIPAS-E to test the evolution of denitrification in the DLAPSE (Denitrification by Lagrangian Particle Sedimentation microphysical denitrification model coupled to the SLIMCAT chemical transport model. In addition, the predicted denitrification from a simple equilibrium nitric acid trihydrate-based scheme is also compared with MIPAS-E. Modelled denitrification is compared with in-vortex NOy and N2O observations from the balloon-borne MarkIV interferometer in mid-December. Denitrification was clearly observed by MIPAS-E in mid-December 2002 and reached 80% in the core of the vortex by early January 2003. The DLAPSE model is broadly able to capture both the timing of onset and the spatial distribution of the observed denitrification. A simple thermodynamic equilibrium scheme is able to reproduce the observed denitrification in the core of the vortex but overestimates denitrification closer to the vortex edge. This study also suggests that the onset of denitrification in simple thermodynamic schemes may be earlier than in the MIPAS-E observations.

  9. Denitrification gene density across a wastewater-impacted riparian buffer zone (United States)

    Riparian buffers are a best management practice used extensively to protect water bodies from agriculturally-generated nitrate pollution. In particular, the biological process of denitrification has been shown to be a sink for this nitrate. Denitrification results in the reduction of nitrate under a...

  10. Nitrate removal in stream ecosystems measured by 15N addition experiments: Denitrification (United States)

    Mulholland, P.J.; Hall, R.O.; Sobota, D.J.; Dodds, W.K.; Findlay, S.E.G.; Grimm, N. B.; Hamilton, S.K.; McDowell, W.H.; O'Brien, J. M.; Tank, J.L.; Ashkenas, L.R.; Cooper, L.W.; Dahm, Clifford N.; Gregory, S.V.; Johnson, S.L.; Meyer, J.L.; Peterson, B.J.; Poole, G.C.; Valett, H.M.; Webster, J.R.; Arango, C.P.; Beaulieu, J.J.; Bernot, M.J.; Burgin, A.J.; Crenshaw, C.L.; Helton, A.M.; Johnson, L.T.; Niederlehner, B.R.; Potter, J.D.; Sheibley, R.W.; Thomasn, S.M.


    We measured denitrification rates using a field 15N-NO- 3 tracer-addition approach in a large, cross-site study of nitrate uptake in reference, agricultural, and suburban-urban streams. We measured denitrification rates in 49 of 72 streams studied. Uptake length due to denitrification (SWden) ranged from 89 m to 184 km (median of 9050 m) and there were no significant differences among regions or land-use categories, likely because of the wide range of conditions within each region and land use. N2 production rates far exceeded N2O production rates in all streams. The fraction of total NO-3 removal from water due to denitrification ranged from 0.5% to 100% among streams (median of 16%), and was related to NHz 4 concentration and ecosystem respiration rate (ER). Multivariate approaches showed that the most important factors controlling SWden were specific discharge (discharge / width) and NO-3 concentration (positive effects), and ER and transient storage zones (negative effects). The relationship between areal denitrification rate (Uden) and NO- 3 concentration indicated a partial saturation effect. A power function with an exponent of 0.5 described this relationship better than a Michaelis-Menten equation. Although Uden increased with increasing NO- 3 concentration, the efficiency of NO-3 removal from water via denitrification declined, resulting in a smaller proportion of streamwater NO-3 load removed over a given length of stream. Regional differences in stream denitrification rates were small relative to the proximate factors of NO-3 concentration and ecosystem respiration rate, and land use was an important but indirect control on denitrification in streams, primarily via its effect on NO-3 concentration. ?? 2009.

  11. Silage seepage and water protection. Production and recovery of silage seepage from animal feed and biomass for biogas plants. 7. ed.; Silagesickersaft und Gewaesserschutz. Anfall und Verwertung von Silagesickersaft aus Futtermitteln und Biomasse fuer Biogasanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spiekers, Hubert [Bayerische Landesanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft (LfL), Freising-Weihenstephan (Germany); Attenberger, Erwin [Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Augsburg (Germany)


    The production of silage is now standard and an important basis for a successful milk and beef production. Silage is also needed in agricultural biogas plants as a substrate for energy production. This publication is intended to serve agriculture as a source of information and guidance document for the construction and operation of silos and the administration as an orientating work aid. The factors influencing the accumulation of silage seepage and the possibilities of prevention in silage and silage management are presented and evaluated from environmental and legal perspective. [German] Die Produktion von Silage ist heute Standard und eine wichtige Grundlage fuer eine erfolgreiche Milch- und Rindfleischerzeugung. Silage wird auch in landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen als Substrat zur Energieerzeugung benoetigt. Die vorliegende Publikation soll der Landwirtschaft als Informationsquelle und Handlungsanleitung fuer den Bau und Betrieb von Siloanlagen und der Verwaltung als orientierende Arbeitshilfe dienen. Die Einflussgroessen auf den Anfall an Sickersaeften und die Moeglichkeiten der Vermeidung bei der Silierung und dem Silagemanagement werden dargestellt und aus umwelt- und rechtlicher Sicht bewertet.

  12. Denitrification gene expression in clay-soil bacterial community (United States)

    Pastorelli, R.; Landi, S.


    Our contribution in the Italian research project SOILSINK was focused on microbial denitrification gene expression in Mediterranean agricultural soils. In ecosystems with high inputs of nitrogen, such as agricultural soils, denitrification causes a net loss of nitrogen since nitrate is reduced to gaseous forms, which are released into the atmosphere. Moreover, incomplete denitrification can lead to emission of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming and destruction of ozone layer. A critical role in denitrification is played by microorganisms and the ability to denitrify is widespread among a variety of phylogenetically unrelated organisms. Data reported here are referred to wheat cultivation in a clay-rich soil under different environmental impact management (Agugliano, AN, Italy). We analysed the RNA directly extracted from soil to provide information on in situ activities of specific populations. The expression of genes coding for two nitrate reductases (narG and napA), two nitrite reductases (nirS and nirK), two nitric oxide reductases (cnorB and qnorB) and nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) was analyzed by reverse transcription (RT)-nested PCR. Only napA, nirS, nirK, qnorB and nosZ were detected and fragments sequenced showed high similarity with the corresponding gene sequences deposited in GenBank database. These results suggest the suitability of the method for the qualitative detection of denitrifying bacteria in environmental samples and they offered us the possibility to perform the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyzes for denitrification genes.. Earlier conclusions showed nirK gene is more widely distributed in soil environment than nirS gene. The results concerning the nosZ expression indicated that microbial activity was clearly present only in no-tilled and no-fertilized soils.

  13. Denitrification as the dominant nitrogen loss process in the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Ward, B.B.; Devol, A.H.; Rich, J.J.; Chang, B.X.; Bulow, S.E.; Naik, H.; Pratihary, A.K.; Jayakumar, A.

    experiments in the Arabian Sea denitrification is responsible for 87-99% of the total N sub(2) production. The dominance of denitrification is reproducible using two independent isotope incubation methods. In contrast, anammox is dominant in the Eastern...

  14. The development and application of SCR denitrification technology in power plant (United States)

    Wu, Junnan


    In recent decades, the emission of the nitrogen oxides (NOX) has been increasing with the years of the thermal power plant. The environment pollution caused by the emission of quantities of nitrogen oxides became more and more serious, so people now put more emphasis on the control of the emission of the nitrogen oxides. Especially, our country and the society are paying much more attention to the environment protection and the environment problems cannot be neglected. In this paper, we introduced the related research background of the technology of SCR denitrification which was as the symbol of the technology of the catalytic denitrification and discussed the reaction principles of the SCR denitrification and frequently used catalysts, the process of the technology, and the configuration. In the end, we pointed the way of the future research of the technology of the SCR denitrification.

  15. Screening identification of aerobic denitrification bacteria with high soil desalinization capacity (United States)

    Jin, H.; Chen, H.; Jin, H.; Qian, Y.; Zhang, K.


    In order to study the mechanism of bacteria used in the saline soil remediation process, the aerobic denitrification bacteria were isolated from an agricultural greenhouse soil in a farm in East China’s Zhejiang Province. The identification, nitrogen reducing characteristics and the denitrification effect of bacteria from different soils at various locations were investigated. The results showed that the NO3- removal rate was 91% with bacteria from the greenhouse soil under aerobic conditions in 52 h, and the bacteria were identified as Gram-positive Castellaniella denitrification bacteria.

  16. Operation of a fluidized-bed bioreactor for denitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hancher, C.W.; Taylor, P.A.; Napier, J.M.


    Two denitrification fluidized-bed bioreactors of the same length (i.e., 5 m) but with different inside diameters (i.e., 5 and 10 cm) have been operated on feed ranging in nitrate concentration from 200 to 2000 g/m 3 ; thus far, good agreement has been obtained. Two 10-cm-ID bioreactors operating in series have also been tested; the results are in accordance with predicted results based on the performance of a 5-cm-ID bioreactor. The overall denitrification rate in the dual 10-cm-ID bioreactor system was found to be 23 kg N(NO 3 - )/day-m 3 using feed with a nitrate concentration of 1800 g/m 3 . Data obtained in operating-temperature tests indicate that the maximum denitrification rate is achieved between 22 and 30 0 C. These data will form the basis of the design of our mobile pilot plant which consists of dual 20-cm-ID by 7.3-m-long bioreactors

  17. Denitrification prevails over anammox in tropical mangrove sediments (Goa, India)

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Fernandes, S.O.; Michotey, V.D.; Guasco, S.; Bonin, P.C.; LokaBharathi, P.A.

    denitrification as the main process of N sub(2) production in mangrove sediments. At Divar, denitrification was approx 3 times higher than at Tuvem with maximum activity of 224.51 + or -6.63 nmol N sub(2) g sup(−1) h sup(−1) at 0–2 cm. Denitrifying genes (nos...

  18. Nitrous oxide emissions and denitrification rates: A blueprint for smart management and remediation of agricultural landscapes. (United States)

    Tomasek, A.; Hondzo, M.; Kozarek, J. L.


    Anthropogenic activities have greatly altered the global nitrogen cycle, especially in the agriculturally dominated Midwest, with severe consequences on human and aquatic health. Complete microbial denitrification can be viewed as a nitrogen sink, converting soluble nitrate into inert nitrogen gas. This research aims to quantify and correlate the driving parameters in microbial denitrification and explore the relationship to the abundance of denitrifying genes and the microbial communities at these sites. Denitrifying genes for each step in the denitrification process have been quantified. Data from a field site in Southern Minnesota has been collected throughout the season for two years enabling investigation into the temporal variability of denitrification. Data was collected at two cross-sections across the channel to determine the effect of bank location and moisture content on denitrification. Data were collected in an experimental basin in the summer of 2015 to determine the effect of flooding and benthic organic matter content and quality on microbial denitrification and nitrous oxide production. Four sediment types were investigated in three different flood regimes. After each raising or lowering of the water level, soil cores were taken to determine soil characteristics, the potential denitrification using the denitrification enzyme activity method, nitrous oxide production using a static core method, and the denitrifying gene abundance. Chambers were also deployed over each soil amendment in each flood regime to determine the nitrous oxide production over time. Results from these studies will convey a more complete explanation of denitrification and nitrous oxide production under varying environmental conditions. By determining the driving parameters for microbial denitrification, denitrification hot spots and hot moments can be created and enhanced. One potential consequence of increased denitrification is the possibility of incomplete denitrification

  19. Prozessentwicklung und Produktion von Wirkstoff-Metaboliten durch Ganzzellbiotransformation im Gramm-Maßstab mit humanem Cytochrom P450 exprimiert in E. coli


    Jahn, Berengar


    Cytochrom P450 (CYP) umfasst eine ubiquitär verbreitete Enzymüberfamilie mit einem sehr breiten Substrat- und Reaktionsspektrum. Im menschlichen Körper spielt CYP im Stoffwechsel von Medikamenten eine zentrale Rolle. In der pharmazeutischen Forschung werden aufgereinigte Wirkstoff-Metaboliten für die Strukturaufklärung, als Vergleichsstandard für die Pharmakokinetik und für die Klärung toxikologischer Risiken im Rahmen der Arzneimittelzulassung benötigt. Bisherige chemische oder mikrobiologis...

  20. Design of fluidized-bed, biological denitrification systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patton, B.D.; Hancher, C.W.; Pitt, W.W.; Walker, J.F.


    Many commercial processes yield nitrate-containing wastewaters that are being discharged to the environment because traditional recovery or disposal methods are economically unacceptable. The anticipated discharge limits (i.e., 10 to 20 g (NO 3 - )/m 3 ) being considered by many states will not allow continued release of these wastewaters. The new discharge standards can be met economically by use of the fluidizied-bed, biological denitrification process. Research and development studies were conducted with 0.05-, 0.10-, 0.20-, and 0.50-m-diam fluidized-bed bioreactor systems. Feed nitrate concentrations were in the 0 to 10,000 g (NO 3 - )/m 3 range. Using the data from these studies, rate expressions were developed for the destruction of nitrate as a function of nitrate concentration. Methods were also developed for sizing bioreactors and biomass control systems. The sizing methods for fluidized-bed denitrification systems are described, and support systems such as sampling and analysis, instrumentation and controls, utilities, and bacteria storage are discussed. Operation of the process is also briefly discussed to aid the designer. Using the methods presented in this report, fluidized-bed, biological denitrification systems can be designed to treat nitrate wastewater streams

  1. Denitrification and potential nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide production in brownfield wetland soils. (United States)

    Palta, Monica M; Ehrenfeld, Joan G; Groffman, Peter M


    Brownfields, previously developed sites that are derelict, vacant, or underused, are ubiquitous in urban areas. Wetlands on brownfields often retain rain and stormwater longer than the surrounding landscape because they are low-lying; this increases the possibility for these areas to process waterborne contaminants from the urban environment. In the northeastern United States, atmospheric deposition of nitrate (NO) is high. Denitrification, a microbial process common in wetlands, is a means of removing excess NO. Nitrogen gas is the desired end product of denitrification, but incomplete denitrification results in the production of NO, a greenhouse gas. The goal of this study was to investigate the potential of brownfield wetlands to serve as sinks for inorganic nitrogen and sources of greenhouse gases. We examined limitations to denitrification and NO production in brownfield wetland soils in New Jersey. Soil C:N ratios were high (18-40) and intact core denitrification (-0.78 to 11.6 μg NO-N kg dry soil d) and N mineralization (0.11-2.97 mg N kg dry soil d) were low for all sites. However, soil NO increased during dry periods. Nitrate additions to soil slurries increased denitrification rates, whereas labile C additions did not, indicating that soil denitrifiers were nitrogen limited. Incubations indicated that the end product of denitrification was primarily NO and not N. These results indicate that brownfield wetlands can develop significant denitrification capacity, potentially causing NO limitation. They might be significant sinks for atmospheric NO but may also become a significant source of NO if NO deposition were to increase. Copyright © by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.

  2. Compaction stimulates denitrification in an urban park soil using 15N tracing technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Shun; Deng, Huan; Rensing, Christopher Günther T


    Soils in urban areas are subjected to compaction with accelerating urbanization. The effects of anthropogenic compaction on urban soil denitrification are largely unknown. We conducted a study on an urban park soil to investigate how compaction impacts denitrification. By using 15N labeling method...... and acetylene inhibition technique, we performed three coherent incubation experiments to quantify denitrification in compacted soil under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Uncompacted soil was set as the control treatment. When monitoring soil incubation without extra substrate, higher nitrous oxide (N2O......) flux and denitrification enzyme activity were observed in the compacted soil than in the uncompacted soil. In aerobic incubation with the addition of K15NO3, N2O production in the compacted soil reached 10.11 ng N h-1 g-1 as compared to 0.02 ng N h-1 g-1 in the uncompacted soil. Denitrification...

  3. Nitric oxide in denitrification - an elusive signal molecule emitted from soil (United States)

    Bakken, L. R.; Frostegard, A.


    Soils emit variable amounts of NO and N2O, with environmental consequences (atmosphere chemistry and global warming). Nitrification was for some time considered the main source of NO emission, but several investigations have indicated that denitrification may be a potent source as well. However, strong emission of NO from denitrifying organisms is in some conflict with common understanding of the role of NO in the regulation of denitrification, as based on paradigm model strains. NO appears to be an important signal molecule for denitrifying organisms by exerting a positive feedback on the expression of the genes coding for denitrification. On the other hand, a careful control of the NO concentrations at nanomolar concentrations has long been considered an essential fitness character for denitrifying organisms, since micromolar concentrations of NO is toxic to many organisms. For the same reason, organisms lacking genes encoding NO reductase (NOR) have been considered unfit for denitrification. This view is challenged by isolation of organisms whose primary product of denitrification is NO, either because they lack the genes for NO reductase, or because their synthesis of the denitrification proteome is extremely unbalanced, resulting in transient NO accumulation to micromolar concentrations when grown in pure culture. Such paralyzing NO concentrations are probably never reached in natural environments, however, due to diffusion and NO-absorption by adjacent organisms, be it by NOR or other NO scavenging enzymes. Hypothetically, the production of NO by denitrifying organisms may be an advantage by fending off nearby competitors. We have embarked on a comparative study of denitrification phenotypes regarding their denitrification gene expression and control of NO and N2O concentrations in response to anoxic spells. This includes model strains (Paracoccus denitrificans and Agrobacterium tumefaciens) and recently isolated strains within several genera. Some are found

  4. Denitrification of fertilizer wastewater at high chloride concentration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ucisik, Ahmed Süheyl; Henze, Mogens

    Wastewater from fertilizer industry is characterized by high contents of chloride concentration, which normally vary between 60 and 76 g/l. Experiments with bilogical denitrification were performed in lab-scale "fill and draw" reactors with synthetic wastewater with chloride concentrations up to 77.......4 g/l. The results of the experiments showed that biological denitrification was feasible at the extreme environmental conditions prevailing in fertilizer wastewater. Stable continuous biological denitrfication of the synthetic high chloride wastewater was performed up to 77.4 g Cl/l at 37 degree C...

  5. Heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification bacterium ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 18, 2011 ... nutrient agar plates 3 times from the enrichment liquid medium. The isolates ..... growing in the logarithmic phase, the decomposition rate was higher than .... denitrification in bench-scale sequencing batch reactors. Water Res.

  6. Simulation of three-phase fluidized bioreactors for denitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamza, A.V.; Dolan, J.F.; Wong, E.W.


    Fluidized-bed bioreactors were developed and operated at three scales (diameters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 m) by the Chemical Technology Division. The performance of these reactors in denitrification was simulated using the following modified form of Monod kinetics to describe the reaction kinetics: rate = V/sub max/ (NO 3 - /K/sub s/ + NO 3 - ) (% biomass). In the fluids-movement portion of the simulation the tanks-in-series approximation to backmixing was used. This approach yielded a V/sub max/ of 3.5 g/m 3 -min (% biomass) and a K/sub s/ of 163 g/m 3 for the 0.5-m bioreactor. Values of V/sub max/ and K/sub s/ were also determined for data derived from the 0.1-m bioreactor, but inadequate RTD data reduced the confidence level in these results. A complication in denitrification is the multi-step nature of the reduction from nitrate to nitrite to hyponitrite and finally to nitrogen. An experimental study of the effect of biomass loading upon denitrification was begun. It is recommended that the experimental work be continued

  7. Denitrification in the Arabian Sea: A 3D ecosystem modelling study (United States)

    Anderson, Thomas R.; Ryabchenko, Vladimir A.; Fasham, Michael J. R.; Gorchakov, Victor A.


    A three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecosystem model was used to examine the factors determining the spatio-temporal distribution of denitrification in the Arabian Sea. The ecosystem model includes carbon and nitrogen as currencies, cycling of organic matter via detritus and dissolved organic matter, and both remineralization and denitrification as sinks for material exported below the euphotic zone. Model results captured the marked seasonality in plankton dynamics of the region, with characteristic blooms of chlorophyll in the coastal upwelling regions and central Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon, and also in the northern Arabian Sea during the northeast monsoon as the mixed layer shoals. Predicted denitrification was 26.2 Tg N yr -1,the greatest seasonal contribution being during the northeast monsoon when primary production is co-located with the zone of anoxia. Detritus was the primary organic substrate consumed in denitrification (97%), with a small (3%) contribution by dissolved organic matter. Denitrification in the oxygen minimum zone was predicted to be fuelled almost entirely by organic matter supplied by particles sinking vertically from the euphotic zone above (0.73 mmol N m -2 d -1) rather than from lateral transport of organic matter from elsewhere in the Arabian Sea (less than 0.01 mmol N m -2 d -1). Analysis of the carbon budget in the zone of denitrification (north of 10°N and east of 55°E) indicates that the modelled vertical export flux of detritus, which is similar in magnitude to estimates from field data based on the 234Th method, is sufficient to account for measured bacterial production below the euphotic zone in the Arabian Sea.

  8. Denitrification coupled with methane anoxic oxidation and microbial community involved identification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Medici Frayne Cuba


    Full Text Available In this work, the biological denitrification associated with anoxic oxidation of methane and the microbial diversity involved were studied. Kinetic tests for nitrate (NO3- and nitrite (NO2- removal and methane uptake were carried out in 100 mL batch reactors incubated in a shaker (40 rpm at 30 ºC. Denitrificant/methanotrophic biomass was taken from a laboratory scale reactor fed with synthetic nitrified substrates (40 mgN L-1 of NO3- and subsequently NO2- and methane as carbon source. Results obtained from nitrate removal followed a first order reaction, presenting a kinetic apparent constant (kNO3 of 0.0577±0.0057d-1. Two notable points of the denitrification rate (0.12gNO3--N g-1 AVS d-1 and 0.07gNO3--N g-1 AVS d-1 were observed in the beginning and on the seventh day of operation. When nitrite was added as an electron acceptor, denitrification rates were improved, presenting an apparent kinetic constant (kNO2 of 0.0722±0.0044d-1, a maximum denitrification rate of 0.6gNO2--N g-1AVS d-1, and minimum denitrification rate of 0.1gNO2--N g-1AVS d-1 at the beginning and end of the test, respectively. Endogenous material supporting denitrification and methane concentration dissolved in the substrate was discarded from the control experiments in the absence of methane and seed, respectively. Methylomonas sp. was identified in the reactors fed with nitrate and nitrite as well as uncultured bacterium.

  9. Denitrification and Ecosystem Services: Mapping and Modeling Conservation Effects (United States)

    Morris, C. K.; Walter, T.


    Precision conservation is the latest effort to increase higher efficiency in agricultural best management practices by considering the spatial and temporal variability in agroecosystems. The authors have developed a framework for incorporating the ecosystem service of denitrification into an existing precision conservation mapping tool. The model identifies areas of denitirification and quantifies potential denitrification when a conservation practice is adopted. The methodology is being tested in a small subwatershed in the Upper Susquehanna Basin of New York State.

  10. Comparison of Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification for Three Different Reactors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. Khanitchaidecha


    Full Text Available Discharge of high NH4-N containing wastewater into water bodies has become a critical and serious issue due to its negative impact on water and environmental quality. In this research, the performance of three different reactors was assessed and compared with regard to the removal of NH4-N from wastewater. The highest nitrogen removal efficiency of 98.3% was found when the entrapped sludge reactor (ESR, in which the sludge was entrapped in polyethylene glycol polymer, was used. Under intermittent aeration, nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously in the aerobic and anaerobic periods. Moreover, internal carbon was consumed efficiently for denitrification. On the other hand, internal carbon consumption was not found to occur in the suspended sludge reactor (SSR and the mixed sludge reactor (MSR and this resulted in nitrogen removal efficiencies of SSR and MSR being 64.7 and 45.1%, respectively. Nitrification and denitrification were the main nitrogen removal processes in the aerobic and anaerobic periods, respectively. However, due to the absence of sufficient organic carbon, denitrification was uncompleted resulting in high NO3-N contents in the effluent.

  11. Soja og palmeolie – certificeringsordninger til dokumentation af bæredygtighed i forbindelse med produktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, John Erik; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Sørensen, Janni Merete

    Danmark importerer betydelige mængder soja og palmeolieprodukter, der er produceret under vilkår, der ikke er godkendt i EU, og som kan have væsentlige negative konsekvenser for landbefolkningens sundhed samt miljø- og naturforhold. I nærværende rapport fra DCA – Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og...... Jordbrug, Aarhus Universitet, der er udarbejdet på anmodning fra Fødevareministeriet, gennemgås foreliggende dokumentation om produktionsforholdene samt aspekter vedrørende certificering af forbedrede metoder i forbindelse med produktion af soya og palmeolie...

  12. Marine denitrification rates determined from a global 3-D inverse model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. DeVries


    Full Text Available A major impediment to understanding long-term changes in the marine nitrogen (N cycle is the persistent uncertainty about the rates, distribution, and sensitivity of its largest fluxes in the modern ocean. We use a global ocean circulation model to obtain the first 3-D estimate of marine denitrification rates that is maximally consistent with available observations of nitrate deficits and the nitrogen isotopic ratio of oceanic nitrate. We find a global rate of marine denitrification in suboxic waters and sediments of 120–240 Tg N yr−1, which is lower than many other recent estimates. The difference stems from the ability to represent the 3-D spatial structure of suboxic zones, where denitrification rates of 50–77 Tg N yr−1 result in up to 50% depletion of nitrate. This depletion reduces the effect of local isotopic enrichment on the rest of the ocean, allowing the N isotope ratio of oceanic nitrate to be achieved with a sedimentary denitrification rate about 1.3–2.3 times that of suboxic zones. This balance of N losses between sediments and suboxic zones is shown to obey a simple relationship between isotope fractionation and the degree of nitrate consumption in the core of the suboxic zones. The global denitrification rates derived here suggest that the marine nitrogen budget is likely close to balanced.

  13. The effect of floating vegetation on denitrification and greenhouse gas production in wetland mesocosms (United States)

    Jacobs, A. E.; Harrison, J. A.


    Anthropogenic intensification of nitrogen (N) loading to aquatic ecosystems is widespread and can lead to the degradation of these systems. Wetlands are important sites for N removal via denitrification, the microbially mediated reduction of reactive nitrate to inert N2 gas, but they can also produce high levels of greenhouse gases. Floating plants play an important role in encouraging denitrification, since they create low oxygen conditions that may favor denitrification. We investigated whether wetland sediments with floating plant cover had higher denitrification and greenhouse gas production rates than wetland sediments without floating plants. Replicate flow-through mesocosms with wetland sediment and water were constructed in a growth chamber to mimic the wetland where the sediment and water were collected. Mesocosm treatments were covered with floating vegetation (duckweed), an opaque tarp, or no cover to determine how cover type affects denitrification and greenhouse gas production and whether biotic or abiotic factors are likely responsible for observed differences. Denitrification and greenhouse gas production rates were calculated by measuring excess N2 gas, methane, and nitrous oxide concentrations in the water column and measuring the gas exchange rates between the water column and the atmosphere. Gas exchange rates were measured using an inert volatile tracer added to the water column and accumulation of gas in the mesocosm headspace. Additional mesocosm experiments were performed to determine how duckweed-dominated wetland systems respond to nitrogen loading and which mechanism for lowering dissolved oxygen concentrations is important in affecting denitrification under floating vegetation. Mesocosms with floating vegetation had lower dissolved oxygen than no cover or tarp-covered mesocosms, which is consistent with field and literature observations. Water flowing out of the mesocosms had statistically lower total nitrogen and nitrate concentrations

  14. Effect of Temperature on Oxygen Profiles and Denitrification Rates in Freshwater Sediments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein, de Jeroen J.M.; Overbeek, Ciska C.; Juncher Jørgensen, Christian


    Vegetated ditches and wetlands are important sites for nutrient removal in agricultural catchments. About half of the influx of inorganic nitrogen can be removed from these ecosystems by denitrification. Previous studies have shown that denitrification in aquatic ecosystems is strongly temperature

  15. Denitrification processes in the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.

    rate in the vicinity of 30 Tg Ny@u-1@@, but the extent of benthic contribution remains unknown. A decoupling of denitrification from primary production, unique to the Arabian Sea, is revealed by nitrite, Electron Transport System (ETS) activity...

  16. Thermotropic layers for glazing of windows, facades and solar collectors. Final report; Thermotrope Systeme fuer Verglasung von Fenstern, Fassaden und Solarkollektoren. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jahns, E.; Gerst, M.; Nitz, P. [BASF AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany); Grochal, P.; Raicu, A. [Sto AG, Stuehlingen (Germany); Blessing, R.; Wilson, H.R. [INTERPANE Entwicklungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft mbH und Co. KG, Lauenfoerde (Germany); Wittwer, V.; Fuchs, K. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Solare Energiesysteme (ISE), Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)


    Increased use of solar energy is needed to save heating energy. In the German climate, however, passive use of solar energy with windows and facades in summer is also accompanied by the risk of overheating the living areas. Simple, automatically regulating systems to protect against overheating are not commercially available at present. The project, `Thermotropic Layers for Glazing of Windows, Facades and Solar Collectors`, aimed to develop thermotropic shading systems for windows, facades and solar collectors. Thermotropic hydrogels and polymer blends were developed, large-area samples produced and characterised under practice-relevant conditions. Building simulations proved that with the help of the polymer systems developed, heating costs can be saved by passive use of solar energy. The knowledge gained has not yet resulted in a commercially marketable product. Processing of large-area products and lifetime testing could not be brought to completion within the project duration. The project partners have thus lodged an application for funding by BMBF (German Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology) to continue the work. (orig.) [Deutsch] Zur Heizkostenersparnis ist der verstaerkte Einsatz von Sonnenenergie notwendig. In unserem Klima birgt die passive Nutzung von Sonnenenergie ueber Fenster und Fassaden im Sommer aber die Gefahr der Ueberhitzung der Wohnraeume. Einfache, selbstregelnde Systeme als Ueberhitzungsschutz sind zur Zeit am Markt nicht erhaeltlich. Das Projekt `Thermotrope Schichten fuer Verglasung von Fenstern, Fassaden und Solarkollektoren` hatte die Entwicklung von thermotropen Abschattungssystemen fuer Fenster, Fassaden und Sonnenkollektoren zum Ziel. Es wurden thermotrope Hydrogele und Polymerblends entwickelt, flaechige Muster hergestellt und in anwendungsnahen Pruefungen charakterisiert. Gebaeudesimulationen erbrachten den Nachweis, dass mit den entwickelten Polymersystemen eine Heizkostenersparnis durch passive

  17. Transport zonation limits coupled nitrification-denitrification in permeable sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessler, Adam John; Glud, R.N.; Cardenas, M.B.


    - and N-15-N-2 gas. The measured two-dimensional profiles correlate with computational model simulations, showing a deep pool of N-2 gas forming, and being advected to the surface below ripple peaks. Further isotope pairing calculations on these data indicate that coupled nitrification......-denitrification is severely limited in permeable sediments because the flow and transport field limits interaction between oxic and anoxic pore water. The approach allowed for new detailed insight into subsurface denitrification zones in complex permeable sediments....

  18. Copepod carcasses as microbial hot spots for pelagic denitrification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glud, Ronnie N.; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Larsen, Morten


    Copepods are exposed to a high non-predatory mortality and their decomposing carcasses act as microniches with intensified microbial activity. Sinking carcasses could thereby represent anoxic microenvironment sustaining anaerobic microbial pathways in otherwise oxic water columns. Using non...... investigated carcass samples and thereby documented the potential for microbial denitrification in carcasses. The nirS gene was occasionally expressed in live copepods, but not as consistently as in carcasses. Incubations of sinking carcasses in 15NO2 3 amended seawater demonstrated denitrification, of which...

  19. Using rates of oxygen and nitrate reduction to map the subsurface distribution of groundwater denitrification (United States)

    Kolbe, T.; De Dreuzy, J. R.; Abbott, B. W.; Aquilina, L.; Babey, T.; Green, C. T.; Fleckenstein, J. H.; Labasque, T.; Laverman, A.; Marçais, J.; Peiffer, S.; Thomas, Z.; Pinay, G.


    Widespread fertilizer application over the last 70 years has caused serious ecological and socioeconomic problems in aquatic and estuarine ecosystems. When surplus nitrogen leaches as nitrate (a major groundwater pollutant) to the aquifer, complex flow dynamics and naturally occurring degradation processes control its transport. Under the conditions of depleted oxygen and abundant electron donors, microorganisms reduce NO3- to N2 (denitrification). Denitrification rates vary over orders of magnitude among sites within the same aquifer, complicating estimation of denitrification capacity at the catchment scale. Because it is impractical or impossible to access the subsurface to directly quantify denitrification rates, reactivity is often assumed to occur continuous along flowlines, potentially resulting in substantial over- or underestimation of denitrification. Here we investigated denitrification in an unconfined crystalline aquifer in western France using a combination of common tracers (chlorofluorocarbons, O2, NO3-, and N2) measured in 16 wells to inform a time-based modeling approach. We found that spatially variable denitrification rates arise from the intersection of nitrate rich water with reactive zones defined by the abundance of electron donors (primarily pyrite). Furthermore, based on observed reaction rates of the sequential reduction of oxygen and nitrate, we present a general framework to estimate the location and intensity of the reactive zone in aquifers. Accounting for the vertical distribution of reaction rates results in large differences in estimations of net denitrification rates that assume homogeneous reactivity. This new framework provides a tractable approach for quantifying catchment and regional groundwater denitrification rates that could be used to improve estimation of groundwater resilience to nitrate pollution and develop more realistic management strategies.

  20. Modeling nitrous oxide production and reduction in soil through explicit representation of denitrification enzyme kinetics. (United States)

    Zheng, Jianqiu; Doskey, Paul V


    An enzyme-explicit denitrification model with representations for pre- and de novo synthesized enzymes was developed to improve predictions of nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulations in soil and emissions from the surface. The metabolic model of denitrification is based on dual-substrate utilization and Monod growth kinetics. Enzyme synthesis/activation was incorporated into each sequential reduction step of denitrification to regulate dynamics of the denitrifier population and the active enzyme pool, which controlled the rate function. Parameterizations were developed from observations of the dynamics of N2O production and reduction in soil incubation experiments. The model successfully reproduced the dynamics of N2O and N2 accumulation in the incubations and revealed an important regulatory effect of denitrification enzyme kinetics on the accumulation of denitrification products. Pre-synthesized denitrification enzymes contributed 20, 13, 43, and 62% of N2O that accumulated in 48 h incubations of soil collected from depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, and 15-25 cm, respectively. An enzyme activity function (E) was defined to estimate the relative concentration of active enzymes and variation in response to environmental conditions. The value of E allows for activities of pre-synthesized denitrification enzymes to be differentiated from de novo synthesized enzymes. Incorporating explicit representations of denitrification enzyme kinetics into biogeochemical models is a promising approach for accurately simulating dynamics of the production and reduction of N2O in soils.

  1. Relationships Between Denitrifier Abundance, Denitrifier Diversity and Denitrification in Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone Sediments. (United States)

    Proctor, L. M.; Childs, C.; MacAuley, S.


    The largest zone of anthropogenic bottom water hypoxia in the Western Hemisphere occurs seasonally in the northern Gulf of Mexico. This hypoxic zone reaches its greatest extent in the summer months and is a consequence of seasonal stratification of the water column combined with the decomposition of organic matter derived from accelerated rates of primary production. The enhanced primary production is driven by inorganic nitrogen input from the Mississippi River and these conditions would seem ideal for supporting high levels of denitrification. Yet sediment denitrification exhibited a wide range, even at the height of the seasonal hypoxia. Therefore, we compared benthic denitrifier abundances and denitrifier diversity at several stations over two seasons exhibiting extremes in denitrification to evaluate the relationship between abundances, diversity and denitrification levels. Sediment denitrification ranged from 20 to 100 umol m-2 h-1, with rates in July, 2000 approximately half that observed in July, 2001. The highest rates were generally observed at stations with bottom water DO concentrations between 1 and 3 mg l-1. Relative denitrifier abundances, using nirS and nirK as proxies for denitrifiers, suggested a direct relationship between abundances and denitrification while denitrifier diversity, measured by T-RFLPs of nirS and nirK, suggested an inverse relationship between diversity and denitrification. These results suggest that several factors are important in understanding what controls denitrification in Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone sediments.

  2. Glacial-Holocene variability in pelagic denitrification and OMZ intensity along the NW Mexican Margin (United States)

    Ontiveros Cuadras, J. F.; Thunell, R.; Ruiz-Fernandez, A. C.; Machain-Castillo, M. L.; Tappa, E.


    Denitrification of fixed nitrogen represents a substantial loss of bioavailable nitrogen from the ocean, thus playing a major role in the global nitrogen cycle. Water-column (pelagic) denitrification occurs mostly in the oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), which are situated beneath coastal upwelling areas that are characterized by high settling fluxes of organic detritus and high rates of oxygen utilization from remineralization. Our study uses biogenic components (total organic carbon and opal) and δ15N values of sediments from the NW Mexican Margin to reconstruct variations in denitrification and strength of the OMZ in the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) for the last 36,000 years. During the last glacial period (LGM, 23-18 kyr) the associations between relatively low δ15N values (7-8‰) and low TOC (2-4%) and opal (1-4%) content indicates reduced denitrification due to reduced upwelling and decreased flux of organic matter through the OMZ. This was followed by abrupt acceleration of water-column denitrification (δ15N, 7-10‰) and the strengthening of the OMZ during the latter half of Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; 18-14.7 kyr). However, the biogenic component of sediments deposited during HS1 do not increase appreciably, suggesting that the increase in denitrification was not driven by an increase in productivity. Furthermore, the increase in δ15N precedes the deglacial decrease in planktonic foraminiferal δ18O which mostly occurs during the Bolling Alerod (14.7-12.9 kyr). This suggests that the increase in denitrification was not a response to surface warming. Rather, we attribute the rapid increase in denitrification during HS1 to reduced ventilation of the ETNP OMZ. Following the peak in denitrification at the end of HS1, we observe a small but steady decline in δ15N over the last 15 kyr. Higher TOC in Holocene sediments relative to glacial sediments suggests that increased productivity has played a role in maintaining a strong OMZ throughout the Holocene.

  3. Irrigation of DOC-rich liquid promotes potential denitrification rate and decreases N

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Qin, Shuping; Hu, Chunsheng; Clough, Tim J.; Luo, Jiafa; Oenema, Oene; Zhou, Shungui


    Lack of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is generally one of the key factors limiting denitrification in subsoil beneath the root zone. Despite a number of laboratory DOC amendment studies, the effects of in situ DOC infiltration on subsoil denitrification, and on subsequent end product

  4. Katarina Schritt: Ernährung im Kontext von Geschlechterverhältnissen. Analyse zur Diskursivität gesunder Ernährung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2011.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jana Rückert-John


    Full Text Available Katarina Schritt geht in ihrem Buch von der These aus, dass Essen und Ernährung soziale Phänomene sind. Ihr Anliegen ist es, den sozialen Charakter von Ernährung anhand des Diskurses um ‚gesunde‘ Ernährung zu verdeutlichen. Anhand des Ernährungsberichts der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung belegt sie, dass es in der naturwissenschaftlich geprägten Ernährungsforschung kaum Ansätze gibt, die empirischen Befunde in einen sozialen Erklärungszusammenhang zu stellen. Dem setzt sie eine konstruktivistische Perspektive entgegen und zeigt, dass das Ernährungsverhalten als Produkt von Geschlechterrollenerwartungen zu begreifen ist. In dieser Lesart erscheinen geschlechtlich konnotierte Lebensmittel, Praktiken ‚gesunder‘ Ernährung und Ernährungswissen als Geschlechterrollenattribute, mittels derer geschlechtliche Identität hergestellt wird.Katarina Schritt starts her book with the thesis that eating and nutrition are social phenomena. It is her goal to illustrate the social character of nutrition on the basis of the discourse on ‘healthy’ eating. Using the nutrition report of the German Nutrition Society, she proves that the scientifically informed Nutrition Research offers barely any approaches to relate the empirical findings to a socially oriented explanatory framework. She opposes this with a constructivist perspective and shows that eating habits are to be understood as a product of gender role expectations. In this interpretation, gender connoted food, practices of ‘healthy’ eating, and knowledge about nutrition manifest themselves as attributes of gender roles by means of which gender identity is constructed.

  5. Carbon source recovery from excess sludge by mechanical disintegration for biological denitrification. (United States)

    Zubrowska-Sudol, M


    The goal of the study was to evaluate the possibility of carbon source recovery from excess sludge by mechanical disintegration for biological denitrification. The total efficiency of denitrification, unit demand for organic compounds for denitrification, unit volume of disintegrated sludge and unit cost of nitrogen removal as a function of energy density used for excess sludge disintegration (70, 140 and 210 kJ/L) were analyzed. In the study a full-scale disc disintegrator was used (motor power: 30 kWh, motor speed: 2,950 rpm). It was shown that the amounts of organic compounds released from the activated sludge flocs at all tested levels of energy density are high enough to be used to intensify the removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater. It was also documented that the energy density provided during process of disintegration was an important factor determining the characteristics of organic compounds obtained under the disintegration for their use in order to intensify the process of denitrification. The highest value of total efficiency of denitrification (50.5 ± 3.1 mg N/L) was obtained for carbon source recovery from excess sludge at 70 kJ/L, but the lowest unit cost of nitrogen removal occurred for 140 kJ/L (0.0019 ± 0.0011 EUR/g N).

  6. Denitrification in the Mississippi River network controlled by flow through river bedforms (United States)

    Gomez-Velez, Jesus D.; Harvey, Judson W.; Cardenas, M. Bayani; Kiel, Brian


    Increasing nitrogen concentrations in the world’s major rivers have led to over-fertilization of sensitive downstream waters1, 2, 3, 4. Flow through channel bed and bank sediments acts to remove riverine nitrogen through microbe-mediated denitrification reactions5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. However, little is understood about where in the channel network this biophysical process is most efficient, why certain channels are more effective nitrogen reactors, and how management practices can enhance the removal of nitrogen in regions where water circulates through sediment and mixes with groundwater - hyporheic zones8, 11, 12. Here we present numerical simulations of hyporheic flow and denitrification throughout the Mississippi River network using a hydrogeomorphic model. We find that vertical exchange with sediments beneath the riverbed in hyporheic zones, driven by submerged bedforms, has denitrification potential that far exceeds lateral hyporheic exchange with sediments alongside river channels, driven by river bars and meandering banks. We propose that geomorphic differences along river corridors can explain why denitrification efficiency varies between basins in the Mississippi River network. Our findings suggest that promoting the development of permeable bedforms at the streambed - and thus vertical hyporheic exchange - would be more effective at enhancing river denitrification in large river basins than promoting lateral exchange through induced channel meandering. 

  7. von Neumann Morgenstern Preferences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vind, Karl

    von Neumann Morgenstern utility is generalized to von Neumann Morgenstern preferences. The proof is an application of simple hyperplane theorems......von Neumann Morgenstern utility is generalized to von Neumann Morgenstern preferences. The proof is an application of simple hyperplane theorems...

  8. von Neumann Morgenstern Preferences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vind, Karl


    von Neumann Morgenstern utility is generalized to von Neumann Morgenstern preferences. The proof is an application of simple hyperplane theorems......von Neumann Morgenstern utility is generalized to von Neumann Morgenstern preferences. The proof is an application of simple hyperplane theorems...

  9. [Denitrification study of Elodea nuttallii-nitrogen cycling bacteria restoration in Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake]. (United States)

    Zhao, Lin; Li, Zheng-Kui; Zhou, Tao; Wu, Ning-Mei; Ye, Zhong-Xiang; Liu, Dan-Dan


    Undisturbed sediment cores were collected from Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, and the integrated Elodea nuttallii-nitrogen cycling bacteria technology was applied as a restoration method. The effects of the Elodea nuttallii-nitrogen cycling bacteria technology on sediment denitrification was observed by isotope pairing technique. The highest denitrification rate of 104.64 micromol x (m2 x h)(-1) was achieved in sediments with Elodea nuttallii-nitrogen cycling bacteria assemblage. The abundance of nirS, nirK and nosZ genes involved in denitrification processes in the sediments (within 2 cm below the water-sediment interface) were measured by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The abundance of nirS and nosZ genes in the sediments with restoration treatments was increased, which was more than one order of magnitudes higher than that in bare sediments. The results indicated that the presence of macrophyte and nitrogen cycling bacteria could increase benthic nitrogen removal by facilitating coupled nitrification-denitrification and uncoupled nitrification-denitrification.

  10. Denitrification in the water column of the central Baltic Sea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Tage; De Brabandere, Loreto; Hall, Per


    denitrification ranged from 0.24 to 15.9 nM N2 h−1. Assuming that these rates were valid throughout the anoxic View the MathML source containing zone, depth integrated in situ denitrification rates of 0.06–2.11 mmol N m−2 d−1 were estimated. The thickness of this zone was generally 3–6 m, which is probably what...... View the MathML source or sulfide concentrations were converted to in situ rates using the measured water column concentrations of View the MathML source and sulfide and the actual measured relations between View the MathML source and sulfide concentrations and denitrification rates. In situ...... can be maintained through regular turbulent mixing induced by internal waves at the oxic–anoxic interface. However, layers of up to 55 m thickness with low O2 water (Math...

  11. Nitrogen removal and electricity production at a double-chamber microbial fuel cell with cathode nitrite denitrification. (United States)

    Yu, Yangyang; Zhao, Jianqiang; Wang, Sha; Zhao, Huimin; Ding, Xiaoqian; Gao, Kun


    Double-chamber microbial fuel cell was applied to investigate the performance of the electricity production and nitrite denitrification through feeding nitrite into the cathode. Factors influencing denitrification performance and power production, such as external resistance, influent nitrite concentration and Nitrite Oxygen Bacteria inhibitors, were studied. The results show that when the concentration of nitrite nitrogen and external resistance were 100 mg L -1 and 10 Ω, respectively, the nitrite denitrification reached the best state. The NaN 3 can inhibit nitrite oxidation effectively; meanwhile, the nitrite denitrification with N 2 O as the final products was largely improved. The [Formula: see text] was reduced to [Formula: see text], causing the cathode denitrification coulombic efficiency to exceed 100%. In chemoautotrophic bio-nitrification, microorganisms may utilize H 2 O to oxidize nitrite under anaerobic conditions. Proteobacteria might play a major role in the process of denitrification in MFC.

  12. The role of nitrifier denitrification in the production of nitrous oxide revisited

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wrage-Mönnig, Nicole; Horn, Marcus A.; Well, Reinhard; Müller, Christoph; Velthof, Gerard; Oenema, Oene


    Nitrifier denitrification is the reduction of nitrite (NO2 −) by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. This process may account for up to 100% of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from ammonium (NH4 +) in soils and is more significant than classical denitrification under some conditions. Investigations of

  13. High-Resolution Denitrification Kinetics in Pasture Soils Link N2O Emissions to pH, and Denitrification to C Mineralization.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Md Sainur Samad

    Full Text Available Denitrification in pasture soils is mediated by microbial and physicochemical processes leading to nitrogen loss through the emission of N2O and N2. It is known that N2O reduction to N2 is impaired by low soil pH yet controversy remains as inconsistent use of soil pH measurement methods by researchers, and differences in analytical methods between studies, undermine direct comparison of results. In addition, the link between denitrification and N2O emissions in response to carbon (C mineralization and pH in different pasture soils is still not well described. We hypothesized that potential denitrification rate and aerobic respiration rate would be positively associated with soils. This relationship was predicted to be more robust when a high resolution analysis is performed as opposed to a single time point comparison. We tested this by characterizing 13 different temperate pasture soils from northern and southern hemispheres sites (Ireland and New Zealand using a fully automated-high-resolution GC detection system that allowed us to detect a wide range of gas emissions simultaneously. We also compared the impact of using different extractants for determining pH on our conclusions. In all pH measurements, soil pH was strongly and negatively associated with both N2O production index (IN2O and N2O/(N2O+N2 product ratio. Furthermore, emission kinetics across all soils revealed that the denitrification rates under anoxic conditions (NO+N2O+N2 μmol N/h/vial were significantly associated with C mineralization (CO2 μmol/h/vial measured both under oxic (r2 = 0.62, p = 0.0015 and anoxic (r2 = 0.89, p<0.0001 conditions.

  14. Intelligent produzieren - Prozesse verstehen und mit innovativen Werkzeugen verbessern (United States)

    Kress, Dieter

    Im Umfeld der stetig fortschreitenden Globalisierung und der damit verbundenen Verlagerung von Produktionsstätten und dem Transfer bekannter Technologien ist eine stetige Weiterentwicklung der Fertigungstechnik unumgänglich, um auch zukünftig am Standort Deutschland einen Technologievorsprung zu halten und Produkte zu fertigen, die weltweit konkurrenzfähig sind. Die Notwendigkeit zur permanenten Innovation ist unbestritten. Das Ziel muss es dabei sein, die Produktivität zu erhöhen, die Qualität der Produkte auf stets hohem Niveau zu halten bzw. die Qualität noch weiter zu steigern und gleichzeitig die Kosten stetig zu senken. Dies erfordert intelligente und innovative Werkzeugkonzepte für die Hochleistungsfertigung.

  15. Physical and thermal waste utilisation in industrial high-temperature processes; Stoffliche und thermische Verwertung von Abfaellen in industriellen Hochtemperaturprozessen. Fachseminar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leithner, R. [ed.


    This year`s DVV Colloquium, the eleventh of its kind, was dedicated to ``Physical and thermal waste utilisation in industrial high-temperature processes``, a topic of growing importance in our time. The three old principles of Disperse, Bury, and Forget having been found inexpedient, there is now a growing interest in the three new principles of Avoid, Reduce, and Utilise. The colloquium saw a scientific discussion on physical and thermal waste utilisation in high-temperature processes. Proposals were made for the solution of specific problems, and the economic implications and impact of these solutions on products and the environment were elucidated. [Deutsch] Das diesjaehrige 11. DVV-Kolloquium mit dem Thema: `Stoffliche und thermische Verwertung von Abfaellen in industriellen Hochtemperaturprozessen`, behandelt einen Themenkomplex, der immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Nachdem sich die drei alten Prinzipien Verteilen, Vergraben, Vergessen als unzweckmaessig herausgestellt haben, gewinnen die drei neuen Prinzipien Vermeiden, Vermindern, Verwerten immer groessere Bedeutung. Stoffliche und thermische Verwertung in industriellen Hochtemperaturprozessen werden in diesem Kolloquium wissenschaftlich diskutiert und Loesungsvorschlaege und deren wirtschaftliche Implikationen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Produkte und die Umwelt beleuchtet. (orig.)

  16. Denitrification activity and oxygen dynamics in Arctic sea ice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glud, Ronnie Nøhr; Stahl, Henrik J.; Rysgaard, Søren


    denitrification activity (5-194 mu mol N m(-2) day(-1)) and anammox activity (3-5 mu mol N m(-2) day(-1)) in melt water from both first-year and multi-year sea ice was found. These values correspond to 27 and 7%, respectively, of the benthic denitrification and anammox activities in Arctic sediments. Although we...... a mosaic of microsites of high and low O-2 concentrations. Brine enclosures and channels were strongly O-2 depleted in actively melting sea ice, and anoxic conditions in parts of the brine system would favour anaerobic processes....

  17. Orbital-scale denitrification changes in the Eastern Arabian Sea during the last 800 kyrs. (United States)

    Kim, Ji-Eun; Khim, Boo-Keun; Ikehara, Minoru; Lee, Jongmin


    Denitrification in the Arabian Sea is closely related to the monsoon-induced upwelling and subsequent phytoplankton production in the surface water. The δ 15 N values of bulk sediments collected at Site U1456 of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 355 reveal the orbital-scale denitrification history in response to the Indian Monsoon. Age reconstruction based on the correlation of planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber) δ 18 O values with the LR04 stack together with the shipboard biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic data assigns the study interval to be 1.2 Ma. Comparison of δ 15 N values during the last 800 kyrs between Site U1456 (Eastern Arabian Sea) and Site 722B (Western Arabian Sea) showed that δ 15 N values were high during interglacial periods, indicating intensified denitrification, while the opposite was observed during glacial periods. Taking 6‰ as the empirical threshold of denitrification, the Eastern Arabian Sea has experienced a persistent oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) to maintain strong denitrification whereas the Western Arabian Sea has undergone OMZ breakdown during some glacial periods. The results of this study also suggests that five principal oceanographic conditions were changed in response to the Indian Monsoon following the interglacial and glacial cycles, which controls the degree of denitrification in the Arabian Sea.

  18. Thermal hydrolysis of sludge and the use of hydrolysate as carbon source for denitrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barlindhaug, J


    As a consequence of the North Sea- and the Baltic Sea Treaties as well as the Wastewater Directive of the EU, several large wastewater treatment plants discharging to sensitive receiving waters have to include phosphorus as well as nitrogen removal. This thesis evaluates the so called NTH-process for nutrient removal. In this process pre-precipitation is used in front of a biological nitrogen removal step that is based on a combination of pre- and post-denitrification in moving bed biofilm reactors. The biological step is followed by a final separation step, possibly after coagulant addition. Carbon source for the post denitrification step is made available by hydrolysis of the sludge produced. The idea is that the particulate organic matter, which in a traditional pre-denitrification step would have to be enzymatically hydrolyzed, can be more efficiently hydrolyzed in a concentrated sidestream and used in a post-denitrification step. In the thesis hydrolyzed sludge is used as a carbon source for denitrification. The objective is to investigate the influence of varying hydrolysis conditions on the composition and amount of the thermal hydrolysate produced, as well as the quality of the hydrolysate as a carbon source for denitrification. 201 refs., 78 refs., 53 tabs.

  19. Impact of chloride on denitrification potential in roadside wetlands. (United States)

    Lancaster, Nakita A; Bushey, Joseph T; Tobias, Craig R; Song, Bongkeun; Vadas, Timothy M


    Developed landscapes are exposed to changes in hydrology and water chemistry that limit their ability to mitigate detrimental impacts to coastal water bodies, particularly those that result from stormwater runoff. The elevated level of impervious cover increases not only runoff but also contaminant loading of nutrients, metals, and road salt used for deicing to water bodies. Here we investigate the impact that road salt has on denitrification in roadside environments. Sediments were collected from a series of forested and roadside wetlands and acclimated with a range of Cl(-) concentrations from 0 to 5000 mg L(-1) for 96 h. Denitrification rates were measured by the isotope pairing technique using (15)N-NO3(-), while denitrifying community structures were compared using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of nitrous oxide reductase genes (nosZ). Chloride significantly (p wetlands at a Cl(-) dosage of 2500 or 5000 mg L(-1), but the decrease in denitrification rates was less and not significant for the roadside wetlands historically exposed to elevated concentrations of Cl(-). The difference could not be attributed to other significant changes in conditions, such as DOC concentrations, N species concentrations, or pH levels. Denitrifying communities, as measured by T-RFs of the nosZ gene, in the roadside wetlands with elevated concentration of Cl(-) were distinctly different and more diverse compared to forested wetlands, and also different in roadside wetlands after 96 h exposures to Cl(-). The shifts in denitrifying communities seem to minimize the decrease in denitrification rates in the wetlands previously exposed to Cl. As development results in more Cl(-) use and exposure to a broad range of natural or manmade wetland structures, an understanding of the seasonal effect of Cl on denitrification processes in these systems would aid in design or mitigation of the effects on N removal rates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights

  20. Environmental and Microbial Features Affecting Denitrification and Anammox Hotspots in an Estuarine Ecosystem (United States)

    Lisa, J.; Song, B.; Lefcheck, J. S.; Tobias, C. R.


    Biogeochemical hotspots are characterized as a few sites that exhibit extremely high reaction rates relative to surrounding area, and often account for a high percentage of the overall reaction rates in an ecosystem. Criteria for quantitatively identifying these sites have not been well established. Further, the underlying mechanisms of hotspots have been described in terms of environmental conditions, with little attention paid to the microbial community. The objectives of this study were to establish quantitative criteria to identify denitrification and anammox hotspots, and determine the underlying microbial and environmental factors responsible for elevated N2 production. We used 15N isotope pairing incubation experiments to measure denitrification and anammox rates in the New River Estuary, NC. Quantitative PCR assays of nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ Clades I and II) and hydrazine oxidoreductase (hzo) genes were conducted to estimate denitrifier and anammox abundance. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to elucidate complex causal relationships between environmental and biological variables. Denitrification hotspots, quantitatively defined as statistical outliers, accounted for 35.6% total denitrification while comprising only 7.3% of the sites. Anammox hotspots,10.6% of the sites, accounted for 60.9% of total anammox. SEM revealed increased sediment organics at lower salinities supported higher functional gene abundance, which in turn resulted in higher N2 production. Surprisingly, denitrification rates were significantly and positively correlated with nosZ Clade II gene abundance, after accounting for the non-significant contributions of the naturally more abundant nosZ Clade I, and other environmental covariates. This is the first time that a quantitative definition of biogeochemical hotspots was put forth and used to determine the importance of anammox and denitrification hotspots in estuarine nitrogen removal capacity. Despite the low area

  1. Discovery of Fungal Denitrification Inhibitors by Targeting Copper Nitrite Reductase from Fusarium oxysporum. (United States)

    Matsuoka, Masaki; Kumar, Ashutosh; Muddassar, Muhammad; Matsuyama, Akihisa; Yoshida, Minoru; Zhang, Kam Y J


    The efficient application of nitrogenous fertilizers is urgently required, as their excessive and inefficient use is causing substantial economic loss and environmental pollution. A significant amount of applied nitrogen in agricultural soils is lost as nitrous oxide (N 2 O) in the environment due to the microbial denitrification process. The widely distributed fungus Fusarium oxysporum is a major denitrifier in agricultural soils and its denitrification activity could be targeted to reduce nitrogen loss in the form of N 2 O from agricultural soils. Here, we report the discovery of first small molecule inhibitors of copper nitrite reductase (NirK) from F. oxysporum, which is a key enzyme in the fungal denitrification process. The inhibitors were discovered by a hierarchical in silico screening approach consisting of pharmacophore modeling and molecular docking. In vitro evaluation of F. oxysporum NirK activity revealed several pyrimidone and triazinone based compounds with potency in the low micromolar range. Some of these compounds suppressed the fungal denitrification in vivo as well. The compounds reported here could be used as starting points for the development of nitrogenous fertilizer supplements and coatings as a means to prevent nitrogen loss by targeting fungal denitrification.

  2. Comparison of heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification processes for nitrate removal from phosphorus-limited surface water. (United States)

    Wang, Zheng; He, Shengbing; Huang, Jungchen; Zhou, Weili; Chen, Wanning


    Phosphorus (P) limitation has been demonstrated for micro-polluted surface water denitrification treatment in previous study. In this paper, a lab-scale comparative study of autotrophic denitrification (ADN) and heterotrophic denitrification (HDN) in phosphorus-limited surface water was investigated, aiming to find out the optimal nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) ratio and the mechanism of the effect of P limitation on ADN and HDN. Furthermore, the optimal denitrification process was applied to the West Lake denitrification project, aiming to improve the water quality of the West Lake from worse than grade V to grade IV (GB3838-2006). The lab-scale study showed that the lack of P indeed inhibited HDN more greatly than ADN. The optimal N/P ratio for ADN and HDN was 25 and a 0.15 mg PO 4 3- -P L -1 of microbial available phosphorus (MAP) was observed. P additions could greatly enhance the resistance of ADN and HDN to hydraulic loading shock. Besides, The P addition could effectively stimulate the HDN performance via enriching the heterotrophic denitrifiers and the denitrifying phosphate-accumulating organisms (DNPAOs). Additionally, HDN was more effective and cost-effective than ADN for treating P-limited surface water. The study of the full-scale HDBF (heterotrophic denitrification biofilter) indicated that the denitrification performance was periodically impacted by P limitation, particularly at low water temperatures. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Denitrification as an adaptive trait in soil and groundwater bacteria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergwall, C


    The focus of this thesis is on selection and adaptation processes in bacteria with emphasis on denitrifying bacteria in groundwater. Other nitrogen transformation processes such as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (nitrate ammonification) and nitrification of forest soil bacteria are briefly discussed. Microcosms with sterile sediment and groundwater were inoculated with single denitrifying strains isolated from three groundwater aquifers, two of which are agricultural aquifers (in situ NO{sub 3}{sup -}-N was 24.1 and 35.2 mg1{sup -1}) and the third which is a pristine lake water infiltration aquifer (in situ NO{sub 3}{sup -}-N was 6.3 mg1{sup -1}). The average denitrification activity for strains from the nitrate contaminated sites were twice as high as the activity of the strains from the pristine site. Denitrification were carbon limited and glucose amendment increased the denitrification activity about a 2-fold for all strains. The strain specific differences in denitrification rates increased to a 2.5-fold after carbon addition indicating that the differences in reduction rates cannot be explained by different carbon utilisation rates but rather reflect innate differences in the reductases of the strains. A preliminary identification of the molecular target for adaptation was performed with artificial electron donors and electron acceptors for all enzymatic steps in the denitrification pathway. Nitrous oxide reductase activity was significantly higher in denitrifiers from the nitrate contaminated sites. This suggests that nos genes may be the molecular target, possibly by mutation or gene duplication for adaptation to high nitrate concentrations. Two anaerobic denitrifiers from each of the contaminated sites were capable of aerobic denitrification indicating that high nitrate concentrations may select for strains that denitrifies in the presence of both oxygen and nitrate. Microcosm experiments with fertilized coniferous forest soil showed that the

  4. Isotopologue fractionation during N(2)O production by fungal denitrification. (United States)

    Sutka, Robin L; Adams, Gerard C; Ostrom, Nathaniel E; Ostrom, Peggy H


    Identifying the importance of fungi to nitrous oxide (N2O) production requires a non-intrusive method for differentiating between fungal and bacterial N2O production such as natural abundance stable isotopes. We compare the isotopologue composition of N2O produced during nitrite reduction by the fungal denitrifiers Fusarium oxysporum and Cylindrocarpon tonkinense with published data for N2O production during bacterial nitrification and denitrification. The fractionation factors for bulk nitrogen isotope values for fungal denitrification were in the range -74.7 to -6.6 per thousand. There was an inverse relationship between the absolute value of the fractionation factors and the reaction rate constant. We interpret this in terms of variation in the relative importance of the rate constants for diffusion and enzymatic reduction in controlling the net isotope effect for N2O production during fungal denitrification. Over the course of nitrite reduction, the delta(18)O values for N2O remained constant and did not exhibit a relationship with the concentration characteristic of an isotope effect. This probably reflects isotopic exchange with water. Similar to the delta(18)O data, the site preference (SP; the difference in delta(15)N between the central and outer N atoms in N2O) was unrelated to concentration during nitrite reduction and, therefore, has the potential to act as a conservative tracer of production from fungal denitrification. The SP values of N2O produced by F. oxysporum and C. tonkinense were 37.1 +/- 2.5 per thousand and 36.9 +/- 2.8 per thousand, respectively. These SP values are similar to those obtained in pure culture studies of bacterial nitrification but quite distinct from SP values for bacterial denitrification. The large magnitude of the bulk nitrogen isotope fractionation and the delta(18)O values associated with fungal denitrification are distinct from bacterial production pathways; thus multiple isotopologue data holds much promise for

  5. Perspektiven urbaner Dekolonisierung: Die europäische Stadt als ‚Contact Zone‘

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noa Ha


    Full Text Available Kolonialismus ist in den Städten Europas auf vielfältige Weise für die Produktion von Raum auch heute noch von hoher Relevanz. Eine dekoloniale Perspektive bietet daher einen theoretischen Zugriff, mit dem die Zusammenhänge der Produktion von Stadt und Rassismus – als ein wesentliches Erbe des Kolonialismus – verdeutlicht werden können. Davon ausgehend, dass sich Rassismus neben anderen Regimen der Subjektivierung und Unterwerfung (Geschlecht, Sexualität, ableism in die koloniale Matrix gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse eingeschrieben hat, plädiert dieser Artikel für eine sorgfältige Revision der epistemischen Prämissen der Stadtforschung und fordert die Perspektiven kolonialer Subjekte (Grosfoguel 2003 ein, was in diesem Aufsatz unter dem Begriff der ‚urbanen Dekolonisierung‘ thematisiert wird (vgl. zu Perspektiven der Dekolonisierung in der europäischen Soziologie Gutierrèz Rodriguez et al. 2012. Zum einen wird der konzeptuelle Rahmen der europäischen Stadt untersucht, um diesen dahingehend zu überprüfen, inwieweit er eine eurozentristische Geschichtsschreibung und orientalistische Zuschreibungen enthält. Zum anderen ziehe ich das Konzept der ‚Contact Zone‘ von Marie Louise Pratt heran, um die vorab ausgeführten Implikationen der europäischen Stadt in ihrer Relevanz für die Herstellung kolonialer Verhältnisse im städtischen Kontext zu untersuchen. Als empirische Beispiele dienen der Protest von Flüchtlingen im öffentlichen Raum und der Fall des Humboldt-Forums in Berlin.

  6. Simultaneous bioreduction of nitrate and chromate using sulfur-based mixotrophic denitrification process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahinkaya, Erkan, E-mail: [Istanbul Medeniyet University, Bioengineering Department, Goztepe, Istanbul (Turkey); Kilic, Adem [Harran University, Environmental Engineering Department, Osmanbey Campus, 63000 Sanliurfa (Turkey); Calimlioglu, Beste; Toker, Yasemin [Istanbul Medeniyet University, Bioengineering Department, Goztepe, Istanbul (Turkey)


    Highlights: • Simultaneous heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification was stimulated. • Simultaneous bioreduction of nitrate and chromate was achieved. • Total chromium decreased <50 μg/L when the influent Cr(VI) was ≤5 mg/L. -- Abstract: This study aims at evaluating simultaneous chromate and nitrate reduction using sulfur-based mixotrophic denitrification process in a column reactor packed with elemental sulfur and activated carbon. The reactor was supplemented with methanol at C/N ratio of 1.33 or 2. Almost complete denitrification was achieved at influent NO{sub 3}{sup −}–N and Cr(VI) concentrations of 75 mg/L and 10 mg/L, respectively, and 3.7 h HRT. Maximum denitrification rate was 0.5 g NO{sub 3}{sup −}–N/(L.d) when the bioreactor was fed with 75 mg/L NO{sub 3}{sup −}–N, 150 mg/L methanol and 10 mg/L Cr(VI). The share of autotrophic denitrification was between 12% and 50% depending on HRT, C/N ratio and Cr(VI) concentration. Effluent total chromium was below 50 μg/L provided that influent Cr(VI) concentration was equal or below 5 mg/L. DGGE results showed stable microbial community throughout the operation and the presence of sulfur oxidizing denitrifying bacteria (Thiobacillus denitrificans) and Cr(VI) reducing bacteria (Exiguobacterium spp.) in the column bed.

  7. Dimensioning of activation systems using submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plants; Bemessung von Membranbelebungsanlagen beim Einsatz zur Reinigung kommunaler Abwaesser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohle, P.; Dorgeloh, E. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (DE). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (ISA)


    Dimensioning of conventional activation systems in Germany as a rule relies on instruction sheet A131 of the Abwassertechnische Vereinigung or follows the Hochschulgruppen approach (HSG). They contain recommendations as to the size of the nitrification and denitrification zones, the amount of oxygen supplied and sludge production, and the size of the final sedimentation tank. For the use of sludge activation techniques by means of submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plant there so far do not exist any clues to dimensioning that make allowance for the modified boundary conditions. The present paper analyses instruction sheet A131 for its suitability as a basis in the dimensioning of sludge activation systems with submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plant. Then the dimensioning instructions are modified to suit the changed boundary conditions, and recommendations for the dimensioning of activation systems with submerged membranes on the basis of extensive studies carried out at the Institut fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft ISA of Aachen Technical University RWTH are given. (orig.) [German] Die Bemessung konventioneller Belebungsverfahren erfolgt in Deutschland i.d.R. auf der Grundlage des Arbeitsblatts A 131 der Abwassertechnischen Vereinigung bzw. nach dem Hochschulgruppenansatz (HSG). Sie enthalten Empfehlungen bezueglich der Dimensionierung von Nitrifikations- und Denitrifikationszone, Sauerstoffversorgung, Schlammproduktion und Nachklaerbecken. Fuer den Einsatz von Membranbelebungsanlagen in kommunalen Klaeranlagen existieren bislang keine Bemessungshinweise, die den veraenderten Randbedingungen Rechnung tragen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert das Arbeitsblatt A 131 in Hinsicht auf die Moeglichkeit zur Anwendung fuer die Bemessung von Membranbelebungsanlagen beim Einsatz zur kommunalen Abwasserreinigung. Im Weiteren erfolgt die Modifikation der Bemessungshinweise hinsichtlich der geaenderten Randbedingungen und die Angabe von

  8. Organisationsaspekte in der Umsetzung (United States)

    Balck, Henning; Bungard, Walter; Hofmann, Karsten; Ganz, Walter; Schwenker, Burkhard; Hanßen, Dirk; Meindl, Rudolf; Schloske, Alexander; Thieme, Paul; Teufel, Peter

    Strukturbrüche sind eine der Hauptursachen für die Schwierigkeiten vieler Unternehmen, ihre Organisationsform zu modernisieren und vor allem turbulenten Marktbedingungen anzupassen. Klassische Beispiele für Strukturbrüche finden sich in der Spaltung von Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation, der Spaltung von Produktion und Dienstleistung oder der Spaltung von Planung und Ausführung. Ein wirkungsvoller Ansatz zur Überwindung solcher Spaltungen ist eine Art Versöhnungsmuster: die Polare Organisation. Wesentliche Elemente dieser Organisationsform sind ihr Netzwerkcharakter, kooperatives Zusammenwirken, eine hohe Kommunikationsintensität und eine polare Koppelung der kommunizierenden Partner oder - in abstrahierter Form - die organisierte Balance erfolgskritischer Gegensätze, wie Kosten und Qualität.

  9. Production and Quality Assurance of Modules and Study of optimized Pixel Sensor Designs for the Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Heindl, Stefan; Husemann, Ulrich

    In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Modulproduktion am Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik des KIT für das Phase-I-Upgrade des CMS-Pixeldetektors im Jahr 2017 vorgestellt. Dies umfasst die gesamte Produktionskette, an deren Ende die fertigen Module stehen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Qualitätssicherung während der Produktion gelegt. Darüber hinaus werden die Ergebnisse von Teststrahluntersuchungen von optimierten Pixelsensoren für das geplante Phase-II-Upgrade des CMS-Pixeldetektors präsentiert.

  10. Field tracer test for denitrification in a pyrite-bearing schist aquifer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauwels, H.; Kloppmann, W.; Foucher, J.-C.; Martelat, A.; Fritsche, V.


    A small-scale artificial tracer test performed on a schist aquifer in Brittany has helped clarify mechanisms and kinetics of in situ autotrophic denitrification. NO 3 was injected as a pulse simultaneously with a conservative tracer - Br - . During the test, which lasted 210 h, 73% of the injected Br - was recovered, as against only 47% of the NO 3 . The 26% difference in the recovery of the two injected species is interpreted as being the result of denitrification, in part due to the direct oxidation of pyrite present in the solid aquifer according to the reaction: 5FeS 2 +14NO 3 - +4H + approaches7N 2 +10SO 4 2- +5Fe 2+ +2H 2 O, and in part due to subsequent iron oxidation according to the reaction: NO 3 - +5Fe 2+ +6H + approaches1/2N 2 +5Fe 3+ +3H 2 O. Despite the potential increase in SO 4 and Fe resulting from denitrification through pyrite oxidation, the concentrations of these elements in the groundwater remain moderate due to the precipitation of minerals such as jarosite and/or natroalunite. Tracer transfer takes place in a heterogeneous medium which, according to the breakthrough curves, can be simplified to a dual-porosity aquifer comprising a high-permeability (fractures or large fissures) medium of low porosity from which only minor denitrification of circulating NO 3 -bearing water was observed and a low-permeability (small fissures) medium of high porosity which induces a higher denitrification rate in the circulating NO 3 -bearing water. The kinetics of the denitrification reaction are high compared with results obtained for other environments and can be described by a first-order model with a half life of 7.9 days for the low-porosity medium and only 2.1 days for the high-porosity medium. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  11. Denitrification of nitrate waste solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertolami, R.J.; Chao, E.I.; Choi, W.M.; Johnson, B.R.; Varlet, J.L.P.


    Growth rates for the denitrifying bacteria Pseudomonas Stutzeri were studied to minimize the time necessary to start up a bacterial denitrification reactor. Batch experiments were performed in nine 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks, a 7-liter fermentor, and a 67-liter fermentor. All reactors maintained an anaerobic environment. Initial microorganism inoculum concentration was varied over four orders of magnitude. Initial nitrate and substrate carbon concentrations were varied from 200 to 6000 ppm and from 56 to 1596 ppm, respectively, with a carbon-to-nitrogen weight ratio of 1.18. In all experiments, except those with the highest initial substrate-to-bacteria ratio, no growth was observed due to substrate depletion during the lag period. In those experiments which did exhibit an increase in bacterial population, growth also stopped due to substrate depletion. A model simulating microbe growth during the induction period was developed, but insufficient data were available to properly adjust the model constants. Because of this, the model does not accurately predict microbe growth. The metabolism of Pseudomonas Stutzeri was studied in detail. This resulted in a prediction of the denitrification stoichiometry during steady state reactor operation. Iron was found to be an important component for bacterial anabolism

  12. Predicting the denitrification capacity of sandy aquifers from shorter-term incubation experiments and sediment properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. Eschenbach


    Full Text Available Knowledge about the spatial variability of denitrification rates and the lifetime of denitrification in nitrate-contaminated aquifers is crucial to predict the development of groundwater quality. Therefore, regression models were derived to estimate the measured cumulative denitrification of aquifer sediments after one year of incubation from initial denitrification rates and several sediment parameters, namely total sulphur, total organic carbon, extractable sulphate, extractable dissolved organic carbon, hot water soluble organic carbon and potassium permanganate labile organic carbon.

    For this purpose, we incubated aquifer material from two sandy Pleistocene aquifers in Northern Germany under anaerobic conditions in the laboratory using the 15N tracer technique. The measured amount of denitrification ranged from 0.19 to 56.2 mg N kg−1 yr−1. The laboratory incubations exhibited high differences between non-sulphidic and sulphidic aquifer material in both aquifers with respect to all investigated sediment parameters. Denitrification rates and the estimated lifetime of denitrification were higher in the sulphidic samples. For these samples, the cumulative denitrification measured during one year of incubation (Dcum(365 exhibited distinct linear regressions with the stock of reduced compounds in the investigated aquifer samples. Dcum(365 was predictable from sediment variables within a range of uncertainty of 0.5 to 2 (calculated Dcum(365/measured Dcum(365 for aquifer material with a Dcum(365 > 20 mg N kg−1 yr−1. Predictions were poor for samples with lower Dcum(365, such as samples from the NO3 bearing groundwater zone, which includes the non-sulphidic samples, from the upper part of both aquifers where denitrification is not sufficient to


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Tavares de Sousa


    Full Text Available The environmental conditions in Brazil have been contributing to the development of anaerobic systems in the treatment of wastewaters, especially UASB - Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactors. The classic biological process for removal of nutrients uses three reactors - Bardenpho System, therefore, this work intends an alternative system, where the anaerobic digestion and the denitrification happen in the same reactor reducing the number of reactors for two. The experimental system was constituted by two units: first one was a nitrification reactor with 35 L volume and 15 d of sludge age. This system was fed with raw sanitary waste. Second unit was an UASB, with 7.8 L and 6 h of hydraulic detention time, fed with ¾ of effluent nitrification reactor and ¼ of raw sanitary waste. This work had as objective to evaluate the performance of the UASB reactor. In terms of removal efficiency, of bath COD and nitrogen, it was verified that the anaerobic digestion process was not affected. The removal efficiency of organic material expressed in COD was 71%, performance already expected for a reactor of this type. It was also observed that the denitrification process happened; the removal nitrate efficiency was 90%. Therefore, the denitrification process in reactor UASB is viable.

  14. Experimental and modelling study of drinking water hydrogenotrophic denitrification in packed-bed reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasiliadou, I.A.; Karanasios, K.A.; Pavlou, S.; Vayenas, D.V.


    The aim of this work was to study hydrogenotrophic denitrification in packed-bed reactors under draw-fill and continuous operation. Three bench-scale packed-bed reactors with gravel in different sizes (mean diameter 1.75, 2.41 and 4.03 mm) as support media were used, in order to study the effect of particle size on reactors performance. The maximum denitrification rate achieved under draw-fill operation was 4.4 g NO 3 - -N/ld for the filter with gravel of 2.41 mm. This gravel size was chosen to perform experiments under continuous operation. Feed NO 3 - -N concentrations and hydraulic loadings (HL) ranged between 20-200 mg/l and 5.7-22.8 m 3 /m 2 d, respectively. A comparison between the two operating modes showed that, for low HL the draw-fill operation achieved higher denitrification rates, while for high HL and intermediate feed concentrations (40-60 mg NO 3 - -N/l) the continuous operation achieved higher denitrification rates (4.67-5.65 g/ld). Finally, experiments with three filters in series (with gravels of 4.03, 2.41 and 1.75 mm mean diameter) were also performed under continuous operation. The maximum denitrification rate achieved was 6.2 g NO 3 - -N/ld for feed concentration of 340 mg/l and HL of 11.5 m 3 /m 2 d. A model, which describes denitrification in packed-bed reactors, was also developed. The model predicts the concentration profiles of NO 3 - -N along filter height, in draw-fill as well as in continuous operation, satisfactorily.

  15. Reducing available amounts of heavy metals in contaminated soils by adding iron oxides. Final report; Verringerung der Bioverfuegbarkeit von Schwermetallen in kontaminierten Boeden durch Zugabe von Eisenoxiden. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pluquet, E; Mueller, I


    -Industrie, Wasserwerksschlamm aus der Trinkwasseraufbereitung, Raseneisenstein als natuerliches Fe-Oxid, Eisenkugelschrot, ein Produkt zur Oberflaechenbehandlung und Strahlmittelabfall aus der Entzunderung von Stahlblechen) in einer Aufwandmenge von 1% rein Fe pro kg Boden eingebracht. Die Schwermetallgehalte in den Bodenextrakten (DTPA, NH{sub 4}NO{sub 3}) und in den Pflanzen gingen im Gefaessversuch durch die Bodenzusaetze deutlich zurueck und wurden durch die wirksamsten Varianten, insbesondere Wasserwerksschlamm um 40-50% (NH{sub 4}NO{sub 3}) 30-40% (DTPA) bzw. 30-40% in den Pflanzen vermindert. Die ueber den Versuchszeitraum andauernde Festlegung der Schwermetalle erfolgte in der Reihenfolge Cd>Pb>Zn>Cu. In den Feldversuchen war die immobilisierende Wirkung der Bodenzusaetze zwar vorhanden, aber wesentlich schwaecher ausgepraegt als in den Gefaessversuchen. Fuer bessere Ergebnisse sollte hier eine tiefere und homogenere Einarbeitung der Bodenzusaetze bei eventuell erhoehten Aufwandmengen erfolgen. (orig.)

  16. Simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification by microwave reactor with ammonium bicarbonate and zeolite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Zaishan; Lin Zhehang; Niu Hejingying; He Haiming; Ji Yongfeng


    Microwave reactor with ammonium bicarbonate (NH 4 HCO 3 ) and zeolite was set up to study the simultaneous removal of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NO x ) from flue gas. The results showed that the microwave reactor filled with NH 4 HCO 3 and zeolite could reduce SO 2 to sulfur with the best desulfurization efficiency of 99.1% and reduce NO x to nitrogen with the best NO x purifying efficiency of 86.5%. Microwave desulfurization and denitrification effect of the experiment using ammonium bicarbonate and zeolite together is much higher than that using ammonium bicarbonate or zeolite only. NO x concentration has little effect on denitrification but has no influence on desulfurization, SO 2 concentration has no effect on denitrification. The optimal microwave power and empty bed residence time (EBRT) on simultaneous desulfurization and dentrification are 211-280 W and 0.315 s, respectively. The mechanism for microwave reduced desulfurization and denitrification can be described as the microwave-induced catalytic reduction reaction between SO 2 , NO x and ammonium bicarbonate with zeolite being the catalyst and microwave absorbent

  17. Doença de von Willebrand e anestesia Enfermedad de von Willebrand y anestesia Von Willebrand's disease and anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de von Willebrand ocorre devido à mutação no cromossomo 12 e é caracterizada por deficiência qualitativa ou quantitativa do fator de von Willebrand. A diversidade de mutações leva ao aparecimento das mais variadas manifestações clínicas possibilitando a divisão dos pacientes em vários tipos e subtipos clínicos. A coagulopatia se manifesta basicamente através da disfunção plaquetária associada à diminuição dos níveis séricos do fator VIII coagulante. O objetivo dessa revisão foi mostrar os cuidados relacionados aos pacientes portadores da doença de von Willebrand durante o período perioperatório. CONTEÚDO: Foram definidas as características da doença de von Willebrand quanto à fisiopatologia, à classificação, ao diagnóstico laboratorial, ao tratamento atual e aos cuidados com o manuseio do paciente no período perioperatório. CONCLUSÕES: A doença de von Willebrand é o distúrbio hemorrágico hereditário mais comum, porém ela é subdiagnosticada pela complexidade da própria doença. A correta classificação do paciente, o uso apropriado da desmopressina e a transfusão do fator de von Willebrand são medidas fundamentais para a realização do procedimento anestésico bem-sucedido.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La enfermedad de von Willebrand ocurre debido a la mutación en el cromosoma 12 y se caracteriza por la deficiencia cualitativa o cuantitativa del factor de von Willebrand. La diversidad de mutaciones conlleva al aparecimiento de las más variadas manifestaciones clínicas posibilitando la división de los pacientes en varios tipos y subtipos clínicos. La coagulopatía se manifiesta básicamente a través de la disfunción plaquetaria asociada con la disminución de los niveles séricos del factor VIII coagulante. El objetivo de esa revisión fue mostrar los cuidados relacionados con las pacientes portadoras de la enfermedad de von Willebrand durante el per

  18. Hydrogenotrophic denitrification in a packed bed reactor: effects of hydrogen-to-water flow rate ratio. (United States)

    Lee, J W; Lee, K H; Park, K Y; Maeng, S K


    Hydrogen dissolution and hydrogenotrophic denitrification performance were investigated in a lab-scale packed bed reactor (PBR) by varying the hydrogen flow rate and hydraulic retention time (HRT). The denitrification performance was enhanced by increasing the hydrogen flow rate and HRT as a result of high dissolved hydrogen concentration (0.39mg/L) and utilization efficiencies (79%). In this study, the hydrogen-to-water flow rate ratio (Q(g)/Q(w)) was found to be a new operating factor representing the two parameters of hydrogen flow rate and HRT. Hydrogen dissolution and denitrification efficiency were nonlinearly and linearly correlated with the Q(g)/Q(w), respectively. Based on its excellent linear correlation with denitrification efficiency, Q(g)/Q(w) should be greater than 2.3 to meet the WHO's guideline of nitrate nitrogen for drinking water. This study demonstrates that Q(g)/Q(w) is a simple and robust factor to optimize hydrogen-sparged bioreactors for hydrogenotrophic denitrification. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Nitrous oxide production in grassland soils: assessing the contribution of nitrifier denitrification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wrage, N.; Velthof, G.L.; Laanbroek, H.J.; Oenema, O.


    Nitrifier denitrification is the reduction of NO2- to N2 by nitrifiers. It leads to the production of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) as an intermediate and possible end product. It is not known how important nitrifier denitrification is for the production of N2O in soils. We explored N2O

  20. Denitrification in Soil Aggregate Analogues-Effect of Aggregate Size and Oxygen Diffusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steffen Schlüter


    Full Text Available Soil-borne nitrous oxide (N2O emissions have a high spatial and temporal variability which is commonly attributed to the occurrence of hotspots and hot moments for microbial activity in aggregated soil. Yet there is only limited information about the biophysical processes that regulate the production and consumption of N2O on microscopic scales in undisturbed soil. In this study, we introduce an experimental framework relying on simplified porous media that circumvents some of the complexities occuring in natural soils while fully accounting for physical constraints believed to control microbial activity in general and denitrification in particular. We used this framework to explore the impact of aggregate size and external oxygen concentration on the kinetics of O2 consumption, as well as CO2 and N2O production. Model aggregates of different sizes (3.5 vs. 7 mm diameter composed of porous, sintered glass were saturated with a defined growth medium containing roughly 109 cells ml−1 of the facultative anaerobic, nosZ-deficient denitrifier Agrobacterium tumefaciens with N2O as final denitrification product and incubated at five different oxygen levels (0–13 vol-%. We demonstrate that the onset of denitrification depends on the amount of external oxygen and the size of aggregates. Smaller aggregates were better supplied with oxygen due to a larger surface-to-volume ratio, which resulted in faster growth and an earlier onset of denitrification. In larger aggregates, the onset of denitrification was more gradual, but with comparably higher N2O production rates once the anoxic aggregate centers were fully developed. The normalized electron flow from the reduced carbon substrate to N-oxyanions (edenit-/etotal- ratio could be solely described as a function of initial oxygen concentration in the headspace with a simple, hyperbolic model, for which the two empirical parameters changed with aggregate size in a consistent way. These findings confirm the

  1. Mixing-induced groundwater denitrification beneath a manured field in southern Alberta, Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCallum, J.E.; Ryan, M.C.; Mayer, B.; Rodvang, S.J.


    Contamination of shallow groundwater by NO 3 - from manure may occur under fields where manure is spread as fertilizer and for disposal. Attenuation of NO 3 - in groundwater occurs through denitrification under certain conditions, or NO 3 - -contaminated younger groundwater may mix with older groundwater, lowering the NO 3 - concentration. In this study, δ 15 N and δ 18 O values of NO 3 - , and δ 18 O and δ 2 H values in groundwater under a manured field were evaluated to determine if groundwater NO 3 - concentrations were influenced through mixing of shallower, manure-impacted groundwater with older groundwater, or if denitrification was reducing NO 3 - concentrations. The younger groundwater showed clear evidence of manure impact with elevated Cl - (∼85 mg L -1 ) and NO 3 - concentrations (∼50 mg NO 3 -N L -1 ), and δ 15 N and δ 18 O values of NO 3 - consistent with a manure source. Vertical hydraulic gradients and δ 18 O and δ 2 H values in groundwater suggest older, more reduced groundwater is upwelling locally and mixing with the shallow groundwater. Decreasing NO 3 :Cl ratios, decreasing dissolved O 2 concentrations, and increasing δ 15 N and δ 18 O values of NO 3 - suggest that denitrification occurs locally in the aquifer. The extent of denitrification is proportional to the fraction of deeper groundwater in the aquifer. Denitrification apparently does not proceed in the younger, manure-impacted groundwater in the absence of mixing

  2. Emotional Branding in der Automobilindustrie: ein Schlüssel zu langfristigem Markenerfolg?


    Nadler, Sabrina; Rennhak, Carsten


    In der Automobilindustrie vollzieht sich aktuell ein Wandel von der Technik- zur Kundenorientierung. Die Konsumenten sollen Produkte und Dienstleistungen nicht nur einfach nutzen, sondern eine emotionale Bindung zu ihnen aufbauen und sie im Idealfall sogar lieben. Seit Gobé (2001) werden entsprechende Markenführungsansätze mit dem Schlagwort „Emotional Branding“ bezeichnet.

  3. Exposure Time Distributions reveal Denitrification Rates along Groundwater Flow Path of an Agricultural Unconfined Aquifer (United States)

    Kolbe, T.; Abbott, B. W.; Thomas, Z.; Labasque, T.; Aquilina, L.; Laverman, A.; Babey, T.; Marçais, J.; Fleckenstein, J. H.; Peiffer, S.; De Dreuzy, J. R.; Pinay, G.


    Groundwater contamination by nitrate is nearly ubiquitous in agricultural regions. Nitrate is highly mobile in groundwater and though it can be denitrified in the aquifer (reduced to inert N2 gas), this process requires the simultaneous occurrence of anoxia, an electron donor (e.g. organic carbon, pyrite), nitrate, and microorganisms capable of denitrification. In addition to this the ratio of the time groundwater spent in a denitrifying environment (exposure time) to the characteristic denitrification reaction time plays an important role, because denitrification can only occur if the exposure time is longer than the characteristic reaction time. Despite a long history of field studies and numerical models, it remains exceedingly difficult to measure or model exposure times in the subsurface at the catchment scale. To approach this problem, we developed a unified modelling approach combining measured environmental proxies with an exposure time based reactive transport model. We measured groundwater age, nitrogen and sulfur isotopes, and water chemistry from agricultural wells in an unconfined aquifer in Brittany, France, to quantify changes in nitrate concentration due to dilution and denitrification. Field data showed large differences in nitrate concentrations among wells, associated with differences in the exposure time distributions. By constraining a catchment-scale characteristic reaction time for denitrification with water chemistry proxies and exposure times, we were able to assess rates of denitrification along groundwater flow paths. This unified modeling approach is transferable to other catchments and could be further used to investigate how catchment structure and flow dynamics interact with biogeochemical processes such as denitrification.

  4. Mechanism and rate of denitrification in an agricultural watershed: Electron and mass balance along groundwater flow paths (United States)

    Tesoriero, Anthony J.; Liebscher, Hugh; Cox, Stephen E.


    The rate and mechanism of nitrate removal along and between groundwater flow paths were investigated using a series of well nests screened in an unconfined sand and gravel aquifer. Intensive agricultural activity in this area has resulted in nitrate concentrations in groundwater often exceeding drinking water standards. Both the extent and rate of denitrification varied depending on the groundwater flow path. While little or no denitrification occurred in much of the upland portions of the aquifer, a gradual redox gradient is observed as aerobic upland groundwater moves deeper in the aquifer. In contrast, a sharp shallow redox gradient is observed adjacent to a third‐order stream as aerobic groundwater enters reduced sediments. An essentially complete loss of nitrate concurrent with increases in excess N2 provide evidence that denitrification occurs as groundwater enters this zone. Electron and mass balance calculations suggest that iron sulfide (e.g., pyrite) oxidation is the primary source of electrons for denitrification. Denitrification rate estimates were based on mass balance calculations using nitrate and excess N2 coupled with groundwater travel times. Travel times were determined using a groundwater flow model and were constrained by chlorofluorocarbon‐based age dates. Denitrification rates were found to vary considerably between the two areas where denitrification occurs. Denitrification rates in the deep, upland portions of the aquifer were found to range from from 1.0 to 2.7 mM of N per year. Potential denitrification rates in groundwater adjacent to the stream may be much faster, with rates up to 140 mM per year based on an in situ experiment conducted in this zone.

  5. Edaphic Conditions Regulate Denitrification Directly and Indirectly by Altering Denitrifier Abundance in Wetlands along the Han River, China. (United States)

    Xiong, Ziqian; Guo, Laodong; Zhang, Quanfa; Liu, Guihua; Liu, Wenzhi


    Riparian wetlands play a critical role in retaining nitrogen (N) from upland runoff and improving river water quality, mainly through biological processes such as soil denitrification. However, the relative contribution of abiotic and biotic factors to riparian denitrification capacity remains elusive. Here we report the spatiotemporal dynamics of potential and unamended soil denitrification rates in 20 wetlands along the Han River, an important water source in central China. We also quantified the abundance of soil denitrifying microorganisms using nirK and nirS genes. Results showed that soil denitrification rates were significantly different between riparian and reservoir shoreline wetlands, but not between mountain and lowland wetlands. In addition, soil denitrification rates showed strong seasonality, with higher values in August (summer) and April (spring) but lower values in January (winter). The potential and unamended denitrification rates were positively correlated with edaphic conditions (moisture and carbon concentration), denitrifier abundance, and plant species richness. Path analysis further revealed that edaphic conditions could regulate denitrification rates both directly and indirectly through their effects on denitrifier abundance. Our findings highlight that not only environmental factors, but also biotic factors including denitrifying microorganisms and standing vegetation, play an important role in regulating denitrification rate and N removal capacity in riparian wetlands.

  6. Regulation by sliding operation of a denitrification process; Regulation par regime glissant d`un procede de denitrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babary, J.P.; Bourrel, S.


    Biotechnological processing of waste waters is made through fixed bed bioreactors. Biochemical reaction kinetics can be modelled by non linear differential equations. The model is used to develop control laws. As an application, a denitrification bioreactor is modelled. Then control algorithm is checked through mathematical simulation of nitrogen compounds concentration ratio. (D.L.)

  7. Effects of aquatic vegetation type on denitrification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veraart, A.J.; Bruijne, de W.J.J.; Peeters, E.T.H.M.; Klein, de J.J.M.; Scheffer, M.


    In a microcosm 15N enrichment experiment we tested the effect of floating vegetation (Lemna sp.) and submerged vegetation (Elodea nuttallii) on denitrification rates, and compared it to systems without macrophytes. Oxygen concentration, and thus photosynthesis, plays an important role in regulating

  8. The use of a rubble chimney for denitrification of irrigation return waters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evans, Roy B; Kruger, Paul [Civil Engineering Department, Stanford University (United States)


    Biological denitrification has been proposed as a means of removing nitrates from waste waters to control eutrophication in receiving waters. A potential use for this method is the treatment of irrigation return waters containing high concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen, since direct discharge of such wastes may cause objectionable algal growth in the receiving waters. For example, the process may be used to treat agricultural waste waters in the San Joaquin Valley in California, where an estimated 580,000 acre-feet/year of return waters, containing 20 mg/l of nitrate-nitrogen, will require disposal by A.D. 2020. Two methods of biological denitrification are presently under study for possible use in the San Joaquin Valley. In one method nitrates are reduced to nitrogen gas by bacterial action in deep ponds; in the other method bacterial denitrification takes place in biological filters. In biological filters, bacteria are grown on columns of submerged stones. A possible alternative to the conventional construction of these filters is the creation of a rubble chimney by a contained nuclear explosion. This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of using a rubble chimney as a biological filter for denitrification. (author)

  9. Simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification by microwave reactor with ammonium bicarbonate and zeolite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wei Zaishan [School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China)], E-mail:; Lin Zhehang; Niu Hejingying; He Haiming; Ji Yongfeng [School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China)


    Microwave reactor with ammonium bicarbonate (NH{sub 4}HCO{sub 3}) and zeolite was set up to study the simultaneous removal of sulfur dioxide (SO{sub 2}) and nitrogen oxides (NO{sub x}) from flue gas. The results showed that the microwave reactor filled with NH{sub 4}HCO{sub 3} and zeolite could reduce SO{sub 2} to sulfur with the best desulfurization efficiency of 99.1% and reduce NO{sub x} to nitrogen with the best NO{sub x} purifying efficiency of 86.5%. Microwave desulfurization and denitrification effect of the experiment using ammonium bicarbonate and zeolite together is much higher than that using ammonium bicarbonate or zeolite only. NO{sub x} concentration has little effect on denitrification but has no influence on desulfurization, SO{sub 2} concentration has no effect on denitrification. The optimal microwave power and empty bed residence time (EBRT) on simultaneous desulfurization and dentrification are 211-280 W and 0.315 s, respectively. The mechanism for microwave reduced desulfurization and denitrification can be described as the microwave-induced catalytic reduction reaction between SO{sub 2}, NO{sub x} and ammonium bicarbonate with zeolite being the catalyst and microwave absorbent.

  10. The use of a rubble chimney for denitrification of irrigation return waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, Roy B.; Kruger, Paul


    Biological denitrification has been proposed as a means of removing nitrates from waste waters to control eutrophication in receiving waters. A potential use for this method is the treatment of irrigation return waters containing high concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen, since direct discharge of such wastes may cause objectionable algal growth in the receiving waters. For example, the process may be used to treat agricultural waste waters in the San Joaquin Valley in California, where an estimated 580,000 acre-feet/year of return waters, containing 20 mg/l of nitrate-nitrogen, will require disposal by A.D. 2020. Two methods of biological denitrification are presently under study for possible use in the San Joaquin Valley. In one method nitrates are reduced to nitrogen gas by bacterial action in deep ponds; in the other method bacterial denitrification takes place in biological filters. In biological filters, bacteria are grown on columns of submerged stones. A possible alternative to the conventional construction of these filters is the creation of a rubble chimney by a contained nuclear explosion. This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of using a rubble chimney as a biological filter for denitrification. (author)

  11. Simultaneous denitrification and anaerobic digestion in GRAnular Bed Baffled Reactor (GRABBR)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baloch, M.I.; Akunna, J.C.


    This study elucidates the characteristics of compartmentalised anaerobic system seeded with UASB granules, called GRAanular Bed Baffled Reactor (GRABBR), for combined denitrification and anaerobic digestion processes. The reactor was used for the treatment of glucose enriched synthetic wastewater with various nitrate concentrations. The study was carried out with a 10 litre working volume GRABBR divided into 5 equal compartments operating at organic loading rate (OLR) of 20 kg COD/m 3 .d with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6 hours. At these conditions, phase separation (between acidogenesis and methanogenesis) was created in the system and then the effect of varying nitrate concentrations (50-200 mg/l NO 3 -N) in the acidogenic zone (i.e. first compartment) was studied. Due to its unique compartmentalised design, denitrification was the major pathway for nitrate reduction with no noticeable dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA). More than 84% of all added nitrates were removed in the acidogenic zone, showing that acidogens possess high denitrifying capabilities. The denitrification rate increased with increase in nitrate concentration, with maximum value estimated as 175 mg NO 3 -N/l.h at influent nitrate concentration of 200 mg/l NO 3 -N in the acidogenic zone. Although nitrate addition resulted in lower methane production, COD removal efficiencies improved by up to 8% when compared with the reactor performance before nitrate addition. Furthermore, the alkalinity produced during denitrification improved the stability of the system by controlling the decrease in pH resulting from acidogenesis. The system encouraged simultaneous denitrification and anaerobic digestion in a single unit by accommodating denitrifiers in the early compartments and allowing methanogenesis to flourish in the downstream compartments of the system, thus minimising inhibition to methane producing bacteria by nitrates. (author)

  12. Effects of specific inhibitors on anammox and denitrification in marine sediments. (United States)

    Jensen, Marlene Mark; Thamdrup, Bo; Dalsgaard, Tage


    The effects of three metabolic inhibitors (acetylene, methanol, and allylthiourea [ATU]) on the pathways of N2 production were investigated by using short anoxic incubations of marine sediment with a 15N isotope technique. Acetylene inhibited ammonium oxidation through the anammox pathway as the oxidation rate decreased exponentially with increasing acetylene concentration; the rate decay constant was 0.10+/-0.02 microM-1, and there was 95% inhibition at approximately 30 microM. Nitrous oxide reduction, the final step of denitrification, was not sensitive to acetylene concentrations below 10 microM. However, nitrous oxide reduction was inhibited by higher concentrations, and the sensitivity was approximately one-half the sensitivity of anammox (decay constant, 0.049+/-0.004 microM-1; 95% inhibition at approximately 70 microM). Methanol specifically inhibited anammox with a decay constant of 0.79+/-0.12 mM-1, and thus 3 to 4 mM methanol was required for nearly complete inhibition. This level of methanol stimulated denitrification by approximately 50%. ATU did not have marked effects on the rates of anammox and denitrification. The profile of inhibitor effects on anammox agreed with the results of studies of the process in wastewater bioreactors, which confirmed the similarity between the anammox bacteria in bioreactors and natural environments. Acetylene and methanol can be used to separate anammox and denitrification, but the effects of these compounds on nitrification limits their use in studies of these processes in systems where nitrification is an important source of nitrate. The observed differential effects of acetylene and methanol on anammox and denitrification support our current understanding of the two main pathways of N2 production in marine sediments and the use of 15N isotope methods for their quantification.

  13. Integrating anammox with the autotrophic denitrification process via electrochemistry technology. (United States)

    Qiao, Sen; Yin, Xin; Zhou, Jiti; Wei, Li'e; Zhong, Jiayou


    In this study, an autotrophic denitrification process was successfully coupled with anammox to remove the nitrate by-product via electrochemical technology. When the voltage applied to the combined electrode reactor was 1.5 V, the electrode reaction removed nitrate by using the autotrophic denitrification biomass without affecting the anammox biomass. The nitrogen removal efficiency of the combined electrode reactor reached 99.1% without detectable nitrate at an influent NO 2 - -N/NH 4 + -N ratio of 1.5. On day 223, using the model calculations based on reaction equations, 19.7% of total nitrogen was removed via the autotrophic denitrification process, while the majority of nitrogen removal (approximately 79.4%) was attributed to the anammox reaction. Small variations of the population numbers and community structure of artificial bacteria according to electron microscopy predicted that the anammox and autotrophic denitrifying biomasses could coexist in the electrode reactor. Then, 16S rRNA analysis determined that the anammox biomass group was always dominant in mixed flora during continuous cultivation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Elevers produktion af multimodale tekster. Hvad ved vi og hvad mangler vi?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vibeke Christensen


    Full Text Available I Danmark er der med de nye Fælles Mål fra 2014 indført et krav om, at eleverne skal kunne lave større multimodale produktioner. Også i de øvrige skandinaviske lande indgår arbejde med multimodale tekster med forskellig betegnelse i læreplanen for modersmålsfaget. Det er således relevant at undersøge, hvad man ved om elevers produktion af multimodale tekster. Denne artikel bidrager med en gennemgang af nordisk forskning inden for området og med udblik til den øvrige vestlige verden. Teoretisk beskrives multimodalitet med udgangspunkt i New London Groups programartikel fra 1996 og den udvikling af multimodalitet, som gruppen omkring Kress og van Leeuwen har bidraget med. Resultaterne af forskningsgennemgangen præsenteres i fem temaer: terminologi, didaktik, undervisning, elevudbytte og vurdering. Diskussion pågår løbende inden for hvert tema, og der peges på didaktiske perspektiver.Nøgleord: multimodale tekster, tekstkompetence, elevpræstation, skrive-pædagogik, produktion, vurderingAbstractIn the new curriculum for the subject Danish from 2014, it is a requirement that students should be able to create major multimodal productions. Working with multimodal texts in the mother tongue subject is included in the curricula for all three Scandinavian countries. Therefore, it is relevant to consider what is already recognized as students’ production of multi-modal texts. This article offers a brief review based on the Nordic research together with a brief look towards the rest of the Western world’s research on multimodality. This paper’s theoretical foundation is based on the New London Group’s article from 1996, “Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures”, and the development of multimodality that re-searchers and scholars surrounding Kress and van Leeuwen have contributed with. The results of the research will be presented in the following five themes: terminology, education, teaching, pupil performance

  15. Controls on denitrification potential in nitrate-rich waterways and riparian zones of an irrigated agricultural setting. (United States)

    Webster, Alex J; Groffman, Peter M; Cadenasso, Mary L


    Denitrification, the microbial conversion of NO 3 - to N gases, is an important process contributing to whether lotic and riparian ecosystems act as sinks for excess NO 3 - from agricultural activities. Though agricultural waterways and riparian zones have been a focus of denitrification research for decades, almost none of this research has occurred in the irrigated agricultural settings of arid and semi-arid climates. In this study, we conducted a broad survey of denitrification potential in riparian soils and channel sediment from 79 waterway reaches in the irrigated agricultural landscape of California's Central Valley. With this approach, we sought to capture the wide range of variation that arose from diverse waterway management and fluctuating flow conditions, and use this variation to identify promising management interventions. We explored associations of denitrification potentials with surface water NO 3 - -N, organic matter, flow conditions, vegetation cover, near-channel riparian bank slope, and channel geomorphic features using generalized linear mixed models. We found strong associations of sediment denitrification potentials with reach flow conditions, which we hypothesize was the result of variation in microbial communities' tolerance to dry-wet cycles. Denitrification potentials in riparian soils, in contrast, did not appear affected by flow conditions, but instead were associated with organic matter, vegetation cover, and bank slope in the riparian zone. These results suggest a strong need for further work on how denitrification responds to varying flow conditions and dry-wet cycles in non-perennial lotic ecosystems. Our findings also demonstrate that denitrifier communities respond to key features of waterway management, which can therefore be leveraged to control denitrification through a variety of management actions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  16. Gemeinsam hilfreich oder einsam lästig? Beurteilung von praktikumsbegleitenden Weblogs von angehenden Lehrpersonen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nives Egger


    Full Text Available Weblogs werden an Hochschulen vermehrt zur Unterstützung von Lern- und Reflexionsprozessen eingesetzt, in der Lehrer/innenbildung auch zunehmend während der berufspraktischen Ausbildung. Die Studierenden beurteilen den Einsatz von Weblogs jedoch unterschiedlich. Dabei ist wenig bekannt, welchen Einfluss die Vergabe und das Erhalten von Peerfeedback auf den Beurteilungsprozess von praktikumsbegleitenden Weblogs sowie auf den Umfang von Blogpostings haben. Im folgenden Beitrag wird dieser Frage mittels einer Befragung von 74 angehenden Lehrpersonen nachgegangen, die praktikumsbegleitende Weblogs mit oder ohne Peerfeedback nutzten, um über herausfordernde Ereignisse im Praktikum zu reflektieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Studierende, die Peerfeedback erhielten und andere Blogbeiträge kommentierten, den Weblogeinsatz nützlicher einschätzen sowie eine höhere Motivation und positivere Einstellung gegenüber den Einsatz von Weblogs aufweisen als Studierende, die ohne Peerfeedback bloggen. Keinen Einfluss hat Peerfeedback auf den Umfang der Blogbeiträge und auf die dafür aufgewendete Zeit.

  17. Seltsamkeitsproduktion in ultrarelativistischen p+p-Kollisionen bei 158 GeV

    CERN Document Server

    Billmeier, Anja

    Die Rekonstruktion der zeitlichen Evolution des Universums sowie der Komposition stellarer Objekte setzt die genaue Kenntnis des Verhaltens von Kernmaterie unter extremen Bedingungen voraus. Experimentell ist in ultrarelativistischen Schwerionenkollisionen die Erzeugung eines Zustandes hochdichter stark wechselwirkender Kernmaterie denkbar, in dem der Einschluss von Quarks und Gluonen in Hadronen aufgehoben ist (Quark-Gluon- Plasma). Ein solcher ¨Ubergang von hadronischer Materie in eine partonische Phase wird in der fr¨uhen Anfangsphase des Universums sowie im Innern von Neutronensternen vermutet. Die Formation eines Quark-Gluon-Plasmas soll dabei mit Hilfe geeigneter Obersvablen des gemessenen Endzustandes nachgewiesen werden. Das NA49-Experiment am CERN-SPS erlaubt die Messung einer Vielzahl hadronischer Observablen in hochenergetischen Kollisionen verschiedener Stoßsysteme und Einschussenergien. Eine relative Erh¨ohung der Produktion seltsamer Hadronen in Schwerionenreaktionen im Vergleich zu elementa...

  18. Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Bestimmung von Selen-Spezies in human-biologischem Material


    Jäger, Thomas


    Selen ist essentieller Bestandteil von mehr als 25 physiologisch wichtigen menschlichen Enzymen. Der tägliche Bedarf wird überwiegend in Form von organischen Selenverbindungen wie Selenmethionin oder Selenocystein aus der Nahrung aufgenommen. Weitere Expositionswege sind die Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zur Selensupplementation sowie die inhalative oder dermale Aufnahme von in erster Linie anorganischen Selenverbindungen oder elementarem Selen an Arbeitsplätzen der Selen-verarbeiten...

  19. Aggregation und Management von Metadaten im Kontext von Europeana

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    Gerda Koch


    Full Text Available Mit dem In-Beziehung-Setzen und Verlinken von Daten im Internet wird der Weg zur Umsetzung des semantischen Webs geebnet. Erst die semantische Verbindung von heterogenen Datenbeständen ermöglicht übergreifende Suchvorgänge und späteres „Machine Learning“. Im Artikel werden die Aktivitäten der Europäischen Digitalen Bibliothek im Bereich des Metadatenmanagements und der semantischen Verlinkung von Daten skizziert. Dabei wird einerseits ein kurzer Überblick zu aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkten und Umsetzungsstrategien gegeben, und darüber hinaus werden einzelne Projekte und maßgeschneiderte Serviceangebote für naturhistorische Daten, regionale Kultureinrichtungen und Audiosammlungen beschrieben.

  20. The mechanism of oxygen isotopic fractionation during fungal denitrification - A pure culture study (United States)

    Wrage-Moennig, Nicole; Rohe, Lena; Anderson, Traute-Heidi; Braker, Gesche; Flessa, Heinz; Giesemann, Annette; Lewicka-Szczebak, Dominika; Well, Reinhard


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) from soil denitrification originates from bacteria and - to an unknown extent - also from fungi. During fungal denitrification, oxygen (O) exchange takes place between H2O and intermediates of the denitrification process as in bacterial exchange[1,2]. However, information about enzymes involved in fungal O exchanges and the associated fractionation effects is lacking. The objectives of this study were to estimate the O fractionation and O exchange during the fungal denitrifying steps using a conceptual model[2] adapted from concepts for bacterial denitrification[3], implementing controls of O exchange proposed by Aerssens, et al.[4] and using fractionation models by Snider et al.[5] Six different pure fungal cultures (five Hypocreales, one Sordariales) known to be capable of denitrification were incubated under anaerobic conditions, either with nitrite or nitrate. Gas samples were analyzed for N2O concentration and its isotopic signatures (SP, average δ15N, δ18O). To investigate O exchange, both treatments were also established with 18O-labelled water as a tracer in the medium. The Hypocreales strains showed O exchange mainly at NO2- reductase (Nir) with NO2- as electron acceptor and no additional O exchange at NO3- reductase (Nar) with NO3- as electron acceptor. The only Hypocreales species having higher O exchange with NO3- than with NO2- also showed O exchange at Nar. The Sordariales species tested seems capable of O exchange at NO reductase (Nor) additionally to O exchange at Nir with NO2-. The data will help to better interpret stable isotope values of N2O from soils. .[1] D. M. Kool, N. Wrage, O. Oenema, J. Dolfing, J. W. Van Groenigen. Oxygen exchange between (de)nitrification intermediates and H2O and its implications for source determination of NO?3- and N2O: a review. Rapid Commun. Mass Spec. 2007, 21, 3569. [2] L. Rohe, T.-H. Anderson, B. Braker, H. Flessa, A. Giesemann, N. Wrage-Mönnig, R. Well. Fungal Oxygen Exchange between

  1. Denitrification, anammox and fixed nitrogen removal in the water column of a tropical great lake (United States)

    Darchambeau, François; Roland, Fleur; Crowe, Sean A.; De Brabandere, Loreto; Llirós, Marc; Garcia-Armisen, Tamara; Inceoglu, Ozgul; Michiels, Céline; Servais, Pierre; Morana, Cédric D. T.; Bouillon, Steven; Meysman, Filip; Veuger, Bart; Masilya, Pascal M.; Descy, Jean-Pierre; Borges, Alberto V.


    If rates of microbial denitrification in aquatic systems are poorly constrained, it is much more the case for tropical water bodies. Lake Kivu [2.50° S 1.59° S, 29.37° E 28.83° E] is one of the great lakes of the East African Rift. It is an oligotrophic lake characterized by anoxic deep waters rich in dissolved gases (methane and carbon dioxide) and nutrients, and by well oxygenated and nutrient-depleted surface waters. During the seasonally stratified rainy season (October to May), a nitrogenous zone characterized by the accumulation of nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) is often observed in the lower layer of the mixolimnion. It results from nitrification of ammonium released by decaying organic matter. With the seasonal uplift of the oxygen minimum zone, the nitrogenous zone becomes anoxic and might be the most preferential area for fixed nitrogen (N) removal in Lake Kivu. Our work aimed at identifying and quantifying the processes of N losses by denitrification and/or anammox in the nitrogenous zone of the Lake Kivu water column. During 5 sampling campaigns (March 2010, October 2010, June 2011, February 2012 and September 2012), isotopic labelling experiments were used to quantify denitrification and anammox rates along vertical profiles at two pelagic stations of the main lake. Moreover, N2:Ar ratios were estimated during the September 2012 campaign, and 16S rDNA pyrosequencing was used to describe bacterial community composition during the last 2 campaigns. No bacteria related to organisms performing anammox was observed and labelling experiments failed to detect anammox at any locations and any depths. In Lake Kivu, denitrifying bacteria were mainly related to Denitratisoma and Thiobacillus genus. Significant denitrification rates were observed at several occasions, especially under the oxic-anoxic interface in the bottom of the nitracline. The annual average denitrification rate was estimated at ~150 μmoles N m-2 d-1. Denitrification was not the only

  2. Denitrification in agriculturally impacted streams: seasonal changes in structure and function of the bacterial community.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erin Manis

    Full Text Available Denitrifiers remove fixed nitrogen from aquatic environments and hydrologic conditions are one potential driver of denitrification rate and denitrifier community composition. In this study, two agriculturally impacted streams in the Sugar Creek watershed in Indiana, USA with different hydrologic regimes were examined; one stream is seasonally ephemeral because of its source (tile drainage, whereas the other stream has permanent flow. Additionally, a simulated flooding experiment was performed on the riparian benches of the ephemeral stream during a dry period. Denitrification activity was assayed using the chloramphenicol amended acetylene block method and bacterial communities were examined based on quantitative PCR and terminal restriction length polymorphisms of the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ and 16S rRNA genes. In the stream channel, hydrology had a substantial impact on denitrification rates, likely by significantly lowering water potential in sediments. Clear patterns in denitrification rates were observed among pre-drying, dry, and post-drying dates; however, a less clear scenario was apparent when analyzing bacterial community structure suggesting that denitrifier community structure and denitrification rate were not strongly coupled. This implies that the nature of the response to short-term hydrologic changes was physiological rather than increases in abundance of denitrifiers or changes in composition of the denitrifier community. Flooding of riparian bench soils had a short-term, transient effect on denitrification rate. Our results imply that brief flooding of riparian zones is unlikely to contribute substantially to removal of nitrate (NO3- and that seasonal drying of stream channels has a negative impact on NO3- removal, particularly because of the time lag required for denitrification to rebound. This time lag is presumably attributable to the time required for the denitrifiers to respond physiologically rather than a change

  3. Assessment of the denitrification process in alluvial wetlands at floodplain scale using the SWAT model (United States)

    As alluvial plains support intensive agricultural activities, they often suffer from groundwater nitrate pollution. Denitrification is recognized as an important process in nitrate pollution control in riparian zones. In shallow aquifer zones influenced by recharged surface water, denitrification ...

  4. Konkurrenz oder Kooperation? Zur Entwicklung des Verhältnisses von Medienbildung und informatischer Bildung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerhard Tulodziecki


    Full Text Available Mit der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um Mediatisierung und Digitalisierung ist die Forderung verbunden, der Medienbildung und/oder der informatischen Bildung ein größeres Gewicht in der schulischen Bildung zu verschaffen. Dies legt die Frage nahe, wie ein produktives Verhältnis zwischen beiden gestaltet werden sollte und wie beide am besten zu einer zeitgemäßen Bildung beitragen können. Bei entsprechenden Überlegungen spielen unter anderem Entwicklungen eine Rolle, die sich seit frühen Forderungen nach einer Computerbildung im Verhältnis zur damaligen Medienerziehung herausgebildet haben. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden solche Entwicklungen skizziert und Schlussfolgerungen für die gegenwärtige Diskussion formuliert. Dabei kommen unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur bildungsbezogenen Auseinandersetzung mit Medien sowie mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in den Blick. Für das Verhältnis von Medienbildung und informatischer Bildung ergibt sich als zentrale Schlussfolgerung, dass sowohl eine Integration der informatischen Bildung in die Medienbildung als auch eine umgekehrte Lösung unangemessen erscheint, wiewohl beide Bereiche auf Anteile aus dem jeweils anderen Bereich angewiesen sind. Danach werden für eine Medienbildung mit informatischen Anteilen ein geeigneter Medienbegriff und eine tragfähige Bildungsauffassung sowie ein Ansatz zu einem inhaltlich-thematischen Kompetenzrahmen beschrieben. Überlegungen zur schulischen Umsetzung schließen den Beitrag ab.

  5. Von der Medienwirkungsbehauptung zur erziehungswissenschaftlichen Medienrezeptionsforschung. Vorschlag zur Analyse von Filmkommunikaten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Drinck


    Full Text Available Im Hinblick auf die Erforschung spezifischer Zusammenhänge von Medienkonsum und der Herausbildung von Einstellungen und Handlungen wird eine konstruktivistische Theorieorientierung plausibilisiert, indem zunächst auf den Stand der Medienwirkungsforschung eingegangen und vor dem Hintergrund einer begründeten Kritik des Wirkungsverständnisses auf die Notwendigkeit einer medienrezeptionswissenschaftlichen Forschungsalternative hingewiesen wird. Weiterhin wird der Stand der (erziehungswissenschaftlichen Medienrezeptionsforschung erörtert. Sodann werden Elemente einer konstruktivistischen Methodologie von Medienrezeptionsforschung beschrieben, die am Beispiel der Rezeption von Filmen konkretisiert werden. Dabei wird das Konzept des Kommunikates (S.J. Schmidt als Ausgangspunkt genommen, ein Vorschlag für eine Beschreibungssprache für (Film- Kommunikate entwickelt und eine Adaption des Ansatzes filmischer Narration zur Sprache gebracht.

  6. European-scale modelling of groundwater denitrification and associated N2O production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keuskamp, J.A.; Drecht, G. van; Bouwman, A.F.


    This paper presents a spatially explicit model for simulating the fate of nitrogen (N) in soil and groundwater and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) production in groundwater with a 1 km resolution at the European scale. The results show large heterogeneity of nitrate outflow from groundwater to surface water and production of N 2 O. This heterogeneity is the result of variability in agricultural and hydrological systems. Large parts of Europe have no groundwater aquifers and short travel times from soil to surface water. In these regions no groundwater denitrification and N 2 O production is expected. Predicted N leaching (16% of the N inputs) and N 2 O emissions (0.014% of N leaching) are much less than the IPCC default leaching rate and combined emission factor for groundwater and riparian zones, respectively. - Highlights: ► Groundwater denitrification and N 2 O production was modelled at the European scale. ► In large parts of Europe no groundwater denitrification is expected. ► N leaching and N 2 O emission in Europe are much less than the IPCC default values. - European groundwater denitrification is spatially variable, and associated nitrous oxide production is much less than based on the IPCC default estimate.

  7. The influence of stormwater management practices on denitrification rates of receiving streams in an urban watershed (United States)

    Cronenberger, M. S.; McMillan, S. K.


    Increasing urbanization and the subsequent disruption of floodplains has led to the need for implementing stormwater management strategies to mitigate the effects of urbanization, including soil and streambank erosion, increased export of nutrients and contaminants and decreased biotic richness. Excessive stormwater runoff due to the abundance of impervious surfaces associated with an urban landscape has led to the ubiquitous use of best management practices (BMPs) to attenuate runoff events and prevent the destructive delivery of large volumes of water to stream channels. As a result, effluent from BMPs (i.e. wetlands and wet ponds) has the potential to alter the character of the receiving stream channel and thus, key ecosystem processes such as denitrification. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which BMPs, in the form of constructed wetlands and wet ponds, influence in-stream denitrification rates in the urban landscape of Charlotte, NC. Four sites, two of each BMP type, were evaluated. Sediment samples were collected upstream and downstream of the BMP outflow from May-July 2011 to determine the effect of wetland discharge on in-stream nitrogen removal via denitrification. Denitrification rates were determined using the acetylene block method; water column nutrient and carbon concentrations and sediment organic matter content were also measured. Generally, wetland sites exhibited higher denitrification rates, nitrate concentrations and sediment organic matter content. Our work and others has demonstrated a significant positive correlation between nitrate concentration and denitrification rates, which is the likely driver of the higher observed rates at the wetland sites. Geomorphology was also found to be a key factor in elevated denitrification rates at sites with riffles and boulder jams. Sediment organic matter was found to be higher downstream of BMP outflows at all four sites, but demonstrated no significant relationship with

  8. Denitrification controls in urban riparian soils: implications for reducing urban nonpoint source nitrogen pollution. (United States)

    Li, Yangjie; Chen, Zhenlou; Lou, Huanjie; Wang, Dongqi; Deng, Huanguang; Wang, Chu


    The purpose of this research was to thoroughly analyze the influences of environmental factors on denitrification processes in urban riparian soils. Besides, the study was also carried out to identify whether the denitrification processes in urban riparian soils could control nonpoint source nitrogen pollution in urban areas. The denitrification rates (DR) over 1 year were measured using an acetylene inhibition technique during the incubation of intact soil cores from six urban riparian sites, which could be divided into three types according to their vegetation. The soil samples were analyzed to determine the soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), C/N ratio, extractable NO3 (-)-N and NH4 (+)-N, pH value, soil water content (SWC), and the soil nitrification potential to evaluate which of these factors determined the final outcome of denitrification. A nitrate amendment experiment further indicated that the riparian DR was responsive to added nitrate. Although the DRs were very low (0.099 ~ 33.23 ng N2O-N g(-1) h(-1)) due to the small amount of nitrogen moving into the urban riparian zone, the spatial and temporal patterns of denitrification differed significantly. The extractable NO3 (-)-N proved to be the dominant factor influencing the spatial distribution of denitrification, whereas the soil temperature was a determinant of the seasonal DR variation. The six riparian sites could also be divided into two types (a nitrate-abundant and a nitrate-stressed riparian system) according to the soil NO3 (-)-N concentration. The DR in nitrate-abundant riparian systems was significantly higher than that in the nitrate-stressed riparian systems. The DR in riparian zones that were covered with bushes and had adjacent cropland was higher than in grass-covered riparian sites. Furthermore, the riparian DR decreased with soil depth, which was mainly attributed to the concentrated nitrate in surface soils. The DR was not associated with the SOC, STN, C/N ratio, and

  9. Simultaneous heterotrophic and sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification process for drinking water treatment: control of sulfate production. (United States)

    Sahinkaya, Erkan; Dursun, Nesrin; Kilic, Adem; Demirel, Sevgi; Uyanik, Sinan; Cinar, Ozer


    A long-term performance of a packed-bed bioreactor containing sulfur and limestone was evaluated for the denitrification of drinking water. Autotrophic denitrification rate was limited by the slow dissolution rate of sulfur and limestone. Dissolution of limestone for alkalinity supplementation increased hardness due to release of Ca(2+). Sulfate production is the main disadvantage of the sulfur autotrophic denitrification process. The effluent sulfate concentration was reduced to values below drinking water guidelines by stimulating the simultaneous heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification with methanol supplementation. Complete removal of 75 mg/L NO(3)-N with effluent sulfate concentration of around 225 mg/L was achieved when methanol was supplemented at methanol/NO(3)-N ratio of 1.67 (mg/mg), which was much lower than the theoretical value of 2.47 for heterotrophic denitrification. Batch studies showed that sulfur-based autotrophic NO(2)-N reduction rate was around three times lower than the reduction rate of NO(3)-N, which led to NO(2)-N accumulation at high loadings. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. CuRa: Cooperation on non-polluting resource exchange for cost reduction. Final report; CuRa: Cooperation fuer umweltschonenden Ressourcenaustausch zur Nutzung von Kostenreduktionspotenzialen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoen, M.; Delahaye, F.; Hiessl, H.; Kotz, C.; Kuntze, U.; Matuschweski, A.; Schuenke, P.; Zoche, P.; Hafkesbrink, J.; Rebhan, A.; Schroll, M.


    Produktions- und Vertriebsstrukturen durch Einsatz moderner IuK-Technologie und damit einher gehender Verminderung des Materialdurchsatzes gegeben werden. Die in der empirischen Phase gewonnenen Erfahrungen aus beiden Modellregionen wurden einem Set von Thesen gegenueber gestellt, die auf Basis institutionstheoretischer Ueberlegungen abgeleitet wurden. Foerderlich fuer die Entstehung und Stabilisierung von Netzwerken sind unter anderem neben der Realisierung oekonomischer Vorteile gemeinsame soziokulturelle Werte und Traditionen und der Aufbau auf bestehenden institutionellen Arrangements. Als hemmende Faktoren wurden eine Reihe von Markt- und Politikversagensmechanismen identifiziert, zu denen das etablierte System kommerzieller Entsorgungsdienstleistungen, die 'Compliance-Orientierung' der Akteure sowie ordnungsrechtliche und verwaltungstechnische Hemmnisse zaehlen. Ein Umdenken von der 'Entsorgungs' zur Kreislaufwirtschaft, teilweise sogar Richtung 'nachhaltige Entwicklung' ist bei den Akteuren der Wirtschaft erkennbar, wobei jedoch noch eine genuegende Anzahl von Demonstrationsprojekten und Positivbeispielen fehlt. (orig.)

  11. Neues über das Tertiär von Java und die mesozoischen Schichten von West-Borneo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martin, K.


    Die Monographie, welche unter dem Titel Die Fossilien von Java herausgegeben wird ¹), ist so weit fortgeschritten, dass sich aus den in ihr beschriebenen Gastropoden bereits eine Anzahl von Schlussfolgerungen ableiten lässt, welche für die in Bearbeitung begriffene, geologische Karte von Java von

  12. The efficiency of a membrane bioreactor in drinking water denitrification

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    Petrovič Aleksandra


    Full Text Available The membrane bioreactor (MBR system was investigated regarding its nitrate removal capacity from drinking water. The performance of a pilot-scale MBR was tested, depending on the operational parameters, using sucrose as a carbon source. Drinking water from the source was introduced into the reactor in order to study the influence of flow-rate on the nitrate removal and denitrification efficiency of drinking water. The content of the nitrate was around 70 mg/L and the C/N ratio was 3:1. Nitrate removal efficiencies above 90% were obtained by flow-rates lower than 4.8 L/h. The specific denitrification rates varied between 0.02 and 0.16 g/L NO3/ (g/L MLSS•d. The efficiencies and nitrate removal were noticeably affected by the flow-rate and hydraulic retention times. At the maximum flow-rate of 10.2 L/h still 68% of the nitrate had been removed, whilst the highest specific denitrification rate was achieved at 0.2738 g/L NO3/ (g/L MLSS•d. The maximum reactor removal capacity was calculated at 8.75 g NO3/m3•h.

  13. Combined denitrification and phosphorus removal in a biofilter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falkentoft, Christina Maria; Harremoes, Poul; Mosbæk, Hans


    A lab-scale biofilter was run continuously for 11/2 years for combined denitrification and phosphorus removal. Alternation between anaerobic and anoxic (nitrate) conditions was used to obtain an enriched culture of denitrifying, phosphate accumulating organisms. Batch experiments were performed...

  14. Coastal versus open-ocean denitrification in the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.; Naik, H.; Pratihary, A.K.; DeSouza, W.; Narvekar, P.V.; Jayakumar, D.A.; Devol, A.H.; Yoshinari, T.; Saino, T.

    through advection from the south. The waters Published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 622 S. W. A. Naqvi et al.: Arabian Sea denitrification 60 E 70 E 10 N 20 N 3204 3939 3201 TN039/18 CATS � � (a) o o o 0 500 1000 1500....: Arabian Sea denitrification 625 150 100 50 Temperature (oC) 100 50 O2 (M) Distance from coast (km) 150 100 50 Salinity G2 CATS G9 �P�P 150 100 50 150 100 50 150 NO2- (M) 150 100 50 NO3-(M) N2O (nM) 150 100 50 NH4+(M) 80 60 40 20 0 Distance from coast (km...

  15. Analytik von Minorlipiden: Ferulasäureester von Phytosterolen (gamma-Oryzanol) in Reis


    Miller, Andreas


    Ferulasäureestern von Phytosterolen (γ-Oryzanol) werden antioxidative und cholesterinsenkende Eigenschaften zugeschrieben. Bisher beschriebene Methoden zur Analytik von γ-Oryzanol in Reis erforderten eine aufwendige Aufreinigung des Probenextrakts. In dieser Arbeit wurde basierend auf der on-line LC-GC eine Methode entwickelt, die die simultane Bestimmung von γ-Oryzanol-Gehalt und Sterylferulat-Verteilung ohne Aufreinigung des Probenextrakts erlaubt. Mit Hilfe der Technik wurden die natürlich...

  16. Denitrification nitrogen gas formation and gene expression in alpine grassland soil as affected by climate change conditions (United States)

    Chen, Zhe; Wang, Changhui; Gschwendtner, Silvia; Schloter, Michael; Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus; Dannenmann, Michael


    Due to methodological problems, reliable data on soil dinitrogen (N2) emission by denitrification are extremely scarce, and the impacts of climate change on nitrogen (N) gas formation by denitrification and N gas product ratios as well as the underlying microbial drivers remain unclear. We combined the helium-gas-flow-soil-core technique for simultaneously quantification of nitrous oxide (N2O) and N2 emission with the reverse transcript qPCR technology. Our goals were to characterize denitrification dynamics and N gas product ratios in alpine grassland soil as affected by climate change conditions and to evaluate relationships between denitrification gene expression and N gas emission. We used soils from the pre-alpine grassland Terrestrial Environmental Observatory (TERENO), exposed to ambient temperature and precipitation (control treatment), or three years of simulated climate change conditions (increased temperature, reduction of summer precipitation and reduced snow cover). Soils were amended with glucose and nitrate and incubated subsequently at 1) 5°C and 20% oxygen; 2) 5°C and 0% oxygen; 3) 20°C and 0% oxygen until stabilization of N gas emissions in each incubation step. After switching incubation conditions to 0% oxygen and 20°C, N2O emission peaked immediately and declined again, followed by a delayed peak in N2 emission. The dynamics of cnorB gene expression, encoding the reduction of nitric oxide (NO) to N2O, followed the N2O emission pattern, while nosZ gene expression, encoding N2O reduction to N2 followed the course of N2 emission. The mean N2O:N2 ratios were 1.31 + 0.10 and 1.56 + 0.16 for control and climate change treatment respectively, but the denitrification potential was overall lower in climate change treatment. Hence, simulated climate change promoted N2O but lessened N2 emission. This stimulation of N2O was in accordance with increased cnorB gene expression in soil of the climate change treatment. N mass balance calculations revealed

  17. Nitrate removal from groundwater by cooperating heterotrophic with autotrophic denitrification in a biofilm-electrode reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Yingxin [School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 3058572 (Japan); Feng, Chuanping, E-mail: [School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Wang, Qinghong; Yang, Yingnan; Zhang, Zhenya; Sugiura, Norio [Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 3058572 (Japan)


    Highlights: {yields} Intensified biofilm-electrode reactor using cooperative denitrification is developed. {yields} IBER combines heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification. {yields} CO{sub 2} formed by heterotrophic denitrification is used by autotrophic bacteria. {yields} Optimum running conditions are C/N = 0.75, HRT = 8 h, and I = 40 mA. {yields} A novel degradation mechanism for cooperating denitrification process is proposed. - Abstract: An intensified biofilm-electrode reactor (IBER) combining heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification was developed for treatment of nitrate contaminated groundwater. The reactor was evaluated with synthetic groundwater (NO{sub 3}{sup -}N50 mg L{sup -1}) under different hydraulic retention times (HRTs), carbon to nitrogen ratios (C/N) and electric currents (I). The experimental results demonstrate that high nitrate and nitrite removal efficiency (100%) were achieved at C/N = 1, HRT = 8 h, and I = 10 mA. C/N ratios were reduced from 1 to 0.5 and the applied electric current was changed from 10 to 100 mA, showing that the optimum running condition was C/N = 0.75 and I = 40 mA, under which over 97% of NO{sub 3}{sup -}N was removed and organic carbon (methanol) was completely consumed in treated water. Simultaneously, the denitrification mechanism in this system was analyzed through pH variation in effluent. The CO{sub 2} produced from the anode acted as a good pH buffer, automatically controlling pH in the reaction zone. The intensified biofilm-electrode reactor developed in the study was effective for the treatment of groundwater polluted by nitrate.

  18. Rohstoffliche und verfahrenstechnische Einflussfaktoren der Pyrolyse biogener Rohstoffe


    Reichel, Denise


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit rohstofflichen und verfahrenstechnischen Einflussfaktoren bei der Biomassepyrolyse. Ausgehend von der Entwicklung einer kleintechnischen Festbettpyrolyseapparatur, erfolgten experimentelle Untersuchungen an 26 biogenen Einsatzstoffen unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen. Die Apparatur erlaubt eine vollständige Bilanzierung und Gewinnung aller Produkte, zudem können Einflüsse durch sekundäre Reaktionen in der Gasphase minimiert werden. Die Einsa...

  19. Denitrification potential and its relation to organic carbon quality in three coastal wetland soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodla, Syam K.; Wang, Jim J.; DeLaune, Ron D.; Cook, Robert L.


    Capacity of a wetland to remove nitrate through denitrification is controlled by its physico-chemical and biological characteristics. Understanding these characteristics will help better to guide beneficial use of wetlands in processing nitrate. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) quality and denitrification rate in Louisiana coastal wetlands. Composite soil samples of different depths were collected from three different wetlands along a salinity gradient, namely, bottomland forest swamp (FS), freshwater marsh (FM), and saline marsh (SM) located in the Barataria Basin estuary. Potential denitrification rate (PDR) was measured by acetylene inhibition method and distribution of carbon (C) moieties in organic C was determined by 13 C solid-state NMR. Of the three wetlands, the FM soil profile exhibited the highest PDR on both unit weight and unit volume basis as compared to FS and SM. The FM also tended to yield higher amount of N 2 O as compared to the FS and SM especially at earlier stages of denitrification, suggesting incomplete reduction of NO 3 - at FM and potential for emission of N 2 O. Saline marsh soil profile had the lowest PDR on the unit volume basis. Increasing incubation concentration from 2 to 10 mg NO 3 - -N L -1 increased PDR by 2 to 6 fold with the highest increase in the top horizons of FS and SM soils. Regression analysis showed that across these three wetland systems, organic C has significant effect in regulating PDR. Of the compositional C moieties, polysaccharides positively influenced denitrification rate whereas phenolics (likely phenolic adehydes and ketonics) negatively affected denitrification rate in these wetland soils. These results could have significant implication in integrated assessment and management of wetlands for treating nutrient-rich biosolids and wastewaters, non-point source agricultural runoff, and nitrate found in the diverted Mississippi River water used for coastal

  20. Effect of dissolved oxygen on biological denitrification using biodegradable plastic as the carbon source (United States)

    Zhang, Xucai; Zhang, Jianmei


    Biological denitrification is currently a common approach to remove nitrate from wastewater. This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of dissolved oxygen on denitrification in wastewater treatment using biodegradable plastic as carbon source by designing the aerated, anoxic, and low-oxygen experimental treatment groups. The results showed that the removal rates of nitrate in anoxic and low-oxygen groups were 30.6 g NO3 --Nm-3 d-1 and 30.8 g NO3 --N m-3 d-1 at 83 h, respectively, both of which were higher than that of the aerated group. There was no significant difference between the anoxic and low-oxygen treatment groups for the nitrate removal. Additional, the nitrite accumulated during the experiments, and the nitrite concentrations in anoxic and aerated groups were lower than those in low-oxygen group. No nitrite was detected in all groups at the end of the experiments. These findings indicated that dissolved oxygen has important influence on denitrification, and anoxic and low-oxygen conditions can support completely denitrification when using BP as carbon source in nitrate-polluted wastewater treatment.

  1. Rising Sludge in Secondary Settlers Due to Denitrification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henze, Mogens; Dupont, Rene; Grau, Peter


    High suspended solids concentrations in settler effluents can be caused by rising sludge, which is the effect of flotation of solids by nitrogen gas resulting from biological denitrification. Many factors influence the nitrogen gas bubble evolution. The most important factor is the rate...

  2. Acid Fermentation Process Combined with Post Denitrification for the Treatment of Primary Sludge and Wastewater with High Strength Nitrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Allen Kurniawan


    Full Text Available In this study, an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR, combined with a post denitrification process, was applied to treat primary sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and wastewater with a high concentration of nitrate. The production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs was maximized with a short hydraulic retention time in the acid fermentation of the ABR process, and then the produced VFAs were supplied as an external carbon source for the post denitrification process. The laboratory scale experiment was operated for 160 days to evaluate the VFAs’ production rate, sludge reduction in the ABR type-acid fermentation process, and the specific denitrification rate of the post denitrification process. As results, the overall removal rate of total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD, total suspended solids (TSS, and total nitrogen (TN were found to be 97%, 92%, 73%, respectively, when considering the influent into ABR type-acid fermentation and effluent from post denitrification. We observed the specific VFAs production rate of 0.074 gVFAs/gVSS/day for the ABR type-acid fermentation, and an average specific denitrification rate of 0.166 gNO3−-N/gVSS/day for the post denitrification. Consequently, we observed that a high production of VFAs from a primary sludge, using application of the ABR type acid fermentation process and the produced VFAs were then successfully utilized as an external carbon source for the post denitrification process, with a high removal rate of nitrogen.

  3. High rates of denitrification and nitrous oxide emission in arid biological soil crusts from the Sultanate of Oman

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abed, Raeid M M; Lam, Phyllis; De Beer, Dirk


    Using a combination of process rate determination, microsensor profiling and molecular techniques, we demonstrated that denitrification, and not anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), is the major nitrogen loss process in biological soil crusts from Oman. Potential denitrification rates were 584...... that nitrogen loss via denitrification is a dominant process in crusts from Oman, which leads to N 2 O gas emission and potentially reduces desert soil fertility....

  4. Phylogenetic analysis of nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide respiratory enzymes reveal a complex evolutionary history for denitrification. (United States)

    Jones, Christopher M; Stres, Blaz; Rosenquist, Magnus; Hallin, Sara


    Denitrification is a facultative respiratory pathway in which nitrite (NO2(-)), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are successively reduced to nitrogen gas (N(2)), effectively closing the nitrogen cycle. The ability to denitrify is widely dispersed among prokaryotes, and this polyphyletic distribution has raised the possibility of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) having a substantial role in the evolution of denitrification. Comparisons of 16S rRNA and denitrification gene phylogenies in recent studies support this possibility; however, these results remain speculative as they are based on visual comparisons of phylogenies from partial sequences. We reanalyzed publicly available nirS, nirK, norB, and nosZ partial sequences using Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference. Concomitant analysis of denitrification genes with 16S rRNA sequences from the same organisms showed substantial differences between the trees, which were supported by examining the posterior probability of monophyletic constraints at different taxonomic levels. Although these differences suggest HGT of denitrification genes, the presence of structural variants for nirK, norB, and nosZ makes it difficult to determine HGT from other evolutionary events. Additional analysis using phylogenetic networks and likelihood ratio tests of phylogenies based on full-length sequences retrieved from genomes also revealed significant differences in tree topologies among denitrification and 16S rRNA gene phylogenies, with the exception of the nosZ gene phylogeny within the data set of the nirK-harboring genomes. However, inspection of codon usage and G + C content plots from complete genomes gave no evidence for recent HGT. Instead, the close proximity of denitrification gene copies in the genomes of several denitrifying bacteria suggests duplication. Although HGT cannot be ruled out as a factor in the evolution of denitrification genes, our analysis suggests that other phenomena, such gene

  5. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Karl Ernst von Baer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Schmuck


    Full Text Available Zusammenfassung Der kurze, nicht vollständig erhaltene Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Karl Ernst von Baer behandelt sehr verschiedene Themen: Politik, Kriegsgefahr, den Wissenschaftsbetrieb, Auszeichnungen und Tagungen, Embryologie und Cholera. Gemeinsam mit Briefen und Reden ergibt sich dabei ein differenziertes Bild der Beurteilung der beiden Wissenschaftler durch den jeweils anderen. Während Baer sich als Bewunderer Humboldts erweist, erscheint umgekehrt Humboldts Einschätzung Baers als ambivalent. Abstract The short, not completely preserved correspondence between Alexander von Humboldt and Karl Ernst von Baer deals with a wide range of subjects: politics and the danger of war, academic activities, scientific awards and conferences, aspects of embryology and the cholera. Letters to third persons and speeches, together with the correspondence between Humboldt and Baer show a differentiated pattern of mutual appraisal: While Baer always remained an admirer of the elder naturalist, Humboldt’s estimation was characterized by ambivalence.

  6. In Situ Denitrification and Biological Nitrogen Fixation Under Enhanced Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Deposition in UK Peatlands (United States)

    Ullah, Sami; Saiz Val, Ernesto; Sgouridis, Fotis; Peichl, Matthias; Nilsson, Mats


    Dinitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) losses due to denitrification and biological N2 fixation (BNF) are the most uncertain components of the nitrogen (N) cycle in peatlands under enhanced atmospheric reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition. This uncertainty hampers our ability to assess the contribution of denitrification to the removal of biologically fixed and/or atmospherically deposited Nr in peatlands. This uncertainty emanates from the difficulty in measuring in situ soil N2 and N2O production and consumption in peatlands. In situ denitrification and its contribution to total N2O flux was measured monthly between April 2013 and October 2014 in peatlands in two UK catchments. An adapted 15N-Gas Flux method1 with low level addition of 15N tracer (0.03 ± 0.005 kg 15N ha-1) was used to measure denitrification and its contribution to net N2O production (DN2O/TN2O). BNF was measured in situ through incubation of selected sphagnum species under 15N2 gas tracer. Denitrification2 varied temporally and averaged 8 kg N-N2 ha-1 y-1. The contribution of denitrification was about 48% to total N2O flux3 of 0.05 kg N ha-1 y-1. Soil moisture, temperature, ecosystem respiration, pH and mineral N content mainly regulated the flux of N2 and N2O. Preliminary results showed suppression of BNF, which was 1.8 to 7 times lower in peatland mosses exposed to ˜15 to 20 kg N ha-1 y-1 Nr deposition in the UK than in peatland mosses in northern Sweden with background Nr deposition. Overall, the contribution of denitrification to Nr removal in the selected peatlands was ˜50% of the annual Nr deposition rates, making these ecosystems vulnerable to chronic N saturation. These results point to a need for a more comprehensive annual BNF measurement to more accurately account for total Nr input into peatlands and its atmospheric loss due to denitrification. References Sgouridis F, Stott A & Ullah S, 2016. Application of the 15N-Gas Flux method for measuring in situ N2 and N2O fluxes due to

  7. Evaluation von Bildungssoftware im Spannungsfeld von Objektivität und praktischer Anwendung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cornelia Biffi


    Full Text Available Das Angebot an Bildungs- bzw. Lernsoftware umfasst eine breite Palette von sehr unterschiedlichen Produkten. Eigentliche Unterrichtssoftware, die speziell für den Unterricht hergestellt und auf Lehrmittel und Curriculum abgestimmt ist, gibt es kaum. Im Projekt «Lernsoftware Evaluation» des Pestalozzianums Zürich ermitteln Lehrpersonen die Qualität von Bildungssoftware, indem sie diese im Unterricht einsetzen und anhand eines Kriterienrasters beurteilen. Eine Analyse der in der Evaluation generierten Daten belegt die Problematik des Anspruchs einer objektiven Qualitätsbeurteilung. Es werden die Probleme bei der Anwendung von Kriterienraster und Beurteilungsmodus aufgezeigt und ermittelt, worin die subjektiven Qualitätsmassstäbe der Evaluierenden begründet sind. Diese Ausführungen sind Teil eines Forschungsprojekts für die Weiterentwicklung einer theoretisch fundierten, aber dennoch praxisnahen Evaluation von Bildungssoftware.

  8. Establishing Ideal Conditions for Complete Denitrification by Pseudomonas Aureofaciens - An Update on Determining Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Nitrate Using Bacterial Denitrification and Laser Spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, Amelia Lee Zhi; Heiling, Maria; Toloza, Arsenio; Heng, Lee K.


    This serves as update on research entitled “Determining isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate using bacterial denitrification and laser spectroscopy” first published in the Vol. 39, No. 1, July 2016 SWMCN Soils Newsletter. In this research, isotopic δ"1"5N and δ"1"8O composition of dissolved nitrates is measured by laser spectroscopy after reduction of nitrate to N_2O by Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Quantifying the isotopic composition of nitrates in aqueous samples allows for better identification of potential nitrate sources, which in turn assists in remediation of nitrate-contaminated water and design of future agricultural management practises. The overall objective of the project is to establish a technical guide in the form of a standard operating procedure outlining best practises for denitrification method.

  9. Performance of heterotrophic partial denitrification under feast-famine condition of electron donor: a case study using acetate as external carbon source. (United States)

    Gong, Lingxiao; Huo, Mingxin; Yang, Qing; Li, Jun; Ma, Bin; Zhu, Rulong; Wang, Shuying; Peng, Yongzhen


    Recently, the combination of anammox and post heterotrophic partial denitrification (nitrate to nitrite) was increasingly popular to treat anammox effluent with excessive nitrate, whereas achieving nitrite accumulation stably was a major bottleneck for post-denitrification. This work focused on the performance of heterotrophic partial denitrification under acetate feast-famine condition. The results showed that readily biodegradable COD to nitrate (RBCOD/NO3(-)) ratio of 2.5 facilitated an ideal nitrite accumulation ratio (NAR) of 71.7% under complete nitrate reduction. When RBCOD/NO3(-) ratio was below 3.5, in terms of efficiency and nitrite accumulation, higher NAR obtained during exogenous denitrification identified that the external acetate depletion was the optimal ending point of denitrification, which could be indicated by pH accurately. The indication of pH realized NAR of 60% ideally under batch-flow mode with RBCOD/NO3(-) ratio of 2.7, which might promote the scale-up of partial denitrification. Furthemore, alkaline environment (pH 9.0-9.6) repressed N2O emission even during endogenous denitrification. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Emission control measures for precursors of tropospheric ozone. Pt. 1 and 2; Emissionsminderungsmoeglichkeiten bei Vorlaeufersubstanzen von bodennahem Ozon. Bd. 1: Systemanalyse der Ozonminderungsmassnahmen in den USA. Bd. 2: Luftreinhaltemassnahmen in den USA zur Minderung von VOC-Emissionen aus Kleinanlagen und Produkten und Vergleich mit europaeischen Regelungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leclaire, T; Schiefer, C; Bergmann, S; Hrabovski, Z [Institut fuer Umwelttechnologie und Umweltanalytik e.V. (IUTA), Duisburg (Germany)


    emissions are compared and discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of the described strategies are highlighted. Based on the actual VOC emission inventory of Germany suggestions for future reduction measures are supposed. (orig.) [Deutsch] In den USA liegen Erfahrungen aus der Ozonbekaempfung ueber einen Zeitraum von 20 bis 30 Jahren vor. Aufgrund besonders hoher Ozonbelastungen in vielen Regionen werden grosse Anstrengungen zur VOC-Minderung unternommen. Wesentliches Ziel des Vorhabens war es, die Schwerpunkt im Hinblick auf die Minderung von VOC-Emissionen herauzufinden und zu pruefen, ob und inwieweit eine Uebertragung von Strategien und Massnahmen auf die Verhaeltnisse in Deutschland moeglich ist. Hauptaugenmerk wurde auf kleinere Anlagen und Produkte gelegt, weil in diesen Bereichen in Deutschland momentan vordringlich Handlungsbedarf gesehen wird. Im ersten Band sind die Strategien und Massnahmen zur Ozonminderung in den USA (bundesweit) sowie in fuenf Regionen mit besonders hoher Ozonimmissionsbelastung beschrieben. Hierzu erfolgte eine Darstellung der Zustaendigkeitsbereiche auf nationaler, einzelstaatlicher, regionaler und lokaler Ebene, der Gesetzgebung und Regelwerke, der Schwerpunktsetzung hinsichtlich NO{sub x}- und VOC-Minderung und eine kurze Darstellung der quellenbezogenen Massnahmen auf nationaler Ebene und in den betrachteten Regionen. In Band 2 erfolgt eine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der Massnahmen zur VOC-Emissionsminderung bei Produkten und im gewerblichen Bereich in den USA anhand der nationalen Regelungen fuer Anstrichstoffe und Konsumgueter, der von der kalifornischen Luftreinhaltebehoerde erlassenen VOC-bezogenen Regelungen fuer Anstrichstoffe, Konsumgueter und Gewerbebetriebe sowie der Regelungen des suedkalifornischen South Coast Air Quality Management Districts (Los Angeles und Umgebung). Zur Darstellung der regionalen Bestimmung wurde diese Region ausgewaehlt, da die Regelungen dort aufgrund der besonders hohen Immissionsbelastung

  11. Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trois, Cristina; Pisano, Giulia; Oxarango, Laurent


    Nitrified leachate may still require an additional bio-denitrification step, which occurs with the addition of often-expensive chemicals as carbon source. This study explores the applicability of low-cost carbon sources such as garden refuse compost and pine bark for the denitrification of high strength landfill leachates. The overall objective is to assess efficiency, kinetics and performance of the substrates in the removal of high nitrate concentrations. Garden refuse and pine bark are currently disposed of in general waste landfills in South Africa, separated from the main waste stream. A secondary objective is to assess the feasibility of re-using green waste as by-product of an integrated waste management system. Denitrification processes in fixed bed reactors were simulated at laboratory scale using anaerobic batch tests and leaching columns packed with immature compost and pine bark. Biologically treated leachate from a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) with nitrate concentrations of 350, 700 and 1100 mgN/l were used for the trials. Preliminary results suggest that, passed the acclimatization step (40 days for both substrates), full denitrification is achieved in 10-20 days for the pine bark and 30-40 days for the compost.

  12. Denitrification: an important pathway for nitrous oxide production in tropical mangrove sediments (Goa, India). (United States)

    Fernandes, Sheryl Oliveira; Bharathi, P A Loka; Bonin, Patricia C; Michotey, Valérie D


    Net nitrous oxide production and denitrification activity were measured in two mangrove ecosystems of Goa, India. The relatively pristine site Tuvem was compared to Divar, which is prone to high nutrient input. Stratified sampling at 2-cm intervals within the 0- to 10-cm depth range showed that N2O production at both the locations decreased with depth. Elevated denitrification activity at Divar resulted in maximum production of up to 1.95 nmol N2O-N g(-1) h(-1) at 2 to 4 cm, which was three times higher than at Tuvem. Detailed investigations to understand the major pathway contributing to N2O production performed at Tuvem showed that incomplete denitrification was responsible for up to 43 to 93% of N2O production. Nitrous oxide production rates closely correlated to nitrite concentration (n = 15; r = -0.47; p production. Nitrous oxide production through nitrification was below detection, affirming that denitrification is the major pathway responsible for production of the greenhouse gas. Net N2O production in these mangrove systems are comparatively higher than those reported from other natural estuarine sediments and therefore warrant mitigation measures.

  13. [Friedrich Ludwig von Maydelli pildid Baltimaade ajaloost = Friedrich Ludwig von Maydells Baltische Geschichte in Bildern = Friedrich Ludwig von Maydell ́s Baltic history in images] / Ulrike Plath

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Plath, Ulrike, 1972-


    Arvustus: Friedrich Ludwig von Maydelli pildid Baltimaade ajaloost = Friedrich Ludwig von Maydells Baltische Geschichte in Bildern = Friedrich Ludwig von Maydell ́s Baltic history in images. Eesti kunstimuuseum, Kadrioru kunstimuuseum. Tallinn 2013

  14. Komplexitätsbeherrschung in der wertschöpfungspartnerschaftsübergreifenden Produktspezifikationserstellung bei unvollkommenen Informationen durch Simplifizierungsregeln


    Ludwig, Ralf


    Probleme/Forschungsfragen: Ein stetiger Komplexitätsanstieg des Produktes und der Produktentwicklungsumgebung erschweren in Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften das Erreichen einer gemeinsamen Win-Win-Situation. Bei der frühen Erarbeitung der Produktauslegung oder im Rahmen der Produktspezifikationserstellung ist durch die hohe Komplexität von Entwicklungsaufgabe und -umgebung eine umfassende gesamtheitliche Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Erfolgsdeterminanten nur sehr begrenzt möglich. Ein...

  15. Denitrification potential and its relation to organic carbon quality in three coastal wetland soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dodla, Syam K. [School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Wang, Jim J. [School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States)], E-mail:; DeLaune, Ron D. [Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Cook, Robert L. [Chemistry Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States)


    Capacity of a wetland to remove nitrate through denitrification is controlled by its physico-chemical and biological characteristics. Understanding these characteristics will help better to guide beneficial use of wetlands in processing nitrate. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) quality and denitrification rate in Louisiana coastal wetlands. Composite soil samples of different depths were collected from three different wetlands along a salinity gradient, namely, bottomland forest swamp (FS), freshwater marsh (FM), and saline marsh (SM) located in the Barataria Basin estuary. Potential denitrification rate (PDR) was measured by acetylene inhibition method and distribution of carbon (C) moieties in organic C was determined by {sup 13}C solid-state NMR. Of the three wetlands, the FM soil profile exhibited the highest PDR on both unit weight and unit volume basis as compared to FS and SM. The FM also tended to yield higher amount of N{sub 2}O as compared to the FS and SM especially at earlier stages of denitrification, suggesting incomplete reduction of NO{sub 3}{sup -} at FM and potential for emission of N{sub 2}O. Saline marsh soil profile had the lowest PDR on the unit volume basis. Increasing incubation concentration from 2 to 10 mg NO{sub 3}{sup -}-N L{sup -1} increased PDR by 2 to 6 fold with the highest increase in the top horizons of FS and SM soils. Regression analysis showed that across these three wetland systems, organic C has significant effect in regulating PDR. Of the compositional C moieties, polysaccharides positively influenced denitrification rate whereas phenolics (likely phenolic adehydes and ketonics) negatively affected denitrification rate in these wetland soils. These results could have significant implication in integrated assessment and management of wetlands for treating nutrient-rich biosolids and wastewaters, non-point source agricultural runoff, and nitrate found in the diverted

  16. Using Pure Cultures to Define the Site Preference of Nitrous Oxide Produced by Microbial Nitrification and Denitrification (United States)

    Sutka, R. L.; Breznak, J. A.; Ostrom, N. E.; Ostrom, P. H.; Gandhi, H.


    Defining the site preference of nitrous oxide (N2O) produced in pure culture studies is crucial to interpreting field data. We have previously demonstrated that the intramolecular distribution of nitrogen isotopes (isotopomers) can be used to differentiate N2O produced by nitrifier denitrification and nitrification in cultures of Nitrosomonas europaea. Here, we have expanded on our initial results and evaluated the isotopomeric composition of N2O produced during nitrification and nitrifier denitrification with cultures of Nitrosospira multiformis. In addition, we have analyzed N2O produced during methanotrophic nitrification, denitrification, and fungal denitrification. To evaluate N2O production during nitrification and nitrifier denitrification, we compared the site preference of N2O formed as a result of nitrite reduction and hydroxylamine oxidation with Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosospira multiformis. The average site preference of N2O produced by hydroxylamine oxidation was similar for Nitrosomonas europaea (33.0 ± 3.5 ‰ ) and Nitrosospira multiformis (33.1 ± 4.2 ‰ ). Nitrous oxide produced by nitrifier-denitrification by Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosospira multiformis had a similar site preference of - 1.4 ± 4.4 ‰ and - 1.1 ± 2.6 ‰ respectively. The results indicate that it is possible to differentiate between N2O produced by nitrite reduction and hydroxylamine oxidation by ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Methanotrophic nitrification was evaluated by analyzing the N2O produced during hydroxylamine oxidation in concentrated cell suspensions of two methane oxidizing bacteria. The site preference of N2O produced by the two methane oxidizers, Methylococcus capsulatus Bath and Methylosinus trichosporium was 31.8 ± 4.7 ‰ and 33.0 ± 4.5 ‰ respectively. The results indicate that a site preference of 33 ‰ is applicable for nitrification regardless of whether a methane oxidizer or ammonia oxidizer is involved in the reaction. To determine the site

  17. Denitrification in the karstic Floridan Aquifer (United States)

    Fork, M.; Albertin, A. R.; Heffernan, J. B.; Katz, B. G.; Cohen, M. J.


    Nitrate concentrations in the karstic Floridan Aquifer have increased dramatically over the past 50 years, owing to agricultural intensification and urbanization. Due to low concentrations of organic matter and moderately oxic conditions in the Floridan Aquifer, groundwater denitrification has been assumed to be negligible. In this study, we evaluate that assumption using both existing and new data describing dissolved gases (Ne, N2, O2, Ar) and NO3- concentration and isotopic composition (δ18O- and δ15N-NO3) in the aquifer’s artesian springs. For new data, we collected samples from 33 spring vents representing a gradient of both DO and NO3- concentrations in northern Florida and used Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry (MIMS) to directly measure dissolved N2 and Ar. We modeled the physical processes (recharge temperature, dissolution of excess air) driving super-saturation of N2 gas using Ne and Ar where data describing Ne were available. Ar concentrations were correlated closely with recharge temperature, which ranged from 15.7 - 22.2°C, while Ne was closely correlated with excess air, which ranged from 1.05 to 2.66 mg L-1 and averaged 1.83 mg L-1. Estimates of physical mechanisms allowed calculation of expected N2 concentrations that were compared to observed N2 concentrations. Where Ne data were unavailable, we assumed excess air equal to the empirical average. Overall, observed N2 exceeded expectations based on physical processes in 33 of 47 cases; average excess N2 was 0.48 mg L-1 across all sites. In addition, excess N2 was negatively correlated with DO (r2 = 0.46); springs with low DO (Aquifer. Low DOC concentrations indicate that alternative electron donors may fuel nitrate reduction. Scaling to regional estimates of N2 production based on springs discharge and DO concentrations indicates that subsurface denitrification may account for some of the imbalance in springshed nutrient budgets. In addition, we conclude that use of δ15N-NO3- to diagnose

  18. Automatisierung von HiL Tests


    Asbach, Lennart; Ebrecht, Lars


    Automatisierung von HiL Tests. Darstellung und Bewertung einer praktischen Umsetzung. Das Poster zeigt die Motivation, die Durchführung, einen aktuellen Stand und einen Ausblick der Testautomatisierung im Bahnlabor RailSiTe. Als Beispiel dient der Konformitätstest von ETCS-Onboard Zugrechnern, um die Einführung von ETCS zu unterstützen.

  19. Die Wirkung von Desacetylcefotaxin, einem Metaboliten von Cefotaxim, in vitro und auf die experimentelle Infektion mit Escherichia coli


    Wirbelauer, J.; Hof, H.; Hacker, Jörg


    Die MHK-Werte von Desacetylcefotaxim gegen verschiedene, z. T. ampicillinresistente Stämme von Escherichia coH, die mit Hilfe einer Agardilutionsmethode erhoben wurden, waren höher als die von Cefotaxim und Ceftriaxon, jedoch niedriger als die von Cefoxitin. In einem Modell der systemischen Infektion der Maus mit einem plasmidtragenden, betalactamaseproduzierenden Stamm von E. coli führte die Therapie mit Desacetylcefotaxim zu einer starken Reduktion der Keime pro Leber. Im Vergleich zur Ther...

  20. Nitrous oxide production by nitrification and denitrification in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (United States)

    Ji, Qixing; Babbin, Andrew R.; Jayakumar, Amal; Oleynik, Sergey; Ward, Bess B.


    The Eastern Tropical South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (ETSP-OMZ) is a site of intense nitrous oxide (N2O) flux to the atmosphere. This flux results from production of N2O by nitrification and denitrification, but the contribution of the two processes is unknown. The rates of these pathways and their distributions were measured directly using 15N tracers. The highest N2O production rates occurred at the depth of peak N2O concentrations at the oxic-anoxic interface above the oxygen deficient zone (ODZ) because slightly oxygenated waters allowed (1) N2O production from both nitrification and denitrification and (2) higher nitrous oxide production yields from nitrification. Within the ODZ proper (i.e., anoxia), the only source of N2O was denitrification (i.e., nitrite and nitrate reduction), the rates of which were reflected in the abundance of nirS genes (encoding nitrite reductase). Overall, denitrification was the dominant pathway contributing the N2O production in the ETSP-OMZ.

  1. Relative importance of plant uptake and plant associated denitrification for removal of nitrogen from mine drainage in sub-arctic wetlands. (United States)

    Hallin, Sara; Hellman, Maria; Choudhury, Maidul I; Ecke, Frauke


    Reactive nitrogen (N) species released from undetonated ammonium-nitrate based explosives used in mining or other blasting operations are an emerging environmental problem. Wetlands are frequently used to treat N-contaminated water in temperate climate, but knowledge on plant-microbial interactions and treatment potential in sub-arctic wetlands is limited. Here, we compare the relative importance of plant uptake and denitrification among five plant species commonly occurring in sub-arctic wetlands for removal of N in nitrate-rich mine drainage in northern Sweden. Nitrogen uptake and plant associated potential denitrification activity and genetic potential for denitrification based on quantitative PCR of the denitrification genes nirS, nirK, nosZI and nosZII were determined in plants growing both in situ and cultivated in a growth chamber. The growth chamber and in situ studies generated similar results, suggesting high relevance and applicability of results from growth chamber experiments. We identified denitrification as the dominating pathway for N-removal and abundances of denitrification genes were strong indicators of plant associated denitrification activity. The magnitude and direction of the effect differed among the plant species, with the aquatic moss Drepanocladus fluitans showing exceptionally high ratios between denitrification and uptake rates, compared to the other species. However, to acquire realistic estimates of N-removal potential of specific wetlands and their associated plant species, the total plant biomass needs to be considered. The species-specific plant N-uptake and abundance of denitrification genes on the root or plant surfaces were affected by the presence of other plant species, which show that both multi- and inter-trophic interactions are occurring. Future studies on N-removal potential of wetland plant species should consider how to best exploit these interactions in sub-arctic wetlands. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights

  2. Seasonal effects of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on sediment denitrification rates in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River (United States)

    Bruesewitz, Denise A.; Tank, Jennifer L.; Bernot, Melody J.; Richardson, William B.; Strauss, Eric A.


    Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) have altered the structure of invaded ecosystems and exhibit characteristics that suggest they may influence ecosystem processes such as nitrogen (N) cycling. We measured denitrification rates seasonally on sediments underlying zebra mussel beds collected from the impounded zone of Navigation Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River. Denitrification assays were amended with nutrients to characterize variation in nutrient limitation of denitrification in the presence or absence of zebra mussels. Denitrification rates at zebra mussel sites were high relative to sites without zebra mussels in February 2004 (repeated measures analysis of variance (RM ANOVA), p = 0.005), potentially because of high NO3-N variability from nitrification of high NH4+ zebra mussel waste. Denitrification rates were highest in June 2003 (RM ANOVA, p 3-N concentrations during the study (linear regression, R2 = 0.72, p p ≤ 0.01). Examining how zebra mussels influence denitrification rates will aid in developing a more complete understanding of the impact of zebra mussels and more effective management strategies of eutrophic waters.

  3. A Tire-Sulfur Hybrid Adsorption Denitrification (T-SHAD) process for decentralized wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Krayzelova, Lucie; Lynn, Thomas J; Banihani, Qais; Bartacek, Jan; Jenicek, Pavel; Ergas, Sarina J


    Nitrogen discharges from decentralized wastewater treatment (DWT) systems contribute to surface and groundwater contamination. However, the high variability in loading rates, long idle periods and lack of regular maintenance presents a challenge for biological nitrogen removal in DWT. A Tire-Sulfur Hybrid Adsorption Denitrification (T-SHAD) process was developed that combines nitrate (NO3(-)) adsorption to scrap tire chips with sulfur-oxidizing denitrification. This allows the tire chips to adsorb NO3(-) when the influent loading exceeds the denitrification capacity of the biofilm and release it when NO3(-) loading rates are low (e.g. at night). Three waste products, scrap tire chips, elemental sulfur pellets and crushed oyster shells, were used as a medium in adsorption, leaching, microcosm and up-flow packed bed bioreactor studies of NO3(-) removal from synthetic nitrified DWT wastewater. Adsorption isotherms showed that scrap tire chips have an adsorption capacity of 0.66 g NO3(-)-N kg(-1) of scrap tires. Leaching and microcosm studies showed that scrap tires leach bioavailable organic carbon that can support mixotrophic metabolism, resulting in lower effluent SO4(2-) concentrations than sulfur oxidizing denitrification alone. In column studies, the T-SHAD process achieved high NO3(-)-N removal efficiencies under steady state (90%), variable flow (89%) and variable concentration (94%) conditions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Eine Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen dem Konsum von Alkopops und dem Problemverhalten von Jugendlichen


    Metzner, Cornelia Beate Isabel


    Zielsetzung: In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob bei Jugendlichen ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von Alkopops einerseits und dem sonstigen Alkoholtrinkverhalten, dem Konsum von Zigaretten und illegalen Drogen sowie weiteren Risikoverhaltensweisen andererseits besteht, ferner ob sich Unterschiede im Verhalten von Jungen und Mädchen ergeben. Theoretischer und empirischer Hintergrund: �Alkopops�, d. h. Mischgetränke diverser Hersteller aus Likör bzw. Schnaps und Limonade sowie wein- ...

  5. Modeling nitrous oxide production during biological nitrogen removal via nitrification and denitrification: extensions to the general ASM models. (United States)

    Ni, Bing-Jie; Ruscalleda, Maël; Pellicer-Nàcher, Carles; Smets, Barth F


    Nitrous oxide (N(2)O) can be formed during biological nitrogen (N) removal processes. In this work, a mathematical model is developed that describes N(2)O production and consumption during activated sludge nitrification and denitrification. The well-known ASM process models are extended to capture N(2)O dynamics during both nitrification and denitrification in biological N removal. Six additional processes and three additional reactants, all involved in known biochemical reactions, have been added. The validity and applicability of the model is demonstrated by comparing simulations with experimental data on N(2)O production from four different mixed culture nitrification and denitrification reactor study reports. Modeling results confirm that hydroxylamine oxidation by ammonium oxidizers (AOB) occurs 10 times slower when NO(2)(-) participates as final electron acceptor compared to the oxic pathway. Among the four denitrification steps, the last one (N(2)O reduction to N(2)) seems to be inhibited first when O(2) is present. Overall, N(2)O production can account for 0.1-25% of the consumed N in different nitrification and denitrification systems, which can be well simulated by the proposed model. In conclusion, we provide a modeling structure, which adequately captures N(2)O dynamics in autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification driven biological N removal processes and which can form the basis for ongoing refinements.

  6. Estética do futebol: Brasil vs. Alemanha

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willi Bolle


    Full Text Available Im September 1977 trafen sich deutsche und brasilianische Literaturwissenschaftler in der Universität São Paulo, um den Stil zweier großer Fußball-Schulen zu kommentieren. Als "Textgrundlage" hatten wir das Spiel Deutschland : Brasilien ausgewählt (Endstand: 3 : 3; Halbzeitstand: 0 : 3, das im Juni 1993 in Washington zwischen den seinerzeit dreifachen Weltmeistern ausgetragen worden war. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Universität Stanford schlug eine philosophische Reflexion über den Fußball vor, verbunden mit einer vergleichenden Analyse des Soccer und des American Football. In beiden Ballspielarten beobachtet er das magische Phänomen der "Produktion von Gegenwart". Sie trift in drei Arten von Funktionen zu Tage - ontologische Funktion (die Aktion gegen das Nichts, die "Epiphanie der Form" (der geniale Spielzug und Spannung zwischen Finalität und Telos (oder aus Inszenierung von Intentionalität und Kontingenz -, die sich sowohl im Football wie im Fußball beobachten lassen, aber in ganz verschiedener Zusammensetzung. Flávio Aguiar (Universität São Paulo hob in seinem Kommentar das Phänomen der leeren Spielräume und der Besetzung des Raums hervor. Antonio Medina (Universität São Paulo setze dem eher ontologischen Charakter des American Football den mimetischen Charakter des Fußballs entgegen, der (zumindest in Brasilien von dem Verhältnis zwischen Herren und Sklaven affiziert wird. José Miguel Wisnik (Universität São Paulo vertiefte die Dialektik zwischen der Herstellung von Gegenwart (Widerstand gegen Interpretation, negative Hermencutik und der Produktion von Sinn. In seiner Antwort erläuterte Gumbrecht, dass die Begriffe des leeren und des besetzten Raumes religiöse Tonalitäten mit sich bringen (die transzendentale Leere. Willi Bolle (Universität São Paulo stellte die Frage, inwiefern eine aus der Perspektive des Massensports Fußball entworfene Ästhetik dazu führen kann, den Begriff der Ästhetik neu zu denken.

  7. Nutrient and carbon availability influences on denitrification in the regulated Lower Colorado River, Austin (United States)

    Spector, J.


    The Lower Colorado River in Austin, Texas receives nitrogen-rich runoff and treated wastewater effluent and is subject to periodic water releases from the Longhorn Dam, which cause fluctuations in groundwater stage downstream. This research examined groundwater denitrification at the Hornsby Bend riparian area (located approximately 24 km downstream of downtown Austin) and characterized how dam-induced hyporheic exchange affects denitrification rates. Conductivity, temperature, water level, and dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured continuously throughout flood pulses for six months using dataloggers installed in a transect of seven monitoring wells on the river bank. Hourly samples were collected using an autosampler in one monitoring well (MW-5) during various flood conditions during the six month monitoring period. Water samples were analyzed for total organic carbon, total nitrogen, anions (NO3- and NO2-), NH4+ concentrations, alkalinity, and specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) to characterize dissolved organic matter. Following large flood events (up to 4 m of water level stage increase), average conductivity increased 300 µs/centimeter in MW-5 as the water level receded. Analysis of water samples indicated that NO3- reduction occurred as conductivity and alkalinity increased. In addition, NH4+ concentrations increased during high conductivity periods. Increased denitrification activity corresponded with high SUVA. High conductivity and alkalinity increase the availability of electron donors (HCO3- and CO32-) and enhances denitrification potential. Higher SUVA values indicate increased dissolved organic carbon aromaticity and corresponding NO3- reduction. Additionally, changes in dissolved organic matter lability indicate the residence times of possible reactive organic carbon in the riparian area. This study has implications for determining advantageous geochemical conditions for hyporheic zone denitrification following large flood events.

  8. Use of microbial analysis to evaluate denitrification in the karstic aquifer of Okinawa, Japan (United States)

    Yasumoto, J.


    Denitrification, a microbial process in the nitrogen cycle, is a facultative respiratory pathway in which nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrous oxide (N2O), successively, are reduced to nitrogen gas (N2). This study explores the use of microbial analysis to evaluate the processes involved in nitrate attenuation in groundwater. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is used to identify denitrifiers based only on their 16SrRNA gene sequences, and Real-Time PCR analysis is used to quantify nitrite reducing genes (nirK and nirS), this suggest that a new methods for detecting denitrification activity by comparing the gene dosage that has been detected by RT-PCR and the value of the δ15NNO3- and δ18ONO3-. This study focuses on a zone of significant NO3- attenuation occurring at underground dam catchment area in the karstic Ryukyu limestone aquifer, which is located southern part of Okinawa, Japan. As a result of microbial analysis, the bacteria were detected at all observation points which have been reported to have denitrification ability. And it has been confirmed that the bacteria has a gene nirS which is related to denitrification. In addition, many bacteria related to denitrification have been extracted from suspended solids more than from groundwater in the aquifer. And, the correlation was high between nirK /nirS gene dosage that has been detected by RT-PCR and the value of the δ15N and δ18O; therefore, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of using Real-Time PCR analysis for providing insights into the processes affecting nitrate attenuation in ground water.

  9. Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost. (United States)

    Trois, Cristina; Pisano, Giulia; Oxarango, Laurent


    Nitrified leachate may still require an additional bio-denitrification step, which occurs with the addition of often-expensive chemicals as carbon source. This study explores the applicability of low-cost carbon sources such as garden refuse compost and pine bark for the denitrification of high strength landfill leachates. The overall objective is to assess efficiency, kinetics and performance of the substrates in the removal of high nitrate concentrations. Garden refuse and pine bark are currently disposed of in general waste landfills in South Africa, separated from the main waste stream. A secondary objective is to assess the feasibility of re-using green waste as by-product of an integrated waste management system. Denitrification processes in fixed bed reactors were simulated at laboratory scale using anaerobic batch tests and leaching columns packed with immature compost and pine bark. Biologically treated leachate from a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) with nitrate concentrations of 350, 700 and 1100 mgN/l were used for the trials. Preliminary results suggest that, passed the acclimatization step (40 days for both substrates), full denitrification is achieved in 10-20 days for the pine bark and 30-40 days for the compost. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Control-technical optimization of topped denitrification through fuzzy control; Regelungstechnische Optimierung der vorgeschalteten Denitrifikation durch Anwendung von Fuzzy-Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meyer, U. [Hydroplan Ingenieurgesellschaft, Worms (Germany); Poepel, H.J. [Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Inst. WAR - Wasserversorgung, Abwassertechnik, Abfalltechnik, Umwelt- und Raumplanung


    The present paper describes complex fuzzy systems for controlling nitrogen elimination at plants with topped denitrification. For the design and testing of the fuzzy systems, dynamic simulation calculations and experimental tests were carried out in a semi-technical pilot plant. The controlling fuzzy systems indicate the supposed oxygen values for individual tank areas and the most appropriate partitioning of the activated sludge tank (anoxic/aerobic zone) as a function of the input quantities used. It is established that, with the more flexible control behaviour, a more stable nitrogen elimination and, at the same time, a cut in the amount of air transferred to the system can be attained in comparison with a conventional control. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags werden komplexe Fuzzy-Systeme zur Regelung der Stickstoffelimination in Anlagen mit vorgeschalteter Denitrifikation vorgestellt. Zum Entwurf und zur Erprobung der Fuzzy-Systeme wurden dynamische Simulationsrechnungen und experimentelle Untersuchungen an einer halbtechnischen Versuchsanlage durchgefuehrt. Die uebergeordneten Fuzzy-Systeme geben in Abhaengigkeit der verwendeten Eingangsgroessen Sauerstoffsollwerte fuer die einzelnen Beckenbereiche und die jeweils guenstigste Aufteilung des Belebungsbeckens (anoxische/aerobe Zone) vor. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass durch das flexible Reglerverhalten eine stabilere Stickstoffelimination und gleichzeitig eine Einsparung an eingetragener Luftmenge im Vergleich zu einem konventionellen Regelsystem erreicht werden kann. (orig.)

  11. Titanisierung von Implantatoberflächen (United States)

    Zimmermann, Hanngörg; Heinlein, Markus; Guldner, Norbert W.

    Titan gilt seit Jahrzehnten als einer der wichtigsten Implantatwerkstoffe in der Medizin. Neben den guten mechanischen Eigenschaften (Leichtigkeit, hohe Festigkeit etc.), besitzen Titanimplantate vor allem eine hervorragende Körperverträglichkeit, so dass die Implantate optimal in den humanen Organismus integriert werden [1]. Ist jedoch aufgrund der Anforderungen an das Implantat eine hohe Flexibilität und/ oder Elastizität gefragt, so scheidet der Werkstoff Titan aufgrund seiner spröden und unflexiblen Materialeigenschaften aus. Die Folge ist der Einsatz von Implantatmaterialien, sowohl künstlichen als auch biologischen Ursprungs, welche nicht selten eine unzureichende Biokompatibilität aufweisen und somit zu Fremdköper- und immunologischen Reaktionen und Einkapselung des Implantates führen können. Die Erhöhung der Körperverträglichkeit, eine Adaption an das biologische Umfeld und eine hohe Biokompatibilität sind demzufolge die wichtigsten Eigenschaften bei der bedarfsgerechten Herstellung von Implantaten und Implantatoberflächen. Zur Gestaltung von innovativen, biokompatiblen Oberflächen stehen unterschiedliche technische Lösungsansätze zur Verfügung. Zum einen besteht die Möglichkeit, geeignete Oberflächeneigenschaften aus dem Grundmaterial selbst zu optimieren. Dies geschieht unter anderem durch Modifikation der Werkstoffoberflächen in Form von Texturierungen und Oberflächenrauhigkeiten. Zum anderen können die Oberflächeneigenschaften unabhängig von denen des Trägermaterials gestaltet werden. Durch Funktionalisierung der Oberflächen mit geeigneten Beschichtungen oder der Zugabe von Medikamenten (Drug Eluting) werden die Kunststoffimplantate dahingehend verändert, dass eine Steigerung der Körperakzeptanz erreicht wird. Die Titanbeschichtung von Implantatoberflächen kombiniert die positiven Materialeigenschaften von Titan und Polymer.

  12. Sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic and mixotrophic denitrification processes for drinking water treatment: elimination of excess sulfate production and alkalinity requirement. (United States)

    Sahinkaya, Erkan; Dursun, Nesrin


    This study evaluated the elimination of alkalinity need and excess sulfate generation of sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification process by stimulating simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic (mixotrophic) denitrification process in a column bioreactor by methanol supplementation. Also, denitrification performances of sulfur-based autotrophic and mixotrophic processes were compared. In autotrophic process, acidity produced by denitrifying sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was neutralized by the external NaHCO(3) supplementation. After stimulating mixotrophic denitrification process, the alkalinity need of the autotrophic process was satisfied by the alkalinity produced by heterotrophic denitrifiers. Decreasing and lastly eliminating the external alkalinity supplementation did not adversely affect the process performance. Complete denitrification of 75 mg L(-1) NO(3)-N under mixotrophic conditions at 4 h hydraulic retention time was achieved without external alkalinity supplementation and with effluent sulfate concentration lower than the drinking water guideline value of 250 mg L(-1). The denitrification rate of mixotrophic process (0.45 g NO(3)-N L(-1) d(-1)) was higher than that of autotrophic one (0.3 g NO(3)-N L(-1) d(-1)). Batch studies showed that the sulfur-based autotrophic nitrate reduction rate increased with increasing initial nitrate concentration and transient accumulation of nitrite was observed. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. River water infiltration enhances denitrification efficiency in riparian groundwater. (United States)

    Trauth, Nico; Musolff, Andreas; Knöller, Kay; Kaden, Ute S; Keller, Toralf; Werban, Ulrike; Fleckenstein, Jan H


    Nitrate contamination in ground- and surface water is a persistent problem in countries with intense agriculture. The transition zone between rivers and their riparian aquifers, where river water and groundwater interact, may play an important role in mediating nitrate exports, as it can facilitate intensive denitrification, which permanently removes nitrate from the aquatic system. However, the in-situ factors controlling riparian denitrification are not fully understood, as they are often strongly linked and their effects superimpose each other. In this study, we present the evaluation of hydrochemical and isotopic data from a 2-year sampling period of river water and groundwater in the riparian zone along a 3rd order river in Central Germany. Based on bi- and multivariate statistics (Spearman's rank correlation and partial least squares regression) we can show, that highest rates for oxygen consumption and denitrification in the riparian aquifer occur where the fraction of infiltrated river water and at the same time groundwater temperature, are high. River discharge and depth to groundwater are additional explanatory variables for those reaction rates, but of minor importance. Our data and analyses suggest that at locations in the riparian aquifer, which show significant river water infiltration, heterotrophic microbial reactions in the riparian zone may be fueled by bioavailable organic carbon derived from the river water. We conclude that interactions between rivers and riparian groundwater are likely to be a key control of nitrate removal and should be considered as a measure to mitigate high nitrate exports from agricultural catchments. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The role of C:N:P stoichiometry in affecting denitrification in sediments from agricultural surface and tile-water wetlands. (United States)

    Grebliunas, Brian D; Perry, William L


    Nutrient stoichiometry within a wetland is affected by the surrounding land use, and may play a significant role in the removal of nitrate (NO3-N). Tile-drained, agricultural watersheds experience high seasonal inputs of NO3-N, but low phosphorus (PO4-P) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) loads relative to surface water dominated systems. This difference may present stoichiometric conditions that limit denitrification within receiving waterways. We investigated how C:N:P ratios affected denitrification rates of sediments from tile-drained mitigation wetlands incubated for: 0, 5, 10, and 20 days. We then tested whether denitrification rates of sediments from surface-water and tile-drained wetlands responded differently to C:N ratios of 2:1 versus 4:1. Ratios of C:N:P (P tile-drained wetland sediments. Carbon limitation of denitrification became evident at elevated NO3-N concentrations (20 mg L(-1)). Denitrification measured from tile water and surface water wetland sediments increased significantly (P < 0.05) at the 2:1 and 4:1 C:N treatments. The results from both experiments suggest wetland sediments provide a limiting pool of labile DOC to maintain prolonged NO3-N removal. Also, DOC limitation became more evident at elevated NO3-N concentrations (20 mg L(-1)). Irrespective of NO3-N concentrations, P did not limit denitrification rates. In addition to wetting period, residence time, and maintenance of anaerobic conditions, the availability of labile DOC is playing an important limiting role in sediment denitrification within mitigation wetlands.

  15. Evaluation of gasoline-denatured ethanol as a carbon source for denitrification. (United States)

    Kazasi, Anna; Boardman, Gregory D; Bott, Charles B


    In this study concerning denitrification, the performance of three carbon sources, methanol (MeOH), ethanol (EtOH) and gasoline-denatured ethanol (dEtOH), was compared and evaluated on the basis of treatment efficiency, inhibition potential and cost. The gasoline denaturant considered here contained mostly aliphatic compounds and little of the components that typically boost the octane rating, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes. Results were obtained using three lab-scale SBRs operated at SRT of 12.0 +/- 0.9 days. After biomass was acclimated, denitrification rates with dEtOH were similar to those of EtOH (201 +/- 50 and 197 +/- 28 NO3-N/g MLVSS x d, respectively), and higher than those of MeOH (165 +/- 49 mg NO3-N/g MLVSS x d). The denaturant did not affect biomass production, nitrification or denitrification. Effluent soluble COD concentrations were always less than the analytical detection limit. Although the cost of dEtOH ($2.00/kg nitrate removed) was somewhat higher than that of methanol ($1.63/kg nitrate removed), the use of dEtOH is very promising and utilities will have to decide if it is worth paying a little extra to take advantage of its benefits.

  16. Removal of highly elevated nitrate from drinking water by pH-heterogenized heterotrophic denitrification facilitated with ferrous sulfide-based autotrophic denitrification. (United States)

    Huang, Bin; Chi, Guangyu; Chen, Xin; Shi, Yi


    The performance of acetic acid-supported pH-heterogenized heterotrophic denitrification (HD) facilitated with ferrous sulfide-based autotrophic denitrification (AD) was investigated in upflow activated carbon-packed column reactors for reliable removal of highly elevated nitrate (42 mg NO(3)-Nl(-1)) in drinking water. The use of acetic acid as substrate provided sufficient internal carbon dioxide to completely eliminate the need of external pH adjustment for HD, but simultaneously created vertically heterogenized pH varying from 4.8 to 7.8 in the HD reactor. After 5-week acclimation, the HD reactor developed a moderate nitrate removal capacity with about one third of nitrate removal occurring in the acidic zone (pH 4.8-6.2). To increase the treatment reliability, acetic acid-supported HD was operated under 10% carbon limitation to remove >85% of nitrate, and ferrous sulfide-based AD was supplementally operated to remove residual nitrate and formed nitrite without excess of soluble organic carbon, nitrite or sulfate in the final effluent. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. CKM-embedded Innovation Marketing as Success Driver for Product Innovation: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Research


    Sun, Hongqing


    Mit zunehmender Kundenkompetenz hat sich die Rolle des Kunden von der des passiven Anwenders der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zur der eines Partners im Wertschöpfungsprozess gewandelt. Daher ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein wichtiger Ansatz zum Thema "Wie innoviert man erfolgreich?" entstanden, bei dem der Kunde früher und tiefer in den Innovationsprozess integriert wird. Studien in den Bereichen Kundenbeziehungsmanagement (customer relationship management, CRM) und Wissensmanagement (kno...

  18. Mycorrhiza-induced resistance against Thielaviopsis basicola in the ornemental crop Petunia hybrida


    Hayek , Soukayna


    Wurzelpathogene zeigen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Produktion von Zierpflanzen. Vor Allem in erdelosen Produktionssystemen unter Glas verursachen sie erhebliche Verluste und ihre Bekämpfung mit konventionellen Mitteln beinhaltet normalerweise ein hoher Einsatz an Pestiziden. Ein mehr nachhaltiger Gartenbau braucht alternative Methoden, um den Eintrag dieser Chemikalien zu vermeiden. Die Einführung arbuskulärer Mykorrhizapilze (AM Pilze) in das Produktionssystem könnte ein integraler Bestandt...

  19. 3D-Druck: Wie additive Fertigungsverfahren die Wirtschaft und deren Supply Chains revolutionieren


    Hofmann, Erik; Oettmeier, Katrin


    Die additive Fertigung – weitläufig bekannt unter dem Begriff »3D-Druck« – erfreut sich zunehmender Aufmerksamkeit. Obwohl diese Technologien vielfältige Potenziale in unterschiedlichen Branchen haben, ist deren Nutzung zur Herstellung industrieller Produkte bislang wenig verbreitet. Anhand einer Befragung unter 195 Schweizer Unternehmen untersucht dieser Artikel Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf die Nutzung von additiven Fertigungstechnologien haben. Die Ergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, da...

  20. Model remediation of contaminated sites as illustrated by the example of the TNT-remediation project Stadtallendorf, Hessen, Germany. Part 1: Final report; Part 2: Documentation and balancing of the measures; Part 3: Documentation of citizens' participation and public relations activities in Stadtallendorf; Modellhafte Sanierung von Altlasten am Beispiel des TNT-Sanierungsprojektes Stadtallendorf/Hessen. T. 1: Abschlussbericht. T. 2: Dokumentation und Bilanzierung von Auswirkungen der Sanierung. T. 3: Dokumentation der Buergerbeteiligung und Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit in Stadtallendorf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project comprised the following stages: 1. Development of a technology for purification of soils contaminated with explosives. The process comprised soil washing, hot steam treatment, and thermal treatment of residues; 2. Projecting, construction and two years of operation of a soil purification plant with a rated throughput of 20 t/h and a total throughput of 130,000 t; 3. Remediation of two representative sites on DAG terrain (TNT production chain and filling stations); 4. Verification of the findings in an accompanying scientific programme. The site under investigation was formerly occupied by the Dynamit AG (DAG) Stadtallendorf, where TNT, contaminated waste water and acids were produced, and contamination levels were high in several areas. Today, the area is a residential area. In addition to the investigations described here, the waste water discharge system of the DAG was modernized. [German] Das FuE-Vorhaben Stadtallendorf wurde mit folgender Zielsetzung begonnen: (1) Entwicklung einer geeigneten und moeglichst umweltvertraeglichen Technik zur Reinigung von Boeden mit sprengstoffspezifischen Kontaminationen; hierzu wurde in Anlehnung an die Ausschreibung des Bundes ein kombiniertes Bodenbehandlungsverfahren vorgesehen, das aus folgenden Komponenten bestand: - Bodenwaesche, - Heissdampfbehandlung, - Thermische Reststoffbehandlung. (2) Planung, Bau und zweijaehriger Betrieb einer entsprechenden grosstechnischen Bodenreinigungsanlage (Nenndurchsatz von 20 t/Stunde; Gesamtdurchsatz 130.000 t). (3) Bodensanierung von zwei repraesentativen Arealen im DAG-Gelaende (TNT-Produktionskette und Fuellstellenbetrieb). (4) Absicherung der Ergebnisse in einem wissenschaftlichen Begleitprogramm. Gegenstand der Phase 2 des Vorhabens war der vollstaendige Prozess der Planung und Umsetzung der Sanierung eines (Teils eines) Planungsraumes des Ruestungsaltstandortes Dynamit AG (DAG) Stadtallendorf. Es handelte sich dabei um einen Bereich, der als Standort fuer TNT-Produktion

  1. Small scale denitrification variability in riparian zones: Results from a high-resolution dataset (United States)

    Gassen, Niklas; Knöller, Kay; Musolff, Andreas; Popp, Felix; Lüders, Tillmann; Stumpp, Christine


    Riparian zones are important compartments at the interface between groundwater and surface water where biogeochemical processes like denitrification are often enhanced. Nitrate loads of either groundwater entering a stream through the riparian zone or streamwater infiltrating into the riparian zone can be substantially reduced. These processes are spatially and temporally highly variable, making it difficult to capture solute variabilities, estimate realistic turnover rates and thus to quantify integral mass removal. A crucial step towards a more detailed characterization is to monitor solutes on a scale which adequately resemble the highly heterogeneous distribution and on a scale where processes occur. We measured biogeochemical parameters in a spatial high resolution within a riparian corridor of a German lowland river system over the course of one year. Samples were taken from three newly developed high-resolution multi-level wells with a maximum vertical resolution of 5 cm and analyzed for major ions, DOC and N-O isotopes. Sediment derived during installation of the wells was analyzed for specific denitrifying enzymes. Results showed a distinct depth zonation of hydrochemistry within the shallow alluvial aquifer, with a 1 m thick zone just below the water table with lower nitrate concentrations and EC values similar to the nearby river. Conservative parameters were consistent inbetween the three wells, but nitrate was highly variable. In addition, spots with low nitrate concentrations showed isotopic and microbial evidence for higher denitrification activities. The depth zonation was observed throughout the year, with stronger temporal variations of nitrate concentrations just below the water table compared to deeper layers. Nitrate isotopes showed a clear seasonal trend of denitrification activities (high in summer, low in winter). Our dataset gives new insight into river-groundwater exchange processes and shows the highly heterogeneous distribution of

  2. Assessment of denitrification gaseous end-products in the soil profile under two water table management practices using repeated measures analysis. (United States)

    Elmi, Abdirashid A; Astatkie, Tess; Madramootoo, Chandra; Gordon, Robert; Burton, David


    The denitrification process and nitrous oxide (N2O) production in the soil profile are poorly documented because most research into denitrification has concentrated on the upper soil layer (0-0.15 m). This study, undertaken during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons, was designed to examine the effects of water table management (WTM), nitrogen (N) application rate, and depth (0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 m) on soil denitrification end-products (N2O and N2) from a corn (Zea mays L.) field. Water table management treatments were free drainage (FD) with open drains and subirrigation (SI) with a target water table depth of 0.6 m. Fertility treatments (ammonium nitrate) were 120 kg N ha(-1) (N120) and 200 kg N ha(-1) (N200). During both growing seasons greater denitrification rates were measured in SI than in FD, particularly in the surface soil (0-0.15 m) and at the intermediate (0.15-0.30 m) soil depths under N200 treatment. Greater denitrification rates under the SI treatment, however, were not accompanied with greater N2O production. The decrease in N2O production under SI was probably caused by a more complete reduction of N2O to N2, which resulted in lower N2O to (N2O + N2) ratios. Denitrification rate, N2O production and N2O to (N2O + N2) ratios were only minimally affected by N treatments, irrespective of sampling date and soil depth. Overall, half of the denitrification occurred at the 0.15- to 0.30- and 0.30- to 0.45-m soil layers, and under SI, regardless of fertility treatment level. Consequently, sampling of the 0- to 0.15-m soil layer alone may not give an accurate estimation of denitrification losses under SI practice.

  3. Effect of soil saturation on denitrification in a grassland soil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. M. Cardenas


    Full Text Available Nitrous oxide (N2O is of major importance as a greenhouse gas and precursor of ozone (O3 destruction in the stratosphere mostly produced in soils. The soil-emitted N2O is generally predominantly derived from denitrification and, to a smaller extent, nitrification, both processes controlled by environmental factors and their interactions, and are influenced by agricultural management. Soil water content expressed as water-filled pore space (WFPS is a major controlling factor of emissions and its interaction with compaction, has not been studied at the micropore scale. A laboratory incubation was carried out at different saturation levels for a grassland soil and emissions of N2O and N2 were measured as well as the isotopocules of N2O. We found that flux variability was larger in the less saturated soils probably due to nutrient distribution heterogeneity created from soil cracks and consequently nutrient hot spots. The results agreed with denitrification as the main source of fluxes at the highest saturations, but nitrification could have occurred at the lower saturation, even though moisture was still high (71 % WFSP. The isotopocules data indicated isotopic similarities in the wettest treatments vs. the two drier ones. The results agreed with previous findings where it is clear there are two N pools with different dynamics: added N producing intense denitrification vs. soil N resulting in less isotopic fractionation.

  4. The effect of millennial-scale changes in Arabian Sea denitrification on atmospheric CO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altabet, M.A.; Higginson, M.J.; Murray, D.W.


    Most global biogeochemical processes are known to respond to climate change, some of which have the capacity to produce feedbacks through the regulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Marine denitrification - the reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen - is an important process in this regard, affecting greenhouse gas concentrations directly through the incidental production of nitrous oxide, and indirectly through modification of the marine nitrogen inventory and hence the biological pump for C0 2 . Although denitrification has been shown to vary with glacial-interglacial cycles, its response to more rapid climate change has not yet been well characterized. Here we present nitrogen isotope ratio, nitrogen content and chlorin abundance data from sediment cores with high accumulation rates on the Oman continental margin that reveal substantial millennial-scale variability in Arabian Sea denitrification and productivity during the last glacial period. The detailed correspondence of these changes with Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland ice cores indicates rapid, century-scale reorganization of the Arabian Sea ecosystem in response to climate excursions, mediated through the intensity of summer monsoonal upwelling. Considering the several-thousand-year residence time of fixed nitrogen in the ocean, the response of global marine productivity to changes in denitrification would have occurred at lower frequency and appears to be related to climatic and atmospheric C0 2 oscillations observed in Antarctic ice cores between 20 and A kyr ago. (author)

  5. Nutzerorientiertes Management von materiellen und immateriellen Informationsobjekten


    Hübsch, Chris


    Schaffung einer stabilen, erweiterbaren und skalierbaren Infrastruktur für die Bereitstellung von Diensten im Umfeld von Bibliotheken und ähnlichen wissensanbietenden Einrichtungen unter Verwendung von XML-RPC und Python.

  6. Selective enhancement and verification of woody biomass digestibility as a denitrification carbon source. (United States)

    Hu, Rongting; Zheng, Xilai; Xin, Jia; Sun, Zhaoyue; Zheng, Tianyuan


    The denitrification efficiency of woody biomass as carbon source is low because of its poor carbon availability. In this study, representative poplar sawdust was pretreated with lime and peracetic acid to enhance the biomass digestibility to different degrees; sawdust was then mixed with soil to investigate its denitrification efficiency. Under controllable conditions (25-95°C, 12-24h, varying dosages), sawdust digestibility (characterized by reducing sugar yield) was selectively enhanced 1.0-21.8 times over that of the raw sawdust (28.8mgeq.glucoseg -1 dry biomass). This increase was mainly attributed to the removal of lignin from the biomass. As a carbon source, the sawdust (digestibility enhanced by 5.4 times) increased the nitrate removal rate by 4.7 times, without N 2 O emission. However, the sawdust with high digestibility (12.6 or 18.0 times), despite releasing more dissolved organic carbon (DOC), did not exhibit further increase in denitrification efficiency, and emitted N 2 O. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Characteristic of nitrous oxide production in partial denitrification process with high nitrite accumulation. (United States)

    Du, Rui; Peng, Yongzhen; Cao, Shenbin; Wang, Shuying; Niu, Meng


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) production during the partial denitrification process with nitrate (NO3(-)-N) to nitrite (NO2(-)-N) transformation ratio of 80% was investigated in this study. Results showed that N2O was seldom observed before complete depletion of NO3(-)-N, but it was closely related to the reduction of NO2(-)-N rather than NO3(-)-N. High COD/NO3(-)-N was in favor of N2O production in partial denitrification with high NO2(-)-N accumulation. It was seriously enhanced at constant acidic pH due to the free nitrous acid (FNA) inhibition. However, the N2O production was much lower at initial pH of 5.5 and 6.5 due to the pH increase during denitrification process. Significantly, the pH turning point could be chosen as a controlled parameter to denote the end of NO3(-)-N reduction, which could not only achieve high NO2(-)-N accumulation but also decrease the N2O production significantly for practical application. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Die Verteilung und Eigenschaften von Bodenformen in der Deutschen Bucht, eine Rekonstruktion der Karten von Ulrich (1973)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winter, Christian; Lefebvre, Alice; Benninghoff, Markus


    Entstehung, Gestalt und Dynamik von Bodenformen in vergleichsweise kleinen Untersuchungsgebieten ist die Arbeit von ULRICH (1973) über die Verteilung von Bodenformen in der Deutschen Bucht bis heute die einzige verfügbare zusammenhängende Darstellung für die deutsche Nordseeküste. Die analogen Karten und die...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leopoldina Veronika Banaš


    Full Text Available Das Buch "Fluminensia" (1862 von Fran Kurelac enthält die für die Schulfestlichkeiten geschriebenen Reden, Gelegenheitsgedichte - Ehrengedichte den bedeutenden und verdienstvollen Zeitgenossen gewidmet: dem Bischof von Senj und Modrus" Mirko Ožegović, Bartol Zmajic von Bakar, dem kroatischen Ban Josip Jelačić u.a. Danach folgen Aufrufe ("Proglasi" aus stürmischem 1848, gerichtet auf die Granzlandbewohner, Deutscher, ungarische Kroaten, Rumänen und Slawonier. Die Aufrufe wurden von Kurelac im Namen der Banalregierung beschrieben. Am Ende des Buches steht eine sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlung über die ubstantivbiegung. Die für die Schulfestlichkeiten geschreibenen Reden sind wissenschaftliche Inhalte, essaystisch-didaktisch gestalltet, mit der Meldung über die Bedeutung der Wisenschaft, über die Bedeutung und Rolle der Sprache und des Buches für den Fortschritt des Volkes. Der Verfasser widmete dieses Buch seinen ehemaligen Schülern. "Fluminensia" nimmt eine wichtige Stelle in literarischer und sprachwissenschaftlicher Schöpfung auf dem Gebiet von Rijeka und Kroatien im 19. Jahrhundert ein.

  10. A soil infiltration system incorporated with sulfur-utilizing autotrophic denitrification (SISSAD) for domestic wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Kong, Zhe; Feng, Chuanping; Chen, Nan; Tong, Shuang; Zhang, Baogang; Hao, Chunbo; Chen, Kun


    To enhance the denitrification performance of soil infiltration, a soil infiltration system incorporated with sulfur-utilizing autotrophic denitrification (SISSAD) for domestic wastewater treatment was developed, and the SISSAD performance was evaluated using synthetic domestic wastewater in this study. The aerobic respiration and nitrification were mainly taken place in the upper aerobic stage (AES), removed 88.44% COD and 89.99% NH4(+)-N. Moreover, autotrophic denitrification occurred in the bottom anaerobic stage (ANS), using the CO2 produced from AES as inorganic carbon source. Results demonstrated that the SISSAD showed a remarkable performance on COD removal efficiency of 95.09%, 84.86% for NO3(-)-N, 95.25% for NH4(+)-N and 93.15% for TP. This research revealed the developed system exhibits a promising application prospect for domestic wastewater in the future. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Evidence for denitrification as main source of N2O emission from residue-amended soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xiaoxi; Sørensen, Peter; Olesen, Jørgen Eivind


    -leguminous species (ryegrass). Plant material was placed in a discrete layer surrounded by soil in which the nitrate View the MathML source pool was enriched with 15N to distinguish N2O derived from denitrification and nitrification. Net N mineralisation from leguminous catch crops was significant (30–48 mg N kg−1....... Emission of N2O occurred at all moisture levels, but was higher at 50 and 60% WFPS than at 40% in soil with leguminous residues. The 15N enrichment of N2O indicated that denitrification was the dominant source independent of moisture level and residue type. We conclude that catch crop residues...... will stimulate N2O emissions via denitrification over a wide range of soil moisture conditions, but that emission levels may depend significantly on residue quality and soil moisture....

  12. Strategies for product-based environmental protection - integrated product policy and integrated product management. Proceedings of a seminar of Zentrale Informationsstelle Umweltberatung Bayern; Wege zu einem produktbezogenen Umweltschutz - integrierte Produktpolitik und integriertes Produktmanagement. Seminarband der Zentralen Informationsstelle Umweltberatung Bayern. Bd. 18

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stroh, K.; Behling, G.; Koller, U.; Lattner, A. (comps.)


    Apart from waste, exhaust and waste heat, also products should be regarded as 'emissions' of the production process, as the environment is burdened both by their use and disposal. An integrated product policy involves optimization of products through their whole product life and the cooperation of all parties involved (politics, industry, trade, consumers, waste managers). Competent experts from all groups discussed this problem in scientific and practical lectures, which are contained in this proceedings volume. [German] Heute geraten neben den Abfaellen, Abgasen oder Abwaessern auch die Produkte als groesste ''Emission'' aus dem Produktionsprozess ins Blickfeld der Umweltpolitik. Besonders in der Phase der Produktnutzung und -entsorgung entstehen bedeutende Umweltbelastungen. Daher ist es das Ziel einer integrierten Produktpolitik, die Produkte bereits bei der Neuentwicklung fuer ihren gesamten Lebenzyklus, also ''von der Wiege bis zur Bahre'', in ihren Umweltauswirkungen zu optimieren. In diesen Prozess sollen alle Beteiligten (Politik, Wirtschaft, Handel, Verbraucher, Entsorger) eingebunden werden. Ueber dieses breite Thema informierten kompetente Referenten aus den relevanten Akteursgruppen. Neben wissenschaftlichen Vortraegen wurden vor allem anhand zahlreicher Beispiele aus der Praxis der Schwierigkeiten und Chancen von umweltfreundlichen Produktneuentwicklungen diskutiert. Im vorliegenden Seminarband sind die Vortraege schriftlich wiedergegeben. (orig.)

  13. Oxygen at nanomolar levels reversibly suppresses process rates and gene expression in anammox and denitrification in the oxygen minimum zone off Northern Chil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Tage; Stewart, Frank J.; Thamdrup, Bo


    at nanomolar levels affects anammox and denitrification rates and the transcription of nitrogen cycle genes in the anoxic OMZ off Chile. Rates of anammox and denitrification were reversibly suppressed, most likely at the enzyme level. Fiftypercent inhibition of N2 and N2O production by denitrification...

  14. Autoxidation and acetylene-accelerated oxidation of NO in a 2-phase system; implications for the expression of denitrification in ex situ experiments (United States)

    Nadeem, Shahid; Dörsch, Peter; Bakken, Lars


    Denitrification allows microorganisms to sustain respiration under anoxic conditions. The typical niche for denitrification is an environment with fluctuating oxygen concentrations such as soils and borders between anoxic and oxic zones of biofilms and sediments. In such environments, the organisms need adequate regulation of denitrification in response to changing oxygen availability to tackle both oxic and anoxic spells. The regulation of denitrification in soils has environmental implications, since it affects the proportions of N2, N2O and NO emitted to the atmosphere. The expression of denitrification enzymes is regulated by a complex regulatory network involving one or several positive feedback loops via the intermediate nitrogen oxides. Nitric oxide (NO) is known to induce denitrification in model organisms, but the quantitative effect of NO and its concentration dependency has not been assessed for denitrification in soils. NO is chemically unstable in the presence of oxygen due to autoxidation, and the oxidation of NO is accelerated by acetylene (C2H2) which is commonly used as an inhibitor of N2O reductase in denitrification studies. As a first step to a better understanding of NO's role in soil denitrification, we investigated NO oxidation kinetics for a closed "two phase" system (i.e. liquid phase + headspace) typically used for denitrification experiments with soil slurries, with and without acetylene present. Models were developed to adequately predict autoxidation and acetylene-accelerated oxidation. The minimum oxygen concentration in the headspace ([O2]min, mL L-1) for acetylene-accelerated NO oxidation was found to increase linearly with the NO concentration ([NO], mL L-1); [O2]min= 0.192 + [NO]*0.1 (r2=0.978). The models for NO oxidation were then used to assess NO-oxidation rates in denitrification experiments with batches of bacterial cells extracted from soil. The batches were exposed to low initial oxygen concentrations in gas tight serum

  15. Von der Vielfalt einer Institution


    Kabaum, Marcel; Buck, Marc Fabian


    Von der Vielfalt von Universitäten bzw. higher education institutions (HEIs) zu sprechen heißt, sich dem Dickicht an Komplexität zu stellen, das sich zwischen ihren Ideen und Realitäten ausbreitet. Der Text führt in den Sammelband "Ideen und Realitäten von Universitäten" ein und hebt die verschiedenen disziplinären Sichtweisen sowie die internationale Breite - Deutschland, Südamerika, USA, Afghanistan und China - der Beiträge hervor. (DIPF/Orig.)

  16. Impact of partial nitritation degree and C/N ratio on simultaneous Sludge Fermentation, Denitrification and Anammox process. (United States)

    Wang, Bo; Peng, Yongzhen; Guo, Yuanyuan; Yuan, Yue; Zhao, Mengyue; Wang, Shuying


    This study presents a novel process (i.e. PN/SFDA) to remove nitrogen from low C/N domestic wastewater. The process mainly involves two reactors, a pre-Sequencing Batch Reactor for partial nitritation (termed as PN-SBR) and an anoxic reactor for integrated Denitrification and Anammox with carbon sources produced from Sludge Fermentation (termed as SFDA). During long-term Runs, NO2(-)/NH4(+) ratio (i.e. NO2(-)-N/NH4(+)-N calculated by mole) in the PN-SBR effluent was gradually increased from 0.2 to 37 by extending aerobic duration, meaning that partial nitritation turning to full nitritation could be achieved. Impact of partial nitritation degree on SFDA process was investigated and the result showed that, NO2(-)/NH4(+) ratios between 2 and 10 were appropriate for the co-existence of denitrification and anammox together in the SFDA reactor, and denitrification instead of anammox contributed greater for nitrogen removal. Further batch tests indicated that anammox collaborated well with denitrification at low C/N (1.0 in this study). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Ausländische Direktinvestitionen und Technologietransfer im angolanischen Energiesektor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Dem Zusammenhang von ausländischen Direktinvestionen (Foreign Direct Investment, FDI und Technologietransfer wird sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der politischen Analyse große Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen belegen, dass FDI den Transfer von und/oder den Zugang zu Technologien erleichtert. Allerdings gibt es zu wenige empirische Studien, die diesen Zusammenhang in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft afrikanischer Staaten untersuchen. Der Autor will diese Lücke zu einem kleinen Teil schließen, indem er die Bedeutung des Technologietransfers durch den Zufluss von FDI im Energiesektor Angolas ermittelt. Seine Analyse basiert auf qualitativer Forschung in Angola im Jahr 2014. Er zeigt auf, dass sich die Erzeugung von Energie(trägern und die Verteilungsinfrastruktur - maschinelle Ausrüstung und Qualifizierung - durch den Zufluss von FDI erheblich entwickeln konnte. Allerdings gebe es keinen Beleg dafür, dass dieser Zufluss die endogenen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Forschungspotenziale im angolanischen Energiesektor gefördert hat. Der Autor empfiehlt politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung dieser Fähigkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Produktion.

  18. Editorial: Virtualität und E-Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horst Dichanz


    Full Text Available Wer Anfang April den Weltkongress des ICDE in Düsseldorf besuchte, der unter dem Titel veranstaltet wurde, war von der Fülle der Veranstaltungen überrascht, die sich auf die eine oder andere Weise aus unterschiedlichster Sicht mit Fragen von Virtuellen Lernwelten und den Möglichkeiten des E-Learning befassten. Mindestens ebenso schwer zu überblicken waren die zahlreichen Produkte, die von Firmen aus zahlreichen Ländern für Zwecke der Gestaltung von virtuellen Lernwelten und zur Durchführung von E-Learning-Veranstaltungen angeboten wurden. Diese E-Learning-Produkte reichten von simplen Datenbanken verschiedenster Fächer über Lern- und Kommunikationsplattformen bis hin zu komplexen Oberflächen oder Rahmenprogrammen zur Konstruktion eigener Lernsoftware. - Über solide, methodisch nachprüfbare Erfolgsuntersuchungen konnten allerdings nur wenige berichten. Die Szene im Internet, das man auf «Virtualiät» und «E-Learning» durchforstet, ist kaum anders: Dutzende von Firmen und Instituten bieten «E-Learning»-Produkte an. Ohne im Detail zu beschreiben, was an ihrem Produkt nun «E-Learning» ist. In den meisten Fällen stellt sich heraus, dass es sich dabei um elektronisch gespeicherten, bearbeitbaren und/oder gewinnbaren Lernstoff handelt, dessen Lernnutzen zweifelsfrei unterstellt wird. Ein zweiter Schwachpunkt: Was konkret unter «Lernen» mithilfe elektronischer Medien gemeint ist, was sich die Produzenten, Autoren u.ä. darunter vorstellen, wird noch seltener thematisiert. Gleichwohl ist der Markt in allen Bildungsbereichen riesig, er wird als expandierend eingeschätzt, in Verbindung mit den elektronischen Medien wird gelegentlich sogar der Bildungsmarkt als ein Wachstumsmarkt charakterisiert. Viel Grund zu Optimismus, noch mehr Grund zu detaillierten Rückfragen! Doch sind Arbeiten, genaue Untersuchungen zu den Komplexen «Virtualität» und «E-Learning» noch mit der Lupe zu suchen. Es gehört zweifellos zu den Aufgaben einer

  19. Denitrification and Biodiversity of Denitrifiers in a High-Mountain Mediterranean Lake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Castellano-Hinojosa


    Full Text Available Wet deposition of reactive nitrogen (Nr species is considered a main factor contributing to N inputs, of which nitrate (NO3− is usually the major component in high-mountain lakes. The microbial group of denitrifiers are largely responsible for reduction of nitrate to molecular dinitrogen (N2 in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, but the role of denitrification in removal of contaminant nitrates in high-mountain lakes is not well understood. We have used the oligotrophic, high-altitude La Caldera lake in the Sierra Nevada range (Spain as a model to study the role of denitrification in nitrate removal. Dissolved inorganic Nr concentration in the water column of la Caldera, mainly nitrate, decreased over the ice-free season which was not associated with growth of microbial plankton or variations in the ultraviolet radiation. Denitrification activity, estimated as nitrous oxide (N2O production, was measured in the water column and in sediments of the lake, and had maximal values in the month of August. Relative abundance of denitrifying bacteria in sediments was studied by quantitative polymerase chain reaction of the 16S rRNA and the two phylogenetically distinct clades nosZI and nosZII genes encoding nitrous oxide reductases. Diversity of denitrifiers in sediments was assessed using a culture-dependent approach and after the construction of clone libraries employing the nosZI gene as a molecular marker. In addition to genera Polymorphum, Paracoccus, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Hyphomicrobium, Thauera, and Methylophaga, which were present in the clone libraries, Arthrobacter, Burkholderia, and Rhizobium were also detected in culture media that were not found in the clone libraries. Analysis of biological activities involved in the C, N, P, and S cycles from sediments revealed that nitrate was not a limiting nutrient in the lake, allowed N2O production and determined denitrifiers’ community structure. All these results indicate that

  20. Denitrification and Biodiversity of Denitrifiers in a High-Mountain Mediterranean Lake (United States)

    Castellano-Hinojosa, Antonio; Correa-Galeote, David; Carrillo, Presentación; Bedmar, Eulogio J.; Medina-Sánchez, Juan M.


    Wet deposition of reactive nitrogen (Nr) species is considered a main factor contributing to N inputs, of which nitrate (NO3−) is usually the major component in high-mountain lakes. The microbial group of denitrifiers are largely responsible for reduction of nitrate to molecular dinitrogen (N2) in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, but the role of denitrification in removal of contaminant nitrates in high-mountain lakes is not well understood. We have used the oligotrophic, high-altitude La Caldera lake in the Sierra Nevada range (Spain) as a model to study the role of denitrification in nitrate removal. Dissolved inorganic Nr concentration in the water column of la Caldera, mainly nitrate, decreased over the ice-free season which was not associated with growth of microbial plankton or variations in the ultraviolet radiation. Denitrification activity, estimated as nitrous oxide (N2O) production, was measured in the water column and in sediments of the lake, and had maximal values in the month of August. Relative abundance of denitrifying bacteria in sediments was studied by quantitative polymerase chain reaction of the 16S rRNA and the two phylogenetically distinct clades nosZI and nosZII genes encoding nitrous oxide reductases. Diversity of denitrifiers in sediments was assessed using a culture-dependent approach and after the construction of clone libraries employing the nosZI gene as a molecular marker. In addition to genera Polymorphum, Paracoccus, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Hyphomicrobium, Thauera, and Methylophaga, which were present in the clone libraries, Arthrobacter, Burkholderia, and Rhizobium were also detected in culture media that were not found in the clone libraries. Analysis of biological activities involved in the C, N, P, and S cycles from sediments revealed that nitrate was not a limiting nutrient in the lake, allowed N2O production and determined denitrifiers’ community structure. All these results indicate that denitrification could be a

  1. Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Ernährungsinformation durch Framing: Analyse am Beispiel von Folsäure


    Lensch, Kathrin; Hartmann, Monika; Simons, Johannes


    Die Bereitstellung und verbrauchergerechte Aufbereitung von Informationen stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, Konsumenten darin zu unterstützen, Gesundheitsaspekte vermehrt in das Kauf- und Essverhalten zu integrieren. In der Verhaltensökonomik gelten Framing-Effekte als wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren für die Wahrnehmung von Informationen. Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Beitrags werden Framing-Effekte am Beispiel von Ernährungsinformationen über Folsäure mit Hilfe eines Experiments untersucht. Die Ergebni...

  2. Der Einfluss von sozialer Ungleichheit und kulturellen Unterschieden auf die Wahrnehmung von finanziellen und Arbeitsplatzrisiken: Überlegungen zur Risikogesellschaft


    Abbott, David; Quilgars, Deborah; Jones, Anwen


    Der vorliegende Artikel beruht auf Daten einer Studie, die sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie verschiedene soziale und kulturelle Gruppen die Risiken von Einkommens- und Arbeitsplatzverlust wahrnehmen und darauf reagieren. Autoren wie LASH, DOUGLAS und LUPTON betonten die Bedeutung von Gruppenzugehörigkeit und sozialen Kategorien für die Strukturierung der Reaktionsweisen auf verschiedene Risikoarten. Sie sprechen daher lieber von Risikokulturen als von der Risikogesellschaft. Trotzdem erken...

  3. Physiological levels of nitrate support anoxic growth by denitrification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at growth rates reported in cystic fibrosis lungs and sputum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Line, Laura; Alhede, Morten; Kolpen, Mette


    denitrification. The growth rate of P. aeruginosa achieved by denitrification at physiological levels (~400 μM) of nitrate (NO(-) 3) is however, not known. Therefore, we have measured growth rates of anoxic cultures of PAO1 and clinical isolates (n = 12) in LB media supplemented with NO(-) 3 and found...... a significant increase of growth when supplementing PAO1 and clinical isolates with ≥150 μM NO(-) 3 and 100 μM NO(-) 3, respectively. An essential contribution to growth by denitrification was demonstrated by the inability to establish a significantly increased growth rate by a denitrification deficient Δnir...... of the four N-oxide reductases in PAO1 (Nar, Nir, Nor, Nos) further verified the engagement of denitrification, showing a transient increase in activation and expression and rapid consumption of NO(-) 3 followed by a transient increase of NO(-) 2. Growth rates obtained by denitrification in this study were...

  4. Temperature response of denitrification rate and greenhouse gas production in agricultural river marginal wetland soils. (United States)

    Bonnett, S A F; Blackwell, M S A; Leah, R; Cook, V; O'Connor, M; Maltby, E


    Soils are predicted to exhibit significant feedback to global warming via the temperature response of greenhouse gas (GHG) production. However, the temperature response of hydromorphic wetland soils is complicated by confounding factors such as oxygen (O2 ), nitrate (NO3-) and soil carbon (C). We examined the effect of a temperature gradient (2-25 °C) on denitrification rates and net nitrous oxide (N2 O), methane (CH4 ) production and heterotrophic respiration in mineral (Eutric cambisol and Fluvisol) and organic (Histosol) soil types in a river marginal landscape of the Tamar catchment, Devon, UK, under non-flooded and flooded with enriched NO3- conditions. It was hypothesized that the temperature response is dependent on interactions with NO3--enriched flooding, and the physicochemical conditions of these soil types. Denitrification rate (mean, 746 ± 97.3 μg m(-2)  h(-1) ), net N2 O production (mean, 180 ± 26.6 μg m(-2)  h(-1) ) and net CH4 production (mean, 1065 ± 183 μg m(-2)  h(-1) ) were highest in the organic Histosol, with higher organic matter, ammonium and moisture, and lower NO3- concentrations. Heterotrophic respiration (mean, 127 ± 4.6 mg m(-2)  h(-1) ) was not significantly different between soil types and dominated total GHG (CO2 eq) production in all soil types. Generally, the temperature responses of denitrification rate and net N2 O production were exponential, whilst net CH4 production was unresponsive, possibly due to substrate limitation, and heterotrophic respiration was exponential but limited in summer at higher temperatures. Flooding with NO3- increased denitrification rate, net N2 O production and heterotrophic respiration, but a reduction in net CH4 production suggests inhibition of methanogenesis by NO3- or N2 O produced from denitrification. Implications for management and policy are that warming and flood events may promote microbial interactions in soil between distinct microbial communities and increase

  5. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks (United States)

    Beaulieu, J.J.; Tank, J.L.; Hamilton, S.K.; Wollheim, W.M.; Hall, R.O.; Mulholland, P.J.; Peterson, B.J.; Ashkenas, L.R.; Cooper, L.W.; Dahm, Clifford N.; Dodds, W.K.; Grimm, N. B.; Johnson, S.L.; McDowell, W.H.; Poole, G.C.; Maurice, Valett H.; Arango, C.P.; Bernot, M.J.; Burgin, A.J.; Crenshaw, C.L.; Helton, A.M.; Johnson, L.T.; O'Brien, J. M.; Potter, J.D.; Sheibley, R.W.; Sobota, D.J.; Thomas, S.M.


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and stratospheric ozone destruction. Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loading to river networks is a potentially important source of N 2O via microbial denitrification that converts N to N2O and dinitrogen (N2). The fraction of denitrified N that escapes as N2O rather than N2 (i.e., the N2O yield) is an important determinant of how much N2O is produced by river networks, but little is known about the N2O yield in flowing waters. Here, we present the results of whole-stream 15N-tracer additions conducted in 72 headwater streams draining multiple land-use types across the United States. We found that stream denitrification produces N2O at rates that increase with stream water nitrate (NO3-) concentrations, but that production, but does not increase the N2O yield. In our study, most streams were sources of N2O to the atmosphere and the highest emission rates were observed in streams draining urban basins. Using a global river network model, we estimate that microbial N transformations (e.g., denitrification and nitrification) convert at least 0.68 Tg??y -1 of anthropogenic N inputs to N2O in river networks, equivalent to 10% of the global anthropogenic N2O emission rate. This estimate of stream and river N2O emissions is three times greater than estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

  6. Anforderungen an ein System zur Evaluierung potentieller Langzeitschäden durch den Einsatz gentechnischer Methoden in der Nahrungsmittelherstellung und -verarbeitung


    Katzek, Jens


    Der Einsatz der gentechnischer Methoden bei der Synthese und Veränderung von Lebensmittelbestandteilen unterliegt strengen gesetzlichen Regeln, die eine umfangreiche Risikoabschätzung vor dem Inverkehrbringen gewährleisten sollen. Erfahrungen aus anderen Technikbereichen – insbesondere der Pharmazie – zeigen jedoch, daß Risikoabschätzungen vor dem Inverkehrbringen eines Produktes nicht in der Lage sind, alle möglichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Evaluierung des Gefährdungspotentials bereits im ...

  7. Universelle Fernservice-Infrastruktur für eingebettete Systeme


    Jazdi, Nasser


    Globalisierung ist ein Vorgang, durch den Märkte und Produktionen in verschiedenen Ländern immer mehr kooperieren, aber auch voneinander abhängig werden. Ursache hierfür ist die Dynamik des Handels mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen sowie die Bewegungen von Kapital und Technologie. Die Differenzierung erfolgt nicht mehr nur durch das Produkt selbst, sondern zunehmend durch dazugehörige Dienstleistungen, wie Wartung und Software-Updates. Die globale Bereitstellung solcher Dienstleistungen ist jed...

  8. Term-driven E-Commerce


    Rolletschek, Gerhard


    Die Arbeit nimmt sich der textuellen Dimension des E-Commerce an. Grundlegende Hypothese ist die textuelle Gebundenheit von Information und Transaktion im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Überall dort, wo Produkte und Dienstleistungen angeboten, nachgefragt, wahrgenommen und bewertet werden, kommen natürlichsprachige Ausdrücke zum Einsatz. Daraus resultiert ist zum einen, wie bedeutsam es ist, die Varianz textueller Beschreibungen im E-Commerce zu erfassen, zum anderen können die umfangrei...

  9. Entwicklung einer schnell schaltenden Bremse und Kupplung für Linearbewegungen zum Überlastschutz in Werkzeugmaschinen


    Dennig, Hans-Jörg


    Große Kollisionskräfte aufgrund eines Bedien- oder Programmierfehlers sind ein zentrales Problem bei der modernen Produktion mit hocheffizienten Werkzeugmaschinen. Dadurch entstehen teure Reparaturen vor allem an der Hauptspindel und den Spindelmutter-Antrieben, was zu langen Ausfallzeiten an der betroffenen Maschine führt. Eine Umfrage bei insgesamt 23 Anwendern und Herstellern von Werkzeugmaschinen ergab, dass die Service- und Ersatzteilkosten durch eine heftige Kollision bis zu 23.000 € be...

  10. Überblick zu Additive-Manufacturing-Verfahren im Industrie-Einsatz: Vortrag gehalten auf dem 1. VDI-Strategiekongress "Additive Manufacturing" 2017, Technologien - Globale Produktionsverbünde 4.0 - neue Geschäftsmodelle, 21. - 22. März 2017, Stuttgart


    Müller, Bernhard


    Die additive Fertigung von Komponenten ermöglicht vollkommen neue Wege in der Entwicklung und Fertigung innovativer Bauteile und Produkte. Das Spektrum am Markt verfügbarer sowie neu an den Markt gelangender additiver Fertigungsverfahren ist weit und unübersichtlich. Einige wenige Verfahren haben bereits heute einen Status erreicht, der serienhafte industrielle Applikation möglich macht. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel das pulverbett- und laserbasierte Verfahren Laser-Strahlschmelzen zur additiven H...

  11. Maschinenelemente (United States)

    Böge, Alfred; Böge, Wolfgang; Borutzki, Ulrich; Labisch, Susanna; Linke, Petra; Weidermann, Frank

    Der konstruktive Entwicklungsprozess eines Produkts kann nicht losgelöst von den einzelnen Phasen betrachtet werden, die es während seines Bestehens durchläuft. Jede Phase beeinflusst mehr oder weniger die Ziele der Produktentwicklung. Diese Wechselwirkungen müssen Entwickler und Konstrukteur berücksichtigen. Zum Teil spiegeln sich diese Verbindungen in Anforderungen und Gestaltungshinweisen wider (siehe Kapitel 1.4). Im Folgenden wird der Produktlebenszyklus mit seinen einzelnen Phasen näher vorgestellt.

  12. Rechnungsgrundlagen und Prämien in der Personen- und Schadenversicherung – Aktuelle Ansätze, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Proceedings zum 3. FaRis & DAV Symposium am 7. Dezember 2012 in Köln


    Strobel, Jürgen; Nießen, Gero; Herrmann, Richard; Pasdika, Ulrich


    Die Prämienbestimmung ist nicht nur vor dem Hintergrund von Unisex ein über viele Versicherungssparten aktuell diskutiertes Thema. Häufige Veränderungen des Rechtsrahmens, die stete Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Weiterentwicklungen der Methoden und geänderte Anforderungen des Marktes beeinflussen die Wahl der Rechnungsgrundlagen als Basis der Prämienkalkulation. Einigen ausgewählten Fragestellungen aus diesem Umfeld ist das 3. FaRis & DAV-Symposium nachge-gangen. Dazu wurden Sterblichkeit und L...

  13. Denitrification of nitrate waste solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaels, S.L.; Michel, R.C.; Terpandjian, P.D.; Vora, J.N.


    Bacterial denitrification by Pseudomonas Stutzeri has been chosen as the method for removing nitrate from the effluent stream of the Y-12 uranium purification process. A model was developed to predict bacterial growth and carbon and nitrate depletion during the induction period and steady state operation. Modification of analytical procedures and automatic control of the pH in the reactor are recommended to improve agreement between the prediction of the model and experimental data. An initial carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) mass ratio of 1.4-1.5 insures adequate population growth during the induction period. Further experiments in batch reactors and in steady state flow reactors are recommended to obtain more reliable kinetic rate constants

  14. Redoxspeziation von endlagerrelevanten Elementen mit Hilfe von Trennmethoden gekoppelt an ein Massenspektrometer mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma


    Graser, Carl-Heinrich


    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Redoxspeziationsanalysen von Eisen, Neptunium und Plutonium per CE-SF-ICP-MS durchgeführt. Durch Optimierung der Trennparameter konnten Trennungen der Pu Oxidationsstufen III bis VI und Trennungen der Np Oxidationsstufen IV bis VI binnen 15 Minuten mit einer Nachweisgrenze von 10-12 M durchgeführt werden. Die Trennung der Fe Oxidationsstufen II und III gelang in weniger als 5 Minuten mit einer Nachweisgrenze von 5-10-8 M.

  15. Medien und Berufsvorstellungen von Kindern: eine experimentelle Studie zum Einfluss von Kinderbüchern auf das Berufsspektrum von Kindergartenkindern


    Brüggemann, Tim; Gehrau, Volker; Handrup, Jutta


    "Der Beitrag thematisiert zunächst den Stand der beruflichen Orientierung von Jugendlichen sowie die pädagogischen Bemühungen beim Übergang Schule-Beruf, insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine Erweiterung des häufig engen Spektrums von Berufen, die bei der Berufswahl berücksichtig werden. Dabei richten sich die Bestrebungen, diesem Problem entgegenzuwirken, bislang vor allem auf Jugendliche. Anschließend wird anhand vorliegender Ergebnisse aus der Medienforschung diskutiert, in welcher Weise Masse...

  16. Lars von Triers film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lisbeth Overgaard


    Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse.......Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse....

  17. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks (United States)

    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and stratospheric ozone destruction. Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loading to river networks is a potentially important source of N2O via microbial denitrification which converts N to N2O and dinitrog...

  18. Study of a combined heterotrophic and sulfur autotrophic denitrification technology for removal of nitrate in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Huijuan; Jiang Wei; Wan Dongjin; Qu Jiuhui


    A combined two-step process of heterotrophic denitrification in a fluidized reactor and sulfur autotrophic denitrification processes (CHSAD) was developed for the removal of nitrate in drinking water. In this process, the advantage of high efficiency of heterotrophic denitrification with non-excessive methanol and the advantage of non-pollution of sulfur autotriphic denitrification were integrated in this CHSAD process. And, this CHSAD process had the capacity of pH balance and could control the concentration of SO 4 2- in effluent by adjusting the operation condition. When the influent nitrate was 30 mg NO 3 - -N/L, the reactor could be operated efficiently at the hydraulic retention time (HRT) ranging from 20 to 40 min with C:N ratio (mg CH 3 OH:mg NO 3 - -N) of 2.0 (methanol as carbon source). The nitrate removal was nearly 100% and there was no accumulated nitrite or residual methanol in the effluent. The effluent pH was about 7.5 and the sulfate concentration was lower than 130 mg/L. The maximum volume-loading rate of the reactor was 2.16 kg NO 3 - -N/(m 3 d). The biomass and scanning electron microscopy graphs of biofilm were also analyzed.

  19. Applicability of industrial wastewater as carbon source for denitrification of a sludge dewatering liquor. (United States)

    Chen, Jiazhong; Lee, Yoomin; Oleszkiewicz, Jan A


    The applicability of four industrial waste streams from potato processing, canola processing and oil refining, biodiesel production (glycerol), and glycol as substitutes to methanol and ethanol in denitrification of anaerobically digested sludge dewatering liquor (centrate) was evaluated in bench-scale sequencing batch reactors. It was found that glycerol was the best substitute with the specific denitrification rate (SDNR) of 13 mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h) followed by potato processing wastewater at 12mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h). Both substrates produced faster SDNR than methanol's 10mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h); however, they were inferior to ethanol's 17 mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h). Glycol had SDNR of 8 mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h) and demonstrated a very fast acclimation rate, i.e. the response in increased denitrification rate was visible in three days following glycol addition. Canola processing and oil refining wastewater was considered an inappropriate carbon source due to a low SDNR of 5 mg NO3-N/(g VSS x h) and apparent inhibitory effect on nitrification.

  20. Kinetics of nitrous oxide production by denitrification in municipal solid waste. (United States)

    Wu, Chuanfu; Shimaoka, Takayuki; Nakayama, Hirofumi; Komiya, Teppei


    As one of the Nitrous Oxide (N2O) production pathways, denitrification plays an important role in regulating the emission of N2O into the atmosphere. In this study, the influences of different substrate concentrations and transient conditions on the denitrification rate and N2O-reducing activities were investigated. Results revealed that N2O production rates (i.e. denitrification rates) were stimulated by increased total organic carbon (TOC) concentration, while it was restrained under high oxygen concentrations. Moreover, the impact of nitrate concentrations on N2O production rates depended on the TOC/NO3--N ratios. All the N2O production rate data fitted well to a multiplicative Monod equation, with terms describing the influence of TOC and nitrate concentrations, and an Arrhenius-type equation. Furthermore, results demonstrated that high temperatures minimized the N2O-reducing activities in aged municipal solid waste, resulting in an accumulation of N2O. On the other hand, a transient condition caused by changing O2 concentrations may strongly influence the N2O production rates and N2O-reducing activities in solid waste. Finally, based on the results, we believe that a landfill aeration strategy properly designed to prevent rising temperatures and to cycle air injection is the key to reducing emissions of N2O during remediation of old landfills by means of in situ aeration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Quantifying denitrification in rippled permeable sands through combined flume experiments and modeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessler, Adam J.; Glud, Ronnie N.; Cardenas, M. Bayani


    We measured denitrification in permeable sediments in a sealed flume tank with environmentally representative fluid flow and solute transport behavior using novel measurements. Numerical flow and reactive transport models representing the flume experiments were implemented to provide mechanistic...... insight into the coupled hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes. There was broad agreement between the model results and experimental data. The model showed that the coupling between nitrification and denitrification was relatively weak in comparison to that in cohesive sediments. This was due...... of permeable sediments with nonmigratory ripples to remove bioavailable nitrogen from coastal ecosystems is lower than that of cohesive sediments. We conclude that while experimental measurements provide a good starting point for constraining key parameters, reactive transport models with realistic kinetic...

  2. Influence of Pyrolytic Biochar on Settleability and Denitrification of Activated Sludge Process

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Xiao-feng Sima; Bing-bing Li; Hong Jiang


    Biochar is a massively produced by-product of biomass pyrolysis to obtain renewable energy and has not been fully used.Incomplete separation of sludge and effluent and insufficient denitrification of sewage are two of main factors that influence the efficiency of activated sludge process.In this work,we proposed a new utilization of biochar and investigated the effect of biochar addition on the performance of settleability and denitrification of activated sludge.Results show that the addition of biochar can improve the settleability of activated sludge by changing the physicochemical characteristics of sludge (e.g.,flocculating ability,zeta-potential,hydrophobicity,and extracellular polymeric substances constituents).Moreover,the dissolved organic carbon released from biochar obtained at lower pyrolysis temperature can improve the nitrate removal efficiency to a certain extent.

  3. Denitrification of high strength nitrate waste from a nuclear industry using acclimatized biomass in a pilot scale reactor. (United States)

    Dhamole, Pradip B; Nair, Rashmi R; D'Souza, Stanislaus F; Pandit, Aniruddha B; Lele, S S


    This work investigates the performance of acclimatized biomass for denitrification of high strength nitrate waste (10,000 mg/L NO3) from a nuclear industry in a continuous laboratory scale (32 L) and pilot scale reactor (330 L) operated over a period of 4 and 5 months, respectively. Effect of substrate fluctuations (mainly C/NO3-N) on denitrification was studied in a laboratory scale reactor. Incomplete denitrification (95-96 %) was observed at low C/NO3-N (≤2), whereas at high C/NO3-N (≥2.25) led to ammonia formation. Ammonia production increased from 1 to 9 % with an increase in C/NO3-N from 2.25 to 6. Complete denitrification and no ammonia formation were observed at an optimum C/NO3-N of 2.0. Microbiological studies showed decrease in denitrifiers and increase in nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria at high C/NO3-N (≥2.25). Pilot scale studies were carried out with optimum C/NO3-N, and sustainability of the process was checked on the pilot scale for 5 months.

  4. Dr. von Braun Briefing Walt Disney (United States)


    Dr. von Braun began his association with Walt Disney in the 1950s when the rocket scientist appeared in three Disney television productions related to the exploration of space. Years later, Dr. von Braun invited Disney and his associates to tour the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. This photograph is dated April 13, 1965. From left are R.J. Schwinghamer from the MSFC, Disney, B.J. Bernight, and Dr. von Braun.

  5. Ideas. A History: From Fire to Freud. 2. ed.; Ideen. Eine Kulturgeschichte von der Entdeckung des Feuers bis zur Moderne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watson, P.


    Gebiet auf der Landkarte, und das Experiment als Motor aller Entwicklung. Wie schon in seinem erfolgreichen Standardwerk 'Das Laecheln der Medusa' ueber die Ideen des 20. Jahrhunderts gelingt es dem begnadeten Wissensvermittler, den Leser in den Kosmos des Denkens und Erfindens zu locken. Voller Staunen verfolgt man das Auftauchen und Verschwinden von Ideen, Denkern und Kulturen, erkennt ungeahnte Zusammenhaenge und sieht schliesslich die eigene Welt als Produkt eines gewaltigen Prozesses aus Mut, Erfindungsgeist und Erkenntnislust. (orig.)

  6. Inactivation of ANAMMOX communities under concurrent operation of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and denitrification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chamchoi, N.; Nitisoravut, S.; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye


    of Amx 820 and EUB 338 mixed. Denitrification was observed through the reductions of both COD and nitrate–nitrite concentrations under anaerobic/anoxic conditions. By providing a stoichiometric ratio of nitrite to ammonium nitrogen with addition nitrate nitrogen, a gradual reduction of ANAMMOX activity...... was found with an increase of COD concentration in a range of 100–400 mg l−1. This is equivalent to the COD to N ratio of 0.9–2.0. The COD concentration was found to be a control variable for process selection between ANAMMOX reaction and denitrification. A reduction of COD and nitrite–nitrate...

  7. Correlation of denitrification-accepted fraction of electrons with NAD(P)H fluorescence for Pseudomonas aeruginosa performing simultaneous denitrification and respiration at extremely low dissolved oxygen conditions. (United States)

    Chen, Fan; Xia, Qing; Ju, Lu-Kwang


    In cystic fibrosis airway infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms a microaerobic biofilm and undergoes significant physiological changes. It is important to understand the bacterium's metabolism at microaerobic conditions. In this work, the culture properties and two indicators (the denitrification-accepted e- fraction and an NAD(P)H fluorescence fraction) for the culture's "fractional approach" to a fully anaerobic denitrifying state were examined in continuous cultures with practically zero DO but different aeration rates. With decreasing aeration, specific OUR decreased while specific NAR and NIR increased and kept Y(ATP/S) relatively constant. P. aeruginosa thus appeared to effectively compensate for energy generation at microaerobic conditions with denitrification. At the studied dilution rate of 0.06 h(-1), the maximum specific OUR was 2.8 mmol O2/g cells-h and the Monod constant for DO, in the presence of nitrate, was extremely low (Y(X/S) increased significantly (from 0.24 to 0.34) with increasing aeration, attributed to a roughly opposite trend of Y(ATP/X) (ATP generation required for cell growth). As for the denitrification-accepted e- fraction and the fluorescence fraction, both decreased with increasing aeration as expected. The two fractions, however, were not directly proportional. The fluorescence fraction changed more rapidly than the e- fraction at very low aeration rates, whereas the opposite was true at higher aeration. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using online NAD(P)H fluorescence to monitor sensitive changes of cellular physiology and provided insights to the shift of e- -accepting mechanisms of P. aeruginosa under microaerobic conditions.

  8. Spatial variability in denitrification rates in an Oregon tidal salt marsh (United States)

    Modeling denitrification (DeN) is particularly challenging in tidal systems, which play a vital role in buffering adjacent coastal waters from nitrogen inputs. These systems are hydrologically and biogeochemically complex, varying on fine temporal and spatial scales. As part of a...

  9. Der Einfluß der Ablauforganisation auf die Effizienz von Entscheidungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Bilanzanalysen


    Gemünden, Hans Georg


    Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich einem in der Organisationstheorie stark vernachlässigten Problem: der Ablauforganisation von Entscheidungen. Am Beispiel von Bilanzanalysen wird empirisch geprüft, in welcher Weise eine Gliederung des Prozesses nach Verrichtungen oder Objekten die Qualität der Analyse beeinflußt. Hierzu wird ein validiertes Konzept zur Messung der Qualität von Bilanzanalysen entwickelt. Es wird gezeigt, wie man mittels prozeßbegleitender experimenteller Organisationsforschu...

  10. Von Onlineplattformen und mittelalterlichen Märkten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudius Gräbner


    Full Text Available Mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung und Vernetzung ökonomischer Systeme haben plattformbasierte Interaktionsbeziehungen stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Hier werden zwei oder mehr Nutzungsgruppen durch eine dritte Seite, die Plattform, zusammengebracht. Die Interaktion wird in solchen zweiseitigen Märkten von den Plattformbetreibern kontrolliert. Kreditkartensysteme, Softwaremärkte oder werbefinanzierte Online-Communities stellen typische Beispiele dar. Da die Analyse von zweiseitigen Märkten mit Gleichgewichtsmodellen aufgrund der algebraischen Struktur des Problems in der Regel nicht praktikabel ist, präsentieren wir im vorliegenden Beitrag ein agentenbasiertes Modell, welches in einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel ausführlicher diskutiert wird. Anhand von illustrativen Beispielen verdeutlichen wir die Implikationen eines agentenbasierten Ansatzes für die Innovationsökonomik im Allgemeinen und das Studium von Technologieentwicklung im Besonderen.

  11. Verbesserung der Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene (United States)

    Ens, Konstantin; Wenzel, Fabian; Fischer, Bernd

    Die lokale Symmetrie von Hirnscans entlang der Sagittalebene zu ermitteln und zu modizifieren, ist für eine Reihe neurologischer Anwendungen interessant. Beispielsweise kann der voxelweise Vergleich von rechter und linker Hirnhälfte nur dann Aufschluss über die Lokalisierung von Läsionen geben, wenn durch Transformation ein Hirnscan eine möglichst hohe Symmetrie aufweist. Ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet ist die Visualisierung von medialen Hirnschnitten, für die die Trennfläche beider Hirnhälfte möglichst eben sein sollte. Diese Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens vor, mit dessen Hilfe die Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene verbessert werden kann. Dies geschieht unter Verwendung von aktiven Konturen, die mit Hilfe einer neuartigen Kostenfunktion gesteuert werden. Experimente am Ende der Arbeit mit strukturellen Kernspinaufnahmen demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens.

  12. Nitrogen speciation and trends, and prediction of denitrification extent, in shallow US groundwater (United States)

    Hinkle, Stephen R.; Tesoriero, Anthony J.


    Uncertainties surrounding nitrogen cycling complicate assessments of the environmental effects of nitrogen use and our understanding of the global carbon–nitrogen cycle. In this paper, we synthesize data from 877 ambient-monitoring wells across the US to frame broad patterns of nitrogen speciation and trends. At these sites, groundwater frequently contains substantial co-occurring NO3− and XSN2 (N2 from denitrification), reflecting active/ongoing denitrification and/or a mixture of undenitrified and denitrified groundwater. NO3− and NH4+ essentially do not co-occur, indicating that the dominant source of NH4+ at these sites likely is not dissimilatory reduction of NO3− to NH4+. Positive correlations of NH4+ with apparent age, CH4, dissolved organic carbon, and indicators of reduced conditions are consistent with NH4+ mobilization from degradation of aquifer organic matter and contraindicate an anthropogenic source of NH4+ for most sites. Glacial aquifers and eastern sand and gravel aquifers generally have lower proportions of NO3− and greater proportions of XSN2 than do fractured rock and karst aquifers and western sand and gravel aquifers. NO3− dominates in the youngest groundwater, but XSN2 increases as residence time increases. Temporal patterns of nitrogen speciation and concentration reflect (1) changing NO3− loads over time, (2) groundwater residence-time controls on NH4+ mobilization from solid phases, and (3) groundwater residence-time controls on denitrification. A simple classification tree using readily available variables (a national coverage of soil water depth, generalized geology) or variables reasonably estimated in many aquifers (residence time) identifies categorical denitrification extent (50%) with 79% accuracy in an independent testing set, demonstrating a predictive application based on the interconnected effects of redox, geology, and residence time.

  13. The effect of millennial-scale changes in Arabian Sea denitrification on atmospheric CO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Altabet, M.A.; Higginson, M.J. [University of Massachusetts, New Bedford, MA (United States). School for Marine Science and Technology; Murray, D.W. [Brown University, Providence, RI (United States). Center for Environmental Studies


    Most global biogeochemical processes are known to respond to climate change, some of which have the capacity to produce feedbacks through the regulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Marine denitrification - the reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen - is an important process in this regard, affecting greenhouse gas concentrations directly through the incidental production of nitrous oxide, and indirectly through modification of the marine nitrogen inventory and hence the biological pump for C0{sub 2}. Although denitrification has been shown to vary with glacial-interglacial cycles, its response to more rapid climate change has not yet been well characterized. Here we present nitrogen isotope ratio, nitrogen content and chlorin abundance data from sediment cores with high accumulation rates on the Oman continental margin that reveal substantial millennial-scale variability in Arabian Sea denitrification and productivity during the last glacial period. The detailed correspondence of these changes with Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland ice cores indicates rapid, century-scale reorganization of the Arabian Sea ecosystem in response to climate excursions, mediated through the intensity of summer monsoonal upwelling. Considering the several-thousand-year residence time of fixed nitrogen in the ocean, the response of global marine productivity to changes in denitrification would have occurred at lower frequency and appears to be related to climatic and atmospheric C0{sub 2} oscillations observed in Antarctic ice cores between 20 and A kyr ago. (author)

  14. Jacob Stael von Holstein ja palladionism eesti arhitektuuris / Ants Hein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hein, Ants, 1952-


    Sõjaväeinsenerist ja arhitektist Jacob Stael von Holsteinist (1628, Pärnu-1679), tema kavandatud hoonetest ja rollist 17. sajandi II poole arhitektuuris. Fabian von Ferseni Toompeal Lossiplatsil asunud elamust (lammutati 1894) ja Maardu mõisahoonest, Hans von Ferseni Mäo mõisahoonest Järvamaal, Otto Wilhelm von Ferseni majast Toompeal, Axel von Roseni majast Tallinnas Pikk t. 28 (1670-74), Otto Reinhold von Taube majast Tartus (hävinud), J. S. von Holsteini enda hoonetest: majast Tallinnas Toompea 1, Anija mõisahoonest, elamust Riias jm. Bibliograafia lk. 452

  15. Nitrifier-induced denitrification is an important source of soil nitrous oxide and can be inhibited by a nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate. (United States)

    Shi, Xiuzhen; Hu, Hang-Wei; Zhu-Barker, Xia; Hayden, Helen; Wang, Juntao; Suter, Helen; Chen, Deli; He, Ji-Zheng


    Soil ecosystem represents the largest contributor to global nitrous oxide (N 2 O) production, which is regulated by a wide variety of microbial communities in multiple biological pathways. A mechanistic understanding of these N 2 O production biological pathways in complex soil environment is essential for improving model performance and developing innovative mitigation strategies. Here, combined approaches of the 15 N- 18 O labelling technique, transcriptome analysis, and Illumina MiSeq sequencing were used to identify the relative contributions of four N 2 O pathways including nitrification, nitrifier-induced denitrification (nitrifier denitrification and nitrification-coupled denitrification) and heterotrophic denitrification in six soils (alkaline vs. acid soils). In alkaline soils, nitrification and nitrifier-induced denitrification were the dominant pathways of N 2 O production, and application of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) significantly reduced the N 2 O production from these pathways; this is probably due to the observed reduction in the expression of the amoA gene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in the DMPP-amended treatments. In acid soils, however, heterotrophic denitrification was the main source for N 2 O production, and was not impacted by the application of DMPP. Our results provide robust evidence that the nitrification inhibitor DMPP can inhibit the N 2 O production from nitrifier-induced denitrification, a potential significant source of N 2 O production in agricultural soils. © 2017 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. An additional simple denitrification bioreactor using packed gel envelopes applicable to industrial wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Morita, Masahiko; Uemoto, Hiroaki; Watanabe, Atsushi


    A simple denitrification bioreactor for nitrate-containing wastewater without organic compounds was developed. This bioreactor consisted of packed gel envelopes in a single tank. Each envelope comprised two plates of gels containing Paracoccus denitrificans cells with an internal space between the plates. As an electron donor for denitrification, ethanol was injected into the internal space and not directly into the wastewater. P. denitrificans cells in the gel reduced nitrate to nitrogen gas by using the injected ethanol. Nitrate-containing desulfurization wastewater derived from a coal-fired thermal power plant was continuously treated with 20 packed gel envelopes (size, 1,000 x 900 x 12 mm; surface area, 1.44 m(2)) in a reactor tank (volume 1.5 m(3)). When the total nitrogen concentration in the inflow was around 150 mg-N x L(-1), the envelopes removed approximately 60-80% of the total nitrogen, and the maximum nitrogen removal rate was 5.0 g-N x day(-1) per square meter of the gel surface. This value corresponded to the volumetric nitrogen removal performance of 0.109 kg-N x m(-3) x day(-1). In each envelope, a high utilization efficiency of the electron donor was attained, although more than the double amount of the electron donor was empirically injected in the present activated sludge system to achieve denitrification when compared with the theoretical value. The bioreactor using the envelopes would be extremely effective as an additional denitrification system because these envelopes can be easily installed in the vacant spaces of preinstalled water treatment systems, without requiring additional facilities for removing surplus ethanol and sludge. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Nitrogen removal from sludge digester liquids by nitrification/denitrification or partial nitritation/anammox: environmental and economical considerations. (United States)

    Fux, C; Siegrist, H


    In wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic sludge digestion, 15-20% of the nitrogen load is recirculated to the main stream with the return liquors from dewatering. Separate treatment of this ammonium-rich digester supernatant significantly reduces the nitrogen load of the activated sludge system. Two biological applications are considered for nitrogen elimination: (i) classical autotrophic nitrification/heterotrophic denitrification and (ii) partial nitritation/autotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox). With both applications 85-90% nitrogen removal can be achieved, but there are considerable differences in terms of sustainability and costs. The final gaseous products for heterotrophic denitrification are generally not measured and are assumed to be nitrogen gas (N2). However, significant nitrous oxide (N2O) production can occur at elevated nitrite concentrations in the reactor. Denitrification via nitrite instead of nitrate has been promoted in recent years in order to reduce the oxygen and the organic carbon requirements. Obviously this "achievement" turns out to be rather disadvantageous from an overall environmental point of view. On the other hand no unfavorable intermediates are emitted during anaerobic ammonium oxidation. A cost estimate for both applications demonstrates that partial nitritation/anammox is also more economical than classical nitrification/denitrification. Therefore autotrophic nitrogen elimination should be used in future to treat ammonium-rich sludge liquors.

  18. Nitrogen removal from landfill leachate via ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Qi; Li Daping; Tao Yong; Wang Xiaomei; He Xiaohong; Zhang Jie; Zhang Jinlian; Guo Weiqiang; Wang Lan


    Ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification represents a novel approach to nitrogen management at landfills. Simultaneous ammonia and organics removal was achieved in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The results showed that the maximum nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and the maximum organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.65 g N l -1 d -1 and 3.84 g COD l -1 d -1 , respectively. The ammonia and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was over 99% and 57%, respectively. In the run of the CSTR, free ammonia (FA) inhibition and low dissolved oxygen (DO) were found to be key factors affecting nitrite accumulation. In situ denitrification was studied in a municipal solid waste (MSW) column by recalculating nitrified leachate from CSTR. The decomposition of MSW was accelerated by the recirculation of nitrified leachate. Complete reduction of total oxidized nitrogen (TON) was obtained with maximum TON loading of 28.6 g N t -1 TS d -1 and denitrification was the main reaction responsible. Additionally, methanogenesis inhibition was observed while TON loading was over 11.4 g N t -1 TS d -1 and the inhibition was enhanced with the increase of TON loading

  19. Simultaneous denitrification and phosphorus removal by Agrobacterium sp. LAD9 under varying oxygen concentration. (United States)

    Ma, Tao; Chen, Qian; Gui, Mengyao; Li, Can; Ni, Jinren


    Although efficient aerobic denitrification has received increasing attention, few studies have been made on simultaneous denitrification and phosphorus removal (SDPR) under aerobic condition. In this study, SDPR by an efficient aerobic denitrifier, Agrobacterium sp. LAD9, was firstly demonstrated. High nitrate and phosphorus removal rates of 7.50 and 1.02 mg L(-1) h(-1) were achieved in wide range of O2 concentration from 5.92 to 20.02 mg L(-1). The N2O production would be inhibited as O2 concentration exceeded 11.06 mg L(-1), while the phosphorus removal efficiency would be generally improved with increasing O2 concentration. (15)N mass spectrometry revealed that nitrogen removal accorded with the typical aerobic denitrification pathway, while (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((31)P NMR) indicated the fate of phosphorus to cells, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and polyphosphate (poly-P) of the denitrifier. EPS acted as a reservoir of phosphorus and the transformation of poly-P was dynamic and depended on initial orthophosphate (ortho-P) content. The aerobic SDPR would greatly simplify the conventional wastewater treatment processes which required separated considerations of nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

  20. A note on derivations of Murray–von Neumann algebras (United States)

    Kadison, Richard V.; Liu, Zhe


    A Murray–von Neumann algebra is the algebra of operators affiliated with a finite von Neumann algebra. In this article, we first present a brief introduction to the theory of derivations of operator algebras from both the physical and mathematical points of view. We then describe our recent work on derivations of Murray–von Neumann algebras. We show that the “extended derivations” of a Murray–von Neumann algebra, those that map the associated finite von Neumann algebra into itself, are inner. In particular, we prove that the only derivation that maps a Murray–von Neumann algebra associated with a factor of type II1 into that factor is 0. Those results are extensions of Singer’s seminal result answering a question of Kaplansky, as applied to von Neumann algebras: The algebra may be noncommutative and may even contain unbounded elements. PMID:24469831

  1. A note on derivations of Murray-von Neumann algebras. (United States)

    Kadison, Richard V; Liu, Zhe


    A Murray-von Neumann algebra is the algebra of operators affiliated with a finite von Neumann algebra. In this article, we first present a brief introduction to the theory of derivations of operator algebras from both the physical and mathematical points of view. We then describe our recent work on derivations of Murray-von Neumann algebras. We show that the "extended derivations" of a Murray-von Neumann algebra, those that map the associated finite von Neumann algebra into itself, are inner. In particular, we prove that the only derivation that maps a Murray-von Neumann algebra associated with a factor of type II1 into that factor is 0. Those results are extensions of Singer's seminal result answering a question of Kaplansky, as applied to von Neumann algebras: The algebra may be noncommutative and may even contain unbounded elements.

  2. Instream large wood: Denitrification hotspots with low N2O production (United States)

    We examined the effect of instream large wood on denitrification capacity in two contrasting, lower order streams — one that drains an agricultural watershed with no riparian forest and minimal stores of instream large wood and another that drains a forested watershed with an ext...

  3. Dietary carbohydrates and denitrification in recirculating aquaculture systems


    Meriac, A.


    Due to overfishing of global fish stocks and increasing fish meal prices, plant ingredients are being increasingly used as an alternative source of protein in fish feeds. However, the inclusion of unpurified plant ingredients will also increase the content of fibers in feeds. Fibers are nearly indigestible and will therefore increase solid waste production in aquaculture. This solid waste can be used to as a carbon source for denitrification to control nitrate levels in recirculating aquacul...

  4. Ammonia oxidation pathways and nitrifier denitrification are significant sources of N2O and NO under low oxygen availability. (United States)

    Zhu, Xia; Burger, Martin; Doane, Timothy A; Horwath, William R


    The continuous increase of nitrous oxide (N2O) abundance in the atmosphere is a global concern. Multiple pathways of N2O production occur in soil, but their significance and dependence on oxygen (O2) availability and nitrogen (N) fertilizer source are poorly understood. We examined N2O and nitric oxide (NO) production under 21%, 3%, 1%, 0.5%, and 0% (vol/vol) O2 concentrations following urea or ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] additions in loam, clay loam, and sandy loam soils that also contained ample nitrate. The contribution of the ammonia (NH3) oxidation pathways (nitrifier nitrification, nitrifier denitrification, and nitrification-coupled denitrification) and heterotrophic denitrification (HD) to N2O production was determined in 36-h incubations in microcosms by (15)N-(18)O isotope and NH3 oxidation inhibition (by 0.01% acetylene) methods. Nitrous oxide and NO production via NH3 oxidation pathways increased as O2 concentrations decreased from 21% to 0.5%. At low (0.5% and 3%) O2 concentrations, nitrifier denitrification contributed between 34% and 66%, and HD between 34% and 50% of total N2O production. Heterotrophic denitrification was responsible for all N2O production at 0% O2. Nitrifier denitrification was the main source of N2O production from ammonical fertilizer under low O2 concentrations with urea producing more N2O than (NH4)2SO4 additions. These findings challenge established thought attributing N2O emissions from soils with high water content to HD due to presumably low O2 availability. Our results imply that management practices that increase soil aeration, e.g., reducing compaction and enhancing soil structure, together with careful selection of fertilizer sources and/or nitrification inhibitors, could decrease N2O production in agricultural soils.

  5. Analyse der pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit Psoriasis-Arthritis auf Basis von Routinedaten der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. (United States)

    Sondermann, Wiebke; Ventzke, Julia; Matusiewicz, David; Körber, Andreas


    Die Psoriasis-Arthritis (PsA) gehört zu den chronisch entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen. Trotz zahlreicher versorgungswissenschaftlicher Studien in Deutschland liegen zur pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von PsA-Patienten bisher kaum aktuelle Ergebnisse vor. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Literaturrecherche sowie anhand von Routinedaten der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) Rheinland/Hamburg wird ein aktueller Überblick über die pharmazeutische Versorgung von PsA-Patienten in Deutschland gegeben. Selektiert wurden Versicherte aus dem ambulanten und stationären Bereich, die im 1. und 2. Quartal des Jahres 2014 die gesicherte Abrechnungsdiagnose Psoriasis-Arthritis L40.5+ aufwiesen. Anschließend wurden auf Basis dieser "vorab definierten" Kohorte die Arzneimitteldaten für 5 Jahre (01.01.2010-31.12.2014) abgerufen. Es konnten insgesamt n  =  3205 Versicherte (45 % männlich, 55 % weiblich) der AOK Rheinland/Hamburg mit einer gesicherten PsA-Diagnose selektiert werden. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 58,9 Jahre. 53,7 % der PsA-Patienten wurden mit systemischen PsA-relevanten Arzneimitteln versorgt. Nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika (NSAR) wurden am häufigsten verordnet, gefolgt von systemischen Glucocorticoiden. Von den selektierten PsA-Patienten, die eine Systemtherapie erhielten, wurden 72,1 % mittels einer Disease-modifying-antirheumatic-Drug (DMARD)-Monotherapie behandelt, gefolgt von der Kombinationstherapie aus DMARDs und Biologika (20,9 %). Die pharmakologische Therapie der PsA muss eine Gewährleistung zwischen adäquater Versorgung der PsA mit Verhinderung der Krankheitsprogression und ökonomischer Verantwortung darstellen. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Effect of Soil pH Increase by Biochar on NO, N2O and N2 Production during Denitrification in Acid Soils.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfred Obia

    Full Text Available Biochar (BC application to soil suppresses emission of nitrous- (N2O and nitric oxide (NO, but the mechanisms are unclear. One of the most prominent features of BC is its alkalizing effect in soils, which may affect denitrification and its product stoichiometry directly or indirectly. We conducted laboratory experiments with anoxic slurries of acid Acrisols from Indonesia and Zambia and two contrasting BCs produced locally from rice husk and cacao shell. Dose-dependent responses of denitrification and gaseous products (NO, N2O and N2 were assessed by high-resolution gas kinetics and related to the alkalizing effect of the BCs. To delineate the pH effect from other BC effects, we removed part of the alkalinity by leaching the BCs with water and acid prior to incubation. Uncharred cacao shell and sodium hydroxide (NaOH were also included in the study. The untreated BCs suppressed N2O and NO and increased N2 production during denitrification, irrespective of the effect on denitrification rate. The extent of N2O and NO suppression was dose-dependent and increased with the alkalizing effect of the two BC types, which was strongest for cacao shell BC. Acid leaching of BC, which decreased its alkalizing effect, reduced or eliminated the ability of BC to suppress N2O and NO net production. Just like untreated BCs, NaOH reduced net production of N2O and NO while increasing that of N2. This confirms the importance of altered soil pH for denitrification product stoichiometry. Addition of uncharred cacao shell stimulated denitrification strongly due to availability of labile carbon but only minor effects on the product stoichiometry of denitrification were found, in accordance with its modest effect on soil pH. Our study indicates that stimulation of denitrification was mainly due to increases in labile carbon whereas change in product stoichiometry was mainly due to a change in soil pH.

  7. What is the so-called optimum pH for denitrification in soil?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šimek, Miloslav; Jíšová, Linda; Hopkins, D. W.


    Roč. 34, - (2002), s. 1227-1234 ISSN 0038-0717 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6066911 Keywords : pH * denitrifying enzyme activity * denitrification potential Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 1.902, year: 2002

  8. Mixing effects on apparent reaction rates and isotope fractionation during denitrification in a heterogeneous aquifer (United States)

    Green, Christopher T.; Böhlke, John Karl; Bekins, Barbara A.; Phillips, Steven P.


    Gradients in contaminant concentrations and isotopic compositions commonly are used to derive reaction parameters for natural attenuation in aquifers. Differences between field‐scale (apparent) estimated reaction rates and isotopic fractionations and local‐scale (intrinsic) effects are poorly understood for complex natural systems. For a heterogeneous alluvial fan aquifer, numerical models and field observations were used to study the effects of physical heterogeneity on reaction parameter estimates. Field measurements included major ions, age tracers, stable isotopes, and dissolved gases. Parameters were estimated for the O2 reduction rate, denitrification rate, O2 threshold for denitrification, and stable N isotope fractionation during denitrification. For multiple geostatistical realizations of the aquifer, inverse modeling was used to establish reactive transport simulations that were consistent with field observations and served as a basis for numerical experiments to compare sample‐based estimates of “apparent” parameters with “true“ (intrinsic) values. For this aquifer, non‐Gaussian dispersion reduced the magnitudes of apparent reaction rates and isotope fractionations to a greater extent than Gaussian mixing alone. Apparent and true rate constants and fractionation parameters can differ by an order of magnitude or more, especially for samples subject to slow transport, long travel times, or rapid reactions. The effect of mixing on apparent N isotope fractionation potentially explains differences between previous laboratory and field estimates. Similarly, predicted effects on apparent O2threshold values for denitrification are consistent with previous reports of higher values in aquifers than in the laboratory. These results show that hydrogeological complexity substantially influences the interpretation and prediction of reactive transport.

  9. Rezension von: Gabriele Dietze: Weiße Frauen in Bewegung. Genealogien und Konkurrenzen von Race- und Genderpolitiken. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2013.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Dorestal


    Full Text Available Gabriele Dietze zeichnet das Verhältnis der Kategorien Race und Gender innerhalb der US-amerikanischen Geschichte von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Präsidentschaftswahl von Barack Obama nach. Dabei demonstriert sie anhand von zentralen Figuren der weißen Frauenbewegung deren ambivalente Positionen, die oftmals für progressive Inhalte wie das Eintreten für Frauenrechte stehen, gleichzeitig aber dann Anliegen von African Americans nicht artikulieren oder gar zum Schweigen bringen. Ebenso zeigt Dietze mithilfe von Texten einiger schwarzer Autor_innen sowie anhand berühmter Gerichtsprozesse, dass schwarze Emanzipation nicht notwendigerweise mit feministischen Positionen einhergehen musste, sondern sich vielmehr eine Konkurrenzsituation zwischen Race und Gender entspann.

  10. Metal recycling - a renewable resource in Gulf Cooperative Countries region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassem, M.E. [Bahrain Univ. (Bahrain). Dept. of Chemical Engineering


    The exhaustion of natural resources and growing environmental awareness highlighted the necessity of metal recycling all over the world. The production/consumption activities in the GCC region do generate annually a huge amount of valuable ferrous and nonferrous metal scrap. This paper deals with the benefits of metal recycling to the GCC region in lights of energetic, environmental and economic points of view. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die abnehmenden Vorraete von Primaermetallen sowie das zunehmende Umweltbewusstsein machen das Metall-Recycling auf der ganzen Welt notwendig. Die Produktions- und Verbrauchsaktivitaeten in der GCC-Region erzeugen jaehrlich riesige Mengen von wertvollem eisen- und nicht eisenhaltigen Schrott. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Energie-Verbrauch, dem Umweltschutz und der Wirtschaft des Recycling und stellt dessen Vorteile fuer die GCC-Region vor. (orig.)

  11. Borane-catalyzed cracking of C-C bonds in coal; Boran-katalysierte C-C-Bindungungsspaltung in Steinkohle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narangerel, J; Haenel, M W [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kohlenforschung, Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany)


    Coal, especially coking coal, was reacted with hydrogen at comparatively mild reaction conditions (150-280 degrees centigrade, 20 MPa hydrogen pressure) in the presence of catalysts consisting of borange reagents and certain transition metal halides to obtaine more than 80 percent of pyridine-soluble products. The influence of the degree of coalification, catalyst and temperature on the borane-catalyzed hydrogenolysis of C-C bonds in coal was investigated. (orig.) [Deutsch] Steinkohlen, insbesondere im Inkohlungsbereich der Fettkohlen (Kokskohlen), werden in Gegenwart von Katalysatoren aus Boran-Reagentien und bestimmten Uebergangsmetallhalogeniden mit Wasserstoff bei vergleichsweise milden Reaktionsbedingungen (250-280 C, 20 MPa Wasserstoffdruck) in zu ueber 80% pyridinloesliche Produkte umgewandelt. Der Einfluss von Inkohlungsgrad, Katalysator und Temperatur auf die Boran-katalysierte C-C-Bindungshydrogenolyse in Kohle wurde untersucht. (orig.)

  12. Long term performance of the Waterloo denitrification barrier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robertson, W.D.; Cherry, J.A.


    Beginning in 1991 a series of laboratory tests and small scale field trials were initiated to test the performance of an innovative permeable reactive barrier for treatment of nitrate from septic systems. The barrier promotes denitrification by providing an energy source in the form of solid organic carbon mixed into the porous media material. Advantages of the system for nitrate treatment are that the reaction is passive and in situ and it is possible to incorporate sufficient carbon mass in conveniently sized barriers to potentially provide treatment for long periods (decades) without the necessity for maintenance. However, longevity can only be demonstrated by careful long term monitoring of field installations. This paper documents four years of operating history at three small scale field trials; two where the denitrification barrier is installed as a horizontal layer positioned in the unsaturated zone below conventional septic system infiltration beds and one where the barrier is installed as a vertical wall intercepting a septic system plume at a downgradient location. The barriers have successfully attenuated 50-100% of NO - 3 -N levels of up to 170 mg/L and treatment has remained consistent over the four year period in each case, thus considerable longevity is indicated. Other field trials have demonstrated this technology to be equally effective in treating nitrogen contamination from other sources such as landfill leachate and farm field runoff

  13. Enhanced heterotrophic denitrification: effect of dairy industry sludge acclimatization and operating conditions. (United States)

    Akbari Shahabi, Zeinab; Naeimpoor, Fereshteh


    Heterotrophic denitrification of drinking water was enhanced by selection of an anoxic sludge taken from a dairy industry among the sludges taken from various industries, and the effect of carbon sources was examined. Acclimatization to high nitrate concentration was then carried out in a five-stage process. Considering removals of both nitrate and nitrite, the sludge taken from anoxic unit of Tehran Pegah dairy industry was shown to be the superior microbial culture, with ethanol as carbon source as compared to acetate. To enhance the rate of denitrification, acclimatization to nitrate (at 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1,600 mg N-NO3/L) was carried out in sequencing batch reactors over a 3-month period under anoxic condition, and comparisons were made between the performances of acclimated and non-acclimated sludges at each stage. It was found that acclimatization up to the fourth stage enhanced the specific denitrification rate to a high value of 29.6 mg N-NO3/h/g mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), with no significant nitrite accumulation. Additionally, the effect of initial pH (6, 6.5, 7, and 7.5) and carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio (1, 1.5, 2, and 3) on the performance of this final acclimated sludge was assessed, where initial pH of 7 and C/N ratio of 1.5 resulted in the best performances considering both nitrate and nitrite removal.

  14. Substrate-dependent denitrification of abundant probe-defined denitrifying bacteria in activated sludge. (United States)

    Morgan-Sagastume, Fernando; Nielsen, Jeppe Lund; Nielsen, Per Halkjaer


    The denitrification capacity of different phylogenetic bacterial groups was investigated on addition of different substrates in activated sludge from two nutrient-removal plants. Nitrate/nitrite consumption rates (CRs) were calculated from nitrate and nitrite biosensor, in situ measurements. The nitrate/nitrite CRs depended on the substrate added, and acetate alone or combined with other substrates yielded the highest rates (3-6 mg N gVSS(-1) h(-1)). The nitrate CRs were similar to the nitrite CRs for most substrates tested. The structure of the active denitrifying population was investigated using heterotrophic CO2 microautoradiography (HetCO2-MAR) and FISH. Probe-defined denitrifiers appeared as specialized substrate utilizers despite acetate being preferentially used by most of them. Azoarcus and Accumulibacter abundance in the two different sludges was related to differences in their substrate-specific nitrate/nitrite CRs. Aquaspirillum-related bacteria were the most abundant potential denitrifiers (c. 20% of biovolume); however, Accumulibacter (3-7%) and Azoarcus (2-13%) may have primarily driven denitrification by utilizing pyruvate, ethanol, and acetate. Activated sludge denitrification was potentially conducted by a diverse, versatile population including not only Betaproteobacteria (Aquaspirillum, Thauera, Accumulibacter, and Azoarcus) but also some Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, as indicated by the assimilation of 14CO2 by these probe-defined groups with a complex substrate mixture as an electron donor and nitrite as an electron acceptor in HetCO2-MAR-FISH tests.

  15. Fractionation of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes and Roles of Bacteria during Denitrification (United States)

    Kang, J.; Buyanjargal, A.; Jeen, S. W.


    Nitrate in groundwater can cause health and environmental problems when not properly treated. The purpose of this study was to develop a treatment method for nitrate in groundwater using organic carbon-based reactive mixtures (i.e., wood chips and gravel) through column experiments and to evaluate reaction mechanisms responsible for the treatment. The column experiments were operated for a total of 19 months. The results from the geochemical analyses for the experiments suggest that cultures of denitrifying bacteria used organic carbon while utilizing nitrate as their electron acceptor via denitrification process. Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum in all samples, accounting for 45.7% of the bacterial reads, followed by Firmicutes (22.6%) and Chlorobi (10.6%). Bacilli, Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Actinobacteria_c consisted of 32, 30, 23, 11, and 2% of denitrifying bacteria class. The denitrification process caused fractionation of nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of nitrate while nitrate concentration decreased. When fitted to the Rayleigh's fractionation model, enrichment factors (ɛ) were 11.5‰ and 5.6‰ for 15N and 18O isotopes, respectively. Previous studies suggested that nitrogen isotope enrichment factors of denitrification are within the range of 4.7 to 40‰ and oxygen isotopic enrichment factors are between 8 and 18.3‰. This study shows that nitrate in groundwater can be effectively treated using passive treatment systems, such as permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), and denitrificaton is the dominant process reponsible for the removal of nitrate.

  16. Nitrogen mineralization and denitrification as influenced by crop residue particle size

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ambus, P.; Jensen, E.S.


    1: N-15-labelled ground (less than or equal to 3 mm) and cut (25 mm) barley residue, and microcrystalline cellulose+glucose were mixed into a sandy loam soil with additional inorganic N. Experiment 2: inorganic N-15 and C2H2 were added to soils with barley and pea material after 3, 26, and 109 days......Managing the crop residue particle size has the potential to affect N conservation in agricultural systems. We investigated the influence of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and pea (Pisum sativum) crop residue particle size on N mineralization and denitrification in two laboratory experiments. Experiment...... for measuring gross N mineralization and denitrification. Net N immobilization over 60 days in Experiment 1 cumulated to 63 mg N kg(-1) soil (ground barley), 42 (cut barley), and 122 (cellulose+glucose). More N was seemingly net mineralized from ground barley (3.3 mg N kg(-1) soil) than from cut barley (2.7 mg...

  17. Denitrification capacity of bioreactors filled with refuse at different landfill ages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yingxu; Wu Songwei; Wu Weixiang; Sun Hua; Ding Ying


    The denitrification capacity of refuse at different landfill ages in bioreactor landfill system was studied. Three reactors filled with 1-year-old refuse (R1), 6-year-old refuse (R6) and 11-year-old refuse (R11), respectively, were operated in the experiment. Nitrate solution (1000 mg NO 3 - -N L -1 ) was added into each reactor. The results showed that the reactors were all able to consume nitrate. However, 1-year-old refuse in R1 had both a higher nitrate reduction rate and concentration of N 2 . In addition, vertical differences in nitrate removal along the depth of R1 were observed. The bottom-layer refuse and the middle-layer refuse both showed higher efficiency in nitrate depletion than the top layer. Furthermore, N 2 O accumulation was found in R11 with the concentration up to 19.3% of the released gas. These results suggested that 1-year-old refuse, which was partly degraded, was more suitable to use as denitrification medium.

  18. Forest ecosystems and the global climatic change. Background and need to act; Waldoekosysteme im globalen Klimawandel. Hintergruende und Handlungsbedarf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bellmann, K; Grassl, H; Kaiser, M; Kuerzinger, J; Lindner, M; Mueller-Kraenner, S; Schmidt, R; Schuett, P; Sperber, G


    The consequences of the climatic change and of the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer are of global significance and can only be controlled through worldwide measures. Mainly fossil fuels which cover most of our energy demand, industrial production, traffic, industrial intensive agriculture, and deforestation are responsible for trace gases which cause the greenhouse effect. The possible effects of the expected climatic change are discussed, and suitable political, social and silvicultural approaches to the maintenance of stable forest ecosystems are pointed out. Emphasis is placed on forestry and on ecosystems research in Central Europe. (MG) [Deutsch] Die Folgen der Klimaaenderung und des Abbaus der stratosphaerischen Ozonschicht sind von globaler Bedeutung und nur durch weltweite Massnahmen einzudaemmen. Der hauptsaechlich durch fossile Brennstoffe gedeckte Energiebedarf, industrielle Produktion, Verkehr, industrielle Intensivlandwirtschaft und die Rodung von Waeldern sind die Hauptverursacher von Spurengasen, die zum Treibhauseffekt fuehren. Ausgehend von den moeglichen Auswirkungen der zu erwartenden Klimaaenderung wird aufgezeigt, welche Wege Politik, Gesellschaft und Forstwirtschaft einschlagen sollen, um stabile Waldoekosysteme erhalten zu koennen. Forstwirtschaft und Oekosystemforschung in Mitteleuropa stehen dabei im Vordergrund. (MG)

  19. Crossing Boundaries in Qualitative Research – Entwurf einer empirischen Reflexivität der qualitativen Sozialforschung in Deutschland und den USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie Bethmann


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Analyse von Prozessen der Wissenskonstruktion in der qualitativen Sozialforschung im transatlantischen Vergleich. Basierend auf explorativen Forschungsergebnissen stellen wir mit den Idealtypen engaging und observing zwei Forschungsstile vor, die sich in den Praktiken der Konstruktion von Nähe und Distanz zum Gegenstand deutlich unterscheiden. Beides, Nähe und Distanz, wird dabei nicht als innere Haltung von Forschenden oder als rigoros nationaler Stil verstanden, sondern als Produkte konkreter Arbeitspraktiken, die in Zusammenhang mit nationalen Forschungskonventionen, Rahmenbedingungen und Epistemologien stehen. Gemeinsam ist beiden Interaktionsmustern die zentrale Fundierung im amerikanischen Pragmatismus, wobei die These einer auffallend unterschiedlichen Bezugnahme auf den amerikanischen Pragmatismus in den beiden Länderkontexten diskutiert wird: Stehen in Deutschland vorwiegend dessen erkenntnistheoretische Prämissen im Mittelpunkt, sieht sich die gegenwärtige US-amerikanische Methodenlandschaft eher dessen gesellschaftspolitischen Traditionen verpflichtet. Ausgehend von diesen Beobachtungen wird abschließend die Forderung formuliert, Reflexivität in der qualitativen Sozialforschung stärker auf den Boden empirischer Analysen zu stellen. URN:

  20. Medien - Macht - Pädagogik. Konturen einer Cultural-Studies-basierten Medienpädagogik, illustriert an Reality-TV-Sendungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brigitte Hipfl


    Full Text Available Die Autorin beschreibt die Medienpädagogik im Spannungsfeld zwischen der kritischen Beobachtung von Medien und der Aufgabe, zu einem handlungsfähigen, kompetenten Umgang mit Medien zu erziehen. Hierzu bedarf die Medienpädagogik eines Theoriegerüsts, für das sie die Cultural Studies empfiehlt. Im folgenden macht sie am Beispiel von zwei Reality TV-Sendeformaten deutlich, wie Machtverhältnisse mit der Produktion von Fernsehsendungen und den Auswirkungen auf die Rezipienten zusammen hängen. Das neoliberale Menschenbild, wonach jeder Einzelne für den persönlichen (Misserfolg verantwortlich ist und Identität flexibel inszeniert werden kann, spiegelt sich in Sendungen wie "Big Brother". Da diese Formate in zahlreiche Länder adaptiert werden, passen sie in das Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Die öffentlich- rechtlichen Sendeanstalten ringen um Einschaltquoten, produzieren ähnliche Formate und geraten in eine Legitimationskrise. Die Cultural Studies setzen eine Evaluation von Fernsehsendungen dagegen, der Medienpädagogik kommt dabei eine Regulierungsfunktion zu, indem sie zu einer kritischen Rezipientenhaltung ermutigt.

  1. Wohnquartiersbeschreibung: ein Instrument zur Regionalisierung von Nachbarschaften


    Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen H. P.


    'Ausgehend von der Annahme, daß soziale Differenzierung sich in räumlicher Differenzierung niederschlägt, bietet eine Beschreibung der Struktur des näheren Wohnumfeldes die Möglichkeit, das Wohnquartier als Handlungsraum und Sozialisationsinstanz zur Interpretation von Umfragedaten zu nutzen. Das vorliegende Instrumentarium erlaubt es, das Wohnquartier unabhängig von Zensusdaten über Merkmale, die in der eigenen Umfrage erhoben werden, zu charakterisieren.' (Autorenreferat) 'The general hy...

  2. Optimized sampling of hydroperoxides and investigations of the water vapour dependence of hydroperoxide formation during ozonolysis of alkenes; Optimierung der Probenahme von Hydroperoxiden und Untersuchungen zur Wasserdampfabhaengigkeit der Bildung von Hydroperoxiden bei der Ozonolyse von Alkenen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, K.H.; Plagens, H.


    There are several sampling methods for hydroperoxides none of which is particularly reliable. The authors therefore tested three new methods in order to optimize hydroperoxide sampling and, using the optimized sampling procedure, to investigate the water vapour dependence of hydroperoxide formation during ozonolysis of alkenes. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fuer die Probenahme von Hydroperoxiden existieren verschiedene Verfahren, von denen bisher keines als besonders zuverlaessig angesehen werden konnte. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit drei Verfahren getestet, um die Probenahme von Hydroperoxiden zu optimieren und mit dem entsprechenden Verfahren die Wasserdampfabhaengigkeit der Bildung von Hydroperoxiden bei der Ozonolyse von Alkenen zu untersuchen. (orig.)

  3. End-of-pipe single-sludge denitrification in pilot-scale recirculating aquaculture systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhr, Karin Isabel; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Nielsen, J.L.


    A step toward environmental sustainability of recirculat aquaculture systems (RAS) is implementation ofsingle-sludge denitrification, a process eliminating nitrate from the aqueous environment while reduc-ing the organic matter discharge simultaneously. Two 1700 L pilot-scale RAS systems each...

  4. Oxygen at Nanomolar Levels Reversibly Suppresses Process Rates and Gene Expression in Anammox and Denitrification in the Oxygen Minimum Zone off Northern Chile


    Dalsgaard, Tage; Stewart, Frank J.; Thamdrup, Bo; De Brabandere, Loreto; Revsbech, Niels Peter; Ulloa, Osvaldo; Canfield, Don E.; DeLong, Edward


    A major percentage (20 to 40%) of global marine fixed-nitrogen loss occurs in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Concentrations of O[subscript 2] and the sensitivity of the anaerobic N[subscript 2]-producing processes of anammox and denitrification determine where this loss occurs. We studied experimentally how O[subscript 2] at nanomolar levels affects anammox and denitrification rates and the transcription of nitrogen cycle genes in the anoxic OMZ off Chile. Rates of anammox and denitrification w...

  5. Glacial-interglacial changes and Holocene variations in Arabian Sea denitrification (United States)

    Gaye, Birgit; Böll, Anna; Segschneider, Joachim; Burdanowitz, Nicole; Emeis, Kay-Christian; Ramaswamy, Venkitasubramani; Lahajnar, Niko; Lückge, Andreas; Rixen, Tim


    At present, the Arabian Sea has a permanent oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) at water depths between about 100 and 1200 m. Active denitrification in the upper part of the OMZ is recorded by enhanced δ15N values in the sediments. Sediment cores show a δ15N increase during the middle and late Holocene, which is contrary to the trend in the other two regions of water column denitrification in the eastern tropical North and South Pacific. We calculated composite sea surface temperature (SST) and δ15N ratios in time slices of 1000 years of the last 25 kyr to better understand the reasons for the establishment of the Arabian Sea OMZ and its response to changes in the Asian monsoon system. Low δ15N values of 4-7 ‰ during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and stadials (Younger Dryas and Heinrich events) suggest that denitrification was inactive or weak during Pleistocene cold phases, while warm interstadials (ISs) had elevated δ15N. Fast changes in upwelling intensities and OMZ ventilation from the Antarctic were responsible for these strong millennial-scale variations during the glacial. During the entire Holocene δ15N values > 6 ‰ indicate a relatively stable OMZ with enhanced denitrification. The OMZ develops parallel to the strengthening of the SW monsoon and monsoonal upwelling after the LGM. Despite the relatively stable climatic conditions of the Holocene, the δ15N records show regionally different trends in the Arabian Sea. In the upwelling areas in the western part of the basin, δ15N values are lower during the mid-Holocene (4.2-8.2 ka BP) compared to the late Holocene ( ventilation of the OMZ during the period of the most intense southwest monsoonal upwelling. In contrast, δ15N values in the northern and eastern Arabian Sea rose during the last 8 kyr. The displacement of the core of the OMZ from the region of maximum productivity in the western Arabian Sea to its present position in the northeast was established during the middle and late Holocene. This was

  6. Glacial–interglacial changes and Holocene variations in Arabian Sea denitrification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Gaye


    Full Text Available At present, the Arabian Sea has a permanent oxygen minimum zone (OMZ at water depths between about 100 and 1200 m. Active denitrification in the upper part of the OMZ is recorded by enhanced δ15N values in the sediments. Sediment cores show a δ15N increase during the middle and late Holocene, which is contrary to the trend in the other two regions of water column denitrification in the eastern tropical North and South Pacific. We calculated composite sea surface temperature (SST and δ15N ratios in time slices of 1000 years of the last 25 kyr to better understand the reasons for the establishment of the Arabian Sea OMZ and its response to changes in the Asian monsoon system. Low δ15N values of 4–7 ‰ during the last glacial maximum (LGM and stadials (Younger Dryas and Heinrich events suggest that denitrification was inactive or weak during Pleistocene cold phases, while warm interstadials (ISs had elevated δ15N. Fast changes in upwelling intensities and OMZ ventilation from the Antarctic were responsible for these strong millennial-scale variations during the glacial. During the entire Holocene δ15N values  >  6 ‰ indicate a relatively stable OMZ with enhanced denitrification. The OMZ develops parallel to the strengthening of the SW monsoon and monsoonal upwelling after the LGM. Despite the relatively stable climatic conditions of the Holocene, the δ15N records show regionally different trends in the Arabian Sea. In the upwelling areas in the western part of the basin, δ15N values are lower during the mid-Holocene (4.2–8.2 ka BP compared to the late Holocene ( <  4.2 ka BP due to stronger ventilation of the OMZ during the period of the most intense southwest monsoonal upwelling. In contrast, δ15N values in the northern and eastern Arabian Sea rose during the last 8 kyr. The displacement of the core of the OMZ from the region of maximum productivity in the western Arabian Sea to its present position

  7. Homopteren von Java, gesammelt von Herrn Edw. Jacobson

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melichar, L.


    Herr Edw. Jacobson hat auf Java in den Jahren 1908— 1910 Homopteren gesammelt und mir die Bearbeitung des gesammelten Materiales übertragen. Die Jacobson’sche Ausbeute ist insoferne bemerkenswert, als dieselbe viele Mikrohomopteren enthält, welche von nichtfachkundigen Sammlern gewöhnlich nicht

  8. In Situ Groundwater Denitrification in the Riparian Zone of a Short-Rotation Woody Crop Experimental Watershed (United States)

    Jeffers, J. B.; Jackson, C. R.; Rau, B.; Pringle, C. M.; Matteson, C.


    The southeastern United States has potential to become a major producer of short rotation woody crops (SRWC) for the production of biofuels, but this will require converting to more intensive forest management practices that will increase nitrate (NO3-) loading and alter nitrogen cycling in nearby freshwater ecosystems. Water quality monitoring in an experimental short-rotation woody crop watershed in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina has shown increased concentrations of NO3- in groundwater but no evidence of increased NO3- in riparian groundwater or surface waters. Forested riparian areas established as streamside management zones (SMZ) are known to act as buffers to surface water bodies by mitigating nutrients. The objectives of this study were to quantify denitrification by measuring dinitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations along groundwater flow paths and analyze relationships between denitrification estimates, nutrients, and water chemistry parameters. A network of piezometers has been established in the Fourmile Experimental Watershed at the Department of Energy - Savannah River Site. Water samples were collected monthly and were analyzed for concentrations of nutrients (temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, dissolved organic carbon) and dissolved gases (N2, Ar, N2O). Preliminary data showed greater dissolved N2O concentrations than dissolved N2 concentrations in groundwater. The ratios of N2O to combined end products of denitrification (N2O / N2O+N2) ranged from 0.33 to 0.99. Mean N2O+N2 concentrations were greater in groundwater samples in the SRWC plot and along the SMZ boundary than along the ephemeral stream within the riparian zone. Correlations between water chemistry parameters and N2 concentrations are indicative of known biogeochemical driving factors of denitrification. Continued monthly sampling will be coupled with analysis of nutrient concentrations (NO3-, NH4+, TN) to help determine transport and processing

  9. [Anja Wilhelmi. Lebensweltlen von Frauen der deutschen Oberschicht im Baltikum (1800-1939). Eine Untersuchung anhand von Autobiographien] / Alexander Ewig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ewig, Alexander, 1980-


    Arvustus: Wilhelmi, Anja. Lebenswelten von Frauen der deutschen Oberschicht im Baltikum (1800-1939). Eine Untersuchung anhand von Autobiographien. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, 10.) (Wiesbaden : HArrassowitz 2008)

  10. Some aspects of the oxygen-deficient conditions and denitrification in the Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.

    Utilizing a fairly large amount of recently collected data, some outstanding questions concerning the Arabian Sea denitrification problem are addressed. The true level of dissolved oxygen, determined colorimetrically, are about an order of magnitude...

  11. Performance evaluation of pilot scale sulfur-oxidizing denitrification for treatment of metal plating wastewater. (United States)

    Flores, Angel S P; Gwon, Eun-Mi; Sim, Dong-Min; Nisola, Grace; Galera, Melvin M; Chon, Seung-Se; Chung, Wook-Jin; Pak, Dae-Won; Ahn, Zou Sam


    A full-scale and two pilot-scale upflow sulfur-oxidizing denitrification (SOD) columns were evaluated using metal plating wastewater as feed. The sludge was autotrophically enriched, and inoculated in the SOD columns attached to the effluent line of three metal plating wastewater treatment facilities. The effects of activated carbon and aeration were also studied, and found effective for the removal of suspended solids and ammonia, respectively. The results showed that the constituents, such as the total nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and heavy metals, were effectively removed. The pH was observed to be maintained at 7-8 due to the alkalinity supplied by the sulfur-calcium carbonate (SC) pellet. The denitrification efficiency and start-up period were observed to be affected by the influent quality. Chromium, iron, nickel, copper, and zinc--the major heavy metal components of the influent--were effectively reduced at certain concentrations. Other metal ions were also detected and reduced to undetectable concentrations, but no trends in the comparison with denitrification were observed. From the results it can be concluded that SOD is effective for the removal of nitrogen, particularly nitrates, without a drastic pH change, and can effectively remove minute concentrations of heavy metals and COD in metal plating wastewaters.

  12. Woody Debris: Denitrification Hotspots and N2O Production in Fluvial Systems (United States)

    The maintenance and restoration of forested riparian cover is important for watershed nitrogen (N) cycling. Forested riparian zones provide woody debris to streams that may stimulate in-stream denitrification and control nitrous oxide (N2O) production. We examined the effects of ...

  13. Clarifying the link between von Neumann and thermodynamic entropies (United States)

    Deville, Alain; Deville, Yannick


    The state of a quantum system being described by a density operator ρ, quantum statistical mechanics calls the quantity - kTr( ρln ρ), introduced by von Neumann, its von Neumann or statistical entropy. A 1999 Shenker's paper initiated a debate about its link with the entropy of phenomenological thermodynamics. Referring to Gibbs's and von Neumann's founding texts, we replace von Neumann's 1932 contribution in its historical context, after Gibbs's 1902 treatise and before the creation of the information entropy concept, which places boundaries into the debate. Reexamining von Neumann's reasoning, we stress that the part of his reasoning implied in the debate mainly uses thermodynamics, not quantum mechanics, and identify two implicit postulates. We thoroughly examine Shenker's and ensuing papers, insisting upon the presence of open thermodynamical subsystems, imposing us the use of the chemical potential concept. We briefly mention Landau's approach to the quantum entropy. On the whole, it is shown that von Neumann's viewpoint is right, and why Shenker's claim that von Neumann entropy "is not the quantum-mechanical correlate of thermodynamic entropy" can't be retained.

  14. Decadal- to Orbital-Scale Links Between Climate, Productivity and Denitrification on the Peru Margin (United States)

    Higginson, M. J.; Altabet, M. A.; Herbert, T. D.


    Denitrification is the predominant global loss term for combined nitrogen and can exert a major control on its oceanic inventory, global productivity and atmospheric CO2. Our prior work demonstrates that proxy records for changing denitrification, oxygenation and productivity in the recent geological past in the Arabian Sea exhibit unprecedented similarity with abrupt climate fluctuations recorded in high-latitude ice-cores. Since the Peru Margin and Arabian Sea together constitute almost two-thirds of global marine water-column denitrification, changes in concert in these two regions could potentially have effected rapid global climate changes through an oceanic mechanism. The Peru Margin is intimately coupled to the Equatorial Pacific, source of El Ni&ño-La Niña SST, productivity and precipitation anomalies. Here, biogeochemical cycles are especially sensitive to abrupt climatic changes on decadal time-scales by virtue of this ENSO coupling. The purpose of our research is to investigate whether longer changes in tropical Pacific oceanography represent a 'scaling up' of anomalous ENSO conditions, modulated by both internal (e.g. nutrient inventory or WPWP heat budget) and external (e.g. orbital) forcing throughout the last glacial/inter-glacial cycle. Here we present first results of a detailed investigation of recently-recovered sediments from ODP Site 1228 on the Peru margin upper continental slope, in an attempt to capture some of the essential aspects of ENSO-like variability. Despite the existing availability of high quality sediment cores from this margin, little detailed paleoclimatic information currently exists because of poor sedimentary carbonate preservation (exacerbated post-recovery) which has limited generation of essential chronostratigraphic controls. Instead, we rely on the development and novel application of compound-specific AMS dating verified and supplemented by intermittent foraminiferal and bulk-carbon AMS dates, a magnetic paleo

  15. Privatiserung von Geschichte. Probleme einer differenzierten Aufarbeitung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birthe Kundrus


    Full Text Available Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung von Vera Neumann ist die These, daß im Krieg Erlebtes und Erlittenes in den Wiederaufbau- und Wirtschaftswunderjahren Westdeutschlands einem Thematisierungstabu unterlegen sei. Anhand von 50 Interviews, die in den 80er Jahren im Rahmen des von Lutz Niethammer geleiteten Projekts „Lebensgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte im Ruhrgebiet 1930–1960“ (LUSIR entstanden sind und die sie jetzt anhand der Tonbandprotokolle und Abschriften ein zweites Mal auswertet, möchte die Historikerin diese Verschüttungen aufspüren. Im Anschluß an Niethammers These der „Privatisierung von Geschichte“ will sie zeigen, daß seelische und körperliche Kriegsfolgen wie Deprivations- und Überlastungsgefühle, der Verlust von Angehörigen und Kriegsbeschädigungen „privatisiert“, d.h. an die Familien übertragen wurden. Dort seien dann in erster Linie die weiblichen Familienmitglieder mit der Versorgungs- und Pflegearbeit konfrontiert worden. An vier Fallbeispiele schließt sich eine detaillierte Auswertung des gesamten Interviewmaterials an. Diesen Teilen folgt ein Abschnitt zur staatlichen Kriegsopferversorgung in der frühen Bundesrepublik.

  16. N2O isotopomers and N2:N2O ratio as indicators of denitrification in ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mander, Ülo; Zaman, Mohammad


    The world is experiencing climate change and variability due to increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The main GHG’s of concern are nitrous oxide (N 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ). Agriculture contributes approximately 14% of the world’s GHG emissions. Nitrous oxide is one of the key GHG and ozone (O 3 ) depleting gas, constituting 7% of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. On a molecular basis, N 2 O has a 310- and 16-fold greater global warming potential than each of CO 2 and CH 4 , respectively, over a 100-year period. Nitrous oxide can be produced through both chemical and biochemical pathways. They occur during denitrification (the stepwise conversion of nitrate (NO 3 - ) to nitrogen gas (N 2 ) and during nitrification by ammonia-oxidizing archea (bacteria) during the oxidation of hydroxylamine (NH 2 OH) to nitrite (NO 2 - ) which is then reduced to N 2 O and N 2 by nitrifier denitrification or heterotrophic denitrification

  17. Erzeugung gleichverteilter Stichproben von Lozenge-Teilungen mittels Kopplung von Markovketten


    Keller, Peter


    Aus dem Inhalt: 1 Einleitung 2 Eigenschaften der Lozengeteilungen 3 Coupling From The Past (CFTP) 4 Simulation von uniform verteilten Lozengeteilungen 5 Programmlisting und Diskussion der Implementierung 6 Ausblick A Anhang

  18. Micro-electrolysis/retinervus luffae-based simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification for low C/N wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Li, Jinlong; Li, Desheng; Cui, Yuwei; Xing, Wei; Deng, Shihai


    Nitrogen bioremediation in organic insufficient wastewater generally requires an extra carbon source. In this study, nitrate-contaminated wastewater was treated effectively through simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification based on micro-electrolysis carriers (MECs) and retinervus luffae fructus (RLF), respectively. The average nitrate and total nitrogen removal rates reached 96.3 and 94.0% in the MECs/RLF-based autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification (MRAHD) system without ammonia and nitrite accumulation. The performance of MRAHD was better than that of MEC-based autotrophic denitrification for the wastewater treatment with low carbon nitrogen (COD/N) ratio. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) revealed that the relative abundance of nirS-type denitrifiers attached to MECs (4.9%) and RLF (5.0%) was similar. Illumina sequencing suggested that the dominant genera were Thiobacillus (7.0%) and Denitratisoma (5.7%), which attached to MECs and RLF, respectively. Sulfuritalea was discovered as the dominant genus in the middle of the reactor. The synergistic interaction between autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrifiers played a vital role in the mixotrophic substrate environment.

  19. Visualisierung von typisierten Links in Linked Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georg Neubauer


    Full Text Available Das Themengebiet der Arbeit behandelt Visualisierungen von typisierten Links in Linked Data. Die wissenschaftlichen Gebiete, die im Allgemeinen den Inhalt des Beitrags abgrenzen, sind das Semantic Web, das Web of Data und Informationsvisualisierung. Das Semantic Web, das von Tim Berners Lee 2001 erfunden wurde, stellt eine Erweiterung zum World Wide Web (Web 2.0 dar. Aktuelle Forschungen beziehen sich auf die Verknüpfbarkeit von Informationen im World Wide Web. Um es zu ermöglichen, solche Verbindungen wahrnehmen und verarbeiten zu können sind Visualisierungen die wichtigsten Anforderungen als Hauptteil der Datenverarbeitung. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Sematic Web werden Repräsentationen von zuhammenhängenden Informationen anhand von Graphen gehandhabt. Der Grund des Entstehens dieser Arbeit ist in erster Linie die Beschreibung der Gestaltung von Linked Data-Visualisierungskonzepten, deren Prinzipien im Rahmen einer theoretischen Annäherung eingeführt werden. Anhand des Kontexts führt eine schrittweise Erweiterung der Informationen mit dem Ziel, praktische Richtlinien anzubieten, zur Vernetzung dieser ausgearbeiteten Gestaltungsrichtlinien. Indem die Entwürfe zweier alternativer Visualisierungen einer standardisierten Webapplikation beschrieben werden, die Linked Data als Netzwerk visualisiert, konnte ein Test durchgeführt werden, der deren Kompatibilität zum Inhalt hatte. Der praktische Teil behandelt daher die Designphase, die Resultate, und zukünftige Anforderungen des Projektes, die durch die Testung ausgearbeitet wurden.

  20. Barbara Becker-Cantarino: Genderforschung und Germanistik. Perspektiven von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Moderne. Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag 2010.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sahra Dornick


    Full Text Available Die Grundlage der literaturhistorischen Untersuchung bilden literarische und religiöse Texte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Moderne – Romane, Dramen und Briefe sowie Ego-Dokumente, philosophische Schriften und bildliche Darstellungen. Die Autorin konzentriert sich auf die Rekonstruktion der in den Primärtexten auffindbaren Geschlechterverhältnisse und -rollen und auf die kritische Beleuchtung ihrer Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen in einem grundlegend patriarchalisch strukturierten literarischen Feld. Damit gelingt es ihr, einerseits anschaulich vorzuführen, inwiefern Geschlecht als strukturierende Struktur in literarische und religiöse Texte eingeschrieben ist, und andererseits zu zeigen, welche Lücke aufgrund der Demarkierung weiblicher Autorschaft und weiblichen Schreibens bis heute in der literaturhistorischen Forschung klafft.Literary and religious texts from the Early Modern era to Modernity – novels, plays, and letters as well as ego documents, philosophical writings, and visual material are the basis for this literary-historical analysis. The author focuses on the reconstruction of the gender relations and roles that can be found in the primary texts as well as on a critical analysis of the conditions for production and reception in a literary field that was fundamentally patriarchally structured. In doing so, she succeeds both in clearly illustrating to what extent gender is encoded as a structuring pattern in literary and religious texts and in showing the gap, which, due to the demarcation of female authorship and female writing, is still gaping in literary-historical research until today.

  1. Diffusion von Leerstelleninseln auf Cu(111)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verheij, Laurens K.; Schlößer, Dietmar; Rosenfeld, Georg


    Die zufällige Bewegung von Leerstelleninseln wurde bisher vorwiegend in einem Bild beschrieben, das von der Diffusion einzelner Atome ausgeht. In diesem Bild kann man Inseldiffusion durch die Einstein-Beziehung für Brownsche Bewegung ((Δ r)2 = 4 D Δ t) beschreiben. Für die Diffusionskonstante D wird

  2. [Heinz von zur Mühlen. Das Bürgertum Fordert Blut. Ein Bolschewistiches Flugblatt von 1918] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Heinz von zur Mühlen. Das Bürgertum Fordert Blut. Ein Bolschewistiches Flugblatt von 1918. In : Ostseeprovinzen, baltische Staaten und das Nationale. Münster : LIT, 2005, lk. 403-414. 1918. aastast pärit lendlehest, mille käekirja järgi otsustades on kirjutanud Viktor Kingissepp

  3. Pharmakobotanische Untersuchungen von Lavendelsorten auf dem Plattensee- Plateau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tóth, Frida


    Full Text Available Auf dem Hof Dörgicsei Levendula Major GmbH wurden 9 Lavendelsorten (6 Sorten von Lavandula angustifolia und 3 Sorten von Lavandula x intermedia untersucht. Neben den morphologischen und Wachstumseigenschaften wurden auch Frisch- und Trockengewichte bewertet. Quantitative und qualitative Untersuchungen von den Blüten- und Ätherischöldrogen wurden auch durchgeführt. Die statistische Analyse zeigte signifikant höhere Erträge bei den Sorten L. angustifolia ’Essence Purple’ und L. x intermedia ’Edelweiss’. Gehalt und Zusammensetzung von ätherischem Öl war eindeutig bei der Sorte L. angustifolia ’Ellagance Purple’ am günstigsten.

  4. Speziation von Gadolinium-MRT-Kontrastmitteln in Umweltmatrizes


    Lindner, Uwe


    Gd-Kontrastmittel werden in der Medizin für die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) benötigt, um einen besseren Bildkontrast zu erzielen. Nach der Anwendung gelangen diese Arzneimittel über das Abwasser in die Klärwerke und von dort in die jeweiligen anliegenden Oberflächengewässer. Somit wird es notwendig, den Verbleib der Gd-MRT-Kontrastmittel in der Umwelt zu verfolgen und aufzuklären. In dieser Arbeit werden für die Analyse von Umweltproben Methoden zur Speziesanalytik von Gd-Kontrastmitteln ...

  5. Syringe test screening of microbial gas production activity: Cases denitrification and biogas formation. (United States)

    Østgaard, Kjetill; Kowarz, Viktoria; Shuai, Wang; Henry, Ingrid A; Sposob, Michal; Haugen, Hildegunn Hegna; Bakke, Rune


    Mass produced plastic syringes may be applied as vessels for cheap, simple and large scale batch culture testing. As illustrated for the cases of denitrification and of biogas formation, metabolic activity was monitored by direct reading of the piston movement due to the gas volume formed. Pressure buildup due to friction was shown to be moderate. A piston pull and slide back routine can be applied before recording gas volume to minimize experimental errors due to friction. Inoculum handling and activity may be conveniently standardized as illustrated by applying biofilm carriers. A robust set of positive as well as negative controls ("blanks") should be included to ensure quality of the actual testing. The denitrification test showed saturation response at increasing amounts of inoculum in the form of adapted moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) carriers, with well correlated nitrate consumption vs. gas volume formed. As shown, the denitrification test efficiently screened different inocula at standardized substrates. Also, different substrates were successfully screened and compared at standardized inocula. The biogas potential test showed efficient screening of different substrates with effects of relative amounts of carbohydrate, protein, fat. A second case with CO 2 capture reclaimer waste as substrate demonstrated successful use of co-feeding to support waste treatment and how temperature effects on kinetics and stoichiometry can be observed. In total, syringe test screening of microbial gas production seems highly efficient at a low cost when properly applied. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Denitrification activity in mangrove sediments varies with associated vegetation

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Fernandes, S.O.; Dutta, P.; Gonsalves, M.J.B.D.; Bonin, P.C.; LokaBharathi, P.A.

    . Eng.: 95; 2016; 671-681 Denitrification activity in mangrove sediments varies with associated vegetation Sheryl Oliveira Fernandes a, #, Pinky Dutta b, Maria-Judith Gonsalves a, Patricia C. Bonin c, P. A. LokaBharathi a, *  a Biological... in tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Giri et al., 2011). They provide a range of ecosystem services like soil formation, wood production, fish spawning grounds, carbon (C) storage and nutrient cycling (Murdiyarso et al., 2015). However, over...

  7. Isotopic and microbiological signatures of pyrite-driven denitrification in a sandy aquifer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, Y.C.; Slomp, C.P.; Broers, H.P.; Bostick, B.; Passier, H.F.; Böttcher, M.E.; Omoregie, E.O.; Lloyd, J.R.; Polya, D.A.; Cappellen, P. van


    Denitrification driven by pyrite oxidation can play a major role in the removal of nitrate from groundwater systems. As yet, limited information is available on the interactions between the micro-organisms and aqueous and mineral phases in aquifers where pyrite oxidation is occurring. In this study,

  8. Oxygen at nanomolar levels reversibly suppresses process rates and gene expression in anammox and denitrification in the oxygen minimum zone off northern Chile. (United States)

    Dalsgaard, Tage; Stewart, Frank J; Thamdrup, Bo; De Brabandere, Loreto; Revsbech, Niels Peter; Ulloa, Osvaldo; Canfield, Don E; DeLong, Edward F


    A major percentage (20 to 40%) of global marine fixed-nitrogen loss occurs in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Concentrations of O2 and the sensitivity of the anaerobic N2-producing processes of anammox and denitrification determine where this loss occurs. We studied experimentally how O2 at nanomolar levels affects anammox and denitrification rates and the transcription of nitrogen cycle genes in the anoxic OMZ off Chile. Rates of anammox and denitrification were reversibly suppressed, most likely at the enzyme level. Fifty percent inhibition of N2 and N2O production by denitrification was achieved at 205 and 297 nM O2, respectively, whereas anammox was 50% inhibited at 886 nM O2. Coupled metatranscriptomic analysis revealed that transcripts encoding nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), nitrite reductase (nirS), and nitric oxide reductase (norB) decreased in relative abundance above 200 nM O2. This O2 concentration did not suppress the transcription of other dissimilatory nitrogen cycle genes, including nitrate reductase (narG), hydrazine oxidoreductase (hzo), and nitrite reductase (nirK). However, taxonomic characterization of transcripts suggested inhibition of narG transcription in gammaproteobacteria, whereas the transcription of anammox narG, whose gene product is likely used to oxidatively replenish electrons for carbon fixation, was not inhibited. The taxonomic composition of transcripts differed among denitrification enzymes, suggesting that distinct groups of microorganisms mediate different steps of denitrification. Sulfide addition (1 µM) did not affect anammox or O2 inhibition kinetics but strongly stimulated N2O production by denitrification. These results identify new O2 thresholds for delimiting marine nitrogen loss and highlight the utility of integrating biogeochemical and metatranscriptomic analyses. The removal of fixed nitrogen via anammox and denitrification associated with low O2 concentrations in oceanic oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) is a major sink in

  9. Interventionen in die Produktion algorithmischer Öffentlichkeiten: Recommender Systeme als Herausforderung für öffentlich-rechtliche Sendeanstalten


    Pöchhacker, Nikolaus; Burkhardt, Marcus; Geipel, Andrea; Passoth, Jan-Hendrik


    "Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens erzeugt neben vielen anderen Phänomenen auch neue Logiken der Informationsvermittlung. So wird seit einiger Zeit die Problematik der Filter Bubble durch Personalisierung von Informationszugängen intensiv diskutiert. Algorithmische Systeme als Vermittler personalisierter Informationen, hier verstanden als Infomediaries (Morris 2015), können zu einer Zersplitterung von Öffentlichkeiten führen - Individuen werden verstärkt mit se...

  10. Benthic metabolism and denitrification in a river reach: a comparison between vegetated and bare sediments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierluigi VIAROLI


    Full Text Available This study aims at comparing biogeochemical processes in a Vallisneria spiralis meadow and in unvegetated sediments in the upper reach of the Mincio River (Northern Italy. The main hypothesis of this work is that meadows of rooted macrophytes affect benthic metabolism, enhancing capacity to retain nutrients (assimilation and dissipate (denitrification nitrogen loadings. In order to highlight how plants affect benthic processes in the riverbed, oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP and inorganic nitrogen fluxes, together with denitrification rates, were measured from February to November 2007 in intact cores collected from stands of V. spiralis and bare sediments. V. spiralis biomass, elemental composition and growth rates were concurrently measured. Macrophyte biomass ranged from 60 to 120 g m-2 (as dry matter; growth rates followed a seasonal pattern from 0.001 in winter up to 0.080 d-1 in summer. On an annual basis, the macrophyte meadow was autotrophic with net O2 production and dissolved inorganic carbon uptake, while the bare sediment was net heterotrophic. The concurrent N assimilation by macrophytes and losses through denitrification led to similar N uptake/dissipation rates, up to 2500 mmol m-2 y-1. Under the very high NO3 - concentrations of the Mincio River, the competition between primary production and denitrification processes was also avoided. A significant ammonium regeneration from sediments to the water column occurred in the V. spiralis meadow, where plant debris and particulate matter accumulated. Here, SRP was also released into the water column, whilst in the bare sediment SRP fluxes were close to zero. Overall, V. spiralis affected the benthic metabolism enhancing the ecosystem capacity to control nitrogen contamination. However, the actual N removal rates were not sufficient to mitigate the pollution discharge.

  11. Spectral theory and quotients in Von Neumann algebras | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this note we consider to what extent the functional calculus and the spectral theory in von Neumann algebras are preserved by the taking of quotients relative to two-sided ideals of the von Neumann algebra. Keywords:von Neumann algebra, functional calculus, spectral theory, quotient algebras. Quaestiones ...

  12. Groundwater denitrification in two agricultural river catchments: influence of hydro-geological setting and aquifer geochemistry (United States)

    McAleer, Eoin; Mellander, Per-Erik; Coxon, Catherine; Richards, Karl G.; Jahangir, Mohammad M. R.


    Identifying subsurface environments with a natural capacity for denitrification is important for improving agricultural management. At the catchment scale, a complex hierarchy of landscape, hydro-geological and physico-chemical characteristics combine to affect the distribution of groundwater nitrate (NO3-). This study was conducted along four instrumented hillslopes in two ca. 10km2 agricultural river catchments in Ireland, one dominated by arable and one by grassland agriculture. Both catchments are characterised by well drained soils, but have differing aquifer characteristics. The arable catchment is underlain by weathered Ordovician slate bedrock which is extensively fractured with depth. The grassland catchment is characterised by Devonian sandstone bedrock, exhibiting both lateral (from upslope to near stream) and vertical variations in permeability along each hillslope. The capacity for groundwater denitrification was assessed by examining the concentration and distribution patterns of N species (total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and redox potential (Eh) in monthly samples from shallow and deep groundwater piezometers (n=37). Additionally, the gaseous products of denitrification: nitrous oxide (N2O) and excess dinitrogen (excess N2) were measured seasonally using gas chromatography and membrane inlet mass spectroscopy, respectively. The slate catchment was characterised by uniformity, both laterally and vertically, in aquifer geochemistry and gaseous denitrification products. The four year spatial mean groundwater NO3--N concentration was 6.89 mg/l and exhibited low spatial and temporal variability (temporal SD: 1.19 mg/l, spatial SD: 1.185 mg/l). Elevated DO concentrations (mean: 9.75 mg/l) and positive Eh (mean: +176.5mV) at all sample horizons indicated a setting with little denitrification potential. This non-reducing environment was reflected in a low accumulation of denitrification

  13. [Albert Reder Ritter von Schellmann (1826-1904)]. (United States)

    Schmidt, G; Holubar, K


    Albert Reder von Schellmann (1826-1904) was an important syphilidologist of the Vienna Medical School in the second half of the nineteenth century. He went in for the dualistic concept of the origin of syphilis and ulcer caused by soft chancre. In 1870 - Reder became head of a third dermato-syphilidologic department in the "Josephinum" in Vienna, where military surgeons got their medical education. At the same time the two full professorships of dermatosyphilidology in the Vienna General Hospital were held by Ferdinand von Hebra (1816-1880) and Carl Ludwig Sigmund von Ilanor (1810-1883).

  14. Cause analysis and suggestion of urea consumption in denitrification system of coal-fired power plant (United States)

    Zhang, Xueying; Dong, Ruifeng; Guo, Yang; Wang, Fangfang; Yang, Shuo


    In the daily operation of many power plants, the urea consumption of denitration system is much more than normal. Therefore, the process of site testing and laboratory analysis are carried out. Several suggestions are given out. (1) The position of sampling hole on the exit flue of denitrification system should be redesigned. (2) The denitrification optimization and adjustment should be carried out based on the technical specifications for the operation system. (3) The flue gas CEMS system for single point sampling should be transformed into two or three point sampling mode. (4) When the coal - fired unit is shutting down, examine the ammonia injection and nozzle branch, in order to improve the operation reliability of denitration system.

  15. Conditions and mechanisms affecting simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a Pasveer oxidation ditch

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hao, X.; Doddema, H.J.; Groenestijn, J.W. van


    Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a Pasveer oxidation ditch was studied. The purpose was to evaluate the performances of both nitrification and dentrification in oxidation ditches, and to pursue some possible approaches to enhance nitrogen removal. Almost complete nitrification was

  16. Analysis of Microbial Communities in Biofilms from CSTR-Type Hollow Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactors for Autotrophic Nitrification and Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification. (United States)

    Shin, Jung-Hun; Kim, Byung-Chun; Choi, Okkyoung; Kim, Hyunook; Sang, Byoung-In


    Two hollow fiber membrane biofilm reactors (HF-MBfRs) were operated for autotrophic nitrification and hydrogenotrophic denitrification for over 300 days. Oxygen and hydrogen were supplied through the hollow fiber membrane for nitrification and denitrification, respectively. During the period, the nitrogen was removed with the efficiency of 82-97% for ammonium and 87-97% for nitrate and with the nitrogen removal load of 0.09-0.26 kg NH4(+)-N/m(3)/d and 0.10-0.21 kg NO3(-)-N/m(3)/d, depending on hydraulic retention time variation by the two HF-MBfRs for autotrophic nitrification and hydrogenotrophic denitrification, respectively. Biofilms were collected from diverse topological positions in the reactors, each at different nitrogen loading rates, and the microbial communities were analyzed with partial 16S rRNA gene sequences in denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Detected DGGE band sequences in the reactors were correlated with nitrification or denitrification. The profile of the DGGE bands depended on the NH4(+) or NO3(-) loading rate, but it was hard to find a major strain affecting the nitrogen removal efficiency. Nitrospira-related phylum was detected in all biofilm samples from the nitrification reactors. Paracoccus sp. and Aquaspirillum sp., which are an autohydrogenotrophic bacterium and an oligotrophic denitrifier, respectively, were observed in the denitrification reactors. The distribution of microbial communities was relatively stable at different nitrogen loading rates, and DGGE analysis based on 16S rRNA (341f /534r) could successfully detect nitrate-oxidizing and hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria but not ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in the HF-MBfRs.

  17. Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trois, Cristina; Coulon, Frederic; Polge de Combret, Cecile; Martins, Jean M.F.; Oxarango, Laurent


    In an attempt to optimize the cost-efficiency of landfill leachate treatment by biological denitrification process, our study focused on finding low-cost alternatives to traditional expensive chemicals such as composted garden refuse and pine bark, which are both available in large amount in South African landfill sites. The overall objective was to assess the behaviour of the bacterial community in relation to each substrate while treating high strength landfill leachates. Denitrification processes in fixed bed reactors were simulated at laboratory scale using anaerobic batch tests with immature compost and pine bark. High strength leachate was simulated using a solution of water and nitrate at a concentration of 500 mg l -1 . Results suggest that pine bark released large amounts of phenolic compounds and hydroxylated benzene rings, which both can delay the acclimatization time and inhibit the biological denitrification (only 30% efficiency). Furthermore, presence of potential pathogens like Enterobacter and Pantoea agglomerans prevents the applicability of the pine bark in full-scale operations. On the other hand, lightly composted garden refuse (CGR) offered an adequate substrate for the formation of a biofilm necessary to complete the denitrification process (total nitrate removal observed within 7 days). CGR further contributed to a rapid establishment of an active consortium of denitrifiers including Acinetobacter, Rhizobium, Thermomonas, Rheinheimera, Phaeospirillum and Flavobacterium. Clearly the original composition, nature, carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) and degree of maturity and stability of the substrates play a key role in the denitrification process, impacting directly on the development of the bacterial population and, therefore, on the long-term removal efficiency.

  18. Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trois, Cristina, E-mail: [Centre for Research in Environmental, Coastal and Hydrological Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban 4041 (South Africa); Coulon, Frederic; Polge de Combret, Cecile [Centre for Resource Management and Efficiency, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, MK43 0AL (United Kingdom); Martins, Jean M.F.; Oxarango, Laurent [Laboratoire d' etude de Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement, UMR 5564 (CNRS/INPG/IRD/UJF), Universite de Grenoble, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France)


    In an attempt to optimize the cost-efficiency of landfill leachate treatment by biological denitrification process, our study focused on finding low-cost alternatives to traditional expensive chemicals such as composted garden refuse and pine bark, which are both available in large amount in South African landfill sites. The overall objective was to assess the behaviour of the bacterial community in relation to each substrate while treating high strength landfill leachates. Denitrification processes in fixed bed reactors were simulated at laboratory scale using anaerobic batch tests with immature compost and pine bark. High strength leachate was simulated using a solution of water and nitrate at a concentration of 500 mg l{sup -1}. Results suggest that pine bark released large amounts of phenolic compounds and hydroxylated benzene rings, which both can delay the acclimatization time and inhibit the biological denitrification (only 30% efficiency). Furthermore, presence of potential pathogens like Enterobacter and Pantoea agglomerans prevents the applicability of the pine bark in full-scale operations. On the other hand, lightly composted garden refuse (CGR) offered an adequate substrate for the formation of a biofilm necessary to complete the denitrification process (total nitrate removal observed within 7 days). CGR further contributed to a rapid establishment of an active consortium of denitrifiers including Acinetobacter, Rhizobium, Thermomonas, Rheinheimera, Phaeospirillum and Flavobacterium. Clearly the original composition, nature, carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) and degree of maturity and stability of the substrates play a key role in the denitrification process, impacting directly on the development of the bacterial population and, therefore, on the long-term removal efficiency.

  19. Das Geschäftsmodell von Retail Banken im Wandel der Digitalisierung


    Messikommer, Cédric


    Der Prozess der Digitalisierung führt in unterschiedlichen Branchen zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen. Dazu gehört auch der Finanzsektor, dessen Umfeld von erodierenden Margen und Tiefstzinsen geprägt ist. Die Digitalisierung hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Geschäftsmodelle von Banken und speziell von Retail Banken. Deren Basisdienstleistungen werden zunehmend von neuen Mitbewerbern mit modernster Internet-Technologie angeboten. Damit sind wesentliche Teile der Wertschöpfungskette von Re...

  20. The need for company information manuals - Benefits of industry-wide standard solutions; Notwendigkeit von Betriebshandbuechern - Vorteile von Branchen-Standardloesungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sporleder, R.; Winter, G. [Stadtwerke Rostock AG (Germany)


    The paper explains the need for and the usefulness of company information manuals for companies of the energy sector. (orig./CB) [German] Im folgenden wird anhand von Kernsaetzen die Notwendigkeit von Betriebshandbuechern begruendet. Es wird offensichtlich, dass Geschaeftsfuehrungen von sicherheitsrelevanten Unternehmen wohlberaten sind, die in verschiedenen Vorschriften geforderte betriebliche Umsetzung des Inhalts dieser Vorschriften auf die firmeninternen Organisationsstrukturen vorzunehmen. Diese Umsetzung hilft intern, die betrieblichen Verantwortlichkeiten festzulegen, Verfahrensablaeufe zu bestimmen und erhoeht im Schadensfall erheblich die Chance fuer die jeweilige Geschaeftsfuehrung, den strafrechtlichen Vorwurf des Organisationsverschuldens abzuwehren. (orig./CB)

  1. Bacterial community evolutions driven by organic matter and powder activated carbon in simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process. (United States)

    Ge, Cheng-Hao; Sun, Na; Kang, Qi; Ren, Long-Fei; Ahmad, Hafiz Adeel; Ni, Shou-Qing; Wang, Zhibin


    A distinct shift of bacterial community driven by organic matter (OM) and powder activated carbon (PAC) was discovered in the simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process which was operated in an anti-fouling submerged anaerobic membrane bio-reactor. Based on anammox performance, optimal OM dose (50 mg/L) was advised to start up SAD process successfully. The results of qPCR and high throughput sequencing analysis indicated that OM played a key role in microbial community evolutions, impelling denitrifiers to challenge anammox's dominance. The addition of PAC not only mitigated the membrane fouling, but also stimulated the enrichment of denitrifiers, accounting for the predominant phylum changing from Planctomycetes to Proteobacteria in SAD process. Functional genes forecasts based on KEGG database and COG database showed that the expressions of full denitrification functional genes were highly promoted in R C , which demonstrated the enhanced full denitrification pathway driven by OM and PAC under low COD/N value (0.11). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Potential denitrification and nitrous oxide production in the sediments of the Seine River Drainage Network (France). (United States)

    Garnier, Josette A; Mounier, Emmanuelle M; Laverman, Anniet M; Billen, Gilles F


    To investigate bottom sediment denitrification at the scale of the Seine drainage network, a semi-potential denitrification assay was used in which river sediments (and riparian soils) were incubated for a few hours under anaerobic conditions with non limiting nitrate concentrations. This method allowed the nitrous oxide (N(2)O) concentration in the headspace, as well as the nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium concentrations to be determined during incubation. The rates at which nitrate decreased and N(2)O increased were then used to assess the potential denitrification activity and associated N(2)O production in the Seine River Basin. We observed a longitudinal pattern characterized by a significant increase of the potential rate of denitrification from upstream sectors to large downstream rivers (orders 7-8), from approximately 3.3 to 9.1 microg NO(3)(-)-N g(-1) h(-1), respectively, while the N(2)O production rates was the highest both in headwaters and in large order rivers (0.14 and 0.09 N(2)O-N g(-1) h(-1), respectively) and significantly lower in the intermediate sectors (0.01 and 0.03 N(2)O-N g(-1) h(-1)). Consequently, the ratio N(2)O production:NO(3) reduction was found to reach 5% in headstreams, whereas it averaged 1.2% in the rest of the drainage network, an intermediate percentage being found for the riparian soils. Finally, the ignition loss of sediments, together with other redundant variables (particulate organic carbon content: g C 100 g(-1) dry weight [dw], moisture: g water 100 g(-1) dw, sediment size production.

  3. Endogenous influences on anammox and sulfocompound-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification coupling system (A/SAD) and dynamic operating strategy. (United States)

    Sun, Xinbo; Du, Lingfeng; Hou, Yuqian; Cheng, Shaoju; Zhang, Xuxiang; Liu, Bo


    The anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) and sulfocompound-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification coupling system (A/SAD) was initiated in an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for nitrogen removal from high-strength wastewater. Owing to cooperation between anammox and partial sulfocompound-oxidation autotrophic denitrification coupling system (PSAD), the highest nitrogen removal efficiency (NRE) of 98.1% ± 0.4% achieved at the optimal influent conditions of conversion efficiency of ammonium (CEA) of 55% and S 2 O 3 2- -S/NO 3 - -N (S/N) of 1.4 mol mol -1 . The activity of the short-cut sulfocompound-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification (SSAD) was also regulated to cope with dynamic CEA in the influent by changing the S/N, which was demonstrated to be effective in alleviating nitrite accumulation when the CEA was between 57% and 61%. Both the anammox and SAD bacteria enriched in the reactor after long-term incubation. Candidatus Brocadia and Candidatus Jettenia might be potentially contributing the most to anammox, while the Thiobacillus was the dominant taxa related to SAD. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. Characterization of a halophilic heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification bacterium and its application on treatment of saline wastewater. (United States)

    Duan, Jinming; Fang, Hongda; Su, Bing; Chen, Jinfang; Lin, Jinmei


    A novel halophilic bacterium capable of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification was isolated from marine sediments and identified as Vibrio diabolicus SF16. It had ability to remove 91.82% of NH4(+)-N (119.77 mg/L) and 99.71% of NO3(-)-N (136.43 mg/L). The nitrogen balance showed that 35.83% of initial NH4(+)-N (119.77 mg/L) was changed to intracellular nitrogen, and 53.98% of the initial NH4(+)-N was converted to gaseous denitrification products. The existence of napA gene further proved the aerobic denitrification ability of strain SF16. The optimum culture conditions were salinity 1-5%, sodium acetate as carbon source, C/N 10, and pH 7.5-9.5. When an aerated biological filter system inoculated with strain SF16 was employed to treat saline wastewater, the average removal efficiency of NH4(+)-N and TN reached 97.14% and 73.92%, respectively, indicating great potential of strain SF16 for future full-scale applications. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Arbeitszeiten von Professorinnen und Professoren in Deutschland 2016


    Weihs, Claus; Hernández Rodríguez, Tanja; Doeckel, Maximilian; Marty, Christoph; Wormer, Holger


    In dieser Studie werden belastbare Prognoseintervalle der wöchentlichen Gesamtarbeitszeit von Universitätsprofessorinnen und -professoren aus Daten einer Umfrage aus dem Jahre 2016 und a-priori Informationen aus früheren Studien bestimmt. Neben der Gesamtarbeitszeit werden auch Teilarbeitszeiten zum Beispiel für Lehre und Forschung ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse von frequentistischer und Bayesianischer Analyse werden verglichen. Aus den gültigen Fragebögen von aktiven Vollzeit arbeitenden Universi...

  6. IAS 25, Bilanzierung von Finanzinvestitionen (Accounting for Investments)


    Steiner, Manfred


    IAS 25, Bilanzierung von Finanzinvestitionen (Accounting for Investments). - In: Rechnungslegung nach International Accounting Standards (IAS) / hrsg. von Jörg Baetge ... - Stuttgart : Schäffer-Poeschel, 1997. - S. 923-953

  7. Indian Monsoon and denitrification change in the Laxmi Basin (IODP Exp. 355 Site U1456) of the Eastern Arabian Sea during the last 800 kyrs (United States)

    Kim, J. E.; Khim, B. K.; Ikehara, M.; Lee, J.


    The Arabian Sea is a famous site for the basin-wide denitrification in the globe. The Western Arabian Sea has been acknowledged by its upwelling-induced denitrification related to the Indian Monsoon system (Altabet et al., 1999). It was recently reported that the denitrification in the Eastern Arabian Sea (IODP Exp. 355 Site U1456) has been persistent and consistent during the mid-Pleistocene as reflected in the bulk sediment δ15N values (Tripathi et al., 2017). Based on the age model reconstructed by δ18O stratigraphy of planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber) together with shipboard biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic data at Site U1456 drilled in the Laxmi Basin of the Eastern Arabian Sea, the glacial-interglacial fluctuations of denitrification in association with the development of oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) were resolved in the context of Indian Monsoon activity. One of striking features in the Eastern Arabian Sea is that the δ15N values of bulk sediment show clear and consistent denitrification with minimum δ15N values exceeding 6‰ even during glacial periods, when its western counterpart experienced a temporal collapse of OMZ and denitrification. The Eastern Arabian Sea is fed not only by the upwelling-induced productivity in the western margin during the summer monsoon but also by the high productivity during the winter monsoon, both of which maintain the increased productivity affecting the OMZ through the consumption of dissolved oxygen by the degradation of sinking organic particles. The Eastern Arabian Sea is further influenced by the clockwise surface currents, intermediate water ventilation change by the blockage of Antarctic Intermediate Water, limited inflow from the Red Sea/Persian Gulf, and the freshwater salinity stratification due to nearby riverine discharges, all of which make the denitrification process more complicated than the Western Arabian Sea. Nonetheless, the glacial-interglacial denitrification change in the Eastern

  8. Politische Bildung im Kontext von Regierung, Unterricht und Zucht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Rucker


    Full Text Available Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841 gilt als der Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Pädagogik. In diesem Beitrag wird zu zeigen versucht, dass Herbart die Unterstützung politischer Bildung als eine Aufgabe von Regierung, Unterricht und Zucht bestimmt und in seinem Werk wichtige „Bausteine“ für eine Theorie der politischen Bildung unter den Bedingungen von Erziehung vorlegt hat. Nach Herbart ist das politische Selbst- und Weltverhältnis auf Sachverhalte bezogen, die nicht nur die Lebensführung einzelner Menschen, sondern die Lebensführung einer Mehrzahl von Menschen betreffen. Nicht das Zusammenleben von Menschen generell ist jedoch Orientierungsgesichtspunkt des politischen Selbst- und Weltverhältnisses, sondern nur das problematisch gewordene Zusammenleben. Politik ergibt sich nach Herbart aus einem Konflikt hinsichtlich der Frage, wie das Zusammenleben von Menschen geregelt sein sollte. Während die Regierung lediglich mittelbar einen Beitrag zur politischen Bildung leistet, indem sie die Voraussetzungen für Unterricht und Zucht bereitstellt, fungieren die beiden zuletzt genannten Formen von Erziehung als die eigentlichen Medien, in denen die politische Bildung im Sinne Herbarts ihren Ort hat.

  9. Development of active barriers for removing heavy metals from mine water: Freiberg colliery, Sachsen; Entwicklung aktiver Barrieren fuer die Entfernung von Schwermetallen aus Grubenwaessern am Beispiel der Freiberger Grube, Sachsen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zoumis, T.


    Mine water treatment is costly, difficult, and requires extensive surface installations. The author explains the development of geochemical ('active') barriers of low-cost materials. The materials investigated were industrial residues (red sludge, fly ash, tinder residues, porous concrete residues), natural materials (bark, zeolite, bentonite, hydroxyl apatite), and commercial products (GEH, Ratio Pur MF-S). Investigations focused on density, specific surface, grain size, and acid neutralization capacity. In the final stage, experiments were made on heavy metal removal from a model water. [German] Einen grossen Anteil an der Schwermetallbelastung in Fluessen haben toxische Abwaesser aus Bergbaugebieten (Grubenwaesser). Die Moeglichkeit der Behandlung sind sehr aufwendig, kostenintensiv und nur 'ueber Tage' durchfuehrbar. Die vorliegende Arbeit erlaeutert die Behandlung von Grubenwaessern mit geochemischen ('aktiven') Barrieren. Es werden aktive Barrieren entwickelt, die in einen Schacht eingebracht werden koennen, um eine Schwermetallausbreitung zu unterbinden. In diesem Zusammenhang werden kostenguenstige Materialien untersucht, die Schadstoffe durch chemische und/oder physikalische Mechanismen aus Wasser entfernen koennen. Untersucht wurden industrielle Reststoffe (Rotschlamm, Flugasche, Zunderrueckstaende, Porenbetonabfall), natuerliche Materialien (Baumrinde, Zeolith, Bentonit, Hydroxylapatit) und kommerzielle Produkte (GEH, Ratio Pur MF-S). Die Materialien werden hinsichtlich der Dichte, der spezifischen Oberflaeche, der Korngroesse und der Saeureneutralisationskapazitaet charakterisiert. Anschliessend wurden Versuche zur Schwermetallentfernung aus einem Modellwasser durchgefuehrt. (orig.)

  10. Saage tuttavaks : Elisabeth ja Karl von Hoerschelmann / Mai Levin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levin, Mai, 1942-


    Kuraator M. Levin kuni 10. X 2004 Adamson-Ericu muuseumis avatud näitusest "Tuntud ja tundmatud Elisabeth von Rosendorff-Hoerschelmann ja Karl von Hoerschelmann". Enamik töid on kunstnike laste Konstantin Hoerschelmanni ja Anna Röder-Hoerschelmanni omand. Elisabeth Rosendorff (1898-1984) sündis Virumaal Maidlas eesti perekonnas, Karl von Hoerschelmann (1899-1951) Sevastoopolis saksa perekonnas

  11. Von Willebrand protein binds to extracellular matrices independently of collagen.


    Wagner, D D; Urban-Pickering, M; Marder, V J


    Von Willebrand protein is present in the extracellular matrix of endothelial cells where it codistributes with fibronectin and types IV and V collagen. Bacterial collagenase digestion of endothelial cells removed fibrillar collagen, but the pattern of fibronectin and of von Willebrand protein remained undisturbed. Exogenous von Willebrand protein bound to matrices of different cells, whether rich or poor in collagen. von Willebrand protein also decorated the matrix of cells grown in the prese...

  12. Bewertung von Fahrzeuggeräuschen (United States)

    Genuit, Klaus; Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte; Fiebig, André; Haverkamp, Michael

    Bei der Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung eines Automobils sind unzählige Merkmale und Eigenschaften von Bedeutung. Dabei können Merkmale objektiv-technisch beschrieben werden, wie Angaben zur Motorisierung, Höchstgeschwindigkeit, Drehmoment, zulässige Zuladung, Verbrauch usw. Daneben sind weitere Eigenschaften von Bedeutung, die sich einer einfachen objektiv-technischen Beschreibung entziehen. Hier sind Begriffe zu nennen, wie Sicherheit, allgemeine Qualitätsanmutung, Design, Ergonomie, Komfort, Haptik, Fahrdynamik, Zuverlässigkeit, die deutlich schwieriger objektiv erfassbar und beschreibbar sind (Abb. 4.1).

  13. Direct contribution of clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) to benthic fluxes, nitrification, denitrification and nitrous oxide emission in a farmed sediment (United States)

    Welsh, David T.; Nizzoli, Daniele; Fano, Elisa A.; Viaroli, Pierluigi


    The influence of the manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) on N-cycle processes, and oxygen and nutrient fluxes in a farmed sediment was investigated using a multiple core incubation approach and parallel incubations of individual clams. Clam population/biomass density varied ∼8-fold between cores and all sediment-water column solute (O2. N2, N2O, NH4+, NOX and DIN) fluxes and benthic process (N-regeneration, nitrification and denitrification) rates were strongly and significantly correlated with clam density/biomass. Isolated clams exhibited high rates of respiration, N-excretion, nitrification and denitrification of 2050 ± 70, 395 ± 49, 201 ± 42 and 235 ± 40 nmol individual-1 h-1, respectively. The direct contribution of the clams and their associated microbiota to benthic processes was estimated by multiplying the per individual rates by the number of clams in each incubated core. The clams on average directly accounted for 64-133% of total rates of sediment oxygen demand, N-regeneration, nitrification and denitrification, indicating that they regulated processes primarily through their own metabolic activity and that of bacteria that colonise them. Clams and the farmed sediments were significant sources of the greenhouse gas N2O, but this was primarily due to their high nitrification and denitrification rates, rather than high specific N2O yields, as N2O emissions represented farmed sediments had a high denitrification efficiency of 67 ± 10%, but this ecosystem service came at the environmental cost of increased N-regeneration and N2O emission rates. The measured N2O emissions indicate that bivalve aquaculture may be a significant source of N2O. It is therefore recommended that N2O emissions should be included in the impact assessments of current and future bivalve-farming projects.

  14. Baron von Zach's business relations with the Munich entrepreneur Joseph von Utzschneider (German Title: Geschäftsbeziehungen des Barons von Zach zu dem Münchner Unternehmer Joseph von Utzschneider) (United States)

    Schneider, Ivo

    The relationship between the astronomer von Zach on the one side and the entrepreneur Joseph von Utzschneider and his partner Georg von Reichenbach on the other dates presumably from the year 1807 when Zach spent two months in Munich. Already in the same year Zach had ordered an instrument for himself and began to solicit business for the institute of Reichenbach, Utzschneider, and Liebherr, which was founded in 1804. One of the clients canvassed by Zach was the director of the observatory in Naples Zuccari. Zuccari had ordered the whole equipment for the new observatory from this institute in 1813. The instruments for Naples, which were completed in 1814, were sent accompanied by Reichenbach by land and sea to their destination where Reichenbach supervised their setup. At that time Reichenbach had separated from Utzschneider who kept the optical institute in Benediktbeuern with his new partner Joseph von Fraunhofer whereas Reichenbach became owner of the mathematical-mechanical institute in Munich. For personal and economical reasons Utzschneider began soon after to produce not only optical glass but also optical devices similar to those offered by Reichenbach. As soon as two institutes in Munich competed against each other on the market for sophisticated geodetical and astronomical instruments Zach sided with Utzschneider. Zach's main professional argument for this decision was that both competitors got the optical glass for their instruments from Utzschneider's optical institute in Benediktbeuern. This meant that Utzschneider had first choice and so the optical part of his instruments could be considered as better than that of Reichenbach`s instruments. Zach's role as an agent in Italy and France for the sale of products coming from Utzschneider's manufactories is highlighted by three of Zach's letters to Utzschneider from 1817 and 1818, two of which are reproduced here for the first time.

  15. Research, design and education, Von Humboldt revisited

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bax, M.F.T.; Doevendans, C.H.; Trum, H.M.G.J.; Langenhuizen, Anja; Ouwerkerk, Marieke van; Rosemann, Jurgen


    This paper is a result of reflection on the interrelation design-research-cultivation, and on the interpretation of Von Humboldt's maxim: 'Einheit von Forschung und Lehre', which governed the academic world in the past two centuries. It is argued that 'Forschung' should be interpreted as 'Research

  16. John von Neumann selected letters

    CERN Document Server


    John von Neuman was perhaps the most influential mathematician of the twentieth century, especially if his broad influence outside mathematics is included. Not only did he contribute to almost all branches of mathematics and created new fields, but he also changed post-World War II history with his work on the design of computers and with being a sought-after technical advisor to many figures in the U.S. military-political establishment in the 1940s and 1950s. The present volume is the first substantial collection of (previously mainly unpublished) letters written by von Neumann to colleagues, friends, government officials, and others. The letters give us a glimpse of the thinking of John von Neumann about mathematics, physics, computer science, science management, education, consulting, politics, and war. Readers of quite diverse backgrounds will find much of interest in this fascinating first-hand look at one of the towering figures of twentieth century science.

  17. Studies on yeasts and yeast-like microorganisms in the denitrification unit biocenosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Sláviková


    Full Text Available It was found that Candida famata, Hansenula californica and Rhodotorula rubra occurred in reactor UASB-type biocenosis in the course of denitrification carried out in the presence of lactic acid as a carbon source. The role of those species in nitrogen removal process was discussed with respect to their physiology.

  18. Muuga / Mary von Grünewaldt ; tõlk. Mati Sirkel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grünewaldt, Mary von


    Leo Zoegelt ostetud Muuga mõisahoone korrastamisest ja uue hoone ehitamisest C. T. von Neffi kunstikogu paigutamise tarbeks. Tütre mälestused. Tõlgitud raamatust: Skizzen und Bilder aus dem Leben Carl Timoleon von Neff / Mary von Grünewaldt. Darmstadt, 1887

  19. Untersuchungen zur Farbreaktion von Amilorid, Chlorhexidin und Proguanil mit Hypobromit


    Huth, Silke


    Bei der Reaktion von Amiloridhydrochlorid (1· HCl) mit Brom in alkalischer Lösung wird ein gelbbraunes Dehydrierungsprodukt erhalten, daß als 3-(3-Amino-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)-5-chlor-2,6-pyrazindiamin (6) identifiziert werden konnte. Durch Vergleich von Massen- und NMR-Spektren der Verbindung 6 mit Spektren von 1· HCl und Referenzsubstanzen I-III konnte auf die verbindung 6 geschlossen werden. Die Struktur wurde durch eine Röntgenstrukturanalyse abgesichert. Erhitzen von Amiloridhydrochlorid ...

  20. Hullud päevad von Krahlis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Von Krahli Teatris mängitakse neil päevi neli korda Peeter Jalaka lavastuses Tõnu Kõrvitsa kammeroopereid "Tuliaed" ja "Mu luiged, mu mõtted", mille aluseks on luuletaja Marie Heibergi saatus. Libreto autor on Maarja Kangro. Kammerooperid tulevad lavale Von Krahli Teatri ja Nargen Opera koostöös. Esitavad Kädy Plaas, Helen Lokuta, Nargen Opera koor ja Tallinna Kammerorkester, dirigent Tõnu Kaljuste

  1. Removal of nitrogen and organic matter in a submerged-membrane bioreactor operating in a condition of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izabela Major Barbosa


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the removal of nitrogen and organic matter in a membrane bioreactor system operating in a condition of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification controlled by intermittent aeration. A submerged-membrane system in a bioreactor was used in a pilot scale to treat domestic wastewater. The dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained between 0.5 and 0.8 mg L-1. The concentration of the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS in the system ranged from 1 to 6 g L-1. The system efficiency was evaluated by the removal efficiency of organic matter, quantified by Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5 and Total Organic Carbon (TOC. Nitrogen removal was assessed by quantifying Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN and ammonia nitrogen. During the system start-up, the removal efficiencies of COD and NTK were around 90% and 80%, respectively. After the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND conditions were established, the removal efficiencies of COD and NTK were 70% and 99%, respectively. These results showed that sewage treatment with the membrane bioreactor (MBR system, operating with simultaneous nitrification and denitrification conditions, was able to remove organic matter and promote nitrification and denitrification in a single reactor, producing a high-quality permeate.

  2. Diagnosis and management of von Willebrand disease: guidelines for primary care. (United States)

    Yawn, Barbara; Nichols, William L; Rick, Margaret E


    Von Willebrand disease is an inherited condition characterized by deficiency of von Willebrand factor, which is essential in hemostasis. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has released new evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and management of the disease. There are three major subtypes of von Willebrand disease, classified as partial quantitative deficiency (low levels) of von Willebrand factor (type 1), qualitative deficiency (type 2), or virtually complete deficiency (type 3). Diagnosis is usually made by reviewing the patient's personal and family history of bleeding and by clinical evaluation for more common reasons for bleeding, supplemented with laboratory tests. Assessment may be used to determine bleeding risk before surgery and other invasive procedures, and to diagnose reasons for unexplained hemorrhaging. Von Willebrand factor levels of 30 IU per dL or lower are required for the definite diagnosis of inherited von Willebrand disease. Persons with levels of 30 to 50 IU per dL may not have the disease, but may need agents to increase von Willebrand factor levels during invasive procedures or childbirth. Treatment is tailored to the subtype of the disease: increasing plasma concentration of von Willebrand factor by releasing endogenous stores with desmopressin or replacing nonexistent or ineffective von Willebrand factor by using human plasma-derived, viral-inactivated concentrates; treatment is often combined with hemostatic agents that have mechanisms other than increasing von Willebrand factor. Regular prophylaxis is seldom required, and treatment is initiated before planned invasive procedures or in response to bleeding.

  3. Modeling Nitrous Oxide Production during Biological Nitrogen Removal via Nitrification and Denitrification: Extensions to the General ASM Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ni, Bing-Jie; Ruscalleda, Maël; Pellicer i Nàcher, Carles


    on N2O production from four different mixed culture nitrification and denitrification reactor study reports. Modeling results confirm that hydroxylamine oxidation by ammonium oxidizers (AOB) occurs 10 times slower when NO2– participates as final electron acceptor compared to the oxic pathway. Among......Nitrous oxide (N2O) can be formed during biological nitrogen (N) removal processes. In this work, a mathematical model is developed that describes N2O production and consumption during activated sludge nitrification and denitrification. The well-known ASM process models are extended to capture N2O...

  4. Von Willebrand disease protects against arterial thrombosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanders, Y.V.; Eikenboom, J.C.; De Wee, E.M.; Van Der Bom, J.G.; Cnossen, M.H.; Degenaar-Dujardin, M.E.; Fijnvandraat, K.; Kamphuisen, P.W.; Laros-Van Gorkum, B.A.; Meijer, K.; Mauser -Bunschoten, E.P.; Leebee k, F.W.

    Background and Aims: Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is caused by reduced levels of or dysfunctional von Willebrand factor (VWF) and is characterized by a bleeding tendency. It is well known that individuals with high VWF levels have a higher risk for arterial thrombosis. Although it has never been

  5. Biological denitrification of high-nitrates wastes generated in the nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, C.W.


    Biological denitrification appears to be one of the most effective methods to remove nitrates from wastewater streams (Christenson and Harremoes, 1975). However, most of the research and development work has been centered on removal of nitrates from sewage or agricultural drainage waters, nitrate nitrogen concentration usually less than 50 g/m 3 . Work was initiated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in 1974 to test the use of biological nitrification in the removal of high concentrations of nitrate (in excess of 1.0 kg NO 3 -N/m 3 ) from uranium purification waste streams. Since then, a full-scale treatment facility, a stirred reactor, has been installed at the Y-12 plant; and a pilot-plant, using a fluidized bed, has been proposed at Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The objective of this manuscript is to present some applied microbiological research relating to possible constraints in biologically denitrifying certain waste streams in the nuclear industry and comparing the effectiveness of denitrification of these waste streams in three bench scale reactors, (1) a continuous flow-stirred reactor, (2) stirred bed rector, and (3) a fluidized bed reactor

  6. Kanban - der Weg ist das Ziel (United States)

    Aull, Florian; Berlak, Joachim; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Fischäder, Holm; Gerlach, Joachim; Henneberg, Jens; Kapalla, Klaus; Kress, Oliver; Kuttler, Robert; Schneider, Herfried M.; Schürle, Philipp; Stellpflug, Franz-Josef; Wannenwetsch, Ralph; Wulz, Johannes; Zäh, Michael F.

    Wenn man aktuell Produktionsbereiche in Deutschland und Europa besucht, fallen im Zusammenhang mit modernen Produktionsmethoden immer öfter die Begriffe Kanban (jap. Karte, Signal) und Pull-Produktion, und dies nicht ohne Stolz, da diese mit dem schillernden Vorbild des Toyota Produktionssystems in Zusammenhang stehen. Tatsächlich ist Kanban ein integraler Bestandteil moderner Produktionssysteme. Blickt man aber im Rahmen von Prozessanalysen hinter die Fassaden", d. h. in die tägliche Praxis der Arbeitsprozesse, wird man schnell desillusioniert - die viel gepriesenen klassischen Kanban-Regeln werden im Tagesgeschäft nicht eingehalten.

  7. Entwicklung von Antikörper-Mikroarray : von Biophysik der Mikrospot-Reaktion bis zur Hochdurchsatzanalyse der Proteine


    Kusnezow, Wlad


    Obwohl Protein-Mikroarrays ursprünglich aus dem gut entwickelten und fest etablierten DNA-Pendant entstanden sind, repräsentierte jedoch die Umstellung der Mikroarray-Technik von der DNA- auf die Proteinanalyse aufgrund der enormen physikalisch-chemischen Variabilität der Proteine, deren relativ niedrigen Stabilität und der komplexen Mikrospot-Kinetik eine große technologische Herausforderung. Deshalb setzt das Vorhaben, die Technik der Antikörper–Mikroarrays von ihrem konzeptuellen Zustand a...

  8. Nitrous oxide emissions from denitrification and the partitioning of gaseous losses as affected by nitrate and carbon addition and soil aeration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillam, K.M.; Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS; Zebarth, B.J.; Burton, D.L.


    The factors controlling nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions vary with different soil and environmental conditions and management practices. This study was conducted to determine the importance of soil aeration, nitrate (NO 3 ) addition, carbon (C) additions, and C sources on gaseous nitrogen (N) losses from the denitrification of arable soils at a potato farm in Atlantic Canada. Denitrification and N 2 O emissions were measured using acetylene inhibition. An N 2 O and nitrogen gas (N 2 ) ratio of 0.7 showed that most emissions occurred as N 2 O. Emissions at water-filled pore spaces (WFPs) of 0.45 m 3 per m 3 were negligible. N 2 O emissions increased with NO 3 and C additions. Results suggested that soil aeration plays a dominant role in controlling the magnitude of denitrification and N 2 O emissions. However, soil NO 3 supplies in this study did not limit the denitrification process. The study showed that N 2 O emissions are controlled by C availability when there is a high degree of soil disturbance and high fertilizer N inputs. The relationship between the demand and supply of terminal electron acceptors (TEAs) was used to explain the spatial distribution of the N 2 O emissions. Higher WFPs and lower soil NO 3 concentrations resulted in higher rates of total denitrification. It was concluded that further research is needed to examine the role of overall soil and crop management in relation to C availability when developing mitigation strategies. 52 refs., 4 tabs

  9. Investigation of the effects of hydrogenotrophic denitrification and anammox on the improvement of the quality of the drinking water supply system. (United States)

    Khanitchaidecha, W; Koshy, P; Kamei, T; Shakya, M; Kazama, F


    A drinking water supply system operates at Chyasal (in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal) for purifying the groundwater that has high levels of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N). However, high NO3-N concentrations were seen in the water after treatment. To further improve the quality of the drinking water, two types of attached growth reactors were developed for the purification system: (i) a hydrogenotrophic denitrification (HD reactor) and (ii) a concurrent reactor with anammox and hydrogenotrophic denitrification (AnHD reactor). For the HD reactor fed by water containing NO3-N, the denitrification efficiency was high (95-98%) for all NO3-N feed rates (20-40 mg/L). The nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in the effluent were ∼0.5 mg/L. On the other hand, the AnHD reactor fed with water containing NH4-N and NO2-N was operated under varying flow rates of H2(30-70 mL/min) and intermittent supply periods (1-2 h). The efficiency of the anammox process was found to increase with decreasing H2flow rates or with increasing intermittency of the H2supply, while the efficiency of denitrification decreased under these conditions. For the optimal condition of 1.5 h intermittent H2supply, the anammox and denitrification efficiencies of the AnHD reactor reached 80% and 42%, respectively, while the concentrations of both NH4-N and NO2-N in the effluent were water purification system.

  10. Bundling for creating cross-selling potentials of energy supply companies; Cross-Selling-Potenziale bei Energieversorgungsunternehmen durch Bundling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zinnbauer, M. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)


    As most of the electric utilities in Germany have decided by now to adopt the multi-utility strategy for sales promotion in the open electricity market, a questionnaire has been distributed to 1 000 households in order to find out whether product bundling or cross selling in combination with the low-interest product 'electricity' is a good strategy to enlarge the customer basis. EFOplan (Munic University) and the consulting firm Accenture have been in charge of the survey. The results show the current status of insight of household customers and their motives to change supplier, as well as the pattern of demand for product bundling. (orig./CB) [German] Da mittlerweile die meisten EVUs eine Multi-Utility-Strategie anstreben, wurde mittels einer schriftlichen Befragung von 1 000 deutschen Haushalten untersucht, ob die Vermarktung von Zusatz- bzw. Buendelprodukten in Kombination mit dem Low-Interest-Produkt Strom erfolgsversprechend ist. Die Befragung, die von EFOplan (Universitaet Muenchen) in Kooperation mit der Unternehmensberatung Accenture durchgefuehrt wurde, zeigt einerseits den aktuellen Status von Informationsstand und Wechselmotiven beim Stromkauf und andererseits die Bedarfsstruktur im Hinblick auf moegliche Buendelprodukte. (orig.)

  11. Denitrification: An important pathway for nitrous oxide production in tropical mangrove sediments (Goa, India)

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Fernandes, S.O.; LokaBharathi, P.A.; Bonin, P.C.; Michotey, V.D.

    Net nitrous oxide production and denitrification activity were measured in two mangrove ecosystems of Goa, India. The relatively pristine site Tuvem was compared to Divar, which is prone to high nutrient input. Stratified sampling at 2-cm intervals...

  12. Ein „neuer" javanischer Fundort von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis ( Gthr.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brongersma, L.D.


    In der herpetologischen Sammlung, die dem Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, vor etwa hundert Jahre von Boie und Macklot übersandt wurde, befanden sich zwei Exemplare von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis (Gthr.). Diese Stücke wurden von Van Kampen (1923, p. 232 Fussnote: Oxyglossus laevis) in

  13. Denitrification potential in sediments of headwater streams in the southern appalachian mountains, USA (United States)

    Lara A. Martin; Patrick J. Mulholland; Jackson R. Webster; H. Maurice Vallett


    We investigated variations in resource availability (NOa-N and labile organic C [LOCJ] as determinants of potential denitrification in stream sediments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. stream-water and sediments were sampled seasonally in 2 streams of contrasting NO3,-N availability, Noland Creek (high NO

  14. Denitrification Potential, Root Biomass, and Organic Matter in Degraded and Restored Urban Riparian Zones (United States)

    Hydrologic changes associated with urbanization often lead to lower water tables and drier, more aerobic soils in riparian zones. These changes reduce the potential for denitrification, an anaerobic microbial process that converts nitrate, a common water pollutant, into nitrogen...

  15. Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification achieved by an innovative internal-loop airlift MBR: comparative study. (United States)

    Li, Y Z; He, Y L; Ohandja, D G; Ji, J; Li, J F; Zhou, T


    This study assessed the performance of different single-stage continuous aerated submerged membrane bioreactors (MBR) for nitrogen removal. Almost complete nitrification was achieved in each MBR irrespective of operating mode and biomass system. Denitrification was found to be the rate-limiting step for total nitrogen (T-N) removal. The MBR with internal-loop airlift reactor (ALR) configuration performed better as regards T-N removal compared with continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). It was demonstrated that simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) is the mechanism leading to nitrogen removal and the contribution of microenvironment on SND is more remarkable for the MBRs with hybrid biomass. Macroenvironment analyses showed that gradient distribution of dissolved oxygen (DO) level in airlift MBRs imposed a significant effect on SND. Higher mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration led to the improvement in T-N removal by enhancing anoxic microenvironment. Apparent nitrite accumulation coupled with higher nitrogen reduction was accomplished at MLSS concentration exceeded 12.6 g/L.

  16. Biological groundwater denitrification systems: Lab-scale trials aimed at nitrous oxide production and emission assessment. (United States)

    Capodici, Marco; Avona, Alessia; Laudicina, Vito Armando; Viviani, Gaspare


    Bio-trenches are a sustainable option for treating nitrate contamination in groundwater. However, a possible side effect of this technology is the production of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that can be found both dissolved in the liquid effluent as well as emitted as off gas. The aim of this study was to analyze NO 3 - removal and N 2 O production in lab-scale column trials. The column contained olive nut as organic carbon media. The experimental study was divided into three phases (I, II and III) each characterized by different inlet NO 3 - concentrations (30, 50, 75mgNO 3 -NL -1 respectively). Sampling ports deployed along the length of the column allowed to observe the denitrification process as well as the formation and consumption of intermediate products, such as nitrite (NO 2 - ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O). In particular, it was observed that N 2 O production represent only a small fraction of removed NO 3 - during Phase I and II, both for dissolved (0.007%) and emitted (0.003%) phase, and it was recorded a high denitrification efficiency, over 99%. Nevertheless, significantly higher values were recorded for Phase 3 concerning emitted phase (0.018%). This fact is due to increased inlet concentration which resulted in a carbon limitation and in a consequent decrease in denitrification efficiency (76%). Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) in a full-scale water reclamation plant located in warm climate. (United States)

    Yang, Qin; Shen, Nan; Lee, Zarraz M-P; Xu, Guangjing; Cao, Yeshi; Kwok, Beehong; Lay, Winson; Liu, Yu; Zhou, Yan

    The combination of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND) with enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) provides a more efficient and economically viable option for nutrient removal from municipal wastewater compared to conventional two-step nitrification-denitrification. This study analyzed the nutrients (N and P) profiles in a full-scale municipal wastewater reclamation plant (WRP) located in the tropical region, in which more than 90% of nitrogen was removed. Interestingly, average SND efficiency in aerobic zones was found to be up to 50%, whereas phosphorus profile displayed a clear cyclic release and uptake pattern with a phosphorus removal efficiency of up to 76%. The capability of sludge to perform SND and EBPR was further confirmed through a series of batch experiments. Microbial analysis revealed the presence of Accumulibacter and Tetrasphaera phosphate accumulating organisms in the plant, while few glycogen accumulating organisms (GAO) was observed. This study showed the significant occurrence of combined SND and EBPR, known as simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR), in the studied WRP under warm climate. The possible causes behind the observed SNDPR were also discussed.

  18. Der Zusammenhang von Partnermarktopportunitäten aus dem Freundeskreis und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen : Eine Analyse mit den Daten des Partnermarktsurvey


    Häring, Armando


    "Der Beitrag analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Partnermarktoportunitäten aus dem Freundeskreis und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen. Unter Verwendung des theoretischen Konzepts der Theorie der Interaktionsgelegenheiten sowie von Annahmen der Austauschtheorie und der Familienökonomie, werden mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen gemeinsamen Freundeskreisen mit dem Partner, Partnermarktgelegenheiten aus dem Freundeskreis (sex ratio) und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen diskutiert. Der Beitrag ...

  19. Fragen - Nachfragen - Echofragen. Formen und Funktionen von Interrogationen im gesprochenen Deutsch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rost-Roth, Martina


    Full Text Available Präsentiert werden Befunde aus einer empirischen Untersuchung zu Nachfragen und anderen Fragen in mündlichen Kommunikationen. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, daß Beschreibungen von Nachfragen nur in geringer Zahl vorliegen, aus sehr unterschiedlichen Bereichen stammen (Konversationsanalyse, grammatische Beschreibungen von Fragen und Literatur zu Echofragen und sich Beschreibungen von Nachfrageformen sowie Nachfragefunktionen und die jeweils unterstellten Form-Funktions-Bezüge - auch in den einzelnen Bereichen - vielfach widersprechen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist zentales Anliegen der Untersuchung, einen übergeordneten Analyserahmen für die Befassung mit Frageformen und Fragefunktionen zu entwickeln, der die Beschreibung von Nachfragen in einer allgemeineren Beschreibung von Interrogationen verortet. Das Besondere von Nachfragen wird darin gesehen, daß es sich um Interrogationen handelt, die auf andere sprachliche Äußerungen Bezug nehmen. Hier sind wiederum verschiedene Mittel zu unterscheiden, die für die Unterscheidung von Echofragen und anderen Nachfragen bestimmend sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird gezeigt, daß auch der Art der Bezugnahme besondere Bedeutung für die Bestimmung von Nachfrageformen und Nachfragefunktionen zukommt. Anhand der Analysen von empirischen Fragevorkommen im gesprochenen Deutsch werden zunächst verschiedene 'Strukturtypen' differenziert. Die Vergleiche von Nachfragen und anderen Fragen zeigen vor allem Unterschiede in Hinblick auf die Frequenz verbloser und elliptischer Frageformulierungen. Daran anschließend werden Nachfragefunktionen im Bereich der Verständnissicherung sowie andere Nachfragefunktionen erörtert. Bei der Suche nach einem gemeinsamen Nenner für sehr unterschiedliche Nachfragefunktionen erweisen sich als zentrale Funktionsparameter :1. die Fokussierungsleistung (über die Bezugnahme auf vorausgehende Äußerungen der Gesprächspartner sowie 2. der Interrogativmodus (über die

  20. Operating experience in the gasification of municipal waste and other waste at the `secondary feedstocks recycling centre` (SVZ) Schwarze Pumpe; Betriebserfahrungen zur Vergasung von Hausmuell und anderen Abfaellen im Sekundaerrohstoffverwertungszentrum Schwarze Pumpe (SVZ)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buttker, B. [Sekundaerrohstoffverwertungszentrum Schwarze Pumpe GmbH, Schwarze Pumpe (Germany)


    The business purpose of SVZ Schwarze Pumpe is the production of synthesis gas from hydro-carbon-containing waste material and the use of synthesis gas in gas production or energy generation. For synthesis gas production, the techniques of packed-bed pressure gasification (FDV) and entrained-flow gasification (FSV) are used in close interconnection. Process control is such that only inert slags accrue, apart from the final products methanol and gypsum as well as generated energy in the form of electricity, process steam and heat. Currently, the following materials are mainly used in gasification: plastic materials after being subjected to conditioning, industrial and municipal sewage sludge, shredded goods, contaminated used wood, contaminated used oil, oil components obtained from oil/water mixtures, and slurry products. A special in-house know-how for waste oil gasification, and for the combined gasification of solid waste and coal by packed-bed pressure gasification with gradual stepping-up of the waste portion was realized. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Geschaetszweck des SVZ Schwarze Pumpe besteht in der Herstellung von Synthesegas aus kohlenwasserstoffhaltigen Einsatzstoffen und in der stofflichen und energetischen Nutzung des Wertstoffes Synthesegas. Zur Synthesegasgewinnung werden die Verfahren der Festbettdruckvergasung (FDV) und Flugstromvergasung (FSV) in einer engen verbundwirtschaftlichen Kopplung angewandt. Die Betriebsfuehrung ist so gestaltet, dass neben den Endprodukten Methnaol und Gips sowie erzeugter Energie in Form von Strom, Prozessdampf und Waerme nur noch inerte Schlacken entstehen. Die Haupteinsatzprodukte fuer die Vergasung sind ggw. aufbereitete Altkunststoffe, industrielle und kommunale Klaerschlaemme, Shreddergueter, kontaminiertes Altholz, kontaminierte Altoele, Oelkomponenten, die aus Oel-Wasser-Gemischen gewonnen werden, und Slurry-Produkte. Es wurde ein spezielles Betriebs-Know-how zur Abfalloel-Vergasung und zur kombinierten Vergasung

  1. Borel reductibility and classification of von neumann algebras

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sasyk, R.; Törnquist, Asger Dag


    We announce some new results regarding the classification problem for separable von Neumann algebras. Our results are obtained by applying the notion of Borel reducibility and Hjorth's theory of turbulence to the isomorphism relation for separable von Neumann algebras....

  2. Marine N2O Emissions From Nitrification and Denitrification Constrained by Modern Observations and Projected in Multimillennial Global Warming Simulations (United States)

    Battaglia, G.; Joos, F.


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) and ozone destructing agent; yet global estimates of N2O emissions are uncertain. Marine N2O stems from nitrification and denitrification processes which depend on organic matter cycling and dissolved oxygen (O2). We introduce N2O as an obligate intermediate product of denitrification and as an O2-dependent by-product from nitrification in the Bern3D ocean model. A large model ensemble is used to probabilistically constrain modern and to project marine N2O production for a low (Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)2.6) and high GHG (RCP8.5) scenario extended to A.D. 10,000. Water column N2O and surface ocean partial pressure N2O data serve as constraints in this Bayesian framework. The constrained median for modern N2O production is 4.5 (±1σ range: 3.0 to 6.1) Tg N yr-1, where 4.5% stems from denitrification. Modeled denitrification is 65.1 (40.9 to 91.6) Tg N yr-1, well within current estimates. For high GHG forcing, N2O production decreases by 7.7% over this century due to decreasing organic matter export and remineralization. Thereafter, production increases slowly by 21% due to widespread deoxygenation and high remineralization. Deoxygenation peaks in two millennia, and the global O2 inventory is reduced by a factor of 2 compared to today. Net denitrification is responsible for 7.8% of the long-term increase in N2O production. On millennial timescales, marine N2O emissions constitute a small, positive feedback to climate change. Our simulations reveal tight coupling between the marine carbon cycle, O2, N2O, and climate.

  3. Engineering hyporheic zones to target nitrification versus denitrification: performance data from constructed stream flumes (United States)

    Herzog, S.; Portmann, A. C.; Halpin, B. N.; Higgins, C.; McCray, J. E.


    Nonpoint source nitrogen pollution from agricultural and urban runoff is one of the leading causes of impairment to US rivers and streams. The hyporheic zone (HZ) offers a natural biogeochemical hotspot for the attenuation of nitrogen within streams, thereby complementing efforts to prevent aquatic nitrogen pollution in the first place. However, HZ in urban and agricultural streams are often degraded by scouring and colmation, which limit their potential to improve stream water quality at the reach scale. A recent effort to mitigate nitrogen pollution in the Chesapeake Bay region provides denitrification credits for hyporheic restoration projects. Unfortunately, many of the featured hyporheic zone best management practices (BMP) (e.g., weirs, cross-vanes) tend to create only localized, aerobic hyporheic flows that are not optimal for the anaerobic denitrification reaction. In short, practitioners lack an adaptable BMP that can both 1) increase hyporheic exchange, and 2) tailor HZ residence times to match reactions of interest. Here we present new performance data for an HZ engineering technique called Biohydrochemical Enhancements for Streamwater Treatment (BEST). BEST are subsurface modules that utilize low-permeability sediments to drive efficient hyporheic exchange and control residence times, along with reactive geomedia to increase reaction rates within HZ sediments. This research utilized two artificial stream flumes: One flume served as an all-sand control condition, the other featured BEST modules at 1m spacing with a mixture of 70/30 sand/woodchips (v/v). Two different BEST media were tested: a coarse sand module with K 0.5 cm/s, and a fine sand module with K 0.15 cm/s. The flume with coarse sand BEST modules created aerobic HZ conditions and demonstrated rapid nitrification of ammonia at rates significantly higher than the control. However, denitrification was much slower and not significantly different between the two streams. In contrast, the fine sand

  4. The Evolution of Indian and Pacific Ocean Denitrification and Nitrogen Dynamcs since the Miocene (United States)

    Ravelo, A. C.; Carney, C.; Rosenthal, Y.; Holbourn, A.; Kulhanek, D. K.


    The feedbacks between geochemical cycles and physical climate change are poorly understood; however, there has been tremendous progress in developing coupled models to help predict the direction and strength of these feedbacks. As such, there is a need for more data to validate and test these models. To this end, the nitrogen (N) cycle, and its links to the biological pump and to climate, is an active area of paleoceanographic research. Using N isotope records, Robinson et al. (2014) showed that pelagic denitrification in the Indian and Pacific Oceans intensified as climate cooled and subsurface ventilation decreased since the Pliocene. They pointed out that a more ventilated warm Pliocene contrasts with glacial-interglacial patterns wherein more ventilation occurs during cold phases, indicating that different mechanisms may occur at different timescales. Our objective is to better understand the nature of the feedbacks between the oceanic N cycle and climate by focusing on the large dynamic range of conditions that occurred during and since the Miocene. We used new cores drilled during IODP Expedition 363 to generate bulk sediment N isotope records at three western tropical Pacific sites (U1486, U1488, U1490) and one southeastern tropical Indian Ocean site (U1482). We find that the N isotope trends since the Pliocene are in agreement with previous studies showing increasing denitrification as climate cooled. In the Miocene, the Indian Ocean record shows no long-term N isotope trend whereas the Pacific Ocean records show a trend that is roughly coupled to changes in global climate suggesting that pelagic denitrification in the Pacific was strongly influenced by greater ventilation during global warmth. However, there are notable deviations from this coupling during several intervals in the Miocene, and there are site-to-site differences in trends. These deviations and differences can be explained by changes in tropical productivity (e.g., late Miocene biogenic

  5. Ööklubi Club von Überlingen = Club von Überlingen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ööklubi Club von Überlingen (Madara 22A, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Sisearhitekt: Taavi Aunre ( OÜ). Taavi Aunrest, tema tähtsamad tööd. I-II korruse plaan, 11 värv. vaadet, foto T. Aunrest

  6. Denitrification rates and excess nitrogen gas concentrations in the Arabian Sea oxygen deficient zone

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Devol, A; Uhlenhopp, A; Naqvi, S.W.A; Brandes, J.A; Jayakumar, D.A; Naik, H.; Gaurin, S.; Codispoti, L.A.; Yoshinari, T.

    Rates of canonical, i.e. heterotrophic, water-column denitrification were measured by sup(15)N incubation techniques at a number of coastal and open ocean stations in the Arabian Sea. Measurements of N2 :Ar gas ratios were also made to obtain...

  7. Single-sludge denitrification in recirculating aquaculture systems: effects of pre-fermentation and pH

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhr, Karin Isabel; Letelier-Gordo, Carlos Octavio; Prat Busquets, Pau


    Single-sludge denitrification (DN) reactors in aquaculture use the carbonous solid fish waste produced in the system to reduce the discharged nitrate load. The solid waste is available for denitrifiers when present in soluble, readily biodegradable form, and the transformation is accomplished by ...

  8. Single-sludge denitrification in recirculating aquaculture systems: Effects of pre-fermentation and pH

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhr, Karin Isabel; Letelier Gordo, Carlos Octavio; Prat Busquets, Pau


    Single-sludge denitrification (DN) reactors in aquaculture utilize the solid fish waste produced in the system to reduce the nitrate load discharged. The solid waste is available for denitrifiers when present in soluble readily biodegradable form. A transformation accomplished by bacterial hydrol...

  9. Von den Liven von Oesel / August Ludwig Schlözer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlözer, August Ludwig


    Avaldatud Eberhard Winkleri initsiatiivil A. L. Schlözeri teose põhjal: Gesammelte Nachrichten von den Ueberresten der Liven, in Livland und Kurland. (1770), mis moodustab osa teosest: Schlözer, August Ludwig. M. Johann Joseph Haigold's Beylagen zum Neuveränderten Russland. Zweiter Theil. Riga und Leipzig, 1770

  10. Citric acid application for denitrification process support in biofilm reactor. (United States)

    Mielcarek, Artur; Rodziewicz, Joanna; Janczukowicz, Wojciech; Dabrowska, Dorota; Ciesielski, Slawomir; Thornton, Arthur; Struk-Sokołowska, Joanna


    The study demonstrated that citric acid, as an organic carbon source, can improve denitrification in Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor (AnSBBR). The consumption rate of the organic substrate and the denitrification rate were lower during the period of the reactor's acclimatization (cycles 1-60; 71.5 mgCOD L -1  h -1 and 17.81 mgN L -1  h -1 , respectively) than under the steady state conditions (cycles 61-180; 143.8 mgCOD L -1  h -1 and 24.38 mgN L -1  h -1 ). The biomass yield coefficient reached 0.04 ± 0.02 mgTSS· mgCOD re -1 (0.22 ± 0.09 mgTSS mgN re -1 ). Observations revealed the diversified microbiological ecology of the denitrifying bacteria. Citric acid was used mainly by bacteria representing the Trichoccocus genus, which represented above 40% of the sample during the first phase of the process (cycles 1-60). In the second phase (cycles 61-180) the microorganisms the genera that consumed the acetate and formate, as the result of citric acid decomposition were Propionibacterium (5.74%), Agrobacterium (5.23%), Flavobacterium (1.32%), Sphaerotilus (1.35%), Erysipelothrix (1.08%). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Assessment of sulfide production risk in soil during the infiltration of domestic wastewater treated by a sulfur-utilizing denitrification process. (United States)

    Ghorbel, L; Coudert, L; Gilbert, Y; Mercier, G; Blais, J F


    This study aimed to determine the potential of sulfide generation during infiltration through soil of domestic wastewater treated by a sulfur-utilizing denitrification process. Three types of soil with different permeability rates (K s = 0.028, 0.0013, and 0.00015 cm/s) were investigated to evaluate the potential risk of sulfur generation during the infiltration of domestic wastewater treated by a sulfur-utilizing denitrification system. These soils were thoroughly characterized and tested to assess their capacity to be used as drainages for wastewaters. Experiments were conducted under two operating modes (saturated and unsaturated). Sulfate, sulfide, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels were determined over a period of 100 days. Despite the high concentration of sulfates (200 mg/L) under anaerobic conditions (ORP = -297 mV), no significant amount of sulfide was generated in the aqueous (soil permeability did not have a noticeable effect on the infiltration of domestic wastewater treated by a sulfur-utilizing denitrification system due to low contents of organic matter (i.e., dissolved organic carbon, DOC). The autotrophic denitrification process used to treat the domestic wastewater allowed the reduction of the concentration of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) below 5 mg/L, of DOC below 7 mg/L, and of COD below 100 mg/L.

  12. THERMOSELECT. Continuous environment-friendly treatment of residues by gasification and direct melting; THERMOSELECT. Unterbrechungslose umweltgerechte Restabfallbehandlung durch Vergasung und Direkteinschmelzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaeng, P; Klein, K; Stahlberg, R; Weisenburger, P [Thermoselect Suedwest GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    The Thermoselect process comprises waste compaction, degassing, gasification with pure oxygen, and melting of inorganic components in a continuous closed cycle process. The high-quality products can be recycled almost completely: The synthesis gas can be used as feedstock or combusted, also in high-efficiency power generation processes. The other products, e.g. the high-grade mineral and metal granulates, can be utilized without restrictions. The residual fraction which must be dumped is very small. (orig) [Deutsch] Mit Thermoselect ist eine neue Technik auf dem Markt, die durch die konsequente Umsetzung der Verfahrensschritte Abfallverdichtung, Entgasung, Vergasung mit reinem Sauerstoff und Einschmelzung der anorganischen Muellbestandteile in einem unterbrechungslosen geschlossenen Prozess hochwertige Produkte aus Abfaellen erzeugt, die nahezu vollstaendig verwertet werden koennen. Das erzeugte Synthesegas kann sowohl stofflich als auch thermisch genutzt werden, wobei der Einsatz von stromerzeugungsverfahren mit hohen Wirkungsgraden moeglich ist. Die ubrigen Produkte, z.B. das mineralische und das metallische Granulat, erreichen eine Qualitaet, die eine uneingeschraenkte Nutzung zulaesst. Die Anteile der z.Zt. noch zu entsorgenden Reststoffe ist gering, wobei derzeit meist wirtschafatliche Gruende deren Entsorgung nahelegen. (orig)

  13. THERMOSELECT. Continuous environment-friendly treatment of residues by gasification and direct melting; THERMOSELECT. Unterbrechungslose umweltgerechte Restabfallbehandlung durch Vergasung und Direkteinschmelzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaeng, P.; Klein, K.; Stahlberg, R.; Weisenburger, P. [Thermoselect Suedwest GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    The Thermoselect process comprises waste compaction, degassing, gasification with pure oxygen, and melting of inorganic components in a continuous closed cycle process. The high-quality products can be recycled almost completely: The synthesis gas can be used as feedstock or combusted, also in high-efficiency power generation processes. The other products, e.g. the high-grade mineral and metal granulates, can be utilized without restrictions. The residual fraction which must be dumped is very small. (orig) [Deutsch] Mit Thermoselect ist eine neue Technik auf dem Markt, die durch die konsequente Umsetzung der Verfahrensschritte Abfallverdichtung, Entgasung, Vergasung mit reinem Sauerstoff und Einschmelzung der anorganischen Muellbestandteile in einem unterbrechungslosen geschlossenen Prozess hochwertige Produkte aus Abfaellen erzeugt, die nahezu vollstaendig verwertet werden koennen. Das erzeugte Synthesegas kann sowohl stofflich als auch thermisch genutzt werden, wobei der Einsatz von stromerzeugungsverfahren mit hohen Wirkungsgraden moeglich ist. Die ubrigen Produkte, z.B. das mineralische und das metallische Granulat, erreichen eine Qualitaet, die eine uneingeschraenkte Nutzung zulaesst. Die Anteile der z.Zt. noch zu entsorgenden Reststoffe ist gering, wobei derzeit meist wirtschafatliche Gruende deren Entsorgung nahelegen. (orig)

  14. Ellis Von Creveld Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Afshar H


    Full Text Available One patient with Ellis Von Creveld syndrome contains: dwarfism, congenital heart"ndisease, ectodermal dysplasia, polyductyly, an abnormally wide labial frenum and maxillary"nmolars with single root.

  15. Proof of pipeline strength based on measurements of inspection pigs; Festigkeitsnachweis von Pipelines aufgrund der Messergebnisse von Pruefmolchen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De la Camp, H.J.; Feser, G.; Hofmann, A.; Wolf, B.; Schmidt, H. [TUeV Sueddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH, Muenchen (Germany); Herforth, H.E.; Juengling, K.H.; Schmidt, W. [TUeV Anlagentechnik GmbH, Berlin-Schoeneberg (Germany). Unternehmensgruppe TUeV Rheinland/Berlin-Brandenburg


    The report is aimed at collecting and documenting the state of the art and the extensive know how of experts and pipeline operators with regard to judging the structural integrity of pipelines. In order to assess the actual mechanical strength of pipelines based on measurement results obtained by inspection pigs, guidance is given for future processing, which eventually can be used as a basis for an industry standard. A literature study of the commercially available types of inspection pigs describes and synoptically lists the respective pros and cons. In essence the report comprises besides check lists of operating data for the pipeline and the pig runs mainly the evaluation of defects and respective calculating procedures. Included are recommendations regarding maintenance planning, verification of defects as well as repetition of pig runs. (orig.) [German] Ziel des Berichtes ist die Erfassung und Dokumentation zum derzeitigen Stand der Technik und des vorhandenen umfangreichen Know-how von Sachverstaendigen und Pipelinebetreibern auf dem Gebiet der sicherheitstechnischen Beurteilung von Pipelines. Fuer den Festigkeitsnachweis von Pipelines aufgrund der Messergebnisse von Pruefmolchen wurde ein Leitfaden als Basis fuer die zukuenftige Vorgehensweise erstellt, der eventuell die Grundlage eines normativen Regelwerkes bilden kann. In einer Literaturstudie wurden die auf dem Markt befindlichen Pruefmolchtypen zusammenfassend beschrieben und ihre Vor- und Nachteile tabellarisch gegenuebergestellt und bewertet. Neben der Erstellung von Checklisten fuer notwendige Daten zum Betrieb der Pipeline und der Molchlaeufe bildet die Fehlerbewertung mit entsprechenden Berechnungsverfahren den Hauptteil dieses Berichtes. Hinweise zur Instandhaltungsplanung (Fehlerverifikation und Molchlaufwiederholung) werden gegeben. (orig.)

  16. Entwicklung von Extraktions- und Absorptionssystemen auf Basis ionischer Flüssigkeiten für die Entschwefelung von Kohlenwasserstoffen


    Kuhlmann, Esther


    Da die Anforderungen an den Schwefelgehalt der fossilen Brennstoffe - nicht zuletzt durch gesetzliche Richtlinien bezüglich der Schadstoffemissionen - im Laufe der Zeit ständig gestiegen sind, sind effektive Entschwefelungsverfahren für fossile Brennstoffe von hohem Interesse. Die derzeitige Entschwefelungstechnologie basiert auf dem HDS-Verfahren, alternative Verfahren sind aber wünschenswert, insbesondere wenn Anwendungen einen Schwefelgehalt von weit unter 10 ppm erforderlich machen. Daher...

  17. Rhizostomeen von Manila

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stiasny, G.


    Die hier beschriebene kleine Scyphomedusen-Sammlung wurde von Herrn Director P. B. Sivickis, Dept. of Zoology, University of Philippines, Manila, dem Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden überwiesen. Das Material wurde im December 1922 in Manila-bay gefischt und befindet sich in bestem

  18. A bicategorical approach to Morita equivalence for von Neumann algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brouwer, R. M.


    We relate Morita equivalence for von Neumann algebras to the ''Connes fusion'' tensor product between correspondences. In the purely algebraic setting, it is well known that rings are Morita equivalent if they are equivalent objects in a bicategory whose 1-cells are bimodules. We present a similar result for von Neumann algebras. We show that von Neumann algebras form a bicategory, having Connes's correspondences as 1-morphisms, and (bounded) intertwiners as 2-morphisms. Further, we prove that two von Neumann algebras are Morita equivalent iff they are equivalent objects in the bicategory. The proofs make extensive use of the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory

  19. Von Mumien, Cyborgs und Röntgenbildern

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Schleicher


    Full Text Available Unter dem Titel Techniken der Reproduktion liegt ein Sammelband vor, der die Beiträge einer Tagung an der Universität Paderborn vom Dezember 2001 enthält. In enger Verknüpfung verschiedener disziplinärer Perspektiven werden Schlaglichter auf eine Vielzahl von Themen geworfen, die sich mit dem Begriff „Reproduktion“ verbinden. Dabei wird deutlich, wie eng die Geschichte der Medien und die Entwicklung von Technologien der biologischen Fortpflanzung miteinander verzahnt sind.

  20. Ruedersdorf cement works substitutes raw material and fuel by means of a circulating fluidised bed; Roh- und Brennstoffsubstitution mit einer Zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht im Zementwerk Ruedersdorf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scur, P. [Ruedersdorfer Zement GmbH, Ruedersdorf (Germany)


    The purpose of the present paper is to point out the great potential the cement industry holds for the utilisation of waste materials. There are meanwhile sufficient studies and measuring results to demonstrate the environmental acceptability of the processes and products involved. The solution found for Ruedersdorf cement kiln of using a circulating a fluidised bed for waste utilisation is a good example of the potential still available for conserving natural resources and landfill area. Efficient industrial applications of this kind should become a future mainstay of the waste industry. [Deutsch] In dem vorliegenden Beitrag sollte gezeigt werden, dass die Zementindustrie ueber ein hohes Potential zur thermischen und stofflichen Verwertung von Abfallstoffen verfuegt. Es liegen ausreichende Untersuchungen und konkrete Messergebnisse vor, mit denen die Umweltvertraeglichkeit von Prozess und Produkt nachgewiesen werden kann. Die Loesung zur Abfallverwertung an der Ruedersdorfer Zementofenanlage mit Hilfe einer Zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht ist ein Beispiel fuer die Reserven zur Schonung natuerlicher Ressourcen und zur Einsparung von Deponieraeumen. Derartige sinnvolle industrielle Einsatzmoeglichkeiten sollten ein wichtiges Standbein fuer die zukuenftige Abfallwirtschaft sein. (orig.)

  1. The new umbrella marketing strategy of BGW. Changes in German umbrella marketing of natural gas; Die neue Dachmarketing-Strategie des BGW. Veraenderungen des deutschen Erdgas-Dachmarketings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strecker, S. [Gas-Union GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    The effects of deregulation of the gas market are still not wholly explored although the natural gas industry can be considered successful so far. There was a horizontally and vertically coordinated campaign for natural gas in which nearly all market partners had a share. A national trademark for natural gas was agreed on, and the consumers showed their sympathy for and confidence in natural gas. [German] Unabhaengig von Wahrnehmungs- und Bewertungsnuancen steht die Feststellung, dass die Liberalisierung den Erdgasmarkt in Deutschland veraendert hat. Auch wenn Art, Umfang und Struktur der Veraenderungen sicherlich noch nicht bis ins Detail absehbar sind, so scheint doch die Vorstellung, ein wie auch immer gearteter Wettbewerb wuerde nicht so schlimm werden, eher ein Wunschdenken zu sein. Die Vergangenheit war sehr erfolgreich: Die Branche war gepraegt von einer horizontal und vertikal koordinierten Branchenkampagne pro Erdgas, die von nahezu allen Marktteilnehmern mitgetragen wurde. Die Produkt-Marke Erdgas ist heute durch eine hohe Markenbekanntheit gekennzeichnet. Ebenso verzeichnet sie hohe Sympathiewerte und grosses Vertrauen bei den Verbrauchern. Mit der Erdgasraute gab und gibt es ein bundesweit einheitliches, attraktives Markenzeichen fuer Erdgas. (orig.)

  2. Anoxia over the western continental shelf of India: Bacterial indications of intrinsic nitrification feeding denitrification

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Krishnan, K.P.; Fernandes, S.O.; LokaBharathi, P.A.; KrishnaKumari, L.; Nair, S.; Pratihary, A.K.; Rao, B.R

    consuming available nitrate (approx. 0.5 mu M) to near zero levels within approx. 72 h of incubation. These observations have been supported by concomitant increase in nitrite concentration (approx. 4 mu M). Similar studies on denitrification...

  3. Ungleiche Ungleichheiten:Zu den Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden von Sexismus und Rassismus


    Späte, K. (Katrin)


    Sexismus durchzieht fast alle gesellschaftlichen Teilbereiche und deren Grundlagen, im Kern ging es schon Jahrtausende lang um die Rechtfertigung der Herrschaft von Männern über Frauen. Die Minderwertigkeit „der Frau“ wurde unter Rückgriff auf natürliche Begebenheiten bewiesen. Die Grundlage sowohl von Sexismus als auch von Rassismus ist eine Konstruktion: Beim Sexismus die des „weiblichen Geschlechts“, beim Rassismus die der „Rasse“. Während sich die Benennung des Objekts von Rassismus im...

  4. Gespiegelte Planeten – Die Anordnung der Pyramiden von Gizeh


    Jelitto, Hans


    Antike Bauwerke wurden wiederholt auf astronomische Zusammenhänge hin untersucht, so z. B. ihre Ausrichtung in Bezug auf die Bewegung von Sonne oder Sternen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden für die Pyramiden von Gizeh drei ungewöhnliche Gleichungen entdeckt, die die Pyramidengrößen mit einer Genauigkeit von ca. 0,1 % festlegen. Gleichzeitig legen diese drei Gleichungen nahe, die drei Pyramiden in der Reihenfolge Mykerinos-, Chefren- und Cheopspyramide den inneren drei Planeten unseres Sonnensys...

  5. Dissipation of atrazine, enrofloxacin, and sulfamethazine in wood chip bioreactors and impact on denitrification (United States)

    Wood chip bioreactors are receiving increasing attention as a means of reducing nitrate in subsurface tile drainage systems. Agrochemicals in tile drainage water entering wood chip bioreactors can be retained or degraded and may impact denitrification. The degradation of 5 mg L-1 atrazine, enrofloxa...

  6. Bedeutung von Umwelt- und Organismusfaktoren bei Autoaggressionen


    Rohmann, Ulrich H.; Elbing, Ulrich; Hartmann, Hellmut


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden übergeordnete Hypothesen zu autoaggressiven Verhaltensweisen formuliert, wobei prozeßhafte Abläufe von umweltbezogenen und organischen Variablen angenommen werden. Eine solche dynamische Beziehung hat ihre Bedeutung sowohl für verursachende als auch aufrechterhaltende Faktoren. In einer Querschnittuntersuchung lassen sich Korrelationen von Tageszeit- und Tätigkeitscharakteristiken (umweltbezogene Variablen) zur Autoaggressionshäufigkeit und Pulsfrequenz (Orga...

  7. A new von Mises probabilistic formula for quartet invariants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giacovazzo, C.; Camalli, M.; Spagna, R.


    Von Mises formulas for quartet invariants, even is useful in most cases of practical interest, suffer from some systematic errors. A new von Mises formula is suggested with better theoretical features. (orig.)

  8. Pure Jauch-Piron states on von Neumann algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamhalter, J.


    We study Jauch-Piron states and two-valued measures on von Neumann algebra. We prove as the main result that, under some set-theoretical assumption, a pure state of a von Neumann algebra A not containing a central abelian portion is Jauch-Piron if and only if it is σ-additive. Moreover, we show that this result holds for type I factor indenpendently on the set-theoretical axiomatics. As a consequence we obtain a lucid characterization of pure Jauch-Piron states on von Neumann algebras acting on a Hilbert space with real-nonmeasurable dimension (this can be viewed as a generalization of the paper). We also characterize the von Neumann algebras whose logic of projections is Jauch-Piron. Finally, we prove that every two-valued measure on the projection logic of A, where A contains no type I 2 central portion, has to be concentrated at an abelian direct summand of A. (orig.)

  9. Die Rolle von Osteoklasten bei der arthritischen Knochenerosion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schett G


    Full Text Available Knöcherne Erosionen stellen eine wesentliche Ursache für die funktionelle Einschränkung von Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis dar. Bis vor kurzem war über den Pathomechanismus dieser Veränderungen nur wenig bekannt. Dieser Review faßt die letzten Erkenntnisse über die Ausbildung einer Knochenschädigung bei entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen zusammen und fokussiert insbesondere die Rolle von Osteoklasten. Es wird ein Überblickzu den Hinweisen für eine Präsenz von Osteoklasten im entzündlich veränderten Gelenk gegeben. Weiters werden die Faktoren diskutiert, die die Osteoklastogenese im Rahmen einer Gelenkentzündung aktivieren können. Hier wird im besonderen auf die Rolle von Receptor-Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand (RANKL eingegangen. Im weiteren werden die Auswirkungen einer Osteoklastenhemmung in den verschiedenen Arthritismodellen zusammengefaßt und Möglichkeiten einer therapeutischen Nutzung bei rheumatoider Arthritis diskutiert.

  10. Potential denitrification in arable soil samples at winter temperatures - measurements by 15N gas analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lippold, H.; Foerster, I.; Matzel, W.


    In samples from the plough horizon of five soils taken after cereal harvest, denitrification was measured as volatilization of N 2 and N 2 O from 15 N nitrate in the absence of O 2 . Nitrate contents lower than 50 ppm N (related to soil dry matter) had only a small effect on denitrification velocity in four of the five soils. In a clay soil dependence on nitrate concentration corresponded to a first-order reaction. Available C was no limiting factor. Even at zero temperatures remarkable N amounts (on average 0.2 ppm N per day) were still denitrified. The addition of daily turnover rates in relation to soil temperatures prevailing from December to March revealed potential turnovers in the 0-to-30-cm layer of the soils to average 28 ± 5 ppm N. (author)

  11. Portrait of Dr. Von Braun with Walt Disney, 1954. (United States)


    Marshall Center Director Dr. Wernher Von Braun is pictured with Walt Disney during a visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center in 1954. In the 1950s, Dr. Von Braun while working in California on the Saturn project, also worked with Disney studios as a technical director in making three films about Space Exploration for television. Disney's tour of Marshall in 1965 was Von Braun's hope for a renewed public interest in the future of the Space Program at NASA.

  12. Nitrate levels modulate denitrification activity in tropical mangrove sediments (Goa, India)

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Fernandes, S.O.; LokaBharathi, P.A.

    .M., & Bundrick, C.M. (1998). Potential sediment denitrification rates in estuaries of Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of environmental quality, 27(4), 859-868. Gruber, N., & Sarmiento, J.L. (1997). Global. Biogeochemical Cycles, 11, 235-266. Hahndel, R... of inorganic nitrogen in mangrove sediments (Terminos Lagoon, Mexico). Limnology and Oceanography, 41, 284-296. Sardessai, S. (1993). Dissolved, particulate and sedimentary humic acids in the mangroves and estuarine ecosystem of Goa, west coast of India...

  13. Electron transfer rates and energy releases during denitrification of municipal wastewater

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abdul-Talib, S.; Ujang, Z; Vollertsen, J.


    could be simplified by a two-stage process. In the first stage, nitrate was utilised with significant accumulation of nitrite. In the second stage nitrite was utilised when nitrate depleted. Denitrification rates during the two stages were expressed in terms of electron equivalents (e-eq.) in order...... to compare the process when differennt electron acceptors namlely, nitrate and nitrite were utilised. The energy release rates during the two stages were calculated and compared....

  14. Compared microbiology of granular sludge under autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification conditions. (United States)

    Fernández, N; Sierra-Alvarez, R; Amils, R; Field, J A; Sanz, J L


    Water contamination by nitrate is a wideworld extended phenomena. Biological autotrophic denitrification has a real potential to face this problem and presents less drawbacks than the most extended heterotrophic denitrification. Three bench-scale UASB reactors were operated under autotrophic (R1, H2S as electron donor), mixotrophic (R2, H2S plus p-cresol as electron donors) and heterotrophic (R3, p-cresol as electron donor) conditions using nitrate as terminal electron acceptor. 16S rDNA genetic libraries were built up to compare their microbial biodiversity. Six different bacteria phyla and three archaeal classes were observed. Proteobacteria was the main phyla in all reactors standing out the presence of denitrifiers. Microorganisms similar to Thiobacillus denitrificans and Acidovorax sp. performed the autotrophic denitification. These OTUs were displaced by chemoheterotrophic denitrifiers, especially by Limnobacter-like and Ottowia-like OTUs. Other phyla were Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria that--as well as Archaea members--were implicated in the degradation of organic matter, as substrate added as coming from endogenous sludge decay under autotrophic conditions. Archaea diversity remained low in all the reactors being Methanosaeta concilii the most abundant one.

  15. Automatische Ableitung und Anwendung von Regeln für die Rekonstruktion von Fassaden aus heterogenen Sensordaten


    Becker, Susanne


    3D-Stadtmodelle finden seit einigen Jahren in immer stärkerem Maß und in den verschiedensten Bereichen Verwendung. Sie bilden unter anderem die Grundlage bei Stadtplanungen, für virtuelle Stadtrundgänge oder für die Berechnung von Simulationen. Internetdiensten wie Google Earth oder Microsoft Bing Maps ist es zu verdanken, dass 3D-Darstellungen von Gebäuden mittlerweile auch für eine breite Öffentlichkeit allgegenwärtig sind. Die erhöhte Nachfrage nach 3D-Gebäudemodellen verlangt nach effizie...

  16. Characterization of novel Bacillus strain N31 from mariculture water capable of halophilic heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification. (United States)

    Huang, Fei; Pan, Luqing; Lv, Na; Tang, Xianming


    The development of an intensive aquaculture industry has been accompanied by increasing environmental impacts, especially nitrogen pollution. In this study, a novel halophilic bacterium capable of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification was isolated from mariculture water and identified as Bacillus litoralis N31. The efficiency of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate removal by N31 were 86.3%, 89.3% and 89.4%, respectively, after a 48-h cultivation in sole N-source medium with initial nitrogen approximately 20 mg/L. However, ammonium was removed preferentially, and no obvious nitrite accumulated during the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process in mixed N-source media. The existence of hao, napA and nirS genes further proved the heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification capability of N31. The optimal conditions for ammonium removal were 30°C, initial pH 7.5-8.5, C/N ratio 5-20 and salinity 30-40‰, and the nitrification rate of N31 increased with increasing initial [Formula: see text] from 10 to 250 mg/L. Biosecurity assessment with shrimp indicated that strain N31 could be applied in the marine aquaculture industry safely for culture water remediation and effluent treatment. Copyright © 2017 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Assessing nitrification and denitrification in a paddy soil with different water dynamics and applied liquid cattle waste using the {sup 15}N isotopic technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Sheng, E-mail: [Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 (Japan); Eco-environmental Protection Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1000 Jinqi Road, Shanghai 201403 (China); Sakiyama, Yukina; Riya, Shohei [Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 (Japan); Song, Xiangfu [Eco-environmental Protection Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1000 Jinqi Road, Shanghai 201403 (China); Terada, Akihiko; Hosomi, Masaaki [Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 (Japan)


    Using livestock wastewater for rice production in paddy fields can remove nitrogen and supplement the use of chemical fertilizers. However, paddy fields have complicated water dynamics owing to varying characteristics and would influence nitrogen removal through nitrification followed by denitrification. Quantification of nitrification and denitrification is of great importance in assessing the influence of water dynamics on nitrogen removal in paddy fields. In this study, nitrification and nitrate reduction rates with different water dynamics after liquid cattle waste application were evaluated, and the in situ denitrification rate was determined directly using the {sup 15}N isotopic technique in a laboratory experiment. A significant linear regression correlation between nitrification and the nitrate reduction rate was observed and showed different regression coefficients under different water dynamics. The regression coefficient in the continuously flooded paddy soil was higher than in the drained-reflooded paddy soil, suggesting that nitrate would be consumed faster in the flooded paddy soil. However, nitrification was limited and the maximum rate was only 13.3 {mu}g N g{sup -1} day{sup -1} in the flooded paddy soil with rice plants, which limited the supply of nitrate. In contrast, the drained-reflooded paddy soil had an enhanced nitrification rate up to 56.8 {mu}g N g{sup -1} day{sup -1}, which was four times higher than the flooded paddy soil and further stimulated nitrate reduction rates. Correspondingly, the in situ denitrification rates determined directly in the drained-reflooded paddy soil ranged from 5 to 1035 mg N m{sup -2} day{sup -1}, which was higher than the continuously flooded paddy soil (from 5 to 318 mg N m{sup -2} day{sup -1}) during the vegetation period. The nitrogen removal through denitrification accounted for 38.9% and 9.9% of applied nitrogen in the drained-reflooded paddy soil and continuously flooded paddy soil, respectively

  18. The classification problem for von Neumann factors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sasyk, R.; Törnquist, Asger Dag


    We prove that it is not possible to classify separable von Neumann factors of types II, II or III, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, up to isomorphism by a Borel measurable assignment of "countable structures" as invariants. In particular the isomorphism relation of type II factors is not smooth. We also prove...... that the isomorphism relation for von Neumann II factors is analytic, but is not Borel....

  19. Soil infiltration bioreactor incorporated with pyrite-based (mixotrophic) denitrification for domestic wastewater treatment. (United States)

    Kong, Zhe; Li, Lu; Feng, Chuanping; Chen, Nan; Dong, Shanshan; Hu, Weiwu


    In this study, an integrated two-stage soil infiltration bioreactor incorporated with pyrite-based (mixotrophic) denitrification (SIBPD) was designed for domestic wastewater treatment. Benefited from excellent adsorption ability and water-permeability, soil infiltration could avoid clogging, shorten operating time and lower maintenance cost. Respiration and nitrification were mostly engaged in aerobic stage (AES), while nitrate was majorly removed by pyrite-based mixotrophic denitrification mainly occurred in anaerobic stage (ANS). Fed with synthetic and real wastewater for 120days at 1.5h HRT, SIBPD demonstrated good removal performance showing 87.14% for COD, 92.84% for NH4(+)-N and 82.58% for TP along with 80.72% of nitrate removed by ANS. TN removal efficiency was 83.74% when conducting real wastewater. Compared with sulfur-based process, the effluent pH of SIBPD was maintained at 6.99-7.34 and the highest SO4(2-) concentration was only 64.63mgL(-1). This study revealed a promising and feasible application prospect for on-site domestic wastewater treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Schmetterlinge von Madeira

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martin, K.


    Wer auf einer ozeanischen Insel Schmetterlinge sammeln will, darf seine Erwartungen nicht zu hoch spannen; aber dennoch waren meine Frau und ich sehr enttäuscht, als uns auf einer Reise nach Madeira von einer dort angesessenen, gebildeten Dame gesagt wurde, sie habe auf der Insel niemals einen

  1. Influence of porewater advection on denitrification in carbonate sands: Evidence from repacked sediment column experiments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Santos, Isaac R.; Eyre, Bradley D.; Glud, Ronnie N.


    Porewater flow enhances mineralization rates in organic-poor permeable sands. Here, a series of sediment column experiments were undertaken to assess the potential effect of advective porewater transport on denitrification in permeable carbonate sands collected from Heron Island (Great Barrier Re...

  2. Evaluation and adjustment of description of denitrification in the DailyDayCent and COUP models based on N2 and N2O laboratory incubation system measurements (United States)

    Grosz, Balázs; Well, Reinhard; Dannenmann, Michael; Dechow, René; Kitzler, Barbara; Michel, Kerstin; Reent Köster, Jan


    Denitrification is an anaerobic key process by microbes where the NO3- is step-by-step reduced and emitted as NO, N2O and finally N2 gas from the soil. The accurate knowledge of the reduction of nitrate (NO3-) and nitrite (NO2-) to N2O and molecular N2 is important because the N2O fraction is further reduced to N2 and constitutes the main emission source of this greenhouse gas from agricultural soils. Hence, our understanding and ability to quantify soil denitrification is crucial for mitigating nitrogen fertilizer loss as well as for reducing N2O emissions. Models can be an important tool to predict mitigation effects and help to develop climate smart mitigation strategies. Ideally, commonly used biogeochemical models could provide adequate predictions of denitrification processes of agricultural soils but often simplified process descriptions and inadequate model parameters prevent models from simulating adequate fluxes of N2 and N2O on field scale. Model development and parametrization often suffers from limited availability of empirical data describing denitrification processes in agricultural soils. While in many studies N2O emissions are used to develop and train models, detailed measurements on NO, N2O, N2 fluxes and concentrations and related soil conditions are necessary to develop and test adequate model algorithms. Composition of denitrifying communities, coinciding effects of management and local conditions on the development of denitrification hotspots are highly variable in space and time. To address this issue the coordinated research unit „Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM)" was initiated to more closely investigate N-fluxes caused by denitrification in response to environmental effects, soil properties and microbial communities. Data suitable to validate denitrification models are still scarce due to previous technical and/or methodical limitations of measuring N2 fluxes, but large

  3. Customer-oriented flexitime schemes; Kundenorientierte Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiedemann, E. [Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke (LEW) AG, Augsburg (Germany)


    In a competitive market, only those enterprises will persist that offer not only high-quality products but quality in a very comprehensive sense as well. Total customer care is the keyword in this context and is indispensable when it comes to establishing and maintaining brand perception and loyalty. The features and benefits of products, activities and services have to be tailored to the individual needs of the target group and the individual customer. In addition, the price/performance ratio of products and services must be carefully designed so as to be acceptable to a large variety of customers. This applies both to the ``hardware`` such as product quality and efficiency, and the product-related activities such as product information and consultancy, customer service organization, reachability of service or call centers, and handling of complaints and claims. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Im Wettbewerb kann heute nur bestehen, wer ueber das Produkt hinaus Qualitaet in einem sehr umfassenden Sinne liefert. Eine starke Orientierung am Kundeninteresse (neudeutsch: Total Customer Care) ist eigentlich selbstverstaendlich, wenn es um Aufbau, Ausbau und Pflege von Markenbeziehungen geht. Die Eigenschaften und der Nutzen von Marktleistungen muessen den individuellen Beduerfnissen und Erwartungen der Zielgruppe oder einer Einzelperson entsprechen. Darueber hinaus ist Voraussetzung, dass die angebotenen Leistungen aus der subjektiven Sicht der Kunden in einem fuer sie akzeptablen Preis-Leistungs-Verhaeltnis stehen. Dies betrifft nicht allein die `harten Fakten` wie Qualitaet oder Funktion. Es gilt auch fuer alle Leistungen rund um das Produkt, insbesondere Beratung, Erreichbarkeit, Kundenservice oder Reklamationsbearbeitung. (orig./RHM)

  4. Von Neumann's impossibility proof: Mathematics in the service of rhetorics (United States)

    Dieks, Dennis


    According to what has become a standard history of quantum mechanics, in 1932 von Neumann persuaded the physics community that hidden variables are impossible as a matter of principle, after which leading proponents of the Copenhagen interpretation put the situation to good use by arguing that the completeness of quantum mechanics was undeniable. This state of affairs lasted, so the story continues, until Bell in 1966 exposed von Neumann's proof as obviously wrong. The realization that von Neumann's proof was fallacious then rehabilitated hidden variables and made serious foundational research possible again. It is often added in recent accounts that von Neumann's error had been spotted almost immediately by Grete Hermann, but that her discovery was of no effect due to the dominant Copenhagen Zeitgeist. We shall attempt to tell a story that is more historically accurate and less ideologically charged. Most importantly, von Neumann never claimed to have shown the impossibility of hidden variables tout court, but argued that hidden-variable theories must possess a structure that deviates fundamentally from that of quantum mechanics. Both Hermann and Bell appear to have missed this point; moreover, both raised unjustified technical objections to the proof. Von Neumann's argument was basically that hidden-variables schemes must violate the ;quantum principle; that physical quantities are to be represented by operators in a Hilbert space. As a consequence, hidden-variables schemes, though possible in principle, necessarily exhibit a certain kind of contextuality. As we shall illustrate, early reactions to Bohm's theory are in agreement with this account. Leading physicists pointed out that Bohm's theory has the strange feature that pre-existing particle properties do not generally reveal themselves in measurements, in accordance with von Neumann's result. They did not conclude that the ;impossible was done; and that von Neumann had been shown wrong.

  5. 50th birthday of Christian von Ferber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available On May 15, 2011 Christian von Ferber - member of the Editorial Board of "Condensed Matter Physics" and renowned expert in the fields of soft matter physics and complex systems - celebrated his 50th birthday. The Editorial board of CMP, colleagues and friends warmy congratulate Christian von Ferber and wish him and his family continuing good health and to enjoy many adventures and discoveries in his future scientific travels!

  6. Denitrification exceeds anammox as a nitrogen loss pathway in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Bulow, S.E.; Rich, J.J.; Naik, H.; Pratihary, A.K.; Ward, B.B.

    of anammox production (4.23 plus or minus 0.35 nmoll sup(-1) d sup(-1)) occurred near the upper boundary of the OMZ at one station. Overall, denitrification dominated N sub(2) production at this time in the Arabian Sea OMZ...

  7. Strategic raw materials. Risk management; Strategische Rohstoffe. Risikovorsorge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertau, Martin [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Technische Chemie; Gutzmer, Jens [Helmholtz-Institut fuer Ressourcentechnologie Freiberg (Germany); Matschullat, Joerg (ed.) [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Interdisziplinaeres Oekologisches Zentrum (IOeZ); Kausch, Peter


    This volume is divided into four chapters: (1) Raw material management, (2) Primary raw materials, (3) Secondary raw materials and recycling, (4). Processing and products. The topics for the chapter ''Raw material management'' are: Substitution of raw materials - framework conditions and implementation; Thales: Strategic raw materials; Time for cooperation between the EU and China in raw materials policy; Availability of elements for the semiconductor industry; Market price risks of raw material-intensive companies - identification and management. The topics on the second item ''Primary raw materials'' are: The supply of economic-critical raw materials - A search and analysis for causes; Lithium extraction from primary raw materials - state and perspectives; The global market of rare earths - A balancing act; Rare earth deposits in Namibia; New technologies in exploration and discovery - Focus on activities in Europe. The third chapter, ''Secondary Raw Materials and Recycling'', covered the topics: Technology metals - Systemic Requirements along the recycling chain; Integrated re-use of high-tech and greentech wastes; From the sewage sludge ash to the phosphorus fertilizer RecoPhos P38 in the stress field of waste, fertilizer and soil protection. In chapter 4. ''Processing and products'' are the topics: Treatment and processing of rare earth metals; Processing of mineral resources - opportunities and challenges; Consequences of modern germanium chemistry; Strategic resources - Risk management. A review and outlook with a pinch of fantasy.. [German] Dieser Band gliedert sich in vier Kapitel: (1) Rohstoffwirtschaft, (2) Primaere Rohstoffe, (3) Sekundaere Rohstoffe und Recycling,(4). Verarbeitung und Produkte. Die Themen zum Kapitel ''Rohstoffwirtschaft'' sind: Substitution von Rohstoffen - Rahmenbedingungen und Umsetzung; Thales: Strategische Rohstoffe; Zeit fuer

  8. Development with DMU. Options in the modern product life cycle; Entwicklung mit DMU. Moeglichkeiten im modernen Produktlebenszyklus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoehn, H.; Moser, H. [Competent Engineering GmbH, Graz (Austria)


    In this contribution, the Graz-based development company Competent Engineering outlines the advantages of digital mock-ups for efficient product development. The focus is on a uniform product and data structure that is to ensure early availability of DMU for all stages of the product life cycle. (orig.) [German] Der Grazer Entwicklungsdienstleister Competent Engineering beschreibt in diesem Beitrag anhand der Entwicklung eines Ottomotors, welche Vorteile der Einsatz von Digital Mock-Ups fuer eine effiziente Produktentwicklung hat. Besondere Bedeutung hat dabei eine moeglichst durchgaengige Produkt- und Datenstruktur, um eine fruehe Verfuegbarkeit der DMUs fuer alle Bereiche innerhalb des Produktlebenszyklus zu ermoeglichen. (orig.)

  9. Budke, Alexandra; Kanwischer, Detlef; Pott, Andreas (Hg.), Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / hrsg. von Alexandra Budke ... - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2004. - 192 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Erdkundliches Wissen ; 136) ISBN 3-515-08506-8

  10. Erfahrungen an der Schnittstelle von Medienarbeit und Praxisforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Holzwarth


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag reflektiert die Verbindung von praktischer Medienarbeit und Forschung am Beispiel eines internationalen EU-Forschungsprojekts zum Thema Medien und Migration. Neben didaktischen Prinzipien und Konzepten für die aktive Medienarbeit im Forschungskontext geht es um die Kooperation von medienpädagogischer Begleitung (MB und wissenschaftlicher Begleitung (WB sowie um deren spezifische Kompetenzen.

  11. Integration von 3D-Kamerasystemen am Gabelstapler


    Kleinert, Steffen; Overmeyer, Ludger


    Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Integration von laufzeitmessenden 3D Kamerasystemen in die Gabelzinkenspitzen eines Flurförderzeugs. Mit Hilfe der integrierten Kameras und deren ausgewerteter Aufnahmen wurde ein Assistenzsystem für die Handhabung von Ladungsträgern realisiert, das dem Fahrer des Flurförderzeugs Verfahrempfehlungen für die Optimierung der Relativposition zwischen Gabelzinken und Ladungsträger bzw. Lagerplatz ausgibt. Neben der Vorstellung der verwendeten Kamera-Hardware und der ...

  12. Contrasting nutrient mitigation and denitrification potential of agricultural drainage environments with different emergent aquatic macrophytes. (United States)

    Remediation of excess nitrogen (N) in agricultural runoff can be enhanced by establishing wetland vegetation but the role of denitrification in N removal is not well understood in drainage ditches. We quantified differences in N retention during experimental runoff events followed by stagnant period...

  13. Soziologische Wissenskulturen zwischen individualisierter Inspiration und prozeduraler Legitimation. Zur Entwicklung qualitativer und interpretativer Sozialforschung in der deutschen und französischen Soziologie seit den 1960er Jahren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reiner Keller


    Full Text Available Wie wissen Soziologinnen und Soziologen, was sie wissen? Trotz der Internationalisierung der Soziologie bestehen nach wie vor starke sprachräumliche Unterschiede in der soziologischen Wissensproduktion, in eingesetzten Theorien, Methoden und Fragestellungen. Der nachfolgende Beitrag erläutert die Entwicklung und Ausprägung der Unterschiedlichkeit soziologischer Wissenskulturen im Hinblick auf den Einsatz qualitativer bzw. interpretativer Ansätze seit den 1960er Jahren in Deutschland und Frankreich. Er stützt sich auf ein von uns 2012-2014 geleitetes Forschungsprojekt und dessen empirische Grundlagen: Dokumentenanalysen und Interviews. Wissenskulturen werden als die Arten und Weisen der Produktion und Legitimation von (hier: soziologischem Wissen verstanden. Diesbezüglich lässt sich von der Erkenntnisproduktion als dem zentralen Handlungsproblem soziologischen Forschens sprechen. Während für die französischsprachige Soziologie diagnostisch von einer Lösung dieses Erkenntnisproblems durch die den Forschenden zugeschriebenen Kompetenzen und Inspirationen ausgegangen werden kann, schiebt sich im deutschsprachigen Raume eine prozedurale Legitimation durch Verfahren in den Vordergrund. Der Beitrag rekonstruiert exemplarisch die Ausgangssituation dieser Entwicklungen um die Wende zu den 1960er Jahren und bettet sie in die weitere Entfaltung der jeweiligen Soziologien ein. Er will damit zur gegenwärtigen Entwicklung einer reflexiven Soziologie beitragen. URN:

  14. The significance of denitrification of applied nitrogen in fallow and cropped rice soils under different flooding regimes. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fillery, I.R.P.; Vlek, P.L.G.


    The role of nitrification-denitrification in the loss of nitrogen from urea applied to puddled soils planted to rice and subjected to continuous and intermittent flooding was evaluated in three greenhouse pot studies. The loss of N via denitrification was estimated indirectly using the 15 N balance, after either first accounting for NH 3 volatilization or by analyzing the 15 N balance immediately before and after the soil was dried and reflooded. When urea was broadcast and incorporated the loss of 15 N from the soil-plant systems depended on the soil, being about 20% - 25% for the silt loams and only 10% - 12% for the clay. Ammonia volatilization accounted for an average 20% of the N applied in the silt loam. Denitrification losses could not account for more than 10% of the applied N in any of the continuously flooded soil-plant systems under study and were most likely less than 5%. Intermittent flooding of soil planted to rice did not increase the loss of N. Denitrification appeared to be an important loss mechanism in continuously flooded fallow soils, accounting for the loss of approximately 40% of the applied 15 N. Loss of 15 N was not appreciably enhanced in fallow soils undergoing intermittent flooding. Apparently, nitrate formed in oxidized zones in the soil was readily denitrified in the absence of plant roots. Extensive loss (66%) of 15 N-labeled nitrate was obtained when 100 mg/pot of nitrate-N was applied to the surface of nonflooded soil prior to reflooding. This result suggests that rice plants may not compete effectively with denitrifiers if large quantities of nitrate were to accumulate during intermittent dry periods. (orig.)

  15. [Identification and Nitrogen Removal Characteristics of a Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Isolated from Marine Environment]. (United States)

    Sun, Qing-hua; Yu, De-shuang; Zhang, Pei-yu; Lin, Xue-zheng; Li, Jin


    A heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification strain named y5 was isolated from marine environment by traditional microbial isolation method using seawater as medium. It was identified as Klebsiella sp. based on the morphological, physiological and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The experiment results showed that the optimal carbon resource was sodium citrate; the optimal pH was 7.0; and the optimal C/N was 17. The strain could use NH4Cl, NaNO2 and KNO3 as sole nitrogen source, and the removal efficiencies were77.07%, 64.14% and 100% after 36 hours, respectively. The removal efficiency reached 100% after 36 hours in the coexistence of NH4Cl, NaNO2 and KNO3. The results showed that the strain y5 had independent and efficient heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification activities in high salt wastewater.

  16. Desulphurization and denitrification processes in the energy industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virèíková Edita


    Full Text Available The world´s problem of environmental pollution is also an important problem in the Slovak Republic. One of the biggest sources of air pollution is the combustion of low quality fossil fuels. During the burning of coal, combustible types of sulfur, like organic and pyritic, are oxidized and form sulfur dioxide or trioxide. Nitrogen oxides in chimney gases are generally found in three forms: NO, NO2 and N2O. It is more difficult to remove NOX than SO2 because of the structure of NOx. For this reason it is necesary to keep lower NOx emissions in the system by various methods. This paper surveys the current status of the desulphurization and denitrification processes in the energy industry.

  17. Drive design. Mechatronics for production and logistics; Antriebsloesungen. Mechatronik fuer Produktion und Logistik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiel, Edwin (ed.) [Lenze AG, Aerzen (Germany)


    Highly automated production and logistic systems require mechatronic drives. The book describes how industrial production and logistics work, and how the appropriate drive systems should be designed. The function of the mechanical and electronic elements of a drive system is described, including the required software, and the fundamentals of dimensioning are gone into. The authors also discuss engineering, reliability and important life cycle aspects. Applications in material flow and handling technology, in continuous and clocked production lines and finishing processes are presented in twelve sections offering different drive solutions for the motor, current inverter and software, transmission system and mechanical elements. The specific requirements and functionalities of these twelve solutions are presented. The focus is on energy conversion with controlled electric drive systems. (orig.) [German] Hochautomatisierte Produktions- und Logistikanlagen benoetigen mechatronische Antriebsloesungen. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie die industrielle Fertigung und Logistik arbeitet und wie die hierzu erforderlichen Antriebsloesungen aufgebaut sind. Es wird die Funktionsweise der mechanischen und der elektronischen Elemente eines Antriebssystems einschliesslich der Software beschrieben und ihre Dimensionierungsgrundlagen behandelt. Die Autoren gehen darueber hinaus auf das Engineering, die Zuverlaessigkeit und auf wichtige Aspekte des Lebenszyklus ein. Die Vielzahl der Anwendungen in der Materialfluss- und der Handhabungstechnik, in kontinuierlichen und getakteten Produktionslinien sowie fuer Bearbeitungsprozesse wird in insgesamt zwoelf Antriebsloesungen eingeteilt. Diese umfassen den Motor, den Umrichter mit seiner Software, das Getriebe sowie mechanische Antriebselemente. Es werden die spezifischen Anforderungen und die Funktionalitaet dieser zwoelf Loesungen dargestellt. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Autoren auf die Energieumsetzung mit geregelten elektrischen

  18. The four step axial flow compressor of the Technical University of Dresden - development concept and results of flow measurements; Der vierstufige Axialverdichter der TU Dresden - Entwicklungskonzeption und Ergebnisse von Stroemungsmessungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boos, P.; Moeeckel, H.; Mueller, R.; Sauer, H.; Wolf, E. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany)


    aufgebaut werden. Mit dem Niedergeschwindigkeitsverdichter in Dresden steht ein Instrument in Deutschland und Europa zur Verfuegung, mit dem die Produzenten von stationaeren Gasturbinenanlagen und Strahltriebwerken verschiedene Kennziffern ihrer Produkte weiter verbessern koennen. Die MTU Muenchen brachte diesen Sachverhalt in ihrer Zuarbeit zum Abschlussbericht der Aufbauphase bereits treffend zum Ausdruck, indem sie feststellte, dass diese Anlage die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmoeglichkeiten in Europa auf dem Gebiet der Aerodynamik der Axialverdichter in hervorragender Weise erweitern wird. (orig.)

  19. Kerttu Wagner. Die historischen romane von Jaan Kross / Wolfgang Drechsler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Drechsler, Wolfgang, 1963-


    Arvustus: Wagner, Kerttu. Die historischen Romane von Jaan Kross : am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen von "Professor Martensi ärasõit" (1984). Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : P. Lang, 2001.

  20. Neuere Untersuchungen zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Niederhöfer


    Full Text Available Seit einigen Jahren ist die Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie Gegenstand zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten; Zielvorstellung ist dabei die Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erkennung eines möglichen Voranfallszustandes. Im Vordergrund steht beispielsweise die Approximation einer so genannten effektiven Korrelationsdimension, die Bestimmung der maximalen Lyapunov-Exponenten, Detektionsverfahren für Muster bei Zellularen Nichtlinearen Netzwerken, die Bestimmung der mittleren Phasenkohärenz und Verfahren zur nichtlinearen Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen. Trotz umfangreicher Bemühungen kann bis heute eine Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität, die eine automatisierte Anfallsvorhersage ermöglichen würde, noch nicht durchgeführt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden neue Ergebnisse zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie vorgestellt. Dabei werden Signale, welche mittels intrakranieller electrocorticographischer (ECoG und stereoelectroencephalographischer (SEEG Ableitungen registriert wurden, segmentweise analysiert. Unter der Annahme, dass sich Änderungen des Systems ,,Gehirn" als Änderungen im Prädiktor, d.h. in seinen Systemparametern widerspiegeln, könnte eine nähere Betrachtung der Prädiktoreigenschaften zu einer Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten führen.

  1. Gasification of liquid manure; Vergasung von Guelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gudenau, H W; Hoberg, H; Hirsch, U [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Inst. fuer Eisenhuettenkunde


    The potential of thermal use of liquid manure is investigated. It is recommended to separate the liquid and solid fraction. While the liquid fraction can be used as fertilizer, the solid fraction can be used for generating a fuel gas for combined heat and power generation. (orig) [Deutsch] Die Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass in der thermischen Verwertung von Guelle ein bisher nur wenig genutztes Potential vorliegt. Die zum Anbau von Getreide notwendige Duengung kann durch Separation von Guelle in Fest- und Duennfraktion effektiver und kostenguenstiger durchgefuehrt werden. Der Naehrstoffgehalt des Guellefeststoffs sollte durch thermische Aufbereitung aufkonzentriert werden, so dass eine Vermarktung auch mit laengeren Transpoertwegen darstellbar ist. Die bei der thermischen Behandlung gewonnene Waerme kann prozessintern genutzt und ueberschuessige Waerme an Abnehmer in der naeheren Umgebung geliefert werden. Genauso besteht die Moeglichkeit, ein Brenngas zu erzeugen und die Energie mit Kraft-Waerme-Kopplung zu nutzen. (orig)

  2. Gasification of liquid manure; Vergasung von Guelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gudenau, H.W.; Hoberg, H.; Hirsch, U. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Inst. fuer Eisenhuettenkunde


    The potential of thermal use of liquid manure is investigated. It is recommended to separate the liquid and solid fraction. While the liquid fraction can be used as fertilizer, the solid fraction can be used for generating a fuel gas for combined heat and power generation. (orig) [Deutsch] Die Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass in der thermischen Verwertung von Guelle ein bisher nur wenig genutztes Potential vorliegt. Die zum Anbau von Getreide notwendige Duengung kann durch Separation von Guelle in Fest- und Duennfraktion effektiver und kostenguenstiger durchgefuehrt werden. Der Naehrstoffgehalt des Guellefeststoffs sollte durch thermische Aufbereitung aufkonzentriert werden, so dass eine Vermarktung auch mit laengeren Transpoertwegen darstellbar ist. Die bei der thermischen Behandlung gewonnene Waerme kann prozessintern genutzt und ueberschuessige Waerme an Abnehmer in der naeheren Umgebung geliefert werden. Genauso besteht die Moeglichkeit, ein Brenngas zu erzeugen und die Energie mit Kraft-Waerme-Kopplung zu nutzen. (orig)

  3. Von Kármán between Aachen and Pasadena (United States)

    Krause, Egon; Kalkmann, Ulrich


    In the Introduction the reader is referred back to the academic ceremonials held after Theodore von Kármán's death in Aachen in May 1963. His work as the first director of the Aerodynamisches Institut (Institute of Aerodynamics) of the RWTH Aachen University of Technology from 1913 on and his initiative to re-establish international cooperation after World War I, resulting in the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), are commented on. The following chapter describes von Kármán's relation to his former teacher Ludwig Prandtl. Some of von Kármán's scientific contributions during his time in Aachen are briefly reviewed. Thereafter, his first contacts to the California Institute of Technology are covered. Finally, the scientific and political circumstances, which led to von Kármán's decision to leave Germany in the early thirties, are elucidated in some detail. The English translation of the titles of the Aachen papers is given in Appendix I.

  4. Controlled Carbon Source Addition to an Alternating Nitrification-Denitrification Wastewater Treatment Process Including Biological P Removal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isaacs, Steven Howard; Henze, Mogens


    The paper investigates the effect of adding an external carbon source on the rate of denitrification in an alternating activated sludge process including biological P removal. Two carbon sources were examined, acetate and hydrolysate derived from biologically hydrolyzed sludge. Preliminary batch ...

  5. Neuro- und Gliotoxizität von Wolframcarbid-basierten Nanopartikeln in vitro


    Bastian, Susanne


    Die Anzahl neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen nimmt in unserer Gesellschaft stetig zu. Obwohl inzwischen eine Reihe genetischer Ursachen identifiziert worden sind, wird auch der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren bei der Pathogenese dieser Erkrankungen zunehmend in Betracht gezogen. Der Beitrag von ultrafeinen Partikeln aus Industrie und Umwelt auf neurodegenerative Erkrankungen steht daher zunehmend im Fokus der Forschung. Die Translokation von ultrafeinen Partikeln bzw. Nanopartikeln ins Gehirn ist b...

  6. Gesamtfahrzeugsimulation betriebsfestigkeitsrelevanter Manöver unter Berücksichtigung von Fahrwerkregelsystemen


    Brandes, Sebastian Jürgen


    In der Automobilbranche dient im Bereich der betriebsfesten Bemessung des Fahrwerks die Methode der Mehrkörpersysteme als Analyseverfahren zur Ermittlung von Bewegungen und Schnittgrößen an den Fahrwerksbauteilen. Eine der aktuellen Herausforderungen hierbei ist der zunehmende interdisziplinäre Charakter in Form von mechatronischen Fahrwerkssystemen. In rein virtuellen Entwicklungsphasen kann deren Einfluss auf die Fahrwerksbelastungen einzig anhand von Gesamtfahrzeugsimulationen ermittelt we...

  7. Die filmstilistische Darstellung von Klaras Gehbehinderung im Kinderfilm "Heidi"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Ohrfandl


    Full Text Available Dieser Beitrag soll die Forschungslücke zur Darstellung von Behinderungen speziell im Kinderfilm im deutschsprachigen Raum füllen. Auf Basis einer neoformalistisch orientierten Filmanalyse nach Bordwell und Thompson (2008, wird anhand von drei Filmsequenzen eine mögliche Lesart des Kinderfilms "Heidi" (Marcus 2005 entwickelt, um die filmstilistische Darstellung der Gehbehinderung des Mädchens Klara zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse werden mit theoretischen Überlegungen zur Problematik der Begriffsbestimmung von Körperbehinderung sowie zur Mobilität und Selbstbestimmung von Menschen mit Körperbehinderungen in Bezug gesetzt. Dabei zeigt sich im Wesentlichen, dass im Kinderfilm "Heidi" (Marcus 2005 Klaras Gehbehinderung als 'heilbare Krankheit' und der Rollstuhl als Einschränkung von Mobilität begriffen wird. Außerdem unterliegt Klara aufgrund ihrer Körperbehinderung überwiegend der Fremdbestimmung von Erwachsenen. Zur Klärung wahrscheinlicher filmischer Bildungspotenziale werden die Ergebnisse schließlich anhand der von Jörissen und Marotzki (2009 entwickelten Orientierungsdimensionen "Wissens-, Handlungs-, Grenz- und Biographiebezug" diskutiert. This article aims to bridge a knowledge gap by showing ways of representing disabilities in the German children film genre. Using Bordwell and Thomson's (2008 neoformalistically orientated film analysis approach, the movie "Heidi" (Marcus 2005 is analysed. Bordwell and Thompson's (2008 method is applied to three sequences of "Heidi" in order to present an interpretation and to discuss the representation of Clara's walking impediment. The results are then associated with theoretical considerations regarding the mobility and self-determination of people with disabilities and problematic definitions of the term 'physical disability'. It is shown that characters in the children's film "Heidi" (Marcus 2005 regard Clara's walking impediment as a 'curable disease' and the wheelchair as a limitation

  8. Denitrification performance of Pseudomonas denitrificans in a fluidized-bed biofilm reactor and in a stirred tank reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cattaneo, C.; Nicolella, C.; Rovatti, M. [Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genoa (Italy)


    Denitrification of a synthetic wastewater containing nitrates and methanol as carbon source was carried out in two systems - a fluidized-bed biofilm reactor (FBBR) and a stirred tank reactor (STR) - using Pseudomonas denitrificans over a period of five months. Nitrogen loading was varied during operation of both reactors to assess differences in the response to transient conditions. Experimental data were analyzed to obtain a comparison of denitrification kinetics in biofilm and suspended growth reactors. The comparison showed that the volumetric degradation capacity in the FBBR (5.36 kg {sub N} . m{sup -3} . d{sup -1}) was higher than in the STR, due to higher biomass concentration (10 kg {sub BM} . m{sup -3} vs 1.2 kg {sub BM} m{sup -3}). (Abstract Copyright [2003], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  9. Aino Lepik von Wiren / Aino Lepik von Wiren ; interv. Kadi Alatalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepik von Wirén, Aino, 1961-


    Heinrich Marga eksiilvalitsuse (20.06.1990-7.10.1992) kohtuminister Aino Lepik von Wiren pagulaslapse elust Rootsis, haridusest ja elukutse valikust, tööst eksiilvalitsuses, tööleasumisest Eestisse 1992. aastal, seadusandlikust tegevusest ning aluse panekust välismaalaste- ja kodakondsuspoliitikale, naiste võimalustest poliitilisse tippu tõusmiseks, kodu- ja väliseestlaste vastandamisest

  10. Inhibition of denitrification and N2O emission by urine-derived benzoic and hippuric acid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenigen, van J.W.; Palermo, V.; Kool, D.M.; Kuikman, P.J.


    Hippuric acid (HA) in cattle urine acts as a natural inhibitor of soil N2O emissions. As HA concentration varies with diet, we determined critical HA levels. We also tested the hypothesis that the inhibition occurs because the HA breakdown product benzoic acid (BA) inhibits denitrification rates.

  11. Investigation of partial oxidation of hydrogen sulfide for dry desulfurisation of fuel gases; Untersuchung der Partialoxidation von Schwefelwasserstoff zur Trockenentschwefelung von Brenngasen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kliemczak, U.


    Three process variants for direct desulfurisation in the dry state of coal gasification gases by partial oxidation of H{sub 2}S were investigated in Prenflo conditions: 1. Heterogeneously catalyzed partial oxidation of H{sub 2}S on fly dust followed by sulfur deposition on the dust; 2. Non-catalyzed partial oxidation of H{sub 2}S in a homogeneous gaseous phase followed by sulfur deposition in a spray separator; 3. Heterogeneously catalyzed partial oxidation of H{sub 2}S in a fixed bed. The experiments were carried out in conditions similar to the crude gas conditions of slag bath gasification at SVZ Schwarze Pumpe. The fixed bed materials investigated were hearth furnace coke, Berl saddles, and an activated carbon developed specially for the investigations, Oxorbon CJ. The focus of the investigations was on the envisaged continuous operation of the process. [German] Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde an einer zu diesem Zweck modifizierten Technikumsanlage die trockene Direktentschwefelung von Brenngasen aus der Kohlevergasung durch partielle Oxidation von H{sub 2}S untersucht. Im Vordergrund standen zwei Verfahrensvarianten, deren Eignung fuer die Bedingungen der Prenflo-Vergasung ueberprueft werden sollte: Variante 1: die heterogen katalysierte Partialoxidation von H{sub 2}S an Flugstaub mit anschliessender Schwefelabscheidung auf dem Staub und, Variante 2: die nichtkatalysierte Partialoxidation von H{sub 2}S in homogener Gasphase mit anschliessender Schwefelabscheidung in einem Spruehabscheider. Ausgehend von den Versuchsergebnissen der Verfahrensvarianten 1 und 2 wurde zusaetzlich als Verfahrensvariante 3 die heterogen katalysierte Partialoxidation von H{sub 2}S am Festbett untersucht. Diese Versuche orientierten sich an den Rohgasbedingungen der Schlackebadvergasung des SVZ Schwarze Pumpe. Als Festbettmaterialien kamen Herdofenkoks, Berlsaettel und eine, speziell fuer diese Verfahrensvariante entwickelte Aktivkohle Oxorbon CJ, zum Einsatz. Die Eignung des

  12. Von Roll RCP method - first experiences; Von Roll RCP - Verfahren. Erste Erfahrungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capitaine, P.; Engweiler, J. [Roll Umwelttechnik AG, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    The RCP method was designed as a residue-optimised alternative to the thermally optimised grate firing of residual wastes. Its technical realisation and development to market maturity took no more than 5 years. In the first process stage the waste is converted to high-carbon pyrolysis charcoal and high-rank gas in the absence of oxygen. In the second stage these substances are oxidised by addition of oxygen. The resulting temperature causes the non-combustible constituents of the slag to melt. In a third, optional, stage this molten slag can be liberated of (heavy) metals to such an extent that it can subsequently be used directly as additive for grinding. Further exhaust gas treatment is facilitated by the use of a circulatory fluidised-bed secondary combustion chamber. Despite the reduced flue gas volume and resultant higher pollutant concentrations in the crude gas, overall emissions are lower than in conventional plants. [Deutsch] Das reststoffoptimierte RCP Verfahren ist als Alternative zur thermisch optimierten Rostverbrennung von Restabfaellen konzipiert. In nur fuenf Jahren wurde das Verfahren technisch umgesetzt und zur Marktreife entwickelt. In einer ersten Stufe des Verfahrens wird der Abfall unter Luftabschluss in einen kohlenstoffreichen Pyrolysekoks und eine heizwertreiches Gas umgesetzt. Im zweiten Schritt werden diese Stoffe unter Zugabe von Sauerstoff oxidiert. Dabei treten Temperaturen auf, bei denen die nichtbrennbaren Bestandteile der Schlacke schmelzen. Optional wird diese Schmelzschlacke in einem dritten Schritt derart von (Schwer-) Metallen befreit, dass sie anschliessend direkt als Zement-Zumahlstoff eingesetzt werden kann. Die Nutzung der zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht - Nachbrennkammer zur Abgasbehandlung vereinfacht die weitergehende Abgasbehandlung. Trotz verringertem Rauchgasvolumen und damit hoeheren Schadstoffkonzentrationen im Rohgas werden die Gesamtemissionen gegenueber konventionellen Anlagen verringert. (orig./SR)

  13. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Weber


    Full Text Available Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis(2000. Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman(1932. Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus nicht wiedergegeben werden.In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  14. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren (United States)

    Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang


    Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis (2000). Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman (1932). Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus) nicht wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  15. Ecobalance of natural gas vehicles; Oekobilanz von Erdgasfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nigge, K.M. [Simon, Kucher und Partners Strategy und Marketing Consultants GmbH, Bonn (Germany)


    The impacts on human health and the natural environment of using natural gas, Diesel and petrol as fuels for city buses and passenger cars are compared in a Life Cycle Assessment. In addition to the burning of the fuels in the engines, this assessment also comprises the upstream processes of the fuel supply chain. Despite the increased energy demand of the vehicles, natural gas is associated with the lowest impacts overall for both city buses and passenger cars. The health impacts that can be avoided through the use of natural gas instead of Diesel or petrol thereby differ only weakly between the use of the vehicles in cities of various sizes within Germany. From the perspective of environmental protection, the market introduction of natural gas vehicles therefore does not need remain limited to large cities within agglomerated regions. (orig.) [German] Die Auswirkungen der Verwendung von Erdgas, Diesel und Benzin als Kraftstoffe fuer Stadtbusse und Pkw auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die natuerliche Umwelt werden in einer Oekobilanz verglichen. Diese umfasst neben der motorischen Verbrennung der Kraftstoffe auch die vorgelagerten Prozessketten der Kraftstoffbereitstellung. Sowohl fuer Stadtbusse als auch fuer Pkw schneidet Erdgas trotz eines energetischen Mehrbedarfes der Fahrzeuge insgesamt am guenstigsten ab. Die durch den Einsatz von Erdgas anstelle von Diesel oder Benzin vermeidbaren Gesundheitsschaeden unterscheiden sich dabei zwischen einem Einsatz der Fahrzeuge in Staedten verschiedener Groesse innerhalb von Deutschland nur wenig. Die Markteinfuehrung von Erdgasfahrzeugen muss also aus Sicht des Umweltschutzes nicht auf grosse Staedte in Ballungsgebieten beschraenkt bleiben. (orig.)

  16. Analytische und Effektor-Studien von N-Acyl-Ethanolaminphosphaten


    Ates, Ebru


    Bei N-Acyl-Ethanolaminphosphaten handelt es sich um eine bislang wenig untersuchte Klasse polarer Substanzen, deren Erforschung aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Analogie zu apolaren, physiologisch wirksamen N-Acyl-Ethanolaminen von Interesse ist. Zu bear-beiten waren analytische Fragestellungen, die auch synthetische Aufgaben beinhalteten, wie Methodenentwicklung und Versuche zur Erfassung von N-Acyl-Ethanolamin-phosphaten in ausgewählten Lebensmitteln sowie strukturelle Studien zur „Bioaktivität...

  17. Räumliche Aspekte von Transformationsproblemen aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive


    Klüter, Helmut


    Der mit dem Topos "Transformation von Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssystemen" axiomatisch angenommene Unvereinbarkeit sozialistischer und marktwirtschaftlicher Strukturen ist aus raumwissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht nachvollziehbar. Zum einen gibt es in Wirtschaftsgeographie und Infrastrukturtheorie eine ganze Reihe von Gemeinsamkeiten und Berührungspunkten, die man für den konstruktiven Systemumbau nutzen kann. Zum andern benötigt der Umbau selbst eine räumliche Infrastruktur. Und zum dritten ...

  18. Zur Dialektik von Soft Skills und fachlicher Kompetenz


    Jendrowiak, Hans-Werner


    [Der Autor stellt folgende Thesen zur Dialektik von Soft Skills und fachlicher Bildung auf:] 1. Soft Skills sind normale Bildungskategorien und Teil einer Allgemeinen Bildung. […] 2. Soft Skills sind als personalgebundene Kriterien auch immer schon Gegenstand bildungstheoretischer Debatten. […] 3. Soft Skills ist eine trendorientierte Bezeichnung für Bildung. […] 4. Soft Skills sind Ausdruck von Vorstellungen, Ideen und Theorien (Schulkultur, Unternehmenskultur, Unternehmensphilosophie). 5. S...

  19. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks


    Beaulieu, Jake J.; Tank, Jennifer L.; Hamilton, Stephen K.; Wollheim, Wilfred M.; Hall, Robert O.; Mulholland, Patrick J.; Peterson, Bruce J.; Ashkenas, Linda R.; Cooper, Lee W.; Dahm, Clifford N.; Dodds, Walter K.; Grimm, Nancy B.; Johnson, Sherri L.; McDowell, William H.; Poole, Geoffrey C.


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and stratospheric ozone destruction. Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loading to river networks is a potentially important source of N2O via microbial denitrification that converts N to N2O and dinitrogen (N2). The fraction of denitrified N that escapes as N2O rather than N2 (i.e., the N2O yield) is an important determinant of how much N2O is produced by river networks, but little is known about the N2O yield in flowi...

  20. Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren - ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung


    Machon, Uwe Rainer


    Ziel der Dissertation „Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren – ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung“ war die Optimierung von neuen Inhibitoren von Falcipain-2 und Rhodesain als neue potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen Malaria bzw. die Schlafkrankheit über zwei verschiedene Methoden. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen klassischen und einen kombinatorischen Ansatz. Der klassische Ansatz basiert auf einer Struktur, deren Aktivität per Zufall entdeckt wurde. In Scr...